HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS120_/ IS QH 540 .U56 no.78/ 68 COOPERATIVE INSTREAM FLOW SERVICE GROUP INSTREAM FLOW INFORMATION PAPER: NO.8 FWS /OBS-78 /68 JUNE 1978 Reco~aed Stream -'~ Resource Maintenance Flows on Seven Southern Idaho Streams Cooperating Agencies: Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Protection Agency Heritage Conservation afHi.Recreation Service Bureau of Reclamation @ . . SERVICES COOPERATIVE IN STREAM FLOW SERVICE GROUP The Cooperative lnstream Flow Service Group was formed in 1976 under the sponsorship of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Primary funding was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The group operates as a satellite of the Western Energy and Land Use Team. It is a part of the Western Water AI· location Project, Office of Biological Services. Cooperative lnstream Flow Service Group 2625 Redwing Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 (303) 493-4275 FTS 323-5231 While the Fish and Wildlife Service Is , providing the initiative and leadership, the IFG is conceived as a multl·agency, multi·disciplinary program which is to be· come a "center of activity," providing a focus for the increasing importance of In· .,..,.,lr,"""-'"'"''"'Urces stream flow assessments. . The multi·agency, multi·disclpllnary SernceS nature of the group is provided through . Alaska the Intergovernmental Personnel Act transfer of state personnel, and details from other Federal agencies. RECOMMENDED STREAM RESOURCE MAINTENANCE FLOWS ON SEVEN SOUTHERN IDAHO STREAMS Instream Flow Information Paper No. 8 by Thomas A Pruitt 1 Richard L. Nadeau 2 Boise Field Office Division of Ecological Services U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Boise, Idaho Edited by: Keith Bayha 3 Tim Cochnauer 4 Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group Creekside Building 2625 Redwing Road Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group Western Energy and Land Use Team Office of Biological Services U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of the Interior F-W)/OBS-78/68 June 1978 1 2036 NW 12th, Meridian, Idaho (formerly on staff at Boise Field Office, ES). 2 Currently at US Fish and Wildlife Service, ANSCA, Room 3012, Interior Building, Washington, DC 20240 (formerly on staff at Boise Field Office, ES). 3 Eco l ogi st, Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group (formerly on staff at Boise Field Office, ES). 4 Currently, Fishery Research Biologist, Idaho Fish and Game Department, Jerome, Idaho (formerly on IPA assignment with Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group). DISCLAIMER The op1n1ons, findings, conclusions, or reconvnendations expressed in this report product are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorse- ment or recommendation for use by the Federal Government. i ~ For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20t02 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Study area on Little Weiser River below c. Ben Ross Diversion. 7 Figure 2. Trout passage curve for Little Weiser River below C. Ben Ross Diversion. 8 Figure 3. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Little Weiser River at C. Ben Ross Diversion. 9 Figure 4. Wetted perimeter curve for Little Weiser River below C. Ben Ross Diversion. 9 Figure 5. Study area on Deadwood River below Dead- wood Dam. 11 Figure 6. Trout passage curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam. 13 Figure 7. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Dead- wood River below Deadwood Dam. 15 Figure 8. Cutthroat trout spawning curve for Dead- wood River below Deadwood Dam. 15 Figure 9. Dolly Varden spawning curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam. 16 Figure 10. Wetted perimeter curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam. 16 Figure 11. Study area on North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 18 Figure 12. Rainbow trout spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 20 Figure 13. Brown trout spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 20 Figure 14. Brook Trout spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 21 iii LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure 15. Dolly Varden spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. Figure 16. Kokanee salmon spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. Figure 17. Wetted perimeter curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Dam. Figure 18. Study area on South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. Figure 19. Rainbow trout spawning curve for South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. Figure 20. Brook trout spawning curve for South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. Figure 21. Dolly Varden spawning curve for South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. Figure 22. Study area on Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. Figure 23. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. Figure 24. Brown trout spawning curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. Figure 25. Dolly Varden spawning curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. Figure 26. Wetted perimeter curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. Figure 27. Study area on Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Reservoir. Figure 28. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Black- foot River below Blackfoot Reservoir. iv 21 22 22 24 26 26 27 30 35 35 36 36 38 41 LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure 29. Cutthroat trout spawning curve for Black- foot River below Blackfoot Reservoir. 41 Figure 30. Wetted perimeter curve for Blackfoot River b~low Blackfoot Reservoir. 42 Figure 31. Study area on Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 44 Figure 32. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 46 Figure 33. Cutthroat trout spawning curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 46 Figure 34. Brown trout spawning curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 47 Figure 35. Brook lrout spawning curve for Willow Creek b~low Ririe Dam. 47 Figure 36. Wetted perimeter curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 48 Figure A·l. Raihbow trout spawning probability curves. (From Bovee, 1978) 53 Figure A-2. Cutthroat trout spawning probability curves. (From Bovee, 1978) 54 Figure A .. 3. Brown trout spawning probability curves. (From Bovee, 1978) 55 Figure A-4. BroOk trout spawning probability curves. (From Bovee, 1978) 56 Figure A-5. Dolly Varden spawning probability curves. (From unpublished data provided to Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group by Tim Cochnauer, Idaho Fish and Game Oe"Partment, Jerome, Idaho.) 57 Figure A-6. Kokanee salmon spawning probability curves. (trom Bovee, 1978). 58 v LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Important fish and wildlife resources in study streams. Table 2. Recommended stream resource maintenance flows (cfs) for seven study stream reaches. vi 2 49 ABSTRACT This paper documents the results of i nstream f1 ow investigations conducted on seven south Idaho streams by the Boise Ecological Services Field Office during 1972 to 1975. The results were reanalyzed by the Co- operative Instream Flow Service Group using the concept of probability- of-use curves which are based on weighted criteria for depth and ve 1 oci ty. Recommended stream resource maintenance flows by month are presented. vii INTRODUCTION Coordinated comprehensive planning for the wise use and management of Idaho • s water and re 1 a ted 1 ands has been in progress s i nee 1966. Since 1972, these efforts have been led by the Idaho Department of Water Resources (formerly the Idaho Water Resources Board) with participation from other State and Federal agencies represented on the Pacific North- west River Basins Commission. Such planning efforts have led to the recognition that a major step leading to proper water management is the determination of the quantity of water which should remain in the stream to support fish and wildlife resources and other public values. Accordingly, in June 1972 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Boise Office, initiated field studies to gather instream flow information, utilizing funds from the U.S. Department of Interior•s Western U.S. Water Plan (Westwide) Study. Because of curtailment of Westwide funds, these instream flow investigations were continued with funding from the Pacific Northwest River Basin Commission•s Comprehen- sive Coordinated Joint Plan (CCJP) Study, the U. S. Army Corps of Engin- eers, and U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. This report presents stream resource rna i ntenance flow recommenda- tions for those stream reaches on which sufficient data were collected during these studies. The study waters include Little Weiser, Deadwood, North Fork Payette, South Fork Boise, Boise, Blackfoot rivers and Willow Creek. Stream resource maintenance flows are defined as the range of flows within which fish, wildlife, other aquatic organisms, and related recreational activities (fishing, hunting, boatin~, etc.) are maintained or protected. GENERAL METHOD The method employed for determining all stream resource maintenance flow recommendations is based on criteria reflecting depth and velocity requirements of fish, and expressing flow requirements in terms of one or more of the following four biological activities: passage, spawning, incubation, and rearing. Fish and wildlife resources for each study stream are presented in Table 1. Basic procedures used in collecting flow data required the follow- ; ng equipment: (1) Price type AA current meter; (2) headset for use with current meter; (3) stopwatch; (4) current meter rating chart; (5) beaded steel tagline; (6) permanent transect marking materials; (7) data collection sheets; (8) cameras and film (color, black and white); and (9) hip boots. 