HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4031PROPOSED MITIGATION FOR SUSITNA RIVER FISH STOCKS S~U SIT NA HYDR 0ELEe TR I CPR 0 J ECT JUNE 1982 TK I Lf~S- •.s 't A~3 ¥lo,lf0 3, TK 1425 .S I~ A23 no.4031 ARLIS L Ob Alaska n 1 razy &L ~esourCes llfol1natio Anchorage Al n Services,.aska LIST OF TABLES Number Page 1 Physical dimensions of Slough 9 ..··. .12 r .2 Physical dimensions of Slough 19 .. ..· · ....13 3 Physical dimensions of Slough 21 ··..... ..14 r 5 6 Cellculated es'Capement of sockeye,chum and pink sellmon to spawning areas between Talkeetna and Curry,1981 •••.••.••.•••••••• Ca,lculated escapement of sockeye,chum and pink salmon to spawning areas above Curry,1981 P;roposed channel dimensio"3 and estimated excavation for diversion of required flows from the mainstem Susitnathrough the head end of Sloughs 9 and 21 for spawning salmon and incubating eggs/alevins at a pro- jeJct flow regime of 13,400 efs • • • . . • 15 16 17 7 Th(~size and eroding veloci ty of rock material as related to bottom s~abi1ity • • •.••..•18 8 Estimated potential salmon egg deposition in Sloughs 9,19,and 21 under 1981 natural conditions and mitigation conditions and es,timated potential increase under mitigation • • • 19 r"· \ 9 Ca!:'rying capacity of Sloughs 9,19,and 21 as calculated from 1981 field data using population estimates,spawning areas and 0 2 requirements and potential carrying capacity under natural conditions 20 10 11 12 13 Carrying capacity of Sloughs 9,19 and 21 as calculated from 1981 field data with an assumed upwelling rate and using depth,velocity,slough flmo/'and physical multiple spawning requirements und,er mi tigationconditions . • . . . • . . . • . Calculated useable wetted area for salmon spawning in Sloughs 9,19 and 21 under 1981 natural conditions . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Calculated useable wetted area for spawning salmon in Sloughs 9,19 and 21 under mitigation conditions Selected data used to define spawning and intra- gravel requirements of Pacific Salmon .... iii 21 22 23 24 l. LIST OF FIGURES Number 1 Comparison of minimum transect elevations yithin Slough 9 yith calculated yater surface elevations Page 25 ".I".a> N"."<:1- oC)C) LD LD,,- M M 2 Comparison of minimum transect elevations yithin Slough 21 yith calculated yater surface elevations • • • • • • •26 iv APPENDICES ~umber Page A B c D E Estimated hydraulic head differences between mainstem water surface elevations and minimum thalweg elevations of transects within Sloughs 9 and 21 at various river flows • • • • • . . • Slough 9 -Cross sections of transects 1-5 and profile of minimum bottom elevations .••• • • • . . • • • • Slough 21 -Cross sections of transects 1-13 and LA-SA and profiles of minimum bottom elevations • • • . Estimates based on calculations of wetted area in Sloughs 9,19 and 21 under 1981 n~t~ral conditions Methodology used in calcu~ating estimates of total salmon escapement to sloughs and streams . • • • 27 29 31 37 38 F Graphic presentations used in determining sockeye and chum salmon escapement to slough areas above Talkeetna, by area under the curve methodology • • • • • . . . . • . • • . !""""".:.."-~ 4L . G .H Areas under the curve calculations used to determine sockeye and c:hum salmon escapement to slough areas above Talkeetna • . •••• . • • • . . . • • • . Alaska Department of Fish and Game salmon escapement surveys of streams and sloughs above Talkeetna v 46 59 Mitigation-of Impacts on Fish Resources Under pre-project conditions,fish in the Susitna River are sub- ject to highly variable stream conditions.These conditions are controlled by the extremes in weather and climate of the regionc During the summer months,high flows are caused by melting gla- cial ice,and even higher peak flows occur when a storm coin- cides with the already high summer flows.In the winter, neither of these events take place,and the flow is reduced to less than 5%of it's summer volume.These circumstanc-'5,in conjunction with the streambed and sedime,t conditicnf that accompany them,make the Susitna mainstem a iess th~n ideal fishery habitat.In fact,most salmon spawnin,activity is con- fined to tributaries and slough environments.' The primary impact areas of the hydroelectric development are the reservoir areas and the Susitna River from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon.The dams themselves will not curtail the migra- tion of any anadromous species because Devil Canyon is,even n ow,a n at ur alb ar r i er t 0 s uch mig rat ion.The pro je ct wi 11, hDwever,alt~r in many ways the conditions to which fish are subject. The degre~to which the project will change conditions and the impacts accompanying those conditions will also vary by oroject stage and location.The stages considered are cn~stru'ln,in- cluding filling,and operation and maintainence.The.project locations are the Devi 1 Canyon and Watana impol!nJ""e.n{s,the Susitna r~ach downstream to Talkeetna,~he reach between 'falkeetna and Cook Inlet,and the access rOL.:fl4.'IIcI tranmission line routes. For both the project stage and locations,various mitigation methods are available.These approaches have been examined with clDse att~ntion to the following order:avoiding the impact, minimizing the impact,rectifying the impact,reducing or eliminating the impa~t over time,and compensating for the impact.Re~ucing or eliminating impacts includes basic moni- toring both of the resources as impacts develop and of the plan- ned mitigation measures. Mitigation dealing with the project's impacts can be catagorized in several ways.Operational procedure is one such category. Operational procedures are an important aspect of this mitiga-" tion plan.Regulation of downstream flow would be the primary operational procedure for mitigative purposes. Construction or design procedures can also avoid adverse impacts or,at least minimize them.These include the use of s pe cia 1 val ves for s pill i ng e xc e ssw ate r to avo i d or min imi ze dissolved gas supersaturation and the use of multilevel intakes to regulate water temperature. Modification of the existing stream by excavating orby adding gravel to bui ld spawning areas is another type of mitigation opportunity.The placement of the dams on the Susitna River will act to control the extreme conditions ·that occur naturally and,as will be discussed,may make the conditions in the stream more favorable for fish. Such modification of the stream,side channels,or sloughs could protect,replace or even increase the amount of usable habitat. The construction of artificial spawning channels or hatcheries can also be used as a mitigative measure to compensate for loss of fish production,but maintaining existing habitat or creating new habitats by way of the modifications just mentioned are more promising options. A final category of possible mitigation is the management of existing fishery resources to increase their productivity. -Impoundments The impacts associat:J with construction will be of short dur- ation and will be masked by inundation of the area.Intensive management of the recreational fishery in the tributaries above the impoundment water level during the construction stage,how- ever,could protect the grayling populations not directly affected by the construction activities.In addition,insuring that efflu~rrt discharges from the sewage treatment facilities are com p a"t j q)~~W i t h the st rea mI s wate r qua 1i t y,0 r t hat the y are not discharged intn any small tributaries above the impoundments upper water level would protect the grayling fishery that will remain after inundation. For the resident fish,the inundation of the mainstem will pro- bably result in the formation of new habitats that are as hos- pitable to the fish as the former habitats.Furthermore,since no anadromous fish occur above Devil Canyon,no impacts on anadromous fish are associated with athe actual impoundments. Avoiding nr minimizing impacts accociated with operation and maintainence of the Watana impoundment is restricted by engin- eering and economic aspects of the project.For example,fluct- uations of the water level and the storage of water is necessary to provide needed power during the cold months,which are also the periods of low flow.On the other hand the annual fluctua- tions of approximately 27m (90 ft.)in Watana will inhibit the formation of a littoral zone,which is a general requirement for cover and food for rearing fish in lakes;for some species it is also a necessity for spawning habitat. Adverse impacts may be rectified by managing the stream areas not inundated or by developing a resident sport fishery in the reservoirs,the latter of which could provide a replacement for lost stream fishery habitat.Development of a resident reser- voir fishery may be limited by post-project water quality of the reservoirs. .~. The ability to establish a fishery in the reservoir will depend on the water quality characteristics that develop.Although fisheries in other glacially fed lakes in this region hcve not been very productive,indications are that a least a limited fishery could be established in the reservoirs.A clear,pro- ductive upper layer in the reservoir will aid in the development of such a fishery.Initial investigations on the settling rate of incoming sediment,combined with the length and depth of the Watana reservoir,indicate that the necessary clear layer could develop.The fraction of incoming sediment measuring two microns or less,however,may cause the reservoir to remain cloudy in summer and,thus,limit the prospects for establishing a good reservoir fishery. Gas balance of nitrogen and oxygen in the Devil Canyon reservoir is another impact that can be controlled.Installing cone-type valves for spilling instead of using conventional spillways will solve the problems of entraining nitrogen ang oxygen and thus eliminate a problem for fish in the Devil Canyon res~rvoir and downstream.The valve discharges will not plunge more that .6m, on the average,below the surface.This would keep the levels at or less than those that occur naturally.These measures are part of the proposed d~sign. As previously mentioned,the placement of the Devil Canyon facility at he upper limit of the salmon ~)~'A~io~is a positive fa~tor in the design of the project.