HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4164SUSITNA BASIN COOPERATIVE STUDY PLAN OF WORK UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS. STATISTICS, AND COOPERATIVES SERVICE -SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE - FOREST SERVICE In Cooper at 10n With The STATE OF ALASKA 0 Susitna Basm - II P L A N 0 F W 0 R K Alaska Rivers Susitna Basin Cooperative Study State of Alaska February 1978 I '' TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ...... . Description of Study Area. Figure 1 . . . . . . . . Status of Water and Related Land Resource Programs Issues, Problems and Needs ... Goal, Objectives, Scope and Expected Results · Figure 2 ........ . Administration of the Study .... . USDA Man-Years Required by Agency and Discipline Work Outline Flow Chart . Key to Abbreviations Used In Charts. PHASE 1 -ORGANIZATION Activity A -Organization and Setting of Objectives Public Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . ... Activity B -Public Involvement Work Outline Resource Bibliography ............ . Activity C -Resource Bibliography .... . 1 3 5 6 7 11 14 15 lB 19 21-22 23 24 26 28 30 32 PHASE 2 -INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS Water Resources (Water Quantity, Quality, Use and Management) ... Activity A -Surface Water Quantity. Activity B -Ground Water Quantity Activity C -Water Quality ... Water Use and Water Needs Study .. Activity D -Water Use and Needs Soils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activity E -Soils Survey .... Land Treatment and Agronomy. . . . . Activity F -Land Treatment and Agronomy Geology. . . . . . Activity G -Geology . . . . Vegetation . . . . . Activity H -Vegetation Inventory. Recreation . . . . . . . . Activity I -Recreation. . . . .. Archeological and Historical Culture . . . . . Activity J -Archeological and Historical Culture. Fish and Wildlife ..... . Activity K-Fish and Wildlife Flood Damages. . ..... Activity L -Flood Damages .. ii Page 34 37 43 47 51 52 58 60 66 67 71 72 76 78 84 85 89 90 94 97 .l 03 .l 04 Land Status Atlas ..... Activity M -Land Status Land Use Atlas . . . . . . . Activity N -Land Use Atlas. Social and Economic Inventory and Projections. Activity 0 -Social and Economic Inventory and Projections .... . Activity P -Public Involvement ... . PHASE 3 -EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE USES Evaluation of Alternative Uses ... Activity A -Evaluate Alternatives Activity B -Public Involvement. Activity C -Final Report. Funding ... Activity Schedule-Phase 2-Sub-basin 1. Activity Schedule -Phase 2 -Sub-basin 2. Relationship of Phase 2, Phase 3, and Final Report • iii Page .110 .lll .113 .114 0116 .118 .122 .124 .125 .135 0137 .139 .141 .142 0143 I. INTRODUCTION A. Background On February 27, 1976, the Department of Natural Resources for the State of ,Alaska requested the U. S. Department of Ag,riculture (USDA) to pro- vide assistance throu{Jh/the;Cooperative River Basin Studies Program in developing basic water and land planning information in Alaska. The Department of Agriculture-Soil Conservation Service responded affirmatively to the request in a letter dated June 25, 1976. R. M. Davis, Administrator USDA-SCS, directed Weymeth E. Long, Alaska State Conservationist for the SCS, to proceed with the study and to advise appropriate state and federal agencies that USDA was prepared to cooperate with the State in making studies of Alaska rivers. A field Advisory Committee was formed, consisting of USDA representatives from the Soil Conserva-. tion Service, Forest Service, and Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service with the SCS representative as the Chairman, in order to provide guidance for the study. The FAC was directed to prepare a plan of work mutually satisfactory to the USDA and the State of Alaska. Meetings were held with Federal Agencies and State of Alaska Departments to explain the Cooperative River Basin Programs. The agencies and political subdivisions of the state govern- ment pledged support and assistance within their capacity. From their meetings, the State established the Susitna Basin for the initial study area. B. Purpose The Cooperative River Basin Study is· a state- federal resource planning effort whose purpose is to deal with specific needs of the State of Alaska, consistent with the mission and respon- sibilities of USDA. The primary need of the State of Alaska is to refine and supplement the existing resource information by collecting and ~nalyzing new field dataJ Other needs are to analyze and evaluate potential alternative resource uses and to provide guidelines for the resolution of conflicting resource uses. All this information is necessary to ongoing state and local land and water resources planning. The plan of work for the Study demonstrates how the Study will achieve its purpose. C. Client Group The Cooperative Study shall serve the resource planning and information needs of state, borough, and federal agencies by determining their interests and concerns, involving these entities in the formulation of the plan of work, in the review of reports, and by sharing final products, reports, maps, etc. D. Authority Cooperative River Basin Studies are carried out under Section 6, Public Law 83-566. The law authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to cooperate with other federal, state, and local agencies in making investigations and surveys of the watersheds of rivers and other waterways as a basis for development of coordinated programs. The USDA has the authority to perform field investigations; to collect new data on vegeta- tion, soils, water, and other related resources; to evaluate this information and to present it to planning agencies for utilization in their water and land management programs. Authority for the State Department of Natural Resource to cooperate with the USDA in River Basin studies is set forth in Title 38 of the Alaska Statutes. 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA A. Geography and Climate The Susitna Basin is located in the southcentral region of Alaska and is bounded by the Copper River Basin and Matanuska River Basin on the east, the Tanana River Basin on the north, the Kuskokwim River Basin on the west, and the Cook Inlet on the south. The study area includes about 13,700,000 acres, or about 3% of the Alaska land area. Approximately 93% lies within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough boundaries, 3% lies within Kenai Peninsula Borough, and 4% in an unorganized borough. Topography varies from flat lands to very irregular mountainous areas. Elevations in the area range from Sea Level at Cook Inlet, to approximately 20,000 feet on Mt. McKinley. The study area includes the primary drainage areas of the Susitna River, Little Susitna River, and Beluga River. Major streams within the area generally flow southward into the Cook Inlet. For more details, see Figure 1. Three climatic zones are included in the Susitna Basin: the Continental, Transitional, and Maritime. Mean maximum July temperature is about 65°F. Mean annual precipitation ranges from about 15 inches to 80 inches, and mean annual snowfall from 70 inches to 400 inches. B. Land Status and Population Land ownership in the Basin is changing rapidly due to the Alaska Statehood Act of 1958, and the 3 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. Under these acts, state land holdings have increased significantly particularly within the Susitna Basin. Here, most land will or has changed from federal to state and private owner- ship. Based on present estimates, approximately 60% of the land in the Susitna Basin is state managed, 20% is privately managed, 3% is managed by the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, and 17% is federally managed. Present land uses in the Basin include agriculture, recreation, transpor- tation, communities, residential, mining, grazing, timber, commercial, and industrial. Development (comprising approximately 500,000 acres or 3.6% of the area) is concentrated along the transpor- tation corridor (the Alaska Railroad and the George Parks Highway) running between Anchorage and Fairbanks. There are approximately 500 miles of improved roads in the study area. It is difficult to estimate the population in the Susitna Basin as the U.S. Department of Commerce used the entire Matanuska-Susitna Borough as a census tract for its 1970 Census. A large proportion of the Borough population is located in the Matanuska River Basin, especially around Palmer and Butte. Present Susitna Basin population is estimated at 9,000 by Mat-Su Borough and Department of Commerce sources. Total Mat-Su Borough population is approximated at 17,000. Population between 1970 and 1977 has increased significantly in the Susitna Basin in the Matan- uska Valley and Municipality of Anchorage. The Mat-Su Borough's population has increased an estimated 138% since 1970, Wasilla has had an 80% population increase between 1973 and 1976, and the Municipality of Anchorages' population went from approximately 126,000 in 1970 to approximately 175,000 in 1976. Mat-Su Borough and Department of Commerce documents give the following 1976 population figures for area communities: Palmer* (Corporate limits) ......... l643 Palmer* (Surrounding areas: Palmer, Butte, Matanuska, Eska-Sutton) .... 8147 Wasilla ............................ 1560 Talkeetna (city} ................... 328 Talkeetna (Surrounding areas) ...... 719 Big Lake..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721 Willow-Houston ..................... 550 Montana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Tyonek ......... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 *not in Cooperative Study area Economic activity and employment in the area includes government work, services, farming, construction, industry, tourism, recreation, and mining. C. Natural Resources The Susitna Basin is an area of great natural resource wealth. It contains forest resources, fertile land for agricultural production, hard rock minerals, coal, oil, and gas resources, some of the State's best recreational lands, a diverse array of wildlife habitats, and water .. 4 The land and water resources are capable of supporting a wide variety of renewable and nonrenewable resource uses. r c fff r· i ' 3 3 ~ ' " ~II .. ' "' ' . . " ~ :n ~ ~ g_"!!. n ! [ ;'<" a}') I e; ,_~ ~ ~-~ ii ,--" -r. "" ' ' ,, ' -~ I ff ' ~ ~ 0 "' ' ,...., ' I 1 ~ I j I ~ 0 < > il ~ ~ l ~ ~ r ' ' r r ' r SUSITNA COOPERATIVE RIVER BASIN STUDY ALASKA 10 ,:J 10 20 :30 40 MILES ~--:.;,~~ 10 C. Ill 20 30 40 50 KILOMETERS 'O.~~S~C~A~lE~I~•2~,0CO~~.OCO~~~ .,. ... ~ Figure 1 5 I> I" LOCATION MAP .,. III. STATUS OF WATER AND RELATED LAND RESOURCE PROGRAMS A. SCS There are three soil conservation subdistricts within the Susitna Basin Cooperative Study area: Montana Creek, Wasilla, and a part of the Palmer Soil Conservation Subdistrict. The primary mission of the Conservation District is to provide technical assistance on soil, water, and related resources to private landowners. There are no PL-566 watershed programs or pend- ing applications within the study area. B. Level B Study The Alaska Water Study Committee is sponsoring a Level B Southcentral Alaska Water Resources Study. The Southcentral Alaska Study area includes an area more than four times the size of the Cooperative Study. It includes the entire Susitna Basin as well as the Gulf of Alaska area, the Kenai peninsula and the Kodiak Shelikof area. The study was initiated on May 9, 1977, with completion scheduled for 1979. As the Level B Study does not have collection of new data as its primary function, resource information generated by the Cooperative Study will be provided to the Level B effort as appro- priate. Members of the Cooperative Study Team are represented on work groups and policy and steering groups of the Level B Study to assure coordination and prevent duplication between studies. C. Corps of Engineers 6 The Army Corps of Engineers is currently working on two water-related programs within the Susitna Basin. The Talkeetna River Project concerns construction of a dike and rock revetment at Talkeetna. The purpose of the structural mea- sures is to prevent bank erosion due to flood waters of the Talkeetna and the Susitna rivers. The final Environmental Impact Statement was filed with the Council on Environmental Quality on December 17, 1976. The second project is the proposed Devil's Canyon and Watana Creek Hydroelectric Dam project on the Susitna River. A draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project was made available to the public on October 3, 1975, and funds for further study have been authorized. A draft Plan of Study outlining additional investigations in the upper Susitna area was released in October 1977. D. Forest Service There are two ongoing Forest Service programs within the.study area: (1) management assistance on nonfederal lands is provided by the coopera- tive State and Private Forestry Program; and (2) vegetation research is conducted by Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experimental Station. E. Other There are numerous other resource related ongoing federal, state, and local programs, explained in detail in the Resource Bibliography for the Susitna Basin prepared by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with USDA, as part of this Cooperative Study. IV. ISSUES, PROBLEMS, AND NEEDS A. Issues Within the Susitna Basin Study area, are several situations that will have significant impact upon the relatively undeveloped area in the near future. Some of them are explained below: Increased Pressure from Anchorage -The Susitna River lies just north of the ~1unicipality of Anchorage which contains approximately 60% of the population of the State of Alaska. Because of continued population growth in Anchorage, and its proximity to the Basin, more and more people working in Anchorage are making their homes in the lower Susitna Basin. Population growth in basin communities has been phenomenal in the last decade, and is likely to continue. In addition, many Anchorage residents have seasonal homes in the basin using the area intensively for weekend or summer recreation. Pressure is being exerted on land, water, recreatio'n, fish, and wildlife resources from this Anchorage expansion. Capital Relocation -The area to the east of the community of Willow has been designated by Alaska voters as the new capital site for the State of Alaska. The site lies within 100 square miles of undeveloped state-owned land. The Legislature is scheduled to convene at the new site by 1980. A population of 30,000 by 1990 is being planned for. The effects of building a state capital in such an undeveloped .area will be significant. 7 Agricultural Classification -In 1976, state legislators issued a mandate for the State Department of Natural Resources to classify 650,000 acres of Class II and III soils land for agricultural uses within the next three years. The purpose is to encourage agricultural development in Alaska. Agricultural potential is high in the study area and land in the Susitna Basin is to be considered in this classification effort. Some of the issues which must be addressed are questions such as how much agricultural development should occur, where, what kind, and when development will start. There are over 200,000 acres of soil with the potential for crop production within the Study area. About 35,000 acres have been classified as agricultural 1 and. Land Trade -Through the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 and a special three-way land trade, the Cook Inlet Regional Corporation wi 11 obtain ownership to approximately one-third of the area of known coal deposits located in the Beluga River area. The State of Alaska has retained the authority over the remainder of the Beluga Coal Field. It is expected that the coal field development will begin within the next decade. The estimated area of the Beluga-Yentna coal reserve is 3.8 million acres. B. Problems The issues just explained present the general situation or broad view of the basin area. Of course there are more specific issues -actual existing resource problems to be considered, which are expected to be intensified with future population growth and resource development. These surfaced through contact with individuals, local, and state and federal agencies and are summarized below. 1. Loss of agricultural land and imprudent land use was one of the major problems identified by local contacts. Unregulated development, uncontrolled speculation, and loss of valuable agricultural land to sub- divisions and other development uses were noted. There is concern that Class II and III agricultural lands will continue to be lost to other uses unless it is identified and preserved solely for agricultural uses. Land best suited to other specific uses may be lost in the same way. The suitabilities and limitations of land and water resources must be determined to resolve this situation. 2. Flooding danger or development in flood plain was noted in the Talkeetna area, along the Little Susitna River and Houston area, along Willow Creek, along the Fishook Road, and at other streams. With increasing development, especially along rivers and streams, the potential damage to life and property will increase. There are many acres of undeveloped land that has the potential for development and is inundated by flood water. These areas should be identified before development is initiated. 3. Reduction of fish and wildlife resources was another big concern felt for the whole 8 basin area due to growth and development. Without adequate protection, reduction of fish and wi 1 dl i fe wi 11 take p 1 ace in the future as in the past. 4. Inadequate water supply was cited along Fishook Road, in the Talkeetna and Wasilla areas, and at the 100 square mile capital relocation site. Water supply may be in- adequate in other areas of existing or potential population growth and resource development. 5. Water qua 1 i ty prob 1 ems were recorded in Talkeetna, Trapper Creek, Wasilla, Big Lake, Lake Lucille, and at other locations. More people and acitivity in these areas will mean an increase in water quality problems, if proper planning does not proceed future development. 6. Erosion was noted at Talkeetna, along the Fishook Road, along the Little Susitna, and along various other streams. Soil erosion wi 11 increase as deve 1 opment progresses unless proper plans for land use are made. 7. Irrigation problems were noted during dry periods. There are about 200,000 acres of potential cropland in the study area. Land developed for crop production will require irrigation. Problems are inevitable unless plans are developed beforehand. 8. Drainage problems were cited at Willow, Wasilla, Houston, and various other loca- tions. As cropland is developed and irrigation water is applied, drainage problems will occur without proper plan- ning. 9. Lack of Comprehensive Data -Existing resource inventories are generalized with many information voids. Soil surveys, mineral location maps, land status and use maps, vegetative data, and quite a volume of other information has been collected, but often at different levels of detail, or in different formats and scales. Some has been constantly updated; some has never been updated. Often information has never been compiled at anything but .on a general basis. Area emphasis has been p'laced on historically important locations, and some areas of future importance are notably lacking in coverage. Many useful pieces of data have been compiled into the "Alaska Regional Profiles" by the Arctic Environ- mental Information and Data Center. The "Profiles" do provide the foundation of a sound data inventory, but are not suffi- cient for comprehensive regional resource management and planning. There is a press- ing need for refined water and land resource data to provide a basis for solving or planning for the resource problems noted above. 9 C. Needs of Cooperating Agencies One of the most pressing needs as explained above is for comprehensive resource inventory at consistent regional scales, and comprehensive resource analysis. Several state, federal, and local planning and resource management stadies are underway or scheduled, to which the Coopera- tive Study has direct relevance, and will provide information. Some of these include: 1. The Land Management Plan for state- owned land in the Susitna Basin. 2. The Susitna Basin regional component to the State Water Plan. 3. The ongoing update of the Matanuska- Susitna Borough Comprehensive Plan. 4. The Level B Study for southcentral Alaska. State and local governments also have day-to-day management responsibilities and related informa- t·ion needs which can be aided or met by the Susitna Study. These include: 1. Land Management responsibilities such as land classification, disposal, leasing, and permitting, and rights- of-way decisions. 2. Water appropriation program. 3. Forest management policy. 4. Park and outdoor recreation policies. 5. Fish and Wildlife management. 6. Refinement of statewide resource inventory for Susitna River region. 10 V. GOAL, OBJECTIVES, SCOPE AND EXPECTED RESULTS A. Goal The goal of the Susitna Basin Study is to facili- tate a coordinated effort for the conservation, deve 1 opment, utilization and management of the water and related land resources. The goal is to be accomplished through inventory, interpre- tation, analysis, and display of basin resource data. The data will be available to individuals, private groups, and local, state, and federal agencies. B. Objectives Resource planning for the study area will reflect national preference for attainment of the following goals as outlined by the Water Resources Council's Principles and Standards for national, state, and local areas. 1. Enhancement of economic development through increases in the value of the output of goods and services and improvement of economic efficiency. 2. Enhancement of the quality of the environment through the management, conservation, preservation, creation, restoration, or improvement of the quality of certain natural and cul- tural resources and ecological systems. Given anticipated technical and social develop- ments, it may be impossible to simultaneously achieve these objectives. Consequently, one of 11 the objectives of the study is to provide relevant data to assist decision makers in evaluating alternative courses of action for resource development in the study area. Infor- mation developed will be used by USDA to coor- . dinate its water and land resource development and conservation programs with those of state and other federal agencies. Resource data will be developed and compiled to make it suitable for use by local decision makers and by state and federal agencies for developing management plans and initiating action programs for water and land resource conservations. The patterns of water and land use to meet needs projected for 1985, 2000, and 2020 and the opportunities for USDA and other programs and projects to contribute to the attainment of these needs will be studied and evaluated in cooperation with other interested state and federal agencies. The area's water and land resource use and management of alternative patterns and schedules of development will be evaluated. The specific objectives as set forth by the cooperating state agency are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Obtain baseline resource data of the Basin. Make available an analysis of the resource data within a year by sub- basins to potential users. Place data in computer storage where it can be recalled or updated on a continuing basis. 