Earl F.Becker ,-
Alaska Department of Fish &-Game
333 Raspberry Road
Anchorage,Alaska 99518-1599
n •043,October 1988
Between January 1980 and June 1986,the Alaska Power Authority
(APA)contracted with the Game Division of the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)to provide field data and
recommendations for assessing potential impacts and developing
options for mitigating impacts of the proposed Susitna
Hydroelectric Project on moose,caribou,brown bear,black
bear,Dall sheep,.wolf,wolverine,and belukha whales;ADF&G
was only one of many participants in this program.
Information on birds,small mammals,furbearers,and
vegetation was collected by the University of Alaska and
private consulting firms.
Formally,ADF&G's role was to collect data that could be used
to describe the baseline,preproject conditions.This
information was supplemented to include processes that might
be sufficiently sensitive to either direct or indirect
project-induced impacts to alter the dynamics of the wild·life
populations.The responsibility of impact assessment and
mitigation planning was assigned by APA to several private
consulting firms.ADF&G staff worked closely with these
firms,but only in an advisory capacity.
The project was cancelled before the impact assessment and
mitigation planning processes were complete.In an effort to
preserve the judgments and ideas of the authors at the
termination of the project,the scope of this report has been
expanded to include material relating to impact assessment and
mitigation planning.Statements do not necessarily represent
the views of the APA or its contractors.Conjectural
statements sometimes are included in the hope that they may
serve as hypotheses to guide future work,should the project
be reactivated.
The following list of progress reports completely cover all of
the Game Division's contributions to the project.It should
not be necessary for the reader to consult them.
Modaferri,R.D.1987.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Big
Game Studies,Final Report Vol.I -Moose -Downstream.
Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game.
Ballard,W.R.and J.S.Whitman.1987.Susitna
Hydroelectric Project,Big Game Studies,Final Report,
Vol.II -Moose -Upstream.Alaska Dept.of Fish and
Game ..
Alaska Resources
Library &Information SerVices
Becker,E.F.and W.D.Ste~gers.1987.Susitna
Hydroelectric Project,Big Game Studies.Final Report,
Vol.III -Moose forage biomass in the middle Susitna
River basin,Alaska.Alaska Dept~of Fish and Game.
1987.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Big Game
Final Report.Vol.V -Moose Carrying Capacity
Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game.
Pitcher,K.W.1987.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Big Game
Studies.Final Report.Vol.IV -Caribou.Alaska Dept.
of Fish and Game.59pp.
Black Bear and Brown Bear
Miller,S.D.1987.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Big Game
Studies,Final Report.Vol.VI -Black Bear and Brown
Bear.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game.
Ballard,W.B.,J.S.Whitman,L.D.Aumiller,and P.Hessing •
1984.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Big Game Studies.
1983 Annual Report.Vol.V -Wolf.Alaska Dept.of Fish
and Game.44pp.
Ballard,W.B.,J.S.Whitman,and C.L.Gardner.1987.
Ecology of an exploited wolf population in southcentral
Ala~ka.Wildlife Monographs No.(In press)•
Whitman,J.S.arid W.B.Ballard.1984.Susitna
Hydroelectric Project,Big Game Studies.1983 Annual
Report.Vol.VII -Wolverine.Alaska Dept.of Fish and
Dall Sheep
Tankersley,N.G.1984.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Big
Game Studies.Final Report.Vol.VIII -Dall Sheep.
Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game.91pp.
Belukha Whale
Calkins,D.1984.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Big Game
Studies.Final Report.Vol.IX -Belukha Whale.Alaska
Dept.of Fish and Game.16pp.
PREFACE •••••••••••••••••.,_••••••••-.'••••~••••••••••••••••••,.-•i
LIST OF TABLES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"•••••·•·•••••••••••2
LIST OF FIGURES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••'•••••••••2
Project -...•....
..".INTRODUCTION •••••••••••.••••••••
Moose Forage Intake Model.
Overview of Model Usage ••••
Model Input Considerations ••
Application of the Model to the
MET,Hons ••••••••••••••••
Area of Interest ••
Duration of Use.
Diet .
RESULTS ••••••••••••.••••••••••••••"•••
Carrying capacity estimates ••
Moderate Winter Point Estimate.
Moderate winter Upper 80%
Confidence Limit •••••••
Severe Winter Point Estimate.
