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[ 0 o: ' . -- D ~ -~. . / ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SCIENTISTS I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Streamflow Forecasting Feasibility Study Prepared for: Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Anchorage, Alaska Prepared by: OTT WATER ENGINEERS, INC. 4790 Business Park Blvd. Building 0, Suite 1 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 October, 1984 A456.00 --------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 Letter of Transmi tta 1........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Exec·utive Summary.................................................. 2 3 Experience and Qualifications...................................... 5 4 Organization Charts................................................ 11 A Corporate Organization.......................................... 11 B Project Organization ................. :.......................... 12 5 Project Team....................................................... 13 6 Scope of Work...................................................... 17 7 Cost Estimate...................................................... 20 ' 8 Resumes .•..............•..... D..................................... 23 s E c T I 0 N 1 /---~------------------·------------------------------ [~~~·~;te1 Anchorage, AK 99503 907/562-2514 Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 711 11 W Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATTN: Mr. W.E. Larson September 28, 1984 SUBJECT: Proposal for Susitna Hydroelectric Project Streamflow Forecasting Fe as ibil ity Study. Attached are 5 copies of the Ott Water Engineers, Inc. (O!T) proposal for the Streamflow Forecasting Feasibility Study. OTT has assembled an extremely qualified, highly experienced project team. Our team members have worked together in many hydrologic instrumentation and modeling studies throughout Alaska and the United States. OTT offers a full range of hydrologic capabilities. We have extensive Alaskan experience in the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of large hydrological monitoring networks, and in computerized data reduction and analysis. We maintain a large repertoire of computer models. · Our corporate commitment to this project is demonstrated by the fact that our five-man project team is composed of four OTT principals, Dave Black, John Humphrey, Dennis Dorratcague, and Ron Ott, corporate president and senior consultant of the firm. Dave Black will serve as the Project Manager. All OTT•s managers, including the Regional Manager, are 11 Working managers .. who spend up to 50 percent of their time on active client projects. Our high level managers are expected to manage projects, perform technical work, and provide technical direction. In this way we can produce a high quality technical product and reduce OTT 1 s internal management overhead, thereby reducing client costs. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me. Thank you.for the opportunity to submit this proposal. Anchorage Sincerely, OTT WATER ENGINEERS, INC. ur~L- William L. Ryan Regional Manager Bellevue Redding s E c- T I 0 N 2 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Susitna Hydroelectric Project is being designed to provide a stable, economic, .electrical energy source for the Alaska Railbelt well into the 21st century. This enterprise has raised numerous concerns within pub 1 i c and private sectors regarding potential impacts to the seasonal discharges of the Susitna River system, its aquatic habitat, and fishery resources. The Alaska Power Authority (APA) desires to minimize the differences between the poten- tially conflicting demands of reservoir operations for power production versus maintenance of instream flow requirements for the fishery resources. In fact, APA is considering various project flow regimes and operational scenarios intended to optimize power production,_ insure project safety, and minimize deleterious fishery impacts. To meet these goals, it is necessary to evaluate each operational scenario objectively via analytical modeling techniques.' However, to achieve significant results, the modeling effort must be coupled with a reliable, short-term and long-term streamflow forecasting methodology. In addition, the methodology should provide the most cost effective balance between data collection and operational expenses versus predictive accuracy and reliability. The primary objective of this project is to provide APA with detailed information and recommendations to aid their identification of priorities and selection of the system to be implemented. OTT proposes to fulfill these objectives based on·the seven task work plan summarized below. Task 1: Determine data and operational requirements and costs of exist- ing methodologies. Task 2: Evaluate the output capability of available models. Task 3: Establish a selection criteria matrix to prioritize method- ologies. Task 4: Determine hardware and software requirements and cost. - 2 - Task 5: Evaluate data availability and data acquisition costs to meet model requirements. Task 6: Recommend those models and field programs that are able to achieve project requirements. Task 7: Report Descriptions of each task are provided in the Scope of Work section within this proposal. Basically, the evaluation of operational costs and output reliability and suitability to APA will be addressed via an in-depth library research effort. Existing techni ca 1 reports will be eva 1 uated to determine the data network size, modeling cost, and output accuracy. To be significant to this project, the cost of the monltoring network used in each report evaluated will be determined based on the installation and operational expense of a similar sized network within the Susitna River basin. Model output accuracy will be addressed by comparing the future predictions within each eva 1 uated report to actua 1 conditions that occurred after the report was published. In this manner, we will be able to provide APA with comparisons between differing methodologies based on actual operational histories. Additionally, each individual methodology will be evaluated for its output accuracy versus monitoring network density and duration so that an optimal system may be selected. OTT's modeling experience is evidenced by the fact that we have successfully completed over 500 hydrologic and hydraulic precipitation-runoff projects throughout the western United States and Alaska. Moreover, we have recently completed two state of the art studies concerning glacial hydrology processes in Alaska. We offer a complete range of hydrologic services including design, installation, operation, and maintenance· of large hydrological monitoring networks; and computerized data reduction and analysis. We maintain a large repertoire of computer models on line. Our experience indicates that the major limitation of the recently introduced, sophisticated models is their data base requirements. In order to realize increased output precision, these models require extensive data input in terms - 3 - of the number of required monitoring stations and length of record. Without sufficient field stations with relatively long periods of record, the advanced models must rely on default values when data requirements are not met; the use of default values severely limits the predictive accuracy of these advanced techniques,. The most severe limitation, however, is not the costs of increased monitoring sites but the minimum monitoring time that is required. Few projects can afford the delay created by collecting 5 to 10 years of data before calibration and verification of model output can begin. It is likely that project schedule delays for increased data collection will be unaccept- able to APA. Therefore, it is apparent that field data collection expertise is as important to this project as modeling proficiency. OTT has extensive experience in the design, installation, operation and data analysis of hydrological and