HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4093State of Alaska end the U.S.Flah and Wlldllf.Service July 1986 :! .." ..., '"" -' ~ -..J ., .J "" -:;; '" ~ ""'! ~ -----:i ~ '9 - -' ~ ~ = .J ..... 0) ~"'d" M l!) '"r--. 0 0 0 l!) ...i l!) r--. M M - d ~ - Final Report SUSITNA RIVER BASIN STUDY.ALASKA SUMMARY OF USDA INVESTIGATIONS AND ANALYSES Prepared by United States Department of Agriculture In Cooperation with State of Alaska and United States Fish and Wildlife Serv1te For further information.contact State Conservationist Soil Conservation Service 201 E.9th Avenue.Suite 300 Anchorage.Alaska 99501-3687 Telephone (907)261~2424 July 1985 ARLIS Alaska~ Ltm-.v 'C'~Ge JUhJ,c'y""'b.il I.Introduction ~3 Page 1 '; J ~ ~ ,Execut1ve Summary TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................ "' ~ -, -.d -. -.J Cll :a A,.Background....... . . . . . . . . . . .... . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . .... . .... . . . . . . . .... . .3 B.Study Object1ves 5 c.The Study Area.................................................6 II.Analyses and Results 7 A.Analys1s of benef1ts and costs assoc1ated w1th t1mber and agr1cultural development ..................••...............7 B.Est1mates of state and local land demands for agr1cultural and t1mber products ....••............•............9 C.Costs assoc1ated w1th access1ng agr1cultural and t 1mt>er resources 13 D.Resource Inventor1es and Analyses .........................•....13 1.Water Resources 16 4.Geology 31 3.Land Treatment and Agronomy ...............•...............30 -1 -' ~ -=-= 3 '5 2.So 11 s 29 ~ -1 5.La"nd Cover 34 6.Recreat1on ~..37 7.Archeolog1cal,H1stor1cal,and .Cultural Resources 37 c ;..:j 8.F1sh,W11d11fe and Wetlands ...........•..............•....39 ~ , c.-' - d ~ 9.f100d Plains 41 E.Econom1c value of selected recreat10nal resources ....•.........55 F.Integrated automat1c data process1ng capab111ty ...........•....56 -1 - Page III.Appendices 62 Appendix A -Supplementary Reports 62 Appendix B -Linear Programming Assumptions and Results 66 Appendix C - A Methodology for Estimating Road Costs 81 Appendix 0 -Computer Models for Land Suitability 93 -11 - o [ 1-' I_~ n~J 1', [~l_, [ [ o o C G o fJ bJ Q C [] C C E 1 j .., LIST OF TABLES "1 Page ,..., ...1 Table 1.Ex1st1ng supply and demand of selected agr1cultural conunod1t1es 11 ..,Table 2.Total land demand for agr1cultural purposes 12 Table 3.Annual wood products demand ........•.•....•..•.....•...........14 --,Table 4.nmber land demand .•...............•......•.•.•.•.•...;15 Table 5.Data for mean-annual prec1p1tat10n map ...•.....................22 c::; ..J ., ~ 9 ;3 9 l, :5 3 ::i 1 ~ d d , u § --., .J ~ =-~ Table 6.Seasonal d1str1but10n of prec1p1tat10n 1n the Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n .....................•••....................23 Table 7.Est1mated mean annual evapotransp1rat10n 1n the Sus1tna River Basin -23 Table 8.Stream gag1ng stat10ns 1n the Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n 24 Table 9.Mean annual water y1eld from L1ttle Sus1tna R1ver above gag1ng stat10n no.15290009 ........•.......•...........•.25 Table 10.Mean annual water y1eld from Talkeetna R1ver above gag1ng stat10n no.15292700 .........•...•.••...•.•............•26 Table 11.Mean annual water y1eld from Chu11tna R1ver above gag1ng stat10n no.15292400 ..............•....•..•.•...........27 Table 12.Irr1gat10n crop y1eld response .....•.....•.....•.•......•....•.32 Table 13.Land cover mapp1ng un1ts ••........••.....•........•.........•.•36 Table 14.B1g game populat10n est1mates for the Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n/Matanuska-Sus1tna Borough ..........••.•................•.41 Table 15.Preferred hab1tats for selected Sus1tna Bas1n mammals ..•.......42 Table 16.Summary of selected plant commun1ty (w11d11fe hab1tat)43 acreages Table 17.Summary of 1nstruct10ns for hab1tat synthes1s model •....•.•..•.44 Table 18.Class1f1cat10n of wetlands 1n the Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n ........•.48 Table 19.Wetland types.Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n .......•........•.........•••49 -111 - Page Table 20.Streams studied in the Susitna River Basin,and areas of each subject to flooding (lOO-year flood plain)52 Table 21.Existing recreational demand 57 Table 22.Standards for selected recreational activities 58 Table 23.Existing recreational value,Susitna planning area, excluding Willow Subbasin (1982 dollars)......•.•.............•59 Table 24.Fish and game protein values ............••..•............••....60 -iv - nL; b rL_ D C r'\',-_i o o o C 6 o o o c o c c c Flood plain management study areas,Susitna River Basin 54 Talkeetna linear programming (lP)unHs .........•...........••8 Mean annual precipHation -SusHna River Basin .......•.....•~19 Mean annual water yield -Susitna River Basin ............•..•.20 Wetland identification matrix .......•.........................46 ~ -., '""' -' ., J " ...; "" =i "" ~ ""=5 '::i ~ --. ---.i: '3 d -, Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6• LIST OF FIGURES Map of the Susitna River Basin Page 4 .... J -v - J ... -. ~ , Execut1ve Summary Th1s report d1scusses 1nvest1gat10ns conducted by the U.S.Department of Agr1cu1ture as part of the Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n Study.-Major f1nd1ngs resu1t1ng from these 1nvest1gat10ns are as follows: 1.Under only very restr1ct1ve assumpt10ns.e.g.zero road construct10n and zero stumpage costs.1s large scale agr1cu1tura1 and/or t1mber development econom1ca11y feas1b1e. 2.,In order to become se1f-suff1c1ent 1n terms of agr1cu1ture.the State of Alaska would need roughly 1 m11110n acres of land 1n product10n. 3.Under ex1st1ng cond1t10ns.demand from Anchorage and the Matanuska-Sus1tna Borough for t1mber land totals about 1.8 m11110n acres. 4.Approx1mate amounts of state-owned bas1n land 1dent1f1ed as be1ng phys1ca11y capable of support1ng var1ed uses are as follows (these acreages are not mutually exc1us1ve): !, .-i "" -' a.Agr1culture b.nmber 400.000 acres of cu1t1vab1e s011s. 900.000 acres w1th h1gh or moderate potent1al for commerc1a11/t1mber management. c.Settlement-.. d' :::Jl ::; --~ J §! ~ ru § C G 6 E C 700.000 acres.(In add1t10n.360.000 acres of Nat1ve-owned and 300.000 acres of non-Nat1ve-owned pr1vate land are phys1ca11y su1ted for settlement;1n add1t10n to much of the borough's approx1mate1y 350.000 acres.Most pr1vate and borough settlement lands have better road access than state-owned settlement lands.) 5.W1th1n the Beluga and Talkeetna port10ns of the bas1n.approx1mate1y 3.8 m11110n wetland acres were 1dent1f1ed. 6.F100dp1a1n management stud1es 1dent1f1ed approx1mate1y 329.000 acres w1th1n the 100-year flood p1a1n. 7.The present value of selected recreat10na1 act1v1t1es tak1ng place w1th1n the bas1n 1s 220.7 m11110n dollars. 8.Un1t values of selected f1sh and game spec1es were calculated and are 1nc1uded 1n th1s report. 1/Commerc1a1 forest land:Forest land produc1ng or capable of produc1ng crops of 1ndustr1a1 wood and not w1thdrawn from t1mber ut111zat10n.Areas qua11fy1ng as commerc1a1 forest land have the capab111ty of produc1ng 1n excess of 20 cub1c feet per acre per year of 1ndustr1a1 wood under management. 9.A methodology was developed for identifying a minimum land base necessary for maintenance of fish and wildlife resources. 10.A methodology was developed for estimating costs associated with accessing basin land. 11.Three cultural resource inventories and assessments were prepared and are summarized in this report. - 2 - C D n U D C o rlu PIt:J o f] u [J g fltd B o [] o D C 1 ~ ~, .", 3 '" -' "" :.! :J 1 "' oJ ~ ~ , , ~ =' ~ ::i .... "'" r;, I.Introduction A.Background In recent years.the State of Alaska and the Hatanuska-Sus1tna Borough have been transferring land to private ownership in the Sus1tna River Basin.These transfers are often accompanied by title restrictions for each particular parcel in question.i.e .•the state or borough withholds certain development rights and allows only land uses it deems are best suited. In the past."best uses"were at times determined with insufficient data because adequate inventory information simply did not exist.As a result.in many instances inappropriate uses evolved on basin lands.For example.homes were built in flood plains and septic tanks were constructed in or adjacent to wetlands.In,addit1on to physical compatibility problems.social and environmental tradeoffs became major issues.The best wildlife land was at times the best agricultural or urban land.and disposal of land for its "best use"became even more subjective . Realizing these problems would grow with both increasing population and demand for land for all uses.and interested in deve10ptng a data base for evaluating and selecting appropriate land uses.the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR)requested technical assistance from the U.S.Department of Agriculture.Soil Conservation Service (SCS)in February 1976.In response. the USDA.in June 1976.authorized the Alaska River Basin Study under Public law 83-566 (Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954). Public law 83-566 provides broad authority for cooperation between USDA agencies and other Federal and state agencies in river basin planning. surveys.and investigations.The SCS directs these activities.working closely with the USDA Forest Service (FS)and Economic Research Service (ERS).Conducted at the request of cooperating agencies.in this case the ADNR.river basin studies are undertaken to: -identify water and land resource problems. analyze the economic base and environmental setting of the study area.and -suggest alternative-plans for solving identified problems and improving the economy and environment. In February 1979.a plan of work for the Sus1tna River Basin Study was adopted.For study purposes.the Sus1tna River Basin was divided into four subbasins:Willow.Talkeetna.Beluga.and Upper Sus1tna (Figure 1).The Willow Subbasin Study was scheduled first.Completion of that study resulted in a land use plan for the Willow Subbasin.published in October 1982 as: Willow Subbasin Area Plan.A land Use Plan for Public lands (ADNR.Hatanuska- Sus1tna Borough.ADF&G.with the assistance of the USDA SCS).USDA activities during that study are summarized in:Sus1tna River Basin Study -Alaska. Willow Subbasin (USDA in cooperation with the State of Alaska and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.1981).After completion of the W1110w land-use plan.a combined study of the final three subbasins was initiated. - 3 - o o I] o flu o Alaska Department of Natural Resources 555 Cordova Street Anchorage,Alaska 99510 Telephone (907)561-2020 " j ." -. '"" "" ...i ~ .J """ J ~ ~ :J q '.3 il This report summarizes information gathered and developed by the USDA during the combined study of the Talkeetna,Beluga,and Upper Susitna Subbasins. Although this report is not meant to stand alone as the final river basin report,it informs readers of types of data collected and analyses made by the USDA.The land-use'plan developed using these data and analyses is d~scribed in:Susitna Area Plan.Public Review Draft -Summary (ADNR,ADF&G, Matanuska-Susitna Borough,in cooperation with ADOTPF,Kenai Peninsula Borough,USDA,and BLM,1984). Supplementary reports discussed herein are listed in Appendix A.These reports,maps and computerized data are available at either: U.S.Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service 201 E.9th Avenue,Suite 300 Anchorage,Alaska 99501-3687 Telephone (907)261-2424 B.Study Objectives Reasons for state and borough participation in this study are obvious:as they transfer their lands to the private sector,they must determine both the locations and amounts of land to transfer for each type of land use,e.g.,for agriculture,timber,settlement,etc.To assist the state and borough in making decisions about which lands to transfer,the USDA undertook to provide resource data and analyses that would facilitate state and borough land use planning and management in the Susitna River Basi~. More specifically,the state and borough requested that the USDA provide the following information and assistance: 1.An economic analysis of the benefits and costs associated with timber and agricultural development in the Susitna Basin. 2.Estimates of state and local land demands for agricultural and timber products,i.e.the amount of land required for the state.to become self-sufficient in agricultural and timber production. 3.Based on the results of number 1 above,a determination of costs associated with accessing agricultural and timber resources. Lit I' t1 r l ..-""", ~ ~ ~ ~ rL." 4.Resource inventories and analyses of the following: a.water resources b.so11s c.land treatment and agronomy d.geology e.land cover and vegetation f.recreation g.archeological,historical,and cultural resources h.fish and wildlife and wetlands i.flood plains - 5 - 5.Estimates of the economic value of selected recreational resources within the basin. 6.Assistance 1n developing an integrated automatic data processing capability to handle collected resource data. Each of the preceding objectives is addressed in more detail in the "Analys1s and Results"section of this report. C.The Study Area The Sus1tna River Basin encompasses approximately 14 million acres in Southcentral Alaska (Figure 1).Of this total,about one million acres lie in the Willow Subbasin,for which a similar study has been completed and published (Sus1tna River Basin Study -Alaska:Willow Subbasin Final Report, 1982,USDA in cooperation with the State of Alaska and the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service).The remainder of the basin,addressed in this report, extends from Cook Inlet on the south to the Alaska Range on the north, Clearwater Mountains on the northeast,Lake louise area o"n the east,and Tordr1110 Mountains on the west.Major stream systems are the Sus1tna, Talkeetna,Chulitna,Kahiltna,Skwentna,Yentna,and Beluga Rivers,and the lower reaches of the Chakachatna River.Lakes 1n the area number in the hundreds,among the largest are Lake Louise and Beluga Lake,as well as Alexander,Strand11ne,Trapper,Shul1n,Chelatna,and Amber Lakes. Basin communities (excluding those in the Willow Subbasin)include Talkeetna, Skwentna,Trapper Creek,and Tyonek.The study area includes most of the Matanuska-Sus1tna Borough and the northwestern portion of the Kenai Peninsula Borough.The study area is traversed from north to south by the Parks Highway and the Alaska Railroad.Access to much of the area is.primarily by airplane, boat,or all-terrain vehicle. - 6 - o o n n1-1 C D r!u nu o o 8 o o o [J o lJ o C , ... .. J ""! J '" J , ::; =' :3 ~~ -;J .... ~ s "'" u ~ s li r~ ! b c II.Analyses and Results This section is divided into six subsections,one for each of the objectives listed above.Each subsection contains four parts:1)restatement of the objective,2)rationale for the objective,3)discussion of research conducted to meet the objective,and 4)a summary of research and analysis results . A.Objective:Provide an economic analysis of the benefits and costs associated with timber and agricultural development in the Sus1tna Basin. Rationale:To determine whether or not state and borough land disposals for agricultural and timber development are economically feasible. Analysis:In this analysis,returns from investments (benefits)were compared with investment expenditures (costs)for several agricultural and timber development activities.Costs considered included road construction, land clearing,and other operations associated with logging and farming;and these were evaluated for several sets of alternative economic conditions.The primary benefit measured was dollar value of increased supply of commodities resulting from investment activities,commodities in this case being barley, saw10gs,and fue1wood. In order to examine development costs associated with undertaking agriculture or timber production in specific locations;that is,in order to facilitate "d1saggregated"and geographically localized analysis,the study area was subdivided into 50 smaller areas called land production (lP)units (Figure 2).The lP units were delineated in areas where the best soil and timber resources are located,as indicated by soil and vegetation surveys. The analysis identified benefits and costs of 25 different alternatives,with each alternative being characterized by 21 parameters or variables,such as changing market prices,different crop yields,etc.Appendix B identifies the variables (assumptions)used in the analysis and presents the results of analyzing each alternative. Results:Results from analysis of alternatives 1 through 4 indicate that barley production is not profitable at an export price of $3.12 per bushel . Of the remaining 21 alternatives,13 indicated a positive net benefit from domestic barley production.The number of acres that could feasibly be put into production ranged from a low of 2.096 in alternative no.6 to a high of '273,512 in no.23.Six of the economically beneficial alternatives suggested that it could be feasible to bring 150,000 acres or more into production; however,the USDA considers one or more of the assumptions used in these six alternatives to be overly optimistic at this time,i.e.the USDA does not recommend large-scale barley production in the Susitna River Basin at this time.Results indicate that economic feasibility is most sensitive to production costs,yields,and prices received. - 7 - J o o o B o rlu nU Z a..An6~.:I .'.1 •i l -.._-I II I I I . II I! let '" 'J , 7" ~ , -' "" ""' =!."' ~ ~ ':"1 >..;;:i ." =i' w bi td [ From the standp01nt of t1mber products,"analys1s 1nd1cates that product10n 1s econom1cally feas1ble under almost all alternat1ves evaluated.Two very 1mportant p01nts to note are: 1.stumpage costs,1.e.the costs of the r1ght to cut t1mber,were zero 1n all alternat1ves,and 2.In only one of the 25 alternat1ves were prof1ts h1gh enough to pay for road construct10n. In short,1f free cutt1ng 1s allowed and ex1st1ng roads are used,.prof1ts can be made.Otherw1se 10gg1ng operat10ns become marg1nal g1ven current pr1ces and cutt1ng methods.For further d1scuss10n of these econom1c analyses,refer to Append1x B. B.Object1ve:Prov1de est1mates of state and local land demands for agr1cultural and t1mber products,1.e.the amount of land requ1red for the state to become self-suff1c1ent 1n agr1cultural and t1mber product10n. Rat10nale:To prov1de 1nformat10n sought by s1gn1f1cant spec1al-1nterest groups w1th1n Alaska,as well as by leg1s1ators,who be11eve pursu1ng the goal of self-suff1c1ency 1n these commod1t1es has many des1rable effects,among wh1ch 1s greater secur1ty for Alaskans 1n t1mes of 1nternat10nal cr1ses when routes of supply may be severed. Analys1s: 1.Agr1cultural Analys1s Th1s analys1s 1dent1f1ed the total number of product1ve acres needed to ach1eve self-suff1c1ency 1n those crops that can be grown 1n Alaska.Total acreage f1gures are 'based on both per cap1ta demand and land requ1red 1n product10n to meet demand. Number of acres needed 1n product10n depends heav11y on crop y1eld assumpt10ns and human populat10n project10ns.There are 1mmense d1fferences 1n the ab111ty of var10us parcels of land to produce a part1cular quant1ty and qua11ty of a certa1n crop.S1nce y1elds and y1eld project10ns vary greatly at d1fferent t1mes and 1n d1fferent areas of Alaska,the amount of land needed to sat1sfy 1n-state demand for d1fferent agr1cultural products has been calculated under var10us y1eld assumpt10ns.The h1gher the assumed y1eld,the less land 1s requ1red to produce a part1cular quant1ty of product. Th1s analys1s does not cons1der whether or not meet1ng the 1n-state demand from local supp11es 1s econom1cally feas1ble. 2.T1mber Analys1s The forest products demand analys1s 1dent1f1ed the Matanuska-Sus1tna Borough and Anchorage demand for selected t1mber products,as well as the land base necessary to prov1de these products.As 1n the Agr1cultural land Demand analys1s,no cons1derat10n was g1ven to whether or not meet1ng th1s demand w1th Alaskan sources would be econom1cally feas1ble. - 9 - Results: 1.Agricultural Results Tables 1 and 2 summarize the results of the agricultural analysis. Information developed indicates that land required to meet current in-state demands for Alaskan agricultural products ranges from 666,200 to 1,216,000 acres,while year 2000 demand requires production from somewhere between 1,065,100 and l,944~000 acres.Midpoint cropland needs for existing and projectedyear-2000 populations are 941,100 and 1,504,550 acres, respectively.All acreage figures in Table 2 (e.g.,those cited above) represent "harvested"as opposed to "planted"acres.On the average nationwide,for years 1978,1979,and 1980,planted acres exceeded harvested acres by about 10%;therefore,estimating total agricultural land required to meet in-state crop demand requires an adjustment to account for this 10% discrepancy.Adjusted midpoint land requirements for existing and projected year-2000 populations are 1,035,200 and 1,655,000 acres,respectively. -10 - n n [' rLJ L ,", j i\_, o o D B D C G C r'Lt o [ c '; .J Table 1.Existing Supply and Demand of Selected Agricultural ConunodH1es -, :Per ·Total :1981·~-Agricultural :CapHa II Alaska y :Alaska :Imports to the State: ConrnodHy :Demand ·Demand .Supply :Ouantity :Percent,·. (lbs.)