HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4105UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Arnie J. Suomela, Commissioner PROGRESS REPORT 1 957 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS DEVIL CANYON DAM SITE AND RESERVOIR AREA SUSITNA RIVER BASIN . STATE OF ALASKA Juneau , Alaska Apri·l 1959 For Administrative Use Only T ABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Figure 1 ·".."..",."""."."".".".""."...".."... .....""•••••I1..•ll.·011 ••••q •••e ... Page 1 2 OBJECTIVES Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 •....II ....,•"co 0 .....It •"......""•••••••"••• •,.o. "li'" "It ""•••" ". 4 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION OF AREA •~.. • • • "•"..II • • " • • " • " " • ..CI .. .• • .. 8 METHODS Table 1 Table 2 • •":t """.. 9 10 11 12 12 14 14 14 15 16 16 "" .. ""<II • "~.••• ••••#••.•••••••••••0·.·••••••·.,. It "II;".."""". Deadman Creek Watana Creek Kosina Creek Fishery Investigations Stream Surveys Wildlife Investigations Table 3 FINDINGS SUMMARY ".."."......"........18 LITERATURE CITED 19 INTRODUC TION L Interest in the Susitna River Basin,a potential source of hydroelectric power for south-central Alaska,is intense and should be- come more so as population,industry,and national defense create needs for more power (Fig.1).The Susitna River,about 275 miles long,origi- nates in the Alaska Range,flows to the southwest.and empties into Cook Inlet near Anchorage.The few human inhabitants in the 19,300 square mile drainage area are concentrated in the Lake Louise area and along the Alaska Railroad which runs north and south bisecting the basin and paralleling the Susitna River from 44 to 122 miles above its mouth.A few roads on the fringes of the area provide opportunities for other means of mechanized ground travel. 2.The eastern one-third of the basin probably furnishes over half the range for the Nelchina caribou herd.Censusing in 1955 indicated a population of about 40,000.These animals,which are reasonably close to population centers and accessible from time to time to hunters with automobiles,swamp buggies,and tractors a-s means of transportation, furnish more sport hunting than any other caribou herd in the State. Moose,fairly abundant throughout the basin,provide hunting along the railbelt and the few roads and elsewhere to hunters with airplanes and boats.Other big game present and furnishing a limited amount of hunting are Dall sheep,mountain goat,black bear,grizzly bear,and brown bear. 1 ) ~ I f A I ...''0" ,,.. p c ..ALASKA. ) Figu r e L S us itn a R i v e r B a.sin .•Ala ska (L ocati o n m ap ) 2 \ 3,Ptarmigan.spruce grouse and snowshoe hare,all of whose numbers fluctuate periodically,are found throughout the region.Some waterfowl use the area for nesting as well as for resting during migration. Hunting for these species is limited by inaccessibility. 4.Fur bearers present are beaver,mink,muskrat,red fox, weasel,lynx,otter,wolverine,wolf,and coyote,Harvest of these species varies depending on current fur prices and availability. 5.The Susitna River watershed provides spawning grounds for a substantial portion of the salmon which are taken commercially in Cook Inlet.Estimated percentages of the annual pack contributed by the Susitna Ri ver production by species during the l Ovye a r period,1946 through 1955, are as follows: Red salmon 39% King salmon 19% Pink salmon 20% Coho salmon 14% Chum salmon 8% These figures are computed from estimates furnished by John Skerry,Fishery Management Supervisor for Cook Inlet Df.s t r i c t-arid data in the Fishery Report for Kenai Peninsula (1957). 6.The Bureau of Reclamation (1952)has described 19 potential dam sites for ultimate hydroelectric power development of the Susitna Basin.Results of ensuing preliminary Fish and Wildlife Service investi- gations were presented in three reports issued during 1952 and 1954. 3 7.The Devil Canyon site has been selected by the Bureau of Reclamation for initial development.Located 134 miles above the river's mouth and 12 miles above Gold Creek railroad station,the site is about midway between the population centers of Anchorage and Fairbanks (Figs.2 and 4). 