~o ~he present range or habit at of the five s pee i es of P 4.c.iii c.S <1./"'''n i se x- eluded by th~project.Although it is not within the scope of this study to evaluate the enhancement potential of the upper Susitna River basin above Devil Canyon,whetner or not the project precludes this possible enhancement can be evaluated on a preliminary basis.For example,to permit salmon access farther into the upper basin,the natural barrier of Devil Canyon (without the project)or the barrier represented by the dams (with the project)would need to be circumvented in some manner. More signifi<ant,however,is the consideration that any enhancement plans for the basin above Devil Canyon requiring the U5e of the Susitna for outmigration would be made more difficult by the downstream passage problems presented by the dams.A suggestion has been offered in the past that for enhancing the salmon resources of the upper basin by connecting Lake Louise to the Copper River drainage.Such enhancement,while never enter- tained by the present study,would not b~precluded by the Susitna project.Of course,any proposed action to pe~mit salmon access to the reaches of the upper basin where they do not occur naturally would have other environmental implications that would need to be evaluated . -Downstream Mitigation activities associated with downstream impacts during L the construction stage would be minimal.Avoiding or minimizing impacts could be accompolished princpally by close inspection of the work to see that all prudent measures are undertaken to reduce turbidity or to prevent any toxic material from entering the river. o -River Mouth to Talkeetna Below the confluence of the Chulitna,Susitna,and Talkeetna rivers,the contribution of waters from the Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers is expected to greatly reduce or to eliminate the potential for impacts resulting from flow alteration in the upper river.In addition,the load contribution from the Chulitna River will probably mask any reduction in suspended material caused by settling behind the dams.As one progresses dowmstream,the differences between pre-and post-project conditions will be less and less apparent until,eventually,any change will be well within the range of natural fluctuations. No adverse water qu~lity changes are expected in the lower Susitna River.Poss~bly the changes in flow below Talkeetna could lower the stage in certain areas and thus limit access to some of the sloughs and side channels for spawning.Should this happen then a mitigation measure that would avoi~impacts or minimize them would consist of some alteration of at the mouths of the sloughs,side channels,and tributaries.. Reducing or eliminating impacts thro~gh stream stocking and lake-~ fertilization may also be used.This technique would be applicable to impacts in any reach of the Susitna.Several lakes in ths Susitna drainage that have management potential have already been identified by the Fisheries Rehabilitation Enhancement Division (fRED)of ADF&G. o -Chulitna Confluence to Devil Canyon The most profound impacts of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on anadromous fish will occur in the Chulitna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River.Likewise a major part of the mitigation effort is concentrated in this area. With the beginning of the filling period of Watana Dam,there will be alterations in the natural stream runoff patterns of the Susitna River below the dam.The data from the 1981 field investigations show that these modified stream flows will also alter the flow patterns in the sloughs frequented by the salmon for spawning,incubation of eggs,and the initial rearing of fry.The reduction in river flow will also modify the existing nat~ral water temperatures regimes.These will be influenced by by the water that enters and is stored and discharged from the Watana reservoir and,sussequently,when the two-dam project is completed,through the Devil Canyon retension basin to the r"iver. Water quality changes will occur,principally by the reduction in the amount of silt and bed load now occurring in an~passing through this section of the river.The-project will reduce both silt and bed load but this is not considered as important as flow and temperature in the effective production of fish in the side sloughs.Impacts associated with downstream temperature regimes could be avoided during some periods of the year and minimized during other periods by the use of multilevel intakes which would provide a mixed flow with water temperatures equal or near to natural conditions.The appropriate multilevel intakes,if included in the design,will allow for temperature regulation of discharged waters.Downstream water temperatures can then be regulated to provide the most desirable temperature for the fish resources.Stream-reaches that have correct temperature conditions for egg development and emergence at the proper time could be considered for management of salmon fisheries and modifi~ations to provide additional habitat. A purpose of mitigation is to maintain the sloughs as fish producers by providing:1)adequate water flowing through the sloughs from either their upper or low~r ends to maintain the necessary water depth for transportation of adult salmon to the spawning grounds;2)water of the necessary temperature and oxygen l~vels for those fish that have entered the sloughs,as their spawning success depends upon the upwelling wat~r areas in the sloughs;and 3)suitable environment for the eggs to incubate,the alevins to form,and the fry to emerge from the gravel at the proper time of the year. At pr~sent,the upwelling water is of insufficient volume to insure th~necessary transport depth required for the adults to enter the sloughs,to pass the spawning grounds and to remain thereon during their stream life. At present,the flows entering the upper ends of the sloughs are controlle~by the river's stage during the migrating and spawning season and by the provision of the necessary support flows.Egg survival is dependent upon the natural temperature regime of the upwelling water,as river inflow generally ceases before the end of the incubation period.Until approximately the first week in October,temperatures above 6 C.are required. Under pres~nt conditi~ns the temperature of the stream water varies between about 11 and 14 C.at the time of maximum spawning~and then gradually cools to not less than 6 C.by the first week in October. Although the source of upwelling water has not yet been determined,it is assumed that it contains sufficient oxygen for fi~al embryo ~evelopment;There are two areas providing the necessary aquifers:1)the major land source above th~sloughs, and 2)the island between the slough and the main channel.In the latter case,the difference in elevation between the water level in the main Susitna channel and the thalweg level of the sloughs gives the hydraulic head to provide the necessary drop for water to percolate through the island gravel into the slough area.Until the ground water surveys proposed for these areas are completed,the contribution from this source cannot be quantified.This study is underway. Various project operating flows for power have been proposed, ranging from 10,400 cfs to 13,400 cfs during the winter generation period.These flows are below the natural expected summer flows,but many times greater than the natural winter flows. The wi nter temperature reqime may be such that a-1"I east a part of the river channel will be free from ice above Talkeetna because of the discharg~of warm~r water from ~he Watana or Devil Canyon reservoirs.nuring the spring breakup of 1982 it was reported that some of the sloughs were wetted owing to the backup from ice jams,creating extraordinary heads and diverting III ate r i n tot he side s lou gh s.This flo w,p 1 us the s pr i ng warm i ng trend,may be the conditions that trigger the young fish to move outward from the sl<il'ghs.Under project conditions,if the ice jams are eliminated,short bursts of water may be required to trigger the outward migration of young fish from the slough~. This is physically possible and would become part of the mit i gat ion pro ce d u res pro po s eod i f the a b s e r vat ion saf 198 2 are typi.cal. r her i ver war k rep art ed by R&M Can s IJ 1 tar)t oS t J,f!va..yo i c us Y'iver cross sections above Talkeetna.lne i"r.,.m<lTI~n old"a..ined from the des,cribed reach areas has bee.n u.Se.tI to de.'ie./e.p an alpproai:h for mitigation to .prevent loss of the sloughs by the elimination of higher flows. The cross sections in the sloughs establts.hed and recorded by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (AOf&G)and equated to the survey data of R&M have made it possible to examine the existing gradients within sloughs 9,19,and 21 (tables 1,2,and 3).The water surface ··elevations of the shorelines of the islands on th~main channel side was obtained for sloughs 9 and 21 by utilizing R&M cross-sectional data and a streight-line channel loss of head (figures 1 and 2). l L The purpose of this approach was to determine whether there can be an intergravel flow to the sloughs with the river discharges at the proposed project flows in order to retain the existing spawning areas and the existing upwelling flows,or if it is possible to improve the sloughs by increasing the existing spawniing areas and the quantity of upwelling flows.The steps taken to demonstrate this type of mitigation are shown by tables 1,2,afld 3,figurss 1 and 2 and Appendic€s A,B,and C. Tables 4 and 5 list the areas used by the spawning fish, including the slough areas,from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon.The data source is the ADF&G.The slough areas were further examined from overflight pi~tures provided by R&M.