Severe winter Upper 80%
Confidence Limit •••••
1.Current moose diet composition during the months of
February,March,and April 15
2.Moose diet composition during the months of February,
March and April,with swapping of excess pap~r birch for
willow.The amount of excess birch was based on point
estimates of the amount of moose forage available 16
3.Point estimate of moose carrying capacity in a moderate
yea~,by Impoundment Stage,for the Susitna Hydroelectric
Pro]ect "17
4.Moose diet composition during the months of February,
March,and April,with swapping of excess paper birch for
willow.The amount of excess birch was based on upper
80%confidence limits of the amount of moose forage
available II 18
5.Upper confidence estimates of moose carrying capacity in
a moderate year,by Impoundment Stage,for the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project •••••••~••••••••~••••••-•••••••••••19
6.Point estimate of moose carrying capacity in a severe
winter year,by Impoundment Stage,for the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project ~-.,_2.0
7.Upper confidence estimate of moose carrying capacity in a
severe winter,by Impoundment Stage,for the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project .............................•....21
8.Carrying capacity estimates as expressed in moose density
(by Impoundment Stage)during a moderate winter
9.Carrying capacity estimates expressed in moose density,
by Impoundment Stage~during a severe winter ........•..23
1.Daily Intake of Current Annual Growth (CAG)
by Moose ....•••••••••••••.•.••••...••••••..•••..••.••.•24
Construction of the proposed -Susitna Hydroelectric project
would result in -the loss or alteration of extensive areas of
moose (Alces alces)habitat through a -variety of mechanisms
(Ballard et ale 1987).As a result,both short-and long-term
changes in moose carrying capacity would occur.While there
_--would be at least short-term increases -in carrying capacity in
localized areas,a long-term net decrease in potential of the
middle Susitna basin to support moose is expected.However,
efforts to manipulate successional stages of certa-in plant
communities have successfully increased moose carrying
capacity in some areas of Alaska.-Consequently,a key element
in mitigation plans under consideration -by the Alaska Power
Authority is compensation for decreased moose carrying
capacity-through burning or mechanical manipulation of plant
communities in the areas that will not be disturbed by the
These factors made it desirable to estimate moose carrying
capacity in the area to be impacted by the hydroelectric
project in terms that (1)could be integrated with the
considerable body of available moose population data for
prediction-of actual population changes and (2)could also be
usedfor:establishing specific,measurable habitat management
objectives for planning and evaluating mitigation actions.
This requires an ability to quantitatively integrate the
requirements of the animal with the ability of the habitat to
supply these needs.
Past efforts to quantitatively apply the concept of carrying
capacity to the habitat and the population management
decision-making process have met with limited success because
of insufficient understanding of the animals I requirements.
Recent papers (Moen 1973,Robbins 1973 ,.Wallmo et al.1977)
advocate that carrying capacity for wild ungulates be
determined on a nutritional basis.Carrying-capacity models
have recently been used to estimate elk (Cervus elaphus
nelsoni)winter-range carrying capacity (Hobbs et ale 1982)
and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus)carrying capacity in
burned and unburned mountain shrub habitat (Hobbs and Swift
1985).This basic approach,with some key modifications,has
been adopted for moose through simulation models developed at
the Ken·ai Moose _Research Center (Hubbert 1987).These models
provide a logical,quantitative basis for relating the nutri-
tional needs of moose to the nutrients supplied by the range
and seem particularly suited to the needs of the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project.Application of this approach requires
certain basic assumptions:
(1)Carrying capacity is defined as the number of healthy
animals that can be maintained on a unit of land for a
unit of time without habitat deterioration.
(2)The ultimate factor limiting the number of moose in an
area is the supply of nutrients available during winter.
(3)When the population is at or above carrying capacity,the
demand for nutrients exceeds the supply available in the
specific area being evaluated (i.e.,the moose population
is capable of fully utilizing the nutri~nts measured).
It is important to keep these assumptions in mind,because
throughout the range of a population of moose,there may be
many areas that contain an abundance of nutrients that,for a
variety of reasons (e.g.,snow accumulation)cannot be used by
the moose.Inclusion of such areas will yield
carrying-capacity estimates that are too high,and attempts to
increase forage in these areas will fail to increase carrying
capacity of the population's range as a whole.
Available information indicate that these assumptions are
reasonable,for lower but,perhaps,not for higher elevations
in the vicinity of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project (Becker
and Steigers 1987).In the middle Susitna basin,moose
browsing on willows increased with decreasing elevation until
the 2,300-foot level was reached;from that point,browsing
pressure no longer changed with decreasing elevation (Becker
and Steigers 1987)~These lower elevational areas,especially
the ones below 2,600 feet,produce less moose forage than
areas at higher elevations (Becker and Steigers 1987).