8.The dam would be a concrete arch-gravity structure about 500 feet high with a crest length of 1>100 feet.A power plant located at the foot of the dam would have a capacity of 232,000 KW and annual firm output of I,150,000,000 KW -hours. 9.The reservoir.25 miles long and between one-half and three- fourths miles wide,would have a total capacity of 2,930,000 acre-feet of which 1.950,000 acre-feet would be available for power storage capacity. These figures are based upon development without upstream storage reservoirs,Complete data for the Devil Canyon project alone and in con- junction with upstream reservoirs are presented in the Bureau of Recla- mation Susitna Basin Report (1952). OBJECTIVES 10.The overall objective of the River Basin Studies investigations was to determine the effects of a dam and impoundment on the fish and wildlife resources of the area with primary emphasis on whether a dam would affect significant runs of anadromous fish.In order to meet these 4 '-- 1!S2 ·I!SO ·148·146" 14 6" I BASIN Area Investigated,1957 Devil Canyon Impoundment Area 25 20 15 10 5 0 25 Mil •• •!bd ..I •SCALE SUSITNA RIVER FIG .2 I I---- ./,/ ~/ / // CAHTWE~~ cz .d ·S+,rW$Na"SO ~:/'~Jj "Wi!\t(;o/;"I -~-"I"\01-~:;I~~I ~~O(J _#_--.,,~"'. 0'"_'\.::;'rbWi F <,"\\\';\'.•'_-148" ,<~~'f. '.~p.~\O~~\. 'f.\;\.~'" ,,~". ~\' 1!S 2" N '"".,......'(1)I ,....:::J§,~ '-,,,~$ r 11 I ;If '~.~t2 I L/I'JJ (-'~"'I I "~~"-\'".>~--,,-,'U)t!"~::::--,\.~---_.....DP.~'( nr .~.(!::::..::-:~~R "<>,••col.l N I !-'"~L """(.'(tI ·.'\T 'I ,/t 6 2"-62 ---.~'.l ..ll,l~(I "" ..y \-~,5:i·:'l ~,_-=-:: J - ( I, \;~j{~f!j ,O~,-..."..- •.:.ass'"" i- N t ,/''~.,::::7.-:.2~~;.J .':""'.--,.<.Y?'tephan "".ke .:(~';..(,./~.- RESERVOIR AREA GILLNET SET,LOCATIONS o .KING SAI.MON Q'RED SALMON •KING SALMON AND RED SALMON 5 0 5 MILES E3F3F3 I i.rrve sti gati on.0' Figure 3.The Susitna River f r orn Portage to Jay" Devil Canyon dam site and 1957 area C'r e e k ,This s e c'ti on contains the proposed Figure ound) objectives,a two-year study was initiated.The work during the 1956 field season was devoted to test netting in the Susitna River and its tribu- taries immediately below the dam site,and at Jay Creek,55 miles above the dam site.From this work it was determined that there was a possi- bility of a limited number of salmon passing through Devil Canyon to spawn.Complete findings may be found in the 1956 Field Investigations Progress Report (1957). 1L The primary objective of the 1957 program was to test net above the dam site to further determine if anadromous fish were passing through Devil Canyon.Incidental to this,information was to be gathered on other fish and game species. DESCRIPTION OF AREA 12.The area investigated during the summer was the Susitna River and tributaries from Deadman Creek to Jay Creek,inclusive.The lower end of this 20-mile section is about si miles above the upper end of the Devil Canyon impoundment area,(Figs.2 and 3).This area was chosen for study because it contains more potential spawning streams; also,logistics would be less difficult than in the 25-mile long proposed impoundment area.The two areas are believed sufficiently similar that data obtained for resident fish and game populations and game utilization on the study area are applicable to the impoundment area. a 13,Stream bottoms and low river bottoms support black spruce- aspen stands,White spruce occurs on the steep side hills in conjunction with paper birch,scrub birch,black spruce,and occasional stands of aspen and cottonwood,Scrub birch is present in the rolling country on each side of the canyon,Willow occurs infrequently throughout the entire study area,Understory includes blueberry,low-bush cranberry,narrow- leafed Labrador tea,crowberry,fi r ewe ed ,mosses.and lichens. METHODS 14.Fifteen gill nets,6 feet in depth and averaging 28 feet in length,were set in the 10-mile section of the Susitna River from the mouth of Deadman Creek to 3 miles above the mouth of Watana Creek (Fig,3 and Table 1),Six of these sets were of 8i-inch mesh king salmon web;nine sets were of Si-inch mesh red salmon web,The nets were set with one end anchored and one end free in eddies of the Susitna River and at the mouths of Deadman and Watana Creeks,both potential salmon spawning streams.The first set was made on June 16.Each net was checked on the