HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4005- The Alaska Power Authority SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT A Detailed Plan of Study Task Descriptions A I .Alaska Resources LIbrary &InformatIon ~ Anchorage~.AJaska September 1979 INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING COMPAN~INC.' DATE DUE Demeo,Inc.38~3 ARLI A1 S L"b aska Resources 1 rary &Information S Anchorage,AlaskaeTVIces HEADQUARTERS OFFICE 220 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO,CALIFORNIA 94104!USA TELEX:(ITT)470040.(RCA)278362.{WUDI 34376 PHONE:(415)544-1200 ARCTIC DISTRICT OFFICE RW RETHERFORD AND ASSOCIA TES 6927 OLD SEWARD HIGHWAY , ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501 ~PHONE:(907)344-2585 l I l 1 ~, i . " r, i ! Task Descriptions Contents Category A -Project Management Category B -Anchorage Support CategoryC -Envitonm~ntal Studies Category D -Hydrological Studies Category E -Geotechnical Studies Category F ~Preliminary Design CategoryG -Plan Synthesis Follow-on I~ 1,-\15 ca- ,.:)u A'2-~ no,Q00S )'''"'' Project Management - A-I A-I-I A-I-2 A-2 A-2-I A-3 A-3-I A-3-2 A-3-3 A-3-4 A-4 A-4-I PROJECT MANAGER &DEPUTY MANAGER Management,Administration,and Technical Supervision Coordination with Client PROJECT EXECUTIVE Contractual Matters and Project Performance PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public Information and Participation Program Public Agency Coordination Staff Support Environmental Input to Public Participation IECO TECHNICAL BOARD Technical Review and Quality Assurance !'''' "'1 I..... 00 N ~ ~ ~! ooo Ll'), Ll')!r--,....('t') ('t') SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r CA TEGO RY :_---.:.:A__~P...:'R~OJ~E:..::C...:...T~M.::..:A:::NA:...:.::G::..::E::..:M=.'EN::..:T _ ASSIGNM E NT~:~A---=l:....-~P.:..:.-RO:...:J:..:E~CT..:.-..:....M::...:AN:..:.:.A.:..:G:.=.E::..R-:..A.::....:.N=-D-=D:..::E..:....PU::...:T:....:.Y.....:M:...::.A.:.:...:N~AG=..::E~R:....-_ TASK TIT LE:_~A----.:l~-.....::l~-.:...:M:.:::a.:..:.n:::..a g::!.:e::.m~e:.:.n:.:t:..!,.......:...:.Ad::::m.:.:...l:.:·n.:..:i~s~t:.:.-r.:::a~t ~io~n~a::..:n:..:::d:-.:...T:::..ec:::.:h:.::n..:...:i:..::c:.::a:...:l-:::.S.:::Jupr:.:e=.:r:.....:v:.....:i:...:s:...:i-=-o.:.:.n _ LEVEL OF:E FFORT:~3::....:7-=0--.:M~a:.:..n:..---=-da~y:....:s _ SCHEDULE:30 Months -Over the Peri od of Pl an of Study ESTIMA TEO COST:_---.:$:...:1:..:...-75::...:,~0-=-00=____'____'__--- RESPONSIBILITY:E.B.Kollgaard (lECO) PURPOSE: To manage and administer both technical and non-technical activities associated with the project. SCOPE: Management and administration activities shall include the following: •r- • • • • • • • • • Provide project finance and staffing administration. Prepare project implementation schedules and procedures. Ensure project group organization and coordination. Maintain Client coordination,i.e.,correspondence,consultations and meetings. Maintain outside agency coordination,i.e.,correspondence,consultations and meetings. Prepare progress reports. Organize technical and quality control reviews. Resolve contractual and budgetary interfacing problems. Review and approve all work produced by the project group. Maintain project files. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY 1 of 1SHEET_ CA TEOORY:_----.:..-A:..-_--.:P...:..R:.::.O~J E:..:C:...:..T-...:M..::..A.:.:..:N.:..:.:AG::.:E:.:...:M~EN:...:...:T~_ r-ASS ION MENT:-:..-:...:A:....--l=----...:P...:..R:.:.OJ::.:.E::..:C:...:...T...;.:M..::.A:.:.:.N:....::AG:.:E:..:.:R-...:A...:.:-N.:..::D.......:D::..:E:..:....P-=-UT.:....:Y:......:..:MA~N.:.:..;A:.=.G::..:E R.:...--_ T AS K TITL.E:_........:..;A:..--.::.l-....:2:---=C...:.o...:.o.:.-rd::..i:...:.n::a:.:t....:...i.::..on:.:......:.w:....:i--=t.:..:.h_C=-l;...:i~e:.:.:n:..::t ---:-_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_-.:...7.:....5--.:.M.:..:a:.:..:n_-d=-=a~y-=s -'--_ SCHEDULE:30 Months -Over Peri od of Pl an of Study ESTIMATED COST:__..:..-$5:....:.0.:...,:....:.00~0 _ 'RESPONSIBILITY:R.W.Retherford (lECO) i' PURPOSE: ,.... 1'-", ,I~ r-< I To continue communication with Alaska Power Authority that will be essential during the study to assure that the APA is kept informed of the progress of the work and also that IEeO will be kept aware of actions affecting the scheduling or scope of the study. SCOPE: IECO is in a unique position for close coordination wih APA because of the location of the Arctic District office in Anchorage.IECD's District Manager and Vice President, R.W.Retherford,has been assigned as Deputy Project Manager.Mr.Retherford will meet with APA on a regularly scheduled basis,but will also be available at any time to discuss project matters. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:A PROJECT MANAGEMENT ,....ASSIGNMENT:A-'2 PROJECT EXECUTIVE( TASK TITLE:A-2-1 Contractural Matters and Project Performance I"""I SHEET 1 of 1 r LEVEL OF EFFORT:_ , SCH EDU LE:3_0_M_o_n_t_h_s~--O-v.....:e...:...r-th-e.:.-..:..P....::.e..:...r-i o_d_o_f_P_la_n_o_f_St_u_d..::::y _ E STIM A TED COST:_~C:...:C-=-o..:...st-=-..:I:..:..:n-=-c..:.-lu:..:d:..:e:..:;d:...-..:....in:..:.......::O:....:.v..=e.:....:rh:..:..:e:..:a::d~)_ R ESPOI\J SIBILITY :__.:..:..R.:.-....:B...:..._C:..:h.:.:.r....:..i..::..st::..:.e:.:.n.:..:s..=e:..:..n--:C:-::I-=E::.:.CO:....:)e..-_ r PURPOSE: To ensure compliance in implementation. SCOPE: I"""The Project Executive exercise the following duties: i I •Monitor overall implementation of the project to ensure both contract compliance and project performance within budgetary constraints. •Resolve interfacing conflicts which cannot be solved by Project Manager. •Appraise Client satisfaction in performance of project. •Monitor cash flow activities l i.e.proper invoicing l contract price modi-r-.fications,et.al. •Liaison between Project Group and IECO management. r ,.... I. SUSITNA HYDROE:LECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 r-' ! CA TEGORY:_~A ~P.:::RO~J:::E~CT~M~AN~A~G~EM~E~NT~---_-__-~_ ASSIGNMENT:.-:-..:.:..A~-3=-_~P-=U=B L:.:1:..::C_P:...:A.:.:.:R~T.:.:1C:.:1.:...:PA:...:.T:...:1~O:..:..N _ TASK TIT LE:_-.:...:A_-3:..-..:..1=--...:....P.::ub:..l.:....i:...::c=------=.1.:...:.n..:....fo::..:r~m::::a~t~i .:::,:0n:...:........::a:..:-n.:.::d:........:....Pa:::..r:.....:t::...:i~c~.:.iJ:.p.::..a t=-i:....::o:..:..n:--:...P.:....ro=-g;;z.;r~a:;.;:m::-.-_~_ r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:_5:.:5=-.:..:M=an..:....-...:d==ay!.:.s=-----'-~_ SC HE0ULE:....:3:..:0~M..:.on:..:...t:.:.h.:.:s_--:O:..:v...:e..:....r_t-=:h-.:..::e::.......:....P.::.er.:....'.:...:·o:.:d:.....::.o..:....f....:.P....:.l-=a.:..:.n-.:o:...:f:........:.:.S...:.t.::..ud.::::y~_ ESTIMA TED COST:__$::..:3:.:5.2-,0:..:0:.:0 _ RESPON SISI L1TY:_...-:..:.R.:.........:..W~.-:R.:.:e:.:t.:..:.he:.:.r--.:..f...:..or:.....::d~(:...:1E:.:C..:..O::....)_ r r r- I i PURPOSE: To ensure an open planning process wherein all decisions have had the benefit of informed citizen input,an active aggressive public information and participation program is essential.The goal is to achieve a proposed plan of action satisfying public needs and sensitive to public values. SCOPE: The proposed program will encompass both public information and pUblic participation. From contract award to completion,the media will be extensively used to apprise the public of progress in the study.Newspaper articles and radio and television programs will present background material on energy needs,alternatives to the Susitna hydroelec- tric project,a description of the project itself and its impacts,and other sUbjects as deemed desirable.To supplement media coverage,a quarterly newsletter will be published and distributed to interested parties.All final reports and technical memoranda written during the course of study will be made available at appropriate centers in the Railbelt. An 1ECO staff person in Anchorage will answer pUblic inquiries and disseminate in- formation. Public participation in planning is essential to give human and environmental values appropriate weight in balancing the engineering and purely economic aspects of resource deve 1opment.Our program wi 11 provi de an opportunity for the pub 1ic to work with APA and 1ECO in identifying issues and objectives,in evaluating alternatives and impacts,and in determining mitigation measures.Citizen participants will be actively sought through personal contact and through the media. Initial meetings in Fairbanks,Anchorage,and Susitna Valley will be held to introduce 1ECO and its Plan of Study.Citizen concerns will be heard,and workshops will be estab- lished to focus on these concerns.Additional meetings and workshops will be keyed to Phase I activities.At these forums,economic,social,environmental and political as- pects of technical information will be analyzed.1EeO staff members and consultants will TASK:A-3-1 Public Information and Participation Program SHEET 2 of 2 be assigned to public events to ensure reliability of communications.Public agency representatives will also be present to complete the communications network.Where information must be gathered from the public for input to environmental or other studies, such inquiries will be incorporated in the public participation program in order to maximize efficiency and minimize costs. Meetings will be well publicized,and pertinent material will be made available well in advance to ensure adequate preparation on the part of the public.During the explo- ration program,informal meetings will be held with residents of Susitna Valley. Acting as the focal point for citizen input will be the Citizen's Advisory Panel.Its membership will represent a broad spectrum of Alaskan interests--including government, business,industry,labor,Alaska Native,environmental,recreational,and mining.The Panel will continue its active role during the definitive project study stage. In cooperation with APA and Alaskan consultants,IECO will develop and schedule specific activities in the program.As the studies progress,the program will be continuously evaluated to determine its efficacy;modifications will be made as needed to ensure a sustained,thoughtful community debate. r-SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY r CATEGORY:A PROJECT MANAGEMENT ,-ASSIGNMENT:A-3 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TASK TITLE:A-3-2 Public Agency Coordination SHEET _1_0_f_2 ,...LEVEL OF EFFORT:--,-3_0_Ma_n_-_d~ay~s _ $15,000 R.W.Retherford (IECO) r, SCH ED ULE:3_0_m_o_n_t_h_s_-_D_u_r_i---.:ng::---P_e_r_i_od_o_f_P_l_an_o_f_S_tu_d....;:y -'--_ ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: r""PURPOSE: -l ' To insure that all reasonable concerns are identified and addressed during the project planning process and that the APA and IECO team are being responsive to the agency con- cerns raised.A program will be established to provide the mechanism whereby appropriate local,State and Federal agencies can participate in the review of Phase I investigations. SCOPE: The program will be established in the following manner: •Formulate Goals and Objectives of Agency Coordination Program.This is a critical first step.The IECO team will meet with APA staff early in the project and define specific goals and objectives of the coordination program. •Identify Agencies:APA and IECO will jointly identify and .characterize all local, State and Federal agencies to be involved in the program. •Identification of Agency Concerns and Issues:The coordination program will include sessions with each of the agencies identified in the above step to determine the concerns and issues the agency may have relative to the Susitna project. •Evaluate Alternative Coordination Technigues:The TECO team will identify and evaluate the various coordination techniques that could be used with the various government agencies.It may be that different methods should be used for the different agencies depending upon their involvement.After the various alter- natives have been identified,the individual agencies will be contacted to discuss possible preference. r •Design Coordination Program:A flow chart will be prepared matching the project Plan of Study and schedule indicating key activities in the agency coordination program,their relationship to project decision points,and the steps to be taken r-to facilitate the coordination process. Communication and coordination with the various agencies wil be a continuing process over the period of Phase I studies.It is expected that agency representatives will be ap- pointed who will be the agency1s contact with the study team and who will contribute their expertise at all public meetings,and will provide material for the public information program.At the same time IECD and APA will maintain contact with the agencies,following the agreed upon coordination technique,and will keep them supplied with current informa- tion relative to their area of concern.Periodic discussion sessi~ns will be held as required to discuss the progress and direction the Phase I studies are experiencing and to receive the agencies·input and viewpoints. TASK:E-3-2 Public Agency Coordination SHEET 2 of 2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN'OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:_~A~._~P~R~OJ~E~C:...!...T-!.M:!!:A~N~AG:'..!:E:.!.:.!M.!::..!EN.!..!T-_--__-_ ASSIGNMENT:.-:~A:...-:-3::.._-,:P~U~B.=..:LI~C~PA~R'...!...T~IC~IL..P~AT~I~O!.!..N __-,--_ TASK TITLE:_......A~--.::3~-_·~3___.::S~t~a!...ff~S~u~pp~0~r~t _ LEVEL OF EFFORT:,---=-26~O~M~an~-~d~ay~s~_ SCHEDULE:30 Months -Over the Period of Pl an of Study ESTIMATED COST:,_--=$!:.::8:.::::5..t.:,O~0..':.0 ---,----,-_ RESPONSIBILITY:R.Burg (IECO) ,r'", PURPOSE: r- ! -i r , L;,_ To execute the Tasks set forth under A-3,an IECO staff member assigned on a full time basis in the IECO Anchorage office will direct and coordinate A-3 Tasks.The individual assigned is Mr.Richard Burg,a resident of Anchorage with suitable experience and capa- ,bilities for this assignment. SCOPE: Mr.Burg will be responsible for: •Coordination of the Public Information/Participation Programs. •Colaboration with APA and IECO staff members in the preparation and dissemi- nation of public information via the news media and APA newsletter. •Scheduling and pUblicizing meetings and workshops,and arranging necessary accommodations.' •Coordinating and expediting the interchange of information between APA,the consultants and the various agencies. •Obtaining answers and preparing replies to inquiries about the project planr-and its progress. -r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY:._~A:""-__...2P~R~OJ~E~C:..!.-T...!M2!:A~N~AG~E:!.:.!M.!::..!ENC!..!T----__--_ ASSIGNMENT:..-:~A-.:-3~~P~U~BL~I~C~P~A~R..!....TI~C~I~PA~T~I~ON~_ TASK TITLE:_~A...:-3~_--=4~-=E~nv~1!....!·r~o~n~m.=.e!.!..nt~a~l~I!.!.n~p.u~t~t~o--,-!....:Pu~b~l!-!i~c--,-!....:Pa~r~t~i,-",cc.!.i~pa~t~i~o::.l.n~_ LEVEl.,.OF EFFORT:152 Man-days SCHEDULE:30 months -During Period of Plan of Study ,.... $81,000ESTIMATEDCOST: RESPONSIBILITY:D.H.Blau (EDAW) PURPOSE: The public participation in environmental concerns will be accomplished through Tasks A-3-1 and A-3-2.Environmental input for these two Tasks will be furnished primarily by the EOAW member of the IEeD team.Additional input will stem from agencies involved in environmental matters,as well as concerned groups and individuals. Portions of the public meetings and workshops will be devoted to evaluating the sum total ~f the data and arriving at conclusions that will be of assistance in the final environ- mental assessments. ,...SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:A PROJECT MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT:A-4 IECO TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD TASK TITLE:A-4-1 Technical Review and Quality Assurance ,....LEVEL OF E FFORT:._-=--16_M_a_n-_d~a..>LY"':"'s _ SHEET 1 of 1 E.B.Kollgaard (IECO),.... I f ".. I ,r- I . SCHEDULE:.----:-P=-er~i:....::o:....::d=_.:.i_=_c ___'__ ESTIMA TED COST:__$,--=l=-=.0.2...'O=-=O-=-O ~__ RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To monitor the technical development of the project,and ensure that lessons learned on all of IECO's projects are applied to Susitna. SCOPE: The Technical Review Board is the project's principal mechanism for Quality Assurance .. Consisting of high-level 1ECO technical executives,the board will be involved in each major step of project development,serving the two-fold purpose of monitoring the per- formance of the project team and advising the Project Manager in major decisions. The board will be established at the outset of the project,its meetings scheduled to coincide with important milestones and decision points.Every effort will be exerted to input the board's advice constructively at early stages when changes can be adopted without loss of completed work.In addition to scheduled meetings,the Project Manager will convene the board whenever special problems arise or policy decisions are needed. The boar'd will review and approve all matters of basic project approach and technical policy and all major technical decisions.It shall be especially thorough in exami- nation of the manner in which the project team has reached its decisions,insisting on thorough studies of alternatives and well-documented conclusions. The board members,as veteran engineers who have been tesponsible for many other proj- ects over many years,are charged with bringing the entire company experience to the assistance of the Project Manager. Anchorage Support .-r I"<'", B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 8-6 8-1-1 8-2-1 B-3-1 8-3-2 8-3-3 8-3-4 B-4-1 B-4-2 8-5-1 8-5-2 8-5-3 8-5-4 8-5-5 8-5-6 8-5-7 8-5-8 8-6-1 8-6-2 8-6-3 8-6-4 PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE,ANCHORAGE SUPPORT Coordination of Support Operations OFFICE SUPPORT Furnishing Support Services FIELD CAMPS AND LOGISTICS IECO Coordination Plan and Establish Field Camps Furnish Field Personnel Housing and Subsistence Provide Field Logistic Support PERMITS IECO Coordination Prepare and Process Permit Applications SURVEY AND MAPPING IECO Coordination arid Review Furnish Reservoir Mapping Furnish Access Road Preliminary Mapping Furnish Transmission Line Corridor Photo Mosaic Furnish Damsite Mapping Furnish River Cross Sections Furnish Access Road Detail Mapping Furnish Survey Support for Field Investigations REAL ESTATE IECO Coordination Land Ownership Status 80undary Description Land Acquisition Costs i"SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:_~B-,.__-!:A~N~CH~O~R!!AG~E=.....:£.SL~IP....!...P~OR~TL...--_ ASSIGN MENT:-:-=:B-.:-l=-_~P~R:=.!IN~C~I!...!PA~L=__-=.!lNCl...-~C!...'..!HA::!.!..R~G_'=_E -'-'...!.CAC!..!NC~H~O~RA~G=!.!::E:..-S:cU!.!..P..!..PO~R~T _ T ASK TITLE:_~B_-l=_-_..:l!:_~C~oo~r~d~i..!..!n~a~t~io~n~o!.!..f_S~u':Up:!.l:p!.!:!o~r..!<.t.....!Oo!!PL5e'_!.r.sa~tJ:.jjo~n.J.,;;sL.___~_ LE VE L OF EF FORT:_~30=--.!:.!M~an~-~d~ayl.3.s~_ R.S.Samuelson,Anchorage -PURPOSE: To provide a single focal point for coordination of all Alaska support services to ensure that the activities are scheduled properly and executed in a timely manner so that the study can proceed on schedule . •-SCOPE:I ! Mr.Samuelson will be responsible for overall coordination of support operations, rincluding the following: •Office Support •Field Camps and Logistics •Permit Applications •Real Estate ,...•Surveys and Mappi ng •Other Field Activities (University of Alaska personnel,USGS,etc.) ,... i r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMENT:B-2 OFFICE SUPPORT TASK TITLE:8-2-1 Furnishing Support Services SHEET 1 of 1 ,.... LEVEL OF EFFORT:75 Man-daysr SCHEDULE:Duration of Project,.. ESTIMA TED COST:$75,000 RESPONSIBILITY:D.L.Legg,Anchorage r-'.PURPOSE: To furnish facilitiE!s and personnel of IECO's Anchorage office to expedite implementation of the project. SCOPE:-I Some of the support that will be available to the project team members in IECOls Arctic District office at Anchorage includes the following: •Offices,furnishings,and supplies •Support by technical personnel (engineers,draftspersons,technicians) •Clerical assistance,including use of the IBM OS-6 word processor 1~•Use of a computer terminal that will communicate with the rECO San Francisco computer and others.Other desk computers will also be available. ,..•Use of telex,telephone,and telecopier equipment.. ·SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY,- CATEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ~, ASSIGNMENT:B-3 FIELD CAMPS AND LOGISTICS TASK TITLE:8-3-1 IECO Coordination...... SHEET 1 of 1 LEVEL 0 F E FF 0 RT:_.:::.:30~M:::.an~-..::d:.:=aYLs::..-_ SCHEDU LE:._-=D::..::u~r.::a-=-t:....:io_..:.n.:........::.o..:....f-.-:P.....:.r-=o.::!..j.=.ec=-t=---._ ESTIMA TED COST:__$.:..:1:.:.6..:.->0:...:0..:.0 _ RESPONSIBILITY:IECO -PURPOSE: To coordinate the activities of subcontractors supplying field camps and logistics support to ensure that the services are scheduled to meet the requirements of project work and that they are provided as scheduled. j"'"SCOPE: IECO Anchorage personnel will monitor the subcontractors·work and provide assistance r-.where required. -( I; ~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 CATEGORY :_--=B_._...:..A:.:.:N.::.:CHO..:::..:..:R.:....::AG=.:E=--=-SU::..:.p..:....p.;:.:OR:.:..:T:..------.-------------- ASSIGNMENT:.-:--=-B_-3 F...::..I.::...EL...::..D~CA.::...M.::...P-=-S_A-=-N.::....D~L=O=G I=-.:S:....:,T=Ic=-.:s'---_ T ASK TIT LE:_-::..B-.-:3=--..::2~P:....:l:...:a::..:n:.._=an:..:..:d=-..:::E-=-st.::..:.a::::b:....:l...:.i.=...s~h...:.F......:i...:::e..:...ld=--=C:.,:a::.::m.l::..ps::.-_ r LEVEL OF EFFORT:--------------------~---------- SC HE DU LE:J_a_nu_a_r.::..,.y_1_9_8_0_t_o_A!-pr_i_l_19_8_0 ~~__ ESTIMATED COST:_.-:..$_3..:-,6_2_1..:-,0_0_0 , RESPONSIBIUTY:CIRIIH&N (Subcontract) PURPOSE: To plan and establish field camps that will house personnel i-nvolved in the study (as well as support personnel and visitors)and serve as bases for logistic operations. r I ,... I I - I~ SCOPE: A permanent base camp will be constructed near the Wata~a damsite in the Fog Lakes area.This site was chosen for several reasons,inc'luding proximity to the Watana dam- site,fairly central location with respect to the entire project area,reasonably level terrain,and proximity to a large lake which can furnish an adequate supply of water for the camp as well as a landing area for amphibian planes in the summer and aircraft equipped with wheels or skis in the winter.The camp is also in an ideal location for expansion to a construction camp during the construction of the Watana Dam. All the design work and the procurement of modular units and attendant life support system (power plants,water plant,sewage treatment plant and communications system)will be done immediately after contract award.The Watana camp will be sized to accommodate a maximum of 60 people in modular living units. The modular units and equipment for the Watana camp will be transported overland from Denali Highway to the Fog Lakes area.Construction of the Watana camp will begin in January 1980,and the camp will be fully operational by April 1980.This camp will be the main base of field operations as well as the point of in-depth study of the Watana site and the surrounding area.It will be operated through the remainder of 1980 and 1981,operating at a reduced scale or shut down in the winter months. The Watana camp will be constructed from 10'x 24'modular units and will have complete water and sewage treatment systems_It will have warehouse,shop,recreational,office, food service,laundry,and fuel storage facilities.It will also have sheltered elec- trical generators and an incinerator.The dormitory,food service,and recreation buildings will be interconnected with Arctic walkways. TASK:B-3-2 Plan and Establish Field Camps SHEET 2 of 2 In addition to the Watana camp,personnel may be housed at the Tsusena Lake Lodge near the Watana damsite,at the High Lake Camp near the Devil Canyon damsite,and in the town of Talkeetna.The impact on Talkeetna will be minimal because the personnel housed there will be a small number engaged in reconnaissance studies of the Anchorage-Fairbanks trans- mission line or in environmental studies in the lower Susitna region.A few individuals may be housed in Talkeetna while working on field investigations for the study during the winter months if the Watana camp is shut down. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMENT:B-3 FIELD CAMPS AND LOGISTICS TASK TITLE:B-3-3 Furnish Field Personnel Housing and Subsistence ;-LEVEL OF EFFORT: SCHEDULE:January 1980 to December 1981,... ESTIMATED COST:$1,916,000 ,-RESPONSIBILITY:CIRI/H&N (Subcontract),IEeO ~PURPOSE: f SHEET 1 of 1 The furnish housing and subsistence for study personnel while in the field camp_ I"'" I SCOPE: Study personnel while engaged in work in the Upper Susitna basin will be housed at the field camp to be established at Watana.Subsistence while at the Watana camp will be provided by CIRI/H&N by subcontract.When personnel are assumed to stay in Talkeetna, the cost of housing and subsistence is included under expenses for the particular-Task that they are conducting. ,...., SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY --: CATEGORY:8 ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMEI\JT:8-3 FIELD CAMPS AND LOGISTICS TASK TITLE:8-3-4 Provide Field Logistic Support PURPOSE: SHEET 1 of 1 To provide field l091istic support for the movement of supplies,equipment,personnel, and materiel needed to support the project activities. SCOPE: The camp units and all equipment will be transported overland to the field site by Cat- train in January 1980.This logistic item is included in the cost of establishing the camp.Personnelmove~ent and resupply functions will be accomplished by fixed-wing a'ircraft.During winter periods,frozen lakes will serve as landing strips for Hercules and Twin Otter~type aircraft.The Hercules aircraft will be used primarily for fuel resupply.The Twin Otter-type aircraft will be used to transport personnel and!or camp resupply items.A 3,000·airstrip will be constructed to accommodate the Twin Otter-type aircraft during summer operations. r'"Helicopters will be provided to move field crews betw'een the base camp and work sites. A heavy-lift helicopter will be provided to move drill rigs.Other modes of personnel transportation will include snow machines and boats. Detailed transportation schedules will be developed prior to the start of field opera- tions to ensure the maximum utilization of the transportation vehicles and to ensure maxi~ mum cost effectiveness. J"""i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:8 ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMENT:B-4 PERMITS TASK TITLE:8-4·-1 IECO Coordination SHEET 1 of 1 \' I I I, ~. I l ...... f ! r 1 ~ ! i I,-r LEVEL OF E FFORT:~-=-6...:.-M.:.=a..:..:..n--:d::..:a::LY'="'s _ SCH EDULE:J~a.:.:.:n~u.=..ar:....:Y:.-....:t..::..o-:M...:..:a:..:..r..::.c..:..:..h-:1=-=9:...::8~O _ ESTIMATED COST:__$~2~,O:....:.O::...=.O ~_ RESPONSIBILITY:.__IE_C_O .:.-_ PURPOSE: To coordinate and expedite preparation and processing of permit applications by sub- contractors. SCOPE: IECO Anchorage personnel will monitor the subcontractors l work and provide assistance as required . ......SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTi ,, PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMENT:8-4 PERMITS TASK TITLE:B-4-2 Prepare and Process Permit Applications-1 LEVEL OF EFFORT: SCHEDULE:January to March 1980- "ESTIMATED COST:$14,000I RESPONSIBILITY:CIRI/H&N (Subcontract)r SHEET 1 of 2 -I r r J i' r ..... I, [ PURPOSE: To ensure that permit applications will be prepared as soon as authorization to proceed is issued in order to allow early establishment of camp facilities and mobilization of study teams. SCOPE: Permits required for entry and use of public or Native lands will be obtained in accord- ance with applicable stipulations.A Bureau of Land Management (BLM)temporary use per- mit (AK-017-9025)designating the Alaska Power Authority as permittee is presently being processed and will be the basis for study activities on BLM lands.Stipulations for the temporary use permit will be observed where BLM land is concerned.It is anticipated at this time that most of the land in the dam and reservoir area will be conveyed to the Cook Inlet Region,Inc.,and associated villages before the study work commences.Even though most of the 'land is owned by Natives,it will be necessary to cross BLM lands for access to the Watana camp from the Denali Highway.I\lso,if some equipment is transported to the Devil Canyon damsite via the trail from the Alaska Railroad at Gold Creek,BLM land will be traversed.The requirements of Paragraph 3.2 of the Stipulations accompanying Temporary Use Permit AK-017-9025 will be followed fOI"all land transportation across BLM lands.Stipulations for activities on BLM land will also be observed during reconnais- sance studies of the access road.and transmission line between the Parks Highway and Devil Canyon. Permits for entry and use of Native lands will be obtained from the Cook Inlet Region and village corporations.An agreement between the Native owners and the Alaska Power Authority is presently being processed.This agreeml:!nt should also be completed by the time the study work commences. Permits from the State of Alaska for activities on State land or relating to the sani- tary aspects of the camps (water supply,sewage disposal,etc.)will be obtained early in the project . TASK:8-4-2 Prepare and Process Permit Applications SHEET 2 of 2 There are few,if any,private land owners in the dam and reservoir area.Private land will,however,be entered during reconnaiss~nce of the transmission line route.The pri- vate lands to be entered will be determined and the appropriate land owners identified so that rights-of-entry can be obtained for study work. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:__B~__~A~NC~H~O~RA~G~E--.-.:S~L~IP-,--,PO~R~T ,_ r ASSIGNMENT~:_B:::....-....::5:...-_----=::S~U::.RV:..::E:...:..Y~IN:..:.:G::......:..:A~ND::-...:..:M::....'.A~PP_=I:.=...:N.:::..G _ T ASK TITLE:_~B~-...:::.5~-..::.1~I:..:E~C.:::O___'C~0~0~r~d~in..:::a~t:..!..i~on~a~n~d_R~e~v~i~e.!:.w _ F"LEVEL OF EFFORT:50 Man-days SCHEDULE:Intermittent,April 1980 to Jalnuary 1982 ESTIMA TED COST:$25,000 RESPONSIBILITY:P.Clauzon (lECO) "'"'i - r :' r- I t - I""'" I r r I r- I PURPOSE: To ensure that the project1s technical requirements and schedules are met. SCOPE: IECO personnel will monitor the survey contractor's performance throughout the project and coordinate the various tasks with the survey contractor. SUSITNA HYDROEL.ECTRIC PRO,JECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 -! I h '"""I '"""I , -I r r """I CA TEGORY :_----.:B::.-_~AN~C~H~O~RA~G~E_.:S:::..::U:..:...P~PO~R~T ._ ASSIGNMENT:......:----.:B~-..::.-5 __-:::-SU::::.R:.:V~Ey.:....:I~N~G~A..::.:N~D~M~A~P~P:~[N:::G~_ TASK TITLE"_--.:B~--=:5:.....-.::2--.:F:.....:u:::r....:.n~i..::s.'...:.h~R~e:..::s~e~r.:..v:::.ol~·r~M~a~pp~l~·n..:.;:9L-_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:~_ SCHEDULE:-.:..:A!:..pr:.-i:....:l~1..:..98:..:1=______=t:..:.o_J::..:a:..:.n.:.:u:..::a..:..:ryL..:.1:.:9~8.::.2 _ ES TIMA TED COST:_------2$..:..:12:.:8:.2..,.:...:OO:.:O~_:___-------------- RE SPaN SIBI L1TY :__..:.C:..:1R.::I:..:.../.:..:.:H&::.:.N~(~Su:.::b:..::c..::.on:..:...:t:.:.r_=a.=..ct::..;:)~_ PURPOSE: To permit capacity curves to be prepared. SCOPE: Photogrammetric mapping of the two reservoirs (Watana.and Devil Canyon)at final scale of 1"==1000 1 with contour intervals of 20 1 (l0'supplementals in flatter areas). This task consists of the following phases: •Photographic mission -To take place in the early part of the summer as soon as the snow has melted down and before vegetation springs out.Negative scale should be r ==3333'with a 6"camera. •Field control survey -To be performed between April and October.Extensive photogrammetric bridging will be planned to limit the expensive and time- consuming field surveys. •Aerotriangulation anct"photogrammetric restitution of the reservoir areas. - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _l_o_f_l CIRI/H&N (Subcontract) ~ I r r ~ ! L CA TEGORY:_---:B:::-_~A:.::NC~H~O~RA~G~E.....:S::::.::U~P~PO~R~T ._ ASSIGNM ENT.:..-:--=B:.....-.::..5__--=.:SU:.:.R.:..:.V-=-EY.:....:I:..:..:N-=-G.....:.A..:.:..:N:.=.D.....:.M..:.:..:A:.:..P.:....PI:..:.N:.::G _ TASK TIT LE:_---.:B=----=5::--·.::::3:..-.:-F.=.ur.:....:n:..:...l:....:·s:.:..h.:.....:..:A:.::c.:::.c:::..es::.:s::..-..:.R:::o:..:::a:..:::de...-.:-P.:-re=-l.:-i:..:;m::..:i..:.:n:..=a~y.·.oL.y---:M..:.:a=-tp::.J:p:....;i..:.:n:,w9l--_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_ SCH EDULE:~A:...:..!p=_.:r__=i~l ~1=-=9:....:8~0_t.::..:o:.........:::J.=.a:...:..:nu::.:a:..:...r:Ly_.:l::..:9:...:8:..::1 _ ESTIMA TED COST:_----..:..$..:..:48:..2,~0:.::..:00=___ RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To obtain maps on which the preliminary alignment fal'the access road will be delineated. SCOPE: The existing 100'contour-interval USGS maps are not suitable for preliminary design of the access road.We plan to obtain maps at a scale of 111 -1000·with 20 1 contour inter- vals on which the preliminary alignment for the access road will be delineated.We suggest use of the same technical requirement as for the reservoir map.In doing so,it will suffice to enlarge the restitution area south of the Devil Canyon Reservoir to cover the access route between Watana and Devil Canyon,and to extend the photographic flight westward of Devil Canyon to the gauging station at the railroad bridge and northward to the junction with Highway 3,linking Anchorage to Fa·jrbanks. We anticipate that an additional fifteen stereoscopic models with negative scale of 111 =3333'will cover the areas of interest. Here again,this task will consist of three phases:r !•Aerial Photography, r-"'•Field control work,and ~. •Photogrammetric restitution . .- I Tasks B-5-2 and 8-5-3 (reservoir mapping and access road mapping,respectively)will be combined into a single unit.Limitation of the actual areas of photogrammetric restitu- tion will be defined as the work progresses. If an access road toward Denali Highway #8 northwest of Watana is planned,the same methodology will apply. ,.. [ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:_~B~_--.!A~N~C~HO~R~A~GE~S~UP~P~O!l..!RT!--_-__.__-_ ASSIGNMENT:..-:~B~-~5_~SU~R~V~EY~I~N~G-!A~N~D~M:!!:A!.!.-P!....:PI~N~G _ TA SK TIT LE:__B~---.:5~--=4~~F~u!...,;rn~1!...:·s~h!.....!.T..!-r~a.!.!.ns~m!!..i!..::s!.::s:....!.i..l::o.!..!.n-!:::.L1.L!·n~e~C:!:!o~r.!.r ...!..:id::1:o~r'--!.P...!Jh~o.Jtt~o-lM.J.:Ql!.>s...,.a...,i--,=c,--_ r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:I 1 SCHEDULE:April to November 1980 !""" t ESTIMA TED COST:$16,000 RESPONSIBILITY:CIRIIH&N (Subco.ntract) ;-PURPOSE: To facilitate selection of the transmission line alignment. SCOPE: -I ~ r I General outlines of the transmission line corridors can be drafted on the existing USGS quadrangle maps,but to better define the alignments we propose to fly these corridors at a negative scale of 111 =3333 1 ,which will give a ground coverage of some 30,000 feet,for the selection of the line route and its alternates.These photographs will also be used for geological mapping. No further field work is anticipated during this season on this item,but a semi- controlled photo mosaic will be constructed based on blown up USGS quadrangle maps.This photo mosaic will cover the line between Anchorage and Fairbanks.Along the spur line from Watana to Devil Canyon to the junction with Highway #3,we assume that the trans- mission line corridor will be close to the access road previously mapped (Task B-5-3 above).Slight enlargement of the area of photogrammetric restitution for the access road will effectively and economically cover the transmission line alignment up to the main corridor between Anchorage and Fairbanks. Special coordination to carefully define the areas of photogrammetric restitution for the reservoirs,the access road,and the transmission line will lead to substantial savings in the mapping program. :1""" SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ,If- i -! r-. r I r r CA TEGORY:_~B~_~AN~C~H~O~RA~G!..=.E......:S~U!.!...P~PO:!.!:R!..!..T ----_--_ ASSIGN ME NT~:~B=--::!-5_~SU~R~V.=..EY!...:!1~N~G--.!:.A~N:.!:!.D.....!:Ml!::A~PP!.-.'1':..!.:N~G _ TASK TITLE:_~B~-~5,--~5----!F~u~r...!2n'-.!..i~sh!.!-.!:D~a~m!.::!.s.!..it~e~M~a~pJ:!.p.!...!in~gol--_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:,.----_ SC HE DULE:--.:-A..:.tp~r--.:..i..:....l_.:1::.:9:..:8:..:0~t~0--,J::..::a::..:.n~u~a~rYL-.:.1::.::9:..::8:..:=::1,---_ ESTIMATED COST:_..-----.:!':.$:::28~,~0~OO::.__ RE SPO N SI81 L1TY:__..::..C.:...:1R..:.:1~/:..:..:H&::.:.N~(:::..:Su::::b:..::c..::..on:..:...:t:.:..r..:::.a.:::..ct:::...<)"____ PURPOSE: To obtain a detail map for final design of Watana dam. SCOPE: A detail map of the Watana damsite is necessary for design purposes. This map will be at a scale of 1"=200 1 with 10 1 contour intervals (with 5'supplemental intervals in the flat areas).- We suggest that this photogrammetric mapping be done with a negative scale of 1"=1250 1. Some six stereoscopic models should cover the entire area.Field editing may be neces- sary in the zones of dense vegetation along the river banks. This task will consist of four phases: •Aerial photography, •Field control work, •Photogrammetric restitution,and •Field editing (if necessary). Devi 1 Canyon dams i tiE!has been mapped by the Corps of Engi neers at 1"=1001 with 10 1 con- tour intervals. I~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGt\IMENT:B-5 SURVEYING AND MAPPING TASK TITLE:B-5-6 Furnish River Cross Sections SHEET 1 of 1 LEVEL OF EFFORT:_ SC HEDU LE:_-.:..-__---.:A....:!p::...:.r--.:..i...:..l.....:1::9:..:::8.:.0_t:..::o:-.:::J:=..:an...:..:u:..:::a~ry.z.....:.1::..::9~8.:::.1 :__------ ESTIMA TED COST:_.......2.$~17:..:92..,O::.:O:.:::0 _ RES PON SIB ILiT Y:__..:..CI:..:R.:..:I:.'.-/:..::H&:::.N~(S=..:u:.::b:..:::c.:::..:on:..:...:t:.:.r..:::.a=-ct::J)'-_ PURPOSE: To facilitate river channel studies. SCOPE: ~Ri ver cross sections wi 11 be surveyed at: •One-Quarter-mile i nterva1s for the first 3 lI1Iiles below Watana site (12 sec--tions). •One-Quarter-mile intervals for the first 5 miles below Devil Canyon site (20 sections). •One-mile intervals from there on downstream to the highway bridge above Talkeetna (35 sections). r"" I •Upstream of W.~tana,between Vee and Denali dlamsites (20 sections). At thedamsites the sections will be taken from the safety of winter ice cover;else- where an electronic fathometer will be used during the summer months. r- l, SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ,.... l CA TEGORY:_~B~_~AN~C~H;~O~RA~G,-=E---=S~U:.!....P!......'PO~R~T _ ASS IGNM ENT:._~B-~5~--.-::S~U~RV~E:....'...Y~I N~G~AN~D~MA~P~P.!:-I N~G~_ TASK T ITLE:_-----.:B:...---.::5::....-...:7_:...F:::..ur~n_'__i~s~h~A.=.c::::.:ce::..:s;..:.s::..._.'.:R~o~a~d_D~e~t~a~i~l~M~a.t::.p.p~l!..:·n~g:1--_ ,I""'"LEVEL OF EFFORT:_ SCH EDULE:~A!:._pr~i~1~1~98:::.::1:::_::t:.:::.o~J:::..:a:::.n.:.:::u:.::a..:...,ryL_.:.1:::9..:::8.::..2 _ ESTIMA TED COST:_--::$.::.24..:.::6::..!,-=-00.:::..:0~_ RESPONSIBILITY:CIRl/H&N (Subcontract) PURPOSE: To obtain large scale maps for use in design of the access road. SCOPE: f'"A preliminary alignment for the road will have been delineated on the 1 11 =1000'map (see Task B-5-3 above).Larger scale maps will be necessary for design of the access road.These new maps,at a scale of 111 =200 1 with 5'contour intervals will be pre- ~pared during the second year. ! Here again,we suggest that this mapping be restituted from photographs at a negative scale of 111 =1250'. ;rhe flight map for this photographic mission will be designed onto the 111 =1000'base. ~New photo control points (horizontal and vertical)will be necessary to support these (new flight lines.They will be tied to the monuments surveyed the previous year. This task will consist of the following phases: •Photographic mission, r-.•Field control surveys,and r r- •Photogrammetric restitution. As mentioned in Task B-5-4 above,the transmission liine will most certainly be close to the access road;therefore,the area of photogrammetY'ic restitution will include the prob- able tran~mission line alignment along this spur line. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMENT:B-5 SURVEYING AND MAPPING TASK TITLE:8-5-8 Furnish Survey Support for Field Investigations SHEET 1 of 1 r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:_ r- I SCHE DU LE:---.:....::Ma::!y~t..::.o.....:O::.;c=_:t~o:::..:be::.:r____=1.::..:98:::..:0::....l!e__.:...:.Ma:::.yL.....:t~o......:O::.::'c::,.::t:.::::o.:::,:be:::..:r'--.":::1:.:::.98:::..:1=--_ ESTIMA TED COST:_~$~95:::.;!!....::O~OO:::..__ RESPONSIBILlTY:__....:::C..:.:IR~I~/..:..:H&:::::N~(:::..Su:::.:b:::::c:..:::o~nt~r~a~c~t)t..__ ,-PURPOSE: To provide support for geotechnical studies. r~ i SCOPE: r I r I"'" I r r I r J This task comprises staking out in the terrain the various field investigations needed by the Geotechnical Group. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CA TEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMENT:8-6 REAL ESTATE TASK TITLE:8-6"1 IECO Coordi nat ion SHEET 1 of 1 r LEVEL OF E FFORT:_~6~M~a~n~-~da~y~s~_ SCHEDULE:January to November 1980,Novl~mber 1981 to February 1982 ESTIMA TED COST:_-2.$=..2,~O~OO:::..-._ IRESPONSIBILlTY:__~IE~C:.::.O _ PURPOSE: To coordinate the activities of the subcontractor involved in land ownership status, boundary description,and land acquisition cost detelrm"ination activities,to ensure that the work proceeds as expeditiously as possible. SCOPE: lECO Anchorage personnel w·j 11 monitor the subcontractor I s work and pravi de assi stance where requi red. ,....SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY:_---'B~_~AN~C~H~O~RA~G~E_.::S~U~P~PO~R~T _ ,.-ASSIGNMENT:.-:~B~-:::.-6_~RE==A:=L~E::.::S~T~AT~E=----_ TASK TITLE:_~B~-..:::6....:-2=--=l~a~nd~O~w~n.=.er~s~h~i~p---.:S:::..:t~a~t~u=-s _ To identify ownership and other interests in the project area,as well as adjoining areas and associated transmission corridors,to provide information needed for power project planning and land acquisition analysis,and to facilitate obtaining rights-of-entry to conduct field studies. SCOPE: -(' r Onwership information will be gathered from the tax assessor and land recorder,the BlM, the State Division of Lands,and Native Corporations.lands will be categorized by general ownership category (private land,State land,U.S.land,and Native land).Other factors affecting land status,such as third party rights,State or Federal agency desig- nations,or limited interest rights will be indicated. eIRI has already collected a substantial portion of the information required. r-SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY-r- CATEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT !"""ASSIGNMENT:B-6 REAL ESTATE TASK TITLE:B-6-3 Boundary Description ..- ! SHEET 1 of 1 1-LEVEL OF EFFORT:._ SC HEDU LE:~A~p::...:.r__=_i....:...l_t:.:o:..,.....=.J=.:un~e:_.::l:..:.98=_=O=__~-------- ESTIMA TED COST:_--.-::.$.::..:20:2,~O.:....:OO=____ RES PO NSIB ILI TY:__..:.C:..:1R.:.:I:..:.../.:...:..H&=N~(.:.-Su==b:..=c_=_o n:..:..:t:..:.r~a-=-ct~)'------__,___"__ -,I -i r PURPOSE: To provide precise descriptions and maps of lands that will be affected by construction of the project,either in the reservoir areas or along the routes of access roads and transmission lines.The property descriptions and maps will be used in subsequent ne- gotiations for purchase of land and as the basis for exhibits in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)License Applications. SCOPE: The maps will cover the land that will be affected by the dams,reservoirs,and appurtenant facilities,as well as the transmission line and access road cooridors. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CA TEGORY:B ANCHORAGE SUPPORT ASSIGNMENT:8-6 REAL ESTATE TASK TITLE:8-6-4 Land Acquisition Costs SHEET 1 of 1 LEVEL OF EFFORT:_ SCHE 0 U LE:--=-J..::.u..:...,ly~t:...::.o---.:..:..N o=--v:....:e:.:..:;m=.b:;:....er:.........:l:..::9-=.8.=O.L..'....:..N.:...:o....:..v.=em::.::b:..:e:...:..r----=.19::..;8::.,:1=----=t.=.o.....:F.....:e:..=b....:..r...:,:u..::.ar:....yt.........=1:.::.9.=82:::..-_ ESTIMA TED COST:._~$3:.::5:..!..,.:.:OO:.::O~_ RESPONSIB ILiTY :__..:.C:..:1R,::1~/.:.:.:H&=-N~(::.:Su::b:.:::c~on:.:..:t:::.:..r.:::.a.:::..ct~)~_ t-PURPOSE: To estimate the costs of required land and right-of-way acquisition,as part of the esti- ~.mate of the cost of the project. I .SCOPE: Each private land owner will be identified and the amount and market value of land to be acquired by either easement or purchase will be estimated.The amount of public land required will be broken down by agency land holder,and an estimate of the cost of right- of-way permits will be made.Evidence of title will be secured as needed.All third party rights will be identified and evaluated in terms of impact on acquisition costs. eIRI has already collected a substantial portion of the information required. J""" j Environmental Studies - - C-1 C-1-1 C-1-2 (-2 C-2-1 (-2-2 C-3 (-3-1 C-3-2 C-4 (-4-1 C-4-2 C-4-3 (-4-4 C-4-5 (-4-6 C-4-7 C-4-8 C-4-9 (-4-10 C-4-11 (-4-1;2 (-4-13 C-4-14 (-4-15 C-4-16 (-4-17· (-4-18 (-4-19 PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE -ENVIRONMENTAL Management and Technical Supervision Project Orientation COORDINATION WITH ENGINEERING STUDIES Coordination of Environmental Study Input to Design Coordination of Engineering Study Input to Environmental Report ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF ENERGY ALTERNATIVES AND DEMAND Soci oeconomi c Aspects of Energy Demand Forecasts Comparative Environmental Evaluation of Alternatives EXHIBIT "WU ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT Climatology Hydrology Geology Seismology Soils and Sedimentation Water Quality Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fisheries Aquatic Resources -Resident Fisheries Aquatic Resources -Upper'Cook Inlet Estuary Vegetation Wildlife Resources -Large Mammals Wildlife Resources -Bird and Small Mammals Land Use Land Ownership Recreation Transportation Air Quality and Noise Population and Demography Economics C-5 C-6 C-7 C-4-20 C-4-21 C-4-22 C-4-23 C-4-24 C-S-l C-S-2 C-S-3 C-S-4 C-S-S C-S,-6 C-S-7 C-6-1 C""'6-2 C-6-3 C-6-4 C-6-5 C-6-6 C-7-1 C-7-2 C-7-3 C-7-4 C-7-5 Cultural Resources Public Safety Visual Resources Transmission Routing Environmental Aspects Prepare Final Report EXHIBIT IIRI!RECREATION PLAN Formulate Goals and Operational Objectives Determine Recreational Land Use Suitability Assess Recreation Demand Develop Conceptual Recreation Schemes Review Alternative Plans with APA and Appropriate Agencies Select and Refine Preferred Recreational Use Plan Prepare Final Report EXHIBIT "V"NATURAL,SCENIC AND HISTORIC RESOURCE PROTECTION PLAN Formulate Goals and Objectives Analysis of Federal,State and Local Guidelines Cultural Resource Identification,Impact and Mitigation Transmission Line Corridor Analysis Visual Resource Identification,Impact and Mitigation Prepare Final Report EXHIBIT IISI1 FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES PROTECTION PLAN Describe Pre-Project Biological Setting Assess Impacts to Fish and Wildlife Prepare Mitigation Plan Coordination with Natural Resources Agencies Prepare Final Report SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ,ASSIGNMENT:C-1 PR I NC I PAL -IN-CHARGE,ENV IRONMJ..l.:-NllT.o.ALI--.>.Su.T.lJJUDI.LlIu.E..>J.S _ TASK llTLE C-1-1 Management and Technical Supervision r r r I ~, I 1 LEVEL OF EFFORT:Included within Tasks C-4-24,C-5-7,C-6-6 and C-7-5 SCHEDULE:Throughout Study Peri od -January 1980 to Jul Y 1982 ESTIMATED COST:Costs included within Task Assignments C-4,C-5, C-6,and C-7 RESPONSIBILITY·D.H.Bl au (EDAW) PURPOSE: To provide direction and technical guidance to the Environmental Group so that the Environmental Studies will be carried out in an efficient and orderly manner. SCOPE: The responsibility of the Principal-in-Charge will include the following: •Provide close coordination with other groups to ensure that information and data will be avaiilable when needed. •Monitor progress and plan ahead to ensure efficient execution of the work. •Review results of studies performed by group to ensure high quality performance. -I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY_L-_---l;...IEN.lI-lIVLJ.-IAJRO~NlII'_MI_I;;,.EA_NT1_I'A"".L-Sd__T~Ul_b.lD4_lIE:=_.<S~------------_ A SSIGNMENT_:--'-'-'C-=...Il_----I:P:nR...I.-I.l.'lJNC......JIw:P~AJ...:1-~II.-J'N~-~CH~A:\PR'-l.JG~E _ TA SK TIT LE _-I.C--"'-'-.1.1.=.-£-2---LP:..t.r4.JolJ-j.t:;ecl..Jtt.--l.Ol.f-r-+.i.t:;enl.{..tl.-Ca:l-l.t...4i.vo-l-l-n------------------_ LE VE L 0 F E FF 0 R T:--':l4w5LJ:.!JMacwD.c-:.udl.(1ay;y.:.s::>---'------,-_ SCHEDULE:January 1980 ESTIMA TED COST:~.--->ll$l.I...1:::y4,o_I_OLl.LOOl..L..-,-_---------------_------ RESPONSIBILITY:D.H.Bl all (EDAW) PURPOSE: To ensure that all environmental team members have a clear understanding of project study approach and objectives,task responsibility,and time requirements to ensure timely and cost-effective performance of the entire project. r SCOPE: Initiate Studies Meetings with task leaders to discuss and confirm assignments and schedule. Meetings with Alaska Power Authority to review proposed work scope and budgets. Detailed refinement of work tasks,assignments and schedule and preparation of detailed project network (or flow chart)for Environmental Studies. Coordination meetings with Engineering Design Group and Plan Synthesis Group to obtain the necessary parameters of a Susitna hydroelectric project and non- Susitna alternatives to permit initiation of environmental studies (see Task C-2-2). • • r • • Document Review -f •Preparation and circulation of brief project summary and information package in- cluding project history,previous project-related studies,and reference list of data and studies with reference to the project. r J •Determination of additional environmental data requirements and intiation of data assembly from available sources. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ASSIGN MENT~:-.:C~--,=2_~CO:::..::0::.:...:R~D~IN.::..:A~T~IO::..:..:N~W::..:.:I:...:.T..:..:.H---,E=N=G~IN=E:..:::.E.:.:..;RI~N=G--,S=...:Tc..:::U..:::..D=IE=S _ CATEGORY: T ASK TIT LE _...:::C_-2~.----=·1:_...:::C~0~or~d::...:i:..:..n=a:..:::.t...:....i o~n~o:..:..f--=E n'-'-v'-'i:....:.r...:::oc:..:n:.:..:.me:::.:n~t::..::a'-'-l_=St::-u"'-'d::.ly----=I..:...:.nJ:::.pu"'-'t~t:..:::oe-..:::..De::::.;s:::...i:...o;9I..:...n=----_ LE VE L OF EF FORT _4--=-0--.:M-.:.:a.:..:..:n-.:-.:..:..:da""y--=-s-_ January 1980 to April 1982SCHEDULE:--- ESTIMA TED COST _-.:$_1--:4,:...-0_0_0 _ RESPONSIBILITY:D.Sanders (IECO)._----_---:...._-:...._--------------------- r PURPOSE: •To ensure that environmental considerations are recognized and included in all phases of alternative assessments and project design. •To ensure that potential adverse environmental effects are avoided or minimized by appropriate planning and design. •To avoid costly delays in project design through'the early planning and incor- poration of mitigation measures. •To ensure that costs of environmental impact and mitigation are considered in the economic evaluation of Susitna and non-Susitna alternatives. SCOPE: Coordination meetings will be held at the beginning of the project study and on a monthly basis thereafter,to ensure that the Design and Plan Synthesis Groups are kept informed of the environmental constraints associated with the following project aspects: •Location of access roads,transmission lines,construction camps,borrow and spoi 1 areas. •Design and operation of outlet works and spillways. •Restoration of areas affected by earthmovi ng. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY C ATE GORY C,__~EN,,-,V,-:,:I~R~ONC!'.-M~E:..!..lN-LJTAD..!L,,---,=,S,-!-T~UDL!I,-6E.>l.S---_,_ ASS IGN ME NT~'--,C~---=2_~C~OO~R~D~I~NA='--.'T~I~ONCL2.!W'..!-IT-!.2H-,---,=E.!.!.NG~IU!N!.hEb.!ERl.!Iw.lNLY.G-,S~CJI..\,lUJ./..D.u.IE..,..SL--._ TASK TITLE C-2-2 Coordination of Engineering Study Input to Environmental Reports ,f'P'"LEVEL OF EFFORT:40 Man-days SCHEDULE:January 1980 to Apri 1 1982,..... ESTIMATED COST:$14,000,-RESPONSIBILITY:D.Sanders (rECO) PURPOSE: To provide liaison between the Environmental Studies Group and the engineering stud- ies groups to ensure that the Environmental Studies Group receives up-to-date project data so that a thorough and efficient environmental assessment is accomplished. SCOPE: Monthly meetings wi"!l be held between representatives of the Environmental Studies Group and the various engineering studies groups,including Plan Synthesis,Design,Geotechni- cal,Hydrologic,and Anchorage Operations,in order to describe and update the follow- ing aspects of the project: I Identification of Susitna and non-Susitna alternatives to be studied and as much site-specific and design data that is possible for each alternative. Location and extent of all project features associated with a Susitna alterna- tive,including construction areas,camp areas,access road corridors,transmis- sion line corridors,and reservoir areas. Estimates of construction schedules,number of construction workers,type and number of construction equipment.amount of construction payroll,and size of construction camps. Reservoir operational data inctuding reservoir depth,maximum daily and yearly level fluctuations,alterations in seasonal streamflow patterns,and effects on downriver hydraulics. IJ r-,, r • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT C-3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF ENERGY ALIERN8IIVES 8ND DEMAND TASK TITLE C-3··1 Socioeconomic Aspects of Energy Demand Forecasts -LEVEL OF EFFORT:55 Man-daysi SCHEDULE:August to December 1980 r ESTIMA TED COST:$18,000 RESPONSIBILITY:A.Massa (EDAW) PURPOSE: To provide the social and economic input to Task Assignment on Energy Demand Forecast. SCOPE: The scope will include a description of the existing,and anticipated changes in demo- graphic.social and economic conditions in the State and the Railbelt Region affecting unit measures of energy consumption and overall projections of energy demand.The r-information will form the basis for the discussion of project need in Exhibit Wof the FERC License Application. !"'" I r I ,.... I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 ASSIGNMENT C-3-. CATEGORY C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF ENERGY ALTERNATIVES AND DEI'1AND TASK TITLE _.-:C~---.::3:.--_-=2------,C",-,o~m~p~a-,--r~at~i:..-..::v~e E,-,-nv,--i'...!.r~o~n~m::::..en~t~a~l--=-E~va~l~u~a~t~i~o,-,-n--,o,,-,f~A~l~te~r~n.:.;:a~t~i~v::::..es:::---. LEVEL OF EFFORT 160 Man-days SCHEDULE September 1980 to January 1981 r ESTIMATED COST:$51,000 RESPON SIBILlTY:A.Massa (EDAW),-.. ,.....PURPOSE: To compare the env"ironmental effects and costs of development and power generation of alternative energy sources.Development and power generation assumptions and scenarios to be evaluated willl be prepared under Assignments G-5 and G-6.These environmental costs will be used in the evaluation of alternate energy sources as performed under Task Category G,Plan Synthesis. The approach win "involve development of a comparable base for evaluating environmental costs through the use of a list of weighted environmental factors against which each energy source scenario will be measured. SCOPE: Identification of lists of appropriate evaluation factors (one for resource use or ex- traction and one for power generation)will require review and input by the Alaska Power Authority,relevant state agencies,and project review boards.Assignment of weights, representing the relative importance or value placed on each factor,will be accomplished with participation of selected representatives of APA,state agencies,the project team and the Boards of Review. Activities will include: ,-. i r 1.Identification of evaluation factors.These are likely to include the foll owi ng: a.Resource use/extraction - I land requirements II displacement or disruption of settlements TASK:C-3-2 Comparative Environmental Evaluation of Alternatives SH EET __Lo.f-.2 •disruption or preemption of other land uses (whic~may be subdivided into categories of use such as recreation,wilderness,commercial forest,agri- culture and grazing)~ •vegetation and wildlife destruction or disruption ,erosion and alteration of 1andfonn •water resources (streamflow,water supply and water quality)alteration •loss or reduction of visual quality •loss or alteration of cultural resources - •community and fiscal changes due to workforce requirements. b.Power generation - • 1and requi rements •water supply •water quality •air quality •visual quality • 1and use •community and fiscal conditions •vegetation and wildlife 2.The probable level of impacts,including disruption,displacement of existing use,preemption of other uses or loss of resource quantity and quality,will be assessed. High,moderate or low impacts on each factor will be combined with the impor- tance weight assigned to each factor in each scenario to give a general overall ranking of the environmental costs of each scenario.Data to support applica- tion of the process will be drawn largely from existing published documents and readily available data sources.They will be assembled at a level of detail comparable to that developed for the alternative energy use scenarios. 