4. Evaluate resources and management alternatives. C. Scope The scope of the study shall address the priority areas established by the State (See Figure 2) as they relate to hydrologic sub-basins. Each sub- basin will be addressed in order of priority. The Study shall continue for about ten years starting in December 1976 and ending in 1986. The Study of each sub-basin shall consist of three phases: 1. Organization. 2. Inventory and Analysis. 3. Development and Evaluation of Alterna- tive Uses. Interim reports for each sub-basin will follow completion of all three phases, and a basin report will follow completion of all sub-basin investigations. The Organization Phase is scheduled for completion upon approval of the Plan of Work. Phases 2 and 3 shall take place first on the Willow Sub-basin, next on the Talkeetna Sub-basin, next on the Beluga Sub- basin, followed by the Upper Susitna Sub-Basin. The schedule set forth in this plan of work and work outline assume the completion of the entire basin. When the State's present priority areas have been addressed, the study effort may be 12 directed to other River Basin priority areas within the State of Alaska. The estimated time schedule is as follows: Willow Sub-basin FY 1977 -1982 Talkeetna Sub-basin FY 1978 -1984 Remainder FY 1979 -1986 The scope of the Study shall be the addressing of the issues, problems, and needs identified by the state and local governments within the legislative jurisdiction of the USDA. Work maps will be at 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 scale. The final report maps will be at a scale of 1:250,000. Results of continuous public and state involvement program may show a need for changes in field work, study emphasis or direction. Problems and needs may evolve with time, and may change the priority of study areas. Therefore, priorities will be reviewed on an annual basis and revisions made in the Plan of Work as necessary. D. Expected Results The Study will provide water and related land resource managers with knowledge of the probable consequences of alternative courses of action, and as such, a sound basis for coordinated resource management planning. The information will be presented in map and narrative form, useful to land managers and planners. A series of consistent-scaled resource map overlays will be produced, which used together will show com- posite limitations and suitability for resource uses. Several alternatives for resource use will be presented and evaluated. Narrative and tabular analysis will accompany overlay series material, evaluation of alternatives, and any other map material. Accessible computer storage will be provided for all relevant data. In addition to sub-basin interim reports, a final document summarizing the resource inventory and evaluation will be presented at completion of the study. 13 SUSITNA RIVER BASIN COOPERATIVE STUDY ALASKA 10 10 20 30 40 MILES 10 0 hJ 20 30 40 50 KILOMETERS LEGEND SCALE h2,000,1100 ~ Sub-basin boundries Sub-basin areas Willow sub-basin ~ ' Talkeetna sub-basin Beluga sub-basin Upper Susit~a sub-basin State priority areas ... ... . 6Z"- ......... III 112 113 114 KENAI- 115 116 - 0 0 Figure 2 14 • • . ' ----62° VI. ADMINISTRATION OF THE STUDY The administration of the Study is through the USDA Field Advisory Committee (FAC). The FAC members are: Weymeth E. Long, Chairman, State Conser- vationist, Soil Conservation Service, Anchorage, Alaska Marvin Meier, Director, State and Private Forestry, Region 10, U. S. Forest Service, Anchorage, Alaska Dr. Clyde E. Stewart, Economics, Statis- tics, and Cooperatives Service, Logan, Utah This committee will meet at the call of the chairman or at the request of any member to give direction, survey activities, consider budgetary needs, review reports and progress by the USDA Field Party and transact other business. A. USDA Responsibilities The Soil Conservation Service is responsible for administration of USDA activities in connection with river basin investigations and preparation of reports thereon. The. SCS is responsible for development of general principles, criteria, and procedures. The Soil Conservation Service is responsible for making physical appraisals of agricultural and rural water problems, and resource development needs and defining them in terms of meeting regional and community economic needs for water- related goods and services. The SCS determines 15 the conservation treatment needs for nonfederal open lands within river basins. The SCS deter- mines the development potentials of upstream watersheds, including their physical and econo- mic feasibility and effects; determines the scope and scale of upstream watershed development needed, and coordinates this with the proposals of other departments. The Soil Conservation Service, with the Forest Service and the Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service, coordinates with the Water Resources Council, federal, state, regional, and local organizations in program formulation, budget coordination, and development of guide- lines and procedures. The SCS also reviews project proposals of other· departments related to river basin activities, and assumes responsi- bility for the preparation of the USDA comments. The Forest Service is responsible for all aspects of River Basin planning relating to woodlands and forested lands, federal and nonfederal, the rangelands within and adjacent to the National Forests, and other mountainous watershed wild lands. The FS provides the analyses and pro- jections of economic activity related to the multiple uses and products from forests, wood- lands, and wild lands, and interprets these projects with respect to the use of and require- ments for water and related lands. The Forest Service is responsible for appra1s1ng the suitability and capability of forested lands to satisfy future demands for products and services and determines the kinds, amounts, and costs of watershed management practices needed. The FS determines for forested and related wild lands the hydrologic characteristics as to runoff, water yields, sediment, and erosion. The Forest Service estimates and evaluates the impacts of water resource development plans and proposals of USDA and other agencies upon the forest resource -public and private. The FS carries out continuing coordination with other land management and conservation agencies - federal, state, and local. The FS participates in the identification of areas having opportun-· ities for feasible USDA projects and programs (PL-566, RC&D, National Forest Development, etc.) to help meet the development needs of the River Basin. The Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service is responsible for economic aspects and elements of the USDA program in comprehensive River Basin planning. The ESCS develops and analyzes the agricultural economic base of the River Basin studies to include an appraisal of trends in land and water use. The ESCS develops projections of agricultural production, employ- ment, income, rural population, and land use for the economic analysis of agricultural water management needs and potentials. ESCS also analyzes the economic impact of flood prevention, land drainage, irrigation, and other water development programs on production, employment, and income in agriculture and related sectors of the economy. The ESCS evaluates the demand for and the economic benefits of water-based recrea- tion development. The ESCS also participates in the formulation of comprehensive plans for River Basin development including the analysis of economic benefits from alternative plans. 16 The overall responsibility of the Study will be assigned to the River Basin Planning Team under the guidance of the Field Advisory Committee. The agency responsible for ~ata gathering and analysis is set forth in the work outline. Leadership of the Study Team will be provided by the Project Leader. The River Basin Planning Team will work as an interrelated, inter-disci- plinary team whenever possible. Due to the lack of a developed road system throughout the study area, aircraft and water transportation will be necessary for data gathering. The inter-disci- plinary team approach will help cut transportation cost, and provide for continual sharing and comparing of data as it is collected. B. State of Alaska_Responsibilities' The State of Alaska, represented by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, will work directly with the USDA throughout the life of the Study. The DNR will be involved in all phases of the project from development of objec- tives and priorities, to membership on the study team when appropriate, to review of schedules, drafts, interim, and final reports. State departments other than DNR will be contacted as appropriate for information, technical assist- ance, or direct participation. C. Other Federal Agencies Available data and expertise from other federal agencies will be utilized to the fullest extent possible. Federal agencies with interest in the Cooperative Study, such as USGS, USF & WS, Corps of Engineers and others, will be contacted to provide technical assistance or direct partici- pation to help accomplish the goals of the Study. D. Arrangements for Coordination The Study will require cooperation and coordina- tion with local, state, and federal agencies. The. planning team will make itself aware of and keep up with any relevant resource studies in the area to provide for maximum coordination and to prevent duplication or incompatibility. As information is collected, analyzed, and displayed, it will be provided to local and state agencies and to ongoing programs. Liaison between the Study Team and the Borough and the different public groups will be made through the State Department of Natural Resources, and maintained by the entire Study Team. The use of computerized project control is anti- cipated for the Study. This tool can provide useful information concerning the status of·the project at any point in time to managers. Schedule adjustments or schedule updates can be made. · It should be stressed that this cooperative study will and should maintain an "open ended" approach for items and procedures covered in the following work outline. The State of Alaska, with its great magnitude of uncommitted land and undefined natural resources, may, and no doubt will, change direction of predicted development or need of baseline information. The River Basin Cooperative Study must maintain its ability and diversity to meet this challenge. 17 In order to provide leadership and support to the Study, the following individuals, which are not shown in the work outline, will be needed: Project Leader -full time (shown in part in work outline) Engineer Technician -full time Computer Programmer -part time Secretary-Typist-part time Secretary-Typist -part time USDA MAN-YEARS REQUIRED BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Sub-basin Remainder Basin- 1 2 of Basin wide Total ESCS Economist 1.9 1.8 1.6 1. 6 6.9 FS Forester 1.4 1. 6 2.6 1. 9 7.5 ~ scs Hydraulic Engineer 2.2 2.2 3.6 1.9 9.9 Soil Scientist .8 1.0 1.7 1.8 5.3 Geologist 1.1 1.1 2. 1 .8 5. 1 Economist 1.3 1.3 2.2 .6 5.4 Agronomist 1.0 1.0 1.8 .5 4.3 Soil Conservationist .8 .8 1.4 .4 3.4 Range Conservationist 1.3 1.2 2.3 .9 5.7 Temporary 1.7 1.7 3.5 6.9 TOTAL 13.7 13.7 21.9 10.4 60.4 18 VI I. WORK OUTLINE . A. Phase 1 Or anization (Identif Problems and Needs and Establish Objectives -This phase of the Study is devoted to organ1zational management activi- ties and development of a plan of work. This includes identification of problems and needs, specific objectives, and development of a strat- egy for continuing public involvement throughout the life of the Study. Problems, needs, and objectives were determined by several State of Alaska departments, as well as by local, federal, and public and private groups. These have been utilized to direct field work and analysis to assure that data required for actual planning and resource management activities are provided by this cooperative River Basin Study. Priori- ties for investigation and analysis, have also been assigned by the state and local groups. These will be used by the River Basin Study Team in developing time schedules and budgets for the field work. After counseling with the State of Alaska and other sponsors, field work will progress in a coordinated manner to provide information for priority geographic areas and priority resource issues first. B. Phase 2 Inventory and Analysis -This phase of study will include inventory and analysis of land and water resources by sub-basin with special consi- deration to state and local objectives. Along with resource inventories, an economic base inventory will be made, with projections of economic activity (population, employment, need 19 for resources) for 1980, 1985, 2000 and 2020. Once inventories have been completed, the infor- mation will be brought together for a look at the sub-basin resource situation. Socio-economic trends will be analyzed. Separate maps and overlays interpreting the newly-generated resource data may be used together for an idea of what the composite suitabilities and limita- tions of the land and water are. The opportunity to look at soils, water supply, vegetative, and demographic information simultaneously will show where potential or existing resource con- flicts are, and give a preliminary idea of how or whether use of one resource will affect another. Composite suitability and limitations maps will be produced, flagging critical or conflict areas. These will be presented to and used by resource managers for their specific decisions. For example, where is the best or lHely location for a new townsite or industrial complex, or park or wildlife preserve. Data will be compiled by hydrologic units and displayed at scales of 1:25,000 in areas now being developed or scheduled for development w"ithin the next few years; l :63,360 for areas which have a high probability for development in the near future; and 1:250,000 for the remaining area. The areas will be determined by the State and Borough. It will be digitized and stored in a permanent, retrievable computer file. It will be mapped and stored, and computer files will be updated as the Study progresses. Relevant resource agencies-federal, state, and local -will be contacted as necessary. The detail to which the information will be collected wi'll depend on state and local needs, status of existing information, relative importance of the geographic area and resource issue. C. Phase 3 Evaluation of Alternative Uses -In this phase, resource use alternatives will be selected and studied to show the range and implication of the resource suitability and limitations developed in Phase 2. Socio-economic study will be tied closely to this phase. Using the maps and the socio-economic trends and projections developed in Phase 2, the economic and environmental effects of each selected particular resource use will be studied. The effect of increased agri- cultural, timber. or outdoor recreation activity for example, on other resources and on the socio-economic base will be investigated. At the same time, the effects of predetermined socio-economic growth on needs for resources will be evaluated. After economic and environ- mental effects of different use alternatives are presented, guidelines for alternative selection will be formulated. At least four alternative analyses will be conducted after present conditions are deter- mined: (1) present conditions without a plan for development or other programs; (2) one emphasizing state and national economic develop- ment; (3) one emphasizing environmental quality; and (4} at least one based on local preferences. These alternatives will be based on projections for time periods 1980, 2000, and 2020. Land and Water Mana ement (Considered as Phase but not part of this study -Actual land 20 and water management and planning will not be accomplished by the Cooperative Study. Rather, the Cooperative Study will provide resource information, analysis, and guidelines (the basis of resource planning and management) to those doing the planning. Borough and State resource managers are now in need of such guidelines. The Matanuska-Susitna Planning Department is updating its Comprehensive Plan -the document which directs management of the resources for a period in which vast changes are expected. The State Department of Natural Resources will be involved in a major planning effort for state- owned land in the Susitna Basin, as well as in a regional water plan for the Susitna River area. Comprehensive data inventory and analysis provided by the Cooperative Study will be neces- sary to these as well as numerous other planning programs. Members of the Susitna Study Team as well as other USDA technical experts will be valuable participants in these programs. More detail of specific tasks and work activities involved in these four phases are presented in the following pages, and in a chart showing relationship of study phases. :z 0 -I rn Vl l. ~ 2. 3. 4. PHASE l Organization and Setting of Objectives Identify basin resource issues, problems, needs, and objectives by consulting state, federal, borough, and local resource agencies. Involve local citizens, local government leaders, and special interest groups in formulating study objectives, issues, pro- blems, and needs. Determine priority geographical areas and issues for study. Develop Plan of Work. STUDY PHASES - l. Assemb releva inform etc. 2. Invest ongoin 3. An nota le existing nt published ation, maps, i gate other g projects. inform te above ation. I \ Publish a a Resourc to all in cies. l nd distribute e Bibliography terested agen- 21 1-c:: 0 u. u. w Cl w l- ei: z ~ Cl c:: 0 0 u PHASE 2 Inventory HATER: Location, Quantity, Quality, Uses, Needs SOILS: Soil Survey by Soil Types SURFACE GEOLOGY: Hazard Identification, Potential Mineral Sources VEGETATION: Quantity, Quality, Type Identification FISH & WILDLIFE: Populations, Activi- ties, Habitat Needs RECREATION: Identify Areas with Oppor- tunity for Conservation, Development, Enhancement CULTURAL/HISTORICAL: Identify Sites FLOODING: Potential Flood Area, Fre- quencies, Magnitude, Histori- cal Information, Damageable Property LAND USE: Existing Patterns LAND STATUS: Proposed Changes SOCIO-ECONOMICS: Baseline information, Historical Trends, Future Projections, and Demand for Resources I I w ' 1 LJ u , I I I ~ , I i _j L------------_..._..-., r I I ! ' PHASE 2 Analysis WATER: Location and quantity of available water supply. Areas where quantity and/or quality limit development. Present water use, future water needs analysis. SOIL: Type maps, hazards, suita- bilities, and limitations to • different uses. (/) ;;: Available material. ~GEOLOGY: Geophysical hazards. ~ Potential construction o problems. ~ Potential transport corri- ::;;: dors. ~~a VEGETATION: Type maps. ~ Volume and production -' '-~ by vegetative type. :>FISH & WILDLIFE: Population charac- r I I I ' r r I ' I ~ • 0 !;: tenst1cs and g§ acitivites. ~ . Habitats. "'RECREATION: Areas to be conserved, ;:: developed, enhanced. r CULT/HIST: Areas to be protected. :i! FLOODING: Delineation of flood plain; ffi frequencies, depths, types \;: of damage, and damage value. ~ LAND STATUS/ LAND USE: Analysis of existing and proposed patterns. SOICO-ECONOMICS: Resource needs anal- ysis based on pro- jections and trends. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT: Inform.public interests. STUDY PHASES PHASE 3 * PHASE 4 Evaluation of Alternatives Land and Water Management r------·--------, .--.;....;.;.=.;...;.;...;.__-, 1. 2. Identify existing and poten- tial resource conflicts based on composite suitabil- ities and limitations. Evaluate alternative resource use scenarios based on the following: a. Future conditions without a development plan or other programs. b. Resource management empha- sizing economic develop- ments. c. Resource management empha- ' Resource managers compile manage- ment plans based ~ on E!V.aluation of reso(!rce manage- ment .'alternatives. ·.~ Combine map overlays for composite '- suitabilities- and 1 imita- tions 3. sizing environmental · . quality. d. Resource management based on local, regional pre- ferences. Provide guidelines for manage ment and conflict resolution :. I ---·) i , based on Item 2. ..:, ~ ,> ~--------------~K---------------~._--~ Provide information to state agencies for planning J~ftivities and daily management responsi bi 1 iti es. .;:"•; Provide information to Mat-Su Borough updating ComprE!hensive Plan. Provide information to federal and other interested,agencies. Provide information to interested public. 22 *Not part of this study ---------------------------- Vl L.U 1- 0 z PHASE 1 Organization ESCS FS scs DNR USFS USGS E F HE ss G SE A sc RC T PL B Key to Abbreviations Used in Charts Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service Forest Service Soil Conservation Service Department of Natural Resources United States Forest Service United States Geological Service Economist, ESCS Forester, FS , Hydraulic Engineer, SCS Soil Scientist, SCS Geologist, SCS Economist, SCS Agronomist, SCS Soil Conservationist, SCS Range Conservationist, SCS Temporary, SCS Project Leader, SCS Biologist, State/Federal 23 PHASE: 1 Organization ACTIVITY: A Organization and Setti~of Ob_iectives Code lAl 1A2 1A3 1A4 lAS 1A6 1A7 1A8 Work Item Determine general USDA management procedures with sponsoring agencies. Determine initial study team personnel and basic office equipment needs. Establish problems, needs, and objectives with sponsoring agencies. Establish specific component needs for study concerns established in item 3. ' Identify work items; determine who will be responsible for work item; determine number of days required to accomplish work item; determine duration, starting, and completion date for work items; estimate cost by USDA agencies. Prepare first draft of Plan of Work, and distribute for comments. Revise and prepare draft Plan of Work for WAC. Prepare final Plan of Work and distribute. Sub-total of man-days Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 24 Q) ..... .0 •.-! "' <= :>, 0 " o.<= Ul Q) Q) 00 <x:< scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs Q) ..... Q) .0 <= ..... .... Ulr-l <= "" 0 .... """ "' "' .,.,... .X: A PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL <= 0 00 .... <= .., .... Q) .., ..... ... Q) .,.., "' .., ~ .., .., "' 0 "' CJ:li:l UA 06/76 06/77 06/77 ll/77 02/77 10/77 04/77 10/77 04/77 01/78 05/77 03/78 03/78 04/78 04/78 05/78 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Organization and Setting of Objectives ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-I ...., OJ ...., . ...., ...., ...., "' :>-. .u :> "' 1-< "" "' "' "' .,.., .... "' .... I. I'> •.-l OJ Jl .,.., ·.-< .,.., '" .:> :> "' .,.., " I "' a .u ,..,...., "" a 0 ,-; .... OJ .... .... "" "' z 0 "' .,.., <= 0 0 <= .,.., OJ on OJ 0 ~ 0 H:;J <= OJ . 0 OJ .... <= 0 0 "' <= "' .,. .... "' ' "' 0 .... "" "' •.