HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4125Alaska DePartment of Fish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Research Progress RePort 1 Julv 1992 -30 June 1994 Lower Susitna ValleY Moose PoPulation IdentitY and Movement Study Ronald D. Modafferi Grant W-24-2 Studv 1.38 December 1994 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation December 1994 Lower Susitna Valley Moose Population Identity and Movement Study Ronald D. Modafferi Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Research Progress Report 1 July 1992–30 June 1994 Grant W-24-2 Study 1.38 This is a progress report on continuing research. Information may be refined at a later date. If using information from this report, please credit author(s) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. STATE OF ALASKA Tony Knowles, Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Carl L. Rosier, Commissioner DIVISION OF WU..DLIFE CONSERVATION Wayne L. Regelin, Acting Director Persons intending to cite this material should receive permission from the author(s) and/or the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Because most reports deal with preliminary results of continuing studies, conclusions are tentative and should be identified as such. Please give authors due credit. Additional copies of this report and other Division of Wildlife Conservation publications are available from: Publications Specialist ADF&G, Wildlife Conservation P.O. Box 25526 Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 465-4190 The Alaska Department of Fish and Game administers all programs and activities free from discrimination on the bases of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status, pregnancy, parenthood, or disability. For information on alternative formats for this and other department publications, please contact the department ADA Coordinator at (voice) 907-465-6173, (TDD) 1-800-478-3648, or FAX 907-586-6595. Any person who believes she/he has been discriminated against should write to: ADF&G, PO Box 25526, Juneau, AK 99802- 5526 or O.E.O., U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington DC 20240 .. State: Alaska Project No.: W-24-1 W-24-2 Job No.: Period Covered: RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT Project Title: Big Game Investigations Study Title: Lower Susitna Valley Moose Population Identity and Movement Study 1 July 1992-30 June 1994 SUMMARY Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) staff aerial surveyed, marked, and radiotracked moose in the lower Susitna River valley in Southcentral Alaska from October 1985 to February 1991. Survey and radiotracking data gathered (April 1980 to May 1986) during previous moose studies in lowland riparian areas of the lower Susitna River valley were incorporated into the database. Site specific information on herd density, sex/age composition, and distribution of moose were compiled from moose censuses and surveys in the study area. Data on moose killed by collisions with trains in Alaska were collected, analyzed in relation to snowpack depth, and published. Archived data on in utero fetus counts of moose in Southcentral Alaska were gathered, analyzed, and published. Data collected on survival of radiocollared moose were analyzed and written for publication. We analyzed data on birthing chronology, twinning rates and calf/cow ratios of radiocollared female moose. This report mainly contains data, findings, and discussions related to analysis of point- location data collected in monitoring radiocollared moose. To select equipment, methods and procedures for analyzing point-location data collected in radiotelemetry studies, a radiotelemetry data analysis group was formed among Alaska Department of Fish and Game staff. The working group included biologists, biometricians and a data analyst/programmer. The group identified computer hardware and software for conducting analyses of radiotelemetry point-location data. The group acknowledged that point-location data collected in lower Susitna Valley moose studies would be used to refine this process. Equipment and software identified for use in analyzing point-location data were: a 486-based computer with windows environment; CALHOME, a home range analysis software; Lotus 1-2-3, a spreadsheet program; ArcView, a geographic information system software; and FoxPro, a relational database management system. The adaptive kernel method in CALHOME was selected for home range analyses. ADF&G staff outlined procedures for isolating and manipulating subsets of moose point- location data from the database file through home range analyses. Adaptive kernel home range analyses identified relationships between home range size, number of utilization distributions and bandwidth. Home range size varied from 9 mi 2 to 205 km2 • Plots of home ranges showed l (unimodal) to 8 (multimodal) discrete utilization distribution polygons. Bandwidth had large effects on home range size and polygon number. In many cases, bandwidth selected by minimizing the least squares cross validation value appeared to provide a better estimate of home range than the optimum bandwidth selected by the program. These analyses clarified the need to identify an objective method for selecting bandwidth in adaptive kernel home range analysis. ADF&G staff discussed recommendations for future activities. II CONTENTS SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... i BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 2 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................. 4 Primary ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Peripheral ................................................................................................................................... 4 STUDY AREA ............................................................................................................................... 5 METHODS ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Moose Distribution Surveys ....................................................................................................... 6 Capture, Radiocollaring, and Monitoring of Moose .................................................................. 7 Survival ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Censoring ................................................................................................................................... 8 Snow Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 9 Management and Analysis of Moose Point-location Data ......................................................... 9 Movements, Seasonal Range, and Home Range Analysis ....................................................... 10 Radiotelemetry Point-location data Analysis Working Group ................................................ 10 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................... 10 Surveys of Moose in Postrut and Winter Areas ....................................................................... 10 Capture, Radiocollaring, and Monitoring Moose .................................................................... 11 Talkeetna Mountains ........................................................................................................... 11 Alexander Creek .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 11 Y entna and Skwentna Rivers .............................................................................................. 11 Lower Susitna River ............................................................................................................ 11 Analysis of Radiotelemetry Point-location data ....................................................................... 11 Calendar Year and Seasonal Periods ................................................................................... 11 Radiotelemetry Data Analysis Working Group .................................................................. 12 Computer System and Software .......................................................................................... 12 Administrative and Analytical Procedures .......................................................................... 12 Year Effects on Point-location data .................................................................................... 13 Relationship Between Bandwidth, Home Range Size, and Number of Utilization Distributions ................................................................................. 13 Spatial Relationship Between Seasonal Ranges ................................................................. 15 Publications .............................................................................................................................. 15 Completed ........................................................................................................................... 15 In Draft Form ...................................................................................................................... 15 In Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 15 Future Activities ....................................................................................................................... 15 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................ 16 LITERATURE CITED ................................................................................................................. 16 FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................... 21 TABLE .......................................................................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX A. Julian day number and calendar dates for prominent events in life history and management of moose . . . .. .. ... . .. .. ... ... ............ ... . .... ..... .. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . ..... ... . . ... .. 35 APPENDIX B. Sample of results of trial and error process used to select bandwidth for use in CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analysis of moose point location data ................................................................................................................... 43 APPENDIX C. Plots of CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analyses of moose point- location data ..................................................................................................... 46 APPENDIX D. Summary of results of trial and error process used in selecting bandwidth for use in CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analysis of moose point- location data..................................................................................................... 98 APPENDIX E. Sample of database file showing format used to identify Julian day of point locations in numbered polygons of utilization distributions of moose home ranges .............................................................................................................. 100 APPENDIX F. Plots of moose home ranges with multiple utilization distribution polygons...................... ...... .... ..... . .. ............... ... . ............ .......... ..... .. .. . ................ I 02 APPENDIX G. Title page of publication entitled "In utero pregnancy rate, twinning rate and fetus production for age-groups of cow moose in Southcentral Alaska"........ 158 APPENDIX H. Draft of Manuscript Entitled "Survival of Radiocollared Adult Moose in Lower Susitna Valley, Southcentral Alaska ..................................................... 159 BACKGROUND Before statehood in 1959, the Susitna River Valley was ranked as the most productive moose (Alces alces) habitat in the territory (Chatelain 1951 ). Today, the innate potential of this area as habitat for moose is unsurpassed throughout the state. The lower Susitna Valley is the focal point of more development than any other nonurban region in the state. Proposed and progressing projects involving grain and crop agriculture, dairy and grazing livestock, commercial forestry and logging, personal-use cutting of firewood, mineral and coal mining, land disposals, wildlife ranges and refuges, human recreation, human settlement, urban expansion, development of the highway and railway systems, and increased railroad traffic in the region may greatly detract from the area's potential to support moose. Although development and associated activities may reduce the moose population in the Susitna Valley, resource users have demanded increased allocations to satisfy consumptive and nonconsumptive uses. This conflict created a tremendous need by local, state, and federal 2 land and resource management agencies for timely and accurate knowledge about moose populations in Subunits 13E, 14A, 14B, 16A, and 16B. These informational needs will intensify in response to ( 1) increased pressures to develop additional lands, (2) increased numbers of users and types of resource use, and (3) more complex systems for allocating resources to potential users. The Division of Wildlife Conservation lacks necessary information about moose populations in the lower Susitna Valley to accurately assess the effects from these increasing resource demands. The division is unable to dispute or condone specific demands, or provide recommendations to regulate and minimize negative effects on moose populations or habitat. The division must be knowledgeable about moose population behavior to mitigate negative effects to moose populations or their habitat. The division is the source of much information on moose populations for decisions on land use and resource allocation in the lower Susitna Valley. To be more effective in this capacity, the division should consolidate available data and expand that database with studies on movements and identity of moose populations. Data from these studies will improve the division's ability to recognize, evaluate, and/or mitigate activities affecting moose populations and their habitat. Habitat and environmental conditions vary greatly in the lower Susitna Valley. Large environmental differences may lead to area specific differences in moose population behavior. Therefore, a series of interrelated moose movements and population identity studies should be conducted at different locations in the lower Susitna Valley. Studies should be initiated where there are immediate conflicts in resource use. After evaluating conflicts in resource use in the lower Susitna Valley, we knew our studies should begin in the western foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains in Subunits 14A and 14B. Some of the densest postrut aggregations of moose in the region and, perhaps, the state are on Bald Mountain Ridge and Willow Mountain in the western foothills of Talkeetna Mountains. Subunits 14A and 14B provide recreation and resources to over half of Alaska's human population. This area is the focus of many development activities and conflicts in resource use. These Subunits have unique problems involving moose and transportation systems. Environmental information required for the recent Susitna River hydroelectric project emphasized the inadequacy of basic knowledge about moose populations in the area. Data from environmental assessment studies for the hydroelectric project pointed out inaccurate assumptions about moose populations in the lower Susitna Valley. Historical information available on moose populations in the Susitna Valley is limited to (1) harvest statistics (ADF&G files), (2) inconsistently conducted sex-age composition surveys (ADF&G files); (3) inconsistently collected data for train-and vehicle-killed moose (ADF&G files), (4) a population movement study based on resightings of "visually collared" moose (ADF&G files), (5) studies on railroad mortality and productivity of the railbelt sub- population (Rausch 1958, 1959), (6) a radiotelemetry population identity study in the Dutch and Peters Hills (Didrickson and Taylor 1978), (7) an incomplete study of moose-snowfall 3 relationships in the Susitna Valley (ADF&G files), (8) a study of extensive moose mortality in a severe winter ( 1970-71 ), for which there is no final report, and (9) a pilot study to develop a rapid-assessment technique to identify and characterize moose winter range (Albert and Shea 1986). Recent studies designed to assess effects of a proposed hydroelectric project on moose have provided much data on moose populations in areas adjacent to the Susitna River downstream from Devil Canyon (Arneson 1981; Modafferi 1982, 1983, 1984, 1988b ). These studies suggest that moose sex-age composition counts conducted in alpine habitat postrut concentration areas of Subunits 14A and 14B were biased, including samples from unhunted moose populations and excluding samples from segments of hunted moose populations. Moose killed by hunters and trains in winter in Subunit 14B were fall residents of Subunit 16A. Fall resident moose of Subunit 16A migrated to winter areas in Subunit 14A. Moose vulnerable in fall hunts in Subunit 16A were included in Subunit 14A and 14B population composition and trend surveys. Moose that calved in Subunit 16A were fa11 residents of Subunit 14B. These data indicate that assumptions about movements and identities of moose populations in Subunits 14A and 14B (i.e., western foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains) may be incorrect or too simplistic. Previous progress reports on lower Susitna VaHey moose population identity and movement studies have been published (Modafferi 1987, 1988a, 1990, 1992). OBJECTIVES Primary • To more precisely delineate moose annual movement patterns and location, timing, and duration of use of seasonal habitats • To use movement patterns to identify and delineate major moose populations in the lower Susitna Valley • To assess effects of seasonal timing on results of annual fall sex-age composition and population trend moose surveys • To relate findings to moose population management in lower Susitna Valley Peripheral • To identify areas and habitats that are important for maintaining the integrity of moose populations in the lower Susitna Valley • To locate moose winter areas and calving areas in the lower Susitna Valley 4 • To identify moose populations that sustain hunting mortality and "accidental" mortality in highway and railroad rights-of-way • To determine moose natality rates and timing of calving • To determine survival rates and timing calf and adult mortality STUDY AREA The study was conducted in a 25,000 km2 area in th~ lower Susitna Valley in Southcentral Alaska (Fig. I). The area is bordered on the north and west by the Alaska Mountain Range, on the east by the Talkeetna Mountains, and on the south by Cook Inlet. It encompasses all watersheds of the Susitna River downstream from Devil Canyon and includes all or portions of Subunits l4A, l4B, l6A, I6B, and l3E (Fig. 2). Monthly mean temperatures range from 16 C in July to -13 C in January; maximum and minimum temperatures of 25 and -35 C are not uncommon. Total annual precipitation varies from about 40 em in the southern portion to over 86 em in the northern and western portions. Maximum winter snow depth varies from less than 20 em in the southern portion to over 200 em in the northern and western portions. Climatic conditions generally become more inclement away from the maritime influence of Cook Inlet. Elevations within the area range from sea level to rugged mountain peaks well above 1500 m. Vegetation in the area is diverse and varied, depending on elevation. Vegetation types include wet coastal tundra and marsh, open low-growing spruce forest, closed spruce hardwood forest, treeless bog, shrubby thicket and alpine tundra (Viereck and Little 1972). Dominant habitat and canopy types in the area are characterized as: (I) floodplain -dominated by willow (Salix spp.) and poplars (Populus spp.), (2) lowland -dominated by a mixture of wet bogs and closed or open, mixed paper birch (Betula papyrifera)lwhite spruce (Picea glauca)laspen (Populus tremuloides) forests, (3) mid elevation -dominated by mixed or pure stands of aspen/paper birch/white spruce, (4) higher elevation -dominated by alder (Alnus spp.), willow, and birch shrub thickets or grasslands ( Calamagrostis spp.), and (5) alpine tundra -dominated by sedge ( Carex spp. ), ericaceous shrubs, prostrate willows, and dwarf herbs. Vegetation, climate and geography of the area were described in detail by Viereck and Little ( 1972) and Modafferi ( 1991 ). Moose surveys in postrut areas were conducted above timberline in alpine tundra habitats, roughly between elevations from 600 to I ,200 m. Moose surveys in winter areas were conducted in lowland floodplain habitats between elevations of 30 to 300m. Moose populations in this region increased during 1980-84 and 1985-87 and decreased in 1984-85 and 1987-91 (Griese 1993a, I993b). Moose populations in the area were probably at or very near carrying capacity before winter 1984-85. Moose were hunted during subunit- specific open seasons. In most subunits, male moose were hunted every year during a September season. In some areas, limited numbers of permits were issued for the harvest of 5 antlerless and/or cow moose during the September season and/or a December through February season. Accidental collisions of moose with trains and highway vehicles were noteworthy sources of mortality in the region, particularly in deep-snow winters (Rausch 1958, Modafferi 1991). Moose predators in the area included wolves (Canis lupus) and brown (Ursus arctos) and black bears (V. americanus). Information on predator densities in the area was largely circumstantial, but densities were relatively low in relation to many other areas in Alaska. Wolf density estimates ranged from about 1-2 wolves/100 km 2 in Subunits 14A, 14B and southern 16A to about 2-7 wolves/1000 km 2 in Subunits 13E, 16B and northern 16A (Ballard 1992a, Masteller 1994). In general, wolf populations probably increased during 1980-91. Brown bear density estimates ranged from 7-25 bears/1000 km2 in Subunits 14A and 14B to about 12-35 bears/1000 km 2 in Subunits 13E, 16A, and 16B (Miller 1987, Grauvogel 1990, Griese 1993a). Brown bear populations were probably increasing during the study. Black bear density estimates ranged from about 35-104 bears/1000 km2 in Subunits 14A and 14B (Grauvogell990) to about 90- 193 bears/1000 km 2 in Subunits 13E, 16A, and 16B (Miller 1987, Griese 1993b). Black bear hunting over bait and increasing brown bear populations may have caused a decrease in black bear populations during the study. METHODS Moose Distribution Surveys ADF&G staff conducted moose sex-age composition surveys during late autumn through winter to gather information on moose distribution and utilization of postrut areas. Surveys were conducted from October though April, 1986-91 in 7 discrete areas above timberline in the western foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains in Subunits 14A and 14B. Surveys were initiated in autumn after snowcover was adequate to observe moose. ADF&G staff surveyed about every 1-2 weeks, unless weather and snow conditions impeded aerial surveying and counting of moose. Surveys were terminated in spring when snow cover was inadequate to observe moose. Search effort during surveys was to count all moose. Search intensity varied with moose density but was usually about 1 minute/km2 . Surveys were conducted in PA-12 Super Cub aircraft. Moose were classified in categories of calf, nonantlered adult, antlered yearlings (moose with antlers measuring <76 em; Gasaway 1975, Gasaway et al. 1987), and antlered adults (moose with antlers ?. 