3.Results of the environmental-cost evaluation will be compared with those of the technological feasibility/risk assessment and cost-effectiveness analyses in Task Assignments G-5 and G-6. 4.If results of the combined analysis of energy source alternatives point to the desirability of hydropower development,a further evaluation iteration will be performed to identify the most appropriate Susitna River alternative. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 Qf 9 CATEGORY C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT C-1l EXH IB IT "W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ,.... I -I TASK 11 TLE C-I~l-=-=I,---~Cl~l~'m"..':a~t~o~l o~g:1JYc--__~~~~~_ LE VE L OF EFFOFH 781 Man-days SCf H DULL February 1980 to March 1982--------~~-----'--"-=-=----------- EST IMATED COST:$545,000 FlE S PON S ISILlTY:__C=--:.:-----=B~.~F-=a.:..:.hl~(.=...D=am:..:...:e:..::.s~&::......:..:M:.=..oQ~r_=e:..L)~_ PURPOSE: •PrQvide a climatological/meteorolQgical data base of the Upper Susitna basin upQn which environmental,hydrologic,and dam and transmission line design parameters of a Susitna hydrQelectric project will be determined. •Assess relative impacts on climatology and meteorology for various Susitna and non-Susitna energy alternatives. •Assess in detan the pQtential impacts on climatQ1Qgy and meteorology that could result from a Sust ina hydroel ectric project and recQmmend appropri ate miti gati on measures. SCOPE: Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective Qf this Task is to provide an early overview of regional climatolQgical and meteorological conditions as input to Stage 1 -Plan Formulation Studies.Activi- .ties will include: •Identification and review of existing data. •Identification of climatologic and meteorologic conditions that are likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of the relative potential impact to climate and meteor- ology for each energy source alternative. Baseline Data Collection A climatological and meteorological data gathering network will be established to measure and/or calculate the following parameters: 2 of 9SHEETTASK:C-4-1 Cl imatol ogy ,---=:.....-_----------~=.:..~~ •Prec i pitat i on •Wind Speed •Wi nd Di rect ion •Temperature •Relative Humidity •Snow Depth •Solar Radiation •Evaporation 1.Develop Need,Criteria,and Constraints for Data Gathering Program: A data gathering field program will be essential for two reasons:(1)there are few existing climatological data for the project area;and (2)existing state and regional climatologies are not representative of specific locations due to the rugged,complex terrain. The climatological data that will be gathered will be put to three major uses:(1) environmental --baseline and impact assessments;(2)hydrologic --computer model stud- ies;and (3)engineering --dam and transmission line design calculations. The data gathering field program will consist of a multistation network,since the repre- sentativeness of the data provided by a single monitoring station will be necessarily small because of the rugged and complex terrain.F;or example,wind speed and direction data collected near Gold Creek could not be expected to represent the wind patterns at the Devil Canyon damsite,and neither of those two sites waul d have wi nd records that represented the Watana damsite.Also,a "basin"wind rose would be far different from a wind rose on top of a high exposed ridge such as those found along the transmission line corridor.. Monitor siting,accuracy,and data recovery are very important and have been given higher priority in the development of a data collection program than numbers of stations.The conceptual data collection program described below exhibits reliability and accuracy without escalating costs.The monitoring system aspect of the program is the best combi- nation of instrumentation,available at this time,suited for this project. Because of the rugged,complex terrain station representativeness will be more important on this project than it would be in the case of less rugged and complex terrain.Monitor siting will be a significant task with significant costs,so fewer stations will be installed for the same amount of money than would be in the case of less rugged,complex terrain. Because of these two factors,representativeness and siting costs,the chosen system must be reliable --it must have a high design rate of data recovery.For example,a 6-sta- tion system where each station has a design data recovery rate of 90 percent,would have in the worst case,a system data recovery of 53 percent.However,an 8-station system where each station has a design data recovery rate of 80 percent,would have in the worst case,a systerndata recovery of 17 percent. TASK:C-4-1 Climatology SHEET 3 of 9 11--. I Data accuracy will be important in the cases of hydrologic and design parameters.These parameters must be more accurately determined than environmental parameters as they will have more economic effect on the project.Overdesigned dams and/or transmission lines imply profligate use of public money~while under-designed dams and/or transmission lines imply unacceptable threats to the public's commonwealth. The statistics of extreme values are also important parameters in hydrologic modeling and in dam design and win influence project feasibility and costs.Therefore,the climato- logical study will be designed so that extreme values as well as averages can be obtained. Data collected will lend themselves to use,such as modeling Spillway Design Floods and predicting maximum probable precipitation rates. 2.Data ACquisition and Transmission Equipment Climatological and meteorological data will be collected by means of LaBarge remote plat- forms.The LaBarge Remote Climatological Station (RCS)uses the same platform as the LaBarge Remote Meteorological Station (RMS)but contains only precipitation and tempera- ture sensors. ~The LaBarge remote platform is uniquely suited to the demands of this project.Data are collected and stored on each platform for transmission every 3 hours to the geostationary environmental satellite (GOES).The GOES then retransmits with high reliability to a central ground station for ultimate delivery to the Alaska office of Dames &Moore.Data recoveries are higher and recovery costs are lower than any other known method of retrie- val from remote stations.Current recovery rates on a similar station operated by Dames &Moore in the Brooks Range of Alaska are exceeding 95 percent. We believe the initial cost of the data platform is more than recouped by the low service and maintenance requirements and the high data recoverJ'.Further~if instrument (sensor) .failures are experienced,status checks transmitted with the data alert the appropriate personnel within a day or two and decisions can be made to minimize losses. I \ 3.Planning and Siting Studies An initial planning study will be conducted to determine the number and locations of monitoring sites.This study will be coordinated with the project hydrological,glaciolo- gical,and water quality requirements to the extent needed for efficiency in field data collection.For example~a climatic monitoring station could be located at the same place as a water monitoring location if the location were mutually acceptable to both discipline investigators.Such an arrangement would allow one LalBarge data platform to transmit meteorological/climatological data and water quality data to the GOES statellite and maximize utilization of the platform. An aerial site reconnaissance will be conducted along the Upper Susitna basin to select acceptable climatic and meteorological monitoring sites.Site acceptance will be based on the principles of good meteorological practice and the acceptance standards for probe siting set forth by EPA.The reconnaissance will be conducted by Dames &Moore senior meteorologists in a one-or two-day trip by Cessna 185 or helicopter. Potential sites will be marked on maps and notes will be taken to indicate areas of gene- ral orographic similarity where climatic factors could be expected to be similar.This information will be used in siting decisions and in minimizing the number of monitoring stations.Ten man-days will be allotted for this task. t. 4 of 9SHEETTASK:C-4-1 Cl imatol ogy.:.:=..:..~~------------=::.::..:.-==~ At this time.we believe that the network should consist of three to four Remote Meteoro- logical Stations (RMS)and six to nine Remote C1imat010gical Stations (RCS)based on cursory examination of maps.Figure 1 shows the preliminary siting of four RMS's and seven RCS's.This network was used in determining schedules and levels of effort.The stations will consist of the following: Meteorological Monitoring Stations (4) Watana Devil Canyon High Point Gold Creek LaBarge Data Collection Platform x x x x GOES Transmission Antenna x x x x Wind Speed &Direction Sensors x x x x Peak Wi nd Gust x Heated Precipitation Gage (tipping bucket)x x Air Temperature x x x x Relative Humidity x x x x Net Radiation Pyranometer x x Water Temperature x x Evaporation Climatological Monitoring Stations (7) LaBarge Data Collection Platform GOES Transmission Antenna Air Temperature Heated Precip.Gage (tipping bucket) Relative Humidity (optional) Soil or Water Temperature (optional) x x The Transmission Line High Point station will be located along the transmission line corridor about half way between Watana and Devil Canyon at a place where the line would reach its highest altitude and be exposed to strong winds.At this station.special effort will be made to monitor short-term peak winds and to quantify those peaks and their durations.Such information can be extremely useful in tower design and tower separation planning. Precipitation sensors will be located at the dam stations as well as the RCS·s.The number of RCS's will be minimized.based on the initial reconnaissance and the siting analysis.Obviously,one or two rain gages cannot adequately represent the rainfall patterns in a mountainous area.The objective will be to minimize number of stations and -1 '·····1 '-"'~'1 c1 .··~··I ··"1 -1 -·'1 '1 "].),c 1 __- -Project l~atershed FIGURE 1 METEROLOGICAL/CLIMATOLOGICAL MONITORING NETWORK Legend Transmission Line Corri dors Remote Meteorological Station .... •.'"...' .'1 ,-,:-;-~'-=-:;--._.-I'_.".\.":I I ,";;:'I '.'\~I,"·7'~~~j~'''''':'·~'··'I:/'".-:-..'..-.~;:'\~--:"./i \fi I ~•••,RESTRICTEQ fj '","",.•,'\.."", I 1 _.~....1 -'.:1 '..~l_-".~......(_""f~.t,"':".....I.!~·,'<.'/11 )....s--J.:..:...v?")\J Iff -./I',•J '')"_I I , ,...........'J:'OJ'",.,!r •\I ,~_~~"...-.'0 f{"'"..I,"':~'\./,.,~'"V.·....-~'1 I ..l'I ,.;\I ",,'I ,1 I.',.....',,,-'"\:!!~::.:;-78 ','."'1 ".~f~_1.27",-1>.i'~..j\"'-,142 ",'\"II 100",:-"\.""~"E'", ''e'I 1 ,I-"""~'"1.1 "!'", ,'---....j ('"."i "fl-~..._il I'H':"'\~--.~'....ql~1 /\"1 '~~'''>~J~'.\.j '.~.~~;/I,.;."'''~ t,(',;.....,<~~~..~."-'••~,))~~f').GI(_·J.,;:,~.~.'t.""tI,':",,:','I j"'.~~G .......~J~"t:::; !I,\ \ \J ~)).,,.','I "....",'-',.~N.·~•._~l'ft,,}..,.,.E ..:.1.,.,.1",,,.~""---'~I'.~...'i "f 'I \;!,:~J'(""~'"I ',r::-'I f"-"'';','.~,,""1"..1,,1 ,':":~.I ,••i',',"I ,',".:,<:,1 \~\'I;,,~,·V'"::'\\.R:';"_""-""'··~'~·',,,""'o'~!o;'I'·i.-:·.~"'tt"~"""";"~I~\'t··1','"_1'~,_I i.(,I,,'"Ij !'i >;\·'....,i~~r fil,"'\'~I'~'I~'"'.~.." .:.,:';";Al"""'~"ff:.;';~b/ln·":':1 ,j'/;.j ·'t ',:,'y'',,<i 'X'. 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During the winter of 1979-80.snow courses will be laid out and representative snow depths will be measured by manual staff gaging.The results of these snow course surveys will be considered in siting climatological stations for spring/summer installation. Additional snow course surveys will be made during the second winter season.All snow course survey analyses will be integrated with snow course survey data from the U.S.Soil Conservation Service network stations that are located in and adjacent to the project watershed. 4.Work Pl an Dames &Moore.after completing the site selection,will develop for APA a complete Work Plan for meteorology and climatology,which win describe the details of further work. site locations,network design and installation,instrument specifications,and data formats.Computer software will be outlined and report formats will be prepared.The Work Plan will also describe interaction with other disciplines in optimizing manpower and equipment. 5.Installation of First Two Meteorological Monitoring Stations After APA approval of the Work Plan,Dames &Moore will move rapidly to attempt to com- plete installation of the first two meteorological monitoring stations before onset of winter weather.We recommend that the first two sites installed should be: I Watana Dam Site I Transmission Line High Point The Watana site is representative of basin canyon winds;the High Point needs to be monitored for as long as possible prior to final design decisions on the tran~nission 1i nee The instrumentation for all these sites will be ordered as soon as written authorization is received from APA.Tentative arrangements and reservations have already been made with manufacturers for the longest lead time items.Applications for transmitting permits from the National Environmental Satellite Service have already been submitted.Instrumentation will be shipped to the Denver office of Dames &Moore for preinstallation inspection and testing. A suitable location on the chosen site will be leveled and prepared for instrument instal- lation.No permannet anchors or concrete pads will be needed.In an attempt to dis-' courage moose and/or bear site visits,an 8-foot barbed wire fence will be placed around the installation,fencing approximately 400 square feet of land area.The site will be located in a clearing at least 200 feet from the nearest obstruction in any direction that would interfere with data collection. The LaBarge Data Platform (described in Appendix A)will be set on the site on its tripod tundra pads.The meteorological sensors will be mounted on a horizontal boom atop the 20-foot mast.The LaBarge mast will be guyed for stability.us"ing screw anchors.Tem- perature and relative humidity will be recorded at about 10 to 15 feet above ground level on the mast. SHEET _"~-9.UTASK:C-4-1 Cl imatol ogy------------------------------ 6.Status Report A report will be prepared after the first two meteorological stations are installed. This report will contain a status of the project,photos of the installed sites,techni- cal details of t~e system and communications networks,initial data,calibrations,tests, and an operating procedures manual. 7.Installation of Remaining Meteorological and Climatological Monitoring Stations r J r-', This phase will begin in the spring of 1980 and be completed in approximately 5 to 6 weeks.Two teams of two technicians each will be dispatched.Instruments will be flown to the selected sites by Cessna 185 and/or helicopter. Each site will be contained within a barbed wire compound about 20 x 20 feet and each will be marked by a 20-foot flagpole. All rain gages will be mounted on platforms to elevate them above the nominal winter snow depth.The platform will be tubular aluminum painter's scaffold.It will be erected on site and guyed in place using screw anchors.The platform will enable precipitation readings to be taken throughout most or all of the year.Rain gages will be propane heated.Wind skirts will be installed on the platform to improve precipitation accuracy. The LaBarge remote data platforms will be mounted on their tripod tundra pods alongside the rain gage platforms.Batteries will be buried or placed on the ground surface and insulated.Each platform will include solar panels to aid the batteries in retaining their charge.Solar panels,of course,will be of only marginal use throughout the winter,but will help the batteries enter the dark season at full charge,and to recuper- ate quickly in the spring. Air temperature will be recorded 10 to 15 feet above ground level,by means of a wind aspirated,solar sh"ielded thermistor probe.At one or two of these nine sites,relative humidity (optional)will be monitored by thin film polymer capacitor. These monitoring stations will be installed to recover,with very little maintenance,80 percent of the data points or greater.A 90 percent data recovery is a prime objective, and the system described is fully capable of such excellent recoveries.However,90 percent recovery is a very difficult task in remote areas.We should also point out that Dames &Moore is presently recovering greater than 95 percent of the data from their LaBarge station in the Brooks Range. Recovery rates are perhaps as important to meteorological and climatological monitoring as accuracy and validity,because the data bases are used in computer modeling and in generating broad annual descriptions of probable future events.Losing data usually will affect the conclusions drawn,especially in regard to extreme values. The total network described in this scope of work will collect,at a 90 percent recovery rate,on the order of 2.8 million hourly data points from 11 stations. TASK:C-4-1 Cl imatol ogy 8.Data Collection and Reduction Procedures SHEET 7 of 9 Data will be collected automatically by each LaBarge data platform until,once every 3 hours,the platform is activated to transmit its data load to the geostationary environ- mental satellite (GOES).The data are transmitted in hexadecimal format. The GOES satellite receives,amplifies,and retransmits this data,multiplexed,to a central receiving station located at Wallops Island,Virginia.From that receiving station,Dames &Moore obtains data via teletype or teleprinter and converts it by com- puter programs into engineering units,calibrated and tabulated as hourly values. The information is then stored on computer tape files.These files will be summarized on a monthly update.Hard copy is always retained by Dames &Moore in case or computer failure.Another copy of the data will be transfered to the Hydrological Studies,Data Management Assignment D-3,for their use. Data will be collected for at least 1 week before data reduction begins,but data will be inspected daily by Dames &Moore data technicians for potential problems or voids,which would be given immediate attention by the Principal Investigators. Our proposal assumes at this time that monitoring would be continued for 12 months, starting at the time the whole network becomes operational.This will provide as much as 18-20 months at the early Phase I stations. 9.Maintenance and Service The data received by Dames &Moore includes a status check of each parameter to indicate Whether each station is performing properly.If not,the Principal Investigator will decide whether to dispatch a technician to the site for repairs. The decision will be based on many factors,including accessibility,degree of severity of problem,criticality of data if lost,magnitude of repairs,etc.If a technician is dispatched,he will fly into the site and repair or replace the defect.Our cost esti- mates include two service trips in addition to the regular quarterly visits (to half the sites each quarter). Dames &Moore will design quality control into this program as an integral part of the assessment and monitoring.Data will be"followed"and registered as it is handled. Calibration records will be cross checked and data records will be verified.Quality control procedures will be written into the Work Plan. 10.Data Reports As the data are received,Dames &Moore will prepare quarterly summaries which will include tables of the hourly values as well as monthly and quarterly summaries. Winds will be reported as joint distributions of frequency of occurrrence by direction and speed.Peak winds will be reported only from the High Point meteorological stations, and will consist of highest and second highest gusts of a specified duration such as 3 or 4 seconds. i:J;' 9 of 9SHEETTASK:C-4-1 Climatology,----------------"""----------------- We propose that all stations be operated to obtain a concurrent 12-month data record, then some stations be removed from the network if data from these stations is found unnecessary or redundant (and if such action would result in lower costs or higher effi- ciencies). Our proposal,throughout,assumes that we receive written authorization to proceed inrtimetocompletetheinitialsitingstudiesandinstallthefirsttworemotemeteorolo- gical stations prior to freezing. LEVEL OF EFFORT DESCRIPTION: Labor The above scope of work will require an estimated 781 man-days of labor including the administrative and technical support efforts at a cost of $231,000.Approximately 20 I"""percent of the effort will be concentrated in the first 2 months of the project after ;authorization to proceed. Equi pment Dames &Moore will provide all necessary instrumentation for the monitoring efforts, including spare instruments and parts,construction materials and supplies,and consuma- ble materials.We estimate the total cost for equipment to be $270,000. Expenses r Dames &Moore expenses for 28 months of field and office labor amount to $44,000.This includes travel by air and surface vehicles,subsistence costs of food and lodging for field personnel,and computer lease costs for data manipulation.-I, I The total cost estimate for Meteorological/Climatological studies is $545,000. PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: r, r I""" I Dames &Moore has designated the following specific professional and technical personnel to serve in performing the climatological monitoring program: Dr.Charles B.Fahl -Principal-in-Charge John L.Gordon -Technical Advisor and Quality Control Supervisor RodgerG.Steen -Principal Investigator for Monitoring Fred Rosenblum -Principal Investigator for Data Management and Report Preparation Gary L.Wentz -Technician TASK:C-4-1 Cl..:.:im:.:,:a:..:t.:.o1.:..:o::.:g::.y --....:S:~~-lE:.:E:.T:....:~8~of=9 Hourly temperature.relative humidity.and precipitation data will be tabulated and sum- marized showing -monthly means.maxima.and intensities (duration). In addition.the summaries will report the percent data recoveries and any problems and solutions. Impact Assessment and Mitigation The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)specifically requires that climatic baseline information be presented and impacts of the proposed action predicted in EISls.Climatic data usually requested by lead agencies in environmental impact assessments include winds.precipitation.and temperature as a minimum baseline.plus other parameters that might be affected.Although the environmental impacts on cl imate of the Susitna hydro- electric project are expected to be slight and localized.the parameters that may exhibit changes include.in addition to the above.dew point,humidity.and snowfall.There- fore.the proposed monitoring network includes these measurements --for environmental reasons. An assessment will be performed to define potential impacts of the project.if any.on baseline climatology and meteorology.The imapct review will begin in parallel with Phase I work so that changes can be made in the monitoring programs if needed to assess baseline impacts. Potential impacts to be evaluted include: •Local changes in climate due to creation of a small lake (reservoir)where no 1ake exi sts. •Changes in surface wind patterns due to the damming and due to the broadening of the water surface. Positive and negative impacts will be included.and their effects will be quantitatively balanced.along with any quantitative mitigations.wherever possible.Discussions will be held with State and federal EPA agencies on the extent and importance of the various impacts and on the value of mitigation. DOCUMENTATION: .A written discussion of the baseline setting data.impacts and mitigation measures will be prepared in a format appropriate for the environmental report (Exhibit W)of the FERC License Application. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: Dames &Moore proposes to monitor meteorology and climatology and to perform impact assessments over a period spanning approximately 28 months.This schedule will result in 24 months of field data from the earliest installed meteorological stations at Watana and High Point and 12 to 18 months of data from the remaining stations. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 CATECJORY C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT C-4 EXHIBIT "WU ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ,.... I r - ""'"i """I r l TASK TITLE C-4-2 Hydrology LEVEL OF E FFORT:~4~O-!M~a~nc.=.-~da~y,-,,!s _ SCHEDULE:February 1980 to December 1981 ESTIMA TED COST:.,...$1"---,4,-!-,~00:::.::0:....--~_ RES PO N SIB IL1TY :_-.-:W~.~C-=--.~P..:::e-.::.te::::.:.r-=s~o:..:..n---..I(~I-=.:EC~O~)J..'~C~._W=a:..::t=s=on"'--.......(E=o",-A=W.L-)_ PURPOSE: To describe the hydrologic setting and the existing hydrologic features of surface waters in areas affected by the project in sufficient detail to make an assessment of the effects of the project on stream flow. SCOPE: Hydrologic conditions will be described as part of Category 0 -HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES. Therefore,the scope of hydrologic studies for Exhibit Wwill be limited to summarizing Category D studies and results,supplementing this input with additional studies if required and in order to assess the potential effects of the project on the hydrologic environmental and recommend measures to avoid or minimize these effects. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this portion of the task is to provide an early overview of regional and site-specific hydrologic conditions and potential constraints and impacts as input to Stage 1 -Plan Formulation Studies.Most of the activities would be performed in the Hydrological StudiE~s Task Category.These include: •Identification and preliminary review of existing data sources including files of the U.S.Geological Survey and previous project reports. •Preliminar~identification of hydrologic conditions and phenomena likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. Baseline Data Collection This portion of the Task will be carried out throughout the course of the study.All hydrologic data will be entered into a central computer bank (HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES As- signment 0-3 Data Management)and through data management and updating of information, these data will be readily available for use by any Task Group. TASK:C-4-2 Hydrology SHEET 2 of 2 •Describe the physical characteristics of the Susitna Basin and a description of the seasonal streamflow characteristics of streams within the basin. •Describe the existing ice conditions of streams in the Susitna Basin,con- centrating on the Sutitna River at the project sites and downstream. Impact Assessment and Mitigation The objective of this aspect of the task will be to describe and assess the effects of the project on stream flows during various operational modes of the project.The de- tailed studies in the Hydrological Studies Task Category will present the pre-project and post-project conditions.Activities will include a description of the following: •The fluctuations in downstream flows and reservoir levels. •The effects on the frequency and magnitude of downstream flooding. •The effects on ice conditions downstream and in the reservoirs,including an assessment of the potential for frazil ice production downstream. •The effects on downstream river hydraulics under normal mode of project opera- tion. •The effects on downstream conditions during probable maximum floods or in the event of catastrophic action. •Measures to eliminate or minimize potential adverse hydrologic effects;and identification of those adverse effects that cannot be mitigated. DOCUMENTA nON: The analysis of the hydrologic conditions,potential impacts,and mitigation measures will be assembled in text and map form for inclusion in Exhibit W of the FERC License Application. ,... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 ASSIGNMENT C-4 EXHIBIT ..w..ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK TITLE C-4··3 Geology ...... , CATEGORY:C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - I""'" I i I r LEVE L OF EF FORT:------'-8":'.O~M~a~n'--d~a~y-=-s _ SCHEDULE:February 1980 to December 1981 EST IMA TED COST:_~$.::..:26:::...!,c..::0..:::.:OO:::--_ RES PO NS 18 ILIT Y:._~D.~S:::::an~d~e~r:::.-s ~(.-=.I-,=-EC~O":-1)~,_~C::.:..----=-:.:Wa~t:.:::s~on:.:....-...I..(E=.!D:::.:..A~W..L.)_ PURPOSE: To describe the existing topographic,physiographic,and nonseismic geologic conditions within the area to be affected by the project in order to assess the constraints of the geologic environment and the potential effects of the project on the geologic environ- ment. SCOPE: Topographic,physiographic and geologic conditions will be described as part of Task E - GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES;therefore,the scope of geologic studies for Exh"ibit Wwill be 1 imited to suppl ementing input from Category E tasks concentrating on such non-engineer- ing issues as the identification of mineral resources and unique geologic resources,and evaluating the potential impact of the project on the geologic environment. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this Task is provide an early overview of regional and site-specific geologic conditions and potential constraints and impacts as input to Stage I -Plan Formulation Studies. Activities will include: •Identification of data sources including agencies,previous reports,aerial photos,etc. •Preliminary identification of geologic conditions and phenomena likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. 2 of 2SHEETTASK:C-4-3 Geo logy ---=:....-..-.._----------_...:..:..:=.:.-:-~::=:::: Baseline Data Collection Activities will include: •Data collected as part of the ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Task E-2 will be reviewed and summarized in order to provide adescriptionof the existing geotechnical condi- tions and constraints in the project area.Emphasis of the description will be on foundation characteristics,permafrost conditions;and slope stability at poten- tial damsites,along access routes and transmission line corridors.Regional and site-specific geologic maps will be prepared. •Mineral resources within protential project areas will be described from exist- ing reports and agency files.Location of known mineral resources and mining claims in the prject area will be shown on a map. •Any unique geologic or topographic features wihtin the study area will be described. Impact Assessment &Mitigation •Geologic constraints and mitigation measures for all project elements will be summarzied from the engineering geology report that will be developed as part of Assignment E-2. •Potential changes in existing geologic conditions will be assessed for each of the project elements to be constructed.The assessment of potential effects on the existing geologic environment will focus on effects on slope stability and permafrost.Environmental changes that are related to construction activities and are temporary in nature will be distinguished from long-term or permanent changes. •Measures to avoid or minimize adverse impacts will be identified and incor- porated into project designs wherever possible.Unavoidable impacts will be identified. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of nonseismic geologic conditions and potential impacts will be assembled in text and map form for includsion in Exhibit Wof the FERC License Application. -~. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET ]of 2 ASSIGNM ENT~:~C,=,-=-~4~---,="-E~XH~I~B~IT,--1I~W'_1 --=E..!.!.NV~I~R-"!!ON'-'-!..M-,-=E-,-,-NT.!..-'-A-,-,=L,-R!..UE,,",-P-,,O~RT,--_-, CATEGORY C ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES D.Sanders (IECO),C.Watson (EDAW) TASK TITLE _~C=-4:!...:-:.::,4~S~e~i~s~mo'Ll~0~g..LY-__--_----- LEVEL OF E FFORT:~3~8---'M~a!2.!n~-~da~Y:.:,!.s ~__ SCH E DU LE:~F.::..eb:::.:r~u~a~rLy_____'1~9~8:..::::0_t.:::.:o~D:..:::e__=_c=em=b:..=:e=_=_r_=19~8:=1'--_ ESTIMATED COST:_....:+'$~13~,~0~00~_ RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To describe the sei smi c setting of the area to be affected by the proj ect in order to r-assess earthquake and fault movement hazards to project facilities as well as to assess the potential for reservoir-induced seismicity. SCOPE: - The scope of seismologic studies for Exhibit Wwill be limited to summarizing the results of studies performed under Task E-4,SEISMOLOGY. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this aspect of the Task is to provide an overview of regional and site- specific seismic conditions,and preliminary identification of potential constraints and impacts as input to Stage I -PLAN FORMULATION STUDIES. Activities will include:-!•Identification and preliminary review of data sources including previous stud- i es. •Preliminary identification of the relative seismic hazards that are likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. r Baseline Data Collection Activities will include: •Review and summarize data collected as part of Task E-4,Seismology,including a discussion of the regional tectonic setting,the regional earthquake history,the location of active faults,earthquake-related phenomena such as liquefaction, differential settlement,lurching,and landsliding. 2 of 2SHEETTASK:C-4-4 Seismology --------------_---.:~:.........:==== •Earthquake epicenters,active faults,and regional tectonic features will be depicted on maps.These data will be obtained from existing publications,the Earthquake Data File maintained by the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Admini- stration,and project geologic mapping and seismic monitoring performed as part of Task Category E -GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES. Impact Assessment and Mitigation This discussion also will be a summary of Task Assignment E-4,SEISMOLOGY,and will include an assessment of the seismic hazards at all project element ,sites but focusing on the damsites.Potential hazards that will be assessed include fault rupture,ground shaking, liquefaction,slope failure,seiches,and reservoir-induced seismicity. Measures to avoid or minimize seismic hazards will be identified and incorporated into project design. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of seismic conditions and potential impacts will be assembled in text and map form for inclusion in Exhibit Wof the FERC License Application. II-" ( SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 CA TEGOR Y_.G-_--l-JEN..uVu..I~ROI.l1NllJMu...Ell.NIu:Au.L~S..LTL.l.JUl.LLD.J...IIE~S,--_ ASS IGN MEN T _:-.--CC\L:-:.::J4:.._------'-Eo..l1XllH..L.J,IBulo-LT--.I"WlL..".--J...E1.LNV.....I..ilR"'-LOLllNM.......E..uNu..TL.UA1--.LlR.....E.LJPO.LLR......T _ "'""TASK TITLE C-4-5 Soils and Sedimentation LEVE L 0 F EF FOR T:----'4'-2.4---!M~a.!.!_n!.--~da".,;y'--"s'--____,------ SCHEDULE:--February 1980 to December 1981 $26,000 D.Sanders (IECO),C.Watson (EDAW) ESTIMATED COST:--=~.=.~-------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY: _--"'e:-=-'-='-'---=----'--'''--'=-''=-<.~''-=-....:.=:.=~___>_=..:=.J _r PURPOSE: To describe the existing soil conditions within the area to be affected by the project in order to assess the erosion potential at construction sites and the erosion and sedimen- tation potential within reservoir and downstream areas. SCOPE: Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this portion of the task is to provide an early overview of regional and site-specific soil conditions,potential constraints and impacts as input to Stage I - PLAN FORMULATION STUDIES. Activities will include: •Identification of data sources including federal and state agencies,previous reports,aerial photos,etc. •Preliminary assessment of relative potential for erosion,sedimentation and loss of agricultural soil s associ ated with the vari ous energy source alterna- t i ves. Baseline Data Collection Soils data in the vicinity of all project elements will be developed from existing re- ports and fil es as well as data obtai ned from studi es performed for Task E-GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES.The focus of the soils data collection will be on erosion potential at project construction sites and downstream along the Susitna River,the physical and chemical Characteristics of the soils,and the agricultural capability of the soils.Engineering Characteristics of soils at construction sites will be assessed as part of the GEOTECH- NICAL STUDIES (CATEGORY E). TASK:C-4-5 Soils and Sedimentation Impact Assessment and Mitigation •Areas with a high potential for erosion will be described. SHEET _2 of 2 • A Hydrocomp model will be used to predict sedimentation rates within the reser- voirs and downstream. 3.Specific measures for minimizing the loss of soil by erosion at construction sites will be described,such as scheduling,revegetation,slope protection, runoff diversion,and use of sett1 ing ponds. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of soil conditions relating to erosion,sedimentation,and agricultural capability will be assembled in text and map form for inclusion in Exhibit Wof the FERC License Application. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY ~C__----"E::.!..lNl.!--VI~R,-,-,O:!-.!'NM--,-"E...!JNl...!..JTAl...!..!L~ST~U"-,,,D,-,,-I.....,ESL--~----_~-~_ ASSIGNMENT:-:_C~-::..::':4__~E~XH-,--"I~B~IT!..--"!!-W'_'--",-E.'..!..NV!.2Ic!-lR~ON~M!.!=E.'..!..NT.!...!-A.!.!=L,--,R~E=.!.-P-"'JOR~TL..-.-_ r ASK TITLE _~C=-4:,"-::-~6,--,W,-,-"a~t~e.!-r~QoC'u~a....!.-11J.-.'·t"-.JY-__---_--_ ,"'" LEVEL OF EFFORT 44 Man-days SCHEDULE:February 1980 to December 1981 ESTIMATED COST:$23,000 RESPONSIBILITY:w.Wrobel (Dames &Moore) PURPOSE: I To describe the water quality of the Upper Susitna River before the proposed project. -I I To describe water use requirements during construction and operation of the proj- ect. I To describe potential changes in water quality of the Susitna River resulting from construction and operation of the project. SCOPE: I Supplemental information on water velocity,temperature,dissolved oxygen,and turbidity will be gathered in conjunction with other tasks (see Anadromous and Resident Fisheries,Tasks C-4-7 and C-4-8 respectively). I Review published and unpublished water quality data of the u.S.Geological Survey and Alaska JDepartment of Fish and Game. I Obtain additional sediment and water quality at the 11 stream gage sites from the Hydrologic Studies Group. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of water quality,conducted as part of this Task,and Anadromous and Resident Fisheries,Tasks C-4-7 and C-4-8,will be assembled in text form and provided as one of a series of Environmental Studies for direct incorporation into the FERC License Appli- cation,Exhibit W. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 9 CA TE GORY:_..k--_----"E.uNLLV...,IR.>...IO.LJ.:NlLJMu-Eu.NTJ.LA:u.L--""'-ST..uI lDL.IoI......E.>LS ~--------_ ASSIGN M ENT _:--'C=-=4,:.------'-E.wXHLJ.jI"""B"""-IT.L--II--"'W_1I -'ELLlNLLVI ROI.LlNL!JME...cNLLT.uA......L-LlR.....E.wPOou.R:u.T _ C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fisheries ,-.. ,LEVEL OF EFFORT:Total 4046 Man-days.POS Phase 2971 MID,Follow-on 1075 MID February 1980 to July 1982,Follow-on work to April 1983 Total $1,341,000;POS Phase $1,018.000;Follow-on $323,000 J.P.Houghton (Dames and Moore) SCHEDULE:_____~=-'--"'-='--.L--_=c::_..:::=.._____"_"''_____''_''''__.:....'___===..L._=__=~_==___:::..:.:......:.:_=_'_'.:..._=:..::_:..:r:..;c....:....:---=~=___ ESTIMA TED COST: _--'--'~'-'--=..;<_=_...:_=...>._-=-=..::....>.-_=___=_"'___'~=_"'..:;.L.;;;_=_=_.L_.:_,;:....:;..,z_.:...~:...;;c.:.;:._..;:.'_'__':....::....::~-=--=-=--_ RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: ,- •To define the distribution,abundance,and timing of adult anadromous fish usage of the main stem Susitna River and the lower reaches of tributaries and sloughs most 1ikely to be affected by altered stream flows. •To study the rate of development and survival of eggs deposited in sloughs near the main stem as a function of temperature and percent fines in the gravel (i.e. in areas that could be affected by increased winter temperature or ~ediment load)• -r •To define the distribution.abundance.and timing of juvenile salmon usage of the main stem Susitna River and lower reaches of tributaries and sloughs most likely to be affected by altered stream flows.Emphasize fall and spring migra- tion patterns,areas of overwintering,and winter food habits. •To assess the seasonal abundance and character of benthic,planktonic,and drift invertebrates comprising the food resource of juvenile anadromous species in main stem Susitna River and lower tributaries and sloughs most likely to be affected by altered stream flows. r, (, -i, •To evaluate potential impacts of the project on the aquatic habitat and anadro- mous fisheries resources of the Susitna River system. •To investigate the suitability and effectiveness of alternative measures to mitigate predicted project-related impacts on anadromous fisheries. •To assess the impacts of alternatives to the project on this resource group anq rank them in relation to this project. r ! TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fisheries INTRODUCTION: SHEET 2 of 9 In recent years,the fisheries resources of the Susitna River system have received con- siderable study by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G).Between 1974 and 1977 investigations partially funded by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)were direc- ted largely at obtaining basic information on distribution,abundance,and life history information of commercially important anadromous species (Pacific salmon)between [lev"il . Canyon and Montana Creek.Some additional effort was directed at overall system escape- ment of the five species of salmon indigenous to the system,as well as to resident fish populations in the waters in and upstream of the area of the proposed impoundments.Re- sults of these studies have been reported by several sources (e.g.Riis 1977,Barrett 1974,Friese 1975)and summarized by ADF&G.(1978).This information provides a frame- work on which to build the data base required for analysis of project impacts on the Susitna system's highly valuable salmonid resources.Two basic sampling strategies will be employed.The first involves qualitative surveys of large areas of the river system and is designed to further define distributional patterns of important species and dif- ferent age classes at key times of the year.The second is comprised of intensive samp- ling year round at a number of sampling stations considered "typical"of important aqua- tic habitats (e.g.spawning areas,rearing areas,overwintering areas,mouths of tribu- taries)that may be impacted.Important characteristics that will be examined include water quality and quantity,flow patterns,sediment load,streambed characteristics, benthos and plankton,and anadromous and resident fish. SCOPE: Review of Available Information Review available literature and other information regarding anadromous fisheries resources (including habitat characteristics)of the Susitna River system and the potential impacts of project construction and operation on these or similar resources.Review project specifications and expected alterations to the physical characteristics of anadromous fish habitat.This will provide historical background information and a basis for finalizing details of the field studies.This Task will begin immediately upon authorization and will be largely complete within the first quarter.However)limited effort will be con- tinued throughout the study as additional information becomes available. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this Task is to provide an early overview of regional anadromous fisheries conditions as input to Stage 1 -Plan Formulation Studies.Activities will include:Ii'1 \~, •Identification of anadromous fisheries conditions that are likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of the relative potential impact to anadromous fisheries for each energy source alternative. Initial Reconnaissance of the Study Area Conduct low altitude aerial reconnaissance of the study area during the first quarter of the study to orient principal researchers with the local geography.Ideally this would be TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fisheries SHEET 3 of 9 ,.... , r r- I \ .... , done before before freezeup in 1979.If this is not possible the aerial reconnaissance will be conducted during the winter and repeated after breakup.Researchers will note key features on detailed maps or aerial photographs.They will be particularly alert for potential sites for further study and for clearwater tributaries and sloughs that may represent overwintedng areas.Only lower reaches of tributaries likely to be affected by higher winter flows will be surveyed. During the winter of 1980 ground reconnaissance will also be conducted along the river below Devil Canyon.The survey party will move by snow machine or aircraft and use ice augers to determine ice thickness and water depth.Feasibility of various through-the- ice techniques for sampling fish and bottom gravels will be evaluated.Particular em- phasis will be placed on sloughs in the Gold Creek to Talkeetna area that have been pre- viously studied by ADF&G (Barrett 1974). Baseline Data Collection •Distribution and Abundance In order to further refine existing information (e.g.Barrett 1974,Friese 1975,Riis 1977,ADF&G 1978)on the relative use of various areas (primarily the main stem and the lower reaches of tributaries below Devil Canyon)qualitative sampling will be conducted using a variety of t1echniques such as electrofishing,beach seining,fish wheels,and fish traps.Streams to ble crossed by transmission line and road corridor will also be exam- i ned.Thi s effort wi 11 start in tributaries in the lower part of the drai nage soon after breakup and work upstream through the spring.Main stem studies will depend on the pro- gression of breakup.This approach should provide sampling of most areas near the time of maximum likelihood of usage by downstream migrants. Near the end of the open-water period many of the same areas will be surveyed again to determine the degree of usage by late spawning salmon (coho and chum).Fish traps and wheels in the main river will be operated during the midsummer to fall period of adult upstream migrations.Sonar techniques under development by ADF&G and other groups will be used if deemed feasible for assessing adult escapement and migration timing.Tagging and electripheorsis of tissue samples (using te~hniques of F.Utter,NMFS,Seattle)will be used to identify fish stocks and investigate the degree of Umilling ll in the vicinity of Talkeetna (see ADF&G 1978).During the summer and falll salmon spawning period,stream surveys will be conducted on foot,by boat,and by plane to map the distribution of redds in clear water areas of the system within 1 to 2 km of the main stem (depending on the gradient).Surveys will concentrate on areas where spawning has not previously been documented (e.g.in the main stem and in tributaries in and above Devil Canyon)but will also reassess spawning levels in sloughs and tributaries below Devil Canyon where his- torical data exist.Attempts will be made to determine the extent of under-ice spawning, perhaps in the main stem after it clears,a recently discovered phenomenon in many Alaskan streams. Distribution and abundance studies will be concentrated during the first year of the pro- gram but will be continued in subsequent years in key 1ocat ions duri ng adult mi grat i on and spawning,and in areas where data are incomplete. These studies will be concentrated below Devil Canyon.Resident fish taken in various sampl ing programs wi"ll be recorded and measured and the data turned over to the resident fish study group • Attempts will be made to use standard hydraulic sampling techniques through or under the ice (using divers)to determine egg-to-fry survival rates in natural redds in various areas.Grain size analysis of redd materials both in the fall and after emergence will be performed and related to survival rates. •Egg-to-Fry Development and Survival The effect of temperature on the rate of development of salmon spawn in the gravel will be measured in selected slough areas in the Gold Creek to Talkeetna area.Redds,where species and spawning data are known,will be marked with stakes,buoys,or above water survey marks before freezeup.Artificially fertilized eggs will also be placed in the same area in bottom-anchored incubation boxes using the methods of Graybill et al.(1978). Continuous recording thermistors will be placed in the gravel to monitor temperature through the intragravel development period.Egg samples will be recovered periodically to check stage of development after 200 temperature units (T.U.)have been accumulated. These experiments will be carried out in one of the "warm water"sloughs identi fi ed by Barrett (1974)as well as in sloughs without warmer ground water seeps to examine the effect of temperature on the total number of T.U.s required for peak emergence.These studies should allow estimation of the acceleration of emergence timing that can be expec- ted due to the project in spawning areas that are influenced by project-induced temper- ature changes. TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fisheries SHEET 4 of 9 Techniques for this study will be refined with a pilot study during the first winter and will be employed in more extensive studies over the second winter. •Juvenile Life History Studies In addition to the general distributional surveys described above,more concentrated and quantitative studies will be conducted during the first year of the study at sites where ADF&G has previously carried out similar studies (e.g.Montana,Rabideaux Creeks;ADF&G· 1978).This work will serve to build on the existing data base for these areas and to field test methods to be used in the second year of the project. The general goal of these studies will be to examine in detail aspects of the life his- tory of species that may be affected by the altered flow regime that will result from project construction and operation.Methods used will be similar to those described by ADF&G (1978)and will include electrofishing,seining,and trapping to obtain population indices,density estimates and fish for tagging,scale,and otolith (age)analysis,and stomach analysis.Emphasis will be placed on spring and fall migration patterns of juven- iles and the delineation of wintering habitat requirements.Of primary concern is the extent of fall migrations from the tributaries into overwintering areas in the main stem Susitna or adjacent clearwater sloughs.Recapture of marked fish and relative capture rate in upstream-and downstream-directed traps will aid in this determination.Abun- dance of juveniles in the main stem will be indexed by frequent (biweekly or monthly) beach seining during the open-water period.Various techniques including use of baited traps,fyke nets,gill nets,and electrofishing will be used to attempt to capture fish through and under the ice. General condition of the fish (length-weight ratio,degree of "smoltification")degre'e of stomach fullness,and nature of stomach contents will be closely followed in all areas sampled. TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fi sheries •Invertebrates SHEET 5 of 9 ,.... I .....r " The effects of the project on availability of invertebrat~s comprlslng the food base for rearing juvenile anadromous fish is of major importance in evaluation of overall project impacts.During the ice-free period,standard methods such as Surber-type samplers,drift nets,and artificial substrates (multiple plate samplers and gravel-filled baskets)will be used to collect quantitative or semiquantitative samples in the main stem,sloughs off the main stem,and in lower reaches of tributaries.During the winter,this gear will be set through the ice to document abundance of food organisms,especially in the main stem. •Aquatic Habitat Assessment Water quantity and quality are important aspects of the aquatic habitat of the Susitna system.Baseline information will be collected tq provide data on the interrelationship between the flowing water and biological components of the system.Emphasis will be placed on evaluating the nature and extent of mutual changes in water flow,suspended sediment load,temperature,and the dissolved oxygen.Data also will be collected to assess the relative contributions from the discharges of the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers to the Susitna system. The quantity and quality of water within the main stem Susitna River and in the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers will be monitored year round.Data will be obtained at existing U.S.G.S.gaging stations and at additional sites to be established conjunction with the hydrology study team.Information to be obtained at each site will include discharge, temperature,di sso 1\fed oxygen,pH,and spec i fi c condUictance.The U.S.G.S.will be con- tracted to install and operate the gaging stations. As part of the biological field studies,the principal investigators will concurrently collect aquatic habitat data.Streambed characteristics will be documented and water samples will be collected and analyzed for temperature,turbidity,and total suspended sediment.In addit'ion,staff gages will be installed near the field camps to identify important flow conditions for biological sampling at near-shore areas,sloughs,and mouths of tributaries.Sampling and flow conditions will be correlated to document con- ditions (e.g.access to sloughs,depth in spawning and rearing areas)under flow regimes similar to those expected during project operation. Impact Assessment and Mitigation A detailed review will be conducted of literature,both published and unpublished,re- lating to the environmental tolerances of Pacific salmon ~nd the effects of potential project-related alterations to the physical habitat of these fish.This review will begin early in the study so that information gained can be used to improve the utility of field sampling programs for impact analysis. Direct information on effects of dams on salmon in the Alaskan environments is lacking. Therefore,extrapolation from research done elsewhere (Canada,Pacific Northwest)will be required based on the knowledge of the present life history requirements,timing,and distributional patterns as determined by on-site studies described above.Results and "impact projections from a simil ar study of downstream impacts of dam contruction on Pacific salmon in the Skagit River,a glacially-fed stream in Washington State (Graybill et ale 1978)will be of particular interest • TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fi sheries Major potential impacts that must be evaluated include: SHEET 6 of 9 •Effects of lowered summer stream flow,suspended sediment levels,and tempera- tures on migration patterns,access to spawning areas,success of spawning,and success of rearing (increased predation,increased food availability).These effects are expected largely above the confluence of the Chulitna and Talkeetna Ri verso •Effects of increased winter stream flow,suspended .sediment levels,and tempera- tures on late fall or under-ice spawning (if it exists),egg development and survival in the main stem (if there is main stem spawning)and in the clearwater sloughs and mouths of tributaries,and on the availability and suitability of overwintering areas (including availability of food resources)for juvenile sa lmon. Impacts expected to be relatively minor depending on the outcome of on-site studies in- cl ude: •Blockage of all upstream migration,if any now exists. •Gradual purging of fines from streambed gravels between the lower dam and the mouths of the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers.Over the years this results in a very coarse or "shielded"streambed unsuited to spawning by salmon. In the course of these evaluations balanced attention will be given to both positive and negative impacts of the project.Several potentially very significant positive impacts that have received little attention in discussion to date include: •The likelihood of establishing conditions suitable for salmon spawning in a large stretch of river from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna due to the reduced sus- pended sediment load and the stabilized flow regime. •The likely increase in summer productivity of benthic invertebrates in the main stem from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna due to the same factors.