HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4155pt107M eUed ol atte'ted fHt ~-dMed ~ in ~ 11~ ~~ ~a4in, ~ by Max L. Erickson Recreation Specialist Montana Department of Fish and Game TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 10 conducted by Water Resources Division Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation 32 So. Ewing Helena, MT 59601 Bob Anderson, Project ~1anager Peggy Todd and Dave Lambert, Editors for the Old West Regional Commission 228 Hedden Empire Building Billings, MT 59101 Kenneth A. Blackburn, Project Coordinator July 1977 1730 K Street, N-W- Suite 426 The Old West Regional Commission is a Federal-State partnership designed to solve regional . economic problems and stimulate orderly economic growth in the states of Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Established in 1912 under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, it is one of seven identical commissions throughout the country engaged in formulating and carrying out coordinated action plans lor regional economic development. COMMISSION MEMBERS State Cochairman Gov-Thomas L-Judge of Montana Alternate: Dean Hart Federal Cochairman George D-McCarthy State Members Gov-Edgar J_ Herschler of Wyoming Alternate: Steve F-Freudenthal Gov-J_ James Exon of Nebraska Alternate: Jon H_ Oberg Gov _ Arthur A_ Link of North Dakota Alternate: Woody Gagnon Gov. Richard F_ Kneip of South Dakota Alternate: Theodore R. Muenster COMMISSION OFFICES 201 Main Street Suite D Washington, D-C-20006 202/967-3491 Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 605/348-6310 Suite 228 Heddon-Empire Building Billings, Montana 59101 406/657-6665 i i FOREWORD The Old West Regional Commission wishes to express its appreciation for this report to the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and more specifically to those Department staff members who participated directly in the project and in preparation of various reports, to Dr. Kenneth A. Blackburn of the Commission staff who coordinated the project, and to the subcontractors who also participated. The Yellowstone Impact Study was one of the first major projects funded by the Commission that was directed at investigating the potential environmental impacts relating to energy develop- ment. The Commission is pleased to have been a part of this important research. George D. McCarthy Federal Cochairman FIGURES. TABLES . ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT. PREFACE ..... . The River .. The Conflict. The Study .. Acknowledgments INTRODUCTION Purpose Scope . Study Area. METHODS. . . . . Data Collection Usc of 0uestionnaires. She Comparison Data Boating Data River Stage. Impact Assessment EXISTING SITUATION . . Questionnaire Response. Pilot Study .... 1975-76 Summer Questionnaire Observed Use ....... . On-Ground Observations Aerial Observations .... Car Counter Data . . . . . Boating . . . . . . . . . . . . Boat Registration and Use. Boating Questionnaire. Boat Floats ..... . Recent Waterfowl Hunting .. Tributary Recreational Use. Powder River . Tongue River . . Bighorn River .. POTENTIAL RECREATION SITES and Results .• iv vi vii vii i 1 1 1 3 4 5 5 5 5 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 37 38 46 49 51 51 51 53 56 56 56 57 57 61 IMPACTS OF WATER WITHDRAWALS. Projections of Future Use Evaluation Criteria ... Shoreline Activities Water-based Activities Access ... Projected Impacts SUMMARY APPENDIXES A. Projections of Future Use ........ . B. Results of Spring 1975 Pilot Questionnaire. C. 1975-76 Summer Questionnaire and Results. D. Observed Use Form . . . . . . . . . . . E. 1975 Mail Survey_Boating Questionnaire. LITERATURE C !TED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 65 65 65 65 65 68 69 73 77 85 105 121 123 125 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Yellowstone River study sections . Yellowstone River section 1 Yellowstone River section 2 Yellowstone River section 3 Sauger fishing on the Yellowstone River near Forsyth, Montana, 1976 . . Yellowstone River section 4 Yellowstone River section 5 Sightseeing and picnicking along the Yellowstone River offer fine shoreline recreation ........ . 9. Swimming in the Yellowstone River near Reedpoint, Montana, 197 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Subsections used in aerial observations 11. 12. On Memorial Day, 1975 and 1976, large crowds were attracted to Intake Fishing Access for paddlefishing .... The Tongue River, showing 1975 Montana Department of Fish and Game mail survey fishing pressure sampling sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. The upper Bighorn River, showing location of study sections A, B, and C (from Stevenson 1975) 14. Potential recreation .......... . 15. Winningham Ranch shoreline, providing valuable access near Miles City and a natural boat landing ..... . 16. Motorized boating on the Yellowstone River faces severe projected impact ................... . 17. Percentage loss of navigable width in July and August in four sections of the mid-Yellowstone under the low, inter- mediate, and high levels of development ....... . 18. Limited Yellowstone River access near Worden, Montana, in 1975 ....................... . vi 7 14 19 24 25 28 31 41 42 47 51 58 59 ~ 63 62 66 67 68 1. Definition of sectional rating preferences (SRPs). 12 . 2. Observed recreational use by activity in section 1 38 3. Observed recreational use by activity in section 2 38 4. Observed recreational use by activity in section 3 39 5. Observed recreational use by activity in section 4 39 6. Observed recreational use by activity in section 5 39 7. Total observed recreational use for 1975 and 1976. 42 8. Relative importance of recreational activities within each section in 1975 and 1976 (%) . . . . . 43 9. Relative importance of each section to popular recreational activities . . . . . . . . . 44 10. Relative importance of recreational activities and sectional rating preferences (SRP), 1975-76. . . ....... 45 11. Aerial observations of recreational activities, August 8-December 5, 1975 ... 12. Tabulations of car counter data ........ . 13. Numbers of fishermen, hours fished, and numbers of fish caught at Intak~ during spring, 1975. 14. Boating mail survey 15. Mailed-in questionnaire. 16. Yellowtail Reservoir and Bighorn River fishing and boating use . . . . . . . . . . . ... 17. Numbers of duck and goose hunters, days,and average hunters per day. . . . . . 18. Tongue River recreational use data for 1975 and 1976 19. Impact assessment for section 1. 20. Impact assessment for section 2. 21. Impact assessment for section 3. 22. Impact assessment for section 4 23. Impact assessment for section 5 vii 46 49 50 52 54 .. . . . 55 56 57 69 70 70 71 71 af b/d cfs ft ha hm3/y IMN m mi km km2 mw mmaf /y rrmcfd rrmt/y SRP t/d acre-feet barrels per day cubic feet per second feet hectares cubic hectometers per year impact modification number meters miles kilometers square kilometers megawatts million acre-feet per year million cubic feet per day million tons per year sectional rating preference tons per day Viii THE RIVER The Yellowstone River Basin of southeastern Montana, northern Wyoming, and w~stern North Dakota encompasses approximately l80,000_krnl (71,000 s~uare milesl·92,200 (35,600) of them in Montana. Montana's port1on of the bas1n comprises 24 percent of the state's land; where the river crosses the border into North Dakota, it carries about 8.8 million acre-feet of water per year, 21 percent of the state's average annual outflow. The mainstem of th~ Yellowstone rises in northwestern Wyoming and flows generally northeast to 1ts confluence with the Missouri River just east of the Montana-North Dakota border; the river flows through Montana for about 550 of its 680 miles. The major tributaries, the Boulder, Stillwater, Clarks Fork, Bighorn, Tongue, and Powder rivers, all flow in a northerly direction. The western part of the basin is part of the middle Rocky Mountains physiographic province; the eastern section is located in the northern Great Plains (Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists 1972). THE COfiFLICT Hi stori ca 11 y, agriculture has been Hontana 's most i r.1portant industry. In 1975, over 40 percent of the primary employment in Montana was provided by agriculture (Montana Department of Community Affairs 1976). In 1973, a good year for agriculture, the earnings of labor and proprietors involved in agricultural production in the fourteen counties that approximate the Yellowstone Basin were over $141 million, as opposed to $13 million for mining and $55 million for manufacturing. Cash receipts for Montana's agricultural products more than doubled from 1968 to 1973. Since that year, receipts have declined because of unfavorable market conditions; some improvement may be in sight, however. In 1970, over 75 percent of the Vello~1stone Basin's land was in agricultural use (State Conservation Needs Committee 1970). Irrigated agriculture is the basin's largest water use, consuming annually about 1.5 million acre-feet (af) of water (Montana DNRC 1977). . There is another industry in the Yellowstone Basin which, though it con- sumes little water now, may reqiJire more in the future, and that is the coal developr.Jent industry. In 1971, the North Central Power Study (tlorth Central Power Study Coordinating ~ommittee 1971) identified 42 potential power plant sites in the five-state (Montana, North and South Dakota, Uyoming, and Colorado) northern Great Plains region, 21 of them in Montana. These plants, all to be fired by northern Great Plains coal, would generate 200,000 megawatts (mw) of electricity, consume 3.4 mill ion acre-feet per year (mmaf/y) of 1~ater, and result in a large population increase. Administrative, economic, legal, 1 and technological considerations have kept most of these conversion facilities, i dent i fi ed in the i'lorth Central Po~1er Study as necessary for 1900, on the drawing board or in the courtroom. There is no~1 no chance of their being completed by that date or even soon after, which ~1ill delay and diminish the economic benefits some basin residents had expected as a result of coal development. On the other hand, contracts have been signed for the mining of large amounts of Hontana coal, and applications have been approved not only for new and expanded coal mines but also for Colstrip Units 3 and 4, twin 700-mw, coal-fired, electric generating plants. In 1975, over 22 million tons of coal ~1ere mined in the state, up from 14 million in 1974, ll million in 1973, and 1 million in 1969. By 1980, even if no new contracts are entered, Montana's annual coal production will exceed 40 million tons. Coal reserves, estimated at over 50 billion economically strippable tons (~lontana Energy Advisory Council 1976), pose no serious con- straint to the levels of development projected by this study, which range from 186.7 to 462.8 million tons stripped in the basin annually by the year 2000. Strip mining itself involves little use of water. How i~portant the energy industry beco~es as a water user in t~e basin will depend on: l) how much of the coal mined in Montana is exported, and by what means, and 2) by what process and to what end product the remainder is converted within the state. If conversion follows the patterns projected in this study, the energy industry will use from 48,350 to 326,740 af of water annually by the year 2000. A third consumptive use of water, municipal use, is also bound to increase as the basin population increases in response to increased employment opportunities in agriculture and the energy industry. Can the Yellowstone River satisfy all of these demands for her water? Perhaps in the mainstem. But the tributary basins, especially the Bighorn, Tongue, and P01~der, have much smaller flows, and it is in those basins that much cif the increased agricultural and industrial water demand is expected. Some impacts could occur even in the mainstem. What would happen to water quality after massive depletions? How would a chan9e in water quality affect existing and future agricultural ,industrial, and municipal users? \~hat would happen to fish, furbearers, and migratory waterfo1~l that are dependent on a certain level of instream flow? Would the river be as attractive a place for recreation after dewatering? One of the first manifestations of ~lontana's gr01~ing conct!rn for ~later in the Yellowstone Basin and else~1here in the state ~1as the passage of significant legislation. The ~later Use Act of 1973, which, among other things, mandates the adjudication of all existing water rights and makes possible the reservation of water for future beneficial use, was followed by the Hater Moratorium Act of 1974, which delayed action on major applications for Yellov1stone Basin water for three years. The moratorium, by any standard a bold action, was prompted by a steadily increasing rush of applications and filings for water (mostly for industrial use) which, in two tributary basins to the Yellowstone, exceeded supply. The DNRC's intention during the moratorium was to study the basin's water and related land resources, as well as existing and future need for the basin's water, so that 2 the state would be able to ~roceed wisely with the allocation of that water. The stu~y which resulted in this series of reports \~as one of the fruits of that intention. Several other Yellowstone water studies 1·1ere undertaken during the moratorium at the state and federal levels. Early in 1977, the 45th f•iontana Legislature extended the moratorium to allo~1 more time to con- sider reservations of water for future use in the basin. THE STUDY The Yell 0\·1stone Impact Study, conducted by the Water Resources Division of the ~-1onta na Department of Natura 1 Resources and Conservation and financed by the Old \~est Regional Commission, was designed to evaluate the potential physical, biological, and water use impacts of ~1ater withdrawals and water development on the middle and lower reaches of the Yellowstone River Basin in Montana. The study's plan of operation was to oroject three possible levels of future agricultural, industrial, and municipal development in the Yellowstone Basin and the streamflow depletions associated with that develop- ment. Impacts on river morphology and water quality were then assessed, and, finally, the impacts of altered streamflow, morphology, and water quality on such factors as migratory birds, furbearers, recreation, and existing water users were analyzed. The study began in the fall of 1g74. By its conclusion in December of lg76, the information generated by the study had already been used for a number of moratorium-related projects--the EIS on reservations of water in the Yellowstone Basin, for example (Montana DNRC 1976). The study resulted in a final report summarizing all aspects of the study and in eleven specialized technical reports: Report No. 1 Report No. 2 Report No. 3 Report No. 4 Report No. 5 Report flo. 6 Report No. 7 Future Development Project1ons and Hydrologic Modeling in the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on the Hydrology and Geomorpho I ogy of the Yell o~1stone River Basin, Nontana. · The Effect of Altered Streamflow on the l~ater Quality of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. The Adequacy of f1ontana' s Regula tory Framework for Water Quality Control Aquatic Invertebrates of the Yellowstone River Basin, ~lantana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Furbearing f1ammals of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Migratory Birds of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. 3 Report No. 8 Report ilo. 9 Report No. 1 0 Report No. 11 The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Fish of the Yellowstone and Tongue Rivers, t4ontana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Existing Municipal ~nd Agricultural Users of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. The Effect of Altered St reamfl 0~1 on Hater-Based Recreation in the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. The Economics of Altered Streamflow in the Yello•.-1stone River Basin, Montana. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was reviewed by and guidance received from Orrin Ferris, Administrator of the Water Resources Division of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC),and Carole Massman of the DNRC's Special Staff. The author wishes to express his appreciation to the following Montana Department of Fish and Game personnel: Ron Holliday, Administrator of the Parks Division, and Keith Seaburg, Region 7 Supervisor, for their general cooperation; Robert Martinka, Bureau Chief, Baseline Study, for his expertise, advice, and cooperation; Larry Peterman and other members of the Fisheries Division for their assistance and for the use of their equipment; Tom Hinz, Neil Martin, and other members of the Game Management Division for their geographical knowledge of the study area and the use of their equipment; and Becky Grant and Pat Hensley for their diligent work and long hours in the field. Other.DNRC personnel providing assistance were Janet Cawlfield, Lynda Howell, Kr1s Macintyre and Barbara Williams, typists. Graphics were performed by Gary Wolf and Gordon Taylor. D.C. Howard designed and drew the cover. 4 PURPOSE The Yellowstone River, free-flowing in its entire length, provides diverse recreational opportunities. This study was initiated to evaluate present recreational use on the river and determine the potential effects of altered streamflow on existing and future recreational uses. A secondary objective was to evaluate potential recreation sites along the river. The study was initiated in November 1974 and continued until October 1976. SCOPE In order to accomplish this study three major techniques have been used to evaluate recreational behavior (Burdge and Field 1972). Two were used in this report. The first was the measurement of demographic, social, and other individual and group characteristics of users of this recreation area. The second was the examination of the resource itself to determine available recreational opportunities. The third, quantification of recreational benefits in terms of dollars, is considered in Report No. 11 of this series. STUDY AREA The study area includes the Yellowstone River from Big Timber to the North Dakota border, a distance of approximately 700 river kilometers (436 river miles)(figure 1 ). Major tributaries include the Boulder, Stillwater, Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Bighorn, Tongue, and Powder rivers, which within Montana have a total combined length of 1,140 km (710 river miles). The boundaries of five major drainages were used to divide the study area into five sections (figure 1). The upper reaches of the Yellowstone River are considered a cold-water aquatic environment, the lower reaches a warm-water environment, and the river reach between Columbus and Custer a transition zone. These varying environments are characterized in part by a decrease in river gradient; the westernmost section (1) has an average slope of 0.002 (2 m/km, 10 ft/mi); the easternmost section (5) has an average slope of about 0.0004 (0.4 m/km, 2 ft/mi). Differing patterns of recreational activity result from these variations. Of the counties included in the study area, Yellowstone County has the largest population, 97,400. Other county populations within the study area are much smaller: Custer 12,000, Big Horn 10,900, Dawson 10,400, Richland g,700, Rosebud 9,578, Carbon 7,700, Stillwater 5,300, Fallon 4,000, Sweet Grass 3,000, Powder River 2,300, Carter 1,900, Prairie 1 ,900, Wibaux 1,456 and Treasure 1,228. (These figures are 1g75 projected estimates based on the 1970 census. ) Water flow in the two years of study differed. In 1975, a year of floods and high runoff, the peak at Miles City of 69,800 cfs occurred on July 9. In 1976 the runoff was much lower and steadier. The peak at Miles City was 45,300 cfs, on June 13. 5 YEllowsTONE RIVER BASIN YEllowsTONE RIVER STudy SECTIONs 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 Miles u-u-u I I I I I 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 Kilometers wu-----1 I I I I ! MUSSELSHELL MEAGHER GOLDEN\ WHEATLAND I I -------c--J VALLEY I ~----~- L _ i1 . _.,.,..."-'r--" I _r_j I \8( -0 I .,, ... s'' CARBON ------'1 -...:::..--- --+,----L- y E L L 0 W S T 0 N E ') NATIONAL PARK ( N YELLOWSTONE RIVER BASIN GARFIELD FORSYTH I ~ I I I L--~, I COLSTRIP -----. I McCONE L I J---1 c -...--~. . , --------. r ~--------~\"e' I ~--::.. a; INDIAN BIG HORN RESERVATION f WYOMING I POWDER I ASHLAND I ... __ _j ----,J I ! l ----~ \ Tongue River ! Reservoir Rl , GLENDIVE) J J AERIAL OBSERVATIONS From August B through December 5, 1975, 29 aerial flights were completed by Region 7 Montana Department of Fish and Game personnel. The average length of these round-trip flights.was 2.67 hours, and the average recreationist sighting per flight was 17.3. The majority (27) of the flights were made on weekdays. Each flight was divided into small subsections because of various distances and directions flown. Thus, each flight was counted as one observation of each of several subsections of the river (figure 10). Recrea- tional pursuits were divided into five usually definable categories: fishing, big game or bird hunting, waterfowl hunting, rest and relaxation, and agate hunting (table 11). The number of boats was also recorded. Big game hunting and bird (mostly pheasant) hunting were combined due to the similar, indirect role of the Yellowstone River to these sports. TABLE 11. Aerial observations of recreational activities, August B-December 5, 1975. Section 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 Sa Sb Sc Total NUMBER OF RECREATIONISTS IN EACH ACTIVITY Fishing 2 8 30 6 28 12 5 17 3 lll Big Game Hunting or Bird Hunting 0 1 20 18 40 22 43 40 17 201 Waterfowl Hunting 0 0 14 8 8 3 4 3 3 43 Rest and Re 1 ax- a tiona 0 0 8 12 14 0 2 0 2 38 Agate Hunting 0 0 13 2 19 14 25 35 6 114 TOTAL 2 9 85 46 109 51 7g 95 31 507 OBSERVATION DATA Number of Observations 3 5 15 14 14 11 9 10 11 92 Number of People per Observation .66 1.80 5.66 3.28 7.793.18 7.22 g.so 2.82 Number of Boats 0 1 6 3 12 3 5 10 3 43 Number of ~ersons per Boat 0 9.0 14.2 15.3 9.g 17.0 15.8 9.5 10.3 aAny unidentifiable activity. bThis is the ratio of the number of people observed to the number of boats observed. The greater the number, the smaller the relative amount of boating. 