HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4165IDENTIFYING WILDLIFE LANDS : FISH AND WILDLIFE ANALYSIS FOR THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN STUDY Final Report by U.S. Department of Agriculture in cooperation with State of Alaska and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service October 1985 Final Report Identifying Wildlife Lands: Fish and Wildlife Analysis for the Susitna River Basin Study Prepared by United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Forest Service In Cooperation with State of Alaska and United States Fish and Wildlife Service For further information, contact State Conservationist Soil Conservation Service 201 E. 9th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3687 Telephone (907) 261-2424 October 1985 Acknowledgements A cooperative interagency project such as outlined here inevitably involves a large number of individuals; unfortunately, acknowledging them all by name is not possible. Nonetheless, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the key individuals who coordinated the involvement of their respective agencies and were instrumental in keeping this project moving forward. Ann Rappoport of the USFWS modified existing Habitat Evaluation Procedure models for use in the Susitna River Basin Study, contacting a variety of helpful ADF&G biologists in the process. in the study, Christopher Estes ably coordinated the ADF&G's early involvement part of which involved initiating instream flow and fisheries research in the Willow Subbasin. He was followed by Rich Cannon and Carl Yanagawa who successfully coordinated compilation of much additional ADF&G information on the Talkeetna, Beluga, and Upper Susitna Subbasins. Dimitri Bader and Patricia Baird spent many hours assisting with preparation of the fish and wildlife element maps and reviewing them with other Department biologists, principally Jack Didrickson from Palmer. They also prepared most of the narratives for the fish and wildlife element and other planning reports. Chris Beck, Randy Cowart, and Marjorie Willits of the ADNR continually supported integration of fish and wildlife information in the State planning process, and were very receptive to the methodologies developed here. Calvin Steele of the SCS, a key player in the collection of data used in these analyses, also provided helpful review comments on this report, while SCS economist John O'Neill assisted the ADF&G in economic analyses of fish and wildlife resources. Sterling Powell, formerly of the SCS, provided the unifying vision of what could be done through this study, and kept us all striving together to do justice to the rich resources and complex land-use questions in the Susitna River Basin. And finally, Devony Lehner, SCS Biologist, who is the primary author of this report, for her dedication to the project and her outstanding ability to coordinate all aspects of this report. TABLE OF CONTENTS Llst of Flgures ................................. '.... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Llst of Tables . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . 5 Introductlon ... ~................................................... 7 I. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I I. The Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 III. Flsh and Wlldllfe Resources ln the Susltna Rlver Basln ............. 17 A. B. c. D. IV. Flsh A. B. c. Flsh and Wlldllfe Specles 17 Flsh and Wlldllfe Habltats .................................... 28 Human Uses of Basln Flsh and Wlldllfe 35 40 Future of Flsh and Wlldllfe Resources and Wlldllfe Hodellng and Happlng ln the Susltna Rlver Basln .. 46 Introductlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Flsh and Wlldllfe "Element" ................................... 47 Flsh and Wlldllfe Hodellng .................................... 52 1. Introductlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2. Hodellng and Happlng of Specles-speclflc Habltats 54 3. Hodellng and Happlng of Hlgh Specles Dlverslty and Habltat Scarclty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 a. Introductlon . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 b. Wlldllfe Specles Dlverslty Hodel .................... 58 c. Habltat Scarclty Hodel .............................. 67 4. Integratlon of Hodel Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 a. Introductlon ........................................ 71 b. Habltat Synthesls Hodel Steps ....................... 72 - 2 - D. Creating the Fish and Wildlife Element Hap ................... 78 V. Fish and Wildlife Field Investigations ............................ 86 References 89 Appendixes 100 A. Bibliography of Reports prepared during the Susitna River Basin Study ................. -..............•............ A-1 B. Outline of ADF&G Susltna Basin Data ..........•............... B-1 C. Description of USFWS Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) models applied in Susitna River Basin ........................ C D. Examples of field procedures and data forms used during the Susitna River Basin vegetation inventory.................. D -3 - LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Hap of Susitna River Basin and Willow Talkeetna, Beluga, and Upper Susitna Subbasins . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . 11 Figure 2. Susitna River Basin Study: inventory data areas .............. 16 Figure 3a. Successional stages following fire -upland white spruce sites 42 Figure 3b. Successional stages following fire -permafrost black spruce sites 43 Figure 4. Patterns of forest succession following fire in Alaska ....... 44 - 4 - LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Birds of the Susitna River Basin ............................... 18 Table 2. Mammals of the Susitna River Basin . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . 23 Table 3. Fishes of the Susitna River Basin ............................. 25 Table 4. Big game population estimates for the Susitna River Basin/Matanuska-Susitna Borough ............................... 27 Table 5. Susitna Cooperative River Basin Study, land cover mapping units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Table 6. Summary of selected plant community (wildlife habitat; acreages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Table 7. Preferred habitats for selected Susitna Basin mammals ......... 33 Table 8. Preferred habitats for nesting, feeding, or both for selected Susitna Basin birds .................................. 34 Table 9. Susitna Basin sport fishing effort and harvests by species -1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • 38 - 5 - Table 10. Susltna Basln total sport flshlng days and harvests -1977-1981 ...................................... ·... 39 Table 11. Plant communlty correlatlons and wlldllf~ specles dlverslty ratlngs for SCS vegetatlon types ................... 62 Table 12. Correlatlon of mammal specles llsts: Gasllne Corrldor - Susltna Basln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • 63 Table 13. Correlatlon of blrd specles llsts: Gasllne Corrldor - Susltna Basln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 64 Table 14. Habltat scarclty ratlngs ..................................... 70 Table 15. Summary of lnstructlons for habltat synthesls model .......... 73 Table 16. Recommended flsh and wlldllfe/publlc use corrldor wldths for Susltna Basln streams ............................. 76 - 6 - Introduction The following report covers fish and wildlife studies conducted in the Susitna River Basin as part of the Susitna Cooperative River Basin Study. The report is divided into five parts: Part I, Background, discusses both the origins of the Susitna Cooperative River Basin Study and the basis for Soil Conservation Service participation in Basin fish and wildlife analyses. Part II, The Study Area, describes very briefly the location of the Susitna River Basin and the four "subbasins" into which it was divided for study purposes. Part III, Fish and Wildlife Resources in the Susitna Rivet"' Basit-,, pr--ovides a general description of the fish and wildlife species and habitats currently found in the Basin. Current human uses of these resources, and changes affecting their future use and availability, are also briefly discussed. Part IV, Fish and Wildlife Modeling and Mapping in the Susitna River Basin, describes the technical fish and wildlife analyses conducted by the SCS as part of the River Basin Study. These analyses consisted of two main activities: 1) working with the USFWS and the ADF&G to develop ways to use River Basin data in "modeling" the relative fish and wildlife values of Basin lands, and 2) assisting the ADF&G in developing procedures for -7- creating fish and wildlife "element maps," that is, maps showing Basin lands best suited for maintaining desired fish and wildlife resources. Use of these products by land use planners is also briefly discussed. Part V, Fish and Wildlife Field Investigations, briefly identifies wildlife-related data collected by the SCS and FS in the field during the Cooperative Study. Ap~endixes supplement the information provided in these five parts. -8 - I. Background In recent years, the State of Alaska and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough have been determining which of their lands should be retained in public ownership and which should be sold or leased to the private sector. These determinations have generally been based on what the ·state or Borough has perceived to be the "best uses" for particular parcels. Historically, "best uses" have usually been identified with very little information because adequate inventory data were not available. As a result, Basin lands have often been either inappropriately developed, e.g., homes have been built in flood plains, septic systems in or adjacent to wetlands; or lands have been used in ways that have not served the public interest, e.g., public trails or hunting areas have been sold to private interests who then blocked public access. Environmental problems, damage to structures, and conflicts among land users have 'inevitably resulted. Finding solutions to these problems has been difficult in the absence of adequate data, and because opinions often differ on what constitutes a parcel's best use or the public's best interest. In order to develop a data base on which alternative land uses could be logically evaluated and selected, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) requested technical assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Soil Conservation Service in February 1976. In response, the USDA, in June 1976, authorized the Alaskan River Basin Study under Public Law 83-566. In February 1978, a plan of work for the Alaska Rivers-Susitna -9- River Basin Study was adopted. For study purposes, the Susitna Basin was divided into four subbasins: Willow, Talkeetna, Beluga, and Upper Susitna (Figure 1). The Willow Subbasin Study was scheduled first. Once it was completed (USDA 1981c), a joint study of the Talkeetna, Beluga, and Upper Susitna Subbasins was undertaken. Public Law 83-566 (Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954) provides broad authority for cooperation between USDA agencies and other Federal and State agencies in river basin planning, surveys, and investigations. The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) directs these activities, working closely with the USDA Forest Service (FS) and Economic Research Service (ERS). Conducted at the request of cooperating agencies, in this case the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, river basin studies and investigations: identify water and land resource problems, analyze the economic base and environmental setting, and suggest alternative plans for solving identified problems and improving the economy and environment. -10 - USDA involvement in river basin fish and wildlife investigations is predicated on Department policy as outlined in Memoranda from the Secretary of Agriculture. Current ,usDA fish and wildlife policy, articulated in Secretary's Memo 9500-4, is to " ... assure that the values of fish and wildlife are recognized, and that their habitats, both terrestrial and aquatic, including wetlands, are recognized and enhanced, where possible, as the Department carries out its overall missions." Within its authorities, Department activities in supr:;ort of this policy may include: supporting research and management programs that respond to the economic, ecological, educational, recreational, scientific and aesthetic values of fish and wildlife; improving, where needed, fish and wildlife habitats; ensuring the presence of diverse, native and desired non-native populations of wildlife, fish, and plant species; providing research, educational, technical, and financial assistance to inform, encourage, and assist landowners to understand, apply, and improve management practices for fish and wildlife habitats; assisting with the improvement of opportunities for recreational uses of fish and wildlife, such as hunting, fishing, trapping, and viewing; -12 - encouraging and assisting the States, territories, and other Federal agencies in conducting resource inventories and evaluating the status and potential of fish and wildlife habitat ... Under Department authorities and mandates outlined above, the USDA-SCS entered into a cooperative agreement wjth the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) to jointly conduct fish and wildlife investigations as part of the Susitna Cooperative River Basin Study. In particular, the SCS, working with these agencies, the ADNR, and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough: 1) identified potential problems and issues affecting long-term maintenance of sustainable populations of desired fish and wildlife species in the. Basin to meet increasing human demands for these resources. The problems and issues identified are outlined in the Willow Subbasin Final Report (USDA 1981c) and in Land Use Issues and Preliminary Resource Inventory -Matanuska-Susitna- Beluga Cooperative Planning Program (ADNR et al. 1982) 2) analyzed the environmental base, and to some extent the economic base, affecting Basin fish and wildlife resources. Descriptions of environmental analyses conducted by the SCS in the Susitna River Basin are contained in the Willow Subbasin Final Report (USDA 1981c), in the Susitna River Basin Summary Report (USDA 1985), and in the various technical reports, such as this -13 - one, accompanying the summary. (Other USDA technical reports are listed in Appendix A.) Descriptions of economic analyses conducted by the SCS/ERS are contained in the Willow Subbasin Final Report and in The Susitna Cooperative River Basin Study Economic Development Analysis: Talkeetna Subbasin (Fuglestad and O'Neill 1983). Technical assistance was also provided to the ADF&G during their attempts to develop an economic method for calculating monetary values of fish-and wildlife-related activities in the Susitna River Basin (ADF&G 1983b,_l983d). 3) developed fish and wildlife-oriented land use alternatives (element maps) to assist the State and Borough in addressing long-te-rm maintenance of fish and wildlife resources in the Basin in ways compatible with improving the regional economy and the environment. Development and use of these alternatives-are discussed in this and other reports cited above. -14 - II. The Study Area The Susitna River Basin includes approximately 14 million acres in Southcentral Alaska. Of this total, about one million acres lie in the Willow Subbasin (see USDA 1981c). The remainder of the Basin extends from Cook Inlet on the south, to the Alaska Range on the north, Clearwater Mountains on the northeast, Lake Louise area on the east, and Tordrillo Mountains on the west. Major stream systems include the Susitna, Talkeetna, Chulitna, Kahiltna, Skwentna, Yentna, and Beluga Rivers, as well as the lower reaches of the Chakachatna River. Lakes in the area number in the hundreds; among the larger of these are Lake Louise and Beluga Lake, as well as Alexander, Strandline, Trapper, Shulin, Chelatna, and Amber Lakes. The Basin is described in greater detail in the Susitna Basin Final Report (USDA 1985) and in accompanying technical reports, listed in Appendix A. For study purposes, the Susitna River Basin was divided into three subbasins as shown in Figure 2. Environmental inventory data were collected by the FS and the SCS in shaded areas. Data collected in the Upper Susitna Subbasin were not as detailed as those collected in the other two subbasins. Technical analyses discussed in this report apply only in the shaded (data) areas shown on Figure 2. -15 - 0 Figure 2. Susitna Basin Study - inventory data areas 1 Beluga Subbasin 2 Talkeetna Subbasin 3 Upper Susitna Subbasin III. Fish and Wildlife Resources in the Susitna River Basinl/ A. Fish and Wildlife Species Many kinds of fish and wildlife are currently found in the Susitna Basin. These include big game species, such as moose, caribou, Dall sheep, black bear, and brown bear; furbearers, such as wolf, marten, wolverine, and mink; resident and anadromous fishes, such as salmon, trout, and grayling; small game; waterfowl; hawks and eagles; and a variety of others. Twenty-nine species of freshwater and anadromous fishes, 157 species of birds£/, and 38 native mammal species (not counting Beluga whales and harbor seals, which may occur in C¢ok Inlet waters) are likely to breed in or migrate through the area (Tables 1, 2, and 3). For several species important to man (e.g., moose, black bear, beaver, etc.), Susitna River Basin populations are among the most abundant in Alaska and, in some cases, in the U.S. Estimated current numbers of six big game species found in the area are presented in Table 4. Where information was available, Table 4 also indicates what percentage of statewide populations are believed to occur in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (generally equivalent to the Basin). 11 For further information on Basin fish and wildlife resources, see ADF&G 1984 £/ One Federally listed threatened or endangered bird species is likely to migrate through the Basin: a threatened subspecies of the peregrine falcon (Falco pereqrinus anatum). Two peregrines were sighted perched in an open stand of white spruce near timberline by an SCS biologist on August 2, 1981 (Beluga Subbasin, plot 65). -17 - Table 1. Birds of the Susitna River Basin (Sources: Anchorage Audubon Society, Inc. 1978, Armstrong 1980, Gabrielson and Lincoln 1959, Kessel and Gibson 1978, Kessel et al. 1982, Murie 1963, Ritchie et al. 1981) GAVIIFORMES (loons) Common Loon Arctic Loon Red-throated Loon PODICIPEDIFORMES (grebes) Red-necked Grebe Horned Grebe ANSERIFORMES (waterfowl) Whistling Swan Trumpeter Swan Canada Goose Black Brant White-fronted Goose* Snow Goose Mallard Gadwall Pintail Green-winged Teal Blue-winged Teal Northern Shoveler European Wigeon American Wigeon Canvasback Redhead Ring-necked Duck Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup Common Goldeneye Barrow's Goldeneye Bufflehead Old squaw Harlequin Duck Gavia immer Gavia arctica Gavia stellata Podiceps grisegena Podiceps auritus Olor columbianus Olor bucCinator Branta canadensis Branta nigricans Anser albifrons Chen caerulescens Anas platyrhynchos Anas strepera Anas acuta Anas creccJ::li Anas discors Anas clypeata Anas penelope ~ americana Aythya valisineria Aythya americana Aythya collari s Aythya mari la Aythya affinis Bucephala clangula Bucephala islandica Bucephala albeola Clangula hyemalis Histrionicus histrionicus * The Tule White-fronted Goose, a subspecies of the White-fronted Goose, may be nominated for inclusion on the endangered species list in the future (Cannon, personal communication, 1980). -18 - White-winged Scoter Surf Scoter Black Scoter Hooded Merganser Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser FALCONIFORMES (diurnal raptors) Goshawk Sharp-shinned Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Golden Eagle Bald Eagle Marsh Hawk Osprey Gyrfalcon Peregrine Falcon* Merlin American Kestrel Melanitta deslandi Melanitta perspicillata Melanitta nigra Lophodytes cucullatus Merqus merganser Merqus serrator Accipiter qentilis Accipiter striatus Buteo jamaicensis Buteo laqopus Aquila chrysaetos Haliaeetus leucocephalus Circus cyaneus Pandion haliaetus Falco rusticolus Falco pereqrinus Falco columbarius Falco sparverius GALLIFORMES (grouse, ptarmigan, chicken, quail, etc.) Spruce Grouse Willow Ptarmigan Rock Ptarmigan White-tailed Ptarmigan GRUIFORMES (cranes, rails, etc.) Sandhi 11 Crane CHARADRIIFORMES (shorebirds, gulls, etc.) Semipalmated Plover Killdeer American Golden Plover Black-bellied Plover Hudsonian Godwit Whimbrel Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Canachites canadensis Laqopus laqopus Laqopus mutus Laqopus leucurus Grus canadensis Charadrius semipalmatus Charadrius vociferus Pluvialis dominica Pluvialis sguatarola Limosa haemastica Numenius phaeopus Trinqa melanoleuca Trinqa flavipes * A Federal threatened subspecies of peregrine falcon (~ pereqrinus anatum) is believed to migrate through and feed in the Susitna Basin. -19 - Solitary Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Wandering Tattler Ruddy Turnstone Northern Phalarope Common Snipe Short-billed Dowitcher Long-billed Dowitcher Surfbird Sanderling Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Least Sand pi per Baird's Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Dun lin Parasitic Jaeger Long-tailed Jaeger Glaucous Gull Glaucous-winged Gull Herring Gull Mew Gull Bonaparte's Gull Arctic Tern Marbled Murrelet COLUMBIFORMES (pigeons and doves) Mourning Dove STRIGIFORMES (owls) Great Horned Owl Snowy Owl Hawk Owl Great Gray Owl Short-eared Owl Boreal Owl Saw-whet Owl CORACIIFORMES (kingfishers) Belted Kingfisher PICIFORMES (woodpeckers) Common Flicker Hairy Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker Northern Three-toed Woodpecker ,.. 20- Tringa solitaria Actitis macularia Heteroscelus incanus Arenaria interpres Lobipes lobatus Gallinago gallinaqo Limnodromus griseus Limnodromus scolopaceus Aphriza virqata calidri s alba Calidris pusilla calidris mauri Calidris minutilla Calidris bairdii Calidris melanotos Calidris alpina Stercorarius parasiticus Stercorarius longicaudus Larus hyperboreus Larus glaucescens Larus arqentatus Larus ~ Larus philadelphia Sterna paradisaea Brachyramphus brevirostris Zenaida macroura Bubo virqinianus Nyctea scandiaca Surnia ulula Strix nebulosa Asio flammeus Aegolius funereus Aegolius acadicus Megaceryle alcyon Colaptes auratus Picoides villosus Picoides pubescens Picoides arcticus Picoides tridactylus PASSERIFORMES (songbirds) Say's Phoebe Alder Flycatcher Western Wood Pewee Olive-sided Flycatcher Horned Lark Violet-green Swallow Tree Swallow Bank Swallow Cliff Swallow Gray Jay Black-billed Magpie Common Raven Black-capped Chickadee Boreal Chickadee Red-breasted Nuthatch Brown Creeper Dipper Winter Wren American Robin Varied Thrush Hermit Thrush Swainson's Thrush Gray-cheeked Thrush Wheatear Townsend's Solitaire Arctic Warbler Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet Water Pipit Bohemian Waxwing Northern Shrike Orange-crowned Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Townsend's Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Northern Waterthrush Wilson's Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Rusty Blackbird Pine Grosbeak Gray-crowned Rosy Finch Hoary Redpoll Common Redpoll Pine Siskin Red Crossbill White-winged Crossbill -21 - Sayornis saya Empidonax alnorum Contopus sordidulus Nuttallornis borealis Eremophila alpestris Tachycineta thalassina Iridoprocne bicolor Riparia riparia Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Perisoreus canadensis Pica pica Corvus corax Parus atricapillus Parus hudsonicus Sitta canadensis Certhia familiaris Cinclus mexicanus Troglodytes troglodytes Turdus miqratorius Ixoreus naevius Catharus·guttatus Catharus ustulatus Catharus minimus Oenanthe oenanthe Myadestes townsendi Phylloscopus borealis Regulus satrapa Regulus calendula Anthus spinoletta Bombycilla garrulus Lanius excubitor Vermivora celata Dendroica petechia Dendroica coronata Dendroica townsendi Dendroica striata Seiurus noveboracensis Wilsonia pusilla Agelaius phoeniceus Euphagus carolinus Pinicola enucleator Leucosticte tephrocotis Carduelis hornemanni Carduelis flammea Cardueli s pinus Loxia curvirostra Loxia leucoptera Savannah Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Tree Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Golden-crowned Sparrow Fox Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Song Sparrow Lapland Longspur Smith's Longspur Snow Bunting -22 - Passerculus sandwichensis Junco hyemali s Spizella arborea Zonotrichia leucophrys Zonotrichia atricapilla Passerella iliaca Melospiza lincolnii Melospiza melodia Calcarius lapponicus Calcarius pictus Plectrophenax nivalis Table 2. Mammals of the Susitna River Basin (Sources: Kessel et al. 1982, MacDonald 1980, Manville and Young 1965, Youngman 1975) INSECTIVORA (small insect-eating mammals) Masked Shrew Dusky Shrew Water Shrew Arctic Shrew Pygmy Shrew CHIROPTERA (bats) Little Brown Bat LAGOMORPHA (rabbits, hares, pika) Collared Pika Snowshoe Hare (varying hare) Sorex cinereus Sorex monticolus Sorex palustri s Sorex arcticus Sorex hoyi Myotis lucifugus Ochotona collaris Lepus americanus RODENTIA (mammals with two chisel-shaped incisors in each jaw) Hoary Marmot Arctic Ground Squirrel Red Squirrel Northern Flying Squirrel Beaver Northern Red-backed Vole Meadow Vole Tundra Vole Singing Vole Muskrat Brown Lemming Northern Bog Lemming Meadow Jumping Mouse Porcupine Norway Rat * House Mouse * CETACEA (whales, dolphins, porpoises) Beluga (white whale) * introduced -23 - Marmota caligata Spermophilus undulatus Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Glaucomys sabrinus Castor canad~ensi s Clethrionomys rutilus Microtus pennsylvanicus Microtus oeconomus Microtus miurus Ondatra zibethicus Lemmus sibiricus Synaptomys borealis Zapus hudsonius Erethizon dorsatum Rattus norvesicus Mus musculus Delphinapterus leucas CARNIVORA (carnivorous mammals) Coyote Wolf Red Fox Black Bear Brown (grizzly) Bear Marten Ermine (short-tailed weasel) Least Weasel Mink Wolverine River (Land) Otter Lynx ARTIODACTYLA (even-toed hoofed mammals) Moose Caribou Mountain Goat Dall Sheep PINNIPEDIA (seals) Harbor Seal -24 - Canis latrans Canis lupus Vulpes vulpes Ursus amaricanus Ursus arctos Martes americana Mustela erminea Mus tela ni V!!li s Mustela vison Gulo gulo Lutra canadensis Felis lynx Alces alces Rangifer tarandus Oreamnos americanus Ovis dalli Phoca vi tu li na Tab.le 3. Fishes of the Susitna River Basin (Source: Morrow 1980) Petromyzontidae (lampreys) Pacific lamprey Arctic lamprey Clupeidae (herring) Pacific herring Entosphenus tridentatus Lampetra japonica Clupea harenqus pallasi Salmonidae (whitefish, trout, salmon, grayling) Round whitefish Bering cisco* Rainbow trout/steelhead Lake trout Dolly Varden Arctic charr Pink (Humpback) salmon Chinook (King) salmon Chum (Dog) salmon Coho (Silver) salmon Sockeye (Red) salmon/Kokanee Arctic gray ling Osmeridae (smelts) Pond smelt Surf smelt Eulachon (Hooligan) Umbridae (mudminnows and blackfish) Alaska blackfish Esocidae (pikes) Northern pike Catostomidae (suckers) Longnose sucker Prosopium cylindraceum Coreqonus laurettae Salmo qairdneri Salvelinus namaycush Salvelinus malma Salvelinus alpinus Oncorhynchus qorbuscha Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Oncorhynchus keta Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus nerka Thymallus arcticus Hypomesus olidus Hypomesus pretiosus Thaleichthys pacificus Dallia pectoralis Esox lucius Catostomus catostomus * observed spawning near Talkeetna by ADF&G biologists (Trent, personal communication, 1981) -25- Gadidae (codfishes) Burbot Gasterosteidae (sticklebacks) Threespine stickleback Ninespine stickleback Cottidae (sculpins) Slimy sculpin Coastrange sculpin Pacific staghorn sculpin Sharpnose sculpin Pleuronectidae (flounders) Starry flounder -26- Gasterosteus aculeatus Pungitius pungitius Cottus cognatus Cottus aleuticus Leptocottus armatus Clinocottus acuticeps Platichthys stellatus Table 4. Big game population estimates for the Susitna River Basin/Matanuska-Susitna Borough Estimated Borough Species Population!/ moose 49,000 brown bear 1,000 black bear 2,000 Dall sheep mountain goat 6,000- 8,000 300 wolf 800-1,000 !/ Source: ADF&G 1982a Estimated % of State Population2/ 25-50% 10-20% 10% 12-16% 8-13% Preferred Habitats Young forests, especially deciduous and mixed forests; low and tall shrublands with willow, birch, aspen, poplar, cottonwood, alder, lowbush cranberry, and other woody browse; freshwater wetlands, including muskegs, bogs, marshes; forested and shrubby stream and river valle s open tundra and grasslands; but also uses a wide variety of shrub and forest habitats, especially if they are relatively open forests and woodlands; preferred areas seem to be semi-open forested areas with understory vegetation of fruit-bearing shrubs, herbs, lush Nrasses and succulent forbs steep grasslands and tundra in alpine zone characterized by cliffs, deep canyons, rock outcrops, and other types of 11 escape terrain 11 alpine and subalpine areas in the Talkeetna and Chugach Mountains with grasses, sedges, and forbs; in winter, prefers rocky wind-blown ridges where forage remains accessible all habitats in which preferred prey species (e.g., moose, caribou, small game, etc.) are available. ~I Source: derived from state population estimates in Rearden (ed) 1981 -27 - B. Fish and Wildlife Habitats The place where an animal normally lives and finds food, shelter, and opportunities to reproduce is called its "habitat." Habitats are usually characterized by dominant plant forms (e.g., forest or grassland habitats) or by dominant physical conditions (e.g., stream or talus slope habitats). Because particular habitats support particular animal species, an area with many kinds of habitats is generally more likely to support a diverse fauna than a more homogeneous area, especially if the former is also characterized by relatively stable climatic conditions and productive plant communities. These principles explain why, in comparison with much of the rest of the State, the Susitna River Basin generally supports a relatively diverse and abundant fauna. A large variety of habitats is available because the Basin encompasses a wide range of landforms, localized environments, and plant communities. Basin habitats include coastal mudflats and tidelands, estuaries, rivers and streams, flood plains, marshes, deciduous and coniferous forests, shrublands, grasslands, muskegs, alpine tundras, and windswept peaks. In addition, Basin climates are generally mild compared to climates in most other areas of the State, and as a result many Basin plant communities are relatively producti~~. High productivity of nutritious and palatable plant species provides the foundation for large fish and wildlife populations. -28 - Plant communities are commonly used as the mapping units for wildlife habitats. These communities can be classified at many levels, from general ·description ("hardwood forest") to detailed statistical quantification ("paper birch forest with 75% tree canopy closure, 800 stems of pole-and sawtimber-size birch per hectare, 5 stems of sapling-size birch per hectare; tall shrub layer composed of an average 15,000 stems per hectare of wild rose and 12,000 stems per hectare of high-bush cranberry; herb layer of ... " etc.) The level of classification chosen reflects the needs and knowledge of those using the classification system. In the Susitna Basin study, the classification system used to assess suitability of Basin habitats for individual wildlife species is more detailed than that used when comparing habitats in terms of relative scarcity or wildlife species diversity. In the Susitna River Basin, 30 different plant communities, as well as 9 other non-vegetated 11 Cover types,11 were mapped and computer automated* (Table 5). Cover-type categories were combined as needed for wildlife modeling. In Table 6, the 39 original mapped cover types have been combined into 15 general habitat categories. Acreages and percent-of-subbasin covered by general habitat categories in inventoried areas are also indicated in Table 6. Tables 7 and 8 list some of the birds and mammals * Computer automation of Susitna Basin inventory data is discussed in ESRI 1982. -29- Table 5 ~ID COVER HAPPING UNITS VEGETATED FOREST AND WOODLAND - more than 1 Olr. Crown Cover CLOSED FOREST SOY. crown cover CONIFEROUS FOREST WHITE SPRUCE 21-short stands ( 30 ft 25-tall stands )30 ft BLACK SPRUCE 41-short stands < 10 ft 42-tall stands )10 ft MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK 45-short stands < 30 ft 46-tall stands )30 ft DECIDUOUS FOREST Closed Deciduous- Closed Mixed 22-young stands <40 yrs 24-medium-aged stands 20-80 yrs 26-old stands )80 yrs COTTONWOOD 27-young stands {40 yrs 28-medium-aged stands 40-100 yrs 29-old stands )100 yrs OPEN FOREST-WOODLAND lO~solr. crown cover CONIFEROUS FOREST WHITE SPRUCE 31-short stands ( 30 ft 33-tall stands )30 ft BLACK SPRUCE 43-short stands { 10 ft DECIDUOUS FOREST Open Deciduous- Open Mixed · 32-medium-aged stands 40-80 yrs 34-old stands )80 yrs COTTONWOOD 35-medium-aged stands 40-100 yrs 36-old stands }100 yrs : NON-FOREST -less than lOY. Crown Cover SALT WATER WETLANDS 50-grassland 51-low shrub 52-tidal marsh TALL SHRUB 60-alder 61-alder-willow (streamside veg.) LOW SHRUB 62-willow-resin birch 63-GRASSLAND TUNDRA 64-sedge-grau 65-herbaceous 66-shrub 67-mat and cushion FRESH WATER WETLANDS 68-sphagnum bog 69-sphagnum-shrub bog . . NON-VEGETATED . OTHER 70-CUltural Influence 71-Tyonek Timber s,le BARREN 80-mud flats 81-rock PERMANENT SNOW AND ICE 82-snowfield 83-glacier WATER 91-lakes )40 ac. 92-lakes 10 ac.-40 ac. 96-streams and rivers 165 ft -660 ft wide 97-river)l/8 mile wide (660 ft) Table 6. Summary of selected plant community (wildlife habitat) acreages WILLOW !f TALICBETNA S U 8 8 A S I N S UPPER SUSITNA BELUGA VEGETATION TYPES* (SCS map codes) '-of '-of '" of '-of -----------------------"•~•~r~•~•'----"s~u~b~b~••~!~ne_~llcr~~·----~•~u~b~b~•~•~i~nc_~ac~r~e~s._ __ -"s~u~b~b~a~s~!~n---•~•~r~e~sc_ __ _,s~u~b~b~a~s~i~•- 1. Open mixed fqrest (32,34) 2. Closed mixed forest 24 26 3. Open conifer forest (31,33) 276,010 28.48 172,010 17.75 4. Closed conifer forest ( (includes 43) 5. Open deciduous forest (35,36) 3,390 .35 6. Closed deciduous forest ( 7. Tall riparian shrub- alder, willow (61) 49,670 5.12 8. Tall shrubs-alder 60 9. Low shrubs-willow, 12,730 1.31 resin birch (62) <includes 66) 10. Saltwater wetlands-23,370 2.41 grass, sedge, shrub 50 51 52 11. Black spruce forests, muskegs, sphagnum bogs 43 68 6!1) 12. Grassland (63) (43 included above; 68,69 not totaled) 194.580 13. Tundra 'J_/ (64,65~.66,67) 145,150 (excludes 66) Total vegetated acres 14. Wster-lakes, streams (91,92,96,97) 876,910 !/ 20.07 14.98 90.47 !I 92,360 !I 9.53 !I 15. Non-vegetated 00.80,81.82 ,83) 57,760 2.49 11,600 628,770 27.11 37,720 67,070 2.89 20,400 153,850 6.63 17,240 1,740 .08 ?,! 12,880 .56 2.720 136,280 5.88 20,680 487 '700 21.03 342,440 13,250 .57 105,920 11,380 .49 0 528,010 22.77 5,400 29,130 1.26 1,120 68,160 2.94 1,106,960 2a196,040 94.69 99,830 4.30 8,280 23,380 1.01 209,240 Total acres 969,270 100,00 2D319,250 100,00 1,889,7?.0 .61 155,810 10.74 2.00 203,040 14.00 1.08 5,210 .36 .91 49,410 3.41 ?,/ 5,770 .40 .14 6,150 .42 1.09 59,420 4.10 18.12 435,000 29.99 5.61 16,280 1.12 0 18,940 1.30 .29 218,150 15.04 .06 25.650 1.77 58.58 160,250 11.05 88.49 1,359,080 93.71 .44 33,990 2.34 11.07 57,350 3.95 100.00 1,450,420 100.00 -Vegetation types are described in detail in: Susitna River Basin Vegetation Report (USDA in progress). !I Willow Subb89in plant conwnunity classes ar•~ not directly comparable to classes in other subbasins, acreages presented here are therefore rough totals. ll Minimum mBpping unit in this subbasin was i~O acres rather than 10 acres, therefore, plant communities occurring in small scattered parcels (polygons) do not appear on the map. 