HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS34Linda Perry Dwight Water Resources .Information Services p.o .Box 3613DT Anchor'I'AI..k.99510 (9071344.7964 August 26,1982 Hr.Stephen Bredthauer R&H Consultants,Inc. Box 6087 Anchorage,Alaska 99502 Dear Steve, I have reviewed and corrected the typed copy of the literature search on baseline information on upper Cook Inlet,which I delivered to you on August 13. A manual and computer literature search was conducted to identify additional references on the 1imnology and water quality of glacial lakes. Two computer searches were completed.Selected Water Resources Abstracts was searched by combining the keywords dams or reservoirs or glacial lakes with any of the fol lowing:ice cover,ammonia,eutrophication,dissolved oxygen, phosphorus,supersaturation,and trophic level.The 152 references were reviewed by Larry Peterson,who stated that none pertained to glacial lakes.Cold Regions (the computerized version of the CRREL bibliography)was searched util izing a sim ilar strategy,and 58 references were generated.Several pertinent references had already been identified in a manual search of volumes 28-33 of the CRREL bibl iography,util izing the keywords dams,reservoirs,glacial lakes,ice cover, dissolved gases,nitrogen,nutrients,oxygen,phosphorus cycle,water temperature, and turbidity. The same keywords were used to check all CRREL technical publications,and 40 references were identified for your review.Bibl iographies of six additional reports were reviewed,but no additional references were identified. Alaska,University ,Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center.1980.An assessment of env ironmental effects of construction and operation of the proposed Terror Lake hydroelectric facility,Kodiak,Alaska;Raptor studies; Intragravel water temperature studies.Report for Kodiak Electric Associa- tion ,In=.,Kodiak,AK .57 pp. • 1980.An assessment of environmental effects of construc~ion and operation of the proposed Tyee Lake hydroekctric project,Pete rsburg and Wrangell~ Alaska.Report for Robert W.Retherford Associates Div.,International Engineering Company,Inc.1 vol . . 1981.An assessment of environmental effects of construction and operation -----of the proposed Terror Lake hydroelec tric facility,Kodiak,Alaska;Instream flow studies;Final report .Report for Kodiak Electric Association,Inc., Kodiak,AK.419 pp. Bell,M.1973.F isheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria .F isheries Engineering Research Program,Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Div .,Portland,OR.1 vol. Feulner,A.J.,and K.M.Reed. 1977 .Bibl iography of reports by members of the U.S.Geological Survey on the water resources of Alaska;1870-1976.U.S. Geological Survey,Anchorage,AK.Open-f ile Report 77-687.112 pp. McNeil, W.J.,and J.E.Bailey.1975. Salmon rancher 's manual.Northwest Fisheries Center Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory,National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay,AK.Processed Report.95 pp. In summary, I found seve ral references that may assist you and Acres in determining the effects of ice cover,but no addit ional references that will assist Larry Peterson with his water qual ity report.For your information, Joe LaBelle and Jim Wise at AEIDC are completing an ice atlas,and may have additional information that will be of use. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~..~ Linda Perry Dwight LPD :sa enclosure I NTRODUCT ION A literature search was conducted to obtain information on baseline data on upper Cook Inlet,with special emphasis on data near the mouth of the Susitna River.The search focused on data on ice , sediment,salinity,tides,and biological productivity. The bibliography contains annotations for 18 references. Appendix A is a chronological listing of 11 reports that contain data on sea ice cond itions in Cook Inlet between 1969 and 1980. Appendix B is a chronological listing of six reports that contain data on physical,chemical,and biological parameters collected for outfall studies at Collier Carbon and Chemical Corporation near Kenai.All reports are available at the University of Alaska's Arctic Env ironmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC). Gatto (1976)presented a detailed description of oceanograph ic processes in Cook Inlet,and Sharma et al.