HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4136I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL CONFIDENTIAL; PRIVILEGED WORK PRODUCT PREPARED IN ANTICIPATION OF LITIGATION; RESTRICltD 0\STRlBUTION INVESTIGATION MEMORANDUM Susitna Hydroelectric Project Social Science Program Fiscal Yea: 1984 ---FL~AL DRAFT Harza-Ebasco Susitne. Joint Venture November 1983 I l ! I r I' i ! l I I • I "-~------·-·-~~ ~:1! l\) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductlon. . . • • • (I 1.1 1.2 Background . . . General Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 . 1-1 1-1 . . 2.0 Study Objectives ........................ 2-1 3.0 Identification of Issues ... ~ ................ 3-1 4.0 Previous Studies and Data Availability. • • 4.1 4.2 Previous Studies . . Data Availability •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . .-. . . . 4-1 4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 4-1 5.0 Delineation of Study Area ..........•........ 5-l 6.0 Study Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 General Social Science Program .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 6-1 . . . 6-1 6.2 6.1.1 6.1.2 General Investigation Memorandum . . . Detailed Plan of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6·-1 6-1 6.1.3 Progress Reports •...............• 6-1 6.1.4 Quality Assurance. . .•..•......•. 6-2 6.1.5 Responses to FERC Supplemental Information 6.1.6 6.1.7 Requests •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6-2 6-2 Settlement Process Input DEIS Review Memorandum • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 . . . 6-2 6.1.8 Transmission Line Report •.•.....•• 6.1.9 Update of the FERC License Application .•. • . . 6-3 6.1.10 Final FY 1985 Work Scopes •. -•....•.... 6-3 6.1.11 Responses to Agency Comments on License Application. . . . . • . • . . . . . . . • • . . . 6-3 6.1.12 General Licensing Support. • • Cultural Resources • • • . . . • • • . 6.2.1 Cultural Resources Workshop •. . . • • 'i. • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . ' . . . 6.2.2 Preliminary Archeological Report 41! • • • • • • . 6-3 6-3 . 6-3 . 6-4 I < I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I """'" I I I 7.0 I I 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Con t 'd) 6.2.3 Archeological Sensitivity Maps .••. . . . . . . 6-4 6.2.4 Archeological Field Season Report .......•. 6-4 6.2,5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 Recommended Archeological Approach . . . . . . . . National Park Service Report • • . . . . • . . . . Updated Cultural Resources Mitigation Report . Cultural Resources Subtask Annual Report .•. 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-5 Socioeconomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ . . . . 6-5 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 Socioeconomic Workshop . .. . . . . . . . . . . 6-5 . 6-5 Transmission Line Worker Survey Report • Household, Business and Public S~ctor Survey Reports • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 6-5 Updated Socioeconomic Projections. . . . . . .. 6-6 . . . . 6-6 Working Papers (Procedures Manuals) .. Updated Socioeconomic Mitigation Plan .• . . . . 6-6 Socioeconomic Subtask Annual Report ... . . . . . 6-6 Recreation . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 . . . . 6.4.1 Recreation Plan Implementation Report .. . . . 6-6 . . 6.4.2 Recreation Subtask Annual Report ... 6-7 . . . . . . Aesthetics . • . • • • • 11 • • • • . . . . . . . . 6.5.1 6.5.2 Aesthetics Mitigation Plan Update. . . . . . 6-7 . 6-7 . • 6-7 Aesthetics Subtask Annual Report . . Land Use •• . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Land Use Subtask Annual Report . ~ . Project Alternatives . • • • • . .. . . . Impact Matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 6-7 6-7 • t 6-7 6.7.1 6.7o2 Project Alternatives Subtask Annual F..aport 6-8 Study Coordination and Management • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7-1 7.1 Harza-Ebasco • . • • • . • ~ • • • • • . . . . . . . . .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) 7.2 Interaction with Other Study Teams . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 7.3 Subcontrac.tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 7.3.1 University of Alaska Museum. . . . . . . • . . 7-4 7.3.2 Frank Orth and Associates. • . . . . • . . . . 7-4 7.3.3 EDAW, Inc. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 7.4 Coordination and Management of Subcontractors. 7-5 8.0 Schedule and Deliverables ....•........•..•.. 8-1 . 9. 0 Bud get . . . . . . . . . . c • • • • • ,. • • " • • • • • • • • .., 9-1 10.0 Attachments ...• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .1 0-1 Appendix A -Agency Raised Issues Appendix B -List of Pre,rious Studies I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ~, Q 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The Social Science Program, which is the subject of this General Inves- tigation Memorandum, focuses primarily on project-related impacts on cultural, socioeconomic, recr~ation, aesthetic, and land use re- sources. In addition, the Social Science Program examines environ- mental impacts associated with alternative project locations, designs, and energy sources. See Section 2. 0 for a discussion of the general objectives of each of these subtasks. Specifically, the General Inves- tigation Memorandum sets forth the objectives, methodology, organiza- tion and personnel, schedule, deliverables, and budget for accomplish- ing the Task 4 studies. The Detailed Plan of Study provides more spe- cific guidance for conducting the major study tasks. 1. 2 GENERAL OBJECTIVES The Task 4 Environmental Program is designed to meet the following gen- eral objectives: 1. to evaluate the environmental effects of the proposed Project in order to recommend modifications and other measures neces- sary to ensure compatibilty of the Project with the environment; 2. to ensure that the technical aspects of the environmental study progra:! allow for compliance with statutory and regula- tory requir~ments governing project de.velopment; 3. to dev~lop coordinated and relevant data collection and analy- sis programs which facilitate evaluation of project effects and mitigation of adverse effects of the proposed Project; and 4. to assist and support engineering activities to ensure proper and efficient implementation of design features to comply with environmental cons,traints and objectives. 1-1 1055B t l \ l' l 1 t I l r r I l I L I I i l \« r I ) I l ( l I \' l l I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I II I I The. specific study objectives for the Social Science Program (presented in Section 2.0) are designed to fulfill the general objectives outlined above. 1-2 1055B • I I r I i .: t t·. I r ·' !'.· I r 1 f t 1 I I l ,, ' f f j I ;li ' ~f ,.,,. ·j I I I I I I I I (} 2. 0 STUDY OBJECTIVES F ollotJing a review of the FERC License Application and other reports related to the Project and meetings with the ??ower Authoti~y and Social Science subcontractors, four general study objectives were defined for the FY 1984 Social Science Program. These study objectives are as follows: 1. 2. 3. concluct environmental planning activities required to support the FERC licensing process, provide input to the FERC License Application gpdate, provide information to support the preparation of the Draft and Final EISs, and 4. participate in the settlement process. In addition, specific FY 1984 study objectives were also defined for each Social S~ience Program subtask. are outlined below: These specific study objectives 1. Cultural Resources -The principal objectives of the Cultural Re- sources Subtask ar~ as follows: to continue identifying historical and archeological sites within ;:he project area during the 1983 field season; to reevaluate the Susi tna archeological program in light of current procedures and schedule, the role. of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and whether identified sites should be considered individually or the project area should be considered as an archeological district; and to reevaluate and up- date the cultural resources mitigation program as necessary. 2. Socioeconomics -The main objectives of the Socioeconomic Subtask are to revise the projections of socioeconomic baseline and "with project'' conditions (based on updated secondary data; surveys of households, businesses, and public sector employers in Cantwell, Talkeetna, and Trapper Creek; and a survey of Anchorage/Fairbanks Inter tie workers) and to update the m.i tiga tion plan in accordance with the revised projections. 2-1 1055B -·-.) If '. -· ... 4·-~~·· ..... ~~.: ~. (::-" ! I I fl t 1: t': I j r. II I l I ~ i ·' l !" I l I I I ; l ! l ' l ' 1 f j I I .. 1:\ 'f I I I l l ~ "· I I I I I I I IJ 3. Recreation -The primary objective of the Recreation Subtask is to pr1:1pare a Recreati,')n Plan Implementation Report which will outline the schedule and steps required to implement Phase I of the Recrea- tion Plan as identified in Chapter 7, Exhibit E of the License Application. 4. Aesthetics -The principal objective of the Aesthetics Subtask is to prepare an Ll.pd&te of the Aesthetics Mitigation Plan recommending the necessary steps to implement the aesthetics rni tiga tion program as identified in Chapter 8, Exhibit E of the License Application. 5. Land Use -The main objective of the Land Use Subtask is to update, as necessary, land use and land status inft1rmation presented in Chapter 9 of Exhibit E for the License Application revision. 6. Projact Alternatives -The thrust of the Project Alternatives Sub- task in is to develop a matrix that displays differences in envi- ronmental impacts between alternative project locations, designs, and energy sources. 