'J_I In Will'ow Subbasin, shrub tundra (SCS 66) :Ls combined with low shrub acreage (SCS 62). likely to use particular habitats. Tables such as these can be used by planners and others interested in having information such as: 1) which habitats are likely to be used by wildlife species of interest, 2) how abundant particular habitats are in various subbasins, 3) which habitats are likely to be used by many wildlife species and which by few, 4) which wildlife species use many habitats and which use only a few, 5) which wildlife species are likely to be affected by alterations of particular habitats, 6) which habitats are increasing or decreasing over time, and by how much (remapping after several years would be required for such comparisons) . -32 - Table 7. Preferred habitats for seleeted Susitna Basin •amaals • • • 3 • 0 .. ,; .... .... ; ~ ~ " 3 ~ .. " :;; • "' • :;; • ~ • ~ • 0 " • ~ • • ' .. 0 • "' c .... 0 :;; c ~ • ~ ~ .... • • "' ~ • • c • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • .... 0 .... "' i ~ c ~ • .... • • • c • • 3 • .. • • "' I .... 0 ~ .. 0 .... • .... • • ~ • " ~ • • ~ c I • 3 " ~ • • • • • I • • " " ~ • .. • " " • • ~ • a • ~ ~ ~ • • " .c • • • • • • • • e • • • .c .... • • ... 0 • • • • .... .c ~ • • • .. .. .. 0 ~ 0 • • .. ;! .. • ... .... ~ .... • • • • • .... ~ • • "' "' • • • • • • • • • "' c c • " 0 • 0 c ~ c .... 0 0 c • • .. .. • 0 .. • • • • • ~ ~ I !j • • ~ "' -"' ;: ~ .... • .. :;: "' • c • c • • " ... .. -• • • • • • " • • . ., ... c u " .. ... .. .... .. • • • ... . .. 0 • i ... -.. ... • • " ~ . " " " = .. = = " " 0 SBLICTBD SPECIES 1. masked shrew X X X X X X X X X X X X 2. pika alpine X 3. snowshoe hare X X X X X X X X w/cover X 4. hoary marmot alpine X 5. arctic ground squirrel alpine X 6. red ~quirrel X X X 7. northern flying squirrel X X X 8. beaver X X X 9. northern red-backed vole X X X X X X X X X X X 10. muskrat X X X X 11. northern bog lemming --110ist--X X X X moist X 12. meadow jumping mouse -open---X X X X moist 13. porcupine X X X X 14. coyote X X X X X X X X X X X X 15. grey wolf X X X X X X X X X X X X 16. red fox --open---X X X X X X X X X 17. black bear X X X X X X X X X 18. brown bear --open--X X X X X X X X 19. marten X X X 20. short-tailed weasel -open--X X X w/cover X X 21. mink --edges--X X X X 22. wolverine X X X X X X X X X X 23. river:-otter X X X X 24. lynx X X X X X X X X X X 25. moose X X X X X X X X X w/cover X 26. caribou X X X X alpine X X 27. mountain goat in winter X spring alpine X X 28. Dall sheep near spring alpine X X treeline • "Riparian" habitats are defined as those plant communities near enough rivers, stt"eams, ponds, or lakes for these water bodies to be readily accessible to mammal species in question. This distance varies with size and mobility of particular species. Table 8. Preferred habitats+ for nesting (n)' feeding (f), or both ~b) for selected Susitna Basin birds "' "' "' " ,_ 0 "' c ;:: ,; 0 .,. ~ u "' ~ ,_ "0 "' "0 ,_ .0 " "' " "0 0 ~ u "' "' " ' "' 0 "' "0 " .. "' u 0 " "' "' "' ~ "0 "' "0 ... 0 u " " " "' ';;; ,_ "' ,_ ,_ "' " 0 ,_ 0 " :;:; "' 0 u "0 .; ,_ ,_ " ,_ -;;; " " " 0 " " " 0 " "' > 0. " ,_ ;:: ' ~ 0 .; .e 0. 0 "' ,_ " ,_ .e "' .0 .,. "' " u "0 " ' "' .0 ... "' ,_ " "' " "' ,_ ' "' "' .0 0 0 ~ ... "' 0. "' .0 ~ "' ,_ " ,_ 0. "' ... .e ... "' "' .0 ~ ~ " "' "' " "' "' ,_ "' "' "' 5 " .; ::: ,_ " " ~ ,_ " " 0 ,_ "' ,_ "' -;;; "' " ,_ " " ~ ... 0 ... 0 "' 2 ... "' "'"' ,_ "" ... "' ... ... ,_ '-"' ... "' "' "' " -;;; " "' "' "0 """' "' "' "' ,_ • • 2 • "' "0 " "'-c 0 "' 0 " ... " " 0 " "' "'"' ~ ,., w ,_ 0 ... "' "' "' " " ... ... ' .0 .... " "' ·;: "0 ·;: "0 ·;: u ';;; " "' '-' ... "0 "0 " " "' .c '-"' ,_ ,_ ... w " "' "' "' "' "' .c "' "' """ 0 0 ... -' c u " 0. c. 0. c. 0. ,_ "' ,_ -"" w 0 ~ ;;;: ;;;: ;;;: ;;;: " ,_ .r: <5"' c .5 ~ SELECTED SPECIES "' '-' => => "' "' "' -'-' ]. co11100n loon b b 2. horned grebe b 3. trumpeter swan b f b 4. mallard b b b b 5. green-winged teal b b b b 6. harlequin duck b b 7. bald eagle " f f n 8. marsh hawk b b 9. gyrfalcon f f f f f f n 10. spruce grouse b b b ll. willow ptarmigan b b b 12. spotted sandpiper b b 13. mew gull b b b b 14. arctic tern b b 15. great horned owl b b b b n 16. hawk owl b b b b 17. belted kingfisher b b b 18. hairy woodpecker b b 19. northern 3-toed woodpecker b 20. alder flycatcher b b b b 21. tree swa 11 ow b f f 22. gray jay b f b b 23. conmon raven b b b b f f f f f f f f f f n 24. dipper b n 25. wilson•s warbler -----b in shrub thickets----- 26. comnon redpo 11 b b b b b b b f b 27. snow bunting b b n + Marine coastal habitats not included. * 11 Riparian 11 habitats are defined as those plant communities near enough rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes for these water bodies to be readily accessible to particular bird species. C. Human Uses of Basin Fish and Wildlife Comprehensive data on all human uses of Basin fish and wildlife are not collected; however, available ADF&G data indicate that well over 300,000 days are spent each year harvesting big game, small game, furbearers, waterfowl, and fish species in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. "Because of its proximity to major population centers, and its diverse and abundant fish and wildlife, a substantial percentage of statewide hunting and fishing effort occurs in the Basin. The ADF&G (1984) estimates that 15% of sport fishing effort, over 40% of moose hunting effort, 23% of caribou hunting effort, as well as 17% of the sheep harvest in the State take place within the Borough. This represents very high human use of Basin fish and wildlife in light of the fact that the Borough represents only about 4% of total State area, and not all Borough lands are used by hunters or anglers because some are inaccessible to them and others do not provide suitable habitats for harvested species. (For an economic analyses of some of these uses, see USDA 1985). As noted previously, seven species of big game (moose, caribou, Dall sheep, wolf, wolverine, black and brown bear) may be locally abundant during particular seasons, and are hunted in appropriate habitats throughout the area (see Table 4). In addition to big game, a variety of small game, furbearers, and waterfowl are trapped and hunted in the Basin, including red fox, lynx, beaver, marten, muskrat, mink, river otter, snowshoe hare, spruce grouse, three species of ptarmigan, and fifteen kinds of ducks and geese. -35 - Furbearers are particularly abundant along river and stream corridors and around ponds and lakes; while 50,000 to 100,000 ducks and geese may migrate through Cook Inlet coastal marshes in spring and fall. The numerous streams and associated pond and lake complexes in the Basin provide suitable habitats for migration, spawning, and rearing of a variety of fish species important to man. The Susitna River and its tributaries are estimated to contribute.approximately 50-60% of the Upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon harvest (ADF&G 1982a). In addition, fish populations, especially anadromous species such as salmon, steelhead, and Dolly Varden, support important recreational and subsistence fisheries. (Spawning salmon and salmon carcasses also become important food for birds and mammals.) Nonanadromous species are also fished in the area, including rainbow trout, nonanadromous Dolly Varden, lake trout, Arctic grayling, northern pike, burbot, and whitefish. Tables 9 and 10 provide information on angler days per stream and sport fish harvests 1977-1981 in the study area. Many nongame species also find suitable habitats throughout the Basin, and are enjoyed by hikers, birders, photographers, and other "non-consumptive" recreationists. Raptors, such as golden and bald eagles, great horned owls, red-tailed-hawks, and marsh hawks, breed in the-area, as do a variety of wading and shorebirds, woodpeckers, and songbirds. Many bird species that do not nest in the Basin depend on area habitats during migration, among them probably a threatened subspecies of peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum). Small mammals, such as .shrews, voles, marmots, lemmings, and -36 - others provide entertaining wildlife viewing and are important prey species for carnivorous furbearers and big game. Non-game wildlife also benefit human societies by controlling insect outbreaks, pollinating plants, dispersing and planting seeds, mixing soil, and performing a variety of other ecological roles. -37- Table 9. Susitna Basin sport fishing effort and harvests by species -1980 (Willow Subbasin excluded) (source; AllF&G 1983d) seecfes Harvested ays DV Toto! Fisheries Fished KS 55 LL RS P'S cs RT AC LT GR NP WF BB Other Harvest G1 enna 11 en Area Lake louise, Lake Susftna, Tyone Lake 10,519 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,609 ~.~77 0 1,666 6;612 0 15,366 other waters (x 35%) 5,623 1~5 57 75 M!! 0 !! ~61 292 764 5,965 !! __..§ 667 341 ..1..1.2! Total 16,362 145 57 75 301 0 0 461 292 3,393 10,462 0 1,751 7,299 341 24,577 Eastside Susltna River Drainages Caswell Creek 4,963 215 1,124 0 77 1,663 19 15~ 83 0 353 0 0 26 26 3,740 Montana Creek 19,287 559 2,684 0 257 8,230 571 854 167 0 655 0 0 13 13 14,003 Sunshine Creek 5,208 13** 1,534 0 116 2,406 225 193 39 0 0 0 0 39 0 4,567 Clear (Chunllna) Creek 4,388 172 661 0 6 622 385 950 751 0 1,346 0 0 32 32 4,959 Sheep Creek 6,041 45** 430 0 0 6,362 648 385 83 0 725 0 0 45 0 8,723 Others 12,216 ~** 2,23~ 1,663 257 3,40~ 1,~45 2,658 790 267 ~.854 !! 0 212 520 18,348 Total 54,103 1,049 8,667 1,663 713 22,668 3,293 5,194 1,913 267 7,935 0 0 367 591 54,340 Westside Susltna River Drainages Kroto Creek (Deshka) 19,364 3,685 2,290 0 0 669 0 4,305 0 0 1,817 0 0 224 69 13,079 Lake Creek 8,325 775 2,351 0 267 2,101 69 2,144 121 0 1,972 103 0 0 0 9,903 Alexander Creek 6,812 1,438 999 0 52 809 121 1,945 353 0 1,H5 0 0 0 0 6,862 Talachulltna River 2,542 121** 491 0 112 276 17 379 982 0 1,713 0 0 0 0 4,091 Chult River 614 17** 256 0 0 69 0 301 146 0 0 0 0 0 0 791 Theodore River 700 17** 370 0 0 232 0 250 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 998 Lewis River 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Other Rivers 4,998 129** 6,010 0 34 362 284 1,722 603 181 1,808 0 0 448 0 11,581 Shell Lake 414 0 0 0 198 0 0 103 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 370 Whiskey Lake 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hewitt Lake 471 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Judd Lake 814 0 0 0 267 0 0 86 723 0 232 0 0 0 0 1,308 Other Lakes 2,999 0 __ o .!! ill 0 ~ 2,092 ...ll ill 560 129 !! ..ll. 34 3,271 Total 48,125 6,182 12,769 0 1,111 4,538 491 13,345 3,100 448 9,247 232 0 706 103 52,272 GRAND TOTAL 118,590 7,376 21,493 1,736 2,125 27,226 3,784 19,000 5,305 ,.,108 27,644 232 1,751 8,372 1,035 131,189 Total Poundage 171,000/968 125,000 1,740 12,500 89,600 27,600 19,000 5,300 10,300 30,400 696 2,280 29,300 1,000 527,000 Source: Hills, HI chae 1 J. 1961. Statewide Harvest Study -1980 data. ADFG, Division of Sport Fish, Juneau. Extracted from Tables 42, 44 and 45. Species Harvested and average weights (lbs): Chinook salmon (KS) 24.4/2.2, Coho salmon (55) 5.6, Landlocked Coho salmon (LL) 1.0, Sockeye salmon (RS) 5.9, Pink salmon (PS) 3.3, Chum salmon (CS) 7.3, Rainbow trout (RT) 1.0, Dolly Varden/Arctlc char (DV/AC) 1.0, Lake trout (LT) 2.5, Arctic grayling (GR) 1.1, Northern pike (NP) 3.0, Whitefish (SF) 1.3, Burbot (BB) 3.5. (Source for poundages: ADF&G, Division of Commercial Fisheries, and ADF&G, Division of Sport Fish, Pers. Comm., L. Engel 3/83; and, Morrow, James E., 1980. The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, Anch.orage. -------- ** king salmon less than 20 Inches. Table 10. Susitna Basin total sport fishing days and harvests: 1977-1981 (Willow Subbasin excluded) (source: ADF&G 1983d) Fisheries Glennallen Area Lake Louise, Lake Susltna & Tyone Lake Other Waters (X 35\) Eastside Susitna Drainage 1977 Days Harvest 14,899 10,624 7,746 10,308 All waters except Willow Creek 1978 Days Harves1: 13,161 4,667 8,41!1 7,9111 1979 1980 Days Harvest Days Harvest 1981 Days Harvest Average Days Harvest 12,199 8,953 10,539 15,386 14,397 15,941 13,039 11,865 6,613 11,909 5,823 9,191 5,354 9,231 6,040 9,711 & Little Willow Creek 38,044 33,163 57,641 67,6011 54,140 38,552 54,103 54,340 41,949 35,884 49,175 45,909 Westside Susftna Drainage All Freshwater Areas 31,946 39,606 38,771 48,28;: 50,374 48,938 48,125 52,272 37,335 36,110 41,310 45,043 Total 92,635 93,701 114,240 132,22!1 123,326 108,352 118,590 131,189 99,035 97,166 109,565 112,528 (Total Less Pink Salmon) (73,727) (97,31(1) (99,435) (103,963) (91,774) (99,242) Percent of-statewide Totals 7.7 9.6 8.8 12.7 9.0 8.3 7.9 10 7.0 10 8.1 10.1 Source: Hills, Michael J. 1977-1981. Stetewlde Harvest Studies. Selected from appropriate tobles. "Days" ore days of active fishing, all anglers. "Harwst11 denotes all fish taken, all species included, but does not include catch and release fisheries. D. Future of Fish and Wildlife Resources Resource maps and inventory data presented in Susitna Basin Study reports reflect environmental conditions existing at the time of the study. These conditions are continually changing, both as a result of natural events, such as floods, fires, earthquakes, landslides, glacial advances and retreats, and soil erosion and deposition; and as a result of human activities, such as mining, logging, farming, and construction of roads, dams, houses, etc. As conditions change, so do affected plant communities and fish and wildlife habitats. Some·environmental changes are relatively predictable. Their effects on fish and wildlife habitats and populations can, therefore, be anticipated and often modified. Changes caused by human activities provide good examples. Ha.bi tat impacts of mining, logging, or--far-·ming, for"' example, can generally be anticipated. If information on existing conditions is available, as in the Basin, plans can then be developed to avoid or reduce negative effects of such activities on fish and wildlife. Some natural changes can also be predicted to some extent and, therefore, planned for appropriately. Examples include: 1) probable frequency and extent of flooding (see USDA 1981a and b, 1982a, b, and c) and 2) successional changes in plant communities. Changes associated with plant succession are particularly important to wildlife because different animal species find optimum habitats in different successional stages. Figures 3a and 3b illustrate two successional sequences occurring in the Basin, and identify a -40- ·few of the wildlife species that may use habitats provided by different successional stages. Figure 4 provides a more complex indication of possible successional sequences following fires on different sites. Often, if environmental changes are understood, they can be deliberately manipulated to benefit fish and wildlife: impoundments can be constructed to create aquatic and wetland habitats; plant succession can be accelerated by seeding or planting desirable species; plant succession can be slowed by cutting, burning, or mechanical crushing; development activities such as road building, farming, etc. can be directed to areas of lesser importance for fish and wildlife through community planning and zoning. Whether a change is seen as beneficial or detrimental will depend on which fish and wildlife species are affected, what human activities will have to be curtailed or modified to accommodate affected species, and the personal opinions of those involved. It is important for land planners and users to remember that change is intrinsic to natural environments, and that, as a result, habitats and the faunas they support will vary over time. Where human activities occur, habitat and faunal changes are often dramatically increased. The future availability of fish and wildlife resources in the Basin will depend on how those changes affecting fish and wildlife, especially those affecting -41 - Fig. 3a Successional stages following fire -upland white spruce sites (adapted from Viereck and Schandelmeier 1980) 1. Newly burned: This stage las~s a few weeks to a year.• 2. Herb-tree seedling· stage: One to 5 years after the fire, fast-growing mosses and herbs and tree seedlings are established. 3. Shrub (willow) and· tree sapling stage: In this stage, 6 to 25 years after fire, the willow shrubs and tree saplings dominate the stands and form a nearly continuous canopy, which begins to shade out the herbaceous and moss layer. 4. Dense hardwood stage: Birch and aspen form a dense canopy that tends to shade out much of the understory that has developed since the fire. 5. Mature hardwood stage: Aspen stands mature at about 80 years. Birch stands then gradually open through natural thinning. 6. Mature birch and white spruce: At 100 years and more, the successional sequence reaches a stage in which mature white spruce stands, often ~th­ a component of old birch trees, are dominant. 7, White spruCe/moss: The mature stands are composed of white spruce with"thiek moss mats on the fares~ floor. Selected species using stages I moose red fox Wl-.lllow I snowshoe hare ptarm\gan I I I I ] red squirrel ma~ten I apruce grouse Although some authors consider the white spruce stands to be the climax vegetation of th@se sites, it has also been suageated t~at some old upl~nd ~hite spr~ce stands ma7 be ~eplaced by black spruce and bo2 or a treeless moss/lichen association as cermaft"ost develocl'l nnder the accttmnll'lti~!"' mn<iil'l :>.nrl organic layers. *Successional chronology and pattern on particular sites vary with factors such as preburn vegetation, proximities and types of seed source, time and severity of fire, presence or absence of permafLost, occurrence. of natural or cultural disturbances; as well as with site-specific conditions such as slope, soil, aspect, climate, etc. • .,. 0 . 0-1 2 • .,. 2 • 2-5 3 • .,. 2 . .,. < ~ 0 • • ~ 6-25 • .,. 2 • , 4 < • :;;- 0 ~ ~. -g ~ 0 .. : < • Q 26-50 Age {years l 5 6 7 51-100 100·200 200-250+ Fig. 3b Successional stages following fire -pemafrost black spruce sites (adapted from Viereck and Schandelneier 1980) ,L Newly-burned: Lasts from a fev waelts co a year. At thb stage the.forest floor is doainated by charred mo•••$ and lllineral a•h. If the burn -is light to moderate. suckeT shoo.u of shrubs, Calamagrostis·, and· Polytrichum may .appear. Selected species using stages 2. Herbaceous-young shrub stage: Lasts from 1 to 4 years and is the time of species establishment. Bare mineral soil areas are covered with Marchantia, Ceratodon purpureus, Polytrichum commune, Epilobium angustifolium, tree seed- lings, etc. Sprouting species, primarily Calamagrostis canadensis, ~ chamaemorus, and Eguisetum silvaticum, become abundant. brown bear moose 3. Shrub stage: The shrubs dominate the vegetation. Toward the end of this stage, the-shrub canopy closes, leaf litter becomes abundant, herb and moss cover increases, and the first lichens, usually the foliose lichens Peltigera ~ and !::_ aphthosa, become established. This suge usually occurs from 6 to 25 years after fire. sno shoe hare 4. Young black spruce: This stage occurs 26 to 50 years after fire. Stands are usually dense. Toward the end of this stage, the spruce canopy becomes closed and the shrubs re- duced in cover. grey-cheeked thrush 5. Dense black spruce -Pleurozium stage: 51 to 100 years after the fire. Black and Pleurozium schreberi dominate. The stage occura spruce, low shrubs, borjal chicka- dee northern bog lemming (wetter 6. Mature black spruce/feathe~oss stage: This is the final stage in the postfire succession. Black spruce trees, saplings, and seedlings dosinate the atand. squirrel red sitles) I - The last three stages are dom~nated by trees. The tall shrub layer of willows and alders begins to thin out, but the low shrub layer continues to expand and increase in cover. The invasion and rapid development of feathermoss, f~ticose lichens, and additional foliose lichens occurs, and a thick organic layer developa. This layer tiea up .the available nutrients, creates colder soil temperatures, and results in the return of a shallow ac:ive soil layer on many sites. *Successional chronology arid pattern on particular sites vary with factors such as preburn vegetation, proximities and types of seed ~ource, time and severity of fire, presence or absence of permafrost, oc- curence of natural or cultural disturbances; as well-as site-specific conditions such as slope, soil, aspect • climate·. etc. Age (years) UJ a: .... 0-1 • "' ~ ~ 2-5 6-25 26-50 ~· ~ ~ 0 E .... 51-100 • "' ~ • ~ ~ 0 .!: • u ~ 0. • ~ u 0 :0 100-200 Figure 4. Patterns of forest succession following fire in Alaska (source: Viereck and Schandelmeier 1980) DRY -WARM WET • COLD Figure 4 shows some ·of. the many paths of revegetation that have been obs.erved following fire in interior Alaska. The orig1nal preburn forest type is shown on the bottom row of .boxes. The thickness of· the line is related to how commonly each of the revegetation sequences occurs. Thus, black spruce is usually replaced directly by other stands of black spruce but occasionally is replaced. by aspen or birch. Aspen stands, usually on warm dry sites, are most often replaced by other aspen stands but occasionally are revegetated by birch or a grass meadow after fire. Eventually, with a long period without fire, the aspen stands are invaded by .white spruce or occasionally black spruce. The climax vegetation on well-drained sites is white spruce and on cold wet sites black. spruce, often with an alternating bog cycle (Viereck and Schandelmeier 1980). habitats, are understood and managed. Understanding and managing habitat change requires: 1) knowledge of existing habitat conditions, 2) ability to assess relative fish and wildlife values of various Basin habitats, 3) ability to predict changes, both natural and manmade, probable in Basin habitats (including effects of such changes on particular species), and 4) the authority and means to implement habitat-use and management decisions made on the basis of available knowledge. Reports, maps, and other sources of data produced during the Susitna Basin Study provide information on existing habitat conditions and on how these conditions may change. Section IV of this report discusses methodologies for assessing relative and wildlife values of Basin lands, which can also be useful in assessing effects of habitat changes. Area planning, conducted jointly by the State and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, with technical assistance from the SCS and the USFWS, provides the authority to make general decisions concerning uses of Basin lands and t~aters. And finally, more detailed Management Plans provide the means for designing and implementing selected land and water uses in ways most beneficial for fish and wildlife. -45- IV. Fish and Wildlife Modeling and Mapping in the Susitna River Basin A. Introduction The following sections describe the technical fish and wildlife analyses conducted by the SCS as part of the Susitna Cooperative River Basin Study. These analyses consisted of two main activities: 1) working with the USFWS and the ADF&G to develop ways to use River Basin data in "modeling" the relative fish and wildlife values of Basin lands, and 2) assisting the ADF&G in developing procedures for creating fish and wildlife "element maps" that could serve as fish-and wildlife-oriented land-use alternatives. (In addition, the SCS assessed the economic value of selected fish and wildlife resources, and assisted the ADF&G in evaluating others [USDA 1985].) In the modeling analyses, Basin habitats were evaluated in terms of: 1) their relative ability to provide food and cover seasonally to selected wildlife species, 2) their relative ability to support a variety of wildlife species ("species diversity"), and 3) their relative abundance within the Basin ("habitat scarcity"). Computer maps were produced displaying the results of each evaluation. Habitats were categorized in terms of plant communities mapped by the USDA (see Table 5), which are described in Resource Statistics for the Susitna River Basin (USDA in preparation). Following modeling, a methodology was developed to systematically integrate model results, and to combine them with mapped information on wetlands and flood pl~ins. The resultant model synthesis was combined with ADF&G -46 - wildlife -population and harvest data to create fish and wildlife "element maps" for use by State planners and others. Element maps and their accompanying narrative are described immediately below. Following that, SCS fish and wildlife models, steps for integrating model outputs, and procedures for creating fish and wildlife element maps are described. ADF&G and USFWS models are also identified. B. Fish and Wildlife "Element" Maintaining the existing diversity and productivity of fish and wildlife populations in the Study Area was identified as a high priority by both the State and Borough during the Susitna River Basin Study (ADNR et al. 1982, ADNR 1982, 1983). As a result, the SCS, USFWS, ADF&G, and ADNR_ cooperatively examined ways to combine Basin inventory data with existing data to produce products that would help the State and Borough: a) identify and locate particularly important or valuable fish and wildlife habitats in the Study area, b) understand short-and long-term effects of vadous land uses on selected fish and wildlife populations, habitats, and human uses, and c) develop land-use plans that would specifically consider fish and wildlife resources in the area and would promote their maintenance and enhancement. This cooperative effort resulted in the "fish and wildlife element" used by the Susitna Area Planning (SAP) Team while developing the Matanuska-Susitna Area Plan. -47 - The fish and wildlife element consists of: 1) mylar maps (at scales of either 1:63,360 or 1:250,000 depending on available data) outlining a system of lands that biologists recommend be allocated and managed for fish and wildlife; and 2) supplementary narratives describing the supply of, demand for, and economic contributions of study area fish and wildlife. Three major assumptions are inherent in the element maps and back-up narratives: Assumption 1: All vegetated Basin lands and many waters currently support fish and,wildlife. Existing development pressures suggest that not all of these habitats will be available to fish and wildlife in the future; instead, habitats will decline in quality and quantity as other land and water uses are implemented. As a result, future Basin fish and wildlife will have to be maintained with a smaller habitat base than currently supports them. Assumption 2: Diverse high-quality fish and wildlife resources can be maintained in the Basin for long-term public benefit, despite d•w<>lnpmPnt of othO>r rO>snur~O>s, if: 1) suitabl9 Basin lands and l~ilhlrs are allocated to and managed for fish and wildlife maintenance and public use, and 2) at the same time, negative environmental impacts of developments occurring outside allocated fish and wildlife areas are mitigated or minimized through land-use guidelines, best ma~agement practices, or other appropriate actions. Assumption 3: Not all areas of the Basin are equally well suited to maintaining Basin fauna and associated human uses. A fish and wildlife -48 - element map, by synthesizing all available information, can help in identifying a system of Basin lands and waters that, if allocated and managed appropriately, will best permit long-term maintenance of fish and wildlife resources most valued in the area. Element maps themselves provide only an outline of the system of lands and waters identified as essential for maintenance of Basin fish and wildlife. Specific biological values of particular areas are documented instead by: 1) model outputs described below and in Appendix B and C, 2) ADF&G maps of species distributions and of harvest areas, and 3) the element narrative. Site-specific values can, however, he readily determined because element maps are subdivided into individually-numbered "analysis units." Values of each analysis unit are listed in a computer file. Using this file, planners can discover what values are found in an area by looking up appropriate analysis units. Alternatively, all areas (analysis units) having a particular value, such as highly suitable moose winter range, can he listed or mapped by the computer. Appendix B presents an example output from the analysis unit computer file. In addition to outlining a recommended fish and wildlife system, element maps were also designed to broadly indicate the kinds and intensities of land uses compatible with the fish and wildlife resources found on particular parcels of land. This was done by subdividing identified high-value fish and wildlife lands into four "sensitivity/management" categories, and by outlining recommended land-use practices for each category. Categories were distinguished on the basis of: 1) fish and -49 - wildlife resources supported by specific areas, 2) vulnerability of particular.fish and wildlife populations and habitats to disruption from human activities, and 3) options that various areas afford for management and enhancement of fish and wildlife. The four categories used were: 1) "single-use" fish and wildlife lands -recommended for retention in public ownership, 2) multiple-use fish and wildlife lands, conservative management- recommended for retention in public ownership, 3) multiple-use fish and wildlife lands, liberal management-generally recommended for retention in public ownership, but some selected parcels could be made available for land-,disposal programs without s_ignificant detriment to long-term fish and wildlife resources, and 4) multiple-use fish and wildlife lands particularly suitable for habitat enhancement. (Like (3), these lands t~ere generally recommended for public retention with some exceptions possible.) A fifth category comprises lands outside the recommended fish and wildlife system. This category encompasses lands and waters where maintenance of fish and wildlife resources is a secondary rather than primary objective. Fish and wildlife resources in these areas can be protected through best management practices, land-use guidelines, and siting and design criteria. -50 - Element maps for Willow, Talkeetna, Beluga, and Upper Susitna Subbasins were developed at a scale of 1:63,360; in the Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska Range, and Glenn Highway areas, fish and wildlife element maps were produced at a scale of 1:250,000. Element maps are on file at the State Department of Natural Resources in Anchorage. Data used in developing element maps are described. below and in Appendix B and C. It will be a challenge to have outlined lands and waters actually allocated for fish and wildlife uses, and a further challenge to have them managed productively and well if they are so allocated. The pressures to use important habitats for settlement, agriculture, hydropower, resource extraction, and other human developments are strong and perpetual. Even if identified lands and waters ~allocated to maintain fish and wildlife resources, it is still important for land owners, planners, and managers to take into account the biological truism that "everything is connected to everything else." Wildlife-oriented management of fish and wildlife areas alone will not necessarily ensure long-term maintenance of biological resources. currently present. Activities and developments outside fish and wildlife lands can affect animal populations inside the system, as well as those outside it, because all lands are linked by environmental processes such as movements of air, sediments, water, and organisms. Fish and wildlife managers can generally increase public and political support for protecting lands for fish and wildlife by emphasizing that such lands need not necessarily be single-use areas. If carefully sited, -51 - planned, implemented, and monitored, other resource activities such as forestry .and mining are often possible in fish and wildlife habitats without permanentdamage to habitats or populations, and may even be used to improve habitat conditions for certain species. With growing pressures to use and develop Alaskan·lands, careful multiple-use planning will become increasingly essential. C. Fish and Wildlife Modeling 1. Introduction Many of the data collected in the field or from aerial photography during the Susitna Study 1~ere used to evaluate land suitability for various uses. In some cases, computer programs (models) were developed by which digitized inventory data could be analyzed and used to create maps showing wher--e known (measured) conditions were favorable or "suitable" for specific land uses such as·timber production or farming. In order to do this, optimally sui tah l f' t:ondi ti ons ~lf'rf' rlf'fi nf'd (thf'%' hf'ramP "morlf' ling rri t~>ri a") ••i th which measured conditions in particular areas could be compared. Areas where measured conditions best matched optimum conditions were mapped as most suitable for land uses in question. Because much of the information needed to incorporate fish and wildlife concerns into land use planning was not directly available, suitability of lands for various fish and wildlife resources was also modeled. -52- Four criteria were used in selecting fish and wildlife resources to be modeled: 1) Where possible, fish and wildlife resources addressed should be positively correlated with overall environmental quality. This criterion led to the modeling and mapping of habitats in terms of their abi 1i ty to support "high species diversity" and their relative scarcity in the Basin. 2) One or more selected resources should be assessable in economic terms, at least to some degree. This criterion led to the modeling and mapping of habitats in terms of their ability to support the seasonal needs of moose. (Economic analyses of fish and wildlife resources are described in the Susitna River Basin Study USDA summary [USDA 1985].) 