Ballard et ale (1987)reported that moose move into the Watana
Impoundment from early February to April;when coupled with
the data on moose browsing by elevation,this suggests that
forage at.,higher elevations may not "be readily available to
moose during the winter.In addition to the loss of moose
forage because of winter range restrictions,the loss of leafy
material further reduces the amount of forage available to
moose during the winter.Reneker and Hudson (1986)reported
that moose spend more time foraging (per unit of forage)in
the winter;they attributed this to the decreased availability
of forage and especially the unavailability of leafy fOrage.
Studies by both Schwartz et a1.(1984)and Reneker and Hudson
(1985)found that moose forage intake is at its lowest during
the winter period;April is the month of lowest intake
·(Schwartz 'et ale 1984).Reneker and Hudson (1986)and
Steigers et ale (1986)found that digestibility of mOQse
forage obtains its minimum value during the winter period.In
spi te of the reduced demand moose have for forage in the
winter,it was during the winter period that moose carrying
capacity was being limited because of a reduction in·range,
forage digestibility,and amount of forage available.
Moose Forage Intake Model
A ruminant model developed by Swift (1983)provided the
conceptual framework for the development of a moose carry-
ing-capacity model.Based on daily digestibility and nitrogen
concentration,Swift's model predicts voluntary forage intake,
rate of passage,and changes in lean body mass and body fat.
Rumen volume and rate of passage is a key element of this
model,since the animal is assumed to always eat to rumen
Hubbert (1987)and Schwartz et al.(1984)modified the Swift
model to predict voluntary forage intake based on body
condi tion and seasonal en'ergy demands.Studies of forage
intake by moose (Schwartz et·al.1984)indicated that
additional factors,other than rumen volume and rate of
passage,affect voluntary forage intake in moose.Schwartz et
al.(1984)measured physiological appetite changes in moose
forage intake and found (1)complete fasting of bull moose
during the rut and (2)for moose in general,forage intake
reaching a peak during the summer months and a low point in
late winter.Reneker and Hudson·(1985)observed the same
general pattern with regard to seasonal changes in forage
intake for 2 free-ranging moose..
Hubbert and Schwartz modified Swift's model by establishing a
maximum rumen capacity that allowed rumen fill to change
seasonally in response to forage availability,forage quality,
and energy demands.This modeling approach allows daily
.forage intake·to be controlled by physical means (i.e.,rumen
volume and rate of passage,as altered by forage quality)and
physiological needs (i.e~,energy requirements and body
condition).Other modifications included (1)changing how fat
and protein stores were anabolizedand catabolized and
(2)changing parameter values to include recent moose data on
,rates of passage and rumen turnover time (Hjeljord et al.
1982),seasonal metabolic rates (Regelin et al.1985),protein
requirements (Schwartz et al.1987),seasonal dynamics of food
intake (Schwartz et al.1984),body weight (Schwartz et al.
1986),clOd rumen volume (Gasaway ·and Coady 1974).Readers
..desiring more information about this.model should consult
Hubbert (1987).
Overview of Model Usage
The moose carrying-capacity model has a hierarchical
structure,including a moose population submodel and an
individual moose submodel.The moose population submodel is
the process through which the time period and area of interest
are specified and an estimate of the amount of forage
available to moose during the specified time period is
obtained.The main purpose of the individual moose submodel
is to estimate the amount of forage intake needed by a moose
to be maintained in a healthy condition for a specified period
of time.The Hubbert-Schwartz intake model is used"for this
purpose;it calculates the amount of forage intake required by
adult female moose.These 2 submodels are then joined
together to obtain a carrying-capacity estimate.
Model Input Considerations
To use the moose population submodel,it is necessary to
determine the area of interest,the amount:6f forage available
to moose,the time period of interest,the duration and types
of habitat loss,and the population IS·diet parameters.The
area of interest should include all the areas that will be
impacted by the project.Changing ~roject designs often
changes the exact boundaries of the area to be impacted,~nd
it is questionable whether or not habitats adjacent to
disturbed areas will be affected;therefore,the study area
should be large enough to ensure that these areas are
The period of the year that the project will affect moose
should be determined from seasonal moose distribution and
habitat usage patterns.For instance,if the area being
impacted by the project is moose winter range,then the time
period in question would be the dates that moose would
normally use their winter range,provided that lack of summer
range is not a limiting factor.