76 em). In previous investigations in the study area, similar survey procedures were used to conduct moose sex-age composition surveys in lowland riparian winter areas during October through April (Modafferi 1988b). Surveys in winter areas were conducted in the Susitna River floodplain between Devil Canyon and Cook Inlet in Subunits 16A, 16B and 13E in 1981-85 and in the Alexander Creek, Moose Creek, Deshka River and Yentna River floodplains in Subunits 16A and 16B in 1984-85. Data from these surveys were analyzed to compile information on moose distribution in winter and moose utilization of lowland winter areas. 6 Capture, Radiocollaring, and Monitoring Moose Moose were captured for radiocollaring by darting either from a helicopter or approached on foot or snowmachine. Moose were immobilized with etorphine hydrochloride (M99, Lemmon Co., Sellersville, Pa.) with or without xylaxine hydrochloride (Rompun, Haver- Lockhart, Shawnee, Kans.) or carfentanil citrate (Wildnil, Wildl. Lab., Fort Collins, Colo.). M99 and Wildnil were antagonized with diprenorphine (M50-50, Lemmon Company, Sellersville, Pa.), naloxone hydrochloride (Dupont Pharmaceuticals, Garden City, N.J.) or naltrexone hydrochloride (Dupont Pharmaceuticals, Garden City, N.J.). Immobilized moose were ear tagged and fitted with a visual-numbered canvas collar (Franzmann et al. 1974) and radiotransmitter with or without a mortality option (Telonics, Mesa, Ariz.). Moose were captured during December and January in postrut areas in Subunits 14A and 14B and during January through April in low land winter areas in Subunits 16B. Capture procedures took place in the western foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains between the south fork of Montana Creek and the Little Susitna River in 1985-89, in the Alexander Creek floodplain in 1987, and in the floodplains of the Yentna and the Skwentna Rivers between Lake Creek and Old Skwentna in 1988-89 (Fig. 3 ). Capture procedures in postrut areas began after 18 November 1985, when aerial surveys indicated peak numbers of moose were present in those areas (Modafferi 1987). Capture procedures in winter areas commenced after 1 January after numbers of moose in postrut areas decreased and numbers of moose observed in winter areas increased. Radiocollars were allocated within winter areas and within and between postrut areas in relation to distribution of moose. Age of captured moose was estimated mainly by incisor tooth wear. However, in the lower Susitna River study, a first incisor tooth was removed from captured moose for cementum aging (Sergeant and Pimlott 1959). Captured moose were > 18 months of age and few moose were <30 months. All were considered adults. Radiocollared moose were radiotracked 1-5 times each month for visual observation using a telemetry-equipped Cessna-152, -180, -185 or a Piper PA-18 Super Cub fixed-wing aircraft and standard aerial radiotracking procedures (Ballard et al. 1991 ). Not all radiocollared moose were located on each survey, but radiofixes on >60 moose during a single 1-day survey were common. I searched intensively at each site to confirm precise locations and to verify the animal was alive. Moose were monitored from capture to death or date of censor. I attributed death of moose at capture locations or within 4 days after collaring to capture stress. During 1980-85, 75 moose were captured, radiocollared and monitored as part of a moose movement study in the lower Susitna River valley (Arneson 1981; Modafferi 1982, 1983, 1984, 1988b ). My study area encompassed radio fix point locations of these moose. Moose point location and descriptive data collected in the former study were incorporated into my database. Radiocollared moose that survived to January 1986 were monitored in my study. 7 Survival Radiocollared moose were judged dead by direct observation, by transmitter pulse rate if the transmitter contained the mortality/movement option, or radiofix location if radiofix locations on consecutive surveys were identical. When a moose was judged to be dead, an intensive aerial search was conducted to locate the radiocollar, parts of a moose carcass, and/or a disturbed site suggesting the animal was dead. Locations were revisited and aerially searched until sufficient evidence confirmed or refuted that the moose was dead. Locations were visited on foot to verify death. Date and cause of death of radiocollared moose that died from legal hunter-harvest, illegal harvest, defense of life or property, and collisions with vehicles or trains were provided by hunters, ADF&G, the Alaska Department of Public Safety, and the Alaska Railroad Corporation. Deaths of moose judged to be dead during radiotracking aerial surveys were categorized into 1 of 4 groups based on circumstances and/or evidence at the site of death: ( 1) illegal harvest, (2) accident, (3) winter kill, or ( 4) other. Illegal harvest was assigned mainly to moose radiotracked to a residential housing development during the hunting season. The accident group included deaths resulting from injuries and drowning. Intact moose carcasses on the snow with no evidence suggesting predation or accident were considered winter-killed. The remaining group, other, included deaths caused by predation and wounding injuries. Several moose deaths assigned to the other group were bulls that died in late September during or shortly after the beginning of hunting season. Death of bulls in this calendar period likely resulted from wounds inflected by hunters (Gasaway 1983, Fryxell et al. 1988) and/or from wounds incurred during rut-related fights with other bull moose (Koore 1959). The category other also included cows that died in the period mid May through July. Death of cows in this calendar period likely resulted from complications with birthing (Markgren 1969) and/or confrontations with bears (Ballard 1992 b). Precise date of death was known for train kills, hunter harvest, illegal harvest, and kills in defense of life or property. For deaths in which the date was unknown, the mid-point date between the last two surveys was used. This interval was ,$15 days in 30% of the deaths, ,$35 days in 65% of the deaths, but ~5 days in 6 deaths. Censoring Moose were censored from the database if: ( 1) the transmitter was lost or failed, (2) an animal emigrated from the study area, or (3) when the study was terminated. Lost or failed transmitters were censored on the midpoint between the dates of the last 2 radiofixes. Hunter harvested moose were censored on the reported date of kill. Censoring of hunter harvested moose could affect estimates of survival if moose mortality in the winter after hunting season was compensatory with hunter harvest of moose. I used regression analysis to examine for evidence of a compensatory relationship between hunter 8 harvest in autumn and mortality the following winter. Hunter bull harvest was regressed on bull deaths assigned to all sources, winter kill, and other. Analyses encompassed calendar years 1980-90. Snow Conditions Snowpack depth measurements were used to appraise snow conditions. These measurements were from Alaska Climatological Data Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Climate Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina for October through April during 1980-91. Snow conditions were characterized using maximum snowpack depth and the duration of deep snowpack from October through April. Measurements at Wasilla, Willow, Talkeetna, and Skwentna weather stations were used to reflect general snow conditions in the study area. In a few instances, snow measurement data were unavailable for a particular month at a weather station. In these cases, data from the next nearest weather station were used to proportionalize maximum snow depth for the month in question. Management and Analysis of Moose Point-Location Data Radiofix locations (audio-visual or audio) were plotted on 1 :63,360-scale USGS topographic maps during radiotracking surveys. Radiofix point locations were later transferred to translucent overlays of maps for computer digitizing. Digitized point-location data files were joined to descriptive data files, forming unified data files. Unified data files from Lower Susitna River, Talkeetna Mountains, Alexander Creek and Yentna/Skwentna rivers studies were combined, forming a master file containing all data collected in studies of radiocollared moose in lower Susitna River valley. Data records of all monitored female radiocollared moose were used to study chronology of calf birthing, chronology of breeding, twinning rates and calf/cow ratios in lower Susitna River valley moose populations. Data fields containing information on survey date and number of calves associated with radiomarked females were segregated from the database, perused and "cleansed" of errors. Data records from all radiocollared moose were used to study survival of moose in lower Susitna River valley moose populations. Data fields containing information on capture date, dates of point location, and date the moose was determined to be dead or censored were segregated from the database, perused and "cleansed" of errors. Data records from all radiocollared moose were used to study movements, seasonal range, and home range in lower Susitna River valley moose populations. Data fields containing information on number, date, x and y coordinates, number of point locations were segregated from the database, perused and "cleansed" of errors. To relate point locations, movements and home range of radiocollared moose to management and biology of moose, prominent events in management and life history of moose were 9 identified and delimited with calendar dates and Julian days (Table I). Management and life history events identified were calving, summer range, rut, postrut range, winter range, moose surveys, fall hunts, and winter hunts. Point-location data were analyzed in relation to these events and calendar date periods. Movements, Seasonal Range, and Home Range Analyses Environmental requirements of moose change during the calendar year. For example, moose use different habitat in winter than during calving or postrut. If the habitat is patchy, moose must move seasonally to access different habitats. Spatial relationship of seasonal habitat patches determines the size and conformation of moose home ranges. Short distances between patches of seasonal habitat lead to small home ranges and, possibly, unimodal utilization distributions. Large distances between habitat patches lead to large home ranges, and possibly, multimodal utilization distributions. To accurately describe moose home range, one must include an assessment of the distance between utilization distributions (seasonal ranges or habitats) along with area measurements. In many species, multimodal utilization distributions include 2 nonoverlapping polygons, representing a summer and a winter range. However, data in this study indicated that moose home range may have included more than 2 nonoverlapping utilization distributions and that longest annual movement may not be to a winter range. In this study, ADF&G staff will investigate methods of evaluating spatial relationship between seasonal ranges. Eventually, descriptions of moose home range will include a measure of spatial relationship between seasonal ranges. Radiotelemetry Point-Location Data Analysis Group Select participants in a working group to organize and develop methods and procedures for analyzing point-location data collected in wildlife radiotelemetry studies. Biologists, biometricians and programmer/analysts will be represented in the group. The group will review, select, and recommend methodologies and computer hardware and software to analyze point-location data the ADF&G collects in radiotelemetry studies of movements and home ranges of wildlife. Point-location data collected in lower Susitna River valley moose movement studies will be used in developing this process. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Surveys of Moose in Postrut and Winter Areas Moose count data collected on aerial surveys in postrut areas (Modafferi 1990) and winter areas (Modafferi 1988) were used to explain the relationship between snowpack depth, moose movements, and the train moose-kill in Subunits 13E, 14A and 14B in lower Susitna River Valley (Modafferi 1992). We did not analyze moose sex/age composition data. 10 Capture, Radiocollaring, and Monitoring Moose Talkeetna Mountains: Forty-four moose were captured and radiocollared in 7 discrete postrut areas in Subunits l4A and l4B (Fig. 3, area A-G) from 23 December 1985 to 4 February 1986. On December 1987 and 1988, 8 moose were captured and radiocollared in these areas. In January 1987, 7 moose were captured and radiocollared in lowland forest habitat (Fig. 4, Area H) located between Little Willow Creek and the Kashwitna River in Subunit l4B. In February 1989, 5 moose were captured and radiocollared at timber sale sites between Willow Creek and Iron Creek (Fig. 4, Area H). In February and March 1988, 6 moose were captured and radiocollared at personal-use firewood cutting sites near Coal Creek (Fig. 4, Area I). In April 1990, 7 moose were captured and radiocollared at 6 sites along the Parks Highway between the Little Susitna River in Subunit l4A and Sheep Creek in Subunit l4B (Fig. I). Alexander Creek: In March 1987, 20 moose were captured and radiocollared in Alexander Creek floodplain (Fig. 4, Area J). Yentna and Skwentna Rivers: In February 1988 and 1989, 30 moose were captured and radiocollared in floodplains of the Skwentna and Yentna rivers between Old Skwentna and McDougall (Fig. 4, Area K). Lower Susitna River: At the time I began this study, radiotransmitters on 32 moose captured and radiocollared during previous studies in the lower Susitna River floodplain were operational and transmitting audible radio signals. These moose were monitored in my study. Radio- transmitters on some of these individuals exhibited either weak, infrequent, or no signals. I presumed these transmitters were weakening and expiring from battery failure. Analysis of Radiotelemetry Point-location Data Calendar Year and Seasonal Periods: The calendar year, 7 May to 6 May the following year, was used to study annual home range of moose. A Julian calendar of I to 365 days was used to describe the 7 May to 6 May calendar year. To study seasonal home ranges, the Julian calendar year was subdivided into periods related to life history and management of moose (Table 1 and Appendix A). II Radiotelemetry Data Analysis Working Group: The telemetry data analysis working group was selected. The group included biologists D. A. Anderson and C. C. Schwartz; biometricians E. F. Becker and J. VerHoef; analyst/programmer B. Strauch; and the principal investigator R. D. Modafferi. The group convened in Anchorage September 1993 to discuss and outline a study plan. Computer System and Software: The working group selected a computer system, printer, and basic software appropriate to conduct movement and home range analyses on radiotelemetry point-location data. The computer system selected was a 486-66 with 8 Kb of RAM and a Windows operating system. The printer selected was an 8 page per minute laser printer. The 4 softwares selected were Lotus 1-2-3, a spreadsheet program (Lotus Development Corporation 1993); FoxPro, a relational database management system (Microsoft FoxPro, 1993); ArcView, a geographic information system (ArcView 1992) and CALHOME, a home range analysis program (Kie et al. l994a, 1994b ). Fox Pro was used to select, segregate, and manipulate data used in analyses. ArcView facilitated interactive manipulation of data fields within the point-location database, overlaying views of point locations with geographic feature databases and printing hardcopies of data. CALHOME ran home range analyses on X, Y coordinates of point- location data. This program is menu driven, enabling the user to select between 4 home range methods: adaptive kernel (Worton 1989), harmonic mean (Dixon and Chapman 1980), bivariate normal (Jennrich and Turner 1969), and minimum convex polygon (Mohr 1947). CALHOME provides hard copy and screen-display graphic representations of location points and home range polygons. This program also creates an output file, listing distances between successive point locations entered in home range analyses. Administrative and Analytical Procedures: Administrative procedures were initiated to purchase a 486-66 computer with a Windows operating system, laser jet printer, and 3 software to conduct analyses of the point-location database file. A copy of CALHOME (beta version) was requested and received (c/o John G. Kie, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, 2081 East Sierra Avenue, Fresno, CA 93710). Computer hardware and the software ArcView and FoxPro were delivered to the Palmer office 28 February 1994. The investigator was briefed on the Windows-based computer system, printer, and ArcView and FoxPro software. The investigator acquainted himself with the computer system, manipulating data with FoxPro and conducting interactive analyses with Arc View on subsets of the point-location data. The telemetry data analysis working group convened in Anchorage on 11 August 1994 for an overview and discussion on using the updated version of the CALHOME home range analysis program (version 1 ). The group concluded that the adaptive kernel method (AK) of home range analysis was the most appropriate home range method for analysis of moose point-location data. The AK method, which produces an unbiased density estimate, is least influenced by effects of grid size and placement, and it provides realistic interpretations of 12 unimodal and multimodal utilization distributions. Goodness of fit was evaluated with a least squares cross validation score (LSCV) (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). In adaptive kernel analyses, the CALHOME program allows the user to select bandwidth, grid cell size and utilization distribution point percentage contours (i.e., % of points included in estimated home range). Trial analyses of data verified compatibility of software and hardware, familiarized staff with AK home range analysis, and simplified data manipulations and procedures for AK analyses. Preliminary home range analyses indicated grid size and bandwidth were important components affecting shape and fit of the utilization distribution contours and estimates of home range. Grid density affects how well a plotted contour approximates the surface of interest. Denser grids provided smoother contours. The group decided to use the densest grid, 50x 50, in all adaptive kernel home range analyses. The investigator used the 98% utilization distribution contours in all AK analyses. Experience in monitoring moose and preliminary data analyses indicated very few point locations were clearly extraneous to other point locations. Point-location data from a sample of moose were used to study relationship between bandwidth size and the moose point-location data. These analyses were used to determine if a single bandwidth could be used in all AK moose home range analyses. To examine this, different size bandwidths were used in analyzing point-location data of each moose (Appendix B). Bandwidths yielding the lowest LSCV, a measure of goodness of fit, were selected as the "ideal" bandwidth for use in home range analyses (Appendix C). We conducted final adaptive kernel analyses using the "ideal bandwidth." We produced hard copy plots of final analysis home range polygons for the subset of moose (Appendix D). Relationship between bandwidth, home range size, and number of utilization distributions: Bandwidth selected by the trial and error process in Appendix B ranged from 400 m to 2600 m (Fig. 6). The bandwidths most frequently selected were between 1200 m and 1400 m. Bandwidth from 700 m to 1700 m provided minimum LSCVs in about 80% of the moose. The number of utilization distributions or polygons (i.e., polygon = >2 point locations encircled) identified in a moose home range varied from 1 to 8 (Fig. 7). Area of utilization distributions ranged from 9.2 mi 2 to 204.5 mi 2 (Fig. 8); 75% ranged from 20 mi 2 to 70 mi 2 . There was an inverse relationship between number of utilization distribution polygons (centroids) and bandwidth (Fig. 9). There was a positive relationship between home range size and bandwidth (Fig. I 0) and between home range size and centroids (Fig. II). Year Effects on Point-Location Data: Radiotelemetry Point-location Data Analysis Working Group was concerned about year effects on estimates of home range. If year effects were not present, home range analyses conducted on point-location data collapsed over years. To explore for year effects in point- location data, point-location data from a sample of moose that exhibited multimodal utilization distributions (polygons) were examined for evidence of year-to-year philopatry in winter to a single utilization distribution polygon. 13 I presumed that polygons were likely to include year effects. However, I was aware that winter-season x year effects could be present in a unimodal utilization distribution. To force appearance of multiple polygons, home range analyses were performed with shorter bandwidths than those that provided the LSCVs. However, when examining the short bandwidths, I avoided selecting those that fragmented utilization distribution into numerous 1-and 2-point polygons. The process of selecting a bandwidth to force appearance of multimodal utilization distributions was a very subjective procedure. When I was pleased with the representation of multiple polygons in an AK home range analysis plots of the home range analyses were produced (Appendix E) and the examination for year effects continued as follows: I) each polygon was labeled with a number; polygons encompassing <3 points were considered as transient ranges or outlying points (outliers) and were not identified as a seasonal range; 2) outliers were classified into groups based on spatial relationship with respect to adjacent polygons and were labeled with a number; 3) data on x,y coordinates, Julian day, and Julian year of point locations (radiofix observations) were copied to a FoxPro database file; 4) database files were translated in LOTUS to . wk 1 files; 5) . wk I files were sorted by the x or y coordinate ("X-COORD,Y-COORD") to identify each location point on a CALHOME home range hard copy output; 6) each location point was assigned the number of the polygon or outlier group; 7) location point polygon numbers were entered into a field ("CENTROID") in the lotus file; 8) lotus files were sorted by Julian year ("CYEAR") 7 May through 6 May the following year (Appendix F); 9) Graphs of the point-location data, Julian day ("CJDA Y") x polygon number, were created for each moose; and 1 0) graphs were examined visually for evidence of overlap in utilization distributions during a common calendar period (i.e., were several utilization distribution polygons represented during the same Julian day?). If the overlap of polygons was a year effect, data from selected years were deleted from graphs to determine if that eliminated the overlap. There was a very shallow snowpack in lower Susitna River valley in Julian year 1985-86 (Fig. 4). Therefore, in exploring for year effects, I especially examined the hypothesis that moose used different areas (polygons) in the winter of 1985-86 than in winter in other years. The data examined supported this assertion. Many moose, particularly those radiocollared in Unit l4B, used different areas (polygons) in winter 1985-86 than in other years. The data indicated that in 1985-86 many moose stayed in postrut areas or moved only short distances from postrut areas to winter areas. Data gathered on moose surveys in postrut areas supported this movement pattern( Modafferi 1991 ). The data also indicate that moose did not use the same winter area in years other than 1985-86. These analyses also indicated that some moose used different areas during calving. However, this observation may be misleading because the length of time cow moose utilize calving sites probably depends on neonate survival. Cow moose that lose a calf shortly after calving may move immediately to a summer area, but cows with calves may remain in the calving area longer. 