46 ... U1 TABLE 10. Relative importance of recreational activities and sectional rating preferences (SRP), 1975-1976. Section 1 2 3 4 5 Relative Relative Relative Relative Relative Importance Importance Importance Importance Importance (%) SRP (%) SRP (%) SRP (%) SRP (%) SRP Swinuning 6 2 28 3 3 1 0 1 0 Picnicking 18 3 5 1 6 2 0 1 2 Rest and Relaxation 23 3 16 3 22 3 47 3 17 Boating 15 2 5 2 8 2 28 3 13 Horseback Riding 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Bicycling 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 Motor Biking 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 Driving for Pleasure 1 1 5 1 2 1 0 1 0 Playing Outdoor Games 7 1 4 1 6 1 2 1 5 Rockhounding 2 1 0 1 0 1 4 1 18 Sightseeing 4 1 13 2 6 2 0 1 3 Walking for Pleasure 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Waterskiing D 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Bird Watching 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Fishing 22 3 19 3 44 3 18 3 40 PERCENTAGE OF ALL PEOPLE OBSERVEDa 31 23 22 13 11 a791 people in section 1, 589 in section 2, 576 in section 3, 332 in section 4, and 27g in section 5, for a total of 2567. 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 Table 9 shows the relative importance of each section to popular recrea- tional activities. For example, of all the swimming observed during the study period in 1975, 98 percent occurred in section 2. In 1976, only 57 percent occurred in section 2, and 30 percent occurred in section 1. In addition, the fact that section 1 has the largest number of developed sites probably accounts for the largest percentages of picnicking. Table 10 shows the same information for the 1975 and 1976 combined observed use data, and also shows the sectional rating preferences (SRP) assigned for each activity in each section (see discussion of SRP's on page 11 ). TABLE 9. Relative importance of each section to popular recreational activities. Activity Swi11111ing Picnicking Rest and Relaxation Boating and Floating Horseback Riding Bicycling Motor Biking Driving for Pleasure Playing Outdoor Games Rockhounding Sightseeing Walking for Pleasure Waterskiing Bird Watching Fishing Swimming Picnicking Rest and Relaxation Boating and Floating Horseback Riding Bicycling Motor Biking Driving for Pleasure Playing Outdoor Games Rockhounding Sightseeing Walking for Pleasure Waterskiing Bird Watching Fishing 1 1 77 23 14 80 31 24 11 61 25 21 50 0 0 22 30 59 38 68 0 0 29 50 29 10 0 100 0 0 27 2 1975 98 4 18 15 0 62 38 56 9 0 49 17 0 0 27 1976 57 22 13 2 100 100 53 25 14 4 83 0 0 0 9 44 Section 3· 0 18 10 13 20 8 7 33 20 0 24 33 0 0 24 13 16 34 13 0 0 12 25 37 4 17 0 0 0 43 4 0 0 42 45 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 7 0 0 0 0 B 10 0 0 0 0 10 5 0 0 7 13 0 0 21 0 11 50 5 0 0 0 21 0 4 9 10 0 0 6 0 12 71 0 0 0 0 12 TABLE 8. Relative importance of activities within each section in 1975 and 1976 (%). Activity Section 1 2 3 4 5 1975 Swimming 1 23 0 0 0 Picnicking 22 1 9 0 0 Rest and Relaxation 24 17 17 56 17 Boating 8 8 12 33 17 Horseback Riding 1 0 1 0 0 Bicycling 1 2 1 0 0 Motor Biking 2 3 1 1 4 Driving for Pleasure 1 6 6 0 0 Playing Outdoor Games 10 1 5 0 4 Rockhounding 2 0 0 3 11 Sightseeing 9 19 16 0 5 Walking for Pleasure 1 0 1 0 0 Waterskiing 0 0 0 0 0 Birdwatching 0 0 0 0 0 Fishing 18 20 31 7 41 PERCENTAGE OF ALL PEOPLE OBSERVEDa 11 20 16 28 26 1976 Swimming 10 37 5 0 0 Picnicking 15 11 5 0 3 Rest and Relaxation 23 16 25 20 17 Boating 20 1 5 11 9 Horseback Riding 0 1 0 0 0 Bicycling 0 4 0 0 0 Motor Biking 1 4 1 0 0 Driving for Pleasure 1 1 1 0 0 Playing Outdoor Games 4 4 6 6 6 Rockhounding 1 1 1 6 25 Sightseeing 0 4 1 0 0 Walking for Pleasure 0 0 0 0 0 Waterskiing 0 0 0 0 0 Bi rdwatchi ng 0 0 1 0 0 Fishing 26 17 51 56 39 PERCENTAGE OF ALL PEOPLE OBSERVEDb 36 18 29 6 11 a329 people in section 1, 363 1n section 2, 202 in section 3, 253 in section 4, 140 in section 5, for a total of 1287. b462 people in section 1, 226 in section 2, 374 in section 3, 79 in section 4, 139 in section 5, for a total of 1280. 43 TABLE 7. Total observed recreational use for 1975 and 1976. 1975 1976 Number Percentage Number Percentage Activity of People of Total of People of Total Swimming 86 7 146 11 Picnicking 93 7 115 9 Rest and Relaxation 339 26 272 21 Boating-Floating 188 15 136 11 Horseback Riding 5 -2 - Bicycling 13 1 8 1 Motor Biking 29 2 17 1 Driving for Pleasure 36 3 8 1 Playing Outdoor Games 56 4 65 5 Rockhounding 32 3 49 4 Sightseeing 136 11 12 1 Walking for Pleasure 6 1 1 -Waterskiing 0 0 0 0 Bird Watching 0 0 2 -Fishing 268 21 447 35 Total number of people observed 1287 1280 Total number of vehicles observed 558 411 Estimated number of people per number of vehicles 2. 31 3.11 Figure 9. Swimming in the Yellowstone River near Reedpoint, Montana, 1975. 42 Figure 8. Sightseeing and picnicking along the Yellowstone River offer fine shoreline recreation. 41 Ling (burbot) fishing has become an extremely popular late winter-early srring recreational activity at the East Rosebud Fishing Access Site (section 3) on the Yellowstone River. Thirty-six fishemen fished a total of 98 hours from February 19 to 11arch 19, 1975 (Haddix 1~75). There were 251 burbot taken, a 2.56 avera9e catch per anCJler hour. From 1·1arch 1 to June 17, 1975, there were 32 fishermen and 16 people resting and relaxing during 18 observations at this site. Since most observations (13) were not made at night when ling fishin~ success is at its best, these figures should be considered low. The convenient access and high rate of fishing success ~reatly appeals to many people, mostly those from 'Forsyth, Mi 1 es Citv, and Co 1 strip. Although no use studies were undertaken during the winter of 1975-76 observations, communi cations, and common sense were utili zed to estimate use. River ice drastically reduces recreational use, and when this condition is coupled with inclement weather the majority of determined outdoor recreationists prefer to engage in off-river forms of recreation such as snowmobiling, predator hunting and trapping, and farm pond ice fishing. River ice began to accumulate in mid-December of 1975. The Yellowstone River within the study area usually is not completely ice-covered,. but shoreline ice is dangerous and inhibits access to the river by recreationists. Complete ice breakup usually occurs first on the upper reaches of the study area, with large ice jams often occurring within the r,lendive-Sidney se9ment of the Yellowstone. As the river clears, water-based recreation follows. Fishing pressure and angler success increase ~lith the spawn- ing runs of various species, which, depending upon weather conditions, occurs from midsprinCJ through su~er. The analysis of 1975 and 1976 recreational use observed during vehicle trips, by section, is presented below. Table 7 lists the various recreational activities available within the study area and the number and percentage of people participating in each activity for 1975 and 1976. In 1975, rest and re- laxation (figure 8) was the most popular activity, 26 percent, followed by fish- ing, 21 percent. The number of people per vehicle was found to average 2.31. The total number of people observed was 1287. The 1976 data reveal that fishing was the most frequently pursued activity, 35 percent, followed by rest and relaxation, 21 percent. The number of persons per vehicle was 3, substantially higher than in 1975. Certain areas close to or within to~ms along the Yellowstone River (e.g., East Rosebud Recreation Area at Forsyth) are within walking or bicycling distance for many recreationists. Access was hindered by residual water more in 1975 than in 1976, perhaps explaining the difference. Table 8 shows the relative importance of various recreational activities within each section in 1975 and 1976. For example, in section 2, of recreation- ists observed, 23 percent in 1975 and 37 percent in 1976 were engaged in swimming. Sectional differences are apparent; for example, for both 1975 and 1976, swimming (figure 9) was much more popular in section 2 than in other sections. Also in- cluded in table 8 is the percentage of people observed within each section. Section 2, which includes BillinCJS, had the highest percentage (28) in 1975, and section 1 had the highest percentage (36) in 1976. However, in 1976, 63,percent of the people surveyed in section 1 were from Billings. 40 TABLE 4. Observed recreational use by activity in ~ection 3. March l-Junel7, 1975. Myers to Below West West East Ft. Mouth of Mouth of Myers Rosebud Rosebud Rosebud Keogh Tongue Tongue NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS 13 13 13 18 18 30 15 NUMBER OF: Fishermen 2 23 6 82 12 64 9 Rockhounds 9 1 9 2 Sightseers Fishing: Boating Canoeists Rest; Relaxation 4 13 3 16 2 TABLE 5. Observed recreational use by activity in section 4, March 1-June 17, 1975. NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS NUMBER OF: Fishermen Rock hounds Sightseers Fishing; Boating Canoeists Rest; Relaxation TABLE 6. Observed recreational Terry Bridge NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS 10 NUMBER OF: Fi shennen 11 Rockhounds Sightseers Fishing; Boating Canoeists Rest; Relaxation use by activity in Beb1een Terry and Fallon Bridges 11 11 2 Mouth of Powder 12 2 2 3 section 5. Fallon Bridge 10 39 March 1-June 17, Between Fa 11 on Bridge and Glendive 11 32 3 1975. Glendive Intake 11 9 1023 2 2 3 3 53 Total lgs 30 0 0 0 38 Total 1077 4 2 3 3 56 air. Also included in the study were observations made by Montana Department of Fish and Game personnel while working on the river. For each trip, the date and the section of river traveled were noted. Observations from vehicles are not complete due to limited accessibility, but observations from the air are complete. These observations were made from March 1 to June 17. 1975, and from August 8 to December 5, 1976. ON-GROUND OBSERVATIONS Recreational visitation frequencies within the defined Yellowstone River sections for the spring 1975 data are presented in tables 2 through 6. TABLE 2. Observed recreational use by activity in section 1. Big Reed Itch- Timber Bratten Point Kep-Pe Laurel Total NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS NUMBER OF: Fishermen Rockhounds Sightseers Fishing; Boating Canoeists Rest; Relaxation 2 2 TABLE 3. Observed recreational use by activity Billings Huntley NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS 7 6 NUMBER OF: Fishermen 8 Rock hounds Sightseers Fishing; Boating Canoeists Rest; Relaxation 2 38 2 2 2 3 3 2 7 4 4 in section 2, March 1-June 17, Custer to Pompeys Mouth of Pi 11 ar Custer Bighorn 6 7 7 10 , 1975 Total 8 12 r Cross Tabulation CT-11 (Q. 24a and 24c). CT-12 (Q. 17 and 24a). CT-13 (Q. 23a and 23c). CT-14 (Q. 23b and 23d). CT-15 (Q. 7 and 8b). Valid Responses 1~ 164 185 182 144 Responses The 33 percent that replied they knew of public land near (within 50 miles upstream or downstream) their present site also knew they could obtain information on these lands free of charge. Thirty-one percent did not know the location of proximate public land nor the availability of free information concerning these lands. Thirty-five percent of all respondents indicated they knew of the public land along the river near their recreation site but would like to see another site within 30 miles upstream or downstream. Forty-nine percent indicated no knowledge of public lands near their recreational area but would like to see another recreational site within 30 miles. Forty-nine percent indicated that insects were a problem in their area but would return even though the problem persisted. Fifteen percent indicated they would not return. Of the 30 percent who indicated that insects had reduced the amount of recreational time they had spent at the site, 40 percent said that they would not return to the area. Fifty-five percent indicated that insects had not reduced recreational time and that they would return to the area. Thirty-six percent listed their favorite activity as fishing and their length of stay as day use only. OBSERVED USE Recreational use along the river was observed in two ways. First, activities were observed at specific sites during the summer study periods of 1975 and 1976. These data were used to determine the nature of current recreational use of the river and to evaluate the impact of such use. Second, activities were observed along the entire mainstem of the Yellowstone River within the study area through visual checks on the ground and from the 37 Cross Tabulation CT-6 (Q. 15 and 16). CT-7 (Q. 13 and 18a). CT-8 ( Q. 14 and 18a) . CT-9 (Q. 16 and 18a). CT-10 (Q. 13 and 14). Valid Responses 194 197 171 193 141 Responses Forty percent indicated that the area they were enjoying was just right (concerning crowding) and would like to see more site development. Thirteen percent indicated the area was not used enough but should have more development, and 31 percent thought the area was just right and wanted no more development. Eighty-one percent were Montana residents; forty-five percent of Montanans noted a decrease in the distance traveled to a recreational area due to the increased cost of gasoline, and 36 percent reported no effect. Fifty-four percent of all income categories indicated that the increasing cost of gasoline had reduced the distance traveled to a recreational area; of the remaining 46 percent, some did not answer the cost-of- gasoline question. Only the higher income category, above $16,000 annually, indicated that there was no correlation between the cost of gasoline and the distance traveled for recreation. Fifty-seven percent of the 121 people who indicated that there should be more develop- ment at their recreational site replied that the cost of gasoline had decreased their recreat i ona 1 mileage, whereas 43 percent re- plied that it had not. Of the 72 people who indicated that they wanted no further devel- opment for the present site, 46 percent replied that the increasing cost of gasoline had decreased their recreational mileage, and 54 percent answered that it had not. Montana residents' income categories were: under $5,000, 16 percent; $6,000-8,000, 11 percent; $8,000-12,000, 29 percent; $12,000-16,000, 28 percent; and over $16,000, 16 percent. 36 Cross Valid Tabulation Responses CT -1 (Q. 1 and 2) 197 CT-2 (Q. 4 and 6). 137 CT-3 (Q. 5 and 6). 129 CT-4 (Q. 18b and 18c) 188 CT-5 (Q. 7 and 18c) 175 Responses Forty-three percent replied that they were not on vacation and recreation was the primary purpose for the trip. Another 31 percent replied that they were not on vacation and recreation on the Yellowstone was not the primary purpose of their trip. Of the 25 percent who were on vacation, 56 percent replied that recreation on the Yellowstone was the primary purpose and 44 percent replied that it was not. Twelve percent replied that since they started using the Yellowstone they had noticed better water quality and their enjoy- ment of the river had increased. Of the 67 percent who replied water quality had remained the same, 56 percent replied that their enjoy- ment had increased and 48 percent replied that their enjoyment had stayed the same. Sixteen percent reported increased enjoyment regardless of increased litter; 19 percent reported increased enjoyment, with litter about· the same as in previous years; 16 percent reported increased enjoyment and noticeably less litter. Replies from 16 percent noted the same general enjoyment in spite of increased litter; 17 percent indicated that enjoyment of the site and on- site litter remained about the same; the 11 percent who reported that litter had decreased said their enjoyment had remained the same. Thirty percent indicated that this year's recreational trip covered a shorter distance than previous years' typical trips, and 62 percent indicated trips within the same mileage categories. Sixty-two percent responded that their stay was for day use only. Sixteen percent of these day users responded that this year's typical recreational trip covered less than 50 miles, 21 percent responded from 50-250 miles, 10 percent from 250-450 miles, and 15 percent over 450 miles. 35 Question No. 14. 15. 17. 24. Valid P.esponses 1975. 1976 28 22 29 29 29 23 24 18 28 21 Questionnaire Cross Tabulations Responses The household income categories were: under $5,000 $5,000-$8,000 $8,000-$12 ,000 $12,000-$16,000 over $16,000 Percentage 1975 1976 18 11 32 25 14 9 14 27 45 5 With respect to crowding, 69 percent of recreationists in 1975 and 70 percent in 1976 thought the area was just right; 14 percent in 1975 and 17 percent in 1976 felt it was too crowded; and 17 percent in 1975 and 13 percent in 1976 thought the area was not used enough. Fifty-six percent in 1975 and 78 percent in 1976 thought the site should have more development. Seventy percent in 1975 and 61 percent in 1976 would like to see at least one more site within 30 miles of the present recreational site. Only 39 percent of recreationists in 1975 and 43 percent in 1976 knew the location of public lands near their recreational site. Cross tabulations (CT) for 1975 and 1976 questionnaire responses from the entire study area (appendix C) are presented here. Each cross tabulation includes two questions from the questionnaire. 34 Question No. 10. 12. 13. Valid Responses 1975 1976 15 8 picnic facilities rest rooms camping sites weed mowing access roads 19 13 25 11 29 24 22 14 Responses In 1975, sauger/walleye fishing and paddle- fishing produced the most success with 40 percent and 27 percent,respectively, of fishermen reporting catches. During 1976, paddlefishing and sauger/walleye fishing success were equal, 37.5 percent, with cat- fishing third at 25 percent. Ratings of facilities as exceptional or good were: Percentage Valid Responses 1975 1976 1975 1976 65 74 23 23 59 67 22 21 59 67 22 21 57 94 21 20 54 70 26 20 Provision for children's activities was rated only fair or poor by 74 percent in 1975 and 92 percent in 1976. In 1975 and 1976, 60 percent and 91 percent, respectively, indicated they liked an alter- native site along the Yellowstone as well as the site they were currently enjoying. Seventy-six percent in 1975 and 58 percent in 1976 were Montana residents. In 1975, 59 percent of section 5 recreationists were from Glendive, 14 percent from Sidney, and 14 percent from Wibaux. In 1976, 71 per- cent were from Glendive, 14 percent from Billings, and 7 percent from Sidney. 33 Question No. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Valid Responses 1975 1976 Responses 29 28 Season Spring Summer Fall Winter 26 24 26 29 27 27 24 23 About 69 percent of the respondents in 1975 and 54 percent in 1976 were not on vacation. About 68 percent in 1975 and 61 percent in 1976 characterized recreation on the Yellow- stone as the main reason for their trip. Number of Percentage of Visits Respondents Valid Responses 1975 1976 1975 1976 1-2 50 54 12 13 2 1 1 or more 75 57 28 24 or none 79 70 18 10 or none 100 100 7 4 17 24 20 17 In 1975, sixty-eight percent reported that water quality had remained the same, 20 percent noted a decrease, and 12 percent perceived an increase. Fifty percent in 1975 and 47 percent in 1976 had noticed a decrease in litter. In 1975, sixty-one percent indicated an increase in enjoyment since first association with Yellowstone recreation. Sixty-two percent in 1975 and 46 percent in 1976 were day users only. Fifty-nine percent in 1975 and 50 percent in 1976 indicated fishing was the favored recreational activity. In 1976, rockhounding was favorite to 35 percent of the respondents. Thirty-three percent in 1975 and 20 percent in 1976 indicated that sauger/walleye was the principal fish species sought; 28 percent in 1975 and 50 percent in 1976 sought paddlefish; and 28 percent in 1975 and 21 percent in 1976 sought catfish. Paddlefishing within section 5 decreased from late spring through summer. In the pilot study during late spring in 1975, 84 percent of 63 valid responses listed paddlefish as the main fish sought. 32 Terry N *s· a· adney radQe I I lz lo l;o I~ c l> 1:0: 10 Seven Sisters Game Management Area--1~1 I~ I I Boot Ramp Interstate Bridge Bell Street Bridge I \Elk Island Game Management Area ~Visitation Sites *1975 Vieilalion Site only 10 20 Miles I 10 0 10 20 Kilometers l.cl,ocW:w:::lool:==:l.' .....I Figure 7. Yellowstone River section 5. 31 Question Valid Res~onses Res~onses No. 1975 1976 10. 12 Attitudes toward facilities were generally negative due to the undeveloped nature of all sites. Access roads were rated good or fair by 75 percent of recreationists in 1976. 11. 13 In 1976, 54 percent indicated they did not know where they would go if their present site were not available. 13. 18 13 Eighty-eight percent in 1975 and 92 percent in 1976 were Montana residents. 18 13 Miles City and Terry residents were the most numerous, with 80 percent in 1975 and 87 percent in 1976. 15. 18 13 With respect to crowding, 88 percent in 1975 and 83 percent in 1976 thought the area was just right. 16. 18 10 In 1975, 67 percent thought their recreational site should be more developed. Only 50 per- cent replied similarly in 1976. 17. 