HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4153FY85 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDY PROCEDURES MANUAL -DRAFT TK 1425 .S8 A68 no.4153 FY85 Adult Anadromous Fisheries Study Procedures Manual Draft Alaska Library Resources and Information Services (ARLIS) has numbered this document "RTS 23 draft" for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project collection, since it is related to the actual document numbered "RTS 23", described below. The document Adult Anadromous Studies Procedures Manual (June 1984-June 1985) is numbered "RTS 23" in Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Aquatic Studies, Divisions of Sport and Commercial Fisheries Publications Annotated Bibliography. That document is identified as a draft and unpublished report, but no copy has not been found. Christopher Estes created a file containing that bibliography and the title page of each report listed in it. That file contained a handwritten title page for RTS 23, but it is possible that that handwritten page was actually a placeholder page. ARLIS added that title page in front of the text in this document in order to preserve the historical record of the document's existence. According to the bibliography and to Christopher Estes, that document consisted of excerpts from another document which is numbered APA 2748. That bibliography indicates there is no matching APA number for that collection of excerpts; however, both the draft unannotated version and the final annotated version of the bibliography erroneously match RTS 23 as the same document as APA 2748, which is really the same as RTS 29. The document presented here, also identified on the title page as a draft, is evidently an earlier version of RTS 23, as its pages differ from those found in APA 2748, and are thus not mere excerpts, and as it discusses work yet to be done in 1984. It is not listed in any of the bibliographies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Appendix 10 is missing. A similar procedures manual was written for the previous fiscal year. It is called "ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies, May 1983-June 1984, procedures manual" (numbered APA 885-886, RTS 18, and SUS 264-265). CONTENTS • Introduction • Objectives • Technical procedures : adult salmon • Data procedure • Appendix 1. Sonar installation and operation manual • Appendix 2. Oscilloscope operation for the side scanner / A. Menin • Appendix 3. Fishwheel operation • Appendix 4. Fish tagging • Appendix 5. Geographic location code and general maps • Appendix 6. General equipment, camp maintenance and camp policy • Appendix 7. Fish identification. [Pages 29-39 of: The freshwater fishes of Alaska / James E. Morrow] • Appendix 8. Side band radio. [Reprint of: Trident HF-radio telephone communications : how to use a single side band radio / by Jack and Virginia Reed and the Trident staff] • Appendix 9. First aid and safety • Appendix 10. Epson [not included in this copy] ~.')'_.----------__-_._.,Q_.,..-~-~.......d--"-_....._---~---".-------.-~_.----~_._----_.--_...._----,---------'.-_..-.__...------'---,...--'._--'-"'._-~.~----."..._---..---....••:--_....._~-..------"'--"--.AJ:;E+c-..)11~ INTRODUCTION The Susitna River, a major Southcentral Alaska river system, flows into Cook Inlet near the city of Anchorage. The drainage encompasses an area of 19,400 square miles and extends north of Mt. Denali and east almost to the town of Glennallen. The mainstem river and its major tributaries are of glacial origin and carry a heavy silt load during ice-free months. Many of the smaller tributaries are perennially silt:free. Construction of hydroelectric dams will affect portions of the fish and wildlife resources of the Susitna River Basin. The two dam system proposed would inundate approximately 45,8000 acres of aquatic and terrestrial habitat upstream of Devil Canyon. Historically, the long and short term environmental impacts of hydroelectric dams have adversely altered the sport and commercial fisheries of affected drainages (Keller, 1980; Hagen et al., 1973). Regulation of the mainstem river will substantially alter the natural flow regime. downstream. The transmission line corridor, substations, road corridor[ and construction pad sites will also impact aquatic and ·terrestrial communities and their habitat . . Th~ proposed hydroelectric development substantial knowledge of its chemical, necessitates gaining a physical and biological parameters prior to final dam design approval and construction authorization. ( To insure adequate information is available to determine the impacts of the pnoposed hydroelectric project and to design proper mitigative strate~ies, a data collection program has been developed. This manual addresses field sampling procedures to be conducted within the proposed study area in FY85. , . I. OBJECTIVES Adult Salmon 1. Determine the abundance and seasonal timing of the sockeye, pink, 1 chum and coho salmon escapem~nts in the Susitna and Yentna rivers ; at Flathorn (RM 20), Yentna .(TRM 04), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations. 2. Determine the abundance~nd timing of the chinook salmon escapement in the Susitna River at Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations. 3. Define the age, length, sex composition and migrational characteristics of sockeye, pink, chum and coho salmon in the Susitna and Yentna rivers at Flathorn (RM 20), Yentna (TRM 04), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations. In addition, evaluate tpe same parameters for chinook salmon at Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations. 4. Define where and when and to what level chinook, sockeye, pink, chum and coho salmon .spawn in streams, sloughs, side channels_an.d the main channel of the Susitna River between RM 28 and 161.0. 5. Determine the average stream or spawning life of sockeye and chum salmon in sloughs as necessary to define total escapements into - s laughs-.-- , . _,..-·-"" ( '--· II. TECHNICAL PROCEDURES -Adult Salmon Main Channel Escapement Monitoring Operations Dates Main channel escapement monitoring using side scan sonar (SSS) counters and tag/recapture fishwheels will begin and end on the following dates, by station: Flathorn Station (RM 20) July 1 to September 3 Yentna Station (TRM 04) July 1 to September 5 Sunshine Station (RM 80) June 4 to September 10 Talkeetna Station (RM 103) , .. ~~ .., "-~ September ,, UUIIt: I I.U J.~ Curry Station (RM 120) June 10 to September 14 Methods Sonar and Tag/Recapture At Yentna Station (TRM 04) two side scan sonar counters will be deployed .as._sbown in Figure_ 1. Specific methods for substrate deployment, counter set-up and counter operation will be in accordance to procedures outlined in the 1980 Side Scan Sonar Counter Installation and Operation Manual (Appendix 1). ~(~'\1 .... , -· \-\3u..(e. \ ' r·---. \ ' I South Bc1nk Flahwhul /~ ) ........... ~ ••.•.• J. ••• • • .... ~-~ ·•·· Y ENTNA STATION , . To prevent under and over counting adult salmon due to differential fish velocity between species counters will be monitored, at minimum, four times daily. This is accomplished by hand-tallying~fish related echos displayed on an oscilloscope and comparing them to S~S counts {Appendix , j 2}. When the ratio of oscilloscope counts to SSS c¢unts deviates from i one by greater than 10 percent the fish velocit~ control will be ; adjusted as outlined in the above cited operations manual. Important items concerning SSS operations which may not appear in the operational instructions (Appendix 1} are: 1. When large numbers of pink salmon pass over the substrate it is possi b 1 e for the counter 1 1 ogi c 1 to interpret the counts as debris. On these occasions the debris notation on the counter printout should be ignored. 2. When checking the battery conditions it is preferable to do so when a load, such as the printer, is befng applied. 3. A light pr·int problem may be resolved by applying rubbing alcohol to the paper and pulling through the printer rollers. 4. At times the printer may print over the previous hours printout. This problem may be solved by applying a light coat of rubbing alcohol to the paper and attaching a weight to the end of the printer paper. c c Two fishwheels will be operated at Yentna Station (TRM 04), one in the immediate vicinity of each SSS counter. Fishwheel catches will provide the necessary species composition data needed to apportion the SSS counts. At Flathorn (RM 20), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations fishwheels will be operated for tag/recapture purposes at the locations identified in Figures 2, 3 and 4. Two fishwheels will be deployed on each side of the Susitna River at Flathorn, Sunshine and Talkeetna stations. At Curry station, a single fishwheel will be operated offshore of each bank. Fishwheel design is described in the Phase I ADF&G/Su Hydro Adult Anadromous Report (1981) and fishwheel operation in Appendix 3. Fishwheels will be operated 24 hours per day, and sampled for catch and checked for maintenance needs five or more times daily. All adult salmon caught by fishwheels located at Flathorn (RM 20), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations will be tagged and releas~d except: 1. fish that appear lethargic or stressed. 2. fish which are in post-spawning condition. , . SUNSHINE· STATION PARkS HIGHWAY :: ' I ·. ' .. (_-2-. '(' '''i-~..; •'.;,:-.::·:;.::.,:.-.; .. ·.·.• ........ "•'·'~ [JJ ··-.·::·:~ ./. ·;_;, :t Lower East Bank \;., Flahwheel .,,,.,., •.• ,., ••• lj~~· • .-....... l •• ••• ,,._, j r~use 3. (-\ I ' EEl River mile 103 II II I ~ CABIN Upper W11t Bank Flahwheel -sUSITNA . ......... -~··-·~· ..... ,-; :-.-.. ~· :•:. ;.\• -..... ·•.:· ~-,!.·~··~ ---.... 4-- RIV£1;'-- TALKEETNA STAT JON • ...... ".-.. -............ -· ··•l•-·.. .... .! ....... . r) ' / r\ f.-\ \ I ~~ ' ! CURRY STATION Ft j tNr e 4./~ ,..-.-\ J ~~ \. Station I Flathorn Sunshine Talkeetna Curry River Mile SpeCies 20 Chinook Chinook Sockeye Pink Chum 80 Chinook Chinook (east bank fishwheels) Chinook Chinook (west bank fishwheels) Sockeye Pink Chum Coho 103 Chinook Chinook Sockeye Pink Chum Coho 120 Chinook Chinook Sockeye Pink Chum I Coho Length <351 mm '2::.351 mm All All All <-351 mm !"351 mm ~351 mm ~351 mm All All All All < 351 mm .2:351 mm All All All All 4 351 mm .2.351 inm All All All All ("-.\ \ ! f) . ' Percent of Tag Tag Catch Tagged Type Color i 0 ' ----- 0 ----- 100 FT-4 Spaghetti Green 10 FT-4 Spaghetti Green 100 FT-4 Spaghetti Green 0 ----- 100 111 dia. Peterson Disc Blue~ o· ----- 100 111 dia. Petersen Disc Yellow .~ " ..... , ........... ~ • .. _.,, ... . ... . , I ...... , 100 FT-4 Spaghetti Pink 10 FT-4 Spaghetti Pink 100 FT-4 Spaghetti Pink 100 FT-4 Spaghetti • Pink 0 ----- 100 111 dia. Petersen Disc Green 100 FT-4 Spaghetti Blue 50 FT-4 Spaghetti Blue 100 FT-4 Spaghetti Blue 100 FT-4 Spaghetti Blue 0 ----- 100 111 dia. Petersen Disc Orange 100 111 dia. Petersen Disc Orange 50 111 di a. Petersen· Drs·c ··-..... ·· ·· Orange 100 111 dia. Petersen Disc Orange 100 111 dia. Petersen Disc Orange , . (__. 3. chinook salmon less than 351 mm in fork length (FL). 4; fish previously tagged at another tagging site. These fish will be released without being tagged. Procedures for tagging fish are defined in Appendix 4. The type of tags, colors and percent of each species tagged at Flathorn, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations are defined in the following table: Special tagging instructions: 1. ' Chinook s~lmon at Sunshine Station will be tagged with two different colored tags; one for the east bank (blue) and one for the west bank (yellow). 2. At Talkeetna Station odd one hundred series (x~xx) tags will be used for fish captured in west bank fishwheels and even one hundred series tags wi 11 be used for fish captured in east bank fishwheels. For example, a carcass bearing Talkeetna tag, number 1312 should have been captured in a west bank fishwheel and a carcass bearing Talkeetna tag, number 2613 should have been captured in a east bank fishwheel (note: tags 0-99 are considered even one hundred set~i es). 3. Large numbered Petersen Discs will be deployed at Curry Station. These discs are to be used for sockeye and chum salmon only. Fish which are recaptured from other tagging locations are to be released with the original tag in place following species identification and recording of tag type, color and number (Section. III, DATA PROCEDURES). All non-salmon catches will be identified to species, and if time allows, tagged and released. Fishwheel catch, sonar and tag deployment and recapture data will be __ tr-ansmitted to the Anchorage--off-ice-e~te~y -two-weeks ft"om -~la-thot"n -(RM--- c , . 20), Yentna (TRM 04), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations. All data will be edited by the Operations Control Leader and then submitted to the Data Processing Section. Age, Length and Sex Composition Sampling: At Flathorn (RM 20), Yentna (TRM 04), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations age, length and sex data (Section III, DATA PROCEDURES) will be collected daily for each species as follows: Chinook salmon: Age, length and sex samples from 30 consecutively (regardless of size) caught fish. Except: At Sunshine Station-age, length and sex samples from 30 consecutively (regardless of size) caught fish from east bank fishwheels and 30 consecutively (regardless of size) caught fish from west bank fishwheels. Sockeye salmon: Age, length and sex samples daily from 30 consecutively (regardless of size) caught fish. Pink salmon: Length and sex samples daily from 30 consecutively (regardless of size) caught fish. r . "'-.. , . Chum salmon: Age, length and sex samples daJly from 20 consecutively (regardless of sex) caught fish. Coho salmon: Age, length and sex samples daily from 20 consecutively (regardless of size) caught fish. Age, length and sex composition data will be forwarded to the Anchorage office every two weeks from Flathorn (RM 20), Yentna (TRM 04), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations. Stream, Slough, Side Channel and Main Channel Surveys Lower River Operation Period and Reach Streams will be surveyed for salmon escapements weekly from July 21 to October 7. The geographic areas of responsibility for two Lower River survey crews (RM 28.0-98.7) are: Flathorn Station Survey Sunshine Station Survey RM 28 to Kashwitna River __ Kashwitna River_to Talkeetna Stream surveys will be in accordance to the schedule defined in Table 2. c- , ' c: Table 2. lower river salmon escapement survey. ' ~ River Survey Stream~ Mile Period Frequency Method Distance ; Fish Creek 31.2 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Whitsol Creek 35.2 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Rolly Creek 39.0 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Wi 11 ow Creek 49.1 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile little Willow Cr. 50.5 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Grays Creek 59.5 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Kashwitna River 61.0 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Caswell Creek 64.0 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Sheep Creek 66.1 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Goose Creek 72.0 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Montana Creek 77.0 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Rabideux Creek 83.1 .,,,...,... 11"\1.., Weekly Foot 1/3 mile If C.C.-lUf/ Sunshine Creek 85.1 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Birch Creek 89.2 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Trapper Creek 91.5 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Cache Creek 95.5 7/22-10/7 Weekly Foot 1/3 mile Additionally, Sunshine Station Survey will survey Birch Creek Slough (R_M 88.4), Question Creek (RM 84.1) and Answer Creek (RM 84.1) once between September 15 -28 for a distance to be field selected. Sloughs, side channels and main channel habitats between RM 28 and 97.1 will be surveyed for salmon spawning weekly, by helicopter, from August 21 to October 7. c Methods A 11 spawning ground and tag recovery surveys wi 11 be conducted by trained observers. Stream surveys wi 11 be conducted on foot ] for a ' distance of one third mi 1 e from the confluence of the Sus i tna j River ' except Birch Creek which will be surveyed one third mile frdm its confluence with Birch Creek Slough. A marker will be established at the upper survey limit on the first survey of each stream to ensure repetitive surveys throughout the season. Surveyors will wear polarized glasses to reduce surface water glare and use hand held tally counters to record live tagged and untagged adult salmon and carcasses. Surveyors will map the distribution of salmon spawning activity and give a brief description of the habitat for any adult salmon found spawning in the str~eam survey r~each. Survey data and maps of salmon spawning distribution will be recorded on the appropriate forms (Section III, DATA PROCEDURES) and transmitted to the Anchorage office once every two weeks. The data forms will be edited by the Operations Control Leader and then forwarded to the Data Processing Section. Sloughs, side channel and main channel habitats will be surveyed for sa 1 mon spawning by he 1 i copter. A 11 suspected spawning areas '~{ill be v_i_si ted _by boat and will be defined as _ t~ue spawning sites if_ the following criteria are met: 1. Fish exhibits spawning and morphology. --2-. -!="ish expells eggs or-milt when slight-pr-essur-e-is-e-xerted -on--- the abdomen. 3. Fish is in vigorous condition, with 25 percent or more of the eggs or milt remaining in the body cavity. 4. Additional fish meeting criteria 1 through 3 are present. Once a spawning area has been located the appropriate data forms will be filled out (Section III, DATA PROCEDURES) and forwarded to the Anchorage office every two or three weeks. Middle River Operation Period and Reach Salmon stream escapement surveys will be conducted from July 22 to October 7. Chinook salmon escapement surveys will be conducted as outlined in Table 3. Additionally, between July 22 and August 5 specific chinook salmon tag recovery surveys will be conducted as scheduled in Table 4. Between August 6 and October 7 all streams and sloughs of known and suspected adult salmon use from RM 98.6 to 161.0 wi 11 be surveyed as close to weekly as possible_. __ The sloughs wilL_be surveyed. in their entirety and streams to a standard index 1 imit or the upper spawning limit as defined in Table 5. Side channel and main channel habitats will be surveyed for salmon spawning by he 1 i copter a minimum of two times between September 1 and October 7. c c c Table 3. Chinook salmon escapement survey schedule. ! Survey 1------------------~-------------- , . Stream Peri9d Frequency ~/ Method Distance 11 • Chase Creek 106.9 7/22~8/5 7/22~8/5 7/22+8/5 7/2278/5 7/22~8/5 Lane Creek 113.6 Fifth of July Cr. 123.7 Sherman Creek 130.8 Fourth of July Cr. 131.1 Gold Creek Indian River Portage Creek Cheechako Creek Chinook Creek Devil Creek ll RM = River Mile 136.7 7/22-8/5 138.9 7/22-8/5 148.9 7/22-8/5 152.4 . 7/22-8/5 157.0 ' 7/22-8/5 161.0 7/22-8/5 Once Twice Twice Twice Twice Twice Twice Twice Twice Twice Twice Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot 1 Mile Upper Spawning Limit Upper Spawning Limit Upper Spawning Limit Upper Spawning Limit Foot or Hel. Upper Spawning Limit Helicopter Upper Spawning Limit Helicopter Upper Spawning Limit Helicopter Upper Spawning Limit Helicopter Upper Spawning Limit Helicopter Upper Spawning Limit ~/ Conduct surveys no less than 7 days apart under notation of •twice.• -3/ Distance either expressed in standard distance to be surveyed from mouth or to upper spawning limit. Table 4. Specific chinook salmon tag recovery survey schedule. Survey Stream RM l/ Period Frequency Method Distance Radideux Creek 83.1 i7 /22-8/5 Once min. Foot Field Selected I Prairie Creek 97.1 17/22-8/5 Once min. Foot Field Selected Clear Creek 97.1 17/22-8/5 Once min. Foot Field Selected Troublesome Creek 97.8 17/22-8/5 Once min. Foot Field Selected I Byers Creek 97.8 7/22-8/5 Once min. Foot Field Selected Chulitna River 97.8 7/22-8/5 Once min. Foot Field Selected Bunco Creek 97.8 7/22-8/5 Twice Foot Field Selected Indian River 138.9 7/22-8/5 Twice Foot Field Selected Portage Creek 148.9 7/22-8/5 Twice Foot Field Selected ll RM = River Mile c~-Table 5. General salmon escapement survey schedule above River Mile 97.1. I . RM !/ Survey Stream Per1 od Frequency Method D1stance Fish .Creek 97.1 8/10-25 Twice Foot Field Selected larson Creek 97.1 8/11-8/10 Once Foot Field Selected Byers Creek 97.8 8/10-15 Once Foot Field Selected Unnamed Trib. 97.8 8/1-8/10 -Once Foot Field Selected Tokositna R. to Troublesome Cr. 97.8 9/5-15 Once Foot Field Selected Swan lake 97.8 9/5-20 Once Foot Field Selected All Sloughs 98.6-161.0 8/6-10/7 Weekly Foot Entire Whiskers Creek 101.4 8/6-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.5 Chase Creek 106.4 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.75 Slash Creek 106.9 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 Gash Creek 111.6 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 1.0 r··. \.__· Lane Creek 113.6 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.5 lower McKenzie Cr. 116.2 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 McKenzie Creek 116.7 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 little Portage Cr. 117.7 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 I Dead Horse Creek 120.9 j8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 Fifth of July Cr. 123.7 ! 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 - 18/8-10/7 : Skull Creek 124.7 Weekly Foot 0.25 Sherman Creek 130.8 I 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 Fourth of July Cr. 131.1 18/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 Gold Creek 136.7 1 8!8-1on Weekly Foot 0.25 Indian River 138.6 I 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 1.0 138.6 .. 8/8~10/7 Weekly Helicopter Upper Spawning limit · Jack long Creek 144.5 8/8-10-7 Weekly Foot 0.25 Portage Creek 148.9 8/8-10/7 Weekly Foot 0.25 148.9 8/8-10/7 Weekly Helicopter Upper Spawning limit Cheechako Creek 152.4 8/8-10/7 Weekly Helicopter 1.0 Chinook Creek 157.0 8/8-10/7 Weekly Helicopter 1.5 c~ Devil Creek 161.0 8/8-10-7 Weekly Helicopter 1.0 - ----------- - - - ----- - - - ----------- !/ RM = River Mile Methods i Sloughs wi 1 ~ be surveyed in their entirety and streams for a distance defined in Table 5. Surveyors will wear polarized glasses and use hand held tally counters to enumerate live tagged and untagged salmon and carcasses. Survey data will be recorded on the appropriate forms (Section III, DATA PROCEDURES) and transmitted to the Anchorage office every two weeks. The data forms will be edited by the Operations Control Leader and then forwarded to the Data Processing Section. Methods addressing main channel and side channel salmon spawning are identical to those reported in the lower River Survey portion of this procedures manual. Stream Life Operation Period and Survey Reach Investigations \'li 11 extend from August 16 to freeze-up (approximately October 7) and wi 11 be conducted by a crew based at Curry Station (RM 120). Areas surveyed will be sloughs 11, 9, 9A, 8A and Moose. Methods Beginning August 16, sloughs 11, 9, 9A, 8A and Moose will be surveyed on foot approximately every third day for sockeye and chum salmon that were tagged at Curry Station (RM 120). Fish will be individually identified c I . ,--. "'--- .. J·' by orange one inch Petersen discs bearing full size identification numbers. Surveyors will wear polaroid glasses and record observations as outlined in Section III, DATA PROCEDURES. Survey data will be forwarded to the Anc~orage office every three weeks. i The data forms will be edited by the Op~rations Control Leader and then forwarded to the Data Processing Section. , . (_ III. DATA PROCEDURES Stde Scan Sonar Operations Daily Procedures 1. PRINTER TAPE STAMP: Each day's printer tape will be stamped (Figure 5) at the beginning and end of the tape as well as anytime during the day that control settings are changed. Each morning the tape is to be removed from the counter, stamped on both ends of the tear and filled in with the same information on each stamp. 2. DAILY LOG FOR SIDE SCAN SONAR COUNTER FORM: This is a summary of changes in controls which will be updated daiiy (Table 6). The information is necessary when interpreting sonar counts and calibration factor data. 3. SIDE SCANNER COUNTER LOG FORM: Details the mechanics of operation of the counter, substrate and related equipment (Table 7). Any apparent malfunctions should be recorded with description, frequency and consistency noted. Also, changes ___ in_sensitivity, ___ spare card changes, raising or moving_of substrate, anticipated problems, and needed repairs on equipment. This is the place where suggestions on-improving operations, notes on river conditions which might have an effect on the equipment, and general comments should be noted. loution: ---------- Ode:-----Time:---- Beam An9le: -------- Velocity: __ __._ _____ _ O&;od Range: .... " ------- live Range: -------- Ob~rverr. --------- Remarkr. ---------... Figure 5. ~~(o. ("'\ ' / !J Page _ of _ AA-84-12 DAILY LOG FOR SIDE SCAN SONAR COUNTER Station: YENTNA Bank: S/N: -------- I Command Auto Fish Beam Dead Counting Print Printout Test Date Time Velocity Angle Range Range Time Time Time .. j ' ' " ! i ;. .. h" '''•· . ' ................ . ,..;l ....... •. -.. J.••··'· ... , ...•... loa •• l •• ' ------ -rc~ 7. Page _ of _ Station: YENTNA Bank: Date Time i I i I I I I J I I 1 I ("~I IJ AA-84-14 ... '"'"'" .............. .. - SIDE SCAN SONAR COUNTER LOG Remarks (i.e., Substrate lifted, any controls reset, etc.) i 4. SIDE SCAN SONAR COUNTER FIELD COUNTER CALIBRATION LOG FORM: Calibration of the sonar counter to adjust for differential ; fish veflocities. between salmon species ·will be accomplished : ~ by vi sua 1 monitoring of the counters . with an osci 11 i scope. Counters will be calibrated a minimum of four times daily. All catibration counts are to be recorded on the Side ; Scan Sonar Counter Field Calibration Log from (Table 8). 5. DAILY SONAR COUNT FORM: Sonar counts from printer tapes will be· entered by hour and sector (Table 9). Counts which register debris or are skipped in printing should be noted with a "d" or "s" in the appropriate hour-sector box. When counters are shut off for a portion of one hour, data will be interpolated for the hour as follows: Ad . h 1 t = 60 minutes t for ml·nutes t d J. our y coun minutes operated x coun s opera e in hour in hour For periods when the counter is off more than 50 minutes in one hour that hour will be treated as a debris block. After all blocks have been filled counts should be totalled for all good blocks in each sector and each hour: _The grand total is the total of all sectors or all hours (they should be equal). This is known as the "daily raw count". After each days counts are tabulated and reported, printer tapes and SSS count forms are to be placed in notebooks and sent to the main office every two weeks. The Operations Control Leader .~ -~(~ B, ("") I) AA-84-10 SIDE SCAN SONAR COUNTER FIELD CALIBRATION LOG Station: YENTNA Bank:----·--------S/N: -------- i Percent Beam Fish I Time Scope Sonar Agreement Width: Ve1ocit) Date Observer Start Stop Count Count (1-:-2)100 A 1t., (Sec/ft Sensitivity CoiTlTients (1) ( 2) 20' 40 ' ! ' ' .. I ' i ' ~ ..• l '' ---------- ... -· •..• ~.... .La.. ..• , AA-84-09 Page_ of_ Daily Sonar Counts ("'ank: ------------ Station: YENTNP,. ---~~~;~--------- . , . Sector Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 . 2100 2200 2300 2400 Total (Total raw counts) ------(Total debris counts) = (Total good counts) ------(debris blocks) Total good counts x 144 = Total good blocks Adjusted Raw Count (Sectors 1-6) -------- Date: I I 84 ----"------'--- Sector Total 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total - ..... --- (Total raw counts) ------(Total debris counts) = (Total good counts) (debris blocks) -r o_,t,--a ...... l_g_o_o....,d_c_o_u_n t s x 144 _ Total good blocks - Adjusted Raw Count (Sectors 7-12) ------------- TOTAL DAILY ESCAPEMENT (Adjusted raw count sectors 1-6 + 7-12) = -------- COMMENTS ON BACK 6. will edit the forms and then forward them to the Data Processing Section. _1 ; All raw daily sss counts are to be entered in the Epson microcomputer daily (Appendix 10). All data entered onto ; microcassettes will be : .. backed up 11 by microcomputer paper printouts. The mi crocassettes and printouts wi 11 be forwarded-to the Anchorage office every two weeks. After editing, the Operations Control Leader will convey the data to the Data Processing Section. Tag/Recapture Operations Daily Procedures 1. Daily fishwheel catches will be summarized on the Daily Fishwheel Catch Log form (Table 10, 11 or 12). Each time a fishwheel is checked, the catch will be recorded along with the corresponding time in military hours on the Individual Fishwheel Wor.ksheet (Table 13). All field notebooks will be kept in such a manner that the information is usab 1 e upon comp 1 eti on of the fie 1 d season. Fo 11 owing the 1 ast da Hy check, the catches will be summarized and entered in the appropriate space on the Daily Fishwheel Catch Log form and the 1984 Daily and Cumulative Fishwheel Catch form (Table 14) or entered in the Epson microcomputer fo 11 owing procedures outlined in Appendix 10. V:~~ \0. ("""! \ I i\ Page _ of _ AA-84-0lA Geographic Co'des Date I I 84 EBU I I I EBL --/ - --1 - --1 - - - Station: -------wsu--1--.-1 ---1 --- WBL = =I = = =I = . =I = = = DAILY FISHWHEEL CATCH LOG Fishwheel Salmon Whitefish Miscellaneous Hours Hump-Ber1ng Spec1es No. Total Location Operated Chinook Sockeye Pink Chum Coho Round back Cisco Code # Catch Eastbank Upper I i I Eastbank Lower EASTBANK TOTAL I Westbank Upper . j Westbank Lower WESTBANK i TOTAL ! DAILY TOTAL EAST AND WEST BANKS ' COMMENTS: .r,..._ , n ~ \\' \i <..JJJlU.L-- 1 (""': ,') ... Page of ---AA-84-018 Geographic Codes •-" " ' ... ,. .......... • • "-"~ '" ' ' "" . L,,-.,,.' • Date I I 84 NB I I I Station: YENTNA SB ==I ===I ==-I = = = DAILY FISHWHEEL CATCH LOG Fishwheel Salmon Whitefish Hours Hump-Bering Mi see 11 aneous Tota 1 Location Operated ~ Chi nook Sockeye Pink Chum Coho Hound back Cisco Spec1es 11 No. Catch Code- ! NORTHBANK ................ -.~. '"... .. SOUTH BANK ! " l· \ ., ,. .. DAILY TOTAL NORTH AND SOUTH BANKS -------- COMMENTS: J. 11 511 Eulachon 530 Dolly Varden 541 Rainbow trout 582 Humpback whitefish 586 Round whitefish 585 Bering cisco 590 Burbot 610 Arctic grayling ' 640 Longnose sucker , __ t'""\ -r~ \?.. Page of Date I I 84 Station: CURRY Fishwheel Hours Location Operated EASTBANK WESTBANK DAILY TOTAL EAST AND WEST BANKS COMMENTS: Chinook ("'"" \ ,I 'J AA-84-0lC Geographic Codes EB I I I WB = =I = = =I = = =I = = = DAILY FISHWHEEL CATCH LOG j Salmon Whitefish Sockeye Pink Chum Coho ' .. j"'l ·Hump- Round back Benng Cisco u 1/. 