HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4150Moose Movements and Habitat Use
Along the Upper Susitna River
Progress Report
Alaska Power Authority
(April 1978 through September 1978)
Kenton P. Taylor
Warren B. Ballard
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Division of Game
Ronald Somerville, Director
Donald E. HcKnight, Research Chief
January 1979
Devil Mountain
Watana Creek
Susitna Bend
Maclaren River
Butte Creek.
Vegetation Use.
Literature Cited
Moose (Alces alces gigas) radio-collared in the vicinity of the
proposed Susitna hydropower project were relocated 151 times from 1 April
to 30 September 1978. }1ost moose observed were in spruce dominated
habitats.. Seven of the.lO cows that calved in 1978 did so in spruce
habitats. Four additional moose were captured and radio-collared in
August 1978 to replace those lost during the previous year.
Movement patterns for most moose during this study period were
similar to those of previous years. Nine of the original 18 radio-
collared moose crossed the Susitna River in the proposed impoundment
area at least once. Proportionately more moose (10 of 14) utilized the
same summer range in both 1977 and 1978 than utilized the same winter
range (6 of 14).
Present information suggests that moose from many portions of the
Susitna River drainage utilize habitats adjacent to or within the area
which would be flooded by dam construction.
The Susitna River basin has long been recognized as an important
habitat to a wide variety of wildlife species (ADF&G unpublished data).
Increasing interest in hydroelectric.power development in the Devils
Canyon area stimulated some general ungulate population assessment work
in 1974 (USF&WS 1975). Limited funds became available in 1976 to acquire
baseline information on moose movements and habitat use within the
impact area (Fig. 1). The present study, funded by the Alaska Power
Authority (APA), was a continuation of the work reported in Taylor and·
Ballard (1978) which was initiated in 1976. Briefly, the history of the
project was as follows:
During October 1976 and.March 1977, 18 radio collars and 21 visual
collars were placed on moose along the Susitna River from the mouth of
the Maclaren River downstream to Devil Creek. Radio-tracking flights
over a 13 month period yielded 270 observations of the radio-collared
moose. Visual-collared moose were located 43 times. Radio-collared
moose located between Jay Creek and Devil Mountain maintained small year
around home ranges, gene~ally less than 48 km 2 in extent. One moose
from Devil Creek was seen near Lone Butte, 84 km east of her tagging
location indicating that some east-west movements occur. Movements of
eight moose collared east of Jay Creek were substantially longer, and
migrations up to 103 km were observed. Radio-collared moose w·ere observed
most often in spruce (Pl~cea glauca ar1d Picea maria;ta) dominated habitats
during all seasons. Seven of the eight cows gave birth in spruce vegetation.
The Susitna River bend from Goose Creek to the mouth of the Tyone River
was identified as important winter habitat for moose from many areas of
the Susitna River drainage. Lmver elevations along the Susitna River
between Jay Creek and Devils Canyon were important as both wintering and
calving areas for resident moose populations. Radio-collared and visual-
collared moose crossed the Susitna River a minimum of 26 times. Fifteen
of these crossings occurred along that portion of the river which would
be inundated following dam construction. Evidence gathered during this
phase of the study suggests that moose from many portions of the Susitna
River drainage utilize habitats adjacent to or within the area flooded
by waters impounded by the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project.
Flights to locate radio-collared moose were made at least monthly
in a Piper PA-18 Supercub equipped with two, three or four-element Yagi
antennas connected to a four-band, 12-channel portable receiver manufactured
by AVM Instrument Company (Champaign, Illinois). Tracking techniques
were similiar to those described by Mech (1974). During parturition and·
several weeks afterwards, flights were intensified to one every 3 to 5
days to assess initial production and survival of calves.
Radio collars were retrieved from animals that died during the
course of the study and placed on new study animals. Capture and
processing techniques were identical to those described by Taylor and
Ballard (1978) except that 29 mg of. Anectine (Succinylcholine chloride)
Figure 1. Devils Canyon Proposed llydroelec trJ c Project Moos I! Movem~1nt
Study Area. Devils Canyon Project, March 1978.
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were used. Colored ear streamers and visual collars were attached to
each radio-collared moose to aid in identification from the air. Condition
of the teats (lactating or not lactating) was noted. The animals'
associations with other moose when collared were recorded. An incisor
tooth was taken from each animal, when feasible, for cementum line age
determination according to methods of Sergant and Pimlott (1959).