14 Spatial Relationship Between Season Ranges: Data analyzed from a cow moose that moved a great distance between utilization distributions indicated the longest movements were between Julian day 340 and Julian day 60 the following year (Fig. 13). Timing of long distance movements correlates with movements from a winter range (late winter) to a calving range (spring). Other long distance movements occurred between Julian day 130 and Julian day 180. Timing of these movements correlates with movements from a rut range to a postrut range. Of particular significance is that the moose did not move great distances between postrut range and winter range. Publications Completed: A manuscript titled "In Utero Pregnancy Rates, Litter Size and Productivity For Social Classes of Cow Moose in South-Central Alaska" was prepared and submitted for publication in the journal Alces. The manuscript was accepted and published in Alces 28:223-234. In Draft Form: A draft of the manuscript Survival of radiocollared adult moose in lower Susitna River valley, Southcentral Alaska is in Appendix H. In Preparation: • Birthing chronology, breeding chronology, twinning rate and calf/cow ratios in radiocollared cow moose in lower Susitna River valley in Southcentral Alaska: Characteristics and Relationship with Weather • Movements, Seasonal Range, and Home Range of Radiocollared Moose in Lower Susitna Valley in Southcentral Alaska Future Activities Home range analyses conducted indicate that it is not possible to select a single bandwidth, based on minimum LSCV, for use in analysis of moose point-location data. These analyses indicated bandwidth must be examined in a trial and error process to select bandwidth based on a minimum LSCV value. J. Kie (pers. commun.) indicated that in analyzing deer home range data, the bandwidth selected was as the one which produced the lower LSCV value between the following 2 CALHOME analyses: I) the program estimated optimum bandwidth and 2) 0.8 times, the program estimated optimum bandwidth value. Confer with members of telemetry data analysis working group to: 1) establish a standardized method of selecting bandwidth for CALHOME AK home range analyses, 2) outline procedures that adjust for year effects in home range analyses, 3) determine methods 15 outline procedures that adjust for year effects in home range analyses, 3) determine methods of describing spatial relationship between seasonal home ranges in a home range, and 4) determine a method of incorporating information on spatial relationships of seasonal home ranges in home range analyses. Use these methodologies to analyze point-location data collected in lower Susitna Valley moose studies for information on population identity and moose movements. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I especially thank staff of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) for helping with this study. D. C. McAllister assisted in many aspects of the study. I acknowledge many ADF&G colleagues for assistance in moose capture and radiotracking procedures. P. A. Arneson provided data on moose captured, radiocollared, and monitored during 1980 in Subunits 16A and 13E. J. B. Faro contributed information on moose captured, radiocollared, and monitored in Subunit 16B during 1987-88. My supervisors, K. B. Schneider, D. A. Anderson, and C. C. Schwartz, provided guidance, peer review assistance, and administrative support. I thank J. C. Didrickson, C. A. Grauvogel, H. J. Griese, and M. W. Masteller for their support. I thank light aircraft pilots C. A. Allen, Charlie Allen Flight Service; M. Houte, L. Rogers, C. R. and V. L. Lofstedt, Kenai Air Alaska; W. A. Woods, Woods Air Service; and W. D. Wiederkehr, Wiederkehr Air Inc. for skill, dedication, and enthusiasm on aerial radiotracking surveys. E. B. Becker and Jay VerHoef provided statistical advice and clarified analytical concepts. B. Strauch managed and processed the point-location data file and performed many GIS analyses. S. R. Peterson and other staff at ADF&G, Juneau, provided advice and comments on reports and manuscripts. LITERATURE CITED ArcView. 1992. Arc View User's Guide. 2nd ed. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, Calif. Albert, S. W., and L. C. Shea. 1986. Moose winter habitat in the lower Susitna Valley, Alaska: Pilot project on habitat suitability assessment. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Tech.Rep. No. 86-6. Juneau. 105pp. Arneson, P. 1981. Big game studies. Vol. II. Moose. Ann. Prog. Rep. Susitna Hydroelectric Proj. Alaska Dep. Fish and Game. Juneau. 64pp. Ballard, W. B. 1992a. Modelled impacts of wolf and bear predation on moose calf survival. Alces 28:79-88. Ballard, W. B. 1992b. Bear predation on moose: a review of recent North American studies and their management implications. Alces. Suppl. 1: 162-176. 16 __ , J. S. Whitman, and D. J. Reed. 1991. Population dynamics of moose in south-central Alaska. Wild!. Monogr. 114. 49pp. Chatelain, E. F. 1951. 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P'lgure t. ..ap •howlno locaUon of the etudy area In Alaella with na111oe lleted fo; riYora, lakee and othor JHOIIIInent landecape featurea. 21 Fig. 2. Location of Game Management Subunits (13E, 14A, 14B, 16A and 16B) and state and national parks in the study area. 22 NORTH Sc:ale ,:SHiCCO ·c Km. ... !i ===--==-c:::= c 0 c ~ ouat~ oj fttman ilia I n 1 e t Pig. 3. Locations of Talkeetna Mountains alpine habitat moose postrut areaa (A-G), Kasllwitna Corridor Forest (E), Coal Creek t~e= cut area (I), Alexander Creek (J) and the Lake Creek/Skwentna a:ea (K) where moose were captured and radio-ma=ked. A = Bald Moun~air., B = Moss Mountain, C • Willow Mountain, D = Witna Mountain, E = Brownie Mountain, F c wolverine Mountain, and G = Sunshine Mountai~. 23 A c .~.. . :.· ... ·.· ... · .. ' ... . · B 0 ·.' ... Fig. 4. A unimodal utilization distribution estimated !rom 98Pt minimum convex polygon (A), 98Vt bivariate normal (B), 98Pt harmonic mean (C), and 98Pt adaptive kernel (O-F) home range methods in the CALHOME home range analysis program (Kie et al. 1994). Bandwidth~ l,J6J m (program default, optimum) in D, 900 in E, and 700 in F. Home range estimates (ha) • 4,499 (A), 6,266 (B), 5,880 (C), 5,165 (D), 4,411 (E), and 4,1J5 (F). Axis scaling not the same in all Figs. 24 A B r.y;;. "'i?·· .; .. ;: I I I I I I I t II j I I I l j I I I I l ' I GD . . . . . Fiq. 5. A bimodal utilization distribution estimated from 98Pt minimum convex polyqon (A), 98Vt bivariate normal (B), 98Pt harmonic mean (C), and 98Pt adaptive kernel (D-F) home ranqe methods in the CALHOME home ranqe analyses proqram (Kie et al. 1994). Bandwidth ~ 6,405 m (proqram default, optimum) in D, 900 in E, and 700 in F. Home ranqe estimates (ha) • 28,690 (A). 65,790 (8), 15,160 (C), 2J,570 (D), 12,050 (E), and 9,19J (F). Axis scalinq not the same in all Figs. 25 """' "' l[) II z "-"' w U1 0 0 ~ u_ 0 a:: w Ill ~ :J z 7 r--------------------------------------------------------- 5 4 I 3 2 BAND WIDTH 'NITH MINIMAL LSCV Fig. 6. Frequency distribution of bandwidths (m) selected for use in CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analyses performed on moose point location data. Bandwidth selection was based on minimizing the LSCV value. 26 w U1 0 0 ::!: 0 z FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION -NO. POLYGONS N = 54 MOOSE 18 t 16 14 12 10 8 2 4 6 8 NO. UTILIZATION DISTRIBUTIONS Fig. 7. Frequency distribution of the number of utilization distribution polygons delieneated in CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analyses performed on moose point location data. Utilization distribtuion polygon = a polygon encompassing >2 point locations. 27 ""' n L0 II z w Vl 0 0 :::E lo. 0 a:: w (]) :::E :J z 11 10 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 RANGE SIZE (SO Ml) Fig~ a. Frequency distribution of estimates of home range size (mi ) obtained in CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analyses performed on moose point location data. 28 ,...._ U1 """" Q._ N 1\ '--" U1 0 0 a:: """" z w u LJ.. 0 0::: w (IJ 2 ::> z 9 8 1-0 7 -0 6 - 5 1-0 0 0 4 -0 r:IIJ 0 0 3 1-C: 0 OD 0 0 DO 0 0 2 1-c 0 0 DO om O]J 0 0 1 1-0 rnrniJ DOD DO 0 0 0 I 2 I 4 3 (Thousands) BAND WIDTH (THOUSANDS) Fig. 9. Relationship between bandwidth (m) and number of utilization distribution polygons (centroids). Utilization distribution polygon = a polygon encompassing >2 point locations. Data obtained from CALHOME adaptive kernel analyses performed on moose point location data. Bandwidth selection was based on minimizing the LSCV value. 29 '""" I VJ 1-"0 0 c -a 3: (/] 0 :J z~ <I:!- (!)'-" 4 0 .3 !-- 0 oD 0~ 0 2 !-- 0 cP 0 0 0 0 0 0 c? 0 DllJh cfl o0 ~CIJD liJ DO 0 1 -Dc8 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 I I 0 100 200 50 150 250 RANGE SIZE (SO Ml) Fig. 10. Relationship between bandwidth (m) and moose home range size (mi 2 ). Data obtained from CALHOME adaptive kernel analyses performed on moose point location data. Bandwidth selection was based on minimizing the LSCV value. 30 "" (f1 1-a.. N 1\ (f1 0 0 a:: 1-z w u u._ 0 0: w ID ~ ::> z 9 8 I-0 7 I-0 5 - 5 I-cc 0 0 4 1-[j ::rriJ DO 3 I-0 0 [] 0[11 0 c 0 2 1-OJ 0 0[][[] rn 0 0 0 1 I-rn::r: CCD!liiJ DO 0 0 0 I I 0 20 40 60 10 30 50 (Thousands) RANGE SIZE (HA) Fig. 11. Relationship between range size and number of utilization distribution polygons (centroids) delieneated in CALHOME adaptive kernel horne range analyses performed on moose point location data. Utilization distribtuion polygon = a polygon encompassing >2 point locations. 31 (l:: a_ <{ I 1-u 0 SUSITNA \fA.LLEY SNO\NPACK DEPTH 19 79-93 (79 1979-30, 30""1980-31, EIC) JOO ~------------------------------------------- 100 79 31 83 80 82 84 86 YEAR ~WILLOW ~ T..G.LKEETN . .G. 88 90 92 Fig. 12. Maximum snowpack depth (em) measured during October through April in Willow and Talkeetna in lower Susitna River valley, south-cent~al Alaska, 1979-93. 32 Table I. Coarse and fine grain calendar and Julian date periods delineating important events in management and life history of moose in lower Susitna River valley in Southcentral Alaska. Grain Event Period Calendar date 1 Julian date 2 No. days Coarse Life history Calving 7 May to 15 Jun 1 to 40 40 Summer 13 Jul to 15 Aug 56 to 101 46 Rut 7 Sep to 10 Oct 124 to 157 34 Post rut 11 oct to 1 Dec 158 to 209 52 Winter 15 Nov to 30 Apr 193 to 360 178 Management 3 Fall hunt 20 Aug to 30 Sep 106 to 147 42 Winter hunt 1 Jan to 28 Feb 240-298 59 Survey 7 Nov to 21 Dec 185 to 229 45 Table 1. Continued. Grain Event Period Calendar date 1 Fine Life history Calving 16 May to 31 May summer 13 Jul to 15 Aug Rut 15 Sep to 5 Oct Postrut 14 Oct to 1 Nov Winter 10 Jan to 1 Mar 1 Calendar year = 7 May to 6 May the following year. 2 Julian day 1 = 7 May. 3 Periods and dates for management the same in fine grain. Julian date2 No. days 10 to 25 16 56 to 101 46 132 to 152 21 161 to 179 19 249 to 300 52 APPENDIX A. JULIAN DAY NUMBER (CJDAY NO.) AND CALENDAR DATES FOR PROMINENT EVENTS IN Ll FE HISTORY (SEASONS) AND MANAGEMENT (PERIODS) OF MOOSE FILE: D:CJDAY.WK1 29 SEPTEMBER 1994 I./HERE: FINE CENTROID=CENTROID AND COARSE CENTROID=MAXRANGE FINE COARSE CJDAY CALENDAR SEASON CENTROID CENTROID PERIOD NO. DAYS DATE DATES DATES DATES DATES IN SEASON 07-May-83 CALVING 1 2 08-May-83 CALVING 2 3 09-May-83 CALVING 3 4 10-May-83 CALVING C-4 4 5 11-May-83 CALVING c 5 6 12-May-83 CALVING c 6 7 13-May-83 CALVING c 7 8 14-May-83 CALVING c 8 9 15-May-83 CALVING c 9 10 16-May-83 CALVING C-10 c 10 11 17-May-83 CALVING c c 11 12 18-May-83 CALVING c c 12 13 19-May-83 CALVING c c 13 14 20-May-83 CALVING c c 14 15 21-May-83 CALVING c c 15 16 22-May-83 CALVING c c 16 17 23-May-83 CALVING C-40 DAYS C 17 SEASON=REPLACE SEASON IJITH 'CALVING' FOR 18 24-May-83 CALVING c c 18 CJDAY <=40; N=758; DAYS = 40 19 25-May-83 CALVING c c 19 FINE CENTROID=REPLACE CENTROID IJITH 'C' FOR 20 26-May-83 CALVING c c 20 CJDAY >=10 AND CJDAY<=309; N=25; DAYS =16 21 27-May-83 CALVING c c 21 COARSE CENTROID=REPLACE MAXRANGE IJITH 'C' FOR 22 28-May-83 CALVING c c 22 CJDAY >=4 AND CJDAY<=25; N=956; DAYS = 22 23 29-May-83 CALVING c c 23 24 30-May-83 CALVING c c 24 TOTAL SEASON ='TRANS'; N=673 25 31-May-83 CALVING C-25 C-25 25 TOTAL CENTROID='T'; N=6267 26 01-Jun-83 CALVING 26 TOTAL MAXRANGE='T'; N=4799 27 02-Jun-83 CALVING 27 28 03-Jun-83 CALVING 28 PERIOD = NO = 7929 29 04-Jun-83 CALVING 29 SURV N= 934 30 05-Jun-83 CALVING 30 FHUNT N= 997 31 06-Jun-83 CALVING 31 I./HUNT N=1n8 32 07-Jun-83 CALVING 32 33 08-Jun-83 CALVING 33 34 09-Jun-83 CALVING 34 35 10-Jun-83 CALVING 35 36 11-Jun-83 CALVING 36 37 12-Jun-83 CALVING 37 38 13-Jun-83 CALVING 38 39 14-Jun-83 CALVING 39 40 15-Jun-83 CALVING 40 35 41 16-Jun-83 TRANS 1 42 17-Jun-83 TRANS 2 43 18-Jun-83 TRANS 3 44 19-Jun-83 TRANS 4 45 20-Jun-83 TRANS 5 46 21-Jun-83 TRANS 6 47 22-Jun-83 TRANS 7 48 23-Jun-83 TRANS 8 49 24-Jun-83 TRANS 9 so 25-Jun-83 TRANS 10 51 26-Jun-83 TRANS ,, 52 27-Jun-83 TRANS 12 53 28-Jun-83 TRANS 13 54 29-Jun-83 TRANS 14 55 30-Jun-83 TRANS 15 56 01-Jul-83 SUMMER 1 57 02-Jul-83 SUMMER 2 58 03-Jul-83 SUMMER 3 59 04-Jul-83 SUMMER 4 60 05-Jul-83 SUMMER 5 61 06-Jul-83 SUMMER 6 62 07-Jul-83 SliMMER 7 63 08-Jul-83 SUMMER 8 64 09-Jul-83 SUMMER 9 65 10-Jul-83 SUMMER 10 66 11 -Jul-83 SUMMER ,, 67 12-Jul-83 SUMMER 12 68 13-Jul-83 SUMMER S-68 S-68 13 69 14-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 14 70 15-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 15 71 16-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 16 72 17-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 17 73 18-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 18 74 19-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 19 75 20-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 20 76 21 -Jul-83 SUMMER s s 21 n 22-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 22 78 23-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 23 SEASON=REPALCE SEASON ~ITH 'SUMMER' FOR CJDAY 79 24-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 24 CJDAY <=101; N=937; DAYS = 46 80 25-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 25 FINE CENTROID=REPLACE CENTROID ~ITH 'S' FOR 81 26-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 26 CJDAY >=68 AND CJDAY <=101; N=696; DAYS = 34 82 27-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 27 COARSE CENTROID=REPLACE MAXRANGE ~ITH 'S' FOR 83 28-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 28 CJDAY >=68 AND CJDAY <=101; N=696; DAYS = 34 84 29-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 29 85 30-Jul-83 SUMMER S-46 DAYS S 30 86 31-Jul-83 SUMMER s s 31 87 01-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 32 88 02-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 33 89 03-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 34 90 04-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 35 36 l l 91 05·Aug·83 SUMMER s s 36 92 06·Aug·83 SUMMER s s 37 r 93 07-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 38 94 08·Aug·83 SUMMER s s 39 95 09-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 40 96 10·Aug·83 SUMMER s s 41 I 97 11·Aug·83 SUMMER s s 42 98 12-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 43 99 13-Aug-83 SUMMER s s 44 I 100 14·Aug·83 SUMMER s s 45 101 15-Aug-83 SUMMER S-101 S-101 46 102 16-Aug-83 TRANS 103 17-Aug-83 TRANS 2 t 104 18·Aug·83 TRANS 3 105 19-Aug-83 TRANS 4 106 20-Aug-83 TRANS FH-106 5 I 107 21-Aug-83 TRANS FH 6 108 22-Aug-83 TRANS FH 7 109 23-Aug-83 TRANS FH 8 I 110 24-Aug-83 TRANS FH 9 111 25-Aug-83 TRANS FH 10 112 26-Aug-83 TRANS FH 11 113 27-Aug-83 TRANS FH 12 I 114 28-Aug-83 TRANS FH 13 115 29-Aug-83 TRANS FH 14 116 30-Aug-83 TRANS FH 15 r 117 31-Aug-83 TRANS FH 16 118 01-Sep-83 TRANS FH 17 119 02-Sep-83 TRANS FH 18 I 120 03-Sep-83 TRANS FH 19 121 04-Sep-83 TRANS FH 20 122 05-Sep-83 TRANS FH 21 123 06-Sep-83 TRANS FH 22 I 124 07-Sep-83 RUT FH 125 08-Sep-83 RUT FH 2 126 09-Sep-83 RUT FH 3 I' 127 10-Sep-83 RUT FH 4 PERIOO=REPLACE PERIOD ~ITH 'FH' FOR CJDAY >=1 128 11-Sep-83 RUT FH 5 CJDAY <=147; N=997; DAYS = 42 129 12-Sep-83 RUT FH 6 130 13-Sep-83 RUT FH 7 I 131 14-Sep-83 RUT FH 8 132 15-Sep-83 RUT R-132 R-132 FH 9 133 16-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 10 I 134 17-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 11 135 18-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 12 136 19-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 13 I 137 20-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 14 138 21-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 15 139 22-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 16 140 23-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 17 t I I 37 141 24-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 18 SEASON=REPLACE SEASON WITH 'RUT' FOR CJDAY >= 142 25-Sep-83 RUT R-34 DAYS R FH 19 CJDAY <=157; N=796; DAYS = 34 143 26-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 20 FINE CENTROID=REPLACE CENTROID WITH 'R' FOR C 144 27-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 21 CJDAY <=152; N=628; DAYS = 21 145 28-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 22 COARSE CENTROID=REPLACE MAXRANGE WITH 'R' FOR 146 29-Sep-83 RUT R R FH 23 CJDAY <=152; Nz628; DAYS = 21 147 30-Sep-83 RUT R R FH-147 24 148 01-0ct-83 RUT R R 25 149 02-0ct-83 RUT R R 26 150 03-0ct-83 RUT R R 27 151 04-0ct-83 RUT R R 28 152 05-0ct-83 RUT R-152 R-152 29 153 06-0ct-83 RUT 30 154 07-0ct-83 RUT 31 155 08-0ct-83 RUT 32 156 09-0ct-83 RUT 33 157 10-0ct-83 RUT 34 158 11-0ct-83 POST RUT P-158 35 159 12-0ct-83 POST RUT p 36 160 13-0ct-83 POST RUT p 37 161 14-0ct-83 POST RUT P-161 p 38 162 15-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 1 163 16-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 2 164 17-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 3 165 18-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 4 166 19-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 5 167 20-oct-83 POST RUT p p 1 168 21-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 2 169 22-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 3 170 23-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 4 171 24-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 5 172 25-oct-83 POST RUT p p 6 173 26-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 7 174 27-oct-83 POST RUT p p 8 175 28-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 9 176 29-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 10 177 30-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 11 178 31-0ct-83 POST RUT p p 12 179 01-Nov-83 POST RUT p p 13 SEASON=REPLACE SEASON WITH 'POSTRUT' FOR D 180 02-Nov-83 POST RUT p p 14 CJDAY >=198 AND CJDAY <=198; N=730; DAYS = 41 181 03-Nov-83 POST RUT p p 15 FINE CENTROID=REPLACE CENTROID WITH 'P' FOR 182 04-Nov-83 POST RUT P-182 p 16 CJDAY >=167 AND CJDAY<=185; N=314; DAYS = 19 183 05-Nov-83 POST RUT p 17 COARSE CENTROID=REPLACE MAXRANGE WITH 'P' FOR 184 06-Nov-83 POST RUT p 18 CJDAY >=158 AND CJDAY<=185; N=405; DAYS = 28 185 07-Nov-83 POST RUT P-185 SURV-185 19 186 08-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 20 187 09-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 21 188 10-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 22 189 11-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 23 190 12-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 24 38 191 13-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 25 192 14-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 26 193 15-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 27 194 16-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 28 195 17-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 29 196 18-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 30 197 19-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 31 198 20-Nov-83 POST RUT SURV 32 199 21-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 1 200 22-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 2 201 23-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 3 202 24-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 4 203 25-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 5 204 26-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 1 205 27-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 2 206 28-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 3 207 29-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 4 PERIOD=REPLACE PERIOD WITH 'SURV' FOR CJDAY > 208 30-Nov-83 WINTER SURV 5 CJDAY >= 185 AND CJDAY <=229; N=934 209 01-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 6 210 02-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 7 211 03-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 8 212 04-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 9 213 05-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 10 214 06-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 11 215 07-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 12 216 08-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 13 217 09-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 14 218 10-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 15 219 11-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 16 220 12-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 17 221 13-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 18 222 14-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 19 223 15-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 20 224 16-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 21 225 17-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 22 226 18-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 23 227 19-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 24 228 20-Dec-83 WINTER SURV 25 229 21-Dec-83 WINTER SURV-229 26 230 22-Dec-83 WINTER 27 231 23-0ec-83 WINTER 28 232 24-Dec-83 WINTER 29 233 25-Dec-83 WINTER 30 234 26-Dec-83 WINTER 31 235 27-Dec-83 WINTER 32 236 28-Dec-83 WINTER 33 237 29-Dec-83 WINTER 34 238 30-Dec-83 WINTER 35 239 31-Dec-83 WINTER 36 240 01-Jan-84 WINTER WH-240 37 39 241 02-Jan-84 WINTER 242 03-Jan-84 WINTER 243 04-Jan-84 WINTER 244 05-Jan-84 WINTER 245 06-Jan-84 WINTER 246 07-Jan-84 WINTER 247 08-Jan-84 WINTER 248 09-Jan-84 WINTER 249 10-Jan-84 WINTER 250 11-Jan-84 WINTER 251 12-Jan-84 WINTER 252 13-Jan-84 WINTER 253 14-Jan-84 WINTER 254 15-Jan-84 WINTER 255 16-Jan-84 WINTER 256 17-Jan-84 WINTER 257 18-Jan-84 WINTER 258 19-Jan-84 WINTER 259 20-Jan-84 WINTER 260 21-Jan-84 WINTER 261 22-Jan-84 WINTER 262 23-Jan-84 WINTER 263 24-Jan-84 WINTER 264 25-Jan-84 WINTER 265 26-Jan-84 WINTER 266 27-Jan-84 WINTER 267 28-Jan-84 WINTER 268 29-Jan-84 WINTER 269 30-Jan-84 WINTER 270 31-Jan-84 WINTER 271 01-Feb-84 WINTER 272 02-Feb-84 WINTER 273 03·Feb·84 WINTER 274 04-Feb-84 WINTER 275 05-Feb-84 WINTER 276 06-Feb-84 WINTER 277 07·Feb·84 WINTER 278 08·Feb·84 WINTER 279 09-Feb-84 WINTER 280 