511 530 541 582 586 585 590 610 640 Miscellaneous Total Spec1es 1/ No. Catch Code - OM••o.J. ~;, "' •• o! ... o o lo. ' ' ,J.o~~.,, •. , Eulachon Dolly Varden Rainbow trout Humpback whitefish Round whitefish Bering cisco Burbot Arctic grayling Longnose sucker ' ' INDIVIDUAL FISHWHEEL \~ORKSHEET Date I I 84 .. Station: Fishwheel Location: ----------------- Time Number of Fish Captured (Military) Chinook Sockeye Pink Chum . ·---· -··----· - ( __ -Hours Operated: ------- Coho Other * ·- * Identify species and number caught. Page of AA-84-04 (-station ---------- 1984 DAILY AND CUMULATIVE FISHWHEEL CATCH ; -' ! Chinook Socke e Pink ' Chum Coho Date Daily Cum Daily Cum Daily Cum Daily Cum Daily Cum : ; C_ , . 2. Fish tagging effort will be recorded on the Tag Deployment Log form (Tab 1 e 15, 16, or 17) or entered in the Epson microcomputer as detailed in Appendix 10. · Information recorded will include: date, project location and tag type, color and number series used. 3. Tag recaptures from other sampling stations will be logged on the Tag Recapture Record form (Table 18) or entered in the Epson microcomputer (Appendix 10). Recorded information shall include: fishwheel locations; tag number, color and type;,and species. A summary of recapture data by species shaH be entered in the space indicated on the form. Fish recaptured at the sampling ·stations where they were tagged will be released and will not be recorded on the Fishwheel Data Catch Log form or the Tag Recapture Record form except at Sunshine Station where recaptured chi nook salmon previously tagged at Sunshine Station will be recorded on only the Tag Recapture Record Form (Table 18). Age, Length and Sex Composition Sampling At Flathorn (RM 20), Yentna (TRM 04), Sunshine (RM 80), Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations age, length and sex data will be collected from adult salmon as defined in Section II, TECHNICAL PROCEDURES. Scales will be mounted on gum cards as illustrated in Figure 6. It is important to note that scales are mounted such that the T~ \5. EAST BANK ONLY Page_ of_ AA-84-0SE TAG DEPLOYMENT LOG Project Loca~ion (camp): ------------ ' Date: ./ , I 84 LAST Tag Number of day: --------- FIRST Tag Number of day: -------- Number of Missing Tags: --------- Tag Color l/ Tag Type ?/ ----- ----- Number of Numbered Tags Deployed: Number of Blank Tags Deploy~d: TOTAL NUMBER OF TAGS DEPLOYED: Summary of Adult Salmon Tagged Chinook Salmon Sockeye Salmon Pink Salmon Chum Salmon Coho Salmon TOTAL COMMENTS: ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- l/ Color: Int orange = 0 Yellow = Y Green = G Pink = P Blue = B ~/ Type: Flay Spaghetti = S Petersen Disc = P T~ \~. WEST BANK ONLY Page of AA-84-0SW TAG DEPLOYMENT LOG Project Location (camp): ----------------- • -Date: _/ I 84 LAST Tag Number of day: ----------'--- FIRST Tag Number of day: ------..;;-- Number of Missing Tags: ----------'--- Tag Color 11 Tag Type ?/ Number of Numbered Tags Deployed: ~-----­ Nun:'ber of Blank Tags Deployed: -------------- TOTAL NUMBER OF TAGS DEPLOYED: --------- COMMENTS: Summary of Adult Salmon Tagged Chinook Salmon ---------------- Sockeye Saimon -------------- Pink Salmon --------------- Chum Salmon -------------- Coho Salmon --------------- TOTAL --------------- ------ ----- 11 Color: Int orange = 0 Yellow = Y Green = G Pink = P Blue = B ?:/ Type: Floy Spaghetti = S Petersen Disc = P T~ ''· Page of AA-84-05B TAG DEPLOYMENT LOG Project Location (camp): ----------------- ' Date: l I 84 LAST Tag Number of day: Tag Color .!1 ----- FIRST Tag Number of day: ----------- Number of Missing Tags: Tag Type '!:.1 ----- Number of Numbered Tags Deployed: ----------- Number of Blank Tags Deployed: ---------- TOTAL NUMBER OF TAGS DEPLOYED: ------- COMMENTS: Summary of Adult Salmon Tagged Chinook Salmon ---------------- Sockeye Saimon ------------- Pink Salmon ------------ Chum Salmon -------------- Coho Salmon ------------ TOTAL ------------- l! Color: Int orange = Yellow= Green = Pink = Blue = 2/ Type: Floy Spaghetti = Petersen Disc = 0 y G p B s p Page of AA-84-19 TAG RECAPTURE RECORD (~, Project Station: "- (_ , -; J Bank Date--Cap-tured Species ' SHEET SUMMARY No. Recaptures Chinook (41) Sockeye (42) ------ Coho (43) Pink (44) ------ Chum (45) -----__,..,.. TOTAL ------ Number Tag Color !/ Type '1:.1 Leave Blank (Office Use Only) !/ Color: Int;; orange = 0 Yellow = Y Green = G Pink = P Blue = B '1:.1 Type: Flay Spaghetti = S Petersen Disc = P , ., LEFT SIDE Take the preferred scale on the left siee of the fish,tw tows above.the latteral line and on the c:'iiasonal frQII behind the base Of the anal fin. l'refe.rred Sc:ale OCRSAt FI:N ASOVE u n:.cu!-'L~N~ If the preferred scale is :nissir.g take a SCale {l<Jain on the left side of the fish 110 1110re than . four rows aboVe toe latteral l1ne within the area behind the dorsal fin and ahead of the anal fin. \ Place an 1 in colurn E of AWL focc if the preferred scale vas not san-pled. Do not tucn scales over wben transfering from fish to gum card. ~ Place scales directly over number on guu card. ~ 1f ' . 10 9 8 1 6 s 4 :1 2 ~ 20 19 18 17 16 'lS H 1.3 12 11 :lO 29 2.8 Z1 26 25 !M 2." 22 2.1. -40 :l9 38 37 36 35 34 33 32. 3L ridged surface is facing out and the anterior portion of the sea 1 e orientated toward the top of the scale card. All length measurements are taken from mid-eye to fork of tail (FL) and are recorded to the nearest five millimeters. Length and sex data are recorded on the Age and Length (AL) form (Table 19). Scale cards are numbered to correspond with the proper AL form (i.e. scale card 001 contains scales collected from samples recorded on AL form 001). Length and sex data along with the corresponding scale cards will be returned to the Operations Control Leader every two weeks. Stream, Slough, Side Channel and Main Channel Surveys Lower River Stream survey results wi 11 be recorded on the Stream Survey Log Fonn (Table 20). Qata recorded on each survey will include date, stream, survey conditions, distance surveyed, 1 i ve and dead fish counted by species and number of live tagged fish by tag type and color. The 11 Comments 11 column_will include name_s of survey staff and reference to tag loss. Tags on carcasses will be removed as schedules permit and the information recorded on the back side of the Stream Survey Log form. Adult salmon spawning distribution in the first one-third mile of each stream will be mapped on the Lower River Stream Survey Spawner Distribution Map form (Table 21). In addition, a brief description of the habitat will also be recorded on this form. (.. Station:----------~ Date: I I 84 , Unit of measure:_ M~tric Type of length meas~rement: FL No. Species Sei M iF 1 ~ 2 3 4 5 ' 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? .1.'- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 -· 22 23 24_ 25 26 27 Ztl 29_ 30 M F TOTAL EACH SEX ~ Length Age Class AA-84-13 Sample No.: ----------------- Species: ---------------- Other Information .. ~-:.~n-'~0 • ,\·~cA. Page_ of_ Date ll I I B4 Stream ----------------- Survey , 2/ Species Area Conditio~;~s -Syrveyed I Chinook Sockeye Mouth Pink Chum Coho I Chinook Mouth to Sockeye Standard Pink Index Point Chum Coho Clrtinook Additional Sockeye DistAnce Pink Surveyed Clrtum (Optional) Coho Month and day. Poor, fair, good or excellent No. Observed Live~/ Dead - --------------- Include all live tagged and untagged fish. ("' • J J~A-84-18 STREAM SURVEY LOG No. Live Tagged Fish Petersen li sc, Total Blue Yellow Green Int. Orange h Spaghettl Pink Blue Green ......... -o ..... 1.... .... .I, ..... , 11 21 31 41 Note overall activity of salmon at mouth~ and additional distance surveyed. ,"\ • I Corrments '!/ T~ ~\. AA-84-07 Lower River Stream Survey Spawner (' Distribution Map S~ream Observers Date --------------------- General Habitat Description of Spawning Area(s): ------------------- Main channel, slough and side channel spawning will be recorded on the Adult Anadromous Spawning Site Map form (Table 22). ; Information recorded wi 11 inc 1 ude date,~ river mile, geographic code, ~ map of the spawning site, number of fish and a general habitat description. Egg deposition samp 1 i ng da t~ wi 11 be recorded on the Egg Deposition ., Sampling form (Table 23). Information collected will include: date, location, number of plots sampled, number of live eggs and number of dead eggs. All survey data will be returned to the Operations Control Leader every three weeks, who wi 11 edit the data and forward it to the Data Processing Section. Middle River Stream survey, main channel and side channel spawning and egg deposition sampling data procedure~ are the same as those discussed for the Lower River Surveys. Escapement surveys of sloughs will be recorded on the Slough Survey Log (Jable 24). For each survey a recording by species of the live and dead fish count, tagged and untagged fish numbers and survey conditions and distance surveyed in percentage will be made. Under the comments column include surveyors name(s) and reference to tag loss. ~~ 22. Date: __ /_/ 84 Crew: Location: Description: --------------- 11 Upper river mile ~/ Geographic code for upper river mile r"'\ I I '. AA-84-05 Adult Anadromous Spawning Site Map River Mile .!1: GC ?:../: ,~,, ! ___ / ___ ! ___ / Page of AA-84-07 EGG DEPOSITION LOG Date I I 84 Location: River Mile ------Geographic Code: __ I ___ I ___ I __ _ Plot Number Number of Eg< s REMARKS .l/ (Sequential) Live Dead Total ---------·----~ ~~- .!/ Include names of survey staff and substrate description. ~..--.\ 'I ' ' -r o}}.l~ ~.4' Page of Slough Date Survey 1/ Species ("'\ \ ' AA-84-17 SLOUGH SURVEY LOG No, Observed No. Live Tagged Fish Petersen U1sc No. Cond. Distance Surveyed Live Y Dead Total Blue Yellow Green Int. Orange 1/ 2/ 3! Chinook Sock eve Pink Chum Coho Chinook • Sockeye Pink Chum Coho ~ •. J. ' Chinook Sockeye Pink Chum Coho Survey conditions: poor, fair, good or excellent. Survey distance: note by percentage (i.e. 100%} Include all live tagged and untagged fish. Note overall activity of salmon at mouth only; survey p1ersonnel; tag loss, etc. r) ' ~pagnettl Comments y Pink Blue Green ' • , . (_ All carcasses bearing Talkeetna Station tags will be examined and the number, species, date and 1 ocati on recorded on the back side of the Stream Survey Log form or the Slough Survey ·Log form. Similar procedures will be followed for carcasses bearing tags from other stations as schedule permits. All survey forms will be returned to the Operations Control Leader once every three weeks. The data will be edited and forwarded to the Data Processing Section. Stream Life The Stream Life Log form will be used to record site observations of sockeye and chum salmon tagged at Curry Station (RM 120) (Table 24). Data recorded will include site location, date, fish identification number, species and behavior and or condition of fish (i.e., milling, spawning, post-spawning, carcass). ~ Apper)dix 1 Appendix 2 j Appe~dix 3 Appendix 4 APPENDICES ADULT ANADROMOUS]FISHERIES STUDIES Sonar Installation & Operation Manual Oscilloscope Operation Fishwheel Operation Fish Tagging Appendix 5 Geographic Location Code & General Maps Appendix 6 General Equipment, Camp Maintenance and Camp Policy Appendix 7 Fish Identification 'Appendix 8 Side Band Radio Appendix 9 First Aid and Safety Appendix 10 Epson c APPENDIX 1 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Sonar Installation and Operation Manual .. ~· , . THE BENDIX CORPORATION E1 ectrodynami cs Division North Hollywood California INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL SIDE SCAN SALMON COUNTER (1980 model) Report No. SP-78-017 10 March 1980 Prepared for: The State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Anchorage, Alaska Revised October 1981 by Susan L. Ellis Su Hydro Project T A B L E 0 F C 0 N T E N T S ~ Section I Fur;~ction of Front Panel Controls Section II Initial Setup and System Test i Section III Troubleshooting Section IV Side Scan Sonar Artificial Substrate I N D E X Printer Controls Clear Pushbutton (Data) 4 Digit Display & Manual Sector Selector Meter, Meter Switch & Battery Fish Velocity Control Sensitivity Control Dead Range Control Counting Range Control Transducer Aiming Cumulative Counter Safety Switch Sounder Test Pushbutton & Data Switch Fish & Sector Lights Automatic Test Test Points on Panel Beamwidth Switch Debris Alerting Initial Setup & System Test Solar Panel Troubleshooting Side Scan Artificial Substrate As semb 1 y Procedure for 60 F ooLArray Array Installation Procedure Array Removal Procedure Array Disassembly General Caution Notes Shortened Arrays PAGE 1 - 2 2 3 -3 3 4 4 5 5 - 7 "7 I 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 -12 12 12 -14 15 16 -17 17 -18 19 19 19 -20 20 I N T R 0 0 U C T I 0 N Before attempting to operate or install the Side Scanner, thoroughly read this manual to become familiar with the system operation. Section I will familiarize you with all the controls and their purpose. It is probably the most important section of this manual. Section II will show you how to initially set up the unit and test it to determine that it is operating properly. Read this section before applying power to the unit. r '--" Section III wi11 aid you in pinpointing any source of problems and in making any necessary field repairs by replacing printed circuit cards. Section V will show you how to install the artificial substrate in the river. I. FUNCT-ION OF FRONT P~NEL COUTROLS A· PRINTER 1. Printout 2. 3. 4. j The printer prints out 12 1 ines ofi data. ~The nulilber at left designates the river sector, the next column is a letter identifying various conditions sue~ as normal, command print or auto test. These letters are explained on the front panel. If norma 1, the letter 11 A11 wi 11 be ~rinted. This may appear as a dot on the 1978 ~odel. The f~llowing four digits are the number of fish counts that have been accumulated in each sector. Each sector represents a iength of river, perpendicular to the shore that is equa 1 . in length to 1/12 of the ·~oUNTING RANGE .. control setting, with sector 1 being closest to shore. For exar.Jple, if the 11 COUNTING" RANGE 11 control ·is set to 60 feet, then each sector represent~ 5 feet .. in distance. A 11 +11 in the third column indicates debris has been detected in the corres- ponding s~ctor. Anytime PRINTOUT TIME OR AUTOTEST TIME is changed, the time must be reset. Set Time (Printer) The purpose of this pusnou~~on is to initially set the printout time and auto test time at any point. The 11 SAFETY SWITCH 11 must be off to do this. Set time to print out on the hour. Print Command The printer may be commanded to print its contents at any time without affecting the timing. The letter ncn is printed when this pushbutton is depressed to permit you to know that this is a command print and not in the normal time sequence. The printout t~ming is not affected but the counts are erased after printout •. Erasure of data on 1978 and •79 models can be avoided by setting the DAfA CLEAR TIME switch to the NEVER position until printout is over. On 1980 models the command printout should be added to the next hourly printout. Printer On-Off Switch - This s\'li tch does not affect the timing or data in any way and is merely used to shut off :the printer. The sounder l'li 11 sound to a 1 ert you to put ·the printer ON-OFF S\'li tch back on. It normally takes only a minute to change paper so try to plan your paper change between prints or a complete pr.intout may be missed without your knowledge. On models usi.ng the 11 0AfEL 11 printer, be sure to shut off the printer switch when changing printer paper. B 5. Replacing Printer Paper A blue line on the paper alerts you about 1 day in advance of paper depletion. To change paper, shut off the printer s\'li tch and unscrew the 2 sma 11 si 1 ver knurled scre'ls on the printer face. Lay a new pad of paper in-the rear tray with the blue lines toward the tray bottom. Feed the paper over the silver roller in front and between the plastic face and rubber roller. Start the paper by revolving the rubber ·roller with your finger. During operation place a binder clip on the end of the tape as it comes out of the_ counter. Hanging the clip over the edge of the counter stand will allow tape to move smoothly out of the counter, eliminating printer malfunction. If the printer tape doesn•t_f~ed smo~hly and hourly printouts are superimposed on each other, clean the black rubber roller thoroughly \'lith alcohol. When the paper runs 1~'1 the printer may skip printouts, so it is important to avoid letting the paper run too close to the end of the roll. When replacing the printer, push it in while, making sure the paper is not pinched between the· printer·~ and panel by manually pulling some paper out of the slot. Make sure the printer seats completely flush \'lith the panel since an electrical connector must r.take contact. Retighten the two knurled scre\'IS as tightly as possible with your fingers.!/ If the ink becomes dim after 2 to 4 years of operation, loosen the bto black screws on the printer face and pull out the ink pad. A new pad may then be scre\'t'ed in. Spare pads have been supplied to the State of Alaska and spare printers· have been included. Any printers may be interchanged between systems., as they are identical. DATA CLEAR TIME Data is cleared (erased from menory) after each printout. Set for AT PRINT ROSition on 1978 and 1979 models. C. CLEAR PUSHBUTTON The red CLEAR pushbutton located on the left side of the panel will clear the data in the memories controlling the printer and 4 digit liquid crystal display. It does not affect the cumulative counter at right. To clear the data, the 11 SAFETY 11 S\'litch must be 11 0FF". The sounder alerts you w1len thiS switch iS left off. C. 1/ Screw on printers must be tightened daily as vibrations can cause ther.t to loosen. · · D. ; E~. 1 F. 4 Digit Di sp 1 ay and .t1anua 1 Sector Se 1 ector The liquid crystal display sho\'IS you the number of counts accumulated· in any of the H2 sectors that is selected by the black thumbwheel switch above it. It is always on since it uses only 1 microamp of Ct,irrent. Being liqt;rid crystal, it is a reflective display and requires some ambient light to be seen At night a flashlight or match may be necessary to see it. Meter, Meter Switch and Battery When in the 11 BATT 11 position, the meter reads the condition of the GEL-CELL battery. When in the 11 SOLAR CHARGE 11 position, the meter reads the output of the solar panel. In full, unobscured sunlight the meter will read at the extreme ~ight indicating the solar panel is supplying 12 times the current that the Side Scanner is using with the excess going to charge the supplied GEL-CELL battery. When the meter is at the point where the red and green meet (such as cloudy weather} the solar panel is supplying twice as much current as the Side Scanner is consuming with the excess going to charge the GEL-CELL battery. This would be enough to indefinitely carry it through the night hours. Although a 12V, 16 amp hour rechargeable GEL-CELL battery is su2plied with each system, any 12V battery of equal or qreater capacity may be used. The supplied battery, when fully charged, will operate the Side Scanner for approximately 300 hours, or about 2 weeks, day and night, with no solar charging. Internal protection is provided against battery overcharging in the event of constant full sun. Fish Velocity Control This thumbwheel switch controls the transmit repetition rate of the system. It has been observed that salmon migrate up- stream at about 1. 75 feet per second (ground speed}. Since the switch is labeled in seconds per foot, the reciprocal of 1.75 feet per second is 0.571 seconds per foot so until new fish speed information is obtained, set the control to 0~571. To determine optimum velocity use the following formula after monitoring the oscilloscope for a minimum of 250 cumulative fish spikes: Fish counts on the SSS counter x existing velocity = Fish spikes observed on oscilloscope new velocity e.g., if the SSS count is 200 and the scope count is 250, 200/250 x 0.571 = .457, the new velocity setting. If the ratio of sonar counts to scope counts is within 0.8 and 1.2, do not adjust velocity. The reason .behind this is as follows: When the side scan sonar is overcounting the fish are in the beam too long; the pulse repetition rate is too high. The solution is to decrease pulse repetition rate by dialing fish velocity~ o·~emember, the velocity dial is the reCiprocal-of fiStl-swimmi-rrg- speed). Likewise, when the sonar is undercounting, the fish are F. G. .... ~. r-m ( '-,__.--I , l I. ! ~ 30v i. t.: l !·' ,; ~ ; n ,. 'I u H. C_) Fish Velocity Control Cont. - not in the beam long enough; the pulse repetition rate is too slow and the fish velocity should be dialed down. It has been observed that at the lower extreme of th~ velocity setting (i.e.( .150) the side scan sonar counters tend to function erratically. Such settings should be avoid~d. If undercounting problems persist at higher settings, tbe transducer may be misaimed or the sensitivity set too low. Sensitivity Control This controls the amount of power tra,nsmitted to the· transducer and is essentially a system sensitivity control . To adjust it initially requires a fine bladed screwdriver or knife and an oscilloscope. It is adjusted as ~oll~~s: (1) (2) ( 3) Connect the oscilloscope input to the red test point on the panel marked XM2°. Set the vertical sensitivity of the scope to 5V per division and the scope trigger to internal. Set the horizontal scope sweep speed to 50ftsec per division. Make sure the transducer is properly connected and in the water. Set the beamwidth switch to 2°. Adjust the front panel sensitivity control· for an average peak to peak (top to bottom) signal of 30V. It will look something like the waveform at left so adjust for an average as shown. For a quick method to check sensitivity set the volts/div to 5 and time/div to 50j(seconds. Turn both red •:fine tuning" knobs fully clockwise. Make sure toe lever on the for right of the scope face is in the bottom position (EXT TRIG OR HORIZ-DC). Plug the scope trigger lead in the XM2° test point and the vertical input lead in the back of the external trigger lead. (4) A sensitivity setting of 30 volts is only a starting point and may be adjusted depending on individual situations. If t~e counter is undercounting, it may help to increase_the sensitivity. However, at settings~ 60 volts minor bits of debris and water turbulence may cause false counts, so care should be taken not to set the sensitivity too high. Cloudy or muddy rivers usually require a higher sensitivity than clearer rivers. Dead Range Control This controls the distance from the face of the transducer that the system is "blanked out". That is, any echoes received within H. Dead Range Control (Cont.) this preset range \'li 11 not be aq:eptcd for processing. The con- trol may be set from 0 to 10 fee~. This control is necessary to- blank out transducer "ringing" which occurs for about 2-1/2 feet and would result in false counts. Sometimes a source of air b-ubbles near shore exists which could false-counts. In this case, increase the DEAD RANGE control until the count stops in sector 1 {as evidenced by the #1 fish light blinking). The fish would then have to be weired out to beyond the dead range. During periods of extreme high water false counts may register in the first one or two sectors possibly due to increased water velocity, increased turbidity or a combination of the two. In this case the dead range may be dialed out to 3 or mor~~feet to_ avoid overcounting until the river returns to a normal level. I. Counting Range Control J. This controls the total perpendicular distance to which fish coun~s will be accepted. This preset distance starts immediately after ~ the DEAD RANGE ceases, thus the total range from the face of the transducer is the total of both the "DEAD RANGE" and "COUNTING RANGE" settings. Transducer Aiming The end of the artificial substrate contains a target, approximately 60 feet from the transducer face. This is necessary for initi-al aiming of the transducer beam. Prior to submersion the transducer plate should be flushed on all sides with the transducer housing. This can be accomplished by "feel" or using a straight edge. An oscilloscope should be used in lieu of the #12 FISH LIGHT for more precise a1m1ng. To do so, trigger the oscilloscope from the XM2° panel test point, connect the scope ground to the GND test point and the scope input to the RCVR test point. Set the scope vertical control to 1 V/CM and the horizontal control to 5 milli- meters per em. 1/. The target will be observed on the scope 24 milliseconds from the start of the trace and the transducer may be manipulated for a maximum "spike" at that point. If the transducer is aimed to low, early echoes coming from rough surfaces on the pi pc \'li 11 be seen before 24 milliseconds. 2/ The new. (1978) artificial substrates have an improved method of transducer adjustment and have transducers modified for the new substrates (see figure on the last sheet.) The transducer plate 1f See section titled Oscilloscope Operation for the Side Scanner. 2/ See section titled Typical Side Scanner Oscilloscope Waveforms for various transducer aiming conditions. J. c Transducer Aiming (Cont .. ) should be installed in the shroud on the: shore end member. The 3 studs attached to the plate will be secured to the plate with th2 3/8-16 locknuts. Use lockwashers and tighten with channel lock pl iens. About 1 1/2 inches away th~re ·wi:ll be a 1/2-20 nut followed by a flat washer, a spring and flat washer in that order. The threejstuds should be pushed through the three corresponding holes in ~he shroud with the last flat \'lasher against the inside of the shti<>ud. A hand wheel should then be screwed onto the outside ofi the shroud on each of the portruding studs. Extreme care should be taken when insta 11 ing or removing the transducer from the housing as the springs tend to fall off and get lost in the river. To avoid this, tape the springs to the studs with a small piece of tape. The transducer and transducer tables should be fed over the top of the transducer and back to shore, securing ~hem with tape to prevent chafing and to provi_de a little service loop to prevent their being torn off the transducer. The thre~ hand wheels should be tightened with an equal amount of stud protruding through the wheel. The transducer will now be approxi- mately aimed at the target end 60 feet away. (The remaining three hand wheels should be used after final transducer adjustment by running them up the stud and tightening them against the first wheel to lock them in place.) To aim the transducer with the oscilloscope, set the beanMidth switch to 2° and the counting range to somewhat over 60 feet so that the target is counted (the #12 sector light wiii constantly blink). The beam should be low enough to just miss counting reflections from the pipe itself. To raise the beam; screw the upper \'/heel clocb1ise (to the right) one turn for each 3/4 foot beam movement 60 feet away (or counterclockwise to lower it). The scope trace should appear relatively clean (free of spikes) on 2° and show a few small spikes at the end of the substrate on 4°. (s~:e section titled Typica 1 Sice Scanner Oscilloscope Wavefonns for schematics of various ~ransducer aiming conditions). A typical schematic of a strong target on 2° beam (expanded horiz- ontally) is shown below: transducer face target A good target is broad and flat across the top and not varying in height. Once the target has been adjusted vertically it can be adjusted horizontally. To move the beam to the right, turn the low2r right \'/heel clockwise and the lower left wheel the • • K. l. - same amount counterclockwise at the same time. To move the beam to the left, reverse the procedure. Horizontal movements should involve exactly the same amount of turning on each wheel to avoid 11 Skewing .. the beam out and up or down. Each full turn of both wheels together will move the beam horizontally 1 l/2 feet. By turning them together, the vertical aiming remains unchanged. Likewise, adjusting the upper knob does not affect horizontal beam movement. frolil the 11 flushed'' position, the transd'ucer should be moved up or down stream as much as necessary to achieve a strong target. In a strong current th~ pipe tends to bow out so the t~ansducer may need to be aimed a bit upstream to compensate. In cases· where fish tend to migrate close to the surface over the substrate, the bealil may need to be aimed high and downstream. Frequent monitoring of the oscilloscope and experience with aiming are = the surest means of achieVing a good target and counting maximt.lllTI numbers of fish. It has been observed that when water level rises considerably over a short period of time the target becomes weak or disappears completely. This may be caused by the increased velocity bending the tube, requiring an adjustment of the horizontal position of the beam. If no target can be found when making vertical adjustments of the beam, it may be due to irregularities of the river bottom. If the end of the tube is hanging over a ledge or if the tube is resting on a rock, the target end wi 11 be lower than the rest of the tube and may not be locatable by aiming the transducer. In this case the beam should be aimed low enough to just avoid reflecting echoes from the surface of the tube. When no target can be found at all and the printouts are all zeroes, : it may be that a large piece of debris is lodged on the transducet blocking transmission of the beam. This should be checked before' adjusting the transducer.~ Cumulative Counter This counter maintains a running total of all counts. It is an 8-digit counter and being of the L.E.D. typ~, consumes a fair amount of power when lit. For this reason a 11 READ 11 pushbutton ---;s provfCied below it to read the to-tal wfien desired. To clear the cumulative counter, shut off the SAFETY switch and depress the CLEAR pushbutton located below the counter. The alarm will alert you that the SAFETY switch is OFF. Safety Switch This S\'litch is an interlock provided to· prey~nt accidenta 1 clear- ing of the data or accidental resetting of:1P.RINTER time or N. N. 0. P. AUT0f4ATIC TEST time. ~Jhenever it is left in the OFF position the sounder wi 11 sound, a 1 ert i ng you to this fact. Sdunder '~ T~e ~ounder will alert you \'lhenever any of the· following three s~itches are left in the "wrong" position to prevent walking away from the unit in that condition: (The sounder will "click" whenever a fish is counted). a. Sounds \'/hen 11 DATA 11 switch is left OFF. b. Sounds when 11 PRINTER" switch is left OFF. c. Sounds \'lhen "SAFETY" switch is left OFF. Speaker may be covered when working to lessen obnoxious noise. However, the speaker is not a gum repository. Test Pushbutton and Data Switch The purpose of this test is to verify proper functioning of almost· the entire system (except the transmitter). This button, when depressed, electronically simulates fish in the first 11 sectors .. When the system is operating properly, the first 11 fish lights will blink, the sounder will sound, the cumulative counter and the 4-digit counter at left will record these counts. .If only a partial system test is desired, without interfering with data already present in the memories or the cumulative counter, the DATA switch should be i eft OFF. This wii i prevent these 11 fa i se counts !I from being recorded but will permit the FISH lights to blink. When a full system test is desired at the cost of losing the data already present, the DATA switch may be left ON. Fish and Sector Lights The two red SECTOR L.E.D.