Once the time period of interest has been established,the
amount and type of moose forage in the study area must be
determined.The sample design should allow inferences to be
easily .made to different subsets of the study .area;some
examples would include a systematic sample design or a
stratified sample design,based on a vegetation map.If the··
area in question is winter range,then leafy material should
be excluded from the forage estimates;powever,if the area is
summer range,then leafy material should be included.The
amount of ..swapping"that theoretically could occur between
items in the diet needs to be determined to assess which items
potentially could be limiting.Only diet items having the
potential to be limiting need be measured.For instance,if
mountain cranberry was ubiquitous but because of snow cover
the moose diet could consist of no more than 15%mountain
cranberry,this species could be considered nonlimi ting and
simply not measured.Because of its high palatability,the
amount .of willow forage present should almost always be
measured.Given an estimate of the amount of browse that is
present in the study area,the amount of browse available to
moose must be determined if the area is.winter range and snow
depths make the··forage close to the ground unavailable.Once
the amount of browse available to moose has been determined,
the maximum sustainable browsing rate needs to be determined
for each species.This rate will be used to determine what
proportion of the available browse is actually consumed by the
To use the individual moose submodel,one simply runs the
Hubbert-Schwartz forage-intake model with the parameters
specified by the application.These parameters include the
desired condition of the moose that we want to "support."At
the current time,the model is set up to produce healthy
moose;obviously,a piece of habitat could support more moose
if the condition requirements were lowered.Animal condition
can be altered by changing the desired percentage of body fat
(Hubbert 1987).Animal age and weight will affect the amount
of intake required fora given time period;in general,forage
intake increases with increasing animal weight,while
increasing animal age increases the "targeted"animal size and
will cause the animal to adjust intake consumption to try and
meet this targeted size.Other parameters include diet
digestibility and nitrogen content.In general,intake
increases with decreasing digestibility until rumen·fill is
reached;subsequently,intake is physically limited.
Increasing protein levels do not cause forage intake to vary.
Nitrogen and digestibility values should reflect diet
composition at carrying capacity;i.e.,generally,both
digestibility and nitrogen content will decrease as less
preferred items are substituted for the highly palatable diet
Application of the Model to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project
The original plan was to use the model as a tool for
evaluating the effectsof·the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on
moose carrying capacity under a variety of scenarios.This
would have required numerous runs of the model using different
inputs according to the assumptions of the scenarios.
However,the project was suspended just as the information
required for adapting the model to the project became
available.The scenarios presented here are intended only to
illustrate the application of the model and to provide one set
of estimates of the decrease in carrying .capacity due to
impoundments,camps,access roads,and other facilities that
will not be rehabilitated.The estimates presented should not
be construed as an assessment of the impacts of the project as
a whole.Different sets of assumptions would provide somewhat
different estimates.Also,not all impacts are encompassed by
the scenarios.Not included are impact mechanisms that might
alter carrying capacity in areas adjacent to the impoundments
(Ballard et al.1987)or downstream (Modafferri 1987).The
model could be used to evaluate these mechanisms with
appropriate inputs.
Area of Interest
For the purposes of this report,the area of interest is
defined as the area lost to the impoundments,camps,access
roads,and other facilities that will 'not be rehabilitated in
the 3-stage Slisi tna Hydroelectric Proj ect.The exact areas
used in this design,broken down by the features listed above,
are listed in Tables 13-15 of Becker and Steigers (1987).
Areas adjacent to the impoundments are not included in this
carrying-capacity estimate;however,given a hypothesis as to
how these areas would be affected by the project.,the model
could be used to mitigate for loss of moose carrying capacity
in these areas.
Duration of Use
Ballard et al.(1987)reported that moose normally migrate
into the impoundment areas around the end of January.For the
purposes of,'this report,1 February was used as the starting
date in the Hubbert-Schwartz intake model.Steigers et ale
(1983)reported that green-up in the middle Susi tna basin·
usually occurs around the end of April;thus 30 April was used
as the ending date in the model run ,because developing new
willow and paper birch growth as well as reduced snow levels
(i.e.,making mountain cranberry more readily available)will
cause forage to no longer be limiting on the winter range.
During this period of time,daily intake of current annual
growth (CAG)by moose fluctuates greatly (Hubbert 1987).The
moose forage intake model predicted that daily intake would
increase from February through early March and decrease
rapidly in early April (Fig.ure 1)for moose ihhabi ting the
middle Susitna Basin.
Steigers and Becker (1986)reported the monthly "diet
composition of moose in the middle Susitna basin.Their study
also reported the crude protein and nitrogen content of the
diet by month and dietary it.em.These figures were used as
inputs into the Hlibberb-Schwartz intake model.
