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SU:bjeot:P:roJeet, This 11'/1:r~'J Ccm:1ition .~~..':t>~~ Denali DensJ.:1 111575 1.11 575 1 2 5-~ below for estimating Freque~J(W iil_~,?!~1t~_ 5 10 25 lC'eak discha;.~e ~2 700v[i 1.9,200 ;8,000 884,000 993;000 1,l4J,p OCJO be full begilJnillg ctf tJ.19 l!'Jfw.v I.,\\:;;!'!.!.&U ot:conS'81"V'a- flood u load. with bJIDdXells glaciers outlew,\'11111e eOlldu~ive to lag patt.erne is that, has been so x'0Cent ths.t to dev"ele<p an U'!'he vegetat:tv'e ooval'of:'~he '<~~"');.,;::l~ underllidn l/IJ J;:>ermai'1"(;tBt tBGme height,and nt11S1,eg have .t..11e causing ext:re.me:l;f 1<¥ng lag 20 are found &Too detain l~fall G~ 'I'he i'ol1O',;w.g disoharge reocrda \\'-ere availalfle for streams in tb.G Susito.a River basin: Susitna illver at Gold Creak DJ.~ainage area-...6,l60 mi.1ss (U 6 S"Geological·Sur{e'~" £igure t.ltis S .I&u..dy ) Per:tod of reoord",-F.llgusrt 1949--5eptembar 1962 MexirrIum pet>]{disat.lt.ll'ge.-.s80 ,600 oi's J JI.U1.e 15,1962 1{~15-a~volt1.1'l1e,Mr6«*feet-l,58.3,OC(),June 10""24 , 1962 J.%2 of's,June 1962 (probabl;y~15t-h) volume,ac~~f'eeJ~o'iJ dei.erminabl61 because Qf pex-iods averaged discharges Susitna Pd vel'r..ear Cantwell Drainage area-4,l4O Period of record.-.L~ i~ rJa.x::iJnum 15-day 7, " At Vee D8!.l",sita,it j~s envisif>ood Devu CmIVcn probable September ~.";,J,.",,,"o as " Analyses of'rec~ro€;.'\l flood.WE!l."'e tion amounts vrere no'~ avaj~able.A selection of r flood-produoing Ertudy ..ia gl~lrt for collection of within tt..e &'uSi"(;D2.. Hival"basin before final It was believed to xm~sernt site for conditior~~: 4 for Vee Dam- P..fter exa.'Ilil1ir.g ·t:hat a xwpr<es<:m.,t:tai:.i ii'S averaging believed net raim:"all v~l~ 2.94 cen:ter c'£ Ves wag be ,8 540 21.-ho>.1I'unitgrat>h developed Devil Car~on blCQ'1C,;).!o 00 ooura.'I1Us t:J..,me was ·vemus an j"",tJ .Iff eEl' £a.<rtor 2,610 as on Plate 6.it.Cl..trVC was drawn tb..;rot~h point pariillel Q'll."t'CUl¥~&a.s abrJ'im.- porting data for time esi.!imat,~s be obtained Of the 1961 event beoause of ()f rainfaLl data.The ~ot the net far t..lla al"ea 'be-I:i\veen Denali gage UCl\YS to 70 hou..TtS..MSiu:u:i -ng 24 hom"s Y exo eSB.fl lag time which falls on t.he .~urve as aX!ll.oal.JS factor was computed ror this f'.l"e8.. 48 9 lag time the ooos·tructed curve. B"J (judgment jl it wag U1V'Jk,,;'\'J\J, lag times e An LLcal.JS hoUl'S was sentativa area used to eliminate above a.nd obtain ty 2 was the McClaren given f'or UaJ'lel;na.factar • •~u.J.""a was aub-, gave aJ) tr..e entire w~·t~j";<:i}-;ed cH,7<JiJe: in that study to estimate 'V--arlation in rainfall O\fer basins of the watershed but the that Ii varls,tiol1 '>'''laS discussoo. No additional meteorological data which VlOuld change the Deiril Can';fOIl. design storm e$timate1:'..ave been.acquired sinee making t.ha t study.It was deoided:therefore;to use the Devil Canyon desig!l storm Yalues in this study but to estimate a variation :L.