-< 0 0 .... "' <= "' <= s .:.:: 0 I>< 1-< '"' ~E-< 0 0 £ 0 OJ 0 "" 0 .:.:: 0 OJ 0 z .,.., "' 0 "' 00 "' ""' "' '"' "' <tl u u E-< E-< I'> r:Q ::>I>< ::> UE-< 15 20 20 20 75 30 105 5 5 5 5 20 5 25 10 10 10 10 3 43 20 63 10 10 10 10 3 43 10 53 55 60 60 60 235 60 295 15 20 20 20 75 20 95 15 20 20 20 3 78 20 98 15 20 20 20 5 80 20 100 140 165 165 165 14 649 185 834 140 165 165 165 14 649 185 834 25 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT During Phase 1, activities to involve the pub'Jic and relevant federal, state, borough, and local governments were of essential importance. In order to outline a study relevant to and used by resource managers and planners, the managers and planners themselves were involved in study formulation. To be sure that data collection is not duplicated, and that special expertise is utilized, federal, state, and borough resource agencies were also consulted. To provide for individuals to express their concerns and use to advantage the experience and knowledge stored over many years (or even a few years) by area residents, the general public was asked to participate. The public participation strategy for the Cooperative Study is to keep the pub l·i c informed of study progress, and to involve them in every case when there is a realistic way to utilize their input. In the winter of 1976, preliminary information explaining the nature of cooperative studies was sent to numerous federal and state agencies. Each was asked to comment and help identify study objectives and needs. At the same time a questionnaire was sent to over 300 study area residents, native groups, business groups, environmental groups, borough government members, local government members and special interest bodies, again explaining the study and requesting that area natural resource problems and study objectives be identified. In addition, the questionnaire was published in three Susitna Valley newspapers. Responses from both the 26 government groups and public were used in devel- oping study plans, objectives, and in formulating the Plan of Work. All those responding to questionnaires were personally written thank you letters, with a summary of questionnaire results included. Special note was made of any returned questionnaires offering particular information or assistance. (Several people, in fact, offered data they had collected themselves over time). Meetings were held with the Army Corps of Engineers, USGS, state departments, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, and numerous other groups to explain the study and solicit participation and interest. The first draft Plan of Study was reviewed by several state departments and the Matanuska- Susitna Borough. During Phase 2, as milestones were reached (funding was appropriated, field work began, etc.) brief news releases were published in Susitna Valley and Anchorage newspapers. Very close contact between the Cooperative Study and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning Department has been maintained, and contact has been very productive. The Borough has helped outline several projects of the Cooperative Study (the bibliography and land use atlas project are examples), guaranteeing their use upon completion. A series of meetings to identify community goals boroughwide was held through the summer and fall of 1977. The meetings were organized by the Borough Planning Department and Borough Assembly with the express purpose of explaining the planning process and the need for comprehensive planning in the area. Members of the Cooperative Study attended these meetings to meet and speak with the local participants, and gave short oral presentations explaining· the Cooperative Study to the group upon being introduced by the Borough Planning Director. State departments, federal agencies, and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Planning Department will all receive copies of the final draft Susitna Study Plan of Work for review and com- ment. In addition, governmental agencies, such as the Corps of Engineers, USGS, State DGGS, Division of Parks, Department of Fish and Game as well as the Mat-Su Borough and others have been invited to meetings to help determine special requirements for each resource study (where water monitoring stations are needed for example). Liaison between the Cooperative Study and the recently appointed Capital Site Planning Com- mission has been provided by the Department of Natural Resources. Liaison.between the Cooper- ative Study and the Level B StuD .has been through Cooperative Study tea:m,·member' s parti- cipation in Level B Study Tas~ Fort! Work Groups. Meetings will be held with relevant agencies throughout Phase 2, with the goals of remaining responsive to changing priorities and needs and of preventing duplication. As appropriate, newspaper releases will be published. The study team will strive to keep itself aware of ongoing and upcoming programs, present updates, progress 27 reports, and public workshops as appropriate. (The annotated bibliography being prepared for the Cooperative Study will aid the team in keeping up with other projects and studies). During Phase 3 the public and the borough as well as federal and state agencies will be involved in selection of alternative resource use scenarios for study and in determination of guidelines for resource uses. Workshops, dis- plays, and further questionnaires will be used as appropriate during this phase. Newspaper and newsletter releases will continue as will liaison with borough, state, and federal agencies. The results of public involvement throughout Phases 1, 2, and 3 will be used in Phase 4 (not part of this study), and will be a vital input to the management plans. Public involve- ment will be continuous throughout Phase 4. PHASE: 1 Objectives and Plan of Work ACTIVITY: B Public Involvement Work Outline* -------------------------~ Code lBl 1B2 1B3 1B4 lBS Work Item With state, federal, and advisory committees, determine public concerns within the basin through public meetings and mailing questionnaries to individuals living in the Basin. Meet with sponsor and other government agencies to determine the needs and concerns within the basin. Review and analyze responses meetings, and questionnaire. the Plan of Work. from other government agencies, public Use data interpretation for Phase Z of·· Prepare and provide study information to the news media. Review and analyze local and borough comprehensive development plans and policies. Incorporate their needs and desires into the Plan of Work. Total man-days (Activity) *Work to be done jointly under a cooperative agreement 28 Q) Q) r-1 r-1 Q) t::: .a .a t::: 0 .... ........ 00 .... til tllr-1 t::: '"' t::: >. t::: "' .... Q) 0 tJ 0 .... '"' r-1 "'t::: "'" " Q) "' .Q) til Q) til til "''"' a '"' Q) 00 Q) .... '"' "' 0 <tl <>::< <>:I'=> "'"" Ul'l scs DNR 09/76 04/78 scs DNR 10/76 02/78 scs DNR 06/77 02/78 scs DNR 06/77 04/78 scs DNR 10/76 10/77 . MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Public Involvement Work Outline l ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-I ... OJ ... . ... ... ... Cll >-. ... > Cll 1-< b!l Cll Cll Cll .,.; 1-< Cll 1-< "" .,.; QJ <= .,.; ..... .,.; El ,:> > <1! .,.; " "' El ... "' ........ b!l El 0 ..... 1-< QJ 1-< 1-< b!l Ul z 0 Cll .,.; <= 0 0 0: .,.; QJ b!)QJ 0 ~ 0 .... !;;] 0: QJ . 0 QJ ..... 0: 0 0 Cll <= Cll "' ..... Ul • Ul 0 " ., Ul ..... 0 0 1-< (/) 0: <1! 0: El ~ 0 "" 1-< ' "' ~H u 0 >-. u QJ u Oil 0 ~ 0 QJ 0 z .,.; Cl) 0 Cl) 00 "' "" :I: (/) "' "' < u u H H "" 1"1 Pi« ::> UH l 5 10 10 10 35 40 75 5 10 10 10 35 30 65 5 5 5 5 20 20 40 5 5 5 5 20 30 50 5 5 5 5 20 20 40 25 35 35 35 130 140 270 -, 29 RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Discussion -The Resource Bibliography for the Susitna River Basin was prepared from June to September 1g77 by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The purpose of the project was to collect, annotate, and evaluate all existing resource data relevant to the Cooper-· ative Study. The bibliographic search acts as a first step to the Cooperative Study, and to comprehensive planning. It reveals voids and weaknesses in resource information, acting as a reference point for further data inventory while preventing duplication of future data collection efforts. Only by identifying the state of the existing resource data base, can the Cooperative Study outline practical and relevant field work. The resource bibliography is directly useful to the DNR-SCS Cooperative Study, yet has a variety of other uses and applications. As the project is directly applicable to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Plan Update, the Borough Planning Department was consulted on bibl iogra.phy form and content at the start of the project. The project has provided for collection of two sets of the actual resource reports and maps annotated in the bibliography. One set will be given to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, and one set will be shared by the Cooperative Study participants. The bibliography may be used by any resource agency now working or planning work in the Susitna Basin area, as an overview of what has already been done. It should be useful to the Capital Planning Commission, to the numerous federal and state agencies working in the vicinity, and to local governments. 30 Procedure -Research for the project involved contact and interviews with federal, state, and local resource agency representatives and review of resource libraries, other bibliographies, and retrieval systems to evaluate the state of the existing data base. Published maps and documents and ongoing projects were annotated for the following resource cate- gories: Geology, hydrology, soils, fish and wildlife, vegetation, recreation and archeology, land use and land status, climate, and miscellan- eous references. Annotations for published information specify title, author, and date of publication; area covered; interest level relative to the Susitna Cooperative Study; description of scope, methodo- logy, and findings of the document; explanation of maps, tables, and charts included; and document availability. Annotations for ongoing programs include title, person to be contacted for more information, area covered, status, and duration of project. An introduction to the bibliography includes a user's guide, a list of sources utilized for each resource topic, an evaluation of the existing data base, and suggestions for necessary future field work. Because so many studies and resource investigations are ongoing or proposed for the next few field seasons, it is essential that the resource bibliography be continually updated. A concen- trated update effort before each field season would keep the field team responsive to ways of sharing and coordinating field work. Emphasis in the update would be placed on the geographic areas and resource inventories being covered in the coming field season. For the yearly update, progress and status of former ongoing projects should be checked, agencies recontacted, and newly generated information collected (for the Susitna library) and annotated as additional bibliographic entries. The bibliography was printed in November 1977, and will have wide distribution. The document shall be bound so that update information can be published, sent out, and put in place in the original document. This will provide for a continually current document. One month per year, preferably March or April, should be adequate for the update. It was not possible to put the resource bibliography on computer storage and retreival system in 1977. This task should be accomplished in 1978 along with the first year update. 31 PK~SE: 1 Objectives and Plan of Work ACTI\':;:TY: C Resource Bibliography* Code I Hork Item lCl Contact Federal, State, Borough and local governments, and other persons for information on existing resource documents and continuing and proposed projects relevant to the Cooperative Study. Research resource libraries and resource info1~ation retrieval systems. 1C2 Collect and annotate documents. Prepare and publish a report on the findings. lC~ Update bibliography before each field season during the life of the Study. 1C4 Store bibiliographic information in existing State of Alaska retrieval system. Sub-total of man-days Basinwide Total man~days (Activity) *By contract with the State of Alaska -Department of Natural Resources. 32 scs scs scs scs DNR · DNR " 0 ·rl '"' (]) ..-< "'"' s '"' 0 "' UP 08/77 01/781 08/77! 01/78 DNR I ""'I DNR 01/781 I I I. __ .. ______ . ------------------- -------------------------------- --------------- ------------ ~ ---------------------------- ------------ -------------------- N N >-' 1--' 1--' 0 00 ______ ------------"'--~-------en ____ _:o~--o -------- -.--------- -----------------·------------------------- >-' 0 0 --· ------ ------ --- N ___, - --- -- ----~--- N ___, . ----~~ Economist "' " "' ----Forester "" "' Hyd. Eng. Soil Scientist --- Geologist ---- Economist "' " "' ,--------- Agronomist --- Soil Conserv. Range Conserv. f------- 'J.'f:rr.porary ------ TOT AT~ ----· -- DNR "' H "'" --H ,,, ----------- l:.j Cf.l MH Biologist t:J:> t:"lH "'"" ""---t-< ----------1--- USFS "" For .. Survey t-J t:J '" .. ·-·---··-· -----~ USGS t-< ···----------------- COMBINED TOTAL -----------------------------------------·--------·.-·--------. -------·. ~ I'd I 11> t:J "' :> 0 >-<: " "' " " "' 11> >-<: "' :> ,.,. G"l 0' "'' >-' z ,.,. 0 0 K ~ " :> "' z '1:1 t:J ~ t:J H "' 0 H "' t-< H z "" "' w 1- 0 z: ...... ::::l < ro ::::l r+ 0 ~ '"0 :X: )::o Ill Ul ::::l rrl Q. )::o N ::::l Ill _. I< Vl -'• Vl WATER RESOURCES (Water Quantity, Quality, Use, and Management) Discussion -The objective of the water resource studies is to determine the quantity, quality, and present and future uses and needs of surface and ground water. An SCS geologist will assist in the planning and the review of the ground water studies. This can assure that adequate geologic mapping has been done to delineate the sources and quantities of ground water that are available for development. His expertise will be especially valuable in the location and drilling of test wells. These studies are needed to assist planners in developing compre- hensive land and water management plans. In the study area there are about 800,000 acres of soils that have a potential for farming and pasture land development. The State of Alaska has classified 35,000 acres as agricultural land. Water resources need to be more accurately defined before development starts so baseline data will be available for planning purposes and development of environmental impact statements. Details of the water monitoring system are set forth in the following sections: Surface Water, Ground Water, and Water Quality. Water resource data will be displayed on maps, in charts and tables, and then coded and stored for use in the analysis section, Phase 3, of this study. 34 Climate is important in water resource studies. Precipitation, temperatures, and wind data are nee!ded to make a complete analysis. Snow pack and rainfall data are needed to establish corre- lation with runoff gages. Climatological data is limited in the study area, and additional climatological data sites will be necessary. There may be gaps to fill in already published data, but most important, a few data sites are needed within the foothill areas to refine published weather service technical papers. These sites would be within the drainages of the proposed new stream gaging sites. Procedure Surface Water -Surface water data, USGS records, and other surface water records will be analyzed to determine the amount (acre feet, cubic meters, cubic feet per second, cubic centimeters per second) of surface water supply. Average monthly, average annual, and seasonal discharges will be estimated. Volume duration-probability analysis will be made to develop chance of occurrance levels. Daily discharges for speci- fic months and/or seasons, and low flow for some streams, will be determined. Present water uses will be determined, and future uses and demands will be projected. This data will be used to determine the amount of surface water available, present water use, future water demands, and adequacy of supply in relation to future demands. The available data will be analyzed and, with necessary correction factors, will be used to determine streamflow in ungaged areas. This will be difficult and at the best will be a rough estimate of surface water availability. The existing stream gaging system is mostly on the mainstem of the Susitna River (three gages), four gages on large tributaries, and one gage on a small tributary. The hydrology and hydraulics of the areas gaged will differ tremendously from much of the ungaged areas. Most of the stream gages are located on streams that receive water from glacier melt, but snow melt is the source of water from much of the ungaged area. Hydraulics of most of the gaged area are natural channels with normal obstructions, constrictions, etc. Hydraulics in much of the ungaged area is complicated by the streams passing through lakes and large areas of muskegs. Adjustments to the existing data will be based on experience. Field reconnaisance, aerial photography, USGS quadrangles, landsat data, and other agency work will be used in an effort to make the best estimate possible. Water monitoring system needs -The Work Outline proposes a minimum stream measuring and monitoring system which will bring the surface water data to a level needed for developing competent land use and water plans. Five con- tinuous recording stream gaging stations, ten partial record stations, and measure of ten lakes with maximum and minimum levels have been determined necessary for this purpose. 35 Ground Water -Ground water studies will be made to locate ground water aquifers, and determine the depth, volume, and pumping rate of the aquifers. Available data will be used to the fullest extent possible. One well in the Wasilla area and one in the Beluga area have been drilled recently and could be used for test pumping. The rest of the wel]s are shallow, small diameter wells, and do not lend themselves to test pumping for large volumes of water. Two deep wells are being proposed to enable the study to present more reliable ground water data. The wells will determine depth to water, drawdown, and type of aquifer. One is in the vicinity of Houston, and the other is in the vicinity of Talkeetna. Existing ground water supplies will be compared to future demand to determine adequacy. Ground water aquifers and other ground water data will be displayed in general on maps at a scale of 1:250,000, but in specific areas of intense buildup, a map scale 1:63,360 will be used to show the necessary detail. Water Quality -Water quality will be determined from the standpoint of water use -present and future. Available data will be analyzed and compared to standards set forth by EPA and the state. With these comparisons, use restraints incurred by water quality will be flagged. The main use of the data will be to determine exist- ing water quality on some streams to establish baseline conditions with little or no develop- ment in the area. This baseline data can be used to determine the impacts of future develop- ment on water quality. The main emphasis in this study will be placed on pollutants which will affect water use for residential, irrigation, recreation, fisheries, commerical and urban buildup, and the impacts that those uses may have on water quality. Point and nonpoint pollution problems will be identified, and alternatives for solv·ing the problems will be evaluated and displayed. The water quality parameters of importance to con- sider for recreational, fish and wildlife, agricultural, and municipal-industrial uses are: Discharge D.O. Temp Turbidity pH Color 1/ Suspended Sediment Conductivity -T.D.S. Coliform (Total-Fecal) Fecal Strept. Alkalinity (As CaCD3) Nitrate TKN Total Phosphorus Orthophosphate Potassium Magnesium Calcium Sodium Chloride Silica Metals 2/ Pesticides y Phenols 3/ Hardness-as CaCD3 1/ B.O.D. or C.O.D. if ]/Questionable value for most water quality -analyses. 2/The need for metal analysis will be based -on the probability the metal is present in quantity of concern. 3/Primarily for municipal considerations. -May be omitted if municipal uses are not expected. 4/Normally be required if organic material -is present in the water supply at a quantity to cause an oxygen demand. Ex·isting data defines water quality in a limited area of the basin. The study proposes additional water quality data be gathered in areas where there is no data available. This will be closely coordinated with USGS and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. These are located within or near areas with soils which have potential for farm and pasture land development. New water quality monitoring stations will provide baseline data that will enable a basis for sound decision making and planning, and the development of environmental impact statements whem deve 1 opment is proposed. 36 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: A Water Resources -Surface Water Quantity Code Work Item 2Al 2A2 2A3 a b c a b c Analyze existing surface water data (use bibliography). Calculate average annual discharge (cubic feet per second (c.f.s.) and acre feet (A.F.)). Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Calculate average monthly discharge (c.f.s. and A.F.). Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 2A4 Calculate daily discharge for specific months (c.f.s. and A.F.). a b Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2AS Develop average annual precipitation (inches). a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2A6 Determine low-flow discharge for specific streams (c.f.s. and A.F.). a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2A7 Locate new stream gaging stations with the State and USGS, and prepare a cooperative agreement with them for installation and operati~g of the new stations. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 37 scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs . scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE <= 0 .,.. ..... Q) .... P.aJ a .._. 0 .. Ut=l 04/78 09/78 04/78 06/78 04/81 06/81 04/78 01/79 04/80 01/81 04/78 03/79 04/80 03/81 09/78 04/79 09/78 04/79 04/78 05/79 11/80 12/80 04/78 09/78 04/78 09/78 -- MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -Surface Water Quantity ESCS FS scs I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-._. OJ ._. . ._. ._. ._. "' >. ._. i> ., .... bl) ., "' -til .... .... "' .... 0 .... OJ <l .... .... .... a -> i> "' .... ::> «< a ._. «< ,_.._. bl) a 0 .-< .... (!) .... .... bl) "' z 0 "' .... <l 0 0 <l .... OJ OOOJ 0 :;;] 0 H:;;j <l OJ . 0 (!) .-< <l 0 0 til <l til "" .-< "' ' "' ~t; 0 .... "' "'""' 0 0 .... "' <l "' <l ~ E-< ~ 0 I>< .... "' 0 0 >. 0 OJ 0 bl) 0 <>: 0 0 .... "' 0 "' «< I>< :>:: "' "' "' «: u u E-< E-< 0 "' Pi>< :::> LIE-< ' 80 80 40 40 40 40 80 80 40 40 40 40 80 80 40 40 40 40 80 80 40 40 40 40 80 80 20 20 20 20 40 40 20 2 22 20 42 20 2 22 20 42 40 4 38 44 40 84 QJ QJ .... .... QJ " ..0 ..0 " 0 ..... .......... bO ..... (/) (1).-l " .., PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis " >. " A. ..... QJ 0 tJ o..-< .., .... ACTIVITY: A Water Resources -Surface Water Quanitity -continued A." A.tJ 1-< QJ A.QJ (/) QJ (/) (/) C1l .., s .., QJ bO QJ .... .., C1l 0 C1l Code Work Item ~< ~j:l tllj:l Ul=l 2A8 Determine surface water supply. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 09/78 11/78 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 11/80 01/81 c Remainder of basin scs HE 2A9 Develop volume-frequency for 50% and 80% reliabilities. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 04/78 10/78 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 04/78 01/80 c Remainder of basin scs HE 2Al0 Determine surface-water use. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 04/77 04/80 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 03/82 04/82 c Remainder of basin scs HE 2A11 Map surface water resources. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 04/79 04/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 04/82 04/82 c Remainder of basin scs HE 2Al2 Digitize for use in alternative analysis. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 04/79 04/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 04/82 04/82 c Remainder of basin scs HE 2Al3 Develop interim report. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 04/78 11/80 b• Sub-basin 2 scs HE 11/80 11/83 c Remainder of ·basin scs HE 39 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE --Water Resources -Surface Water Quantity -continued ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-I ... Q) ... . ... ... ... "' >, ... > "' ... Oil "' "' "' ..... ... "' ... ~ ..... Q) Ji ..... ..... ..... 13 -> Q) ~ CIS ..... "' ~ 13 ... r-i'-' Oil 11 0 r-i ... ... Oil "' z 0 "' ..... 0: 0 0 0: ..... Q) bi)Q) 0 ~ 0 H:;J 0: Q) . 0 Q) r-i 0: 0 0 "' 0: "' "' r-i "' . • "' ~E-l 0 ... "" "' ..... 0 0 ... "' 0: "' 0: ~ 0'1 0 [<, ... <.!> 0 0 >, 0 OJ 0 Oil 0 0'1 0 0 z ..... "' 0 "' 00 ~ [<, p:: "' <.!> ~ < u u E-l E-l ~ "' :=>r« :::> UE-l 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 aJ aJ ..... ..... aJ <:: ~ ~.;:l 0 00 .,.. "' ., ..... I: .., PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis <:: » <:: p. .,.. aJ 0 u 0..-1 .., ..... ACTIVITY: A Water Resources -Surface Water Quantity -continued """' P.U .... <II """' Ill <II Ill Ill <d ..., I'! .., aJ 00 "'"'"' ..., <d 0 <d Code Work Item <>::< t>:lt=l till=\ Ul=l Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) ' 41 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -Water Surface Quantity -continued ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-..... OJ .u . ..... ..... .u "' :>. ..... > "' '"' 00 "' "' "' .... . . '"' "' '"' Q .... OJ Jl .... .... .... a .> > "' .... ::~· I l>l a ..... .......... 00 a 0 ..... '"' OJ '"' '"' 00 "' z 0 "' .... 0:: 0 0 0:: .... OJ OOOJ 0 ~ 0 H!;;) 0:: OJ . 0 OJ ..... 0:: 0 0 Ill 0:: "' ffi ..... "' ' . "' 0 '"' "" "'"" 0 0 '"' "' 0:: "' 0:: ~ 0 f<i '"' (!) ~H " 0 £ " OJ " 00 0 <>: 0 0 .... "' 0 "' 00 f.<l f<i "' (!) f.<l < u u H H o:l ::>f<i ::> UH 105 2 107 180 20 307 105 2 107 180 20 307 210 4 114 360 40 634 80 80 210 8 114 440 80 1328 42 PHASE: 2 ACTIVITY: Inventory and Analysis B Water Resources Ground Water Ouantitv Code Work Item 2Bl Analyze existing data to locate and map aquifers from available data (use annotated bibliography). 2B2 Locate new well; develop cooperative agreement for well installation, pump testing and operations; supervise drilling and logging; and test well. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2B3 Estimate volume of ground water a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2B4 Update ground water aquifer location map, boundary, and depths. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2B5 Locate and evaluate recharge areas. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2B6 Estimate allowable pumping rates in ground water aquifers. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 43 "' "' ,.; ,.; "' 0::: ,.c ,.c 0::: 0 ..... .......... bO ..... "' !J),..j 0::: .. 0::: :>.. 0::: "" ..... "' 0 tJ o.,.; .. ,.; 0.0::: """ ,... "' """' "' "' "' "' "' .. 13 .. "' bO "' ..... ... "' 0"' <>::< OC:t:l cnt:> Ut:l scs HE 05/78 10/78 scs HE 04/78 09/78 scs HE 04/78 09/78 scs HE 04/79 09/80 scs HE 06/78 11/78 scs HE 06/78 08/79 scs HE scs HE 07/78 12/78 scs HE 08/79 09/79 scs HE scs HE 11/78 12/78 scs HE 09/79 10/79 scs HE scs HE 12/78 ~2/79 scs HE 11/79 ~1/80 scs HE MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -Ground Water Quantity ~ ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL i> I ... Q) ... ... ... ... ., :;., ... > ., "' bO ., ., ., .... . ,.. ., ,.. <=l •rl Q) 0::: .... •rl .... s ,:> i> t1j ""' " Oil s ... Oil .-i+J bO s 0 .-i ,.. Q) ,.. ,.. bO "' z 0 Cll •rl 0::: 0 0 0::: •rl Q) bOQJ 0 ~ 0 H~ 0::: "' . 0 Q) .-i 0::: 0 0 Cll 0::: ., "' .-i CIJ ; "' ~?1 0 ,.. "" CIJ •rl 0 0 "' "' 1:1 "' 0::: s ~ 0 ~ ,.. ' "' (,) 0 :;., (,) Q) (,) bO 0 <>:: 0 Q) 0 •rl "' 0 CIJ 00 Oil ~ :>:: CIJ "' Oil < u u E-< E-< 0 <=Q :::>~ :::> UE-< ·' 120 120 120 7 25 32 32 7 25 32 32 14 50 64 64 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 I 20 20 20 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 44 Q) Q) .-i .-i Q) 1:: :;1 :;J;i 0 00 .,.. "' 0),-i 1:: ... PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis 1:: :>. 1:: "' ·..< Q) 0 tJ 0.,.. ... .-i ACTIVITY: B Water Resources -Ground Water Quantity -continued P.J:: "'" 1-< Q) p.Q) "' Q) "' "' "' ... s ... Q) 00 Q).,.. ... "' 0"' Code Work Item <>::< P::A CllA UA 2B7 Determine ground water uses. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 01/79 P2/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 01/80 01/80 c Remainder of basin scs HE 2B8 Digitize and store maps for use in analysis phase. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 02/79 02/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 01/80 01/80 c Remainder of basin scs HE 2B9 Develop interim report on ground water. a Sub-basin 1 (1st draft) scs HE 04/78 03/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 02/80 03/80 c Remainder of basin scs HE Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 45 . .. MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -Ground Water Quantity -continued ' iEscs FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL > I '-' Q) '-' '-' w w "' >-w i> I "' 1.< 00 "' "' "' .... . 1.< "' ... I "" .... Q) ,5 .... •.-! •.-! a i> i> "' .... :> r4 s w .... ., 00 s 0 .... ... Q) 1.< ... 00 tl) z 0 "' .... 0::: 0 0 0::: .... QJ OOQ) 0 ~ 0 Ho-1 0::: QJ 0 Q) .... 0::: 0 0 "' 0::: "' "' .... tl) ' tl) ~;:: 0 ... "' tl) •.-! 0 0 ... tl) 0::: "' 0::: a .,: 0 ~ ... I t!> u 0 >-u Q) u 00 0 .,: 0 QJ 0 z .... tl) 0 tl) 00 r4 ~ ::r: tl) t!> r4 < u u H H "" l"l ;::,~ ;::, UH _, 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 20 30 30 10 20 30 30 20 40 60 60 17 150 167 167 17 150 167 167 34 300 334 334 120 120 120 68 720 788 788 46 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: C Water Resources -Water Quality Code 2Cl 2C2 2C3 Work Item Analyze existing data for surface and ground water quality. (Use anno- tated bibliography) Compare water quality with EPA and state quality standards. Determine adequacy of water for different uses -municipal, industrial, recreation, agriculture, and fish and wildlife. 2C4 Locate areas with good water, and areas having water quality problems. a b c Map respective areas. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of area 2C5 Locate nonpoint and point sources of pollution, and map the respective areas. a b c Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of area 2C6 Develop map showing surface and ground water quality and source of pollution. a b c Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of area 47 II) ..... ,0 .... ., ,:: >- 0 u P.<=l ., II) II) "" <>:< scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs HE HE A A A A G G G G G G ,:: 0 . ... .., II) ..... p.ll) a .., 0 <11 UA 06/77 09/77 06/77 01/78 06/77 05/78 06/77 05/78 06/79 05/80 06/77 09/99 06/79 09/79 05/78 05/79 05/79 05/80 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -Water Quality ESCS FS scs I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-I '-' Q) ..... . '-' '-' ..... Ul >. '-' I> Ul !-1 00 Ul Cll Ul .... !-1 Ul !-1 Cl .... Q) rB .... .... .... s -~ >· <1l . ... " l>l a '-' ,...,.., 00 s 0 ..... Q) !-1 !-1 00 tl.l z 0 Cll .... 0:: 0 0 0:: .... Q) OOQJ 0 ~ 0 Ho-1 0:: Q) . 0 Q) ..... 0:: 0 0 Cll 0:: Cll "' ..... tl.l ' (f.) ~E:l 0 !-1 "" (f.) .... 0 0 !-1 "' 0:: <1l 0:: s E-< ~ 0 ~ !-1 ' t!l <.J 0 >. <.J Q) <.J 00 0 p:: 0 Q) 0 .... (f.) 0 (f.) 00 l>l ~ ~ "' t!l l>l < (..) (..) E-< E-< Cl IXl :::>~ :::> uE-< .L 20 8 8 36 80 116 20 20 80 100 40 40 40 120 120 240 5 5 5 15 20 35 5 5 5 15 20 35 10 10 10 30 40 70 10 3 5 2 20 25 45 10 3 5 2 20 25 45 20 6 10 4 40 so 90 40 40 20 60 40 40 20 60 80 80 40 120 48 QJ QJ ..... ..... QJ <= .a ~~ 0 .... 00 .... ., ., ..... <= .... PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis <= » <= Po .... QJ 0 0 Oorf .... ..... ACTIVITY: C Water Resources -Water Quality -continued Pot: P.O '"' QJ p.Q) ., QJ ., ., "' .... = .... QJ 00 QJorf .... "' 0 "' Code Work Item P::< P::l=! <Ill=! Ul=l 2C7 Digitize and store for use in analysis phase. a Sub-basin 1 scs G 05/78 06/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs G 05/79 05/80 c Remainder of area scs G Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of area Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) - 49 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resoures -Water Quality -continued ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>- '-' QJ '-' '-' '-' '-' ., >-. '-' :> ., 1-o 00 ., ., ., .,., . 1-o Ul 1-o Q .,., QJ Ji .,., .,., .,., a '~ :> "' .,., " I M a '-' o-i'-' 00 a 0 o-i QJ 1-o .. 00 "' z 0 ., .,., <=i 0 0 <=i .,., QJ OOQJ 0 ~ 0 H!;;J <=i QJ . 0 QJ o-i <=i 0 0 ., <=i ., "' o-i "' ' "' ~[-< 0 1-o "" "'""' 0 0 .. "' <=i "' s::: ~ ~ 0 ~ .. ' c.!l u 0 >-. u QJ u 00 0 ~ 0 0 z .,., "' 0 "' 00 M ~ ~ "' c.!l M < u u [-< [-< 0 ~ ::>~ D LIE-< .L 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 12 53 8 10 7 78 68 146 53 8 10 7 78 68 146 106 16 20 14 156 136 292 40 0 40 48 48 136 280 416 40 212 72 88 76 488 552 1040 ' 50 WATER USE AND WATER NEEDS STUDY Discussion -The purpose of this study is to define present water uses and project future water needs (1980, 2000, and 2020) providing a foundation to Phase 3 of the Cooperative Study and to planning in the Susitna River Basin. This information will be used in Phase 3 as one of the primary considerations in evaluating different resource uses. The information will also support formulation of the Susitna regional component of a State Water Plan. This regional component or regional planning guide will identify and evaluate water resource characteristics (uses, problems, and needs) particular to the Susitna region, and will be used as the basis for water appropriation and management policies. Procedure -Water use records are sketchy and incomplete. The available records are in state offices; therefore, an agreement with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources will be developed to gather and assemble the data for the study team. An agreement between the Soil Conservation Service and the Department of Natural Resources for financing this effort will be developed for Fiscal Years 78 and 79.· The Study will essen- tially pay the salary for a person to assist in this job. This will include a breakdown of water use by source, location, and each identifiable use. Uses to be considered are: Municipal, rural, agricultural, industrial, fish and wildlife, recreation, and mining. The summary of Cook Inlet water resources, near- ing completion by the USGS, in addition to data 51 generated during field seasons in the Susitna Study will be used to full advantage to determine area water supply characteristics. Existing information on public water supply and systems will be obtained from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The Department of Natural Resources water appro- priation files will be reviewed to determine present permitted water use, and to estimate average appropriation for different uses. Non- public water users (miners, industry, irrigators, etc.) will be contacted as will wellowners and drillers for more specific information. Water uses in unincorporated areas will be estimated by activity (domestic, agricultural, mining, etc.), and by quantity. Use by fish and wild- life, mining, and recreation will be determined with the aid of relevant resource agencies. On the basis of socio-economic projections and trends developed by socio-economic inventories and analyses in the Cooperative Study, and other investigations related to potential resource development, future water needs will be projected for each major use. Demands will be compared with supply characteristics to establish guide- lines for future regional water management and appropriation. :z 0 --l rn til PHASE: 2 ACTIVITY: Code 2Dl Inventory and Analysis D Water Resources -\-later Use and Needs Work Item Analyze existing data from State and local water users for water use. (see annotated bibliography) 2D2 Determine quantities of water used for municipalities, rural communities and fish and wildlife. Also determine water use in recreational, industrial and agricultural development. 2D3 2D4 2DS 2D6 a b c a b c a b c a b c Determine effective rainfall for crop production. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine lake evaporation rates. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine crop irrigation requirements. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine present water depletions. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin * By contract with the State of Alaska -Dept. of Natural Resources. 52 scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs HE 06/77 11/79 HE 09/77 01/79 HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE 12/80 12/80 01/81 01/81 02/81 02/81 02/81 02/81 12/81 12/81 02/81 02/81 03/81 03/81 04/81 04/81 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -!Vater Use and Needs IEscs FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL > I ... (!) ... . ... ... ... "' ;>, '-' > "' "' 00 "' "' "' .... . '"' "' '"' t=l .... .ru r:: .... .... .... 13 ·~ > "' . ... ;:l ~ 13 '-' ~ r-1'-' 00 13 0 r-1 (!) '"' '"' 00 "' 0 "' .... r:: 0 0 r:: .... (!) OO(l) 0 ~ 0 H...:l r:: (!) . 0 (!) r-1 r:: 0 0 "' r:: "' "' r-1 "' ' "' ~;:1 0 '"' "C "'"'"' 0 0 '"' "' r:: "' r:: ~ ..: 0 ~ '"' <.!> u 0 ~ u (!) u 00 0 ..: 0 0 z .... "' 0 "' 00 ~ ~ "' <.!> ~ < u u ~ ~ t=l <'l ~~ ~ '-'~ - 20 20 20 . 40 129 20 20 40 240 210 80 530 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 10 10 5 25 25 10 10 5 25 25 20 20 10 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 53 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: D Water Resources -Water Use and Needs continued Code 2D7 a b c 2D8 2D9 2Dl0 a b c 2Dll a b c Work Item Based on projected land use, determine future water needs.* Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine low flow requirements to support fish and wildlife on specific streams.** Compare the total water needs to the actual supply, availability and quality of water.*** Determine and locate water problems and develop alternatives to resolve the problems. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Develop a map to indicate the amounts and areas of water use. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin *By a cooperative agreement with the State of Alaska - Department of Natural Resources. **By a cooperative agreement with the State of Alaska -Fish & Game. ***By a cooperative agreement with the State of Alaska -Department of Natural Resources and Department of Fish and Game. 54 "' ..... .0 .,... Ill l'l » 0 u P.l'l Ill "' "' 00 <>::< scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs "' ..... "' l'l .OI'l 0 .,....,... 00 .,... lllM 0 w l'l p, .,... "' 0.,... w ..... P.U ... "' P,CIJ Ill Ill "'w = w "'.,... w"' 0 "' <>:10 C/)0 '-'0 HE 05/81 05/81 HE 05/81 05/81 HE HE 05/81 07/81 HE 07/81 12/81 HE 12/81 01/82 HE 12/82 01/83 HE HE 01/82 01/82 HE 01/83 01/83 HE MAN-DAYS UY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -Hater Use and Needs -continued IEscs FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>- I ..., "' ..., . ..., ..., ..., "' >. ..., > "' " "" "' "' "' .... " "' " !=> .... "' " .,.. .... .,.. s t > "' .... ;:1 rzl 13 ..., rzl r-1'-' "" 13 0 r-1 "' " " "" Ul z 0 "' .,.. " 0 0 " .,.. "' """' 0 ~ 0 H:;j " "' . 0"' r-1 " 0 0 "' " "' "" r-1 Ul ' Ul 0 " '0 Ul"rl 0 0 " Ul " "' " ~ ~ 0 ~ " (.!) ~E-< 0 0 £' 0 "' 0 "" 0 ~ 0 0 z .... Ul 0 Ul 00 rzl ~ Ul (.!) rzl < u u E-< E-< Q "' :::>~ :::> UE-< .L 30 20 20 5 5 80 80 30 20 20 5 5 80 80 60 40 40 10 10 160 160 -· 20 80 100 20 80 40 120 40 160 15 20 5 5 15 20 15 95 15 30 140 15 20 5 5 15 20 15 95 15 30 140 30 40 10 10 30 40 30 190 30 60 280 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 55 QJ QJ ..... ..... QJ 0: .0 .0 0: 0 ..... ......... 00 .... !I) !IJ.-< " ~ PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis 0: :>. 0: ,. .... QJ 0 0 0 .... ~ ..... ACTIVITY: D Water Resources -Water Use and Needs -continued Ao<l f>oU .... QJ ,.., !I) QJ "' "' "'~ s ~ QJ 00 ., .... ~ "' 0 "' Code Work Item <:<:< 0<:0 "'"" UP 2Dl2 Digitize and store for use in the analysis phase of the Study. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 12/78 01/82 b _Sub-basin 2 scs HE 12/78 01/82 c Remainder of Basin scs HE 2Dl3 Develop interim reports on water use and quality. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 09/77 03/82 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 10/77 03/83 c Remainder of Basin scs HE Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 56 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Water Resources -Water Use and Needs -continued ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-I .... Q) .... . .... .... .... til :>, .... > til ... 00 til "' til ..... ... til ... "" ..... Q) <= ..... ..... ..... a ,:> > <11 ..... ::> J>l a .... "' ......... 00 a 0 ..... ... OJ ... ... 00 "' z 0 til ..... <= 0 0 <= ..... OJ OOOJ 0 ~ 0 >-<:;;] <= OJ . 0 OJ ..... <= 0 0 "' <= til "' ..... [/] ' "' ~H 0 ... 't:J "' ..... 0 0 ... ttl <= <11 <= a 0:: 0 [%, ... C> " 0 :>, " OJ " 00 0 0:: 0 OJ 0 z ..... "' 0 ttl 00 J>l [%, p:: ttl C> J>l < u u H H "" "" ::or:. ::> '->H - 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 10 20 90 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 10 20 90 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20 40 180 30 25 130 5 15 20 40 40 25 330 25 50 405 30 25 130 5 15 20 40 40 25 330 25 50 405 60 50 260 10 30 40 80 80 50 6nn 50 100 810 0 40 240 0 0 0 60 20 40 400 210 200 810 120 140 760 20 60 80 220 180 140 1720 310 400 2430 57 SOILS Discussion -The object of this part of the Cooperative Study is to provide soil informa- tion, classification and interpretation of soils, and land forms within the study area. The knowledge of the soils, their suitabilities, and limitations are basic to sound management and planning, and essential to resource alter- native decisions. The soil surveys should provide a vital input in the delineation and identification of flood prone areas, and establishment of flooding frequencies. Procedure -The soil survey will be conducted in order of the state priority areas for the areas not covered by SCS published detail soil survey. The SCS soil survey long range plan has a detail soil survey scheduled for the area west of the present published areas that incorporates the state's priority areas. Areas outside scheduled detail soil survey will be covered by a recon- naissance soil survey where needed. The soil survey will be conducted in conjunction with the vegetation and water resources inventory, and thus provide input to site indexes, range sites, wildlife habitats, flood-prone areas, etc. 58 Soil Interpretations -Soil suitabilities and limitations will be determined by soil charac- teristics for standard SCS engineering interpre- tations of soil properties and suitability of soil uses as per USDA-SCS National Soils Handbook. General intake rates will be established for sprinkler system application. Suitabilities and limitations of the soil will be determined for recreational development, sanitary facilities, building sit.e development, construction materials, and water management. Agriculture capability classification and esti- mated yields per acre of crops, along with range and woodland sites, engineering properties and classification, physical and chemical proper- ties of the soils, and soil and water features will be determined. Local expert sources will be used to establish the above information. Soil erosion hazard will be determined. Analysis and Evaluation -Results of the soil survey, the soil maps, and the interpretations will be entered into a computer system; thus, providing access to suitabilities, limitations, and "trade-off" for resource or use alternatives. Also, from computer capabilities, tabulations, extents of and location maps of the various land and water related resources, can be obtained. Logistics, Arrangements, and Timing -The soil survey will be conducted as part of a multi- discipline field team, and will require movement by helicopter and air taxi in the roadless, remote areas. Base maps will be developed from high altitude, color infrared photography. Remote sensing will be used to the fullest extent on a trial area in the Willow Sub-basin by using landsat imagery and interpretation provided through the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska. Field sheets will be completed and interpreta- tions will be developed after each field season, in order to provide State and River Basin staff with data pertinent to that priority area. Soil surveys of priority areas within the Willow Sub-basin have been completed and are published or are scheduled for completion during the 1977 field season. Priority areas within the Talkeet- na Sub-basin will be completed in the 1978 field season, and in the Beluga Sub-basin completed in 1979. It is proposed that survey crews, con- sisting of 9 or 10 soil scientists and aids, will be necessary to complete the needed soil survey by 1979 for both the 1978 and 1979 field season. 59 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: E Soil Survev Code 2El 2E2 2E3 2E4 2ES 2E6 2E7 a b c a b c a b c 2E8 2E9 a b c a b c Work Item Analyze existing data (use annotated bibliography). Prepare base map showing existing data. Obtain photo coverage of the Basin and develop a photo index map. Determine and afix match lines on field sheets. Conduct field soil survey -detail* and reconnaissance. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Develop interpretations from soil characteristics*. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 (requires 5 days of soil engineer's time) 1/ Remainder of basin (requires 10 days of soil engineer's time)l/ Develop erosion hazard map. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Determine the suitability and limitations of soils for alternative uses.* Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Develop broad base map for general planning. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin *Does not 1nclude t1me of ongo1ng so1l survey pro~ram 1n the Bas1n. 60 Q) ..-< :;:: ., " >. 0 u "'" ., Q) Q)OIJ <=<:< scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs Q) ..-< QJ .0 " .......... Ol.-< " p. 0 ..... "'" ., ., ., ..... <"'A ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss 00 " ..... w '"' Q) "'w w "' en A " ~ w Q) ..