Based on data collected by Steigers and Helm (1984),we
decided that resin birch -(Betula glandulosa)was not a
limiting food item to moose in the middle Susitna ba~in but
that willow (Salix),paper birch (Betula papyrifera),and
mountain cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)had the potential
to be limiting.-Usinq this information,Becker and Steigers
(1987)measured the amount of nonleafy CAG for willow,paper
birch,and mountain cranberry in the Middle Susitna basin.
Based on their estimates of the amount of mountain cranberry
CAG and snow depths in the Susitna basin (Steigers et.al
1986),we determined that utilization of mountain cranberry by
moose during the winter was probably limited by the ability of
moose to paw through the snow.The amount of willow and paper
birch CAG that is available to moose during the winter is
unknown;however,there is strong evidence that this forage is
less available outside of the impoundments and that these
items become less available as elevation increases.A 2-year-
moose forage biomass study (Becker and Steigers 1987)was
conducted in the middle Susitna River basin to estimate the
amount of willow and paper birch CAG that is available (above
50 cm in height)to moose during the winter.These estimates
were then used as inputs into the carrying-capacity model to
generate the carrying-capacity estimates.
A review of diet substitution among mountain cranberry,
-willow,and paper birch can be found in Becker and Steigers
(1987);for purposes of this report,mountain cranberry
availability will be considered limited because of snow depth,
and thus the diet composition for this component will not be
allowed to change.Willow and paper birch will be allowed to
be substituted for one another up to a diet consisting of 75%
paper birch (Becker and Steigers 1987).Initial runs of the
moose carrying-capacity model indicated that willow was the
limiting diet item and that a surplus of paper birch existed.
The amount of surplus paper birch was different for each of
the impoundment stages and depended upon whether the point
estimate or upper 80%confidence limit was used in determining
the utilization rate.-A review of sustainable moose forage
utilization rates can be found in Becker and Steigers (1987).
For the purposes of this report,moose utilization rates of
60%were sustainable during moderate winters;occasionally,a
utilization rate of 100%was sustainable during a severe
Carrying Capacity Estimates/"/-/
Moderate Winter--Point Estimate:
In order to produce a moose carrying-capacity estimate durinq
a moderate winter based on point estimates of the amount of
browse available in the middle Susitna basin (Becker and
Steigers 1987),the monthly moose diets given in Steigers and
Becker (1986)were modified (Table 1).The modifications
reflected different degrees of swapping of paper birch for
willow in each of the 3 stages of the hydroelectric project
(Table 2)and based on point estimates of available CAG for
the months of February,April,and March.When we assume that
the maximum sustainable CAG utilization rate is 60%,permanent
habitat loss from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project would
cause a reduction of 405 moose in the carrying capacity of
moose in the middle Susitna basin (Table 3).
Moderate Winter--Upper 80%Confidence Limit:
To create a moose carrying-capacity estimate during a moderate
winter based on the upper 80%confidence limit of the amount
of browse available (i.e.,willow and paper birchCAG above 50
em)in the middle Susitna basin·(Becker and Steigers 1987),
the monthly moose diets given in Steigers and Becker (1986)
were modified (Table 1)•The modifications reflected
different degrees of swapping of paper birch for willow in
each of the 3 stages of the hydroelectric project (Table 4)
for the months of February,April,and March.Based on upper
80%confidence estimates of available tAG and the assumption
that the maximum sustainable utilization rate of CAG is 60%,
permanent habitat loss from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project
would cause a reduction of 603 moose in the middle Susitna
basin (Table 5).
Severe Winter--Point Estimate:
To generate a carryi,ng-capacity estimate.for moose during a
severe winter based on the point estimate of the amount of
browse available (willow and paper birch CAG above 50 em)in
the middle Susitna basin (Becker and Steigers 1987),the
monthly moose diets given in Steigers and Becker (1986)were
modified (Table 1).The modifications reflected different
degrees of swapping of paper birch for willow in each of the 3
stages of the hydroelectric project for the months of
February,April,and March (Table :2).Based on point esti-
mates of available CAG and the assumptiori that 100%of the CAG
would be utilized,permanent habitat loss from the Susi tna
Hydroelectric Project would cause a reduction of 674 moose in
the middle Susitna basin (Table 6).The 100%utilization rate
could be sustained in severe winters .as long as no more than 4
severe winters occurred within any In-year period (Becker and
Steigers 1987).
'!"f ..
