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River Basin Studies and moose census information regarding
the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project, 1951-1954.
Pages extracted from the 13th (1951-52), 14th (1952-53), and
15th (1953-54) Annual Report of the Alaska Game Commission
to the Secretary of the Interior.
For the use of the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project
and in fulfilment of the repository project conducted by
Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS).
July 2015
OF ·
JULY I, 19!51 TO JUNE 30, 1952
Wildlife management aims to maintain a shootable crop of
game by the most practicable means at hand., Surveys to determine
range condit and game populations indicate proper management
measures: restricted or liberalized take, complete closliTe, per-
mit hunt, predator control or refuge establishrnent e Opportnni ties
for modifying the habitat are extremely rare, but opport1mi ties
for turning natural habitat changes to good advantage are frequent;
fires, logging, ecological succession and variations in grazing
and housing by animals are the elements chiefly responsible for
change: in vegetationo
Rt-}COJrLl1!enda tions for regulations are made to the Game Commis-
sion as a :result of field surveys conducted by personnel of the
Refuge, Federal Aid, Predator, River Basin and Wildlife Research
Branches .:-,n.3 Enforcement Division
In addition to game animals, similar basic procedures are
applied to fur animals, waterfowl and sport fisho
11anagement activity places full emphasis on the native species
already proven Adapted to Alaskao Introduction of exotic species
or even artificial dispersion of native species has great appeal
for many sportsmen.. It is more economical and biologically much
more practical to assist nature in what is already established
rather than attempt the spectacular, but seldom successful, new
stockings of game, fish or fur. However, where physical obstacles
such as glaciers or high waterfalls are obvious barriers, stocking
can function timately to extend the range of native species.,
Federal Aid Activities
Federal Aid projects in operation during the year were of
two types: fact~finding and developmente Surveys and investiga~
tions under the first type 1mcover facts on which to base manage-
ment and regulatione The second type of project involves actual
improvement of the habitat, game or fish stocking and and physical
improvements needed for protectiono Both types of work are under-
way with wildlife while, with sport fish, the work has been con=
fined so far to surveys and investigationso
Surveys and Investigation~
The most extensive herd composition survey to date resulted
in tallying 1,867 moose, of which 45% were cows, 28% bulls and
27% calves. This is a better calf crop than in the previous yearo
Since the Kenai calf ratio, although lower, also increased it
appears that 1951 was a good year for moose productione Neither
at Susitna or Kenai was the production of twin calves as great as
frequently assumed; in early winter counts the ratio of single
calves to twins was 6:1 and 5~1 respectively at the two locations3
Susitna moose density surveys in late winter 1952 showed
3Q09 moose per square mile compared to 3f)78 in 1951, 2~73 in 1950
and 2o94 in 1949e
A special portion of the Susitna moose study has been a check
on animals killed and cause of mortalityo Of 68? .animals removed
in fiscal year 1952 from Susitna Valley: 514 were legally killed
bulls, 90 were killed by trains, 31 by highway vehicles, 22 il-
legal kills, 9 by,accidently falling off'a cliff, 4 by predators,
4 accidently shot and wounded, 4 unknown, l drowned, 1 caught in
a fence and 7 calves were taken for stocking purposeso It must
be pointed out that certain causes of mortality are more apparent
than others, the above tabulation representing those animals
about which definite information was obtainedo
The Stikine Valley moose range in Southeastern Alaska was
surveyed in March 1952 in order to check reports of a poor calf
crop and legal harvest composed almost entirely of two-year-old
bullso Of 126 moose observed 24 or 19% were calveso On the
lower Stikine,1 the area of heaviest hunting pressure, the calf
crop was low in contrast to the upper rivero
Caribou Studies
A close check during the 1951 hunting season showed 500
to 525 caribou taken from the Nelchina herdo Of the known kill
airplane hunters took 101, while hunters with tractors and other
vehicles killed 385o Hunters with vehicles killed practically
all their animals in the first four days while the airplane kill
was spread throughout the seasono
The Nelchina caribou moved eastward out of the summer range
in the Talkeetna Mountains in late Augusto Movement was in three
bands which dispersed in the Lake Louise regiono The annual mid-
winter count showed 7,000 animals, the calf crop amounting to
16% of the herdo This represents a, general increase over 195lo
In addition the small band of caribou in the Mto Sanford area
showed an increase from 45 to 53 animalso There was also evidence
that a small band had moved into the Chistochina River areao A
mid-June 1952 survey disclosed a 22% calf crop in the segment of
the Nelchina herd checkedo
Again in the spring of 1952 the Arctic caribou survey was
attempted, and again complete coverage was not possibleo However!
