HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4156ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A Proposed Study of Wolf-Moose Relationships In the Upper Susitna River Basin Prepared By: Game Division, Alaska Department of Fish and Game TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives II. Description of the Existing Environment III. Analysis of Proposed Action IV. Persons, Groups, and Government Agencies Consulted V. Intensity of Public Interest VI. Recommendations VII. Signatures APPENDIX 1. Summary of Moose Composition Count Data 2. Research Outline I. Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives A. Background Data. Moose populations in Alaska's Game Management Unit 13 have declined steadily since the early 1960's (A summary sheet of annual moose composition count data is attached as Appendix 1). Reasons commonly cited for this decline are severe winters, predation, and hunting. Mortality attributable to hunting is not considered significant in the Unit 13 decline. Bulls have made up 90 percent of all moose taken ·in Unit 13 since 1969, and hunting during the last four years has been for bulls only. Bulls-only seasons can cause a long-term reduction in moose numbers only if there are too few bulls remaining to breed the cows. Of 59 adult cows examined by Department scientists in an area of Unit 13 in March, 1975, 51--86 percent--were bearing ·calves, a pregnancy rate comparable to that in protected moose populations with an abundance of bulls. Winter is acknowledged as the most critical period for sub-Arctic moose populations under normal conditions. Deficiencies in forage quality and quantity are mpst likely to be apparent because of greater energy demands, and over-winter survival of moose--particularly calves--generally bears a direct relationship to the overall status of a moose herd. Predation intensity also seems to increase in winter, particularly when deep snow limits the ungulates' apility to avoid predators. Range forage deficiencies that result in weakened animals probably contributes to a higher predation rate as well. · In Unit 13, however, the annual rate of gain of moose populations currently appears to be most heavily impacted during the summer months rather than winter. Concomitant with the long-term decline in moose density, the number of calves in relation to the number of cows observed during the Department's November moose surveys has also declined (see Appendix 1). Composition counts in November, 1975, continued the long-term trend with a record low of about 15 calves for every 100 cows. Winter losses assume doubtful significance since' a low percentage of moose calves are surviving through the summer. The current age structure of_ cow moose in Unit 13 corroborates the long-term trend of poor calf survival. The average age of adult cows in Unit 13 is slightly more than 9 years, an old age for a moose. Of 133 cows captured during Department of Fish and Game moose tagging work over the last two years (1974 and 1975), only 23 were five years old or less. Almost 50 percent--62 cows--were ten years old or more. Such an age structure is about what would be expected without hunting (for cows) ~nd if few young cows were being added to the population each year: Moose calves are probably most vulnerable to predation during their first few weeks of life. The Department's research and the studies of biologists in other states and countries have repeatedly confirmed that wolves kill calves at a rate considerably highei than would be expected on the basis of chance encounters. Since calves are tiny in relation to adult moose, many more must be taken for the predators to receive · an equivalent amount of food. When moose populations are at low densities, currently the case in Unit 13, biologists suspect that wolf predation on calves during the summer may be a significant limiting factor. B. Proposed Action. It is proposed to conduct a study of predator- prey relations involving wolves and moose in a portion of Alaska Game Management Unit 13. The study calls for the removal of wolves in a 3,200 square mile study area by mid-March, 1976, and the maintenance of a minimal wolf population in this area until July 1, 1978. The study area includes the upper Susitna River basin and is bounded as follows: the MacLaren River on the east; the Alaska Range on the north; the upper Nenana River, Brushkana Creek, Deadman Creek, and Watana Creek on the west; and the Susitna River to its junction with the MacLaren River