HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4155pt8f' 'I . ' 'I I ~~ 7~ eUut ~ atteud tm~~~1t~ eu«t7~~~~ by Allen A. Elser, Fish and Wildlife Biologist Supervisor Robert C. McFarland, Fish and Wildlife Biologist Dennis Schwehr, Fish and Wildlife Biologist Montana Department of Fish and Game TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 8 conducted by the Water Resources Division Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation 32 S. Ewing He 1 ena, rn 596Dl Bob Anderson, Project Administrator Dave Lambert, Editor for the Old West Regional Commission 22B Hedden Empire Building Billings, MT 59101 Kenneth A. Blackburn, Project Coordinator July 1977 ·' 1730 K Street, N. W. Suite 426 The Old West Regional Commission is a Federal-State partnership designed to solve regional economic problems and stimulate orderly economic growth in the states of Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Established in 1972 under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, it is one of seven identical commissions throughout the country engaged in formulating and carrying out coordinated action plans for regional economic development. COMMISSION MEMBERS State Cochairman Gov. Thomas L. Judge of Montana Alternate: Dean Hart Federal Cochairman 'George D. McCarthy State Members Gov. Edgar J. Herschler of Wyoming Alternate: Steve F. Freudenthal Gov. J. James Exon of Nebraska Alternate: Jon H. Oberg Gov. Arthur A. Link of North Dakota Alternate: Woody Gagnon Gov. Richard F. Kneip of South Dakota Alternate: Theodore R. Muenster COMMISSION OFFICES 201 Main Street Suite D Washington, D. C. 20006 202/967-3491 Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 605/348-6310 Suite 228 Heddon-Empire Building Billings, Montana 59101 406/657-6665 i i ·~ I •' '--' FOREWORD The Old West Regional Commission wishes to express its appreciation for this report to the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and more specifically to those Department staff members who participated directly in the project and in preparation of various reports, to Dr. Kenneth A. Blackburn of the Commission staff who coordinated the project, and to the subcontractors who also participated. The Yellowstone Impact Study was one of the first major projects funded by the Commission that was directed at investigating the potential environmental impacts relating to energy develop- ment. The Commission is pleased to have been a part of this important research. George D. McCarthy Federal Cochairman FIGURES. TABLES . ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT. PREFACE. The River . . The Conflict. The Study .. Acknowledgments PART I. TONGUE RIVER FISHERY STUDY. INTRODUCTION. . Purpose. . Study Area METHODS . . .. Study Area Delineation .. Instream Flow Determination. Sampling and Tagging .. Shovelnose Sturgeon Sauger ..... Channel Catfish . Age and Growth . . . . . Population Estimates .. Water Temperature. . . . Impacts of Water Withdrawals EXISTING SITUATION ...... . Faunal Zonation ..... . Resident Fish Populations. .. Species Distribution ........... . Population Numbers and Species Composition. Species Diversity . Shovelnose Sturgeon .. . Fish Size .... . Population Estimate Time of Spawning .. Habitat Preference ..... . Sampling and Tagging Studies. iv Vii X xiv 1 1 1 5 6 7 9 9 9 13 . 13 . 13 . 14 . 14 . 15 . 15 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 17 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 21 . .23 . 24 .26 . 34 . 35 . 37 42 Sauger. . . . . . . . . . Fish Size ..... . Population Estimates Habitat Preference Tagging Studies. Channel Catfish .. . Fish Size .... . Catch Rates ... . Tagging Studies .. Instream Flow Requirements of Indicator Species Passage and Spawning Flows ... . Rearing Flows .......... . Monthly Instream Flow Requirements mPACTS OF WATER WITHDRAWALS . . . . .... The Naturally Occurring Pattern of Low Flows. Impacts of Increased Future Use . . Projections of Future Use. . . Impacts of Reduced Streamflow .. . Impacts on Water Quality .... . Other Limiting Factors ..... . Limiting Factors Unrelated to Flow SUf1MARY. PART II. TONGUE RIVER RESERVOIR FISHERY STUDY. INTRODUCTION . . Purpose .. · Study Area. METHODS ..... Sampling for Water Chemistry Analysis Fish Sampling .... Population Estimates. Creel Census. EXISTING SITUATION . . Limnology .... Fish Populations. Hi story. Sampling Results Creel Census ..... IMPACTS OF WATER WITHDRAWALS Projection of Future Use. Impacts on the Reservoir Fishery. S!JMMARY. v 47 47 51 52 52 52 55 57 58 58 60 60 62 65 65 65 65 67 71 72 73 75 77 79 79 79 83 83 83 83 84 85 85 85 85 87 107 111 111 111 113 PART III. FOOD HABITS AND FORAGE FISH. INTRODUCTION Purpose Scope .. Study Area. METHODS ..... Food Habits Analyses. Forage Fish Survey. EXISTING SITUATION . Stomach Contents. Sauger. Burbot. . . . Channel Catfish Goldeye ..... . Shovelnose Sturgeon Flathead Chub . Other Species . Food Selection. . . . Forage Fish Survey. . . IMPACTS OF WATER WITHDRAWALS Riffle Habitat ... Slow-water Habitat. SUMMARY. APPENDIXES. A. Projections of Future Use. . . . ./.. B. Tongue River Water Temperatures. C. Taxonomy of Fish Species Encountered in these Studies .. D. Taxonomy of Invertebrates Found in Fish Stomachs . . . . . E. Average Body Volume of Major Organisms Found in Fish Stomachs. F. Results of Food Habits Analyses of Sauger, Burbot, Goldeye, Channel Catfish, and Shovelnose Sturgeon ... G. Yellowstone Basin Forage Fish Reported by Brown (1971) LITERATURE CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi 115 117 117 117 118 119 119 120 121 121 121 123 123 126 126 131 131 131 132 137 137 138 141 143 145 153 157 159 161 163 171 173 / / / j ~ / 1. 2. Yellowstone River Basin. Tongue River in Montana: and sampling sections .. 3 major diversions, tributaries, 11 3. Longitudinal profile of the Tongue River in Montana. . . 12 4. Comparison of diversity indices for 1974 (6 runs) and 1975 (3 runs) and combined fall sampling (9 runs) at each primary sampling station on the Tongue River ...................... 25 5. Comparison of the Shannon-Weaver diversity indices for 1974 and 1975 fall fish sampling in the Tongue River and the combined fall sampling at each of the primary sections excluding fish that were less than 150 mm in length. . . . . 25 6. Comparison of the 1975 and 1976 shovelnose sturgeon fork length frequencies (by percentage of catch) in the Tongue River. 27 7. Comparison of the fork length frequencies of shovelnose sturgeon taken in the Tongue River with those taken in the Yellowstone River at Intake in the spring of 1975. . . . . 28 8. Weight~frequency histogram of the shovelnose sturgeon collected in the spring of 1975 in the Tongue River. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 9. Weight-frequency histogram of the shovelnose sturgeon collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. . . .... 31 10. The length-weight relationship equation of all shovelnose sturgeon collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River ..... 33 11. Linear regression analysis of the 1~eight at tagging (before spawning) compared with the weight at recapture (after spawning) of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue River . . .... 35 12. Five-day average temperatures (°C) and discharges in relation to the spawning activities of the shovelnose sturgeon and sauger in the spring of 1975 in the Tongue River ..... 36 13. Five-day average temperatures (OC) and discharges in relation to the spawning activities of the shovelnose sturgeon and sauger in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River ........... 38 vii 14. Comparison of the catch rates of shovelnose sturgeon with the bottom profile of the river channel for one reach of the Tongue River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Quadratic regression analysis of discharge rates of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue versus catch River in the .... 39 spring of 1975 ............. . . . . . . . . 41 16. Quadratic regression analysis of discharge rates of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue versus catch River in the spring of 1976 ............. . . . . . . . 41 17. Quadratic regression analysis of minimum and maximum water temperatures versus catch rates of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue River in the spring of 1975 . . . . . . . . ..... 43 18. Quadratic regression analysis of minimum and maximum water temperatures versus catch rates of shovel nose sturgeon in the Tongue River in the spring of 1976 .......... 43 19. Comparison of the linear regression analysis of the weight at tagging versus the weight at recapture of monel-and anchor-tagged sturgeon over the three years of sampling in the Tongue River. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 45 20. Weight-frequency graph of sauger collected in the spring spawning migration of 1976 in the Tongue River . . . . . ...... 49 21. Comparison of the age and length frequency of sauger taken in the spring spawning migrations of 1976 in the Tongue River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 22. Length-weight relationship equation of all sauger collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. . . . . . . .... 50 23. Plot of the quantity of sauger taken per interval of dis- charge in the spring spawning migration of 1976 in the Tongue River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 24. Quadratic regression analysis of discharge versus catch rates of sauger collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 25. Plot of the quantity of sauger and minimum water temperatures Tongue River . . . . . . . . . taken per interval of maximum in the spring of 1976 in the 26. Quadratic regression analysis of maximum and minimum water temperature versus catch rates of sauger taken in the spring . . . . . 54 of 1976 in the Tongue River ...................... 54 viii .,. L 27. 28. 29. 30. Wetted perimeter in relation to discharge for three sections of the Tongue River, showing the inflection point used to determine rearing flows ....... . Life history periodicity and minimum flow recommend- ations for selected species and projected flow values for the Tongue River from the T&Y Diversion to the mouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tongue River Reservoir, Montana, showing zones and sampling stations. . . . . . . .... Inflow and outflow of Tongue River at Tongue River Reservoir compared with storage elevation of the . . . . . 61 . . . . . 63 ..... 80 reservoir from April 1g75 to October 1976. . . ......... 86 31. Length-frequency of northern pike captured in trap nets, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76, expressed as each size interval's percentage of the total sample. 32. Average length and length range of northern pike from . 95 gill-net catches, Tongue River Reservoir, 1964-76 ........... 96 33. Average length and length range of walleyes from gill- net catches, Tongue River Reservoir, 1966-76 ............. 98 34. Length frequency of walleyes captured in trap nets, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76, expressed as each size interval's percentage of the total sample .............. 99 35. 36. Length-frequency distribution of white and black crappie taken in trap nets, Tongue River Reservoir, 1975-76, expressed as each size interval's percentage of the total sample ................. . Monthly distribution of fishing pressure, Tongue River Reservoir, 1975-76 .............. . 37. Monthly distribution of species as determined by creel .102 .108 census, Tongue River Reservoir, 1976 . . . . . . . ....... 110 ix 1. Description of major sampling sections, Tongue River .......... 13 2. Distribution of fishes in the Tongue River by zones, 1974 and 1975 ..... : ............. . • . • . . 20 3. Summary of electrofishing samples for the Tongue River, fall 1974 and 1975, expressed as numbers of fish/km of stream ..... 22 4. Summary of age-class strength of smallmouth bass in the Tongue River, 1974-76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 23 5. Fork lengths of shovelnose sturgeon captured in the Tongue River in 1975 and 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 26 6. Weights of shovelnose sturgeon captured in the Tongue River in 1975 and 1976. . . . . . . . . . ........ 29 7. Estimated number of shovelnose sturgeon per km of the Tongue River, 1975 and 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 34 8. Percentage and direction of shovelnose sturgeon movement 9. for May, June, and July 1976 in the 1 ower Tongue River. . . . . . . . 46 Difference between place of tagging shovelnose sturgeon from 1974-76 in River, expressed as percentage ... and recapture for the lower Tongue . . . . . . . . . 46 10. Summary of tagged shovelnose sturgeon from the Tongue River returned by anglers, 1974-76. . . . . . . . . ........ 46 11. Age and mean length of sauger taken in the Tongue River, spring 1976. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 48 12. Comparison of calculated growth of Tongue River sauger with those from other northern waters (mm). . . . . . . . . 51 13. Estimated populations of sauger moving into the lower Tongue River, spring 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 51 14. Average lengths and weights of catfish taken in the Tongue River in 1975 and 1976 . . . . . . . . . . ...... 55 15. Average length and range of lengths for each age group of 231 channel catfish taken below T&Y Dam on the Tongue River in the summer of 1975 ....................... 56 X I I I ~. ! I 16. Average length and range of lengths for each age 17. 18. 19. 20. group of 106 channel catfish taken between T&Y Diversion · and S-H Diversion on the Tongue River in the summer of 1975 ............ · ...................... 56 Average lengths and range of lengths for each age group of 132 channel catfish taken in the lower Tongue River in the fall of 1976 ..... . Summary of angler returns of tagged channel catfish, Tongue River, 1975-76 .............. . Summary of historic flows (1931-1975) on the Tongue River as related to recommended instream flows by season. . Predicted impacts of three agricultural development levels on the flow of the Tongue River ..... . . . . . . . . . 57 . ........ 59 . . . . . . . . . . 66 ........ 68 21. Summary of predicted impacts of three projected levels of industrial development of Tongue River water ........ 70 22. Summary of warm-water fish plants in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1963-75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 88 23. Summary of trap net catches by zone in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1975 ......................... 89 24. Summary of trap net catches by zone in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1976 . . . . ................. 90 25. Comparison of trap net catches: Tongue River Reservoir, 1972-76 (expressed as numbers per net night) ................................. 91 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Summary of gill net (bottom) sets in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1964-76, expressed as numbers of fish per net set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 92 Catch statistics of 18 overnight gill net (bottom) sets, Tongue River Reservoir, July 1975 and 1976 ............ 93 Average lengths and weights of northern pike caught in trap nets in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1972-76 ..................... . . 94 Population estimates of northern pike determined from trap net catches, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76. . 96 Summary of northern pike tag returns by year for Tongue River ~eservoir, 1973-76. (Number in parentheses is the percentage of total tagging.) .................. 97 xi 31. Average lengths and weights of walleye caught in trap nets in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1972-76 .......... 99 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Summary of walleye and sauger tagging and returns, Tongue River Reservoir, lg73-76. (Number in parentheses is the percentage of total tagging.) . Average lengths and weights of black and white crappie, Tongue River Reservoir, April-May 1g75 ....... . Population estimates of black and white crappie deter- mined from trap net catches, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76 .................... . Number of bass per 100 meters of shoreline, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-75 . . . . . . . . . Back-calculated lengths (mm) of smallmouth bass, Tongue River Reservoir, 1976 ...... . Back-calculated lengths (mm) of largemouth bass, Tongue River Reservoir, 1976 ...... . Summary of smallmouth bass tagging and angler returns by year, Tongue River Reservoir, lg73-76 ...... . Summary of largemouth bass tagging and angler returns by year, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76 ..... Miscellaneous statistics of Tongue River Reservoir creel census, 1975-76 .............. . Estimated angling effort and harvest of sport fish, Tongue River Reservoir, 1975 and 1976 ....... . Numbers, lengths, and weights of fish collected for stomach analysis ............... . Stomach contents of 43 sauger collected from the lower Yellowstone River during 1975 and 1976 ..... Stomach contents of 13 burbot collected from the Yellowstone River below Miles City in January 1976 Stomach contents of 20 channel catfish collected from the Yellowstone River near Miles City and Intake and from the mouth of the Tongue River from July through September, 1975 and 1976 .............. . Stomach contents of 17 goldeye collected from the Yellowstone River at Miles City in August, 1975 and 1976 xii . 100 . 103 . 103 . 105 . 105 . 106 . 106 . 106 .1 07 .1 09 .121 .122 .124 .125 .127 J 47. Stomach contents of 20 shovelnose sturgeon collected from the Yellowstone River near Miles City and Intake during May and June, 1975 and 1976 ......... . 128 48. Stomach contents of 21 shovelnose sturgeon collected from the Yellowstone River below Intake from July to September, 1975 to 1976 129 49. 50. 51. Food types of miscellaneous fish species ......... . Ivlev's electivity index for benthic food organisms eaten by shovelnose sturgeon, goldeye, and channel catfish. Forage fish species list for lower Yellowstone River showing location, date of collection, and habitat sampled . xiii 130 131 133 af af/y b/d oc cc cfs CI d DCA DNRC E or fl ft/sec g ha 3 hm in kg km lb m mg/1 mi ml rran rranaf /y mmcfd · mmt/y 11M m/sec m3/sec N R t/d tl WSP acre-feet acre-feet/year barrels/day degrees Celsius cubic centimeters cubic feet/second confidence interval species diversity index Department of Community Affairs Department of Natural Resources and Conservation electivity index degrees Fahrenheit fork 1 ength feet/second grams hectares cubic hectometers inches kilograms kilometers pounds meters milligrams per liter miles milliliters mi 11 imeters million acre-feet/year million cubic feet per day million tons/year megawatts meters/second cubic meters/second number redundancy tons/day total length Water Surface Profile xiv THE RIVER The Yellowstone River Basin of southeastern r1ontana, northern Hyomi ng, ! and western North Dakota encompasses approximately 180,000 km2 (71 ,000 square J miles), 92,200 (35,600) of them in r1ontana. Montana's portion of the basin comprises 24 percent of the state's land; where the river crosses the border into rlorth Dakota, it carries about 8.8 million acre-feet of water per year, 21 percent of the state's average annual outflow. The mainstem of the Yello~1stone rises in northwestern l~yoming and flows generally northeast to its confluence with the Missouri River just east of the Mor1tana-North Dakota border; the river flows through Montana for about 550 of its 680 miles. The major tributaries, the Boulder, Stillwater, Clarks Fork, Bighorn, Tongue, and Powder rivers, all flow in a northerly direction as shown in figure 1. The ~1estern part of the basin is part of the middle Rocky i~ountains physiographic province; the eastern section is located in the northern Great Plains (Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists 1972). THE COflFLICT Historically, agriculture has been Montana's most i~portant industry. In 1975, over 40 percent of the primary employment in Montana was provided by agriculture (r1ontana Department of Community Affairs 1976). In 1973, a good year for agriculture, the earnings of labor and proprietors involved in a~ricultural production in the fourteen counties that approximate the Yellowstone Basin were over Sl4l million, as opposed to $13 million for mining and $55 million for manufacturing. Cash receipts for Montana's agricultural products more than doubled from 1968 to 1973. Since that year, receipts have declined because of unfavorable market conditions; some improvement may be in sight, however. In 1970, over 75 percent of the Yellowstone Basin's land was in agricultural use (State Conservation Needs Committee 1970). Irrigated agriculture is the basin's largest 1·1ater use, consuming annually about 1.5 million acre-feet (af) of water (Montana DNRC 1977). There is another industry in the Yellowstone Basin \~hich, though it con- sumes little 1~ater no~1. may require more in the future, and that is the coal develop~ent industry. In 1971, the North Central Power Study (North Central Power Study Coordinating Committee 1971) identified 42 potential power plant sites in the five-state (~lantana, North and South Dakota, Uyoming, and Colorado) northern Great Plains region, 21 of them in Montana. These plants, all to be fired by northern Great Plains coal, would generate 200,000 megawatts (mw) of electricity, consume 3.4 mill ion acre-feet per year (mmaf/y) of water, and result in a lar9e population increase. Administrative, economic, legal, l and technological considerations have kept most of these conversion facilities, identified in the North Central Power Studv as necessary for 1980, on the drawing board or in the courtroom. There fs now no chance of their being completed by that date or even soon after, which will delay and diminish the economic benefits some basin residents had expected as a result of coal development. On the other hand, contracts l1ave been signed for the mining of large amounts of Montana coal, and applications have been approved not only for new and expanded coal mines but also for Colstrip Units 3 and 4, twin 700-mw, coal-fired, electric generating plants. In 1975, over 22 million tons of coal were mined in the state, up from 14 million in 1974, 11 million in 1973, and 1 million in 1969. By 1980, even if no new contracts are entered, Montana's annual coal production will exceed 40 million tons. Coal reserves, estimated at over 50 billion economically strippable tons Ulontana Energy Aclvisory Council 1976), pose no serious con- straint to the levels of development projected by this study, which range from 186.7 to 462.8 million tons stripped in the basin annually by the year 2000. Strip mining itself involves little use of water. How i~portant the energy industry beco~es as a water user in the basin will depend on: 1) how much of the coal mined in Montana is exported, and by what means, and 2) by what process and to what end product the remainder is converted within the state. If conversion follows the patterns projected in this study, the energy industry will use from 48,350 to 326,740 af of water annually by the year 2000. A third consumptive use of water, municipal use, is also bound to increase as the basin population increases in response to increased employment opportunities in agriculture and the energy industry. Can the Yellowstone River satisfy all of these demands for her water? Perhaps in the mainstem. But the tributary basins, especially the Bighorn, Tongue, and Pm~der, have much smaller flows, and it is in those basins that much of the increased agricultural and industrial water demand is expected. Some impacts could occur even in the mainstem. What 1~ould happen to water quality after massive depletions? How would a chan9e in water quality affect existing and future agricultural ,industrial, and municipal users? \~hat would happen to fish, furbearers, and migratory waterfowl that are dependent on a certain .level of instream flow? Would the river be as attractive a place for recreation after dewatering? One of the first manifestations of f·1ontana 's gro1~ing concern for water in the Yellowstone Basin and elsewhere in the state was the passage of significant legislation. The Hater Use Act of 1973, which, among other things, mandates the adjudication of all existing water rights and makes possible the reservation of ~later for future beneficial use, was followed by the Hater Moratorium Act of 1974, 1·1hich delayed action on major applications for Yellowstone 3asin water for three years. The moratorium, by any standard a bold action, was prompted by a steadily increasing rush of applications and filings for water (mostly for industrial use) which, in two tributary basins to the Yellowstone, exceeded supply. The DNRC's intention during the moratorium was to study the basin's water and related land resources, as well as existing and future need for the basin's water, so that 2 YEllowsTONE RIVER BASIN. 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 Miles UiJiJ I I I I I 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 Kilometers m----1 I I I I I MUSSELSHELL I WHEATLAND I 0 -------~-J VALLEY 0 ~----~- L -li--"...........,-+-""""' GOLDEN\ _j CARBON 0 rj ______ ,, ---+, _ __._ YELLOWSTONE ' ) NATIONAL PARK 0 ( N YELLOWSTONE RIVER BASIN GARFIELD , ------L \T REA s_,_u,.R ... E~-._:._ I L--~ I COLSTRIP l--: --1 • ' ---------. r ~~ I \ I ~ McCONE I \~ '" POWDER I ASHLAND INDIAN I BIG HORN RESERVATION ~· ----r--r l l ----~ \ Tongue Ri ... er ~ Reservoir ---~ --,__ __ _ ~----~-~------~- WYOMING ----, I --l, I I DAWSON , GLENDIVE) J J 1 I I the state would be able to proceed wisely with the allocation of that water. The study 1~hich resulted in this series of reports was one of the fruits of that intention. Several other Yellowstone water studies were undertaken during the moratorium at the state and federal levels. Early in 1977, the 45th l·iontana Legislature extended the moratorium to allo~1 more time to con- sider reservations of water for future use in the basin. THE STUDY The Yellowstone Impact Study, conducted by the Water Resources Division of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and financed by the.Old West·Regional Commission, was designed to evaluate the potential physical, biological, and water use impacts of water withdrawals and water development on the middle and lower reaches of the Yellowstone River Basin in Montana. The study's plan of operation was to project three possible levels of future agricultural, industrial, and municipal development in the Yellowstone Basin and the streamflow depletions associated with that develop- ment. Impacts on river morphology and water quality were then assessed, and, finally, the impacts of altered streamflow, morphology, and water quality on such factors as migratory_ birds, furbearers, recreation, and existing water users were analyzed. The study began in the fall of 1974. By its conclusion in December of 1976, the information generated by the study had already been used for a number of moratorium-related projects--the EIS on reservations of 1~ater in the Yellowstone Basin,. for example (Montana DNRC 1976). The study resulted in a final report summarizing all aspects of the study and in eleven specialized technical reports: Report No.-1 Report No. 2 Report No. 3 Report No. 4 Report No. 5 Report flo. 6 Report No. 7 ·Futur-e. Development Projections and Hydrologic Modeling in the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on the Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Yellowstone River Basin, t•iontana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on the l~ater Quality of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. 'The Adequacy of Montana's Regulatory Framework for Water Quality Control Aquatic Invertebrates of the Yellowstone River Basin, ~-lantana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Furbeari ng r~amma 1 s of the Yellowstone River Dasin, Montana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Migratory Birds of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. 5 Report No. 8 Report ilo. 9 Report No. 10 Report No. 11 The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Fish of the Ye 11 owstone and Tongue Rivers, t1ontana. The Effect of Altered Streamflow on Existing Municipal and Agricultural Users of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana. The Effect of Altered Streamflo~1 on ~later-Based Recreation in the Yello1·1Stone River Basin, Montana. The Economics of Altered Streamflm~ in the Yellm·1stone River Basin, Montana. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was reviewed by and guidance received from John C. Orth, Director of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; Orrin Ferris, Administrator of the DNRC's Water Resources Division; and Carole Massman, of the DNRC's Special Staff. Other DNRC personnel providing assistance were Peggy Todd and Pam Tennis, who performed editing tasks, and Janet Cawlfield, Kris Macintyre, and Linda Howell, typists. Graphics were coordinated and performed by Gary Wolf, with the assistance of Gordon Taylor, Dan Nelson, and June Virag. The cover was designed and executed by D. C. Howard. Department of Fish and Game personnel who assisted with Part III of this report were Larry Peterman and Chris Estes, who performed sampling, analysis, and writing of the forage fish investigation. Much of the sampling for the food habits investigation of Part III was performed by DFG summer field crews. 6 by Allen A. Elser Robert C. McFarland 7 r PURPOSE In the fall of 1974 a two-year study was initiated on the Tongue River to assess fish populations present for these purposes: 1) To determine species composition and distribution, 2) To establish and evaluate diversity indices for various habitat zones or sections, 3) To evaluate the potential impacts of water withdrawals. STUDY AREA The Tongue River's name originated from the Indian word "La-zee-ka," meaning tongue, for a tree-covered limestone slab outlined by barren rock which resembled a buffalo tongue. The headwaters of the Tongue River rise on the eastern slope of the Bighorn .Mountains of Wyoming and flow generally northeast through Montana to join the Yellowstone River at Miles City. The length of the Tongue River from the Montana-Hyomi ng border to its confluence with the Yellowstone River is 326.5 km (202.9 mi). The Tongue River's flow in Montana is controlled by the Tongue River Dam. The dam, completed in 1940 for storage of irrigation water, impounds 84.9 hm3 (69,000 af) with a surface area of 1,416 ha (3,500 acres). The Tongue River drains approximately 13,932 km2 (5,379 mi2), 70 percent of which is in Montana, with an average annual discharge of 11.9 m3/sec (420 cfs). The maximum recorded discharge was 377 m3/sec (13,300 cfs) on June 15, 1962. The two typical stream bed formations found are: (1) in strong current, gravel cobblestones and outcropping of bedrock, and (2) in slack or slow current, silt and sand. The average annual temperature for the basin varies from 4.4 to 11.1°C (40-520F). Average annual precipitation varies from 22.9 to 40.6 em (9 to 16 in). The basin of the Tongue River is underlain by the Fort Union Formation of the early Tertiary (Eocene) Age which has a total thickness of about 610 m (2,000 ft). Ninety percent of the soils were formed on sandstones and shales laid down in the Cretaceous or Tertiary periods. The river is an important source of water for irrigation, domestic use by man and livestock, recreational use, and industrial use. ~lith the increase in coal development in the Tongue River drainage, the river takes on 9 a new importance. The Decker-Birney Resource Study (U.S.D.I. 1974) conducted by the Bureau of Land Management in April of 1974 identified strippable coal reserves underlying 145,422 ha (359,333 acres) of the planning unit in the Tongue River Basin. Approximately 115,000 ha (285,000 acres) of this planning unit overlie superior reserves of 15 billion tons of coal economically feasible to mine. Other coal reserves exist outside that study's planning unit yet within the Tongue River·Basin. Figure 2 is a map of the Tongue River in Montana; figure 3 shows its longitudinal profile. lQ I r ' ~ DECKER • v -- CITY T8 Y II Ill .IV ·"' ~~- \~ ·;, 'Tongue Ri.., Oom ~ 0 10 20 30 Miles ~~.t~.t~.t========1' ........ ~· D~--'t0===2~0--~30 Kilometers I Tongu~ Ri11~r Rl66rlltJir \ l ______ ( ___ ~N_!A~ __ ,------- WYOMING Figure 2. Tongue River in Montana: major diversions, tributaries and sampling sections. 11 10~0 1000 950 -900 5 c .