the south side of the central and western Brooks Range was covered
and all except the extreme eastern end was covered on the north
sideo An estimate of less than 50,000 animals leads to the con-
clusion that earlier estimates may have been too highc The
country from Chandalar River east was not coveredo
A more intensive check of caribou was made by Predator agents
in the Umiat area where the calf crop in late winter amounted to 8%o
Caribou Re-Introduction
Range surveys were conducted on the Kenai to determine the
practicability of re-establishing caribouo Only limited lichen
ranges were fund on the high ridges above timber line and in
small patches associated with spruce at lower elevationso The
drainages of Mystery Creek and Chickaloon River have sufficient
winter for an estimated two hundred caribouo
Since many es occur in Alaska, a project was initiated
obtai.n informati.on on the effects on wi.ldlife. An area on the
Porcupine River was selected and plots established. These plots
wi be rechecked after two yearsc
The Alaska Wildlife Forum, a weekly fifteen-minute radio
program, was continued through its second yearo
The first two Master Science degrees in Wildlife Manage-
ment were awarded to two Unit Research Assistants., One of the men
is now employed by the Alaska Native Service as a Range Conserva-
tionist for reindeer; the other is awaiting call of the Selective
Service board:') A third student, who has nearly completed his
graduate work, is employed by the Fish and Wildlife Service as
Assistant Refuge Manager in the Aleutian Islands National Wild-
life Refuge.,
I1ydro=electric power developments are being proposed and in
some cases are actually under construction on certain Alaska
r.ivers. Because such pro ects can affect fish and wildlife to
a serious degree, the FJ. and \vildlife Service is required by
to evaluate them in advanceo A formal program of Alaskan
river basin study was started during the year with the hire of
one fishery biologist to work primarily on the salmon runs of
the Susitna Rivero It is planned to add a wildlife biologist to
study the effect of dams and reservoirs on game and fur animal
habitat. The objective to insure maintenance of present,
renewable resources in coordination with the new industrial
developments which are rapidly coming to the Territoryo
A work plan for the Susitna surveys was prepared, as well
as a preliminary statement of the expected impact of the proposed
Susitna development on fish and wildlife resourceso Since the
planning for the l2 dams in Susitna Basin is still in a state of
flux, frequent consultations have been held with the Bureau of
Reclamation in order to keep abreast of engineering information
as it developede
A conference was held with the Army Corps of Engineers to
obtain comprehensive information as to proposed and potential
river development plans of that agency. A third category of
river basin interest, private hydro~power development licensed
by the Federal Power Commission, is relatively unimportant to
date in Alaskao As such projects are proposed or come up for
re-licensing, they are investigated as to the effect upon fish
and wildlife.
JULY 1. 1952 TO JUNE 30, 19!53
conoucted under the
Four Federal Aic projects were in operation during
the year. One wilolife project oealt with surveys and in-
vestigations and another with stocking. Like\·lise, one fishery
project was survey and investigation while the other concerned
restoration facilities--trails, shelters and skiffs. Both
fact-finding and developmental projects were undertaken to-
Suryeys and Investigations
Moose investigations have been concentrated in
south-central Alaska and on the Alaska Peninsula. Compari-
sons between the Kenai Peninsula and the Susitna Valley herds
showed the latter roughly twice as productive as the former.