on the south. Wolves in the upper Susitna study area will be reduced to 10 percent or less of the initial wolf density. A minimum of 36 wolves occupied the study area as of December, 1975. An-additional 13 wolves (known) occurred on peripheral portions and occasionally entered the study area. An estimated total of 400 wolves occupy the entire 22,000 square miles of Unit 13. The project will consist of removing wolves from the study area by Department of Fish and Game employees using helicopters. Wolf carcasses will be collected when possible for studies on sex, age, and reproductive status of the packs. Stomach contents will be analyzed for food habits, and physiological condition of the animals will be assessed on the basis of hair mineral content, blood constituents, and carcass fat. Moose populations will be monitored via aerial composition counts conducted in November of each year. Moose calf survival from birth until November in the experimental area will be compared to calf survival in adjacent populations where wolf numbers were not manipulated.· Radio-collared wolves in the region adjacent to the reduction area will be monitored until the radio batteries expire. Radios from animals killed in the study area will be placed on live wolves outside the area if possible. C. Purpose of the Action. The purpose of the proposed action is to quantitatively assess the impact of wolf predation upon sunnner survival of moose calves in a 3,200 square mile study area in Game Manage;ment Uni·t 13. D. Action Components. The proposed action will consist of the following components: 1. ··'Collection of wolves in the study area during the winters of 1975-76, 1976-77, andl977-78. 2. Survey and inventory of moose populations and reproductive performance during each summer and fall of the proposed action. 3. Survey and inventory of sunnner moose calf survival in the ar~!i of the proposed action and in adjacent areas not impacted by the proposed action. ' 4. A continuation of the monito.ring of radio-collared wolves outside the impacted study area year round until termination of the action. E. Alternatives toProposed Action. 1. No Action. A factual data base is essential for the rational management of wildlife. This is especially true for wolves and other predators because of potential or perceived conflicts arising with humans for the use and consumption of a resource. Wildlife managers should have objective decision-making powers for the disposition of such conflicts, and such objectivity can be gained only via intensive research efforts. No action would mean wolves would continue to be managed in Alaska on the basis of an inadequate data base. 2. Alternative Location. No significant mitigating or enhancing measures are anticipated by the selection of an alternative location. 3. Alternative Methods. The only alternative method is live- capturing and transplanting wolves. Besides being cost- prohibitive, there is no known feasible site to which the animals could be transplanted. Transplanting would also result in sacrificing data expected to be gained in the collection of biological speciments. II. Description of Existing Environment A. Non-Living Components 1. Land. The Upper Susitna Basin is characterized by extremes in topography, varying from the level or gently undulating terrain of Monahan Flats through rolling foothills ·to the rugged mountains of the Alaska Range. Elevation varys from about oOO meters at the bottom of gorges in the southern portiop of the area to mountains exceeding 1800 meters. -~ ,.· The area has a geologic structure comprised of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock bases. Igneous intrusions are of both Quaternary and Tertiary volcanic rock and Tertiary and Mesozoic intrusive rocks which are mainly granitic but include small ultramafic and mafic bpdies. Some Paleozoic and Precambrian metamorphic areas occur. The remainder of the area is primarily Mesozoic in origin, comprised of sandstone and shale. Although only a small percentage of the State has received detailed geologic study, impressions are that about 25 percent of the bedrock·is covered by unconsolidated deposits of gravel and silt; this is particularly true for the northern half of the study area. The soils in the area of the proposed action are impacted by permafrost, although the permafrost is generally discontinuous in nature. 