-< p.Q) 13 w 0 "' UA 11/76 02/71 12/76 02/T 03/77 02/7' 02/77 03/7t 06/77 06/78 06/79 01/78 10/78 10/79 01/79 01/79 01/80 11/78 01/79 01/80 10/78 11/78 11/79 10/7 10/7t 10/8l 03/7t 01/7~ Ol/8J 03/7' 03/7' 03/8 03/7' 03/7' 03/8 02/7' 02/7' 02/8 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Soil Survey ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-. I '-' Q) '-' . ..... ..... '-' ., :>. '-' :> ., '"' 00 ., "' ., ..... ... "' ... ~ ..... Q) " ..... ..... ..... a ..... -~ :> Ill .... " "" a '-' "" .......... 00 6 0 Q) ... ... 00 til z 0 "' ..... " ~ 8 @ .... Q) OOQl 0 s 0 H:;ij " Q) . JS~ 0 "' " "' ~ ..... til • "' ~H 0 ... "" 0 0 ... "' " Ill " ~ 0 r.. '"' <.!) " 0 :>. " Q) tJ 00 0 l>:l 0 0 ..... "' 0 "' 00 "" r.. ~ "' <.!) "" < u u H H o:l ;;:,r., :::> UH 10 10 10 4 4 4 40 40 40 70 70 70 30 30 30 80 80 80 160 160 160 20 5 5 30 30 20 5 5 35 35 1/ 40 10 10 70 70 "%_! 20 5 25 25 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 30 30 30 5 2 2 9 9 10 10 10 20 2o· 20 61 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: E Soil Survey -continued Code Work Item 2El0 Determine present soil erosion rates per acre per year. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2Ell Project soil erosion rates based on existing programs. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2El2 Determine present and future sediment yields. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2El3 Determine monitary loss due to loss of production of eroded areas. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2El4 Determine monitary damage of sediment to downstream resevoirs, flood plains, navigable channels, urban areas, highways, roads, and bridges. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2El5 Prepare appropriate displays, maps, tables, etc.; code and enter data in computer. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 62 scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs Q) .-< Q) .0 "' •r-1 •r-1 "''"" "' 0. O"rl O.tJ "' "' (I) •rl .:.::~ ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss "' 0 "rl .., Q) .-< O.<lJ s.., 0 <1l u~ 10/78 02/79 11/78 02/79 11/79 02/81 02/79 03/79 02/79 04/79 02/80 04/81 02/79 04/79 02/79 04/79 02/80 04/81 02/79 04/79 02/79 04/79 02/80 04/81 01/79 04/79 02/79 04/79 02/80 04/81 10/78 04/79 10/80 04/81 10/80 04/81 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Soil Survey -continued ESCS FS scs J STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-.... OJ .... . .... ..., .... "' » .... I> "' k 00 "' "' "' ..... . k "' k p .,... OJ c:: ..... ..... ..... a ,:> I> <II ..... "' l'l a .... l'l ,..,..., 00 a 0 o-i H OJ !-< H 00 "' z 0 "' ..... c:: 0 0 c:: ..... OJ OOOJ 0 ~ 0 H!;;J c:: OJ' . 0 OJ .... c:: 0 0 "' c:: "' "' .... "' ' "' 0 k "' "' ..... 0 0 H c~ <= <II c:: ffi ~ 0 !'« H "' ~H CJ r2 &' CJ OJ CJ 00 0 ~ 0 0 ..... "' 0 "' 00 l'l "' "' l'l < u u H H o<l ::>~'« ::> UH 3 20 10 10 43 43 10 10 5 25 25 20 20 10 50 50 10 5 5 5 25 25 10 5 5 5 25 25 20 10 10 10 50 50 5 2 2 2 11 11 5 2 2 2 11 11 10 4 4 4 22 22 2 3 2 4 11 11 2 3 2 4 11 11 4 6 4 8 22 22 3 2 2 7 7 3 2 2 7 7 6 4 4 14 14 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 63 QJ QJ .... .... QJ <:: ..0 ..o<:: 0 .... •r-1 •r-1 00 .... (J) CJJ.-l <:: .., PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis <:: :>. <:: Po .... QJ 0 0 OTI .., .... ACTIVITY: E Soil Survey -continued Po<:: P.O H QJ P,Ql (J) (I) (J) (J) "' .., 13 .., QJ 00 (I) .... .., "' 0 "' Code Work Item ~< ~~ "'~ u~ 2El6 Prepare interim reports. a Sub-basin 1 scs ss 02/79 04/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs ss 02/79 04/79 c Remainder of basin scs ss 02/80 04/81 Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 64 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Soil Survey -continued ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL > .... Q) .... . .... .... .... ., >. ..... > ., "' 00 .,. ., ., ..... . "' ., "' 101 ..... Q) <l ..... ..... ..... g .> > <II ..... " l>l a ..... l>l .......... 00 g ..... ,... Q) "' "' 00 "' z 0 ., ..... <l 0 <l ..... Q) OOQJ 0 ~ 0 Ho-1 <l Q) . 0 Q) ..... <l 0 0 ., <l ., "' ..... "' • "' ~Hi 0 "' 'tl tf.l"rl 0 0 ... "' <l <II <l ~ ~ 0 rz.. ... t.'> (J 0 :f: (J Q) (J 00 0 ~ 0 0 z ..... tf.lO tf.l 00 l>l rz.. tf.l t.'> l>l < u u E-< E-< 101 o:l :=>rz.. :::> UE-< 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 6 139 3 26 35 7 216 216 3 179 3 24 23 7 239 239 6 358 6 48 46 14 478 478 124 124 124 15 BOO 12 98 104 28 1057 1057 - 65 LAND TREATMENT AND AGRONOMY Discussion -The function of this portion of Cooperative River Basin Study is to provide land treatment alternatives that will reduce erosion on existing developed lands, prevent erosion on lands that will be developed, and to provide practices and/or treatments to maximize yields, maintain productivity, and minimize or prevent poll uti on. Procedure -Using results of the soil survey and geology inventory, the erodability of soil wil"l be determinied, and an erosion hazard map developed. Best management practices and resource management systems will be developed for each land use by soil types. Consumptive use by plants will be determined. Analysis and Evaluation -Land treatment alter·na- tives, management practices, erosion hazards, and productivity information will be entered into a computer system and will provide trade- off values required in planning and establishment of policies. Logistics, Arrangements and Timing -The SCS agronomist, working with a soil scientist, geologist, and soil conservationist, will deter- mine soil erosion values, using an adaption of the universal soil loss equation and other esta- blished methods. Land treatments and management practices will be obtained fr.om SCS technical guides, input from Forest Service and Bureau of of Land 11anagement, and assigned to soil survey mapping units. Adapted crop and range varities 66 will be provided by SCS technical guides, and Extention Service guides. :z: 0 --; .,., (/) PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: F Land Treatment and Agronomy Code 2Fl 2F2 a b c 2F3 a b c 2F4 a b c 2F5 a b c 2F6 a b c Work Item Analyze existing data in land treatment and agronomy practices (use annotated bibliography). Develop erosion hazard map (conjunction with soil survey). Sub-basin. 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Develop practices and/or treatments to maximize yields, maintain productivity and minimize or prevent pollution. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine adapted crop and range plant varieties by soil types. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Analyze efficiency and suitability of irrigation methods. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine water consumption for various crops (vegetables and small grain). Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin 67 scs scs scs sc·s scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .:: 0 •.-{ w Qj rl O.QJ 13 '-' o ro UA 02/78 05/78 01/79 03/79 01/79 03/79 01/80 03/81 06/78 02/79 02/79 10/79 02/80 10/81 06/78 02/79 03/79 10/79 03/80 10/81 06/78 11/78 07/78 12/78 07/79 12/80 06/78 11/78 07/78 12/78 07/79 12/80 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Land Treatment and Agronomy ' j ESCS FS scs I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-I w ., w w ...., ...., "' >. ...., :> I "' '"' 00 "' "' "' """' . . '"' "' '"' I ~ •.-1 ., p """' •.-1 """' a ·~ :> "' """' " ~ a ...., ~ ,...,...., 00 a 0 ..... ., '"' '"' 00 "' z 0 "' """' p 0 0 p """' ., OOQ) 0 ~ 0 Ho-l p ., . 0 ., ..... p 0 0 "' p "' "" ..... "' ' "' ~~ 0 '"' "" "'"""' 0 0 '"' "' p "' p m <>:: 0 f%<1-<, "' " 0 >. " ., " 00 0 <>:: 0 0 z """' "' 0 en 00 ~ [<. ::<:: en "' ~ < u u "'" "'" ~ "" :::>r« :::> UH 40 40 40 20 20 40 40 20 20 40 40 40 40 80 80 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 40 40 10 10-20 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 40 40 10 40 40 40 130 130 10 40 40 40 130 130 10 40 80 80 210 210 10 20 10 40 40 10 20 10 40 40 20 40 20 80 80 68 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Land Treatment and Agronomy -continued ' ESCS FS scs J STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-I ..., "' ..., . ..., ..., ..., 00 >. ..., :> I 00 '"' 00 00 00 ., ..... . '"' 00 '"' 101 •.-1 "' <l .... .... ..... a .:> > "' ..... "' "" a ..., "" ..-!'-' 00 13 0 .-II-< "' '"' '"' 00 "' z 0 00 ..... <l 0 0 <l •.-1 <ll OO<ll 0 ~ 0 H!;;J <l "' . 0 "' ..-! <l 0 0 00 <l en ~ ..-! "' ' "' 0 '"' ., "' .... 0 0 '"' "' r.: "' <l ~ 0 "'"' '"' C!l !§ ... u 0 ~ 0 "' u 00 0 .,: 0 0 •.-1 "' 0 "' 00 "" "'"' "' C!l "" < u u E-< E-< 101 "' :::>J>.o :::> UE-< 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 30 10 45 45 5 30 10 45 45 10 60 20 90 90 10 15 40 135 100 300 300 10 15 40 135 100 300 300 10 30 40 270 200 550 550 0 0 0 40 0 40 40 - 30 60 120 580 400 1190 1190 70 GEOLOGY Discussion -The object of the geology segment of the Cooperative Study is to provide the location and extent of geologic hazard areas, identification of seismic areas, the location and extent of mineral and energy resources, to identify potential construction problems along transportation corridors, and to estimate relative construction costs. A general geology map will be provided. The knowledge of hazard areas and location of mineral and energy re- sources are basic to planning of land and water resources. Procedure -The geology inventory will be con- ducted in order of state priority areas. The geologic hazard inventory will be produced through a combination of existing information, (Bureau of Mines, State of Alaska, etc.), inter- pretations from soil surveys, interpretations from landsat imagery, and field observation will be made to evaluate and qualify the data. The location and extent of mineral and energy resources will be obtained from a literature research. A surfical geology map will be pro- duced from an ongoing project by the State of Alaska. Analysis and Evaluation -Results of the geology inventory, maps, and limitations will be entered into a computer system; thus providing location and extent when determining "trade-offs" for resource or use alternatives. Logistics, Arrangements, and Timing -The geology inventory will be organized by SCS personnel, 71 and priority areas will be addressed before and during the field seasons. The existing data will be reviewed, analyzed and made available for annual reports. Hazard maps will be produced at a scale of ·1 :250,000 except where a greater detail is required by planned or existing development. 2 0 -I ..,.., Vl PHASE: 2 ACTIVITY: Code Inventory and Analysis G Geology Work Item <11 ..-{ ~ rn .: » 0 u P.<:: !Jl Q) Q) 00 P::< <11 ..-{ Q) ~~ !Jl..-1 .: p. o.,.; P.U rn rn .,.,.., P::A "' ~ ~ Q) ..-{ P.QJ 13 .., o ro UA ----~~---------------------------------------------------+---+--~--~~--~-- 2Gl 2G2 2G3 a b c Analyze existing data on mineral and energy resources (see annotated bibliography). Conduct a field reconnaissance of potential/actual mineral and energy deposits. Identify potential mineral transportation corridors, construction problems, and estimate road construction cost. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 2G4 Identify coal areas. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2G5 Identify potential earthquake areas. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2G6 Identify areas with high potential for landslide, roadslide, and 2G7 avalanches. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin Develop maps, tables, charts, etc., code and enter data into storage. a b c Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 72 scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 05/78 06/78 08/78 09/78 08/78 03/79 04/79 03/80 04/80 06/78 11/78 06/78 11/79 04/80 05/78 01/79 02/79 01/80 02/80 05/78 01/79 02/79 01/80 02/80 02/79 03/79 02/80 03/80 02/81 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Geology . ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-. I ..., OJ ..., . ..., .... ..., ., :>. w > I ., 1-< "" " ., ., ..... . 1-< ., 1-< i Q .... OJ J1 ..... ..... ..... a ,...., ·~ > "' . ... " I r.'l s .... .--IW "" s 0 OJ-I-< 1-< "" Ul z 0 Ill ..... <: 0 0 <: ..... Q) Cl)Q) 0 ~ 0 H!;;J <: Q) . 0 Q) ,...., <l 0 0 " <: ., "' ,...., Ul • Ul 0 1-< "" Ul ..... 0 0 1-< Ul <l .;'l § m 5:1 0 "" .. <!> ~H CJ & £ CJ OJ CJ "" 0 0 ..... Ul' 0 Ul 00 r.'l Ul <!> 1>'1 < '-' '-' H H Q ~ PI'< p UH 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 5 5 20 20 10 5 5 20 20 20 10 10 40 40 5 5 5 10 10 10 20 20 .20 5 5 5 . 5 5 5 10 10 10 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 73 aJ aJ ..... ..... aJ <: ;: .0 d 0 ........ bll .... "' Ulo-l <: ""' 2 PHASE: Inventory and Analysis <: :>. <: p. .... aJ 0 u 0 ..... .., ..... ACTIVITY: G Geology -continued P.<: P.U ... aJ p.CJ "' aJ "' "' <II ""' 13"-' aJ bll .,.,., ""' <II 0 <II Code Work Item J>::< J>:i~ en~ u~ 2G8 Develop interim reports. a Sub-basin l scs G 03/79 04/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs G 03/80 04/80 c Remainder of basin scs G 03/81 Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 74 1:>;1 .... Economist "' Ni-'1-' n 0 000 "' Forester "':!" "' Hyd. Eng. Soil Scientist .... "' W-.....!WW ,.... Geologist "' OOV'IO OU>U> N .... Economist "' 0 OU>U> n "' § I Agronomist t::J !:< G"> "' ro Soil 0 ~ .... Conser'ir. 0 "" P> '< G"> I 1:>;1 Range z n n Conserv. 0 >< ::> ~ rt .... ::> Temporary " t::J ro H "" "' :._ n N .... H N WOlll~ .... "' "' OOOll'l OU>U> TOTAL t-< H z 1:>;1 DNR "' ~ 1-'.1 1:>;1 "~"' Biologist gj~ 1:>;11-'.1 ~~ USFS "':! For .. Survey 1:>;1 t::J 1:>;1 USGS ~ N .... COMBINED N WOLn~ .... TOTAL "' OOOl..n OU>lJ> VEGETATION Discussion -The objective of the vegetative inventory is to provide information on the total vegetation, forest, forest understory, and range. The inventory will establish and iden- tify areas for potential forestry industry on a substained yield basis; the amount of land suitable for range and its present and potential production; types of wildlife habitat and cri- tical habitat areas; and identify vegetation types and areas for potential recreation sites. The present vegetative inventory in the Susitna Valley consists of a forest resource inventory conducted in 1964-1965 by a cooperative effort between the State Department of Natural Resources and the Institute of Northern Forestry. The purpose of the inventory was to determine the total area of forested lands, the commercial forest area and timber volume, and the condition and growth of this resource. The inventory was limited to the lower Susitna Basin, the Matanuska Valley, and the south side of Knik Arm. Neither the forest understory or range vegetation was included in the inventory. Since this date, the State Forestry Section has conducted a detailed forest inventory on twelve townships. The data collected previously provided only a broad knowledge of the timber resources in the Susitna Basin, and is not sufficient for deter·· mining resource alternatives for land management planning. In order to obtain this information, an integrated resource inventory will be con- ducted to collect new, refined data. on the 76 forest resources along with the forest under- story and range resources. Procedures -The inventory will be a cooperative adventure between the Institute of Northern Forestry -Forest Survey, the State Division of Lands Forestry Section, and the USDA River Basin Planning Team. Forest Survey has been assigned the leading role in developing the methodology and procedures for the inventory, working with the Forest Service's Resource Evaluation Tech- niques Committee in Fort Collins, Colorado, the Soil Conservation Range Specialist, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A vegetation type map and soil survey will be the basis of the inventory. The typing will be done on high altitude, infrared photos with commercial and noncommercial forest land typed to 10 acres, and the nonforest land to 160 acres. The typing will be field checked by gathering vegetative data at selected, random plots in classified types, along with reading a percent of the old inventory plots to determine forest growth and mortality. The type map will be compared to landsat imagery of sub-region 1 to determine if it could be used as a working tool to update the inventory periodically in the future and facilitate field mapping. Sufficient data will be collected on the ground to determine the forest site index, density, size class, condition class, volumes, growth, mortality, productivity class, and age class. On forest understory and range the data will be information as to the species composition, range site and condition, understory forage values production, plant vigor stocking, species, and range condition trends on both the brush and forb species. A percent of the forest under- story and range plots read early in the summer will be read later in the season to determine a growth factor for calculating the maximum growth of the earlier read plots. Analysis and Evaluation -The data will be entered into a computer bank for further analysis by the appropriate agencies; timber by Forest Survey, forbs and grasses by the Soil Conserva- tion Service, and brush by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The evaluation will determine the volume and annual production by vegetative types for each management unit, and for major land- owners based upon no-restraints for the areas, and on restraints placed upon them because of other resource values. Data will be available to and used with fish and wildlife work habitat mapping analysis. The total BTU and/or mega- calories per acre will be derived for the management units. From the analysis and evaluation, land management decisions can be derived such as classifying land for forest and range management, or multi- use management. The appropriate land manager then can take the data collected and produce useful management plans for the areas. 77 PHASE: ACTIVITY: Code 2Hl 2H2 2H3 2H4 2H5 a b c 2H6 a b c 2H7 a b c 2H8 a b c I I I I I I I 2 Inventory and Analysis H Vegetation Inventory Hork Item Inventory and Analyze existing forest resource data. Contract for. landsat imagery of Willow area with University of Alaska. Make interpretive assignments of imagery and compare with photo interpretation. Determine methodology and field procedure for the vegetative inventory. Make a vegetative type map of the Basin. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine random plots for field checking to type map. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Conduct field work. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine forest resource volumes and allowable cut by management units and land owners with and without other resource restraints. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin 78 "' rl .0 ·.-< Ul .:: :>-. I 0 0 ' I P.O: CJ) "' "' Oll 1'4-<1 FS ·SCS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS I I "'" •.r; tO (l) ·r-: """" F ss F F F F F F F F F F F F F F I H <ll P.<ll I "'"' s .u t w "' 0 "' ' "'"" '-'"" I 06/771 12/7?/. 10/77 05/781 I 05/78 06/781 06/77 02/781 , wml 04/781 110/77! 03/79 10/77' 03/81 ' I I 04/78 05/78 04/78 04/79 03/80 04/81! 1 r I 06/77 09/781 I 08/78 08/79 ' 08/79 08/81 I ! l 10/781 03/791 10/79! 03/80· i l0/8o: 03/82\ I I I I I ! MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Vegetative Inventory ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL ~ '" "' '" . ..... ..... ..... Cll :>, ..... > Cll !-1· bl) Cll Cll Cll .,., . '"' Cll '"' t:l .,., "' ~ .,., .,., .,., 13 ·~ > ctl •rl " "' 13 ..... .-~ ..... bl) a 0 .-! "' '"' '"' bl) "' z 0 Cll .,., <I 0 0 0: .,., "' bi)Q) 0 ~ 0 H,_, 0: "' . 0 "' .-! 0: 0 0 !0 <I Cll "" .-! "' ' "' ~E=i 0 .. ., "' •r! 0 0 '"' "' r-: ctl <I 13 <>I 0 ""' '"' (!) u 0 :>, u "' u bl) 0 <>I 0 "' 0 z .,., "' 0 "' 00 "' ""' ::c "' (!) "' < () () E-< E-< t:l <tl :::>~« :::> UE-< 20 20 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 ·5 15 5 20 65 20 85 5 45 135 15 5 20 80 100 5 5 10 180 190 10 10 20 300 320 2 2 4 20 24 2 2 4 30 34 4 4 8 60 68 100 4 2 110 440 656 265 10 120 1051 100 2 2 110 440 654 265 10 120 1049 150 4 1 220 880 1255 460 20 240 1975 2 10 2 2 5 21 10 30 61 2 10 2 2 5 21 10 30 61 2 30 4 2 10 48 20 90 158 79 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: H Vegetation Inventory -continued Code Work Item 2H9 Determine annual production per hectare of range and forest understory by management units and land ownership. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c 2Hl0 a b c 2Hll a b c 2Hl2 a b c 2Hl3 a b c Remainder of Basin Evaluate productivity, condition and trend of the vegetation resource. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Identify potential transportation corridors, construction problems and estimated road construction cost for timber and agricultural development. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Code and enter data into computer. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin and report Display as appropriate with maps, charts, tables etc. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin and report 80 <!) ..-< .0 .... "' ,;;: ;>. 0 (J .,., "' <!) <!) 00 O::< FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS <!) ..-< <!) l':l .0 l':l 0 ......... 00 .,... <ll..-< l':l ..., l':l "' .... <!) 0..-l ... ..-< "'(J ... <!) "' '<ll "' "' "''"' 13 .u <!) .... .u ttl 0 ;tij 0::~ "'~ u~ RC 10/78 03/75 RC 10/79 03/8C RC 10/80 03/82 F/RC 10/78 03/79 F/RC 10/79 03/8C F/RC 10/80 03/82 F 06/78 12/78 F 06/79 12/79 F 06/80 12/81 F/RC 04/79 08/79 F/RC 04/80 08/79 F/RC 04/81 08/82 F/RC 04/79 10/79 F/RC 04/80 10/79 F/RC 04/81 10/82 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Vegetation Inventory -continued ESCS FS scs I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL i> '-' Q) .u . .u .u '-' "' :>. .u :> "' ,.. bJJ "' "' "' ..... . ,.. "' ,.. l'l ..... Q) " ..... ..... .... 13 ,..., ·~ :> "' ..... ;;l 1" 13 .u 1" ,...,,_. bJJ s 0 Q) ,.. ,.. bJJ "' z 0 "' ..... " 0 0 " ..... Q) bl)Q) 0 !;;] 0 H!;;J " Q) . 0 Q) ,..., " 0 0 "' " "' "' ,..., "' ' "' 0 ,.. "" "' ..... 0 0 ,.. "' r.: "' " s H. r:<: 0 I>< ,.. <:.!> ~H " 0 :>. " Q) " bJJ 0 r:<: 0 Q) 0 z .... (/) 0 (/) 00 1" I>< ::c (/) <:.!> 1" < u u H H ,:::: "' ~I>< ~ UH 2 5 2 30 10 49 20 69 2 5 2 30 10 49 20. 69 2 15 4 70 25 118 60 178 5 2 5 12 5 20 37 5 2 5 12 5 20 37 15 4 15 34 25 40 99 5 2 2 5 14 10 5 29 5 2 2 5 14 10 5 29 15 6 6 15 42 20 15 77 5 2 5 12 12 5 2 5 12 12 15 6 15 36 36 10 10 20 10 30 10 10 20 10 30 30 30 60 30 90 81 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: H Vegetation Inventory continued Code 2Hl4 a b c Work I:tem Develop interim reports by sub-.basin. Sub Basin 1 Sub Basin 2 Remainder of Basin and report Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) . 82 <!) ..-< ,0 •rl en I:J >-0 cJ O.I:J en <IJ <!) 00 <>::< FS FS FS <!) ..-< <!) ,0 I:J .... •rl <Jl.-< I:J "' 0 •rl O.cJ "' "' <!)or{ <>::t:l F/RC F/RC F/RC I:J 0 00 .... I:J '"' •rl <!) '"' ..-< k <!) O.<IJ t"il '"' s '"' '"' t"il 0 t"il Ult:\ Ut:l OJ/79 05/79 03/80 05/80 03/81 05/83 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Vegetation Inventory -continued iESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL I :>-I .., Q) .., . ..., ..., ..., rJl :>-. ..., :> rJl k bO rJl fll fll .,.., ... fll ... r:::o •.-! Q) " .,.., •.-! •.-! e '~ :> <1l •.-! " "' e ..., "' ..-i+-1 bO s 0 ..-< Q) ... k bO C/) z 0 rJl .,.., " 0 0 " •.-! Q) bOQJ 0 .>;;j 0 Ho-'l " Q) 0 Q) ..-< " 0 0 rJl " rJl p. ..-! Ul ' Ul ~ES 0 k "" C/) •.-! 