HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS105SUS 105 ••........H ••••'".....'..1 ..... \'01 .7 .~o.1 .19 82 S I XLlLAr I O~OF F ISH ~\~~STS I~"J.ARCF.HYIl RQ-F.I.F.CT RI C RF.S t RVO I R :LG -Z 1 Ke n ~rr ison 2 and Sormand Thcrien2 /"S$-;R,:CT:li':SIiI-V :i ,.f loo ding c reatt:s a (,.-a"!ple t.:::;n ,-",;Ja.,..,i ta t f or fish to k t il i:.-:.iJa1 they k :i Z::z e t his halr:t at Io1i l Z 1"C fZ f?ct t Ju:iJri'acr ot the reservoir creation 0 11 t he fil!h. To czanri r:c t he utilizat ion of neu habi ttJ ~b y l i s h,11 eec- d ime no !'U 1:3 ".,d r!has be e n rm J e of .~i£h ~Mra,,!'l t d i r;:1:e U;-2 1"Cs eMJOi,..The modt!l.ca n take £":0 a CCO!4n :t1J c .:l i f,;,l.!'t s c l s t?iJ - e N'1 [aatare e n ]'ish "'.oveMePl t ~.ilhi Z2 M7 r,;~rce earch e re Jo"aw stkdi.ed onr:n-ting cpe eds i n Zabor::::to r 'ic D,i'w:::re Bk Zt,s a r e not app licable 1 01"ob tai n i ng d i sp Za cemer.t 3 p CBd::in a natura !sy st ~. :herel oN ,nonte-carto si.nlllationa baeed on lieh-t l'ackinp studies ;'.avo lxl en :.tD ed to estinrlt.J ne t d isplacemcntB pe ,.u n i t tiJr.e f or i ruf i ~l fis h.This in fo f'mQtion has t hen been ue~d t.o g iv..!a t iMe f"ra1'rs to the fU Zl-,....eM>Oi r -=ode l. The f ira t ae e of t he model ha.b e e n to ezt11'rine t he di ope r-: sum of f ish i ..to t he reBcMJQi ,.in tr.s first lIea,..E.ram i~t i cn8 have b een dene f or t he Ma j o,.s pecies found in the area .F.e ~~l t 8 a ~c~red t o catch-peP-knit-erro rt aa ta c~lle c :e d tf.e ¥ea r c f te r floodi",? The model g i t'€c relative?der.e i t Ces o f f iah a t.~;roc.c p,...:nte in t he reservoir o ve r t ime.The N SUZt,d of thl?MOd t3 ;IlQt'~imp!i - oo t i Ol1 r.as t o the i nterpreta eior:of f i sh da ta C!Jtzec ud !.1 /t..:l' impoz.r.&rJe nt . ;RESUME :L 'i 1f.01J da tior:N S&4 Ztar.t d '..n rVseMJ oi l'cree 1('2 /z.;b i ta t """"letement nOllW4U que La faune i c'ty o logi ""e va ~tili .e r . La fayon dollt:C6ll e-ci va uti l ise,.cet habitat sera aec ni8'Ure e n c;.....lq-d aoro"cU l 'in;x:ct d e la cmtion de ce Nd{;MJ..,,:il'~ lea poiss ou. Ilnternatiooal Sr-P0aiu.on aeservoir Ecology a nd Mana ge.ent . Univeraite Laval,Qu8bec.J~ne,1981. Z,aculte d••Science.Appliquee..Cniver.ite de Sherbrooke. Sherbroolte.quebec Jilt 2R1. • I i t 416 , t 1 I t I , \ I I,, •I 417 /.:"i r.J 'c ttd i ~l 'i.'14 t i U c q ~~·-:)...d 'un "1 J..abitat pa r ce t te .'":r..A 'rl t:,:417 ~.od e l ~b i d l~~"~1":r.r..~Z a etc po s e pokr Le moz.c vmw'lt d e c p o ieoonr d rr ",p Lc ,.c o>t:1":''O ~l ·LC-2 tf...resea-.4 h!f dJ'oo -e lectriqt.ce d e La Bcic tit .:=-:e $.:'c rr.:x f:1 ~c peu t te nir C'orr:pt e de d i v ers [ac t-eu re p Ol4tM ...:i.,,:l;A e n.·~'r t o'no u ueme7Zt ci:4 poieeo n,Bun que Za vi t ee c c de r.a{}l'd e ce reainr po ie eo ne ai:et e tr.e su ree BOUB C€3 c orod i ti o r.:l de 1 ~;J 'l'O to 1.