2. Water. Several major rivers occur in the study area: the headwaters and upper reaches of the Susitna River, the headwaters and upper reaches of the MacLaren River, and the headwaters and upper reaches of the Nenana River. These rivers are glacial in origin and carry large amounts of glacial silt for a majority of the year. The rivers flow wide and rapid, are commonly braided and shallow in places, and provide only a minimal barrier to the larger animal species inhabiting the area. The rivers freeze in winter and are then used as travel . lanes by terrestrial wildlife. Dozens of spring rivelets and intermittent streams occur in the study area. These eventually drain into one of the three large rivers. The MacLaren River joins the Susitna and eventually flows to Cook Inlet. The Nenana River turns west, then north, to flow into the Yukon River. area. bogs. Both glacial and spring water lakes and ponds dot the The lower study area contains ephemeral and persistent B. Living Components 1. Flora. Pl.int communities within the area are varied and reflect past fire history, permafrost conditons, and elevation. Most of this area is categorized as moist alpine tundra and is dominated by alder-willow thickets consisting of American green alder, thinleaf alder, resin birch and several willow spec1es. The understory vegetatio~ consists of low mat herbaceous and shrubby plants suc;h.as blueberry, spirea, crowberry, labrador tea, mountain cranberry and numerous lichen species typically associated with alpine tundra communities. Lowland areas along the Upper Susitna River, Hatana Creek, Jay Creek, and parts of the MacLaren River are dominated almost exclusively _by stands of black .spruce. Riparian willow and lowland alder are common 'along the gravel bars and river banks. 2. Fauna. Moose and caribou are the dominant ungulates in this region. Although the moose population has declined steadily over the past few years, there are some indications that the caribou herd is slowly increasing. Over 1400 moose were counted by Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologists in the fall of 1975 within the boundaries of the experimental area. The population estimate for the Nelchina caribou herd in the summer of 1975 was slightly above 10,000-animals. Because of seasonal migration patterns and variations in annual movements, however, no population estimate within the experimental area is feasible. Wolves are the dominant predator in this region. Population estimates have been discussed elsewhere in this document. Brown bears are common throughout the area. Although their diet consists primarily of carrion and vegetable matter, they may be important predators during late spring and summer upon moose and caribou calves. No population estimates for brown bears are available, but it is sufficiently large in Unit 13 to support an annual harvest of approximately 50 bears. Dall sheep are present but not common within the area. There are scattered populations in the mountainous regions adjacent to the western boundaries of the experimental area. Sheep may occasionally serve as an alternate prey species for wolves in this region. Wolverine, red fox, lynx, and beaver are the most common furbearers in the area. Coyotes, land otters, lynx, weasels and martens ar.e also present. Willow ptarmigan are the dominant upland bird and inhabit high elevations. C. Ecological Interrelationships. Ecological processes likely to be impacted by the proposed action have been alluded to elsewhere in this document. An ecological perturbation of faunal constituents is part of the design of the proposed action. The impact of such a perturbation is discussed in Section III(A)(l)(b). D. Human Use. Presently the human use in this area is·limited. Two lodges and three to five guiding outfits operate in the area on a seasonal basis. The Denali highway, a gravel road from Cantwell to Paxon, intersects the area. Its use is seasonal, however, and visitor use is restricted to summer and early fall. Seasonal visitor use consists of hunting during early fall, and sightseeing, camping, canoeing, and backpacking during the summer. The area has less than ten full time residents-- primarily trappers and prospectors. III. Analysis of Proposed Action A. Environmental Impacts 1. Anticipated Impacts a. Non-living Components. No significant impacts resulting from the proposed action are anticipated on non-living .components. b. Living Components. Impacts on various components of the animal community are anticipated since a significant short-term perturbation of one trophic level is part of the considered design of the proposed action. The