(1974)described circulation and sediment transport in upper Cook Inlet.The Un ivers ity of Alaska's Institute of Marine Science (IMS)has collected data in the vicin ity of the Susitna River estuary on temperature,sal in ity,oxygen ,d issolved and particulate carbon, suspended sediments,and nutrients (Kinney ,Groves,and Button 1970).Sharma and Burrell (1970)described the sedimentary env ironment of upper Cook Inlet.Unpubl ished IMS data were referenced in other reports.Poole and Hufford (1982)analyzed meteorolog ical and oceanographic factors associated with the variability of ice formation. Data collected under the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program pertained only to lower Cook Inlet.Data listed in AEIDC's climatic atlas were too generalized .Data compiled by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for Cook Inlet were not site specific.Data collection for studies on s16/L - 1 - Anchorage wastewater d ischarge and the Knik River crossing did not extend i nto the v icinity of the Susitna River estuary.The follow ing publicat ions lists and b ibl iographies were utilized. Publications Lists --Un iversity of Alaska Alaska Climate Center Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center Geophysical Institute Institute of Marine Science Institute of Water Resources Sea Grant Program Bibliograph ies Alaska Dept.of Natural Resources,Planning and Research Section . 1977.Resource b ibliography;Susitna R iver Basin.317 pp. Alaska Dept.o f Natural Resources,Div .of Research and Development,Land and Resource Planning Section.1979 . Susitna R iver bas in resource b ibl iography;supplement 1979 . 244 pp. Alaska,Un iversity,Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center.1982 .Alaska coastal bibliography and index ; statewide.Anchorage,AK .1 vol . Maher,J.C . ,and W.M.Trollman .1969.Geological literature on the Cook Inlet basin and vicinity,Alaska.Report for Alaska Dept.of Natural Resources.82 pp. s16/L - 2 - McGee,D.L.,et al.1977 .Bibliography of the Cook Inlet (1969-1976).Div.of Geological and Geophys ical Surveys, Alaska Dept.of Natural Resources ,College ,AK .33 pp . s16/L - 3 - ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY --UPPER COOK INLET BASELINE DATA 1.Alaska,University ,Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center.1974 .Alaska regional profiles.Vol .1. Southcentral region.Report for Alaska Office of the Governor.253 pp . Summarizes all available information .Includes Institute of Marine Science and National Weather Service reports (described below).Limited site specific data. 2.Carlson,R.F.,and C .E.Behlke.1972.A computer model of the tidal phenomena in Cook Inlet,Alaska.Institute of Water Resources,University of Alaska,Fairbanks,AK . Report 17.38 pp. Description of model of hydraulic flow for Cook Inlet and Knik Arm developed as data base for dispersion transport model for examining Anchorage waste outfall . .3 .Carlson,R .F.,R.D.Seifert,and D.L.Kane.1977.Effects of seasonability and variability of streamflow on nearshore coastal areas.Institute of Water Resources,University of Alaska,Fairbanks,AK.Report 78.1 vol. Contains specific data on Susitna River,but no analyses. 