Severe Winter--Upper 80%Confidence Interval:
The monthly moose diets given in Steigers and Becker (1986)
(Table 1)were modified to produce a severe winter moose
carrying capacity estimate using the upper 80%confidence
limit of the amount of browse available (willow and paper
birch CAG above 50 cm)to moose in the middle Susitna basin
(Becker and Steigers 1987).The modifications reflected
different degrees of swapping of paper birch for willow in
each-of the 3 stages of the hydroelectric project (Table 4)
during February,April,and March.Based on the assumption
that 100%of the available CAG would be utilized,permanent
habitat loss from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project would
cause a reduction of 1,005 moose in the middle Susitnabasin
(Table 7).Using both point estimates and upper 80%
confidence limits of the amount of available CAG,moose
carrying-capacity estimates during a moderate and severe
winter are expressed in Tables 8 and 9,respectively.
One of the purposes of thts report was to give an overview of
the moose carrying-capacity model.This model is hierarchical
in structure and consists of two submodels:(1)a moose
population submodel and (2)an individual moose submodel.The
most sensitive parameter in the moose population submodel is
the amount of browse that is available to moose as forage;
while in the individual moose submodel,animal condition and
diet digestibility are the most sensitive parameters.
Overall,determining the amount of available moose forage is
the most sensitive parameter in the generation of a moose
carrying-capacity estimate..
Another purpose of this report was to highlight how the
carrying-capacity modeling approach could be used to mitigate
for habitat loss.This process is very·flexible,and it
allows one to generate moose carrying-capacity estimates under
different biological assumptions.In addition ,it is very
easy to develop new carrying-capacity estimates when the
project design has been changed.
For mitigation of los~of moose carrying capacity during both
moderate and ~evere winters,the results based on the upper
80%confidence limits should be used.The point estimate on
the amount of CAG in the middle Susitna basin will be off from
the true value.by some unknown amount,and the greater the
demand is to be close to the true value,the less certain we
will be of being that close (Stuart 1976).In terms of
af-fecting the moose population,an underestimation of the
amount of CAG available to moose in the middle Susi tna basin
will cause an underestimation of the number of moose (based on
carrying-capacity estimates)and,in turn,result in
insufficient compensation (i.e.,mitigation)to offset·the
potential loss of moose.To minimize the probabili,ty of
failing to fully compensate for loss,an upper confidence
limit should be used in the carrying-capacity estimate.For
this report,the upper 80%confidence limit on CAG of moose
browse was used,because it balanced the desire to be fairly
certain that loss of moose habitat was £ullycompensated fo~
and limited the probability of majo~overcompensation.Given
the consequences of these 2 types of errors,it may appear
that a 90%or 95%upper confidence limit should have been
used;however,if the oistribution of·CAG estimates is
approximately normally distributed,then there"is only a 10%
~hance that moose would be undercompensated for.In addition,
the level of precision that most game management projects can
ever hope to achieve is the 80%confidence level because of
the inherent noise in biological systems.
The use of the upper 80%confidence limit in determining
available CAG results in a trade-off between (1)spending
money on impact assessment to get more precise estimates of
the amount of CAG available to moose or (2)spending more
money on mitigation work as ..a result of larger confidence
limits.Using eStimates of sampling and mitigation costs and
the formula (s!n I 2),one can determine the optimal allocation
between the cost of getting precise estimates of the amount of
CAG available to moose as well as the mitigation cost.
The moose carrying-capacity model is an extremely valuable and
powerful tool for assessing the impact .of a project on moose.
However,the inferences obtained from the m6del are scenario
specific,and as a result,it is very important to specify the
model inputs correctly A On the moose population level,these
inputs include specifying the area of interest,the types and
amount of forage available to moose,the time period of
interest,the duration and types of habitat loss,and the
population diet parameters.On the level of the individual
moose,it is important to specify the desired condition of the
moose,the animal's age and weight,and the nitrogen content
and digestibility of the diet.
Ballard,W.B.,and J.S.Whitman.1987.Susitna
Hydroelectric Project,Big Game Studies,Final Report,
Vol.II -Moose -Upstream.Alaska Dept.of Fish and
Becker,E.F.,and W.D.Steigers,Jr.1987.Susitna
Hydroelectric Project,Big Game Studies,Final Report,
Vol.III -Moose forage biomass in the middle Susitna.
River basin,Alaska.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game.
Gasa\rlay,W.A.,and J.W.Coady.1975.Review of energy
requirements and rumen fermentation in moose and other
ruminants.-Pages 227-262 in J.Bedard ed.Alces Moose
Ecology._.Les Presses De L'Universite Laval,Quebec.