17 6 Eighty-one percent in 1975 and 67 percent in 1976 would like to see an additional recreational site within 30 miles of their present site. 24. 18 13 Only 36 .percent in 1975 .and 46 percent in 1976 knew about public lands along the river near their recreational sites. 26. 18 13 Fifty percent in 1975 and 39 percent in 1976 indicated that from two to nine days annually were spent at other recreational sites along the Yellowstone. Section 5 Section 5 (figure 7) is the·most easterly within the study area and stretches 241 river kilometers (149.5 river miles)from the mouth of the Powder River (which is not included) to the Montana-North Dakota state line. The average gradient of the river through section 5 is approximately 0.0004 (0.4 m/km, 2 ft/mi). The largest town in this section is Glendive, population 6,441; the second largest is Sidney, population 4,551. (These figures are projections based on 1970 census). Generally, popular recreational areas occur within each section at nearly every small community along the river, due to some convenient access. A total of 29 questionnaires was collected in section 5 in 1975 and 24 in 1976. Intake is the most popular recreational site of those surveyed within Section 5. 30 limited within section 4, the heaviest use being received by those areas shown in figure 6. Due to the small number of questionnaires obtained, 18 in 1g75 and 13 in lg76, results will be brief. The flood dike along the Yellowstone near Miles City was the most popular recreation site; there are no developed recreational areas within section 4. Question No. l. 2. 3. 7. 8. 9. Valid Responses 1975 1976 17 12 17 12 17 13 14 6 18 13 12 12 9 9 Responses Seventy-two percent in 1975 and 67 percent in 1976 were not on vacation. Sixty-seven percent in 1975 and 58 percent in 1976 indicated recreation on the Yellowstone was the primary purpose of the trip. Thirty-five percent in 1975 and 15 percent in 1976 had not previously been to the present site during the summer. The undeveloped local access sites within section 4 seem to be visited mostly by local residents due to their proximity to home. Seventy-one percent in 1975 and sg percent in 1976 were day users only. Thirty-nine percent in 1975 responded that they planned to engage in river floating or motorized boating. Thirty-nine percent in 1975 and 31 percent in 1976 indicated that they planned to participate in rockhounding. Agate hunt- ing is a popular recreational activity along the river in sections 3, 4, and 5. In 1975, the Miles City Agate Club had approxi- mately 60 members, 14 of whom reported a total of 49 visits per year between the mouth of the Bighorn River and Terry. These outings average 5-6 hours each. Most agate hunters use boats or rafts in order to reach islands and midchannel bars. Fifty-five percent in 1975 and 69 percent in 1976 were fishing. Fishing was the favorite activity for 50 percent of surveyed recreationists in 1975 and 83 percent in 1976. Catfish was the most popular species for 50 percent of the fishermen in 1975 and 67 percent in 1976. 29 Question No. 26. Valid Responses 1975 1976 48 74 Responses Days spent at other sites along the Yellowstone: 1975 1976 (%) (%) Section 4 No days spent at other sites 10-15 days over 20 days 42 17 17 42 12 19 This section (figure 6) includes 57 river kilometers (35.5 river miles) of the Yellowstone mainstem from the mouth of the Tongue River, which is not included, to the mouth of the Powder River, which is. The river gradient through this section averages 0.00073 (0.7 m/km, 4 ft/mi). Miles City, the only major town, had a 1975 estimated population of 10,029. Access is rather Mouth of Powder River Rapids Cross Section Sito ~ Buffalo Zoro~ *Old Roa~ Mouth of Sunday Creak........._ . *p. "' r•vote Access---........_ . --Kinsey Cross Flood Otke~ Section Site • MILES CITY N ~Visitation Sites *1975 Visitation Site only 10 0 10 20 Miles ~~~-=~======~--~! 10 0 10 20 Kilometers kVV:="""i Figure 6. Yellowstone River section 4. 28 Question Valid Responses No. 1975 1976 14. 43 42 15 0 49 42 16. 48 41 17 0 45 32 20. 46 43 23. 45 65 24. 47 45 Responses Income categories and percentages were as follows: under $5,000 $5,000-$8,000 $8,000-$12,000 $12,000-$16,000 over $16,000 Percentage 1975 1976 16 12 30 23 19 19 19 14 19 29 Eighty percent in 1975 and 76 percent in 1976 noted the area was just right; 14 per- cent in 1975 and 12 percent in 1976 replied that the area was too crowded. Sixty-five percent in 1975 and 59 percent in 1976 thought there should be more development at the site. In 1975 and 1976, 84 percent and 81 percent, respectively, would like to see another recreation site no more than 30 miles from the present site. In 1975 and 1976, 46 and 30 percent, respectively, listed their occupation category as blue collar, possibly a result of coal and energy development near section 3. The next largest category was retired, 20 percent in 1975 and 23 percent in 1976. · In 1975, 58 percent noted that insects had reduced the time spent enjoying various recreational activities. In 1976, only 32 percent noted reduced time. The amount of standing water in 1976, less than in 1975, probably provided less opportunity for mosquito breeding. In 1975 and 1976, 34 and 40 percent, respectively, knew of public land near the sItes. 27 Question No. ··;· 10. 11. 12. Valid Responses 1975 1976 23 20 picnic facil ites rest rooms camping sites Responses In 1975, 48 percent caught sauger and walleye, and 39 percent caught catfis~. Sturgeon, ling, goldeye, suckers, and carp were also caught, but since the latter three species are generally considered trash fish, they were seldom listed by fishermen. In 1976, cat- fish were most often caught, 55 percent, followed by sauger and walleye, 30 percent. Facilities were rated as exceptional, good, or fair by the following percentages of respondents: Percentage Va 1 id Responses 1975 1976 1 g7s 1976 91 94 42 35 71 61 34 28 85 88 34 32 children's activities 43 64 30 25 weed mowing 39 75 28 39 access roads 85 87 28 38 NOTE: Most sites in section 3 are more developed than those in other sections, which would seem to explain the high percentages in this table. 29 18 47 47 40 38 In 1975 and in 1976, 69 percent and 72 per- cent, respectively, indicated they liked an alternative site along the Yellowstone as well as the site they were currently enjoying. Eight-seven percent in 1975 and 83 percent in 1976 were Montana residents. Forsyth was the home of 48 percent of recreationists in 1975, followed by Billings, 20 percent, and Miles City, 10 percent. In 1976, Miles City ranked first, 45 percent, followed by Forsyth, 40 percent, and Billings, 8 percent. 26 Question No. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Valid Responses 1975 1976 34 32 38 36 40 67 35 33 32 29 Responses Sixty-five percent in 1975 had perceived no change in water quality. Fifty-nine percent in 1975 and 76 percent in 1976 indicated that litter had remained the same or decreased. Ninety-five. percent in '1975 replied that their enjoyment of the river had remained the same or increased. Fifty-three percent in 1975 and 40 percent in 1976 were day users only. Seventy-seven percent in 1975 and 58 percent in 1976 indicated that fishing was the favorite recreational activity, followed by rest and relaxation (11 percent) in 1g75 and rockhounding (15 percent) in 1976. Forty-one percent in 1975 and 52 percent in 1g76 listed catfish as the most popular species sought, followed by sauger and walleye (figure 5) (44 percent in 1975 and 35 percent in 1976). Fishermen interchanged the names pike, sauger, and walleye. Figure 5. Sauger fishing on the Yellowstone River near Forsyth, Montana, 1976. 25 Question No. 3. Valid Responses 1975 1976 35 53 Responses Concerning other reasons for a trip, sightseeing and rest and relaxation accounted for 54 percent in 1975 and 40 percent in 1976. Percentage of respo~dents visiting site over 8 times each season Valid Responses 1975 1976 1975 1976 spring 24 summer 44 fall 18 winter 12 N *H h Pumping Plant ~~~~~~ ~r~es\s I ys am Isaac Homestead Game Management· Area\ Myers Bridge~ ':""-"',.......-..-....."'"'"-- 38 50 41 48 36 50 37 42 Mouth of Tongue River Fort Keogh Cross Section Site \ *cheyenne Island~\ 8 West Rosebud _.,.Visitation Sites " 1976 Visitation Site only 50 49 33 27 10 0 10 20 Miles t...r...J-J.J I I 10 0 10 20 Kilometers l.cw-J.J~c.l::=:::l.' _ _, Figure 4. Yellowstone .River section 3. 24 CITY Question Valid Responses No. 1975 1976 26. 50 35 Section 3. ResEonses Days spent annually at other sites on the Yellowstone: 1975 1976 (%) (%) No days spent at other sites 6 34 2-3 days 12 11 4-5 days 18 11 6-9 days 18 8 10-15 days 16 9 over 20 days 22 14 NOTE: Closure of the gravel pits near Billings in 1976 may account for the increase in the percentage of respondents claiming to spend no days at other sites along the river. This'section (figure 4) includes 178 river kilometers (111 river miles) of the Yellowstone mainstem from the mouth of the Bighorn River, which is not included, to the mouth of the Tongue River, which is. The river gradient averages 0.0006 (0.6 m/km, 3 ft/mi). The largest town within the section is Forsyth, with an estimated 1975 population of 2,449. East Rosebud Fishing Access the most popular recreational site within this section,is located at Forsyth. A total of 51 questionnaires were collected in section 3 in 1975 and 1976. Question No. 1 2. Valid Responses 1975 1976 46 74 46 45 Responses Among the respondents, 80 percent in 1975 and 60 percent in 1976 were not on vacation. Forty-one percent in 1975 and 56 percent in 1976 indicated recreation on the Yellowstone was the primary purpose of the trip. 23 Question No. 15. 16. 17. 20. 23. 24. Va 1 id Response 1975 1976 Responses 48 : 46 . "42 41 47 48 :26·. In 1975 and 1976, 27 and ll percent, respect- ively, thought the area was too crowded, 58 and 69 percent thought the area was just right, and 15 and 19 ·percent thought the area was not used enough. 23 . 20 26 33 ... 31 in 1975 and in 1976, 70 and 57 percent re- spectively, thought there should be more development at the site. In 1975 and in 1976, 88 and 80 percent, respectively, would.like to,see another recreational site no more than 30 miles from the site. The following were. the primary occupations listed: blue collar 'self~employed blue collar _white collar students professional 1975 1976 (%) (%) 42 15 17 12 15 23 31 Fifty-one percent in 1975 and 55 percent in 1976 said they thought that insects had reduced the amount of time spent enjoying recreational activities. Forty-nine percent in 1975 and 32 percent in 1976 knew of public land near the site. 22 l Question Valid Responses N 1975 1976 0. 10. picnic facilities rest rooms camping sites Responses Ratings of facilities within acceptable categories (exceptional, good, or fair) were: Percentage Valid Responses 1975 1976 1975 ]g76 45 50 31 28 17 26 30 15 59 64 32 22 children's activities 14 24 28 21 weed mowing 19 29 31 21 access roads 67 76 39 25 12 35 35 Sixty percent in 1975 and 71 percent in 1976 said they liked an alternative site along the Yellowstone as well as the one they were using. 13. 48 30 Ninety-four percent in 1975 and 87 percent in 1976 were Montana residents. 51 25 Eighty-six percent in 1975 and 96 percent in 1976 resided in Billings. 14. 45 29 The household income categories were: Percentage 1975 1976" under $5,000 20 17 $5,000-$8,000 18 10 $8,000-$12,000 13 24 $12,000-$16,000 31 31 over $16,000 18 17 Question Valid Responses ~-1~5 1~6 4. 40 5. 37 37 6. 37 7. 46 38 8. 42 24 9. 28 12 Responses Eighty-five percent said water quality had remained the same or improved since their first visit to the Yellowstone. Fifty-one percent in 1975 noted an increase in litter and 58 percent in 1976 said the problem had remained the same. Ninety-five percent said that their enjoy- ment of the river had increased or remained the same. Seventy-six percent in 1975 and 63 percent in 1976 indicated their length of stay as one day only. Fishing was the favorite activity of 43 percent of respondents in 1975 and 25 percent in·l976. In 1975, 23 percent identified swimming as their favorite activity; in 1976, 25 percent answered rest and relaxation. Swimming's popularity in 1975 may have been partly due to its popularity at the gravel pits near Billings. The gravel pits were closed in 1976, and swimming dropped to third in popularity (17 percent). In 1975, 39 percent indicated that walleye and sauger were the most popular species sought; 17 percent responded suckers and carp, and 13 percent catfish. In 1976, 42 percent rated trout the most popular species sought; 17 percent said catfish, and 17 percent sauger. The news media focused public attention on trout fishing in 1976, possibly explaining the changes in preference. 20 N * . Pompeys ..... Worden-13th Street Hunt18y· Bridge Mouth of. Pryor Creek Huntley Diversion waco DiversionX Pillar· Bridge\ • HUNTLEY * Co~lson .Po;k. ~*Two Moon Pork • BILLINGS 10 0 10 20 Miles Duck Creek Bridoe ---..f ~ . L....ae--!..J I I Question Valid No. i975 l. 51 2. 47 '\* Grovel Pits 10 0 10 lcJnt=:j 20 Kilometers I ~Visitation Sites * 1975 Visitation Site only :* 1976 Visitation Site only Figure 3. Yellowstone River section 2. ResQcinses ResQonses 1976 ·-- 38 .Ninety percent in 1g75 and 68 percent in 1976 were not on vacation. 26 · F,i fty-seven percent in 1975 and 62 percent in 1976 stated that t·ecreation on the Yellowstone was the main purpose their trip. Percentage of respondents visting site over 8 times of each season Valid Responses 1975 1976 1975 1976 spring 32 38 32 21 summer 40 40 45 32 fa 11 25 25 10 16 19 Question Valid Res~onses Res~onses No. 1975 1976 26. 57 96 Days spent at other sites along the Yellowstone: 1975 1976 (%) (%) No days spent at other sites 16 19 1 day only 14 2-3 days 23 19 4-5 days 10 6-9 days 10.5 12 10-15 days 12 13 over 20 days 12 22 Section 2 This section (figure 3) extends 135 river kilometers (84 river miles) from the mouth of the Clarks Fork Yellowstone, which is not included, to the mouth of the Bighorn River, which is. The average river gradient through section 4 is about 0.001 (1 m/km, 6 ft/mi). The largest city, Billings, had an estimated 1975 population of 63,729. The most popular recreation area surveyed in 1975 was a series of water-filled gravel pits located on the north bank of the Yellowstone at Billings. This privately owned land is immediately adjacent to the Yellowstone River, and substantial recreational development is planned by private individuals and by the city of Billings. Of the 51 questionnaires collected in section 2 in 1975, 28 were obtained at the gravel pits. During 1976, however, the gravel pits were closed to recreationists, so two additional sites, Two Moon Park and Coulson Park.were surveyed. Manning Diversion on the Bighorn River was also closed in 1976 due to washout of a bridge. Not included in the study was another privately owned recreational area along the river, Pompeys Pillar, approximately 35 miles east of Billings. Sightseeing is the major attraction at this area, open from June 1 to September 1 each year. Attendance for 1975 was 6,904 adults and 2,146 children, each of whom was charged a fee to view Captain William Clark's name engraved upon the pillar. 18 Question Valid Res~onses Responses No. 1975 1976 15. 60 93 Concerning crowding, 78 percent in 1975 and 87 percent in 1976 rated the area just right and 22 and 9 percent, respectively, thought the area was not used enough. 16. 58 88 In 1975 and in 1976, 57 and 41 percent, respectively,thought there should be more development at this site. 17. 46 68 In 1975 and in 1976, 83 and 82 percent, respectively, would like another recreatirnal site on the river within 30 miles of the one they were visiting. 20. 59 94 The following are the primary occupations listed: 1975 1976 (%) (%) blue collar 31 23 white collar 19 19 retired 15 14 professional 10 16 housewife 10 23. 56 86 . In 1975 and 1976, 41 and 38 percent, respec- tively, noted that insects had reduced the amount of time spent enjoying recreational activities. 24. 58 92 Forty-one percent in 1975 and 36 percent in 1976 knew of public land near the recreational site. 17 Question No·.:.· __ 9 10. 12. 13. 14. Valid Responses 1975 1976 34 60 picnic facilities rest rooms camping sites Responses Ninety-seven percent in 1975 and 95 percent in 1976 identified trout as the most popular species sought. Ratings of facilities within acceptable categories (exceptional, good, or fair) were: Percentage Valid Responses 1975 1976 1975 1976 87 89 45 45 64 73 45 77 88 99 48 79 children's activities 39 47 26 79 weed mowing 64 51 42 74 access roads 92 85 49 84 42 64 In 1975 and 1976, respectively, 79 and 82 percent indica ted that they 1 i ked an alter- native recreational site along the Yellowstone as well as the one they were currently enjoying. 63 97 Seventy percent in 1975 and 74 percent in 1976 were Montana residents. 62 71 Of those Montana residents surveyed, 61 per- cent in 1975 and 63 percent in 1976 resided in Billings; 25 and 24 percent, respectively, lived in Columbus. 47 91 The household income categories were: 1975 1976 ( %) (%) under $5,000 4 7 $5,000-$8,000 15 14 $8,000-$12,000 23 24 $12,000-16,000 32 23 over $16,000 26 32 16 The town of Laurel, at the easternmost edge of section 1, is the largest with a population of 6,459. Reedpoint, population 133, Park City, population 430, Columbus, population 1,322, and Big Timber, population 1,645 are also in the section. (All population figures are 1975 projections based on the 1970 census). The most popular recreation area is Itch-Kep-Pe at Columbus. Sixty-two questionnaires were completed in this section in 1975 and 100 in 1976. From personal observation, recreational use seems more dispersed in this section than in others due to the absence of large towns and to the convenient access at several sites. Question No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Valid Responses 1975 1976 63 99 60 89 63 96 40 39 84 40 60 95 43 79 Responses Sixty percent in 1975 and 70 percent in 1976 were not on vacation. In 1975 and 1976, respectively, 50 and 55 percent indicated that recreation on the Yellowstone was the primary purpose of the trip. Twenty-nine percent in 1975 and 27 percent in 1976 were conducting business or visiting relatives. Twenty-nine percent in 1975 and 20 percent in 1976 had not been to the site before; 18 and 15 percent, respectively, had been there 2 or 3 times; 11 and 10 percent replied 4 to 6 times; and 24 and 25 percent responded 8 times or more. Ninety-five percent of those surveyed in 1975 said water quality had remained the same or improved since their first visit to the Yellowstone. Regarding litter, 33 percent in 1975 and 25 percent in 1976 noted an increase. Ninety-two percent of those surveyed in 1975 indicated that their enjoyment of the river had increased or at least remained the same. In 1975 and 1976, 57 and 55 percent, respectively, indicated that their use was for one day only. Fifty-six percent in both 1975 and 1976 answered that fishing was their favorite recreational activity, followed by rest and relaxation, 26 and 11 percent in 1975 and 1976, respectively. 15 is not included in the following tabulations. For that reason, not all response categories listed on the questionnaire are included in the following section, and the percentage responses given for many questions do not add to one hundred percent. The questionnaires used for the two summers included in the study differed; some questions were used only on the first year's questionnaire, others only on the second. In reporting all of the responses from both years, a numbering system was devised for the questions which is not like the sample 1976 questionnaire in appendix C. The sectional tabulations which follow use this new n~mbering system as does the rest of this report. A complete list of the questions and their new numbers appears in the cumulative tabulation of results in appendix C. Section 1 This section (figure 2) includes 124 river kilometers (77 river miles) from the mouth of the Boulder River at Big Timber to the mouth of the Clarks Fork Yellowstone. Access points include the town of Laurel, Itch-Kep-Pe at Columbus, Indian Fort at Reedpoint, Bratten, and the town of Big Timber. The average river gradient through section 1 is approximately 0.002 (2 m/km, 10 ft/mi). N BIG Access REED Pork Itch-Kep-Pe ,. POIN/ FishinQ Access 10 0 10 20 Miles ~~~.C~t=====ji._._..JI 10 0 10 20 Kilometers ~Visitation Sites 'rnt::=1 I Figure 2. Yellowstone River section 1. 14 s~~ QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSE PILOT STUDY Besides aiding in the development of a questionnaire for the summer recreation seasons, the pilot questionnaire yielded important data about late spring paddlefishing at the Intake Fishing access site, 27 km (17 miles) northeast of Glendive on the Yellowstone River. Eighty-eight questionnaires were returned, 84 percent of them from Intake. The tabulated response is shown in appendix B. Below are listed a number of results from the study. Fifteen percent of the respondents had perceived a deterioration in water quality since their use of the Yellowstone River for recreation had begun; 29 percent had perceived an increase in litter. About 35 percent indicated that either litter or a deterioration in water quality had affected their enjoyment of the river. Approximately half of the respondents were day users. Only about 16 percent of the respondents reported that they were on their vacation, although almost 70 percent reported that recreation on the Yellowstone River was the primary purpose of the trip. About half replied that they spent one to nine days annually at other sites on the Yellowstone River and its tributaries. Of the many recreational activities, fishing was the most popular, followed by rest and relaxation. Ninety percent of the respondents reported that this particular site fulfilled recreational demands at least adequately. When asked, "Where would you go to participate in the same activities if this site was not available?" the following alternatives were mentioned: Fort Peck, 20 percent; Fred Robinson Bridge, 18.5 percent; Yellowstone River, 11 percent; stay home, 9 percent; other, 7.5 percent. The remaining replies were scattered among various alternatives. About 60 percent thought the site was too crowded whereas 37 percent thought it was just right. Of those who thought the area was too crowded, most replied that more sites should be available. About two-thirds thought the site they were in should be more fully developed. About 40 percent claimed that the increase in the price of gasoline had decreased the distance traveled for recreation. About 76 percent of the respondents were Montana residents, most from nearby counties. 