Results of the initial moose-collaring, data collection and radio
monitoring flights conducted between October 1976 and November 1977 were
reported by Taylor and Ballard (1978). Three radio-collared moose were
lost during spring 1978. The carcass of number 8040 was found 8 July
1978. She was last observed on 14 February, and the cause of mortality
is unknown. The collar of moose number 8588 was found on the ground
8 July. She was last observed 12 June 1978 and her fate is unknown.
The radio collar of moose number 8038 was found in a pool in Watana
Creek, also on 8 July. She was last observed on 11 April 1978, and she
is believed to be dead.
Four cow moose wer~ captured and radio-collared between Deadman and
Jay Creeks in August 1978 to replace the three lost in spring 1978.
Incisor teeth were collected from three, but their ages have not yet
been determined. None of the four were lactating at the time of collaring,
and none were accompanied by calves, although one was with a yearling
Radio-collared moose along the Susitna River from the Denali Highway
bridge downstream to Devil Creek were relocated 151 times between 1 April
and 30 September, increasing the total number of moose relocations since
the beginning of the study to 430 moose observations.
Radio-collared moose occupied ranges from 27 to 686 km2 (Table 1).
Observations obtained after Harch 1978 increased range sizes for 10 of
16 radio-collared moose. Of the six ranges that did not increase with
increased observations, five were in the Hatana Creek drainages.
Six of 14 radio-collared cows alive from winter 1977 through
summer 1978 utilized approximately the same winter range in both years.
The average distance between winter ranges utilized by the other 8 moose
was 17 km (range 6 km to 50 km). Ten moose of these 114 moose utilized
roughly the same summer range in 1977 and 1978. Of the four that did
not, the average distance between ranges used was 16 km (range 6 km to
31 km).
Radio-collared moose crossed the Susitna River four times between
1 April and 30 September 1978, bringing the total minimum number of
crossings since the beginning of the study to 30. Nine (50 percent) of
the original 18 radio-collared moose have crossed the Susitna River at
least once.
Table 1. Range size, number of radio-locations and minimum number of
river crossings of radio-collared moose along the Susitna River.
Radio Number of Range Range Total 2 Minimum Number
Number Locations Length km. Width km. Area km of river crossin~
8583 21 11.3 6.4 26.6 0
8584 21 20.1 7.2 50.7 3
8586 19 17.7 7.2 43.5 1
8589 2
8580 3
8038 22 14.2 9.3 51.5 0
8573 22 14.5 8.0 43.5 2
8576 21 12.9 10.5 41.0 0
8022 28 24.8 17.2 180.2 2
8588 16 13.5 8.2 39.9 1*
8040 20 17.1 6.4 49.9 0
8578 29 16.8 8.3 41.0 1
8579 20 49.9 20.0 240.4 2
8031 36 19.3 17.7 108.6 0
8035 38 66.8 14.5 405.6 2
8018 30 70.0 25.7 639.7 2
8030 37 55.5 21.2 415.8 3
8575 31 103.8 12.1 685.6 0
804011 4
858811 4
5527 3
5540 3
430 19
* Cow observed on island
Movements -Devil }1ountain Area
None of the three study animals collared in the Devil Hountain area
made any significant movements during this phase of the study. Number
8583 remained on the north side of the river in an area of less than 12
krn2 (Fig. 2). Numbers 8584 and 8586 remained on ~he south si~e of the
river in overlapping areas of approximately 31 km , and 15 km respectively.
All three remained at elevations between 500 m and 750 m. Seasonal
changes in vegetation and snow depth appeared to have little influence
on elevation fluctuations from April through September. All three moose
utilized different winter ranges in 1978 than in 1977. Average distance
between ranges was approximately 9 krn. Numbers 8584 and 8586 wintered
on the south side of the Susitna river during 1978. Both had previously
wintered on the north side. All three moose inhabited essentially the
same summer range in 1978 as they utilized in 1977.
Hovements -Watana Creek Area
Five of six cows originally collared in the Watana Creek area were
alive at the beginning of this study, but two (Nos. 8038 and 8588) were
lost shortly thereafter. Both remained within the ranges they utilized
the previous year (Fig. 3). Hoose number 8038 confined her movements to
a 5 km stretch along the east bank of lower Watana Creek. Moose number
8588 utilized the lower elevations at about 750 m along the north shore
of the Susitna River as well as the upland hillsides above 900 m. She
was rarely found in the more level terrain in between the two.