(Thi s wi 11 be .~. offset to some degree by the lowered summer temperatures.) o •The potential for a greatly increased overwintering area in the main stem and connecting sloughs due to the much greater winter flow rates.(This will be offset to a degree by the increased suspended sediment load the water will carry.) •Reduction in the adverse effects of floods and large flow fluctuation on benthic productivity and the success of intragravel egg development (dependent on the present level of benthic productivity during periods of natural floods and the extent of spawning in the main stem). Positive and negative impacts will be placed in perspective and quantified to the extent possible.Impacts that are directly related to construction activities and are of a short-term nature will be distinguished from long-term impacts.Overall net losses (or gains)of salmon runs attributable to the project will be difficult to precisely predict and numbers derived can only be considered as estimates. TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fisheries SHEET 7 of 9 r ( l,_ Late in the second Ylear of studYt a workshop will be set UPt bringing together a number of experts from Alaslka t British Columbia t and Washington in salmonid life history and effects of hydropower development.These will include representatives from ADF&G,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Instream Flow Technical GrouPt the National Marine Fisheries Service t and area universities.Project scientists and engineers will provide descriptions of existing conditions in the Susitna system and the expected design of the project including anticipated downstream flow t total suspended sediment t and temperature regimes. Round table discussions will ensue regarding anticipated impacts on indigenous species and the-potential for development of "exotic"populations (e.g.a new run of fish spawn- ing in the main stem). In this manner the best available expertise will be brought to bear on the questions of: •Adequacy of studies to date and redirection of future efforts. •Degree of expected positive and negative impacts and validity of impact analyses conducted to date. •Measures to mitigate negative impacts and augment positive impacts. Results of workshop discussions will be incorporated into the preliminary feasibility analysis to be prepared at the end of the second year of study. Potential mitigation measures that will be evaluated include: •Establishing guaranteed minimum flows at various times of the year. r •Estab 1i shi ng guaranteed min-imum rates of change of flow at various times of the year. •Requiring discharge from reservoir stratum to most closely match upstream tem- perature. f I -• •Improving fish accessibility to sloUghs and tr-ibutaries by removing present bar- riers (e.g.beaver dams t cascades t or barriers created by altered flow regimes such as sills)that limit access to otherwise suitable spawning and/or rearing areas. •Construction of hatcheries,spawning channe1s t etc. The latter two types of mitigation above could be applied elsewhere in the Susitna system or in other systems not affected by the project.Stream channel improvements often are highly successful at increasing fish production at a reasonable cost.Because of technical problems and the extreme cost of operating a hatchery in the cold climate of the study area t this approach may well be classed as the "last resort"among alternative mitigative measures ..Construction of spawning channels for pink and chum salmon t taking advantage of the re!}u1 ated flow from the project and the minimal freshwater rearing re- quirements of these species t would be a far more attractive option. TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fi sheries DOCUMENTATION: SHEET __8 of 9 All quantitative field and laboratory data will be recorded on standard computer forms for automated processing using existing programs.Field notes,distribution,and spawn- ing bed mass and other qualitative data will be ~ompiled in a scientifically appropriate manner and checked for accuracy and completeness by the principal investigator.Water quality and stream flow data also will be provided to the hydrology study team for inte- gration into that data base. Quarterly reports will be prepared outlining activities and significant results,analy- ses,and problems encountered duri ng the precedi ng quarter. An annual report will be prepared each year describing in detail: •Methods used in field sampling-and laboratory analysis. •Results of studies conducted during the year and their relation to the previous data base.Results will be ampl Hied by appropriate graphic and tabular presen- tations of information. •Discussion of the potential impacts of the project,as currently conceived,on the anadromous fish resources of the system. •Discussion of the apparent suitability of various mitigation alternatives. •Description of studies to be performed in the coming year. The first annual report will also include a discussion of the results of the review of available information both on existing conditions and populations in the drainage and on potential impacts of hydroelectric projects.. The second annual report will also include the results of the impact and mitigation work- shop.This report will be the basis for an interim report discussion of the existing conditions.potential impacts and mitigation measures required for Exhibits Sand W in order that the FERC License Application can be submitted at the earliest possible date. The final report will contain the elements listed above but encompassing the entire fea- sibility programs.It will be fully integrated with other tasks in the program and will contain recommendations for construction and operational monitoring programs to assess actua 1 impacts of the proj ecl.Th is document will be suitab 1e for inc 1us i on as a supp 1e- ment to Exhibits Wand S of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission License Application. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: Anadromous fisheries studies will extend over 3 full biological years (1980-1982)with an additional period (1983)for final data analysis and reporting.The timing of effort within any given year is described under the Scope section above.Some activities such as spawners distribution will be repeated at roughly equivalent efforts in all 3 years while others such as the egg-to-fry survival studies will be concentrated in 1 or 2 years.A 3-year study period is required to include the high and low points on the cycles (up to 5 years)of the various anadromous species. TASK:C-4-7 Aquatic Resources -Anadromous Fisheries LEVEL OF EFFORT DESCRIPTION: SHEET 9 of 9 r r A total effort of 4,046 man-days is anticipated at a labor cost of approximately $1.22 million (1979 dollars).Equipment,travel,subsistence (except while in field camps). and subcontracted analyses are estimated at $120,000 for a total task cost of $1.34 million.Costs of establishing and supporting field camps.gaging stations.and sub- sistence in field camps are not included.nor is the cost of boats,aircraft,vehicles, and snow machines. PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: Dames &Moore will be responsible for all work in this task.However.it is anticipated that major portions of the field and laboratory analyses will be performed by ADF&G and the U.S.G.S.(for discharge and water quality)through arrangements to be negotiated. REFERENCES: Alaska Department of Fish and Game,1978.Preliminary environmental assessment of hydro- electric development on the Susitna River.Ms.prepared for USFWS. Barrett,8.M ••1974.An assessment study of the anadromous fish population in the upper Susitna River watershed between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River.Cook Inlet Data Report No.74-2.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Division of Commercial Fisheries.56 pp. Friese,N.V ••1975.Preauthorization assessment of Olnadromous fish populations of the upper Susitna River watershed in the vicinity of the proposed Devil Canyon hydro- electric project.Cook Inlet Data Report No.75-2.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Division of Commercial Fisheries,121 pp. Graybill,J.P.et al.(co-authors),1978.Assessment of the reservoir-related effects of the Skagit River Project on downstream fishery resources of the Skagit River, Washington.Interim report for the City of Seattle,Department of Lighting, FRI-UW-7822.Seattle,Washington. Riis,J.C.,1977.Pre-authorization assessment of the proposed Susitna River hydro- electric projects:preliminary investigations of water quality and aquatic species composition.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Division of Sport Fish,91 pp. SUSITNA HYDROE:LECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 6 I""" ( ASSIGNMENT C-4 CATEGORY:c ENVIRONMENTAL ST~.E~S,--___ EXHIB IT 1lW"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK TITLE:-.C-±L Aquatic Resources -ResidellLE.......i ....s=he.....r'-'i'-"e'-=s ~_ r LEVEL OF EFFORT:1468 Man-days J.Morsell (Dames &Moore) February 1980 to July 1982 $517,000 SCHEDULE ESTIMATED COST:_-----'---'-=-'--L...C.--'-'--_ RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: •To define the seasonal distribution and abundance of resident fish species in the main stem Susitna River and the lower reaches of tributaries and sloughs most likely to be affected by reservoirs on the Upper Susitna River. ,... ii' •To determine seasonal habitat requirements necessary to sustain the species pre- sent,stressing the extent of use of the main stem of the Susitna River and lower reaches of tributaries for overwintering by resident species. •To assess the seasonal abudance and character of benthic,planktonic,and drift invertebrates comprising the food resource of resident species in main stem Susitna River and tributaries that will be affected by a Susitna hydroelectric project. •To evaluate potential impact of a Susitna hydroelectric project on the resident fisheries resources of the Susitna River system. r I -! •To investigate the suitability and effectiveness of alternative measures to miti- gate predicted project-related impacts on resident fisheries. •To assess and rank the relative impacts of alternatives to a Susitna hydroelec- tric project on this resource group. SCOPE: Review of Available Infonnation The limited available information on the resident fisheries and freshwater habitat char- acteristics of thl~Susitna River system and on the proposed project design and associated physical impacts will be assembled and reviewed.This will provide historical and back-· ground information and a basis for finalizing details of the field studies.This Task TASK:C-4-8 Aquatic Resources -Resident Fi sheries SHEET 2 of 6 will begin immediately upon authorization and will be largely complete within the first quarter.However,limited effort will be continued throughout the study as additional information becomes available. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this Task is to provide an early overview of regional resident fish- erier conditions as input to Stage I -PLAN FORMULATION STUDIES. Activities will include: •Identification of resident fisheries conditions that are likely to be of con- cern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of the relative potential impacts to resident fisheriers for each energy source alternative. Initial Reconnaissance of the Study Area Low altitude aerial reconnaissance of the study area will be conducted during the first quarter of the study to orient principal researchers with the local geography.Ideally this would be done before freezeup in 1979.If this is not possible the aerial recon- naissance will be conducted during the winter and repeated after ice breakup.Resear- chers w·i 11 note key features on detail ed maps or aeri al photographs.They wi 11 be par- ticularly alert for potential sites for further study and for clearwater tributaries, lakes,and sloughs that are the primary habitat of resident species.Only lower reaches of tributaries likely to be affected by the reservoirs will be surveyed. During the winter of 1980 ground reconnaissance will also be conducted along the riever and its tributaries in and above Devil Canyon.The survey party will move by snow machine or aircraft and use ice augers to determine ice thickness and water depth at various locations.Feasibility of various through-the-ice techniques for sampling fish and bottom gravels will be evaluated.Particular emphasis will be placed on lower por- tions of tributaries in areas that will be inundated by project reservoirs. Baseline Data Collection •Distribution and Abundance In order to further refine existing information (e.g.ADF&G 1978)on the relative use of various areas (primarily the main stem and the lower reaches of tributaries in and above Devil Canyon and along transmission and road corridors)qualitative sampling of resident fish species will be conducted using a variety of techniques such as electrofishing, beach seining,and fish traps.This effort will begin in tributaries soon after ice breakup in order to coincide with grayling spawning migrations.Main stem studies will depend on the progression of ice breakup.Data on resident fish below Devil Canyon will be obtained from sampling conducted under the anadromous fish task and will be analyzed within this task. TASK:C-4-8 Aquat ic:Resources -Resident Fi sheri es SHEET 3 of 6 -I During midsummer many of the same areas will be resurveyed to determine the summer hab- itat requirements and carrying capacity for resident fish.Tagging of fish will be used to identify fish stocks and investigate the degree of interchange of fish between the tributaries and the main stem. Distribution and abundance studies will be concentrated during the first year of the program but will be continued in the second year in key locations and in areas where data are incomplete. •Detailed Life History Studies In addition to the general distributional surveys described above,more concentrated and quantitative studies will be conducted during the second year of the study on two or more of the major cr'eeks (e.g.Watana,Kosina,Jay Creeks).The general goal of these studies will be to examine in detail aspects of the life history of species that may be affected by the fluctuating water levels in impoundements that will result from the construction and operation of a Susitna hydroelectric project.Sampling methods employed will include electrofishing,seining,and trapping.Sampling will be used to obtain population indices,density estimates and fish for tagging,scale,and otolith (age) analysis,and stomach analysis.Emphasis will be placed on spring and fall migration patterns and the delineation of wintering habitat requirements.Recapture of marked fish and relative capture rate in upstream-and downstream··directed traps will aid in this determination. Abundance of fish in the main stem will be indexed by frequent (monthly or bimonthly) beach seining during the open-water period.Various techniques including use of baited traps,fyke nets,gill nets,and electrofishing will be used to attempt to capturefish through and under the ice. General condition of the fish (length-weight ratio),degree of stomach fullness,and nature of stomach contents will be closely followed in all areas sampled. •Invertebrates During the ice-free period,standard methods such as Surbertype samplers,drift nets,and artificial substrates (multiple plate samplers and gravel-filled baskets)will be used to collect quantitative!or semiquantitative samples of invertebrates that comprise the food base for resident fish in the main stem,sloughs off the main stem,and in lower reaches of tributaries.Dur'ing the winter,this gear will be set through the ice to document abundance of food organisms,especially in the main stem. •Aquatic Habitat Assessment Water quantity and quality are impo~tant aspects of the aquatic habitat.of the Susitna Ri ver system.Basel ine information wi 11 be collected to provide data on the inter- relationships betwee!n the flowing water and biological components of the system.Em- phasi s wi 11 be pl aced on eval uat i ng the nature and extent of natural changes in water flow,suspended sediment load,temperature,and dissolved oxygen. TASK:C-4-8 Aquatic Resources -Resident Fi sheries SHEET 4 of 6 The quantity and quality of water within the upper main stem Susitna River will be moni- tored year round.Data will be obtained at existing U.S.G.S.gaging stations and at additional sites to be establ i shed in conjunction with the Hydrology Study Team.Infor- mation to be obtained at each site will include discharge,temperature,dissolved oxygen, pH,and specific conductance.The U.S.G.S.will be contracted to install and operate the gaging stations. As part of the Biological Field Studies,the principal investigators will concurrently collect aquatic habitat data.Streambed characteristics,and water depths and veloci- ties will be documented.Water samples will be collected and analyzed for temperature, turbidity,and total suspended sediment. Impact Assessment and Mitigation A detailed review will be conducted of literature,both published and unpublished,relat- ing to the life history and environmental tolerances of resident fish and the effects of potential project-related alterations to the physical habitat of these fish.This review will begin early in the study so that information gained can be used to improve the utility of field sampling programs for impact analysis. The major potential impact to resident fish that must be evaluated is the effects of reservoir inundations on streams tributary to the reservoirs.The two major aspects of reservoir inundation affecting resident fish include the habitat in the portions of tributaries and,possibly,the opening up of fish access to streams previously blocked by falls or cascades.The effects of the impoundments on resident species will be largely a function of direct loss or gain of habitat and the extent of usage of that habitat. The workshop process (described in the anadromous fisheries task)to evaluate impacts of the project and potential mitigative measures also will be applied to resident species. Mitigation of impacts to resident species in the impoundment area can perhaps best be achieved by improving fish accessibility to sloughs and tributaries by removing natural .. barriers (e.g.beaver dams,cascades)that limit access to otherwise suitable spawning and/or rearing areas.Mitigation of effects on resident species below Devil Canyon can be achieved by methods described in the anadromous fish task. DOCUMENTATION: All quantitative field and laboratory data will be recorded on standard computer forms . for automated processing using existing programs.Field notes,distribution,and spawn- ing bed maps and other qualitative data will be compiled in a scientifically appropraiate manner and checked for accuracy and completeness by the principal investigator.Water quality and streamflow data also will be provided to the hydrology study team for inte- gration into that data base. Quarterly reports will be prepared outlining activities and significant results,anal- yses,and problems encountered during the preceding quarter. ..~ ~ TASK:C-4-8 Aquatic Resources -Resident Fisheries SHEET 5 of 6 Results of studies conducted during the year and their relation to the previous data base.Resul ts will be ampl i fi ed by appY'opri ate graphi c and tabul ar presen- tations of information. An annual report (1980)and a final report (1981)will be prepared,describing in detail: Methods used in field sampl ing and laboratory'analysis.r--.• •r •Discussion of the potential impacts of the project,as currently conceived,on the resident fish resources of the system. •Discussion of the apparent suitability of various mitigation alternatives. •Description of studies to be performed in the coming year. r The annual report for 1980 also will include a discussion of the results of the review of available information,both on existing conditions and populations in the drainage and on potential impacts of hydroelectric projects.. The final report will be fully integrated with other tasks in the program and will con~ tain recommendations for construction and operational monitoring programs to assess actual impacts of the project.This document will be suitable for inclusion as a partbf Exhibits W&S of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission application.The final report also will include the results of the impact and mitigation workshop. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: Resident fisheries studies will last over 2 full biological years (1980-1981)with an additional winter sampling and 6-month period for final data analysis and report during 1982.Two years arE!considered adequate to define populations of resident fisheries because of thei r moy'e stable and 1ess dynami c nature (as compared with anadromous species).Resident populations,especially above Devil Canyon,are largely unexploited and are expected to be governed largely by the carrying capacity of their environment,a feature unaffected t~events outside of the drainage area.The timing of effort within any given year is described under the Scope section above.Abundance studies will be concentrated in the first year and more detailed life history studies in selected areas will be concentrated in the second year. LEVEL OF EFFORT DESCRIPTION: A total effort of 1,468 man-days is anticipated at a labor cost of approximately $442,000.Equipment,travel,subsistence (except while in field camps)and subcontracted analyses are estimated at $75,000 for a total task cost of $517,000.Costs of estab- lishing and support'ing field camps,gaging stations,and subsistence in field camps are not included,nor is the cost of boats,aircraft,vehicles,and snow machines. TASK:C-4-8 Aquatic Resources -Resident Fisheries PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: SHEET 6 of 6 Dames &Moore will be responsible for all work in this Task.However,it is anticipated that major portions of the field and laboratory analyses will be performed by ADF&G and the U.S.G.S.(for discharge and water quality)through arrangements to be negotiated. REFERENCES: Alaska Department of Fish and Game,1978,Preliminary envlronmental assessment of hydro- electric development on the Susitna River.Ms.prepared for USF &WS. ~r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 4 ASSIGNMENT C-4_"'---~_.-=~~_---'"--_'=-'-'-=-=-'-''-=-O'--'"=-'~=-=,~~_ TASK TITLE-C-4-9 Aquatic Resources -Upper Cook Inl et Estuary LEVEL OF E FF ORT:---'='8=0--'M-'->a'-'-'n'--=da"."y'-"s'-----_ SCHEDULE:February 1980 to April 1981--------------------- r ,... ,., r " r ( i r { ~,- r r'{. ESTIMA TED COST $40,000 RESPONSIBILITY:R.Schl euter (Dames &Moore) PURPOSE: •To identify critical deficiencies in the existing data base with respect to pre- dicting pr'oject impacts in the estuary and design studies to gather required information. •To perform limited field investigations to correct critical deficiencies in the data base and/or to refine the model. •To derive a preliminary physical and chemical model,based on available data,to describe the present conditions in the upper inlet (net nutrient,freshwater and sediment input,current,salinity,and temperature patterns,etc.). •Using the model,to evaluate the impact on the estuary of the altered flow regime of the Susitna River that will result from project operation. SCOPE: Review of Available Information There are a moderate number of studies of the existing oceanographic conditions in Upper Cook Inlet (e.g.Britch 1974,Dames &Moore 1974,Kinney 1970,Rosenburg et.ale 1967),and the inputs of various freshwater tributaries (e.g.Rosenburg et.ale 1967, U.S.G.S annual watl~r resources reports).This body of infonnation will be compiled and reviewed in detail from data relevant to the modeling effort.Data on expected project-related changes to the contribution of fresh water,nutrients,and sediments in the upper inlet also will be assembled.Areas where data are insufficient or lacking will be identified. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this Task is to provide an early overview of the Upper Cook Inlet Estuary aquatic resources as input to Stage 1 -Plan Formulation Studies.Activities will include: TASK:C-4-9 Aquatic Resources -Upper Cook Inl et Estuary SHEET 2 of 4 •Identification of aquatic resources in the Upper Cook Inlet Estuary that are likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of the relative potential impacts to the aquatic re- sources of the Upper Cook Inlet Estuary for each energy source alternative. Field Studies (Optional) Limited field studies may be deemed advisable to correct critical deficiencies in the existing data base and/or to refine the predictive capabilities of the model.These studies may include one-time flow,suspended sediment,or nutrient measurements of major streams to supply data for correlation with existing data on nearby watersheds. Profiles of sediment and nutrient levels in the upper inlet at certain times of the year (e.g.winter)may also require limited study.Biological importance of the upper inlet (e.g.for feeding of juvenile salmonids)may also require additional investigation if results of physical and chemical model analyses indicate the potential for significant project-related changes. Model Formulation Existing data or projections extrapolated from existing data (e.g.in the case of sig- nificant river systems lacking U.S.G.S.records)are expected to be adequate to permit formulation of a first-order mass balance model of the upper inlet.This model will balance net inputs of relatively nutrient-and sediment-poor water.northward along the east side into the upper inlet (Gatto 1976)and inputs of sediment-laden and relatively nutrient-rich waters entering the inlet from its northern tributaries, with the net outflow of sediment-laden nutrient-rich water southward down the west side of the inlet.The relative importance of the contribution from various freshwater tributaries w"ill be summarized under existing conditions. Model Refinement The model.as formulated based on existing data,will be evaluated and any shortcomings will be identified.Studies to supply inputs.which when refined could have a major influence on the outcome of model predictions,will be defined.These studies,if required.would be performed to improve the data base.Study results will be evaluated and factored into the model,thereby improving its predictive sensitivity. Impact Assessment The effect of altered Susitna River flows and nutrient and sediment contributions on the upper inlet will be evaluated utilizing the model.The biological effects of these changes on the already low level of biological activity in the upper inlet will be assessed. Documentation Data extracted from available literature will be compiled on standard forms to increase ease of retrieval and use in the model. Quarterly reports will be prepared outlining the status of work on the various Tasks and the prognosis for successful modeling based on available data or steps that are planned to gather required data. TASK:C-4-9 Aquatic Resources -Upper Cook Inl et Estuary SHEET 3 of 4 r A final report will be prepared describing in detail: •The status of oceanographic knowledge of Upper Cook Inlet identifying general gaps in existing data. •The form and function of model developed. •Studies (if any)required to supply missing data and/or to improve predictive capabil ity. •Results of modeling project impacts on the estuary. •Recommendations for additional research (if needed)to provide more detailed evaluation of project effects on the estuary. Results of the study will be summarized and incorporated into the FERC Application, Exhibits Wand S. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: The literature review and model formulation will be completed within the first two quar- ters of the project so that limited field efforts under open-water conditions can be per- formed,if deemed n1ecessary,during the summer of 1980.If wi nter observati ons are needed they would take place during the winter of 1980-1981 with task completion in the second quarter of 1981.Otherwise the entire Task sl'lould be completed by the end of 1980. LEVEL OF EFFORT DESCRIPTION: 80 Man-days;$40,000 (Assumes no field work is required to support the model.) PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: Dames &Moore will have responsibility for this Task but will require inputs from the Hydrology Study Team. REFERENCES: Britch,R.P.,1976.Tidal currents in Knik Arm Cook Inlet,Alaska--A Masters Thesis prepared at University of Alaska,Institute of Water Resources. Dames &Moore,1971l.Detailed environmental analysis concerning a proposed liquified natural gas project for Pacific Alaska LNG Company.Docket No.CP75-Exhibit Z-lV. Gatto,L.W.,1976"Basel ine data on the oceanography of Cook Inlet,Alaska.Report prepared at U"S.Army,Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory for National Aeronautics and Space Administration as CRREL Report 76-25. TASK:C-4-9 Aquatic Resources -Upper Cook Inlet Estuary SHEET 4 of 4 Kinney,P.J.,1970.Cook Inlet environmental data,R/V Acona Cruise 065--May 21-28, 1968.Institute of Marine Science Report R70-2,University of Al aska,Fairbanks, Alaska. Rosenberg,D.H.,Burrell,D.C.,Natarajan,K.V.,and Hood,D.W.,1967.Oceanography of Cook Inlet wih special reference to the effluent from the Collier Carbon and Chemical Plant.Institute of Marine Science Report No.R67-5,University of Alaska, Fairba.nks,Alaska./ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 4 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES EXHIBIT "WU ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT C ASSIGNMENT C-4_"------''----_---'==-'-=-=--=---..:''-----=c:-;.~~~~_==__'_'_=~.'""'_'__ CATEGORY ---"'-- TASK TITLE C-4-10 Vegetation !~"L.EVEL OF EFFORT 280 Man-days SCHEDULE February to December 1980 ESTIMATED COST:$95 t OOO r RESPONSIBILITY:P.Hanley (Dam~Moore) PURPOSE: •To produce large-scale (1:24,000 or 1 inch -2t OOO feet)vegetation maps of the project ar'ea.Thi s area wi 11 i nc1 ude impoundment areas t the downstream flood- plain as far as the confluence with the Chulitna River t the upstream floodplain as far as the confluence with the Tyone River t and transportation and transmis- sion line corridors. • A major purpose of the vegetation maps is to provide a baseline investigative tool for the other biologic tasks including the habitat evaluations of birds t small and large mammals t and fish.In addition the maps will provide the neces- sary baseline description required in the assessment of vegetation and habitat loss and related impacts resulting from the project. •To perform vegetation mapping to establish seasonal variations in vegetation types t which will provide input to the wildlife habitat assessment t Tasks C-4- 11 and C-4-12. r SCOPE: The vegetation maps will delimit the forest and nonforest vegetation of the project area according to the cllassification development by Dryness and Viereck (1978)suitably modi- fied for the biogeographic characteristics of the project area. The vegetation mapping program will be an essentially straight-forward evaluation compri- ,...sing three sequentjia1 tasks:(1)preliminary interpretation of remote sensing data t t review of available literature on project area vegetation t and vegetation classification systems;(2)field checking and verification of preliminary vegetation maps;and (3) final interpretation and compilation of final vegetation maps.The scheduling of this analysis will be structured to provide preliminary vegetation maps to the biological researchers in time for the beginning of summer field seasons (see "Schedule"below). The photo intepretation and field verification tasks will be conducted in consultation -I. 2 of 4SHEETTASK:C-4-10 Vegetation-=-------------_......::::..:.::.:::..:...-===== and close coordination with the recipients and users of vegetation maps in order that specific needs can be addressed. A brief description of the component tasks is given below: Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this Task is to provide an early overview of regional vegetation condi- tions as input to Stage 1 -Plan Formulation Studies.Activities will include: •Identification of vegetation condition that are likely to be concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of the relative potential impacts to vegetation for each energy source alternative. Inter ret Remote Sensin Data,Review Available Literature and A licable Ve etation C assifications .\ The availability of remote sensing data and the requirements of the habitat investi- gations indicate that the most appropriate mapping scale will be 1:24,000 or 1 inch = 2,000 feet. The following remote sensing data are known to be available for the project area: •ERTS-l and LANDSAT-l and -2 multispectral satell ite imgery •High altitude U-2 photography •Conventional black-and-white and infrared aeri a1 photography at scal es of 1:24,000 and 1:12,000 •LANDSAT Vegetation Classification mapping of Denali;mapping unit 10 acres. Each of these imagery types have advantages and disadvantages,both in general terms and with respect to this study.ERTS and LANDSAT imagery,for example,provide multi spectral capabilities and can be interpreted and reduced using automatic data processing techniques which enable rapid,economical mapping of large areas.Generally,interpre- tation and mapping from this imagery are more suited to regional or subregional mapping up to 1:250,000 scale although successful vegetation mapping to a scale of 1:18,000 has been reported by the University of Alaska.ERTS/LANDSAT imagery does have the advantage of temporal coverage enabling seasonal variations in vegetation types and conditions to be assessed. For detailed vegetation mapping and wildlife habitat evaluation,however,we believe that conventional and infrared black-and-white photography at a scale of 1:24,000 should be the primary interpretation and mapping tool.We propose to conduct a preliminary inter- pretation of ERTS/LANDSAT at the outset of this task as an adjunct and comparative base to the conventional photography as well as providing information on seasonal vegetation changes. TASK:C-4-10 Vegetation SHEET 3 of 4 I nterpreted data from the aeri al photographs will be transferred to photomasai cs and then to topographic base maps at the same scale for field verification and use by biological field personnel.Published data on the vegetation of the project area will be reviewed to assist in the photo interpretation.At the the same time,the vegetati on cl assi fi cat i on system of Dryness and Vi ereck (1978)will be refi ned for the project area and adopted in the photo interpretation. It is anticipated that the resolution of the photography and the requirements of the requirements of the biology team will result in map resolution to Level IV of this classification system. Field Checking and Verification of Preliminary Vegetation Maps The specific details of the field program to check and verify the preliminary vegetation maps will depend upon the results of the preliminary 'interpretation.The field program will involve helicopter,boat,and foot traverse to systematically resolve the following interpretation verification requirements: •Delimitation of vegetative boundaries. •Checking or sampling of representative vegetation units. •Identification of units whose interpretation is uncertain. •Correlation of geomorphic,hydrologic,climatologic,and geologic factors affecting vegetation distribution. The field program will involve both annotation of aerial photos and preliminary maps during overflight and site sampling stops.These traverses and site sampling stations will be planned to maximize coverage while at the same time minimizing flying time. Compilation of Final Vegetation Maps A final photo interpretation will be conducted utilizing the results of the field prog- ram.Data obtained from other biologic researchers will also be utilized to assist in the final interpretation.A short fall field program will be conducted to provide additional data on seasonal vegetative changes. DOCUMENTA nON: All data sources,interpretation notes and techniques,and field notes will be compiled in a scientifically appropriate manner and summarized in quarterly reports along with activities and problems encountered during the preceding quarter. In addition to the vegetation maps and annotated key,the final (1981)report*will in- corporate the results of this task in narrative describing: *This Task will be completed prior to the annual (1980)report so that only one vegetation mapping report will have to be completed. TASK:C-4-10 Vegetation SHEET 4 of 4 •Methods and analytical techniques employed in compilation of the maps. •Discussion of the vegetation classification system utilized. •Description of vegetation types and distribution and their relationships to geomorphic,hydrologic,climatologic,and geologic controls. •The significance of the vegetation types and distribution to wildlife habitat. •The potential loss of vegetation (species type,area,etc.)resulting from the project and its significance to wildlife habitat. •The analysis of vegetation,potential impacts and mitigation opportunities will be assemble in text and map form for direct incorporation into the FERC License Application Exhibit W. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: Assuming a February 1,1980 authorization,this task can be completed in 10-1/2 months, i.e.mid-December 1980.Preliminary photo interpretation,data review,and preliminary map compilation can be completed in time for the first summer field season (by June 1, 1980)and used by other biologists in the project.Field checking will be completed by the end of July and final maps prepared by the end of August.A second field visit in the fall would be conducted to assess seasonal vegetation changes.The vegetation analysis schedule proposed as follows: •February 1 -May 1: •June 1 •July 1 -Sept.31 •Aug.15 -Sept.31: •Oct.30 -Nov.15 •Nov.15 Dec.15 Preliminary photo interpretation and review of avail able data. Completion of preliminary vegetation maps. Fi el d program. Compilation of final vegetation maps.· Fall field program. Final report preparation. LEVEL OF EFFORT DESCRIPTION: A total effort of 280 man-days is estimated at a labor cost of $84,000.Acquisition of remote sensing data (satellite imagery,aerial photos,etc.)photo data processing, travel and subsistence (except while in field camps),and map printing is estimated at $11,000 for a total cost of $95,000. REFERENCES: Dyrness,C.R.and Viereck,L.A.,1978.A suggested classification for Alaskan vegetation.University of Alaska (unpublished report). SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 5 ASSIGNMENT:C-4 CATEGORY C ENVIRONMENTAL STU~D~I~ES~___ EXHIBIT "W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK TITLE C-4-UJlil dl He Resources -Lar,-.;gJ.-'=e,--,-"Ma""m~m:=a..:..;ls~. _ LEVEL OF EFFORT 648 Man-days-"''--'-'''----'-''=-'----==---=--------------------------- SCHEDULE February 1980 to~l!JL1_9_82 _ r"'. j I ESTIMATED COST:$244,000 RESPONSIBILITY:J.Hemming (Dames &Moore) PURPOSE: •To review available literature and raw data from ongoing studies of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game regarding moose,caribou,Dall sheep,grizzly bear, black bear,and wolves of the Upper Susitna River. •To identify areas of potential impact on wildlife resources from an evaluation of designs and project siting plans for hydroelectric dams,transmission/trans- portation corridors,and related facilities. •To delineate sensitive wildlife habitate such as calving,lambing,and denning areas,migration routes,winter ranges,etc. •To describe short-and long-term impacts of the project on large mammals and to provide methods of mitigating wildlife impacts. INTRODUCTION: A considerable volume of information exists in the literature and in unpublished reports of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)regarding large mammals in the Upper Susitna Basin (upstream from Talkeetna River Junction).Records of the occurrence and abundance of caribou have been collected since the early 1940's (Skoog,1968,Hemming 1971,1975)and similar information has been collected for moose since 1952 (Rausch 1968, 1969;Taylor and Ballard 1978).Periodic aerial surveys of Dall sheep have been con- ducted since 1949 (Scott 1951,Nichols and Erickson 1968). As a result of the various studies by ADF&G,major migration routes across the proposed reservoir area,calving areas,lambing areas,and winter ranges have been identifed. Thi s information provides a framework that can be used to quantify habitat impacts of the proposed project and to develop a mitigation plan.Some additional field confirmation of sensitive areas fOlr large mammals will be necessary for mapping purposes.Also,details of seasonal use patterns of moose on the south side of the Susitna River,particularly TASK:C-4-11Wildlife Resources -Large Mammals SHEET 2 of 5 • the Oshetna River drainage will require considerable aerial survey.Grizzly bears are abundant throughout the area,but only limited information exists on denning areas and seasonal movements (especially on the south side from Fog Creek to Oshetna River)and additional study is required (Karl Schneider,ADF&G,personal communication). Data on birds,and small mammals is extremely limited.Furbearer harvests have been monitored by ADF&G since statehood,but within the proposed project area only a small amount of information on the distribution,abundance,~and productivity of wolves,wolverine,and lynx is available.There is essentially no data on small mammal sand bi rds. The approach to wildlife studies will be to summarize existing information and con- duct supplementary field surveys on the south side of the Susitna for large mammals. Seasonal distribution patterns of small mammals and birds will be accomplished by intensive sampling at a number of stations within and immediately adjacent to the proposed reservoir areas. SCOPE: Review of Available Information Available information on large mammals and their habitat characteristics along the Upper Susitna River will be assembled and reviewed.This will provide background information and identify site-specific data gaps requiring additional field study.This Task will begin immediately upon authorization and will be mostly complete within the first quar- ter.However,limited effort will be continued throughout the study as additional information becomes available. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this Task is to provide an early overview of regional large mammal wildlife resource conditions as input to Stage 1 -Plan Formulation Studies.Activi- ties will include: •Identification of large mammal wildlife resource conditions that are likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of the relative potential impacts to large mammal wildlife resources for each energy source alternative. Baseline Data Collection s~-asonal Distribution -In areas where information on the location or boundaries of sensitive habitat is lacking,aerial surveys by large mammal specialists will be conducted beginning in the winter of 1979-1980.Initially the south side of the Susitna between Devil Canyon and Tyone River and the entire Susitna Ri ver fl oodpl ai n from Taol keetna to Devil Canyon will be surveyed.Speci a1 emphasi s will be pl aced on the di stribution and seasonal movements of grizzly bears,because of limited existing data and the fact that problems of bear/human interaction are to be expected on most remote construction projects in Alaska. Additional aerial survey will be conducted as required.Travel will be con- ducted by Cessna 185 equipped with ski-wheels in winter and floats in the summer. TASK:C-4-11 Wil dl He Resources -Large Mammal s SHEET 3 of 5 •Delineation of Sensitive Areas -Infonnation from field studies and the litera- ture will provide the framework for identification of habitat that is critical r for the continued survival of the species or p1opulation under study.Within the zone of impact for the project the sensitive areas will be carefully plotted on aerial photo mosaics at a scale of 1:24,000 (1"=2,000 1 ). Impact Assessment and Mitigation A detailed review will be conducted of published and unpublished literature relating to behavior and environmental tolerances of large mammals such as Milke (1969),Price (1972), or Cameron (1975).Once the behavioral and habitat tolerances of the various large mammal species are understood,final quantification of impacts can be completed and mitigation P".pl ans can be developed. One of the major potential impacts that must be evaluated is the potential loss of moose r winter range in the Susitna River floodplain.Downstream areas may be affected by stabi- lization of seasonal flow and impacts within the proposed reservoir will be largely a function of direct loss of habitat. t""'.An evaluation of ongoing studies by the u.S.Forest Ser'vice,the u.s.Fish and Wildlife Service,and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game on the Kenai Peninsula where various techniques of moose habitat improvement,such as controlled burning or crushing are being r-tested,will provide the primary guidelines for moose habitat mitigation. -Documentat ion Field notes,distribution maps and other qualitative data will be compiled by standard scientific methods and incorporated into quarterly project reports. r"An annual report (1980)and a final report (1981)will be prepared including: •Methods used in field sampling and data analysis. •Results of studies and conducted during the year and their relation to the pre- vious data base.Results will be amplified by appropriate graphic and tabular presentations of information. •Discussion of the potential impacts of the project on large mammals. [~•Discussion of the apparent suitability of various mitigation alternatives. J The annual report for 1980 will also include a discussion of the results of the review ~of available information both on existing conditions and large mammal populations in the i drainage and on potential impacts of hydroelectric projects. The final report will be fully integrated with other tasks in the program and will con- ~.tain recommendations for construction and operational monitoring programs to assess \actual impacts of the project.This document will be suitable for inclusion as a part of Exhibits Wand S of the FERC License Application. TASK:C-4-11 Wildlife Resources -Large Mammals SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: SHEET _4_0f_5 Large mammals studies will be conducted for approximately 2 years (1980 and 1981)with an additional 6 months for final data analysis and reporting (1982).Two years of field study is considered adequate because of the large amount of data already available. LEVEL OF EFFORT DESCRIPTION: A total effort of 648 man-days is anticipated at a labor cost of approximately $194,000. Equipment,travel,subsistence (except while in field camps)and subcontracted analyses are estimated at $50,000 for a total task cost of $244,000.Costs of establishing and .~ supporting field camps and subsistence in field camps are not included nor is the cost of boats,aircraft,vehicles,and snow machines. PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: Dames &Moore will be responsible for all work in this task.However,it is anticipated that portions of the field study will be performed by ADF&G through arrangements to be negotiated. REFERENCES: Cameron,R.D.and Whittier,K.R.,1975.Effects of the Trans Alaska pipeline on caribou movements.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Fed.Aid in Wildlife Restoration,W-17-8. Chatelain,E.F.,1951.Winter range problems of moose in the Susitna Valley. Proc.Alaska Scientific Conference.Vol 2,pp.233-347. I~elllm·ing,J.Eo,1971.The distribution and movement patterns of caribou in Alaska. Department of Fish &Game.Technical Bull.No.1,60 pp. Hemming,J.E.,1975.Population growth and movement patterns of the Ne1china caribou herd.In Proc.1st International Reindeer and Caribou Symposium,Bio1.Papers Univ. Alaska,Special Report No.1. Milke,G.C.,1969.Some moose-willow relationships in the interior of Alaska. Nichols,L.,and Erickson,J.1968.Sheep studies,Alaska.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Fed.Aid in Wildlife Restoration,W-15-R2 and 3. Price,R.,1972.Effect of human disturbance on Da11 sheep.Alaska Coop.Wildlife Res. Unit.Quarterly Prog.Rpt.Vol.23,No.3,pp.23-28. Rausch,R.A.,1968.Dynamics of the Rai1be1t moose populations.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game,Fed.Aid in Wildlife Restoration,W3R. Rausch,R.A.,1969.A summary of wolf studies in South-central Alaska,1957-1968. Trans.Th i rty-F ourth N.Am.Wil d1 ife ConL,Wa shi ngton,D.C. Raush,R.A.,1971,Moose report.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game,Fed.Aid in Wild- life Restoration,W-17-1. .i/ !~- TASK:C-4f-ll Wil dl ife Resources -Large Mammal s SHEET 5 of 5 r Scott,R.G.,1951.Mountain sheep studies.U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Fed. Aid in Wildlife Restoration W-3-4-6-R-6. Skoog,V••1968.Ecology of caribou in Alaska.Unpubl.Ph.D.Thesis.Univ. California,Berkeley,699 pp. Taylor.K"P.and Ballard,W.B.1978.Moose Movements and habitat use along the Upper"Susitna River--A preliminary study of potential impacts of the Devil Cayon Hydroel ectric Project.Al aska Department of Fi sh and Game,91 pp. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIE"-"S'--_ EXHIBIT "W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT CATEGORY __~ ASSIGNMENT:C-4--''"---''----------'=-=-'-''=-''-'-----'''--='-'-~'-=-''-'='"'-'-'-=-"'-'-=:....:.:.'-'--------~--------- TASK TITLE:C-4··12 Wildljfe Resources -Birds and Small Mammals LEVEL OF EFFORT:249 Man-days $110,000 D.Erikson (Dames &Moore) SCfIEDULE:___-----'-=-=:.:.....==-::...L-':=-=-=--=--.;~-=-=~___=.::_=_=_ ESTIMA TED COST:_-:r..=:..::..=..L=..:=--=-_ RESPONSIBILITY: - PURPOSE: •To review available literature for all bird and small mammal species within the proposed reservoir areas. r •To identify areas of potential impact from an evaluation of designs and project siting plans for hydroelectric dams,transmission/transportation corridors,and related facilities. •To delineate sensitive bird and small mammal habitat. •To describe short-and long-term impacts of the project on bird and small mammal species and provide methods for mitigation impacts. SCOPE: Review of Available Information r Ii ' r ··f Published and unpublished data pertinent to the proposed reservoir area and transporta;" tion/transmission corridors will be reviewed and assembled. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this Task is to provide an early overview of regional bird and small mammal wildlife resource conditions as input to Stage 1 ~Plan Fomulation Studies.Acti- vities will include: ,... i •Identification of bird and small mammal wildlife resource conditions that are likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of the relative potential impacts to bird and small mammal wildlife resource for each energy source alternative. r { 2 of 3TASK:C-4-12 Wildlife Resources -Birds and Small Mammals Baseline Data Collection SHEET ---- •Seasonal Distribution -Surveys will be conducted by experienced arctic biolo- gists.Boat and foot travel in each of the representative habitats (ecotypes) within the proposed reservoir areas with the aid of binoculars and spotting scopes will allow the occurrence and seasonal status of birds to be delineated. In June and July 1980 snap trap surveys incorporating 200-meter transects with trap stations at 10-meter intervals at various locations within the area to be flooded by the proposed reservoirs.Larger species such as mink.ground squir- rels.marmots.and pikas will be inventoried from direct observation.tracks. droppings.and from information gained during interviews with local fur trappers.Field activities will begin during the winter of 1979-1980 and continue until the end of spring bird migration in 1981. •Delineation of Sensitive Areas -Special attention will be given to confirming the presence of absence of the peregrine falcon.the only endangered species that may occur seasonally within the project area.Nesting areas.denning areas.winter feeding areas.and migration staging areas will be plotted on 1:24.000-scale aerial photo mosaics. Impact Assessment and Mitigation The relative loss of habitat for the various species within the zone of primary impact will be assessed and mitigation plans will be developed. DOCUMENTATION: Field notes.distribution maps.and other qualitative data will be compiled by standard scientific methods. An annual report (1980)and a final report (1981)will be prepared including: I An annotated list of species within the study area. I Distribution by habitat type in narrative form. •Maps of critical or sensitive avian habitat •Discussion of potential impact. I Discussion of the suitability of various mitigation alternatives. The final report will be fully integrated with other tasks in the program and will be suitable for inclusion as part of Exhibits Wand S of the FERC Application. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTON: Birds and small mammal studies will be conducted for approximately 2 years. ,.."'" TASK:C··4-12 Wildlife Resources -Birds and Small Mammals LEVEL OF EFFORT DESCRIPTION: SHEET 3 of 3 l"·' A total effort of 249 man-days is anticipated at a labor cost of approximately $75.000. Equipment,travel,and subsistence (except while in field camps)are estimated at $35,000 for a total Task cost of $110,000.Costs of establishing and supporting field camps are not included nor is the cost of boats.aircraft,vehicles and snowmobiles. PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: Dames &IJ"1oore will be responsible for all work in this Task.However.it is anticipated that portions of the field study will be performed by ADF&G through arrangements to be negot i atred. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 c ASSIGNMENT:C-4 -><.........L-...~~~---'-'--=-~~~..:.=......:.=:......::...:..:..:..--'--~__ TASK TITLE·C-4-],........3'--JL.....adJJn""'-d--'U"-"s.....e~_ LEVEL OF EFFORT 120 Man-days ----------- SCHEDULE February 1980 to January 1982 $51,000 J.Everingham (EOAW) ESTIMATED COST: ---"--'-=~--'-------------~-----":'-":_----- RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To identify and define regional land use patterns,policies,and plans in order to estimate the potential impacts engendered by the project and its alternative and to delineate mitigation measures. SCOPE: /,..•. •Identify and characterize land use patterns and trends within the region to be affected by the project. •Identify and interpret policies and plans relative to land use and tr~nsporta­ tion network. •Assess thE!magnitude of direct and indirect impacts on land use and transporta- tion activities and identify mitigation opportunities. Initial Reconna1ssance for Planning Studies The object1ve of this Task is to provide early overview of regional and site-specific land use conditions and potential issues as input to Project Planning Studies. Activities will include: •Identification and definition of regions of interest from a land use and trans- portation networks standpoint. •Ident1fication of data sources including agencies.plans.aerial photos.etc. •Preliminary ident1fication of land use and transportation issues likely to be of concern in the assessment of energy source alternatives. TASK:C-4-13 Land Use Baseline Data Collection SHEET 2 of 2 Present land use of the project area is principally wilderness or undisturbed.There- fore,a traditonal characterization of land use types would reveal little land use diversity.The characterization of project area land use will focus on the senstivity of the land to accommodate a range of temporary and long-term uses.This classification will incorporte ecological and recreational elements in the development of a sensitivity rating scheme.A characterization of the land-use types and activities of the Railbelt region will be developed. Activities will include: •Collection of land use plans and policies from federal,state,regional and local agencies for g!;:!'ographical areas of concern. •Agency presonnel wt1ll be i ntervi ewed to ascertai n the rel evancy of published pl ans,current pl anning and use activity and future trends. •Project area senstivity maps and regional land use maps will be prepared depicting present and future conditions. •Aerial photographs will be used to prepare and/or update and verify land use planning maps. •Special plans of adjacent or nearby areas such as Mt.McKinley National Park, State parks,wildlife refuges and BLM wilderness study areas will be reviewed and summarized. Impact Assessment and Mitigation For each of the project elements to be constructed,changes in existing land use and associated activities,using sensitivity ratings as a measure of impact magnitude, will be assessed.Short-term construction-related changes,such as temporary living accommodations and services,will be identified.Long-term effects of the completed project in terms of regional growth and accompanying changes in land use will be pro- jected. Mitigation analysis will include the involvement of planning and land management agencies early in the project to facilitate development and coordination of long-range planning act i vit ies with the APA power development program. A complete and understandable analysis of the potential impacts on the quality of life and life styles will be part of the land use analysis. DOCUMENTATION: The analysi s of 1and use conditions and potenti al impacts will be assembl ed in text and map form and provide as one of a series of environmental studies for direct in- corporation into the FERC License Application Environmental Report,Exhibit W. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 ASSIGNMENT C-4 CAT EGO RY _~C -"E~N--,-VI""-,R~O'..'..!N'....'2MEe:...!.N.!...!..T!....!;AL=-----"S~T-",-,UD,,--,I,-,,,Ec-"<.S _ EXH IS IT "W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK TITLE·C-4··14 Land Ownershi p=:...o..:::...-=:,;,-,-,-=-=-=,,:~'---_ r'"LEVEL OF EFFORT 130 Man-days $55.000 February 1980 to January 1982--"'-------- J.Everingham (EDAW) SCHEDULE --- ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: _~--=----=-:"':~-'..:.>L'-'-='-'--'''':='=-~'--'---_ PURPOSE: To determine the existing and expected future ownership of project lands.to assess the potential impacts thereto.and to identify mitgation opportunities. Prepare maps to describe ownership and jurisdictional controls for the project area sites and transmission corridors. Identify and characterize the existing land ownership patterns within the project area and within the region to be affected by the project. Assess the magnitude of direct and indirect impacts of the project on land values and ownership in the project area.region transmission corridors. access routes and construction related sites. !"""SCOPE: ; • • r • Baseline Data Collection ,....Most of the lands within the Devil Canyon and Watana project areas have been designated as powersite withdrawals (February 1958)and are presently under the jurisdiction and administration of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).However.these same lands are also in an area designated under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act for village deficiency withdrawals.Accordingly.ownership status is currently in a state of tran- sition.The major element in the collection of baseline data will be the determination of the existing and expected future ownership status of Project lands.The Cook Inlet Native Regional Corporation (CIRI)has prepared a detailed ownership and parcel map of the project area for use in Native Claims Settlement negotiations.Close coordina- tion with CIRI.BLM and the Alaska State Division of Lands is anticipated in the cha- racterization of existing ownership status and patterns. TASK:C-4-14 Land Ownershi p Activities will include: SHEET 2 of 2 •Collection and verification of ownership data (from BLM and Alaska State Division of Lands.) •Transfer of ownership and parcel data to ownership base maps. •Preparation of ownership notebook for APA for use in the public participation program. Information developed under Tasks for Assignment B-6,Real Estate,performed by CIRI- H&N,will be utilized in the performance of this activity. Impact Assessment and Mitigation Land ownership status identified in baseline studies and population and employment forecasts will be used as the basis for assessing the potential impacts of the project and its alternatives on local and regional land ownership and mitigation opportunities to identified impacts. Activities will include: •Interviews with landowners and land management agencies to determine future development ~ans and possible changes in land status attributable to the project. •Identification of project lands which would require acquisition. •Identification of land ownership constraints on opportunities in transmission corridor analysis,access roads analysis. •Determination of unavoidable adverse impacts to the project area,region and affected communities. •Identification of mitigation opportunities. •Preparation of graphics as appropriate. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of land ownership conditions,potential impacts and mitigation opportunities will be assembled in text and map form for direct incorporation into the FERC License Application,Environmental Report,Exhibit W. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 3 CATEGORY -L ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ASS IG N MEN T _:-,C~-~4 __~EXlllHu.IJ.LB .LITL---Il n.W'_I--I.E..uNLVIUJR.J,lOlllNMJJ.Ea.l.lNLLTACl!L=---llRA:.!EP~O!DRw...I _ TASK TITLE C-4-15 Recreation LEVEL OF EFFORT:65 Man-days SCHEDULE:._-February 1980 to May 1982 $26,000 P.Miller (EDAW) ESTIMA TED COST:-~~~------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:._-l-.1........1-UL.LL"""-'-....,........lo!!....!.<!l...I--_ ,"'"PURPOSE: To assess existing recreational resources,and to estimate the project's and alter- natives l impacts. SCOPE: •Inventory and analyze the recreation resources,existing recreational devel- opment,and existing public and private recreation programs of the Railbelt area. •Assess th.~effects the project and the associated recreation plan (Exhibit R) will have on the region. Baseline Data Collection Activities will include: •,... 1 ~. • r"" Initial contact with recreation interests public planning agencies,private interest groups,commercial recreation outfitters including and organizations, guides,lodge owners. Collection,review and summary of existing recreation planning and analysis documents,plans,studies,concepts and proposals (Federal,State and local). ,... \ r •Identification of data deficiencies. •Interviews with public agencies,interest groups,and commercial outfitters and organizations to collect necessary data. •Definition and documentation of recreation study areas. •Documentation of existing and planned primary and secondary recreation access facil itie~s. r 2 of 3SHEETTASK:C-4-15 Recreation~~~----------_...=..:=..:....=::~ •Description of existing and projected recreation use patterns and trends for study area and Railbelt Region (without Susitna Project). •Description of demonstrated and anticipated recreation demand projections for study area (without Susitna Project). Impacts and Mitigation Activities will include: •Description of existing recreation facilities and/or activities lost through implementation of the project. •Description of existing recreation activities altered through implementation of the project. •Contrast of Exhibit R proposals and user projections with: -Existing recreation use patterns of study area and region. -Anticipated recreation demand of study area and region. •Identification and description of relationships of Exhibit R proposals to recreation-related resource base to include fisheries,wildlife,vegetation, downstream hydrology. ~.. •Description of potential effects on recreation management agencies to include: Personnel requirements. -Operations and maintenance requirements and financing. -Capital improvement financing. •Summary of Exhibit R proposals. DOCUMENTATION: The recreation analysis will be assembled in text and map form for direct incorporation into the FERC License Application,Environmental Report Exhibit W. REFERENCES: 1.Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan Studies: Alaska Outdoor Recreation Plan,1976-1980;Alaskan Recreation Trail Plan and Outdoor Recreation Responsibility in Alaska by the Alaskan Division of State Parks. 1 j 3 of 3SHEETTASK:C-4f-15 Recreation~~~------------=.::..:....=::~ 2.Regional and Subregional Studies: ("""Phase I -Technical Memorandum Recreation Needs Assessment South Central Alaska Watel~Resources Study (Level B)by the Al aska Water Study Committee. I-Southcentra 1 Management Pl an by the BLM. 3.Area and Project Specific Studies: j~~r Susitna River Inventory and Evaluation of Environmental,Aesthetic and Recrreat i on Resources by Jones and Jones for the Corps of Engi neers. Recreation Assessment Section Appendix I,Upper Susitna River Basin Hydroelectric Power Development Feasibility Report by the Corps of Engineers. -, If'!"'" r r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIEScCATEGORY_--U-__--'-.............u.>..>.J•.LU-L..........,L.L..Uo'----'oL..L"'-""-'"-'-""'-_ EXHIBIT "W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTASSIGNMENT:C-4---'''-=.:I__--'-LU.Ll............-'--------'-'----'oLJ..]L.!...A..l.''-'''-!..!.'--'-'''-'-.!...!..L.!.'''----'-'~~_ TA,SK TITLE:-_-I.C..:::-:=r4=-..1.....,6"'--.lT-Lr-J.o\aJ...Lo.;;a.;spfL'0LJ.r.......t.....a......t..ujo"'-'n..l....-_ ~,LE VEL OF E FFOR T 1.....26"'-'-M.....a......n-->d.....a,O/-y"'-s ._ SCHEDULE. ESTIMA TED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: February 1980 to January 1982 $47 .000 M.Trembley (EDAW) PURPOSE: To assess existing and planned transportation facilities,to determine the anticipated impacts of the project and its alternatives,and to identify mitigation measures. SCOPE: •Provide a basis for the assessment of alternative construction and operational access routes and methods for the Watana and Devil Canyon dams and transmission corridors. •Assess the magnitude of direct and indirect impacts of alternative access routes and methods on existing transportation uses,land uses,resources and wildlife communities. •Provide recommendations for coordinating proposed access plans with existing networks and policies to reduce conflicts and impacts. •Suggest specific mitigation measures to minimize visual,recreational,com- mercial and wildlife impacts. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The goals of this Task are to document the surface and air transportation networks in the Railbelt and project sites,and to identify key issues.Required activities will be to: r-• •".. Assemble plans and projections regarding existing and proposed levels of use. Review appropriate State and Federal agency policies affecting or affected by access pl ans • .1 2 of 2SHEETTASK:C-4-16 Transportation-----------------...::..:..:..:=.:.....:==== •Assemble land-use and topographic maps and air photos to character'ize the Railbelt region and project areas from a transportation standpoint;identify key issues of concern for program refinement. •Establish study area boundaries,goals and schedules. Baseline Data Collection Proposed transportation plans involving both construction and operational components must be adjusted to existing and future conditions.The goal for this Task is to determine the degree of agreement or conflict with these conditions.Activities will be to: •Prepare transportation network maps showing present and future conditions. •Assemble land ownership maps to identify rights-of-entry to project sites. •Assemble and coordinate data from wildlife,geology,transmission routing and other environmental studies of relevance to access route planning. •Identify transportation system technologies relative to project requirements. •Depict by mapped and other graphic means the location and extent of proposed temporary and permanent access roads to damsites,transmission corridors, construction intrasite trails,haul trails and related access modes. •From analysis of all pertinent data,show specific conflicts and opportunities between proposed access plans and other transportation users. Impact Assessment and Mitigation The assessment of mitigation measures associated with proposed access routes and policies and the presentation of mitigation measures are the objectives of this Task.Activities will include:., ~, •From the composite map developed for the evaluation of transmission corridor alignments,assess the direct and indirect impacts relating to access routes serving the damsites and transmission corridors. •Presentation of impacts associated with access routes in matrix format. Prepare input to engineering studies. •Suggestions for specific mitigation concepts. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of transportation conditions and potential impacts will be assembled in text and map form and provided as one of a series of environmental studies for direct incorporation into the FERC License Application,Environmental Report,Exhibit W. i SUSITNA HYDROE:LECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET Of 2 CA TE GORY _.......:C~_----"="-'EN~V~IR'-'-'O=N~M=EN--,-,T..'-'A.:::...L-:=S,-,-T=UD~I.",::E=S _ ASS IGN MEN T _.C__---'--4__~E=--X"_"..:H~IB:::.-;I:.....:.T---..:"W.:...-"---=:..:EN..:..:V..:..IR,-,,-,O=N~M=EN..'-'T..'-'A=-L--,-R=-=E~PO=R.:....:.T . _ TASK TITLE:C-4-17 Air Quality and Noise ~LEVEL OF EFFORT.30 Man-days SCHEDULE February 1980 to January 1982 "... I ESTIMATED COST:$12,000 RESPONSIBILITY:C.B.Fahl (Dames &Moore) PURPOSE: •To describe the air quality and noise conditions of the Upper Susitna River -basin before the proposed project. •To assess the constraints and relative impact on air quality and noise that would be associated with a Susitna hydroelectric project and various non-Susitna alternatives. •To recommend measures to minimize potential impacts to air quality and noise that could occur during the construction of a Susitna project. SCOPE: Initial Reconnissance for Project Planning Studies The objective of this Task is to provide air quality and noise input to the Plan Syn- thesis Studies (Category G)so that an overall environmental assessment can be made of the relative constr'aints and potential impacts associated with various energy source alternatives. r I I An assessment of the relative impact of energy source alternative will be made solely on the basis of existing information. Baseline Development,Impact Assessment and Mitigation The existing air quality and noise conditions of the Upper Susitna basin will be described in qualitative terms or the parameters of air quality and noise will be described as a range of values.The need to develop detailed monitoring to establish a baseline is not considered necessar~to make an assessment of the impact of a constructing and operating a Susitna hydroelectric project.An adequate discussion is contained in the BLM Final Environmental Assessment Record for the Susitna Feasibil ity Study (1979). TASK:C-4-17 Ai r Qual ity and Noi se SHEET 2 of 2 An assessment will be performed to define potential impacts of the project,if any,on baseline climatology,meteorology,air quality,and noise.The impact review will begin in parallel with Phase I work so that changes can be made in the monitoring programs if ~ needed to assess baseline impacts. Potential impacts to be eVlluated include: •Air quality i~pacts from increased vehicular traffic and anthropogenic emissions. •Noise tmpacts due to construction impacts and operation of large hydroelectric generators. •Noise impacts of transmission lines. •Noise impacts from other permanent or intermittent man-made sources such as vehicular traffic and recreational boats. Positive and negative impacts will be included,and their effects will be quantita- tively balanced,along with any quantitative mitigations,wherever possible.Discus- sions will be held with State and Federal EPA agencies on the extent and importance of the various impacts and on the value of mitigation. Mitigations that will be studied,among others,include: •Dust suppression during construction. •Revegetation of exposed earth. •Controls on vehicular traffic and speed. •Road construction,methods,and maintenance. •Noise regulations and control measures. •.Burning restrictions,both for open fires and exhausted combustion sources and control measures. •Fuel controls for all combustion sources,stationary and mobile. •Restrictive use rates for any recreation areas associated~with the reservoirs. DOCUMENTATION: The setting impacts and mitigation measures will be prepared in the appropriate for- mat for Exhibit Wof the FERC License Application. ... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 ASSIGNMENT C-4 ------~------- CA TEGORY·__C~~__EN_V_I_RO_N_~l_EN_T_A_L_S_T_UD_I_E.S__~~~~__~~._ EXHIBIT "W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT TASK TITLE C-4-18 Population and Demography ._-~----------------- LEVEL OF EFFORT:100 Man-days-----=--------------------------- SCHEDULE:February 1980 to January 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$40,000 -~---'---------------------------- RESPON SIBILlTY:D.0 I Donoghue (EDAW) PURPOSE: To ascertain present population trends,population growth and distribution impacts of the project and its alternatives,and interactions with other aspects of the environment;and to identify mitigation opportunities. •r"'" •-I "'"I I l SCOPE: •Define the~region of interest in tenns of political,institutional,legal, social and economic boundaries as these relate to the proposed project and to potential impacts. Describe the population and social characteristics of the existing communities and groups within the region of interest. Describe the population and social characteristics of expected in-migrants, including construction and operation employment plus secondary or induced population growth stemming from these activities,as distinct from energy- induced growth discussed in Task Assignment C-2 Energy Supply and Demand Assessment. •Analyze population trends and projections with and without the proposed project plus the physical and financial capacity of existing communities to absorb growth in tenns of i nfrast ructure and commun ity stabi 1 ity. •Correlate trends and projections with other tasks,especially economic,land use,recreation,transportation and cultural tasks. •Determine the population and social impacts of the proposed project and measures to mitigate these impacts,especially the probability and extent of population growth relative to possible boom-bust phenomenon. TASK:C-4-18 Popul at i on and Demography SHEET 2 of 2 Potential Major Issues Definition Activities will include: I Determination of issues associated with local and regional,temporary and long- term population growth,and impacts of these on housing,land use,goods,ser- vices,taxes,and the quality of life. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies Activities will be to: I Provide an overview of local and regional population centers in the Railbelt, especially those areas such as Gold Creek and Talkeetna. I Make site visit and initial interviews to identify individuals and other sources helpful in describing the existing setting and potential im~acts. Baseline Date Collection Activities will be to: I Collect published population and demographic data. I Identify and define the geographic areas requiring analysis according to potential impacts,political and institutional boundaries,and data availability,reliability,and timeliness. I Define and classify the population in the above-defined geographic areas. I Rank according to timing and probability the growth-inducing proposals that might affect these areas;check against past trends and existing pro- jections of population growth made by public and private interest groups. Impact Assessment and Mitigation Activities will be to: •Demonstrate the impacts on popul at i on and community stabi 1 ity with respect to timing,location and reversibility. I Assess sociocultural problems associated with rapid growth and subsequent withd rawa 1• I Examine community attitude subject to change and the effects on social well-being,mobility and access. Information and assessments will be correlated with Task C-4-19,Economics. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of population and demography will be assembled in text,chart,pictorial and map form and provided as one of a series of environmental studies for direct incor- poration into the FERC License Application Environmental Report,Exhibit W. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 - - - r ".., CAT EGO RY _~C~E!oLlN.l...!V-Jo..IRU-'OIlJ..NlLIMeJ--ELLNTLLA.....L~SoLJT~lIC1.LD ....I E~S~_ ASS IGI\I M EN T~:~C~-::!4 __--.b..EillXHlJI..QBJ...ITL-.I-AW_"J,E..uNcLVI.LJ:R~O!llNMDJE-..LNu.TD.lALL....-rlRu..EL.lPO.LJ:Ru.T _ TASK TITLE C-4 ..19 Economics LE VE L OF EFF 0 RT ~3A.l!.L0..l:MWalln-:::.ldJ..CalJ-y..;l.s _ SC HE0 ULE:.!--.'Fe~b~r~u~a_'_.ry~1d.9~8~O -,t<.!.o~JYJa nwu.u.au.rJ-y.~1...,9L!o8u.2~_ ESTIMA TED COST:$103,000 RESPON SIBILlTY:D.aI Donoghue (EDAW) PURPOSE: To ascertain the e:<isting economic setting,the potential impacts and mitigation opportunities of the project and its alternatives. SCOPE: •Define the study area in a local,regional and statewide context with respect to major economic sectors and their relative importance. •Describe the existing and projected employment numbers and characteristics by location and timing without the proposed project. •Describe the impact of increased primary and secondary employment on local and regional areas as a result of the project. •Describe losses and benefits in other employment sectors that could occur. •Determine the institutional,financial and political processess that could mit i gate potent i al impacts. Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies and Baseline Data Collection The objective of this Task is to establish existing regional and local economic settings and to determine economic trends. Activities will include: •Review and analysis of government documents and reports from private data sources. •Comparison of data with population and economic assumptions and findings in Task C-3-1 Socioeconomic Input to Energy Demand Forecasts. •Verification and analysis of economic trends. TASK:C-4-19 Economics SHEET 2 of 2 Identification of Political,Institutional,and Governmental Framework Objectives and Policies The purpose of this Task is to identify Federal,State,and local policies and regu- lations that affect population and economic projections and those that will affect the proposed project and its alternatives. Activities will include: •Formal solicitation of the objectives of public agencies,private citizens, and special interest groups concerning the ultimate use,development,and appearance of the study area. •Analysis of these objectives. •Comparison of this analysis with an analysis of existing policies and plans to identify major areas of consensus and conflict. •Input from other Tasks will be correlated with this Task. Where communications with and information from public agencies and the private sector are required to fulfill the foregoing Tasks,the activities will be intergrated with the Public Information and Participation and Public Agency Coordination Programs. Projections of Employment and Economic Conditions to Determine Impacts and Identify Mitigation Opportunities •Employment projections will be developed with and without the project,and with alternatives to the project,accounting for other proposals known to affect the study area. •Impacts of speculative or inflationary wage,land,and housing costs increases will be assessed. •The long-term effect of the project on regional employment will be estimated. •Potential mitigation opportunities will be identified. •Impacts and mitigation measures will be correlated with those of C-4-18, Population and Demography. DOCUMENTA nON: The analysis of economic conditions,impacts of the project and alternatives,and mitigation measures will be assembled as one of a series of environmental studies for direct incoporation into the FERC License Application,Environmental Report - Exhibit w. '"'"SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 3 r H i ASSIGNMENT'C-4_~,---_---,==-=-"--,-------",-,=:":":,,:,,,=,,:,,,-=-,,:,,,,:='-'--'-'--=-':":=:......:c:..:....:-_ TASK TITLE:C-4-·20 Cul tural Resources LE VE L OF E FF OR T:--"1...,..3"""-,20",-,-,M",,,,,anu---"d.....ayJ-.'s"---~_ February 1980 through May 1982 (Pre-FERC Submittal) $338,000 Dr.E.J.Dixon,Jr.and G.S.Smith (University of Alaska Museum) PURPOSE: To identify and mitigate significant historic and prehistoric resources that may be adversely affected by the proposed Susitna project,consistent with the spirit and intent of The Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (P.L.89 -665)the National Environ- mental Act of 1969 (P.L.9-180),the Reservoir Salvage Act of 1960 (P.L.86-523)and the Alaska Historic Preservation Act of 1975. INTRODUCTION: A review of literature directly related to the history and prehistory of the study area as found in the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey indicates that six prehistoric and thirteen historic sites have been recorded in the study area.The apparent paucity of sites in this area may be attributed to the fact that little archeological research has been carried out in the study area,although both Irving (1957)and Bacon (1976)have conducted limited surveys.In surrounding areas where archeological research has been more intensive,the number of sites documented is considerably higher.In the eight USGS quads surrounding the study area,630 sites have been documented.Because of the minimal quantity of data available on the cultural resources of the study area,the reconnaissance and intensive surveys developed for the Susitna project are of paramount importance in identifying and recommending appropriate mitigation for the cultural sites that would be affected by this project. SCOPE: The regul at ions c'ited above defi ne what cul tural resource preservation efforts are required by federal and state law to satisfy licensing requirements.These tasks include at minimum: •Identification and documentation of cultural resources within the project area. •Formulation and explication of recomemdations for mitigation of each site identified. TASK:C-4-20 Cultural Resources SHEET 2 of 3 However,any proposal to identify cultural resources and make recommendations for preservation must also permit mitigation of potential damage to sites during the course of the impact study.The scope of work recognizes this need and has been conceptually divided into: •Effort necessary to obtain the FERC License. •Effort necessary to mitigate possible adverse effects during the course of study essential to obtaining the FERC License. •Effort necessary to mitigate damage to sites that will be impacted by const ruc t ion. The scope of work includes six major subtasks: Subtask 1 Includes prefie1d season tasks;literature review;analysis of the existing data base; development of a research design and samp1 ing strategy;app1 ication for necessary permits;and staging for field work. Subtask 2 Includes a reconnaissance level archaeological survey of all project areas based on priorities determined by the sequence of construction events.As it is not the intent of a reconnaissance level survey to cover 100 percent of the study area,preselected areas identified in Subtask 1 will be selected for survey.Within these areas field crews will implement surface and subsurface testing procedures in order to locate, document and inventory historic and prehistoric sites.The dam impoundment areas, associated faci1 ities and transmi ssion corridors will be surveyed as well as those areas that will be impacted during the study phase such as soil and seismic testing areas,access roads needed for reaching testing locations or any other preconstruction activity.Every effort will be made to conduct the archaeological survey early in each ground disturbing activity and undertake immediate mitigation if necessary.These measures may include avoidance,preservation and excavation. Subtask 3 Includes the preparation of an interim report that satisfies the FERC License Application requirements and contains a description of the history and prehistory of the study area, a discussion of each site recorded during the study period,recommendations for miti- gating adverse effects to sites during the construction phase and a suggested program for intensive testing. Subtask 4 Includes the intensive testing of sites discovered in Subtask 2 to detennine the hori- zontal and vertical dimensions,identify the kinds of materials contained within them and delineated specific mitigation measures.A limited amount of effort under this sub- task will no doubt be required concurrently with the identification of sites in Subtask 2.Site maps and soil profiles will be prepared.Photographs will be taken to document artifacts and features in situ. TASK:C-4-20 Cul tural Resources Subtask 5 SHEET _3_of_3 Includes the preparation of the final report.All individual reports from previous subtasks will be compiled,all data synthesized and a detailed mitigation plan developed including an estimated budget for any archaeological excavation that must be done prior to the start of actual construction. Subtask 6 Includes deposition of all recovered artifactual material and supporting documentation with the University of Alaska Museum.The collection would be curated in accordance with State and Federal requirements pertinent to the preservation of antiquities. ,-PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: •Dr.E.James Dixon,Jr.(Principal Investigator,University of Alaska Museum). •Mr.George S.Smith (Project Supervisor,Univerity of Alaska Museum). ,- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 c ",",,", TASK TITLE:C-4-21 Public Safety LEVE L OF E FF ORT:-----:I4~O....J.M:lllawn=.!-dl.UalJ_y..>Ls----------------------__ SCHEDULE:--'-F--=e~br~u~ac!....r.I.-y~1~9~80~t~o__.:.J~u'__'cly~1:..::::9~81~_ $14.000 D.Sanders (IECO).K.DeRubertis (EPAW) ESTIMA TED COST:~~~~---------------------- RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To describe any impacts resulting from accidents and natural catastrophes which mightroccur.and provide an analysis of the capability of the area to absorb predicted impacts. Describe project design and operational features that have been incorporated into project facilities to ensure the integrity of facilities and the public safety. ~ i I SCOPF.: Initial Reconnaissance for Planning Studies The objective of this aspect of the Task is to provide an early overview of public safety and dam reliability issues as input to Stage 1 -Plan Formulation Studies. Activities will include: •Identification and review of data sources pertaining to public safety and reli- ability of energy source alternatives. •Preliminary assessment of relative public safety and project reliability of energy source alternatives. Geologic and hydrologic data pertinent to issues of public safety and project reli- ~ability that are developed as part of separate tasks under HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES (Category D)and GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES (Category E)will be reviewed and summarized. ~Baseline Data Collection ! Special consultant Dr.H.C.Shah will provide expert advise in the area of risk analysis. r ~SK:C-4-21 Public Safety SHEET 2 of 2 Impact Assessment and Mitigation This discussion will be a summary of studies performed under Categories D.HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES and E.GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES as they relate to public safety and project reli- ability. Specific topics to be address include: • A brief discussion of the design flood used for spillway designs. • A summary of geologic hazards including the design earthquake,seepage poten- tial,landslide potential,penllafrost constraints,erosion and sedimentation at the dam and reservoir sites and a discussion of how these constraints have been accounted for in project design. •An evaluation of the downstream effects during the passing of the design flood. •Delineation of the downstream flood zone and an assessment of the effects of downstream flooding should a failure occur.The downstream flood zone will be determined by a mathematical model developed by Hydrocomp. •An assessment of the effects of flooding use to a dam failure including an esti- mate of the potential for loss of property and life. DOCUMENTATION: The analysis of public safety and project reliability will be assembled in text and map form,where appropriate,for inclusion in Exhibit Wof the FERC License Application. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 3 CCATEGORY:_----OL ---"'-...........'-'-'-"'~"_'_""""'"-'-''-'-='---''<._'_=~=_._ ASSIGNMENT:C-4 ---'''--------'------=~~-'-----=---'=-'-'~~'-='-~=--:..:..=..:...-=:...;-------------- ,""" TASK TITLE:C-4-22 Vi sual Resources "....LEVEL OF EFFORT:175 Man-days, SCHEDULE:February 1980 to January 1982 -. ESTIMATED COST:$70.000 RESPONSIBILITY:M.Bowie (EDAW) PURPOSE: ,~ The purposes of the visual studies are to: •Determine the significant visual effects of the Watana and Devil Canyon Dam structures,reservoirs,certain access roads,proposed recreation sites,con- struction camps,borrow and spoils areas and other ancillary facilities. •Simulate the appearance of main project components in an objective and realistic manner leading to the identification of visual impacts and suggested mitigation measures. r I •Establish criteria for scenic quality which provides the basis for comparative evaluation of proposed project features and alternative energy sources. r" I i SCOPE: Initial Reconnaissance and Baseline Data Collection r I i \ This task will focus on documenting the visual characteristics of the regional and site-related landscapes,identify key issues and assess data requirements.The following activitiE!s will comprise this task: •Assemble and review existing topographic and land use maps,agency plans,verti- cal,oblique and site photographs;identify data deficiences. •Evaluate new potential sources of data that meet deficiency needs,e.g.,LANDSAT photography,"Viewit"computer programs,etc.,as inputs to program refinement. r- i •Review government regulations and policies,e.g.,BLM,EPA,etc.that relate to visual resource management. TASK:C-4-22 Visual Resources SHEET 2 of 3 •Document,by mapped and simulated photographic means,the general visual charac- teristics of the proposed project facilities,with text descriptions of basic elements of size,form,color and texture. •From the findings of reconnaissance data sources,determine the relative visual impacts associated with each of the energy source alternatives that will be eval- uated as part of Category G -Plan Synthesis Studies. Develop and Identify Visual Sensitivity Levels The principal concern with this aspect of the Visual Studies is to catalog the various views,settings of the dam structures and supporting facilities in terms of effects on candidate and surrounding areas,and to evaluate the relative acceptability of the local view relations to the settings.Specific steps implementing this objective are: •Identify viewer populations,e.g.,hunters,boaters.residents,etc.,and char- acterize their view expectations. •Select view stations by level of viewer use from among existing and proposed settings. •Develop a qualitative view sensitivity rating system in terms of acceptability of views from selected settings to damsites and associated ancillary facilities. •Rate and assign sensitivity levels to each view setting,according to viewer distance;display sensitivity ratings in matrix and map formats. Visual Impact Assessment and Mitigation Visual impact analysis will focus on the contrast between the existing landscape and future landscape as depicted by photographically simulated models.The differences in contrast will be analyzed according to perceived changes in the basic landscape elements of form,line,color and texture.In addition,the Impact Analysis will consider how much visual contrast could be perceived by viewers from various locations. Mitigation measures will be expressed in terms of planning and design suggestions in- volving the arrangment of plant materials and ground forms,the control of views and other measures contributing to the orderly arrangement of project appearance.Re- quired activities are: •Describe long and short term construction and operational visual effects using sensitivity ratings. •Show contrast between selective existing and future landscapes using photo- graphic study models. •Present mitigation suggestion--alternative sites,screening,view control, etc.;discuss comparative mitigation costs of proposed project vs. alternatives. •Prepare visual analysis findings for input to engineering studies and design (Category F). TASK:C-I~-22 Vi sua 1 Resources DOCUME NTATI ON: SHEET 3 of 3 t- i The analysis of visual conditions and potential impacts will be assemble in text and map form and provided as one of a series of environmental studies for direct incorporation "into the IFERC License Application.Environmental Report.Exhibit w. ..... i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC·PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 3 ASSIGNMENT:C-4-----l,=_~~~"'--'---!!_"'-'-'-'~_"'D!--"""_''__'__'_'''''_____J'_'_'''_'___''_'_''_'____ CA TE GOR Y _---looC'--_-JE.....NL'-V ......IR-'-"O'-'-'N'--"ME.....N.......TL>JAL""---"'SC-LTU"'-'O.--"'I->a.ES"'--_ EXHIBIT "W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT· TASK TITLE·C...;4-23 Transmission Routing Environmental Aspects LEVEL OF EFFORT:461 Man-days SCHEDULE February 1980 to January 1982=.=:.-.L-.--==-=_ ESTIMA TED COST -.::<$=.1.:...;:73=->.,-=.0.=..;00='---_ F""" I \ RESPONSIBILITY:M.Bowi e (EDAW) PURPOSE: To evaluate proposE!d transmission corridors for the Susitna project,to estimate their impacts,and suggest mitigation measures. SCOPE: ,-., •Provide a concise environmental framework by which to evaluate comparatively the Nenna 1 and Susitna 1 corridors,as well as the Watana and Devil Canyon corridor to the point of tie-in,and other potential corridor alignments. •Document a clear record of decision-making which provides the basiS of defensi- bility of the route selection process. r I I •Identify anticipated environmental,economic and social impacts of preferred transmission corridors ,and access routes. •Suggest mitigation measures as input to engineering design studies relating to corridor alignment,tower placement and design,right-of~way treatment,as well as operation and maintenance reqUirements. r ! Program Refinement This Task will include the identification of study team members,development of de- tailed work programs and schedules,refinement of goals and policies based on proposal review,definition of transmission system technologies,and determination of study area boundaries.These objectives require: •Planning meetings with consultants and APA. •Evaluate of current transmission system technology relative to project require- ments and appropriateness in reducing environmental and social impacts. P-I TASK:C-4-23 Transmission Routing Environmental Aspects SHEET 2 of 3 •Refinement of study area boundaries through map and air photos as well as initial field reconnaissance. Corridor Identification The main objective of this Task is to identify significant environmental,engineering, cultural and economic factors that will impact or will be impacted by the construction and operation of transmission facilities,access roads or other ancillary facilities. These factors will be defined as either constraints or opportunities for routing.Re- quired tasks will be: •Establish the study area data base. •Interpret and prepare a series of working maps illustrating appropriate data ~ relevant to existing and future conditions of significance to transmission and access routing. •Describe how environmental factors are affected by and influence corridor loca- tions.Visibility zones will be mapped and correlated with other environmental factor maps. Corridor Evaluation and Ranking The purpose of this Task is to produce a composite map of study area constraint factors by which to evaluate and rank selected and alternative transmission and access corridor alignments.Activities will involve: •Establishment of route identification criteria through team workshop approach by evaluating all natural and cultural features which should be avoided or excluded from consideration;use input from local officials and citizens in evaluation process.. •Determination of routing constraint/identification factors through group con- sensus techniques. •From group consensus,produce a composite map of study area constraint factors and select alternative corridor alignments for future evaluation. Corridor Alignment Selection The preparation of recommendations for selection of preferred alignments is the goal of this Task.Activities will include: ...... r ""'"I TASK:C-4-23 Transmission Routing Environmental Aspects Impact Assessment and Mitigation SHEET 3 of 3 ,... i The presentation of associated environmental impacts for each corridor alignment as well as potential construction and operation mitigation measures and costs is the purpose of this Task.Activities will be: •Describe long-and short-term impacts. •Suggest specific mitigation concepts for recommended alignments-underground vs. overhead transmission,right-af-way treatment,tower placement and design,ac- cess road management and maintenance requirements. DOCUMENTATION: r -i l r- The analysis of transmission routing and potential impacts will be assembled in text and map form and provided as one of a series of environmental studies for direct incor- poration into FERC License Application,Environmental Report,Exhibit Wand Natural Scenic and Cultural Values,Exhibit V. f'!"'"!N1T!J'I!I!tmONAL ENGiNEEH!NG CCMI::'\rJ'[,~NC, I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 CA TEGORY :__C E_NV_I__R_O_NM_E_N_TA_L_S_TU_D_I_ES _ EXH IS IT"W"ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTr-ASSIGNMENT C-4----------------------------~----- TASK TITLE:C-4-24 Prepare Fi nal Report LEVEL OF EFFORT:850 Man-days--------'''-------------------------- February 1980 to June 1982 ---~----------------rI SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST __$2_7_2_,0_0_0 _ RESPONSIBILITY:"J.Everingham (EDAW) PURPOSE: ~- To provide the framework for project management of Environmental Studies and to assemble the findings of the detailed Environmental Studies into the format of Exhibit Wso that the findings can be used by FERC for the preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. SCOPE: r I Exhibit Wwill be prepared in accordance with and to the standards required by FPC Order No.485 and 18 CFR 2.81 (a)and 2.82 (e),the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA),and the final regulations as issued by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)pertaining to NEPA. A major activity of this Task will be the project management and coordination of all aspects of the Exhibit vJ-rel ated envi ronmental studies i ncl uding work program,work product,scheduling,day-to-day performance of the tasks,production and quality control. The process to be employed in the preparation of Exhibit Vi is enumerated in the following activities: •Prepare base maps for project area and region. •Prepare project area and regional data maps. •Graphically portray reservoir fluctuation and stream hydrographs. •-Prepare draft of "Description of Proposed Action"(Chapter 1). ,-•Prepare draft of "Description of Existing Environment"(Chapter 2). •Analyze and describe short-term construction effects of project. TASK:C-4-24 Prepare Fi nal Report •Analyze and comparatively evaluate alternate transmission routes. •Describe procedures to arrive at preferred alternative. •Compile and evaluate opportunities to minimize adverse effects. •Analyze and describe long-term effects of the project. •Prepare draft of "Alternat"ives"(Chapter 8). SHEET __2 _o_f_2 •Review project siting and operation requirements in light of environmental impacts. •Prepare draft of "Environmental Impact"(Chapter 3). •Recommend mitigation measures to minimize construction and operational impacts. •Prepare draft of "Mitigation"(Chapter 4). •Prepare draft of "Unavoidable Effects"(Chapter 5). •Prepare draft of "Short-term versus Long-term Producti vity"(Chapter 6). •Prepare draft of "Irreversible Commitment of Resources"(Chapter 7). •Prepare draft of "Compl i ance wi th Hegul at ions,Permits,Codes"(Chapter 9). •Document "Public Participation Program"and prepare "B"ibliography"(Chapter 10). •Compile and refine the entire report. •Print review copy of Exhibit W. •Make necessary revisions based on APA review. ASSIGNMENT C-5 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY C ENVIRONMENTAL STUD IES------- EXII I8 IT II R"RECREA nON PLAN TASK TITLE C-5-1 Formulate Goals and Operational Objectives SHEET 1 of 2 I"""LEVEL OF EFFORT:16 Man-days--=---------------------------- SCHEDULE:---------------- ESTIMA TED COST -------------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To develop a plan for public utilization of project waters and adjacent lands for re- I~creational purposes insofar as it would be consistent with the proper operation of the project for the development of water power and other pub 1 ic purposes. The primary objectives of the recreation plan are: To define and develop a recreation market potential for the project consistent with the resource base of the area and identified needs of both residents and tourists. To accommodate for project-induced recreation use. To offset recreational resources lost by construction of the proposed project. factors typically influence the recreation planning process and the ultimate the recreation plan: Developed objectives and management goals of the Alaska Power Authority and appropriate recreation management agencies. Operational characteristics of the Susitna project. Resource constraints and opportunities of the area,including climate and land resources such as vegetation,fish,wildlife and water quality. •Development constraints and opportunities,including those associated with the proposed project. TASK:C-5-1 Formulate Goals and Operational Objectives •Recreation demand both demonstrated and anticipated. SHEET 2 of 2 •Financial obligation and responsibility of the Alaska Power Authority and other key management agencies in either the development,management or operations of the recreation plan. The overall approach will be to analyze each of the above factors and in a unified effort between agencies,consultant and the APA to develop several conceptual recreation schemes.Each scheme will represent different levels of use;patterns of use;levels of financial investment for facilities and land acquisition by the Alaska Power Authority; implications for management roles of the Alaska Power Authority,BLM,Alaska Division of Parks,Cook Inlet Region Inc.,and appropriate Native village corporations. These schemes will be graphically portrayed through the following: •Alternative recreation development plans which outline the facilities to be built as part of the project and lands to be acquired. •Alternative recreation management plans which address,through zoning issues such as all-terrain vehicle use and recreation vehicle camping controls. • A comparison matrix summarizing the pros and cons of each scheme relative to their recreation values. • A comparative summary of the impacts on the resource base,particularly in relation to hunting and fishing activities. From these,a preferred recreation plan will be identified and refined under close review by the Alaska Power Authority and key public and private interests. Specific Activities •Field Reconnaissance. •Meet individually with Alaska Power Authority and key agency representatives including: -Heritage,Conservation and Recreation Service Bureau of Land Management Alaska Division of Parks -Statewide Recreation Resource Study Group Alaska Division of Parks -State Parks System Planning Group Alaska Department of Fish and Game Cook Inlet Region,Inc. Native Village Corporation •Identify individual agency planning goals which have potential bearing on the development of the Susitna recreation plan.Identify and document conflicts which may exist between individual goals. •Meet collectively with Alaska Power Authority and key agency representatives to agree in principle upon planning goals/guidelines for the preparation and evaluation of the recreation plan. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY SHEET _1_of_1 1-ASSIGNMENT C-5 CA TEGORY __C~E_NV_I_R_ON_M_E_N_TA__L_Sl_-L_ID_I_ES _ EXH IB IT "R"RECREATION PLAN TASK TITLE C-5-2 Determine Recreational Land Use Suitability,.... LEVEL OF EFFORT:_4-=--8_M~a_~n_-d__=a~y_=__s _ $15,000 P.Miller (EDAW) July,August 1981SCHEDULE:------_--=--.:_-'=-------------------------- ESTIMATED COST:---'-----'----------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY ------_..:.--_~----------------------- PURPOSE: To preparae documents for Exhibit R of FERC License Application as described in Task C-5-1. SCOPE: r "• • ,-.• Summarize and synthesize the findings of environmental work conducted as part of Exhibits W,S,and V. Prepare data maps identifying resource opportunities and constraints, seasonal contraints. Determine suitability of areas within the influence of the proposed project for potential recreation uses such as: ,"""I I I -Water related uses -rafting,boating,fishing. -Hunting -Day uses -picnicking,and interpretation. -All-terrain vehicle use. -Overnight use -camping,including campers,trailers or recreational vehicles. •Conduct field inspections. •Re-evaluate area suitability. •Document conclusions. SUSITNA HYDROE:LECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY_~ ASSIGNMENT C-5 ENVIR ONMENTAL -SlUill~<_ EXH IB IT II RII RECREATlD"-LN-'P_...LoLJA"-LN < TASK TIT LE _-!.lCc=-.>L5-::,3L-LlA~s..J.;se~s;;Ls;L_'_lR..J;;e.kc.L_'re>.i..\a.ut<_1jJ"lolin._JD""e....,mLJ..lOawnL"'-d _ I.~LEVEL OF EFFORT 16 Man-days SCHEDULE August,September 1981 r-ESTIMATED COST:$7,000 RESPONSIBILITY:P.Mill er (EDAW),""'" r«PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit R of FERC License Application as described in Task C-5-1. <SCOPE: In order to focus upon the need for recreation activities relative to the project features,existing regional and local patterns and trends of recreation use with the Railbelt area will be examined. Conduct three public involvement workshops.Summarize and document results. •Determine recreation market area.(See Task Assignment C-4,Task C-4-15 -r Recreation.) Analyze and document public recreation roles of Federal and State governments, private entrepreneurs,outfitters and guides. Review and document socioeconomic characteristics from both a regional and local point of view (leisure trends,seasonality factors,tourism).(See Task Assign- ment C-4,Task C-4-15 -Recreation.) • ~ • r- •,... •Document existing proposed recreation use regionally and within the immediate project ar'ea.User information,such as number of visitor days per various activities,will be generated as part of Exhibit R work.(See Task Assignment C-4,Task C-4-15 -Recreation.) SUSITNA HYDROE.LECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY:__C E_N_V_IR_O_N_ME_N_T_AL_S_TU_D_I_E_S _ ASSIGN MEN T_:_C_-_5 EX_H_I_B_IT_R_-_R__EC_R_E_A_TI_ON_PL_A_N ~_ TASK TITLE C-5-4-Develop Conceptual Recreation Schemes-i LEVEL OF EFFORT:40 Man-days SCHEDULE:October 1981 I""'-$11.000ESTIMATEOCOST: RESPONSIBILITY:P.Miller (EDAW)r-- f""PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit R of FERC License Application as described in Task C-5-1. SCOPE: The purpose of this task will be to synthezise recreation land use suitability data de- termined in Task C-5-2 with recreation demand data generated in Task C-5-3 to create conceptual alternatives which illustrate the range of realistic recreational development options available. Alternative plans will be general in design.but specific in terms of how much.where. and what kind of recreation use is proposed.In addition,sufficient information will be presented to the Alaska Power Authority to portray the policy impl ications of each concept. •Develop alternative recreational plan maps. -Document land acquisition options. -Document facility development options. •Develop alternative management plan maps. •Develop preliminary cost estimates. •Portray policy implications. •Prepare comparative matrix summarizing the following: -Recreation values of alternatives to existing and projected demand. Impacts on resource base. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 -r CA TEGOR Y _~C=-__--=..:EN:..:..-V-=-I~RO:.....-N_M_EN_T~A.:.:..L _S_T.:.:..UD_I_E_S _ ASSIGNMENT_:_C_-_5 EX_H_IB_I_T_"R_"_RE_C_R_EA_T_I_ON_P_LA_N _ TASK TITLE.C-5-~)Review Alternative Plans With APA and Appropriate Agencies LEVEL OF E FFORT :_l_l_M-.:.a_n_-d---.:a~y_s _ SCI-1EDULE:November 1981 ESTIMATED COST:$4,000.------------------------------ RESPONSIBILITY:P.I~ill er (EDAW) r-PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit R of FERC License Application as described in Task r--C-5-1. SCOPE: Workshop meetings shall be held with the Alaska Power Authority and key agencies as re- quired to review alternative plans and to refine the approach and direction of the pre- ferred recreation development and management plans. A major goal of this review process will be to reach a consensus on major objectives of r-the recreation plan.In addition,the review process will serve to refine the identifi- cation of areas,various levels of development and what that means in terms of activi- ties,investment in recreation facilities and management implications. .-SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CCATEGORY-- ASSIGNMENT C-5 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES-------- EXHIBIT "R"RECREATION PLAN TASK TITLE:C-5-6 Sel ect and Refi ne Preferred Recreational Use Pl an ,-,.LEVEL OF EFFORT:49 Man-days r . SCHEDULE:December 1981 ,..... ESTIMA TED COST $15,000 RESPONSIBILITY:P.Miller (EDAW) PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit R of FERC License Application as described in Task C-5-1. SCOPE: The preferred recreation use plan will be selected and refined by the Alaska Power Authority and EDAW. •Produce detailed recreation development program: Identify specific development areas. -Designate activity types and levels of use by management areas. -Recommend priorities for development. -Prepare cost estimates. •Produce detailed recreation management plan. •Field verify development areas and management boundaries. [' I 1 r-SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY r-., SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGOR Y ·_---.:C=--_-----=.:EN~V-=-I:...:..RO::.:..N::..:M=.:EN~T::..:A=L_---=S---=T~UD---=I~E_S=--._ ASS IGNMENT:......:--.:C=--_5__EX_H_I_BI_T_"R_"_RE_C_R_EA_T_I_ON_P_LA_N _ TASK TITLE (-5-7 Prepare Fi nal Report LEVEL OF EFFORT:54 Man-days----~-------------------------- SCHEDULE:January to June 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$15,000----=---=---------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:P.Mill er (EDAW) r-'" PURPOSE: To prepare Exhibit R of FERC License Application as described in Task C-5-1. SCOPE: Review Detailed Recreation Use Plan with the Alaska Power Authority and Appropriate Agencies •Establish concurrence relative to the objectives of the recreation use plan in term of: r---Experience levels. Quality and quantity of recreation facilities. -Managem,ent issues. Initial phase construction. •Solicit input in completing and refining cost estimates for recreation construc- tion,operation and maintenance of facilities and other administrative costs as deemed necessary. Prepare Final Report i~•Prepare and assemble final text and maps for review by the Alaska Power Authority to include: -Planning goals. -Existing recreation in Railbelt region. -Factors influencing the design of the recreation plan. Identification of optimum use limits. -Development Plan. -Management Plan. -Estimates of use levels. -Plan implementation. -Cost estimates including development costs and administration/operation costs. •Incorporate additions and alterations subsequent to review. F""SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ,-.ASSIGNMENT:C-6~ r-t CATE GORY :_~C=--_-----:E N...:-V_I~RO~N_M_E_N_T...:-A.:::..L _S_T--=--UD_I_E_S _ EHIXIBIT "V"NATURAL,SCENIC AND HISTORIC RESOURCE PROTECTION PLAN TASK TITLE C-6-1 Fonnu1ate Goals and Objectives LEVEL OF EFFORT:10 Man-days February,March 1981SCHEDULE:--_._-_--..:.:...