meteorological networks throughout Alaska and the western United States. In fact, we are acknowledged as being the most experi- enced Alaskan firm with in-house expertise utilizing both mechanical and solid state monitoring devices. We have monitored Alaskan stream systems ranging from small basins to larger watersheds such as the Beluga, Tanana, Chulitna, and Eklutna River basins. In all cases, our field instrumentation has achieved nearly 100 percent data capture in spite of severe cold (-35°F), difficult access, and weather related servicing delays. As a result of these successes, we are currently upgrading our field instrumentation from standard mechanical devices to solid state digital recorders. OTT maintains the capability to electronically read, transmit, process, and analyze the digitized data base via computer, attaining the result of in-depth, low cost, high precision data analysis. Our field expertise coupled with our modeling experience insures a complete, detailed system analysis from field to final product. - 4 - s E c T I 0 N 3 3. EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Ott Water Engineers, Inc. (OTT) was established in 1978 as a team of five experience~ water resources engineers. Since then, the firm has expanded to a staff of 40 engineers, scientists, and planners. The Anchorage office was established in 1979 to provide engineering design and technical support services throughout Alaska. OTT specializes in water resources studies, data collection, and water project design. For the Streamflow Forecasting Feasibility Study, OTT has assembled a team of its senior hydrologists and engineers to conduct and coordinate the work effort with the appropriate teams involved in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.' The OTT team is highly experienced in the application of numerous hydrologic modeling techniques. A description of some of OTT•s computer modelirig capabilities is provided in this section of the proposal. - 5 - HYDROLOGIC MODELING EXPERIENCE HYDROLOGIC DESIGN MEMORANDUM HUMBOLDT RIVER BASIN, NEVADA For the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), OTT team members provided flood forecasting and reservoir storage modeling of three proposed dam sites on the Humboldt River. The drainage basin studied encompasses 16,000 square miles of watershed with critical water supply conditions. The COE model HEC-1 was modified to incorporate snowmelt and runoff relationships. Detailed analyses of these dam sites included the preparation of peak volume and frequency curves, flood hydrographs, standard project floods, and project maximum flood magnitudes for the Humboldt River system and its tributaries. The model was calibrated for the entire basin to simulate winter, spring snowmelt, and cloud burst flooding conditions. WISCONSIN RIVER MODEL WISCONSIN RIVER, WISCONSIN The Stanford Watershed Model (SWM) with snowmelt routines was used to model the entire 2 ,000-square-mil e upper Wisconsin River basin. This model was deve 1 oped for use by the Wi scans in Va 11 ey Improvement Company to schedule storage and discharge operations of 15 dams. Twenty years of hydrological and meteorological records were used for calibration of snowmelt and runoff prediction. WATER RESOURCES STUDY OF THE TRUCKEE RIVER BASIN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA An extensive streamflow routing and reservoir operations·model was developed to determine domestic, municipal, and· industrial water supply sources and demands within the river basin. This model included snowmelt runoff fore- casting and operational diversions from Lake Tahoe and 10 other alpine reser- voirs. The model also effectively dealt with a complex series of municipal water supply demands, power and agricultural diversions, and minimum - 6 - streamflow requirements for fisheries. Water supply conditions were predicted for a 50-year period. PUGET SOUND WATER RESOURCES STUDY WASHINGTON The snowmelt version of the Stanford Watershed r~odel was used to synthesize runoff records for a 100-square-mile watershed. Forty years of regional daily flow records were input to provide operational forecasting capability to the City of Seattle Water Department. The model also used hourly time steps of meteorological data to predict snowmelt and precipitation runoff. GLACIER RUNOFF MODELING ALASKA Analyses of selected glacial basins were performed to supplement expert testimony during litigation. Synthesis .cif flood events was done for the Gulkana, Wolverine, Nuka, Mendenhall, Hubert, and Lemon Creek glacial basins using the snowmelt version of the HEC-1 model. The model was capable of simulating the attenuation and delay of runoff due to glacial influences. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSES FOR HYDROPOWER PACIFIC NORTHWEST OTT applied various modeling techniques to simulate the period and duration of streamflows for numerous hydroelectric projects throughout the Northwest. Long-term daily flow records were compiled and correlated to simulate project site conditions. Synthesized annua 1 hydrographs and exceedence curves were produced ·to evaluate power potential and bypass flow releases. Modeling also incorporated scenarios of intrabasin transfer, spring fed accretion flows, and snow pack prediction. - 7 - ADDITIONAL WATER RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 208 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT STUDY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA For the ~1unicipality of Anchorage, OTT collected and analyzed all \'later data, described areas that had water quality problems, modelled impacts on streams and lakes from pollution sources, formulated alternatives to mitigate pol- lution problems, made presentations at public involvement meetings, and developed a 208 plan. WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STUDY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON For the City of Seattle and Metro, OTT performed studies on the Cedar and Green River basins that involved collecting data on water quantity and quali- ty, and fisheries. The data was summarized and analyzed to determine the relationship between water quality and impacts on the fisheries in the Cedar and Green Rivers. Computer models were built to extrapolate this data into the future for changes in the land use and point sources of pollution. The study developed comprehensive water resource management plans for the Cedar and Green River systems. STOCKTON SHIP CANAL STUDY STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA OTT performed a study for the City of Stockton that required gathering hydro- dynamic water quality and meteorological data during two intensive sampling periods. This data was used to calibra.te hydrodynamic and water quality computer models. The models were then used to predict the effect on the ship canal of the discharge of advanced waste treatment plant effluent. - 8 - 208 WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT STUDIES DENVER, COLORADO For the Denver Regional Council of Governments, OTT reviewed, analyzed, and developed _an inventory of existing water quality and waste source data. A computer model was applied to simulate complex water quality interactions in the metropolitan portion of the five-county study area. Alternative struc- tural and nonstructural control systems were developed and tested by computer simulation for both point and nonpoint waste sources. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT STUDY ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI For the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council, OTT performed water investiga- tions to determine impacts of hundreds of muni ci pal and industrial waste sources and urban and agricultural nonpoint sources of poll uti on. Water quality models were applied to streams and rivers in the area. Management.' plans were evaluated and presented in public workshops. SHASTA DAM MODEL OPERATION AND FLOOD STUDY TEHAMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OTT built a mathematical model of Shasta Dam to investigate floods in Red Bluff which could have been controlled by Shasta Dam before 1945. This study included a detailed review of Shasta Dam's operational policy since its construction. Local inflow between Shasta Dam and Red Bluff was quantified for the last 76 years. The model was then operated to produce a 76-year flood record for the Sacramento River at Red Bluff as if the dam had been in place the full time. The results of this study identified the 100-year flood flow at Red Bluff, which was used by the County.in their flood insurance study. URBAN STORMWATER AND COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN For the Milwaukee Pollution Abatement Office, OTT determined the storm of record and the size of the collection and storage system that would contain - 9 - the combined sewer flows generated from this storm and the sanitary system from the city. Mode 1 s were app 1 i ed to determine po 11 utant loads caused by overflow into rivers. Expert witness services were provided for the city in a court case on combined sewer overflows. FLOOD STUDY REDDING, CALIFORNIA For the City of Redding, OTT determined the flood limits of Olney Creek for present and future urbanization conditions. The ·Shasta County Hydrology Manual was used to determine the 25-and 100-year flood hydrographs. The HEC-2 computer program was used to determine channel capacities. Stormwater management alternative combinations of channel improvements and upstream storage were tested. An inventory of potential dam and reservoir sites was conducted. -10 - s E c T I 0 N 4 OPERATIONS MANAGER GENE R. CROOK 1-'SINESS DEVELOPEMENT RONALD F. OTT CHIEF FINANCIAL OFACER JUIDETH ENGLUND PESONNEL JUIDETH ENGLUND 4A CORPORATE ORGANIZATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT RONALD F. OTT REGIONAL MANAGER ANCHORAGE WILLIAM L RYAN REGIONAL MANAGER REDDING JAMES A. PETERSON REGIONAL MANAGER SEATTLE· . GEORGE E. LAMB II ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CAROL HENSLEY TECHNICAL MANAGER GENE R. CROOK COMPUTER COORDINATOR ROBERT E. RUSSELL RESEARCH 8 DEVELOPMENT JOHN H. HUMPHREY LIBRARY 8 INFORMATICN ANNE WRIGHT 48 PROJECT ORGANIZATION HARZA -EBASCO OTT W.A.TER ENGINEERS, INC. HYDROLOGIC MODELLING DR. RONALD F. OTT COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYSIS MR. DENNIS DORRATCAGUE MR. R. DAVID BLACK PROJECT MANAGER SUPPORT STAFF 12 HYDROMETEOROLOGY DR. JOHN HUMPHREY HYDROGEOLOGY I HYDROLOGY MR. JAMES BARRETT s E c T I 0 N 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. PROJECT TEAM OTT specializes in all aspects of water related engineering design and studies including hydrologic modeling and forecasting. Members of the proposed project team form a highly experienced and technically qualified group for streamflow forecasting analyses. Experience of individual team members is described below. R. DAVID BLACK PROJECT MANAGER Mr. Black is a principal of OTT and has been selected as Project Manager because of his experience and water resources technical expertise. Over the past 11 years, he has gained' experience in the planning and operation of numerous stream basin models throughout the United States. He has been Project Manager for the development, application, and documen- tation of a computer model of the entire upper Wisconsin River system. Attributes of this model include snowmelt and runoff, streamflow routing, and reservoir operations for the 2,000-square-mile watershed. Mr. Black also was Project Manager for the Municipality of Anchorage Section 208 Area-Wide Waste Management Plan. Computer simulation of snowmelt and rainfall runoff in Campbell Creek was accomplished and a user's manual was prepared for appli- cation to similar studies. As Project Manager, Mr. Black will be responsible for the overall direction of this feasibility study. He will organize the study efforts, schedule and assign tasks, and coordinate team efforts. He will b.e the primary liaison with the Harza-Ebasco Susitna Project Team and will be responsible for the successful completion of this study. His experience and successes in similar modeling assignments make him highly qualified for managing this project. -13 - DR. RONALD F. OTT HYDROLOGIC MODELING Dr. Ott is the President and senior engineer of the firm. He has managed numerous hydrologic and water quality modeling investigations since 1966 and has provi~ed expert testimony for hydrology-related litigations. Dr. Ott's expertise in hydrodynamics and hydrologic modeling is represented in his expertise in water resource investigations throughout the United States. Specifically, he has developed models to predict: water quality and quantity of runoff from rural and urban watersheds; sizing of sewer overflow systems; water quality modeling for pulp paper industries; and numerous bridge back- water and floodplain evaluations. He is also a noted expert in the develop- ment and assessment of hydro 1 ogi c resources for power generation i ncl udi ng impacts to fisheries. Since forming OTT he has been involved with modeling efforts for over 200 hydroelectric projects. Dr. Ott's experience and expertise in hydrologic modeling will provide the project team with a firm foundation for this' project. He will advise team members in the model evaluation and selection process described in the tech- nical scope of services. DENNIS E. DORRATCAGUE COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYST Mr. Dorratcague is a principal of OTT and since 1972 has specialized in the field of computer modeling and hydrodynamics. His recent experience includes cold regions modeling of storm surges along the Arctic Ocean coastline. His cold regions modeling experience and knowledge of computer system capabilities will be an asset to this feasibility study. As described in the technical· scope of services, he will compare available methods and select the most suitable means of simulating streamflows. He will also provide cost estimates for the computer operation (hardware and software), investigate the availabil- ity of the selected program, identify necessary system modifications, and estimate costs to set up and run the program. -14 - DR. JOHN H. HUMPHREY HYDROMETEOROLOGIC ANALYSIS Dr. Humphrey, a principal of OTT, brings 20 years of hydrologic and meteoro- 1 ogi c expertise to the team. He has mode 1 ed over 150 watersheds throughout the weste~n United States to predict the feasibility of hydroelectric proj- ects. Using a program developed by OTT (FLODUR), annual hydrographs and flow exceedence values are simulated for specific site conditions. The program has the capability to assimilate gaged hourly flow records modified for local site conditions. Dr. Humphrey•s cold regions experience includes the preparation of a hydrologic atlas for the Chugach and Tongass National Forests in Southcentral and Southeastern Alaska. This atlas presents predictive formulas derived by OTT for determination of mean monthly flows, flow duration statis- tics, and peak and low flow rates. Additionally, Dr. Humphrey conducted hydrologic analyses of 50 potential hydroelectric sites throughout Northwest Alaska for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. For the Susitna study he will review the suitability of available weather and streamflow data to provide model requirements for precipitation, snowmelt, glacier storage, and runoff data. JAMES K. BARRETT GEOHYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Mr. Barrett is an experienced hydrologist with 11 years of experience in the analysis of surface and groundwater interrelationships. His knowledge of cold regions data collection networks, field programs, and hydrologic experience is exemplified by numerous baseflow and flood investigations, major water supply projects, and bridge and port design efforts. As senior hydrologist for OTT 1 s Alaska region he has been responsible for the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and data analysis of gaging and recording systems for major industrial development projects throughout the