1975-1976 SUMMER QUESTIONNAIRE AND RESULTS The characteristic nature and intensity of recreational activities varied among sections due to variations in population, river gradient, and level of water development. Because of these differences, the results of the summer questionnaire are reported below by study section. Appendix C includes a sample copy of the questionnaire and the cumulative tabulation of results from the entire study area. Because of the relatively small sample size, any category which drew a· response of less than five percent of respondents was considered not valid and 13 TABLE .1. Definition of Sectional Rating Preferences (SRPs) Sectional Rating Preference 1 2 3 Percentage of Observed Recreationists <5 5-15 > 15 For each activity in each section an impact modification number (IMN) was subjectively assigned for each projected level of development. If a particular level of development would have a negative impact on a particular recreational activity in a particular section, then an JMN of minus 1 was assigned. An JMN of 0 indicates no impact, and an IMN of plus 1 a positive impact. For each level of development, low, medium, and high, and for each recreational activity in each section, the product of the SRP and the JMN determines the overall impact. A series of matrices (tables 19 through 23) shows the impact expected on the activities considered in each section. 12 Car counters were used in six selected areas to estimate total use. Aerial censuses were undertaken intermittently to further substantiate results. Site visitation varied slightly in 1976 within sections in comparison with 1975 due to limited ]g75 data collection and to the closing of some areas. BOATING DATA Actual observations of boat use were difficult to obtain. Instead, the number of registered boats in 15 counties of the study area was obtained, and questionnaires (appendix E) were randomly mailed to at least 15 percent of the boat owners of each county. Boat owners ~1ere asked where most of their boating occurred, their favorite activities, and the number of boating days per year. If more than one favorite site response was received, each was given an equal preference rating. These data are reported on pages 51 to 54 . RIVER STAGE During July of 1976, in order to determine the effect of changes in river depth on recreation, channel cross sections were taken at four sites judged to be potentially difficult for navigation (Hinz 1976). Two sites were located in section 2 and two in section 3. At each site, the flow was deter- mined which would provide adequate depth for passage of a 14-foot aluminum boat powered by a 15-to-20-horsepower motor, the most popular combination of boat and motor observed among river boaters. The results are shown in figure 17 on page 67 . IMPACT ASSESSMENT Recreational use at a particular site depends on a number of factors. For the 1975 data, a multiple regression correlated the total observed number of recreationists with the following independent variables: river section (location), maximum air temperature, discharge, discharge squared, weather conditions, month, date, time of day (one of two time periods), and time of week (weekday or weekend). For the 1976 data the multiple regression was modified somewhat. Time of day, found to be insignificant from the 1975 analysis, was dropped. Water turbidity, as perceived by the recreationists, was added because turbidity seemed to be inversely related to the number of anglers. Within each study section, the popularity of each recreation activity was calculated using both 1975 and ]g76 observations. For each activity a sectional rating preference (SRP), as explained in table 1, was assigned. For example, if 10 percent of the observed.recreationists at a particular site were engaged in a particular activity, then that activity would be given an SRP of two. 11 USE OF QUESTIONNAIRES ·Pilot Questionnaire To assist in developing an effective and workable questionnaire for the intensive summer studies of 1975 and 1g76, a pilot questionnaire was developed and tested. Administered between May 5 and May 27, 1g75, at the Intake Fishing Access Site 17 miles northeast of Glendive and elsewhere on the Yellowstone River, the questions were designed to determine the recreationists': 1) age, sex, and residency 2) income 3) 1 ength of stay 4) recreation site preference 5) frequency of visits 6) attitudes of fulfillment 7) knowledge of public lands 8) favorite activities g) problems (crowding, litter, insects, etc.) The questionnaire was administered to one person from each recreating group. A group, identified intuitively, was defined as a person or persons who had traveled together to the area. The pilot questionnaire and its results are shown in appendix B. Sunvner Questionnaire After the pilot questionnaire results were evaluated, the questionnaire was revised and prepared for use during the summer. During the summers of 1975 and 1976, the questionnaire was administered at designated popular recreation sites within each of the five study sections. Each section was visited randomly via automobile one day each week, including weekends, from June 22 to September 13, 1975, and from June 28 to September 10, 1976. The time of survey occurred randomly either from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in 1975. During 1976 no survey time periods were used. To reduce bias, sections were visited from west to east one week and from east to west the next; thus, the time of survey was different at each site from week to week. Statistical analysis of the questionnaire responses was by computer at Montana State University. Summations for each question were tabulated for each of the five river sections (see pages 13 to 34) and in total (appendix C). Cross tabulations of questions were also compiled (see page 34 ). SITE COMPARISON DATA In addition to the questionnaire which was administered at each designated recreational site, an observed use form (appendix D) was also completed by the observer. Observed activities within sections were then compared; it was assumed that percentages of activities not observed were similar to observed percentages. 10 Though the literature on recreation is voluminous, research relating changes in recreation behavior to changes in stream environments is almost nonexistent (Andrews et al. 1976). A study made under the auspices of the Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission (1974) investigated the relationship between recreation and streamflow in the Snake River. River flow was con- trolled by regulating the outflows from dams at five different flows for three days each. The recreational adequacy of a particular site was evaluated for potential by a team of researchers. The Yellowstone Impact Study had a similar objective; however, no flow controls were available because the Yellowstone River· is virtually free flowing. The basic method used in this study was to demonstrate the effect of three projected levels of water development (summarized in appendix A and explained in detail in Report No.1 of this series) on recreation activities by use of a matrix, similar to that used by Bishop (1972). For each activity, the impact is calculated to be the product of an intensity-of-use factor (Sectional Rating Preference) derived from on-site recreational observation and field data collected by a variety of other methods and a modification factor (Impact Modification Number) subjectively derived through expertise, literature review, and common sense. The methods by which the data were collected which allowed the derivation of these factors is explained in the next few sections. DATA COLLECTION Since most recreation use of the Yellowstone River occurred during the summer, most data were collected during that season in both 1g75 and 1976. During the other seasons, data were collected more extensively in areas close to Miles City, the headquarters for the study. Such data were largely the result of personal communication and of aerial flights; literature review supplemented these findings. Interviews and news releases were helpful in identifying places and dates of organized recreation events. At such events, numbers of recreationists, activities pursued, and means of travel were observed. Due to the vastness of the study area, concentrated efforts to evaluate current recreational use were limited to the Yellowstone River mainstem. For the tributaries, car counter data, personal communication, and literature review were relied upon. 9 YEllowsTONE RIVER BASIN SubsECTIONs UsEd IN AERIAl ObsERVATIONs 1. Big Timber to the mouth of the Clarks Fork 2a. The mouth of the Clarks Fork to Billings . 2b. Billings to the mouth of the Bighorn 3a. The mouth of the Bighorn to Forsyth 3b. Forsyth to the mouth of the Tongue River 4. The mouth of the Tongue River to the mouth of the Powder River Sa. The mouth of the Powder River to r.lendive Sb. Glendive to the Seven Sisters r.ame Management Area Sc. Seven Sisters Game Management Area to the North Dakota line 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 Miles 'titjt---j I I I I 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 Kilometers IMJ-1 I I I I I MUSSELSHELL ' GOLDEN\ ' WHEATLAND I ' ------~-J VALLEY l___ ;----~- ___] CARBON YELLOWSTONE ' I NATIONAL PARK ' ( N YELLOWSTONE RIVER BASIN GARFIELD -----t '\ T R E A r'S _u..,R ... E~-......:...;,..Ar ' . I L----~ • COLSTRIP l---... -1. • " --------~ I ~-::.. '" INDIAN BIG HORN "' RESERVATION ~· ______ _. _________ ~~ WYOMING l I McCONE I ( ----, ' ------. --. ~·· POWDER I ASHLAND I I ' :J ' I ' I ' ~ ' I 10 I ' I --, \ In 1975, hunting was the most frequently observed activity in all sections except 1, 2a, and 2b. The period of flight observations included all of the 1975 big game and bird hunting season, which began October 19 and closed November 11. Agate hunting in these same sections was also very popular. Within sections 3, 4, and 5, the low stream gradient and large flood plain create an ideal whitetailed deer and pheasant habitat. In addition, the presence of many large islands increases the chance of success of hunters and rockhounds. Boats are used extensively in these activities, but boat launching opportunities are inadequate in section 4, probably explaining why hunting was relatively less popular there. Waterfowl hunting data were limited to the flood plain; thus recreationists hunting in fields and along small tributaries were not observed. Waterfowl hunting success, however, is determined not only by the condition of the Yellowstone River itself, but also by other factors, such as the climatic conditions of the region. Migratory waterfowl are more abundant during certain portions of the season than others. CAR COUNTER DATA As part of the 1976 study, car counters were placed at six recreational areas in three of the five study sections. Sites surveyed were Indian Fort, Bratten and ltch-Kep-Pe fishing access sites (section 1), East Roseburl Recreation Area and Waco Diversion (section 3), and Intake Fishin~ Access Site (section 5). All sites were developed and are owned by the Montana Department of Fish and Game, with the exception of Waco Diversion which is privately owned. Car counter data revealed that some sites were visited much more heavily than others (table 12). TABLE 12. Tabulation of car counter data, 1976. Total Number Average b Site Date Cars Total Use a of Days Daily Use Intake F.A. 5/5/76 to 9/6/76 10,069 31 '315 124 253 East Rosebud R.A. 6/25/76 to 9/5/76 8,929 27,769 72 386 Waco Diversion 5/14/76 to 9/9/76 502 1 ,561 116 14.0 Indian Fort F .A. 7/8/76 to 9/8/76 1 ,383 4,301 62 69.0 Bratten F.A. 7/8/76 to 9/8/76 1 ,301 4,046 62 65.0 Itch-Kep-Pe F .A. 7/16/76 to 9/8/76 1,362 4,236 54 78.0 aThe total number of people using each site was estimated by multiplying the total number of cars by average number of people per car (3.1), obtained from the 1976 observed use data. bThe average daily use was obtained by dividing the total use by the number of days of sampling. 49 Some error resulted from vandalism and mechanical failure of counters. East Rosebud Recreation Area had the largest visitation of a recreation area, but young adults are reported to drive through the area frequently (Bivins 1976), which would give an inaccurate counter reading. Table.12·shows Itch-Kep-Pe, Indian Fort, and Bratten ranked third, fourth, and .f.ifth, respectively, in use among the sites with car counters. With the exception of the Yellowstone boat float in mid-July, visitation generally increased during the latter part of summer at these areas. Waco Diversion received the least use, probably due to the undeveloped and unpublicized nature of the site. In addition, a completed section of Interstate 10 riow bypasses the Waco road turnoff. Intake Fishing Access ranked second in overall average daily use, but 72.5 percent of the use occurred from May 5 to May 31, 1976. This tremendous pressure is due to paddlefishing during May and early June. Daily use in May at Intake averaged 870 recreation visits. Extensive data have been compiled concerning recreational activity at the Intake Fishing Access (Rehwinkel 1976) to emphasize the high recreational use there (figure 11). In 1973 and 1974, maximum numbers of recreationists occurred on May 26 and May 28, respectively, both of which fell on a Memorial Day weekend. The high concentrations of fishermen on the Memorial Day weekends of those years and the low daily fishing success known to have occurred on this holiday in 1974 (0.02 fish per hour) suggest that angler concentrations are the result of custom and available time, not high fishing success. The estimated number of fisherman trips was 2,386 in 1973 and 3,363 for 1974 (May 1 to July l)(Rehwinkel 1975). From May 1 to June 3, 1976, a counter rod registered 3,384 units, depicting another use increase. In addition, table 13 illustrates the results of a subsampling technique (Elser 1975) used to determine repre- sentative total hours fished and number of fish caught. TABLE 13 .. Numbers of fishermen, hours fished, and numbers of fish caught at Intake during spring, 1975. Week 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 1st week 2nd week Dates 1,2,3,4 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13 15, 16, 17 22. 23. 25. 29 1 • 2. 3 11 • 12 Number Fishermen 59 75 42 62 62 81 MAY JUNE 50 Total Hours Fished 143.20 256.25 162.00 287.00 363.25 315.50 Number Fish Caught 0 25 29 26 54 112 -----~-~~-----~------~ Figure 11. On Memorial Day, 1975 and 1976, large crowds were attracted to Intake Fishing Access for paddlefishing. BOATING BOAT REGISTRATION Montana had seven counties with more than 1,000 registered boats from May 1, 1975, to May 1, 1976: Missoula, 4,549; Flathead, 3,866; Cascade, 2,688; Yellowstone, 2,584; Lake, 1 ,744; Lewis and Clark, 1 ,597; and Lincoln, 1 ,093. Within the Yellowstone study area, Yellowstone County had by far the largest number of registered boats. BOATING QUESTIONNAIRE As shown in table 14, at least 15 percent of registered boaters within each of 15 counties were randomly selected for participation in a mail survey (questionnaire in appendix E). Of 688 questionnaires mailed, 510 (74 percent) were returned. The highest percentage of response (93 percent) was from Rosebud County, the lowest (50 percent) from Prairie County. The "number responses" column in table 14 differs from the "number questionnaires received" co 1 umn because of incomplete answers to segments of the questionnaire, especially the one pertaining to annual boating days. 51 TABLE 14. Boating mail survey, 1975. Total Percentage Sampled Total tlumbcr Number tlumber Response of Total Average Total Person Days Registered Questionnaires Percentage Questionnaires Percentage Number Total flumber Boat Days Boat Days Boat Days of Boating County Boats Matl~d of Total Received Response Responses Of Boat CMners Per Year Per Year Per Year Per Year Big Horn 265 40 15. 1 33 82.5 29 12.5 541 18.6 4,929 10,992 Carbon 177 27 15.3 21 77.8 20 11.9 432 21.6 3.823 8.525 Carter 9 9 100.0 6 66.7 6 66.7 148 24.6 221 493 Custer 222 36 16.2 28 77.8 26 12.6 484 13.6 4,129 9,208 Dawson 314 48 15.3 37 77.1 37 11.8 852 23.0 7,222 16.105 Fallon 67 11 16.4 6 54.5 5 8.9 56 11.2 750 1,673 Powder River 28 8 28.6 6 75.0 5 21.4 67 13.4 375 836 (J1 N Prairie 37 6 16.2 3 50.0 3 8.1 41 13.7 507 1,1Jl Richland 214 33 15.4 25 75.8 24 11.7 746 31.1 6,655 14,841 Rosebud 188 29 15.4 27 93.1 24 14.4 547 22.8 4,286 9,558 Stillwater 110 18 16.3 11 61.1 11 10.0 246 22.4 2,255 5,029 Sweet Grass 54 10 18.5 70.0 7 13.0 199 28.4 1,193 2,660 Treasure 23 30.4 5 71.4 5 21.7 92 18.4 423 943 Wibaux 5 5 100.0 4 80.0 4 80.0 58 14.5 72 161 Yellowstone 2584 401 15.5 292 72.8 282 11.3 5,912 21.0 54.264 121,009 MEAUS AIIO IOTALS 4317 688 15.9 510 74. 1 491 11.8 10,421 21.22 93,920 203,164 The average number of boat-days per year was obtained by dividing the "sampled total bo.at-days per year" by the "number responses"; "total boat-days per year" was then determined by multiplying this average by the total number of registered boats. The total number of person days of boating per year was then estimated by multiplying the total boat days per year by 2.23, the average number of persons per boat observed during the 1976 Yellowstone Boat Float. Yellowstone County had the largest number of total person days of boating annually, far ahead of Dawson, Richland, and Big Horn counties. The two smallest figures, 161 man days (Wibaux) and 493 man days (Carter), represent 80 percent and 67 percent responses, respectively, from the total number of persons who own registered boats. Table 15, the results of a mailed-in questionnaire, incorporates favorite activities and visitation sites of the sampled population of the respective counties. Within the activities segment, the "other" category included sunbathing, camping, rest and relaxation, picnicking, sightseeing, trapping, and scuba diving. Within each county, fishing was the favorite activity, followed usually by water skiing. Agate hunting interest was highest in Richland County (22 percent), and hunting response was highest in Big Horn (12 percent) and Stillwater (9 percent) counties. Visitational preferences varied widely within counties, but proximity to bodies of water, especially reservoirs, seemed to be the largest factor influencing recreational use. Substantial use of western Montana lakes and rivers indicates willingness to travel. Nonmotorized boating was not considered in this study. Rubber and wooden rafts and canoes are used extensively for all activities, especially sightseeing, fishing, and hunting. Boat floats are discussed in the following section. Recent Yellowtail Reservoir and Bighorn River data are listed in table 16. BOAT FLOATS A major water-based recreational event along the Yellowstone is the annual three-day, 126-mile (203-km) Yellowstone River boat float, which usually takes place the second weekend in July. The float begins in Livingston and terminates at Billings. Although 97 boats were registered at Livingston in 1975, a count at Columbus on July 12 revealed 60 boats carrying 239 people, seven canoes carrying 14 people, and three kayaks carrying five people. An aerial count on July 13 between Columbus and Billings revealed 37 boats carrying 115 people, seven canoes carrying 14 people, and three kayaks carrying five people. An estimated 1,000 people took part in the float as participants or sightseers. An aerial census was taken of the 1976 Yellowstone River boat float, which occurred July 8, 9, and 10. From Reedpoint to Columbus, there were 275 boats engaged in river travel, the majority (223) of which were nonmotorized rubber 53 TABL[ IS. Result~ of miled-in Q\Jestlonnatre. E 0 . ~ ~ " • -:! Nm MO -~ ~= . ~ . ·• ..;5 cs ~~ . . .. /;! t > 7~ 7! J:~ .. ~ :5 7; :~ ~ ., ·~ . ~ • ?;5 . . .!~ . , ld ~~ ·-, ~~ ~~ . /;! . ; ~I' ~E . ~ ~ ~-~ . • . ~ . ~ . ;~ . := .. ~] • 0 ~~ •• ~ ~ . •-" ~ 0 •• o< 3~ m :; ~i ~!' gg m m .It a F.worite Ac.tlvlt1e~ (Pert:entage) ;u •m j; -~ E -;: . . ~ o. ll ;: . ~;: ~~ • . ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~~ . "\. !!5 !!5 ~ , . =~ ~ • ~ e . 5 Water Agate 0 :i ~~ ~ • 8 ~ !l ·-:<I' :2 :.0 ~ . County Flsll. Sk llr1g Htmt. Hur~t. Other -m ;;; ~ • .?. ~ u ~ ~ 0 Bill Horn 61.8 17 .t II . 7 ••• 1.9 ll. 9 '-' 47.1 5. 7 3.8 1.9 Carbon 67.0 14. i 7.3 11. I 1.4 7 .I 1 .• 2.4 Z6.2 2.4 3~.] 7. I II. 9 Carter 67.0 ]].0 16.7 16.7 5. 6 16. 7 22.2 16.] 5.6 "' ... Custer 55.6 25.9 7.4 3. 7 13.0 4.3 '. 3 2.1 37.0 1 J .0 2.1 6. 5 4. 3 10.9 D.llw~Or\ 60.5 21.0 7 .• 5.1 7 .• . 7 25.4 1.7 1.7 44 .I . 7 1.7 E..Z 6.8 1.7 Fallon BO.O 20.0 42.8 14. 28.6 14.3 Pe-ller River 80.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 10.0 10.0 Pr<1lrle 50.0 25.0 25.0 33.3 11. 