~E.n.fbbasL'l storm fhi1(1ill1tS due to topographic i~luence8.Such arl estimate is feasible because of tri8 looations of the damsi tea.Desig..'1.storm co:ndi tiooo postulat.e a strong flow of moist air nOl"theastward -Cook Inlet over the Talkeetna Mountains into the Susitna Rlver basill e Precipitation 'would 'be baa,,'Y alOJ."lg the Talkeetna 1v"JCmntain Di\fide p about 5,0-00 to 6;Ov"O feet in eleva- tion,but wou.ld decrease f1m,the lee aide (northeastward).Referring to the drainage map,Plate 4,it v;ill be seen that of the pre'Cipi,ta- tion along th.e lee side of the Talkeetna Mountains will cont:r1.bute 1;:,0 runoff'f:t'0111.tJle area.between Vee Damsite and Devil Canyon Damsi te •As tile moist aiJ:'flow continues northeastward across tt..e mid pen of the basin,it is believed precipitation would be less heavy t~Jan along the lee side of the Talkeetna t~tains beoause of the lower elevation-- about 3$000 feet..Vee Da.m.site and the Tyone River drainage lie in this 6 area. lif'Ung 12,l ooo ilion ove:t~ Above Denali Dam Intervening area fJ DenaJ.i D9~to Vee Damsite Vee DaroEite to Devil OalJYOX1 site Drainage a:rea .,.(liiQ..tJ.~-m;i.:1ea 1 1 1 200 Average precipe _~"'!.cp..§st . 6.0 Ine~~mental 21~,~hour aroounts were made.propor'tional to incremental €Ullounts . of the Devil C:,u:lYon design storm.Listed telO'.v in design arrango.Irlent a.'t"e adopted 8uohasL"1 design sto"fln "ITalues along w1 th excesses aomput,ed using a daily :retention loss or 0.8 inch. 7 ·0 "'"24 2.2 1.4 1,,7 0,,9 24 -4S 4.0 3.2 ,3,,1 2,,3 48 -72 ~o 8I"• 7,,8 5.4 6,,0 ;3,,6 Average over 4,l4O miles 1:/a ..A) A 15-d€\Y at Denali gage 1913'400 QII:,-Qiavs July 2l-August 4"19.-62.This \vas divided by l5 age dail,y disct.IBJ:~ge of 12,7&0 ora,which was used.as an e.VI"'<"NlP'A base for design flood ccmputations of inflO\SI at Denali DEU'lls:Lte The :reeorde4 15-day volume at Vee site,July 2l-August 4,1%2,was 3'2.\1:000 cf~aya.Subtraoting the volume recorded at Denali that at Vee and dividL'rlg the reault by 15 ga.ve an a:verage daily disehal"g8 oi..' 9,7')0 era,which was used as an average 15-dey base flow ortginai~ing fran the area between Denali Damaite and Vee Damsite. ~:LJ1§!si8B f~o;-Jd~.PAJJ:..~fl,m no~,.e~trtlc:~esL..Design ra1nfl~~runoff tor -U1e area abo\fi~Denali Damaite and for the intervening area between Denali Dam.aite and Vee Damsi te was compu.ted using res~et::tve c1istl>ibu.tion gm';J;J.1B and the respec""ive exeesses previously "cabuls:t.e4. F..eapectivebese flow V!9.S addE.oQ to each rainflood.total £lo.