4.Evans,C.D.,et al.1972.The Cook Inlet environment;a background study of available knowledge.Resource and Science Service Center,University of Alas ka,Anchorage, AK.1 vol. s16/L - 4 - Summarizes all available information .Includes Institute of Marine Science and National Weather Service reports (described below).Limited site specific data. S .Gatto ,L.W.1976.Baseline data on the oceanography of Cook Inlet ,Alaska.Cold Reg ions Research and Engineering Laboratory,U.S .Army Corps of Engineers,Hanover,NH . Report 76-25.92 pp . Investigation to compile baseline information on ocean circulation,with emphasis on the extent and pattern of tidal flushing and tidal currents in Cook Inlet,utilizing aircraft and satellite imagery with ground truthing.Regional relationships between river hydrology,sediment transport, circulation,and coastal processes were analyzed.Institute of Marine Science (I MS)data collection i s referenced (but sites are not located)and unpublished IMS data on temperature, salin ity,and suspended sediment a re included.Detailed description of oceanoq r aphic processes i n Cook Inlet. 6 .Howard,Needles,Tammen &Bergendoff.1972 .Knik Arm h ighway cross ing .Report for Alaska Dept .of Highways, Anchorage ,AK. 1 vol . Study to determine feasibility of Knik Arm crossing.Specific data is extremely li mi ted and is within Knik Arm . 7.Hutcheon,R.J .1972 .Forecasting ice in Cook Inlet,Alaska. National Weather Service,Alaska Region,Anchorage,AK. NOAA Technical Memorandum AR-5.14 pp. s16/L -5 -" General discussion of factors used to forecast ice .Rivers release large freshwater ice cakes during breakup.River ice is harder than sea ice,unaffected by tidal action,remains i n the rivers till breakup,and reaches a thickness of six to seven feet . 8.Kinney,P .J.,D .K.Button ,and D.M .Shell .1969.Kinetics of d iss ipation and biodegradation of crude oil in Alaska's Cook Inlet.Pages 333-340 in Proceed ings of the Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Spills,New York,NY, December 15-17,1969.American Petroleum Institute and Federal Water Po llution Control Federat ion. Report on Institute of Marine Science (IMS)study to quantitat ively define magnitude of Cook Inlet oil pollution problems .Although Cook Inlet flushing is 90 percent complete in 10 mon ths,biodegradation occurs i n a few months,and i s more important .Flush ing depends on river input rate and salt water replacement rate due to mix ing entra inment .However,other investigators have found that flush ing times are not a strong function of seasonal river input variations.Da ta on which the analysis in this report is based are presented in other IMS reports , 9. Kinney,P .J .,J.Groves,and D.K .Button.1970.Cook Inlet environmental data.R/V Acona cru ise 065 - May 21 -28,1968. Inst itute of Marine .Science, Un ivers ity of Alaska,College, AK .Report R-70-2.1 vol , The ma jor purpose of the cru ise was to gather data on the dissipation ,biodegradat ion ,and accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons.Hydrographic,chemical,and geological pa rameters were also measured.Data collected in the vicin ity of the Susitna River estuary include temperature,salin ity , s16/L - 6 - oxygen,dissolved and particulate carbon,suspended sedlrnents ,and nutrients (phosphate,n itrate,nitrite, ammonia ,and silicate). 10.Matthews,J.B.,and J .C.H.Mungall.1972 .A numerical tidal model and its application to Cook Inlet,Alaska.Journal of Marine Research .30(1):27-38. 11.Mungall ,J.C .H .1973.Cook Inlet tidal stream atlas. Institute of Marine Science,University of Alaska,Fairbanks, AK .Report R-73-6.27 pp . 12.Mungall ,J.C .H .,and J .B .Matthews.1973.Numerical tidal models w ith unequal grid spacing.Institute of Marine Science,University of Alaska .Fairbanks,AK.Report R-73-2 .213 pp. The above three publications describe a numerical model for pred ict ing tides and tidal currents,with a description of the appl ic at ion to Cook Inlet. 13.Peyton,H.R.1966.Sea Ice in Cook Inlet.Arctic Environmental Engineering Laboratory,University of Alaska . 25 pp . Ge neral discuss ion of -necbantcat properties of sea ice relative to des ign ing large offshore drilling platforms in Cook Inlet. 