3) Resource needs of both "consumptive" human users (e.g. meat and trophy hunters) and ''nonconsumptive'' users (e.g. photographers, hikers) should be considered. This criterion supported modeling and mapping of habitats associated with high species diversity (generally important for non-consumptive uses) and habitats associated with species harvested by man. 4) Enough data should be available on resources selected to permit them to be adequately modeled. This criterion largely controlled the selection of particular species for habitat suitability modeling. -53 - 2. Modeling and Mapping of Species-specific Habitats Because, for individual fish and wildlife species, all habitats are not created equal, it is possible to identify those habitats on which a particular species generally depends. This is basically a complex task because fish and wildlife often use different habitats during different stages of their lives and seasons of the year, and because their use of particular areas may be based as much on tradition or interactions with other species as on intrinsic environmental conditions. Nonetheless, it is clear that individual species do depend more heavily on certain habitats, where their needs for f 0pd, water, shelter, and reproductive environments are most easily satisfied. If conditions distinguishing preferred ("most suitable") habitats can be quantitatively defined, those same conditions can be measured in habitats of interest. Then, by comparing field measurements to defined optima, the relative suitability of measured habitats for species in question can be assessed. This "ppro"ch h"s boon form~li~od by thg USFWS in their Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP). HEP has been under development since 1974 by the USFWS, with input from other government agencies, universities, and private-sector biologists, and was created to permit documentation of "the quality and quantity of available habitat for selected wildlife species." As developed, HEP can be used to provide information on either: 1) the relative habitat values of different areas at the same point in time; or 2) the relative -54 - value of the same area at future points in time (USFWS 1980a, 1981); Because creating fish and wildlife element maps required both comparing the relative habitat values of different areas in the Basin at the same point in time and projecting future habitat values, HEP provided an appropriate, although still largely unverified, methodology for use in Basin fish and wildlife analyses. Once Basin data had been analyzed with HEP, the SCS also assisted the ADF&G in using inventory data to assess Basin plant communities in terms of their theoretical carrying capacities for moose and their suitability for moose enhancement activities (ADF&G 1984). Originally, six species were selected for HEP analysis in the Basin: moose, snowshoe hare, willow ptarmigan, spruce grouse, red squirrel, and beaver. These species were selected because: they met needs of both consumptive and non-consumptive human users; "habitat suitability models" were available for each (that is, models defining the optimum habitat conditions for each species) in Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Criteria Handbook -Alaska (USFWS 1980b); and the relative suitabilities of their Basin habitats could be assessed using digitized river basin data. WhE:>re n0cessi'ilry, Hi'ilnclbook mod<!ls were modified so that available inventory data could be more easily used to i'ilssess reli'iltive habiti'ilt suitabilities. In the Willow Subbasin, habitat mi'ilpping was actually completed for five of the six selected species: moose, snowshoe hare, willow ptarmigi'iln, spruce grouse, and red squirrel. For each of these species, computer maps were -55 - generated showing areas that could theoretically provide highly, moderately, or poorly suitable habitats for 11 food,11 11 Cover,11 and/or 11 reproduction.11 (Computer costs were minimized by depicting two or three species per map.) Details of the Willow Subbasin modeling effort, including suitability criteria and inventory data used, are contained in Appendix C of this report. Published HEP maps are contained in USDA 1981c. After the Willow Subbasin analysis was completed, modeling efforts were reviewed in light of how modeling products were used by state planners. Three major changes were subsequently made for modeling in the Talkeetna, Upper Susitna, and Beluga Subbasins. The first was to revise and expand moose habitat modeling to reflect additional field data and further discussions with state biologists. To do so, the Willow Subbasin HEP moose model was modified using additional inventory data collected in other subbasins. (The revised moose model is descr--ibed in Appendix C.) In addition, as mentioned above, the ADF&G used Susitna Basin vegetation data to develop models depicting theoretical moose carrying capacities and moose enhancement potentials of Basin vegetation types. Two additional changes were made in wildlife modeling: 1) plans to repeat Willow Subbasin small game/furbearer models in other subbasins were abandoned, and 2) an alternative methodology was developed for addressing these and other 11 non-big-game 11 species. ~56- 3. Modeling and Mapping of "High Species Diversity" and "Habitat Scarcity" a. Introduction While negotiating allocation of lands in the Willow Subbasin, biologists had seen that maps showing suitable habitats for squirrel, hare, grouse, or ptarmigan were not particularly meaningful to most state planners. Whatever their ecological roles, "non-big-game" species were considered by many state planners to have low economic, political, and aesthetic values. As a result, maps of their preferred habitats had negligible effects on land-use decisions, especially when these habitats appeared relatively abundant at present. Biologists involved with the study were, therefore, faced with how to map and document in a meaningful way habitats supporting these and other non-big-game bird and mammal species. Three categories of non-big-game habitats were of particular concern to biologists involved with planning. The first consisted of habitats used by a large number, or high diversity, of species. Such areas contribute a disproportionately large percentage to the variety of wildlife species existing in the Basin. The second and third categories consisted of habitats that are "scarce" in the Basin or particularly sensitive to disturbance. It was assumed that species associated with "scarce" or "sensitive" habitats, particularly species highly dependent on them (i.e. "obligate" species), could be disproportionately affected by land-use -57 - changes. For species using "scarce" habitats, few or no alternative sources of food, cover, and reproductive requirements might be available once their habitats were eliminated or altered. For species using "sensitive" habitats, land uses occurring in and outside of their habitats, even at relatively great distances in some cases, might significantly alter required conditions, such as water quality, water flo1~s, nutrient inputs, and sediment regimes. On the assumption that planners would find it useful and meaningful to know 1~hich areas supported many kinds of wildlife or relatively scarce habitats (even if most species using these areas would have little weight if considered individually), the SCS developed models to map these two habitat categories. "Sensitive" habitats were later also identified, during the process of assigning management categories to outlined fish and wildlife lands. The models developed to map species diversity and habitat scarcity are described below. b. Wildlife Species Diversity Model The goal during development of the wildlife species diversity model was to identify and map plant communities (i.e. habitats) capable of supporting the highest diversity* of wildlife species. Available data on actual wildlife species occurrences in different Basin plant communities were not sufficient * Here, "diversity" means only the number of different· species (often called species "richness"); relative population size of various species is not taken into account. -58 - to identify and map these "high diversity" habitats directly; and available time, personnel, and funding were insufficient to collect these data. As a result, the relative wildlife species diversity characterizing each Basin habitat was indirectly ·approximated by extrapolating work done by Konkel et al. (1981). (The best available field data on use of Basin habitats by a variety of wildlife species are those compiled by Gipson (1982) and Kessel et al. (1982) as part of the Susitna Hydroelectric Studies.) Konkel et al. identified wildlife species (birds and mammals) likely to use each mapped habitat (cover type) along the route of the proposed trans-Alaska natural gas pipeline. As explained in their report: "The occurrence and regional distribution of wildlife species within the [gas pipeline] study, and the associations between species and habitat types, were determined through literature research and through consultation with species experts in various government agencies and the academic community ... Habitats meeting food, cover, and reproductive needs of a greater number of species [were assumed to] have greater wildlife value. Therefore, diversity of wildlife species within a habitat type [was] emphasized in this evaluation process. Actual species abundance within a habitat type was not a factor in this evaluation. However, it [t~as] assumed that habitat types with a higher quality rating [in terms of providing a particular species with food, cover, and reproductive needs] would support a higher population [of that species] than habitat types with a lower rating. All species were considered to be of equal importance in this evaluation." (pp. 2,3) -59- Descriptions of wildlife -habitat associations prepared by Konkel et al. included c.onsideration of: a) which wildlife species used particular habitats, b) when particular habitats would be used by their associated species, c) what "life requisites" (food, cover, reproductive requirements) each habitat provided to associated species, and. d) how confident the authors felt about each identified wildlife -habitat association. In order to apply the findings of Konkel et al. to the Susitna River Basin, cover types used by Konkel et al. (described in Markon 1980) were cross-correlated with cover types mapped in the Susitna Basin. Vegetation types used by Konkel et al. were relatively general (i.e., analogous to Level III Viereck and Dryness 1980), and except in three cases, good equivalents for Basin types were found among gasline plant community descriptions. Correlations between Basin and gasline cover types are shown in Table 11. (In gener ... al, data from Region 4 of the gasline corridor [between Delta Junction and the Canadian border] were used whenever possible in making extrapolations because environmental conditions in this area are most similar to those in the Basin, although the "interior" climate of Region 4 is characterized by greater temperature extremes.) In addition, wildlife species lists compiled by Konkel et al. were compared with species lists compiled for the Basin in order to calculate a -60- "similarity index"* between the two regions and thus verify that faunas as well as mapped cover types were similar enough in the two study areas to permit extrapolations. As indicated in Tables 12 and 13, mammal species lists were more similar than bird species lists, but both t~ere felt to match well enough to permit extrapolation. For mammals, 42 species were identified by combining lists from both Konkel et al. Region 4 and the Susitna Basin; 81% of these (34 species) occurred in both study areas (Table 12). For birds, 167 species were listed by combining the two areas (Regions 1 and 4 of Konkel et al. were used), 110 of which (66%) were common to both. If bird species using coastal water-related habitats are excluded (that is, shorebirds and waterfowl), agreement between the two study areas increases to 76% (102 species, 77 common to both areas). (Coastal habitats in the Susitna Basin and those found in the gasline corridor were generally dissimilar. As a result, agreements between coastal bird species lists were not as good as agreements between lists of upland birds.) Table 13 shows similarity in bird species lists between the two areas for each Order of birds encountered. * "Similarity Index" as defined by Samson and Knopf (1982) equals the ratio of species shared by Sample A and B to the total number of species occurring in Sample A plus Sample B. -61 - scs veq. code 32,34 31,33 61 35,36 24,26 62 50,51,52 21,25,41,42 22,27,28,29 43 68,69 60 63 70,80,81, 82,83 64,65,66,67 91,92,96,97 Table 11. Plant community correlations and wildlife species diversity ratings for SCS vegetation types (after Konkel et al. 1981) High Wildlife Species Diversity (vegetation type) mixed forest-open conifer forest-open tall shrub-riparian willow or mix deciduous forest-open mixed forest-closed low shrubs-willow, resin birch SW wetlands--grass, sedge, shrub Moderate Wildlife Species Diversity conifer forest-closed deciduous forest-closed short black spruce-open sphagnum bog ( shrubs) tall shrub alder grassland Low Wildlife Species Diversity. cultural, mud flat, rock, snow, ice (small agricultural parcels may be included) Tundra -Special Consideration et sedge-grass, herbaceous, mat-cushion, and shrub tundra types Water Bodies -Special Consideration ponds, lakes, streams, rivers -62 - Konkel Mark on al. veg. code veq. code 21 14-01 14 12-01 8 7-01 '7-02 19 13-01 22 14-02 9,10 8-01' 8-02' 9-01,9-02 no match 15 12-02 20 13-02 16 12-03 29 21-00 12,23,25 (small parcels 24 may be in- cluded) 1,3,4,5 no match no match i0-00,16-00, 18-00 (with appropriate qualifiers) (small parcels 17-00 may be included) 01-00, 03-00-05-00 (with appropriate qualifiers) 23-00-26-00 (with appropriate qualifiers) Table 12. Correlation of mammal species lists: Gasline Corridor -Susitna Basin Present in Present in Present in Combined species list Susitna Basin Both Areas Gas line-Region 4 1. water shrew X 2. arctic shrew X 3. singing vole X 4. mountain goat X 5. masked shrew X X X 6. dusky shrew X X X 7. pygmy shrew X X X 8. little brown bat X X X 9. collared pika X X X 10. snowshoe hare X X X 11. hoary marmot X X X 12. arctic ground squirrel X X X 13. reel squirrel X X X 14. northern flying squirrel X X X 15. beaver X X X 16. northern red-backed vole X X X 17. meadow vole X X X 18. tundra vole X X X 19. muskrat X X X 20. brown lemming X X X 21. northern .bog lemming X X X 22. meadow jumping mouse X X X 23. porcupine X X X 24. coyote X X X 25. wolf X X X -26. red fox X X X - 27. black bear X X X 28. brown bear X X X 29. marten X X X 30. ermine X X X 31. least weasel X X X 32. mink X X X 33. wolverine X X X 34. river otter X X X 35. lynx X X X 36. moose X X X 37. caribou X X X 38. Dall sheep X X X 39. woodchuck X 40. long-tailed vole X 41. yellow-cheeked vole X 42. bison X Total number present 38 34 38 Percent of total 42 species 90.5 81.0 90.5 -63 - Table 13. Correlation of bird species lists: Gasline Corridor-Susitna Basin Total Number Number of Percent Taxon of Species Species Shared Agreement 1. Gaviiformes (loons) 3 2 66.7 2. Podicipediformes (grebes) 2 2 100.0 3. Anseriformes 29 17 58.6 (swans, ducks, geese) 4. Falconi formes 13 11 84.6 (hawks, falcons, eagles) 5. Galli formes (ptarmigan, grouse) 6 4 66.7 6. Gruiformes (cranes) 1 1 100.0 7. Charadrii formes (plovers, 36 16 44.4 sandpipers, phalaropes, jaegers, gulls, terns, murre lets) 8. Columbiformes (doves) 1 0 0 9. Strigiformes (owls) 7 6 85.7 10. Cot"'aci i for--mes (kingfishers) 1 1 iOO.O 11. Piciformes (woodpeckers) 5 5 100.0 12. Passeri formes (songbirds) 63 45 71.4 Tot;ols 167 110 66.9 (Totals minus Anseriformes and Charadriiformes) 102 77 75.5 -64 - Complete correspondence between plant and animal communities identified in the two studies was neither expected nor a prerequisite of the extrapolations performed. The goal in terms of developing a wildlife species diversity model was to ensure that gasline plant and animal communities were similar enough to Susitna Basin communities that Konkel's wildlife/habitat assessments could reasonably be used to provide a relative species-diversity index (rather than a measure of absolute species numbers) for Basin cover types. In other t•ords, it was assumed that if gasline plant communities were generally similar to those in the Basin in terms of plant species, plant community structure, canopy closure, and vertical stratification; and if generally similar bird and mammal faunas occurred in gasline and Basin areas, then the relative wildlife species diversity of mapped Basin plant communities would be approximately equivalent to the relative wildlife species diversity of gasline plant communities. When an SCS vegetation type was matched by more than one gasline type, it was assigned the highest diversity rating from among the gasline types it matched. Tundra 11egetation types WQre considO>rod Ulpariltely for two reasons: 1) although tundra types seldom support a large variety of species, they frequently support species rarely found elsewhere (e.g., caribou, Dall sheep, marmot, arctic ground squirrel, etc.); and 2) tundra types tend to be particularly susceptible to disturbance because of the very slow growth rates of plants adapted to these harsh environments--this low -65- "resilience"*· should be considered during planning. Wildlife species diversity ratings assigned to Basin cover types are presented in Table 11. For the three Susitna Basin cover types not matched by any gasline habitat types, relative wildlife species diversity was rated qualitatively on the basis of general ecolQgical principles. The unmatched Basin estuarine wetlands were rated as having "high wildlife species diversity" because of the seasonally high species diversity, productivity, and ecological importance generally characteristic of these wetlands (see for example, Greeson et al. 1979). "Tall alder shrublands" and "Calamagrostis grasslands" were rated as having "moderate wildlife species diversity" because of the poorly developed vertical stratification and the low structural heterogeneity and plant species diversity of these plant communities. (Grasslands, however, are often characterized by a relatively high diversity and abundance of small herbivorous and insectivorous mammalss e.g., voles, shrews, mice, that in turn provide prey for a variety of bird and mammal predators; and alder shrublands are important soil enrichers because of the nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with alder roots.) * "resilience" is a measure of the ability of a system to absorb disturbance and persist with the same relationship between components." (Margules and Usher 1981, p. 84) -66 - C. Habitat Scarcity Model "Habitat scarcity" was considered in an attempt to incorporate a regional perspective in the dev~lopment of fish and wildlife element maps. As emphasized in a number of recent articles (e.g., Ness 1983, Samson and Knopf 1982), maintaining the fauna native to a region depends largely on maintaining landscape patterns comparable to those existing at the time of human settlement. As Ness points out: "When natural areas are seen as remnant patches interacting with and within a culturally-modified matrix, we are led to consider the diversity of the regional landscape as more significant to conservation than the diversity of any single patch or collection of patches" (p. 12). Similarly, Samson and Knopf identify as the most important issue facing conservationists: "the preservation of a mosaic of habitats in which can be preserved a representative cross-section of native species" (p. 421). To a large extent, Susitna Basin landscapes still reflect conditions and patterns similar to those found at the time of western settlement. By considering habitat scarcity, those habitats among the most likely to be inadvertently lost from this regional pattern, namely those found on the fewest acres, can be highlighted for protection, thus protecting wildlife species they support. A scarcity approach was also in keeping with Jenkins' suggestion that" ... the preservation of diversity [of species, communities, natural features, and phenomena] is best accomplished by concentrating on the rarest elements" (1976, p. 448). -67 - Relative sca~city of different habitats (vegetation types) was assessed by first determining how many acres each vegetation type covered, and comparing this acreage to an "equitable" share. The equitable share equaled the acreage or percent-of-subbasin each vegetation type ••ould cover if all types ·were equally abundant, in other words: total vegetated acres divided by number of vegetation types present. Vegetation-type categories used in calculating equitability were the same 15 categories used in assessing wildlife species diversity (see the previous Section). For example, an "equitable share" in the Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasins* equaled 237,000 acres (3,555,120 acres~15 vegetation types), or 6.67% of the vegetated area. Each vegetation type was then assigned one of the following four ratings: 1. very scarce: vegetation types covering less than 1.6% of the subbasin under consideration; 2. scarce: vegetation types covering from 1.6% to 4.5% of the subbasin under consideration; * For this analysis the Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins were considered as a single unit because of the desire to use a regional perspective when considering vegetation type distributions. These adjacent subbasins are generally similar in terms of latitude, elevations, and relative abundance of mapped cover types. -68 - 3. neither scarce nor abundant: vegetation types covering from 4.6% to 8.5% of the subbasin under consideration; and 4. abundant: vegetation types covering over 8.5% of the subbasin. Table 14 indicates acres and scarcity ratings of vegetation types in the Upper Susitna Subbasin and the combined Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasin. Regional differences between subbasins are readily apparent from Table 14; plant communities abundant in the Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasin are often scarce in the generally higher-elevation Upper Susitna Subbasin, and vice versa. Table 14 also indicates the degree to which one or more vegetation types may dominate an area; for example, over 70% of the vegetated lands in the Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasin support closed mixed forests, sphagnum bogs (with or without shrubs), or tall alder shrublands.* Land planners and users must take into account regional differences in plant community distributions if they wish to maintain or change regional patterns of animal distributions. * Statistical analysis of data collected within each vegetation type would indicate whether these very abundant types contain more heterogeneity than other types used in wildlife modeling (Resource Statistics for the Susitna River Basin, USDA in progress). -69 - Table -\'1. Habitat Scarcity Ratings Total ~ of Total acres Vegetation Total ~ of Total acres of Vegetation Talke6tna of veg. type scarcity/ Upper Susitna veg. type in scarcity/ SCS plus Beluga \n Talkeetna-· abundance vegetated Upper Susitna abundance rating Vegetation_!y•p~ec_ ________ ~c~o~d~e~sc_ ____ ~v~e~•~·~·~·~•••""-------~•=•~l~uh•~•-•S~u~b~b~a~s~i~nc_ __ ~•~·~tln••"------------2•~•~•~•'--·----------s~u~b~b~a=•~l~n--________ _,o~f~v~·~·~-~t~vuP~•'---- OPEN KIXI!:D FORES1" OPEN CON£FER FOREST TALL SIIRUB ALDER- WILLOW (RIPARIAN) OPEN DECIDUOUS FOREST (COTTONWOOD 32,34 31.33 61 35,36 6_01 2.03 5.50 0.21 213,570 72 280 195,700 7,510 neil:.hor scarce nor abundant scarce neither scarce nor abundant very scarce 0.61 1.08 1.09 • 11,600 20.400 20,680 • very scarce very scarce very scarce • ,c~L~O~SE~D~M0 l~X~E~D~F~O~R~E •• S~T ____ -"2~4~2~6c_ ______ 2~3~.4~0<------------·~3~1~8~l~O, _________ abundan,t ____________ -'2~.~0~0 ____________ ~3~7~7~2~0--------~·~·~·~·~c~ec_ ______ __ LOW SHRUBS ··WILLOW, 62 0. 83 29, 530 very 5. 61 105,920 neither scarce RESIN Bl.RC~H--------------------------------------------------------------~·~·~·~·~c~ec_ ________________________________________________ ~n~o~•Lea~b~u~n~d~a~n~t'---- SALTWATER WETLANDS-50,52 o. 73 26,020 .very 0 0 N/A GRASSLA~D. SEDG~E_H~A~R~S~H'---·-------------------------------------------"s~c~a~•~c~ec_ __________________________________________________________ __ CLOSED CONI£o"ER 21,25, 5.72 203,260 neither scarce FOREST .tH 42 LOW SHRUB SALT-51 0.12 WATER WET_cl,;.A,N,Dc_ _________ __ £LOSEO DECIDUOUS FOREST 22,27,28,29 0.54 OPEN SHORT BLACK 43 0.23 4,300 19.030 8,150 nor abundant very scarce very scarce SPRUCE FOREST scarce very ) SPHAGNUM BOG, WITII 68,69 20.76 738,070 abundant AND WITJ!OUTc_S~IwlR~U~B~Sc_ ________________________________________________ -c ______ ___ 0.91 17.240 very scarce 0 0 N/A 0.14 2 I 720 very scarce 0.29 5,400 very scarce TALL SHkUB ALDER ~6~0c_ ________ ~2~5~.~9~5c_ __________ ~9~202Lc7~0~0c_ ________ a~b~uwn~d~a~nutc_ __________ ~l~8~.~1~2c_ __________ ~3~4~2~4~4~0c_ _______ a~b~uwn~d~a~nutc_ ____ __ GRASSLAND 63 1-54 54,780 (CAI.AKAGROSTIS) TUNDRA 64,65, 66 67 TOTAL VJ~GETATED ACRES IN SUEJEJASIN p non-vegetated Water lakes and atrenms TOTAL ACRES 70,80, 81 82 83 91,92, 96 97 6.42 228,1110 3 555 120 NA 80,730 NA 133,820 3 769 670 very 0.06 1,120 very scarce scarce ne i thor scarce 58.58 1,106,960 abundant nor abundant 1 672 200 2.14'-of N/A 209.240 11-07'1.. of total area total area 3.5S'J. of N/A 8,280 0.44'1.. of total area total area 1 889 720 * Minimum mapping unit in Upper Susilna Subbasin was 40 acres (rather than 10 acres as in other mnpped subbasins). As a result, plant comr;1uni ties thnt. occur only in small parcels (polygons) are not delineated. 4. Integration of Model Outputs a. Introduction Once individual models were completed, a "habitat synthesis" model was • developed. The goal was to create a model that could use computerized inventory data to design a first approximation of a fish and wildlife element map. To do this, steps were first outlined for computer integration of the models described above. Additional steps were then added to include consideration of wetlands, flood plains, and riparian corridors. Further development of the fish and wildlife element map involved "fleshing out" the computer-generated skeleton by manually adding important habitat areas identified by ADF&G biologists but not included in the automated data base. Modeling steps involved in generating the synthesis-map are described below and outlined in Table 15. As shown in Table 15, the "synthesis" model (excluding stream and river corridors and wetlands) covered approximately 18.4% of the combined Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasins and 11.8% of the Upper Susitna Subbasin. Within these relatively small subsets of subbasin lands, all vegetation types that are not "abundant" are specifically addressed, vegetation types supporting the greatest variety of species are specifically addressed, and year-round moose range is addressed (both directly or indirectly). Additional acreages, not shown in totals, add "abundant" vegetation types where they 71 - occur in proximity to river and stream corridors, along with wetlands and flood plains. The steps in the synthesis model are simple and easily replicated. It was hoped that these features of the model output would help make the land and water system it identified readily explainable and meaningful to planners as high value for fish and wildlife. Manual addition of other high value fish and wildlife lands is described following outline of synthesis model steps. b. Habitat Synthesis Model Steps Step 1: Using one pattern or shade, print all "high wildlife diversity" vegetation types that are "very scarce" or "scarce" and all "moderate wildlife diversity" vegetation types that are "very scarce" in each subbasin. (The area identified by this step covers approximately 6.2% of the combined Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasins and 6.2% of the Upper Susitna Subbasin.) Step 2: Using a second pattern or shade, print "open mixed forests" and "tall shrub, alder-willow (riparian)" vegetation types if not printed during step 1 and if not "abundant."* These two vegetation types are identified as 1 * If these vegetation types are "abundant," selection of representative acreages of these types must be made manually. See following Section for description of manual mapping procedures. -72- step t: step 2: step J: st~p 4: step 5: Instructions for each step map all 11 very scarce" and "scarce" habitats hAVin& "hi&h species diversity" 1•lua all ••vet"y scarce .. habitats havinr; "moderate species dlver1llly" map 1111 "open ml-.od forests" and "tall t~lder willow rlparlan shrublands" 1f not previously mapped and lf not "abundant" mBp stream and river corridors map all .. shrub tundra" and "low shrub willow-resin birch" lf not previously ruapped and l f nol "abundant:." map selected freshwater wetlands not yet mapped Totals • 94.37. of the Talkeetna Beluga Subbasin Js vegetated, 89.5'1. of the Upper Susilna Subbasin is vegetated. SCS vr.g~tat.lon codes inc J !!4!!! .P.L.£!£ h s t.!_2 T~tlk~elna·Boluta Subbasin ll, 33, 33, 36, so, 51, >2, 62; 22, 21, 28, 29, 43, 51, 63 32, 34, 61 stream corridor porli ons 101f 21, 24, 25, 21!», 41,. 42, 60, 64, 6S, 66, 67, 6<9;, 69 66 Upper Susltna Subbasin 24, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 61: 21, 22, 25, 21, 29, 41, 42, 43, 68, 69 included by step 1 stroatn corridor portions of 60, 64, 6S, 66, 67 62, 66 28, 63, SCS wetland cOdes SCS wetland codes 2, 3, 6** 2, 3, 6** •• SCS wetland types are dnscribed in USDA in progress and·bdefly ln tbh t.oxl:.. Total acres (~ of ve&otated ac&•eg) ill ~n Subbasln_!u£luded by each s~~e Talkoblna.Belu&a subbasin 225,784 (6.33~) 409,194 (11.51~) not computer mapped, (not computed) 11,470 (0.49~). nol computer mapped, (not compuled) 632,448 (18.33~) Upper Sus It na Subbasin 103,342 (6.181.) included hy stop 1 not compuler mapped, (not computed) 93,810 (3.61~) not. comt•U.l(~r mapped, (nut computed) 197,132 (11.19~) among those with the "highest wildlife species diversity." (The area identified by this step covers approximately 11.5% of the combined Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasins. These two vegetation types are "very scarce" in the Upper Susitna Subbasin and were, therefore, mapped by step 1.) Step 3: Using a third pattern or shade, print recommended stream corridors.* This step was approximated manually in the Talkeetna, Beluga, and Upper Susitna Subbasins because stream data, as incorporated in the digitized data base, did not allm• computer performance of this step. Corridor widths recommended along individual streams roughly reflected stream drainage areas. Table 16 identifies corridor widths recommended on the basis of drainage areas. Step 4: Using a fourth pattern or shade, print all areas supporting either !!low shrubs:....Will011J, resin birc.hH or Hshrub tundraH vegetation types if these * Values of riparian corridors to fish and wildlife and to human recreationists are well documented. (See, for example, Thomas 1979, ADF&G,1983c, USDA 1983.) In addition, human developments along streams and rivers are often subject to flood damage and destruction. Incorporating stream and river corridors into the recommended system of fish and wildlife lands was considered of highest priority by all biologists involved in the Susitna study. -74 - ----~----~---------- types are not "abundant" and were not printed during steps 1 or 3.* Most areas of moderately or highly sui table moose winter range 1~ere mapped as byproducts of steps 1, 2, and 3. ~ a result, moose winter range did not need to be specifically addressed in the synthesis model. Important moose spring/summer/fall range, however, was not necessarily adequately mapped during the first three steps; step 4 resulted in inclusion of areas providing suitable moose spring/summer/fall range. (The area identified by this step covers approximately 0.5% of the combined Talkeetna-Beluga Subbasin and 5.6% of the Upper Susitna Subbasin.) Step 5: Using a fifth p·attern or shade, map freshwater wetlands not yet mapped and that are identified by the following SCS codes in the Basin wetland model: 2, 3, and 6.** Saltwater wetlands were mapped by step 1; this step incorporated freshwater wetlands other than "black spruce forests * If these vegetation types are "abundant," selection of representative acreages of these types must be made manually. See following Section for description of manual mapping procedures. ** The wetland model is described in USDA 1985. Codes included here represent the following wetland plant communities: 2 = cottonwood forests and woodlands, 3 =mixed deciduous-coniferous forests and woodlands, 6 = freshwater marshes. 75 - Table 16. Recommended fish and wildlife/public use corridor widths for Susi tna Basin .streams Drainage Area 11 over 500,000 acres 150,000 to 500,000 acres 75,000 to 150,000 acres Recommended width for fish and wildlife/ public use corridor ~/ 1 mile from each bank 3/4 mile from each bank . 1/2 mile from each bank Examples 'i/ Susitna River, Yentna River, Kahiltna River, Talkeetna River, Skwentna River, Chakachatna River, Beluga River Kroto Creek, Kichatna River, Talachulitna River, McArthur River, Kashwitna River, Little Susitna River, Chulitna River Montana Creek, Little Willow Creek, Moose Creek, ~ohnson Creek, Kustatan River, Chuitna River, Sheep Creek, Theodore River 11 Drainage areas were obtained from Susitna Basin Flood Plain Management and Flood Hazard Studies (USDA 1981, 1982). ~I Corridor widths as measured outward perpendicular from each stream bank. ~I . Streams are listed in order of decreasing drainage area. All streams not followed by an (*) ~ important for spawning, rearing, or migration of anaclromous fishes (ADF&G 1983a). All streams followed by an (*) are not listed in ADF&G 1983a. -76 - Table 16. Recommended fish and wildlife/public use corridor widths for Susitna Basin streams (continued) Drainage Area 11 10,000 to 75,000 acres less than 10,000 acres Recommended width for fish and wildlife/ public use corridor~/ 1/4 mile from each bank standard m1n1mum corridor as determined by ADF&G and ADNR; or, in cases of special or unique values, corridor deter- mined on a case-.. by···case basis Examples "§/ Donkey Creek, Fourth of July Creek*, Peters Creek, Nikolai Creek, Honolulu Creek, Lewis River, Ivan River, Byers Creek, Red Creek, Wasilla Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Troublesome Creek, Nakochna River, Rabideux Creek, 196 Mile Creek*, Old Tyonek Creek, Ninemile Cre-ek*, Threemile Creek, Answer Creek, Birch Creek*, Trapper Creek, Gate Creek, Tyonek Creek, Goose Creek, Chuitkilnachna Creek*, Twentymile Creek, caswell Creek Lucile Creek, Olson Creek, Seventeenmile Creek * All streams not followed by an (*) are important or migration of anadromous fishes (ADF&G 1983a). by an (*) are not listed in ADF&G 1983a .. for spawning, rearing, All streams followed -77 - and muskegs" (SCS wetland code 1) or "sphagnum bogs with or without shrubs" (SCS wetland codes 4, 5). Muskegs and bogs are either "very scarce" and mapped by step 1, or "abundant" and considered adequately addressed by step 3. (This step was performed by manual map overlay, actual acreages covered are, therefore, not computed. In actuality, most of these freshwater wetlands were incorporated by previous steps.) D. Creating the Fish and Wildlife Element Map As mentioned previously, fish and wildlife element maps constitute a land-use alternative designed to maintain Basin fish and wildlife resources. Element maps were developed using the various model outputs discussed above in combination with available ADF&G data. ADF&G data consisted of: 1) maps at various scales displaying distributions and ranges of particular species or species groups; namely salmon (and some other anadromous and resident fishes), moose, caribou, Dall sheep, black bear, brown bea_r, furbearers, waterfowl, seabirds, and raptors; 2) maps displaying known "essential use areas," such as Dall sheep salt licks, moose or caribou calving grounds, trumpeter swan nesting lakes, bear denning sites; 3) maps and data indicating where particular species are harvested; and 4) general data from field biologists on where particular species are likely to be found. ADF&G data on Basin resources are contained in the narrative fish and wildlife element and its accompanying atlas (ADF&G 1984). Appendix B lists ADF~G maps used during the study. -78 - The actual element maps were drafted manually on a sheet of mylar. "Core" areas were outlined first on the mylar sheet. These consisted of: 1) lands identified by the habitat synthesis model, namely, riparian corridors, habitats supporting many kinds of wildlife, scarce habitats, habitats supporting highly suitable moose range, and selected wetlands; and 2) known "essential use areas" identified by the ADF&G. Once core areas had been mapped, connecting these lands via ecological corridors became the next priority. There were seven main reasons why interconnecting core areas was considered essential. To begin with, connecting the skeletal core system of fish and wildlife lands was a logical way to increase its size. Size of wildlife area has been identified by many researchers as an important determinant of which and how many wildlife species can be maintained (e.g., Diamond et al. 1976, Diamond and May 1976, Sullivan and Shaffer 1975, MacArthur and .Wilson 1967j. Up to a point, increased area is positively correlated with increased species diversity. Whitcomb et al. (1976) provide the following summary of reasons for maximizing the size of fish and wildlife management areas: a) Larger areas can support a greater number of wildlife species; one rough rule is that a tenfold increase in area size corresponds to a doubling of the equilibrium number of species present (the number of species reaches "equilibrium" when immigration of new species equals extirpation of species already present); -79- b) Large areas generally have higher species immigration rates and lower extinction rates than comparable smaller areas (this is a corollary of (a) above); c) Some species require very large home ranges. For example, species using seasonally or spatially patchy food supplies, such as moose and bear, must use resources distributed over a large area; large carnivores, such as wolves and wolverines, must range over a large area to obtain sufficient prey. Maintaining these species consequently requires maintaining large areas of appropriate habitat. d) Preservation of entire ecological communities, with all trophic levels represented, generally requires large areas; e) Large fish and wild 1 i fe management areas are better buffered against human perturbations and natural disasters; f) Large areas are often necessary to minimize the pressures of predation, parasitism, and competition exerted by species abundant in disturbed areas surrounding wildlife lands; g) Failures of small wildlife areas to maintain all species initially present have been amply documented; -80 - h) The irreversibility of habitat fragmentation demands a conservative strategy in protecting fish and wildlife lands and waters. A second reason for interconnecting core areas was based on evidence that even small habitat "islands" can support both wide-ranging species and much of their indigenous fauna if they are ecologically connected to, and "subsidized" by, larger habitat areas (MacClintock et al. 1977). Habitat corridors through disturbed lands allow replacement populations to travel from larger areas (where the species can persist) to smaller parcels.