HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4097TK 1425 .S8 A68 no.4097 [ Presentation about Susitna River fish species presented by Douglas Vincent- Lang : printouts of overhead transparencies ]. Title supplied by cataloger. The first twenty-one sheets are identical to sheets 5 to 25 (they are unnumbered) in another presentation handout, Handout Materials, Susitna Agency Workshop 1, Instream Flow Studies, February 15, by E. Marchegiani and T. Arminski, numbered APA 4097. The writing in the diagrams: Sheet 1 "Eulachon" appears in the Yentna River and upper Susitna River and at the mouth of the river. Between river miles 5 and 25 is "Millions" 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 "Fish spawning above RM 120" 22 Top arrow pointing up: "Spawning ≈ 75%" Bottom arrow pointing up: "1983 escapement to RM 120 = 10,000 fish" 23 Top arrow pointing up: "Spawning ≈ 70%" Bottom arrow pointing up: "1983 escapement to RM 120 = 1,900 fish" Arrow pointing down on right: "Milling (Spawning below RM 120) ≈ 30%" 24 Top arrow pointing up: "Spawning ≈ 75%" Bottom arrow pointing up: "1983 escapement to RM 120 = 5,500 fish" Arrow pointing down on right: "Milling (Spawning below RM 120) ≈ 25%" 25 Top arrow pointing up: "Spawning ≈ 60%" Bottom arrow pointing up: "1983 escapement to RM 120 = 21,100 fish" Arrow pointing down on right: "Milling (Spawning below RM 120) ≈ 40%" 26 Top arrow pointing up: "Spawning ≈ 60%" Bottom arrow pointing up: "1983 escapement to RM 120 = 800 fish" Arrow pointing down on right: "Milling (Spawning below RM 120) ≈ 40%" 1982 a 1983 EULACHON USE OF SUSITNA RIVER A)-.,c:.. ~ -')J - A RM 28 M A J 0 R S SPAWNING P (Mid May- A Early June) W I N l G RM II M I No R S P A W N I G y INTERTIDAL M IGRATIO N PE RIOO EARLY MAY THRU EARLY JUNE. CONTRIBUT ION OF SUSITNA RIVER TO UPPER COOK INLET COMMERCIAL CHINOOK SALMON CATCH: 1983 H.ARVES T (PRE.)~I 9 THOUSAND 10 YEAR AVERAGE (74-83)~13 THOUSAND 11 BASED ON PROFFESIONAL JUDGEMENT SUS ITNA 1983 ··C·H IN 00 K ESC APE ME NT RM 120 (10,000) RM 103 '-f---J.(14,500) RM 80 (91,200) 1-98.3 CHINOOK SPAWNING AREAS .TRIBUTARIES LOO% CHANNEL ./1SLOUG HS //0% /' 9"83'MAJOR CHINOOK SALMON SPAWNING STREAMS ABOVE RM 98.6 70 00 :E«w ct:.... 00 o.... Z35o .... :::> CD .... 00 a ~o o PORTAGE INDIAN Cr.R. (RM 148.9)(R M 138.6) CHEECHAKO.Cr. (RM 152.5) CONTRIBU T 10 N OF SUSITNA RIVER TO UPPER COOK INLET COMMERCIAL SOCKEYE SALMON CATCH: ~-~-l.J ~10-30% 1983 HARVEST (PRE.)~4.8 MILLION 10 YEAR AVERAGE(74-83)~2.0MILLION !J BASED ON PROFFESIONAL JUDGEMENT SUSITNA 1983 SOCKEYE ESCAPEMENT *Min.Escapement=Yentno River Plus Above RM 80 100 ~o *I- z 75w ~ wa..« ~50 LLI Z ~ ~ Z 25-~ RM 120 (1,900) RM.103 (4,200)a R. t n I J<eefO Toto I Escapement Not Documented (185,000 ~) RM 80 (71,700) ~~, -::>RM 28 Q: 0"Xl (104,400) .