14 .Poo le,F .W.,and G.L.Hufford.1982.Meteorological and oceanographic factors affecting sea ice in Cook Inlet.Journal of Geophysical Research .87(3):2061-2070. s16/L - 7 - Meteorological and oceanographic factors associated with the variabil ity of ice format ion are analyzed.The primary parameter in the upper inlet is a ir temperature (adjusted frost-free days),adjusted for re lative thermal conditions of the water .River runoff is an important parameter in the lower inlet.Freshwater ice forms on r iver deltas and streams in the upper inlet in late November,followed by sea ice format ion.Res idence time of freshwater in the upper in let is not known. 15.Sharma,G.D.,and D .C .Burrell.1970.Sedimentary environment and sediments of Cook I nlet,Alaska.Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geolog ists .54 (4): 647-654. Data collected in the vicin ity of the Susitna River estuary on cruises 026 (1966)and 043 (1967)of the R/V Ac ona, including standard hydrog raph ic parameters ,bottom grab samples,and suspended sed iment samples,are summarized. Three sedimentary facies are described .When large quantities of glacial sediment enter the inlet during early summer months ,strong currents prevent depos ition of most of the silt and clay .The rate of sediment suppl y i s minimal during the winter season,and sediments are reworked by ice rafting.Most material is deposited in the area adjacent to the Forelands.Note :unpublished reports are referenced. 16.Sharma,G.D .,e t al.1974.Sea-surface circulation , sediment transport,and marine mammal distribution,Alaska continental shelf .Report for Goddard Space Flight Center , National Aeronautics and Space Administration,Greenbelt , MD .77 pp . s16/L - 8 - ERTS-l imagery is utilized to provide synoptic data for seawater parameters and sea-ice characteristics.Ground truthing was obtained from two cru ises in 1972 in the vicinity o f the Susitna River estuary for salinity,suspended sediment,and temperature .Circulation and sed iment movement in t he upper inlet i s described as follows : Circulation in upper Cook Inlet,as interpreted from both ERTS-l imagery and ground truth data ,appears to be a clockwise gyre .Apparently the jet effect of the East-West Forelands areas,where during flood tide the configuration of the Forelands jets the flooding water to the west s ide of the inlet,is sufficient to overcome Coriolis force,wh ich would normally maintain r.orthward flow up the east side of the i nlet and result in a net counterclockwise gyre as in the lower inlet. Consequently sed iments from Knik Arm move south down the east side of the inlet and the clearer flooding water f rom the lower inlet moves north on the west side of the inlet.The clockwise gyre appears to break down near the upper reaches of the upper inlet and water movement in this area is probably a northeast-southwest pulsation due to the flood and ebb of the tides . 17.u .s .Army Corps of Eng ineers,Alaska District,and Munici pality of Anchorage.1979 .Metropolitan Anchorage urban study;Volume 3;Water quality,Knik Arm-upper Cook Inlet.Anchorage,AK .1 vol. Study to dete rmine effects of Anchorage wastewater effluent d ischarges on Knik Arm and Cook Inlet water quality .Field data collected in the v icinity of Point Woronzof is reported . 18 .Wayne,W.W. the United Admin istration. 1977 .Final report on t idal power study for States Energy Research and Development Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, Boston,MA .2 vols . s16/L -9 - General discussion of proposed Cook Inlet t idal power projects and environmental effects. s16/L - 10 - : A PP ENDIX A The follow ing reports contain data on sea ice conditions in Cook In let between 1969 a nd 1980 ,and are li sted in ch ronolog ical order. 