•s indicate that the electronics logic card is probably functioning properly. The sector lights must always blink. If a light(s) does not blink, the cause may be merely a burned out lig~t. This can be verified by dialing the large·thumbwheel switch to the sector in question and simulating fish by depressing the TEST pushbutton with the DATA switch ON. If data is recorded in that sector, it merely means that either the light is bad or the L.E.D. card in the system is bad, which will not affect proper operation. To check sector 12, merely increase the RANGE control setting a few feet to ~'count" the target at the end of the substrate. The FISH lights will blink \'lhenever fish are detected in the corres- ponding sector and the sounder will sound. Automatic Test This feature permits automatic self testing of the entire system • • ~\ t . '-·· including the transducer and its proper aiming. It functions automatically each 12 hours-(1978 and 1979 models can be set at 6, 12 or 24 hours. Set at 24 hours) as follows: To start tHe 12 hour timing sequence at any point in time, press the SET 11MES red pushbutton. This initiates both the printer and auto te~t times. Precisely 2 seconds afler the~normal printput 12 houris later, the system will go intojan automatic test mode. It w~ll. automatically electronically ~$Jmulate between 2 and 7 fish iri each of the first 11 sectors and it1will automatically extend its range by 3 feet, thus counting the artificial target 60 feet away and recording these counts in sect~r 12. It will then· print out all these counts and the letter E 1n the second column to indicate a self start. 1978 and 1979 mod~ls will have letter I in the second column. None of these counts will enter the cumulative counter at right~ and will_be erased right after the print. Q. Test Points on Panel The test points have the following purposes: ·: .. ~~ ·: 1. X~~LT. This test point is connected to the 4° section of the transducer which shows the transmitted voltage when the unit is transmitting at 4~. ~ 2. The XM2° test point is directly connected to the transducer sector that is selected by the beamwidth switch and permits oscilloscope reading of the transmitted voltage, thus checking the transmitter card in the system. The 4° transmit will always by considerably h:igher than the 2° transmitted voltage except when the beamwidth switch is set to 2°. When the BEAM WIDTH switch is in the ALT position, the transmitted voltage can be seen to alternately go high and low as the 2° and 4° sectors are automatically selected. 3. RCVR test point. This}test point is the receiver output and gives a true .. ana 1 og P,1 cture.. on an osc i 11 oscope of what is happening in the water. Any echoes received are amplified and presented at this-test point. Any time the echo exceeds 3 volts at this point for the proper pre-programmmed number of 11 hits 11 it will result in a count. To use this feature, the scope input is connected to .. the RCVR test point, the scope ground connected to the GND test point and the scope may be triggered from either the "XM" test point which permits obser- vation of the entire 60 feet or from any one of·the 11 SCOPE --- TRIG .. test points which starts the scope trace at the beginning of any of the 12 sector "listening times". The scope trigger must be set to -• By doing this and properly expanding the scope sweep speed, any one or· more of the 12 sectors may be individually observed. • • ( R. Beamwidth Switch This switch electronically controls the transducer beamwidth by connecting only the center section of the transducer for a 4° beamwidth or paralleling both the center and outer transducer sections for·a 2° beamwidth. Any of the three·modes may be selected, but for optimum coverage, the ALT position should be used since this tends to make the lateral coverage more unifonm. When in the ALT position, the system alternately transmits on the 2° sector then on the 4° sector and back to the 2° sector, etc. ·After transmittimg on the 4° sector, only those echoes received during the first half o·f the active range are accepted (sectors 1 through 6). When transmitting on the 2°sector, only those echoes received during the last half of the active range are accepted (sectors 7 through 12). The system electronically gives more weight to sectors closer to the transducer face since the fish will be in the beam a shorter period of time because of the fact that the closer to the transducer, the narrower the beamwidth. Anumber of samples of each fish are taken, permitting different "aspects .. of the fish to be sampled as it crosses the--beam. A varying number of valid "hits" are required before the system ·"decides" the target is a fish and enters it into permanent memory. The number of valid hits required for detection is a function of which of the 12 sectors the fish was detected. For example, although a fish travelling at 1.75 feet/sec is sampled 9 times, if it is detected in sector 9, only 5 valid 11 hits 11 are required to count, so if 5,6,7,8 or 9 hits are made during the passage of the fish oniy i count wiii result. This feature essentially eliminates downstream passing debris which typically is travelling at the river velocity which is usually much faster than 1.75 ft/sec and which would not be in the beam long enough to count. To prevent single debris counts occurring over a period of time from adding up to the numb~r required for a valid fish count, the temporary fish decision meinories are auto- matically cleared 4 transmissions after receipt of any single echo. S. · Debris A 1 erting Any time 24 counts are made in any one of the 12 sectors in a 35 second period (starting from the-first count), the system assumes that this cannot be fish and is probably a piece of debris hung up on the artificial substrate. When the next printout occurs, the corresponding sector column will contain the symbol ''+ 11 in the third column next to the sector identification number. After printout, the debris detector is cleared and starts out 11 fresh 11 again. If the debris is still present, the system will again accept up to 24 counts in 35 seconds and indicate 11 + " again. If the debris has washed away) it will resume normal operation. ·5 ~i £ f , ______ NOTE: Some of the front panel switches are of the PULL TO CHANGE types. This is to prevent inadvertent changiil~ of the switch positions. The switch]landle must be· pulled away from the panel and then changed. Make sur~ that the switch is firmly seated in the desired position. ~ II •. ~ INITIAL SET UP AND SYSTEM TEST~ To verify proper system operation when first turned on or anytime desired, do the following: Before the battery is plugged in, which turns on the system, place the following switches in the noted positions: (1) PRINTER OFF. {2) TRANSDUCER NOT PLUGGED IN. {3) SAFETY SWITCH OFF. {4) METER SWITCH IN BATT POSITION. {5) FISH VELOCITY to 0.571. {6) DATA ON. {7) ACTIVE RANGE to about 50 feet. The remainder of the controls may be left in any position. Next, plug in the battery and then press the SET TIMES pushbutton {this synchronizes the system). Some of the FISH lights may remain on. To clear the system, press and hold the red TEST pushbutton, noting that each of the FISH lights blink in sectors 1 through 11. The system is now cleared and ready for operation.· ... At this time, the SECTOR lights should be blinking and the BATTERY CONDITION METER should be in the green. Press the two red CLEAR pushbuttons to erase any counts from the memories. Press and hold the red TEST pushbutton, This .wi 11 simulate counts on sectors 1 through 11. Hold it in until a few hundred counts appear on the CUMUL counter. {You have to press the blact< READ pushbutton to see th.is.) The next step will be to verify that counts have been registered on each section of the 4-digit-liqtrid crystal display and that the printer- is functioning, and that all counts agree. To do this, turn on the PRINTER switch and momentarily press t,he b 1 ack PRINT COMM pushbutton. The printer should now print out 12) ines of data. The column at left will be the sector identification number and should sequentially read 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2. The next column should have printed the letter 11 C11 •. DiaJ the large black thumbwheel switch through its 12 positions and compare the numbers in the 4-digit numerical display with the corresponding blue printed columns. They should agree. Next, add up the column of figures. The total sho~ld agree ~ith ~he total CUMUL count within one or two digits. ~ Solar Panel ~j The purpose of the solar panel is to charge the 16A~ GEL-CELL battery supplied with the system. ~ i Nount the solar panel such that it will receive a maximum average amount of 1 i ght throughout the day. Plug it into the side cmfuector marked SOLAR PANEL, observing polarity (this means red to red and black to black}. If the so 1 ar pane 1 is connected backward,. no damage \'li 11 result, but the meter will read no solar charge when exposed to light. Put the METER switch in the SOLAR CHARGE position •. ~ .If full sunlight is falling directly on the solar panel, the meter tlill be at the extreme right. In very cloudy weather the meter will ··probably be in the red. When it is at the red/green crossover point, the solar panel is supplying twice as much current as the system is consuming» with the excess going to the battery~ This condition will be adequate to indefinitely carry the system through the night hours. Make sure no part of the solar panel is shaded because shading one cell is the same as shading the entire panel. III. TROUBLESHOOTING Many complete sets of printed circuit card spares have been supplied to Alaska Department of Fish and Game. They contain pre-tested cards of every type used in the Side Scanner System. They are identified by a function name etched on the component side o{ the .,cards at the upper left corner of the card. The following table t1sts the P.C. card names and their functions to aid in troubleshooting.# Printed Circuit Card Name & Location in P.C. Card File t-1E~10RIES (Slot 1 & Slot 2} These 2 cards are identical. Card Function The memory cards store valid fish counts after the electronic deCision has been made if debris· or fish. They drive the 4 digit liquid crystal display and the printer. They have nothing to do with the cumulative counter display. The 2 cards arc identical and inter- changeable. T-he memory card in slot 1 controls the two most significant digits of the display and printer fish counts, i.e., the two digits on the left. The memory card in slot 3 controls the 2 least significant digits of the display and printer fish counts, i.e., the two digits on the right. t . Printed Circuit Card Name & Location in P.C. Card File LOGIC (Slot 5) PRINTER (Slot 7) RECEIVER (Slot 11) CAUTION: If this card is changed, it will be necessary to readjust the sensitivity screwdriver con- trol on the front panel as discussed earlier in this manual. Card Function The logic card controls the-systein repetition rate (or "ping" rate). It controls the duration of the transmit signal. the 11 simulated fish counts for test, the automatic range extension during auto test, the counting range;-the dead range, the smolt vs. fish function, the power to receiver, all the L.E.D. functions, the 12 sector scan, the cumulative counter, the sounder duration when fish are detected and th~ temporary memories which decide whether the echo detected is fish or debris. If debris, it is erased; if fish it is routed to the previously mentioned permanent memories cards for storage and then erased from this card. This card also controls. the 2:~ _, 4° and ALT beam routing in conjunction \'lith the beam·-- width switch. The printer card controls the printer time clock the printer command, the 12 print sequencing, the printer sector 1.0. number printed on the left of the printed paper, the letters printed next to ·the left on the printed paper, the automatic self test timing~ the erasure or automatic clearing of the data after print, the tape recorder automatic pm·1er turn-on for 3.6 rninutes after each print, and makes the decision whether a very high rate of counts is fish or debris and if debris it tells the printer to print the symbo 1 "+" . . -~'; The receiver card contains the receiver which takes the minute fish echoes, amplifies tham 23,000 times and if the echo exceed a predetermined threshold it triggers a device which sends a signal to the temporary memory card for subsequent decision as to whether it was fish or debris. This card also contains a 9V regulator to power the entire system. -----It also controls-the battery and-solar charge meter and provides T.V.G. which means time variable gain which causes fish echoes detected far away to be amplified at a greater factor than fish close by since the echo'decreases with distance in a log manner. This card also contains the transmitter which transmits a 515 kHz signal to the transducer. The card also contains part of the circuitry to electronically simulate fish in the first 11 sectors for automatic and manual test. The tape recorder power regulator is located on this card-al"so. , . Printed Circuit Card Name & Location i n P. C. Card File~ LIQUID CR't;STAL DISPLAY CARD .., ., ; Located o~ front panel. ~ Card Function This card contains a 4-digit liquid crystal display on the front panel. If it becomes · defective it may be removed from the inside by removing the two retaining 6-32 nuts and replacing it with a spare display card. If this is done, be sure the two flat plugs that are inserted in its connector are firmly inserted in the new card in identical orientation. The display has an average life of about 7 years. It will be noticed that in cold weather the display takes longer to change its numbers. This is a normal characteristic of liquid crystal displays. Most of the card functions are self-explanatory so that in the event of trouble, a card may be replaced. Since many of the card functions are inter-related, a problem may sometimes not be definitely localized to a specific card and more than one card may have to be interchanged to cure the problem (one at a time). To change a printed Remove the 6 screws panel straight up. electronics. circuit card, disconnect the battery and solar panel. holding the front panel and carefully lift the front It may then be turned and laid down next to the CAUTiON: The electronic components on the cards are susceptible to immediate destruction by static electricity. They should never be handl~d in an office where carpets generate static electricity. : Replace the suspect card with a ne\'1 one and _retest. The system can be operated in the open position so it will not be necessary to close the system to test it, but be very careful not to short anything. To remove a card, pull up on the two.card ejectors. To replace a card, press the card fi.rmly down and hook the combination black card ejector/inserter under the ridge of the card file and push the two black inserters down. These will fo.rce the card into its sockets and may have to alternately be 11 rocked" until the card is firmly seated in its socket. CAUTION: NEVER remove or replace a card with power from the battery or solar panel connected, To replace the panel, reverse the removal procedure being careful not to ' . pinch any cables between the panel and the~ case. The 6 nuts are on sliding plates and may have to be repositioned \'lith a knife blade if they were moved. Some problems with the counter can be s6lved without changing cards. If the ~rinter is malfunctioning, check to see that_it is flush with] the counter and thescr~ws are fully tightened. Also make sure the ·i tape is feeding out ·smoothly. If it is pulled out crookedly, the paper will become jammed. If the printer begins skipping hours and changing cards does not help, there is plenty of paper, the roller is clean a6d the battery is tig~tly plugged in, the problem may be a faulty power~ inverter. This requires repair by Bendix. i .. IV .. SIDE SCAN ARTIFICIAL SUBSTRATE j General Description The array (Figure 1A, 1B and 3) is made up of three· 18! foot long , sections of tubes that plug together with an 18 inch everlap forming· a single tube. Offshore and onshore sections terminate the assembly:ends. A 1 inch diameter wire rope runs through the assembly and is pinned to the offshore cap. The onshore cap has a threaded shaft and handwhee,l which is used to provide tension holding the array sections together: by tensioning the cable. Cable should be threaded on the downstream side of bolts tlhich hold sections together. Alignment of the vortex shedding fins on each section is required in order to prevent oscil- lation or vibration of the array in fast currents. Install and tighten the !" bolts on the welded brackets. These will squeeze the slots together thus securing~the pipes together. On 1978 and 1979 arrays tighten bolts to 45 ft/lbs (second bolt from target end -tighten to 20 ft/lbs only). If too loose, the array will bend excessively, allowing fish to escape under the beam. If tightened to greater than 60 ft/lbs the bolts will break or the tube deform. NOTE: The bolts should be tightened with the pipe upside down from the way it will lie on the river bottom. This Will help straighten the pipe. ' The offshore cap provides the wire rope termination, has a water check valve used for blowing out and floating the array~ mounts the offshore cable attachment point and has .a target attached for acoustic signal alignment. The onshore cap has a 2 inch diameter hole in the end which is used to stake the array in position on the shore. A second 2 inch hole may be used to tie off the array for safety. A mount for the transducer is provided on the:cap-~-Both~vertical and hor-izontal adjust- ment of the transducer is possible. A t inch diameter x 2 ft. long bar is provided to use as a lever for aligning the transducer on the 1976 systems. The new systems have adjustment handwheels. Mount the trans- ducer in the upper 3 holes of its housing. A traveler, attached to the cable swivel, rides on a bar preventing rotation of the cable when tightening. NOTE: The cable must be as tight as possible to prevent array breakup in fast river. Hand tighten only. A i inch threaded plug is provided for an air hose to blow out and float the array prior to removal from t~e river bed. Netting is tied ~o the lower vortex fin. 1/8 inch diam~ter holes spaced at 1! inch !intervals provide net tie points. Holes are provided on both top and pottom f_ins as i~stallation on the opposite shore t:'~quires turning the array end for end and rotating 180°. NOTE: It has been found by A.D.F.& G.-that if no air is available, the array may be raised by allowing the pipe to tilt down inthe direction of the water flow. The fairings act as ailerons and will raise the pipe to the surface. Conversely, when sinking the array, the stake on the shore end should be attached via a "cor.~e-along 11 to a tree and should be tilted upstream a few degrees to help sink the arr.~y and hold it firmly on the river bottom. Assembly Procedure for 60 Foot Array 1. Lay out the fo-llowing parts on a reasonably level surface parallel to the river bed in the order listed. Leave 1 foot of space between parts. 1 each Offshore Cap. 2 each 18! foot section with couplers attached. 1 each 18! foot section without coupler. 1 each Onshore Cap (screw in tension screw handwheel all the way). 2. Attach swivel end of i inch cable to eye on threaded tension screw. 3. Feed opposite end of cable (with eye) through the 18! foot tube sections. Cable must pass through center hole in bulkheads (two places), and on downstream side of 3/8 inch bolts. 4. With the onshore cap transducer housing straight up, slip the first 18! foot section onto the shore cap (male), reduced diameter, align the bolt holes and install i inch diameter bolts. Fitting coupler sections into 18! foot sections i.s made much easier by spreading the welded brackets apart with 2 or 3 disc brake pad spreaders. Before fitting sections together, coat the outside of coupler sections with clear silicone to prevent air l_eak~ Also coat bg_th ~nds 9f_bolts, cable anchor bolt, endplate and offshore cap. -Be sure 18! foot sections face in the right direction. Fins go downstream. 5. Install second and third section i·n similar manner. If couplings hang up and do not seat, the cable'and tension screw can be used to pull the couplings together. However, care must be taken to align the fins during coupling insertion as turning the sections after complete assembly may be difficult. , . 6~ losert cable eye through the offshore cap and install cap on last section. Insert bolt. Target (curved projection} should be up. ~ 7. Install end plate (with ~lot for pin} onto offshore caP,. Cable should project through Chp center hole and extend out ~bout 12 inches if all couplings are seated. : ~ ~ 8. Start to tighten the han~wheel inside onshore cap until cable eye is aligned with slot in ~nd plate. "'i 9. Install pin through eye Jnd seat in slot of end plate. -~~ 10. Tighten cable hand tight~ using handwheel. All couplings should now be fully seated. When tightening, insert a long screwtiriver in the far end of the swivel assembly to keep the traveler bar from twisting as the cable is tightened. The cable tightens by turning the knob counterclockwise and loosens by turning it clock- wise. Two nuts should be screwed on both in front of and behind the handwheel to al1low the. shaft to turn as the knob is turned. -""~". ... . 11. Install coupling bolts and cap nuts not previously installed. Tighten to 20 ft/1 bs only, apply silicone. 12. Install end cap onto end plate covering cable. 13. All seams must be sealed to prevent air leaks when raising the tube. Apply silicone generously to each joint and wrap with insulation tape (such as 3M Scotchfill Insulation Putty Tape}. Cover this tightly with gray 2 11 PVC tape, overlapping the seam 2 inches on each side. Place 2 connected 8 inch hose clamps on each side of the seam and over tape. Tighten clamps, being careful to keep clamp nuts to the downstream side of the tube and out of the beam path. ' 14. The array is now re;dy for placing into the river. Array Installation Proc'edure ' 1. Before placing the array in the river, the chain anchoring the net should be tied up to prevent it from snagging on debris during deployment. It is easiest to thread a line through the links and tie it to the holes in the fins. This can be readily cut when releasing the net. Make sure the i inch plug on top and 3 inch floodcap on the side are in before putting the array in the water. 2. Attach an appropriate shore cable ! inch minimum diameter to upstream end of collar provided on offshore cap. The longer the cable, the easier it will be to move the array in and out. Attach the other end of the cable to a stake, tree or other available attachment point. CAUTION: In 7 foot per second currents cable tension of floating array will be as high as 850 pounds. , . 3. Attach another cable to the 2 inch hole on the upstream side of the inshore end of the array. The other end of the ca.ble ·should be attached to a tree or stake onshore. Moving the array out will be much easier if the cable runs as closely to parallel with the bank as possible. 4. Once both cables are attached, the offshore end should be .gradually let out, allowing the array to swing out into the current until it is perpendicualr to the bank. In fast rivers the current may tend to push the tube out parallel to the bank as the offshore cable is being let out.-As a safety precaution against this, it is a good idea to tie a short rope from the _standpipe to a stake or tree onshore. (The standpipe is a 4 foot x 2 inch 0.0. steel pipe inserted in the 2 inch holes behind the transducer housing with T-caps screwed onto both ends. This allows easier moveme~t of the array and is a handle by which you can "ai leron 11 the a·rray). 5. Someone on the onshore end should be ready to place a boom log in the end of the pipe to hold the array out far enough so that about 6 inches. of water covers the tpp of the transducer housing. The boom log can be held in place by'-weights or stakes (see draw- ing belm-1). 6. When in place, cut the line holding the chain up and remove the i inch plug on top and the 3 inch f1oodcap on the side ·to a11ow the pipe to sink • .. . -. ~-. .-, -.· ., ~~· ,;.. ·. . ~ :·-''""'" -· ' -... ;-.-.. -., , . Array Removal Procedure 1. Blow out water in the array through. the check valve located in the shore cap. This is done by removing the ! inch pipe plug located in the shore cap and replacing with an air hose. Air pressure applied here (as from an air compressor) will force water out t~e ·check valve, floating the array. 2. If no air is available. the alternate raising method described earlier may be used, i.e.; allow the shore end stake to tilt forward (downstream) which will raise the array by the aileron action of the fins. · The floating array can now be hauled ashore either by pulling straight out or by pulling in tbe offshore cable. Array Disassembly Procedure. See Figures 1A, J.B and 3 1. With the array on a reasonably level area~ remov~ the end cap. 2. Untighten (screw in) the handwheel inside the onshore cap. This will loosen the tension cable and allow removal of the pin on the offshore end plate. 3. Remove .the end plate. 4. Drive a stake through the 2 inch shore cap hole into the ground. Also drive a second stake into the grou~d about 10 feet from the opposite end of the array. 5. Attach the uyu cable to the offshore cap, see Figure 3. Install come-along between stake and uyu cable. 6. Remove through bolt of first section to be disassembled (any order is OK). 7. Pull apart with come-along. 8~ Install 2 eye short cable between sections pulled apart. See Figure 3. 9. Remove next through bolt and pull apart next section. lQ •. Continue process until all.sections are pulled.ap_ar:t. General Caution Notes 1. Before placing array in water ins!'~ct check valve operation. 2. Cable must be tensioned before array deployment. 3. Do not turn array vortex fins into current in currents over 4 feet per second. Excessive load may damage array. • • (_ -- 4. Installation of a_-cable around the onshore cap to a stake upstream on shore may be useful in a fast current river. 5. If corrosion prevents loosening of cable tension wheel on assembled array~ the offshore cap pin may be driven -·aut; after removal of the cap, -thus releasing cable tension. ~ 6. Handle exposed section ends with reasonable care to avoid nicks or tube distortion. -i 7. Be sure i inch diameter carriage bolt i~coupling sections are tightened to 45 ft/lbs in order to elimi~ate coupling to tube clearance thus preventing array sag. Neyer exceed 50 ft/lbs. 8. Transducer. The transducer, although re~sonably rugged would be destroyed if dropped on a-rock. Before use, the radiating poly- urethane face should be washed with a detergent, preferably liquid detergent with the liquid left on the face. This cleans off finger oils. Any oil or grease will completely block the high frequency • output and make the transducer inoperative~ In some rivers, a-- buildup of various forms of 11 Crud 11 1nay develop on the transducer face after a week or two~ so a quantity:of liquid detergent should be placed in the hand and the hand quicJ<ly put under water to rub the face of the transducer. This should be done whenever too much buildup of "crud 11 is felt or seen on the transducer face. A moderate amount of detritus will not affect normal operation. Shortened Arrays In situations where the current is swift or the fish·hug the bank tightly it may be desirable to use only one or two of the 18! foot sections to assemble a 20 or 40 foot array. Assembly procedures are the same as for a full size 60 foot array except that the inner cable must be shortened. When using a 40 foot tube the beamwidth!switch should be set to ALT and the counting range to a distance of about 38 feet. Beamwidth for a 20 foot array should be set on XM2° and counting range to about 18 feet. c -. o._ <( 0 w 0:: 0 I U) LL LL 0 0:: ~·· ..,.-r l_j ......... z 0 U) z <( 0 U) w 0 en 0. 0 0 "0 c w Q) .0 0 (.) -0 m ... 0 .c. 0 c <( Q) .0 0 (.) ~ cvW O.cv 0..0 a:::o G>(.) ... ·-c ~-o I 1, (--~ I ~ -... _..__. .f) c.;.i,.u SIDE St~N SONAR ONSHORE CAP Transducer Adjus~ing Knobs-== \ ""< Standpipe Hole ..... .;.. ,, ..... , ••• .ll.;.AJ.& ........ ii£•1·1• ·"'·· ' ... .J ....... , ••. 1/2 11 Plug For Air Hose Connection 1/4 11 Wire Tension Cable _ .... .. _..._ ..... - - t~"-\ \~-_______. ~) ' ' ~ : i..__ I ------------_......+-........_ CABL]i: ·-l'OSSITIOflE'Ir" _.....-: --.-ARRAy a:::>-<. ~ ~ a- ~ c: ON SHORE STAKE ~ I L //_/ ./.L:_ .L ./ / a ~ CAB LID ,.------.....____ I ~ .. S1itAKE ,.--i ARRAY READY TO SYrnNO OUT(FLOATING) ,_ ----- POSSITIONED >'oJi:l ~-.... ..........._ . ...__ - STAl{E ~ '"-~--ARRAY INSTALLED IN lUVER .. ~ .. ALTERNATE ARRAY DEPLOYMENT METHO~ . (SLOW CUl\1\EN'l' S'l'ItEAMS} r VERT I CAL ADJUSTMENT [ T1 GHTEII l1 TURN CLOCKWISE FOR EACII 3/4 FOOT OEA~t RISE l\T 60 FEET, /\WAY) lR VICE VERSA TO LOWERREN\ HORIZONTAL 1\(}JUSTHENT. fiGIITEN LEFT Kr!Oil AND LOOSEN: RIGIIT KtiOO Sir1ULTANEOUSLY I TURN FOR EliCII l's FT. DEN\ SUIFT TO filE LEFf AT 60 Ff. AWAY J OR VICE VERS/\ TO SUIFT RIGIIT NITIALLY TIGHTEU KNOllS TO COMPRESS THE SPRHIGS 0 AOOUT 2/3 OF THEIR NO-TENSIOU LEtiGTH. BEFORE USTALLING Ill WAfER • liOJllST TilE 3 KNOBS SO THAT RMSOUCEil FJ\CE IS PERPEIIDICU~I\R TO PIPE. tOl'Ea lise upper three holes. ("-\ --·' CARLE FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS' ,---..._ ' \ } ........ JJI ... -. •. .a~ .... ,.4 .• ,, ·''· - SIIORE k" I I I I I I I I I I I I I '-.!.-.) ~ (TIGHTEN 00\-IH 1\GiiiNST Trt/\NSDUCER IPLiiTE) . '· . .ltij'' ('\ OFF-SHORJn CAP 20 1 ·s~crrQNs .......... ,, .... (-'\ ·. ) ) I 4· ''Y"CABL.E: STAKE DRVEN.INTO ON SHORE CAP ~ '~ r , STAKE DRIVEN INTO anquNo THRU BOLT '----Z EYE SHORT CABLE EXTRA TIIRU BOLT THRU BOLT ......... , ..... ; ...... ,.