HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4019TK" 141~ ,~8 1\;13 }1o.l.(!I' DRAFT State of Alaska Prepared For Laurence A.Peterson Ga~~y E.Nichols Nancy 8.Hemming _--.It1'l'Ile'!i~k-til!.a s pe 11----L.A.PETERSON &ASSOCIATES,INC. Fairbanks,Alaska i156 ..,&11~ ALASKA PARTICULATES CRITERIA REVIEW Department of Environmental Conservation - ~ " - - DATE DUE - ,....... ---- - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- Demeo,Inc.38-293 I - - ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services McnQf~l Alaska -, .... - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation contracted L.A.Peterson &Associates,Inc.to conduct a study of Alaska's water quality particulates criteria.The comprehensive intent of the study was to: (1)Review pertinent literature to determine state-of-the- art measurement technology,physical/chemical effects, and biological effects of particulates. (2)Compile and assess particulates criteria from other states and Canadian provinces and territories and com 1=1 1 Ie U.S.Environmental I=Irotect ieln .Agel"'Il:y g'.lidelll1.eS and requirements for l=Iarticulates criteria. (3)Evaluate the adequacy and scientific merit of existing Alaska criteria for particulates. I~ (4)Assess the potential for using parameters other than turbidity,suspended and settleable solids,and the percentage accumulation of fines in spawning gravels. (5)Propose new l=Iil.rticulates criteria if scientific evidence supports this action. The investigation was limited to the problems of water pollution resulting from particulates and the direct and indir.ct methods for measuring particulates.A comprehensive literature review was performed to document the effects of particulates on various water uses.Background information regarding particulate measurement techniques,water quality,and aquatic ecology apcears in Sectiori 2.0.Section 3.0 summarizes - . REVIEW DRAFT '3/03/65 PAGe:L ARLIS Alaska Resources v Information Servtces . ".tra~.Alaska particulates criteria used in water Quality standards and gUide- lines throughout the United States and Canada.Alaska's particulates criteria are reviewed (Section 4.0)and the potential use of parameters other than turbidity,~u$pended and settleable solids,and percentage accumulation of fines in spawnlng gravels are discussed in Section 5.0.Recommended changes to Alaska's criteria to insure that Alaska's particUlates criteria are supportable and based on the best available information are presented in Section 6.0. 2.0 COMPARISON OF ALASKA CRITERIA TO OTHER STATES AND CANADA Other than Alaska,33 states have quantitative turbidity crlteria for at least some water uses.Among the 20 states having cold water systems similar to Alaska and numerical criteria fo~turoidity,tne criteria are numerically equal to~or more stringent than Alaska's.Turbidity criteria for lakes are comparaole.Quantitative turbidity criteria in Canada are comparable to Ala.ka criteria for recre.tion and tne propagation of fish and wildlife.Tne U.S.Environmental Protection Agency criterion fQr turbidity and solids pertains to the compensation point for photosynthetic activity.Of the 14 states with turbidity standards for marine water,seven employ Quantitative criteria. None of the states nave quantitative criteria for settleable solids levels.Only four state.other than Alaska currently have numeric criteria for suspended solids.Of the remaining states,17 have general narrative statements addressing these parameters.Alaska is the only .tate with criteria controlling the accumulation of sediments a.a MaKimum percentage by weight I~f spawning bed gravels.Currently,there are no water Quality standards for suspended and .ettleable solids in Canadian provinces and territories. REVIEW DRAFT ~/09/65 PAGEl( .;,! - ,~ - o c.o.q 0')c.o.q ooo LO LO 1"""- ~) ('I) 3.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER SUPPLIES The amount of particulates allowable in raw water supplies depends on tne type and degree of treatment used to produce finished water.An excellent source of water requiring only disinfection would have a turbidity of 0 to 10 units.A good source of water supply r.~uiring usual treatment wO~lld have a turbidity of 10 to a~o units.For disinfection purposes,rdW drinking water sources should be limited to 5 turbidity units, and finished water should have a MaKimum limit of 1 turbidity unlt where the water enters the distribution system.Most people find water with 5 or more turbidity units objectionable. The water ~uality requirements for particulates varies among industrial uses.At one extreme,rayon manufacture requires water with-only 0.3 turbidity units,wher.as water used-efor cooling can have up to ~O turbidity units.Most other industrial us.s re~uir.maKimum turbidity levels within this range.Placer mining is one industry where water containing turbidity or suspended solids levels significantly higher than 50 units may be acceptable. 4.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR RECREATION The noticeable threshold for water contact recreation is 10 turbidity units and the limiting threshold is ~o units.The suggested maximum turbidity limit for Canadian contact recreational w4lt.r ~uality is ~o turbidity units and the minimum Secchi disk Visibility depth is 1.2 meters.The noticeable threshold for boating and a.sthetic us.s is 20 turbidity units • There is apparently no level found in surface water that is likely to imp.d.th••e us.s,although many people prefer clear water conditions.Fishing succ.ss is reduced where turbidity is greatar than about 25 units. REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'9/85 PAGE iii , 5.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR BIOTA A large body of experimental data exist regarding the effects of fine sediment deposition on salmonid eggs in natural and laboratory stream gravels.By comparison,only limited numerlcal data are available regardlng the effects of sediment on fish emergence time and population changes.The percentage of fines and level of spawning gravel embeddedness ~re critical factors to developing eggs and emerging fry.In general, salmon,trout,and char egg survival and emergence success are adversely affected when the fraction of fine sediment exceeds 20 percent.Although the critical particle si%e is highly variable among species,sediment smaller than 3 mm in diameter appears to be the most deleterious to fish egg survival,emergence success, arid prl:Jductivity.A nWllber of investigatot"s empha?i%e the deleterious effect of particles smaller"than 1 rom in spawn~ng gravels.In addition,it is generally recogni%ed that deposited sediments smother fish eggs and benthic macroinvertebrates by blanketing the substrate. The adverse impacts of a wide range of suspended solids and turbidity levels have been reported for a diversity of aquatic plants,macroinvertebrates,and various stages of fish development.Research has been conducted under a variety of environmental conditions for different lengths of time and the results are often expressed in different units of measure.In many instances,the data presented in on.investigation either do not support or cannot be readily compared to the results of other investigations.An Qrganism's level of sensitivity to suspended solids is dictated by its age,species.relative mObility,feeding and reproductive habits,the season,the size and nature of the"sediment,the duration of exposure,the general health and stress level of the individual,and the degree and d~ration to which the individual was previously expQsed.Fl..lrthet"Tti,;:.re,ar'1 individual's level .::Jf sl.tsceptibility depend$to some degree upon its origin.For instance,one REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGEiV - - I~ r ,~ ,.. investigator indicates that hatchery-raised coho salmon are corlsiderably more sen.it ive to suspeY'lded sol ids than are wi ld coho.Moreover,the results derived from laboratory experiments do not necessarily reflect field conditioY'ls be6ause of the stress factors involved aY'ld because many organisms possess innate adaptation capabilities in respoY'lse to changes in their environment.These variables are not always presented in the literature.It is relatively common to find the results from one particular study cited in three or more literature reviews. Upon reviewiY'lg the original document,it appsars that some of the data have been presented without discussing other pertinent factors.ConseQuently,it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions concerning the impact of a specific suspended solids concentration or turbidity level on a particular specie.or age class of organism.With these limitations in mind,the following summary statements are made co~c.rning the effect~of suspended solids and turbidity on freshwater aqu~tic organisms. Lethal suspended solids concentrations vary widely depending on the species and duration of .~posure.Arctic grayling can survive high concentratioY'ls (10,000 mg/L)of suspended solids but not extremely high concentrations (2~0,000 mg/L)for a few days.High levels of turbidity (up to 8200 NTU)appear to have no adverse effect on grayling survival.Rainbow trout are capable of withstanding 30 to 90 ppm of certain types of suspended solids for .everal months byt suffer significant mortality (~O percent)at levels gre.ter than 100 mg/L for several weeks.At extremely high levels of suspended solids (160,000 mg/L),rainbow trout suffer total mortality in 1 day. Total egg mortality may occur at much lower concentrations Cless than or eQual to 2~00 mg/L)in less than a ~eek.The amount of sediment required to caus.~O percent mortal1ty in J'Jvenile coho salmon in 4 days is much higher in November (35,000 ppm)than in August C1ZOO ppm).Chum salmon egg survival is decreased by about half when suspended solids levels are i"~reased from 97 to 111 mg/L. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/a~PAGE V In general,salmonid feeding,growth,reproduction,and behavior are not significantly affected by turbidity levels less than a5 NTU or suspended solids concentrations less than 30 mg/L.An exception is the cutthroat trout,which c~ases feeding at 35 ppm suspended solids.With one exception,there is no indication that suspended solids concentrations less than SO mglL have any adverse effect on salmonid gill or fin tissues,or respiratory funct ions.In one instance,an in a.i~.!.:! concentration of 34 mg/L produced moderate to marked gill hypertrophy and hyperplasia in Arctic grayling in 5 days. Furthermore,suspended solids concentrations as low as 50 mg/L may be stressful to grayling,as indicated by blood glucose 1 eve 1 s. Algal-based productivity may begin to be reduced at turbidity levels greater-than about :5-NTU in ~_trearns and lak-~s. ReCIted aquat ic plants may be absent at suspended sol ids concerltrations greater than 200 mg/L.Benthic macroinvertecrate populations may be adversely affected by suspensions of 40 mg/L or more and zooplankton may b.harmed by more than sa mg/L suspended solids. Lethal and sub-lethal effects of sediments have been determined for a diversity of marine organisms.Numerical data pertain primarily to the effects of suspended solids and turbidity as oppos.d to sediments d.posited on the bottom.Much of the work done in the marin.system involve.estuarine invertebrat.s.With few exceptions,marine invertecrates are more tolerant of high suspended sol ids concentrat ions tharl are anadromous fish and freshwater invert.brates. Primary production has b.en reduced at turbidity lev.ls of 41 JTU near offshore mining actiVity.However,mixing and ~ilution limited the sKtent to which prlmary ~roduction was reduced by localized or temporary sediment increases.The lethal sus~ended solids concentration for adult bivalves, REVIEW DRAFT 9/0S/85 PAGE VI .- '"'" crustaceans,tunicates,and polychaetes is in all instances greater than 400 mg/L and in most cases greater than 1500 mg/L. The survival of a ~ariety of estuarine fish eggs and larvae is not reduced by suspended solids concentrations iess than 100 mg/L.However,the feeding rate of larval herring is significantly reduced at 20 mg/L. The sue-lethal effects of suspended solids and turcidity on mollusks are quite variable.The feeding rate of some oysters is unaffected at 100 to 700 ppm turbidity.Some clams cease feeding at 1000 JTU.The water pumping rate of the American oyster is significantly reduced at concentrations greater than 100 mg/L.The feeding rate of the mollusk ~~~eig~l~sp.is significantly reduced at 200 mg/L.Clam eggs develop normally in silt suspensions of 3000 mg/L,whereas American oyster eggs are affected by.silt eoncentrations as low as 166 mg/L.Seed scallops exhibit elevated respiration rates at 250 mglL or greater.The mussel !!1~til~~sp.is well adapted to 5i It concentrations up to 50 mg/L.The shell growth of certain gastropods is decreased when natural suspended solids are increased to a50 mg/L. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 1.The level of protection afforded by the eXisting Alaska particulates criteria for the designated water uses is generally supported by scientific data.However,a number of proposed modifications to the existing criteria have been made to attain the best criteria based on information presented in this report. Use categories for which turbidity criteria have ceen ~etained include industrial water su~ply and contact and secondary recreation in fresh water.Under the proposed criteria,no distinction is Made between lakes and streams for recreational uses.The turbidity criteria for drinking water supply,growt~and pro~agation of a~uatic organisms,and contact REVIEW ORAFT '3/0'3/65 Pl=iGE ylf and secclI'"ldary recreat ion in marine water~are amerlded t'::J allow variable increases in turbidity within specified ranges.It is pr-,:,p.:tsed tha,'t the exis'tirlg t'.Lr-bidity and sediment cr-iteria be deleted for~certain use categories becalJse:(1)There is nCt eviderlce t'::J SI.lpport their validity,or <2)other cr-iteria a,~e Jl,.ldged to be more appropriate for the stated use category.It ~I is proposed that the existing turbidity criteria be deleted f':Jr a;;r~iculture,seafoOd processing,industrial water supply in marine waters,harvesting for consumption of raw mollusks or other aquatic life,and aquaculture in both fresh and marine water"s. The sediment criteria for agriculture,seafood processing, drinklng water supply,and industrial supplies (fresh and marine water)are amended to include statements addressiri~suspended and settleable solids.The existing sediment criteria for aquaculture and.growth and propagation of aquatic biota have been rewritten to include numerical suspended solids and settleable solids criteria for both fresh and marine waters. Add it ionally,the spawYling gravel aquatic biota in allowable percentage aCCUMulation of fines in is reduced for the growth and propagation of fresh water.A new criterion for settleable solids is proposed for the harvesting of raw mollusks and other aquatic life.It is proposed that sediment criteria be deleted for contact and secondary recreation in both fresh and marine waters. Z.Alaska currently employs particulates criteria for two categories:turbidity and sediment.The sediment category include.criteria for total suspended solids,settleable solids, and the percentage accumulation of fine.in spawning bed gravel. Criteria for the.e four parameters are adequate for the protection of all water use categories in Alaska.It was deterMined that the percentage acc~mulation of fines in spawning gravel is a difficult parameter to mecsure.Harlce,it is r"ec':lmrnended that se't·tleable solids criteria be used CIS ti,e REVIEW DRAFT 3/03/85 PAGE VIII primary method to limit the accumulation of fines in spawning gravel.Actual measurement of the percentage accumulation of fines by weight can be used as a secondary method at the Depa r..t ment's d i sc:ret i on.~- ~.Settleable solids have direct and detrimental effects on aquatic biota and habitat by smothering fish eggs,alevins,and invertebrates,reducing intergravel flow,and by coating aquatic vegetation,thus reducing the potential for photosynthesis. Solids in suspension can cause invertebrate drift,cause fish to avoid previously usable habitat,prevent fish from seeing their prey,and cause physical damage such as gill irritation to fish.The lethal tolerance of salmonids and other a~uatic organisms to suspended solids appears to be relatively high.In most instances,sublethal effects occur at Much lower concentrations.Turbidity prevents the growth and photosynt~.­ sis of green plants and can also cause fish to avoid otherwise suitable habitat and prevent them from seeing their prey. 4.Gravimetric techniques represent a more accurate measure of the effects of suspended solids on aquatic biota while optical measurements may be more appropriate for photosynthetic or aesthetic purposes. 5.Sediment is,by volume,the greatest single pollutant of surface water.The transport and deposition of natural sediments is often related to local storm events and stage of hydrograph.The fate of man-induced sediment.differs from natural sediments in that the former is not necessarily ass':Jciated ....ith or dependent upon fluctuations in runoff.In some instances man-caused sediment inputs are greater in magnitude,duration,and fre~uency than natural inputs. Furthermore,the timing of man-caused inputs may be out of phase with natural occurrences.Consequently,the ultimate fate of man-caused .edimen~s may be different than natural sediments. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/a~PAGE lX Also,the sequence of artificial sediment le,adirtg may indl"lCe abnormal behavioral responses in resident and anadromous fish. 6.Because many investigators have not adh~red to the definition of turbidity and instrument design specification applied by §1sngsrg__M~~bQg~__fgr__1b~_s~sm1ns1~gn_g!_~s1~r_sng ~s§1§~s~.@r,there is a significant amOl.tnt ';:If variability in the way turbidity is meas~rea and reported.This factor makes it extremely difficult to assess and compare the effects of turbidity on various water uses.Common sour~es of error 11"1 turbidity measurements include the ~ollection of representative samples in the field,extraction of sUbsamples,dilution technique,and reporting data to the ~orrect number of signifi~ant figures.Although it is recognized that turbidity measurements may be diffi~ult to evaluate,turbidity is the most applicable of th.potential optical p.ram.~.rs for wldespr~ad I.lse in Alaska. 7.The standard te~hnique for measuring total suspended solid$ is routine to perform under laboratory conditions and the results are relatively exact.Common sour~.s of error include those associated with field sampling techniques and the extraction of subsamples.Alternative methods for measuring suspensions of sediment poss••s limitations that preclude their widespread application. 8.Under limited conditions turbidity may be effectively used to estimate suspended solids ~onc.ntrations.There is,however, no single expre.sion which relates turbidity and suspended solid.on a regional or u~iv.rgal b.sis.The development of any predictive relationShip between the••parameters should be on a d~ainage basin basis rather than &statewide ba....Any apparent correlation should be a~companied by a rigorous analysis of the data and include a ~tat.ment of the error associated with the ~orrelaticln.·In addition to treat1l'"Ig the REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE X ~I ,~ - ..... - ." - - ,~ - - data collectively,regression analyses should include calcula- tions of coefficients of determination and confidence limits for data in the low,medium,and high ranges. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE XI - .... - - - TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION a.o COMPARISON OF AL.ASKA CRITERIA TO OTHe:~STATES AND CANADA 3.t)PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER SUPPLIES 4.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR RECREATION 5.0 PARTICUL.ATES REQUIREMENTS FOR BIOTA-6.0 CONCLUSIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES i i i i iii iii iv vii xii xiv xv ~.o ADEQUACY AND SCIENTIFIC MERIT OF ALASKA CRITERIA 3S 4.1 ALASKA CRITERIA 38 4.2 DEMONSTRATED EFFECTS OF PARTICULATES 42 4.2.1 W.ter Supply 42 4.2.2 Recre.tion ~5 4.2.3 Biot.47 E~••Q_~~t.~47 ~.~1D!65 4.3 SUGGESTED CRITERIA FROM THE LITERATURE 76 4.3.1 Water Supply 76 4.3.2 Recr••tion 77 ~.3.3 Biota 77 gr1~.r1~_!2r_§8g1m~n~_1n_1b~_~~~~r_~21gmD 77 ~r1~~r1~_!gr_§~g1m~n~_~.~2.~1~g_2D_1b~ §Y~~~r§~~80 4.4 REFERENCES 81 REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/83 PAGE)CIt - ""'" 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 2.2 WATE~QUALITY 2.2.1 Fresh Water 2.2.2 Marine 2.3 AQUATIC ECOLOGY 2.3.1 Fresh Water 2.3.2 Marine ~.4 REFERENCES 3.0 PARTICULATE CRITERIA 3.1 STATES 3.2 U.S.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 3.3 CANADIAN PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES 3.4 REFERENCES 1 13 13 17 19 21 21 29 34 36 TABLE OF CONTENTS continued 5.0 POTENTIAL USE OF OTHER PARAMETERS 5.1 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TURBIDITY AND SUSPENDED SOLIDS 5.2 WATER COLUMN MEASUREMENTS 5.3 SUBSTRATE MEASUREMENTS 5.4 REFERENCES S.O PROPOSED PARTICULATES CRITERIA G.1 INTRODUCTION 5.Z PROPOSED CRITERIA S.3 REFERENCES APPENDIX A:ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES--FRESH WATER APPENDIX B:GENERAL LITERATURE--FRESH WATER APPENDIX C:ANNOTATED BIBLIDGRAPHIES--MARINE APPENDIX D:GENERAL LITE~ATURE--MARINE REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/65 PAGE )(11\ '30 90 101 104 105 109 109 110 127 A-l B-1 C.~l D-r - - - ..... - -LIST OF TABLES 3-1 Turbidity Criteria for U~ited S~~tQS ~nd C4nada~ 3-2 SI.lspended and Sett leable Sol ids Cr~i"ter~ia fOl~the United States and Canada 30 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 ~-1 Effects of Settled Solids and Fines on Salmonid Mortality .nd Survival Miscellaneous Effects of Settled Solids and Fines ';:In Salnlonids Effects of Suspended Solids and Turbidity on Salmonid Survival and Mortality Miscellaneous Effects of Suspended Solids and Turbidity on AQuatic Biota Survival and Mortality of Marine Organisms Miscellaneous Effects on Marine Ogranisms Correlations a.tween Turbidity and Suspended Solids Concentrations 58 SS 60 61 71 73 S6, ..... 6-1 Water Uses and Parameters for Which Standards Must be Established to Meet Water Quality ObJectives 111 -- LIST OF FIGURES - 5-1 Correlations Between Turbidity and Suspended Solids Concentrations REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE XIV S8 - - - -, 1.0 INTRODUCTION The fed.r.l W.ter Pollution Control Act as am.nd.d in 1972, ,- Public 1-....92-eOO,.....modifi.d and r.nam.d th.Cl ••n W.t.r Act in 1977.This Act r.Quir.d all st.t.s to adopt standards of Qu.lity to prot.ct th.ir ....t.rs for .p.cificu....In Al ••k., th....at.r Qu.lity .t.nd.rds .r.the r.sponsibility of the Dep.rtm.nt of Environm.nt.l Cons.rv.tion (ADEC).Exc.pt in af....speci.l c ••••,fr••h and m.rin.surfac.....t.rs in Al.sk. mu.t m••t .11 .t.nd.rd.d ••ign.d to protect ...at.r Quality for th.u...sho...n b.lo....Th..xc.ption••r.not.d in th.1gee ....t.r Quality .t.nd.rd....hich indicat.th.t .11 ....t.r bodi ••in Al ••ka .xc.pt th.lo....r Ch.n.Riv.r .nd Nol.n Cr••k .nd .11 it. tribut.ri •••xcluding Acm.Cr••k ar.cla••ifi.d for .11 u•••• Et:••h!!At.t:_Y ••• +Drinking,including cooking .nd food proc•••ing +Agricultur.(irrigation .nd .tock ....t.ring) +Aquacultur. +Industry (mining,pulp milling,etc.) +Cont.ct r.cr••tion (....imming,....ding,bathing,.tc.) +S.cond.ry r.cr••tion (bo.ting,hiking,c.mping,.tc.) +Growth .nd prop.g.tion of fi.h,.h.llfi.h,.nd oth.r .qu.tic lif. §Alt!!At.t:_Y••• +S••food proc•••ing +H.rv••ting of cl.m.or oth.r .quatic lif. +AQu.cultur. +Indu.try (oth.r than •••food proc•••ing) +Cont.ct r.cr••tion (.wimming,w.ding,b.thing,.tc.) +S.cond.ry r.cr••tion (bo.ting,hiking,c.mping,.tc.) +Gro...th .nd prop.g.tion of fi.h,.h.llfish,and oth.r .qu.tic lif. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/ee PAGE 1 Associat.d with .ach u..a~.c~it.~ia fo~diff.~.nt wat.~ \ quality pa~am.t.~s.Fo~.Hample,d~inkin;wat.~quality c~it.~ia s~ecify limits on bacte~ial contamination,colo~, t.mp.~atu~.,tU~bidity,and ••dim.nt,a.w.il a.oth.~ ~a~amet.~s.Tn.wat.~quality s~anda~d.consi.t of the set of mo.t .t~in;.nt c~it.~ia a ••ociat.d with .ach wat.~u••• ~a~ticulat..includ.the fin•••dim.nt in the wat.~column and on the .ub.t~at..Typical m.a.u~.m.nt.of pa~ticulat. l.v.l.includ.total su.pend.d .olid.,tu~bidity,s.ttl.able .olid.,and the p.~c.ntag.accumulation of fin.s.diment in ;~av.l b.d•• Pa....ticulat.l.v.l.n ••d to b.cont~oll.d .0 that man-induc.d s.diment load.do not .ignificantly .Mc••d o~b.com.out of ph a..with natu~al l.v.l.,t~~.adv.~••ly affecting ~h. cha~acte~i.tic.of the wat.~column and .ub.t~ate.Th.mo.t obvious .ff.ct i.oft.n the a ••th.tic impact on ~.c~.ational use.o~vi.ual evid.nc.of pa~ticulat.d.po.ition.How.v.~, oth.~wat.~u•••may b.impact.d,too.H.avy ••dim.nt load.in wat.~u••d fo~d~inking and food p~.pa~ation,fo~ag~icultu~., and fo~indu.t~y may ~.nd.~it unfit o~un.af..In addition, aquatic biota,wat.~fowl,and fu~b.a~.~.may b.adv.~••ly aff.cted by inc~.a••d ~a~ticulat.l.v.l..Impact.on biota may ~ang.f~om mo~tality to .ho~t-t.~m eff.ct.on biotic p~oc•••e. and/o~b.havio~,th••e .ff.ct.may b.di~.ct o~indi~.ct. Inc~.a••d ••dim.nt load.can aff.ct aquatic biota di~.ctly th~ough chang..in th.i~anatomy and physiology,and indi~.ctly th~ough chang••in th.i~habitat.Eitn.~of th•••b~oad cla•••• of .ff.ct.may induc.a va~i.ty of b.havio~al ~••pon•••• inclUding inhibited mov.m.nt and fo~aging,avoidanc.,modifi.d f ••ding ••l.ction and ~at.,and modifi.d ~.p~oductiv.b.havio~• ~I ...., - - Cont~ols on Cont~ol Act and both num.~ical ••dim.nt a~.mandat.d by the Wat.~Pollution admini.t.~.d by the ADEC in Ala.ka.AOEC u••• and na~~ativ.c~it.~ia fo~tu~bidity and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS p~eE 2 - ,~ - sedime~t._The ••criteriA Ar.de.crib.d in d.tAil in S.ction 4.1.In g.nerAl,th.turbidity criteriA for the vArious protected us..range.from a ~to 25 n.phelometric turbidity unit (NTU)incr....Abov.nAturAl condition..-The s.diment standards are more SUbJective And include .ucn statements a."No increa.e in conc.ntration of .ediment,including settleable solids,above nAtural conditions"And "No imposed sediment loads that will interfere with established water supply treatment levels." Num.rou.method.for measuring particulat••,including both direct and indirect methods,CAn be u ••d to s.t crit.ri..Th.se m.thod.include mea.ur.m.nt of turbidity,total susp.nd.d solid.,••ttl.abl..olid.,tran.mi ••ivity,a.ccni disk d.pth, comp.n.ation point,and m.thod.for m•••uring th.amount of fine s.dim.nt in stre.mb.ds.Th ••e m.thods .r.di.cu•••d briefly_in S.ction 2.0 and in detail in S.ction 5.0. Th.purpo..of this stUdy i.to .valuat.tn••ff.ctiv.ness of .Mi.ting Al ••k.w.t.r qu.lity crit.ri.for p.rticulat ••and to r.comm.nd n.c••••ry ch.ng••to the••crit.ri..Th ••p.cific obJ.ctiv.s .r.a (1)R.vi.w p.rtin.nt lit.r.ture to d.t.rmin••t.t.-of-th.- .rt m.a.ur.m.nt t.cnnology,phy.ical/ch.mical .ff.ct., and biologic.l .ffect.of p.rticulat ••• (2)Compil.and ••••••particulat ••crit.ria from oth.r .tat ••and Can.dian provinc••and t.rritori ••and compil.U.S.Environm.ntal Prot.ction Ag.ncy (EPA) guid.lin•••nd r.quirem.nt.for particulat •• crit.ria. (3)Evaluat.the ad.quacy and .ci.ntific m.rit of .Mi.ting Ala.ka crit.ria for particulat ••• REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 P~GE 3 (4)A•••••the pot.nti.l for using p.ram.t.r.oth.r than turbidity,.usp.nded .nd ••ttl.abl ••olids,.nd the p.rc.ntage accumul.tion of fin ••in sp.wning gravels. (~)Propo••n.w particul.t ••criteria if sci.ntific evidence supports this .ction. This .tudy is limit.d to the probl.ms of w.t.r pollution r.sulting from p.rticul.t.s and the dir.ct .nd indir.ct m.thod. for m•••uring p.rticul.t.s.Th.r.port provid••b.ckground inform.tion p.rt.ining to m.a.ur.m.nt t.chniqu..of p.rticul.t ••,n.tural wat.r quality,and aquatic .cology in S.ction 2.0.S.ction 3.0 summarizes particulat.s crit.ri.u ••d in the United Stat.s and Canada.Th.purpose of the proJ.ct is to r.vi.w Al.ska's particulat.s crit.ria and the docum.nt.d .ff.ct.of particulat.s on b.n.ficial wat.r u••s (S.ction 4.Q). the pot.ntial us.of param.t.rs oth.r than turbidity,susp.nd.d .nd ••ttl ••bl.solids,.nd the p.rc.ntage accumul.tion of fin.s in sp.wning gr.vels (S.ction ~.O)1 and to r.comm.nd n.c••••ry chang.s in Ala.ka'a crit.ria to assur.that Alask.'. p.rticul.t.s crit.ria .r.bas.d on sci.ntific information (Sect ion 6.0). REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/a~PAGE 4 -. 2.0 BACKGROUND This chapter summarizes pertinent background information regarding measurement techniques for particulates,natural water quality,and aquatic ecology.Quantitative data obtained during a comprehensive review of literature from a variety of sourc•• regarding the effects of particulates on various water uses are pre.ented in detail in Section 4.2,Demonstrated Effects of Particulates. Literature reviewed appears in Appendices A,e,C,and 0, which are organized as follows. Appendix AI Appendix B. Appendix·CI Appendix 01 Annotated Bibliographies--Fresh Water General Literature--Fresh Water Annotated B~bliographies~-Marine General Literature--Marine - References listed in Appendices Band 0 addressed the sUbJect of this study but were not considered to provide pertinent information due to the general nature of the data or availability of more detailed coverage in other references. 2.1 MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Particulate levels in water are measured by numerous direct and indirect techniques,summarized below.A more detailed discussion of the techniques for measuring turbidity,suspended .olids,and settleable solids appears in Section ~.O. Direct measurements of particulates include parameters such as total suspended solids,settleable solids,and the amount of fine sediments on streambeds and lake bottoms.Four different techniques for me.suring total suspended solids are reported in the literature.The most Widely accepted technique involves filtering,drying,and weighing.Centrifugation has been used REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8~PAGE ~ to concentrate samples followed by drying and weighing,but there are di ••dvantages to this t.chni~u..On.disadvantage occurs with fine-grained material having org.nic matter a ••ociat.d with it sinc.some organic m.tter can have •d.nsity similar to w.t.r,th.reby making it v.ry difficult to ••p.r.te (Gibb.1974).Centrifug.tion .1.0 h ••limit.tions for dilute w.ter h.ving 1•••th.n .bout 10 m;/L .u.pend.d solida (Campb.ll .nd Elliott 197~).R.dioactive .b.orption h •••lso been us.d becaus.the absorption of radi.tion i.proportional to the m••s pre••nt and th.r.for.a direct m•••ur.ment of the concentration of .usp.nded ••dim.nt (Gibb.1974).Fischer .nd Kar.b••hev (1977)r.port th.t .uspend.d organic m.tt.r c.n b.d.t.rmin.d in the marine .nvironm.nt by dir.ct counting of particl ••und.r a micro.cope.How.ver,this t.chniqu.i.tim.consuming. S.tt le.b"le .01 ids .r.direct ly m•••ur.d by s.curing a 1 lit.r ••mpl..n~.llowin;1 hour of ••ttling b.for.r.ading the volume of ••ttl.d m.t.ri.l. Th.volum.-of fin..in bedlo.d ••mpl.s .r.det.rmined by obtaining •••mpl.u.ing •bedlo.d ••mpler,such •••corer or • dredg..Th.s.mpl.is th.n .ubJ.ct.d to •gr.in .ize .n.lysi •• Like oth.r ••mpling t.chniques,diff.r.nt b.dlo.d .amplers have advant.g.s .nd di.adv.nt.g.s wh.n .ampling diff.rent .ized b.d mat.ri.l. Indir.ct me ••urem.nts of p.r~icul.tes .r.r.l.t.d to light p.n.tr.tion .nd .re ••••nti.lly .n indic.tion of the conc.ntr.tion of p.rticul.t.s.Thes.me.sur.ments includ. turbidity .nd tr.nsmi.sivity,or it.invers.,light eMtinction. P.r.m.t.rs c.lcul.t.d from light tr.nsmission me.surements includ.comp.n••tion point <the d.pth .t which 1 p.rc.nt of av.il.bl.surfac.light is found in the w.t.r),light eMtinction co.fficient,p.rc.nt incident photosynthetic.lly .ctive r.di.tion <PRR),.nd w.v.length analysis. REVIEW DRF\FT 9/0'9/e~PF\GE 6 --I - - - ~J - - - Indirect measurements quantify optical absorption andlor light scattering.Nephelometric turbidity measures the gO degree scattering of light by suspended particles,whereas the beam transmittance meter measure.the attenuation~of light by scattering and absorption.The Secchi disk is a simple kind of irradiance meter whose values have b.en correlated with turbidity and light eKtinction coefficients (McCarthy et al- 1974)• An alternative method for directly counting suspended organic matter in the marine environment wa.employed by Fischer and Karaba.hev (1977).The volume concentration of particulate matter of different size wa.measured u.ing a conductometric particle counter or Coulter counte~and the abundance of part icle.wa.mea.ured by a nephelometer.A fl uorimet'ric det.rmination of pigments (by luminescence)in phytoplankt~n cell.was then used to determine the amount of organic matter. z.a WATER QUALITY Ala.ka inclUding system general 'various aquatic environment.encompa.s a variety of systems wetlands,pond.,lakes,rivers,and intermittent Although all are interrelated,each type of aquatic has unique characteristics.This section provide.a de.cription of the particulate levels common to the.e aquatic system•• A'\filIIa., - Lakes are lentic,or non-flowing,aquatic environments. 'They may have inlet streams wh ich contribute water and nutrients,but the level of the lake remain.e.sentially the ilame and there are generally no permanent currents within the water body.Lake.can be miles in length and hundreds of feet in depth with numerous tributaries or they can be small tundra ponds an acre or le••in size.Alaska ha.a diversity of lake REVIEW DRAFT S/Og/aS PAGE 7 typ.s encompassing larg.,clear water systems like Lake Iliamna, silty lak.s such as Tustum.na Lake,and small,tea-colored melt ponds characteristic of th.North Slope.Glacier-fed lakes are oft.n naturally turbid. Lak.s gen.ra11y contain distinct habitats.The littoral habitat,found along lake margins,is a relativ.ly warm habitat wh.r.light p.n.trat.s to the bottom and where rooted a~uatic plants grow.Many shallow lakes (ponds)can b.described as littoral .v.n at th.ir d.epe.t point.V.ry d ••p lak.s nave a profundal zone where it is too dark to allow gre.n plants, including alga.,to grow.The open water ar.a above the profunda1 is known a.th.limn.tic zon•• Sunlight and wind act upon 1ak••in way.which .om.~im•• r.sult in t.mp.ratur.stratification.In ~••p lakes in ~h. summ.r,the upp.r 1ay~r.r.ceiving the most sun ar.the warmest, wh.r.as those neHt to the profundal zone ar.the cold.st.Winds can caus.miMing currents,and t.mp.rature chang••in the spring and fall can caus.a lake to mix compl.tely or "turn ov.r." Wh.n a lake turns over,th.cold,oMygen-poor wat.r 1ay.r com.s to the surface whi1.the upp.r layer ia forc.d to th.bottom. Mixing currents can also bring bottom s.dim.nts up causing a normally c1.ar lake to b.com.temporarily turbid.In addition, turbidity can b.introduc.d to a lake via its tributarie•• C1.ar wat.r lak.s s.ldom .Mc.ed 1 to 2 mg/L total susp.nd.d solids and turbidity is typically 1...than 1 to 2 NTU. Sett1.abl.solids are commonly unm.a.urabl.and rarely eMce.d O.1 ml/L.. Rivers and str.ams are lotic,or flowing water,systems. Wat.r flow is continuous and in one dir.ction,v.10city changes with d.pth,and wat.r d.pth and stream widths fluctuate with precipitation,runoff,and .rosion.Th.re is continual miMing within the wat.r column with persistent or occa.ional turbidity, REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/e~PAGE e - - - - ,- and the streambed is relatively unstable.Streams are considered "open systems"with respect to their interaction with and interdependence on the terre.trial environment. In lakes,material brought in by tributaries or contributed by runoff usually is deposited on the lake bottom and remains in the system.In streams,material is carried downstream with heavier particles settling out fairly soon and lighter material remaining in suspension longer.Low density material may not settle at all and may be carried into lakes or estuaries.This is the case with glacial streams such as the Susitna River where glacial silt is carried into Cook Inlet.Particulates carried in the water column are referred to as wash load, whereas those moving along a streambed are bedload.The particles that bounce along the bed make up the saltation load. Alaska has a wide variety of rivers and streams,most of which are important to water-dependent life.Stream types range from short,steep,clearwater systems in southeast Alaska to small,slow-moving tannic tundra streams,to enormous systems like the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers.Streams can also be classified as clear,colored,and glacial.Colored or brown water streams drain boggy areas and have relatively high color value.due to organic leachates. Life forms in streams must either drift with the current 01"" possess some mechanism to remain stationary within the channel. Clear streams usually are not deep enough to have a profundal zone,the whole stream is within the euphotic zone where light reaches all depths. Undisturbed reaches of clear and colored streams typically exhibit low concentrations of solids.Total suspended solids concentrations are usually less than S mg/L but may increase to abo\.lt 100 mg/L during spring breakup and summer floods. However,higher levels of sediment do occur in some systems REVIEW DRAFT 9/0S/aS PAGE 9 during floods.Turbidity is gener.lly l ••s than 5 to 10 NTU, but may be 25 to 50 NTU during periods of high water. Settleable solid.level.rarely exceed 0.1 mIlL.Glacial str~ams carry l.rge .u.pended sediment load.during summer,but normally become clear water streams during winter.During summer,glacial stream.and lake.m.y exceed 1000 mg/L total suspended .olid.and turbidity typically ranges between 50 and 1000 NTU. Wetland.are a common and important type of aClUat ic habitat in Ala.ka.Ma"y lake.are .urrounded by both tundra bogs and - marshes With emergent aCluatic plants.The.e peripheral wetlands furnish energy to the lake sy.tem in the form of in.ects,~~ plankton,and plant materi.l.The .ame is true for many rivers. Streams often receive much of their w.ter from surrounding wetlands.wetl.nd.also .upply nutrient.and furni.h re.ring are..for fi.".uch a.coho .almona"d gr.yling.Nearly all wetlands in Ala.ka c.n be cla••ified a.clear water .ystem•• Hence,they .eldom exceed 1 to a mg/L total .uspended solid.and turbidity i.typically le••th.n 1 to 2 NTU. 2.2.2 Marine (mainly rivers),di.tance from shore,current temper.ture,and ••linity.Particul.tes data are ba.ed on Burbank (1974)and Sharma (1979) Mea.urement. .ource. are highly variable and ••••on,proximity to .u.pended a. .nd/or Ala.k. .uchfactors turbidity waters of of ••veral marine depth, herein on thewithin dependent sediment .tructure, summarized except as otherwis.noted. Within Boca de Quadra and Sme.ton Bay in southea.t Al.ska, the .u.pended .ediment load is relatively low.The mean water column concentration in the central ba.i".is le.s than 0.5 mg/L and less than 1.0 mg/L in the inner b••in.(Burrell 1984). Conver.ely,Taku Inlet,.1.0 in .outhea.t Ala.ka,has REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 10 - - - ,~ - - ""'" e)(traordin..rily high susp.nded s.diment levels from di.charge of the Taku Riv.r and .ubglacial streams.The suspended sediment load at the head of the inl.t e)(ceeds 10,000 mg/L in near-surface water.during .ummer month •• Conc.ntrations of su.p.nd.d ••dim.nt in contin.ntal snelf surface wat.rs off Icy Bay in the northea.t Gulf of Alaska gen.r..lly d.cr w..rd Ci •••,1.3 mg/L n.arshore and 0.1 mg/L at 6~km from .nor.in Marcn).The particulate conc.ntr..tion i.r.1 ..tiv.ly const ..nt with depth from the surf..c. to within .bout 10 m above tn.bottom,and from .nor.to 30 km off.hor..t the 100 m d.pth.A .t••dy incr••••in susp.nded solid.1.v.l.within 10 m of the bottom .ugg••t.the pr.sence of a n.phloid or turbid l.y.r .10ng the bottom. In the north.rn Gulf-of Al ••k.during h ••vy runoff,t~. gl.cial str••m.typic.lly c.rry 1000 to 2000 mg/L of suspended .olids.P••k di.ch.rg.in the Copp.r Riv.r in summ.r c.rrie. appro)(imat.1y 1700 mg/L of su.p.nd.d m..t.ria1 ..t the d.lt •• Offshore from the Copper River during low disch.rg.and minim.l glaci.1 m.1t,.urf.c.v.1u.s a.high ••30 mg/L .r.pres.nt. Co ..rs..edim.nt.rapidly ••ttle out within the fir.t few kilom.t.rs,d.p.nding on the .n.rgy of the .nvironm.nt.At distanc.s gr••t.r th.n 10 km off.hore,.urfac••u.p.nd.d .01ids 1.v.l.of 2 to 10 mg/L .r.typic.1.Th.low••t conc.ntr.tion. indic.t.d by ERTS imag.ry in wat.r.gr••t.r th.n ~O km off.hor. g.n.r.l1y r.ng.frOM 1 to 3 mg/L. Su.p.nd.d ••dim.nt conc.ntration.in Cook Inl.t v.ry from 2000 mg/L n.ar Anchor.g.to 1.0 mg/L n ••r the .a.t .id.of the In1.t mouth.Th.M.t.nu.k.Riv.r,on.of ••v.r.1 ••dim.nt .ourc.s in the Inl.t,h...u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt 1.v.l.th..t appro)(im.t.3800 mg/L.Th ••u.p.nd.d load i.mo.tly of gl.ci ..1 ori§lin and m.)(imum valu••occur at d.pth.of appro)(im.t.ly 10 m near the Inl.t h ••d.Conc.ntration.incr••••with depth south of th.'For.land.,.nd conc.ntr.tion.in the low.r Inlet g.n.rally v.ry b.tw••n 1 .nd 100 mg/L. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/Se PAGE 11 In the western Gulf of Alaska from Resurrection Bay thro~gh Shelikof Strait to Unimak Pass,surface suspended solids vary from 0.5 to 2.0 mg/L in July and August.Values are generally higher to the east near the Kenai Peninsula and Shel1kof Strait. On the shelf east,south,and southeast of Kodiak Island,there is an app ...rent absence of any input of suspended sediment. In the Bristol Bay region of the southeastern Bering Sea, streams flowing from the Alaska Peninsula contribute as much as 500 to ~000 mg/L of suspended solids.The dominant sediment sources are the Kvichak and Nushagak Rivers at the head of the bay.The Kuskokwim and Yukon rivers to the north provide sediment input appro~imating 4 and 100 million metric tons per year,respectively,which e~uate5 to more than 90 percent of all river sediment input into the eastern Bering Sea.SU5P~nd~d sediment levels for surface waters off the Yukon River and .-in Norton Sound are between 1 and 5 mg/L in July.Surface concentrations generally average between 0.5 and 2.0 mg/L 1n the northern Bering Sea.Concentrations increase with depth.The near-bottom sediment level from near Cape Romanzof to Nome ranges from 7.5 to greater than 20 mg/L,respectively. Suspended solids levels in the Berin;Strait and vicinity range from 1.2 to 4.1 mg/L for surface waters.The level decreases with increasing water depth immediately south of the Strait.As the water moves northward through the Strait,the distribution becomes almost uniform.North and northeast of the Strait,surface and sub-surface levels increase fourfold to nearly 10 mg/L.Surface water concentrations reach 5.3 mg/L near Point Hope while at depth,only about 1 mg/L is in suspension in July and August. In the northern Chukchi Sea,the suspended load at the surface is low (less than 1 mg/L)and increases with depth. Nearshore loads in suspension are higher than offshore. REVIEW DRAFT 9109/65 PAGE 12 _. - - -. - ..... - - - - Measur.ments during two open-wat.r seasons in the Beaufort Sea demonstrate the inter-annual variability of suspended solids levels.During 1972,inshore surfac.waters had concent~ations av.raging 1.0 mg/L with a range of 0.1 to 4.2 mg/Lf however,in the following year,nearly a threefold increase was noted. Levels rang.d from 0.5 to 31.0 mg/L and the average was 2.6 mg/L.Except during floods,waters low in suspended matter (about 1.0 mg/L).re commonly discharg.d in lat.summer from the maJor distributary mouths,while the presence of relatively turbid waters can be delin.ated .t some distance from the mouths.Th.se observations sugg.st that in mid-and late-summer,turbidity in co.stal waters for the most part is associ.t.d with w.ve-induced resuspension from shallow water region.