2-2 . ~-·----~-I '/ ~- I .!r. 11' I! 3.0 IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUES The first step in pr.eparing the General Investigation Memorandum for the Social Science Program was to identify issues that must be ad- dressed in the Susitna licenP 1g process. A preliminary list of issues •/ was developed following a revieY of correspondence to the Power Author- ity regarding the Susi tna Project, testimony to the Power Authority B·;;ard of Direc::-.;rs, agency comments on the Draft License Application, and workshop summaries. A complete list of those issues is .:ound in Appendix A of Section 10. 0. This list delineates 'i.Jhich agency raised ~ach issue, the source of the agency's comment (i.e., letter, workshop, or survey) the status of the issue, and the target date for resolving the issue, i.f unresolved. The following is an abbrev2ated list that outlines the principal issues identified to date for each Social Science Program subtask. These is- sues will become the focal point for the Social Science Program activi- ties in FY 1984 as well as in FY 1985. C.ul tural Resourr'.es 1. The role of the Advisory Council on Ristoric Preservation should be clarified. 2. The approach for evaluating arc~eological resources (either indivi- dually or as districts) needs to be determined. 3. Resc-urce significance criteria for evalur.J.ting site or resource significance needs to be defined. 4. The ad"!ice of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation should be solicited in developing a plan for the continued survey and in- ventory of cultural resources and for developing a detailed mitiga- tion plan!, 5. A detailed aitigation Flan $hould be developed and approved by the Advisory Council on Historical Preservation, the State Historic PreserV&ti~n Officer, and representatives of appropriate land mart- agemen~ agencies. 3-1. .. 10S5B I r f~: l !' ! !: f I f I i I I l l. I I l l l I I \' I ·.~ I J Socioeconomics 1. Addi tiona! information is Lleeded on worker shift and rotation sche- dules in order to accurately forecast socioeconomic impacts. 2. Adaitional information is needed on the Project access route in order to accurately forecast socioeconomic impacts. 3. Additional information is needed on how worker~ will be transported to and from the Project site in order to accurately forecast socio- economic impacts. 4. Additional information is need:;d on a hiring program or plan in order to accurately predict the number of in-migrating workers. 5. Addi.tional information is needed on the type of housing, work force facilities, and amenities at the cons true tion camp and permanent village in order to accurately forecast socioeconomic impacts. 6. Responsibilities for prov·ision of services and facilities within the local project area should be more clearly defined for the state, the Mat-Su Borough, and the contractor. 7. Impacts of the Project on users of fish and wildlife resources should be assessed. 8. A detailed mitigation plan should be developed and coordinated with the fish, wildlife, land use, and recreation resources analyses. Recreation 1. The primary objectives of the Recreation Plan as they relate to potential impacts to fish and wildlife resources are not met. 2. Additional clarification is needed on what project ·a.reas will be open to the public for recreation. 3. The Project sponsor must identify specific mitigation measures and develop a comprehensive plan which will address proper control by landowners and land managers. 4. Specific responsibilities for the implementation and operation of the Recreation Plan should be identified. 5. Construction worker policies regarding use of recreation resources need to be identified. 3-2 0 ;: lr . l I .I H u Aesthetics 1. Additional location and design studies are required for the con- struction camps ahd to-wns.1.te. 2. The north and soura stubs of the transmission line need additional location studies. Land Use 1. Proposed mitigation for the loss of public use of project lands should identify alternatives such as replacing opportunities lost with launs of equal v~ue. 2. Overall conc~rn about the transmission line rights-of-way and its effect:s on land disposal actions and land management practices should be addressed. 3. The status of land for the damsite, access roads, and transmission corridors should be addressed now. 4. Types of land acquisition procedures should be investigated and action begun. 5. Concern that the Project will result in trespass on Native lands zhould be examined. 3-3 • ' ' I I I I I I 4.0 PREVIOUS STUDIES AND DATA AVAILAJ~ILITY Studies relating to the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project have been ongoing since the 1970s. This work culminated in the ~~bmittal of the Final License Application to FERC in February 1983. The continued environmental studies and licensing activities scheduled for FY 1984 will draw upon the Final Licens~ Application and its supporting docu- ments. Moreover, the FY 1984 work will rely on data generated by the Social Science Program subcontractors as well as data made available by public agencies. 4.1 PREVIOUS STUDIES The Susitna Environmental Program is an ongoing process which builds on the data, analyses, and conclusions of previously coqtpleted research activities. The list of princ:Lpa.l project-relatad studies which con- tain relevant background and/ or baseline information for the FY 1984 Social Science Program is presented in Section 10.0, Appendix B. 4. 2 DATA AVAILABILITY -----,., ... __ The principal Social Science Program work activ·ities in FY 1984 will occur in the Cultural Resources and Socioeconomic subtasks. Data for this ~rork will focus on the following primary data collecton activi- ties: cultural resources field work (July, August, and Septembe~ 1983 and June 1984); household, business, and public. sector surveys in Tal·- keetna, Trapper Creek, and Cantwell; and Anchorage/Fairbanks Intartie worker surveys. Secondary data will be collected from the Mat-Su Borough, Anchorage, Fairbanks, state agencies and the University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research in order to revise the baseline socioeconomic forecast&. 4-1 1055B ;I /, I I. I I I I I IJ I I I I I I I IJ 5. 0 DELINEATION OF STUDY AREA The study areas delineated for the Social Science Program will vary by subtask. The following discussion briefly describes the study area for each subtask in FY 1984; 1. The Cultural Resources Subtask will focus on: (a) sensitivity map- ping and reconnaissance surveying of the transmission lines, access roads, railroad, and Phase I recreativu sites, and (b) reconnais- sance surveying and limited systematic testing of di '='ect and in- direct impact areas associated with the dam sites, impoundment areas, borrow areas, townsite, and construction camps. 2. The study area for the Socioeconomic Subtask will include the Rail- belt with emphasis placed on the communities of Cantwell, Talkeet- na, and Trapper Creek where household, business, and public sector surveying will occur. 3. The Recreation Plan Implementation Report will focus on the area identified in Figure E.7.6 in Exhibit E, Chapter 7 of the License A{: ?lication; i.e., the area generally bounded by the Denali Highway (to the north), Stephen, Watana, an.d Clarence lakes (to the south), the Parks Highway (to the west), and the Sus i tna River (to the east). 4. The Aesthetics Subtask will focus on areas within the viewshed of each project facility, including the dam sites, impoundment areas, access roads, railroad, transmission lines, e.nd recreation sites. 5. The Land Use Subtask will focus primarily on the dam sites and im- pl)undment areas. 5-1 1055B \\ . I I I I I ,JJ I I I 6. 0 STUDY METHODOLOGY In order to complete the general and specific study objectives for the Social Science Program in FY 1984, the following activities (which con- stitute the general methodology) will be conducted. 6.1 GENERAL SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM 6.1.1 General Investigation Memorandum ----- This docu~nt provides an overview of the Social Science Program in- cluding study objectives, issues to be addressed, study tasks, general study methodology, program management, schedule~ deliverables, and bud- get. Harza-Ebasco will prepare the memorandum. l 6.1.2 Detailed Plan of Stud~ A Plan of Study will be developed that describes • t: • spec~ .. J.c Social Science Program study objectives and work tasks, detailed study method- ologies, data management and report formats, quality assurance pro- grams, and detailed schedules and deliverables. Harza-Ebasco will pre- pare the plan of study; subcontractors will provide input as necessary. 6.1.3 Progress Rep.orts Progress reports will be developed each month to describe the status of the Social Science Program based on the previous month r s activities, including: activities completed, problems and solutions, personnel considerati.ons, program modifications, status of the budget and sche- dule, and upcoming activities. Harza-Ebasco will prepare a monthly Task 4 Progress Report; subcontractors will supply input into the mon- thly Social Science Progam Progress Report. 6.1.4 Quality Assurance All major Social Science Program subcontractors will be required to apply a Quality Assurance Program to their studies. This will include quality assurance procedures for data collection, checking, storage, analytical procedures, analyses performed on data, and processes for 1055B I 11 11 11 J IJ JJ incorporating data into charts showi.ng lines of final reports. In addition, organization authority, identification of the person(s) responsible f..;r quality assurance, and msthods for ensuring safety of files and audit programs will be included. Furthermore, Harza-Ebasco will develop a Quality Assurance Manu.al for studies in which it parti- cipates. This manual will include an overview of quality assurance procedures by all Task 4 subcontractors. 