~ ;; > .!! "' 850 800 7~0 700 175 300 -Hosford ""'--l[b Hosford Section --Hanging Woman Creek ~ TIZ:b Birney Section 150 125 100 River Miles 270 240 210 180 150 Kilometers 'Figure 3. Long itud ina 1 profi 1 e of the --Liscom Creek ~llb S-H Section Section 75 50 25 0 120 90 60 30 0 Tongue R1 ver in Montana. STUDY SECTION DELINEATION Study sections were selected on the basis of the location of diversion structures, access, fishing pressure, future and existing dam sites, and the various habitats present. The Tongue River downstream from Tongue River Dam was divided into five zones, identified by Roman numerals (figure 2). Primary sampling sections (Ib, lib, Ilia, IVb, Vc) were established in relation to irrigation diversion structures to evaluate fish distribution (table 1). Another primary section, Vb, was established to obtain data for a reach of river which would be inundated by the New Tongue River Reservoir. These sampling sections were relatively short (2.5-4.1 km) and did not adjoin one another. In all, sampling sites were established on 11 sections of the river (see figure 2). Primary sections ranged in length from 2.5 to 4.1 km; gradients varied from 0.56 m/km (2,g4 ft/mi) near the mouth to 1.22 m/km (6.45 ft/mi) in the canyon. TABLE 1. Description of major sampling sections, Tongue River. Location Length Gradient Section Upstream Barrier ( km)a {km) (m/km) Ib T&Y Diversion 22.7 3.9 0.56 lib S-H Diversion 113.4 3.6 0.68 II I a Mobley's Diversion 145.8 4. 1 0.76 IVb Brewster's Diversion 252.1 3.6 0.65 Vc Tongue River Dam 300.2 2.5 1.22 a River kilometers above the mouth Major habitat zones and sampling sites were delineated through the use of aerial photos, USGS topographic maps, and ground measurements. INSTREAM FLOW DETERMINATION Instream flow levels were obtained through the use of the water surface profile (WSP) program (USDI 1968) following procedures outlined by Dooley (1975) and Spence {1975). The validity of WSP and its potential use in determining instream flows for a warm-water stream were investigated. Flows for migration, spawning, and rearing were evaluated (Elser 1976). Predicted values for water surface 13 elevation and mean velocity were found to be not significantly different from actual values. Although hydraulic characteristics predicted by WSP are mean values, they are adequate for use with current knowledge of fish requirements. SAMPLING AND TAGGING Six primary sampling stations were sampled six times in the fall of 1974. Two sections (lib and Vb) were not sampled in the fall of 1975; the remaining four sections were sampled three times each. Only section !Vb was sampled in the fall of 1976 to check on the reproduction of the ·smallmouth bass population. Four secondary sections (Ia, !Ia, IVa, and Va) were sampled in the fall of 1974 for further definition of fish population distribution. River fish populations were sampled by several methods. Electrofishing gear with an output of 0-500 volts variable direct current, fished either from a fiberglass boat as described by Vincent (1971) or from the banks of smaller streams, was utilized to sample fish populations in the river and tributaries. Baited trap nets (wire-frame, 3-ft hoop traps with l-inch mesh webbing) were used for channel catfish. A 4-inch bar-mesh gill net was also utilized·to sample fish. Spring sampling concentrated on the migrant fish which utilize zone I, the lower 32.8 km (20.4 mi) of the river, for spawning. A portion (10.9 km; 6.8 mi) of this section was sampled extensively by use of traps, gill nets, and electrofishing techniques. Each of three major tributaries to the Tongue River, Pumpkin, Otter, and Hanging Woman creeks, was spot sampled at 16-to-24-km (10-to-15-mi) intervals in 1974 to determine species composition and distribution. SHOVELNOSE STURGEON Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) were sampled by two means: (1) by drifting the 4-inch bar-mesh gill net through an area free of snags and (2) by electrofishing. The gill net was divided into ten 3m segments to determine sturgeon distribution across the channel. The number of fish captured in each segment was recorded for each drift. Samples were taken at least three days each week of the run. Several methods were used to tag sturgeon. In 1974, Floy anchor tags were inserted immediately posterior to the dorsal fin. Observed tag losses led to the use of No. 3 monel wing band tags placed over the anterior fin rays of the pectoral fin as described by Schmulbach (1974). Irritation to the pectoral fin caused by the monel tag resulted in the cessation of use of this tagging method. Tagging in 1975 was accomplished by inserting the Floy anchor tag in the pectoral girdle (Helms 1974), but tag loss associated with this method was also high. A numbered aluminum strap tag encircling the caudal peduncle at the base of the caudal fin as described by Christenson (1975) was used in 1976. Several sturgeon thus tagged were held at the Miles City National Fish Hatchery for observation. Severe irritation occurred 14 within two weeks. Floy cinch-up tags (FT-4) were also placed around the caudal peduncle, assuming less ir~itation would occur. Test fish held at the hatchery showed similar irritation to the extreme that the caudal fin was lost. Finally, the Floy cinch-up tag was inserted through the flesh immediately ventral to the dorsal fin and tightened. Observations on recap- tured fish suggested good tag retention and little irritation. SAUGER Sauger (Stizostedion aanadense) samples were collected primarily by electrofishing. The boat was adapted, however, to provide an efficient two- man operation. The negative electrode remained on the bottom of the boat, but the positives were supported by a boom system. One man dipped fish while the other retained control of the boat. Sampling was conducted an average of four days a week. Sauger were measured, weighed, and tagged, and a scale sample was collected prior to release. The Floy anchor tag was inserted immediately posterior to the dorsal fin. Drift samples were taken in an attempt to collect sauger fry and eggs. CHANNEL CATFISH Channel catfish (Iatalurus punatatus) populations in the Tongue River were monitored by sampling with baited traps constructed from reinforcing bar material and chicken wire in three reaches of the river. Using rotten cheese as bait produced the most fish per trap night. Catfish were tagged with Floy anchor tags in 1974 and 1975, but high incidence of anchor tag loss reported in other studies prompted a change to other tagging methods ... A numbered plastic disc attached to the fish with 0.81-mm (0.032-in) stainless steel wire immediately ventral to the dorsal fin was used in 1975 and 1976. Irritation associated with this tag resulted in the use of the Floy cinch-up tag. Preliminary results suggest good retention and minor irritation. AGE AND GROIHH Attempts to determine the age of shovelnose sturgeon by sectioning a pectoral fin ray as described by Priegel and Wirth (1975) for lake sturgeon were unsuccessful. The cross section was opaque and no annulus formation could be detected. An attempt to determine growth by comparing weights and lengths at marking and recapture was also unsuccessful, as is explained on page 47. Age and growth of sauger were investigated by analysis of scales. Pectoral spines taken from channel catfish were sectioned as described by Marzolf (1955) and Sneed (1951) using an instrument similar to the one described by Witt (1961). With this instrument, the spines were sectioned thin enough to eliminate further grinding. The sections were coated with glycerin and aged with the aid of a binocular microscope. The translucent rings were considered to be year marks when they were distinct and continuous in all areas of the section (Marzolf 1955). 15 POPULATION ESTIMATES In order to assess the importance of the shovelnose sturgeon spawning run into the Tongue River, it was necessary to determine the strength of that run and variations in the number of fish using the river each year. The validity of population estimates based on mark-and-recapture techniques is based on certain assumptions: 1) marked fish do not lose their identifying marks and are recognizable upon recapture; 2) either marked fish are randomly redistributed throughout the population or the sampling effort is proportional to the density of the population; 3) both marked and unmarked fish are susceptible to the same degree of capture; 4) numbers of fish are not increased as a result of recruitment from growth or immigration; and 5) losses from death or emigration are equal for both marked and unmarked fish. Since the sturgeon population is migrant, assumptions 4 and 5 are not met, with continual immigration and emigration. However, Ricker (1958) felt that the Schnabel estimator can still be useful even if not all conditions are met completely. The population of shovelnose sturgeon utilizing the lower Tongue River was estimated using three formulas to compare and evaluate population strengths. As found in Ricker (1975), the formulas are: Schnabel N = L t Schumacher-Eschmeyer Chapman or Modified Schnabel ~ where: N Ct Mt Rt = = = = population estimate number of fish caught number of fish marked number of fish recaptured N = L t All estimators are multiple censuses, involving the addition of marked fish in the population. Negative bias enters into the estimates if the combination of number of fish marked and number examined falls too low. Ricker (1975) suggested that this bias can be ignored whenever the number of recaptures is four or more. 16 1 , The same methods were used to estimate the sauger population. WATER TEMPERATURE Water temperatures were monitored at stations la, lila, and Vc with Taylor 30-day recording thermographs. The recording sheets were changed monthly. All water temperatures were recorded in Fahrenheit degrees. Daily maximum and minimum temperatures were tabulated and are given in appendix B. IMPACTS OF WATER WITHDRAWALS Impacts were assessed by flow period. The year was divided into three segments corresponding to the life-history phases of the important fish species in the Tongue River: migration, spawning, and rearing (Stalnaker and Arnette 1976). Since incubation periods of warm-water fishes are short, incubation is ignored as a biological phase. It is generally agreed that depth and velocity are the most important limiting factors during these life history stages. Depth is significant in maintaining suitable passage requirements and in supplying the necessary wetted areas for spawning and food production. In prairie stream ecosystems, Bovee (1975) suggested that if passage (migration) requirements were met, spawning requirements would also be met. Rearing, as a life stage, generally encompasses those times of the year when fish are not engaged in migration or spawning. Therefore, rearing flows are those which will maintain the habitat necessary for sustenance of the fish species present. The fall flow period encompasses the months of August (late summer) through November. These flows coincide with late irrigation with late irrigation withdrawals and are accompanied by warm water temperatures. Temperature and water-quality requirements must be met during this time. A reduction in flow during these months may elevate water temperatures above tolerable limits and result in degraded water quality. Winter (December, January, and February) is also a critical low-flow period. Dewatering results in accelerated freeze-up of riffles and depleted oxygen levels. It is during this time that fish population levels are reduced. Fall and winter are considered rearing phases. Spring (March through May) is the migration and spawning season for most warm-water species. If adequate flows are maintained to ensure passage, it is assumed that adequate water will be available for spawning. The peak run-off period, May through July, is also important for passage, spawning, and rearing. Additionally, spring peaks scour the channel, cleansing the substrate interstices for food production and successful reproduction. 17 FAUNAL ZONATION Streams vary greatly in size, velocity, gradient, nature of the bed, temperature, and other features. Generally, streams change from steep torrents to sluggish meandering waterways as they proceed from source to mouth (Allen lg69). Usually there are stages between the two extremes which are char- acterized by specific environmental features and a particular assemblage of fish species. Many attempts have been made to associate particular fish faunas with these defined zones. Huet (1959) devised a scheme for European streams using four categories, naming each zone from the characteristic fish found in them. In descending order of current velocity they are: 1) the trout zone 2) the grayling zone 3) the barbel zone 4) the bream zone North American streams have been classified by Lagler et al. (1962) as follows: 1) grayling 2) stream char 3) flowing water minnows and pike 4) bass 5) catfish, suckers, and quiet water minnows Each of these zones is characterized by a particular set of combinations of stream gradient and stream width. As the gradient diminishes, the headwater fishes disappear and are replaced successively by others better adapted to the changing environment. This was evident in the change of species diversity with progression downstream in the Tongue River. Fish population in the Tongue River exhibit a succession from torrent-zone fishes (trout) to the quiet-zone fishes (catfish and suckers). While the upper Tongue River in Montana cannot be considered a trout stream, the presence of brown trout and other species associated with fast-water habitats suggests zone 2 according to the classification given above. RESIDENT FISH POPULATIONS SPECIES OISTRIBUTION Thirty-one species of fish representing 11 families were collected on the Tongue River during 1974 and 1975. Of these species, four (burbot, paddlefish, 19 shovelnose sturgeon, and blue sucker) were taken only during the spring sampling near the mouth and are considered to be migrant species. Qualitative distribution of these species is shown in table 2. Grouping by sections, though it obscures the variation encountered, illustrates broad trends of the stream. Moutain whitefish and brown trout ·are confined to the upstream zone. TABLE 2. Distribution of fishes in the Tongue River by zones, 1974 and 1975. Brown trout Whitefish Northern pike Yell ow perch Black crappie Yellow bull head Rainbow trout Rock bass Mountain sucker Pumpkinseed Sma 11 mouth bass White crappie River carpsucker Carp Stonecat Shorthead redhorse White sucker Longnose sucker Longnose dace Black bull head Green sunfish Channel catfish Sauger Flathead chub Goldeye Burbot Wall eye Paddlefish Shovelnose sturgeon Blue sucker Sturgeon chub TOTAL No. Species v * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 19 IV * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 22 III * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 14 II * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 15 I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 20 NOTE: Common names of fishes used correspond to those presented by the American Fisheries Society (1970). Corresponding scientific names are given in appendix C. 20 Longitudinal distribution of fish in the Tongue River is influenced by irrigation diversion structures. The T & Y Diversion is the upstream limit for goldeye, walleye, burbot, paddlefish, shovelnose ·sturgeon, blue suckers, and sturgeon chubs. Channel catfish did not occur above the Brewster Diversion. Flathead Chubs are found upstream from.the Mobley Diversion, but in limited numbers when compared to downstream sections. Distributional patterns changed in 1975. Extensive high water during the spring and summer resulted in damage to Mobley's and Brewster's diversions, allowing fish passage. Five species (mountain sucker, yellow bullhead, pumpkinseed, smallmouth bass, and black crappie) which had not previously been found above Brewster's diversion were found in section Vc in 1975. POPULATION NUMBERS AND SPECIES COMPOSITION A comparison of the 1974 and 1975 electrofishing results is shown in table 3. Fish captured per trip expressed as numbers/km were similar between the two years. The number of species decreased in sections lb and lib and increased in sections !Vb and Vc. In all cases, gains or losses were of rare species. Section Vc showed the greatest change in both number of fish (which increased from 231 to 292) and number of species (which increased from 11 to 15). In the same section, sucker composition changed from short- head redhorse dominance to longnose sucker dominance, and white suckers showed a great increase. Game fish concentrations were heaviest in section !Vb where they made up 12.7 percent of the total number; the dominant game fish was smallmouth bass, which ranged in length from 53 to 342 mm (2. 1 to 13.5 in). The pre- ponderance of young-of-the-year fish indicates that smallmouth bass are successfully reproducing. They were also found downstream from the S-H Diversion, but the greatest concentration was near Birney. Scales taken from smallmouth bass collected in section !Vb were used to evaluate age-class strengths for 1974, 1975, and 1976. The distribution of age classes 0 through IV is shown in table 4. Age 0 smallmouth bass contri- buted 37.3, 7.3, and 73.3 percent of the total smallmouth sample in 1g74, 1975, and 1976, respectively. The low reproductive success of bass in 1975 is reflected in the number of age class I fish collected in 1976. High discharges from the Tongue River Dam during the spring and summer of 1975 in preparation for repairs to the dam apparently reduced smallmouth reproduction. Reynolds (1965) suggested that water levels might be more important than temperatures in initiating spawning of smallmouth bass in tributaries of the Des Moines River, Iowa. In Courtois Creek, Missouri, smallmouth bass nesting always began during a period of stable or gradually declining water levels and was delayed or interrupted some years by floods (Pflieger 1975). Stable flows during the spawning and incubation periods were considered more important for successful smallmouth bass reproduction than a specific flow level (White and Cochnauer 1975). This philosophy was strongly considered when developing the minimum flow recommendations for the Tongue River dis- cussed below under "Impacts of Water Withdrawals." · 21 TABLE 3. Summary of electrofishing samples for the Tongue River, fall 1974 and 1975 (fish per kilometer) Ib I lb !Vb Vc Species 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 Gold eye 4 4 Rainbow trout 1 2 3 Brown trout 1 1 Northern pike 1 1 Carp 6 8 7 2 3 1 8 10 Flathead chub 14 8 16 9 1 1 Sturgeon chub 1 1 Longnose dace 2 -1 1 1 1 River carpsucker 3 3 14 3 5 2 30 20 Shorthead redhorse 9 9 22 36 29 37 80 37 Longnose sucker 1 2 5 9 6 10 16 77 White sucker 1 1 1 1 13 26 1 27 Mountain sucker 1 1 -1 Yellow bullhead -1 -1 Black bull head 1 1 4 3 Channel catfish 1 1 3 2 -1 Stonecat 1 3 4 14 6 6 Rock bass 1 1 3 7 Green sunfish 1 1 1 Pumpkinseed 1 -1 1 -1 Smallmouth bass 1 -1 2 9 6 -1 White crappie 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 Black crappie 1 1 1 1 -1 Yellow perch 1 1 1 1 Sauger 6 9 1 1 1 1 Walleye 1 1 Burbot 1 TOTAL 55 51 79 82 85 107 144 185 NO. SPECIES 18 13 15 13 19 20 10 15 NOTE: A hyphen (-) denotes a species present during one sampling period and absent during the other; a blank indicates absence during both years. 22 l TABLE 4. Summary'of age-class strength of smallmouth bass in the Tongue River, 1974-76. PERCEtiTAGE OF TOTAL SAMPLE Age Class 1974 1975 1976 0 37.3 7.3 73.3 I 37.3 65.5 8.4 II 12.0 16.4 13.3 I I I 10.7 9. 1 3.3 IV 2.7 1.7 1.7 Northern pike were also captured in section !Vb. The presence of small northerns (236 mm or less in length) suggests that these fish are reproducing in the river. The lower reaches of Hanging Woman Creek provide excellent northern pike spawning habitat and probably act as a nursery for the Tongue River population of northerns. The Tongue River supports the only rock bass population in Montana .. The greatest numbers of rock bass were found in sections IVb and Vb. All sizes were represented in the samples. The greatest number of channel catfish was found in section lib, with the largest fish weighing 4.88 kg (10.75 lb). Sauger were most abundant near the mouth, in section Ib, where they made up 13.1 percent of the total numbers captured. The largest sauger caught weighed 2.2 kg (4.9 lb). SPECIES DIVERSITY Measures of species diversity are another tool for the quantitative and qualitative description of a fishery. Investigations of longitudinal zonation in stream fishes reveal that, in relatively unpolluted systems, diversity increases downstream (Sheldon 1968), meaning the number of species increases with proximity to the river's mouth, as in the Tongue. Factors which determine the upstream limits of particular species also apparently contribute to the regulation of species diversity. A study by Tramer and Rogers (1973) found that variations in water quality upset the normal pattern of longitudinal zonation of fishes. Where streams are undergoing stress from pollution, species diversity may remain at levels similar to those in the headwaters throughout the entire system. The disappearance of some of the headwaters species is balanced by the appearance of others, and gains in the abundance of one species are canceled out by losses in another. Therefore, from baseline data, a change in water quality can be reflected by a change in species diversity. It is a generally accepted concept that a large-scale environmental 23 stress exerted upon a diverse biological community results in a reduction in species diversity (Cairns lg6g). Species-diversity indices (d) have been used by biologists to provide insight into the structure of natural communities and as indicators of qualitative aspects of their environments. A low diversity index indicates a largely monotypic community dominated by a few abundant species, and a high diversity index suggests a heterogeneous community in which abundance is dis- tributed more evenly among a number of species. Redundancy (R) (see Report No. 5 in this series), also used as an index of the repetition of information within a community, expresses the dominance of one or more species and is inversely proportional to the abundance of the species (Wilhm and Dorris lg68). While species-diversity indices have been used extensively with benthic macroinvertebrates to evaluate degradational environmental conditions, they have only recently been applied to fish populations (Sheldon 1g68, Jackson and Harp 1973, and Harima and Mundy 1974). Shannon-Weaver diversity indices were calculated for the fall 1975 sample and combined sample of fall 1974 and fall 1975 (figure 4). The fall 1974 sample diversities were also plotted for comparison, but sections Ilia and Vb were omitted because they were not sampled in 1975. With the inclusion of more data, the diversity indices theoretically tend to the true population diversity, assuming no drastic change over time. All fish under 152 mm (6 in) were excluded from the sample to eliminate human sampling bias (the selection of the bigger fish when a choice occurs in sampling). Figure 5 shows the linear regressions between diversity indices (dependent variable) and the section (independent variable). Study section diversity indices increased with proximity to the river's mouth. In section Vc the index rise from 1974 to 1975 was attributed to a chan~e in the number of fish/km (143 to 181) and a gain in the number of species (11 to 15). The probable reasons for these gains are two-fold: 1) prolonged high releases from the reservoir in 1975 are not characteristic of past flows and favor those species better adopted to fast-water habitats (mountain sucker and smallmouth bass); 2) inspections and drawdowns of the dam may have influenced the distribution patterns. The remaining sections had little change. Tongue River diversities are similar in magnitude to those calculated for Rosebud Creek by Elser and Schreiber (1977). However, those on the Tongue River tended to be higher, ranging from 1.8 to 2.9, as compared to a range of 1.2 to 2.7 on Rosebud Creek. SHOVELNOSE STURGEON The shovelnose sturgeon (Seaphirhynchus pZatorynehus) is common in portions of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio river drainages. Its distri- bution in the Missouri River has been limited by the construction of mainstem reservoirs (Held 1969). In Montana, the shovelnose is abundant in the mainstem of the Missouri below Great Falls and common in most of the larger primary and some secondary tributaries of this river (Brown lg71). Shovel- nose are abundant in the Yellowstone River downstream from the Cartersville Diversion at Forsyth (Peterman and Haddix 1975). Anglers seek the 24 I >. -·u; ~ Q) ,. 0 ,.. -·u; ~ ., ,. 0 3 .·····~~································· .. ············· ·-;,;. ,.,.,. ...... . . :,...---,--.-:-~ --------.· __ ,... 2 1974 and 1975 ----1975 ........... 1974 0 ~--------r------------.------------~-------------, 1lc rilb llb lb Section Figure 4. Comparison of diversity indices for 1974 (6 runs) and 1975 (3 runs) and combined fall sampling (9 runs) at each primary sampling station on the Tongue River. 3 2 1974 and 1975 (r = .9932) ----1975 (r=.9889) ······· ···· 1974 (r = .9480) 0 ~------~------------~----------~~----------~ 1lc rilb llb Section Figure 5. Comparison of the Shannon-Weaver diversity indices for 1974 and 1975 fall fish sampling in the Tongue River and the combined fall sampling at each of the primary sections excluding fish that were less than 150 mm in length. 25 Ib shovelnose, but pressure is considered light. The Yellowstone River shovelnose offers an opportunity to evaluate the status of a relatively unfished popula- tion in an unregulated river. Sampling during the spring of 1974 in·the lower reaches of the Tongue· River (downstream from the T&Y Diversion) produced a large number of shovelnose sturgeon. Gonadal development revealed that the fish were in spawning condition. Since previous sampling efforts in this reach of the river failed to produce sturgeon, it appeared that the fish were migrating into the Tongue to spawn. In determining instream flow requirements for fish, if the life history requirements for a sensitive species are met, then requirements for less- sensitive species will also be met (Bovee lg74). The shovelnose sturgeon was selected as a sensitive species because of its migrational patterns and resulting passage and spawning flow needs. Passage flows are evaluated by identifying shallow bars which could become barriers to the passage of adult fish and determining the amount of water necessary to allow fish to pass (Thompson 1972). The spawning run of shovelnose into the Tongue provides an opportunity to investigate certain features of their life history and to evaluate the instream flow necessary to maintain their run. The objectives of this segment of the study were to: {1) sample the shovelnose sturgeon spawning run into the lower Tongue River; {2) compare population strength with flow and temperature; (3) collect life history data on lengths, weights and sexes; {4) tag fish to aid in future studies to evaluate migrational patterns, delineate home range, and determine fisherman harvest. FISH SIZE Length Frequency Fork lengths of sturgeon captured in the Tongue River in 1g75 and 1976 are shown in table 5. Half of the fish sampled in 1975 fell in the range 710-785 mm {28.0-30.9 in). The size interval 725-800 mm {28.5-31.5 in) contri- buted 52.0 percent of the total sample in 1976. The average size and size range of shovelnose sturgeon taken in the Tongue were larger in 1976 than in 1975 (figure 6). 26 r .c u -0 u -0 20 15 ~10 0 -c:: ., u ~ If 5 500 600 I ' ' I , 700 800 Fork Length (mm) 900 1976 1975 1000 Figure 6. Comparison of the 1975 and 1976 shovelnose sturgeon fork length frequencies (by percentage of catch) in the Tongue River. In 1974, 427 shovelnose sturgeon captured in the Tongue River were measured by Peterman and Haddix (1975). Since total lengths rather than fork lengths were recorded in 1974, their results were converted by the regression formula: TL; 110.109 + 0.938 FL where all measurements are in millimeters. The fork length range in 1974 was 449 mm (17.7 in) to 969 mm (38.1 in) with an average length of 700 mm (27:6 in). The length frequency of shovelnose sturgeon sampled downstream from the Intake Diversion on the Yellowstone River in the spring of 1975 was plotted and compared to the Tongue River sample for the same time period (Peterman and Haddix 1~75). Yellowstone River sturgeon ranged from 287-815 mm (11.3- 32.1 in), with an average length of 508 mm (20.0 in). More than 50 percent of the sample fell in the size class 330-480 mm (13;0-19.0 in) with the modal interval of 386-404 mm (15.2-15.9 in). The length-frequency distribution of the Tongue River sample is compared to the Intake sample in figure 7. Sturgeon 27 collected in the Tongue were considerably larger than those collected at Intake. Additionally, the length distribution is much wider for the Intake sample than the Tongue River sample, which was taken from a spawning population and is not representative of the entire population; the Intake sample was from the total population. The average length of shovelnose migrating into the Powder River was 761 mm (30.0 in), comparable to those· sampled in the Tongue River (Rehwinkel et al. 1976). 20 15 .s::; I.) -0 (.) -0 ., 10 "' 0 c Q) I.) ~ Q) D.. 5 200 I 10 I / / I I I I I 300 ----Yellowstone River ---Tongue River ~ I I I I I I I I I I ......... I I I I l I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I...-I I I I \ I v I \ I \ --.. 1', \1 \ I ' \ 400 500 600 700 800 900 Fork Length (mm) I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 30 Fork Length (inches) Figure 7. Comparison of the fork length frequencies of shovel- nose sturgeon taken in the Tongue River with those taken in the Yellowstone River at Intake in the spring of 1975. 2!l 1000 I 40 , Weight Frequency Table 6 gives weights of sturgeon captured in 1975 and 1976. Of the sturgeon examined in 1975, 23.7 percent exceeded 2.7 kg (6 lb}, 7.6 percent exceeded 3. 6 kg ( 8 1 b}, and l. o percent exeeded 4. 5 kg ( 10 1 b}. In the 1976 sample, 21.6 percent exceeded 2.7 kg (6 lb}, 6.7 percent exceeded 3.6 kg (8 lb}, and 1.8 percent exceeded 4.5 kg (10 lb}. The \~eights of the 1974 run were similarly distributed (Peterman and Haddix 1975}. A sample of sturgeon migrating into the Powder River averaged 2.42 kg (5.33 lb}, showing close agreement with the Tongue River samples (Rehwinkel et al 1976}. Figures 8 and 9 are weight-frequency histograms of sampling in 1975 and lg76, respectively. Shovelnose sturgeon captured in the Tongue River during the spring migration were considerably larger than those reported elsewhere. In the lower Missouri River, the average weight was 0.45 kg (1.0 lb}1 with 1.8 kg (4.0 lb} fish considered rare (Schmulback 1974}; Helms 1 1974} found that the average weight of Mississippi River shovelnose was about 1.1 kg (2.5 lb}. Brown (1971} reported that 4.5 kg (10 lb} was considered maximum shovelnose weight and that 3.2 kg (7.0 lb} was the Montana record. While the Tongue River sample is of a spawning population, the presence of considerably larger fish appears significant. Length-Weight Relationship The length-weight relationship was calculated for 874 shovelnose sturgeon, utilizing the formula (Ricker 1975}: w = ClX where: w = weight in grams = 1 ength in millimeters C, x = constants 29 40 - 30 - .&:; u -0 u -0 ., 20 "' - 0 -c: "' u ~ ., c.. 10 - 0 0 0 '---- I I I I ' I 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Weight (g) 2 4 6 8 10 12 Weight (pounds) Figure 8. Weight-frequency histogram of the shovelnose sturgeon collected in the spring of 1975 in the Tongue River. 30 I 7000 14 16 40 - 30 - .<::: <J -0 u -0 "' 20 - "' 0 -c: "' <J ~ "' Q. 10 - I I I I I I I I 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 , Weight (g) :' 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Weight (pounds) Figure 9. ~/eight-frequency histogram of the shovelnose sturgeon collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. 