Calf percentages on the Susitna were 24% and on the Kenai 12%.
The difference is between an area that has reached peak pro-
duction and one that is beyond the peak. The upper Copper
River Valley (calf percentage, 20%) has not yet reached its
peak. In all areas more bulls were found than necessary to
maintain productivity.
A survey of the Alaska Peninsula revealed a moose
population in excess of 500 animals with Bering Sea side
producing the most. In former years moose were scarce on the
.Peninsula and present numbers indicate a surprising increase.
,·,concentrations were found near Mother Goose Lake and along
the Savonoski River.
During the Matanuska Valley special permit hunt, 69
hunters killed 50 moose. Great interest was shown as reflected
by the 2,000 applications for 75 permits.
Northern herds -Extensive aerial surveys of caribou
along the Alaska-Yukon boundary were carried out in coopera-
tion with the Canadian Wildlife Service. A herd was followed
during a purposeful migration from the Porcupine River in
Yukon Territory in March to the Arctic coast and west to
Barter Island by June. The distance covered was over 400
miles. The herd was estimated at 20,000 to 30,000 animals.
Surveys on the Arctic slope disclosed a minimum population
of 47,000 caribou with concentrations of 20,000 on the
Nimiuktuk River and 15,000 on the Utukok River in northwest
Alaska. Total population is believed to be substantially
above this minimum figure.
Southern Herds -The Steese-Forty Mile caribou herd
proceeded east from the Steese Highway in September to Yukon
Territory and returned in April. Calving ground counts
distribution of coyotes and wolves ana their relative abuncance
for certain years. Information is also being collected and
assembled on coyote-fox competition. Food habit studies are
continuing in cooperation with the Unit at College.
G~:t:tet~ Pg1~Hln Sbgg:t1ng TQ~al
Wolf 27 46 27 100
Coyote 28 9 6 43
Fox (precatory) .al _2 _Q ...3Z
Total 80 62 33 175
The Susitna River was the locale for the major por-
tion of basin surveys during the year. A plan ceveloped by
the Bureau of Reclamation for large-scale hyaro-power facil-
ities considered 19 potential dam and reservoir sites in the
Susitna system: six on the main river, six on the tributary
Talkeetna River, three on Skwentna River, three on Chulitna
River anc one on Tyone River. Only Devil Canyon site on the
upper Susitna is under active consideration for early construc-
tion. The Service report recommenced eight of the sites be
dropped because these dams would block important salmon runs.
In acdition to the fishery resources, wildlife--particularly
moose anc caribou--range will be affected by reservoir flooc-
Next in importance to the Susitna stuay was a report
prepared on three creeks in the Anchorage area: Ship, Chester
an~ Campbell. Because of expanded industrial activity and·
the number of existing dams, it was concluded that effort
shoula be extended to preserve only Campbell Creek as a fish
stream with the other two giv€n over to higher priority use.
The Chena-Tanana Flood Control Plan was reviewed and
the area surveyed and reported upon. Fortunately, the effect
of this project was found to be negligible so far as fish and
wildlife resources are concerned.
A number of privately-financed power projects, up
for licensing by the Feaeral Power Commission, were stUdied
ana appropriate reports prepared as follows:
F.P.C. #831 Chichagof Island
F.P.C. #1196 Upper Trail Lake, Moose Pass
F.P.C. #1432 Kodiak Island
F.P.C. #1922 Lower Silvis Lake, Ketchikan.
.. .. .. .. ..
II .. .. ..
II .. .. .. .. .. .... ,
At the beginning of the fiscal year, the River Basin
staff consisted of one fishery biologist; in November a wild-
life biologist was added by transfer from gion 3, thus bring-
ing to two the personnel engaged fulltime in this activity •
The Fish and Wilclife Service operates no fish
hatcheries in Alaskao Uncer a cooperative agreement with the
Kodiak Conservation Club, however, a small hatchery was con-
structed and placed in operation during the 1953 season.