6.1.5 Responses to FERC Supplemental Information Requests --- The Social Science Program has and will continue to provide written responses to FERC supplemental information requests on cultural re- sources, socioeconomics, recreation, aesthetics, land use, and project alternatives. Harza-Ebasco prepares the responses with inpnt as nec~s­ sary from the University of Alaska Museum, Frank Orth and Asso~:ia tes, and EDAW, Inc. 6.1.6 Settlement Process ~nput The Social Science Program will provide input into the settlement pro- cess by identifying and reviewing agency issues, participating in set- tlement process meetings, and initiating appropriate activities to for- mally resolve each issue. The University of Alaska Museum and Frank Orth and Associates will provide input as necessary~ 6.1.7 DEIS Review Memorandum The Social Science Program will review appropriate chapters of the DEIS and provide input into the DEIS Review Memorandum. Harza-Ebasco will prepare the memorandum; the University of Alaska Museum and Frank Orth and Associates will provide input as necessary. 6.1.8 Transmission Line Report The Social Science Program will provide input to the Task 41 Transmis- sicm Line Report regarding cultural, recreation, aesthetic, and land use resources, and the potential impacts that alternative transmission line stub corridors may have on those resources. Harza-Ebasco will prepare sections of the report. 6-2 1055B • ) I l I I 11 J 11 .!.l IJ 11 11 IJ 6.1.9 Update of the FERC Licens~_Application Each Social Science ~rogram subtask will review and revise the appro- priate chapter in Exhibit E of the License Application to reflect changes due to refinement of the Project concept. Harza-·Ebasco will prepare the update; the University of Alaska Museum, Frank Orth and Associates, and EDAW 5 Inc. will provide input as necessary. 6.1.10 Final FY 1~85 Work ~~~~~ Harza-Ebasco will define the general scope of work re~t~ired for each subcontractor. Each subcontractor will develop a detailed proposal of specific t;1ork tasks. Harza""Ebasco will review and evaluate eacn pro- posal and recommend the final work scopes and budgets to the Power Authority. 6.1.11 Responses to Agen~y Comm.ents on License Application -~--------------·-..~<..A.-__ ....;;...;......- The Social Sci1::mce Program will provide wei. tten responses to agency con tnents on the License Application. The University of Alaska My.seum, Frank Orth and Associates, and EDAW, Inc. will provide input to Harza-Ebasco as necessary. 6.1.12 General Licensing Support General licensing support encompasses level-of-effort activities that do not include presently identified deliverables, such as: weekly staff meetings, budget revisions, coordination activities, review of previous data and reports, site reconnaissance tours, preparation for and participation in the FERC site visit, non-FERC permit support, spe- cific requests by the Power Authority, and other general and: adminis- tra.ti ve tasks. 6.2 CULTURAL RESOURCES 6.2.1 Cultural Resources Workshop -------- This workshop was held to outline and describe the Cultural Resources Subtask to interested agencies and to seek comments concerning the di- rection of the program. Harza-Ebasco organized and participated in the workshop; the University of Alaska Museum also participated. 6-3 • ... l055B 11 11 ' J l i .l IJ IJ 11 •. .J IJ (J 0 6. 2. 2 ~~iminary Archeo~t?_g,ical Repprt This preliminary report briefly summarizes the results of the 1983 ar- cheological field season. Harza-Ebasco provided review; the University of Alaska Museum drafted the report. 6.2.3 Arch~ological Sensiti~ity Mae~ These maps indicate the general level of archeological sensitivit7 of the access routes, railroad, Phase 1 recreation sites, and the trans- mission line stub alternatives ar:.d License Application route. Harza-Ebasco provided technical guidance and review; the University of Alaska Museum conducted the field research and prepared the maps. 6.2. 4 Archeological ~ield S~on Ret>ort This rP-port will provide a detailed description of the work completed during the 1983 field season. The University of Alaska Museum con- ducted the resaarch and will prepare the report; Harza-Ebasco will pro- vide r~view. 6.2.5 R3~~~~ed Archeol~gic~l A£proach The Susitna archeological program will be reevaluated in light of cur- rent procedures and schedules, the role of the Advisory Council on His- toric Preservation, and the overall strategy of the miti.gation pro- gram. Harza-Eba.sco will conduct the reevaluation in cot'junction with the Power Authority and appropriate agencies; the University of Alaska Museum will participate in the meetings as requested . 6.2.6 National Park Service Report _________ , • t -, -- This report will be prepare(,{ and provided in accordance with the Uni- versity of Alaska Museum's conditions of their antiquities permit. Harza-Ebasco will provide review; the University of Alaska Museum will prepare the report. 6 .. 2. 7 Upd~ted Cultural Resources Mitig,ation Report The cul tui:al resources mitigation program will be reevaluate~ and up- dated based em .feedback from the Advisory Council on Historic Preserva- tion and other agencies. Harza-Ebasco will conduct the review and pro- 6-4 • 1055B 11 11 IJ 11 l l J II ' I ' 11 IJ 11 I ~ 11 ~· ~~......-::,~ .......... ~.~-·-·· -~~~~''" ' \1 .• vide technical assistance; the University of Alaska Museum will prepare the updated report. 6.2.8 Cultural Resources Subtask A~l Rep~rt This report will summarize the work ;ompleted as of the end of FY 1984 in the Cultural Resources Subtask, the status of outstanding issues, and the approach for continuing the subtask work in FY 1985. Harza-Ebasco will prepare this report. 6.3 SOCIOECONOMICS 6. 3.1 Socioeconomic _Worksho-2. This workshop was held to facilitate a broader understanding by inter- ested agencies and the general public of the analytical approach and techniques used to forecast potential socioeconomic impacts of the Pro- ject. Harza-Ebasco organized and participated in the workshop; Frank Orth and Associates also participated. 6.3.2 Transmission Line Worker Survey Report --·---..-------- 1'his report will summarize the characteristics of the work force in- volved in the construction of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Trans- mission Line. Harza-Ebasco developed the survey instrument and inter- viewing procedure and will provide technical guidance and review of the analysis and report. The analysis and report will be prepared by Frank Orth and Associates. 6.3.3 Household, Busine~E!_s and ~ublic Secto_r Survey Reports. These reports will summarize baseline socioeconomic conditions for households, businesses, and public sector employers in potentially- affected project area communi ties for the purpose of updating sc-cio- econom.ic forecasts and mitigation planning. Harza-Ebasco will previae technical guidance and review for the survey instruments, interview procedures, and reports. With the exception of the public sector sur- vey, the survey instruments, interview procedures, and survey reports will be developed and conducted by Frank Orth and Associates. 6-5 • 1055B ··J j I r !, l ! l l i l j f r I I !· l l I 11 ll IJ 11 IJ II IJ 11 IJ lj IJ lj 6.3.4 Ufdated Socioeconondc Projectio~ Socioeconomic projections will be updated to reflect the revised Alaska and Rail belt economic and demographic projections prepared for Exhibit Band tt.~ data collected in the household, business, public sector, and transmi s~; ion 1.:.ne worker surveys. Harza-Ebas co will provide technical guidance and review; Frank Orth and Associates will prepare the updated projections. 6.3.5 ~king ~apers (Proce~~~s Man~lsL Working Paper No. 1 will provide information on socioeconom.ic pro jec- tion assumptions and methodologies. Working Paper No. 2 will provide information on socioeconomic input data, variables, equations, coeffi- cients, and output formats used in the socioeconomic model. Harza-Ebasco will provide technical guidance and teview; Frank Orth and Associates will draft both working papers. 6.3.6 ~pdated ~ocioeconomic Mitig~t~~ Plan The updated plan, wb~ch will be based on the revised socioeconomic pro- jections, will address the potentially adverse socioeconomic impacts of the Project both on residents in the proje.ct area and on construction and operation workers. Harza-Ebasco will provide technical guidance and review; Frank Orth and Associates will draft the updated plan. 6.3.7 ~cioeconomic Subtask Annua~_Report This report will summarize the work completed as of the end of FY 1984 in the SocioeconoLtic Subtask, the status of outs tanding issues, and the approach for continuing the subtask work in FY 1985. Harza-Ebasco will prepare this report. 6. 4 RECREATION 6.4.1 Recrea~on Plan ImEleme_~tation ~epor~ This report will recommend the necessary approach to implement: the Phase I Recreation Plan and the development of recreation faciliti~s for constructi~n and operation workers as outlined in Chapter 7, Exhi- b.it E of the License Appl.ication, including policy issues, recreation management, and facility design. Harza-Ebasco will prepare this update. 6-6 " 1055B ~~ t r l l . t l ' ' '"""-~-··-l /~~..1··. ,, ,. I' IJ 6 • '•. 2 Re cr ea ti o .n Sub task Ann 1.!.~~-R:,e po r t:_ This report will summarize the work completed as of the end of FY 1984 in the Recreation Subtask, the status cf outstanding issues, and the approach for continuing the subtask work in FY 1985. Harza-Ebasco will prepare this report. 6.5 AESTHETICS 6.5.1 Aesth~tics Miti&_at.ion P,1;_an Upd~ This update will recommend the necessary steps to implement the aesthe- tics mitigation program as identified in Chapter 8, Exhibit E of the License Application, including the structure, compos! tion, and objec- tives of the Inderdisciplinary Design Team. Harza-Ebasco will prepare this update. 6.5.2 Aesth~ics Subtask Annua_~ Re~~ This report will summarize the work completed as of the end of FY 1984 in the Aesthetics Subtask, the status of outstanding issues, and the approach for continuing the subtask work in FY 1985. Harza-Ebasco will prepare this r~port. 6.6 LAND USE 6~6.1 Land .1!.~ Subtask Ann~L!,r:_port This report will summarize the work completed as of the end of FY 1984 in the Land Use Subtask, the status of outstanding issues, and the ap- proach for continuing the subtask work in FY 1985. Harza-Ebasco ~vill . prepare this report. 