·'1·.'lJdl"p l u s i l'U1'B cher ch eu re .cee ,.e SUl tat 3 no!pc:cVl'rz t e tJ·c 'c:.i Zt"oc lJ ari n d 'obteni»La vc seeoe t:Btte du de p Za c::c11It'nt d a ne I....e r.viro nrz eme nt na'tU r e l .En COPl 3€- quence ,dea d 1~l a t i ~n ~d~t~r c MO'l te Carl o,b aBeeS Bur des etude D de d ep lac r.m.m t dee poi ce one u tili,sant des t mceuzo s.o nt Jte real i s ceJ po u r ~8ti~:r 7c depZ a ceme n t net d 'un poi sson par kn i tc de t emp s .c et xc i n!,c:....a t i on fut a loJ"s uti lisee afi n de ai:ueJ"t '~e h e i l e de t ~~'a p v~r z~mOde le dU re sor voiJ"e nt ie r. !A pz'emi;:re u t i l i sa t i o~":-A mode l e ru t f a ite pOUJ"I 'uamen de la dieperei on du poieeon a .J ":8 Ltl N s srvoil".La p N ",ure armco de sa crIa ti o n.Lea prin c ~pa l r.8 e specc s p~8 ~te8 furent co n- sid.crec s .Lee Nc u Ztats s ont r.:ompare8 avec l CB do 1l neCB pour Z'effo J"t de cap ture ob tenues L 'an nee swivant l'inoJUlation. Le mtJtie le ca lcz,le La den s i t e re lative des poiSB07:S en f onc.·ti oll au t emp s au:point s de cool'donM es d'une gl'i l 1.ll s:.pe r- po s ~e cu )"l e r ese rvoir.L '~?r~3 r.ce dU model e a t i t re d'cu ti Z i ll t e rpre ta t ~d r des do ~n ee8 r ~l ~c i l l i es ~r l es poissc r.s op res La c re at ion dU r ~8 ervo i r c s:di 8~t e e . I ~"'R O D UCTION With the cre3tion of r eservoirs,habitat s are greatly changed for the fish popul ati ons present in water bodie.prior to innundation .New habit at i s made available from the flooded areas.Old habitat i,alia modified a.it becomes deeper. Whether or nol a particular species v iII benefit or .uffer from the.e changes is dependent upon the prefered habitat of that s pecie •• Food avai l ability is also changed durina a per iod of atabil- ization.the plankton ean und ergo •change in lpecie.diatrib- ution,and denaitiea C4n also be affected by a d ilution proc•••• The benthos alia undergo ~h a nge s in specici diltributione and denlit ies,and anoxia can eradicate ~ny lpecies fr~certain parts of the re .~TVoir. The operation of the reservoir after flooding can affect the breedinl lucceSI of certain speciel .Water level fluctuationa I I.JL -- • can e n 'at 1 )0"aUt:C't t be e x r r eei t I e s o f a re se r v i r ,and i na pp r o p - r iate l i mi n~~f the se fl uct u4t i on s c an de _troy br eedin~area s. Thus ,t he e ff l"c t s of rr ~ervoir cre at ion c a n be s een t o act o n fiah popu l at i ons in 2 ways .TIl e _ral i at diatr ibut ion of the fi sh c an c hange ,a nd the size and ,lynamici of the popu lat ions can cha nR e.In ~st inltanc e.,these two effect s viiI be ca.- pletet ,confou~ed in a laapling program.A reduction in catch- per-unit-effort data could ref lect increased .artality,decre ••ed fecundity,dilution of the population,or diaplace.ent to .are luitable habitat.To lort thele effect.out with a sampling pragr..would be proh ibitively expensive. Thi.proble.il •pri.e exaaple of how simu la tion .adeling can ~e a coapl~ntary tool for biolog ical ~nitoring programs. It i.relatively ealY to use a aathe..tieal .adel t o expres s how .i.ple dilution of populationa can change eat cb-per~n it­ effort data at .pecific point.in a reservo ir.If a.mpling re.ult.differ greatly frc.projected result.vith such a .cdel, the L-portance of factor.otber than .i~le dilution i.indicated. In thil paper,s uch