1 Table 1. Important fish and wildlife resources in study streams. ..c ...., ..c ...., m S::Vl ::I Study Streams :::: 0 •r--•r-Q) 0 0 S-s:: lUI+-Q)S:: E ..c...., ..c...., S::+J .::,£ ...., >,Q) +JQ) s::o ..--s:: ::I +'::I 3:::::1 0::::1 ..--"'0 S::+J mE ..--Vl .,.... 0 +'0 00 00 r-S-::::S•r-.::,£ ..--IUVl IUS-::IS-S-S-S-S-om o..c om Em 0:: 1-Ul-COl-COl-O> ::E3 ~ V') V') co Little Weiser River X X Deadwood River X X X X X North Fork Payette River X X X X X X South Fork Boi:se River X X X X X Botse River X X X X Blackfoot River X X X X vi ill ow Creek X X X In order to conduct i nstream flow studies on most study streams, controlled releases from upstream structures were requested for a given period of time. Generally, a given flow was released for a minimum of 24 hours to allow for stabilization of water levels throughout the study reach. During preliminary investigations of most streams or stream reaches, three spawning and three passage transects were se 1 ected for study. Orange-painted stakes were placed in each stream bank at natural high watermark to identify all transects. A beaded tagline was extended across the stream between the markers. A Price Type AA current meter, mounted on a standard top-setting wading rod, was used to measure depth and velocity parameters on the transect. At least one discharge transect was established at each study site. Procedures for determining stream flows at these transects were in accordance with U.S. Geological Survey methods (USGS 1969). Velocities were taken at 0. 6 of the water depth from the water surface in water less than 2.5 feet deep, and at 0.8 and 0.2 of depth from water surface over 2.5 feet in depth. Passage transects were established on the shallow gravel bars most critical to passage of adult fish, with a linear transect following the shallowest course from bank to bank. The transects were divided into segments based on the consistency of bottom elevations so as to obtain as accurate a channel configuration as possible. Velocities were mea- sured at 0.6 of the water depth from the water surface. At each of several flows, the total width and longest continuous portion meeting minimum depth (0.4 feet) and maximum velocity (4.0 fps) criteria for passage are recorded and graphed against discharge. Graphs for each transect, with velocity plotted against percent usable stream width, were used to select the flow which meets the criteria on at least 25% of the tota 1 transect width and a continuous portion equa 1 i ng at 1 east 10% of its total width (Thompson 1972). The usab 1 e widths (con- sidering both depth and velocity) of all transects for each stream reach are plotted and averaged, and the results provide a minimum flow recom- mendation for passage. Spawning transect sites were established by selecting an area that was determined to be representative of the stream as a spawning area, usually at the head of a riffle. The transect was divided into 10 equal segments with a measuring station at the midpoint of each segment. At each station the current meter was positioned at a depth of 0.4 feet above the bottom. Spawning flow recommendations are based on a concept presented by the Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, Fort Collins, Colorado. 3 These recommendations are based on the concept of probabi 1 ity-of-use curves which are based on weighted criteria developed for depth and vel- ocity parameters. The 11 • • • curves are based on the assumption that i ndi- viduals of a species will tend to select areas within the stream having the most favorable combina- tions of hydraulic conditions. It is further assumed that they wi 11 also uti 1 i ze less favorab 1 e condi- tions, with the probability-of-use decreasing with diminishing favorability of one or several hydraulic conditions. Finally, it is assumed that i ndi vidual s will elect to leave an area before conditions become lethal. The weighted criteria are presented in the form of probability-of-use curves, the peak of which represents optimum conditions for a given hydraulic parameter. 