Moose numbers 8022 and 8573 also remained within previously established
range boundaries (Fig. 4). Moose number 8022 confined her movements to
a 23 krn 2 area along upper Watana Creek while number 8573 ranged in an
area of approximately 15 km 2 . Moose number 8576 was the only moose in
the Watana Creek area that extended its range during this phase of the
study (Fig. 4). 02iginally occupying an area of 21 km 2 , her range
increased to 78 km as she moved into higher elevations above the Susitna
River during summer 1978.
Movements -Susitna Bend Area
Movements of moose during this phase of the study in the Susitna
Bend area \vere much less extensive than those that had occurred during
the preceding 12 months. Although two of the four radio-collared moose
in this area calved iri spring 1978, no substantial movements prior to
calving \vere observed (Fig. 5). Hoose number 8031 remained in an area
of 10 km 2 , while number 8578 inhabited an area of approximately 31 krn 2 . Number
8579 increased its range substantially and was found during this study
period utilizing an area of approximately 160 krn 2 (Fig. 5). Hoose
number 8030 returned in spring 1978 to calve in the g2neral vicinity of
her 1977 calving location and remained within a 41 km area througl1out
the summer (Fig. 6). Moose number 8578 utilized essentially the same
range throughout this study period (Fig. 5), an area of app1oximately
20 krn 2 .
. '
Figure 2. Previous Range and 1978 Locations of Radio-Collared Moose Along the
Susitna River near Devil ~lountain.
# 8583 -
# 8584
# 8586
Figure 3. Previous Range and 1978 Locations of Radio-Collared Moose Along the
Susitna River ncar Natru1a Creek.
Range 1978
# 8038 •
# 8 5 8 8 oo+•l--t---foo,._
Figure 4. Previous Range and 1978 Locations of Radio-Collared Noose Along~the
Susitna River near Watana and Jay Creeks.
Range 1978
# 8022 ------•
# 8573 + £ + ~ x
# 8576
.Figure 5. Previous Range and 1978 Locations of Radio-Collared Hoose AJong the
Susi tna River near the f\iouth of the Tyone River.
'. ;Mout'ITAI~ .....
# 8031
# 8578
# 8579
Figure 6. Previous Range and 1978 Locations of Radio-Collared Moose Along the
Susitna River ncar the Hauth of the l\1aclaren River.
~La~: ..
.... ·· \ . : .... \
8030 @
8575 c:::J) X.
Movements -Maclaren River Area
Both moose collared along the Maclaren River migrated considerable
dis.tances bet>..reen distinct summer and winter ranges. Moose number 8035
wintered in the Susitna Bend area and spent the summer along the Maclaren,
roughly 50 km away (Fig. 7). Her movements have followed this pattern
during the past 2 years. Number 8575 followed a similar pattern (Fig.
6). During April 1977 she migrated over 100 km from the Maclaren River
to south of the Glenn Highway near Tazlina Lodge. She returned to the
Maclaren River in October, and in May 1978 was found again 100 km southeast
in the same area she occupied the previous year. Movement patterns for
both moose were slight on their winter and summer ranges.
Movements -Butte Creek Area
During the 1976-77 portion of this study moose number 8018 migrated
from its summer-fall range in the Butte Creek area to winter along the
Maclaren River and in the western Alphabet Hills where she calved in Hay
(Fig. 8). She r1turned July 1977 to Butte Creek and remained there in
an area of 30 km through this study period. She calved on 30 May 1978
about 40 km from where she had her calf on 30 May 1977.
Vegetation Use
Habitat types utilized by collared moose were noted during radio-
tracking flights and observations were classified into 10 groups (Table
2). Three hundred and fifteen habitat observations of radio-collared
moose have been recorded; 220 (70 percent) were in spruce dominated
habitats. Radio-collared moose were most often observed in spruce of
low to moderate density.
Seven of 10 cows that gave birth in spring 1978 were first seen
with their calves in spruce dominated habitats. Two were in marshy
areas and one was above timberline in the willow/alder community.