(U.S.Co.st Gu.rd 1972;1974). 2.3 AQU~TIC ECOLOGY In •bro.d s.n••,fr••hw.t.r .co.yst.m••r.divid.d into two cat'Bgorie.,l.nt ic or .tand ing wat.r sy.tems,and lot ic or run'ning w.ter sy.tem..~ll riv.r.,l.ke.,.nd wet l.nd.support communities of .qu.tic org.ni.m..~••uch,th•••communities are int.rr.l.ted .nd int.rd.pend.nt,forming n.twork.of distinctly diff.r.nt h.bit.t.with r ••p.ct to flora .nd fauna, ••w.ll ••the .ource of .nergy Which drive.the biologic.l .yst.m.Fr••hw.t.r .qu.tic communiti..d.riv.c.rbon .n.rgy from t.rr••tri.l .ourc..(allochthonou.org.nic matt.r)or through in.tr••m <.utochthonu.)productivity or •combination of th....ourc...If one p.rt of the community i.di.rupt.d, r.v.rb.ration.m.y be .xp.ri.nc.d throughout the .ntir.sy.t.m. Aqu.tlc .y.t.m.h.v.b••n .ubdivided into .ubordin.t. communiti •••nd are di.cu•••d in this s.ction. B.nthic org.nism. stro.m substr.t ••• .r.tho...••oci.t.d with l.ke bed••nd Th •••organi.m.d.pend on the aV.ilability REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 P~GE 13 of suitab1.sub.trat.mat.ria1s for attachm.nt,n.t bUilding, conc.a1m.nt,mov.m.nt,and burrowing.Str.am b.ntno.diff.rs from that found in quiesc.nt waters in th.r ••p.ct that str.am organi.m.po•••••a vari.ty of adaptation.for·With.tanding stream curr.nts. Th.b.nthic .tr.am community i ••Ktr.m.ly important to th. h.a1th of th..ntir..y.t.m.Many of th•••organism.provide food for oth.r population.within th.aquatic community in th. form of inv.rt.brat.drift.Fish,in particular,ar.d.p.nd.nt on insect larva.and adult in••ct.which originat.in the benthie community. Plankton ar.drifting organi.m.and can b••ith.r plants or animals (phytoplankton and zooplankton).Som.p1ankt.r.may actually hay.f ••b1.pow.rs of lOCOmotion and .in 1ak••may mill around and mov.up and down in th.wat.r column in r ••pon••to light int.n.ity.In str.am.,th.y ar.u.ua11y .ubJ.ct to transport by th.wat.r curr.nt. Phytoplankton ar.compo••d primarily of alga.which .Ki.t singly or a.a col1.ction of on.-c.l1.d plant..In 1ak••,alga. activ.1y grow only in th..uphotic zon..Zoop1ankt.rs f ••d .ith.r on oth.r .p.ci ••of zooplankton or on alga..Plankton i. an .Ktr.m.1y important food .0Qrc.for fi.h,••p.cia11y JQv.ni1. fi.h.Phy.io10gical activit i ••o~zooplankton d.p.nd on wat.r t.mp.ratur.,light,and oMy;.n cont.nt. Phytoplankton prodQction i.important in many subarctic 1ak..and pond.,and ~rhap.in th.low.r r.ach••o~a f.w lar;. riv.rs,production i.g.n.ra1ly low in arctic pond.and 1ak.s. P.riphyton (attach.d alga.)ar.dominant in high-v.10city el.ar water str••ms wh.r.light p.n.tration i.suffici.nt for photosynth.sis,and th.y can also b.important in slow moving or standing .~a110w wat.r.In c.rtain lotic habitats,the evaluation of p.riphyton communiti..provid••an accurat.and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/a~PAGE 14 - i~ "... " r I reliable indicator of water quality.Macrophytes (rooted aquatic plants)are often abundant in shallow lakes and ponds, in the littoral zone of de.p lakes,and along the edges of quiescent rivers.Zooplankton diversity,biomass,and production rates are low in arctic lakes and ponds but are often significant in subarctic lakes. Fish are the most highly studied component of the fresh- water community.In Alaska,fish can be divided into resident and anadromous species.Resident fish live their entire lives in fresh water,often in the same water body.In many regions of Alaska,resident specie.such as Arctic grayling migrate upstream during spring to spawn,then return to d.eper water downstream in the fall to overwinter.Anadromou.fish spawn and hatch in fresh water,live the maJority of their adult lives in saltwater and ret I.lrn to fresh water,usually th_ei r natal strea.m, to spawn.The five species of Pacific salmon which inhabit Ala15kawaters are the most obvious example.of anadromous fish. Sev~ral anadromous salmon species utilize silt-laden glacial rivers as migration corridors to reach clearwater tributary spawning and rearing habitat. Fish occupy a variety of niches within aquatic systems. Somm,like the slimy sculpin live at the bottom of lakes and sWi'l't-flowing stream.and feed primarily on in.ects.Trout and gra~fling may hide under instream cover sueh as debris or log Jam11,or overhanging streambanks,coming to the surf'ace to feed on zooplankton or insects whieh have fallen into the water or whi(:h have drif'ted down from upstream.The.e fish are primarily sight-feeders. Diet and habitat requirements of fish vary with speci.s and lifu stage.For exampl.,adult salmon return from the sea to the1r natal stream to spawn often not f.eding from the time they ente,r fresh wat.r.Th.fish construct redds (spawning nests), in the gravel of the streambed and deposit their eggs.Other REVIEW DRAFT 9/0g/a~PAGE 1~ fish such as Arctic grayling and lake trout are broadcast spawners.Th.pr.f.rr.d size of the gravel 1n which the redds are construct.d vari.s with the speci.s.Salmon favor clear water streams but,in Alaska,often use turbid rivers as migratory corridors.In some cases,redds are dug in the turbid streams,but the n.w1y hatch.d fish move to cl.arer backwat.r sloughs or tributari ••to r.ar.This is the case with both the Kenai and Susitn.riv.r•• Fish are oft.n u••d a."targ.t"organism.in s.tting wat.r quality crit.ria.Th.crit.ria for acce~tab1e wat.r quality .tandard.are u.ua11y d.t.rmin.d with bioa.says,.ith.r in ~i!Y or 10 ~1tC2 using the r.l.vant wat.r .nd .~.ci.s. Aquatic .y.t.ms ar••1so im~ort.nt to wat.rfowl,furb••r.rs, and big g.m..Duck.,g••••,and .wan.fe.d and n ••t n.ar 1ak•• and w.t1and..Many .~.ci ••of wat.rfow1 d.~.nd on .m.rg.nt aqu.tic v.get.tion for food.M.i1ard.,Canada g••••,.nd brant .r..)(.M~l..of wat.rfowl which ~rim.rily con.ume ~lant•• S~.cie..uch a.m.rgan••r.f ••d on .ma11 fi.h .nd de~.nd on th.ir ability to s ••th.ir ~r.y und.r wat.r. B.av.r,mink,and riv.r ott.r..r.among the A1a.ka furb••rers th.t inhabit ri~.ri.n .r....B••v.rs con.truct 10dg..in str.am cours..and w.t1.nd••nd f ••d on v.g.tation along .tream bank..Ott.r.live along .tream bank••nd f ••d on fi.h within .tream..Th.y .r.highly d.~.nd.nt on th.ir .bility to •••th.ir ~r.y. Moo..u..lowland ar••s in the .umm.r and f ••d on .m.rg.nt v.get.tion in w.t1.nd••nd .10ng 1ak.and .tr••m m.rgin..Both b1.ck and brown/grizzly b ••r.con.um..almon Which move into Alaska riv.rs to .~....n in the .umm.r and lat.fall. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8S PAGE 16 - - -- - 2.:~.;:Mari ne Variations in cOAstAl topography,geology,climate,surface hydrology,and physical oceanographic factors i~fluence the di9tribution and abundAnce of marine organisms along Alaska's 33,000 miles of tidal shoreline.The co.stal ecosystem has been intensively studied in .i~geographic.l re~ions in Alaska inc~ludingl (1)Arctic AlaskA,(2)the eering Sea coast,(3) I Kodiak Island,the Ala.ka Penin.ula,and the Aleutian Islands; (4)Cook Inlet,(3)the northern Gulf of Ala.ka,and,(5) southeastern AlaskA.Characteri.tic eco.y.tems that have not been thoroughly .tudied by marine .cientist.h.ve been de.cribed through information derived from similar habitats in other regions. The lower trophic level organi.m.in m.rine and e.tuarlne waters of Alaska are compri.ed of two ;roupSI the producer.and COr1I.umer..The primary producer.are the phytoplankton, macrophytes,ice .lga.,and b.nthic microal;a..Low.r level consum.r.includ.the zooplankton,ichthyoplankton,and intertidal .nd sub-tidal inv.rt.brate..The degree of prQ'ductivity .nd div.rsity among th ••e organism.v.ries throughout Alaska's coa.tal w.ter..Important resource organism..uch ••king cr.?,herring,halibut,salmon,and whale.dep.nd either directly or indirectly on the lower lev.l produc.rs and con.umer.1'01'"th.ir .urvival. Phytopl.nkton undergo se••onal net incr••••••nd d.crea.es in productivity,coincidental to ever changing levels of sunlight,nutrient.,grazing pre••ure,wind mi~in;,and depth of light penetration.Th.maJor phytoplankton groups are the diatoms,dinofl.gell.te.,and naked flag.ll.te..Thes. microscopic plant.collectively repre.ent the energy b.s.1'01'" many high.r form.of m.rin.life such as fish,shellfish, marine birds,and marine mammal..eenthic microal;ae are REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8~PAGE 17 restricted to portions of the subtidal zone that receive sufficient light for photosynthesis. S.aw••ds and s.a ;r.....(macrophyt.s)are common along the rocky shores of the int.rtidal zone and in shallow subtidal ar.as of Ala.ka.S.aw••ds are primitive sp.ci.s that lack root syst.m.and d.riv.th.ir nutri.nt••Hclusiv.ly from the water. E.lgra..i.a common and import.nt marine macrophyt.that roots in ••dim.nt in prot.cted bays,inl.ts,and lagoons along the Alaska coa.t.E.lgra••communiti.s ar.oft.n highly productive and s.rv.a.a maJor food .ourc.for wat.rfowl and as a nur.ery and f ••ding ar.a for many marine vert.brate.and inv.rt.brat ••• Zooplankton ar.the primary con.um.rs in the p.lagic ecosyst.m and s.rv.as a large pot.ntial .n.rgy pool _fo~~ish and whal.s.Zooplankton ar.distribut.d in·al1 Alaska wat.rs with productivity b.ing gr.at ••t in spring and .arly summ.r. T.mp.ratur.and salinity have a maJor .influ.nc.on the distribution of zooplankton,some pr.f.r .stuarin.water., wh.reas oth.r.pr.f.r the op.n wat.r environm.nt.Physical factors such as light l.v.ls and s.a ic.aff.ct th.ir v.rtica1 distribution and productivity rat.s.Virtually all of Ala.ka's comm.rcial1y-important sh.1lfi.h have a zooplanktonic larval sta;.in th.ir 1if.history and sp.nd up to thr••months in the n.ar-surfac.lay.rs f ••ding int.nsiv.ly on phytoplankton b.for. s.ttling on the bottom to matur•• Th.b.ntho.i.compos.d of bottom dwelling or attached inv.rt.br.t..found in the int.rtidal and subtidal zone of the oc.an.Thi.important group may b.divid.d into org.nism. living on the substrate surfac.(epifauna),and tho••liVing in the sub.trat.(infauna).Th.distribution and richn.ss of the subtidal b.nthos within a region is det.rmin.d by a numb.r of factors inclUding s.dim.nt typ.,t.mp.ratur.,salinity, pressure,available food,sp.ci.s comp.tition for space,and larval settling succ.ss.Factors influ.ncing the distribution REVIEW DRAFT 9/0g/e~PAGE 18 ..... - of intertidal invertebrates are substrate availability, competition, Food is mechan isms. and ability to withstand surf and eHposure to air. supplied to bottom invertebrates through several A continuous flux of organic material tb the bottom is provided by dead phytoplankton and zooplankton and the remains of higher organisms.A second important source of - """ - - energy is provided by detritus .ntering the system through river runoff and oc.an currents. An obvious tr.nd among the b.nthos in Alaska is that communities on the contin.ntal sh.lf are rich.r than those beyond the shelf br.ak.This is probably due to the higher primary productivity of n.arshor.wat.rs as compared to offshore wat.rs,a.w.ll a.the high d.tritus input from river syst.ms. Int.rtidal and .ubtidal b.nthic iriv.rtebrat.s serve ~everil imp,ortant func-t ions.Th.y repr•••nt •maJor source of food for shorebirds and wat.rfowl,a.w.ll a.a vari.ty of fish and marine mammals.Du.to th.ir r.latively stationary nature, int.rtidal and subtidal sp.ci ••ar.on.of the most .usc.ptible gro'UI=IS of organisms to damage from w.ter-born.sediments. Consequ.ntly,b.nthic organisms are useful indicators of changes in water quality. 2.4 REFERENCES Burbank.,D.C.,1974.Suspended sediment transport and deposi- tion in ~la.kan Qoa.tal wat.rs with .p.Qial .Ml=lh ••is on remote ••nsing by the ERTS-1 sat.llit..M.S.Th ••is,Univ. of ~la.ka,Fairbank.,Alaska.222 PI=I. Burl"ell,D.C.,1984.Seasonal turbidity l=Iatterns in in Boca de Qu.dra and Sm.aton Say.Int.rim Rel=lort Pr.l=lar.d for U.S. Borax and Ch.miQal Corp.,and PaQifiQ Co.st Molybd.num Co. ~4 1=11=1. Campbell,P.,and S.Elliott,1975.Assessment of centrifuga- tion and filtration a.m.thods for d.t.rmining low concentrations of su.p.nd.d s.dim.nt in natural waters. Fisheri ••and Marin.S.rvic.R••••rch and D.v.lopm.nt Directorat.T.chnical R.port No.~4~,D.partment of the Environm.nt,Winnip.g,Manitoba.19 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/0g/a~PAGE 19 Fischer,~.K.,and G.S.Karabashev,1977.~comparison of the size distribution of suspended particles and their optical properties.Pol.~rchs.Hydrobiol.,24 (suppl.),pp.109- 113. Gibbs,R.J.,1974.Principles of studying suspended materials in water.In:Suspended Solids in Water.Plenum Press, New York,NY,pp.3-15. McCarthy,J.C.,T.E.Pyle,and S.M.Griffin,1974.Light trans- missivity,suspended sediments and the 1e;al definition of turbidity.Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science,2,pp. 291-299. Sharma,G.D.,1979.The ~laskan shelf;hydrographic, sedimentary and geochemical environment.Springer-Verlag, New York,NY.498 pp. U.S.Coast Guard,197e.~n ecological survey in the eastern CMukchi Sea:September-October 1970.WEBSEC-70, Oceanographic Report No.~O (CG 373-~O).206 pp. u.S.Coast Guard,1974.An ecological survey in the Beaufort Seal Au;u~t-September;1971-1972.WEBSEC 71-72, Oceanographic Report No.64 (Ce 373-64).268 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8S PAGE 20 - - - -- ..- - 3.0 PARTICULATE CRITERIA Existing particulates criteria for each state in the United States and for Canadian provinces are summarized in~Sections 3.1 and 3.3,respectively.Information regarding the establishment of water quality parameters and criteria for particulates by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)is also summarized and appears in Section 3.2. Telephone contacts to personnel in each state were made to determine particulates criteria currently used in regulations and guidelines by other stat.s and in Canadian provinces and territories.During the initial telephone contact,each individual interviewed was apprised of the purpose of this study and questioned concerning his/her agency's water quality criteria for instream levels of particulates,specificafiy t'..lrbidity,suspended solids,and settleable solids.Inquiries war'e also made concerning recent or proposed changes to regulations,protected uses of water bodies,availability of separate standards for marine waters (where appropriate),and the basis for any quantitative standards or limitations idlmtified in pertinent regulations.Where particulate standards existed,the interviewee was also questioned as to recognized problems associated with compliance,field sampling, or enforcement of the standards.A copy of pertinent regulations was reque.ted for review from each agency • 3.1 STATES Based on information received durin;telephone interviews and the water quality standards and beneficial water use. identified in individual state regulations,a summary of the designated water uses and associated criteria for turbidity was compiled for the ~O states and District of Columbia (Table 3-1).To the e>etent possible,water use categori.s are similar to the Alaska criteria for ease of comparison.Where REVIEW DRAFT 9/0g/a~PAGE 21 TABLE 3-1 TURBIDITY CRITERIA FOR UNITED STATES AND CANADA Designated Water Use(l)Turbidity Criteria A.B.D.E.C.M NTE (2)50 NTU above ambient C H I J K L H N Arizona E.F (Feb 85) C Territories.and Federal ~ Alabama (Feb 81) Alaska (Apr 84) Arkansas v 84) California (Nov 83) Canada (Provinces. (Feb as) Federal Government International Joint CClIn. (Creat Lakes) Alberta British Columbia Manitoba A B C D E F A.B.O-C A-C J-M E,F C Unknown Unknown A C NTE 5 NTU above ambient when the>~atural turbidity is SO NTU or lessj limit of 10'increase when natural exceeds 50 NTU;maximum increase of 25 NTU narrative NTE 25 NTU above ambient for streams;NTE 5 NTU for lakes narrative NTE 5 NTU above ambient when natural turbidity is SO NTU or less;limit of 10'increase when ambient exceeds 50 NTU.NTE 15 NTU increase;NTE 5 NTU over ambient for lakes NTE 10 NTU above ambient when natural turbidity is SO NTU or less;limit of 20\increase when ambient exceeds SO NTU.NTE SO NTU increasej NTE 5 NTU over ambient for lakes NTE 25 NTU above ambient;NTE 5 NTU over ambient for lakes NTE 2S NTU narrative narrative NTE 25 NTU NTE 25 NTU compensation depth reduction limit of 10\;Secchi disk depth reduction limit of 10' same as M NTE SO NTU in streams;NTE 25 NTU in lakes NTE 10 NTU for cold water fishery in streams and lakes special standards for "unique"lIIaters as low as 3 >NTU change limit ***basin specific standards or ule claslification NTE 10 NTU for trout or coolwater streams ***basin specific standards or ule classification turbidity standards by basin Example:NTE 20\ increase where a.aient is less than 50 JTUj NTE 10 JTU increase where ambient il between 50-100 JTU; NTE 10\increase where alllbient exceeds 100 JTU narrative ***basin specific standards or ule classification Govern.-nt) NTE SO JTU•NTE 10\~rease in Secchi disk depth NTE 25 JTU over ambient (objective only) guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable 5 NTU (draft regulation) NTE 10 JTU for cold water fisheries;NTE 25 JTU for lIIarm water fisheries;narrative proposed as replacement for numeric criteria in draft revisions ~ State New Blrunswi ck Newfoundland Northnest Te."d tori es Nova Scotia Ontario Pri nce~Edward Island Quebec: Saskatchewan Yukon ",,;;,-YColorado"7 \(Jan 8:4) / .Connecticut (Sep 80) Delaware (Jul 83) District of Columbia (Mar 84) Flodda (Feb 8.3) Georgia (Oct 81) Hawaii (Oct 8A.) Idaho (Oct 8:1) 111 inois (Apr 8~.f) Designated Water Use(l) E.F Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown C Unknown A E,F Unknown Unknown A A,E B.0,F,C H-N A-C H-N A,E-C A,O-C A,E-C B A-C A C (special case) A-C,K-N A,B,E-C A,B.O-(j Turbidity Criteria NTE10 "turbidity units"for cold water fisherhs; NTE 25 "turbidity units"for warm water fi sheries; draft revision proposes change to 50 JTU for both uses guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as appli cabl e guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable NTE 10\increase in Secchi disk reading above ambient guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable NTE 5 "turbidity units"(guideline only) NTE 10\increase in nonfilterable residue or less than 3 mg/1 absolute (draft regulation) NTE 25 "turbidity units"over ambient (objective only) guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable NTE 1.0 turbidity unit ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10 JTU above ambient NTE 10 JTU above ambient or more than 25 JTU total narr;Secchi disk transparency mid-summer from 0-6 meters depth ***basin specific standards for lakes NTE 10 NTU above ambient or 25 NTU total NTE 150 NTU in tidal areas of stream basins ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 20 NTU above ambient narrative NTE 29 NTU above ambient;depth of compensation point not reduced more than 10\from ambient narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative NTE 1 turbidity unit streams designated as wild or scenic shall have no alteration of ambient water quality ***basin specific standards or use classification str....:2-15 NTU,NTE 25 NTU estuaries:1.5-3.0 NTU.NTE 5.0 NTU embayments:0.~-3.0 NTU,NTE S.O NTU oceanic waters:0.03-0.10 NTU,NTE 0.20 NTU ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative;also stream water quality requirements for point source discharges outside the mixing zone:NTE 5 NTU above ambient when background is SO NTU or less;NTE 10\increase when background is more than SO NTU,up t~a maximum increase of 25 NTU narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification .3 State Indiana (Mar 84) Iowa (Dec 83) Kansas (Sep a3) Kentucky (Mar 83) Loui si ana (Oct 84) Maine (Sept 79) Maryland (no date) Massachusetts (no date) Michigan (Jun 84) ,MipryesotaV(Feb 81) Mississippi (Jan 8S) Missouri MOntana (Mar a2) Nebraska (Feb 83) Nevada (Nov 84) New Hampshire (May 84) New Jersey (Oct 84) Designated Water Use(l) A,B,D-C A,E-C A,B,E-C A,O-C H,J-N E-C A,E-H,L-N - A,6-<:: A E,C F,C A,E-C Unknown A B,O-C A,B,O-C A,B,O-C A O-C E-C K-N (estuarine) K-N (marine) Turbidity Criteria identified spawning,rearing,or imprinting areas for salmonids NTE 10 JTU total;identified salmonid migration routes NTE 25 JTU total ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 25 NTU above ambient from any point source discharge ***basin specific standards or u~_classification narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification freshwater lakes,reservoirs,and oxbows which are not naturally turbid and designated scenic streams and outstanding resource waters NTE 2S NTU total; other waters NTE 10\increase above ambient ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative;"great ponds"NLT 2 meters Secchi disk transparency or as naturally occurs narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 150 NTU at any time or 50 NTU as a monthly average ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative;for -public water supplies,no inCrease-- above ambient narrative ***basin s ific s n ds 0 use classification NTE 5 a "turbidity value' NTE 10 lIS "turbidity value" NTE 25 s "turbidity valu~ ***draina specific s dards or use cTassificatio narrative;NTE 50 NTU above ambient in proposed amendlllents ***drainage specific standards or use classification na,.rative NTE ambient conditions NTE 5-10 NTU above ambient ***dnfnage specific standards 01'use classification NTE 10\increase above lIIlIbi ent ***drainage specific standards or use classification none as general criteria;stream/reach specific c,.fteria NTE 10-50 NTU.based on location ***d,..inage specific standards or use classification NTE 5 "turbidity units" NTE 10 "turbidity units"in cold water fisheries nor 25 "turbidity units"in warm water fisherfes NTE 15 NTU for 30-day average; NTE 50 NTU max.at any time NTE 10 NTU for 30-day average; NTE 30 NTU max.at any time NTE 10 NTU ***basin specific standards or use classification .14 - - New Mexico (Feb 8.5) New York (Sep 71+) North Car,:)l ina (Jan 8:5) North Dakl)ta (Apr 8~5) Ohio Oklahoma (1982) Oregon (Aug 8 ' f) Pennsyl vard a (Feb 8~.) Rhode rs I alnd (Dec 811,) South Caroll ina (Feb 851) South Oakota (Aug 84) Tennessee (no date) Texas Utah (Oct 78) Vermont (Jan 85) Designated Water Use(l) E-C I,K-N A,E-C K-M Unknown A,S,O-G E-G Unknown A A C E B,D,F K,H (high quality) A,S.O-G A,S.O-c J-M A B o E-C C(non-game) A narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative narrative NTE SO NTU in streams other than trout waters; NTE 10 NTU in streams,lakes.or'-l"eservoirs designated as trout waters NTE 25 NTU;if ambient exceeds this level,no increase is allowed narrative narrative NTE 50 NTU in warm water streams; NTE 25 NTU in warm water lakes; NTE 10 NTU in cold water streams. ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10\increase over ambient ***basin specific standards or use classification effluent standards only;do not attempt to control in-stream water quality ***basin specific criteria for Delaware River CcclInfssion NTE 5 JTU;none of other than natural origin NTE 10 JTU NTE lS JTU narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification natural conditions maintained NTE 10\above ambient none none natural conditions maintained ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification; also seasonal criteria narrative narrative narrative none;case by case determination none;case by case determination none NTE 10 NTU above ambient for natural conditions less than 100 NTU;NTE 113'increase when ambient conditions exceed 100 NTU NTE 15 NTU above ambient with provisions for case by case determination ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10 NTU or ambient,whichever is lower NTE 10 NTU for cold water fish habitat;NTE 25 NTU for warm water fish habitat ***basin specific standards or use classification; ~rOVision for seasonal crfteria for fish habitats State Virginia (Oct 84) Washington (Jun 82) West Virginia (1983 ) Wisconsin (NoY 79) Wyoming (Sep 83) Designated Water Use(1) A,E-G A,E,C,K,M,N B,0,C,J,L A,B,e-c (lakes) Unknown A,B,e-c A,B,e-c Turbidity Criteria narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 5 NTU over ambient when background is 50 NTU or less;NTE 10\increase when background is more than 50 NTU NTE 10 NTU over ambient when background is 50 NTU or less;NTE 20\increase when background is more than 50 NTU. NTE 5 NTU over ambient ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10 NTU over ambient nar:-ative ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10/15 NTU increase over ambient,depending on water class Designated Water Uses Comparable to Alaska Categories Designated Water Uses: A B C o E F G Designated Water Uses: H I J K L M N Fresh Water Water Supply:drinking,culinary,food processing Water Supply:agriculture,irrigation,stock watering -Water Supply:aquaculture Water Supply:industrial Water Recreation:contact Water Recreation:secondary Crowth and Propagation of Fish,Shellfish,and Wildlife Marine Water Water Supply:aquaculture Water Supply:seafOOd processing Water Supply:industrial Water Recreati on:contact Water Recreation:secondary Crowth and Propagation of Fish,Shellfish,and Wildlife Harvesting for COnsllllPtion of Raw Mollusks or Other Raw Aquatics (2)NTE •Not to EXceed NLT •Not Less Than ap~ll'~opriate, prs!sented. turbidity ~riteria for marine waters are also r"", Although many states identify beneficial or prdtected water uses similar to those in the Alaska ~riteria,it is apparent that water quality ~oncerns associated with parti~ulates are approached differently by other state agencies.As a result of interviews and review of individual state standards,it was evident that turbidity and sediment ~oncerns differ among agencie.because of: (1)The presence of naturally turbid systems ~arrying high sediment loads; (2)Difficulties of addressing seasonal fluctuations in particulate concentrations; (3)AQuatic flora and fauna adapted to warm water systerns versus ~old water ecosystems, (4)Philosophical approach to turbidity control (instream water quality standards versus control of point sour~. effl uents), (3)Lack of specific studies which document the threshold for adverse impacts to aQuatic resources or water uses; and, (6)Lack of basin-specific information on the natural occurrence of partiCUlate loads. None of the water resource agencies contacted were able to provide specific information to document the background information for setting Quantitative criteria in their water quality regulations.In g.neral,most respondents were unaware of their state's basis for turbidity,suspended solids,or settleable solids criteria e~cept in referenc.to Hgenerally acclltpt.d"standards or the "R.d Book"<EPl=l 1975).West Virginia ~urrently has studies in progress on trout streams and heavily industrialized waterways that will attempt to correlate par1:iculate standards with identifiable impacts to biota.Idahcl REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/Se PAGE 27 is currently involved ~itn a "serious inJuryll task force ~hich is attempting to define thresholds of impact and acceptable levels of inJury to stream systems and biota. Personnel in sev.ral stat.s acknowledg.d that the implem.ntation of turbidity criteria was not aggressively pursued b.caus.th.ir st.ndard.do not addr••s natural or sea.onal turbidity and/or the diff.r.nc••b.tw••n co~d and warm ~ater aquatic .ystem..Some individuals int.rview.d felt that the standards were unr••sonably low or did not have a scientific basis.Other agenci.s focus their conc.rns on effluent standard.for point .ourc.discharg..and b.st management practices from non-point sourc.discharg••,.s••ntially avoiding r.gul.tion of in.tr••m wat.r quality. Approximat.ly .30 p.rc.nt of the st.t••·(17)only have gen.ral narr.tiv.crit.ria d.fining turbidity limit..Th ••e narr.tiv.crit.ri.r.ng.from g.n.r.1 "antid.grad.tion ll .t.t.- ments to bro.d guid.lin.s th.t prohibit turbidity l.vels which would imp.ct oth.r u••s.Th.r.maining 70 p.rc.nt (33 .t.t.s) nave at l.a.t .ome prot.cted w.t.r us.s with qu.ntitative crit.ria for in.tr••m turbidity.V.ryf.w st.t..have established quantitative turbidity erit.ria for all water us.s. Evalu.tion of 20 .tat..which h.ve qu.ntit.tiv.turbidity crit.ria and cold-wat.r .y.tems .imil.r to Ala.ka r.v.al.d th.t th.ir turbidity st.nd.rds for r.cr••tion .nd fi.h and wildlife prop.gation .'1"'.num.ric.lly .qual to or,in mo.t e ••••,more string.nt than Al ••k.criteria for the....me us.s.Th. turbidity .tandard.for lak••are also eomparabl •• Of the 22 .t.t••with m.rin.or ••tu.rine w.t.r.along th.ir bord.rs,14 have sp.cific crit.ria for turbidity in marin.or tidal wat.rs.Of th...14 .tat••,.ev.n .mploy quantitative criteria. REVIEW DRAFT g/Og/a~P~GE 28-- A summary of states with narrative or quantitative criteria for instream wAter quality pertaining to suspe~ded a~d settle- able solids is presented i~Table 3-2.None of the states have qua~titative criteria for settleable solids leveltlj O~ly four states other tha~Alaska,Nevada,New Jersey,South Dakota,a~d We.t Virgi~ia.currently hAve numeric standArds for suspended solids in the water column.Nevada employs specific limits for some stre.m reaches.The eKisting or higher quality is to be maintained where the natural suspe~ded solids conce~tration is eq~.l to or le••than 1~mg/L.The limit for the protectio~of all beneficial uses in the upper reaches of a watershed is 25 rng/IL.a~d eo mg/L in the lower reaches.New Jersey limits suspended solids concentrations to 25 to 40 mg/L on specific stri.ams while South DAkotA has A 30 mg/L MAKimum limit for coldwater fisheries.West Virginia employs a 30 mg/L mAKi~um suspended solids concentration in receiving WAters.Of ·the rem.ining sta~es,17 have general narrative statements addressing these pArameters.The balAnce of the states do not con!lider suspended or settleAble solids in their general water qUAlity criteria.HaWAii is the only state which has est~blished standards for mAKimum allowable depth of deposition for .ettleable solids.Alaska is the only state with standArds add,~essing the accumulation of sediments as a maKimum percent by wei~ht of spAwning bed gravels. Most states nave appr-oAcned the problems of suspended and set1~le.ble sol ids by regulAt ing the rnaM iml"Lm concentrat ion allowable in effll"Lents dischar-g.d from point sOl"Lrces.Control of non-point sOI"Lr-ces are generally addressed by best mAnagement prac:tices or-sp.cial conditions attAched to proJect al"Ltt,or i zat ions. 3.2 U.S.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY This .ection summarizes information used by EPA to establish wAtllr ql"LAlity pArameters and criteria for particulates. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/eSPAGE 2Cl State TABLE 3-2 SUSPENDED AND SETTLEABLE SOLIDS CRITERIA FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Suspended/Settleable Solids Criteria(1) ....., Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Cal ifornia Canada (Provinces,Territories,and Federal Federal Covernment International Joint Commission (Great Lakes) Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswi ck Newfoundland Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawai i none narratives for most water uses sprinkler irrigation:no particles 0.074 or coarser;NTE 200 mg/l for an extended period;fish,shellfish,& wildlife:'accumulation of sediment 0.1 nun to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of spawning waters NTE 5'increase by weight over natural conditions;in no case may sediments in the 0.1 mm to 4.0 mm range exceed 30'by weight in the gravel of spawning beds none none narrative Covernment) narra.;regulations for effluents for some industrial processing and mining (other than gold)are limits of 25 mg/l maximum monthly arithmetic mean narrative NTE to mg/l over amQient (objective only) ·rione narrative (draft regulations) none none none none none none none NTE 10 mg/l over ambient (objective only) none;proposed effluent standardt2~or stream classes based on biological productivity high biological importance -no suspended solids effluent discharge IIOd.rate biological illlpOl"tance -NTE tOO mg/l suspended solids in effluent low biological importance -NTE tOOO mg/l suspended solid.unle••it i.tributary to a higher class st.....(then it must meet 100 mg/l effluent fotandard) designated placer mining areas -NTE 1000 mg/l su.p.nded solids unle••it is tributary to a higher class stre..(then it must meet 100 lII9/1 effluent standard) narrative;also use effluent limitations and best management practices none narrative;also use effluent limits none none none standards for maximum depth of deposition - __...:S::.;t:;:a:.,:t!.- Idaho r llinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusl!tts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshi re New Jersey New Mexico, New York North carol ina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Vi rginia Washington West Virgil,ia Wisconsin Wyoming Suspended/Settleable Solids Criteria(l) narrative none narrative for salmonid waters none narrative narrative for aquatic life waters narrative narrative effluent limits on suspended solids in treated sewage none narrative narrative;also effluent standard of 30 mg/l for treated sewage none none none narrative narrative;specific mg/1 limits for some stream reaches none narrative and 2S-~0 mg/l limits on specific streams none narrative narrative none narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative and 30 mg/1 limit for coldwater fisheries narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative none 30 mg/1 maximum narrative;also effluent limit of 30 mg/1 narrative;also effluent limit of 30 mg/l (1 I (2) NTE •Not to Exceed Sourcn:Department of Fisheries and Oceans.1983.A rationale for standards relating to discharge of sediments into Yukon streams for placer mines.Environment Canada.New Westminster.BritiSh Columbia.24 pp. 31 According to Keup (1983),there are eight reports of primary interest to this subJect:the "Blu.Book"(NAS 1973),"Red Book"(EPA 1976),"Gr.en Book"(Sorensen et a1.197.7),three EPA fund.d proJects compl.ted in 1978 and 1979 (Iwamoto et ale 1976; Farnworth et ala 1979,Muncy et ale 1979),and two current reports by Camp,Or••••r &McK..(Georg.and Lehnig 1964; Clarkson .t ale 198~). The Blu.Book,or ~.1.~__QY.!11~__~~11.~1~_1~lg,presents discussions of turbidity and sediment only in relation to drinking wat.r and agricultural us.s of wat.r.R.commendations regarding turbidity and susp.nded solids concentrations in wat.r us.d for these purposes were not mad.,apparently because of the lack of information regarding the effects of particulat.s. Th.Red Book,or Q~.!1~~_~~lt.~i._!2~~~.tt~,established the fir.t EPA crit~rion for .olid.(.u.pended,settleable)a~d turbidity to protect fr.shwat.r fish and other aquatic life. The criterion is."Settleable and suspended solids .hould not reduce the depth of the compensation point for photosynthetic activity by more then 10 percent from the seasonally established norm for aquatic life."Thi.criterion,as well a.all others in the Red Book,was reviewed by the American Fisheries Society (Thurston et ale 1979),who state that the criterion is difficult to apply under most conditions and impo.sible to apply in others.According to the reviewer.,"it attempt.to make solids and turbidity .ynonymou.,which they are not,and no method i.propose for measl.lring the compen.ation point.II Oth.r problem.noted by the reviewer.include.(1)The use of a compensation point is meaningle••in shallow water bodies where the phot ic zone eMtends to the bottom,and,(2)It is unrealistic to eMpect adequate data to be available for all points to determine a "seasonally established norm II for the compen.ation point.The reviewers recommended that the criterion be rewritten with solids and turbidity considered separately. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/83 PAGE 3~ - - - .... ...... The Green Book by Sorensen et al.(1977)is a literature review of the .ff.ct.of dissolved and su.pend.d solids on freshwater biota.Included ar.the effects of suspended solids on aquatic photosynth.tic systems,zooplankton and m.croinverte- brates,salmonid fishes,oth.r fishes,aesth.tic pr.ference,and public and industrial water supply.MaJor conclusions derived from this review concerning the biological effects of suspended solids include.(1)~cute effects on specific organisms were difficult to demonstrate,(2)Susp.nded solids have significant ef'ects on community dynamics due to turbiditYI (3)Suspended solids may have significant effects on community succession, con1munity stabi 1 ity,and fish avoidance react ion.;(4)Sediments may serve as a r ••ervoir of toxic chemicals;and,(~)Relatively hi'lh su.pended .olids were needed to cau.e behavioral reactions (20,000 mg/L)or death (200,000 mg/L.)in fi.h over the short Of the thre.EP~funded proJect.completed in 1978 and 1979, Iwamoto et al.(1978)is the most applicable to this .tudy since it presents an extensive literature review empha.izing frll'.hwater .almonid habitats.Farnworth et al.(1979)review.d literature d.aling with impacts of .ediment,nitrog.n,and phc1sphorus on aquat ic biota in order to .ugg••t future re••arch and'manag.m.nt .chemes for fr.shwat.r .yst.ms.Muncy et al. (1979)r.vi.wed lit.ratur.regarding the effects of su.p.nd.d .olids and s.diment on the reproduction and early life of warmwater fish.s.Th.ir review cite.lit.ratur.that provide• •vid.nce of detrimental eff.ct.of .ediment on reproductive b.havior,.mbryonic d.v.lopment,larval d.v.lopment,and Juvenil ••• The Camp,Dr••••r &McK.e r.ports ar.the mo.t rec.nt EP~ fund.d lit.ratur.r.view..!wCQ1Q1t~_.nQ_§2l1Q§by a.orge and Lehnig (1984)summarizes recent literature pertaining to the impact.of turbidity and sedim.nt on primary production and on the surVival,growth,and propagation of zooplankton, REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8e PAGE 3a mac~oinverteb~ates,and fish.Nume~ical data from several key investigations are presented including results from bioassay studies,state water quality standards,and Alaska and Canada plac.r mining studi.s.In addition,the ~eport examin.s Canadian water qu.lity obJectiv.s for turbidity,supporting ration.le,guid.line.for s.tting turbidity and s.dim.nt stand.rds,.nd recommend.d l.vel.for the protection of a vari.ty of w.ter use.ir.Canada. Th.~~g~212~i~__~••!.__!2~__3~.~.ng.g __321!g.__g~iI.~!~by Cl.~kson .t .1.(19SS)di.cu......v.r.l f.ctor.th.t are important to the d.v.lopm.nt of.w.t.r qu.lity crit.rion for su.pend.d solid./turbidity for the proteetion of .quatic biot •• Th...factor.includ.r.gion.l,physiographic,.nd ••••on.l consid.ration.,and r.l.ted hydrologic ph.nom.n..The natural solids loading to •wat.rbody will v.ry 'rom .it.to .i~., d.pending upon physiographic f.ctor.(including slop.,soil typ.,and type of ground cover).nd upon r.inf.ll .nd runoff. Hence,s.asonal and r.gion.l crit.ri.n ••d to b.d.v.lop.d that take into account the .ignific.nc.of natur.l .nd oth.r nonpoint source loadings.W.t.r qu.lity crit.ri.should b.d.v.lop.d for susp.nd.d .olids in the wat.r column .s w.ll as for ••ttl.d s.dim.nt,and th...crit.ria n ••d to .ddr...the compl.x .itu.tion of toxic..orb.d to .usp.nd.d .nd ••ttl.d .olids. Additionally,the .ff.ct.of .ust.in.d .xpo.ur.to .u.p.nd.d solids v.r.us short-t.rm storm-r.lat.d pul •••n ••d to b.qu.nti- fi.d.~lthou;h th.r.port do..not r.comm.nd crit.ri.to prot.ct .qu.tic 1if.,it do....t.blish •fr.m.work for consid.r.tion of r.gion.l,••••on.l,.nd biologic.l f.ctor •• 3.3 CANADIAN PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES Th.Canadian f.d.r.l gov.rnm.nt,through the office.of Environment C.n.da .nd the C.n.di.n Council of R••ource and Environm.nt Minist.rs (CCREM),••t.blishes guid.lin..and obJ.ctiv.s for w.t.r qu.lity p.r.m.t.r.for the provinces and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE 34 - - - -i te~ritories.They also prepare guidelines and r.gulations which address specific activities Ce.g.,M.tal Mining Liquid Effluent Regulations and Guidelines;Potato Processing Plant Liquid Effluent Regulation.and Guidelin••,Fi.h Proc.ssing Operations Liquid Effluent Guidelines;Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulation.).Th.CCAEM Ta.k Force on Wat.r Quality Guid.lines ha..prepared an In~.nt2l:~__2!__~At.l:__QY.A!lt~__!i!::l1g.!ln.!!__~ng QQ~.~tl~~~__l~§~which contain.a compilation of guid.lines and obJectives currently used in Canada (CCREM 1985).From these guidelines,the gov.rnm.nt.of the provinc.s and t.rritorie. dev.lop specific water quality crit.ria. The current .tandard.for turbidity in Canadian province. anel t.rritorie.app.ar in Tabl.3-1.In addition to provincial r.~ulations,the f.deral gov.rnment ha•••tablish.d .tandards foy'certain wat.r u ••s and has promulgated .tandard.for boundary wat.rs with the Unit.d Stat..(Int.rnational Joint Commis.ion--Gr.at Lak••).Only Manitoba and Ontario have dev.lop.d .nforc.abl.regUlation.for .om.water u....The r.N.aining provincial gov.rnm.nt.only have obJ.ctiv.s, gUid.lin.s,or draft r.gulation.at this tim..Sritish Columbia,N.w Brun.wick,N.wfoundland,Northw••t T.rritori.s, Nova Scotia,Prine.Edward I.land,and the Yukon T.rritory us. th.1 guid.l in.s of oth.r ag.nci..on a ca..by ca••basi •• Quantitative turbidity criteria for recr.ation and for fi.h and wildlife propagation are comparabl.to Ala.ka crit.ria for th ••• sam.wat.r u•••• Wat.r quality .tandard.for suspend.d and ••ttl.abl.solids in Canadian provine..and t.rritori..app.ar in Tabl.3-2. Th.'r.ar.no r.gulat ion.for wat.r col urnn .tandard.curr.nt ly in effect.Quantitativ.crit.ria for Alb.rta and Sa.katch.wan are obJective.only.Th.Yukon T.rritory has propos.d .ffluent standards for su.p.nd.d and ••ttl.able solid.ba••d on classes of biological productiVity of the r.c.iving water. REVIEW CRAFT 9/09/a~PAGE!S 3.4 REFERENCES CCREM,1965.I~v.~tory of water quality guid.li~es and obJectives 1964.Prepared by Canadia~Cou~cil ~Resource, a~d Environment Mi~isters Task Force on Water Quality Guide- lines,Ottawa.90 pp.+Table. Clarkson,C.C.,D.E.Lehnig,S.V.Plante,R.S.Taylor,and W.M. Williams,1ge~.Hydrologic basis for suspended solids criteria.Prepared for Enviro~mental Protection Agency by Camp,Dresser &McKee,Annandale,VA. - EPA,1976.Quality criteria for Protection Agency,Washington,D.C. water. 2~3 pp. Environmental Farnworth,E.G.,M.C.Nichols,C.N.Van~,L.G.Wolfson,R.W. Bosserma~,P.R.He~drix,F.B.Golley,and J.L.Cooley,1979. Impacts of sediments and nutrients on biota in surface waters of the United States.EPA-600/3-79-10~, Environmental Protection Agency,Washington,D.C.,Athens, GA.333 pp. George,T.S.,and D.E.Lehnig,1964.Turbidity and solids. Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency by Camp, Dresser &McKee,Annandale,VA._ Iwamoto,R.M.,E.O.Salo,M.A.MadeJ,and R.L.McComas,1976. Sediment and water quality:a review of'the literature including a sugge.ted approach for water quality criteria with summary of workshop and conclusions and recommendations by E.O.Salo and R.L Rullfson.EPA-Sl0/S-7e-046, Environmental Protection Agency,Region X,Seattle,WA. - - Keup,L.E.,1983. Environmental Communication Inc.on May S. Criteria and Standards DivisiQn,U.S. Protection Agency,Washington,D.C.,Personal to Larry Peterson,L.A.Peterson &Associates, Muncy,R.J.,G.J.Atchison,R.V.Bulkley,B.W.Menzel,L.G. Perry,and R.C.Summerfelt,lS7S.Effects of suspe~ded solids and sediment on reproduction and early life of warm- water fishe..a review.EPA-600/3-7S-042.Environme~tal Protection Agency,Corvallis,OR. NAS,1973.Water quality criteria 1972.EPA Ecol.Res.Series EPA-R3-73-033,Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency by National Academy of Science.,National Academy of Engineering,Washington,D.C.~S4 pp. Sorensen,D.L.,M.M.McCarthy,E.J.Middlebrooks,and D.B Porcella,1S77.Suspended and dissolved solids ef'fects on freshwater biotal a review.EPA-600/3-77-042,Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,Office of Research and Oevelopment,Environmental Protection Agency,Corvallis, OR.64 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/e5 PAGE ~ - --- .... ...... Thl.lrston,R.V.,R.C.Russo,C.M.Fetterol f,.Jr.,T.A.Edsall, Y.M.Barber,.Jr.(eds.),1979.A review of the EPA Red Book~quality criteria for water.Water Quality Section, ~m.rican Fisheries Society,Bethesda,MD.313 PP • REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/a~PAGE 3' 4.0 ADEQUACY AND SCIENTIFIC MERIT OF ALASKA CRITERIA This section summarizes Alaska criteria for water su~ply, recreation,and protection of biota for both fresh and marine waters;summarizes scientifically documented levels of tl"lrt:l1dity,suspended solids,settleable solids,and fine particles in streambeds that have demonstrated effects on various water uses;and,presents suggested criterla from the lit en~at urea 4.1 ALASKA CRITERIA The purpose of this section is t~describe protected water uses for both fresh and marine water,and existing turbidity.and sediment criteria for the various protected 1.lses.8.efo--.re describing the protected water uses and particulates criteria, however,four points.are made to enhance the reader's under- standing of the standards.First,the standards apply only to human activities which result in alterations to waters within the state.In this context,the standards constitute the level of degradation which may not be exceeded in a water body. Second,sediment refers to particulates in the water column as well as particulates that settle to the ~ottom.Sediment 1n the water column may be measured as total suspended solids or settleable solids (Easton 1985).Third,the methods of analysis used to determine water quality are in accordance with 2~~ng~~~ !!!@~b.2Q.§__fQl::__~t1!!LE21i!mln!!~iQn_!2f_~!!t@~_!!n!;L~e§~@~sUn:(APHA 1 9aO) and ~~~n!2g~__!2l::__~t1.mis!!1__en~1~.i~__2f__~!!~~l::__!!ng_~s§~~~(EPA 1979).This requirement insures that accepted methods are used for measuring turbidity,total suspended solids,and settleable solids.Fourth,if a w.ter is classified for more than one use, the most stringent w.ter Quality criteri.of all the included uses applies.All waters in Alaska except the lower Chena River and Nol~n Creek and all its tribut~ries,c~cludinQ ACMe Crg~K. are classified for all uses.Therefore,the most stringent criteria ~pplie5 to all waters except tMoze noted above.The REVIEW Dr;AFT V1Q9/85 PAGE 3. - - - criteria for protection of drinking rec::reat ion are tne most stringent fol'" necessarily the most stringent for pal~amet.rs. water sources and contact particulates,but are not all otner water quality Existing turbidity and sediment standards for the protection of identified water uses in both fresn and marine waters appeal'" bel~ow CADEC 1985)I FRESH WATER 1.WATER SUPPLY.DRINKING,CULINARY,AND FOOD PROCESSING Iy~~1g1!~:Snall not exceed 5 NTU above natural conditions when the natural turbidity is 50 NTU or l.ss,and not nave more than 10 percent increase in turbidity wnen the naturAl condition is more th~n.50 NTU,not to exceed a maximu~ increase of 25 NTU. §.a1m.n!1 No increase in concentrations of sediment, including settleable solids,above natural conditions. 2.WATER SUPPLY.AGRICULTURE,INCLUDING IRRIGATION AND STOCK WATERING Ig~~igi!~:Shall not cause detrimental effects on indicated ~.aim~n!1 For sprinkler irrigation,water shall be free of particles of 0.074 mm or coars.r.For irrigation or water spreading,snall not exceed 200 mglL for an extended period of time. 3.WATER SUPPLY.AQUACULTURE !y~gig1i~1 Shall not exceed 25 NTU above natural condition level.For all lake waters,shall not exce.d 5 NTU over natural conditions. §§a1m.n!1 No imposed loads that will interfere with estab- lisned water supply treatment levels. 4.WATER SUPPLY:INDUSTRIAL IYr~ig1i~:Shall not cause detrimental .ffects on estab- lished water supply treatment levels. REVIEW DRAFT '/49/85 PAGE ~ 3~glmHnlf No imposed loads that will interfere with estab- liahed water supply treatment levels. 5.WATER RECREATION:CONTACT RECREATION I~r~lgl!~:Shall not exceed S NTU above natural conditions when the natural turbidity is 50 NTU or lesa,and not have more than 10 percent increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than 50 NTU,not to exceed a maximum increase of 15 NTU.Shall not eHceed 5 NTU over the natural condition for all lake waters. §~gim~nt:No increase in concentrations of sediment, including settleable solids,above natural conditions. G.WATER RECREATION:SECONDARY RECREATION I~r~lg11~1 Shall not exceed 10 NTU over natural conditions when natural turbidity is 50 NTU or less,and not have more than 20 percent increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than'50 NTU,not to eHceed a maximum increase of 50 NTU.For all lake waters turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU over natural conditions. e.gim.nt=Shall not pose hazards to incidental human contact or cause interference with the use. 7.GROWTH AND pROPAGATION OF FISH,SHELLFISH,AND OTHER AQUATIC LIFE IYr~lg11~=Shall not eHceed 23 NTU above natural condition level.For all lake waters,shall not exceed 3 NTU over natural conditions. §.g1m.nll The percent accumulation of fine sediment in the range of 0.1 mm to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of waters utilized by anadramous or resident fish for spawning may not be increased more than 5 percent by weight over natural condition <as shown from grain size accumulation graph). In no case may the 0.1 mm to 4.0 mm fine sediment range in the gravel bed of waters utilized by anadramous or resident fish for spawning exceed a maximum of 30 percent by weight (as shown from grain size accumulatio!"l graph).In all other surface waters no sediment loads (suspended or deposited) which can cause adver••effects on aquatic a!"limal or plant life,their reproduction,or habitat. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE~ - - - MARINE WATER 1.WATER SUPPLY:AQUACULTURE I~r~igi!~:Shall not eHce.d 23 NTU. §~gim~n!:No imposed loads that will interfere with estab- lished water supply tr.atment levels. WATER SUPPLY:SE~FOOD PROCESSING I~r~igi!~:Shall not int.rfere with disinfection. §.gim!lD!1 Below normally d.tectabl.amounts. WATER SUPPLY:INDUSTRIAL I~r~!g!!~:Shall not cause detrimental effects on estab- lish.d levels of water supply treatm.nt. §.g1m.oi:No impos.d loads that will interf.r.with ••tab- lished water supply treatment levels. 4.WATER RECREATION:CONTACT RECREATION I~r~ig!!~:Shall not.~c••d 2~~TU~ §.sim!ln!:No m.asureabl.incr••••in conc.ntration above natural condition•• 5.WATER RECREATION:SECONDARY RECREATION I.!=u:a.!gi!~:Shall not .Hc••d 2~NTU.-§.gim.D!1 Shall not po••hazards to incid.ntal human contact or cau••interfer.nc.with the us••-,5.GROWTH AND PROPAGATION OF FISH,SHEL.L.FISH,AND OTHER AQUATIC LIFE I~r~!gi~~:Shall not r.duc.the depth of the comp.nsation point for photosynth.tic activity by more than 10 percent. In addition,shall not r.duc.the ma~imum S.cchi disk d.pth by more than 10 p.rc.nt. §~gim~D!:No measureable increase in concentrations above natural conditions. 7.HARVESTING FOR CONSUMPTION OF RAW MOL.L.USKS OR OTHER RAW AQUATIC LIFE I~r~igi1~:Shall not reduce the d.pth of the compensation point for photosynth.tic activity by more than 10 percent. REVIEW DRAFT ,1_9/8:5 PAGE-41 In addition,shall not reduce the maximum Secchi disk depth by more than 10 percent. §~g1m~n~:Not applicable. 4.2 DEMONSTRATED EFFECTS OF PARTICULATES 4.2.1 Water Supply The effects of particulates on water supply summarized in this section include information pertaining to both fresh and marine waters.Fresh wat.r us.s include drinking,culinary,and food processing;agriculture;a~uaculture;and industrial. Marine uses include a~uaculture,seafood processing,and indus- trial.The effects of particulates on these various water uses are ~uantified in this section where possible. The extent ~o which suspended solids can be tolerated .in water supplies varies widely.Solids in water used for drinking,culinary,and food processing can support growth of harmful microorganisms and reduce the effectiveness of chlorina- tion,resulting in health hazards.For most water supplies, high levels of suspended solids are obJectionable for aesthetic reasons and can interfere with treatment processes and chemical and biological tests.Suspended solids may also transport nutrients and toxic substance.,such as pesticides,herbicides, and certain metals. The amount of partiCUlate.allowable in raw water supplies depends on the type and degree of treatment used to produce finished water.Soren.en et al.(1977)note that an excellent source of water supply,re~uiring only disinfection as treatment,would have a turbidity range of 0 to 10 units.A good source of water supply,requiring usual treatment such as filtration and disinfection would have a turbidity range of 10 to 250 units.Waters with turbidities over 250 units are poor sources of water supply re~uiring special or auxiliary treatment REVIEW DRAFT 9/49/83 PAGE4~ ...." - - - - "I"" ! I and disinfection.The ability of common water treatment processes (i •••,coagulation,s.dim.ntation,filtration,and chlorination)to remove suspend.d matter to achieve water with acceptably low turbidity is a function of the compo~ition of the material as well as its concentration (EPA 1976).The type of plankton,clay,or .arth particl.s,their siz_,and .lectrical charges,influ.nc.coagulation more than the number of turbidity units (NAS 1973).For .~ampl.,a wat.r with 30 turbidity units may coagulate more rapidly than on.with ~to 10 units and water with 30 turbidity unit..om.tim..may b.more difficult to coagulate than wat.r with 100 unit.(NAS 1973). Although the Ala.ka crit.ria for drin~ing wat.r r.f.r to a ~ NTlJ incr....in turbidity above background in raw water,the foHowing information p.rtaining to turbidity l.vels -in fini.hed drinking wat.r is provid.d to giv.th.reade~a f ••ling for ~he importanc.of low turbidity l.vel..It should b.not.d that raw wa1 ••r at a low tl,lY"'bidity 1.v.l i.the .ame a.fini.hed drinkir,!; wat.r with respect to the following information.Sruvold (H~7~),reporting the re.ult.of a conSl,lmer acceptance surv.y of finish.d tap water conduct.d by Harris,notes that 11 p.rc.nt of tho r.spond.nt.Judged ~turbidity unit.to be acceptable for drinking wat.r.This wat.r also had 1~color unit.and a th'....hold odor nl,lmb.r of 3.For drinking wat.r,~unit.of turbidity b.come obJectionable to a con.id.rable numb.r of p.c)pl.,and many people tl,lrn to alternate .l,lppl i ••which may be l.tl••af..Symon.and Hoff (197:;)di.cu••the r.lationship b.t:w.en part iculate.in water and the pr.s.nc.of di ••a.e- cau.ing organi.m..Low l.vel.of particl,llat.s int.rf.re with d itd,"f.ct ion and can prev.nt maintenance of an .ffect iva dil,inf.ctant agent C••g.,chlorine)throughout the distribl,ltion .yst.m.Indication.ar.that bact.ria and virus..can b. prot.ct.d by c.rtain kind.of particl ••from inactivation by chlorin..Inorganic particl ••can cal,l••turbidity and probably have no b.arfng on the pot.ntial prot.ction of pathogens.Small organic particl.s,how.v.r,may prot.ct pathog."s.Therefore, REVIEW DRAFT ~/49/8:;pAGE~1 in evaluating water supplies,the nature of the particles in the water should be taken into account.Hence,if only disinfection is applied,the raw water source should be limited to low levels of particulates.George and Lehnig (1984)note that a level of 5 turbidity units should not be eHceeded for drinking water. EP~(1976)notes that finished drinking water should have a ma)(imum limit of 1 turbidity unit where the water enters the distribution system. Agricultural uses of water containing suspended solids may be adversely affected in many ways.Deposition of suspended sediments reduce.the capacity of irrigation structures and systems and decrease reservoir storage capacity (King et ale. 1978).Oeposition on land can produce cru.ts that innibit water infiltration and plant emergence,impede.soil aeration,and can contribute to salinity j:iroblems by hindering .leaching of saUn. soils (King et al.1978).High colloidal content in water used for sprinkler irrigation may re.ult in deposition of films on leaf surface.that may reduce photosyntnetic activity and, therefore,growth.The film.may also affect marketability of leafy vegetable crop••uch a.lettuce (NAS 1973). Quality requirements regarding tne amount of particulates vary among different indu.trial uses.For eHample,rayon manufacture require.water with only 0.3 turbidity units, wherea.water u.ed for cooling can have up to ~O turbidity units (McGauhey 1968).Although industrial cooling water can tolerate relatively high level.of .u.pended solids without .ignificant problems,modern high pre••ure boiler.require water that is Virtually free of all impurities (HaeM 1983).The quality requirement.eve,...vary within some industries,.uch a.the pI-lIp and paper industry.Different processes within this industry require different levels of turbidity.The groundwood process is the least sen.itive to partiCUlates and can tolerate up to SO turbidity units,the kraft process up to 25 units,the soda and .... - r I sulfite process up to 15 units,And light paper production tol.r&t ••up to 3 turbidity units (McGauhay 1968). Crit.ria .stabli.h.d for evaluating and id.ntifying water treatment n ••ds for fish hatch.rie.by Sigma Resource ConsultAnt.(1979)includ.limits on susp.nd.d .olids.Th. suggest.d limit for .usp.nd.d .olids for incubating .gg.is 3 m~/L and for r.aring and holding the limit is Z3 mg/L in the al:ls.nc.of oth.r pollutants. Contact r.cr.ation r.f.rs to activiti.s wh.r.th.re is dir.ct and intimate contact with wat.r and includ.s wading, .wimming,diving,wat.r skiing,surfing,And any oth.r intimat. cQlntact with wat.r dir.ct ly as.ociat.d with .hor.l,in. ac~tivities.S.condary r.cr.ation r.f.,....to activiti ••where w&t.r 1.1..i.incid.ntal,accid~ntal,or visual,and include. fishing,boating,camping,hunting,hiking,and vacationing. Th.eff.ct.of particulat.s on contact and ••condary r.cr.ation summarized in this s.ction includ.information p.rtaining to both fr••h and marin.wat.rs. Wat.r quality is rar.ly d.fin.d by the public in t.rm.of cM:.mistry,physics,0""bact.,...iology b.cau••publ ic l3.rc.pt ions of'qual ity ar.attun.d to the ••n...(Wolman 1974).uch as sight.Th.public p.rc.iv..wat.r quality in t.rms such a$ alga.,foam,and turbidity.Contact and ••condary r.cr.ational us,es of wat.r vary wid.ly with r ••p.ct to the amount of 13.lrt iculat..that ar.acc.ptabl..Wat.r contact u••s such a. wt1iding,swimming,and diving r.quir.cl.ar to mod.rat.ly clear w.,t.r for .af.ty.Th.1•••turbid the wat.r the mol".d ••i r.able it b.com..for .wimming and oth.r wat.r contact sport.(EPA 1$176).McGauh.y (1968)not.s thatth.not ic.abl.thr.shold is to turbidity units and the limiting thr.shold i.50 units for wat.r contact r.cr.ation.Th.guid.lin.s for Canadian REVIEW OR~FT 9/49/83 PAGE4~ ~I recreational·w.ater Cluali ty (National Health and Welfare 1983) note that the ma>4imum limit for-turbidity is suggested as 50 tur-bidity units and the water should be sufficie!'tly clear so that a a.cchi disk is visible at a minimum of 1.a m.ters (4 ~ fe.t). suitable These obJ.ctives insure for-contact r.cr.ation, the protection of waters including wading,swimming, diving,wat.r skiing,and surfing. Fishermen tend not to fish in areas of turbid water because game fish..are not found th.r.in as great abundance as in clear-waters (Bartsch 1960).FiShing success is r-.duced Where turbidity is greater than a~ppm (Phillips 1971)to 30 JTU (Grundy 1976).Recording to Townsend (1983),one of the most popular r.cr.ation.1 activiti.s on the Ch.t.nik.River is sport fishing for Arctic grayling.He not.s that numerous·complaints from the public ...er.r.c.iv.d .bout mUddy w.ter conditions·in the Ch.tanika dr.inage in 1979,the fir-st ••••on of increased placer mining .ctivity in this drain.ge.Town ••nd stat ••that fisherm.n probably r.fr.ined frOM fishing bee.us.of turbid conditions.H..lso not.s th.t in 1977 .nd 1978 the Ch.atanika was the ••cond mo.t popular waterbody for .port fi.hing in the Interior but it f.ll to ••v.nth plac.in 1979. Boating,canoeing,and kayaking ar••nJoy.d in ~la.ka in a variety of cl ••r and turbid syst.ms.There is really no upp.r limit to the .mount of turbidity for th •••activiti.s.For .~ample,riv.r bo.ting (for pl.asur..nd tr.n.portation)i. popular on the Tanan••nd Yukon riv.r.and k.y.king .nd rafting are popul.r on the Nanana Riv.r,.11 .1"".turbid .ystems. ~ccording to McGauhey (196&),the notic.ab1e thr.shold i.20 turbidity unit.for bo.ting and a.sth.tic us.s but "no l.vel tisJ lik.1y to b.found in .urf.c.wat.rs Cth.tJ would impede tth.seJ u.eC.J."That i.,high turbidity l.v.ls do not elimin.te boating .nd ••sth.tic u....How.v.r,giv.n a choice, mo.t people pr.f.r clear water conditions for the.e uses. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8:5 PAGE Iff. ~1 -, - 4.,~.3 Biota Scientific data describe exc.ssive concentrations of aquatic organisms.In g.n.r.l, many ways in which turbidity and sedim.nt may advers.ly affeet th••••ffeet.inelud•• -(1)Direet actions whieh .ith.r kill or r.duc.growth rate .nd r ••ist.nc.to dis••••' (2)Prevention of the successful development of eggs and/or larv••, (3)Modifie.tion of natur.l mov.m.nts and migr.tion,.nd, (4)R.duction in the abund.ne.of av.il.bl.food it.ms. A .ub.t.nti.l amount of inform.tion .xi.t.regarding tn. gen.r.l .ff.et.of .u.p.nd.d solids,••ttl ••bl..olids, tU~bidity,.nd the .ecumul.tion-of ~in••in .pawning gr.v.l on f'rlt.hw.t.r aqu.tie organi.ms.A l.rg.p.re.nt.g.of the publi.h.d lit.r.tur.summ.riz..the r ••ults of inv.stig.tions undertaken by oth.r .uthors,.nd r.l.tiv.ly f.w pr•••nt original d.t.th.t qu.ntify the l.v.l.whieh e.u••d.l.t.rious .ff.ets. Fut'th.rmor.,m.ny of the fr.qu.nt ly cit.d publ ie.t ions .ddr••s th...ff.cts of p.rt ieul.t..on org.nism.not found in Al ••ka wat:ers.Diffieulti...ris.in d.riving eonelusions about the .f1~.ets of p.rt ieul.t ••on sp.ci fie org.nisms •••r.sult of the wid.r.ng.of tol.r.ne..mong diff.r.nt .p.ei ••,among individu.l.of diff.r.nt .g...nd .t.g••of d.v.lopm.nt,.nd .mcmg individu.l.of the ••m..p.ei..which h.v••d.pt.d to dl1r f.r.nt n.tural eondition..For .x.mpl.,••lmonid .gg inc:ub.tion is .dv.r••ly .ffect.d by suspttnd.d sol ids eone.ntr.tion.g,..••t.,..th.n 3 mg/L.,but .om••dult ••lmonids are not:adv.rs.ly .ff.et.d by short-t.rm .)Cposur.to eone.ntrat ions gr...t.r th.n 100,000 mg/L..Th.r.i ••wid.rang.of .ff.cts on inclividl.lals,th.ir .'1.cla.s,.nd h.bit.t over a wid.r.n;e of pat-ticulat.types and l.v.ls.Furth.,..more,the various unit.of REVIEW DRAFT Q/19/Se PAGE~? m.asu~e and methods of measuring tu~bidity and suspended matter make it difficult to com~a~e ~esult•• Pa~ticulates nave di~.ct and indi~ect effects on aquatic biota.Di~ect effacts include anatomical and ~hysiological influence.on the o~g.ni.ms themselves,whe~ea.indi~ect .ffects involve im~acts sucn .s a ~eduction in ~~ey .~ecies o~habitat alte~ation.~dditionally.the biological effect.of pa~ticulates a~e int.~active in that a change in natu~al levels may affect the structure of an enti~e aquatic community,as o~~osed to only one functional g~ou~of o~;anisms. Data f~om ea~ly field studi..indicate that it is often difficult toas.e.s the effects of suspended .olids independent of facto~s such as so~b.d toxic metals and ~esticide.,biochemi- cal oxygen demand,and nut~ient content.·Consequently,~he obJective of more recent studies has been to identify the biological effects of ine~t p.~ticulate material,similar in size and com~o.ition to those found in natural wat.~..Another ~~oblem with ea~ly studies 1s that inve.tigato~s used a va~iety of unit.fo~turbidity.Hence,there are a va~iety of units, p~m,mg/L,JTU,FTU,NTU (not directly t~an.lated one to anothe~),making it a~~.a~that there a~e inconsistencies in the ~e~o~ted data.The actual units ~epo~ted in the lite~atu~e a~pea~in the following discussion of the .ffects of pa~ticulates on biota. Pa~ticulate.,especially turbidity,are con.ide~ed to have a delete~iou..ffect on plant communities within wate~bodies.Fe.... Quantitative results a~e reported in the literature.Bell (1973)~e~orted that algal-ba.ed food production for Juvenile .almonids wa.reduced at turbidities above 2~JTU.In G~.at Britain,Nuttall and Bilby (1973)stated that rooted aquatic vegetation wa.absent at stations where sus~ended solids level. exceeded 2000 ppm in a river polluted with china-clay wastes. Reed et al.(1983>found in ex~erimental ponds in No~th REVIEW DR~FT Cf/Q9/8~PAGE 48 - - - - - r Carolina,that a reduction of turbidity from 12 to 6 NTU allowed submerged plants to grow in deeper water areas because of the corresponding increase in light at depth.In Va-Va Lake,NWT, phy'toplanktol"l product ivity was lowest in the r-egion where turbidity and suspended solids were highest (McCart at al. 1980).Van Nieuwel"lhuyse (1983)observed a strong correlation betl",een incident photosynthet ically act ive rad iat ion (PAR)and gro~s productivity which leAd to development of A model by Van Nieuwenhuyse (LaPerriere 1983)to predict algal productivity at different turbidity levels. Benthic orgAnisms And other invertebrAtes are also adversely af'llcted by part iculates.GAmmon (1970)rel=Jorted a 23 percent red!"&ction in mAcroinvertebrAte populAtions downstreAm from A 1 i milst one quarry where sedime",t lOAds were less than 40 mg'lL. PopI!"&lat ion reduct io"'s of..40 percent were·",oted in stretches -of the river wh.re the sediment lOAd WAS 80 to 120 mg/L And,i", are,as where 120 mg/L.WAS exceeded,the macroinvertebrAte pop'i.llation reduction WAS 60 perctl",t.Sedime",t which settled out CAused A reduction of 40 percent in populAtion density reg,lrd less of suspe"'ded sed iment conce",trAt ion.Invertebrate drift increased immediAtely when introductions of 160 mg/L sediment were mAde to the streAm. Wilber (1983),citi",g Herbert et Al.<1961>,reported that mac'r'oinvertebrAte populAt ic:ms Are reduced At turbidity levels of '::61 to 390 ppm A",d thAt de",sity is reduced At 1000 to 6000 ppm. Redli.lced numbers were reported for turbidities of 40 to 200 JTU (Sot'e",sen et al.1977).In McCArt et Al.(1980),a discernible ef'.ct on the species composition And relAtive Abundance of zool~lankto",was noted in the silty south end of VA-Va Lake, NWT.Species diversity,equitAbility,And tAxonomic diversity appli!ared to be negat ively correlAted to si ltat ion.Mortal ity of Q!.e!l!:li!.sp.occurred at 8a ppm suspended sol ids accord i n!iil to e:IFI~C (1965). REVIEW DRAFT q 109/8:5 PAGE I.joq the adult Bell McCart et 41.<1SS0)also discussed tne effects of siltation on various ~ish species within Va-Va Lake,including two species of sculpin.,lake trout,northern pike,trout-perc~,lake chub, inconnu Cshee~ish)and several other white~ish species.The study focused on the distribution o~the sp.cies in the lake. They concluded that lake trout and slimy sculpin w.r. characteristic s~ecies o~cl.arwater conditions,whereas the trout-~erch and s~oonhead scul~in ap~eared in turbid ~arts of the lake.Many s~.cie.which w.r.tolerant o~turbid conditions ~r.~.rred to ~e.d in the clearwater end o~the lake.These species includ.d north.rn ~ike and hum~back and broad whitefish. In laboratory tests,the torrent sculpin ap~.ared to be ~airly tol.rant o~susp.nded s.diments,and no e~~ect on ~eeding behavior was evident at level.ranging ~rorn °to 1250 mg!L CElru.ven and Rose 1S81)..McLeay et al..(1983)conduct-ed laboratory t ••t.on Arctic gray~ing and re~orted that,when acclimated to 15 degre..C,they survived a 4-day .x~osure to sediment su.~en.ion.o~more than 250,000 mg/L and a 16-day .xpo.ure to 50,000 mg/L.Brayling which were acclimated to ~ degree.C survived 4 day.in .us~en.ions o~le.s than 10,000 mg/L.Sus~en.ions gr.at.r than 10,000 mg/L cau••d grayling to surface.Although gill histologies a~p.ar.d normal in the fish held ~or 4 day.,acut ••tre••re.ponse••uch a.elevat.d and/or varied blood gluco..l.v.l.,w.r.noted.Gill hyp.rtrophy and hy~erpla.ia w.re r.ported for grayling ca~tur.d in the fi.ld in wat.r with low .usp.nd.d .olid.and then h.ld in water with .usp.nded solid.l.vel.of .~proximately 1210 mg/L and 3~mg/L. It wa.concluded that grayling .ubJ.cted to short-t.rm subl.thal amounts of su.p.nded .olid.can .xhibit various r ••~onse. including acut ••tr•••• r.lativ.ly large body o~literature exists d.aling with .ff.cts of particulat.s on trout and salmon.Th ••ffects on fish,Juv.nile.,and .mbryo.are consid.red s.parately. (1973)report.that r.latively large ~uantiti••(~OO to REVIEW DRAFT ~/Q9/e5 PAGE So - ..... - ..... 1000 ppm)of s.diment load can be ca~~ied in a st~.am without any appa~.nt d.t~im.nt to adult salmon and t~out fo~sho~t periods of tim..Conc.nt~ations of 4000 ppm can cause salmon to cease inst~eam movements,howev.~.H.~be~t.t ale (1961) concluded that b~own t~out populations in the ~ive~.Fal and Pa~ in Co~nwall w.~e ~.duc.d in a~...having .u.p.nded s.diment conc.nt~ation.of 1000 ppm but w.~.unaff.ct.d at 60 ppm. Reductions in the standing c~op of b~ook t~out in a B~itish Columbia st~.am app.a~.d to b.the ~.sult of dec~eased spawning and d.st~uction of hiding plac••due to .iltation (S.unde~s and Smith 196~).Bachmann (19~8)~.v.al.d that cutth~oat t~out c.....f ••d in;at 3:5 ppm .usp.nd.d sol ids and that cutth~oat may abandon ~edd.if .ilt i.p~.s.nt.Rainbow t~out exhibit.d the following ~••pon•••to va~yin;amount.of .u.p.nd.d .olid..(1) ~O ppm--~.duc.d g~owth,(2)90 ppm--20 p.~c.nt mo~tality in 2 to 6 months;(3)100 to 270 ppm--fin.~ot,(4)200 ppm--~O p.~c~nt mo~tality in 16 w••ks,(~)1000 to 2:500 ppm--l00 p.~c.nt mortality in 20 d.y.,(6)1000 ppm--20 p.~c.nt mo~tality in 37 days;(7)42~0 ppm--~O p.~c.nt mo~t.lity in 28 day.;and,(a) 160,000 ppm--l00 p.~c.nt mo~tality in 1 day. R••ult.of acut.(4 day.o~1•••).xpo.u~.to .u.p.nd.d s.diments indicat.th.t Juv.nil..almonid..xhibit ••asonal chang.s in th.i~tol.~anc.to .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt.(Noggl. 1978).Bio••••y.conduct.d in .umm.~p~oduc.d L.C~O'.l.s.than 1:500 mg/L.,while .utumn bio••••y.show.d L.C:50'.in .xc•••of 30,000 mg/L..Th.tol.~anc.of wild coho ••lmon to .u.p.nd.d solid.w..high.~than hatch.~y p~oduc.d cohos,appa~.ntly because of p~io~.xpo.u~.to .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt •• L.ang.~(1980)~.po~t.d ~.duc.d f ••ding among .almonids at tu~biditi..g~••t.~than 2:5 JTU.B~ook t~out .xhibit.d inc~eas.d v.ntil.to~y ~••pon..(a st~•••~.action)at 231 NTU clay in wat.~(Ca~l.on 1984).Pacific .almon .u~viv.d 3 to 4 weeks in 300 to 7~0 ppm .u.pend.d .olids and avoided mUddy wate~.du~ing mig~ation.according to the lit.~atu~.~.view by Wi 1 b.~(1983). REVIEW DRRFT 9/G9/8:5 PRGESI The effects of particulates on salmonid Juveniles and eggs have been studied more extensively than those on adults.In laboratory of 70 to tests,Bisson and Bilby (1982)found that turbidities 100 NTU caused reduced feeding among coho Juveniles. Crouse et al.(1 SSl)found that 26 to 31 percent sediment in laboratory stream gravels increased mortality among emerging coho fry.Noggle (197S)found that f.eding by coho Juveniles was reduced at 100 mg/L and ceased at concentrations greater than 200 mg/L.Mortality (LC50)occurred at 1198 mg/L in August and at 35,000 mglL suspended solids in November indicating perhaps a seasonal tolerance affect of increased maturity of Juvenile coho salmon or the of individuals.NCASI (1'364b) conducted a literature review pertaining to the effects of sediments on salmon habitat.It was discovered that the time necessary for coho fry.to emerge from the gravel in'wh·ich.they were hatched increased from 10 to 47 d".ys when the amount··of fine.(less than 3.327 mm in diameter)was increased from 36.6 to 42.3 percent sediment levels (Koski 1966). increased from 27 to 51 percent.Coho biomass decreased 65 percent when sediment smaller than 0.6 mm increased from 20 to 31 percent as a result of road construction (Burns 1'372).Juvenile coho productivity was reduced from 8.S grams per square meter to 5.0 grams per square meter as sediment embeddedness was increased from 0 to 100 percent in a laboratory stream (Crouse et al.1961,NC~SI 1964a).Sigler et al.(1964) reported that coho and steelh.ad fry showed a reduction in growth at 25 NTU turbidity.- Work by Herbert and Merkens <1961>indicated that -suspensions of 30 ppm kaolin and diatomaceous earth caused negligible damage to Juveni Ie rainbow trout ove,..a 6 mCt1"lth -pe,..iod in laboratory tests.Some mortality occurred at 90 ppm and more than half the trout died at 270 ppm and 810 ppm.Fish e~po.ed to 30 to 90 ppm suspended solids exhibited normal gills, but those .~posed to concentrations of 270 to 810 ppm displayed thickening or.fusing of gill lamellae.Caudal fin damage was REVIEW DRAFT 9/4'3/85 PAGESa - - r also evident after exposure for 37 days to 270 ppm suspended solids. Salmon eggs are u.ually laid in depre.sion.excavated in the gravel of stream bottoms and then covered over with more gravel.Development of the .gg.d.p.nds on wat.r floWing through the grav.l,bringing oxygen to the eggs and removing metabolic products.Wh.n grav.l int.rstic.s are covered or clogged with fin.material,succe••ful developm.nt of the eggs is impair.d.BJornn.t al.(1'377)reported r.duced survival of salmon eggs in an Idaho .tream when there was 20 to 30 percent sand in the gravel.Incr.as.d mortality of brook trout eggs in laboratory .treams was not.d by Hausl.and Cobl.(1976)wh.n there was more than 20 p.rc.nt fin••in grav.l.A literature review by Iwamoto et al.(1978)rev.aled that coho .ggs .uffered increased mortality when the fin.s content of'gravel was grea~:er than 15 percent.Th.same was true of'.te.lh.ad .ggs wh.n the fine.~ont.nt was great.r than 20 p.rcent.The .iz.of bottom material in str.ams utilized for .pawning by pink .almon varies con.id.rably.According to McN.il and Ahnell (1964),escap.ment was very high when the p.rcentag.of solid.pa••ing through a O.833-mm .ieve wa.about ~p.rcent,medium to high at 10 percent,and low to fair at about 20 perc.nt. BJornn (1969)r.ported that chinook fry had difficulty during .merg.nc.wh.n .and CO.2S mm)in the gr.vel w.s incr.a.ed 20 to 40 p.rc.nt.~ort.lity of chinook .mbryos approach.d 30 perc.nt .s •r ••ult of 30 to 40 p.rcent ••nd in the gravel. Langer (1980)r.port.d .n incr••••in ste.lh••d fry mortality when gr.v.ls cont.in.d more th.n 10 p.rc.nt ••dim.nt..Survival of st ••lh ••d d.clin.d to 3.3 perc.nt when fin••edim.nt (6.4 mm) r.aic:h.d 39.4 perc.nt in grav.l (NCASI 1984b).Approximat.ly 18 perc.nt survival was achi.v.d with 70 p.rc.nt 1 to 3 mm .edim.nt (Phillips et al.1975).nd 10 p.rc.nt .urvival occurred wh.n 0.85 mm sediment r ••ch.d 19.5 p.rc.nt (Tappel and BJornn 1983) in grav.l.Only 6 p.rc.nt .urviv.l occurr.d when th.re was 50 REVIEW DRAFT 9/Q9/85 PAGE S! percent fine sediment (9.3 rom)present CTappel and BJornn 19S3).Steelhead fry survival decreased from 49 to 52 percent to 3 to 9 percent when 20 percent introduced in the gravel (NCASI 19S4b). declined by S5 percent when sediment fines (0.23 rom)were Steelhead populations smaller than O.S rom increased from eO.6 percent to 34.2 percent after road construction (Burns 1972). Rainbow trout alevins and eggs showed reduced survival of 1 to 1.3 percent for every 1 percent increase in O.S mm fines irl gravel (NCASI 1984a)•Ph ill ips (1971>reported a 37 percent dec:rease in the population of Juvenile rainbow trout in 20 days in an area 1 1/2 miles downstream from a gold dredge where the ..... suspended sediment conc:entration in the water ranged from 1000 to 2500 ppm. H.usle .nd Cobl~(1976)reported that emergence time for brook trout embryos was increased and their survival decreased when 2.0 mm sed iment in gravel greater th.n 20 percent.ChlJm salmon eggs eHhibited a decrease in survival of 1.25 percent for every 1 percent increase in sand (Koski 1975).For coho eggs, the ratio was 3.1 percent decrease in survival for every 1 percent increase in sand (Cederholm et ale 1990),Sockeye salmon eggs showed a 40 perc:ent decrease in survival when fines of less than 0.336 em were introduced into gravel.The survival of chinook eggs decreased from 88 to 18 percent when 39 percent fines (6.4 mm)were in the gravel.Coho eggs showed a reduc:ed survival from 96 to a percent with a 0 to 70 percent increase in fine (1 to 3 mm)sediment (Phillips et ale 1975). In laboratory tests,Phi 11 ips et al.(197S)found that the survival of coho eggs correlated negatively with the addition of sand to the substrate with the following results.There was 96 percent survival in the control mi~ture,sa perc:ent survival in 10 percent sand,64 percent survival in 20 percent sand,38 percent survival in 30 percent sand,20 percent survival in 40 REVIEW DRAFT 9/49/85 pAGES4 ~ I r percent sand,aa percent survival in ~O percent sand,and S to 10 percent survival in 60 to 70 percent sand.Steelhead eggs showed a similar response;survival was reduced from 99 to lS percent when sand was increased to 70 percent. In other studi.s,Sh.lton and Pollack (19GG)found that 15 percent of chinook salmon eggs survived when 15 to 30 percent of the gravel voids w.re filled with s.diment in laboratory streams.Tagart (1976)observed that survival of coho eggs in the Cl.arwat.r Riv.r in Wa.hington was negatively correlated with the p.rcent of "poor"(fines less than 0.S5 mm in diameter) grav.l pr••ent in the .tream.In Great Britain,Turn".nny and Williams (19S0)found that rainbow trout eggs suffered 9S to 100 p.rc.nt mortality in 2 to 24S1 mg/L susp.nded solids where the permeability of the grav.l was :5 to 74 cm/hr and dissolved oxyg.n in ~h.w.ter w••2.4 to 7.S mg/L.·At .~sp.nd.d .edime~t conc.ntration.of 3 to lS10 mg/L,where the p.rmeability was 7 to 2950·cmlhr .nd dissolved oxyg.n"was J.S to e.G mg/L,.urvival of the eggs rang.d from 24 to 9S percent.Witzel and MacCrimmon (19S1)found that only 1 perc.nt of the rainbow .ggs survived when the grav.l was 2 mm in diam.t.r but that 7G percent survival w••achi.v.d when the grav.l diam.t.r w.s 2G.S mm. The main conc.rn with r.g.rd to the "rotection of aquatic fauna from l.thal .ediment conc.ntrations is the amount of solid.in su.".n.ion that c.n pot.ntially ••ttl.out (settl.able solids).s flow d.cr.....(Duckrow .nd Everh.rt 1971).It is the ••••il.,immobile form.in or on the str.ambed which are the most susceptible to b.ing .moth.r.d.S.dimentation of the stream sub.trat.,p.rticul.rly the grav.l u ••d for .p.wning, produc..signific.nt d.trim.nt.l .ffect.on .almonid r ••ourc.s (Iwamoto .t al.1975).Iw.moto et ale <197S)not.that there are substantial d.ta d.scribing the d.let.rious .ffects of particles of si:..l ••s th.n 0.S50 mm in diam.t.r when they exceed approximately 20 p.rc.nt of the ·tot.l.Th.y also note that sedim.nts ranging b.twe.n 0.1 and 3.3 mm appear to cause the mo.t .ignificant impact. REVIEW DRAFT 9/49/aS PAGE 5S Sediment deposited on the streambed sur~ace or within the gravel can reduce the .xchange of water between the stream and the gravel (Cooper 1965).Three factors affect ~he magnitude and direction of wat.r interchange in spawning beds:(1)The surface profile of the streambed;(2)depth of the streambed; and (3).treambed permeability.Water .xchange occurs in stream gravels a.either downwelling or upw.lling.Downwelling is pr.domin.nt in conv.x str.amb.d surfaces,wher.as upwelling occurs where the streambed is concave.Furthermore,increased stream gravel p.rmeability induc.s downwelling,whereas decreased permeability induc.s upwelling (Vaux 1968). Substantial r.ductions in flow through the grav.l may result - .... from a reduction in the size of particles in the gravel bed IIIJIiI@ (Cooper 196~)•Perm.ability m.y b.incr••••d by r.moving fin. materi.l from the stream grav.ls (McNeil and ~hnell 1964)such as during flood •v.nts that wash fines out 0'the grav.l • Th.intrusion of fines into .tr••m gravels is a complicated and not fully und.rstood proc•••(aeschta and Jackson 1979). Presently there is little known about the m.chanisms and rat.s of s.dim.nt interch.nge betw.en the water column and the inter-- stitial .nvironment (Carling 1984).Sediment intru.ion involves the transport and deposition of p.rticl ••into grav.l voids at the .urface,and the settling of particles into deep.r gravel voids under the influence of gr.vity,as.ist.d by turbulent pulses at the gr.vel surfac.(Se.eht.and Jack.on 1979).Sinc. th.re i.o~ten an exchange of flow between a stre.m and the gravel bed of a str••m,it is logical to expect that su.p.nd.d s.diment.might be carried into the gravel and deposited .v.n if th.y are not deposit.d on the str••mbed.While conducting bedlo.d experiments with gravel,Einstein (1968)noticed that murky water gr.dually cle.r.d up at low bedload rates,and postulat.d that the depo.ition of suspended silt particles must occur in the por.s o~the gr.v.l b.d.SUbse~u.nt experim.nts showed that the d.po~ition rate of su.pend.d silt particl.s begin to fill the por••of the grav.l ~rom the bottom up.The concentration of .ilt ranging from 3.~to 30 microns decre~sed REVIEW DRAFT 91Q9/S:S PAGE S' l' I r exponentially.downstr-eam as sediment was deposited in the stream gravels.As a result of these experiments,Einstein (1'36B> concluded that the deposition of silt is primarily a function of the sediment concentration close to the sediment-watlfr interface and that hydraulic controls are of secondary importance. Carling (1964)notes a similar experiment in which low concen- trations of silty clay <less than 300 mg/L)decreased exponentially downstream although high concentrations decreased logarithmically. A series of experiments conducted by Beschta and Jackson (1979)demonstrate that flow conditions,as indexed by Froude numbers,significantly influenced the degree of gravel intrusion by sand.Other flow indicators such as shear velocity and Reynold's number did not sigl"lificantly affect the amount of intrUsion.At low F~oUd~numbers,O.~mm sand qUiCk~~ established a sand "seal"withi'fl the upper :5 ern of the gravel. O'flce the sa'fld seal had formed and the intergravel spaces had filled with fines,the downward movem.nt of additio'flal sediment was prevented a'fld the i'fltrusion process stopped.In comparison with 0.:5 mm sand,the intrusio'fl of 0.2 mm sand was more extensive 5uggesti'flg that particle size is an important variable affecting the intrusio'fl of stable gravels.Instead of forming a sand seal in the upper gravels,the finer sands generally migrated dow'fl through the test gravels by gravity a'fld began to fill tnem from the bottom up.The amOU'flt of i'fltrusion of 0.2 mm sand d.creased as the Froud.'flumb.r incr••••d from 0.6 to 1.1. These ob••rvatio'fl.support the findings of Einstei'fl (1'368>that intrusio'fl by fin.sediment.fills stream grav.ls from the bottom up. !Ex;leriments were cO'flducted by Cooper (1963)using 0.5 to 74 micron silt in concentrations of 200 a'fld 2000 ppm to determine the rate a'fld mag'flitude of fin.sediment deposition.Data show that stream gravels act as a filter il"l removil"'lQ sl.\spended sediments from the water flowing through the gravel.The rate REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 5'7 of silt accumulation in the gravel varied in proportion to the flow through the gravel. Carling (1984)found that porous gravels could physically entrap particles in the dead zones on the lee side of gravel grains and prevent resuspension.In base level flow conditions and low concentrations of sediment,the grain size of particles settling onto the gravel bed is similar to particle.filling the gravel void spaces.For all concentrations,the deposition rate was strongly linearly correlated with the suspended sediment concentration.Results indicate that open-work gravels will rapidly become silted even with water containing low concentra- tions of suspended solids. Thus,the amount of silt and.larger particles trans~ortedin suspension may have a pronounced affect on the natural qual~ty and composition of gravel substrates in streams.However, McNeil and ~hnell (1964)report that fines in the gravel can be locally removed by salmon during spawning.Nevertheless, additional sediment deposition and infiltration after spawning may reduce the rate and magnitude of water e~change in spawning gravels,to the detriment of developing eggs. Although it is well documented that silt .and larger particles in suspension may fill streambed gravels,the effects of clay-sized and other non-settleable particles on streambed embeddedne.s are not reported in the literature reviewed for this proJect. In summary,numerous field and laboratory investigations have documented lethal and sub-lethal effects of suspended and deposited sediments on freshwater aquatic organisms.These effects are summarized in Tables 4-1 through 4-4.Most of the numerical data appearing in these tables pertain to salmon ids and their habitat.The impacts of a wide range of sediment and ttJrbidity levels have been documented for all stages of salmonid REVIEW DRAFT q/Q9/8~PAGE 58 - - TABLE 4-3 ~reCTS OF SUSPENDED SDL~DS ~ND TuRBiDITY ON 8AL~CNID SU~V:VAL AND ~aniAL:TY Qrljal'll.§!L-._~ature ana Extent ,:>f_Effe£~Level -:>r Cone.Q!:!ratlOn Comment 5____________~ef§r~£!________ Grayling ~orta1ity 250,000 illg/L 4 days 5~5penced solids MeLea!'et al.1'383 Mort ali ty 50,000 mgiL :6 days Susper,ced solics MeLeay et a1.~~J:i~..._"_W Survived 10,000 lIglL 5 cays Suswenaed solids !'!e;'eay at al.1'383 No rnortali ty S50 to 8200 NTU 9 days T'Jroidity SillllllOns 1'384 No mortality aeo to 6600 mg/L '3 days Total solids Sill'olllOn5 1984 RaHico..,Trout (20":nortali ty '30 ppDl 2-6 fllOnt hs Diatomaceous earth Heroert and MerKer.s .-:'361 20';illortali ty 1000 ppm 37 days Cellulose fiber EIFAC 1'365 50"!!lort ali t y 200 ppll 16 weeKS Spruce fiber ~~r3ert and Richards 1'363 50:(illortal i ty 4250 ppll 28 days Suspenaed gypsum Herbert and Wakeford 1962 Greater than 5~Greater than 1-6 months Suspended kaolin &Herbert and ~erkens iIDrtality 270 pOM diatoaacE!Ous earth 1961 No Illortality 30 ;JPM 2-£months Suspended kaolin!,ierbel"t ind i"Ierkens diatomaceous earth 1961 . 1OC~IIOrtal i ty .160,000 'ppm 1 day Suspenced solids EIFAC 1'365 S8-100~egg mortality 2 to 2481 lIlJ/L Suspended solids Turnoenny and ~llll~S 1580 24-9B~egg raortality 3 to IBIO mg/L Suspended solids Turnpenny and ~illiams 1980 ~ortality occurred 1000 to 2500 PPI 20 days Suspenaed solids Campbell 1'354 No mortal i ty 50 and 100 PPIII B IIlOnths Coal-washery waste Herbert and Ricnards 1,63 No nlOrtality 200 POI 9-10 months Coal-washery Wiste Herbert and Ricnards 1S63 No mortal i ty 553pplII 4 Neeks Suspended gypsu.Herbert and Wakeford 1'362 Cone Salroor,50%1II0rtali ty 1200 in August 4 days Suspended solids lIloggle ISiS 35,000 PP'I in Novlllber Chilli Sa.llllOn egg survival decreased by Increased by 1~Suspended solids Langer 1380 5Slo r rmcaL~EOUS ~r'd:TS OF SETTLED SCUDS AND FINES eN SAU,ONIDS :>i r.K Sal mor,~ow escapement success Abollt 20';0.,833 m:a I!edlunJ escacment success About 1~0.833 !IIII high escaper.