31 The following equation, with a correlation of r = 0.8855 (figure 10), was derived: log w = 3.3439 log fl -6.2839 where: w = weight in grams fl = fork 1 ength in mi 11 imeters Zweiacker (1967) found a length-weight relationship for Missouri River shovelnose sturgeon of: log w = 2.79128 log fl + 0.68145 Helms (1974) reported the length-weight relationships of two pools (17 and 19) on the Mississippi River to be, respectively: log w = 3.526 log fl -2.2632 and log w = 3.083 log fl -2.3136 All the above length-weight relationship equations have similar slopes; the major difference between the Tongue River equation and the others is the constant, which is indicative of the larger size of the population migrating into the Tongue River to spawn. A size difference was shown between males and females. t~ales were smaller, averaging 738 mm (29.1 in) with a range of 523-864 mm (21.0-34.0 in) in 1975 and 760 mm (29.9 in) with a range of 592-g34 mm (23.3-36.7 in) in 1976. In 1975, females averaged 806 mm (31.7 in), ranging from 688 mm to 937 mm (27.1 to 36.9 in); in 1976, they averaged 832 mm (32.8 in), ranging from 5g2 mm to 934 mm (23.3-36.7 in). Weight differences were more apparent, with males averaging 1.95 kg (4.30 lb) in 1975 and 2.17 kg (4.78 lb) in 1976, while females averaged 3.20 kg (7.05 lb) and 3.62 kg (7.97 lb), respectively. Size at Maturity Since sexual dimorphism is absent in shovelnose sturgeon, sex determination was accomplished in two ways. Slight pressure exerted on the abdomen pro- duced milt or eggs if the fish were nearing spawning condition. If repro- ductive products were not produced, sex was distinguished by dist nsion of the ovarian region and by the swelling of the ovipositor. If none of the criteria were met, fish were recorded as undesignated sex. These methods have been used to determine sex rations for other species (Snow 1963 and Casselman 1974). Observed sex ratios for males, females, and undesignated were 46.9, 12.9, and 40.2 percent, respectively, in 1975, and 63.6, 8.4, and 28.0 percent respectively, in 1976. The high incidence of undistinguishable fish probably tends to mask the true sex ratio. Ho1~ever, it appears that more males enter the run than females, a situation also true of paddlefish (Elser 1976). 32 100,000 10,000 -.r: "' ~ 1000 100 r = .8885 1000 Length (mm) Figure 10. The length-weight relationship equation of all shovelnose sturgeon collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. 33 10,000 The minimum lengths of ripe male and female shovelnose were 523 mm (20.6 in) and 688 mm (27.1 in), respectively, in 1975 ·and 592 mm (23.3 in) and 743 mm (29.3 in), respectively, in 1976. Other workers have also reported male shovelnose sturgeon maturing at a smaller size than females (Christenson 1975 and Helms 1974). Theoretically, a fish should lose weight after spawning. A straight-line relationship of weight at recapture versus weight at tagging would intersect the equilibrium (no weight lost or gained) at the maturity size, providing the fish were tagged prior to spawning and recaptured after spawning. Weights from shovelnose tagged in 1975 (x) were plotted against weights at recapture in 1976 (y) after spawning had occurred·. Since only males could be positively identified both years, their weights were plotted (figure 11). The intersection of the growth line and the equilibrium line was at 850 g. Using the length-weight relationship of: log w = 3.3439 log fl -6.2839 a fork length of 55g mm at maturity was derived for males. This corresponds closely with the 561 mm reported for the Red Cedar and Chippewa river systems of Wisconsin {Christenson 1975). POPULATION ESTIMATE . The estim~ted numbers of shovelnose sturgeon per kilometer of Tongue R1ver sampled 1n 1975 and 1976 were similar using all three estimators (table 7). Since confidence interval overlap was evident between estimates of the ~am~ ~ear and beb1een different years, the differences do not appear to be s1gn1f1cant. The Chapman estimator resulted in the lowest estimate, but also had narrowest confidence intervals. The largest estimate resulted from the Schumacher-Eschmeyer formula. While all requirements for a valid pop~lation estimate were not met, the close agreement of the Tongue River est1mates suggests a valid estimate. TABLE 7. Estimated number of shovelnose sturgeon per km of the Tongue River, 1975 and 1976 lg75 1 g76 Estimator N/km 95% era N/km g5% era Schnabel 409.4 327.3-546.6 482.8 405.8-596.8 Schumacher-417. 1 323.7-585.9 537.2 449.7-667.0 Eschmeyer Chapman 402.8 388.0-418.8 478.6 402.3-590.5 a CI = confidence interval 34 TIME OF SPAWNING In 1975, the first sturgeon was collected on May 9, with large concen- trations appearing around t1ay 21 (figure 12). The last sturgeon was collected on August 7, although sampling continued until August 10. The first ripe male (one from which milt could be stripped) was taken on June 3; no ripe females were caught in 1975. Internal examination of two sturgeon on July 10 revealed a few black eggs remaining in the body cavity. It was assumed that these fish had spawned in the Tongue River. "' .. ~ :::0 -Q. 0 c.> .. a: -0 -.1: .!!' .. 3:: 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0~~----~----,-----~------~-----r----~~--~ 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Weight at Togging 5000 (g) 6000 Figure 11. Linear regression analysis of the weight at tagging (before spawning) compared with the weight at recapture (after spawning) of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue River. 35 7000 ~ u ., "' ., ...... E -., w "' en ~ 0 ..c: u .. 0 180 150 120 90 60 30 ~ a: E a: <.? (f) .. .., a: <.? a: "' " <.? (f) (f) " " 0 a: (f) z " c.o-.,-(/)~ Ci. .. c.o (f) _o ocn-E 0 E E ~ E .. 0 E " E 0 .!!! .. 0 ... ~ .,_ E ... -;;i: I -o-~ .,Ec ;:: (f) " ... z ....... ... .. -"~ (f) .--Q. -~ ..... =a_;: ~ ~ ~.!! ;; ;; c ;; e ... .. ~ -... 0 " ~ .: a..: ~ " " ~ 0 ;;: -~-.!!o .c .!!! ~ .., .., 0 ... ~ - .· (f) z (f) .. 0 E .c ~ $'. -.. ;:: .., " .., ... 0 ~ ... -~ " ~ .!! - . · ·· .. (f) z (f) ~ 0 E $'. c " ... .. • .!! '• ' ' I \ ' ' ' ' .. .: (/) -z ""' " 0 ~ (f) 0 z E "'-" ;; "' ... .!! ~ I \ ,, / \ ,' ' .... ' .. ' ' \ ' ' ... ... ':'.... ,' ' ............. ,' ,, ...... .. ..... I -----Temperature ····· ····· Discharge ~ I I \ I ' .. ········· ••• . ·. · ..... . I ' •· l · ,.. ...... \ • • \ '' ' I I ' ,, ' ' .. --.. :,' I \ I \ I ',,., I \ I \ I I \ ,' \ t I \. :t \ ,' I \! ·I \ I I \"I '' ' :, , •/ .···. ' : \ ,: ,.. ··.· I \ I · .. , . • • • I \ I I \ I .• ' I ',• ··········· .... ·. ·. ... ... ········ ... 0~---~---~---~-,---~----r---,----~---~---~---~-,---~----r----r---,----~---+ 10 20 MARCH 10 20 APRIL 10 20 MAY 1975 10 20 JUNE 10 20 JULY 10 20 AUGUST Figure 12. 'Five-day average temperatures (DC) and discharges in relation to the spawning activities of the shovelnose sturgeon and sauger in the spring of 1975 in the Tongue River. 35 30 ., ~ :::> -0 ~ 20 ~ E {!!. 10 5 The first shovelnose was collected on April 22 in 1976; large concen- trations appeared on May 7 (figure 13). Sampling continued until July 27, but the last sturgeon was taken July 15. The first ripe male was collected on June 2 and the first ripe female on June 7. The last spent female was caught on June 29, but other females were taken after this date that had neither spawned nor were ready to spawn. Spawning occurs in the Tongue River from early June until mid-July. In the Red Cedar River, Wisconsin, Christenson (1975) reported that shovel- nose sturgeon spawned from the last week of May through the first week of June. Mississippi River sturgeon spawned from May 30 through June 14 (Helms 1974). Rehwinkel et al. (1976) reported the first 1976 sturgeon in the Powder River was taken on April 13 with the farthest upstream migrant taken on May 13. No ripe sturgeon were collected on the Powder River. HABITAT PREFERENCE Depth The gill net used in sampling was marked off in three-meter intervals; the number of fish taken in each segment was recorded. One end of the net was always kept close to the shore. In a selected reach with a uniform bed, 85 shovelnose were taken throughout the season. The catch rate per net section was plotted against the bed profile (obtained from WSP) to determine depth preference (figure 14}. The majority (61.2 percent) of the fish were taken from the more gently sloping edge of the stream 15 to 21 m (49to 69ft) from the shore. The mode of the sturgeon catch occurred at the thalweg. Depth preferred by the fish ranged from 0.43 m (1.4 ft) to o.go m (3.0 ft}, with an average of 0.67 ±0.17 m (2.2 ±0.6 ft). These depths correspond to those found by Bovee (1976) for snovelnose sturgeon. Discharge Daily sturgeon catches were totaled for each week of the sampling season. To evaluate the catch rates in relation to discharge, two catch-per-effort rates were calculated. 1} The total catch for each week was divided by the length of river sampled during that week, resulting in the number of fish taken per km. 2) The week's catch was divided by the total number of sampling efforts made that week, producing the number of fish caught per trip. Both catch rates were averaged over the ·week to avoid sectional bias, since one to three sections were sampled during any week. Optimum flow con- ditions were evaluated in terms of the catch rates; as Zakharyan (1972) showed, the scale of spawning depends on the number of fish taking part: 37 90 75 60 u ., "' .., ..... E w ., 45 CXl 0> ~ 0 ~ u "' 0 30 15 0 ... " en oen z enZ a: en zen "' -:;; .!! en., en en --z ~ .!:a: 0 ~ en o.!! 0 en D .. en -"' DZ E E ;; " z OU>.!!. " 0 D 0 en ..,en 0 E~ -... E u " E., u 0 " OD ;: --E " a: .. en D a:;; .. 0 .<: " " 0 D .!! G D .. "' 0. z e>E .~E 0. O.o. " en en E .. Q.C ~ en_ ~ ~ .. D D -;:~ --:;; " -ii-~ .. .. -.. ..... .. ..... -• E ~ ~ ~ "'o. .!: <=.!: 0 -~ ~ 0 ;:: -;: ;;: _!!., o-0.--.!! D I I I I , ....... - I ............ .. I ~~ I ................ ,'', I "',.., ' -----Temperature ......... Discharge " , I , I , I I ,,--, ,' I \ I : \ I I . \ I I .'\' • • I I , \ , ~ I I •\''•,(\1 I \ I '" I I \ I \~ , ...... ~ \ I I ~I I , ........ 4, I I I I I I ,, I •.• ', ·'... 0 ••• 0 ••• ..... I I I .. .. 10 20 MARCH , , , I '..• , I I 0 ·I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I , 10 20 APRIL \i' 10 20 MAY 1976 10 20 JUNE 0 •• 10 20 JULY '• .... . .. ..... 0 ° ' 10 20 AUGUST Figure 13. Five-day average temperatures (°C) and discharges in relation to the spawning activities of the shovelnose sturgeon and sauger in'the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. 35 30 25 u 0 -., ~ :II -0 ~ 20 ., a. E {! ~ Cll -0 15 3: 10 5 -- 25 Water Surface 0 ' I ' I ' I 20 ' Bottom Profile ' I ' I ' ' I .3 ' I ' .r. ' I u ' I -15 0 ' (.) ' I -' I 0 ' Catch Rate E ., ' I .6 "' ' J .r. 0 ' I Q. c: I "' "' 10 ' 0 u ' I w ~ 0.0 "' ' I a.. ' I ' ' I .9 ' I ' I ' 5 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 1.2 ' '--------1 0 0 6 36 39 42 Distance Figure 14. Comparison of the catch rates of shovelnose sturgeon with the bottom profile of the river channel for one reach of the Tongue River. A quadratic regression was run with catch rates plotted against the average weekly discharge using the model: Y = a0+a 1x + a 2x2 where a0 , a 1 , and a2 are constants This regression produces a hyperbola. The graphs for the 1975 sturgeon run.depicted in figure 15, show that the optimum discharge for shovelnose sturgeon was between 65 m3/sec (2300 cfs) and 68m3/sec (2400 cfs). Plotting discharge freguency for 1975 reveals that the most sturgeon were taken in the interval 34 m3/sec (1200 cfs) to 45 m3/sec (1600 cfs). The two discharge figures differ because the optimum is based on catch rates at predicted flows from the regression model and the second interval on the total number of fish caught at each flow. Sampling bias produced by varying section lengths resulted in the difference between the two discharge figures. In 1 g75, the optimum discharge~ for the 1 i near and trip catch rates were 30.90 m3/sec (1090 cfs) and 34.91 m3/sec (1233 cfs), respectively (figure 16). The majority (56.5 percent) of the sturgeon in the discharge frequency histogram were taken at discharges between 11.3 m3/sec (400 cfs) and 22.7 m3Jsec (800 cfs). Runoff patterns for the years 1975 and 1976 differed, with 1975 considered a high water year. No sturgeon were taken either year when flows fell below 8.50 m3/sec (300 cfs). Sampling efficiency decreased noticeably when flows exceeded 62.29 m3Jsec (2200 cfs) because the sampling equipment was more difficult to operate in higher flows. Based on the quadratic regressions, it appears that a minimum flow of 8.50 m3;sec (300 cfs) is necessary to provide shovelnose sturgeon passage. The upper limit was not estimated due to the decreased sampling efficiency at greater flows. The quadratic regression was utilized because, for any environmental condition, there is typically an intermediate range, with less favorable conditions above and below (Ricker 1975). For example, there may theoretically be flows too low or too high for successful migration; the optimum is intermediate. Temperature The linear and trip catch rates (dependent variables) of sturgeon were compared with the five-day average minimum and maximum water temperatures (independent variables) using the quadratic regression model described above. The graphs for the 1975 shovelnose run (figure 17) show an optimum mini~m temperature of 18.30( (650F) for the linear catch rate and 16.9oc (62.5 F) for the trip catch rate. The optimum maximum temperatures for the linear and trip catch rates were 2o.ooc (680F) and 18.30C (60.50F), respectively. In 1976 the minimum linear and trip catch rate averages 40 , 12 II "! 10 -;; .. 9 .. • ' E 8 ~ ' .c n 7 ~ 6 " a: 5 .c u ;; u 4 3 2 0 20 ~ .. " • ' E 15 ~ ' .c ~ ~ 10 " a: ' .c !! 5 " u 0 Linear Catch Rote Trip Catch Rote vs. Oischarc;~e vs. Discharge 25 ~ .. _, ' .. I • I ' ' Q. I \ \ ~ I ' 20 \ .c I ,-, ~ \ , ' I / ' \ I \ .. I I I ' 15 " I I ' a: I I ' I I ' .c I I I !! I ' " 10 I I I u I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Discharge (m 3/sec) Discharge (m 3/sec) Figure 15. Quadratic regression analysis of discharge versus catch rates of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue River in the spring of 1975. Linear Catch Rote Trip Calch Rate vs. OischarQe 40 vs. OischorQe -;; .. .. • ' ,-, -~ 30 ,, ~ , ' / ' , ' .c / ' I \ ~ / ' I \ I ' \ 20 \ I \ .. I \ I " I ' ' a: I \ .c I I I \ u 10 I I I ;; I \ u I I \ I I I I ' 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 Discharc;~e (m 3!sec) Discharge (m 3/sec) Figure 16. Quadratic regression analysis of discharge versus catch rates of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue River in the spring of 1976. 41 were l7.9°C (64.~°F) and l7.7°C (63.9°F), respectively (figure 18). Maximum temperatures were 21.2oc (70.20F) and 21.5°C (71.70F), respectively. Therefore, the optimum temperature range for spawning of shovelnose sturgeon is between l6.goc (62.50f) and 21.5°C (70.7°F). The majority of the sturgeon were captured at temperatures from l8.9°C (66°F) to 25.60C (78°F). Brown (1971) stated that shovelnose sturgeon spawn in Montana at temperatures between l5.6oc (6QOf) and 21.7°C (70 F). This corresponds closely with the temperatures found in the Tongue River. In the Powder River the peak of the shovelnose sturgeon run occurred at l6°C (60.8°F); however, these fish were not considered ripe (Rehwinkel et al, 1976). Christenson (1975) found sturgeon spawning occurred in the Red Cedar River of Wisc?nsin at temperatures between 19.4-Zl.lOC (67-700F). SAMPLING AND TAGGING STUDIES Egg and Fry Sampling Egg and fry samples were taken at least once each week during the shovelnose sturgeon run in 1975 and 1976 by holding a fine mesh drift sampler in the current for 30 seconds. Three riffle areas were sampled and a drift taken at 10m intervals across each riffle. Material collected in the net was sorted and washed at the time of collection. Samples were then preserved in 10 percent formalin and hand picked with the aid of a microscope. A few eggs and small fish were taken, but none were positively identified as shovelnose sturgeon. Several attempts were made to artifically propagate shovelnose sturgeon. In one attempt, eggs were stripped from a ripe female, fertilized by one male, and incubated in a jar, agitated by air circulating through the eggs. Second, several sturgeon were held at the Miles City National Fish Hatchery until they were considered gravid. Eggs were stripped into a pan and milt added. Half of the eggs remained stationary and the otherhalf were stirred for 30 minutes, allowing the eggs to water harden. Both batches were then placed in hatching jars and kept moving to provide oxygenation. Eggs were cleared with glacial acetic acid to check on development. Because no development was apparent in either attempt, it was assumed that the eggs were not successfully fertilized. Tagging Studies Weight Losses. In 1975, 28 fish that had been tagged in 1g74 with monel tags were recaptured. The monel tag returns demonstrated a significant weight loss of 0.36 kg (0.79 lb) per fish (p < .001). Eight sturgeon (4.5 percent) tagged with anchor tags in 1974-and recaptured in 1g75 showed a weight gain of 0.36 kg (0.79 lb) per fish (p = 0.015). In the 1g75 samplin~, 7.9 percent (14 of 178) of the anchor-tagged fish and 12.8 percent (31 of 243) of the monel-tagged fish were returned from 1974. (Only 28 monel-tagged fish were recaptured; three of them were recaptured twice, producing a total of 31 recaptures.) Total returns in 1975 were 10.7 percent (45 of 421) of those fish tagged in 1974. 42 , :;;- 0 a • ' E ~ ' "' D - a a "' "' " " ..., ~ .. .. • ' E ~ ' "' D ~ " "' "' " " ..., 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Linear Catch Rote vs. Temperature .v-20.0°C 18.3 °C ...,.. ·:.: -~ ? ' · .. ,. ' . /.". ' ... ,... ' ·. 1:" \ . ll \ : I: \ · .. I_:" \ '. I: \ ·. I! \ \ li I \ I i I · .. li I . ~ I -25 ~ a a { ... :E 20 ' "' D - .. 15 a 0: "' " ~ 10 5 Trip Catch Rate vs. Temperature 16.9 oc ~ 18.3 oc I-~~ I / I "-. I .: \ · .. I .: I · .. I : I '. I :' I · .. I : I ' I :" I \ I : I I :" I I : I I i I I : I . I ~ I t I t I t I Minimum Maximum ~ I 0 -r--~1~=~---r----.---~--~-I I ' 0 5 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 Temperatura (°C) Temperature (°C) Figure 17. Quadratic regression analysis of minimum and maximum water temperatures versus catch rates of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue River in the spring of 1975.· Linear Catch Rote vs. Temperature ~ 40 Trip Catch Rote vs. Temperature 25 Minimum Maaimum 17.9oc ~' .···<21.2°C / " ·. .. a { 17.7 oc / 21.5"C ~,lr...-·· ... I . \ · .. I \ I _:" 1 I I I \ I I I \ I I I I I 10 15 20 Temperature (°C) 25 ... ·~ '30 "' • - ~ 20 " 0: "' !:? ~ 10 0 / . ' ·. I : . I . \ I : I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 5 10 15 20 Temperature (°C) Figure 18. Quadratic regression analysis of minimum and maximum water temperatures versus catch rates of shovelnose sturgeon in the Tongue River in the spring of 1976. 43 25 Twenty-one fish (8.6 percent of the total sample) that had been tagged in 1974 with monels were recaptured in 1976. A weight loss of 0.62 kg (1.37 lb) per fish (p = 0. 19) was demonstrated. Monel tags were not used in 1975; however, by considering the weight at recapture in 1975 as the tagging weight, weight loss or gain from 1975 to 1976 could be determined. Thus, monel- tagged fish lost an average of 0.10 kg (0,22 lb) per fish (p = 0.05) from 1975 to 1976. Twenty-two sturgeon (3.1 percent of total) tagged with the anchor tag in 1975 and recaptured in 1976 displayed a significant weight gain of 0.06 kg (0.13 lb) per fish (p = 0.01 ). Total returns in 1976 were 9.4 percent (67 of 709) of those tagged in 1975. The 1975 and 1976 rates of return are comparable. The regression plot of weight at recapture versus weight at tagging reveals the significance of the weight loss or gain associated with the two tagging methods (figure lg). All regression lines for anchor-tagged fish fell above the equilibrium line (that line showing no weight gain nor loss), indicating that fish gained weight over the period shown. Monel-tagged sturgeon fell below the equilibrium line, suggesting weight loss over the time period. It is apparent that the monel tag caused a physiological stress in the sturgeon which resulted in a significant weight loss. Movement. Of the 94 shovelnose sturgeon tagged and recaptured in 1976, the majority were recaptured in the same section in which they had been tagged. Time between tagging and recapture ranged from 1 to 60 days. The sampling period was stratified into monthly segments to detect differences in movement with time. As shown in table 8, upstream movement was greater than downstream movement in May and June. The differences were not considered significant because of the small sample size. In July, upstream and downstream movements were nearly equal. In 1975, 90 percent ( 45 of 50) of the sturgeon tagged and recaptured that year showed no detectable movement. Six percent (3 of 50) showed upstream movement, while 4 percent moved downstream. Comparisons were made between tagging locations and recapture location for fish recaptured in subsequent years. A fish was considered to be in a different location if there was a difference greater than 1.6 km (1 mi). No sturgeon tagged in 1974 and recaptured in 1975 was recaptured downstream from where it was tagged (table 9), and of those fish tagged in 1974 and recaptured in 1976, the majority (89.2 percent) were recaptured either upstream or in similar locations to where they were tagged. From 1975 to 1g76, the sturgeon exhibited a strong tendency to return to the same place (75.0 percent). Angler Returns. The shovelnose sturgeon provides an excellent spring fishery for those anglers who pursue them. Returns of tagged sturgeon by fishermen show a light harvest (table 10). Returns of 1974-tagged fish totaled 1.67 percent by 1975; 1975-tagged fish were returned at a rate of 1.41 percent (0.71 percent/year). Overall returns totaled 1.11 percent, indicating a lightly-utilized resource. An exploitation rate of 5.0 percent was considered an acceptable level for lake sturgeon on the Menominee River in Wisconsin (Priegel 1973). The lake sturgeon is a slow-growing, late- maturing fish which does not survive high levels of exploitation. The current exploitation rate for shovelnose sturgeon on the Tongue River is not excessive. 44 ., ~ Anchor Tags I • • • • • 1974 mork, 1975 recapture Y'l.1485•-176.9397 r'.9888 2----1974 mark, 1976 recapture y, 1.3023• -401.7037 r' .9277 3 --1975 mark, 1976 recapture y,_9899• + 79.4105 r'.9833 7000 6000 5000 Monel Togs 4• • • • • 1974 mark, 1975 recapture y,_6146• + 466.4699 r'.8228 5----1974 mark, 1976 recapture y,_5605• + 608.8107 r' .9802 6--1975 mark, 1976 recapture y,_8267•-61.5117 r'.8311 ,2 I I .I / I / . I ,•' I .·· I •· / .·. I . / .· I .·· I . • .. . . . . 3 6 .4 = 4000 Q. I .· / .· • ................ 5 .. · .......... .· / 0 <.> ., a: -• I .· / .. .· / .· / .· / . / .·..- 0 3000 I .· •'/ .. _, .·..--""' "' ., 3: 2000 1000 0 / / I. .~ .·...-....... ,•/ v /-•----Equilibrium 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Wei~ht at Togging (g) 6000 Figure 19. Comparison of the linear regression analysis of the weight at tagging versus the weight at recapture of monel- and anchor-tagged sturgeon over the three years of sampling in the Tongue River. 45 " 7000 TABLE B. Percentage and direction of shovelnose sturgeon movement for May, June, and July 1976 in the lower Tongue River Month of Upstream Movement Downstream Movement Recapture Sample No 1976 Size 1.6-6.4 km 6.4 km 1.6-6.4 km over 6.4 km Movement May 19 36.8 0.0 10.5 0.0 52.7 June 65 16.9 3 0 1 10.8 1.5 67.7 July 10 16.7 8.3 16.7 8.3 50.0 TABLE 9. Difference between place of tagging and recapture for shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Tongue River, 1974-76, expressed as percentage. Year Percentage Recaptured Sample Tagged Recaptured Size Downstream Same Upstream 1974 1975 37 0.0 43.2 56.8 1974 1976 37 lO.B 37.8 51 .4 1975 1976 88 20.5 75.0 4.5 TABLE 10. Summary of tagged shovelnose sturgeon from the Tongue River returned by anglers, 1974-1976. Year Returned Year Tagged Number 1974 1975 1976 Total 1974 420 1975 709 1976 761 TOTAL 1890 One angler who kept a log (6.6 percent) had been tagged. were fema 1 es. 3 4 0 7 (1.67%) 9 1 10 (1.41%) 4 4 (0.53%) 21 (1.11%) in 1975 caught 152 shovelnose, of which 10 Of the 80 kept and dressed, about 90 percent 46 Growth. During the 1975 and 1g75 spawning runs, 151 sturgeon were recap- tured after having been at large 12 to 24 months. Empirical ·growth rates were divided into years and types of tags to assess differential growth rates as related to type of tagging. Sturgeon tagged with anchor tags lost an average of 1.5 mm (0.06 in) from 1974 to 1975 and gained an average of 2.2 mm (0.2 in) from 1975 to 1976 and 1.4 mm (0.06 in) in length from 1974 to 1976. Only the gain from 1975 to 1976 was significant (p < .02). Shovelnose sturgeon tagged with monel tags showed significant length loss for each year. Fish tagged in 1974 and recaptured in 1975 lost an average 7.0 mm (0.3 in) while those tagged in 1975 and recaptured in 1976 lost an average of 5.2 mm (0.2 in). Average loss from 1974 to 1976 was 8.0 mm (0.3 in). All losses were significant (p < .01). Apparently the monel tag resulted in physiological change drastic enough to alter the growth rate of the sturgeon. No conclusions could be made concerning the growth of shovelnose sturgeon based on individually marked fish because of the weight loss associated with the use of monel tags. SAUGER Sauger (Stizostedion oanadense) and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) are important to the sport fishery of the lower Yellowstone River. Native to Montana, the sauger inhabits the Missouri River drainage below Great Falls and the Yellowstone drainage below Billings. It was first recorded in Montana by the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806). Preferred habitat for sauger includes turbid rivers and shallow portions of lakes and reservoirs. Sauger generally spawn in gravelly or rocky areas in the spring when tempera- tures reach 4.4-lo.ooc (40-5QOF). Fish migrate upstream to spawn, often moving into tributary streams. A sauger spawning run occurs in the Tongue River, with fish moving out of the Yellowston~ in the spring. This migratory population offers an excellent opportunity for anglers to pursue the sauger. Sampling in the spring of 1g74 indicated that large numbers of fish enter this run. Early high water, coupled with above-normal sedimentation, prevented good sampling in 1975. · However, in 1976, a mild spring provided good sampling conditions, and a large sample was collected. FISH SIZE Length-Weight Relationship In 1976, 1004 sauger were taken in the lower Tongue River. Lengths and weights were recorded for 1001 of these. The average length and weight of the total sample was 379 mm (14.9 in) and 441 g (0.97 lb), respectively. Sexes were differentiated by the presence of milt for males and/or a distended abdomen and protruding ovipositor for females. Ripe males were common in the sample, but no ripe females were taken. Males dominated the sample, contributing 85.7 percent, while females added 3.2 percent. The remaining 11 . 1 percent were of undetermined sex. Fema 1 es were 1 a_rger than rna 1 es, 47 averaging 454 mm (17.9 in) in length and weighing 1044 g (2.30 lb) while males averaged 374 mm (14.7 in) and 409 g (0.9 lb). Sauger taken in gill nets from five sampling areas of the lower Yellowstone River exhibited similar length and weight distributions (Peterman and Haddix 1975). The weight-frequency distribution of the 1976 sauger sample is shown in figure 20. The peak of the sample occurred at 300 g (0.66'lb), with the greatest abundance falling in the size class 200-350 g (~.44-0.77 lb). Sauger length-frequency distribution for 1976 is shown in figure 21. Lengths ranged from 250 mm (9.8 in) to 545 mm (21.5 in) with the peak occurring at 375 mm (14.8 in). Three age classes were evident, and scale samples showed these ages to be IV (320 mm total length), V (375 mm total length), and VI ( 430 mm tota 1 1 ength). Using the 1001 lengths and weights and computing a linear regression on the Log 1 g of the weight (dependent variable) and LoglO of the length (indepen ent variable), the resulting.equation is: Log w = 3.3438 log tl -6.016 with a correlation of r = 0.9577 (figure 22). The length-weight equation for 1.501 sauger from Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin (Priegel 1969) was: Log w = 3.1309 log 1 -2.5091 Age and Growth Scales from 274 sauger taken during the spring of 1976 were analyzed for age and growth. Ages ranged from three to nine years, ~lith age group IV the dominant age (32.5 percent). Age groups IV, V, and VI made up 73.4 percent of the total sample (table 11). Growth rates for the sauger collected in the Tongue River are slower than those observed in other northern waters (table 12). The Tongue River sauger were collected in the spring; growth rates in other rivers may have allowed more of the season for additional growth. TABLE 11. Age and mean length of sauger taken in the Tongue River, spring of 1976 Age Number of Fish Mean Length (mm) Range (mm) III 26 289 259-312 IV 89 332 277-385 v 62 374 332-404 VI 50 418 387-443 VII 31 444 419-475 VII I 12 478 453-565 IX 4 544 504-573 48 "" .. ~ :I -Cl. c u .<: "' ii: -c 120 100 80 60 ~ 40 ., .0 E " z 20 0 12 10 .<: <> -8 c u -0 ., 6 "' c -c: ., <> 4 ~ ., a.. 2 0 100 240 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Weight (g) Figure 20. Weight-frequency graph of sauger collected in the spring spawning migration of 1976 in the Tongue River. ., s : I 280 320 Figure 21. sauger taken in Tongue River. el I 360 PI I l:;f I 400 Length (mm) ~ I 440 ~ I 480 520 Comparison of the age and length frequency of the spring spawning migrations of 1976 in the 49 ~ I 1100 560 10,000 1000 100 100 r = .9577 1000 Length (mm) 10,000 Figure 22. Length-weight relationship equation of all sauger collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. 50 , , TABLE 12. Comparison of calculated growth of Tongue River sauger with those from other northern waters (mm). Age Water Sample I I I III IV v VI VII VI II IX Tongue River 274 289 332 374 418 444 478 544 Ye 11 owstone R. a 413 211 257 310 356 394 4B5 574 L. Winnl\>ago, Wise. 784 124 241 307 335 356 376 3B9 401 Upper Mississippi R. b 42 124 228 302 345 Lewis & C~rk L. S. Oak. 479 160 312 414 482 321 438 a Haddix and Estes 1976. b Summarized in Priegel 1969. POPULATION ESTIMATES The number of sauger moving into the lower Tongue River in 1976 was estimated using the Schnabel, Schumacher-Eschmeyer, and Chapman or Modified Schnabel estimators. Formulas and criteria to be considered for the population estimates were discusse·d on page 16. The three estimates were similar, with the Chapman estimator showing the best degree of fit (table 13). TABLE 13. Estimated populations of sauger moving into the lower Tongue River, spring 1976. Estimator N 95% Cl Schumacher-Eschmeyer 3796 3249-4564 Schnab 37la 3136-4542 Chapman 3680 3114-4498 51 HABITAT PREFERENCE Daily catch rates were totaled for each week of the sampling season. The data were analyzed in two ways: by catch/kilometer and catch/trip. Calcula- tion of discharge vs. catch rates was performed as discussed above for shovelnose sturgeon. The number of fish sampled in certain flow regimens (discharge-frequency histogra~) is graphed in figure 23. The data points form only one side of the graph, but, since it can be assumed that there would be zero fish at zero flow, the other side can be interpolated. It is possible, however, that there would be zero fish before the flow reaches zero. The quadratic regressions of trip and linear catch rates in relation to the discharge resulted in an optimum passage flow est.imate of 13.6 m3/sec (430 cfs) for both catch rates. Figure 24 indicates very little passage occurring at flows less than 8m3/sec (280 cfs). Temperature The temperature graph (number of fish caught within a specified range of temperatures) shows a near-normal distribution of sauger moving into the Tongue River (figure 25). A regression was run between the two catch rates and maximum and minimum temperatures as was done for the shovelnose sturaeon (see page 40 for model). A hyperbola with optimum values of 12.4°C (54 F) and 9.4°C (49DF), respectively, for the trip catch rate resulted. For linear catch rates, the maximum and minimum optimum temperatures were 12.3°C (540F) and 9.30C (49DF), respectively (figure 26). The preferred temperature regimens found in the Tongue River during the spawning migration correspond to those found in other areas (Brown 1971, Scott and Crossman 1973). TAGGING STUDIES A total of 646 sauger were tagged with Flay anchor tags in 1976. Of these, 22 (3.4 percent) were returned by anglers. The majority of the tags (81.8 percent) were returned from the Tongue River. Some local movement was shown, with many fish moving upstream to the T&Y diversion, 24 to 29 km (15 to 18 mi) upstream from where they were tagged. Four sauger were caught in the Yellowstone River, three moving upstream. The downstream migrant moved about 28 km ( 17.6 mi) in 50 days. Upstream movement ranged as fo 11 ows: 1.6 km (1 mi), 19 days; 84 km (52.4 mi), 78 days; and 164 km (102 mi), 87 days. The range of movement demonstrated by the small sample suggests a mobile sauger population inhabiting the Yellowstone River. The low tag return rate by fishermen indicates that the fishery is not being utilized to its potential. CHANNEL' CATFISH The channel catfish (Ictalurus punc~atus) is probably the most sought- after game fish in the lower Yellowstone River Basin. The channel cat, native to Montana, was first reported by the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Preferred 52 , ~ .. .. s ...... 