state. These projects include basic data collection and monitoring pro-grams for 3 of the 4 world class mining projects in Alaska (Diamond-Alaska Beluga Coal Mine, Cominco-Alaska Red Dog Mine, and Noranda Mining • s Greens Creek Project); the Ekl utna Water Project (the biggest municipal water project in state history); and Alaska Department of Fish and Game•s Elmendorf and Ship Creek Hatcheries• water supply development (15-million-gallon-per-day well field). Moreover, Mr. -15 - Barrett has developed and supervised operation of the largest electronic recording stream gaging and water quality monitoring network in the state. This network, established for the Diamond-Alaska Coal Mine project, encom- passed over 24 electronic digital stream gaging stations, rain gages, and water qual.ity monitoring installations. Data collected from these sites is stored on solid state microchips, electronically transmitted to computer storage and processed through known stage discharge relationships to prepare hydrographs, flow duration curves, and other hydrological and statistical analyses. For the Susitna study he will determine the data requirements, and cost and magnitude of monitoring networks and measurement programs to provide necessary model input. -16 - s E c T I 0 N 6 6. SCOPE OF WORK Task 1: Evaluation of modeling requirements for streamflow forecasting in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project area Essentially, APA requires a predictive methodology that offers cost effective analyses of various reservoir operational scenarios. Moreover, the model effort must be coupled to a reliable, short-term and 1 ong-term streamflow forecasting methodo 1 ogy to achieve significant cone 1 us ions. Mode 1 require- ments include its applicability to a large, multiple tributary stream basin, reservoir and river routing capability, long-term forecasting from snow pack and seasonal or monthly climatological data, short-term forecasting from daily or six-hourly time step weather forecasts, and the ability to incorporate glacier mass changes. These requirements will be identified in greater detail and form part of the initial selection criteria matrix. In fact this task can be considered as a primary filter that will identify and reject those models that cannot fulfill the project goals. In this manner, the criteria matrix will be applied in detail to the remaining models that have a documented history and demonstrated performance capability. Task 2: Capabilities of existing streamflow forecasting models Our modeling and field instrumentation experience will be combined with comprehensive literature. research to define the application, capability, and costs of the complete field instrumentation and modeling system. Existing technical reports from private consultants, the National Weather Service Forecasting Center, Alaska state agencies, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other municipal agencies and organizations throughout the western United States and Alaska will be evaluated to determine data acquisition costs, modeling costs, and output accuracy. To be significant to this project, the cost of the monitoring network used in each report evaluated will be determined based on the installation and operational expense of a similar sized network within the Susitna River basin. Model output accuracy will be addressed by comparing the future predictions within each evaluated -17 - report to actual conditions that occurred after the report was published. In this manner, we will be able to provide APA with comparisons between differing methodologies based on actual operational histories. Additionally, each individual methodology will be evaluated for its output accuracy versus monitoring network density and duration so that an optimal system may be selected. Our experience has shown that the most cost effective and useful model infor- mation is available from the USCOE/NWS Columbia River forecasting center, the California DWR/DNR Sacramento forecast center, and the upper Mississippi NWS forecast center in Minneapolis. Existing models with the most potential to meet this project•s requirements are the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers SSARR model, the SAC-SMA model as modified by Burnash and Ferral, the NWS River forecast system, and the Stanford watershed model (in various versions) with routing and Eric Anderson•s snowmelt modifications. Task 4: Selection criteria for modeling system A selection criteria matrix will be established for detailed evaluation of the models that were identified for further analysis in Task 1. In general, criteria to be evaluated include software availability, memory and storage requirements, ease of operation, documentation (complete and usable), operation a 1 experience, set-up cost, calibration and forecasting cost, data input cost, and output format options. These criteria should be met if there is potential for use of this model as an operational model for reservoir releases, etc. An operational model should be easy to operate (user friendly), have a documented history of use, and be well known in case future modifications or adjustments are required. More detailed evaluation would be made of model routing procedures (availability of options such as kinematic wave, muskingum, lag attenuation, glacier routing); time steps (hourly, daily, monthly); length of simulation; snowmelt routines (availability of options such as degree-day index, energy balance, snowpack accumulation, frozen ground, distributed model for elevation zones); snowpack variables (depth, water content, albedo, cover, etc.); meteorological data requirements (temperature, dew point, wind· speed, precipitation rate, etc.); and -18 - r--------------~~~----~------------ infiltration routines (availability of options such as Hortons, constant rate, SCS curve methods, etc.). Additionally, s imul ati on accuracy versus expense (evaluated in Task 2) will be used to select the most optimal modeling system to meet APA•s needs. Task 5: Data requirements for the selected modeling system Suitability, modification, and application of existing data to the modeling system will be described. Data requirements for a range of forecasting accuracy and cost for both short term and long term forecasts will be described. For a range of these alternatives, requirements for stream gages, meteorological stations, and telemetry will be determined. Task 6. Recommended set-up of modeling system Set-up and operation of the selected modeling system will be described for at least five alternatives covering a range of accuracy and cost. Sensitivity testing derived from previous use of the modeling system and examination of its internal p,rogram will be provided in terms of data input requirements, costs, and accuracy. Task 7. Report A comprehensive report will be provided describing the methodology and results of the tasks in this work plan. An annotated bibliography will be provided of all appropriate modeling techniques identified in thi_s study. -19 - - s E c T I 0 N 7 7. COST ESTIMATE I. SERVICES A. ·salaries Title Dr. R.F. Ott, Hydrologist (project review) R. David Black, Project Manager Dr. John Humphrey, Hydrometeorologist James Barrett, Hydrologist Dennis Dorratcague, Hydraulics Engineer Joanne Richter, Report Coordinator Anne Wright, Librarian B. Salary Related Costs (22.38%A) Man Salary Hours Rate 10 31.67 30 31.84 120 31.84 120 22.51 10 21.56 60 20.20 40 7. 