average of every seven days.A boat accident and the subsequent loss of equipment limited field work to the extent that no nets were checked from July 10 to 22.Nets were removed August 28 and 29 resulting in a total of 7,314 fishing hours J:../(4,320 with 8i-inch web; 2,994 with Si-inch web).Although hampered somewhat by fluctuating 1/1 fishing hour =1 gill net fished for 1 hour. 9 water levels,the gill nets fished with a satisfactory degree of efficiency. Table 1.Gill Net Sets,Susitna River,1957 Hours Fished Location No.8f"mesh 5f"mesh Fish (Fig.3)Dates Fished (king web)(red web)Taken A July 3-July 4 24 None July 7-July 10 72 None B July 27-July 30 72 None C July 6-July 29 552 None D July 28-July 29 24 None E June 23-July 11 252 None F June 20-June 26 144 None G June 20-August 30 1,704 None H July 28-August 2 120 None I July 24-July 25 24 None J July 22-August 1 240 None K July 24-July 25 24 None L July 24-August 30 888 None M July 29-August 29 744 None N June 16-July 21 894 None 0 June 27-August 30 1,536 None Totals 4,320 2,994 Grand Total 7,314 hours None 15.Ten small fish collections were made (Table 2).Seven of these were from the mouth of Watana Creek,one from Watana Creek two miles upstream from its mouth,one from the Susitna River one mile be- low Watana Creek,and one from the mouth of Deadman Creek. 16.The lower portions of Deadman,Wa tana ,and Kosina Creeks were surveyed periodically throughout the summer for evidence of 10 Table 2.Summary of 10 s mall fish colle cti ons ,Susitna River Basin.1957. SPECIES -I:""::r:0>=:M- 0"'PJ tJj[.-. >=:0Iit?o e-t-O"'I'<PJ o en .-.M-()(1) p-''"O>=:M-.-.>=:M-Ii ~PJ '"8.0 ~';;3~~C§«:o (1)....t:i <!p-'(JQ 0 I-+,P <;....OIi(1)PJ g:PJ::;PJ Ii :::: M-i:l>=:«:_>=: ~_tIl ;::::;0 til o ...·O.-.::;...·PJ «:til t:i PJ(JQ g.Ii.-.p-'P <:,.......(1)PJ PJM. i:l '-'Ii Ii ...•c,5'(1)o,o Ii _M-til>=: PJ >=:0 tilotil::; (1)->=:til -01:)0 PJ Ii ::::(1) ~PJ(JQ p-'til 0....-i:l M->=:(1)til I-+,.... til p-' -0 -0b:j :;0o~....~ 1i0 ()M-'"7t1ltllenP-'~""-<M-M-PJtIl0(1)0 ()Iililit:i~p..()M--P..(jtll O p-'~....o(JQ (1)tIl::s::;i:lIi_PJ i:l ()M- PJ >=:til M-til >=:0()til ::>;'M- (1)0 Ii 8 >=:til ~ trl H::r:o b o b:j o ~ Hc: :;0 trl t-<oo ~ H Ho Z b ~ H trl O~I-(J OHtrl 1:""1:"":;0I:""b~trll:""~ Ot:;:jZ HtrltrlH Oen Z Ztrl H Z:;Ob:j c:<:HHen ~O::r: tJjtrl~ trl Z :;0 b RB57-1 6/25/57 Mouth of Watana Creek Seine x x x x t-' t-' RB57-2 6/21/57 Mouth of Deadman Creek Seine,Rod &Reel x x RB57-3 7/21/57 Watana Creek 2 miles upstream from mouth Rod &Reel x RB57-4 7/26/57 Mouth of Watana Creek Seine x x x x x RB57-5 8/1/57 Mouth of Watana Creek Seine x x x RB57-6 7/6/57 Mouth of Watana Creek Seine x x x x RB57-7 7/8/57 Mouth of Watana Creek Seine x x x RB57-8 7/11/57 Mouth of Watana Creek Seine x x x x RB57-9 7/17/57 Mouth of Watana Creek Seine x x x x RB57 -10 not recorded Susitna River 1 mile below Watana Creek (not recorded)x x anadromous and resident fish.Descriptions of physical characteristics of the streams were obtained during these surveys, 17.Wildlife observations were made while traveling and working on the river.The area between Deadman and Watana Creeks was covered intensively on foot,and wildlife species and range conditions were noted. 18.During the winter three aerial surveys were made to determine species and numbers of game animals on and adjacent to the reservoir area.A super-cub was used on January 21,1958,and a Pacer on Febru- ary 12 and March 11.Three parallel transects the length of the impound- ment area on the first flight and two transects on succeeding flights, resulted in nearly complete coverage of the area each time. FINDINGS Fishery Investigations 19.No fish were taken in gill nets during their 7,314 fishing hours. About 4,300 hours of this fishing was with 8i-inch mesh net and about 3.000 hours with 5i-inch mesh net.Fishing efficiency of the nets declined from July 10 to July 22,when a boat accident and loss of equipment pre- vented their being tended,Unfortunately,this occurred at a time corre- sponding to the period July 7 to 17 of the previous year when king salmon were netted in the Portage Creek area about 35 miles downstream.How- ever,had appreciable numbers of king salmon come upstream during this 12 tim.e,it is believed late-running fish would have been taken after July 22, when nets were again fishing effectively.The nets were fished until August 29.During the previous year,all species of s al.mon ,other than king,were taken below the dam.site between August 19,when red nets were first set,and August 29. 