--_----r ESTIMATED COST:__$_5,_0_00 ._~_ M.Bowie (EDAW)RESPONSIBILITY:------'--_.:--_-------------------r PURPOSE: r l To describe the project area,the project design and steps to be taken in all phases of project construction and operation so as to protect and enhance the natural,scenic and historic resources of the project area for inclusion as Exhibit V of FERC License Appli- cation. SCOPE: r \ r I\. In order to formulate these goals and resolve questions relating to FERC guidelines and requirements,a workshop meeting will be held early in the project with APA and key Federal,State and llocal agency representatives and other interested parties. PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: Michael Bowie (EDAW) Bill Perk ins (EDAW) Mark Trembley (EDAW) Dr.James Dixon (Un"iversity of Alaska) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES EXHIBIT "V"NATURAL,SCENIC AND HISTORIC RESOURCE PROTECTION PLAN C ASSIGNMENT C-6 r~CATEGORY ------------- TASK TITLE:C-6-2 Analysis of Federal,State and Local Guidelines rt LEVEL OF EFFORT:15 Man-days SCHEDULE:February,March 1981 r ESTIMATED COST:$5,000 RESPONSIBILITY:M.Bowie (EDAW) r { PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit V of FERC License Application as described in Task C-6-1..r ) ( r r I \ SCOPE: All available planning guidelines will be assembled including FERC's "Guidelines for Protection of Natural,Historic,Scenic,and Recreational Values in the Design and Location of Rights-of-Way Transmission Facilities,"with respect to political juris- dictions and land use controls which affect the region as well as specific sites and areas. I""" 1 i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ASSIGNMENT:C-6-------------'--- CA TEGO RY __C EN_V_IR_O_NM_EN_T_A_L_S_T_UD_I_E_S _ EXHIBIT "V"NATURAL,SCENIC AND HISTORIC RESOURCE PROTECTION PLAN TASK TITLE C-6-3 Cultural Resource Identification,Impact and Mitigation F'"LEVEL OF EFFORT:3 Man-days-----=------------'------------------- SCHEDULE:October 1981 to January 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$1,000._----------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:M.Bowie (EDAW) PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit V of FERC License Application as described in Task C-6-1. SCOPE: The majority of work to be performed in the cultural resource study will be completed as part of the Exhibit W-Environmental Report program.Exhibit V will contain a summary of the cultural resource study including a description of the sites found in the recon- naissance level survey and intensive surveys;a discussion of the significance of each site;a description of the mitigation measures (i.e.,avoidance,preservation and excava- tion)implemented during the study program to protect sites that would be adversely affected by the activities of the study phase;and a detailed plan for mitigation of adverse effects to sites during the construction phase.Detailed cost estimates will be provided indicating the recommended action relative to each historic and prehistoric site,the investigative time required and the staff/funding required. ,-., -i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY :__C EN_V_IR_O_N_M_EN_T_A_L_S_T_UD_I_E_S _ ASS IGNME NT~:_C_-_6 E_X_H_IB_I_T_"V_"_NA_T_UR_A_L_,_S_C_E_N_IC_AN_D_H_IS_T_OR_I_C_RE_S_O_UR_C_E_P_R_O_TE~C_T_IO_N_P_LA_N_ TASK TITLE:C-6-4 Transmission Line Corridor Analysis LEVEL OF EFFORT:15 Man-days----~------------------------- SCHEDULE:A_p_r_il_l_9_8_1_t_o_J_a_n_u_a_ry__l_9_82 _r ESTIMATEDCOST:__$6_,_O_O_O _ M.Bowi e (EDAW )r PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit V of FERC License Application as described in Task C-6-1. SCOPE: An analysis will be made of the transmission routing requirements of the Susitna hydro- electric project as part of Exhibit W.(Task C-4-23).The analysis will provide a concise environmental framework by which to comparatively evaluate the Nenana I and Susitna I corridors,as well as the Watana and Devil Canyon corridor to the point of tie-in,and other possible corridor alignments. Exhibit V will contain a summary of the transmission corridor analysis with specific emphasis on protection of natural,scenic and historic resources. The transmission study will result in the presentation of associated environmental im- pacts for each corridor alignment as well as potential construction and operation mitigation measures.Specific mitigation concepts will deal with such measures as the merits of overhead versus underground transmission lines for segments of the corridor alignments;corridor right-of-way treatment;tower placement and design,as well as access roads management,maintenance and operational requirements. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY __C EN_IV_IR_O_N_M_EN_T_A_L_S_T_UD_I_E.S - ASSIGNME NT:-..:_C_-_6 E_X_H_IB_I_T_"V_"_NA_T_U_RA_L~,__S_C_E_NI_C_AN_D_H_IS_T_OR_I_C_R-,-E_S_OU_R_C_E_P_R-,-OT_E~C_T_I O_N_PL_A_N_ lASK TITLE C-6-5 Visual Resource Identification,Impact and Mitigation LEVEL OF EFFORT:--=1~0.....:.M....::.a.....:.n_-d:~a~y-=-s--:--_ July 1981 to January 1982 r SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST:__$4-=,_0_00 -'-----_ RESPON SIBILlTY:__M_._Bo_w_i_e_{:.....E_DA_W-'-)_ PURPOSE: ....., To prepare documents for inclusion in Exhibit V of FERC License Application as described in Task C-6-1. SCOPE: The visual studies of the Upper Susitna River basin will be conducted as part of Exhibit W (TaskC-4-22)and will determine the significant visual effects of the Watana and Devil Canyon dam structures,reservoirs,certain access roads,recreation sites,con- struction camps,borrow and spoil areas,and related facilities.The visual studies, furthermore,will document and catalog the various view settings of the dam structures and supporting facilities in terms of effects on surrounding areas,and evaluate the relative visual quality acceptability of the local view relations to the settings. The visual impact analysis will focus on the contrast between the existing landscape and future 1andSCapl?S,as modifi ed by project features,and depi cted by photographically simulated study models.Differences in contrast will be analyzed according to changes in such basic landscape elements of form,line,color and texture.r ..... Exhibit V will detail the costs of mitigation required to minimize adverse visual effects of the project.Mitigation measures will be expressed in terms of planning and design suggestions involving the arrangement of power plant components and ground forms, the control of views,and other measures contributing to the orderly arrangement of project appearance.Other mitigation measures that will be considered are: [t.•Landscape planting for screening and buffers. •Use of color on dam structure components. •Treatment of construction yards,spoil sites and borrow pits. _•Reservoir clearing considerations. •Consideration of comparative mitigation costs. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ~ ! CATEGORY:_.=.C_..:....--=E~NV.:....:I:.:.:R:=.ON:.::.M.:.:E:.:..:NT.:..:.A..:.:L=-=-S-:...::ll:..::.ID.=..:IE::;:S:..--._ ASSIGNMENT:C-6 EXHIBIT "V"NATURAL,SCENIC AND HISTORIC RESOURCE PROTECTION PLAN TASK TITLE:(-6-6 Prepare Final Report LEVEL OF EFFORT:....:1=2::........:....M.=.:an~-__=d~ay_!....:.s:....__ SCHEDULE:January to June 1982 ESTIMATED COST:----...:$_5..:...-,O_O_O ~_ RESPONSIBILITY:M.Bowie (EDAW)._--_----:.=..:....-~--------------------- PURPOSE: To prepare Exhibit V of FERC License Application as described in Task C-6-1. SCOPE: ~Prepare the final report for Exhibit V on the basis of the studies and work described in Tasks C-6-1 through C-6-5. -r, I I -I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 ..... ASSIGNMENT C-7-------------- CA TEGORY __C EN_V_I_RO_N_M_EN_T_A_L_Se-T_UD_I_E_S _ EXHIBIT "S"FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES PROTECTION PLAN TASK TITLE:C-7-1 Describe Pre-Project Biological Setting r LEVEL OF EFFORT:10 Man-days-------=----------------,--------------- SCHEDULE:January 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$5,000---------,------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:J.Hemmi ng (Dames &Moore) PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit S,Fish and Wildlife Resources Protection Plan which will address the following: r"", !. I Summarize the results of baseline fish and wildlife studies within the proposed project area. I Describe positive and negative impacts of the proposed hydroelectric project on fish and wildlife resources and their habitat. I t\ssernble techniques and present designs and drawings for mitigation of effects on fi sh and wil d 1ife resources. I Identify and describe the costs of implementing a mitigation plan. I Develop a detailed plan for coordination and information exchange with natural resource agencies,including the Alaska Department of Fish and Game,U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,National Marine Fishery Service,Bureau of Land Manage- ment,and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. SCOPE:r I Following a review of baseline studies of vegetation,anadromous fisheries,resident fisheries.large mammals,birds,air quality,and water quality,the pre-project biolog-r ical setting will be described. ! " -i' I. r SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION: The work for Assignment C-7 will begin in mid-1981 and will be accomplished in approx- imately 5 months.The groundwork for the data and information required in Exhibit Swill be accomplished in the biological studies conducted for Assignment C-4,preparation of Exhibit W. TASK:C-7-1 Describe Pre-Project Biological Setting LEVEL OF EFFORT SHEET _2_o_f_2 A total effort for the tasks comprlslng Assignment C-7 of 50 man-days is anticipated at a labor cost of approximately $15,000.Equipment,travel,and subsistence are estimated at 8,000 for a total Task cost of $23,000.Individual Task breakdowns are given for each Task •. PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT: This assignment will be accomplished by an interdisciplinary team of eight specialists consisting of the Principal Investigators from the various environmental tasks and a technical writer/editor.Project leader will be James E.Hemming. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 Of 1 ASSIGNMENT C-7----------------------------~---- CA TEGOF~Y:__C EN_V_I_RO_N_M_EN_T_A_L_S_T_UD_I_E_S _ EXHIBIT "s"FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES PROTECTION PLANr- i fASK TITLE:C-7-2 Assess Impacts to Fish and Wildlife LEVEL OF E FF ORT:---=l:..=-O~M~a:..:..:n_-d~a=y_=_s _ SCHEDULE:February 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$5,000_-:.-..:..----------------,-------------- J.Hemming (Dames &Moore)RESPONSIBILITY:------=-""'----...,----_--..:-_---------------r I \ ,....PURPOSE: To prepare documents for inclusion in Exhibit S of FERC License Application as described in Task C-7-1. SCOPE: Potentia"1 changes to habitat of fish and wildlife populations resulting from construction and operation of the Susitna hydroelectric project will be described including the rela- r tive level of impact. \ ,'-' I - .... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGOF~Y:_::....c __~EN:..:..:V:...:::.I.:..::RO~N~M.=.:EN~T~A=-L...::'.S~TU~D~I-=.:ES~~_ ASS IGNMEN T:..-:C::....--=..7_----=.EX:..:.:.H.:.:I~B.=....IT:......-II.=....S I_I..:..F..:..:IS:..:.H:....:...:;AN:.::D:.-.:.:..WI=-=L::.::D..=.L=.:IF-=E:..-=RE=..;:S=O.=;.;UR=C=E-=-S....;.P-,-,R-=-O-.:..:;rE;:...::C-,-T.::..;lO:c;..N:-:...;PL""-A.:.:....:N _ TASK TITLE:C-7-3 Prepare Mitigation Plan r-LEVEL OF EFFORT :-:1:.:2::......:..::Ma:::,:n.:..---=d=.,ay!....:s=--------'_ SCHEDULE:March to May 1982 ESTIMATED COST:~$-=-5..!....:,O:....:.O..:..O _ RESPONSIBILITY:J.Hemmi n.g (Dames &Moore) r I""" I -I .- ! 1""'0,, ,... L [ IPURPOSE: To prepare documents for inclusion in ExhibitS of FERC License Application as described in Task C:-7-1. SCOPE: A mitigation plan will be prepared including specific methods and designs such as areas and techniques for controlled burning projects to improve moose winter range as mitiga- tion for losses of riparian vegetation within the reservoir area.Detailed costs of implementing the mitigation plan will also be developed . SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 .- i --------------------------_._-------- CA TEGOFIY :__C E_NV_I_R~ON_M_E_NT_A__L_ST_U_D_I_ES _ ASSIGNMIENT:-:_C_-_7 __E_X_H_IB_I_T_"S_"__F I_S_H_A_N_D_W_I_L_DL_I_F_E_R_E_SO_U_R_C_ES_PR_O_T_E_CT__I_O_N_P_LA_N~_ TASK TITLE C-7-4 Coordination With Natural Resources Agencies --- LEVEL OF EFFORT:10 Man-days ~ I. SCHEDULE:January to May 1982 EST~MATED COST:$5,000 RESPOI\ISIBILlTY:J.Hemmi ng (Dames &Moore) PURPOSE: To prepare documents for Exhibit S of FERC License Application as described in Task C-7-1. SCOPE: Throughout the mitigation plan development process,continuous involvement by the natural resource agencies will be required.Therefore,one of the first Tasks will be to develop a list of key agency personnel and a schedule of meetings,field trips,and workshops torassurethatadequateagencyinputisincludedinthemitigationplan. I .- r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ASSIGNME:NT C-7 C ATE GOR;y __C=--__~EN~V~I~RO.::-N.::-M.::-EN~T~A=-L -.:.S~T-,,-UD_I_E_S ~ EXHIBIT "S"FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES PROTECTION PLAN TASK TITLE:C-7 -5 Prepare Fi nal Report-, ------------------------------------, r-'LEVEL OF EFFORT:8 Man-days----"---- SCHEDULE:._M---=ay=---.1_98_2 _ ESTiMATED COST:$3,000_-.-:--=--------------------------- J.Hemming (Dames &Moore)RESPONSIBILITY:----_=---:'--------'------------------- ,1'-PURPOSE: \ To prepare Exhibit S of FERC License Application as described in Task C~7-1. SCOPE: r- Prepare final report of Exhibit S including each of the items described in Tasks C-7-1 through C-7-4. Hydrological Studies - .- i 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-1-1 0-2-1 0-2-2 0-2-3 0-3-1 D-3-2 D-3-3 0-4-1 0-4-2 0-4-3 0-5-1 0-5-2 0-5-3 0-5-4 0-5-5 0-6-1 D-6-2 D-6-3 D-6-4 0-6-5 0-6-6 PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE,HOYROLOGICAL STUDIES Management and Technical Supervision DATA COLLECTION,GAGING AND SAMPLING IECO Coordination and Review Install and Operate Stream Gaging Stations Sediment and Water Quality Data Sampling OATA MANAGEMENT Collect and Compile Existing Hydrometeorologic Data Compile Data from New Hydrometeorologic Stations Establ ish Computer Based Data Ubrary MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND SIMULATION Develop Comprehensive Watershed Model Develop Specific Models for Arctic Conditions Calibrate and Verify Models BASIN YIELD AND FLOOD STUIDES Preliminary Hydrologic Investigations for Plan Formulation PMP and PMF's for Project Sites Statistical and Graphical Analysis Glacial Water Balance Correlation and Extension of Streamflow Data RIVER HYDRAULICS,SEDIMENTATION,AND WATER QUALITY Tailwater Rating Curves and Water Surface Profiles Reservoir Sedimentation and Stratification Studies Downstream Sediment Transport and Water Quality Effects of Ice Formation and Breakup. Reservoir Filling and Emergency Drawdown Criteria Downstream Hazards from Dam Failure SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_0_f_1_ CATEGORY :_--=O~_---.:H...:....:Y-=O.:.:RO:.::L=-=O-=-GI:..:c:..:..:A:.::.L--..::S:...:.T..::-UO::.:I:...:E:..=.S _ (-ASS IG I'J MEN T:...-:-=0_-=-l_~P:.....:.R.:.:I..:.:.N.:::C I:.:P...:.,:A:.:.L--:I:.:..N:......-.:..:CH:..::.A.:.:..:R:.=.G::...E!.-,...:...:H...:..:YD:...:R.::O~L.::..:OG::.::I:..:C.:..:A:::...L --=S:....:..T..:..:UD=.::I:..::E:..:.S _ T AS K TIT LE:_--=O~-..:l_-l=_....:.M.:.:a~n:.:a~g:...em::.:.e::.:n~t:.......:a:..:..:n~d~Te~c::..:h..:..:n.:..:i~c~a~l_=_Su=.Jp::..:e:...:r....::v....::i~s....:.i..:..o:..:..n _ --'----------------------------, LEVEL OF E FFORT:_..:.18:.:0::........:...:M.:..:an:..:....---=d:.:::ay:!..:s=-----_ SCHEDUL.E:Intermittent -January 1980 to July 1982 /,.,.." r- - ESTIMATED COST:__$..:...-6_4..:.....0.:-0~O _ F~ESPONSIBILlTY:__C_._J_._C~ha:.:.:._n~(I.:....::.E.:....::.C_=_O):_.__ -_._--------------------------....... PURPOSE: To organize.plan and direct the activities for all Task Groups within the Hydrological Studies Category and to coordinate with principals-in-charge in other disciplines. SCOPE: The primary function of the principal-in-charge is the effective management.adminis- tration and overall technical supervision of the Hydrological Studies project group. His responsibilities include: .'Evaluate and define the scope of the hydrologic studies required for the project. •Direct and coordinate activities with Task Group Leaders and schedule work tasks and staff personnel for each task. •Establish criteria and guidelines and overall technical supervision of all hydrological studies. •Review work performed within the Group to ensure technical soundness and conformi ty with study objecti ves. •Coordinate with principals-in-charge of other disciplines ~nd provide hydrologic information and studies as required in other Work Categories. •Assist Project Manager in technical meetings wi~h the Client and in public participation meetings as required. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY:_--=D~_~H~Y~D~RO~L~O~G~IC~A~L....;S~T~U~DI~E~S _ ASSIGN MENT:.-:~D~-=-2 _~D::.A~T~A ~C~O-=-LL~E~C...'....T~IO~NC1..,~G~A~G~IN~G~AN~D~SA~M.!!..P.=.LI~N~G~_ TASK TITLE:_~D_-=-2-_=1=__=I-=E~CO~C~0~0~r~d~i n~a~t~i~o~n_=a~n~d~R~e~v.!_'i e=.!w!...--_ .f"!'"LEVEL OF EFFORT:85 Man-days SCHEDULE:Intermittent -January 1980 to July 1982-(ESTIMA TED COST:$29,000 RESPONSIBILITY:W.C.Peterson (IECO) PURPOSE: To coordinate work on all hydrometeorologic data collection with Subcontractors and the Hydro'logical Studies task group leaders,and to review the quality of data collected. SCOPE: The IECO Coordinator will provide overall coordination and liaison with the data collection activities.The USGS is responsible for the collection of streamflow,sediment and water quality data;and Dames &Moore is responsible for the collection of meteorologic data for both the Hydrological Studies and Environmental Studies.The IECD coordinator will work closely with all concerned to: •Plan and locate suitable sites in the field for all hydrometeorologic stations. ,.... I I I ,... i ,Discuss requirements with other Task Groups to obtain and specify type of data required and observation intervals for these data. •Provide services in the selection and ordering of equipment. •,~ssist and represent APA in recommending and allocating expenditures. •Ensure data gathering is proceeding on schedule. •,~ssist and coordinate work with Data Management Task Group in the collection of lexisting data and in contacting different agencies where the data are required.-r •Review quality of data obtained. •Transfer data obtained to the Data Management Task Group for compilation, updating and analysis. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 -(, CATEGORY:_~O__-:H~Y~D~RO~L~OG~I~C~A=-L--.::S:..!..T~UD~I:...=E~S-----_ ASS IGNMENT:.....:~D~-2=---~D~A~TA~C~O=_'LL=_'=E~CT~I~O~N..L,---=G~A~GI~N~G___!A~N::..:::D_.:S~A~M~P=.::LI::.:.cN~G _ TASK TIT L.E:_----=:0_-=-2-....::2=----~I~n:=...s t~a~1~1~a~nd~02P~e:.!...r~a t~e=:..-..=S~t~r.=.e~am.!!._:::G:.:::a~gL.:..i .:.!..ng~S~t::..::::a:..:::t....:...i o~n~s::.-_ r'LEVEL 01::EFFORT:_~5.:::.:35~M~a~n-~d~a~y~s _ SC HE0 ULE:-.-:.F'--.:e::.:b:...:-r-=.u=..ar:...."yC-::1=.98::-0=-..:t:.::o_J::.:u=-1".,,/.y--=1::.:98::.;:2=--_ ESTIMA TI=O COST:_---2-$4.:..-:4~6l'0:...:0:...:.0 _ IRESPON SIBILlTY:_---=U~S.::..GS=___ PURPOSE: To obtain streamflows from different parts of the project basin for the modeling of the rainfall-Y'unoff,glacial,erosion,sediment transport and water quality processes,for flood calibration in flood studies;for deriving repesentative streamflows at project sites for reservoir operation studies;and for environmental studies. SCOPE: The instalilation and operation of 8 new project gages and the continuation of data gather- ing at thE!3 existing stations would be by the USGS,with the costs borne by the APA. The stream gaging stations,listed below,are selected on basis of their importance in representing the flows of different subbasins in the project watershed. r I~ ,... i 1.Susitna River at Gold Creek (Existing) 2.Susitna River near Denali (Existing) 3.Maclaren River near Paxson (Existing) 4.Tyone River near Mouth 5.Oshetna River near Mouth 6.Susitna River at Cantwell (Former Gage) 7.Watana Damsite 8.Devil Canyon Damsite 9.Susitna River at Highway 3 Bridge Crossing below Talkeetna 10.Chulitna River near Talkeetna 11.Special IIGlacial Gage ll (to measure the majority of the summer runoff from the glacial areas,to be located after site visit) The operation would cover the 2-1/2 years study period.Continuous recording gages would be installed.Annual site visits are about 5 times during the open water period and 3 times during periods of ice cover. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATE GO RY :_--=D'---_~HY'-=D~R':::!..OL~O~G~I~CA~L~ST~U:..=D~I=.:ES~_ ASS IGN ME NT:...-:~D-..:-2=---'D:'..'...A.'....'..T~A~C~O:..::L-='LE'=-"C~-'-T-=-I O~N~,~GA~G~I~NG~A~N.=:..D.....::S~A~M.:....;P L~I:..:..:Nc.:::.G _ T ASK TIT LE:_---'::D~-2':..-....::.3::...-:::S.=.ed:=..1~·m~e~n~t_a~n~d~W~a~t~er'---.C::Q~u~a~l.2.-it~YL.=O:.:=a:.:::t~a-..:S~a~m~p~l...!...·i~ng::L-_ r ,-LEVEL OF EFFORT:145 Man-days( SCHEDULE:Apri 1 1980 to July 1982 ESTIMA TED COST:$109,000 RESPONSIBILITY:USGS i~ ,....PURPOSE: To obtain sediment data and data on the essential water quality parameters for Reservior Sedimentation and Stratification Studies;for determining pre-project and post-project sediment transport and water quality conditions;and for supplementing other data that will be gathered in the Environmental Studies. SCOPE: ,- I The work on this Task is to be carried out in conjunction with Task 0-2-2,the gathering of streamflow data.Sampling locations are at the streamflow gaging stations as proposed in the 0-2-2 Task.Data to be gathered consist of: -! •Sediment loads •Water temperature •Dissolved oxygenr•Conduct i vi ty or pH At the proposed stream gaging stations,in addition to gaging streamflows,the installed equipment will also record daily water temperatures.Sediment and water quality samplings will be performed during the routine site visits.During annual floods and high flow per- iods,more frequent samplings may be required.Samplings collected will be sent to the laboratory for analysis.The water quality parameters spe~ified above represent the basic ..data required for the various hydrologic studies.Throughout the study period,if re- quired,other chemical and biological elements,such as nitrates,phosphates,total dis- solved solids,nitrogen,heavy metals,total organic carbon,turbidity,nutrients,phyto- plankton and zooplankton can also be sampled.All the sediment loads and water quality data sampled will also be used in conjunction with the additional grab samplings that will be gathered for use in various Environmental Studies.-t Similar to Task 0-2-2,the work for this Task will be performed by the USGS thr9ugh APA funding and with the IECO Task Group Leader as coordinator. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGOFlY :_-.-.::..D__......:..H.:..:..Y..::..DR:.:.:O:..::L~OG:::..:I:..:C::...:.A=-L-::::S:....:...T=..:UD:.,:I:...::.E::::..S _ ASSIGNMENT:._:--=.0-.:-3=-------=D:..:...:A.:-.:.TA..:..-.:..:M.:....:.:AN:..:.:.A.:.:::G=EM~E::.:N:....:...T _ TASK TIT LE:_----=.0_-3:...--=1::.-..:.C::.o..:.-ll.:...;e:.:c:..:t:........::a.:..:.nd=-::C:..:o:.:::mJ:.p..:....i.:....:1e::-=E:.:.:x~i.::..s t.::..,.:.;.·n..:..o9L...:..:Hy....d=.r:...;o:..:.:m:;.::e:..;:t..=.e.::..or:...;o;;...;1:....::o;..;;l9~i.,.:.c -:D::...:a::...:t:..::a,,---~~~~~_ ,...LE VE L OF E FF ORT:_.=.l1:..::O=--:...:.Ma=n..:.....--=d..=,ay!...:.s:.-----------------~-_ SCHE DULE:--=J-=a.:..:..nu=.:a:...:-r~y_t..:..:o=__...:...;A:!:..pr:._i:.....:l__.::_l=_..:98:...:0:..2.,_J=_..:u=__l:..::!.y_=19:...:8:...:0 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$.:...-4:..:.6..:...,O:...:O:..:.O _ RE SPON SIB 11iTY :_---.:J--=.--=-.:L.:.....--=.:K~it-=--t=--:.l...:.e_(~H~y-=-d r:....:o:....:c...:..om::.:.!p~):..--_ PURPOSE: .,...... To establish a data bank of all historic meteorologic,hydrologic and water quality data in and near the Upper Susitna basin . SCOPE: All historic U.S.Weather Bureau,State of Alaska,and local meteorologic records for the following will be collected: •Precipitation •Temperature •Dewpoint •Wind Movement •Solar Radiation •Snow Course •Cloud Cover •Snow Depth and Density •Ice Cover on Streams and Lakes •Glacial Volume and Glacial Movements - 1 This activity will be coordinated with the Environmental Studies Task Group,in conjunc- tion with their meteorological data gathering for the Climatic Studies for the Upper Susitna basins and the transmission line corridor. All historic streamflow and water quality records from U.S.Geological Survey,U.S. EnvironmE'ntal Protection Agency,and other sources will be collected.These records in- clude but are not limited to the following: r •Streamflow •Water Temperature •Dissolved Oxygen and BOD •pH or conductivity •Nutrients •Photoplankton and Zooplankton •Total Organic Carbon •Turbi dity SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STLJ,DY SHEET 1 of 1 -r=. CA TEGORY:_~D:......-_~H~Y~O~RO::.':L~O.:::G::.:IC::::A:=.L--.:S~T-.:::.U::::OI~E~S _ DATA MANAGEMENTrASSIGNMENT:0-3:..----=--=------.:~~~::..:.=.:::...:.::.:..:....:.-_------------------- TASK TIT LE:_-=:.D--.:3:....----.::2:--.:::C~om:::!p::..i:....:l_.::e~D:::_at.:::.:a::......:.f...:..r..:::.om~N~e:..:w~HLYd=_r:.....;o::.:,:m::;:e:..:t.::.e.=..or.:....:o::..:l;..::o:...;::QL..:.i.::.c_S::..:t=..:a::..::t:..;.i-=.o.:..:.n.=..s _ ------------------------------, r LEVEL 01::E FFORT:_.:-.7::::.5-.:..M~a~n_:-d:::.:a~y~s _ --,------------------------_.........._-' SCHED U l_E:F_e_b_ru_a_r:::....y_l_9_8_0_t_o_J_u-"1y:.--l_9_82 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$.:....::3:..-=-3.2..'O:::..:O:..-=-O ~_ RESPON SIB IL1TY :_---=J:....:..----=-L~.-:..:K:....:...it-=-t::....:l--=e~(H:.:!.y_=d~ro:...:c:...:o.:.:.:.mp!:..;)~--'-_ r PURPOSE: To compilE~data from new hydrometeorologic stations in the Upper Susitna basin for a data bank of all meteorologic,hydrologic and water quality data in and near the basin. SCOPE: r' (•Heview data needs for all hydr"olog;c t sediment,and glacial studies with Hydro- logical Studies Task Group. r I! I Establish computer communications equipment and connections and obtain the meteorologic data and hydrologic data from the new streamflow and climatic stations. •Compile these new data into the data bank on the HSPF Comprehensive Modeling System. •t1onitor the new records as they are collected and received to check that data is reasonable and consistent. .- •Report any problems to the Gaging and Sampling Task Group . ,,- I r- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY CATEGORY:D HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES ASSIGNM[NT:0-3 DATA MANAGEMENT TASK TIT1_E:0-3-3 Estab 1ish Computer Based Data Library .-LEVEL OF EFFORT:495 Man-days( SCHEDULE:February 1980 to July 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$204,000 RESPONSIBILITY:J.L.Kittle (Hydrocomp) ~YiJ/IItII(, PURPOSE: SHEET 1 of 1 To establ-ish a computer based data bank of all historic and currently observed hydrologic and meteorologic data to provide an efficient and convenient basis for hydrologic,envi- ronmental and project design studies. SCOPE: •I~eview project requirements for data storage and manipulation,and plan data bank if"""operations to meet needs efficiently. •Review avail ab 1e software for data management and extend thi s .software where necessary. I~rrange computer hardware to satisfy disk and tape storage needs and arrange graphics equipment to plot data. i~rrange and test communications equipment so that all members of the project teams,Client,and cooperating state and federal agencies can use the data bank. Read all historic data into the data bank and check data for validity. Read newly collected data into the data bank and advise the appropriate agencies if data are incomplete or inaccurate. •Operate the data bank to meet modeling and other project requirements during the life of the project. .At the completion of the project,write the data bank to magnetic tape and trans- fer to the Client. ,- ! f'"'"SUS/TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r I, r CA TEGORY:_~D~_~HY~D~R~O.=:LO~G~I~CA~L~S~TU~D~I..=.E::....S _ ASS IGN M[NT:-:--=D~-4...:-_------.:M...::..A:.:...T:...:.:HE::.M.::...:A~TI:.:C:..:...:A~L -=..M.::::O.::..DE~L::..::I.:..:.NG=--:-A:.:..:N=-D ....::S:..::.IM:..:.;U:....:L::..;A...:..;TI::..;:O:..:..;N _ TASK TITLE:_........::D_-~4---.:1~~D-=e..::ve=_1.:...::02P~C~om~p~r~e~h~e~n:::.s l~'v~e~W~a~te:::.'r~s~h'..::::e~d_'M~o~d~e:...:l _ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_~10~5~M~an:..:...-~d~ayLs~~_ SCHEDUIc...E:February to October 1980 ESTIMATED COST:_-.-:-$4-.:....::6:..2.,-=..00:.::0=--_ RES PO NSIB IL1TY:_-----.:N..:.:..-:...:H..:...--.:C:..:.r-=a..:.:..wf.:.....:o:..:.r-=d~(H;;t.y--=d:.:-r::.;.oc:..:o:..::mI.PL)_ PURPOSE: To assemble and develop modeling and statistical analysis methods for the hydrologic, project planning and environmental analyses in the Upper Susitna basin. SCOPE: Comprehensive modeling tools for the Upper Susitna basin will be selected and assembled. Continuous,physically based,modeling of both water quantity and quality processes will be used.A mathematical model,representing the Upper Susitna basin will be created. This mode"'will be called the Susitna Modeling System (SMS).The Hydrocomp new EPA-HSPF modeling system will be the tools used in the SMS,because it combines water quantity and quality pl~ocesses and good data management into one efficient package.The HSPF model also allo\vs straight-forward connection of submodels to form a comprehensive model system. Additiona"1 monitoring routines will be written for SMS to log and index computer runs so that part";cular runs can be traced.Input to the SMS will be streamlined so that computer runs can be made efficiently.Extensions to the HSPF modeling algorithms will be made where they are needed by the project.Full routing equations for the study of flood wave movement from the Hydrocomp FULEQ model for flood waves and catastrophic dam failure analysis will be included into the SMS. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN Of,_=.:S...:..T-=U-=D--.:Y S_HE_E_T_l _o_f _l CATEGORY:0 ,....ASSIGI\JMENT:0-4 TASK TITLE:0-4-2 (~ HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND SIMULATION Develop Specific Models for Arctic Conditions r'"LEVEL OF EFFORT:_.:::32~O::_:...:M:.:::a:.:.n-___=d::::a:Ly.:::..s _ SC HE DU LE:-.:..M=a..:.....rc..::..:h~1:.::...98..::..:0=_____.::t_=_o_.:A...:!p:....:..r--.:..·i~1 --.::1:.:9:.,.=8.=.1.!-,--.::J~u~ly~1::..:9..:.8-=-1_t:..-.:o_Ja_.:n..:..:u_.:a_'ry~1_9_8_2 _ ESTIMA TED COST:__$~1:.=5.=.1!...:.,O:..::.O~O _ F~E S PO I\J SIB IUTY:__:..:..N.=-..:.-H:....:...-----=-.Cr:....:a::..:.w:...:.f_=_o..:....rd=----..c(c.:..:H".:!....y-=.dr-=--o:....:c:..:o..:::m.!:....p~)_ PURPOSE: To develop or adopt specific mathematical models for arctic conditions unique to the Upper Susitna climatic and physical setting. SCOPE: Specific mathematical models for arctic conditions will be developed,tested and docu- mented.These specific models can be individual or submodels that will be attached to the SMS to form a comprehensive watershed model unique to the Upper Susitna basin.The Uni- versity of Alaska Geophysical Institute will be performing special arctic research and studies discussed under the project Task Assignment E-5,Special Arctic Studies.Where possible,their research data and study inputs will be incorporated. The specific mathematical models consider the arctic conditions for glacial mass balance and sediment production,for ice formation,melt and movement,for soil erosion,and for stratified reservoirs with ice cover.Existing,well-documented models will be used where possible.Where suitable models are not available,these specific models will be developed from theoretical studies,equations and field data.The stratified reservoir model which will be reviewed carefully is the WESTEX,the most recent Corps of Engineers model from the Waterways Experiment Station.Ice formation and ice movement algorithms will be added to this model.. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN 01=STUDY SHEET .1 of 1 CA TEGORY:_~O~_~H~Y~D~RO~l~O~GI~C~A~l.-::S~T~UO~I:.=E~S _ ASS IG NMENT:.-:--.:::.0_-4.:.-~M..:.:A~TH~E:.:...M:.:..:A T.:....:I::C:.:.,:A.:::.L-.:.M:::::O:::.,:DE~L=-=-I:..:..:NG~A::.:..:NO:::........:::.S.;.:IM~U:.::l::..:.A T.:....::I:.::O.:..:.N _ TASK TITLE:_~0_-..:..4-....:3=_.:::.C..:::a..:..l.:.:i b::.:r.-::a:.::t::e_a:::..:n~d:__=.V.:::.e.:..r.:..if':"';YL..:.M:.::o..::.de::..l.:....:s::..__ I r LEVEL OF EFFORT: 325 Man-days SCHEDULE:March 1980 to Apri 1 1981 1"""1( $141,000ESTIMATEDCOST: -RESPONSIBILITY:N.H.Crawford (Hydrocomp) l" r PURPOSE: To use physical information on the Susitna basin and concurrent meteorologic and hydro- logic data to calibrate SMS models and simulate pre-development hydrologic sediment and, water quality data. SCOPE: After the Susitna Modeling System (SMS)models are developed and compiled in Tasks 0-4-1 and 0-4-2,the SMS models will be calibrated for accuracy using a suitable length of data.Simulation runs will also be made to show pre-project conditions.The work will include: •Compile basin information on topography,land slopes,soils,vegetation,ero- sion rates and geology. •Assemble data on stream channel cross-sections and slopes. •Select watershed segments,channel reaches and initial parameter levels for modeling. •Calibrate the hydrologic regime of the Upper Susitna using both historic data and data from the new climatological stations and stream gage sites. •Calibrate sediment and water quality processes using the neWly collected field data. •Calibrate the glacial models,and the ice formation,melt and movement process. •Test the stratified reservoir model to check for consistency of operation. •Simulate a period of historic years for hydrologic,sediment and water quality results for the existing (pre-development)conditions. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGOfiY:D HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:0-5 BASIN YIELD AND FLOOD STUDIES 1 of 1SHEET_ ,~ r TASK TITLE:0-5-1 Preliminary Hydrologic Investigations for Plan Formulation To perform hydrologic investigations and give preliminary but adequate data and results for the project planning and sizing of the various hydro alternatives during the Plan Formulation Stage and for initial reconnaissance in the Environmental Studies. SCOPE: The activities under this Task are for the initial planning and screening of hydro sites and alternatives,prior to the detailed hydrologic analyses.These activities will util- ize all the existing data and information that have been collected during the start of the project.These activities include: •Delineate on USGS topographic maps the drainage areas for all potential sites and sub-basin boundaries for the Upper Susitna basin. •Provide preliminary reservoir area-capacity curves. •Estimate average tailwater conditions at all potential sites .... !'• • Estimate reservoir evaporation rates from existing data. Develop preliminary monthly streamflow data at all hydro sites on the Upper Susitna basin. r ( ,..., I I •Provide preliminary spillway design floods at potential hydro sites. •Provide streamflow data on other non-Susitna hydro sites as required and re- quested by other Task Groups. •Provide preliminary identification of hydrologic conditions and impacts for the initial environmental assessments during the reconnaissance stage. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGOFtY:_~D:....-_-..:H~Y~D~RO~L~O~G~IC:::.o:::A!..=L-:S~T~U.!:!;DI:!:...!:E~S:...--_ ASS IGNMENT:....:~D:.--::.5 _--.:B::::..A::::S~I N:.:-:Y~I ~EL:::::D:.....:A~N=D:_...:...:FL=.::O:..:::.O~D -=:S:....:.T.:::.:UD~I::..::E:.=.S _ TASK TITLE:_~D--.:5~-~2:...._~PM~P~a~nd~P~M~F_'.=..s-!f~o~r----!...-Pr~o~jL.:!:e~c~t_:S~i~t:.=e.::!..s _ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_-=1=.:15~M~an:..:...-~d~ay.z..:.s:::....-_ SCHEDULE:September 1980 to July 1981 ESTIMA TED COST:__$,:..4:::82..-,0::..:0:..:.0 _ RESPO~JSIBILlTY:C.J.Chan (IECO) PURPOSE: To develop probable maximum precipitation (PMP),and meteorologic and hydrologic condi- tions for the basin,and compute probable maximum floods (PMF)for spillway design at project sites. SCOPE: The probable maximum precipitation for the Upper Susitna basin had already been developed by NOAA.IECO has retained Mr.Joseph L.Paulhus as Special Consultant on Meteorology to revi ew and adv i se on the PMP and the meteoro 1ogi c cond itions.If necessary,NOAA will be contracted to update and/or expand the data from their original studies.The acti- vities under this task include: •Obtain and review the PMP study by NOAA.If required,subcontract NOAA to perform an expanded study. •Review of the PMP sequence and the meteorologic conditions prior to and during PMP by the Special Consultant on Meteorology. •Review and tabulate maximum hydrologic conditions prior to PMP for use in the probable maximum flood simulation. •Compile all design data and parameters into the SMS model. •Use the SMS model to simulate probable maximum floods and the spillway flows for two project sites and report on the results. •Reroute the computed PMF's through the project reservoirs and the selected spillway and outlet configurations,if necessary. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY :_-:::..O__~H:..:.-Y~OR~O:..::L~OG:::..::I:.::C::...:A=-L....:::S~TU::::::O~Ic:::.E:::...S _ ASS 1GN ME:NT:0=...-:...:..5_---=.B:...:..A-.:....:SI=-...N:..-:...YI=..:E::..::;L:.::..O:-:A...:..:..N=D_F:-:L:;;.:;O...:..:..O.::....O---'S...:..:..T...:..:..UO::....;I::..=E...:..:..S _ TA SK TIT I_E _-=-0--.:5=----.:3:.-.-.::..St.:.:a:::.;t:..:i..::s..::t..:...i;::ca=-l:...-::a~n.::.d--:G::..:r_=a::.t:p:..:.:h..:..i :::..:ca~l'---....:..A:..:..:n-=a..:..lyl-:s::..;i~s'--_ LEVEL OF E FFORT:_l=:.9:..:5:..-.:..:Ma:::.:n:...:..-..=d.=.ayL:s=---------------------- SCH ED ULE:M_a_r_c_h_1_9_8_0_t_o_F_e_br_u_a_r"'-y_l_9_8_2 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$:...:..8_2..:,..,_OO_O _ RESPOf\ISIBILlTY:C.J.Chan (IECO)------_...:....-._-"---------------------- ,-,PURPOSE: To perform a statistical and graphical analysis of all historic data,newly gathered data from the field,and of SMS model results;and to check input data reliability and display key model results in an easily understood fashion for the Hydrological Studies,Environ- mental Studies and Plan Synthesis. SCOPE: I""", """! f I In the SMS model,the Data Management and the EPA-HSPF contained most of the statistical utilities that can be used for statiscal and graphical analysis.Throughout the project study period,these statistical subprograms will be used to monitor data input,perform analysis and display results whenever needed by the Hydrological,Environmental,and Plan Synthesis Task Groups.These statistical tools will show:maxima and minima,fre- quency of extremes,cross-correlations of selected meteorologic,hydrologic,and water quality diata series,auto-correlations,regression and trends,double mass analysis and duration analysis.New data from meteorologic,hydrologic and water quality stations can be individually analyzed or combined with available historic data to carry out all the statistical studies as mentioned above.These data or results can be tabulated or dis- played in graphical form.The statistical tools will also be used to evaluate the dura- tion and frequency of "critical period"streamflows using historic data and mathematical modeling results performed in other tasks. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ,- CA TEGORY:_~D:...-_~H~Y..::D~RO~L~O~GI~C~A~L---::S~T~UD~I~E~S _ I\SSIGI\JMENT~:-----.:::D_-5::........-~B:::.:A~S~IN..:-:.Y.=..'I E~L:.:::D~A~N~D-.:F~L==::O~OD~S~TU~D::..::I:..=.E.:::.S _ TASK TITLE:_~D_-~5-__=4:..._~G~1 ~ac::.-i~a~l~W~at~e~r~B~a..!...l a~n~c~e'_____ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_:::...6:::...5-,-M~a:.:..:n--:-d:::.::a:,zY.::::s _ SCHEDULE:December 1980 to May 1981 ESTIMATED COST:__$::.:2::.::::8:.!...,O::..::O:.:::O , _ RESPOr---ISIBILlTY:C.J.Chan (lECO) -PURPOSE:[, To use the glacial model in the SMS and historic hydrometeorologic data to simulate an ex- tended period of record on glacial mass balance ~nd sediment outflows. SCOPE: -i r-. I -I I ! ,1""" The University of Alaska Geophysical Institute will be performing the Special Arctic Studies (Geotechnical Studies,Task Assignment E-5).Work under the present task will be coordinated with the Geophysical Institute,incorporating their information,data,and their'first year research preliminary results on the physical processes of glacial move- ments and ice formation in rivers.The activities under this task include the compila- tion of historical changes in glaciers,including surges.The glacial model in the SMS, which is based on historical behavior of glaciers as correlated with climatic variables, '''ill be run for a period of up to fifty years.Glacial water balance will be graphed in combination with parameters such as mean temperatures and precipitation.Where possi- ble,glacial processes will be linked to known climatic changes or other key parameters indicated as a result of the Special Arctic Studies.Important findings from the Glacial Water'Balance Study will be included in Task D-5-5 to determine the basin water yield and in the se!dimentation studies to include the effects of sediment outflows from glacial processes. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGOFtY:D HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:D-5 BASIN YIELD AND FLOOD STUDIES TASK TITLE:0-5-5 Correlation and Extension of Streamflow Data SHEET 1 of 1 !"'"LEVEL OF EFFORT:__12_5_M_an_-_d_ay~s _ SCHEDULE:D_e_c_em_b_e_r_1_98_0_t_o_A~p_r_i_l_1_9_8_1..:...,_S_e~p_t_em_b_e_r_19_8_1 _ ESTIMA TED COST:__$.:.-5_2...:...,0_0_0 _ RESPO f'JSI 81 L1TY :_---.:C_._J:-.--=-.Ch:..:...:a.:.:...:n_(.:...:;I:..::E......CO:....:.):..--_ r PURPOSE: To develop long-record streamflows for project reservoir sizing and power optimization, and to estimate minimum or Il cr itical periodll streamflows for project firm power determi- nat i on and system re 1 i abi 1 i ty ana·lys is. SCOPE: F'" i -i I r !"'" i A 30-year'streamflow record at all stream gage sites and damsites based on recorded flow data will be developed.Use of the SMS model will be made for cross-correlation and re- gression analysis of historic streamflow records and to simulate ungaged local area run- off.The newly gathered stream flow and meteorologic data will be input into the SMS model and combined with the historic meteorologic data collected within a 200-mile radius of the Susitna basin (see Task 0-3-1).The daily streamflow record,using the SMS model, at each stream gage site and damsite will be extended to the length of the meteorologic records 'in the Susitna region.Daily flows of about 50 or more years in length can thus be developed.From the results of Task D-5-4,Glacial Water Balance,the long-term vari- abil'ity of glacial runoff and its importance to minimum or "cr itical period"flows will be investigated.The II cr itical period ll flows in the simulated 50-year daily flows will be examined to see what portion of the Il cr itical periodll low flows is from glacial runoff. The 50 y(~ars of flows will be compared with the results of the Glacial Water Balance to determin(~whether the glacial runoff in the last 50 years is higher or lower than normal. This in turn will help in estimating the true frequency of minimum flows observed in the Susitna.Stochastic generation of monthly streamflows is also an option in generating additional years of record based on the simulated 50 years.Several hundred traces of flows,each trace containing 50 years of generated data,can be generated using Markovian processes.In each generated trace,the II cr itical period"flows are identified and used in estimating the frequency of the minimum flows.Costs for the Stochastic Generation option are not included in this Task. ....SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO,-IECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _l_o_f_l_ CA TEGORY:_------..:::D__-.:H..:...:Y.:::...D.:.::RO::.:L:.::O..:::.:GI~C:.:.:A~L_.::S::...:.T.::::UD~I~E~S _ ASS IGNMEN T:.....:--=.D_-6=----.-:R:..::.I-=...V=..:ER~H...:..::YD:..:.R::...;A..::...:UL=..:I:...::C-=.S.!.-,-=S-=ED::....:I=..:...-M=E:....:...NT:....:...A:....:...T.=.;IO:...;.N:..l.,-..:A~N=D_W=A..:....:.T-=.E.:..:...R --.:lQ;..:.U:...;.AL=-=I:...:..T~Y _ TASK TIT ILE:_------.:::D~-_.:::.6_-~l_T:...::a:..:i~l..:.:w..:::a..::te::..r:..........:R.:::a:.:t:..:.i..:..:n~g_C:::.;u:::.cr~v:...::e:.::s:.......:::a~n.:::.d__.:W~a::.;t::.;:e:;.:.r-.::::S.::u.:....r.:..:f a::.,:c::..:e::.-..:..P...:.r..::o..:..f..:..i..:..1e::.:s::.....-_ r-LEVEL OF E FFORT:_:::....35:::.......:.M:.::a.:..:.n--.:d::.:::a'Ly~s _ SC HED ULE:~D=_e=_.:c::....::e~m=_b.::...er:___:l:.:.9...:.8.::...0---.:a:.:.n:.:.d:.....:....:.Ma::o:y~1:..:..9_=_81~_ ESTIMA TED COST:__$:..;:.1::...:..5...:..,0:::....::0--=-0 --,-_ RESPON SIBILlTY:_--.:..F_.---.:.H..:....:..._W:.:....:u~(I:...:E:...:.C..::...:O )~_ PURPOSE: To develop tailwater rating curves at project sites for use in Reservoir and Power Opera- tion Studies.Compute water surface profiles for proposed reservoirs for use in the Environmental Studies and for delineating reservoir boundaries in Exhibit K of FERC License Application. SCOPE: I""" i r The water surface profiles under the steady flow conditions are computed for the selected project sites to obtain tailwater rating curves.Backwater profiles for proposed reser- voirs will be computed to determine water surface elevations along the entire length of Y'eservoirs,and also for determining the maximum dam height and reservoir elevation of the lower reservoir without encroaching on the tailrace of the upper dam.The HEC-2, I"Water Surface Profi 1es"computer program,developed by the Corps of Engi neers,Hydro- logic Engineering Center,will be used for these studies.The activities under this Task include: •Collect and review stream cross-section data from work obtained under Surveying and Mapping. •Estimate channel roughness coefficients,measure channel lengths and identify channel overbanks. •Code and punch data on cards. r •Calibrate parameters with gaging sta~ion discharge rating curve,if available. •Perform backwater runs for a range of discharges to obtain tailwater rating curves at project sites. •Make final runs to determine maximum reservoir water surface elevations for proj- ect reservoirs after the dam heights and other operating criteria are finalized. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:_~O__---.:..H~Y~DR-=.:O:..::L..::..:OG=-=I:..::C;..,;;AL::..-::;.S...:.._TU=-=D:..::.I~ES=---_ t,SSIGN M I::NT:-:-=-D_-6~-..:..R:.=..I V..:....:E::.:..R:-..:..:...HY~D...:...:R~AU~L:.=.I..::..:CS;:;..,.,!,~SE;:.::D:..::.I;..,;;ME:::.:..N:...;.T:...;.AT~I=O.:..;,.N ,-'~A;..:.;.ND:::....-c..;W.:....:..AT.:..:E~R~Q",,-,U:..:...cA=LI::..;T.:....:..Y _ TASK TIT LE:_-=D_-::...6-....:2=--...:..R:..:e..::.s..::.e.:.-rv.:.-o:..i;..:.r-.::S..::e..::d..:.;im~e::..:.n..:...:t:.::a:..=t~i.;:..o:..:..n ---=a::.:,n.;.:d=-=:S...::;t.;..ra=.t=-,:...-:·f-:i~c:..::a...::;t...:..i o:=:..;n:...:.--=S:...;t:.::u:..::;dc..:..i.;:..e.=..s _ ------------------------------------, I"""LEVEL OF E FFORT:_=..15:....:0~M:::.:::.an...:.._-....::d~ay~s~_ March to October 1981 r I i-I I""" i - - I""" i -, I "'""I SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST:__$~6_6~,O_O_O _ RESPO~~SIBILlTY:F.H.Wu (lEeO)------.:---~---------------------- PURPOSE: To forecast probable reservoir sedimentation and water quality for alternative operating 1P01icies of physical facilities. SCOPE: •Collect and tabulate data on the watershed topography,surface area,reservoir storage capacities and physical setting of the reservoir sites. •Collect and compile design information and discharge rating curves for spill- ways and outlet works,and plans for reservoir operating policies. •Operate the stratified reservoir submodel in the SMS model to predict water temperature,sediment concentrations,and other water quality parameters to cover a period of several years. •Show results continuously and also by duration analysis. •Evaluate the effects of alternative operating policies on water temperature, sedimentation,reservoir mixing and oxygen ,depletion and report on these find- ings. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 r i CA TE GOF~Y :_----..':D__~H~Y~D~RO~L~OG~I~C~A~L-::S~T~UD~I~E~S _ A SS IGN ME NT:....:~D~-6::,-~R~I~VE~R~HY~D~R~A~U L~I~C~S L'~S-=-,ED~I~Mc=cEN~T!.!JA~T~IO~N!..1.'....!.A:.!.!.:N~D---!W!.!.!..A.!..!.T.!:=JER~Q~UA!.1.!L~Ic..!..T.!.-Y _ TASK TIT LE:_-..:::D~-~6-~3~.!::D:::..ow~n s~t::.!.r~e~a~m-.:S~e~d~i~m~e!..!..nt~T!..!.r..!;!ac!..!n~sPl:!.loO!.!r~t::........!:!ac!..!nl::!.d ....!W~a.ut~ec!..r_Ql:(,;u!:!.!a:!.Jli.....!i~t'J-y _ LEVEL OF E FFORT _~17~O~M~an!...'..---,:d~a:t..Y=-s ~_ SCHEDULE:June 1981 to January 1982 ESTIMATED COST:__$'::...:7~6:...!.,.:::.:OO::.::O~_ RESPONSIBILITY:F.H.Wu (IECO) .....,PURPOSE: To predict the effects of the Upper Susitna reservoirs on downstream flows,sediment transport and water quality. SCOPE: The study reach of the Susitna is from the project sites down to Talkeetna.The SMS model will be used to simulate pre-project and post-project sediment transport and water quality conditions.The activities include: •Collect and review river cross-section data from work obtained under Survey and Mapping. •From studies made on Task 0-6-1,Tailwater Rating Curves,estimate channel roughness for different reaches of the Susitna from damsite down to Talkeetna. Recalibrate if necessary. •Operate model and perform additional pre-project condition runs,if necessary, to supplement runs made under Task 0-4-3. •Coordinate work with Task 0-6-2,Reservoir Sedimentation and Stratification Studies,and obtain operating polices and reservoir outflows. •Operate model ·for post-project condition.Simulate data to cover a period of several yars t6 p-redict downstream sediment and water quality for the with-reservoirs condition. r r i i •Present the results in duration plots and also graphically as a continous plot. TASK:0-6-3 Downstream Sediment Transport and Water Quality SHEET 2 of 2 •Compare the results of the pre-project condition with the results of the post- project condition on water surface profiles,sediment transport and water qual ity. •Investigate how downstream sedi~ent transport and water quality responds to changes when discharges are taken at different depths in the reservoirs. •Evaluate the magnitude and frequency of nitrogen supersaturation from spillway flows and assess downstream recovery rate. •Report on findings and present results. r SUSITNA.HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CA TEGOFW:D HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:D-6 RIVER HYDRAULICS,SEDIMENTATION,AND WATER QUALITY TASK TITLE:D-6-4 Effects of Ice Formation and Breakup SHEET 1 of 1 LE VEL OF E FFORT:~.:...95.::........:...M=a..:..:...n-.....:d=-=a::!-y=--s _ SCHEDULE:July to October 1980,January to July 1981 ESTIMA TED COST:__$.:-4:..::1..:-,0::.....::0....::..0 _ RESPONSIBILITY:F.H.Wu (IECO) PURPOSE: To evaluate the potential severity of ice phenomena in reservoirs,and flver ice jam and shelving problems on project operations and environmental changes. SCOPE: The UnivE!rsity of Alaska Geophysical Institute will be performing the Special Arctic Studies under the Geotechnical Task Assignment [-5.The present task will be incorporat- ing the information data obtained by the Geophysical Institute in their research in the project basin.The work under the present task includes: •Review information on ice conditions throughout the year in the Upper Susitna basin. •Compile data and use the SMS model to simulate conditions to cover a period of several years on ice formation,melt in reservoirs,and on probable changes in ice behavior below the reservoirs.. •Evaluate effects and changes from the natural regime.Of particular interest are changes,if any,in ice formation downstream because of reservior regulated outflows,and ice in reservoirs and ice breakup that are subject to drawdown that might trap migrating animals. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGOHY:D HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:0-6 RIVER HYDRAULICS,SEDIMENTATION.AND WATER qUALITY TASK TITLE:0-6-5 Reservoir Filling and Emergency Drawdown Criteria SHEET 1 of 1 r r LEVEL OF E FFORT:_-=-15-=--.:..M~a~n-----=d~a:!....y-=---s _ SCHEDULE:November and December 1981 ESTIMATED COST:__$:......5...:.-._00_0 _ RESPON SIBllITY:__F_._H_,_W_u.....;(:.....I_E_CO--=:)_ PURPOSE: To develop criteria for reservoir filling to ensure downstream minimum flows for fish and wildlife are met,and to establish rapid drawdown criteria. SCOPE: The work on reservoir filling criteria applies to both the concrete dam and the earth- fill dam.Sufficient flows have to be allotted to meet downstream requirements.Rapid reservoir drawdown during an emergency is critical only to the Watana earthfill dam. Initial reservoir filling or rapid drawdown rates should not endanger the stability of any earthfill dam,The work in this Task includes: • • • ,.,..• •,..... Obtain reservoir area-capacity curves,downstream minimum flow requirements,and maximum raeservoir filling and drawdown rates. Select typical monthly flow data from Task 0-5-5. Obtain spillway and outlet discharge rating curves. Develop reservoir filling schedules,ensuring downstream flow requirements are met, For the Watana earthfill dam,assume reservoir is filled and compute maximum drawdown rates. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGOFIY:__D H_y_D_RO_L_OG_I-:.C_A_L_S_T_UD_I....:.::E....:....S ~__ ASSIGNM lENT:.....:_0_-6__R_I_VE_R_HY_D_R_AU_L_I_C_S,,--S_ED_I_M_EN_T_A_T_IO_N..,.,_A_N_O_W_A_T_ER----:Q_UA_L_I_Ty _ TASK TITLE:__D_-_6-_6__D_ow_n_s_t_r_e_am_H_a_z_a_r_ds_f_r_o_m_Oa_m_F_a_i_lu_r_e _ LEVEL OF EFFORT:95 Man-days----_:::....-..._---------------------- SCHEDULE:September 1981 to March 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$41,000----=--------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:F.H.Wu (IECO) r-PURPOSE: To evaluate downstream hazards of dam failure because of a catastropic event.Provide flood inundation maps and data for emergency evacuation planning and public safety. SCOPE: r I • r • •r-. • • Use river cross-section data developed in Tasks 0-6-1 and 0-6-3. Develop additional over-bank and flood plain data at the selected river cross-section locations. On topographic maps,check topographic barriers to extremely large floods and incorporate these sections. Operate the FULEQ model for alternative projects and dam failure assumptions. Map inundated areas and provide warning times. In a two-dam scheme,three cases of dam failure will be investigated. •Case 1 -The upper dam fails. •Case 2 -The lower dam fails. •Case 3 -Both dams fail. r 1"- ! ! Geotechnical Studies ..... E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-1-1 E-2-1 E-2-2 E-2-3 E-2-4 E-2-5 E-3-1 E-3-2 E-3-3 E-3-4 E-4-1 E-4-2 E-4-3 E-4-4 E-4-5 E-5-1 E-5-2 E-5-3 E-5-4 PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE,GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES Management and Technical Supervision ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Review Geologic Aspects of Alternative Energy Sources Evaluation of Alternative Damsites Geologic Reconnaisance of Transmission Line Corridor and Access Road Alignments Detailed Geologic Mapping of Watana Damsite,Reservoir and Borrow Areas Detailed Geologic Mapping of Devil Canyon Damsite, Reservoir and Borrow Areas ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS Seismic Refraction Survey at Watana Damsite and Borrow Areas Shear Wave Hammer Testing at Watana Damsite Seismic Refraction Survey at Devil Canyon Damsite Borrow Areas Shear Wave Hammer Testing at Devil Canyon Damsite SEISMOLOGY Seismotectonic Studies Establishment of Local Seismic Monitoring System Regional Seismicity Study Earthquake Simulation Seismic Risk Analysis and Design Earthquake Development SPECIAL ARCTIC STUDIES Coordination and Review of Permafrost,Glacier,and Ice Problem Studies by Special Arctic Studies Group River and Reservoir Ice Problem Studies Mass Balance and Dynamic Behavior of Glaciers Permafrost Problem Studies E-6 E-6-1 E-6-2 E-6-3 E-7 E-7-1 E-7-2 E-8 E-8-1 E-8-2 E-8-3 E-8-4 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL INVESTIGATIONS Investigate Construction Materi al Sources for Watana Dam Investigate Construction Material Sources for Devil Canyon Dam Investigate Construction Material Sources for Access Roads FOUNDATION EXPLORATION AND TESTING Investigate Subsurface Geology and Foundation Con- ditions at Watana Damsite Investigate Subsurface Geology and Foundation Con- ditions at Devil Danyon Damsite LABORATORY TESTING Plan,Coordinate and Review Testing Programs Test Samples from Watana Damsite and Construction Material Investigations Test Samples from Devil Canyon Damsite and Construction Material Investigations Conduct Mass Concrete Tests -I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 I I - r \ II, r i~ I CA TEGO RY_-=-E__--=G:..:::.E=-OT:....:E:...:.C.:...:..:HN..:...:I:...:.C.:...:.:AL=----=S...:....TU:..:D:...::I.