77 TOTAL A SALARIES Subtotal = $ 2,133.33 C. Overhead (152.66% A&B) Subtotal = $17,808.75 D. Fee on Services (12% (A&B&C)) Subtotal = $ 3,536.93 TOTAL I-A through 1-D = -20 - Cost 316.70 955.20 3,820.80 2,701.20 215.60 1,212.00 310.80 = $ 9,532.30 $33,011.31 II. DIRECT EXPENSES A. Travel & Living Expenses None B. Telephone 200 C. Reproduction 100 D. Computer Charges (literature search) 300 E. Other (typing services) 1500 TOTAL II-A through II-E = $ 2,100.00 III. SUBCONTRACTS (Provide detail as above in I and II) TOTAL III TOTAL PROJECT COST = -21 - None $35,111.31 PERSONNEL WORK LOAD BY MONTH Ron Dave John Dennis Jim Month Ott Black Hum~hre,Y Dorratcague Barrett November 52 70 52 67 56 December 63 67 45 58 48 January 54 65 27 62 52 February 25 55 35 54 46 March 30 60 20 31 35 April 25 45 15 35 22 May 20 42 15 40 15 June ,20 35 15 43 10 -22 - s E c T I 0 N a-- R. DAVID BLACK Water Resources Engineer EDUCATION B.S., Civil Engineering, Water Resources Specialty, University of California, Davis Graduate Degree Program, University of Alaska, Civil Engineering, Anchorage Cold Regions Water Resources, EXPERIENCE Mr. Black is a principal associate of Ott Water Engineers, Inc. (OTT). Since 1973, Mr. Black has gained water resources engineering experience throughout the United States. He has specific experience in water quality, surface and groundwater hydrology, coastal flooding, hydraulics, computer simulation, '"ater rights, and reservoir operation. In 1978, Mr. Black helped form OTT. experience in Alaska has been: Since that time, his major project o Project Director of wastewater facilities plan for the Municipality of Anchorage. Developed '40-year construction program for waste- water collection, treatment, and disposal alternatives. o Project Manager of hydro'logic and hydraulic analyses for dam safety inspections at Squaw Valley and Slate Creek Dams, Alaska. Computed PMF and routed floods through reservoir and over spillway. o Project Manager for three drainage plans for the Municipality of Anchorage: South Glenn Highway storm drain, Little Campbell Creek drainage basin, and Little River Creek drainage basin. Projected future saturation development conditions; developed design storm events; simulated rainfall and snmYIDelt runoff, and pollutant wash- off with the system analysis model (SAM); developed pipe and ditch networks; computed capacity requirements; and developed water qua~­ ity control plans. o Project Manager for test well program and aquifer analysis in Eagle River, Alaska. Determined water supply potential based on pump test information.· o Project Manager for the regional inventory and reconnaissance level study of potential feasibility of hydroelectric power development in fifty northwest Alaska communities. Performed hydrologic and environmental baseline studies for environmental impact assessment. o Participated in hydrologic and environmental baseline studies for assessment of potential impact of developing a marine industrial park at Seward, Alaska. Assisted in preparation of environmental assessment document and permit coordination with federal and state resource agencies. o Project Manager of the Municipality of Anchorage Comprehensive 208 . Wastewater Management Plan for Campbell Creek. Plan involved assessment of pollution impact using runoff and water quality com- puter modeling. R. DAVID BLACK Page 2 o Responsible for preliminary design, economic analysis, coordination with agencies, and securing of all permits required for development of a small hydroelectric facility in Akutan, Alaska. · o Project Manager for preliminary designs, cost estimates, and report relating to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) Chena River Lakes Flood Control Project, Fairbanks, Alaska. Entailed relocation and modification of levee, pumping plant, power supply, and major gravity drainage channels. o Chief investigator of the effect of snow disposal operations on the quality of groundwater in the Hunicipality of Anchorage. 0 Assessed hydrologic impacts of extracting potential sites on the North Slope of Alaska. mental evaluation and project description for ting and commenting resource agencies. gravel materials at Assisted in environ- submission to permit- o Project Manager of HEC-2 backwater profile, levee completion plans, and levee seepage analysis, Tanana, Alaska. Other major proj~ct experience with OTT includes: o Project Manager for development, application, and documentation of sno~elt and rainfall runoff, stream routing, and reservoir opera- tion computer models for over 2,000 square miles of the upper Wisconsin River watershed. Performed extensive computerized data management. o Determined the effect of a light commercial/industrial development on the quality of water discharging from Big Springs near Mount Shasta, California. o Project Manager of hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for Phase I dam safety inspections for six dams in southwestern Utah. Computed the PMF for cloudburst and general winter storms using the SCS curve technique and a unit hydrograph approach. Determined outlet, spillway, and dam overflow rating curves. o Project Manager for a stormwater drainage design in Palo Cedro, California. Determined 25-, 50-, and 100-year flood flows; com- puted hydraulic capacity of various channel and culvert designs. o Analyzed performance of, and recqmmended improvements to, existing water systems on eight Indian rancherias in northern California for the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, and identified potential re- servoir sites. o · Performed water quality, benthic invertebrate, and sediment sam- pling on Manzanita Creek, a tributary to the Trinity River in California. Determined population estimates of fingerling steel- head trout using electroshocking equipment. Prepared a water quality baseline to analyze the effect of future controlled burns on the anadromous fishery. R. DAVID BLACK Page 3 Between 1974 and 1978, Mr. Black was a staff engineer in the Hydrologic and Environmental Sciences discipline of a large engineering consulting firm. His project experience during that time includes: o Project Manager for Section 208 areawide waste management plan for the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska. Emphasized computer simula- tion of the effects of snowmelt and rainfall runoff on the quality o~ water in Campbell Creek and developed a manual of methods to accomplish similar studies by the municipality staff. o Modified and applied the QUAL IIIL water quality computer model to the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers in Wisconsin to assess the impact of indus trial w·as teload allocations. Simulated the growth and decay of eleven water quality constituents using a state-of-the-art investigation of sediment oxygen demand. o Developed a conjunctive use reservoir operations model of Clear Lake and Indian Valley Reservoir, California. Model was used· extensively by Yolo and Lake Counties to maximize benefits to both counties from conjunctive operation of the reservoirs. o Project Engineer for U.S. HUD Flood Insurance Studies' along the Pacific Northwest coast. Developed methods for analysis of coastal flooding, and determined magnitude and frequency of storm surge, sea swell, and astronomical tide. Used storm surg~~ ocean wave track, and hydrodynani'ic estuarine computer models. o Reported on California groundwater rights for Redding Regional Water Study. Investigated declining water well yields, designed and determined costs of water well construction, and ·developed a water well simulation program. o Investigated effect of land application of potato process waste- water on groundwater quality in Maine. o Determined the availability of groundwater as a source of water for offshore oil drilling in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Analyzed existing information from the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Depart- ment of Natural Resources and compared it to projected water requirements of offshore drilling platforms. o Performed field location and construction inspection of over twenty groundwater quality monitoring wells at a pulp and paper effluent land disposal site adjacent to the Sacramento River, California. PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer, Alaska and California MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS American Society of Civil Engineers American Water Works Association R. DAVID BLACK Page 4 PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS "Influence of Temperate Glaciers on Flood Events in Haritime Alaska" (co- authors John