0 0 k C/) " <1l " e E-< ,; 0 ~ k t:> 0 0 :E' 0 Q) 0 bO 0 ,; 0 "' 0 z .,.., C/) 0 C/) 00 "' "" C/) t:> "' < u u E-< E-< r:::o I:Q ~"" ~ uE-< 2 20 2 2 2 20 48. 2 5 10 65 2 20 2 2 2 20 48 2 5 10 65 6 60 6 6 6 60 144 6 15 30 195 6 117 8 6 6 6 197 450 856 267 60 295 1478 6 167 6 6 6 6 197 450 844 267 60 405 1576 12 344 16 11 14 14 449 905 1765 466 160 805 3196 90 0 10 0 0 25 0 125 5 5 50 185 . 24 778 30 33 26 26 868 1805 3590 1005 285 1555 6435 I 83 RECREATION Discussion -There is a need to identify poten- tial recreational, unique, and wilderness areas within the Basin. With its vast, roadless area along with the numerous clearwater streams and lakes plus the large glacial rivers, one would expect an abundance of established public sites. This is not the case. Many of the choice recreational development sites throughout the whole Basin have been settled or filed on, and are now under private ownership. Nearly every lake that is large enough to land a float plane on and every navigable clear-water stream has a number of privately owned tracts on them. Before committment of land resource to specific uses or any further planning takes place, a recreational inventory of the Basin is needed to identify areas for new state parks, wilderness, and public recreation areas. Otherwise, the few remaining choice sites may be lost to other level classification. The present Recreation Demand Study for the area is outdated. It was conducted prior to the large population growth of the Anchorage-Palmer- Wasilla area over the last decade. The develop- ment of the new capital site at Willow along with the expected demand for utilizing the re- sources found in the Basin will continue the population expansion. The State Division of Parks recognizes this and is in the process of developing a new Demand Study in 1978 providing Level B funds become available. 84 Procedure -The inventory will consist of iden- tifying potential sites for state park additions, public recreation sites, unique sites, and wilderness areas. The sites will be determined through contacts made with various past and present land managers, talking to land users, and from actual on-the-ground visits in the area by a recreation planner along with various parties of the River Basin field crews. Each site visited will be evaluated for its recrea- tional values. Data gathered from the other resource inventories, where applicable, will be used to assist in evaluating the quality of the site. Direct participation will be made with the State Division of Parks on the proposed Demand Study by helping them develop the questionnaire so it will apply to the Basin, and by providing finan- cial help in conducting the study. Upon completion of each sub-region, reports will be prepared describing and evaluating each area. \~ P!L~SB: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: I Recreation* Code 2Il 2I2 2I3 a b c 2I4 a b c 2I5 a b c 2I6 a b c Hark Item Inventory existing developed recreation areas. Participate in updating the State's Outdoor Recreation Demand Survey, in 1978. This will include specific information for the Susitna Basin. Determine demands and needs for recreation activities using the Demand Study and the Alaska Outdoor Recreation Plan. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Inventory futu~e water and land recreational sites. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Identify potential transportation corridors, construction problems and estimate road construction costs. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Make appropriate charts, maps, graphs, etc. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin *Work to be done jointly under a cooperative agreement with the State Department of Natural Resources. 85 I QJ rl "" •ri (J) "' >. 0 " '""' "' " QJ "" <"i<l1 FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS QJ rl QJ "' "" "' 0 •rl •r-1 ""-•ri (J).-{ "' '-' "' .,. ·ri QJ 0 ·:-1 '-' .-{ O.<J H QJ """ r:.r. U) "' '-' " .., QJ •ri '-' "' i5 "' ~A I U>A uo I DNR I 03/78109/78 F/DNR 02/78108/78. . I F/DNRjlo/78 12/781 /F/DNRjl0/78,·12/79 I 'F/DNR 10/78:03/79 I F/DNR/03/78!12/78 I .F/DNR 03/78112/79 I F/DNR.03/79 ' I F/DNR,03/78112/78 F/DNR'I03/78 12/79 F/DNR 03/79 I I ' I I ' DNR 1 1 01/79 02/79 I DNR Ol/80i02/80I I DNR 01/81! ' I l I I . I I I I I I j 1 I MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Recreation ; STATE/ ESCS FS scs STATE FEDERAL FEDERAL > I ..., Q) ..., . ..., ..., ..., til >. ..., > til ... 00 til til til .,... . ... til ... &l .,... Q) <= .,... .,... .,... s ·.> > "' ..... ::> s .u 0'1 ,..,..., 00 s 0 ,_, ... Q) ... ... 00 tl.l z 0 til ..... <= 0 0 <= .,... Q) OOQJ 0 ~ 0 H...:l <= Q) . 0 Q) ,_, <= 0 0 til <= til m ,_, tl.l ' tl.l ~Hi 0 ... ""' tl.l ..... 0 0 ... tl.l <= "' <= p:: 0 F< 1-i '-" " 0 £ " Q) " 00 0 p:: 0 0 z .,... tl.l 0 tl.l 00 0'1 I'< tl.l '-" J>l < u u H H !=> o:l ::>I'< :::> UH ' 10 10 10 20 10 10 40 so 6 s 2 13 s s 23 6 s 2 13 s s 23 8 10 4 22 10 10 42 30 3 3 36 6S 1S 116 20 2 2 24 6S 1S 104 40 s s so 130 30 210 3 3 3 2 11 8 19 2 2 2 2 8 7 1S s s s 4 19 1S 34 3 3 7 10 3 3 7 10 6 6 14 20 . 86 PHASE: 2 ACTIVITY: Code ! 2I7 218 a b c a b c Inventory and Analysis I Recreation continued Hork Item Code and enter data into computer. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Prepare interim reports by sub-basins and final report. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 87 i ' (JJ ,..., "' .... Ul c: I» 0 (.) 0.~ Ul "' "' "" <>~< FS FS FS FS FS FS (JJ ,..., (JJ c: "' c: 0 •rl ·r-1 "" . ... Ci) t-i " '-' c: "" .,., (JJ 0 •ri .., ,..., ;:l.i.) H (JJ """ Ul Ul ('j .., I g ~ !l) •r-i w ('j ,:q CIJQ I uq I F/DNR 01/79 02/79 F/DNR 01/80 02/80 F/DNR iOl/81 I I I I F/DNR !o2/79 04/79 I F/DNR J02/80 04/80 I ,F/DNR 102/81! i I I ' i ' i I I I I MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Recreation -continued ESCS FS scs I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-. ..... OJ ..... . ..... ..... ..... "' :>.. ..... i> "' k b!) "' "' "' •.-! . k "' k e:l •.-! OJ .::: ""' •.-! ""' s .:> OJ ~ "' •.-! ::l ril s ..... ril .-I +.I b!) s 0 ~1 k k b!) til z 0 "' ""' .::: 0 0 .::: 'rl OJ b!)OJ 0 ~~ 0 H..-1 .::: OJ . 0 OJ .-I .::: 0 0 "' .::: "' <>< .-I "' ' til ~e:i 0 k "" til •.-! 0 0 k til r.: i:! § ~ (-< ~ 0 "" k <:!> CJ 0 £' CJ OJ CJ b!) 0 0 •.-! til 0 til 00 ril "" til <:!> ril < u u E-1. L'-< 0 o:l ::>"" ::> UE-1 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 8 15 15 so 3 68 15 15 so 3 68 30 30 100 6 136 6 58 6 6 4 80 137 23 240 6 79 4 4 4 65 136 23 224 8 95 10 10 8 131 273. 46 450 20 0 0 0 20 so 0 70 20 252 20 20 16 296 596 92 984 88 ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL CULTURE Discussion -Little is known about the archeo- logic and historic resources in the Susitna Basin. As a planning tool, these areas should be identified in order to provide them the necessary protection under both state and federal regulations. By the identification of the sites, the land management planners can provide the necessary treatment to these areas when making both short and long range resource management decisions. Procedure -Under the direction of the State Archeologist, a trained archeologist will examine current records for any known sites in the area. In addition, he will interview various indivi- duals that have an extensive knowledge in the area for possible leads in identifying new sites. Aerial photo interpretation, using existing low altitude photos, will be conducted to identify other possible sites. Throughout the field season, the archeologist, working with the other field parties, will conduct a reconnaisance type examination of all the previously identified, actual or potential, sites along with other possible sites located during the field season. No exploration digging will be done other than sufficient digging to verify the area is an actual site. At the completion of each sub-basin, a archeolo- gical-historical report will be prepared showing the findings and recommendations on each site found. This report will then be used to develop alternative resource uses on the area for the land management planners. 89 z 0 -I ""' U> PHASE: ACTIVITY: Code 2Jl 2J2 a b 2J3 2J4 a b c 2J5 c a b c a b c 2 Inventory and Analysis J Archeological and Historical Culture* Work Item Inventory historical and archeological sites utilizing State Heritage Resource Plan. Obtain historical background and determine importance of the areas for possible.classification as historical sites. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Examine aerial photos for possible sites. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Conduct a field reconnaissance examination of the Basin. Sub-basin 1 Sub-tasin 2 Remainder of Basin Develop appropriate maps, displays, etc. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Code and enter into computer. *Under a cooperative agreement with the State of Alaska - Division of Natural Resources 90 QJ ..-< ..a .... rJl <:1 >-. 0 tJ P..<:l rJl QJ QJ bl) «~< FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS · FS FS FS QJ ..-< QJ ..a <:1 ........ "''""" <:1 p.. 0 .... P..tJ "' "' QJ .... «<Q DNR bl) <:1 .... +J f.< QJ "' +J +J "' UJQ 03/78 DNR 06/77 DNR 06/77 DNR 06/77 DNR 03/78 DNR 02/79 DNR 02/80 DNR 06/78 DNR 06/79 DNR 06/80 DNR 11/78 DNR 11/79 DNR 11/80 <:1 0 . ... +J QJ ..-< a.QJ ~ .w 0 "' UQ 10/78 10/7< 10/79 10/79 04/78 03/79 03/81 10/78 10/7q 06/8J 03/7~ 03/8( 03/82 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Archeological and Historical Culture -ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-'-' Q) '-' . '-' '-' '-' til >-. '-' > til k Oil til til til -.--1 k til k ~ .... Q) .::: .... •<-< .... a ,> > ct! .... " i>l s '-' i>l ,..,,_, Oil g 0 ..--< k Q) k k Oil tl.l z 0 til -.--1 .::: 0 .::: •<-< Q) O!)Q) 0 ~ 0 H...:! l::l Q) . 0 Q) ..--< .::: 0 0 til .::: til p.. ..--< Cll ; tl.l ~;:1 0 k '1:l "'"' 0 0 ... "' r.: ct! .::: a <>: 0 ""' ... '-' () 0 £ () Q) u Oil 0 <>: 0 Q) 0 z •<-< "' 0 "' 00 i>l ""' "' '-' i>l < u u E--1 E--1 ~ "" ::>I>< ::> UE--1 10 10 I 2 2 30 32 2 2 30 32 4 4 60 64 2 2 5 7 2 2 8 10 4 4 16 20 10 10 80 90 10 10 80 90 20 20 160 180 4 4 7 11 4 4 7 11 9 9 14 23 91 PHASE: 2 Inventory ACTIVITY: J Archeological and Historical Culture -continued Code 2J6 a b c Work Item Make interim reports. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 92 FS FS FS ., ..... ., .n '" •M •r-1 IJl.-l '" p. 0 ..... P.C.l Ul IJl ., ..... r>:r:. DNR DNR DNR 11/78 03/79 11/79 03/80 11/80 03/82 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Archeological and Historical Culture -continued ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL l>-...., "' ...., . ...., ...., ...., "' » ...., i> "' '" eo "' C/l "' .,.., . . '" "' '"' 0 ..... "' <:: .,.., ..... .,.., a ,I> "' ~ "' . .... OJ "" a ...., "" .-I'-' eo a 0 ..-! '"' '"' eo "' z 0 "' .,.., <:: 0 0 <:: .,.., "' eoQJ 0 ~ 0 H...:l <:: "' . 0 "' ..-I <:: 0 0 C/l <:: C/l ~ ..-I "' ' "' ES< 0 ... "" "' ..... 0 0 '" "' <:: ~ g E-< o< 0 ""'"' '"' AE-< u 0 » u Q) u eo 0 0 z ..... "' 0 "' 00 "" "" i:I:i "' '-" "" < '-' '-' E-< E-< 0 <'< ::>I'< ;::> t.lE-< L 4 4 25 29 4 4 25 29 10 10 60 70 22 22 lif7 169 I 22 22 150 172 47 47 310 357 0 0 10 10 91 91 617 708 9 FISH AND WILDLIFE Fish, Wildlife, and Associated Habitat Discussion -The objective of this aspect of the Cooperative Study is to determine kinds and abundance of fish and wildlife in relatTan-to carrii"ng capacn:y of assocfated--li~bitat_s"i ri-the s-·fuay· area wherern-impacts cin"them-can be pre- dicted and/or monitored in the future "when and if" change occurs. It is set forth that a Her- native resource use scenarios of Alaska's lands and waters will have predictive effects on fish and wildlife. The alternatives may destroy, improve, or create new habitat. The effects may be large and relevant, or small and irrelevant; and there must be concern that cumulative irrelevancies may equal a large relevant sit- uation. There is a need for an adequate fish and wildlife and associated habitat appraisal to allow the State and other decision makers to know and show what the significant fish and wildlife trade-offs are. A model will be devel- oped to predict changes in fish and wildlife communities, based on predictable land and water use changes per given unit of time. The study will concentrate in the priority subregions of the basin, and will focus on indicator species of fish and wildlife. Inventories of fish and wildlife, as associated with life forms (plant communities and stages of succession), establish probabilities or poten- tials of fish and wildlife resource occupancy. 94 These probabilities, in turn, provide a basis of analysis, evaluation, and value judgements needed in the planning process. Additionally, a knowledge of the baseline situation can provide the basis for planned mitigation of adverse impacts of resource use changes, as well as provide the scope and magnitude of vegetation manipulation and wildlife husbandry opportunities. Vegetation, Fish, and Wildlife Habitat Inventory Methodology and Background -The first step in appraising the fish and wildlife resource lies in a literature survey and assimilation of---- existing 111fOJ"JIJP.tJ.O.n. The second ste"jJWi"Tl be an analysis and mapping of vegetation and_water r:eg:uneJL. ---nie-lniientory provfctes abasis for faentifying plant species/animal relationships. The vegetation and water regimen inventory will provide a basis for a classification system for fish and wildlife habitat. The assistance of Alaska Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife biologists will be solicited to develop fish and wildlife habitat classification, and to equate them with the successional habitats. Additional fish and wildlife concerns to be addressed are obse.rvation of animals and asso- ciated criticar-Raol~~t~fiire-threaten-ed wftfi extTnc'fioif.---------------------------------- Terrestrial Habitat Inventory From the forest understory and range inventory, the species composition, range site and condi- tion, production, plant vigor, stocking, com- position changes, range condition trends, and grazing values of forest understory will be determined for each management unit. From this the annual and total production rate expressed as weight of dry matter and megacalories per acre and/or hectare will be derived for the basins. Using the vegetative inventory, key habitat will be determined for indicator wildlife species. Where needed, foo~~qyirements, critical reproduction and survival factors, and~xitical use periods wi 11 be established for indicator species.--The habitat will be rated for the various species. From available literature supplemented by field observations, special habitat considerations such as wetlands, calving areas, salt licks, denning areas, etc., will be identified. Fishery Habitat Inventory From available data supplemented by field obser- vations, streams and lakes will be inventoried and investf9atea tor the1 r ab1l if.)L..tu..supp.or..t 'hsh. Using Alaska Department of Fish and Game tecnniques, the type, quality, and quantity of aquatic habitat will be determined in various streams and lakes. Using this data with water quality data, the streams andJa~es_!/iJJ_Q,e_ classified according ·to·-ttreir ability to support a'ffshe.ry. Prim~g\:ming are_~? will be identi- fiea ana-descrioed. Nutrient sources to the ~--and lakes, prOductiVltyperacre and hectare of lake surface, productivity of streams and riparian environment will also be determ1ned. ----~------------~--------------~' 95 Fish and Wildlife Population Inventory Fish and wildlife species occurrence, distribution, ~ti ve abundance, mi_g_ratloll-pa.tte.rns_....ll!)d spec1a I use areas W]J.L.b.e-de.tex:mine.d_. As pre- vfous1y"notecf;-fliepopulations will be equated to life forms and stages of succession of the plant communities. Df particular interest will be water productivity-soil-vegetation-fish- waterfowl relationships. Analysis and Evaluation It is proposed that computer technology will be used to project the current status of fish and wildlife habitat and levels of populations throughifuture years of interest (1985-2DDD, 2020). Future probabilities of succession can be estimated. Habitat relationships and asso- ciated fish and wildlife populations in the Willow area will be registered with landsat imagery that has been compared with high alti- tude photography, and further checked on the ground as a function of the vegetation inventory. By having the current status of fish and wildlife registered and associated with life forms and stages of succession, it will then be possible to predict the magnitude of impacts for projected "status quo," as well as determining probable magnitude of impacts of alternative resource use scenarios on fish and wildlife habitat and populations for the projected periods. Logistics, Arrangements, and Timing A wildlife biologist will be assigned to work with the River Basin field party to: (l) assimilate and analyze existing information by literature and open file searches; (2) conduct the fish and wildlife observations (by seasons as needed); (3) assist in the analysis and evaluation of findings; (4) determine the fish and wildlife impacts of the alternative resource scenarios; and (5) provide a basis for meaningful environmental impact assessments of area develop- ment plans. During the field seasons, the biologist will be an integral part of and will share transportation and support facilities with other disciplines gathering basic water and related land resource data. During the "incle- ment season," the biologist will make needed winter studies, compile field observation notes, coordinate with other team members and other agencies, and develop relationships of living resources. In the analysis and evaluation processes, the biologist will be responsible for biological input into the analytical programs and displays of the fish and wildlife impacts of resource alternatives. 96 z 0 -I ,.,., Vl PHASE: 2 ACTIVITY: Code 2Kl 2K2 2K3 a b c 2K4 a b c 2K5 a b 2K6 a b c Inventory and Analysis K Fish and Wildlife Work Item Analyze existing data. Develop habitat classification system for indicator wildlife species. Using the vegetation inventory data, develop a habitat map showing primary and secondary habitats for indicator wildlife species. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Identify special habitat considerations such as wetlands, calving areas, salt licks, denning areas, etc. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Inventory and investigate streams and lakes for their capability to support fish, based npon type, quality and quantity of aquatic habitat. Classify them accordingly. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Identify and describe prime spawning areas. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin 97 "' ,..., .0 .,.., (}) t:: ;., 0 <J P.t:: (}) "' "' 00 <"~< scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs "' ,..., "' .0 t:: •r-f •r-f (})..-! t:: "" 0 .... """ (}) (}) QJ ..... <"lA PL PL PL PL PL t:: 0 <>() .,.., t:: .w .... "' .w ,..., ... "' """' "' .w o;.w .w "' 0 "' <llA UA 04/78 06/78 04/78 06/78 02/79 04/79 02/80 04/80 02/81 PL 03/79 05/79 PL · 03/80 05/79 PL 03/81 PL 06/78 11/78 PL 06/79 ~1/79 PL 06/80 PL 06/78 11/78 PL 06/79 11/79 PL 06/80 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Fish and Wildlife ESCS FS scs I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :> I ..... (lJ ..... ..... ..... ..... Ul :>.. ..... :> I ., '"' Oil Ul Ul Ul ..... '"' " '"' "' ..... (lJ "' ..... ..... ..... a ..-< ·~ :> !1l .... " "" a ..... "" .......... Oil a 0 (lJ '"' '"' b() "' I z 0 " ..... "' 0 0 "' ..... (lJ oocu 0 ~ 0 H:;J "' (lJ . 0 (lJ ..-< "' 0 0 " "' " "' ..-< "' . "' ~E-< 0 '"' "' Ul..-1 0 0 '"' "' "' !1l "' ~ ,: 0 "" '"' ~ (.) 0 &' (.) (lJ (.) b() 0 ,: 0 0 z .... "' 0 "' 00 "" "" "' ~ "" < u u E-< E-< "' <='l Pi>< ::> UE-< 5 5 80 85 5 5 20 25 10 . 5 10 25 20 45 10 5 10 25 20 45 20 10 20 50 40 90 2 2 5 7 2 2 5 7 4 4 20 24 5 10 15 50 65 5 10 15 50 65 10 20 30 100 130 5 5 10 15 5 5 10 15 10 10 20 30 98 PHASE: 2 ACTIVITY: Code Inventory and Analysis K Fish and Wildlife -continued Work Item 2K7 Determine nutrient sources to streams and lakes, productivity of lake a b c 2K8 2K9 2Kl0 a b c 2K11 2Kl2 2Kl3 a b c a b c surfaces, streams and riparian environment. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Determine fish and wildlife species occurrences, distribution, relative abundance, migration patterns and special use areas. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Analyze landsat imagery of sub-basin 1 as to the areas capability to relate to wildlife habitat and populations. Project d~mands and needs for consumtive and non-consumptive usage. Determine economic value of wildlife and fish for recreation and subsistence. Prepare maps, tables, displays, etc. on data collected. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of·Basin Code and store information into computer. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin 99 scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs .scs scs scs scs scs scs scs QJ '"" QJ .0 " .... .,; "''"" s:: p. 0-M P.<.J Cl) " QJ-M p::~ PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL s:: 0 .,; .., QJ '"" P.QJ = ..... 0 «l u~ 06/78 09/79 06/79 09/80 06/80 06/78 09/79 06/79 09/80 06/80 05/78 10/78 10/78 02/79 10/78 05/79 10/79 12/79 10/80 12/79 10/81 06/78 11/78 06/79 11/79 06/80 MAN-DAYS liY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Fish and l~ild1ife -continued ESCS FS scs J STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-. '"' QJ ... . ... ... ... ., >-. ... > ., 1.< 00 !1l Ill Ill .,.., 1.< ., .... "" .,.., QJ <l .,.., .,.., .,.., a r-l ~ > "' .,.., ;j <4 a '"' <4 r-l'-1 00 s 0 QJ .... .... 00 "' z 0 !1l .,.., <l 0 0 <l .,.., QJ OOQJ 0 !;j 0 >-<:;j <l QJ • 0 QJ r-l <l 0 0 tJl <l ., "'" r-l "' • "' 0 .... .,; "'.,.., 0 0 .... rn r.: "' <l ~ ., ~ 0 "" .... (!) ~., u 0 >-. u QJ u 00 0 ~ 0 0 .,.., "' 0 "' 00 <4 "" ::<: "' (!) <4 < () () ., ., "" I'Q Pi>< p ()., 10 10 30 40 10 10 30 40 20 20 60 80 10 10 40 so 10 10 40 so 20 20 80 100 10 10 20 20 20 40 10 60 70 20 90 10 10 10 10 20 20 s s s s 10 10 100 -.. Q) Q) .... .... Q) c .0 .oc 0 .... ........ 00 .... OJ OJ.-l c ... PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis c :>-. c "" .... Q) 0 u 0..-l ... .... ACTIVITY: K Fish and Wildlife continued c:>.c """ ,_. Q) P,Q) -OJ Q) OJ (I) "' ... i3 ... <ll 00 <ll .... ... "' 0 "' Code Work Item O::< 0::~ til~ u~ 2Kl3 Prepare interim reports. a Sub-basin 1 scs PL 01/80 11/80 b Sub-basin 2 scs PL 10/81 11/81 c Remainder of Basin scs PL 10/82 Sub-total of man-days by sub-basin Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) 101 ~ ~ ~ ~ MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Fish and Wildlife -continued ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-. ,_, "' ..., . ..., ..., ..., "' >. ..., l> ., k bO "' ., ., .,.., k "' k "" ..... "' ~ .,.., ..... .,.., a ,l> l> "' ..... " I "" a ,_, ,....,..., bO 13 0 o-1 k "' k k bO Cll z 0 "' .,.., .: 0 0 .: ..... "' bOCU 0 ~ 0 H!;;J 0: "' 0 "' o-1 0: 0 0 ., 0: ., "" o-1 Cll ; Cll 0 k '0 Cll ..... 0 0 k Cll 0: "' 0: m ~ 0 ~ k t!> ~ .... CJ 0 >. CJ "' CJ bO 0 J>: 0 0 .,.., Cll 0 "' 00 ·"" ~ P::. "' t!> 1>'1 < () () E-< E-< "" I'Q ::>~ ::> CJE-< 5 5 30 35 5 5 30 35 10 10 60 70 32 25 5 10 72 200 272 32 25 5 10 72 200 272 64 50 10 20 144 410 554 20 20 0 60 0 0 100 150 250 20. 148 100 60 20 40 388 960 1348 . ~ ' I -.