6.7 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES . ~·-----------~---- 6.7.1 Impact Matri~ The matrix will illustrate in a comprehensive manner the potential dif- ferences in environmental impacts between alternative prg ject loca- tions, designs, and energy sources in order to facilitate decision • 105513 I I I I I: IJ making processes and to communicate the project's environmental impli- cations to interested groups and individuals. Harza-Ebasco will pre- pare this matrix. 6.7.2 Projec~_Alternatives Subtask Annual ~eEo~t This report will sum.mar;.ze the work completed as of the end of FY 1984 in the Project Alternatives Subtask, the status of outstanding issues, and the approach for continuing the subtask work in FY 1985. Harza-Ebasco will prepare this report. 6-8 1055:£. • ,,. ,1. i I l I 1 l, I l ' J r l j i l f ! ( } l l l ' ' I l I I ' I 1 j I f f l I J I I ( I . I I I I 7. 0 STUDY COORDINATION AL"'ID MANAGEMENT The organiza tion~l structure of the Social Science Program was devel- oped to ensure that the objectives of the program are accomplished. This structure provides for overall coordination and management of the FY 1984 Social Science Program by Harza-Ebasco with support from sub- contractors and other study teams. description of this structure. This section provides a general 7 .1 HARZA-EBASCO The Social Science Program will be conducted under the overall direc- tion and supervision of Dr. G. Lawley the Harza-Ebasco Environmental Regulatory Operations Manager. Specific responsibilities for the So- cial Science Program subtasks are as follows: Social Science Group Leader Social Science Group Coordinator Cultural Resources Subtask Leader Socioeconomic Subtask Leader Rec1: aa tion Subtask Leader Aesthetics Subtask Leader Land Use Subtask Leader Project .4lternatives Subtask Leader W. Hutchinson P. Bergmann P. Bergmann E. Cunningham R. Suttle R. Suttle C. Lawson R. Suttle The Social Science Group Leader is responsible for the on-time and within budget delivery of high-quality products from each Social Science Program subtask leader and for overall program quality assur- auee. The Social Science Group Coordinator is directl} responsible for interfacing with subtask leaders, ensuring coordination between Social Science Program subta.sk leaders, coordinating interaction between So- cial Science Program staff and members of other study teams, preparing and monitoring subtask and subcontractor workscopes, budgets, and ex- penditures, preparing monthly progress reports, arranging and partici- pating in agency meeting~ and workshops as necessary, and ensuring that the general and specific Social Science Program objectives are 7-1 1055B '-.. -.. , ~ ' I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I met. Subtask leaders are responsible for reviewing their respecti v~ worksco~e. and budget, interfacing with subcontractors, and producing high quality deliverables. 7. 2 INTERACTION WITH OTHER STUDY TEAMS The Social Science Program will work closely with Task 6, Licensing Support and Permitting, to provide necessary information to comply with FERC and other agency licensing and permitting requirements as well as requests for additional information. The assessment of Social Science Program impacts and updating of mitigation plans will be coordinated with the Aquatic and Terrestrial study teams in Task 4. The Social Science Program will also coordinate with the en,Tironmental evaluation and review of engineering operations and design modifications under- taken by members of Task 3, Engineering, and Task 40, Need for Power. The Social Science P ogram will coordinate logistical requirements for each sub task with Task 39, Logistics. Furthermore, the Social Science Program will prc~vide input as required to Task 41, Transmission System, and Task 8, Public Participation. 7. 3 SUBCONTRACTORS Three subcontractors will be utilized to meet: the obJectives of the Social Science Program in FY 1984. These subcontractors and their area of responsibility include: 1. Uni,:rersity of Alaska Museum 2. Frank Orth and Associates 3. EDAW Inc. Cultural Resources Socioeconomics Recreation and Aesthetics Specific subcontractor responsibilities are discussed below. In addition, Table 8-1 in Section 8.0 illustrates subcontractor parti- cipation in Social Science Program deliverables. 7-2 1055B !· I !" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.3.1 University of Alaska Mus~ During FY 1984, the University of Alaska Museum will conduct archeo- logical field studies, which will be summarized in both preliminary and final reports, will obtain archeological clearances as requested for project activities, and will prepare a report for the National Park Service. In addition, the Museum will prepare the cultural resources section of the Social Science program Detailed Plan of Study, the Museums's Quality Assurance Program, and the Updated Cul- tural Resources Mitigation Report. Likewise, the Museum will parti- cipate in a cultural resources workshop and in thf=.' reevaluation of the Susitna archeological program. The Museum will also assist in completing responses to FERC supplemental information requests and agency comments on the License Application. Furthermore, the Museum will provide input, as required, to the DEIS Review Memorandum, the Settlement Process, the Transmission Line Report, and the update of the FERC License Application. 7 .3. 2. Frank Orth and Associates Principal responsibilities for Frank Orth and Associates during FY 1984 will include: participating in a socioeconomic workshop; sur- veying households and businesses in Cantwell, Talkeetna, and Trapper Creek; updating socioeconomic projections! and preparing Working Paper No. 1, Working Paper No. 2, a Quality Assurance Program, a transmission line worker survey report, and an updated socioeconomic mitigation plan. Additionally, Frank vrth and Associates will as- sist in completing responses to FERC surplemental information re- quests and agency comments on the License Lpplication and will pro- 'llide input as required to the License Application update, the DE IS ~iemr an.dum, and the settlen:rent process. 7-4 • lOSSB ::~---~--··"·-··. ·-,., ..•.. , 1.\ IJ ,...\' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.3.3 EDAW, Inc. During FY 1984, EDAW, Inc., will provide assistance in completing responses to FER.C supplemental information requests regarding re- creation and aesthetics. Moreover, EDAW will assist in completing :-e:~sponses to agency comments on the License Application and updating the License Application. 7.4 COORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS In order to accomplish the objectives of the Social Science Program in FY 1984, Harza-Ebasco will enter into contractual agreements with the subcontractors identlfied above. One of the major roles of the Social Science Program is to coordinate and manage subcontractor activities. This will be accomplished through a review of each sub- contractor's works cope, budget, schedule, detailed plan of study, quality assurance manual, and deliverables. In addition, Social Science Program staff will conduct routine coordination meetings with subcontractors to monitor budget expenditures, program pro- gress, quality assurance, and potential problems. 7-5 • 1055B 1 i 1 1 \• I f l I I ' ' I l I J I ! f ! I I I I I I I I I I I I :;, I I I I ~ ' ~ 8. 0 SCHEDULE AND DELIVERABLES The overall Social Science Program schedule will conform to the major milestones indentified in the FERC licensing process. The deliverables and due dates for completion are presented in Table 8-1 by subtask. TABLE 8-1 SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM DELIVERABLES AND DUE DATES BY SUBTASK GENERAL SOCIAL SCIENCE PRO GRAM Deliverable 1. Reponses to FERC Supplemental Information Requestsabc 2. General Investigation Memorandum 3. Detailed Plan of Studya 4. Responses to Agency Comments on License Application abc 5. Update of FERC License Applicationabc 6. FY 1985 Work Scope abc 7. DEIS Review Memorandum ab 8. Settlement Process Input ab 9. General Lieense Support 10. FEIS Input 11. Progress Reports ab 8-1 1055B Due Date September 29, 1983 November 18, 1983 December 15, 1983 January 19, 1983 February 15, 1983 May 1, 1984 May 30, 1984 June 30, 1984 June 30, 1984 June 30, 1984 Monthly '::' I I TABLE 8-1 (Cont 'd) ' I ,, CULTURAL RESOURCES I Deliverable 1. Cultural Resources Workshopa a 2. Preliminary Archeological Reporta 3. Archeological Sensitivity Mapsa I 4. Recommended Archeological Approacha 5. Transmission Line Report Inputa I 6. Archeological Field Season Reporta 7. National Park Service Reporta 8. Updated Cultur.al Resources Mitigation Reporta I 9. Cultural Resources Subtask Annual Report I SOCIOECONOMICS Deliverable 1. Working Paper No. 1 (Procedures Manual)b I 2. Socioeconomic Workshopb 3. Working Paper N: • 2 (Procedures IJ1anual) b ' I . I 4. Transmission Line Report Input I 5. Household, Business, and Publlc Sector Survey Reportsb I 6. Updated Socioeconomic Projectionsb 7. Transmission Line Worker Survey Reportb I 8. Updated Socioeconomic }litigation Planb 9. Socioeconomic Subtask Annual Report I RECR.EAT ION __ __.. __ I Deliverable 1. Transmission Line Report Input ~ 2. Recreation Plan Implementation Report 3. Recreation Subtask Annual Report ~ ~ 8-2 1055B Due Date July 22, 1983 September 1, 1983 September 15, 1983 November 15, 1983 December 13, 1983 January 1, 1984 January 1, 1984 May 1, 1984 Hay 1 1984 ..L., Due Date July 15, 1983 July 19-20, 1983 November 1, 1983 December 13, 1983 December 11, 1983 January 31, 1984 March 1, 1984 April 1, 1984 May 1, 1984 Due Date December 13, 1983 April 1, 1984 May 1, 1984 ... \·- I t· I f f l I I I I lc I j I j ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ' I I I I a TABLE 8-1 ( Cont 'd) AESTHETICS Deliverable 1. Transmission Line Report Input 2. Aesthetics Mitigation Plan Update 3. Aesthetics Subtask Annual Report LAND USE Deliverable 1. Transmission Line Report Input 2. Lafid Use Subtask Annual Report PROJECT ALTERNATIVES a b c Deliverable 1. Impact Matrix 2. Project Alternatives Sub task Annual Report Indicat~s input by University of Alaska Museum Indicates input by Frank Orth and Associates Indicates input by EDAW, Inc. 8-3 Due Date December 13, 1983 May 1, 1984 May l, 1984 Due Date December 13) 1983 Y.tay 1, 1984 Due Date January 30, 1984 May 1, 1984 ·. -~· --·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I = -I • ; ~ I - ~ ' ~ 9.0 BUDGET Table 9-1 below presents the FY 1984 budget for the Soc.ial Science Pro- gram. This budget provides one person year for manag<!ment of the pro- gram and 2.1 person years for technical input from the Harza-Ebasco staff. TPJ3LE 9-1 FY84 SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM BUDGET POSITION Group Manager Group Coordinator Management Support Senior Resources Planner Resources Planners TOTAL 9-1 WORK HOURS 270 2,160 300 864 3,196 6,790 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I m I a ·~ fl 1M l055B 10.0 ATTACHMENTS APPENDIX A -AGENCY RAISED ISSUES· APPENDIX B -LIST OF PREVIOUS STUDIES 1(}-1 (J ; ~~ l. t I I l I. I l l . ~ I l l ' 1 f j r I I l I f 'J -· ~ l ' .. lr "' , ' " I -(J ._ ~- ~m--, ~,.,.._.._~ -·~ d :~ ; ~,··;! -4. t ~ T .. :: ·c~·;..i • .,. A ~"' ~--.