(1000 (1000 (1000 1bs.)1bs.)1bs.) Potatoes 74.8 31,580 9,500 22,080 69.9 .;;66,832 2,320 YVegetables158.3 64,512 96.5, Beef &Veal 124.3 !I 52,478 749 51,729 98.6 lamb &Mutton 2.0 !I 844 18 826 97.9 J Pork 56.1 !I 23,685 293 23,392 98.8 Poultry 49.3 il 20,814 231 20,583 98.9 -ei Ml1k 546.0 ~I 230,514 13,400 217,114 94.2 ';Eggs 35.4 §.I 14,945 874 14,071 94.2 ...; 11 USDA Agric.Statistics and USDA Food Consumption,Prices,and ;;Y Expenditures (Nationwide averages). cJ ~ ~--, ';".,J " '" " r-, bi o L bl .",rL £1 Assuming a 1981 Alaska population of 422,187.Source:Alaska Population Overview -1981,Alaska Department of labor. y Represents 1980 supply;1981 figures not available. il Dressed weight -For poultry,dressed wt.and retail wt.are assumed to be equal. ~Represents milk equivalent of per capita demand for all dairy products. !I 1 case =30 doz.eggs =47 1bs.(7.66 eggs =1 lb.). -11 - 1/Source:Alaska Economic Projections for estimating electricity requirements for the rai1belt,Batelle Pacific Northwest Labs.- moderate projection. 40 bu.barley and 1.0 tons hay 1.204.500 1.925.700 Barley 50 bu.barley and 1.5 tons hay 939.800 1.502.500 and 60 bu.barley and 2.0 tons hay 773.400 1.236.600 Hay 70 bu.barley and 2.5 tons hay 658.200 1.052.300 70 Cwt.9.700 15.500 80 Cwt.8.400 13.500 Vegetables 90 Cwt.7.600 12.100 100 Cwt.6.800 10.800 9 tons 1.800 2.800 10 tons 1.600 2.600 Potatoes 11 tons 1.400 2.300 12 tons 1.300 2.100 13 tons 1.200 2.000 - Total -assuming highest yields 666.200 1,065,100 Total -assuming lowest yields 1,216,000 1,944,000 Table 2.Total Land Demand for Agricultural Purposes Crop Assumed yield per acre Total Demand 1983 :2000 (Pop.=422.187):(Pop.=674.983)1/ - - - - - - -acres -12 - o n [ [l U (-0, J /\_) [; [) \"U q ~j o Q C C U U' C C E ~ ... '" "' J ""' , ~ 3 ~j ;;;J, ;J '-" rl i _ L: b t: r---:o L 2.Timber Results Results of the timber analysis are shown in Tables 3 and 4.Information developed shows that meeting timber product demand requires between 921,600 acres and 2.987,840 acres. C.Objective:Determine costsl1 associated with accessing agricultural and timber resources. Rationale:To enable planners and others to identify the most desirable road access routes on the basis of their relative costs. Analysis:During analysis of road costs.a methodology was developed that can be used to evaluate costs of alternative road routes within the basin.Since the methodology is a I'short cut ll summary in itself,it is presented in its entirety in Appendix C. Results:See Appendix C. D.Objective:Conduct resource inventories and analyses of the fo11Q.w1ng: 1.water resources 2.soils 3.land treatment and agronomy 4.geology 5.land cover and vegetation 6.recreation 7.archeological.historical.and cultural resources 8.fish and wildlife and wetlands 9.flood p1a1ns Rationale:The 1nherent capability of an area to support particular land uses is a function of physical and biological conditions (e.g .•soils. flood history,vegetation,geology,etc.)characterizing that area.and how those conditions promote or constrain implementation of land uses in question.Inventorying physical and biological resources and conditions is. therefore,an essential prerequisite to land capability analysis. II All costs shown are rough estimates only and are not meant.to be used as a substitute for lion the ground II reconnaissance and subsequent detailed design and cost work.The purpose of this information is to enable planners and others to identify the more desirable routes of access by means of establishing re1at1vecosts among route selection alternatives.Unless otherwise noted all costs are on a 1983 price base. -13 - ~l ) 1 ,] 1 ) J J J 2.T1mber Results Results of the t1mber analys1s are shown 1n Tables 3 and 4.Informat10n developed shows that meet1ng t1mber product demand requ1res between 921,600 acres and 2.987.840 acres. C.Object1ve:Determ1ne costsl1 assoc1ated w1th access1ng agr1cultural and t1mber resources. Rat10nale:To enable planners and others to 1dent1fy the most des1rable road access routes on the bas1s of the1r relat1ve costs. Analys1s:Dur1ng analys1s of road costs.a methodology was developed that can be used to evaluate costs of alternat1ve road routes w1th1n the bas1n.S1nce the methodology 1s a "short cut"summary 1n itself,it 1s presented 1n 1ts ent1rety 1n Append1x C. Results:See Append1x C. D.Object1ve:Conduct resource 1nventor1es and analyses of the follow1ng: 1.water resources 2.so11s 3.land treatment and agronomy 4.geology 5.land cover and vegetat10n 6.recreat10n 7.archeolog1cal,h1stor1cal.and cultural resources 8.f1sh and w11d11fe and wetlands 9.flood pla1ns Rat10nale:The 1nherent capab111ty of an area to support part1cular land uses 1s a funct10n of phys1cal and b1010g1cal cond1t10ns (e.g.,s011s, flood h1story,vegetat10n,geology,~tc.)character1z1ng that area.and how those condit10ns promote or constra1n 1mplementat10n of land uses1n quest10n.Inventory1ng phys1cal and b1010g1cal resources and cond1t10ns 1s, therefore.an essent1al prerequ1s1te to land capab111ty analys1s. II All costs shown are rough est1mates only and are not meant.to be used as a subst1tute for lion the ground II reconna1ssance and subsequent deta11ed des1gn and cost work.The purpose of th1s 1nformat10n 1s to enable planners and others to 1dent1fy the more des1rable routes of access by means of estab11sh1ng relat1vecosts among route select10n alternat1ves.Unless otherw1se noted all costs are on a 1983 pr1ce base. -13 - " = -" " J Demand 1/ Origin - Annual Mat-Su (1983) Annual Anchorage (1983) Annual Total (1983) Annual Mat-Su (2000) Annual Anchorage (2000) Annual Total (2000) Table 4.Timber Land Demand Assumed Volume Per Acre (Net Cubic Feet) 1246 .1500 :1800 :2100 :2400. Existing acres 3,534 2,935 2,446 2,096 1,836 18,654 15,496 12,913 11,068 9,685 22,188 18,431 15,359 13,164 11,520 11,239 9,336 7,780 6,669 5,835 26,109 21,688 18,073 15,491 13,555 37,348 31,024 25,853 22,160 19,390 -.80-year £I Total (1983)1,775,040 1,474,480 1,228,720 1,053,120 921,600 ~ ..... 80-year lotal (2000)2,987,840 2,481,920 2,068,240 1,772,800 1,551,200 ;,;r -; . d ~ -'; odi 1 oJ """1 ~~ d' ~ -" -" -' ~; '-' 1/PopUlations used were as follows: Mat-Su (Includes Tyonek)-1983 =23,717 Mat-Su (Includes Tyonek)-2000 =75,431 Anchorage -1983 =179,410 Anchorage -2000 =251,102 £I Assumed rotation period. -15 - Results:Rtver Bastn tnventortes werecarrted out etther dtrectly by the USDA (forest Servtce,Sotl Conservatton Service,and/or Economtc Research Servtce)or under contract to the USDA.In most cases,tnventory methods used and results obtatned aredescrtbed tn a separate report for each tnventory. These indivtdual reports are refere~ced below and,where practtcable,also summarized.In addHton,all supplementary reports dtscussed below are listed tn Appendtx A.No separate report was publtshed etther for the geologtcal tnventory (whtch represented a synthests of extsttng USGS*and DGGS*data rather than a collectton of new data)or for the determtnatton of annual bastn p'rectpHatton and water ytelds.Results of these tnventortes and analyses are presented tn thetr enttrety tn thts report. Data c,ollect"ed durtngresource tnventortes were ut"tzed tn developtng land capabtltty m6dels,dtscussed tn Sectton'f.As descrtbed tn Sectton f,model results were mapped,and those maps were used by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the Matanuska-SusHna Borough tn maktng land-use dectstons.See Sectton f for a dtscusston of the uses of these tnventortes ~urtng land-use planntng. Inventortes: 1.,Water Resources Durtng the water resources tnventory,Susttna Bastn prectpttatton,water ytelds,water su~pltes,and water qualtty were examtned.Three reports were prepared detatltngthese examtnattons.The ftrst:Susttna Bastn Water Qualtty Report (B.Rummel,no date)tdenttftes and examtnes water qualtty data tn terms of the tssues and dectstons factng land use planners and resource developers tn the Wtllow and Talkeetna Subbastns.Recommendattons for matntatning water qualtty are provtded. The second report:Susttna Bastn Planntng Background Report -Water Supply and Demand (B.Loeffler,1980)dtscusses water resource data avatlable for the bastn,analyzes current water suppltes and potenttal problems for etght bastn communtttes,and addresses tn general terms water resource concerns related to agrtculture.placer mtntng,and tnstream flows. The thtrd report:Susttna Rtver Bastn Study -Prectpttatton and Water Yteld (J.E.Merrell,1979)conststs of two maps,one deptcttng mean annual water ytelds,the other,mean annual prectpttatton;and an accompanytng narrattve. Because of the ltmtted dtstrtbutton and brevtty of thts unpubltshed report,tt ts presented tn tts enttrety below. *USGS:U.S.Geologtcal Survey;DGGS:Divtston of Geologtcal and Geophystcal Survey,Alaska Department of Natural Resources. -16 - o Q, [: [] u r', ~-, [) [J o o R...~~J r) (j' C ~.i(j C [~' ,..:,-1 D L nL " "I -, 4 ~ j ~ j 'i J " ~ ..., od ~""!! .J ~ _:ii '::J ~ k.d '""1;1....- ~ l", [~ .... E~ [ [ Mean Annual Precipitation and Water Yield in the Sus1tna River Basin Summary Maps representing mean annual precipitation (Figure 3)and mean annual water yield (Figure 4)were developed for the Sus1tna River Basin-for the purpose of estimating these two important segments of the hydrologic cycle at any location.Data were collected from 30 climatological and 9 stream-gaging stations in the basin.and from 6 stream-gaging stations near the basin.Only four of the climatological stations have records longer than 15 years. Mean annual precipitation in the lowlands was estimated directly from available precipitation data;mean annual water yield was then computed as precipitation minus evapotransp1rat1on*.In gaged watersheds lacking precipitation data.mean annual water yield was estimated by distributing measured runoff according to elevation;runoff-elevation relationships were then extrapolated to ungaged watersheds to estimate their annual water yields.Once annual water yields were determined.mean annual precipitation was computed by adding mean annual water yield and evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration values were developed in a separate study. Some inconsistencies exist between lowland and upland values of both precipitation and water yield.These arise because estimates for mountainous areas were based on volume measurements from large areas while estimates for lowland areas were based on point measurements by rain gages.which are generally understood to represent a little less than true precipitation. Errors in mapped values are felt to be less than 25%above or below true values. Physical Setting The study area included the entire Sus1tnaR1ver drainage.as well as drainages of the Beluga and Theodore Rivers to the west.Tree line in these watersheds ranges from 1000 to 200n feet above sea level.Below that line. mixed white spruce and birch forests are common on well-drained sites and black spruce forests or muskegs in wet areas.Soils are generally shallow over gravel or glacial till;a deep layer of organic material in various stages of decomposition is common.Vegetation above timber line includes sedges.grasses.herbs.and dwarf shrubs;with stands of alder between tree line and alpine areas.Willows and alders are common along stream channels. both at lower and higher elevations. *Precipitation minus evapotranspiration equals water yield;alternatively. evapotranspiration plus water yield equals precipitation.Water yield consists of stream and groundwater outflow . -17 - Basin climate is "Trans1t1ona1~"between "Maritime"and "Continental"Climate Zones (see C.W.Hartman and P.R.Johnson.Environmental Atlas of Alaska. 1978.Inst.of Water Resources.University of Alaska.Fairbanks).Mean annual temperature ranges between 25°and 35°F.with pronounced temperature variations throughout the day and year.local storms are generally caused when moist air flowing up Cook Inlet from the southwest is cooled.either by orographic uplift or by overriding cold air from Mt.McK1n1ey's glaciers. Cold air draining off mountains and underr1d1ng moist incoming air causes heavy precipitation 10 or 20 miles from the foot of basin mountains. Purpose of the Maps The maps presented in Figures 3 and 4 were developed to facilitate accurate estimates of mean annual precipitation and mean annual water yield anywhere in the basin.Very little of the area is developed.and precipitation has been measured at only a few points.Much development seems possible and the feasibility and nature of most development depends upon hydrology at proposed sites.For example.developers need to know:how much snow must proposed buildings support?how much water will be available in certain areas for use or disposal?The maps presented here can be used to answer such questions. In addition.seasonal patterns of precipitation are indicated in Table 6. The water yield map must be used wHh caution in areas wHh permeable substrata.The map indicates how much water an area w111 yield.but H'cannot specify whether that water will run off the surface or will percolate into the groundwater system and reappear elsewhere. Previous Work The most recent mean annual precipitation map was prepared in 1977 by James Wise.Alaska State Climatologist.He recorded on a 1:1.000.000 scale map of Alaska all precipitation data available.and drew 1sohyets based on them.Orographic effects were accounted for qualitatively becaus~then (as now)few data were available to quantify precipitation in the mountains.His map is considered useful for reconnaissance purposes. Mean annual water yield had not previously been expressed as mapped 1s011nes. J.W.Freethey and D.R.Scully of the U.S.Geological Survey had.however. derived a formula for its computation.In their pUblication Water Resources of the Cook Inlet Basin.Alaska (1980.USGS.HA 620).they computed mean annual runoff volume from watershed area.elevation.and precipitation.They used precipitation data from Wise's map.and their results are usable for reconnaissance purposes. Evapotranspiration data necessary to relate mean annual precipitation to mean annual water yield were developed in 1979 by E.Merrell of the Soil Conservation Service.He calculated evapotranspiration rates from pan evaporation data collected at the Matanuska Agricultural Experiment Station. Palmer.Pan data were extended to higher elevations on the basis of relationships discussed by Patr1c and Black in Potential Evapotranspiration and Climate in Alaska by ThornthwaHe 's Classification (1968.,USDA Forest Service Research Paper PNW-71.Juneau.Alaska).' -18 - o Q [} [J C r1 \_J U fJ o D A~ [) o 8 o l') J C [J [ c·····]C-.J L-..G l:...-J LJ C-J L~~.'-...-L,.-J "j ~-.---- I ~.._J I------JI '~J I "---J M7-N-24165-1 Mean Annual Precipitation in Inches Source: Bo ..map p<epored by.SCS,WTSC Carlo Un;!from USGS 1:1,000,000 Not.Alios. U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE USOASCS·PORTlANO.OR '98' ----30 MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION SUSITNA RIVER BASIN ALASKA AUGUST 1981 10 0 10 20 MILESHI!!!!IiiiiiiiI~~~~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!~' SCALE 1,I ,000,000 + M7-N-24165-2 Mean Annual Water Yield'In Inches + 30 10t=1C::~iiI!!!!iiiiiiiI!~S~C:Al~Eo;;l ,~1,~000~~'000~10~~!!!!!",,"";20 MILES' MEAN ANNUAL SUSITNA RIVEWRATER YIELDBASIN ALASKA AUGUST 1981 KNIK J Sowce,:6~~- map p<epo",d by SCS,WTSUS CCortoU'..DEPARr'MENT OF AG n,t hom USGS 1,1,000RICULTURE,000 Not.Atla. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE •USDA SCS PORTLAND.OR 1981 L'""'! _J ~ -< n n ....... l_~ Li q w Fl. s f' U ~ ~ ~ bi h v ~ ""' ~ (', ~ ~tJ ~ J Data Available Long-term precipitation records (15 or more years of ~ata)were available from only one station in the basin (Talkeetna).short-term records were available from 12 stations.In addition.long-term records were available from Matanuska Agricultural Experiment Stat10n.Palmer;Anchorage Airport.and Elmendorf Air Force Base.Anchorage;and short-term records were available from 17 other stations in the v1c1n1ty of the basin.These data were used to determine bas1n precipitation.Very short records (as short as 2 years)were used by correlating them with prec1p1tat10n at appropriate long-term stations. and thence to mean annual precipitation.All precipitation data were used as recorded;that is.they were treated as accurate point samples of total prec1p1tat1on even though it is probable that each ra1n gage actually measured less than total precipitation at its location. Mean annual precipitation at sites throughout the basin is presented 1n Table 5 (along with mean annual temperature and potential evapotransp1rat1on values computed by Patrie and Black).Seasonal distribution of basin precipitation was computed from three stat10ns with long-term records.and is presented in Table 6.. -21 - Table 5.Data for Mean Annual Precipitation Map From Climatological Data :From Patrie and Black Mean :Potential Eleva-:Annual:Evapotran- Station :MAP *:Latitude:Longitude:t10n :Temp.:sp1rat1on (inches):(North):(West):(feet):(OF):(inches) Anchorage 14.74 61°13'149°52 1 118 35.3 19.25 Beluga 25.61°11'151°02 1 75 Big Lake 20.7 61°34'149°58 1 180 32.8 18.06 Caswell 25.06 61°58 1 150°01 1 290 31.0 18.66 Chickaloon 14.00 61°48 1 148°27'929 32.7 18.11 Chulitna H~y.Camp 42.1 62°24'150°15'500 Chulitna R.Lodge 37.62°53 1 149°50 1 1250 Curry 43.67 62°37'150°02 1 516 34.9 18.94 Eagle R.South Fork 21.61°14 1 149°26 1 2140 Edgem1re Lakes 40.6r 32 1 150°17'760 Elmendorf 16.24 61°14 1 149°52'192 34.8 19.65 Eklutna Lake 12.68 61°24 1 149°09 1 882 30.7 16.93 Eklutna Project 18.46 61°28'149°10 1 38 33.7 19.25 Glen Alps 27.61°06'149°41 1 2260 Healy 17.25 63°51'148°58'1350 Goose Bay N1ke Site 13.63 61°24 1 149°51 1 100 High Lake Lodge 24.5 62°54 1 149°05'2760 27.1 14.18 Indian River 36.7 62°45 1 149°50'735 31.1 16.97 Matanuska 15.49 61°34 1 149°16 1 150 35.5 19.76 McK1nley Park 15.12 63°40'149°00 1 2092 27.5 14.6.1 Moose Run 19.2 61°15'149°40 1 395 33.0 17.43 Mt.Magnificent 11.61°18 1 149°26'1000 Rock Ridge Dr.20.61°07 1 149°45'840 Summit N1ke Site 30.7 61°15 1 149°33 1 3980 29.3 12.69 Skwentna 25.96 61°57 1 151°10 1 153 32.6 18.46 Summ1 t 20.06 63 0 20'149 0 09 I 2401 25.8 15.51 Susitna 28.05 61°30'150°40 1 40 36.0 19.76 Talkeetna 28.64 62°18 1 150°06 1 345 33.2 18.70 Tyonek 21.61°04 1 151°08'50 35.3 19.57 Wasilla 2NE 19.61°37 1 149°24 1 500 Was1l1a 3S 18.61°32 1 149°26 1 50 Whites Crossing 22.61°42'150°00 1 251 Willow Trading Post 23.61°45'150°03 1 600 32.4 17.28 *MAP =mean annual precipitation. -22 - D [ [ rLi C' r-', lJ f:-'-.! o o [J~ PL rr \d C Q [ [~ C" L fJ E c [ [ E [ r L "L o c c ~ Table 6.Seasonal Distribution of Precipitation in the Sus1tna River Basin (monthly percentage of mean annual precipitation) Matanuska Ag.:Palmer IN .Talkeetna :Used for Study. Exp.Station January 5 6 6 6 February 4 4 6 5 March 3 3 5 4 April 3 4 4 4 May 5 5 5 5 June 10 10 8 9 July 16 15 12 13 August 18 18 17 18 September 15 16 16 16 October 9 8 9 8 November 6 6 6 6 December 6 5 6 6 Annual 100 100 100 100 Mean annual evapotranspiration was calculated from evaporation and temperature data.and was estimated to be 15 inches for areas below 1000 feet elevation. Estimated mean annual evapotranspiration for higher elevations are presented in Table 7. Estimated Mean Annual Evapotranspiration in the Sus1tna River Basin 9 C B r, bi C b L.' u ~ f3 C-" ~. Table 7. Elevation (feet) below 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 and above -23 - Estimated Evapotranspiration (inches per year) 15 12 9 7 6 5 4 3 Table 8.Stream Gaging Stations in the Sus1tna River Basin Streamflow data are available from nine gaging stations in the basin.Data from these stations are presented in Table 8. Gaging Station (location) Drainage Area (square mlles) Mean Annual Runoff (in .Iyr.) Mean £lev. (feet) o LJ G C C Sus1tna River near Denali 950 38.53 4510 Maclaren River near Paxton 280 47.34 4520 Sus1tna River near Cantwell 4140 20.65 3560 Sus1tna River near Gold Creek 6160 21.40 3420 Talkeetna River near Talkeetna 2006 27.66 3630 Chulitna River near Talkeetna 2570 46.22 3760 little Sus1tna River near Palmer 61.9 44.54 3700 Skwenta River near Skwenta 2250 37.28 2810 Chu1tna River near Tyonek 131 33.85 Streamflow data from two stations on the Nenana River (7l0-square-m1le and 19l0-square-m1le drainage areas),and from stations on the Teklan1ka and Chakachatna Rivers,and Seattle and Caribou Creeks,were used to estimate runoff near the borders of the basin. Gaging station records were long enough that measured average annual runoff was felt -to represent long-term means.Frequency computations of individual station records indicated that mean'runoffwas very ~lose to median,or 50% chance,values. Mean annual water yield increases with increasing elevation,and 1s affected by topographic conditions and geographic locations.Water yield -elevation relationships were calculated for little Sus1tna,Talkeetna,and Chulitna Rivers,and are presented in Tables 9,10,and 11.Only very yeneral estimates of water yield -elevation relationships were developed for other rivers in the basin,and these are not included here.The percentage of total water yield contributed by groundwater flow (and hence not measured by streamflow gages)was not evaluated;however,it was estimated from site conditions to be very small. Construction of Maps Mean annual·precipitation and mean annual water yield maps were developed concurrently.Each map was necessary for developing the other,both because insufficient data were available to develop each individually,and because the -24 - CL [\: ,, -' o B [) B G\ o G o E, '"·' "..:..'; [: {j' B 2,823 sq.mi.in.divided by 61.9 sq.mi.=45.61 inches Table 9.Mean Annual Water Yield from Little Sus1tna River above gaging station no.15290000 : Area ·Estimated Water Yield·Elevation Zone .sq.mi .·inches :square mile inches.··.·. 1000 to 2000 4.6 20 92 2000 to 3000 12.5 35 437 3000 to 4000 20.8 45 936 4000 to 5000 20.6 55 1,133 5000 to 6000 2.8 65 182 above 6000 0.6 70 42 ---- Sunmat10ns 61.9 sq.mi.2,823 sq.mi.in. r [ [ E [ r~ l_; [ C [ C B R C Q n ~ nI: "'"' ~ u '=I ~-~ !~ "" Comparison with Average Annual Water Yield: Average annual water yield Difference =1.07 inches =+2.4%error -25 - =44.54 inches Table 10.Mean Annual Water Yield from Talkeetna River above9a~1ng station no.15292700 : Area ·Estimated Water Yield·Elevation Zone :sq.mi.:inches :square mile inches.·..·. 400 to 1000 92 13 1 t 196 1000 to 2000 284 15 4 t 260 2000 to 3000 428 20 8 t 560 3000 to 4000 483 24 11 t 592 4000 to 5000 265 34 9 t 010 5000 to 6000 282 42 11 t 844 6000 to 7000 139 50 6 t 950 7000 to 8000 32 60 1 t 920 above 8000 1 60 60 Summations 2 t006 sq.mL 55 t 392 sq.mi.in. Comparison wHh Average 'Annual Water Yield: o [ [i r, I (_J [: r-\ U o D D 9 fl [1 55 t 392 sq.mi.in.divided by 2 t 006 sq.mi.=27.61 inches Average annual water yield Difference =0.05 inches =-0.2%error -26 - =27.66 inches u\ o 8 U G U C E r L_J [ I l._ F r l J r~ l_~ r-' c ~ LJ F ~ ,.", -;< i..--:1 g ~ n '-"' r~ ~~, ~ , ---...J a ~ :.i 9 ~ Tab.1e 11.Mean Annual Water Yield from Chulitna River above gaging station no.15292400 : Area :Estimated Water Yield Elevation Zone .sq.mi.:inches :square mile inches. ::: 500 to 1000 216 25 5,400 1000 to 2000 454 32 14,528 2000 to 3000 462 39 18,018 3000 to 4000 616 47 28,952 4000 to 5000 315 53 16,695 5000 to 6000 223 61 13,603 6000 to 7000 117 68 7,956 7000 to 8000 70 75 5,250 8000 to 9000 48 82 3,936 9000 to 10000 31 85 2,635 above 10000 18 87 1,566 - Summations 2,570 sq.m1.118,539 sq.mi.in. Comparison with Average Annual Water Yield: 118,539 sq.mi.in.divided by 2,570 sq.mi.=46.12 inches Average annual water yield =46.22 inches Difference =0.1 inches =-0.2%error -27 - two phenomena are closely related.(As noted earlier.precipitation equals water yield plus evapotranspiration;and water yield equals precipitation minus evapotranspiration.) Mean annual precipitation 1sohyets in lowland areas were drawn on the basis of rain gage data.elevation.storm direction.and orographic effects.Data seemed sufficient to make realistic precipitation estimates up to the edges of adjoining foothills.Annual lowland water yield in inches was then computed by subtracting annual evapotranspiration from annual precipitation. From the foothills upward.and using computed lowland values as a starting point.water yield 1s011nes were developed from streamflow data.Water yield was assumed to be linearly related to elevation.In an iterative process. 1s011nes based on this assumed relationship were drawn on a map and compared to measured water yields.The assumed relationship between yield and elevation was then revised.and new 1s011nes drawn.until water yields determined from the map equaled water yields measured at appropriate stream gages.The completed water-yield map was then checked by plan1meter1ng watershed areas between adjacent 1s011nes.computing runoff volume represented by these 1s011nes.and comparing this value to measured runoff.Mean annual precipitation 1sohyets were then drawn representing water yield plus estimated evapotranspiration. Both water yield and precipitation 1s011nes are generally related to contour lines.but this relationship is not consistent because of localized topographic.climatic.and orographic effects.Although these effects could not be quantified.they were considered subjectively during delineation of 1s011nes. Probable Accuracy of Estimates Accuracy of mean annual precipitation and water yield estimates are limited by the quantity and quality of available data.and by technical difficulties involved in translating these data onto a map.For example.standard rain gages are known to catch appreciably less than the average precipitation ~t their locations.The discrepancy is greater during snowfall and on windy sites.and varies from one situation to another;because of these variations. no reliable correction factor is available.Mapped precipitation values for the Susitna valley south of Petersv111e Road were based entirely on rain gage data and are probably lower than actual values by as 'much as 15%. Precipitation in mountainous areas was estimated only from watershed runoff data.Precipitation estimates at any point are subject to substantial error because distribution of runoff throughout the watershed was inferred.Values shown for elevations above 8.000 feet are especially questionable.Only a small portion of the basin exceeds 8.000 feet in elevation.and this area had little influence in computations of runoff distribution.There is no apparent basis for determining either magnitude or direction of errors in estimates. but reported values are felt to be no greater than 25%above or below actual precipitation values. -28 - o n U r~',,--.__J IfI;L-> C .fJ ri L o r;[J o B C C Q o D C C E [ [ [ E [ r~ L~ [ [ [ C G Rg E f'I: ~ r b 2.Soil s Soils and water constitute soc1ety·s most important resources;both are essential for life on earth.While the importance of water resources is generally recognized,the importance of soils is often underrated. Nonetheless,virtually all human act1v1t1es are to some degree involved with plots of different s011s.Local soil conditions determine whether or not farming,ranching,forestry,recreation,waste disposal,building and road construction,wildlife management,and a host of other human activities are physically feasible. D1fferent kinds of soils develop in different locations.In any area,the k1nds of s011s formed depend ~n local topography,climate,geology,hydrology, organisms present,and length of soil formation. The SCS regularly conducts soil surveys to map and analyze local soil conditions.Soil surveys identify kinds of soils present,indicate their locations 1n the landscape,and describe properties of each soil type (series or phase)mapped.Properties described include:soil texture,structure, porosity,plasticity,consistence,pH,organic matter content,depth, permeability,and shrink-swell potential,among others. In addition to s011 maps and data on soil properties,SCS surveys provide land~use interpretations for different kinds of soils.These interpretations are made using data on soil properties,supplemented with information on slopes,local climate,susceptibility to flooding,etc.Interpretat10ns 1nd1cate how suitable each kind of mapped soil is for particular land uses. Land uses considered include:production of locally adapted crops and woodland products,recreation,grazing,res1dent1al settlement (e.g.,can soils support bu11d1ng foundations or septic systems),and enhancement of wildlife.In addition,soils are evaluated in terms of selected engineering properties,e.g.,which soils provide sources for sand and gravel,which provide material for construction of dikes,road beds,pond reservoirs,etc. Because of the importance of soils to land-use planning,s011 surveys provided 1mportant information for land-use analyses conducted during the Sus1tna River Basin study.Before the study began,three published soil surveys*described soils on about 1,242,390 acres of the study area.As part of the Sus1tna Basin inventories,additional s011 surveys are underway.Publication of the Yentna Soil Survey,encompassing about 3,252,000 acres,is expected in the near future.Procedures for conducting s011 surveys are described in detail in the National Soils Handbook (USDA SCS,1983). G bii L: ~ ~ L~ *Soil Survey -Matanuska Valley Area,Alaska (USDA SCS,1968). Soil Survey -Sus1tna Valley Area,Alaska (USDA SCS,1973). Soils of the Capital Relocat10n Site,Alaska (USDA SCS,1978). -29 - 3.land Treatment and Agronomy Because of the relatively low evapotranspiration rates in northern temperate climates,crops in Alaska use less water than similar crops growing farther south.Most of the water needs of northern crops are met by available rainfall.Some crops on some so11s,however,do experience moisture stress, and suffer consequent losses in quality and yields.F~r these crops, appropriately applied irrigation is beneficial. Several factors enter into determining when,how much,how,and if to 1rr1gate.Amount and timing of both precipitation and crop water needs,along w1th soil capacity to store moisture,determine when and how much irrigation 1s needed.Topography.water availability,evaporation rate,and soil infiltration (water-intake)rate determine how irrigation water should be applied to a particular crop.Dollar values of increased crop production, compared to costs of irrigation,determine whether or not irrigation makes economic sense. Considering these factors is important.Improperly timed or applied irrigation may be of little value to crops and a waste of money,time,and water.At worst,irrigating too much or at the wrong time may do considerable damage,as when excessive irrigation degrades water quality,leaches soil nutrients,reduces soil oxygen,or causes soil erosion. The Susitna Basin study of land treatment and agronomy involved assessing the effectiveness of irrigating specific crops in Alaska.During the assessment, factors involved in answering the following questions were studied: (1)Under what conditions will irrigation be beneficial? (2)How much will crop yields be increased by irrigation? (3)How much irrigation water should be applied? (4)What 1rr1gat1on method w111 work best in a part1cu1ar s1tuat1on? (5)What schedule should be used in applying irrigation? (6)What problems may irrigation cause,and how can they be avoided? Guidelines for answering these questions were compiled in:An Irrigation Guide for Alaska (USDA SCS,in press).Users of the Guide can learn how to: recognize symptoms of moisture stress in crop plants,determine both soil moisture and net irrigation needs,and apply irrigation effectively.The Guide also indicates the variety of irrigation needs in the basin (as well as throughout other agricultural areas of Alaska). -30 - o .1[ U r-',\ L.-i' nL; c r',u nu o o [J G o LJ Q U o L C C r u I L.7 r'~ l_-, F ~-....... r'l' Il.j r l __ r'1=='. [ [ C R b R [3 Ej o U rI ~~ [ u r--~ t::;;i r--= 1-= ~ D Irrigation needs vary as a result of crop grown.sol1 cultivated.and local climate.For example.a farmer growing potatoes in Talkeetna on a silt loam soil with a 0.2 inch Awcll would basically never need to irrigate;since natural moisture is adequate.irrigation does not improve his potato yields. On the other hand.a farmer growing grass hay near Pt.McKenzie.also on silt loam soil.would benefH by irrigating almost every year.In a wet£1 year he would increase his hay yield by 11%if he added approximately 4.1 inches of water during the growing season.In a dry year.he could improve his hay yield by 43%if he added about 11.4 inches of irrigation water.(In both cases.the efficiency of his irrigation system is assumed to be 65%.) By comparing the,economic benefits of increased yields with the costs of installing.maintaining.and operating an irrigation system.a farmer can determine if irrigating would be cost effective.Table 12 indicates how irrigation will improve yields of three crops in two locations in the basin. The information used in preparing this table.such as AWC of agricultural soils.net irrigation needs in the basin (and state).yield response of different crops to irrigation.etc.were obtained from the Irrigation Guide. 4.Geology of the Sus1tna River Basin Basin geological conditions were inventoried by the SCS using information supplied by the u.s.Geological Survey (USGS)and the Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey (DGGS)in the Department of Natural Resources.Because no new data were collected.no separate geology report was published.The synthesis.developed by Scott Sums10n for the SCS using existing data.is presented below. The geology of the Basin is relatively complex due to regional faulting and folding of rocks in the Cook Inlet region.The region includes the Beluga. Sus1tna.Yentna.and Cook Inlet Basins.bordered on the east by the Talkeetna Mountains.on the west by the Aleutian Range.and on the north by the Alaska Range. 1/AWC is the "Aval1ab1e water capacHy"of a sol1.It represents the capacity of the soil to store water available for use by plants.The AWe is usually expressed in linear depths of water per unit depth of soil.e.g .• inches of water per inches of soil. 'f/For calculations in the Irrigation Guide.a "wet"season is defined as wetter than 80%of the growing seasons in a particular area.based on long-term climatological records.The wet season is also sometimes called the 20%chance season;that is.only 20%of the growing seasons will be as wet or wetter.A "d ry "season is.therefore.the 80%chance season;that is 80%of the growing seasons will be as wet or wetter.The "average."or 50%chance. growing season is wetter than 50%and drier than 50%of the seasons on record. -31 - rn CJ c.:n ~·rT:_]tr=J OL>.m 0 CD CD L~_J (~,C---"),----.,[~[.....:3 l-..J L.__Jt:=IJi..'.---iL,).,._!;,"--_._.~..JI L __-____J [ rl, r l_) C nu r L. I' lc"" n 11 c [ R o-J R'=------';g G l r; i.J c - '-' (~ Ei/ r~I- I:: U ~i~L, The major drainage systems are the Sus1tna.Chulitna.Deshka.Yentna. Skwentna.Beluga.Talkeetna.and Kahiltna Rivers.The lowlands contain oil. gas.and coal bearing beds of Tertiary age.The region is generally mantled by surficial deposits of glacial and fluvial origin.Exposed bedrock ranging in age from Paleozoic through Tertiary has been identified. The Paleozoic rocks are metamorphosed volcanic lavas and associated volcanic rocks that occur primarily in the Talkeetna Mountains in the northeastern part of the basin.Mineralized areas of copper.gold.silver.lead.and zinc occur in these rocks.Triassic and Early Jurassic sandstones and shales interbedded with volcanic flows also occur in the Talkeetna Mountains. Mid Jurassic to late Cretaceous continental deposits of sandstone.shale. limestone.and claystone occur in the Cook Inlet Basin.and have been metamorphosed and mineralized in some areas of the Talkeetna Mountains., Associated mineralization occurs in the Alaska Range in the headwate~s of the Skwentna River. Tertiary rocks of the Kenai formation probably underlie a large portion of the basin.but have been mapped only in the western area where coal beds outcrop. and on the subsurface from oil wells south of the Castle Mountain Fault. Abundant rock outcrops of igneous intrusives.ranging in age from Jurassic through Tertiary.occur in some parts of the basin.mostly as large granitic masses.They are found in mountainous areas to the west.north.and east.and account for some of the metamorphism that has occurred. At least 3.500 square miles of coal-bearing rocks occur in Tertiary deposits located in the northern Cook Inlet lowlands.Beds of subb1tum1nous coal up to 30 feet thick lie in the Beluga Basin and adjacent areas.Other coal-bearing areas include the Yentna.Sus1tna.and Cook Inlet Basins. A wide variety of metallic minerals occur in lode.placer.and disseminated deposits in the mountains and foothills.Elongated belts and localized areas of these minerals are prevalent and can be related to basement faulting and related intrusions. Oil production within the Cook Inlet region began in 1957.Seven oil fields and six gas fields are currently producing from the Kenai formation. Potential oil and gas deposits occur in the Beluga and Yentna Basins. Much of the basin is covered with glacial moraine material (It1ll").which in many places covers bedrock with deposits at least 70 feet thick.I~is difficult to map the underlying geology in ~uch areas except by seismic or gravity surveys or by well logs.The greatest interest in Tertiary deposits at this time focuses on the mineable coal deposits.The Tertiary beds have not been satisfactory as aquifers for producing large quantities of water. The basin contains several major fault systems associated with the Shel1kof Trough.which occupies the gerteral area of Cook Inlet including the project area.Faults associated with this Trough are:the Kn1k-Border Ranges fault -33 - on .the south side of Cook Inlet;'Bru1n Bay fault.Lake Clark fault.and Castle Mountain fault on the north side of Cook Tnlet (but in the south of the study area);and the SusHna and Denali faults on the north.AnumbeJof other"- faults in thebasln have been mapped.but remain unnamed.GravHy data imply that about 12.000 feet of high angle reverse displacement occurs on the north side of the Castle Mountain fault.In addition.an estimated 10.000 feet of displacement occurs toward the southeast 1n the Cook Inlet Basin.and 2.500 feet in the Beluga Bas1n. The fault network is believed to run parallelur obliquely to the Shelikof Trough.which developed in early Cenozoic time in southcentral Alaska. Formational contacts are often offset by large northwestward-dipping.reverse fault systems.asin the Castle Mountain -Lake Clark fault and Bruin Bay systems.There are also indications of hor1zontal displacement and rotat10nal and translational deformation caused by oblique stress.These tectonic movements have resulted in a complex basement rock complex and subsequent variability in thickness of Tertiary deposits. The active Aleutian volcanic arc ends west of the basin at Mt.Spurr volcano. Seismic discontinuity implies there is a hinge zone along the Yentna -Beluga Mountain front between the northern McKinley block.which dips northward more steeply than the Kenai block south of Cook Inlet.A subduction zone of the Pacific p,late is indicated along the Aleutian trench and the Kenai block. Mt.Spurr has potential for geothermal development.but difficulties are inherent in developing geothermal resources of an active volcano located near deep fault zones.' 