·· . l 02 FLOOD DAMAGES Discussion -The objectives of this portion of the study are to determine (1) the area inundated by flood waters by streams, lakes, and the Cook Inlet under present and future conditions; (2) physical and monitary damages; (3) prevent flood damages in the future by providing data to assist local governments in developing land use and management plans; and (4) determine the need for flood protection and prevention measures. Procedure -The first step is to analyze avail- able streamflow data to evaluate the adequacy of that data. Then peak discharge-frequency curves for the 10, 50, 100 and 500-year events will be developed. Frequency curves will be developed using the Log Pearson Type III frequency method. There are eight surface water gaging stations within the study area; two of these have records in excess of 25 years, two with 17 years, one with 18 years, one with 12 years, one with 2 years, and one with one year. This data is not adequate for determining peak frequencies with accuracy to use in the development of land use plans. It is proposed that additional sites are needed to develop peak frequencies for determining areas inundated. In a few years this data would be used to more accurately define the flood-prone areas to control develop·· ment in the flood plains. USGS topographic quadrangles, 1:63,360, and aerial photography will be used to tentatively locate channel cross-sections to be surveyed for channel routing. Elevations will be taken from points identified on the topographic quads. The 103 cross-section will be surveyed, plotted, and stage-di scha1•ge curves developed. Slopes wi 11 be determined from topographic quadrangles. The stage-discharge curves will be used for determining high water e"Jevations for the 10-year, 50-year, 100-year, and 500-year frequency events. Detailed soil surveys will be utilized to the fullest extent possible to determine areas inundated by flood water. A map indicating areas inundated wi 11 be deve ·1 oped and flood damages for both present and future conditions will be estimated. The Corps of Engineers is in the process of making flood studies on Deception Creek and the Little Susitna River. These data will be used to map the area inundated by these two streams. Historical information on flood damages will be collected by conducting personal interviews with people in the flood-prone areas. These data will be used to assist in determining existing flood damages, as a check on the synthetic flood analysis, and determining the need for flood protection measures. Alternatives for flood protection and impacts of each alternative will be developed and displayed in the four accounts. The flood-prone area map will be digitized and stored on tape for future reference, and in the analysis portion, Phase 3, of the Study. z 0 -I '"" (.1) PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: L Flood Damages Code 2Ll 2L2 a b c Work Item Analyze stream gage data for flooding information (use annotated bibliography) . Develop peak-frequency curves for old/new stream gage records. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 2L3 Determine adequacy of frequency curves for use in the basins. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2L4 Develop frequency curves for·use in flood routing. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2L5 Locate, survey, and plot key cross-sections of areas inundated. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2L6 Develop stage discharge curves. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Remainder of basin 2L7 Develop water surface profiles based upon 100 and 500-year frequency peaks. a Sub-basin 1 b Sub-basin 2 c Rema1nder of bas1n 104 <1J .... <1J .0 '" ..-1..-1 til.-< '" <>< 0..-1 Ol<U tl) tl) <11 . ..-1 ,:.:~ SCS HE scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs . HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE "' 0 ..-1 '"' <1J .... Ol<<ll 13 .... 0 "' u~ 04/78 06/78 06/78 09/78 06/78 09/79 06/78 08/78 06/78 08/79 06/78 08/78 06/79 08/79 06/78 09/78 06/79 09779 09/78 11/78 09/79 11/79 09/78 11/78 09/79 11/79 t%j Economist en n en . Forester '<I en WNf-' ............ ..,..,_,,_. ,_.,_,..,.. N N N f-'f-'N .... "'"'0 NOO V>OV> V>OO 000 V>OO 0 Hyd. Eng. Soil Scientist Geologist Economist en n en ! Agronomist ~ en Soil ., ~ .... Conserv. 0 > 0 ""' ~ Range t:1 z Conserv. ~ R "' § (IQ lb en Temporary t:1 H en '·-n I H w"' .... .... ........ ..,..,_, .... >-'"-'"' "'"'"' f-'f-'N .... TOTAl "' "'V> 0 NOO V>OV> V>OO 000 V>OO 0 t"' ~ t%j DNR en ~ t%j I:;J~ Biologist f;l~ ~.\:!. USFS '<I For •. Survey gj USGS ~ COMBINED WNf-' ............ ..,..,_, .... >-'"-'"' NNN f-'f-'N .... TOTAl "'"'0 NOO V>OV> V>OO 000 V>OO 0 PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: L Flood Damages -continued Code 2L8 2L9 a b c a b c 2Ll0 a b c 2L11 a b c 2L12 a b c 2L13 a b c Work Item Collect historical data on flooding from local residents, and field check the areas. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Develop damage-frequency curve. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Determine average annual damages. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Inventory and classify material and man-made channels. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Determine stability of channels; stable, agrading, or degrading. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Develop maps, charts, displays, etc., and enter data in computer. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 106 aJ ..... ~ !I) a >. 0 u o.a !I) aJ aJ "" <>:i< scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs scs aJ ..... aJ "' a .......... !ll.-< a "' 0 ..... o.u !I) !I) aJ ..... P:iA HE 05/78 HE 05/78 HE HE 06/78 HE 06/78 HE HE 06/78 HE 06/79 HE HE 06/78 HE 06/79 HE HE 06/78 HE 06/79 HE HE 11/78 HE 11/79 HE a 0 . .... .., aJ ..... o.aJ s .., 0 <1l UA 08/78 08/78 09/7 09/75 09/71 09/7C 09/7' 09/75 10/7 10/7 03/7q 03/8 --··" MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Flood Damages -continued ' ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-I J-1 Q) J-1 . J-1 ... ... '" :>. ... > '" '"' 00 '" I oo ., .... . . '"' ., '"' Q .... Q) Ji .... .... .... 13 -> > "' .... " i>l 13 J-1 ..... ..., 00 IS 0 ..... '"' Q) '"' '"' 00 "' z 0 '" .... <I 0 0 <I •M Q) OOQJ 0 ~ 0 H:;j <I Q) . 0 Q) ..... <I 0 0 '" <I '" p. ..... "' ' "' llJE-< 0 '"' "" "'"'"' 0 0 '"' "' <I "' <I 13 ~ 0 f>< '"' ' <.!> u 0 :>. u Q) u 00 0 "' 0 Q) 0 .... "' 0 Ul 00 1>-1 f>< ::<: "' <.!> 1>-1 < u u E-< E-< I=> "" i=Jf>< :::> t.JE-< 15 20 35 35 30 20 50 50 20 15 35 35 2 20 22 22 2 20 22 22 4 15 19 19 2 5 7 7 2 5 7 7 4 5 9 9 11 11 11 15 15 15 24 24 24 20 20 20 20 30 50 50 40 17 57 57 5 20 10 5 l>O 40 5 20 10 5 40 40 10 15 10 10 45 45 . 107 aJ aJ ,..., ,..., aJ "' ~ ~.;1 0 00 ..... Ul Ul.-1 "' .., PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis "' >. "' "' ..... aJ 0 tJ 0 ..... .., ,..., ACTIVITY: L Flood Damages -continued "'"' "'" k QJ "'" Ul QJ Ul Ul Ill .., B '-' QJ 00 QJ ..... '-' Ill 0 Ill Code Work Item ..:< ..:e::l CJJe::l Ue::l 2Ll4 Prepare interim reports by sub-basin. a Sub-basin 1 scs HE 03/79 05/79 b Sub-basin 2 scs HE 03/80 05/80 c Remainder of basin scs HE 03/81 05/81 Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) ~ 108 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Flood Damages -continued 1 Escs FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-.., Q) .., . ..... ..... .., "' :;., .., I> "' !-< 00 "' "' "' ..... . . 1-1 "' 1-1 <=l ..... Q) 0:: ..... ..... ..... a ·e I> "' ..... ::> r<l a .., r<l .... .., 00 a 0 ~< Q) 1-1 1-1 00 "' z 0 "' ..... 0:: 0 0 0:: ..... Q) OOQJ 0 ~ 0 H!;i! 0:: Q) . 0 Q) .... 0:: 0 0 "' .:: " "" .... "' ' "' 0 1-1 ""' "' ..... 0 0 1-1 "' 0:: Ol .:: a ~ 0 I>< 1-1 C!l ~E-< " 0 » " Q) u 00 0 ~ 0 Q) 0 ..... "' 0 "' 00 r<l I>< ::t: "' C!l r<l <tl u u E-< E-< 0 <=Q ::01'« :::> (.)!;-! -' 5 10 5 20 20 5 10 5 20 20 10 20 10 t,o 40 10 195 15 5 45 270 270 10 204 45 '5 45 309 309 20 270 37 10 35 372 372 10 10 10 40 679 97 20 125 961 961 109 LAND STATUS ATLAS Discussion -The purpose of the land status atlas is to provide the Cooperative Study with an overview of land ownership patterns, and subsurface/surface uses as baseline information of existing water and land resource uses and activities. The atlas will also be valuable to land managers in regional planning work. An understanding of current land status is a pre- liminary requirement to resource management and planning. Before this land status atlas project began, very little of the information shown here had been mapped at scales other than 1 :250,000 or 1:1,000,000 at the generalized extreme and at the status plat scale (in chains per inch) at the detailed extreme. This project is the first attempt at showing as much land status informa- tion on overlays at a regional scale, and is extremely helpful to a variety of users. The Matanuska-Susitna Borough, the Capital Site Planning Commission, and several other resource groups have already expressed interest in having copies of overlays for their work. The land status maps will be used in Phase 3 of this study as one of the many determinants to pre- paring guidelines to alternative resource uses. Procedure -Information will be transferred from state and federal (BLM) land status plats to overlays at scale 1:250,000 for the entire Susitna River Basin, and at scale 1:63,360 for the State priority areas (see study area map). 1:250,000 and 1:63,360 USGS maps will be used as base maps. Overlays are easily updated and 110 reproduced, so they may be used by federal, state, and local agencies now and in the future. For the 1:250,000 scale, 3 overlays showing: (1) land ownership, (2) subsurface use, and (3) surface use,. wi 11 be produced. Each wi 11 be drafted on mylar, printed on acetate, and screened in one of three color shade films. Overlays may be used together with the base map for the "total picture," or one at a time with the base map for specific information. The atlas will include a user's guide explaining the project's limitations and uses. A brief explanation of the permits, leases, classifica- tions, etc., will be given. Information from this atlas will be computer stored. As land status changes continually, frequent update of land status overlays is required. Updates are planned and will involve checking status plat changes, updating maps and reprinting acetates. z C> -I tTl (/) PHASE: L\CTIV"ITY: Code 2Ml 2M2 2M3 2M4 a b c 2 Inventory and Analysis M Land Status ~-Jork I terr. Map land ownership, and surface and sub-surface uses at a 1:250,000 and 1:63,360 scale.* Compile land status atlas.* Code and place data into computer.* Update land status map and atlas and place data in storage. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) *By cooperative agreement with the State of Alaska - Department of Natural Resources. lll scs I scs scs DNR DNR DNR I I I I '~" . i .D " ...... •.-I :.'" rl " "' 0 •ri P..0 <I; {J) C) ·r-1 :-:::o I DNR I 08/77109/781 DNR 1 08/77 09/781 DNR I 10/78,01/79 ! I DNR f Ol/79J02/791 DNR I 01/80103/801 DNR i 01/811 I . . I i i I ' i I ' -------· . ---------------·-----I:'J Economist C/J 0 C/J Forester hj C/J ·--Hyd. Eng. Soil Scientist --- Geologist --· - Economist C/J 0 C/J ~ . ~ I Agronomist t:> :';; C/J -. Soil t"' "' " '"" ConserV. ::> :>-"" 0 "' I:'J Range rt z " 0 Conserv. rt '"" " --. -"' > s Temporary t:> H "' ···---··--0 H 'ti TOTAL t"' H z -tzJ N H "' w f--10\WW O'>WW H H "' DNR ~ "' t.nooo 000 0 "' 0 ------->-3 I:'J ---· "::CJJ M>-3 Biologist t:>!l> M>-3 ~~ t"' --··· -----·------ USFS hj J?or .. Survey I:'J t:> I:'J -~------------------·-----------~ USGS -~--------. -------- COHBINED N H TOTAL w 1-'0'\WW "'w w H H "' "' LnOOO 000 0 "' 0 --------"--·- LAND USE ATLAS Discussion -The purpose of the cultural land use atlas is to record existing human uses of land resources in narrative form and on map overlays. This information will be used by the socio-economic inventory and analysis, and is relevant to other Phase 3 tasks of the Cooper- ative Study in providing guidelines to future resource management. Existing human uses of land are as important as suitabilities and limitations of land in formulating these guide- lines. The project is of lasting value as updates are to be made on original information. Trends and conflicts in man's land uses will be revealed by comparing old maps and noting changes. Excluding this effort, no comprehen- sive land use maps at these scales (useful to land managers) exist. This project relates directly to needs of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and State planning agencies; a pre- liminary step to their planning for future resource management is a comprehensive portraya·l of the existing human uses of resources. Procedure -Windshield survey in areas with road access in addition to use of high altitude photography and contact with the Borough and other relevant agencies, will be required to collect land use information. Map overlays at scales of 1 :25,DDO and 1:63,360 (to be used with USGS base maps) will be produced for the State priority areas (see study area map) and at 1:250,000 for the outlying areas. As the infor-· mation is especially important to the Matanuska-· Susitna Borough Planning Department, this agency 113 has been directly involved in the project formu- lation-scales, legends, format, etc. The major classifications to be shown include: Agriculture, residential, commercial, public services, resource extraction, etc. Each major category is further broken down; for example, the residential cate- gory is divided into low, medium, and high density categories. Acreages in each use will be tabulated. In addition to existing conditions, proposed or known future land uses changes will be shown on overlays. l~ajor proposed transportation corri- dors, or industrial sites are examples of what would be shown on land use change overlays. Analysis and Evaluation -Narrative analysis of land uses and probable trends, as well as a preliminary discussion of land use conflicts - existing and potential -will be included in this project. Information will be computer stored for easy access by planning agencies. The field work done for the land use mapping project will be valuable as field checking for landsat imagery as well as for high altitude photography. The land use maps will be used extensively in Phase 3 adding existing ·human uses of 1 and to the consideration of utilizing, conserving, or developing resources in the future, and by state and borough planning agen- cies in their day-to-day resource management responsibilities. As in any program of mapping existing condi- tions, this project will require updates. I~ PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: N Land Use Atlas Code Work Item 2Nl 2N2 2N3 2N4 2NS a b c Conduct a land use survey and produce a land use map of the area at a 1:250,000 and 1:63,360 scale* Compose a narrative analysis of land use and trends on the basis of field work and public contacts.* Compile a land use atlas.* Code and place into computer.* Update land use maps and atlas. Place data into storage. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) *Under a cooperative agreement with the State of Alaska - Department of Natural Resources. 114 scs scs scs scs ' I I I i I . scs scs ! scs I I I. i 1 1 I I i l t I i ......: C'J ~O r.:: ·r .,.-~ .. ~ r--1 " "" 0 ·.-i p.() t.':: tr. C) .,., ~C; 00 " •.-i '-' '"' C) " ...., ! . ..! t'j <O 0 DNR 08/771 09/78 1 DNR 08/7~ 09/78 DNR 'I 08/7~ 09/781 DNR 110/79112/79! I ' I ' I ' DNR I 01/7~ 02/791 DNR I Ol/8d 03/801 DNR 01/8~ j I I I I ---------, ---------------·------- ------------ w f-' a N w a - - .... N N a a a -------------· ------------------- - _, ··-- -- f-' .... N N w N N a-a a a a a a a -----t"-1 Economist Cll (") Cll "" Forester "J Cll !---, ______ _ ,_ Hyd. Eng. Soil Scientist Geologist --- Economist UJ (") Cll "<' ~ z I Agronomist <:;1 > ...; Cll , __ Soil t-< " "' " ...; Con.ser\r. 0.. > c:: "' CJl "' Range Conserv. (I) ::-: (") > .-<: rt f-' > " ~.:; CJl <:;1 Temporary <:;1 H _ _._ rn (") H '" TOTAL ,~ H z --M DNR Q) H >------·---------------.. ---H w f-' a ------ ·---- -------- N w .... N N a a a a .... a --·-------------- ------------- -· ·-------·------ f-' N N w N N a-a a a a a a l>l ·------------ H-f U) t :j 1-] Biologist l-:J >-"''.., ~!:::. ,~ -·----- USFS "-' For .. Snr.vcv "'' l~ "' ---.. -----"0 > USGS t-< --·---------·----- em miNED TOTAL , ------- SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INVENTORY AND PROJECTIONS Discussion -The purpose of this element of the Cooperative Study is to gather economic data needed to quantify, qualify, and analyze eco- nomic facts of Alaska's water and related land resources. There is need to establish the economic and social values of water, land, and living resources-both currently and for pro- jection years in relation to varying (alterna- tive) intensities of use. The social and economic study for priority areas of the Susitna Basin, thus, is proposed to be an inventory and analysis of the existing basin economy, and its relationship to the State's economy. The study will define and analyze those conditions leading to future basin development. Projections of the state and basin economies will be developed, and will be used to estimate the water and related land use requirement demands for the Basin. The economic base study and projections will proceed through various stages. Initially, the major emphasis will relate to the total Susitna Basin. Then as study proceeds by sub-basin, more detailed analysis will be available and projections wi 11 be made for the i ndi vi dua 1 sub-- basin on a priority basis. Are-look will be made of basin and sub-basin projections follow- ing detailed analysis of Phase 3, as appro - priate revisions made. The major activities in chart 2-0, Phase 2, should be viewed as a sequence that will be followed for the total basin and for each sub-basin. 116 Procedure 1. 2. Develop data inventory of existing basin economy with historical time trends. a. Review literature b. H·istorical data ( 1 ) Population (2) Labor force, employment, and unemployment (3) Industrial output by sectors ( 4) Incomes (5) Transportation (6) Internati on a 1 trade (7) Recreation (8) Wild gather (9) Government Analyze the growth trends of basin economy. a. Economic analysis based on data from Activity 1. b. Analyze relationships of basin economy to state, federal, and other economies. 3. Define and analyze past economic growth conditions. 4. 5. Agriculture, climate, geography, forestry, military, government, oil and gas, native regional corporations, other. Define and analyze conditions leading to future basin growth. Agriculture, capital relocation, resource development (energy, minerals, etc.), forestry, transportation, government, native regional corporations, other. Develop projections of the economy of the State. a. Review OBERS and other existing pro- jections and methodology. b. Utilize existing models and model systems (e.g., ISER's map model, DEE's AEIRS system). c. Develop concensus projections. 6. Develop projections of the economy of the Basin. a. Review OBERS and other existing pro- jections and methodology. b. Utilize existing models and model systems (e.g., ISER's map model, DEE's AEIRS system). 117 7. c. Develop concensus projections. Relate state and basin projections to future water and related land requirements. a. Develop water and related land demand coefficients by user type. (1) Historical and present relationships (2) Probable future relationships b. Apply future water and related land demand relationships to projections of basin economy. Reports -An Economic Base and Preliminary Projections report will be prepared early in the Study for the Susitna Basin and for each sub- basin as the Study progresses. Projections will later be revised as detailed analysis warrants. PHASE: 2, Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: 0 Economic and Social Inventorv and Proiections Code 201 Work Item Review existing literature on basin economy and prepare bibliography of relevant studies, programs, and methodologies that might be useful to this study. 202 Collect and inventory historical economic and social base data -foreign population, labor force, output and income by industries, transportation, international trade, and public service. a b c Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 203 Analyze growth trends with special emphasis on agriculture and forestry - historical agriculture development, past and current trends in forest products, output, processing and marketing of major industries, and analyze relations of economy to state, United States, and a b c economies. Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 204 Analyze unique economic and institutional characteristics of the Basin as related to future resource development -Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, basin wild gather, government structure and functions, corporati~n versus traditional family farms, marketing facilities, agriculture product demands, community services, etc. a b c Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin 118 ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS E E E E E E E E E E "' 0 ·.-< .u Q) ..... P<Q) 13 .., 0 (1j UA 07/78 11/78 08/78 01/79 08/78 01/80 08/78 09/78 01/79 09/78 01/80 09/78 10/78 02i79 10/78 02/80 10/78 .. •'. ,-· . -. MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Economic and Social Inventory and Projections ESCS FS scs J STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL 1>-. ..., QJ ..., . ..., ..., ..., (J) :>-. ..., > Ul " 00 ., " Ul .... " Ul " p ..... QJ " .... .... .... a ,:> > "' . .... " "" a ..., "" ......... 00 a 0 .-i 1-< QJ " " 00 "' z 0 Ul ..... " 0 0 " ..... QJ OOQJ 0 ~ 0 H~ " QJ . 0 QJ .-i " 0 0 Ul " (J) 0. .-i "' "' ~E-< 0 " "" "' ..... 0 0 " "' " "' " ~ ~ 0 ~ " <:.!> " 0 &' " QJ " !:" 0 ..: 0 0 'M "' 0 "' 00 "" ~ "' <:.!> "" u u E-< E-< "" :::>~ :::> UE-< 15 5 20 20 15 10 25 25 10 5 15 15 5 5 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 60 60 10 5 5 5 5 30 30 10 5 5 5 5 30 30 30 10 5 45 5 50 10 5 5 20 5 25 15 5 2 22 2 24 1 9 ' -Q) Q) ..-< ..-< Q) " .a .a " 0 ..... ..... ..... 00 ..... "' Ol..-l .,':i '"' PHASE: 2 Inventory and Analysis " >. " p. Q) 0 tJ 0 ..... '"' ..-< ACTIVITY: 0 Economic and Social Inventory and Proiections -continued P.<:: P.tJ ... Q) p.QJ "' Q) ., "' "' '"' a..., Q) 00 Q) ..... '"' "' 0 "' Code Work Item O::< 0::~ "'~ UA 205 Preliminary projections of resource development and economic activity - review OBERS, develop input -output programming models, and prepare economic projections. a Sub-basin 1 ESCS E 01/79 03/79 b Sub-basin 2 ESCS E 01/79 03/80 c Remainder of basin ESCS E 01/79 206 Relate projections to future lands and ·water requirements. a Sub-basin 1 ESCS E 04/79 06/79 b Sub-basin 2 ESCS E 02/80 04/80 c Remainder of basin ESCS E 02/81 207 Prepare graphs, charts, maps, etc., code and enter data into storage. a Sub-basin 1 ESCS E 06/79 06/79 b Sub-basin 2 ESCS E 05/80 05/80 c Remainder of basin ESCS E 05/80 208 Prepare economic base reports. a Sub-basin 1 ESCS E 06/79 07/79 b Sub-basin 2 ESCS E 06/80 07/80 c Remainder of basin ESCS E 06/81 Sub-total of man-days Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of basin Basinwide Total man-days (Actl.VJ.ty) 120 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Economic and Social Inventory and Projections -continued ESCS FS scs J STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL > I .... "' .u . .u .... .u <ll :>. .u > " 1-< bO <ll " " ..... . 