study design (see Appendix 2) provides for the removal of most or all wolves from the 3,200-square-mile upper Susitna study area. A direct, adverse impact will accrue to the local wolf population for the period of the study and for some time thereafter. An adverse impact may also result in the denial of the opportunity for hunters and trappers to take wolves "'and by limiting the opportunity of others to observe or otherwise experience wolves in a non-consumptive manner in the immediate area of the study. Beneficial direct impacts from the proposed action will include an improved understanding and appreciation of predator-prey relationships which should enhance the ability of management agencies to rationally manage animal populations. The action would also provide additional data on the sex and age composition of wolf packs, the reproductive status of different pack members, and information on the physiological condition of wolves exploiting a declining prey base. Impact of the action on the status and density of wolves in all of Unit 13 is expected to be nominal in the short term and negligible following project termination. License holders legally killed 103 wolves in Unit 13 during the 1974-75 regulatory year. The proposed action would increase this figure by a maximum of one-third. Hunters and trappers normally using the area may lessen their efforts to remove wolves as a result of the proposed action with a consequent decline in the legal harvest overall. The long-term impact of the proposed action on the status of wolves in the study area is expected to be negligible after the termination of the study in 1978. Wolves should re-colonize the area within a few years via immigration. The high reproductive potential of female wolves may hasten the process. Female 'valves are sexually mature at two years of age, produce five to eight pups per litter, and are capable of reporoducing every year, provided food is abundant. The purpose of the proposed action is to assess the imp·act of wolf removal on the ungulate (moose and caribou) populations within the study area. Direct impacts on the ungulates are expected to be either positive--by an increase in density via improved calf survival--or neutral--no significant numerical response--as a result of the proposed action. Possible ancillary impacts could include an increase in the number of ungulates available for h1:1man use and a greater number of predators after the study is terminated provided that the initial removal of predators resulted in an expanded prey base. A possible adverse ancillary impact could result if the ungulates expanded at an unanticipated rate and caused a decline in range carrying capacity. The impact of the proposed action on other predators is uncertain. It is unknown to what extent brown bears actively prey on ungulates. Provided brown bears are active predators on ungulates, the removal of competitors could provide an expanded food base for bears. The impact of the action would have the opposite effect if brown bears depended on usurping or scavenging wolf kills to significantly supplement their food supply. 2. ·Mitigating Measures Included in the Proposed Action. The. collection of wolves will be done by Division of Game employees to insure that wolves are removed only from the designated area. The humane and efficient collection of animals is most assured by the use of rotary aircraft. Use of rotary aircraft will also facilitate retrieval of biological specimens and will enhance the scientific return of the proposed action. 3. Residual Impacts. Residual impacts are the same as those impacts discussed in section III(A)(l)(b). B. Relationship Between Local Short-Term Use of Man's Environment and the Maintenance of Long-Term Productivity. The long-term potentially beneficial impacts of an improved understanding of predator-prey relationships should be considered in relation to the immediate and adverse impact on conpumptive and non- consumptive use of wolves by the public. The significance of the adversely impacted values will persist for the length of time that wolves are limited or absent from the area in question. The degree of and the time required for the recovery of wolves in the study area following cessation of the action will probably depend on (1) the response of prey populations in the study area to the proposed action and (2) wolf populations and wolf-prey ratios in adjacent areas. The post-action wolf population is expected to return to pre-action levels