~nt success About 5%0.833 rGlII 1:-:11'1;:j Salmon Fry emergence tiue Increased from (3.327 fillR increased 37 to 4~ Emergence success decreased Increased from Fines 27 to 51" Juvenile productivity Increased fl'Olll {2.0 mm Emc~dedne5s decreased 44"o to 10C% Bi OllIaSS decreased 65%Increased from (0.8 mAl 20 to 31~ Ci'llnoo)(Salmon Swrgera impaired Ir.creased from Sand 20 to 4~ BrOOK 7r.out E:llbryo emergence time rncreased from <2 mill sand 1rcreasSll o to }20,," ateeI~,ead Population Cecl'!asea oy Increased frolll O.B :II/lI TrOll';as,;21 to 34'" BiOllliss decrea5eo by ~'"'%Increased frOID 0.8 filii 20 to 31t. Saimonids Deleterious effects Greater than 20l <0.850 IIIlI Most siqnificant impact Not stated Between 0.1 and 3.3 IlIIlI ~~Neil and ~,nell :;£4 ~~Neil and Annel::954 Mc~~i:and AMnel:~36~ Koski 1966 NCASi 19840 Crouse at al.1981 Burns 1972 ~ausle a~c Coble 1976 Burns 1'372 Iwamoto at al.1973 lwaAl0to at al.197B ..... EFFECiS OF SETTLED SOL!DS AND FI~ES ON SAw~GNID ~O~iHLrTi AND SURVIVAL Src-oK ~r'·'J\lt S..l;;;.:,n c.'1um Salmon Survival to emergence Egg survlval cecreased Egg survival oecreased Greater tnan 20~ 20 to 3~range Each 1%increase 2 J1D1 sand Fines Sand In gravel Milusle and Ccule :975 BJornn et al.~374 :{oski 1'375 1.25%. Ci'i inoo!<Sal:~n Egg survival decreased from 54 to 18~ ~bryo fBertalit! aooroac:'led 50% up to 85%~rtality Coi"J Salmon E;g survival decr'eased frc.m 96 to 8% Egg surVl val decreased Increased from 6.4 31 2B to 3'3% 30 to 40~Sand 15 to 30%of Silt gravel V010S Increased from 1 to 3 IlIl1 o to 70'/. Each i%increase Sana Pi lIed gravel Yoids NCASI 19840 Shelton and Poi lack 1'365 Phillios et ill.1375 Cedernolm et al.:380 3.1~ Egg SUNl val decreased fl"OOl SEt to 10% E;g survival averaged 22.1~ Increased from o to 70r. Sand 0.85 rilII ;J~illips et al 1375 Tagart 1'376 Tappel and S.jal'nn 1383 C~cet"~(,:~1 ::a:.:"380 Cecerhv:m =t a~••:cO Kos~.i 1%5 NCASI lS84b PhilliJS et al.1975 NCASI 1984a NCASI 1984a Witzel and ~4cCri"D~n 1381 Iwamoto et al.1978 Phillips et al.1975 :waw~to et al.1978 Crouse et al.:sa: In gravel In ~ravel In gravel In gravel O.25 r,l~1 L fles 6.4 IlIII fines ;;to 26.5 • 1 to 3 lllIlI finES 0.085 JlIlI fines '3.5!l!lll finesIncreasedto50~ Increased to 20% Each 1%increase 0.6 IIIl1l fines Increased to 1'3.5% Not stated Each 1%increase 6.4 IIlIl\fines Breater than 20~Fines Increased to 70%Sand Increased to 39.4~ Increased to 70~ Greater than 1~%Fines Increased froll Fines 25 to 31:t 27 to 51%fines 3.327 II1II Egg mortality increasec Fry mortality increased Egg mortality averaged 27.1% Egg survival decreased L 1 to 1.~ Egg survlval decreased by 0.8" Egg survival ranged frOD!1 to 76% Egg mortality increased Egg survlval aecreased fma 99 to 18% Egg survival decreased to 3.~ Egg survival decreased to 18" qg surv i val decreased to 10% ~g survival decreased to 6" Egg survival aecreased frolJ1 52 to 3-~ ~,.an egg surVival was 17.7"Exceecea 20%0.35 ',UA ~;g survlval cecreasec 3.4%~ac~1%lncrease 0.85 mm Steelheaa 7rout 7ABLi:4-4 MISCELl..0....EOUS EF~CTS OF SUSPEN:JED SCl.i::lS AND TURBID!TY c.~AGUAT1C 3IQ7A Crc~~~~TI_______~atufe and Extent of Effects Level Qr Cone.Duratl~~Com~nt~________1~fg~ence,"------ Salmc1nl.ds 1n general Cease instream movements No aocarent detriment ~educed feeding ;Jroouction reQuce<i 4(K)Q ppm 500 to 1000 JODI Greater than as liTU Greater than 25 JTU Sedinlent load Seaiment load Turbidity Turbidity Bell 1'3i3 Bell 1973 L~nger 1360 NCASI 19840 - Sane~ainbow Trout Proouction increased 35% Slight effect on gro"th !'edllced by 85%Alexander and nansen 1983 Coal washery ~ste Herbert and Richards Reduced growth rate 270 ppm 4.5 months Suspended matter herbert anc "erkens 1'361 so PPII 8 months Wood fiber 1000 to 2000 ppm 20 days Suscenoed solids Her~rt and ~erKens 1961 ner~rt and ~er~ens 1961 ;J:,illios et al.:Si5 Herbert and Merkens 1961 Herbert aT~Mer kens 1'361 Diat~macec,us earth Herbert and ~rkens57days270PpIII 30 ~PIII l{aolin &2 IIIOnths Suspended solids aiatozaceous earth 30 to 90 PIllA >5 months Suscenaea solids kaal in &ciat 0- IIaceous earttl 270 and BI0 PPI }S IIOnths Sus!Jended solidsGillthickeningorfusing Juvenile copulatlon decreased 57~ ~I'lllal gills ~~rmal gill histology No slgn of dlsease Caudal fin disease Steelhead Trout Cono SallilOn Algal 3aseo PrrJcl!C~ivlty R'~Qtea iJlar,t;; '3'l:lmer;ec Piants Some fin dlsease Avoidance neduced growth Displacement Avoidance Feeding reduced Feeding reduced Feeclng ceased RedUced grOlllth Avoldance by Juveniles Displacement Recucec Absem are"~~:ee:er water 200 PCII }167 NTU 2S NTl! 40 to SO N'fU }167 NT'Ll 100 !lg/L 70 to 100 NTU 200 ilIg/L 2S~ 70 NTl.! 4V to 50 NTh 25 NTU >2000 OOID !{e!lllCeC frolfl 12 to 0 :·;TU [)to :~OO iliU 8 IlIOnths Wood Fiber Turbidlty TuriJidity Turbldity Turbidity Suspended sol ids Turbidity SusperiGed sol ias 7ljroldi ty it!1'~idi ty Tt!rOlcity Turtmllty China clay ~s:es T'!rt:lic~';y 1951 Her~ert and ~erkens 1%1 Sigler et al.1984 Sigler et a1.1984 Sigler et al.1'384 Sigler et ai.1984 Noggle 1~7e ~labaster 1972;Sykora et a!.:372 Noggle mB Sigler et !l.1384 Bisson and Bilby 1982 Sigler 1381 Bell 1973 Nut~all a~d B:~JV Reec et al.:?E.3 ianNieuwe~huysc :;83 TABLE 4-4 Continued ~ISCELLANEOUS EFrECTS OF SUSPENDED SEDI~ENT w~D TURBIDITY eN AQLATIC BIG7A CC;i1li~.t~";Befere!!£~_ Benthic Pooulation reduced by 25~ Inverteorates Population reduced by 40% ~oDulat ions reduced by 60~ Pooulatlon reduced to 25% Bottom fauna absent Populatlon numbers reduced Density reduced to W: Abunaance unaffected ~~lncrease in drift '30%increase in dri ft Reduced abundance Torrent 3cul~in Impaired Feeding Grayling c:levated blood ~lucose, reduced leucocrit Gi 11 hypertropny and hyperolasia SNam to surface NorNal iill histologies Moderate gill tissue casage Ex~ensive gill daeage Limited food intake Lillii ted food intake Cutthroat Trout BrOOK Trout ~opulation ur~ffected Reauced abundance De!'lSlty reduced by 86" Production increased by 41% Cease FeeQlng Increased ventilatory l"9Sponse Harllful effects 40 Mg/L 80 to 120 lIg/L )120 IIIg/L 261 to 390 ppll 250 ppm 40 to 200 JiU 1000 to 6000 JTU - 60 ppM 40 Il1g/L tncrease - 80 mg/L increase - o to }225(l NTU o to 1250 IDg/L 10,000 .g/l 4 days 34 and 1210 mq/L --- }l 0,000 rng/L .170 IIIg/L 4 days 1205 mg/L 2 days 1388 mg/L 4 days 1150 to 4825 NTU 6 days 1340 to 6280 6 days Ig/L 60 POll 1000 PPII 1000 to 6000 pp.--- Reduced by 86" 3S PpIII 231 NTU S2 to 102 PplI Suspended so 1i as Gai~ri:r:.n 1370 Susoendea sol ids Gammon :5iO Susoended solids GaflllROn 1970 Susoerlded soluis SQrensen et al.:377 Susoended solias EiFAC 1%5 Turbidi ty Sorensen et al.iS77 Suscended solids Heroert et al.1561 Susllenoed solids Heroert et ai.1561 Susper~ed solids GalllfllOn :370 Suspended sol ids Galll/llon :370 TiJrbidity i..a;:erriere et al.198:3 Susllended soliDS Brusven and Rose 1381 Suspended solids .'lfcLeay ~t al.1983 Susper~ed solids )!cL.eay et al.1983 Suspended sol ids i'IIcLeay et al.1983 Total sol ids SiAlIDOns 1984 Total solids Siil'olIIOns 1984 Total solios Simmons 1984 Turbidity Sii/llllOns 1984 Total SOllds Simmons 1964 Suspended solids Herbert et al.1'361 Suspended sol ics Herbert et al.1961 Suspended soltds EIFAC 1365 Sand Alexancer and Hansen 1983 Suspended solids BachllaTln 1958 Clay Car 1son 1984 Kaolinite and E!FAC 1%5 IIOntmori lionite development including eggs and embryos,alevins,fry,Juveniles, and adult fish.Furthermore,quantitative analyses have been performed to determine the effects of sediment on feeding, growth,productivity,biomass,abundance,anatomy~physiology, arid behav ior.Nonetheless,a number of data gaps ex i st wi th regard to threshold levels having a specific .ffect on a particular species. The above discussion demonstrates that particulates have detrimental effects on freshwater aquatic biota. (1)Turbidity reduces the amount of light available for green plant growth and photosynthesis within water bodies,can inhibit instream movements of fish,and may inhibit the ability of fish to see their prey. (~)Turbidity and sett1ed solids can cause reductions in invertebrate populations and can cause an increase in invertebrate drift. (3)Ability of fish to withstand various concentrations of settled and/or suspended solids depends on their life stage.Adult fish can withstand relatively high concen- trations of suspended solids for limited amounts of time without suffering mortality,although other physiologi- cal effects such as fin and gill damage and stress reactions may result. (4)Survival of fish eggs and Juveniles may be significantly reduced by settled solids in spawning and rearing areas. (S)Settled solids have direct effects on aquatic biota and habitat by smothering fish eggs,alevins,and inverte- brates,reducing intergravel flow,and by coating aquatic vegetation,thus reducing the potential for photosynthesis. (6)Solids in suspension can cause invertebrate drift,cause fish to avoid previously usable habitat,prevent fish from seeing their prey,and cause physical damage,such as gill irritation,to fish. REVIEW DRAFT ~/QS/a5 PAGE'~ ,~. (7)Silt ~nd larger particles in the water column can fill open-work gravels .ven when the concentration of suspended solids in the water is low. The biological effects of inorganic suspended solids on marine communities are complex and extremely difficult to quantify.The effects on zooplankton and higher aquatic organisms are more difficult to evaluate than the effects on phytoplankton (Brehmer 1965)•With the exception of a few commercially important species,little is known about the effects of turbid ity and suspended material on marine I';'"'i rlvert ebrat.s (Stern and Stickle 1978)•Different species of - marine organisms are affected to different degrees by the same concentrations of turbidity~causing sediments (Loosanoff 196~, Moor~e 1977;McFarland and Peddicord 1980).Many species of -marine ~hellfish and finfish are sensitive to incre.ses in suspended solids,which undoubtedly have an inJurious effect on the estuarine community as a whole (Brehmer 1965).Filter feeders and early-life stages of estuarine fish are more sensitive to suspended sediments than bottom dwelling organisms and adult fish (Sherk et al.1975).As filter feeders,bivalves are particularly susceptible to the meChanical or abrasive action of suspended sediments (Cairns 1967;Moore 1977).Other filt8r-feeding invertebrates at risk from inorganicsusp.nsions include mollusks,certain crustaceans,sponges,ascidians,and emetl.!.2!i~!(Moore 1977). The effects of particulates on marine biota are divided into discussions of plankton,egg development and hatching success, larva.survival and development,and adult survival.This is followed by a discussion of feeding and growth and finally d i stri but ion. REVIEW DRAFT 9/QS/85 PAGE6S Carbon assimilation rates by four species of phytoplankton were si;nificantly reduced by the light attenuating properties of fine silicon dioxide suspensions.A concentration of 1000 mg/L caused a ~O to 90 percent reduction in carbon uptake among the four species tested.A concentration of 2500 Mg/~caused an eo percent reduction in one of the species tested (Sherk et ala 1 S7G)• The presence of an open-ocean turbidity plume in the North Equatorial Pacific,having an average suspended sediment concen- tration of 440 ug/L,reduced primary productivity by 40 percent over the entire euphotic zone.However,because particulate concentrations return to ambient within a few days,it is believed that species composition changes would not take place (Oztur;ut et al.1981).The results of two sets ·of plankton tows indicated there was no maJor.deerease in the abundance.of.. neustonic macrozooplankton or sufficient amounts of particulates ingested to cause alteration in their chemical composition at turbidity concentrations of less than 1 mg/L. The relationship between gastropod eg;s and suspended solids concentrations 1s discussed in a literature reView by Stern and Stickle (1978).One s.pecies of planorbid snail showed normal egg development at 190 to 3&0 ppm,while another species experienced high mortality at the same concentrations.A third species did not lay eggs in the 360 ppm water but did so in water containing 190 ppm suspended solids. Loosanoff and Oavis (1963)report that silt is considerably more harmful to oyster eggs than to clam eggs.at concentrations of 2~0 mg/L silt,only 73 percent of oyster eggs survived,while more than 9~percent of clam eggs developed normally.Practically all clam eggs developed in concentrations of SOO mg/~silt,while only 31 percent of oyster eg;s survived. In a 1000 mg/L suspension of kaolin and Fuller's earth,on the other hand,practically all oyster sggs developed normally, REVIEW DRAFT C1 /~9/aS PAGE '" - - - - ~', .~ whi le only 37 to showed that the eggs decreased earth increased-- ,.... 57 percent of clam eggs survived.Davis (1960) normal development of clam (Y~n~§m~r£~n~r1~1 as concentrations of clay,chalk,and FUller's up to 4000 mg/L.The same was true for silt concentrations exceeding 750 mg/L.Furthermore,no clam eggs developed normally in silt concentrations of 3000 or 4000 mg/L. In a subsequent paper,Davis and Hidu (1969),report that 18S mg/L silt,3000 mg/L kaolin,or 4000 mg/L Fuller's earth significantly reduced the normal development of American oyster eggs.Oyster eggs were not,however,affected by 4000 mg/L silicon dioxide"regardless of the particle size.These findings suggest that the composition,as well as the concentra- tion of different sediments may be critical to the normal development of bivalve eggs. Auld and.Schubel (1976)note that suspended sediment concen- trations up to 1000 mg/L did not significantly affect the hatching success of a variety of non-salmonid anadromous and et a1.(19S1>report that herring eggs are unaffected by suspended silt.They note that the embryonic development of herring is unaffected by either short-term exposure to 500 mg/L, or long-term exposure to 5 to 300 mg/L suspended silt. The same concentrations did,however,reduce - estlJarine fish. the hatching success of white perch and striped bass.Kiorboe With respect to larval survival and development, experimental results indicate that suspended sediment concentra- tiolns of 500 mg/l..significantly reduced the survival of striped bass and white perch larvae,whereas short-term exp9sure to 100 mg/L reduced the survival of American shad larvae (Auld and Schubel 1978).As in the ca.e of clam and oyster eggs, Loo!sanoff and Davis (1963)found si lt to be more harmful to larvae growth was markedly decreased,while to clam larvae.At a concentration of 750 1000 mg/L silt.Moreover,clam in 3000 to 4000 mg/L silt.In oyster larvae than mg/l silt,oyster clam larvae grew normally in larvae survived for 12 days REVIEW DRAFT 9109/85 PAGE '7 cont rast to si 1 t,1000 mg/L kaol in caused tot al mort al it yin clam larvae in 12 days,while the growth of oyster larvae was I"l0t affected by 1000 mg/L.Io<aol in.5i 1 icon dioxide part icles ranging from 5 to 50 microns had little effect o~·the survival of either clam Or American oyster larvae.The smallest p.rticles «5 microns)had the greatest .ffect on the larvae of both species.Growth of American oyster larvae decreased progressively as the size of silicon dioxide particles decreased (Davis and Hidu 1969).From these studies,it was concluded that bivalve larvae grew faster in low concentrations of suspended solids than in clear se.water (Davis and Hidu 1969). With respect to adult survival,McFarland and Peddicord (19BO)observed a wide range of sensitivities to suspended kaolin among the 16 marine species they studied.Eight species exhibited less than 10 percent mortality after exposure to ~OO giL suspended sediment.Several other species were found to be rnore sensit ive.Th.200-hr LC~O for the mu •••l !!1!..~~li!~!:nl@n!:!... was 96 giL.Two speci.s of tunic.te.were relatively tolerant of suspended .olid.with.12-day LC~O of 100 gIL.The 200-hr L.eSO for the spot-tailed sand shrimp was ~O giL.The 400-hr LC30 for the same species was 40 gIL indicating a high tolerance to suspended clay.The euryhaline grass shrimp was even less sensitive to suspended kaolin.Th.Dung.ness crab,~§ns~r m~Ql§t@!:,was found to be more sensitive than any of the shrimp species,with a 200-hr LeSO of 32 gIL.The amphipod, eni"~QAmmA!:Y"~~Df.c~i~2!Y.,demon.trated an intermediate sensitivity to suspended sediment with a 100-hr LeSO of 78 giL. The kaolin conc.ntration which cau.ed SO percent mortality in the polychaete ~••D~b.~~YSSAn~.was 48 gIL in 200 hours.The English sole,e.r2abrY~y.1yly.,experienced no mortalities in 10 days at a concentration of 10 gIL 01'"less.However,80 percent mortality occurred after 10 days at 117 gIL..The shiner perch,~.!.§~,gr.,g§1!h was the most sensitive species tested with only one fish alive after 26 hotirs in 14 giL suspended kaolin (McFarland and Peddicord 1960).In a similar pUblication, REVIEW DRRFT <J 109/65 PAGE "8 - ""'" - ... - ,.,.. - - ..... - Peddicord (1980)states that marine and estuarine invertebrates were able to tolerate continuous exposure to suspensions of kaolin and bentonite in the grams/liter range for several days to several weeks without substantial mortality.Fi~h tolerated similar concentrations for similar periods under similar conclitions.Even at high temperatures and low dissolved oxygen concentrations,most invertebrates tolerated continuous exposure to 60 gIL suspended bentonite for several days before mortality occurred.An exception is noted for Juvenile Dungeness crabs which were affected to a greater degree by kaolin suspensions than other species.Moore (1977)notes an experiment in which shrimp (gr~!!.El.2!!sp.)survived immersion for 14 days in a clay suspension of 3000 mg/L..In another experiment,grsnS2!!;r~!!.Elg!! survived red mud suspensions up to 33 gIL for 72 hours,but were heavily coated on the gills.Experiments using seed scallops showed elevated respira~iQn rates at-kaolin concentrat~ons-o~ 250 to 1000 mg/L..Adult bivalves (BrS2gg;I~n 1rrsg12!!~)also showed higher respiration rates at ~OO and 1000 mg/L kaolin. The bivalve ~~~~r§n~r1~survived for only 11 days at 1220 mglL suspended mud and 1~days at 1~20 mg/L.chalk (Moore 1977)~In their literature review,Stern and Stickle (1978)report that suspended sediment concentrations from 4 to 32 gIL can be detrimental to oysters.Furthermore,they note that scallop and quahlog (clam)reproduction may be impaired by high concentrations of suspended solids. Pedd icord et al.(197~)note several invest i gat ions in wh ich deposited sediments increased the mortality rate of bottom dwelling marine invertebrates.Oysters (gr.~~Q3Ir••~1ra1!!1;s) suffered ~7 percent mortality where they were covered with 2 to 15 cm of sediment near a dredge spoil site.This compared to 17 percent mortality in the same oyster bed where little sedimentation had occurred.Cumaceans and harpacticoid copeoods were killed by deposition of 15 cm of sediment.The same amount of deposition reduced the number of large bivalves by 50 percent..I n ex per i ment s cond uct ed by Ped d i cc,rd et a 1.(1'375), REVIEW DRAFT 9/119/85 PAGE "" the rnc.rt ali ty 60 percent of mussels <~~§~~11~)was 10 percent under 4 cm under 6 and 8 cm of sediment deposited on the Static bioassays conducted by Sherk et a1.(1'375) established the lethal concentration of Fuller's earth on a variety of non-salmonid estuarine fish.Species were classified as tolerant 010 g/L.),sensitive <1.0 to 10 gIL),or highly sensitive «1.0 g/L.),based on a ~4-hour L.el0.L.ethal concentrations ranged from o.~a to 24.~gIL.,depending on the species.E~posure to SUblethal concentrations of Fuller's earth significantly increased the hematocrit value,hemoglobin concen- tration,and erythrocyte numbers among the species tested. With respect to feeding and growth,Johnston and Wild ish <1'380)conducted an lnvestigation to determine if increa~~d levels of suspended sediment reduced the feeding rate of larval herring~Larvae fed in water containing 4 and a mg/L.consumed the same quantity of zooplankters as those fed in clear water. However,larvae fed at 20 mg/L consumed significantly fewer %00- plankters than did the controls.They concluded that decreased light intensity at the lower sediment concentrations (4 and e mg/L),is not sufficient to depress larval feeding rates.At greater suspended sediment conce~tratio~s <20 mg/L),light intensity and visibility of prey are reduced sufficiently to cause depressed feeding rate..Brehmer (196~)reports that the f.eding activity·of certain filter-feeding shellfish is inhibited by high suspended solids levels.An eKample is noted by Moore (1977)in which the filtration rate of a mollusk <~r.~1gylA sp.)was significantly reduced as turbidity increased from 140 to 200 mg/L.Likewise,Johnson (1971)found that the filtration rate.of~.fQ~n1~.t~decreased as natural suspended solids levels increased from 2 to 250 mg/L.H.also found that the filtration rate decreased significantly as the concentration of silt,~uller's earth,and kaolin was increased up to 6 giL under experimental conditions.It is interesting to note the REVIEW DRAFT q/Q3/85 PAGE 70 - - ~I ..... ..... - ..... difference between natural and e~perimental sediment concentrations which produced the same reported effect.The presence of 0 to SOO mg/L suspended kaolin reduced the filtering rate of the scallop el~~2e~~t~n mea~lleni£~~and~the mahogany quahog a~~ti£~i~lengi£~(Peddicord at al.197~>. In the lower sediment concentration range,Kiorboe at al. (19,80)indicate that the blue mussel r1~til~~~9.~li~is well adapted to feeding in silt suspensions up to SS mg/L,and even benefits from concentrations up to a~mg/L.Furthermore,Stern and Stickle (1978>cite a report in which the pumping rate of ~. ~~~ii~was not reduced by bentonite suspensions of 1000 mg/L. In an e~periment conducted by Loosanoff and Tommers (1948>,as little as 100 mg/L silt significantly reduced the water pumping rate and shell movements of adult oysters.At concentr~ations of 3000 to 4000 mg/L the Rumpin;rate was reduced by 94 percen~~ In another eHperiment,oysters failed to resume normal pumping rates or shell movements after bein;subJected to water containing 1000 to 4000 mg/L suspended sediment for 48 hours (Loosanoff 1961).It as apparent that suspended sediments adversely affect adult oysters by damaging their gills and palps.Furthermore,it was apparent that oysters and clams feed most effectively in relatively clean water.In contrast,Stern and Stickle (1978>cite a report which stat..that oyster feeding rates were not impaired by 100 to 700 ppm of suspended mud. The ingestion rate of two calanoid copepods was significantly reduced during exposure to a 2~0 mg/L mixture of Fuller's earth,fine silicon dio~id.,and river silt (Sherk et a1.197~;1976>.At a concentration of 300 mg/L river silt,the ingestion rate was reduced by 77.3 percent (Sherk et al.1976)• The distribution of marine organisms may be affected oy turbid conditions.Resulting from an investigation of the filtration and shell growth rate of the filter feeding gastropod REVIEW DRAFT Q/49/S:S PAGE 11 ~.f2~ni~~~~,Johnson (1971)suggests that sustained high turbidity levels May have a liMiting effect on its distribution. Moore (1977)notes that an inshore cephalopod,~~lia~n~~l~ Qr:.~y.ia,pr~eferred intermediate tl.lrbidities (70 t<::.90 percent light transmission)and was limited seaward by higher turbidities. Several anadromous salmonid investigations perfo~med in fresh water are cited in the marine literature.The results of such studies apply to both fresh water and marine systems and are presented above in Tables 4-1 through 4-4.The quantitative effects of suspended solids and turbidity on marine plankton and macroinvertebrates are summari:ed in Table.4-5 and 4-6. The above discussion demonstrates that particulates may.have detrimental .effects on marine biota.These effects ~re summarized below. (1)The biological .ffects of particulates on marine biota are similar to the effects on freshwater aquatic biota. Particulates in the water column reduce the amount of light available for photosynthesis,can inhibit move- ments of fish,and may inhibit the ability of fish and other sight-f.eders to see their prey.Filter feeders, which are p«rticularly susceptible to the mechanical or abrasive action of suspended sediments,and early-life stages of estuarine fish are more sensitive to suspended sediments than bottom dwelling organisms and adult fish. (2)Much of the marine literature refers to the effects caus.d by clay,silt,chalk,Fuller's earth,and kaolin. It appears that the composition and/or particle size,as well as the concentration of different sediments may be critical to predicting the effects of particles on Marine organisms. (3)The difference between natural and experimental sediMent concentrations producing the same reported effect should REVIEW CRAFT q /Q9/SS PAGE 7'- - - - - - ~EVIEW DRAFT '3/09/35 PAGE 1'3 iAEL:~-5 Continued SURVIVAL AND ~RT~LITY OF ~RINE ORG~rSMS CrOil!:!!.2:!!____Nature and Extent of Effect Leve~or Co~_Durae ion COllllllent aeference TIJnicates (2)51)~llIortali ty 100.000 rnglL.12 oays Suspenceri clay McFarlane and Pedaicord 19M Hrncniood 50'!'IIOrtali ty 55,COQ iIIg/L 2.00 ;,ours SusoeJ1dea \(aol in PeCldicord et al.1'.175 SO%IOrtali t y 78,000 mg/L tOO hours SuspeYll1ed clay McFarland ana Peddicord 1380 20~ilIortali ty 35,000 mq/L 200 hours Susoended kaol iT,Pella icord et a 1.1975 curYhaline 20';iDOrt ality 77,000 IIIg/L 200 hours Suspended kaolin Peddicora at al.1'375 Grass Sh rli~O Soot-talled 50';lIIOf'tall ty ~O.OOO iIlg/L 200 hours Suspended ciay I'tcF ar land aT,d Sa no ShrilllD Peddicord 1980 Shnmp Survived clay concentrations 3000 mg/L 1~days Suspendea clay JIloore 1977 (~anllQ!1 so,)SurVlvea red mud Up to 33,000 !IIg/L 72 hours Suspended clay Moore 1977 :"obster IJo IIIOrtal i ty SO,OOO fdg/L Suspended kaolin Stern and Stickle 1978 No I'IIOrtality 1600 ppll Turbidity Stern and Stickle I'37B' Jungeness 50';IDOrt aii ty 32,000 mg/L 200 hours Suspenced'clay :o!c:Farland and' Crac Peddicord lSBO Estuarine Ito slJbstantlal IlOrtality Uo to 60,000 mg/L Several days SusDended Kaolin and PeddIcord :960 Invertebrates bentonite REVIEw DRAFT 3/09/85 ~GE:7'* TABLE 4-6 ~iSCELLANEOU5 EFFEC7S ON MARINE ORGANISMS HraerlCan Clyster >22%decrease in normal egg developllent Itlrmal egg development Reduced average pumping rate!:ly 57% Reduced average pu.ping rate by 94% Fai led to resUlM!IlOMlal functions fristers No effect on feeding -- - 'I' I Seed Scallops Clams Q'Jahog i"'~lilJsk (Cre:Hliula sp.) :'Iussel (~tilllS sp.) Phytoalankton Priraary Drocllchon Zooplankto'n Calanaid Cope pods Cephalopod 5astrocod Hernng Elevated respiration rate No eggs developed normally Decreased development Ceased feeding Reduced filtration rate Filtration rate slgnlficanily reauced Well adaoted to silt cone. Benefits frot!silt cone. Inereased respiration rates No reduction in pumping rates Production reduced to 40% Carbon assimilation decreased by S0-9~ Carbon assi.ilation decreased !:Iy 80% Reduced by SQ1. No significant decrease in abundance Ingestion rate reduced ~ Ingestion rate reduced si gnficantl y Preferred interEdiate turbidities Decreased filtration rate Decreased shell growth rate ~iltration rate decreased ~l:Iryenic development unaffected cy continuous eXPOSllre Larval feeaing signifi- cantly reduced 188-4000 rng/L To 1000-2000 mg/L 100 fIlglL 3000-4000 IIg/L 1000-4000 Illg/L 48 hours 100-700 PPII 250-1000 IIIg/L 3000-4000 IlIg/L Up to 4000 IIIg/L 1000 JTU avera~e S days o to 500 .g/L Increased frOlI 140-200 IIQ/l Up to 55 IIlg/L Up to 2S Ig/l S00-10OO IIg/L 7-14 days 1000 IIlQ/L 0.440 IIglL TeMtlOrary 1000 .g/L 41-43 JTU average 1 lIg/L TlIIPOI"ary SOO lIIg/L 2SO IIglL 70-90~light transmission rncreased fl'Oll 2 to 250 IIIg/L rncreasea frOlll 80 to 1560 ilIg/l :;0 to 6000 IIlg/L Up ~o 300 mgi~~ong-term 20 lng/I. RE~J:2.J DRAF7 S/09/.95 ~HGE 75 Suspended silt ~ixed suspensions Silt Silt Silt suspenslons Suspended sol ids Kaolin suspensions Silt susoensions ~ixed suspenslons Turbidity Suspended ~aolin 5us~ed solids Silt Silt Kaolin suspensions Bentonite Suspensions Mining plWlle Si licon diollide suspension Silicon dioxide suspension TlJrbidity Mining plume Suspended si 1t Mixed susoension Natural seailllent ~iKed sus~ension ~ixed susoension Suspended 5 i 1t Suscenced salias Davis and Hidu 1~69 Davis and Hidu 1969 Loosanoff and TOIImers 1948 Loosar:off and iommers 1948 Loosanoff 1361 Stern and Stickle 1978 !'loere 1977 Davis 1960 Davis 1960 Stern and Stickle 1978 Peodicord eLai.1'375 Moore 1977 Kiorboe et ai,1980 Kiorboe et al.1980 Moore 1977 Stern and Stickle 1978 Ozturgut et ai.1981 Sherk et al.1976 Sherk et al.1'376 Stern and Stickle 1978 Ozturgut et al.1981 Sherk et aI.1376 Sher~et al.1975; 1976 JI100re 1977 Johnson 1971 ;Qi'mson :371 fj,~r'X'E er.a",1'38: •':-0":·....\JL. --------~- be noted.Laboratory experiments often do not duplicate natural conditions or reflect natural levels of organism tolerance to turbidity and suspended material. 4.3 SUGGESTED CRITERIA FROM THE LITERATURE Various authors suggest different criteria for the prctection of water used for supply,recreation,and biota. This section presents these suggested criteria.It should be noted that there is general agreement on the criteria for water supply and recreation,but the criteria for the protection of aquatic biota are varied. 4.3.1 Water Supply For drinking water,·-the raw water source should be limi1;ed to 5 turbidity units if only disinfection is applied (George and Lehnig 1984).Higher levels of particulates are acceptable if the source water is adequately treated (coagulation, sedimentation,filtration)prior to chlorination or other means of disinfection.EPA (1976)notes that finished drinking water should have a maximum limit of 1 turbidity unit where the water enters the distribution system. ..... - The water quality industrial uses.At water with only 0.3 cooling can have up Other industrial u••• this range. criteria for particulates varies among one extreme,rayon manufacture requires turbidity units,whereas water used for to ~O turbidity units (McGauhey 1968>. r.quir.maximum turbidity levels within Criteria established for .valuating and identifying water treatment needs for fish hatcheries by Sigma Resource Consultants (1979)include limit.on suspended solids.The suggested limit for suspended solids for incubating eggs is 3 REVIEW DRAFT q/Q9/a~PAGE"" - - .- - ..- - mt/L.and for rearing and holding the limit is 25 mg/L in the absence of other pollutants. 4.3.2 Recreation The noticeable threshold for water contact recreation is 10 turbidity units,and the limiting threshold is 50 units (Mc6auhey 1968).The suggested maximum turbidity limit for Canaldian contact recreational water quality is 50 turbidity units and the minimum Secchi disk visibility depth is 1.2 meters (National Health and Welfare 1983).Fishing success is reduced wheY'e turbidity is greater than 23 (Philli;:3s 1971)to 30 NTU (Grundy 1975).According to McGauhey (19S8),the noticeable threshold for boating and aesthetic uses is 20 turbidity units. However,there is no evidence that boating and aesthetic uses are precluded at higher turbidities. 4.3.3 Siota Sugested particulate.criteria from the literature are divided into two categories in the following discussion:(1) Criteria for sediment in the water column (suspended solids and turbidity),and,(2)Criteria for sediment deposited on the substrate (settleable solids and substrate measurements). General suspended sediment criteria were initially proposed by Ellis (1937,1944)with respect to light penetration and aquatic life.For the restoration of streams,Ellis (1937) sug~est.d th.silt load should not reduce the light intensity at 5 meters by more than one millionth of its intensity at the surf'ace.Ellis (1944)restated this criterion for the prevention of direct damage to the gills and delicate exposed structures of fish,mollusks,and insects.For the protection of fish,Berger (1977)suggests that turbidity shall not average REVIEW DRAFT Q/49/Se PAGE'~ more than 27 times the natural level during any e-hour period, or more than 9 times the natural level during any 96-hour period,or more than 3 times the natural level during any 30-day period.These suspended sediment standards shall apply during construction activities and for 2 years after they have ceased. Berger's criteria ~or turbidity and macroinvertebrates during the post-construction period were stated as follows.In the year that .tarts 12 m~nths after completion of a construction activity,turbidity should not exceed one-half of the levels recommended above and the Shannon Diversity Index for cottom-living aquatic macroinvertebrate.shall not be changed more than 25 percent from the natural value as a result of finely-divided solids. The first definite suspended solids criteria for ·fresh water were proposed by the European Inland Fisheries Advis~ry Commission (EIFAC)~n 1965.According to the commission,there is no evidence that suspended solids levels less than 2S ppm have any harmful effects on fish;suspended solids in the range of 25 to 80 ppm will maintain good to moderate fisheries;eo to 400 ppm suspended sol ids are unli kely to support good freshwater fisheries;and,at best only poor fisheries are present in waters containing greater than 400 ppm suspended solids.These tentative criteria proposed by EIFAC were based on a survey of existing literature,and were presented as a basis for discussions of criteria necessary ~or the maintenance of ~reshwater ~ish.They are by ~ar the most frequently cited criteria.Not all authors,however,indicate if they simply concur with the Criteria .ugge.ted by EIFAC or are suggesting identical criteria based on conclusion.derived independently. Those who suggest Or state criteria similar to EIFAC include Sammon (1970),Alabaster (1972),eell (1973),NAS (1973), Sorensen et al.(1977),Alabaster and Lloyd (1982),Wilber (1983),and Seorge and Lehnig (1984).In addition,Van Nieuwenhuyse (1~83)and Simmo~s (1984)suggest turbidity criteria levels CNTU)similar to the EIFAC criteria for suspended solids (ppm). REVIEW DRAFT '/Q'3/85 PAGE 79 - - - .. -- .... In their.review of the EPI=I Red Book,Thurston et ala (1979) support a limit of 100 mg/L of suspended solids to prevent the mortality of fresh and marine organisms.However,one of the r'evtewer's felt that 100 mg/L is too restrictive and t-hat concen- trations could be much higher without causing adverse effects. These values are higher than those suggested by EIFI=IC (1965)to maintain a good fishery,but do not account for the sublethal effects discussed by several authors and presented in this litelrature review.Thurston et a1.(1979)state that no universal agreement exists as to the level of turbidity to be allowed.~erbert and Richards (1963)note that there is a fairly distinct separation at 100 mg/L,between rivers containing fish and those devoid of fish,thus supporting the recc)mmendation of Thurston et al.(1979)regarding lethal conc:entrat ions • The most conservative recommended turbidity standard is 25 NTU above natural conditions in streams and ~NTU above natural conditions in lakes for moderate protection,and 5 NTU in both lakes and streams for a high level of protection (Lloyd 1985). With regard to inCUbating eggs,Sigma Resource Consultants (1979)propose an acceptable limit of 3 mg/L suspended solids and 25 mg/L would be acceptable for fish rearing and holding in the absence of other pollutants. OFO (1983)has proposed sediment discharge standards,as opposed to receiving water standards,for five different classes of streams.For str.ams which are important as salmon and trout spawning habitat (1=1 classifications),the recommended sediment standard is a mg/L.Streams which are rearing areas for salmon and trout (B crassifications)and those which prOVide habitat for grayling,whitefish,and burbot (C classifications)would have a discharge limit of 100 mg/L.In streams having low or no use by any of the above fish except as migration routes,the recommended standard is 100 or 1000 mg/L.The same is true for all streams having a reduced biological capacity due to past placer minlng activities (X classification). REVIEW ORI=IFT q/~9/8~PI=IGE 79 Sherk etal.(1975)state 'chat the use of lethal conc&l"ltra- tiona (LC30)to establish suspended solids criteria ignores biologically significant sublethal effects on estuarine organisms.Therefore,in establishing criteria for the protection of estuarine organisms,the sublethal effects of suspended sediment On the most sensitive biological components (important species and life stages)must be considered. Adequate knowledge of local conditions,such as life-history stages,sediment types,sediment concentrations,species, duration of e~posure,and habitat preference,is required. Tarzwell (19~7)states that it is not possible to establish numerical criteria for settleable solids Which are applicable over wide areas.The criteria should be established to protect environmental conditions but will vary from stream to stream, depending on local concditions.With regard to deposited sediment,EIF~C (196S)concluded that spawning grounds for salmon and trout should be kept as free as possible from finely divided solids.BJornn et ale (1974)suggested that the amount of sediments that should be allowed to enter a stream before detrimental effects will occur on the aquatic habitat will depend on the amount of fines already contained within the stream channel.The amount that can enter the stream is the difference between the pre.ent level and the allowable,plus the amount transported.BJornn et al.(1977)state that fine sediment should not be allowed to fill pools or fully embed the larger substrate rocks,to avoid reducing the salmonid production capacity.They advocate using the percentage of fine sediment in selected riffle are.s as the primary inde~for monitoring fine sediment deposition in streams.Along these same lines,llNamoto et al.(1918)indicate that the best alternative appears to b.the establishment of criteria which limits the percentage of fines i~the streambed,and suggest a limit of 10 to ZO percent for sediment less than 0.65 mm in REVIEW PR~FT q/Q9/8~P~GE So - - - ...., - diameter.1n an earlier report,Ellis (1944)thought that fine sediment should be controlled to the extent that it does not blanket the bottom to a depth of more than one-quarter of an inch. Van Nieuwenhuyse (963)and Simmons (1984)propose a protection in receiving waters.Simmons further and suggests settleable solids levels for a moderate level,and )0.2 mIlL for protection. settleable solids standard of (0.1 mIlL 4.4 REFERENCES for a high level of (1984)goes a step of 0.1 to 0.2 mIlL a low level of AOEC,1985.Water quality standards.Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,Juneau,Alaska. Alabaster,J.S.,1972.Suspended solids and fisheries. of the Royal Society London Bulletin,180:395-40G. Pr'oc. ~. Alabaster,J.S.,and R.Lloyd,1982.Water quality criteria for freshwater fish.Second Edition,Butterworth Scientific, Bost on,MA.3G 1 pp. Alexander,G.R.,and E.O.Hansen,1983.Effects of sand bedload sediment on a brook trout population.Fisheries Research Report No.190G,Michigan Department o~Natural Re.ources, Fisheries Department. Auld,A.H.,and J.R.SchUbel,1978.Effects of suspended sediment on fish eggs and larvae.a laboratory assessment. 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REVIEW DRAFT ~/09/85 PAGE:9.1 - Carlson,R.W.,1984.The influence of pH,dissolved oxygen, suspended solids or dissolved solids upon ventilatory and cough frequencies in tne bluegill (b.g9mj~m~srgsbj~y~)and brook trout (§91~@11n~~f2ntln911~).Environ.Poll.34(2): 149-169. Cederholm,C.J.,L.M.Reid,and E.O.Salo,1980.Cumulative effects of logging road sediment on salmonid populations. In:Proceedings from tne Conference on Salmon-spawning grav.ll A Renewable Resource in the Pacific Northwest, University of Wasnington,Seattle,WA. Crouse,M.R.,C.A.Callahan,K.W.Malueg,and S.E.Dominguez, 1981.Effects of fine sediment on growtn of Juvenile cono salmon in laboratory streams.Trans.Amer.Fisn.Soc.,110 <a):a81-286. Davis,H.C.,1960.Effects of turbidity-producing materials in sea water on eggs and larvae of the clam C~~n~§(~@~s~n9~19) m@~£.n~~lAJ.Biological SUlletin,118(1)=48-~4. 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REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 8S -5.0 POTENTIAL USE OF OTHER PARAMETERS This section presents a discussion of potential alternatives to the parameters currently used by Alaska ~or defining particulates criteria for the various protected water uses. Parameters currently employed include turbidity,total suspended solids,settleable solids,and the percentage accumulation of fine particles in the substrate.This discussion is divi~ed into water column measurements and substrate measurements.The settleable solids test,although a water column measurement,is discussed with substrate measurements because settleable solids frequently become part of the substrate.A discussion of the r-elationship between turbidity and suspended solids appears before the discussion of water column and substrate Tl1eas l.lrernent s. 5.1 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TURBIDITY AND SUSPENDED SOLIDS The accepted technique for measuring suspended solids (APHA 1985)is time consuming,costly,and normally performed in a laboratory.Due to these constraints,many field investigators have used turbidity as an indirect measurement of the concentra- tlon of suspended solids.In order to adequately assess the potential for a relationship,if one exists,one must understand the principles of turbidity and suspended solids measurement,be familiar with the various methods of measurement and analysis, an~be aware of the potential variability inherent in each of these methods. In simple terms,turbidity may be interpreted as a measure of the relative clarity of water (Hach et ala 1984).However, t~rbidity is not ••precisely defined as dissolved oxygen,pH, alkalinity or many other water quality parameters.It must be recognized that turbidity,like color,is a visual or optical property.Consequently,the word meanS different things to different people.Pickering (1976)notes that turbidity should REVIEW DRAFT 3/03/25 P~GE qo -I """" - - ~, ~. ,~ ..... rII i be treated as a non-quantitative term similar to the term "Wall"'mtn,"in the respect that one measures temperat1.lre and not warmth. With respect to measuring particulates,turbidity has received the most attention.Some water quality experts believe that the turbidity measurement is subJect to great uncertainty and variability as a unit of measurement.This belief primarily originates from a number of studies related to placer mining where exceedingly high levels of turbidity have been measured. Turbidity measurements are less precise at high levels • Attempts to quantify turbidity have led to the development of several methods,instruments,standards,and units of measure.Consequently,there is a gr~at deal of confus~on over wh i I:h met hods,i nst rument's,st andards,and un it s of measure are the most appropriate.McCluney (1975)has summarized the various definitions of turbidity.These include the intensity of light transmitted (unscattered)through the sample,ratio of the intensity of light scattered by a sample to the intensity of the light source,the amount of light scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through the sample, and a reduction in transparency of a sample due to the presence of particulate matter.Turbidity has also been defined as the amount of suspended matter,in ppm,as ascertained by optical obslarvat ion,and in terms of different measurement techniques (e.g.,Jackson Candle and nephelometric turbidity).The units of measure for turbidity have included mg/L,ppm,Jackson turl:lidity units (JTU),formazin turbidity units (FTU),and nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).aecause of the variety of different methods,instruments,standards,and units of measure, many of the supposed equivalent measurements presented in the literature are actually expressions of different properties of natl.lral water (McCarthy et al.1974).Today,however~,mos'~ investigators use nephelometers and report results in NTU rather than the older units.Hence,recent data are more comparable. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/65 PAGE q, Comparability of turbidity measurements may not only be affected by the numerous ways of measuring it,but may also be influenced by the variability among instruments (Beschta 1980). Even among nephelometers,there is a variety 6f different physical designs.This situation makes it difficult to compare turbidity levels.Even using the same standard suspension for calibr~ating different instruments does not insure that tl.lrbidity values will be the same.Pickering (1976)reports that different types of instruments were calibrated with the same formazin standard and then used to measure various natural water samples.This resulted in a variety of turbidity values for the san,e sample. The only means for reducing the confusion surrounding turbidity measurements is to standardize the definition of turbidity and th~instrum~nt design specifications.This has been accomplished according to §~~OQ~~g_~~t~2Q~(APHA 1985)and .' the EPR (1983)methods manual.§t90g~~Q_M~thQg§is Jointly published by the American Water Works Association,a drinking water group,the Water Pollution Control Federation,a waste and sewage group,and the American Public Health Association,a public health group.The EPA methods manual is used by many among these groups as well as scientists interested in streams, lakes,wetlands,estuaries,and coastal areas.Hence,much of the confusion could,and should,be avoided by adhering to the definition of turbidity and instrument design specified by APHA (1985)• APHA (1985)defines turbidity as an expression of the C'Ijt ical property that eauses 1 i!iilht to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight line.through the samples. Turbidity in water is cau.ed by suspended matter,suen as clay, silt,finely divided organic and inorganic matter,soluble colored organic compounds,and plankton and other micro$copic REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE q~ - - - -- According.to APHA (1995),the standard instrument for measuring low turbidities is the nephelometer,for which a formazin polymer is used as the standard reference suspension. The 1 igh'~source is a t'Jngsten-fi lameYlt lamp operated at a color temperature between 2,200 and 3,000 K,where the angle of light acceptance by the detector is 90 degrees plus or minus 30 degrees.The distance traversed by incident light and scattered light withln the sample tube is not to exceed 10 cm.Turbidity measurements less than 40 NTU can be read directly from the instrument.Turbidities above 40 NTU need to be diluted with turbidity-free water until turbidity falls between 30 and 40 NTU. The precision and accuracy of nephelometric turbidity measurements are highest at lower levels,the leve1s at which c:r'it:eria are curreYltly set.This s.tatement is supported by t'='e proper reporting of significant figures according to APHA (19E~5),wh i ch is: Turbidity R.nge _____t:iIY _ 0-1.0 1-10 10-40 40-100 100-400 400-1000 )1000 Report to the _t:i!Ult:t!.t_t:iIY _ 0.05 o.1 1 :5 10 30 100 - ..... There are fewer direct methods for measuring total suspended solids than there are for turbidity.Hence,there is less variability in suspeYld8d solids determinations.Total suspended solids represent the m.terial retained on a standard glass-fiber filter after a well-mixed sample is filtered,theYl dried at It)3 to 103 degre••C <APHA 1965).Some investigators have inappropriately used 0.45 micron filters.Some marine scientists have used centrifugation for conceYltrating suspended REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/83 PAGE q3 particulates-followed by drying and weighing.However,this method is imprecise for dilute waters having less than 10 mg/L suspended solids (Campbell and Elliott 1975). A MaJor source of variability in both turbidity and total suspended solids measurements is obtaining a sample that is representative of the water being sampled.It is difficult to collect representative samples for suspended solids and turbidity.Many investigators simply collect grab samples, which mayor may not be representative of the stream water being $ampled.This depends on the amount of variability in the sampled stream.In determining the suitability of the water for various uses,it is essential that a sample represent the total or average discharge,as opposed to an isolated cell of water. Hence,some investigators obtain composite samples ove~~i~e-by manually collecting graQ samples acros~a cross-section or.by the use of automatic samplers.Automatic samplers,however,are usually set to sample only one location at a cross-section and may not collect all particle sizes.Composite samples can be time-weighted by combining equal volumes of individual samples at a specified time interval,or discharge-weighted where the volume of each individual sample is proportional to the stream discharge.Each type of composite can result in different report~d particulates levels. The difficulty in obtaining representative and reliable particulates data from automatic samplers has been documented for rnunicip.l wastewater tre.tment plants.Reed (1977)r"eported the results of Harris and Keffer who note that the suspended solids data for a raw municipal wastewater treatm.~t stream, monitored conclJrrently with more than one commercial automatic: sampler,can vary by as Mucn as 300 percent depending on the type of automatic sampler used. The most reliable suspended solids data are those collected using depth-integrated samplers.These samplers are lowered at REVIEW DR~FT 9/09/85 PAGE q4 - - lI!'fffl. a uniform rate with water being admitted throughout the vertical profile.The number of verticals collected across a stream depends on the accuracy being sought and on the the variation of sediment concentrations across the stream.Variability typically increases as the concentration of sediment increases. Another source of variability in turbidity and suspended solids analyses occurs in the analytical process.Subsampling a relatively small sample for analysis is difficult when the particulates concentration is moderate to high,and when the particle size is equivalent to sm~ll sand or lar~er.This situation arises when rel~tively l~rge sample.(typically 250 ml to 1 liter)are collected in the field but the volume required for turbidity and total suspended solids analyses is small. Turbidity requires about 25 ml and suspended solids requires a few to lOOml or more depending on·the ~oncentration qf particulates.Consequently,the analyst must thoroughly mix the sample and then obtain a representative subsample by decanting, pipetting,or other appropriate means.This process is exceedingly difficult and is a source of significant variability among samples containing high particulates concentrations and/or samples containing sand-sized particles.Sand settles too fast to enable an analyst to obtain a representative subsample. Assessment of the relationship between turbidity and total suspended solids must consider the sources of variability discussed above:(1)Variability in the turbidity analysis;(2) variability in the suspended solids analysis,(3)sample variability;and (4)subsample variability.These sources produce variability in the relationship between turbidity and suspended solids.Many authors (Black and Hannah 1965;Duckrow and Everhart 1971;Peterson 1973;McGirr 1974;Carlson 1976; Pickering 1S76;Stern and Stickle 1978;Langer 1980;McCart at al.1S80;LaPerriere 1983,Wi Iber 1983;13e,:;.rge and Lehni;1984; Hach et al.1984)recognize that turbidity is not necessarily a good quantitative indicator of the concentration of suspended REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGEQS solids becaase of the inconsistent correlation ~etween these parameters.Table 5-1 and Figure 5-1 present numerous correlations,both linear and logarithmic,between_turbidity and suspended solids concentrations reported by Many authors.This information clearly demonstrates that there is no single equation relating these two parameters.Furthermore,most of the authors listed in Table 5-1 failed to consider percentage error.Kunkle and Comer (1971:reported a percentage error for their correlation ranging from -69 to +333 percent.Rllen (1979)studied a turbidimeter to determine its accuracy in predicting suspended sediment concentrations.His results showed maximum errors of -184 percent at one gaging station, +261 percent at another,and average prediction errors of 31 and 25 percent.Allen attributed the poor correlation to changes in the particle-size distribution of the sediment. Turbidity,an optical property,must be rscogni:ed as being entirely different from a weight concentration of suspended matter.This occurs because the si%e,shape,and refractive index of suspended particles which influence turbidity measure- ments are not directly related to the concentration and specific Qravity of the suspended matter.Particle size and particle si~e distribution are two key factors required in comparing suspended solids measurements to the actual turbidity present in a sample (Booth 1974).Mc:Carthyet a1.(1974)fOI.lnd that the $~me FTU readin;could be obtained from a given concentration of kaolinite and twice that concentration of calciUM montmorillonite.They concluded that bec~use twice as Much material is in suspension,the resulting siltation problem would be significantly greater for a calcium montmorillonite discharge than for a kaolinite discharge. The majority of turbidity is due to the scatter::.ng of llght by particles having diameters less than about 10 microns (Klng et ....1.1378).AlthCJI.lgh tt.lt-bidity 1S often t.msl.lita~le f':I\'- determinlng suspended solids concentrations,findi~gs indicate REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE~' .... - TAELE 5-1 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TUR8IDITY AND SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATIONS bQ£~riibmi£_~Qrr§!siiQn§__B2 --B§f§r§DS§___________~Qi§ f""'"<TSS)0.84TED=3.20 0.77 Weagle 1'384 1 TBD =6.00 (TSS)O.631 0.80 R&M 1'385 2....TBD =1.78 (TSS)0.863 0.87 R&M 1'385 3 TED =0.44 <TSS)0.858 0.83 Lloyd 1'385 4 TED =0.185(TSS)0.'3'38 0.'32 Lloyd 1'385 5 TED =1.103(TSS)0.'368 O.'32 L l.:-yd 1'385 6 TeO ..13.49 (TSS)O.68 0.8'3 R&M 1'382 7.-I <TBD)1.32TSS=5.32 0.82 Kunkle and C,:.mer 1'371 8 TSS .-3.92 <T8D)1.41 0.89 .Kur'Jkle and Con,er 1971 '3 ..-TSS 2 <-TBD>1.25 King et al.1'378 lOa= TSS =4 .;:.(TBD)1.09 Kirlg et aL 1'378 lOb.""- TSS =2.34 (TBD)1.0 0.88 Kirlg at ale 1'378 10c TSS =0.63 (TBD)1.19 0.'35 Kirlg at a 1.1978 10d TSS =21.1 <TBD>0.7 King at al.1'378 10e bin§~~t:_~Qt:t:!!l~tiQn~_____ TED =15.65 +0.861 (TSS)0.4'3 R&M 1'385 11 TBD =8.69 +0.'304(TSS)0.873'3 Toland 1'383 12 TEiD •O.18 +0.41 (TSS)0.47 Peterson 1973 13 T80 =8.78 +0.26 (TSS)0.42 Peterson 1973 14 Tao: TSSI Turbidity,NTU Total Suspended Solids,mg/~ 1•Cort~elat ion applied to placer mining effl ueY'lt samples. '::l Glacier Fork,tributary to Eklt.ltna ~ake,Rlaska--30 to 40.... /?""percent of the basin is covered by glacier-s.!...East Fork,tributary to Eklt.ltr'Ja Lake,Alaska--S to 10...:.. pet'cent of the basin is covered by glaciers. 4.Data provided by USGS for 22'3 samples of Alaska streams, many of which are glacial or glaclally influenced. CJ7 TABLE 5-1 Continued CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TURBIDITY ~ND SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATIONS -5.Clted Peratrovicn,Nottingham &Drage,Inc.data from the Susitna River,Alaska. 6.Data for 27S samples collected from unmined and pl£cer mined streams in interior Alaska by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Toland (1983). 7.Data from settling coluMn tests performed on Alaska placer mining sluice box discharges. 8.The correlation represents 2 years of data collected from an agricultural area.The percentage error ranged from -69 to +333 percent and the high percentage err~rs generally were associated with the low turbidities (less than SOO mg/L sed iment. 9.The correlation represents the first year of data for the above equat ion. 10.Correlations from other authors presented by King et al. (1978)for drainage from sandy to silty,silt loam,fine silt loam,and fine silt plus clay soils in agricultural areas (10a-l0e correspond to e~uations in Figure 5-1). 11.Five combined Eklutna Lake,Alaska sample stations. 12.Chatanika River,Alaska.The correlation appears to hold up to about 250 mg/L and NTU.Above this range,the curve flattens showing higher suspended solids values in relation to turbidity.Other variable.appear to affect this corre- lation so that uniform application cannot be assured. 13.Co~r.lation for data collected from the Chatanika Rive~, Alaska in 1970 and 1971 when placer mining had no measur.- able affect on water quality. 14.Correlation for data collected from Goldstream C~eek, Alaska 1n 1970 and 1971. - 1 j -jR,1 J 1 1 J i }J )~J ....Tt:!II0J::l 1::_"1....-.L,.,v~.....~-..L CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TURBIDITY ANS SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATIONS 10050 TURBIDITY (NTU) , i i 7.1001 iii •II I 1 I/) o :Jo I/) 050Wo Z ~ CI) ::l CI) ...J ~o ~ -...J......o E- 10010 TURBIDITY (NTU) lOOt iii ii'L»A I I>·,> ,i)l',J -...J...... 0 E- CI) 0 :J 0 I/) o 10W 0 Z...a W 0--0 CI) ::l I/) ...J ~ 0 ~ Note:See Table 5-1 for references to the various equations. that a co~~elation may sediments (Allen 1979). sed i rnel"Lt s i ;:e5. be useful in cases involving fine Turbidimeters respond less to larger Tt.lt'c id 1 ty rneasurerl1ents y 1 e Id t"esu 1 t s that are ~"cll.\gh 1 y proportional to the aMount of suspended material only under certain circumstances.TurCldity instrumentation relies on optical properties of particulates such as their shape, refractive index,particle size distribution,particle concentration,and the absorption spectra (McCluney 1975). Hence,turbidity is proportional to mass or volume concentration only when all other parameters are constant.HoweYe~,the sediment in natural waters exhibit considerable variability in these parameters,which makes the establishment of the desired relationship difficult.This variability in natural .water 5everely rest~ict~the usefulness of using turbidity for routine measurement of the amount of suspended materlal (McCluney 1975). Although turbidity and suspended sediment concentration are n.:lt synonyrnol.ls,they are t"elated in selme instal"lces,and turbidity can be used to help define the level of sediment concentration (Ritter and Ott 1974).Within c.rt~in size and concentration ranges,and with certain types of suspended mate~"ial,it is possible to estimate sediment concentrations based on turbidity (Pickering 1976).Hence,any predictive relationships between the.e parameter.must be developed on a drainage basin basis (Kunkle and Comer 1971;Beschta 1980; Seschta et ala 1981).Once a correlation bet~een turbidity and suspended solids has been established for a given ~ater body, one parameter can be used to give an estimate of the other, although each of the measurements has independent significance (McGirr 1'374).Truhlar (1976)found a good cor~'e,lat ic,rl be'tweel"l daily mean discharge-weighted turbidity and daily mean discharge-weighted sU3pended solids concentration.This approach considers the variability in particulat~s concen~rations ~ith discharge. REVIEW DRAFT 9/03/85 PAGE ~o - ,~ .... - Based o~the above information,it is clear that there is no one consistent correlation between turbidity and suspended solids concentrations.However,these parameters may be correlated under certain circumstances.Conseq~~ntly,using turbidity to predict suspended solids concentrations may be useful but the investigator needs to recognize all the potential variables,calculate the correlation including periodic updates, and calculate the percentage error associated with the correlation.In addition to treating the data collectively, regression analyses should include calculations of coefficients of determination and confidence limits for data in the low, medium,and high ranges. Since the relationship between turbidity and suspended solids concentration is dependent on local geological and hydro- lC'9 ical characterist ics,-any c.orrel at ion between th~.se parameters needs to consider drainage,season,and discharge. There are natural and man-made sources of particulates that improve the correlation between these parameters,such as glacial streams and placer mining.Particle sizes and shapes and particle-size distributions from these sources probably exhibit less variability than in natural clear water systems. WATER COLUMN MEASUREMENTS Particulate levels in water have been measured by numerous direct and indirect techniqu.s.Direct measurements of the number or weight of particle.include total suspended solids, microscopic analysis,electronmicroprobe analysis,use of a Coulter counter,X-ray methods,and radioactive absorption.The most widely accepted technique,the total suspended solids test described above in Section ~.1,involves filtering a known volUMe of water through a glass-fiber filter followed by drying and weighing.Centrifugation has been used to concentrate samples followed by drying and weighing,but ther~are disadvantages to this technique.One dis~dvantage occurs when REVIEW DR~FT ~/O~/e5 PAGE IOj fine-grained_sediment has organic material associated with it. Some organic material can have a density close to that of water, making it very difficult to separate (Gibbs 1974).Another dis~dvantage is that centrifuging is not good for'dilute water having less than about 10 mg/L suspended solids (Campbell and ~lliott 1975),Radioactive absorption has been used because the absorption of radiation is proportional to the mass present and therefore directly measures the concentration of suspended sedU1erit (Gibbs 1974).However,this method is impractical because of its expense.Microscopic analysis and the Coulter counter rely on counting the number of particles present,both of which are time consuming.Additionally,conversion of the number of particles to weight per unit volume requires assessment of particle size and specific gravity. Electronmicroprobe analysis and X-ray methods require expensive equJ.pment arid a relatively high level of I!xpertJ.se.Ther~efor'e, ,~f the direct methods for measuring particulates in the water column,the graVimetric method for total suspended solids as described by APHA (196~)is the most acceptable.This is the method specified in the Alaska water quality standards (ADEC 1965)• Measurements related to light penetration may,under certain Circumstances,be an indicatiQn of the conce~tration of particulates.These measurements include turbidity (described above in Section 5.1)and transmissivity,Qr its inverse,light extinction.Microspectrophotometry,Secchi disk depths,and remote sensing using color infrared photography are also indirect measurement techniQues. These optical methods rely on absorption and/or scattering. Nephelometric turbidity measures the scattering of light by suspended particles,whereas the beam transmittance meter measures the attenuation of light by scatterlng and absorption. The Secchi disk is a simple kind of irradiance meter which is :e5$precise tharl other i""ldH~ect methOd».Ad<::l1tl.onally,'.l''SE'I::;Jf' REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGEJO~ """ - - - '"' I~ the Secchi disk is inapplicable in shallow,clear to moderately turbid areas.Measures of light penetration,such as compensation point,light extinction coefficient,wave length analysis,and transmissivity have been related to primary production.Furthermore,extrapolations have been made from these measures to other effects of particulates on aquatic b i ot a. A chief concern in estimating suspended solids concentrations in water by remote sensing is obtaining adequate ground truth data (Shelley 1976).Two aspects that must be considered in obtaining ground truth data are timing actual sample collection with the remote sensor pass,and standardi%ing sampling equipment and techniques.It appears that remote sensing is less precise than nephelometric turbidity rneasiurement s. Although no single optical measurement technique stands out as being the most accurate and precise,the nephelometric turbidity measurement as defined by APHA (1985)is the most acceptable indirect technique for measuring particulates for a number of reasons.First,the instrument specifications are well defined,leading to improved accuracy and precision. Second,turbidity is more Widely accepted than many of the other indirect methods.Third,tur~idity measurements have been applied to mAny different WAter uses including water supply, recreation,and the protection of aquatic biota.Fourth, turbidity levels mAy b.highly corr.lated with total suspended solids concentrations under certain circumstances.Therefore, nephelometric turbidity meAsurements are the most applicable indirect measurement technique for particulates.The existing Alaska water quality standards (AOEC 1985)specify that turbidity measurements are to be performed in accordance with APHI=I (1 98S)• REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/aS PAGE 103 5.3 SUBSTRATE MEASUREMENTS The Measu~ement of settleable solids is typically a volumetric test that measu~es the volume of matertal that will settle under quiescent conditions in one hour.An Imhoff cone is filled to the 1-1iter mark with a thoroughly mixed sample and allowed to settle for 45 minutes.The sample is gently stirred along the sides of tho cone with a rod Or by spinning,and allowed to settle 15 additional minutes (APHA 1985).The volume I~f settle.ble matter in the cone is recorded as milliliters per liter (mIlL).A gravimetric technique for settleable solids can be employed.However,this technique is time consuming and employs all the equipment required in the suspended solids test.The volumetric test can be performed easily in the field.Hence,it is the recommended procedure for settle~ble solids. Substrate conditions in spawning areas are typically dete~mined by measuring the ~.rcentage of va~ious particle sizes,the pe~m.ability of gravels,or the dissolved o~yg.n concentration in the gravel.The most widely used and accepted technique is measuring the percentage of various particle sizes. This technique is specified by the Alaska water quality standa~ds (ADEC 1985). The volume of fine.in sub.trate sample.i.determined by first securing a sample using a substrate sampler such as a corer or dredge.The sample is then subJected to grain si:e a~alysis.~ike other sam~ling techniques,different samplers have advantage.and disadvantage.when sampling differ8nt 9i%e bed material.To minimize loss of fine-grained sediment,the Alaska water quality standards specify that i a technique for freeze sampling streambed sediments be followed.A major disadvantage of th15 technique is that It requi~es addition~l and heavy equipment,making it difficult to use inremote REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/SS PAGE 104 - areas.Furthermore,variability is relatively high with this technique,as it is with other substrate sampling devices. Measurements of bedload,.lthough technically valid,are too c.:,mpl icated as a criterion (Iwamoto et a1.1 '378>'Iwamoto et a1.(1'378)sl.Aggest that it may be possible to relate suspended solids in the water column to the bedload by the use of sediment The use of suspended solids as the basis for-t-ati.ng curves. ct-iteria may hold promise if difficulties with - - - estimation,prediction,and determination of the relationship with streambed sediments,and long-and short-term effects on aquatic biota are clarified to the extent that reproducible results are obtainable.However,until this is accomplished, the accepted technique of freeze core sampling to determine the percentage of various particle sizes in streambed sediments is rec~)mmeY'lded• 5.4 REFERENCES ADEC,1'385.Water quality standards.Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,Juneau,Alaska. Allen,P.B.,1'379.Turbidimeter measurement of suspended sediment.U.S.Department of Agriculture,Science and Education Administration,Agricultural Research Results, ARR-S-4,New Orleans,LA.S pp. APHA,1985.Standard methods of the examination of water and wastewater.American Public Health Association,Washington, D.C.la68 pp. Beschta,R.L.,1'380.Turbidity and suspended sediment relation- ships.In:Proe.Symp.on Watershed Management '60,Boise, ID.pp.271-282. Seschta,R.L.,S.J.O'Leary,R.E.Edwards,and K.D.Knoop,1'361. Sediment and organic matter transport in Oregon coast range streams.Water Resourees Res.arch Institute,Oregon State University,Corvallis,OR.67 pp. Slack,A.P.,and S.A.Hannah,1'365.Measurement of low turbidities.Journal American Water Works Association,Vol. 57,pp.'301-'316. REVIEW DRAFT '3/09/65 PAGE lOS Eloo;:.th,R.L.,1'374.Intercomparison of the Jacj.r.5cln Cal"ldle turbidity measurement and several instrumental techniques. In=Proceedings of National Oceanographi~Instrumentation Center Workshop held at Washington,D.C.on May 6-6,1'374. National Oceanographlc Instrl.lmentation Cel"lter,W.i'-shington, D.C.pp.101-106. Campbell,P.,and S.Elliott,1975.Assessment of centrifuga- tion and filtration as methods for determining low concentrations of suspended sediment in natural w~ters. Fisheries and Marine Service Research and Development Directorate Technical Report No.545,Department of the Environment,Winnipeg,Manitoba.19 pp. Carlson,E.J.,1376.Control of turbidity at construction sites.In:Proceedings of the Third Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference 1976.Prepared by Sedimentation Committee Water Resources Council,Denver,CO.pp.2-180-- a-1S0. Duckrow,R.M.,and W.H.Everhart,1371.Turbidity measurement. Trans.Amer.Fish.Soe.,100(4):6S2-690. EPA,1383.Methods for chemical analysis of wat~r and wastes. EPA-600/4-79-020 Revised March 1963,Environmental Protection Agency,Cincinnati,OH. George,T.S.,and D.E.Lehni;,1984.Turbidity and solidS. Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency by Camp, Dresser &McKee,Annandale,VA. - - Gibbs,R.J.,1974. in water.In: New YClri-l.,NY. Principles of studying suspended materials Suspended Solids in Water,Plenum Press, pp.3-1:5. Hach,C.C.,R.D.Vanaus,and J.M Heer,1984.Understanding turbidity measurement.TeehnicalInformation Series--Sook- let No.11,First Edition,HaeM Chemical Company,~oveland, CO.10 pp. Iwamoto,R.N.,E.O.Salo,M.A.MadeJ,and R.~.McComas,1'378. Sediment and water qualityl a review of tne literature including a suggested approach for water quality criteria. Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency,EPA 910/'3-78- 048 by Fisheries R.search Institute,College of Fisheries, University of Washington,Seattle,WA.4&pp.+Appendices. King,L.S.,D.L.Bassett,and J.M.Ebeling,1'378.Sigrlificance of turbidity for quality assessment of agricultural runoff and irrigation return flow.Agricultural Engineering Dept., Washlngton State University,PUllman,WA.36 pp.+Appen. REVIEW DRAFT S/09/SS PAGE ~6 """ Kl.lnk,le,S.H.,_and G.H.Comer,1'371.Estimating sl.lspended sediment concentrations in streams by turbidity measure- ments.Journal Soil and Water Conservation,26(1):16-20. Larlflet~,o.E.,1'380.Effects ,';)f sedimentat i,';)n .';)r.salrl1QrJid stt~eam life.Paper presented at the Technical Workshop on Suspended Solids in the Aquatic Environment,June 17-16, Whitehorse,YT,Environmental Protection Service,Vancouver, BC.20 pp. LaPerrriere,J.D.,1'363.Statement on the state of Alaska'$ water quality standard for turbidity.Unpublished report, University of Alaska,Fairbanks,Alaska.5 pp. Lloyd,D.S.,1'365.Turbidity in freshwater habitats of Alaska: a review of published and unpUblished literature relevant to the use of turbidity as a water quality standard.Report No.6S-1,Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game,Juneau,Alaska. 101 pp. McCa~t~t,P.J.,P.M.R.Green,D.W.Mayhoc1d,and P.T.P.Tsui, 1'360.Environmental studies No.13 effects of siltation on the ecology of Ya-Ya Lake,N.W.T.Prepared for Minist~r of Indian ~nd Northern Affairs by ~quatic Environments, Limited,Calgary,Alberta.266 pp. McCa,rthy,J.C.,To E.Pyle,and G.M.Griffin,1'374.Light trans- missivity,suspended sediments and the legal definition of turbidity.Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science,2:2'31-29'3. McCluney,W.R.,1'375.Radiometry of water turbidity measure- ments.Journal Water Pollution Control Federation,47(2): 252-266. McGirr,D.J.,1974.Interlaboratory quality control study number 10 turbidity and filterable and nonfilterable residue.Report Series No.37,Inland Waters Directorate, Erlvironment Canada,Burlington,Ontario.10 pp. Peterrsorl,L.A.,1973.An invest igat ion .';)f selected physical imd chemical characteristics of two subarctic streams.M.S. Thesis,University of Alaska,Fairbanks,Alaska.laS pp. Pick.erirlg,R.J.,1'376.Measurement of "turbidity"and related characterist ie.of natural waters.Open-Fi le Repe:,rt 76-153, U.S.Geological Survey.13 pp. R&·M,1'382.Placer mining wastewater settling pc'nd dem.:.rlstrati,=,n proJect.Prepared for State of Alaska,Department of Erwir'::Jnmerltal Conservation by R&M C,:,nsultants,Inc., Fairbanks,Alaska.60 pp.+Appendices. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/aS PAGE JO? R&M,1'385.Glacial lake physical lirnnolclgy studies:EldlJtnCi\ l.ake,Alaska.Prepa~~ed for Alaska Power A'Jthority by R&M Consultants,Inc.,Anchorage,Alaska. Reed,G.D.,1'377.EvaltJatb::.n .;:If the stal"ldat~d sampling techrliql.te for suspended solids.EPA 907/9-77-001,Surveillance and Analysis Division,Technical Support Branch,Field Investi- gations Section,Environmental Protection Agency,Region VI I.4'3 pp.-+-Append i)(. Ritter,J.R.,and A.N.Ott,1'374.Measurement of turbidity by the U.S.Geological Survey.[n:Proceedings of National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center ~orkshop held at Washington,D.C.on May S-8,1'374.National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center,Washington,D.C.pp.23-30. Shelley,P.E.,1'376.Sediment measurements in estuaries and coastal areas.NASA CR-27S9,National Aeronautics and Space Administration,Wallops Island,VA.102 pp. Stern,E.M.,and W.B.Stickle,1978.Effects of turbidity and suspended material in aquatic environments.Dredg~d Material Research Program,Technical Report 0-76-21, Environmental l.aboratory,U.S.Army Enginner Waterways Experiment St~tion,Vicksburgf MS.117 pp. Toland,D.C.,1983.Suspended solids in mainstem drainages downstream from placer mines,Fairbanks and vicinity, Alaska,AUQuet 3-17,1983.A Working Paper,Environmental Quality Monitoring and l.aboratory Operations,Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservative,Juneau,Alaska.28 pp. Truhlar,J.F.,1976.Determining suspended sediment loads frOM turbidity records.In:Proc.Third Inter-Agency Sedimenta- tion Conf.,1976.Water Resources Council,Denver,CO. Weagle,K.,1984.Treatment of placer mining effluents using settling pondS,volume I:t.~hnical report.Prepared for Government of Yukon,Oept.of Economic Development and Tourism by Ken Weagle Environment.l Consultant l.td., Whitehorse,YT.~3 PP. Wilber,C.G.,1'383.Turbidity in the aquatic environment,an environmental factor in fresh and oc.a~ic waters.Charles C.Thomas,Publisher,Springfield,Il..133 pp. REVIEW DRAFT ~/09/65 PAGE JOe 6.0 PROPOSED PARTICULATES CRITERIA 6.1 INTRODUCTION A criterion is a designated concentration or limit of a parameter that,when not exceeded,will protect a prescribed water use with a reasonable degree of safety.In some cases,a criterion may be a narrative statement instead of a numerical limit. The water quality standards for a particular water body consist of those criteria associated with the uses for which that water body is protected.Water bodies are classified by the uses for which th.y ar.protected.In Alaska,all water bodies except th.low.r Ch.na Riv.r and Nolan Creek (and mos~Qf its tributaries)are clas'sil"ied 1"0r prot.ction of all uses. Ideally,paramet.rs us.d for d.l"ining crit.ria should be able to be measured relatively simply and be inexpensive,fast, precise,and accurate.It is desirable to use techniques that can be performed in the field without compromising the pr.cision or accuracy of th.m.asurem.nt.Additionally,standards should include only th.most applicabl.param.t.rs 1"0r .ach wat.r use. For exampl.,turbidity crit.ria ar.suffici.nt to protect secondary recreational uses,so there is no need to have suspended or .ettl.able .olids criteria.Standards must be st.'ced in clear,und.rstAl"Idabl.terms so that confusion do.s not arise ov.r th.ir int.rpr.tation.Id.ally,th.y should be appropriate l"or all types of aquatic syst.ms and should consider seasonal,geographicAl,and flow differenc.s in natural particulate conc.ntrations. Criteria should be p.riodically reviewed and updated as new data or techniques for obtaining fast and accurate measurements become available.The particulates criteria should not be viewed as permanent fixtures but as essential parts of an REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE fOq evolving system to safeguard the current and future uses of Alaska's waters. 6.2 PROPOSED CRITERIA This section outlines suggested changes to the Alaska water quality criteria for particulates.The current wording, pr'::Jposed wording,and supporting rationale are presented f'::Jr each criteria.The rationale for retaining,changing,or deleting each criterion is based on the literature reviewed for this document.That literature has been used to formulate the discussions in Chapters 1 through~.Therefore,the rationale sections are necessarily summaries of the preceding discussions. The reader is referred to the earlier chapters for more detailed overviews of literature relating to the effects of partic.ulates on water supply,recreation,and biota. Given the status of knowledge,there are probably as many defensible sediment And turbidity criteriA for cert_in us. categories as there are informed agencies or individuals interested in proposing them.In reality,there is probably no one definitive level or concentration that is detrimental to each use in all systems under all circumstances.In some instances,the existing criteria have been refined or modified to reflect the findings of a variety of researchers.With regard to aquaculture,definitive maximum suspended solids concentrations for egg incubation and rearing have been identified in the literature.In other instances an absolute maximum turbidity level or suspended solids concentration may not be appropriate.S~ch is the case for growth and propagation of freshwater and marine organisms.The proposed standards for these categories reflect .easonal fluctuations and site-specific differences in natural turbidity and sediment Ievets.They limit any appreciable increase above natural levels in systems wh ich normall y carry low part iculat e loads wh i Ie a 11,;:IW i l"'.g for some increase in systems which periodically exhibit moderate to Mlgh natural levels. REVIEW DRAFT 3/0'3/85 PAGE 110 - - - - - ...., The pro~osed particulates criteria presented below are made with two caveats from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.First,the Department does not want to assess revisions to the existing water use categories as "part of this study.Second,since it is the Department's responsibility to fully protect the various water uses,in setting criteria the Department prescribes limits be set on the most s.l"Isiti",.us.in each water use category.For aquatic biota,this means setting criteria for the most sensitive life stage of the most sensitive spl!!!cies in the most sensit ive season.This approach is prescribed by the EPA. Table 6-1 essent ial to category are us.'. lists water uses and the parameters that are each.Parameters not appearing in a particular considered unnecessary for the protection of that 1.Water supply. a.Turbid i ty glS.1!!11n,;:Shall not exceed 5 NTU above natural conditions when the natural turbidity is 50 NTU or less,and not have more than 10~ increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than ~O NTU,not to exceed a maximum increase of 2~NTU. There shall be no increase in turbidity when the natural condition is 5 NTU or less,in- crease shall not cause turbidity to exceed 10 NTU when the natural condition is between 5 and 10 NTU,shall not cause more than a 5 NTU increase when the natural condition is 10 t,j 25 NTU,and shall not cause turbidity to exceed 250 NTU when the natural condition is SO to 250 NTU. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/65 PAGE III TABL.E 6-1 W~TER USES ~NO P~R~METERS FOR WHICH CRITERI~MUST BE EST~BL.ISHED TO MEET WATER QU~LITY 08JECTIVES - ________E§c~isyls!g_E~c~m§~~c~_ Settleable Y.Accum. I~ceiQit~I22 __2Qliga___Ein@a __ x Ec@~!l_~~t@!: Drinking,culinary. and food processing Agr'iculture Aquaculture Industrial Contact recreation Secondary recreation x x x x X X X X X X X ~ Growth of aquatic organisms Seafood Processing Contact recreation Secondary recreation Growth of AqUAtic organisms X X x x x X x x x X x x x x X x - TSS •Total Suspended Solids REVIEW DRAFT 3/09/85 PAGE 11~ - - \6lPUl b.Sedim!ent g~1~11ng:No measurable increase above natural cond i t i ems. erQQQ§~~:No increase in settleable solids or volatile suspended solids above natural conditions. Although light attenuation is not an issue related to the acceptability of drinking water,most people find water with 5 or more turbidity units obJectionable (Bruvold 1975).Sorensen at a1.(1977)state that 0 to 10 turbidity units provide ar, excellent source of water supply requiring only disinfection. They also state that 10 to 250 units provide good sources requiring only usual treatment,and that waters with turbidities greater than ~50 units are poor sources requiring special o~ auxiliary treatment.Therefore,the existing criteria has been modified to protect naturally clear so~rces of drinking wat~r. At the same time,the proposed standard allows for a greater increase where water contai~s higher natural turbidity levels which would require usual treatment or would otherwise be unacceptable as a water supply.With regard to sediment,the primary concern is that sediment not interfere With disinfection.Interference with disinfection is directly related to the type and amount of organic sediment (volatile suspended solids)present in the water (Symons and Hoff 1975). An increase in inorganic suspended sediment above natural conditions does not necessarily impede the clarification process,and in some instances may enhance it (NAS 1973)There- fore,the suspended sediment criterion has been modified to limit only volatile suspended solids.The rationale for the proposed settleable solids criterion is:(1)Natural waters which are otherwise suitable as a water supply normally contain low levels of settleable solids;and (~)settleable solids may significantly decrease the effective life of sedimentation basins or filtration systems,thereby increasing treatment REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE fG Shall not c:ause detrimental ePfects on indicated wate~use. Delete crite~ion for this use category. 2.Water -sl.lpply:agric:ultut~e,including ir~t~igation and stoc:\.<'. wC\t et~i rllil a.T1..lrbidity s.l:t.!a.!inQ : b.Sed irnent g~.ia~.i!:!S:For sprinkler irrigation,water shall be free of particles of 0.074 mm or coarser.For irrigation or wate~spreading,shall not exceed 200 mgll fo~an extended period of time. fC2~ga~g:Retain the existing criteria and add the following.Inc~ease in total suspendea solids shall not interfere with the treat- ment of agricultu~al wat&~supply.No increase in settleable solids above natu~al conditions allowed. The concern is fo~particulate matter which May block pumping and sp~aying equipment and cause formation of c~usts 01"1 land or coat vegetables which have been irrigated.The solids criteria should be measured directly.Turbidity should be deleted because the conce~n is fo~the physical p~esence of pa~ticles and not light scattering and absorption.The term "extended period of'time"is vague,but the~.was no info~mation in the literatu~e ~eviewed that would improve this term and be defensible.The particle size crite~ion appea~s to be adequate because it limits the pa~tic:le size to silt and smaller mat e~ia 1. -.:..Wate~supply: a.Turbidity g~.ia~ing: aquac:ultu~e Shall not exceed 2S NTU above natural condi- t ion level.Fo~all lake water",shall l"lI:>t REVIEW DRAFT '3/09/8S "AGE II" - - c. e!:!2e2~!.!aJ Sed irl1ent g~.!!!]'1!!g= exceed S NTU over natural conditions. Delete criteria for this use category. No imposed loads that will interfe~e with established water supply treatment levels. ~h.re the natural condition is less than 3 mg/L,suspended solids shall not exceed 3 mg/L..~her.the natu.ral condition is greater than 3 mg/L.,suspended solids shall not increase by more than ao~.There shall be no increase in settleable solids above natural conditions. A definitive maximum concentration of 3 mg/L.for inCUbating salmonid eggs and 25 mg/L for salmonid rearing is presented in the literature (Sigma Resource Consultants 1979).Thus,the maximum concentration should be limited in order to facilitate adequat~water supply treatment and ensure successful incubation and rearing.The 3 mg/L level is important because most hatcheries support egg incubation and use of this level is the most conservative.There is no apparent reason for a turbidity criterion as such.The proposed suspended solids criteria would insure that turbidity-causing sediments are kept to a minimum. It should be noted that ultraviolet disinfection may be inhibited by turbidity-causing sediments.However,there are no dat4il.in the literature reviewed regarding specific tUl~bidity levels that inhibit ultraviolet disinfection.A low level increase in suspended solids (3 mg/L)will limit the volume of turbidity-causing particles.The rationale for limiting settleable solids include the well documented adverse impacts of sediment accumulation on egg incubation and fry development (see Tables 4-1 and 4-2). 4.Water supply:industrial a.Tt.lrbidity g~i~!1Dg:Shall not cause detrimental effects on REV lEW DRAFT '3/09/65 PAGE 115 b. E!:2e2§~2: Sediment 51!.!§1.!DS= established water sypply treatment levels. Retain criterion for this use category. No imposed loads that will interfere with established water supply treatment levels. No increase in total suspended solids and settleable solids levels above natural con- ditions that would adversely affect estab- lished water supply treatment. Turbidity is retained for those industries which use turbidity as the established parameter in treatment systems, such as the brewing industry.As pointed out in Section 4.2, industries vary considerably with regard to the amount of particulates which can be tolerated.Some industries can tolerate only low parti=ulate level~.Because the ~ang.:of acceptable water quality varies widely,a narrative criteria is probably the be.t avai lable.Tne propo.ed sediment crit.l~iol'l is designed to protect established treatment techniques. 