1-< " ... Q ..... "' " ..... ..... ..... a .> Q) ~ "' ..... :::J I "' a .... "' .-i.U bO IS 0 .-il-< ... bO til z 0 " ·.-< " 0 0 " ..... Q) bOQJ 0 ~ 0 H:;J " "' . 0 "' .-i " 0 0 " " " "" .-i "' • "' 0 1-< ., tll"rl 0 0 1-< "' " "' " ~ ~ 0 "" 1-< <:!> lilE-< (J 0 :>. (J Q) (J bO 0 r:<: 0 0 .,.., til 0 til 00 "' "" ::<: "' <:!> "' < u u E-< E-< Q "" :=>I"< :::> UE-< . 40 20 60 60 20 10 30 30 25 15 t,o 40 20 2 5 5 10 5 l,7 2 49 10 2 5 5 5 5 32 2 34 10 1 2 2 5 2 22 1 23 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 15 5 20 20 135 12 5 5 70 15 5 10 257 7 264 70 7 5 5 40 10 5 5 147 7 154 75 6 2 2 45 7 2 5 144 3 147 295 25 12 12 160 32 12 30 568 17 585 121 P}~SE: 2 Inventory and Analysis ACTIVITY: P Public Involvement* Code 2Pl 2P2 2P3 2P4 Hark Item Conduct periodic meetings, explaining field study progress and plans, soliciting interest, direction, and participation. Record and document response. Attend meetings related to the Basin Cooperative Study. Disseminate monthly progress reports to sponsors and other interested and relevant agencies, providing opportunity for comment. Publish news releases giving report of progress, additional information, and directing interested parties to contact Study Team for further updates. Sub-total of man-days Basinwide Total man-days (Activity) *By cooperative agreement with State of Alaska -Department of Natural Resources 122 ' scs I DNR I 1 02/78 ; SCS . DNR SCS DNR I 02/78 1 02/781 SCS DNR 02/781 ' "' 0 ·r< .., '" .-l 0,<!) s .;J 0 c; U<=l I I i• I ' i ESCS FS I ' I I ' ~ I .u ~ "' I ... "" <Jl '" I •.-I CJ ~ .,; .,; I F. u ~ lr-!.W M 0 <Jl !''"' ~ 0 § I CJ • 0 c.; .-< ... '"d 00 ·r-1 0 I () 0 >, " <J "' r=. ~ i l'J) 0 ' I I i I i I I 10 10 10 10 I I ! ! 10 5 5 5 I i I I r I I 10 I ! I I I ! I 10 40 15 15 15 40 15 15 15 HAN-DAYS BY AGEXCY AND DISCIPLINE Public Involvement I I scs I I STATE I . ! I ' I I .u I I ~ '" I .~ >, I '" •rl ... I I ·.-I " :> ' ('j 5 0 I ,_, "' CJ ... I ... I 0 ~ •.-I C!) ""'" I 0 ~ ~ i 0 1 0 V'l I ~"' p, 0 I ... I UJ S r;j '" s ~ 0:: () "" .,; 0 C! 0 z "' I <1 I u u i H H c I I I ' I ' I I I ' ' I I I I I ! I I t,o ! 100 I I i I I ' I 25 ! 50 I ' I I I I I I ! ' I 10 i 40 f I I I 10 20 I I ' 85 1 210 I 85 i 210 ' ' STATE/ ! I ! FEDERAL FEDE?.AL i I I I I >-' I I '" u i !> ! I " ... ! "' .,; " ~ /;}) tf) i z 0 H~ ri i ':fj _. I U) c<:< 0 I '· . . . 0 ;:;:;E-! ·.-I 1 ;3 5 ~ UJ 00 "' ' ::::> r=.. ::0 l.J~ I ' I I I I I I i ' ' I i I 140 -I I I ' ! I r I i I ! 75 I ' I i I ! ' I 50 I I I I i I i 30 I I ' I I 295 I 295 i i I I I Vl LLJ t-o z: rrT < OJ c OJ M-...... 0 :::::5 0 ""0 -+, :I: )::> )::> (/) __, rrT M- (!) w ~ :::::5 OJ M-...... < (!) c Vl (!) Vl EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE USES This phase will involve using the information and maps created in Phase 2 to test the range of alternatives for resource use, and to present alternate resource management schemes. In Phase 3, information on the potential for developing, preserving, or utilizing each separate resource will be generated, and the probable impacts of development, preservation, or utilization of each upon the regional environment and economy will be established. The Cooperative Study will not present alternative plans, but will evaluate alternative resource uses. These use alterna- tives will be presented to the State of Alaska, to the public, and to local government to be used as a basis for their plan formulation. First, areas with high potential for conflicting resource uses will be identified. This will involve delineating areas with high value developable resource, land highly valued for preservation, critical habitats, etc.; in short, delineating environmentally or economically important resource areas with competition or conflict potential. Next, resources are to be considered for alter- native uses. Four assumptions will be used to examine the alternatives. That a resource management scheme would: 1. follow present conditions with no management plan or programs. 2. emphasize local, state, and national economic development. 3. emphasize environmental quality. 124 4. be directed by local preference. A final report will be prepared to include inventories, projections, needs, resource poten- tia ·Is, management a 1 ternati ves, and opportunities for implementation. The outline of the final report is as follows: Chapter I Summary Chapter II Introduction Chapter III Natural Resource Base Chapter IV Human and Economic Resources Chapter V Water and Related Land Resource Problems Chapter VI Present and Future Needs for Water and Related Resources Chapter VII Water and Related Land Resource Potential Chapter VIII Management Alternatives Chapter IX Opportunities for Develop- ment and Impact of USDA Programs Chapter X Coordination and Programs Phase 4 will not be a part of this cooperative study, but the resource inventories and analysis of alternative uses will be used by federal, state, and local planners. USDA and other federal agency expertise will play an important roll in the development of the comprehensive plans and management decisions. PHASE: 3 Evaluation of Alternative Uses ACTIVITY: A Evaluate Alternatives Code Hork Item I I [ I ~ rl ·" li -~ >-. 0 u P.O: 00 (1j OJ 0!) ~<t! 3Al I. Summarize potential I i agriculture, cropland, and pasture land data from phase 2 alternative basin resource uses. for ~~ I I I a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Identify high, medium, and low potential areas, physically suitable for cropland and pasture. and areas Analyze cost of land development-clearing, treatment, irrigation, fencing, etc. j drainagej scs scs I Analyze production cost by type of crop or livestock enter-I prise. Analyze operating expenses and minimum farm size. SCS I Analyze existing and I ::,:::~:::.:·:: .. :·::,.::::::::. ~:::::::.·,::::::::.".·:.j :::: I Estimate environmental impacts of agriculture. , ESCS i Estimate impacts of new agriculture -benefits costs, employ- ment, and income. Analysis of institutions (laws, regulations, policies, customs, etc.) that may influence the implementation of agriculture, forestry, and other resource development use. I ESCS I ! ESCS I 3A2 Summarize areas and acres of commercial saw timber, pulpwood, and other uses from phase 2 data for potential alternative basin recourse uses. a. Determine logging methods, logging and haul cost and access. FS 125 ss SE SE E E E E E F I I I I I 0: 0 ·.-! '"' Q) rl OJ P.CJ '-' s '"' "' 0 r.:: Q }'"" ! I I I i MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Evaluate Alternatives . ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>- '"' Q) '"' . '"' '"' '"' (Jl >. '"' > ., 1-< 01) (Jl (Jl ., .,.. . 1-< (Jl 1-< "" ..... Q) <: .,.. ..... .,.. a r-i ·~ > Ol ..... ;:1 "" a '"' "" .,.., 01) a 0 Q) 1-< 1-< 01) "' ~:;;] 0 "' ..... <: 0 0 <: ..... Q) OI)Q) 0 ~ 0 <: Q) . 0 Q) r-i <: 0 0 (Jl <: m "' r-i "' .. "' ~H 0 1-< 'd "'"'"' 0 0 1-< "' <: Ol <: B rx: 0 "" 1-< t.!l 0 0 &' 0 Q) 0 01) 0 rx: 0 Q) 0 i§ ..... "' 0 "' 00 "" "" "' t.!l "" < '-' '-' H H o:l ::>~>< ::> UH 20 5 5 5 5 20 5 5 70 10 80 40 10 60 10 5 10 20 10 165 10 175 40 10 5 5 60 60 35 10 10 55 55 50 10 60 10 70 50 10 10 10 10 10. 10 10 10 130 15 20 165 120 30 150 5 155 50 10 60 5 65 20 5 5 30 60 30 10 100 1 6 PHASE: 3 Evaluation of Alternative Uses ACTIVITY: A Evaluate Alternatives -continued Code b. c. d. e. Hork Item Inventory existing and needed wood-processing facilities and markets. Estimate reforestation and stand improvement cost. Estimate environmental impacts of the timber industry. Estimate social impact of timber industry -schools, housing, etc. f. Estimate economic impacts of timber development -benefits, costs, employment and income. 3A3 Summarize fish and wildlife from phase 2 data for potential alternative basin resource uses. a. Summarize habitat location and populations, .and list potential wildlife preserves. b. Estimate carrying capacities. c. Estimate hunting and fishing days and harvest rates. d. Estimate subsistance use and recreation use. e. Estimate economic impacts -revenues, expenditures, and employment. f. Estimate environmental impacts. g. Estimate social impacts. 127 CJ ..-< .0 .,., "' ::J >, 0 C) """ "' Ql (!) c.:: 00:<: FS FS FS ESCS ESCS scsI scsI I scs! I scsI I I scs: I scs; I scs CJ ..-< Q) fj .0 fj 0 ·r-f ·M bO 'H <JJ..-< " .w c "' .,., CJ 0 ·.-l .w ..-< o.u .... Q) O.a! "' "' "' .w " .w QJ .,., .w "' 0 "' "'"' Ul "' uo * * F F F E E PL PL PL PL PL PL PL MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Evaluate Alternatives -continued . ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL :>-I ,., Q) ,., . ,., ,., ,., "' :>. ,., :> I "' "' bO "' "' "' ..... . "' "' "' I A .... Q) 1:1 ..... .... .... 13 .:> :> Ill .... ::l l>l 13 ,., l>l ,...,,., bO 13 0 ..... "' Q) "' "' bO "' z 0 "' .... 1:1 0 0 1:1 .... Q) bOQJ 0 ~ 0 H~ 1:1 Q) . 0 Q) ..... 1:1 0 0 "' " "' "' u ..... "' ' "' ~E-< 0 "' ., "' .... 0 0 "' "' 1:1 Ill 1:1 13 ~ l>l 0 ""'"'· C!> u & ~ u Q) u bO 0 1"1 0 Q) 0 !il .... "' 0 "' 00 l>l "' C!> l>l < u u E-< E-< A I'Q ::OJ>< ::> uE-< 5 10 15 15 20 5 25 25 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 75 15 20 110 10 5 15 10 25 20 5 10 35 35 5 5 5 15 10 40 65 5 5 20 30 40 70 5 5 20 30 40 70 5 5 20 30 5 20 55 15 15 20 35 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 10 10 45 5 5 5 10 -20 128 QJ QJ ...... ...... QJ <= ,.0 ,.0 <= 0 ·rl •r! •r-1 b() I •rl (/) til.-! " ""' PHASE: 3 Evaluation of Alternative Uses <= :>. <= P.. •.-i QJ 0 u 0 ·rl ""' ...... ACTIVITY: A Evaluate Alternatives -continued ' P..t:: P..U ... QJ I P..QJ (/) QJ (/) (/) ro ""' E .., QJ b() QJ •rl ... <;l o ro Code \\fork Item <>::< O<:Q CJ:l Q UQ j * * 3A4 Summarize range land from phase 2 data for potential alternative basin I resource uses. a. Summarize and locate potential grazing areas. ESCS E I b. Evaluate domestic grazing potential. ESCS DNR c. Evaluate environmental impacts of domestic grazing. ESCS E l I d. Estimate economic impacts -cost benefits, employemen t, I I I I income, etc. ESCS E I e. Estimate marketing, processing, and transportation needs. ESCS I E I I I I I f. Estimate social and economic impacts. ESCS E 3A5 I Summarize commercial fisheries from phase 2 data for potential I I I alternative basin resource uses. I I Summarize and locate potential spawning I FS I F a. areas. I b. Evaluate development of new spawning areas. scs SE I c. Evaluate environmental impacts of commercial fisheries. I scs I SE d. Estimate economic impacts -value of catch, market expansion, I I employment, income, and processing costs. i ESCS I E I e. Estimate social impacts. I ESCS E i I I I ' 129 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Evaluate Alternatives -continued !Escs FS scs I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL I FEDERAL >-I ..... Q) ..... . ..... ..... ..... ., >-. ..... l> ., !-< 00 ., ., ., ..... . !-< ., !-< I'> ..... Q) p ..... ..... ..... l'l l> l> Ol ..... ::1 l<l E ..... l<l .......... 00 l'l 0 ..... ... Q) ... ... 00 "' z 0 ., ..... p 0 0 p ..... Q) OOQ) 0 ~ 0 ..... ~ p Q) 0 Q) ..... p 0 0 "' p "' "" o-i "' ' "' gjE-< 0 !-< ., "' ..... D D ... "' r.: Ol p l'l E-< 0:: D r« !-< ' <:.:> " D >-. " Q) " 00 D 0:: D Q) 0 z ..... ttl D "' 00 "' r« ii1 "' <:.:> l<l < u u E-< E-< <=l <'l ::or« :::> uE-< ' l - 5 5 10 20 20 5 5 20 30 30 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 40 5 10 55 40 5 15 5 65 65 10 5 15 5 20 / 20 10 30 5 35 5 5 10 10 20 5 5 10 10 20 5 5 5 5 20 10 30 40 40 5 45 10 10 5 15 130 PHASE: 3 Evaluation of Alternative Uses ACTIVITY: A Evaluate Alternatives -continued Code 3A6 Work Item Summarize outdoor recreation from phase 2 data for potential alternative Basin resource uses. a. Summarize past, present, and future outdoor recreation use in Basin. Q) ..... ,Q ..... "' <= :>. 0 " <>.<:: "' Q) aJ on s>:< scs Q) ..... Q) ,Q <= .......... "''""' <= "" 0 ..... """ "' "' Q) ..... S:.:r:l RC b. List areas with potential for outdoor recreation development. SCS RC c. Estimate development cost, access, needs, user days, etc. SCS RC d. Estimate economic impacts -revenues, expenditures, etc. ESCS E e. Estimate environmental impacts. ESCS E f. Estimate social and economic impacts. ESCS E 3A7 Summarize potential wilderness areas and wild and scenic rivers from phase 2 data for potential alternative Basin resource uses. a. Estimate economic values forgone, and development costs. b. Estimate environmental impacts. c. Estimate social impacts. 3A8 Summarize the effect of future urban development on the Basin from pahse 2 data for potential alternative Basin resource uses. scs scs scs a. Summarize land use changes, transportation, and housing needs SCS 131 PL PL PL PL <= 0 on ..... ~ .... Q) .... ..... "" Q) <4QJ "''"' 13'"' .., "' 0 "' cnQ UQ * * MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Evaluate Alternatives -continued ESCS FS scs _I STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL ' :> I '"' OJ '"' . '"' '"' '"' "' :>. '"' > I "' ... 00 "' "' "' .,.. ... "' ... "" ..... OJ "' ..... ..... .,.. a .> > Ill .,.. " I "'" a '"' "'" ,_,,_, 00 a 0 ,_, ... OJ ... ... 00 "' z 0 "' ..... "' 0 0 "' .,.. OJ OOOJ 0 ~ 0 H~ "' OJ . 0 OJ ,_, "' 0 0 Cll "' "' '" ,_, "' ' "' 0 ... "" "' ..... 0 0 ... "' "' Ill "' !i ~ 0 r.. ... ' '-' ~E-< 0 0 :>. 0 OJ 0 00 0 ~ 0 0 z ..... "' 0 "' 00 "'" r.. :r: "' '-' "'" < u u E-< E-< "" "' :::>r.. p vE-< .l 10 5 15 10 5 30 5 5 5 5 20 10 30 15 2 17 5 22 10 2 12 5 17 5 5 5 5 5 25 20 10 55 5 5 5 10 20 5 5 5 20 10 65 30 20 115 5 5 10 5 15 5 10 5 20 15 10 45 10 5 5 5 5 5 35 15 so I 132 PHASE: 3 ACTIVITY: Code 3A9 3Al0 3All Evaluation of Alternative Uses A Evaluate Alternatives -continued Work Item b. Estimate public facility needs. c. Estimate environmental impacts. d. Estimate social and economic impacts. Identify areas of potential complimentary and competitive land uses, water quality, water supply, water needs and environmental quality from identified alternatives. Determine trade-offs of economic and environmental components. Present trade-offs in maps, charts, tables, and other appropriate displays. Sub-total of man-days **Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin Total man-days (Activity) Draft of sub-basin report Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin *Starting or completion dates not determined as time and results from this Phase will be expended and realized throughout Phase 2, as each Sub-basin is completed. **Sub-basin time breakdown is estimated by Total only for agency and discipline because many 't>mrk items interrelate sub-basin to sub-basin and the Bas~n as a whole. 133 QJ ..-< .0 ..... "' 1:: :>. 0 u <J.I': "' QJ QJ bO <>:< ESCS scs ESCS ESCS ESCS ESCS scs scs sc~ QJ ..-< QJ .0 1:: .......... bO "''"" 1:: 1:: "' ..... 0 ..... .... <J.U 1-< QJ "' "' "' .... ., ..... .... "' l>:l=l JPI"l E SE E E E E PL 07/78 PL PL 1:: 0 ..... .... QJ ..-< <J.QJ s ..... 0 "' ,PI=l 12/82 12/81 12/86 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Evaluate Alternatives -continued ESCS FS scs STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >-I .., Q) ., . .., .., ., Ill » ., > Ill ... 01) Ill Ill Ill .,.., . .... Ill ... 0 ..... Q) 0:: .,.., .,.., .,.., s ,:;. > <11 .,.., " f>1 6 .., 1<1 ,..,.., 01) s 0 ,.., .... Q) ... ... 01) Ul z Ill .,.., 0:: 0 0 0:: .,.., Q) OI)Q} 0 !;;] 0 H!;;J "' Q) . 0 Q) ,.., 0:: 0 0 Ill 0:: Ill "" ,.., Ul ' Ul ~E-< 0 ... "" Ul"rl 0 0 .... Ul 0:: <11 0:: m E-< p:; 0 ~ ... '-' 0 0 ~ 0 Q) 0 bD 0 p:; 0 0 z .,.., Ul 0 Ul 00 1<1 ~ Ul '-' f>1 < u u E-< E-< 0 "" p~ p UE-< 5 5 10 10 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 10 10 50 5 5 10 5 15 20 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 90 10 20 120 285 20 15 15 15 100 10 15 20 495 20 30 545 20 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 65 10 10 85 410 105 70 45 32 222 36 32 100 1052 112 178 1342 270 70 45 30 31 148 24 21 65 694 75 119 888 230 59 35 25 17 125 20 17 55 583 63 98 744 910 234 150 100 70 495 80 70 220 2329 250 395 2974 ' 134 PHASE: 3 ACTIVITY: Code 3Bl 3B2 Evaluation of Alternative Uses B Public Involvement* Work Item Develop, conduct, and analyze a public questionnaire based upon data and information collected in phase 2 of the Study. Develop information for the news media concerning information and data gathered in phase 2 of the Study on how it relates to alternative basin resource uses. Q) ..... ,0 .... "' a :;.., 0 tJ IO.a "' Q) QJOO ~< scs scs 3B3 Develop slide program, maps and charts as required in 3B4 3BS agenda for public meetings to explain and discuss the alternative basin resource uses. Hold public meetings on draft report, and analyze the public response. Present final report to public. Explain how the report can be used in scs scs the planning process, and how USDA can be of assistance in their programs SCS Total man-days (Activity) ***Sub-basin 1 Sub-basin 2 Remainder of Basin *Under cooperative agreement with State of Alaska -Department of Natural Resources. **Starting or completion dates not determined as time and results from this Phase will be expended and realized throughout Phase 2 as each sub-basin is completed. ***Sub-basin time breakdown is estimated by total only for agency and discipline because many work items interrelate sub-basin to sub-basin and the basin as a whole. 135 DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR 00 ~ .., ... Q) "' .., .., "' tllQ ** a 0 . ... .., Q) ..... IO.Q) s .., 0 "' UQ ** MAl'l-DAYS BY AGEl':CY AND DISCIPLINE Public Involvement L ESCS ! FS scs I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I I ! I I I I I ' ' ' ! i ! i i I I I ..., " ·..< 5 " 0 u "' 5 15 15 5 40 I ,_, <ll '-' ! I " "' ' ,_, 0 "" 5 I I I 15 I I ' 15 I 5 40 '-' "" "' " I .... "' ~'-' ·r-i Q' . r o G "' I , ] :>. ~ 5 5 I 15 15 I 15 ' 15 I I 5 ! i 40 I 5 40 '-' ! "' o,..j "" 0 ~ 0 " '-" 5 I I I I I I ! 15 ' 15 I I 5 40 I I '-' '-' " :>. "' .,.. I~ e ,_, •..< I s > ' c;j "' 0 <ll ,_, ,_, I i3 I " ·..< OJ """ I . 0 I ..., ' " 0 1 Q tl) " "' I "' <t: 0 ,_, :-.!:J ;.:; ('j c s E-< u "" 0 ~ 0 <ll 0 ~ I <t: i u u H H i I ! ' I I ! 5 5 "I ' I i I I I i I ' ' 15 j 10 15 115 I ' I I i i I I 15 15 105 I 5 5 I 5 ,,o I 40 15 40 295 I I I i I ' 136 STATE \ I I I I ~ I z A ' 20 I I I 25 I I 60 I ' 20 i 40 165 I ' I I i I ! . ' I I STAT:<l/ FEDER/1L '-' "' .... "" 0 ,.., 0 o,..j "' 5 15 15 5 40 FEDERAL I I > I <ll > I I ,_, I r:: " ~ till I H...:l I C/) • • "' ~~ ~ ~ : "' ' I cn o I C/) I 00 : ~ ~ ::> '-''"' .l I I I I 60 I I - i I I I I I 25 I I I ' ! ) i· 190 I I 140 : I 85 I I 500 I ' I I I ! i I ·I ~ - ., ., .-i .-i ., ~ .0 .0 ~ 0 •.-! •r-1 •r-1 bO .... "' Ul.-i ~ ""' PHASE: 3 Evaluation of Alternative Uses ~ » ~ Po •.-! ., 0 <J 0 •.-! ""' .-i ACTIVITY: c Final Report Po~ P.<J '"' ., PoOl "' ., "' "' "' ""' E "-' ., bO ., •.-! ""' "' 0 "' Code Work Item P::< P::t:> CJ:lt:l Ut:> 3Cl Prepare draft of the Susitna Basin report for FAC and State review. scs PL 12/86 06/87 3C2 Receive and incorporate comments into draft report. scs PL * 3C3 Prepare final report for WAC review and approval. scs PL * 3C4 Print and disseminate to interested parties. scs PL * Total man-days *Not determined 137 MAN-DAYS BY AGENCY AND DISCIPLINE Final Report· -'-- ESCS FS scs _I . STATE STATE/ FEDERAL FEDERAL >. "-' ()) "-' . "-' "-' "-' " >. "-' I> " .. 00 " " " •.-< . 1-< " 1-< t=l •.-< ()) ~ •.-< ..... •.-< s .:> ()) ~ eel •.-< ::> ~ E "-' ~ .-!.W 00 s 0 .-! 1-< 1-< 00 "' z 0 " ·.-< ~ 0 0 ~ •.-< ()) OO()) 0 ~ 0 H~ ~ Q) . 0 Q) .-! ~ 0 0 " ~ '" p, .-! "' ' '"' 0 1-< '1j tf) '•r-1 0 0 1-< "' 1:: eel ~ E ~ 0 "" 1-< ' <:!> ~H (J 0 >. (J Q) (J 00 0 '"' 0 Q) 0 •.-< "' 0 "' 00 ~ "" ::<: "' <:!> ~ < u u H H t=l iXl ::>I'< p UH 30 30 30 30 '·10 5 5 30 170 30 60 260 15 15 15 15 10 5 5 15 95 15 30 150 15 15 15 15 5 5 5 15 90 15 30 135 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 35 65 65 65 65 25 15 25 65 390 65 125 580 . ., I i I ! ] I . . . . . , ~0 FUNDING . Estimated expenditures by USDA for Fiscal Years 1977 through 1986 . Agency Fiscal Year ESCS FS scs Total 1977 22,827 35,000 346,000 403,827 1978 56,000 56,250 772,000 884,250 1979 66,000 130,000 1,020,700 1,216,700 1980 67,000 '/40' 000 880,000 1 ,087,000 1981 67,000 100,000 412,400 579,400 1982 67,000 80,000 401,000 548,000 1983 67,000 60,000 290,000 417,000 1984 290,000 290,000 1985 165,000 165,000 1986 50,000 296,000 346,000 Total 412,827 651,250 4,873,100 5,937 '177 . 139 In witness whereof, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the Soil Conservation Service, USDA, have concurred in the Plan of Work for the Alaska Rivers, Susitna Basin Cooperative Study, as of the date hereon written. U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Forest Service Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service By: uw~ey~m~e~trh'Er.-.L~o~ng~--------- Chairman, FAG Committee Date: ___________ _ Alaska Department of Natural Resources By: nD~a~VlT·d77G'.~H~an~s~o~n~-------- Chief, Natural Resources Planning and Research Date: 140 :z =l rn (/) 106/77 106/77 j06/77 106/77 106/77 104/78 ACTIVITY SCHEDULE PHASE 2 Sub-basin 1 Surface Water Quantity 05/78 !Ground Water Quantity! 03/79 Water Qua 1 ity 06/791 Water Ose and Needs S01l Survey 047791 02/78 Land Treatment and Agronomy j 04/79 Geology 05/791 05/7~ Vegetation Inventory 104/79 02/7~ Recreation 1 o2179 Arch. and Hist. Culture o3U9I I04L78 Fish and Wildlife 04L8o I 04/7 8 L-1 _ _,_F-'-"1 o..,o,_d_,D""a""m"'a g,e,s ___ _,l 05/79 108/77 Land Status 02/791 lo8/77 Land Use Atlas 021791 12/80 I '-'1 0"'7:..;./_,_7 ... 8 _____ "'"07,_./_..7~9~ (Economic and Social Inventory and Projections) 102/78 Public Involvement 141 "' co ..__ "' C) 03/SL) o3t82 I CXl " ...... '-0 0 106/78 Ground Water Quantity 03/801 06/79 I Water Quality ACTIVITY SCHEDULE PHASE 2 Sub-basin 2 105/80 112/80 106/78 04/791 (Soil Survey) 01/7~ I 04/79 (Land Treatment and Agronomy) I 04/79 Geology 04/801 I 04/79 03/80 I (Vegetation Inventory) I 02/79 Recreation 04/801 03/791 Arch. and Hist. Culturel03/80 112/79 Fish and Wil dl He P6/78 Flood Damages o5/8o 1 Ol/80c:J03/80 (Land Status) Ol/80c:J03/80 (Land Use Atlas) 08/781 Economic and Social Inventory and ProjectlQ!iSJ07/80 I 06/78 Public Involvement 142 104/81 Surface Water Quantity Water Use and Needs 11/81 I M CXl ...... N 0 03/83~ 03/83~ 03/83 ---,) Relationship of Phase 2, Inventory and Analysis, to Phase J, Evaluation of Alternative Uses, and Final Report. PHASE 2 MAJOR INPUT TO PHASE J INPUT TO FINAL REPORT Activity Activity Chapter 2A JAJ, JA5, JA6, JAB, JA9, JAlO, JAll III, v, VI, VII, VIII, IX, 28 JAl, JA8, JA9, JAlO, JAll II I, v, VI, VII, VIII, IX, 2C JAJ, JA5, JA6, JA7, JA9, JAlO, JAll III, v, VI, VII, VIII, IX, 20 JAl, JAJ, JA5, JA6, JA8, JP.9, JAlO, JAll II I, v, VI, VII, VIII, IX, 2E JAl, JA2, JA4, JA6, JA9, JAlO, JAll I II, VII, VIII 2F JAl, JA4, JA8, JA9, JAlO, JAll VI, VIII, IX, X 2G JAl, JA6, JA8, JA9, JAlO, 3All III, VII, VIII 2H JA2, 3A3, JA4, 3A6, 3A8, JA9, JAlO, JAll III, VII, VIII 2I JA3, JA6, 3A8, 3A9, JAlO, 3All VI, VII, VIII, IX, X 2J JA6, JA8, 3A9, 3Al0, JAll VIII 2K JAJ, JA6, JA9, JAlO, 3All II I, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X 2L 3Al, JA2, JA6, JAB, JA9, JAlO, JAll V, VI, VI II, IX, X 2M JA9, JAlO, JAll IV, VIII 2N JA9, 3Al0, JAll VIII, IX, X 20 JAl, 3A2, JAJ, 3A4, JA5, JA6, JA7, JA8, JA9, 3Al0, JAll IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X 2P JA9, 3Al0, 3All VIII, IX, X 143 X X X X 1409-78