* The importance of interconnecting habitat "patches" is also emphasized by Noss (1983). Thirdly, although core areas have been identified as especially suitable for fish and wildlife resources emphasized during this study, all undisturbed vegetated lands in the Basin provide good to excellent habitats for particular species. Connecting and filling out the core skeleton with contiguous areas incorporated additional habitats that could satisfy the life requirements of many "non-target" 1~ildli fe species. * An example of the effectiveness of such habitat corridors in "subsidizing" habitat "islands" is illustrated in Anchorage. Moose are often seen in subdivisions well within the city limits, such as Rogers Park, Lake Otis Park, and Turnagain, because these areas are connected by greenbelt corridors to large habitat areas, such as Ft. Richardson and Chugach State Park. -81 - Fourthly, many highly valued big game species in the Basin move between different habitats at different times of year. Moose, for example, use upland shrubs during spring, summer, and fall, but migrate to riparian corridors as snow depth~ increase in upland areas. Corridors connecting areas can serve as migration routes for species that seasonally move from one area to another. Fifthly, the suitability of lands for recreationists interested in enjoying fish and wildlife resources can be enhanced by dispersing recreational users, and by providing opportunities for extended hiking, boating, hunting trips, etc. in natural settings that are uninterrupted by incongruous land uses. A widespread system of interconnected habitat/recreation lands and waters promotes user dispersion and permits extended high quality recreational outings. Sixth, an interconnected system is generally easier to manage than a fragmented system. Some habitat management techniques, such as prescribed fires, are not feasible or economical on fragmented parcels. Seventh, current understanding of many natural ecosystems is still rudimentary. A diverse, extensive, interconnected system of suitable fish and wildlife lands and waters, particularly a system in which all habitats in the Basin·are adequately represented, was viewed as a logical means to encompass most of the ecological conditions and processes that maintain fish -82 - and wildlife habitats and populations, despite current inability to identify and account for all such ecosystem components. An eighth, but essentially "political," reason exists for tying core areas together in an interconnected system. An interconnected system provides a spatial context for the inclusion of any particular parcel. As a result, lands can be recommended for wildlife-related allocations not only on the basis of their inherent values (which may cease to be meaningful to planners if repeated for parcel after parcel) but also on the basis· of the physiographic and biological linkages that they provide between parts of the overall system. Because the functional unity of an interconnected system can be graphically seen, the need for parcel-by-parcel justification of recommended lands should theoretically be reduced. Thillmann and Monasch (1976) point out that with a logical integrated system: "Dedications of land can be evaluated within the context of a patter-·n that r--espot1ds_ to the natural determinism of the landscape ... " and as a result " ... the development industry can see that a unique and valuable open space resource combining many elements can be of prime importance ... [to] development and [that] ... [open space] areas are not arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable." They further note that they were" ... extremely successful in eliciting contributions of the EQC'S [Environmental Quality Corridors that form the framework of their open-space system] wherever they affect land which is up for rezoning." (pp. 552-553.) Since "sale-ability" of fish and wildlife land-use alternatives will certainly in part determine the -83 - acreage allocated to fish and wildlife resources, recommending an interconnected system of lands and waters appears to have practical, as well as ecological, values. Core areas were interconnected and expanded by laying the mylar sheet over various models and maps and "fleshing out" the system with conJ;iguous or nearby areas of additional moose range (identified by the HEP moose model and ADF&G biologists), additional "abundant" vegetation types and wetlands, pnd ar9a.~ ·of high human use. Wherever possible, edges* between plant communities, and areas of high vegetative interspersion* were incorporated when connecting or expanding core areas. Finally, the outlined system was examined to ensure that all types of vegetation, wetlands, landforms, and water bodies inventoried in the Basin were represented. ADF&G field and area biologists then reviewed element maps to identify any additional essential use areas, hunter access points, etc. wat .... t ... anting inclusion. As mentioned above, the goal during this process was to outline a fish and wildlife land base that was, in essence, greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, although the system initially grew around lands highly * Although not used here, approaches exist for automatically mapping and calculating edge, interspersion, juxtaposition and other wildlife-related spatial patterns using geographic information systems (see, for example, Heinen and Cross 1983, Brooks and Scott 1983). -84 - suitable for a few selected fish and wildlife resources, it was believed that the diversified pattern of lands produced by spreading outwards from and interconnecting core areas would encompass a full spectrum of environmental conditions, processes, and interrelationships, and hence would support a full complement of Basin fish and wildlife resources. -85 - V. Fish and Wil~life Field Investigations In order to facilitate the kinds of modeling described above, it was important that the SCS and FS collect environmental data that could be used to assess the value of Basin habitats for particular wildlife species. In general, two types of data are needed to make such assessments: 1) data on which animal populations are present in particular areas, in what numbers and when, and 2) data on environmental conditions present in particular areas at different times of year (specifically, conditions affecting the presence and abundance of wildlife populations of interest). When cross-correlated, population data and environmental data can generally identify habitats in which particular species are most likely to be found. Such analyses can be used to assure that habitats supporting desirable wildlife species are maintained, or that conditions in managed habitats are favorable to particular species. Collecting data on fish and wildlife populations, for example, population size, distribution, seasonal movements, birth and death rates, etc., is the responsibility of the ADF&G and the USFWS. The SCS, on the other hand, collects or assists with collection of data on environmental conditions such as soil characteristics; plant species, cover, and productivity in particular areas; quality and quantity of local or regional water resources; and types of landforms present. These kinds of data can be very useful in describing and characterizing specific habitats where, according to ADF&G or -86 - USFWS data, particular species do occur. Once associations between species and habitats have been described, "potential" habitats can be identified in areas where appropriate environmental data exist, even if population data are lacking. (This is the principal rationale behind species-specific models discussed above.) In order to make sure that environmental data collected during the Susitna Study would be useful when evaluating habitats for selected wildlife species, the SCS sought assistance from the USFWS and the ADF&G in identifying meaningful "habitat parameters" to inventory. Habitat parameters consist of specific measurable environmental characteristics that appear to be correlated to the suitability of a_ habitat for a· particular species. For moose, for example, parameters that affect how well a habitat provides necessary food and cover include: a) total available browse, measured in pounds per acre; b) availability of browse species preferred by moose, such as willow (Salix spp.) and birch (Betula spp.), measured as a percent of total available browse; c) amount of cover available, measured-as percent of surface area covered by tree or tall shrub foliage; and d) total annual forb production, measured in pounds per acre. -87 - Moose habitat parameters and parameters relevant to other species had originally been identified as part of the "Habitat Evaluation Procedures" (HEP) developed by the USFWS. The SCS was able to incorporate measurement of HEP parameters into its field activities, and hoped thereby to collect environmental data of greatest possible use to wildlife biologists. Examples of habitat characteristics measured during collection of field data, and of wildlife signs noted during surveys, are provided in Appendix D. In addition to HEP parameters, many inventory data not specifically collected for wildlife analyses have been used for habitat models discussed above, particularly vegetation data. The ADF&G is planning a new examination of SCS vegetation data as part of a "habitat suitability assessment" in which actual moose distribution data will be correlated with mapped and inventoried plant community data in a portion of the Talkeetna Subbasin (Shea et al. 1983). Further use of River Basin products for similar analyses is encouraged whenever time and funding permit. Through such analyses, both modeling and field data collection can be improved. -88 - References (References marked with an (*) contain discussions particularly relevant to the evaluation, selection, and/or design of "conservation" lands and systems.) Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), Habitat Protection Section. 1980. A synthesis and evaluation of ADF&G fish and wildlife resources information for the Willow and Talkeetna Subbasins. (Prepared for the USDA-SCS Interagency Cooperative Susitna River Basin Study, Agreement No. 58 04368 16). ADF&G, Anchorage. 180 pp. ______ , Habitat Division. 1983a. Catalog of waters important for spawning, rearing or migration of anadromous fishes, Southcentral Region, Resource Management Region II. ADF&G, Anchorage. 136 pp . . 1983b. An economic analysis of moose, caribou, sheep, bear, and waterfowl hunting in the Susitna Basin (prepared by S. Burgess) (Appendix B of fish and wildlife resources element for the Susitna Area Planning Study) ADF&G, Anchorage. 36 pp . . 1984. Fish and wildlife resources element for the Susitna Area Planning Study. ADF&G, Anchorage. 236 pp. plus appendixes and separate atlas . . 1982a. Fish and wildlife resource and public use information for Matanuska-Susitna -Beluga study area. ADF&G, Anchorage. 43 pp . . 1983c. Riparian report, Susitna Area Plan (prepared by D. Rosenberg) (Appendix C of fish and wildlife resources element for the Susitna Area Planning Study.) ADF&G, Anchorage. 50 pp. -89 - ______ . 1982b. Summary of issues and policies extrapolated from the Willow Subbasin Land Management Plan and applied to the Matanuska-Susitna- Beluga cooperative planning area. ADF&G, Anchorage. 12 pp . . 1983d. Susi tna A'rea Plan human use and economic effects-sport fishing (prepared by S. Burgess) (Appendix A of fish and wildlife resources element for the Susitna Area Planning Study.) ADF&G, Anchorage. 20pp. Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR), Division of Land and Water Mgmt., Resource Allocation Section .. 1983. Susitna Area Plan public wor:I<shops Spring 1983, summary of results and staff analysis. ADNR, Anchorage. 36 pp. ______ , Division of Research and Development. 1982. Fish and wildlife habitat issues. Pp. 17-24 in: FY 83 statewide natural resources plan. ADNR, Anchorage. 85 pp. in cooperation with Matanuska -Susitna Borough; ADF&G; Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities; Kenai Peninsula Borough; with assistance from USDA, SCS. 1982. Land use issues and preliminary resource inventory, vol. 1, planning background report, Matanuska- Susitna-Beluga Cooperative Planning Program. ADNR, Anchorage. 202 pp. plus Appendixes. Anchorage Audubon Society. 1978. Birds of Anchorage, Alaska. Anchorage Audubon Society, Inc., Anchorage. Armstrong, R.H. 1980. A guide to the birds of Alaska .. 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Alaska statewide sport fish harvest studies. (Volumes 20, 21, 22, 23 of Federal Aid in Fish Restoration.) ADF&G, Sport Fish Division, juneau. Morrow, j.E. 1980. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, Anchorage. 248 pp. Murie, A. 1963. Birds of Mt. McKinley National Park,. Alaska. Mt. McKinley Nat. Hist. Assoc. *Nichol, j.E. 1982. Parameters for conservation evaluation. j. of Environ. Mgmt. 14:181-194. *Noss, R.F. 1983. Different levels of natural areas thinking. Natural Areas journal 3(3):8-14. Pearsall, S. 1983. Additions to diversity bibliography. Natural Areas journal 3(3):3-7. *Polunin, N. and H.K. Eidsvik. 1979. Ecological principles for the establishment and management of national parks and equivalent reserves. Environ. Cons. 6(1):21-26. Rearden, j. (ed.). 1981. Alaska mammals. Alaska Geographic 8(2). Ritchie, R., j. Curatolo, and A. Batten. 1981. Knik Arm wetlands study, final report. Submitted to USFWS, Western Alaska Ecological Services. Alaska Biological Research, Fairbanks. 196 pp. -95- *Rogers, P.M. and K. Myers. 1980. Animal distributions, landscape classification and wildlife management, Coto Donana, Spain. J. of App. Ecology 17:545-565. *Samson, F.B. and F.L. Knopf. 1982. In search of a diversity ethic for wildlife management. Pp. 421-431 in: Transactions of the 47th North American wildlife and natural resources conference (K. Sabol ed.) Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C. 722 pp. *Selman, P.H. 1982. The use of ecological evaluations by local planning authorities. J. of Environ. Mgmt. 15:1-13. Shea, L., S. Albert, J. Westlund, G. Mills. 1983. Regional habitat management guides project, draft proposal for a pilot project for terrestrial habitat suitability assessment. ADF&G, Anchorage. n.p. *Simberloff, D.S. and L.G. Abele. 1976. Island biogeography theory and conservation practice. Science 191:285-286. *------· 1982. Refuge design and island biogeographic theory: effects of fragmentation. The Am. 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US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Soil Conservation Service (SCS). 1983. Flood plain management study, Lower Tanana River and tributaries, Alaska. (prepared by E. Grey and D. Lehner) USDA, Anchorage. 23 pp. plus Appendixes. USDA, SCS, Economic Research Service (ERS), Forest Service (FS). 1981a. Flood hazard study, 196 Mile, Caswell, Sheep, Goose, Montana, Answer, and Birch Creeks and Tributaries; Alaska Rivers Cooperative Study, Susitna River Basin, Talkeetna Subbasin. USDA, Anchorage. 31 pp. plus Appendixes. ______ . 1982a. Flood hazard study, Kroto, Rabideux, Trapper, and Peters Creeks; Alaska Rivers Cooperative Study, Susitna River Basin, Talkeetna Subbasin. USDA, Anchorage. 37 pp. plus Appendixes. 1981b. Flood hazard study, Troublesome, Byers, Honolulu Creeks; East and Middle Forks of the Chulitna River; Alaska Rivers Cooperative Study, Susitna River Basin, Talkeetna Subbasin. USDA, Anchorage. 24 pp. plus Appendixes. -97 - ______ . 1982b. Flood plain management study, Beluga Subbasin streams, Alaska Rivers Cooperative Study, Susitna River Basin, Beluga Subbasin. USDA, Anchorage. 13 pp. plus Appendixes. ______ . 1982c. Flood plain management study, Kashwitna River; Wasilla, Cottonwood, and Lucile Creeks; Alaska Rivers Cooperative Study, Susitna River Basin, Talkeetna Subbasin. USDA, Anchorage. 17 pp. plus Figures and Appendixes . . 1981c. Willow Subbasin, Susitna River Basin Study -Alaska, final report (in cooperation with the ADNR, ADF&G, and the USFWS). USDA, Anchorage. 144 pp . . 1985. Susitna River Basin Study summary of USDA investigations and analyses. USDA, Anchorage. in progress. Resource statistics for the Susitna River Basin. USDA, Anchorage. *US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Coastal Zone Management. 1982. National Marine Sanctuary Program regulations: Appendix 1 -selection criteria. Federal Register 47(173):39195-39199. *US Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Division of Ecological Services. 1980a, 1981. Habitat evaluation procedures (HEP), Ecological Services Manual 100, 101, 102, 103. USFWS. * . 1980b. Terrestrial habitat evaluation criteria handbook -Alaska. USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska. n.p. -98 - Viereck, L.A. and C.T. Dryness. 1980. A preliminary classification system for vegetation of Alaska (Gen. Tech. Report PNW 106) PNW Forest and Range Experiment Station. Portland. OR. 38 pp. Viereck, L.A. and L.A. Schandelmeier. 1980. Effects of fire in Alaska and adjacent Canada--a literature review (BLM AK Tech. Report 6). US Dept. of Interior, BLM, Anchorage. 124 pp. *Whitcomb, R.F. 1977. Island biogeography and "habitat islands" of eastern forest. American Birds 31(1):3-5. *Whitcomb, R.F., J.F. Lynch, P.A. Opler, C.S. Robbins. 1976. Island biogeography and conservation: strategy and limitations. Science 193:1030-1032. *Williams, G. 1980. An index for the ranking of wildfowl habitats as applied to eleven sites in West Surrey, England. Bio. Cons. 18:93-99. Youngman, P.M. 1975. Mammals of the Yukon Territory. National Museums of Canada, Publi. in Zoology. No. 10. Ottawa, Canada. 192 pp. -99 - Appendixes to: Identifying Wildlife Lands: Fish and Wildlife Analyses for the Susitna River Basin Study USDA 1985 -100 - APPENDIX A Bibliography of reports prepared during the Susitna River Basin Study Prepared by or for the USDA: (Those marked with an* are contained in full in: Susitna River Basin Study Summary of USDA Investigations and Analyses [USDA SCS, 1985]) Economics: 1. 2. * A Methodology for Estimating Road Costs in the Susitna River Basin (P. Fuglestad and J. O'Neill, 1983, USDA ERS, SCS) Water Resources: 1. *Mean Annual Precipitation and Water Yield in the Susitna River Basin (E. Merrell, 1979, USDA SCS) 2. Susitna Basin Planning Background Report-Water Supply and Demand (B. Loeffler, 1980, ADNR in cooperation with USDA) 3. Susitna Basin Water Quality Report (B. Rummell, no date, for USDA SCS, FS, ERS) Soils: 1. Soil Survey Susitna East Area, Alaska (USDA SCS, in progress) 2. Soil Survey Yenta Area, Alaska (USDA SCS, in progress) Land Treatment and Agronomy: 1, Alaska Irrigation Guide (E. Merrell, in progress, USDA SCS) Geology: 1. Geology Report for the Talkeetna Subbasin, Susitna River Basin Alaska Cooperative Study (S. Sumsion, 1979, unpublished report prepared for the USDA SCS) A-1 Land Cover (Vegetation): 1. Preliminary Field Procedures for the Cooperative Vegetation Inventory of the Susitna River Basin, Alaska (USDA FS, PNW, 1979) 2. Resource Statistics for the Susitna River Basin (USDA SCS, FS, ERS, in progress) 3. Timber Resource Statistics for the Talkeetna Block, Susitna River Basin Multiresource Inventory Unit, Alaska (T. Setzer, G. L. Carroll, B. R. Mead, 1979, USDA FS, PNW Forest and Range Experiment Station) Recreation: 1. Recreation Atlas with USDA, 1979) Willow-Talkeetna Basin (ADNR in cooperation Archeological, Historical, and Cultural Resources: ·< 1. Cultural Resource Assessment: Talkeetna-Lower Susitna River Basin, Southcentral Alaska (G. Bacon, J. Kari, and T. Cole, 1982, for USDA SCS, FS, ERS) 2. Cultural Resource Assessment: Talkeetna-Lower Susitna River Basin, Southcentral Alaska (supplemental report) (G. Bacon and T. Cole, 1982, for USDA SCS, FS, ERS) 3. Cultural Resource Assessment: Beluga Study Area, Southcentral Alaska (G. Bacon, J. Kari, T. Cole, C. Mobley, and R. Carlson, for USDA SCS, FS, ERS) Fish and Wildlife and Wetlands: 1. Identifying Wildlife Lands: Fish and Wildlife Analyses for the Susitna River Basin Study (D. Lehner, 1984, USDA SCS) 2. *Wetlands Mapping in the Susitna River Basin (USDA SCS, FS, ERS, 1985) Flood Plain Management: 1. Flood Hazard Studv. 196 Mile, Caswell, Sheep, Goose, Montana, Answer, and Birch Creeks and Tributaries (E. Grey, 1981, USDA SCS, ERS, 'FS) 2. Flood Pl&in Management Study, Beluga Streams (E. Grey, 1982, USDA SCS, ERS, FS) A-2 3. Flood Plain Management Study, Kashwitna River; Wasilla, Cottonwood, and Lucile Creeks (E. Grey, 1982, USDA SCS, ERS, FS) 4. Flood Hazard Study, Kroto, Rabideux, Trapper, and Peters Creek (E. Grey, 1982, USDA SCS, ERS, FS) 5. Flood Hazard Study, Troublesome, Byers, and Honolulu Creeks; East and Middle Forks of the Chulitna (E. Grey, 1981, USDA SCS, ERS, FS) Data Processing (Geographic Information Systems): 1. Final Report: Computerized Geographic Information System- Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins, Susitna River Basin, Alaska (ESRI, 1982, for USDA SCS, FS) 2. Final ·Report: Computerized Geographic Information System -Upper Susitna Subbasin (ESRI, 1983, for USDA SCS, FS) Bibliograph{es: 1. Susitna River Basin Resource Bibliography (ADNR in cooperation with USDA, 1977) 2. Susitna River Basin Resource Bibliography, supplement 1979 (D. Lockhart, 1979, ADNR in cooperation with USDA SCS, FS, ERS) Prepared by other agencies with USDA assistance: 1. Land Status Atlas-Susitna River Basin (Alaska Department of Natural Resources, 1978) 2. Land Use Issues and Preliminary Resource Inventory (volume 1 of 2) Growth Potential, Development Issues, Settlement Patterns (volume 2 of 2) (Alaska Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Kenai Peninsula Borough, and USDA, 1982) 3. Matanuska-Susitna Borough Comprehensive Plan (Matanuska-Susitna Borough) 4. Resource Elements (Department of Natural Resources, 1984) a. Agriculture Element for the Susitna Area Plan A-3 b. Fish and Wildlife Resources Element for the Susitna Area Plan (Alaska Department of Fish and Game) c. Forestry Element for the Susitna Area Plan d. Settlement Element for the Susitna Area Plan e. Recreation Element for the Susitna Area Plan f. Subsurface Resources Element for the Susitna Area Plan 5. Response to Public Comments on the Draft Susitna Area Plan (Alaska Department of Natural Resources, 1985) 6. Susitna Area Plan (Public Review Draft) (Alaska Department-of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Kenai Peninsula Borough, USDA, and BLM, 1984) 7. Susitna Area Plan (Final Draft) (Alaska Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Kenai Peninsula Borough, USDA, and BLM, 1985) 8. Susitna Area Plan Land Use Alternatives (Alaska Department of Natural Resources, 1983) 9. Susitna Area Plan, Public Workshops Spring 1983, Summary of Results and Staff Analysis (Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Resource Allocation Section, Division of Land and Water Management, 1983) 10. A Synthesis and Evaluation of ADF&G Fish and Wildlife Resources Information for the Willow and Talkeetna Subbasins (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1983) A-4 Appendix B: Outline of Susitna Basin Data Base maintained by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1) Example computer printout of Analysis Unit Data (Analysis Unit 1149) 2) List of maps compiled in ADF&G Susitna Area Plan Fish and Wildlife Atlas (ADF&G 1984) B-1 SUUniA A~EA PlANNINC HABITAT RATING BY! AtlALYStS UltlT JUNE 1983 U~IT N 1 ~9 TOTAL~ 2~00 ONR TOTALSw 2410 AtlliLYSts I nnn~t 1 noca 1 110. ·oF 1 P~RCEt:r OF TOTAL 1 II~DEL UNIT llA:IE C~HGORIES ACRES ALL CATS (3,2,1) RATING ·------------------------------·-----------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------· 114? HOOSt ECA•.SUHIWIN 2.0 ):rrHI<;U 103Q 45.~ 4~.4 ~·~F.OIIJij s~o 23. 2 .5 ; =lO:l 748 lO.S 31.1 :tfiO~t:: .u 1149 '-1=UNY.N0Wtl ZQ .s 3.0 M~OSE PCAP,SUM/Witl 1640 "'~•It I'i-'1 SS.l 76.6 ~:rrf~~O IfJH a .o .o 6 =lo~. "20 t8:8 23.4 =..,om: ~ •l ·1=Vt!KMWtl 20 .a 1.0 1149 IIOOSE Etlii,Vrr,;TATION l=li!GH 1~~8 .o d .:.=U:!""~IUl'\ 3 .. P. 1 =tow 64.6 94 .. 5 0=!!0"~ 60 )1.7 -1 =UtllN~~" 0 .o 1147 MOOSE HAI.OTH'.R SEASONS 2.0 l=tlli)H 1080 45.0 45.8 "'=MEOIUU 108Q ~s.o 45.8 ~=l04 200 8.) So5 =!JO~I!! 0 .o HAl .• WI tiTER • =UNXNOWII 4~ 1.7 3.0 1147 MOSQ ~=•nr.H 1ozry 45.0 SI-4 (:4~DIUII rog 33.3 4 ,6 ~Low .o .o a:: oN!: s~g 20.8 •I•UNKIIOV" .a 2.0 114? SPECIES OlV!RStTY ~~HI5H 2318 i·s 3-~ ;=~2CIU!t 9 .. ~ 96: •LO~ :8 O=NOUE 0 ·1•UNKN0Hif 0 .o 1147 ~AS. SYNTHESIS O:oT:i~R zm i~:f !=STREAKS ~=SCARCl MOO/HIGH DIY 98 1:R •OPEN ANOPY 4=SHRIJB TIJNORA 0 .o 11'·' AGRTCIJl TURf S40 2;!., l •UI!SIJITA3l F <•CLASS I SOilS HB ,d >=CLASS I! SOILS 4•ClASS III SOILS 1460 60.6 S•ClASS IV SOILS 120 5.0 1147 GRAltNG ~=NOllE 1890 78.4 ... =Htt;H 0 .o :i=liODERATf 0 .o 4=lOW HO 19 .. S 5=\H\T!?R so 2.1 1149 f0RES1RY 0 .a 1=110 VALUE .=IIIGH 1660 65.9 l=i\OOER~TE 140 5.6 4•lOW 4~8 3.§ :;=VeRY lOW 19. ~=IION•FOREST 0 .o 1149 7aWATER so 2.1 SeTTLEMeNT 1•liATF.R 7~8 z.~ Z•Vf.RY LOW :!?. "•LOW 50 2.1 t=IIOOERAT~ 560 z~.z 5•HIC,H 1030 '2·7 CLOSED FOREST -------------21=CQ!;F,:I~,~H~~~ Z2o:oc:~"n,mc, tuG Z4 -=D:.:C 10, t·I:C, r;:, zS=Cui: lF ,:rs, r ,,Ll Z 6 = Oi; C.£ u, ~!X, ~l;:, Z7=,~Trc::~~ou,(:J' 2 a =tv it c.;, !JIJO :;,,1 CJ Z9=CJlrC;l~OOJ,CLO OPEfl FORi:!;l• UCCCLAriD --------------------J1~CoH1F,::~,~~IL~T J Z=LIC: C .i. .;, , ;x,;; :.:.:.. 3l=t~N1f,W~,T~Ll 34.: DCC.., u, :·:.<, lJL U 35=CU'fi (/i;~u~u,l·i?O 36~t~Ti~I~~COC,UlJ CLO!Jt:CI rllitl!i I (V!i-!I:U 41=DLK SPRUCE,SHC1T 4Z=8LK SPRUC~,i~ll 4S=M! ri~~L~C~,§H~"l lt6=M 1 ILoiLor..r..,, 4l' OPfi' FR~~-~~c: (~~ ~Pl 43=BLK SP~UC~,~ItC~T ~Alf WAT~~ ~fTLAfl~S 50=S.AU c.;:A:iSL.\if!) 51 =Lu"' Shitlru 52.::TiOAL II:IRSH TALL SHRUaS ----------- ACRES 8 9?0 56~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---~~~ 24fJ 8 Q 0 0 0 & 90 ------~ 90 GAME Uf~l T :·11 :18 1:9 ·:1 Q "11 1149 z z 2 l 1 FISH IIH s.,.:ttlis ;1 ~.uNaow TRou; COHO SALMN )\ 64.6 .o .o 41.z .0· Z3.3 .o :8 .o .o .o .o .o .o .o IO.Q 10.0 :8 .Q .c .o .o .Q .o .o VtCtTAT!ON TY.P~S ~y ANA~1StS UNtT UIIIT IF IT ~9 TOT ~L= 2t,U() TYPC LOW SIIP.IJJ ---------6Z•WILL~U R. ~IRCH GtlAS'ilA:ID ---------63=UPLANI) r.n!IIS'; TUHO;U\ 6 4: S!: Ot; E-G~ .\ '5 S 6 5= It r: Rilf,C H'U'i 66=5ttauo 67•"lAT • CIJSIII111 FR~~fl~lT~~ W£TLA40~ -------------------66=~PftAUUUf1 101; 69•SPH•&-S'IRIJ5 90G CULTUr.AL Ff:~TU~ES -----------------70•CULTURAL INFLNCS BARREN BO•IlUO FLATS 81=ROCK PERn~U!IIT SNOW ~ ICE -------------:..----·--82=SNOWFtlED 83=GLAClER II ATE~ 91=LAKES GT ·~ AC 92=LAK"S GT 10 LT ~0 V6~ST"tAMS ~ RtVFnS 97:RXV~QS GT 1/~ HI 0 0 0 D ·o ------0 •J u 0 500 0 500 -----2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 ~0 0 8 % .o .o .a .o .o .a .o .o .o 20.8 zo:R .o .o .o .o .o .o .o .o .a .a .o .o .a ~·~1~ 1\1l '11' ~1 02 :., ~4 CGS1 t~);! CG1i'3 CGSI, 1 1 1 1 2 2 I 0 ~ 0 0 F2 F3 f-4-F5 F6 n 2. 2 I 1 1 1 ;!. 2 1. 1 'IYP!: WHITE SPP.Utc <z1,z5,J1d'!J aLACK SPRUCE (41,4!,431 MOUIITA!N HEMLOCK (1,5,46) COTTONWOOD <z7,zs~~9,35,J6> 11lXEO FO~EST t2z,z,,z6,32,J4> S~LT WAT~R WETLANDS 1so,s1,sz1 TALL SH~UBS (60,61l LOW SliRUB 1621 &RASSLANO 1631 TUNn~ (64,65,66,671 FRESHWATER WETLANDS (68,691 CUlTURAL FEATURES (701 BARREN (HUO;ROCKS) !S1,82l ?ERMANENT SNOW & ICE (82, 83) CGSS CGS6 nen WFBSGI u 0 1 I ACRES 0 .o 240 1 o.o 0 .o 0 .o 1550 64.6 0 .a 3.8 0 .o 0 .o 0 .a 500 20.8 0 .o a .o 0 .o WFSSGZ MFBSG3 R1 2 1 3 Table B-2 Maps compiled in ADF&G Susitna Area Plan -Fish and Wildlife Atlas A. Introduction Ala Susitna Area Plan Subregional Boundaries Alb Susitna Basin Subbasins Data-base Boundaries A2a Resource Analysis Units (1:500,000) A2b Resource Analysis Unit Inset (1:250,000) A3a Harvest Report Code Units -Moose A3b A3c B. Supply Harvest Report Code Units Harvest Report Code Units Bl Moose Seasonal Distribution Caribou Sheep B2 Caribou Seasonal Distribution B3 Dall Sheep Seasonal Distribution B4 Brown Bear Seasonal Distribution B5 Black Bear Seasonal Distribution 66 Waterfowl, Seabird, Raptor Seasonal Distribution 87 Anadromous Fish BB Resident Fish 89a Moose Habitat Suitability Summer 89b Moose Habitat Suitability -Winter BlO Moose Enhancement Suitability Potential 811 Wildlife Diversity 812 Riparian Lands 813 Moose Winter Range Availability-based on estimated .snow accumulation 814a M.oose Carrying Capacity (ExistinSJ) 814b Moose Carrying Capacity (Potential) 615 Vegetation Community Types B-4 C. Demand Cl Modes of User Access C2a Hunting Effort for Moose C2b Hunting Effort for Caribou C2c Hunting Effort for Sheep C3 Sport Fishing Location, Access, and Effort C4 Local Community Resource Use Areas C5 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Lands (Fish and Wildlife Element Map) C6 Fish and Wildlife Areas meriting Legislative Consideration for Special Management B-5 Appendix C: Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) Models applied in the Susitna River Basin 1. Description of HEP models applied in the Willow Subbasin: a) moose b) willow ptarmigan c) spruce grouse d) snowshoe hare e) red squirrel 2. Description of revised moose model applied in Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins c United States Department of the Interior IN REPLY REFER TO: FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE lOll E. TUDOR RD. WAES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 276-3800 Weymeth Long State Conservationist U.S. Soil Conservation Service 2221 E. Northern Lights Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Dear Mr. Long: 2 9 MAY 1981 Enclosed please find the Technical Appendix -Fish and Wildlife Resources for the Willow Subbasin portion of the Susitna River Basin Cooperative Study. This Technical Appendix is the explanatory background for the wildlife habitat models prepared by our field office to satisfy our cooperative agreement with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game. So that the Technical Appendix may serve as a complete document, we have attached copies of your brief vegetation type descriptions and mapped outputs for the Subbasin habitat models. However, the Technical Appendix will be most useful if it is made available in conjunction with your full report. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Susitna River Basin Cooperative Study and look forward to our further coordination with you and with the state in completing the study. Attachment cc: Carl Yanagawa, ADF&G Randy Cowart, ADNR Sincerely, Prfginal Sigr>ad by Keith Bayha Regional Directo~ C-1-1 Susitna River Basin Cooperative Study-- Willow Subbasin Technical Appendix -Fish and Wildlife Resources A. INTRODUCTION Programs to actively protect and enhance Alaska's fish and wildlife resources can minimize decreases in fish and wildlife habitats and populations which will inevitably accompany settlement and development of the state. One of the goals of government fish and wildlife agencies is to encourage environmentally sound land use practices. These agencies work to minimize fish and wildlife resource losses by directing necessary developments to areas of less value for fish and wildlife and by recommending land use practices which will maximize fish and wildlife values on developed lands. The Susitna River Basin ·Cooperative Study (SRBCS) provided an opportunity for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) to develop and recommend land use practices which could protect and enchance fish and wildlife resources in the rapidly developing Susitna River Basin. One step in this· coordinated effort consisted. of identifying potentially suitable wildlife habitats. Identi- fied habitats, additional fish and wildlife information and data on other resources was then coordinated in planning land use alternatives for the ~usitna Basin. While participating in the SRBCS, the FWS and ADF&G have focused on two activities: (1) assessing the fish and wildlife resources of the Willow Subbasin (Section 4.27 of main report); and (2) correlating the dtstributions of selected wildlife species to specific habitat characteristics.~/ This Technical Appendix explains how habitat suitability models were used to make these correlations. B. METHODOLOGY Fish and wildlife resources can be assessed in terms of (1) population distributions and abundances, and (2) habitat suitability. Known fish and wildlife use areas have been delineated (ADF&G 1973, 197Ba and b). To analyze habitats in terms of their suitability in meeting a species' life requisites, a theoretical approach involving computer models was taken. 1. Key fish and wildlife use areas Distributions of subbasin fish and wildlife species have previously been mapped at a scale of 1:250,000 (ADF&G, 1973, 1978a and b). For the SRBCS, ADF&G area biologists refined this information for display on mylar overlays of 1:63,360 topographic base maps covering the study area. lfThe Susitna River Basin has been divided into four subbasins for the purposes of this study. The Willow Subbasin report is to be completed early in 1981 while analysis of the Talkeetna Subbasin is scheduled for later in 1981. The Beluga and Upper Susitna Subbasins will be covered in 1982. C-1-2 Distributions of many of the game bird and mammal species,l/ as well as anadromous fish streams, mapped by ADF&G have been rectified and digitized by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Redlands, California, as part of the data base for the study. Much of the existing data on terrestrial species is general and differs in detail throughout the study area (ADF&G, 1980). However, the ADF&G data on species distributions and use areas provided a check for modeled habitat suitabilities. 