5.Water recreation:contact recreation a. b. Turbidity g~.!§!.!ng: Sediment 5~i§!iJ:!S1: Shall not e~c.ed 5 NTU above natural condi- tions when the natural turbidity is 50 NTU or Ie••and not have more than 10%increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than 50 NTU,not to eMceed a maMimum increase of 15 NTU.Shall not eMce.d 5 NTU over natural conditions in all lake waters. Shall not exce.d 5 NTU above natural condi- tions when the natural turbidity is SO NTU or less and not have more than 10~increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than 50 NTU. No increase in concentrations above natural cond i t i ems. REVIEW DRAFT 3/03/85 PAGE "~ - - - e~2e2§~g:Celete criterion for this use category. Aesthetics and safety are the primary considerations for contact recreation such as diving,swimming,and w~ding.Data show that people prefer to recreate in clear rather than turbid water.A 5 NTU change in turbidity levels is noticed by most peolPle.Cloudy water can also obscure dangerous rocks or other underwater obstructions.The upper limit for achieving these goals is 50 NTU (McSauhey 1966>.There is no basis for having different standards for lakes and streams.Therefore,this part of the standard is deleted.There is no information that warrants changing the turbidity levels in the existing criteria, which afford a high level of protection,other than the amount of maximum increase. Sediment·is not a direct consideration for conta~t recreation and this standard is deleted.Suspended sediments may need to be limited only if the particles are organic or are associated with pathogenic microorganisms.The presence of pathogenic organisms are covered in water Quality criteria not addressed in this document. 6.Water recreation:secondary recreation Turbidity Slii~~i!!.Q: a. Shall not exceed 10 NTU over natural condi- tions when natural turbidity is 50 NTU or le••,and not have more than ~O~increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than SO NTU,not to exceed a maximum increase of SO NTU.For all lake waters,turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU over natural condi t ions • .er:9.e2~!!g :Sha 11 not ex ceed 10 NTU over natura 1 cOl"ld 1- tions when natural turbidity 15 50 NTU or less,and not have more than ~O~increase 11"1 turbidity when the natural condition 15 more than 50 NTU. REVIEW CRAFT '3/09/85 PAGE 11'1 b.Sediment gl!11!11.n~:Shall not pose hazards to ineioental human contact or cause interference with the Yse. Delete criterion for this use category. Based on MeGauhey (1~6e),the current turbidity criteria afford a high level of protection for boating and other non-contact water recreation.Fishing may require more stringent standards in order to maintain a suitable sport fishery.However,in th15 case,the turbidity criteria for 'the growth and propagation of fish,shellfish,and other aquatic organisms would apply.There is no apparent reason for lake and stream standards to differ.Furthermore,there is no defensible reason for retaining the sediment criterion for this use based on the literature reviewed. Shall not exceed 25 NTU above natural condi- tion lavel.For all lake waters,shall not exceed 5 NTU over natural conditions. Shall not exceed 5 NTU increase above natural conditions up to 25 NTU and shall not exceed 20~increase above natural conditions (M••sured in NTU)when the natural condition is 25 NTU or greater. 7.Growth and propagation of fish,shellfish, life a.Turbidity s~.!a1.!.ng: and other aquatic - b.Sediment g~1.!11n~1 The percent accumulation of fine sediment in the range of 0.1 to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of waters utilized by an.dromous or resident fish for spawning may not be increased more than 5~by weight over natural conditions (as shown from grain size accumulation graPh). In no case may the 0.1 to 4.0 mm fine sediment range in the gravel bed of waters REVIEW DRAFT ~/OS/a5 PAGE 118 - '"'" used by anadromous and resident fish for spawning exceed a maximum of 30%by weight (as shown from grain size accumulation graph).(See note 3 and 4)In all other surface waters no sediment loads (suspended or deposited)which can cause adverse effects on aquatic animal or plant life,their repro- duction or habitat. E~292~§g:Suspended and/or settleable solids content of surface waters shall not adversely affect aquatic plants and animals,their reproduc- tion or habitat.In natural conditions less than 2S mg/L,suspended solids shall not have more than a ~o%increase.In waters where the natural condition is greater than as mg/L,suspended solid~shall not have more than a 20%increase.No increase in settle- able solids above natural conditions.The percent accumulation of fine sediment in the range of 0.1 to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of waters used by anadromous or resident fish for spawning may not be increased more than ~%by weight over natural conditions,not to exc.ed aO%by weight over natural conditions. Th.existing turbidity criteria afford a moderate to high level of protection for aquatic organisms as evidenced by data froln Herbert et al.(1961>,Alabaster (1972),Sykora et a1. (1972>,Sorensen et al.(1977),Langer (1980),Sigler (1981>, Sis!ion and 8i lby (1982),NCASI (1984b),Sigler et a1.(1984), and Simmons (1984).Although,the current state of knowledge in Alaska is inadequate to describe the energy base of more than a few stl"eamS and lakes,it should be assumed that many systems depend on primary productivity to at least some extent. Quantitative information presented by Bell (1973),Nuttall and Bill::lY (1973),McCart et a1.(1980),Van Nieuwenhuyse (1983),and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE Oq LaPel"'l"'ier-e et al.(1983)indicate that tur-bidity cl"'itel"'ia are necessal"'y fol'"the protection of aquatic systems ~hich depend on primar-y prodl.Lct i vity.Fl.ll"'therrnc.re,there is substantial evidence that tUl"'bidity has a negative impact on salmonid feeding (Alabaster-1972;Sykor-a.et al.1972;Langer 1960;Simmons 1964),salmonid gl"'owth (NCASI 19B4b;Siglel'"et al. 1984),selmonid distribution (Siglel'"19B1;Bisson and Bilby 1982;5i,18r st a1.1984),and benthic rnacroinvertebrate popul~tions (Herber-t et al.1961;Sorensen 1977;~aPerriere et a1.1963)•The suggested changes in the tur-bidity standar-d fact greater- than address the to have a prOductivity that increase.in very clear water are likely effect on a~uatic organisMs and primary the same magnitude of increase in naturally turbid ~ater. The reaSon for-limiting fines in spawning gl"'avels is:to - eg~s and alevins by filling interstices in the is •volumetric,not a gravimetric concern. the type of fine material,weight may vary Widely of the same dimensions,-but both would occupy the On for Depending avoid smothel"'ing g~~avel.·This same volume of space and reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity in water flowing through because the accepted proposed cr-iter-ia are the gl"'avel to the same degree.However, technique is to weigh the fines,the expressed in terms of weight.Although, the percentage accumulation of fine sediment in a gr-avel bed is difficult to evaluate,the Department has found it to be a useful criterion.With regard to substrate characteristics of tne size range stated in the eMistin;cr-iteria and based on info~mAtion in the literatul"'e (McNeil 1964,l<o.ki 1966,eu~ns 1972,Ph ill ips et a1.1975; Coble 1976;TAgart 1976;Iwamoto et a1.1975; al.1geO;Crous.et Al.1961,Tappel and BJ'::Jr-nrl crit.~ion allOWing a ma)(iml,AM of 30 percent fine spawni ng beds, are adequate and Ahnel1 Hausle and Cederholm et 1983).The sediment is not ~UPPol"'t.d by the literature;this maximum should - be lowered to 20 percent as a Ma~imuM (McNeil and Ahnell 1954; K';:Jski 1965;Shelton and Pollack 1966;BJornn 1969;Burns 1972; REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE f10 BJornn et al.1974;Hausle and Coble 1976;Iwamoto et al.1978; Cede~rholm lit al.1980;Crouse et a1.1981;Tappel and BJornl"1 198=:;;NCASI 1984a;NCASI 1984b).The settleable solids mea5H.lrement is re lat i vel y simp le and re 1i able and ca.n-be 1.lsed il"l place of the percentage accumulation of fine sediment at the Department's discretion.EIFAC (1965)concluded that spawning gravels should be kept as free as possible from finely dividied solids.Van Nieuwenhuyse (1983)and Simmons (1984)suggest a settleable solids criterion of less than 0.1 mllL for a high level of protection.Thus,the proposed criteria afford a high level of protection for salmonid spawning gravels. Suspended solids are also detrimental to aquatic organisms and,since suspended solids can not be correlated with turbidity on a state-wide basis,it is necessary to have a st~ndard for total suspended solids..The propo$e~criterion is rest~ictiy~ for naturally -clear water but less restrictive for waters containing naturally high suspended solids concentrations.It is in agreement with the ~S mglL criteria suggested by several authors CEIFAC 1965;Gammon 1970);Alabaster 197~;Bell 1973; NAB 1973;Sorensen et al.1977;Alabaster and Lloyd 1982;Wilber 1983;and George and Lehnig 1984)to maintain optimal fisheries and prevent harmful effects on fish.This criterion offers a higrl level of proteetion fo~sediment-free spawning and rearing waters while allOWing some increase in streams and lakes which rece.ive natural sediment loads.It also accounts fo~the high degree of seasonal suspended sediment variability in Alaska's many st~eams and lak••• 1.Water supply: a.Turbidity gl!1~11ng: Er2.ag~~9= aquaeulture Shall not e~ce.d as NTU. Delete standard for this use category. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 121 c.Sediment g~i!!1i!!g=No imposed loads that will interfere with established water supply treatment level~ Where the natural condition is les~than 3 mg/L,suspended solids shall not exceed 3 mg/L.Where the natural condition is greater than 3 mg/L,suspended solids shall not increase by mo~.than ao~.There shall be no increase in settleable solids above natural condit ions. The rationale is the same as cited above for aquaculture in fresh water • .:=......Water su~ply= a.Turbidity sl1i.!1.!n,g1 .e!:2a9.!~gl b.Sediment gl1!~]'in.e; E!:9a9.!~gl seafood processing Shall not interiere with disinfection. Oelete criterion for this u ••category • Below normally detectable amounts. Shall not increase levels of suspended and .ettleable solids above natural condition or shall not interfere with disinfection or established water treatment processes. The turbidity standard was deleted becau.e the concern with seafood proces.ing is the amount of suspended and settleable solids in the water rather than light scattering.The sediment criterion,IIbelow normally detectable amounts,"is !Iomewhat ambiguous and was redefined in terms of an increase in suspended and .ettleable solids above natural conditions,thereby making the crlterion easier to enforce. REVIEW DRAFT '3/0'3/85 PAGE 111 3.Water sl.lpply: a.Turbidity g~.!§~.!!Jg: .el:QeQ~!!g: b.Sediment g1ijJ!~.i!!gI industrial Shall not cause detrimental effects on estab- lished levels of water supply tre~tment. Delete criterion for this use category • No imposed loads that will interfere with established water supply treatment levels. No increase in total suspended and settle- able solids levels above natural conditions that would adversely affect established water supply treatment. Turbidity wa.deleted because light scattering is not a concern for industrial use of marine water;su~pended and settleable solids levels are the-concern.Industries vary_.in their water qU~lity requirements.Some require water virtually free of particulates.This standard encompasses all potential uses so that opportunities for future economic development in Alaska are not precluded. 4.Water recreationl contact recreation a. b. Turbidity g1i.i!!~.ing: .2r2e2.1.g 1 Sed irnent g1i.i~I.i!lgl Shall not exceed 2S NTU. Shall not exceed S NTU above natural condi- tions when the natural turbidity is SO NTU or Ie••and not have more than 10~increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than SO NTU. No measureable increase in concentrations above natural conditions. Oelete criterion for this use category. REVIEW ORAFT 9/09/6S PAGE I~~ - Aesthetics and contact recreation safety are the such as diving, primary considerations for swimming,and wading.Data 5.Water recreation:secondary recreation Sediment is not a consideration for contact recreation and this criterion should be deleted. Snall not po.e hazards to incidental human contact or cause interference With the use. Delete criterion for this use category. Shall not eKc.ed 25 NTU. Shall not eKc.ed 10 NTU over natural condi- tions"when natural turbidity is 50 NTU or less and not have more than ao~increase in turbidity when tne natural condition is more tnan 50 NTU. Turbidity g~i!!1i:ag: E!:QgQ~!!g: Sediment g~.ij!iin.9: a. b. show that people prefer to swim in clear rather than turbid waters.Cloudy water can alsl:;I obscure dangero'Js underwater obstructions.The upper limit for achieving these goals is 50 NTU.Therefore,the turbidity standard is limited to that level.The turbidity criteria afford a high level of protection,but are lower than natural conditions in some areas of Alaska marine waters. G.Growth and propagation of fish,sh.1lfish,and other aquatic 1 i fe The current standards .ffo....d ..high 1.ve1 of protection for boating and other non-contact water recreation.Fishing may ,"eQuire more stringent standards in order to maintain.suitable sport fishery.However,the standards for the growth and p ....op.gation of fish,shellfish,and other aquatic organisms would cover the concerns. a.Turbidity gli.i!!i.i!!.9~Shall not reduce the depth of the compe~sa­ tion point for photosynthetic activity by REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/65 PAGE 111 - more than 10~.In addition,shall not reduce the maximum Secchi disk depth by more than 10". E~229§~~:Within the photic zone,shall not ~xceed 5 NTU increase above natural condition up to 25 NTU and shall not exceed a ao~increase above natural condition (measured in NTU) when the natural condition is a5 NTU or greater.Shall not reduce the depth of the compensation point (depth at which 1~of the incident light is available)for photosynthe- tic activity by more than 10~. b.Sediment §;~1!!.t1!)a:No me.sureable increase in concentrations above natural conditions. Total susp~nded solids·shall not have More than a ao~increase above natural cc,ndit ions. There shall be n6 increase in settleable solids levels above natural conditions. The existing criteria using compens.tion point and Secchi disk depth may be ade~uate.However,there are few data in the literature reporting compensation point and Secchi disk depth irl Alaska marine waters.Most of the data are reported as turbidity and suspended solids.Hence,turbidity levels should be used as the primary criterion limiting the amount of particulates ~here light penetration is of paramount interest with compensation point .s a secondary criterion.The suggested changes in the turbidity standard address the fact that increases in turbidity in clear waters are likely to have a greater affect on primary productivity and depth of the euphotic zone than the same magnitude of increase in turbid waters. The existing sediment criterion (no measurable increase in concentration above natural conditions)certainly affords a high level of protection.This criterion is restated in terms of REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 1~~ suspended and settleable solids,allowing for some increase in total suspended solids above nat!.lral conditi-ol"ls.Th&suspel"lded solids criterion reflects marine organisms'generally greater tolerance of sediment than that of freshwater~-organisrns as evidenced by higher adverse affects have concentrations (100 to 6000 mg/L)at which been reported (see Table.4-5 and 4-6). ~, Furthermore,increa.es in suspended marine sediments are likely to be localized and periodic (Ozturgut et al.19B1)in this high dilution environment.Although 1"10 specific settleable solids criteria are presented in the literature,the proposed criterion is conservative and restricts any increase for the following r"eaSOl"ls:(1)The natural variability in settleable solids levels with verticle depth in the water column;(2)the -potential difficulty in e.tablishing natural levels of inorganic sediment which will eventually settle under quiescent --cc,nditions;(3)the potential diffic'..llty in monitoring --~l"ld el"lforcing a definitive criterion in the marine envirol"lment;(4) the variability in d i stri but iOYI of infaunal and epifaunal organisms which may be sensitive to additional sediment accumulations;and,(5 )the lack of scientific data regarding ~ the demonstrated effects of s.ttleable solids on Marine benthos. 7.Harvesting for consumption of raw mollusks or other raw aquat ic 1 i f. a.Turbidity 5~1§11ng:Shall not reduce the depth of the compensa- tion point for photosynthetic activity by more than 10~.11"1 addition,shall not reduce the maximum Secchi disk depth by more than 10"• - b. .E!:Qag!!~g:Delete criteria for this use categc1ry. Sediment g~1aSing:No existing standard. E!:ga2a~gs No increase in ••ttleable solids acove natural conditions. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE I~' ,.... There is no evidence to support the necessity of having turbidity or suspended solids criteria for this use category. relating to toxic materials arid/or microbial corttarnination of raw shellfish are covered il"l other water star.dards outside the scope of the particulate stal'1ldards.The proposed settleable solids criterion protects the consumer from undesirable deposits of particulate matter on edible organisms. 5.3 REFERENCES ~labaster,J.S.,1972.Suspended solids and fisheries. of the Royal Society London Bulletin,180:395-406. Proc. Alatlaster,J.S.,arid R.Lloyd,1982. freshwater fish.Second Edition, Boston,MA.361 pp. Water quality criteria for Butterworth Scientific, 8ell,M.C.,1973.Silt and turbidity.In:Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria,U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,North Pacific Division,Portland, OR. Bisson,P.A.,and R.E.Bilby,1982.Avoidance of suspended sediment by Juvenile coho salmon.No.Amer.Jour.of Fish. Manage.,2(4):371-374. BJornl"l,T.C.,1969.Salmon and steelhead investigations,Job l"lo.5--embryo survival and emergence studies.Report F-4'3- R-7,Idaho Fish and Game Department. BJ ':'t"rlrl,T.C.,M.A. Wallace,1974. aquatic lif•• Idaho,Moscow, Brusven,M.Molnau,F.J.Watts,and R.L. Sediment in streams and its .ffect on Water R••ourc••R•••areh Institute,Univ. ID.47 pp. of Bruvold,W.H.,1975.Human perception and evaluation of water quality.CRC Critical Reviews in Environmental Control, 5 (2)=153-231. Burns,J.W.,1972.Some effects of logging and associated road construction on northern California streams.Trans.Amer. Fish S.:jc.,101 (1) :1-1 7. Cede,rholrn,C.J.,L.M.·Reid,and E.O.Salo,1980.CI.IMI.llative effects of logging road sediment on salrnonid populations. In=Proceedil"lgs from the Conferel"lce on Salrnon-spawnil"lg gravel:A Renewable Resource in the Pacific Northwest, University of Washington,Seattle,WA. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8S PAGE ~7 Crouse,M.R.~C.A.Callahan,K.W.Malueg,and S.E.Dominguez, 1981.Effects of fine sediment on growth of Juvenile coho salmon in laboratory streams.Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc.,110 (2):281-286. EIFAC,1965.Water quality criteria for Eu~~pean freshwater fish,report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries. European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission Technical Paper No.1,Int.~national Journal of Air and Water Pollution,9(3):151-168. Gammon,J.R.,1970.The effect of inorganic sediment on stream biota.Prepared for the water Quality Office of the Environmental Protection Agency,Grant No.180S0DWC,U.S. Gov.Printing Office,Wasnil"gton,D.C.141 pp. Ger.:1rge,T.5.,and D.E.Lehnig,1984.Turbidity and solids. Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency by Camp, Dresser &McKee,Annandale,VA. Hausle,D.A.,and D.W.Coble,1976.Influence of sal"d in redds on survival and emergel"ce of brook trout <§21~~11ri~~ fQDt~n~ll§).Tral"s.Amer.Fish.Soc.,No.1,pp.57-63. Herbert,D.W.M.,J.5.Alabaster,M.C.Dart,and R.Lloyd,1961. Tne effects of china-clay wastes on trout streams.Intl. Journal of Air and water Pollution,5(1):56-74. Iwamoto,R.N.,E.C.Salo,M.A.MadeJ,and R.L.McComas,1978. Sediment and water quality:a r&view of the literature including a suggested approach for water quality criteria. EPA 910/9-78-048,Prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency by Fisheries Research Institute,College of Fisheries,Univ.of Wasnington,Seattle,wA.46 pp.+ Appal"ld i cas. Koski,K.V.,1966.The survival of coho salmol"l (Qns2rb~ns~~ ~l~~tSQ)from egg d.position to emergence in three Oregon coastal streams.M.S.Thesis,Oregon State University, Corvallis,OR. La~ger,O.E.,1980.Effects of sedimentation on salmonid stt'eam life.Pal=ler pre••nted at tn.Techncial Workshop on Suspended Solids in the A~uatic Environment,Jun.17-18, Whit.ho~.e,YT,Environmental P~otection Servioe,Vancouver, BC.20 pp. LaPerriere,J.D.,D.M.8Jerklie,R.C.Simmo~s,E.V.Van Nieuwenhuyse,S.M.Wagener,and J.e.Reynolds,1983. Effects of gold placer mil"ing on interior Alaskan stream ecosystems.in:Proceedil"lgs of First Annual Meeting of Alaska Chapter American Water Resources Association,Nov. 1983,Fairbanks,Alaska.34 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 1~8 - McCart,P.J.,P.M.R.Green,D.W.Maywood,and P.T.P.Tsui, Ig80.Environmental studies no.13 effects of siltation on the ecology of Ya-Ya Lake,N.W.T.Prepared for Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs by Aquatic Environments, Limited,Calgary,Alberta.286 pp. McGauhey,P.H.,1968.Engineering management of water quality. McGraw-Hill Book Company,New York,NY.295 pp. McNeil,W.J.,and W.H.Ahnell,1964.Success of pink salmon spawning relative to size of spawning bed materials. Special Scientific Report--Fisheries No.469,U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service. NAS q 1973.Water quality criteria,1972.National Academy of Sciences--National Academy of Engineering,EPA-R3-73-033, WaShington,D.C.594 pp. NCASI,1984a.A laboratory stUdy of the effects of sediments of two different si~e characteristics on survival of rainbow trout (§~lm2 ~~1cgn~~1)embryos to fry emergence.National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improve-' rnent,Technical Bulletin No.4i29,April,1984.49 pp~+. Append i ces~ NCAsr,1984b.The effects of fine sediment on salmonid spawning gravel and Juvenile rearing habitat--a literature review. National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement,Technical Bulletin No.428,New York,NY. 66 pp. Nutl~al,P.M.,arid G.H.Bilby,1973. wastes on stream invertebrates. (S):77-86. The effect of China-clay Environmental Pollution, Ozturgut,E.,J.W.Lavelle,and R.E.Burns,1981.Impacts of manganese nodule mining on the environment:results from pilot-scale mining tests in the North Equatorial Pacific. In:R.A.Geyer (ed.>,Marine Environmental Pollution, 2:Dumping and Mining,Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York,NY.S74 pp. Phillips,R.W.,R.C.Lantz,E.W.Claire,and J.R.Moring,1975. Some effects of gravel mixtures on emergence of coho salmon and steelh.ad fry.Trans.Amer.FiSh.Soc.,104(3);461-466. Shelton,J.M,and R.D.Pollack,1966. survival in incubation channels. 95 (2):183-189. Siltation and egg Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc., ,r-Sigler,J.W.,1981.Ef'ects of chronic turbidity on feeding, growth and social behavior of steelhead trout and coho salmon.PhD.Dissertation,University of IdahO,Moscow, ID.ISS pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE J~q Sigler,J.W.,-T.C.BJor n,a ...d F.H.Ev~rset,1964.Effects of Chro...ic turbidity 0 de...sity a ...d growth of steelheads and coho salmon.Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc,113(2)2142-150. Sigma Resource Consultants,1979.Summary of water ~uality criteria for salmo...id hatcheries.Dept.of Fisheries and Oceans. Simmons,R.C.,1984.Effects of placer mining sedimentation on Arctic grayling i ...int.rior Alaska.M.S.Thesis,U...iversity of Alask.,Fairbanks,Alaska.75 PI'. Sorensen,D.L.,M.M.McCarthy,E.J.Middlebrooks,and D.B. Porcella,1977.Suspended and dissolved solids effects 0 ... freshwater biota:a review.Corvallis E...vironmental Research Laboratory,Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency,Corvallis,OR.65 pp. Sykora,S.L.,E.J.Smith,and M.Synak,1972.Effect of lime neutrali%ed iron hydroxide susp.nsions on Juvenile brook trout.Water Re.earch,(6):935-950. Symons,J.M.,and J.Ci Hoff,1975.Ratio~ale for turbidity· maximum contaminant level.Pr.s.nted at T~ird Water Quality Tech ...ology.Confer....c.,American Water Works Associa- tion,Atlarlta,GeOrgi ..,Oecemb.r 8-10,1975,Water Supply Research Division,Environm.ntal Prot.ction Agency, Ci ...cil"lnati,OH.19 PI'. Tagart,J.V.,1976.The survival from egg deposition to emergence of coho .almo...in the Clearwater River,Jefferson Cou...ty,Washi ...gto....M.S.Thesis,University of Wasningto ..., Seattle,WA.65 pp.+Appendices. Tappel,P.O.,.....d T.C.BJor......,1963.A ....w method of relating size of .pawning gravel to salmon .mbryo size.North America ...Jour ...al Fisherie.Ma ...ag.m....t,(;3):123-135. Van Nieuwenhuyse,E.E.,1983.The effects or placer mini ...g on the prim.ry prOductivity of i ...t.rior Alaska streams.M.S. Th.sis,University Qf AI.ska,F ..irb....ks,Alaska.120 pp. Wilber,C.G.,1983.Turbidity in the aquatic environme...t,an envirQ...m....t.1 factor in fresh a ...d oceanic w.ters.Charles C.Thomas,Publish.r,Springfi.ld,IL.133 PI'. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE '30 - - 1'1'""', APPENDIX A ANNOTATED SIBLIOGRAPHIES~-FRESH W~TER <1/q REVIEW DRAFT 1/1':l8S PAGE ~-1 REFERENCE.ADEC,1S8~.Wat.r quality standards.Alaska O.pt. of Environm.ntal Con••rvatlon,Jun.au,Ala.ka. 27 pp. REFERENCE ~OCATION.L.~.P.t.r.on &A••oclat••,Inc. - IMPORTANT p~aESI 3-13 Th.wat.r quality .~andard.,is AAC 70,ar.deserib.d by various ••etions which includ.a g.n.ral s.etion and discus.ion of short-t.rm varianc.,prot.et.d wat.r us.s and crit.ria, proc.dur.for applying wat.r quality crit.ria,mixing zon.s, zon..of d.posit,th.rmal di.charg••,cla••ification of stat. wat.rs,proc.dur.for r.cla••ification.clas.ification crit.ria, .nforc.m.nt discr.tlon,and d.finitions. q/q REVIEW DRAFT e/l~/8~p~eE A-e - """I· I REf:'ERENCEI ~l.b ••t.r,.J.S.,.nd R.L.10yd,1982.WAt.r quality crit.ri.for fr ••"w.t.r fi.".S.cond Edition, Sutt.rwort"Sci.ntific,So.ton.361 pp. REF~ERENCE L.OC:ATIONI Univ.r.ity of A1 ••k.L.ibr.ry,F.irb.nk. IM~)ORTANT PA~;ES.1-3,1:5-17 KEY WORDS,Sedim.nt,Turbidity,Susp.nd«l Solid.,Fish,WAter Clu.1 ity 8l'l1t1QI8!IQl'lI E)(c:•••iv.conc.ntr.tion.of fin.1y divid.d solid.m.y b.".rmfu1 to •fi.".ry by..cting dir.ct1y on fi.".wimming in w.t.r cor\t.ining .u.pend«l .01id.,.nd .ith.r killing t".m or reducing t"tlir growt"r.t..nd r ••i.t.nc.to di •••••'by pr.v.nting t"• •uc:c•••fu1 d.v.10pm.nt of fish .gg..nd 1.rv••,by modifying n.t:ur.1 mov.m.",t..nd migr.t iOl".of fish,by r.ducing t"• •bl.ilnd.nc.of food .v.i 1.b1.to t".fi.",or by .ff.ct i ng t"• •f1r ici.ncy of m.thod.for c.tc"ing fi.".·Th ••p.wning ground.of trclut .nd ••1mon .r.p.rt icu1.r1y·.u.c.pt.b1.to finely divid.d .olid.,.nd •.11I.11 .mount 0'turbidity or d.po.it.d .01id.m.yC.l,Jl..fi.h to .•void th.m or pr.v.",t .ucc•••fu1 d.v.10pm.nt of th.tir .gg..Th.r.i.no .vid.nc.th.t .u.p.nd.d .01 ids corlc.ntr.tion.b.10w ~mg/L.h.v..ny .ff.ct on fi.h. COrllc.ntr.t ion..bov.2:5 mglL.".v.,in .om.in.t.nc••,r.duc.d fillh yi.1d,3:5 mglL.".v.r.duc.d f_ding int.n.ity,:50 mglL.n.v. r.dluc.d the growth r.t.of trout,8a mglL.ch.rco.1 n.v.ki ll.d D.~'hni..Th.10we.t conc.ntr.t ion known to h.v.r.duc.d fi.h 1i 1'..)(p.ct.t ion i.90 mglL.,.nd the 10w••t conc.ntr.t ion known to h.v.incr••••d .u.c.ptibi1ity to di .....i.100 mg/L..In .om. w.t.r.fi.".r.few in n ...mb.r,or .b••nt in t".100-400 mg/L. r.rlg..Simi1.r conc.",tr.tion.incr•••••u.c.ptibi1ity to d 11,••••,mort.1 ity r.t••,r.duc.growth r.t••,ki 11 D.phni.,.nd drfL.t ic.11y r.d...c.inv.rt.br.t.f.un.in .tr••m b.d..T".r.i. no r.1i.bl••vid.",c.to l"'dic.t.th.t fi.h f ....n •••Mi.t in w.t.r. nor'm.11y cont.ining gr••t.r th.n /too mglL..u.p.",d.d .01 id..Fi.h m.~'.urviv.coftC.ntr.t io",.of ••v.r.1 thou••nd mg/L.for .hort p.,,'iod.b ...t may d.mag.th.ir gi 11..Thi.m.y .ub••qu.ntly .ff.ct th.,ir .urviv.1. T.rlt.tiv.crit.ri.for .....p.nd.d solid.in fr••hw.t.r .r••• follow..(a~mglL.h.v.no h.rm'ul .ffect.on fi.h••,a~-80 mglL. will provide for good 01'"mod.r.t.fish.ri ••,80-400 mg/L..r. un1ik.1y to ....pport good fi.h.ri ••,.t b ••t,only poor fi.h.ri •••1"'.'lik.ly to b.cont.in.d in ...at.r.norm.l1y cont.ining )400 mg/L.. gig REVIEW DRAFT 8/19f8:5 P~GE A-3 REFERENCE_Arrud.,J.A.,G.R.M.rzo1f,.nd R.T.Faulk.1983. Th.role 0'.usp.nded,••dim.nts in the nutrition of zoop1.nkton 1n turbid ~.s.rvoir••Ecolo;y,64(~)1 122~-123~. REFERENCE ~OCATIONI AI.sk.R.sourc••~ibr.ry,Anchor.g.(microfilm) IMPORTANT PAGES.122~-123~ at:it:ig!e!lQ~' QA»bni.were tasted to discov.r:(1)The physical .¥~.ct5 o~ susp.nded s.diments on ing••tion .nd incorporation rates o~ .1g••,(2)Ing••tion r.t ••of two .iz••of c1.y min.ral ••dim.nt p.rticl••,and (3)Growth .nd .urviv.l wh.n '.d y ••st and ••dim.nt.with and without organic mat.rial ad.orb.d onto p.rticl...Incr•••••0'.u.p.nded .ediment 'rom 0.0 to 24~1 .mg/L d.cr•••.a 1n;••tion rat..0'.lg••by 9~p.rc.nt and d.cr••••d incorporat io1'\r.t..by.·99 p.rcent.Nutrient.can tui 'aa-sorbed onto .ediment p.rticl...nd provide food'for QAAttnl.but no~a. well ••directly ingesting nutrient..Th.thre.hold of .uspended .olid.for efficient feeding .ppeared to be 100 mg/~. q/q REVIEW DRAFT e/1~6e PAGE A-~ ""'" REFERENCE.Sell,M.C.,1973.Silt and turbidity.Inl Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria.U.S.Army Corps of Engineering Division,Corps of Engineers,North Pacific Division, Portland,Oregon. REFERENCE LOCATION. - IMPORTANT PAaES.1-7 KEY WORDS:Sediment,Silt,Bed-load,Turbidity,Trout,Salmon, Eggs,Alevins,Production,Mortality,Smothering, InfttCtion Relatively large quantities (~00-1000 ppm)of suspended water- borne material can be carried for short periods of time in streams without detriment to fish.The catch of fish is affected above levels of 30 3TU,as visual references are lost.Primary food production is lowered.above levels of 2~3TU.The presence of bed lo·ad material c:an ki 11 buried eggs or alevins.by restricting water interc:hange and can smother food organisms. Stu1l:Ues conducted in the Chilcotin River in British Columbia indicate that salmonid fish will not move in streams where the silt c:ontent is above 4,000 ppm.Streams with average silt loads between eo and 400 ppm are not desirable for supporting fre.h- water fisheries.Streams with less than 2S ppm may be eHpected to support good freshwater fisheries.When an eHcess amount of silt is deposited throughout salmon and trout redds after spawning is completed,there is a resultant interference with the proper percolation of water upward through the redd,a loss of dissolved oHygen,and a lac:k of proper removal of catabolic pro!ducts.This "smothering ll of eggs also promotes the growth of fungi which may spread throughout the entire redd.The eHtent to which siltation is harmful to Dlmon and trout spawning and egg incubation depends upon the amount and type of material deposited,as well as the time of occurrence.When sediment contains clay particles,it may form a hard,compact crust over the stream bed and render the spawning area unusable.aenerally, salmonid eggs will suffer a mortality of es percent when 1S to 20 percent of the gravel voids are filled with sediment.Prolonged eKposure to some typ.s of sediment results in thickening of cells of the respiratory epithelium and the eventual fusion of adJacent gill lamellae.Evidence of gill irritation in trout and salmon fingerlings held in turbid water has been noted frequently by fish culturists,and considered a common avenue of infection for fungi and pathogenic bacteria.It is apparent that salmonids suffer more physical distress in turbid water than do other species. q/9 REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/e~PAGE A-~ REFERENCE.e.schta,R.L.1980.Turbidity and suspended sediment relationships.IDa Proc.Symp.on Watershed Management 'SO,Boise,Idaho.pp.271-282. REFERENCE LOCATION,Alaska Oepartment of Fish and aame,A~chorage .IMPORTRNT PAGES. KEY WOROS.- The Oak Creek and Flynn Creek watersheds in western Oregon were analyzed for turbidity and suspended sediment.Suspe~ded sediment concentration and turbidity correlated significantly at the 90 percent confidence limit for 24 of 26 storm events.The relationships dif'ered significantly between drainages,however, so prediction equations must be worked out for each watershed. _Turbidity may b.useful in evaluating sediment transport in small mountain drainag..where suspended sediment concentrations and water discharge.can chang.quickly.-Turbidity mea.urem-.nts,~ though,are ambiguous partly because there a~e so Many way.of measuring it and each instrument used influences the r ..ultant turbidity value..On this proJect,the Hach alOOA turbidimeter calibrated in NTU was us.d.Formulae and curv..showing the relationships betw••n suspended sediment and turbidity are presented. - 9/'1 REVIEW DRAFT ~/as PAGE A-6 - REFERENCE.Bisson,P.~.and R.E.Bilby.1982.Avoid.nce of .usp.nd.d ••dim.nt by Juv.nil.coho ••lmon.No. Am.r.Jour.of Fi.h.Manag ••,2(4).371-374. REFE~RENCE LOCI~TION.Al ••ka R••ourc••Libr.ry,Anchora;. IMP(JRT~NT PAGE!Sr KEY WORDS.Turbidity,Coho Salmon Juvl.ni 1.s.lmon were t ••t.d und.r l.bor.tory condit ions to d.t.rmin.thre.hold l.v.l..liciting .void.nce .nd modific.tion of b.h.vior.l r ••pon..by .cclim.tion to chronic low lev.l.of fin....diment.Sediment .....int ....oduc.d into.divid.d ch.mb..... •nd fish we ....e ob......v.d to •••...hich h.lf th.y p ef..........d. SU.I~.nd.d ••dim.nt lev.l..voided by coho Juveni 1••w b.low l.th.l l.v.l..Fe.ding effectiv.n•••m.y be imp.i .....d in the 70 to 100 NTU .....ng..Fi.h m.y h.v••void.d w.t ......in th.t .....ng••0 th.)"could ••e p .....y.F"i.h did not ••l.ct .1 ight ly tu....bid "(10 to 20 NTU)....t .....but ....t.r of .lightly high .....tu....bidity .ppe.r.d to b.u.ed fo....cover.Th ••utho.....conclud.th.t fi.h should not b• •toc:ked into highly tu bid t......Al.o,mod t.inc ov .... 10...b.ckg ....ound l.v.l pp.rently not .voided by the fi.h. ql=t REVIEW DRAFT e/19/8~P~GE ~-7 REFERENCE. REFERENCE L.OCATIONI IMPORTANT PAGES' BJornn,T.C.,M.A.Bru.v.n,M.P.Molnau,and J.H. Milligan,1977.Tran.port of graniti~••dim.nt in .tr.am.and it ••ff.ct.on in••~t.and fi.h. Univ.r.ity of Idaho,For••t Wildlife and Rang. Exp.rim.nt Station Bull.tin No.17,Mo.~ow,Idaho. '+7 pp. Coop.rativ.Fish Unit,Univ.r.ity of Ala.ka, Fairbank. 40,41 KEY WORDS:Salmonids,Aquatic Inse~ts,Abundance,Drift, S.dim.nt,Emb.dd.dn••• 8MtiQrB!lQt! The .ffects of (6.35 mm diameter sediment on Juvenile salmonids and aquatic in••ct.wa.•••••••d in two Idaho .tr••m..In. natural .tr.am riffl.,b.nthic in.ect.war.1.~-tim..Mor. abund.nt in •plot cl.an.d of .edim.nt,with mayfli..And .ton.fli••'+to 8 time.more .bundant,r ••p.ctiv.ly.In.mall natur.l pool.,.ddition.of'••dim.nt r ••ult.d in a proportional d.cr....in fi.h number..Th.amount.of ••dim.nt in the two .tr••m..tudied did not have an obvious adv.r•••''''.ct on the abundanc.of fish or the in.ect drift on which th.y f ••d.In artificial .tr.am chann.l.,b.nthic in••ct d.n.ity in fully ••dim.nted riffl..()2/3 cobbl..mb.dd.dn•••)wa.1/2 that in un••dim.nt.d riffl...How.v.r in••ct drift wa •••••ntially the .am.in both.Fi.h in ••dim.nt.d chann.l ••xhibit.d hi.rarchical b.havior,While tho..in un••dim.nt.d chann.ls w.re t.rritoria1 in b.havior. Conclusions deriv.d from .xperim.nta1 data ar.that ••dim.nts can affe~t aquati~in••~t population.wh.n d.posit.d in riff1 ••, r.duce the .umm.r r.aring c.pacity of .tr.am.wh.n d.posit.d in pool.,and r.duc.the wint.r fi.h capacity of .tr.am.wh.n d.po.it.d in the 1arg.r int.r.titia1 .pac••of .tr.am .ubstr.t•• If the p.rc.ntag.of fin•••dim.nt .xc••d.20 to 30 p.rc.nt in spawning riffle.,.urvival and .m.rg.nc.of .almonid .mbryo. b.gins to d.clin..Wh.n riffl ••ar.fully emb.dd.d with fin. s.dim.nt,in.ect .p.ci.s compo.ition and abundanc.chang...Th. abundanc.of Juv.nil..almon in pool.of small r.aring .tream. d.clin..in .lmo.t dir.ct proportion to the amount of pool ar.a or volume 10.t to fin...dim.nt d.po.ited in the pool.Th. numb.r of salmonid fish a str.am can .upport in winter i.much r.duced wh.n the interstic.s in the str.am sub.trate are filled with fine sedim.nt.The p.rcentag.of fin.s.diment in riff1 •• not only provide.a measure of the SUitability of the riffles for embryo survival,but is also an index of the .mount of fine sediment being deposited in pools or substrate interstices• .~/c,I • REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/83 PAGE A-a .... REFERENCE.~lark.on,C.C.,D.E.L.hnig,S.V.Plant.,R.S. Taylor,and W.M.William.,1983.Hydrologic basis for .u.p.nd.d .olid.crit.ria.Pr.par.d for Environm.ntal Prot.ction Ag.ncy by Camp,Dr••••r & McKee,Annandal.,Virginia. REFIERENCE LOCi~TION:Alaska Departm.nt of Environm.ntal Con••rvat ion I MPIIJRTANT PAGIES •v-v ii,2-34--2-37,4-1--4-23 KEY WORDS:Sedimentation,Suspended Solids,Turbidity,Primary Production,Zooplankton,Macro i nv.rtebrat e., Salmonid,Fish,Hydrology The report discuss....veral factors that ar.important to the d.viltlopm.nt of a wat.r quality crit.rion for suspend.d .olids/turbidity for the prot.ction of aquatic biota.Th.s. fac'Ioors includ.r.gional,physiographic,and s.asonal con'.id.rat ions,and relat.d hydrolog ic ph.nom.",a. The natural solids loading to a wat.rbody will vary from sit.to .it,.,d.p.nding upon physiographic:factors <inclUding slop.,soil typl_,type of ground cov.r)and upon rainfall and runoff.H.nc., •••'.onal and r.gional crit.ria n ••d to b.d.v.lop.d that take intl~ac:c:ount the significanc:.of natural and oth.r nonpoint SOUirc.loadings.Wat.r C1ual ity c:rit.ria should b.d.v.lop.d for susp.nd.d solids in the wat.r column as w.ll as for s.ttl.d s.diment and th •••crit.ria n ••d to addr•••the compl.x situation of toxic..orb.d to su.p.nd.d and s.ttl.d solids.Additionally, the .ff.c:ts of .ustained .xposur.to su.p.nd.d .olids v.rsus sholrt-t.rm storm r.lat.d pul ••s n ••d to b.quant i fi.d.Although the r.port do..not r.comm.nd crit.ria to prot.ct aquatic lif., it do....tabli.h a fram.work for consid.ration of r.gional, ••ai.onal,and biological factors. q/q REVIEW DRAFT ~/83 PAGE A-9 REFERENCE,Crou••,M.R.,C.A.CAllahan,K.W.M.lu.g,.nd S.E.Domingu.z,19S1.E~~.cts of ~in.s.dim.nt on growth o~Juv.nil.coho .Almon in l.bor.tory str.am•• Tr.n••Am.r.Fi.h.Soc.,110(2)1281-286. REFERENCE LOCATIONI ~l ••ka R••ourc••Libr.ry,Anchor.g.(microfilm) IMPORTANT P~GESI Juvenil.coho .almon production .xpr••••d ••tissue .l.bor.tion wa.m•••ur.d in labor.tory .tr••m.und.r .iM l.v.l.of fin• ••dim.nt.tion.~.v.ls o~s.dim.nt .mbedd.dn•••w.r.20,~O,60, SO,and 100 p.rc.nt as cumul.tiv.w.ight.Production of coho ••lmon w..invers.ly r.l.t.d to the quantity o~fina ••dim.nt. Signific.nt d.cr.....in fi.h production occurr.d in the 80 to 100 p.rc.nt .mbedd.dn...str••m.wh.n ~in.(2.0 mm or l ••s> ••diment.wer.26 and 31 p.rc.nt by volume.a.nthic org.nisms w.r.cover.d by.the ••diment.Aut~or.conclud.th.t r ••ring h.bitat for Juv.nile ••lmon ••w.ll as .p.wning habitat .hould be protected from sedim.nt.tion. 9jq REVIEW DR~FT ~li9/e~PAGE A-l0 REF'ERENCE I REF'ERENCE LOC:ATION. DFO,1983.A r.tion.1.for .tand.rd.r.1ating to th. di.~h.rg.of ••dim.nt.into Yukon .tr••m.from p1A~.r min...D.p.rtm.nt of Fi.h.ri •••nd O~••n.,Fi.1d S.rvi~••BrAn~h,Environm.nt Canada,Environm.nt.1 Prot.~t ion S.rvi~.,N.w W••tmini.ter,B.,C.24 pp. A1ask.D.partm.nt of Fi.h .nd Game,H.bit.t Divi.ion, F.irb.nk. - - - IM!=lIORTFlNT PFlt5IES.ii,1-3,13-18 KEY WORDS.S.d:Lm.nt Di.~h.rg.,P1.nts,Inv.rt.br.t.s,F:L.h, Produ~tion,Mort.1ity,Str••m C1 •••:Lf:L~.t:Lon., St.nd.rds a~~lQIaIIQ~ Guid.1in...r.propo••d for .n admini.tr.tiv./r.gu1.tory fr.lm.work to m.n.g.p1.~.r m:Ln:Lng ••d:Lm.nt d:L.~h.rg..Th:L • •pl=troach :L.b •••d on .n .Ht.n.iv.r.vi.w .nd di.~u••:Lon of 1it.r.tur.r.g.rding tn...n.it:Lv:Lty of b:Lo10gi~.11y :Lmport.nt Aql.ll.t:L~r ••our~...Fiv.~1 •••:L fi~.t :Lon.(A,B,C,0,.nd X)h.v. b ••,n propo••d b •••d on tn.b:Lologi~.l _n.:Lt :Lv:Lty of'r ••our~•• andl p.st m:Ln:Lng .~t :Lv:Lty in ••~h w.t.rbody.IIA II ~1 •••:L fi~.t :Lon • •r.'•••0~:L.t.d only w:Lth high import.n~.-S~h.du1.I (••lmon, trCtut,or ch.r).p.wning h.bit.t.liS"~l •••if':L~.t ion.would ••r"v.••r ••ring .r•••for S~h.du1.I fi.h.IIC"~l •••ifi~.t ion. ar.t good h.bit.t .r...for S~h.dul.I I fi.h .u~h ••gr.y1 ing, whit.f'i.h,or burbot."Oil ~l •••ifi~.t ion.would .Hhibit low or no u..by .ny of th..bov.fi.h or be u ••d only ••migr.tion ~orridor.,.nd "XU ~l •••ifi~.tion••1"'.for pr.viou.1y d ••:Lgn.t.d pliL~.r mining .1"'....S.dim.nt di.ch.rg••t.ndard.to tn.wat.r. of th..bov.~l •••ifi~.tion..1"'.proposed to b.0 mg/~for .11 II All wat.rbodi ••,100 mg/~for .11 "S".nd "c".tr••m.,100 or 10010 mg/~for .11 "D lt .tr••m..nd 100 or 1000 mg/~for II XII .tr'••m..Th....t.nd.rd••r.upper 1 imit.of .~~.pt.b1.1.v.1 • •nd .r.d.fin.d for .ff1u.nt.from tn.op.r.tion ••oppo••d to r.c:.iving w.t.r .t.nd.rd•• ThE!impa~t of a sediment release on stream product ion wi 11 depend on tn.org.ni.m.pr•••nt,.tr••mb.d ~ompo.ition,th•••••on, .tr'••m flow,.tr••m v.10city,b.ckground ••diment 1.v.1.,th. vo1um.of 1"'.1 ••••,th.dur.tion of the r.1.....nd tn. ~omlpo.ition of th•••dim.nt.Tn.obvious .ffect.of ••dim.nt 01"1 fi.,h produ~t ion will b.mo.t not :L~••b1.on ~.rt.:Ln .t.g••of fi.h 11f~.~y~l..whi~h v.ri...mong .p.~i...S.dim.nt ~.u•••th. gr.'.t ••t r.du~t ion 1n fi.h produ~t ion by ~.u.ing mort.1 :Lty :Ln th • •g;1 and .1.vin .t.g..of d.v.10pm.nt .nd in th.d.gr.d.t ion of tn.'h.bitat.Sin~.prim.ry produ~.r.,inv.rt.br.t ••,.nd fi.h are 11nk.d tog.th.r in Aquati~food ~h.in.,.ny d.1.t.riou• •ff'.~t on .1g..w:L 11 aff.~t .qu.t i~inv.rt.br.t •••nd fi.h th.t d.j:il.nd on .n.rgy produ~.d in the .tr••m. q/9 REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/8~PAGE A-ll REFERENCE.Europ••n I~l.nd Fish.ri.s Advisory Commission,196~. Wat.r qu.lity crit.ria for Europ.anfr.shwat.r fish, r.port on fin.ly divid.d solid••nd inl.nd fish.ri.s. EIF~C T.chnic.l Pap.r No.1.Int.rn.tional Journ.l of Air and Wat.r Pollution,9(3)11l51-168. REFERENCE LOCATION'Univ.r.ity of Ala.k.,F.irb.nk. IMPORTANT PAGES,16l5-167 KEY WORDS:Suspended Solids,Turbidity,Fish,Water Quality Crit....i. A literature survey addresses the direct effects of suspended .olids on fi.h-growth,d ••th,r ••ist.nc.to di •••••, r.production,b.M.vior,.nd food .upply.Evid.nc.indic.t ••th.t fi.h sp.ci...r.not .qu.lly .u.c.ptibl.to .u.p.nd.d .olid••nd tM.t .olid••r.not .qu.lly M.rmful.Minim.l turbidity m.y c.u•• fi.M to .void .p.wning ground.or pr.v.nt .ucc•••ful .gg d.v.lopm.nt.Th.r.i.no .vid.nc.tM.t .u.p.nd.d .olids conc.ntr.tion.below as ppm M....m.fish 0...fi.M.ri ••• Conc.ntrations .bov.2~ppm Mav.r.duc.d fi.M,~O ppm M.v. r.duc.d growtM r.t.of trout,.nd 82 ppm of cM.rco.l M.v.kill.d gAQon1A.TM.lowest r.port.d conc.nt ....tion for.str.tcM of .tr••m cont.ining f.w or no fish i.as ppm.TM.r.ar.s.ver.l otM.r .tr••m.witM .1igMtly low.r conc.ntr.tion.wh.r.tM. fi.h.ry i5 not notic••bly M.rm.d.In l.bor.tory t ••t.the low••t conc.ntr.tion known to r.duc.fi.M lif••xp.ct.tion.i.90 ppm and tMe lowe.t conc.nt ....tion known to h.v.inc.......d •u.c.pt.bility to di.....i.100 ppm.W.t.rs cont.ining 100 to 400 ppm .u.p.nded .oUd.incr.....u.c.pt ibiUty to di •••••,inc.......mo ...t.lity r.t...nd reduce growtM r.t...UAennlA h.v. b ••n kill.d by •v.ri.ty of .olid.in this conc.ntration r.ng•• TM.r.i.no .vid.nc.th.t w.t.rs normally c.rrying .olid.gr••t.r tMan 400 ppm .upport v.ri.d or pl.ntiful fi.h f.una..Many kind. of .olids c.n be pr•••nt in conc.ntr.tion.of ••v.r.l thou••nd ppm for .hort p.riod.witMout killing fi.h,but m.y d.m.g.th.ir gills. T.nt.tiv..u.p.nd.d .olid.crit.ria .r.propos.d ••follow..