H. Humphrey, Carole J. Newton), Proceedings, Alaska Section of American Water Resources Association, 1984. "Determination of Flood Levels on the Pacific Northwes't Coast for Insurance Studies" (to-authors D. Dorratcague and J. Humphrey), Proceedings, Hydraulics Specialty Conference, College Station, Texas, American Society of Civil Engi- neers, 1977. RONALD F. OTT Civil Engineer EDUCATION Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Stanford University Engineer, Civil Engineering, Stanford University M.S., Civil Engineering, Stanford University B.S., Civil Engineering, California State University, Chico EXPERIENCE Since 1966, Dr. Ott has been a private consultant to government agencies, municipalities, and industries. During this time, he has completed projects in the fields of hydropower, hydrology, hydraulics, water quality, water resources, water rights, and groundwater. Dr. Ott has worked directly with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Department of Energy, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, State Fish and Game, water quality control boards, and local agencies to obtain pe·rmits for hydropower and complicated environmental projects. He has served as expert witness involv~ng hydrologic and water~quality impacts and has taught courses on how to build and maintain small hydroelectric projects. Dr. Ott formed Ott Water-Engineers, Inc., in January 1978. Samples of the types of projects on which he has been a senior consu-ltant or manager are listed below: o Hydropower site selection and feasibility studies for the Tuolumne Regional Water District. Seven sites were studied for hydropower potential in the Tuolumne and Stanislaus river systems, totaling over 20 megawatts (mW). De.tailed work plans were developed to prepare FERC licenses and construct the projects at the two larg- est sites. 0 0 FERC licensing for four power projects Oroville/Wyandotte Irrigation Districts. 60 mW and are located on the Feather River and two Projects system. dams for totaled the over Hydropower site selection and feasibility studies on Alaska, California, Oregon, and Nevada for energy compan1es. streams in development o FERC licensing State and ·regula'tory permits for a 1.4 mW hydro- 'electric project on Winchester Dam on the North Umpqua River in Roseburg, Oregon. Design, construction, and management being conducted for the Winchester Water Control District and Elektra Power Corporation. o Preliminary design, FERC licensing, and State and local permitting for a I. 2 mW project on Hat Creek, California. 1 RONALD F. OTT 0 Pre-design, FERC licensing, and power purchase contracts for 3.6 mW hydroelectric project on Battle and Digger Creeks Northern California. a ~n o Short-form license for a 5 mW project ori Hatchet Creek, Calif- orn~a. This ~vork also included IFG-4 type work for the license. o FERC short-form licenses and exemptions for private energy compan- ies on streams and dams throughout Northern California. o Filed and had granted over 200 preliminary FERC permits to gener- ate hydropower on streams, lakes, and dams in California for muni- cipalities, private energy companies and individuals. o Project manager on the Bailey Creek Hydroelectric Project in Northern California. This was the first project in the Western United States to receive a FERC exemption under the 5 mW status of the 1980 FERC ruling for a run-of-river project. The project is now generating power to PG&E. . o Hydropower feasibility study for tailings dam for Noranda Mining, Inc., in the Klamath River Basin in Northern California. o Hydropower site selection, feasibili-ty. studies, and FERC licensing for projects on streams in Alaska, California, Oregon, and. Nevada for energy development companies. o Feasibility studies, FERC licenses and de-sign, and construction management for private hydro developers on projects under 5 mW in California and Alaska. 0 Hydropower feas ibi li ty studies including hydrological, mental, and .. economic investigations on 50 sites ~n Alaska for th-e U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. env~ron­ Northwest o Hydropower feasibility and permitting for sites on Spring and Boulder Creeks, California, for Iron Mountain Mines. o Open-ended contractor providing assistance to Department of Energy to provide technical assistance on small hydroelectric projects in Oregon, California, and Nevada. o Dam safety inspections and hydraulic analysis for s~x dams ~n Utah for Utah Division of Water Rights. o Water quality modeling of the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers, _Wisconsin, for pulp paper industries, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and power industries to determine the effects of and to establish NPDES permits. o Water resources study for M&I water supplies and needs in the Truckee River Basin, California and Nevada, for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2 RONALD F. OTT o Hydrological and environmental studies on the Sacramento River and tributaries for hydropower, litigation, and planning purposes. Prior to creating Ott Hater Engineers, Inc., Dr. Ott consulted for ten years for a major consulting firm of which the last s1x years were as Director of the Environmental and Hydrologic Sciences Discipline. Representative projects i~ which he was involved were: o Performed hydraulic studies for a hydropower plant on the Sacra- mento River for the City of Redding, California. o Developed comprehensive quality and quantity models for streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries for Lake Washington and Green River drainage basins in the Seattle, Washington, area. Models include rm yield operation models for hydropower and water supply reser- vo1rs. o Represented the California Attorney General's Office in an inter- agency task force to develop hydrologic models for the Sacramento River to be used in flood damage litigation. ~ o Developed models to predict runoff and runoff quality from forest, agricultural, and ~rban lands and their effects on the San Joaquin River, Sacramento River, and the Delta for the California Water Resources Control Board. Models included water releases from hydroelectric and other dams around the rim of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. o Water resource and water quality management studies for Anchorage, Denver, St. Louis, Charles ton, and other major cities and geo- graphical areas in the U.S. PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Engineer: California, Montana, Nevada, Washington, and Wisconsin Water Rights Surveyor: Nevada MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS American Society of Civil Engineers International Water Resources Association Sigma XI COMMUNITY .AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Sacramento Valley Water Task Force, 1983 Vice President, Redding Chamber of Commerce, 1981 Board of Directors, Redding Chamber of Commerce, 1979-1981 Chairman, Redding Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resources Committee Technical Paper Reviewer, Environmental Journal, ASCE, 1976-Present Member, Rotary International, Redding-East 3 RONALD F. OTT PUBLICATIONS A Steady State Simulation of Small Amplitude Wind-Generated Waves, (with E. Y. Hsu and Robert L. Street), Technical Report No. 39, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, August 1968. Slreamflo'W Frequency Using Stochastically Generated Hourly Rainfall, Tech- nical Report No. 151, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, December 1971. "Streamflow Frequency Using Stochastically Generated Rainfall, 11 (with Ray K. Linsley), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Uncertainties in Hydrologic and Water Resource Systems, Tucson, Arizona, December 11-14, 1972. . Water Quality Simulation and Application, sented at the Eighth American Water Missouri, October 30, 1972. (with Pio S. Lombardo), paper pre- Resources Conference, St. Louis, Modeling Water Temperature: in Lake Washington and Green River Drainage, (with T. W. Holz and G. D. • Farris), paper presented at the Ninth American Water Resource Association Conference, Seattle, Washington, October 14, 1973. A Simulation Model for Water Quality Management in the Upper Duwamish River Estuary, (with J. A. Layton, T. J. Bechtel, and J. M. Buffo), paper presented at the Symposium on Modeling Techniques for Waterways, Harbor and Coastal Engineering, San Francisco, California, September 3, 1975 •. Storm Analysis and Combined Sewer Overflow Storage, paper ~resented at Pipe- -,:1-:i,_n-e---.