=:.ES=---_ A SS IG t\1 MEN T:...-:----=-E---=l=------~P....:..:R.:..:I N..:..:C:..:.I.:,-:PA..:..:L=--.:..:IN...:....--=C.:..:.;HA....:..:.R.:..::G.=:.E.!...-,--=G.=:.EO=--T:....:E:..::.CH:..:..:.N.:.:I:..::.C:..:..:.AL=-=-S..:....:TU:.:D:-=.I.::::..ES=--_ TASIK TITLE:_-=-E----.:1=--~1=------.:....:.Ma::.:n:..:..:a:..::g~e:.:..:.:m=e.:.:.nt.::-:a::..:.n:..::d~Te::..:c:..:.h_=..:_n:...:.i_=c-=-a~l-=S=_=u:.r:p_=e..:....r..:....vl.:....:·s:....:i:-=.o:..:...:n ~ LEVE L OF E FF 0 RT:---..:1=-4:...:0.-:M:...:..:a~n~-.=.:da~y_=s _ SCHEDULE:January 1980 to July 1981 ESTIMA TED COST:_-.:$:..:5-=-8:..:,O:..:O.=...O _ RESPOI\JSIBILlTY:J.S.Long (lECO) PURPOSE: Provide direction and guidance to the Geotechnical Studies Group so that the work will be carried out in an efficient and orderly manner. SCOPE: The responsibilities of the Principal-in-Charge will include the following: •Provide close coordination with other groups to ensure that information and data will be available when needed. •Review data received and prepare guidelines and criteria for work performed by the group. •Monitor progress and plan ahead to ensure efficient execution of the work. •Review results of studies performed by the group to ensure high quality perform- ance. SHEET 1 of 1 ,.,..SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY---,---------------------------- C,t\TEGO RY :_----.:E::::.--_----..:::GE~0~T_=_EC.::::H..:..:..:N:..:::.I.::::CA,;.=L:.......:::...5T~U~D.!:..:I E=..::5::....--_ ~ASSIGNM ENT:._:~E=---__=2~__=E.:...:.NG::..::I:..:...N:=E~ER:..:..:I:..:.:N:.::..G__=G=_=E:...=.0_=_LO=_.:G:...:.Y _ T ASK TIT LE:_~E=__-~2:._-_=1~R~e:....:v:....:i..::e..::w_.:G~e~0::...:1~0_.::1g_'__ic~A~s~p:.=e~c~ts~o~f~A_'__H~e::Jr~n:..:::a~t~i.=..:ve~E=_!..n:.=ee:._r.::2.gy.l..._..:S::...::o~u~r..:::.c.:::..es:::..-_ r LEVEL OF EFFORT:23 Man-days SCHEDULE:February to April 1980 ESTIMA TED COST:$9,000 RESPONSIBILITY:C.W.Wade (lECO) r- PURPOSE: To provide data for evaluating economics of various alternative means of power gener- ation. SCOPE: "-, r - ".. I DE~termine or confirm locations and probable quantity and quality of aHernative sources of power,inc ludi ng coal,oi 1,gas and geothermal energy.Evaluate probable geotechni ca 1 restrictions in developing and utilizing each power source. Task will be accomplished primarily by review of published data and through correspon- dence and discussions with companies and agencies involved in mineral resource evalua- tion and exploitation. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:E G~OTECHNICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:...-:-=.E-.:-2=-----=E:..:-'N~G:::.:.[N:..::E..::.:ER:.:.::I~N::..G._:G:.::E~O.:::.:LO:..:::G:...:..Y _ T AS K TITLE:_-=-E---.:2=---.::2:.-.::..Ev.:....:a:::..:l:...:u:.:::a~t..:..i o::::n~·....::o:..:..f-=...:A..:..lt~e:..:r...:...n~a~t..:..i v.:..:e~D~a~m.:::.s..:..it.:.:e:..::s=--~_ ~LEVEL OF EFFORT:65 Man-days SCHEDULE:April to July 1980 ESTIMA TED COST:$26,000 FIESPONSIBILlTY:C.w.Wade (IEeO)~ PURPOSE: To evaluate the geotechnical feasibility of all potential damsites within the project ~'area for consideration in the overall planning study. SCOPE: Reports of all previous investigations will be evaluated;all available geologic mapping,reports and imagery will be reviewed. r Sites will be inspected by an evaluation team composed of an engineering geologist and engineers specialized in the design and construction of both earthfill and concrete dams. All potential sites,including those previously studied and possible new sites,will be evaluated and arranged in order of relative geotechnical suitability. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:E-2 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY SHEET 1 of 1 TJi,SK TI-rLE:E-2-3 Geo 1ogi c Reconnai ssance of Transmi ss i on Line Corri dor and Access Road A11 gnments L.EVEL OF E FFORT:_=-:28::........:...M:..=a.:...:..n-.....:d::..::a~y.::...s -'--_ SCHEDULE:July to September 1980 ESTIMATED COST:-,--_$~l_l~,O_O_O _ F{ESPONSIBILlTY:__C_,_W_._W_a_d_e_(.::...-I_E_CO.....:)~_ PURPOSE: To evaluate the general geological conditions of the proposed alignments for purposes of prelim·inary design and cost estimation, SCOPE:rI The proposed alignments will be studied utilizing aerial photographs,existing geologic maps and reports,and a reconnaissance inspection of the area.A few seismic refractionr-measurements may be made in critical areas to c·'arify subsurface conditions if necessary. i"'"SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PL.AN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r CA TEGORY :_~=--E ~~~G~EO~T--=-E~CH2..!.:N!..=.I~CA~L=-·.:::..ST~U!.!::!D~I ~ESL--~~_ ASSIGNMENT:-.:--,E=--...::.2_~EN~G~I~NE~E~R~IN~G~G~EO~L~OG~Y~_ TASK TIT U~:_~E'::..-.-!.2=------=,4~~D=-et~a~,~·l~e~d~G~e~o ~lo~g:L!i~c'-.!:.!M~aJ:!.PPI:!..'.!..!·n~g~o!..l.f----!!WS!.at.l::.1a!:!.!n~a:!-!:D~a~m~s..!...it.l::.1e~'s........!.R~e:..:::s,-=e..!...r..!..v~o ,.!-'r~a~n~d~__~ Borrow Areas LEVEL OF EFFORT:_...:4~2~5~M~a~n~-~da~y!....::s~_ SC HEDU LE:---:....:A.!:..pr.:....':....:·1:..-.:t:.::o---.:J:..:u:...:l.Ly--.:::.:19:..:8:.::0:...!,_0.::.:c~t~o:.::b..::.e..:...-r --'l=-=9:..::8:..::.0_t.::..:o::........:::J-=a..:..:.n.::..:ua::..:r->l.y---=l~98::..:1=---_ ESTIMATED COST:~------:!:$..=.:10~9:...!.,~OO':'..':::O:....-_ RESPONSI81L1TY:__~C.~W..:..~W~a~de~(~I~EC~O'..L)_--'-'----_ PURPOSE: To clearly define the geology in the vicinity of the proposed site to aid in the design and evaluation of the technical feasibility and cost of the project. SCOPE: The damsite,reservoir area and borrow areas will be mapped in sufficient detail to clearly define surface geological features and to determine areas where subsurface investigation is needed.The coverage will be sufficiently broad to allow informed consideration of possible alternative alignments or locations of the dam and will precisely define potential geological hazards such as landslides,faults and adverse joint syst1ems.The slope stability and permeability of the reservoir perimeter will be evaluated, Geologic data obtained from this Task will be combined with data obtained from subsurface exploration to provide a complete geological description of the damsite and reservoir. The mapping will be performed during the field seasons of 1980 and 1981.Reports and final maps will be prepared during the winter months,along with aerial photo interpre- tation. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGO RY :._~E:....--_~G::::E~OT~E~C:..:...:H.:.::NI~C:..:...:A~L.....::S:...:.T.:::UD~I~E~S _ ASSIGNM ENT:-:~E---.:-2=--------..::E:..:...:N.::GI:.:.N:.:;:E..::..ER:.:::I~N~G---.:G::::E~O.::..::LO::::G:....:...Y ~_ TASK TITLE:_---..::.E -....:2:.-....::5:.-~~~~:-=;.:::~.:::>t..~~~~~o~f~D~e....:.v....:.i ..:...1....:C::...:a::..:.n:..z....:::.o~ne..-=..D=am~s::;...l;....;·t:,.:e:..L-..:...:R=e-=-se-=-r:...-v:....;o:....;ic...:.r--=a-,-,n.=.d_ r- LEVEL OF EFFORT:425 Man-days SCHEDULE:July 1980 to April 1981,July 1981 to March 1982,.-. ESTIMATED COST:$109,000 ,.-RESPONSIBILITY:C.W.Wade (lECO) r PURPOSE:, To clearly def"ine the geology in the vicinity of the proposed site to aid in the design and evaluation of the technical feasibility and cost of the project. SCOPE: The damsite,reservoir area and borrow areas will be mapped in sufficient detail to c"learly define surface geological features and to determine areas where subsurface investigation is needed.The coverage will be sufficiently broad to allow informed consideration of possible alternative alignments or locations of the dam and will precisely define potential geological hazards,such as landslides,faults and adverse joint systems.The slope stability and permeability of the reservoir perimeter will be evaluated. Geologic data obtained from this Task will be combined with data obtained from subsurface exploration to provide a complete geological description of the damsite and reservoir. The mapping will be performed during the field seasons of 1980 and 1981.Aerial photo interpretation and preparation of maps and reports will be accomplished during the winter months. r-'SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMEI\JT:E-3 ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS SHEET 1 of 1 TASK TITLE:E-3-1 Seismic Refraction Survey at Watana Damsite and Borrow Areas f"""'.L.EVEL OF"EFFORT:160 Man-days SCHEDULE:June 1980 to March 1982,- ESTIMATED COST:$56,000 F{ESPONSIBILlTY:E.G.Zurflueh (lECO) -\ PURPOSE: Determine depth of overburden and properties of rock at foundation and abutment of dam and along spillway.Determine amount and quality of borrow materials. SCOPE: Seismic refraction lines will be measured at and spillway.The seismic data will provide of foundation rocks,and ease of excavation. be given special attention. the damsite,including foundation,abutments, information on depth of overburden,quality A buried channel on the right abutment will ! \ Borrow areas will also be investigated by seismic refraction in order to establish the amount and quality of borrow materials. The seismic data will supplement information obta"ined from exploratory drilling.Data from previous refraction surveys will be incorporated in a complete interpretation of available data.The previous surveys were done mostly with long lines;detail is missing, particularly where bedrock is shallow. To obtain detailed data,line lengths will be variable,chosen according to depth of rock. Estimated time includes time required for planning and field work,reduction of data and preparation of reports. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLANI OF STUDY CATEGORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:E-3 ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS SHEET 1 of 1 TASK TITLE:E-3-1 Seismic Refraction Survey at Watana Damsite and Borrow Areas ,...LEVEL OF E FFORT:_l=..:6~O~M~an~-~d~ay.L:.s~_ SCHEDU LE:.......:J:...:u:..:..:n=e_1=.:9:.:8:..::0--=-to=--.:.-M.:.::a:.:.-r-=:::-ch~1:.::9..:::8.:=:._2~_~~_ ESTIMATED COST:_----=$~5:.-=-6-!...:,O:....:O:.-=-O _ RES PO NSIB IL1TY:_-----=E:..:....----=G:....:.----=..Z::..:ur....:.f-.:.l..::.;ue::..:.h~(.=...:I E::..:C:...::0..L)_ PURPOSE: r i Determine depth of overburden and properties of rock at foundation and abutment of dam and along spi 11 way.Determi ne amount and quality of borrow materi a 1s. SCOPE: Seismic refraction lines will be measured at and spillway.The seismic data will provide of foundation rocks,and ease of excavation. be given special attention. the damsite,including foundation,abutments, information on depth of overburden,quality A buried channel on the right abutment will ,... , ! Borrow areas will also be investigated by seismic refraction in order to establish the amount and quality of borrow materials. The seismic data will supplement information obtained from exploratory drilling.Data from previous refraction surveys will be incorporated in a complete interpretation of available data.The previous surveys were done mostly with long lines;detail is missing, particularly where bedrock is shallow. To obtain detailed data,line lengths will be variable,chosen according to depth of rock. Estimated time includes time required for planning and field work,reduction of data and preparation of reports. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ,..... I CATEGORY:_.-.:....-=-E__~G~EO~T~E~C~HN~I~C~AL~S~TU~D~I-=-ES~_ ASSIGI\JMENT:E-3 ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS TASK TITLE:E-3-2 Shear-Wave Hammer Test i n9 at Watana Dams ite r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:160 Man-days SCHEDULE:June to December 1981 Ii""" ESTIMATED COST:$38,000 r RESPONSIBILITY:E.G.Zurfl ueh (I ECO) PURPOSE: To determine variation of shear-wave velocity with depth along the dam alignment.Dynamic ~elastic parameters derived from these measurements will be used for earthquake-resistant des i gn. SCOPE: ~. Four to five locations will be chosen for shear-wave measurements in the area covered by the future dam.At each location two 4-inch-diameter boreholes,spaced about 25 feet apart,will be drilled to a depth of 150 feet.Measurements of shear-wave velocity will be performed at intervals of 5 feet in depth at each location to obtain a complete pro- file of shear-wave velocity with depth. The IIECO shear-wave hammer,which is the most advanced instrument of its type,will be used for these measurements.Data from the survey,together with density values from laboratory sample measurements,will permit calculation of dynamic elastic parameters for the dam foundation.These parameters are needed to evaluate the stability of the dam under earthquake loading conditions. Estimated time includes time required for planning and field work,reduction of data and preparation of report. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:E-3 ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS SHEET 1 of 1 TASK TITLE:E-3-3 Seismic Refraction Survey at Devil Canyon Damsite and Borrow Areas LEVEL OF E FFORT:~1~6::0:........:....:Ma:::n~-...:::d:::::ayl..:.s:::.....-_ SCHEDULE:June 1980 to March 1982 ESTIMATED COST:_~$:..-=-5...::...5.:...:,0:....=.O...::...O ~~_ RESPONSIBILITY :_--=E:...-._G:....:.~Z-.:.:...ur---.:f....:.l...:.:..ue.:....:.h~(.:....:.IE:....:C:....:O~)_ i PURPOSE: To determine depth of overburden and properties of rock at foundation and abutment of dam and along diversion tunnel.A possible shear zone found in previous surveys will be g~ven special attention. SCOPE: - -! ~ i, - r i ,.. Seismic refraction lines will be measured at the damsite,including foundation,abutments, and diversion tunnel.The seismic data will provide information on depth of overburden, quality of foundation rocks,and ease of excavation. Borrow areas will also be investigated by seismic refraction in order to establish the amount and quality of borrow materials. The sl~ismic data will supplement information obtained from exploratory drilling.Infor- mation from previous refraction surveys will be incorporated in a complete interpretation of available data.The previous surveys used long l-ines and detail is missing,particu- larly where bedrock is shallow. Line lengths will be variable,chosen according to depth of rock,to obtain detailed data. Estimated time includes time required for planning and field work,reduction of data and preparation of reports. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ~ I I I""'" I CA TEGORY:._-=.E__~G-=.:EO~T..=.E~CH~N~IC~A.:..=L:......:S:::...:T~U~DI~E:..:::.S_-----:--::--_ ASSIGNMENT:.-:-=-E--.::3:.-~E~NG~I~N~E=..:ER.:=I:.:..:.NG~G~E~OP~H~Y.:::..:SI~C~S _ TASK TIT LE:_~E---:-3:::...-_4.:-~S:.::h.::.e.:::.a r.:....-.....:W.:::a~v~e~H~am::..::m.:.:..:e:....:r----.:.T..::;e;::..s...::t..:..:i n~g:L.....::a~t~D.::.e..:..v..:..il~C:..::a:..:..n:.z.y.::.o.:.:.n....;D::.:a:::.m:.:.::s~i-=t:.::e _ ,....LEVEL OF EFFORT:160 Man-days I SCHEDULE:June to November 1980 r ESTIMA TED COST:$38,000 RESPONSIBILITY:E.G.Zurfl ueh (IECO) PURPOSE: To determine variation of shear-wave velocity with depth along the darn alignment.Dyna- mic elastic parameters derived from these measurements will be used for earthquake- resistant design. SCOPE: r r [ r[ r- I ri~ Four to five locations will be chosen for shear-wave measurements in the area that will be covered by the future dam.At each location two 4-inch-diameter boreholes,spaced about 25 feet apart,will be drilled to a depth of 150 feet.Measurements of shear-wave velocity will be performed at intervals of 5 feet in depth at each location to obtain a comp"lete profile of shear-wave velocity with depth. The IECO shear-wave hammer,the most advanced instrument of its type,will be used for these measurements.Data from the survey,together with density values from laboratory samp"le measurements,will permit calculation of dynamic elastic parameters for the dam foundation.The parameters are needed to evaluate the stability of the dam under earth- quake loading conditions.. Estimated time includes time required for planning and field work,reduction of data and preparation of reports. SHEET 1 of 2 i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PL.AN OF STUDY---,--------------------------- SEISMOLOGYE-4 CATEGORY:_---..!E=--_~GE~O~T~EC~H~N~IC~A:!..I=L:.......d...ST~U~D.!...!I E"..,;S~_ ,.....ASSIGNME~JT:~--=-....2...-_~~~~_ T AS K TIT LE::_~E=_-...::4~-_=1:.-.-S~e~1!...:·s:!.!!m~o~t:.=e~c~to~n!.!.._i~c"____"'S~t~u~d.!_'i es;s:!-_ r i~LEVEl.OF EFFORT:25 Man-days SCHEDULE:January to October 1980 ESTIMATED COST:$9,000 RESPONSIBILITY:C.Pan (IECO),...., i I r PURPOSE: To understand the seismotectonics of the project region,to make detailed field studies of the known and inferred surface faults and identify yet unknown faults,if any,in the proposed damsite and reservoir areas;and to collect seismotectonic activity history and fault parameters for seismic risk analysis and design earthquake development. -, L r- i SCOPE: The project is located within a tectonically active region where the North American and Pacific plates confront each other.South of the project region the Pacific plate is being thrust northwestward underneath the North American plate;the Benioff zone is therefore about 50 km to 80 km beneath the proposed damsites.The Denali fault,which is a major strike-slip rupture zone in Alaska,lies less than 80 km north of the damsites. However,the seismotectonics of the project region are not well understood,and recorded seismicity history is short.A detailed seismotectonic field study of the proposed damsite and reservoir areas is therefore a requirement before a seismic risk decision can be made for the project. A reconnaissance of recent geology in the project region by two USGS geologists identi- fied 16 known and inferred faults in the region.None of these faults was found to have been recently active.However,sufficient seismotectonic information is not presently available for making a reasonable seismic risk analysis or to provide seismic design cri- teria for the project.Virtually all large,shallow earthquakes are found to be asso- ciated with surface faults.A detailed field study of the known or yet to be identified surface faults in the project region therefore must be completed before laboratory ana- lysis of rE~gional seismicity and selection of the design earthquake for the project. The seismic activity cycle in a tectonic region usually extends for several hundred years;a rE!cently inactive fault does not imply seismic security in the future.For a better undE!rstandi ng of the long-term sei smi ci ty,a study of Quaternary history of defor- mation,particularly that of the Holocene in the region,is very important.In order to investigate the fault activities in the region,techniques such as interpretation of TASK:E-4-1 Seismotectonic Studies SHEET 2 of 2 satellite imagery,geologic mapping,trenching,and core drilling will be used.Radio- metric dating may also be used as a method of identifying activity history of the surface faults."""l :{ '"'""SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 r r \.-\ l-! r- i i r i -! r - CA TEGORY :_~E=---__G:::..:E:..:::O:...:..T.::..:EC::..:..H:..:..:.N.=..:IC::..:..A~L----:S~T...:::U~DI~E:.::::S ,----_ ASSIGN MENT~:---:E=----...:.4__:::SE:..:I~S:..:.:MO~L::.::O.::..GY=____ TASK TIT l.E:_~E:...--,4,---=2_=:Es:::..t~a~b~l~i..::.s~hm~e~n~t~o~f-=L~oc~a::..l~S~e:..2.i.::!.s~mJ..:ic:::.....lM..!.::o~n~i~t~o~r~in~g::L..::S~y~s~t:.::.e~m _ ------------------------------------, LEVEL 01=EFFORT:_~1::.:::3~0...:..M~a~n-.....:d::..'::a':,Ly=_s _ SCH EDULE:~--.:J=_=u::.:.:n=e~1=_=9=__=8=0_t_=_=0=____=_J_=_u_.:.:ily~1~98=_=2=___ EST IMA TE 0 COST:_~$:..::3-=-4.=2...:8,O:.:O:..::O~(I::..:n..:.:c:...:l_=u_=_d.:...:'·n..:..;;gL....:::..$.:::..30:....:0:...l,~O...::.0..:...0_f:....;:o:..:..r--=-i:.:;ns::..;t:.:.r..=u.:.:;.me=-:n..:..:t:.::s2-)_ I~E SPON SIB ILlTY :~_C=__:.:........:...P-=-an~(-=-I~EC:.:O:..!..)___:.._ -------------------------------------' PURPOSE: To establiish a local seismic monitoring network in the proposed damsite and reservoir areas for accurate recording of seismicity -in the region and to determine the effect,if any,of filll i ng the reservoi r. SCOPE: A regional seismic monitoring network did not exist in southern Alaska before 1967.At present there are 120 seismic stations in Alaska;among them the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute owns 52,USGS owns 50 and NOAA owns 18.Some stations of the NOAA network are shared by the University of Alaska and USGS networks.The proposed damsite and reservoir areas are not well covered by the existing seismic networks.In order to obtain more accurate locations and focal depths of earthquakes and for better definition of seismicity in the project region,a local network of seismic stations will be in- stalled in the proposed damsite and reservoir areas.The installation of a local seismic monitoring system well in advance of filling of the reservoirs can also establish the level of natural seismicity in the area for future study of reservoir-induced seismicity. The local seismic monitoring network planned for the project area will include ten ver- tical-component stations with radio telemetry (including required repeaters)to a central recording facility,and two three-component strong-motion stations,one at each damsite. The exact site of each station of the network will be selected during the seismotectonic field study.In order to obtain more accurate focal depths of the earthquakes,the distance between stations will be designed to be less than 15 km. The installation of instruments will be done under the supervision of Dr.E.Zurflueh, IECO Engineering Geophysicist.Actual installation may be subcontracted to the Geo- physical Institute of the University of Alaska,or through arrangement by APA,the in- stallation may be made by the USGS. The seismic network will permit continuous monitoring of the seismicity in the proposed dam and rE~servoir areas as soon as it is installed.Data recorded by the network will TASK:E-4-2 Establishment of Local Seismic Monitoring System SHEET 2 of 2 be analyzed and documented through the construction period and after filling of the reservoirs.This local monitoring system will eventually be incorporated into one of the major regional seismic networks in Alaska,and during the installation and monitoring ~ periods of the system,activities will be closely coordinated with those of seismologists II of the USGS and University of Alaska who are in charge of the major regional seismic net- works. SUSITI\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:E-4 SEISMOLOGY TASK TITLE:E-4-3 Regi ona 1 Sei smi city Study SHEET 1 of 1 r ,-, To make a'thorough study of the seismicity history of the project region and collect data requirl~d for the establishment of seismic hazard and site stability design criteria for r-the project.I i"SCOPE: The known seismic history of the project region is short;instrumental monitoring started only at the beginning of this century,and historical earthquake records can be traced back only to the late 18th century.The focal depth of earthquakes in this region,based upon presently available data,ranges from less than 10 km to greater than 175 km.Large earthquakes occurring along the Circum-Pacific seismic belt (the Benioff zone),the Denali fault or the surface faults in the region may produce significantly damaging effects to the proposed dams and reservoirs.A thorough search of existing earthquake data files and seismological literature for the region will be the first step in studying the seismicity of the region.The data collected,together with data available from newly installed local seismic networks,will be used to (1)analyze the spatial,temporal and magnitude distribution of seismicity in this region; (2)find correlations between seismicity distri- bution and surface faults for identification of fault activity and regional seismotectonicl~ trends;and (3)provide data of selected large earthquakes as input parameters for numeri- cal earthquake simulation.The results of the regional seismicity study and earthquake simulation will be used as the bases to establish the design earthquake for the project. Before the seismic hazard criteria can be established,a preliminary study to assess possiblle reservoir-induced seismicity will be made taking into consideration the seismic data available from the newly installed local seismic network. !''''SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY :_~E=----_~GE~O~T~EC~H~N~IC~A~L~ST,--=,U~D.:!:...!I E::.::S~-.,-...,....--,--- ASSIGNMENT~:~E=---,-4_~SE~I:..:::S:..::MO~L::.:::O.:::.GY~_ TASK TIT LE:_~E=----.:4_--.:.4~E:..::a:.'-r...:::t~h.::tqu~a=..:k.:::e:......::::S~i m~u~l~a~t~i::::o~n __~_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:25 Man-days SCHEDULE:October to December 1980 r ESTIMA TED COST:$12,000 RESPONSIBILITY:C.Pan (IECO) PURPOSE: To simulate numerically maximum credible and expectable earthquakes along each fault zone and to analyze damaging historical earthquakes in the region to produce motion parameters and motion-time histories for the proposed damsites as a basis for the estab- lishment of regional seismic hazard criteria. SCOPE: -I i Two-or three-dimensional finite element simulation of near-field seismic ground motions has made great progress in recent years.Simulation techniques and computer codes that can handle quite complex cases of earthquake ground motions and source mechanisms have been developed.Utilizing the existing 2D or 3D finite element codes,maximum credible and expectable earthquakes of each fault in the project region,as well as those along the Benioff zone and Denali fault,will be simulated under either idealized or realistic conditions to obtain motion parameters and time history at each damsite.Large and well- documented historical earthquakes will also be simulated under realistic conditions.The results of idealized and realistic simulations will be compared and analyzed.The motion paraml~ters and time history obtained from the numerical simulatio will be used as a base for the establishment of seismic hazard criteria and selection of a design earthquake for the plroject. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY ""'"! CATEGORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ~ASSIGNMENT:E-4 SEISMOLOGY SHEET 1 of 1 TASK TITLE:E-4-5 Seismic Risk Analysis and Design Earthquake Development LEVEL OF EFFORT:25 Man-days SCHEDULE:November 1980 to January 1981,.... ESTIMA TED COST:$12,000 RESPONSIBILITY:C.Pan (IECO)r- PURPOSE: To construct statistical models of seismic risk of the project region and develop the design earthquake for the project. SCOPE: Using data collected from seismotectonic and regional seismicity studies as well as results from numerical earthquake simulation,statistical models of seismic risk will be constructed for each seismotectonic zone or surface fault in the project region.Based upon the seismic risk models,probabilistic estimation of the seismic load parameters at each damsite will be made.Maximum credible and expectable earthquakes for the whole r-project region will finally be chosen and their recurrence estimated.The seismic risk analysis will lead to the final development of the design earthquake for the project. I~ I, ,.,.. l SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 -i r i ,.... I r l"'- i ,,- \ r CATEGORY:_-----=-E__~G~E~OT!...=E~C~HN~I~C!.!.AL~S...!...:TU~D~I_=_ES~_ ASSIGNMENT~:-----=-E-~5~------.::S::..:...P_=E.::::CI~A~L:.....:A:...:..:R..:..::C:....:..T.=...IC~S~T~UD~I:.=E~S ~_ TASK TIT LE:_-=.E_-5:::..-.....:1:':...-~C:..:::o..:::o.:.,.r::;-d ~in~a~t::...=i....:::o~n~an~d7----:R~e~v~i..:::e~w70:::...f~P....:::e~r~m'-=a..:....f.:....;ro:::-:s:::..;t::..J,'--'::G~l..:::a~c..:....i e:::..r:....;,>--..::a:.:..:n:..::dc.......=.I.::..ce.::........:P--,r....::o:,.=b:...,:.l-=e.:.:.:m__ Studies by Special Arctic Studies Group LEVEL OF EFFORT:January 1981 to June 1982 SCHEDULE:...:-7-=-5......:M..:.::a:..:.:n~-::::.:da:::,,>y~s~.,.__-------------- ESTIIVlA TED COST:_---=$':....:2:.=.6-.!:..:,O:..::O...::..O _ RE S PO NS IBIL1TY:_---=C-=--"......:W:..:.._W:.:..:a:..::d...::..e--.:("-..:I:..::.E.:::..::CO:..!.)~_ PURPOSE: To coordinate activities and applications of research by the Special Arctic Studies Group in river and reservoir ice problems,mass balance and dynamic behavior of glaciers,and permafrost problem studies. SCOPE: The activities of the Special Arctic Studies Group (Tasks E-5-2,E-5-3,E-5-4)will be supervised and coordinated in this Task.This is to include periodic office review of research and field review of investigations.Priorities for investigations will be set; ongoing investigations will be monitored.The results of the research will be reviewed and disseminated to the appropriate design groups as they become available. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 Geophysical Institute -University of Alaska (Subcontract)- r CA TEGORY:_~E __....::G:..::.EO:::...T:....::E:..:::C.:..:..:HN..:..::I:..:::.C~AL::........:::S.::..:ER~V~I..::::CE~S=--_ ASSIGN ME NT:......:-=-E---=5=-----------.:S~P::..::EC::I..:..:.A:::...L ..:...-A:..:..:.RC=-T:...::I:..:::C--.:S~T~U:::..;D I:..::E:.:::S -,--_ TASK TIT LE:_-=-E -.-.:5=------=2=--...:..:R~i~v=.e r:.--..:a::.:.n.:.:d:.-.:...:R~e:::..s e:::..r:.....v~o::...:i~r~I~c::::..e_.:P_.:r~o=_=b:..:l_=e.::..:m__=_S t.:..:u::.;d::..:i:...:e:.::s_·_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_ SC HE:DU LE:I_n_te_r_m_i_t_t_e_n_t_O_v_e_r_T_w__o_y_e_a_r_s _ ESTIMATED COST:__$:......1_2_5,:.-0_00 _ RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To investigate and report upon potential ice-related problems --frazil ice,anchor ice, aufeis and sheet ice --during construction and in subsequent project operation. SCOPE: Frazil ice,anchor ice,aufeis and sheet ice forms may be expected to cause ice-related problems during the construction phase and also to have a significant impact on both cofferdam design and the design and operation of the reservoir power system. Field research on river ice dynamics and an in-~epth analysis of the potential ice prob- lems can be used for determining the proper design,construction and operational pro- cedures to eliminate or minimize ice-related problems. A proglram will be established to determine the dynamics of freeze-up and break-up on the Susitna River with particular attention to timing,progression,volume of ice production, temporal and spatial distribution of the various ice types and delineation of ice-jam sites.The program will also analyze potential ice-problems with emphasis on processes such as filling the reservoir with frazil ice,earlier-than-normal freeze-up,later-than- normal breakup,formation of thick aufeis deposits in the reservoir,clogging of in- takes by frazil and anchor ice,ice shelving on the shores of the reservoir and trapping of large mammals (e.g.caribou and moose)in the reservoir.A detailed analysis of the length of open water below the dams will also be covered. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN Of:STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 r, Cl\TEGORY :_---=E__~G~E~O~TE~C~H~N~IC:::!:A~L~S~E::.!.;R~V~IC~E::=.S _ ASS 101\1 MENT:......:--.:::.-E--:-5:...----..::S~P.::._E.:..C I:.:.A.:..::L:......A:..::R..:.::C:....:..T~I~C:::........::S....:...T.::;UD::.;I:.=E.::.-S.-:.-,_ T l\SK TIT LE:_---=E_-~5-.....:3:::.____,..:._M~a=s:::...s .....:B~a~l~a~n~c_=e~an~d~~D'_J.y~n~a~m.!..:i c~B~e::.!.h~a~v~i o:::r~o~f~G:...:.l~a.:::.c_=...:i e:::...r:....;s=:-_ -----"""""-------------------------, Geophysical Institute-University of Al'aska (Subcontract) PURPOSE: To study the heat,mass fluxes and general dynamics of glaciers feeding Susitna River. SCOPE: The SUisitna Glacier and the East Fork and West Fork Glaciers are major sources of water for the Susitna River;they also provide a buffer action which ~ends to stabilize the flow of the river. A study of the heat and mass fluxes and general dynamics of these glaciers will be made to understand their effect on the river.This will involve measurement of the rates of accumulation,ablation and ice flow.The research would begin by locating survey control points along the glacier margins.These points Would be used to establish: ..Ground control for aerial photogrammetry. ..Location of stakes placed on the glaciers to measure: -accumulation. -ablation. -glacier flow. r The research would include drilling to the bottom of the glacier at several locations. This can be done effectively with the newly-designed hot-water drill.Drilling will enable direct observation of the nature of ice-rock interface by down-hole t.V. cameras. The potential for forming glacier-dammed lakes which can drain abruptly and produce flash floods willl be investigated.Also,research on sedimentation resulting from glacier surges will be conducted. -f TASK:E-S-3 Mass Balance and Dynamic Behavior of Glaciers SHEET 2 of 2 In addition to current aerial photography,negatives of existing aerial photographs will be used.Maps and cross-sections which span 20 to 30 years will be made of selected areas on the glacier and used to calculate gains or losses in ice volume over the longest pos- sible time spans. """SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY:_~E~_---.:G:::::E:::::O-..:...T::..:EC:::..H~N..:::..:IC~A.:::L~SE~R:..:V..:::..:IC~E~S~_ ASS IGf\1 MEN T~:-----=--E-_5__S_P_EC_I_A_L_A__R_C_T_IC_S_Tl_JD_I_E_S__ TASK TITLE:__E~-5,-----,4_~Pe~r~m::::a:..'-f--,-r::..o:::..st~P--,-r-,:::o~b~1e~m~S~t~u~dl~'e::..:s~_ PURPOSE: To both delineate potential for encountering and required response to permafrost related problems in both construction and later opeY'ation of the project. SCOPE: Permafrost,massive ground-ice,ice-rich soils and frost heaving are problems commonly associated with major construction projects in Alaska.The engineering problems associ- ated with these phenomena are: •Thawing,settlement and drainage under earthen dams on permafrost.It will be necessary to construct a thermal finite difference or finite element model of the dam to analyze this problem. II Shoreline erosion and,therefore,movement of the shoreline with attendant in- creased sedimentation in the reservoir and possible landslides and slumping.It will be necessary to delineate (map)the permafrost areas along the shoreline, to construct a thermal finite difference model of the shoreline and to determine the ice content of the permafrost to evaluate this problem. II High drilling costs to determine soil conditions.These costs can be reduced by using geophysical measurements to design the drilling program and to extrapolate information away from boreholes. .-.SUSITI\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT:E-6 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL INVESTIGATIONS SHEET 1 of 1 ,... -:' TASK TITLE:E-6-1 Investigate Construction Material Sources for Watana Dam l_EVEL OF EFFORT :--.:2~O::..::O~Ma~n~-~da~y~s:..-""",",--"_ SCH EDULE:~M:..=ay~1=_=9....:.8..:.0_t.:....:o:_:..:.Ma=.:r.:....:c~h_=19:...::8:..::2:._.___ ESTIMATED COST:__$:...:8....:..4~,O:....:.O--=-O _ RES PO NS 18 IL1TY:_--=L..:.-......:..W:..:..._Lo--=-b--=-de..::....l:......l~(I:...::E:..:.-CO..::....)~~_ PURPOSE: To locate,evaluate,and outline limits of possible borrow material sOurces for use in construction of Watana Dam. SCOPE: The program will consist of locating and sampling potential construction material sources by excavation of test pits and drilling.Sufficient materials for construction plus an adequate reserve within a reasonable haul distance will be outlined.Work items will include a review of past exploration and testing,layout of a supplemental sampling pro- gram,supervision of field investigations,and preparation of logs,records,test data, and necessary drawings and reports.Samples collected from the various types of borings and test pits will be tested for quality and suitability,as shown in Tasks E-8-1 and E-8-2.The materials investigated will include core material,filter zone material, concrete aggregate,rockfill andriprap. In selecting borrow material source areas,every effort will be made to minimize environ- mental impact. Field ,exploration and sampling will take place during the summer months.Laboratory test- ing and organization and evaluation of data will continue throughout the winter months. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET ~~ CATECORY ASSIGNMENT E E-6 GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL INVESTIGATIONS I ASK III U E-6-2 Investigate Construction Material Sources for Devil Canyon Dam r- I. LEVEL OF EFFORT 190 Man-days--------------------------------- June 1980 to February 1982SO'IEDULE .~~_ ESf IMA TED COST:__$_6_0_,_oo_0 . _ RESPONSIBILITY:L.W.Lobdell (IECD) PURPOSE: To locate,evaluate,and outline limits of possible construction material sources. SCOPE: The program will consist of exploration of construction material sources for both the concrl~te arch dam and the earth or rockfill saddle dam,followed by studies and evaluation of the information obtained in the field to provide data for use in dam design and con- struction planning.Work items will include a review and analysis of previous exploration and testing,planning of a supplemental exploration program,supervision of field inves- tigations,data preparation,and the preparation of the necessary drawings and reports. Drilling and test pits will be required in the borrow areas for the earth or rockfill saddle dam.Impervious borrow sources,filter zone material,and rockfill sources will be delineated and sampled for further testing under Task E-8-3.The remainder of the program will consist of delineating concrete aggregate source areas adequate for con- struct i on of the arch dam and necessary structures.These areas wi 11 be defi ned by drilling or other appropriate means and will be sampled for aggregate suitability tests as defined by Task E-8-3.Final results will be presented in drawings,tables,graphs, maps and a report to provide input for design of both the concrete arch dam and the earth or rockfill structure. Final evaluation of alternative sources will also include consideration of the environ- mental impact of development. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r-' CATEGORY :_--..::.E__-..::G:..::.E.::.OT.:...::E:.:;:C.:..::HN:...:.:I:.:;:C.:..:A:::..L....:::S..:....T~UD~I~E:::..S _ ASS IG NME NT:..-:-.:::.E----.:-6:::..-------.:C::.:O~N.::.ST:_..:_R::::U:.::CT.:..:I:.::O:.:..:N---.:M~A~T~E.:::R I~A~L~IN:...:V...:::E:::-ST~I:.:::G~A..:...:TI::...:O:..:..:N=_S __,__----'---- TASK TIT LE:_~E ----.:6:::...-----.::3~.;.:I_.:...:n_=_v.:::._e s:::...-t::..i:...>g!.::a:....::t:.::e~C~o n:.:..:s::..:t~r-.:::u~c~t~i:;::.o :n:....--:.M..:..::a::..:t:..::e:.:..r~i .=.a..:-l--:S=-.:o::..::u:..:.r-.::c:.::::e:.:::s.--:-fo=-r=-·-:.A~c:.::c:.::::e:.:::s-=-s---,-,-Ro=-a=-=d=-=s=------_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_:::.:20::.......:..M:.:::a.:...:-n---.:d~a':,Ly:::-s _ SCH EDULE:J_u_l::...y_t_o_S_ep=-t_e_m_b_e_r_l_9_8_0 _ ESTIMA TED CO ST:_---..:$:..:9~,~OO=--=O=______._'____ RE SPO N SI BIL1TY :_---=L~"---.:W.:..:."----=Lo:::.:b:.=d=..el:....:l~(I:.:E:.:;:C.::.O )~---'-_ PURPOSE: To locate,evaluate,and outline limits of possible construction material sources for access roads. SCOPE: The program will consist of exploration of possible construction material sources, followed by evaluation of the information obtained in the field,to provide data for use in access road planning and design.Materials that will be obtained from required cut sections will be evaluated for suitability as fill material.It is anticipated that limited exploration consisting of auger drill holes and a few test pits will sufficient- ly delineate source areas.Collected samples will be evaluated,and borrow areas will be designed according to suitability of materials,location relative to the proposed alignment,and environmental considerations. F'"SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OIF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 FOUNDATION EXPLORATION AND TESTING CA TEGORY:__E G_E_O_TE_C_H_N_IC_A_L_S_T_U_D_IE_S ~_ ASSIGNMENT:E-]----------------------------------- -.TASK TIT L_E:__E-_7_-_1_""I-::-n.,.,..ve-:rs:!"":tri~g~a~t_e--::-i-S u.:.:;b.:,-s=-.u.:..:.r.:..:.f...::a-=-c~e-G=-e=-o;._:;l:-'o ....g""'-y--=.:.a:...:..nd.:..:........:.F-'-o-'-u~'-'n:...:..d...:.:a..::..t..:....i o.:...;n.:..:........:._ Conditions at Watana Damsite --------------------------,-..------------....., ,...I_EVEL Ol=-EFFORT:480 Man-days-------=------------_. R.C.Dow (IECO) SCH EDULE:M~ay:__l_9_8_0_t_o_A----:p_r_i_l_l_9_8_2 -'-_ E:S T IMA TI::0 CO ST:__$_5_5_2...:.,_0_00----:(:-I_n_cl_u_d_i_n::::..g_$:-3_3_9-"..-,O_O_O_d_r_il_l_i_n=g_s_u_b_c_o_nt_r_a_c_t.:-)_ IlESPONSIBILlTY:--------'----'-------------------------------------------------------------------' PURPOSE: To determine foundation conditions and provide geologic and engineering data for use in definitive project design and cost analysis. SCOPE: The program will consist of field exploration and testing to be followed by evaluation of field rlesults.It will include the following items: ,-" •Drilling -Foundation core drilling will be the primary tool used to gather the r,equired data for the following items.It will be supplemented by Tasks E-2 (Engineering Geology),E-3 (Engineering Geophysics),and E-5 (Special Arctic Studies)where appropriate. Full use will be made of previous investigations and all available drill logs, and records will be gathered and analyzed. Appropriate supplementary drill holes will be field located.Both abutments,the channel section,and excavation and structure locations will be explored to a d1egree of detai 1 deemed necessary based upon past work and on-goi ng work.Water pressure tests will be made at both general and specific depth zones and at appropriate pressures to determine rock conditions and potential seepage. •Extent and nature of frozen zones -The areas of frozen soil will be further outlined,and an assessment will be made of their impact upon the structure ~should thawing occur.Data for the design of remedial treatment will be ob- tained. •Relict Channel -This feature will be further outlined by drilling or geophysical m1ethods or a combination of the two.Permeability of the alluvial layers will be determined for evaluation of seepage potential and design of remedial measures. TASK:E-]-l Investigate Subsurface Geology and Foundation Conditions at Watana Damsite SHEET _2_0_f_2 •Rock Stability Analyses -Detailed studies of the rock lineation patterns will be made to determine best fit of the underground structures.Shear zones,jointing patterns,faults,and rock contacts will be examined in detail and correlated .~ with the coring program.~ •Slope Stability Analyses -Areas near critical project features will be examined for potential slope instability due to thawing of frozen soils,over-steep slopes,saturation by reservoir water,or the influence of faults or shear zones. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGOFW E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES /'1,SSIGNMENT:E-7 FOUNDATION EXPLORATION AND TESTING SHEET 1 of 2 TASK TITLE E-7-2 Investigate Subsurface Geology and Foundation Conditions at Devil Canyon Damsite -----------------------------------------, LEVEL OF EFFORT:960 Man-days--------=---------------------------- SCHEDULE:May 1980 to Apri 1 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$1,018,000 (Including $661,000 drilling subcontract) RESPOf\JSIBILlTY:R.C.Dow (lECO)-----------------------------------------_----1 PURPOSE: To determ-ine foundation conditions and provide geologic and engineering data for use in definitive project design and cost analysis. SCOPE: Items pertinent to the stability of the arch dam concept will be examined and will in- clude the following: •Drilling -Foundation core drilling will be the primary tool used to gather the required data for the following items.It will be supplemented by Tasks E-2 (Engineering Geology),E-3 (Engineering Geophysics),and E-5 (Special Arctic Studies)where appropriate. All available drill logs and records will be gathered and analyzed.Appropriate supplementary drill holes will be field-located.Both abutments,underground structures,and appurtenant structures will be explored at the level deemed necessary based upon past work and on-going work.Water pressure tests will be made at both general and specific depth zones and at appropriate pressures to determine rock conditions and potential seepage. •f~ock Stability Analysis -Mapped joints,bedding,shears,faults,and lineation patterns will be correlated with information from drill holes,and analyzed to determine the structural integrity of the rock under stress.Core samples will be subjected to tests for determination of physical properties.These and other criteria will be used to help determine the optimum fit for the axis of the dam and appurtenant structures. •Slope Stability Analyses -Areas near the project features will be examined for r~potential slope instability problems.These may be related to frozen soils,deep TASK:E-7-2 Investigate Subsurface Geology and Foundation Conditions _____......a1..Devj],Cao¥Qo Damsjte SHEET 2 of 2 weathering,or structural features such as faulting.Particular attention will be given to areas where slope failures are particularly critical such as i~the vicinity of diversion tunnels or inlet works. •Foundations of appurtenant structures -This exploration will include cofferdams, spillway,thrust block,earth dike,and switchyard.Each will receive explora- tionsuitable to determine the most appropriate location,strength and nature of foundat ion materi a1s,and overall adequacy of foundations and slopes. •Underground Structures -This will include the diversion tunnels,underground powerhouse,and related penstocks and outlet works.The intensity of this por- ti on of exp 1orat ion wi 11 be determi ned as the overall program progres ses and the relative feasibility of alternative designs has been evaluated. ."..SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGOR Y:_--=E__--.:G::..::E:.:..O...:....TE=..:C:..:...H:.:..:.N.::...IC:..:...A;.::L_S.::...T:.:..:.U-=-D-=-IE=-=S~~_ "..,.ASSIGNMENT...:....:_E-_8__L_A_BO_R_A_T_OR_Y_T_ES_T_I_NG _ TA SK TIT LE:_-=-E_-8=----=1=-..:..P~1:::.a:..:..n2...,....:.C::..:o=--=o:...:.r:::.d:...:.i:..:..na=.t.::.:e=---:a....n--=d:......:...:.R.=..ev.:...l.:...:·e:..:w:.........:.T-=e.=..s..:..t...:....in~g~P...:....r--=-o->:!g...:....r...:....am..:.:.s.:.._ LEVEL OF E FFO RT:_7~6~M:.::::.a:..:..n--=d=-=a:!-y.::...s _ SCHEDULE:February to June 1980,October 1980 to March 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$24,000-~_.:..-_-------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:D.R.Poindexter (IECO),...., PURPOSE: To provide necessary planning,coordination and quality control for the laboratory test- ing program ..... SCOPE: This Task will consist of the following work items: •Program planning. •Coordination with the field engineers,design engineers,and the laboratory testing subcontractors. •Provide quality control and monitoring of test program. ~.•Prepare and compile logs,records,test data. •Review,evaluate,and analyze results of programs. •Prepare necessary reports,drawings,and graphics and provide input for design. - ---------~--------- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLANI OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 - - - ,'""'I CATEGORY :_---=E__~G~E.:::..OT.:_':E~C.:.::HN~I~C.:.:A~LS...:...TL~ID~I_=_E:::.._S _ ASSIGI\JMENT:-:~E-~8::..-----::L::..:A:::.:BO::..:.:R::..:A...:..:TO::..:.:R:..:.Y_·.:....::rE~S...:..TI:::.:.N~G~~_ TASK TITLE:_---=E_-8~-.-:.2=---:.T:.e::_s-.:.t_.::.:.Sa~m~p:,;1;:e:..=s~F.;..:ro~m~W~a~t~a~n~a~D~a~m~s~i~t:=e~an~d~C~o:..:..n:..::s~t~r.::=.uc::...t::..i:...::o::.:..n:.--~ Material Investigations LEVEL OF EFFORT:----:N:..:.../..:..:A ~~_ SCHEDULE:.:..:M=.:ay=--...:.1:..:9.:::.80:::........:t:..:o--...:M:..:..:a:.:r.::.c~h__:.l:.:9:.:::8~1 _____c,__--_ ESTIMA TED COST:_---=$:..:8~O.!...:,O:.:O:::.O _ R ESPON SJ B IL1TY :__S:.:h.:.:a:.:..n:.:..:n:.:.o:..:n-.:a:..:n.:..:d:......:..:W...:..i..:....ls:..:o:..:.n~(.=.S=ub:..:c:..:o:.:.n:..::t~r-=.ac=-t=..:):..--_ PURPOSE: To obtain geologic and engineering data for use in dam design and construction planning. SCOPE: This task will consist of a comprehensive laboratory test program that will include such items as rock crushing strength,static and dynamic shear strength of construction materials,permeability,consolidation,density,moisture content,compaction character- istics and other tests that may be considered necessary,depending on the materials. Included in the testing program will be bulk,disturbed,and undisturbed samples and rock cores from the Watana damsite foundation investigation and the construction mate- rial investigation,whi~h includes concrete aggregate. ....SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET I of I CATECORY:E GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES ,.-ASSIGNMENT~:_E_-s__L_A_B_OR_A_T_O_RY_T_ES_T_I_NG _ TASK TIT LE:_-=E_-S=--_4~_=C....:::o~n..:.d=-uc=_.t=___.:_M.:..::a:-=s...::.s-=-Co~n..:..:c=-:r_=e:....::t:..=e~T=_es=_t:..:s=___ LEVEL OF E FFORT:---.:N~/...:...:A _ ..... r -I r SCHEDULE:J~u_n_e_I_9_S_1._t_o_M_a_rc_h_I_9_S2 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$_4_0...:.-,O_O_O _ RES F'0 NSIB ILI T Y:S_ub_c_o_n_t_r_a_c_te_d_t_o_S.:-p_e_c_ia_l_i_z_e_d_Te_s_t._i_n...;:9:.--L_a_bo_r_a_t_o_r.=...y _ PURPOSE: To develop and test mass concrete design mix to check the suitability of available mate- rials to obtain a concrete mix having the desir~d physical properties. SCOPE: This Task will consist of conducting a comprehensive laboratory test program that will develop a mass concrete design mix using available materials.Trial mixes containing various proportions of cement,pozzolan,other admixtures and available natural aggre- gate materials will be tested for elastic and strength properties.Compressive strength tests will be made of 6-inch by 12-inch cylinders cast from the trial mixes.A final design mix will be selected for further testing.Compressive strength and elastic prop- erties will be determined for the final design mix at various ages up to the age of one year by tests on 6-inch by 12-inch and IS-inch by 36-inch cast cylinders.Thermal properties,including adiabatic temperature rise,thermal diffusivity and coefficient of thermal expansion,will be determined for design mixes with various proportions of cement and pOlZolan. .PrleliminaryDesign - F-l F-2 F-3 F-i~ F-l-l F-2-1 F-2-2 F-2-3 F-2-4 F-2-5 F-2-6 F-2-7 F-2-8 F-2-9 F-3-1 F-3-2 F-3-3 F-3-4 F-3-5 F-4-1 F-4-2 F-4-3 F-4-4 F-4-5 F-4-6 F-4-7 F-5-1 F-5-2 F-5-3 F-5-4 F-5-5 PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE,DESIGN Management and Technical Supervision EMBANKMENT DAMS Provide Design Input during Plan Formulation Evaluate Design Alternatives for Watana Dam Perform Stability Analysis of Watana Dam Determine Design and Material Requirements of Watana Dam Determine Cofferdam Design for Watana Dam Evaluate Design Alternatives for Devil Canyon Saddle Dam Perform Stability Analysis of Devil Canyon Saddle Dam Determine Design and Material Requirements of Devil Canyon Saddle Dam Determine Cofferdam Design for Devil Canyon -Definitive Project CONCRETE DAMS Design Input during Plan Formulation Arch Dam Layout Studies -Devil Canyon Dam Stress and Stability Studies -Devil Canyon Dam Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Dam Establish Criteria and Procedures for Structural Model Test Program DIVERSION,SPILLWAYS,AND OUTLETS Design Input during Plan Formulation Diversion Scheme Study -Watana Site Diversion Scheme Study -Devil Canyon Site Preliminary Design -Watana Spillway Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Spillway Preliminary Design -Watana Outlet Facilities Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Outlet Facilities POWER FEATURES Design Input during Plan Formulation Power Features Layout Studies -Watana Power Plant Preliminary Design -Watana Power Features Power Features Layout Studies -Devil Canyon Power Plant Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Power Features ._---~------------------_._------- F-6 F-7 F-B F-9 F-IO F-6-1 F-6-2 F-6-3 F-6-4 F-6-5 F-7-1 F-7-2 F-7-3 F-7-4 F-7-5 F-B-l F-8-2 F-8-3 F-B-4 F-B-5 F-9-l F-9-2 F-9-3 F-IO-l F-IO-l F-IO-2 F-IO-3 F-IO-4 F-IO-5 MECHANICAL FACILITIES Design Input during Plan Formulation Mechanical Design Studies -Watana Dam Preliminary Design -Watana Dam Mechanical Facilities Mechanical Design Studies -Devil Canyon Dam Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Dam Mechanical Facilities ELECTRICAL FACILITIES Design Input during Plan Formulation Electrical Design Studies -Watana Dam Preliminary Design -Watana Dam Electrical Facilities Electrical Design Studies -Devil Canyon Dam Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Dam Electrical Facilities TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Transmission System Planning Transmission Line Route Study Preliminary Tower and Foundation Type Study Transmission Line,Conductor and Cost Studies Switchyard and Substations ACCESS ROADS Design Input during Plan Formulation Preliminary Design -Access Roads -Definitive Project Preliminary Design -Bridges -Definitive Project CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Construction Planning and Cost Input for Plan Formulation Construction Schedule and Cost Estimate for Access Roads Construction Planning,Scheduling,and Cost Estimate - Watana Dam Construction Planning,Scheduling,and Cost Estimate - Devil Canyon Dam Construction Schrdule und Cost -Transmission Line Construction Planning -Construction Camp Infrastructure - -, - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 F·l-1 Management and Technical SuperviSion PRELIMINARY DESIGNFCATEGORY: ASSIGNMENT:F·1 ~~INCI PAL -IN-CHARGE t._.DESI_~._--- 1 ASK TITLE - """i i LEVEL OF EFFORT:__1_5_0_M_a_n_-d_a...:.y_s_--------------,--------- SC HEDU LE:Ja_n_u_a--..:ry:-t_o_N_o_v_e_mb_e_r_l_98_0--=.,_M~a_r_c_h_.1_9_8_1_t_o_M_ar_c_h---<-1_98_2 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$_65-...:,:.-O_OO ~---.,-__ RESPONSIBILITY:R.P.Sharma (IECO)---------''-----'------------------- PURPOSE: To provide direction and guidance to the Preliminary Design Group so that the work will be carried out in an efficient and orderly manner. r-SCOPIE: The responsibility of the Principal-in-Charge wilT include the following: •Provide close coordination with other groups to ensure that information and data will be available when needed. •Review data received and prepare guidelines and criteria for work performed by the group. """: [ x I""'", •Monitor progress and plan ahead to ensure efficient execution of the work. •Review results of studies performed by the group to ensure high quality performance. r- I - i' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLA'N OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ",.. I r CATEGORY_--JEI---.PRELIMINARY DESIGN 1 ASK TITLE F-2-1 Provide Design Input during Plan Formulation LEVEL OF EFFORT:65 Man-days SCHEDULE:March to July 1980..- ESTIMATED COST:$19,000,-RESPONSIBILITY:K.B.King (lECO) PURPOSE: To provide design input for embankment dams for project layout studies during plan for- mulation. SCOPE: This Task will consist of site reconnaissance and providing input on embankment dams for plan formulation.The work items will consist of: •Reconnaissance of all sites considered for plan fomulation study. "... ,....., I r l . r •Development of preliminary alternative layouts for embankment dams to provide comparative cost data.Embankment dam may be earthfill or rockfill. •Layouts of several dam heights,for each of the various damsites considered will be made in order to develop cost versus height relationships for use in selec- tion of optimum layout as performed under Task Assignment G-4. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLA,N OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-2 EMBANKMENT DAMS TASK TITLE:F-2-2 Evaluate Design Alternatives for Watana Dam SHEET _1_0_f_1_ LEVEL OF E FFORT:_=11:.::5:.......:..:.Ma~n.:--~d~ayl...::s:..-_ SCHEDULE:Apri 1 to August 1981 ESTIMA TED COST:__$:...::3:..:22..'O:...:O:...:O_~,---~_ RESPONSIBILITY:K.B.King (IECO) PURPOSE: To provide a basis for selection of the optimal design alternative for Watana Dam. SCOPE: This Task will consist of evaluating the potential design alternatives and selecting the optimal design.The work items are as follows: ..