a ~el i.preaented.It exa.inel chanae.i n catch-per-un it-ef fort data collected in parts of the LC-2 relervoir in tbe Jame.lay region of Quebec,Canada before and after impound8ent.Three lpeci••of fi lh are examined: the white aucker (Catcsta.us ca..erloni),the longnole sucker (Catoatomus catoltu.ul),and the ~lleye CStizstedion vitreu.). A.ide from sLaple dilution,two Icenarios for habltat aele ction are examined for each species:depth preference.and shore proximity Cedge effect).The model predictions are compared to re.ultl obtained in 1)79,the year after impound.ent. Model ltationale ror the apeciel ....ioed bere,displace.ents of individuals are DOt that great in a natural vater body.For eXUlple,the valleya lelda.vanders .are thaD 8 ~OYer a whole lealon (Scott and Crollaan,1973).The ..anderinSI of this type of indiv idual can be well rapreHllted by a "r&DCl..valk"...set.An ".-pIe of a raDda.walk .*latloo of the ....uta of a wh ite sucker are Ihown in Filur.I,baaed:on data fr~lelIa (1976 ) .Thil type of li.alation can ,ift infor-tion on typical raoda.di.place- _ntl aDd:ran,al,-.na otber thine•• Ra1lde.dilpla~nt.a,.be axpected i a a '*-.a.ool hab itat but this ia rarely found in a natural lylteB.Inltead,there ;•Iw••ws ••~u•••- '5 • ~•-•!.n•IIIw•·1••••_N w• •-iI =-.•L •• L ~~---~IE"..•••"'0:•II......'"~.......0:....'"·I............~. 0 .-.•-:..•;t'O ••••.:1 •..-0:~ 0 •••--..:..,•---.'0 I%~.._0'•....0: •_. 4 2 0 are v ar Lat i ons i n t e mpe r n t u re ,C'x)"gcn,(C'"J .d ep th ,et c .Fish can b ~~x p e c t c d to ch3 n ~c the ir pat te rn o f movemen t s t o s ta y i n a r eas o f f dvo urable c o ndi t ions ,o r ;I t t e a se t o avoi d u nfavou r- a b le a r -c a s, La bo rator y s tudie s ha v e Ind i c ot cd s uch p re f e r enc cs fo r t emp erature , De Angel i.(1978) c on st ru ct e d a mode l of t he mr v c~n ts o f i nui v i d ua l fish to e xa.ine how d i f fe r en t f ac tors might a lte r the di st ribu tion of fish in 2 dime n sion s .Fo r prac tical purpose s he di.cretized the re se rvo ir into a gr id a nd e xam i ne d mov e ments fra.one gr id po int to a nother .One problem wi th t h is mod el ,i hovever.i.t h at t he horizontal a nd ver t ica l d i s ta nces b ("tween ,g rid point s a re in km and m r e s pe ct iv el y,t h us d i sto rti ng t he tu.e s cal e o f the mode l .In f a ct . no rc l~t i o n t o r eal t i me i s g iven for the .cdc l . For our model.it was d e cid ed tha t some a pprox im3te t i me s cal e was nec.saary.Al l in itial work was d one fo r the white ;s ucker ,and the .adel was structured a ccor dingl y. The LC -2 r e servoir va s d ivided into a ho rizont al grid.with 0;di ltanC'.es betveen grid po int s be ing 2.S laD .Each grid poi nt :v as cona idered to represent the surround ing a rea o f 6 . 