-, =7""'"8-r,--C-o_n_f"'"e_r_e_n_c_e-,--s-p_o_n_s_o_r_e_d-=----:b,-y--..,.S=E-:-:W:-:C,.,;P"'-A-, Mi 1 waukee , Wisconsin , February 16, 1978. Instructed Course Power Plant at the and January 26-27, on Building and Operating a Small-Scale Hydroelectric University of California, Berkeley, January 27-28, 1982, 1983. Environmental Barriers to Hydro Development -The Instream Flow Problem, paper presented at the National Alliance for Hydroelectric Energy, San Fran- cisco, California, May 4, 1982. Small-Scale Hydropower Development on the Flathead Reservation, paper presented at "Energy Independence: A Challenge for Native American Communi- ties", American Indian Studies, University of California, Los Angeles Center, April 15-16, 1983. 4 EDUCATION DENNIS E. DOPPATCAGUE Civil Engineer M.S., ~ivil Enginee~ing, Colorado State University, 1974 B.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1968 EXPERIENCE Mr. Dorratcague is a principal of Ott Water Engineers. He has been Horking in the field of hydrology and hydraulics since 1972. His main area of concentration has been computer modeling of hydrodynamics and water quality. His experience on projects includes the folloHing: o Developed cost and hydrologic computer a1gorithm models for the Northwest Power Planning Council's Hydropower Data Base. This included calculation of energy costs and development of a standard procedure for hydrologic analysis for the NorthHest states. o California coastal storm surge analysis. Used the CAFEl storm surge model (developed by MIT) to model storm surge at several sites along the California coast for the Federal Emergency r:anagement Agency. o Performed the two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality modeling of Lake Wisconsin. Currents due to reservoir operation and winds were modeled. Nine water quality constituents were also simulated and the resulting model was ·employed to evaluate waste discharges from a proposed industrial planto o Managed and performed the numerical modeling of storm surges on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. One model was a finite difference model covering a large area. The other was a finite element model applied in greater detail to simulate surges in Prudhoe Bay. o For Intersea Research Corp., used finite difference computer simulation models to analyze coastal storm surges at Hoonah, on the coast between Valdez and Cordova, and four sites off Prudhoe Bay including Dinkim Sands. o For the City of Nome, Alaska, determined the wave and storm surge levels and predicted impact upon a proposed wastewater treatment plant upgradingo DENNIS E. DORRATCAGUE o Responsible for flood Insurance studies on the viashington and. Oregon coasts. v,ork included analysis of storm wave runup on beaches and storm surges on the coast and in bays and estuaries with river flow inter-relations. Mr. Dorratcague developed two-dimensional coastal surge and wave tiacking models which have been adopted by the Flood Insurance Administration for use on the Pacific Northv1est Coast. o Performed a water quality modeling study on the Humboldt River in Nevada. Loaded the QUAL3 water quality model on the State of Nevada's IBM computer system. This model was run to simulate 12 water quality constituents along 340 miles of the Humboldt River, and nonpoint source salinity contributions were analyzed. o Performed a water quality modeling study for two non stratified reservoirs and a 20-mile reach of the \'Jiscons in River in vH sconsin. Eleven water quality constituents were modeled with emphasis on dissolved oxygen levels during critical low flow periods. o Employed hydraulic and hydrologic computer analises for a flood control feasibility study of the Humboldt River and its tributaries in Nevada utilizing HEC-1 and HEC-2. o Developed and applied hydraulic models for unsteady flow simulation on the Fox River, Wisconsin and the ship canal in Stockton, California. Output from these models was used for input to the water quality models. Mr. Dorratcague applied a similar model to determine tidal flood levels on Hood Canal, Hashing ton. o Applied a two-dimensional groundwater model to determine the effect on the water table at an effluent disposal site. He also developed a computer model to investigate the mutual drawdown effects of a well field for an irrigation project. o Acted as technical manager on the Green River-Flaming Gorge water quality study. Added a sulfate routing routine to the Corps of Engineers' water quality program, WQRRS. This program was then applied to model 21 water quality constituents on 90 miles of the Green River and stratified Flaming Gorge Reservoir. DENNIS E. DORRATCAGUE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTRATION ~ashington, Oregon, Alaska, California . . MnmERSHIP IN OPGANI ZATIONS ~~erican Society of Civil Engineers Tau Beta Pi--Honorary Engineering Society PUBLICATIONS ·"Determination of Flood Levels on the Pacific Northwest Coast for Federal Insurance Studies," (Co-authors R. Black and J. Humphrey). Proceedings, Hydraulics Specialty Conference, College Station, Texas, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1977. "Numerical Simulation Coast," (Co-author J. Coastal Meteorology, Meterological Society, 1976. of Storm Surges on the Pacifi~ Northwest Humphrey). Proceedings, Conference on Virginia Beach, Virginia, American Boston, Massachusetts, S~ptember 21-23, Remote Sensing of Mississippi River Characteristics, (with J. F. Ruff, M. M. Skinner, · D.B. Simmons, and B.R. Winkely), Journal of Waterways, Harbors, and Coastal Engineeting Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, May 1976. JOHii H. h'UI·IT'HREY Hydrologist/Heteorologist/Civil Engineer EDUCATION Ph.D., Hydrology, University of Nevada at Reno, 1972 B.A., Meteorology, University of California at Los Angeles, 1963 EXPERIEI~CK Since completing graduate studies, Dr. Humphrey has worked for engineering consulting firms providing hydrometeorological expertise, including: o Determining flow duration statistics and synthesizing longterm daily flow records for hydropower facility design. o Synthesizing design storms and depth-duration-areal frequencies of precipitation for stormwater runoff analysis. o Determining flood peaks and volumes by computer simulation and by graphical, empirical, and regional methods. o Analyzing surface and subsurface runoff, groundwater recharge, and evapotranspiration for different land uses. o Setting up, calibrating, and verifying snowmelt runoff models for use in operational river system simulations. o Providing meteorological data input to computer modeling of water quantity and quality in rivers and lakes. o Estimating diffuse waste source contributions to water pollution, especially agricultural return flow and urban sediment washoff. o Determining meteorological factors affecting coastal storm surges, ocean currents, wave. forces, and other oceanographic studies. o Selecting and installing hydrological and meteorological instru- ~ents, including telemetry equipment. o Describing and analyzing meteorological factors affecting project siting, design, construction, operations, and air pollution. 0 Performing climatological, hydrological, analyses in environmental assessment industry. and water quality impact reports for the m1n1ng Dr. Hum~hrey spent 4 years as a graduate research fellow in hydrology at the University of Nevada where he developed a computer model for predicting snowmelt, water content, and temperatures in snow cover. His experience also includes 5 years as a meteorologist with the U.S. Air Force, Where he is now a reserve Major. 