11 (Bovee and Cochnauer J.978: iii). Each spawning transect was segmented into at least 10 sections. The weighted value of each segment was determined by multiplying the width of the segment by the weighted value for depth and velocity. The total weighted value for the transect is the total of the transect segments. Each total weighted value was then plotted against the corresponding discharge resulting in a curve such as depicted in Figure 3. Starting at zero discharge, the weighted value of the study site increases rapidly for small increases in discharge up to a point where the weighted spawning value increases slowly while discharge increases rapidly. At this inflection point, the greatest amount of spawning habi- tat is available for the least amount of flow, and is selected as the spawning maintenance flow. In cases where more than one spawning tran- sect was measured, the weighted values for all transects were averaged, and the average was plotted against corresponding discharge. Egg incubation and fry emergence flow recommendations are 66% of the recommended spawning flow if a velocity of at least 1 foot/sec is maintained. This flow provides enough shear force to adequately oxygen- ate the spawning gravels through the incubation period. The period of year when fish are not migrating, spawning, or when eggs or fry are not in gravel is loosely defined as the rearing period. This period is probably most criticial for survival. and is the life history phase for which the least amount of information is available with respect to physical flow requirements. Since this period encom- passes many activities whose relationships with the stream are highly complex, a combination of measurements and judgements were employed to determine rearing flow recommendations. 4 No measurements were made specifically for rearing because at the time of the studies, little or no information was available relating fish rearing to stream flows. Collings (1974) recommended that rearing flows for Pacific salmon species be based on the assumption that rearing is proportional to food production, which in turn is assumed to be pro- portional to wetted perimeter. Since data were collected on riffle areas, the wetted perimeter concept was app 1 i ed to the study streams. In determining rearing discharge, a representative riffle transect was selected and wetted perimeter calculated and plotted against discharge to produce a curve such as depicted in Figure 10. Starting at zero discharge, wetted perimeter increases rapidly for small increases in discharge, up to the point where the river channel nears its maximum width. Beyond this inflection point, wetted perimeter increases slowly with increasing discharge. The desired quantity of water for rearing (food production) is selected near this inflection point where the greatest amount of wetted perimeter is available for the least amount of flow. On streams where adequate data were not collec- ted, visual judgement of the field team was relied on to determine a rearing flow. Photo points were established at each transect to record vis·ual changes in stream characteristics by various flow stages. These photos are on file at the Boise office, USFWS. To assimilate flow recommendations for the four biological activ- ities of all important fish species, a periodicity chart was compiled for each study stream. The flow requirement determined for each 1 ife history phase, for each species inhabiting the stream reach of concern, is arrayed according to the applicable period. The stream resource main- tenance flow se 1 ected for any month is the hi gh'@!st flow required to accommodate all biological activities within that month. The recommended flow reflects only the quantitative requirements for fish and does not compensate for quality deficiencies. Comprehensive investigations of water quality were beyond the scope of these field studies and flows recommended herein are presented under the assumption that State and Federal water quality standards are met. 5 LITTLE WEISER RIVER The headwaters of Little Weiser River originate about 20 air miles south of the town of McCall, Idaho (Figure 1). A long narrow ridge of peaks, called the West Mountains, form a divide between the Payette and Weiser River drainages of western Idaho. The Little Weiser River flows south and west from West Mountains to its confluence with Weiser River near Cambridge, Idaho at river mile 45.0. Major tributaries to the Lit- tle Weiser River are Anderson, Four-bit and, Gray•s Creeks, which com- bine to give the Little Weiser River a drainage area of approximately 195 square miles. The study area is in the Gl adhart section, approx- imately 8 miles upstream of the mouth. Water is diverted at river mile 20.0 for filling of C. Ben Ross Reservoir, an off-stream impoundment used primarily for irrigation water storage. Additional irrigation water is withdrawn directly from the stream throughout most of its length. The stream elevation of the Little Weiser River at the C. Ben Ross Diversion is approximately 3,220 feet. Through the 20.0 mile study area the river drops 590 feet to an elevation of 2,630 feet. The average gra- dient through the area is 0.558% or 29.5 feet per mile. Average annual discharge of Little Weiser River at the Indian Valley gage station just above the study area is 102 cfs (USGS 1960). Records are not available for discharge throughout the study area. Game fish species include rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and moun- tain whitefish (Proso~ium williamsoni). Three spawning and three passage transects were estab 11 shed for the study, and phys i ca 1 parameters were measured at each of five flows. The recommended passage flow for rainbow trout is 42 cfs (Figure 2) and the spawning flow recommendation for rainbow trout is 40 cfs (Fig- ure 3). The rearing flow recommendation, based on the wetted perimeter curve (Figure 4), is 70 cfs. Flows for angling were not considered in the study, but in most cases the suggested flows are adequate for that purpose. The recommendations are for continuous flows from Gray•s Creek to the mouth. The recommended flow regime in cfs, based on fish species periodicity flows, is shown on page 8. 