~............. .1. ZND JOINT TO BE PULLED APARD i· ,, • GROUND I. A\~ \'t A Y \:J \ ~I~~ S e tv\ e, LY , . APPENDIX 2 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Oscilloscope Operation r~·-, ~ .. · OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATION for the SIDE SCANNER July 16, 1979 A. Menin This manual describes how_to use the oscilloscope in conjunctionwith the side scanner-. Although it.rs specificially written around the Tektronix model 323 .. scope". the same basic rules apply to ·v-irtually any model scqpe except ~ 1 for the location of controls~ 1 .; ~ -~ . ·- THEORY OF SCOPE OPERATION The scope is basically a time variable voltmeter. A bright dot moves 1 ~ . across the screen at a constant rate from left to r1ght. The speed at which it moves is determined by the TIME/DIV control setting on the scope. At most settings, ·the dot moves so quickly that it looks like a continuous horizontal line to the human eye. :,:-~ ·--· .. -· The VERTICAL INPUT of the scope (ori the left side of scope) is the same as the + & -input l-eads on a voltmet;er except that a voltage connected to VERTICAL INPL7 scope connector wi11 cause an upward vertical deflection of the moving dot of ~ight proportional to :the amount. of voltage at t~e_. input at the point in time t·hat the moving dot happens to be when tliat voltage is con- nected. For example, if there is no voltage on the scope input for the fir~t. half of the trace, you will see a straight line. If a + voltage is then applied during the middle of the trace (or;sweep a~ it is usually called), the bright i 1 dot will go vertically up to the corresponding place on the scope's face as determined by the VOLTS/DIY setting of the scope. Example: With a 2V/DIV setting, the dot would rise three divisions at the precise· instant in time that you connected the+ of a 6V ba~tery ~o the scope's VERTICAL INPUT.~ith the -of the battery connected to the scope ground. TRIGGERING The bright dot on the screen requires an electrical voltage on the TRIGGER IN.PUT of the scope (on the left side of scope} to start· the dot moving at the ..-----. --· rate {or speed) set by the -TIME/DIY control on the scope's front panel. This- "trigger is required for each "'sweep" of the dot. At the instant in time that a voltage is applied tci the TRIGGER INPUT of th~ scope, the dot will start moving from left to right. This provides synchronization of what you see on the screen with the side scanner. In the case of the side scanner, the TRIGGER INPUT will be connected to either XM2°, XM4° (or XM ALT. in the latest version of the side scanner). ~ach time the side scanner transmits a "burst of sound", the transmitted voltage momentarily appears on the XM pin connector of the side scanner. At this instant in time, this voltage causes the dot to start moving from left to right. Since you will have the TIME/DIY set to 2 ms {MILLISECONDS) for .~roper ~operation with the side "''scanner-~~ this ··dot is now moving across the screen at the rate of 2 milliseconds (2-thousanths of a second) per division. This of course is too fast for the human eye to follow so it looks like a straight line to the eye. Since sound travels (in water) L at about 5000 feet per second whfch equals 5 feet per milliseconds (1 thous- anth of a second), when the scope's VERTICAL INPUT is connected to the RCVR (receiver) pin connector of the side scanner, an echo (a vertical line} from· a fish {or other object) 25 feet away from the transducer would be seen as a vertical .1 ine at 5 divisions from the left of the start of the sweep of the bright dot. This ·is because it took 5 milliseconds for the sound to travel the 25 feet to the 11 fish" and another 5 milliseconds for the "echo" from the fish to return to the transducer for a total of 10 milliseconds roun_9 trip travel time. Since the scope is set to 2 milliseconds per division, 10 milli- seconds would be 5 divisions. To see the -metal target at the end of the pipe which is about· 59 feet away from the transducer, you should expect to see this target 23.6 milliseconds (_.~ from the face of the transducer (the start of the sweep) because at 5 feet per .. millisecond travel time, it will take 11.8 milliseconds for the sound to hit ~he metal target ~nd another 11.8 milliseconds for-the "echo" to return to the transducer or a round t~ip travel time of 11.8 + 11.8 = 23.6 milliseconds. ·j -• . -~ .Since the TIME/DIVISION ff the -scope is set to 2 Msec/DIVISION, that would . be just beyond the 1.0 di~isions on the scope screen and would not be seen; so a fine variable adjustment knob located in the center of the TIME/DIY coarse control should be .rotated a little counter clockwise so that the echo from the metal target can be seen on the scope's face. RotatinQ this small control counterclockwise increases the time oer division to some amount Qreater than the 2 milliseconds oer division that the coarse control was set to. SCOPE CONTROLS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS 1. POWER SWITCH-ON (see fig. 1) -CAUTION: Be sure to shut off power when scope is not being used since it draws much more power than the side (> scanner and ·would rapidly discharge the battery. \~--- 2. POWER SOURCE SELECT SWITCH (see fig. 2) -This is a small slide switch on the rear of the scope and should be pushed down to the EXT DC position which means that the scope is being powered by an external l2Y from the side scanner. 3. VOLTS/DIY. ROTARY CONTRO~ (see fig. l) -·This switch may be set ~s desired for viewing the side scanner RCVR output. It should be set to either lV or 2V. If it is set to lV per division you may want to rotate the small "fine control" center knob inside the coarse control VOLTS/DIY to reduce the height of the vertical lines or fish echos to about 1 incll. 4. POSITION CONTROLS (see fig. 1) -These 2 controls merely affect the horizontal and vertical position of the scope d~splay. You may want to set the vertical position control so that the horizontal trace of the scope is a little above the bottom of the screen and the first vertical line on the left is about 1/4 inch inside of the screen. (This corresponds to the transmitted burst of sound or the transducer position). 5. -INPUT LEVER SWITCH {see fig. l) -This should be down (in the DC position). :~ -3 . ~ 6 •. TRIGG-ER LEVER SWITCH (see fig. 1) -This important switch should be in one of the 2 bottom external triooer positions. ~~ther AC or DC. This switch ·; ~ is located on the right side of the model 323 scope. 'l 7. TRIGGER KNOB (see fig. 1) -This is probably; the most important {and mast often mis-set centro 1). Its funct.i on is to assure that the start of the sweep of the scope picture exactly coincides with the: instant the side scanner transmits_ i"ts burst of sound. This ~ill cause tpe transmit burst vertical line ·::t. :,, - to be at the start of the sweep (the extreme left side of the trace). If this knob is rotated comoletely clockwise or completely counterclockwise. the scope trace will i•free run". that is to say. it will never be synchronized with the· (~ transmit burst and therefore the transmit burst verti ca 1 ·; i ne on the scope • s- '---.-·· face may occur anywhere along the scope sweep. 8. TIME/DIV. ROTARY CONTROL (see fig. 1) -This controls the speed at which the bright dot crosses the screen. For use with the side ·scanner. it should be set to the 2 Ms (MILLISECONDS) position} 9. ATTEN. SLIDE SWITCH (see fig. 1) -This switch is located on the left side of the scope. Although it can be operated in either position, stable triggering is a little easier to adjust if this slide switch is in the lOX position. · 10. FOCUS AND INTENSITY (see fig. 1) -These two controls are located on top of the scope. The intensity control should be rotated fully clockwise for maximum bright- ness of the trace. After adjusting the brightness. rotate the focus control for the sharpest vertical lines. -At nrght y.ou rr.ay want t.o decrease the bri·ghtness. If you do, refocus the FOCUS control. OSCILLOSCOPE CONNECTIONS TO·SIDE SCANNER , · 1. _EXT. D.C. POWER (see f-ig. 2) -This twin conn·ee:tion is located on the right side of scope. This should be connected to the mating connector labeled ··scOPE" on the right side of the side scanner.;-CAUTION: This is the 12 volt power connection to the scope and does not have reverse polarity protection. If these leads are reversed, the scope wi_l1 burn out instantly. - 2. EXT TRIG. (see fig. 1} -This connector is located on the left side of scope. It should be connected to either the 2° or 4° _(or ALT. in 1980 . -'model side scanner). This is to provide triggering of the scope from the side scanner. Use either one of the supplied connector cables. The black pin on ,~ ( '---· the connector cable is ground and may be connected to the gnd. pin of the side scanner or left disconnected if you l·ike, since the scope will be ground~d anyway through the power connector. 3. VERT. INPUT (see fig. 1) -This connector is also located on the left side of the scope. It should be connected to the RCVR connector o~ the face of the side scanner using the supplied connector cord which is identical t.o the ext. trig. corn. The black pin is ground and need not be connected to the side scanner ground since the scope is already grounded through the 12V power cord. This is the vertic~l. _input to the scope_ and causes the bright movin·g dot· of the scope to 90 up vertically when~ voltage is present on the RCVR output of the side scanner as it would be when a fi s'h echo is present. OSCillOSCOPE ADJUSTI~ENTS 1. After all three connectors are in place (trigger, vertical input and external l2V power) turn on the scope power. (~ , . .r--- 2. Turn the brightness control fully clockwise. -3. Place the-rear slide switch in the down (ext DC) position (Fig. 2). 4. Place the ext. trig. switch on th~ left side of scope to the lOX .; position. ' 5. (down). Plac~ the inout lever switch on the scope face to the ·oc position 6. Place1 the trigger lever switch (on the right side of scope face)· :.; down. to the EXT TRIG DC position. 7. Set the TIME/DIY rotary switch to 2 ms. 8. Rotate the small center knob inside the TIME/DIY switch about 1/3 of a revolution counterc1ockwise-fro_~jts fully clockwise:{detentj position:' · ·· ~l .. - _ 9. Set t~e VOLTS/DIY rotary switch to·l volt. ; 10. Rotate the small center knob inside the VOLTS/D!V switch about 1/3 of a revolution counterclockwise from its fully clockwise (detent) position • l_/ 11. Push in the 2 POSITION controls located on the bottom center of the scope face. These 2 rotary controls are also push-pull switches and should always be pushed in. 12. Rotate the trigger knob on the lower right side~-of scope face fully counterclockwise to its d~tent position. . This wi 11 --cause the scope to operate even without an external trigger so that you can adjust the two position con- trols .. 13. Rotate the vertical position knob on the bottom center of the scope until the trace on the screen is about 1 division from the bottom of the screen. 14. Rotate the horizontal position control on the lower center of the scope face until the trace starts about one division from the left side of the scope screen. (_~ The scope is now ready for final trigger adjustments. 15. Put the side scanner beamwidth switch in the 2° position and connect ( the EXT TRIG. cable to t,he XM2° pin connector on the face of the scope. ,_ Rotate the TRIGGER knob on the right side of scope face to about the ~ 10 o'clock position.-S;omewhere near this point, the scope should be~ triggering -~ properly as evidenced by a stable vertical "spike .. being seen on the] extreme ~ ~ left (-the beginning) of the scope trace. Now place the beamwidth sw~tch on ~ the sfde scanner to fhe Alternate-posit'ion. The scope trace should jook the same as it did in the 20. position meaning that you ·are..:sti11 triggering only on 2°. If it looks different or seems to speed up or get bri·ghter tJ:lat means you are slightly misadjusted. If so, rota.te the TRIGGER knob a~bit un~il the .~ scope picture does not· change as you switch between the 2° to-the All positions on the side scanners beamwidth switch. Now put the EXT TRIG connector cord in the XM4° connector (or the XM AL.T • .r on the· 1980·model) When the side scanner"beamwidth switch is in the ALT ( . - \__. position the trace on th~ scope shou1~ now be triggering twice as fast {brighter) as in the 2° position since now you are alternately triggering ~he scope twice as fast as you were. You are causing the scope to al~ernately trigger on 2°, 4°, 2°, 4° etc. If you now move the EXT TRIG. cable connector back to the XM.2° connector you wi 11 ·see a change in the trace sin.ce it wil 1 ·only be triggering on the '2° beam {half as often). You should now see a stable vertical spike, about 1 inch high on the left_ side of the trace-and--you should-see the metal target echo {about 1 inch high) near the right side of the trace if you increase the COUNTING RANGE con- trol on the side scanner to beyond 60 feet. To o~erate the side scanner nonnally, you should now reduce the COUNTING RANGE control slowly until it just ceases to count the target (on sector 12) and then reduce it about one foot more for safety. c (- '---- , . Pf}C-E 0 F 5CO?£ \I'OLTS/DIV ~~ .2 2~ _, s { () l .os_ 10~.02 20 • DCII' .01 RDCU.. .0~~ i;" 0 0 ~ -1 I 5q • .. :::.~ j •osrrooN ••.£ ... TYPE 324 OSCILLOSCOPE .4='!-i:•""TEKTRONIX/Tooo. :.IA,.,ur --JOCIIS-tcltJtS.n--. TIME/OIV ~~~­ ... s~(!)1 .2 .1 5 ~ . 10 ~ . ~~) f:: \ col,., ~0. "---..-/-s .s (-1 /2/ s .2 l:n ~( ..;;;::.t .. .,.ll lilT YAI IIIJC 'rRICGER .. t . rol ::f j··,, ,'l ~ &.!. AUTO~ LOCATED CJN LEFT VCT T~IC Olt HOiliZ EJn VllllT INP11f CAL OUT < ) "!""' . """'"' ... SJDF f)F GeoPE .. ~~~~ 0 .~ 0 '@h_ \........._ :>--.... ...... _, Oscilloscope controls. Sony Tektronix type 324 oscilloscope. riG; 1 , . rot 7Jf/5 51-JOE SW 1 TCil Jtl O[JV/A' (EXT JJc) ?OSJ/ItJN Oscilloscope adjustments. Sony Tektronix type 324 oscilloscope. c •••..•• , ... rinr ·~··- ~~ -':•: ~;:4 ~<· ~ , . A. Menin -T. Namtvedt, 6-18-79 Table II-1. TYPICAL SIDE SCANNER OSCILLOSCOPE WAVEFORMS FOR VARIOUS FIGURE # II-3. 11-4. II-5. II-6. II-7. 11-8. 11-9. II-10. 11-11. 11-12. II-13. TRANSDUCER AIMING CONDITIONS CONDITION PROPER VERTICAL AIMING. 2° PROPER VERTICAL AIMING. ALT. BUT SCOPE TRIG. ON 4° PROPER VERTICAL AIMING. ALT: BUT SCOPE TRIG. ON 2° IMPROPER VERTICAL AIMING. (AIMED TOO LOW) IMPROPER VERTICAL AIMING. (AI~ED -TOO HIGH). 2° - IMPROPER VERTICAL AIMING. (AIMED TOO HIGH). 4° IMPROPER HORIZONTAL AIMING. (AIMED TOO FAR DOWNSTREAM) PROPER HORIZONTAL AIMING. IMPROPER VERTICAL AIMING. (TOO LOW AND BOUNCING OFF SUBSTRATE) ECHOS FROM BOAT WAKE IMPROPER VERTICAL AIMING IN SHALLOW WATER ~r TRANSDUCER ~ Figure 1. I (-) "i"''l··· ... OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN Bright and strong target echo, not varying in height. --~"' ,.Small 11 Spike'su are okay.~ I I f I I I I I I • I I I I I I I !o ~ •• ii ~ End I y ..._ /') • •. " ' '-··' .. ..a.;.J. ~ ~ ,,, _,,10.1 .; .. .10 ••••••• J ....... of 11 Listening 11 Time Spike, Range contra 1 on s i.de.,,.s_c.an.n.er set to just beyond target. Sector 12 will count. TARGET 2° Beam r 6 0 ' S U B ~~ T R A T E '· i PROPJRLY aimed transducer when beamwidth switch is set to 2° and scope triggered from XM 2°. (~. (-~) OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN Bright and strong target echo. Not varying in height. ~' These refle5tions from pipe ~n 4° are okay (2 beam must be clean). First half must be "clean" except for small spikes.~ I I I I I I I I I I d II I '~ ~ It ~~ .. ~. End of "listening" time spikes. v I ,. ,,. Range control on side scanner set to just beyond target. Sector 12 will count. TRANSDUCER \ ~ t=!!!C=:E='-==--=-=-~----------------------'""'------- - --------- - - - - ------.,.. ,, 4u ---.-Beam ----------~ .... ~ .. ------------------------- 20 Beam 6 0 • S U B S T R A ;E-- - - - -~ - -.... ~--· • . '····. ~.._.;TARGET --I ------- F~guse 2. PROgERLY aimed transducer when beamwidth switch is set to alternate and scope is triggered from XM 4 . Note 4 beam is skimming surface of substrate beyond the 50% point on subs~rate thus causing reflections from imperfections on the substrate surface. This is okay since the 4 beam will not count any echos beyond the 50% point. ( (\ \ ,I OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN Bright and strong target echos not varying in height~ j Small "spikes" are okay \.. . "( I I I I· End ( .. ...... I) of "listening" time spikes. Range control on side scanner set to just beyond target. Sector 12 will count. ----------TRANSDUCER ------------~ ~ . -----}-c--=--~ r::;-_--::::: -:::_-:__ ----_4° Bl!ilJ!I -2° Bi>am ~ TAR 0 E T . . -----/ I ~ I : 60' SUBSTRATE_____________ I ------ I ,, ,1•"' Figure 3. PROPERLY aimed transducer when beamwidth is set to alternate but scope is triggered from XM 2°. (--. /"-\ I • \ / OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN ~ ... li :. '''1 Bright and strong target echo ~ ~~ 2° echos from pipe \ J tl rj ' End,of 11 Listening 11 Time Sp.ike ( ............... ~.. ............... '.I.& ... .. y Range control set just beyond target. Sections 9, 10, 11 and 12 will count. TRANSDUCER \D 3° Beam ~JJRGEl I 60' SUBSTRATE f Figu&e 4. IMPROPERLY aimed transducer when beamwidth switch is set to 2° and scope is triggered from XM 2 . Note that beam is aimed too low, causing echos to be returned from last Y3 of substrate imperfections even though target echo is strong and doesn't va~ in height. r---, ("") -, ; ) I OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN End I Weak 2° target echo varying in height. Not bright on top. '~ -- of "Listening" Time Spike i ' Range control on side scanner set to just beyond target. Section 12 will probably count. -------------TRA ·~-----L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;' u 0 ~ S D U C E R Q.. ~ ·--2 Beam ~ \ r--1 __ ---4 ffeau1 ------~--------- - ---- -_j----------- - - - - - -.. lt-"'" e o • 8 U B 8 T If A "t;Ji T,ARGET ~ Figure 5. IMPROPERLY aimed transducer. Beamwidth switch is s~t soh 4°"and scopetlft~rfgg 1e're'd'.Jf"r'om, XM 2°. Note that beam is aimed too high and is just catching target in 2 .beam although 4 beam does hit target. See figure 6. Low passing fish may be missed. ( ---.... !-) OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN Strong 4° target echo not varying 0 .,... I . in height. Bright on top. But on 2• . I . target echo will be 1 ower, not bright and will vary in height. (See figure 5). I I I j End f ., ---.. r ) of ."Listening" Time Spike. Range control set to,just beyond target. Section 12 will count when beamwidth switch is in 4° po 0ition. Section 12 may count with switch in 2 or Alt. position. TRANSDUCER ·---------------- 1 \ I""' ' ~ -----·--0 --===--~-:=.:=:::.:t~a..!!!_ _ _... ____ f 2 Beam : ' ------------I I 6 0 • SUBSTRATE Figure 6. IMPROPERbY aimed transducer. Beamwidth switch is set to Alt. (or 4°). Scope is triggered from XM 4 , Note that beam is aimed too high, although the 40 beam solidly hits the target, the 20 beam just barely hits the target (see figure 5 for 20 scope waveform.) Fish may be missed. ~: ..,.TARGET ~ r - (-\ OSCILLOSCOPE :SCRIEEN Weak echo from net Weak echo from target~ Neither is very bright on top and y both may vary in height. Both echos Y may be very close together so care- ful observation is necessary. .. , ' .. End I y U·~ •• u '· of 11 Listening 11 Time Spike. Range control set just beyond target. 3: 0 ·-···· ............ ~.. ............ ... ...II···4: s... <U > •r-a::: {~ TRANSDUCER FISH \1 ~o--=--=-=--=== =-------= ---------r/----;;n--- I. Net tra i1 i ng ...Qcmns.tream FLOAT --------_ ·-_ _ ; 2 Beam 80' SIUBST ----------------- . RATE \ TARG:ET Figure 7. IMPROPERLY aimed transducer. Beamwidth switch is set to 2° and scope is triggered from XM 2°. Transducer is aimed too far downstream, just barely hitting target. This will cause an overtoil'nt"·orf""" ··· salmon in the last half of substrate because salmon tend to linger downstream of pipe before crossing. If salmon tend to overcount near end of substrate, this may be the problem. Reaiming the transducer more upstream will cure the problem. (-----' (-"1 ' I ) OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN High and bright top on target echo, not varying in height.~~ ~indr echos from last half of pipe seen in 4° or alt. mode ~ut not in 2° mode. ~ ~ l End ofi"Listening" Ttme Spike / Range control set to just beyond target, sector 12 only will count. TRANSDUCER -__ _..~ ----. --····· ------- ---I ------fl TARGET -----. e 0 • S U B S t R A T E ll:::'l--' 20 Beam ~----.J ~.~ ~--------~ ------------. --------------------------- Figure 8. PROPeRLY aimed transducer. Transducer beamwidth switch is set to alternate and scope is triggered from XM 4°. This assumes vertical aiming of transducer is correct . .. ~ . .!i ~ ···~ ( (-\ \ / OSCILLOSCOPE SCRE:EN Target may or may not look okay ,, ~ First bounce off pipe. I y i .11 ~~ ~ ,,..,.~, ...... ,, > • ..:O,! .... ll .• , -ll<~l.l I ,11\,, ,, ,.,,Jj.&.,l.l of 11 Listening 11 Time Spike .f\1 l. / Range control set to just beyond target. Various sections may count. TRANSDUCER \ ~ TARGET ~ 80' SUBSTRATE : Figure 9. IMPROPER transducer aiming. Beamwidth switch set to 2° and scope trigger to XM 2°. Transducer is aimed much too low and beam is bouncing off pipe near transducer, then hits target and returns by same path. {~-­ 'I r·~~ ! ' OSCILl.OSCOPE SCREEN Target echo\ " Multiple echos from aeration from propeller of boat ~ ~~ _;i· %End of 11 1 istening 11 time spike ,.. .. .. . "' . ~ ····-. -m i::, . ' ,j, t \ I, I TRANSDUCER If ( ,'\\\ \ r- "" 1- I·\\) ?0 Beam ( / f (I\ ~TARGET (ff(t\'\\ 8 0 • SUBSTRATE ( !1 I f• ( \ ' \ \ ') WAKE Figure 10. Properly aimed transducer but multiple echos from wake of boat. This will cause many counts, usually in outer sectors, and w·ill probably trigger the debris indicator~···.,····'"···· (r' (-,1 n \! / .... ' OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN i J I I. . . I End I Target echos weak r \ 1 Echos from river surface ' 1 I I I I I I ~~ 11111 WATER SIJIRFA.CE . of 11 Listening 11 Time Spike Range control set just beyond target Will probably count on sectors 10, 11 and 12. . : :--------- /RANSDUCER ~ o TARGET 2, Beam \~ I 6 0 ' ~~ U ·B 8 T R A T E i f,.:.lt' Figure 11. Improperly aimed transduc 0r. Beamwidth switch set to 2° and scope triggered from 2°. Note water is too shallow even for 2 beam which is boxed in. Counting range on side scanner would have to be reduced to about so• to prevent surface echos from counting. Target will be obscured by surface echos. , . APPENDIX 3 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Fishwheel Operation APPENDIX 3 A. ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Fishwheel Operation Design -] 1 . The fishwheels used at Flathorn, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations are of identical design with two baskets and two pa~dles each. Flotation is provided by styrofoam logs covered with a plywood frame or urethane sealed floats. The baskets are constructed of native spruGe and have an average 1 ength ,-width and depth of 7. 5 feet, 6. 0 feet and : 30 inches respectively. The paddles, also constructed of native spruce poles, have the same width and length as the baskets. The baskets are netted with 2.5 inch square creosote coated netting. The axle is an eight inch squared~spruce log capped at each end with a steel collar fitted with a 1.25 inch steel shaft. The side assembly--rbJates··~·on self adjusting bearings whj]ch tfol.~-to:·· an adjustable wood frame on each float that permits the axle lo be rafsed or lowered at 6 inch steps. A live box is attached to the inshore side of each fishwheel. The fishwheel is held stationary by a cable bridle anchored to an onshore deadman located upsteam of the fishwheel. The fishwheel is kept offshore by an inshore mounted boom log lodged between the bank and the inshore float. Lead Weir A lead weir is a critical component of a successfully operating fishwheel. The purpose of a lead weir is to direct inshore migrant fish into the fishing area of the wheel. The weir is constructed out of a series-of framed panels averaging five feet long and covered with 2.5 inch mesh fencing fabric. The panels are built to contour the river bottom and are held in place by a boom log extending perpendicular to the river ;'flow from the downstream end of the live box to the river bank. I Operation Fishwheels are designed to rotate at a speed ranging from 2.0 to 3.5 rpm. Maximum catch efficiency normally occurs at 2.5 rpm. At fishwheel locations where velocity causes a wheel to turn at a speed greater than 3.5 rpm an experimental brake system will be used that creates a negative lifting force to slow the wheel. The brake wtlJ consist of two water releasing boxes referred to as "bird boxes" that attach to the paddles. Properly sited and adjusted, fishwheel baskets should reach within six inches or less of the bottom. If the baskets do not reach within six or less inches of the bottom, fish will pass underneath the baskets without being subject to capture. Maintenance Fishing depth of the baskets must be checked twice daily and appropriate adjustments made. Lead weirs sho~ld also be inspected twice daily to insure that they are properly functioning. Additionally, once a day each , '. wheel should be rigorously inspected for wear, damaged components, loose rigging and protuding nails or rough surfaces which can inflict injuries to- captured fish. Appropriate repairs must be effected at the first indication of a problem. c , . APPENDIX 4 ADUUT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Fish Tagging (_ , . ( ; 1 J "=:;; A. ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Fish Tagging (ADF&G, 1976) Development of Marking of Fish A mark can be defined as a brand, 1 abe 1 , sea 1 or tag which identifies an object to show the marker or owner. Early tagging of fish was begun by land owners along streams who were interested in conserving salmon and trout runs. Charles Atking tagged Atlantic salmon in 1873 in Maine's Penobscot River and several recoveries were noted in following years. T.W. Fulton of Scotland (1893) and C.G.J. Petersen of Denmark (1884) both used numbered buttons or disks on plaice (flatfish) and other fish species in the Atiantic Ocean. The Petersen disc has been one of the most successful types of tags and most widely usecfover the years. Exact figures on the rate of development of tagging are hard to accumulate, but there are ·esl_imates that by 1910 about 100,000 fish~ had been marked with tags. By 19-36, the total was around 600,000 markedc< fish. Presently many millions of fish (also molluscs, crustacea and sea mamma 1 s) are being tagged every year for the purpose of studying population dynamics and migrations. Idea Fish Marks Information on what constitutes an ideal fish mark, the types of marks, purposes of tagging and methods of tagging and recovery are spread through the fisheries literature. Arnold (1966) suggested the following criteria for an ideal fish mark. 1. It should be retained essentially unaltered for life of fish regardless of the age at which applied. 2. It should have absolutely no effect of fish's behavior, reproductions, life-span, growth, feeding, movement, vul nerabi 1 i ty to predation, angling or other externa 1 factors. 3. It should not tangle in vegetation or nets of any kind. - 4. It should be inexpensive and easily manufactured. 5. It should be usable on any size fish without significant alternation. , . 6. It should not be found in nature nor should it be possible to confuse it with any other mark, natural or artificial. 7. It should be easily applied to fish in the field without the need for an anesthetic. 8. It should be easily detected in the field by untrained personnel or the public. 9. If the marked fish is preserved as a scientific specimen, or for later examination, the mark would not be affected by the preservation. · 10. There should be enough possible variations of the mark so that many individuals or many small groups can be identified separately. 11. The marking substance should not present any health or safety hazard tothe,biplogist, fish, or the public. · · ·· · 12. The mark should not cause adverse public relations by spoiling edible parts of the fish. Obviously, no one mark satisfies all the above listed requirements and it generally only satisfies a few of them. One of the critical problems of a research project is to decide on the best mark for the particular circumstances. Both Fl oy and Petersen disc tags have been uti 1 i zed in the Susi tna River drainage in the past and will be used to tag fish at Flathorn, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations. Petersen Disc Tags One (1) inch diameter, sequentially numbered or blank Petersen disc tags will be utilized on adult salmon at Curry Station, and at Sunshine and Talkeetna stations on chinook salmon. The color code will be international orange at Curry Station and yellow or blue at Sunshine Station and green at Talkeetna Station. Tagging procedures will be reviewed in the field as it is difficult to explain without having tags and a fish in hand. Generally, the following steps are as followed: 1. Hold prepared tag (pin, buffer pad, and numbered tag) with needle nosed pliers and insert through the cartilage immediately under the dorsal fin. 2. Place a blank tag on the pin and cut off all but 3/8 inch of the pin with a cutting pliers. c 3. Twist rema1n1ng pin in a inward and rolling motion so that the pin lies flat against the disc and forms a loop. Here are a couple suggesttons that will help: i 1. Use a sharpening stpne to make a sharp point on the tagging pins. This ;can be done ahead of time and will make penetration eas~er. ~ 2. Prepare tags prior to making fishwheel checks. Assemble tags in sequential drder and stick them in a piece of styrofoam: pin, clea~ buffer disc, tag. Floy Tags .~ Sequentially numbered FT-4 Floy tags will be utilized on sockeye, pink, chum and coho salmon at the Flathorn, Sunshine and Talkeetna stations. Color codes wjll be: green at Flathorn, pink at Sunshine and blue at Talkeetnal -· · Tagging procedures will be demonstrated in the field; generally the following steps are followed: 1. S 1 ide one end of the tag into the ho 11 ow end of the tagging needle. Insert the needle completely through the fish in the cartilage immediately under the dorsal fin. 2. Slide the tag off the needle and tie the tag firmly against the posterior end of the dorsa 1 fin with an overhand knot making sure that the tag does not override or vertically compress the dorsal fin. Several suggestions are: 1. Keep two (2) or!three (3) tagging needles available in the event of a loss. 2. Use a sharpening stone to maintain a sharp point on the tagging needle. This can be done ahead of time, making the tagging easier. 3. Prepare tags prior to making fishwheel checks. Assemble tags in sequent i a 1 order on a board and tape them in place, thus allowing them to be easily withdrawn. ' '·. , . APPENDIX 5 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Geographic Location Code and General Maps System of Specifying Geographic Locations (' ·. For conciseness and for ,use in the computer processing, it is convenient to use a modificatiqn of the Genera] Land Qffice method of specifying locations as developed jby federal and state agencies in ' ·Montana (MDFWP ,_ 1979). 1 _ . -~ =-~ In this report, loqations of features such as sampling points are specified by using 12 characters. The first three characters of the location give the township, the next three characters the range. Theqnext two give the section nu~ber within the township, and the next traqt, the quarter-quarter section (40-acre tract), and_the quarter- quariter-quarter section (lO-acre tract). These subdivisions of the 640- acre section in the northeast quadrant. If there is more than one feature in a 10-acre tract, consecutive digits beginning with 2 are added to the number. For example, if a sample was collected in Section 21, Township 9 North, Range 20 West, it would be numbered 09N20E21DAA2. The: letters DAA indicate that 1.the site is in the Nl/4 of the Nl/4 of the SEl/4, and the number 2 following the letters DAA indicates there are at ···· ···· --~ ·lea·st -two sampling· locations··in·:this"·~lo-:-acre~~~tract-;'·~····c·· ----~~~,~ ····· ,'-,_, ·-,..