(as ppm will not h.v••ny Marmful .ff.ct.on fi.h.ri ••,a~to 80 ppm will m.int.in good or moder.t.fi.h.ri ••,80 to 400 ppm .r. unlik.ly to .upport good fr••hwat.r fi.h.ri ••,.t b••t only poor fi.h.ri...r.lik.ly to b.found in w.t.r.cont.ining )400 ppm su.p.nded solid•• Iq;Ci REVIEW DRAFT e/1~/8S PAGE A-12 - _. REFERENCE'Gammon,J.R.,1970.Tn ••ff.ct of inorg.nic .edim.nt on .tr••m biot..Pr.pared for tne W.ter Qu.lity Offic.of tn.Environm.nt.l Prot.ction Ag.ncy,Gr.nt No.lS030DWC,u.s.Gov.Printing Offic.,W••hington, D.C.141 pp. - ...., REFE~RENCE LOCF~TIONI I MPCIRTANT PAGE~SI Coop.r.tiv.Fi.h Unit,Univ.rsity of Ala.k., F.irb.nk. i ,ii,1-3,7,a KEY WORDS:Fisn,Macroinvertebrates,Suspended Sediment, Popu1.tion D.n.ity,Div.r.ity Fish and macroinvertebrate populations f1uctu.ted in response to v.r),ing qu.ntiti..of ••dim.nt produc.d by •crush.d 1im••ton. qu.r'ry.Susp.nd.d .01 ids 10.d.(40 mglL .....u1t.d in •23 p.rc.nt r.d~lction in m.croinv.rt.br.t.d.n.ity b.low tn.qu.rry.Input. of SO to 120 mgll c.u••d.40 p.rc.nt r.duction .nd input.of mor.t tn.n 120 ,"gIL r.sult.d in •60 p.rc.nt r.duct ion>in m.cr'oinv.rt.br.t.popul.tion d.n.ity.S.dim.nt whicn ••ttl.d out in rif'l..cau••d a 40 p.rc.nt d.cr••••in popul.tion d.nsity r.g.~rdl...of the .u.p.nd.d .01 ids conc.ntr.t ion.M.croinv.rt.- br.t:.popul.t ion div.r.ity r.m.in.d uncn.ng.d bee.us.mo.t t.M. r.spond.d to the ••m.d.gr...Introductions of ••dim.nt up to 160 mg/L c.u...imm.di.t.incr•••••in tn.r.t.of inv.rt.br.t. dri 1't proport ion~l to tn.conc.ntr".t ion of .dd it ion.l .u.p.nd.d .01id..Tn..t.nding crop of fi.n d.cr••••d dra.tic.l1y wn.n n ••vy .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt (1:50 mg/L)occurr.d in .pring.Fish r.m.lin.d in pool.during tn••umm.r wn.n ••dim.nt input w••v.ry n ••vy but v.c.t.d ••••dim.nt .ccumu1.t.d.Aft.r wint.r flood. r.mclV.d ••dim.nt d.posit.,fi.n r.turn.d to tn.pool.during .pr~,n;.nd .cni.v.d 30 p.rc.nt normal .t.nding crop 1.v.1.by ••rl,y Jun..It i.conc1ud.d tn.t .ignific.nt r.duction.in fi.n .nd m.croinv.rt.rb.t.population d.n.iti ••will d.finit.1y occur .t IUJ.p.nded .01 ids conc.ntr.t ion•••low ••30 to eo mg/L. q,k1 REVIEW DRAFT ~/e3 PAGE A-13 ...". REFERENCE.6eorg.,T.S.,.nd O.E.~.hnig,1984.Turbidity.nd .olids.Prep.red for U.S.Environment.l ProtectiQn Ag.ncy by C.mp,Dr••••r &McK.e,Ann.nd.l.,Virgini •• REFERENCE ~OCATION. IMPORTANT PAGES.a-a -4-11 KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Sediment,Aquatic Biota,Impacts, St.nd.rd.,Crit.ria,W.ter QU.lity ObJective. Summarizes recent literature pertaining to the impacts of _ turbidity .nd .edim.nt on prim.ry !'roduction,and on the survival,growth .nd prop.g.tion of zoo!'lankton, m.croinv.rt.br.t ••,.nd fi.h.In .ddition,it .x.min••Canadi.n w.ter qu.lity obJ.ctive.for turbidity,and the .u!'porting ration.l..Numeric.l d.t.from ••v.r.l k.y inv••tigation.ar. pre.ented including result.from bio••••y studie.,st.te w.ter qU.lity .t.ndard.,plac.r mining .tudi••in Al ••k.,guid.line.- for ••tting turbidity and .ediment .t.nd.rd.,.nd recomm.nd.d level.for the protection of a variety of water u•••• - - q/q REVIEW DRAFT e/19/8~PAGE A-14 - - REFERENCEs HAu.le,D.~.,.nd D.W.Coble,1976.Influence of .and in redds on .urvival and emergenc.of brook trout (§~!~~!!n~!!~nt1n~11!).Tran••ction.~M.ric.n Fish.ri.s Soci.ty,No.1,pp.S7-63. REFERENCE LOC~TIONI Univ.rsity of ~l ••k.Libr.ry,F.irb.nk. IMPORT~NT P~GES I S9-62 KEY WORDS;Brook Trout,Spawning Gravel,Sand Concentration, Em.rg.nc.,Surviv.l,Mort.lity Alevins of brook trout were buried in laboratory troughs in sp.wning gravel cont.ining 0 to as perc.nt .and.S.nd alow.d .m.rg.nc..nd r.duc.d the numb.r of fry .m.rging.~lthough the p.rc.nt.g.s of fry .m.rging in l.boratory studi.s w.re high ()aa p.rc.nt),th.y d.cr••••d signific.ntly with incr•••ing ••nd compo.ition.Em.rg.nc.of brook trout from tnia study,and .t.eln••d,chinook s.lmon,.nd cono ••lmon in oth.r inv••tigation.d.clin.d wh.n sp.wning grav.l conc.ntr.tio~of ••nd .Mc••d.d .bout 20 perc.nt.Tn.brook trout.urviv.l r.t. from n.tching to .m.rg.nc.w••-.stimat.d .t 70 p.rc.nt in L.w....nc.Cr••k,Wiscon.in wh.r.n.tural .p.wning r.dd.cont.in.d 31 p.rc.nt ••nd.Tot.l .m.rg.nc.wa.S9 p.rc.nt from egg d.pc,.it ion to .m.rg.nc..Mort.lity of 41 p.rc.nt cr more of d.pc.ited ov.in L.wr.nc.Cre.k m.y n.v.b••n c.u••d by low conc.ntr.tions of di.solv.d oMyg.n .nd/or tn••ff.cts of ••nd. 'Q/0t REVIEW DR~FT aIle/as P~GE ~-lS REFERENCE, REFERENCE LOCATION, IMPORTANT PAGES' Herbert,D.W.M.,and J.C.Merkens,1961.Th. eff.ct of sus~.nd.d mineral solids on the survival of trout.Int.rnationa1 Journal of Air and Water ~ollution,Vol.4,No.1,~p.46-35. University of Alaska,Fairbanks 51-54 KEY WORDS:Sus~et"'lded Solids,Trout,Lethal EfTects,Gill Damage, Fin Rot Suspet"'lsions OT kaolin and diatomaceous earth were used to test the .ff.ct.of .u.pend.d solid.on trout.From the data available th.r.app.ar.to b.no gr.at differ.nce in the 1.tha1 .ff.ct of kaolin and diatomac.ou••arth.Su.p.n.ion.of 30 ppm cau••d t"'l.gligibl.damag.to fi.h ov.r a 6 month p.riod.A f.w d.ath.occurr.d in .usp.n.ion.of 90 pp.m indicating that this 1.v.l may have an adv.r•••ff.ct.More than half tn.trout di.d in .u.p.nsions_of 270 and al0 ppm,fr.qu.ntly from tn••ff.cts of di......Fish .xpo.ed to .uspet"'ld.d .olids concentrations of 30 to 90 ppm exhibit.d normal gills bl,Jt fish exposed to concentration.of 270 to 810 ~pm displayed a thickening and/or fusing of gill lamella..After 57 days of eKposure to 270 ppm diatomaceous earth trout showed signs of caudal fin damage. '1/9REVIEWDRAFT~~9/85 PRGE A-16 ~! ...... ..... ..... REFE~RENCE I Herbert,D.W.M.,and J.M.Rienards,1963.orne growth and survival of fish in some suspensions of solids of'industrial origin.International Journal of Air and Water Pollution,Vol.7,pp.297-302 REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION.University of'Alaska,Fairbanks IMPCJRTANT PAGEiS.302 KEY WORDS:Suspended Solids,Trout,Survival,Disease,Growth A 1fishery is likely to be seriously harmed if tne average eonc::entration of'suspended solids in the water is gre.ter than about 600 ppm.At concentrations of'90 and 300 ppm the ef'f'ect is mortl doubtful."rhis study has shown that trout can be kept in good nealth f'or 9 montns in 200 ppm coal-washery waste solids. The e~tent to which concentrations in this range will be harmf'ul de~lnd.on the nature of'the solids and other environm_ntal f'ac1;ors.There is no ind icat ion that 30 ppm kaolit'l and dia1:omaceous earth make trout more susceptible to disease 01'" reduce their chances f'or survival.In one e~periment ~O ppm wood f'ibtlr and eoa1-washery sol ids redueed the growth of'rainbow trout in the laboratory.In practice,it is unlikely that ~O to 60 ppm sollLds wi 11 have a serious ef'f'ect on growth. 9/'1 REVIEW DRAFT a/l~/8~PAGE A-17 REFERENCE.Hynes,H.8.N.1973.The .ffect.of sediment on the biota in runn1ng wate~.In'FluVial p~ocesses and sedimentation.Proc.of Hydrology Symp.,Univ.of Alberta,Edmonton,Albe~ta. REFERENCE LOCATION'Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage IMPORTANT PAGESt KEY WORDS,Sedimentation,Standards a~~QI8IIQ~ The status of knowledge of the effects of turbidity and siltation by inert solids on plants,benthos,fish,and f1sh eggs 1s reviewed.It is concluded that the upper limit for suspended sediments is 80 m;/~of inert silt,.and,or clay.This level will not seriously damage a fishery but may reduce growth rates and abundance.The allowable amount should not,however,result in siltation.If so,the level should be adJusted.Streams must always be allowed to remove the silt. __t '-lA REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/S~P~GE A-1S - - REFE~RENCE.b.amot 0,R.N.,E.O.Salo,M.A.M.deJ,and R.L. McCom.s,1978.Sediment .nd w.t.r qU.lity.•r.vi.w of tn.lit.r.tur.including.sugg.st.d appro.cn for w.t.r qu.lity crit.ri..Fish.ri ••R••••rch Institut.,Coll.g.of Fish.ri.s,Univ.rs~ty o~ W••hington,Se.ttl.,W.shington.Pr.p.r.d for th. u.S.Environm.nt.l Prot.ction Ag.ncy,S ••ttl.,EPA 910/9-78-048.46 pp.+App.ndic.s. REFE~RENCE LOCF~TION.F.lls Cr••k Environm.nt.l,Anchor.g. IMPC)RTANT PAGE~S.1-~,8-12,43-46,App.ndilC A,App.ndiK C KEY WORDS:Sediment Criteria,Suspended Sediment,Turbidity, B.dlo.d,Str••mb.d,M••sur.m.nt T.chniqu.s,Alga., Phytopl.nkton,Inv.rt.br.t••,In••cts,Fish, S.lmonids Conc:lusions .nd r.comm.ndations reg.r.ding s.dim.nt crit.ria are b.sl~on .n·.nalysis of~h.lit.ratur.and the proc••dings 'of a on.··day s.dimlint workshop.Among th.conclusions drawn by th. t.chnical pan.l at th.s.diment workshop,tn.following points ar.most p.rt in.nt I (1)S.dim.ntat ion of spawning grav.ls produc.s significant d.trim.ntal .ff.cts on salmonids,(2)Fine b.d mat.rial app.ars to hav.a significant impact on primary and s.ccmd.ry product ivi ty,(3)Turbid tty m.asur.m.nts ar.us.ful indi~cators of g.n.r.l suspend.d s.dim.nt l.v.ls but ar.difficult to r.lat.to any biological significanc.,(4)Tn ••stablishm.nt of sedim.nt crit.ria on th.basis of m.asur.m.nts oth.r than turbidity may b.difficult but not impractical,(~)Alt.rnativ. ap~·oach.s to turbidity as a crit.rion includ.composition of b.d matltrial,b.havioral asp.cts of aqu.t ic fauna,and cl inic.l m.allur.m.nts of physiological funct ions as a m.asur.of str.ss, (6)A s.t of s.dim.nt crit.ria is n ••d.d rath.r than on. numltrical stand.rd,(7)If a crit.rion is chos.n,it should b. strIPamb.d mat.rial and it should b.associated with th.amount of f i nits in t he spawn i ng bed ,(8)B.d lo.d m.asurem.nt s ar.too com~)l icat.d to use as a crit.rion,(9)Str.ambed composit ion r.f],.cts th.ov.rall condition of •str.am in r.lation to s.di.m.nts,(10)Th.b.st alt.rnativ••ppears to b••stablishm.nt of crit.ria limiting th.p.rc.ntag.of fin.s in str••mb.ds,and, (11)A n ••d .Kists to dev.lop a m.asurabl.r.lationship b.tw••n suspend.d s.dim.nts and str.amb.d composition. q/q REVIEW DRAFT ~/19/85 PAGE A-19 - KEY WORDS:Sediment,Turbidity,Runo~~,Irrigation,Erosion Turbidity and suspended sediment concentration were measured for both agricultur..l runoff and irrig..tion return flow.Ext.nsive .t ..ti.tic..l ..n ..ly.i..how~only minim..l corr.l ..tion.Mi • •c ..tt.ring th.ory w....xplor.d to det.rmin.the .ignific..nce of .uch f ..ctor....particl••iz.,index of refraction,conc.ntr..tion ..nd ..ngl.o~.catt.r for both the n.ph.lom.t.r and th • .tran.mi ••iom.t.r.It w...found that only particl ••of 1•••th ..n 10 micron.in dit!lm.t.r contribut..ignificantly to the m.a.ur.m.nt of turbidity.Th.r •••arch.r.recomm.nd direct m....urem.nt of .u.p.nd.d .edim.nt for ..gricultural r"unoff and irrigation r.turn flow. D.L.S••••tt,and J.M.Ebeling,1978. of turbidity for quality m.nt of runoff ..nd irrig..tion ret~rn flow. Engin••ring D.partm.nt,W...hington State Pullman,Wa.hington.-,_36 pp.+ Nichol.Environm.nt ..l Consulting 1,7-11,26-33 King,L.G., Significanc. ..gricultur..l Agricultur..l Univer.ity, App.ndic.s. REFERENCE. IMPORTANT PAGES. REFERENCE LOCATION' - -I'1,19 IREVIEWDRAFT-&f4-9/8e PAGE A-20 - - REFE~RENCE,LAng.r,O.E.,1980.Eff.ct.of s.dim.nt.t ion on ••lmonoid .tre.m lif..P.p.r pr•••nt.d .t the T.chnic.l Workshop on Su.p.nd.d Solid.in the Aqu.tic Environm.nt,Jun.17-18,Whit.hors.,Yukon T.rritory, C.n.d..Environm.ntal Protection Service,V.ncouv.r, B.C..20 pp.. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TIONI Al ••k.D.p.rtm.nt of Fi.h .nd a.m.,Habit.t Divi.ion, F.irb.nk. I MPCIRTANT PAGE~SI 1-20 - - KEY WORDS:Sediment,Salmonid,Turbidity,Periphyton,Primary Production,~lg••,M.crophyt ••,Inv.rt.br.t•• Avai.lable data from several investigators indicate that sediment c.n .ff.ct .11 form.of .tr••m lif..Th.gr••t.r the incr••••in ••d~.m.nt in •..lmonid .tr••m,the gr••t.r wi 11 be-th••dv.r•• •ffIICt.on pl.nt .nd .nim.l 1 i f.pr•••nt in th••tr••m.The .dd~.t ion of ••dim.nt to •.tr••m incr•••••turbidity,c.u••• •coIJlring,.moth.r.p.riphyton,.nd produc••un.t.bl ••ub.tr.t ••• Thel~.condit ion.h.v..n .dv.r••imp.ct on prim.ry product ion, phot:o.ynth.t ic .ct ivity of .lg...nd m.crophyt ••,.nd invltrt.br.t.popul.tion..Sinc.low.r trophic l.v.l.produc. mo.t:of the food r.quired for ••lmonid product ion,.ny d.cr•••• in th.ir qu.ntity or qu.lity will .ff.ct fi.h growth .nd .ur~'iv.l.S.dim.nt.m.y directly .ff.ct fi.h through .br••ion .ndlor clogging of gill.,r.ducing f ••ding .ffici.ncy,.nd d ••truction of .gg.in .p.wning ground•• Th.Briti.h Columbia Pollution Control Br.nch .cc.pt.30 mg/L a. an acc.ptabl...dim.nt r.l....l.v.l,while F.d.r.l Fi.h.ri •• •CCltpt.r.l.....of 2S mg/L or b.ckground l.v.l.,which.v.r i. gr••Lt.r.Th ••t.t.of Or.gon in.i.t.th.t r.l •••••b.1"10 high.r th.r~background l.v.l.up to 30 JTU.Wh.n b.ckground l.v.l • •)CclI.d 30 JTU,the r.l ••••m.y .l.v.t.b.ckground l.v.l.by 10 p.rc:.nt.Unfortun.t.ly,turbidity do••not n.c••••ri ly corr.l.t. with the .mount of .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt pr•••nt. q/i REVIEW DR~FT a/19/8~P~GE A-21 REFERENCE,Lan.t,D.R.,D.L.Penros.,.nd K.W.Eag1.son,1981. V.ri.b1.affaets of s.dim.nt addition on str.am b.nthos.Hydrobio10gi.,791187-197. REFERENCE LOCATION. IMPORTRNT PAGES.187,18a,192,193 Th..ff.ets of s.dim.nt inputs from ro.d eonstruetion on two .tr••m.w.r.studi.d.O.t..ugg••t th.t the b.nthie str••m community r ••pond.d to ••dim.nt .ddition.in th.following w.y•• As s.dim.nt was .dd.d to •str••m,the .r••of .v.i1.b1.roek h.bit.t d.cr••••d with •eorr••ponding d.er....in b.nthie d.n.ity.During low flow eondition.•st.b1.s.nd community d.v.10p.whieh is qua1it.tiv.ly diff.r.nt from th.roeky .ubstr.t.eommunity.During p.riod.of high flow,••nd sub.tr.t...r..n un.uit.b1.h.bit.t for b.nthic org.nism..As .v.i1.b1.habit.t deer•••••,the b.nthie eommunity h ••a m.rk.d1y 10w.r d.n.ity.Soth .tr••m••Khibit.d down.tr••m iner•••••in m••n .u.p.nd.d ·.olid.eonc.ntr.tion.·in the r.ng.of 17 to 105 mg/L,.nd in th.perc.nt.g.of .ub.tr.t••and .nd gr.v.1. ctA REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/85 PAGE A-22 - REFERENCE,~loyd.D.S.,lS8S.Tu ...bidity in f .....hw.t ....h.bitats of AI ••kA.•....vi.w of publi.h.d .nd unpublish.d lit tu........l.v.nt to the u••of tu...bidity ••• w.t qu.lity .t.nd....d.R.po...t No.as-l.Ala.ka D.pt.of Fish and a.m••H.bit.t Division,J'un••u, AI ••k..101 pp. - REFERENCE LOCATION' - IMPORTANT PAGiES.39-46.:51-70 KEY WORDS'Tu...bidity.Su.p.nd.d S.dim.nt.W.t ....Qu.lity St.nd ....d ••Aqu.tic H.bit.t e~~QIe!lQ~ Thi.....po...t is •....view and int ....p tation of in~ormation p ovid.d by num.rou.inv••tig.to....on tu bidity .s it ....lat ••to f hw.t.....qu.tic h.bit.t.in AI ••k..A .umm....y of info...m.tion f om AI ••k..nd .l••wh ......dd ing the .ff.ct.of tu...bidity on f hw.t.r .qu.tic h.bit.t.i.p nt.d.A .p.cific di.cu.~ion i.p nt.d ~onc....ning tu...bidity ••-it .ff.ct.light p.n.t tion.prim.ry p...oduction,••cond y p...oduction••nd hum.n u..of f .....hw.t.r h.bit.t..Thi.info m.tion p ...ovid•••b ••i. fo.....t.bli.hing tu...bidity w.t....qu.lity .t.nd d •• R.lation.hip.b.tw••n tu...bidity.nd .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt lso di.cu•••d.Summ.ry t.bl..pr•••nt docum.nt.d .ff.ct.0 ... ....l.tion.hip.of tu...bidity .nd .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt ....ng ••on • v ....i.ty of .y.t.m••nd o ...g.ni.m..It i.conclud.d th.t tu...bidity i.•on.bl.w.t ....qU.lity .t.nd....d fo u ••in AI ••k..e•••d on cu nt info...m.tion,the p nt .t.nd d.p ...ovid••mod.....t. l.v.l of p ...ot.ction fo...the p op.g.tion of fi.h .nd wildlife in cl.....w.t.....qu.tic h.bit.t..Thi.p.p 1.0 p......nt ••mod.l p....dicting the .ff.ct.of tu...bidity on p ...im y p ...oductivity. ct/q REVIEW DRAFT ~/es PAGE A-23 - REFERENCE,McCab.,G.0.,and W.J.O'Bri.n,1983.Th ••ff.ct. of su.p.nd.d silt on f ••ding and reproduction of Q~Q!:lD!.~QY1~2i.Am.rican Midland N.tur.li.t,Vol. 110,No.2,pp.324-337. REFERENCE LOCATION'University of Ala.ka Library,Fairb.nk. KEY WORDS:asBbnAs BY!~~,Zooplankton,Suspended Silt,Filter- ing Effici.ncy,A••imilation Rat.,Growth,Siz., R.production IMPORTANT PAGES,329-335 - The effects of suspended silt and clay on the filtering and a ••imilation rat..of QAQ!:ln!A QY1.~w.r.d.t.rmin.d u.ing a Carbon 14 radiotracer method.The filt.ring rate for all ob••rv.tion.at turbidity 1 •••than 10 NTU i.2.03 ml/.nim.l/hr. At a turbidity of 10 NTU the filt.ring r.t..ignificantly d.cl in...Th.d.cr....in fi It.ring rat ••above turbi"dit·i ••of 10 NTU i.prob.bly due to incr••••dgut-Io.ding of ing ••t.d silt.In .ddition,with .n incr....in .u.p.nd.d .ilt conc.ntration from 0 to 10 NTU,the •••imil.tion r.t.of alg ••by ~.~Y!.~d.cr••••d to b.low S~p.rc.nt in .11 c.....It wa. shown that the gr.at••t .ff.ct of turbidity on •••imilation .ffici.ncy occur..t low turbidity v.lu...R••ult.from.life table .xperim.nt .how th.t ev.n low .u.p.nd.d .ilt l.v.l. impair.d h.althy ~.Q!:lD!A population growth.F.cundity l.v.l. were also greatly influenced by increased levels of suspended .ilt.Th.filt.ring r.t ••for turbiditi ••u ••d in the lif.table .xp.rim.nt w.r.2.S ml/.nimal/hr at 2 NTU,but d.clin.d to 0.4 ml/animal/hr at 33 NTU.Wh.n a ••imil.tion .ffici.nci••ar. factor.d in,anim.l.f ••ding .t e NTU would obt.in 16 tim••more .n.rgy than .nim.l.f ••ding .t 33 NTU.Th.m••n body l.ngth for - control .nim.l.wa..ignific.ntly .m.ll.r th.n the m.an body l.ngth of Q QY1.2i r.i ••d in both low .nd high .ilt environments.The most likely reason for this discrepancy is that .nim.l.growing in the .u.p.nd.d .ilt .nvironm.nt ch.nn.l more .n.rgy into i ncr•••in;body .iz.th.n into r.production. Although the .nimal.r.is.d in .u.p.nded .ilt w.r.larg.r,th.y w.re not a.h.althy a.tho..r.i ••d in the .b••nc.of .ilt. Sp.cifically,the individu.l.rais.d in .ilty w.t.r l.ck.d car.pac.str.ngth and r ••i1 iency.It wa.conclud.d th.t both filtering .ffici.ncy .nd a ••imil.tion rat •••1"'•••verly d.pr••••d at .v.n low conc.ntr.tion.of su.p.nd.d silt and clay. Furthermor.,the popul.tion growth r.t.of zooplankton w•• significantly dimini.h.d by susp.nd.d silt.and clay•• - gjq REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/SS PAGE A-24 - REFI::RENCEI ~cC:art,P.3.,P.M.R.Green,D.W.Mayhood,and P.T.P.Tsui,1980.Environm.ntal studi ••No.13 .ff.cts of silt.tion on the .cology of V.-V.~.k., N.W.T.Prepared for Minister of Indi.n and North.rn Aff.ir.by Aqu.tic Environments,l.imit.d~C.lg.ry, Alb.rt..286 pp.- REFI::RENCE I.OCI~TIONI Nict'lol.Environm.nt.l Con.ult ing IMPIJRTANT PAGI::S;8~-141,144-162,231-23~,2:50-274 KEV WORDS;Suspended Sediment,Turbidity,Secct'li Disk, Chlorophyll-. The report provid..•detailed discussion of a variety of water qu.lity p.ram.t.r..nd the .cology of V.-V.l..k.,Northw.st Terll"'itori...W.t.r qu.l ity p.....m.t.r.di.cus••d include .u.IP.nd.d ••dim.nt,S.cchi di.k tran.p.r.ncy,turbidity, t.m!l).r.tur.,di ••olv.d oKyg.n,pH,.lk.linity,.nd nutri.nt •• Bio:logic.lfunct ion.l group.di.cu•••d includ.phytopl.nkton, Zooll)l.nkton,zoob.ntho.,.nd fi.h.Th.r.port al.o .ddr•••••the proll3l.m of qu.ntit.tiv••tand.rd.-for .u.p.nd.d .olid.,including tt'l.r.l.tion.hip b.tw••n turbidity .nd .u.p.nd.d .olid•• I 9/<1 REVIEW DRAFT ~/19/8~PAGE A-2:5 - KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Transmittance,Scatter,Nephelometri~ 8~~QI8I.!Qr:I IMPORTANT PAGES.2~2,233,236-264 - L..A.Peterson &Associates,Inc. REFERENCE.McCluney,W.R.,1973.Radiometry of water turbidity measurements.Journal Water Pollution Control Federation,47(2)12~2-266. REFERENCE L.OCATION. A number of opti~al measurement techniques for particUlates have been developed that are easy and quick and can be performed !n §1t~.However,these methods are applicable only if a proper relationship between the optical property being measured and the amount of suspended sediment can be found.Some of these techniques yield results that are roughly proportional to the amount of suspended material under certain circumstances. However,the optical properties of these techniques rely on the shape,refractive inde)C,particle size distribution,particle concentrat ion,and the absorpt ion spectra.-Hence,opt-tcal properties are proportional to mas.or volume concentration only when all other parameters are constant.However,natural waters exhibit considerable variability in the.e parameters,which makes the establishment of the desired relationship difficult.This variability in natural water severly restricts the usefulness of using optical techniques for routine measurement of the amount of suspended material. Of the various techniques for measuring optical properties, turbidity and transparency are the most widespread. A variety of definitions of turbidity exist.These include the intensity of light transmitted (unscattered)through the sample, a ratio of the intensity of light scattered by a .ample to the intensity of the light source,the amount of light scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight line.through the sample,and a reduction in transparency of a sample due to the presence of partiCUlar matter.Turbidity has also been defined as the amount of suspended Matter,in ppm,as ascertained by optical observation,and in terms of different measurement techniques <e.g.,Jackson Candle and Nephelometric turbidity). - - CiR REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/83 PAGE A-26 REF~ERENCE : REF~ERENCE LOCATION. I MFIORTANT PAGIES: McLeay,A•.3.,A•.3.KnoK,.3.G.Malick,I.K. Birtwell,G.Hartman,and G.L.Ennis,1'983.Effects on Arctic grayling (!b.:tm~llYa !!:si,lsya>of snort-term exposure to Yukon placer mining sediments:labora- tory and field studies.Canadian Tecnnical Report of Fisneries and Aquatic Science.No.1171.·40 pp.+ Appendice•• A1a.ka Department of Fi.n and Game,Habitat Division, Fairbank. Kiii,Kiv,34,3~ ~ I KEY WORDS:Grayling,Suspended Sediment,Mortality,Sub-letnal Effects,Blood Glucos.L.v.l.,Gill Hi.tologi.s In a laboratory study,laboratory-reared grayling wnicn were acc~limat.d to 1~d.gr•••C .urvived a 4-day .Kposur.to ••dim.nt •l"m p.ns ions of <2~0,000 mlil/L,and a 16-day .Kpo.ur.·to·:50,000 mglL.Fi.n whicn w.r.acc11mat.d to :s d.gr••s C and n.ld in pay dh-t .u.p.n.ion.of <10,000 mg/L .u.rviv.d for'"days,wn.r.a.10 to 20 perc.nt mortality occurr.d at tn.nign.r conc.ntration•• Inc)rganic ••dim.nt l.v.ls of )10,000 mg/L cau••d fi.h to surfac., a dir.ct r ••pon..to .l.vat.d ••dim.nt l.v.ls.Tn.gill nitlto1ogi.s of fi.h .urviving tn•••"'-day .Kpo.ur••wa.normal. Sul~p.n.ion.of ••dim.nt cau••d acut ••tr•••r ••pon...(.l.vat.d and/or more vari.d blood gluco..l.v.l.,d.pr••••d l.ucocrit 1.".1.>in grayling acclimat.d to .itn.r t.mp.ratur..H.matocrit vallu••for tn•••fi."w.r.not aff.ct.d by ••dim.nt •• Our-in;summer field bioassay studies,all grayling neld in <20 mg/L and <100 mg/L .tr.am..urvived with no ov.rt .ign.of dilJtr...or pny.ical damag..Sub••qu.ntly,fisn captur.d in low .I,ulp.nd.d .01 ids wat.r w.r••>cpo ••d to l.v.l.of <1210 mg/L and <34 mg/L for :s day.in two ••parat ••tr.am..A1tnougn all of tnll..fi.h .urviv.d,gill ti ••u..from .p.cim.n.at .acn .it. snc)w.d mod.rat.-to-mark.d nyp.rtropny and nyp.rpla.ia of lam.11ar .pjltn.lium,along witn a prolif.rativ.numb.r of gill .ct:opara.it...It wa.conclud.d tnat .nort-t.rm .>cpo.ur.of Arc:t ic grayl in;to .ub1.tnal conc.ntrat ion.of .usp.nd.d s.dim.nt ca"cau••a numb.r of .ff.ct.inclUding acut ••tr•••r ••pon•••• qJq REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/8:5 PAGE A-27 REFERENCE.NCAIl,1984&.A l&bo~.tory study of tn••ffects of ••dim.nts of two diffe~.nt stz.cnArAct.~tsttcs on survival of rainbow trQut (§Almg a.1~~n.~1).mbryos to fry emergence.National Council of the Paper Indu.try for Air .nd str.am Improvem.nt,-Technical Bulletin No.429,April,1984.49 pp.+Appendic••• REFERENCE LOCATION;Univ.rsity of Alaska Library,Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGES.43,46 KEY WORDS:Fine Sediment,Rainbow Trout,Embryos,Fry Emergence, Entrapm.nt,Mortality,Survival This technical bulletin describes the findings of a continUing laboratory .tudy of the .ffect.of ••lect.d fine ••dim.nt.on the .urviva1 of rainbow trout .mbryos to fry .m.rg.nc..Tn.pr.s.nce of fln..ediment was obs.rv.d to be beneficial -a.w.11 •• detrimental depending on tne .iz.of the .edim.nt.Physical .ntrapment was indicat.d to b.th.·princip18 cau••of Morta1.tty while there was nodi.cernable cUfference in fish .izes or time. of fry .m.rg.nce und.r the eondition.studi.d.Conclu.ions from this study ar.as follow..MaJor diff.r.nc.s w.r.obs.rv.d in the survival of rainbow .ggs to the tim.of .m.rg.nc.,b.tw••n <0.88 mm and <6.4 mm diam.t.r s.dim.nt.Fin.s <0.8 mm w.r.found to r.duc.survival by 1.1 p.rc.nt for .ach p.rc.nt incr.a••in fin••ov.r the rang.of 10 to 40 perc.nt.This compar.s to a 1.S p.rcent m.an r.duction in survival for .ach p.rcent incr.as.in fin••,det.rmin.d from a large numb.r of 1it.ratur.r.f.r.nc••• Th.pre••nc.of coarse fin.s <6.4 mm diam.t.r reduc.d survival by approHimat.1y 0.8 perc.nt for .ach p.re.nt incr....in fin• •edim.nt ov.r the rang.of 0 to 40 p.rcent fin.s. '1/<1 REVIEW DRAFT ~1-9-IS3 PAGE A-aS - - - REFE~RENCEI NC~SI,lS84b.Tne effects of fine sediment on salmonid spawning gr.vel and Juvenile r.aring nabitat -a liter.tur.r.vi.w.N.tion.l Council of th. Industry for Air .nd Stream Improv.m.nt,Technical Bulletin No.428,New York.66 pp. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION:University of Alaska,Fairbanks I MPC)RTANT P~GE~SI 12-21,30-61 ,~ KEY WORDS:Fine Sediment,Salmonids,Survival,Mortality, Em.rg.nc.,Production,Turbidity,~voidanc.,F••ding, M•••ur.mentT.chniqu•• A lit.rature review is pr.sented on the effect.fin.sediments may have on .almonid h.bitats,primarily with r.f.r.nc.to spawning gr.v.l and Juv.nil.r.aring habitat.Lif.history and habitat charact.ri.tic.of .ight .p.ci ••ar••ummariz.d.Fin. s.dl~m.nts in sp.wning gr.v.l h.v.b••n.d.fined as particl.s b.ing anyllfh.r.from 0.8 mm to S.~l mm diam.t.r,·d.p.nding on -the author.It has be.n shown th.t an incr.a••in fin•••dim.nt d.cr'.ases gr.v.l p.rm.ability,intragrav.l wat.r flow,and oMyg.n cone:.ntrat ions in the grav.l,deer......mbryonic surviv.l, impalirs norm.l .mbryo d.v.lopm.nt,and aff.ct.timing,.ize,and suce:...of fry .m.rgenc..Docum.nt.d .ff.cts on salmonids .r. pr.IJ.nt.d for the .ight .p.ci.s. Doc,.&m.nt.d .ff.ct.of fin...dim.nt in the wat.r column and strltamb.d on Juv.ni 1..almonid.p.rtain to growth,.urvival, movllm.nt,d.n.ity,siz.,biom.s.,.nd production.Catch.bility of fi.h was r.duc.d wh.n turbidity .xc••d.d 30 JTU due to r.duced visibility.Algal-bas.d food production i.r.duc.d wh.n turbid it i..exc••d 2~JTU.Fish mov.m.nt was imp.ir.d in str••ms wh •.,,,.silt .xc••d.d 4,000 ppm.Juv.nil.coho .almon which were pr••,ccl im.t.d to turbidity .Mh ibit.d an .voidanc.r.act ion at thrllshold l.v.ls of 100 NTU. FinE~sediment measurement techniques include the McNeil bottom s.mJI1.r,a device for m.a.uring gr.v.l size con.titu.nt.by volum.tric d.velopm.nt,a liquid carbon dioxide fr••z.cor. s.mJ)l.d.vic.,.nd a tritube fre.z.cor•••mpl.r. 9A REVIEW DRAFT e/19/8~P~GE A-29 REFERENCE.~oggl.,C.C.,1978.B.havio~al,phy.iological and l.thal .ff.ct.of .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt on Juv.nil • •almonid..M.S.Th ••i.,Col1.g.of Fi.h.~i••,Univ. of Washington,S.attl.,WA.87 pp. REFERENCE LOCATION.Univ.~.ity of Alaska,Fai~bank.(Int.~lib~a~y loan) IMPORTANT PAGES:2-7,59-7~ KEY WORDS:Suspended Sediment,Salmonids,Bioassay,Turbid Studies were conducted to assess the effects of suspended ••dim.nt on Juv.nile sa1monids in the .t~.am .nvi~onment.Static bioassay tanks w.~e used to dete~mine 96 hou~LC50's,changes in gill histology,and chang.s in blood physiology.Two ex~.rim.ntal .tr.am designs w.r.u••d to r.1at.s.dim.nt concen- t~ations to avoidance behavior. Results,involving acute (4 days o~less)rathe~than chronic exposure to su.p.nd.d .edim.nts,indicate s.asonal chang.s in·the to 1eranc.of s.lmonids to susp.nded s.diment.Bioassays conduetad in summ.~·p~oduced LC50's 1•••than 1500 mg/L,while autumn bioas.ays showed LC~O's in .xe••s of 30,000 mg/L.Th. tolerance of wild coho .a1mon to susp.nded solid.was high.~than hatche~y p~oduc.d coho's,appar.ntly beeau••of p~io~.xposura to suspended sedim.nts.Histological examination of gills ~evea1.d structu~a1 damage by susp.nd.d sediment.Blood chemist~y showed .levat.d blood glucos.lev.1s at sub1.tha1 susp.nded sediment conc.nt~ations.Exp.~iments conducted with a tu~bid a~tificia1 st~eam and cl.a~t~ibuta~y indicat.d a ~e1uctance by the fish to leave thei~established t.~~itories.Studies conducted with a Y-shaped st~eam show.d a p~ef.~ence fo~tu~bid wate~at low to medium concent~ation.and slight avoidance at high concent~ations. ct;q REVIEW DRAFT ~/a~PAGE A-30 - - REFERENCE.Nuttall,P.M.,and G.H.Bilby,1973.The effect of china-clay wastes on stream invertebrates.Environ- mental Pollut ion,(~)177-66. REFERENCE LOCATIONI University of Alaska Library,Fairbanks I MP'ORTANT PAGES.77,79,Sl,sa - KEY WORDS:Clay Wastes,Suspe~ded Solids,Deposited Solids, Aquatic Plants,Macroinvertebrat.s,Population, Density,Abundance e~~QI8I!Q~ Rivers polluted with clay wastes supported a sparse population of few species.Rooted aquatic vegetation was absent at stations where the suspended solids concentration was high ()2000 ppm), whereas unpolluted reaches supported a rich community of aquatic plants.Control streams supported 36 times the de~sity of anh,als found at clay-polll,Jted stations.Species COMposition was greater in I,Jnpolll,Jt·ed rivers and at stat ions downstream of sewage outfalls compared with clay-polluted reaches.Clay pollution either eliminated or redl,Jced the abundance of several macro- invertebrate sp.cies frequent in control streams.The absence of plants and macroinvertebrates in rivers receiving clay waste was ass,ociated with the deposit ion of fine inert sol ids rather than turbidity or abrasion by particles in suspension. qfc. REVIEW DRAFT -&I-1g./a~PAGE A-31 REFERENCE. • REFERENCE LOCATION, IMPORTANT PAGES. ~hillip.,R.W.1971.Effects of sediments on the gravel environment and fish production.10.Proc • of Symp.Forest Land Uses and Stream Erosion,Oregon at.Univ. Alaska Department of Fi.h and Game,Anchorage - KEY WORDS:Rainbow Trout,Gold Mining,Logging,Turbidity Sediment influences fish in many ways:(1)Blocks transmission of light,reducing algae production,(2)Damages gill membranes and can cau.e death where concentrations are high and ewposure. are long,(3)Harm.spawning by filling interstice.and reducing oxygen exchange,(4)Interfere.with removal of metabolites,(~) Make.barrier.preventing fry from emerging,and,(6)Reduce. cover on .tream bottom.Sediment is defined as particle.le•• tnan 4 mm in size.Fi.hing .ucce.s i.reduced where turbidity-is greater than as ppm.Concentrations of kaolin and diatomaceous earth of 270 to 810 ppm for 10 days killed rainbow trout. Mortality of ~7 percent in rainbow fingerling.one and a half mile downstream of a gold dredge producing 1000 to 2~00 ppm .olids occurred in 20 days versus 9.~percent mortality in a control stream.Other fish .pecie..uch a.sunfiSh and ba•• appear to be more tolerance of turbidity.Turbidity i.produced from erosion as a r.sult of logging,road building,mining,and other activitie•• qA REVIEW DRAFT e/lg/a~PAGE A-32 - - REFERENCE?Phillips,R.W.,R.C.Lantz,E.W.Claire,and J.R. Moring,1975.Some effects of gravel miMtures on emergence of coho salmon and steelnead trout fry. Trans.Amer.Fisn.Soc.,104(3)1461-466. REFE~RENCE LOCFnIONI Alaska Re.ources Library,Anchorage (microfilm) IMPC~RTANT PAGE~SI KEY WORDS.Cono Salmon,Ste.lnead Trout,Sedimentation Eight miMtures of sand and gravel were tested in incubation trOl.ll;nS ulling cono salmon and steelnead eggs.Survival for cono e!IHIll wa.96 percent in control miMture,82 percent in 10 percent sanel,64 percent in 20 percent sand,38 percent in 30 percent sand,20 percent in 40 percent sand,22 percent in 50 percent sarlel,arld 8 to 10 percent in 60 to 70 percent sand.Sand was 1 to 3 mm in diameter.For steelnead,tne relationship was simi,lar,ranging from 99 percent in tne control miMture to -18 perc:ent in 70 percent sand.Emergence of-fry appeared to b. earlier tnan normal.This study appears to support previous stuctie•.wnich nave shown the inverse relationsnip between the amount of fines and egg survival. REVIEW DRAFT ----,---------- q/~ 8/19/85 PAGE A-33 REFERENCE'P_ickaring,R.J.,lS76.Measurement of "turbidity" and relatad ~haractaristies of natural watars.Open- Fila Raport 76-153,U.S.Gaological Survey.13 pp. REFERENCE L.OCATIONI IMPORTANT PAGES.1,2 - KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Jackson Candle,Formazin,Nephelometric Attempts to quanti~y turbidity have led to a proliferation o~ dafinitions,mathods of mea.uremant,instrumants,standards,and units of maasura.Turbidity data for natural waters ara appliad to .avaral usas,including.(1)Datarmination of tha dapth to whieh photosynthasis can occur,(2)Aasthetic avaluation of watar usad for racraation,and,(3)Estimation of eoncantration of .uspandad sadimant.·L.ack of standardization of the maasuramal"lt oftan has r.sultad unwittingly in corralations batwaan unralAtad numbars.Thara is a .strong faaling within tha hydrologic profa.sion that mora pracisa and dafinitiva sats of mathods .nd tarminology ara requirad.Turbidity ganarally is measurad as an optical phanomenon and should ba raportad in optical units. The U.S.Geological Survey has adopted the following principlas.(1)Standard instruments and methods should ba adoptad to maasura and raport tha light transmitting charactaristi~s of natural waters in optical units,thus avoiding tha usa of uturbidityll as a quantitativa maa.ure,(2)Raporting of llturbidity"in Jackson Turbidity Units,Halliga Units, savarity,or Naphalomatric Turbidity Units should ba pha.ad out; (3)Tha basis for astimations of sadimant concantrations using light maasuraments should ba documantad adaquataly,al"ld,(4)Tha usa of transparancy maasuramants by aacchi disk is considerad to ba acceptabla,although light transmittanca may prova to ba a mora pracise maans of obtaining the same information. q/9 REVIEW DRAFT ~/S5 PAGE A-34 - -. REFE~RENCE.Sn.lton,J.M.,And R.D.Pollock,1966.SiltAtion And .gg .U~ViVAI in incubAtion cnAnn.ls.T~an•• Am.~.Fisn.Soc.,9~(2).la3-189. REFE~RENCE LOCATION.AIA.k.Rasou~c.s Lib~A~y,Ancno~.g.(mic~6'ilm) IMPClRTANT PAeE~SI ~ I KEY WORDS.Cninook S.lmon,Cnum SAlmon,Siltation Cninook and cnum salmon eggs in incubation cnannels we~e 5ubJI.ctad to .UtAtion.In the fi~5t ••••on,180,000 cninook .gg!1 we~.pl.nt.d .nd no .1 It.t ion cont~ol m.ASU~..w.~. impJ.•m.ntad.SU~ViVAl of .gg.WAS ~O p.~c.nt.In tn••ucc••ding two •••50n.,cnum ••lmon .gg.W.~.plant.d .nd silt cont~ol m••••u~..W.~.impl.m.nt.d.Su~viv.l w..92 and 9~p.~c.nt, ~.5p.ctiv.ly.Silt W••cl••ned f~om the cn.nn.l Aft.~tn.fi~st ••Allon.D.posit ion .....p~im.~i ly .ilts .nd ClAy.And .ccount.d fo~.0.5-10.4 p.~c.nt of total subst~.t••Ampl .....ignt.In tne 'i~tlt ••••on,.ilt.tion WAS so n ••vy thAt An ••timAt.d 35.3 p.~c~.nt of 1nt.~liI~.v.l voids W.~.fill.d.Tne upp.~po~t ion of tn.cnann.l WAS us.d •••••ttling bAain in ••A.on.2 .nd 3 and most~of tn.m.t.~i.l ••ttl.d out.Mo~t.lity of .gg.in tn.'i~.t ••••Ion ~.ngad f~om 8~p.~c.nt in tn.n.Avi ••t silt to 32 p.~c.nt in tn.lignt.at silt. qA REVIEW DRAFT S/19/8~PAGE A-3~ ----,------------------------------------------ REFERENCE 1 Sjgler,J.W.,T.C.BJornn, Effects of chronic turbidity stee1heads and coho salmon. 113 (2)1142-1:50. and F.H.Everest,1984. on density and growth of Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc.,- REFERENCE LOCATION. IMPORTANT PAGES. KEY WORDS Coho Salmon,Steelhead,Turbidity - Yearlong and older salmon can survive high concentrations of suspended sediment for considerable lengths of time.Mortality occurs above ao,ooo mg/L.This paper considers the .ffects of suspended sediments on newly emerged young.T.sts done in laboratory streams used clay,fireclay and bentonite. Significant difference.were seen between the growth rate of fish in clear versus turbid streams.Fish tended to move out of turbid channels.In natural systems,newly emerged fish ~ encountering turbidity wo'uld likely move out of the area.l3ill tis.ue damage wa.observed after 3 to :5 days in turbid water.As little as 2~NTU cau.ed reduction in fish growth,probably from reduced ability to fe.d.It is not known if this is due to inability to sae prey or interceptions of appropriate light wavelengths by particles.At turbidities of 100 to 300 NTU,fish left the channals or died.The te.ts were conducted primarily - with turbiditi.s of 2~-~O NTU. - - CiA REVIEW DRAFT 6/19/8:5 PAGE A-36 - - .... REFiERENCE:Sigma Resource Consultants,1979.Summary of water Quality criteria for salmonid hatcheries.Dept.of Fisheries and Oceans. REF!ERENCE LOCATION.Alaska Oepartment of Fish and Game,Anchorage I MPIORTANT PAGES. KEV WOROS.Salmon,Suspended Solids Criteria are established to allow evaluation of new water sources and identify water treatment needs when establishing a hatchery. Primary fish culture parameters such as dissolved oHygen,pH, ammonia,dissolved carbon dioKide,hydrogen sulfide,nitrite,and suspended sol ids are considered.Suspended solids are either organic or inorganic.Inorganic solids can transport adsorbed pollutants such as pesticides.Coating of fish eggs with silt can inhibit gas transfer of carbon dioKide,oKygen,and ammonia. It can also affect Juvenile fish by reducing growth'rate, reducing dissolved oKygen,disrupt feeding,transportation of adsorbed pollutants,and damage to gills.It is suggested that an acceptable limit of suspended solids for inCUbating eggs is 3 mg/L and for rearing and holding the limit would be e~mg/L in the absence of other pollutants• 9Ji REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/Se PAGE A-37 REFERENCE:Simmons,R.C.,19&4.Effects of pl.c.r mining sedim.nt.tion on Arctic gr.yling of int.rior Al.ska. M.S.The.i.,Univ.r.ity of Ala.k.,Fairb.nks,Alaska. 73 pp. """ REFERENCE LOCATION. IMPORTANT PAGES.3,32-6~ KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Settleable Solids,Total Residue The effects of placer mining sedimentation on Arctic grayling were .s•••••d by comp.ring d.ta coU.ctlld in mined and unmin.d stream..Although many young-of-th.-year and .dult gr.yling us.d unmin.d .tr••ms for .umm.r h.bit.t,no grayling w.r.found in the min.d .tr••ms .KC.pt during p.riods of migr.tion.Gr.yling apparently ••l.ct.d cl.ar wat.r .t.....m.for .umm.r r.sidenc•• C.g.d fish studies demonstrated that if gr.yling could not escape from .tr.am.c.rrying mining ••diments,th.y would suffer dir.ct, chronic .ff.cts,including gill dam.g.,di.t.ry d.fici.nci.s,and slow.d maturation.Th.indirect .ff.cts of sedim.nt.tion on gr.yling populations,through loss of .ummer habit.t for f.eding .nd reproduction,ar.more sev.re than the direct one•• B.sed on this .tudy,the following water qu.lity guidelin••and corr.sponding l.vel.of prot.ction .Kpected in r.c.iving w.t.rs w.r••ugg.sted. Level of Total Residu.,Settleable Turbidity, et:2t.£i.!2tl ___!!!QLb _______§2!.!;'aL_ml.Lb ___~IY ___ Hign (1~0 (0.1 (2~ Mod.r.t.lS0-300 0.1-0.2 23-100 Low )300 )0.2 )300 o.jq REVIEW DRAFT -&.4-9/a~PAGE A-3S - REFERENCE.So~ensen,o.L.,M.M.McCa~thy,E.J.Middleb~ook., and O.B.Po~cella,1977.Suspended and dissolved solids effects on freshwater biota.a review. EPA-600/3-77-042,Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,Office of Research and Oevelopment,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,Corvallis,Oregon. 65 pp. REFIERENCE LOCF:lTION:L.A.Pete,...son &Associate.,Inc. -I MPIORTANT PAGIES:1,2,21,22,32-42 KEY WORDS:Suspendedanism.we,...s difficult to dsmonstrata, Suspended solids have significant effects on community dynamics due to tu,...bidity;Suspended solids may have significant effects on community succession,community stability,and fish avoidance reactions;Sediment.may se,...ve as a ,...e.e,...voi,...of tOMic chemicals, and"Relat ively high suspended sol ids we,...e needed to cause beh,.vio,...al ,...eact ions C20,000 mg/L)or death (200,000 mg/L)in fisln over the short term. ani'sms were difficult to demonstrate,Suspended solids have siglnificant .effects on community dynamics due to turbidity; Suspended solids may have significant effects on community sucl:e.sion,community stabi 1 ity,-and,fish avoidance react ions, Sediments may serve as a re.ervoir of tOMic chemicals,and, Rel.tively high suspended solids were needed to cau.e behavioral re.u:t ions (20,000 mg/L)or death (200,000 mg/L)in fish over the sholrt term. REFERENCE:Symons,J.M.,and J.C.Hoff,1975.Rationale for turbidity maximum con~.minant level.Pre.ented at Tnird Water Quality Tecnnology Conference,American Water Works A.sociation,Atlanta,Georgia,December 6-10,1975.Water Supply Research Divis40n, Environmental Pro~ection Agency,Cincinnati,Onio. 18 pp. REFERENCE LOCATION;Alaska Dep&rtmen~of EnVironmental Conservation IMPORTANT PAGES;1-4,15,17 KEV WORDS'Turbidity B~~9!8IIQ~ For drinking water,5 units of turbidity became obJectionable to a considerable number of people,and many people turn to alternate supplies wnich may be les.safe.Tne relationship between particulates in tne water and tne pre.ence of disease causing organisms was documen~ea from literature.Turbidity ~en at low levels,above 1 turbidity unit,interfere.witn disinfection and prevents maintenance of an .ffective disinfectant agent <e.g.,cnlorine)througnout tne distribution system.Indication.are tnat bact.ria and virus.s can be protected by certain kind.of particles from inactivation by chlorine.Inorganic ~rticle.can cau.e turbidity and probably have no bearing on tne potential protection of pathogens.Small organic particles,on the other hand,may protect pathogens. Therefore,in evaluating turbidity,tne nature of tne particle. in the water must be taken into account. 9/q REVIEW DRAFT 6/19/8~PAGE A-40 - REFIERENCEI Tappel,P.D.,and T.C.BJornn,1983.A new method of relating size of spawning gravel to salmonid embryo size.North American Journal Fi.heries Management,31123-135. REFI::RENCE LOCI~T I ON" I MPI:JRTANT PAGIES: University of Alaska Library,Fairbanks 129-131 - - KEY WORDS:Salmonid,Survival,Size,Emergence,Spawning Gravel, Fine Sediment A 'new method for describing the size composition of salmonid spal~ning gravel wa.developed.Salmonid embryo survival was rel,.tad to two part icle si ze groups,9.50 mm and 0.85 mm,in lab,oratory tests.In these tests,)90 percent of the variabil ity in embryo .urvival wa.correlated with changes in sUbtrate.size coml~o.ition.Gravel mixture.containing high percentage.of the fi nl8 .ed iment produced'slight ly smaller steelhead 'f'("y'than gra.....els containing low percentages of fine .ediment.There 'was no relationship between changes in gravel size composition and the siza of chinook salmon emergents.In gravels containing large amount.of fine .ediment,many of the .te.Ihead and chinook sallmon fry emerged before yolk sac absorption was complete. 9/9 REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/85 PAGE A-41 REFERENCE.Thurston,R.V.,R.C.Russo,C.M.Fetterolf,Jr., T.~.Edsall,V.M.Barber,Jr.,(eds.