6 0 IDAHO Location Map N 1 SCALE Miles 1:500,000 10 Figure 1. Study area on Little Weiser River below C. Ben Ross Diversion 7 100 ..., 80 4-...._... .l:: ..., 60 "0 .,.... 3 Q) C'l 40 n:J Vl Vl n:J 0... 20 Species/life Stage JAN Rainbow Trout Spawning Incubation Passage Rearing -All Species 70 Recommended Flow Regime 70 Minimum Flow 20 40 FEB MAR APR HAY JUN 40 40 27 27 42 42 42 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 60 Discharge (cfs) 27 70 70 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 27 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 100 Figure 2. Trout passage curve for Little Weiser River below C. Ben Ross Diversion. 8 DEC 70 70 .20 72 . ...., 4- -'= 60 ...., ""0 .,... 3: O'l 48 s::: .,... s::: 3: ta 0. 36 (/) ""0 Q) ...., -'= 24 O'l .,... Q) 3: 300 250 ......... ...., 4-........ s.. 200 Q) ...., Q) E .,... 150 s.. Q) 0.. ""0 Q) 100 ...., ...., Q) 3: 50 Spawning 20 Maintenance Flow 1 40 60 Discharge (cfs) 80 100 Figure 3. Rainbow trout spawning curves for Little Weiser River at C. Ben Ross Diversion. 20 40 Rearing Maintenance 60 Discharge ( cfs) 80 Flow 100 Figure 4. Wetted perimeter curve for Little Weiser River below C. Ben Ross Diversion. 9 120 120 DEADWOOD RIVER The Deadwood River is located in the mountainous region of south central Idaho in the Boise National Forest (Figure 5). The headwaters of Deadwood River originate approximately 27 air miles·east of Cascade, Idaho, and about 75 miles north of the city of Boise. The river flows mainly in a southerly direction to its confluence with South Fork Pay- ette River at river mile 105.0, and drains an area of approximately 224 square miles. The major tributaries to the Deadwood River are Deer Creek above Deadwood Dam and Warm Springs, Whitehawk, and Lorenzo Creeks below the dam. Deadwood Dam at river mile 24.4 is the only major impoundment on the Deadwood River. Built and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, it is a concrete arch structure that was completed in 1930. The reservoir has a reported capacity of 160,400 acre-feet between the elevations of 5,230 feet and 5,334 feet. A recent report reveals that there is 108,000 acre-feet of 11 unut il i zed storage 111 for i nstream purposes. Water is used to augment flow of the Payette River at Black Canyon power plant near Emmett, and since 1952 as supplemental irrigation supply for Emmett Irrigation District and other users in the Lower Payette River Valley. A small transbasin diversion is maintained from a tributary of Johnson Creek, in the Salmon River Basin, to the Deadwood River for supplemental storage in Deadwood Reservoir. The study encompassed that part of the Deadwood River from Deadwood Dam to the mouth. The Deadwood River drains a portion of the exposed Idaho Batholith. The soil composition is highly granitic, allowing for rapid changes in stream channel configuration during the large spring runoff. The stream e 1 evat ion of the Deadwood River be 1 ow Deadwood Dam is 5,200 feet. In the 24.4 mile reach to the mouth the river drops 1,510 feet to an e 1 evat ion of 3, 690 feet. The average gradient through the area is 1.172% or 61.88 feet per mil e. Maximum recorded discharge, 2,580 cfs, occurred July 14, 1953. Essentially no flow was recorded for long periods in 1934-1937, when the gates in the dam were closed. The U.S. Geological Survey has maintained a gage at river mile 23.4 since October 1926. Mean annual discharge near the mouth is 349 cfs (USGS 1952). 111 ••• portion of conservation storage which is contractually obligated for future use and potentially avai 1 ab 1 e for interim use. 11 (Ne 1 son et al., 1977). 