~-:~ · ,· ~--· -~-· .. :.-..._..;:_ • .., • -< : .•.. -"'-~.'i.~ ~-~-. :::, -·-:.,.:·-.c-. ; ' -:t•-s.<c:-,--:~::. :-'.;.._._~· . .-.~-...;.:.r.~-'1.;.~ .... ~.{.~;.;:;'-\.oi· '-"=·..r,; _ _.:,;_...,;._,·_,_..;, _.:,.--=-~··:-.:•,..;...-:i":•-•'' •. , ,......., _ _,...,.~,.-,:,~-.. :..· -·~ ..• • . .·''--•; ... ~ ,., . _,_..,.__ !-··-_ .•.• 09N20W21 DAA2 System used by ADF&G in this study to specify geographic locations. , . ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT -~ ATTACHMENT D: SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MOUTH TO SUSI.jrNA GLACIER ; DECEMBER 1981 . .;; . Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage; Alaska 99502 Prepared for: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 . -· ··'-; -~- , . ATTACHMENT D SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX SOURCES OF INFORMATION River Miles were established by means of measurement along the principal Channel thalweg 1 aS identified On mapS and photographS of varying scales as follows: 0 0 0 0 0 River Mile 1-96. 1 11 = 1000' blueline copie.s of reproducible photographs, Sheets 18/37 through 37/37, by North Pacific Aerial Surveys for R&M Consultants and Acres Amerjcan. River Mile 96-152. 1 11 = 5001 blueline copies of reproducible photographs, Sheets 1/37 through 17/37 by. North Pacific Aerial Surveys for R&M Consultants and Acres American. River Mile copies of Consultants Authority. 152-182 and topographic and Acres 188-248. 1 11 = 2000 1 blueline · maps, Sheets A -G, by R&M American for Alaska Power' River Mile 182-188. 1 11 = 1000' blueline copies of photogrammetrie topographic maps, Sheets 2/19 and 4/19, by North Pacific Aerial Surveys, from photography dated 7:19:80. River Mile 248-320. 1:63,360 photocopies of 151 quadrangle maps from the U.S. Geological Survey, as included herein. / f "'---· LEGEND HEALy II: 2 50,00 0 QUADRANGLE NAME ~~21 1:63,360 QUADRANGLE NAME (@ FIGURE NUMBER OF THIS INDEX !":;····~ HEALY =* !B-1 A· ·I D-6 D-5 !0·4 ,D-3 D-2 ~ IC-1 !... ,., , ... "' IC-2 0-1 TALKEETNA 1-TALKEETNA lm :MOUNTA.t·NS 1- I< ~ lc-2 TYONEK I~ c: aJ --' PREPARilD BY I PREPARED FOR• R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. SUSITNA RIVER MILE· INCEX INCEX MAP AGUREO. :::D go 1: 0 1 I I ~~ t I 1 , q , I, t • ''.:I I I .. 0 z (/) c ~ > z ~ ,!/) I I z r 'I ·' ; ' I 0 / .. ,'"'. f 0 ~ ~ UJ ~. 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PREPARED FOR• SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX· MILES 1BS TO 196 l ,· -::: :. . -.· i ..... · ...... .... . \. ; I' -~ J ~ \ ·/: .., :: ~.,. . ::: . ... "' I i i ·-i . SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX [i] MILES ., 93 TO 204 IPD£@ ~ ____ :-::(FROM ,, s.o.s TAl..KEEmA t.4HTS., D-3) F1Gt.R: 21 nun w --------------~~------------~~~~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ! .. !· I. I ¢-<J 't.!.m · ~i "£ o s: n·rtOO:O·· ··r------==-----.. -·--· ··---·-·· SL.c O.L SOc S3,111\1 XEICNI 3,111\1 t:IEI/\It:i "N.Lisns SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MILES 2'16 TO 225 '' i. '. i. : f I. • ~ f. I l SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MILES 226 TO 248 I I R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. SUSITNA RIVER MILE INCEX MILES 235 TO 250 (FROM I I :S 0 S T Al..XEET'NA MMTS., c.;.1j _..[jji] i· i ! . .. •. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. .. -·--..... 4.!:::::=~~~-..-11 .. .,. SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MILES 251 TO 264 <FROM u s..a.s. TAl..KEETHA MNTS.. D-1) ;· l ... J ·-- J ' ' \ ) . '· PREPARED BY' • R&M 'CONSULTAN1"S. INC. ·..J~~t"' 36 •.. , . , ) I . :-. l SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MILES 260 TO 273 l • . . . .L . '" PREPARED FOR• ,, ,, ;' =~ I R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. , "' ... "~: .·-.. -. 2~,1'\.,.-: ...; I ~ \) :\ i•. 2o • ,v.o~ ~ .... --. .· . -,...... • i. • ... , '; r--. ..: ~ . I .. .. : "'L , ~ ) :· ( .·-·"'· . '~ \.oo -\'\: 0 ··- SUSITNA RIVER MILE 'INCEX MILES 273 TO 278 -----·-----_ ..... ________ __.~-~·-''-~.O~,J~~-1?-1) . lj ! _____ ·ct. SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MILES 279 TO 285 <FROM U.S.O S. HEALY A-1) , FOR• ~ •• ES2 0~ 982 SEI,III\I XEICINI S,IIJ\J t:ta./\lt:t "dN~Jsns •' .. ) ,• • ,. .. ~ ' t •" - " ----I' R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. . ':"..'-..._..,... ... . -:"~ ~,--.. : ~ • I i . . . PREPARED SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MILES 29'1 TO 298 CFAOM u.s.a s. l-EAl. v A-2) AWEJil R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. SUSITNA RIVER MILE INDEX MILES 299 TO 302 (FROM U.SO.S. HEAlY A-1) 2 -·· .·· ,.;;.._ ______________ _ --------·~·--------------- I I . { .: . ' , .. t~ ·-. 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CHULITNA WEST FORK 2. TALACHULITNA 11. CHULITNA MIDDLE FORK 3. QUARTZ CREEK 12. HONOLULU CREEK 4. CANYON CREEK 13. PORTAGE CREEK 5. RED CREEK 14. INDIAN CREEK 6. LAKE CREEK 15. BYERS CREEK ·· 7. PETERS CREEK 16. TROUBLESOME CREEK 8. -DESHKA RIVER 17. LANE CREEK 9. BUNCO CREEK 18. CLEAR CREEK / / / 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. , ----~ .... .... ...-------- _ .... PRAIRIE CREEK 110NTANA CREEK GOOSE CREEK SHEEP CREEK KASH\~ITNA RIVER NORTH 24. · LI-T-"R::E WILLOW CREEK 25. WILLOW CREEK Susitna basin map shcwinq chinook salmon survey streams l " I ~ ~ I I \ ' ' \ I , ' I I I I I I \ \ \ \ ' ~fJ, __ /:: / .. --.,. FORK TALKEETNA I•-5 River Miles I (_ \ • -River Mile j- ' . TALKEETNA STATION. r '-· Whiskers Creek l 8 115 Lane Creek : Slougll ~A ,... Oxbow 110 Slougll 6 s1ougll s ,... A I • -River Mile ""'( Moose Slougll Slougll 813 ~lougtl .ac ~ Slougtl 80 ~~CURRY STATION . ~~ AM 120 Oxbow 2 ~ • McKenzie Creek Lower Mck'enzle Creek 8 c D ~ RM Staerman Creek Slougll 17 RM Slougll Slougtl RM Slougta SA c -~ ' .; j I •,-Bjver Mj!e 1 ~ Slougta 19 ~ GolfCreek Station ! 12 Slougtl 9A • -River Mile 1 .~ , . Portage Creek SIOUQh 22 E , . 1•-RIVER MILEj F -PROPOSED DEVIL CANYON DAM SITE c MOOSE SLOUGH / ·123.5 ffi 0 I 2 FEET 400 I , . ZONE 2 SLOUGH SA 0 FEET 400 I I (_ SLOUGH 0 I FEET 3 9 400 I ( .. t . .. ..... ~ • .. '· ·'i ~ .. •' 4J :"' ~ ...... ~ oq: ~ f..... ....... I {~ ~ ,~. "> { '---· (_ ,. ' .~· .. ~· ..... .. ;· .. . • .. ..i' : 135.3 SLOUGH II 3 2 ~' ., .. 0 FEET 5 400 I I ; , -~ APPENDIX 6 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES General Equipment, Camp Maintenance and Camp Policy , . GENERAL EQUIPMENT AND CAMP MAINTENANCE, AND CAMP POLICY Camp Maintenance Maintaining a clean and efficient camp site is required. A few of the things to check are: 1. Maintenance of tent camp and other instal1ations will be performed as necessary. All materials nedessary will be provided. · 2. Grounds will be kept free of liter. All ~arbage wili be bagged up and at minimum disposed of at the nearest sanitary landfill once a week. Special precautions should qe observed to insure that garbage does not attract bears and o~her scavenger species. 3. Upon completion of the summer season, all camp equipment will be cleaned preparatory to win!er storage. 4. All sampling nets, tents and tarps must be dry before being stored. 5. A complete camp inventory will be taken by the crew leader at the close of the field season. · 6. All equipment will be brought in when the field station is disbanded in the fall. Camp Policy 1. No alcoholic beverages are to be storea 1n areas open to public view including cook tents. If alcohol is consumed at a camp an employee must be off-duty and under no circumstances shall he or she engage in the operat1on of any state equ1pment, including boats and motors nor shall he or she return to duty status under the influence of alcohol. 2. The crew leader of each sampling station shall establish a policy on living standards and personnel behavior in accordance with normal guidelines. 3. All sampling stations will operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day. No crew leader shall be off location for more than 24 hours unless specifically authorized by the A/A Project Leader or one of his assistants. Time-off for individual crew members shall be scheduled by the crew leader and it shall be his option as to whether sampling duties allow time-off from the location. 4. All A/A employees will be required to act in a professional manner at all times and shall be especially courteous to the public. 5. It will be the responsibility of the crew leader to report any equipment abuse to the A/A Project Leader or one of his assistants and to insure that no abuse does occur. Additionally, the crew leader must also report within 24 hours to the above cited authority, any Line 500 equipment loss which occurs. c Equipment Maintenance Equipment maintenance is perhaps one of the most important operations you will perform during the field season. The outboard motors and generators must be kept in good operating condition or the whole program will suffer. It wi 11 be the crew leader• s responsibi 1 ity to assign the most knowledgeable member of the crew to the job of maintaining and serv1c1ng the equipment. It will be this persons responsibility to see that all equipment is kept in operating condition. Outboard Motors Your outboard motor will perform longer and give less trouble if these suggestions are followed: 1. The correct outboard fuel mixture is 50:1. Always pour the oil into the tank first, then add 2 or 3 gaTTons of gas and mix thoroughly, then fill tank to capacity always using a large funnel and chamois filter. 2. Chainsaws have a fuel mixture of 25:1. Chainsaw gas should be ----------m-l'xeaina5 gallon can anacreafly markecr-Eilat nis chainsaw fuel. 3. When mixing gasoline or filling the tanks of the generator, stove or lantern, keep the following in mind: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. a. Always mix fuel tanks or equipment under cover to prevent water contamination. Always use a funnel and filter. b. Fill camp stoves and lanterns outside as the danger of fire is very real. c. A little extra effort toward cleanliness will pay in hours of trouble free operation. Always place outboard in neutral when starting. Check dail* the clamp screws that hold the outboard to the transom.lso routinely check the motor for loose screws and bolts, cracks, and break, especially in the area of the lower unit. Never start or run an outboard in the tilted position. In the normal operation of a water pump, a 11 tell-tale 11 stream of water is discharged from a hole in the bottom edge of the cowling or from the back of the shaft. If this stream of water stops, the water pump is not working and the motor should be shut off. The side plate over the water intake can be removed for temporary relief as it may be plugged. If the pump continues not to function, the outboard should not be run, and a report to base camp should-he made. Check the grease in the lower unit of prop outboards once a week, and drain and replace grease evert three weeks. Jet un1ts must be greased daily. This is cruci a . Speci a 1 grease guns wi 11 be provided. If the skeg or jet unit hits bottom, check the screws for tightness and housing damage. If your outboard will not start, check the following: a. Check to see if the fuel line is connected to the motor and the tank and not pinched or kinked. b. Check to see if there is water in the gasoline. c. Check to see that the engine is not flooded. , . / L d. Check the spark plugs as they may be fouled or defective (replace if needed). -11. All outboards are to be tilted in the up position when moored at mainstem stations to preclude silt accumulation in the jet unit or water pump and skeg or housin~ damage. Lastly, it should be emphasized that the salmon enumeration counts and sampling mu,st continue, as they are very( important to the program. All stations wi~l be p~ovided with a spare ou~board and Anchorage will replace all inopera~ive outboards as soon as possible. Boats 1. Boats are to be kept clean and free of loose tools and debris, and moored at locations where they are not subject to damage by wave action or through contact with the river bottom in rock laden areas. 2. Each crew leader will be responsible for maintaining mooring stakes on the river bank sufficient for the boats assigned to his subproject plus one transient craft. Further responsibility includes maintaining a skookum bow line on each assigned craft and insuring that each boat is properly moored at the end of each work day to preclude possible loss or damage. Generators ; Portable generators will be supplied to all field camps. Their maintenance follows the same line as for the outboards. Since the generators have 4-cycle engines, mixed gas must not be used. The crankcase oil reservoir should be checked daily and maintained at the full level. After 25 hours of operation the oil should be changed. Spark plugs should be checked after every five (5) hours of operation. Food Orders Grocery orders wi 11 be p 1 aced with the Anchorage office once a week. A grocery request list will be supplied to each camp. Please order all food by coriespondi ng numbers. This saves a 1 ot of time on the radio and/or telephone and also lessens the changes of mix-ups of orders. c-CANNED MEALS COND-I.MENTS 1. baked beans 44. molasses 2. chili 45. cucumber pickles , . 3. kidney beans 46. dill pickles 4. pork and beans 47. sweet pickles 5. chow mein 48. honey 6. hash 49. horseradish 7. sloppy joes 50. ketchup 8. stew, 11 Dinty Moore 11 51. mustard 52. relish BEVERAGES 53. mayonaise 54. mixed nuts 9. canned soda 55. olives 10. canned soda, diet 56. syrup 11. coffee, instant 57. vinegar 12. coffee, regular grind 58. tarter suace 13. tea, bags 14. tea, instant DAIRY 15. Swiss Miss 59. 11 Coffeemate 11 BREAD AND CRACKERS 60. canned milk 61. Milkman 16. pretzels 17. hot dog buns DESSERTS (cookies, jello, candl, gum) 18. hamburger buns r--19. triscuits 62. chocolate chips '---· 20. pilot bread 63. candy bars 21. ritz crackers 64. chocolate chip cookies 22. soda crackers 65. Oreo cookies 23. white, loaf 66. fig newtons 24. wheat, loaf 67. gum, assorted 25. assorted crackers 68. Jello gelatin 69. Lifesavers CAKE AND MUFFIN MIXES 70. chaco 1 ate puddings . 71. vanilla puddings 26. blueberry muffins 72. butterscotch puddings 27. brownie mix 73. marshmallows 28. chocolate cake 74. oatmeal cookies 29. white cake 75. Chocolate mint cookies 30. yellow cake 31. other cake DETERGENTS AND CLEANSERS 32. corn bread muffins 33. snack-n-cake 76. Ajax 77. bar soap CEREALS 78. bleach 79. Borax 34. Frosted Flakes 80. cold water 11 All 11 35. cream of rice 81. liquid dishwashing soap 36. cream of wheat 82. scouring pads (Brillo & S.O.S) 37. quick rolled oats 83. sponges 38. variety pack co 39. wheaties 40. grape nuts 41. instant oatmeal 42. regular oatmeal 43. gnts ( CHE SE FLOUR -- , . 84 Parmesan (canned) 116. bisquick 85 mozzarella 117. krusteaz 86 monterey jack 118. white 87. swiss 119. whole wheat 88. mild cheddar 89. sharp cheddar NON EDIBLE 90. mozzarella 120. wax paper FROSTING MIX 121. saran wrap 122. plastic bags, small 91. chocolate 123. garbage bags 92. white 124. aluminum foil 93. other 125. "Cutters 11 126. matches FRESH FRUIT 127. paper towels 128. napkins 94. apples 129. mosquito coils 95. bananas 130. toilet paper 96. grapes 131. toothpicks 97. melons 98. oranges OIL AND BUTTER 99. peaches r 100. pears 132. butter, canned \__ 101. grapefruits 133. margarine 102. other, in season 134. olive oil 135. shortening, canned CANNED FRUIT 136. 11 Wesson 11 oil 137. creamy peanut butter 103. applesauce 138. chunky peanut butter 104. apricots 105. fruit cocktail POULTRY 106. grapefruit slices 107. mandarin oranges 139. chicken, fresh 108. peaches 140. chicken, canned 109. pears 141. eggs, 1 dozen 110. pineapple 111. raisins PRESERVES GRAIN PRODUCTS 142. apple butter ----143. apricot 112. egg noodles 144. b 1 ackberry 113. elbow macaroni 145. boysenberry 114. spaghetti 146. grape 115. lasagna noodles 147. raspberry 148. strawberry 149. Peach c , . c c JUICE 150. apple 151. cranapple 152. cranberry 153. V-8 154. grape 155. grapefruit 156. lemon 157. orange 158. pineapple 159. tang MEATS 160. bacon 161. ham 162. hamburger 163. hot dogs 164. pork chops 165. pot roast 166. sandwich meats 167. sausage 168. steak 169. veal cutlet MIXES (packaged) 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. SPICES dream whip frying mix pie crust sour cream spaghetti sauce taco mix 176. allspice 177. baking powder 178. baking soda 179. basil, sweet 180. bay leaves 181. chili powder 182. cinnamon 183. garlic salt 184. garlic powder 185. onion salt 186. oregano 187. paprika 188. pepper, black 189. salt 190. vani 11 a RICE 191. brown 192. minute 193. Rice~A-Roni SAUCES 194. A-1 195. barbeque 196. soy 197. tobasco 198. Worchestershire SOUP 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. SUGAR tomato bean with bacon bullion cubes, beef bullion cubes, chicken clam chowder chicken noodle cream of mushroom minestrone onion package mixes, dehydrated vegetable 210. brown 211. granulated 212. powdered VEGETABLES, CANNED 213. asparagus 214. beets 215. carrots 216. cream style corn 217. whole kernal corn 218. corn on the cob 219. french style green beans 220. cut green beans 221. mushrooms 222. peas 223. sauerkraut 224. spinach 225. tomatoes, stewed 226. tomatoes, solid pack 227. tomato sauce 228. tomato paste (-VEGETABLES, FRESH 229. lettuce , . 230. mushrooms 231. onions· 232. potatoes, 10 lb. sac 233. radishes 234. tomatoes 235. cabbage 236. zucchini 237. cucumbers 238. misc., in season cj APPENDIX 7 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Fish Identification c , . THE FRESHWATER reprinted with the permission of: Alaska NorthWest Publishing Cu. 130 Second Ave. South Edmunds, Washington 98020 , . JAMES E. MORROW ILLUSTRATIONS BY \L-\RlC)N J. DALE:'-! Gl)nLASHR NORTHWEST PUBliSHING- CDMPHNY Anchorage, Alaska (~, and Crossman, 1973), Cohen (1954) found that the anadromous fish at Point Barrow grew slower and were thinner than .a nonmigratory population in lkrba~ik Lake. To (urther confound the situation, a second population ;in lkroavik Lake was slower- growing and shorter~lived than the first two. Kepler's (1973) ifata on various numbers of spawning females fr*m the Chatanika River yield the following average fork lengths at ages from 2+ to 8 +: 2+, 31.1 cm-(21ish); 3 +, 31.6 em (4); 4+, 33.3 em (IS); 5 +. 37 cm~l2); 6+. 38.lcm (5); 7 +, 41.3 em (I); 8 +, 40.5 em: (2). Alt (197la), on the basis of back-calculating from scales, gave the following fork ·-lengths at the end of each year of life for Chatanika River fish: l, 12 em; 2, 20.8 em; 3, 26.1. em; 4, 30.4 em; 5, 33.7 em; 6, 36.4 em; 7. 38.7 em; and 8, 41 em. Although lake-dwelling populations appear to be nonmigratory, those least ciscoes living in streams or reaching brackish water go to considerable effort to r(ach or leave their spawning grounds. As already not(d, young-of-the-year move off the spawning grounds shortly after spring breakup. The upstream spawning migration of adults begins in early July in the Chatanika River and is completed by late (~-.. September. -.......... Least ciscoes feed primarily on various types of c zooplankton, including various small eopepods, cladocerans, mysids and the adults and larvae of a variety of insects. They may also eat plant material. The ciscoes normally do not feed during the spawning run (Nikolskii, 1961; Furniss, 1974; ~torrow et al., l977). The least ~isco is sought-by many predators including the tagle, hawk, kingfisher, pike, inconnu, lake trout, burbot, man and, no doubt, any others capable of catching it. The eggs may be eaten by grayling and Alaska whitefish during spawning (Morrow et al., 1977). IMPORTANCE TO MAN In North America the least cisco is relatively unimportant. It is taken by subsistence fisheries in Alaska and northern Canada. usually as an inci- dental in nets set primarily for other whitefishes or for. pike or grayling. Spearfishing for least cisco has developed as a spon of small proportions in the Chatanika River in interior Alaska. The least cisco is an important commercial fish in Siberia. Annual landings in the late 1930s were in excess of I million kg (Nikolskii. 1961 ). :\s a food fish. the ,least cisco is generally considered somewhat inferior to rhc humpback '' hirc:fishes. Ncvert helcss. it is a very good fish for C:;Jting, with firm. tasty meat. Whitefishes 29 BERING CISCO Coregonus /aurettae Bean DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS The pale, almost colorless pelvic and pectoral fins distinguish the Bering cisco from the least cisco, and the smaller· number of gill rakers ( 18 to 25) on the lower portion of the first gill atch distinguish it from the arctic cisco, which has 26 to 31 gill rakers (Figure 14). DESCRIPTION Body rather elongate, slightly compressed: depth about 20"1o of total length. Head moderate, 22"1o to 25'1• of total length. Snout 20"1o to"'2S'1• of head length. Eye about equal to snout, round. Two nostrils on each side of head. with a double flap between openings of each pair. Mouth moderate, terminal: upper and lower jaws equal. Maxilla reaches backward to middle of eye. Usually no tccth on jaws, but weak lccth arc present on maxilla in young and in rare cases a few smalltccth arc present on !ower jaw of adults. Small patch of tccth present FIGURE 14. Bering cisco. Coregonus /auretrae. The arctic cisco. Coregonus autumnalis, appears Identical with this species but has more gill rakers. on longue. From 18 to 25 gill rakers on lower portion of first gill arch; total gill rakers on lim Jrch: 3.5 10 39. Branchios1egals: 8 10 9. La1eral line has 76 10 95 pored scales. Pyloric caeca: 71 10 12.3. Vc:rtebrae: 621o 65. FINS: Dorsal. which is ra1her high and faka1c:. has II 10 13 rays. Adipose fin presc:m. Anal has 12 ;o 1-' rays; .pec10rals.-L-' 10 17; pclvics. 10 10 12. .1x1llary process presem. Caudal fork.:d. 'iCALES. Cydoid. fairly largo:. COLOR. Generally brownish 10 dark green on hack: 'iih·ery on lower sides and belly. Anal. p.:lvic :~nd p<.-cloral fins pale; caudal and dorsal lins dusk v cphowgraphs. page 115: l'lale 22. page 1331. 'ilZE: The largest known Bc:ring ci~co. recorded ~\" :\It 11'1731. was a female nf -'II em fork kn!lth from the lower 51Xlm of Hess Creek, Alaska. The .I\ era\!e ~lle of adults i' abnut 30 .:m. RANGE AND ABUNDANCE The Bt:ring ..:i~..:o i~ found from Bristol Bay nonh and c:a'1 to Oliktok Poini llll the an.:ti..: ..:oa~1 of c 30 The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska Alaska. It is present in the Yukon River as far upstream as Fort Yukon. and also in the Porcupine River. h has been found at the mouth of Ship Creek. Knik Arm. at Anchorage (SUFC #41858. now in the JcJlthj'~logical Collection of the California Academy of Sciences) (McPhail.-1966). in Tolugak Lake in Anaktuvuk:Pass in the Brooks Range (UAFC #617. #618). and was found in 1972 in the Kenai River on the Kenai P~ninsula. • Throughout its range the Bering cisco is fairly abundant. at kast seasonally; Alt (1973c) reponed up to 18 a day taken in a fish wheel at Rampart, on the Yukon River, in September. 1972. HABITS Very little is known of the biology of the Bering cisco. Most of the following is derived from Alt (1973c). Spawning runs begin in the spring. Most Bering ciscoes apparently winter in salt or brackish water near river mouths. but the presence of potential spawners well up the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers suggests that some populations may spend the winter in fresh water. far from the sea. Bering cisco were first observed well inland in 1968 and 1969, when one (UAFC #2176) was taken in the Chatanika River near Fairbanks and seven (UAFC #632) at Rampart. on the Yukon River. Two more specimens (UAFC #617, #618) are from Tolugak Lake in Anaktuvuk Pass. Subsequently, Alt (1973c) found Bering cisco in the Yukon River at Fon Yukon; in the Porcupine River, 1,400 km from the mouth of the Yukon; and in the South Fork of the Kuskokwim River, 840 km from the ocean. Spawning probably takes place in the fall, but spawning behavior and the location of the spawning grounds are unknown. • From the distribution of the rish in June it may be presumed that the spawning grounds are in clear-water streams tributary to major rivers. Dymond ( 1943) mentioned hybrids between C. /aureuae and Stenodus leucichthys, but the toea· tion from which the specimens came, the Mackenzie River Delta, strongly suggests that they were acrually hybrids between the arctic cisco, C. autum no/is,_ and the inconnu. Alt ( 1973) stated that the majority of his specimens from Hess Creek were 4 + to 6 + and were mature. His fish from Port Clarence and Gramley Harbor were mostly 2+ and 3 + immatures, but included a few adults. These adults showed slower growth than the Hess Creek fish. possibly because of a shorter growing season. Mean fork lengths at age. were for the Hess Creek fish: 4 + • 34.4 em; 5 +. 35.4 em; 6 + •K.T. Ah: pcr!Kinal communication. 37.3 CllF 7 +. 40.5 em: 8 +-~ 44.6: and for the Port Clarence:Grantley Harbor fish: } +, 24.1 em; 4 + • 26.3 em; 5 +. 28.5 em: 6 +. 31.3 em; 7 +. 35 em. As noted above, Bering cisco undertake extensive spawning migrations. Presumably they move down- stream after spawning. H_owever, the Ptecise extent of the migrations is unknown. ~ -~ The Bering cisco. like other ciscoes~i apparently does not feed during its spawning runs.~All the fish examined from the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers in· June through September had empty st1:>machs. By contrast, fish taken at Port Clarence-Grantley Harbor had fed on invertebrates and small cottids (Alt. 1973). McPhail and Lindsey (l970) listed amphipods as food of the Bering cisco. IMPORTANCE TO MAN The Bering cisco is little used. Small numbers are taken for subsistence use by gill net and by fish wheel in the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers. Similar use probably exists wherever subsist~nce fishing and the Bering cisco coincide. ARCTIC 0sco' Coregonus autumnalis (Pallas) DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS Pale or colorless pelvic fins. a terminal mouth and the presence 0 f 41 to 48 gill rakers on the first gill arch serve to distinguish the arctic cisco (Figure 14, page 29). DESCRIPTION Body elongate, slight1y.-.compresscd.-.Dcpth._ 200io to 23'7o of total length. Head moderate. somewhat less than 2S'7o of total length. Snout about 25'7o of head. a little longer than eye dia"!Ctcr. Eye round. 20'7o to 24'7• of head. Nostrils h~vc a double flap between the openings. Mouth moderate, jaws tooth- less in adults (a. few weak teeth may be present in very small young), a patch of teeth on tongue. Maxilla extends backward to about middle of eye. Gill rakers: 41 to 48 on first arch. Branchiostcgals: 8 to 9. Lateral line has 82to 110 pored scales. Pyloric caeca: 113 to 183. Vcncbrac: 64to67. FINS. Dorsal, which is fairly high and slightly falcate, has IO to 12 rays. Adipose fin present. Anal has l2 to 14 rays; pectorals, 14 to 17; pelvics, II to 12, axillary process present. Caudal forked. SCALES. Moderately large, cycloid; 82 to 110 pored scales in lateral line. COLOR. Brown to dark greenish above fading to silvery on sides and belly. Fins pale. SIZE. Specimens up to 64 em in total length and up to 2.68 kg in weight have been reponed from the Lena River in Siberia (Berg, 1948). However, Nonh American specimens generally arc much smaller, averaging somewhere in the neighborhood of JS to 40 em long (Roguski and Komarek, 197!) and perhaps I kg in weight. 32 The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska c--,ystems in Washington. Montana, British Columbia and the, Yukon Territory; and from the Chignik, Naknekj and Wood river systems in southwestern Alaska. ;h is not known outside of North America. Whet-ev~r it is foun~. it seems to be quite abundant. .. HABITS Details of breeding behavior of the pygmy white- . fish are unknown. Spawning takes place at night in late fall and early winter (November to January) at water temperatures of about 4°C or colder. Spawning grounds appear to be on gravel in lake shallows and in streams. Presumably the eggs are broadcast; then they settle into interstices in the gravel and hatch the following spring. In the Bristol Bay region, the eggs are about .24 em in diameter (Heard and Hartman, 1966), somewhat larger than the .2 em reported for Lake Superior fish (Eschmeyer and Bailey. 1955). Egg number varies between 103 and 1,153 per-female in Bristol Bay fish, a greater average number than in Lake Superior fish. Males may become sexually mature at as early an age as a year; females, a year later (Weisel et al .• 1973). Growth of the pygmy whitefish is very slow and shows considerable variation from one population to l --, another. In general, females grow faster than males, "'although in some populations the ma!es grow faster than females during the first year (Eschmeyer and Bailey, 1955). In Brooks Lake, Alaska. the average 3- year-old fish was about 7 em in fork length, while in South Bay. Naknek Lake, fish of the same age averaged about 11.6 em. The maximum age recorded for fish in the Naknek system was S + (Heard and Hartman. 1966). but ages up to 9 + have been noted in Maclure Lake, British Columbia (McCan. 1965). The pygmy whitefish does not make extended migrations. However, it does move on to the spawning areas irt the early winter and presumably· back into deeper water after spawning. Food of the pygmy whitefish includes a rather wide variety of items. Listed as most important in the Naknek system were cladocerans, dipteran (chiefly Chironomidae) larvae and pupae, adult Diptera and nymphs of Plecoptera. Other food included diatoms- and other algae, pelecypods, nematodes, arachnids and fish eggs (Kendall, 1921; Heard and Hartman, 1966). In Lake Superior, ostracods and amphipods were the principal foods (Eschmeyer and Bailey, 1955). The pygmy whitefish feeds almost exclusively during daylight hours, making "short distinct jabs or darts, apparently at specific food items. such as L. 1 insect larvae, when picking up mouthfuls of bottom material." They may also-rise off the bouom and take specific items from the current (Heard and Hartman. 