Most of the data collected between April and September 1978 support
the earlier findings of Taylor and Ballard (1978). General movement
patterns during migration periods were very similar to those recorded
the previous year. There were some noteworthy exceptions, hmvever.
Two of the three moose in the Devil Mountain area remained on the
south side of the Susitna River through this study period and have not
been observed on the north side since March 1977 when they were collared.
Moose number 8018, collared along Butte Creek, migrated 65 km during
winter 1976-77. She did not migrate at all during winter 1977-78 winter,
hm.;rever, and remained in the Butte Creek area.
Movement patterns for most moose along 1\Tatana Creek were considerably
less extensive during this study period than they had been previously.
Number 8022 inhabited a substantially smaller area (approx. 23 km 2 ) than
she had the previous year (180 km 2 ). This \vas also true to a lesser
extent of moose numbers 8573, 8031 and 8578 in the Susitna Bend area.
... , .
Figure 7· Previous Range and 1978 Locations of Radio-Collared 1\loose Along the
Susitna River and Maclaren River.
.. - _ .... -... HIGHWAY .... ,.-
~ ----~oS'. "~ ~~
:: Alaska Range Ice Field
-. ,_--
Figure 8. Previous Range and 1978 Locations of Radio-Collared r.1oose Along the
Susitna River near Butte Creek.
• •• #
Range 1978
IE~;;3J X
Table 2. Number of observations of radio-collared moose in vegetation types along the Susitna River between
October 1976 and December 1977.
Collar Total Open Hedium Dense Spruce Alpine Riparian
Number Sightings Spruce Spruce Spurce Hard~·lOod ,'o'( Tundra Alder Willow Willow Marsh _9_pet:~_ ---
8583 15 2 4 1 5 2 1
8584 17 6 7 1 1 2
8586 13 5 6 1 1
8589 1 1
8580 2 1 1
8038 16 7 7 1 1
8573 19 5 7 4 1 2
8576 21 5 10 1 2 1 2
8022 18 3 2 6 5 2
8588 13 6 1 2 2 2
8040 11 2 5 2 2
8578 21 12 1 2 2 3 1
8579 21 5 5 3 2 5 1
8031 23 7 2 9 1 4
8035 26 5 7 6 1 2 4 1
8018 23 4 6 1 4 4 4
8030 23 4 9 8 1 1
8575 22 5 9 6 1 1
8040II 3 ? 1
8588II 3 2 1
5527 2 2
5540 2 2
315 87 87 46 12 6 22 36 16 2 1
Percent of
Total 100.0 27.6 27.6 14.6 3.8 1.9 7.0 11.4 5.1 . 6 . 3
'f( Spruce categories include both white spruce (Pioea glauoa) and black spruce (Pioea mariana).
'I<"''{ Hardwoods in this category include aspen (Populus tremuloides) and birch (Betula papyrifera).
Snow depths during winter 1977-78 \vere similar to those of 1976-77.
Belo\v average snow accumulation occurred in most of the study area
during both winters. Movements of those moose that migrated in the fall
appeared to be triggered by increasing snow depths. Increased use
during winter months of the spruce dominated habitats at lower elevations
along the Susitna River and Watana Creek indicates these areas would
probably be critical to the survival of local moose populations during a
severe winter.
This radio-telemetry study was focused almost exclusively on the
north side of the Susitna River upstream from the proposed Devils Canyon
dam site. Both winters covered by this study were considered mild.
Identification of critical wintering areas is most readily accomplished
during winters of high to severe snow depths, as moose tend to congregate
in greater densities on the most vital ranges as snow depths increase.
Collection of moose movement information downstream and on the south
side of the Susitna River is essential in order to evaluate the full
potential effects. of the proposed hydroelectric project. Downstream
effects on moose would be expected to be significant, since vegetation
composition would be altered substantially as a result of regulated
water flow (Army Corps of Engineers, 1978).
Annual moose harvests within the immediate drainages of the upstream
portion of the Susitna River have averaged 146 moose since 1974 (ADF&G,
unpublished data). Approximately 475-500 sportsmen participate in moose
hunts in this area each fall (op. cit.). How significantly dam construction
might reduce or increase this level of participation is difficult to
guess with the limited data available. Construction of an access road
to the Watana site could substantially increase hunter pressure in the
area, creating a corresponding increase in total man days spent hunting.