2. Models of habitat suitability Habitat suitability for six wildlife species was modeled by exam~n~ng the relationship between those species' habitat requirements and the physical and biological characteristics of the Willow Subbasin. Species were chosen for modeling if they were: (1) addressed in the Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Criteria Handbook-Alaska (USFWS, 1980a); (2) covered by ADF&G distribution and abundance data; (3) widespread or present in several habitats within the subbasin; and (4)ndependent upon habitat parameters which could be assessed using vegetation, soils, and other data mapped during the Cooperative Study. Habitat models were developed for spruce grouse (Canachites canadensis), willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus), snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), beaver (Castor canadensis), and moose (Alces alces). (a) The Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Criteria Handbook -Alaska The FWS Terrestrial Handbook for Alaska provided the general methodology for modeling wildlife habitat suitabilities in a manner comparable with other resource use suitabilities (e.g. agriculture, timber, settlement, recreation). The Handbook offers the most complete data base available on species- specific habitat requirements. It was developed for use with the national Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) program (USFWS, 1980b). HEP provides a methodology for systematically measuring vegetation, soils, and other environmental data and then using these data to evaluate the habitat suitability of an area for a particular species. The HEP method- ology may also be used to predict how habitat suitability will change over time, with and without various developments. The Terrestrial Hand- book is organized into individual "species accounts" for 29 wildlife species found in Alaska. Species accounts are based upon information from published and unpublished sources, as well as on the judgements of species experts. Species accounts include narrative summaries of habitat requirements for food, cover, reproduction, and other life requisites. General habitat types (e.g. tundra, loW shrublands, coniferous forests) which provide suitable environmental conditions for each species life 2/The 26 wildlife species mapped by ADF&G are: sharp-tailed grouse, spruce grouse, rock ptarmigan, willow ptarmigan, white-tailed ptarmigan, snowshoe hare, hoary marmot, arctic ground squirrel, red squirrel, flying squirrel, beaver, muskrat, porcupine, coyote, gray wolf, red fox, black bear, brown bear, marten, weasel, mink, wolverine, river otter, lynx, moose, and Dall's sheep. Fish species covered by the anadromous fish streams map include: chinook, sockeye, coho, chum, and pink salmon. C-1-3 requisite are identified; and graphs and equations for computing species- specific habitat suitability index (HSI) values for a particular area are provided. Mathematical models were developed using data referenced in -the species accounts. The REP system provides an experimental method for quantifying the relation- ship between certain physical or biological habitat characteristics in an area and the potential suitability of that area for a particular species such as moose or ptarmigan. Habitat characteristics or "habitat parameters" are measured in the field and then assigned suitability index (SI) values of from 0.0 to 1.0 according to graphs provided in the REP species accounts. An SI value of 1.0 indicates that the parameter, as measured (e.g. percent tree canopy cover), is optimum in the area under study, while a value of 0.0 is assigned when a habitat characteristic is limiting to a particular wildlife species. Handbook graphs and life requisite equations can be used as diagnostic tools for determining the factors potentially limiting a species in specific habitats. Using REP, only those vegetation cover or habitat types in which a species of interest is found are evaluated; only those life requisites which that habitat supplies are considered. When a species utilizes a variety of habitat types, different factors become important depending on which type is considered. (b) Habitat Types as Classified by Vegetation Habitat types can be distinguished and categorized on the basis of vegeta- tion composition. As a result, A Suggested Classification for Alaskan Vegetation (Fourth Revision) (Dyrness and Viereck, 1979) provided the vegetation classification system used for both the Terrestrial Handbook and SCS field sampling and mapping of the subbasin. This system is a hierarchical framework and descriptive nomenclature for the classifica- tion of Alaskan vegetation. For the classification levels used here, the Fourth Revision cited above is essentially the same as the updated version published in 1980. In order to promote compatibility of resource inventory data collected by different organizations, and studies, the Dyrness and Viereck vegetation classification system was ~]vised to be usable by any researcher, planner, or land manager in Alaska.-The dynamic nature of the system allows revisions as necessary to accomodate new information and additional vegetation categories. The classification scheme consists of five levels, starting with general vegetation formation (forest, shrubland, tundra, herbaceous, and aquatic) 3/Creation of the system was under the guidance of the Interagency Committee on the Classification of Alaskan Vegetation, formerly sponsored by The Joint Federal -State Land Use Planning Commission. Upon termination of the Commission in June 1979, committee activities were transferred to the Alaska Land Managers Cooperative Task Force. C-1-4 at Level I and continuing to specific plant communities at Level V. Level II was used both for HEP species accounts and for baseline mapping of vegetation in the Willow Subbasin: Forest coniferous mixed coniferous-deciduous !!_/Tundra Shrub land deciduous -sedge-grass herbaceous shrub -mat and cushion tall -low i/Grassland tall -herbaceous-sedge Subbasin vegetation was mapped using 1:63,360 scale color infrared aerial photographs and field data collected in summer 1978. For this mapping the SCS subdivided the Level II vegetation categories into Level III and, in some cases, Level IV categories. A total of 30 vegetation types, in addition to categories of disturbed/barren and water, were distinguished, Species habitat parameters were then evaluated in each vegetation type used by the species being considered. General HEP habitat types (Level II) are correlated to more detailed SCS vegetation types (Levels III and IV) in Table 1. Table 1 was used to determine which vegetation types should be considered potentially suitable habitats for each of the six wildlife species consideredi Suitability Index (SI) values were determined for the habitat parameters which occured in a given vegetation type and affected at least one of the six evaluation species, Sis for the habitat parameters in a given vegetation type were then combined to produce an overall habitat suitability value 1 indicating how well that vegetation type met a particular species life requisites. Habitat parameters were evaluated using data ranging from quantified measurements of tree heights, shrub and tree canopy cover, or moss ground cover, to estimations of dominant plant species, and to more qualitative assessments such as the accessibility of escape terrain for Dall's sheep. Specific data for evaluating parameters such as tree heights or percent shrub canopy cover do not exist for the entire study area, However, by combining the three sources of information avaliable, suitability values could be determined for several vegetation habitat parameters Without specific local data, These three sources were: (1) SCS descriptions of vegetation cover types (attached); (2) field data from sampled sites; and (3) consultations with U.S. Forest Service and SCS biologists, range scientists, and foresters involved with study design and field sampling. 4/The tussock tundra type is not present in the Willow Subbasin. S/Grasslands are actually termed "herbaceous" in the Alaska vege- tative system, For the purposes of this study and consistency with SCS typing and sampling, the tall and mid-grass categories have been grouped together as tall grass. C-1-5 Table 1. SCS vegetation classification system used in the Willow Subbasin as correlated to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servic~Habitat Evaluation Procedures classification (Dyrness and Viereck, 1979). HEP SCS Vegetation Categories Closed Forests ( 50% crown cover) coniferous 21 = Coniferous, White Spruce, Short Stands deciduous 22 = Deciduous, Mixed, Young Stands mixed 24 = Deciduous, Mixed, Medium-aged Stands coniferous 25 = Coniferous, White Spruce, Tall Stands 26 = Deciduous-Mixed, Old Stands deciduous 27 = Cottonwood, Young Stands deciduous 28 Cottonwood, Medium-aged Stands mixed 29 = Cottonwood, Old Stands Open Forest-Woodland (10-50% crown cover) coniferous 31 = Coniferous, White Spruce, Short Stands mixed 32 = Deciduous, Mixed, Medium-aged Stands coniferous 33 Coniferous, White Spruce, Tall Stands mixed 34 = Deciduous-Mixed, Old Stands deciduous 35 = Cottonwood, Medium-aged Stands mixed 36 = Cottonwood, Old Stands Black Spruce and Mountain Hemlock coniferous 41 = Black Spruce, Closed, Short Stands coniferous 42 = Black Spruce, Closed, Tall Stands C-1-6 coniferous tall grass low shrub herbaceous sedge-grass tall shrub tall shrub low shrub 43 : Black Spruce, Open, Short Stands Non-Forest ( 10% crown cover) 50 : Saltwater Wetlands, Grassland 51 : Saltwater Wetlands, Low-Shrub 52 : Saltwater Wetlands, Tidal Marsh 60 : Tall Shrub, Alder 61 : Tall Shrub, Alder-Willow (streamside) 62 : Low Shrub, Willow-Resin Birch tall grass 63 : Grassland sedge-grass 64 : Tundra, Sedge-Grass tundra herbaceous 65 : Tundra, Herbaceous tundra shrub tundra 66 : Tundra, Shrub mat & cushion 67.: Tundra, Mat and Cushion tundra herbaceous 68 : Fresh Water Wetlands, Sphagnum Bog sedge-grass low shrub 69 : Fresh Water Wetlands, Sphagnum-Shrub Bog Non-Vegetated disturbed 70 : Cultural Features 82 Snowfield 83 : Glacier Water freshwater 91 Lakes 40 ac. freshwater 92 : Lakes 10 ac. 40 ac. freshwater 96 Streams and Rivers 165 ft. 660 ft. wide freshwater 97 River l/8 mile wide (660ft.) C-1-7 A map of the vegetation types listed in Table 1 was part of the data base automated by ESRI for use in modeling the different resource capabilities of the study area. Computerized data on soil types, the presence of water and proximities of various vegetation types or pabitat features were also available in assessing habitat parameter.values. (c) Species and habitat suitabilities modeled for the study Habitat 67uitability was mapped according to two multi-species habitat models.- Model A: moose, snowshoe hare Model B: willow ptarmigan, spruce grouse, red squirrel Computer model outputs consist of maps which display habitat types in terms of their suitability to support the life requisites of the wildlife evaluation species. Thus output maps show areas providing unsuitable, low, or suitable habitat for the life requisites of particular species. Habitat types potentially suitable for each species' life requisites are presented in .Table 2. Species may be found to a limited extent in vegeta- tion types other than those specified in the table or delineated on final study maps. The degree of resolution possible in the habitat suitability models was limited by two factors: (1) the general, rather than site-specific, nature of information available for most of the Willow Subbasin; and (2) time and budget constraints. Thus it was not possible to divide habitat suitability categories beyond "unsuitable", "low", and "sui table" as described below: unsuitable low suitability suitable -areas with a 0.0 suitability index value for at least one habitat parameter; -areas with suitability indices less than 0.4 but greater than 0.0 for approximately half of the paTameters used to assess habitat suitability; these areas are potentially limiting to a given wildlife species. -areas which are generally not limiting for a given species' life requisite(s); the suitability index of each applicable habitat parameter was approximated to be at least 0.4. Relative weighting of each habitat parameter is incorporated into parameter graphs (e.g. Figures 1 through 4) by the range of possible SI values (USFWS 1980a). Thus while graphed SI values of less important parameters may range between 0.8 and 1.0, graphed SI values for more important parameters may drop to zero. Parameters with a narrow range have much 6/A third habitat model was developed for beaver. Due to time and funding constraints, this model could not be analyzed by computer. The beaver model may be revised and utilized in analyzing wildlife habitats.in other parts of the Susitna River Basin. C-1-8 Table 2. Life1 yequisites modeled for each species by habitat type-- HABITAT TYPE Species Coniferous Forest Mixed Coniferous- Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest Moose WR, we C S/S/F F S/S/F WR, we C S/S/F F S/S/F WR, we C S/S/F F S/S/F Snowshoe F F Repro. c F Repro. c Hare Repro. c Willow F Ptarmigan Repro. c WR Red Squirrel F F Repro. c F Repro. c c Spruce F (S/SF/ F S/S/F Repro. c Repro. c WR WR BeaveJl F c !:./ 2:./ Based upon species accounts in USFWS 1980 Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Criteria Handbook-Alaska. Moose life requisites were modified for the Willow Subbasin, see Section C, Part 1. Areas suitable as beaver habitat must be within 880 yards (805 m) of water and include all perennial water bodies, streams, and rivers. Because of funding limitations, the beaver model was developed but not analyzed by computer. Symbols: WR = Winter Range WC = Winter Cover F = Food S/S/F = Spring/Summer/Fall C = Cover Repro. = Reproduction C-1-9 Table 2. Life1 yequisites modeled for each species by habitat type- HABITAT TYPE Species Shrub lands Grasslands Tundra Tall Low Moose WR WR we C S/S/F F S/S/F F S/S/F Tall Herbaceous- Sedge c S/S/F F S/S/F F S/S/F Shrub Mat and Cushion, Tussock, or Herbaceous F S/S/F F S/S/F Snowshoe F Hare Repro. c Willow F F Repro. c Ptarmi-Repro. gab. c WR WR 2 Beaver-/ F F :!/ c c Based upon species accounts in USFWS 1980 Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Criteria Handbook-Alaska. Moose life requisites were modified for the Willow Subbasin, see Section C, Part 1. Areas suitable as beaver habitat must be within 880 yards (805 m) of water and include .all perennial water bodies, streams, and rivers. Because of funding limitations the beaver model was developed but not analyed by compu~er. Symbols: WR = Winter Range WC = Winter Cover F = Food S/S/F = Spring/Summer/Fall C = Cover Repro. = Reproduction C-1-10 less influence on an overall numerical suitability value than do parameters with wide ranges. Those parameters which can be assigned an SI value of 0.0 may be considered limiting factors. Consequently the life requisites evaluated_ by such limiting parameters would be limited with an overall SI = 0.0 Descriptions of the life requisite(s) for which identified areas are limiting or unsuitable are included•ln the accompanying species-specific accounts~ (d) Example of rationale behind habitat models SI values for several habitat parameters were rated for more generaliz_ed habitat categories formed by groupings of SCS vegetation types (e.g. open forests). An example of these groupings and the modeling of habitat suitability is detailed below for snowshoe hare. Only generalized descrip- tions of modeling procedures are given in the attached accounts for all other evaluation species. "Percent tree canopy cover" was one of four parameters used to compute SI values for snowshoe hare cover and reproduc- tion in forest types. According to the Terrestrial Handbook account for snowshoe hare, closed forests are of greater value for cover and reproduc- tion than are open forests because they offer greater protection from predators (USFWS 1980a). SCS defined forest types 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 41, and 42 as having a canopy closure greater than 50 percent. All other forest types were classified as open forests with canopy closures of from 10 to 50 percent. Therefore the closed forest types listed above could be assigned a high SI value (0.8 to 1.0) for the snowshoe hare tree cover parameter; those types fall within the high range on the appropriate HEP graph. Open forest types can similarly be assigned a moderate SI value (0.4 to 0.8). Where data on some parameters were lacking, information on the remaining parameters could be composited to determine the overall habitat value as long as none of the remaining factors was limiting (i.e. SI >O). For example, to measure food value for a given species, five parameters might be identified in the Handbook. Yet, it might be possible to approximate qnly four of these parameters from data available in the study area. Assume at least three of the measurable parameters have suitability indices of at least 0.4 and none can be assigned an SI = 0.0. Then habitat suitability from the geometric mean of all five parameters should be at least moderate, even if the unknown parameter has a low suitability index (0.0< SI<0.4). Thus it would be unnecessary to determine the fifth parameter. However, if one or more parameters were assigned an SI = 0.0, the life requisite was considered limited. The appropriate area was then mapped as unsuitable for that life requisite and species. (e) Limitations to usefulness of the study models Two factors may limit the validity of the Terrestrial Handbook species models and the habitat models developed for this study. To begin with, a certain amount of interpretation and judgment was involved in compiling existing data for the Handbook. Handbook authors, however, did give highest priorities to Alaskan research and to information derived through empirical methods (USFWS 1980a). Limitations of available information and reservations concerning use of information on species habitat require- ments are described in each species account; these limitations were taken into account in dev~loping habitat models for the Willow Subbasin. ---Secondly,-Handoook-mode Is -have-only -rec-entry b<ien devenwe-d-;--Thus--the models have not previously been tested or used in areawide planning. C-1-11 Every effort was made to overcome these limitations, including: (1) discussions with ADF&G and USFWS biologists regarding model assumptions and applicability to the study area; (2) review by ADF&G area biologists of initial habitat suitabilities mapped by computer; and (3) field verifi- cation of habitat characteristics and suitabilities identified on the computer outputs. It must also be noted that the resolution of modeled information is relatively general. Because the minimum mapping unit was 10 acres (4 ha), valuable riparian or other areas smaller than 5 acres may not be identified (see Section 4.28, Wetlands, for further discussion of minimum mapping unit effects). In applying model outputs to specific areas, an on-ground site evaluation must be made to identify valuable streamside corridors or other small areas. A final caution must be added before the specific habitat models are described. Habitat conditions are not static. They change with both natural and human-induced plant succession, as well as with other natural and cultural processes such as flooding, clearing, earth movements, fire, etc. As a result, conditions modeled in the report are not necessarily the conditions which will exist in the future. Plant succession is addressed in the main report (Section 4.27). Succession and other dynamic processes should be considered when applying the habitat models and when developing long-range management plans. C. INDIVIDUAL SPECIES HABITAT MODELS Since separate models of Wetlands and Land Use Constraints (including anadromous fish streams) were developed during the study, the habitat models were focused on terrestrial upland species. It was assumed that areas most important to fish and waterfowl would be delineated by Wetlands and Land Use Constraints models. The following discussion is divided into a species-by-species description of habitat requirements related to Willow Subbasin features. Unless otherwise referenced, all information on species habitat requirements and life requisites is adapted from the Terrestrial Handbook (USFWS 1980a). Additional information and reference lists are available in the Handbook. 1. Moose --Alces alces (a) Subbasin moose populations Highly visible and widely distributed throughout Alaska, moose are th.e object of a multi-million dollar hunting and guiding business, provide important meat supplies for many people, and are a popular subject for observation and photography. The over 800,000 acres of suitable moose .habitat within the one million acre Willow Subbasin support 2,000-4,000 moose. This highly valuable wildlife resource is located within a 2-hour drive of half the state's human population. Nearly half of the state's licensed hunters and trappers reside in this area: 23,644 in Anchorage and 3,525 in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough in 1979. In additon to being highly accessible to large numbers of people, Subbasin moose populations are highly productive, as indicated by population estimates, calf:cow ratios, and twinning rates. A unique combination of environmental and cultural conditions is responsible for the high moose productivity in the area: C-1-12 1) availability of suitable habitats for year-round food and cover--Nutrition has been widely accepted as a major deter- minant of moose productivity. Calf:cow ratios, twinning rates, and winter mortality are all related to nutrition, and there- fore to quality and quantity of forage. Preferred forage species such as young-growth willow, birch, and aspen, aquatic forbs, and other herbaceous species are currently abundant and widespread throughout the Subbasin. In addition, different vegetation types providing alternative food sources are highly interspersed wi·th one another and with protective cover vegeta- tion. Wetlands, which provide nutritious succulent forbs and may be favored calving areas, cover approximately two-thirds of the Subbasin. 2) moderate maritime climate--Cool moist summers and mild winters prvide a climate favorable for moose. In particular, winter moose mortality in the Subbasin is relatively low most years because the depths, density, hardness, and duration of snows in the area generally do not seriously reduce moose mobility or food availability. Snow accumulations at the lower elevations are normally not heavy, and frequent strong winds in the Subbasin reduce snow cover on exposed sites. In addition, strong winds privde relief from insects during summer and fall. Climatological conditions in the Willow Subbasin are noticeably favorable in comparison to conditions immediately to the north, where average temperatures are colder and snow depths greater (Didrickson 1968). The more favorable climate of the Willlow Subbasin is believed to allow greater numbers of calves and older age-class individuals to survive the winter (Didrickson, 1968 and pers. comm. 1980). 3. low natural predation--Long-term and widely dispersed human settlement in the Subbasin has significantly reduced wild predator populations. In particular, wolves, black bear, and brown bear numbers are kept low by trapping, hunting, and defense-of-life-and-property kills. These three predator species can significantly contribute to moose mortality and their absence increases moose survival rates. 4) historical disturbances, both natural and human-caused--Natural disturbances such as wildfires, flooding, and glacial movements; and human-caused disturbances such as logging, accidental and intentional fires, clearing for roads, homesteads, agriculture, etc. promote the early successional browse species which charac- terize productive moose habitats. Prior to the early 1940's, early successional browse was not abundant in the Subbasin and moose were consequently scarce. As outlined by Chatelain (1951) and Didrickson (1968), great numbers of moose first appeared about 1947-48, responding to habitat .changes casued by human exploration and settlement. Specifically, during the 1920's and 30's, activities of miners, railroad construction crews, and early settlers changed subbasin vegetation by clearing and burning timber. Large areas of the Subbasin were burned about 1924 and reburned about 1940, with smaller fires in between. As a result, early seral vegetation suitable for moose browse appeared where such vegetation had not existed before. Triggered by the sudden abundance of food, and abetted by the favorable climate, the high reproductive capability ·of moose caused a rapid increase in Subbasin moose populations. C-1-13 Moreover, un~il the late 1960's, Subbasin moose habitat originally created in the 1920's-40~s was largely maintained by th~ constantly changing patterns of human land use, especially homesteading, in the area. New homesteads were cleared while others, previously cleared, were abandoned and reverted to moose browse. The result was the continual production of new moose browse as old browse underwent successional changes' and declined in productivity. Since the late 1960's, reductions in land-use activities beneficial to moose have caused some declines in the quality and quantity of Subbasin moose habitats. Nonetheless, ~he moderate climate, availability of suitable plant communities, and low predation characteristic of the Subbasin still permit large moose populations which can benefit greater numbers pf people more easily than any other big game populations in the State. If moose habitat can be maintained and/or enhanced, this wildlife resource can remain available for the long-term use and enjoyment of thousands of people. Moose utilize a variety of habitats, depending on climate, availability, tradition, and seasonal needs. As seen in the Willow Subbasin, moose generally coexist with humans when protected from over-exploitation. However, Subbasin moose populations will decline as the quantity and quality of moose range is diminished through settlement, development, and fire supression (ADF&G 1973). Loss of range has been and will probably continue to be the primary negative human impact to moose in the Willow Subbasin (Jack Didrickson, ADF&G, pers. comm., May 1980). Moreover, with increasing vehicular traffic and the paving of additional roads, road mortality can be expected to rise and mortality from trains to remain a significant impact. (b) Moose habitat use As noted previously, moose are associated with seral communities created by fire, glacial, or fluvial action, as well as with climax upland shrub and lowland bog communities. Upland willows along streams and birch in drier sites are important in summer and autumn; in areas of light snow accumulation, upland shrubs may be used all year. Important moose summer range is found in lowland bogs. These bogs are characterized by an intricate mosaic of black spruce forests, wet herbaceous vegetation, shrubs, subclimax hardwood communities, and numerous intermediate succes- sional stages. Key winter range is provided by the successional communi- ties of birch-willow-aspen shrub thickets with a high proportion of willows. Quality and 'distribution of food plants are of prime importance in meeting moose nutr}jional requirements and providing a preferred variety of forage. Brows~ is the winter staple, with willow (Salix spp.) the l/Browse is here defined as woody stems eaten after deciduous leaves have dropped. C-1-14 preferred species. Birch (Betula spp.), cottonwood (Populus spp.), and aspen (Populus tremuloides) are utilized heavily in areas where willow is scarce or absent. Some low-growing species such as lowbush cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and foliose lichens (Peltigera spp.) are important alternative winter foods. As a variety of terrestrial and aquatic herbaceous plants becomes available, use of browse ceases through late spring and summer. In fall, browse again becomes of prime importance. In summer, moose are frequently seen feeding in open areas and utilizing bordering shrub and forest areas for cover. Winter cover needs are generally determined by the influence of climatic factors, particularly snow and wind, on food availability and animal mobility. Mature forest stands with dense canopies provide cover for escape from wind and snow, especially in late winter. Moose generally prefer more open, shrub-domi- nated areas and sedge meadows in early winter when snow depth is minimal. In late winter, moose shift to closed canopy coniferous and deciduous riparian habitats where snow accumulation is reduced, and ground vegeta- tion more visible than in the shrub and open meadow habitats. Wet, marshy lowlands, characterized by open areas interspersed with dense stands of shrubs and trees, are commonly observed to serve as moose calving grounds. Openings with abundant early spring forage are frequently used as calving areas. However, identification of calving concentrations in open wetlands may be attributed as much to greater ease of human observation as to actual moose distributions (Didrickson, pers. comm.). Islands in rivers and lakes are also often used for parturition. Studies of radio-collared moose provide evidence that moose utilize nearly all suitable feeding and cover habitat types for calving; quantitative infor- mation on varying levels of use among different types is lacking. Frequently, the value of a habitat for moose depends on its proximity to other habitat types. A mixture of vegetation types can provide cover habitat in close proximity to feeding habitat and a variety of alterna- tive food species and successional stages. Optimally interspersed habitat will supply all requirements within a minimum area, although home range size for moose is variable. While some moose populations make substantial and traditional seasonal movements, other populations are predominantly sedentary. (c) Moose habitat model For the purposes of this study, the moose habitat model in the Terres- trial Handbook (USFWS l980a) was modified to take into consideration habitat characteristics and moose activities within the Willow Subbasin, as well as the generalized nature of the habitat information that was available. Modifications were based upon discussions with Jack Didrickson, Paul Arneson, and Warren Ballard, AOF&G, and Wayne Regelin, USFWS. Willow Subbasin habitats were evaluated for their suitability in providing four life requisites believed essential to the area's moose: winter range, winter cover, food (spring/summer/fall), and cover (spring/summer/fall). Although reproduction with regard to parturition and the first few weeks after calves are born, is a fifth moose life requisite, calving habitats were not separately mapped. Biologists do not have sufficient information for accurately delineating or evaluating calving habitats. Water _is also an important component of moose habitats but it is generally not limiting in the Willow Subbasin. The life requisites evaluated in each habitat type are listed in Table 3. The assumptions and criteria used to distin- guish and model unsuitable, limited, and suitable areas within each habitat type are discussed in terms of applicable life requisites. C-1-15 n I ..... I ..... a- TABLE 3 MOOSE LIFE REQUISITES EVALUATED BY HABITAT TYPE Potential Life Requisites Willow Subbasin Habitat Types* CF MF DF TS LS TG HSG ST HT Winter Range XX XX XX XX XX Winter Cover XX XX XX XX Food (Spring/Summer/Fall) XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX Cover (Spring/Summer/Fall) XX XX XX XX XX XX = Type was evaluated for suitability in supplying each life requisite *CF = Coniferous forest MF = Mixed forest DF = Deciduous forest TS = Tall shrub LS = Low shrub TG = Tall grass HSG = Herbaceous sedge-grass ST = Shrub tundra HT = Herbaceous tundra MCT = Mat and cushion tundra SGT = Sedge-grass tundra MCT SGT XX XX Winter Range--Coniferous Forest (CF), Mixed Forest (MF), Deciduous Forest (DF), Tall Shrub (TS), and Low Shrub (LS) Winter range, as a combination of food and cover requirements, is considered the primary factor limiting moose in the.Willow Subbasin (Didrickson, pers. comm.). Plant quality, plant quantity, and cover are the three factors which determine the suitability of Subbasin shrublands and forests as moose winter range.· Quality of food plants is indicated by the plant species present in potentially .suitable vegetation types. The vertical extent and horizontal cover of moose browse species determine food plant quantity; browse is available on plants growing to a height of approximately 10-15 feet (to 4.6 m), or on thos.e which can be bent over (i.e. plants with circumferences less than 5 inches (3 em)). Suitable winter ranges must also provide cover for thermal protection, to keep snow off browse ·plants, and to prevent snow accumulations. that restrict animal mobility. Such ranges are indicated by the percent coniferous tree canopy cover, defined by vegetation type. The ability of Subbasin habitats to provide these three factors was determined using SCS vegetation type descriptions, SCS measurements of vegetative production (Table 4), and further details provided by SCS and USFS personnel. Numbers corresponding to SCS vegetation types were previously given (Table 1). Areas of low value as moose winter range generally consisted of those vegetation types where at least two of the three quality, quantity, and cover factors described above are limited. These areas are as follows: CF Type 42--closed, tall stands of black spruce: shrub and deciduous sapling cover and height values were low relative to other types. DF Types 28--closed, medium-aged stands of cottonwood: limited availability of cover and browse. MF Type 26--closed, old stands of mixed-deciduous forest: limited plant quality as characterized by SCS productivity measurements. TS Type 60--alder: low plant quality as characterized by SCS; type may be used for cover if adjacent to suitable food. Winter Cover--CF, MF, DF, TS Winter cover is provided by the same general habitat types as is winter range, with the exception of low shrub areas. The greater the percent coniferous tree canopy, tall shrub, and sapling crown covers, the more suitable the type is as moose winter cover. Thermal protection within these types will be influenced by climatic features such as snow and wind which can limit food availability and animal mobility. Topographic relief, i.e. slightly hilly landscapes, affords greater protection than flat terrain. Minor topographic features are an important characteristic of moose winter cover which could not be measured for this study. For the with an limited 35. moose habitat model, winter cover was considered limited in areas open deciduous canopy or with a closed deciduous canopy and understory. Three habitat types were so limited: 27, 28, and C-1-17 n I ..... I ..... 