1 II. 22.2 II .I II .I Rlc.111<1nd 48.2 18.5 7.4 22.2 3.7 4.2 25.0 4.2 12. s Jl.2 1. I 10 2 I 6.3 1 .I Roleb.JII 150.0 26.1 6. 7 3. 3 3.3 2.4 14.3 7 .I 1.4 11.9 26.2 21.4 14.3 Stllhoater 54.5 9. I 36.4 3. 7 25.9 11.1 3. 7 11. 1 " 3. 7 7. 4 7.4 3. 7 Sweet Grass 69.2 30.3 6.2 12.5 12 12 5 18.8 18.8 18.8 Treuure 67.0 33.0 37.5 12.5 12.5 25.0 Wib<IU• 60.0 <10.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 Vc1\cwstone 60.0 23.0 3.0 '.o 1.4 3.9 2.2 1.0 . 3 II. I . 5 2.9 3. I 26.5 3. 5 13.3 13.0 1.9 12.7 .2 2.0 • 4Pol<der River, Cl<1rks fork Yellow~tone, StilliiHl'r I River, Spotted Eaq1e Reservoir. Idaho, Wyom1ng, Cana(Ja. TABLE 16. Yell owta i 1 Reservoir and Bighorn River fishing and boating use. Location 1970 1971 1972a 1973 1974b 1975c FISHERMEN Afterbay 636 l,B36 4,212 6,239 6,B74 River 2,383 4,786 12,513 5,058 10,495 Lake 2,892 2,117 10,356 12,339 29,489 BOATS Afterbay 526 538 614 1 ,126 973 River 904 809 1 ,951 364 1 • 765 Lake 2,912 3,601 6,298 7,399 7,297 aFigures not available bRiver closed to both fishermen and boaters due to litigation (Finch case). CRiver reopened. Started counting boater fishermen plus boaters in June 1975. rafts. Eight kayaks, 21 canoes, and 23 motorized rubber rafts were also observed. Six hundred and twelve participants and an estimated 600 sightseers took part in the float. Two hundred and fifty automobiles and trucks and 40 campers, trailers, and mobile homes were present. The average number of people per vessel was 2.23 and the average number of people per car was 4.85, a relatively high figure probably due to the fact that several groups often floated downstream to one car or truck for a ride upstream. Because of the special nature of the event, the 1975 and 1976 boat float data were not incorporated in total observed use or for regressional com- parison of 1975 to 1976 river discharge with recreational use. Another boat float takes place annually at Terry on July 4. In 1975, 13 crafts carrying 61 people made the trip from the mouth of the Powder River to . Terry, 11 . 9 river mi 1 es ( 19 km). Tota 1 observed use was 225 people. The Terry boat float is an example of a specific annual event held regardless of the Yellowstone River discharge. In 1976, 12 rafts and five boats were observed on the Terry boat float. Forty-one people engaged in the float, averaging three to a vessel, and 300 spectators were present. Another boat float was held on the Powder River on July 4, 1976, from near Broadus to the Powderville Bridge, with 12 vessels and 43 participants. A popular fishing float trip occurs from the afterbay of Yellowtail Dam 14 miles downstream to the Bighorn Fishing Access Site. 55 RECENT WATERFOWL HUNTING Irregular waterfowl hunting pressure is indicated by the results of the 1971-74 Montana Department of Fish and Game waterfowl hunting questionnaire data (table 17). Completed questionnaires were obatained from a sampling of hunters from each of 15 counties in the study area, and the numbers of duck and goose hunters per day were calculated. The number of possible duck and goose hunting days was also listed and divided into the number of duck and goose hunters, respectively, to obtain an average use factor. Counties surveyed were Big Horn, Carbon, Carter, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Rosebud, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Treasure, Yellowstone, and Wibaux. TABLE 17, Numbers of duck and goose hunters, days, and average hunters per day. Number of Number of Number of Number of Duck Duck NDH Goose Goose Hunters (NDH) Days (NDD) NDD Hunters (NGH) Days (NGD) 1971 3180 90 35.3 1439 90 1972 3758 90 41.8 2182 90 1973 3596 76 47.3 2107 93 1974 2965 64 46.3 1953 93 The number of hunters per day was greatest for ducks in 1973 and for geese in 1972. NGH NGD 16.0 24.2 22.7 21.0 Besides flow, factors which affect waterfowl hunting pressure are lengths of seasons, coincidence with other hunting seasons, federal regulations governin9 bag limits and shooting hours, the amount of leisure time within seasons {the 1974 season had 26 weekend or holiday days, while the 1972 season had only 20), weather conditions, and state regulations. All of these factors may vary annually. TRIBUTARY RECREATIONAL USE The major tributaries of the Yellowstone River within the study area (figure 1) are the Powder, Tongue, and Bighorn rivers. These tributaries offer varied recreational opportunities that, with the exception of the upper Bighorn River during spring and early summer, are not extensively utilized. POWDER RIVER The Powder River, free flowing in Montana, supports a minimum of recreational use. A boat float which occurred on July 4, 1976, is mentioned above. DFG employees engaged in the Powder River Aquatic Ecology Project 56 for Utah International, Incorporated, witnessed set line fishing on the river but observed only two sunbathers during the sunmer of 1976 (Rehwinkel et al 1976), and field work for that study was accomplished daily throughout late spring, summer, and in early fall. Sauger, shovelnose sturgeon, and channel catfish populations were found during the most recently documented capture period, April 5 to July 7, 1976 (Rehwinkel et al. 1976), indicating an underutilized recreational potential related to fish migration. TONGUE RIVER The Tongue River (figure 12) receives considerably more recreational use than the Powder River. A 1975 Montana Department of Fish and Game mail survey is summarized in table 18. For the purposes of this study, the Tongue River was divided into sections as follows: s~ction A stretches·from the Montana-Wyoming border to the southern tip of the reservoir; section B from the Tongue River Dam to the bridge near Brandenburg; section C stretches from just below the bridge to the mouth of the Tongue River. (Study sections on the tributaries will be identified by capital letters to avoid confusion with Yellowstone mainstem study sections, which are numbered). TABLE 18. Tongue River recreational use data for 1975 and 1976. May 1 -September 30 October 1 -April 30 Resident Nonresident Total Resident Nonresident Total Section A 2,644 2,074 4,718 0 0 0 Section B 894 98 992 0 0 0 Section C 4,074 192 4,266 926 244 1 '170 Tongur River Reservoir 1 '955 3,430 5,385 313 351 664 TOTAL 9,567 5,794 15 '361 1 ,239 595 1,834 SOURCE: Montana Department of Fish and Game 1975-76. As shown in table 18, nonresident use exceeds resident use on the Tongue River Reservoir, probably due to the greater populations within one-day driving distances in Wyoming than in Montana·. Approximately 17,000 total annual visitor days of water-based recreation were recorded for the Tongue River and Reservoir. BIGHORN RIVER The Bighorn River (figure 13) is a unique stream which has provided most of the trout fishing within the study area. However, as a result of a decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Finch case, the Crow Indian Tribe has ·closed to the public that portion of the Yellowstone River that runs through their reservation, as of January, 1977. 57 Tongu6 Ri~6r Rtls6rvtHr \ l -- I CITY 0 10 20 30 Miles ~~.t~.t~.t========j·~------~· 0 10 20 30 Kilometers --..C:=:l.~ ______ l __ ~N_!~ __ .. ------- WYOMING Figure 12. The Tongue River, showing 1975 Montana Department of Fish and Game mail survey fishing pressure sampling sections. 58 '·. During a study (_Stevenson 1975) conducted in 1972 and 1973, the catch of brown, rainbow, and cutthroat trout ranged from 0.00 to 0.07, 0.26 to 0.67, and 0.00 to 0.05 fish per fisherman-hour, respectively. The estimated total number of fisherman-days was 37.4 per surface acre in the afterbay below the dam (section A) and 3,720 and 630 per river mile in sections B and C below the afterbay, respectively. r--- / / / / / ;_ / / / / Section c / / ' ' / / / / N / / . ~'+ ~0 -.. 1 ' / / . fO'~ . ' ···-.. -·--. /'--.. / ' Section B "- / Sec~on A ' ' . ---------- LEGEND Highway -··-·· Maintained Gravel • Census Card Depositories A State Fishing Access S Gaging Station 0 ' -? 0 '2 I Miles Kilometers Figure 13. The upper Biohorn River, showing location of study sections A, B, and C (from Stevenson 1975), The estimated total yield was 37,321 trout caught during 18,648 fisherman- days for an average of 2 fish/fisherman-day. The percentage of rainbow trout in the yield decreased with downstream progression while the percentage of brown and cutthroat trout increased. Although weekend holidays accounted for only 32 percent of the total days in the census period, they made up 58 percent of the fisherman-days. Fishermen from Billings accounted for 81 percent of the Montana residents. In sections A and B, bank fishing made up the greatest part of the fishing pressure; boat fishing provided the greatest portion in section C due to limited access. 59 Investigations of potential alternative sites have been based on need and feasibility. Summer survey results indicate that most people surveyed (83 percent in 1975 and 87 percent in 1976) would like. to see another site within at least 30 miles of the one currently enjoyed. The nature of alterna- tive sites may not allow all recreational interests to be pursued at each, but important access would be provided. Since most Yellowstone River frontage is privately owned, local property listings and interviews were used to find land with recreational potential. Areas within the 180-km (110-mile) stretch between Forsyth and Fallon were given first priority due to the scarcity of existing sites (figure 14). After the·initial listing, each potential site was visited and evaluated based on the following considerations: 1) Distance to adjacent sites 2) Boat launching potential 3) Proximity to population centers 4) Existing access Areas which received a high evaluation were appraised and described in detail. Site acquisition preferences were then made based on Montana Department of Fish and Game standards in conformance with Section 26-104.6, R.C.M. 1947. Currently, the Montana Department of Fish and Game has a plan for siting recreation areas every 20 or 30 miles along the river. Achievement of this goal is difficult; legal problems, inflationary land prices, and landowner unwillingness to sell are current roadblocks. · Along the Yellowstone River, four areas have been investigated: 1) an area north of Rosebud, 516, T6N, R42E; 2) a state-owned section near the mouth of Sunday Creek, 536, T9N, R48E; 3) a section near the mouth of the Powder River, 54, TllN, R50E; and 4) a large area of 14,000 acres near Intake, including part or all of sections 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; and 33 in Tl8N, R57E and sections 7, 17, 18, 19, and 30 in Tl8N, R58E. In addition, other possible Yellowstone River access sites are the Howrey ranch adjacent to the Montana Fish and Game Isaac Homestead Game Management area near Hysham, and the Elmer Winningham ranch 10 miles east of Miles City (figure 15). 61 ~ --~ ----------~-------, Figure 15. Winningham Ranch shoreline, providing valuable access near Miles City and a natural boat landing. Two major high-priority zones exist on the Yellowstone River. The river segment from Isaac Homestead Game Management Area near Hysham to the ltch-Kep-Pe Fishing Access Site at Columbus, 200.7 km (126 river miles), includes no state- owned developed recreational area. Although there are several newly developed or partially developed privately owned sites within this segment, which contains Billings, the largest city in Montana, more developed recreational sites are needed. The other higtt-priority area is the stretch of river from East Rosebud Recreation Area at Forsyth to the newly acquired (1976) boat ramp near Fallon, Montana. This 177.8 km (110.5 river mile) stretch provides local and private access to the Yellowstone River in severa1 places, but no developed sites exist that assuredly would be open to the public. A 2.6-acre area within the city of Miles City which was recently purchased by the Montana Department of Fish and Game will be inexpensive and simple to develop because of the availability of electricity, tap water, gravel fill, and a boat ramp. This recreation area will divide the 110.5-river mile stretch approximately in half. 62 \ I YEllowsTONE RIVER BASIN PoTENTIAl RECREATION a-u High Priority Zones .... Potential Recreation Sites 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 M;les Uifit==jU1tu==~-------~~====~~------.tl======jl 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 KHomelers ~~~~ .... tl:=:=ii .... JI:=:=jl I MUSSELSHELL I ·I WHEATLAND GOLDEN\ ' I ' -------r--j VALLEY I :------~- L_ . ' l ' I CARBON YELLOWSTONE ' I NATIONAL PARK • N \ ' l I 'y-- ' ) YELLOWSTONE RIVER BASIN GARFIELD McCONE -----, I --l. I 1 INTAKE • DAWSON , GL-ENDIVE) J J CUSTER INDIAN BIG HORN "' RESERVATION ~- POWDER ' ASHLAND I ----r--r l l ----~ \ Tongue River ~ RtJservoi, ---------~~------~ ___ ... - -l------ WYOMING FIGURE 14 I I ICil 0 I. c: \! ,~ 0 -\~ PROJECTIONS OF FUTURE USE In order to adequately and uniformly assess the potential effects of water withdrawals on the many aspects of the present study, it was necessary to make projections of specific levels of future withdrawals. The methodology by which this was done is explained in Report No. 1 in this series, in which also the three projected levels of development, low, intermediate, and high, are explained in more detail. Summarized in appendix A, these three future levels of development were formulated for energy, irrigation, and municipal water use. Annual water depletions associated with the future levels of development were included in the projections. These projected depletions, and the types of development projected, provide a basis for determining the level of impact that would occur if these levels of development were carried through. To evaluate the impact of these projected levels of development on water- based recreation, associated water flows and depths were determined by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (see Report No 1). For most types of recreation, the 50th-percentile flow (that flow which would be exceeded in 50 of 100 years under the particular development level of interest) was used for impact evaluation. One exception is boating, for which the 90th-percentile low flow is important for navigability considerations. EVALUATION CRITERIA SHORELINE ACTIVITIES No changes due to altered streamflow can be foreseen in some activities. Among these are shoreline recreation other than fishing, such as picnicking, rockhounding, rest and relaxation, horseback riding, bicycling, motorbiking, driving for pleasure, outdoor games, sightseeing, walking for pleasure, and birdwatching. WATER-BASED ACTIVITIES Included in this category were fishing, boating, water skiing, swimming, and agate hunting from boats. The effects of increased water demand on fishing in sections 2, 3, and 4 are unknown. Within section 5, the paddlefish spawning run in May and June is in some way related to high flows, turbidity, or both. Thus, in section 5, a -1 IMN value (see explanation of IMN on page 12 ) is assessed due to the uniqueness of the sport and the possible degradation of the fishery that could result. The other four sections are rated no effect. I 1The author wishes to emphasize that temporary improvements in trout fishing sometimes occur when the river is low and clear. Such a temporary improvement . could result from the projected levels of development in section 1. 65 Water-based rockhounding would probably be adversely (_-1) affected by increased water demand. Even though more rocks would be exposed for a few years, agate hunters would soon pick most good agates. If high flows were not sufficient to induce annual erosion, washing, and exposure, long-term quality agate hunting would decrease. Motorized boating (figure 16) is given a -1 IMN due to the projected loss of the 20-inch water depth necessary for passage. During July and August, the most popular months for motorized boating, 90th-percentile low flows in the Mid-Yellowstone Subbasin are approximately 4,600 and 9,200 cfs, respectively. Increased water demands in July under low and high levels of development range from 2,300 to 3,500 cfs, respectively, and for August from 2,200 to. 3,300 cfs, respectively. Figure 16. Motorized boating on the Yellowstone River faces severe projected impact. Figure 17 is a compilation of cross-sectional data taken in 1976 from four Yellowstone River sites near Miles City. From gage height and cross-sectional data, the navigable width of each section was calculated based on a 20-inch navigation depth. The effects of the low, intermediate, and high levels of development on these cross sections and navigable widths are shown in figure 17. The greatest percentage of navigable width loss would occur under the high level of development at the Kinsey and Fort Keogh cross sections. Losses in 66 -c: Ql E Q. 0 a; > Ql 0 "" -..., o· Ql > Ql ...J HIGH ! ... l ,..-I I ,.. I I / I I .. • I I / I I / I I I / I I / I I / I I / I I V" I I / I INTERMEDIATE I I ././ : ; I T I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J LOW I j ~~-~ .... ,.,...·' ~ -~ ....----:-:. ~--········· /, ..... / ...... ~ 1----::-: ~-. . . . . . . . . v··· ...... · / ...... -... ······· / , ~ ""'" ........ --.. ·· / .... "'.,. -····· .. ·· Hysham 4 ...... ~--~ :-;:-. ::-:-...... ----Fort Keo / 1::-: :-.-:"'· :-:-: •.... .. / ...... . ............ Kinsey k:;;;. / ...... ~-~····· -·-·-Buffalo /' ~ ~ . ~-~·· • July r,.... J:l August 1 z I gh Rapids I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Loss Figure 17. Percentage loss of navigable width in July and August in four sections of the mid-Yellowstone under the low, intermediate, and high levels of development. excess of 15 percent would occur at all locations under all projections in July and August. The smallest percentage of loss of navigable width would occur in July at the Hysham site. No attempt was made to weigh impacts between sections. Since passage is presently critical at the 90th-percentile natural low flows for August and September, lower flows would virtually eliminate river travel past critical areas. Waterskiing, obviously associated with boating, is considered only in sections 4 and 5. Lower water levels would increase the present danger situation. ACCESS Increased water withdrawal could improve access to recreational sites during what would normally be periods of high runoff. In 1975 several Montana Department of Fish and Game recreational areas were flooded as late as mid- July; bridges were washed out, and some roads were impassable into mid- August (figure 18). There were no such access problems in 1976. '' \ --.. ,~ ' .1/ . ,_ . .,.. . ::..-;'. : -. . ··---- --- .... .. .. _; .. .. . .. . . ~~---------....:_ ___ .c__o _ _:___ ---~"'--•-' __ .___• .,:": --~-· . ....:---- Figure 18. Limited Yellowstone River access near Worden, Montana, in 1975. 