20.No downstream.m.igrant or tem.porarily resident young salm.on or steelhead were present in ten fish collections obtained in Watana Creek, Deadm.an Creek,and the Susitna River (Table 2).No evidence of salm.on or steelhead was found by walking the lower portions of Deadm.an,Watana, Ko s i na ,and Jay Creeks during August,Michael Boddner,a hom.esteader in the Gold Creek area who is fam.iliar with the Susitna River and its m.ajor tributaries,has never observed salm.on above the proposed dam.site. 2 L There are two unverified reports of salm.on above the dam.site. Two sportsm.en interviewed during August supposedly identified head bones and other skeletal structures found in the spring of the year near Jay Creek as belonging to s almon.A Bureau of Reclam.ation em.ployee reported see- ing salm.on late in July or early August at the m.outh of a sm.all tributary which enters the Susitna River from.the south about 3/4 m.ile above the dam. site.The fish were not identified as to species,but salm.on which m.ight have traveled above the dam.site at that tim.e would probably have been chum.s or kings, 13 22.Lack of success in netting adult salmon or seining immature salmon,or in finding evidence of salmon in clear tributary streams indi- cates that during the summer of 1957 few salmon spawned above the dam site. Stream Surveys 23,Deadman Creek,about 30 miles long,is a clear stream bor- dered by spruce.cottonwood,willow,and alder.Numerous pools and a bottom with many rocks and large boulders characterize the lower section. Air and water temperatures,respectively,were 65.OOE and 53.5 9 F .on June 21;7 L O°F.and 54.O°F.on June 30.Aquatic and terrestrial insects were abundant.Schools of grayling were seen in its frequent pools.Gray- ling and whitefish (Coregonus lavaratus pidschian)were seined at the creek's mouth. 24.Watana Creek is about 20 miles long and 1 to 5 feet deep. Water flow at the mouth,where it is about 40 feet wide and 1 to 2 feet deep,was 150 to 160 c ,f.s .(metered flow)on August 5.Its waters are clear and green-tinged.Bottom material includes gravel suitable for salmon spawning.Occasional deep pools are interspersed with many riffle areas and slide areas are present on the west bank.The stream exhibits marked fluctuations in water level.Mean of water temperatures recorded daily between 8:00 and 10:00 a.rn ,from June 20 to August 30 was 52.O°F.Mean of corresponding air temperatures was 63.4 0 F. 14 Extreme water temperatures were 48.5°F.on July 25 and 47.O°F.on August 11.Corresponding air temperatures were 49.O°F.and 69.O°F. 25.The prominent plant species bordering Watana Creek are birch,wi Il ow ,and spruce;the main aquatics are moss and algae.Gray- ling and whitefish were seined 2 miles above the creek mouth.These same species.plus numerous fine-scaled suckers and an occasional burbot and sculpin (Cottus cognatus)were seined at the s t r e arn t s junction with the Susitna River. 26.Average daily water fluctuations of the Susitna River at Watana Creek was 3. 3 inches.The greatest rise in water level recorded in 24 hours was 7 inches;the greatest drop,14 inches.Water level of the Susitna River dropped 42 inches from June 21 to August 16.Mean temperature of the Susitna River at Watana Creek was 54.O°F.while mean air temperature was 63.O°F.Extreme river temperatures were 50.O°F.on June 23 and 58.O°F.on June 28 with corresponding air tem- peratures of 69.O°F.and 82.O°F.on these same days. 27.Kosina Creek,about 35 miles in length,has a steep gradient and contains clear,slightly yellow-tinged water.The stream is charac- terized by a bed of rocks and boulders.steep banks,and numerous riffles.Water fluctuations were slight except for a noted drop in Septem- ber.Water and air temperatures on August 16 were 53.O°F.and 63.O°F. respectively.Shoreline vegetation is mainly cottonwood,spruce,and a 15 variety of annuals.Grayling were readily taken with hook and line. Wildlife Investigations 28.Moose were observed throughout the area