00 CONIFEROUS FOREST 21 25 31 33 TABLE 4 Annual Production of Willow Subbasin Vegetation Types As Determined by U.S. Soil Conservation Service* VEGETATION TYPE DECIDUOUS FOREST MIXED FOREST 41 42 43 22 27 28 35 24 26 29 32 34 36 A 1000-400-1200-300-150-100-300- 1500 650 2000 700 400 300 900 400-100-600- 700 300 1000 400- 1000 200-400- 1000 1500 700-1000-800-700- 1100 1800 1500 1300 B H M H M L L M M L M M M M M H M/H TALL LOW SHRUB TUNDRA TALL HERBACEOUS SHRUB GRASS SEDGE-GRASS 60 61 51 62 69 64 65 66 67 63 50 68 52 2500-500-200-750-500-200-300-500-· so-2500-800-300-400- 3000 H A B 1500 M/H 800 1000 1200 800 800 1200 100 3500 1500 600 1300 M M M M M M L H H M M Total annual production of herbaceous plants and woody shrubs (lbs/acre) Rating for moose forage availability -based on habitat type descriptions and personal communications provided by U.S. s.c.s. personnel *Production was rated as follows: high ~ greater than 1000 lbs/acre moderate ~ 300-1000 lbs/acre low z les·s than 300 lbs/acre M/H Spring/Summer/Fall Cover--CF, MF, DF, TS, TG Most of the Willow Subbasin may be classified as spring/summer/fall cover (Didrickson, pers. comm.). Spring/summer/fall are defined as mid-April through early or mid-November. Habitats supplying spring/summer/fall cover are necessary to provide protection from weather in spring and hunters in late fall. None of the vegetation types potentially suitable as moose spring/summer/fall cover were considered limited. Spring/summer/fall food--CF, DF, MF, TS, LS, TG, HSG, ST, MCT, HT, SGT Moose can find spring/summer/fall food in nearly any habitat type where herbaceous vegetation is available. Availability and palatability of forage species affect the intensity with which moose utilize specific plant species for spring/summer/fall food. Thus the same factors of quality and quantity, important in determining winter range, must be considered here. Spring/summer/fall food was considered li~ited for moose in areas of limited forage quality and low productivity as indicated by SCS measure- ments, Table 4. Only three types were so limited: CF type 42, MF type 26, and TS type 60. While winter range is often termed the critical moose habitat, it is spring/summer/fall habitat which allows a moose population to achieve its greatest numbers. During those seasons moose attain the physical reserves which will sustain them through winter stresses. (d) Limitations of model Snow, wind, and insects are three factors which affect habitat suitability but which were not accounted for in the moose habitat model. Snowfall is highly variable on both an annual and local scale; long-term, compre- hensive snowfall data do not exist within the study area. Because snow decreases food availability and restricts animal mobility, it may be the primary factor limiting an area's suitability as moose winter range. Alternatively, additional habitats may be suitable winter range in years of light snow, e.g. shrub tundra habitats where moose generally do not winter because of relatively high snow accumulations. Tundra was not considered potentially suitable as winter range. Wind is another factor not easily measured but strongly influential in determining habitat suitability for moose. Wind may cause important forage to become available by blowing areas free of snow. At the same time, moose mobility may be reduced in wind-packed snow. Moose will be required to seek protection in extremely open, windy areas. Summer insect concentrations in forests may cause moose to seek more exposed areas where breezes provide relief from insects, despite the concomitant loss of protection from predators. While neither snow, wind, nor insect levels can be reliably predicted for a given area, it is important to consider their influence when evaluating habitat suitability at specific sites. One final consideration regarding the habitat suitabilities defined by this model is palatability of specific plant species. Moose do not equally select all species of willow as browse •. Thus not allwillow . habltat_s_ are aui:oma-dcaTly-better ror moose than Subbas:Ln-alder habitats. C-1-19 However, willow species could not be differentiated at the level of vegetation mapping undertaken during this study. Areas identified as limited moose habitat by this modeling effort should not necessarily be eliminated as potential habitat. The greatest potential for habitat manipulation and improvement may be in those limited areas if the limitations can be eliminated or compensated. (e) Results Nearly the entire vegetated portion of the Willow Subbasin may be classified as suitable habitat for moose. (Note, 12 percent of the Subbasin was mapped as nonvegetated water bodies and barren or cul- turally-disturbed land. That area was not included in calculating areas of potential moose habitat.) Slightly more than half of the Subbasin is suitable as moose winter range or winter cover (Table 5). For spring/summer/ fall range, food is less limiting than is cover: 83 percent of the Subbasin has suitable spring/summer/fall food; only 63 percent has suitable cover. Only 1.5 percent of the Subbasin was classified as unsuitable habitat. This classification was for winter range. In total, 3.5 percent of the forest and tall shrublands were of limited suitability as moose winter range; 5 percent were of limited suitability as moose spring/summer/ fall range (the combination of food and cover life requisites during those seasons). 2. Willow ptarmigan -Lagopus lagopus The willow ptarmigan occupies shrublands·, shrubby openings in coniferous forests at or below timberline, and shrub tundra. Because it is widely distributed, abundant, and winters at lower elevations, the willow ptarmigan is the most frequently encountered game bird in the state. Hunting effort varies with bird abundance; ptarmigan populations are characterized by yearly fluctuations with 7-9 years between peaks (ADF&G, 1978a). Although size of the harvest is unknown; ptarmigan hunting is most inten- sive in late winter when snow depths force birds to lower elevations. One of the most popular recreational ptarmigan hunting areas in the state is adjacent to the headwaters of the Little Susitna River in the northeast corner of the study area. Observation and photography of ptarmigan occur year-round and are popular whenever and wherever the birds are acces- sible. Willow and berry plants are the prime components of the willow ptarmigan diet. While willow buds and twigs supply ptarmigan with food in winter, willow leaves and berries become important in spring and domi~~te in late summer. During the fall, use of willow buds and catkins increases but use of willow leaves decreases. Ptarmigan rarely utilize dense stands of timber. Shrubby habitats with few trees are preferred in winter. Below timberline, such habitats are provided by burns, river courses, and areas disturbed by human activity. Habitat value for ptarmigan is enhanced by vegetative diversity and "edge" effect. Thus typical summer habitat consists of shrubby tundra at the upper edge of timber. Good brood cover is characterized by (1) low vegetation in moist areas where chicks can easily travel and feed, (2} high floral diversity, and (3) occasional shrubs of moderate height. Territorial sites are similarly characterized by high plant species diversity and 3 to 6-foot tall (.9-1.8 m) shrub clusters alternating with open vegetation less than 1 foot tall (.3m). Ptarmigan avoid dense brush of any floral composition and wet marshes which tend to be shrubless. C-1-20 Table 5. Acres of habitat suitable or limited for moose by habitat type and life requisite Moose Life Requisites Habitat T pe CF . MF DF TS LS TG HSG ST total acres 171,010 243,690 35,700 49,670 66,520 14,270 125,300 1220 of habitat in study area MCT Total HT Potential SGT Habitat 145,150 853,530 (%)of Total (17.7) (25.1) (3.7) (5.1) (6.9) (1.5) (12.9) (.1) (15.0) (88.0) Winter Range s 165,940 230,690 32,310 23,810 L 6,070 13,010 3,390 11,640 u 0 0 0 14,220 "Winter s 172,010 243,690 32,310 49,670 cover L 0 0 3,390 0 66,520 0 0 519,270 (60.8) 34,110 (4. 0) 14,220 (1.7) 497,680 (58.3) 3,390 ( .4) Spring/ summer/ fall food s 165,940 230,690 35,700 23,810 66,520 14,270 125,300 1220 145,150 808,600 (94.7) L 6,070 13,010 0 25,860 Spring/ summer/ fall cover s 172,010 243,690 35,700 38,130 L 0 S = suitable L = limited U = unsuitable 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,270 109,810 0 15,490 1/Tbe study area also includes 81,820 acres of barren/disturbed of water. Thus the entire study area is 970,260 acres in size. is given, habitat type is not utilized for that life requisite C-1-21 0 0 33,300 (1.8) 613,610 (71.9) 15,490 (3.9) land and 34,910 acres Where no acreage (a) Willow ptarmigan habitat model Ptarmigan habitat has been defined by 14 parameters in coniferous forests and 11 parameters in tall and low shrublands and shrub tundra (Table 6, Figure 1). Food, winter range, cover, and reproduction are the life requisites evaluated within each type. Shrub tundra areas provide suitable habitat for food, cover, and reproduction. Within the Willow Subbasin, neither coniferous forests nor shrublands should bii liiniting for ptarmigan winter range or reproduction, when they are above 1,000 feet in elevation. However, portions of these habitats may be limiting for ptarmigan food or cover. Areas are of limited value in providing ptarmigan food when willows constitute less than 20 perce~t of the total shrubs. This principle ptarmigan food is in low supply in tall alder shrublands and in both open and closed stands of white spruce. Shrublands on dry soils, with a poor interspersion of moderately tall ·shrubs and low open vegetation, are of limited value for cover. The shrub ·understory of tall closed black spruc_e forests is similarly limited as ptarmigan cover. Those Subbasin shrublands on the driest soils have been classified as unsuitable for ptarmigan cover. The lower alpine zone has been characterized as the breeding habitat of willow ptarmigan. Although not part of the computerized data base for this study, elevation can be manually delineated to identify the areas of less than 1,000 feet or greater than 4,250 feet in elevation which are unsuitable for ptarmigan reproduction. (b) Limitations of model: Estimations of the percent willow cover in each vegetation type utilized by ptarmigan are subject to error and may affect the validity of the ptarmigan habitat model. (c) Results Willow ptarmigan are primarily found in the 9.8 percent (289,420 acres) of the Willow Subbasin covered by shrubland, coniferous forest, or shrub tundra vegetation (Table 7). All of these vegetation types located between 1,000 and 4,250 feet in elevation were considered suitable for ptarmigan reproduction. The shrublands and coniferous forests were also potentially suitable as winter range. Within this area approximately 63,490 acres (1.9 percent of potential ptarmigan habitat) consist of tall alder shrublands or white spruce stands of low value for ptarmigan food. Shrublands with low food values, as well as additional shrublands and black spruce stands considered low for ptarmigan cover occur on 49,810 acres or 17.2 percent of the potential ptarmigan habitat. Another 4,100 acres (1.4 percent) of shrublands were classified as unsuitable for cover. (Note, these figures include habitats below 1,000 feet in elevation which are actually unsuitable as ptarmigan habitat. While calculation of the extent of the low elevation areas could not be made, these areas can be manually delineated on the habitat map.) 3. Spruce grouse -Canachites canadensis Spruce grouse inhabit coniferous and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests -throughout -AlasKa.--Wilen-aoun-dl:ui£, these grous-e ate exten·s-iveiy hunted- for recreation and subsistence. The highest grouse densities in the _s_~te are found_in Southcentral Alaska. C-1-=22 Table 6. Parameters and rules for rating habitat suitability for four life requisites of willow ptarmigan, Lagopus lagopus (adapted from USFWS, 1980a). Food Value: Limited when 0 <. I 1 < 0.4. Where: I 1 = Suitability Index (SI) of % willow in total shrubs Winter Range Value: Limited if at least two of the following parameters are assigned low SI's (not evaluated in shrub tundra habitat). Where: I 2 = SI of % tree canopy cover (coniferous forest habitats only) I 3 SI of % alder in total shrubs I 1 SI of % willow in total shrubs I 4 = SI of % shrub crown cover Cover Value: Limited if at least three of the following parameters are assigned low SI's. Where: Is = SI of % coniferous in total trees (coniferous forest habitats only) I6 SI of % tree canopy cover (coniferous forest habitats only) I7 = SI of % shrub crown cover I8 = SI of % bryophyte and graminiform cover less than 1 foot high in openings Ig = SI of soil drainage IlO SI of interspersion of shrubs and lower vegetation Reproductive Value: Limited if at least two of the following parameters are assigned low SI's. Where: Ill = SI of average shrub height (feet) Il2 = SI of % forbs in ground cover I13 ·= SI of maximum height of ground vegetation in openings feet Il4 = SI of elevation (feet above sea level) Suitability index (SI) values were derived from graphs in Figure 1 and SCS vegetation characterizations for coniferous forest, shrubland, and shrub tundra types. I = SI value for designated parameter as delineated on accompanying graphs. Areas where SI = 0.0 for any parameter will be unsuitable for the life requisite(s) defined in any part by that parameter. Suitability is low when 0.0 < I< 0.4. C-1-23 Figure 1. Graphs for determining suitability index values of parameters used to evaluate coniferous forest, tall shrub, and low shrub habitats f.or »illow ptarmigan (adapted from USFWS 1980a). L ~8.8 -~ % VIWI'c' IN lUTA!. Sf<\115 ~ 1!.8 -~ ,,------------ / 'il, u I :;:: I I I I I j:: I ::l 1!. ~ I §! I t:; I ii! 8.2/ C-1-24 Lll / \. / "" a. 8 I \ -I ~ I \ ~ I \ a.sl I \ \ E \ a.~ \ _, \ !i! \ t:; \ m !.2 \ \ B.BB 21! .ca 6B 8B Ull % TRff CA.'U'Y llJ'IE!! <Fm YDITER RAIID Ll " r ~ 8.8 I I -I ~ e I 8.6 I I -I i!:: I ._ B.~ I --' -~ I t:; m 8.2 I I I as, 21! .ca Ill 8B Ull % gaB ~:miN llJVER <Fm YINTER RAIID 11!1 Figure 1, suitability index graphs for willow ptarmigan, continued, L8 -;:.. 8.8 -~ Su -t; --' 8.4 -~ ,_ -~ 8.2 8.81! I.. I! C. B.8 -~ ~ B.6 l= :l 8.4 / ',, I I \ I \ "I \ \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I I I I I I I 28 48 68 as 181! I S!ill.l3 ffiO'I'N aJVER 1"6 II D s.s~A-L~~a-L~~c~--~o- I.. I! ~ B.B -~ e B.6 -l= d B.4 ~ ,_ -~ 1!.2 B.il A soiL IllA~ <ffi£Ellll(; SEASall r 1 B IH1&6M&SICiliF ~ Alll I..DttJ1 VtiB AT!Cil c C-1-25 1.8 ,---------...... I ', c. 8.8 -~ I I I I I I I l= I :: s." I ~ I ~ 11.2 Ell I Elmf!ll1E 00 GRA.~INIF!Jlll aJVER (<1 FOOT HIG! IN !f'ENI~ A -VERY I'O:RY Ill I'O:RY IllAII£D B -SGEYHh T I'O:R Y I:RAital Ill ,'OCElATELY m.J. IllAII£D C -m.J. IllAIIBJ Ill SGEYHAT EXCESSIVRY rnAm::D D -EXCESSIVRY I:RAital A -S<RBS 3-B FT TAll. ISIU TED IN EXT!J!SIYE AP!iJS IF VEIB ATICil lESS THAN 1 FT B -S<RBS 3-B FT TAU. IN !l.lJSTERS SCATTER£IJ VIJI.IWSLY nm.GWT AP!iJS IF VEIBA T!Cil lESS THAN 1 FT C -S<RBS 3-B FT TAU. IN WHE IE.TS IXJUNJ.TII(; AJa WITH OCCASICfiAL !f'ENII£5 IF VEIBAT!Cil lESS THAN 1FT Grouse prefer upland forests with from 30 percent to 90 percent of the stand composed of spruce. Understories with substantial amounts of blueberries and cranberries are also necessary for optimum grouse habitats. The spruce-berry vegetation type will provide grouse with (1) black and white spruce needles which comprise their winter diet; (2) blueberry leaves and buds, old cranberries, and unripe crowberries which are taken in increasing amounts as the snow recedes and are a substantial part of the summer diet until the gradual return to spruce needles in fall; and (3) a favorable vegetation structure for male breeding displays, for concealing chicks, and sometimes for nests. (a) Spruce grouse habitat model Ten habitat parameters are used to determine the habitat suitability of .coniferous and mixed coniferous~deciduous forests for spruce grouse. Combinations of these parameters are used to rate habitat suitability for food (spring/summer/fall), winter range, cover, and reproduction (Table 8). As shown in Figure 2, all but three parameters in coniferous forest types and two parameters in mixed forest types were at least moderately suitable for food, winter range, cover, and reproduction ( SI~ 0.4). As described by SCS, coniferous and mixed forests within the Willow Subbasin will have a percent spruce composition or tree canopy cover high enough to be given at least a moderate suitability value for grouse winter range, cover, ·and reproduction. The one coniferous forest parameter which could be rated low for grouse in the Willow Subbasin is percent cover of berry-producing plants; the sole parameter used to measure spring/summer/fall food value. All four white spruce types were considered to have a berry-producing plant cover of from 5 to·15 percent. Therefore, these types were assigned a low suitability rating for grouse spring/summer/fall food (Table 9). A berry-producing plant cover of less than 5 percent, and thus an unsuitable rating, was characteristic of tall, closed black spruce stands. For the mixed forests, the cover of berry-producing plants was not considered a limiting factor for grouse spring/summer/fall food; thus in mixed forests, no parameters were assigned low suitability ratings. (a) Limitations of spruce grouse habitat model: Estimations of percent cover of berry-producing plants within Subbasin coniferous forest types constitute the main potential source of error in the spruce grouse habitat model. If true percent cover substantially differs from that presented in Table 9, then the suitabilities of vege- tation types rated for grouse spring/summer/fall food would change. Grit is essential to grouse in the fall. Because there was no way to account for grit supplies in the grouse habitat model, some ,areas mapped as suitable grouse habitat may in fact be limited by insufficient grit. (c) Results Approximately 42.8 percent (415,700 acres) of the Willow Subbasin is covered by coniferous and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests potentially suitable as spruce grouse winter range, cover, or reproduction habitat C-1-26 Figure 1, sui~abili~y index graphs for willow ptarmigan, continued. ~~~L~-2----~.----6--~8---18 ~ 1.81 r-il,. 1.8, / I \ ( \. \ I I ~ u' I \ !!! 8.8 : i I • I I I • --I ~ I I ~ I I e 8.6 I I e I I I I ~6 I I I I I I -I I -I I 5u I I r:; I I I I --' 8.4 I I -I I -I I ~ I I ~ I I ... I I ... I I -8.21 -I ~ I ~ 8.2 I I \. I I ----------· I I I I B.BB 1 2 3 .( 5 B.BB 119! 219! 3ll! 419! sal! MAX I£IGIT !F oo.Hl VEIE AT! !II ELEVATI!II Ill !J'IJID£S !Fl) <FT MCNE sa L£VEl) C-1-27 Table 7. Acres of habitat suitable or limited for willow ptarmigan by habitat type and life requisite. Habitat Type Willow ptai'llligan Total life Coniferous Shrub lands Shrub Potential requisites forest tundra Habitat total acres 172,010 116,190 1,220 289,420 of habitat in study area 1 (% of total)-/ (17.7) (12.0) (.1) (29. 8) Food s 139,430 85,280 1,220 225,930 (S/S/F) (7 8 .1) L 32,580 30,910 0 63,490 (21. 9) Cover s 165,940 68,350 1,220 235,510 (81.4) L 6,070 43,740 0 49,810 (17.2) u 0 4,100 0 4,100 (1.4) Repro-s 172,010 116,190 1,220 289,420 duct ion (100) L 0 0 0 0 Winter s 172,010 116,190 288,200 Range (99. 6) L 0 0 0 s suitable L = limited u = unsuitable --habitat is not utilized for this life requisite 1/0nly those portions of these areas which are within approximately 1,000- -4,250 feet in elevation are actually suitable see habitat map. The study area also includes 564,110 acres of other habitat types, 81,820 acres of barren/disturbed land, and 34,910 acres of water. Thus the entire study area is 970,260 acres. C-1-28 Table 8. Parameters and rules for rating habitat suitability for four life requisites of spruce grouse, (adapted from USFWS, 1980a). Food Value (Spring/Summer/Fall): Limited when 0~ I 1 ~ 0.4. Where: I 1 -SI of % cover of berry-producing plants Winter Range Value: Limited if at least one of the following parameters is assigned a low SI. Where: I 2 SI of % spruce in stand composition I 3 = SI of % black spruce in total spruce I4 = Cover Value: Where: I5 = I6 = I2 = I3 = I4 = I7 = Is = (coniferous forest types only) SI of % tree canopy cover Limited if at least three of the following parameters are assigned low suitability indices. SI of % combined white spruce and birch in stand composition (mixed coniferous-deciduous forest types only) SI of % Populus in stand composition {mixed coniferous-deciduous forest types only) SI of % spruce in stand composition SI of % black spruce in total spruce (coniferous forest types only) SI of % tree canopy cover SI of % shrub and sapling crown cover (73 feet) SI of % herbaceous and woody ground cover ~3 feet) Reproductive Value: Limited if at least one of the following parameters is assigned a low suitability index. Where: I 9 = SI of average size of openings among tree trunks (feet) I 10 = SI of height of majority of trees (feet) I 11 = SI of average height of ground vegetation in openings at least 15 feet wide {feet) Suitability index {SI) values for habitat parameters were derived from graphs in Figure 2 and SCS vegetation characterizations for coniferous .and mixed coniferous-deciduous forest habitat types. I = SI value for designated parameter as delineated on accompanying graphs. Areas where SI = 0.0 for any parameter will be unsuitable for the life requisite(s) defined in any part by parameter. Suitability is low when 0.0 <. I~ 0.4. C-1-29 Figure 2. Graphs for determining suitability index values of para- meters used to evaluate coniferous and mixed coniferous- deciduous forests for spruce grouse (adapted from USFWS 1980a) • ..-- ~ -A -!J'E!IINGS 21-39 FEET AOlOSS B -tFENINGS 31--411 FEET AOlOSS ,.--- D -G'EHINGS <15 ffi ><Ill FEET AOlOSS B. s A B c D 1.9 'CD 8.8 A -lREES >3<! F"-I HIQl -~ "" !;! B.B -~ -B. 4 ...I -51 .... -ii! B. 2 B. s A B c 1£!00 DF HAJIRID DF lREES <FD 1.8 -a.s.s -~ ~ B.B -l= -8.4 ...I -51 .... -ii! 8.2 s.sa 1 2 3 4 5 AY. I£IGIT DF OOJ{) VEG. DC !J'Elll!I;S AT LEAST 15' YU:E <FD 8 -TilES 29-3<! Fe: I HIQl C -TREES <11! FEET HIGH C-1-30 Figure 2, suitability index graphs for spruce grouse, continued. Coniferous forests only. LB r---- / -::. 1!. 8 -~ I ~l!.B I I I -I l= I :l!. I I -~ I ,_ I -I iil 1!.2 I I I 8.88 2B .(8 sa 82 182 % CDYER !F terr-f'll!n.CnG FUI!TS LB .... , ', '(;,8.8 ~ -~ ~ 1!.8 -l= ::;u -~ ,_ -iil 11..2 11..88 2B .(8 sa Bil li!S % IUJ:K S!'lUE IN TOTAl. S'laCE 1.1! -;;, 11..8 --~!.8 -l= ::;u -~ ,_ -iil 1!.2 11..81 2 8 18 C-1-31 LB ('/ I \ \ I \ 'N 1!.8 I \ -~ I e I B..6 I I -I l= I -1!.4 I -' I -~ I t-I -I iil 1!.2 I I I U8 2B 48 68 88 lBS x S?!al::E IN sr~ crwosmCfl 1.8 "=:r B. B -~ e 11..8 -i:; 11..4 -' -~ -iil 11..2 B.B8 LB '0 11..8 -~ ~--\ / \ / \ ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2B 48 68 Bil lBS % TREE r:m:PY COVER !.S8~~2B~~48=-~sa=-~~=-~1BS % fESACE!l.5 }.'{) YllDT GmHJ aJYER c<3 rn Figure 2, suitability index graphs for spruce grouse, continued. Mixed coniferous-deciduous forests only. 1.8 / 1.8 / \ ,/ \ 'Nit8 I \ ~ l!.il / I \ -,-' -I \ --eu ,-' e I 8.6 I I --I § !.4 j!:: I .... B. I ....J I .... .... ~ 9! I 1:: I .... I m 1.2 m 8.2 I I I 8.!!8 25! 48 68 88 188 8.88 2S 48 68 88 188 %-OlVER IF % S?.M:E IN STND mf'OSmtll E£mY-f'R((JXm; l'l..mTS 1.8 ,. I "-.. I I '\ I \ ~!.8 I \ -I - 1.1! /- -::..B.S /~ --eu I I I .... I !:: -. I I :...; 1:1.4 • .... I 9! , ... , .... , m s.2 , e !.8 .... E 8.4 ....J .... ~ .... m 8.2 , , 8.81 25! 41 68 88 188 B.SI 2S 48 68 88 188 % 11i'EE r:mFr lllVER 1 C!MliJ£!l mm: sr.an: ND Boot IN STND CXWOSmtll 58 C-1-32 Table 9. Habitat suitability of coniferous forests for spruce grouse in the Willow Subbasin. Life requisite: Food (spring/summer/fall)· Habitat Type -Coniferous Forest Habitat Parameter closed white spruce open white spruce closed black spruce SCS vegetation code berry -producing plant cover = I 1 15% = M-H 5-15% = L 5% = u short 21 L L tall 25 short 31 L L tall 33 short 41 H tall 42 u open black spruce short 43 H In the mixed coniferous-deciduous forest, the suitability index (SI) for berry-producing plant cover ranged from 0.6 to 1.0. Therefore mixed forests will not be limiting for grouse food, Figure 1 was used to determine coniferous forest habitat suitability ratings as follows: Parameter Value 0.8 0.46 I 1 ~ 0.8 0,0 4. I, ~ 0.4 Il = 0,0 L Suitability Index H (high) M (moderate) L (low) U (unsuitable) C-1-33 (Table 10). However, 7.8 percent (32,580 acres) of those forests may be considered of low value for spring/summer/fall food because berry cover is limited to from 5 to 15 percent. Another 1.5 percent (6,070 acres) are estimated to have a berry plant cover of less than 5 percent; therefore, they are unsuitable habitats for grouse spring/summer/fall food. 4. Snowshoe hare -Lepus americanus Common and widespread throughout most of Alaska, the snowshoe hare occupies coniferous, deciduous, mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, and tall shrub habitats. Hare populations are extremely cyclic in inland areas, although less so along the coast. Hare numbers peaked most recently about 1970 then dropped to low levels in the mid-1970's. Throughout the study area, hare population levels remain moderate in localized pockets even when overall populations are at cyclic lows. Human settlement patterns which may adversely affect hare habitat have been particularly prevalent in the Willow Subbasin: fire suppression and prevention activities in recent years have probably reduced hare habitat; urban spread and livestock grazing may cause further adverse local impacts (ADF&G 1978a). At the same time, high hare populations often alter habitat by girdling willows and other browse plants utilized by other species, such as moose. The snowshoe hare is an important food for many furbearers, especially lynx, whose populations fluctuate in response to the hare cycle. Hunting effort varies with population fluctuations, although hare are probably the most popular small game species in Alaska (ADF&G l978a). Areas adjacent to roads and waterways are the most heavily hunted; these areas are also prime places for nonconsumptive observation and photography of hares. The most important factors affecting habitat suitability for snowshoe hare are browse availability and density of cover. Study of hare habitat in interior Alaska has shown the importance of an interspersed environment which provides refuge in winter combined with more open range for summer. Food habits of snowshoe hare vary seasonally with changes in plant species availability; locally, food habits vary with plant species density and distribution. Small twigs, bark, and conifer needles are the components of hare winter diets. Snow depth may be an important factor; deeper snows allow hares to browse at heights beyond their usual reach of approximately 24 inches. Herbaceous plants are consumed with greater frequency as their availability increases: blueberry, lowbush cranberry, fireweed, and horsetail provide food in spring. Green plants, particularly grasses, forbs, and deciduous leaves, comprise the hare's summer diet. Crepuscular and nocturnal, the hare travels along familiar runways from shelter to feeding areas. During the day, the animal rests in slight depressions among ground litter, within dense clumps of low trees or shrubs, or under cover of rocks, logs, stumps, or vegetation bent over with snow. {a) Snowshoe hare habitat model Habitat suitability for snowshoe hare is described by five habitat para- meters in coniferous, deciduous, and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, C-1-34 Table 10. Acres of habitat suitable or limited for spruce grouse by habitat type and life requisite. Spruce grouse life re uisites total acres of habitat in study arev (% of total)- Food (S/S/F) Cover Reproduction Winter range s = suitable L = limited u = unsuitable s Coniferous forest 172,010 (17.7) 133,360 L 32,580 u 6,070 s 172,010 L 0 s 172,010 L 0 s 172,010 L 0 Habitat T pe Mixed forest 243,690 (25. 1) 243,690 0 0 243,690 0 243,690 0 243,690 0 Total Potential Habitat 415,700 ( 42. 8) 377,050 (90. 7) 32,580 (7 .8) 6,070 (1.5) 415,700 0 415,700 0 415,700 0 1/The study area also includes 437,820 acres of other habitat types, -81,820 acres of barren/disturbed land, and 34,910 acres of water. Thus the entire study area is 970,260 acres. C-1-35 and four parameters in tall shrublands (Table 11). Within the Willow Subbasin, height of food plants, extent of shrub and sapling crown cover, and herbaceous and other ground cover make alder and alder-willow tall shrub habitats suitable for snowshoe hare food, cover, and reproduction (Figure 3). Values for those same parameters, as well as for tree canopy cover, indicate that mixed forest habitats of the Subbasin are also suitable for the above life requisites. Evaluations of hare habitat parameters indicate that one of the coniferous and two of the deciduous forest types identified by SCS are of low value as hare habitat. That is, tall closed stands of black spruce typically have a shrub and sapling crown cover of less than 25 percent. This makes them-of low value for hare food, cover, and reproduction; tall black spruce stands provide neither accessible winter browse nor cover from terrestrial predators. With herbaceous ground cover less than 15 percent, these spruce forests are even more limited in providing hare food. Young and medium-aged cottonwood stands are similarly of low value for cover and reproduction; those cottonwoods associated with riparian systems also lack the herbaceous ground cover which would make them suitable habitat for hare food. Since all SCS vegetation types which were limited for hare life requisites were also limited for various moose life requisites, they were not separately mapped. Deciduous forests identified as low value for moose winter range and winter cover are of low value for hare food. They are also limited for hare cover and reproduction when adjacent to streams or rivers. The tall black spruce stands mapped as low value for moose winter range, spring/summer/fall food, and reproduction are also of low value for hare food, cover, and reproduction. (b) Limitations of snowshoe hare habitat model: Errors would be introduced in the snowshoe hare habitat model if actual values for heights of food plants, extent of shrub and sapling crown covers, or percent herbaceous or total ground cover substantially differ from approximations made by SCS, U.S. Forest Service, and FWS personnel for the Willow Subbasin. Since field data from Subbasin coniferous forests had been compiled while data from other types had not, the reliability of the model is highest for coniferous forest types. (c) Results All 290,360 acres (30.2 percent) of mixed forest and tall shrub habitats within the Willow Subbasin are suitable for snowshoe hare food, cover, and reproduction (Table 12). However, 6,070 acres of coniferous forest and 3,390 acres of deciduous forest habitats will be of limited value for hare food, cover, or reproduction. Those areas are equal to 1.9 percent of the potential hare habitat. 5. Red squirrel -Tami.asciurus hudsonicus Red squirrels are found in association with spruce over most of Alaska. A solitary, nonmigratory animal, the red squirrel inhabits the mature C-1-36 Table 11. Parameters and rul.es for rating habitat suitability for three life requisites of snowshoe hare, (adapted from USFWS, 1980a). Food Value: SI's. Where: Il = I2 = I3 = Cover Value: SI' s. Where: I4 = Il = I2 = I5 = Limited if at least two parameters are assigned low Suitability Index of height of cover and food plants for snowshoe hare SI of % shrub and sapling crown cover SI of % herbaceous ground cover Limited if at least two parameters are assigned low SI of % tree canopy cover (forest habitats only) SI of height of cover and food plants for ·snowshoe hare SI of % shrub and sapling crown cover SI of amount of ground cover (vegetation, rocks, stumps) Reproductive Value: Limited if at least two parameters are assigned low SI's. Where: I4 = SI of % tree canopy cover (forest habitats only) Il = SI of height of cover and food plants for snowshoe hare 12 = SI of % shrub and sapling crown cover I5 = SI of amount of ground cover (vegetation, rocks, stumps) Suitability index (SI) values for habitat parameters were derived from graphs in Figure 3 and SCS vegetation characterizations for coniferous, deciduous, and mixed coniferous-deciduous forest and tall shrub types. I = SI value for designated parameter as delineated on accompanying graphs. Areas where SI = 0.0 for any parameter will be unsuitable for the life requisite(s) defined in any part by that parameter. Suitability is low when 0.0 t:.. IL. 0.4. C-1-37 Figure 3. 1.8 ~s.8 -~ Graphs for determining suitability index values of para- meters used to evaluate coniferous, deciduous,.mixed coniferous-deciduous forests, and tall shrublands for snowshoe hare (adapted from USFWS 1980a). - r r A -UJV, lEO.MEIT PI..AIIT Sl'B:IES B -1-3 FEET C -3-6 FEET !liT lilT <3 FEET D -OO'TH 1-3 FEET 00 3-6 FEET E -6-Ul FEET !liT lilT <6 FEET F -6-Ul FEET 00 Eiil£R 3-6 FEET l'R 1-3 FEET, !liT lilT OO'TH G -IlnliB ALL Tim COVER ~!.\~as. 1-3 FEET, 3-6 FEET, 00 6-Ul FEET H -MOST PI..AIIT Sl'B:IES >18 FEET IN 1£IGIT ~ n 8.8 A 9 C D E F G H I£IGIT DF COVERJF'(Ul PlJJ!TS a=n 1.S ,.----1.8 ~------/ / / / / / 'N s.·s / 'ro S. B / / -,./ -/ ~ ~ // i ~ I!. I! /// 8.6 / --/ l= l= / / / -8.4 / -8.4 / -' / -' --,. ~ / ~ / / ... / --~ 8.2 / ~ 8.2 / / B.BB 2S 48 Bl! es 1BS S.SB 2S 48 Bl! es UlS % 5!Ril Alfl Sld'LIII:; CllO'IN COVER % I£R!IACEOOS GR!lHl COVER C-1-38 Figure 3, suitability index graphs for snowshoe hare, continued. 1.8 'ihB.B --A -GRI1HJ COVER CVEIB ATI[Jl. ROCKS. ~ 1!.6 -STlM'Sl, <21!% B -GRI1HJ COVER lffERA TE. 29--W l= -1!.4 ....J -C -GRI1HJ COVER !ElSE, >48% ~ 1--ii! 1!.2 I!.S I A B c C-1-39 Table 12. Aeres of habitat suitable or limited for snowshoe hare by habitat type and life requisite. Snowshoe hare life re9uisites total aeres of habitat in study area (% of total)-!! Food, cover, or reproduetion S = suitable L limited CF MF 172,010 243,690 (17 .7) (25.1) s 165,940 243,690 L 6,070 0 Total Potential DF TS Habitat 35,700 49,670 501,080 (3.7) (5 .1) (51. 6) 32,310 49,670 491,620 (98.1) 3,390 0 9,460 (1.9) lfTotal study area also ineludes 352,460 aeres of other habitat types, 81,820 aeres of barren/disturbed land, and 34,910 aeres of water. Thus the entire study area is 970,270 aeres. C-1-40 coniferous and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Although deciduous forests are utilized as marginal habitat during emigration and population expansion, they cannot support permanent overwintering populations. Viewing and photography, especially around campgrounds, waysides, and other recreation sites, comprise significant human uses of red squirrel, one of the most commonly observed 'small mammals in Alaska (ADF&G 1978a). Red squirrels are primarily hunted and trapped for recreation with some utilization as food, fur, and trap bait. Some shooting of squirrels occurs around human dwellings when squirrels gain access to buildings and destroy insulation. Therefore, the widely scattered but continuing settlement of the Willow Subbasin could negatively impact squirrels in the study area. Clearcutting may also negatively impact squirrels by causing them to completely evacuate a site. Farming or ranching may destroy the forests upon which squirrels depend and result in local population displacements or reductions. Direct mortality of red squirrels also results from predation by wild carnivores such as marten, fox, lynx, and many raptors as well as by domestic animals such as dogs and cats. Alternatively, fire suppression permits development of climax forests suitable for red squirrel. Sufficient food is believed to be the primary habitat requirement of red squirrels• White and black spruce seeds are the mainstay of red squirrel diets in Alaska, with squirrel populations fluctuating in response to spruce cone abundance. White spruce seeds are preferred over black spruce seeds and are of higher caloric value. However, the greater reliability of Alaska black spruce con.e crops means that black spruce provide a more dependable and readily available food source than white spruce. From year-to-year white spruce cone crops may·vary from excellent to completely nonproductive. In good years, squirrels can store more cones than necessary for overwinter survival. Stored cones, fungi, various fruits, and seeds and buds other than spruce may be important foods when cone crops fail. (a) Red squirrel habitat model Mature coniferous forests provide optimum squirrel cover; white spruce stands are preferred over black spruce. The comparatively high quality of white spruce stands is reflected in both smaller sizes of defended territories and higher squirrel densities in white than black spruce forests. Lower survival rates in black spruce forests are apparently due to the inferior nutritional value of black spruce cones and to the more open, less protective, nature of the overstory. The lower reproductive success of squirrels in black than in white spruce forests indicates that the overriding limiting factors for reproduction are food quality and quantity. As a result, the four parameters used to evaluate coniferous and mixed forests for red squirrel food can be used to value reproduction. Two of those parameters can be used to evaluate all forest types for squirrel cover (Table 13). In the Willow Subbasin, the percent black spruce in total spruce corresponded to at least a moderate suitability value. Moreover, the number of trees per acre was estimated to be at least 25 throughout the study area forests. Thus half the parameters used to evaluate Subbasin coniferous and mixed forests for food, cover, and reproduction received suitable values (Figure 4). However, the small tree diameters in both open and closed stands of short black spruce indicate that those types will be of low value for cover. C-1-41 (a) Limitations of red squirrel habitat model No information was available on white spruce cone production in Willow Subbasin forests. Since cone production may vary greatly from year to year, the aver-age importance of white spruce for food and reproduction could not be det~rmined. In years of low white spruce cone production, open and closed stands of short black spruce would probably be at least somewhat suitable as red squirrel habitat. These black spruce stands have not been specifically delineated by the squirrel habitat model. (b) Results Approximately 47 percent of the Willow Subbasin contains forest habitats utilized by red squirrels (Table 14). Ninety-two percent of those forests are coniferous or mixed; they are suitable for squirrel food, cover, or reproduction. However, 8 percent of the Subbasin contains deciduous forests which are of low value for any squirrel life requisite. C-1-42 Table 13. Parameters and rules for rating habitat suitability for three life requisites of red squirrel, (adapted from USFWS 1980a). Food Value: Limited if at least two of the following parameters are assigned low SI's. Where: Il Suitability Index of % coniferous in total trees (mixed forests only) Iz = SI of % black spruce in total spruce (coniferous and mixed forests only) I3 SI of number of trees per acre 14 = SI.of average DBH of trees (inches) Is = SI of white spruce cone production I6 = SI of % quaking aspen in total trees (deciduous forests only) Cover Value: Limited if at least one of the following parameters is assigned a low SI. Where: SI of number of trees per acre SI of average DBH of trees (inches) Reproductive Value: Limited if at least two of the following parameters are assigned low SI's (not evaluated for deciduous forests) Where: T = SI of % coniferous in total trees (mixed forests only) -1 Iz = SI of % black spruce in total spruce 13 = SI of number of trees per acre I4 = SI of average DBH of trees (inches) Is = SI of white spruce cone production Suitability index (SI) values were derived from graphs in Figure 4 and SCS vegetation characterizations for coniferous, deciduous, and mixed forests. I = SI value for designated parameter as delineated on accompanying graphs. Areas where SI = 0.0 for any parameter will be unsuinable for the life requisite(s) defined in any part by that parameter. Suitability is low when 0.0 I 0.4. C-1-43 Figure 4. Graphs for determining suitability index value of para- meters used to evaluate for red squirrel (adapted from USFWS 1980a). 