10 N 1 • Cascade IDAHO Location Map Study Area Transect Sites 0 SCALE 10 Miles 1:500,000 Figure 5. Study area on Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam. 11 Game fish populations include rainbow trout, cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki), Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma), brook trout (Salvelinus fon- tlnalis), and mountain whitefish. Rainbow and cutthroat trout are spring spawners; while Dolly Varden, brook trout, and whitefish spawn in the fall. In order to accomplish the study, the Bureau of Reclamation made a series of controlled releases so data could be collected over a range of flows. The flow releases from the dam compared to those measured at the study site are set forth below. Released Flows At Dam (cfs) Measured Flow at Stud,x: Site 250 333 150 230 112 183 75 137 50 107 25 75 On September 26, 1972, 7 hours of rain increased the amount of inflow from the tributaries approximately 34 cfs. By the time the flow from the dam had been reduced to the point where it was becoming cri- tical to spawning and passage of fish, the total additional inflow from the rainstorm has fallen to about 10 cfs. At the end of the study (October 5, 1972), the inflow had dropped below the normal base flows for that time of year. Thus, it is not felt that these inflows from the rain had a significant effect on habitat conditions recorded at the beginning and end of the study. The recommended trout passage flow at the study site was determined to be 50 cfs (Figure 6). The flow recommendations for spawning at the study site were determined to be 125 cfs for rainbow trout, 90 cfs for cutthroat trout, and 120 cfs for Dolly Varden (Figures 7, 8, and 9). Using the wetted perimeter curve, the rearing flow recommendation at the study site was determined to be 125 cfs (Figure 10). Flows for angling were not considered in the study but, in most cases, the suggested flows are probably adequate for that purpose. 12 20 .--.. .jJ tt-100 .J:: .jJ -o ...... 80 3 CLI 0) ~ Vl 60 Vl ~ 0.. CLI r-40 ..0 ~ Vl ::::> Passage Flow 40 80 120 160 Discharge (cfs) Figure 6. Trout passage .curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam 13 200 240 The recommended flow regime encompasses that section of river from Deadwood Reservoir Dam to the South Fork of the Payette River. The recommended 1 ow flow regime in cfs re 1 eased from Deadwood Reservoir, based on species periodicity flows, is as follows: Species/Life Stage JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Rainbow Trout Spawning 125 125 Incubation 85 85 85 85 Passage 50 50 50 Cutthroat Trout Spawning 90 90 Incubation 60 60 60 60 Passage 50 50 50 Dolly Varden Spawning 120 120 Incubation 80 80 80 80 80 Passage 50 50 50 Rearing -All Species 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Recommended Flow Regime 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 14 . ~ 4- 00 .c: ~ -o .,... 80 3: C'l r:: .,... r:: 60 ~ 11:1 c.. (/') -o 40 Q) ~ .c: C'l .,... Q) 20 3: . ~ 4-100 .c: ~ -o .,... 3: 80 C'l r:: .,... r:: ~ 60 11:1 c.. (/') -o Q) ~ 40 .c: C'l .,... Q) 3: 20 40 Spawning Maintenance l 80 120 Discharge (cfs) Flow 160 200 Figure 7. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam . Spawning 40 Maintenance Flow l 80 120 Discharge (cfs) 60 200 Figure 8. Cutthroat trout spawning curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam. 15 240 240 -. +' 4- 100 .s::: +' "'C •r- 3 80 0') c: •r-c: 3: 60 "' c.. (/) "'C QJ 40 +' .s::: 0') •r- QJ 3 20 200 -+' 4-- S-160 QJ +' QJ E •r-120 S- QJ 0.. "'C QJ 80 +' +' QJ 3 40 40 Spawning Maintenance~Frtow 80 1 120 Discharge (cfs) 160 200 Figure 9. Dolly Varden spawning curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam. 40 80 Rearing Maintenance 120 Discharge (cfs) Flow 160 200 Figure 10. Wetted perimeter curve for Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam. 16 240 240 NORTH FORK PAYETTE RIVER The North Fork of the Payette River is located in the mountainous region of south central Idaho. It is situated geologically in the Idaho Batholith of the Northern Rocky Mountain Province. The headwaters of the North Fork Payette River originate approximately 19 air miles north of McCall, Idaho, along the western margin of the Salmon River Moun- tains. From Payette Lake•s outlet at river mile 75.4, the North Fork Payette River flows south into Cascade Reservoir (river mile 53.9) near the mouth of Lake Fork Creek (Figure 11). The North Fork of the Payette River, at its mouth near Banks, drains approximately 1,260 square miles and drops to a water elevation of 2,790 feet. Extremes in elevations in the drainage vary from 2,790 feet near Banks to mountain peaks in excess of 9,000 feet. The mean altitude for the Payette Lake drainage is 6,520 feet. The study site for this instream flow study is located approxi- mately 2 river miles downstream from Lardo Dam on McCall 1 s Payette Lake. All of the study transects are located within a 1 mile length of river beginning 200 yards downstream from an iron bridge adjacent to McCall 1 s sanitary landfill. The upper transect is located approximately at river mile 73.5, the lowest transect located near river mile 72.5. The volumes of discharges released from the outlet of Payette Lake were measured and recorded by means of a USGS water-stage recording gage 0.2 miles downstream from Payette Lake•s outlet at river mile 75.2. (The period of record for this water gage is from September 1908 to June 1917, and from May 1919 to 1972. ) The