68 PROJECTED IMPACTS The methods by which the following impact projections were formulated are explained on pages 11 to 12 . Table .g on page .44 illustrated that more recreational use was observed in some sections than in others, both in numbers of recreationists and in numbers of recreational activities. Even so, a single recreational experience in one section was assumed equal in importance to an experience in any other section. Even though demand for and withdrawal of Yellowstone River water could affect more person-days of recreation in areas of high use than in areas of low use, the quality of the single experience, regardless of the section in which it occurred, should be considered foremost in evaluating the following tables. In the future, recreational use patterns in the study area may change greatly through the addition of new access and recreational sites. Tables 19 through 23 list the projected impacts for each activity for each section. TABLE 19. Impact assessment for section 1. Impact Modification Numbers Sectional Low Intermediate High Rating Level of Level of Level of ' Preference Development Development Deve 1 opment Swimming 2 X -1 = -2 -1 = -2 -1 = -2 Picnicking -3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rest and Relaxation 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Boating 2 X -1 = -2 -1 = -2 -1 = -2 Floating 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Horseback Riding 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Bicycling 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Motor Biking 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Driving for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Playing Outdoor Games 2 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rockhounding 1 X -1 = -1 -1 = -1 -1 = -1 Sightseeing 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Walking for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Waterskiing 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Birdwatching 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Fishing 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 +1 = 0 Access 3 X +1 = +3 +1 = +3 +1 = +3 TOTALS -2 -2 -2 69 TABLE 20. Impact assessment for section 2. Impact Modification Numbers Sectional Low Intermediate High Rating Level of Level of Level of Preference Development Deve 1 opmen t Development Swimming 3 X -1 = -3 -1 = -3 -1 = -3 Picnicking 2 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rest and Relaxation 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Boating 2 X -1 = -2 -1 = -2 -1 = -2 Floating 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Horseback Riding 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Bicycling 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Motor Biking 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Driving for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Playing Outdoor Games 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rockhounding 1 X -1 = -1 -1 = -1 -1 = -1 Sightseeing 2 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Walking for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Waterskiing 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Birdwatching 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Fishing 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Access 3 X +1 = +3 +1 = +3 +1 = +3 TOTALS -3 -3 -3 TABLE 21. Impact assessment for section 3. Impact Modification Numbers Sectional Low Intermediate High Rating Level of Level of Level of Preference Development Deve 1 opment Development Swimming 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Picnicking 2 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rest and Relaxation 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Boating 2 X -1 = -2 -1 = -2 -1 = -2 Floating 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Horseback Riding 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Bicycling 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Motor Biking 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Driving for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Playing Outdoor Games 2 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rockhounding 1 X -1 = -1 -1 = -1 -1 = -1 Sightseeing 2 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Walking for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Waterskiing 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Birdwatching 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Fishing 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Access 3 X +1 = +3 +1 = +3 +1 = +3 TOTALS 0 0 0 70 TABLE 22. Impact assessment for section 4. ' Impact Modification Numbers Sectional Low Intermediate High Rating Level of Level of Level of Preference Development Development Development Swimming 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Picnicking 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rest and Relaxation 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Boating 3 X -1 = -3 -1 = -3 -1 = -3 Floating 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Horseback Riding 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Bicycling 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Motor Biking 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Driving for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Playing Outdoor Games 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rockhounding 1 X -1 = -1 -1 = -1 -1 = -1 Sightseeing 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Walking for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Waterskiing 1 X -1 = -1 -1 = -1 -1 = -1 Birdwatching 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Fishing 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Access 3 X +1 = +3 +1 = +3 +1 = +3 TOTALS -2 -2 -2 TABLE 23. Impact assessment for section 5. Impact Modification Numbers Sectional Low Intermediate High Rating Level of Level of Level of Preference Development Development Development Swiimning 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Picnicking 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rest and Relaxation 3 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Boating 2 X 0 = 0 -1 = -2 -1 = -2 Floating 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Horseback Riding 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Bicycling 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Motor Biking 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Driving for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Playing Outdoor Games 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Rockhounding 3 X -1 = -3 -1 = -3 -1 = -3 Sightseeing 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Walking for Pleasure 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Waterskiing 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 Birdwatching 1 X 0 = 0 0 = 0 ' 0 = 0 Fishing 3 X -1 = -3 -1 = -3 -1 = -3 Access 3 X +1 = +3 +1 = +3 +1 = +3 TOTALS -3 -5 -5 71 Section 5 would be most adversely affected (-5) under the high and inter- mediate projections. Section 2 would be adversely affected also, to the same extent as section 5 under the low level of development (-3). Sections 1 and 4 would be adversely affected (-2) due to motorized boating loss and associated activities. No impact is foreseen for section 3. Tables 19 through 23 reflect only two summer study periods, one in 1975 and one in 1976. Hunting was not considered in the tables. Use of a boat for hunting access was considered, but the likelihood of a small increased water demand during hunting season pointed toward no significant impact. Increased irrigation could increase resident waterfowl and pheasant numbers, adding to the recreation potential. Using the models developed to predict numbers of people on the Yellowstone River as a function of river section, discharge, weather, day of week, tempera- ture, turbidity, and the month of the season, the following relationships were found. In 1976, discharge and the square of the discharge (to allow for non- linearity) were not strongly correlated with recreational use, accounting for less than 10 percent of the variability in observed use (at p = 0.1). The best prediction models for 1976 data correlated recreational use with weekend vs. weekdays, section (location), and turbidity levels, in that order. The best prediction for 1975 data also utilized weekend vs. weekdays and section (location), but discharge ranked third. Turbidity levels were not incorporated in 1975. Turbidity generally decreases-towards autumn. Because the paddle- fish season occurs during the spring periods of high turbidities, the bulk of the paddlefishing season was not within the summer study periods. 72 \ Recreationists enjoy numerous outdoor pastimes on the Yellowstone River. The cold-water environment of the upper reaches provides trout fishing throughout spring, summer, and fall. The lower reaches offer warm-water fishing--sauger, channel catfish, and, for a short interval, paddlefish. Boating, water skiing, and swimming are popular in these downstream sections of the river and rockhunters favor the areas ~1here moss agates can be found. On shore, picnicking, camping, and sightseeing are popular activities. This study included two years' investigation of recreational use on the Yellowstone River, by questionnaire and by observed use both on the ground and by aerial survey. Only mainstem use was directly investigated, but a summary of recreational use on the major tributaries, as reported elsewhere, is included. A pilot questionnaire was circulated,and a final questionnaire based on this pilot survey was circulated the following two summers. Ques- tionnaire respondents were asked to relate their activities and length of stay to such variables as available access, facilities, the presence of insects and the cost of recreational travel. The river reaches surveyed proved to have widely varying patterns of recreational use. The principal categories con- sidered ~1ere shoreline and water-based activities. Further separation was by type of outdoor pastime engaged in, season of year, number in party, and so on. Most respondents were day users and were not on vacation. Three-fourths were f1ontana residents. Fishing was reported as the favorite activity in all study sections, with rest and relaxation second. Ninety percent of those interviewed said the present recreation sites were at least adequate, although adverse conditions such as increased 1 ittet· and water quality deterioration were cited. Crowding was mentioned as a negative factor. The study concludes that changes in the Yellowstone River due to altered streamflow would be reflected in recreational uses that depend on a stab 1 e riverine environment. Hunters, fishermen, and boaters would a 11 be affected by a lessening in river stage and resultant environmental changes. If streamflows were lessened by the amounts projected in this study, some reaches would become impassable to the motorboats usually used on the Yellow- stone. Lowered flows would also decrease the scouring action which uncovers new agates for rockhunters. Water-based recreation would be most affected by withdrawals, particu- larly activities such as swimming, boating, and water skiing which are depen- dent on a sufficient water level. The quality of fishing in the lower Yellowstone would deteriorate as well. Changes in water levels and subsequent altering of river morphology probably would not have a significant effect on shoreline recreation such as picnicking, walking, and sightseeing. Potential recreation sites will be needed if population projections and increased industrial and commercial activities materialize. ·Several possible areas are available on or near the mainstem of the Yellowstone. Evaluation 73 of these sites was based on existing access, boat launching potential, dis- tance to other recreation areas, and proximity to population centers. Patterns of recreational use could be expected to change with establishment of additional access areas. As withdrawals increase in response to greater demand, the Yellow- stone's recreation potential could be permanently affected. Users would then have to adjust their choice of area or activity. Alternative sites for some types of recreation offer one solution. 74 75 PROJECTIONS OF FUTURE USE FIGURES A-1. The Nine Planning Subbasins of the Yellowstone Basin ...... 79 TABLES A-1. Increased Water Requirements for Coal Development in the Yellowstone Basin in 2000. . . ...... 79 A-2. The Increase in Water Depletion for Energy by the Year 2000 by Subbasin. . . . . . . . . ...... 80 A-3. Feasibly Irrigable Acreage by County and Subbasin by 2000, fligh Level of Development ..... . 81 A-4. The Increase in Water Depletion for Irrigated Agriculture by 2000 by Subbasin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 A-5. The Increase in Water Depletion for Municipal Use by 2000 82 A-6. The Increase in Water Depletion for Consumptive Use by 2000 by Subbasin . . . . . . . ..... 0 83 77 In order to adequately and uniformly assess the potential effects of water withdrawals on the many aspects of the present study, projections of specific levels of future withdrawals were necessary. The methodology by which these projections were done is explained in Report No. 1 in this series, in which also the three projected levels of development, low, intermediate, and high, are explained in. more detail. Summarized below, these three future levels of development were formulated for energy, irrigation, and municipal water use for each of the nine subbasins identified in figure A-1. ENERGY WATER USE In 1g75, over 22 million tons of coal (19 million metric tons) were mined in the state, up from 14 million (13 million metric) in 1974, 11 million (10 million metric) in 1973, and 1 million (.9 million metric) in 1969. By 1980, even if no new contracts are entered, Montana's annual coal production will exceed 40 million tons (36 million metric tons). Coal reserves, estimated at over 50 billion economically strippable tons (45 billion metric tons) (Montana Energy Advisory Council 1976), pose no serious constraint to the levels of development projected, which range from 186.7 (170.3 metric) to 462.8 (419.9 metric) million tons stripped in the basin annually by the year 2000. Table A-1 shows the amount of coal mined, total conversion production, and associated consumption for six coal development activities expected to take place in the basin by the year 2000. Table A-2 shows water consumption by sub- basin for those six activities. Only the Bighorn, Mid-Yellowstone, Tongue, Powder, and Lower Yellowstone subbasins would experience coal mining or associated development in these projections. IRRIGATION WATER USE Lands in the basin which are now either fully or partially irrigated total about 263,000 ha (650,000 acres) and consume annually about 1,850 hm3 (1,5 mmaf) of water. Irrigated agriculture in the Yellowstone Basin has been increasing since 1971 (Montana DNRC 1975). Much of this expansion can be attributed to the introduction of sprinkler irrigation systems. After evaluating Yellowstone Basin land suitability for irrigation, con- sidering soils, economic viability, and water availability (only the Yellowstone River and its four main tributaries, Clarks Fork, Bighorn, Tongue, and Powder, were considered as water sources), this study concluded that 95,900 ha (237,000 acres) in the basin are financially feasible for irrigation. These acres are identified by county and subbasin in table A-3; table A-4 presents projections of water depletion. Three levels of development were projected. The lowest includes one-third, the intermediate, two-thirds, and the highest, all of the feasibly irrigable acreage. 7B 1 Upper Yellowstone 2 Clarks Fork Yellowstone 3 Billings Area 4 Bighorn I r 5 Mid -Yellowstone 6 Tongue 7 Kinsey Area 8 Powder 9 Lower Yellowstone ~ ., ... ~~(L5,.flL .,.[,T;.&"O I GOLC(• \ ' . ' Figure A-1. The nine planning subbasins of the Yellowstone basin. TABLE A-1. Increased water requirements for coal development in the Yellowstone ~asin in 2000. level of Oevelopr.~ent low lntenr.edicJte High low lnterr.ediate High low lnte~T-ediate Hlqh Electric Generation 8.0 24.0 32.0 2000 mw 6000 I:!W 8000 mw 30,000 90,000 120,000 Coo!.l Develop~ent Activity Gasifi- cation 7 .o 1.6 22.8 COAL Hlrl£0 (mt/y} 0.0 0.0 )6.0 0.0 0.0 J.S COo'~V(RSJO~ PRODUCTION 250 l7JIJCfd 250 ltr.lefd 750 r:ncfd 0 b/d 0 b/d 200,000 b/d 0 t/d 0 t/d 2300 t/d WATER COIISUMPTION (df/y) 9,000 9,000 Zl ,000 0 0 58,000 D 0 13,000 CONVERSIONS: I mt/y (shOrt) .... 907 rrrnt/y (metric) I af/y • .1)0123 hm3/y 171 . I 293.2 368.5 • 31,910 80,210 strip Nininq 9,350 16,250 22,980 aflo water consui!'IPtion Is shown for export under the low level of develo~nt because. for that dcvelop:;:ent level, it h assumed that all eJ(nort is by rail, rather than by slurry pipeline. 79 Tot a I 186.7 324.8 462.8 48,350 147,160 321,190 TABLE A-2. The increase in water depletion for energy by the year 2000 by subbasin. INCREASE Ill DEPLETION laf/v) Uec. Gasifi-Syn-Ferti-Strip Subbasin Generation cation crude lizer Export Mining Total LOW LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT Bighorn 0 0 0 0 0 B60 860 Mid-Yellowstone 22,500 9,000 0 0 0 3,680 35.180 Tongue 7,500 0 0 0 0 3,950 11,450 Powder 0 0 0 0 0 860 860 Lower Yellowstone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 30,000 g,ooo 9,350 48,350 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT Bighorn 0 0 0 0 4,420 1 ,470 5,890 Mid-Yellowstone 45,000 9,000 0 0 15,380 6 '110 75,490 Tongue 30,000 0 0 0 9,900 7,000 46,900 Powder 15,000 0 0 0 2,210 1 ,670 18,880 Lower Yellowstone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 90,000 9,000 31 ,gl 0 16,250 147 '160 HIGH LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT Bighorn 15,000 0 0 0 11 '1 00 2,050 28 '150 Mid-Yellowstone 45,000 18,000 29,000 0 38,700 8,710 139,410 Tongue 45,000 9,000 29,000 0 24,860 10,170 118,030 Powder 15,000 0 0 0 5,550 2,050 22.600 Lower Yellowstone 0 0 0 13,000 0 0 13,000 Total 120,000 27,000 58,000 13,000 80,210 22,980 321 ,1!!0 CONVERSIONS: 1 af/y = .00123 hm 3/y NOTE: The four subbasins not shown (Upper Yellowstone, Billings Area, Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Kinsey Area) are not expected to experience water depletion associated with coal development. 80 TABLE A-3. Feasibly irrigable acreage by county and subbasin by 2000, high level of development. County Park Sweet Gras St iII water Carbon Yellow· stone Big Horn Treasure Rosebud Powder River Custer Prairie Dawson Richland Wibaux BASirl TOTALS Upper Clarks Billings Big Hid Tongue ll:insey Powder Lower ellowstone fork Area Horn Yellowstone River Mea River Yellowstone 21.664 1o.zn.1 6,208 38.076 2.160 2,160 19,412 13.037 9.591 11,408 4,230 19.412 13.037 25.229 2.185 9 .727 10,035 21 ,947 46.353 3 ,092 26 ,438 1.644 1,914 8.231 18.355 10,421 633 4.736 75.205 37.670 CONVERSIONS: 1 acre'" .405 ha NOTE: The nut:lber of lrrlgable acres for the 1~ and intenncdiate develooment levels are one-third and two-thirds, respectively, of the nu:bers given here. This table should not be considered an exhaustive listing of all feasibly trrtqable acrea9e in the. Yellowstone Bdsin: it includes only the acreaqe identified County Tot a 1s 21 ,664 10,2011 6,20!1 2.160 19,412 15.222 9,591 21.135 46.853 43,795 II. 789 18.355 10,421 633 237.472 as feasibly trrigable according to the geoqraphtc and economic constraints ekplained elsewhere in thts report. MUNICIPAL WATER USE The basin's projected population increase and associated municipal water use depletion for each level of development are shown in table A-5. Even the 13 hm3/y (10,620 af/y) depletion increase by 2000 shown for the highest develop- ment level is not significant compared to the projected depletion increases for irrigation or coal development. Nor is any problem anticipated in the availability of water to satisfy this increase in municipal use. WATER AVAILABILITY FOR CONSU~IPTIVE USE The average annual yield of the Yellowsto~e River Basin at Sidney, r1ontana, at the 1g7o level of development, is 10,850 hm (B.8 million af). As shown in table A-6, the additional annu.al depletions required for the high projected level of development total about 999 hm3 (Bl2,000 acre-feet). Comparison of these two numbers might lead to the conclusion that there is ample water for such development, and more. That conclusion would be erroneous, however, because of the extreme variation of Yellowstone Basin streamflows from year to year, from month to month, and from place to place. At certain places and at certain times the water supply will be adequate in the foreseeable future. But in some of the tributaries and during low-flow times of many years, water availability problems, even under the low level of development, will be very real and sometimes very serious. Bl TABLE A-4. The increase in water depletion for irrigated agriculture by 2000 by subbasin. Subbasin Upper Yellowstone Clarks Fork Bi 11 i ngs Area Bighorn Mid-Yellowstone Tongue Kinsey Area Powder Lower Yellowstone TOTAL BASIN TOTAL BASIN TOTAL CONVERSIONS: Acreage Increase HIGH LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT 3B,080 2,160 19 ,410 13,040 25,230 21,950 4,740 75,200 37,670 237,480 Increase in Depletion (af/y) 76,160. 4,320 38,820 26,080 50,460 43,900 9,480 150,400 75,340 474,960 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT 1 158.320 316,640 LOW LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT 79,160 158,320 acre = .405 ha af/y = .00123 hm3/y NOTE: The numbers of irrigated acres·at the low and intermediate levels of development are not shown by subbasin; however, those numbers are one-third and two-thirds, respectively of the acres shown for each subbasin at the high level of development.' TABLE A-5. The increase in water depletion for municipal use by 2000. Level of Development ·Low Intemediate High Population Increase 56,858 62,940 94 '150 CONVERSIONS: 1 af/y = .00123 hm3/y 82 Increase in Depletion (af/y) 5,880 6,960 10,620 TABLE A-6. The increase in water depletion for consumptive use by 2000 by subbasin. Increase in Depletion (af/y) Subbasin Irrigation Energy Municipal Total LOW LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT Upper Yellowstone 25,380 -o 0 25,380 Clarks Fork 1 ,440 0 0 1 ,440 Billings Area 12.940 0 3,4BO 16,420 Bighorn 8,700 860 negligible '). 560 flid-Yellowstone 16 ,820 35.180 1 ,680 53,680 Tongue 14,640 11 ,450 negligible 26,090 Kinsey Area 3,160 0 0 3.160 Powder 50,140 860 360 51 ,360 Lower Yellowstone 25.1 20 0 360 25,480 TOTAL 158,340 48,350 5,880 212.570 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OF DEVELOPIIENT Upper Yellowstone 50,780 0 0 50.780 Clarks Fork 2,880 0 0 2.880 Bi 11 i ngs Area 25,880 0 3,540 29,420 Bighorn 17,380 5,890 300 23,570 Mid-Yellowstone 33,640 75,490 1 ,360 110,990 Tongue 29,260 46,900 300 76,460 Kinsey Area 6,320 0 0 6.320 Powder 100,280 18,380 600 119,760 Lower Yellowstone 50 ,200 0 360 50,560 TOTAL 316,620 147,160 6,960 470,740 HIGH LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT Upper Yellowstone 76.160 0 0 76.160 Clarks Fork 4,320 0 0 4,320 Billings Area 38,820 0 3,900 42,720 Bighorn 26.080 28. 150 480 54,710 Mid-Yellowstone 50,460 139,410 3,840 193,710 Tongue 43,900 118,030 780 162,710 Kinsey Area 9,480 0 0 9,480 Powder 150,400 22,600 1 • 140 174,140 Lower Yellowstone 75,340 13,000 480 88,82C TOTAL 474,960 321,1QO 10,620 806,770 CONVERSIONS: 1 af/y = .00123 hm3/y 133 RESULTS OF SPRING 1975 PILOT QUESTIONNAIRE Sample Questionnaire .... Pilot Questionnaire Results Cross Tabulations . . . . . ll5 !l6 9I 1()2 PILOT STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE THE following questionnaire has been designed to evaluate the present recreational use of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries. The Old West Regional Commission is funding a study concerning the effect coal and energy related water diversions from the Yellowstone River will have upon the present and future recreational opportunities. AN accurate reply to the following questions would provide needed information on present recreational use patterns and would aid in fulfilling yo~r future recrea- tional needs. The information you prov~de is strictly confidential and will be used for no other reason than stated above. You may obtain the results of this summer's survey by writing the Montana Department of Fish and Game, Recreation and Parks Division, Miles City, Montana, as early as November, 1975. Sincerely, /?l_<Af-/~~~ Max L. Erickson Recreational Specialist THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME. ENJOY MONTANA. 