400 ., 300 ~ ~ a. 0 u "' ~ u. 200 " .. D E ~ z 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I /- o+-----~------~-----c------~~--~ 0 5 10 15 20 25 Discharge (m'lsec) Figure 23. Plot of the quantity of sauger taken per interval of discharge in the spring spawning migration of 1976 in the Tongue River. 30 Linear Catch Rota Trip Calch Rate Discharge 60 vs. Discharge YO. 25 ~13.6 m3/sec --50 /13.6 m3/sec ~ / \ .. ,. ' I \ .. I ' s I ' ...... I ' ~ 20 I ' ... I \ I \ :s 40 I ...... "' • -.. 0 0:: "' u 0 <.> 15 10 5 0 ...... \ I \ "' I \ I • I \ -I I \ I I ~ 30 I I I I 0 I I I 0:: I I I I "' I I I I u I I 0 20 I I <.> I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 10 15 20 10 15 20 Discharge (m3/sec) Discharge (m3/sec) Figure 24. Quadratic regression analysis of discharge versus catch rates of sauger collected in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. 53 "D CD ~ :::1 -c. 0 u ~ "' i.L -0 ~ CD .a E :::1 z 500 400 300 200 100 25 :! 15 " a: .., ~ ~ 10 0 0 5 10 15 '\ \ 20 25 \ \ \ \ Temperature ("C) \ \ \ \ \ \ 30 \ \ \ \ ----Maximum ---Minimum 35 40 45 Figure 25. Plot of the quantity of sauger taken per interval of maximum and minimum water temperatures in the spring of -1976 in the Tongue River. 0 Linear Catch Rate va. Temperature 9.3°C' _..#"12.3°C "' ...... . . '• I :\ \ I .: \ I .: \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I 5 10 15 Temperature ("C) -50 ~ .. .. • ...... ... :E 40 ...... .c D -.. 30 0 a: .., u " 20 0 10 0 20 0 Trip Catch Rate vs. Temperature 9.4°C~ /12.4°C , ' .. ··. I ... \ I \ I \ I \ I \ \ I I I : I I \ I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I 5 10 15 20 Temperature ("C) Figure 26. Quadratic regression analysis of maximum and minimum water temperature versus catch rates of sauger taken in the spring of 1976 in the Tongue River. 54 50 Minimum Maximum r habitat is large rivers and lowland lakes, but channel cats are not tolerant of pollution and require well oxygenated water. Spawning occurs from May into July after water temperatures warm to 240C (75°F), with 26.70C (80°F) reported as optimum spawning temperature (Brown 1971). Nests are usually built in secluded, semidark areas around logs, undercut banks, or other cavities. The channel catfish received game fish status in Montana in 1g75 as the result of legislative action. FISH SIZE Length-Weight Relationships As shown in table 14, catfish taken in 1g75 were smaller than fish taken in 1975. TABLE 14. Average lengths and weights of catfish taken in the Tongue River in 1975 and 1976. 1975 Study Section Length (mm) Ib 401 IIa 493 lib 452 CONVERSIONS: 1 mm = .0394 in 1 g = • 0022 1 b Age and Growth 1976 Weight (g) Length (mm) Weight (g) 690 375 644 1270 ------ 1070 379 596 In 1975, 337 spines were sectioned and aged; 132 were aged in 1976. The 1975 sample was divided into those catfish captured below the T&Y Diversion (table 15) and those captured between the T&Y and S-H diversions (table 16). Only fish sampled below the T&Y Diversion were analyzed in 1976 (table 17). Ages were comparable between years for the section downstream from T&Y Diversion. The variation of lengths in a year class increased considerably at 9 years of age and greater in section Ib and at 13 years of age and greater in section Ilb in 1975. The average growth per year in section Ib was 1 .4 inches per year; in section Ilb a pattern of strong growth every other year was established. In the "good growth" years tne average was 1.6 inches; in the "poor growth" years the average growth was 0.3 inches. 55 TABLE 15. Average length and range of lengths for each age group of 231 channel catfish taken below T&Y Dam on the Tongue River in the summer of 1975. Age Number Average Len~th at Range of Lengths at Group of Fish Capture mm) Capture (inm) 1 2 127 112-142 2 2B 206 188-221 3 9 229 201-259 4 21 272 226-302 5 17 21B 27g-356 6 19 335 295-381 7 6 373 318-437 8 7 389 353-437 9 22 414 358-599 10 13 450 368-681 11 16 485 411-541 12 29 531 437-660 13 24 531 434-676 14 14 577 470-752 15 3 574 406-665 19 1 752 752-752 CONVERSIONS: 1 mm= .0394 in TABLE 16. Average length and range of lengths for each age group of 106 channel catfish taken between T&Y Diversion and S-H Diversion on the Tongue River in the summer of 1975. Age Number Average Length at Range of Lengths at Group of Fish Capture (mm) Capture (mm) 2 1 213 213 4 1 269 269 5 2 305 302-305 6 17 318 297-348 7 2 361 307-411 8 3 363 343-383 9 19 386 323-429 10 7 432 396-475 11 8 446 409-490 12 6 485 447-513 13 10 493 381-570 14 10 541 472-610 15 5 544 49(!-592 16 7 629 574-671 17 3 569 533-617 18 5 612 505-688 CONVERSIONS: lmm= .0394 in 56 TA~LE 17. Average lengths and range of lengths for each age group of 132 channel catfish taken in the lower Tongue River in the fall of 1976. Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sample Size 5 22 14 9 18 2 4 3 4 5 13 13 13 6 1 Average Length (mm) 113 211 251 276 303 340 364 388 447 468 514 547 585 600 743 CONVERSIONS: 1 mm = .0394 in Range of Lengths (mm) 101-120 186-230 235-279 254-301 274-344 335-344 341"372 362-404 415-477 452-489 456-575 492-665 516-668 374-745 743-743 Those catfish found in section lib were considered to be part of a resident population since their movement is restricted by the T&Y and S-H diversions. Since growth rates were constant between years in section Ib, it is suggested that channel catfish may spawn every other year in section lib. Meyer (1960) found through examination of annuli on paddlefish maxillary that the species spawned at intervals of 4-7 years. It is possible that the irregular growth pattern exhibited in section lib by channel catfish is the result of alternate-year spawning activity. OeRoth (1965) found smaller average lengths per age class in the channel catfish of Lake Erie than those found in the Tongue. The same held true with the catfish of the Lake of the Ozarks (Marzolf 1955). Witt (1966) found greater average growth per annulus in the Little Nemaha River. A 9rowth rate similar to that shown in the Tongue River was found in the Des ~1oines River of Iowa as reported by Carlander (1969). CATCH RATES In 1975, 472 channel catfish were captured in 106 trap sets for a catch rate of 4.45 fish/trap. Catch rates for the three reaches were: section Ib 57 (Keogh), 4.70 fish/trap (349 in 74 sets); section Ila (Orcutt's),2.00 fish/.trap (24 in 12 sets); and section lib (S-H), 4.95 fish/trap (99 in 20 sets). Catch rates in 1976 were lower, averaging only 2.34 fish/trap (138 catfish in 59 trap sets). Traps were fished in sections Ib and lib in 1976; catch rates were the same in the two sections. Reduced flow levels and unusually high summer temperatures probably resulted in the lower catch rates. TAGGING STUDIES · A total of 397 catfish were tagged in 1975, and 103 were tagged in 1976. Tag returns in subsequent trap·sets averaged 6.3 percent in 1975 and 3.9 percent in 1976·. Anglers returned 3.6 percent of the channel catfish tagged (18 of 500). Of those tagged in 1g75, 5 (1.3 percent) were returned in 1g75 and 10 (2.5 percent)were returned in 1976 for a total return rate of 3.8 percent. Only 3 (2.9 percent ) of the fish tagged in 1976 have been returned by fishermen. Movements of fish tagged in the Tongue River were varied. Eight (44.4 percent) of the returned fish were returned from the Yellowstone River rather than the Tongue River (table 18). Two of the fish tagged in i975 and recaptured in 1975 were caught in the Yellowstone. One fish was taken at the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers, about 303 km (188 mi) downstream from where it was tagged. Only one of the fish recaptured in the Yellowstone moved upstream after leaving the Tongue. Of the fish recaptured in the Tongue River, 50.0 percent (5 of 10 fish) were recaptured in the area where they were tagged. Four of these fish were recaptured the same year they were tagged. All fish taken in the Tongue River that showed move- ment ·showed upstream movement, but the eight that were returned from the Yellowstone River obviously moved down the Tongue before entering the Yellowstone. INSTREAM FLOW REQUIREMENTS OF INDICATOR SPECIES All fish, wildlife, and other aquatic organisms are dependent upon the natural flow regimen of a river system. Fish production in rivers depends upon the maintenance of spawning and rearing areas, sufficient shelter, adequate food supply, and water quality. The stream discharge, as influenced by channel configuration, must meet the hydrologic requirements necessary to provide these factors. The State Water Planning Model simulated monthly streamflow conditions which would result from the implementation of several levels of agricultural or industrial development. Monthly Tongue River subbasin outflows and total dissolved concentrations estimated by the model provided the basis for pre- dicting impacts on the fisheries. Four levels of industrial and three levels of irrigative withdrawals were considered. As explained on page 17 , potential impacts were assessed on the basis of the effect on flows associated with three life-history stages of fish-- passage, spawning, and rearing. 58 r TABLE 18. Summary of angler returns of tagged channel catfish, Tongue River, 1975-76. Tagged Tag Number Date Locationa 1007 8/6/75 TR-Ib 1021 8/6/75 TR-Ib 1022 8/6/75 TR-Ib 1024 8/6/75 TR-Ib 1053 8/8/75 TR-Ib 1075 8/13/75 TR-Ib 1104 8/14/75 TR-Ib 1124. 8/17/75 TR-Ib 1132 8/17/75 TR-Ib 1136 8/20/75 TR-Ib 1144 8/20/75 TR-Ib 1157 ~/22/75 TR-Ib 1181 8/22/75 TR-Ib 1202 8/22/75 TR-Ib 1340 9/17/75 TR-IIb 3/23/76 TR-Ia 1372 5/7/76 TR-Ia 2394 3/31/76 TR-Ib 2982 7/29/75 TR-Ib a YR = Yellowstone River TR = Tongue River MR = Missouri River Recaptured Date Locationa 5/22/76 YR 9/8/75 YR 9/14/75 TR 8/19/75 YR 8/19/75 TR 8/14/75 TR 8/ll /76 YR 7/10/76 YR 3/29/76 YR 7/27/76 MR 4/7/76 TR 8/ll/76 YR 6/5/76 TR 9/18/76 TR 10/19/75 TR 9/6/76 TR 8/5/76 YR 5/21/76 TR 5/22/76 TR b + designates upstream movement and -downstream. Movement ( km)b +3.2c -70.0C 0 -9.7C 0 0 -4.8C . -l.OC -8.1C -302.5C 0 +8.1 c +29.0 +29.0 0 +29.0 -11.3d 0 +29.0 c These fishes moved downstream 1.5 km in the Tongue River before reaching the Yellowstone. d This fish moved downstream 0.5 km in .the Tongue River before reaching the Yellowstone. Indicator species selected by Bovee (1974) for ·passage and spawning flows were paddlefish (larger rivers) and sauger (smaller streams). However, for the Tongue River, shovelnose sturgeon were substituted for paddlefish because of greater abundance. Channel catfish were added because they migrate and spawn later in the season. 59 PASSAGE AND SPAWNING FLOWS Sauger are found moving out of the Yellowstone into the Tongue from March to June. According to Bovee (1974), the spawning depth criteria for sauger is 1.2-1.5 m (3.9-4.9 ft). Since it is assumed that if passage criteria are met then spawning criteria are also met, the converse was also assumed to be true. Therefore, only one flow level is recommended to meet the needs for both passage and spawning. Based on pred~cted flow conditions from the WSP program, flows ranging from 19.8 to 48.9 m /sec (700-1725 cfs) would provide adequate passage and spawning depths. The minimum sustaining discharge is defined as 75 percent of optimum (Bovee 1974). The recommended minimum passagj and spawning flow for sauger for the months of March through June is 14.9 m /sec (525 cfs). The spawning migration of the shovelnose sturgeon commences around the first of May. Depth requirements for shovelnose sturgeon are reported as 0.3-0.9 m (1 to 3 ft) (Bovee 1974). Sampling of shovelnose in the lower Tongue River revealed that nearly 80 percent of the fish sampled were taken in depths ranging from 0.6 to 1.0 m (2 to 3.3 ft). Based on WSP predicted flows, discharges of 23 to 62 m3/sec (800-2200 cfs) are required to meet shovelnose sturgeon criteria. The recommended flow for shovelnose sturgeon during May, June, and half of July is 17m3/sec (600 cfs). Channel catfish spawn at temperatures ranging between 23.9 and 29.5°C (75-850F). Water temperatures in the Tongue River generally reach these levels during June, July, and August. Therefore, requirements for this species are established for this time period. Spawning depths for catfish have not been determined, but Bovee (1974) reported depth preferences ranging from 0.31 to 1.53 m (1.0 to 5.0 ft). Using WSP predicted flows for pool areas, flow ranges of 8.5 to 21 m3/sec (300 to 750 cfs) were established. Baseg on 75 percent of optimum, the recommended flow for channel catfish is 6.4 m /sec (225 cfs). REARING FLOWS Rearing flows are needed during the remainder of the year. Dewatering will more severely affect areas of shallow, fast water than areas of deep, slow water. If these shallow areas are maintained, then the stream will be protected. Rearing flow recommendations are based upon the assumption that rearing is proportional to food production, which is in turn assumed proportional to wetted perimeter (White and Gochnauer 1975). Wetted perimeter was determined for several transects based on WSP predicted flows. Starting at zero discharge, wetted perimeter increases rapidly for small increases in discharge up to the point where the river nears its maximum width. Beyond this inflection point, wetted perimeter increases slowly while discharge increases rapidly. The optimum quantity of water for rearing is selected near this inflection point (figure 27). Optimum flow value for the Tongue is 7m3/sec (250 cfs), so the recommended minimum flow value (75 percent of optimum) is 5.4 m3/sec (190 cfs). Bovee (1975) suggested using the stonecat as a rearing flow indicator species. The stonecat was selected for its preference of fast, shallow water areas. Stonecats sampled by Bovee in the Tongue River showed a marked depth preference ranging between .30 and .60 m 60 1 - 70 60 50 E ~ ., 40 -"' E ·;: ., a. "1:1 30 ., --"' ., ~ ~ 20 10 0 0 / / .,.. ----- Illb -----------------------------rb / -t llb //~.--·····································-··························································································································· /.······ ,.. I } !/ il ! I it 'I I I 5 10 ., 15 20 25 30 35 40 Discharge (m3/sec) Figure 27. Wetted perimeter in relation to discharge for three sections of the Tongue River, showing the inflection point used to determine rearing flows. 45 (1 and 2 ft). Using WSP predicted flows for riffle transects, the flows at these depths range from 6.8 to 17 m3/sec (240 to 600 cfsl. Using 75 percent of.optimum, a minimum rearing flow recommendation of 5m3/sec (180 cfs) is obtained. MONTHLY INSTREAM FLOW REQUIREMENTS Recommended minimum instream flows shown in figure 28 are the flows necessary for the species with the highest requirements for each month. While the instream flows presented for each life history stage and each species are 75 percent of the optimum value, a flow was not recommended unless judged to be an adequate flow. Professional experience was utilized as a basis for determining if a flow was adequate. 62 , 01 w Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec SAUGER -~-~ spawning 14.9 "' ~ - rearing -------·------' -c .. --_, -. --~ --' ~ ', ' -- 5.4 5.4 ~ ,, .. ,_.. --'' ~' -----------------------~ -~ _, SHOVELNOSE STURGEON spawning ------------------, 17.0 ---· CHANNEL CATFISH spawning ----~---·---------,,,.~ 6.4 ----------' '~' ____ ,_----- ,_,_,,_, __ rearing 5.4 ~_.4 ·------- STONE CAT -· -,. ~-.. rearing 5.1 RECOMMENDED FLOW 5.4 5.4 14.9 14.9 17.0 17.0 % 4 6.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 MEAN NATURAL FLOW 5.3 7.8 18.7 15.4 23.3 45.5 14.6 4.5 5.8 8.1 8.8 6.1 LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT low 4.8 8.8 22.0 14.5 25.5 48.9 9.4 1.5 2.1 3.7 4.8 4.8 intermediate 1.8 4.4 15.2 9.1 18.1 42.5 5.1 1.8 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.5 high 1.6 3.6 14.5 8.7 16.5 39.9 4.6 2.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 All values expressed in m3/sec Figure 28. Life history periodicity and minimum flow recommendations for selected species and projected flow values for the Tongue River from the T&Y Diversion to the mouth. THE NATURALLY OCCURRING PATTERN OF LOW FLOWS Because the aquatic biota of the Tongue River has developed in response to both high and low flows, the frequency and magnitude of naturally occur- ring low flows was examined. Shown in table 19 is a summary of historic flows and low-flow occurrences of the Tongue River near its mouth for the years 1931-75. Although this report refers to naturally occurring low flows, the term is misleading because l) flows of the Tongue River are regulated by Tongue River Dam, and 2) the gaging station is located downstream from the lowermost irrigation diversion. When comparing naturally occurring low flows in the Tongue with those that would occur after the projected levels of development, it is necessary to distinguish between basin outflows at the mouth of the river and instream flows occurring immediately below the Tongue River Dam. Because both the agricultural and industrial development projected would rely on increased storage, more water would be released during low-flow periods for downstream use. Hence, at least for the portion of the river just below the dam, instream flows after development would probably be high and more constant through the year (since release for industrial use would not vary) than are existing flows. However, those additional releases of water, plus much of the existing flow, would be diverted and consumed along the course of the river; at the river's mouth, flows after development would be much lower than are naturally occurring low flows, resulting in the severe impacts described in tables 20 and 21 as opposed to the lesser, naturally occuring impacts described in table 19. Naturally occurring low flows also result in high TDS concentrations. Four months (October-January) commonly show levels greater than 700 mg/1. Two months, December and January, occasionally reach 1000 mg/1. However, these concentrations do not occur at critical fish life-history stages, and little impact occurs. IMPACTS OF INCREASED FUTURE USE PROJECTIONS OF FUTURE USE In order to adequately and uniformly assess the potential effects of water withdrawals on the many aspects of the present study, it was necessary to make projections of specific levels of future withdrawals. The methodology by which this was done is explained in report No. l in this series, in which also the three projected levels of development, low, intermediate, and high, are explained in more detail. Summarized in appendix A, these three future levels of development were formulated for energy, irrigation, and municipal water use. Annual water depletions associated with the future levels of 65 "' "' TABLE 19. Surnr~ry of historic flows (1931-75) on the Tongue River as related to recommended instream flows by season. Season Flows and Impacts Fall Winter Spring Runoff H1stonc Flows This season normally shows the year's lowest flow levels due to reduced streamflow and to irrigational demands in August. For the entire season, flows fall below,the 1nstream requests 49.3 percent of the time. Water temperatures may become intolerable for many resident fishes. In August, instream flow requests would have been met only 20 percent of the time. October and November show adequate flows over 70 percent of the time. This low-flow period is not influenced by irrigation demands. Still, one year out of two has flows below instream requests, resulting in riffle freeze-up and decreased oxygen levels. Most erratic flow petiod; natural flows fall below instream requests 53.8 percent of the time. Naturally occurring flows fall below recommended instream levels only 24.3 percent of the time. Natural impacts are lowest during this period. Low Flows Critically low flows (those that provide less than half of the recommended instream levels) occur one out of every four years, resulting in reduced wetted perimeter and lowered velocities. In August, one out of two years shows extremely lm< flows. Most dry years are followed by two or three wet years, preventing long series of dry years. Extreme low flows occur only 5.9 percent of the time. One year out of four exhibits extremely low flows, reducing spawning habitat for sauger. Extremely low flows affecting spawning and passage of paddlefish and sturgeon occur once every eight years. NOTE: Impacts described by the percentage of time they would occur may be interpreted as occurring by the year rather than by the day. For example, an impact described as occurring 90 percent of the time would occur nine years out of ten, on the average. 1 development were included in the projections. These projected depletions, and the types of development projected, provide a basis for determining the level of impact that would occur if these levels of development were carried through. IMPACTS OF REDUCED STREA~1FLOW Agricultural Projection Mean flow values for each projected level of development are compared with recommended instream flows and mean monthly natural flows in figure 28. Possible impacts associated with each development level are presented in table 20. Frequencies of low flow are relative to the 30-year period of flow records. Fall. August flows for the low level of agricultural development would fall critically short. Flows necessary to ensure adequate channel catfish spawning during August are 6.4 m3fsec (225 cfs); only one year in 30 showed enough water to maintain this flow. Low flows to 1m3/sec (36 cfs), which would drastically reduce wetted perimeter, lower velocity, and reduce depth, would result nearly 90 percent of the time (26 of 30 years). Flows resulting from the intermediate level of development would fall short of channel catfish requirements all years. One year shows almost enough water but is still short. Flows associated ~lith the high development level fall short all years and would decimate channel catfish spawning in this reach of the Tongue River. September flows would be similar to those for August. With the low development level, flows would be adequate to meet rearing requirements only one year out of six. Intermediate and high development level flows would be inadequate in all years. Low-development-level flows for October and November would be adequate for rearing one year out of four and one year out of two, respectively. Intermediate and high levels of development, however, would result in depleted flows at least nine years out of ten. In summary, agricultural development would have its greatest impact on the fishery of the Tongue River during the fall months, since August and September are months of normal low flows and high irrigation use. Winter. The low level of development would result in low flows one year out of two for December and January and one year out of 1.4 for February. The impacts would probably be minimal, however. As with the fall period, both the intermediate and high levels of development would be expected to result in severe impacts for December and January. At least 85 percent of the time, rearing flows would not be main- tained for these months. The intermediate projection would provide adequate flows one year out of 4.3 in February, but the high projection would have a severe impact in that month. 67 "' CD TABLE 20. Predicted impacts of three agricultural development levels on the flow of the Tongue River. Fall Winter Spring or Spawning · Runoff Low Low flows, no channel catfish spawning, reduced wetted peri- meter, lower velocity, reduced depth 90% of time, rearing flows adequate an average of 1 out of 4 years. Greatest impact on fishery during this time of year. 1 year out of 2 with low rearing flows. Impact minimal. Low flows during July (2 out of 3 years). Reduction of egg survival. High temper- ature: Impacts minimal Impacts minimal. Intermediate Same impacts as low development, plus rearing flows are inadequate at least 9 out of 10 years. Greatest impact on fishery during this time of year. Rearing flows not maintained 85% of time. High impact on fishery would result. April would have inadequate flows 76.7% of time. Loss of sauger spawning habitat and reduction in shovelnose sturgeon egg survival. High impacts on sauger and shovel- nose sturgeon in Tongue. Flows in July would be moderate 83.3% of time, resulting in loss of shovelnose sturgeon spawning habitat. High impact on shovel- nose sturgeon and channel catfish. High Same impacts as intermediate development. Severe impact on fishery. Rearing flows inadequate especially during February. Flows inadequate 85% of time for rest of the months. Impacts similar to intermed- iate scenario. Severe impact on shovelnose sturgeon and sauger fishery. Inadequate flows during July would occur 90% of time, resulting in serious loss of shovelnose sturgeon and channel catfish spawning potential. Severe impact on shovelnose sturgeon and channel catfish fisheries. NOTE: Impacts described by the percentage of time they would occur may be interpreted as occurring by the year rather than by the day. For example, an impact described as occurring 90 percent of the time would occur nine years out of ten, on the average. ' Spring. The low level of development would have little impact on the fishery of the lower Tongue River. July would be the month of the highest impact, with inadequate flows two out of three years. Low flows during this period would result in excessive water temperatures which would be detrimental to sturgeon egg hatching. Predicted flows for May and June would have little or no negative impact. For sauger spawning, flows in March would be inadequate one out of two years and April flows would be inadequate 67 percent of the time. The impact during these months would probably be minimal. At the intermediate level of development, July flows would be inadequate 83.3 percent of the time, resulting in high water temperatures, reduction in egg survival, and loss of spawning habitat. Impacts would be minor in May and June. April flows would be inadequate 76.7 percent of the time (23 of 30 years). This flow reduction would result in loss of habitat, loss of wetted perimeter, and loss of depth and velocity needed for sauger to spawn. The impacts during March would be similar to those of March under the low projection. The effect of the high level of development during the spring spawning flows would be similar to that of the intermediate level with the exception of July. During July, flows would be insufficient 90 percent of the time, with impacts similar to those described previously. This would seriously affect shovelnose sturgeon spawning in the lower Tongue River. Summary of Impacts. With the low level of agricultural development, there would be little impact except during fall. With the intermediate and high levels of development, there would be severe impacts on the fishery during the entire year, resulting in the loss of spawning and rearing flows necessary to maintain the sauger and channel catfish fishery. There would be a severe loss of spawning habitat for the shovelnose sturgeon during the spring (runoff) flows. Industry Projection A summary of possible impacts associated with each development level is presented in table 21. No major impact associated with the low level of development could be predicted to occur on the Tongue River. Impacts predicted for the intermediate level of deyelopment would be greatest during the spring, when an estimated 500,000 mZ (5.4 million ft2) of potential spawning habitat would be lost downstream from the T&Y Diversion. Winter flows less than 2.5 m3/sec (90 cfs) would result in icing on riffles and, therefore, invertebrate losses (Bovee 1976). This would occur about 20 percent of the time at this level of development. These flows would adversely affect the fishery. The intermediate development level, even with 60 percent of NGPRP instream flows (NGPRP 1g74) guaranteed, would still have high impact. In many years there would be little or no flow in the river during the fall, and 69 ...... 0 TABLE 21. Summary of predicted impacts of three projected levels of industrial development of Tongue River water. Season Fall Winter Spring Runoff low little impact, possible high temp. during Oct. (2.5% of the time). No impacts other than those occurring nat- urally . No impacts other than those occur- ring naturally. No impacts other than those occur- ring naturally. Intermediate Possible impact: 8 years, no flow; 2 years, possible temp. 1 out of 1 out of high Possible impact: 2 out of 9 years, ice would form on riffles, with possible o2 depletion. Possible impact: 4 out of 10 years, spawning habitat reduced; 1 out of 10 years, inadequate flows; 1 out of 30 years, no flow. Possible impact: 1 out of 4 years, no bedload move- ment, loss of scouring; 30~ of time no flow; some possible high temp. problems. Intermediate (60% NGPRP) High impact: 1 out of 3 years no flow; over 90% of the time, possible problem with high temp. High impact: 4 of 5 years riffles would freeze, with probable 02 depletion. Possible impact: 3% of time, no flow; spawning habitat reduced greatly all years. High impact: over 30% of time, no flow; just under 30% of the time, flow inadequate for paddlefish spawning; high temp. problems possible also. High Extreme impact: 98% of the time, no flow; remainder of flows inadequate to support fishery. Extreme impact: over 90% of the time, no flow; 2% of time, adequate flows. High impact: almost 70% of the time, no flow; remain- inq years flows inadequate and spawning habitat lost. Extreme impact: over 60% of the time, no flow; almost 20% of the time, flows would be inadequate. NOTE:" Impacts described by the percentaqe of the time they would occur may be interpreted as occurring by the year rather than by the day. For example, an impact described. as occurring 90 percent of the time would occur nine years out of ten, on the average. riffles would freeze during the winter. Approximately 650,000 m2 (7 million ft2) of potential spawning habitat would 'be lost during the spring downstream from the T&Y Diversion. During run-off, no flow would be present about one-third of the time. Paddlefish would be unable to migrate upstream about one-fourth of the years in which there would be measurable flow. With these flow levels, there would be a minimal fishery downstream from the T&Y Diversion. With the high projection, flows would be almost nonexistent downstream from the T&Y Diversion, and impacts would be extreme. Since that portion of the river downstream from the T&Y Diversion pro- vides a spawning and nursery area for fish from the Yellowstone River, a reduction in flows would also adversely· affect the Yellowstone River fish population. Thus, impacts on the Yellowstone River fishery as well as on the Tongue.River fishery would occur from reduced flow in the Tongue. IMPACTS ON WATER QUALITY The impacts of reduced flow on water quality were evaluated in terms of total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations (salinity). Concentrations of TDS ranging from 670 milligrams per liter (mg/1) to a maximum of 1350 mg/1 were considered the range for a good, mixed fishery in western alkaline streams (Klarich 1977). Some minor adverse effects would be expected at concentrations over 670 mg/1, becoming more severe as concentrations approached and exceeded 1350 mg/1. Therefore, TDS levels greater than 700 mg/1 were considered to have an impact on the fishery. Fall Four months (August-November) would have TDS greater than 700 mg/1 with the low level of development. August levels could be high enough to deter channel catfish migrations. With the intermediate level of development, all months _would be greater than 700 mg/1; August through December would be greater than 1,000 mg/1. Channel catfish migration and spawning in August could be affected. All months would show levels greater than 1,000 mg/1 with high development. Impacts would be the same as with intermediate development. Winter December and January would have TDS concentrations greater than 700 mg/1 with.low development, and all winter months (December-February) would have greater than 700 mg/1 with intermediate development. December showed con- centrations greater than 1 ,000 mg/1 under both intermediate and high development. However, impacts should not be significant during this period. Spring No impact would be expected with low or intermediate development. high development, March and April show TDS concentrations greater than which could affect sauger migration and spawning. 