2S km 2 •and I ~vaa c l.s.if ied by de pth and c lo seness to s here ,Thes e c la ss if i ca- i tiona inc lude i~li c itly temp erature a nd f ood av ai l ab i l i ty fac - ~r a .According to our s imula tions using t he random wal k mod el . the .verage random d isp la cement was i n t he order o f I km /da y . :Under the a ssump tion o f a uniform d i stribution of fish with in .the 6.25 km2 a rea.the pet-c ent age of fi sh that would rea ch a aurrounding g r id point area i s a fun ction o f the average speed veraus the dis tance between gr ids .In our case.the percentage that would ~ve from one grid poine area t o another va a calcula- ted to be approximatel y SO t.Thus f or each time step.SOX of the f ish at ODe gr id point woul d remain a t t hat poi nt while t he other 50%would dilplace to a ur rounding g rid po ints .Thi s dis- plaee-ent vas a f fected by a pre ference f un c t ion at the aur round- i na gr id pointl ba.ed either on density 3 10ne at e ach point (hereafter called a L.ple d ispera i on)o r th is combin ed with the depth or ahore proa~ty of each point . Initializat ion Cill net data obtained f r om Poucher (L981)were trans formed into c atch-per-unit-effort for ai,;s ampling a tat iona in the LC-2 re lervoir (Figure 2).The v ariab ~e con sidered v as in f act kg per hour per 440 Ia2 of Cill net .Values were a vera ged over aa many ; 421 as 10 s a.p le.within e ach summer for each Itation. Thea.stat ions were or i ~i nal1 y cholen by the SEBJ al being r epres ent ative of speci fi c r e gions of the reservoir .We thul made the assumption that t he ca t ch- per -uni t- effor t would be the s ame in all water bodies i n a ~i v e n region prior to ilUJUndatioo . Therefore,with in each of the six regions of the reservoir,the grid points corresponding to water bodies exiltin.before flood- ing were initialized with the catch-per-unit-effort result.from the Itation within that region for 1978 . Execution Although the La Grande r iver vas impounded in late lu..er o f 1978,the ma jor part of t he innundation came during the .pring me lt.Thus we assumed that 90 day.of diaplacement could take plac, before mid-su..er of 1919.The model val run for 90 day.(ie. 90 ti.e-Iteps)and the results were compared to the average catch-per-unit-efCort data f or the lame stations in 1979. The a s s ~t ~on l used f or white s uckers were extended to longnose suckers and valleye.Which il reasonable lince the three .peeie.do not make far-rangi n 6 movementa .A diCference to note .-ong the s peci e s i s that longnose suckers prefer deep vater whi le the other tva species prefer ahallow vater (Scott and ero.aman.1973). Results The initial starting conditions are sh~in Figure 3 for wh ite suckers.Note that the reservoir i.belna viewed from the north-velt.As an example of the distribution of catcb-per- unit-effort at the end of a ru n.the r.ault.conaiderina dilution and depth are .hewn in Figure 4.While .ore apread out than the i nitiAl condition••it can be aeen that the fish are tendina to be around the periphery of the reservoir. The results over time at the sampling atation arid point. Cor the three different Icenarios are Ihovn in Fieur.5 for white luckera.At C2-400.no white lucker.vere found in 1918. The increaae oyer ti..eatimated by the .adel i.due to the in- flux of filh from other parts of the relervoir .Note that tbe predictiona based on depth .s a factor .adifyina dilperlioa differ areatly fr~predictions based only on diaperaLon or dia- peraion .edified by ahore proximity.Thi,is becau••C2-4OO i. a very deep atation.but ia relatively close to ahore.The I LG-2 RESERUOIR M TIM.