HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA4167-,, Pf?af;:ltly cr : 70 PoTENTIAL H yD!fOE I ECTRIC. A This copy courtesy of llL ALASKA MINERS ASSOCIATION ;/.;.. ,f'Dv/11 fl D s ~ SITES '-, '·- . .. -~ .•: ..... 'l• ... . · .. _ -· '. r. • -~ : . .' .. ·r· Maliagera, )Ai:tehorag./and rairbanka · Diatrict and Land Office• . ~ -.. , ·, -: l Chief, DiYiaiou of Landa and HiDerala Hauaeent Potential hydroelectric aitea - ~ ,. ~,_ t.·~~-l" .• ,:-•-, Attached ia aa. inventor)' ·liat of 70 potential hydroelectric aitea in Alaaka compiled by .. the Bureau of leclaatiou. Also included ia a · copy of the letter of tl'anamitUl a4 the cutout mapa of the lites that are located tn your diatrict. · Thia. 1Dfomatioll ahou.l4 N iDcorpR&U4 ill the P•~iUDt plamiDg area. filea. · 'Andiorage District Office R E 'C E 1 y_ ED ·,_:·-.. · .. :~ ---~-::~·~· MA'f 1 8 1965 Jku'eaU ·of land Management ~age, Alaska .. · ... : i_ •· . ',\-. ~ ----~ -:··-_ .. ::."_ i : ··" .. ·. •·. .. . ·. . -----. .•." -..... . ·. . __ ,,-:_ Lands lr. ----- Adf, S.et. --- Ctmpl. S.ct. "'""7"~~ M:-.r. "·. • £ 1 !v. lit, -----~O'IrJs ffd, ,_..._ c.,,~.t s.r~t. Nl- ·'""' ~. ~s#l ...... . '. 1$-f, V11rn#s "' -----~ ~.-, ,,1 .. ., '"~, ... " - llr:run:mtttmr Mrt, """mmmnrrr A.pltf ,,1), ~ ,uRillllllllllllll Cc-mrAcMt --...,,. Note A "-tWit --... ...... Info• .,,.. · , See Dl ... M•· ---Other __ lilt--- -1 . . .· ~<· ., ·; ... · -~ . \ }···: .. I I i' .. J IN REPLY . REFER TO: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION • ALASKA DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS 720 . .•. '· AIR'1AIL Mr. Poger R. Robinson State Director Bureau of Land Managenent · 555 Cordova Street· Anchorage, Alaska. 99501 D=ar Mr. Pobinson: .... . ... ,..,.m .... .. :r..: · .. ., ., . ·' Your letter of March 31, 1965 inquired about our inventory of potential hydroelectric sites. We now have a list of 70 sites which we believe to be the rrost favorable from a cost st.andpoint. These 70 sites were selected on a cost basis from a· list of about 1, 000 .. ;: '' which were ccmpiled from all available sources. ' · · The list is necessarily preliminary in nature as the data from which estimates were prepared consisted largely of (1) USGS quadrangle maps, and (2) USGS streamflc:w records (In ITBnY cases transposed a long distancej o The geology is particularly weak, as very few of the listed sites have . :' even been visited by a geologist, so our estimates ·are based rrostly on guesswork a.S far as_ geology is concerned. · · We plan to visit as many sites as possible this S1.lii1Jre!' with a geologist from our Olief Engineer1 s Office q The geologist's reports l'!B.Y quite well elimi.;•1ate a number of the sites from further consideration. We also plan, in caning years , to improve our topographic and runoff data to the extent that our funds will penni t. · · . Fo~· ~UI:' advance. infonnation we ~ sending you: ... ·~·r.··. :' ·. ,: ... . · ... lo :.·.·~A table .iis~g ~ '7o: sites·, along:~th-~ther!p;rt:l.nent information. ··., · , ·~ . .', .:. . :: )~ .~,;: . :· '.:tU:i;i:I'::·· ' , ; . : . •· '·I', 'f. : ' '• ' •f' f ' "" ,,. '' • I . ' ~ ~ . ·. J • • • ··.; :~,~:·:.·:·· ~ .. ,·/,_ ·.: . : : : ·,. • . .•. '· . • • . !. .,: ..... ; ... <; .. f.~~~,.··.. !_I .. •. • ~'f._ I·.·.,~_,._ ... :·. ;•.:: ·'· .• · .. _!-· ,' ' ' , I :! .. : ' '. I , ' ' • ~ . ' ~ i! '" •.. . ,.., .. , . : .. ' ~ ·:• _:.' ~ ·~.:·: •·. . ... :r ; , . . '· : • •• .. • .,. • ··-;· ·: • 0 ;.)·. ~ ·, ~ • ; . ~-<~ _'L. I" ... ·-~~ :~· .. : . ~· .. ... ~ ' I • ;: , .... · .. .) ~. •. 2. · ..... '• .,- ·.. J· • .. :,I ' ' '. L. \• A milp of Alookn with tha oitcG rMrkcd in red. ~-.. 3. 70 individual cutout Jnai)s shewing locations of main features. These are to a scale of one inch equals one mile unless other- wise noted. •· In addition to the 70 sites, . two rore have been authorized--narrely Crater-long Lakes Division of Snettisham and Bradley Lake. We have not incluc:Ed data on these two because they have already been pub- lished. · ·· ( . . · . Please bear in mind the . very preliminary riafu..-re of the material we · · . "' , ; are sen~g Y?U• '· ...... ··~· :··.' ;:·~..<..-.·.·;,:.: .; :y· •.. i~~f;;i:,1{,:;1;'?~~~~·~:)'·. Since:ly ~~ .... ' ~·~ ::.: j:· .. ' ~· •. ··,,· . 'I-''.'ii:: .. :<:i'\.'Z<,::.:~~age,;)·,····' .·:··· Enclosures . .. ·:,.-~· -~ ;:: ... .-:~·­ ,:- ,~-··.· . . . . ' ' .. ·-·~ - ,.· •.;:~·;: ~· .... ·._.f:··.- ·..,.·:.~ !". ' .• ~.::::,_ .);. ' ! .,._,-;_• ·:r : .. -··: .• :io· •. ·-· ... ~'"=: .. : .. ;: . .F .~·: ... ~,.,-·:'' '· . ',;i.~_·,:~dt;,;)'~~\1:/ \' . ; " • ~.': I _: -· •:J~ ····:· .. '· f' ,c .. . '·: .·:,,. ···'-~/-.\" -·i. ;· .. ,A' , '· 1... 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