1966). There is a distinct positive correlation between the diet and the a\'erage size of individu~s in a popu- lation. Fish belonging to groups in which .insects are the dietary mainstay are. on the average. much larger than those in which zooplankton is the chief food (Heard and Hartman, 1966). -McCart (1970) found forms with high and low gill raker counts in Aleknagik, Naknek and Chignik lakes in Alaska and suggested that these represented sibling species. The high-count form, which was found almost exclusively in deep water. fed on plankton and grew more slowly. By contrast, the low-count form was found in both shallow and deep water, ate mostly insects and grew faster. However, the difference in growth rates through age IV in Chignik Lake does not appear to be significant. More careful analyses of larger samples are needed. As noted above, the pygmy whitefish is found in both deep and shallow water •. In Lake Superior. it was reported as most abundant at depths of 46 to 71 m (Eschmeyer and Bailey, 1955; Dryer, 1966). In the Naknek system, the species was found at depths to 168 m but was also abundant in the shallows (Heard and Hartman, 1966). McCart (1970) found that in Chignik Lake beach seine samples were composed entirely of the form with the low gill raker count, while in gill nets set at 30 m or deeper, the high-count form accounted for 36.207o of the fish taken. IMPORTANCE TO MAN The pygmy whitefish is of no direct importance to man. It is too small and scarce and of too limited distribution to be profitable for any kind of fishery. However, it is undoubtedly fed upon by predatory fishes such as charr. pike and burbot and may contribute to the overall scheme of competition for food. In this respect, it is interesting to note that the pygmy whitefish attains its greatest size in waters where there is no competition from other coregonids (McCart, 1965). ROUND WimEFISH Prosopium cy/indraceum-(Pallas) DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS The narrow, rather pointed snout, the 74 or more pored scales in the lateral line. and the 50 or more pyloric caeca distinguish the round whitefish (Figure 16). DESCRIPTION Body elongau:. cylindrical, slender; depth IS'lo to 20'7o of fork length. Head relatively shon, its length averaging 20"1o of fork length. Snout shon, about 22"io of head, pointed when sccn from above. Eye: round, diameter equal to or less than snout length; notch present in membrane below posterior edge of pupil. Nostrils have ·a single flap separating the ~ openings on each side. Mouth small, upper jaw ovc;r- hanging lower;· maxilla reaches about to anteri.br margin of eye in adults. a liule farther back in young. Teeth restricted to a small patch bf embedded teeth on tongue; also present on bases of gill rakers. Gill rakers, which arc short: 14 to 2L Branchiostegals: 6 to 9. lateral line has 74 to U)8 pored scales. Pyloric caeca: SO to 130. Vertebrae: $8 to6S. FINS. Dorsal has II to IS rays. Adipose fin present. Anal has 10 to 13 rays; pcaorals, 14 to 17; pdvics, 9 to II, axillary process present. Caudal forked. FIGURE 16. Round whitefish. Prosopium cylindraceum. r ~-I ~------------------------------------~ SCALES. Cycloid, fairly large; nuptial tubercles prominent on lateral scales of breeding males. but only feebly developed in females. COLOR. Bronze on back, sometimes with a greenish tinge. Sides silvery, belly silvery white. Fins of most Alaskan specimens are more or less colorless or slightly dusky. Scou and Crossman (1973) reported the pectoral, pelvic and anal fins to be an amber color, becoming orange at spawning time. The young arc marked with 3 rows of fairly well· defined parr marks. the first row lying along the lateral line, a second row (sometimes not well defined) just above the first, and a third row just below the midline of the back. The spots of this third row often coalesce across the middorsal line (photographs. page 86 and 87). SIZE. The largest round whitefish on record was a specimen of S6.1 em total length from Great Slave lake (Scott and Crossman. 1973). The round white· fish is known to reach a weight of 2 kg (Keleher. 1961) and has been reponed as reaching "about S pounds" (2.27 kg) in lake Superior (Koelz. 1929). RANGE AND ABUNDANCE The round whitefish is found throughout mainland Alaska from the Taku River. near Juneau, north to (_ the arctic coast. It ranges eastward across Canada to the western shores of Hudson Bay. A discontinuity in range exists in Manitoba and northern Ontario. and the species is again present in the Great Lakes (except lake Erie), easl\vard to New Hampshire and .Maine. Whitefishes 33 south to Connecticut and nor,th to Labrador's arctk coast. In Asia the round whit~fish ranges west to the Yenisei River and south to Ka~chatka. The round whitefish is fairly abundant wherever it is present, although it usually; does not occur in such large numbers as some of its relatives. HABITS Spawning occurs in late September through October in interior Alaska, but not until November or December in more southern parts of the range. Spawning appears to be an annual affair, with many fish breeding in successive years, even in the Arctic (McCart et al., 1972). Spawning beds are located on gravelly shallows of rivers and the inshore areas of lakes. Inshore and upstream migrations have been observed (Harper, 1948; Normandeau, 1969) at spawning time and are probably characteristic. However, fish in interior Alaska do not seem to show the concentrated migrations characteristic of ciscoes and humpback whitefish. According to Normandeau ( 1969). the fish swim in pairs during spawning, a single male with each female. Details of spawning behavior have not been described, but probably resemble those of the mountain whitefish, Pro- sopium williamsoni. In that species, the fish contact each other and rest on the bottom for 2 to 4 seconds, emitting eggs and milt, then separate (Brown, 1952). The eggs of the round whitefish are known to be broadcast and to receive no parental care. Females produce between 1,000 and 12,000 eggs, with ·the average between 5,000 and 6,000 (Bailey, 1963; Normandeau, 1969; Furniss, 1974). The size of ovarian eggs varies with locality. In New Hampshire unfertilized eggs averaged .27 em, in diameter (Normandeau, 1969), but Furniss (1974) found ovarian eggs of Alaskan fish to be only .1 to .18 em in diameter. The eggs absorb water after fertilization and may reach diameters of .3 em to almost .5 em in a few hours. The eggs. which are yellow to orange and demersal but not sticky, settle into crevices in the rocks and gravel of the bottom. Time of development has been reported as about 140 days at 2.2°C in New Hampshire (Normandeau. 1969) and presumably is not much different in Alaska. The young hatch out as sac fry. In two to three weeks. the yolk has been absorbed and the young have left the spawning grounds. Growth rates vary from one locality to another. Lake Michigan fish grow very rapidly, reaching a total length of about 50 em in 1 years (Mraz, 1964a). By contrast. in Elusive Lake. in the Brooks Range of Alaska. this length is not achieved until age 12. The oldest known round \\hitetish is one of 16+ from Shainin Lake. Alaska (Furniss. 1974). Sexual matur· c: 34 The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska ity is reached in about 5 years in the southern pans of the range, but not until age 7 in the Brooks Range of Alaska (Furniss. 1974). . Except for the spawning movemerits already ' · mentioned, the rouQd whitefish apparen~ly does not migrate. i Food of the round whitefish is primarily the immature stages of various insects, especially Diptera and Trichoptera. Adult Trichoptera are also important, as well as gastropods, Daphnia and fish eggs (Martin, 1957; Loftus, 1958: Normandeau, 1969; Furniss, 1974). In some areas the round whitefish is considerd a serious predator on the eggs of lake trout {Martin, 1957: Loftus, 1958). · IMPORTANCE TOMAN The round whitefish was formerly taken in con- siderable quantities in the Great Lakes. In the late 1920s annual catches from northern Lake Michigan were on the order of 90,900 to 163,200 kg (Mraz, 1964a), but present-day catches are much smaller, primarily because of the relatively small size of the fish and an uncertain supply. In Alaska the round whitefish is of some importance in freshwater subsistence fisheries. It is occasionally smoked in strips and sold as .. squaw candy.'' BROAD WHTIEFlSH Coregonus nasus (Pallas) DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS The broad whitefish is set off by its short gill rakers, which are less than one-fifth as long as-the. interorbital width, and the rounded to flat profile of the head (Figure 17). DESCRIPTION Body elongate and compressed, especially in large specimens; sides a bit flatter than in most other whitefishes. Depth of body 23'1o to 31'1• of fork length in adults, less in young. Head short, IS'h to 20"1• of fork length. Dorsal profile rounded to flat (may be slightly concave in large specimens). Snout blunt, short, rounded, sheep-nosed in profile, its length equal to or less than diameter of eye. Eye small, 12.,. to 16'1• of head length. No notch in adipose lid. Nostrils have a double flap between openings. Mouth small, upper jaw overhanging lower, maxilla reaching rearward approximately to below anterior edge of eye. No teeth except for a small patch of weak teeth on base of tongue. The 18 to 2S gill rakers arc blunt and shon, longest 13'7. to 19'lt of interorbital width. Branchiostcgals: 8 or 9. Lateral line has 84 to 102 pored scales. Pyloric caeca: about 140 to more than ISO. Vertebrae: 60 to 6S. FINS. Dorsal has 10 to 13 rays. Adipose fin --... -~- FIGURE 17. Broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus. present and fairly large. Anal, II to 14 rays; pectorals, 16to 17; pdvics. lito 12, axillary process present. Caudal forked. SCALES. Large. cycloid. Males develop promi- nent breeding tubercles on lateral scales at spawning time. but these arc only weakly developed in females. COLOR. Olive-brown to nearly blaclc on baclc; sides silvery, often with a craY cast; belly white to yellowish. Fins usually rather gray in adults, pale in young (photograph, page 87). SIZE. This species is the largest of the: Alaskan whitefishes. It is reponed to reach weights up to 16 leg in the Kolyma River of Siberia (Berg, 1948), but most mature: fash run around 2 to S leg. One of 71.S em weighing S.7 leg from the: Ycnisci River is mentioned by Berg (1948). The largest Alaskan specimen known was a fish of 67 em forlc length from the Colville River at Umiat (All and Kogl. 1973). RANGEANDABUNDANCE The broad whitefish is found throughout Alaska from the Kuskokwim River north to the arctic coast. It is-present in the Yukon River from the mouth to the headwaters. In the Tanana River drainage it is known from Minto Flats and the Tolovana. Chatanika and. Chena rivers. and probably occurs farther upstream as well. It is present in most, if not all, of the rivers draining into the Bering. Chukchi and Beaufort seas. The range extends eastward to the Perry River. Northwest Territories. westward across Siberia to the Pechora River. south to the Bay of Korf and to the Penzhina River on the Sea of Okhotsk. It is fairly abundant seasonally, though apparently not in as large numbers as some of its relatives. HABITS Little is known of the biology of the broad whitefish. Although the adults are more or less anadromous. those reaching the sea apparently do not venture far from brackish water. Upstream spawning runs begin as early as June and may extend into September or even later (Kogl. 1971; Alt and 1 ' Kogl, 1973; Kepler, 1973: Townsend and Kepler, 1974). Spawning actually tak~ place from September through October, possibly. -leven into November. Wynne-Edwards's (1952) stat~ment that .. The broad "~ whitefish spawns in the rive:,.S in August .• :• is probably based on a misinterpretation of the timing of the spawning runs. Except for our knowledge that spawning takes place in streams with gravel bottoms, nothing is known of the breeding habits. Pr-esumably they are similar to those of other coregonids. The ovarian eggs are pale yellow to milky white in color and up to .4 em in diameter (Berg, 1948; Nikolskii, 1961). Young hatch in the spring and move down- stream. Adults apparently move downstream after spawning and overwinter in deep parts of the rivers or in estuaries. Growth is relatively slow, especially in the arctic. Berg ( 1948) mentioned lengths of SO to 53 em at 8 + for fish fro·m the Kara and Kolyma regions of Russia, but in the Colville River, Alaska, the average length of 8 + fish was under 40 em (Kogl, 1971). Broad whitefish from the Minto Flats area grow at about the same rate as the Siberian fish (Ait and Kogl, 1973). Maximum age recorded is 15 years (Ait and K~gl, 1973), although Nikolskii (1961) stated that "ihe age iimit of this fish exceeds i5 years.'' The broad whitefish appears to be mainly a bottom feeder. It is known to eat chironomids, snails, bivalve mollusks (Kogl, 1971 ), mosquito larvae (Berg, 1948) and crustaceans (Scott and Crossman, 1973). IMPORTANCE TO MAN The broad whitefish is taken commercially in Siberia, but it is not of great importance. Pre-World War II catches in Siberia averaged 40,000 kg per year. In North America the broad whitefish is used almost exclusively in subsistence fisheries, although a commercial fishery in the Colville River Delta takes about 7,000 kg per year. Despite its lack of popu- larity the broad whitefish is an excellent food fish. THE HUMPBACK WHITEFISHES Coregonus clupeaformis complex This group of three closely related species forms a most confusing assemblage because almost the only means by which they can be distinguished from one another seems to be the modal number of gill rakers in large samples (the rwde is the most frequent number to appear in a count). The form here called Coregonus pidschian has average gill raker counts of :! I to 23, with a range from about 17 to 2~ or 25 in Whitefishes 35 individual specimens. Coregonus nelsoni averages 24 or 25 (the mode is usually 25) with a range of 22 to 27, while Coregonus clupeaformis has modal counts of 26 or more, with indi_vi_dual counts ranging from 24 to 33. C. pidschian appears to have lower average vertebral counts than do C. nelsoni and C. clupea- formis. Fisheries biologists in Alaska have applied one or another of these names to humpback whitefish throughout the state, all too often without adequate samples for proper identification. Hence, distributional records are often of little value. There appear to be some differences in ecological relationships among the three species. C. c/upea- formis is primarily a lake-dwelling form. C. nelsoni is mostly a stream dweller, only rarely being encoun- tered in lakes. It seems to be intolerant of salt water. C. pidschian apparently is truly anadromous, at least in some areas, and may winter in the sea near river mouths. AlAsKA WIDTEFISH Coregor:us nelsor.i DISTINCTIVE CHARACfERS The distinctive marks of the Alaska whitefish are gill rakers that are longer than 200!o of the inter- orbital width, a total of 22 to 27 gill rakers on first arch (with modal counts of 24 or 25) and a pro- nounced hump behind the head in adults (Figure 18). DESCRIPTION Body moderately compressed, sides rather flat. Depth of body 2S'?e to 33'1• of forlc length in adults. the percentage increasing in larger fish. Head shon. less than 2S'l• of forlc length. Dorsal profile of head distinctly concave behind eyes in adults due to the prominent nuchal hump. Snout 27.,• to JS'lo of head length. Eye small, its diameter 20.,• to 2SOJ'o of head length; no notch present in lower posterior pan of membrane. Nostrils have a double flap between openings. Mouth rather small with upper jaw over- FIGURE 18. Alaska whllefish. Coregonus nelsoni. The humooacK and lake Whilelisnes closely re· semo1e th•s soec•es out d1ffer •n numoer ol g•ll rakers. ( 36 The_ Freshwater Fishes of Alaska hanging lower and maxilla rcacl:!)ng backward to below front third of eye. A few weak teeth present on premaxilla in young, no teeth on ja .. ·s in adults. A few small teeth present on tongue. Gill rakers: 22 to 27, with total counts averaging around 24 or 25. Longest raker longer than 20.,, of interorbital space. Branchiostegals: 8 ~o 10. Lateral line has 77 to 9S pored scales. Venebrae: 60 to 63.- FINS. Dorsal has_ II to 13 rays. Adipose fin well developed, often larger in males than in females. Anal has 10 to 14 rays; pectorals, IS to 17; pelvics, lito 12, axillary process present. Caudal forked. SCALES. Cycloid, fairly large. Well-developed nuptial tubercles on lateral scales or males, less developed in females. COLOR. Dark brown to midnight blue above fading to silver on sides and white beneath. N~ parr marks in young (photograph, page 88). SIZE. Up to at least S3.2 em fork length iR the Chatanika River (Alt. 1971a). RANGE AND ABUNDANCE The precise distribution of Alaska whitefish is uncertain, primarily because of the difficulty of iden- tifying the three species of humpbacked coregonids which occur in Alaska. However, as far as can be determined, th-e Alaska whitefish seems to be pretty well confined to the Yukon and its tributary drainages, where it is to be found all the way from Nulato to the Canadian border. It is present in the Tanana River and the Koyukuk River and their tributaries and in Lake Minchumina. Specimens that may be of this species have been reported from the Unalakleet and Wulik rivers. Possible C. nelsoni are known from the Alsek, Copper and Susitna systems, the upper parts of the Yukon River in Canada, the lower reaches of the Mackenzie River and several lakes in western Canada (Lindsey, 1963a, b; Lindsey et at., 1970; McPhail and Lindsey, 1970). The Alaska whitefish is locally and seasonally abundant during the summer and fall. Throughout the rest of the year the fish apparently disperse widely. HABITS The Alaska whitefish spawns from late September through October in interior Alaska. Spawning areas are in clear, moderately swift streams with fairly clean gravel bottoms. In the Chatanika River, these areas are from 100 to 800 m long, 15 to 22m wide, and 1.3 to 2.6 m deep, with water velocities of about 0.5 m per second. Water temperatures at spawning are between 0° and 3 oc (Kepler, 1973). Average fecundity of 20 mature females 5 to 10 years old and 39.5 to 52 em fork length was about 50,000 eggs. • A. H. Townsend: personal communication. Fecundity was not closely related to age or size of the fish (Townsend and Kepler, 1914). The spawning act is similar to that of the least cisco. A female begins to swim vertically toward the surfac~. belly -upstream. She is joined by a m~le (sometjmes two, rarely three). Eggs and milt ~re extrud"bd as the~ fish approach the surface of the water--~ The fish break the surface, fall away from each olher and return to the bottom of the pool. In contrast to the least cisco, the Alaska whitefish ., spawn~ actively both at night and in the daytime. The yellow~ to orange eggs, with an average diameter of .21 to~.23 em, drift down to the bottom where they lodge jn crevices in the gravel. The exact time of incubation is unknown. However, young-of-the-year have been taken in June and July, so presumably the young fish hatch in late winter or early spring. The Alaska whitefish of the Chatanika River grow rapidly during their early years. A year-old fish . averages about 12 em fork length. By the age of 5, 'the fish average between 35 and 40 em fork length, and at 10 years about 48.5 em. The oldest so far recor.ded was a 12+ of 53.2 em fork length. Sexual maturity is reached ·between 3 and 5 years (Alt. 1971a; Townsend and Kepler, 1974). The Alaska whitefish of the interior undertakes fairly extensive upstream and downstream move- ments. Upstream migration, apparently the begin· ning of the spawning run, may start as early as late June. The ·migration seems to be rather indefinite at first but it becomes marked as the season progresses and more and more fish approach breeding condi· tion. By September schools of up to several hundred fish are on or close to the spawning areas. Following the completion OU(l~ning, the majority of the fish {move downstream but a few may winter in deep pools near the spawning grounds. The young-of-the- year move downstream in their first year and as a rule do not return to the spawning areas until they are sexually mature. Alaska whitefish generally return to the same spawning grounds year after year. Townsend and Kepler (1974) found that five fish tagged in 1972 were present on the same grounds in 1973. On the other hand, these same investigators noted far fewer tag returns than were expected and suggested that this might indicate either increased mortality of tagged fish or nonconsecutive (nonannual) spawning. The October. 1975, recovery at Nenana of an Alaska whitefish tagged in the Chatanika River in 1974• suggests that some fish may wander far from their natal streams. Apparently not all fish return each year to the same spawning areas. Hybrids of Alaska whitefish and inconnu are known to exist (Alt, 1971c). The two species spawn at the same time and in the same places. Because of the differences in breeding behavior. hybridization is prpb.ably not the result of pairing between genera but due rather to simultaneous broadcasting of repro- ductive products in the same area. Occasional hybridization occurs also between the Alaska whitefish and the least cisco (UAFC #2173). Alaska whitefish feed primarily on immature stages of insects. notably Diptera and Trichoptera. Although they generally do not feed during the latter pa£t of the spawning run. this is not always so. On oocasion they will feed heavily on eggs of the least cisco (Morrow et at •• 1977). IMPORTANCE TO MAN The Alaska whitefish is an excellent food fish but is virtually never eaten. Its major importance is in the subsistence fisheries. but even here it falls far behind the various salmons. Spearfishing for sport has resulted in a small fishery in the Chatanika River; this fishery. which takes place at night. is estimated to take up to 500 fish yearly (Kepler. 1973) and similar spear fisheries. also small. exist at other loca- tions in Alaska. Commercial fisheries have operated in some of the lakes of the Copper River drainage. but the take has not been large (Williams. 1968. 1969). The young are consumed by predatory fishes such as pike and burbot (Alt. 1968) and by other predators such as kingfishers. mink and otter. HUMPBACK WHITEFISH Coregonus pidschian DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS The humpback whitefish is distinguished by gill rakers that are longer than 200Jo of the interorbital width. 19 to 25 gill rakers (with modal counts of 22 or 23). and a pronounced hump behind the head in adults. DESCRIPTION Sec description of c: -;;elroni (page: JS). Except for the: gill raker counts. there: arc: no known morpho- logical differences of any significance:. It is my impression. as wc:ll as that of several lishc:ric:s biologim in the: Fairbanks office: of the: Alaska lXpartmc:nt of Fish & Game:. that pearl organs arc: far fewer in number and arc: less well developed in C. pidschian than in C. nelsoni. Specimens from the: Kobuk River that I have seen myself. and specimens from Highpower Crc:ck and the Kalitna River in the: Kuskokwim system.• all taken in early October. had few pearl organs. V\:f\ebrae-(in Siberian lishl: 58 to 6). •K.t". Alt: pcrsonal.:ommum.:auon. Whitefishes 37 RANGE AND ABUNDANCE The humpback whitefish is to be found in most of the Alaskan rivers that empty into the Bering. Chukchi and Beaufort seas. It ranges throughout the Kuskokwim River drainage ·and well above Umiat in the Colville. Alt and Kogl (1973) found it at Umiat in July; thus it is presumed that the spawning grounds in the Colville must be much farther upstream. In the Yukon. on the other hand. it apparently is confined to the lowerf"eaches. where it has been recorded from Marshall. Its range extends eastward along the arctic coast at least to the Sagavanirktok River. Alaska. westward across Siberia to_ the Kara Sea. Throughout its range it is quite abundant during the spawning concentrations. but the fish apparently disperse at other times of the year. HABITS Humpback whitefish appear to be truly anadro- mous. but it is not known how far the wintering fish move from the river mouths. They have been taken. in the Beaufort Sea several miles offshore of the Colville and Sagavanirktok rivers as weii as in Kotzebue Sound. off Nome. and around the mouths of the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers. In the Kara Sea of western Siberia they have b-....aen taken we!! out in the northern parts "which are characterized by high salinities .. (Berg. 1948). Upstream spawning migra- tions may be extensive. Fish tagged in the Kuskokwim River below Bethel have been recovered on the North Fork at Medfra and Telida, the latter representing a migration of not less than 1.280 km. Possible C. pidschian have been found in the Yukon River at Fort Yukon and in the Porcupine River, • but their origin remains unknown. Other populations seldom venture far upstream and still others may never go to sea at all (Berg. 1948). The spawning run generally begins in June and spawning usually occurs in October. However, humpback whitefish have been found spawning under the ice in the Kuskokwim River near Bethel as late as November 15* and similar phenomena have been recorded in Siberia (Berg. 1948). Spawning behavior has not been described, but presumably is similar to that of the Alaska whitelish. Sexual maturity is attained at 4 to 6 years. Ovarian eggs are reported as .12 em in diameter in Siberian tish (Nikolskii. 1961\. Fecundity of females varies from one population to another and with the size of the tish. The general range is from about 8,000 to nearly 50.000 eggs per female. It is assumed thnt the young hatch in the late winter and spring. subsequcmly moving downstream, to return as mature adults -t to 6 years lat~r. c_· 38 The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska The young feed mainly on zooplankton. but adults feed mostly on mollusks, crustaceans· and chiro- nomid larvae (Nikolskii. 1961 ). . Growth rates vary greatly from place to place and ' even in different sections of the same river (Nikolskti, 1961). I~ Alaska, -fish in arctic rivers such as the Colville,j Kobuk and Agiakpuk grow much more slowly t~an do those in the Kuskokwim and lower Yukon dl-ainages. Humpback whitefish from the first three rivbrs average about 26.7 em fork length at 5 + and 40.5! em at I 0 + while those from the latter areas average ~4. 7 em and 44.5 em at the same ages (Alt. 1973b) .. IMPORTANCE TO MAN The humpback whitefish of Alaska is of little direct importance except in local subsistence fisheries. A commercial operation on the Colville River Delta takes about 1,000 fish annually (Alt and Kogl, 1973). However, this fish is an important commercial species in Siberia (Berg, 1948; Nikolskii, 1961).; LAKE WHITEFISH Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill) DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS The lake whitefish is differentiated from the other two humpback whitefishes of Alaska by its higher gill raker count, which ranges from 26 to 33. DESCRIPTION Sec description of C. nelsoni (page JS). Except for the gill raker counts, there arc no known differences in appearance of any significance. Pyloric caeca: 140 to 222. V cncbrac: SS to 64. RANGE AND ABUNDANCE The lake whitefish is widely distributed across Canada and the northern United States, from the upper Yukon and Northwest Territories south to Montana, Minnesota and the Great Lakes, and east to New England, Quebec and labrador. Records of its distribution in Alaska are not completely reliable due to the confusion with closely related species. However, the lake whitefish has been recorded with reasonable certainty from Paxson and Crosswind lakes in the Copper River drainage and from Lake Louise and the Tyone Lakes in the Susitna drainage (Williams, 1968; Van Wyhe and Peck, 1969). Lindsey et at., (1970) show a possible record of lake whitefish from Old John Lake at the head of the Sheenjek •c. Lindsey: personal communication. River. but the record is based on only two specimens. • Wherever it is foufld, the lake whitefish is quite abundant, especially when schooled up for spawning. HABITS Breeding behavior of the· lake whitefish is similar to that of the Alaska whitefish hcept that spawning generally takes place in the inshore regions of lakes. Stream populations, of course, use the rivers and creeks. Spawning takes place o~er rocky or gravelly bottom in depths of 1 to 3 m. A female and one or more males rise to the surface, extrude eggs and milt, then descend separately toward the bottom. Spawning e>«urs at night (Bean, 1903; Hart, 1930; Everhart, 1958). Adults breed annually in the southern parts of theorange, but apparently only every other year or even every third year in the arctic and sub-arctic (Kennedy; 1953). Fecundity varies greatly from one population to another, averaging around 50,000 eggs per female, with a reported range of less than 6,000 to more than 150,000. Spawning occurs from October to Decem- ber, depending on locality, and seems to be associated with water temperatures of about 6°C or less. Hatching normally occurs in late April. Development of the eggs takes 140 days at .5 oc, which seems to be the optimum temperature for the eggs. In laboratory studies, no eggs survived at 0° or at 1rc. Mortalities through hatching increased from 2711Jo at .5° to 4111Jo or 4211Jo at r to 6°, 8111Jo at go and 990io at I 0 °C. Abnormalities also increased from none at .So to rc to 5011Jo at 10 oc (Price, 1940). The larvae are 1.1 to 1.4 em long at hatching and grow rapidly during the summer. In Lake Huron the larvae af"e close inshore from_soon after breakup to the end of the summer (Faber, 1970), their location often being associated with emerge_(lt vegetation. They stay at or near areas with temperatures of l7°C (Reckahn, 1970), descending with it to the metalim- nion. Van Wyhe and Peck (1969) found similar movements of young-of-the-year that were believed to be lake whitefish in Paxson Lake, Alaska. Growth slows abruptly in September so that-by the end of October the larvae are about 12 em long. This slowing of growth is associated with descent into the colder water of the hypolimnion. Growth rates vary with locality and population. Average total lengths at age, covering a wide variety of localities in the U.S. and southern Canada, are: I+. 13 em; 2 +. 21.6 em; 5 +, 38.6 em; 10 +. 51.1 em; 15 +, 62.7 em (Carlander. 