~ The ADF&G data shown on tables and in the appendices give- pertinent information on needed wetted areas~upwelling flows and other physical data on the sloughs which have been needed to define the pervailing physical conditions.The R&M overflight pictures are Qat provided as a part of this section~but are available.On these overflight pictures are drawn the channel transects which ~rovide the cross-sectional data utilized. These data giv£a means of approximating the river profiles and~ with an assumed streight-line relationship~make it possible to estimate the elevation of the shoreline on the river side if the islands that form the sloughs under study. Interpretation of the various levels affecting sloughs 9 and 21 are shown in ~igures 1 and 2.They show an invert elevation profile of the slough and an equivalent elevation of the main river surface;if such cross sections we~e to be extended across the island area to the river channel~they would give an a.pproximate hydraulic hea<l across th~island.The river stage and elevation obtained from R&M data sources have been combined with the-project level of the slough entrance and these are shown on Figures 1 and 2. Using this combinatinn of data~a flew channel level at the upper ends may be projected to provide the necessary flows in the slo~ghs at riv~r flows of 13~40~cfs measured at Gold Creek~ These will furnish the necessary.water depth for transporting and spawning.On Table 6 is shown the minimum excavation required to provide the new entrance levels needed • .The purpose of this approach was to determine the l~vel of a flat broad-crested weir as one means of control.The required flow was based on a stated depth for transportation of adult salmon into the slough and to provide the depth requi~ed during the spawning period.This is shown on figures 1 and 2.An estimation can be made of the required quantity of excavation for a first approximation of cost and type of construction equipment needed.Operational pr~cedures can be developed to otssure that the physical alterations of tile channel entrances can be maintained in accordance with the new flow regimes. The stability of the channels is of the utmost importance as they can not be permitted to be scoured by the fluctuating flows brought about by storm events during the summer and fall.The data for this study show that the stability of beds is affected Cl t flo ws a"b a ve 750 cf sin s lou gh 9 and 54 cf sin s lou 9h 21 (Table 7).From the studies~it is showrn that the channels would become unstable and that a control works would be r e qui r ed.A n um-b er 0 f me thad s co u 1 d be em p loy ed her e to ins ure the effectiveness of controls at the upper ends cif the sloughs. To insure that there would be sufficient water to provide the necessary oxygen to hatch the eggs and develop the alevins and fry~one of two approaches is indicated~if the ground water studies show that the gravels are permeable and that the principal source of upwelling water is the river.It would be possible to recharge such an aquifer through a surface pooling on an island if the hydraulic head was not sufficient to allow for the necessary percolation rate to recharge the aquifer from the river flows.If the principal source of water is from the major land side,this source would remain unaltered and would be subjected only to natural or climatic changes and generally would be unaltered by stream flow modifications. The upwelling provi~es the necessary water flow,oxygen,and temperature for incubation.It appears that the groundwater tempeature in the slough will vary.from approsimately 2.7 to 3.1 C.and will be modified to some extent by the-stream temperature,making it suitable for the development of eggs. Under project operating conditions,with the major source of silt remo~ed and with an opportunity to draw water of various temperatures,it would be possible to use river water of the same temperature as the ground water in the winter.A decision on this is not requ~red until the ground water surveys are completed,the source of the upwelling is identified,and the need for further augmentatidn is established. The number of fish to be mitigated for will depend upon the return of any year-class,and is variable.To further understand the relationship of the sloughs to the number of spawning fish,Tables 8,9,and 10 have been prepared They show the escapement expected to occur in the slou h in proportion to that of existing areas.The wetted area can be computed in square feet,which may be translated into useful area for spawning fish,as shown in Tables 11 and 12.Under natural conditions the river inflow ceases through the sloughs when the main river reaches the elevation at which the sloughs are dried,which is variable.Under the proposed mitigation l con~itions the sloughs could remain wetted most of the time,and ... hence,their useful areas would be enhanced.The usefullness would be increased under mitigation .conditions as compared with natural conditions when the same criteria were applied.In some years the sloughs would be underused,and in some years they would be overused.Under mitigation conditions,if the runs were to ~e built t~the maximim space available,the run size would ultimately increase. The immediate concern is to insure that the existing populations would have available to them at least a equivalent amount of space as now exists.The percentage of used area,however, might drop if the useful areas were to be increased without an in<:rease in run size.This comparison of conditions is shown on Tables 8,9,(l-nd 1.(). This is not intended to be augmentation but only mitigation,as the mechanics of a slough's relationship to the rearing of young has not yet been fully established.If the space remains equal or greater than now existing that relationship would not be rt~duced . It has been noted that the water flow is important in the development of eggs and young and may be a limiting factor in their development,not only because of space but because of the oxygen needs of the fish.Unless sufficient oxygen can be supplied to support the embryos,added space or added overflows to permit transportation would not in themselves be sufficient. Table 13 shows the oxygen demands of a1evins and eggs from which a minimum flow level can be extab1ishes when the saturation level of the water is known. I f a s uf f i.e i ent V1J 1 urn e 0 fox yge nat ed wate r we re not CI v a i I a b1e, the productivene~s of the s~awning area would be 1i~ite'.This b~comes a final check in the development of an,plans for a1terin.g the sloughs or their upwelling water supplies. Backup data required to develop the tables and figur.es presented in this report are included in the appendices. In summary,mitigation is required for the fish using the sloughs existing in the Susitna River from ralkeetna to Oevi1 Canyon.The number utilizing these sloughs in 1981 have been estimated and are shown in the tables.~~is expected that these numbers will be exceeded in the futw..t"e,particularly the by dominant pink salmon runs that occur in ~he even years. Mit i gat ion i s re q~.i X~d be c au set he f 1ow a 1 t,e rat i 0 nw ill drop the w-a·t~-er level below tltat which is required:·to,w·et the slo,",ghs to allow the adults to enter th~sloughs,transport them$elves to the spawning areas,spawn and either die or go ba-ek to ("J.<main river.The storage of water in the Watana ReservOir wi 11 ~L~er not 0n1y the flo w,but the wate r t em pe rat ur e,~nd '"i 11 'f"e.d'u.c.e the turbidity load throughout most of the ye4 r .With the two-dam development water wi 11 be del i verec bc,,/(!),W the Devi 1 Canyon retention basin,further modifyih~the stream temperature.The entrance or throat of the sloughs must be lowered to permit the required flow to enter the sloughs at proj~ct 0~erationa1 levels in order to provide the necessary depth for transportation and spawning by adult salmon.The slough beds must remain stable at this lower level,although they may be subjected to increased flows or f10nd flows that are not completely regulated by the Watana reservoir.An entrance control works wi 11 be needed to insure the safety of these sloughs under the expected flood conditions. If the present conditions in the sloughs are to be maintained, the source of the aquifers supplying the upwelling water must be identifie~to be sure that they will be recharged on an annual basis and that they will supply the required flows for egg and a1evin development. The useful wetted areas of these sloughs may be enhanced,but this should not be assumed to be augmentation,as the relationship of their r2aring habits and needs have not been established and related to the physical conditions within the existing sloughs.The current relationships would be adversely affected. J\n estimate is given of the minimum excavation volumes needed to reduce the levels to the entrance channel beds to a point where they can accept water at lower river flows than have existed under natural river conditions at spawning times. It is concluded that it is feasible to examine in detail the mitigation which will sufficiently alter the entrances of the sloughs to provide water at lower levels of discharge in the main river than ~ow occur naturally at spawning times but which \1/i 11 0 c cur under 'p r 0 j e etc 0 ndi t i-0 n s.Car ef u1 des i gn wi 11 be r'e qui red to i -n sur e_the s tab i 1i t Y 0 f the c han ne1s • It is suggested that this type of mitigation is preferable over the development of artificial spawning beds or hatchery systems al t t his time. -Ac~ess Road -Borrow Areas -Transmission lines r - I l t . A majority of the pot~ntia1 impacts associated with the construction,operation,and maintainence of access roads, borrow areas,and transmission lines can either be reduced si-gnificant1y or_eliminated completely.A major portion of the imp act s ass 0 cia t .e-d wit h pub 1i c a cc es san d st ream sed i men tat ion. will be avoided if the mitigation measures already described bi -or Acres are implemented (Acres Amewrican Access Route Selection l Report 1981).for example it is assumed that that the access road.will be controlled