---- ,, ' --·-. . . · ... -• • '1 ., • S4iA Vi'' !!!! w ~· ?5 -:~ .... !!'!!!i2!:. !b;; K ~a 'He ·-f -••!£ 2 ~&\Ma·.: 1 il''{t>taevr f ...... -~,_.,. .-. .. -* """t"'---~ ."'tz.:.~ ..... ; - ~~ -· • ~ uwiua"CCY' wrM-* . -..t-m-·-;s· · ·.ii. *7 " r • ··r ' ·i'J'ww_..iot \1',('~ W!:i~ !f;;J llA:'!r' ~:::! ~~ ICW Si:bt&>Jk: social Science:! ISSUE SC-1 SC-2 SC-3 SC-4 sc-s SC-6 sc-7 The role of th~ Advisory Council on Historic Preservation &hould be cladfied. Need to ~~teraine approach for evaluating archeological reaouccea, lnd1vidually or ~s districts. Ne~ t~ define resource si9nificance criteria for evaluating site or re•ource aignificAnce. C01111ents oi. Advisory Co.Jncil on Historic Pceservdtion should be solicited for developing ~ plan foe future aucvey and inventory and for the aitigation plan. A~visory Council on Historic Presecv~tlon shauld be invol~~d in the cultural res~urces mitigAtion progra• at the earliest possible tiae~ The role of the Advisory Council on Hiotocic Preservation should be better deve!oped and clarified. The detailed .aitigation plan should be develnped and approved by SHPO and represenl:ati vea of appco,pr !ate land aanag~•ent agench:s • -~ &a PRELIKHIARY iltll AP. .. DIX A .... lVil .... .... ... flaJf SUSITNA fttDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AG~HC~-RAISED ISSC!S AGENCY NPS and ADP NPS and ADP NPS and ADP NPS ADP NPS NPS SOORCt: 1. Cultural Resourcea Workshop 2. 3. 4. .5. ( 22 July 198ll Cultural Resources Workshop (22 July 198"ii Cultural Resources Wockstlop ( 22 July 1983) :Letter to APA, 3 Dec 1902 (Vol. lOD) Letter to APA, J Dec 1982 (Vol. lOB) 6. Letter to Al'A 4 Feb 1983 (Vol. lOB) 7. Letter to APA .t Ff!b 1983 (Vol. lOB) 10-2 STATUS In cooperation with PERC, det~raine existin~ information that has been forwarded to Advisory council; obtain working guidelines from PERC~ define role of Advisory Council in licensing process; define appropriate relation•& solicit PERC and Advisory Council concurrence. Determine alternatives; legal and licensing implications of each alternative, relative advantages, mitigation implications. I~ conjunction with preceding action, interp~et tederal r~gulationa to Susitna Project'• archeological ~••ourcaa. Role of Advisory Council ia being assessed. Role of Advisory Council is being assessed. Role of ~dvisory Council is being assessed. Pc~ccduces for developing and approving the detailed mitigation plan are being assessed. "":~..-_~.~ .......... ~.-_ .. --------... .._ ... _.~ ......... ----~-""->'-"'-·-~--_..,.._....____..----~~--------~~-------~ .. ~~--~------· fill •• .. • t. •• .~~o•r l!Htl Page _j_ of .J.:i_ COKPLUIOM PATE 1 HoY 1983 1~ Oct l9Bl 1 Nov 19al 15 Oct 1983 15 Oct l98l 15 Oct l98l 15 Oct 1983 :~;_ ' ·-;, \ ·! \ £__, <-~.....i ~~ A. ~,.., f -~~ ~ "" lW"-.:-J re--~. .-;----. lit!'.t..~ ~ ~ SUb~~sk: Social Sciences ISSUE ss-a SS-9 SS-10 SS-11 SS-!2 Additional infor~ation ia needed on ~ocker ahift and rotation ftchedulea in order to accurately forecaat soc ioecono.ic i11pacta of the Suaitr.a Project. Additionu inform~tion ill needed on the project access route in order to ~ccurately forecast aoc!oeconoalc i•p~cta of the susltna Project. Additional .inforr:aation is needed on how workers will be transportad to and fcc. the Project site in order to accurately forecast socioecona.ic l~pacta of the Susitna Project. Addition~l information is needed on the type of housing, work force facilities, and a•enities at the construction camp and permanent village in order to accurately forecast socioeconomic i•racta of the suaitna Project. Concern was expressed ah~~t the need for a hiring plan/proglam. '"ji:iC''Il\1-'ntd·~ ~ 101 ~ m:ll It;!~ 1\t:lf £a .101 re.:;w ~ •lill ~ PRE{.lHINARlC • o ... _ .... Dec Ull SOSITHA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGEHClC-RAISED ISSD£S AGENClC fi'.S~ PWS ~s ADCRA AOOL SOURCE 8. Socioeconomic Workshop (19 July H8l). 9. Socioeconomic Workshop (19 July 1983) 10. Socioeconomic Works top (19 July 1981) 11. Socioeconomic Workshop (19 July i98l) 12. Socioeconomic ~or~~nop (19 July 1961) 10-3 STATOS TWo alternative courses of action ere propooed: 1) conduct studies to evaluate the access route, transportation of workers, construction camp and penaanent village; 2} conduct extensive seneitivity analyses in ord~r to forecast potential socioecono~ic i•pacts associated ~ith these key factors. B-E will investigate the Remote Rural Bir~ Dispatch Pilot PrograQ& and any other job training programs that have b~en iapleaented for energy resource devflopaent projects in Alaska. rage 2 of _ti COKPLETIOH DA.TE Spdng 1984 for Alternative 2 1985 foe Alternative 1 Kay UU (pact of the Mitigation Plan) ~311.11 ·----,-~---~ .. --..._-,,_, .... ~-------"'"------~-·~--~-............... ,..........,.,.. .... ....,_,..~ ... -.-·--.. ,...._....__,. ____ __,-.-~-------··--~ --~ ............... ,.........--~ ...... ~-'·· u •. ; [~~----~ ~ -- ~\ 0. 0 "' l ""! '' f ,j ·;,, 1 l • A Subtaak: Soci•l Sc:iencea lSSU£ ------------------ SS-ll SS-14 SS-15 SS-16 SS-11 SS-18 SS-19 How the seasonality of Susitna construction work will affect the nu•bec of workera who relocate per•anently and what thoae people will do for work when they are te•porarily laid off (during the winter) ahould be exaained. The effects of project-related tn- •i~ration on groundwater aupply and quality should be explored. The costs of educating the project-induced population need to be examined as well aa the effects of the educatioti costa on Hat-Su Sorough tax ratea. Impacts to fish and wildlife users have not been adequatell addressed. Some description should be provided on the relative i~r~portance of natural resourc• barveeta as part of household .. l!~~a.e. Indirect and direct impacts to coaaercial businesses dependent upon fish ~nd wildlife resources are undefined. I•pacta to subsistence and recreation uaer groups and to fish ~nd wildlife reaoucces should be addressed. ., PRELIMINARY -t ~ '') t Oct.obwc 19,11 SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGENCY-RAISED ISSUES AGENCY HS8 HS8 ADPG ADPG ADPG ADPG ADPG SOURCE 13. Socioeconomic Workshop (19 July 1983) 14. Socioeconom!c Workshop ( 19 July 1983) 15. Socioeconomic Workshop (19 July 1983) 16. Letter to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 17. Letter to APA, 13 Jan J.98.3 (Vol. 108) 18. Letter to APA, lJ Jan 1983 {Vol. 108) 19. Letter to APA. 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 10-4 STATUS H-E will investigate this issue to enauce that it hau been adequately addcesaed. U-E will outline altecnativa appcoachca for the communities for exa•ining thla concern. The per pupil cost of education will ~e investigated for. each of the locally impacted communities. Page ..L of ..£1. COH.fLETIOH DATE Revhed Proje-:tlon11 'teltl Nov•.t.•r 198l xeviaed Pcojectiona (tut) Nove•ber 196 l Revised Project lone (text) Nove•ber 1983 Information on use patterns will b~ Pall 1981 (1) supplemented through surveys of local residents (1). Inforaatlon on guiding Pall 1984 (2) service& will be obtained through aucveya ot guidea (2). Information on use patterns and the importance of subsistence fishing, hunting, and trapping will be obtained through a survey of local resident&. Deceaber 1983 InforMation on the dependency of Pall 1984 businesses on fish and wildlife resources wil\ be obtained through a survey of local businesses and project area guides and lodge operators. Suppleaenta1 lr.for•ation on the effecta of the project on subsistence and recre- ational use of fish and wildlife resource& Will be obtained through survey• of project area residents, guides, and lodge operato~s. Pall 1913 (Survey of Reaidenta) Pall 1984 (Survey of guld,es, lodge op4!r.Atoc•) ~, "' \1 'Ufid ......:~ ._ _ _,_.. _ _,...,_~ ........... ..---.-,~-"·_._"'-_w.......__,.-..__-..,....,... .. _~._~_.--.........,.~-.. -""":::;-''....,.~.--~·~·......_ ...... _,.._.~-""-... .---...y---.----~---,...,..---.~~.._:.'-.~-tl~~~~--~ .,,<J<i:i(,, '!~,..t:::o_, 4 '"'·"~~i~~-h•tWit. rJV#l"~""¥:411(~~~~:,..,......,,.,. _ _.,., •. ••• -_r:,: l 'J 'I .. • ·4 1 1 -- • A SubtaDit: SocLotl Sciences tssu.e SS-20 A survey of community usage of wildlife resources by cantwell residents would be useful in aaeeasing level• of use and i•portance of aal•on, •oose, and caribou~ SS-21 SS-22 SS-23 SS-24 SS-25 SS-26 SS-27 Additional assess .. nt of user groups should be •ade for the da.eatic uae of sal .an. The assessment of trapping activity and ita i11portance to usecs in the Local Impact Area should be •ore extensive. A .onitoring program should be estab!iahed Co assess i•pacts and cec011111end •odifications to the •itigation progra•. Modification of base case population projections ~ould dramatically change the i•pacts predicted and ul t tma tely the •itigatio'~ requireJ~~~ent. A •iti.