-• ! r""'" • f"""' Determine potential design alternatives.Design alternatives to be evaluated will include thin core or dam facing alternative versus a relatively thick core and side transition zone.The evaluation will provide information necessary to obtain the most economical alternative considering unit costs,construc- tion schedules,and weather constraints. Evaluate each alternative taking into consideration the following: -I - -cross-section configuration of dam. -construction schedule. -foundation and dam construction material requirements. -performance problems. •Prepare quantity estimate for cost estimation. •Select alternative for preliminary design of dam. •Prepare necessary reports. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_0_f_2 CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-2 EMBANKMENT DAMS TASK TITLE F-2-3 Perform Stab il i ty AnalYs is for Watana Dam ._-:'---------- LEVEL OF EFFORT:200 Man-days SCHEDULE:August to December 1981 ESTIMATED COST:$75,000 /"""'.RESPONSIBILITY:K.B.King (IECO) i r-.PURPOSE: To evaluate the stability of selected design sections. SCOPE: This Task consists of all engineering studies,computer computations and activities related to the evaluation of the selected preliminary design for Watana Dam.Work items include the following: •Establish design criteria based on the results of field exploration and labora- tory testing of construction materials. •Establish failure criteria. .- i •Evaluate stability of selected design under static loading conditions.Stabi- lity analysis of the maximum embankment cross-section developed for the Defini- tive Project Design will be made for the various conditions,namely:end of construction,steady state seepage,and rapid drawdown.Analysis will be made using two-dimensional finite element method.simulating the incremental embank- ment construction and loading and non-linear stress dependent behavior of embank- ment materials.Material properties will be assigned based 6n results of the field exploration and the laboratory testing of construction materials . •Evaluation of stability under seismic loading conditions.The stability of the selected embankment section under seismic loading will be checked by state-of- the-art two-dimensional finite element dynamic response analysis techniques using computer programs capable of simulating non-linear strain-dependent embankment material behavior under dynamic loading,such as QUAD-4,FLUSH,etc. Seismic parameters (seismic ground motion input)and material properties used in the ana lys is wi 11 be as estab 1i shed in Category E,and under the fi rst item listed above. TASK:F"2-3 Perform Stability Analysis for Watana Dam SHEET 2 of2 The stability of the selected structural design will be evaluated from analysis results on the basis of failure criteria,which will be established consistent with type of structure and downstream damage potential. •Preparation of a report on the stability of the embankment dam. Special Consultants S.D.Wilson and H.B.Seed will render expert advice on the design and the seismic stability analysis of the embankment dam. , ') SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1---- CATEGORY __F P_R_E_LI_M_I_NA_R_y_D_E_S_IG_N ---_ ASSIGNMENT F-2 EMBANKMENT DAMS --- TASK 11TLE F-2-4 Determine Design and Material Requirements of Watana Dam $18,000 K,B.King (IEeO) LEVEL OF EFFORT:__6_5_M_a_n_-_da_Y_S ----------~1 SCHEDULE:Intermittent -July 1981 to January 1982-------------------------------- ESTIMATED COST:---------------------~------- RESPONSIBILITY:----------------------------- PURPOSE: To determine and evaluate the preliminary design for the definitive project and to evaluate material requirements. -[ SCOPE: The work items are as follows: •Determine preliminary design. •Perform analysis of design for the following: -Foundation -Seepage -Settlement •Evaluate material requirements and compare with results of field investigations. •Provide input for cost estimate. •Prepare necessary reports,drawings and graphics. r I SUSiTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGOR Y :_~F__~P~R~E.=.:LI~M~I~NA~R~Y~D~E:::!-S~IG~N!...-.-,_ .- ASSIGNMENT:F-2 EMBANKMENT DAMS t~ TAS~\TITLE:F-2-5 Determi ne Cofferdam Desi gn for Watana Dam -. LEVEL OF EFFORT:50 Man-days SCHEDULE:Intermittent -April to October 1981 ~ ESTIMA TED COST:$14,000 RESPONSIBILITY:K.B.King (lECO) !"""PURPOSE: This Task will determine cofferdam design and consist of interfacing with other groups to establish requirements. SCOPE: The work items are as follows: •Determine hydrologic,diversion and construction requirements for cofferdam design. •Develop cofferdam design. •Analyze des i gn for stabi 1 ity I seepage and settlement. •Prepare necessary reports,drawings and graphics. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ._--_._-------------.--------- CA TEGORY'__F PR_E~L_IM_I_N_AR_Y_D_E_S_IG_N _ ASSIGNMENT F-2 EMBANKMENT DAMS F-2-6 Evaluate Design Alternatives for Devil Canyon Saddle DamTASKTITLE------------_. $25,000 K.B.King (IECO) 90 Man-days August to November 1981 LEVEL OF EFFORT:----------------------------- SCHEDULE:---------------------------------'--- ESTIMATED COST:------------------------------ RESPONSIBILITY: -. PURPOSE: To evaluate the potential design alternatives for the embankment dam alternative for the Devil Canyon saddle dam to provide a basis for preliminary design selection. SCOPE: This Task will consist of the following: -., .- •Determine potential design alternatives using information developed under Category E. •Evaluate each alternative on the basis of: -Cross seeton configuration. -Construction schedule. -Foundation and dam construction material requirements. -Performance problems. •Develop quantity estimates for input to cost estimating. •Select the favorable alternative for further refinement to develop preliminary design for this feature. •Prepare necessary reports. ,...SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CA TEGORY F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT F-2 EMBANKMENT DAM~_ SHEET 1 of 1 1 ASK TITLE F-2-7 Perform StabiT ity AnaJ..ys is of Devil Canyon_S_a_dd_l__e_D_a_m _ LE VE L 0 F E FF 0 RT:_~4:-=O:--=-::Ma:::.n:_--=d.:::.ayL:.s=----_ SCHEDULE:October 1981 to January 1982 ESTIMATED COST:_~$--=1=-2:,-::'O.-::.O~O _ RESPONSIBILITY:K.B.Ki ng (lECO) --------"'-~--=--._---- i PURPOSE: To evaluate the stability of the selected design for Devil Canyon saddle dam. SCOPE: This Task will consist of the all engineering studies,computer computations and activ- ities related to the evaluation of stability of the selected design for Devil Canyon saddle dam.Work items include the following: •Evaluation of stability under static loading conditions.Analysis of the maximum embankment cross section developed for the definitive project design will be made for the end-of-construction,steady state seepage and rapid drawdown conditions.Material properties will be assigned,based on results of the field exploration and laboratory testing programs to be performed under Category E. r ( - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_0_f_1_ PRELIMINARY DESIGNFCATEGORY-----'-- ASSIGNMENT F-2 EMBANKMENT DAMS LEVEL OF EFFORT:50 Man-days ~SCHEDULE:October 1981 to January 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$14,000 RESPONSIBILITY K.B.King (lECO) ,- PURPOSE: To determine and evaluate the preliminary design for definitive project and to evaluate design features and material requirements. r:-SCOPE: •Determine preliminary design. •Evaluate material requirements and compare with results of field investigations. •Perform analyses of design,for the following: -Foundation. -Seepage. r--Settlement. •Provide input for cost estimate. -. •Prepare necessary reports,drawings and graphics. - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLA~N OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r-' i CA TEGORY :_---.:..F__....:P...:..:R=E:::..:.LI=-=--M=-=-I:...:.:NA~R~Y___.:D:.:E:..::.S..:.:IG:..:.N:.___ ASSIGNMENT:...-:---.:..F.-:-2=-----=E:.:..:M=BA:..:.:.N.:.::K::.:M=EN.:....:.T_D:..:A~M:..::.S _ TASIi\TITLE:_-:....F-....:2=--...:.9:.-.;;.D;.et;.:e;.:r,..:,:m:.;,i-.:....:n-=-e~C:..:o::.....:.f-:.f-=e~rd-=-a:::.m:.:.....::D-=e.::.s..:...igi2..:n..:..-.:.f-=o..:...r.-..:D=-e=-v:....:i--.:l--=-C=-an:..:.yL..:0:..;.n:.-.=..D.;:;.an:.::..l_-~D...:.e~f...:...i:..;.nl.:....·t...:...i...:.v...;:.e _ Project "...LEVE L OF EF FOR T :_=65=--.:...M:.=.a:...:..n--=d::..::a~ys=---_ SCHEDU LE:O_c_t_o_be_r--=1_9_81~t........o----=--Ja.:::..:n...:...:u_a_r~y_l~9___.:8~2 ~_ ESTIMA TED COST:__$:-1_8c:..,0_0_0 _ RESPONSIBILlTY:__K_._B_._K1_·n....:::g_C.::..-I_E_CO::....:):.-_ PURPOSE: To determine cofferdam design and interface with other groups to establish requirements. SCOPE: !"""'The \/wrk items are as follows: •Determine hydrologic,diversion and construction requirements for cofferdam design. •Develop cofferdam design. •Analyze design for stability,seepage and settlement. •Prepare necessary reports,drawings and graphics. - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-3 CONCRETE DAMS TASK TITLE:F-3-1 Design Input during Plan Formulation SHEET 1 of 1 $36,000-, - - r- LEVEL OF EFFORT:_-=1.:::..:30~M~a~n-~d~aYLs=--_ SCHEDULE:March to July 1980 ESTIMATED COST: RESPaN SI BIL1TY :_--.:H~.........::.E:........:J~a.::.:ck:.:::s~o~n---..:(~I:...::E~CO:::..,)~_ PURPOSE: To provide design input for concrete dams for project layout studies during plan formulation. SCOPE: Develop preliminary alternative layouts for concrete arch and/or gravity dams to provide comparative cost data.Layouts of several dam heights for each site will be made in order to develop the cost vs.height relationship for use in selection of optimum layout as performed under Task Assignment G-4. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r- I ,... i r -I CA TEGORY:_~F__....:..P~R~EL::..=I.:.!.MI~N~A~RY~D~ES~I~GN!..!.-_ ASSIGNM ENT=-:-.-:..F.....:-3~~C~"O.:..:.:NC:::;.R~E~TE~D~AM~S~------'---.,._ TASK TIT LE:_-:....F-.....:3::..-..::2:.-...:A:..::r~c:..:ch~Da~m~L~ay.z..:.o~u~t~S~tu~d~i~e~s_-----!:D~e..!..v.!....i l.:......:=C~ac:.:.ny.,L.;o~n.:-..:::D~am~~_ PURPOSE: To develop layout for Devil Canyon arch dam for alternative selected during plan formula- tion. SCOPE: Refine dam layout of selected alternative.Additional topographic and geologic data ob- tained during plan formulation will be used.Several layouts with progressive refine- ments may be required.Preliminary stress analyses will be performed to check structural adequacy. F- i I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAIN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 ---_..------CONCRETE DAMSF-3 CAT EGOR Y.__LF__---I:.JPRLllE-1.1-1.I.clM..L-IINcuA11'Ru.Y_01l.lE,-S,wI..uGcu-N ASSIGNMENT _----'----.JL_--"'.>LU:>LllJ,~'-"LJL11J.>"__. TASK TITLE F-3-3 Stress and Stab;lity5tud;es -Devil Canyon Dam "...LEVEL OF EFFORT 570 Man-days I SCHEDULE July to December 1981-I ESTIMATED COST:$180,000 RESPONSIBILITY H.E.Jackson- PURPOSE: To check the structural adequacy of the selected arch dam layout at the Devil Canyon site. SCOPE: The study will consist of the following: • I'"" \ • • ,.... Develop design criteria from field and laboratory data for dam and foundation materials and the design earthquake developed by Task Group E. Perform temperature studies involving air and water temperature data analysis. Perform static and dynamic stress analyses for various loading combinations of the dam/foundation system by: -Trial load analysis method using computer program ADSA$developed by USSR. -Three dimensional finite element method using computer program SAPIV. •Evaluate structural stability of selected design and prepare structural stability report. ','.,....,.;1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _l~of_l F-3-4 Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Dam CATEGORY ASSIGNMENT TASK TITLE F F-3 PRELIMINARY DESIGN CONCRETE DAMS H.E.Jackson (IECO) ..... ..... I"'" ! 'I LEVEL OF E FFORT :__1_3_0_Ma_n_-_d_ay_s__~._ SCHE DULE:~J~u_n~e_to_A_u_g_u_st_l_9_8_1_,_N_o_v_e_lTI_b_er_l_9_8_1_t_o_J_a_n_u_a_ry_l_9_8_2 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$_3_6_,O_O_O _ RESPONSIBILITY:~------~----------------------- PURPOSE: To prepare preliminary design layout of Devil Canyon arch dam for FERC License Applica- tion. SCOPE: This Task will consist of the following: •Make any necessary refinements to dam layout indicated by structural stability studi es. •Perform layout and design of appurtenant structures. •Coordinate layouts of dam,spillway,outlet works,and other project features. •Prepare quantity estimates. •Provide layouts and other input data for Exhibit L drawings. .... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-3 CON~RETE DAMS SHEET 1 of 1 TASK TITLE:F-3-5 Estab 1i sh Criteri a and Procedures for Structural Model Test Program r- !LEVEL OF EFFORT:45 Man-days SCHEDULE:January to March 1982r- ESTIMA TED COST:$13 ,000 r RESPONSIBILITY:H.E.Jackson (IECO) PURPOSE: I"'": r - To verify stress analysis results by structural model testing. SCOPE: This Task will consist of the following: Establish structural model criteria and procedures. Provide input to structural model testing laboratory. Provide initial contact and liaison with structural model testing laboratory. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLJ~N OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 I""" I r CATEGORY :_~F __--!P--..!.'R--=-E.=.:LI!::.!.:.M~I~NA~R~Y.....!D:!.!:E~S~IG~N~_ ASSIGNMENT:.-:~F.......:-4~~D:!.I~VE~R::::S~IO~N~S'..1.!.....:S:!..P-=-I.=.!LL~W~A2...:YS~A.!!.!ND~O:=..UT~L:::E:..!..:TS:=...-_ TASK TIT LE:_~F_-42.---.:1=-~D~e:.=s~i ~g~n -=I~n~p~u~t~d~ur!.....l.!...!.·n..!..l:9L..!...P-2..l~a!.l.n ....2F~o::..!r..!!m~u!2.l~a~t.!..:i o~n..!....----:-_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_~90~M~an!.!....-~d~aJ::.Ys~_ SCHEDULE:.:..::Ma:::.:r--::c~h_t:..::o:.......:::.J.:::..ul~y___=.:19::.::8~O~~ ESTIMA TED COST:_.-:$~2:.::5..!..:!O::.::O~O ._ R ESPON SIBILITY :_---..:.P....:....-:K~..-:.::Mo~g!.::e:.....:ra~(-=-I~EC~0:.L)_ PURPOSE: To provide design support for diversion,spillways,and outlet facilities during plan formulation. SCOPE: This Task will include the following: •Develop scheme for river diversion during construction for each damsite under consideration.Alternative schemes will be studied and cost comparisons will be made to determine the most suitable scheme for the particular site. •Determine the type,location,number and size of spillways,sluices and outlet works including type of gates and valves most suitable for each damsite by developing alternative schemes and comparative cost data.The sizes and loca- tions will be selected to minimize adverse impact on water quality and erosion downstream of the dams. •Prepare preliminary detail of selected schemes for diversion,spillways,and outlet works for cost estimate to serve as a basis for recommending a selected plan for further study during definitive project studies. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY :_~F __~P~R":::.E.=.:LI~M~I~NA..:.:..R:....:.Y~[::.:'E::=.S.=..:IG~N~---_ ASSIGNMENT:F-4 DIVERSIONS,SPI LLWAYS AND OUTLETS TASK TITLE:F-4-2 Diversion Scheme Study -Watana Site LEVEL OF E FFORT:_~90~M~a~n---.::d~a:Lys::.___ SCHEDULE:Apri 1 to June 1981 ESTIMATED COST:_......:$~2::..:.72..:,O::.::O:..:::.O ._ RES PO NS 18 IL1TY :_~P--.:....-:K~.-----=-.:.M0:..og~e..:...-ra~(-=-I ::..:EC:..::O~)-'- f""PURPOSE: To develop an optimum diversion scheme for the Watana site. SCOPE: This Task will include preparation of detailed preliminary designs for the selected Watana River diversion scheme and will include the following: - •Sizing of cofferdams,tunnels,channels,etc.,to pass the construction flood, including design of closure methods. •Hydraulic design. •Structural design. •Preparation of detailed quantity estimate as input for preparation of detailed cost estimate under Task F-10-3. •Provision of layouts and other pertinent input for preparation of Exhibit L drawings. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-4 DIVERSIONS,SPILLWAYS AND OUTLETS TASK TITLE:F-4-3 Diversion Scheme Study -Devil Canyon Site SHEET 1 of 1 r LEVEL OF E FFORT:_..:.90=-:...M:..=a.:.:..n--.::d:.::a'::!-y=-s _ SCHEDULE:June to August 1981 ESTIMATED COST:__$.:..-2_7.:...-,O_O_O _ RESPONSIBILITY:P.K.Mogera (IECO) PURPOSE: To develop optimum diversion scheme for the Devil Canyon site. SCOPE: This Task will include preparation of detailed preliminary designs for the selected river diversion scheme including: •Sizing of cofferdams,tunnels,channels,etc.,to pass the construction flood, including design of closure methods. •Hydraulic design. •Structural design. •Preparation of detailed quantity estimate as input for preparation of detailed construction cost estimate under Task F-10-4. •Provision of layouts and other pertinent input for preparation of Exhibit L drawi ngs. I~SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAIN OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-4 DIVERSIONS,SPILLWAYS AND OUTLETS TASK:TITLE:F-4-4 Pre 1 imi nary Des i gn -Watana Spi 11 way SHEET 1 of 1 r-:LE VE L 0 F E FF OR T:_.::.:13~O~Ma~n-,---~d~ayL.::s~----__----,_ SCHEDU LE:~M:.=.ay~t:.:o:........:..Se::..!p::....:t:..=e=mb::..:e:...:r___=l.::..:98:..::1=__~____'_ ESTIMA TED COST:__$:.:3:..::82..:,0:.:0:..::0 _ R ESPON SI 81 LIT Y :_----:.P---.:....----.:K:...:.:.---.:....:.Mo~g~e:..:...r=-a ~(.:.I.::..:EC:.:O~)_ PURPOSE: To develop preliminary design of the Watana spillway. SCOPE: This Task will include the preliminary detailed design for the selected spillway for the Watana damsite including: '.Develop size and layouts of spillway geometry,gates,piers,walls,energy dissipators,etc.,for required flows considering the impact on erosion down- stream. •Refine hydraulic design. •Develop rating curves. •Perform structural design of monoliths,bridges,piers,gates,stoplogs and hoists,etc. '.Perform detailed quantity and cost estimates. •Provide layouts and other input for Exhibit L drawings. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY :_--.:..F__.-:.P....:..:R~E:::.::LI~M:.:::..IN:.:.:A.:'..:R~Y~D:.::E:.:::.S.=..::IG::::N~_ ASS IGNM ENT:.-:--..:..F_-4.:.-:....-.:D:..:I~V=-E R:..::S::..::I~O~NS::..!,~S:-.:P I:..::L:.:=LW.:::A...:..:Y:...:::S.....:A~N.:=D:.-=.:OU::.:l~·L:.::.ET.:..:S=---_ TASK TIT LE:_~F_-...:.4_-5:::.-.-:P.-:r..::e...:.l....:.i::m.:,:in~a~r.d.y~D.::.e.::..s ~ig~n..:.---~D.:::.e..:..v:..-i l~C::..::a~n:..z.y:=..o:..:.n....:S:::Jp:::..i:....:l~l...::w..:::ayol...-_ r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:130 Man-days I SCHEDULE:May to September 1981 "... $38,000ESTIMATEDCOST: RESPONSIBILITY:P.K.Mogera (lECO)- ~i PURPOSE: To develop preliminary design of the Devil Canyon spillway. SCOPIE : r This Task will include preparation of a preliminary detailed design for the selected spillway for the Devil Canyon damsite including: •Develop size and layouts of spillway geometry,gates,piers,walls,energy dissipators,etc.,for required flows considering the impact on erosion down- stream. • •r- • • •..... I 1(""'. Refine hydraulic design. Develop rating curves. Perform structural design of monoliths,bridges,piers,gates,stoplogs and hoists,etc. Perform detailed quantity and cost estimates. Provide layouts and other input for Exhibit L drawings. -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY l"- i SHEET 1 of 1 F-4 -lLIVERSIONS.SPI.LUdAY5.--AtlU OUTLETS CA TE G OR Y __...r:F~_----I:PA:REl:JlwILC.MLLTl.'lJNA!:\JR:UYL.-J...IOJ:;..FS~IuGwNL-_ ASSIGNMENT 1 ASK TIT L E _-----lEL...-...=4L-j,16_PL-Jru e.....l......;.w.m-L;wna....r-,1yl...J,lO....e .....s ]-4'g,p.nL_-_Wllia...,t"-'oa"-'-n.....a'--"'-Qu"'-t"-l'-"e~t'-'-F a~c",-i,--,l,-,i_t..,~i =.es~_ r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:90 Man-days I SCHEDULE:July to October 1981 r- ESTIMATED COST $27,000 RESPONSIBILITY:P.K.Mogera (lECO) I"""" PURPOSE: To develop preliminary design for the Watana outlet facilities- SCOPE: This Task will involve preparing a preliminary detailed design for the selected outlet works for the damsite including: I""""•Develop size requirements and layout of intakes,gates,bulkheads,sluices, tunnels,air vents,energy dissipators,etc.for required flow considering the impact on water quality and erosion downstream. •Refine hydraUlic design. •Develop rating curves. ~ I r •Perform structural design of tower,gates,bulkheads,trashracks, and outlet structures. •Check structural stability of tower for static and dynamic loading. •Perform detailed quantity and cost estimates. •Provide layouts and other input for Exhibit L drawings. .....SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-4 DIVERSIONS,SPILLWAYS AND OUTLETS TASK TITLE:F-4-7 Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Outlet Facilities SHEET 1 of 1 r LEVEL OF EFFORT:_.::..90~M~a~n-~d~a'-l...Y:='-s _ SC HEDULE:-..:J:...:u:...:l..:!..y-.:.:to::........,::O:..::c-=.t.::.:ob::.;:e:..:.r--=.19.::.:8::..:1:-_ ESTIMATED COST:_.-..:$:c:::2:..:..7.1..:,O~O~O _ RE S PON SI BIL1TY:_--..:P.-..:.~K.~M~og;;z:e:..:.r..:::a_(~I'--=E~CO~)L-_ PURPOSE: To develop preliminary design for the Devil Canyon outlet facilities. SCOPE: r-This Task will involve performing a preliminary detailed design for the selected outlet works for the Devil Canyon damsite including:-•Develop size requirements and layout of intakes,gates,bulkheads,sluices, tunnels,air vents,energy dissipators,etc.for required flows considering the impact on water quality and erosion downstream. r-• • • • •r Refin~hydraulic design. Develop rating curves. Perform structural design of gates,bu"lkheads,trashracks,and outlet structure. Perform detailed quantity and cost estimate. Provide layouts and other input for Exhibit L drawings. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-5 POWER FEATURES TASK TITLE:F-5-1 Design Input during Plan Formulation SHEET 1 of 1 ,-LEVE L 0 F E FF OR T:---.:2~8~0~M~a:::.n:--~da::.!y'....::'s~~_ SCHEDULE:.-:..M:.:::a..:....rc:::.:h..:-..:t:.:::o.....:J:::..:u:...:l:!-y-:l::.:9:.:::8:.:::0 _ ESTIMA TEO COST:__$:...:7-=::8:..!..,0:::..::0::::0 _ RESPONSIBILITY :_---.:O::.........:..:-Ho:::..:u::l;g~e.:.:..n~(...:I.:::.EC::::O:!.)~_ PURPOSE: To provide design input services for the basic layout studies of the power facilities at various project sites considered in the study. SCOPE: This Task will include layout studies of the power facilities at all project sites dur- ing this stage of the studies.The power facilities consist of the power intake,water conductors,surge tanks,powerhouse and tailrace. Several power facility arrangements will be studied for all project sites in combination with various types of dams,and alternatives will be prepared for various heads and installed capacities. Based on the existing geological and hydrological data,several layouts of the water ~conductors will be studied. Type and location of intake structure,surge tank,penstock arrangement,and tailrace layout will be investigated. A conventional surface powerhouse will be compared with an underground power station for all sites. The size of the plant,number of units,future units,etc.,will be evaluated in connec- tion with other studies. Various alternatives of rock reinforcement and roof and wall structures will be con- sidered for the subsurface layouts. Quantity estimates and preliminary cost estimates will be prepared for all alternatives, for use in selection of the optimum project layout as performed under Task G-4. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT:F-5 POWER FEATURES TASK TITLE:F-S-2 Power Features Layout Studi es -Watana Power Pl ant SHEET 1 of 2 r"'"LEVEL OF E FFORT:_..=:15~0~Mc::a~n--,=d~aJ...Y=-s _ ,- SC HEDU LE:..:-A:.':p.:...-Y'l.:...-·1:.........:t..::..o-..:J:....:u=-.:-1,Ly---=1:.:9:...=8.=..1 _ ESTIMA TED COST:__$::-4:.=3.!-,0:...:0:..:.0 _ RE SPO N SIB IL1TY :_------=O::....:..~Ho:...:u::.Eg~e:..:._n ~(:...:.I.=..EC::...:O:...!.)_ r-PURPOSE: To refine the basic layout of power facilities after additional data are available. SCOPE: ,-Two basic layouts of the power plant will be studied: • A conventional surface power station. •An underground power station. ,... '[ [ The installed capacity,the rated head and the number of units will remain as previously determined in the basic layout studies,unless new information is available that may change this decision. Additional geologic data will now be available so that each of the above layouts can be lrefi ned. r-A final location study will be carried out for the power plant and water conductor in close cooperation with geologists,construction experts and other design groups. Final detail studies will determine: •Type of intake structure including stop logs,trashrack,gates,etc. •Type,size and number of penstocks. •Type and dimensions of surge tanks,if required. •Arrangement of tailrace bulkhead gates and chamber,if required. •Layout of tailrace channel or tunnel. TASK:F-S-2 Power Features Layout Studies -Watana Power Studies Refined quantity estimates and a detailed cost estimate will be prepared. SHEET 2 of 2 At the end of this stage,a single final layout of the power facilities will be prepared that can be included in the feasibility report and the FERC License Application. ,..,... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r CA TEGORY :_---.-:...F__--.:P-.::R:.::E--=.:LI:.:..M:..:.I::..:NA...:..'.-R~Y~D~E:.:::S~IG:::..:..N~_ ASSIGNMENT:......:----.:....F.......:-5:.-...--:.P....:.O::.:.WE:.:.R:.-..:.....FE:::A.:....:.T..::.UR~E:..:::S _ TASK TIT LE:_-.:...F_-:::.-5----.:3:::......-...:.P...:.r..:::e...:.l..:..im~in~a::.:r..,ly...._:::D.:::e~s ~ig;;z..:n:...-----.-:..:W~a.:::t~an:..:..:a:::.-:.P...::o:..:..:w-=e.:_r~F e:::..:a:::.:t::..:u:.:..r..::e:..:::s _ LEVEL OF EFFORT:130 Man-days SCHEDULE:June to December 1981 tf!Jn!fll', ESTIMATED COST:$37,000 Irt".....RESPONSIBILITY:0.Hougen (lECO) 'f"""PURPOSE: To prepare a preliminary design for all power features of the layouts prepared during _all study phases. SCOPE: These design studies will be performed both during the plan formulation and the refine- ment of the basic layout.The studies will be sufficiently detailed for a feasibility -study. Design criteria will be established for power intake,water conductors and power plant. All available data from the final geological survey and the subsurface investigation will be used,and the design of all features will be based upon careful analysis of topography and geology. The preliminary design will also be based on all the available information regarding equipment (dimensions,weight,etc.).,... Close cooperation with other design groups and specialists will be maintained during all design phases. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHE ET _1_o_f_1 CATEGORY F PRELIMINARY DESIGN POWER FEATURESF-5ASSIGNMENT~-------~--~--~~--_._--------._---- 1 ASK TITLE F-5-4 Power Features Layout Studies -Devil Canyon Power Plant -LEVEL OF E FFORT __l_3_0_M_a_n_-_da~y,-s _ O.Hougen (IECO) $38,000 June to September 1981SCHEDULE:-----~~-----=---------------------------- ESTIMATED COST:--_-.:....--------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY: r- I I PURPOSE: To refine the basic layout of the power facilities at the Devil Canyon site after additional data are available. SCOPE: The refinement of the basic layout will more or less follow the same procedure as outlined for the Watana project. Studies will be performed for both: • A conventional surface power plant. •An underground power plant. Installed capacity,rated head,number of units,etc.,determined in the plan formula- tion phase,will be verified. A final location study of the power facilities will be carried out to obtain a refined -,ayout. The type of intake and arrangement of water conductors will also be studied in more detail during this phase. If a concrete dam is considered for the Devil Canyon site,special emphasis will be placed on incorporating the intake in the dam and locating the power plant as close to the dam as possible. Detailed quantity take-offs and cost estimates will be prepared. Finally,a single final layout of the power facilities will be recommended and exhibits will be prepared for the feasibility report and the FERC License Application. r- i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY 1 of 1SHEET_ CA TEGORy __F PR_E_L_IM_I_N_A_RY_D_ES_I_G_N ASSIGNMENT F-5 POWER FEATURES -------------------~----_._--- F-5-5 Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Power Features --_._--"---------Y ASK TITLE -------------_. ,.... LEVEL OF EFFORT 130 Man-days SCHEDULE August 1981 to February 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$37~OOO RESPONSIBILITY:O.Hougen ClECO) PURPOSE: -To prepare preliminary designs for all power features of the layouts prepared during all study phases. SCOPE: These design studies will be performed both during the plan formulation and the refine- ment of the basic layout.The studies will be sufficiently detailed for a feasibility .study. Design criteria will be established for power intake,water conductors and power plant. All available data from the final geological survey and the subsurface investigation will be used,and the design of all features will be based upon careful analysis of topography and geology. The preliminary design will also be based on all the available information regarding equipment (dimensions,weight,etc.). Close cooperation with other design groups and specialists will be maintained during all design phases. r I I - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CA TE GO RY __LoE --IPJ'R......E.J...1.uTM:uI....,NLO.Au..RY'--J.,jDl.LE.......S Iu.G.wNL _ ASSIGNMENT~---E~M£CHANICAL FACILIlliS__._......_. F-6-1 Design Input during Plan Formulation SHEET 1 of 1 r- [ ,.... To provide mechanical equipment selection and costs as design input for the various project layout studies during plan formulation. SCOPIE : This Task will provide an analysis of mechanical equipment requirements,selection, dimensioning and cost estimates for each of the alternatives and will include the following mechanical equipment: •Turbine. •Inlet valve. •Pressure regulators,if required. •Cranes and hoists for powerhouse and intake structure. •Auxiliary mechanical equipment. •Hoisting equipment for spillway gates,outlets gates and valves,etc. Sizes and costs will be determined to an accuracy which,along with studies under Task F-5-1,will provide a basis for selection of the favorable site and project layout for further study. :-SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY ASSIGNMENT F F-6 PRELIMINARY DESIGN MECHANICAL FACILITIES -------------------------------------------------~-- I ASK 11 fLE F-6-2 Mechani ca 1 Des i gn Studi es -Watana Dam ---- --LEVEL OF EFFORT:10 Man-days SCHEDULE May to August 1981 """'$3,000ESTIMATEDCOST: RESPONSIBILITY:J.Carson (lECO) PURPOSE: To re"fine equipment requirements,selection and costs.-i SCOPE: Mechanical equipment requirements,selection and detailed costs will be prepared for each configuration investigated in this phase.Two configurations will be studied: """' ,... i •Surface power station. •Underground power station. Cost data and descriptions will be prepared in the format and in sufficient detail for use in the Definitive Project Report and as input for preparation of the FERC License Application. -f ! SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATE GOR Y_----!F__---!..-.!PR~E'-'"L_"'_'IM--,-"I,-,-,N.!..!!ARCL!Y,---",-,OE",-"S"-,,,I~GN!..!-__~_ SHEET _1_0_f_1 r ASSIGNMENT F-6 MECHANICAL FACILITIES r ASK rlTlE F-6-3 Preliminary Design -Watana Darn Mechanical Facilities -lEVEL OF EFFORT:15 Man-daysr I I SCHEDULE:August to December 1981 r ESTIMATED COST:$4,000 RESPONSIBILITY:J.Carson (lECO) 1"""1 PURPOSE: To prepare preliminary designs for the selected scheme of development. SCOPE: Prepare preliminary design criteria,layouts and designs,and quantities and cost esti- mates for all mechanical features pertinent to the selected scheme of development. r r r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY E PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGI\JMENT __F-6 MECHANICAL EACILUIE_S _ 1 ASK TIT LE _-----'E'----....::6~-_'_4____'M'_'_'e"_'c"_'_h'_"'a'_'_'n_'_;c",-,a"-.l,----,=,O=e=s-'-Ci9;:1.'n-,---",S,--"t=u=d-'..i,e=s"------=O=-ev-=-i:...:l:...-.:::Cc.:::a.:..:.nyLo::..:n-=--..:::D~a=m _ LEVEL OF EFFORT:10 Man-days SCHEDULE:August to November 1981 r'ESTIMATED COST:$3~OOO RESPONSIBILITY J.Carson (IECO),- ...PURPOSE: To refine equipment requirements~selection and costs. SCOPE: Mechanical equipment requirements~selection and detailed costs will be prepared for each configuration investigated in this phase.It is assumed two configurations will be studied:' •Surface power station. .- i !""'" •Underground power station . Cost data and descriptions will be in the format and in sufficient detail for use in the FERC License Application. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _l_o_f_l --------------------- PRELIMINARY DESIGN --- MECHANICAL FACILITIES CATEGORY F ASSIGNMENT F-6 ------------------- I ASK TITLE F-6-5 Preliminary Design -Devil Canyon Dam Mechanical Facilities PURPOSE: -To prepare preliminary designs for the selected scheme of development. SCOPE: - Prepare preliminary design criteria,layouts and designs,and construction quantities and cost estimate for all mechanical features pertinent to the selected scheme of deve 11 opment. """ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CA TE GOR y __F P_RE_L_IM_I_N_A_RY_D_ES_I_G_N _ ASSIGNMENT F-7 ELECTRICAL FACILITIES 1ASK TIT LE __~F-_7_-_1__D_e_s_ig_n_I_n_p_u_t_d_u_r_i~ng.P1an F°rmu 1at ion I~EVEL OF EFFORT 50 Man-days SCHEDULE:March to July 1980 r ESTIMATED COST:$17,000 IRESPONSIBILlTY:w.F.Untiedt (IECO)...... PURPOSE: SHEET _1_o_f_1 ,"'" r To provide services for the basic studies of the power plant and switchyard facilities at all project sites. SCOPE: This Task will consist of basic layout studies of power plant and switchyard facilities, including transmission line tie between power plant and switchyard.Major equipment items such as generators,transformers,circuit breakers,disconnect switches,protective relaying schemes,supervisory controls telemetry and related communications equipment required will be analyzed. The switchyard and transmission facilities will be studied in conjunction with the sub- station and transmission studies. Preliminary studies would look at economical and operational advantages of various power plant schemes and operational advantages of switchyard breaker schemes for each type of installation. Quantity estimates and preliminary cost estimates w-ill be prepared for all alternatives. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEE T _1_o_f_1 -----------_.F-7ASSIGNMENT CATEGORY _---.:F'---._~P R=E=Lc--IcM'-'..:I::..:cN"-'.AR,-,-Y:..-=D=ES=I=G'-.'-N . ELECTRICAL FACILITIES:- I F-7-2 Electrical Design Studies -Watana Dam1ASKTITLE_--'--.C--=_=-----'-----'--"--'---=-~_'__"'__,--'--~=____ $6,000 W.f.Untiedt (IEGO) LE VE L OF EF FOR T:_....::2=...=O----=-.:.Ma:.:.:.n..:..-...:cd-'ayo<-s'------_ SCHEDULE:May to August 1981 ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To refine basic studies of electrical facilities. SCOPE: This Task will consist of refining basic layouts for conventional surface and under- ground power stations. The study will involve finalization of recommended power plant and switchyard facili- ties. Refined quantity estimate and a detailed cost estimate will be prepared. The 1Feas i bil i ty report and cost estimate wi 11 be presented in the FERC Li cense Application format. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _l_o_f_l F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASS IGN MENT I:L JJf~IRI CAk~~CJJ)Il~~~_ 1ASK TIIL[F-7-3 Preliminary Design _~Watana Dam Electrical Facilities r- ': t r i - -, ~, I LEVEL OF EFFORT:-----'-----'----'-::.::..::..---'-'--"-"''--=---------------------------- SCHEDULE:----_---"!-_---=---=~.:.:..:::....:~=-=--=--=------------------- ESTIMATED COST:--~------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY ------...:....:.......:....-~~~------ PURPOSE: To prepare preliminary designs for all electrical features of the recommended project. SCOPE: This Task will formulate the refinement of basic layout.The studies will be suffi- ciently detailed for the feasibility report.Electrical design criteria will be estab- lished for the power plant,associated facilities and switchyard. The preliminary design for the electrical components of the project facilities will be deta'iled adequately,so that all information required for the feasibility report will be available and prepared in the FERC License Application format. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY'F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT F-7 ELECTRICAL FACILITIES TASK TITLE F-7-4 Electrical Design Studies -Devi 1 Canyon Dam,- LEVEL OF EFFORT 15 Man-days SCHEDULE August to December 1981-!ESTIMATED COST:$4,000 RESPONSIBILITY:W.F.Untiedt (lECO) r PURPOSE: To refine basic design studies of electrical facilities. SCOPE: SHEET _1_o_f_l This Task will consist of refinement for conventional surface and underground power sta- tions. r-The study will involve finalization of recommended power plant and switchyard facilities. Refined quantity estimate and detailed cost estimate will be prepared. Input to the feasibility report (Definitive Project Report)and cost estimate will be prepared in the FERC License Application format . .....', - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_o_f_l ASSIGNMENT F-7 CA TEGORY __F PR_E_LI__M_I_NA_R_Y_D_E_S_IG_N _ ELECTRICAL FACILITIES I ASK TIT LE __F_-_7_-5__P_r_e_ll_·m_i_n_ar--"Yc--0_e_s..-:ig::-n_-_D_e_v_i_l_C_a_n-=.y_o_n_D__a_m_E_le_c_t_r_i_ca_l_F_a_c_il_i~t_i_e_s _ $3,000 W.F.Untiedt (IECO) 10 Man-days November 1981 to March 1982 LEVEL OF EFFORT ------'-----------~------------------ SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST:-------------------------.,.------ RESPONSIBILITY:--------------------------------, PURPOSE: To prepare preliminary designs for all electrical features of the recommended project. SCOPE: This Task will formulate the refinement of basic layout.The studies will be sufficient- ly detailed for the feasibility report (Definitive Project Report). Electrical design criteria will be established for the power plant,associated facilities and switchyard. The preliminary design for the electrical components of the project facilities will be detailed adequately,so that all information required for the feasibility report will be avail ab 1e. -i F"SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 -CAT EGORY:__!-F__--'-P...uR.....ELl-..JlucM......I UJNA:uR.....Y-,-JD......E.....S.......I....,GN..L ASSIGNMENT__£:JL_TRANSMISSION SYSIEM _._---._--_.._---_. I ASK TITl_E F-8-1 Transmission System P~~n~nl~'n~g~__ A.Mickevicius (IEeD) $94,000 230 Man-days January to July 1980 LEVEL OF EFFORT:_--=-=-=----'--"-'''-'-'---==J--=-_ SCHEDULE ESTIMATED COST: ----'-=--"--'--=-=-.:=-----------------~--------- RESPONSIBILITY:__-.:...:.-=---'-=--=--:::...:..:..=--'--'-=-:..=-=---i.::=:=..L.-----_ -PURPOSE: To develop a definitive plan for transmission system requirements,to integrate generat- ing plants of the Susitna hydroelectric development within coordinated expansion plans for the interconnected utility systems of the Susitna power market area.The study will also define transmission system requirements for alternatives to Susitna. SCOPE: ,- ! The plan formulation for implementation of the Susitna project must take into considera- tion the specific requirements for system expansion and transmission interconnection of utilities in the Cook-Inlet,Fairbanks-Nenana and Glennallen-Valdez service areas.This study will extend the work completed during the economic feasibilty study for the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,to determine the appropriate staged expansion plan that will satisfy the objectives of Railbelt utilities and enable the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie to form the initial transmission stage that eventually will be part of the ultimate Susitna Transmission System. -, The study wi 11 encompass the fo 11 owi ng elements: •Formulation of a preliminary plan for the ultimate transmission system required to integrate the total generating capacity of the Susitna development with the interconnected utility systems of the power market area. • ,... "t .- Define the initial stage of the ultimate transmission system in relation to the facilities of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie. Determine economic voltage level for the ultimate transmission system and com- pare the relative cost advantages of initial operation of Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie at derated voltage level for first stage development . TASK:F-8-1 Transmission System Planning SHEET 2 of 2 •Determi ne the feas i bil ityof extending the interconnected system to the Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA)at Glennallen t from a substation at one of the Susitna generating plants (Watana Dam or equivalent). •Develop a plan for staged increments of transmission capacity,to accord with the interconnected system load requirements and the generation expansion plan with the Susitna development. •Perform power flow studies to test transmission expansion plans. •Prepare definitive plan for interconnected transmission system expansion,in- cluding the staged development of Susitna Transmission System. In addition to the study of transmission plans with the Susitna development,a similar study will be performed for an alternative plan without Susitna.The Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie will still be a major element within the alternative expansion plan;however, major increments of coal-fired thermal plant,gas-turbines and other alternative energy sources will require specific transmission facilities within the interconnected systems. ., - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY DESIGNFCATEGORY__J-..-'-L~....................'-'-'-'--"'--"'.............._......J'_'___ TRANSMISSION SYS~._F-8ASSIGNMENT ---'-~- ~. I ASK TITLE _----'-F_-.=8-2 Transmi 5S i on Li ne RillJ.:t.e.--,S~t"-"u,-,,,d'J--Y _ 1-LEVEL OF EFFORT:120 Man-days SCHEDULE May to November 1980 E::STIMATED COST:$42,000 r-IRESPONSIBILlTY:G.Israelson (lECO) PURPOSE: To establish feasible line routes between the main points of the intertie system to provide a basis for environmental impact studies and transmission line cost estimates. SCOPE: Alternate routes were already investigated during the development of the Anchorage to Fairbanks Intertie Study.In the course of this work a number of local authorities and ,environmental interest groups were consulted,and a very close-to-final route selection was made at that time.Some additional work is anticipated although this would merely involve minor refinements to the route location already established. It is anticipated that a line connecting Glennallen with the Watana bus would also be of specific interest in this stUdy.Since not much previous route study has been done for this line,and in view of the rather difficult terrain conditions throughout this region,a considerable amount of terrain study is foreseen. For the purpose of detailed route and environmental stUdies,both the Anchorage to Fairbanks and the Watana to Glennallen routes will be flown and strip mapped to re- quirled scales. ,- ,- " SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAIN OF STUDY SHE ET _1_o_f_1 CAT EG OR y._--..!F__---'-'PR~-'E"_'"'L""-'IM!...!.:I'-!.-'N"-!.A!..>...!RY'-----'!.O-,=-,ES"""I'-"!.G!..!...N"_ ASSIGNMENT F-8 TRANSMISSION SYSTEI~-~-.:= T ASK TITLE F-8-4 Transmission Line Conductor and Cost Studies----------- G.Israelson (IECD) $28,000 80 Man-days May to August 1981 LEVEL OF EFFORT:--=---=-.:..::=.:..:....-~--=------------------------ SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST:------''----'--------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY: -! PURPOSE: To establish optimum design parameters,including conductor type,size and number of conductors per phase,to be used in the final transmission line design.(Anchorage/ Fairbanks Intertie-Oefinitive Project). SCOPE: Conductor size will be selected by the use of a Transmission Line Cost Analysis Program (TLCAP)which was specially developed by IEeO for this type of study.In this program all pertinent costs,such as installed cost of line,power losses and other time related costs are considered.The program selects the size of conductor that provides the opti- mum installed line and operational costs.The costs developed in Task F-8-3 will be used for this purpose. r r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_of_1 CATEGORY.F PRELIMINARY DESIGN TRANSMISSION SYSTEMF-8ASSIGNMENT_._-~--_.._---------_.--._--_._..~--------_.---~-_._~- F-8-5 Switchyards and Substations1ASKTITLE--:--_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:220 Man-days SCHEDULE:May to August 1981 ESTIMATED COST:$72 JOOO RESPONSIBILITY:C.F.Azalde (IEGO) r PURPOSE: To de~termine requirements for substations and switchyards J their locations J layouts and ratings of equipment. SCOPE: , L.- This Task will determine requirements for the two substations J One each at Anchorage and Fairbanks,and others if required J and the two switchyards J one each at Watana and Devil Canyon project sites and will include: •Investigation of locations and layouts for substations including field verifica- tion of locations. •Development of bus schemes and breaker arrangement for each installation taking into consideration economical and operational advantages of various schemes studi ed. Determination of ratings for major equipment such as transformers J circuit breakers,lightning arresters and switches. Studies of protective relaying,telemetrYJ and related communication equipment. Preparation of single-line diagrams and cost estimates. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_o_f_1 CA TEGORY _~F P~R=E"-"",L=IM--,-,I:..:..cN"--,A~RY"------,,,D=ES=I=G,-,--"-N_~_ ASSIGNMENT~_F~_~AC_CE_SS~RO_AD_S -_ II\SK 111LL ._._F-9-1 Design I~ut durinfLl'~r1_£9rmulatio_n ..._ $40 t OOO C.P.Smith (IECD) 140 Man-days March to July 1980 LEVEL OF EFFORT:_____---'0<-.-_ SCHEDULE: -----------~----------------------- ESTIMATED COST:------'---------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: To pl'ovide design input for access roads to the various power project sites considered during plan formulation. SCOPE: This Task will consist of the following: Develop longitudinal profiles of access roads along proposed alignments,and cross sections taking the topographic and terrain conditions and availability of construction material into consideration. Prepare quantity estimates for input to cost estimate for various project lay- outs for selection of the favorable project layout for definitive project design. •Develop reconnaissance grade alternative alignment layouts of access roads, including bridges and crossings as required for construction and permanent access to vQrious power project sites considered under plan formulation using USGS maps.Alternative routes will be located from both the Anchorage- Fairbanks highway and the Denali highway.-, I • r- I •r- I"'" rPfll! SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_0_f_1 -_._----------------------------------- ASSIGNMENT F-9 CAT EGO RY ._F=---_---"-P-'--'.R=EL=-=I:..:....:M=INc:.:.A=R:...:..Y.-:D::..:::E=S=IG::.:.'-N ._ ACCESS ROADS 1 ASK TITLE F-9-2 Preliminary Design -Access Roads $60,000 C.P.Smith (IECO) LEVEL OF EFFORT:__2_0_0_M_a_n_-~d~ay~s ~_ SCH EDULE:A_u.:-..gu._s_t_1_98_1_t_o_J_a_n_u_a-=ry:.-1_9_8_2 _ ESTIMATED COST:--_....:---------------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:---~---_---:...----:..._------------------- -i PURPOSE: To prepare preliminary design of access roads to selected damsites and layouts for FERC License Application. SCOPE: -, This Task will consist of the following: •Refine the access road alignment layouts for construction and permanent access to selected damsites (Watana and Devil Canyon)using more detailed topographic maps as prepared under Task B-5-3.Several layouts with progressive refinements may be required.Layouts will be based on mapped topographic and geologic data. Close coordination between the Geotechnical and Design Groups will be required. •Develop longitudinal profiles and cross sections. •Prepare quantity estimates for input to cost estimate of the definitive project design. •Provide layouts and other data for preparation of FERC exhibit drawings for access roads. -I r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _l_o_f_l_ --------------------ASSIGNMENT F-9 CA TE GOR Y _----:.F__----'P:.-:R=E=LI=.:-M=I-'--'-NA:..:.cR-'--'-Y--=...:DE=-=S~I=GN-'-_ ACCESS ROADS TASK TITLE F-9-3 Preliminary Design -Bridges~c--_ $50,000 C.P.Smith (IEeD) 180 Man-days September 1981 to January 1982SCHEDULE: EST!IMATED COST:-_--.:.._-------------------- RESPONSIBILITY -------~-~----- r PURPOSE: To prepare preliminary designs of bridges required on the access roads to the dams. r !SCOPE: This Task will consist of the following: •Determination of the number and the type of bridges required on the access routes to the dams,including temporary and permanent bridges of wood,steel and concrete construction. •Preliminary design of all the required bridges.Foundation design may vary from rock to permafrost. r., I •Preparation of quantity estimate for input to the cost estimate for the definitive project design. r I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_of_1 ------------------------------- F-10-1 Construction Planning and Cost Input for Plan Formulation 1"'-" $18,000 T.W.Barber (IECO) LEVEL OF EFFORT:__5_5_Ma_n_-_d---.:ay~s _ SCHEDULE Intermittent -Apri 1 to September 1980 ESTIMATED COST:------------~------------------- RESPONSIBILITY:------------------------------- PURPOSE: To provide construction planning and cost input for various project layout studies at various damsites considered during plan formulation. SCOPE: IPrepare preliminary construction schedule and narrative describing possible construction methods,and reconnaissance grade estimate of construction cost for Watana and Devil Canyon hydropower developments,access roads and transmission lines. -I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 F-10 CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND..SCHEDULI~.._ -_.----------------------------------- CA TEGO R y.__LF__........r::..PruREu l-lI..rJML1.JrnNAtIlRuV-.l.LOL-,FSoLTu.:GwNL-_ ASSIGNMENT: 1/\SK TIT LE _----.JFL--.llb.!.Q'----"-2-'Clt..!o.LLn~su..tt.Lr.Y.ucl.<..t~ju.o!.LnL.>o!.Sclo.LihLl.!e;;....diluul_lW:e_awnLUd~Ccl.!Qci2.s..!<.t -.JE...,sut<..!imffi£at~e~f~o~r--L!Ac~c~e~s~s~R~o a,","d~s~_ j'LEVEL OF EFFORT:40 Man-days SCHEDULE:November 1981 to January 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$15,000 I~ESPONSIBILlTY:T.W.Barber (lECO) PURPOSE: To provide construction schedule and cost estimate for access roads to selected sites for Watana and Devil Canyon project sites. SCOPE: Prepare feasibility grade estimate for construction cost for access roads to Devil Canyon and Watana damsites,including bridges.Costs of clearing the areas for access roads and disposition of merchantable and nonmerchantable timber will be assessed and included tn the cost estimate. Prepare construction schedule and narrative describing construction methods and l~quipment. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PILA"I OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 F-10ASSIGNMENT---- CA TEGOR Y :__-=-F__-:..P~R-=-EL::.:I:-:.;M=I:...:.:NA-.:.:.R::..:..Y_D::..:E=S'-=-IG=N-"--~ CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING lASK TITLE F-10-3 Construction Planning.Scheduling and Cost Estimate -Watana Dam r""LEVEL OF EFFORT:170 Man-days SCHEDULE:November 1981 to March 1982,.... ESTIMATED COST:$57.000 r"'"F~ESPONSIBILlTY:T.W.Barber (IECO) PURPOSE: To develop construction planning,schedule and construction cost estimate for Watana ,....dam. SCOPE: This Task will include the following: Prepare feasibility grade estimate of construction cost for Watana hydropower development including river diversion.dam.spillway and power plant. Prepare construction schedule and narrative description of construction plan- ning.methods and equipment to be used for Watana hydropower development. Assess the costs of reservoir clearing and disposal of merchantable and non- merchantable timber.The assessed costs will be included in the construction cost estimate. II .-II: 11 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY DESIGNFCATEGORY~_-I=-__~~LJ!W..JU:lAJ---Ul:~.1ll'1------ ASSIGNMENT~]O CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND~OULINl1 _ lASK TITLE E-IO-4 Construction Planning,Scheduling and Cost--=E=-=s:....::t:-:.i~m~at-=-.e=---_ Devil Canyon Dam LE VEL OF E FF OR T:lo.L7",-0....1.M......a......o--'d.....av-'i--"'-s _ SCHEDULE November 1981 to March 1982 ESTIMATED COST _----:t$~5.!......7~,O~O:o=...O_-----_ I"'" I F~ESPONSI81L1TY:T.W.Barber (IEeO)_L..-_ ,..... I - PURPOSE: To de!velop construction planning,scheduling and cost estimate for Devil Canyon darn. - -, SCOPE: This Task will include the following: •Prepare construction schedule and narrative description of construction plan- ning and methods and equipment to be used for Devil Canyon hydropower devel- opment. •Prepare feasibility grade estimate for construction cost for Devil Canyon hydropower development including river diversion,concrete arch dam,spillway, saddle dam and power plant. r-., •Assess the costs of reservoir clearing and disposal of merchantable and non- merchantable timber.The assessed costs will be included in the construction· cost estimate. '""" ....SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 - CATE GOR Y:----f'F--~P:AR~E l~I,I!lM,uINJU:lA~RY+-uD~ES,;)..JIUJGa.N- CONSTRUCTION PLANttlli<LAND.SCHEDULING E-10-5 Construction Schedule and Cost -Transmission Line F-10ASSIGNMENT: TASK TITLE _--&--.J.J./.-....J..~LU..:>..~...........UilJ--.,W.I...J...U::.Io.ilLJu;;--!W'UOL-lo<.lOo!..iU/'---LL~~~...!~---=--'~'---__ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_---.L7~5_____1:M=all.Ln-__Jd.u;aL3_y.>2..s _ SCHEDULE:December 1981 to March 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$26,QQQ---=~~------~--------------- RESPONSIBILITY:T.W.Barber (IECO) PURPOSE: To develop construction schedule and cost estimate for transmission line and asso- ciated facilities. r -; I !""'", SCOPE: The Task will consist of the following: •Prepare construction schedule and feasibility grade estimate of construction costs for transmission facilities including substations,switching stations, and transmission lines linking Watana,Devil Canyon,Anchorage and Fairbanks, including the assessed costs of clearing the transmission corridors a~d disposal of timber. !"'" i I""" ! I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHE ET _1_o_f_1_ -------------------------------------- CA TEGORY F PRELIMINARY DESIGN ASSIGNMENT F-10 CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING .... I I 1ASK TITLE F-10-6 Construction Planning -Construction Camp Infrastructure $59,000 October 1981 to March 1982 CIRI -H&N (Subcontract) r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:I ------------------------------ SCHEDULE: ---------------~------------------ ESTIMATED COST:------------------------------ RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: r- I l r I""" i I, .... .... To assist in preparation of detailed plan for infrastructure development during the construction phase. SCOPE: The Task will consist of preparing a plan for the infrastructure development required during the construction phase.This plan,as part of the feasibility analysis,will include facility and manpower requirements,construction schedules,related cost estimates,and the development of operations and maintenance standards for the facil- ities needed to support the primary construction effort,i.e.-camps,airstrips,ware- houses,offices,roads,etc.Additionally,this plan will include the development of the logistical systems required to support the overall program. ~, Plcln Synthesis ..... l ..- l l I~ I G-l G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-a G-l-l G-2-1 G-2-2 G-2-3 G-2-4 G-3-1 G-3-2 G-3-3 G-4-1 G-4-2 G-4-3 G-5-1 G-6-1 G-7-1 G-7-2 G-]-3 G-7-4 G-a-l G-a-2 G-a-3 PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE Management and Technical Supervision ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Analyze Interactions between Alaskan Economy and Projects Economic Review of Alternatives Economic Analysis of Definitive Project Preparation of Financial Analysis and Financial Plan POWER MARKET STUDIES Review and Update Energy Demand Data Base Forecast Socioeconomic Factors for Alaska Forecast Future Energy and Power Demands PROJECT LAYOUT STUDIES Review and Evaluate Data on Susitna Project Prepare Basic Layouts of Alternatives Develop Data for Project Optimization Studies COAL AND GAS ALTERNATIVES Review and Evaluate Coal and Gas Alternative OTHER ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES Review and Evaluate Other Energy Sources POWER STUDIES AND SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION Preparation of Data Base Hydrothermal Simulation Studies Determine Present Values for Construction Sequences Operation Studies for Definitive Project PLAN FORMULATION Evaluate Results of Studies Prepare Draft of Plan Formulation Report Prepare Final Plan Formulation Report ----------------------------------------- G-9 G-10 G-9-1 G-9-2 G-9-3 G-10-1 G-10-2 G-10-3 G-10-4 DEFINITIVE PROJECT STUDIES Coordinate and Synthesize Definitive Project Studies Coordinate Documentation for FERC License Application Prepare Definitive Project Report FERC LICENSE APPLICATION PREPARATION Assist APA in Preparation of Exhibits A through F,and Exhibit T of FERC License Application Prepare Exhibits H through 0,and Exhibit U of FERC License Application Incorporate Exhibits R,S,V,and Wof FERC License Application Print FERC License Application ~: - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r-, r I I"'"" i CA TEGORY :_---=G~__..:P~L::...:.A~N-=S:....:..Y:...:.