10-Feb-84 WINTER 281 11-Feb-84 WINTER 282 12-Feb-84 WINTER 283 13-Feb-84 WINTER 284 14-Feb-84 WINTER 285 15·Feb·84 WINTER 286 16-Feb-84 WINTER 287 17-Feb-84 WINTER 288 18-Feb-84 WINTER 289 19-Feb-84 WINTER 290 20-Feb-84 WINTER W-279 w w w w w w w w w w w W-258 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 PERIOD=REPLACE PERIOD WITH 'WH' FOR 60 CJOAY >=240 AND CJDAY <=298; N=1728 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 SEASON=REPLACE SEASON WITH 'WINTER' FOR 87 CJDAY >=199 AND CJDAY <=360; N=4703; DAYS = 40 291 21-Feb-84 II INTER II II IIH 88 FINE CENTROID=REPLACE CENTROID IIITH 'II' FOR 292 22-Feb-84 II INTER II II IIH 89 CJDAY >=297 AND CJDAY<=309; N=973; DAYS = 31 293 23-Feb-84 IIINTER II II IIH 90 COARSE CENTROID=REPLACE MAXRANGE IIITH 'II' FOR 294 24-Feb-84 II INTER II II IIH 91 CJDAY >=258 AND CJDAY<=330; N=2376; DAYS = 52 295 25-Feb-84 II INTER II II IIH 92 296 26-Feb-84 II INTER II II IIH 93 297 27-Feb-84 II INTER II II IIH 94 298 28-Feb-84 II INTER II II IIH-298 95 299 29-Feb-84 II INTER II II 96 300 01-Mar-84 II INTER II II 97 301 02-Mar-84 II INTER II II 98 302 03-Mar-84 !liNTER II II 99 303 04-Mar-84 II INTER II II 100 304 05-Mar-84 II INTER II II 101 305 06-Mar-84 II INTER II II 102 306 07-Mar-84 II INTER II II 103 307 08-Mar-84 II INTER II II 104 308 09-Mar-84 IIINTER II II 105 309 10-Mar-84 IIINTER 11-309 II 106 310 11-Mar-84 !liNTER II 107 311 12-Mar-84 II INTER II 108 312 13-Mar-84 II INTER II 109 313 14-Mar-84 II INTER II 110 314 15-Mar-84 II INTER II 111 315 16-Mar-84 II INTER II 112 316 17-Mar-84 II INTER II 113 317 18-Mar-84 II INTER II 114 318 19-Mar-84 II INTER II 115 319 20-Mar-84 II INTER II 116 320 21-Mar-84 II INTER II 321 22-Mar-84 II INTER II 2 322 23-Mar-84 II INTER II 3 323 24·Mar·84 II INTER II 4 324 25-Mar-84 II INTER II 5 325 26-Mar-84 II INTER II 6 326 27-Mar-84 II INTER II 7 327 28-Mar-84 II INTER w 8 328 29-Mar-84 WINTER w 9 329 30-Mar-84 WINTER w 10 330 31-Mar-84 WINTER W-330 11 ( 331 01-Apr-84 WINTER 12 332 02-Apr-84 WINTER 13 333 03-Apr-84 WINTER 14 f 334 04-Apr-84 WINTER 15 335 05-Apr-84 WINTER 16 336 06-Apr-84 WINTER 17 337 07-Apr-84 WINTER 18 I 338 08-Apr-84 WINTER 19 339 09-Apr-84 WINTER 20 340 10-Apr-84 WINTER 21 f I 41 341 11-Apr-84 WINTER 22 342 12-Apr-84 WINTER 23 343 13-Apr-84 WINTER 24 344 14-Apr-84 WINTER 25 345 15-Apr-84 WINTER 26 346 16-Apr-84 WINTER 27 347 17-Apr-84 WINTER 28 348 18-Apr-84 WINTER 29 349 19-Apr-84 WINTER 30 350 20-Apr-84 WINTER 31 351 21-Apr-84 WINTER 32 352 22-Apr-84 WINTER 33 353 23-Apr-84 WINTER 34 354 24-Apr-84 WINTER 35 355 25-Apr-84 WINTER 36 356 26-Apr-84 WINTER 37 357 27-Apr-84 WINTER 38 358 28-Apr-84 WINTER 39 359 29-Apr-84 WINTER 40 360 30-Apr-84 WINTER 41 361 01-May-84 TRANS 42 362 02-May-84 TRANS 43 363 03-May-84 TRANS 44 364 04-May-84 TRANS 45 365 05-May-84 TRANS 46 366 06-May-84 TRANS 47 42 APPENDIX B. Sample of results of trial and error process used to select bandwidth for use in CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analysis of moose point location data. D:\CALHOMB\BANDSUMM.WK1 RBSULTS OF TRIAL PROCESS USBD TO IDENTIFY AND SBLBCT BAND WIDTHS ASSOCIATED WITH MINIMIZBD LSCV VALUBS MOOSB ID BAND WIDTH 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153140 153252 153252 153252 153252 153252 153252 153252 153252 153252 1532 52 153252 153252 153252 153252 153640 153640 153640 153640 153640 153640 153640 153640 153640 1S3640 1S3640 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1850 1850 1850 2700 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 2650 2550 2600 2600 2600 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 CELL SIZB -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so NO. LSCV SCORE RANGE SIZB POLYS/ MINIMUM (HA) (SQ MI) >2 PTS LVSC -0.49690 B+10 21340 82.39 -0.49719 E+10 20570 79.42 -0.49625 B+10 19820 76.52 -0.49116 B+10 19110 73.78 -0.48593 E+10 17900 69.11 -0.48031 B+10 16580 64.01 -0.47199 E+10 16170 62.43 -0.45479 B+10 15800 61.00 -0.42128 B+10 14330 55.32 -0.49747 E+10 20970 80.96 2 ...... -0.49747 E+10 15120 58.37 ...... -0.49747 E+10 11040 42.62 ...... -0.42913 B+11 51830 200.1 -0.42809 B+11 52320 202.0 -0.42399 B+11 50660 195.5 -0.41629 B+11 49220 190.0 -0.40470 B+11 47890 184.9 -0.393 B+11 46500 179.5 -0.38398 B+11 44000 169.8 -0.37222 E+11 41950 161.9 -0.37 E+11 39200 151.3 -0.42993 B+11 52130 201.2 -0.42929 B+11 53250 205.5 -0.43002 E+11 52960 204.4 2 ...... -0.43002 B+11 39630 153.0 ...... -0.43002 E+11 28010 108.1 ...... -0.20303 E+11 18610 71.85 -0.27025 E+11 17410 67.22 -0.3192 E+11 18360 70.88 -0.3528 E+11 19190 74.09 -0.3797 E+11 20110 77.64 -0.41152 E+11 21S30 83.12 -0.43814 B+11 23480 90.6S -0.46145 E+11 2S430 98.18 -0.47625 E+11 27340 105.5 -0.48703 E+11 29220 112.8 -0.49305 E+11 31110 120.1 43 153640 153640 153640 153640 153761 153761 153761 153761 153761 153761 153761 153721 153721 153721 153721 153721 153721 153721 153721 153730 153730 153730 153730 153730 153730 153839 153839 153839 153839 153839 153839 153839 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 2300 2250 2250 2250 1200 1100 1000 1150 1050 1050 1050 1600 1500 1300 1350 1450 1400 1400 1400 1300 1200 1100 1250 1250 1250 1300 1250 1150 1100 1200 1200 1200 1100 1200 1300 1400 1450 1500 1500 1450 1450 1450 1550 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 -50 -so -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -so -so -so -50 -so -50 -so -so -50 -so -50 -50 -so -50 -50 -so -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -so -so -50 -so -50 -50 -so -50 -49 -49 -49 -49 -47 -0.4928 E+11 32930 127.1 -0.49347 E+11 31990 123.5 -0.49347 E+11 31900 123.1 -0.49347 E+11 31320 120.9 -0.75093 E+11 17640 68.10 -0.77642 E+11 16420 63.39 -0.73415 E+11 15810 61.04 -0.76455 E+11 17190 66.37 -0.7809 E+11 16110 62.20 -0.7809 E+11 15360 59.30 -0.7809 E+11 14360 55.44 -0.8146 E+09 -0.82618 E+09 -0.81991 E+09 -0.83218 E+09 -0.83373 E+09 -0.83616 E+09 -0.83616 E+09 -0.83616 E+09 -0.26721 E+10 -0.26824 E+10 -0.25915 E+10 -0.26908 E+10 -0.26908 E+10 -0.26908 E+10 -0.46993 E+10 -0.47416 E+10 -0.47137 E+10 -0.46373 E+10 -0.46562 E+10 -0.46562 E+10 -0.46562 E+10 -0.99186 E+10 -0.1057 E+10 -0.11476 E+10 -0.12479 E+10 -0.13166 E+10 11470 44.28 10920 42.16 9697 37.44 9948 38.40 10240 39.53 9681 37.37 7805 30.13 5897 22.76 5129 19.80 5000 19.30 5489 21.19 5234 20.20 4764 18.39 4752 18.34 4621 17.84 4316 16.66 4126 15.93 4496 17.35 4264 16.46 3974 15.34 5788 22.34 6793 26.22 7959 30.72 9049 34.93 9761 37.68 -0.13518 E+10 NO POLY @ -50 -0.13427 E+10 10560 40.77 -0.13166 E+10 9761 37.68 -0.13166 E+10 9752 37.65 -0.13166 E+10 9722 37.53 -0.1363 E+10 11540 44.55 3 4 1 3 3 44 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153070 153620 153620 153620 153620 153620 153620 153620 153582 153582 153582 153582 153582 153582 153582 153582 153582 153582 1500 1600 1700 1500 1400 1100 1400 1350 1250 1200 1300 1300 1300 1300 1200 1100 1000 950 850 800 900 900 900 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 95 -47 -0.13215 -46 -0.14013 -46 -0.14593 -46 -0.13215 -46 -0.12394 -46 -0.10981 -so -0.1188 -50 -0.11917 -50 -0.1187 -50 0.11823 -50 -0.11941 -50 -0.11941 -so -0.11941 -50 -0.66838 -so -0.68723 -so -0.6923 -so -0.70311 -50 -0.70544 -50 -0.70327 -50 -0.70534 -50 -0.71179 -50 -0.71179 -so -0.71179 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+10 B+11 B+11 B+11 B+11 B+11 B+11 B+11 B+11 8+11 B+11 10590 40.88 12370 47.76 14070 54.32 10590 40.88 9134 35.26 5935 22.91 12800 49.42 12180 47.02 10650 41.11 9943 38.38 11440 44.16 11320 43.70 10740 41.46 20560 79.38 18900 72.97 17030 65.75 16240 62.70 16200 62.54 14020 54.13 13080 50.50 15320 59.15 13630 52.62 12170 46.98 3 ...... 1 ...... ...... ...... 3 ...... ...... ...... 45 6995999 6999999 6985999 6989999 6975999 6979999 6965999 6969999 361999 APPENDIX C. Plots of CALHOHE adaptive kernel home range analyses of moose point-location data. . ;. .. ., ~· . . ".~v . ;;~--... .l ...,i-1•: • • ,1/V:i~ ...•• .... ~,. . . • • • 371999 • • .. 381999 391999 Data£ile: 159299.DAT Output File: 159299.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98PX 15999.99 ha ------ D o£ data points: 163 XMin: 362258.6 XMax: 378975.9 YMi n: .6961935. YMax: 6994639. Grid Size: Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: 989.8 M 2352.2 M 1899.9 M LSCU score: -.43466E+11 6859999 6849999 6839999 6829999 681.1iU)99 6899999 261.999 281.999 Data~ile: 1.52936.DAT Output File: 1.52936.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J(e~nel 98PX 1.1.329. 99 ha ------ 8 o~ data points: 1.95 XMin: 265489.8 XMax: 31.9592.6 VMin: 6892651.. VMax: 68241.83. G~id Size: Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: 1.353.3 M 5628.8 M 759.9 M LSCU sco~e: -. 6848999 6846999 6844999 6842999 6849999 6838999 6836999 6834999 6832999 6839999 6828999 357999 • • •• • • • • • • • •• •• • • <I> • • • •• • • • • • • • 361999 • • • •• • • • • • 365999 369999 373999 DataCile: 15294527.DAT Output File: 152945.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Me~nel 98P:X 9985 . 999 ha ------ M oC data points: XMin: 359596.3 XMax: 374489.6 YMin: 6839853 . YMax: 6846299. 79 G~id Size: 463.3 M Avg. Dist: 3867.2 M Bandwidth: 1359.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.88652E+99 6894999 6889999 6884999 6879999 6874999 6869999 6864999 0 0 DataCile: 152975.DAT Output File: 152975.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive )(e~nel 98PX 6429.999 ha ------ 8 oC data points: 44 XMin: 338254.7 XMax: 364984.8 VMin: 6865937. VMax: 6878759. G~id Size: 774.9 M Avg. Dist: 5553.5 M Bandwidth: 1299.9 M LSCU score: -.36489E+19 6882999 6877999 6872999 6867999 6862999 6857999 6852999 6847999 6842999 6837999 392999 b ~ 0 r;] ., 31.2999 322999 0 "'() 9 ~ • <V 332999 342999 ·~ DataCile: J.52976.DAT Output File: J.52976.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Herne 1 98PX 1.4559.99 ha ----------- 8 oC data points: 95 XMin: 396347.4 XMax: 34571.8.4 YMin: 6839958. YMax: 6877926. Grid Size: J.J.8J..J. M Avg. Dist: 6734.9 M Bandwidth: 1.959.9 M LSCU score: -.23922E+l.l. 6898999 6896999 6894999 6892999 6899999 6798999 6796999 394999 • • •• • 398999 • ••••• • • • •• •• \ . • • •• • •• • • • .. ~ •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • 31.2999 • • • ·~t • • ~:. DataCile: l.52l.4539.DAT Output File: l.52l.45.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Hernel 98PX 3554.999 ha a oC data points: 95 XMin: 394932.3 XMax: 31.5937.7 VMin: 679731.9. VMax: 6892986. Grid Size: 393.1. M Avg. Dist: 1.523.6 M Bandwidth: 859.9 M LSCU score: -.76593E+99 6855999 6845999 6835999 6825999 68J.5999 6895999 399999 0 329999 349999 DataCile: J.52J.56.DAT Output File: J.52J.56.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Hernel 98PX 28639.99 ha 8 oC data points: J.3J. XMin: 3J.2993.9 XMax: 359J.8J..5 YMin: 68J.9949. YMax: 685682J.. Grid Size: J.493.4 M Avg. Dist: 565J..3 M Bandwidth: 1659.9 M LSCU score: -.6647J.E+J.J. 6837999 6832999 6827999 6822999 31.9999 329999 339999 349990 DataCile: J.52J.75.DAI Output File: J.52J.75C.OU Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98P:x J.4J.69. 99 ha ------ 8 oC data points: 1.22 XMin: 3J.J.9J.J..3 XMax: YMin: 324396.8 6825356. YMax: 6852397. G~id Size: 8J.J..2 M Avg. Dist: 4568.7 M Bandwidth: 1.299.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.J.9J.62E+J.J. 6852999 6859999 6848999 6846999 6844999 6842999 6849999 6838999 6836999 6834999 6832999 6839999 6828999 348999 352999 356999 369999 364999 368999 37299 DataCile: ~52~9~.DAT Output File: ~52~9~.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 95PX 8~~4.999 ha D oC data points: XMin: 35~~27.2 XMax: YMin: 379777.9 6839978. YMax: 6859732. G~id Size: 6~9.6 M Aug. Dist: Bandwi d tl1: 4892.6 M ~~99.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.26995E+~9 6872999 6867999 6862999 6857999 6852999 6847999 6842999 6837999 6832999 6827999 337999 <> Q 347999 357999 367999 377999 Dataf'ile: ~522UiJ5. DAT Output File: ~522~95.0U Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive Ke:rnel 98PX 99~9.999 ha tt of' data points: 49 XMin: 338876.9 XMax: 36996~.9 YMin: 683~~52. YMax: 68724~9. G:rid Size: ~237.7 M Aug. Dist: 8428.9 M Bandwidth: ~299.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.79279E+~~ If) If) 6888999 6883999 6878999 6873999 6868999 6863999 335999 •• * •• ·~ • • • ••• ·~ . • • • • • 0 345999 355999 Data£ile: 152339.DAT Output File: 152339.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98P:x 14469. 99 ha ------ B o£ data points: XMin: 337843.1 XMax: 359948.3 VMin: 6866262. VMax: 6885241. 79 G~id Size: 796.8 M Avg. Dist: 4785.7 M Bandwidth: 1599.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.22612E+19 6958999 6956999 6954999 6952999 6959999 6948999 6946999 339999 343999 • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ••• •• • • • • • • ••• .. "~. . .. , .... ••<#~*' : t • • • . . ;.., . • • • • • \ • • • • \ • • • • • • • • • • • • 347999 • • • • Datafile: ~52369.DAT Output File: ~52369.0UT Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive Ke:rnel 98PX 4532.999 ha ft of data points: ~49 XMin: 349237.9 XMax: 349624.9 YMin: 6948964 . YMax: 6955273. G:rid Size: 28~.6 M Avg. Dist: ~922.3 M Bandwidth: ~399.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.48642E+99 r- I(") 688~999 6876999 687~999 6866999 686~999 6856999 337999 • 347999 • • • • l • ·. " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 357999 DataCile: ~52759.DAT Output File: ~52759.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX ~6429.99 ha U oC data points: XMin: 34~32~.2 XMax: YMin: YMax: 36~59~.9 6859529. 687~428. 48 G~id Size: Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: 698.9 M 382~.2 M 2299.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.22665E+~9 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 6859999 6849999 6839999 6829999 269999 289999 399999 329999 DataCile: 15281918.DAT Output File: 152819.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptiue )(ernel 98PX 25989. 99 ha ------ 8 oC data points: 21 XMin: 264171.9 XMax: 289223.3 YMin: 6833839. YMax: 6882679. Grid Size: 1465.2 M Aug. Dist: 19922.9 M Bandwidth: 3899.9 M LSCU score: -.19949E+11 6865999 6869999 6855999 6859999 6845999 6849999 6835999 6839999 6825999 6829999 359999 369999 379999 389999 399999 Datarile: ~528~9?9.DAT Output File: ~528~9?9.0 Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX ~5569.99 ha ------ B or data points: 59 XMin: 35~989.~ XMax: 3745~7.~ YMin: 6824977. YMax: 6864446. G:rid Size: ~~84.9 M Avg. Dist: 598~.6 M Bandwidth: 2299.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.483~3E+~~ 6999999 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 6859999 322999 0 342999 362999 Datafile: 152959.DAT Output File: 152959.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98PX 19929.99 ha ----------- U o£ data points: XMin: 327993.8 XMax: YMin: 368647.4 6853595. YMax: 6878968. 68 Grid Size: 1219.6 M Avg, Dist: 5432.4 M Bandwidth: 1899.9 M LSCU score: -.39578E+11 6867999 6865999 6863999 686J.999 6859999 6857999 6855999 6853999 • 685~999 344999 • • •• • ••• 348999 352999 • • • • • • • • • I • • • • . . . :· .. · . .... ·. • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 356999 Datatile: J.52989.DAT Output File: J.52989.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive ](e~nel 98P~ 51.96.999 ha B of data points: XMin: 3449~6.9 XMax: YMin: 358999.5 6852J.37. YMax: 6863552 . 59 G~id Size: 4~9.7 M Avg. Dist: 2588.6 M Bandwidth: J.259.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.29538E+~9 6821.999 681.9999 681.7999 681.5999 681.3999 681.1.999 6899999 6897999 6895999 395999 399999 31.3999 31.7999 Data£ile: 1.53921..DAT Output File: 1.53921..0UT Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive Ke:rnel 98P:X 1.3399.99 ha II o£ data points: 43 XMin: 398356.9 XMax: 31.9549.5 YMin: 6898997. YMax: 681.9492. G:rid Size: 388.4 M Avg. Dist: 3469.9 M Bandwi d tl1: 2399.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.21.1.48E+99 ("', -c 6949999 6939999 6929999 691.9999 6999999 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 6859999 399999 329999 349999 369999 389999 DataCile: J.5393J..DAT Output File: J.5393J..OUT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX 49979.99 ha ft oC data points: 57 )(Min: 39881.7.5 XMax: 378J.J.5.9 YMin: 6854871.. YMax: 6878242. G~id Size: 2978.9 M Aug. Dist: 9625.1. M Bandwidth: 2599.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.94986E+J.J. 6885999 6883999 688~999 6879999 6877999 6875999 6873999 687~999 6869999 6867999 6865999 6863999 686~999 343999 347999 35~999 355999 359999 363999 Datafile: ~53979.DAT Output File: ~53979.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive :Kernel 98P:x 976~. 999 ha ------ • of data points: 55 XMin: 346~38.2 XMax: 364596.4 YMin: 6862758. YMax: 6876958. Grid Size: 55~.9 M Avg. Dist: 5~9~.9 M Bandwidth: ~459.9 M LSCU score: -.~3~66E+~9 6888999 6886999 6884999 6882999 6889999 68?8999 68?6999 68?4999 68?2999 68?9999 6868999 6866999 335999 339999 343999 34?999 351.999 355999 Datafile: 1.53981..DAT Output File: 1.53981..0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive :Ke~nel 98P:x 54?9. 999 J1a ------ 8 or data points: 56 XMin: 3369?9.3 XMax: 354598.6 YMin: 686?56?. YMax: 68??691.. G~id Size: 5?4.8 M Aug. Dist: 3568.? M Bandwidth: 1.999.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.25926E+1.9 691.9999 6999999 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 6859999 6849999 399999 329999 349999 369999 Data£ile: J.53J.99.DAT Output File: J.53J.99.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~ne 1 98PX 39639.99 ha ft o£ data points: 94 XMin: 31.2238.2 XMax: 339881..8 YMin: 6852549. YMax: 6995631.. G~id Size: Avg. Dist: 1.592.7 M 4335.6 M Bandwidth: 2459.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.J.3955E+J.2 6999999 6997999 6995999 6993999 6991999 6899999 6897999 ~ 6895999 6893999 • 6891999 • .. , • • • 6889999 , . ·. "·· .. • • 6887999 6885999 338999 342999 346999 359999 354999 358999 36299 Datafile: 153192.DAT Output File: 153192.0UT Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive J(e:rnel 98Px 8169.999 ha ----------- 8 or data points: 79 XMin: 339954.4 XMax: 361996.1 YMin: 6885846. YMax: 6896397. G:rid Size: 631.5 M Aug. Dist: 4199.3 M Bandwidth: 1299.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.46671E+19 00 \0 6893999 6888999 6883999 6878999 6873999 6868999 326999 • • • • •, • • • • • • • • ••• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • ••• • ~ ... • •• .~ ~ • • \ • • • • • • • • • ~ • • •• 336999 • 346999 Data£ile: 153119.DAT Output File: 153119.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX 29529.99 ha ----------- 0 o£ data points: 192 )(Min: 328929.2 XMax: YMin: YMax: 345285.9 6871386. 6895994. G~id Size: 711.2 M 3992.5 M 1699.9 M Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: LSCU sco~e: -.25636E+19 6879999 6869999 6859999 6849999 6839999 6829999 6819999 6899999 259999 279999 299999 319999 DataCile: 153122.DAT Output File: 153122.0UT Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive J<e:rnel 98PX 17289.99 ha • oC data points: 35 XMin: 262291.2 XMax: 397743.5 YMin: 6894434. YMax: 6831388. G:rid Size: 1363.5 M Avg. Dis t: 5582.9 M Bandwidth: 2259.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.59943E+11 0 r- 6899999 6894999 6889999 6884999 68?9999 68?4999 6869999 323999 •• • • • • • • ... .. 333999 • • • 343999 .. • Datafile: 153123.DAT Output File: 15123B.OUT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~ne 1 98PX 15339.99 ha M of data points: 92 XMin: 325194.5 XMax: YMin: YMax: 359?95.1 68?9891. 6899916. G~id Size: ??9.? M 4119.4 M 1259.9 M Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: LSCU sco~e: -.33348E+19 ·I I 689Hit99 6886999 688~999 6876999 6871.999 6866999 31.8999 • .. '<: ...... . . • +4"+ . . ., ~ ... . ~~ t.. ~ .. .. . . ... •• •• •• • • • t \ • t • • • • • • • • • 328999 • • • • ..... • •• • ... ~ • • ~ ~::- \· • • • • • • • • • . * 338999 • • • • • DataCile: ~53~49.DAT Output File: ~53~49.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX 29979.99 ha 8 oC data points: ~59 XMin: 32~494.5 XMax: YMin: 34~426.7 6879926. YMax: 6892~21.. G~id Size: 662.8 M Avg. Dist: 3635.4 M Bandwidth: ~859.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.49747£+~9 6887999 6882999 6877999 6872999 6867999 6862999 6857999 328999 338999 348999 Datafile: 153179.DAT Output File: 153179.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX 19129.99 ha M of data points: 171 XMin: 329799.1 XMax: 338363.8 VMin: 6859641. VMax: 6884595. C~id Size: 745.9 M Avg. Dist: 3976.4 M Bandwidth: 759.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.11447E+11 69~8999 69~3999 6998999 6993999 6898999 6893999 6888999 6883999 6878999 329999 339999 349999 359999 369999 DataCile: ~53239.DAT Output File: ~53239.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive J<ernel 98PX ~4339.99 ha ----------- B oC data points: ~36 XMin: 323728.4 XMax: 359739.6 VMin: 6879779. VMax: 68962~7. Grid Size: ~989.9 M Avg. Dist: 4~~2.9 M Bandwidth: 999.9 M LSCU score: -.25467E+~~ -.:t r- 6943999 6938999 6933999 6928999 6923999 69~8999 69~3999 6998999 6993999 6898999 6893999 295999 395999 3~5999 325999 335999 Datafile: ~53~39.DAT Output File: ~53~39B.OU Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX ~9~29.99 ha B of data points: 63 XMin: 298~66.6 XMax: 34~34~.9 YMin: 6896599. YMax: 6927943. G~id Size: ~295.2 M Avg. Dist: 5985.4 M Bandwidth: ~~99.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.42834E+~~ 6822999 681.7999 681.2999 6897999 6892999 6797999 288999 D 298999 398999 Data£ile: J.532J.l..DAT Output File: l.532l.l.B.OU Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX 7676.999 ha ft o£ data points: l.2l. XMin: 299557.4 XMax: 31.4572.4 YMin: 6799244. 681.8963. G~id Size: Avg, Dist: Bandwidth: 729.4 M 498J.. 2 M 799,9 M LSCU sco~e: -.7J.932E+l.9 6993999 6898999 6893999 6888999 6883999 6878999 6873999 6868999 6863999 6858999 343999 353999 363999 373999 383999 Datarile: ~532~5.DAT Output File: ~532~5.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98PX ~56~9. 99 ha ------ 8 or data points: 79 XMin: 3462~6.7 XMax: 386384.3 VMin: 6869376. VMax: 6883592. Grid Size: ~295.9 M Avg. Dist: 5~78.4 M Bandwidth: ~699.9 M LSCU score: -.53523E+~~ r-r- 691.9999 6999999 6899999 6889999 68'?9999 6869999 6859999 6849999 6839999 399999 ® 0 • •• 8 329999 349999 369999 DataCile: 1.53229.DAT Output File: 1.52229.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98PX 29989.99 ha ----------- 8 oC data points: 1.9'? XMin: 31.3486.1. XMax: 3'?261.8.2 YMin: 6841.629. YMax: 69991.63. Grid Size: 1.'?'?3.9 M Avg. Dist: 8884.8 M Bandwidth: 959.9 M LSCU score: .'?591.4E+1.2 69.17999 69.12999 6997999 6992999 6897999 6892999 6887999 6882999 6877999 329999 339999 349999 359999 369999 Data£ile: .153239.DAT Output File: .153239.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX .15259.99 ha ft o£ data points: .136 XMin: 323728.4 XMax: 359739.6 YMin: 6879779. YMax: 68962.17. G~id Size: .1989.9 M Auog. Dist: M Bandwidth: 959.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.2558.1E+.1.1 0\ r-- 6936999 6935999 6934999 6933999 6932999 6931.999 6939999 6929999 6928999 6927999 6926999 336999 • • • • # • • • • • • • • • . 338999 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ........ • • • • , • • •• • • ., • • • • • 349999 • • • • • ~ .. • • • • • 342999 344999 Data£ile: 1.53249.DAT Output File: 1.53249Z.OU Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX 3395.999 ha U o£ data points: 1.1.1. XMin: 336554.8 XMax: YMin: 344931..3 6927453. YMax: 6933295 . G~id Size: 251..2 M Avg. Dist: 1.599.2 M Bandwi d tll: 1.959.