~,:<ltion plan should be pr<epared that c~l~tea to an~icipated impacts based upon ~ broadly accepted data b .... -'SaUI'Iptiona upon which population projection& are based should be dhcuaaed. Cl~rify whether the assumption that full public access would be provided by the project thcough ~he uppec Su•itna basin has been •ade. ~ .. -'1?1 l'RELlHINARlC ' oc .. ubec }"'l!l SUSXTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGENCY-RAISED ISSU2S AGENCl ADPG ADPG ADPG PWS PHS PWS nilS FWS SOURCE 20. Letter to APA, ll Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 21. Letter to APA, l3 Jan 1983 (Vol. 1GB) 22. Lett~r to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 23. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983' (Vol. lOB) 24. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 25. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOIS) 25. Letter to APA, l4 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 27. Lett~r to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 10-5 Page .!f._ of fl_ STATUS CO"PLE'riOtl DATE lnfor•ation on "se patterns of flab and 'llildlife of r.an!:well res!i.&ente will be obtained through a ou;rve·y of local residents. Information on subsistence fi~hing will be obtained through a survey of residents of Talkeetna, Trap,per Creek, and Cantwell. Information on use p~ttcrns of trapper• will be collected through a survey of local residen.ts. A monitoring ~rogram of the local residents and buaineaae~ ia currently underway and will be updated periodically. The baseline forecasts will be revised to reflect the most current statewide ·econo~ic and demographic conditions. A mitigation plan will be prepared and updated p~·riodically. A detailed explanation of the •••u•ptiona ua;d in the population projection• ia pr~vided in Wock Paper i! (Projection Assumptions, Hethodology, and Output Por•at). Policies en public access to the upper Suaitna basin will be mad~ at a later date. PAll 1983 1'&11 uu P.all 1983 Pall 1983 and On-going Hinter 1984 Spring 1984 ana On-going N/A '!'O be detec- •ine:d £ ,., .,1 ·~~-:::~"';j-----~~-""'·-·---.._,....~__,..~~-~-"'<~-.,.,.-. ~. -~-·---~-.-,.-----~~,_,_.. .... _,,,.,._..,,..,.__~~--·-.... ---:--~_,.,:---"--. ~~-. ~-~~~----..,~-~--~~~--...--~~. Ja .h: ._!:,*'iii'~.J"~_...,.,...,.__......,.....,..,... > 4Wj• ...... .-.u 4"" ~~:c -.:: 0 ,lt • .l -::">: -::::~, f' Subtaak: Social Sciencea ~SSU£ SS-28 The proposed adainistrat!on of the construction caap and villAge needa to be reevAluated. SS-29 If local hiring as::1wnptions are hl:gh, the iap4cta of project-induced population increases Ace low. ss-30 If aost businesses in the upper basin are dependent. upon fish, big gaac, i.lnd furbeaJer •pecies and the project ••r severely iapact these species throuq,lh eliaination of their hab,itat,s, then aost of the businesses !loiOUld suffer severe adverae iapacts. ss-n The iaportance of the Susitna aystea to subsistence, and how potential losaea and altigation pcop~sals would affect subsistence use should be addre~sed. SS-32 Discussion should be '.':'lcluded on the possible decrease !n the area's attractiveneaa for remote, wilderness hunting given the increase in access and huaan activities in conjunction with project developaent. SS-Jl SS-34 The discussion ~bould consider relative de=~nds •nd values for corn•eccial, recccational, and aubsist~nc~ hunting for each apeclea in coMp•ri~on to other aper.i••· Socioecono:dc •·iltigation ahould be established with r~gard for impacts on fish and wildlife resource user groups. .,_,_, .,., '~ PRELIMINARY 4 L~.ober 1913 SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGENCY-RAISED ISSUES AGENCY PWS PWS PWS PWS PWS FWS PWS SOURCE 28. Letter to· APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. 106) 29. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 198:1 (Vol. lOB) 30. Letter to APA, U Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 31. Letter to APA, H Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 32. Letter to APA. 14 Jan 1983 (Vol-lOB) 33. Letter to APA, 14 Jan .198] ('J'Qo). 100) 34. Letter to APA, U Jan !983 (Vol. lOB) 10-6 Page _S of /.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS Further studies of the siting, type, administration, and other aspect& of the construction camp and villog& will be exa£ined. Poe discussion at assumptiona r~gardinq populat1on influx refer to Working Paper 11. COMPLETION DATE Piacal Year l91S Information on the dependency of Deceabec 1983 businesses on fish and wildlife resources will be obtained through a survey of local businesses. Infor•ation on use patterns and the Pall 1983 (1) importanc~ of aubaiatence flahing will be obtained in three comaunitiea through a survey of local residents (1). A Pre-Aprll 198t (2) liminary Impact ' Mitigation Plan will be d~veloped and updated as appropr14te (2). Infor•ation on guiding servic~a will be obtained through a survey of guidea. Infor•ation on comaercial, sport, and sub~stence hunting will be obtalned through a survey of local reaidents. The sitigation plan will be (~~pensive to this comment. Fall 1984 and on-going Pall U8l Spring 1984 ~ I w~-11::-.. ,,~·--··~...,.__-.. ~-~.~---::-'-t.P-r--:."''....,.._'t'_._~-·~,_____,_....__., __ ~,-... _.~._ ........ ...,.._....,..,.._~r---:-----__...-~ .... ---~-...._,..--~~~.~~~~-~.':·<"'i ,)J ~· :x'-~~r<_....,.., •• ~.--,.!""1!'riil'!ff~.~-~ ~r.¢: .... •-x 'i'-~ ...... ""'O:+f!•• .. , .. e .... p ·~---lrtl ;I i; .. I f;- '!' ,c; • A ;l•c ~ ~ L: Subtaak: Social Sciences JSSUB ~-35 Policies on access routes and cestcictiona on access need to be delineated in ocdec to aaaeaa iapacta to us~ca. SS-36 Infora~tion on trappeca ahould be accuaulate~, impacta analyzed, aitigation proposed and then ceevalueted. SS-37 1111pacts to lish and! wildlife reoouccea and their usera ace related ~o the t¥Pe of construction caap eat~oliahed, Mcceaa provided, and the •~ulis~o.ation of these facilitie~. SS-38 A detailed ail~~4tion plan ahould be developed and coordinated with fiah and wildlife ceaoucces analyaea. SS-39 SS-40 ss-u SS-42 A conitoring panel should be established conalating of C~?taaentativea of appropriate agencies to asseQs impacts and ceca..end aodificationa to the aitigetion progcaa. A aore appropriate location foe the p~c•anent t~~nsite should be identified. If 1n-aigration is seriously underestiaated then a wide range of aocioeconaaic iapacts is also undeceatiaated. A clearly defined and leyal program will be needed to enauce that unemployed local ceaidenta get • chance to obtain project jobs. ~ --::> ~~ PRELIMINARY "f ,...., 'J 4 1... ~-'bee Ull SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGENCY-RAISED ISSUES AGENCY P'WS PHS P'WS I'WS P'WS ADl.R ADNR ADNR SOURCE 35. Letter to APA. 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 36. Letter to APA, !4 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 31. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vo1l. lOB) 38. Letter to APA, H Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 39. Letter to APA, U Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 40. Letter to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Viol. lOB) 41. Letter to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOBi 42. L~ttec to APA, 13 Jan U83 (Vol. lOB) 10-7 STATUS Policies on public a.ccess to the upper susitna basin will be made at a later d4te. Additonal inforaation on trapping will be obtained through a aucvey of local residents. The siting, type, ad~inistration, and other aspects of the construction ca•p and village will be ex~mined in futuc~ studies in conjuncticn with fish and wildlife resource cespresentativea. A aitig~tion plan will be developed and updated in cooperation with fiah and wildlife resource representatives. A aonitoring ?rogram is being impleaented, but does not include agency representatives. The siting and design of the townsite will be examined in future Btudies. Pag11 -'-.of ..J:1.. COHIILETIOH DAU To be dete:ra1ned Pall Ull Piacal Ye•ir 1985 Spcin~ 1914 Septellher 1983 Piscal Year 1985 Refer to Alaska Power Authority reaponae N/A to letter fco11 Alaska Department of Natural Resources (Volu11e lOB) and Alas~a Depart~ent of Community and Regional Affairs (August 2, 1983) • Thia ia1ue will be addr@aaed •• part of the •itigation planning effort. Spcing 19114 "lfj . ........,., ... ____ +'"-''"---·,--.-.,~ ..... --~~-;..:.~----·___,,._,..._..,_~.,.....-~,.-,.,.~--·-...~·,~---"-,...,,,.-,---.•-~-""""'r..,..._..._..__,.,.~,..__._.,._,:--'-______ , __ ._...,._~ .~_......~ ............ ~:--l"r:'~IIP#--~l .• -~ ........ ili¥F.U \t_, ....... t **"'~ lll•lt ,;. ;,< • -• "''if ,: r-' r-f r-u ' Subtask: Social Sciences lSSUS SS-U In order to clarify the relationship betwt~n assu.ptiona of the socioeconaaic iapact aodel and unreaolved atate policie3, the Power Aut~ority should provide • pcoceaa for key atate agencies to beco.c actively involved in the Methodology ~nd uae of the •odel. ss-u The nocioecono:aic iapa~::ta resulting fro• the Susitna project ace aignlficantly under•tAted. Ss-•s Resp~nsibili~ies foe provision of aervicea and facilities Within the local project area ~hould be aoce clearl~ defined foe the atate, borough, and the contractor. ss-u Leg•l responaibilit:iea for accesa to the project site both during and after conatruction need to be clearly defined. SS-t7 Hore inforaation needs to be provided about the proposed per~anent townaite. ss-u All assumptions, standards, and in9ut variables uaed in the impact aod~l ahould be auaaarized. ss-•g I•pacts )f the Project on users of fish and viidlife resources (such as coa•ercial fishery use, big game and pcofeasional guides, subsistence use, trappers, ~nd river guides) should be aaaeaaed. ss-so Effecta of project construction ~nd operation on instreaa flow aa it relate~ to aocioecona.ica should be examined. ,ft ,...., 1-. ~· -. -:r=;· -~ r-..., r""'"<"~ ,....._ . ....., '-. PRELIMINARY SUSITNA UYDRO£LEC1'RIC PROJECT: AGENCY-RAISED ISSUES AGENCY ADCRA ADCRA ADCRA ADCRA ADCRA ADCRA PWS ADFG SOURCE 43. Letter to APA, 16 Mar 1983 44. Lett~r to APA, 16 Hac 1983 4S. Letter to APA 16 Mac 1983 46. Letter to APA 16 Mar 1983 47. Letter to APA 16 Hac UBJ 4B. Letter to APA 16 Hac 1983 49. Letter to APA 5 Oct 1982 SO. Dwight • Trihey 81 SllCVey 10-8 STATUS Le~!ter response se.nt 3 Aug 1983. Letter response sent 3 AUg 1~83. Letter response sent 3 i\ug 1983. :,etter: response sent 3 Aug 198J. Letter response sent 3 Aug 1983. Letter response sent 3 l.ug 1981. ~ ··~ ·I , 4 o ... ~oec Ull Pag.a .3:_ of _fJ_ COHPLITIOM DATI H/A H/A N/A H/A H/A H/A ~ --~-----·-· ----~7"----::w::::~~-·-~~ ... -~ .. ~---~~-· ·~~~ ... 