Hjeljord,0.,F.Sundstol,and H.Haagenrud.
nutritional quality of browse to moose.
Hobbs,N.T.,and D.M.Swift.1985.Estimates of haBitat
carrying capacity incorporating explicit nutritional
,D.L.Baker,J.E.Ellis,D.M.Swift,and R.A.~~----:=--~-Green.1982.Energy and nutrition based estimates of
elk winter range carrying capacity.J.Wildl.Manage.
Hubbert,M.1987.The effects of dietary quality and
quantity on energy partitioning in moose.Ph.D.Thesis.
Univ.of Alaska,Fairbanks.158pp.
Modafferri,R.D.1987.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Big
Game Studies,Final Report,Vol.I -Moose -Downstream.
Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game.
Moen,A.N.1973.Wildlife Ecology:An Analytical Approach.
Freeman,San Francisco,CA.458pp.
Regelin,W.L.,C.C.Schwartz,and A.W.Franzmann.1985.
Seasonal energy metabolism of adult moose.J.Wildl.
Reneker,L.A.,andRe J.Hudson •.1985.
matter intake of free-ranging moose.
Estimation of dry
~-----:;:----free-ranging moose.
1986.Seasonal foraging rates of
Robbins,C.T.-1973.The biological basis for the
determination of carrying capacity •.Ph.D.Thesis.
Cornell University;Ithaca,N.Y.123 pp.
Schwartz,C.C.,W.L.Regelin,and A.W.Franzmann.1984.
Seasonal dynamics of food intake in moose.Alces
,,and .'1986.Annual weight
---c-y-c"""'l"e-.s -o'f:--m-o-o-s-e-.-Swedish Wildl.Res.ViI trevy •.(In
,,and 1987.Protein---:;-;---digestion in moose.J.Wildl.Manage.51:352-357.
Steigers W.D.,Jr.,and E.F.Becker.1986.Moose food
habits and nutritional quality of forage in the middle
Susitna River basin,Alaska.LGL Alaska Research Assoc~,
Inc.for Alaska Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric
Proj ect.71pp.'
,and D.Helm.1984.Terrestrial progra.m 1983--~b-r-o-w--se pilot study.Final report byUniv.of Alaska,
Palmer.Prepared under contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna
Joint Venture for Alaska Power Authority.Document File
,W.B.Ballard,E.F.Becker.1~86.March 1985------snow depth survey in the middle Susitna River basin,
Alaska.LGL Alaska Research Assoc.,Inc.for Alaska
Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project.73pp.
,D.Helm,J.G.MacCracken,J.D.McKendrick,and------::=---==,....P.V.Mayer.1983.1982 plant ecology studies.Univ.
of Alaska,Agric.and For.Exp.Stat.for Alaska Power
Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project.288pp.
Stuart,A.1976.Basic ideas of scientific sampling.2nd
.eidition.Hafner Press.New York.106pp.
Swift,D.M.1983.A simulation model of energy and nitrogen
balance for free-ranging ruminants.J.Wildl.Manage.
D.L.Baker.1977.Evaluation of deer hahitat on a
nutritional basis.J~Range manage.30:122-127.
Table 1.Current moose diet composition during the months
of February,March,and April.
'.February·March April
Species %diet %diet .%diet
Willow 71 71 67
P.Birch 4 4 3
R..Birch 15 15 15
M.Cranberry 10 10 15
15 .
Table 2.Moose diet composition during the months of
February,Mareh,and April,with Swapping of excess paper
birch for willow.The ambunt of exCess.birch was based on
point estimates of the amolint of IfiOGse forage available.
Impound.February March April
stage Species %diet %diet %diet
Willow 65 65 61
I P.Birch 10 10 9
R.Birth 15 15 15"
M.Cranberry 10 10 15
Willow 65 65 61
II P.Birch 10 10 9
R.Birch 15 15 15
M.Cranberry 10 10 15
Willow 53 53 50 "
III P.Birch 22 22 20
R.Birch 15 15 15
M.Cranberry 10 10 15
Table 3.Point estimate of moose carrying capacity in a
moderate year (by Impoundment Stage)for the Susitna Hydro-.
electric .Project.These calculations are based on the
estimated amount of·current annual growth above 50 cm in
height in each stage and exclude the borrow pits that will
be available as moose habitat after site rehabilitation •
Impound·a Mi z.Stage
I 10.09
III 10.15
1&III 20.24
II 4.00
I,II,III 24.24
biomass (kg)
..h bPaperB~rc
biomass (kg)
Becker and Steigers
dam will
dam will
a When finished,the
stage I and III;the Devils
stage II.
c These carrying-capacity estimates are based on a 60%
utilization rate of browse current annual growth by moose
(Becker and Steigers 1987).