5.Land Cover (Vegetation) The objective of the land cover (vegetation)inventory was to map and quantitatively describe plant communities (and other land cover types) throughout the basin.Land cover maps.once developed and automated.were used to a~sess vegetation-related resources in the basin.such as timber. range.wildlife habitats.and recreational areas.These assessments were.in turn.,used by the state and borough in making land-use decisions. Methods used to develop land cover maps and to conduct field sampling are briefly described below.Detailed field procedures used to inventory basin vegetation types are described in:Preliminary Field Procedures for the Cooperative Vegetation Inventory of the Susitna River Basin.Alaska (USFS-PNW. 1979). Detailed descriptions of each mapped plant community (vegetation cover type). based on field data.are presented in Resource Statistics for the Susitna River Basin (USDA in preparation). Land cover (vegetation)mapping was conducted using aerial photographs in conjunction with ground sampling.Initial cover-type mapping was performed on false-colur infrared photography that had been enlarged from a scale of 1:120.000 to 1:60.000.On each air photo.visibly separable land areas -34 - o n [\ r; -" [ [, ) fi, 'U R'L-.j o C EJ C' o U o C' U C E c [ [ c [ [ [ Q C o Hs R~ n lJ r: ~ c n d r-l ... ~ ~ (polygons)were outlined.each consisting of a relatively homogeneous parcel of land at least 10 acres in size and 165 feet in width.As distinguishable polygons were outlined.each was labeled with a primary code denoting the specific land or vegetation cover typel/contained in that polygon.In certain instances.secondary and tertiary'codes were used for polygons in which cover types occurred as comp1exesf!or assoc1at1ons~/that were impossible to map separately.Once completed.all land cover maps were rectified ("edge-matched"and scaled)to standard USGS maps at a scale of 1:63.360 and then digitized for use in computer modeling.Land cover categories used for mapping are shown on Table 13. Statistical analysis of land cover types was accomplished using a double sampling method involving photo interpretation and ground sampling.Primary photo interpretation points were selected systematically using a grid system. The number of field plots to be sampled for each cover type was determined in part by:the number of photo points (grid intersections)occurring in that cover type;acceptable sampling error;estimates of cover-type variance based on previously completed plots;and cost.Ground sampling was done on 485 plots selected from 11.246 primary photo points. Ground plots were sampled by multi-disciplinary crews.Use of a helicopter permitted field crews to precisely 10cate~nd then access selected grid intersection points.Plots were permanently monumented for future inventory. and resources were measured using a 10-po1nt sample pattern.This pattern provides an inventory of a 5-acre plot on the basis of measurements made at 10 equidistant subsamp1e points.All 10 points are located within the same vegetation type as the initial grid intersection point. Data were collected on tree.shrub.understory.and ground cover vegetative 1ayer~.as wells as on soils and wildlife use and habitat parameters.On forested points.measurements were made of tr~e diameter.height.age.radial growth~and tree class.These data were compiled and analyzed to obtain tree volumes.growth.and mortality.At each of the 10 points.ground cover.total canopy cover.and vegetation under 4.5 feet in height were measured using a 2x2 foot sampling plot.Shrubs over 4.5 feet in height were sampled at 2 of the 10 points using a 10x10 foot plot.Cover.height.and annual production were estimated for each plant species in each plot. 1/Type -(Land Cover Type)-one of 36 categories of vegetation defined by plant species composition.canopy cover.height.and/or age.In non-vegetated types.one of 10 categories.including cultural influence.mud.rock.snow. glaciers.lakes and streams.- £/Complex - a mosaic of distinctive vegetation types.Each type is d1st1ngu1shab1e but too small to map separately. ~/Association - a mixture of vegetative growth forms.such as grasses. shrubs.trees.etc .•that occur together naturally.but not as distinct types; typically as small visible pockets of undergrowth in open forests . -35 - Table 13.Land Cover Mapplng Unlts VEGETATED FOREST AND WOODLAND - more than 10%Crown Cover NON-FOREST -less than 10%Crown Cover NON-VEGETATED 40 ac. 10 ac.-40 ac. and rlvers -660 ft.wlde 1/8 ml1e wlde (660 ft.) OTHER 70-Cultural Influence 71-Tyonek T1mber Sale BARREN 80-mud flats 81-rock WATER 91-lakes 92-lakes 96-streams 165 ft. 97-rlver PERMANENT SNOW AND ICE 82-snowfleld .83-g1acler SALT WATER WETLANDS 50-grassland 51-low shrub 52-tlda1 marsh LOW SHRUB 62-wl11ow-resin birch TALL SHRUB 60-a1der 61-alder-w111ow (streamside veg.) 63-GRASSLAND TUNDRA 64-sedge-grass 65-herbaceous 66-shrub 67-mat and cush10n CONIFEROUS FOREST WHITE SPRUCE 31-short stands 30 ft: 33-ta11 stands 30 ft. OPEN FOREST-WOODLAND 10-50%crown cover BLACK SPRUCE 43-short stands 10 ft. DECIDUOUS FOREST Open Dec1duous- Open Mlxed 32-med1um-aged stands 40-80 yrs. 34-o1d stands 80 yrs. CLOSED FOREST 50%crown cover CONIFEROUS FOREST WHITE SPRUCE 21-short stands 30 ft. 25-tall stands 30 ft. DECIDUOUS FOREST Closed Declduous- Closed Mixed 22-young stands 40 yrs. 24-medlum-aged stands 20-80 yrs. 26-o1d stands 80 yrs. BLACK SPRUCE 41-short stands 10 ft. 42-tall stands 10 ft. MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK 45-short stands 30 ft. 46-tall stands 30 ft. COTTONWOOD 27-young stands 40 yrs. 28-med1um-aged stands 40-100 yrs. 29-o1d stands 100 yrs. COTTONWOOD 35-med1um-aged stands 40-100 yrs. 36-o1d stands 100 yrs. FRESH WATER WETLANDS 68-sphagnum bog 69-sphagnum-shrub bog rn c::J r"'J CTJ CJ o:=J em o GD [._~C··J C~~]1·---' L,__~.1,.1 L._"J [._J c=J (j 1..-...••-.L __J c:=J [ c c c [ [ c c c c g g E G C r' Li r; b. C l The primary s~11 type was identified and a description of that soil was made at each initial sample point;additional soil descriptions were prepared if a significant change in soils,topography,or vegetation occurred within the 5-acre plot. 6.Recreation Existing recreational resources in the basin were inventoried and mapped by DNR-D1v1s1on of Parks under an agreement with the USDA.The results of that inventory are presented in Recreation Atlas -Willow-Talkeetna Basin (DNR, 1980).In addition,the SCS analyzed selected economic impacts of a wide range of basin recreational acttvit1es,and assisted the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)in analyzing economic impacts of basin sport fishing and hunting.The SCS analysis is discussed later in this report (Section E).The ADF&G analyses*are published in:Fish and Wildlife Resources Element for the Susitna Area Planning Study (ADF&G Habitat Division,1984). 7.Archeological,Historical,and Cultural Resources Three Sus1tna Basin cultural resource inventories and assessments**were prepared by ALASKARCTIC under contract to the USDA: 1)Cultural Resource Assessment:Talkeetna-Lower Sus1tna River Basin, Southcentral Alaska (G.Bacon et al.,1982) 2)Cultural Resource Assessment:Talkeetna-Lower ~us1tna River Basin, Southcentral Alaska (supplemental report)(G.Bacon and T.Cole,1982)and 3)Cultural Resource Assessment:Beluga Study Area.Southcentral Alaska (G.Bacon et al.,1982). These three assessments,plus a previous assessment conducted by D.R.Reger in the Willow Subbasin,have been published in a single document by the SCS: Sus1tna River Basin Study Cultural Resource Assessment of W1110w-Talkeetna-Beluga Areas (USDA,1983).Highlights of the Lower Sus1tna and Beluga Assessments are summarized below. *Appendix A.Sus1tna Area Plan.Human Use and Economic Effects--Sport Fishing (S.H.Burgess,1983). Appendix B.An Economic Analysis of Moose.Caribou.Sheep.Bear and Waterfowl Hunting in the Sus1tna Basin (S.H.Burgess,1983). **Because the Alaska Power Authority is conducting a detailed environmental assessment of the Upper Sus1tna area for the potential Sus1tna River hydroelectric project,no data were collected in the Upper Sus1tna Basin during this study. -37 - Data for the Lower Sus1tna and Beluga cultural assessments were compiled from literature review and personal interviews.supported by limited field work. These data were generally grouped into three periods:prehistoric. ethnoh1stor1c.and historic. The prehistoric period predates the period covered by written record~or cultural memory.Before the Sus1tna study.the prehistory of the study area was completely undocumented.The study synthesized available data;but no new data were uncovered.Knowledge of study area prehistory continues to be extrapolated from information gathered in adjacent areas.particularly in Interior Alaska.There.four prehistoric periods are distinguished:1)the Tundra Period (ending circa 8.000 yrs Before Present).2)the Early Taiga Period (circa 8.000 yrs to 4.500 yrs BP).3)the Late Taiga Period (circa 4.500 yrs BP to AD 500).and 4)an Athapaskan Per,od (from approximately AD 500 to AD 1900).The prehistoric Athapaskan Period grades into the ethnoh1stor1c period described below.The ethnoh1stor1c period is.in turn. followed by the historic Recent Period,extending from about AD 1900 to the present. Although no prehistoric archeological sites are known in the study area,the potential for such sites to be located appears to be quite high.The Talkeetna area,in particular,appears to be rich enough in resources to have attracted relatively dense settlement during prehistoric times,while much of the Beluga study area would appear to have been a seasonal resource zone for permanent Tana1na (Dena '1na)Athapaskan settlements located nearer to the Susitna River.Systematic field surveys are very likely to uncover prehistoric sites.particularly 'near rivers used by anadromous fishes,shores of lakes and ponds,margins of lowland wetlands where furbearers and migratory waterfowl are abundant,and areas through which large mammals would be naturally funneled as they moved from wintering to summer grounds.In addition,several of the "Dena '1na place names"(see below)are associated with sites that should possess some indication of past activity.Once investigated.specific sites (identified and mapped in the Talkeetna report) may add a great deal to current understanding of the Tana1na in the late prehistoric and early ethnoh1stor1c periods. Ethnoh1stor1c period bridges the gap between poorly documented Alaska Native prehistory and the recent history of western civilization,and is considered to extend in time from the limit of cultural memory to the present day. During modern times.Alaskan ethnoh1story becomes interwoven with the history of white settlers because,in Alaska.many native populations lived essentially aboriginal life styles well into the 20th century.Ethnoh1stor1c data indicate the existence of a rich aboriginal history in the study area, only a fraction of which has so far been recorded.Most of the ethnoh1stor1c data compiled for the Sus1tna study are contained in the annotated list of Dena '1na Place Names.The list of place names summarizes ethnogeograph1c data on habitation of the Sus1tna River drainage by the Upper Inlet Dena '1na (Tana1na)Athapaskans before contact by "white men,"e.g.,where the Dena '1na hunted,fished,camped,settled,etc.The data presented in the list are derived from interviews and tape recordings of Dena'1na speakers knowledgeable about Dena '1na history and folklore.Considerable additional data ~n the form -38 - o D [j [, [: -.J [j r- LJ o o o B D -Flj D o [, tJ C [ c c r c c [ [ o o c ~ ~ o G C r", [j r6 U l of recordings of folklore.music.and history.as well as additional field notes.are available.but lack of time precluded all but the most minimal references to these sources in the Sus1tna study reports.Annotations about geographical locations included in the published list are indexed mainly to tape recordings from the archive of Dena l 1na language tapes housed at the Alaska Native language Center.University of Alaska.Fairbanks.The bulk of recordings in this archive have not yet been transcribed or published.When they are.a much fuller picture of the aboriginal occupation of Cook Inlet will emerge.The list of Dena l 1na Place Names suggested some areas to cover during the brief field survey conducted in the Talkeetna Subbasin.but field search for ethnoh1stor1c sites indicated they will be found only through careful and systematic archeological survey. Information on historic use of the -study area by white men is relatively abundant.Material summarized in the Sus1tna study reports concentrated on the major activities taking place in the study area from the turn of the century to the present.including mining.trapping.hunting.trading.and the use and expansion of roads and trails.locations of historic interest in the Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins were compiled in a list of study area historical sites.The list identifies which sites are already listed in the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey (AHRS)file.maintained by the Office of History and Archaeology.Alaska Division of Parks.and which sites will be nominated to the AHRS file as a result of the Sus1tnastudY.In addition. many places in the study area appear to meet minimal eligibility requirements for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.either as sites or as districts.In general.historic per~od sites appear relatively easy to find.but many have decayed with disuse and are no longer visible. 8.Fish.Wildlife and Wetlands a.Fish and Wildlife The fish and wildlife inventory work in the basin consisted of two main activities:1)"modeling"the relative fish and wildlife values of basin lands.and 2)assisting the ADF&G in developing a methodology for creating fish and wild1 He "element maps.lIThe USDA SCS prepared a fish and w11d1 He report describing these two activities and summarizing selected data on: 1)species present in the basin.2)acreages in the basin of particular kinds of habitats.and 3)human uses of basin fish and wildlife resources. Highlights of this report.Identifying Wildlife lands:Fish and Wildlife Analyses for the Sus1tna River Basin Study (USDA SCS.1984),are summarized below. In the modeling analyses,basin habitats were evaluated in terms of:1)their relative ability to provide food and/or cover seasonally to selected wildlife species (five species in the Willow Subbas1n--moose.snowshoe hare.red squirrel,willow ptarmigan,and spruce grouse;and one species,moose.in the Talkeetna.Beluga,and Upper Sus1tna Subbasins);2)their relative ability to support a variety of wildlife species ("species diversity");and 3)their relative abundance within the basin ("habitat scarcity").Computer maps were -39 - produced d1splay1ng the results of each evaluat10n.Tables 14 and 15 prov1de, respectively,est1mates of big game populat10ns1n the bas1n,and examples of "preferred"habitats for selected bas1n mammals.Table 16 summarizes ava11ab111ty of some of these hab1tats 1n terms of acres and percent-of-subbas1n. Results of each mode11ng analys1s were 1ntegrated 1nto one "hab1tat synthes1s model"us1ng steps summar1zed 1n Table 17.Results of the synthes1s model were then comb1ned w1th ava11able ADF&G data to create f1sh and w11d11fe element maps for use by state planners.Element maps out11ne a system of bas1n lands that 1f managed for f1sh and w11d11fe would be h1ghly su1table to ma1nta1n these resources and the1r human uses.The system 1s des1gned to encompass:1)lands prov1d1ng hab1tats for 1mportant spec1es,such as moose, black bear,brown bear,and salmon,2)lands support1ng hab1tats used by a large var1ety of w11d11fe spec1es,3)lands that are relat1vely scarce 1n the bas1n or sens1t1ve to d1sturbance,4)lands serv1ng as 1mportant access routes or harvest areas for human users of f1sh and w1ld11fe,5)lands support1ng valuable wetlands,and 6)"phys10graph1c 11nkages"(such as networks of water bod1es,systems of wetlands,an1mal m1grat10n routes)that 1nterconnect f1sh and w1ld11fe hab1tats and ma1nta1n the1r ecolog1cal processes.In add1t10n, f1sh and w1ld11fe element maps subd1v1de 1dent1f1ed f1sh and w11d11fe lands 1nto four categor1es on the bas1s of general management and enhancement act1v1t1es feas1b1e 1n d1fferent areas.Data used and steps 1nvolved 1n creat1ng f1sh and w11d11fe element maps are descr1bed 1n the SCS f1sh and w11d11fe report.Add1t10na1 data on bas1n f1sh and w11d11fe and hab1tat resources are prov1ded 1n:F1sh and W11d11fe Resources Element for the Sus1tna Area P1ann1ng StUdy (ADF&G Hab1tat D1v1s10n,1984) b.Wetlands Mapp1ng 1n the Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n The Sus1tna Bas1n wetlands 1nventory resulted 1n preparat10n and automat10n of wetlands maps that could be used 1n mak1ng land-use dec1s10ns.These wetlands maps were used 1n 1dent1fy1ng key f1sh and w1ld11fe lands (see d1scuss10n above),and 1n mak1ng other land-use dec1s10ns,e.g.,1n determ1n1ng whether or not lands would be su1tab1e for agr1cu1ture or settlement (see Sus1tna Area Plan.Pub11c Rev1ew Draft--Summary [DNR,1984]).Because no separate wr1te-up accompan1es the wetland maps,def1n1t10ns and methods used 1n mapp1ng bas1n wetlands are descr1bed below. -40 - o n [ c ~i",,-._~ [ C o o o PD D o n b o G U U E [ [ [ c L; [ [ [ o Q C IJ...;.•.B ~ U D C r,-: U r'~ ~ ~ Table 14.Big game population estimates for the Sus1tna River Bas1n/Matanuska-Sus1tna Borough Estimated :Estimated Borough :%of State Species :Population l!:Population f!:Preferred Habitats : moose 49,000 25-50%Young forests,especially deciduous and mixed forests;low and tall shrublands with willow,birch, aspen,poplar,cottonwood,alder, lowbush cranberry,and other woody browse;freshwater wetlands, including muskegs,bogs,marshes; forested and shrubby stream and river valleys brown bear 1,000 10-20%open tundra and grasslands;but also uses a wide variety of shrub and forest habitats,especially if they are relatively open black bear 2,000 10%forests and woodlands;preferred areas seem to be semi-open forested areas with understory vegetation of fruit-bearing shrubs,herbs,lush grasses.and succulent forbs Dall sheep 6,000-12-16%steep grasslands and tundra in 8;000 alpine zone characterized by cliffs,deep canyons,rock outcrops,and other types of "escape terra1n" "mountain goat 300 --alpine and subalpine areas in the Talkeetna and Chugach Mountains with grasses,sedges,and forbs;in winter,prefers rocky wind-blown ridges where forage remains accessible wolf 800-1,000 8-13%all habitats in which preferred prey species (e.g.,moose,caribou, small game.etc.)are available l!Source:ADF&G.1982.Fish andwlldlHe resource and public use information for Matanuska-Sus1tna-Beluga study area.ADF&G,Anchorage.43 pp. 2/Source:derived from Rearden (ed).,1981.Alaska mammals.Alaska Geographic 8(2). -41 - 0 Table 15.Preferred habitats for selected Sus1tna Basin mammals 0-'"'"tU C:-...n0en0....