-Jd computed at Denali Damaite was e.dded directly to the flOO"J for t.he intervenir..;g area to Vee site without routirzg because of:t.he short travel distance between Denali Damsite and the head of'JGhe pro- posed Vee Hsasrvoir.'I'l:l9 l1ydrog:ra.ph ~n on Plate 1 haVing a peak 575,000 neal' inspection indicates aoos'the Susitna be.sin..It is drc!.wn at Vee total basin runcrLf £rom over 6,O~ ga.ge measures runoff the high ~'cV';;>i,)~'UJ..1D area.'I1ti.s curve inJiies:tes a of 60,000 ef's for 4 g LW square wiles,area above Vee Damsi te" MaximUll1.15-day volumes recorded at sta-'(,ions wi thin the Suaitna Rivar basin have been.plotted as on Plate 8 e A curve indicative of ,\l'olume at Vee Damsi te is controlled by a 15-dt:\'f V'olu;:r.e of 4l4,000 oore- feet,June 4-18,1957,at Dena.li and a 15-day volume of 1,583:000 acre- feet,June lO-24~1962$at 901d Creek.T1rl.s Cl'l,rve indioa.tes a 15.-.dS\Y volume c;yf lpl80,OOO acre-feet for 4,140 wiles~ The l:3-year :l:e.oord of'streamflow a.t Gold Creek gage was used to est.imate probable ~-,10-,9 25-year floods at Vee De:msite 8.B follows:A Hal?isn t s frequel1cy cOl1r'.01tation was made using anlluaJ.max:i.mum pea.k dis- oharges and all.l1ual 15-da;y volumes at the Gold Creek ga.ge~'I'h!3 5-,1.0-,and 25-;~lear vallloe at Gold given by these computations were adJustet'l 6,160 sque.re miles to 4,9140 square miles IT.f the area relatiol'...Bhip shawn by the slope of'the envelope o\U"Ves.A s~ of:these o~J?Utatior!.S follows. <) .c"V. mean 5 10 25 o. 1. 49,023 ;7, 66 180, 7/1 950 0.21 1.60 1/1044,700 I'In1',,>,,_'T'P;!'n', Volume Peak discharge ,._.JeW.M',,_,. :> 1.02, _{"{iO 993;00'0 1,141,000 The above 1'lood values at Vee Da1!lSit.e 'w'ere used to eonstroet the d1yer... sian x-equire.i'nent hyd...-ographI3 Jj Plate :3. I conanl"~~P.~~ Head i Flood Hydrology Section Appr"Oved H.S.Riesbol Chief p I~dr'Olog>J Branon 10 i. , , I....1 II' ~.-,---,---_...---,-,--.---.--...-.-----.-:-.--_.--...;-------r---·-r---------l' ; i I i II-i ..t j !i I .I j I ,II,'I'i----l-··..-~,..··-r--..-....-..--_.+·-·---~I-·-----t·~·~·~I-..~·--·-r--·-..-r~· I 1 ;,.,I !.i iii >l.I -j 1,'\II ---..iII:..i ;I'i I !.1 ..! ';!-,'i'..,!I-r---.--~--_..-.I--.i.---.--I--.--·i-~t~~J...--'t----+-~_~,-c.---.-.. I ::.I 'I j ! 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I ..I ,!I !!-.--~--!.----0"-1 I :1 ---t----------'--'---- I I J '9 '1-~,~4 k $t l?$10 II I :!i I t r I I •,.1 I::TfME·-DAYS Ir~.-·-.2.:.-._.---I-..-.---...!-l...-....'....--I--..-.-i----..--L-.-..-~----....-;......J_...:I I .j i I r--..-.iiI ' ' IL~_.,..;,L_...-:._j __·_:_,_.~_±__....:...~1_.~_±_..~~.L ._l.~..__~_l._··~_~:...:...J.~_.J_··_L R,))id'i oR(\3':~~'se DO'il..CANYON PflOJ[rDRAINAGE.f-ALASKA • ••,AREA MAP n~IHtl 0.":t.~,:~'::' ",o . x;: sn.,..