1 ·---·---·---------- JOHN H. HUMPHREY PROFESSIONAL P~GIST~~TlONS Civil Engineer -California Certified Consulting Meteorologist MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS American Meteorological Society American Water Resources Association U.S. Air Force Reserve International Glaciological Society PUBLICATIONS The Response of Sapflow Patterns in Forest Vegetation to Meteorological Parameters in the Eastside Sierra Nevada, University of Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972. Numerical Prediction of Snowpack Temperatures in the Eastside Sierra Nevada Using a Surface Energy Balance Model, (Ph.D. d~ssertation) 1972, University of Nevada at Reno. Allocation of Water Resources 1n the Lake, Washington-Cedar River Basin, Washington, (Co-author W. Blood), presented at the Ninth American Water Resources Conference, Seattle, Washington, 1973. Variation of Snowpack Density and Structure with Environmental Conditions, (Co-author C. Skau), Center for Water Resources Research, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada System, Reno, Ne~ada, 1974. "Numerical Simulation of Storm Surges on the Pacific Northwest Coast 11 , (Co-author D. Dorratcague), Proceedings, Conference on Coastal Meteorology, --~--~~~~~------~~~~--~--~------=---~ Virginia Beach, Virginia, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts, September 1976. ,.Determination of Flood Levels on the Pacific Northwest Coast for Federal Insurance Studies", (Co-authors R. Black and D. Dorratcague), Proceedings, Hydraulics Specialty Conference, College Station, Texas, American Society. for Civil Engineers, 1977~ ' 1Estimating Flows in Unstable Channels Using Indirect Methods" (Co-author M. Randall), Rivers '83. Proceedings of a·.Hydraulics Specialty Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, American Society of Civil Engineers, October 1983. "Influence of Temperate Glaciers on Flood Events in Maritime Alaska" (Co- authors R. Black and C. Newton), Managing Water Resources for Alaska's Development, Proceedings of an American Water Resources Conference, Chena Hot Springs, Fairbanks, Alaska, November 1983. Reservation Resource Development Plan (Co-authors M Sunday and R Bl k) _ . • . ac , _..-pre·sented ""to the Presidential Commission on Indian Reservation Economics, Reno, Nevada, March 5, 1984. "Modeling Design Flood Hydrographs for Glaciated Basins in Alaska" (Co- authors R: Black and C. Newton), Proceedings Cold Regions Specialty Confer- ~~ Apr1l 4-6, 1984, Edmonton, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta. I I \ \ I \ I EDUCATION JAMES K. BARRETT Hydrologist • .. M.S., Hydrology, Colorado State University B.S., Geology, University of California, Davis B.S., Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis EXPERIENCE Mr. Barrett joined Ott Water Engineers, Inc. (OTT) in 1979 after successfully completing his graduate studies in Colorado. His studies emphasized the study of hydrology in relation to mining and industrial development, geo- thermal potential, and domestic utilization. Over the past ten years, Mr. Barrett has participated in a variety of pro- jects including the following: o Currently performing hydrology and hydraulics investigations for both the Hunicipality of Anchorage's Eklutna Hater Supply and West Interceptor Projects. These studies include stream cross section and thalweg profile surveys, statistical analyses of discharge data, and stream scour depth calculations for pipeline crossing designs at Ship Creek, Peters Creek, Fossil Creek, Campbell Creek, Eagle River, and Eklutna River near Anchorage. The crossing design hydrology/hydraulics inputs include 100-year flood flows, eleva- tions, profiles, 100-year floodplain delineation, scour depth cal- culations, channel stability, and lateral migration rates as well as determination of flood risk and diversion requirements during construction. 0 Evaluated flood scour potential Studies included tions, profiles, criteria. risk, stream migration threat, and· erosion and for 23 bridge crossings in Southeast Alaska. 50-and 100-year flood flows, water surface eleva- and scour depth recommendations for bridge design o Conducted surface and groundwater hydrology and water quality studies in the vicinity of the Red Dog lead/zinc mine project in northwest Alaska. This study included the evaluation of ground- water base flow, water quality impacts of ore zone seepage into Red Dog Creek, and hydrometeorological relationships between storm events, streamflow, and water qua~ity. o Participated in design, installation, and operation of surface and groundwater monitoring networks and water quality sampling programs for Beluga coal mine and transportation corridor projects. Among other innovations, this project represents the first large scale use of electronic digital stream stage recorders and computerized data processing equipment for hydrology baseline studies in Alaska. JAMES K. BARRETT Page 2 o Performed hydrology investigations for the port and transportation alternatives analysis for the Bering River coal development near Cordova, Alaska. This reconnaissance investigation provided bridge design criteria such as estimates of 100-year flood flows, flood- plains, scour, channel stability, lateral migration rates, and glacier outburst flood potential of several major water courses in the region. o Performed hydrologic studies for large, open-pit mine in northern California. Included geologic investigations for 420-foot-high dam, small hydropower plant, diversion structure, and spillway. o Supervised and conducted aquifer analyses for surface mlnlng activities in Colorado and Wyoming. These included determination of relationships between groundwater quantity/quality and aerial geology; ground,.,.,ater chemistry and overburden mineralogy; estab- lishment of surface and groundwater sampling networks and moni- toring programs; and analysis of mining site geomorphology for erosion and sedimentation control. o With the Colorado State Geological Survey, developed a statewide geothermal systems water quality monitoring program; prepared ' geologic maps of each thermal system; and assisted in subsurface exploration of thermal ar~as via deep drilling and geochemical techniques. o For the California Department of Water Resou~ces, participated in surface water hydrology and fluvial morphology investigations for large surface water diversion projects. These investigations in- cluded determination of 100-year flood magnitudes, sediment trans-· port rates, localized scour conditions, channel stability, and channel bottom bed form analyses for design of large intake struc- tures. o For the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, prepared field reports, geo- logic maps, and related materials; assisted in drill core logging, and cuttings analysis for deep foundation investigations; and con- ducted slope stability surveys. MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society, Colorado State University PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS ''Hyd~ology ·of the Red Dog Project Area, Western DeLong Mountains, Alaska," University of Alaska Seminar, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1983. "Procedures Recommended for Overburden and Hydrologic Studies of Mines," USDA Forest Service SEAM Program, General Technical Report Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah, 1980. Surface INT-71, "An Appraisal of Colorado's Geothermal Resources," Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 39, 1977. JAHES K. BARRETT Page 3 "Geothermal Resources of the Upper San Luis and Arkansas Valleys, Colorado, Studies in Colorado Field Geology, 11 Colorado School of Mines, Professional Contributions No. 8, 1976. "Hydrogeological Data of Thermal Springs and l.Jells in Colorado," Colorado Geological Survey Information Series 6, 1976. "Ut ilizatibn of Geothermometer and Isotope Hodels in the Buena Vista Thermal Area, Colorado," Geological Society of America, National Convention, Denver, Colorado, 1976.