1969). By contrast, lake whitefish in Paxson Lake, Alaska, had the following age-length relationships: I+, 4 em; 2 +, ( ~~- 7.7 em; 5 +, 20.2 em; 10+, 37.3 em; 15 +, 46 em (VanWyhe and Peck, 1969). Maximum age reported was that of a fish of 28 years from Great Slave Lake. (Kennedy, 195.3), while the largest size was of a fish of 19 kg t~ken in La Ice Superior in 1918 (Van Oosten, 1946). If ,the length-weight relationship given by Dryer (1963) for Lake Superior whitefish can be applied to· this second specimen, then the fish must have been on the order of 135 em total length. The next largest known weighed just over half as much, 10.9 kg (Keleher, 1961). The lake whitefish appears to be a rather sedentary fish, at least in the Grc:at Lakes. Tagging studies (Budd, 1957; Dryer, 1964) indicate that the majority of fish stay within 16 km of their spawning ground, although one fish in Lake Huron wa·s recaptured 240 k:m from the point of release. There seems also to be a tendency toward movement in definite directions, although no well-defined routes have been deter- mined (Budd, 1957). In general, movement of lake whitefish in large lakes consists of four stages: travel from deep to shallow water in the spring; movement back into deep water during the summer as the shoal water warms; migration back to the shallow-water spawning areas in the fall and early winter: and post- ·spawning movement bade to deeper water. Within each of the Great Lakes, and probably in most large lakes, the lake whitefish form more or less separate populations. These are usually characterized by different growth rates rather than by morpho- logical differences (Budd, 1957; Roelofs, 1958; Dryer, 1963, 1964; Mraz, 1964b). It is not known whether these populations are genetically distinct or are produced by environmental factors. In any case, the lack of migratory habits probably tends to keep them separate. Food of the lake whitefish varies with size and age of the fish, location, and the type of food available. The initial food of the young consists of copepods, later on of cladocerans. By early summer they begin to feed on bottom organisms, but Cladocera, _especially Bosmina. remain a dQminant food item for some time (Reckahn. 1970). Adults feed mainly on benthic organisms. but pelagic and semi pelagic forms also are important. Kliewer (1970) found a signifi- cant negative correlation between gill raker length Whitefishes 39 and the proportion of benthic food, and a strong positive correlation between the number of gill rakers and the amount of benthic food. He listed the following food items for lake ~whitefish from the - • -4 Cranberry Portage area in northern Manitoba: Pelecypods, gastropods, am;phipods, Diptera (tc:ndepedid larvae and pupae, culicid and ceratopogonid larvae), Ephc:merqptc:ra, Trichoptera, Mc:galoptera, plant material, fi~h eggs, Hirudinea, Cladocera, Copepoda, mysids, Hemiptera (Corixidae), Hymenoptera and; fishes. In Paxson Lake, Alaska, adult whitefish we~c: seen to prey upon young sockeye salmon until the fry grew too big for the whitefish (VanWyhe and Peck, 1969). Although extensive hatchery programs for the: propagation of lake whitefish have'bec:n carried on for years on the Great Lakes and other places, there: is no evidence: to show that these programs have ever influenced the strength of year classes (Koelz, 1929; Christie, 1963). Weather sc:erjls to be: the: most important factor. Cold water temperatures at spawning time-below 6 °C-(ollowed by a steady non fluctuating decrease to .5 °C and by warm temperatures at hatching time, produce: the strongest year classes (Christie, 1963; Lawler, 1965a). IMPORTANCE TO MAN The: lake whitefish has long been one of the most valuable freshwater species in North America. Deterioration of i~s environment, depletion of the stocks and other factors led to a decline in yield from the 5.5 million leg per year of the 1880s to the: 700,000 leg per year of the 1920s (Koelz, 1929), but in the late 1960s the catch was incre~ing. In 1970 the U.S. and Canadian landings from 'the Great Lakes and the International Lakes between Minnesota and Ontario amounted to about 1.69 million kg (Anonymous, 1973). In addition, there are considerable Canadian fisheries in the northern lakes such as Lake Winnipeg and Great Slave Lake. In Alaska, however, the lake whitefish is virtually unused. Attempts at commercial fishing for lake whitefish have been made in Crosswind Lake in the upper Copper River drainage and in Lake Louise and Tyone Lake in the upper Susitna. These have not, however. been especially successful (Williams. 1968, 1969). APPENDIX 8 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES Side Band Radio c-- c TRIDENT HF-1RADIO TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS • HOW TO USE A SINGLE SIDE BAND RADIO PRODUCED FOR OUR CUSTOMERS by Jack and Virginia Ree~ a n·d t he Trident Staff P.O. BOX 10-1158 • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99511 TABLE OF CONTENTS HOW THE RADIO WORKS AND·WHY IT DOESN'T SOME-TIMES~ .••.••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.••••• -. •••••.• PAGE 1 J HOW TO SET UP YOUR RADIO AND ANTENNA FOR USE •••••.•••.••••••••••.••••••••.•.•••••.•.•••.••. PAGE 6 HOW TO USE THE RADIO CONTROLS PROPERLY ••.•••.••••..... PAGE 10 SOME NOTES ON GOOD RADIO MANNERS ••••••••••••..•••••••• PAGE 12 CORRECT TERMINOLOGY TO USE WHILE ON THE AIR ••••••••••• PAGE 15 PROCEEDURES FOR RADIO TRANSMISSION, OR HOW TO MAKE A PHONE PATCH··======~······················· PA6E 17 ( WHAT IS AN EMERGENCY, ~ND WHAT TO DO ••.••.•••.•••.•.•. PAGE 19 c SOME FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS ...•............•.•.••.. PAGE 22 HOW TO CONTACT US VIA PHONE OR RADIO, HELPFUL HINTS AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES WE OFFER, AND HOURS OF OPERATION....... . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . PAGE /25 c HOW THE RADIO WORKS AND WHY IT DOESN'T SOMETIMES. Radio :is a means of communication that uses electro-magnetic waves ! sent through the atmosphere at approximately the speed of light. It works by changing sounds or other signals into these waves that carry the desired information. These are called "Radio Waves". These radio waves travel through the atmosphere and through space, and through some solid objects such as walls of buildings. Radio waves will not, however, pass through metals, like lead, and sometimes large land masses such as mountains can inhibit them. The waves used are similar to light waves, but are lower in frequency. "Frequency" is the word used to designate the number of vibrations per second that the radio waves contain. Many different frequencies are used so that many different mes- sages can be transmitted at the same time without causing interference of· being just a mumbo-jumble that no one can understand. Sending and receiving radio communications involve four basic steps. They are: 1. Converting the communication into "Radio Waves". This is done in several steps. First your voice (or any sound) is converted into electrical energy by the microphone. It is then impressed onto a radio wave by the "modulator", and--then amplified by the "amplifier". This all happens inside the radio. 2. "Transmitting" or sending the radio waves up and out .into space. This is done through the antenna, which sends or launches the radio wave out and up into space in all directions. -1- ( 3. "Receiv_}.ng" or catching the radio waves. This hap- pens when the transmitted waves passes your an,ten- na, and causes a current to flow through it and on into your radio. 4. Changing the "received~ w~ves back into the original form of communication $ent, so it is understandable. ! . This is done the same; way that the original com- munication was converted into radio waves, but in reverse. In other words, first it is amplified, then converted by the demodulator, then sent to the loudspeaker or through the earphones so you can hear it. The sounds or signals transmitted by the radio transmitter are carried on a "Carrier Wave". The carrier wave is varied . by the electrical signal, or the frequency, used to produce it. The wave is fed into a "Transmitter" or "Transmitting Antenna" which sends the waves either up into the atmosphere or along the ground. The waves that go up into the atmo- sphere are called "Sky Waves" and the waves "that go along the ground are called "Ground Waves". Sky waves are usually applied to long distance communi- cations and are what we use to transmit on single side band radios. These waves go out into space till they reach the layer known as the "Ionosphere", then are bounced back to earth by the ionsphere if the conditions are correct. What I mean by this is that the waves must be properly transmit- ted, and on a correct frequency that does not exceed the "Critical Frequency". Communications that are transmitted above the critical frequency are not bounced back, but go through the ionosphere and are lost. This is one of the reasons why there is so much flap about being on frequency. The other reason is that by being off frequency you can -2- c interfere with other peoples signals and impair their com- munications. The condition and location or height of the ionosphere has a great deal to do with the quality of communications on any ·given day, or at different times of the day. The ionosphere is usually higher in the evening and early morning. In the early afternoon through mid-afternoon it lowers slightly, and during the night it goes back up. As ~- the height of the ionosphere changes the frequencies that work best change also. As the ionosphere moves up, the frequency moves down. 3201 usually doesn't work as well during the day when the ionosphere is lower, and 8070 is usually better during the day than at night. The reason for this is that the angle in which the radio wave strikes the ionosphere determines the place where it will come down to some degree, and as the ionosphere changes some commun- ications come down where they shouldn't be. This will sometimes explain the noise and foreign language transmis- sion that goes on at certain times of the day over the air. A small portion of the carrier wave you s~nd is captured by an antenna that is tuned, or made sensitive to the frequency that is being used. The wave is then sent to a receiver which separates the signal from the radio wave and converts the signal into understandable communication, as we discus- sed previously. Radio-waves are invisible, and need no wires to send. them from one place to another, and since the inception of transistors and printed circuits radios have b~come highly portable. This is why radio has become such a desirable means of communication to people that are in remote areas where the local power company or telephones just do not exist. -3- There are many reasons why radio waves don't "con.nect". We ' discussed being off fr;equency and the frequencies that are i best to use at different times of the day in the previous paragraphs. Another common problem is that the radio has been connected to the :power supply backwards. Not only will the radio not work, but it will blow fuses, or it could blow up transistors and become a very expensive mistake. Be careful!!! Not having the antenna set up correctly is another .. common problem. We will cover how to set up your antenna in the next chapter. Weak power supplies also will cause you problems. All of these are human error, and if you are experiencing a problem check these areas first. Another common error we run into is that the operator has not allowed the radio to warm up before trying to transmit. This can result in garbled communications bec·ause a radio that has not been allowed to warm up is not transmitting on r l_ the proper frequency. Allow the radio to warm up for at (_ least 15 minuted before trying to transmit. It will work much better and you won't_ get nasty letters from the FCC about broadcasting off frequency. Since radio waves are an electro-magnetic wave any elec- trical or magnetic disturbance in the atmosphere can really louse _ up communications. Sun spots or solar flares_, meteors, electrical storms, northern lights activity, comets, all of these things can foul up radio transmission, and sometime~ for days. Our operators swear that cloud covers sometimes help communications, although it isn't supposed to _IJt.Q.ke a difference. Normally when you are experiencing difficulty in transmis- sion you will not hear other transmissions taking place over the air, or if you do, they are obviously not -4- successful. In other words, if communications are down~ they are down for everybody. If you do hear communications taking . place and you are not able to g~t. thr~ugh, check your artterina "location and attachment, powei= supply strength and at~achment, your microphone attachm~nt~ and your fuses, and if . all is well there, you could have ~a radio problem. . 1 This happens infrequently, but if it doesj you have to get the thing in for repairs& We cover that in the last chapter. This doesn't cover all the -contingencies, but from our experience these are the problems that we run into most often, I hope · this chapter answers some of your questions, and gives some insight into how the radio works, and ·how to handle problems that might come up. -5- (_ HOW TO SET YOUR RADIO AND ANTENNA UP FOR USE We discussed allowing your radio to warm up in the. last chapter. Don't forget.... at least 15 minutes. The best possible set up is never to turn off the radio at all, but this is not usually possible when you are out in the bush. You do need a CONSTANT SOURCE OF POWER. A gasoline or diesel generator is not the best source of power to connect directly to the radio because they tend to be off frequency and create power surges. These power surges will blow your fuses, or worse yet the transistors, and the radio won't work. The best and most efficient arrangement is to hook up a 6 amp minimum, automatic battery charger to the generator, attach a designated type of battery or batteries to the charger, and the radio to the batteries. This will give you the constant power you need. The second best, and more temporary and portable solution is just to use alkaline or lead acid batteries only, depending on the make, model and type of radio you are using. The technician that delivers the radio to you should tell you which type of power source the radio needs. Another very im~ortant point is to· make sure you know which terminal is positive and which is negative on your radio. This may sound like a simple thing to ask about, but these. are not always marked clearly, and hooking up a radio backwards can really_ put it out of commission quickly and permanently. We fix. at least a dozen radios that have been hooked up backward every season. This is a common mistake, and a very inconvenient and expensive one. Pay Attention!!!!! Your antenna should be set up as the page following this chapter. -6- per the illustration The ideal height is on so C. feet, but when you are out in the, bush you can't always find SO foot trees. The min-imum height you should use is 20 i feet. 30 fe:et. is ".better, 40 feet be;tter yet,. and SO is the ! ~ ,. best, but 20 will work. Do the best you can. The antenna should be ~et up in a straight a line; .as possible..... or as straightj a line as you can create under bush conditions. The rule is: that the antenna should be at 90 degree angles, or crosswise from the direction that you wish to transmit toward, however this is only really important at heights that are greater than the ones we are talking about here. It still will help a little, but isn't as critical. Get it as high as you can, up to SO feet, and in as straight a line as possible, and it will work. More important than the direction of broadcast is to set up the antenna at right angles to any power lines in the area to reduce the electric noise coupled into the antenna. The length of the antenna varies with the frequency or frequencies that the antenna is built to utilize. Our three frequency antennas for 3201, Sl67. S and 8070 are 110 feet long. A single frequency antenna or antennas that operate on other than these frequencies can range from about 60 feet to~ 190 feet long. If you are out in the bush, you usually will use trees to mount your antenna on, so the length isn't that important, but before you build a perma- nent structure to use as a mount, be sure to check the length of the antenna that you will be using. We will be discussing our frequencies which are used by Trident only in a later chapter. These are 5134. S/5370 and 3362/3238. Our standard 110 foot antenna will work for these frequenc:ies as well as the Alaska Public Fixed Freq- uencies which are 3201, 5167.S and 8070. However .... if you have the aeronautical enroute frequency, (which is 3449), -7- (': (_' or one of the marine frequencies on your radio, you will need separate antennas for them. Just as an after thought, REMEMBER TO TURN THE RADIO OFF BEFORE CONNECTING OR DISCONNECTING ANY POWER SOURCES!!! -8- ' HOW YOUR ANTENNA SHOULD LOOK WHEN ERECTED Y' ~----------------------------LENGTH------------~------------~ ~~ (_) r HEIGHT l \_; I 0'1 I c c~ HOW TO USE THE RADIO CONTROLS PROPERLY. -:Now that you have wres~led with the antenna, set up your power source, and allow~d the radio to warm up, you are ready to transmit. You Iitust "KEY" the microphone, ("mike") j to talk, that is, push the button on it IN to talk, and let it OUT to listen. Hold the mike about 4 inches from the lips and speak in a clear, nor.mal voice. Do not shout into the mike, as this will result in a garbled communication and loss of clarity. (Not to speak of what it does to the ears of the poor pe~son on the other end.) All radios have some or all of the following ~ontrols on the face plate. The technician or salesperson that. delivers your radio to you should go over your particul-ar model with you, but the following will give you an idea of what the different types of dials or buttons are and what they do. The ON/OFF or POWER switch or button has an obivious func- tion. Some radios combine this switch with another dial or switch such as VOLUME or CHANNEL SELECTOR. Your salesperson will point this out. I The · CHANNEL SELECTOR switch selects which channel you want to be on. Different radios have different channel capacities that range anywhere from one to twenty or more. Each frequency is assigned to a specific channel, and should be marked on a channel selec~or plaquet on the front of the radio. Again your technician or salesperson will help you. VOLUME or LOUDNESS control is another one with a pretty obvious function. -10- SQUELCH modifiys the noise coming in over the air. Too much SQUELCH interferes with communication and as a general rule should be left OFF. CLARITY or CLARIFIER is the control that will help when a communication sounds distorted or garbled. Some radios have a SPEAKER/PHONE -switch. This switch causes the noise the radio makes to be channeled either to the loudspeaker or to th~ headphones, depending on the position the switch is in. The "VOLUME CONTROL" should be left at mi'd-range and the "SQUELCH" button or dial should be left OFF, since loud volume :iecreases clarity and the Squelch can interfere with ( your hearing any weak communications that are directed at .....__/ you. The "CLARIFIER" control will help you out if the person that is transmitting to you sounds like Mickey Mouse, or Donald Duck. I may have missed some of the controls on your particular radio, but these are the important ones that you will use. Once agai.n, when you pick up your particular radio, ~he technician or salesperson should go over all the features of your specific make and model with you. This list should help you to remember the most important ones, and what to use t_hem for. -11- ...-,.~::.~·l\''i~t---· . ·.:-·• SOME NOTES ON GOOD RADIO MANNERS · The two bigg}!st cpmplaints use radios ~11 the time we seem to hear from people who are about' people who spend an inordinate a.fnount of time gabbing about nothing over the air, and pepple who continually "walk on", or interrupt other transmissions that are taking place. First we '11 cover the amount of time spent on the air. There is a·n FCC regulation that states that the radio is not to be used for "superfluous or frivilous conversation", and it (the regulation) also limits the amount of time spent on each call, and the number of calls allowed each call sign within a 24 hour period. This rule is not often enforced, unless the station REALLY abuses the privilege, and infringes on the rigHts of other users. We here at r·. Trident try to limit calls to six minutes or less, and try ......._ __ _ ( to discourage· people from calling thier wives, sweethearts, mothers, husbands and friends just to gab and pass the time of day. Aside from the fact that you are preventing people from using the frequency who might need to. make important calls, you are being list~ned.to by hundreds of people who really aren • t interested in Old Charlie's lumbago, and/or Nina's sweet/ugly new baby/boyfriend or affair with the postman. Try to keep your calls as businesslike as possible, and again, under six minutes. If you have a grocery list or parts order that you know will take longer than the alloted time, make two calls, or wait till after hours when the radio is not so busy, such as after 9 at night. You can often give lists like these to a friend, and have them relay· the order, or reservations or whatever to the neces- sary people involved. This usually saves difficulty anyway, as . most clerks that answer phones don • t really know what is -12- (_ going on when they receive a radio phone patch. The second most common breach of etiquitte is-"walking on", or interrupting another transmission. I'f you are aware of another communication going on, do not iinterrupt unless it is ~ ·bona-fied emergency, and then on~y with the correct "buzz words". We will cover what is a l bona-fied emergency and what these words are in a later chapter. Wait till the a-ir is cleared, which will be signaled by both parties saying "Call sign, Clear", (like, ABC 21, Clear, followed by BCB 21, Clear). Then you race like mad to get your call in before someone else gets on the air. Sometimes a person does interrupt a transmission because they couldn • t hear the traffic going on. If you accidentally ~o interrupt someone, they will usually tell you to "Stand By for Traffic", which loosely translated means to shut up and wait till it's your turn. Once again let me remind you that people are listening to the conversations that go on over the air. This is a point that you should try never to forget. Don 1 t discuss things of a delicate or personal nature, don 1 t discuss bank ac- counts, credit card numbers, dollar Ifigures, and so on. If you want your business public that 1 s OK with us, but be warned that it will be public if you broadcast it over the air, and we are not take responsiblili ty for charges made to credit cards, etc., whose numbers have been broadcasted. If you want to guarantee payments to a credit card number, call on a land line and give the operator the credit card number and the OK to use it, and she will give the party that should have it the information after you have cleared the air. Our operators are bondable, and your information is secure with us. (_ On the subject of confidential information, we will not give out any information about you, neither ;will we give you information on anyone else. Please do not aiscuss other customers affairs on the air with our operato~s, and don't gossip. As I said before, hundreds of other p~ople are out there listening. Most good manners are just common sense and consideration of the rights and feelings of others. Follow a few simple guidelines, and you will remain on good terms with your neighbors and our operators. -14- CORRECT TERMINOLOGY TO USE WHILE ON THE AIR This· is a brief glossary of terms you'll use over the air. )Rememb~r~ NEVER· to use CB jargon, , such as 10-4, Breaker, and ,so on. "ROGER" means yes, or OK. "AFFIRMATIVE" means yes, or OK. "NEGATIVE", or "THAT'S A NEGATIVE" means no. "DO YOU COPY" or "HOW DO YOU COPY" means how can you hear me, or how well can you hear me. "TRAFFIC" is a term used to describe the transmissions. going on at the time, or, Is there much traffic today?" would mean has there been broadcasting going on, or not. "STAND BY" means hold on, or wait till you are called BY YOUR CALL SIGN for a resumption of tran~missi-on. Other stations are permitted to transmit while a :stat ion is on stand by. This means that you ·are not finished with your transmission, but are temporarily off the air. This is used when you have to get paper, numbers, and so forth. "SAY AGAIN" means to repeat what you just said. "OVER" should be said at the end of a transmitted phrase to signal the operator and the other party that you are finished speaking and are waiting for a response. Not all radio operators use this phrase, but it is good practice. c· "GO AHEAD" is sometimes used instead of over. "CLEAR", preceeded by your call letters, such as ABC 21, Clear, means that you are finished with your ' transmission, and are clearing the air for others use. "1 BY 1, 2 BY 2, 3 BY 3, 4 BY 4, and 5 BY 5" or ~ny combination of the preceeding numbers is the way ito communicate the quality o.f the transmission you are receiving or __ sending. One (1) is the worst, or totally unreadable, and five (5) is the best, -or very clear. The first number given represents the loudness of the communication, the second number represents the clarity. For instance, if a communication is loud, but garbled, it should be classified as a 5 by 3. When. someone asks you "How do you copy", or "How do ·you read. me 11 , you should answer with the numbers that give the caller the best indication as to how they are transmitting. This is also the· way our operators will communicate to you how you are transmitting when you call for radio checks, or if you are having trouble with a transmission. In cases of 1 X 1 or 2 X 2 transmission, you usually should try again later. "SIGNALS ARE DOWN" means that for some or all of the reasons described in the first chapter, that radio transmission is lousy that day, forget about being understood. -16- c :PROCEEDURES FOR RADIO TRANSMISSION ,OR HOW TO MAKE A RADIO CALL The corre·ct form for calling 4nother station is "Call sign, ~ ~ . this is Call Sign. (Such as, :ABC 21 this is BCB 23. ) 'This can be repeated three times over the air at 10 second intervals, and· at that point, if you havn' t received an answer, you must clear the air. You do this by saying, "Negative Contact, Call Sign Clear, or just Call Sign, Clear, (such as, Negative Contact, ABC 21, Clear, or ABC 21, Clear. ) If the station you are callfng is monitering the radio, and wants to talk to you, they will answer you by saying Call sign, this is Call Sign, Go Ahead Please, (such as ABC 21, this is BCB 23$ Go Ahead Please). At this point you can go on with your communication, say what you have to say, and clear the air. You clear the air by saying Call Sign, Clear, (or ABC 21, Clear,) and are answered by the other call sign saying Their Call sign, Clear, (or BCB 23, Clear.) Always remember to use YOUR ENTIRE CALL SIGN, AND NOT JUST A PORTION OF IT. Using just your letters, as some people have been known to do will get you a violation ~etter from the FCC really fast. If you need to interrupt a communication that is in progress for some reason, such as to find a number or get something you need, do so by saying Cal leg Call Sign, Stand By. (.For instance, if your call sign is ABC 21, and you were talking to BCB 23, you should say BCB 23, Stand By, and BCB 23 should answer by saying BCB 23, Standing By). After a stand by, you must re-call the station you were talking to in the same manner that you would use to call a new station. -17- (_i Remember to use both of the call signs in thier entirity. Other stations are allowed to broadcast while a 'station is on· stand by, so if you; retu~n and find the ai!r waves in . use, just .wait till the station transmitting has cleared, then continue your transmission. -18- WHAT IS AN EMERGENCY, AND WHAT TO DO This is a difficult chapter to write, because in most emergency cases your own judgement is what determines the. action to take. I'll try to define a true emergency, and to, explain what the normal procedures are. You have to take it from there. According to the FCC, a true emergency is "a situation that imminently endangers the safety of life and/or property". This rather broad definition covers aircraft that are lost, missing, crashed or in trouble, boats lost, missing or in trouble, lost or missing persons, crimes, or medical emergen- cies such as heart attack, bur~s, excessive bleeding, appendi- citus, broken bones, athasma attacks, and so on. A person that is already dead is not an emergency. They feel, and rightly so, that there is nothing more that can be done for them. The FCC frowns on people that use an "emergency" signal to get through when it is not really a bona-fied emergengy. A wife, husband or girl friend that is not home at 11 o • clock when someone trys to reach him or her is not an emergency. Neither is a hunter or fisherman that is weathered in out in the bush and needs to call his office and cancel a business . --meeting on Monday morning. A crime is defined as some nut shooting up the streets of Kotzebue, or someone holding hostages, or things of that type. There are some terms to use on the air when an emergency situation is taking place. The use of these terms will cease -19- any radio transmission that is going on at the moment, so that the emerg~ncy can be broadcasted, and resolved. These terms are as follows: Distress Signal MAYDAY MAYDAY is the most familliar emergency term to us all because. of all those 1940's war movies. The FCC definition of a MAYDAY communication is that it is to be used only in cases where there is immediate danger of loss of life and/or property. MAYDAY takes priority over all other communications. Urgency Signal PAN PAN is used when the saf~ty of life and /or property is in jeopardy. PAN takes priority over all communications except 'MAYDAY. Safety Signal SECURITY SECURITY is used mainly by the coast guard for messages concerning the safety of navigation or giving metorological bulletins and warnings. The proceedure to follow is to clear the air, and stay off, unless you can provide additional and helpful information, or if you can pass along an unclear transmission. This includes things such as sightings of the plane or boat in question and the location, or as I said, relaying' an unclear transmission. If you can't help, keep quiet. When the emergency has been resolved, that is, some action taken, communications will begin again. -20- The people that will help. you in emergency situations are the Search and Rescue People, The State Police, Flight I Service, and in some cases the Coast Guard. You should try to have the numbers of these agenci~s posted near your radio in case of a problem. All o~ the Agencies work closely together in emergency situations and if you should call the wrong one to help you with yo.ur problem they will set you aright very quickly. They are very efficient, and have solved alot of problems in the past with remarkable • <{':"" speed and dexterity. These people know what they are doing • . Give them all the information you have, and let them do thier work. If there is anything that can possibly be done they will do it. Once again, DO NOT USE "EMERGENCY" FOR ANYTHING BUT A BONA-FIED EMERGENCY AND ABOVE ALL ••••••• DON'T PANIC !!!!! -21- ( SOME FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS Here is a VERY brief summary of the things you need to know to prevent getting in trouble with ~the FCC. They DO moniter the airwaves, and the DO send out qotices of violations and fines. PAY ATTENTION!!! There are several frequencies avai~·able for use in Alaska. The most co~~on are 3201, 5167.5, 8070, 3449, 547~, and a bunch of them for boats. Our OWN frequency is 5134.5/5370. All of these have special licensing and useage rules applicable, and to cover· it all would (DOES) fill a LARGE book. I'll cover the most important ones here. 3201, 5167.5 and 8070 are the frequencies used for public communication. They are open to everyone, and the restrictions (briefly) are as follows: 1. 