1.8 ' ~ 8.8 ''\ -' -' iB.6 ' ' • - § 8.4 -~ ~ 8.2 8.81 2il 411 B8 BB llll % ll.AO( Sl'R!I:E IN lllTAL Sl'R!I:E 1.B ~ 8.8 --i B.B - § 8.4 -! -~ 1.2 1.8 A B C AVfR}.[;E !Di IF lREES CII[)£g - - - - n Ll A B c D E 1.B /, .. - 'NI.B -I -I i B.B I I I -I I= I ::1 1!.4 I -I !I! f t:: I ~ 1!.2 I I I I 8.81 58 llll 1::11 2lll llJIER IF TREES PER ~ C-1-44 B -!Di 5 TO 11 IIDfiS c -!Ill > 11 IlO£S A ->5!11 CG£5 IIi 75-lll!% IF lRI:ESr 1lll-5!!ll CG£5 IIi All TREES B ->5!11 ro£S IIi SIJ-75% IF lRI:ESr 1SS-5I!S CG£5 IIi All TREES C -<U!Il CG£5 1Ji SIJ-75% IF liHS! >5!11 ro£S (II SlJE TREES D -<llll CG£5 IIi 75-{tj% IF MESt >5!11 CG£5 IIi OCCASIIJIAL lREES E -<llll ro£S IIi OCCASIIJIAL MESt 1R Ill CG£5 IIi JJfr TREES 2SI Figure 4, suitability index graphs for red squirrel, continued. Mixed coniferous-deciduous forests only. 1.8 ~--------1.8 ------------, . ':.1.8 -~ s 8.6 -~ -8.4 .... -~ -ii! 8.2 ........ ........ ........ 1 I ll I _,I 8.8~~--~~=-~~~~~=-~~=-~1~ 1 trJIIfER(llS IH lUT Al 'TREES 1.8 ..,,,-,, '(\, B. 8 ( -~ I s I 1!..6 I I -I ~ I -8.4 .... -I ~ I .... I -ii! 8.2 I I I I 8.81 51 1~ 151 2811 251 IUIE! IF TRttS PER AtRE 1.1 -::. 8.8 --s 8.6 -E 8.4 .... -~ t:: ii! 1!.2 LB A 8 c 'NB.S -~ s 8.6 '"", -~ -8.4 .... -~ -ii! 8.2 A -!Bl <5 IID£5 B -!Bl 5 lO 11 Itll£5 C -!Bl >11 IID£5 C-1-45 h for red squirrel, continued. Figure 4, suitability index grap s Deciduous forests only. 1.8 1.8 ":. 8.8 'N 8.8 --------_,/" -/.,...,"" -~ a a 8.6 / 8.5 ,. " I -," -I ~ .-" ~ I -8.4 ," -8.4 I _, --' -.-" -I ~ ~ I -,.--I ~ 8.2 ~ 8.2 I I I I 8.88 2S 48 68 88 188 8.88 58 188 158 2111 251! % tlJAKI~ ASPEN Ill TUTAL ~ IU££R IF 1RffS PER AN 1.81 '(;, 8.8 --A -!HI <S IID£5 ~ 8.6 -B -!HI 5 TO 11 ItoB ~ -8.4 _, -~ C -!Di >11 ItoB -~ 8.2 8.8 A B c C-1-46 Table 14. Acres of habitat suitable for red squirrel by habitat type and life requisite. Red squirrel life requisites total acres of habitat in study arev (% of total)- Food or Cover Reproduction S suitable L limited s L s L Habitat ty e Coniferous Mixed Forest Forest 172,010 243,690 (17.7) (25.1) 172,010 243,690 0 0 172,010 243,690 0 0 --habitat not evaluated for this life requisite Deciduous Forest 35,700 (3. 7) 0 35,700 Total Potential Habitat 451,410 (46.5) 415,700 (92 .1) 35,700 (7.9) 415,700 (92.1) 0 (0) lfTbe study area also includes 302,790 acres of other habitat types, 81,820 acres of barren/disturbed land, and 34,910 acres of water. Tbus, the entire study area is 970,260 acres. C-1-47 Literature Cited Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1978a. Alaska's fisheries atlas. Volumes I and II. State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game. 1978b and 1973. -Alaska's wildlife and habitat. Volumes I (1973) and II (1978). State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game. 1980. A synthesis and evaluation of ADF&G fish and wildlife resources information for the 1-lillow and Talkeetna Subbasins. Chatelain, E.F. 1951. Winter range problems of moose in the Susitna Valley. Proct•edings Alaska Science Conference, 2:343-347. 1951. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration, W-3-R-5 Volume 5 (4) 3-6. Didrickson, J.C. 1968. Valley moose herds. An evaluation of Matanuska and lower Susitna ADF&G. unpublished. n.p. Dyrness, C.T., and Viereck, L.A. 1979. A suggested classification for Alaskan vegetation. Fourth revision, June 1, 1979. Xerox copy, 44 pages. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1978. Catalog of Alaskan seabird colonies. USDI, FWS. FWS/OBS-78/78. 1980a. Terrestrial habitat evaluation criteria handbook -Alaska. Division of Ecological Services, Anchorage, AK. 1980b. Habitat evaluation procedures. ESM 102. Division of Ecological Services, USDI, FWS. Washington, D.C. Viereck, L.A. and C.T. Dyrness. 1980. A preliminary classification system·for vegetation of Alaska. USDA, Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. GTR-PNW-106. 38 pages. C-1-48 SCS VEGETATION TYPE CHARACTERIZATIONS FOREST & WOODLAND ( ~ 10% Crown Cover) CLOSED FOREST ( .::_ 50% Crown Cover) CONIFEROUS FOREST White Spruce Code 21 Short stands white spruce -Main canopy usually less than 30 feet in height, usually found at higher elevations·as isolated pockets in areas dominated by alder, grassland or open mixed stands. Characteristic plants are: Trees -white spruce, paper birch; Shrubs-willows, high bush cranberry, prickly rose alder, rusty menziesia; Herbs -fireweed, dogwood, starflower; Grasses -blue- joint; Others -sedges, ferns. Total annual production of the understory is: 1000 -1500 lbs/acre 25 Tall stands white spruce -Main canopy usually greater than 30 feet in height, usually found at lower elevations on better sites, almost always found mixed with old and decadent deciduous trees (very rarely found as a pure type in Susitna Valley). Characteristic plants are: Shrubs -willow, blueberry, dogwood, five-leaf bramble, .ferns. Trees -white spruce, paper birch; dwarf birch, spirea; Herbs -fireweed, lupine; Grasses -bluejoint; Others - Total annual production of the understory is: 400 -650 lbs/acre Black Spruce 41 Short stands black spruce -Main canopy usually less than 30 feet in height, generally found on wet and/or cold (poor) sites, may be found mixed with birch of poor quality but usually found as a pure type forming islands and stringers in bog areas or transition zones between bog·area and forest areas. Understory is usually a thick moss and/or sedge mat. Characteristic plants are: Trees -black spruce, paper birch; Shrubs -willows, spirea, lowbush cranberry, dwarf birch, labrador tea, crowberry, twin-flower; Herbs -wintergreen; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 150 -400 lbs/acre C-1-49 42 Tall stands black snruce -Main canopy usually greater than 30 feet in height, can usually be identified as a fire formed stand, on relatively good sites, stands are remarkably pure and the stocking density is usually quite high, may be found mixed with very scattered birch. ~ Characteristic plants are: Trees -black spruce, paper birch; Shrubs -lowbush cranberry, blueberry, dogwood, crowberry, labrador tea, currant, highbush cranberry, prickly rose, twin-flower, geocaulon; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 100 -300 lbs/acre Mountain Hemlock *45 Short stands hemlock -Main canopy less than 30 feet, geographically limited in Susitna Valley to higher ground west of Tyonek, found as stringers mixed with other local types. *46 Tall stands hemlock -Main canopy greater than 30 feet, geographically limited in Susitna Valley to low ground west of Tyonek, found as stringer stands mixed with other local types. Deciduous Forest -Closed deciduous, Closed mixed 22 Young stand -deciduous/mixed -Canopy is usually very finely textured as seen from above, openings in stand are very rare. Composed mostly of birch and/or aspen. This type very rarely mixed with other types except when found as a remnant condition in burned areas. Spruce is not usually evident as a component of the overstory in these young stands. 0-40 years old. Characteristic plants are: Trees -paper birch, aspen; Shrubs - willows, alders, prickly rose, lowbush cranberry, rusty rnenziesia, highbush cranberry, dogwood, twin-flower, devilsclub, spirea; Grasses -bluejoint; Herbs -cloudberry, starflower; Others -horse- tails, lichens. Total annual production of the understory is: 400 -700 lbs/acre 24 Medium age stand deciduous/mixed -Canopy is usually fine textured as seen from above, openings may be fairly common but they are usually small. Elements of this type include birch, spruce and aspen. Birch is usually found as a main component of this type but % composition may vary greatly depending on a number of factors, e.g., as the type increases in age, the percentage of white spruce as a grown component usually increases along with the amount of understory and number of stand openings. 40-100 year age. * Note these descriptions are very tentative. \_ ~'4.. ~~ v:c -..t. v.eT f"~~ ;_... ,,, vJ\1\t-W cJvJ,V.,,i~ ,) C-1-50 Characteristic plants are: Trees -paper birch, white spruce, black spruce, aspen; Shrubs -alders, willows, highbush cranberry, lowbush cranberry, prickly rose, labrador tea, A:nerican red raspberry, bog blueberry, rusty menziesia, devilsclub; Herbs -dogwood, starflO\>er, fireweed; wint~rgreen, tall bluebell, cloudberry; Others -horsetails, ferns. Total annual production of the understory is: 200 -1000 lbs/acre 26 -Old stand -deciduous/mixed -Canopy is usually somewhat coarse textured as seen from above, openings are usually common and may cover close to half of the stand area. Canopy may also appear smooth, but openings appear as definite holes in the crown. Deciduous trees in these old stands are usually decadent. Spruce is usually becoming the dominant species. The understory component of the stand is usually visible from above and includes Calamagrostics and Alnus as its most common species. These stands are always greater than 100 years old. Characteristic plants are: Trees -paper birch, white spruce, black spruce; Shrubs -alders, tall blueberry, rusty menziesia, prickly rose, lowbush cranberry, highbush cranberry, devilsclub, five-leaf bramble, twin-flower; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -horsetails, ferns. Cottonwood Total annual production of the understory is: 400 -1500 lbs/acre 27 Young stands -cottonwood -Most commonly found on new islands, downstream ends of old islands and point bars of rivers. Cottonwood or poplar is usually found mixed with large alder and/or willow -(understory is sparse to nonexistent). 40 years .old. Characteristic plants are: Trees -cottonwood; Shrubs -'tvillows, alders; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -horsetails, ferns. Total annual production of the understory is: 100 -300 lbs/acre 28 Medium age stands -cottonwood -Most commonly found in a riverine situation or within at least one mile of a river (alluvial soils): Stands are usually pure cottonwood or poplar, spacing is even and crown closure approaches 1007.. Understory in the Susitna Valley is dominated by alder and devilsclub. 40-100 years old.- Characteristic plants are: Trees -cottonwood, white spruce; Shrubs - devilsclub, highbush cranberry, alders, willows, American red raspberry; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -horsetails, ferns. Total annual production of the understory is: 600-lOOO.lbs/acre C-1-51 29 Old stands -cottonwood -Most commonly found in riverine influence (alluvial soils). Stands may be mixed with young white spruce. Cotton- wood are extremely large (30-40 inches in diameter) and decadent (larger trees may be only shells). Stand appears somewhat clumpy due to openings appearing in stand. Understory includes large quantit~es of alder, devilsclub and willow. Greater than 100 years old. Characteristic plants are: Trees -cottonwood, white spruce; Shrubs -alders, willows, prickly rose, devilsclub, highbush cranberry, American red raspberry; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 700 -1100 lbs/acre OPEN FOREST -WOODLAND (10-50% Crown Cover) Coniferous Forest ~~ite Spruce 31 Short stands -white spruce -Usually found at higher elevations as a transition type between closed forest and high elevation nonforest areas. Usually found mixed with elements of the higher elevation type, i.e., if the higher elevation type is a mixture of alder and grass then the open white spruce transition type will normally be forming a complex type with alder and grass. 30 feet tall. Characteristic plants are: Trees -white spruce, paper birch; Shrubs -alders, willows, American red raspberry, dwarf birch; Grasses -bluejoint, bromes; Herbs -starflower, dogwood, cow parsnip, false hellebore; Others -ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 1200 -2000 lbs/acre 33 Tall stands -white spruce -Same as type 31 except normally found at lower elevations or on better sites. Commonly found in creek bottoms mixed with alder/willow and grass. 30 feet tall. Characteristic plants are: Trees -white spruce, paper birch; Shrubs -alders, willows, lowbush cranberry, twin-flower, labrador tea, spirea; Grasses -bluejoint; Herbs -dogwood, starflower; Others -ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 300 -700 lbs/acre Black Spruce 43 Short stands -black spruce -Found in association with bog types. Black spruce are usually of very poor form. Site is either wet or cold or both - trees usually less than 15 feet in height. C-1-52 Characteristic plants are: Trees -black spruce, paper birch; Shrubs -dwarf birch, labrador tea, bog blueberry, bog rosemary, crowberry, alders, willows; Grasses -bluejoint; Herbs -dog<wod, geocaulon, cloudberry; Others -sedges, horsetails. ' Total annual production of the understory is: 300 -900 lbs/acre Deciduous Forest Open deciduous, Open mixed 32-.Medium Age stands-deciduous mixed-Similar to type 31 except normally found at lower elevations (as elevation increases so does proportion of spruce in mixed types). Although birch/aspen stands are not usually found as a transition type between forest and high elevation nonforest areas, they are often found just below areas of type 31. 40 years old. Characteristic plants are: Trees -paper birch, white spruce; Shrubs -dwarf birch, alder, prickly rose, highbush cranberry, willow, sweetgale, leatherleaf, rusty menziesia; Grasses -bluejoint; Herbs -cloudberry, fireweed, bunchberry; Others -ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 1000 -1800 lbs/acre 34 Old stands -Found in same general location as type 33. Found in associa- tion with grass and alder. Birch, in this type, is usually found growing in very small, tight clumps. Spruce are usually found to have an open grown form and are normally much younger than the hardwood component of the type. Characteristic plants are: Trees -paper birch, white spruce; Shrubs -alders, willows, highbush cranberry, rose, devils club, elderberry, tall blueberry; Grasses -bluejoint; Herbs -fireweed, dogwood, burnet, false hellebore, starflower, bluebell; Others - ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: BOO -1500 lbs/acre Cottonwood *35 Medium Age stands -Usually found at treeline just above elcvational limit of open white spruce. Found in pockets among low shrubs. Characteristic plants are: Trees -cotton,.mod, \vhite spruce; Shrubs -alder, willow, devilsclub; Grasses -bluej oint; Herbs wintergreen, fireweed, bluebell; Others -ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 400 -1000 lbs/acre C-1-53 *36 Old stands -Two elevational phases of this type seem to occur. The high elevation phase, consisting of balsam poplar, may be found mixed with streamside alder/willow along flowing water on high elevation flats. The low elevation phase, consisting of cottonwood, may be found on major river flood plains growing with a confusing mixture of other types including open spruce, open birch, alder, grass, etc. Characteristic plants are: Trees -cottonwood, birch, white spruce; Shrubs -alders, willows, rose, highbush cranberry, American red raspberry, devilsclub; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 700 -1300 lbs/acre NON FOREST ( <10% Crown Cover) Saltwater Wetlands *50 Grassland -Elymus dominated grassland in areas of tidal influence. Usually found at edge of normal high water in sandy soil. Normally this type is found in areas where the shoreline gradient is relatively steep, usually found as a belt of grass along the shore. Total annual production of the understory is: 800 -1500 lbs/acre *51 Low shrub -Hyrica dominated shrubland located on tidal flats. Water level is usually fluctuating seasonally. In areas that are more continuously wet, sedge replaced Hyrica. Total annual production of the understory is: 200 -800 lbs/acre *52 Tidal Marsh -Usually found in areas with many shallow lakes and little topographic relief (within tidal influence). Vegetation is dominated by various sedges. Woody plants may occur on the drier sedge and peat ridges that are common to this type. Tall Shrub Total annual production of the understory is: 400 -1300 lbs/acre *60 Alder -This type is dominated by tall (10-15 feet) alder grm•ing in dense thickets with grasses, ferns, and a great variety of forbs growing in the understory. Devilsclub can be found as a dominant understory to the alder on wetter and steeper sites. Devilsclub will normally ~xclude other under- story vegetation. The type is found at or above treeline. At treeline it is often found mixed with open white spruce and cottonwood types. Characteristic plants are: alder, devilsclub, spirea, Herbs -fireweed; Others - Trees -white spruce, cottonwood; Shrubs currant; Grasses -bluejoint, hentgrass; ferns, horsetails. Total annual production of the understory is: 2000 -3000 lbs/acrc C-1-54 *61 Alder-Willow (streamside vegetation) -Tnis type is dominated by a mixture of very large alder and willow. This type is normally found on frequently flooded ground such as new islands, point bars, etc. Understory is sparse but may include eguisetum and calamagrostis. This type is often found mixed with young open cottonwood (in younger stands ths cottonwood is almost indistinguishable from the willow and alder). Characteristic plants are: Trees -cottonwood; Shrubs -aders, willows, rose; Herbs -bluebells, lupines, fireweed; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -horsetails, ferns, sedges. Low Shrub Total annual production of the understory is: 500 -1500 lbs/acre *62 Willow -resin birch -This type is dominated by either willor or resin birch or a combination thereof. The type is often found in sheltered situations at high elevations, e.g., draws in mountainous terrain. This type is found at and above the transition between tall shrubland and tundra. Characteristic plants are: Shrubs -thoarf birch, willows, tall blueberry, Grasses -bluejoint, bentgrass; Herbs -fireweed, lupines, meadowrue; Others -ferns, sedges.· Total annual production of the understory is: 750 -1000 lbs/acre Grass land *63 Calamogrostis grassland -This type is dominated by Calamagrostics 1 to 2 meters tall. Fireweed and various ferns are sometimes common. This type is most often found as an understory in the more open forest types and woodland areas where it is commonly associated with alder patches. This type can also be found unassociated with other types along small streams. Characteristic plants are: Trees -white spruce, birch, cottonwood; Shrubs :-alder, American red raspberry; Herbs -fireweed, cow parsnip, false hellebore; ~ras~-bluejoint; _9the'::'!-ferns, sedges. Tundra Total annual production of the understory is: 2500 -3500 lbs/acre *64 Sedge -Grass Tundra -This type is found above treeline on relatively flat, wet areas. Vegetation consists almost entirely of various wet sedges. Characteristic plants are: Shrubs -willows; Grasses -b]uejoint, bentgrass; Others -sedges. Total annual production of the understory is: 200 -800 lbs/acrc C-1-55 *65 Herbacious Tundra -This type is found above treeline and is almost always found mixed with and above shrub tundra. The variety of species found in this type is immense, consisting mainly of various grasses and forbs. Soil varies in depth and may be intermixed with rock outcroppings. Vegetation may not be continuous. •· Characteristic plants are: Shrubs -tall blueberry, dwarf birch, crowberry, willows, bearberry; Herbs -geranium, wintergreen, fireweed, dogwood; Grasses -brome, fescue, timothy; Others -sedges. Total annual production of the understory is: 300 -800 lbs/acre *66 Shrub Tundra -This type is dominated by dwarf arctic birch and other shrubs along with various short grasses and a large number of forbs. This type is almost always found mixed with and below herbacious tundra. Density of the shrubs found.in this type varies considerably and may often appear quite patchy. Characteristic plants are: Shrubs -willm<s, dwarf birch, alder, labrador tea, tall blueberry, bearberry, burnet, wintergreen; Grasses -bluejoint, fescue, timothy, hairgrass; Others -sedges, ferns. Total annual production of the understory is: 500 -1200 lbs/acre *67 Mat-cushion tundra -This type is dominated by such plants as dryas, crowberry, bearberry, sedge, grass, lichen and other rooted forbs. Climatic conditions are extreme at the elevation where this type is found. Vegetation cover may be complete (closed mat cushion) or rela- tively sparse (scattered mat cushion) with a large percentage of the vegetation being lichen. This type is often mixed with rock. Total annual production of the understory is: SO -100 lbs/acre Fresh Water Wetlands *68 Sphagnum bog -Cover is dominated by varying amount of sedge, equisetum and moss (especially sphagnum). This type is usually found as a floating mat over several feet of water or as a thick mat directly over saturated or frozen soil. Shrubs and stunted trees (if present) may be found on drier peat ridges. (This type is similar to tidal marsh except that shallow lakes are less common, the peat ridges form a more continuous and regular pattern and .the type is found inland beyond tidal reach. Usually found as a pure type. Characteristic plants are: Trees -black spruce; Shrubs -dwarf birch, bog blueberry, sweetgale; Herbs -cloudberry, buckbean; Grasses -bluejoint; Others -sedges, cottongrass. Total annual production of the understory is: 300 -600 lbs/acre C-1-56 *69 Sphagnum/Shrub bog -Vegetation of this type is dominated by a thick moss mat (sphagnum) and/or sedge· tussocks. Grass, ericaceous shrubs, salix, blueberry and cranberry may also be present. Ground water level usually varies seasonally but this type is usually never as wet as sphagnum bog. This type is usually mixed with open stAnds of short black spruce. Many other types may also be found in close association with sphagnum shrub bog. The associated types are usually found on glacial moraines and eskers within the bog area. Characteristic plants are: Trees -black spruce; Shrubs -dwarf birch, labrador tea, leatherlea:f, willm<s, lowbush cranberry, bog rosemary, sweetgale; Herbs -cloudberry, buckbean; Grasses -blue- joint; Others -sedges, horsetails, cottongrass. NON VEGETATED Total annual production of the understory is: 500 -1200 lbs/acre *70 Cultural influence -May be broadly defined as land that has been obviously affected by human activity. Includes agricultural land, urban areas, and land developed to support or provide services to agricultural and urban land. This "type" may indeed be vegetated but vegetation that is present may not be natural in either composition or spacing. Barren *80 Mud Flats-Confined to tidal areas (Cook Inlet ••• ) and the mouths of major rivers (Susitna, Knik •.. ). This "type" may appear vegetated on C. I. R. and color photography or from the. air, however, the 11Vegetation" is usually algal blooms, andior other sea plants. Mud fiats are usually well patterned with ripple marks or water drainage pattersn. They dre normally submersed during high tide. They may be used as resting and feeding areas by waterfowl. *81 Rock -Includes exposed bedrock and scree co~only found along with mat cushion tundra at high elevations. This "type" is also used to describe large landslide areas -some morainal features and other natural barren areas .. Permanent Snow and Ice *82 Snow fields -High elevation snow accumulation areas. Appears to be a permanent or nearly year round part of the landscape. Nay be found as small pockets on slopes protected from the sun, on lee slopes or in gulleys. Usually found over bare ground. May also be found as large snow accumulation areas at very high elevations. Often mixed with mat-cushion tundra and rock. *83 Glacier -Includes both icefields and glaciers. Usually found covering several square miles. Considered a permanent part of landscape. To dif- ferentiate 83 from 82, note 83 covers much larger areas; crevasses, moraines and other glacial features are usually present. C-1-57 Revised Moose HEP* Model Description of Mo_g_el The suitability of the Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasins as moose habitat was modeled with regard to winter range (WR) and spring/summer/fall range (S/S/FR). Range was defined as areas which provide moose with their life requisites of food and cover for the season(s) of interest. Two other essential life requisites which must be provided if habitat is to satisfy all needs of a moose during its life cycle are reproduction and interspersion. Because data on which to base a reliable model of reproductive habitat does not exist, no such model was prepared. Interspersion was considered manually after each seasonal range was mapped. Interspersion is defined as suitable if both WR and S/S/FR are provided within the potential home range of moose. Thus the absence or low value of any one life requisite will seriously limit overall habitat suitability. The suitability of Subbasin vegetation types as moose winter range was based upon four parameters: quality of deciduous browse species, quantity of deciduous browse species, presence of Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and canopy cover. The first three parameters were used to indicate food value, the last one to indicate cover value, primarily for protection from weather. Only forest and tall shrubland vegetation types were evaluated as potential WR. * HEP = Habitat Evaluation Procedures C-2-1 Four parameters were also used to evaluate Subbasins for their suitability as spring/summer/fall range: quality of deciduous browse species, quantity of deciduous browse species, forb quantity, and proximity to cover. Again, the first three parameters provided an index of food value, the fourth parameter was an index of cover value, primarily for_protection from predators. While all Subbasin vegetation types were evaluated as potential S/S/FR, a few types were found to be unsuitable. The parameters for defining each seasonal range were combined and criteria for assigning Suitability Index (SI) values were applied as follows: SI for WR= ----____ _:__ + v 4 4 2(V 1 ) + v2 + v5 + v6 SI for S/S/FR= --- 5 v1 = deciduous browse quality as indicated by ·species and percent of total available browse. v2 = deciduous browse quantity as indicated by total available browse of Salix, Betula, and Alnus species. v3 -availability of cover as indicated by canopy type and percentage of tall shrub cover. v4 = presence of Vaccinium vitis idaea (VAVI) according to percentage of cover: a = ) 5%, b = 1-5%, c = ( 1%. v5 = availability of cover as indica"ted by canopy type or distance to forest and to all shrub cover types. v6 = total annual forb production. C-2-2 The suitability of each vegetation type as moose habitat was independently determined for WR and S/S/FR, resultant values were considered together in assigning overall habitat values for each type. Values of each parameter within each vegetation type, as well as calculated SI's for each vegetation type, are shown in the following tables. C-2-3 Table 1: Criteria for assigning SI values to moose habitat parameters a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Parameters SI value of dominant deciduous browse, by percent of total available browse (WR) or annual production (5/S/FR)};_/ Salix > 80% Betula--papyrifera ~80% Salix + Betula + Alnus where SO% ""-Alnus <:. 6S% and Salix and Betula are each at least lS% Salix + Alnus where 60% ..:S. Salix<.. 80% Salix + Betula where 40%$. Salix<:. 80% Sa 1 ix + Alnus where 2S% $.. Sa 1 ix < 60% Salix + Betula +Alnus where 7S%< Alnus :=...80% and Salix and Betula are each at least 10% Betula nana + Salix + Alnus where Salix <:. 10% and Bet~naria 2;. 60% Betula nana > 80% Betula +Salix + Alnus where Salix~ 10% and 10% $ Betula ""-40% Alnus + Salix or Alnus + Salix + Betula where 90%::=.. Alnus< 9S% Alnus > 9S% SI Value 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 o.s 0.3 0.2 11 Available browse as defined by SCS included stems and twigs less than Smm in diameter and was used here as an index of winter browse availability. Leaves and twigs comprising the current year's growth were measured for SCS figures on annual production, the index for spring/summer/fall browse availability. For further details on methods of data collection and definitions of terms see: Preliminarv Field Procedures for the Cooperative Vegetation Inventory of the Susitna River Basin, Alaska, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Alaska Renewable Resources Evaluation Project (RRE-4103), April, 1979. Vz = Total available browse for WR or total annual production for S/S/FR in pounds per acre of Salix, Betula, and Alnus spp • a. .2! S7S 1.0 b. 300S. browse < S7S 0.8 c. 100 ::;.__browse<: 300 0.6 d. so~ browse< 100 0.4 e. 20~ browse<.. so 0.2 f. O<. browse< 20 0.1 g. 0 0.0 C-2-4 a. b. c. d. e. Cover for WR as measured by tree canopy in forest types and by percent tall shrub cover in tall shrublands. cover closed forest by type and ground verification of plots so classified by photo-interpretation CF or MF DF closed forest by type but where ground verification of plots so classified by photo-interpretation showed cover to be less than 50% CF or MF DF open forest by type but ground verification of those plots showed canopy cover to be at least 50% CF or MF DF open forest by type and ground verification showed canopy cover to be 10 to 50% for plots so classified by photo-interpretation CF or MF DF shrub canopy cover > 4.5 feet for tall shrublands 50% cover 10 to 50% cover Definitions: CF = coniferous forest MF = mixed forest a. b. c. DF = deciduous forest closed·= at· least 50% canopy cover open = between 10 and 50% c·anopy cover Vaccinium vitis-idaea cover.l/ greater than 5% average cover 1 to 5% average cover less than 1% average cover 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 .8 .4 0.06 0.03 o.oo ll Vaccinium vitis-idaea is not essential winter browse but is utilized in winter. Therefore Vaccinium presence was counted as a bonus; absence of this Vaccinium was not used to downgrade the SI calculated for WR with regard to each vegetation type. V5 = Cover for S/S/FR as measured by vegetation type a. b. c. or distance to vegetation types which supply cover CF ,. MF, DF, or TS portions of all other vegetated types when within 440 yards of CF, MF, DF, or TS; S/S/FR value is based solely on food parameters. portions of all other vegetated types when farther than 440 yards from CF, MF, DF, or TS C-2-5 1.0 0 0 v6 = a. b. c. d. e. f. e. Total forb production at least 175 pounds per acre 125 < forbs <. 175 pounds per 75< forbs ..:;_ 125 pounds per 25< forbs $. 75 pounds per 20 < forbs s,_ 25 pounds per 0<. forbs <. 20 zero forb prOduction acre acre acre acre 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 1/ Annual production for all forb species was totaled in pounds per acre, averaged for all plots in each vegetation type, and then scaled to Sl values as above. C-2-6 Table 2: Characteristics of Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasin Vegetation Types as Described by Habitat Parameters for Moose Range Habitat Parameters v1 v2 v3 v4 scs Browse Species Production Canopy Type VAVI Cover Vegetation Type (percent total) lbs/acre Cover Class Class 21 Al(100) 548 cl CF c 22 Al( 92)Sa( 8) 696 cl OF a 24 Al ( 77)Sa(13) . 320 cl MF a BP( 10) 25 Sa(100) 188 cl CF a 26 Al( 94)BP( 4) 403 cl MF b Sa( 2) 27 Al( 7l)Sa(29) 473 cl OF c 28 Al (100) 127** cl OF c 29 Al (100). 247 cl MF c 31 Sa/Bn* 393 op CF a 32 Sa/(100) 456 op MF c 33 Al( 72)Sa(28) 924 op MF c 34 Sa( 58)Al(42) 377 op MF c 35 A1(100} 31 op OF c 36 Al (100) 552 op MF c 41 A1(100) 40 cl CF a 42 BP(100) 48 cl CF a 43 Al (100) 40 op CF b 60 Al(lOO) 1,082 TS ·c 61 Sa( 82)Al(18) 2,628 TS c Classifications are based on SCS/FS vegetation data for the Talkeetna subbasin. * not measured in plot of pure type, but mentioned as being heavily browsed in area, present in heterogeneous plot. ** based on heterogeneous type, one plot. Abbreviations: VAVI = Vaccinium vitis-idaea Al = Alnus spp. Sa = Salix spp. BP = Betula papyrifera BN = lletula nana CF = coniferous forest OF = deciduous forest MF = mixed coniferous-deciduous forest TS = tall shrub cl = closed op = open C-2-7 Table 3: Suitability Index {SI) Values for Moose Winter Range Habit.at Parameters by Vegetation Type Habitat Parameters scs v1 v2 v3 v4 Winter Vegetation Type Range 21 0.2 0.8 0.8 0 .5 22 0.3 1.0 0.8 0.06 .7 24 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.06 .9 25 0.9 0.6 1.0 0.06 .9 26 0.3 0.8 1.0 0.03 .6 27 0.7 0.8 0.8 0 .8 28 0.2 0.6 0.8 0 .5 29 0.2 0.6 1.0 0 .5 31 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.06 .8 32 0.9 0.8 0.4 0 .8 33 0.7 1.0 0.4 0 .7 34 0.7 0.8 0.6 0 .7 35 0.2 0.2 0~6 0 .3 36 0.2 0.8 0.6 0 .5 41 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.06 .4 42 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.06 .7 43 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.03 .3 60 0.2 1.0 0.4 0 .5 61 0.9 1.0 0.4 0 .8 See Table 2 for definitions and vegetation characteristics on which these SI values are based. Classifications are based on SCS/FS vegetation data for the Talkeetna Subbasi~. C-2-8 Table 4: Characteristics of Talkeetna and Beluga Subbasin Vegetation Types as Described by Habitat Parameters for Moose Spring/Summer/Fall . (S/S/F) Range Habitat Parameters scs v1 v2 v5 v6 Vegetation Browse Species Production S/S/F Forbs Type (percent total) lbs/acre Cover lbs/acre 21 Al (100) 428 cl CF 291 22 Al(94)Sa(4) Be(2) 636 cl OF 106 24 Al (60)Sa(23) 205 cl MF 71 Bp(16) 25 Sa(54)BN(46) 47 cl CF 143 26 Al(83)BP(14) 147 cl MF 68 Sa(3) 27 Al (50)Sa(50) 310 cl OF 22 2B Al(86)Sa(14) 598 cl OF 40 29 Al(100) -247 cl MF 96 31 BN(lOO) 360 op CF 64 32 Sa(100) 313 op MF 214 33 Al(70)BN(27) Sa(3) 105 op CF 370 34 Al(99}BN(1) 122 op MF 121 35 A1(100) 56 op OF 132 36 Al (100) 237 op MF 18 41 Al(100)BN(4) 19 cl CF 42 0 0 cl CF 14 43 Al(100) 23 op CF 19 50 0 0 TG 0 51. 0 0 LS 0 52 0 0 HSG 0 60 Al poo) 649 TS 38 61 Sa 79)Al(21) 560 TS 234 62 Sa(74)BN(26) 323 LS 121 63 BP(100) 3 TG 381 64 0 0 SGT 21 65 BN(57)Sa ( 43) 134 HT 14 66 BN(65)Al(31)Sa(4) 103 ST 38 67 0 0 MCT 13 68 0 0 HSG 0 69 BN(90)Sa(5) Al (5) 111 LS 12 Abbreviations: cl = closed VAVI ~ Vaccinium Vitis-idaea op • open Al 2 Alnus spp. TS ~ ta 11 shrub Sa = !>alTx spp. TC = ta 11 grass BP =Betula papyrifera LS = low shrub BN = Betu I a nana OF = deciduous forest SGT = sedge~griii tundra CF = coniferous forest HSC = herbaceous sedge-grass MF = mixed coniferous deciduous forest MCT = mat and cushion tundra ST • shrub tundra C-2-9 Table 5: Suitability Index (SI) Values for Moose Spring/Summer/Fall (S/S/F) Range Habitat Parameters by Vegetation Type Habitat Parameters scs vl Vz v5 v6 Spring/ Vegetation ·Summer/Fall Type · Range 21 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.6 22 0.3 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.6 24 o.g 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.8 25 0.7 0.