average annua 1 discharge from Lardo Dam for the period of 61 years was 369 cfs or 267,300 acre- feet per year. During a 15-year base period (195t to 1967) the average annual discharge was 377 cfs. Maximum and minimum discharges on record with the USGS range from 4,260 cfs on June 4, 1948, to no flow on more than one occassion, most recently from October 22 to November 11, 1938 (USGS 1976). The water released annually from Payette Lake contributes approx- imately 10% of the total discharge from Black Canyon Reservoir on the Lower Payette system. A single irrigation diversion was located within the study area approximately midway between transect locations, but at no time was the gate observed to be open to allow water to be diverted from the river. The observations were made primarily during the months of July and August when irrigation demands are normally at their high- est. It was concluded from these observations that this diversion posed no immediate threat to the aquatic biota of the North Fork Payette River. 17 Transect Sites Study Area @ < . IDAHO Location Map 0 SCALE Miles 1:500,000 Figure 11. Study area on North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 18 N 1 10 Fish species known to inhabit the study area, at least part of the year, include: kokanee salmon (Onchorynchus nerka), rainbow trout, brown trout (Salmo trutta), brook trout, Dolly Varden, mountain whitefish, and miscellaneous rough fish species. Because of recreational demands, flow releases from Lardo Dam are regulated to allow the water level in Payette Lake to remain at a rela- tively high level throughout the summer months until near mid-September. This stabilized water level enables swimmers, boaters, and water-skiers to gain full benefit from use of docks and beaches. Water released from Payette Lake for irrigation purposes appears to be of a lower priority than that which is retained for recreational use. As a result of stabil- izing the lake level, flows below the dam are severely depleted, par- ticularly during dry periods in late summer. The spawning flow recommendations are: rainbow trout, 100 cfs; brook trout, 90 cfs; brown trout, 125 cfs; Dolly Varden, 80 cfs; kokanee salmon, 75 cfs (Figures 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16). The recommended rear- ing flow, which would give the greatest amount of wetted perimeter for the least flow over riffles, is 140 cfs (Figure 17). Flows for angling were not considered in the study; however, the recommended flows are believed to be adequate for that purpose. The recommended 1 ow flow regime in cfs for the stretch of stream from Payette Lake to Cascade Reservoir, based on fish species periodi- city flows, is as follows: Spectes/ltfe Stage JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Rainbow Trout Spawning 100 100 Incubation 67 67 67 67 Brown Trout 125 125 125 Spawning Incubation 83 83 83 83 83 Brook Trout 90 90 Spawning Incubation 60 60 60 60 60 Dolly Varden 80 80 Spawning Incubation 53 53 53 53 53 Kokanee Salmon 75 75 Spawntng Incubation 50 50 50 50 50 Rearing -All Spectes 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 Recommended Flow Regime 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 19 . +J '+-100 ..c: +J "'C ...... 80 3 O'l r:: ...... r:: 60 3: co 0.. (/) "'C 40 QJ +J ..c: O'l ...... QJ 20 3 .......... . +J ~ 100 ..c: +J "'C ...... 3 80 O'l r:: ...... r:: ~ 60 0.. (/) "'C QJ 40 +J ..c: O'l ...... QJ 3 20 Spawning 40 80 Maintenance Flow l 120 Discharge (cfs) 160 200 Figure 12. Rainbow trout spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. Spawning Maintenance Flow l 40 80 120 160 200 Discharge (cfs) Figure 13. Brown trout spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 20 240 240 . +.> '+-100 ..c +.> "'0 ..... 80 3 Ol s::: ..... s::: 3: 60 ItS 0. (/') "'0 40 <lJ ~ ..c Ol ..... <lJ 20 3 . +.> ~ 100 ..c +.> "'0 ..... 80 3 Ol s::: ..... s::: 60 3: ItS 0. (/') "'0 40 <lJ +.> ..c Ol ..... <lJ 20 3 Spawning 40 Maintenance Flow l 80 120 Discharge (cfs) 160 200 Figure 14. Brook trout spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 20 40 Spawning Maintenance Flow 60 Discharge (cfs) 1 80 100 Figure 15. Dolly Varden spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 21 240 120 100 .s::::. ~ -o ...... 80 3: O'l c: ...... c: 60 3: "' c.. V) -o 40 Q) ~ .s::::. O'l ...... Q) 20 3: 300 ~ 250 4- s.. Q) .j...J 200 Q) E ...... s.. Q) c.. 150 -o Q) ~ ~ Q) 100 3: 50 20 Figure 16. 