The Club is composed of military and civilian personnel of
the Kodiak Naval Base, under the leadership of Admiral John
Perry. Actual hatchery operation \vas under supervision of
a Service fish culturist •
With the original objective of replenishing Kodiak
streams and lakes subjected to heavy fishing pressure, pri-
marily military, the program was broacened to provide rainbow
trout fry for adjacent mainland waters as well •
The 24-trough hatchery is located at Devil' s Canyon
on the Navy Reservation.. Eggs fro.rn adult trout taken by
Service personnel in Karluk Hiver were fertilized in the field
and then transpdrted to thA hatchery by surface craft and by
air. Spawn-taking commenced on April 29 ana concluded May 21
with a yield of 2,554,350 eggs. Hatching started July 8 and
ended July 13. Operations during the period August 7 to 16
saw 1,776,645 fry planted: 1,265,445 in Kodiak waters and
511 7 200 in the Anchorage-Palmer area and at Lake Louise.
Transporting large numbers of fry to the mainland was found
to be inadvisable and will be generally supplanted by eyed-
egg hauling in the futureo
Keeping tabs on migratory·waterfowl is a traditional
stateside function of the Fish and Wildlife Service. A resume
is incluced in this report because of the importance of Alaska
as a producer of ducks ana geesee In the absence of a formal
waterfowl section or adequate funds for the job, .. the seasonal
surveys were conducted by personnel of various Regional Divi-
sions: Federal Aid, Law Enforcement, Refuges, Predator Control
and River Basin Studiese Winter inventory, spring breeding
ground survey, summer banding and nesting studies and hunting
season bag checks were carried out by this cooperative means
and provide an index to waterfowl conditions in the Territory.
During the summer of 1952 waterfowl were banded at
Yukon Delta, 1~~Iinto Lakes, Copper River delta and Izembek Bay •
n I p
Funds available under the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act ..j
were used to sponsor two projects:
(1) Wildlife Investigations of Alaska
{2) Stocking, Restocking and Introduction of Game Birds and
Mammals in Alaska. Complete reports of these activities are on record
at most field stations, Juneau, and Washington. A brief summary follows.
Wildlife Investigations of Alaska
The most comprehensive aerial moose herd composition counts
(not total census) on record were made in November 1953 with the follow-
ing tabulation on 6, 700 moose:
Total Moose Bull~Cow Percent
Area Counted Ratios Calves
Susitna Valley 2700 48~ 100 21
Kenai 2900 62:100 14
Nelchina-Copper River 1100 107:100 29
The Kenai calf crop was 6. 6o/o in 19 50, 12. 1 o/o in 1951, and 12. 1%
in 1952; the Susitna calf crop was 16. 5% in 1950, 27. 1o/o in 1951 and 23. Bo/o
in 1952. The success of the calf crop is believed to be an expression of
range conditions more than any other factor.
Seventeen cows accidentally killed in the Anchorage area were
examined for embryological development. Seven of the 15 adults carried
embryos, two of which were twins.
Chemical sprays were used experimentally on 65 plots on the Kenai
and Susitna in an effort to develop feasible methods of browse production.
In order to determine age classes1 measurements of teeth from 69
jaws were completed, but the results are not conclusive and further work
will be required.
Nelchina Herd Summer range surveys classified cover by three
types from which 544 species composition quadrats were taken for later
analysis. Checking station operation secured information from 807 hunters
and collected 146 caribou stomach samples, 152 antler measurements, a,...~
and 161 lower jaws" Analysis of antler-jaw data showed an age distribu-
tion of 9o/o one year class~ 13% two year, 19o/o three year, 23o/o four: year
ij The office of River Basin Studies, primarily concerned with in-
: . .1 ,
vestigations on water use development projects, concentrated extensively
on Federal Power Project No. 2138, to be located on the Copper River, by
the Harvey Aluminum Company, Inc., of Torrance, California. Under
terms of the Federaf Power Act, the preliminary permit only assures the
applicant of maintaining priority of application for a license.. The purpose
of the proposed project is hydro-electric power productio~ which would be
utilized for electro -chemical and electro -metallurgical industries as well
as other unspecified purposes. Proposed development features consist
of a 560 foot dam located in Wood Canyon about 4 miles below the con-
fluence of the Copper and Chitina Rivers. The Copper River is considered
one of the most important salmon spawning streams in Alaska and annually
produces more salmon than any other one stream flowing into the south-
central coast. Because of the importance of the salmon fishery and the
significant wildlife resources involved, the Copper River Basin received
priority over all other studies during the year.