•DAYS ... . .! TIME •98 DAVS Fi Rure 4 .01 trlbut lon of white U ck~rH a f te r a 90-d d V.1 f .:,,.!.:,,~.'l ~'!..''''t •e , J 425 obs erved c a l c h-p ~r -u n i t -c l ror t i n 1979 lie s betwe en the .ce~arios . ,\t the o t he r s t a t i o ns ,t h e dif ferences between the different sc ena r i o s ..r e 1:0(;I S a r e a e,and exc ep t for G2-40~.the 1979 result s a r c f n ir l y c lose t o th e e s tima ted values.At C2-405 h owever,the mo d el p r ed i c t s :I d ecrease while in fact there vas a sl ill.hl I e crc a se , a l t bo ug b r Lve n random error the increase was not si gnificant. The s a ~set of r £s u lt s a rc shown in :igurea 6 and 1 for t h e other t wo s pe cies .Fo r the longnose sucker the predicted changes at arut I o n G2 -40 0 a re n ot as different ••for white s u c kers,since the longnase s u cker prefers deep water.At four of the six s ta t ions ,the Cl ade l u nderest i ma tes the densities, e spe ci a ll y a t C2 - 406 .Fo r t he val I eye ,results are '101Devhat s imilar to tbose f o r t he v h i t c s ucker.There are importaQt difference s be t we en mo del pr e d ic t ions and observations at two of the six s t at ions. Di scussion In general ,mod el p r e d ic t ions do not depart greatly from observat ions,excert in on e ca se, t hat of the lon8nose sucker at C2-4 0 6.How e ver,t he magnit udes i nvolved in this ca ••are relatively s ma l l , an d th ~r e l a ti ve error is large while the absolute e rror is no t . We d o n ot pretend that t he model is yet complete.Some of the assumrtions made are in f a ct somewhat c rude .For example, the assumption th.:lt th e wh ol e reservoir was flooded on day 0 is unrealistic.I n fa ct,station s C2-405 a nd C2-406 were not really a ffected by f lood ing unt i l the summer of 1979 (Sehetagne,1981). The representat ion s of d ep ;h a nd shore proximity vere also some- what crude.That the mvde l results are a s close to the oblerved re sults as they are ind icate thdt in spite of the lack of re- finement the model is g iv ing a reasonably good reprelentation of the diapers ion processes oc cur ing.Thr model allo give.at lea.t an indication of how much of the change.between the tva years could be due to di spla cement proee••ea only in contrast to biological proceas es . C O ~C LUSIONS Given that the work presented here is .till ongoing and the results only preliminary,the model is giving aurpriliDlly good e.timates of the changes in catch-per-unit-effort fr~one year to the next.Further refin ement ~will of cour.e be done to the ----- ,. 100 • o G2-404 .............._- _T-G=.2 ._4..:0=.2 -,0 .15 - 0 .,0-1\,_ 005-1 "-: 50 100o G2-403 t G2-400 0 .02 -'-"-~-----7"0 • 100 • 50 .",....... '.......- v,---....----..-._-. 0 .2 O.0 +-t-'-r-r-r-r-r-,-.....,....-l o G2-4060.03.,.----, 10050o _;G2:...