86 1/ HAVE YOU NOTICED much deterioration in water quality or increase in litter since you started using the Yellowstone area for recreation? .Decrease in water quality? Increase in litter? Yes No Yes--No-- Does it affect your enjoyment of the river?. Yes No 2/ LENGTH OF PRESENT STAY: (check one) Day use only __ _ One night __ _ Two nights Three nights __ _ 4-:, nights __ _ 6-8 nights 9-10 nights __ _ more than 10 n1ghts __ _ 3/ PLEASE RECORD the access and/or waterway you are presently enjoying. Date: ___________________ ___ 4/ ARE YOU PRESENTLY on your vacation? Yes No Was recreation on the Yellowstone River ana?Or its tributaries the primary purpose of your trip? Yes No If no, what is the main reason for your tr1p? ________________________ ___ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + 5/ HOW OFTEN do you visit this particular NOTE: Spring: March 20-June 20 Summer: June 21-Sept. 22 Fall: Sept. 23-Dec. 20 Winter: Dec. 21-March 19 site each year? + first time ever + + + + + + + + + more 2-3 4-6 6-8 than 8 once a spring + times a spring + times a spring + times a spring + times a spring + ------+ HOW MANY times do you visit this particular site during the + + + summer? + f; a 11 ?------------+ + winter? + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i 6/ YEARLY, HOW MANY days do you spend enjoying recreational activities at other sites on the Yellowstone River and/or its tributaries? 1 6-9 2-3 10-15---- 3-4 16-20 4-5 More ~t~hi~n-20 a year ------ 7/· Please mark (X) the activities you have engaged in or plan to engage in while in the immediate area, as well as the number of hours spent doing each. Picnicking Swimming Rest and relaxation, as such Boating -motorized Boating -non-motorized river floating Horseback riding Bicycling (continued) 87 No. of Hours Motor biking Driving for pleasure Playing outdoor games Rock hounding Sightseeing Walking for pleasure Water skiing Bird watching Fishing No. of Hours (a) For which species in particular?~~~-----------------------(b) Which species, if any, did you catch? ______________________ __ (c) How many of each species? What is your FAVORITE activity o~r--a-c~t~i~v~i~t~i~e~s~o~f~tLh'i~s~s~i~t~e~?~------- 8/ HOW DOES this particular site fulfill your recreational demands? Completely ______ _ Not Adequately ______ _ Adequately ______ _ Poorly ______________ _ If "not adequately" or "poorly", why? 9/ WHERE WOULD you go to participate in the same activities if this site were not available? __________________________________________ ___ DO YOU like that site as well as this one? Yes ____ _ No ____ _ 10/ DO YOU think this site presently is: (check one) Too crowded Not used enough________ Just right ______ __ IF YOU think this area is too crowded, would you most prefer MORE sites available? Yes No -----IF "yes", within how many miles upstream or downstream would you like to see at least one more site? ________________________________ _ SHOULD THIS site be more fully developed (more facilities, roads, etc.)? Yes No~~~ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ 11/ HAS THE INCREASING cost of gasoline decreased the distance you will $ ~ travel to enjoy a recreational area? Yes No · ~ $ IF "yes", typical previous years' recreational trip covered approxi-$ $ mately miles, while this year's trip covered only $ $ miles round tn.p. $ $ pER PERSON, how much will your trip cost per day? (Include only $ $ groceries, automobile gasoline and camping fees, if any). $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 88 12/ Please check the items of equipment you have with you. boat canoe ____ _ water skiis fishiny gear~~ car tent pickup_____ motor bike ____ _ pickup camper_____ bicycle ____ _ camping trailer_____ hiking gear ____ _ motor home sleeping bag ____ _ Other (list) ________________________ :::~~---------------------- ###8####################8########################################8######### # # # 13/ FOH THIS QUESTION ONLY, you will be answering for your group. # # Ple;~se place an "X'' to represent each person in your group, other # 8 than yoursc 1 f. and an "0" to represent yoursc 1 f. # # AGE: 1-12 SEX: Male Female # H 13-18-----·· # # 19-30 # # 31-50 # # 50+---# # # # ARE YOU and your qroup resi.dents of Montana? Yes No # # IF YES, which town and county? #- # IF NO, which town, county and state? # Ji#############################i##########li#######################i####### 14/ INDICATE WHICII broad income 4,999 and under 5,000-7,999 ____ __ 8,000-11,999 ____ __ category your household fits into: 12,000-15,999 ____ __ 16,000-over ____ __ 15/ WHAT IS your occupation? I f you are rna r r i ed , wha t--,i-::s,--:-y::-:o::-:u~r=--=s-=p-=o:-:-u::-:s=-e:-r' s=--=o-=c-:c:-:-u:-:p:ca=-t,..,.i·-::o-=n-=?.------------ 16/ ARE INSECTS a problem to you in this area? Yes No If "yes", have they reduced the time you spend enjoying '"'y-=-o_u __ r_ favorite activities? Yes No -- Would you return to this area if the insect problem remains the same? 'res No Would you return to this area if the insect population was reduced by at least one-fourth?· Yes No ____ __ 89 ============================================================================ = l 7 I -· = = = = = = = = = = = -· = = ARE YOU AWARE of the location of public (Bureau of Land Management) = l~nds near (50 miles upstream and 50 miles downstream) this area? Yes No = ---= Are you area is Yes aware of the location of public lands near your home if this_ not near your home (50 mile~ in any direction)? = No __ _ = = Arc you aware that literature is available at any Bureau of Land Mauaqement Office providing information and location of these areas,: free of charge? Yes No ---= Wi.thin the past year, have you used any of these areas adjacent to = the Yellowstone River for recreational purposes? Yes No --= If "yes", for what main activity? = ============================================================================ 18/ lvHAT OTHER kinds of recreation would you like to see at this particular site? COMMENTS CONCERNING ANYTHING ASSOCIATED WITH THIS QUESTIONNAIRE: THANK YOU VERY MUCH 90 PILOT QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Questionnaires completed during the May 1975 pilot study were mostly (84.1 percent) from recreationists at Intake Fishing Access Site 17 miles northeast of Glendive on the Yellowstone River, where paddlefishing is the major recreational attraction in late spring. Catching of 50-to 65-pound fish is not uncommon. The summations of 88 questionnaires are listed here. Questions to which the response was less than 10 percent (9 people) will not be discussed. 1. Have you noticed much detePioration in wateP quality oP increase in ZitteP since you staPted using the Yellowstone foP PecPeation? DecPease in wateP quality? Number of valid responses Yes No 80 15% 85% Through personal communication, it was determined that the interviewees defined water quality as the color of the water. Clear, blue water would be good water quality, as opposed to the murky, brown water of the Yellowstone at the survey sites. IncPease in ZitteP? Number of valid responses Yes No 82 29% 71% Does it affect yoUP enjoyment of the Piver? Number of valid responses Yes No 82 35% 65% In a survey done in southern Saskatchewan (Parkes 1975), over two-thirds of 560 recreationists indicated that they were willing to pay between 49 and 61 cents each per use-day, over and above the additional expenses to which recreationists are subject, for improved water quality. 91 2. Length of present stay (check one) Number of valid responses Length of stay Percentage of respondents 83 Day use only Dne night Two nights Three nights 4-5 nights 6-8 nights g-10 nights Over ten nights 53 11 11 13 0 2 0 4 3. Please record the access and/or waterway you are presently enjoying. Number of valid responses 88 The five access sites from which questionnaires were received are listed below, followed by the percentage of respondents at each. Intake Fishing Access Site 84 East Rosebud Fishing Access Site 11 Twelve Mile Dam (Tongue River) 1 Mouth of the Tongue River 2 Pumpkin Creek Bridge (near Twelve Mile Dam) · 1 4. Are you presently on your vacation? Number of valid responses Yes 85 17% Was recreation on the Yellowstone River and/or tributaries the prima.I'y puPpose of your trip? Number of valid responses Yes No 84% No 75 69% . 31% 92 If no, what is the reason for your trip? Number of valid responses Percentage of 22 Respondents Visiting relatives and/or friends 27 Sightseeing 9 Enjoyment and/or rest and relaxation 9 Business or work-related activities 14 5. How often do you visit this particular site each year? NOTE: Spring: SWl1lller: FaZZ: Winter: Spring Summer Fall Wi ntera March 20 -June 20 June 2Z -September 22 September 23 -December 20 December 20 -March Z9 Number of Valid Number of Responses Visits 84 First time One time 2-3 times 4-6 times 6-8 times Over 8 times 45 One time 2-3 times 4-6 times 7 or 8 times Over 8 times 17 Over 8 times 7 Percentage of Respondents 18 16 20 10 5 32 22 20 7 2 49 41 aThe receipt of only seven valid responses indicates 1 ight winter recreational use. 93 6. Yearly, hohl many days do you spend enjoying recreational activities on the YeLLowstone River and/or its tributaries? Number of valid responses 73 Days Spent 1-9 days 10-15 days 16-20 days Over 20 days Percentage of Respondents 49 16 6 29 7. Please mark (x) the activities you have engaged in or plan to engage in, in the immediate area, as weLL as the numbeP of hours spent doing each. For this question, a nonresponse was considered a definite "no" rather than a missing answer. Number of valid responses 88 Picnickinga Swimming Rest and relaxationb Boating--motorized Rockhoundingc Sightseeingil Walking for pleasure Fishinge Percentage of Respondents 52 16 49 16 17 17 16 75 NOTE: Insignificant response was received for questionnaire recreation categories boating--motorized, horse- back riding, bicycling, motorbiking, driving for pleasure, and playing outdoor games. For categories water skiing and birdwatching, the data were not valid. aThe most commonly reported picnic duration was two hours. bRest and relaxation entails no definite outdoor recreational activity such as fishing or picknicking. It can be closely related with sightseeing, but generally is defined as enjoying an area with no specific purpose in mind. 94 CA 2-3 hour rock hunt was indicated by 46 percent of the rockhounds. dA 2-3 hour sightseeing trip was indicated by 80 percent of those who responded positively. From personal communication, people who were visiting the area for the first time were most likely to consider themselves sight- seers. eof the fishermen, 22 percent said they spent 2-5 hours fishing. Fishermen were asked to complete the following three questions: a) For what species in particular? Number of valid responses 63 Species sought Paddlefish bJ Which species, if any, did you catch? Number of valid 25 c) How many of each Number of valid 20 responses species? responses Species sought Paddlefish Nur.1ber caught 2 What is your FAVORITE activity or activities of this site? Number of valid responses Favorite activity 65 Fishing Percentage of Respondents 84 Percentage of Respondents 60 Percentage of Respondents 85 Percentage of Respondents 85 8. How does this pal"ticular site fulfill your recreational demands? Number of valid responses 83 95 Completely Adequately Inadequately Percentage of Respondents 23 68 10 ·If "not adequately" oro "pooroly", why? Number of valid responses 10 Too crowded Percentage of Respondents 50 From personal observation, Intake F.ishing Access received the highest annual use on the Memorial Day weekend in 1975 and 1976. 9. Wheroe would you go to participate in the same activities if this site were not available? Alternative Site Twelve Mile Dam East Rosebud Don't Know Yellowtail Ft. Peck Stay Home Spotted Eagle Yellowstone River Powder River Fred Robinson North Dakota South Side Intake South Dakota Fairview Gartside Other TOTAL Number of Responses 1 1 1 2 11 5 3 6 2 10 3 2 1 1 1 4 54 Do you like that site as well as this one? Number of valid responses Yes 45 67% Percentage of 54 Responses 2 2 2 4 20 9 6 11 4 19 6 4 2 2 2 8 No 33% From personal communication, people indicated that in many cases a second choice of site was enjoyed as much as, or even more than, the present area, but time, money, and distance.precluded their visiting it. -- 96 10. Do you think this site presently is too crowded, not used enough, or just right? Number of valid responses 84 Too crowded Not used enough Just right Percentage of Respondents 61 2 37 If you think this area is too crowded, would you prefer more sites available? Number of valid responses Yes No 63 83% 17% If "yes", within how many miles upstream or downstream would you Uke to see at least one more site? Number of valid responses 40 Within 1 mile 1-2 miles 3-5 miles 6-10 miles 11-20 miles 20-50 miles Over 50 miles Percentage of Respondents 18 15 15 18 10 23 3 ShouLd this site be more fully developed (more facilities, roads, eta.)? Number of valid responses Yes No 78 67% 33% 11. Has the increasing cost of gasoline decreased the distance you will travel to enjoy a recreational area? Number of valid responses Yes No 83 40% 60% 97 If yea, typical previous years' recreational trip covered approximately __ miles, while this year 'a trip covered only miles round trip. Percentage of Respondents Number of Valid Trips over Trips less than Responses 450 miles 50 miles Previous years' .23 48 17 trip This years' trip 22 23 46 Per person, how much will your trip cost per day? (Include only groceries, automobile gasoline and camping fees, if any). Number of valid responses 55 Trip cost Under $5 $6-10 $21-25 $26-35 Over $35 Percentage of Respondents 22 20 13 2 13 12. Please aheck items of equipment you have with you. =================== Number of valid responses 88 98 Equipment Items Beata Water skis Fishing gear Car Pickup Pickup camper Camping trailer Motor home Tent Motor bike Bicycle Hiking gear Sleeping bag Percentage of Respondents 15 2 78 42 44 27 13 6 8 6 2 6 34 aThere were no canoes. 13. FOR THIS QUESTION-ONLY, you will be answering for your group. Please place an "X" to represent eaah person in group, other than yourself, and an "O" to represent yourself. Number of valid responses 88 Age and sex of people in each of 88 groups: Sex Age Hale Female Total 1-12 47 23 70 13-18 33 14 47 19-30 61 25 86 30-50 41 23 64 50+ 24 13 37 TOTAL 206 98 304 NOTE: The reason that the most frequently reported age category was 19-30 years could be related generally to the physical strength needed for paddlefishing. Are you and your group residents of Montana? Number of valid responses Yes No 56 78% 22% If YES, which town and county? (The towns were not consider>ed for the pilot study). Number of valid responses 56 If NO, which town, county and state? Number of valid responses 15 99 County Dawson Rosebud Richland Yellowstone Sheridan Custer State North Dakota Wyoming Washington Canada Percentage of Respondents 38 13 11 9 7 7 Percentage of Respondents 53 33 7 7 14. Indicate which bPoad income categoPy your household fits into: Number of valid, responses 78 Income $5,000 and under $5,000-8,000 $8,000-12,000 $12,000-16,000 Over $16,000 Percentage of Respondents 5 9 32 27 26 15. Ilhat is your occupation? If you aPe mat"Pied, what 'Z-S yOUP spouse's ocaupation? Occupational Category Professional Student Housewife Self employed white collar Self employed blue collar Employed white collar Employed blue collar Agriculture Retired ass valid observations b45 valid observations Interviewee's Occupationa (%) 9 6 5 2 2 11 49 11 5 Spouse's Occupationb (%) 15 4 54 7 0 7 9 4 0 Thus, the most common occupation (49 percent) among those interviewed was blue-collar work in which the interviewee had no ownership of his employer's company or holdings. The most common occupation for the spouse was housewife (54 percent). 16. APe insects a pPobZem to you in this aPea? Number of valid responses Yes No 80 31% 69% If "yes", have they Peduced the time you spend enjoying your' favoPite activities? Number of valid responses Yes No 30 37% 63% 100 Would you return to this area if the insect problem remains the same? Number of valid responses Yes No 88 72% 28% WouUi you return to this area if the insect population was reduced by at least one-fourth? Number of valid responses Yes No 88 60% 40% 17. Are you aware of the location of public (Eiu:r'eau of Land Management) lands near (~0 miles upstream and 50 miles downstream) this area? Number of valid responses Yes No 78 35% 65% A~e you aware of the location of public lands near your home if this area is not near your home (50 miles in any direction)? Number of valid responses Yes No 70 61% 39% Are you aware that literature is available at any Bureau of Land Management office providing information and location of these areas, fr>ee of charge? Number of valid responses Yes No 76 64% 36% Within the past year, have you used any of these areas adjacent to the Yellowstone River> for r>ecr>eational purposes? Number of valid responses Yes No 75 52% 48% If "yes", for> what main activity? Percentage of Number of valid responses Activity Respondents 32 Fishing 69 Rockhounding 6 Rest and Relaxation 6 101 18. What other kinds of recreation wouUi you ~ike to see at this particu~r site? Number of valid responses 11 Activity Play equipment for children Percentage of Respondents 36 CROSS TI\BULATIONS Th~ second aspect of the pilot study entails use of cross tabulations (CT) to establish certain pertinent relationships. Only those tabulations thought to be most important and valid are included here. Because of the small sample size, only the most obvious relationships within each cross tabulation are mentioned. Pilot Study Questionnaire Cross Tabulations CT -1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4 CT-5 Valid Responses 74 75 76 21 75 102 Responses Fifty-eight percent indicated that recreation on the Yellowstone River was the primary purpose of their trip but were not on their vacation. Sixty-five percent indicated that no decrease in water quality had been noted and that the enjoyment one derives from the site had not been affected. Sixty percent indicated that no increase in litter had been noticed and that the enjoyment potential of the site had not been affected. Forty-three percent of Montana residents traveled 50 miles or less (round trip) on a typical recrea- _tional outing. Forty-nine percent indicated that insects were not a problem in the area and that the site adequately met all recreational needs. Pilot Study Questionnaire Valid Cross Tabulations Responses Responses CT-6 62 Sixty-six percent indicated that the site was too crowded but met the desired recreational needs adequately. CT-7 73 Forty-five.percent of Montanans indicated that the increasing cost of gasoline had reduced the distance they would drive on a typical recreational outing; 55 percent replied that it had not. Nonresi- dents indicated 24 percent and 76 percent, respectively. Recreational use in terms of activities and places of visitation could change at some point in the future, depending gen- erally on the nation's economy. CT-8 74 Fifty-eight percent of all income categories .thought the increasing cost of gasoline had not decreased the distance of travel for recrea- tional outings. CT-g 76 Forty-two_percent indicated a desire for more site development and reported that the increasing cost of gasoline had no effect upon the distance trav- eled for a recreational outing. CT-10 78 Thirty-four percent of households surveyed indicated an income of $8,000 to $12,000. In this income bracket, 71 percent were Montana households and 29 percent were not. CT -11 23 Fifty-two percent reported that ~-:·.- fishing was the most preferred activity and the main activity engaged in upon public land. CT-12 60 Sixty-tWo percent indicated that insects were not a problem presently but could prevent a return trip if numbers increased. IOJ 1975-76 SUMMER QUESTIONNAIRE AND RESULTS Sample 1976 Questionnaire ..... . Total Summer Questionnai're Response, 1975 and 1976 ........ . 105 106 108 SUMMER QUESTIONNAIRE The following queationoirc has been developed to avoluote tho pre9ent rccrcotional uoc of ~he Yellowstone River nnd its tributarico. The Old West Regions! Com'Tiission ic fundinr; n stu1ly concerning t.hc effect of coal and enCriJ;.Y related water diversiom1 froc the Yellow:Jtonc River upon the ['r~:~cnt and future recrcotjonol opportunJtien. A.o accurate reply to the following qtJeationo will provide needed informuLion on present 1·ccrentionul u~c pattcrnn anri will aid in fulfilling your future recreational need~. The informution you providt:! is Dtrictly confidential ru.td will be used for no other rcuson than stated above. You coy obtain the rcoulto of this oummcr 1 s survey by writin~ the Montana Departcent of Fish and GUI:lc, Recreation and l'arks Divininn, Miles City, Montara, ao early ns Noveober, 1976. ~...< _/ ./. /1 Thank You Very Much For Your Time, ·ENJOY l!ONTAilA Sincerely, /'(CL-r pe. ~ Max L. ~rickAon, Recreational Specialist = ------ 1 Are you presently on your vacation? )Yes, ( )Uo. 2 Was recrention on t.he Yellowntone River ond/or i"ts tributarie!J the pdrnur.v purpose of your trip? ( )Yea, ( )No. lf notl what Js tne c.aln real:JOn for your trip? ( )Visit rclotives-I"ricnds, ( )Sightoceing, ( Enjoyment, Rest, Relo.xation, ( )Busineoo or Work, ( )Other reasons. 3 How often do .vou visit thio pr.:.rticular site each sum;ner (June 21 -Sept 22) ? ( )Never before, ( }1 time, ( )2-3 time!J, ( )4-6 times, ( )7-8 time~, ( )more thnn 8 t.imes How many ticaes do you violt this particular site during the Sprlns (ltarch 20 -June 20) 7 -( )1-2 ticcs, ( )3-6 times, ( )7-8, .