provided the prey population remains at pre-action density and wolf numbers adjacent to the area remain similar. A widespread decrease in wolf numbers throughout the region resulting from a reduced prey base may be reflected in a reduced wolf population in the study area although. such a circumstance would not be a consequence of the action. An increase in ungulate density because of the action would probably be of local significance only, but, should this occur, the post-action wolf population could exceed pre~action densities regardless of the status of wolves and their prey in adjacent areas. Successful re-occupation of the study area by wolves will likely also depend on continued successful production of young in adjacent areas since it is typically young animals that disperse. Should food scarcity limit reproduction in adjacent regions, the recovery of wolves in the study area may be delayed, even though wolf densities in surrounding areas persist at pre-action levels. C. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources. The proposed action does not involve the irreversible commitment of a resource. Since various types of uses of wolves by the public will be curtailed in the study area for the period of the action and for some time thereafter, this aspect of the proposed action constitutes an irretrievable commitment of the wolf resource for the period specified. IV. Persons, Groups, and Government Agencies Consulted. After being reviewed and approved by the Program Review Committee of the Alaska Department of Fish and Gamet Game Division, the proposed action was submitted for review through normal channels provided for by the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act and subsequently approved for funding. V. Intensity of Public Interest. Public interest in the proposed action is considerable. Views regarding the action range from demands for a total moratorium on wolf hunting in Alaska to demands for programs of much larger scale than the proposed action. Much of the public opposition appears to stem from the perception that the action is cruel and inhumane, that basic ecological relationships in the area may be impaired, and that the status of wolves in Alaska may be threatened as a result. Public support for the action is based on the premise that wolves have contributed s{gnificantly to reduced big game herds and that wolves ·are currently very abundant in Alaska. Much of the voiced opposition is from the 48 contiguous states while most support is from Alaskans. VI. Recommendations. The environmental impact of the proposal has been reviewed, and it is concluded that there. would be no negative impact on the land area and little significant impact on the.faunal elements other than wolves for the period of the action and for some time thereafter. No significant impact on the wolf pop.ulation inhabiting the remaining 18,000 square miles of Unit 13 is anticipated, nor is it anticipated that the long-term status of wolves will be irreparably harmed in the immediate area of the proposed action after cessation of the action. The direct adverse impacts of wolf removal from the area of the proposed action will functionally deny public use or appreciation of wolves in that area. Presumably this impact can be mitigated if members of the public are willing to make use of the ·areas of Unit 13. There will be significant positive benefits accruing from the proposed action in the form of a more meaning data base from which wolves and their prey can be managed by State and Federal agencies. The proposed action is not a major action from the standpoint of wolves and wolf populations in Game Management Unit 13 nor should the overall quality of the environment be affected significantly. Therefore, based on the environmental assessment above, an environment impact statement is not recommended. VII. Signatures Prepared by: Concurrence: Approval: Appendix l. qummary of Ivioose Composition Count Data for 1952-Present 8ame l'·ianagernerlt ur .. i t ·! ...... J.)' B. G. D. I. F. Code: C-2 Sex and Age Ratios 1·\00S E G.M. U. 13 Specific Area Ne1china Basin -All Count Areas 19 52-Submitted by: Tot .o• Sm. cf Sm. o• · Sm. cf Sm. d' Calves Incidence Calf An':nals per per Per 100 % in . Per 100 per of tw.ins per % in per Tota 1 OcJte 100 ~ 100 ~ Lg cf Herd c! calves 100 2 100 2 wLca1f herd hour SamQle 1952 60.9 13.5 28.6 6.7 67.6 40.0 17.2 19.9 N/A 683 1953 107.4 38.5 56.0 12.4 85.8 89.8 17.4 28.8 N/A 1100 . 