-....;.c 'i .c '"u en :)...'1:l U '1:l -...-CIICII'1:l 0 .Q '"'1:l '"CII .....-c jJ0'"'1:l C tU....0 -c -'"u ....'1:l tU '"'1:l .. U CII -C tU...'"......tU e 0 ...0 CII .... 0 ....'1:l ...;c u .......:-CII CII C CII tU 0 :-:)nQ.CII ...'1:l I ....0 .0 ..---Q.......0 ---~---U't __....--'---CII-0 tU .Q ----.--------Ut CII ---u-C I :):-.Q ..tU '"CII '"...I :)tU .Qen..'"Q.'".Q .c '"...:-... I-'"..0 ..:)'".Q .c .c CII C CII '"-'"...:)'"'".c I-...CII CII .c .......CII -[J-0 ...'"...'".....c :-...-ClCl ....0 ..0 tU '"0 ....tU tU'" C ....'"....................'"::z::'"CII ....:-'"'"'1:l '1:ltU :)'".....tU ..0 ..:)'1:l C C ... Cl 0 :)0 c ..c ....c 0 c :):)en.......0 ....tU tU tU CII tU ....I I-CII :)-'1:l -'1:l -U ....CII U ....'1:l '1:l ...C ...C ...tU '".Q ...en [J....- - CII tU tU tU tU tU .Q '":)CII'1:l -l C U >C Q.....Q.....Q....tU ....cCII....0 CII --Q.-Q.-CII ....c ..'"SELECTED SPECIES en u Cl z:=======::z::~en Cl l.masked shrew X X X X X X X X X X X X 02.pika alpine X 3.snowshoe hare X X X X X X X X w/cover X 4.hoary marmot alpine X 05.arctic ground squirrel alpine X 6.red squirrel -X X X 7.northern flying squirrel X X X 08.beaver X X X 9.northern red-backed vole X X X X X X X X X X X 10.muskrat X X X X 8-ll.northern bog lemming ----mo1st----X X X X moist X 12.meadow jumping mouse ----open-----X X X.X moist 13.porcupine X X X X 014.coyote X X X X X X X X X X X X 15.grey wolf X X X X X X X X X X X X 16.red fox ----open-----X X X X X X X X X 017~'black bear X X X X X X X X X 18.brown bear ----open-----X X X X X X X X 19.marten X X X B20.short-tailed weasel ----open-----X X X w/cover X X 2l.mink ----edges----X X X X 22.wolverine X X X X X X X X X X U23.river otter X X X X 24.lynx X X X X X X X X X X 25.moose X X X X X X X X X w/cover X []26.caribou X X X X alpine X X 27.mountain goat --in winter--X spring alpine X X 28.Dall sheep near spring alpine X X Ctreel1ne *-Riparian-habitats are defined as those plant commun1t1es near enough to r1vers,streams,ponds,or Clakesforthesewaterbodiestobereadilyaccess1bletomammalspec1es1nques"t10n.This distance varies w1th s1ze and mob1l1ty of part1cular spec1es. E ~Il::T-::::J Ir':"":'"'J c:TJ C"':"'J ["".,,,J ~t:r:!!1 tl:ll!l,!~,:J t:C'"'l r-::l t",j"J rJ r---1 r=::l r;:r""'j r--1 r::J r""'J Table 16.Sunmary of ,selected plant cOllJllunHy (wl1dlHe habHat)acreages VEGETATION TYPES • (SCS map codes) II WILLOW :"ofacres:SUbbastn SUB BAS INS TALKEETNA UPPER SUSITNA : "of::"ofacres:SUbbastn:acres :Subbastn BElUGA "ofacres:SubbasIn 1..Open mhed fores t (32,34) 2.Closed mIxed forest (24.26) 3.Open conIfer forest (31,33) 4.Closed conIfer forest (21,25.41,42) 5.Open decIduous forest (35,36) 6.Closed decIduous forest (22,21,28.29 ) 1.Tall rtpartan shrub- alder,wIllow (61) 216,010 28.48 112,010 11.15 (Includes 43) 3,390 .35 51,160 2.49 11,600 .61 155,610 10.14 628,170 21.11 31,120 2.00 203,040 14.00 61,010 2.89 20,400 1.08 5,210 .36 153,850 6.63 11 ,240 .91 49,410 3.41 1,140 .08 ,£1 Y 5,110 .40 12.880 .56 2,120 .14 6,150 .42 136,280 5.88 20,680 1.09 59,420 4.10 49,610 5.12 8.Tall shrubs-alder 481,100 21.03 342,440 18.12 435,000 29.99 (60) g:--T()w sllrubs-wlffow,------l2-,"130---1.31 13.250--.51 105,920 5.61 16-;280 1.12 resIn bIrch (62)(1ncludes (6) 10.SaHwaterwetlands-23,310 2.41 11,380 .49 ~~lr--O 18,940 1.30 grass,sedge,shrub (50,51,52)n.81ack spruce-forests.(43 tncluded 528,010 22.11 ---s,400--.29 218,150 15.04 muskegs,sphagnum bogs above:68,69 _(43,68,69)not totaled) 12.Grass land (63)194,580 20,01 29,130 1.26 1,120 .06 25,650 1.11 13.Tundra 3F 145,150 14.98 -68,160 2.94 1,106,960 58.58 160,250 '-11.05 (64.65,66,61)(excludes 66) lotal vegetated acres 876,910 90.41 2,196,040 94.69 1,612,200 88.49 1,359,080 93.11 II 11 14.water-lakes,streams 99,830 4.30 8,280 .44 33,990 2.34 (91,92,96,91) 92,360 II 9.53 11 15.Non-vegetated 23,380 1.01 209,240 11.01 51,350 3.95 (10,80,81,82,83) Total acres 969,210 100.00 2,319,250 100.00 1,889,120 100.00 1,450,420 100.00 *Vegetatton types are descrIbed tn detaIl In:Resource Stattstlcs for the Susltna RIver BasIn (USDA tn progress). 11 W1110w SubbasIn plant cOllJllunHy classes are not dIrectly comparable to classes tn other SUbbasIns,acreages presented here are therefore rough totals. ,£1 MInImum mappIng unH In this subbastn was 40 acres rather than 10 acres,therefore,plant cOllJllunttlesoccurrlngln small scattered parcels (polygons)do not appear on the map. ~/In WIllow Subbasin,shrub tundra (SCS (6)Is combtned with low shrub acreage (SCS 62). InstructIons for each step Table 17.Sunvnary of InstructIons for habitat synthesis model SCS vegetatIon codes :Total acres (%of vegetated acres)* Included by each step :In SubbasIn Included by each s~ Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: map all "very scarce"and "scarce" habItats havIng "hIgh spec1es d1vers1ty" plus all "very scarce"habItats hav\ng "moderate specIes dIversIty" map all "open mIxed forests"and "tall alder-wIllow r1par1an shrublands"1f not prevIously mapped and 1f not "abundant" map stream and r1ver corrIdors map all "shrub tundra"and "low shrub wIllow-resIn bIrch"If not prevIously mapped and If not "abundant" map selected freshwater wetlands not yet mapped Totals . Talkeelna-8e1uga SUbbasIn 31,33,35,36, 50, 51,52,62; 22,21,28,29, 43,51,63 32,34,61 stream corrIdor portions of 21, 24, 25,26,41, 42,60,64, 65, 66,67,68,69 66 SCS wetland codes 2,3,6 Upper Susltna Subbas1n 24,26,31,32, 33,34,61; 21, 22,25, 27, 28, 29,41,42,43,63, 68,69 1nc1uded by step 1 stream corrIdor port10ns of 60, 64,65,66,67 62,66 SCS wetland codes 2,3,6 Talkeetna-Beluga SubbasIn 225,784 (6.35%) 409,194 (11.51%) not computer mapped, (not computed) 17,470 (0.49%) not computer mapped, (not computed) 652,448 (18.35%) Upper Susltna SubbasIn 103,342(6.18%) Included by step 1 not computer mapped, (not computed) 93,810 (5.61%) not computer mapped, (not computed) 197,152 (11.79%) *94.3%of the Talkeetna-Beluga SubbasIn Is vegetated, 88.5%of the Upper Susltna SubbasIn Is vegetated. rn c:1 c:J ern L...._J tLL]LH"..,Jill CJ rtrJ c=J [...1 c:=:J C"l l ___J L_J l___J c=J L--J C=:J 1) 2) [ [ [ c c [ [ B o [ q ~ D C r:lj C U [ U l The wetlands inventory conducted for the Sus1tna Basin study represented a cooperative federal-state effort to identify.classify.and map wetlands in the basin.The following definition of wetlands was used: "Wetlands are lands where saturation with water is the dominant factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface.The single feature that most wetlands share is soil or substrate that is at least periodically saturated with or covered by water."11 Following this general definition.land areas fitting into one of the following two categories were identified and mapped as wetlands: land areas which.at least periodically.support predominantly hydrophytesll and in which the substrate is predominantly very poorly drained or undrained hydric so11~/;or land areas which are located within an active flood p1a1n!/;regardless of vegetation or soil conditions. As indicated above.non-floodplain wetlands were identified and mapped by combining data on soil drainage and vegetation types.Both data sets were combined because.in Alaska.lists of hydric soils and lists of hydrophyt1c plants are too preliminary to be used separate1y.~1 Figure 5 presents the plant community-soil matrix used to identify vegetated basin wetlands. 11 Coward1n.l.M.et a1 .•1979.Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States.USFWS-OBS.Washington.D.C.103 pp.This definition corresponds closely to the legal definition of wetlands used by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers during its "404 11 wetland permit review activities:"'Wet1ands l means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support.and that under normal circumstances do support.a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.Wetlands generally include swamps.marshes.bogs.and similar areas.11 (33 U.S.C.323.2(c)) II hydrophyte:any plant growing in water or on a substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content. ~I hydric soil:soil that is wet long enough to periodically produce anaerobic conditions.thereby influencing the growth of plants. !I active flood plain:the flood-prone lowlands and relatively flat areas adjoining inland and coastal waters including contiguous wetlands and flood plain areas of offshore islands;this will include.at a minimum.that area subject to a 1%or greater chance of flooding in any given year (100-year flood plain). ~I In Coward1 n et a 1.(op.c H.).the presence of eHher hydr 1c soil s or hydrophyt1c vegetation is sufficient to identify an area as a wetland. -45 - i SOILS DRAI/'f~I ~ SHORTClR l'ALL WHITE SPllCle!--f VERY POORLY DllAII'fI!D l'OR£STl!i)/'f1!!DLE·LUt.VI!O EVI!RQREEI'f ISHORTCLOSI!D IIl.AC:J(SPRlICE -4 i'oRl!ST DECIOCIOClS""XI!D f'ORUT H VI!RY POORLY DRAlnl!DYOClftGCLOSl!DCOTTOt'lWClOO FOREST!DI'fI!EDLE LUt.VI!D I!VERCREEn, Al'fDBROADLEAVI!D.DI!CIOClOClS "'~UIl!lIU'lDOLDC01TOIlWClOO --t VERT.POORLY DRAlI'lI!D SHOIn'OPEI'IIILACK SPRClC!~VERY POOIILYDRAII'lI!D SCRCl8ISHIItIBI'fEI!DLE LEAVED evl!RGRI!En I POORLY DRA'I'lI!D POT!I'lTIAL PALClSTRII'lI!WI!TLAI'fD I- / LOWSHllCIa I-WILLOW RI!SII'lBlIlOt H POORLYDRAIftl!O -4 SHIlCI8LAI'lD TALLSHRCla I--ALDER H VI!RY POORLY DRA'I'fED SCRClBlSHRClIlIIROAD L!AVI!DDECJOClOClSALDI!R·W'LLOW: rl POORLYDRAII'fI!D H VI!RY POORLY DRAlI'fI!D r-I SHRUB I- 1-1 HAT AI'lOCClSHIOI'f I VI!CETAnort I-~.TUl'fDRA POOllLY ORAIftI!D I-1-1 HERIIACI!IOClS :!l!:iVERY POORLY DRAlnl!O t-"'\.. y S1!DGI!-G1lASS POOllLY ORAII'fI!D r 1-~CAAS5l.AI'lD ClRASSLAI'fD VERY POORLY ORAlI'lED t-H I!"'I!RClI!l'lT PERSISTAI'fT I POOllLYDRAlI'lI!D t- VERT POORLY DRA'I'fED t-.SPHACl"U'"IlOCl rl I'RI!SHWATER POORLY DRAlI'lI!D SPHAClriu ...·SHIlCIIlIlOCl VERY POORLY ORAII'l!O . AQUATIC I-POORLYDRA'"I!D II'fTERnO/lL SCRUII/SHRUII BROAD LEAVED DI!CJOUOUS VI!RY POORLY DRAII'lI!D r-I LOWSHIlUII Y SALTWATER I-I-rl POORLY ORAI"EO t- H ClRASSLAI'fD -;'mEllnDAL £llilERGEI'fT PERS'STAI'fT i-i nOAL ...ARSH I-y VERY POORLY OIlAlI'lI!D t- lJ c L n o o o 6 c D- o [ c o l [J D LOWER PEREI'lPl'AL A"'O"'ClDf'LAT WETLAl'fD TYPE U"'I'lETIC AI'lDUTTORAL UPPER PEREI'fI'lIAL Ul'fCOI'lSOLJI)/ITED IlOTTO ... UI'lCO"SOLIDATED BOTTO"" II'lTERTIDAL CONSOLIDATED S'IORE L!SS THAI'1&5 FT. J65toHOFT. "'UDf'LATS ACTIVE FLOOD PLAlI'lS LAKES 'Oto4OACRES CREATERTHAl'fHOFT. LAKES CREATl!RTHAI'l 40 ACRI!S II'fTERPRETED MAPSBASEDATA [j Figure 5.Wetland Identification Matrix E """"1 _J .j ., ., .=1 ., .J __.J ..., J J "'1 .J ~ 3 ~ iJ --J ::;J ""'! ~a J d ., ~ ~ d ~ j .. ~ -~ J Ident1f1ed wetlands were c1ass1f1ed accord1ng to the system developed by the USF&WS for the1r on-g01ng Nat10na1Wet1ands Inventory Program.Table 18 presents USF&WS vegetated wetland classes correspond1ng to thevar10us vegetat10n-s011 and vegetat10n-f100d p1a1n classes d1sp1ayed 1n F1gure 5. Acres and percent-of-subbas1n covered by each of these classes 1n the Talkeetna and Beluga Subbas1ns are presented 1n Table 19 . Two 11m1tat10ns of th1s wetland 1dent1f1cat10n and mapp1ng process should be noted.F1rst,the m1n1mum map un1t,or smallest area resolvable on wetland maps,1s 10 acres.As a result,wetland areas less than 10 acres 1n s1zeare not accurately de11neated:wetlands 5 acres or larger may appear as 10-acre wetlands,wh11e wetlands smaller than 5 acres may not show on the map. Second,as F1gure 5 1nd1cates,wetlands occas10na11y occur on "poorly"dra1ned s011s;and wetlands on these s011s may not all be mapped.For example, topograph1c depress10ns can conta1n wetlands w1th "poorly"rather than "very poorly"dra1ned s011s.F1e1d check1ng of poorly dra1ned topograph1c depress10ns would be necessary to determ1ne whether or not they produce wetland cond1t10ns . 9.Flood P1a1ns F1ve flood p1a1nmanagement stud1es were prepared dur1ng the Sus1tna R1ver Bas1n study: 1)Flood Hazard Study,Kroto.Rab1deux.Trapper.and Peters Creeks (USDA,1982) 2)Flood Hazard Study.196 M11e.Caswell.Sheep.Goose.Montana.Answer. and B1rch Creeks and Tr1butar1es (USDA,1981) 3)Flood Hazard Study.Troublesome.Byers.and Honolulu Creeks;East and M1dd1e Forks of the Chu11tna R1ver (USDA.1981) 4)Flood P1a1n Management Study.Beluga Subbas1n Streams (USDA,1982) 5)Flood P1a1n Management Study.Kashw1tna R1ver;Was111a.Cottonwood. and luc11e Creeks (USDA,1982). General methods used and results obta1ned dur1ng these stud1es are summar1zed below. Flood p1a1n stud1es were completed at levels of 1ntens1ty commensurate w1th ant1c1pated pressures for development.F100d-hazard-re1ated topograph1c and f1e1d surveys were conducted at three levels of deta11:(1)by us1ng only eX1st1ng USGS topograph1c maps,w1th no supplemental surveys (for streams 1n the Beluga area).(2)by us1ng ex1st1ng USGS topograph1c maps supplemented by valley cross sect10ns (for the Talkeetna area along the Parks H1ghway),and (3)by prepar1ng deta11ed topograph1c maps supplemented by valley cross sect10ns and road and br1dge surveys (for deve1op1ng areas around Palmer and Was111a). -47 - Table 18.Classification of·Wetlands in the Susitna Basin (classification after Coward in et al.1979) [ [' _0 System Subsyst_ PaIu.»:rJne:indudes all no nCll'iUcfal wetlands dominated subsystem by trees.shrubs.persJstant emergent mosses or lichens, and all such wetlands that occur In tidal areas where :1l:llnity due to CICUIWIerived sa:ts is below 0""0100 (parts per ttJousand);also inclUdes wetJaftds lacJdng such vegetation.but with all the following charae:terisdcs: I)size less than 8 ha. 2)absen..-e 01 an active wave- formed or bedrocll shoreline future.3)wate!'""th in the deepest pen of basin less than 2 m Jlt low watet.and salinity due to oceanoderived saits less than 0.5 01ll0;includes vege- tated wetlancls traditionally G1Jed by $Uch names as marsh, Damp.bog.fen.and prairie; also i&lcJudes the small. shallow.~anent or Inter- n-ittent water bodies often :alle:d ponds.' Oan- Forested:i"dudes areas In one of three SCS vege- tation categories: a)dosed forest.In which tree canopy cover equals or exceeds 60,..;b)open , forest.In which tree canopy cover equals 25-59":lind c)woodland. In which tree canopy cover equals 10024"(trees ant ddined by SCS as ''woody plants having one well- dfteloped stl!m and us.. aUy more than 12 It.In height-'j ScruJHhrub:Includes areas dominated by woody vegetation less than J2 ft.tall;species indude true shNbs, young trees.and trees or shrubs that are small fir stunted because of environmental conditions; tree canopy cover Is less than 10,....shNb cover equals or exceeds 25.,.. Subc.lass l'teedle-ieaweO evergreen:predominant woody life form Is needle-leaved evergreen Broad.leaved deciduous:predominant woody life form Is broad.Jeaved cfeclduous I'teedle-leatled eYer- green and Broad- leatreddedduous: these two woody lire forms are cHominant- l'teedle-leatred evergreen:predominant woody life form under 12 It.tall Is needle- leaved eYergreen Broad·leaved dedduous:predominant woody life fonn under J2 It.tall Is broad- leaved dedduous DominllRC& Type Pica IIIiIrlana:bllick spruce constitutes the dominant sub- c:IaSs species Populus balsamifera: cottonwood (balsam popular)constitutes die dominant subclass spedes Plea martana:black SllfUCe constUutu die dominant subclass species scs Code '1 2 3 4 5 asFWS Code PF04 PFOI PF040 PFOI PSS4 PSSl ~ [ [ r~ [ o [J •Sc.:::;C:efinitions nf vegetation classes coincide with Viereck a.,d Oyrneu (1950).dcflDitions of non·..~et,"ion dassn coincide wi:h,C:owc1fdin ~L aI,(19791- Flat:includes all wetlands haYing three d1araeteris· tia:(1)unconsoll· dated substrates with tess than 75% areal cover 01 stones. boulders.,or bedrock; (2)less than 30". areal cover ot veueta- tlon other them pioneering plants;3nd (3)any appropriate water regime (e.g. regularly flooded) Emergent:Includes areas dominated by erect.rooted, herbaceous hydrophytes; this Yegetation Is present for most of the growing season In most years;tree canopy cover Is less than J0.,...shrub cover less than25.,.. EstilurlJ'le:indudes deep- water tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands that are \Isually semi-endosed by Iar-d but have open.part'y obstructed.or Sl)Oradic ac:r:us to the open ocean, and in ..,hich ocean water Is .1t least occasionally diluted by freshwater runof'from the 1an4;the salinity may be periodlt'ally Increased above that of t.'1e open ocean by cvaroration. IntertIdal:sub- strate Is exposed and nooded by tides;includes the usodated splash 'Zones Scrub-shrub:(see Palustrine.SCnIb- shrub) Emergent:(see Palustrine. Emergent) Persistent:dominated by species that normally remain standing at least until the beainning of the next growing season Broad-leaved decid- uous:(see Palustrine. Scrub-shrub.Broad- leaved dedduous) Persistent:(see Palustrine.Emergent. Persistent) Mud:the uneonsolid... ted particll:S smaller than stones are predominantly silt and clay;anuerobic conditions often exist below the surf.1ce Myrica:swe!:tgale 'or other broad·lellived deci- duous shrubs constitute the dominant subclass species Elymus.CalamagroSo tis:grasses constitute the dominant subrlass specieS Selrpus,Carex,etc.: emergent persistent wetlands dominated by rushes,sedges,or other lorbs 6 11 12 13 14 PEM,I E2SS1 E2EMl E2EMJ E2F1.3 [ D c c c c u L [ c 1/Data are presented for Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins only.Data collected for the Upper Sus1tna Subbasin are not in sufficient detail to permit assignment to these categories. -49 - ~/Totals do not add to 100.00 due to rounding. Table 19.Wetland Types,Sus1tna River Bas1 nl/ % 1.41 4.53 0.12 0.65 0.64 0.54 13.08 7.42 0.73 0.00 2.34 68.52 99.98Y 9,250 7,900 9,530 Beluga Acres 20,480 10,790 65,670 189,770 107,670 10,540 o 33,990 993,830 % 1.76 0.18 0.21 6.05 0.68 0.11 19.56 3.06 0.35 10.00 3.92 54.16 2,319,250 100.04~/1,459,420 Talkeetna Acres Emergent Pers1stant 70,890 Upper Perennial Riverine 232,000 Littoral and L1mnet1c 91,010 Non Wetland 1,256,050 Totals Potential Palustrine Wetland Inclusions 140,400 forested Needle Leaved Evergreen 40,920 Scrub/shrub Needle Leaved Evergreen and Broad Leaved Deciduous 453,700 Intertidal Scrub/shrub Broad Leaved Deciduous 2,510 Intertidal Emergent Pers1stant (Calamagrost1s)4,110 Intertidal Emergent Pers1stant 4,760 Intertidal Unconsolidated Shore Mud flat 8,110 forested Needle Leaved Evergreen and Broad Leaved Deciduous 14,790 c c [ c c [ [ o [J C G B o o c c [ E L Hydraulics Elevation-discharge relationships were developed using the topographic and field survey data referred to above.For Beluga area streams.elevat1on- discharge relationships were developed for valley sections assuming normal flow and using Manning's flow equat1on*.Hydraulic parameters existing prior to 1981.i.e.pre-1981 phy~1cal characteristics of the channel and flood plain.were used in the computations.High water marks.stream gage records. and other historical flood data were used to test the accuracy of computed water surfaces. Three stream gages are located in the study area.Records from only one.on the Skwentna River near Skwentna.are adequate for peak-frequency (pe~cent chance of high water)analysis.TheChakachatna River gage near Tyonek is at the mouth of Chakachamna Lake and.therefore.is not representative of peak discharge from the area;and data from the Chu1tna River gage near Beluga are too limited (covering only 1975-1981)for development of reliable peak-frequency curves.For these reasons.the latter two gages were used only to help in identifying historical high water marks.For Parks Highway streams and Palmer-Wasilla area studies.elevation-discharge relationships were developed for all bridges.culverts.and valley sections utilizing the Water Surface Profile computer program (WSP2)outlined in SCS Technical Release No.61 (USDA.1976).Hydraulic parameters of the channel and flood plain for conditions prior to 1979 were used as input data for the WSP2 program.High water marks.stream gage records.and other historical flood data were used in checking the accuracy of the computed water surface profiles.Two stream gages were located in these study areas.one on Cottonwood Creek and one on Montana Creek.each with short periods of records (less than 10 years).These records were utilized to help determine the accuracy of the computed hydraulics. Hydrology Annual-peak-d1scharge studies have been made by the USGS for all of Alaska. The USGS has published a regional analysis."Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams"(Water Resources Investigations 78-129.1979).that presents regional equations for determining peak discharges in two areas in Alaska.Area I and Area II.This river basin study is located in Area II.Curves showing the frequency or percent chance of high water (peak-frequency curves)were. therefore.developed by using both the equation proposed by USGS and the Log-Pearson Type III method.High water (peaks)calculated by these two methods for given frequency storms were compared to determine the adequacy of the regional equation for this study.These comparisons indicated that the regional equation was adequate for the relatively flat lowland areas of Wasilla.Cottonwood.and Lucile Creeks;however.for Kashw1tna River and Parks Highway streams.Peters Creek.and Beluga streams.the regional equation *Manning's equation is used to calculate stream flows given existing channel characteristics. -50 - [ [ [ [ [ [ [ o [ [ G C r6 b C E L [ t [ [' I LJ c c [ [ o o D G B [J ~Lj C o [ U RL. was determined to be inadequate.As a result,stream gage records within the Southcentral Region were used to develop peak-frequency curves in an effort to obtain more reliable peaks for the study area. A range (upper and lower curves)for high,medium,and low peak discharges for the 2-year,10-year,50-year,100-year and 500-year events was developed. (See Appendix E,Exhibits 5,6,7,8,and 9 of the "Flood Hazard Study for 196 Mile,Caswell,Sheep,Goose,Montana,Answer,and Birch Creeks"by SCS, 1981.)These curves,and watershed characteristics such as watershed slope, channel length and slope,mean elevation,land cover,and average annual precipitation,were used to develop a curve showing the frequency of peak-discharges produced by the events mentioned above for each watershed at each cross section. Cottonwood and lucille Creeks both run through lakes for long distances. Discharges at the outlets of the lakes were found to control water surface elevations downstream from the outlets.Peak discharges were determined at the lake outlets;from that point downstream,watershed areas above the lake outlets were considered noncontributing to the stream stage. The peak discharges of the 10-,50-,100-,and 500-year storm events for each watershed area above each cross section were determined from the curves described above and then used to determine water surface elevations and area inundated on each stream.The area inundated by the 100-year frequency event was outlined on flood plain maps as a part of each study.Table 20 provides a list of streams studied in the basin,and for each,indicates area subject to flooding from the 100-year frequency event. The major areas studied are shown on Figure 6.In addition to the information provided above,all reports contain maps showing the potential areas of inundation,as well as information on historical floods and flood damage potential. -51 - Table 20.Streams Studied in the Susitna River Basin. and Areas of Each Subject to Flooding (100-year flood p1a1n) 196 Mile Group Stream 196 Ml1e Creek Caswell Sheep Creek Goose Creek Montana Creek Answer Creek Birch Creek Chulitna G~oup Stream Troublesome Creek Byers Creek Honolulu Creek East Fork of Chulitna River Middle Fork of Chulitna R1ver Kroto Group Stream Kroto Creek Moose Creek Nineml1e Creek Gate Creek Twentymi1e Creek Seventeenmi1e Creek Peters Creek Kenny Creek RaM deux Creek Trapper Creek -52 - Area Subject to Flooding (acres) 400 850 3.450 570 1.480 140 80 Total 6.970 Area Subject to Flooding (acres) 20 40 60 840 1700 Total 2.660 Area Subject to Flooding (acres) 2.880 4.780 620 280 100 80 600 120 570 2,.770 Tota 1 12.800 [ [ [ [ rU [ [ D o C E C C o C C L C C Table 20.Streams Studied in the Susitna River Basin.and Areas of Each Subject to flooding (lOO-year flood plain)(continued) Total 306.600 Area Subject to Flooding (acres) Area Subject to Flooding (acres) 1.770 1.050 310 170 240 51.800 87.700 1.000 900 2.200 23.000 140.1 000 Total -53 - KashwHna River Wasilla Creek Cottonwood Creek lucile Creek Kustatan River McArthur.Chakachatna.and Chuitkinachna Rivers Old Tyonek Creek Tyonek Creek ChuHna River Beluga.Theodore.and lewis Rivers Yentna and Tributaries KashwHna Group Stream Beluga Group Stream c [ c c [ [ C 8 o C 8 8 C C o C U U t2 .#~ FIGURE e'",Nt-Utli SUSITNA RIVER BASIN AlASKA AUGUST ttll ..•..•...q .!!!5 HAZARD GROUPS MANAGEMENT GROUPS It"" /CHIli \ I Ladd .~~/'/'TJio.t.f -{'oquaw,te --__..WI'S"'................~J/~~MI ::::"_..tCI.-._:IioolMIIWICI _~._.V..O«__OIAG __•__ : rt:';rt r::J c-:J c--J ~r1J L.J rro r::-J c::-J r::J r--J r--J rj r-J r-J .c-j ~ r L_, [ r' c p [ [ B C o 6 ~ C C C C [ E e E.Objective:Ident1fy the econom1c value of selected recreat10nal resources w1th1n the bas1n. Rat10nale:To 1ncrease pub11c awareness of the econom1c values assoc1ated w1th recreat10nal resources and thus prov1de an 1nd1cat10n of econom1c trade-offs that would result from selected changes 1n land-use,e.g., convert1ng ex1st1ng recreat10nal lands to,for example,settlement lands. Analys1s:N1 ne l/recreat10nal act1v1t1es were exam1ned bas1n-w1de.Those act1v1t1es were: Small game hunt1ng Waterfowl hunt1ng Kayak1ng/Canoe1ng Cross-country sk11ng Snowmob11 1ng H1k1ng w1th pack P1cn1ck1ng Tent camp1ng Recreat10nal veh1cle camp1ng For each act1v1ty,est1mates were made of demand from and econom1c value~/ to recreat10nal part1c1pants from four p01nts of or1g1n:1)Anchorage, 2)Fa1rbanks,3)the Mat-Su Borough,and 4)outs1de Alaska (nonres1dents). Levels of demand from w1th1n Alaska were est1mated based on part1c1pat10n rates presented 1n DNRls 1981 Alaska Outdoor Recreat10n Plan,wh11e nonres1dent demand levels were der1ved from the 1977 V1s1tor Expend1ture Survey comm1ss10ned by the Alaska Department of Commerce and Econom1c Development. Recreat10nal values were est1mated us1ng the travel cost method (TCM}.The TCM assumes that the value of a recreat10nal act1v1ty 1s equal tpthesum of the round tr1p costs 1ncurred by part1c1pants 1n ga1n1ng access to recreat10nal s1tes.Res1dent travel costs used 1n th1s study 1nclude only var1able costs for auto/truck travel,and both var1able and f1xed costs for Recreat10nal Veh1cle travel.For nonres1dents.costs for round tr1p transportat10n to Alaska,as well as 10dg1ng and spec1al 11cense fees (where app11cable).have also been 1ncluded. 1/The Alaska Department of F1sh and Game conducted s1m11ar analyses for freshwater f1sh1ng and b1g game hunt1ng (see references c1ted under recreat10n 1nventory).The USDA ass1sted ADF&G w1th port10ns of th1s work. y In th1s case econom1c value 1s 11mited to transportat10n costs d1scussed on the follow1ng page. -55 - All human use figures in the analysis are expressed as user days.A user day is any portion of a 24-hour period in which an 1nd1~1dual(user)participates in a particular recreational activity.(A person wha camps overnight. picnics.and then hikes a scenic trail during one 24-hour period has completed 3 user days.one for each act1v1ty~)In the travel cost method.monetary user-day values for any recreational activity increase as users travel farther to engage in that activity.In order to take this distance factor into account.monetary values of each recreational activity were computed based on both distances traveled to reach that activity and number of users traveling those distances.Concentric travel-time zones (each representing 1 hour of. travel.or 45 m11es).-were drawn radiating out from cities within and outside the basin.User-day values could then be computed for all activities within each zone by estimating how many users recreated within that zone and how far that zone was from users'po1nts-of-or1g1n. Table 21 presents total user days in all zones (hourly driving intervals)that fall within basin boundaries.This table also converts use into facility demand based on composite factors set forth in Table 22. Results:Table 23 summarizes the economic value of each selected recreational activity within the planning area.Values estimated represent only a portion of the total value of fish and wildlife and recreational resources.Even though the analyses conducted by ADF&G on freshwater fishing and big game hunting will yield values additional to those of the nine activities examined here.the total estimated value for all analyzed recreational activities will still·fall short of the actual total value of recreat1on~l resources for two major reasons: 1)Many activities have not been considered.and 2)Many other expenses.e.g.gear.more costly alternative travel modes. etc .•have not been included.- In addition to the demand and value analysis described above.an attempt was made to determine unit values of meat and fish harvested.These values are presented in Table 24 and have been utilized in part by ADF&G for estimating basinwide total harvest values.It should be noted that for a significant portion of the population.unit value~in tables 23 and 24 would be additive. F.Objective:Develop an integrated automatic data processing capability to handle collected resource data~Use data process1n~capability to evaluate and select land uses for the Sus1tna Basin. Rationale:Early in the Sus1tna Basin study.it became apparent that analyzing the large volume of land-based geographic information being collected would require the use of computers.As a result.a data processing system was developed to handle analysis of river bastn data.and to facilitate the use of basin data for making land-use decisions. -56 - [ '[ [ [ r:L [ [ [ C C 8 o D G C [ l [ L [ [ ru [ G [ C o C Q Q [; C fJ.·w C C [ £ F.;Lj' Table 21.Existing Recreational Demandll Annual User Day Demand :Facility Demand (Peak Day)21 :: Total :facl1 Hy UnHs :Total.:. Kayak1ng/Canoe1ng 70.524 stream miles 88.2 Cross-country skiing 99.585 tral1 miles 92.6 Snowmobiling 95.341 tral1 ml1es 59.5 Hiking 74.713 tral1 ml1es 62.3 Picnicking 376.987 sHes 502 Rec.vehicle camping 120.064 sites 832 Tent camping 107.371 sHes 447 Waterfowl hunting 19.065 Not A v ail a b 1 e Small game hunting 44.068 Not A v ail a b 1 e II Includes Residents and Non-Residents. £1 A peak day is defined as that day in which maximum daily use occurs. -57 - 66.67 1 =.0126 ml1es. Table 22.Standards for selected re~reatlona1 actlvltles .·:..·1 :2 :3 :4 .5..::Composite :"of1/;"of1l ·:factor·:tota1 annual :tota1 annua1:Facl11tles1/:(facilitles :demand :demand :requlred :requlred per :occurrlng :requlrlng :per demand :user day) Activity :on peak day :fac11itles :day :(2 x 3 x 4 )~ ::: Stream Flshlng 1.56 100 Y .0126 ml if .000197 Lake Flshlng 1.56 50 i/.053 units ~/.000413 Kayaklng/Canoelng 2.5 75 .0667 ml .001251 Cross-country Skllng 1.55 90 .0667 ml .000930 Snowmob111 ng 1.04 90 .0667 ml .000624 Hlklng 2.5 50 .0667 ml .000834 Plcnlcklng 1.88 52 .136 units .001330 RV Camplng 2.5 100 .277 units .006925 Tent Camplng 2.5 Y 50 Y .333 unl ts II .004163 1/Derlved from Alaska Outdoor Recreatlon Plan (1976-1980),Alaska Dlvlslon of Parks. £/Assumed to be same as hlklng. 3/Slnce facl11tles ln thls case are ln terms of stream ml1es,all users requlre facl11tles. i/No data aval1ab1e -thls ls an SCS estlmate -assumed same as hlklng. if Estlmated by SCS as follows: 100 1 /person 1.5 turnover =66.67 1 person/day ~Estlmated by SCS as follows:1 ramp accommodates 5 veh.plus tral1ers; day capaclty =5 veh.x 2.5 persons/veh.x 1.5 turnover =18.75 persons; 1 person needs 1/18.75 ramps =.053 ramps (unlts). 1/Estlmated by SCS as follows: 3 persons/slte 1 T 3 =.333 sltes/person. ~/The product of these factors and demand equals total facl11tles requlred. -58 - [ rJ [ ~JLJ C [ [ D [ G 6 C [} o c [] c c e [ [ r~ L __ [ C [ [ o c c o E o C [ C C u e Table 23.EXisting Recreational Value Susitna Planning Area Excluding Willow Subbasin (1982 Dollars) Total Annual :Total Annual .Total .Total.. Recreation Value :Recreation Value :Annual :Present Activity :to Residents :to Non-Residents :Value :Value II..::.. Kayakingl 1.682.620 143.539 1.826.159 18.106.000 Canoeing Cross-country 897.300 195.472 1.092.772 10.834.600 Skiing Snowmobiling 2.958.362 235.047 3.193.409 31.662.000 Hiking 588.780 124.825 713.605 7.075.300 Picnicking 3.696.140 3.055.223 6.751.363 66.938.500 Rec.Vehicle 676.940 4.649.081 5.326.021 52.806.500 Camping Tent Camping 837.540 627.078 1.464.618 14.521.400 Waterfowl 507.180 45.537 552.717 5.480.100 Hunting Small Game 1.240.391 97.660 1.338.051 13.266.500 11 Based on 50 year evaluation period.10%discount rate. -59 - 1/Values were based on average costs of obtaining comparable amounts of protein from 23 specified meats and meat alternatives.These 23 items are as follows: Table 24. Food Item Black Bear Beaver Caribou Duck (Eider) Moose Reindeer Salmon (wet weight) Chinook Chum Coho Pink Sockeye Fish and Game Protein Values 1/ Value/lb. (2nd quarter 1982 projected price base) 3.16 4.21 4.21 3.16 4.21 3.16 4.12 4.52 4.37 4.31 4.27 [ r [ r f [ [ [ [ C E Peanut butter Bread,white enriched Dry beans Eggs,large Chicken,ready-to-cook Bean soup,canned Milk,whole,fluid Ground beef Chicken breasts halves Beef liver Tuna,canned Turkey,ready-to-cook -60 - Processed American cheese Cured ham Round beefsteak,bone in Ocean perch fillet,frozen Frankfurters Chuck roast of beef,bone in Rump roast of beef,boned Pork chops,center Bologna Bacon,sliced Porterhouse beefsteak D C l :;. -", [ U C [ t c [ [ c c [ [ o c C Q e C G G C [ '8 C Analysis:Once the need for computer processing of basin data was r~cogn1zed.a computer contractor (Environmental Systems Research Institute. Redlands.California)was selected to work with study participants in automating and analyzing basin data.Working with stat~and federal resource specialists and planners.ESRI rectified.digitized.and automated all available land-based data for the Talkeetna.Beluga.and Upper Sus1tna Subbasins.In addition.agency and ESRI personnel together developed computer "models"for analyzing automated data.Models were designed to assess natural opportunities for and constraints on implementing different land uses throughout the basin.based on inventoried environmental conditions.Results of model analyses were presented on computer-generated maps that showed basin lands rated in terms of their sUitability to support different land uses. Computer models were based on land suitability "criteria"selected by resource specialists and land planners.Criteria reflected the assumed effects of particular mapped environmental conditions upon particular land uses.For example."slope"represented one mapped environmental condition ,that affected the use of land for settlement.It was assumed that slopes exceeding 30% would be "unsuitable"for settlement because of the potential difficulties of clearing and building on such slopes.and because of the potential damages (erosion.mass wasting)that development on such slopes could cause."Slope percent."therefore.became one land sUitability criterion in the settlement "model.11 Likewise.certain vegetation types were assumed to be conducive to "remote lJrge lot"settlement because they could provide timber for house logs and/or firewood;so the presence of such vegetation types became a sUitability criterion in the "remote settlement"model. All computer suitability models were based on automated environmental data; however.some analyses were based directly on the field data.while others were based on additional interpretations of those data.Development of suitability models.and criteria used in each.are described in detail in: Final Report Computerized Geographic Information System.Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins,Sus1tna River Basin,Alaska (ESRI.1982).In addition.examples of suitability models are presented in Appendix D. Results:Data processing was essential in developing land-use plans for state and borough lands in the Sus1tna Basin.Alternative land use plans developed using data processing methods outlined above are described in "elements"prepared by DNR and ADF&G with USDA input.These elements have been published by DNR.one element for each land use:agriculture.fish and wildlife.forestry.recreation.settlement.subsurface resources.and transportation.The final proposed land use plan for the basin.developed by the state and borough through a process of negotiating and balancing trade-offs among potentially suitable land uses.and involving considerable public input and review.is presented in:Sus1tna Area Plan Public Review Draft -Summary (DNR.1984). -61 - j 1 .J --, .., " ..., --' , -, -' 1 -l '5 -' '-l d 4 ....i "'", ='.J ~ ..J ~ ',' ~ cJ ~ u r~ t:.i i -: ~ L.. n E C III.Appendlces APPENDIX A Supplementary Reports Prepared by or for the USDA: (Those markedwHh an *arecontalned ln full in:SusHna River Basin Study Summary of USDA Investigations and Analyses [USDA SCS,1985]) Economics: 1.The Sus1tna Cooperatlve River Basin Study Economic Development Analysis (P.Fuglestad and J.0'Ne111.1983.USDA ERS.SCS) 2.*A Methodology for Estimating Road Costs in the SusHna River Basin (P.Fuglestad and J.O'Neill.1983.USDA ERS.SCS) Water Resources: 1.*Mean Annual Precipitation and Water Yield in the Sus1tna River Basin (E.Merrell.1979.USDA SCS)-- 2.SusHna Basin Plannlng Background Report -Water Supply and Demand (B.Loeffler.1980.ADNR in cooperation with USDA) 3.SusHna Basin Water QualHy Report (B.Rummell.no date.for USDA SCS,FS.ERS) So11s: 1.Soil Survey -Sus1tnafast Area.Alaska (USDA SCS,in progress) 2.Sol1 Survey -Yenta Area.Alaska (USDA SCS,in progress) Land Treatment and Agronomy: 1.Alaska Irrigation Gulde (E.Merrell.in progress,USDA SCS) Geology: 1.Geology Report for the Talkeetna Subbasin.Sus1tna River Basin Alaska Cooperative Study (S.Sumslon.1979.unpublished report prepared for the USDA SCS) land Cover (Vegetation): 1.Preliminary Field Procedures for the Cooperative Vegetation Inventory of the Sus1tna River Basin.Alaska (USDA FS.PNW,1979)"' -62 - 2.Resource Statistics for the Sus1tna River Basin (C.Steele,SCS FSl, W.Watts,USDA SCS,in progress) 3.Timber Resource Statistics for the Talkeetna Block,Sus1tna River Basin Mu1t1resourcelnventory Unit,~aska (T.Setzer,G.l.Carroll, B.R.Mead,1979,USDA FS,PNW Forest and Range Experiment Station) Recreation: ·1.Recreation Atlas -Willow-Talkeetna Basin (ADNR in cooperation 'with USDA,1979) Archeological,Historical,and Cultural Resources: 1.Cultural Resource Assessment:Talkeetna-lower Sus1tna River Basin, Southcentra1 Alaska (G.Bacon,J.Kar1 ,and T.Co1e,1982,for USDA SCS,FS,ERS). 2.Cultural Resource Assessment:·Talkeetna-lower Sus1tnaRtver Basin, Southcentra1 Alaska (supplemental report)(G.Bacon andT.Co1e, 1982,for USDA SCS,FS,ERS) 3.Cultural Resource Assessment:Beluga Study Area,Southcentral Alaska (G.Bacon,J.Kar1,T.Cole,C.Mobley,and R.Carlson,for USDA SCS, FS,ERS). Fish and Wildlife and Wet1and1: 1.Identifying Wildlife lands:Fish and Wildlife Ana1yse1 for the Sus1tna River Basin Study (D.lehner,1984,USDA SCS) 2.