1;, 1 ,, ii-~-~-=·· l>t .. ~----------------- -~ ',, "' c, ,J ."! I f • .. r F f' r~ Subtask: Social Sciences ,., r r· !'· !" r .:""j ; , ... -;n ~.!t 'l ~ -~ ... _."1 PRELIHINARY t 0~ -~•r l'll SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGENCY-RAISED ISSUES Page L ot _13._ ISSUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ss-51 SR-52 The possibility of daa failure •hould be taken into consideration, particularly for areas downatreaa of the daa. Hany of the recreational u•e projection• ace undere•ti•ated. SR-53 Hanagement of lands for public recreation and appreci~tion require• additional clarification. SR-54 The discussion of wildlife and recreation f~ils to address i•pacta to inundated tributac ie• to the Su•itna River. SR-55 Thee~ is inadequate discussion of const;ruction worker policies reg•cding u•e of recreation resources. SR-56 SR-57 SR-58 SR-59 A definition of wildlife species and recreational u•es ia needed. The primacy objectives of the Recreation Plan a• they relate to potential impacts to fi•h and wildlife resources ace not aet. Discuss ill!p·acts on recreation to east-• ide tcibutar ies below Talkeetna. Describe the relative proportion of i•pacta on recreation above and below Talkeetna • AGENCY ADCRA ADFG ADFG ADFG ADPG ADFG FWS ADPG PWS SOURC& 51. Let~~r to APA 16 Ha:: 198J. 52. Letter to APA, ll Jan 19SJ {Vol. 108) 53,. Letter to APA, ll Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 54. Letter to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 55. Letter to APA, }.3 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 56. Letter to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 57. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1903 (Vol. lOB) 58. Dwight ' Trihey 81 Survey 59. Dwight ' Trihey 81 survey 10-9 STATUS Honitoring and optional development phases woul~ ensure agatnst under- estiaation. Incorporeted in Feb 1983 License Application. Collllllents addressed in P.xhibit ·£, Chaptu 3 and Chapter 7, Sections 2.1 ~nd 2.2 cf Peb 1983 License Application. CollUllent addressed in \f'eb .\983 LicentU!' Application. Species descriptions and mitigation p~ovided in Exhibit £, Chapter l of Feb 1983 License Applic~tion. COHPLETlOH DATE fhcal Yeat' uas and Qn going H/A H/IJ, H/A N/A Comment incorporated in Feb 1983 LiGense April 1'84 Application. Additional inforaation on RecceatLon Pla~ iaplementatio~ will be outline~ in the ~ecceation Plan I•pleaen- tation Report. ' : ,..~ ..• '\1 ' ' -··-L·--=-..)•~~-. --~----~,.....,...7r-·~, .. .,.,..,..-~.,-~-~...,..--~--·----·-~---"""--.-..._......,.___.~.,.._u ..... ___ -:--~-~ ........ ""::""~""-, .. .r----~~--~-:---. ----. -~~-~':"~ ::;:::.~·"""' .; I *"' ~.,.,.; ....,. . .,..,\ " '":'t'P"'iw_!+'t""'~~ ,. ~ ; I ' I j I ;,. ~ ,, ,, " ¥ I ~ ' #''" i· " r ,... )· r SubtAak: Social Scienc~s ISSUE SR-60 Project-related in-aigration should be a aajor conatderation in the Re~reation Plan ea well •• uae control aeaaurea. SR-61 Identificati9n of specific responsibilities f~Pr iaple11enhtion a;nd operation of ~he Recreation Pl~n ahould. be. includeil. SR-62 The Recreation Plan fails to recognize the differences between aport, trophy, and aubsiatence use of particular wildlife re~ourcea. SR-63 The co•petition between resources users and the supply and d~•and of fiah and wildlife needa to be expanded. SR-64 Appropciate aitigation should be addreaaed for reduced water CJUlllity due 'to the propoaed flow regiae as it relatea to fiahing opportuniti•es. SR-65 SR-66 SR-67 SR-68 Additional clarification ia needed on wh<at areas Will be open to ttu~ public for. recreation. The project sponsor aust idemtify specific aitigation measures and develop a ca.pcehenaive plan which will address proper control by landowner&i and ••nageca. Kitigation for the excav~tion of borrow areaa ahould be specificallr identified and incorporated •• part of the ~•creation Plan. Kanageaent prograas during construction ahould be identified and ~iacussed along with aaaoct•ted coats. r:' f"'" f-...-.... _, ·~· r"'""" r .. ~~'-· r:~:>< " '"1 :r:1 t·:"'-o. PRELIHINARY 4 OC\. .. ~"~1:' Ull SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGENCY-I>".ISiD ISSUES AGENCY FWS FWS PWS FWS PWS PWS FWS FWS FWS SOURCE 6~. Letter to APA, l4 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 61. Letter to APA, U Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 62. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB} 63. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 64. Letter to APA,, U Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 65. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 66. Letter to APA, H Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 67. Lett~r to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 68. Letter to APA, 14 Jan l98J (Vol. 108) 10-10 " STATUS Generally incorporat«Jd in reb 1983 License Application. Controls on uae to be considered in the Recce:atton Plan I•ple~entAtion Report. To be addreaaed•in the Recreatlon Plan I•pleillentat.ion Report. Comment refer~nced to appropriate discussions in Exhibit E, Chapteca 3 and 5 of Feb 1983 License Application. This issue will be addressed through an interdi&ciplinuy teaa orgAnized bi' ·H-E. PAge _9_ of /~ COKl'LETIOM Df:.TE Aprll U14 ApcU 19U N/A rhcal year uu Col'lllent adequately •lddreaaed in Exhibit 1, On-going Chapter& 3 and 11 of Feb 1983 Licenae Application. Develop•ent of •itlgatlon measures will continue. Will be considered in the Recr•ation Plan April 1984 I•pleaentation Report. To be addressed in th~ Recreation Plan April 1984 Iapleentation Report., Incorporated in Feb 19.83 Lic,enag Application. Operation COSt/S incorporated in Peb 198) License Application. Kanagement cespon- •ibllitlea will be considered in th~ RecreAtion Plan Iaplernentation Report., N/A April 1984 \1 ""' t ... " r r·"'" . _, L r=-----!, r~ Subta~k: S9cl.al Sciences ISSUE SR-~9 Before constructiorn begins, exiating river conditions fro• upstre11a af the project to Gold Cceek ahould be record~d on fil•. SR·-70 Conaidention ahoulld be giv1an to providing public a•:ceaa to 'the Suaitna River below Watana daa pri!!IC to the co.apletion and ope;ration ofl Devil C&nyota Da•. SR-71 consideration ahou1ld be g/Lvtm to providing public &Jcceas t:' '0• the project transpQrtation cor.ridor ~~ Portage Cceek f.or fi&hing and/or. kal{akil.ng. SR-72 Appropriate day use and/or overnight facilitiea should be considered for Gold Creek. SR-73 I•ubHc ac!:eaa to lche Talkeetna River via ''he Stephan LakeHPrAide Creek corridor .ia an i•portant i:saue that needs t,() be SR-74 SH-75 SR-76 . resolved early. The Power Authority •nould con~lder a leasing or concesaion arrangHient with CIRI to facilitat• public recreation use on Stephan Lake. The Recreational Plan should add three aitea adjacent to the Alaska Railroad: Indian River, Gold Creek, and Curry. A decision is needed on whether or not the access road will be open to the public. ~-,..--..~ r .. ~ f·-----.... :~ PRELIHINARY .-' .. ,......--., ~ ~ --~') SUSlTNA HYDROBLECTRIC PROJECT: AG£NCY-RA1SED ISSUES AGENCX NPS NPS NPS HPS HPS ADHR ADNR ADNR SOURCE 69. Letter to A:PA, U Jan 198Jl (Vol. lOB) 10. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. 101!,) 71. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 72. Letter to APA, 1.-t Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 73. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 74. Letter to APA, ll Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 75. Letter to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB} 76. DHR Heu1orandu• 23 Dec 1982 (Vol. lOB) 10-11 STATUS To be considered during design develop.ent for Devil Canyon visitor center. ~o be considered in design develop•ent for Phase II (Watana I•plementation Phaae) of the 7ecreat} ~n plan. co .. ent adequately addreaaed in Exhibit E, Chapter 11 of reb 1983 License Application. Should be investigated with response letter to HPS. Comment adequately addreosed in Exhibit £, Chapter 11 of reb 1983 License Applic~tion • Will be exa;llinGd in Recreation Plan I•pleaentlatlon Report. Indian River, Gold Cre~k, and curry should be investigated ~ith response lettrr to DNR. Peb 1983 License .Application clearly assuea that ac.cess road will be open to public use, but leaves isaue open by 5tclting that find deciaion will be made in 1993; resolution req~irea policy decision by the Power Authority, prefera~ly duri~g 1986. ~ ~-~-'1} • Ot. ~•c Ull Page /0 of /3 --- ·OOKPLETIOtl DATE :IDOl lt9l M/A Fhc.t~l Ye•r 1984 N/A ApcU 1984 Fiac&l Yetic 198t (To be av1ppUed by Power Authority) ! ---.---~ ~-.. -=----~.~·---.---~ ... ----~-~---- ~ :,1 ". ,·1• r : r ," ~ !• ' ~it'·~ rr:' .~~ 5 r=-~ r~-:-e ~ --~ ~=e<! .& Subtask; social s::iences ,ISSUE SR-77 The tranaldaaion line croaaing of Willow Cr~ek State Recreation Area conflicta with aite developaent plana and i•pa~~a the •ite•a recreation qualitiea. SR-71 Effecu of project conatructlon and operation on inatreaa flow •• it relate• to recreation reaourcea abould be ex.tlline4. SA-79 Mitigation ••surea have not been ~reclfically ldentifi•d and incotpor.ated into project plana. . SiA-80 SA-Il Sil-82 s.l-ll Additional location and deaign atudiea are required for the conatruct1on ca•p• and townaite. The north and south •tuba of the trana•iaaion line need additional location atudiea. The trans•iaaion line crossing of Willow Creek seate Recreation ll.rell conflicts with ~ite developsent plana and iMpacts the alt••• acenic qua\itlea. Effecta of project construction and operation on inatrea• flow as it relates to aeathetlc resources should be exallined. ~ F~ ~~ ~~ )W:::::>~ ~ \,::. PRELIMINARY t:l:;':_~ .. :.; F.