as a private road during construction and that management policies will be extab1ished for future use of t-heroad.Furthermore,many potential ·-i,~acts ·can be avoided if restrictions on off-road vehicle use are imposed and if some restrictions are placed on public access beyond Devil Canyon. Additionally,it is assumed that,whenever feasable,borrow sit·es will have a buffer strip between them and any aquatic habitat. o -Road Desi~n and Construction Road design and construction can incorporate measures to minimize mass-movwement erosion of sediment into streams represented by soil creep,slump earth flows,debris avalances, and debris torrents.Control of these phenomena can be accom~olished by avoiding placing roads on the midslope of steep,unstable slopes;by reducing excavation to a minimum;in cDnjunction with balanced ~art~work design,by designing cut and fill slopes at proper angles;by providing vegetative or artificial stabilization of cut and fill slopes;and by constructing retaining walls to contain unstable slopes.Except at stream crossings,roads can be situated to provide a buffer strip of undisturbed land between the road and any streams.In addition,if bridges and arch culverts are used for stream crossings where anadromous fish or migratory resident fishes are L r I',, ![ !l, present,the potential for impact on these species will be minimized.It is assumed that culverts will be of appropriate s i ze and des i g nan d will be ins tal 1ed pro per 1y top e rm i t f ish passage.Any low water crossings may cause impacts if downstream fisheries are present.Where such low water crossings are used,impacts can be reduced if the crossings are properly maintained and used only by light vehicles. Some potential impacts can be avoided if the construction work within or adjacent to streams is not attempted -ing periods of Ihigh streamflow,intensive rainfall,when mi itory fish are spawning,or during crucial rearing times •.nis mitigation approach applies to transmission line construction as well as to ,i c ce ss road con st r uct ion. Oil residue from construction equipment and poss;'ble bacterial and nutrient contamination of aquatic habitats resulting from the presence of con5tructi~n personnel can be minimized by following the standard precautions of the c~nstruction industry. l:tis ass umedt h at 0 i 1 fro m mac hi ne r y will bed i s p 0 sed 0 f properly and not buried at the site.Portable chemical toilets will elilminate possible bacterial ~ontamination. Table 1 Phyeical dimeneione of Slough 9 I I I I Dhtance Tranaect I Minimum I Average bank-I Average high I between I I thalweg depth I section no.I elevation I full elevation I water eleva-I tranaecte 1 I at bank-full I width 1 _UJ,I ~_l,_~~J,ttl"~~tl 11ft)I Slop!I tttl ~,{~~Jl-rn-:16---,-604.5i 1 607.3.1 I -I 2.83 I 406.4 I I,I J J J I, I I 1 I I I I I I ',-~!,,---,I 8501 .0009 A,I 2 1 601.43 1 602.89 I 607.70 I I I 4.81 I 271.1 I_~""_1 __L ~_._.1.~.J~I~_J,__.L I I 1 I I I 1 I I .I ,"I I 2,350'--,!!Un 1 J 1 1---.----1------"1------1---,-----I I L-----"J'---'L " I 1,700 t-.0014 I I •1 591.66 I 593.63 I 597.71 I I 1 '.08 I 145.1 I I J I LJI 1 I I ,I'1 I I t I 1,250 I .0011 I I~I I I I 1 ---• l 590.28.1 592.60 1 5g!h.!1 ~.,t ~.~,~_I I I I I -r ,-, J J ~'_.,L ._,L _~.,I _._J._.,..1 1 1 I -I I 1 I 1-5 1__1 .~L __I •••~_L__~L!_50__L_,OOI9~..J l-' N Data Source:R&H and ADF&G field data. ') ','". Table 2 Physical dimensions of Slough 19 I I Distance Transect I Minimum I Average bank-I between I I Section no.I elevation I full elevation I transects I I width I I (ft)1 (ft)I (ft),I Slope I (ft)I I I I I I I J 718.79 ...~_~L 720.36 1~"__~____..~1 .~._L 50.9 I 1 I I I I 2 718.77 L 720.58 I II 111.1 I I I I 1 I 3 718.73 1 72 0 .68 I I I 99.6 I I 1 I I I 4 718.81.1 720.98 1 l 1 52.4 I I I I I I 10 .721.89 I 722.56 I I.I 10.1 1 I I I I I I 1-10 I I I 1,100 I .0020 I I Data Source:R&M and ADF&G field data. ..... w )) Table ]Physical dimehsiohs of SloU9h 2; ..... .p.. 112.° B I I I OUtllnee Transect I MinimUM i Average bank-1 Average hi9h I between I 1 Thalwe"depth I Section no.I elevation 1 full elevation I water eleva-1 trllnsects I I lit bank-full 1 width ---------~----1!!l------t------1!il--------t--!!~!--1!!l-----t----1!11------t--!!2~!--~------i!i-)·------t----i!il------ ____l -l__-1!~l!_l__li~l!l li~~l l_-l ~!_1__"~___l~_8 __ I I I I I I I ----------t-------------.-t------------------t-----------------t----191~----_t--~!!!!--t---------------_t-------------- ---!------t---l!~!l-----t------11~!!------t-----l!1~!l-----_t-------------_t---------t-----~l~-----I 100.0_________-l --l -l l--__!!!~!_1__~!!!!__1 _l______ 1 1 I I I I I ____3 -----t--7!h!L-t------U!:.ll...-----t----..lll~-O----+-I +1.:.i_8 -----t--l~_O---:.- ----------t-------t-----------------_t--------~-------t_----2~l-----t-~!!1l--t----------------~I--------· 4 I 149.61-..-.--+750.93 --t-~3••0 I t-.------l :l.!_1 ._.t-.!.:.2.:...6=--__ --------t t ~-t -I :l06 •5 t--~!2.L-1 I _5_._---}74 7.7L--f 149.52 t 7510 H t--I-1 10 ~..:..7.:..1.=.;.0"--__ I I I _-1 105.5 I :.!065 _1--1 I I I I I I I_-L--t 747.06 I 748.So -'-----t---1 5 1 •.28 I -+-_~__-+-_h~~ _~__l 1__I .~L_-!.!!.:..L__l_-.:..!!!.ll--I ~"tel _ 1 I I I I I 746.32 I 148.]2 ~L 151.5.6 _1 L J 3.H L-114.1 I I I :I I___-+----1-1 L..1 213 •5 L~!!lL-1~__+---1 _ 1 I I I I 1 745.53 I 146.!.L 1 150.12 l__L I 3.]5 _1-_12..:._5 _._ I I I 1 I 1+......~I!-______--.LJ__....L_203 .0 l_~llL~l "I I I I I I I ___2.+_-----.llh!~~1 74 6 •59 --t------2!.!.:.H I - I -t-----!..:.ll..-----.t-----91.5 -------t It_..t--.-3!!.:.L-t-:.~lL-t---_--+---.----- _10 I 744 .11 L--_l!!.:..!.L.~L------.-l1~L-I ...L...-.l=:-c:....-!.!..!_B L-..!.!12..:.L __ I I I I I I II-t +-+-__!!h_O--+_-!.~!!l.!--t-..-41---- -.1.L-----t 74].85 I 746 .3]---t-----2~!!!..---t_--<-.-~'I -_.-t--!.!.1l--....--i----~!..:.L--- I II ~_l_ll!.:._O ~~~_I ----1-1 _ I I 1 I I I I _1_2 -+74 3.U I 14 6.H t---7 ~~----t-I +-4.22 1 /--I +-----t 82.l!----f--!.!!£ll.....t_-------+- _....!.L...I 74 3.'5 .....-J.__--l.llitl__l_15 °.4 1 L L-1 !..:.!.L -1 !~!..:._0 _ I I I I I I I_L=--!LJ I -l-L __2!!L 1_·!!~!_1_1 ·1-._ Data Source:R&M and AOF&G field data. ~ Tabl.4 Calcul.t.d eBcap.m.nt hf BOckeye,ChUM and pink eal.on to epawnlng areaa betwee~ Talkeetna and Curry,1981 Slough no.or .tr.a.na••Calculat~d eBcapement (1981)1,2 Sock.ye Chua 'lnk Slough 1 (RII 99.61 0 ....6 0 Slough 2 IRK 100.41 0 ....27 Slough 1B (RK 101.4)....2 0 0 Slough lA (lilt 101.9)....7 0 ....2 Slough 6A (RK 112.11 ....2 ,..11 0 Slough 8 (lilt 11J.7)0 50-98l ""25 Whhk.u Cr••k (RK 101.4)0 10 10 Cha ••Cr••k (11M 106.9)0 7 2S1 Total calculatad ..capement to alough.and .tr....betw••n Talke.tna and Curry ....11 ....574-1044 ....290 Total ••cap...nt (by ep.ci.al to .lough -total area und.r Curv.(number aurv.yed •day.lap••d between .urveye/.tr.a.lif.).Stream lif.for chua 10 day.,BOckey.12 daya.(Seo Appendl.) 2 Total .acape••nt (by ap.cl0.1 to .tr.a.-peak total count per aile'•(.eti.at.d .trea.longth acceoalble). Data sourc..rinal report of ADr'G,Adult anadroaouB investigatione,sock.ye,pink,ch...and COho.1981.I-' VI , I, Table 5 Calculated escapement of sockeye,chum ..ml plnk salmnn to sp....nln\l areas above curry,19BI. Slough no.Or stre~~name C..lculated escapement (19011 1,2 Sockeye Chum Pink Honse slollCJh (RM 12l.51 0 lIO 0 510u\lh Al (RM 124.61 0 157 0 Slou\lh II (RH 124.71 0 69 0 Slough 8A IRM 125.II 269 lll7 0 Slough 9 (RI'I 128.31 16 230 0 Slough 98 (RI'I 128.ll 225 t ...,'.21l 0 Slou9h 9"IRM Ill')l ...2 Ii,l02 0 Slough II (RM 135.ll 1,762 916 0 Slough 13 (RH 1l5.71 0 "'4 0 Slough 17 (RH 138.91 10 106 0 Slough 19 (RH 139.71 69 ,...l 0 Slough 20 IRl'l 140.11 -2 ....12 0 Slough 21 (RH 1t1.01 68 667 0 Slough 21A (RH 145.51 0 ",8 0 4th of July Creek (RI'I 1l1.01 0 1,800 (5 ml •90/.25 mll 5110 (5 ml ~29/.25 mll Skull Creek (RH 124.71 0 100 (5 ml @ 10/.5 mll 80 (5 .i @ 8/.5 mil Sherman Creek C""UO.III 0 180 (5 ml @ 9/.25 m1)120 (5 ml P 6/.25 mil Indian River (R"U8.61 0 2,400 (15.1 @ 40/.2~mil 120 (15 .i @ 2/.25 .il Jack Long Creek CRI'I 144.51 0 0 7 (5 ml P 1/.75 mll ~ Total calculated escapemeht to C1' sloughs and streams abnve Cu~ry 2,41l 7,064 907 Total estimated escapement past Curry I"D~~G datal 2,812 12,934 1,052 Ditference In estimated escape- ment past Curry and calcul ..ted escapement to alouqhs ,streams 199 5.070 145 Percent of esti~ated Curry escape- ment accounted for in the aloughg & streamS above Curey 85.8 60.8 86.2 Total escapement (by species)to·slough ~total area under curve (number surveyed x days lapsed between surveys/stream 11fel.Stream life for chum 10 days.sockeye 12 days.(See AppendiK I 2 Total escapement (by speciesl to stream a peak total count per mllel K (estimated stream length accesslblel. Data snurce:Fln~l report of ADF'r.,Adult anadrnmnus investigations,sockeye;pi~k,chum and coho.1981. j -~_'I ~l' ..............,r--.....-- ')")) Table 6 P~opnsed channel dlmenslons and estimated excavation fo~diversion of ~equl~ed flows f~o.the malnstem Susltna th~ough the head end of Sloughs 9 dnd 21 fo~spawnlnq sal.on and Incubating eggs/deVins,at a p~oject flow ~egl..e of ll,400 cfs. I j ~._-II Slough nn.I Requi~ed Q th~ough I Dimensions of channel excavatlon II Estlmated excavatlon I I head end (ets)I ttl d ..li.ve~~e9ul~edQ.,UtI "II (cubic yards) I L ~wldth L.!""!_!!!P~~J --.!el)gth _Jl ~ -...l 5.756 9,052 Total·14.BOB 21 Transect 1 to a point 300'down- st~ea..in slough Transect lout to a point SOD'toward the anainlltem. I I I I II I 9 I I I II I t J 11--- I Transect 1 to a I I II I point 920'do.m-74.0 I 3.59 I 920 II I stru.in slough I I II I 268 I I II I 'transect lout to a I II I polnt 700'toward 74.0 I 3.0 '100 II I the ....instem I II:I II I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I 1 IIIII I 20.0 1.89 300 II 422 I I \I I I 54 II I I II I I 20.0 1.B3 500 II 6B 1 I I II I I II I I 11 IIIITotal-1,103 I .I II I I I I II I 18 Table 7.The size and eroding velocity of rock material as related to bottom stability.I,2 Test 4 Diameter Diameter Weight Curve 3 data (inch)(ft)(lb)(fps)(fps) 0.25 0.020 0.001 1.0 1.00 0.083 0.050 2.5 2 1.50 0.125 0.200 3.0 2.00 0.166 0.350 3.5 3 2.50 0.210 0.700 4.0 3.00 0.250 1.000 4.5 4.00 0.330 3.000 5.0 4 6.00 0.500 10.000 6.2 The above is in beds or Gumped for closu~e as an isolated I:ube. 1.0 inch 2.0 inch 4.0 inch =1.8 fps =2.8 fps =3.8 fps 'Using above figures and .6 average velocity (v)for bottom velocity in a shallow stream. v =2 =3.3 ips for I-inch material :6 v =3 =5.0 fps for 2-inch material :6 v =4 =6.6 ips fa'!"4-inch material :6 lReference:U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,Hydraulic design criteria,Vol.2.Waterways experiment station,Vicksburg, Miss.Prepared for Office Chief of Engineers. 