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.25836E+99 0 00 6937999 6936999 6935999 6934999 6933999 6932999 • 6931999 6939999 6929999 6928999 6927999 336999 • • • • •• • t. • • •• • • • •• 338999 • • • • • • • .· .. . . • ... ... •• • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • i • 349999 • • • • • .J • • • ~ • 342999 • • • • 344999 Data£ile: 153249.DAT Output File: 153249.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX 3443.999 ha 8 oC data points: 111 XMin: 336554.8 XMax: YMin: YMax: 344931.3 6927453. 6933295. C~id Size: Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: 251.2 M 1599.2 M 1399.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.26153E+99 00 6994999 6899999 6894999 6889999 6884999 6879999 6874999 6869999 6864999 326999 336999 346999 356999 366999 DataCile: 153242.DAT Output File: 153242.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive )(e~nel 98PX 17989.99 ha ----------- H oC data points: 54 XMin: 331149.1 XMax: 365953.3 YMin: 6866595. YMax: 6879732. C~id Size: 1917.4 M Aug. Dist: 5877.7 M Bandwidth: 2399.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.16265E+11 N 00 6977999 6975999 6973999 6971.999 6969999 6967999 6965999 6963999 6961.999 351.999 + + I + + + + + : + '\.t,+ ·,: •• + :.':. .A++ + + + 11" +I • + + + + 355999 359999 363999 DataCile: l.52243.DAT Output File: l.52243.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98P:X 4229.999 ha 8 oC data points: 1.97 XMin: 352474.1. YMin: 365293.8 6962428. YMax: 6968628. G~id Size: 384.5 M Aug. Dist: 2344.6 M Bandwidth: 799.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.16877E+19 6886999 6876999 6866999 6856999 6846999 6836999 393999 • • • ·~ ~ .... • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • 323999 • • • • • .. • • • • ~ .. . . . ,.. .. . • 343999 DataCile: 153252.DAT Output File: 153252.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX 52969.99 ha D oC data points: 169 XMin: 398981.1 339819.9 6842589. YMax: 6882893 . G~id Size: 1299.1 M Avg. Dist: 5789.4 M Bandwidth: 2699.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.43992E+11 69J.J.999 6996999 6991.999 6896999 6891.999 6886999 6881.999 6876999 6871.999 6866999 332999 342999 352999 362999 372999 DataCile: J.53269.DAT Output File: J.53269.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~ne 1 98PX ha M oC data points: 294 )(Min: 334399.4 )(Max: 35751.4.9 YMin: 6869249. YMax: 6998395. G~id Size: Avg. Dist: Bandwi d tll: LSCU sco~e: J.J.7J..6 M 4755.3 M 799.9 M .J.4898E+J.2 VI 00 69~:.1999 6888999 6883999 3~2999 322999 332999 342999 DataCile: ~53263.DAT Output File: ~53263.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX 26949.99 ha B oC data points: ~96 XMin: 395822.3 XMax: YMin: YMax: 345236.9 6879945. 6994889. G~id Size: ~~82.4 M 6762.~ M ~699.9 M Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: LSCU sco~e: -.~877~E+~~ 6999999 6895999 6899999 6885999 6889999 6875999 6879999 6865999 396999 31.6999 326999 336999 Data£ile: J.5329J..DAT Output File: J.5329J..OUT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX J.J.349.99 ha 8 o£ data points: J.59 XMin: 399391..3 XMax: 339249.3 YMin: 6867949. YMax: 688J.J.99. G~id Size: 895.7 M Avg. Dist: 4273.9 M Bandwidth: 499.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.36539E+J.J. r-oo 6954999 . 695C.t999 6944999 6942999 6940999 • 338999 • • • •• • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • *. •• •• .. • •• •• • • •• • •• • . . . . . . ~ .. • / :. * .·: ,. • • • .. • • • • • • fl.: • • • •• • • . ."' ..... . t+ ..• t ·=· ·. . • • • • ++ ~ t •• • • .... . . . ;· •• ••• • • • • • •• r 342999 346999 DataCile: 153399.DAT Output File: 153399T.OU Display Units: Meters Adaptive J<ernel 98PX 11969.99 ha B oC data points: 172 XMin: XMax: YMin: 335849.9 346975.9 6939268 . YMax: 6951283 • Grid Size: 459.5 M Avg, Dist: 2986.4 M Bandwidth: LSCU score: 1299.9 M -.59597E+99 00 00 6934999 6929999 6924999 69~9999 69~4999 6999999 3~9999 0 • • • : .. .. ... . . .. . . .. . . 329999 • • 339999 DataCile: ~533~~.DAT Output File: ~533~~.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX ~2359.99 ha ft oC data points: 78 XMin: 322672.6 XMax: 342957.4 YMin: 69~~9~3. YMax: 6929655 . G~id Size: 58~.5 M Aug. Dist: Bandwidth: 3639.~ M ~359.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.26~73E+~9 6994999 6899999 6894999 6889999 6884999 6879999 6874999 6869999 6864999 6859999 6854999 395999 3~5999 D • t • 0 325999 335999 345999 Data£ile: ~53582.DAT Output File: ~53582.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive J<ernel 98Px ~5329.99 ha ----------- M o£ data points: ~74 XMin: 397822.~ XMax: 336372.8 YMin: 6858799. YMax: 69996~8. Grid Size: ~254.8 M Aug. Dist: 5472.5 M Bandwidth: 999.9 M LSCU score: -.7~~79E+~~ 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 6859999 6849999 6839999 6829999 68~9999 349999 369999 389999 499999 DataCile: ~53649.DAT Output File: ~53649.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX 3~999.99 ha N oC data points: 69 )(Min: 352284.4 )(Max: 369768.3 YMin: 682394~. YMax: 6876743. G~id Size: Avg. Dis t : Bandwidth: ~584.9 M 7856.7 M 2259.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.49347E+~1 6939999 6929999 69~9999 6999999 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 339999 359999 379999 399999 Dataf"ile: ~5376~.DAT Output File: ~5376~.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98P:x ~6~~9.99 ha II of" data points: 68 )(Min: 3362~3.4 )(Max: 39~725.2 YMin: 6869399. YMax: 68854~9. G~id Size: ~665.3 M Avg. Dist: 9768.~ M Bandwidth: ~959.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.78999E+~~ N 0"1 6887999 6885999 6883999 688~999 6879999 6877999 6875999 6873999 687~999 6869999 36~999 • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • 365999 • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 369999 • • • • • : . \ . • • • • • • • • • 373999 • • 377999 Data£ile: ~5372~.DAT Output File: ~5372~.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX ~9249.99 ha ------ • o£ data points: 72 XMin: 362234.4 XMax: 374728.3 YMin: 687~629. YMax: 6885546 . G~id Size: Avg. Dist: 4~7.5 M 2966.7 M Bandwidth: ~499.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.836~6E+99 6894999 6892999 6899999 6888999 • 6886999 6884999 6882999 6889999 6878999 6876999 0 DataCile: 153739.DAT Output File: 153739.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX 5489.999 ha ------.. oC data points: 72 XMin: 342458.6 XMax: 359443.6 YMin: 6876944. YMax: 6889515. G~id Size: 599.5 M Aug. Dist: 3972.4 M Bandwidth: 1259.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.26998E+19 "<:t 0\ 6969999 ··: 6967999 • • • •• • • 6965999 • • • ' • • 6963999 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6961.999 • .. • • •• • • • • • ·~ 6959999 • 6957999 356999 369999 • • •• ... • • • •• • • ••• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • 364999 368999 Data£ile: 1.5381.3.DAT Output File: 1.5381.3L.OU Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98PX 6945.999 ha N o£ data points: 91. XMin: 35681.6.7 XMax: YMin: 3651.27.6 695891.5 . YMax: 6967999 . Grid Size: 299.5 M Avg. Dist: 1.788.9 M Bandwidth: M LSCU score: -.38974E+99 685!.999 6849999 6847999 6845999 6843999 684~999 6839999 295999 299999 393999 397999 DataCile: ~53839.DAT Output File: ~53839.0UT Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive Ke:rnel 98PX 4293.999 ha tl oC data points: 35 )(Min: 297593.3 )(Max: 392825.8 YMin: 683986~. YMax: 6849646. G:rid Size: 293.5 M Avg. Dist: 2~89.5 M Bandwidth: ~799.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.5~479E+99 \0 0\ 6862000 6869999 6858999 6856000 6854999 6852099 685CiiUii199 6848999 6846999 0 + 6844999 6842999 6849999 G 6838999 281999 285999 289999 293999 297999 391999 39599 Data£ile: 153839.DAT Output File: 153839.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive )(e~nel 98PY. 4496.999 ha ----------- 8 o£ data points: 42 XMin: 282969.6 XMax: 393553.8 YMin: 6839957. YMa.x: 6849592. G~id Size: 617.5 M Avg. Dist: 4299.6 M Bandwidth: 1299.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.47562E+19 APPENDIX 0. Sl111118ry of results of trial and error process used in selecting bandwidth for use in CALHOME adaptive kernel home range analysis of moose point•location data. 0:\CALHOME\BANDSUMM.~l MOOSS ID BAND WIDTH 153240 1S3300 1S33ll 153102 153813 153021 150200 152750 1S204S lS:2243 1S3620 153100 153721 1S3240 1S2980 lSJllO 153830 153140 1S217S 1S3123 153291 153122 5281079 1S21S6 1S32S2 1S2243 1S2 950 1S3:242 5281018 15214S 1S3730 153640 tsJ:no 1S214S 153215 153 S82 153031 1S3070 153263 1S3070 H.Jl70 153211 1300 1200 1350 1200 llSO 2300 1800 2200 1350 700 1300 2450 1400 1300 12SO 1600 1700 1850 1200 l2SO 400 2250 2200 1650 2600 1050 1800 2300 3850 850 l2SO 2250 950 450 1600 900 2500 1450 1600 1700 750 700 P\ 98 98 98 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 911 98 98 98 98 98 98 CBLL SIZE -so -so -so -so -so -44 -so -so -so -so -so -so -50 -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -50 -50 -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so -so 600 -so -50 -so -u ·50 -46 _-so_ -so NO. LSCV SCORB RANGB SIZB POL'iS/ MINIMUM (HA) (SQ Mil >2 PTS LVSC ·0.261S3 S+09 3443 13.29 -0.S9S97 8+09 11060 42.70 -0.26173 8+09 123SO 47.68 -0.46671 8+10 8022 30.97 -0.38974 8+09 6170 23.82 -0.21148 S+09 13300 Sl.3S ·0.43466 8+11 15000 S7.91 ·0.2266S S+lO 16190 62.50 -0.886S2 8+09 908S 35.07 -0.16877 8+10 4220 16.29 ·0.11941 8+10 11440 44.16 -0.13055 8+12 39630 153.0 -0.83616 8+09 10240 39.53 -0.26153 S+09 -0.20538 8+10 3379 lJ .04 5106 19.71 -0.25636 8+10 20520 79.22 -0.51479 8+09 4293 16.57 -0.49747 B+lO 20970 80.96 -0.10162 8+11 14160 54.67 -0.33348 8+10 15330 59.18 -0.36539 8+11 11340 43.78 -0.59943 8+11 17280 66.71 ·0.48313 8+11 15560 60.07 -0.66471 i+ll 28630 110.5 ·0.43002 8+11 S2960 204.4 -0.13272 8+10 4630 17.87 ·0.30S78 8+11 19920 76.91 ·O.l626S B+ll 16560 63.93 -0.19971 B+ll 26550 102.5 -0.76503 S+09 35S4 13.72 -0.26908 i+lO S489 21.19 -0.49347 B+ll 31990 l23.S -0.2S581 B+ll 15250 S8.88 -O.S0037 S+09 2395 9.247 -0.53523 B+ll 1S610 60.27 -0.71179 E+ll lS320 S9.1S -0.94986 8+11 40970 158.1 -0.13166 8+10 9761 37.68 -0.18771 8+11 26040 lOO.S -0.14593 B+lO 14070 54.32 -0~ llc441 !!,i-lL 10120-J9. 0-7 ·0. 71032 B+lO 7676 29.63 1 1 0 .... 1 0 ••• l ....... l 0 '*'*'* l 0 '*'*'* l ....... 1 0 '*'*'* 1 0 ••• l 0 ..... 2 0 '*'*'* 2 0 '*'*'* 2 0 '*'*'* 2 0 ...... 2 0 ........ 2 0 ..... 2 0 l 0 ....... 2 0 *** 2 0 ••• 3 0 ...... 3 0 .,.. ... 0 ., ... 3 0 ...... 3 0 ....... 3 0 '**'* 3 0 -~- 'l -o 4 0 **'* 98 1S3130 1100 98 -so -0.42834 B+11 10120 39.07 4 0 """ 1S3761 10SO 98 -so -0.7809 B+11 16110 62.20 4 0 """ 1S2210S 1200 98 -so -0.70279 B+11 9019 34.82 4 0 """ 1S2191 1100 98 -so -0.2690S B+10 8319 32.11 4 0 """ 1S2330 1SOO 98 -4S -0.22612 B+10 14460 SS.83 4 0 """ 1S3081 1000 98 -46 -0.2S026 B+10 S479 21.1S 4 0 """ 1S3260 700 98 -so -0.14898 B+12 16140 62.31 4 0 """ 1S3230 900 98 -so -0.2S467 B+11 14330 SS.32 s 0 """ 1S207S 1200 98 -so -0.3648 B+10 6420 24.78 s 0 """ 1S2036 7SO 98 -so -0.11198 B+12 11320 43.70 s 0 """ 1S2076 1000 98 -so -0.232S2 B+11 13450 51.93 7 0 """ 1S3220 950 98 -so -0.75914 B+12 29080 112.2 8 0 """ 99 APPENDIX E. Sample of database file used in indentifying Julian day of point locations in numbered utilization distribution polygons of moose home ranges. D: \CALHOME\5214539 COL 39 MOOSE NO. 152145 COL NO. 39 X_COORD Y_COORD OBS CENTROID DATE SEASON PERIOD CYEAR CJDAY CENTROID SY 314312.700000 6797319.000000 310713.300000 6800037.000000 311474.800000 6800416.000000 311061.900000 6801417.000000 313798.000000 6800214.000000 313720.600000 6800317.000000 313643.100000 6800788.000000 313490.500000 6800723.000000 313474.400000 6800123.000000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 311955.200000 6799226.000000 9 311927.900000 6799481.000000 10 314196.700000 6798226.000000 11 311798.400000 6800713.000000 12 311949.100000 6800968.000000 13 312230.900000 6800695.000000 14 312529.400000 6799867.000000 15 311353.400000 6800361.000000 16 311060.400000 6799993.000000 17 315037.700000 6798593.000000 18 311036.900000 6799299.000000 19 311276.300000 6799191.000000 20 310207.800000 6800615.000000 21 311112.800000 6801323.000000 22 310493.100000 6800876.000000 23 310009.100000 6801366.000000 24 312028.300000 6798054.000000 25 309890.800000 6800510.000000 26 311427.700000 6800078.000000 27 313708.900000 6800206.000000 28 313655.300000 6800075.000000 29 313442.600000 6800160.000000 30 313500.100000 6800730.000000 31 313338.600000 6800429.000000 32 312655.700000 6798189.000000 33 312527.600000 6799279.000000 34 311718.600000 6799369.000000 35 312651.500000 6799311.000000 36 311667.300000 6800683.000000 37 312381.600000 6797895.000000 38 313693.400000 6799129.000000 39 311542.000000 6800037.000000 40 313829.100000 6801536.000000 41 313516.100000 6801816.000000 42 310801.800000 6800052.000000 43 310418.500000 6800652.000000 44 309899.400000 6802606.000000 45 6 26-Feb-82 4 03-Mar-82 W 5 24-Mar-82 4 05-Apr-82 5 16-Apr-82 5 26-Apr-82 5 10-May-82 c 5 17-May-82 c 5 26-May-82 c 5 08-Jun-82 c 5 17-Jun-82 6 29-Jun-82 09-Jul-82 S 5 27-Jul-82 S 5 06-Aug-82 S 5 16-Aug-82 31-Aug-82 H 4 23-Sep-82 H 6 05-0ct.-82 R 4 20-0ct.-82 P 4 10-Nov-82 V 4 13 -Dec-82 V 4 04 -Jan-83 4 21-Jan-83 w 4 04-Feb-83 5 16-Feb-83 4 04 -Mar-83 W 5 18-Mar-83 W 5 01-Apr-83 5 20-Apr-83 5 04-May-83 5 11-May-83 c 5 17-May-83 C 5 24-May-83 C s 31-May-83 c 5 07-Jun-83 C s 14-Jun-83 c 5 21-Jun-83 5 28-Jun-83 6 02 -Aug-83 S 5 27-Aug-83 H 5 06-Sep-83 H 5 19-Sep-83 H 4 03-0ct-83 R 4 21-0ct-83 P 3 09-Nov-83 v WINT CALF CALF SUMM RUT RUT PRUT WINT CALF CALF CALF SUMM RUT RUT PRUT 100 8182 8182 8182 8182 8182 8182 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8283 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 296 301 322 334 345 355 4 11 20 33 42 54 64 82 92 102 117 140 152 167 188 221 243 260 274 286 302 316 330 349 363 11 18 25 32 39 46 53 88 113 123 136 150 168 187 6 2 4 2 5 2 4 2 5 2 5 2 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 6 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 4 3 6 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 309976.900000 6801137.000000 46 310214.300000 6801166.000000 47 309827.900000 6801156.000000 48 310108.600000 6800883.000000 49 307843.600000 6800934.000000 50 310038.400000 6800416.000000 51 310291.100000 6800813.000000 52 307562.100000 6802187.000000 53 313790.600000 6800757.000000 54 313796.000000 6800421.000000 55 313643.100000 6800280.000000 56 313415.500000 6801343.000000 57 312300.800000 6798837.000000 58 312436.000000 6799498.000000 59 312054.800000 6799604.000000 60 312507.500000 6800188.000000 61 311814.800000 6801275.000000 62 312309.300000 6799482.000000 63 312103.400000 6800076.000000 64 311079.200000 6799891.000000 65 310997.700000 6799159.000000 66 311109.300000 6799653.000000 67 310342.600000 6801074.000000 68 310744.100000 6800177.000000 69 310804.100000 6799234.000000 70 310574.400000 6801036.000000 71 306726.500000 6801078.000000 72 306545.900000 6802059.000000 73 307953.100000 6802044.000000 74 308061.300000 6801910.000000 75 307847.400000 6801259.000000 76 304932.300000 6801265.000000 77 307764.400000 6802577.000000 78 308014.500000 6802145.000000 79 306644.000000 6802534.000000 80 307644.300000 6802714.000000 81 313664.800000 6800897.000000 82 313679.800000 6801179.000000 83 313616.800000 6801063.000000 84 313769.600000 6800642.000000 85 313664.600000 6800719.000000 86 313481.300000 6800739.000000 87 311960.800000 6799474.000000 88 311258.500000 6801467.000000 89 307509.600000 6802986.000000 90 306976.600000 6801294.000000 91 307692.700000 6802839.000000 92 306275.100000 6801070.000000 93 305579.000000 6800625.000000 94 4 25-Nov-83 V 4 15-Dec-83 V 4 28-Dec-83 4 11-Jan-84 2 02-Feb-84 4 16-Feb-84 4 02 -Mar-84 W 2 14-Mar-84 W 5 27-Mar-84 5 10-Apr-84 5 24-Apr-84 5 15-May-84 c 5 21-May-84 c 5 29-May-84 C 5 04-Jun-84 c 5 18-Jun-84 5 11-Jul-84 s 5 30-Jul-84 s 5 10-Aug-84 s 4 05-Sep-84 H 4 26-Sep-84 H 4 17-0ct-84 4 06-Nov-84 P 4 19-Nov-84 V 4 06-Dec-84 V 4 20-Dec-84 V 2 09-Jan-85 2 21-Jan-85 w 2 06-Feb-85 2 18-Feb-85 2 07-Mar-85 W 1 19-Mar-85 W 2 02 -Apr-85 2 15-Apr-85 2 25-Apr-85 2 02-May-85 5 10-May-85 C 5 20-May-85 C 5 05-Jun-85 c 5 12-Jun-85 c 5 19-Jun-85 5 17-Mar-86 W 5 02 -Jun-86 c 4 26-Sep-86 H 2 21-Dec-86 V 2 17-Jan-87 2 05-Feb-87 2 12-Mar-87 W 2 23-Mar-87 WINT CALF CALF CALF SUMM RUT PRUT WINT CALF CALF CALF RUT 101 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8384 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8485 8586 8586 8586 8586 8586 8586 8687 8687 8687 8687 8687 8687 8687 203 223 236 250 272 286 301 313 326 340 354 9 15 23 29 43 66 85 96 122 143 164 184 197 214 228 248 260 276 288 305 317 331 344 354 361 4 14 30 37 44 315 27 143 229 256 275 310 321 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 1 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 7 4 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 6847999 6845999 6843999 684~999 6839999 6837999 6835999 6833999 683~999 6829999 358999 APPENDIX F. Plots of moose home ranges with multiple utilization distribution polygons. 362999 366999 379999 374999 · Data~ile: ~52945.DAT Output File: ~52945.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX 392~. 999 ha ------ D o~ data points: 79 XMin: 359596.3 XMax: 374489.6 YMin: 6839853. 6846299. G~id Size: Aug. Dist: Bandwidth: 699.9 M 345~.2 M 659.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.~4464E+99 N 0 0:: w CD 2 :::> z 0 6 0:: f-z w u _J <( z 0:: w ::.: 10 152045-1985-90 (0:\CALHOME\ 152045) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 10 r--r----------------------------------------------1 8 f- 'l ~ 5 ...._ c.; - 4 -IDIJIJ 3 r- 2 f- l r--p 0 DO 0 0 0 aoo 0 DO llliDDD 0 0 OJ CIIl !ITO OillO a:r:mJ CillO CD 0 I 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-90 103 0 0 [D oano o 0 []IJ 0 0 0 0 I ' 400 300 0:: w IIl 2 ~ z 0 0 0:: f-z w u _J <( z 0:: w :>:: ID 1 52045-1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 152045) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 10 .--.----------------------------------------------~ a r- 6 :- ~ 1-0 0 0 0 2 f-0 DO 0 o~+--------~~------,--------.-~------.-~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 104 10 152045-1989-90 (D:\CALHOME\ 152045) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 10 .--.--------------------------------------------~ 8 r-0 u: 0 0 0 w Ill 2 ::> 6 r z 0 6 0 0 u: I-z w 4 r 0 u ...J <t z 0: w ~ 2 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1989-90 105 6898999 6896999 6894999 6892999 6899999 6798999 6796999 394999 398999 • ••••• • • • •• •• •• • .. * •• • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • 312999 • • • • .i, • • ,:- 5 Data£ile: 15214539.DAT Output File: 5214539.0U Display Units: Meters Adaptive Herne 1 98PY. 2395.999 ha ---------- 8 o£ data points: 95 XMin: 394932.3 XMax: 315937.7 YMin: 6797319. YMax: 6892986. Grid Size: 699.9 M Avg. Dist: 1523.6 M Bandwidth: LSCU score: 459.9 M .59937E+99 ID 15214539 85-91 (D:CALHOME 15214539) ~~ (1: w CD ~ ::l z 0 6 (1: • ~ ~\..u..t.4 w u ...J ~ z 0:: w ~ ~~~ OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 r--r------------------------------------------~ 6 r 5 :- 4 f- 3 ~ 2 r- 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 pmJDDIDD llll amiD ClD 0 o amo CIJIIJO 0 0 aiD liD [[)CD ClliJD:D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ODD llD 0 IJl1lD 0 0 00 0 I 200 I 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1981-91 107 400 -!0 1521 4539 1982--"-83 (D:CALHOME 1 521 4539) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 ~~------------------------------------------~ 0 0 a:: 5 -DJO 00 0 000 0 0 DO 00 w (!] 2 ~ z 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a:: """" z w u _.J <(. 2 -z a:: w ~ 1 - 0 I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1982-83 108 6848999 6846999 6844009 1.{) 6842999 'l- G> 6849999 6838999 6836999 6834999 6832999 6839999 6828999 3 08 DataCile: 152166.DAT Output 'File: 152166.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive )(e:rnel 98PY. 4237.000 ha -----------* oC data points: 79 )(Min: 356128.6 )(Max: 373133.1 YMin: 6829252. YMax: 6844356. G~id Size: 799.9 M Avg. Dist: 3761.1 M Bandwidth: 799.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.26889E+19 ll': w ro ::E :J z 0 6 ll': f-z w (.) _J <( z ll': w ::.:: ID 1 521 66-1 986~91 (D:\ CALHOME\ 1 521 66) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 14 .--.--------------------------------------------~ 12 1- 0 10 1-0 0 OCDC!ID CDO DO 0 0 0 8 r-0 0 0 0 6 1-0 00 OJlDJ 0 0 0 0 0 4 1- 2 ~ 0 :IO CDC!ID DOD cr:IJID CJJO 0 0 lli!JO 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1986-91 flO 10 152166-1985-86 (0:\CALHOME\ 152166) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 14 12 1- 0: 10 1- w m ::::: :::> z 8 1- 0 6 0: f-6 1-z w u _j <( z 4 -0 0: w 0 0 ~ 2 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 lll a:: w ro 2 ::> z 0 6 0:: ..... z w u __) <: z a:: w ::.:: 10152166-1985-91 (D:\CALHOME\152166) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 14 r--r--------------------------------------------~ 12 1- 10 - 8 1- 5 - []]I[JJ 0 4 1- 2 1- :m 0 0 0 0 0 om am CIJOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [!JilJD 000 r:JlJilJ mo 0 0 I 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-91 112 0 0 0 0 I[] [I][JO \ 300 400 6852999 Dataf'ile: ~52~9~.DAT Output File: ~52~9~.0UT <i'l-Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive J<e:rnel 98P:x 6298.999 ha .,. ~ U of' data points: 7~ 6847999 ~ ~ ~ XMin: 35~~27.2 XMax: 379777.9 YMin: 6839978. 2. YMax: 6859732. 6842999 +L( G:rid Size: 799.9 M Avg. Dist: 5637.8 M Bandwidth: 999.9 M LSCU score: -.25763E+~9 ~ 6837999 1::. ~\~ ?.=~ 6832999 '?> -:: s~ "1~'" ~t.Lt-\ s-::.. w~~ 'Rt;;-84 ~?'-\ "''-.A Co'::-\)5>·v.,...~ tr..-S1 6827999 349999 359999 369999 B1 -SC( B8-89 '"'-'to qo-l\l ID 152191- 7 6 f- a:: 5 f-w (!] ::; ::J z 4 f- D 6 a:: I-3 -z w u ..J <{ 2 -z a:: w ::.:: 1 - 0 0 1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 152191) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY DDJ DOD 0 I 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 114 I 300 0 400 ID 152191-1985-91 (0:\CALHOME\152191) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 .--.----------------------------------------------, 5 -0 0 om omom:mmo o o 0::: 5 1-oom 0 0 0 0 w (!) ~ ::> z 4 1-0 0 0 0 0::: f-3 r-0 []1] IIliJ 01] [][]0 0 DO z w u _/ <{ 2 r-z 0 0 DO 0::: w :>:: 1 r-p [][][] [][IJO 0 ODD 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-91 115 6872999 6867999 6862999 6857999 6852999 6847999 6842999 6837999 6832999 6827999 336999 346999 356999 366999 376999 DataCile: 152219.DAT Output File: 152219.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX 7859.999 lla ------ D oC data Points: 49 XMin: 338876.9 XMax: 369961.9 YMin: 6831152. YMax: 6872419. C~id Size: 1237.7 M Avg. Dist: 9284.7 M Bandwidth: 899.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.89632E+11 ~ ID 152210-1986-89 (D:\CALHOME\152210) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 10 ,--,--------------------------------------------~ 8 '--[!JIJ Cilil n::n:::IJ[IIJ 0 0 a:: 0 w CD :::.?; ::J 6 r-0 z 0 0 ITIJ CD 0 0 rn 0 a:: ,_ w z 4 f-0 u ....J <i 0 0 0 DO []]O z a:: w >:: 2 1-0 DD 0 0 I I 0 200 400 100 .300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1986-89 117 ID 152210-1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 15221 0) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 10 ,--,--------------------------------------------~ 8 f- 0:: w CD 2 :;, 6 f-DO 0 z 0 6 DO 0:: f-w 0 z 4 f- u _J <{ 0 z 0:: w ~ 2 ~ 0 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 118 6868999 6863999 6858999 6853999 6848999 6843999 6838999 6833999 356999 366999 '1.. '2.. GQ ' ~ 4 0 0 Oc>Gs 376999 386999 b 0 DataCile: 152869.DAT Output File: 152869.