71 Under 700 mg/1 , Runoff The low levels of development would have no water quality impact. July would show concentrations greater than 700 mg/1 with the intermediate and high levels of development, which could affect channel catfish migration and spawning. The end of the shovelnose sturgeon and paddlefish runs could be affected, as could egg incubation. OTHER LIMITING FACTORS Thus far, discussion of impacts of future water withdrawals on the aquatic biota of the Tongue River has been limited to the impacts of low flows. Low flows result in decrease in depth, loss of physical habitat, reduction in velocity, and deterioration of water quality, all of which render the habitat less appealing. There are other factors associated with the lotic community which must be considered. Temperature As water levels are lowered, the heat budget of the stream is altered, and temperatures increase until an equilibrium (between standing water and the ambient air temperature) is reached. Temperature is a major limiting factor because aquatic organisms often have narrow tolerances. The life cycles of fish and invertebrates, day length, and water temperature are so interdependent that even a small change in temperature can have far- reaching effects. In an artifically warmed stream, insects or fish may hatch too soon to fit into the food chain and successfully compete. If temperatures are near the upper limits of tolerance, the fish will be placed under stress if not killed. Similar competitive disadvantages would result with a cooling of water. Turbidity Suspended materials limit the penetration of light, restricting photosynthetic activity. Sediment fills the interstices between gravel, thereby eliminating spawning areas and aquatic insect habitat. The ability of a stream to move this material and hence cleanse the stream bottom depends on the discharge, particularly during the spring runoff. Low flows reduce bedload movement and thereby limit fish production. Concentration of Respiratory Gases Oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations are often limiting to the aquatic community. As flows are reduced and temperatures increased, concen- trations of oxygen become critical. Eggs are especially vulnerable to oxygen lack because they depend upon oxygen diffusing into them at a rate sufficient to maintain the developing embryos. 72 An excess of "free" carbon dioxide may have adverse effects on aquatic organisms, ranging from avoidance reactions and changes in respiratory move- ments at low concentrations, through interference with gas exchange at higher concentrations, to narcosis (unconsciousness) and death if the concentration is increased further. According to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (1968) respiratory effects seem most likely of these impacts to be of concern. Concentration of Salts Fresh-water fish have a problem in regard to osmoregulation. Since the concentration of salts is greater in the internal fluids of the body than in the fresh-water environment, then either water tends to enter the body by osmosis if membranes are readily permeable to water or salts must be con- centrated if membranes are relatively impermeable (Odum lg64). Increases in salts (TDS) may create a problem in fish habitat preference. The possibility exists of a barrier to migration being produced by a zone of high TDS concentration. Reduction in flow could produce a TDS problem by concentrating salts and by reducing the diluting force of the stream. LIMITING FACTORS UNRELATED TO FLOW Several factors not dependent upon discharge may also have an impact on the fishery of the Tongue River. These are: 1) fishing pressure, 2) land use practices, and 3) pollution. Fishing pressure is an environmental factor which may be manipulated to increase both fish production and yield. Pressure is often too great or too small, in relation to the productive capacity of a stream, to give maximum yield. Tag returns from the Tongue River suggest that pressure and harvest are light. Therefore it is doubtful that this factor results in a significant impact on the fishery. Land use practices such as overgrazing, cultivation of the floodplain, and channel disturbances all can produce a negative impact on the fishery by degrading the habitat. Stream-bank stability can be destroyed through overgrazing and many other agricultural activities, resulting in bank sloughing and siltation. Channel disturbances reduce spawning and food- producing areas, and stream realignment shortens the total length of the river. Land use practices along the Tongue River have historically pro- duced examples of the above impacts. Future practices should not signifi- cantly increase problem areas. The final factor, pollution, could possibly result from introduction of an allochthonous, toxic substance, such as an effluent from a steam generating plant containing substances harmful to the fish. Even if the materials were not in toxic concentrations, the basic fertility of the river could be altered, favoring another assemblage of fish species. An alteration of the natural heat budget of the river is another possible impact from coal conversion complexes. Since the Tongue River Basin has been identified as a potential site for such complexes, this impact looms as a threat. 73 .s~ A study was conducted on the Tongue River from 1974 to 1976 to determine fish species composition, distribution, and diversity and to evalute impacts of water withdrawals on the river system. Distribution of the 31 fish species taken in the Tongue River was found to be influenced by irrigation structures. Species migratory from the Yellowstone were restricted by the T&Y Diversion, 22.7 km upstream from the mouth. Smallmouth bass were the dominant resident game fish. Discharge patterns from the Tongue River Dam affected the reproductive success of the smallmouth bass population. Species diversity indices generally increased with progression downstream and appear to be a useful tool in describing the fishery of a prairie stream. Migrant fish populations using the lower Tongue River were monitored. Shovelnose sturgeon moved into the Tongue River from the Yellowstone River during April, May, and June in 1975 and 1976. The majority of the sturgeon sampled were between 710-785 mm in length in 1975 and 725-800 mm in 1976. Compared with a spring sample taken on the Yellowstone River at Intake, the Tongue River fish were considerably larger. Weights to 6 kg, larger than shovelnose reported in other areas, were not uncommon. Schnable-type population estimates showed 400-500 sturgeon/km present during the spring runs both years. Quadratic equations comparing number of fish with dis- charge and temperature documented passage preferences. It appears from those regressions that a minimum discharge of 8.50 m3/sec is necessary for shovel- nose sturgeon passage and that the optimum temperature range for sturgeon spawning is from 16.90C to 21.soc. Fish tagged with monel bands on the pectoral fin lost weight between the times of tagging and recapture; those tagged with Floy anchor tags gained weight. Angler harvest of sturgeon in 1974-76 was light. Sauger were sampled during April and May of 1976; 1,004 fish averaged 377 mm in length and 441 g in weight. A preferred passage flow for sauger was estimated at 13.6 m3/sec using a quadratic regression of catch rate against discharge. Population estimates showed around 3,700 sauger moved into the lower river in 1976. The optimum temperature range for sauger spawning migration was from 9.3°C to 12.40C. Tagging studies indicated that the Yellowstone River sauger population is mobile and underutilized by fishermen. Channe 1 catfish were sampled with baited traps both years. In 1975, average lengths of catfish from the three river study sections sampled ranged from 401 to 493 mm, and average weights from 690 to 1270 g. In 1976, fish were smaller; average lengths ranged from 375 to 379 mm and average weights from 596 to 644 g. Pectoral spines were taken, sectioned, and analyzed for age and growth. Tag returns by anglers of sturgeon, sauger, and catfish were low and suggested an underutilized resource. Recommended flows for passage and spawning of three indicator species-- sauger, shovelnose sturgeon, and channel catfish--were determined in order 75 to allow assessment of the impacts of lowered streamflow on fish populations. The recommended minimum passage and spawning flow for sauger from March through June is 14.9 m3/sec. For shovelnose sturgeon, the recommended flow for passage and spawning for May, June, and half of July is 17 m3/sec. Channel catfish spawn in the Tongue River in June, July, and August; the recommended flow for this species is 6.4 m3/sec. For the remainder of the year, it is recommended that rearing flows of 5 m3/sec (the recommended flow for rearing of stonecats) be maintained. It is the naturally occurring flow regime, including low flows, that has resulted in the existing aquatic biota of the Tongue River. That naturally occurring pattern of low flows is described in this report and compared with the predicted flows after each of three future levels of development. Compari- son of the predicted post-development low flows at the mouth of the river with the recommended passage and spawning flows given above shows that even for the low level of development, fall flows would not supply the recommended channel catfish spawning flow. Lowered flows resulting from the intermediate level of development would have a severe impact on all indicator fish species. At the high level of development, flows would be almost nonexistent downstream from the T&Y Diversion, and impacts on the fishery would be extreme. Water quality would also be affected by agricultural and industrial development and water use in the Tongue River Basin, with some adverse effect on the fishery. The potential alteration of other limiting factors, such as temperature, pollution, and turbidity, among others, is also discussed. 76 ~J 11 by Allen A. Elser Robert C. McFarland 77 PURPOSE The objectives of this segment of the study are: (1) to inventory the fish populations of the Tongue River Reservoir so that changes associated with coal development can be detected and, if necessary, mitigative measures taken; (2) to determine angler use and harvest of major sport fish in the Tongue River Reser- voir; and (3) to evaluate possible impacts associated with large-scale withdraw- al projects. STUDY AREA Flow of the Tongue River in Montana is controlled by the Tongue River Dam, behind which lies the Tongu~ River Reservoir. The earthfill dam, completed in 1940, impounds over 84.9 hm (69,000 af) of water with a surface area of 1,416 ha (3,500 acres). Firm annual yield is 49.2 hm3 (40,000 af). Sheridan, Wyoming, the nearest city, is located approximately 32 km (20 mi) south of the reservoir. The dam is 13 km (8 mi) north of the Montana-Wyoming state ~ine (see figure 1 on page 3 ) , impounding water from a drainage a rea of 4403 km ( 1, 700 mi Z). Decker Coal Company, a subsidiary of Peter Kiewit Sons' Co., began mining coal near the Tongue River Reservoir in 1973. Over 3 million tons of coal were removed by Decker in 1973; the 1976 level of production was 10.3 million tons. Currently, mining operations are confined to the west side of the reservoir, but Decker is expanding (subject to permit approval) to the north of current operations and to the east side of the reservoir (figure 29). When these ex- tensions are in operation, the Decker operation will be the largest producing strip mine in the world, with an estimated annual production of 14.5 million tons by 1980. The Tongue River and Tongue River Reservoir may be increasingly important in light of proposed coal development. While most coal mined in r~ontana now leaves the state, additional coal conversion plants (for example, for steam- fired generation, gasification, and liquefaction) close to the coal source have been proposed. Such energy complexes require great amounts of water, and the · Tongue is considered an important source of industrial water. Montana Power Company took an annual option on 5.15 hml (4,175 af) of Tongue River Reservoir water in 1972. A generation plant in Wyoming which would utilize Tongue River water has been suggested. However, water for industrial development in the Tongue River Basin would not be firmly available without additional storage. In a 1969 study, Bechtel Corporation considered a new Tongue River dam site about 10 miles downstream from the existing site. Stage 1 of the proposed res~rvoir, flooding land in Montana only, would ha~e an active storage of 395 h~ (320,000 af) and firm annual yield of 120 hm (100,000 af). Stage 2 of the proposed reservoir, be- 79 cr .. l (Proposed) WEST DECKER MINE AREA (Ex i a tin g) EAST DECKER MINE AREA (Proposed) 0 I 2 Kilomelers ~U=-W:UI:::U::U::====ll 0 2 Miles tt-j=i--tt=j~--~========~1 Figure 29. Tongue River Reservoir, Montana, showing zones and sampling stations. 80 cause it would flood land in Wyoming, is not considered likely in the foresee- able future. Raising the existing dam could provide a maximum storage of 170 hm3 (140,000 af) and firm annual yield of 90 hm3 (72,000 af) (Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation 1976). 81 SAMPLING FOR WATER CHEMISTRY ANALYSIS Water samples were collected from the Tongue River Reservoir on a biweekly basis from icemelt until freeze-up (Hhalen and Leath 1976). Samples were taken at three sites in the reservoir (figure 29), from the river above and be 1 0~1 the mine discharge, and below the dam. Mine discharge samples were also taken. Re- servoir samples were collected at two-meter intervals throughout the water col- umn at all three stations with a four-liter Van Darn Bottle. Additionally, sam- ples were collected at one-meter intervals throughout the euphotic zone for phy- toplankton standing crop and primary production estimates. Whalen and Leath (1976) summarize the analytical procedures used for water chemistry analyses. FISH SAMPLING Fish were collected using: 4-foot-by-6-foot frame trap nets with 1/2-inch and 1/4-inch mesh webbing and 50-foot leads; 125-foot experimental gill nets; a 100-foot, 1/4-inch-mesh beach seine; and a 50-foot, 1/4-inch-mesh bag seine. An electrofishing boat equipped to provide an output of 0-500 volts variable direct or alternating current was used to sample shoreline areas. Fish were also taken with a hook and line. Lengths and weights of captured fish were recorded, and sport fish were tagged with numbered Flay anchor tags. Scales were taken for analysis of age and growth. POPULATION ESTIMATES Population sizes of black and white crappie and northern pike were esti- mated from fish captured during the spring trap-net season. The modified Schnabel estimator was used (Chapman and Overton 1966), employing the expression: where: CtMt Rt + N = ct = Mt = Rt = estimated fish population number of fish caught marked fish at large number of recaptures Confidence limits (a= 0.05) were computed according to the formula: -L CtMt -P {x < ~ < x )= 1 -a - N -.t where~ and x are the lower and upper confidence limits, respectively, of the Poisson variable, obtained from the table of expectations of Poisson variable 83 (Chapman and Overton 1966). Captured fish· were taken to the midpoint of each zone prior to marking and released to prevent introducing a bias into the es- timate. CREEL CENSUS A partial creel census designed to sample anglers as they left the reser- voir was conducted in 1975 and 1976. A creel census station was established on the main access road to the reservoir (figure 2g) and was operated from 10:00 A.M. until dark or until all fishermen had left the reservoir. Signs instructing fishermen to· stop were erected on the approach to the station. Fishermen were interviewed to determine distance traveled, gender, license type, total hours fished, fishing method, bait, shore or boat, number of fish caught, and number of fish released. Lengths, weights, and scales were taken of the fish which had not been dressed. In 1975 the station was operated on subsequent days during the week (i.e. Monday one week, Tuesday the next week, etc.), and alternate weekend days. The 1976 fishing season was stratified by two week periods, with two weekdays and two weekend days randomly selected for each period. Data were recorded on creel census forms and transferred to com- puter cards for analysis. t LIMNOLOGY The drawdown of Tongue River Reservoir in anticipation of repairs to the discharge tunnel which were scheduled for the fall of·1g75 wa~ begun in July 1975. Storage in the reservoir reacheg a minimum of 16.15 hm (13,100 af) on September 30 and increased to 23.99 hm (19,460 af) on November 1 when repairs began (figure 30). Discharge was maintained at approximately 0.57 m3/sec (20 cfs) for the month of November while repairs were made. Due to reduced dis- charges, reservoir storage increased to 43.40 hm3 (35,200 af) on December 31. The reservoir stage remained constant throughout the winter, increasing to a peak of 73.72 hm3 (59,790 af) on June 30. Discharge was regulated in response to increased downstream demands in late summer, when it exceeded inflow, but was diminished in the fall relative to the inflow to increase storage to about 43.16 hm3 (35,000 af) for the winter months. The Tongue River Reservoir can be characterized as a bicarbonate water with calcium as its dominant cation (Whalen et al. 1976). Other abundant ions are S04, Mg, and Na. Winter 02 sampling suggested a low potential for winter fish kill in the reservoir since 02 did not fall below 10mg/1 during ice cover. Win- ter fish kill potential for cool-water fish does not become critical until 02 con- centrations fall below 5 mg/1. Even with increased organic production, little winter kill would probably result because of the short retention time of there- servoir. It was determined that the mine discharge water is altered ground water. The major alteration is an increase in conductivity as a result of increased Ca, HC03, Mg, and S04. Mine water flow was never greater than 0.47 percent of the Tongue River flow and thus had a negligible effect on the river because of dilu- tion. Van Voast and Hedges (1975) pred~ct that, with three mines in operation, mine effluent will increase to 0.17 m /sec (6.0 cfs). Assuming this flow level under hypothetical flow and chemistry conditions, Whalen and Leath (1976) pre- dicted little change in river quality. FISH POPULATIONS HISTORY The Tongue River Reservoir and a portion of the drainage upstream were chem- ically treated in 1957 to remove undesirable fish species. Following rehabilit- ation, the reservoir was stocked with rainbow trout in an attempt to duplicate fishing which commonly follows the initial impounding of reservoirs. Over two million fingerling rainbow trout were planted during the years 1958-1960. Gill net sampling in November 1959 produced 80 rainbow per net night; sampling in 1960 took only seven rainbow per net night. Stocking with trout was stopped because the undesirable fish species had again built up to high population levels. How- ever, correspondence in 1962 suggests that the reservoir was still producing some 85 35 30 .25 ~ <.> CD .. ......... E 20 CD Cl' ~ 0 ~ 0 .. 15 0 ()) "' 10 5 F I j :t :J J J :, :t :t J .~ . 'I I A M • A f~ t~ 1: 1: . ,. 1: 1: I• • : I : I• • • I . I: I: I: I: I; . I • I • J A ,1975 s 0 N 0 --Storage ---Inflow •• • • ••• Outflow 0 1976 Figure 30. Inflow and outflow of Tongue River at Tongue River Reservoir compared with storage elevation of the reservoir from April 1975 to October 1976. --- 80 70 60 50 ,;;- E s::; - 40 ., "' 0 ~ 0 -(/) 30 20 10 good catches of rainbow trout, with fish ranging from .7 to 2.7 kg (1~ to 6 lb) being harvested by anglers. Stocking recommendations for a warm-water fishery in the reservoir were implemented in 1963 and are summarized in table 22. Northern pike fry and fingerling were stocked from 1963 through 1966 to develop a self-sustaining population. Northerns were not planted in 1967 and 1968, as a check on natural reproduction, but were again planted in 1969. Fingerlings, rather than fry, were planted from 1972 to 1976 to evaluate the effects of different numbers and sizes of fish. Channel catfish were introduced in 1963 and 1964, and largemouth bass were planted in 1964 and again in 1972 and 1973. Walleye were stocked from 1965 to 1969. Since the first plant of walleyes would have matured in 1970, this plant was discontinued as a check on spawning success. SAMPLING RESULTS Fish were collected for analysis using the methods explained on page 83. Results of frame trap net catches are tabulated by month and reservoir zone for each species collected in tables 23 (1975 collections) and 24 (1976 collections). As shown in table 25, the number of fish taken per net night with trap nets has ·increased since 1g12. Catch rates per net night were similar from 1972 through 1974 but more than doubled from 1974 to 1975 and from 1975 to 1976. Fewer traps were fished in 1976, and efforts were concentrated on catching mature northern pike for an egg viability study. Gill nets are utilized to follow fish population trends. Eighteen experi- mental gill nets were fished on .the bottom for a 24-hour period each year. Gill net catches for the years 1964 through 1976 are summarized in table 26. Table 27 shows average lengths and weights, as well as number caught per net, for all species collected in overnight gill net sets. Northern Pike Habitat Preference. Marshes and warm, weedy bays constitute the preferred spawning habitats of northern pike (Esoz lucius) in lakes and reservoirs. Spawn- ing occurs in the early spring, immediately after the ice melts. Mature adults move into shallow, vegetated marshes andbays for spawning, scattering their eggs over the vegetation: The physical characteristics and water level management of the Tongue River Reservoir has resulted in a limited amount of good northern hab-. it~t. Marshes are present only during maximum storage; weedy bays are almost nonexistent. Natural reproduction has not been documented in the reservoir. Catch Rates and Distribution. Frame trap nets fished during the spawning season in 1975 and 1976 caught a total of 176 and 132 northern pike, respect- ively (tables 23 and 24). In 1975, 29.5 percent (52 of 176) of the northerns were recaptured one or more times; in 1976, 35.6 percent (47 of 132) of the sam- ple were recaptured fish. Northern pike were taken almost exclusively in zone A in 1975 (91.5 percent of the total northern catch); in 1976 the catch was distributed between zones A (62.1 percent) and B (37.9 percent). Zone A represents the best northern hab- itat in the reservoir. In 1975, the greatest northern catch (55.1 percent) oc- curred in May. In 1976, most northerns (59.1 percent) were captured in April. Spring ice melt was late in 1975 (about April 24) as compared to 1976 (April 9), which accounts for the greater April catch rates in 1976. 87 TABLE 22. Summary of warm-water fish plants in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1963-75. Year Species Size Number 1963 Northern pike Fry 210,000 Northern pike Fingerling 35,200 Channe 1 catfish 3-inch 20,608 1964 Northern pike Fry 100,000 Channel catfish 2-inch 99,180 Largemouth bass l-inch 150,000 1965 Northern pike Fry 339,300 Walleye Fry 750,000 1966 Northern pike Fry 210,500 ~Ia lleye Fry 100,000 1967 Walleye Fry lg7,750 1968 Wall eye Fry 601,214 1969 Northern pike Fry 650,000 Northern pike Fingerling 513,200 Walleye Fry 92,480 1970 Northern pike Fry 1,125,000 1971 Northern pike Fry 360,000 1972 Northern pike Fingerling 14,058 Largemouth bass 2-inch 199,290 1973 Northern pike Fingerling 13,184 Largemouth bass 2-inch 27,540 1974 Northern pike Fingerling 3,330 1975 Northern pike Fingerling 32 '775 1976 Northern pike Fingerling 50,000 88 CD \0 TABLE 23. Summary of trap net catches by zone in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1975 April May June A B c A B c A B Northern pike 67 I I 89 6 2 5 4 Carp 195 23 27 264 53 34 10 8 Goldfish 21 I II I I 8 Golden shiner 17 I I 15 60 8 8 104 Shorthead redhorse 2 9 5 5 3 4 White sucker 5 2 I 5 8 2 36 Longnose sucker 0 Black bullhead 11 1 13 20 4 1 1 Yellow bullhead 2 2 33 10 1 6 Channel catfish 0 Stoneca t 0 3 2 largemouth bass 0 Smallmouth bass 9 1 1 Rock bass 1 7 Green sunfish 2 1 2 2 Black crappie 34 2 62 125 97 31 77 White crappie 83 2 211 717 89 577 3850 Sauger 2 3 11 2 3 1 Walleye 26 31 9 8 3 7 3 15 Yellow perch 75 11 9 83 542 2 I TOTAL 542 73 43 707 1132 811 647 4198 NET NIGHTS 20 5 3 41 33 23 13 38 FISH PER NET NIGHT 27.1 14.6 14.3 17.2 34.3 35.3 49.7 110.5 Tota 1 c A B c Tota 1 I 161 11 4 176 3 469 164 64 697 33 9 I 43 8 40 165 17 222 2 14 9 7 30 53 8 41 63 112 I 1 1 3 25 22 7 54 2 5 39 12 56 5 5 1 10 2 12 1 1 7 8 3 2 3 8 374 127 202 473 802 372 871 4569 461 5901 16 4 2 22 37 49 16 102 17 86 95 559 740 838 1896 5403 1693 8991 21 74 76 47 197 39.9 25.6 71.1 36.0 45.6 1.0 0 TABLE 24. Summary of trap net catches by zone in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1976. April May June A B c A B c A B Northern pike 50 28 32 22 Carp 19 5 2 2 I Goldfish 8 I 3 Golden shiner 57 97 76 Shorthead redhorse I I 2 2 White sucker 2 3 Longnose sucker Black bullhead 29 30 12 Yellow bullhead 4 71 18 Channel catfish 0 Stonecat 4 1 Largemouth bass 0 Smallmouth bass 2 2 7 3 Rock bass 2 3 4 Green sunfish 2 I Black crappie 120 20 0 119 181 141 White crappie 776 6 0 1840 2312 127 42 Sauger 34 I 2 9 4 6 Walleye 7 2 3 10 6 Yellow perch 73 1 35 17 TOTAL 1190 64 5 2260 2667 283 42 NET NIGHTS 12 7 I 13 15 8 1 FISH PER NET NIGHT 99.2 9.1 5.0 173.8 177.8 35.4 42.0 Total c A B c Total 82 50 0 132 21 7 I 29 9 3 0 12 !54 76 0 230 I 3 2 6 2 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 67 12 79 75 18 93 0 4 1 5 0 0 0 0 4 7 3 14 5 4 9 3 0 0 3 7 239 201 148 588 6 2616 2360 133 5109 43 5 6 54 17 8 2 27 108 18 3 129 13 3450 2773 301 6524 3 25 23 12 60 4.3 138.0 120.6 25.1 108.7 TABLE 25. Comparison of trap net catches: Tongue River Reservoir, 1972-76 (expressed as numbers per net night). 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 No. ,; tlo. % No. % No. ,; No. % Northern pike 0.34 I. 78 0.25 I. 79 0.95 5.79 0.90 1.97 2.20 2.02 Carp 7.05 37.10 3.39 24.40 1.46 8.90 3.49 7.63 0.48 0.44 Goldfish 0.01 0.05 0.02 -0.14 0.10 0.61 0.22 0.48 0.20 0.18 Golden shiner 0.09 0.47 0.11 0.79 0.04 0.24 1.24 2. 71 3.80 3.50 Shorthead red horse 0.13 0.68 0.21 I. 51 0.29 1.77 0.16 0.35 0.10 0.10 White sucker 0.19 1.00 0.49 3.52 0.30 1.83 0.57. 1.25 0.08 0.07 Longnose sucker 0.03 0.21 0.03 0.18 0.01 0.02 Black bullhead 1. 51 7.94 0.43 3.09 0.55 3.35 0.27 0.86 1.32 I. 21 Yellow bullhead 0.26 1.59 0.28 0.61 1.55 1.43 Stone cat 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.07 Largemouth bass 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.12 Smallmouth bass 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.06 0.13 0.23 0.21 Rock bass 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.15 0.14 Green sunfish 0.02 0.14 0.02 0.12 0.04 0.08 0.05 0.05 Black crappie 1.24 6.52 1.30 9.35 2.99 18.24 4.08 8.92 9.80 9.02 White crappie 1.99 10.47 3.50 25.19 7.96 48.55 29.95 65.50 85.15 78.34 Sauger 0.02 0.14 0.09 0.55 0.09 0.20 0.90 0.83 walleye 0.38 2.00· 0.12 0.86 0.33 2.01 0.47 1.03 0.45 0.41 Yellow perch 6.05 31.84 3.96 28.56 0.96 5.85 3.83 8.34 2.15 1.98 TOTAL 19.00 13.89 16.40 45.73 108.69 NO. NET NIGHTS 85 121 168 197 60 TABLE 26. Su11111a ry of gill net (bottom) sets in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1964-76, expressed as numbers of fish per net set. 1964 1966 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Brown trout 0.1 Rainbo>l trout 0.1 0.1 Northern pike 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 1.2 0.6 0.1 0.2 Carp 4.2 2.5 4.6 8.4 6.3 4.1 4.6 6.9 3.3 4.8 3.9 Golden shiner 12.0 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.1 Goldfish 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0. 1 Longnose sucker 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 Shorthead redhorse 0.8 9.0 1.2 6.5 3.5 1.7 10.2 21.5 10.3 11.2 8.6 White sucker 16.8 3.8 5.0 1.3 2.9 0.6 3.3 4.7 1.9 2.2 4.1 Black bullhead 15.2 12.0 4.2 2.8 1.4 0.7 3.7 5.0 0.7 0.3 Yellow bullhead 2.7 6.4 3.2 Channel catfish 0 .I 0.1 <0 Stonecat 0.1 0.1 N Largemouth bass 0.5 0.1 Smallmouth bass 0.1 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.9 Pumkinseed 0.2 0.1 Rock bass 0.2 0.2 0.1 Black crappie 3.1 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.2 White crappiea 22.5 9.8 16.8 15.8 9.2 11.3 7.2 11.9 16.4 14.7 25.8 Sauger 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.0 Wall eye pike 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.4 1.5 2.5 1.7 2.8 1.9 Yellow perch 1.5 10.0 4.0 7.7 4.1 8.4 5.6 4.3 1.7 1.2 TOTAL 74.8 48.2 36.9 44.4 28.4 27.6 39.9 59.7 40.8 47.9 52.6 NUMBER OF SETS 4 6 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 alncludes black and white crappie, 1964-71. , Numbers of northerns taken by gill net during the summer sampling period declined from 1.2 fish/net in 1973 to 0.1 fish/net in 1975, increasing slightly to 0.2 fish/net in 1976 (table 27). TABLE 27. Catch statistics of 18 overnight gill net (bottom) sets, Tongue River Reservoir, July 1975 and 1976. No./Net Species No. Set Brown trout Rainbow trout 1 0.1 Northern pike 2 0.1 Carp 87 4.8 Golden shiner 1 0.1 Longnose sucker 1 0.1 Shorthead redhorse 202 11.2 White sucker 40 2.2 Channel catfish 1 0.1 Black bullhead 13 0.7 Yellow bullhead 116 6.4 Stonecat 1 0.1 Largemouth bass 1 0.1 Smallmouth bass 18 1.0 Rock bass 2 0.1 Green sunfish Pumpkinseed 1 0.1 Black crappie 10 0.6 White crappie 265 14.7 Sauger 18 1.0 Wall eye pike 51 2.9 Yell ow perch 30 1.7 TOTAL 862 47.9 CONVERSIONS: 1 mm = .0394 in 1 g = .0022 lb 1975 Average Length (mm) 185 515 410 81 237 322 2g9 356 227 219 210 147 269 168 126 119 198 510 398 165 1976 Average Average Weight No. /Net Length (r~) flo. Set (mm) 1 0.1 287 140 865 3 0.2 661 837 70 3.9 429 40 110 363 155 8.6 331 464 73 4.1 377 360 203 5 0.3 211 152 58 3.2 223 100 2 0.1 175 40 285 34 1.9 217 178 1 0.1 110 3 0.2 111 40 53 3 0.2 221 128 465 25.8 206 553 18 1.0 405 772 34 1.9 430 50 21 1.2 169 946 52.6 Average Height (g) 220 1470 978 464 641 142 174 90 168 10 23 123 121 659 869 65 Young-of-the-year northerns were taken by electrofishing coincidentally with smallmouth bass sampling in 1976. By September the young northerns had attained a length of 298 mm (11.7 in). l~hile it was not possible to estimate survival of the 1976 spring plant, subsequent recapture of marked fish suggests a good surviv- al rate and the possibilities of good year-class strength. 93 Size A~e 1 and Growth. Northerns ranged in length from 3g4 to 1,156 mm (15.5 to 45. 1n) in 1974, 282 to 1,301 mm (11.1 to 51.2 in) in 1975 and 571 to 1,165 mm (22.5 to 45.9 in) in 1976 (table 28). Average lengths were 719, 808, and 802 mm (28.3, 31.8, and 31.6 in), respectively, while the average weight increased from 2,937 g (6.46 lb) in 1974 to 3,236 g (7.12 lb) in 1976. The length-frequency distribution of northerns caught in the traps reveals distinct age groups in the spawning population (figure 31). The fingerlings planted in 1972 entered the spawning population in 1974 at a length interval of 450-650 mm (18 to 26 in). This age class increased to a length interval of 500-700 mm (20 to 28 in) in 1975 and 700-850 mm (28 to 33.5 in) in 1976. The reduction in the number of northerns planted in 1973 and 1974 is shown by lack of distinct age groups entering the spawning population in 1975 and 1976. The absence of these age groups further suggests limited natural reproduction in the reservoir. TABLE 28. Average lengths and weights of northern pike caught in trap nets in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1972-76. Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Average Length No. a (rrm) 29 747 48 732 140 719 136 808 133 802 CONVERSIONS: 1 mm = .0394 in 1 g = .0022 lb aooes not include recaptures. Average Range Weiyht (mm) (g 597-1,080 3,746 648-1,189 3,750 394-1,156 2,937 282-1,301 3,083 571-1,165 3,236 The average length of northern pike taken in gill nets for the years 1964- 1976 shows wide variation (figure 32). The increase in length from 1964 to 1969 represents maturity of early plants. The reduction in 1970 followed by an in- crease reflects the discontinuance of stocking followed by stocking resumption. A small sample of scales (17) taken from trap-netted pikes 1-1ere analyzed for age class sizes. Three age classes (II -IV) were represented, and the me~n lenqth for each age class was 218 mm (four fish), 523 mm (nine) and 773 mm (four), respectively. These are within the ranges reported for other northern __ pike populations (Scott and Crossman 1973). lhe mean length of age group IV (773) corresponds closely with the mean of the 1972 age 0 class, as shown in the length-frequency distribution (figure 32). Population Estimates. Population estimates were computed for northern pike based on the modified Schnabel estimator using trap-netted fish. Estimates of northern pike population greater than 275 mm were 272 in 1974, 228 in 1975, and 138 in 1976 (table 29). Confidence intervals at the 95 percent level showed a 94 .JI:. u -c (.) -0 CD "' c -c CD u ~ CD D.. 25 20 15 10 5 400 I I l 500 I I~ I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I . I : I :I t I :. I I I I I I I 600 ·. 'I :I \ I \ :\ ':\ :1 ·. \ : \ : ' .. ·· •• :'1 I ."1 I ."1 ~:I ,.,1 : \ .· : \ .·· : .. , :.