*Wetlands Mapping in the Sus1tna River Basin (USDA SCS,1984) Flood Plain Management: 1.Flood Hazard Study,196 Mile,Caswell,Sheep,Goose,Montana,Answer, and Birch Creeks and Tributaries (E.Grey,1981,USDASCS) 2.Flood Plain Management Study,Beluga Streams (E.Grey,1982,USDA SCS) 3.Flood Plain Management Study,KashwHna River;Was1l1a,Cottonwood, and Luelle Creeks (E.Grey,1982,USDA SCS) 4.Flood Hazard Study,Kroto,Rab1deux,Trapper,and Peters Creek (E.Grey,1982,USDA SCS) 5.Flood Hazard StUdy,Troublesome,Byers,and Honolulu Creeks;East and Middle Forks of the Chulitna (E.Grey,1981,USDA SCS) -63 - [ [ [ [' r [ [ C g C C C b U [ C [ C t -".'_J "-"1' -' "-< --' ..." ~J -' -, n L rr ~ o o B 8 C o C o B 5 C Data Processing (Geographic Information Systems): 1.Final Report:Computerized Geographic Information System -Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins,Susitna River Basin,Alaska (ESRI,1982,for USDA SCS,FS) 2.Final Report:Computerized Geographic Information System -Upper Sus1tna Subbasin (ESRI,1983,for USDA SCS,FS) Bibliographies: 1.Sus1tna River Basin Resource Bibliography (ADNR in cooperation with USDA,1977) 2.Sus1tna River Basin Resource Bibliography,supplement 1979 (D.Lockhart,1979,ADNR in cooperation with USDA SCS,FS,ERS) Prepared by other agencies with USDA assistance: 1.Land Status Atlas -Sus1tna River Basin (Alaska Department of Natural Resources,1978) 2.Land Use Issues and Preliminary Resource Inventory (volume 1 of 2) Growth Potential,Development Issues,Settlement Patterns (volume 2 of 2)(Alaska Department of Natural Resources,in cooperation with the Hatanuska-Sus1tna Borough,Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities,Kenai Peninsula Borough,and USDA,1982) 3.Hatanuska-Sus1tna Borough Comprehensive Plan (Hatanuska-Sus1tna Borough) 4.Resource Elements (Department of Natural Resources,1984) a.AgricUlture Element for the Sus1tna Area Plan b.Fish and Wildlife Resources Element for the Sus1tna Area Plan (Alaska Department of Fish and Game) c.Forestry Element for the Sus1tna Area Plan d.Settlement Element for the Sus1tna Area Plan e.Recreation Element for the Sus1tna Area Plan f.Subsurface Resources Element for the Sus1tna Area Plan -64 - 5.Response to Public Comments on the Draft SusHnaArea'Plan (Alaska Department of Natural Resourc~sf 1985), 6.SusTtnir'AreaPlan (Public Review Draft)fAlaskaDepartmentof Natural Resources.in coop~ranon wHh the Matanuska-"Susltna Borough.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Alaska Department of Transportation and PubliC Fac:HUies.Kenai P~ninsula Borough.USDA.and BLM.1984) ... 7.SusHna Area Plan (Final Draft)(Alaska Departrilentof'Natural Resources.in cooperation with the Matanuska-SusHna Borough.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Alaska Department of Transportation and Pub lic,fac11 it ies.Ke.nai Peninsula Borough •USDA.and BLM.1985) 8.Susitna Area Plan Land Use Alternatives (Alaska Department of Natural Resources~1983) 9.SusHna Area Plan.Public Workshops Spring 1983.Summary of Results and Staff Analysis (Alaska Department of Natural Resources.Resource Allocation Section.Division of land and Water Management.1983) 10.A Synthesis and Evaluation of ADF&GFish andWHdlHe Resources Information for the Willow and Talkeetna Subbasins (Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1983) -65 - rL [ C [ r L~ [ C r c c [I ".'- U U [ [ r~ l.~ c [ .......'\ i -" '1 j ~ , -' -, -' p '--" r", '-" n APPENDIX 8 Linear Programming Assumptions and Results Table 8-1 identifies those assumptions (parameters)used in developing each of the agriculture/timber development alternatives.Table 8-2 presents the results of each of those alternatives.Assumptions used were provided by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The Talkeetna mathematical programming model is a modification of the Willow Subbasin model (Fug1estad).While several differences exist between the models because of a change in study direction and emphasis,the two models share a common philosophy in terms of their objective and structure.The objective of both is to maximize the present value of net benefits of timber and agricultural development in the study area.The model was used to run the 25 alternative analyses. U The model maximizes net benefits subject to'limitations of land,timber,and accessibility. ~Unless otherwise noted all benefits and costs are on a 1983 price base.u [j o r"d G nU [l 6 C U n lj D [ -66 - -67 - Table B-1.Alternative Parameters 11 portion of total road cost allocated to timber and agriculture development. (MBF/yr)6,600 (cords/yr)11,000 (mmbu/yr)57.5 [ r [ [ rL~ L [ r; 6 p L fJ r..;,.li b 8 [ l L [ r 4 20 20 3.12 160.00 125.00 75.00 146.69 146.69 97.24 35 1 100 300.00 20-70 10· 52.5 47.5 1,246 283.9 23,400 37,500 57.5 20 20 3 3.12 160.00 125.00 75.00 146.69 146.69 97.24 35 1 100 300.00 52.5 47.5 1,246 283.9 20-70 7 5/8 23,400 37,500 57.5 2 20 20 Alternatives 3.12 160.00 125.00 75.00 146.69 146.69 97.24 35 1 100 300.00 . 0-50 10 52.5 47.5 1,246 283.9 6,600 11,000 57.5 20 20 1 3.12 160.00 125.00 75.00 146.69 146.69 97.24 35 1 100 300.00 50 50 1,246 283.9 0-50 7 5/8 (%) (%) (%) ($lac) ($/ac r ($/ac) ($/hr) Unit (bu/ac) (bu/ac) 3(ft lac) (ft 3/hr ) (beginning and ending) (%) ($/bu) ($/MBF) ($/MBF) ($/cord) 50-year analysis period Discount rate Road costs: Overhead (%of construction cost) O&M (%of construction cost) 11Timber/ag cost share- Clearing cost Production cost: Barley -Class II land Barley -Class III land Logging Overhea"d: Barley Logging Barley yield: Class II land Class III land Timber volume Logging productivity Prices: aarley Spruce logs Cottonwood FueTwood Demand"ceilings: Sawlogs Fuelwood Barley Parameters -68 - Table B-1.Alternative Parameters (continued) II portion of total road cost allocated to timber and agriculture development. 8 20 20 3.96 160.00 125.00 75.00 146.69 146.69 97.24 .35 1 10 300.00 52.5 47.5 1.246 283.9 0-50 7 5/8 6.600 11,000 57.5 7 20 20 146.69 146.69 97.24 3.96 160.00 125.00 75.00 35 1 100 300.00 52.5 47.5 1.246 283.9 0-50 7 5/8 6,600 11.000 57.5 20 20 6 Alternatives 3.96 160.00 125.00 75.00 35 1 100 300.00 146.69 146.69 97.24 52.5 47.5 1.246 283.9 20-70 10 23.400 37,500 57.5 20 20 5 146.69 146.69 97.24 3.96 160.00 125.00 75.00 35 1 100 300.00 52.5 47.5 1.246 283.9 20-70 7 5/8 23.400 37.500 57.5 (%) (%) ($/ac) ($/ac) ($/hr) UnH (MBF/yr) (cords/yr) (mmbu/yr) ($/bu) ($/MBF) ($/MBF) ($/cord) (beginning and ending) (%) (bu/ac) (bu/ac) 3(ft lac) (ft 3/hr)Logging productivity Prices: Barley Spruce logs Cottonwood Fue1wood Demand ceilings: Saw10gs Fue1wood Barley 50-year analysis period Discount rate Road costs: Overhead (%of construction cost) O&M (%of construction cost) 11Timberlagcostshare-(%) Clearing cost ($/ac) Production cost: Barley -Class II land Barley -Class III land Logging Overhead: Barley L09.ging j~Barley yield: Class II land Class III land Timber volume Parameters c [j [ b C [' ~ [ Q G o B 8···'.··----, G G C C 8 U C -69 - II port1on of total road cost allocated to t1mber and agr1culture development. Table B-1.Alternat1ve Parameters (cont1nued) [, c [ [ [ L L [ [ b fj D [) [ [ b L L [ 12 175.30 175.30 144 ..52 35 1 10 300.00 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 17 ~O 0-50 10 52.5 47.5 1,246 517 .0 86,858 98,764 82.75 17 20 35 1 o 250.00 3.99 178.00 V5.OO 75.00 175.30 175.30 144.52 11 0-50 10 52.5 47.5 1,246 517·.0 86,858 98,764 82.75 20 20 146.69 146.69 97.24 10 Alternat1ves 3.96 160.00 125.00 75.00 52.5 .47.5 1,246 283.9 0-50 7 5/8 35 1 33 1/3 300.00 6,600 11,000 57.5 9 20 20 35 1 20 300.00 146.69 146.69 97.24 3.96 160.00 125.00 75.00 52.5 47.5 1,246 283.9 0-50 7 5/8 6,600 11,000 57.5 (%) (%) Unit (bu/ac) (bu/ac) 3(ft lac) (ft3/hr) (MBF/yr) (cords/yr) (mmbu/yr) (beg1nn1ng and end1ng) (%) ($/bu) ($/MBF) ($/MBF) ($/cord) II land ($lac) III land'($/ac) ($Ihr) T1mber volume Logg1ng product1v1ty Pr1ces: Barley Spruce logs Cottonwood Fuelwood Demand ce111ngs: Sawlogs Fuelwood Barley 50-year analys1s per10d D1scount rate Road costs: Overhead (%of construct10n cost) O&M (%of construct10n cost) 11T1mber/ag cost share-(%) Clear1ng cost ($/ac) Product10n cost: Barley -Class Barley -Class Logg1ng Overhead: Barley Logg1ng Barley y1eld: Class II land Class II I land Parameters ...." ---1 ~1 .•..i Table B-1.Alternative ,Parameters (continued) Alternatives-, I _~1 Parameters Unit 13 14 15 16 -, (MBF/yr)86.858 (cords/yr)98.764 (mmbu/yr)82.75 17 20 35 1 50 325.00 177.52 175.30 144.52 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 0-50 10 57.5 52.5 1.246 517 .0 86.858 98.764 82.75 17 20 35 1 10 300.00 177.52 175.30 144.52 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 0~50 10 57.5 52.5 1.246 517 .0 86.858 98.764 82.75 17 20 o o o 250.00 3~99 178.00 125.00 75.00 177.52 173.04 144.52 0-50 10 52.5 47.5 1.246 517 .0 86.858 98.764 82.75 17 20 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 35 1 50 325.00 175.30 173.04 144.52 0-50 10 52.5 47.5 1.246 517 .0 ($/ac) ($/ac) ($/hr) (%) (%) (bu/ac) (bu/ac) (ft 3/ac) (ft 3/hr) (beginning and ending) (%) ($/bu) ($/MBF) ($/MBF) ($/cord) Barley Logging Barley yield: Class II land Class III land Timber volume Logging productivity Prices: Barley Spruce logs Cottonwood Fuelwood Demand cen ings: Sawlogs Fuelwood Barley 50-year analysis period Discount rate Road costs: Overhead (%of construction cost) O&M (%of construction cost) Timber/ag cost sharel!(%) Clearing cost ($/ac) Production cost: Barley -Class II land Barley -Class III land Logging Overhe~d: --J r'=; _J t l....-j '", 'r " LJ 1 C I:u n[j [ C r 8 B ~....... c c II portion of total road cost allocated to timber and agriculture development. -70 - -71 - Table B-1.Alternative Parameters (continued) II portion of total road cost allocated to timber and agriculture development. y zero prices were used in order to enable the model to allocate all costs to either timber development or agricultural development. [, p [" [ [ [ [ G [ L C ~ C n._~.·[j [ C [ [ [ 17 20 o o 10 225.00 20 169.83 169.83 144.00 4.20 178.00 125.00 75.00 0-50 7 7/8 55.0 52.5 1.246 465.0 17 20 o o 10 225.00 172.24 172.24 144.00 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 19 0-50 7 7/8 55.0 52.5 1.246 413.6 86.858 86.858 98.764 .98~764 82.75 82.75 Alternatives 3.99 oy o 'l.1 o 'l.1 17 20 o o o 300.00 177.52 175.30 144.52 18 0-50 10 57.5 52.5 1.246 517 .0 86.858 98.764 82.75 17 20 o o o 300.00 o 'l.1 178.00 125.00 75.00 175.30 173.04 144.52 17 0-50 10 52.5 47.5 1.246 517 .0 86.858 98.764 82.75 (%) (%) ($/ac) ($/ac) ($/hr) Unit (beginning and ending) (%) (MBF/yr) (cords/yr) (mmbu/yr) (bu/ac) (bu/ac) (ft 3/ac) (ft 3/hr ) ($/bu) ($/MBF) .($/MBF) ($/cord) II land III land Barley Spruce logs Cottonwood Fue1wood Demand ceni ngs: Saw10gs Fue1wood Barley Barley -Class Barley -Class Logging Overhead: Barley Logging Barley yield: Class II land Class III land Timber volume Logging productivity Prices: 50-year analysis period Discount rate Road costs: Overhead (%of construction cost) O&M (%of construction cost) 11T1mber/ag cost share-(%) Clearing cost ($/ac) Production cost: Parameters I' [Table B-1.Alternative Parameters (continued) -72 - 11 P9rtion of total road cost allocated to timber and agriculture development. 17 20 4.20 178.00 125.00 75.00 o o 10 250.00 169.83 169.83 172.00 24 0-50 7 7/8 55.0 52.5 1,246 517 .0 86,858 98,764 82.75 17 20 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 o o 10 250.00 157.25 157.25 144.00 23 0-50 7 7/8 55.0 52.5 1,246 517 .0 86,858 98,764 82.75 17 20 Alternat1ves 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 o o 10 250.00 169.83 169.83 144.00 22 0-50 7 7/8 55.0 52.5 1,246 517 .0 86,858 98,764 82.75 17 20 4.20 178.00 125.00 75.00 o o 10 250.00 172.24 172.24 144.00 21 0-50 7 7/8 55.0 52.5 1,246 568.7 86,858 98,764 82.75 (%) (%) (%) ($/ac) Unit (MBF/yr) (cords/yr) (mmbu/yr) ($/bu) ($/MBF) ($/MBF) ($Icord) (bu/ac) (bu/ac) (ft3lac) (ft 3/hr) (beginning and ending) (%) II land ($/ac) III land ($/ac) ($/hr) Logging productivity Prices: Barley Spruce logs Cottonwood Fuelwood Demand ceilings: Sawlogs Fuelwood Barley 50-year analysis period Discount rate Road costs: Overhead (%of construction cost) O&M (%of construction cost) 11Timberlagcostshare- Clearing cost Production cost: Barley -Class Barley -Class Logging Overhead: Barley Logging Barley yield: Class II land Class III land Timber volume Parametersr I LJ n [ r~ L~ [ o c [] 8 8 o U C C 8 U C Table B-1.Alternative Parameters (continued) II portion of total road cost allocated to timber and agriculture development. -73 - [, C [' [ [ L [ C [ C C niJ [ l [ [ L L r Alternatives 17 20 o o 10 225.00 3.99 178.00 125.00 75.00 169.83 169.83 200.00 25 0-50 7 7/8 55.0 52.5 1.246 517 .0 86.858 98.764 82.75 (%) (%) ($/ac) ($/ac) ($/hr) Unit (MBF/yr) (cords/yr) (mmbu/yr) (beginning and ending) (%) (bu/ac) (bu/ac) (ft 3/ac) (ft 3/hr ) ($/bu) ($/MBF) ($/MBF) ($/cord) logging productivity Prices: Barley Spruce logs Cottonwood Fuelwood Demand cellings: SawlQgs Fuelwood Barley 50-year analysis period Discount rate Road costs: Overhead (%of construction cost) O&M (%of construction cost) 11Timber/ag cost share-(%) Clearing cost ($/ac) Production cost: Barley -Class II land Barley -Class III land .logging Overhead: Barley logging Barley yield: Class II land Class III.land Timber volume Parameters " .-1 "'--' --l Table B-2.Alternative Results -, Results Unit Alternatives n I [ [ [ n ~ C D 8 nd C o [] U B Ii [ 1 2 3 4 Total benefits (thousand 6.424 4.983 1.478 741 dollars)11 Net benefits (thousand 2.218 1.605 510 239 dollars) B/C (ratio)1.53 1.48 1.53 1.48 Roads built: length (miles)2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 Cost (thousand 564 553 130 82 dollars)y lP units accessed (map no.)8.17.18 8.17.18 8.17.18 8.17.18 Acres~in production: Agriculture (ac/yr)-0--0--0- -0- Timber (ac/yr)556 556 556 556 Commodities produced: Barley (thous.bu.)-0--0--0- -0- Spruce sawlogs (MBF)782 782 782 782 Cottonwood sawlogs (MBF)714 714 714 714 Fuelwood (cords)3.842 3.842 3.842 3.842 Annual employment: Agr 1culture (person years)-0--0--0--0- Timber (person years)6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 l!All dollar figures are 1983 values. ,£1 Includes overhead and present value of O&M costs. 11 These figures are on an annual basis.Since agricultural enterprises utilize the same acres year after year.th~acreage figures for agriculture are total acres feasible for the evaluation period.Timber acreage.however.must be adjusted because different acres are utilized annually.To determine total feasible timber acres.multiply annual acres in production times length of the evaluation period in years.For example.the total feasible timber acres for alternative no.1 is 556 acres times 50 years or 27.800 acres. -74 - 1/All dollar figures are 1983 values. 'f/Includes overhead and present value of O&M costs. -75 - [ r [ [ L [ [ [; C [ D U [ U [ C L [ [-"~> [ [ 1',, L) c [ [ r-: L o fl....··U C 8 o C IJ.tJ C C G 6 [ 11 All dollar figures are 1983 values. £!Includes overhead and present value of O&M costs. -76 - !!All dollar figures are 1983 values. f/Includes overhead and present value of O&M costs .. -77 - [ r [ [ r [ [ l: C p o n..·...JtJ E U [ C [ [ [ -J "] --J Table B-2.Alternative Results (continued) -,Alternatives,Results Unit ___l 17 18 19 20 -, ~j Total benefits (thousand 86,847 525,616 98,998 849,079 dollars)11 Net benefits (thousand 47,753 24,150 31,796 52,660 dollars) BIC (ratio)2.22 1.05 1.47 1.07 Roads built: n Length (mlles)423.45 413.66 226.83 319.50lCost(thousand -0- -0- 11,697 16,905 dollars)21 rr LP units accessed (map no.)All All 1,2,3,4,All '-'except except 5,6,8,13,except LP Unit LP Unit 14,15,16,LP Unit # 4 #40 #11,17,18,19,11,12,22, U 28,39 20,21,27,23,25,33, 31,32,36,39,40,42, n 37,43,44,45 LJ 46,47,49 D Acres in production: Agriculture (ac/yr)-0-219,528 -0-271,576 L1 Timber (ac/yr)9,434 -0-8,591 6,812 0 Commodities produced: Barley (thous.bu.)-0-12,623 -0-14,782 Spruce sawlogs (MBF)13,259 -0-12,074 9,575 n Cottonwood sawlogs (MBF)12,107 -0-11,025 8,743 Ii Fuelwood (cords)65,144 -0-59,320 47,041 l.J Annual employment: 0 Agriculture (person years)-0-190.6 -0-235.7 Timber (person years)79.6 -0-90.6 63.9 "U 11 All dollar figures are 1983 values. r,y Includes overhead and present value of O&M costs.t r' l-; LJ '1 0 -78 - r L Table -B~2.Alternative Results (cont1nued) II All dollar figures are 1983 values. y Includes overhead and present value of O&M costs. -Alternatives (ratio)1.09 1.32 1.09 [ ~ [ [ [ [ [ g C E C U 8 U [ C 24 1.07 235.7 57.5 52,466 All except LP Unit # 11,12,22, 23,25,33, 39,40,42, 45 319.50 16',905 14,782 9,575 ··8,743 47,041 271,576 6,812 849,079, 23 237.4 57.6 14,884 9,603 8,769 47,182 273,512 6,833 All except LP Unit # 11,12,22, 23,25,33, 39,40,45 22 24.9 74.6 28,744 8,841 1,581 12,427 11,347 61,054 All except LP Unit # 9,11,12, 22,23,24, 25,28,29, 30,33,34, 39,40,42, 45 21 Unit (thous.bu.)11,529 (MBf)9,575 (MBf)8,743 (cords)47,041 (person years)181.9 (person years)52.2 (ac/yr)209,616 (ac/yr)6,812 (map no.)All except LP Unit # 11,12,22, 23,25,33, 39,40,42, 45 (miles)319.50 249.20 323.21 (thousand 16,905 -12,519 17,130 dollars)y (thousand 679,506 180,178 815,783 dollars)II (thousand 53,898 43,333 70,394 dollars) Annual employment: Agriculture Timber Acres in production: Agriculture Timber Net benefits B/C Roads built: Length Cost Commodities produced: Barley Spruce sawlogs Cottonwood sawlogs fuelwood LP units accessed Resul ts Total benefits f" L ~79 -[ [ Table B-2.Alternative Results (continued) !!All dollar figures are 1983 values. y Includes overhead and present value of O&M costs. -80 - Total benefits (thousand 158,113 do11~q)II Net benefits (thousand 26,350 dollars) BIC (ratio)1.20 Roads built: Length (miles)224.39 Cost (thousand 11,586 dollars)y LP units acc~ssed (map no.)All except LP Unit # 1,2,3,4, 5,6,8,13, 14,15,17, 18,19,20, 21,27,31, 32,36,37, 43,44,46, 47,49 Acres in production: Agriculture (ac/yr)21,800 Timber (ac/yr)8,568 Alternatives 18.9 72.3 25 1,199 12,042 10,996 59,166 Unit (thous.bu.) (MBF) (MBF) (cords) (person years) (person years) Annual employment: Agriculture Timber Results Commodities produced: Barley Spruce saw10gs Cottonwood saw10gs Fue1wood [ [( C b C C G o o o 8 o C o U C 8 U [ r ,-J I' L-J i u c '--' [ [ [ o 6 C o D o o u C B U [ APPENDIX C A Methodology for Estimating Road Costs in the Sus1tna River Basin The information presented here was developed at the request of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. All costs shown are rough estimates only and are not meant to be used as a substitute for "on the ground"reconnaissance and subsequent detailed design and cost work.The purpose of this information is to enable planners and others to identify the more desirable routes of access by means of establishing relative costs among route selection alternatives. This paper is divided into four sections as follows: 1.Initial Construction 2.Associated Costs 3.Operation.Maintenance.and Replacement 4.Total Cost Summary (Example of route selection process) Initial Construction Initial construction costs include those costs incurred "up front"for actual on-the-ground construction of the road.These costs are addressed here in the following eight categories: 1.cut and f1l1 2.cut and waste 3.backfill 4.surface material 5.clearing 6.seeding 7.culv,erts 8.bridges The first six are largely a function of slope and soil drainage.while the latter two.culverts and bridges.are a function of drainage patterns and slope.Engineering quantity and cost estimates have been made for construction of gravel roads of varying widths on four types of soil and five slope categories;"this information is provided in Table 1.1/To actually estimate the total initial construction cost of various routes.it is necessary to evaluate each route on a case-by-case basis to determine culvert and/or bridge requirements.Once this determination has been made.bridge and culvert costs can be estimated and added to costs provided in Table 1 to arrive at total initial construction costs.Criteria for estimating bridge and culvert requirements are presented in Table 2. 