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX 7499.999 ha ----------- 8 oC data points: 71 XMin: 359377.4 XMax: 399989.4 YMin: 6834357. YMax: 6846689. C~id Size: Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: LSCU sco~e: 921.3 M 5122.1 M 659.9 M .13645E+19 a:: w m 2 ~ z 0 0 a:: 1-z w u _J <t: z a:: w ~ 10-152860-1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 152860 OCCURRENCE IN CNETROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 .--.--------------------------------------------~ 6 '- 5 ..... 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 1- 0 0 0 CIJ DOD DO I 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 120 I 300 400 a:: w CD :::E :J z 0 0 a:: 1-z w u ...J <( z a:: w ::.:: ID-152860-1986-91 (D:\CALHOME\ 152860) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 ,--,----------------------------------------------~ 6 -0 0 0 5 1-0 0 0 4 f-0 0 0 3 ,... 0 om OJDD::OO 0 2 -0 0 0 1 -fJ [JJ[JIJJ) 0 CIIJ ITID DIDO CIIliiJ [I]]JO 0 0 IIDJD 0~+--------~,------~-------~,------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1986-91 121 6865999 6869999 6855999 6859999 6845999 6849999 6835999 6839999 6825999 6829999 34~999 35~999 36~999 (o (0 • • 37~999 38~999 DataCile: ~52969.DAT Output File: ~52969.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Mernel 98PX 9244.999 ha ------ D oC data points: 54 XMin: 34449~.3 XMax: 369997.6 YMin: 6823832. YMax: 686373~. Grid Size: ~~96.9 M Avg. Dist: 6984.9 M Bandwidth: 999.9 M LSCU score: -.73~8~E+~9 0:: w IIl :::!: :J z 0 6 0:: f-z w u ...J <( z 0:: w ~ 10 1 52960-1985-90 (D:\CALHOME\ 1 52960) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 7 ,--,----------------------------------------------, 6 r-ormrnoo 5 1-0 4 1-ODD DO 0 3 1-[[] ITID 0 DO CDIIJ 0 []] 0 rn 0 0 0 0 0 2 1-0 DO 0 0 0 1t-[]llJ 0 0 rn CIDO 0~+--------~~------~------~~--------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-90 123 ID 152960- 7 6 1- a: 5 ,__ w CD :::; :::> z 4 1- 0 6 a: f-3 1-z w u _J <{ 2 z 1- a: w ;,:: 11-0 0 0 1 988-89 (D:\CALHOME\ 152960) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1988-89 124 I 300 0 400 ID 152960- 7 6 r-- a:: 5 r-- w (IJ ~ :::J z 4 '-- 0 6 a:: f-3 r--z w u _J <( z 2 1-a:: w ~ 11- 0 0 1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 152960) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY DO 0 DO 0 0 I 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 125 I 300 0 400 6993999 6898999 6893999 6888999 6883999 6878999 6873999 6868999 6863999 6858999 343999 0 I 353999 ~ 3 ~ 9 363999 373999 383999 Dataf'ile: 1.5321.5.DAT Output File: 1.5321.5.0UT Display Units: Mete:rs Adaptive He:rnel 98P:I.: 881.2.999 ha II of' data points: 79 XMin: 34621.6.7 XMax: 386384.3 YMin: 6869376. YMax: 6883592. G:rid Size: 1.295.9 M Aug. Dist: 51.78.4 M Bandwidth: 999.9 M LSCU sco:re: -.35245E+l.l. \0 N 0:: w ro :=; ::J z 0 6 0:: f-w z u _l <( z 0:: w :>:: ID 153215-1986-91 (D:\CALHOME\ 153215) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 6 .--.--------------------------------------------~ 5 r-0 0 0 0 0 4 f-DOOIJDO[llJOO 3 f-0 2 r-p IIlDIIID em 0 0 DIDO a::IIIl 0 []J 0 0 [llJ [llJ 0 IJ!JO 1f-0 0 0 D~+--------~~------~------~~--------~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1986-91 127 0:: w lD :::;; ::l z 0 6 0:: 1-w z u _.J <( z 0:: w ::( ID 153215-1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 153215) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 6 r--.--------------------------------------------~ 5 f- 4 f- 3 !- 2 !-CD 0 DO 0 0 1 !- OL-+--------~~------~-------~~------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 128 69~9999 6999999 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 6859999 6849999 6839999 399999 329999 349999 369999 Data£ile: ~53229.DAT Output File: ~53229.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive ](e~nel 98Px 35269.99 ha ft o£ data points: ~97 XMin: 3~3486.~ XMax: 3726~8.2 YMin: 684~629. YMax: 6999~63. G~id Size: ~773.9 M Avg. Dist: 96~9.9 M Bandwidth: ~299.9 M LSCU sco~e: .68989E+~2 Ou.S\ ~ f1\.\v..\.. S ~ 'tJ C!>u-.9r ~ ~ '2. -=-8 10 153220 6 5 1-0 0: w 4 rn - 2 :l z 0 6 3 - 0: 1-z w u ...J 2 - <( z 0: w ::.:: r- 0 0 1986-87 (0:\CALHOME\ 153220) 0 CENTROIDS 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7 AND 8 0 0 0 DO 0 0 0 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1986-87 130 0 DO 0 400 300 e:: w CD ::E J z 0 0 e:: I-z w () ...J <{ z e:: w ~ ID 153220 -1980-90 (D:\CALHOME\ 153220) 9 8 - 7 -0 0 6 - 5 4 f--ttltltlltll!l!!i rrmo 3 f--OJ 2 f-- r-0 0 0 CENTROIDS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 AND 8 0 [JIJ 0 0 CilJ []J) DO 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1980-90 131 0 [[![J 0 DO 0 CDCIJ 400 300 ID 153220 6 5 r-0 0 0:: w 4 CD r-0 ~ :J z 0 6 3 r- 0:: ~ z w u _J 2 <{ z 0:: w ~ 0 0 1988-89 (D:\CALHOME\ 153220) CENTROIDS 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7 AND 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1988-89 132 0 0 0 400 300 6994999 6899999 6894999 6889999 6884999 6879999 6874999 6869999 6864999 328999 338999 348999 358999 Data£ile: 15324Z.DAT Output File: 153Z42.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX 5873 . 999 ha ------ D o£ data points: 54 XMin: 331149.1 XMax: 365953.3 'iMin: 6866595. 'iMax: 6879732. G~id Size: 1917.4 M Avg. Dist: Bandwidth: 5877.7 M 799.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.39362E+19 0:: w CD :::E ::J z 0 6 0:: i-z w l! .J <t z 0:: w ::.: ID 153242 1985-91 (D:\CALHOME\ 1 5242) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 8 .--.----------------------------------------------, 7 f-0 DO 0 0 DCDID om 0 an 6 f-0 DO 5 ~ DO 0 4 -0 0 3 f-0 0 0 0 Clll[]O Dlll!IDO 0 2 f-0 1 f-D D 0 0 [II] 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) D 1985-91 134 6883999 6878999 6873999 6868999 6863999 6858999 6853999 6848999 6843999 6838999 395999 31.5999 325999 335999 345999 DataCile: 1.53252.DAT Output File: 1.53252.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive Ke~nel 98PX 1.5489.99 ha ----------- D oC data points: 1.69 XMin: 398981..1. XMax: 33981.9.9 YMin: 6842589. YMax: 6882893. G~id Size: 1.299.1. M Avg. Dist: 5789.4 M Bandwi d tl1: 999.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.42727E+1.1. c:: w CD :::;: :J z 0 0 a:: ..... z w u _J <l:: z a:: w :::.: ID 153252-1981-90 (D:\CALHOME\ 153252) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 6 ,--,----------------------------------------------, 5 -0 0 DO 4 -0 Dr:rnm::D Iiiii !I! II I II IIi' IIIII !I. I DID 3 r-0 0 0 0 2 t-0 !I] DD O[]J 1 r-rnJIJ [1J 0 0 0~+-------~~~------~------~~--------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1981-90 136 6922999 691.7999 691.2999 6997999 6992999 6897999 6892999 6887999 6882999 6877999 392999 31.2999 322999 332999 342999 DataCile: l.53263.DAT Output File: l.53263.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX 21.399. 99 ha ------ 8 o£ data points: 1.96 XMin: 395822.3 XMax: 345236.9 '!t.'Min: 6879945. YMax: 6994889. G~id Size: l.J.82.4 M Aug. Dist: 6762.1. M Bandwidth: 1.399.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.J.6369E+l.l. 0:: w CD ::! :J z Cl 0 0:: r-z w u -' <( z 0:: w ::,::: 153263 -1983-91 (D:\CALHOME\ 153263) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 r--r----------------------------------------------, 6 f- 5 "-- 4 1-0 3 f-DCIIJJ 0 2 1-0 1f-f:D(]][] 0 0 0 c 0 0 co 0 0 DO o [] aiJilJIJ m:IIDDIIllliiDiliiiiDJJ am I 200 100 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1983-91 138 I 300 400 6999999 6895999 6899999 6885999 6889999 6875999 68?9999 6865999 DataCile: ~5329~.DAT Output File: ~5329~.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98PX 9?65. 999 l1a ------ 8 oC data points: ~59 XMin: 39939~.3 XMax: 339249.3 YMin: 686?949. YMax: 688~~99. Grid Size: 895.? M Aug. Dist: 42?3.9 M Bandwidth: ?59.9 M LSCU score: -.23689E+~~ 0:: w IIl :::!' :J z 0 6 0:: f-z w u ..J <{ z 0:: w ::.: ID 1 53291-1980-89 (D:\CALHOME\ 153291) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 5 .--.----------------------------------------------~ 4 -0 0 3 r-rn 0 0 OIIIIDII!!Iiiii!MU!IIIMI!!IIi! 2 1-0 0 11-~IIlDIIIIIICIT[I!JIIIm:n:m:DJOIDUJ[OlD ll Ill! II I !! C I I[] 00 0 0~+--------~~------~------~~~------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1980-89 140 6922999 69~7999 6912999 6997999 6992999 6897999 6892999 6887999 6882999 6877999 339999 ~ 349999 359999 369999 379999 DataCile: ~53579.DAT Output File: ~53579.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98PX 7673.999 ha ----------- 8 oC data points: 56 XMin: 342833.5 XMax: 379694.9 YMin: YMax: 6879552. 6894355. Grid Size: 1193.1 M Avg. Dist: 6572.1 M Bandwidth: 799.9 M LSCU score: -.25996E+11 0:: w []) ::E :J z 0 6 0:: 1-z w u _.J ~ z 0:: w :>:: ID 153570-1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 153570) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 8 ,--,--------------------------------------------, 7 - 6 r- 5 r-CD DO 0 4 r- 3 I- 2 r- 11-0 0~+-------~,------~--------~,------~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 142 ID 153570-1986-90 (D:\CALHOME\ 153570) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROID X JULIAN DAY 8 7 -III D CD m 0 DO !JliiiD DDDI 00 0 0 DO 0 6 -0 0 0 a: w CD 2 5 r-0 rn DO 0 :::> z 0 0 4 r-0 0 a: >--z w u 3 r-0 []O ...J <i z a: w 2 r-0 0 0 y 1 r-0 0 DIDJ 0 0 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1986-90 143 6994999 "" 6899999 6894999 6889999 6884999 6879999 6874999 6869999 6864999 6859999 6854999 395999 1 0 0 0 ~ 3J.5999 325999 ~~~ 5 [!) '7 335999 345999 Data£ile: 153582.DAT Output File: 153582.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive J<e~nel 98PX 12619.99 ha ----------- 8 o£ data points: 174 XMin: 397822.J. XMax: 336372.8 YMin: 6858799. YMax: 69996J.8. G~id Size: 1254.8 M Avg. Dist: 5472.5 M Bandwidth: 799.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.67236E+J.J. ~ ~ c:: w ID 2 ::l z 0 6 0:: 1--z w u ...J <l: z c:: w ~ ID 153582-1980-90 (D:\CALHOME\ 153582) 8 7 - 6 f- 5 1-- 4 1--p 0 3 I-mm 0 2 '- 1 - 0 0 CENTROIDS 1,2,3,4,5,6, AND 7 DO O[]liiJIIIQ!IIIiltii!QIIIIWI! I I 0 DO 0 [DJ C!!DO 0 0 0 0 0 ! IIIII! II Ill 0 0 0 ::rmo I 200 I 4oo 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1980-90 145 6890000 6880000 6870000 6860000 6850090 6840000 6830000 6820000 6810000 340000 360000 380000 400000 DataCile: 153640.DAT Output File: 153640.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX 17419.99 ha B oC data points: 60 XMin: 352284.4 XMax: 369768.3 VMi n·: 6823941. VMax: 6876743. G~id Size: 1584.0 M Aug. Dist: 7856.7 M Bandwidth: 1390.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.27025E+11 0:: w IIl ~ :J z 0 6 0:: i-z w u _I <( z 0:: w ::.: 10 153640-1985-91 (0:\CALHOME\ 153640) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 r--r----------------------------------------------~ 6 f-0 0 DO 5 i-0 OJ] 0 lDJO 0 0 4 -0 3 -p [IJ[] 0 lDl 0 0 0 DO 2 i-DO 0 0 0 1 f-0 DO DOD cc::nn OCD 0 o ooooooorn o~r-------~,------~-------~~------~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-91 147 n:: w m ~ :> z 0 6 n:: f-z w u ...J <{ z n:: w :.:: 10 153640-1985-86 (0:\CALHOME\ 153640) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 7 .--.--------------------------------------------~ 6 - 5 t-- 4 t-- 3 t-- 2 t-- 1 t--rn o o o o 0 L--o~.----------r-~--------2,o-o---------.-I---------4,00~ 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 148 6886999 6884999 6882999 6889999 6878999 6876999 6874999 6872999 I C$. 4 ~ ~ DataCile: 153721.DAT Output File: 153721.0UT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive )(e~nel 98Px 3396. 999 ha ------ ft oC data points: 72 XMin: 362234.4 XMax: 374728.3 VMin: 6871629. VMax: 6885546. G~id Size: 699.9 M Avg. Dist: 2966.7 M Bandwi d tl1: 699.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.21975E+99 0::: w CD 2 ::> z 0 6 0::: .--z w u ...) 4:: z 0::: w ~ ID 153721-1987-88 (D:\CALHOME\ 153721) OCCURRENCE IN CETROID X JULIAN DAY 7 .--.--------------------------------------------~ 6 r- 5 1- 4 '- 3 - 2 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1f- 0~+-------~,--------~------~,------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1987-88 150 e::: w m 2 :J z 0 0 e::: .... z w u ....J <i z e::: w :.:: ID 153721-1985-91 (0:\CALHOME\153721) OCCURRENCE IN Ct:TROID X JULIAN DAY 7 .--.----------------------------------------------~ 6-::10::00 D DO 0 [D OlllliTDODO 5 -D D 0 4 1-DO DO 0 3 -0 0 D 2 -[!][] rn IIIJ ITID OJJIO []I] 0 0 0 D DO 0 D 0 0 liD 1 -0 D D 0 L--o~---------,r---------2~oo----------r-,--------4~o-o~ 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) D 1985-91 151 6895999 6893999 689~999 6889999 688'?999 6885999 6883999 688~999 6879999 6877999 68'?5999 34~999 345999 349999 353999 357999 DataCile: ~53739.DAT Output File: ~53739.0UT Display Units: Meters Adaptive Kernel 98P:X 3225.999 ha ------ 8 oC data points: 72 XMin: 342458.6 XMax: 359443.6 YMin: 6876944. YMax: 68895~5. Grid Size: 699.9 M Avg. Dist: 3972.4 M Bandwidth: LSCU score: 699.9 M .32832E+99 0:: w (II :i ::> z 0 6 0:: f-z w u _J <{ z 0:: w :.:: ID 153730-1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\153730) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 6 .--.--------------------------------------------, 5 r IJliJ 0 DO 4 r-0 0 3 - 2 - 1 r 0~+-------~~~------~------~~--------~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 153 a:: w (I) 2 ::l z 0 6 a:: 1-z w u ...J <( z a:: w ::,( ID 153730-1986-91 (D:\CALHOME\ 153730) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 6 r--r----------------------------------------------~ 5 -0 OJ 0 CI!DO CI!J 0 0 O!JI 0 O:JD 0 4 r-CDJ DO DO rm:rno 00000 DO 3 1-J 0 0 DO 0 2 1-[]J[J ao llJI o liDO 1 -OJ 0 0~+-------~,------~------~,------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1986-91 154 69391iUiJ9 6929999 691.9999 6999999 6899999 6889999 6879999 6869999 339999 359999 379999 399999 Data£ile: 1.53?61..DAT Output File: 1.53?6l..OUT Display Units: Mete~s Adaptive He~nel 98PX 1.5379.99 ha M o£ data points: 68 XMin: 33621.3.4 XMax: 391.?25.2 YMin: 6869399. YMax: 688541.9. G~id Size: 1.665.3 M Avg. Dist: 9768.1. M Bandwidth: 999.9 M LSCU sco~e: -.55537E+l.l. V) V) - 0:: w (!) 2 ::J z 0 0 0:: ,_ z w u _J <l: z 0:: w ~ ID 153761-1985-86 (D:\CALHOME\ 153761) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 8 r--r--------------------------------------------~ 7 r 0 6 ,_ 0 0 5 ,_ 0 4 -0 3 -DO 0 2 - 1 - 0~+--------~,------~------~,--------~~ 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-86 156 e:: w CD 2 ::J z 0 0 e:: f-z w u ..J <i z e:: w :.:: ID 153761-1986-91 (D:\CALHOME\ 153761) OCCURRENCE IN CENTROIDS X JULIAN DAY 8 ,--,--------------------------------------------~ 7 f- 5 -0 0 OIIJ[]]]O[IJ [][1)0 [!) 0 5 -0 0 0 4 -:J 0 3 -aiD 0 [l][IJ:J 0[]0 [][[]l] ODD 0 [[)0 2 r 0 1 f-[[)0 0 I I 0 200 400 100 300 JULIAN DAY (DAY 1 = 7 MAY) 0 1985-91 157 APPENDIX G. Title page of manuscript entitled "In utero pregnancy rate, twinning rate, and fetus production for age-groups of cow moose in south-central Alaska. IN UTERO PREGNANCY RATE, TWINNING RATE AND FETUS PRODUCTION FOR AGE-GROUPS OF COW MOOSE IN SOUTH- CENTRAL ALASKA Ronald D. Modafferi Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1800 Glenn Highway, Suite 4, Palmer, AK 99f15 ABSTRACT: The relationship of reproductive parameters (i.e., pregnancy rate, twinning rate and fetus production) to 5 age-groups (calf= C, yearling= Y, teen= T, prime= P and senior= S) of cow moose (Alces alces) were investigated. Age-class and in utero t~tus counts from 895 cow moose killed in 14 area-specific antlerless/cow-moose hunts (year/area (Y/A) samples) during November-February, 1964 to 1974, in south-central Alaska were analyzed. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were used to characterize the reproductive parameters in each age-group classification. There was evidence of age- group effects on pregnancy rate (P = 0.0000). None of the C moose examined carried a fetus(es). Age- groups ordered by pregnancy rate were Y < T < S < P. The difference in pregnancy rate between P and S age-groups was not statistically significant (P = 0.1019). Y/A effects on pregnancy status were insignificant (P = 0.8414). There was evidence of age-group effects (P = 0.0001) andY/A effects (P = 0.0001) on occurrence of twinning. None of the Y age-group moose examined carried twin fetuses. Age-groups ordered by twinning rate were T < S < P. The difference in twinning rate between T and Page-groups was statistically significant (P = 0.05). Age-groups ordered by fetus production (fetuses/ 100 cows) were Y < T < S < P. Based on the reproductive parameters studied, cow moose attain their maximum productivity after 3-years-of-age. Findings emphasize the importance of considering cow moose reproductive maturity in measuring productivity, interpreting information on productivity, modeling moose population dynamics and implementing selective harvests of cow moose. Simulation models are becoming impor- tant tools in everyday management of moose (Page 1987). Population models highlight parameters that are basic and important in understanding moose population dynamics (Karns 1987). Productivity parameters are important, basic components in models of moose population dynamics and in manage- ment of moose populations (Simlcin 1974, ALCES VOL. 28 (1992) pp. 223-234 cow moose in south-central Alaska, (2) ex- plore relationships between productivity pa- rameters and age-class based age-grou;>s and (3) provide moose managers, who are most familiar with net productivity in fall in the form of ratios of calves to adult cows, with baseline information on moose gross produc- tivity. Verme 1974, Moen and Ausenda 1987). STUDY AREA Quantitative information on some moose pro-Moose bunts took place in south-central ductivity parameters is scarce (Karns 1987, Alaska (Fig. 1 ). The area included Alaska Crichton 1988). Refinements in knowledge Game Management Unit (GMU) 7 and Game about parameters of moose productivity will ManagementSubunits(GMS) 14A, 14B, 14C, improve the quality of moose population 15A, 15B and 15C. Management Units 7, models and lead to better moose management 15A, 15B and 15C were located on the Kenai decisions. In this study, I was not particularly Peninsula (Kenai). GMSs 14A and 14B were concerned with Y/A effects on cow moose located in the Matanuska and Susitna River productivity. Rather, thepurposeofmystudy valleys (Mat-Su). The Ft. Richardson hunt was to: (1) consolidate and analyze archived area (Ft. Rich) was located in GMS 14C near information on productivity parameters for Anchorage. The Kenai, ~at-Su and Ft. Rich 223 158 Appendix H. Draft of manuscript entitled "Survival of radiocollared adult moose in Lower Susitna valley, Southcentral Alaska." 21 July 1994 . Ronald D. Modafferi Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1800 Glenn Highway Suite 4 Palmer, AK 99645 907-745-6890 RH: Adult Moose Survival · Modafferi SURVIVAL OF RADIO-COLLARED ADULT MOOSE IN LOWER SUSITNA VALLEY, SOUTHCENTRAL ALASKA Ronald D. Modafferi, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1800 Glenn Highway, Suite 4, Palmer, AK 99645 Abstract: Estimates of natural survival for adult moose (Alces alces) are presented by sex, season, and year for 204 (66 males) radio-collared adult moose monitored with aircraft in lower Susitna Valley southcentral Alaska during 15 May 1980 through 25 February 1991. Deaths were attributed to capture problems, accidents, defense of life or property, hunter harvest, illegal harvest, train kill, winter kill and other. Hunter harvest and captured related deaths were censored from survival calculations; moose were also censored for loss of signal contact and shedding of collars. Survival varied by sex, season, and calendar year. summer survival rates were high for both cows (0.98) and bulls {0.99). Survival in autumn was lower for bulls (0.89) than for cows {0.98). Survival in winter and annual survival were highly variable and affected largely by winter-kill deaths attributed to snow accumulations. Survival in winter differed widely among years for both bulls {P < 0.001) and cows {P < 0.001). Annual survival differed among years for both bulls {P < 0.001) and cows {P < = 0.001). Sightability varied by sex and season and was attributed to habitat structure, moose behavior, physiology, and 159 MODAFFERI nutritive condition. Lower survival of cows (0.98) versus bulls (0.99) during summer was attributed to bear predation on parturient cows and cows with neonates. Lower survival of bulls (0.89) versus cows (0.98) in autumn was ascribed to bullet wounding, illegal harvest, and fatal encounters with bears. Low and highly variable levels of survival in bulls (0.33 to 1.00) and cows (0.70 to 1.00) in winter and large differences in survival of bulls (0.29 to 1.00) and cows (0.65 to 0.99) among years were attributed mainly to snow accumulations. Moose managers must be cognizant of snow conditions through winter to accurately predict size and composition of pre-hunt populations and annual survival. Moose management programs must be sufficiently responsive to modify autumn harvest quotas in accordance with survival data obtained during the previous winter after standard post-hunt population surveys are conducted. ~. WILDL. MANAGE. 00(0):000-000 Key words: adult moose, Alces alces, mortality, southcentral Alaska, survival Survival characteristics may provide important insight into factors affecting population change. Ultimately, survival data can be used to model population dynamics thereby strengthening management decisions. As indicated by Van Ballenberghe (1983), the literature contains few estimates of adult moose survival rates. Karns (1987) indicates that estimates of survival rate for adult moose (Mercer and Manuel 1974; Peterson 1977; Hauge and Keith 1981, Mytton and Keith 1981, Gasaway et a1. 