( )more th.:tn 8 times t'nll (Sept 25 -Dee 20) ? -- -( )1-2 tioeo, ( )3-6 times, ( )7-8, ( )more than 8 times Winter (Dec 21 -Morcb 19) 7-- ( )1-2 t.ices, ( )3-6 tioes 1 ( )7-8, ( )more thnn 8 times 4 8ince you :"t..ortcrl u~ inp; tho:! Yello-.vn:;one for recr-ention 1 has ~·ne c.:::,ount of litter )Increased )Stayad the oumc )Decren5cd ? ~ What iG lhe len&th or your present Otoy? ( )~ nightn, ( )4-5 nights, ( ( ) Day usc onl;r, ( ) 1 night, )6-8 nights, ( )9-10 nights, )2 nights }core thon 10 nights. 6 For each activity you hove cngap;ed in or plan to engage in while in this immediate area, indicate the number or~~ w spent in that wo.y. ( )Picnicking ( )Horooba.ck Hic.linu )Bicycling ( ( )Swimming ( )Water Skiing ( )P&!otor Biking ( ( )Rest,Relo~otion ( )Sightseeing ( )Walking,Hiking ( ( )Bird Watching. ( )Rock Hunting ( )Pleasure Driving ( li'hich of these Ja your favorite activity 7 1 r you r ishcd in this area, for vrhich spccteo? Which specico did you catch, and how many? ) 8 Rotc each of t.ho !allowing at thla location. Exceptional Good Fair Picnic Facilities ( ) ( ) ( ) Rest. rooms ( ) ( ) ( ) Campiru; siteo ( ) ( ) ( ) Ch!ldrcns act1vitieo, oquip. ( ) ( ) ( ) Weed mowing -- - --( ) ( ) ( ) Acceoa Roads --- - ( ) ( ) ( ) 9 Where would you go tor tho same activities if thin oite was not available? ( Specify: 10 Do you like that site no well as this one? ( )Yes, ( )No. )Playinp: liomes )Motor Booting )River Floating )Fishing Poor ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) )Don 1 t know, 11 What to your state of residence? ____________________ __ County or town --------------------------- 12 Check the brood income category your ( )Under 5000, ( )5000-7999, ( combined household )8000-11999, fits into: )12000-15999, 0 V E R P L E A S E 106 )16000 and over. 1~ !Jo .'/OU tJ;iJ•k t..l:i~:; :1\t.e l•re:lt~nt1y i~: ( )Too r..t•o·,;rlt!rl 1 )Ju:::.t rl1~ht 1 ) Not une<l rmour~h •· 111 Stwul<J t.td~: ~;ltc be .~1ore fully developer'! (rnorc l'aeilitl~G, rCIId0 1 etr..)? )No. 1~ Do you 'JJIInt mure rccr·ention :1itc~ a1onv. ~he 'iello;o.~tr.>nc Ulver? )Ye!>, ) YcD, )No. If you an::·,e.red YES, within how rr.any miles from thi:. 3ite? )0-5~1les, )5-15milen, )15-30rniler., )Over ;o mileo. 16 Has the increasing cont of 11_ooollne decreo~ed the C:iotru:cc you travel to a rccreotionul o.r~o? H•.!0 1 ( )llo. Check the n:iles covered in a typical previous yec:rs 1 recrcatior; trip. ( )0 -50 niles, ( )50 -250 r.:i lee, ( )2~0 -U50 milcn, )over 450 .ciles. Check t.h~ miles covct·ed in a typical recrt-ntion tr·ip this ,Year. ( )0 -50 :n i lc;;, ( )50 -250 miles, ( P~o -1•50 r.J.ileo, )ovor 1150 mil eo. l7 Check ,vour OC<.'UI,Jntion ( )Self ernplo,...·cd Wh\ tc collar )Self employed Blue collar )Employed White collar )Emplo.ycd Aluc collar )Uner:.ployed ( )Professional, Technical ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )Student )Houscwi fe )Agriculture, )Retired ~Vhut ia your spouac'o occupation?, _________________ _ Ranching 18 Check your sex, Check your age, )Fcr::~nle, )l-J.2 yrs, )!.!ale. ( ) 13-18 yrs, )19-30 yro, )31-5-0 yra, )over 50 yrs. 19 Enter the ~or other persona in each cotep;ory from your Femalco - ( }1-12 yrs, ( )13-18 yrs, ( )19-30 yrs, ( Males - - ( )1-12 yro, ( )13-18 yrs, ( )19-30 yrs, ( 20 Are inoccts a preble~:~ to ~;ou in this area.? )Yes, ( Have they recluced the t.\me yo1l spenrl enjoy\n~,; your f.:J.voritP. Would you return to tt.is oren if tt-.e insect probleo recaina group. )31-50 yrs, )31-50 yrs, )No. activll..lt:s? ( the sru:::e? ( ( ( )over 70 ycors. )over 50 ycors. )Yes, )No. )Yes, )no. 21 Are you awure of the location of public (Bureau of Lund Management) lands along the river near (50 milco upstream or downstrenc) this area? ( )Yes, ( )No. Are you t,·,..ore of the location of public lands near .vour ho!:!.e it this area iD not near your hooe (50 ciles in any direction)? ( )Yes, ( )No. Do you know th~t literature io available at any Bureau of Land Mana~ement Office providing informat-ion and the locution of these llrcaD, free of charge? ( )Yes, )No. 22 Within the past year, which of the followin~ activities have you participated in on these public lands adjacent to the Yellowstone River? ( ) None, ( )Fishimz;, ( )Booting, )Picnicking, ( ) CarnpinK, ( )Hunt in~, ( )Other,apecify 23 Yoorly, how many doyo do you spend ot other sites on the Yellowotone River and ito tributaries? )16-20, ( )over 20. ( )none, )1 day, :2-·3 daYs, ( )to-7 days, )6-9, )10-15, 107 TOTAL SUMMER QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSE, 1975 and 1976 In 1975, 212 questionnaires were completed in the entire study area; in 1976, 257 questionnaires were completed. The questionnaire form was modified between the two sampling seasons. Some questions were dropped, others were added, and, accordingly, the numbering of the questions differed on the two forms. For that reason, the numbering of the questions in the following dis- cussion does not correspond to the question numbers on the sample 1976 questionnaire (pages lOG and 107). Each response represents a group of recreationists .. Fewer than 10 percent of the responses were deemed not valid for questions one through six. All totals may not equal 100 percent due to rounding. The results for each individual study section are given in the main report on pages 13 to 34. Cross tabulations for the entire study area are given on pages 34 to 37. 1. Are you presently on your vacation? Number of valid resEonses Yes No 1975 210 24% 76% 1976 250 36% 64% 2. Was recreation on the Yellowstone River and/or its tributaries the primary purpose of your trip? 1975 1976 Number of valid resEonses 198 184 Yes 54% 57% No 46% 54% If not, what is the main reason for your trip? Enjoyment, rest, and relaxationb Visiting relatives and/or friends Sightseeingb Business or work Percentage of valid responsesa . 1975 1976 43 12 12 12 42 42 al29 valid responses in 1975, 167 in 1976. bThose who answered either "sightseeing" or "enjoyment, rest and relaxation" apparently did not consider those activities to be recreation. 108 3. How often do you visit this particular site each summer ( J.me 21-Sept. 22)? Number of visits Never before 2-3 times 4-6 times 8 times or more Percentage of valid responsesa 1975 1976 23 11 30 27 19 11 26 a 199 valid responses in 1975, 200 in 1976. How many timea do you visit this particular site during the 1) spring (March 20-.lme 20), 2) fall (Sept. 23-Dec. 20), .3) winter (Dec. 21-March 19)? Number of visits Percentage of valid responsesa 1975 1976 1-2 times 3-6 times More than 8 times 1-2 times 3-6 times 7-8 times ---More than 8 times 1-2 times 3-6 times More than 8 times FalJb Wi nterC 38 28 27 20 31 12 27 49 15 26 a 122 valid responses in 1975, 200 in 1976. ~ 100 valid responses in 1975, 70 in 1976. 53 valid responses in 1975, 70 in 1976. 3 15 25 57 14 25 66 30 A note may be made that the fewest valid responses for 1975 and 1976 occurred during the winter portion, and the most occurred within the summer portion. One may surmise that these data re- flect seasonal use patterns, summer having the greatest use and winter the least. 109 4. Have you noticed a change in wateP quality since you started to use the Yellowstone Rivep area for recreation? Water quality had increased About the same Water quality had decreased Percentage of valid responsesa 23 65 12 a 155 valid responses .In 1975 only. From personal communication, water quality, to the inter- viewees, was defined as the color of the water. Blue, clear water would be of good quality, as opposed to murky, brown water. 5. Since you started using the Yellowstone River area for recreation, has the amount of litter increased, stayed the same, or decreased? Increased Stayed the same Decreased ·a Percentage of valid responses 1975 1976 36 37 27 29 48 22 a 142 valid responses in 1975, 170 in 1976. 6. Has your enjoyment of the river increased, decreased, or stayed the same? Increased Decreased Stayed the same Percentage of valid responsesa 51 44 a 154 valid responses in 1975 only. 7. What is the length of your present stay? Day use One night Over 10 nights Percentage of valid responsesa 1975 1976 f.2 10 12 47 12 13 a 189 valid responses in 1975, 236 in 1976. From personal communication, nonresidents and vacationers consti- tuted the majority of those staying over ten nights and responded not necessarily with their present location in mind but rather with respect to the total duration of their trip. 110 8. For eaah aativity you have engaged in or pU2n to engage in while in this immediate area, indiaate the number of hours per. day spent in that way. 9. See table C-1 on page 112 for response. Whiah of these is your favorite·activity? If you Activities Picnicking Swinrning Rest and Relaxation Water Skting Sightseeing Rockhounding Bicycling Motor Biking Walking and Hiking Motor Boating Floating Fishing Percentages of valid responsesa 1975 1976 1 a 15 1 4 4 0 1 3 2 4 57 3 8 10 1 0 9 1 2 3 1 5 58 a 159 valtd responses in 1975, 156 in 1976. The responses given to question 8 indicate that fishing and rest and relaxation were the recreational activities most engaged in and most preferred during the survey periods. fished in this area, for which spec-!.es? Species Percentages of valid responsesa 1975 1976 Sauger, wa l l eye 47 16 Paddlefish 8 6 Catfish 24 20 Sturgeon 1 3 Ling 2 3 Sue ker, carp 5 1 Trout 30 51 Bass 3 0 Bullhead 0 1 a 181 valid responses tn 1975, 120 in 1976. 111 TABLE C-l. Percentage of people spending between 1 and B hours per day in recreational pursuits in the Yellowstone River Dasin, 1975-76 Hours per day Not Hwnbcr non- 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Valida rcsponsesb Activity 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 Picnicking 42 57 40 23 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 167 187 Swimming 42 69 26 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 193 221 Rest & relaxation 24 45 20 14 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137 153 Bird watching 33 50 33 25 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 17 0 206 245 Horseback. riding 25 100 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 208 255 Nater skiing 25 100 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 208 254 Sig!1tseeing 40 48 40 19 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 192 205 Rockhounding so 46 19 22 0 14 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 186 207 Bicycling 38 50 25 50 13 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 204 253 Hotor biking 14 91 14 0 14 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 205 246 ~i'a lking, hiking 31 59 0 25 0 0 19 0 13 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 196 213 Pleasure driving 58 53 17 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 223 Playing outdoor games 40 44 10 25 20 0 10 19 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 202 241 Motor boating 47 60 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 12 0 0 0 195 252 Fishing 16 37 15 0 0 12 21 15 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 111 126 Rcspo;sc less than 10 percent is shown only ao zero (0), aNot-valid responses were those which defied common sense--e.g., 24 hours of water skiing per day. bNonrcsponses arc categories which were not answered. The author assumes that the vast ~ajority of these nonresponses did not engage in the respective recreational activity. Which species did you catch, and how many? Species Percentages of valid responsesa Sauger, waJleye Paddleffsh Catfish Sturgeon Ling Sucker, carp T.rout Bass Bullhead Goldeye Whitefish 1975 1976 29 6 27 5 3 5 !3 2 2 8 2 16 4 22 1 1 7 45 0 1 1 1 ~ 31 valid responses in 1975, 76 in 1g76. The study period did not cover the peak paddlefishing period. The actual number of fish caught by the 17 percent in 1975 and the 42 percent in 1976 of successful fishermen varied. Without regard to species, 81 percent (31 valid responses) and 71 percent (76 valid responses) caught from one to six fish. 10. Rate each of the following at this location. Number of Valid Responses Percentage of Valid Responsesa Exceptional Good Fair Poor 1975 Picnic Facilities 150 11 40 24 Rest Rooms 138 8 25 21 Camping Sites 145 10 36 32 Children's Activities, Equipment 111 3 14 16 Weed Mowing 130 5 21 21 Access Roads 165 12 33 33 1976 Picnic Facilities 165 9 49 28 Rest Rooms 148 3 39 24 Camping Sites 156 7 53 29 Children's Activities, Equipment ug 3 14 27 Weed Mowing 141 3 28 28 Access Roads 167 9 41 32 a The "poor" category includes responses concerning privately owned lands where certain activities and/or conditions were not present. 113 25 46 22 67 55 19 15 34 12 56 42 17 11. Wher>e IJOUld you go for the same activities if this site was not available? The data collected in 1975 were not valid. In 1976, 54 percent replied that they did not know where they would go. 12. Do you like that site as well as this one? 1975 1976 Number of valid responses 145 92 13. What is your state of residence? 1975 1976 Number of valid responses 205 195 Yes 68% 80% Montanans 82% 77% No 32% 20% Councy or.~t=own==·=,=====·=' ============================================== Town of resid~nce Percentage of valid responsesa Billings Forsyth Miles City Columbus All others a 165 valid responses in 1975, 151 in 1976. 1975 1976 49 12 13 42 10 18 12 19 14. Check the broad income category your combined household fits into. Percentage of valid responsesa Income Under $5,000 $5,000-$8,000 $8,000-$12,000 $12,000-$16,000 Over $16,000 a 203 valid responses in 1975, 180 in 1976. 114 1975 1976 14 13 26 28 20 12 15 22 26 26 15. Do you think this site presently is too crowded, just right, or not used enough? Percentages of valid responses Site criteria Too crowded Just right Not used enough 1975 1976 13 72 15 10 81 9 a In 1975, 203 valid responses, in 1976, 183. 16. Should this site be more fully developed (more facilities, roads, etc.J? 1975 1976 Number of valid responses 197 175 Yes 63r, 51% No 38% 49~~ 1?. Do you want more recreation sites along the Yellowstone River? Number of valid responses Yes No 1976 only 175 81% 19% If you answered YES, within how many miles from this site? i-liles distant Percentage of valid responsesa Less than 5 5-15 15-30 Over 30 a 173 valid responses in 1975, 136 in 1976. 1975 1976 29 32 23 16 11 35 31 24 18. Has the increasing cost of gasoline decreased the distance you travel to a recreational area? 1975 1976 Number of valid responses 203 182 Yes 58% 40% 46% 60 r, Check the miles covered in a typical previous year's recreation trip. Number of miles Percentage of valid responsesa Under 50 50-250 250-450 Over 450 a 190 valid responses in 1975, 164 in 1976. 115 1975 1976 14 26 16 44 4 31 19 47 19. 20. Check the miles covered in a typical recreation trip this year. Check the Check the Number of miles Under 50 50-250 250-450 Over 450 Percentage of valid responsesa 1975 1976 21 32 16 31 13 32 14 41 ·a 195 valid responses in 1975, 166 in 1976. The percentage of trips over 450 miles decreased significantly in 1975 and 1976 while shorter recreational trips increased. type of vehicle you arrived in. Vehicle Percentage of valid responses a Car 50 Pickup 23 Pickup with camper 13 Other models 15 a 1975 only, 204 valid responses. items of equipment you have with you. Equipment Percentage of va 1 id responses a Boats 17 Tents 11 Fishing gear 57 Sleeping bags 23 Firearms 14 a 212 valid responses, 1975 only. Check your occupation. What is your spouse's occupation? Occupation Intervieweea 1975 1976 Self-employed White Collar 6 4 Self-employed Blue Collar 7 6 Employed White Collar 10 9 Employed Blue Collar 35 25 Professional 11 5 Student 8 10 Housewife 8 6 Agriculture 4 3 Retired 12 19 a 192 valid responses in 1975, 187 in 1976. b 122 valid responses in 1975, 116 in 1976. 116 Spouse of b Interviewee 1975 1976 6 3 3 3 15 12 19 23 0 8 0 1 50 41 2 0 7 9 21. For both years, "employed blue collar" was the most common form of employment of the interviewee, and "housewife" was the most common occupation of spouses. This corresponds with the larger number of males than females interviewed in 1975 and 1976. Check yozao sex. 1975 1976 Check yozao age. Age Under 18 19-30 31-50 Over 50 Number of va 1 i d 204 186 responses Male 68% 76% Percentage of 1975 11 28 37 24 a 197 valid responses tn 1975, 136 in 1976. Fema 1 e 32% 24% valid responsesa 1976 11 23 38 29 22. Enter the number of other persons in each category from yozao group. Age Group 1-12 13-18 19-30 30-50 Over 50 Males Number of ~:!~~nsesa 29 24 23 19 16 Females Number of Valid % Responsesb 26 14 22 12 21 32 17 36 14 16 NOTE: The numbers of valid responses in this table are the numbers of respondents who answered that their group contained people in the indicated age-sex category-- they do not indi~ate the number of recreationists in % 13 lf 29 33 15 that category. Likewtse, the percentage figures show the percentage of respondents claiming to have males or fe- males of the gtven age category in their group. The results from question 22 were not valid for showing the total number of recreationists in each age-sex category. a In 1975 only, 111 valid responses b In 1975 only,.110 valid responses. 117 23. Ar-e insects a pr-obLem to you in this ar-ea? Results not valid. Have they r-educed the time you spend enjoying your-favor-ite activities? Number of valid responses Yes No 1975 191 42% 58% 1976 223 39% 61% WouLd you r-eturn to this ar-ea if the insect probLem remains the same? Number of valid responses Yes No 1975 188 85% 15% 1976 224 65% 35% WouLd you r-etur-n to this ar-ea if the insect pr-obLem was r-educed? Number of valid responses Yes No 1975 only 184 92% 9% 24. Ar-e you awar-e of the Location of public (Bur-eau of Land Management) Lands aLong the r-iver-near> (50 miLes upstr-eam or> downstr-eam) this ar-ea? Number of valid responses Yes No 1975 192 41% 59% 1976 212 46% 54% Ar-e you awar-e of the Location of pubLic Lands near your-home if this ar-ea is not near-your> home (50 miLes in any dir-ection)? Number of valid responses Yes No 1975 -I 155 57 % 43 % 1976 216 46% 54 % Do you know that Liter-ature is avaiLabLe at any Bureau of Land Management Office pr-oviding information and the Location of those ar-eas, free of ch=ge? 1975 1976 Number of valid responses 191 245 118 Yes 64 % 49% No 36 % 51 % 25. Within the past year, which of the following activities have you partici- pated in on these public lands adjacent to the Yellowstone River? Activity None Fishing Boating Picnicking Camping Hunting Other Percentage of valid responsesa 1975 1976 16 56 25 34 29 28 10 28 65 40 46 52 30 30 a 212 valid responses in 1975, 257 in 1976. 26. Yearly, how many days do you spend at other sites on the Yellowstone River and its tributaries? Number of days spent at other sites None 1 2-3 4-5 6-9 10-15 16-20 Over 20 Percentage of valid responsesa 1975 1976 20 9 15 10 11 16 4 16 35 2 11 11 9 10 4 18 a 199 valid responses in 1975, 125 in 1976. ug OBSERVED USE FORM 121 .... N N _ /'I Q: ~~ !8$ ~ c $ p:t: ~ ~ q.Q; .Q;c:i DATE. _______ _ SEC. _______ _ § "' .:,;;Q, ~~ §§ R VEHIClES H;>O LINE . 1975 MAIL SURVEY BOATING QUEST! ONNA IRE 123 1975 ~1AIL SURVEY BOATING QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Boater: Your name has been selected by the Montana Department of Fish and Game to evaluate boating use in southcentral and southeastern Montana. A prompt and accurate reply to the questions concerning your favorite boating site, favorite activities, number of days spent boating in 1975 would help great- ly toward evaluation of new facility proposals. Thank you very much. My favorite boating site was (check one): Fort Peck Reservoir Yellowtail Reservoir ------- Tongue River Reservoir ------- Yellowstone River:_ No. Dakota_Ljne-Mouth Powder River ------- Mouth Powder-Mouth Tongue Mouth Tongue-Mouth Bighorn __ _ Mouth Bighorn-Mouth Clarksfork __ Mouth Clarks Fork-Big Timber Favorite Activities Big Horn River Tongue River Powder River Missouri River _____ __ Clarks Fork River ---- Stil:l.l'@ter River ____ _ .- Other Number of total days spent boating --------------------------------- 124 Andrews, W.H., M.B. Masteller, D.E. Massey, R.J. Burdge, and G.E. Madsen. 1976. Measuring the impact of changing streamflow on recreation activity. In: Methodologies for the determination of stream resource flow requirements: an assessment. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Western Water Allocation. Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Bishop, A. 1972. An alternative evaluation matrix. Instream Flow Methodology Workshop, Olympia, Washington. Bivins, T. E. 1976. Game Warden. Montana Department of Fish and Game. Personal communication. Burdge, R.J. and D.R. Field. of outdoor recreation. 1972. Methodological perspectives for the study Journal of Leisure Research 4:63-72. Elser, A.A. 1976. Fish and Wildlife Biologist Supervisor. Montana Depart- ment of Fish and Game, Miles City. Personal communication. Haddix, M.F. 1g75. Fisheries Biologist. Montana Department of Fish and Game. Unpublished data and personal communication. Hi nz, T. 197 6. Miles City. Wildlife Biologist. Montana Department of Fish and Game, Personal communication. Montana Department of Fish and Game. 1975-1976. Unpublished mail survey. Parkes, J.G.M. 1974. User response to water in the Qu'appele Valley. Saskatchewan. ment. University of Victoria, Victoria, quality and water-based recreation In: Priorities in water manage- British Columbia. 8:99-112. Pacific Northwest River Basin Commission. The Anatomy Of A River. 1974. Rehwinkel. B.J. 1975. The fishery for paddlefish at Intake, Montana during 1973 and 1974. Master of Science Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. -- Rehwinkel, B.J., M. Gorges, and J. Well. 1976. Powder River Aquatic Ecology Project annual report. Montana Department of Fish and Game, Helena. 35 pp. Stevenson, H.R. 1975. tail Dam, Montana. Bozeman, Montana. The trout fishery of the Bighorn River below Yellow- Master of Science Thesis, Montana State University, 67 pp. 125