Table 4.
birch for
llpper 80%
Moose diet composition dtlring the months of
March,and Apr.il,with swapping of excess paper
willow.The amount of excess birch was based on
confidence limits of the amount of moose forage
Impound.February March April
stage Species %diet %diet %diet
Willow 64 64 59
I P.Birch 11 11 11
R.Birch 15 15 15
M.Cranberry 10 10 15
Willow.63 63 59
II P.Birch 12 12 11
R.Birch 15 15 15
M.Cranberry 10 10 15
Willow 49 49 46
III P.Birch 26 26 24
R.Birch 15 15 15
M.Cranberry 10 10 15
Table 5.Upper confidence estimates of moose carrying
capacity in a moderate year (by Impoundment Stage)for the
Susitna Hydroelectric Project.These calculations are based
on the upper 80%confidence limit on the amount of current
annual growth above 50 em in height in each stage and
exclude the borrow pits that will be available as moose
habitat after site rehabilitation.
Willowb Paper Birchb
biomass (kg)_ -biomass (kg)
Stagea Mi 2
I 10.09
III 10.15
I &III 20.24
II 4.00
I,II,III 24.24
a When finished the Watana dam will consist of stages I
and III;the Devils Canyon dam will consist of stage II.
Biomass estimates are from Becker and Steigers (1987).
c These carrying capacity estimates are based on a 60%
lJtilization rate of browse current annl1al growth by moose
(Becker and Steigers 198?).
Table 6.Point estimate of moose carrying capacity in an
severe winter year (by Impoundment Stage)for the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project.The~e calculations are based on the
estimated amount of current annual growth above 50 cm in
height in each stage and e~clude theb.orrow pits that will
be available as moose habitat after site rehabilitation ...
I and III
biomass (Kg)
biomass (Kg)
I,II,III 24.24 673.9
a When finished the Watana dam will consist of stages
I and III;the Devils Canyon dam will consist of stage II.
Biomass estimates are from Becker and Steigers
c These carrying-capacity estimates are based on a
100%utilization rate of browse current annual growth by
moose (Becker and Steigers 1987).
Table 7.Upper confidence -estimate of moose carrying
capacity ina severe winter (by Impoundment Stage)for the
Susitna Hydroelectric Project.These calculations are based
on the upper 80%confidence estimate of the amount of
current annual growth above 50 cm in height .in each stage
and exclude the borrow pits that will be available as moose
habitat after site rehabilitation.
Mi 2 biomass (Kg)
_Paper Birchb
biomass (Kg)
I and III
a When finished the Watana dam will consist of stages
I and III;the Devils Canyon dam will consist of stage II.
Biomass estimates are from (Becker and Steigers,
c These carrying-capacity estimates are based on a
100%utilization rate of browse current annual growth by
moose (Becker and Steigers,1987).
Table 8.Carrying-capacity estimates as expressed in moose
densi ty (by Impoundment Stage)during a moderate winter.
These estimates 'exclude short-term losses of'moose habi tat ~i)
due to borrow pits...
I and III
Point estimate
carrying capacity
(moose/mi 2)
Upper con~idence e~tiEate
carrYlng capaclty
(moose Imi.2)
a When finished ~he Watana dam will consist of stages
I and III~the Devils Canyon dam will consist of stage II.
b These carrying~capacity estimates are based on a 60%
utilization rate of browse current annual growth by moose
(Becker and Steigers 1987).
Table 9.Carrying-capacity estimates as expressed in moose
density (by Impoundment Stage)during a severe winter.
These estimates exclude losses of moose habitat due to
borrow pits,because the habitat will have been
I and III
Point estimate
carrying capacity
(moose/mi 2 )
Upper con~idence e~tiwate
carry1ng capac1ty
(moose/roi 2)
a When finished theWatana dam will consist of stages
I and III;the Devils Canyon dam will consist of stage II.
b These carrying-capacity estimates are based on a
100%utilization rate of browse current annual growth by
moose (Becker and Steigers 1987).
Based on Table 1 diet composition
3 ]
2.8 J
1.6 .,.
1.4 .
0 ..2
30 50 70
Julian Day
D Daily Intake
90 110
Figure 1.Daily intake of current annual growth (CAG)by moose.
..'If •,~
/.j ,.4i r~~a-ltI