1.Hutcheon ,R .J .1972.Sea ice conditions i n Coo k Inlet , Alaska ,during the 1969-1970 winter .National Weather Se rv ice ,Alaska Reg ion,Anchorage,AK.NOAA T echnical Memo ra nd um AR-6.11 pp. 2 . A las ka , Se rv ice , d ur ing A las ka 1972.Sea ice cond itions in Cook Inlet , t he 1970-1971 w in te r .Na t ional Weather Reg ion ,Anchorage ,A K .NOAA Techn ical Memorandum AR-7 .17 pp . Reg ion ,Anchorage ,AK. NOAA Techn ica l 3 . A laska ,du r ing Service ,A laska 197 3.Sea ic e th e 1 971-1972 co nd it ions i n Cook In let, w in ter .Na t iona l Weat her Memorandum NWS AR -8 18 pp. 4 .Sc hulz,R.1977 .Sea ic e co nd itio ns i n Coo k Inlet ,A laska , dur ing the 1972-1973 winte r .National Weather Service, Reg iona l Headquarters,Ancho rage ,AK .NOAA T echnical Memoran dum NWS A R-17 . 5 .1977 .Sea ice cond itions in Cc.ok Inlet, A laska ,dur ing t he 197 3-1974 w in te r .National Weath er Serv ice ,Reg io nal He adqu ar t ers,A nc ho r age,AK .NOAA T e ch n ical Memora ndum NWS AR-18 .14 pp . 6 .1977 .Sea ice cond itions i n Cook Inlet, A las ka,dur ing the 197 4-1975 w inter .Na t iona l Weather Service,Reg ional Headquarters,Anchorage,AK .NOAA Techn ica l Memorandum NWS AR-19.13 pp. s16/L - 11 - 7.1978.Sea ice cond itions i n Cook Inlet , Alaska,dur ing the 1975-1976 w inter .National Weather Service ,Regional Headquarters ,Anchorage ,AK .NOAA Tech nica l Memorandum NWS AR-20.11 pp . 8 .Poo le ,F .W.1980 .Sea ic e co nd itio ns i n Coo k In let ,Alaska , d uring the 1976-1977 wi nter .Nat io na l Weat her Service , Reg iona l Headquarte rs,Anchorage ,AK .NOAA T ech nical Memorandum NWS AR -27.12 pp . 9.Eato n,R .B.1980.Sea ice cond it ions in Cook In let ,Alaska , dur i ng the 1977-1978 w inter.Na tional Weather Service , Reg ion al Headqu arters,An c horage,AK .NOAA Technical Memo ra nd um NWS AR -28 . 1 5 pp . 10.Poo le,F.W.198 1.Sea ice co nd itio ns i n Coo k Inle t,Alaska, d ur ing th e 1978-1979 w in te r .Na tio na l Weather Service, Reg ional Headquarters ,Ancho rage ,AK .NOAA Techn ica l Memorandum NWS AR-30 .15 pp . 11 .1981 .Sea ice condit ions i n Cook Inlet , A la ska ,during the 1979-1980 win ter .National Weather Serv ice ,Reg ional Headq uarte rs,Ancho rage,A K.NOAA T e chnical Memoran dum NWS AR -32 .10 pp. T hese reports contain a desc ription o f ice cond itions based on ob serva t io ns by U .S .Navy ic e observers ,ass isted by Nati onal We ath er Serv ice ma r ine foreca ster s,and ana lyses of satell ite imagery .Repo rts f rom Cook Inlet oil p la tfo rms were also used.Da ta presented includes ice concentration,ice th ickness ,mean mon th ly tempe rature and frost-free days at Anchorag e,Kena i,and Homer ,a nd sea water tempera tures at t he o i l p lat forms . s16/L - 12 - APPENDIX B The following reports conta in data on physical,chemical,and biological parameters collected for outfall studies at Collier Carbon and Chemical Corporation near Kenai.They are listed in chronological order. 1.Rosenburg,D.H.,et al.1967 .Oceanography of Cook Inlet with special reference to the effluent from the Collier Carbon and Chemical Plant.Institute of Marine Science,University of Alaska,College,AK.Report 67 -3.105 pp. 2 .Hood,D .W .,et al.1968.Summary report on Coll ier Carbon and Chemical Corporation studies in Cook Inlet,Alaska. Inst itute of Mar ine Science,Un iverity of Alaska,College,AK. Report 68-9.1 vol. 3.Rosenburg,D.H .,K .V.Natarajan,and D.W .Hood .1969. Summary report on Collier Carbon and Chemical Corporation stud ies i n Cook Inlet,Alaska ;Part I ,November 1968 to September 1969.Institute of Marine Sc ience,University of Alaska,Co llege,AK.Report 69-13 .1 vo l. 4 .1969 .Summary report on Collier Carbon and Chemical Corporation stud ies in Cook Inlet,Alaska;Part II, November 1968 to September 1969 .Inst itute of Marine Science,Un iversity of Alaska,College ,AK .Report 69-13 . 1 vol. 5 .Kinney,P .J.,et al.1970.Quantitative assessment of o il pollution problems in Alaska's Cook Inle t.Institute of Marine Science,Un ivers ity of Alaska ,College,AK .Report R-69-16. 116 pp . s16/L - 13 - 6.Rosenburg,D .H .,ed.1972.Oceanographic data,Coll ier Carbon and Chemical Corporation pier,Cook Inlet,Alaska, January 1971 through December 1971 .Institute of Marine Science,University of Alaska,College,AK.Report R-72-2. 21 pp . s16/L - 14 - ......