1954 109.0 28.4 35.3 9.9 72.2 78.7 16.4 27.3 N/A 1700 1955 92.0 28.8 45.6 11.6 105.8 54.4 9.5 22.0 .N/A 2200 1956 63.6 12.4 24.3 6.6 94.7 26.3 1.3 13.8 37 1099 1957 69.3 16.3 30.7 7.7 78.1 41.6 6.2 19.7 N/A 2295 1958 66.2 11.3 20.5 5.5 59.9 37.6 4.5 18.5 115 3490 1959 N 0. DATA 1960 8Lt.1 20.4 32.1 8.3 72.9 56.1 11.5 22.7 56 1367 1961 63.5 20.3 4 7.1 9.7 88.7 45.9 10.1 21.9 70 2977 1962 64.0 17.7 45.0 10.5 147.1 28 •. 1 5.5 14.6 87 2357 1963 54.5 13.7 33.6 7.0 68.2 40.1 5.7 20.6 123 2061 1964 LATE COUNT--SEX COMPOSITION NOT.USABLE 1965 46.3 12.4 36.6 7.2 93.7 26.5 2.2 15.3 82 5933 1966 40 .. 5 6.4 18.8 3.8 48.3 26.6 2.1 15.9 60 4534 1967 37.7 8.5 29.2 5.1 61.4 27.7 3.0 16.7 68 ·s338 1968 29.9 4.8 18.9 2.9 29.0 32.8 4.1 20.2 63 3042 1969 26.7 10.0 60.3 6.3 61.4 32.7 5.2 20.4 57 4098 1970 30.0 9.4 38.9 5.7 63.6 29.6 8.6 18.0 51 4549 1971 24.5 7.2 .41.4 4.9 61.4 23.4 6.8 15.8 53 5256 1972 17.6 3.6 25.6 2.7 40.7 17.7 2.6 13.0 45 3994 1973 20.0 6.5 48.7 4.8 81.2 16.1 3.7 11.8 45.2 4578 197LI 17.2 5.9 52.6 4.1 40.8 29.0 6.7 19.8 4~~ 4297 1975 15.3 4.6 43.5 3.6 62.5 14.8 5.2 11.4 42 3203 Rcri-1arks: Appendix 2. Research Outline submitted to u. s. !<'ish and 'tiildlife Se~cvice, Federal Aid in 1Vildlife ?.estora tion Nox .i ur J':1li llc:1tio.u or l"'ith1.1cat1on " Ref c\r<:nc~ :.=.,. ____ _ NOTICE:;"· t-:t·.:o~·.iii\UI 1'1;11,11·.\,1 'SCJi·:NCE ltH\ll~f-1,\T J o:~ 1-:XC:II,\NC:E Snd.lh:~on i :111 In:; tllnl. Ion U.S. DEPAWlli.IJH OF THE IU'J'ERTOR U.S. Fish and \·lillllifc ServJcc Division of Fcdcr~l Aid ~ l 1". ,,{) • . .. ---------. ·---------- rroj PC l No . _ _ll_-:.:!.?..::-.9 __ _ Stnte: AJ a::;k;l --·------------ Job l"io.: XJ.VB-1 !1. lO(lst: yr) -------- Res. Cln~s.: R job Title: Impact of Holf·Predat:ion Upon Ungulate Populatjons ---------------------------~------------------------------ Name and Tit1e of Principal Jnve~t.ii_;:tloJ·: C:1r.l. ric1lroy, G:1r;;: l~iolo);j~;t :1n • .l -------Rober l: 0. S t: eph en sc' n_~ Gam(.:_fL~:~g-~~2..!:._ __ _ Name and Address of Game and Fish Agency: · Alaska D~·1 1art~c~t of Fish and G2mc, Juneau, Al~sk2 ---~-..:.... _ __:.____________________ -.,------------------------------------ Study Obiective -To determine the relationships bet\-:cen \.Jolves (_c;·m:f:_~ _lu~'J and Job Ohjectivc Procedures the condition and distribution of important prey species and to quanti£~ the impact of wolf predation upon populations of prey species. -Tb quantitatively ..assess tlie impact of \Wlf predation upon ungulate populations in Unit 13. 'J;.he essence of this stticly is to manipulate vmlf numbers in the experimerital area (Job 14.8R) and to subsequently monitor prey population~ to cl etermino their response. Helves \vill not he · manipulated in the control area but Holf numben; and move1nents and prey numbe.rs and productivity \vi.D. be monitored for comparison with the experimental area. Beginning. approxim[-ltely January 1976, \-?Olf. numl1crs \·lill be reduced in the upper Su~>itna River experimental area .. The objective '''ould be to reduce \.folf numbers. in the experimental area to ten percent or less of the. initial '"olf density. Holf carcasses Hill be retrie\1ecl \·Jben possible and analyzet! for age, sex, reprod1-1C:tive condit:iori, identification of stomach_contents and physiological condition based ·on hair samples, blood samples and carcass fat. Hoose calf survh1al in the experimental area dud.ng November \vill be compCJred to moose calf survival in the con.trol area. Caribou, sheep· <1ncl hare popuL1 tions \vili also he monitored i.n both the control and experimental <1reas . . T-his study \.:ill extend over a three yenr period. Results l1ased on a three-ye::tr study \dll be less vulnerable to mlSJ.nterprctations based on clwnee,. unexpected problems, or some other fnctor. l\'olf numl.Jers ,,,ould be reduce(! to J.m.; levels in the ,.,rjnters of 1976-77 and 1~77-78 in the cxpedmental arcn. Radio-collared uolvC!S in Joh DuraUon: ·~------~-------------_____________ _::'I~'otn 1 Cos_t_: ___ _,$_~ 500.::.._ __ _ from: July 1, 1975 'l'o: .lune 30, 1976 ·Feder:tl Slwre: $10,875 State Share: $ 3,(,25 Schedule Estillk'lted Nnn-Days Location of Work -Wdrk Assi~ncd to _____ ... ____ _ Progress Report Due Final Report Due the control area would be mon:l.tored until the hatteries expired. Radios from wolves killed in the experimental area h'ill be placed on live wolves if possible. January 1976-Hay 1976 -Principal Investigators -60 Associates -20 Upper Susitna River basin and the Gulkana-G.:ll~ona River b.:~sins -Carl Mcilroy -July 1, 1976 July 1, 1978 .