-N-~rH:..::E-=-S1:..:5:...--_ ASSIGNMENT:-:------=--G----=-l=----_P-.:..R.=-TN-.:..C-=-1P-.:..A.:..=L~-1=-N:..--~CH~A~RG.:.:...:E~_'___ T ASK TITLE:_---=G_-=-1--.:1=--.:M~a.:..:.na=.:g~e:..:.:m:.:e~n..:.t_a=n.:..::d=____:.T..::.e..:..:c h:...:..:n..:..:i:....::c:..::a~l---=-S u::.:.!p:...:e~r--.:..v-=-i..::....s..::....i o:...:.n..:---_ LEVEL OF E FFORT:__28_0_M_an_-_d--..:ay:::..-s _ SCHEDULE:J_a_n_ua_r..:..y_19_8_0_to_J_u~ly~1_9_8_2 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$_l_O_O:-.O_O_O _ F~E SPOI\J SIB I L1TY :__A_"_R_"_E_n.::.ge_b_r_e_ts_e_n_C..:....I_E_C_O)=--_ PURPOSE: To provide direction and guidance to the Plan Synthesis Group so that the work will be carried out in an efficient and orderly manner. SCOPE: The responsibilities of the Principal-in-Charge will include the following: •Provide close coordination with other groups to ensure that information and data will be available when needed. •Review data received and prepare guidelines and criteria for work performed by the group. •Monitor progress and plan ahead to ensure efficient execution of the work. •Review results of studies performed by the group to ensure high quality perfor- mance" SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLANI OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 IIfIi"l"i, ~ I I -I i CATEGORY:._~G~_~PL~A~N-.:S~Y~N'...'...!TH~E=.::'S~IS~_ ASS IGI\JME NT:....:----::G:..-.=.2_---=.:EC~O~N~O:.:.:MI~C'..:=S____:A~N~D:..._.:...FI~N~A~NC~E=_____ TASK TIT LE:_~G~-.:::2_--=-1______:.A~n~a~1.:J..y.:::.z.::.e~I nc..:..:t~e~r~a~c~t...!..i o~n'2..0s~B~e~tC'..!w~e::::.en!2..__'A_'__'l'_'=a'_"s'_'_'k"=oa_'_'n_E=.;c=o"_'_n..:..::o=m,,..y_=a.:...:.nd=_.:P.....:r-,o,-"ic;::ec;:;::c..=.t..::;,.s _ LEVEL OF E FFORT :_~7.::.5...:..M~a~n......:-d~a':,1.y-=-s _ SCHEDULE:February to May 1980 ESTIMA TED COST:_--.::.:$2:.:5:2..'::..::OO:.::.O ~_'____ F~ESPONSIBILlTY:A.Duncan (lECO) PURPOSE: To identify and quantify reciprocal effects between potential projects and the future economy of Alaska. SCOPE: Through review of the key parameters of the Alaskan economy,as well as those of the b(!st alternative projects identified by the study,to clarify and quantify various relationships and synergystic effects.Among subjects to be analyzed are the following: •Background description of the existing economy of Alaska,highlighting salient features of particular relevance to the power sector. •Analysis of industries likely to be induced to establish operations in Alaska due to availability of ample power supplies . •'Economic impacts of proposed projects,both during construction and in opera- tional lifetime,including availability of skilled and unskilled labor,equip- ment,materials and other factors of production. •Study of existing wage rate structure in construction and industry. •Analysis and forecast of inflation trends,with and without proposed projects. •Overview and findings regarding primary and secondary economic effects on the Alaskan economy of implementing the proposed projects,including establishment of such parameters as wage scales,inflation,unemployment,industrial produc- tion,retail sales,service industries,immigration and related economic fac- tors. Review risk/uncertainty factors and attempt to quantify their impact on the alternative systems under consideration. With due consideration of all economic parameters and their probable future trends,prepare comparison tables of alternative systems. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ~.SSIGNMEf\IT:G-2 ECONOMICS AND FINANCE TASK TITLE:G-2-2 Economic Review of Alternatives ,....LEVEL OF EFFORT:80 Man-days, I \ SCHEDULE:April to December 1980 ESTIMA TED COST:$25,000 RESPONSIBILITY:A.Duncan (TECD) SHEET _1_o_f_1_ -I -I I"'" I i PURPOSE: 10 assist in identifying the most attractive development alternative based on economic criteria and public policy regarding investment decisions. SCOPE: Alternative power development sequences will be reviewed in the light of a number of economic criteria.Modern comparative techniques will be applied,as outlined in the following activities: tt Establish range of discount rates to be used in economic calculations. D Assist in calculating internal rates of return for alternative optimized sys- tems,including analyses of incremental rates of return. t,Assist in performing sensitivity analyses of benefit/cost ratios,net present worths,and internal rates of return to variations in general and in project- specific parameters (e.g.,relatively higher fuel costs);analyze possible future trends thereof. D Analyze distributional aspects of costs and benefits,to provide an indication of their social/geographic/temporal distribution in the popUlation of Alaska. II Analyze interactions between power pricing and project investment decisions and make explicit assumptions as a basis for comparison of alternative schemes. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 r CATEGORY:._-=G__....:...P-=LA:.:.:.N.:.-.:..SY~N:...:..T.:..:.:HE::S:..::I=-S_--_ ASSIGNMENT:-:-----=:G__-2=----.:E:....::C--=--ON:....:..:0:...:....M:..:::..I..:....:CS=--...:....:A~ND.:.-..:..-F...::..:IN-.:...A.:..:...:N...::..:CE=----_ TAS K TITLE:_-=G~-2=----=3=---=E.:.co.:.:n:..:.:o:.::m~i..:c__:A:...:n:..:.:a:...:l'.:!..y_=s...:..i=..s.....:o:..:f-----.::D-==-e~f '..:....:.n-.:...:i:....:t:...:.i....:..v.::.e---.:P~r--=o~j_=e.::.ct.:.____:_--- r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:40 Man-days I SCHEDULE:November 1980 to January 1981-$13 ,000rESTIMATEDCOST: RESPONSIBILITY:A.Duncan (lECO) ~ r i PURPOSE: To determine key economic parameters of definitive project. SCOPE:: ~The economic aspects of the definitive project will be analyzed and quantified,and to i this end the following activities will be performed: .t Establish range of discount rates to be used,service life of facilities,and salvage values . •t Review all cost estimates to identify possible distortions/subsidies,and assess need to sUbstitute shadow prices. Calculate present worths and benefit/cost ratios of project,over above range of discount rates. Calculate internal rate of return for project. Perform sensitivity analyses of benefit/cost ratios,net present worth,and internal rate of return to variations in general and project-specific para- meters,and discuss possible future trends thereof . •t Review distributional aspects of costs and benefits and indicate their social/ geographic/temporal distribution in the population of Alaska. o Review risk/uncertainty factors and attempt to quantify their "impacts . •t Submit findings and recommendations in clear unequivocal presentation. ,.....SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMENT G-2 ECONOMICS AND FINANCE TASK TITLE G-2-4 Preparation of Financial Analysis and Financing Plan ,...,LEVEL OF EFFORT:50 Man-days SCHEDULE:December 1981 to February 1982 ESTIMATED COST:$16,000 I~ESPONSIBILlTY:A.Duncan (IECO) r-" PURPOSE: To help obtain financing for implementation of the project. r SCOPE: -A study will be made of different financing sources to determine those which could pro- I !vide financing for the project.Possible sources include: •Municipal bonds •Revenue bonds •State agency bonds •Government loan programs •Government grants •Commercial banks,including the possibility of government or state agency uarantees. Based on the availability of funds and the financial requirements of the project,a re!liminary financing plan will be prepared.The plan will take into account the ptimum combination of available funds with regards to loan availability,interest rates,length of grace period,length of repayment period and other financial terms. IECOls financial analyst,J.L.LePere,will assist in the financial study and planning. r-SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLANI OF STUDY-- CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMENT:G-3 POWER MARKET STUDIES TI\SK TITLE:G-3-1 Revi ew and Update Energy Demand Data Base r F'"L.EVEL OF EFFORT:100 Man-days SCHEDULE:January to May 1980 ESTIMATED COST:$30,000 F~ESPONSI8ILlTY:R.F.Ramirez (I ECO)r- PURPOSE: SHEET 1 of 1 To prepare a data base for est imat i ng future demand for power and energy -j n the market area. SCOPE: The principal activities under this Task will include the following: •Review and update existing data base developed by the University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER).Personnel from ISER will be subcontracted to help in this task.Also review and update the socioeconomic data base developed within the scope of the Man-in-the-Arctic-Program (MAP) under a National Science Foundation grant. •Develop the basic econometric relationship between socio-economic factors and energy use.The following three relationships will be analyzed and compared with worldwide statistics available from the United Nations and World Bank: -Gross Domestic Product (GOP)and consumption of electric energy per capita. -Historical growth in GOP consumption of electric energy per capita for selected countries in order to allow comparison with Alaska. -Relation between growth of electric consumption and per capita consump- tion. r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAf'1 OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY:._~G~_~PL==-A~N.-.:S~Y~N~TH~E~S~I s~_ ASSIGNMENT:....-:---.:=G~-:::.-3 _.....:P~O:.:.W~ER~M~AR~K.:=E:.:-T.-=:S~T~UD~I~E:.:=.S _ TA SK TIT LE:_--.::G:....-.:::.3-...:-2:::.-...:..F.:::.o.:....:re::..:c:.::a:.::s...::t.....:S::..:c:.::o:....:.i~o:::.;ec~o::..:..n~o~m~i c~F..:::ac:::.c.:::.:to:::..:r...::s:...-:...f.::..o r=---.:...A:...;..l.=.a.::..sk,.:,:a==--__:--_ r-LEVEL OF EFFORT:_.::.2~M~o~n~t~hs=--·----------'--_ SCHEDULE:A:....:!pr:...:r~i...:.l__=_to:........:J:..:u:.:.:.n=_e_=1::9:..::8..:..0 _ ESTIMA TED COST:_~$2:.:0:.2.,_=_:OO:..:O~_ RE SPON SIB ILlTY :__:...:..:R.:...-..:...F.:-".....:R.:..::a::.:.:m...:..ir:....::e=-=z~(I:.:E:.=C~O )~---- -PURPOSE: To develop a basis for estimating future socioeconomic growth in Alaska. SCOPE: The University of Alaska,ISER study group,headed by Dr.O.S.Goldsmith will be con- tracted to provide consistent sets of regional and statewide projections of population and selected economic variables.These forecasts will be made to the year 2010. ,-..SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY -- CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS r-ASSIGNMENT:G-3 POWER MARKET STUDIES TASK TITLE:G-3-3 Forecast Future Energy and Power Demands SHEET _1_0_f_1_ r r-' I iLEVE L OF EFFORT:_-=1=-20=--..:..:M=a~n--=d=-=ay~s=----_ SCHEDULE:March to July 1980 ESTIMATED COST:_--.:...$3.:....:.7....:,~OO:....::0 _ RESPONSIBILITY :R._F_._R_a_m_ir_e_z-.:...CI_E_C_O)=--_ PURPOSE: To provide a basis for system optimization studies. SCOPE: -This Task will be carried out in several steps as follows: ! •Develop forecasts by regions for the entire market area based on the studies performed in Task G-3-2.These forecasts will be made through the year 2010. II Determine impact of the future price of electricity on the forecast of resi- dential,commercial and industrial consumers.r II Perform sensitivity analyses to determ"ine probabilities of variation in fore- casts. II Develop mathematical models of energy and power demand patterns (load develop- ment planning). ;",..,.. •Prepare a report presenting results of all power market studies.A draft of the report will be submitted to the University of Alaska,Institute of Social and Economic Research,for review and comments prior to finalization. ..,.... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAt~OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CA TEGORY :._---=G=--__P:...:L::.:..:A::...:.N--=s=-:.y:.:..NT..:....:.H.::E:.::..s.:..:IS=---_ ASSIGNMENT:.....:---=G~-4..:-.---..:..P...:..:.RO.:..:J:...:E:..:..CT..:.._...:L:...:..Ay.:...:O:...::-U..:.........:TS....:....TU.:...:D:....::I.::..ES=____ TASK TIT L E:_-=G:....-....:..4-.:-1:-...::R:..:e..:..v.:...ie:.:w.:........:a:.:..:n.:.d.-:E~v:...:a:..:.l..:u.::.a..:.:te=--.::D:.:a:.:t.::.a-.-:o:..:n.:..-.::S-=u-=-s..:..i t.:.,:n.:::a=---.:....P..:..r..::..:oJ!L'e:..:c:....:t:...-._ ,... LEVEL OF EFFORT:60 Man-days SCHEDULE:January to March 1980 r-, ESTIMATED COST:$18,000 RESPONSIBILITY:P.J.Collins (TECO) I"""" r- !, r -{. PURPOSE: To obtain complete knowledge of work already accomplished in connection with the develop- ment of the Susitna River for power and energy. SCOPE: This Task will involve the following: •Review in-depth all reports and data pertinent to the project,including the reports prepared by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. •Reconnaissance inspections of the river and potential development sites.These inspections will be made on a team basis to develop a broader understanding of the project on the part of the various specialists involved. •Internal and external meetings and discussions,including contacts with the APA and other Alaskan agencies,to review the findings obtained under the above and to determine a detailed program for further studies. r- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMENT:G-4 PROJECT LAYOUT STUDIES TASK TITLE:G-4-2 Prepare Basic Layouts of Development Alternatives SHEET _1_0_f_1 LEVEL OF EFFORT:350 Man-days SCHEDULE:March to July 1980 r-..ESTIMA TED COST:$100,000 IRESPONSIBILlTY:P.J.Coll ins (IEeD) r~ -I ""'"i i ( -I .- ! PURPOSE: To establish technical characteristics of alternatives and provide a basis for the prep- aration of cost estimates. SCOPE: Potential sites on the Susitna will be studied in detail using data available at that time.Alternative designs will be considered for major structures and major pieces of equipment.Selection will be made on the basis of cost comparisons.As far as possible, all a"ternatives will be designed to the same criteria and in the same amount of detail. Activities will include the following: •Establish design criteria.This will include the evaluation by specialists of foundations and sources of construction materials at the various Susitna sites;the determination of hydraulic criteria for the spillway,the outlet works and the river diversion;the selection of allowable stresses in mater- ials;criteria pertinent to the design of the electrical and mechanical equip- ment;power plant operating criteria;camp and access requirements;and environ- ment constraints. •Prepare alternative layouts and basic design of major project features includ- ing access roads and transmission lines.Special attention will be given to the locations and types of structures to determine the most economic alternative. For each of the selected site alternatives layouts and basic designs will be prepared for different heights of dams and for a reasonable range of generating capacity. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMENT:G-4 PROJECT LAYOUT STUDIES TASK TITLE:G-4-3 Develop Data for Project Optimization Studies SHEET 1 of 1 r LEVE L OF EF FOR T:_--=l~50~M~a-,--,-n-~d~a:.LYs==-----_ SCHEDULE:June to August 1980 ESTIMATED COST:_---..:..-$4~5:...!.,_=_OO:...:0:..._...._ IRESPON S IBILlTY:__P~.--=-J..:......~C:..:.o~ll.:.-i:....:...n:..=.s_(~I::...=E-=-CO=...,)~~----,_ PURPOSE: To provide cost estimates for use in optimization studies. SCOPE: r This Task will include the following activities: It Estimate unit costs and capital costs for the various project alternatives selected for inclusion in the optimization studies.Cost curves will be devel- oped for various dam heights and for a range of generating capacities at each site.Cost estimates will also be made for transmission systems,access roads, land purchases,recreational facilities and environmental measures. "Prepare constructi on schedul es and determi ne cash fl ows of capital expenditures for all construction sequences analyzed. r'"' I J SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF_:..:.S_T..:.U_D_Y S_HE_E_T_l_O_f_2 CATEGORY :_---...:G~_~P..=:lA~N~S~YN~Tc..:cHc=.ES:::.:1~S~______:._ ASSIGNMENT:G-5 COAL AND GAS ALTERNATIVES TASK TITLE:G-5-1 Review and Evaluate Coal and Gas Alternatives-. ------------'-------------------, r-L.EVEL OF EFFORT:_-=-1:....:.75~M~a~n-._:::d~ayLs='___ SCH EDULE:---=-Ja:.:n.:.:u:.:a:.:.-ry:!--t::;o=--=.J.::.u..:...:,ly~1:.:.9-=-80=----:--_ ESTIMA TED COST:_-2:..$5:::.:5:2.'~OO:::.:O~_ RES PO NS 181 LlTY :__-=-5.:..-:..F...:....--.:F:-:o:...::g~l.:::em::::..:a::..:.n~(=..:1E:..:C:...=O..:.-)_ -_._-----------------------------' r PURPOSE: To evaluate the pr-imary alternatives of fossil-fired generation based on Alaskan coal and gas resources for use in system optimization studies,both with and without the Susitna Plroject. SCOPE: This Task will include the following activities: r- !•R:eview all available information and compile data for thermal power inventory. •Select promising alternatives for future fossil-fired expansion programs,based upon reports already completed for planned and proposed developments. •Identify suitable locations and sizes of thermal plants for long-range develop- r-ment. o Select alternatives for mine development and fuel transportation routes by specific location (Healy-Nenana,Beluga and other coal fields). ,..... .,..... I o Determine costs for coal and gas delivered to generation plant sites,including €~stimates for recovery,handling and transportation. o Select generating unit sizes for specific plant sites and fuel type,taking iinto consideration capacity constraints due to system reserve requirements. o Develop preliminary typical designs and cost estimates of the following types of plants: -Coal-fired base-load plants -Gas-fired peaking plants -Combined cycle plants TASK:G-5-1 Review and Evaluate Coal and Gas Alternatives'.------- •Compile thermal plant catalog containing the following: SHEET 2 of 2 -Capital costs and cash flows of capital expenditures for specific construc- tion sequences. -Technical and operational characteristics -Thermal efficiency (unit heat rates) -Operating costs,including fuel costs and operating and maintenance costs. •Develop specific fuel-cost escalation profiles by plant and range of uncertain- ty applicable to different fuels. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLANI OF STUDY SHEET _1_o_f_2_ r CATEGORY :_----=G=--_--...:....::PL=..A:.:...:.N-:S::...:.Y..:...:N..:...;TH.;.:E:.:,.S..:..:IS=-------_ ASSIGt\1 MENT:-:----:G.:--.-:...6__O.::.-T:...:...H:..::E:.:...R:...:...A:..::LT.:..:E::.:...R:.:...:.N:....:..AT:.....::I:....:..V.::..E-=E~N..:..:E R:..:..:G.:...:-Y_S.:....:O~U-=-=-RC.:....:E.:....:S _ TASK TIT LE:_-=G:....-..:::.6_-1:........---.:..R:.:e....:.v..:...ie::..:w::-,::a:.:..:n:.:::d_E::..v:..::a::..:l:..:u:..::a..:.t::..e--.:O:...:t:.:.h:.::e..:.-r_E::.:n..:..:e:..:.r....wg>z..y_S:::..;o:.;:u:.:.r..=c:.=e-=.s _ LEVEL OF EFFORT :_-=1.::..:95:......:...:M=-a:..:-n-~d:.:::ay~s=-_ SCHEDUL.E:January to July 1980 ESTIMATED COST:_------.:...$6_0...:.,_OO_0 _ RESPON SIBILlTY:__M_._H_._W_o_l_fe-.-:(_IE_C_O~)_ -----'---------------------------J PURPOSE: To assess and evaluate energy sources,other than depletable fossil fuels and the Susitna Project,that could provide the potential for dispersed generation for energy supply within thE!equivalent of the Susitna Project power market area.The study will determine the extent to which substitution of alternative energy is reasonable.Cost parameters for use in system optimization studies will be developed only if available data indicate that an alternative would be competitive with coal and gas alternatives. SCOPE: This Task will encompass the evaluation of the following alternatives: Q Energy conservation as the equivalent of a low cost generation source.This possibility will be addressed in conjunction with the power market study. Q Geothermal resources within reasonable proximity to load area.Potential sources will be assessed in relation to magnitude,dispersal and seismic fac- tors. •Hydroelectric developments at sites other than Susitna.These will be evalu- ated from considerations of scale,location and environmental factors. I Tidal power development in Cook Inlet.Potential for proposed tidal develop- ments in the Upper Inlet,utilizing Knik Arm and Turnagain Arm basins,will be evaluated from published reports and other pertinent information. ,\!Jood,peaL-and solid waste conversion will be considered for energy generation and production of fuels from biomass and municipal waste. •Solar energy installations adapted to northern latitudes will be evaluated to determine possible appropriate future applications. TASK:G-6-1 Review and Evaluate Other Energy Sources SHEET 2 of 2 •W-ind energy for localized generation.The possibilities for small-scale generation in towns and remote communities will be examined. •Fuel cell applications at urban load centers will be evaluated.together with other decentralized sources of generation as part of system planning. •Nuclear energy in Alaska may never be acceptable,but the possibility will be evaluated to complete the study of alternatives. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY ASSIGNMENT 1/\SK 1I r LE . G G-] G-]-l PLAN SYNTHESIS POWER STUDIES AND SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION Preparation of Data Base I~ LEVEL OF EFFORT ]0 Man-days SCHEDULE:February to July 1980 ,~ ESTIMATED COST:$40,000 f~ESPONSIBILlTY:J.Kerr (IEeD)-E t-PURPOSE: To prepare a data base to serve hydrothermal simulation and system optimization studies. -. \ SCOPE: r The activities under this Task will include: •Recording in data ~anks of all basic chronologie hydrologic data. I Recording in data banks of selected and processed hydrologic data,water demand data,power and energy forecast data,and selected results of hydrothermal simu- lation. •Recording in data banks of project data such as data on hydro plants,thermal plants and transmission lines. •Processing and recording data related to the various construction sequences con- sidered,such as hydro project combinations,hydrothermal configurations,main- r-tenance schedules,reserve requirements,transmission losses,annual operation information,cash flows of capital expenditures,and various economic para- meters. F SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 PLAN SYNTHESIS POWER STUDIES AND SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION G G-7 CATEGORY:~-----=----~:::"'::"':'-::-':"':"':'':'''':'''':':::''':''''::=-----------------------""""''-- ASSIGNME::NT: T ASK TI TLE:__G_-_7_-_2_H~y_d_r_o_th_e_r_m_a-,-1_S_1-,-·m.:..:.u:....;.l..;;,;;a...:...t.:..:.io:....;.n.:...-;;.S....;,.t..;.;..ud;;:...l'--'·e:...;:s _ ".... I', I~ I""", LEVEL OF EFFORT:__3_0_0_M__a_n_-_da.:..:"yc....:s _ SCH E DULE:M_a_rc_h_l_98_0_t_o_J_a_n_u_a--'ry'---1_9_8_1 _ ESTIMATED COST:_-...:.$_1_25.....:.,_0_00 _ RESPONSIBILITY:J.Kerr (IECO)-----_..:--_...:--_-----------------------------------------------------------_...... PURPOSE: To confirm installation dates,to define failure characteristics and to determine fuel consumption and other operation features. SCOPE: Simulation of the operation of hydrothermal systems,corresponding to different construc- tion sequences,on a year-to-year basis into the future: •With new dams,hydro stations,thermal plants,transmission lines and other works being added as required. r •'With the ma,gnitude of water and energy demands also increas"ing with time. •'with the recorded hydrologic data superimposed on future years in a number of ways equal to the number of years of historic data,in order to define both critical situations (such as failure characteristics)and average conditions (such as mean thermal consumption for all ways of superimposing history on future). •INith maintenance schedules and reserve capacities defined using LOLP proce- dures and redefined following initial hydrothermal simulation. •\~ith transmission losses defined using separate procedures and redefined following initial hydrothermal simulation. •With inclusion of short-time intervals in the hydrothermal simUlation,in- volving conjunctive use of the main hydrothermal simulation model and General Electric or similar models,particularly in the case of critical situations,if it can be shown that such procedures improve the comparisons of alternative expansion programs. TASK:G-7-2 ~rothermal Simulation Studies SHEET _~~ •With use of stochastic input data (randomly varying critical hydrologic data, forced outages and forecast extremes)for prefinal construction sequences only,and as a secondary decision making aid only,if it can be shown that available models produce reasonably realistic stochastic input data and that the results aid in comparing alternative expansion programs (construction sequences). •With introduction of mathematical programming techniques (such as linear pro- gramming,dynamic programming,and the out-of-kilter algorithm)if it can be shown that such procedures aid in solving specific subproblems within the framework of overall detailed hydrothermal simulation. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 2 --------------------------------------- CATEGOFiY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMENT:G-7 POWER STUDIES AND SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION TASK TITLE:G-7-3 Determi ne Present Values for Construction Sequences LEVEL OF E FF OR T::__2_0_0_M_a_n_-d_a..:!...y_s _ SCHEDULE:July 1980 to January 1981 ESTIMATED COST:$86,000--_....::-_-------------------------- RESPONSIBILlTY:__J_._Ke_r_r---.:-(I_E_CO-::):.....-_ ;-.PURPOSE: i To determine criteria for the selection of the optimum sequences of development. SCOPE: The present values of capital and operating costs will be determined for various con- struction sequences: r r ~, ! -I •Iflith and without the Susitna hydroelectric project. •For construction sequences with and without a transmission interconnection between the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas. •For construction sequences with and without a transmission interconnection to the Glenallen-Valdez area. •For construction sequences from the years 1985 to 2010. •For an all-thermal sequence as the base case. •For different initial installations (depending on whether hydro or thermal follows in the sequenc~under consideration,for instance). •For different final installations (both thermal and hydro)in the sequences including the Susitna Project (and in all other sequences). •Using average annual thermal consumption,failure characteristics and other operating information derived from detailed hydrothermal simulation. •Using annual cash flows of capital expenditures for hydro stations,thermal plants,transmission lines and other works. TASK:G-7-3 Determine Present Values for Construction Sequences SHEET 2 of 2 •Treating secondary water and energy benefits as negative costs (primary benefits)comprising the satisfying of load and energy demands)being identi- cal in all sequences). •Making four adjustments at the end of each sequence to ensure that the sequen- ces are truly comparable. •For different interest rates)cost escalation rates)unit thermal costs and other factors)to provide sensitivity analyses resulting in families of curves of sums of present values versus these factors to assist in decision making. The final product of the study is a catalog of construction sequences,each with its sum of present values and intangible characteristics formalized. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 -r CA TEGORY:_-=G__..-:.P--=L::....::AN:...:..........S....:....Y:....:...NT:....:...H:..::.E~SI::....::S _ ASS IGNMENT~:_G_-7__P_0_WE_R_ST_U_D_I_ES_A_ND_S_YS_T_E_M _O_P_TI_M_I_ZA_T_I_O_N _ TASK TI TLE:__G_-7_-_4__0~p_e.:-r_at_'_·on.---....::.S_t_u_d_ie_s_f_o_r----.:-D_e_f,_0n_i_t_i_v_e_P_ro-,J~'e_c_t :--_ ,.,LEVEL OF EFFORT:150 Man-days SCHEDULE:June to October 1981 ESTIMA TED COST:$62,000 RESPONSIBILITY:J.Kerr (IECO) PURPOSE: To define project features and project operation in sufficient detail for FERC License Application. SCOPE: Detailed operation studies of the definitive Susitna Project will be performed to deter- mi ne: •Reservoir operating rules,considering energy generation,flood control,minimum outflow patterns and environmental considerations. •Maximum and minimum reservoir elevations and rules for reservoir operation, including flood control. •Installed generating capacity and number and size of units. •Operating criteria for daily and weekly operations,taking into account down- stream water requirements and the effect of the project on the river regime. •Duration curves of dependable capacity. •Average annual energy for each year in the future,including the effects of reservoir filling. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1_o_f_1_ CATEGORY:_---=G:..-_--:.....:PL:::.-A:.:...:.N---.:s:...:Y.:..:.N~TH..:.:E:..:.S~IS=___ r ASSIGl\IMENT:.-:-=:G:--8=-....--.:P--=L::....:A.:...:...N--.:.F-=O.:.::RM...:..::U:...::L:.:....:.AT.:....:I:...:O-.:.-=-N _ TAS K TIT LE:_-=G_-8:::..-.-:.1=-------=-E~v a:..-l:....::u:..::a-=.t=-e......:R..:..:e:..::s-=u..:...lt.:.:s:........::o..:...f~S::...t:..:u:..::d~i .::..es=---_ .... LEVEL OF E FFORT:_..:.5::-0~M.:..::a~n-.......:d::..::a':!-y=-s ----_ SCHEDULE:December 1980 to February 1981 ESTIMATED COST:_~$1=..:.7~,..:....:00::...::0 _ iRESPONSIBILlTY:A.R.Engebretsen (lECO) PURPOSE: To select the plan of development which will produce the greatest benefits to the people of Alaska SCOPE: The activities under this Task will include: o Review and evaluate the various alternatives studied with respect to National Economic Development,Environmental Quality,Regional Development and Social Well-Being.The results of the various studies performed will be summarized in tables to facilitate the overall evaluation. ••Discuss findings with the principal parties concerned and,if necessary,make additional studies to provide answers to specific questions which may be raised. ••Define and describe the selected plan of development. "'""I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMENT:G-8 PLAN FORMULATION TASK TITLE:G-8-2 Prepare Draft of Plan Formulation Report SHEET 1 of 1 r 1""", ! LEVEL OF EFFORT:_-:...7.=..5-:.M.:::a:.:..:.n-.-:-d:::.::a~y..:::.s _ SCHEDULE:December 1980 to March 1981 ESTIIVlA TEO COST:_------.:...:$2:..::5.2.,-=-.00:....:0 -'- RESPONSIBILITY:A.R.Engebretsen (IECO) PURPOSE: To permit all parties concerned to make a detailed review of all studies performed for the Plan Formulation,and to comment on the recommended plan. SCOPE:: This Task will involve the preparation of a draft report presenting the results of all studies performed having a bearing on the Plan Formulation.It is anticipated that the report will consist of a summary volume and appendixes on hydrology,geology,environ- mental aspects,Susitna Project alternatives,coal and gas fired alternatiVes and system optimization studies. .- I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMEI\lT:G-g PLAN FORMULATION T/\SK TITLE:G-g-3 Prepare Final Plan Formulation Report SHEET 1 of 1 -I K, LEVEL OF E FFORT:_-.:...7::...5--.:M.::::a~n-..:-d~a~y.:.:...s ~_ SC HEDU LE:.-.:....:.Ma:..:r:....:c:..:.:h~to=_.:..M.::a~y_l::.:9:.:g:.:1:...___ ESTIMA TED COST:_--.:..:$2:..:8:.2•.::-00:....::°:.......--_ RE SPON SIB IL1TY:__:..:.:A.:-:..:R:.=.........:E::..n~g.:.:eb:...:r.....:e~t.:..:se:.:.n~(I::..:"E:.:C:..:.O.!-)--'- PURPOSE: To present the results of the Plan Formulation Studies in a suitable form for general d;i stri but ion. SCOPE: !""'"The final report will be based on the draft report,modified as necessary to take into account comments received.The report will be printed in 200 copies using modern repro- duction methods. r l r r [, I"'" i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY CATEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ASSIGNMENT:G-g DEFINITIVE PROJECT STUDIES SHEET _1_0_f_1_ TASK TITLE:G-9-1 Coordi nate and Synthesize Defi nit i ve Project Studi es LEVEL OF E FFORT:_--=2..=.50:........:..M:.=a.:..:...n--=d=..=aLy=-s _ SCHEDULE:Apri 1 1981 to March 1982 ESTIMA TED COST:_--:...$7:....::5:2,-=-OO::....::O:....--~__~_ RESPONSIBILITY:P.J.Coll ins (IECO) PURPOSE: To provide guidance for the various studies required to define the Susitna Project in sufficient detail for FERC License Application. SCOPE: The activities under this Task will include: I'Prepare a detailed program of all studies required. •Coordinate and monitor the work of other task groups. I'Develop overall criteria for design of the various project facilities. It Direct and supervise economic studies of alternative types of dam~,spillways and other project features. o Analyze and synthesize the results of studies received from·other Task Groups. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLA~I OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 - ~ i IL ,J~ CA TEGORY:_--::G~_~P~L~A~N--.::S~Y~NT.'....'-H-,-=E~S=-::IS~~__ ASSIGN MENT:.-.:--=G:....--=-.9_.....:D:..:E:..:.-F.:..:IN-=-::I:....:...T-=-IV:...:E:........:....:PR~O:..::.J.::.:EC:::...:T~ST.:...:U:..:::D...::.-I E:::..:;S::......-_ TASK TIT LE:_--=G_-9=----=2~.=..Co=_o:....:r_=d:...:..i..:..:n a=-t:..:e:........=.D.=,.oc=..:u=m::.::e:.:..:n-=-ta::..t:;.;i~o:.:..:n_f..:....:o::....:r---=--F..::..E :...:.;RC::........=L:....:.i.::.ce=..:n~s:...::e:........:....:Apl:..lp::...:l,-,i-=-c..=.a-=-t 1..:....:·o:....:.n'--:--_ LEVEL OF EFFORT:_-=1.=..50.:........:...M:..=a.:...:...n---=d:..=a,>LYs=-----'--_ SCH ED ULE:-=-Se::!p:.....:t:.:e..::.:m-=-be=..:r--=1.=..9=81::........::t:..::o--:...:.:Ma::..:r_=c:..:..;h~19:...:8:.:2=____ ESTIMATED COST:_~$1=..:5~,.:..OO:..:O:....---'--_ HESPON SIBILITY:_-:P--.:..-...::...J.~C.:..ol.:.....:l:....:.i.:..:..ns~(..:..:IE::...::C:...:.O~)_ PURPOSE: To provide guidance for the preparation of project data required for the FERC License Application Documents. SCOPE: r The activities under this Task will include: ,.... I,, r ,.... /' ,.... I ,... \ •Monitor progress made by the various groups involved in the Definitive Project Studies. I'Prepare drafting standards for drawings which will be used as FERC License Application Exhibits. •Re~iewand edit description of project operation and project facilities. •Review project cost estimates. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY -, C)\TEGORY:G PLAN SYNTHESIS ~ASSIGINMENT:G-g DEFINITIVE PROJECT STUDIES TASK TITLE:G-9-3 Prepare Definitive Project Report ,..... SHEET 1 of 1 r-; ..- I r LE VEL 0 F E FF ORT:_.::::.1.:...:0O:........:...;M=.a:...:..-n---=d:.=a,Lys=--_ SCHEDULE:January to Apri 1 1982 ESTIMA TED CoST:_---.:.--$3_5...!-,...:-OO:......:0 _ F~ESPONSIBILlTY:P.J.Colli ns (lECO)---------'----'---- PURPOSE: To provide a document which will serve as a reference document on the definitive project. SCOPE: The activities under this task will include: •Prepare a general outline of the report. •Review and edit draft reports received from other task groups pertaining to their studies . •'Supervise and monitor the drafting,typing,printing and reproduction of the various volumes which will make up the report . SUSITINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _l_o_f_l_ r CA TEGORY:_-=G~_--.:P~L:.:....:A~N---=S=--.:..Y.:...:.NT.:...:.H.:..::E~S.:....:IS=---------_ ASSIGNMENT:G-IO FERC LICENSE APPLICATION TASK TIT LE:__G_-_IO_-_l---,.A......s,...s~i s-,tr:!""':A~P-=-A-=-=-i n--;;;-::P:-:::r,e-,;-p-:-ar-::-:a~t---:i--::o n_of.:...-E_x_h_i _b _it_s_A_t_hr_u_G_a_n_d _E_x_h_'_b_i _t _T_o_f__ FERC License Application LEVEL OF E FFORT:__6_0_M__a_n_-__da-.::!.y_=.s ....,..- SCHEDULE:~A-=-p~r_i _1_t_o_Ju_l....::.y_19_8_2 _ ESTIMATED COST:__$2_0-=.,_OO_O _ RESPONSIBILlTY:__C_,_B_,_K_i----:ng~(_IE_C_O-=--)_ PURPOSE:: Provide documents required for FERC License Application, SCOPE: Assist APA in the preparation of the following exhibits: Exhibit A B C D E F,.... G T r \ Description Laws under authority of which application is made Resolution authorizing filing of application Special laws for hydroelectric development,if any Evidence that Applicant has complied with the requirements of the laws of the State of Alaska Statement of nature,extent and ownership of water rights for the project Statement concerning ownership of lands to be utilized in the pro- posed project Statement of Applicant1s financial ability and proposed method of financing the construction Statement concerning development and operation by Applicant ,.... I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAIN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY G PLAN SYNTHESIS ---_._~---------------- ASSIGNMENT G-IO FERC LICENSE APPLICATION -----------~--~~------- TASf<TITLE G-10-2 Prepare Exh-ibit H thru 0 and Exhibit U of FERC License Application r LEVEL OF EFFORT:160 Man-days --------~-...,-------------~-------- SCHEDULE:Apri 1 to July 1982-------------.,----------- $50,000 C.B.King (IECO) ESTIMATED COST:--...,------------------------------ RESPONSIBILITY:--------------...,------------------ PURPOSE: Provide documents required for FERC License Application. SCOPE: r Prepare the following exhibits: r -i I Exhibit H I Description Statement of proposed operation of project Estimate of dependable capacity and average annual energy to be generated by the project J General map covering entire project area K Detail maps of project area L General design drawings M General description of mechanical,electrical and transmission equipment N Estimate of project cost a Statement of time required for commencing and completing construc- tion U Utilization of project power r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET _1 of 1 CATECJORY G PLAN _S_YN_T_H_E_SI_S _ ASS1Gt\IMENT~__G-~~FERC LICENSE APPLICATION _ r ASK lITLE::G-10-3 Incorporate Exhibits R,S,V and W of FERC License Application - LEVEL OF EFFORT:10 Man-days---_---:=-_------;----,--------------------- SCHEDULE:May to July 1982 ------------------------'--~ ESTIMA TED COST:__$_6_,_00_0 _ IRESPON SIBILITY :__C_._B_"_K_in_9_0_E_C_0 _)_ PURPOSE: Provide documents required for FERC License Application. SCOPE: Incorporate the followin9 environmental exhibits: r ,... r f r Exh-j bit R S V W Oescri pt ion Recreation use plan Protection of fish and wildlife resources Protection of natural,historic and scenic values Envi-ronmental report SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY SHEET 1 of 1 CATEGORY_----'G=--_-"-P-=LA....:.:.N.:........::.SY..:....:N..:....:T...:....:H-=-ES=....:I:.::S~_ "..ASSIGNMENT:G-IO FERC LICENSE APPLICATION TASK TIT LE:_------=-G----.:-l=-=O_----.:...4---.:..P--.:..r--.:..i.:...:..nt.::....·...:..F.::::-E.:..:..:RC=---=L~i c=..:e::..:..:n:..::.s.::...e--.:A..:.t::D..t:.D..:-l1:..;::·c:,.:::a..::..t1..:..::'o::..:..:n:-_ ,....,, l_EVEL OF EFFORT :__3_0_M_a_n-_d.:...:..a-",-Y.:.-s _ SCHEDULE:June 1982 ESTIMA TED COST:_-..:...$2_8...:..,_OO_O ---,-_ F~ESPONSIBILlTY:C.B.King (IECO) I""" ,... PURPOSE: Provide documents required for FERC License Application. SCOPE: Supervise and coordinate printing of the FERC License Application. Follow-on Phases -; .- ! ..... I II I-I 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 II-I II-2 II-3 11-4 II-5 II-6 FERC LICENSING Ongoing Alaska Power Authority Administrative and Legal Activities Miscellaneous Ongoing Activities and Costs Perform Follow-on Environmental Studies from Plan of Study Phase Legal Consultation (FERC ApPlication) Engineering and Environmental Support (FERC Requests) Preparation of Testimony and Appearance as Expert Witness Develop Supporting Supplemental Data -Structural Model Studies -Devil Canyon Arch Dam Develop Supporting Supplemental Data -Hydraulic Model Studies -Watana Spillway FINAL DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Perfonn Additional Geotechnical Studies for Final Design Furnish Field Camp and Logistics for Additional Exploration Perfonn Final Design and Prepare Contract Drawings and Specifications Assist in Power Sale and Bond Issuance Financial Consultants and Bond Counsel Procurement and Construction Contracts -Prequalifications t Advertisements and Evaluation of Bids ,--------~,-------_._---------- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:I FERC LICENSING ------f":I--lfNGOING ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL -PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY A_CT~IV~I"_'_T_=_I=ES~~_ ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: 54 Months to Award of Contract $900,000 . APA APA administrative and legal costs will increase as the staff is increased to handle the heavier work load required in carrying through an active project. ACTIVITY: i'""For rough estimating p.urposes it is assumed that administrative ,costs will be double those expected during the Plan of Study Phase. r '"""( , SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 --,----------------------------- PHASE:I FERC LICENSING --------------------------- PHINCIPAL ACTIVITY 1-2 MISCELLANEOUS ONGOING ACTIVITIES AND COSTS ASSUMED SCHEDULE:54 l"1onths to Award of Contract,...., (,ESTIMAJED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: $550,000 APA r- I r i -( -i Certain costs will be expected for maintaining the field camp in good repair in anticipa- t-ion of its use for additional required exploration and to serve as a nucleus of the future construction camp. ACTIVITY: An amount should be allocated for rental of lands occupied by the camp and routine main- tenance to preserve it in good condition.Fees paid under agreement with Native corpora- tions would be expected to continue. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 -, PHASE:I FERC LICENSING ----------------------------------- 1-3 PERFORM FOLLOW-ON ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES FROM PLAN OF STUDY PRINCIPAL ACT IV ITY:________E_'-LHAu.S.u.E _ ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: ~RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: 12 Months $1,100,000 Environmental Consultant r To complete anadromous fisheries studies and accomplish preconstruction archeological studies at the project areas. ACTIVITY: The anadromous fisheries studies which began during the Plan of Study Phase need to carry on for'a full three-year cycle so that a final evaluation may be made.A final report covering the total period of studies will be prepared and submitted as supplemental data. The detail archeological studies,required in the specific areas which will be disturbed by the project,must be completed before construction.In the event that sites of signi- ficant importance are located,careful excavation,recording and possible relocation of the fll nds may be requi red. An alliowance is made in the estimate for the possibility that additional environmental studies not now envisioned may be required for some reason. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET _l~o_f_l ,----,---~------------------------,---PHASE:I FERC LICENSING PRII\JCIPAL ACTIVITY,1-4 LEGAL CONSULTATION (FERC APPLICATION) ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: 30 Months $500,000 Legal Counsel To provide liaison with FERC staff in Washington,D.C.and represent client in FERC hearings. ACTIVITY: Processing the License Application for a project of the magnitude of Susitna will require the services of a Legal Counsel in Washington,D.C.Undoubtedly there will be FERC heari ngs,and it will be important that APA be represented by Legal Counse 1 we 11 versed and experienced in directing the proceedings of such hearings.His services would involve filing documents,preparing supporting briefs,preparing arguments against inter- vener's and assistance in the preparation of written testimony of the Engineering Con- sultants'and Environmental Consultants'expert witnesses.In addition,he can provide ~APA with up-to-date status of the license as it is being processed,and can act as direct liaison between FERC and APA. r~ -, SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOL.LOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:I FERC LICENSING 'PF~INCIPAL ACTIVITY.1-5 ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPORT (FERC REQUESTS) ..-....._._._----~---_._-----~-------------- ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTH~ATED COST: RESPONS IBI LITY: PURPOSE: 12 Months $150,000 Engineering Consultants and Environmental Consultants -I l To furnish supplemental information to answer FERC requests and agency comments. ACTIVITY: FERC staff usually requests additional information on certain exhibits of the appli- cation which were presented in less detail than staff requires for their own in-house analysis.Such detailed information is usually not included in the application itself as it is not required by other agencies for their .review.For example,detailed calculation for stability and structural analysis of various project features;detailed quantities and cost estimates;drill logs and geologists notes;and other such information would be furnished as supplemental data.It is likely that the bulk of additional information requested will be related to the environmental Exhibits R,S,V and W since the FERC staff will prepare the draft environmental impact statement for the project.In general, providing this information does not involve generation of new data or sUbstantial work. In addition,FERC gives the Applicant the opportunity to reply to all of the reviewing agencies I comments.Such replies will be prepared by the Engineering and Environmental Consultants team for submittal by APA. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 ------~------_._..__._-----~~~--~~~---PHASE:I FERC LICENSING r PRIf\ICIPAL ACTIVITY ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBI LITY: PURPOSE: 1-6 PREPARATION OF TESTIMONY AND APPEARANCE AS EXPERT WITNESS .._---_._._------_.~~------ 12 Months $50,000 Engineering Consultants and Environmental Consultants ,..., To participate in FERC hearings in support of the License Application. ACTIVITY: Key members of the Engineering Consultants and Environmental Consultants staffs who were responsible for the designs or services required for preparation of the License Appli- cation for the project will be called to testify at FERC hearings on matters concerning their expertise.Under the direction of the Legal Counsel,they will prepare their testimony and appear as expert witnesses in support of the project. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOL.LOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE: PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: I FERC LICENSING --~--_._------,---~_._--~---------------_._~--_._---- 1-7 DEVELOP SUPPORTING SUPPLEMENTAL DATA -STRUCTURAL MODEL SIliDlES-=-.OE\lll CANYON ARCH DAM 12 Months $200,000 Engineering Consultant and Structural Model Laboratory ~, i' To provide confirmation of analytical stress analyses results and support the technical feasibility of the dam design. ACTIVITY: !Because of the magnitude of the arch dam proposed,and the highly seismic area in which the damsite is located,conclusive evidence of the technical feasibility of the arch dam design,as demonstrated by two independent stress analysis techniques verifying the design conclusions,will be needed before the FERC staff can give unqualified approval. Structural model tests for dynamic loadings have been conducted by one of the most ex- perienced specialized laboratories of this kind,ISMES,under subcontract to IECO for an IECO-designed 70-meter-high arch dam.Such dynamic model tests of the proposed Devil Canyon dam would be advisable. SUS/TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:I FERC LICENSING ..._--_._----_._-_._._-~----- r PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY:I-a DEVELOP SUPPORTING SUPPLEMENTAL DATA -HYDRAULIC MODEL STUDIES I --~W'l'\-AT-HAw.NlFlA~SOHP~I-I=-lkllW"",,A't+Y-_ ASSUMED SCHEDU LE: ESTIMIHED COST: RESPONSIBI LITY: r'"PURPOSE: 12 Months $125 t OOO Engineering Consultant and Hydraulics Laboratory To verify the hydraulic adequacy of the spillway design. ACTIVITY: Hydraulic model testing of the Watana spillway will be carried out by a qualified hydrau- licslaboratory.The testing program will be designed to determine the spillway capa- city for both free and gate-controlled flow;spillway face pressures;entrance flow conditions to the crest from the reservoir;design of flip bucket or other energy dis- sipator;scour conditions in the spillway discharge area;and water surface profiles. Consideration should be given to areas of deposition of material scoured from the river- bed at various discharges. Hydraulic model testing of other features such as power intake and diversion structures might be required depending on the types determined during final design. r r"\ r SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOllOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:II FINAL DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ----~-------_.._----.__._- 11-1 PERFORM ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL FOUNDATION STUDIES FORPRINCIPALACTIVITY_____.~__ETNAI DESIGN ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: 6 Months (Summer Seasons) $2,000,000 Engineering Consultant r- I r r To provide necessary data for final project design. ACTIVITY: Perform additional foundation and materials investigations to fully define conditions for the various structures as per the definitive project layouts depicted in the FERC License Application.Extent of investigations will be limited to that determined to ensure the suitability of the foundation and materials for the type and size of structure as de- signed.Core borings,auger holes,backhoe and dozer trenches,and rotary drilling will be utilized.Adits and/or shafts might also be required.If conditions are found to be different than expected and structure locations need to be adjusted,sufficient investi- gations will be performed to conf.irm the suitability of the adjusted location.Prime importance will be furnishing sufficient exploratory data regarding foundation conditions to enable the construction contractors to make reasonable estimates of the construction cost. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:II FINAL DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY:II-2 FURNISH FIELD CAMP AND LOGISTICS FOR ADDITIONAL EXPLORATION .- ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: 6 Months (Summer Seasons) $2,000,000 Designated Subcontractor r-- \, r r 1"'" I To provide housing subsistence and logistic support during field investigations. ACTIVITY: Activate the Watana field camp assumed to have been "mo th balled"and maintained in pro- per order to provi de hous i ng and subsistence for geotechni cal engi neers and drilli ng personnel during additional investigations.Provide helicopter and fixed-wing supply logistical support during investigations. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:II FINAL DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS -,---------,-~,--~---_._--------_. II - 3 PERFORM FINAL DESIGN,AND PREPARE CONTRACT DRAWINGS ANO- PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY.SPECIFICATIONS....r.LJ...........l-I.J,.d:U-~t..J.-._ ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMI!\TED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: 18 to 20 Months $4,500,000 Engineering Consultant r Final design and completion of all bidding and contract documents for the procurement and construction contracts for the project. ACTIVITY: The Engineering Consultant will perform engineering services as required to produce bid drawings and other contract documents necessary to obtain bids for all the construction, procurement,and installation contracts.This includes basic design and drawings for civil,mechanical,and electrical works for all features of the project such as dams, spillways,intake structure,tunnels,power plants,and access roads. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:II FINAL DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY II-4 ASSIST IN POWER SALE AND BOND ISSUANCE ...... ( ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMlnED COST: RESPONSIBI LITY: PURPOSE: 12 Months $50,000 Engineering Consultant 'r To assist APA in negotiations of power sale contracts and preparation of bond issuance. ACTIVITY: The Engineering Consultant will form a power marketing team which will include represent- atives from APA to assist in and to monitor the negotiations for sale of power.Assist- ance will be provided by APA during discussions with potential power purchasers to main- tain a firm negotiating position.Services include:compile data pertinent to solici- ting proposals for purchase of project power;identify prospectlve purchasers;prepare docum,ents for use in soliciting power purchase proposals and distribute these documents to the approved list of prospective purchasers;formulate a proposal evaluation pro- cedure;evaluate and identify the most favorable proposal(s)for further consideration; negotiate power sale conditions with the selected purchaser(s)as directed by APA;and assist in preparation of the power sale contract. The work required to issue bonds for financing of the project will involve coordination of efforts by APA,the Financial Consultants,the Bond Counsel and the Engineering Con- sultant.During this process,the Engineering Consultant will provide the project de- scription,construction cost estimate,construction schedule,and other information required for inclusion in the Official Statement for sale of bonds. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLLOW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 PHASE:II FINAL DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY II-S FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS AND BOND COUNSEL ASSUMED SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED COST: RESPONSIBILITY: PURPOSE: 12 Months $1,000,000 Financial Consultants and Bond Counsel ,..... ! To arrange for and obtain financing for project construction. ACTIVITY: The Financial Consultants l general scope of services would be:review proposed finan- cial plans and modify as required;arrange,implement,schedule and supervise all steps of financing;prepare the Official Statement for bond sales;in cooperation with Bond Counsel,design the financial terms and conditions of the resolution;print,mail and distribute notice of sale,resolutions,Official Statement and other documents to under- writers and institutional buyers writing competitive bids for the bonds;assist APA in special presentations of the proposed program to groups of analysts and underwriters; calculate bids for bonds,and select the lowest bid;sell and deliver the bonds. The Bond Counsel IS general scope of services would be:prepare proceedings for issuance and sale of bonds including the indenture or resolution of issuance and provisions there- of,their security,any sinking funds,reserve funds,special funds and other provisions; review the Official Statement;review power sale agreement;review insurance policies; review construction contracts,performance bonds to the extent necessary in connection with preparation of revenue bond documents;and render such other legal services as requested by APA. j SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FOLl.OW-ON PHASES SHEET 1 of 1 6 to 9 MonthsASSUMEDSCHEDULE: II FINAL DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ----_._-----_._._---···_·--·_--------11=-6 PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS -PREQUALIFICATIONS. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY:..A~VERTISEMENT.AND EVALUATION OF BIOS PHASE: -ESTIM/HED COST:$100.000 ",... t. RESPONSIBI LITY:Engineering Consultant PURPOSE: ,..., Formal prequalification of prospective bidders to assure owner that contracted parties are qualified to perform the contracts;advertisement to obtain bids;evaluation of bids to determine the low bidders and probable cost for the project. ,.., I ACTIVITY: If APA elects.the Engineering Consultant will determine through prequalification pro- cedures (i.e.review of past performances)that the bidding contractors are qualified to do the work. ,..... '" The Engineering Consultant will assist the Owner to obtain bids by public notices and personal contacts with potential contractors.The Engineering Consultant will also assist the Owner in determin"ing the lower bidders and probable final cost by evaluating the o1Ffers. If""" t !