2Weight of rock =165 lbs per cubic foot. 3Measured from bed material in place. 4Measured from material of an isolated cube. l. r 19 Table B Estilll4ted potential ..l",on egg deposition in Sloughs 9,19,and 21 under 1981 natural conditione and =1tigation conditions and estima- ted potential !ncrea.e under mitigstion. SlO\1oh no. Estilll4ted total eg9 c1epoeition under natural condition.(see Tablea 9 ,13) Eetimated total eg9 deposition under Mici9.tion condition. C.ee Tsbl.s 10 ,13) E.timated potential increase in .10019"production ""d.r mltiga-tion 9 15.471.000 C248'" 19 170.000 1.032.500 862,500 (607\) 21 2.355.000 2.912.200 557,200 (12H) ir Data saur<:e.AOF~field c1au an~~lnal reports.1981 and 1982. aell.Milne.,Fiaheri.s handbook of eftgineerin9 requirements and biol09icsl criteria.~rmy Carp.of Engineers,North Pacific Divi.ion.Pnrtland.Oregan.197). ;;;.;.-- )) Table'"Carrying capacity of Slou9hs 9,19 anel 21 as ""l"ulateel from 1961 fielcl <lata usin9 population estimates,spawning areas and 0 2 requlreMent8 and potential carryin9 capacity under natural conditions. ) Slough no. Estimated useable wQttad area under natural cnn- ditions (see Table 11/ 9 104,125 sq ft (10/14/61/ 19 1,700 sq ft (9/26/611 21. 2).550 sq ft (8/25/81 I Estimated 1981 escapement (see Table 41 Estimated spawning pairs/ females (1981) Average no.eggs per female (see Table 1)1 Estimated total e99 deposl Uon (1981 I Chum 210 115 ),000 )45,000 Sockeye 16 6 ),000 24,000 Chum ) ),000 ),000 Sockeye 69 )4 ),000 102,000 Chum 667 )JJ ),000 99,000 Sockeye 68 )4 ),000 102,000 Potential e99 deposition ,100 eg9s/sq ft in total wetted area Icarrying capacity) Percent utilization of useable area est.l..Ued d.eW.MMn potential depOsition Estimated alevins resulting from potential egg deposition In total wetted area (carrying capacity) 02 required for 100 alevins per hour (mm)1 lsse Table 1)1 Estimated O~required for potential alevins in total wetted area 10,472,000 3.5 4,188,960 5,900 2.5,,10 a ....J/hr 170,000 61.8 68,000 5,900 4.0,,10 0_Jthr 2,)55,000 46.8 942,000 5,900 5.6,,101/....J/hr No Data source:IIDnG field data and flnal reports,1981 and 1982. Bell,Milo C.,Fisheries hand~lok of en9ine~rih9 requirements anel biollqical ceiter .d.Army Corps of Enqineers,North PacHic Division,Portland,O,e90n.197) ---.....---- ) Tabie 10 Carrying capacity of Slnu...,hs 9,19 and 21 d9 calculated frulIII 1~)1)1 fitdfl data ...lth dn assumed upwelllnlj rat~lind usinr,Oe(lth,vclucity,slou(jh (luw dod physical multiple spawning rtHJuirCIIlIl'tntB (per pillar dnft I~c 100 c~.qsJ under mitigation oonditlnn8~ S!~u;h nn. Estimated useable ...ette~ area under mitigation con- ditions Isee Table 121 Wetted area allocated /sq ftl wetted area allocated Iper centl Area required per pair /sq ftl Toto I pairs/ females Average no.eggs per fe.male Totol eggs deposited Total advanced alevlns produced /survival rate .41 02 required for 100 alevlns /~3/hrl 02 required for total a lev Ins produced /....)/hr I "axlmum pntentlol egg deposition'100 eggs per sq ft 'j 19 21 259,442 11'1 ft 10,325 IIq ft 29,122 IIq ft Chum Sockeye ChWll Sockeye Chum Sockeye 241,281 18,161 9,602 7J3 27,083 2,039 93 7 93 7 93 99 72 99 72 99 72 2.484 252 97 10 274 28 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 7,453,061 756,706 290,977 30,115 820,710 84,939 N I-' 2,981,224 302,682 116,391 12,046 328,284 )),976 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 1.8x10 1O 1.8x10 8 6.9x108 7.IxlO 7 1.9,,109 2.0,,10 6 2.40x10 7 1.8x10 6 9.6xlo5 7.2x104 2.7x 106 2.0x10 5 02 requ 1red for olev lns produced from maximum potential egg depOsition I ...3/hrl Estimated no.spawning waves 5.6x10 10 4.3x10 9 2 2.lxlO'J 1.7,,106 2 6.4x109 4.8x106 2 Data sourcel ADF&C field data and final report,1981 and 1982. Bell,M1 10 c.I Fi.aht"ries han,lbook of engine~rin9 rp.'luirements and binligicclt criteria.Army Corps lit ~n~Jin~er's,North Pacific Division l Portland,OUiHJOH.197).I, 22 Table 11 Calculated useable wetted area for salmon spawning in Sloughs 9, 19 and 21 under 1981 natural conditions.l Slough no.9 19 21 Transect no.3-4 Below 5 to mid-3-12 point of 7 and 8 Date of data collection by ADF&G 10/14/81 9/26/81 8/25/81 Calculated wetted area (sq.ft.)2,3 104,725 1,700 39,252 Estimated percent of calcu.lated wetted area useable for spawning 10.''S 1{)O%'60\ Da{:.a source:ADF&G field data and planometric maps 2 SeE!App.endix D 3 Wit:h no surface inflow from river at upper end L 23 Table 12 Calculated useable wetted area for spawning salmon in Sloughs 9,19 and 21 under mitigation conditions. Slough no.9 19 21 Average width (w)74 ft 51 ft 40 ft Average depth (d)1.50 ft 2.62 ft 1.50 ft Estimated wetted perimeter (p)74 ft 52 ft 40 ft Cross section area (A)110 sq ft 136 sq ft 60 sq ft Length of section {L)6,150 ft 283 ft 1,195 ft (1-S)(1-4 )(6-13) Total wetted area of section (wett~d P x wetted L) Estimated percent oftatal wettE~d area useable for spawILing salmon Estilllated wetted cU',ea available for spawning 455,160 sqft 57% 259,440 14,750sq ft 70% 10,325 sqft 48,540 sq ft 60% 29,120 sq ft 1 'Es1:"imated average depth,wetted perimeter,area and length when river stage ~lals 13,4QO cfs and water surface elevation at slough equals 721.32 ft above s eil leve 1 (transects 1-4). Wetted area Width p d Distance of se-ction Tranl3e,ct 1 (51 to 64 ft)13 ft 49.5 ft 2.57 ft 79 ft 3,910 sq ft 2 9 to 95 ft)86 ft 81.5 ft 2.65 ft 100 ft 8,109 sq ft 3 9 to 86 ft)77 ft 26.0 ft 2.62 it 105 ft 2,730 sq ft 4 (25 to S1 ft)26 ft 14,750 sq ft 2 See Appendix D 3Depth was assumed to be the limiting physical parameter for spawning in Slough 19 as maximum velocity of the average cross section in transects 1-4 does not exe-eed that required for spawning.Approximately 30%of the wetted perimeter is not available as it is <.75 ft. 24 Table 13 Selected data ...ed to define ~wnin..and intra..ravel requir....ents of Pacitic Salmon.1 r l .~. Ran ..e of atrea..width (ft) Ranqe in size and percent compoaition ot aubstrate ot spawn in ..beds Avera..e depth of spawnin .. substrate (ft) Avera ..e depth and size of material in under-bed Avera..e velocity (tt/sec)over beds velocity of intra..ravel yater (percolation rate) Avera..e depth of YAter over _pawnin..bed (ttl Avera..e alope of a good spawninq area RAn ..e of rou..hness factor of spawnin..bed (Hannin..' s nWllberl Avera..e spawnin ..flows Averaqe incubation floys A'Yel:'4qe fry removal flows Dissolved oxyq..n de..and per 100 alevins NWllber of e..qs per area of spawninq bed (ran..e t Area of spawninq beds and defense area (sq ft)and fecundity 8 or more eo,.5 inch to 2.0 inch,balance>2.0 inch. 1.5 !.2 ft c:nars..qravel (!.3.0 inch dia..eter) 1.5 1.5 .0006 n ••023 to .025 2.25 cfs per ft of mean channel width !.1.5 cts per ft of mean channel width >3.0 cts per ft ot mean channel width 5,900 mm3 per hr @ 10·C 100 to 200 e ..'iS per sq ft !lo.eqqs per Species Area fe..ale Chinook 216 5,500 ~oho 126 3,500 Chum 99 3.000 Sockeye 72 3,000 Pink 60 2.000 !. 1 Data sour~e:Bell,Milo"C.,Fisheries handbook of enqineerinq require....nts and bioloqical criteria.Ar..y Corps of Enqineers,North Pacific Division,Portland,Oreqon.1973. 2 Data source:Hayes,F.R.,I~R.Wilmot and o.A.~vin9stonel The oxyqen consumption of th..salmon eq9 in relation tn developlllent and actiVity.Journal of Experimental Zooloqy 116(31.April,1951. l I 25 .. ..u ~: II:.. to1' SOZ SOl toO -;:.........-,. .J...>~);"1 '''"~ <II l.oe,. ~;:: ~...~'" ".-- ,,!-- "Z !*' 90 Uh!Z 1000 ---- .....\.,q,::\. 2000 !DOC 4000 :lOCO CUMULATIVE DISTANCE DOWNSTREAM FROM Uh32 lfEETl ---................ 6000 1000 23400 CFS 11000 CfS 1!400 CFS 9100 CFS 2000 CFS CALJ:ULAT(O 111'5 8000 COMPARISON OF MINIMUM TRANSECT ELEVATIONS WITHIN SLOUGH 9 WIl'H CALCULATED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS (PERPENDICULAR TO SLOUGH TRJ~NSECTS)AT THE LEFT BANK OF THE MAINSTREAM SUSITNA. DATA SOUIICE:II 6 III AE:IIIAL PtiOTOGRAoHS AND AOf 6G TRANSECTS FiGURE I ..u f l r l f '100 CFS 3_000 CFS .... .... ..u=z.. II:.. ----t------- ...... II: "" ----+----+---+---~~--------_t_-_+'r_-_1-+__t_~:_+-_F~+-"':=O"od-+!_+u-OO CFS 7_~!i-----+-----I-----+----------- H4 ~~ 7Q#'.---+-----;--------------'--------------.---"'l!o '<.... .__...."--"~l''tr_,,+ Of. 0 ............. $(•.. r----' n. 767 716 765 n4 713 71%. 761 760 '"~ 7541 ~7 ~'- !'54 . 7~3 E7~Z... ~ i:1~1>...-' ce,...150 K-----+---..,..----+----+---~::__--f_-4__3c-+__+-H_1-.p..~--.::>"r+40.d_ It>17000 C~S.... ~7."Jr-------'----..:.----'----+-----+---~.....=:...J..::!""_c +-1-1'-+'1"--+--+--+--+.. ~7q}f-------'---'---+---- ~... i.h-7li---------------'---------t-------- r-3 f.I--------..:.----,----+-----+-------------------,----~ 1q A--------..:.-----l----------,--------- 7_'.If----~------------------'---------- 7-0 _~=:::==3:==:::::;::tEi;=======::t:::===:i:::::::::==:::=t=:=:======:::::::::======~:==~i ]00()1000 1000 LlhS6 1000 2SOO [ CU"'U~TIVE DISTANCE DOWNSTREAM OR UPSTIlEAM FROM LR.S6 [FEET! COMPARISON OF MINIMUM TRANSECT ELEVATIONS WITHIN SLOUGH 21 II WITH CALCULATED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS (PERPEDlCULAR TO SLOUGH I TRANSECTS)AT THE LEFT BANK OF THE MAINSTREAM SUSITNA. _____DA_T_A_SO_U_R_CE_:_R_IIi_"'_AER_IA_L._Pt1_0T_0G_R_A_""_S_AND__AD_f_IIi_G_TJl_AN_SE_CT_S ~ FrGURE Z ~--"----. )"""\ .J App~ndix A Estimated hydraulic head differences between mainstem water surface elevations and minimum tllalweg elevations of transects within Sloughs 9 and 21 at various river flows 1 'l'ransect Hydraulic Perpendicular Mainstem tninimum head distance Slough Transect Q at River water surface thalweg difference mainstem to no.Date no.transect discharge elevation l elevation 1 6h transect 9 6/24/81 3 2.86 17 ,600 599.0 594.02 5.0 1,750 7/21/81 3 714 42,600 601.5 594.02 7.5 1,750 9/30/81 3 1.46 8,000 597.0 594.02 3.0 1,750 10/14/81 3 1.17 13,600 598.2 594.02 4.2 1,750 10/14/81 5 3.87 13,600 592.3 590.28 2.0 1,350 21 6/23/81 8 3.20 17,500 751.4 745.53 6.0 1,000 7/22/81 10 142.0 37,700 754.0 744.11 11.0 1,000 tributary N8/27/81 above 2A .56 25,600 N/A 752.39 N/A ...... 