3201 may be used at any time, and at any distance. 2. 516 7. 5 may only be used between the hours of 6:OOAM and 9:00PM (2100 hours), and only with distances of 50 miles between transmitter and receiver. 3. 8070 is only useable for the same hours,. and only at distances of 200 Miles between users. 4. Calls should be kept to 6 minutes, and not more than 5 a day. This is not a commonly enforced rule, but if someone abuses the air, we will all have problems. 5. "Superflouos and Frivilous" conversation is not allowed. 6. Obscene Language is not permitted. 7. You may NOT speak to boats or planes on the above noted frequencies unless there is an emergency 8. During Daylight Savings Time Months the hours of useage change to 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM.· 3449 and 5472 are the aeronautical en-route frequencies. These ar.e used to talk to planes~ but only from the ground. You may ·not talk from plane to plane on these fr~quencies. You. also may not talk from one station to another on. the g~ound on these frequencies. The marine frequencies are too numerous to mention. You may not talk to boats at all over any of the above mentioned frequencies. If you need to talk to a boat, you have ·to patch a phone call to a marine operator, and let her ·handle it. Most Alaska call signs have three letters and two numbers. Some Government issued call signs have three letters and three numbers, but there aren't too many of these. Planes have some numbers (no specific format) and 1 letter, preceeded by "N". Planes use the number on the tail as a call sign. Boats are not uniform, but usually have three letters and four numbers. This as sometimes how you can tell who you are talking to· and who NOT to talk to. I know this is rather vague, but it's the best we can do. Our frequency is 5134.5/5370, and according to the FCC it is now illegal to make phone patches on 516 7 or the others. This is why we have our own. This will be for phone calls_ only. The FCC really yells if your radio is not operating on frequency. Be sure to have your radio checked once a year for this. You are supposed to keep a log of all calls ·including the -.. . ··-..:.·-~'~~-·· Time, Date, Frequency Used, Your Call Sign Thier Call Sign, and approximate content of the conversation. You also need to have a FCC license (personal), which we can ~~ve you a form for, and station license, which should ; be posted near the radio at all times. If you should get a violation from the FCC, it usua~ly needs answering in writing within 10 days. Failure to do.so results in losses of license, fines and thunde~bolts. As I said before, this is VERY brief, but I think you get the idea. If you have any problems, call us and we'll help you straighten it out if we can. According to the FCC. you should also have a copy of the FCC· Rules and Regulations, Part 81, near the radio, and a copy of FCC Form 1079 attached to your lisence. You can obtain the FCC part 81 from the FCC, Form 1079 you can get from us if you need one. -24- (~ . HOW TO CONTACT US VIA PHONE OR RADIO, HELPFUL-HINTS AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES WE OFFER, AND HOURS OF OPERATION Trident has two telephone lines into the .radio room. One is a message line only, the other is the phone patch line. The message line is for the times that people may want a call sign to get a message, but do not need to talk to anyone at the call ;:;ign directly. The operator will take the message and deliver it to the call sign as soon as contact with the call sign is made. The other line is the phone patch line, -and should be called when someone desires to contact a call sign directly. Our customers should try to make sure that all the people that will be trying to contact them at thier call signs have the correct call sign, and the name of th~ camp, such as ABC 21, Lake Lovely. This will expidite c·-service and make everyone involved more popular with our operators. Our customers should also try to make the people who might be calling them aware that the radio is not the same as a telephone, and if the call sign at camp is not monitoring the frequency, they can't be reached, and the operator can do nothing except take a message. This is difficult for many people to understand, especially if they hav.e never heard of a Single Side Band Radio. c Our two telephone numbers are as follows: Message Phone 9~?-345-1140 Patch Phone 907-345-1160 We also have a business office phone. It is in a different building and cannot be used for messages or phone patches. This is the place to call for information, prices, repairs, _.,c;_ and questions about your bills and/or service. This number is as follows: Business Office 907-345-1170 The way to call TRIDENT oyer the air is WKD 22, Anchorage. This is our call sign. 'Just follow the instructions on mapual· pages 17 ·& 18, using' this call sign and your own, and we will answer you! SOME HELPFUL HINTS ON GETTING ALONG WITH OUR OPERATORS I ' 11 try to give you some helpful tips on protocol within our organization and how to save yourself and your callers some time and money. Most of this information is meant to be directed at people calling on the phone, and we encourage our customers to pass it along to the people who will be calling them. Try to remember that our operators are trained to give the radio first priority over the phones. If someone calls and there is a radio transmission taking place, they will be asked to hold. Often they will be left holding while uhe operator takes information from several different call on the caller signs on the they are explain this to your callers. air. He or she is not picking following instructions. Please Our operators are instructed to inquire if the caller i.; calling long distance. Unfortunately they sometimes forget, and if you could spend an hour or so in the radio room on a busy day you would understand why. If someone is calling long distance I suggest that you tell them to inform the operator of that fact quickly, and then to tell him or her which call sign they are trying to contact, and leave a -26- r\ '---. number where they can be reached so that he or she can ge~ back to ·them when their turn comes up. This is much cheaper and less frustrating than . holding on a lo.ng distance line. Another .thing to remember is that you sha,re air space with the entire State. ,of Alaska. Only one. cor;ununication· can· take place at a time on any (requency •••• sort of like your phone •••• when· it 1 s busy nobody else c~n get through. The problem . is that there are·n 1 t nearly ·as many ·,available frequencies. as phone. lines, so while several thousand people can call into Anchorage at the same time by phone, only· a few can use the radio frequencies that exsist. :There is often a wait during the summer months for communications to go .through ... Not ·Only does the operator have to answer the. radio calls and ·telephone calls, he or she has to take messages, deliver messages, make phone calis, keep ; a'· log and keep it all straight besides. · While the operators· ·are doing this juggling ·act, they are often keeping track of 10 or 15 calls waiting ahead of yours, so try to be patient and tell your callers· to do the same. A 45 minute wait for communications is not uncommon during the summer months. Just keep cool. Another thing that is helpful to our operators is for the people calling in on the radio to have the phone numbers that they wish to call. The operators have thier hands full with the phones and the radio •..• they will look up a number for you, or assist you in any way they can, but try to be considerate of their time. We get a lot of good feedback and compliments on most of our operators most of the time. We feel that they all do a good and necessary job, but even they have bad days and -11- once in a while they make a mistake. If you have a complaint or pro~le,m we can't help you if we don't know about it. Please ·l~t us kn<?W immediately if you encounter any difficulties with our service. On thing we DO ask is that you make your complaints known to Jack or Virginia by land line or by mail. ••• not on the air, and please discuss complaints with us and not our operators. This saves lots of confusion. I assure you tha~_we will do whatever we can to solve any difficulties that come up. Virginia hand opens all the mail... all you have to do is jot a note on your monthly statement and when we get your payment, she will see it, and reply. Speaking of billing, we bf..ll on the ·15th of the previous month for our monthly services. In other words, you will be billed on the 15th of July for August's phone patch service, and we bill twice a month, on the 1st and 15th for any repairs done to your radio during t;.hat period. All of our billing is due within 30 days. Following this chapter is a short, rough summary on our charges, and what they mean. We also ask that you supply us with ·a credit card number or a third party billing number so we can charge any long distance charges to it. In the event that there is a mistake made and a long distance call is charged to our phone, it will be passed on to you on your monthly statement labeled LD CHGS. We hold the customer responsible for informing us·-whep they wish to interrupt their servi~e, and will continue to charge our monthly service charges as agreed upon until we are notified differently. Associated Services Trident offers a com?lete line of communications materials -28- and services. We s~ll, service, install and in some cases manufacture, as well as offer consulting and engineering services. If you have any communications _problems or questions, call us. If we can't help you solve it ourselves, we probably will know who else will be able to help. HOURS OF OPERATION Our hours of operation are as follows: 6 AM through 12 Midnight, Seven Days A Week Thanksgiving and Christmas day are the only days of the year that we are closed completely so that our employees may spend these hofidays with their families. On these two days we close at 9 PM the night before, and re-open at 7 AM r-the day after. "--·· I hope we have covered most of the questions that you have, and most of the information that you need to operate a radio in the bush. If there is anything we forgot or failed to cover, or any additional questions that you may have, ~ please don't" hesitate to contact us here at Trident. It is our wish that you enjoy the best communications services possible and we try to ensure that for all our customers. (, APPENDIX 9 ADULT ANADROMOUS FISHERIES STUDIES First Aid and Safety .,.. ~:--. . ... ·-'\":~- . ;; ..... In Alaska.··--------------------------~----------------- Think before you drink 1\"1 Called "bec:kpKkCt'"l dlt<eeM." "beaver fever." ot gtardt.ala. and eech ,...., .n lncrcatlnt number of wlldcmcu trawlers Mllfct' from Ita unpluMnt aymptoma. Before you quench your thklt from a eke.,. Alaska .. ,..m. consldet ttw following lnfcw· mat~ ebotA the~ WnbCI l*'••lte-Met how ·~ ..-old k. What Is giardiasis? ~ &.mbll. It found worlctwldc end It the moM commOnty reported hutMft W.atm.l perultc In the United St.tu. Although the cy'lt CMI be tr.nwnkted on food and from perton to penon. Ita most frequent transmlulon Is through aurf.cc watet thee It cltiM:r untreeted Of ~ely treated. In treated watct. eltMt lfMdc.qullte chloriNtlon ot Uective nlten or both Mvc been responsible for large outbraks of the dlseate n.t&onwklc. What are the symptoms? Abdominal bloetlno. cr.mps. uatllw ou. diarrhea and a v~w fecllno of phyak:al diKOm- fort ale typlall. The lncubaUon period alter Inges- ting the C)'ltS Is OM lo four wceka with 1ft aver~ oliO to 14 doyL If you ...... ...,. comblnotlon ollho-oymp- toms, espcdolly II !hey.-..... Joneer ............ cloys.-should-your physlclon end ....... don the poulblllty of ga.rdiNit 10 that .. proptlatc tnta can be done. [)Mgnoslt Ia confirmed by atool caeminalfon • How do you contract the disease? FoUow-up on,...,., cua 1ft IOuthccntrel Ala.U te¥talecl thet the vlctlma heel consumed ~M~~rHted ""'.,: ;::::.~ ~c!.:'~'l:.~ltlpL ctudlng ........... """wtlcl """domestic ........... 8eevtfl Hem pertkulatty aueceptlble IO <:iWd. Wectlona and carry IMgoe numbers of cytta In their lnlc.tlnet. The reca of airier enlmlils (Oftlak\Cpta whktl Hwc outalde: the hoM. The cysta rc.ch water ckalneee systems either by direct dcpollta"lnto ;.~er~a ~-c .. c with beaven. or Indirectly by Cil.rdl .. ls la u.swllr puacd between tMMnens u • rault or pooc' Mnllary practkct. Young chUdrcn wbo become Wected INI)' rtfnfc<t them.clves or other&. Typlcallr • chUd ,., neotect to walla lhdr h.enda .tter • bowel mcwemcnc. Later thdr Rnoers rcochlhelt mouths while ... lng., playing. ,..,_ troduclng the cysts Into thdr lntntinota. lMH who hondle bobln """ chong< d._.. IUCh u d.ri care workers. mutt. al10 be cavUoUI :::c-.;:.shlng their t..nd:l to aYOid pau(ng cyata :C_l "·"'·:';.~-· ;~-,~~:.·:··~~~:~;~~~,_~t!$.! Treatment-------------------------------------- ,~ .... ,. rre•'mef!l for humans inotolves use of propetly prescribed drugs for KWn to ten days. The drugs m.r produce side effecta. end care muse be obacrved In their use by pregnant women and possibly od\erL Treatment should be pres-cribed by a doctor. There Is a catch to the treatment of this unplea· Mnt disease. From 857. to 90~ of patients are cured with one course of medication. The 10"' to 15"' who are not must lake • second course of treatment. Whenevet possible. people in the out-of-doors should carry drinking water of known purity with them. When this Is not pracdcal. and water from streams. lakes, ponds, and ocher outdoor sources must be used. time should be taken to disinfect the water before drinking it. Bolllng E.cept for municip.l water treatment methods th.t include adequate fillratlon. boiling Is the only te<:hnlque th.t can be recommended with com- plele confidence for eliminating G.rdla In water. Botllng fOI one minUte Is adeqU.te to kill CiUa'diL rr ocher upstream contamination Is suspected (from placn of hum.n h.bltatlon. sewage outfalls. etc.). the water should be boiled for 20 minutes. · Chlorine or Iodine disinfection Ahhough bolling Is the most reliable method of disinfection. k b rec:ognhed that bolllng drinking water Ia noc pt"actkal under many clrcumatancn. Therefore, when one cannot boll water. c;hemkal disinfectants s.uch as Sodine or chlorine thould be used. This will provide a l.arge degree of protectk»n agalnK ~ M\d will destroy mott becterla and viruses th.t cavte lllneu. Tbc cffectlvesneu of chlorine and Iodine against O..n:IM Na b«n studled by researcher'~ M lhe Unlveraltr ol .Oregon. They hevt! shown thM chlo- rine and kldlnc can be: effective ag.lrut CiiMdUa cysts under certain clrcumstancu. .The cffectlveneu de- creases as water gets colder. Cloudy or turbid water abo decreases the effecthocneu of chlodne and iodine, To counleract thae effects. the contact time (holding time) after the disinfectant Is added should be Increased. Below are Instructions for dltlnfectlng water using household tincture of Iodine or chlorine bleach. H water is vialbl)' dirty. It should Rrst be strained through a clean cloth Into a container to reo move any sediment or fkNtlng matter. Then the water should be treated u rolktws: Chlorine Household liquid chlorine bluch (Cioroa. Purcx. etc~) utually has .. ,. to 5"' available chlo- rine. Read the label to find the percentage ol chlo- rine In the solution. Chlorine tablets (Ha&.1one) are also available at rnanr dNg stores. Mix lhot~hly by stirring or shaking water In container and let stand for JO minutes. For chlorine tablet.&. contact time begins aftC1' tablets have dluolved.. Be ture ~ cap thre.da of your water container rteelve disinfected water for the approptlate contact tlrne. The water shoukl have a slight chlorine odor aftC1' ltancflng. If not. repeat the doscagc and Jet .t.,-.d for an additional JO ·minutes before using. ~'"._,COftt.Kt u ~-o.os ... u T~nw •.................... ~·~} 4-6(~Mt.ch, ••. ~~·.:::·.::::. ·~ 7·10 .. • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • . .•.••••• z 4rops )0 ~. U..-". •..•..................•• lOtkopt. " ... -•.•..............•.....•. ,,a.tttftl Note: Very cold or turl>d MMt~ will ~prolong· N contKf lime'. Ld M tlMNl LIP lo ~M hours « ....... .,.,..,,...._ _:__ ____ ._:_ __ .. _ .. ,_..:__. __ · . __ :_ __ , _ _,~·-:......~~;:-· Iodine ~-;,, of iodine from the medicine chat or first •14 "-lt can be used to trut. water. foc;llne disinfecting tablets are alto a¥allable. Mia thoroughly by Mirrlng or shaking water In con- 141incr end Jet stand for JO minutes.. For iodine tablets, contact time begins after t.a,lds Nvc dis.solved. Be sur~ Krew cap threads of JOUf water container receive disinfected water fOf the ap- propriate contact time. To..ct...,eoflodkw(Z7.1 ••.•.. ~-~· ~.,ot ....... C~etc.a. ··········-} ,. __ . .••• 2~ tlofe: Vvy cold M Curl>ld W.l~ wflt ~ pt'Oiong- ftl conl«t line. Ld gMWI'&.p lo ~M hocn or -.might. Water filters Portable Rltratlon de<ric:es whkh arc effective against Q.rdl.l ar~ those with pore Illes less t"'-n Rw mk:romders(one mkrometer Ia one mUUonth of a meter). Water prt:UUte will be requlr~ to u-.e f11ten with pore openings of this size. Water filters contaln- M\g resins or ectlvated carbon gra('ulcs without mk:rofllten with pore &ltes less_ . than fiw micrometers wilt probably not Riter out Giardia cysts. --~ ~c--. _,___ __ ,. (_ Cp4.:·, __ R~-~--~ ·-.. . .. In Basic life Support For Cardiac Arrest I I The most comrrcn signal of a heart attack is: ~uncomfortabie pressure. squeezing. fullness or pain in the center of the chest behind the breastbone. Other signals may be: Ci2 sweating ~nausea E:::l shortness of breath. or ~a feeling of weakness Sometimes these signals subside and retum. After you have completed the training coursa in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). you will want to keep this leaflet as a review of what ydu hove learned until you take your next refresher course. There are many causes of sudden death: poisoning. drowning. suffocation. choking, electrocution and smoke inhalation. But the most common cause is heart attack. Everyone should know the usual earfy signals of heart attock and have an emergency plan of action. < Basic CPR is a simple ~rocedure. as simple as A-B-C. Airway, Breathing and Circulolion.~ or~ Airway~-bhV" If you find a collapsed person. determine _if victim is conscious by shaking the shoulder and sh:>uting .. Are you all right! If no resi:>onse. shout for help. Then open the airway. If victim is not lying flat on his back. roll victim over. moving the entire body at one time as a total unit b open the victim's airway.lift up the neck (or chin) gently with one hand while pushing down on the forehead with the other to tilt head back. Once the airway is open. place your ear close to the victim's moufh: CR look -at the chest and stomach for movement. lSI Listen-for sounds of breathing. c= Feel-for breath on your cheek. If rone of these signs is present. victim is not brea1hing .. If opening the airway does not~ - the victim to begin to breathe spontaneously. you must provide rescue breathing. Brealhing . ~ The best way to provide resa.Je breathing is by using the moufh-tcrmouth technique. Take your hand that is on the victim's forehead and tum it so that you can pinch the victim's nose shut while keeping the heel of the hand in place to maintain head tilt. Your other hand should remain under the victim's neck (or chin). lifting up. Immediately give four quick. full breaths in rapid succession using the mouth-to-mouth method. I Check Pulse .4----- Atter giving the four quick breaths. locate the victim's carotid pulse to see it the heart is beating. 10 find the carotid artery. fake your hand .that isunderthevictim's neck and locate the voice tx>x. Slide the tips of your index and middle fingers info the groove beside the voice tx>x. Feel forfhe pulse. Cardiac arrest con be recognized by absent breathing and on absent pulse in the ca10tid artery in .the neck. If you cannot find the pulse. you must provide artificial circulation in addition to rescue breathing. Activate The Emergency Medical Services "System (EMSS) Send someone to call 911 or Your local Emergency Number Cardiac Compression _ Artificial circulation is provided by external (_cardiac compression. In effect when you apply rhyftmic pressure on the lower half of the-victim's breastbone. you ore forcing his· heart to pump blood b perform external carcfJOc compression properly. kneel at the "ictim's side near his chest. Locate the notch at the lowest portion of the sternum. Place the heel of one hand on the sternum 1v2 to 2 irr....hes atx>ve the notch._ Place your other hand on top of the one that is in position. Be sure 1o keep your fingers off the chest wall. You may find if easier to do this it you inter1ock l your fingers. Bring your sroulders directly over the victim's sferrun as you compress downward. keeping your arms straight Depress the siernum a tout 1% to 2 inches for on adult victim. Then relax pressure On the sternum -- completely. HJwever. do not remove your hands from the victim's stemum. but do allow the chest to return to its rormol position 2 • between compressions. Relaxation and compression should be of equal duration. If you are the only rescuer. you must p10vide both rescue breathing and cardiac compression. The proper ratio is 15 chest compressions to 2 quick breaths. You must · compress at the rote of 80 times per ·minute when you are working alone since you will stop compressions when you take time to breathe. . When there is another rescuer to help you. position yourselves on opposite sides of the victim it possible. One of you should be responsible for interposing a breath du~ng the relaxation after each fifth compression. The other rescuer. who compresses the chest. should use a rate of 60 compressbns per minute. RATIO OF COMPRESSIONS RATE OF RESCUERS TO BREATHS COMPRESSIONS ONE 15:2 80 times/min. TWO 5:1 60 times/min. For lnfanis cndSmail Children Basic life support for infants and small children is similar to that for adults. A few imp:)rtant differences to remember are given below. Airway _ Be careful when handling an infant that you do not exaggerate the backward p:)sition of the head tilt. An infanr s neck is so pliable that forceful backward tilting might block · breathing passages instead of opening them. Breathing Don't try to pinch off the nose. Cover both the mouth and nose of an infant or smell child who is not breathing. Use small breaths with less volume to inflate the lungs. Give one small breath every three seconds. ----~ ----~- ·c·.-.'. ' ' Check Pulse The absence of a pulse may be more easily determined by feeling over the left nipple. Circulation The technique for cardiac 80mpression is different for infants and small children. In both cases. only one hand is used tor compression. The other hand may be slipped under the ; child to provide a firm support for his back. , For infants. use only the fips of the index and middle fmgers to compress the chest at mid-sternum. Depress the sternum between V:z to ¥.1 inch at a fast rate of 80 to 100 times a minute. For ~II children. use only the heel of one hand to cnmpress the chest. Depress the sternUm between "¥4 and 1Y:z inches. · depending upon the size of the child. The rate should be 80 to 100 times per minute. In the case of l:x::>th infants and smaii children. breaths should be administered during the relaxation after every fifth chest compression. Partol Hand Depress Role of Hond Position Sternum Compren.lon INFANTS lips ot roe.: md-slerrun Y..b~ 60b'OJ crdmi:XIe nch permnute f.ngers CHilDREN heelottold mid-~errun :v. b lY.. 80bi00 inches permirute Neck Injury If you suspect the victim has suffered a neck injury. you m.Jst not open the airway in the , usual manner. If the victim is injured in a diving or automobile accident. you should consider the possibility of such 9 neck injury. In these cases. the airway should be opened by using a modified jaw thrust. keeping the . victim's head in a fiXed. neutral position. 3 " -Chokir.g ~ The mgency of choking cannot be over- emphasized. Immediate recognition and proper action are essentiaL If the vic1im has good air exchange. or only partial cbstruction. and is still able to speak or cough effectively. do not interfere with his attemots to·exoel o foreign bodv. When you recognize complete airway obstruction by observing the conscious victim~ inability to speak. breathe or cough. the following sequence should be perfOlTTled ·quickly on the victim in the sitting. standing or lying position: · a. 4 Back blows b. 4 Manual fhrus1s (abdominal or chest) c. Altemafe back blows and manual thrusts until effective. or the oerson become$ unconsdous · If the victim beComes unconscious. shout for help. Place him on his back. face up. Open the airway and attempt to ventilate. If., unsuccessful. deliver 4 back blows. 4 rncn.JCJI thru~s. probe the mouth with 1he f~nger and_ attempt to ventilate. It may be necessciY tO- repeat 1hese steps. BE PERSISTENT. Infants end Small Children To dislodge an objecf in the airway of a child. tum him upside down over one arm and deliver blows between nis shoulder blades. Other Causes of Airway Obstruction An adequate open airway must be maintained at all times in all unconscious patients. _ Other conditions which may cause unconsciousness and airway obStruction include: stroke. epilepsy. head injury. alcoholic intoxicafbn. drug overdose. diabetes. r.: 1. 1.> .. •e victim unconscious? 2. If so. srout for help. open the airway. and check for breathing . 3. If no br~thing. give 4 quick breaths 4. Check carotid pulse 5. Activate the EMSS: Send someone to call ""911"' or your local emergency number 6. If no pulse. begin extemol cardiac compression by depressing lower-half of the sternum l¥2 to 2 inches 7. Continue uninterrupted CPR until advanced life support is available CPR for ONE RESCUER: 15:2 ~pressions to breaths at a rate of 80 compressions a minute ( 4 cycles per minute) CPR for TWO RESCUERS: 5:1 compressions to breaths at a rate of tJJ compressions a minute Periodic practice in CPR is essential to insure C: fisfoctory level of proficiency. A life may rn ~upon row well you have re • n::;~ nbered the proper steps of CPR and how to apply them. You should be sure to hove tested both your skill and knowledge of CPR at least once a year. It could mean s::>I'TleOne's lite. t:mergency Medical . Ser~J3ces System (EMSS) Anv victim on wtx:m you begin resuscitation must be considered to need advanced life st.:pport. He or she will hove the best chance of surviving if your community has a total emergency medical services system. This includes on efficient communications alert system. such as 911. wi!b public awareness of how or where to call; well trained rescue person.'le! who con respond rapidly; vehicles that are prcperfy equipped; on emergency fccility tr.ot is open 24 hours a day to provide advanced life support; and an intensive core section in the hospital for the victims. You 4 "' should work with all interested agencies to achieve such a system. Signals and Actions For Survival Know the signals: an uncomfortable pressure. squeezing. fullness or pain in the center of the chest. behind the breastbone. which may spread to the shoulder. neck or arms (the pain may not be severe); other signals may include sweating. nausea. shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness. 1. Recognize the -signals"'. 2. Stop activity and sit or lie down. 3. If signals persist. call your local EMSS number. or if not available. go to the nearest rospifal emergency room which provides emergency cardiac . care. b activate your EMSS. call ______ _ Nearest Emergency Department: \)American Heart Association- N::.l~t.~n:-~1 C ~t-.--r• 7J:'U Cira:-n,·iiL.: .A't.-.u.: • n .. R.b... T n..:. 7~.!1 1 70 02X:: 11-n.v..r.M (_) June 9, 1982 Lt. Col. Jack G. Sautter Commanding Officer AAC/RCC Elmendorf Airforce Base Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Sir: .lAYS. HAMMOND. GOVERNOR Su Hydro ll.quati c Studies 2207 Spenard Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Several weeks ago I contacted members of your command regarding assistance and information that we may provide in the event personnel deployed along the Susitna River by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Aquatic Study Team would need your rescue services. Your subordinates suggested we provide your team with detailed maps showing the locations of our camps and the possible helicopter landing sites along with other information such as radio frequencies and the names and telephone numbers of Anchorage based persons that could act as guides on short notice. The maps which accompany this letter indicate the locations of camps and nearby potential helicopter landing sites. Radio frequencies monitored through 11 Trident Communications .. , a commercial company, are 5167.5 and 3201 mHz. Communication through the Fish and Game reserved frequency of 3230 mHz is also possible. Each camp is equipped with a single sideband radio. Anchorage based persons that could act as guides are: Tom Trent Bruce Barrett Susan Wick 344-6187 349-7138 276-4508 Each of our camps are equipped with aerial flares to guide pilots to landing sites in darkness or marginal light conditions. If you office could provide us with a reference number to draw attention to these maps it may save time in the event of emergency. I am hopeful that we will not require your services but want to ~e prepared in the event we do. Sincerely, ~~ Assistant Aquatic Studies Coordinator cc: T. Trent ----S . -~~1 c:-R - C> MEMORANDUM TO All AH Crew Leaders FROM: ~ Christopher Estes State of Alaska DATE FILE NO TELEPHONE NO: SUBJECT: ,July 26, 1982 03-82-7.10-.?..0 274-7583 . Aquatic Habitat and Project Leader Instream Flow Health and Welfare of Crew Members It is your responsibility to insure that your crew members are fully aware of health and safety practices (e.g. boiling water to prevent dysentary and kill giardia, what to do in a emergency, where first aid kits and fire extinguishers etc. are located, washing hands before preparing meals, etc.). More often than not, these obvious practices are ignored. With camps as large as they are, neglect of health practices can have serious ramificati~s if several employees were to become ill at the same time. On the same topic, you are all required to maintain a current copy of the Su Hydro Staff Telephone numbers at your home, including the radio call numbers for each field camp. Additionally, a. copy of staff and other emergency telephone numbers should be posted next to the Trident Radio at each camp. There can be no excuse for neglecting to implement these practices. cc: T. Trent L. Bartlett ll 'd.er"'c., t..s no/-'1~ D/' <lo ~ Ao Fj G-cf: '!..:_ 7 ~-J. -3 t.{ 3 7 ~7 7-;)..JJ/ 6-6--;} -;; 'I;;;. G ;d-6"1.;., ~.y 11um6er <'l 5S 'i"~~ J Jl6we~~ 41/ fJer'So~n~ h4-u-e b ~ ~n 'i'l¢-c/e. a~/I"C g ; f a.Y1d {..J~·; I k.n~ tVht> 4..,-,& t./hll.r-<. io rr;;.,c.l it ~heu.Jd fi/JFJ,?/su.H31d""o