-. \ 700 800 Length (mm) ' ' ' ,_ 900 1976 ----1975 1000 1974 ... ·- 1100 Figure 31. Length-frequency of northern pike captured in trap nets, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76, expressed as each size interval's percentage of the total sample. significant decrease from 1975 to 1976. This reduction appeared to be in larg- er fish, as shown in figure 31. Based on the average weight of trap-netted fish, the northern pike standing crop was estimated at 0.564 kg/ha (.503 lb/ acre) in 1974, 0.496 kg/ha (.442 lb/acre) in 1975, and 0.315 kg/ha (.281 lb/ acre) in 1976. The standing crop of northerns in the Tongue River Reservoir is considerably lower than most others reported. For example, estimates of standing crops of northern pike in Wisconsin lakes ranged upward from 0.673 kg/ha (Snow and Beard 1972); in a southern Michigan lake, crops ranged from 3.5 to 5.3 kg/ha (Schneider 1971). Scott and Crossman (1973) reported standing crops 95 1100 1000 900 e Average Length Range ~ 800 E E ~ ;: 700 "' t c ., _J 600 500 • 400 • + 300 1964 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Figure 32. Average length and length range of northern pike from gill-net catches, Tongue River Reservoir, 1964-76. of northern pike from various habitats across North America generally range between 1.5 and 4.6 kg/ha. The low population levels shown in this reservoir are probably the result of poor habitat quality and the lack of natural repro- duction. TABLE 29. Population estimates of northern pike determined from trap net catches, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76. Number Number Population Confidence Year Examined Recaptured Estimate Interva 1 sa 1974 169 36 272 1975 1BO 52 228 218-238 1g76 85 48 138 116-172 aconfidence interval not computed for northern pike in 1974 due to variation in recapture distribution. . 96 [ 30). cent year lar Tagging. Tags have been placed in 274 adult northerns since 1973 (table Angler returns have been consistent, with an average return of 13.9 per- (range 12.5-16.4 percent). The highest return rate occurred the same the fish were tagged. An overall return rate of about 14 percent is simi- to catch rates reported for other marginal northern pike waters. TABLE 30. Summary of northern pike tag returns by year for Tongue River Reser- voir,1973-76. (Number in parentheses is the percentage of total tagging) Year Number Tao Returns bv Year Tagged Tagged 1973 1974 1975 1976 Total 1973 41 5 (12.2) 1 (2.4) 6 (14.6) 1974 110 8 (7.2) 6 ~ 5. 5) 2 ( 1.8) 16 (14.5) 1975 73 7 9.6) 5 (6.8) 12 (16.4) 1976 50 4 (12.5) 4 (12.5) TOTAL 274 38 (13. 9) Walleye and Sauger Habitat Preference. Sauger (Stizostedion canadense) and walleye (Stizo- stedion vitreum) are tolerant of a great range of environmental situations, with both preferring large, shallow lakes. Sauger are also found in tur- bid, slow-flowing rivers. Sauger generally succeed over walleyes in very tur- bid waters. Both species are generally absent from vegetated waters. Spawning occurs in the spring, with both species moving either upstream or to suitable rocky areas. Eggs are deposited at random among the rocks to incubate. The Tongue River Reservoir provides good walleye and sauger habitat, and both populations are doing well. Walleyes were introduced from 1965-1969 and are now successfully reproducing. Sauger were not taken in the reservoir until 1973. Personal communication with Wyoming Game and Fish personnel revealed that sauger were transplanted into the Tongue River near the Wyoming-Montana state line in about 1967. The fish apparently moved into the reservoir and have become an established population. . Catch Rates and Distribution. In 1975, the trap-net catch of walleyes was distributed about equally between zones A and B, which contribute 40.7 and 41.7 percent, respectively; in 1976, 63.0 percent of the walleyes were taken in zone A, and 29.6 percent in zone B (tables 23 and 24). These zones represent the best walleye habitat. Ho~tever, the effort to obtain mature northern pike in 1976 precluded equal sampling effort, and the results may not represent the true species distribution in the reservoir. In 1975, the walleye catch was largest in April; in 1976 the catch was about equally distributed between April and May. Catch rates were consistent in 1975 and 1976 (table 25). Sauger were absent from trap-net catches until 1973, when they contributed 0.02 fish per net night (table 25). Catch rates in 1974 and 1975 were 0.09, in- creasing to 0.90 in 1976. In 1975 and 1976, sauger were taken primarily in zone A (72.7 to 79.6 percent of sauger catch, respectively). This zone is generally turbid during the spring season and probably represents preferred sauger habitat. 97 The catch per gill-net set for walleye ranged from 0.1 to 0.7 from 1966 to 1969, increasing to 1.5 in 1972 and 2.5 in 1973. The highest catch was in 1975, 2.8 fish per net. Walleye increased in size from 1966 to 1971, then stabilized from 1972 to 1976 at a level just below the 1969-70 averages (figure 33). Sauger were not taken in gill nets until 1973, when 0.6 fish per set were taken, as compared to 1.4 and 1.0 fish per set taken in 1975 and 1976, respect- ively. Sauger appear to be increasing and are showing up in angler's creels . 800 • Average Length Range 700 600 ~ E E 500 - ~ -t 0 c:: 400 ., ..J • 300 200 100 1966 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Figure 33. Average length and length range of walleyes from gill- net catches, Tongue River Reservoir, 1966-76. ~ize, Age, and Growth. The average length of trap-netted walleye has varied only about 13 percent since 1972, although the average weight has varied by 25 percent (table 31). The presence of small f1sh 1n the sample 1ndicates walleyes are successfully spawning in the reservoir. Length-frequency distributions for walleye (1974-76) are shown 1n figure 34. The size interval of 575-624 mm was dominant in 1974, contributing 31.1 percent. In 1975, young fish with a peak length of 350 mm (300-400 mm) were dominant, comprising 43.9 percent. This s1ze group sh1fted 100 mm in 1976, with a peak of 450 mm (range 400-600 mm). Small fish were absent in 1976, suggesting a weak year class entering the populat1on. Scale samples taken during the spawning season suggest that walleyes enter the run at age IV+. Reservoir storage showed a poor pattern in 1972; maximum stage was reached during March, and water levels dropped during April with a slight increase during May. Thus, 98 r TABLE 31. Average lengths and weights of walleye caught in trap nets in the Tongue River Reservoir, 1972-76. Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 .c u -D (.) -0 ., "' D -c ., u ~ ., D.. Average Average Length Range weirht No.a (nun) (nun) (g 32 495 359-569 1,335 24 541 353-645 1,643 44 511 305-799 1,507 90 470 269-813 1,217 27 538 434-727 1,629 CONVERSIONS: 1 nun = .0394 in. I g = .0022 lb. aooes not include recaptures. 50 40 30 20 10 200 300 ... I '\ I : ' :· .. .. : . . . . . . . --:-' I : ' ·. \ I : '\ 400 ·. \ I _.· . ' I . \ . . \ · .. ,, . . . .. 500 Length (mm) 600 700 1976 1975 1974 800 Figure 34. Length frequency of walleyes captured in trap nets, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-76, expressed as each size interval's percentage of the total sample. 99 it is possible that the lowering of the water level in 1g72 reduced the spawning success in 1976. The average size of sauger taken in 1976 increased from 1975 levels of 324 mm and 464 g to 404 mm and 659 g. Tagging. Since 1973, 244 walleye and 302 sauger have been tagged in the reservoir (table 32). Total angler returns of walleyes since then have been 5.3 percent (13 of 244), while sauger returns have been 2.0 percent (6 of 302). Almost 80 percent of the sauger were tagged in 1976, so the number returned should increase. Several returns have been reported with the numbered portion of the tag absent, and only the anchor remaining in the fish. If the incidence of this type of tag loss is high, the reported rate of return would be less than it should he since many tags would not be noticed and others would simply be discarded by the angler. However, the low rate of return suggests a harvest well within tolerance limits of the fisn populations. TABLE 32. Summary of walleye and sauger tagging and returns, Tongue River Reservoir, 1973-76. (Number in parentheses is the percentage of total tagging) Year Tagged No. Tagged 1973 1974 1975 1976 Total WALLEYE 1973 10 0 1974 34 3 (8.8) 3 (8.8) 1975 129 3 (2.3) 6 (4.7) 9 (7.0) 1976 71 1 (1.4) 1 (1.4) TOTAL 244 13 (5.3) SAUGER 1974 11 0 1975 59 2 (3.4) 2 (3.4) 4 (6.8) 1976 232 2 (0.9) 2 (0.9) TOT~L 302 6 (2.0) Crappie Both black (Pomoxis nigPomaculatus) and white (Pomoxis annuZaPis) crappie are found in the Tongue River Reservoir. Stocking records, dating to 1950, do not show introductions of crappies into the reservoir. Both species were pre--- sent when the fish population was chemically removed in 1957. This panfish is the most abundant sport fish in the Tongue River·Reservoir and is a popular target of anglers. Catch Rates and Distribution. White crappie were the dominant fish in trap-net catches in 1974, 1975, and 1976 (tables 23 and 24), making up 48.6, 65.5, and 78.3 percent of the total catch, .respectively. Black crappie were taken in the catch, but were less significant, contributing 18.2, 8.9, and 100 1 9.0 percent in those years. Catch rates for white crappie have increased from 1.99 fish per .trap night in 1972 to 85.15 fish per trap night in 1976 (table 25). Black crappie have also increased since 1972, but not as dramatically. In 1975, both species were taken in greatest numbers during June, with 81.3 per- cent of the whites and 60.1 percent of the blacks taken that month. In 1976, 83.7 percent of the whites and 75.0 percent of the blacks were caught during May. White crappie were the predominant species in gill-net catches in 1975 and 1976 (table 27). Blacks were represented in the gill nets at about the same levels as in trap nets (table 25). White crappie sample size almost doubled from 1975 to 1976 (265 to 465), resulting in a corresponding increase in the spring population estimate. The average size of white crappie was simi- lar in 1975 and 1976. Crappie exhibited a differential distribution pattern in the reservoir. In 1975, 59 percent of the blacks were taken in zone C, ~1hile only 7.8 percent of the whites were captured in that zone. Zone B produced the majority of the white crappie in 1975 (77.4 percent). The 1976 results are masked somewhat, since traps were not fished in zone C equally as in zones A and B. Still, white crappie were found almost exclusively in zones A and B (97.4 percent), while blacks were distributed more evenly; Zone C produced 25.2 percent of the blacks. Catch rates in zones. A, B, and C in 1976 for white crappie were 104.6, 102.6, and 11.1 fish per net night respectively, as compared to 9.6, 8.7, and 12.3 fish per net night, respectively, for black crappie. The distribution pattern probably reflects a difference in water quality between the upper (zone A) and lower (zone C) ends of the reservoir. The difference in distribution reflects the habitat preferences of each species, with blacks preferring clearer water (Brown 1971). Size, ·Age, and Growth. Length-frequency distribution for black and white crappie for 1975 and 1976 trap-net catches is shown in figure 35. Black crappie show a greater distribution of lengths, ranging from under 100 to 499 mm (3.9 to 19.6 in), while white crappie ranged from 100 to 399 mm (3.9 to 15.7 in). Black crappie produce larger fish, with specimens to 1,362 g (3 lb) common. In both years, the modal size for whites was 225 mm (8.9 in), compared with 250 mm (9.8 in) for blacks. Scales taken during the spring (April-May) 1975 trap net season from black and white crappie were analyzed for age and growth. A summary of 1 engths and masses is shown in table 33. The oldest white crappie taken were of age group X; the oldest black crappie were of age group VIII. White crappie grew faster until age V, at which time the blacks took over. By weight, blacks caught up with whites at age IV. A comparison of lengths of fish taken in June and July shows a faster ~rowth rate for blacks than whites. Comparing the age data with figure 35, age III fish contribute the greatest percentage of the spawning pop- ulation. A comparison of age data on black and white crappie with data from other northern waters (Nelson 1974, Scott and Crossman 1973) shows that the fish in the Tonque River Reservoir grow at similar rates. Population Estimates. Population strengths of black and white crappie were estimated in 1975 and 1976 (table 34). The total crappie estimate in 1g75 was 46,613 fish, ~lith whites contributing 94.6 percent of the total. The population increased in 1976, with a total estimate of 95,684 crappie 101 50 40 .c u -0 30 <.J -0 CD "' 0 -c CD u ~ 20 .. Q. 0 "' 10 0 0 100 ~ 1\ I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I I I I I -- 200 300 Length (mm) White Crappie 50 40 30 400 500 0 100 200 300 Length (mm) Black Crappie 1976 ----1975 400 500 Figure 35. Length-frequency distribution of white and black crappie taken in trap nets, Tongue River Reservoir, 1975-76, expressed as each size interval's percentage of the total sample. , TABLE 33. Average lengths and weights of black and white crappie, Tongue River Reservoir, April-May 1975. White Crappie Black Crappie Average Average Average Average Age II I I I IV v VI VII VI II IX X No. Length (nun) Wei~ht (g 3 173 50 10 219 174 30 245 222 16 262 277 13 280 349 2 286 415 1 382 318 1 423 1160 2 363 887 Conversions: 1 mm = .0394 in 1 g = .0022 lb No. Length (mm) Wei~ht (g 7 137 34 21 195 111 23 237 222 20 272 345 13 311 537 g 361 781 5 396 1090 (90.8 percent whites). Estimates of standing crop for white crappie in 1975 and 1976 were 6.2 kg/ha (5.5 lb/acre) and 12.3 kg/ha (11.0 lb/acre), respec~ tively,and 0.535 kg/ha (.478 lb/acre) and 1.9 kg/ha (1.7 lb/acre), respective- ly, for black crappie. The estimated crappie population doubled from 1975 to 1976. Bennett (1954) reported that a late summer drawdown similar to the lowering of the reservoir in 1975 may benefit piscivorous fishes. Small fishes and aquatic invertebrates are forced out of vegetation. The dislocation of these animals makes them more easily hunted by the larger fishes. Since crappie do feed heavily on other fishes, it is possible that their overwinter survival was enhanced by the fa 11 drawdown. TABLE 34. Population estimates of black and white crappie determined from trap net catches Tongue River Reservoir 1974-76 • z . Number Number Population Estimate Confidence Year Examined Recaptured Total Number Number/ha Interval sa Black crappie 1975 861 117 2,526 1.8 2,458 -2,598 1976 574 18 8,792 6.2 5,937 -16,935 White crappie 1975 5,817 348 44,087 31.1 43,389 -44,808 1976 4,096 146 86,892 61.4 CONVERSIONS: number/ha = 2.47 number/acre aconfidence interval not computed for white crappie in 1976 due to varia- tion in recapture distribution. Tagging. Large black and white crappie (91 blacks and q whites) taken during the trap-net season have been tagged to evaluate movements and fisher- man harvest. Angler returns of blacks averaged only 3.3 percent (3 of 91) over the three-year period, and none of the tagged whites were returned by fishermen. In 1975 and 1976, of 36 blacks and 3 whites of taggable size taken in trap nets, 41.7 percent( 15) of the b 1 acks and 66.7 percent ( 2) of the whites were recaptures 103 of previously tagged fish. The low angler return and high return to traps suggests that the population of large crappie is small. Bass Largemouth bass (Miaropterus sabnoidesJ were introduced into the reser- voir in 1964 and again in 1972-73, but are rarely taken by fishermen .. While smallmouth bass (Miarovterus dolomieuiJ have never been stocked in the reser- voir, they are reproducing and beginning to play an important part in the angler's harvest. Correspondence from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (Mueller 1973) indicates that smallmouth bass were stocked in a strip-mine pond near Sheridan and that high spring flows from the Tongue River washed into the ponds, introducing smallmouth into the river and subsequently into the reservoir. Catch Rates and Distribution. Catches of smallmouth bass have been small in trap nets, ranging from 0.01 fish per net night in 1972 and 1973 to 0.06 fish per net night in 1975 (table 25). In 1976, however, the catch increased to 0.23 smallmouth per net night. Zone B produced B3.3 percent of the catch in 1975 and 50.0 percent in 1976. The largest number of smallmouth were taken in May both years. Largemouth bass have been nearly absent from trap-net sam- ples. Gill nets produced smallmouth beginning in 1972, and catch rates increased from 0.1 fish per net in 1972 to 1.9 fish per net in 1976 (table 26). Large- mouth have been absent from gill nets also. The average length and weight of smallmouth taken in gill nets decreased from 251 mm to 304 g in 1975 to 217 mm and 168 g in 1976, indicating the recruitment of young fish into the population. A baseline index of reproductive success was established with 100-ft shore seine and a 50-ft bag seine. Seine hauls covering approximately 15-30 m of shore were made to obtain bass fry and juveniles. When all size groups were combined. date from 1975-50-ft seine, the 1974-100-ft seine, and the 1975-100-ft seine were relatively consistent. (table 35). Zone A had the fewest smallmouth and largemouth fingerlings per 100m of shoreline; zone Chad the most (Gregory and Penkal 1975). There were more largemouth than smallmouth fingerlings per 100m in zones C and A and fewer in B. For all areas combined, largemouth bass,~ made up 78.0 percent of the fingerling catch and smallmouth the other 22.0 per- cent. Size, Age, and Growth. Penkal (1977) found that scale annuli of small- mouth bass in the Tongue River Reservoir were formed beginning in July and were complete by early August. The scale-length relationship was calculated and used as a correction factor for back calculation of smallmouth bass growth (table 36). Growth of smallmouth bass in the Tongue River Reservoir is above average for a northern lake. Calhoun (1966) reported a range for northern lakes of 246 mm (Michigan) to 310 mm (Minnesota) for fish at their fourth annuli. The average length of the 1972 age 0 class in the Tongue River Reservoir was 308.3 mm. This good growth could be attributed to the smallmouth's recent exploitation of the new habitat or to favorable environmental conditions. The growth of 1 argemouth bass in the reservoir ~1as a 1 so i nves ti gated by Penkal (1977). A summary of the back-calculated growth of largemouth is sho~m 104 TABLE 35. Number of bass per 100m of.shoreline, Tongue River Reservoir, 1974-75. 100-ft Seine 1974 Fry LMBb Fry SMBb Juvenile LMB Juvenile SMB All LNB 56.3 All SMB 14.0 All LMB & SMB 70.3 aGregory and Penkal 1975 bLMB = largemouth bass SNB = smallmouth bass 50-ft Seine 1975° 1975a 36.3 39.8 14.2 18.1 1.8 0.1 11.8 11.4 38.3 39.9 26.9 30.1 65.2 70.0 TABLE 36. Back-calculated lengths (mm\ of smallmouth bass, Tongue River Reser- voir 1976 • Year Class No. I I I Zone A 1971 6 97 226 1972 1 80 242 1973 7 81 170 1974 5 85 211 1975 106 76 Zone B 1970 1 84 245 1971 3 86 169 1972 3 79 177 1973 11 89 151 1974 23 86 190 1975 157 80 Zone C 1970 1 90 252 1971 2 85 194 1972 1 117 245 1973 13 88 178 1974 37 86 191 1975 55 79 SOURCE: Penkal 1977 CONVERSION: 1 mm = .0394 in I I I 286 326 258 332 281 230 235 351 291 332 248 . Aae Class IV v VI 359 3B9 371 358 390 419 351 386 293 411 433 465 352 388 394 in Table 37. Largemouth bass growth also appears to be better in the Tongue River Reservoir when compared to other studies from northern lakes. A range of 292 mm (Kuehn 1949) to 318 mm (Bennett 1937) was reported for largemouth bass at their fourth annuli in Minnesota and Wisconsin, respectively. In the Tongue River Reservoir, the average calculated length of the 1972 year class was 329 mm. It may be concluded that the habitat conditions in the Tongue River Reservoir are favorable for bass growth. 105 TABLE 37. Back-calculated lengths (mm) of largemouth bass, Tongue River Res- ervoir 1g75 ' . Age Class Year Class No. I II III IV v VI VII 1969 2 100 244 319 3B2 416 445 45g 1g7o 2 87 24g 342 385 412 442 1971 11 92 204 286 355 388 1972 5 87 203 270 329 1973 31 87 166 245 1974 65 86 1g2 1975 318 7g WEIGHTED GRAND MEArla 81 189 264 354 395 444 459 CONVERSIONS: 1 mm = .0394 in aweighted on basis of percentage of year class in population. Tagging. One thousand smallmouth bass and 166 largemouth bass \~ere tagged in the reservoir from 1g73 through 1976 (tables 38 and 39). As ~lith the other species in the reservoir, tag return rates by anglers have been low. Smallmouth bass averaged 1.7 percent return, while largemouth averaged 1.8 percent. The low rate of return suggests a good population of bass not being exploited by anglers. TABLE 38. Summary of smallmouth bass tagging and angler returns by year, Tongue River Reservoir 1973-76 ' Tagging Returns Year Returned Total Year Tagged No. Tagged 1975 1976 1973 2 0 1974 3 0 1975 105 4 (3.8) 5 ~4.8l 9 (8.6) 1976 890 8 0.9 8 (0. 9) TOTAL 1000 17 (1.7) NOTE: Numbers in parentheses are the percentage of fish tagged in the year indicated. TABLE 39. Summary of largemouth bass tagging and angler returns by year, Tongue River Reservoir 1974 76 ! -. Tagging Returns Year Returned Total Year Tagged No. Tagged 1975 1976 1974 2 0 1975 15 1 1 (6. 7) 1976 149 2 (1.3) 2 ( 1. 3) TOTAL 166 3 ( 1.8) NOTE: Numbers in parentheses are the percentage of fish tagged in the year indicated. 106 , CREEL CENSUS Using the methods explained on page 84 , 365 partie~ of anglers were in- terviewed in 1975 and 423 in 1976 (table 40). Shore fishermen were more num- erous than boat fishermen in 1975, contributing 53.2 percent of the total; boat fishermen were dominant in 1976, adding 65.0 percent. Anglers expended more time in 1976 than in 1975, and caught almost three times more fish. Ang- lers nonresident to Montana traveling less than 50 miles made up the majority of the fishermen (50.4 percent), followed by r1ontana residents traveling more than 50 miles (38.7 percent). TABLE 40. Miscellaneous statistics of Tongue River Reservoir creel census, 1975-76. Parties interviewed Length of trip (hrs) Total hours fisheda Total fish caughta 1975 365 4.42 12,522- 4,088 1976 423 6.05 20,053 11 '538 aThese are estimated figures for the entire season, all anglers. An estimated 2,802 anglers expended 12,522 hours of fishing pressure on the reservoir in 1975. In 1976, the pressure increased to 3,315 anglers and 20,053 hours. The estimated annual fishing pressure for the summer was 8.84 hours/ha (3.58 hours/acre) and 14.16 hours/ha (5.73 hours/acre) in 1975 and 1976, respectively. Monthly, the pressure varied in 1975 from a low of 0.28 hours/ha (.11 hours/acre) in October to a high of 1.59 hours/ha (.64 hours/ acre) in May and in 1976 from 0.45 hours/ha (.18 hour~/dcre) in October to 4.43 hours/ha (1.79 hours/acre) in June (figure 36). Fish.ing pressure fell off during the late summer both years, increasing again with cooler temperatures in the fall. Pressure on the Tongue River Reservoir is less than reported on other cool water lakes in northern latitudes. Kempinger et al· (1975) summarized fishing pressure on other northern latitude lakes and showed a range of 42 hours(ha (17 hours/acre) to 462 hours/ha (187 hours/acre). The low pressure estimates on the Tongue River Reservoir suggest that it is a lightly used fishing re- source. However, as coal development expands in the Decker area and new rec- reation areas are developed, fishing pressure will increase. Continued efforts must be expended to ensure that fish populations will be able to withstand the added pressure. Estimated angling effort and harvest rates for the sport fishery are summarized in table 41. Crappie dominated the catch both years, contributing 66.3 and 75.3 precent in 1975 and 1976, respectively. All sport fish showed an increased tot~l catch from 1975 to 1976. The catch rate for crappie in- creased from 0.172 fish per hour in 1975 to 0.382 fish per hour in 1976. The increase of crappie in the angler's creel is consistent with other sampling conducted in 1976. Catch per hour for northern pike decreased from 1975 to 1976. 107 7000 6000 5000 "' ~ ::> .. .. "' ~ a. 4000 "' " "" .. .._ D -1976 0 .. 3000 ~ ~ 1975 ::> 0 ::t: " -0 I- 2000 1000 MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT Figure 36. Monthly distribution of fishing pressure, Tongue River Reservoir, 1975-76. 108 TABLE 41. Estimated total angling effort and harvest of sport fish, Tongue River Reservoir, 1975 and 1976. Total man-trips Total man-hours Total catch (number of fish) Northern pike Bass a Crappieb Walleye Total catch {kg) Northern pike Bass a Crappieb Walleye 1975 2,802 12,522 128 604 2,149 361 3,242 202.7 151.0 516.2 337.1 1976 3,315 20,053 132 1 ,241 7,655 1, 137 10,165 205.9 310.4 1,838.2 1,061.9 Total weight (kg) 1,207.0 (0.84 kg/ha) 3,416.4 (2.41 kg/ha) Catch success (fish per man-hour) Northern pike Bass a Crappieb Wall eye TOTAL CATCH SUCCESS 0.010 0.048 0.172 0.029 0.259 arncludes both smallmouth and largemouth brncludes both black and white 0.007 0.062 0.382 0.057 0.508 Fishing success for sport fish in the reservoir averaged 0.259 fish per hour in 1975 and 0.508 fish per hour in 1976. These catch rates are low in comparison. to other cool-water fisheries. Reported catch rates ranged from 0.48 fish per hour (similar to the highest recorded on the Tongue) to 1.25 fish per hour (Kempinger et al .1975). The annual yield on the Tongue River Reservoir varied from 1207.0 kg (0.84 kg/ha) in 1975 to 3416.4 kg (2.41 kg/ha) in 1976. These figures are also lower than reported for other cool-water lakes. The seasonal contribution of each sport species to the 1976 total catch is shown in figure 37. Crappie dominated the catch in May and June, falling off throughout the remainder of the summer. Walleye began showing up in June and peaked in July, while bass increased in July to peak in August and Septem- ber. Northern pike contribute little to the catch. It is apparent that stock- ing rates are not adequate to produce a good northern pike fishery in the reservoir. 109 100 80 Others (perch, bullhead, ~ carp, suckers, ather u nongame species) -" u Northern Pike o 60 -~ -Walleye " ., g 40 Crappie -c: ., u ~ ., Q. Bass 20 0 May June July Aug Sept Figure 37. Monthly distribution of species as determined by creel census, Tongue River Reservoir, 1976. ll 0 ' ' I PROJECTIONS OF FUTURE USE In order to adequately and uniformly assess the potential effects of water 1~ithdrawa 1 s on the many aspects of the present study, it was necessary to make projections of specific levels of future withdrawals. The method- ology by which this was done is explained in Report No. 1 in this series, in which also the three projected levels of development, low, intermediate, and high, are explained in-more detail. Summarized in appendix A, these three future levels of development were formulated for energy, irrigation, and mun- icipal water use. Annual water depletions associated with the future levels of development were included in the projections. These projected depletions, and the types of development projected, provide a basis for determining the level of impact that would occur if these levels of development were carried through. IMPACTS ON THE RESERVOIR FISHERY Through the State Water Planning Nodel (see Report No. 1 of this series), the depleted streamflows for the Tongue River Basin which would result from implementation of three alternative levels of energy or irrigation use were calculated. For the low projected level of development for either type of use, the storage capacity of the existing Tongue River Reservoir was increased from 69,000 af to 125,000 af. The intermediate and high levels of development required the High Tongue River Dam, which would have an active capacity of 320,000 af and would provide a firm annual yield of 134,000 af. The impacts of development on the reservoir fishery were evaluated. Sport fishes in the reservoir, which spavm during April and ~lay, depend on stable or rising water levels during this period. A decreasing water level would result in a loss of available spawning habitat and would desiccate in- cubatina fish eaas. Stor~g~ patterns projected were judged detrimental if they required reservoir level decreases in April and May. For the low level of energy development, only one year out of 29 resulted in poor reproductive potential. The intermediate level showed six years ~lith poor spawning potential. With the high projection, storage patterns resulted in poor reproductive potential in 10 years out of 29, an average of one year out of three with the possibility of reduced spawning. Even 1~ith poor repro- duction every third year, a good fishery should result from the remaining years' reproduction. Storage patterns associated with the three levels of irrigation develop- ment showed no serious problems. Impacts on the fishery of the Tongue River Reservoir would be minimal. 111 The Tongue River Reservoir is a unique fishery in an area with a low human population. Fish population estimates, with the exception of those for northern pike, suggest a healthy, reproducing fishery. Spawning habitat for northerns is lacking, and present water-level management does not favor the reproduction of this species. Stockingwithnorthern pike fingerlings has been effective. Crappie, bass, walleye, and sauger are reproducing. The low annual pressure estimates and catch rates indicate that this fishery's potential is not being utilized to its fullest. Trap-net catch rates range from 45.7 fish per net night in 1975 to 108.7 in 1976. Crappie showed .the greatest increase in number from one year to the next. Game fish made up 3.3 percent of the 1975 sample and 3.5 percent of the 1976 sample. Population estimates computed for northern pike, black crappie, and white crappie were comparable to those in other northern lakes. A partial creel census conducted in 1975 and 1976 sh01'1ed a catch rate of 0.259 fish per man hour in 1975 and0.508 fish per man hour in 1976. Harvest rates and yield were lower than those reported for other states. Impacts of water withdra~1als on the reservoir and its fishery are dis- cussed. An evaluation of the dra1·1down which occurred in 1975 indicates that it was not extremely harmful to the fishery. In fact, the crappie population may have increased. Examination of projected reservoir levels associated with three levels of proposed energy and agricultural development shows minimal im- pacts on the reservoir's fishery. However, provision of ins tream flows for fish and wildlife downstream from the dam 1~ere not considered as part of these projections. With an increase in release for instream needs, storage patterns could be altered. Still, as shmm by the short-term drawdown in 1975, if the magnitude and duration of water-level reduction are not extreme, the impacts should not be severe. An extreme drawdown for long periods of time would be devastating. As industrial development proceeds in this region, ~later-based recreation provided by the Tongue River Reservoir will become increasingly important. 113 PJ Ill by Dennis Schwehr 115 The ·characteristics of insect and fish populations in streams are deter- mined to a large degree by discharge and by the environmental conditions created by discharge. The composition of the insect community, the food base of most fish populations, is related to water velocity, a function of discharge. To assess the impact of dewatering on fish foods and habitat, it is necessary to determine the importance of the benthic insects to the fishes. In addition, the maintenance of the piscivorous sport and nonsport fish populations in the lower Yellowstone (walleye, sauger, northern pike, burbot, and channel catfish all commonly utilize other fish for all or part of their diet) depends, in part, on an adequate forage fish base. PURPOSE Fish populations, relative abundances, and food chains vary widely among aquatic ecosystems. Each fish species is adapted to an omnivorous, herbivorous, or carnivorous diet, but the proportions of specific foods eaten differ in each habitat. Prey organisms that are important in one habitat may not exist in other areas which contain the same predator species. Seasonal changes occur in food habits of fish as relative abundances and composition of insect species are altered during the life cycles of insects. Food habits of resident popula- tions must be determined for individual water bodies in order to assess the potential for impact. Impacts on fish populations are dependent on the amount of stress placed on the food supply in a particular habitat. It is important to establish which food species are most critical in fish diets and how environmental change will affect the food supply. The objectives of this investigation were: (1) to determine the foods of selected fish species during the period of study, (2) to establish those species' selection for preferred food items relative to their availability, and (3) to describe the possible changes in the fish community based on alterations in the food supply caused by potential flow reductions. SCOPE The efforts of this phase of research are concentrated on the food habits of some of the major fish species of the lower Yellowstone River, primarily shovelnose sturgeon (Seaphirhynehus platorynehus), goldeye (Hiodon alosoides), channel catfish (Ietalurus punctatus), burbot (Lota lota), and sauger (Stizostedion aanadense). Small numbers of northern pike (Esox luaius), carp (Cyprinus aarpio), white sucker (Catostomus aommeraoni), smallmouth bass (Miaropterus dolomieui), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis), walleye (Stizoatedion vitreum), freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), and flathead chub (Hybopaia gracilis) were collected for food analysis. 