8/27/81 SA 2.10 25,600 N/A 746.15 N/A 8/27/81 7 5.12 25,600 753.5 746.32 7.2 1,000 9/5/81 11 6.3 17,000 750.4 743.85 6.6 1.000 9/29/81 6 .428 8,400 750.3 747.06 3.2 1,000 9/29/81 11 2.57 8,400 748.0 743.85 4.1 1,000 3/18/82 9 1.09 1,520 746.2 744.81 1.4 1,000 1 See Figures 1 &2 Appendix B,Slough 9 -Cross sections elf transe,ctsl-5 'El.nd profile of minimum bottom elevations .-....~...~-'. l 29 TRANSECT I ~, I -, ~~ "--.....~i 1'-"""" ~I I I ,l I t !\; ,1 I j I '",; I !I I I :1 !I f i I I iIII!j .".10-;:-... "'f/J'f...--~-..~­d4D5 G 10 .:Ill tOO 200 30Q DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BANK (FEET! TRANSECT 2 I ; !----'!\.J"""~." ,I....-I TI1 - I ,;~ i ,-~--I '10--;:107 ::l_...--z !:!-.. ~­~Q'"10 .:Ill,. 100 200 -Q _101 :;;eoo... ~­z,.o ;:-c ~­.::--'"$92 DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BANK !FEETl TRANSECT 3 I ~i\. 1---,-f'\....H, W"TE~SURFACE ELEY"TION 1Q/I4II:\"-...... '-- ......."~-: I I -I I , I !I !I a §I i i i !! 100 2lXl 400 DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT llAHK (FEET! -601 600 h;:- ::l,. "--sr- z!:!--.. ~--...~...-'"-I-•• .....T .- r-'"I ! 200 ! 3lXl TRANSECT 4 DISTANCE FROM G8 LEFT BANK (FEET) CROSS SECTIONS OF TR,ANSECTS SLOUGH 91 4 Gl-,. 100 30 TRANSECT 5q f-- I-- - - ¥ ' ;8',I !i j 1 ZOO JOO 400 OISTANC£fROM GB toEfT BANI<(fEETl t"""'.. ......... ~ zo ~... ..J... CROSS SECTiON OF TRANSECT 5 SLOUGH 9 -N 603 ij "6OZ.44 •'3400 CFS---~CAL.CtJ....no _TE~SUAf"'U IJ'....IMST~(A..ILEfT S"'NK) 602' '(7 Il[UTlV£TO TI1£UPf'EII "NO IJ'T~SLClUGH;::6OL~6 •ITOO CFS 601 --.. 600 '"99 """"I 5911 . '-...597"I '"... S96 "~S"'LIOl S""'W_G "'RE .....SU).JGH ,1, S9!I ;~i 94 ., ~~Iv S93 .. '"~-.............Z.. MI2 '"~.......::;..--- !1St I I ! 1 I L f' i, 1000 2000 DOO .000 ~6000 CUMULATIVE OISTANCE DOWNSTREAM fROM TRANSECT 1 (FEET! 7000 1 L .P'ROFILE OF MINIMUM BO-rTOM ELEVAT10NS SLOUGH ~9 ~-. (- Appendix<C,Slough 21 -Cross sections of transects 1~13 and lA-SA,and profiles of minimum bottom elevations r ~~ I \ . TRANSECT IA ~L / /-I -..-r 100 DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BAMe (FEETI 150 TRANSECT 18 \ ~--"'V-A---i'-./'" I 1 T I I G81LJ ICO DISTANCE FI'iOlIl GB I.£f'T BANK (FEETI 150 .50 TRANSECT 2A '00GalLI ......-,-~""'"-7 ,/~,/ 5 "/ 5 \<j / 2 "- I i i!!I ! DISTANCE FRO!Il GB U:FT BANK {FEETl TRANSECT 5A _H---4---+--+----:::::I----+-l -~;t;;;;t;;;;;t;;;;;j;;;;±h==:::::=:I:========== G8IL!,00 150 DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BANI<(,EETI CROSS SECTIONS OF TRANSECTS SLOUGH 21 IA 5A ~ l=~7... ~75li ~75!l in04 ~7'53 1'51 151 -TRANSECT I....-. I I '"I I ~.--..-----I I I""'".----;-\.I !I I ........---../.1 , !!I I ~!, ; !I --- iI;I i i I i :I 1 I II , 100 DISTANCE FRCN GB l.£H BANK (IFEETl I~ TRANSECT 2 ;::-w ~ :~GeQ.~;;;,;;;t;;;~;I;;;;~~I;;==_::j:===:;~;:::::=:::c==:::a:::=======:=::::;;,00======Z::=======:::,~50==iI.. DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BANK {F'£ETI _ 100 DISTANCE FROM GB L-~.BANK 'IF£ETI GSILI 157 TRANSECT :3 I15li 15!l ~E I no4 m 1"'-0------TSZ . -"",tlt ~&C(tU:VATIOtl ...5/1'\ ~I J ....r--....'\7 /r-- ............./ 7...j .....""'---./ 7~ I ;::...... ~ !,. TRANSECT 4 I , ,.....,,, 1---"""./F---j I I,WATtlt SUltFIoCE aEVATION 91511'./---1 I -1 I """'""",-"---.....i ----<-,....-I ; 491 I iII:::i I !I 7 _75!l... :::n04 !: z7'53 o ;:::TSZ.. ~1"5....J ...~ GalLI '50 DISTANCE FROMGB L.EFT BANK (FEET) CROSS SECTIONS OF TR.ANSECTS .SLOUGH 21 4 f" f I !( I I [I i , I j l I I I III I I I r-I i I !rI i i [ ! i fi i I I l i lI I !li I !lI I ! l f ! ! l I I I I , l 150 TRANSECT 8 TRANSECT 1 TRANSECT 6 100 OISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BANK (FoE£Tl ....TER SLM'&CE ELEVATION 915181 \ \ .ATER SURFACE ELEVATION 9151S GIILI ~"'-.... ...............~SlMFACE EU'iATION '~7 1_'<;7 .- I I ;d 747Jt----+---f---+---+---f---+---+---1--...::.:::=:...,..~--~1----~-_+_--~ 'M5H----+---f---if---+---+---+---+-----l---1 -m _75Z..t!15' ;150 !2 lOW':c~: 144 745 TRANSECT 5 DISTANCE FROM G8 LEFT BANK (FEETl CROSS SECTIONS OF TR,ANSECTS5 8 SLOUGH 21 DISTANC£FROM GB LEFT BANK (F£ETl DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BAN~:(F-EETI 1"'ii---+---+--+--+--+---+---1---4 ~~~;t;;;;;t;;;;d;;;;;;~t;;;;t;;;b::t==~:;;:=~==~==~ GIILI 100 150 ~lowH--~:c~7...lt-----t~s;;:;::±::;::;;;;;ii!!!=:::=!!!iO::;::;;;;;!!:!!!!ii!!!::~:--+_--_J.--~....'"147tt-----t---t---+---+---f-----+---+---l ,----------------- 1 ~: l:lT2 !!o z 15" S150&----\ !14'M-----4'l,..... '"1'Oe &---+-\. 15',jE ",150... -1'l,"J;-----:, z 27...&----+...':c~7007.H---+----l--''=-.... iOl1'06~---+---t--.....:f::==roo:;;::::::::====:;::=::::=;::;::;>o"!~-j /_~l E7S) W~.,. ~,">-~~1..,... TRANSECT 9 ~!- I--~),...-- "WATEII _rACE EU...ATIOIi "5te', f--""Lr---f-- I I I I I I a.a)50 100 DISTANCE FIlOM GB LEFT BANI<(FEET! '50 7'5t 151 150;:: tl T49...--!,.T 4[;'44 ..~5 ,., ~TRANSECT 10 ~\ "WATEIl SUMACE EU...AT10li .,5111l \.f--- - --Tj\/ ~........ j I I,,I G••U '00 DISTANCE FROM GB l£FT BANK (FEET] ,50 152- 15' _150... tiN... ~:It----+--'\. ,~l'O.H----+---~ w :t==j==j~:~t==tt2f:==:j:==~§~~e::=r:::==!~=t DISTANCE FROM GB L..~BANK (FEET] .T.Rf'.NS£CT II 15' TRANS€CT 12 ~~-~r'\L \ ••TER SUIlrACE EU....Tl0N '115/81 \ I\l-I-- "I-- \/' \\0-J I I I I III i ,;.1 !! GalLI '00 DISTANCE FROM GB LEFT BAHI,(FEETl CROSS SECTIONS OF TRIANSECTS 9 12 SLOUGH 2,1 36 ~, m ~-;:: ~,. to.-,.7 ~-!;(',,-~~llI! ..J "'~ N 14l. G81LI TRANSECT 13 Ef I-! '-I - --J ...............' I I 100 DISTANCE FROM ~8 LEFT BAHlC (FEETl CROSS SECT,ION OF TF<ANSECT SLOUGH 21 13 r C-..... ~:~. W.. Z ~,,1'DO~======:!!!l!=:::2000~==========?25001000500o Ie ..K 'N.. i'-..v... ""- ..z.. 'l ..........r---...... ..................... r-............... f .-'---i J-:..... I I i --,... I I 1'47 "'"_753... ::ll'2 to.;151 ~~ '"~1'It ..J"',.. CUMULATIVE DISTANCE DOwNSTREAM FROM TRANSECT IAlF:EHI \ t L 2000tOOO1'DO CUMULATIVE DIST...NCE DOWNSTREAM FROM TRANSECT 1 IFE'ETl o 'V '4500 Cl'S I-I..u....N"'Z ..... '"v :......r-........'\7z "400 CFS -roo....::'\7 9700 CFS ""'-~SALIIIO"SPAWNING AR!:A IN SUlUG",I I ;.. "r--..t;.., III ......i.....~u I z ..........v ..,0::Z ................I.....~::z ".......2 Ir--;_"'vt\l:...~~.'",.~I I .....r:--......::..'-'....Z ~v. i I I I ~.. lll''";:ZI '"C I !I I i -r-:-::'i _. i - ~l'2... ~15 Zm o ;=749 '"1::;7"e ..J ...747 PROFILES OF MINIMUM BO"fTOM ELEVATIONS SLOUGH Appendix D 37 Estimates based On calculations of wetted area in Sloughs 9,19 and 21 under 1981 natural conditions.1 Total calculated Section Calculated wetted area wetted area of Slough no.(transect x-y)of section (sq ft)slough (sq ft) 9 3 to 4 60,350 4 to 5 44,375 104,725 19 Below 5 to mid-1,700 1,700 poi.nt of 7 and 8 21 2 Above 3 to 3 186.7 3 to 4 2,993 4 to 5 5,547 S to 6 1,931 "6 to 7 4,551 7 to 8 5,'639 8 to 9 7,152 9 to 10 3,850 10 to 11 4,851 11 to t2 2,551 39,252 Data source:AOF&G field data and planometri.c maps. 2 See Appendix C ,Appendix E Methodology used in calculating estimates of total salmon escapement to sloughs and streams. Methodology for sloughs Total spawning escapement =Calculated area under the curve/stream life. Example for calculation of area under the curve and escapement to slough 10 0 9, I K 8 C.I ::r:7 --Itn u..6 I I ILl 5 I I> ..J 4 I I8, LL.---I I03 a:2 I I C I tLl OJ I I I~I::>I 8 I Iz 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 CUMULATIVE DAYS FOR OBSERVATION OF UVE FISH FIGURE f i I· Total area under the curve =2 (A +B +B l +C +Cl ) l Where:A =30 x 10 =150 2 B =30 x 10 =300 B 1 =40 x 10 =200 2 C =70 x 10 =700 Cl =20 x 10 =100 2 Total area =2(1450)2900 39 Example for estimating stream life of a salmon wave PEAK PEAK LIVE COUNT DEAD COUN'r TIME A TIME a1------- \ l£..o a: 1LI CD ~ :>z ,,,,,, # I I,, '",,,....,..... ",.. \ \ \ \ \ ~I CUMULATIVE TIME FIGURE 2 Time lapsed between peak live (A)and dead counts (E) approximately equals the stream life of a wave case 1:Sockeye Where stream life =12 days Estimated escapement =2900 12 =242 fish case 2:Chum Where stream life =10 days Estimate escapement =2900 10 =290 fish Methodology for Streams Total spawning escapement =(Peak total fish count/mile)x (Estimated miles of stream length utilized). Example o£:calculating stream escapement - Total number live and dead fish observ,ed per .5 miles =10 fish Total count per mile =20 fish Total miles utilized =5 miles 1· Thus total estimated spawning escapement =(20 fish/mile)x (5 miles) =100 fish References:Atkinson,C.E.,The problem of enumerating spawning populations of sockeye salmon.International Pacific salmon Fisheries Commission,New Westminster,B.C.1973. Washington Department of Fisheries,1979 Puget Sound methods for escapement estimation and proposed escapement goals for natural chum salmon stocks.prepared by the Harvest Manaqement DiVision.1979. limes,J.Personal communication .Apr i1 1982 i I Appendix F -Graphie pr~sen~ations used in determining sockeye and chum salmon escapement to slough areas above Talkeetna,by area under the curve methodo1ogy1,2 l See Appendix E 2Data source:1981 ADF&G salmon spawning surveys (see Appendix H) 300n--------r--------.--------,---------,,---------,--------,----- I SLOUGH 8 (RMIi3.7) I Iz~o F;......:--------I--------+-------+---------ti,---------+-=::-=------'-----4 :c ZOO."f.~_:_;;::~~w_:_:-::r~~_:_t::F.:.;>_:_i~f~t~~~~::~:l::~=-=C=,,-=!Alt:_:=~~"""r_-+--+.___:.....;._;_~_E'::_WC_:_~_~_A_~_T~~:3CJ:!!:1~~~:.'/9I~10~;_9_83_Z_/IO__i11 ~l.~l _...il ------\i i~i t!'ill •II i!l :1 \:SHADED AREA IS A"ESTlWATE Of AREA.~[f I \i II'IT IS .t.sSUW[D THAT ...PE:AK COUNT 'I ~100Itfi.;.;.;.~;;_;.;.;;.;..;.;.;.;.;+;;;_;.;+-----.L---_+-~------_+------.