-..:405=--.0.6 100 TIME (OAYS I 0 .4 100 0 .01 +....-r-r-r-r-r-,-.......-! 0 .02 50o INFLUENTIAL FACTORS DISPERSION ONLY DISPERSION MODIFIED BY SHORE --- DISPERSION MODIFIED BY DEPTH ------ • OBSERVED 'laura s.calculated e ateh- per- uai t-affort of whit.su cker.ae thl ....It.. •tat loo.~.t..t he t~r ..~tf f.r..t .cen.rioa . J 0 .0 2 G2 -4oo 0 .00 G2 ·402 -•0 0. ----0 .0'----0 .02--s-......... C ..-..........-....... •A 0 ."0 0 .00 T I • C 0 50 100 0 !Ill 100 H P 0 .3 G2·4O!1.0 G2·_ E R .,." 0 .2 ......'..... U 0 .5 ..... -,.......-N O .I z-,-,-- I ~....::::.:....:.:~..,;,:........................- T ........._--..-•• E 0 .0 0 .0 F 0 50 100 0 50 100 F 0 G2·405 G2 ·_ R 0 .•0.06 T t~.!I~oe 0 .2 --0 .04 ~,.... '"---'-.'"..'.-.-.............-"--• 0.0 0 .02 0 50 100 0 100 TIME I DAYS) INFLUENTIAL FACTORS DISPENS ION ONLY DISPENSION MODIFIED BY SHORE --- DISPENSION MODIF IED BY DEPTH -------- •OBSERVED r .....6 .ClIlcala t H u t c:It-....--U·.ffof"c of h _kn.a t c _...u • •u u ._"'I.a&t he c:.In'....clIU •.,..,lK ...rt_. GZ·400 GZ·40Z 0 3"""3 0 .0 0 '0 09 0 .2 0 06 - O .I t~._..._.........____.....~....-- -0 -----C -----_...........A 0 .0 0 .02 T C 0 100 0 5 0 100 H GZ ·4 0 3 G2 -404 0 .2 0 .6 P ....... 0~'.E 0 .4 ...........................R 0 .1 •<,'"•--'.••0 .2 --·~---U ••----N '..•0 I 0 .0 ................_-_..._--0 .0 T 0 50 100 0 100 10050 I .07 /. /. /.-""'"-"-..-........-........... o 0 .000 -+--,--.--v--.-.-.-.-,..-,..-1 _rG.:;.Z-_40...:..;c6 ....,..,--,0 .0 10 c .oc s 100 GZ -405 O.10 -t1--,-.:::r"9"'"T"'T'"""''''''r--'l......J o E F O.14-r:..::......;.:;~------"..., Fo R T 0 .•2 TIME (DAYS ) INFLUENTIAL FACTOR S DISPERSION ONLY DISPERSION MOD IFIED BY SHORE --- DISPERSION MODI FIED BY DEPTH -------- o OBSERVED rtl_'.7 .C.leulated c.t ~h-p.T -u"l t-.'fo r t 0 1 ..II., .It t he ...p l 1nl atlr toa• •Ilnl th e thr•• d tf f"..r ec~.r l o •• 429 \ model.Becau se of the wa y t he model i.structured,it will be easy t o ap ply to any large wat er body for which lu itable catch- per-unit-effort data is avai lable.This will be a significant help in interpreting changes in such data where before such in- terpretat ion was,to ~a y the leAst,difficult. RU'ERE1ICES CITED Boucher,R.1981."Poiss ons:Reseau de surveillance ecologique du compl exe La Gran de."Di rect ion Environnement,Socifte d' energie de 13 Daie James,Hontreal.33p.+tables and figure s De Angelis,D.1978."A model for the movement and distribution of fish in a body of water ."Environmental Sciences publica- ti on 1113,Oak Ridge National Laboratory,U.S . Kelso,J.1976.I~ovement of yel low perch (Perca flaveseenl) and white sucker (Catostomus commeraoni)in a nearshore Great Lakes habitat subject to a thermal discharge."J.Fish Board Can. 13:42-5 3. Schetagne,R. Reseau de Direction Montreal. 1981 "Ph ysic o-chilli.et pigments chlorophylliens : surveillance e col ogique du complexe La Crande ." Environnement,Societe dtenergie de 1.laie James, 95 p.+~Bbles and figures . Scott,t.:.and Bulletin 966 p . E. Crossma n. 1913.''Freshwater Fi.hes of Canada." 184,Fisherie s Research Board of Canada,Ottawa .