~ ~~ S\ ~ 1983 SOCKEYE SPAWNING AREAS SLOUGHS 97+% MAIN CHANNEL <3% IRIBUTARIESr< 0%',' \' 1983 SECOND RUN SOCKEYE SALMON SPAWNING SLOUGHS ABOVE RM 98~6 -". '. :.~~j,.,. :,il. .~:.;.:"!• '~~:S .,. SLOUGH SLOUGH SLOUGH II 21 SA (RMI35.3)(RMI41.1)(RMI25.1) o 60 o~10 ~50 (9 :J S (f)40 o ~ zo -30 ~ :J lD 0:::20~ (f) o GOLD CREEK ~STATION --Slough II (53.2 %) RM 135 CONTRIBUTION OF SUSITNA RIVER TO UPPER COOK INLET COMMERCIAL PINK SALMON CATCH: !t ~80-90% 1982 HARVEST (PRE.)Z 790 THOUSAND 1983 HARVEST (PRE.)~80 THOUSAND 10 YEAR AVERAGES (·63-83) -EVEN YEARzl.5 MILLION -ODD YEAR 165 THOUSAND .!JBASED ON PROFES SIONAL JUDGEMENT SUSITNA 1983 PINK ESCAPEMENT _..-.-- RM 120 (5,500) *Min.Escapement=Yentno River Plus Above RM 80 ~o z ::> ~25 z ~ 100 Tota 1 Escapement Not Documented 150,000 (?) RM28 "'?(60,700)~ ~~ ~'~ RM 80 *(40,600)t-75z lJJ ~ A lJJa. <t 50u (J) w \983 PINK SPAWNING AREAS TRIBUTARIES --95+% MAIN CHANNE L 0% /t\ I SLOUGHS <5% 1983 MAJOR PINK SALMON SPAWNING STREAMS--ABOVE RM--98.6 GOLD CREEK STATION 70 60 f)50,. I)40 )- II" ) -30 ) ~20 10 o INDIAN PORTAGE 4th of July R.Cr.Cr. (RM 138.6)(RM 148.9)(RM 131.I) CONTRIBUT ION OF SUS I TN A RIVE R TO UPPER COOK INLET COMMERCIAL CHUM SALMON CATCH: 1983 HARVEST (PRE.)~I.I MILLION 10 YEAR AVERAGE(74-83)~0.8 MILLION .!J BASED ON PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT SUSITNA 1983 CHUM ESCAPEMENT *Min.Escapement =Yentna River Plus Above RM 80 100 *t-z7 I.&J ::E I.&Ja. <t ~50 I.&J Z::> ::E-z 25-~ ~ RM 120 (21,100) Toto 1 Escapement Not Documen ted 290,000 (7) INLET RM 28 (10,800)f ~~~ .RM 80 (266,000,) 19-83 CHUM SPAWNING AREAS SLOUGHS 44°k === MAIN CHANNEL 13%(800) 1983 MAJOR CHUM SALMON SPAWNING AREAS ABOVE RM 98.6 _'""·__'0 (J)(J) ::E 60 ::I:24«Streams <.!>Sloughs1IJ:::> 0::0I-.-Jt/)(J) o 40 f2 16I- Z zQ0I-....:::>:::>!!!20 CD 8 0::0::I-....t/)t/)0 0 <f-0 INDIAN PORTAGE 4th of JULY SLOUGH SLOUGH SLOUGH R.Cr.Cr.II 21 9 (RMI38.6)(RM 148.9)(RM 131.I)(RMI35.3)(RM 141.1)(RMI28.3) AGOLD CREEK RMI35 -Slouqh 21 ~",GOLD CREEK ~-4--Slouqh II ~ •RM 135 ".....,.-."".... CONTRIBUTION OF SUSITNA RIVER TO UPPER COOK INLET COMMERCIAL COHO SALMON ~50%11 . CATCH. - 1983 HARVEST (PRE.)';::::500 THOUSAND 10 YEAR AVERAGE (74-83)~340 THOUSAND !J BASED ON PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT SUSITNA 1983 COHO Esc APEMENT *Min.Escapement =Yentno River Plus Above RM 80 ~o 100 I-7z w ~ w a.. <t 50 () (J) w * RM 120 (800 ) To ta I Escapement Not Documented 45,000 (?) RM 80 (15,200) 1983 COHO SPAWNING A·REAS TRJBU TAR I,'E S 98+%"MAIN CHANNEL <1%t / I I SLOUGHS <::1 0/0/ / 1983 MAJOR COHO.SALMOIN SPAWNJNG STREAMS ABOVE RM 98.6) (J)50 ::E«w 0:: 1-140 (J) o I- Z 130 o-I- ::::> .~120 0:: I- (J) Q RIO ~o WHISKERS INDIAN GASH Cr.R.Cr. (RM lOlA)(RMI38.6)(RMII1.6) ,: Cj .fR~\-.J I I ...."'" 1983 CHINOOK SALMON MILLING (Spawning below RM 120) ~25% 1983 SOCKEYE SALMON 1983 PI NK SALMON 1983 CHUM SALMON MILLING (Spawning below RM 120) z40 % 1983 COHO SALMON