The quality of the hunting experience \vould probably decline, however,
as well as the rate of hunter success. Dam construction and maintenance
schedules are projected on a basis of a dam life of 100 years. If
project impacts reduced local moose populations by 50 percent this would
amount to a corresponding loss of harvest of 7,300 moose during the life
of the dam. Loss of hunting opportunity downstream and loss of non-
hunting wildlife values can not be estimated on the basis of available
Construction of the Devils Canyon dam would flood a·45 km long
portion of the Susitna River having a surface area of 7,500 acres (USFWS,
1975). The riverbanks along this portion of the river are generally
steep and provide marginal habitat for moose. The low density of moose
tracks in this area throughout the winter of 1977-78 indicates that
little utilization occurs during winters of light or moderate snowfall.
Since water levels in the Devils Canyon resevoir are expected to remain
fairly constant, low mortality rates associated with ice shelving and
steep mud banks would be expected.
Construction of the Watana dam would inundate 43,000 acres along
\vatana Creek and the Susitna River. Approximately 35,000 of these acres
sustain moderate to heavy utilization by moose during an average winter
(USF&HS 1975). Doubtless, extremely heavy utilization occurs during
severe winters. Much of this area supports moderate moose densities
during the spring and summer seasons as well. The preliminary movement
data gathered from radio-collared moose indicate that moose from several
populations from surrounding areas of the Susitna Basin migrate across
or utilize this portion of the river during some period of the year.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game observed 2,037 moose during their
latest fall sex and age composition counts of these areas (ADF&G unpublished
data). LeResche and Rausch (1974) concluded that an observer generally
sights bet>veen 43 and 68 percent of the moose in an area during an
aerial census. Using 50 percent for purposes of extrapolation, the
resident moose population utilizing this portion of the basin can be
estimated to fall between 4,000 and 5,000 moose. Random stratified
counts are needed to accurately assess numbers of moose in this area.
Effects of the construction of the Watana dam on these moose populations
could be substantial. The resident nonmigratory segment of the population
could be eliminated. The immediate loss of a major portion of the
winter rqnge along Watana Creek and parts of the Susitna River to flooding
would effectively reduce the carrying capacity of the habitat at higher
elevations used only during the warm seasons and mild winters. The
Watana Resevoir would be 87 km long and may during some seasons prove to
be an effective barrier to migrations. The resulting disruption of
movements to traditional breeding grounds may adversely affect productivity.
Increased mortality of neonates during post-calving movements might also
occur. Since water levels are expected to fluctuate as much as 78 m,
behind the Watana dam ice shelving could become a significant cause of
mortality. Calving is a common occurence in these portions of the study
area. The loss of calving habitat notwithstanding, fluctuating water
levels would change the presently timbered slopes from the 1-Jatana dam
site to the Oshetna River to enormous mud banks. Calf mortality resulting
from slipping on or getting stuck in this mud could become a common
occurence. A subsequent report will provide data on moose movements
from 30 September 1978 through March 1979, and will include a more in
depth analysis of movements in relation to the dam sites.
We wish to thank Era helicopters and the Army Corps of Engineers
for their cooperation and assistance in radio-collaring moose during
August 1978. Thanks also to Doug Geeting and Ken Holland, Holland Air
Seivice, and Ken Bunch~ Sportsman Flying Service, for their many safe
hours of flying and their willingness to modify their aircraft to accomodate
our telemetry equipment.
' l_
Alaska District, Army Corps of Engineers. 1978. Southcentral railbelt
area hydroelectric power study, information brochure, 19 p.
LeResche, R.E. and R.A. Rausch. 1974. Accuracy and precision of aerial
moose censusing. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 38(2):175-182.
Mech, L.D. 1974. Current techniques in the study of elusive wilderness
carnivores. Proc. XI Internat. Congress of Game Bio., pp. 315-322.
Sergeant, D.E. and D.H. Pimlott. 1959. Age determinination in moose
from sectioned incisor teeth. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 23(3):315-321.
Taylor, K.P. and W.B. Ballard. 1978.
along the upper Susitna River.
U.S. Fish and Wildl. Ser. 33 p.
Moose movements and habitat use
Alaska Dept. Fish and Game rept. to
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1975. Southcentral railbelt area upper
Susitna River Basin hydroelectric project two darn plan. U.S. Dept.
Interior, Anchorage, AK 25 p.