=.,.....: ~~ .,; t:::..-~1 ~~ 40. c.-:::::._-:;w, ·:! u Ull SUSlTMA BYDROE~ECTRIC PRO~ECT: AGENCY-RAISED ISSOES AG!!NCI ADNR ADPG rws ADNR ADNR ADNR ADFG SOURCE ~ 11. Task U. Meeting, 10 Kay 1963 78. Dwight • Tribey 81 survey 79. Letter to APA, 14 Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 80. Ae:athetll.cs Workshop (l DIN~ Jl982) 81. Aesthetica Workshop (1 Dec 1982) 82. Task 41 Meeting, 10 Kay 1983 83. ~~lght ' Tribey 81 survey 10-12 STATDS Conaider alternative routing or route refine11ent. Will be addressed in supple.ental trans•ission line .studiea. Adoptii)O and i111ple111entation of aesthetic •1tigation ·measures will be addressed by inte;cdiscipl1nacy design tea• to be fO[IIUlated during lats UU. Issue not adequately addressed. Needs additional study. Concern uill be addressed in suppleJaental tcansaiasion line atudiea. Page jl_ of J3 COtiPL£TlOM Dh'JI!: Nuv UU On-going riac.t.l Y•ac 1985 Hov 1983 COI',aider alternative route or routing Nov 15181 • fine.ent. Concern will be addreaaed aupple~~ental tran&Ci.l n:~ ion line atud1eo. ' ' <'.::0:::':'~ I r I I l i ; '"--~-_,.,.-........ ---:...,_,-_.,.__ .... ~---·--· ~--.-.......,.__._,_,...,.........,..,.., ____ . __ ,_~_,_.._..,._ ______ '""' _____ .. __ , __ ...._ __ ......_ __ ~----· ----"":';"'---·----·-~-------·----~-------------~--------·1.> r ; .~\ pr ~ I· ,. I ~ t ,, '· • "I ··~ -~~~ :? " -:;. -. '-..; G ~ ""-~--.., ~":-~ A g:-·-. ' u-----~ ~--:--.! rz~ F--=:1 g:::.::::-;:) subtask: Social Sciences ISSUE SL-84 SL-85 Potential railroad iapacta to land use and accesa downstrea• froa Gold Cceek should be add~:·eaaed. Proposed aitigation aeaauces and their iapl•entation need to be aore clearly outlined. SL-86 Proposed aitigation for the loaa of public uae of project land• ahould Identify 11lternat1vea auch aa replacing opportunities lost with landa that provide equal value. SL-87 Discussions of wetlands and floodplains, including aitigation aeaaurea, ahould be expanded. SL-88 Specific aeasu::ea to aitigate il"'pacta froa tho tranaais ion line ahould be addceaaed. SL-89 Concern about the Healy to Fairbanks tranaai•aion line right-of-way and it• iapacta on l~nd diapoaal ahould be addreaaed. SL-90 Overall concern about the tranaaiaaion line rlgbt-~f-vay and ita effecta on land disposal actions and land aanageaent pract·cea should be addressed. SL-91 53.-92 The atatua of land for the daasite, acceaa coada, and transmiasion corridors ahould be addressed now. Typ~a ~f land acquisition proced~res ahould be inleatigated and action begun. ~::::::J ~~ 1S;:;:::::J ~--=:::::J tt.s::s .t::=:::Jl, c:;_ ·~ t: . ._.::-.:JI .t:::::::.JU c.~:3 PRELIMINARY SOSITHA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT: AGEHCY-RAIS£D ISSUES AGEtlCY ADfG ADFG ADl'G rws rws ADNR ADNR ADHR ADHR SODRCE 84. Letter to APA, 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. 108) 65. Letter to APA 13 Jan 1983 (Vol. lOB) 86. Letter to APA, 13 Jan l98J (Vol. 108) 87. Letter to APA, U Jan 1963 (Vol. lOB) 88. Letter to APA, 14 Jail 1983 (Vol. 108) 89. Letter to APA, 3 Feb 1983 (Vol. lOB) 28 Jan 1983 90. Letter to APA, 3 Feb 1983 (Vol. lOB) 91. ONR Hemorandua, 23 Dec 1982 (Vol. lOB) 92. DHR Hemorandua, 23 Dec 1982 (Vol. lOB) 10-13 STATOS Gegerally incorporated in Feb 1983 License Applica'tion. I Adoption and implementation of aitigat1on aea~tues is unresolved haue, cequirirag policy aeciaion by the Power Authority. Incorporated in Feb 1983 License Application. Generally incorporated in Feb 1983 License Application. Additional wetl~nda aapping ic plann•d. Incorporated in Feb 198J Licenae Application. Also to be addreaaed in aupple•ental transMiaaion atudiea. ConCQLR to be addressed in aupp!eaent~l trans•isaion line atudiea. Concern to be addreaaQd in auppleaental tranaaiaaion line studiea. Wo~ is currently being perforaed by ?ower Authority contractor• responsible for land use AU!tllnr:hationa and land acquisitions. Work ia cu.nently being .t>erioraed by Power ,~uthodty contractors responsible foe land use authocizationa and lanJ use acquisitiona. r.::~ ;) r--:::.; 4 (k. __ oec Ull Pag~ / ~ of _£J_ ~2l"L!t'10H DA't~ 14/A Piacal lear ltiS M/A Piac~&l Year 1:..85 Nov 1913 Nov 1983 HOY 1913 Unknown Unknown C.:.:......::t: " I I I ·'::I \)· ----·--··-----.--~ ·~·-~~-,...."'"'~·--~-:-~ ......... --.... ~-----:·-·,_-........ -·~-~--. ~-----.--. .,..,..._ _________ . --~ ... ~·~-··~ .... --....... ""-.--.~ ........ --... ~~------· -~--~--... ~---------;~.... -----~----------... .,. ._ __ : .. ;li il.~:,·:~-JIIt . . . . · . · 1-=c ~ 1· • ,, " .. -\ ~ ·I ,W' ,.•. .. .' I -. • fi..·-.. 0 • •• • \ --• • "' .~ ":- I ~ ,_,._-~:-:;.. ... ~·•~·:r&-'L .. tar.r-... :;;if .... ,.~~~h • ....._~ ~.::=>:J " A lr -·~·-.·, ~----~ lL~-~-J J~=;:J r :J r---~, ft--.-~:41 Subtaak: Social Sciences ISSUE SL-93 SL-94. SL-95 SS-96 T~tt tr<tnaalaaion line ccoealng of Willow Creek State Recreation Area confllct~J wltlh site developaent plana. Concern that the project Will result in trespass on Natlvtt lands should be el4JP.lned. Concern about the ~ompatibility of the access plan with the benali Scenic Higbw•v plan ahould be addressed. Th•r• is a need to eatiaate •peculative tn-aig~ation. J,;,.>.r,.''i.-~---•. ,..,.-._.. -~-, li-t.-' ----lrll!l!llt~ .,.. c~:~ ~:=:t ~ ,-...53 r.;-· ·-i: CL::J ?=:x ~=· r-··""::]1 L=:J r:::::;::_~ r -~-1: PRELIMINARY 4 L-• ..1bec 1911 SUSITNA H~DROELEC~AIC PROJECT: AGEHC~-RAISED ISSU!S AGENCY ADHR ABTHA ABTNA ADCRA SOURCE 93. Task U Meeting, 10 Hay 1983 9,. Land Use Workshop 30 Nov 1982 95. Land Use Workshop 30 Nov 1982 96 •. Socioeconomic Workshop (19 July 1981) 10-14 S'tATOS Consider alt•,native CQuting or ~oute refineaf!nt. Concern wi.H be addreaaed F.~i• /3 of 1.3 CO"PLE'UOH DATE Movl!ll in aupplaaental tr•naaLaaion line atudi••· Iasuf! has not been resolved. 11echaniea needs to be established to outline bow conc~rn will be addreaaed. The developae-.t otf the pl,!Sn needs to ba 110nitoced and evi\lUated when adopted. B-£ will esti•ate the number of people who -~ill .ave into the area to find work on the Susitna Project but who are not successful in obtaining a job. Thia will be accoapl~ahed by contacting e.e. Hydro and other utilities, •• neceaaary, to evaluate what their experience has been with apeculative in-aigcation on l4rge ecale energy development projects, hydro in particular. rlacal Y•ar l91t Unknown Revised Projection• (teat) Moveaber: 19&1 C::::lj I ........... -.... ~--~-----.-~---.~ ... ~-~-----· .. ·~---... -~ ... -~_ ... .,...1: r,..._·'-"'""!·--· .... ~..__..-~~---~---..... ---··~---~ .. ----~----..... ,.~ ,...._ ... .-....,.....~--· --· .., 1 '.J M . r tJ ,., u . I d 0 n i \ \ l J..-1 i \ ~ ~-~ ' l ! Ait.PENDIX B -LIST OF PREVIOUS STUDIES 1. Acres American Incorporated. 1981. Susitn~Hydroelectric Project, Development Selection Report. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. 2. March 1982. Susitna Hydroelectr,ic Project, Transmission Line Selection Route. Final Draft. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. 3. August 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Access Plan Recommendation ReEort. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authoritye 4. March 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, !_easibilitz. Report. Volumes 1-7, Final Draft. Pre- pared for the Alaska Power Authority. 5. Acres American Incorporated/Terrestrial Euvironmental Specialist~, Inc. 1981. Sus~tna Hydr~~~ctric Project, Environmental Stu- dies Subt§LSk 7. 07 : Land Use Analysis. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. 6. Braund, Stephen R. and Associates. March 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, S.~btask 7. 05, Socioeconomic Analz.s is, Sociocultural ReEot~· Final Draft. Prepared for Acres Ameri- can Incorporated. 7. Commonwealth Associates, Inc. January 1982. Anchorage-Fairbank~ ,lransmi,ssion Intertie Route Selection _R.eport. Prepared for Alaska Power Au~hority, January 1982. 8. March 1982. Environmental 1055B Assessment: ~port:_, An~horage-Fairbanks Transmi~~ion Intertie. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. 10-15 • 0 <-~'l i } i \' w ,;;?-._, "~) ,, -........:.' ~~~~~~·'--·· .:~~.,__, ..... ~~-~ .;;, """"";!. . •• ,,,. •• : • ..;..•'., .... ~'-·1-:» ~·--<;·2'~=-'7'-~+--·,:;:' 9. Dixon, E,J., Jr., G.S. Smith, and D.C. Plaskett. May 1980. Procedures Manual/Research Design, Sub task 7. 06 Cultural Re- sources Investigation far tl}.~ .. ~usitna Hydropower. Projec.t .• University of Alaska Museum. Fairbanks, Alaska. 10. Dixon, E.J., Jr., G.S. SmithJ R.M. Thorson, and R.C. Betts. May 1981. Annual Report, . Subtask 7. Oc Cultural Resources I~­ vestigations for the ~Susitna Hydroelectric Project, 1980. University of Alaska Museumc Fairbanks, Alaska. 11. Dixon, E.J., G.S. Smith, M.L. King, and J.D. Romick. December 1982. Final Report 1982 Field Se~son Subtask 7. 06 Cultural Resources Investigation for the Susit:na Hydroelec.~:ri.~ Pr?ject. University of Alaska ~useum, Fairbanks, Alaskac 12. Frank Orth and Associates, Inc. April 1982. Sus~t~ Hydroelectric Froject ~nvironmental Stud~es, Su?task 7.05: Socioeconomic Analysis Phas~ I Report. Prepared for Acres American Incor- porated and th~ Alaska Power Author1.ty. 13. Jones and Jones. March 14, 1975. Upper. Sus,.!£na River-An Inventory and Evaluation of the Environmental, Aes the tic and Reciea tiona'i "Resources. PJi'epared for D. 0. A., Alaska Distri1=-t -; Corps of Engine@rs. 14. Unive.t:sity of Alask~ Agricultural Experiment Station. June 24, 1981. Exhibit E, ~eyort on Recrea_tion ~sources, ,Subtas~ 7.08. Undated draft. Prepared for Acres American Incorpct"ated! 15. April 1982. The Recr~ati~n Plan f~~ the ---· ----~-~~-"-~ ~reposed Sus itna H_ya rocle_c.t r~~ Pr?,je<:,~~· 16. University of Alaska Museum. !t!arch 1S~3. Susitna Hydroelectric Project !_982 Gul tural Resol:lrcgs Sur~ey F_~al R-ep_ort. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. 10--16 1055B I -l l r i I l, j l ' ! I f 1 l ! I l l I l I I I \ l 1 \. f f'• h i f:o \ I l ! l' t r L l I 1 I l t ( t l