---:.--------_+'.JW!lOULDIJo!l.ll~_CUR!lED·IO DAYS z ._:.'11 I \;f:ARLIER.AND TlIE POINT Of INT[R- :CEnlON Of A STIIAIGHT LIN[PAO.lECTEO ~,II \THflOUGH 197 AJt:J ZI9 TO THE VElITlCAL I ~O :l I AXIS -ZSI fiSH,_.~ ~l :---T.!------~!I' J :;i '''l I ( I. 10 20 30 CUt.lULATIVE DAYS 40 50 60 ZOOln------~------I---------------... I ! ,MOOSE SLOUGH '(RM 123.5) ---CtYW TOTAL AA£A .3101 -ESCAPEWENT •3'01/'0 •310 .. I I I I."I I I ""r--,-------~:::_-:_:":_=--=--,=-.,,---...,.:"'~- H---------'-------...L.---------------.----. 100._ '">:::;...o ffia> ~~OH---- z :c.., i:: \0 ZO 30 CUMULATIVE DAYS 50 60 [l 60 SLOUGH Al (RM 124.6) Q!!!!!. TOTA"AREA ..1~71 -ESCAPEW[NT •1~71 /10 •1~7 4030 CUMULATIVE DAYS ZO10 ...'--'1' H----~---------------------------------- ESTIMATED F1SH ESCAPEMENT SLOUGH 8,MOOSE SLOUGr~AND SLOUGH A1 loon--------,.--------..---------,--------....,.----------,---------.--_----.., I SLOUGH A (RM 12.4.71 I,.-:>: '"~ \oJ ~50!'t----------:-----------------------------------c-::-~----------- "-i :~ o 21 24 CHUM 20 .TOTAL AREA •69~ ~~-------~I ~I-ESCAPEMENT I 69'1I0-69 i 10 20 30 CUMULATIVE DAYS 350;,.-...,-..,......,-...,...----- I I ~Q I I SLOUGH SA (RM 125.1) ._---_.•...--_.-._------_.. .l:l1WIl TOTAL AREA.3868 -ESCAP£MENT •3868 '10 •387I~\I 250:1+---......;.------------.,...---i-~\~---I-----------t----·-----::cSOC:---K':":"y-=E----------- ~~~~.= ;;:i-ESCAPEMENT •~~,12·269 ~2ool1+----------------~--1I"_-~r__-_+-------~-----.--.~:'70 \a:~~~. ~150-------·------I.~ ~I "'"•Z I • I loott-------------------~-------'\t_------·-----------------------~._-------\~.~ 501!l----'--------------_~~;=_-=-=--=--=--=-;.;:-:.:-:.:-::;-=--=-'t-"I'..~l'C:_--C''''-f..::lr~...,..---------_--_ I~"l------~.-~~__,:=;x-----.-~.- '0 20 30 CUMULATIVE DAYS <0 50 60 --_._.--_.--------------- L-I ,~.. i 200>H\.~------'------------·-·-·----··--_... I:>:\j!!? 1"-I \oJ 150H---~---------i~\v~j15 !a:'00,1+------'\;-------i~\,ZI 50 I SLOUGH 9 (RM 128.31 TOTAL AREA'230< -ESCAPEMENT'2304/10'230 TOTAL AFlEA"190 -EsCAPEMENT •190/12 •16 - '0 20 30 CUMULATIVE DAYS <0 50 60 ESTIMATED FISH ESCAPEMENT SLOUGHS A,8)A AND 9 ------------------ 60300030 CUMULATIVE DAYS ZO !~I ' :TOTAL AR(A.ZI26 "!....--.!~,,SLOUGH 98 (RM 128.3)i -DCAP€ICMT·Z26/10 ./r----~-_':-::=T'--'~, ,.213 ./,"r------r I -. <47 • _I r-_-----:.:-2-..~1 ,••- - - -T'- --J_~,I,'I ............ , , ' I "I·............ -----'----.,'I ,L ...I I !,I I I 1-------..,..-...-.'____. 'I,1 1 4 ===- 10 ~ TOTAL .ufA •2llH -t:SCAPOIIEMT·2119ll11Z ·ZZS 100 dz 150n--------,----------,-------,----------,------------,---------,---, 60 SLOUGH 9A (RM 133.3) 500030 CIJMULATIVE OAYS ZO'0 :r '"~1001}'r---------+==----------------------.--------j£~...> :::i i5 50}'j'r-------+---------,=-""""=-------+---"""'C:""----------,~_=Ta: ! t r I SLOUGII II (RM t35.3)~IIITOO 7";../,7,\ 650 I+----------J;-~..,::-,;-~"::EY:-A E"'"fIE-A-.-ZI-I38---'-----------;--.~-----:-"-~-~-------=r-~\-----.-~ARE::916-:------- 6OOH-----------1l-::_:r.o......"""..n.....'IIIl.......I'llr=......",II",,"-;,/ml"'-;;."'''''''''-'''------'--IT.-:---------:----..~\-£seAP£i.iEjiT;'9i~916--'- "0 . 500H-----------,,..--------->----------f:1-+--__:d_~.-..---------------J 1 r--------~ §030 -,---------}1o~:til~i;f·----'--+:------------i--r\;,' 1M 40!~I I I \. ~000 ...........m.',~'I -'I'--Y-~'~":~!/r~7--1 i -r \ ~3OO--+-------,.L--+----r T -~- z '":2...,L·---__~::'1~-----~70 Z30 '"/::-~--;--:~ ZOO ----i -------...----~./-T----r-----.--::-__d_---;--':,_ 'SO :.,n"J/"'";--------r :\ ':;./f'"-.g//,~::,_-L,-_-_-_.,i-_-__-~"'ir.----_-_-_~~. V "~"~------~---~:' ,j'ii~,i J I'I '\; un -!I ! :_I 10 ZO 30 CUMULATIVE DAYS <0 50 60 l ESTIMATED F1SH ESCAPEMENT SLOUGHS 98,9.A AND 11 -' '00 r-- ~;;: ~ ::::;50 ~ ci Z ,SOO<[YI' '0 I ...J ZO ,-'0;--~-=::=::-k------ _0 SLOUGH 17 (RM 138.9) ~ TOTA~AREA 'I()')~ ":£Sl:liI'OlENT,=m Clll6 - SOCKEYE TOTA~AREA ',,_ II -ESCAPEMENT J It4-/t2"11 ~o I ~O 60 CUMULATIVE DAYS 'SLOUGH 19 (RM 139.7) .~ TOTA~AREA •833 -ESCAPEMENT •833/1Z •69 l~> ::::;50. '0 ZO 30 CUt,lULAT1VE DAYS 50 60 SLOUGH 21 (RM 140.1) 350 -Q!l!!!. TOTA~AREA •6669 -ESCAPEMENT'6669110 •667 60 ~ TOTA~AREA'817 _'E5'CAP£hlENT •817 nz 11 68 ~O_0~O CUMULAT,VE DAYS >TO ZO I, I,,-------- --------.....1 I I I I 10 , I I I I, I<".I ...... .......-,It.I"--' 'I _ '__?' 300 --- 100 ~Z50 ;;:... > ::::i ZOO...o '"...m ~150 -z c. ESTIMATED FISH ESCAPEMENT SLOUGHS 17,I~~AND 21 Appendix G -Areas under the curve calculations used to determine sockeye and chum salmon escapement to slough areas above Talkeetna1 , 2 l See Appendix F 2Data source:1981 ADF&G salmon spawning surveys (see Appendix H) L .i 47 ,"W"'.Slough.B (RM 113.7) Chum lOx219 =2,190 lOx32 =~ 2 2,350 7xl97 =1,379 7x22 =71 2 1,456 8x46 =368 ax1S]=~ 2 972 Wt!±§=138 2 Total =4,916x2 =9,832 =983 10 or Total =4,91~-2,350 =2,S66x2 =5,132 =513 10 Chum escapement =513-983 r 48 /~Hoose Slough (RM 123.5)r ax91 ::728 [ax45 ::~ 2 908 8x20 ::160 ax71 ::m 2 444 I. 9xl4 ::126 I ~::27 2 153 6x1 ::6 6x13 ::~ 2 45 J:&::1/2 2 Total ::1,5S0.5x2 ::3,101 ::3101 chums l10 ~ r l -' .. Slough Al (RM 124.6) 49 8x35 ~ 2 =280 =.a!la 628 9x35 =157.5-2 Total =785.5x2 =1,571 =157 chums--ro' [. SO Slough A (RM 124.7) 2x13 =13 [2 8x13 =104 f~=--ll 2 156 8x24 =192 r~=---!, 2 200 12x20 =240 l2x4 =....2.!i 2 264 6x20 =60 2 Total ~=69 chwn 10 f \ l l I I I , ,j :j Slough 8A (RM 125.1) Sockeye 25 days ax87 =696 8X83 =332 2 1,028 9x23 =207 9x64 =2BB 2 =495 6x6 =36 fuY.Z =51 2 87 ~=6 2 Chum 51 Total =1,6l6x2 =3.232 =269 sockeye 12 8xS3 =42~...0 :.:::.-8x277 =1 ,lOa'':~ 2 1,532 9x2 =18 ~=~ 2 401 ~=1 \~2 Total =1,934x2 =3,868 =387 chum 10 52 Slough 9 (RM 128.3) Sockeye 8x6 =48 ~=-a. 2 56 8x2 =16 8x4 =16 2 32 2x7 =7 T Total =9Sx2 =190 =16 sockeye 12 Chum 8x38 =304 IBxl74 ~ 2 1,000 .axa.e.=1 S2 2 Total =1,lS2x2 =2,304 ..230 10 I L -~._._-----....,..._--------------- Slough 9B (RM 128.3) Sockeye llx27 =114-8.5 2 12x27 =3214- l2x2Q =.!2.Q 2 4414- 14-x14-7 =188 ~=-M. 2 256 8x71 =56B ~=~ 2 608 8x62 =14-96 8x9 =-1§. 2 532 53 Chum ~=7 2 8x2 =16 ~=64 2 80 SU8 =114-4 ~=--2l 2 236 8x14-1 =328 ~=1014- 2 432 14-x67 =268 14-x20 =~ 2 308 8x14-8 =3814- 8xl3 ='52 2 .",.~14-36 Total ::l,063x-2 =2.126 =213 chum 10 7xl5 = ~= 2 105 li5.S 220.5 7xlS =52.S-r- Total =2,698 =225 sockeye 12 54 f Slough 9A (RM 133.3)rChum 27x67 =905.5 r2 8x26 =208 8x41 =164 2 372 8x26 =208 8x29 =116 2 324 8xS5 =44'0 8x8l =324 2 Wi'" 7x35 =245 7xlOl =353,5 2 598.5 ~=52.5 2 To~al =3.016,5 =302 ···chums 10 55 Chum ~:x403 =806 2 lOxlBl =1,810 ~.OU77 =885 2 2,695 Tot~L =45BO.5x2 =9.161 =916 chums 10 10 30 81 III 288 670.5 958.5 Slx32 = ~~ 2 ~= 2 Eix5 = J;jx27 = 2 Slough 11 (RM 135.3) Sockeye WOO =300 2 4x50 =200 !t1QQ.=100 2 300 l2x50 =600 12x208 =1,248 2 1,848 5x2SB =1,290 5x1l5 =297.5 2 1,577.5 5x373 =1,865 5x237 =592.5 2 2,457.5 1Ox:610 =6,100 10xl00 =500 r""'.2 6,600 9x468 =4,212 9x242 =L.Q!.2. 2 5,301 6x270 =1,620 6x198 =594 2 2,2~4 l ' 4x27Q ='540 2 Total =21,138 =1,7£2 sockeye 12 .-Slough 17 (RM 138.9) Sockeye 8x3 =24 .8x3...=li 2 36 1x3 =21 'l'ot:al.=51x2 =114 =10 soclceye 12 56 Chum 6:lC9 =27 :2 15x9 =135 lS:1C.23 =112.5---:2 307.5 5:(32 =160 j;,,4 =-l1l. :2 170 8:,,30 =240 ~5E..=~ :2 264 8xl7 s 136 alLU =52 :2 188 8'~4 s 32 ~iU.3 =52 :2 84 ~4 =14 :2 To~al :=1,054,5 =106 chuas 10 [ Slough 19 (RM 139.7) Sockeye 1lx.l3 z 143 15x.l3 =195 15x7 =~ 2 247,5 8x20 =160 8x3 =-1.l 2 172 ixl2 =96 ~z~ 2 140 8x8 •64 8x4 =II 2 80 7x4 =28 7x4 =~ 2 14-2 .!lx!=8 2 Total =833 z 69 sockeye 12 57 58 Slough 21 (RM 141.0) Sockeye 8x32 =256 ~=2~ 2 280 7x3 =21 ~l:101.5 2 122.5 ~=6 2 Total l:408.Sx2 =ill =68 sockeye 12 ChUl1l '7x~3 =301 13x43 =3~4 !~=364 2 708 13xl34 =1,072 J3x136 =~ 2 1,616 13xl56 =1,2~8 Jaxll!l.=456 2 1,704 ~l5xl56=2.340 2 Total =6,669 =667 chums 10 ... '.;~. .------------- Appendix H -Alaska Department of Fish and Game salmon escapement surveys of streams and sloughs above Ta1keetna1 1Data source:ADF&G Final Report:1982 r 60 r ~PPENDIX EJ ESCAPEMENT SURVEYS OF STREAMS AND SLOUGHS ,. !. -'..•'III •..•-.~.... ... .-.....··:t ".",-;~."...•...-....'.~..':.......' ...~~..,;.",::":..~.'.-.......".." , •':.1,... ___________........~,__w ~~ --"--_..- ),) t;: ,." Table fJ-l.Escapem'.surveys conduct~d on S~sitna River sloughs between Chulitna River 'and Devil Canyon. Adul t AI 'lrolTX>us Investiga~jons.'Su Hydro Studies.1981. ,', --_._..------~--_.-~ ·i~...ADUL T SAUIlN COUiTS " SLOUGII 'i,SOC~~YE PINK CHUHRIVER'VEY PERCENT ',,', tlO,/llAI1f MILE DATE Cl :nONS SURVEYEP '"LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAn TOTAL-.._---- "0':Slough I 99.6 8/2)r 50 .,.....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/29 'r 100 •0',:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/6 'd 100 t'·o ;0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6..·.t . 9116 :er 'lent 100 "o ;0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9/24 h'lent 100 ..;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 10/2 b dent 100 :.'"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------~- '\ " Slou!lh <'100,4 8/2 lr 50 ''0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/21 'r 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0m8/29 (lent 100 -,0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 ) 9/6 [lent '100 ',0 0 0 0 0 0 25 2 21'-9116 E lent 100 .".0'0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 9/24 [,lent 100 .o '0 0 0 0 0 1 4 5,; 10/2 E'Ilent 100 ",0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 ) .~-_.---,.._.~~ SlolJ(jh JIJ 101,4 8/5 r 100 0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8111 r 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/21 'r 100 .,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/29 'r 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/6 [lent 100 1.'0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/17 E lent 100 1 '0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/24 [,Ilent 100 \",'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/2 ,d 100 "0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'......