Fishery and Wildlife field surveys were initiated and all available
basic data and statistical records were compiled. A Service report was
submitted in relation to the effects the proposed development would have
on the resources.
Because of the urgent need for basic biological information on the
fish and wildlife resources in the Copper River Basin, field investigations
on the Susitna River were curtailed. However, considerable progress
was made in the compilation of accumulated basic data on the fish and
wildlife resources in this basin. Summation of these compilatims and
studies were submitted in two reports entitled 11 Progress Report on
Wildlife of ·the Susitna Basin, 11 and "A Progress Report on the Fishery
Resources of the Susitna River Basin." These reports were the result
of the Bureau of Reclamation's proposed plan of development for the
Susitna River Basin.
As a res¢ t of Reclamation~ s Preliminary investigations, the Service
was required to ~ubmit reports on the following.projects: Blue Lake, ·in
Sitka area; .Lake Dorothy and Swan Lake in the Juneau area; and Wickersham
in the Fairl:Janks area. Blue Lake and Wickersham reports required field
investigation, while the Lake Dorothy and Swan Lakes required only review
and €omments resulting from changes of Reclamation 1 s plans. It was
anticipated that these proposed developments would have no ... significant
adverse effect on the fish and wildlife resources involved.
The following, proposed or considered, privately financed power
projects, on the Kenai Peninsula were studied: Grant, Ptarmigan and
Tustume:m..a Lakes. A report was written on Project 2129 (Grant La.ke)
while only field investigations were conducted on Tustumena and Ptarm~gan
Two Corps of Engineers 1 projects which received attention during
the year, were the Kodiak Small Boat Harbor and the Corps' Interim Report (11
No. 1 on Southeastern Alaska. In conjunction with the Corps' plan of study,
fishery and wildlife basic data were gathered and compiled on the Nushagak
and Wood River Drainages.
During this fiscal year, considerable basic field data were gathered
and compiled on the moose and caribou kills in the Copper and Susitna
River Basins for subsequent River Basin Reports. In addition, the staff
actively engaged in cooperative Fish and Wildlife programs of wildlife
censusing, attending game hearings, press releases, public talks and
other activities which were closely related to River Basins work.
Permanent River Basin staff during the fiscal year, consisted of
one fishery research biologist and one wildlife research biologist. This
staff is supplemented by two fishery and one wildlife biological aids during
the busy summer months.
In general, all equipment was in good condition and only minor
repairs were needed during the year.
Although the Fish and Wildlife Service operates no fish hatcheries
in Alaska, for the second year, cooperation was extended the Kodiak
Conservation Club in running the Devil's Canyon hatchery on the Navy
During the winter 650 fry trays and 650 egg trays were constructed
and 24 standard-size troughs were built and installed at the hatchery.
Following installation of the weir in Karluk River, spawn-taking
commenced on May 9th and continued until May 27th at which time
3, 540,580 eggs had been taken from 768 female rainbow trout. Trans-
portation to the hatchery was accomplished by weasel, ·ship and aircraft.
Distribution of eyed eggs and of fry began on June 30 and was
completed on August 18. Eggs were hatched and fry reared past the
yolk-sac stage at the Alaska Department of Fisheries Lost Lake and
Fire Lake hatcheries and at the Auke Creek hatchery of the Territorial
Sportsmen, Inc.
Planting records are tabulated as follows:
~ .,,