during the summer with an indication of movement out of the river bottom during the middle of July.This was possibly a shift to higher elevations to avoid insects. Numbers of moose seen in the proposed impoundment area on winter flights are recorded in Table 2.Sirnilar low densities were noted in areas adjacent to the proposed reservoir.Condition of browse species indicates that the area has supported a high moose population at some time during recent years.Scrub birch,the most abundant browse species,showed moderate to heavy use.The bark of nearly every aspen tree was scarred, indicating moose utilization.The occasional willow showed heavy or severe use.Portions of paper birch which could have furnished browse had grown out of reach. Table 3.Animals seen in proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area on three aerial surveys. Date Moose January 21,1958 1 February 12,1958 2 March 11,1958 2 Caribou 12 10 24 29.Segments of the Nelchina caribou herd periodically range on both sides of the Susitna River as far west as the impoundment area. Between July 20 and August 20 an estimated 1,500 caribou were observed 16 crossing the river from north to south in the vicinity of Watana Creek. Although the river here is swift and from 70 to 100 yards wide.the ani- mals,including calves,crossed with ease and at times even swam up- stream to find a suitable place to climb on shore.Table 3 shows numbers of caribou seen in the proposed reservoir area on winter flights.No large concentrations or movements of caribou toward the impoundment area were noted in adjacent areas. 30.Black bear were sighted singly or in groups of up to four (female with three cubs)throughout the study area.They were observed more often and droppings were more common late in the summer.Two grizzly bear were seen. 31.Beaver were present in sloughs along the river.The rapid current and ice flow during spring break-up probably restricts them to the sloughs or tributaries most of which provide fair habitat.Sparce otter and mink sign were seen.Fox and coyote sign.although not common, were noted at high elevations.Wolf tracks were common.Other possible fur bearers whose presence was not definitely determined were lynx, martin,wolverine.muskrat. 32.Waterfowl,with the exception of a few merganser which nest in tributaries,were not found in the study area.Few spruce grouse were seen.Bald eagles and a variety of hawks.owls.and song birds were noted. 17 SUMMARY 33.Field investigations were conducted on the Susitna River and tributaries from Deadman Creek to Jay Creek during 1957 primarily to determine if anadromous fish were present in these waters. 34.No fish were taken by gill net during 7>314 fishing hours. About 4,300 hours of this fishing was with Si-inch mesh net and about 3.000 hours with 5i-inch mesh net.No downstream migrant or tempo- rarily resident young salmon were taken by seining.No evidence of salmon was observed during ground surveys of clear tributary streams made in August.Grayling.whitefish,sucker,burbot ,and sculpin were seined. 35.Moose,caribou,and grizzly and black bear were noted along the Susitna River above the Devil Canyon dam site in varying numbers throughout the year.Fur bearers noted were wolf,coyote,fox,beaver, otter,and mink.Few waterfowl and grouse were observed.Other bird species noticed were bald eagles,hawks,owls and song birds. IS LITERATURE CITED Anonymous 1952~ A report on potential development of water resources in the Susitna River Basin of Alaska. U, S. Bureau of Reclamation report. 1952. A preliminary report on fish and wildlife resources in relation to the Susitna River Basin Plan, Alaska, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service report. 1954. A progress report on wildlife of the Susitna River Basin. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service report. 1954. A progress report on the fishery resources of the Susitna River Basin. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service report. 1957. A special report on fishery resources of the Kenai Peninsula. U, S. Fish and Wildlife Service report. 1957. 1956 Field investigations Devil Canyon dam site, Susitna River Basin. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service progress report. 19