117 Broadly defined, a forage fish is any utilized by another fish as a food source. Most fish species during their first year of life are small enough to be utilized as food and should be considered as part of the forage base. The availability of age 0 game and nongame species depends on their habits. Species whose young are pelagic and typically exhibit schooling patterns would be more susceptible to predation than those species whose young do not normally school and commonly seek shelter among the rocks, brush piles, or instream debris. Since the habitat requirements of most age 0 stream fishes are poorly understood, it is not possible to determine the availability of age 0 game and nongame fishes as forage at this time. For this study, forage fish are defined as those species which, as adults, seldom exceed six· inches in length. This would include all of the cyprinids and certain others such as the stonecat and mountainsucker. These species usually remain a food source for their entire lives. STUDY AREA From the mouth of the Bighorn River, the lower Yellowstone flows a distance of 476 km (295 mi) to its confluence with the Missouri River. The river gradient averages less than .50 m/km (2.6 ft/mi). Average flow at Miles City in August 1975 was 460 m3/sec and 260 m3/sec in September. At Sidney, 2jB km (154 mi) below Miles City, average discharges were 460m3/sec and 275 m /sec during the same months. The Yellowstone River, including the sections from the Bighorn River to Forsyth and from Glendive to the mouth, is essentially a braided river with numerous side channels. Only the 228 km of river from Forsyth to Glendive can be described as meandering. Many side channels contain water only during the spring runoff. As the water level drops in midsummer, still backwater areas remain at the lower end of the side channels. The morphology of the river is maintained by annual high flows. The physical character of the river provides a variety of habitats including shallow and deep riffles, pools, and still backwaters. This natural diversity creates the conditions which allow the presence of a diverse aquatic community. Forty-five of 49 fish species in the Yellowstone River are present in the lower river, which supports a warm-water fishery (Peterman and Haddix 1975). Twelve species are classified as game fish by the Montana Fish and Game Department. More than 70 species of benthic macroinvertebrates are reported for the lower river (see Report No. 5 in this series). 118 I, FOOD HABITS ANALYSES Food habits of fish common to the lower Yellowstone have been investigated in other waters by a number of workers. Unfortunately, many of the studies were conducted for lake (lentic) populations, where species composition differs from that .of lotic waters. Also, few investigations addressed food avail- ability, making it impossible to determine selection for specific prey organisms. For these reasons, and because each aquatic ecosystem is unique, many of the conclusions of other researchers cannot be applied to this study. Most fish collected for this study were captured near Miles City or below the Intake diversion dam. Some channel catfish were taken above the mouth of the Tongue River. A few sauger and burbot were caught at Forsyth. Most fish were taken from July through October during 1975 and 1976, using several methods. The majority were captured by electrofishing at Miles City and Intake, although fish were taken in seine hauls at the same locations. Catfish from the Tongue River were trapped. Some burbot were caught by fishermen near Forsyth in January. Sampling was limited primarily to backwaters and to slower currents along the shore. Digestive tracts were removed from the fish, preserved in 10 percent formaldehyde, and taken to the laboratory for analysis. Food items from the esophagus and intestines were not analyzed. Stomach contents were identified to the species level when possible, using descriptions and keys by Cross (1967) and Brown (1971). Invertebrates found in fish stomachs are listed taxono- mically in appendix D. Many of the fish in the stomachs were digested beyond recognition. Food items were counted and measured volumetrically by water displacement in graduated cylinders (appendix E). Methods of analysis are discussed by Lagler (1964). Calculations were made to determine: (1) the percentage of stomachs in which each food type was present (frequency of occurrence),. (2) the average number of organisms of each type in the stomachs which contained that food type, (3) the percentage of total number of food organisms, and (4) the percentage of the total food volume. Ivlev's (1961) electivity index was used to determine selection for specific food types. The index is a forage ratio of the relative portion of a food type in the diet to the portion that exists in the environment. It takes the form: E = ri -Pi ri + pi where ri = the relative portion of food type i in the ratio, expressed as the percentage of the total number of food items, and 119 .- pi = the relative portion of food type i in the environment, expressed as the percentage of the total number of food items available. Values range from -1.0 to 1.0. Negative values indicate that the fish is selecting against a food type, which means that the percentage of a specific food organism in the ratio is lower than the percentage of the food type in the environment. Active selection for a particular food suggests a preference for the food and yields a positive value. A value near 0 indicates that a fish consumes a food type in the same proportion in which it is available. The use of the index requires knowledge of the population numbers of prey organisms that occur in the predators' habitat. Relative abundance data for forage fish species were not adequate for purposes of this study; therefore, food selection by sauger and burbot, which feed primarily on forage fish, could not be determined. Ivlev's index was used to determine selection for benthic macroinvertebrates by shovelnose sturgeon, goldeye, and channel catfish. The data from quantitative bottom samples of benthic organisms taken by Robert Newell at Miles City and Intake in August and September 1975 (see Report No. 5 in this study) were used in this study. Newell's data did not include weight or volumetric measurements of benthos, so electivity was determined on the basis of organism numbers alone. Sample sizes of captured fish were too small to divide the individuals into groups by date or location of sampling. The one exception was shovel- nose sturgeon, which were separated into two groups by date of capture prior to stomach analysis. A few individuals of northern pike, carp, white sucker, smallmouth bass, white crappie, walleye, freshwater drum, and flathead chub were also taken. For these species, only qualitative results are listed. FORAGE FISH SURVEY Forage fish samples were collected.during 1974 in the vicinities of Myers, Forsyth, Miles City, Sunday Creek, Glendive, Intake, and Sidney. The main channel and backwater areas were sampled with a 50 foot x 6 foot x 1/4 inch bag seine and by electrofishing. In 1975 additional samples were collected at eight locations on the lower river: Hysham, Forsyth, Miles City, the mouth of Sunday Creek, the mouth of the Powder River, Terry, Intake, and Sidney. These samples were also obtained from main channel and backwater areas. In addition to the 50 foot x 6 foot x 1/4 inch bag seine and electro- fishing, a 100 foot x 8 foot x 1/4 inch loose-hung seine was utilized. 120 STOMACH CONTENTS The lengths, weights, and numbers of fish collected for quantitative stomach analysis are presented in table 42. Most of the fish were at least two years old. Fingerlings and fry of sturgeon, burbot, sauger, and goldeye were not captured. The results of stomach contents analyses are given in tables 43-50 and in appendix F. TABLE 42. Numbers, lengths, and weights of fish collected for stomach analysis. Number of Number of Stomachs Fish Containing Total Length {mm) Fork Lenqth { mm) Weiqht {q) Collected Food Range Average IKange Average l<ange Average Shovel nose sturgeon 41 41 330-889 533 305-826 493 100-3334 726 Gold eye 18 17 292-335 312 159-354 259 Channel catfish 47 20 236-742 495 109-4763 1279 Burbot 22 13 318-645 421 136-1515 367 Sauger 114 43 201-546 295 41-1052 236 All sturgeon stomachs contained food items. Digestion in the sturgeon was apparently slow, because food organisms were usually intact and relatively easy to identify. At the other extreme, digestion in the sauger stomachs was rapid; only 43 of 114 stomachs contained food, much of which was difficult or impossible to identify. SAUGER Small forage fish were, in general, the dominant staple of the larger sauger (table 43). Channel catfish fry were the most abundant of the forage fish in the diet. Although the channel catfish is a game species, for the purpose of this study, any fish of sufficiently small size to be ingeested by predators is considered a forage fish. Catfish volume was exceeded by that of flathead chub, longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractaeJ, and stonecats (Noturus f~vusJ. Most of the unidentified fish and fish remains, 38.4 per- cent of the volume, probably consisted of species listed in table 43. Except 121 TABLE 43. Stomach contents of 43 sauger collected from the lower Yellowstone River during 1975 and 1976. Average Number of Organisms Frequency in Stomachs Percentage Percentage of Containing of Total of Total Food Type Occurrence Them Number Volume FISH Shovelnose sturgeon 2.3 1.0 0.6 1.7 Flathead chub 9.3 1. 5 3.3 20.3 Sturgeon chub 4.7 2.0 2.2 3.4 Longnose dace 9.3 1.5 3.3 10.3 Minnow (HybognathusJ 7.0 1.0 1.7 3.1 Channel catfish 18.6 1.4 6.1 7.9 Stonecat 2.3 1.0 0.6 13.0 Unidentified fish and remains 58.1 38.4 . TOTAL 98.1 INVERTEBRATES TravereZ~ aZbertana 11.6 28.2 77.9 1.5 Heptagenia eZegantu~ 2.3 1.0 0.6 0.0 Ephoron aZbwn 2. 3 1.0 0.6 0.0 Hydropsychidae 9.3 1.5 3.3 0.1 Unidentified insect parts 9.3 0.1 r--------------------------------------TOTAL 1.7 MISCELLANEOUS Woody debris 7.0 0.2 122 for catfish and stonecats, which were readily identified, the percentages given for the forage species are probably low due to the large volume of unidentified fish parts. Aquatic macroinvertebrates were found mainly in the smaller sauger. Insects, of which TravereZZa aZbertana, the only TravereZZa species in the lower Yellowstone, was the most abundant, accounted for 1.7 percent of the food, a low percentage because few small fish were taken. Lengths of sauger ranged from 201 to 546 mm (7.gl to 21.50 in). Sauger containing only insects in their stomachs averaged 246 mm (9.69 in); those which ate only fish averaged 300 mm (11.81 in). No sauger over 282 mm (11.10 in) in length contained insects. The evidence suggests that macroinvertebrates are an important food only for young sauger. It is expected that insects form the major portion of the diet in fry and fingerlings. Priegel (1970) found that most of the insects consumed by sauger and walleye in Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin, were taken by fish under 275 mm (10.83 in) in length. In another lake study, Nelson (1968) observed that sauger fry feed on zooplankton and some insects until they attain lengths of 70 to 100 mm (2.76 to 4.33 in). Beyond .this length, fish become more important in the diet. Cross (1967} and Brown (1971) state that the food of young sauger is almost entirely aquatic insects. BURBOT Table 44 shows that 94.0 percent.of the volume in burbot stomachs consisted of fish. The major prey species were flathead chub, stonecats, and minnows of the genus Hybognathus. The brassy minnow (H. hankinsoni), plains minnow (H. pZacitus) and silvery minnow (H. nuchaZis) are the only species of Hybognathus present in the lower Yellowstone River (Brown 1971). Benthic insects formed 3.0 percent of the food volume of burbot. As with the sauger, insects occur more frequently in the diet of small fish. The smallest burbot captured for this study was 318 mm (12.52 in). Studies by a number of researchers agree that insects and other invertebrates are the ·dominant foods of first-year burbot (Bailey 1972, Bjorn 1940, Hewson 1955, Lawler 1963, Miller 1970, and Volodin and Ivanova 1969}. CHANNEL CATFISH Aquatic and terrestrial insects were the most abundant food types of the channel catfish (table 45}. Mayflies, especially TravereZZa, and grasshoppers composed a large part of the insect bulk. It was noted that many of the TravereZZa were emergent adults. Several stomachs contained a large number of small Hymenoptera. Only two fish were found in the stomachs of catfish, one of them a large shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macroZepidotum) which dis- placed 396.0 ml of water. The volume percentages of food types were dis- torted by the presence of the shorthead redhorse; table 45 shows that insects accounted for 25.6 percent of the volume, but, if the sucker were not included, the insect volume would increase to 60.8 percent. 123 TABLE 44. Stomach contents of 13 burbot collected from the Yellowstone River below Miles City in January 1976. Average Number of Organisms Frequency in Stomachs Percentage Percentage of Containing of Total of Total Food Type Occurrence Them Number Volume FISH Carp 7.7 2.0 3.4 6.5 Flathead chub 23.1 3.7 19.0 27.3 Sturgeon chub 7.7 1.0 1.7 0.9 Minnow (Hybognathus) 38.5 1.6 13.8 15. 1 Flathead minnow 7.7 1.0 1.7 5.4 Sucker (Catostomidae) 7.7 1.0 1.7 3. 1 Stonecat 23.1 2.7 13.8 11.4 Unidentified fish and remains 61.5 24.2 TOTAL 94.0 INVERTEBRATES Isogenus sp. 7.7 13.0 22.4 2.2 Hydropsychidae 15.4 4.5 15.5 0.2 Rhithrogena unduZata 15.4 2.0 6.9 0.1 Unidentified insect parts 15.4 0.5 TOTAL 3.0 MISCELLANEOUS Algae 7.7 0.7 Gravel 23. 1 2.3 TOTAL 3.0 Orthoptera, Hymenoptera, and TravereZZa nymphs and imagoes were present in large numbers during the period of collection but are rare during the remainder of the year. These insects were probably taken from the water surface by catfish, suggesting that this fish is an opportunist. The catfish is likely to alter its food habits considerably during other seasons as food composition changes. Brown (1971) states that the channel catfish is omnivorous and eats whatever is available. 124 , I TABLE 45. Stomach contents of 20 channel catfish collected from the Yellowstone River near Miles City and Intake and from the mouth of the Tongue River from July through September, 1975 and 1976. Average Number of Organisms Frequency in Stomachs Percentage Percentage of Containing of Total of Total Food Type Occurrence Them Number Volume INVERTEBRATES Ephemeroptera Baetis spp. 10.0 3.5 o. 1 0.0 Hepta{Jenia eZegantula 5.0 7.0 0.1 0.0 Rhithrogena unduZata 5.0 7.0 0. 1 0.0 TravereZZa aZbertana so:o Sill . 8 88.5 16.4 Ephoron aZbwn 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Trichoptera Hydropsychi dae 60.0 9.3 1.7 0.3 Plecoptera Isoperla spp. 5.0 4.0 o. 1 0.0 Diptera Chironomidae 20.0 18.5 1 . 1 0.1 SimuZiwn sp. 10.0 24.5 0.7 0.1 Hemiptera Corixidae 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Coleoptera a 10.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Hymenopteraa 20.0 88.8 5.4 0.2 Orthopteraa 40.0. 16.3 2.0 3.8 Oligochaeta 10.0 3.5 0.1 0.0 Unidentified insect parts 65.0 4.7 TOTAL 25.6 FISH Shorthead redhorse 5.0 1.0 0.0 65.5 Stonecat 5. 0 1.0 0.0 1.7 Unidentified fish remains 20.0 1.0 TOTAL 68.2 MISCELLANEOUS Bird 5. 0 1.0 o.g 3.6 Algae 10.0 2.0 Vascular plant materials 10.0 0.4 Rocks 10.0 0.2 TOTAL 6.2 a Terrestrial 125 It has been shown in other studies that insects are significant in the catfish diet. Stomachs of channel catfish from the Mississippi River in Iowa contained a dominance of insects, of which 68.0 percent were Hexagenia nymphs, a still-water bottom burrower, and imagoes of the same species {Hoopes 1960). Hoopes ~ollected catfish from April to October, during the peak of insect emergences. In another study, also conducted from April through October, Bailey and Harrison {1948) found that insects were an. important part of the diet of the southern channel catfish (Ictalurus ~tris punctatusJ; 98 percent of the stomach volume of catfish up to 100 mm {3.94 in) consisted of insects. For fish exceeding 300 mm {11.81 in), the insect volume was 28.0 percent, and the fish volume was 35.0 percent. GOLDEYE Goldeye fed almost exclusively on insects {table 46). TravereZLa albertana, the dominant aquatic species, accounted for 70.5 percent of the volume of identified insects. This was similar to Hoopes' (1960) results in which 56.0 percent of the goldeye diet consisted of Hexagenia nymphs, another Ephemeroptera genus. Grasshoppers were also present in many goldeye stomachs from the Yellowstone River. More than 52.0 percent of the total volume consisted of unidentified insect parts, which implies that digestion occurs rapidly in the goldeye. SHOVELNOSE STURGEON As with the goldeye, insects comprised more than 95.0 percent of the stomach contents of shovelnose sturgeon. Sturgeon collected in May and June had fed heavily on hydropsychid caddisflies {table 47). In most stomachs~ the heads of caddis larvae were separated from the bodies, and generic identification was not possible. The larval bodies were complete in two stomachs which contained a total of 491 Hydropsyche, 7 Cheumatopsyche, and 53 damaged caddis larvae. Hydropsychid caddisflies were present in 90.5 percent of the stomachs of sturgeon captured from July through September (table 48), but amounted to only 1.9 percent of the volume. During this period, TravereZLa, the primary food organisms, comprised 46.2 percent of the diet. Fine gravel particles were present in several sturgeon stomachs. Most of this material was from the pupal cases of Trichoptera. In a one-year study of food habits of the shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River, Moode (1973) found that chironomid larvae formed the bulk of the sturgeon diet from April through September. During the remainder of the year, Hydropsyche was the dominant food organism. Sturgeon stomachs collected by Held (1966) in June contained a chironomid volume of almost 54.0 percent. Hydropsychid larvae accounted for 75.0 percent of the sturgeon diet in the Mississippi River (Hoopes 1960). 126 , I I TABLE 46. Stomach contents of 17 goldeye collected from the Yellowstone River at Miles City in August, 1975 and 1976. Average Number of Organisms Frequency in Stomachs Percentage Percentage of Containing of Total of Total Food Type Occurrence Them Number Volume INVERTEBRATES Ephemeroptera Baetis spp. 23.5 7.5 3.8 0.8 Heptagenia eZegantuZa 5.9 1.0 o. 1 0.0 Hhithrogena unduZata 17.6 1.3 0.5 0.1 TravereZZa aZbertana 35.3 99.7 74.9 32.0 EphemereZZa inermis 5.9 11.0 0.1 0.0 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae 35.3 4.5 3.4 1.0 Plecoptera Isogenus spp. 5.9 1.0 0.1 0.0 IsoperZa spp. 5.9 2,0 0.3 0.1 Diptera Chironomidae 29.4 7.2 4.5 0.6 Tipulidae 5.9 1.0 0.1 0.3 Hemiptera Corixidae 17.6 2.7 1.0 0.7 Coleoptera Dytiscidae 5.9 1.0 0.1 0.0 Odonata Coenagrionidae 5.9 1.0 0.1 0.6 Orthopteraa 58.8 1.3 1.6 8.2 Hymenoptera a 5.9 74.0 9.3 0.9 Unidentified insect parts 100.0 52.4 TOTAL 97.7 MISCELLANEOUS Vascular plant materials 23.5 2.3 a Terrestrial 127 TABLE 47. Stomach contents of 20 shovelnose sturgeon collected from the Yellowstone River near Miles City and Intake during May and June, 1975 and 1976. Food Type Ephemeroptera Baetis spp. Heptagenia eZegantula Rhithrogena unduZata EphemereZZa inermis Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Plecoptera Isogenus spp. Isoperla spp. Diptera Chironomidae Simulium sp. He:r:atoma sp. Atherix variegata Oligochaeta Col eopteraa Unidentified insect parts TOTAL Vascular plant material Rocks TOTAL a Terrestrial Frequency of Occurrence 70.0 45.0 25.0 30.0 100.0 70.0 75.0 95.0 15.0 60.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 100.0 25.0 30.0 Average Number of Organisms in Stomachs Percentage Containing of Total Them Number INVERTEBRATES 13.4 5.6 18.1 4.9 1.8 0.3 12.5 2.2 76.1 45.7 5.1 2.2 41.9 18.8 32.7 18.6 1.0 0.1 4.0 1.4 1.0 0.0 1.5 0.1 1.0 0.0 MISCELLANEOUS 128 Percentage of Total Volume 1.8 2.6 0.1 1.4 34.7 8.3 4.B 2.6 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 38. 1 95.4 2.2 2.4 4.6 ' TABLE 48. Stomach contents of 21 shovelnose sturgeon collected from the Yellowstone River below Intake from July to September, 1975 and 1976. Food Type Ephemeroptera Frequency of Occurrence Baetis spp. 100.0 Heptagenia elegantula 28.6 Rhithrogena unduZata 19.0 TravereZZa albertana 95.2 EphemereZZa inermis 4.8 Tricorythodes minutus 9. 5 Ephoron album 4.8 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae 90.5 LeptoceZZa sp. 4.8 Plecoptera Isogenus spp. 19.0 IsoperZa spp. 14.3 Diptera Chi ronomidae 90.5 Simulium sp. 66.7 Odonata Gomphidae 4.8 .Hemiptera Corixidae 4.8 Orthopteraa 9.5 Hymenopteraa 9.5 Average Number of Organisms in Stomachs Containing Them Percentage of Total Number INVERTEBRATES 32.1 12.5 1.8 0.2 8.8 0.6 106.5 39.4 1.0 0.0 7.5 0.3 1.0 0.0 5.5 1.9 21.0 0.4 1.8 o. 1 2.3 0.1 107.2 37.7 25.2 6.5 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.5 0.1 Percentage of Total Volume 4.7 0.2 0.4 46.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.9 1.1 0.1 0.1 4.5 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 Unidentified insect parts ._l.:..;O;.:O;.;. . .;:.o _______________ ~7 __ TOTAL r 35.5 97.5 Vascular plant materials Algae Rocks TOTAL a Terrestrial g,5 9.5 19.0 MISCELLANEOUS 0.9 0.5 1.1 2.5 129 TABLE 49. Food types of miscellaneous fish species. Food Type Fish F1 a thead chub Sturgeon chub Channel catfish Unidentified fish remains Invertebrates Baetis T:rovere Z Za Heptagenia Rhithrogena Ephoron Hydropsychidae Chironomidae SimuUwn Unidentified insect parts Organic detritus Northern White Pike (2) Carp (1) Sucker (1) X X X X X X X X X Small mouth Bass (3) X X X White Crappie (1) Walleye (1) X X Freshwater Drum (2) X X X X X X X X X NOTE: The number of fish sampled of each species is given in parentheses after the name of each species above. _ .. ___ _ r FLATHEAD CHUB The stomach contents of 19 flathead chub were removed and analyzed qualitatively. Food organisms were well digested. An estimated 40-50 percent of the volume consisted of Cladocera. The remainder included remains of Corixidae, Hydropsychidae, Iaogenus, and unidentified organisms. OTHER SPECIES The qua.litative results of stomach analyses for miscellaneous fish species is presented in table 49. Forage fish were found in the stomachs of northern pike, smallmouth bass, white crappie, and walleye. The carp, white sucker, and freshwater drum fed on insects and organic detritus. FOOD SELECTION The values for Ivlev's electivity index (E) were calculated for the major benthic food organisms eaten by shovelnose sturgeon, goldeye, and channel catfish (table 50). The shovelnose sturgeon and goldeye selected for Baetis and Chironomidae, but selected against Heptagenia, Rhithrogena, and Hydropsychidae. The sturgeon consumed Travere~~ in proportions equal to its availability, while the goldeye showed preference for Travere~~a. Travere~~a nymphs and adults on the water surface were preferred by channel catfish over other aquatic species during the study period. Sturgeon and goldeye select for insects characteristic of a riffle habitat, while catfish appear to take advantage of plentiful food types in any habitat. TABLE 50. Ivlev's electivity index for benthic food organisms eaten by shovelnose sturgeona, goldeye, and channel catfish. Shovel nose Food Type Sturgeon Goldeye Channel Catfish Baetis 0.58 0. 15b -0.99b Heptagenia -0.43bC -0.92b -o.8sg m,ithrogena -0.6ob -0.65 -0.83 Travere~~ -0.04 0.63 0.76 Hydropsychidae -0.88 -0.78 -0.92 Chironomidae 0.81 0.40 -0.75 SimuZiwn 0.78C -1.oob -0.79b a Because relative abundances of insects were unknown for these months, sturgeon collected in May and June were excluded. b Less than 1 percent of benthic food items c Less than 1 percent of benthic population 131 Selection for food types is difficult to measure. Preferences for aquatic organisms may vary seasonally as larvae grow in size or emerge as adults. Unfortunately, fish were not collected during all seasons. During the period of capture, TravereZLa nymphs were mature while other species such as Hydropsyche were relatively small. Food habits of the insect-feeding fish species may be different during the winter and spring months when caddis larvae are approaching mature size and TravereZLa nymphs and terrestrial insects are rarely available. Ivlev's index and other forage ratios are based on the relative portions of food organisms that occur in the environment, but not all foods are readily available to a predator (Leonard 1941). Baetis, a fast swimmer, is capable of functioning in fast water without the protection of the bottom substrate. Baetia, ·therefore, was accessible to sturgeon and go 1 deye. Heptagenia and Rhithrogena are capable of crawling beneath stones where they are unavailable to predators. Hydropsychid larvae are found in rock crevices or between stones, but may also be exposed on rock surfaces. Chironomid larvae are somewhat immobile and vulnerable to predators (Hess and Swartz 1941, Klarberg and Benson 1975). The present study illustrates the importance of aquatic insects in the diets of sturgeon, goldeye, and catfish. The sturgeon was restricted to bottom insects of riffles. The goldeye fed exclusively on insects as well and included a small amount of terrestrial insects in the diet. Insects were significant in the catfish diet, but some fish were also taken. Young sauger and burbot were highly dependent on macroinvertebrates for their food source. Insects were present in the stomachs of carp, white sucker, and freshwater drum. Other common fish species of the lower Yellowstone River which are dependent on aquatic macroinvertebrates for a large portion of their diet include longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus), shorthead redhorse, river carpsucker (Carpoides carpio), blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus), smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), bigmouth buffalo (I. cyprinellus), black bullhead (Ictalurus melaa), and stonecat. Insects were also important foods for young individuals of crappie, bass, and walleye (Brown 1971). Little is known of the habitat requirements and foods of forage fish of the lower river. During the period of study, the flathead chub appears to depend on the backwaters for its food supply of Cladocera and insects. This species is abundant in the river and is a common food item of predator species. In the genus Hybognathua, the silvery minnow inhabits backwater areas (Cross 1967) and feeds on bottom ooze and algae (Brown 1971). The plains minnow and brassy minnow are common in small streams and the slow waters of large rivers. Their food habits are similar to those of the silvery minnow. Unlike many of the fast water of riffles. (Brown 1971). forage species, the longnose dace is adapted to the Insect larvae are the main food of ·this species FORAGE FISH SURVEY Results of the forage fish survey are presented in table 51. The most common species, the flathead chub and emerald shiner, frequently occur in both 132 , ~ w w - TABLE 51. Forage fish species list for lower Yellowstone River showing location, date of collection, and habitat sampled. Location Below Myers Bridge Across from mouth of Tongue Across from mouth of Tongue Mouth of Sunday Creek Glendive Hysham Be 1 ow Forsyth BACKWATER Date 10-30-74 7-23-74 10-23-74 9-12-74 10-9-74 10-10-74 10-18-74 9-29-75 9-29-75 Species Emerald shiner Plains minnow Plains minnow Emera 1 d shiner Brassy minnow Plains minnow Sturgeon chub Flathead chub Flathead chub Flathead chub Emerald shiner Lake chub Emerald shiner Mountain sucker Flathead chub Emera 1 d sh i ner S 11 very minnow Fathead minnow mountain sucker ._ -"' MAIN CHANNEL Location Date Below Rosebud Diversion 10-17-74 Above Miles City 7-25-74 Below Tongue 10-16-74 Across from Hysham 9-29-75 Backwater Across from arid above mouth of Tongue River Below Terry Below Powder River Intake 7-24-75 9-30-75 9-30-75 8-21-75 9-18-75 Species Emerald shiner Plains minnow Emerald shiner Flathead chub Mountain sucker Mountain sucker Flathead chub Plains minnow Flathead chub Lake chub Mountain sucker Longnose dace Flathead chub Flathead chub Emerald shiner Si 1 very minnow Flathead chub Fathead minnow Plains minnow Sturgeon chub Emerald shiner Emerald shiner Flathead chub Longnose dace Sturgeon chub - ' , backwaters and main channel areas. Two species previously reported from the Yellowstone (Brown 1971), the pearl dace (Semotilus margarita) and creek chub (S. atromaculatusJ, were not taken during this survey. Brown called the creek chub "quite rare" and the pearl dace not abundant. ·Notably absent from the forage fish collections is the stonecat. Stonecats generally prefer swift-current riffle areas with large gravel or cobble substrates (Trautman 1957). Available techniques were inadequate for such areas. Although not collected during current sampling, stonecat are common in the lower Yellowstone and are an important forage fish for some species. A forage fish species list for the lower Yellowstone is included in appendix G. 135 r r This study investigated not only the food preferences of river fishes but also the importance of all organisms in the food chain of the river ecosystem. Fish species adaptations and preferences for particular habitats are often related to their food habits. Research of food habits assists in an under- standing of the interrelationships among organisms and their environment. Impacts on one segment of an ecosystem can affect other segments. Impacts on fish populations from reduced flow vary for each species depending on food habits. Riffle insects provide food for sturgeon, goldeye, catfish, longnose dace, and for immature burbot and sauger. Mature sauger, burbot, and catfish rely (in part) on the backwater areas for their supply of forage fish. Reduced flow would affect both riffles and backwaters. RIFFLE HABITAT Riffle insects rely on current for food, oxygen, and protection from predators. Reduced discharge is detrimental to benthic populations because: (1) velocity requirements of riffle species are no longer met and (2) the wetted bottom area of the channel is decreased. R. L. Newell (see Report No. 5 in this series) estimated that insect density at Intake could decrease by 10 percent for each 28.3 m3/sec (1000 cfs) reduction in discharge below 255m3/sec (gooo cfs). Insects which prefer the greatest velocities, such as TravereLla and Hydropsyahe, would be among the first organisms to feel the impact of reduced flows. According to Report No. 5 in this series, peak densities of TravereLLa occurred at .69 m/sec (2.25 ft/sec) in August and .76 m/sec (2.5 ft/sec) in October. Numbers of Hydropsyahe were highest at velocities of .46 m/sec (1.5 ft/sec) in October and .61 m/sec (2 ft/sec) in November. Faster currents are preferred by caddis larvae in later months as they grow in size. Low flows decrease the wetted perimeter of the river channel. The loss of habitable space varies with the depth and width of the channel, the greatest reduction occurring where riffles are wide and shallow. Insects are concen- trated in higher densities as flows diminish. Glass and Bovbjerg (lg69) found that when numbers of Cheumatopsyche larvae are high, aggression among individuals maintains tolerable spacing. Invertebrates remove from riffles by drifting when flows are reduced (Minshall and Winger 1968, Pearson and Franklin 1g68). This study has shown that TravereLLa was the most important food item of goldeye, catfish, and sturgeon during August and September. TravereLla aLbertana comprised 60 percent of the number of benthic fauna at Intake in August (Report No. 5). Due to the high density of this mayfly species and its water velocity preference, a reduction in TravereLla numbers could be a critical loss to insect-feeding fish during abnormally low flows in late summer. 