>,1979.A review of the EPA Red Book.quality criteria for water.Water Quality Section,American Fisheries Society,Bethesda,MO.313 pp. REFERENCE LOC~TIONI L.A.Peterson &Associates,Inc. IMPORTANT PAGES.1,2,266-270 KEY WORDS;Suspended Solids,Settleable Solids,Turbidity, Residue,Criteria,Aesthetics,Freshwater Aquatic Life,Protection This is a review and discussion OT EPA criteria TOr suspended solids,settleable solids,and turbidity with regard to .esthetic water quality,freshwater fish and other aquatic life.The aesthetics criteria are generally satisfactory as stated in the Red Book.Recommendations for improvement of aesthetics crite~ia include definition of nuisance organisms,and recognition-and discussion of the aesthetic value of biological components of aquatic systems.The criterion for fr.shwater and other aquatic life is difficult to apply under most conditions and impossible to apply in others.Turbidity and solids are not synonymous as sugg.sted in the Red Book,and no method is proposed for measuring the compensation point.There is no correlation made betwe.n sedimentation effects and the criterion or with compen.ation depth.The recommended maximum concentrations of suspended solids for various levels of protection are oversimplified in the Red Book to the extent that they are no longer scientifically sound.The application of reduced photo- synthetic activity as a criterion for freshwater fish appears to be an indirect measurement of the effects of sediment and turbidity,at best.Residues (turbidity and solids)should be considered separately with each parameter measured in standard units.The criterion for solids should be defined in mg/~of residues (solids>,turbidity in NTU,and terminology should be consistent with Standard Methods.Future EPA criteria should take into account the criteria developed by a number of authors. Many of these data would support a limit of 100 mg/~ non-filt.rable residue for fresh and estuarine waters to prevent mortality.However,one reviewer of the Red Book thought that 100 mg/L is too restrictive and that concentrations could be much higher without causing adverse effects.There is no universal agreement as to levels of turbidity to be allowed nor is there agreement upon units to be used. gig REVIEW OR~FT ~/a~PAGE A-42 - r I REFE~RENCEI Truhlar,J.F.,1976.O.t.rmining .u.p.nd.d s.dim.nt loads from turbidity record..IDI Proc.Third Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conf.,1976.Water R••ourc.s Council,Denver,CO. REFE:i;RENCE LOCI~TIONI Ala.ka D.partm.nt of Fish and Gam.,Anchorage I MPIJRTANT PAGI::SI KEY WORDS.Turbidity,Su.p.nd.d Solid. Methods of evaluating sediment-control measures are considered. Field data .hows a good cor....eliltion betw••n m.an daily disl:harg.-w.ight.d tu....bidity and m••n daily di.cha....g.-w.ight.d SUIII::Iended sol ids conc.ntrat ion.Dig ital and graph ic r.corde..... wer~employ.d to m.a.~r.turbidity.Although there appear.to be no univ.rsal r.lationship betw••n turbidity and su.p.nd.d sed:iment.,th......app.ar.to b.a good corr.lation fo ....individual strtlam..Turbidity could.b.tak.n and .u.p.nd.d .olids ·comt=lut.d USil...g wat.r d.ischarg.r.cord..Actual m.a.u.....m.nt mu.t b.Mad. to flstabUsh the corr.lat ion and then p .....iodically to v.ri fy it. gl; REVIEW DRAFT 1/19/1S PAGE A-43 REFERENCE'Turnp.nny,A.W.H.,and R.William.,1960.Effects of sedim.ntation on th.gravels of an industrial riv.r syst.m.Journal Fish Biology,17,661-693. REFERENCE LOCATION.Univ.rsity of Alaska Biomedical Library,Fairbank. IMPORTANT PAGES:664,666-691 ""'I KEY WORDS:Trout,Mortality Rate,Eggs,Alevins,Suspended Solid.,Dis.olv.d OKyg.n,P.rm••bility Rainbow trout eggs were planted in river gravels to assess the .ff.cts of .iltation on salmonid .pawning .ucc....In r.ach.s wh.r.siltation du.to th.coal industry has occurr.d,96 to 100 p.rc.nt of .ggs di.d during incubation in tn.grav.ls.Thi.high mortality rat.corrasponds to suspand.d solids conc.ntrations of 2 to 2481 mg/L,graval p.rm.abilitias in tha rang.of ~to 74 cm/h,and dissolvad oKygan concantration.of 2.4 to 7.6 mg/L.In anoth.r rivar .gg mortality rang.d fr.om 24 to 96 p.rcjnt corrasponding to suspand.d .olids lavals of 3 to 1610 mg/L, grav.l parm.abiliti..ranging from 7 to 2geO em/h,and di ••olv.d oKyg.n of 3.6 to 6.6 mg/L.Tha lowar mortality rata in tha lat.r river is probably a rafl.ction of th.low.r .uspandad solids l.vals.Al.vin survival thrashold valu••for dissolv.d oKyg.n and p.rm.ability ar.around 4.9 mg/L and 40 cm/h,r.spectivaly. It wa.calculatad that a 30 p.rc.nt alavin mortality rata corrasponds to a dissolv.d oKygan coneantration of 6.5 mg/L. Alavin .iz.also .howad a strong posit iva corralation with tn. di.solved oKyg.n supply rat •• ctJq REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/63 PAGE A-44 - REFERENCE: REFERENCE LOCATION: Van Nieuwenhuyse,E.E.,1983.Tne effects of mining on the primary productivity of interior streams.M.S.Tnesis,University of Fairbanks,Alaska.120 pp. L.A.Peterson &Associates,Inc. placer Alaska Alaska, .t'j' ! -I " r I ! IMPORTANT PAGES:~8-66 KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Settleable Solids,PAR,Gross Productivity,Algal Productivity,Recreational Activities,Criteria A strong positive correlation was observed between incident PAR and gross productivity,attesting to the importance of light in regulating primary production.This relationship provid.s the partial basis for a Model which could be used to predict algal productivity at different turbidity levels. Recreational activities such as canoeing and fishing would probably be popular on Birch Creek if the channel were rehabilitated to allow fish'passage,and if turbidity could be maintained below 200 to 300 NTU.Tne result.of this study support the contention that a .ettleable solids standard of <0.1 ml/L for receiving waters could be reasonable.With regard to turbidity,the following tentative criteria are suggested:6 to 2~NTU high level of protection,25 to 100 NTU moderate,100 to 300 NTU low,300 to ~OO NTU very low. °J:4 REVIEW DRAFT ~~19/8~PAGE A-4~ REFEREBCE.Vanous,R.0.,P.E.Larson,and C.C.Hach,1962. The theory and measurement of turbidity and residue. in:Water Analysis Volume 1 inorganic specie.,Part I,Academic Press,New York,N.Y.pp.164-234 - REFERENCE LOCATION;L.A.Peterson &Associates,Inc. IMPORTANT ~ PAGES;167-221 KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Nephelometric,Residue,Suspended and Disso!ved Solids The theory of light scattering is presented by a review of terminology,Rayleigh scattering and theory,and Mis scattering. The discus.ion of the measurement of turbidity includes the effects of sample and instrument parameters on turbidity measurement,a history of turbidimetric methods,modern nephelometric instrumentation,commercial instrumentrespons••, process instruments".speci ficat ions for nephelometric instrumentation,methods of instrumenta!turbidity measurem.nt, and the potentia!of future nephelometric developments. ~A REVIEW DRAFT ~/19/6S PAGE A-46 .... II :i, ~ I I REFE~RENCE REFE~RENCE LOC~~TIONI IMPORTANT PAGE~SI Wilber,C.G.,1983.Turbidity in th.aquatic environment,an environmental factor in fresh and oceanic waters.Charles C.Thom.s,Publisher, Springfield,III inois.133 pp. Nichols Environmental Con.ulting 2~-36,41-108,112-116 KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Suspended Water,Effect. Solids,Freshwater,Marine A ..'eview of key literature quantifies the effects of turbidity and suspend.d .olid.on fre.h and marine water 1,1....Included are effect.on chemical and physical water quality,water supply, fre1lshwater and mari ne organisms and ae.thet ics.Biological .ffllct.on a wid.vari.ty of organi.ms include physiological, feecling efficiency,feeding s.lection,feeding rates, filter-feeder feeding,reproductive behavior,population numbers and densities,growth and development,resistance to disease,and habitat utilization•.Specific groups of organisms discussed are warm water fi.h.s,salmonid fishes,freshwater macroinverte- brat ••,and a number of marine organisms including coral,filter feeding organisms,and marine mammals. r I at rtlams may conc:ent rat ions. to 85 ppm is eMhoemely bad. be classified according to suspended solids A concentration of 2~to 30 ppm is optimal,30 good,83 to 400 ppm is poor,and )400 ppm is 0,/9 REVIEW DRAFT ~/l~/8~PAGE A-47 KEY WORDS:Gravel Size,Trout,Ova,Alevins,SurVival,Emergence REFERENCE.Witzel,~.D.,and H.R.MacCrimmon,19S1.Role o~ gravel substrate on ova survival and alslVin emergence of rainbow trout,§~lm2 Q~lcgn@cl.Canadian Journal of Zoology,Vol.~9.pp.629-636. Alaska,ofUniver-sityUnit,FishCooperative Fair-banks A verticle flow incubation apparatus was used to determine the role of various gravel size.on ova survival and emergence of rainbow trout alevins.Sur-vival to emergence,time of emergence, and alevin condition at emergence were significantly influenced by gravel size.Me ..n percent surviv..l to emergence increased from 1 percent in a-mm gravel to 76 percent in 26.-~-mm gravel. Survival of ova to swim-up stage in a gravel free incubator was sa percent.Differences in -percent survival were most significant within the 2 to a mm gravel range.Poor survival of trout alevins in tne a to 4 mm gravel was the r.sult of entrapment.Tne time to emergence also increased with gravel size.~arger alevins,which emer-ged later from coar-ser gr-avels had the l ....t yolk reserve.Premature emergence of free embryos and shortening of the alevin emergence period in 2.0-mm gravel was identified as a stress r.spons•• REFERENCE ~OCATION. IMPORTANT PAGES.629,632-63~ q /.-1'-1 REVIEW DRAFT ~9/85 PAGE A-48 r ! I APPENDIX 8 GENERAL LITERATURE--FRESH WATER The ....~e....nc..listed he...ein we ...e eviewed by proJect team mem:l:ters and Judged to bel (1)Too g.n l'(2)In.ppl ic.bl.to the scop.of this proJect (••g.,l.t.d topic••uch •• biologic.l lif.hi.to...y),(3)Th.info...m.tion cont.in.d in • •p.cific f nc.w...Mpl.in.din mo ....d.t.il in on.0 ...mo .... of the f nc•••pp.....ing .bov.in App.ndiM A,0"',(4)Only • po...'t ion of the .....f .....nce w••applic.bl ••nd th is info...m.t ion i. citl.d in the t.Mt of the ....po...t. qfq REVIEW DRAFT S/lt/Se PAGE 8-1 ADEC,1979...Plac.r mining and wat.r qual ity,Al ••ka wat.r quality manag.m.nt plan.Non-point .ourc••tudy ••ri ••Sec. 208 P.L.92-S00,9S217,Ala.ka Oepartment o~Environm.ntal Con••rvation,Jun.au,Ala.ka.100 pp. ADEC,1981.E~amination of drainages for effects of placer mining and otM.r wat.r quality con.id.ration.Fairbank.and int.rior Ala.ka,August 10-24,1981.A Working Pap.r, Ala.ka D.partm.nt of Environm.ntal Con••rvation,Divi.ion of Environm.ntal Quality Op.rations,Monitoring and Laboratory S.ction,Jun.au,Alaska.70 pp. ADEC,1982.Drinking wat.r .tandard..Ala.ka Departm.nt of Environm.ntal Con••rvation,Jun.au,Ala.ka. 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IMPORTANT PAGES.1~3 KEY WORDS.Susp.nd.d Sediments,~abora~ory,Fish Eggs,Fish L.rv••,H.tching,Surviv.l Eggs and larvae of six specie.of anadromous and estuarine fish w.re .xpo.ed to concentr.tion.of .u.pended ••dim.nt up to 100 mg/L to determine the effect.of different conc.ntration.on hatching succe..and .hort term .urviv.l.Egg .xperiments indicat.th.t concentr.tions of up to 1000 mg/L did,not significantly affect the hatching .ucces.of yell~w perch, blueback h.rring,.l.wife or Am.rican ,shad eggs.Th•••me concentration.did however significantly reduce the hatching succe..of whit.perch and striped bas.,wh.r.a.lower conc.ntrations did not.EMperiment.with larva.indicated that concentration.above ~OO mg/L significantly reduced the survival of .triped ba••and yellow perch.Concentration.above 100 mg/l significantly reduced the .urvival of American .had larvae continou.ly eMposed for 96 hours.The .ignificance of the•• result.are di.cus.ed in relation to change.in .ediment loading in estuaries. q/q REVIEW DRAFT ~/8~PAGE c-e - - REFI5:RENCE REFl5:RENCE LOCI~TION. IMPIJRTANT PAGIES. B~.hm.~,M.L.,196~.Tu~bidity and siltation as forms of pollution.30urnal of Soil and Wat.r Cons.~vation,JUly-August,196~.pp.132-133. 132-133 KEY WORDS.Susp.nded Solids,S.diment Deposition,Effects, Estuarin.Syst.ms,A.sth.tic Quality,R.cr.ational Us.s,Phytoplankton,Zooplankton,Infauna,B.nthos Eitftf!;;lI!3I!Qtf I The role of suspended solids and sediment depositions in .stll.larin.syst.ms is discuss.d in this pap.~.Th.d.st~uction 0'F rtte:ll"'.at iona1 b.ach.s and aquat ic habitats is w.l1 docum.nt.d. 13roll.lnds mad.suitab1.fo~oyste~cu1tu~.suff.r h.avi 1y 'From si 1'I:at ion.D~tldg.spoil disposal studi.s indicat.that infaunal for,ns a~.d.st~oy.d by smoth.ring.Siltat ion can also smoth.r .pifaunal fo~ms,and the unstable characte~istics of s-ilt d.pl:Jsits could p~.v.nt r.-.stablishm.nt of popu1at ion•• Susl~.nd.d sol ids in wat.~hav•.a d.finit••ff.ct on the wat.r's a.s'l:h.tic quality and its value fo~~.c~.ational pu~pos.s.Th. conl:.nt~ation at which wat.~b.com.s obJ.ct ionabl.to the us.r is a matt.r of individual conditioning.Th.biological .ff.cts of in~l"'ganic susp.nded solids to .stua~in.communiti.s a~.compl.~ and .xtrem.ly difficult to quantify.Th.eff.cts of inorganic s.dim.nts on zooplankton and high.~aquatic lif.ar••v.n more dif'fI!cult to .valuat.than the .ff.cts on phytoplankton. Man'-macl.l.v.ls of tu~bidity undoubt.d1y .~.rt inJu~ious .ff.cts on the ..tua~in.community.Sh.llfish and finfish ar••sp.cially Vulll"l.~abl.to damag.by ino~ganic susp.nd.d solids.The f.eding activity of c.~tain filt.r-f..c1ing sh.llfish is inhibited by high sus,,,end.d sol ids l.v.ls. qli REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/8S PAGE C-3 REFERENCE.Oavi.,H.e.,and H.Hidu,1969.Eff.cts of turbidity-producing .ub.tanc••in ••a water on .ggs and larva.of thr••g.n.ra of bivalv.mollusk•• Th.V.lig.r,Vol.II,No.4.pp.316-323 - REFERENCE l.OCATION. I MPORTI=INT PAGES. Univ.r.ity of Ala.ka,Fairbank. 320 KEY WORDS:ClAms,Oysters,Silt,KAolin,Fuller's Earth, Conc.ntration,Particl.Siz.,Growth,D.v.lop••nt, Survival A s.ri..of .xp.rim.nts w.r.run to comp.r.the .ffects of diff.r.nt-siZ.d particl ••on .mbryo.and larva.o~hard clam.and American oyst.rs.~little a.0.188 gIL .ilt,3 gIL kaolin,and 4 gIL Full.r'..arth cau.ed a significant d.er....in th. p.rc.ntag.of oy.t.r .gg.d.v.loping normally.American oyst.r .gg.w.r.not aff.ct.d ..by 4 giL .ilicon dioxid.,r.gardl•••-of particl..iz••_Th.small ••t particl••((S micron.)of .ilicon dioxide had the gr.at ••t .ffect on survival and growth of clam and oy.ter larv...P.rticl..in the rang.of S to as micron.and as to SO micron.had lit_I••ffect on .urviv.l of .ith.r sp.ci •• or on growth of cl.m l.rvae.Growth of American oy.ter l.rva. d.cr••••d progr•••lvely ••the .iz.of .ilicon dioxide particl•• d.cr••••d.Bivalv.larv••grew fa.t.r in low conc.ntr.tion.of .u.p.nd.d particl••th.n in cl••r ......at.r. 9/<1 REVIEW ORAFT S/t9/8S PAGE C-4 - -- - - .,.. I REFERENCE a 30hn.on,3.K.,1971.Effect of turbidity on the r.t.of filtr.tion .nd growth of the slipp.r limpet, ~~tQ!g~!~!2~n!~~t~L.m.rck,1799.The V.liger,Vol. 1~,No.3.pp.31~-320. "i"" I I I REFERENCE LOCATION a University of Al ••ka,F.irb.nks .,... I I I. IMPORTANT PAGES.318-320 KEY WORDS:Turbidity,Silt,Kaolin,Fuller's Earth,Effects, Filt.r F••ding,Shell Growth,G••tropod Th.purpo..of this inv••tig.tion w.s to d.t.rmin.how the shell growth of th.filter f ••ding ga.tropod ~CtQ!gY!A !2~n!~.t.is affected by prolonged exposure to various levels of turbidity (0.002 to o.as giL)in natur.,and to .x.min.the .~p.rim.nt.l .ff.ct.of incr•••ing concentr.tions (0.08 to 1.S6 giL)of .ilt, kaolin,and Fuller'•••rth on the filtr.tion r.t..of ~~ f2CD1s~t~.R.sults·showed that the shell growth rat.decreased a.the .l.v.l of n.tur.l turbidity incr•••ed.Lik.wise,s,.,.ll IiIro'wth .....found to b.IiIr ••t ••t in •tr.n.pl.nt.tion .nvironm.nt of low turbidity..comp.r.d to.high turbidity .nvironm.nt. Th.filtr.tion r.t..of ~~!Q~nl£~tl d.cr••••d ••th.l.v.l of turbidity increased.Low concentrations of silt equivalent to n.tur.l l.v.l.of turbidity in natura produc.d .ignific.nt r.duction.in filtr.tion r.t...Silt,Full.r'•••rth,.nd k.olin .ach c.u••d ••ignific.nt r.duction in th.filtr.tion r.te ••th. conc.ntr.tion incr••••d up to 6 giL.R.duc.d .h.ll gro...th r.t. m.y b.th.r ••ult of in.d.qu.t.food intake due to clogging of th.filtering mech.nism by turbidity.Su.t.in.d high turbidity m.y h.ve •limiting .ff-et on th.di.tribution of 'L 19~Dis.~•. fq/~ REVIEW DRAFT S/19/SS PAGE C-S REFERENCE.John.ton,D.O.,.nd O.J.Wildi.h,1982.Effect of .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt on f ••ding by larv.l h.rring (~lYa..b.~.D~Y.b.r.D~Y.b~).Bull.tin Envi~onm.nt.l Cont.min.tion TOHicology,(29).251-267. REFERENCE LOCATION.Univ.r.ity of Al ••k.Libr.ry,F.irb.nk. IMPORTANT PAGES I 261,26~-267 KEY WORDS:Susp.nd.d S~im.nt.,Light Intensity,Herring, L.rv••,F_ding R.t.,Zoopl.nkt.r.,Visibility et:!~QI8!!Q~ Th.purpo••of this .tudy was to det.rmin.if increased levels of .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt occurring .ft.r dr.dging,.nd r ••ultant d.cr.....in light int.n.ity,r.duc.pr.y vi.ibility for l.rv.l h.rring to the .Kt.nt th.t the f~ing r.ta i ••ffact.d.Th • •ff.ct of .u.p.nded .ediment on l.rv••of diff.r.nt .g••w•••lso inv••tig.t.d.L.rv..f.d in w.t.r cont.ining ~.nd 8 mg/L did not con.um..ignific.ntly few.r zoopl.nkt.r.th.n did control l.rv...How.v.r,l.rv••f.d .t 20 mglL did con.um••ignific.ntly f.wer zoopl.nkt.r.th.n did the control..Simil.rly,larv••f.d .t 6S.nd lOS'phototopic lUH con.um.d .ignificantly f.war zoopl.nkt.r.th.n tho..fed .t 300 IUH in the control t.nk•• Th.r.war..ignific.ntly fewer l.rv••in the bottom .ection of the t.nk.cont.ining .u.p.nd.d ••dimant than in the control..A. the conc.ntr.tion of .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt w..incr••••d,light int.n.ity .nd vi.ibility of pr.y d.cr......A••r ••ult,the l.rv..move into the batt.r illumin.t.d .urf.c.l.y.r.to f ••d. Th.d.er....in light int.n.ity .t lower ••diment conc.ntr.tion. (4 .nd S .g/L)i.not .ufficient to r ••ult in •d.pr•••ion of f ••ding r.t...At gr••t.r conc.ntr.tion.of .u.p.nd.d ••dim.nt (20 mg/L),the vi.ibility of pr.y .nd light int.n.ity .r• •ignific.ntly d.cr••••d .nd the f ••ding r.t.i.d.pr••••d.Th. l.v.l of .u.p.ndad ••diment r ••ulting in •d.pr•••ion of f ••ding r.t.by h.rring l.rv••i ••lso •function of l.rv.l .g••nd .iz•• q/q REVIEW DRAFT S/19/SS PAGE C-6 - - ... - REFE~RENCEI Kiorboe,T.,E.Frant.en,C.Jensen,and e.Soren.en, 1981.Effects of suspended sediment on development and hatching of nerring <Clya••b.r.D';,Y.>egg•• E.tuarine,Coa.tal and Shelf Science,(13)1107-111. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TIONI I MPC)RTANT PAGE~SI Univer.ity of Ala.ka Library,Fairbank. 107 KEY WORDS.Egg.,Herring,Su.pended Sedim.nts,Hatching, Development Herr'i";(~lYa!lA bAr.DSY.>eggs artifically fertilized in the la~)ratory were con.tantly eKpo..d at S to 300 mg/L su.pend.d .ilt:and to .hort term concentration.of SOO mg/L at different tiMit.during embryonic development.Re.ult.indicate that embr'yonic development wa.u"affec:ted by .u..pended .i It. Mort~a1ity rate.varied .igni'ficantly between aquaria,but the 'vartat ion wa.not related to .i 1 t concentrat ions.It wa. co"c:luded that no harmful e"'fect.are likely to occur to herring .pa.-.ning ground.a.a r ••ult of .u.pe"ded part icle input.from dreclging and .imi 1ar operat ions. ~f O'il • REVIEW DRAFT 6119/8S PAGE C-7 REFERENCE.Kio~bo.,T.,F.Mohl.nb.~g,and O.Noh~,1980.F••d- ing,pa~ticl•••l.ction and c.~bon ab.o~ptlon in M~1ilY••~Yli.in diff.~.nt miMtu~••of alga.and ~••u.p.nd.d bottom mat.~ial.Oph.lia,19(e).193-20~. REFERENCE LOCATION.Univ.~.ity of Ala.ka Lib~a~y,Fai~bank. IMPORTANT PAGES.193 KEY WORDS.Silt Conc.nt~.tion,Alga.Susp.nsion.,~~!ilY• •gyll.t Filt~.tion,Food Uptak.,Ca~bon Budg.t Th..ff.ct.of .ilt conc.nt~ation on filtration beh.vio~,food uptak.,and carbon budg.t of the mu •••l ~~11Y••~yll.w.~• •tudied.Inc~•••ing amount.of mat.~ial w.~.~.tain.d by the gill.with inc~.a.ing .ilt conc.nt~ation.,but an inc~a.lng p~portlo...of this wa.....Ject.d a.p••udofaec...P••udofa.c•• wa.p~oduced at .ilt conc.ntrations above 1 mg/L.Th.amount inc~.a••d lin.arally with the amount of.mat.rial ~.tain.d.a~y Matt.r ing••tionincrea••d with Inc~a.ing conc.nt~atlon of .ilt. At a .llt concwnt~ation of 2 mg/L,alga.w.~.conc.nt~at.d by a facto~of 3,and at SS mglL by a facto~of about 30.Th.ca~bon ing ••tion ~at.inc~.a••d consid.rably at a low conc.nt~atlon of .11t compa~.d to a su.p.nsion of pu~.alga.,and d.c~.as.d at hlgh conc.nt~atlon.(~~mg/L).Ca~bon absorption .ffici.nci •• w.~.high (~9 to 6S p.~c.nt)up to a silt conc.nt~ation of ~ mg/L,and d.c~.a••d slightly at high.~conc.nt~ations (~2 to ~S mg/L).It wa.conclud.d that ~~1ilY.is w.ll adapt.d to .1lt eoncent~ations up to 33 mg/L,and ev.n b.nefits f~om concent~a­ tlons up to e~mg/L. 9/Cj REVIEW DRAFT a/lgv8~PAGE C-S - REFERENCE.Loosanoff,V.L.,1961.Effects of turbidity on scme larval and adult bivalves.Proceedings Gulf and Caribbean Fisn Institute,Fourte.ntn Annual Session, November.pp.SO-ge. REFERENCE LOCATION. IMPORTANT PAGES.eo,e3-91 "I"" I i, O/"D ! 'i'"" I I I KEY WORDS:Bivalves,Oysters,Turbidity,Silt.Kaolin,Pumping Rate,Snell Movement An analysis of the effects of turbidity upon larval and adult bivalves is presented.Studies of tne American oyster, ~r••~2.~r.§~ir~iDisA,and cf ~.n~~m.rs.nAriA are emphasized although several other species are also presented.Different species of mollusks,their eggs and their larvae were affected to different degrees by the same concentrations of turbidity-causing sediments.Very small·quantities of silt and kaolin ~cmetimes at imulated normal .act ivit ies of adult'and larval moll usks. However,concentrations as small as 0.1 gIL significantly reduced tne water pumping rate by an average of S7 percent and strongly affected the character of shell movements of the adult oysters. At concentrations of 3.0 to ~.O gIL,the average reduction in pumping rate was over 90 percent.The shell movements of oysters kept in turbid waters ~re associated with frequent eJections of large quantities of silt and mucus accumulating on the gills and palps.In another experiment,oysters were exposed to silt concentrations of 1.0,2.0,3.0,and ~.O gIL for 4S nours.When the oyster.were again SUbJected to normal sea water,they failed to show the usual recovery-type of .hell movement nor did they resume a rapid rate of pumping,as is normally observed after exposure to sediment for relatively short periods.Apparently longer exposures affect them a.dversely by inJuring the ci Uary mechanisms of their gills and palps.Data indicated that lamellibranchs (oysters and clams)feed most effectively in relatively clear water. q~~/'i REVIEW DRAFT -&/--1-9/8S PAGE C-9 •f __--_ REFERENCE.McFarland,V.A.,and R.K.P.ddicord,1980. L.thality of a susp.nd.d clay to a div.rs.s.l.ction of marin.and .stuarin.macrofauna.Archiv.s Environm.ntal Contamination Toxicology,(9).733-741. REFERENCE LOCATION.Univ.rsity of Alaska,Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGES,637-640 KEY WORDS:Marine Macrofauna,Susp.nded Kaolin,Sensitivity, Tol.ranc.,Mortality An evaluation was made of the lethality of a suspended clay min.ral on a phylog.n.tically div.rs.s.l.ction of marin.and .stuarine macrofauna.A v.ry wid.rang.of sensitiviti ..to susp.nd.d kaolin was obs.rved among the 16 sp.ci.s studi.d. Eight had (10 p.rc.nt mortality aft.r .Mposur.to 100 gIL susp.nd.d kaolin for ~to 12 days.A vari.ty of oth.r sp.ci.s ....r.found to b.more s.nsi·tiv..Th.200-hr LC~O for the muss.l - ~L ~.11!g~n!An~.was 96 gIL.An .xp.rim.nt using the tunicat. B~~!9!s ~.r.!gg..was terminated at 136 hr because of the high mortality reach.d at that time.-Two oth.r tunicat ..w.r.much more tol.rant to susp.nd.d kaolin with a 12 day Le~O of 100 gIL. Th.200-hr LeSO for the spot-tailed sand shrim~was ~o gIL,and the 400-hr Le~O was ~O gIL for the sa••sp.ci.s,indicating a high tol.ranc.to susp.nd.d clay.Th ••uryhalin.grass shrimp was .v.n l.ss s.nsitiv.to susp.nd.d kaolin.Th.Dung.n.ss crab ~.!Is.r mA.saUUr was t.sted for 10 days and found to b.more s.nsitiv.than any of the shrimp speci.s,with a 200-hr LeSO of 32 gIL.Th.100-hr Le~O for the amphipod en1.9A.mm.~Y. £gnf.~~l£2lY.was 78 gIL,indicating an int.rm.diat.s.nsitivity to suspended kaolin.The concentration causing ~O perc.nt mortality of the polycha.t.~••ntn...~£~1Q..in 200 hr was .stimat.d to b.48 gIL.The English sol.e.~QQbc~.~.t~l~• •xhibited no mortal it i ••in 10 days at a concentration of 70 gIL or l.ss,but 80 perc.nt mortality OCcurred after 10 days at 117 ~ gIL.Th.shin.r p.rch ~..RRC.R.t.was the most s.nsitiv. species tested with only one fish alive after 26 hr in 14 gIL susp.nd.d kaolin.Th.r.lativ.s.nsitivity of the speci.s t.st.d may b.a function of the fr.qu.ncy to which th.y ar.subJ.ct.d to high susp.nd.d ••dim.nt in th.ir .nvironMent.- r 9li REVIEW DRAFT -&f-l-9/8~PAGE C-l0 REFERENCE.Moor.,P.G.,1977.Inorganic particulat• •u.p.n.ion.in the ••a .nd th.ir .ff.ct.on marin• •nim.l..OC ••nogr.phy .nd M.rin.Biology Annu.l R.v i .w,(1l5)•22:1-363. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TIONI Univ.r.ity of'Ala.ka,Fairbank. IMPC3RTANT PAGE~S I 2~-337 KEY WORDS.Turbidity,Su.p.nd.d Solid.,Marin.Anim.ls,Dir.c~ Eff.ct.,Indir.ct Eff'.ct.,M.a.ur.m.nt T.chniqu••, Economic Ef'f'.ct. An overall synthesis of available literature pertaining to saline aquntic habitat.i.pr•••nt.d and di.cu•••d .long with m.a.ur.- m.n1:t.chniqu..f'or total part iculat.matt.r.Th •••t.chniqu•• incl~ud.gravim.tric,c.ntrif'ug.tion,and in I.ii.!ll m.a.ur.m.nt.of' the absorption of r.dioactiv..n.rgy or the ab.orption of' .ca1:t.r.d 1 ight.Opt ical Jmtthod..r.by far the molit-popular t.chniqu..for .tudying su.p.nd.d mat.rial,.nd invo1v.th.·u •• of d.vic..r.nging from the .imp1.S.cchi di.k to a vari.ty of tran.mittanc..catt.ring and d.po1arization m.t.r..a.v.r.l invll.t ig.tor.have ••tabl i.h.d ,a r.lat ionsh i p b.tw••n S.cch i d.pt:h and •••ton cont.nt,a.cchi d.pth and att.nu.t ion co.,'fici.nt.,and the att.nuat ion co.ffici.nt and part icul.t. conc:entr.t ion.in •••wat.r.Mor.r.c.nt ly,turbid condit ion. havil b ••n r.cord.d by !n .!!.Y photography,r.mot •••n.ing,and shipborne acou.~ic systems.Four methods available f'or particle .izll ana1y.i.of su.p.nd~••dim.nts includ.micro.copic anally.i.,opt ieal ••d imentat ion an.ly.i.,dir.ct op~ical .naJ:y.i.,.nd the .1.ctronic (Coult.r Count.r)m.thod. L..gul turbidity standard..hould ultimat.ly b.d.fin.d in t.rm. of the light r.quir.m.nt.of'silt tol.ranc.of the org.ni.m. r.quiring prot.ction.It may b.more r.alistic to r.-d.fin. allc)wabl.turbidity incr.....in t.rms of'the p.rc.ntag••bov. bacJtground rath.r than any arbitrary num.rical valu•• Numltrous l.boratory and fi.ld .xp.riment.have b ••n accompl i.h.d to d.termin.~h..ff.ct.of inorganic .usp.n.ion.on m.rin. anin,.l..G.n.r.l .ff.cts .r.pr.s.nt.d for a vari.ty of m.l"'in. ani."al groups including.protozoa,porif.r.,co.l.nt.r.ta, et.,,~ophora,polych.ata,crust.c.a,mollusca,.chinod.rmata, bryozoa,phoronid••,br.chiopoda,.scidiac.a,h.michordata,and c.pl"lalochordat..In .ddition,•bri.f di.cu.sion is pr•••nt.d regflrding f'ish,birds,marin.mammal.,.nd man. I 9/ct REVIEW DRAFT ~~9/85 PAGE C-l1 ___-......a"'.....·-----·-- REFERENCE 1 REFERENCE L.OCATION. IMPORTANT PAGES. KEY WORDS: Ozturgut,E.,J.W.~av.ll.,and R.E.Surn.,1981. Impact.o~mang.n•••nodu1.mining on the .nvironm.nt.r ••ult.~~om pilot-.cal.mining t ••t. in the North Equatorial Paci~ic.101 R.A.G.y.r, (ed.),Marine Environmental Pollution,2:-Dumping and Mining.EI ••vi.r Sci.nti~ic Publi.hing Co.,Naw York.~74 pp. 4S1-474 Mining Plume,Turbidity,Particulate Concentration, Photo.ynth.tical1y Activ.Radiation (PAR),~ight Att.nuation,Prima~y Productivity,Macrozooplankton, Abundanc.,Mortality - - Pilot-scale mIning tests were conducted to evaluate environmental conc.rns and d.v.lop -.nvironm.ntal guid.1in••prior to ~ull .cal.mining in the North Equatorial Paci~ic.Pa~ticul~t. conc.ntration.war.r.cord.d a.light .catt.ring intan.iti_with a n.ph.lom.t~.Particl..iz..war.m.a.urad with a Coult.r count.r.PAR m.a.ur.m.nt.con~irm.d tn.pr•••nc.o~a particulat.plum.with .1"1 av.rag.eoncantration o~440 ug/L in th.upp.r 2~m.Mining particulat ••incr••••light att.nuation and th.r.by directly a~~.ct p~imary production in th.mining ar.a.A compari.on WAS mad.b.twa.n ambi.nt production rat •• m.a.ur.d 1D .!~y and the ••timat.d production rat.at a point along the axis of the plume.The total reduction in produc~ivity ov.r th..ntir..uphotic zona at this point amount.d to 40 p.rc.nt.Th.dir.ct .~~.ct.o~mining-r.lat.d particulat.matt.r on Macrozooplankton inc1ud.mortality,chang••in ing••tion rat •• and th.production o~~.cal p.ll.t.,chang••in the .1.m.ntal compo.ition o~whole organi.m.,and .hort-t.rm a~~.ct.on .patial di.tribution,abund.nc.,.nd .peci••compo.ition.Th.,.••ult.o~ two ••t.o~to....indic.t.th.t th.r.wa.no m.Jor d.cr••••in th. abund.nc.o~n.u.tonic macrozoopl.nkton,or .u~~ici.nt .mount.o~ mining p.rticu1.t..ing••t.d to c.u...1t.~.tion in th.ir eh.mic.1 compo.ition,at plum.eonc.nt~.tion.1•••than 1 mg/L. It is concluded that the e~~.ct o~mining discharge on phytoplankton i.limit.d to that c.u_d by turbidity.Incr••••d light .tt.nu.tion du.to incr.a••d tu~bidity r.duc.d the p~im.ry production r.t.in th.plum..S.c.u••particul.t.conc.ntr.tion. r.turn to .mbi.nt 1.v.1.within.~.N d.y.,it i.b.li.v.d th.t .p.ci ••compo.ition ch.ng••will not take plac..e•••d on both mining te.t.and 1abo~.tory .xp.~im.nt.,it i.concluded th.t the abundanc..nd mortality o~macrozoop1.nkton will a1.0 b. una~~ected by th.mining plum•• q/q REVIEW DRAFT &~/8~PAGE C-12 REFERENCE a P.ddicord,R.K.,1980.Dir.ct .ff.ct.of .u.p.nd.d ••diment.on .quatic org.ni.m..!Da R.~.Sak.r (ad.>,Contaminants and Sediments,Vol.1,Ann Arbor Sci.nc.Publi.h.r.,Inc.,~nn ~rbor,MI.pp.~Ol­ ~36. REFERENCE LOC~TION.Univ.r.ity of ~l ••ka Libr.ry,F.irbank. IMp!ORT~NT P~SES.~01,~02:,~11-S1~,~2:6-~33 KEY WORDS;Suspended Sediment,Kaolin,Sentonite,Aquatic Org.ni.m.,Mortality Marine ilnd estuarine invertebrates were able to tolerate continuous .Mpo.ur.to .u.p.n.ion.of kaolin .nd b.ntonita cl.y. in the r.ng.of gr.m./lit.r for ••v.r.l d.y.to ••v.r.l w.ak. without .ub.tanti.l mort.lity.Fi.h tol.r.t.d simil.r conc.~tr.tion.for .imil.r p.riod.und.r .imil.r condition..~. t.mp.r.tur.incr••••d or dis.olv.d oMyg.n d.cr••••d,tol.r.nc. d.cr•••ed.Ev.n.t high.r t ....p.r.tur...nd 2:ppm di ••olv.d oMyg.n,mo.t inv.rt.br.t..tol.r.t.d continuous .Mpo.ura to 60 gIL .u.p.nd.d .bantonit.for ••v.r.l d.y.b.for.mortality occurr.d.Juv.nil.Dung.n...cr.b.....r ••ff.c:t.d to a gr.at.r d.gr..by kaolin .u.p.n.ion.than oth.r .pec:i...Juv.nil. Am.ric.n lob.t.r..uff.r.d no mortal it i ••in 2:0 gIL contaminat.d ••dim.nt for 2S day.and only on.molting abnormality occurr.d. Uncontaminat.d fluid mud.have the pot.nti.l for producing high .usp.nd.d ••dim.nt conc.ntration.and low di ••olved oMyg.n for p.riod..uffici.nt to c:au.a mortality of a vari.ty of organism•• Contaminatad ••dim.nt .u.p.n.ion.ar.pot.ntially mora harmful than .usp.n.ion.of uncontaminat.d ••dim.nt. fq/q REVIEW DR~FT a/19V8~PASE C-13 REFERENCE I Sh.rk,J.~.,J.M.O'Connor,and D.A.N.umann, 197~.Eff.ct.of .usp.nd.d and d.po.ited s.diments on ••tuarin••nvironment ••lnl L.E.Cronin,(.d.), Estuarine Research,Volume II,Geology and Engin••ring.Acad.mic Pr•••Inc.,N.w York. pp.~41-~~S. REFERENCE LOC~TIONI Univ.r.ity of Ala.ka,Fairbanks IMPORT~NT P~GESI ~41-~~6 KEY WORDS.Bioa.says,Full.r's Earth,Mortality,Estuarin. Organisms,Subl.thal Eff.cts arf~QIaI!QM Static bioassay.conducted with Fuller's earth showed significant mortality among five of the sev.n species tested in susp.nd.d conc.ntr.tions typic.lly found in ••tu.rin.syst.m.during flooding,dr.dging,and spoil disposal.L.th.l conc.ntrations ranged from a low of O~~S gIL for silversides to 24.~g/~for mummichog.(2~hr LC10).Fish..were classified as either tolerant ()10 gIL),s.n.itiv.(1.0 to 10 gIL),or highly ••nsitiv.«1.0 gIL),b.s.d on a 24 hr LC10 u.ing Full.r's .arth.a.n.r.lly,filt.r f ••d.r••nd ••rly-lif••tag.s w.r.more s.n.itiv.th.n bottom dw.ll.rs and .dult..Exposur.to subleth.l conc.ntr.tion.signific.ntly incr••••d th.h.m.tocrit valu., h.moglobin conc.ntr.tion,.nd .rythrocyte numb.rs in th.blood of •v.ri.ty of fish.In .ddition,Full.r'•••rth,fin.sand,and riv.r silt ()2~O mg/L)c.us.d significant r.ductions in the ing••tion r.t.by cop.pods. .qjq REVIEW DR~FT e/19/a~PAGE C-14 ...., i - - REFE~RENCE I S"'erok,,J.A.,,Jr.,,J.M.0'Connor,and D.A.Neumann, 1976.EffeQts of suspended solids on seleQted estuaroine plankton.MisQellaneous Report No.76-1, U.S.Aromy Corps of Engineers,Coastal Engineering Researoc'"Center,Fort Selvoir,VA.50 pp.- REFE~RENCE LOCF~TIONI University of AlaskA,Fairbanks (Interlibrary Loan) I MPCtRTANT PAGE~SI 10, 11,15,23, 26,32,35,36 KEY WORDS:Suspended Sediments,Fuller's Earth,Silicon DioHide, Rivero Silt,EffeQts,Carbon Assimilation, Phytoplankton,Ingestion Rate,Cop.pods This.reporot provides basel ine data on the effeQts of di fferent sus~lended sediments on selected typical estuarine plankton. Carbon assimilation by four·speQies of phytoplAnkton was sigrlifiQantly reduQed by the light attenuating properties of fine si 1 tcon dioxide suspensions.A conQentra-t ion of 1000 mg/Lc:au.ed a ~~O to 90 peroQent roeduQtion in Qarbon upt-ake among the f-our spec:ies of phytoplankton tested.A QonQentration of 2500 mg/L Qaul~ed an 80 perQent reduQt ion in one of the species.The ing ..stion rate by two speQies 0"Qalanoid Qopepods was sigrlifiQantly l""eduQed during exposure to a 250 mg/L mixture of FulJ.er's earth,fine siliQon dioMide,and natural river silt.At a concentration of 500 mg/L river silt,the ingestion rate was reduced by 77.5 percent. Cj/:t REVIEW DRAFT --&1-1-9/85 PAGE C-15 This literature review includes discussions of definitions,units of m••.•ur.,m.thod.of m•••urement,and .ff.cts of turbidity and .u.p.nd.d m.t.rial in th.aquatic .nvironment.Ther.i.common agr••m.nt that optical in.trum.nts provide .n inf.rr.d rath.r th.n •direct m.a.ur.ment of .u.pended .01id••nd th.t it i • •lmo.t impo••iblit to r.l.t••edim.nt concentr.tion••nd optical charact.ri.tic.from on.turbidim.ter,.tandard .u.pen.ion,or unit of mea.ur.to another.Rel.tively f.w .tudi••r.l.t.animal re.pon...to the actual w.ight per volume concentr.tion of particles in suspen.ion.Rath.r,th.y corr.lat.r ••pon••with turbidity.It i.unlikely th.t th.light ab.orbin;and .catt.ring prop.rti..of .u.pend.d particles directly .ff.ct .nim.l..aecau••.turbidity involve.optic.l properties th.t c.nnot b.corr.l.t.d with th.w.ight/vo1ume conc.ntration of .u.p.nd.d mat.rial,which directly .ffect.aquatic biot.,••veral inve.tigator..ugg••t that turbidity only b.u ••d ••a nont.chnical d.scriptor.GraVimetric t.chniqu..probably r.pr•••nt a more accur.t.m.a.ur.of the .ff.ct.of .u.pended .01ids on aquatic biota while optical m.a.ur.m.nts m.y b. pr.f.r.bl.for photo.ynth.tic or a ••thetic purpo....L.bor.tory .xperim.nt.often do not dup1ic.te natural condition.or r.flect n.tur.l l.v.l.of organi.m tol.r.nce to turbidity and .u.pend.d m.t.rial. REFERENCE. REFERENCE LOC~TIONI KEY WORDS: IMPORTANT PAGES. St.rn,E.M.,and W.8.Stickl.,1978.Eff.ct.of turbidity and su.p.nd.d materi.l in aquatic environ- m.nt..Dr.dg.d M.t.ri.l R••••rch Progr.m,Technical R.port 0-78-21,Environm.nt.l ~abor.tory,U.S.Army Engin••r W.t.rways Exp.riment Station,Vicksburg, MS.117 pp. Dou;Clark.,U.S.Army Engine.r W.t.rway.Experim.nt St.tion,Vicksburg,MS. ~quatic Environment,Dredged Material Disposal, Environm.ntal Eff.ct.,Su.pended ~oad,Su.p.nded Solid.,Turbidity 2-10 The review also discusses the effects of suspended material and turbidity on coral.,biv.lv..(clam.,oy.t.r.,mu •••ls)cop.pod., .nd fi.h...The di.eu••ion includ••information about effect.on .gg.,Juv.nil••,.nd .dult org.nism•• yfct REVIEW DRAFT ~/19/8~PAGE C-16 APPENDIX D GENERAL LITERATURE--MARINE The re~er.nces listed herein were reviewed by proJect team M8mbers and JUdged to be.(1)Too ge""eral,(2)Inapplicable to the .cope of this proJect (e.g.,related topic••uch a. biolLogical Ufe hi.tory),(3)The information contai""ed i""a sp~:ific re~erence wa.eKplained in More detail in one or more of the reference.appeari""g above in AppendiK C,or,(4)Only a smalll of the reference Na.applicable and t~i.information i. citl~in the teKt of the report.Additionally,ref.rence. pertaining to mea.urement.·of particulate.applying to both fretah and lIiari~Nater are not reprinted here a.they app.ar -in App••nd i K B. Iqfq REVIEW DRAFT ~i9/8e PAGE D-1 Ad ....,C.E.,.nd a.~.W••th.rly,1981.SU.P8nd.d ••dim.nt tr.nsport and b.nthic bound.ry l.y.r dyn.mic..IDI C.A. Nittrouar (ed.),Sediment.ry Dynamics o¥Continental Sh.lv.s.El ••vier,Amsterd.m. ~u.tin,R.W.,1974a.Instrumentation used in turbidity measure- m.nt.lnl Proce.dings of N.tion.l Oce.nographic Instrumentation C.nt.r Workshop h.ld .t W.shington,D.C.on M.y 6-8,1974.N.tion.l Oc••nogr.phic Instrument.tion Center,Washington,D.C.pp.4~-74. Austin,R.W.,1974b.Probl.ms in m.asuring turbidity as a w.ter quality p.r.m.t.r.In'Proc••ding.of S.minar on M.thodo- logy for Monitoring the Marin.Environm.nt.EPA-600/4-74- 004,Environment.l Prot.ction Agency,W••hington,D.C.pp. a3-~4. S.c..cu,M.,1966.An inst.nce of the .ff.ct.oh hydrot.chnical work.on the littor.l m.rin.lif..W.ter Pollution Ab.tr.cts,39(S)1178. Saker,E.T.,S.A.Cannon,and H.C.Curl,Jr.,1983.Partic~e tr.n.port proc•••••in •sm.ll marin.bay.Journal of Geophy.ic.l R....rch,IS(C14)19661-9669. a.ker,E.T.,and H.B.Milburn,1983.An instrumant sy.tem for the inv••tigation of particl.flux...Contin.ntal Sh.lf R••••rch,1(4)1 42S-43S. Sanse,K.,C.P.F.lls,and L.A.Hobson,1963.A gravimetric Method for d.t.rMining suspend.d m.tt.r in s.a wat.r using Millipor.filt.rs.D••p-Saa R••••rch,10,639-642. B.rn••,P.W.,and P.W.Minkl.r,1982.S.dim.nt.tion in the vicinity of •causew.y groin,B.aufort S.a,Alaska.Open- File R.port 12-61S,U.S.G.ological Surv.y.12 pp. B.rtz,R.,J.R.V.Zan.veld,and H.Pak,1978.A transmissometer for profiling and moored obs.rvations in wat.r.SPIE Oc.an Optic.V,1601102-101. S.rg.r,J.,1974.Oc.anographic applications of turbidity.In Proceedings of National Oc.anographic Instrumentation Center Work.hop h.ld at Washigton D.C.on May 6-8,1974.Nation.l Oc••nographic In.trum.nt.tion C.nt.r,W••higton,D.C.pp. 39-44. Burbank,D.C.,1974.Suspended sediment tr.nsport and deposi- tion in Al ••kan coast.l w.t.r.with .p.ci.l .mphasi.on r.mot •••n.ing by the ERT8-1 ••t.llit..M.S.The.i.,Univ. of Al ••k.,F.irbank.,Al ••k..222 pp. <if:, REVIEW DRAFT ""&I-1-9/SS PAGE D-2 ",""" ~' ."f'" I ! r 8urr'ell,D.C.,1972.Su.pended .edime"t di.tribution patter". within a"activ.turbid-outwash fJord.IDI S.S.Wettel."d ."d P.Bruun <eds.),Proc.edings of the Intern.tional Co"f. of Port .nd Oc••n E"gine.ring.U"iv"'.ity of Norw.y, Tro"dh.im.pp.227-24S. Burr'.1 1,o.C.,1984.S ••son.l turbidity p.tt.rn.in Boc.d. Qu.dr••nd Sm ••ton B.y.Int.rim R.port Pr.p.r.d for U.S. Bor.H .nd Ch.mic.l Corp••nd P.cific Co••t Molybd.num Co. S4 pp. Can::jler,K.L.,P.R.B.tzer,and D.W.Eggimann,1974.Physical, chemic.l,."d optic.l me ••ur••of .u.pe"ded-p.rticle co"c.n- tr.tio".1 th.ir i"t.rcomp.ri.o".nd applic.tion to the W••t African Sh.lf.In'R.J.Gibb.<.d.),Su.p."d.d Solid.in W.t.r.Pl.num Pr•••,New York,NY.pp.173-193. Chamlp,M.A.,a"d P.K.Park,1982.Global marin.pollution bibliogr.phyl oc••n dumping of municipal ."d indu.tri.l w••t...IFI/P1.num,N.wYork,NY.399 pp. Cha.i.,R. R.P.,1979.httling behavior of natural aquatic particul.t•••LiMnology.nd Oc••nography,24(3)1417-426.- Davis,H.C.,1960.Eff.ct.of turbidity-producing mat.rial.in ••a w.t.r on .gg••"d l.rv••of the cia...t~nYA (mt~.o.~1&) mtc~tn.c1.].Biological Bulletin,118(1).48-e4. d.Glroot,S •.1.,1979.An ......m.nt of the potential environ- ment.l imp.ct of l.rg.-.c.l•••nd-dredgi"g for the building of .rtifici.l i.l.nd.in the North S.a.Oc••"M.".g.m."t, SI21t-e32. lO.hlplane,W.H.,Jr.,1974.CoMparison of light tr.".mission to .u.p.nded particul.t.s gr.vim.try .t a dr.dg••poil di.po••l .it."••r N.w London,Connecticut.lnl Proc••dings of N.tio".l Oc••nogr.phic Instrum.nt.tion C.ntr Work.hop held .t W.shington,D.C.on May 6-8,1974.N.tion.l Oc••nogr.phic In.trum.nt.tion C.nt.r,W••hington,D.C.pp. 107-122. DiTelro,D.M.,1978.Optics of turbid _tua...ln.water..pproxi- m.tion••nd applic.tion..W.te...R••••rch,12al0S9-1068. DOWfIling,.1.P.,1983.An opt ic.l instrument for monitoring .u.p.nded p.rticul.t••in oc••n and l.bor.tory.loa Proc••ding.of the Ocean.1983,San Fr.nci.co,C.lifornia. IEEE .nd Mari".T.chnology Society.pp.199-202. Dow",ing,J.P.,R.W.St.inberg,a"d C.R.B.Li.t.r,1981.N.... i".tru_"t.tio"for the i"v••tig.tion of ••dim."t .u.p.".ion proc•••••i"the .h.llow m.ri"••"viro"m.nt.M.ri".G.ology 42119-34. qJ9 REVIEW DRAFT "'8/19/SS PAGE 0-3 Dr.k.,D.E.,D.A.C.cchion.,R.D.Mu.nch,.nd C.H.N.l.on,1980. S.aim.nt tran.port in Norton Sound,Al ••k..M.rin.Geology, 36197-126. Dr.k.,D.E.,D.A.S.gar,R.L.Ch.rn.ll,and G.A.Mauf.,1974. Comp.ri.on o~optic.l m•••ur...nt ••nd .u.p.nd.d .olid. conc.ntr.tions in the oc••n.lDI Proc••ding.of N.tion.l Oc.anogr.phic Instrum.nt.ion C.nt.r Work.hop h.ld at Wa.hington,D.C.on May 6-8,1974.N.tion.l Oc ••nogr.phic Instrum.nt.tion Cent.r,W••hington,D.C.pp.123-142. Du.n.,D.B.,1976.Sedimentation and oc.an .ngineeringl placer Min.r r ••ourc••In)D.J.St.nl.y .nd D.J.P.SWift (ed••), M.rin.Sediment TRansport .nd Environm.nt.l Manag.m.nt. John Wil.y &Sons,N.w York,NY.pp.e3e-5e6. Duinker,J.C.,R.F)Nolting,and H.A.Van Der Sloot,1979.The determin.tion of .u.p.nd.d met.l.in co••t.l water.by diff.r.nt ••mpling .nd proc.s.ing t.chniqu••(filtr.tion, c.ntrifugation).N.therl.nd.Journ.l of S••R••••rch, 13(2).282-297. El11.,D.V.,C.d.),1982.M.rin.t.iling.di.po••l.Ann Arbor Sci.nc.,Th.Butt.rworth Group,Ann Arbor,MI.368 pp.- Ei5.a,D.,1981.Su.p.nded matt.r as a c.rri.r for pollutants in ••tu.ri •••nd the ••••In-R.A.G.y.r (.d.),M.rin. Environm.ntal Pollution,2:Dumping and Mining.Elsevier Scientific Publi.hing Co.,N.w York,NY.pp.281-296. EPA,1982.A compilation o~water quality standards for marine w.ter..Offic.of W.t.r R.gulation••nd St.nd.rd., Environm.ntal Prot.ction Ag.ncy,W••hington,D.C. Feely,R.A.,and B.J.Massoth,1982.Sources,composition and transport of .u.p.nded particul.t.matt.r in low.r Cook Inl.t and northw••t.rn Sh.likof Str.it,Ala.ka.NOAA Technical R.port ERL-41e PMEL-34.ae pp. Fischer,J.K.,and G.S.Karabash.v,1977.A comp.ri.on of the size di.tribution of .u.p.nd.d particl •••nd th.ir optical properti •••Pol.Arch.Hydrobiol.,a4(Suppl.,,109-113. Flemer,D.A.,W.L.Dov.l,and H.T.Pfitz.nm.y.r,1968. Biologic.l .ff.ct.of .poil di.posal in Ch •••pe.k.Say.J. Sanit.tion Et"Igin ••ring Divi.ion,Proc••cHng.Am.ric.n Society of Civil Engin••r.,(94),683-706. Folger,D.W.,1968.New particulate matter sampling deviees and .ff.ct.of t.chniqu.on marit"l••u.p.n••t.r.cov.ry. De.p S.a R••••rch,'le,6e7-664. 'i/-oj REVIEW DRAFT ~l9/8e PAGE D-4 - - Gattro,L.W.,1976.Ci~culation and sediment d ist~ibut ion in Cook Inlet,Alaska..lD'Hood,D.W.,and D.C.'Burrell Ceds.>,Assessment o~the Arctic Marine Environment, :aelected Topics.Institute of Ma~ine Science,University o~ Alaska,Fairbank,Alaska.pp.20~-2e7. Gibb<5,R.J.,1974.Principles of studying suspended materials in water..lD'R.J.Gibbs (ed.),Suspended Solids in water. Plenum Press,New York,NY.pp.3-1~. Gord,on,H.R.,1974.Mie-thJeory models o~light scattering by ocean particulates.ID'R.J.Gibbs (ed.),Suspended Solids in Water.Plenum Pre.s,New Yo~k,NY.73-86. Hagmeier,E.,1971.Turbidity.!o:O.Kinne (ed.>,Marine iEcology I,Sect ion 6.2 plants.John Wi ley &Sons,London. pp.1177-11 80. Harris,R.K.,1980.Suspended sediment deposition in estuaries. ~Student paper submitted to A.S.Naidu for Geological Oceanography,University of Alaska,Fairbanks,Alaska. 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