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 26 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.6 27 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.7 28 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.4* 0.7 29 0.2 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 31 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.4 0.7 32 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.0 o.g 33 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.7 34 .0.2 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 35 0.2 0.4 l.O 0.8 0.5 36 0.2 0.6 1.0 0.1 0.4 41 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.3 42 0 0 1.0 0.1 0.2 43 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.3 50 0 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 60 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.5 61 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 62 0.8 0.8 0 0.6 0.6 63 0.8 0.1 0 1.0 0.5 64 0 0 0 0.2 0.1 65 0.8 0.6 0 0.4 0.5 66 0.6 0.6 0 0.4 0.4 67 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 68 0 0 0 0 0 69 0.6 0.6 0 0.4 0.4 *Estimated from one plot in heterogeneous type See Table 4 for definitions and vegetation characteristics on which these SI values are based. Classifications are based on-SCS/FS vegetation data for the Talkeetna Subbasin. Non-forest and non-tall shrub types greater than 440 yards from cover are not S/S/F range. C-2-10 MOOSE (1:63,360 and 1:250,000) Map Subbasin into 11 categories of moose habitat suitability as follows: Ca t·egory 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Criteria for Mapping by SCS Vegetation Code 24, 25, 27, 61 22, 26, 31, 32, 33 21, 28, 29, 34, 36, 60 41, 42 35, 43 62, 63, 65 if within 440 yards of cover !/ 66, 69, if within 440 yards of cover 64, 67, if within 440 yards of cover so, 51, 52, 68 70 through 83 91 through 97 Abbreviations: WR = winter range S/S/FR = spring/summer/fall range mod = moderate Value to Moose high WR, mod/high S/S/FR mod/high WR, high or mod/high S/S/FR mod/high or mod WR and S/S/FR mod/high or mod WR and low S/S/FR low WR and low or mod S/S/FR mod/high S/S/FR, not WR mod S/S/FR, not WR low S/S/FR, not WR vegetated types of insignificant value as either moose WR or S/S/FR none, are disturbed or barren of vegetation water bodies 1/ "Cover" for S/S/FR is provided by all forests and tall shrublands, vegetation types 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 60, and 61. I have assumed that grid cells are 10 acres and this search wilr be defined by a distance of two grid cells from the cell of interest. C-:2-11 Appendix D: Examples of field procedures and data forms used during the Susitna River Basin vegetation inventory D HABITAT INVENTORY PLOT At each point of the location, estimate and record habitat data on the 1' X 2' north half of the frame. Record the following data on the Habitat Plot Sheet: SPECIES NAME Record species name as listed. Record unknowns by number, bring sample back to camp to be keyed and identified. Try to collect some blossoms or seeds since these aid the identification process. SPECIES CODE Record species by code as listed on the back of the form. If not listed refer to SCS national list of scientific plant names for the proper code. This item can be done in the camp or office. ITEM 82 ITEM 83 HEIGHT ITEM 84 Estimate and record ·the average height of each species at each point. Use the following height classes and codes. Code Height Class 1 0-6 inches ., 6-18 inches ' 3 18 inches -3 feet 4 3-10 feet s over 10 feet D-1 ITEM 85 CANOPY COVER At each point, estimate and record canopy cover by species using the following codes: Code Class t 1-5% 2 5-2o%· 3 20-40% 4 40-60% 5 60-80% 6 ao-95% 7 95-100% Canopy cover is not merely a measure of area covered by leafy portions of the plant. Rather, it can be thought of as amount ·of ground area influenced by a plant within the plot. It is estimated by visuali~ing the plant as a ploygon with sides drawn about extremities of the canopy. See diagram. Most communJ.tJ.es are composed of several layers of different plant species. Therefore, when canopy cover is added for all species in the plot, ground cover can actually be greater than 100 percent. cove.; »nMAi2J A • I 13•.J C:•l o-.2- !•l Figure 2. Diagram illustrating method of estimating canopy coverage. The biologic soundness of using the vertical projection of a polygon drawn about the ext:.-emities of the plant canopy is illustrated by E, which, by accident of foliage arrangement, actually has no leaves directly above the plot frame. A plant of this type probably exe:-ts at least as much influence on the ecosystem· outlined as does A. D-2 DENSITY OF STEMS ITEM 86 Count and record the number of woody stems inside the plot frame that extend above 6 inc·hes in height. HEDGING (PAST USE) !!EM 87 Hedging results from past use of plants by animals for feed or browse. Past use is defined as one year old, usually several stems of new growth are appearing where .each single stem was browsed. Estimate this past use and .record with ~he following codes: Code 1 2 3 4 Class None Light use Moderate use (40-60%) Heavy use (clubbiness) BROWSE (CURRENT USE) ITEM 88 Estimate present use of the species for animal browse .and record using the following codes: Code Class 1 None 2 Light · 3 Moderate (40-60%) 4 Heavy use (clubbiness) WILDLIFE SIGNS ItEMS 89--96 During the process of measuring the understory vegetation, keep a mental tally of wildlife use signs in the area. Est'imate and record using the items listed below. Additional comments covering items not coded (such as scat, hair, feathers,· etc.) may be made od the back of the Habitat Plot Sheet. TRAILS-TYPE ITEM 89 Code ~ 01 No trails 02 Rodent OJ Small game 04 Large game 0-3 : : : : I : I ~ : 1 : : i : : : : v-a : : : 56~ 114 85 !l ~~~~I!_Y ,86. ~ "' X m -!!I 87-, ... 1--+.,-=-1 ., ~g;_m-(5:-1=:_~:~ ~ ~·;::~~ e6 · ! I!!:!i 90 In::i 91 In::i 92 I~ 93 UULS-Nm!BER Code -· Ol oz 03 Ite!ll - No trails iu area Several (3-5) ~rails t~rougn area Area heavily bisected by ~rails NESTING 'IUES/?HAIRY nEES Code - Ol oz 03 04 Ite!ll - None observed Que or more bird nests Que or more squirrel trees Oue or more cavity t:rees Hummocks are sm;all mounds often found on vee sites. ·they are usually topped by grasslike plants of t:he genus ca:::e:c. aud provide shelter to small wildlife. Code - l z 3 Noue present: Less ~ban 50% of area covered Over So: of area covered HllMMOCX SIZE C'..ASS Record average size class of the hucmacks observed- Code Item - l 6 inches high Z 6-lZ inches high 3 u-zo inches high 4 ZO inches high CA. VES , BURROWS Code Item Ol None obser1ed OZ One or more burrovs noted 03 One or more caves oo~ed D-5 ""' 1 2 J ' 5 ~ tT!H 84 H&tCHt 0-6 incites 6-18 inchal 18 inchu - l !ut ) 10 f -'" over 10 feet TRAILS "' w ....... ,_w ... ~ oz z"' o-< w -~ Cl o=> ·0 6~ oo o.Z z .. Zv> '< ., 0 0 0 ~ "' "' tTf.H 85 1 2 J ' 5 6 7 WILDLIFE NEST T R~ES IU ~ ... ~ u. w 0~ ..... ~0 0!!!! ciC> 0~ ·:> oo z;;; z "' Zv> v '< "' 0 --"' "' .,. lsl• 7 II !r ~~~2 13 ,,. "'" 0 1 1 I I I 0 I ol2 I I I I I "' I l J ol3 I I I I I ol4 I I I I I o 1s I I I I I ol6 I I I I I ol7 I • I I I ols I. I I I I ol9 I I I I I 1 1o I I I I I Tit I I I I I • J• 7 J• •.I'· 11J12 !3 i'• tsJ16 !T'EM 92 HU~OCKS Nun• presanc L••• than SO% of •r•• covered Over 50% of •n• conre4 l-5% 5-201 20-40% 40-60% 60-80% SG-95% 95-100% 1 2 J ' nr:H a7 KEDGING (PAST USE) None Light uu Hoder1te use (40-60%) Huvy uu (c lubb~neu) ITEM 88 1 2 J ' !NOUS! (CURRENT USE) None Light Moderate (40-60%) H•avy uae (clubbin•••) 4.LOCATION APPRAISAL FORM I 2 3 4 TREE CAVIT!fS '< "'a Y:t: ·v Oz z '< "' .,. 17111 I I I I I I I I I I I !7J11 ~ "'0 AI l: ·v Oz z- "' Ill .,. 19 j20 I I I I I I I I I I I !9J2o I 2 l ' ci "' w "' N V) 0 v -... ~ "' 0 "' ._ ... oo ~ i O"' UJ ·:'.1 lU ~ ~ ·> z 0"( 0;:> 0 ::> :X: :X: zv z ... v '< "' N M "" "" .lJ .,. .. <>-.,. .,. .,. 21 22 23j24 2Sj26 27 21 2tl30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 21 22 23J2• HI•• 27 21 29,:1D ntM 93 HUMMOCK SIZE CLASS 6 i.nchu hizh '-L2 inc!l.u hich u-zo inehu hi;h 20 inchu his:n 31 31 OPTIONAL REMARKS 32133 I I I I I I I I I I I 32133 34135 36jn 31,39 .. ,.,, .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ., I I I I TOTALS 34135 36,3J .. ,,. ••1•1142 tTDf 96 CONE PRODUCTION l -MANT CONES ON 75-100% OF TREES; SO~ CONES ON ALL TR!ES 2 -MANY CONES ON 50-75% OF TREES; SOME CONES ON ALL TREES 3 -FEW' com~:s ON S0-7 5% OF TREF.S; ~Vf CONES OH SOME TREES 4 -~ CONES ON 75-95% OP TREES: XANT CONES ON OCCASIONAL TRFES S -FEW' CONES OH OCc.\S tONAL TREES: OR HO CONES ON A.'iT TREES TREE CAVITIES ~5" Keep a line tally of the number of tree cavl.tLes less than 5 inches diameter and greater than 2 inches deep. After all 10 points have been visited record the total number observed. ITEM 95A TREE CAVITIES ~ 5" ITEM 95B Keep a tally as above and record the total number of tree cavities greater than 5 inches in diameter afte>:' all points have been visited. CONE PRODUCTION ITEM 96 Observe and record cone production by the following codes: l 75% of the trees have a lot of cones 2 50-75% of the trees have a lot of cones 3 50% of the trees have a lot of cones 4 5 RANGE PLOT Read and record on the Range Form the estimated weight in grams of current year's growth. by ~pecies that lie within the perimeter of the 4 sq. foot (2x2)plot; Data will. not be collected on the following trees or woody shrubs--over 4 1/2 feet in the 4 sq. ft. plot: Aspen Paper Birch Cottonwood Shurb Birch Mtn. Ash Alder Elderberry Willow Spruce When estimating the weights or collecting the current year's growth, consider only the portion of the plant inside the vegetation frame. Measure portions of plants which fall inside the vertical projection of frame even if the plant is rooted outside. Likewise, ignore all parts of plant outside the vertical projection of the metal frame even though the plant may be rooted inside. Clip the current years growth after estimating weights by species on the range plot. Clip the first plants of each species encountered within plots l through 5, and the first plants of each species encountered within plots 6 through 10. D-7 ITEM 97 Place the current year's grOwth by species in separate paper bags snd usi~g ~ater ?=Qof falt tip pen, label ~ith: 1. locac ion n•~mber 2. point number 3. dace (t~onch, day, year) 4. species S. estimator's name After all the planes have been clipped, puc in ?aper ~ags and labeled, place all bags in a plastic b.'!g. Return the specimens co ~amp Eor weighing. Record the actual 11eighc on the range for.; and on ::he paper bag. !'lAPPING UNI1' Identify and reco~·d the mapping unit at each point. l'h i.3 is necessar1 in order to identify points located in vegetative photo. Use I CLOSED Code 021 025 041 042 045 046 022 024 026 027 028 029 intrusions chat vere the following codes: :"ORES'! l'!aopins Unit Closed Forese than 30' Closed Forest: than 30' Closed Forese than 30' Closed Forest ehan 30' -White tall. -white tall. -3lac:k tall. -l! hc:k tat l. not typed out sprur.e -shore spt"uce -~all Sp:l:'UCe -sho~t sprue.:! -t-ttl Closed· Forest -Mt. Hemlock. -s:,ort than 30' call. on che -less -greater -less -greater less - Closed Fares: -Me. Heclock -:all -greate~ than 30' call. Cloaed Forest -Dec:iduous/~!i:.~d -young - less than 40 years old. Closed Forese -Oec:iduo•Js/Mi:ced mediuc: age -40 -100 years old. Closed Forest -Deciduous/Mixad -old age - greater than 100 years old. Closed Forest -Cotcon...,ocd -young -less chan 40 years old. Closed Forese -Cottonwood -medium age - 40 ~ tOO years old. Closed Forest -Cottonwood -otd age - greater than 100 years old. D-8 MAPPING UNIT (CONT.) ll OPEN FOREST 031 Open Forest -White spruce -short -less than 30' tall. 033 Open Forest -White spruce -tall -greater than 30' tall. 043 Open Forest -Black spruce -short -less than 30' tall. 032 Open Forest -Deciduous/Mixed -medium age -40 - 100 years old. 034 Open Forest -Deciduous/Mixed -old age -greater than 100 years old. 035 Open Forest -Cottonwood -medium age -40 -100 years old. 036 Open Forest -Cottonwood old age -greater than 100 years old. III !:ION-FOREST 050 Non-forest -saltwater wetland -grassland. 051 Non-forest -saltwater wetland -low shrub. 052 Non-forest -saltwater wetland -tidal marsh. 060 Non-forest -tall shrub -alder. 061 Non-forest -tall shrub -alder -willow 062 Non-forest-low shrub·-willow-resin birch. 063 Non-forest -grassland. 064 Non-forest -tundra -sedge -grass. 065 Non-forest -tundra -herbacious. 066 Non-forest -tundra. -shrub .. 067 Non-forest -tundra -mat and cushion. 068 Non-forest -wetland. ~ sphagnum bog. 069 . Non-forest -wetland -sphagnum -shrub bog. IV CULTURAL 070 V BARREN 080 081 082 VI SNOW 085 086 VII WATER 091 092 096 097 Cultural Influence. Barren -mud flats. Barren -rock. Barren -bare ground. Permanent snow and ice -snow field. Permanent snow and ice -glacier. Water-lakes -less than 40 ac. Water -lakes -less than 10 ac. greater than 40 ac. Water -streams and rivers -less than 165 ft. greater than 660 ft. wide. Water-rivers-less than 1/8 mile wide (660 ft.) D-9 ITEM 97 · . Jl: RANGE riODUCTION FOIM ' ' ' I" I I 4tocATIOH 1 1 1 61 rwt stu 10 . 0 14 WEIGHT Of C\frrED IIAI'TS. fiiSI.ClllfiJIG SECONO.tliPri~G SfiCI!S P.O!NT !'OINT I'OINT rGII'II COOl I J 3 t fOIHI fOIHI IOIHT KliNt fOIHT POilU ~~-~~ ~~ ~~ !,~~ ~~ '1o~: s· 6 l I f ID Ha mouno WlfGHI NO. WllGIIf '"'""' 321 ·~~~ m. I I I I I I I I I I I I 1\ Jl Jl. X X'X X X )( i0( X'X')C. T' rihl Ill )4j15J16 17JIIIl X'X X x J\ I I I I I I I I 9! MAP UNit 8lmc1rs I I It I I II I I 1.1 TT I I I I I I I I TT I I I I I I I I I I II t I I I II I I I I I I I I I I 1·1 II I I I 11 I I I II TT T ' Ill t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 1 I I Tl TT T I I I I I I I II I I IT TT I I I I I I I I -fT I I I I I I I I I I I ITT I I I 1-I I I I IT TT I I II II I I Tl I I I I I I Tl TT T I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I ~I I I I I 1 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I ITt I I I I I I I IT T-T I I I I ITo I TT 1 11 I I I I I Tt t I II I I I I I I I I IT TT t 1 I I I I II I I 1 11 11 1 11 11 1 TTTI I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 11 11 I 1 I I IT I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TT I 11 I I I II Tl 1 •19 holnl12l13 141 1119 20l2H I I I I I I I II I I IT TT I I I I I I II. I I 1 11 tl I II I I I TTl I I I I II I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I TT 1 I I I I 1 1 I 11 1 ITTTI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II TT I I I I I 1 11 11 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -IT I I I I I I I I I I 1 11 I 1 I I I II -1 I I II I I I I I II I I I I 11 I I I I II I I 1 1.1 11 1 II TT 1 I II I I I I I I I I I I IT I I ~I IT ol I I 1 11 1 ~ 1 11 ITT I I I I 1 I I I I TT II I I I I I I I I I I TT I I 1 1 I 1 11 I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I II I I ! I I I II I I o 11 11 1 11 ITT I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 11 I 1 1 I I Tl 1 TTTTI I I I I I I I I TT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 11 I 1 I Tl I I I 11 I I I I 1r TT 1 t I I I I I I TT 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I It I I I I IT I I I I I I I I I I I I Tl t 11 11 1 11 ITT 1l9holll I(ISII6il~23(24 [~j ITEM 83 ITEM 98 Enter the common or scientific name for each plant encountered on the plot. SPECIES CODE Enter the species code for the plant as found on the back of the habitat form, ESTL~TED WEIGHT PER SPECIES Estimate and record by species the ~eight of all plants (or parts of plants) ~hich fall ~thin the sampling frame. Enter the ~eight using three digits. Example: Weight Code 3 grams 003 23 grams 023 321 grams 321 no plant present 001 trace 888 Record code 001 if one of the observed species is not found in the 2x2 plot. Record code 888 ~hen there is only a -tr ... ce of a partic:ular species. ·A trace ~auld ~eigh 2 grams or less. ITEMS 99,102 CLI?li'E.D POINT NUMBER leo, ITEMS 03 The first plants of each species encountered ~ithin plots -1-5 and •Jithin plots 6-10 ~ill be clipped and ~eighed. Record the appropriate point numbers on ~hich each species is clipped and ~eighed. Code Point Code Point 01 1 06 6 02 2 07 7 03 3 08 8 04 4 09 9 05 5 10 10 WET WEIGHT Record the ~et ~eight of the current year's growth for each species c.lipped. Record the ~eight in grams as a 3-digit code. This may be done on location or later the same dav --~ at camp. Record 001 if no plants ~ere clipped. Record 888 if there are 2 grams or less of any species. D-11 WET WEIGHT (CONT.) Weight 3 grams 313 grams Code No weight specimen Trace under 2 grams 003 313 001 888 DRY WEIGHT NOT FIELD RECORDED. The weight ·recorded items 100 and 103. data. Recorded after vegetation has bee:t dried. will be for the same material weighed in Use the same .codes for traces ·and missing TALL BRUSH PLOT On points 4 and 8 of the location, establish the lO'x 10' tall brush plot as shown on the vegetation location diagram. The plot should be viewed three-dimensionally (length, width, and height) and only the vegetation within that cube evaluated regardless of its origin. For example, if a plant is rooted on the plot, only that portion within the plot boundary should be considered even though a portion of the plant extends beyond the plot boundary. If the plant is rooted out of the plot boundary, but: extends onto the plot, only that port: ion which lies within the perimeter of the plot should be considered. The common tall brush species are already labeled on the form. ·Enter the common name and species code of any additional tall brush species found on the plot. MAXIMUM DIAMETER The maximum diameter (mm) of stem considered in estimating available browse is indicated here. Indicated in this column for each species is the maximum diameter of twigs estimated and clipped as available browse. If species is not listed use 5 millimeters unless other instructions are given. D-12 ITEMS 100, 103 ITEMS 101,104 ITEM 105 NUMBER OF UNITS For each species select a sample unit (2 or J branches) within the plot perimeter. Using this sample unit, estimate the number of units of this size that remain inside the plot boundary and under 10 feet in height. Record the number of units. (Be sure to include the sample unit). WET WEIGHT Clip all the current year growth from the selec.ted sample unit for each species and place it in a paper bag. Label the bag with: 1. location number 2. point number J. date (month/day/year 4. species 5. plot size 6. number of units Use a waterproof felt tip marker to label the bag. Place in plastic bag and bring the sample back to camp. Green/or .wet weights may be determined. in the field or at camp. Deduct the weight of the bag to obtain the true weight. of the green current years growth. Record the weight on the bag and on .the form. Even if green weight is determined in the field, the sample must be brought h __ ~~-~ .• to ~am-,.. ~~ ~h~~i-,, A~ ·w·=i~L,·,•s ----------J. --o -• ITEM 106 ITEM 107 DRY WEIGHT ITEM 108 NOT FIELD RECORDED. This process will be carried out in the office at a later date after the green material has dried. Record the dry weight on the form and on the paper bag. NUMBER OF UNITS ITEM 109 Using the same sample unit selected for the measure of productivity under 10 feet in height, estimate the number of like size sample units that protrude above an imaginar; 10 foot line and still within the plot boundary (10' xlO' square) projected straight up in the area. Enter the number of estimated sample units on the form. D-13 [l23~ sm il TAllORLISH fORM --'-410C~IION 611101 m1 -_, __ i . POINT •I . POINT 8 ~ 'I riOOUCIIVIIY fiODU~IIVIIY ! < , >I 1 AY!oll~!fll: !!OWU 1 > , t.VAUA•U llOWS' :1 10 0 • . < 10 10 I IPfCIU ~ irlCIIl 106 107 108 109 110 H1 112 Ill 106 11)7 101 109 110 l~l 112 Ill ll NAME :o:J IJ COOl NQOI WU DaY 1.0.01 NO.Of ~~~$! Wfl DIY tlO.OI WEI DaY NO.OI NOOI IW>I Wtl IllY I -UNIIS WIIGIII WIIGIII llllll$ SIJMS IWIG$ loii!GIII WEICllll UNlll WIIGIII Wflllllf U14111 SliMS JINlll' WfiGUJ WIIGIIJ I ~~p!j!!jE !!jlsjTh !i)!!j!! §j!!jE 23jl•j~ ~jEj2.a ~~3o !!jEjE l4jl5p6 EJ~ ~~ ~!4~5 ~p?j•a ·~~~51 s~~ ~~~6 S7jssjsv A~PHi PAPER BIRf"ll I I I I I I _I I I I I I I I-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rnT I Tr rrTI I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 = ,,~ i i : i 1 i : i i i r i i 1 i ~ir~:::-: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~: : : :~ ~ =:'< : : : ; ; : ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; I ~ ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · I IIIII 11111111111111111111111111 Ann A~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I TTl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1·1rn ITTI-rl_l_l_n_I_III_TTTI_I_f_.-riiTl-rTrTn.TI II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT ~~*11'1'61171"1 ~2'12212312~1~*-****~I!!I~~E~~~~~~1i*~l~~~lw~l~i!l~~~~~~~~~ I II II II II II I II II 11111111 r I I II II I I I fll II rn I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I IITTT I TT IT I I I I I I I I I I I I TTT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111_1_1 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11-1-IT I -~~-n II I I I I I I I I I I 1-...;.._-----1-1 I I I I I I I I I n1111rn I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 I I I I I I rn-m 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ITTTTn 11-n I I I I I I I 1--rl I I I I I I I I I I I I ITTTITTII-TTI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I oTTT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. I I I . I . rr I I I I I I I I I -~~-~ I .. I .. I .. I I •-·•-~• .. 1 ... 1 ... 1 •• r ... 1 •. 1 ... 1 .... 1 .... r ..... r ... r ..... lu.l.-. r.: ... r ... r .... t .... l.t -----~---0 * i I i~'f:':t_ .I_. i __ J ...... I. ... f .... J ... i., .. J .• u ..... , . .,., .. •• ••• ,. •• ,.,,.no:.:#l5ni11,.,., .... ~11;J41"-'1"''t".::'fii~J:!f J~VI"~ ITEM 110 ITEM 1U ITEM 112 ITEM 113 AVAILABLE BROWSE In a sample unit, count the number of ste~ tips that have a diameter less than the maximum diameter indicated in Item 105 and that lie within the perimeter of the tall br.Jsh. plot ( 100 sq. ft.) below a h.eigh.t of 10 feet:. Include all stems wh.ich are less than the maximum diameter whether current year's growth or not. Multiply by the nu1J1be::-of units and record. PERCENT BROWSED TWIGS Estimate and record the percentage of t•.;igs showing recent use as browse. WET WEIGHT, BROWSE At the maximum diameter indicated in Item 105 or at 5. 0 millimeters, clip and weigh 10 stem tips and enter the average weight. Place the stems in a paper bag and label the bag with: 1. location number 2. point number 3. date (month, day, year) 4. plot size • 5. total weight of sample 6. average weight of stem 7. number of stems ~n.·the plot Write with a waterproof felt tip marker. Place in a plastic bag and bring back to camp for further analysis. DRY WEIGHT, BROWSE NOT FIELD RECORDED. This process will be carried out in the office at a later date. Weigh the sample after the green material dries and obtain average dry weight per stem. Enter the data on the form. Record the dry weight on the paper bag. D-15 114· Slope (degrees) A direct measurement of the average slope of the plotless area vtsible fro• each transect using a clinometer along the direction of the slope. ·115· Aspect (degrees from true nol'th) The aspect of the slope along which each transect runs should be miasured using a 111agiletic compass. · If the transect is tht'ough an at'ca cllaracter- i&ed as flat. ridgetop. narrow valley bottom, water. indicate as such and do .not record aspect. 116~ Mict'o-relief A Elevated micro-relief of tussocks. hummocks, polygons. anJ ridges exte~sive B Elevated feature~. prese!'t with. areas of re~ativ.~ly flat ~nicro-relief C ._ Unifomly flat ·or ne.:~rly so· A subjective evnluatlon o.f' the micro-relief within e::ach riot. 117· Micro-topography A -Gro.und. flat I -S•all hU11110cks up to 6 inches tall C • Tall hummocks 6 to 12 inches tall D ... Undercut and collapsing hummocks 12 to 2D inches tall E -Areas with hummocks greater than 12 inches tall 118· Type of vegetation in ground cover A-HerbaceOus plantS which tend to form tussocks aOd hummocks. mostly less than.2 .feet tall B -. Low shrubs which tend to form clu~ps and hummocks such as dwarf birch or bog myrtle C -Combination--· of both A and B D -Either _A, '8, or C, but with extensive undecompo~ed moss cover "E -. Other plant types .~ Other plant types with extensive undecomposed moss cover or only_ mOss An ocular esti~ate of the dominant vegetation type within ench plot. 119· White $pn1ce cone production A-Greater than SOD cones on 75-100% Of tl'ces; 100-500 cones on all trees B -Greater then 500 cones on SD·7S~ of trees; 100-SOO cones on all trees C -Less than 100 cones on S0-75\ of trees; Greater than·SOD coneS on some trees D • Less than lDO cones on S0-75\ of trees; Greater thon SOD-cones on occasional trees E -· Less than lUO cones on occasional trees; or no cones on any trees D-16 It is difficult to estimate tho nWll.ber of cones per tree. Standardiza- tion of tho osti•ates of the various biologists involved in· the study is necessary through a process of. ostimat~ng and _then counting many trees. Once estimates are reliable. white spruce trees selected by point centered quarter method should bo evaluated. Ad~ltionnl trees may have to be nndoal.Y selectod for evaluation. · 120. Small t-ree cavities (less than 5" diameter and greater than 2" do_ep) Record the number. 121. Large tree cavities ( greater than 5" diouneter) 122. Avenge size of openinss among tree trunks (feet) A Openings 21-30 feet across B Openings 31-40 feet across C Openings 15~20 feet across 0 Openi~gs less than 15 o-r greater than 40 feet across An oculilr estim11te of th.: ·!lvcrag~ diam~tt.:r of !Jp~tnings J?otw.::en trunks of trees as they occur in the plotless area visible froa·each transect. 123 • Haximum beisht of ground vegetation (inches) An ocular estimate of the •aximum height of understory ~egetati9n in the openings aiDOng the trees. Heasure aaxirnua height within.· each plot that fall within an opening and estimate •aximum height in tbe openings within the plotless area visible fo~ each transect. Round to the neare:>t foot.·· · 124 • Average height of around vegetation in openings at least 15. feet wide c£ An ocular estimate of the maximum height of understory·vegotation within plots or plotless areas visible fro• each transect which are located ~" openings greater than 15· feet side among tree trunks. 125 • Pei'cent brrophy;:e and graminifol'li .;:over less than one fo.ot high in open1ngs An ocular estimate of the percent bryophyte and graminiform cover le$S than one foot in height and within openings between shrUb clumps and/or tree!!. Esti~tcs e:!)' be "'.a.de !:'ithin p!ots or !:'ith!n the p!ot!esl!l are.' visible froa each transect, ~hich~ver method is most'appropriate. 126 . EJaphic mixture within. stand A Varied lllOi:>ture conditions.; numerous openings and marshy areas wlth herbs B Varied moisture conditions but with marshy areas less dominant C Uniformly dry 0 Uniformly moist E Almost continually flooded F ContinuallY flooded o~J7 0 1 - ()) IHLDLIFE FORM lilllllljll 11_11 1111•1.11 II 1---·~---·---------~-r-r·l-r'rt'"ri~l 1 1 ~-,..; !-f'l 1"1-l 1 1 1 1 1 1 115 Aspect (Degrees from true north) I j 1 r~;.;;;£=::.....:.;:;.~;,;;.:;;:..,.;=~=-...::.:;;~1_,--_ f-r,-~-~~ T T' . CI.Ti ··1 I I I I 1 1 o I I I I I T c..U6 Micro-relief , J-!.1:.:17~-.:.M;:;i.:.:cr:..:o~-.:.:to:..lp:.:o~gr:.;a::l:p;;;h:.,Y ________ -ht"T-1'1 I I~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I , __ Jo.110.\8:...,.:T,;vn_..:e:;..;;;o.:;,f_.,.:v;,;;e!"'Jl.e~.•t;.::a~t;;io:,:.n:..:-i~n~..a;; gJro::,:u~n~d.:,:. c::::o:.tv.::.er:-__1-:"i' II 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 . 1 1 1 1 ~ill '--~~ ... "'i..;.te.;...;;s,;.pr:.;u;:'"".;;.;;;e_c;.;o;.;.;n..;.e-..,-p,.;lr.;;,od;;,;u;.;c;.;;t.;.;io;;.n;..· ----r-~· ~~,. j. l I r"1' T'l'-I I I I .1 I . I I I I ""iT" _],20 Small tree cavities . I 1 1 1 ' I I I I I I I I I 1 I l I I 121 Large tree cavities l 1-1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I . 1 1 1_ 1 II II I I II II II 11· 11' I I II 122 Av. size of openings among tree trunks r12;.;:;3---~-.:..........;;:;.,. ,.;.;;,.;,;.;::;_;.;-.;,...;;,;;;=~'i""l j-I I -n I 1-I I' T I I I I I I I I I Mov h~; nh• nf "OI<QI!Jldl.., ,vegeta.t,i.c.~l =14 ' 124 Av hgt, ground Vel!· in OPenln!!e~-_}lS;-rl II I . I I I I I r I I I I .. I I I I I I 12S%Bryophyt,e/gramininform. (1' in openings ,-l 1 T ..,..,. 1 1 1 I 1 .1 · -1 ·1 1 1 1 1 --~--.- 126 P.-1· ,J,. • ··• l •h, -,. A I "'i'"" I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~12;.;7;..II:'nWJt.P.erll.;su;po,.;ew.;rs~i;.~;o.u;nt:lol.::f~sJ.!h"-llriJ.ub~s.:;J;&ollll!ll;oi-w-er-v"'e-g.--+'-r,· -T I I I I I I I I I 1 1· 1 1 1 1 · 1 1 1 ---------~-~---------------------~--~-~~~~~·~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~R-1 .I I I I I I I I_ I I 1_1 I I_ I I I I I I ~8 Intersner~_ion wLmoose cover habitat 129 Interspersion with wetlands .130 Bank suitability . I l I I I I I I I I 1,1 __ I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 131 % cover of aquatic forage I l I I I I I I I I' I I . I I I I .· I I I I J-i•J-,2~Do_m_l_n"a_n_t-·a-;·•u..:a-tl-.C-Ve_g_e_t..;at:.;i_o_n ____ -f_""i'\ 'j I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I . I I I I •mrrpe Of• l;ntic W~ter body • j' f.·. I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I -----... I I II II II II -~-~--TI--1-1 ,I-l~-_1_34 Degree of etrtTophica1±on -• · • 135 Water depth . · I I I I I I _ I I I I I I . '"'i I I I I l I I t-13_6_R;.:.:i;.;:s.;;,e::..o.;;r~f-.;a;.;l;_l_f_ro_m_no_r_m_H_I,-IO_d_e-pt ... h---l-_"1"-'"1 ll-+_""l-r-1-l-11''"'11"-I I I I . 'I I . I I r 'I . I I I I 137 Substrate type ~·-.. I,--_1 I I l I I I I I I I I _1 I 1'1 f1 rl · _l l -r'1 I I I I ·1 'I I I I I l 'I ·=-r4- 1 f II I I "1 ~--11 I I_ I I ·r·l I I I I NOTES• J-----------.--"'"""-ii-1-tl I I I _I l I I I I I L I 1· I I I I I • I-I I I ll I ' I I I l I I I ·. I I ..,*lj-, l I -... -... --.. ·~~---,_-· -·-~··--i-..,_.-----+~~G]Io iilliii3 i.ir.sli: 17.11alt9 20121 m 23124125 26\27\28 2'9.\JOlJI J2l33l3413siJ6\37 •. ·t·-==-cw - 127• Interspersion of shrubs and lower vegetation A. Shrubs 3-8 feet tall, isolated in extensive areas of vep,;etation less than one foot B -Shrubs 3-8 feet tall in clusters scattered variously throughout areas of · .. egetation less than 1 foot c·-Shrubs 3-8 fC!et tall in wide belts dominating area with occnsional openings of vegetation less than 1 foot A subjC!ctive evaluation of the Interspersion of shrubs and lower vegetation may be btased on the plotless area visible from each transect. 128· Interspersion with moose cover habitat (forests, shrublands) A .. Highly interspersed with pockets of cover habitat B -•loderately intet"sper~cd -poCkets of cover habitat Common but not abundant · C -Few or no signifiCant pockets "of cover habitat. but homogeneous cover type is bordered bY forests or shrublands D -Few or no significant pockets of cover habitat.: bot"dered by a Slllall ai!IQunt of forcH or sht•ul:ll:md vcget:~t ion E .... Nu significant cover habitat within any t"c<Uonable Uist>tncu A sUbjective evaluation of the interspersion of clumps of tnes o.nd/ot" shrUbs within and around the homogenous vegetation type being samples based on the plotless. area visible fro. each transect. 129. Interspersion with wetlands (marsh, shallow lentlc, or slow lotic w~ter) A • Highly interspersed with wetland pockets; nUillerous bogs, •arshes. ponds. shallow lakes or sloughs B ... P.foderately interspersed • wetland pockets common but not abundant C Few or no signiflcont wetland pockets, but ho~genous ccver ~ype is bot"dered by ueas of wetland habitat D -Few or no significant wetland pockets; bordet"ed by a small amount of wetlands E • No significant wetland habitat within any reaso11<~hle distance A subjective evaluation of the interspersion of wetlands and/or shallOu freshwater areas within and at"ound the homogeneous vegetation t:)"[IC being · •8111pled based on the plotle!SS at"ea visible from each tr.:lnsect. 130 •. Bank suitability A -f.lost of bank (at least 75\) well vegetated with perennial plants; not slumping ot" eroded B Most of bank (at leaSt 75\) well vegetated with annual plants; not slumping or et"oded C .;. ~t"e than 25\ of bank t"CW 0 bare. and undercut D Bank steep and high; slumping. subject to erosion E -Bank of solid rock; steep D-19 131. Percent cover of aquatic forage An ocular estiNte of the percent cover of herbaceous aquatic plan: such a~ eelgrass, duckweeds, pondweeds, water lilies~ cat~tail~ an' horse~tails. The most appropriate.sa~pling method should be used. 132. Do•inant aquatic vegetation A Emergent vegetation (streams, ponds, lake~) 8 Floating and submerged vegetation (streams, ponds, lakes) An ocular estimate based on tho relative percent covers of emergeni' vegetation versus float ina: and submerS:ent vegetation in a freshwater body. List plant species in notes. 133· !ypo of lentic water body A Reiatively clear shallow water; open shoreline (not closed in by trees) with extensive emergent ve~etation 8 Relatively clear, shallow wateri some ~mergent vegetation; with/without close trees C Ot:ep watur 10ith low Sp...lngy floating r.~at 0 Deep oligotrophic water; no aquatic vegetation E Stamant water with plankton blooms An ocular estimate of the depth' and veget.:~tion pattern of a lentic water body and the tree situation aiong the shoreline. "ShallOw" is defined as not so deep as to preclude ~onsiderable digging and ( ;ing by trumpeter swans for lower aquatic plant parts, roots, tubers, e~,~ 134. Degree of eutrophication (May to October) A lfigllly oligotrophic 8 Slightly oligotrophic C -Moderately oliKotrophic D Distinctly eutrophic E Highly eutrophic ''llighly ofigotrophic" refers to freshwater bodies that arc paor in nutrients and therefore have few or no aquatic in~ects or pl~"~$ and are likely to be very deep. ''Slightly eutrophic" r-efers to frcSh\mter bodies in which plankton and aquatic plants nnd insects .:1re present/ but not abundant. "Moderately eutrophic" refers to freshwater bodt th.:Lt have moderate amounts of plankton and aqua.tic plants and insectS, a moderate accumulation of urganic material in the littorl.l :one, bu:: at least 70 percent open W.:Ltcr. "Distinctii' lll!tropl'lic" rci1~rs .to fresh,~ater botlills :hat h:lVe :abt.:nJunt pl:lnl.:rou :tnJ :utuat L:: insu.::ts ;;.nJ plants, extensive organic material in the littoral :vn~. anJ nnly .lO to 70 p•trcent open water. "Highly eutrophic" ref~rs to freSh\>atcr bodies that are either shallow and choked with plant gr01~th with less than 40 percent open water or, if plants aro abs~nt, too low in oxygen to support aquatic insects. A subjective evaluation based on general reconnaissance of randora representatives ~f ~acl.1 tVUtl of .fresh\~atPr D-.20 135. Water depth (inches) The depth of a shallow freshw>~.ter body may be determined with a weighted measure tape along the most appropri3te transects. Depths less than 30 inches are ideal for moose. Depths greater than SO inches are too Jeep for moose and need not be measured. 136. Ri~o or fall from nomal water depth ffeet) A subjective evaluation of the seasonal fluctuations of the water level of a freshwater body may be made based on the shoreline characteristics. Fluctuations of less than two feet need not be quantified as they present no problem to beavers. 137. Substrate trpe A-Lake on shale slide on steep sl9pe 8 -Lake on other substrate C .:. Strca11 channel protected from rapid d01mcutting; channel bed I ined uith large boulder~~ dike!\, r:IOI":lines, an<l slides not of rcct.ln!. origin; rocks :;tuhle (ghci;ll till, :;chl$t, ~r:mite) D -Stream channel bed lined with loose soft fine-textures materials readily' movable in waterj may be currently eroding or filling; rocks unstable type~ such as shale and sandstone Investigate available geological information for the local area. Field reconnaissance along representative types of lotic water bodie5 should allow adequate subjective evnluation. D-21 ASD-FPP 1805-86