137 At Intake, TravereZZa relative abundance declined from 60 percent in August to less than 1 percent in November, while Hydropsyche increased from 14 percent of the organisms to 54 percent during the same period (Report No. 5). With the loss of TT'avereZZa, Hydropsyche becomes the dominant food item in the riffle habitat. Hydropsychids were the major food item of sturgeon captured from the Yellowstone in May and June. Hoopes (1960) and Modde (1973) also point out the importance of Hydropsychids in the sturgeon diet. Hydropsyche, being sensitive to changes in velocity (Edington 1965 and 1968), may be affected more adversely than most other riffle species. A reduction in hydropsychids could, by altering food habits, be detrimental to fish that feed in the riffles, especially the shovelnose sturgeon, which is highly adapted for riffle feeding. In addition to reducing numbers of food organisms, a drop in discharge concentrates fish into a smaller habitat. Forage fish and the remaining benthic organisms become more vulnerable to predation from the high-density fish community. Decreased food and space can limit the fish population growth to the point that predator biomass may decline in amounts equal to the loss of riffle insect biomass. SLOW-WATER HABITAT The specific habitat requirements of forage and game fish species of the Ye 11 owstone are not known, but 1 arge numbers of forage fish, burbot, sauger, and catfish were collected in the backwaters and slow littoral waters. To maintain the present populations of carnivorous species, it is necessary to preserve the backwater habitats. Backwaters are common to the braided section of the river. A dominant discharge (that high flow recurring every 1~ to 2 years which, through a combination of magnitude and frequency, accomplishes the most geomorphic work 1n a channel over the long term) is necessary to retain the characteristics of the main and side channel morphology. Periodic flows in the side channels prevent the invasion of riparian vegetation. Without side channels, backwaters would fill with silt, causing a reduction in wetted perimeter and depth, eventually destroying the backwater habitat. Martin (see Report No. 2 in this series) reports a 43 percent reduction in the number of islands on the Bighorn River as a result of reduced flows due to water impoundments. Islands became part of the mainland, eliminating the side channels and backwaters. Similar results could be expected on the lower Yellowstone following reduction of spring flows, changing the river from a braided to a meandering stream. Even if sufficient flows were preserved to maintain the existence of side channel flow during the spring runoff, it would still be necessary to ensure that the needed volume of water is available to keep the backwaters full during the remainder of the year to maintain slow-water habitat. The growth rate of most aquatic organisms is greatest during summer months when water temperatures are at a peak (Hynes 1970). During this period of receding flows and heavy water diversions for irrigation, food and habitable area are of critical importance to the growth of insects and fishes. The most severe impacts on aquatic communities are likely to occur if excessive water withdrawals are made during August and September. 138 1 Discharge of the Yellowstone is lowest during winter months prior to spring runoff. Excessive water withdrawals for industrial use in this period of low flow would take its toll on benthic organisms. This would result not only from further reductions in velocity and wetted bottom area, but from the increased dangers of ice accumulation. Formation of anchor ice in riffle areas at night tends to impede the flow. As ice melts during the day, the churning a·ction of loose ice scours the benthos, removing algae, detritus, and invertebrates (Hynes 1970, Maciolek and Needham 1951). 139 Fish of several species were collected from the Yellowstone River near Miles City and Intake. Most of them were captured by electrofishing in August of 1975 and 1976. Stomach contents from 145 mature fish were identified, counted, and measured volumetrically. Quantitative results were tabulated for shovelnose sturgeon, goldeye, channel catfish, sauger, and burbot. Insects were the major foods of sturgeon, goldeye, and catfish. Aquatic insects of riffles were of greatest importance to all three species but were consumed in greatest amounts by shovelnose sturgeon. Goldeye and catfish stomachs contained terrestrial insects as well. Only the catfish diet included fish. From a previous study of the aquatic food organisms available in August and September, Traverella aZbertana was the most abundant (Report No. 5 in this series). lvlev's electivity index revealed that this species of mayfly was eaten by sturgeon in portions equal to its availability, but goldeye and catfish selected it over other foods. Hydropsyahe is the dominant species of riffle insects during the fall and winter months on the river (Report No. 5). Based on that fact and on the results of studies in other rivers, it is expected that this genus of caddis- fly becomes the major food item of sturgeon following the emergence of TravereZZa in September. Flathead chubs and minnows of the genus Hybognathus were common in the diets of sauger and burbot. In addition, sauger stomachs contained longnose dace and catfish fry. Stonecats were important in the burbot diet. Young sauger and burbot are highly dependent on invertebrates for food. The impact of reduced flows would be felt by all members of the food chain. Traverella and Hydropsyahe, the most abundant benthic insects, are the most important foods of riffle fishes and prefer relatively high water velocities; they would suffer the greatest loss during low flows. As food and riffle space declines, fish growth is restricted until predator populations stabilize or fall to levels that can be supported by the altered habitat. Of the fish that feed on benthic insects, reduced flows would be most detrimental to the growth and production of shovelnose sturgeon, goldeye, channel catfish, and young-of-the-year sauger and burbot. The maintenance of side channels and backwaters is dependent on high spring flows. As side-channel flow·diminishes in late summer, sufficient dis- charge must remain to ensure the existence of backwater areas. A reduction in backwaters would result in a direct loss of habitat to fish species which frequent these still waters. Piscivorous species affected by such alteration include mature sauger and burbot, channel catfish, northern pike, and crappie. 141 143 PROJECTIONS OF FUTURE USE FIGURES A-1. The Nine Planning Subbasins of the Yellowstone Basin. . . . . . 147 TABLES A-1. Increased Water Requirements for Coal Development in the Yellowstone Basin in 2000. . . .. A-2. The Increase in Water Depletion for Energy by the Year 2000 by Subbasin ....... . A-3. Feasibly Irrigable Acreage by County and Subbasin by 2000, fligh Level of Development ..... . A-4. The Increase in Water Depletion for Irrigated Agriculture by 2000 by Subbasin . . . . . . . A-5. The Increase in Water Depletion for Municipal Use by 2000 A-6. The Increase in Water Depletion for Consumptive Use by 2000 by Subbasin . . . . 145 . 147 14B 149 150 150 151 .In order to adequately and uniformly assess the potential effects of water withdrawals on the many aspects of the present study, projections of specific levels of future withdrawals were necessary. The methodology by which these projections were done is explained in Report No. 1 in this series, in which also the three projected levels of development, low, intermediate, and high, are explained in more detail. Summarized belm~. these three future levels of development were formulated for energy, irrigation, and municipal water use for each of the nine subbasins identified in figure A-1. ENERGY WATER USE In 1975, over 22 million tons of coal (19 million metric tons) were mined in the state, up from 14 million (13 million metric) in 1g74, 11 million (10 million metric) in 1973, and 1 million (.9 million metric) in 1969. By 1980, even if no new contracts are entered, Montana's annual coal production will exceed 40 million tons (36 million metric tons). Coal reserves, estimated at over 50 billion economically strippable tons (45 billion metric tons) (Montana Energy Advisory Council 1976), pose no serious constraint to the levels of development projected, which range from 186.7 (170.3 metric) to 462.8 (419.9 metric) mil 1lion tons stripped in the basin annually by the year 2000. Table A-1 shows the amount of coal mined, total conversion production, and associated consumption for six coal development activities expected to take place in the basin by the year 2000. Table A-2 shows water consumption by sub- basin for those six activities. Only the Bighorn, Mid-Yellowstone, Tongue, Powder, and Lower Yellowstone subbasins would experience coal mining or associated development in these projections. IRRIGATION WATER USE Lands in the basin which are now either fully or partially irrigated total about 263,000 ha (650,000 acres) and consume annually about 1,850 hm3 (.1,5 mmaf) of water. Irrigated agriculture in the Yellowstone Basin has been increasing since 1971 (Montana DNRC 1975). Much of this expansion can be attributed to the introduction of sprinkler irrigation systems. After evaluating Yellowstone Basin land suitability for irrigation, con- sidering soils, economic viability, and water availability (only the Yellowstone River and its four main tributaries, Clarks Fork, Bighorn, Tongue, and Powder, were considered as water sources), this study concluded that 95,900 ha (237,000 acres) in the basin are financially feasible for irrigation. These acres are identified by county and subbasin in table A-3; table A-4 presents projections of water depletion. Three levels of development were projected. The lowest includes one-third, the intermediate, two-thirds, and the highest, all of the feasibly irrigable acreage. 146 1 Upper Yellowstone 2 Clarks Fork Yellowstone 3 Billings Area 4 Bighorn 5 Mid -Yellowstone 6 Tongue 7 Kinsey Area 8 Powder 9 Lower Yellowstone \ Figure A-1. The nine planning subbasins of the Yellowstone basin. I • ~~ ,. 0 ----\~ TABLE A-1. Increased water requirements for coal development in the Yellowstone Basin in 2000. level of Development low lntennediate High low Intennediate High low lntenne'diate Hfgh Electric Generation 8.0 24.0 32.0 2000 n?.ol 6000 rnw 8000 ll1\rl 30.000 90.000 120.000 I ·Coal Development Activity Gastft-I cat ion Sync rude l COAL MINED (r:mt/y) 7.6 0.0 7.6 o.o 22.8 36.0 CO:IVERS!Dr~ PRODUCTION 250 rrrncfd 0 b/d 250 IIT.ICfd 0 b/d Fertil 1 izer 0.0 0.0 3.5 0 t/0 0 t/d 750 rrrncfd 200.000 b/d 2300 t/d WATER (Q,'jSUMPTIO:I (af/y) 9,000 0 0 9.000 0 0 27,000 58.000 13.000 CONYERSIO~S: I mt/y (short) • .907 rrr..t/y (metric) I af/y-.Q0\23 "rnl/y I Strip Export />lining 171. I 293.2 368.5 • 9.350 3\,910 16.250 80.210 22.980 aNo water consumption is shown for export under the low level of develo!)1'ent because, for that develop.':lenl level, it is assut:~ed thoU all e;o:pol"t fs by rail, rather than by slurry pipeline. 147 Tot a 1 186.7 324.8 462 .a 48.350 147.160 321.190 TABLE A-2. The increase in water depletion for energy by the year 2000 by subbasin. INCREASE II~ DEPLETIOI~ (af/_y) Uec. Gasifi-Syn-Ferti-Strip Subbasin Generation cation crude lizer Export Mining Tot a 1 LOl-l LEVEL OF OEVELOPI~ENT Bighorn 0 0 0 0 0 B60 860 Mid-Yello>~stone 22,500 9,000 0 0 0 3,680 35,1BO Tongue 7,500 0 0 0 0 3,950 11 ,450 Powder 0 0 0 0 0 860 860 Lower Yellowstone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 30,000 9,000 9,350 48,350 INTERI~EDIATE LEVEL OF OEVELOPI~ENT Bighorn 0 0 0 0 4,420 1 ,470 5,890 Mid-Yello>~stone 45,000 9,000 0 0 15.380 6,110 75,490 Tongue 30,000 0 0 0 9,900 7,000 46,900 Powder 15,000 0 0 0 2,210 1 ,670 18,880 Lower Yellowstone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 90,000 9,000 31,910 16,250 147,160 HIGH LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT Bighorn 15,000 0 0 0 11 • 100 2,050 28,150 Mid-Yellowstone 45,000 18,000 29,000 0 38.700 8,710 139,410 Tongue 45,000 9,000 29,000 0 24,860 10,170 118,030 Powder 15,000 0 0 0 5,550 2,050 22.600 Lower Yellowstone 0 0 0 13,000 0 0 13,000 Total 120,000 27,000 58,000 13,000 B0,210 22,980 321,1~0 CONVERSIONS: af/y = .00123 hm 3/y NOTE: The four subbas1ns not sho•m {Upper Yellowstone, Billings Area, Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Kinsey Area) are not expected to experience water depletion associated with coal development. 148 TABLE A-3. Feasibly irrigable acreage by county and subbasin by 2000, high level of development. County Park Sweet Gras Stillwater Carbon Yellow- stone Big Horn Treasure Rosebud Powder River Custer Prairie Dawson Richland Wibaux BASIN TOTALS Upper Clarks Bfll ings Big Hid Tongue Kinsey Po1~der lower ellowstone Fork Area Horn Yellowstone River Area River Yellowstone 21,664 10,20.1 6.208 38,076 2.160 2.160 19.412 13.037 9.591 11 ,408 4,230 19.412 13.037 25.229 2.185 9.727 10.035 21 ,947 46.853 3,092 26,438 1,644 1,914 8.231 18.355 10,421 633 4,736 75,205 37,670 CONVERSIONS: 1 acre " .405 ha NOTE: The number of irrfgable acres for the low and intermediate development levels are one-third and two-thirds, respectively, of the numbers given here. This table should not be considered an exhaustive listing of all feasibly frrigab1e acreat;~e in the Yellowstone Basin: it Includes only the acreage identified County Totals 21 .664 10,:!011 5,2rJ,Q 2,160 19,412 15.222 9.591 21 ,135 46.853 43,795 11 ,789 18 .355 10,421 633 237,472 as feasibly lrrigable according to the geo(jraphfc and econol"'ic constraints explained elsewhere in this report. MUNICIPAL WATER USE The basin's projected population increase and associated municipal water use depletion for each level of development are shown in table A-5. Even the 13 hm3/y (10,620 af/y) depletion increase by 2000.shown for the highest develop- ment level is not significant compared to the projected depletion increases for irrigation or coal development. Nor is any problem anticipated in the availability of water to satisfy this increase in municipal use. WATER AVAILABILITY FOR CONSU~1PTIVE USE The average annua1 yield of the Yellowstone River Basin at Sidney, r~ontana, at the 1970 level of development, is 10,850 hm3 (8.8 million af). As shown in table A-6, the additional annual depletions required for the high projected level of development total about 999 hm3 (812,000 acre-feet). Comparison of these two numbers might lead to the conclusion that there is ample water for such development, and more. That conclusion would be erroneous, however, because of the extreme variation of Yellowstone Basin streamflows from year to year, from month to month, and from place to place. At certain places and at certain times the water supply will be adequate in the foreseeable future. But in some of the tributaries and during low-flow times of many years, water availability problems, even under the low level of development, will be very real and sometimes very serious. 149 TABLE A-4. The increase in water depletion for irrigated agriculture by 2000 by subbasin. Subbasin Upper Yellowstone Clarks Fork Billings Area Bighorn Mid-Yellowstone Tongue Kinsey Area Powder Lower Yellowstone TOTAL Acreage Increase HIGH LE.VEL OF DEVELOPMENT 38,080 2,160 19,410 13,040 25,230 21 • 950 4,740 75,200 37,670 237,480 Increase in Depletion (af/y) 76.160 4,320 38,820. 26,080 50,460 43,900 9,480 150,400 75,340 474,960 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT BASIN TOTAL 1 158,320 316,640 LOW LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT BASIN TOTAL 79,160 158,320 CONVERSIONS: 1 acre = .405 ha 1 af/y = .00123 hm3fy NOTE: The numbers of irrigated acres at the low and intermediate levels of development are not sho~m by subbasin; however, those numbers are one-third and two-thirds, respectively of the acres shown for each subbasin at the high level of development.' TABLE A-5. The increase in water depletion for municipal use by 2000. Level of Development Low Intermediate High Population Increase 56,858 62,940 94,150 CONVERSIONS: 1 af/y = .00123 hm3/y 150 Increase in Depletion (af/y) 5,880 6,960 10,620 TABLE A-6. The increase in water depletion for consumptive use by 2000 by subbasin. Increase in Depletion (af/y) Subbasin Irrigation Energy Municipal Total LOW LEVEL OF DEVELOP~1ENT Upper Yellowstone 25,380 0 0 25,380 Clarks Fork 1 ,440 0 0 1 ,440 Billings Area 12 '940 0 3,480 16,420 Bighorn 8,700 860 negligible 9,560 Mid-Yellowstone 16,820 35' 180 1,680 53,680 Tongue 14,640 ll ,450 negligible 26,090 Kinsey Area 3 '160 0 0 3,160 Powder 50,140 860 360 51 ,360 Lower Yellowstone 25 '120 0 360 25,480 TOTAL 158,340 48,350 5,880 212,570 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OF DEVELOPt1ENT Upper Yellowstone 50,780 0 0 50,780 Clarks Fork 2,880 0 0 2,880 Billings Area 25,880 0 3,540 29,420 Bighorn 17,380 5,890 300 23,570 Mid-Yellowstone 33,640 75,490 1,360 ll0,990 Tongue 29,260 46,900 300 76,460 Kinsey Area 6,320 0 0 6,320 Powder 100,280 18,380 600 ll9,760 Lower Yellowstone 50,200 0 360 50,560 TOTAL 316,620 147,160 6,960 470,740 HIGH LEVEL OF DEVELOPMEIH Jpper Yellowstone 76 '160 0 0 76 '160 Clarks Fork 4,320 0 0 4,320 Billings Area 38,820 0 3,900 42,720 Bighorn 26,080 28.150 480 54' 710 Mid-Yellowstone 50,460 139,410 3,840 193,710 I Tongue 43,900 ll8 ,030 780 162,710 Kinsey Area 9,480 0 0 9,480 Powder 150,400 22,600 1 '140 174,140 I Lower Yellowstone 75,340 13,000 480 88,82C TOTAL 474,960 321 ,1~0 10,620 806 '770 I I CONVERSIONS: 1 a f /y = .00123 hm3/y 151 TONGUE RIVER WATER TEMPERATURES In general, temperatures increased wfth progression downstream. Temper- atures greater than 21oc (7QOF) were common in the lower river; in the mid- reach, these temperatures were near the maximum. Immediately downstream from the dam, maximum temperatures were 22°C (720F). FIGURES B-1 Monthly mean of daily minimum and maximum water temperatures for 1g74, 1975, and 1976 for the Page Tongue River at station Ia. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 B-2 Monthly mean of daily minimum and maximum water temperatures for 1975 and 1976 for the Tongue River at station lila ....................... 155 B-3 Monthly mean of daily minimum and maximum water temperatures for 1976 for the Tongue River at station Vc ........................•.... 156 153 30 30 ----Maximum 30 Minimum ~ 1\ I I I I I \ 25 I I 25 25 I \ I \ I I I I ,. I I I \ I', I \ I \ I -I I \ I I I I I I 20 I I 20 I I 20 I \ ~ I \ I I I I I.) I I I 0 I I -I I I I I .. I I I I I I ... I :::1 I I I I I -.. I I I I I I ... 15 15 15 .. I I ,, I I I I Q. I I 'I E I I I I I I {!?. I I I I I I U'1 ... I I I I I I ... .. I I I -I \ I .. I I I 31: 10 I 10 I 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I I I I / I I I I 5 I I 5 \ 5 I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I \ \ I I I \ \ \ 0 0 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 1974 1975 1976 Figure B-1. Monthly mean of daily minimum and maximum water temperatures for 1974, 1975, and 1976 for the Tongue River at station Ia. 30 ----Maximum 30 Minimum II I\ 25 25 I \ I \ I \ I I 1\ I I I I I \ I \ \ I I I 20 I 20 I I u I I I 0 I I I -I I I «> I I I ~ I I ::> / I -/ I I I 0 I I ~ 15 I I 15 «> I I I I a. I I E I I «> I I I IJ1 1-I I I I IJ1 ~ I I I I «> I I I I -I I I ~ 10 I I 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 I 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 0 0 J F M A M J J A 5 0 N 0 J F M AM J J A 5 0 N 0 1975 1976 Figure B-2. Monthly mean of daily minimum and maximum water temperatures for 1975 and 1976 for the Tongue River at station Ilia. u 0 ., ~ ::J -0 ~ ., 0. E ., 1-.. ., -0 ~ 25 20 15 / 10 / / / / ----Maximum --Minimum ...... , / ----/ \ --" / , __ _ _ ...... / / / .... -:::-;...__-./ 10 20 MAY 10 20 JUNE 1976 ...... -----... ........ .... ' Figure B-3. Honth1y mean of daily minimum and maximum water temperatures for 1976 for the Tongue River at station Vc. 156 TAXONOMY OF FISH SPECIES ENCOUNTERED IN THESE STUDIES FAMILY SPECIES Corranon name Scientific name Common name Sturgeon Acipenseridae Shovelnose sturgeon Paddlefish Polyodontidae Paddlefish Mooneye Hiodontidae Goldeye Trout Salmonidae Mountain whitefish Rainbow trout Brown trout Pike Esocidae Northern pike Minnow Cyprinidae Carp Goldfish Go 1 den sh i n·er Pearl dace Creek chub Finescale dace Flathead chub Sturgeon chub Lake chub Emerald shiner Sand shiner Brassy minnow Plains minnow S i 1 very minnow Fathead minnow Longnose dace Sucker Catostomidae River carpsucker Blue sucker Shorthead redhorse Longnose sucker White sucker Mountain sue ker 157 Scientific name ScaphiPhynchus p~toPynchus !Rafinesque) PoLyodon spathuLa (Walbaum) Hiodon aLosoides (Rafinesque) PPosopium wiLLiamsoni (Girard) SaLmo gaiPdnePi Richardson SaLmo trutta Linnaeus Esox Lucius Linnaeus Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus Carassiur. auratus (Linnaeus) Notemigonus cPysoLeucas (Mi tchi 11) SemotiLus margaPita (Cope) SemotiLus atPomucu~tus (Mitchill) Phoxinus neogaeus Cope Hybopsis gPaciLis (Richardson) Hybopsis geLida (Girard) Couesius pLumbeus (Agassiz) NotPopis atherinoides Rafinesque 1/otropis stramineus (Cope) Hybognathus hankinsoni Hubbs Hybognathus pLacitus Girard Hybognathus nuchalis Agassiz PimephaLes promeLas Rafinesque Rhiniahthya cataractae (Valenciennes) Carpoides carpio (Rafinesque) cycLeptuo eLongatus (LeSueur) Moxostoma macPoLepidotum (LeSueur) Catootomue catostomus (Forster) Catostomus commersoni (Lacepede) Catostomua p~tyrhynchus (Cope) Appendix c (Continued) FAMILY SPECIES ~o11111on name Scientific name Common name Scientific name Catfish lctaluridae Black bull head Ictalurus meLas (Rafinesque) Yellow bullhead Ictalurus natalia (LeSueur) Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) Stonecat Noturuo flavus Rafinesque Codfish Gadidae Burbot Lota lota (Linnaeus) Sunfish Centrarchidae Rock bass Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque) Green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosuo (Linnaeus) Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui (Lacepede) Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) White crappie Pomo:r:is annuLaris Rafinesque Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus (LeSueur) Perch Percidae Yellow perch Perea flavescens (Mitchill) Sauger Sti~ostedion canadense (Smith) Walleye Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill) Drum Sciaenidae Freshwater drum Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque SOURCE: Adapted from Brown (1971) 158 ' TAXONOMY OF INVERTEBRATES FOUND IN FISH STOMACHS Aquatic organisms Order Ephemeroptera (mayflies) Family Baetidae Ba.etis. sp. Family Heptageniidae Heptagenia elegantula (Eaton) Rhithrogena wu:lulata (Banks) Family Leptophlebiidae Traverella albertana (McD.) Family Ephemerellidae EphemereZZa sp. Family Tricorythidae Tricorythodes minutus Traver Family Polymitarcidae Ephoron album (Say) Order Plecoptera (stoneflies) Family Perlodidae Isogenus sp. Isoperla sp. Order Tri choptera ( caddi sfl ies) Family Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche sp. Hydropsyche sp. Order Hemiptera (bugs) · Family Corixidae Order Odonata (dragonflies) Family Gomphidae Order Coleoptera (beetles) Order Diptera (flies) Family Chironomidae Family Simuliidae Simulium sp. Family Tipulidae He:r:atoma s p. Family Rhagionidae Atherii variegata Walker Order Oligochaeta Terrestrial organisms Order Orthoptera Order Hymenoptera 159 AVERAGE BODY VOLUME OF MAJOR ORGANiSMS FOUND IN FISH STOMACHS Insects Baetis sp. Heptagenia eZegantuZa RhithPogena unduZata TravereZZa aZbertana IsoperZa sp. Isogenus sp. Hydropsychidae SimuZiwn sp. Chironomidae Fish Hybopsis graaiZis Hybopsis ge Zida Hybognathus sp. Rhinichthys cataractae IctaZurus punctatus Noturus [Zavus Vol. {ml) .0034 .0087 .0065 .0156 .0040 .0667 .0123 .0028 .0010 2.00 0.82 0.92 1.85 0.78 2.91 NOTE: These average volumes were derived by dividing the total volume of each category of food organisms {determined by water displacement in a graduated receptacle) by the number of organisms in each category. 161 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 RESULTS OF FOOD HABITS ANALYSES OF SAUGER, BURBOT, GOLDEYE, CHANNEL CATFISH, AND SHOVELNOSE STURGEON TABLES Numbers of major identifiable food items in sauger stomachs. Numbers of major identifiable food items in burbot stomachs collected in January ... Numbers of major identifiable food items in stomachs of goldeye . . . . . .. Numbers of major identifiable food items in stomachs of channel catfish . . . . . . . . . ....• Numbers of major identifiable food items in stomachs of,shovelnose sturgeon collected in May and June, 1975 and 1976 ..................• Numbers of major food items in stomachs of shovelnose sturgeon collected July through September, 1975 and 1976 163 Page 164 165 166 167 168 169 TABLE F-1. Numbers of major identifiable food items in sauger stomachs. Total Length Weight Location Date Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Flathead Sturgeon Longnose iiybognathus Channel Stonecat (nm) (m) Chub Chub Dace sp. Catfish Fry 203 77 Intake 9/12/75' 208 41 Intake 9/12/75 7 1 228 82 Intake 9/12/75 27 2 230 95 Miles C. 8/05/76 250 113 Miles C. 8/05/76 250 181 Miles C. 9/10/75 2 255 136 Intake 8/20/75 260 113 Intake 9/12/75 20 1 260 "113 Intake 9/12/75 8 2 263 145 Intake 8/20/75 3 "' 263 154 Intake 8/20/75 2 .... 273 209 Miles C. 9/10/75 278 154 Intake 9/12/75 79 278 227 Miles C. 9/10/75 3 290 181 Miles C. 8/05/76 1 293 204 Miles C. 8/17/76 2 295 191 Miles C. 8/26/76 300 204 Mi 1 es C, 8/05/76 310 200 Miles C. 8/27/75 320 254 Forsyth 10/23/75 360 399 Miles C. 9/l 0/75 2 375 ? Miles C. 1/29/75 450 ? Miles C. l/29/75 3 450 971 Miles C. 8/05/76 TOTALS 143 6 6 4 6 3 11 TABLE F -2. Numbers of major identifiable food items in burbot stomachs collected in January 1976 near Miles ~ity. Total Length Weight Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Carp Flathead Sturgeon Hybognathuo Fathead Ca to a tol1t4 s Stonecat {mm) {g) Chub Chub sp. Minnow sp. 340 290 3 365 227 2 365 236 13 ~ 385 295 4 . "' 388 254 U1 405 236 5 1 423 3la 1 430 363 9 3 2 438 408 1 4 465 463 1 480 508 2 2 TOTALS 4 13 9 2 11 8 8 TABLE F-3. Numbers of major identifiable food items in stomachs of goldeye. Total Misc. Length Weight Location Date Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Diptera Aquatic Terrestrial (mrn) (g) Species Insects 2B8 159 Miles C. 8/05/76 3 290 191 Miles C. 8/05/76 1 290 263 Miles C. 8/05/76 1 1 1 293 218 Miles C. 8/05/76 2 8 2 300 200 Miles C. 8/18/75 9 2 303 218 Miles c. 8/05/76 1 1 1 303 249 Miles C. 8/05/76 1 ~ 305 200 Miles C. 8/18/75 1 1 14 "' "' 310 318 Miles C. 8/05/76 1 310 354 Miles C. 8/27/75 581 9 1 74 313 249 ? ? 8 3 1 315 245 Miles C. 8/05/76 4 1 315 272 Miles C. 8/05/76 1 318 272 ? ? 5 4 325 318 ? ? 2 2 3 325 318 ? ? 21 2 21 330 354 Miles C. 8/27/75 1 1 1 TOTALS 634 3 27 37 10 87 - TABLE F-4. Numbers of major identifiable food items in stomachs of channel catfish. Total Length Weight Location Date Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Oiptera Terrestrial Fish (mm) (g) Insects 233 109 Intake 8/21/75 19 18 24 303 204 Miles C. 8/27/75 149 2 81 323 245 Intake 7/22/76 2 8 338 299 Miles C. 8/27/75 1 338 372 Miles C. 8/27/76 1 1 350 ? Miles C. 6/08/76 1 4 63 3 1 3g3 454 Intake 7/22/76 1 35 ~ 405 608 Miles c. 8/17/76 536 4 "' 425 644 Miles C. 8/27/75 11 49 ...... 433 789 Miles C. 9/10/75 6 1 105 455 962 Miles C. 8/05/76 1993 7 458 1016 Intake 7/22/76 2 11 490 1361 Intake 7/22/76 1 66 500 1297 Miles C. 8/27/75 3 1 1 202 525 1624 Intake 9/12/75 2205 7 565 1588 Intake 7/22/76 1 4 la 578 2014 Intake 9/12/75 g15 5 5 741 4425 Tongue R. 8/27/76 ]b ,, TOTALS 5830 4 111 123 487 2 a Stonecat b Shorthead red horse TABLE F-5. Numbers of major identifiable food items in stomachs of shovelnose sturgeon collected in May and June, 1975 and 1976. Total Fork Length Length Weight Location Date Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Diptera Terrestrial {mm) (mm) (g) Insects 343 308 132 Intake 5/15/75 6 l 2 55 355 325 145 Intake 5/15/75 7 2 5 9 363 330 141 Intake 5/15/75 l 2 3 16 388 350 181 Intake 5/15/75 l 3 l 34 400 390 209 Intake 5/15/75 8 8 30 269 428 390 218 Intake 5/15/75 38 31 104 67 438 398 218 Intake 5/15/75 l l 450 410 240 Intake 5/15/75 46 9 20 11 ~ 450 435 272 Intake 5/15/75 ll 31 62 ll "' 0> 478 435 318 Intake 5/15/75 18 92 78 82 480 438 331 Intake 5/15/75 3 20 l 540 485 499 Intake 5/15/75 47 42 192 49 548 495 508 Intake 5/15/75 21 63 82 28 615 573 807 Intake 5/15/75 3 8 22 2 738 668 1216 Intake 5/15/75 30 299 333 18 775 705 1851 Terry 6/16/76 2 5 140 l 785 725 2064 Miles C. 6/02/76 51 16 21 2 850 785 ? Miles C. 6/08/76 1 16 l 875 813 7 Miles C. 6/08/76 5 8 31 2 875 813 3334 Miles C. 6/16/76 140 75 359 15 TOTALS 435 700 1522 673 -- TABLE F-6. Numbers of major food items in stomachs of shovelnose sturgeon collected July through September 1975 and 1976. Total Fork Length Length Weight Location Date Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Diptera Terrestrial (rrrn) (mm) (g) Insects 325 300 100 Intake 8/20/75 43 2 8 343 310 118 Intake 8/20/75 28 1 2 350 313 118 Intake 8/20/75 33 2 61 378 355 240 Intake 8/07/76 13 6 1183 378 348 249 Intake 8/07/76 36 1 2 380 350 136 Intake 8/21/75 40 3 536 380 343 154 Intake 8/20/75 47 4 430 385 227 Intake 8/20/75 93 4 23 ~ 453 403 426 Intake 8/07/76 127 8 3 "' 480 450 336 Intake 8/20/75 118 2 6 57 1.0 485 440 299 Intake 8/20/75 93 1 4 23 513 475 404 Sidney 8/30/76 16 4 520 470 390 Intake 8/20/75 151 2 6 71 550 500 735 Intake 7/26/76 44 1 5 553 493 567 Intake 7/26/76 99 1 2 565 513 517 Intake 8/30/76 17 2 30 6 565 513 517 Intake 8/30/76 11 9 164 588 530 762 Intake 8/07/76 113 4 13 16 623 590 907 Intake 9!12/75 69 5 45 733 673 1243 Intake 9/12/75 246 5 15 171 843 770 2268 Intake 8/20/75 1428 4 9 4 TOTALS 2865 17 125 . 2390 7 YELLOWSTONE BASIN FORAGE FISH REPORTED BY BROWN (1971) Scientific Name Family Cyprinidae Notemigonus arysoZeuaas SemotiZus margarita SemotiZus atromaauZatus Phoxinus neogaeus* Hybopsis graaiZis* Hybopsia geUda* Covesius plumbeua* Notropia atherinoides* Notropis stramineus* Hybognathus hankinsoni* Hybognathus p~itus* Hybognathus nuahaZua* Pimephales promeZus* Rhiniahthys aataraatae* Family Catostomidae Catoatomus platyrhynahus* Family Ictaluridae Noturus flavus Common Name Golden shiner Pearl dace Creek chub Finescale dace* Flathead chub* Sturgeon chub* Lake chub* Emera 1 d shiner* Sand shiner* Brassy minnow* .Plains minnow* Silvery minnow* Fathead minnow* Longnose dace* Mountain sucker* Stonecat *These species were collected during this study. 171 Allen, K. R. 1969. Distinctive aspects of the ecology of stream fishes; a review. Journal of fisheries and resources board. Canada 26: 1429-1438. American Fisheries Society. 1970. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada, by the committee of names of fishes, Reeve M. Bailey, Chairman. American fisheries society special publication No. 6, Washington, D. C.: 150 pp. Bailey, M. 1972. Age, growth, reproduction, and food of the burbot, Lota ~ta (Linnaeus) in southwestern Lake Superior. Transactions of the American fisheries society. 4:667-674. Bailey, R. M. and H. M. Harrison. 1948. Food habits of the southern channel catfish (IataZurus ~stris punatatus) in the Des Moines River, Iowa. Transactions of the American fisheries society. Bennett, G. W. 1937. Growth of the largemouth blackbass, Horo saZmoides (Lacepede) in the waters of Wisconsin. Copy No. 2:104-108. . 1954. The effects of a late-summer drawdown on the fish population ----~o~f~'Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois. Transactions of the Nineteenth North American Wildlife Conference. 259-270. Bjorn, E. 1940. Preliminary observations and experimental study of the ling, Lota macuZosa (LeSueur), in Wyoming. Transactions of the American fisheries society. 69:192-196. Bovee, K. D. 1974. The determination, assessment and design of "Instream Value" studies for the northern great plains. Master of Science pro- fessional paper, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 204pp. 1975. Assessment and implementation of "Instream value studies for the northern great plains. In: Proceedings of the Fort Union coal field symposium. Volume 2:112-123. -----=-:::,-,' 1976. The determination, assessment and design of "Instream Va 1 ue" studies for the northern great plains. Final Report, Master of Science professional paper, University of Montana,-Missoula, MT. Brown, C.J.D. 1971. Fishes of Montana. Big Sky Books, Bozeman. 207pp. Cairns. J., Jr. 1969. Rate of species diversity restoration following stress in freshwater protozoan communities. University of Kansas Science bulletin. 48:209-224. 173 Calhoun, A. 1966. Inland fisheries management. State of California, resources agency, department of fish & game. 546 pp. Carlander, K.O. 1969. Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology. Iowa Press. 752. pp. Casselman, J. M. 1974. External sex determination of northern pike. Trans- actions of the American fisheries society. 103(2):343-347. Chapman, 0. G. and W. S. Overton. 1966. Estimating and testing differences between population levels by the Schnabel method. Journal of wildlife management. 39(1):173-180. Christenson, L. M. 1975. The shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirynchus pLatorynchus (Rafinesque) in the Red Cedar-Chippewa River system, Wisconsin. Wisconsin department of natural resources research department. 82:23 pp. Cross, F. B. 1967. Handbook of the fishes of Kansas. 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