1983) was less 160 MODAFFERI common than for calf moose. Recent literature on survival of moose includes Boar (1988), Bangs et al. (1989) and Larsen et al. (1989). Accidents, disease, habitat, hunting, parasites, pests, poaching, and weather are factors that influence moose survival (Crichton 1987, Lankester 1987). The purpose of this study was to provide information on the non-hunting aspects of survival of radio-collared adult moose. I especially thank staff of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) for helping with various aspects of this study. E. B. Becker provided statistical advice, performed statistical analyses, and clarified analytical concepts. D. C. McAllister, assisted in many aspects of the study. I acknowledge many ADF&G colleagues for assistance in moose capture and radio-tracking procedures. P. A. Arneson provided data on radio-collared moose captured and monitored during April through December 1980. J. B. Faro contributed information on moose captured and monitored in Alaska Game Management Subunit (Subunit) 16B during 1987-88. My supervisors, K. B. Schneider, D. A. Anderson, and C. c. Schwartz provided guidance, assistance and administrative support throughout this study. C. C. Schwartz also reviewed the manuscript and renewed my enthusiasm for completing this paper. S. R. Peterson reviewed a draft of this manuscript and provided many helpful comments. I thank area staff J. C. Didrickson, C. A. Grauvogel, H. J. Griese, and M. w. Masteller for supporting this study. I thank light-aircraft pilots c. A. Allen, Charlie Allen Flight Service, M. Houte, L. Rogers, c. R. and V. L. Lofstedt, Kenai Air Alaska, W. A. Woods, Woods Air Service, and W. D. 161 MODAFFERI Wiederkehr, Wiederkehr Air Inc. for skill, dedication, and enthusiasm on aerial radio-tracking surveys. This study was funded in part by Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration. STUDY AREA Capture, radio-collaring, and radio-tracking of moose took place in a 25,000 km 2 area in the lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska (Fig. 1). The area included portions of Game Management Subunits (Subunits) 13E, 14A, 14B, 16A, and 16B. Climate and geography of the area was described by Viereck and Little (1972) and Modafferi (1991). Snow accumulation varied greatly by year. In general, moose populations in the region increased during 1980-84 and 1985-87 and decreased in 1984-85 and 1987-91. Moose populations in the area were probably at or very near carrying capacity before winter 1984-85. Moose were hunted during subunit-specific open seasons. In most subunits, male moose were hunted every year during a September season. In some areas, limited numbers of permits were issued for the harvest of antlerless and/or cow moose during the September season and/or a December through February season. Accidental collisions of moose with trains and highway vehicles were noteworthy sources of mortality in the region, particularly, in deep-snow winters (Rausch 1958, Modafferi 1991). Moose predators in the area included wolves (Canis lupus) and brown (Ursus arctos) and black bears (Q. americanus). Information on predator densities in the area was largely circumstantial. Wolf density estimates ranged from about 1-2 162 MODAFFERI wolves/1000 km 2 in Subunits 14A, 14B, and southern 16A to about 2-7 wolves/1000 km 2 in Subunits 13E, 16B, and northern 16A (Ballard 1992a, Masteller 1994). In general, wolf populations probably increased during 1980-91. Brown bear density estimates ranged from 7-25 bears/1000 km 2 in Subunits 14A and 14B to about 12-35 bears/1000 km 2 in Subunits 13E, 16A, and 16B (Miller 1987, Grauvogel 1990, Griese 1993a). Brown bear populations were likely increasing during the study. Black bear density estimates ranged from about 35-104 bears/1000 km 2 in Subunits 14A and 14B (Grauvogel 1990) to about 90-193 bears/1000 km 2 in Subunits 13E, 16A, and 16B (Miller 1987, Griese 1993b). Black bear hunting over bait and increasing brown bear populations probably caused a decrease in black bear populations during the study. METHODS Capture, Radio-collarinq and Monitorinq of Moose Moose were captured for radio-collaring mainly from a helicopter by darting. Moose were also approached on foot or snowmachine for darting. Moose were immobilized with etorphine hydrochloride (M99, Lemmon Co., Sellersville, Pa.) with or without xylaxine hydrochloride (Rompun, Haver-Lockhart, Shawnee, Kans.) or carfentanil citrate (Wildnil, Wildl. Lab., Fort Collins, Colo.). M99 and Wildnil were antagonized with diprenorphine (M50-50, Lemmon Company, Sellersville, Pa.), naloxone hydrochloride (Dupont Pharmaceuticals, Garden City, N.J.) or naltrexone hydrochloride (Dupont Pharmaceuticals, Garden City, N.J.). Immobilized moose were ear tagged and fitted with a visual-numbered canvas collar (Franzmann et al. 1974) and radio- 163 MODAFFERI transmitter with or without a mortality option (Telonics, Mesa, Ariz.). Moose were captured during December through January in alpine postrut concentration areas in Subunits 14A and 14B and during January-April in lowland winter concentration areas in Subunits 13E, 16A, and 16B. Moose were primarily captured in 4 areas: lower Susitna River floodplain between Portage Creek and Cook Inlet in 1980-85; western foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains between South Fork of Montana Creek and the Little Susitna River in 1985-89; Alexander Creek floodplain in 1987, and floodplains of the Yentna and the Skwentna Rivers between Lake Creek and Old Skwentna in 1988-89. Age of captured moose was estimated mainly by incisor tooth wear. However, early in the study a first incisor tooth was removed from captured moose for cementum aging (Sergeant and Pimlott 1959). Captured moose were >18 months of age and few moose were <30 months. All were considered adults. Radio-collared moose were visually located 1-5 times each month for visual observation using Cessna-152, -180, and -185 or a Piper Super Cub (PA-18) aircraft and standard aerial radio- tracking procedures. Not all radio-collared moose were located on each survey but it was common to obtain radio-fixes on >60 moose during a single 1-day survey. I searched intensively at each site to confirm precise locations and to confirm that the animal was alive. Moose were monitored from capture to death or date of censor. Death of moose at capture locations or within 4 days after collaring was attributed to capture stress and excluded from survival analyses. 164 MODAFFERI survival Radio-collared moose were judged dead by direct observation, by transmitter pulse rate if the transmitter contained the mortality/movement option, or radio-fix location if radio-fix locations on consecutive surveys were identical. When a moose was judged to be dead, an intensive aerial search was conducted to locate the radio-collar, parts of a moose carcass, and/or a disturbed site suggesting the animal was dead. Locations were revisited and aerially searched until sufficient evidence confirmed or refuted that the moose was dead. Lastly, locations were visited on foot to verify death. Additionally, hunters, the ADF&G, the Alaska Department of Public Safety, Division of Fish and Wildlife Protection, and the Alaska Railroad Corporation provided the date and cause of death of radio-collared moose that died from legal hunter-harvest, illegal harvest, defense of life or property, and collisions with vehicles or trains. In many instances, the exact cause of death was unknown, but circumstances and/or evidence at the site allowed me to categorize these into 1 of 4 groups: (1) illegal harvest, (2) accident, (3) winter kill, or (4) other. Illegal harvest was assigned mainly to moose radio-tracked to a residential housing development during the hunting season. The accident group included deaths resulting from injuries and drowning. Intact moose carcasses on the snow with no evidence suggesting predation or accident were considered winter killed. Winter kill included deaths from starvation and/or inclement weather. The remaining 165 MODAFFERI group, other, included deaths caused by predation and wounding injuries. Several moose deaths assigned to the other group were bulls that died in late-September during or shortly after start of hunting season. The category other also included cows that died in the period mid-May through July. Death of cows in this calendar period likely resulted from complications with birthing (Markgren 1969:195-196) and/or confrontations with bears (Ballard 1992b:l63). Precise date of death was known for train kills, hunter harvest, illegal harvest, and kills in defense of life or property. For deaths in which the date was unknown, the mid- point date between the last two surveys was used. This interval was ~15 days in 30\ of the deaths, ~35 days in 65\ of the deaths, but ~45 days in 6 deaths. Censoring Moose were censored from the database if: (1) the transmitter was lost or failed, (2) an animal emigrated from the study area, or (3) when the study was terminated. Lost or failed transmitters were censored on the midpoint between the dates of the last 2 radio-fixes. Hunter harvested moose were censored on the reported date of kill. Censoring of hunter harvested moose could impact estimates of survival if moose mortality in the winter following hunting season was compensatory with hunter harvest of moose. I used regression analysis to examine for evidence of a compensatory relationship between hunter harvest in autumn and mortality the 166 MODAFFERI following winter. Hunter bull harvest was regressed on bull deaths assigned to all sources, winter kill, and other. Analyses encompassed calendar years 1980-90. survival Rate Estimation Survival estimates were computed separately for males and females with staggered entry Kaplan-Meier procedure (Kaplan and Meier 1958, Pollock et al. 1989). I tested for differences among years and lumped data with similar survival functions. A modified SAS (SAS Inst. Inc. 1985) statistical procedure which accommodated left (Hasbrouck et al. 1992) as well as right censored data was used to compute a K-sample test for equality. I accepted the null hypothesis that all annual Kaplan-Meier survival curves (Lee 1980) were equal and rejected it if at least 1 curve was monotonically larger or smaller than the rest. Following a rejection of the null hypothesis, the annual survival curve responsible for the largest contribution to the x2 statistic was identified by year and compared for statistical similarity versus the survival curve representing the rest of the years. The process was repeated until a non-significant x2 statistic was obtained. Identical rational and hypothesis testing procedures were used to examine survival by season for differences in survival curves among years. I calculated annual survival rates based on a calendar year starting on 16 May. Seasonal survival rates were calculated for summer (16 May through 31 August), autumn (1 Sep through 31 December), and winter (1 January through 15 May) during 1980-91. Because winter-related mortality of moose can span into early May 167 MODAFFERI in a long and/or late winter, the 16 May through 15 May calendar year aligned winter mortality with the appropriate winter and year. Snow Conditions Snowpack depth measurements were used to appraise snow conditions. These measurements were obtained from Alaska Climatological Data Reports, U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, National Climate Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina for October throught April during 1980-91. Snow conditions were characterized using maximum snowpack depth and the duration of deep snowpack from October through April. Duration of deep snow was the number of months that snow depth was ~110 em, the approximate chest of adult Alaskan moose. Measurements at Wasilla, Willow, Talkeetna, and Skwentna weather stations were used to reflect general snow conditions in the study area. In a few instances, snow measurement data were unavailable for a particular month at a weather station. In these cases, data from the next nearest weather station were used to proportionalize maximum snow depth for the month in question. RESULTS Capture, Radio-collaring, Monitoring, Moose Sightability, and Population Sampling During 1980-91, 204 moose (138 F) were captured, radio- collared, and monitored in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska. Number of moose monitored and at risk varied by calendar year; these ranged from 6 to 25 in males and from 29 to 89 in 168 MODAFFERI females (Fig. 2). Moose were radio-tracked 9,754 times during 363 aerial surveys. Annual monitoring effort varied in relation to the number of radio-collared moose at risk (Fig. 2). Surveys ranged from 16 in 1985-86 to 43 in 1989-90. Fifteen moose (10 F) died from problems with capture and were omitted from survival analyses. Eighty-six of 128 females were monitored over 3 years and 25 females were monitored over 6 years (Fig. 3A). Sixteen of 61 males were monitored over 3 years while no males were monitored longer than 6 years (Fig. 3B). Sightability of moose varied by season and sex (Fig. 4). Monitoring effort was high during parturition (May-June), hunting season (September), and winter (January-April). Sightability was high from October through March when deciduous vegetation was leafless, snow cover was present, and moose were in shrub dominated open-canopy habitats. This situation coincided with aggregation of moose in postrut and winter concentration areas. However, sightability decreased from April through June when snow was patchy, leaf-out occurred, and moose dispersed from winter concentration areas. Moose sightability was particularly low in August when moose were in forest habitats. Sightability of cow moose was higher in late-May vs. early-May , June or July. While bulls easier to see in July vs. late-May, June or August. Bull moose were seen more frequently than cows in both August and September. Moose monitored for survival varied widely (Hair 1980). Home range size of moose monitored >9 years ranged from 70 km 2 to 1200 km 2 . I monitored both migratory and non-migratory 169 MODAFFERI individuals (LeResche 1974, Sweanor and Sandegren 1988) that moved <10 km and >35 km, respectively, between winter and summer ranges. Annual home ranges at low (46-91 m) or high (914-2560 m) elevation or annual ranges included seasonal ranges at both low and high elevations (91-1920 m). Monitored moose lived year- round in remote areas or in areas in close proximity to roadways, railways and humans, or year-round ranges overlapped both types of landscape. Home ranges could be adjacent to marine tidal flats or up to 100 km inland. Winter ranges of individuals were at both low (<100 m) and high (>1800 m) elevations. Postrutting areas were in alpine shrub and lowland mixed forest habitat. Winter areas were on lowland floodplains and in high elevation watersheds. censorship, Mortality, and causes of Mortality Twenty-three (15 F) of 189 collared moose (128 F) were censored before the end of the study because they had either shed their collar or I lost contact. alive at the end of the study. Fifty-three moose (47 F) were Twenty-nine (SF) of 113 moose (66 F) monitored until death, were killed by hunters. Consequently, survival was based on 84 (61 F) deaths. In total, 10 collared moose (5 F, 5 M) were censored for shed collars of which 8 were censored <3 months after capture. I expected some bulls to shed collars. Collars were fitted loosely on bulls to accommodate rut related increases in neck size. Additionally, moose slipped collars in spring and early summer when neck hair was shedding and animals lowered their heads to feed on field layer vegetation. Of 7 moose deaths (5 F, 2 M) 170 MODAFFERI assigned to illegal harvest, radio fix sites of 3 were in residential housing developments. Another illegal harvest involved a radio-collared cow observed in winter with a calf near an occupied remote cabin. On the subsequent survey, the radio- fix was at the cabin and a lone calf was nearby. That radio- signal was not heard on subsequent surveys. Another illegal kill, a male moose, was radio-tracked and observed near a well travelled highway. On the next survey the radio-fix was in the Talkeetna landfill. Ten moose deaths (9 F, 1 M) were ascribed to accidents. The accident classification included moose that had fallen or slipped, drowned and/or died from exposure. Accidents included 1 in an ice jam during spring break-up, 1 in a log jam during spring high water, 2 in flowing water at the base of 70-100 m high steep rocky cliffs, 2 with only a head and neck protruding through iced-covered streams, 2 in open water leads of ice-cover rivers, and 1 with spayed hind legs on glare-ice of a frozen river. The 1 defense of life or property death was a bull shot by a rural homeowner because it aggressively precluded access to an out-building. I did not detect a relationship between hunter harvest of bull moose in autumn and moose deaths in the following winter assigned to all other sources (Ql = 0.087, R2 = 0.006), winter kill (Ql = 0.059 R2 = 0.003), or other (Ql = 0.024, R2 = 0.001). snowpack Depth Maximum snowpack ranged from 10 to 276 em among 4 snow stations and 6 months during October through April, 1980-90 (Fig. 171 MODAFFERI SA). Snowpack depth was greatest at Skwentna in 9 of 10 years and lowest at Wasilla in all years. Among years and snow stations calendar year maximum snowpack ranged from 46 to 276 em. In 1985-86, maximum snowpack was not >46 em and in 1980-83, it was not >89 em. During 1980-91, snowpack at Wasilla was not >69 em. In 1984-85 and 1989-90, maximum snowpack was >110 em at 3 or 4 snow stations but in 1989-90, snowpack depth was >225 em at those 3 stations (Fig SB). In 1989-90, maximum snowpack was >110 em in 4 or 5 months at 3 snow stations. Winter in both 1984-85 and 1989-90 was considered severe with deep persistent snow for most of the winter. October and November maximum snowpack at Talkeetna and Skwentna were more than SO% greater in 1989-90 than in 1984-85 (Fig. 6). Talkeetna and Skwentna maximum snowpacks were greater in January 1990 than in October-April in 1984-85. Talkeenta and Skwentna maximum snowpacks during January-April was greater month by month in 1989-90 than in 1984-85. Early accumulation of deep snow and long duration of deep snow in 1989- 90, provide evidence that winter conditions for moose, were more severe in 1989-90 than in 1984-85. Annual and seasonal survival Annual survival curves for cow moose differed among calendar years 1980-91 ( x2 = 57.9642, 10 df, E = o.oooo) with 1989-90 significantly lower (0.65) (X 2 = 49.3981, 1 df, E = 0.0000) than the other years (Fig. 7A and Table 3). Survival did not differ among the remaining 10 years 1980-89 and 1990-91 (0.92) (X 2 = 14.198, 9 df, E = 0.115), despite the relatively low overall survival in 1984-85 (0.815). Apparently, above average survival 172 MODAFFERI through autumn moderated the effects of below average survival in winter on the cumulative survival distribution in 1984-85. Cow survival was not different among years within summer (X 2 = 8.335, 9 df, £ = 0.501) and autumn (X 2 = 7.192, 9 df, £ = 0.617)) seasons, so yearly data were combined within summer and autumn seasons to generate a single survival curve for summer (0.98) and fall (0.98) and the calendar period, summer through autumn. Winter survival of cows was significantly different among years 1980-90, with 1989-90 lower (0.70) x2 = 67.482, 10 df, £ = 0.0000) than the rest. After removing 1989-90 winter data from the analysis, a difference was detected in winter survival curves among the remaining 9 years (1980-89 and 1990-91) (X 2 = 22.159, 8 df, £ = 0.005); survival in 1984-85 was lower (0.82) (X 2 = 5.258, 1 df, £ = 0.022). After removing both 1984- 85 and 1989-90 data no difference among the remaining 8 years was detected (X 2 = 2.509, 7 df, £ = 0.926) so data were pooled over years to generate a single survival estimate (0.97) for a winter with normal accumulations of snow. Cow survival estimates from 1984-85 and 1989-90 were not different (X 2 = 2.509, 7 df, £ = 0.926), thus data from these years were pooled to generate a single survival estimate (0.74) for cows during a deep-snow winter. Annual survival curves of bulls differed among calendar years 1980-91 ( x2 = 26.34, 10 df, £ = 0.003) with 1989-90 significantly lower (0.29) (X 2 = 17.379, 1 df, £ < 0.001) than the other years (Fig. 7B and Table 3). Survival of bulls did not differ among the remaining years, 1980-89 and 1990-91 (0.84) (X 2 173 MODAFFERI = 14.543, 9 df, £ = 0.104). Bull survival was lower in 1984-85 (0.69) than the average (0.83) but small sample sizes decreased power of the test. Bull survival was not different among years within the summer (0.99) (X 2 = 5.985, 10 df, £ = 0.817) and autumn (0.90) (X 2 = 8.117, 10 df, £ = 0.617) season, so yearly data were combined within summer and autumn seasons to generate a single survival curve for summer (0.99) and autumn (0.90) and the calendar period, summer through autumn. Survival of bulls was lower (95\ Cis) in autumn than in summer. Winter survival of bulls was significantly different ( x2 = 31.717, 9 df, £ < 0.001) among years (1980-90) with 1989-90 lower (0.33) (X 2 = 23.94, 1 df, £ < 0.001) than the rest. After removing the 1989-90 winter data from the analysis, I failed to detect a difference among the remaining 8 years (X 2 = 13.411, 8 df, £ = 0.098) so data were pooled over the years 1980-90 to generate a single survival estimate for bulls (0.94) in a winter with normal accumulations of snow. Data from winter 1989-90 provided a survival estimate (0.33) for bulls in a deep-snow winter. Timinq and cause of Mortality During 16 May 1980 through 25 February 1991, 112 radio- collared moose (66 F) died (Tables 1 and 2). Twenty-nine (5 F) of the 112 deaths were hunter kills and were excluded from this analysis. Frequency of cow moose deaths peaked in winter in March (26\) (Fig. SA); number of deaths was higher in winter (65\) than in spring (16%) and/or autumn (18%) (Fig. 9A). No cow deaths occurred in November. Frequency of bull moose deaths was 174 MODAFFERI low in May through August (4%), whereas 28% of the cow moose died during May through August. However, during September and October, frequency of deaths was clearly higher in bulls (39%) than in cows (12%) (Fig. 9A). The frequency of deaths for all moose was highest in winter (62%) with 38% in February through March and 26% in March. In years with deep-snow, 83% of the moose that died, did so in winter; 56% in February through March, and 44 in March (Fig. 8B). However, in normal snow years, 60% of the bulls died in autumn; 53% in September and October (Fig. 8C). In 1980-91, the frequency of moose deaths was highest in March with 23% of bulls and 26% of cows dying. In bulls, there was little difference between the frequency of death in autumn (46%) and winter (50%) (Fig. 9A), but in cows, there was a small difference between deaths in summer (16%) and autumn (18.3) and a large difference between those values and frequency of death in winter (66%) (Fig. 9A). In deep-snow years, 85% of the cow deaths and 75% of the bull deaths occurred in winter (Fig. 9B). In 1984-85 the year deep snow accumulated late in winter (January through March), frequency of deaths was higher in cows than in bulls, whereas in 1989-90 the year deep snow accmulated early in winter during October through January, frequency of deaths was higher in bulls than in cows and bulls died earlier (0% after April in the winter than cows (24% after April). In normal snow accumulation years, frequency of deaths in cows was highest in winter (43%) and lowest in autumn (25%), whereas in males, frequency of deaths was highest in autumn (60%) and lowest in summer (0%) (Fig. 9C). 