-------, Slollljli 3A 101.9 8/4 [lent 100 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/11 :r 100 '.7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0" 8/21 r ,lent 100 3 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 8/29 :r 100 ',0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/6 r 100 .:.'1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/17 r 100 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 9/24 ·d 100 "0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JO/2 r ,100 0',0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ._--------- " " " .. ')'J ) " ,.~---...,~.., ~ )":'\)F Table EJ-l.Continue". ..•. I-_.-.......: ..AOtA.T SAlHJN'COllUS" " , ,. SLOUGH ..':SOCKUE PlNK CHUHRIVERSl'y PERCENT , /I0,/IIN1[MILE DATE COIlL:OKS SURVEYED ""LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOtAL lIV~DEAD TOTAL-----" Slough 6A lI?,)8/19 Gc 100 ti"I 0 1 0 0 0 11 0 II 8/2)h 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 II 8/29 .ro •100 :1 "0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3, , 9/22 bce 'It 100 "0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.f:-".------ Slouqh 7 11),2 8/7 bce :,t 100 \,0 ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/19 Po 100 /, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0"m 8/~9 bee !It 100 ·0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, '----~---"'" Slough 8 113,7 0/7 PI'100 o'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/9 PII 100 ·0 ()0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/29 her It 100 ',0 I 0 0 11 12 25 219 49 268(.0,)I 9/5 Exel'It 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 191 105 302 9/13 Exer It 100 -::0 0 0 0 0 0 46 105 151 9/21 Exer.'I t 100 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 96"9/28 Exel''It 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 Slough eD 121.8 8/1 F.-100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/7 her It 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bi20 [IICf'IIi iOG 0 0 0 G 0 ......0 nUUv 8/27 Exel'nt 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -----_._-- Slough Be 121.9 0/1 GI 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/7 PI 100 0 o '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 PI'100 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excr Ilt 100 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------,_....-.~--.-·i I " .'0' 6 '.' ," " ').)"- ," r' - Table EJ-l.Conti nue(1 ,"........, 'i,'• ,. _.~~........,.......-.'_: AOlA.T SAUtJN COIJHS ~," SLOUGH t "~~nE PINK CHUHRIVERS~'t PERCENT tiD.!I'/Mlt MILE DATE call IONS SURVEYED LIVE'DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE 0£Al)TOTAL -~,.'"~..--" Slough 9 128.3 8/7 PI'10 a a 0 0 0 0 0 a a 8/11 fr 100 ~::.0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 5 8/20 :pr .100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/21 Exc-'mt 50 ..'.~.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9/4 Exc."nt 100 10 ~0 10 0 0 0 212 48 260 9/12 [XC"'lnt 100 6 0 6 0 0 0 38 JJ JI 9/20 Excc l!nt 100 t 2 8 10 0 0 0 1 15 16 9/21 EllCr.ent 100 "0 O.0 o :0 0 0'Z 2•I, ------.------'"t::',. c....Slough 9n 129.2 6/11 Exc'"Ill 100 ,",21 :9'·"21 0 0 0 fi8 a 58". B/23 hc'-cnt 100 41 0 41 0 0 0 83 1 90 I 6/21 Exc':ml 100 81 0 81 0 0 0 61 4 11 9/4 Exc'Ililt 100 .11 0 11 0 0 0 41 8 49c.n . 9/12 Exe'~nt 100 .:'.~62 0 62 0 0 0 18 8 26 9;20 Exc"lln~100 "49 5 54 0 0 0 2 5 1 9/21 Exc"lent 100 15 20 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---.._~., Slough 9/\133.3 1/31 r·100 !,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 I'100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/21 Exc'ent 20 2 0 2 0 0 0 ~1 4 11 9/4 Exc"cnt 20 .'"1 0 1 o·0 0 26 36 68 9/12 Exc'ent 20 .r 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 4 9/12 r-80 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 5 60 9/20 Exc'ent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 46 182 9/21 Exc":ent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 59 114 ---_...-. ~,,:~ S101l!)h 10 '133.6 7/31 Exc l!nt 100 0 O'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/10 f'100 :0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 8/20 Exc cnt 100 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Exe r ent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/20 Exr'lent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----_.._._------ ,0"))~ " Table EJ-l.Continuet ,,' .. AOll.T SAUDH COLWT S ...'ii. SIOIJGII RIVER S Y PERCENT '.SOCKEYE PINK •CHUH NO./NN-IE HILE DATE CO/I,IONS SURVEYED ".'LIVE'DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAn TOTAL, --_.....-----------..•. Slough 11 135.3 1131 Exclnt 100'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/6 r,100 \':,100 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/10 Ixe!'"nt •100 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Pc'100 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 6/22 Excr nt 100 258 1 259 0 0 0 216 6 282 8/27 EXC''It 100 ""37J!5 318 0 0 0 403 8 411 9/1 he''lit 100 610 25 635 0 0 0 358 26 384 9/11 [)(C1 'nt 100...710 183 893 0 0 0 101,162 343 9/20 [XCI lIt 100 460 338 806 0 0 0 32 214 306 m 9/26 helot 100 ':.270 l33 603 0 0 0 5 27 32 '.' L ..---.-.-.-.-" Slouoh 12 135.4 7/31 Pi 25 ".'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,8/6 P,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 8/20 P,100 i.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-orn Exc""'It iOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 p,100 \0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/20 Exc''It 100 '.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/26 [XC!nt'100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~........._..~o_._._ Slough 13 135.7 7/31 P,15.,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/6 p,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 p.100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/21 Exc'n t 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 r'100'0 .,0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 9111 hc.tit 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 I J 9/20 [xc'lit 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/26 Exc''It 100"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slough 14 135.9 7/31 F:100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 [xc'1t 100 <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/20 [XCI "It 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 hCI':lt 100 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 [xcr 'It 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~~.~------... II Table EJ-l.Continue., .. ....r '"j, " ".., ) ADUlT SAl~"COIJtTS ) .SOCKEfE PINK "CHUHS\.OUG/l RIVER SUI'PERCENT '·.'hIVENO,INN-IE MILE DATE CONDI,-tiS SURVEYED .DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE'DEAD TOTAL·-------_.--..-_.....'\' Slouy"14 ". COllt d,135.9 9/19 bee I'..100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/26 ElCcel;t '100 i'0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.,.,; ,~;' S10llljh 15 137,2 7/31 Goo-100 '..~'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/6 POOl 100 0 0 0 0 0 O'o .0 0 8/10 Fal 100 .:0 0 0 0 0 0 O'0 0 rn 8/21 poo 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/26 Excel 100 ,',:0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 c...9/3 hcel 100 ,:.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/19 Excel t 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---_..---- ~Sioul/h 16 137 ,3 8/6 Poo'100 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/10 Poo 100 ',I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ""nuuOJ 8/21 Poo 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/26 Poo 100 I.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/J Fat 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 J 9/19 Excel ,100 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.'.9/26 Excel I.100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,..~------------, 510U9"17 138,9 8/6 Excel 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 8/10 Poo 100 ','0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 - J B/21 Excel 75 0-1 0 1 0 0 0 J2 I JJ 6/26 Excel 100 \~0 0 0 0 0 0 36 2 38" 9/3 Excei 100 5 0 5 0 0 0 30 7 J7 9/11 Excel 100 6 0 6 0 0 0 17 Il JO 9/19 Excel 100 ~J 0 J 0 0 0 4 0 4 9/26 Excel .100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,.'_.-...._~..---- !. .'. ,', Table EJ-l.Cont1nueti -_._-_._------------- '\1 :~.. •f; .'. 0" ,,. '.., ".ADlA.T SAUtJN COlmS ~. SLOUGII 1I0./NAME RIVER MILE DATE SUIl .- CONOII IS PERCEtlT SURVEYED ·:1," SOCKEY:..::E"---__. '.:',lIVE.DEAD .TOTAL LIVE PINK DEAD TOTAL LIVE CHUM D£AO TOTAL -------_..,..._..... Lj0 Slou()h 18 Slough 19 Sloul]h 2lJ Slouyh 21 139.1 139.7 I~O.I 141.0 8/6 8/10 8/21 8/26 9/3 8/6 8/10 8/21 8/26 9/3 9/11 9/19 9/26 0/6 0/10 8/21 0/26 9/3 9/11 9119 8/6 8/10 0/21 8/26 9/3 9/11 9/19 9/26 fal r Poor Poor Ellcell' hee11 t·;t. Excel I' fa Ir EKee 11 heel I' hee II' heell Exee 11 heell', Poor Poor Poor hee11 ' Exee 11, Excel i' hee11't. Poor Poor POOl Excel; Exee 1 ; Exee I' Exee 1 : heell· 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 75 100 100 100 :.0 \~~:-0 · \ 0 .i.·'.:0 , 0·.. . 0·,";0 .13 ,::.20 ,23 12, 8 4 o o o 2 o,,'0 o " 0 o o .'1 26 ;:38 32 "J : o ooo o o oo oo 6 o 2 oo oo o oo oo oo oo 1o o ooo o '0 o 13 20 23 18 8 6 o o o 2 ooo oo o I 26 38 33 J o o oo o o ooooooo oo oo o o o o o o o o ooo o ooo o o oooo ooo ooooooo o o o oo o oo o ooo o o oooo ooo o o ooooo ooo oo oo o ooo oo o· o J oo o oo oo o 10 12 oo oo o 156 270 131 41 O' ooo o o o o o o 1 o o o o o o 1 2o o oo o 1) 4 2 24o o o oo o o o 3o 1 ooo o o o 11 14oo o o o 169 271 136 67o ) Table EJ-l.Continuer; ':.' ·'J ~ ,.' ·.i;~i·, ) ~. '\ n to ,,'ADUl T SAUON CO~TS".' " SlOUGII ;.::.SOCKEYE PINK CIIUliRIVEnsyPERCENT·" HO./NAHE MILE DATE COIl IONS SURVEYED ..: .LIVE 'DE~D TOTAl LIVE D£AD TOTAL LIVE D£AO TOTAL---- Slough 211\145.5 8/26 pt·100 ,', 0 ·0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5,: 9/2 :Exc·~nt 100 ,..0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 9/11 Exc"ent 100 .;"0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 ~':..... '. ,. ,I "", " t. Table EJ-2.Continue, ·~ .'-.·• ) ~ .t '"