1/Basic data used to develop this table are found in Notes to Appendix B of The Sus1tna Cooperative River Basin Study Economic Development Analysis; Talkeetna Subbasin.1983. -81 - Table 1 - Road Cost!/as FunctIon of Top W1dth So11 :18'24'I 32'36'40' Dra1nage Percent :Cost Per:Cost Per::Cost Per:Cost Per:Cost Per: Category Slope .'l.F.:H11e'l.F.:HHe :l.F.:HHe l.F.:H11e l.F.:HHe 0-3 21.43 113,100 28.57 150,800 38.09 201,100 42.86 226,300 47.62 251,416 4-7 35,00 184,800 46.66 246,400 62.21 328,500 69.99 369,500 77.77 410,600 Well Dra1ned 8-12 55.,3~292,300 73.81 389,700 98.41 519,600 110.72 '584,600 123.02 649,500 13-20 155.33 820,100 207.10 1,093,500 276.13 1,458,000 310.65 1,640,200 345.H 1,822,500 21-30 233.27 1,231,600 311.02 1,642,200 414.69 2,189,600 466.53 2,463~300 518.37 2,737,000 - 0-3 52.27 276,000 69.69 368,000 92.92 490,600 104.54 551,900 116.15 613,300 4-7 63.18 333,600 84.24 444,800 112.32 593,000 126.36 667,200 140.40 741,300 Poorly Dra1ned 8-12 70.37 371,600 93.83 495,400 125.11 660,600 140.75 743,100 156.38 825,700 ~ ,13-20 198.28 1,046,900 264.37 1,395,900 352;49 1,861,200;396.56 2,093,800 440.62 2,326,500 21-30 294.52 1;555,100 392.69 2,073,400 523.59 2,764,500 589.04 3,110,100 654.48 3,455,700 0":3 57.79 305.100 77.05 406,800 102.73 542,400 115.58 610,200 128.42 618,000 Shallow Peat 4-7 79.37 ,419,000 105.82 558,700 141.09 745,000 158.73 838,100 176.37 931,200 Deep Peat 0-3 110.35 '582.600 147.13 776.800 196.l7 1.035.800 220.70 1,165,300 245.22 1,294,700 11 Dollars -projected 2nd half.1983. r7'1 L"'J tr:"':l rT:':1 r::-J [I,:!!c:1 rnt:::l n::rn rt:'7J r:-:J rr::1l r:-J r-l c--J ':---1 ~rrJ r:l ~J r _J n Table 2.Br1dge and Culvert S1ze Requ1rements 11 11 It 1s emphas1zed that th1s 1s a "short-cut"method of determ1n1ng requ1rements.Other factors.1nclud1ng d1scharge and f1sher1es 1mpact. should always be cons1dered pr10r to any actual construct1on. Eng1neers have assumed that road cross1ngs at streams w1th a dra1nage area 1n excess of 25 square m11esw111 requ1re br1dge construct1on.Br1dge costs are est1mated to be $lOl.50/sq.ft.S1nce f1xed costs are such a large port1on of total br1dge costs.and s1nce any planned route may be upgraded 1n the future. 1t 1s un11kely that any br1dge less than 32 feet 1n w1dth would be constructed.As a result.br1dge costs per 11near foot for roads of vary1ng w1dth are est1mated to be as follows: Dra1nage Area of :Culvert ·Cost·Stream at Proposed :or :Per Lf Road Cross1ng ·Br1dge :of Culvert·(Square M11es):Requ1rements ·(dollars)····· Less than 0.3 one 2 1 d1ameter culvert 36.25/Lf 0.3 -1.0 one 4 1 d1ameter culvert 108.75/Lf 1.0 -2.0 one 6 1 d1ameter culvert 217.50/Lf 2.0 -5.0 one 8 1 d1ameter culvert 290.00/Lf 5.0 -10.0 two 8 1 d1ameter culverts 580.00/Lf 10.0 -20.0 three 8 1 d1ameter culverts 870.00/Lf 20.0 -25.0 four 8 1 d1ameter culverts 1.150.00/Lf Greater than 25.0 br1dge 101.50/ft.2 _.J I: =::; L l C o o o o [] o D C C C B C Road W1dth 18 1 24' 32 1 36 1 40 1 -83 - Br1dge Cost per L.f.of road $3.248 $3.248 $3.248 $3,654 $4.060 Culverts would be necessary a~many road crossings ~here stream drainage areas are less than 25 square miles.Table 2 provides information concerning culvert she (dtameter)requirements and unit costs"as a function of slream drainage area~Table 3 indicates the~lengthof culverts requ1red.for varying road widths given alternative slope conditions.Table 4 is a product of Tables 2 and 3 and shows total culvert costs'as a function of road width,. slope,and stream drainage area. Table 3.Culvert length Requirements Culvert length as Function of Road Width Percent :18':24 1 :32':36':40 1 Slope ·Width .Width :Width :Width .Width·..·::.:·. 0-3 46'52 1 60 1 64 1 68 1 4 - 7 66 1 72'80 1 84'88 1 8 -12 81 1 87 1 95 1 99 1 103' 13 -20 223'229 1 .237'241 1.245 1 21 -30 316 1 322'330'334 1 338 1 -84 - [ [ [ [ [ [ r L f3 [J, L U C C 6 l C [ L [ c C Table 4.Culvert Costs by Dra1nage Area and Road W1dth r ······Road W1dth··L--'Percent :Dra1nage Area :18 1 .24 1 :32 1 ·36 1 :40 1.·. Slope ·at Road Cross1ng :W1dth :W1dth .W1dth ·W1dth :W1dth·.· C ·(Square Hlles)· Less than 0.3 $1,668 $1,885 $2,175 $2,320 $2,465 C 0.3 -1.0 5,003 5,665 6,525 6,960 7,395 1.0 -2.0 10,005 11,310 13,050 13,920 14,790 0-3 2.0 -5.0 13,340 15,080 17 ,400 18,560 19,720 [5.0 -10.0 26,680 30,160 34,800 37,120 39,440 10.0 -20.0 40,020 45,240 52,200 55,680 59,160 20.0 -25.0 53.360 60.320 69.600 74.240 78.880 C Less than 0.3 2,393 2,610 2,900 3,045 3,190 0.3 -1.0 7,178 7,830 8,700 9,135 9,570 1.0 -2.0 14,355 15,660 17 ,400 18,270 19,140 0 4 - 7 2.0 -5.0 19,140 20,880 23,200 24,360 25,520 5.0 -10.0 38,280 41,760 46,400 48,720 51,040 10.0 -20~0 57,420 62,640 69,600 73,080 76,560 20.0 -25.0 76.560 83.520 92.800 97.440 102.080 0 Less than 0.3 2,936 3,154 3,444 3,589 3,734 0.3 -1.0 8,809 9,461 10,331 10,766 11 ,201 C 1.0 -2.0 17,618 18,923 20,663 21,533 22,403 8 -12 2.0 -5.0 23,490 25,230 27,550 28,710 29,870 5.0 -10.0 46,980 50,460 55,100 57,420 59,740 0 10.0 -20.0 70,470 75,690 82,650 86,130 89,610 20.0 -25~0 93.960 100,920 110.200 114.840 119.480 Less than 0.3 8,084 8,301 8,591 8,736 8,881 [}0.3 -1.0 24,251 24,904 25,774 26,209 26,644 1.0 -2.0 48,503 49,808 51,548 52,418 53,288 13 -20 2.0 -5.0 64,670 66,410 68,730 69,890 71,050 n 5.0 -10.0 129,340 132,820 137,460 139,780 142,100 10.0 -20.0 194,010 199,230 206,190 209,670 213,150u20.0 -25.0 258.680 265.640 274.920 279.560 .284.200 0 Less than 0.3 11 ,455 11,673 11,963 12,108 12,253 0.3 -1.0 34,365 35,018 35,888 36,323 36,758 -1.0 -2.0 68,730 70,035 71,775 72,645 73,515 C 21 -30 2.0 -5.0 91,640 93,380 95,700 96,860 98,020 5.0 -10.0 183,280 186,760 191,400 193,720 196,040 10.0 -20.0 274,920 280,140 287,100 290;580 294,060 U 20.0 -25.0 366.560 373.520 382.800 387.440 392.080 U C -85 - C Associated Costs Once total initial construction costs have been estimated,additional costs must be included to account for associated activities.These costs are expre~se~al a function (~ercentage)of total initial construction cost and, are as follows: -86 - 11 See Notes to Appendix B of The Susitna Cooperative River Basin Study Econom1c Development Analysis;'Talkeetna Subbasin,1983 for derivation of annual O&H cost. It is 1~portant to note that the pe~centages provided above are estimates from the Alaska Department of Transportation.Depending 'on the agency or authority 1,nvolved,these costs may vary greatly.At present,for example, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough estimates its total associated costs to be roughly 35%of initial ·con~truct1on. Operation,Maintenance,and Replacement (OM&R) In contrast to initial costs (both construction and associated)wh1ch are .incurred at one p01nt in time,OM&R costs occur on a continual or repetitive schedule.Generally,O&H takes place on an annual basis,while replacement occurs at various 1ntervals depending uPQn the II 11 fell of the item to be replaced. For this analys1s,the evaluation period is assumed to be 50 years.During this period O&M will occur annually and 15 est1mated to be $4,727/mlle/year]!.The expected lHeof culverts and bridges is assumed to be 25 and 50 years respectively.In order to put O&Hand Replacement costs on a par with 1n1t1al costs,it is necessary to determine their "Present Value"(1nit1al construction and associated costs discussed in prev1~us sect10ns are already on a "present value"bas1s).Present value is Item 1.Engineering services -design,soil testing,quantity and cost computations,survey work,etc. -2.Mob1l1zat1on -transportation of construction equipment to the work site and maintaining it at this location. 3.Contract Adm1n./Construct1on Inspection -administration 'of contract,meals and lodging,on-sHe inspection of construction activities,and materials. 4.Contingencies -unforeseen prpblems in construction and/or other associated items. Tot.al Percent 20 10 12 10 52 [ c r -' .•--< [ [ [ r-"L B D C B o C E C U [ L D Example 1 ~ I J r e-J r Ll no c [ C o o c o [J c o c C Q B C a function of both discount rates and time.Since the time period is known--every year for O&M and once every 25 years for cU1vertsl/.only the discount rate i simportant. The following alternative factors can be applied to annual O&M costs and culvert costs to determine their present value. Annual Discount Rate (%) Item :8 :9 .11 .12 :13 .14 .15. . . . -- o &M~/12.233 10.962 9.915 9.042 8.304 7.675 7.133 Replacement ~I 0.146 0.116 0.092 0.074 0.059 0.047 0.038 (CuJverts) To illustrate how those figures should be used.the following examples are provided: -The present value of annual O&M per mile.given a 10%discount rate.is $4.727~/x 9.915 or $46.868. Example 2 -The present value of replacing a 4 ft.diameter cU1vert1/• 72 ft.in length.given a 10%discount rate.is $7.830 (see Tables 2.3.and 4)x 0.09Z or $720. It is important to note that no associated cost percentages should be applied to O&M or rep1aceme~~costs because generally these are part of an on-going program.. . II Since the life of a bridge is equal to the evaluation period (50 years) no bridge replacement C05tS need be factored into the analysis. ~I Present value of a constant annuity of 1 per year for 50 years. ~I Present value of 1.25 years hence. !I See Notes to Appendix B of The Susitna Cooperative River Basin StUdy Economic Development Analysis;Talkeetna Subbasin.1983 for derivation of Annual O&M cost. 11 Size of culvert required where road width is 24 1 •terrain is 4-7%slope. and stream drainage area is 0.3-1.0 square miles above road crossing. -87 - Total Cost Summa ry1l The information presented in the previous sections will enable planners and others to estimate relative costs of alternative access routes.The example provided on the following pages illustrates a typical situation and can serve as a guide to those utilizing the information presented here. 11 Noland rights costs have been addressed in this analysis due to their high variability.Those using this methodology should.however.be aware that.depending upon proposed road locat10n.land rights may be an important factor in the route selection process. -88 - n c [' [ [ [ [ B [ L R.,L ~ U O·.··~···,), C L [ L l Well-drained soil area ....4-7 percent slope Deep peat soil area ~0-3 percent slope Poorly-drained soil area -0-3 percent slope Well-drained soil area -8-12 percent slope c [ [ [ c [ [ o c c o A.•.LJ o u c c c u c Key: Scale:1 inch Total road cost example (j)= ®= (j)= (i)= ~=Proposed route s§t:=Major stream drainage area =50 mi 2 =Tributary drainage area =3.6 mi 2 lmiie 1 at 20,880 (Table 4)=20,880 Subtotal =$2,905,416 ROUTE A Ghen: 1.Width of Road =24 feet 2.Miles of Road in 1 =2.0 3.Miles of Road in 2 =1.9 4.Miles of Road in 4 =2.0 5.length of bridge required at major road crossing =42 feet 6.Discount Rate =10" (a)2.0 +1.9 +2.0 =5.9 miles (b)5.9 miles x 4,727/m11e annually =$27,889 (c)Present value =9.915 x 27,889 = COMPUTATIONS: I.Initial Construction Road 2.Qx 246,400 =492,800 1.9 x 776,800 =1,475,920 2.0 x 389,700 =779,400 Bridge 42 x 3,248 =136,416 Culverts II.Associated Costs 2,909,766 x 52"= III.OM -90 - $1,510,816 $276,522 [ r b [ [ [ [ [ o L [ t o C b [ L [ L P.C: ROUTL!Given: 1.Width of Road =24 feet 2.Miles of Road in 1 =1.3 3.Miles of Road in 3 =3.35 4.Miles of Road in 4 =1.3 5.Length of bridge required at major road crossing =42 feet 6.Discount Rate =10%. 1 at 20,880 (Table 4)=20,880 Subtotal =$2,217,026 42 x 3,248 =136,416 3.35 x 368,000 =1,232,800 $4,694,675 $1,921 $1,152,854 GRAND TOTAL (ROUTE A)= -91 - 320,320 506,610 1.3 x 246,400 = 2,221,376 x 52%= Road 20,880 x .092 = 1.3 x 389,700 = Bridge Culverts COMPUTATIONS: I.Initial Construction IV.Replacement II.Associated Costs c c c c c [ [ o o o o A....i.U o o o C Q B C III.O&H (a)1.3 +3.35 +1.3 =5.95 miles (b)5.95 miles x 4.727/mile annually =28.126 (cj Present value 9.915 x 28.126 =$278.866 IV.Replacement 20.880 x .092 =$1.921 GRANO TOTAL (ROUTE B)=$3.650.667 ...92 - [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [- [ n Q c [j L L [ [ [ c c [ c c [ [ o G C o o o o c u C 8 C APPENDIX D Computer Models for Land Suitability: 1)Moderate/high density residential development Z)Moose habitat 3)Roads Excerpted from:Final Report - Computerized Geographic Information System.Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins. Susitna River Basin.Alaska (ESRI 1982) -93 - MODEL OUTLINE LAND CAPABILITY fOR MODERATE/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Consideration Specific Data Class Value Value (incidence)(proximity) Landform Type Glacial Moraine H T111 H Drumlin Drumlin/Drumloid H Rock Drumlin NR fluviog1acial Outwash H Abandoned Outwash Channel H Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley H Kame Complex HEsker..H Creva~se filling H Side Glacial Drainage Channel H flute H Aeolian Dune L Littoral Longshore Bar U Beach U Barrier Spit U Delta L Tidal flaf U Coastal Plain NR fluvial Active Channel U River Bar U floodplain Active U Abandoned NR Alluvial Plain H Alluvial fan/Cone H Lacustrine Deposit H Mass Wasting Colluvium U Talus U Landslide Deposit U Rock Glacier U Mine Tailings U H =high M =moderate L =low U =unsuitable N'R =not rated -94 - [ r k [ [ L [ [ C [: C E nJ o o c [ FL U:.·~' [ n c c c c [ [ o c o o o o ~,o c c C B C -95 - MODEL OUTLINE LAND CAPABILITY FOR MODERATE/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued) Ratings are scanned within each general category encompassing more than one factor and the most severely constraining rating is used to provide the overall rating for the category.In effect,each general consideration - landform,soils,water availability,etc.,-has a single rating when summation begins.The following summation procedures are used: -96 - GE =greater than or equal to ... EQ =equal to .•. GT =greater than ... [ c [ [ [ [ [ u C D U o C 6 C L-:·:' [ L l Value (proximity) NR L NR Value (incidence) GE1H and Not EQ ML or U EQl or 2M and Not EQ L or U GT2M or EQl or 2L and Not EQ U GT2L or GE1U Limitations for Local Roads and Streets Slight H Moderate H Severe M Drainage Excessively Drained M Somewhat Excessively Drained H Well Drained H Moderately Well Drained M Somewhat Poorly Drained L Poorly Drained U Very Poorly Drained U Ice U Non Glacial Stream (GE2nd Order) LEl Mile Distance GTl Mile Distance If Potential Well Yield Area 1 If Potential Well Yield Area 2 or 3 Specific Data Class MODEL SUMMATION RULES Water Availability Consideration High Capabllity Moderate Capability Low Capability Incapable Closed Forest (Black Spruce Mountain Hemlock) Black Spruce,Short Stands 4 Black Spruce~Tall Stands 4 Mountain Hemlock,Tall Stands 1 Open Forest-Woodland Coniferous Forest,White Spruce,Short Stands 2 Deciduous Forest~Mixed Forest, Medium-Aged Stands 2 Coniferous Forest,White Spruce,Tall Stands 2 Deciduous Forest,Mixed Forest, Old Stands .3 Cottonwood-Medium Aged Stands 5 Cottonwood-Old Stands 3 Primary Vegetation Closed Forest Coniferous Forest,White Spruce,Short Stands 3 Deciduous Forest,Mixed Forest,Young Stands 2 Deciduous Forest,Mixed Forest,Medium-Aged Stands 1 Coniferous Forest,White Spruce,Tall Stands 1 Deciduous Forest,Mixed Forest,Old Stands 2 Cottonwood-Young Stands 1 Cott9nwood~Medium Age Stands 3 Cottonwood-Old Stands 3 ,.., L-l I' I' L; c c [ [ o G C B D n bl MODEl OUTLINE MOOSE HABITAT Consideration Specific Data Class Value (incidence) Value (prOi1iii1ty) o [ [ C E [ Open Forest-Woodland (Black Spruce) Black Spruce,Short Stands 5 Saltwater Wetland Salt Grassland 9 Low Shrub 9 Tidal Marsh 9 Tall Shrubs Alder 3 Alder-Willow 1 -97 - -98 - MODEl OUTLINE MOOSE HABITAT (continued) MOD/HIGH =moderate to high value for ... WR =winter range S/S/F =spring.summer.fall MODEL SUMMATION RULES VALUES 1-4 =LEVEL 1 MOD/HIGH WR.(S/S/F)RANGE VALUES 6-7 =LEVEL 2 MOD/HIGH (S/S/F)RANGE.NO WR VALUES 5.8-10 =LEVEL 3 LOW TO NO HABITAT VALUES 11 =LEVEL 4 WATER [ k [ [ [ [ [ C [ L C G C [ C [ [ L L Value Value (incidence)(proximity) 6 6 8 6 7 8 9 7 10 10 10 10 10 11 Barren Mud Flats Rock Low Shrub Willow Resin Birch Water Cultural Features Cultural Influences Fresh Water Wetlands Sphagnum-Bog Sphagnum-Shrub Bog Permanent Snow and Ice Snowfield Glacier Grassland Upland Grass Tundra Sedge-Grass Herbaceous Shrub Mat and Cushion Specific Data ClassConsideration Glacial Moraine 4 Till 4 Drumlin Drum11n/Drum101d 3 Rock Drumlin 7 Fluv1og1ac1a1 Out\!lash 3 Abandoned Outwash Channel 3 Remnant Subglacial Stream Valley 4 Kame Complex 2 Esker 1 Crevasse Filling 1 Side Glacial Drainage Channel 3 Flute 3 Aeolian Dune 7 Littoral Longshore Bar 8 Beach 8 Barrier Spit 8 Delta 9 Tidal Flat 9 Coastal Plain 9 Fluvial Act he Channel 8 River Bar 6 Floodp1a in Active 7 Abandoned 4 Alluvial Plain 3 Alluvial Fan/Cone 2 Lacustrine Deposit 9 Mass Wasting Colluvium 10 Talus 10 Landslide Deposit 10 Rock Glacier 10 Mine Tailings 5 c [ [ c c [ c o B o B A.,U o D C o C G [ MODEl OUTLINE ROAD SUITABILITY TALKEETNA SUBBASIN Consideration Landform Type (Rating 1 to lOt 1 is best) Specific Data Class -99 - Value Value (incidence)(proximity) MODEl OUTLINE ROAD SUITABILITY (cont1nued) TALKEETNA SUBBASIN Considerat10n Slope Grad1ent (Rat1ng 1s 1 to 40. 1 1.s best) Geolog1c·Hazard (Rat1ng 1s 1 to 10. 1 1s best) S011 Character1st1cs (Rat1ng 1s 1 to 10. 1 1s best) SpecH1c Data Class Value Value (1nc1 dence)(prox1mHy) Tecton1c Up11ft Upland Va lley 7 Mounta1n S1deslope 10 Mounta1n R1dgetop 10 Waterbody 10 Ice and Snow 10 Slope Grad1ent Level or Nearly Level 1 Gently Slop1ng 2 Undulat1ng 2 Slop1ng (Moderately)3 Rol11ng 3 Strongly Sl~p1ng 5 H1l1y 5 Moderately Steep 15 Steep 20 Very Steep 30 Extr.emely Steep 30 Water 30 Ice 30 Pr1mary Potential Flood Zone 10 Pr1mary Flood Zonel Wave Zone 10 Secondary Potential Flood Zone 5 Secondary Flood Zonel Wave Zone 5 Outburst Flood Zone 10 Catastroph1c Wave Zone 10 Lands11de Zone 10 Vary1ng Part1cle She 5 Unstable Ground 10 Avalanche Track 10 L1m1tat10ns for Local Roads and Streets S11ght 1 Moderate 5 Severe 10 Water 10 -100 - [ C [ [ [' r:L, C B C C..-..ld E ;I r: tj o D l r-: iL r~ L L C "'"l --" MODEl OUTLINE ROAD SUITABILITY (continued) TALKEETNA SUBBASIN r [ [ C o E C B [J o n..!~ C nL; [J B D Cons1derat1-on (Rating is 1 to 15 t 1 is best) (Rating is 1 to lOt 1 is best) (Rating is 1 to 15 t1isbest) Vegetation Cover (Rat1ng is 1 to 40 t 1 ts best) Specific Data Class Value Value (incidence)(proximity) Drainage Excessively Drained 1 Somewhat Excessively Drained 1 Well Drained 1 Moderately Well Drained 2 Somewhat Poorly Drained 5 Poorly Drained 10 Very Poorly Drained 15 Ice 15 Water 15 Source Road F1l1 Good 1 Fair 5 Poor 10 Water 15 From Good If ~1/2 Mlle 1 If >1/2 Mile <1 Mile 2 If >1 Mile <l Miles 4 If >1 Mile <·3 Miles 6 If >3 M11es~4 Miles 8 If >4 Miles <5 Miles 10 If >5 Mlles 10 Closed Forest (GE 50%Crown Cover)10 Open Forest (GE 10%to LT 50%Crown Cover)6 Non Forest (LT 10%Crown Cover) Salt Water Wetland Grassland 40 Low Shrub 40 Tidal Marsh 40 Tall Shrub Alder 4 Alder-Willow 4 Low Shrub Willow-Resin Birch 2 Gr~~(~_I,.-1 ;;:J')'H-V:l~ft_~... nbj~'~t1fjl\jk· .~ -101 - MODEL OUTLINE ROAD SUITABILITY (continued) TALKEETNA SUBBASIN -102 - ARLIS Alaska R~ces Library i':~ervlce J\li~:~.~~~a Less than 10 11 -15 16 -30 31 -60 61 -100 101 -150 [l C C G fJ [ C, ~' o D C o o o o o D D lJ b Value (prox1mity) Value (incidence) Tundra Sedge-Grass 20 Herbaceous 15 Shrub 20 Mat-Cushion 20 Freshwater Sphagnum Bog 30 Sphagnum-Shrub Bog 30 Cultural Cultural Influence 1 Barren Mud Flats 40 Rock 40 Snow Snow Field 40 Glacier 40 Water Lake GE 40 Acres 40 Lake GE 10 Acres and LT 40 Acres 40 Stream or River Gf 165 Feet Wide and LT 550 Feet Wide 40 R1ver GE 600 Feet W1de 40 Stream or R1ver LT 165 Feet Wide 40 Specific Data Class MODEL SUMMATION RULES H1gh Moderate H1gh Moderate Low Very Low Extremely Low Consideration ASD-WP 1720-86