175 MODAFFERI Cause of death was known for 42 (15 F) of 113 (66 F) moose monitored until death (Tables 1 and 2): 10 (8 F) were ascribed to train, 28 (4 F) to hunter harvest, 1 (lF) to defense of life or property, and 2 (1 F) to illegal harvest. Cause of death for 71 (51 F) moose was not verified. Of these 71, 35 (26 F) were assigned to winter kill, 10 (9 F) to accidents, 5 (4 F) to illegal harvest, and 21 (12 F) to other. Hunter harvest was omitted from succeeding analyses. Frequency of deaths and cause of death varied in relation to snow accumulation and by sex of moose (Fig. 10). In 1980-91, frequency of winter kill in moose was 42%; 43% in females and 39% in males. In 1984-85 and 1989- 90, the years with deep accumulaitons of snow in winter, frequency of winter kill was 66%; 63% in females and 75% in males. In 1980-84, 1985-89 and 1990-91, the years with normal accumulations of snow in winter, frequency of winter kill was 19%; 18% in females and 20% in males. In males, in years 1980- 84, 1985-89, and 1990-91 combined and in 1980-91, the cause of death with highest frequency was other (47% and 39%, respectively). In 1980-91, percent of moose deaths attributed to accidents was >3 times greater in cows (15%) than in bulls (4%) whereas, in the same years, the number of deaths ascribed to other was >2 higher in males (39%) than in females (20%). In 1980-84, 1985-89, and 1990-91, the years with normal accumulations of snow, frequency of moose deaths was similar among accidents (19%), illegal harvest (16%), and winter kill (19%). DISCUSSION 176 MODAFFERI One goal of this study was to provide moose managers with guideline data on survival to use in models of moose population dynamics. To refine survival data for this use, hunter harvest, a highly variable anthropogenic component of mortality was censored from derivation of survival estimates. However, censoring of the reported hunter harvest probably did not completely cleanse survivorship data of effects of hunters and hunting; death data likely remained confounded by death of moose from hunter inflicted bullet wounds (Lykke and Cowan 1968, Gasaway et al. 1983, Fryxell et al. 1988), unreported hunter harvest (Rausch et al. 1974:710), and illegal harvest (Crichton 1987, Bangs et al. 1989). I found no evidence of compensatory relationship between hunter harvest of bulls in autumn and all deaths, winter-kill deaths, or unknown cause deaths of bulls the following winter. Annual survival of adult moose in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska was greatly influenced by highly variable snow conditions during winter. Survival rate for both bulls and cows was highest and varied the least during spring and summer. Survival rate for cows in autumn was not different from summer. Survival rate for bulls was lower in autumn than in spring and lower than that for cows in autumn. These findings re-emphasize the fundamental importance of snow conditions and winter-related mortality in the ecology and population dynamics of moose suggested previously for Alaska (Bishop and Rausch 1974, Coady 1974, Gasaway 1983:29, Ballard et al. 1991:34-35, Modafferi 1991) and elsewhere (Peterson and Allen 1974, Saether 1985, Mech et al. 177 MODAFFERI 1987, Anderson et al. 1991, Child et al. 1991). Snow conditions, which influence movements (Sweanor et al. 1992), distribution (Modafferi 1991) and mobility (Kelsall and Prescott 1971) predictably affect survival of moose. Moose survive poorly in early, long, deep-snow winters (Bishop and Rausch 1974, Peterson and Allen 1974, Ballard et al. 1991). Moose survival during the late May-early May calendar year, which included the deep-snow winter of 1989-90 (females 0.65, males 0.29) was lower than survival rates in many other moose studies (Albright and Keith 1981, Mytton and Keith 1981, Messier and Crete 1985, Boar 1988, Fryxell et al. 1988, Bangs et al. 1989). However, in lower Susitna Valley moose, survival was relatively high (cows 0.92 and bulls 0.84) in 7 of 9 years with snow accumulations that were relatively deep (81-157 em) compared to snow accumulations that resulted in high mortality or limited distribution of moose in other populations (Nasimovich 1955, Kelsall and Telfer 1974, Peterson and Allen 1974, Wilhelmson and Sylven 1979). Clearly, the accumulation of snow that elicites a "severe" winter with respect to moose varies within a wide range of depths depending on location over the global distribution of moose. My data showing differences in timing and magnitude of deaths of cows and bulls within and between the 2 deep-snow winters, 1984-85 and 1989-90, provide evidence of sex-based differences in winter survival of moose. Sex differences in survival in winter may be related to differences in seasonal dynamics of the nutritive condition and physiology of cow and bull moose. Nutritive condition of bull moose is at a low point 178 MODAFFERI after the autumn rut in early winter (Regelin et al. 1985, Schwartz et al. 1987). Males must recoup their nutritive losses in early winter to survive through winter. Whereas, nutritional demands on cows are especially high during the final stages of pregnancy in late winter (Schwartz et al. 1984, Schwartz et al. 1987). Females must sustain growth and maintenance of reproductive tissues and a fetus(es) as well as maintain their nutritive condition to survive through winter and support lactation immediately following winter. Therefore, I believe that in 1984-85, the accumulation of deep snow in late winter was more harsh on cows than on bulls, but, in 1989-90, the accumulation of deep snow in early winter was more stressful on bulls than on cows. These findings suggest that the temporal patterns of snow accumulation are important factors effecting survival and the population dynamics of moose. Clearly, my data point-out that 1) moose are subject to major die-offs in winter after standard autumn post-hunt population surveys are conducted (Gasaway et al. 1986); 2) managers must be cognizant of snow conditions throughout winter to accurately assess the survival and population status of moose; and 3) management programs must have the flexibility to respond to late winter die-offs of moose when setting autumn harvest levels. In other moose studies, high survival of adults was associated with low rates of predation (Ballard and Larsen 1987). However, predation was not identified as a prominent factor affecting survival of adult moose in lower Susitna Valley. Wolves were present in the study area, but there was no evidence 179 MODAFFERI of wolf predation on collared moose. During 11 years, I observed evidence of wolf predation on moose only one time. In this instance, there was evidence that 2 moose were killed by wolves in the extreme northern part of the study area. Other predators, including black bears, brown bears, and coyotes were observed in encounters with cow moose with neonate(s). Nevertheless, I never observed bears or coyotes killing or consuming moose. However, my data show that from late-May through August survival of cows was lower than bulls and that survival of cows from late-May through June was lower than in July though August. These data suggest that cow moose were vulnerable to sex x time specific mortality associated with parturition and/or neonates. In other moose studies, mortality of adult cows during this calendar period was attributed to predation by brown bears (Boertje et al. 1988, Larsen et al. 1989). Bear predation was the most probable cause of cow moose deaths during this calendar period in my study. The sex-biased mortality of bull moose in autumn, during hunting season and through the rut, was not unexpected. In other studies, death of moose, primarily males, during autumn was attributed to hunter inflicted bullet wounds (Gasaway et al. 1983, Fryxell et al. 1988), wounds from rut-related fights with other moose (Bubenik 1987:351-352, Gasaway 1992:28), and illegal harvest (Mytton and Keith 1981, Bangs et al. 1989, McDonald 1991). Although these are the most probable causes of bull moose mortality in autumn, wounds or predation from brown bears (Boertje et al. 1988, Larsen et al. 1989) that respond to 180 MODAFFERI vocalizations of rutting bulls, were also potential sources of bull moose mortality. Many investigators point out that accidents are a source of moose mortality (Bangs et al. 1989, Larsen et al. 1989, Cederlund and Sand 1991, Child et al. 1991, Lavsund and Sandegren 1991,). However, I am aware of only 1 study (Danilov 1987:519-520) that indicated accidents were a prominent source. In my study, in years with normal accumulations of snow and excluding moose deaths from collisions with trains or vehicles, 27% of the cow moose mortality could be attributed to accidents. During 1980- 91, with train-kills omitted, 17% the cow moose deaths were from accidents. Accidents and train-kills combined accounted for 28% of the cow moose deaths. Collision with trains is a notable source of moose mortality in the lower Susitna Valley (Modafferi 1991), as in other jurisdictions (Child 1983, Andersen et al. 1991), because a railway crosses major summer-winter migration routes and winter ranges and in deep-snow years large numbers of migrating moose aggregate in winter areas along the railway corridor. In many jurisdictions moose-vehicle collisions were an important source of mortality (Child et al. 1991, Lavsund and Sandegren 1991, McDonald 1991, Oosenburg et al. 1991). However, in my study, although a high-volume roadway was located roughly parallel to the railway, no collared moose were killed in collisions with vehicles. This incongruity between railway (N = 10) and roadway moose kill rates may be attributed to age of the moose I studied and to age-related learning processes. In 181 MODAFFERI another moose study in Alaska, road-kill calf ratios were >3 times higher than the overall population calf ratios in the area (Del Frate and Spraker 1991). Moose I studied were adults; at the time of collaring no moose were <18 months. Perhaps, moose learn to avoid collisions with vehicles through non-lethal collisions with vehicles, whereas, few moose learn to avoid collisions with trains because most moose-train collisions are lethal. Previous research indicates that moose select habitat based on many factors including availability of cover, overstory and/or forage (Peek et al. 1976, Pierce and Peek 1984). My radio- tracked moose corroborate data from other studies that show overstory and cover characteristics of habitats utilized by moose differ by sex and time of year. Both sexes of moose were seen most frequently in winter when moose utilize shrub dominated open habitats in alpine or lowland landscapes. Cows were observed more frequently than bulls in early-May and June when parturient cows utilize wet, open black spruce bog climax communities (LeResche et al. 1974:157, Bailey and Bangs 1980). Cow moose were seen less frequently in June than in May. Decreased observability of cows during early-summer through August may be attributed to movement from the relatively open habitats used during parturition to denser forest habitats that cows with neonates utilize for concealment and isolation from other moose (Miquelle et al. 1992), predators (Stringham 1974, Stephens and Peterson 1984) and/or access to higher quality forage in shaded forests (Hjeljord 1992). Higher observability of bulls in July 182 MODAFFERI than in late-May-September and higher observability of bulls than cows in July and August may be related to antler growth. Whereas, cows with neonates select relative dense habitats in late summer, bulls may avoid dense forests because their antlers are growing (Bubenik and Bubenik 1987, Verme 1988). Damage to growing antlers would be painful and malformed antlers would affect the status of a male. Higher observability of bulls in July than in August may be related to several factors including nutritional requirements and forage quality in sunny versus shaded growth sites (Hjeljord 1992). The higher observability of both cows and bulls in October and November than in summer correlates with movement of moose into open shrub dominated alpine habitat after the rut. This movement is likely influenced by forage quality (Thompson et al. 1981, Modafferi 1991). The decrease in moose sightability during November through December correlates with the movement of moose from open shrub dominated postrut concentration areas through forest habitats to shrub dominated winter areas (Modafferi 1991). MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Accumulation of snow was a prominent and highly variable source of mortality affecting annual survival of moose in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska. My data indicate survival of 33% and 74% for bulls and cows, respectively, in winter (1 January though 15 May) after traditional autumn post-hunt population surveys are conducted. Clearly, annual management decisions and harvest policies should not be solidified before information on winter survival is available and analyzed. 183 MODAFFERI Ideally, moose management programs should have provisions for reacting to winter die-offs of moose and reevaluating modifying management decisions and harvest policies formulated in late autumn. If winter die-offs of moose periodically perturb manipulatively managed populations (Caughley and Sinclair 1994:2), should harvest policies and goals be commensurate with K carrying capacity in a normal snow winter or a deep-snow winter? To knowledgeably evaluate alternative forms of moose harvest policy, managers must utilize simulation models (Erickson and Sylven 1979, Sylven et al. 1987) to obtain baseline informatio on population dynamics and public processes to solicite input on allocation from social, political, and economic interests. My data suggest that illegal harvest, unreported harvest, and other mortality related to hunting caused significant mortality in bulls in autumn. Moose managers should be aware of these less perceptible forms of mortality that are additive byproducts of hunter harvest. Finally, my data indicate that in the absence of high densities of predators, snow accumulation in winter is a recurrent perturbing factor with large effects on size and composition of moose populations in lower Susint Valley. If predator densities increased to higher levels, winter weather perturbations could cause moose populations to be at lower density equilibria maintained by predators (i.e., a predator pit) (Van Ballenberghe 1987). 184 MODAFFERI LITERATURE CITED Albright, C. A., and L. B, Keith. 1987. Populaitons dynamics of moose, Alces alces, on the South-coast Barrens of Newfoundland. Can. Field. Nat. 101:373-387. Andersen, R. A., B. Wiseth, P. H. Pederson, and V. Jaren. 1991. Moose-train collisions: effects of environmental conditions. Alces 27:79-84. Ballard, W. B. 1992a. Modelled impacts of wolf and bear predation on moose calf survival. Alces 28:79-88. 1992b. Bear predation on moose: a review of recent North American studies and their management implications. Alces. 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Radio-collared moose monitored for survival in lower Susitna Valley, southcentral Alaska 1980-90. Fig. 3. Number of years radio-collared moose were monitored from date of capture to date of censoring or date of death, lower Susitna valley in southcentral Alaska, 1980-91. Fig. 4. Monitoring effort (A) and sightability (B) of moose radio-tracked with aircraft in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska 1980-91. Fig. 5. Maximum snowpack depth (A) and duration and extent of deep snow (B) measured at Wasilla, Willow, Talkeetna, and Skwentna in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska, during October through April, 1980-90. Fig. 6. Snow accumulation in the deep-snow winters of 1984-85 and 1989-90 at Talkeetna (TK) and Skwentna (SK) in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska. Fig. 7. Survival of radio-collared moose monitored with aircraft in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska, 15 May 1980 through 25 February 1991. 195 MODAFFERI Fig. 8. Mortality of radio-collared adult male and female moose monitored with aircraft in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska, 1980-91. Fig. 9. Mortality of radio-collared adult moose monitored with aircraft during 3 seasons in lower Susitna Valley in southcentral Alaska, 1980-91. Fig. 10. Cause of death of radio-collared adult moose monitored with aircraft in lower Susitna Valley, southcentral Alaska, 1980- 91. WK = winter kill, TK = train kill, AC = accidents, IH = illegal harvest, DP = defense of life or property, and OT = other. 196 LEGEND -*-= Study area 13E = Game Management Subunit ~=Railroad • • • =Roadway • = Weather stations WA =Wasilla WI =Willow TA =Talkeetna SK = Skwentna / / / .... = Focal locations AC = Alexander Creek SA = Susitna River TM = Talkeetna Mountains YS = Yentna and Skwentna Rivers 197 ~~~. i 100 0 80 w a: ~ z 60 0 ~ w C/) 0 40 0 ~ d z 20 0 IE] FEMALES ISJ MALES 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 CALENDAR YEAR (16 MAY-15 MAY) 198 40 30 w (/) 0 020 ::2 10 0 40 30 w (/) 0 020 ~ 10 0 (A) FEMALES D CENSORED ITlJ DEATHS Q-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 1 Q-11 (B) MALES 0 CENSORED [J DEATHS 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 1 Q-11 NO. YEARS MONITORED 199 1,000 800 (./) w X u.. 600 6 0 < a: 400 0 z 200 0 100 (./) 80 w X u:: 6 0 60 ~ I-< z 40 w w (./) ';!. 20 0 MONITORING EFFORT FEMALES • MALES -,._ .... ...-~ . . --~ ' .. .... .... .,. ' "' .. _ 4'"' ... _ ~ _ .. ' • LMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR EMY FEMALES • MALES -.. _ LMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR EMY MONTH 200 300-(A) SNOWPACK DEPTH ~ ~ 250 • (2] WASILLA :I: D WILLOW f-a.. [ill TALKEETNA ~ 200-~ 150 • IQj SKWE~ CHE:T HEIGHT Of ADULT MOOSE ~ 100------------------------------~~ ---------------------- ~ :: H ~ ::: ~ 50 -r " I r I " ",,_',,_·_:,,_'.-,_~ v c:1 E ~::: v:::: v v-v 0 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 6 -(B) DURATION AND EXTENT OF DEEP SNOW tLj WASILLA ~ 5-(.) D WILLOW 0 ~ A 4 • 0 CJ) ~ 3- CJ) :I: f-z 0 2. ~ 0 z 1 • l]]l TALKEETNA ~SKWENTNA 0 I I I 1 1 I I 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 WINTER SEASON (OCT-APR) 201 300 0 OCT TK 1984-85 ••••• SK 1984-85 ••••• TK 1989-90 -·-SK 1989-90 -·- , • , \ , \ , , , , }\ \ \ \ \ , . , , -~ ... _J ' \ ' \ ' \ , ~ ... . '•·.. " '-~ ,' , ~ . . . ....... , . . . ·. ·... ·~ · .. • • •• , ... ~ ... ·. ·. ·.... . , ~I##••• • , ., .. J .... A '· _, --, .. r.·· .· --"" ... . . . . NOV DEC JAN MONTH FEB 202 MAR APR 0.9 _J <( > 0.8 > a: :::> (J) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.8 _J <( > 0.6 > a: :::> (J) 0.4 0.2 0 (A) FEMALES .... ..,.-.-:::() .... -0·· ... 0 •. ···&.::: 8::.... . . ···E>· o .. ···Q. ••• ·o..... a .... o ·····Q +95%CL ····0···· AU LMY -DEC & NORMAL WINTERS • -95%CL ····~···· +95%CL •••• El• ••• SEVERE WINTERS I -95% CL •••• El· ••• ·~ "f] "•fi! LMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR EMY (8) MALES "•1:) ......... ·0. .••• "0• •••• 0 .•.•• &...: .. 0 ••••• 0.. -o. ~: .. -o ••... 0 .... ·0 +95%CL • • • ·E>· ••• AU LMY-DEC & NORMAL WINTERS • -95%CL • • • ·El· ••• +95%CL •••• El· ••• SEVERE WINTERS • -95%CL •••• El· ••• ·. · . ··~:O·····Q-····0 ·. • [J • • .c LMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR EMY CALENDAR PERIOD 203 F\G-.. '1 30 (A) 1960-91 (ALL YEARS) 25 . f~ ~:~s ~ 20. ~ a: 15. 0 ::::!: rf. 10. 5. 0 50 40• 10. 0 n m • • 17 v v LMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR E'-IY (B) 1984-85 AND 1989-90 (DEEP SNOW YEARS) ~ .. :n rn. ~::1 m. Fl I I I I I vii v:: v:j: v::: v ,, n. v: ltl LMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR E'-IY 30 • (C) 1960-84, 1985-89, AND 1990-91 (NORMAL SNOW YEARS) 25-l~ ;~s I ~ 20• :::i ~ a: 15. 0 ::::!: ~ 10. 5• v v v v v ··:. :·:: .· ~ I I 1 fl ! I 0 L-~~~~.~~.~~~~~.~~~~~~~~._~. LMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR EMY CAlENDAR PERIOD 204 70 60 50 ~ ~40 a:: 0 ::::E30 ?f. 20 10 0 0 (A) 1980-91 (All YEARS) ~~=sl 18 MAY·31 AUG 1 SEP-31 DEC 1 JAN·15MAY (SUMMER) (AUTUMN) (WINTER) (B) 1984-85 AND 1989-90 (DEEP SNOW YEARS) 18MAY·31 AUG (SUMMER) 1 SEP-31 DEC (AUTUMN) 1 JAN·15MAY (WINTER) (C) 1980-84, 1985-89, AND 1990-91 (NORMAL SNOW YEARS) ~ ~ 16 MA.Y-31 AUG (SUMMER) 1 SEP-31 DEC (AUTUMN) 1 JAN·15MAY (WINTER) 205 F\6. to. WI( TK AC IH DP OT (B) 1984-85 AND 1 ~ (DEEP SNOW YEARS) 80 ~~=sl 60 20 0 WI( TK AC IH DP OT 50 (C) 1980-84. 1~ 1990-91 (NORMAL SNOW YEARS) ~ 40 10 WI( TK AC IH OP OT CAUSE OF MORTAUTY 206 MODAFFERI Table 1. Fate of 138 adult female radio-collared moose in lower susitna Valley, in southcentral Alaska, 1979-91. Yentna Susitna Talkeetna Alexander Skwentna Fate River Mountains Creek Rivers All Captured 54 50 17 17 138 Death at capture 3 5 2 0 10 r-- 0 Monitored 51 45 15 17 128 N Censored 13 0 1 1 15 Lost signal contact 9 0 1 0 10 Shed collar 4 0 0 1 5 Deaths 34 19 6 7 66 Cause of death verified 10 3 1 1 15 Train kill 7 1 0 0 8 Hunter harvest 2 1 1 1 5 Illegal harvest 0 1 0 0 1 MODAFFERI Table 1. Continued. Yentna Susitna Talkeetna Alexander Skwentna Fate River Mountains Creek · Rivers All Defense of life or property 1 0 0 0 1 Cause of death unverifieda 24 16 5 6 51 00 0 killb N Winter 14 5 3 4 26 Accident/injury 6 3 0 0 9 Illegal harvest 1 3 0 0 4 Otherc 3 5 2 2 12 Survivors 4 26 8 9 47 MODAFFERI Table 1. Continued. Yentna susitna Talkeetna Alexander Skwentna Fate River Mountains Creek Rivers All a Cause of death determined by circumstances and evidence at site of radio-fix and/or radio-collar. b Winter kill = no evidence of predation, accident or illegal kill and substrate covered with snow. c other = circumstantial evidence insufficient to assign to a classification. 0"1 0 N MODAFFERI Table 2. Fate of 66 adult male radio-collared moose in lower Susitna Valley, in southcentral Alaska, 1979-91. Yentna Susitna Talkeetna Alexander Skwentna Fate River Mountains Creek Rivers All Captured 23 27 3 13 66 Death at capture 2 2 0 1 5 0 N Monitored 21 25 3 12 61 Censored 4 2 0 2 8 Lost signal contact 1 2 0 0 3 Shed collar 3 0 0 2 5 Deaths 17 19 2 9 47 Cause of death verified 12 11 1 3 27 Train kill 2 0 0 0 2 Hunter harvest 10 10 1 3 24 Illegal harvest 0 1 0 0 1 MODAFFERI Table 2. Continued. Fate Defense of life or property Cause of death unverifieda Winter killb Accident/injury Illegal harvest Otherc survivors Susitna River 0 5 2 0 1 2 0 Talkeetna Mountains 0 8 2 1 0 5 4 Alexander Creek 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Yentna Skwentna Rivers 0 6 5 0 0 1 1 All 0 20 9 ('.I 1 1 9 6 MODAFFERI Table 2. Continued. Yentna Susitna Talkeetna Alexander Skwentna Fate River Mountains Creek Rivers All a Cause of death determined by circumstances and evidence at site of radio-fix and/or radio-collar. b Winter kill = no evidence of predation, accident or illegal kill and substrate covered with snow. c Other = circumstantial evidence insufficient to assign to a classification. MODAFFERI Table 3. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates for radio-collared adult female and male moose monitored with aircraft in lower Susitna Valley, southcentral Alaska 1980-91. Year Sex (16 May-15 May) Season a Female 1980-89, 1990-91 Annual 1989-90 Annual 1980-91 Summer 1980-91 Autumn 1980-84, 1985-89 Winter-N 1984-85, 1989-90 Winter-s Male 1980-89, 1990-91 Annual 1989-90 Annual 1980-91 Summer 1980-91 Autumn 1980-89 Winter-N 1989-90 Winter-S No. monitoredb 534 82 489 486 421 111 154 20 117 128 117 13 Survival estimatec 0.9174 0.6499 0.9795 0.9765 0.9671 0.7394 0.8412 0.2865 0.9914 0.8879 0.9366 0.3333 95% CI 0.8928-0.9420 0.5483-0.7516 0.9668-0.9921 0.9628-0.9902 0.9501-0.9841 0.6605-0.8183 0.7782-0.9041 0.0928-0.4801 0 0 9745-1.0083 0.8235-0.9522 0.8922-0.9811 0.1156-0.5511 (") N MODAFFERI Table 3. Continued. Year Sex (16 May-15 May) Season a No. monitoredb Survival estimatec 95% CI a Annual = 16 May-15 May; Summer = 16 May-31 Aug; Autumn = 1 Sep-31 Dec; and winter = 1 Jan-15 May. N = winter(s) with normal accumulations of snow. S = winter(s) with deep accumulations of snow. b Includes individuals added in staggered entry but does not include moose that died from problems with capture. c Pollock et al., 1989. Alaska's Game Management Units OF 10 II . • • .. , ,· The Alaska Department of Fish and Game administers all programs and activities free from discrimination based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parenthood, or disability. The department administers all programs and activities in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility, or if you desire further information please write to ADF&G, P.O. Box 25526, Juneau, AK 99802-5526; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 4040 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 300 Webb, Arlington, VA 22203 or O.E.O., U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington DC 20240. For information on alternative formats for this and other department publications, please contact the department ADA Coordinator at (voice) 907-465-6077, (TDD) 907-465-3646, or (FAX) 907-465-6078.