40 40 Spawning Maintenance 60 Discharge (cfs) 1 80 Flow 100 Kokanee salmon spawning curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Lake. 80 Rearing Maintenance Flow 120 Discharge (cfs) 160 200 Figure 17. Wetted perimeter curve for North Fork Payette River below Payette Dam. 22 120 240 SOUTH FORK BOISE RIVER The South Fork of the Boise River is located in southwestern Idaho (Figure 18). From its sources in the Smokey Mountains, it flows south and west to its confluence with the Middle Fork of the Boise to form the main Boise River at River mile 79.0. The main part of the drainage is located approximately 60 air miles east of Boise, and drains approx- imately 1,304 square miles. Since Arrowrock Dam was built in 1915, the South Fork of the Boise no longer drains directly into the Middle Fork of the Boise River, but flows into Arrowrock Reservoir, 11.2 river miles upstream from the original mouth. The major impoundment on the South Fork of the Boise is Anderson Ranch Dam, built in 1945, which has a capacity of 502,700 acre-feet of storage. The major tributaries to the South Fork of the Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam are Rattlesnake Creek, Smith Creek, and Cow Creek. Our study encompassed that part of the South Fork of the Boise River from Anderson Ranch Dam to Neal Bridge, a section 32.3 miles long from river mile 11.2 to river mile 43.5. The South Fork of the Boise River drainage lies mainly in the northern Rocky Mountain Physiographic province, in the region of the Idaho Batholith. The stream elevation of the South Fork of the Boise River at Ander- son Ranch Dam is 3,970 feet. In the 32.3 miles through the study area, the river drops 760 feet by the time it reaches the mouth. The average gradient through the study area is 0.445% or 23.5 feet per mile. The USGS has maintained a stream discharge gage station on the South Fork of the Boise River, 1.8 miles downstream from Anderson Ranch Dam since April 1943, with continuous records to the present year. Average annual runoff for the South Fork of the Boise ~iver below Anderson Ranch Dam is 1,028 cfs, or 744,800 acre-feet per year, about one-third of the usable water for the Lower Boise system. Maximum recorded discharge, 9,850 cubic feet per second, occurred on May 25, 1956. Minimum discharge of record is 0.1 cfs on November 13, 1959, when the dam was closed (USGS 1976). The overhanging cliffs, the foothills, and the lower slopes envel- oping the South Fork of the Boise River support a sagebrush-grass vege- tative association. Coniferous forest and aspen groves occur at the higher elevations in the headwaters of the South Fork. Game fish populations include rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, mountain whitefish, brook trout, and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui). The 23 Little Camas Res«voir ~ ~ IDAHO Location Map Study Area 0 N 1 SCALE Miles 1:500,000 Figure 18. Study area on South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. 24 10 rainbow trout is the highest valued fish species below Anderson Ranch Dam. The stream is presently being managed as a wild trout stream with tackle restrictions allowing only artificial lures and flies. An Idaho Fish and Game Department study during 1973 and 1974 indi- cated that anglers spent 28,914 hours to catch 25,258 game fish in the river from the dam downstream to Danskin Bridge (Beach, 1975). During the 1974 general trout season (June-November), anglers spent 26,443 hours to harvest 22,025 game fish. In 1976 tackle restrictions (arti- ficial lures and flies only) and a minimum length requirement for rainbow trout were imposed. During the general trout season, anglers fished an estimated 14,960 hours to harvest 11,076 rainbow trout, with 9,525 of these fish released back into the stream (Steve Mate, personal communications). Mountain whitefish are abundant through the study areas, and produce a good fishery through the winter months when the trout season is closed. The majority of the rainbow trout spawning takes place in late April and May. The whitefish, kokanee, and Dolly Varden spawn from September through November. To assist our instream flow studies the Bureau of Reclamation made a series of controlled releases from Anderson Ranch Dam. The flows re- leased from the Dam were approximately those requested. Flow (cfs) 1,000 600 500 400 300 200 100 Date Monday, November 13, 1972 Tuesday, November 14, 1972 Saturday, March 23, 1974 Sunday, March 31, 1974 Thursday, November 16, 1972 Friday, November 17, 1972 Tuesday, May 1, 1973 It was found that most of the river posed no problem to fish pass- age and only one passage transect was utilized to represent potential passage blocks in the stream. The recommended passage flow to allow fish movement throughout the study area is 130 cfs. The spawning flow recommendation for rainbow trout is 280 cfs; brook trout, 170 cfs; and Dolly Varden, 200 cfs (Figures 19, 20, 21). It should be recognized that the spawning flow recommendations are for main channel spawning. The amount of suitable substrate is limited in the main channel, and most spawning apparently occurs in the smaller side channels where more suitable spawning substrate exists. 25 180 . ~ 4- ..c:::: 150 ~ "'0 .,.... 3 g> 120 .,.... s::: ~ ItS 0.. 90 Vl "'0 Q) ~ ..c:::: 60 O'l .,.... Q) 3 30 180 . ~ 4- ..c:::: 150 ~ "'0 .,.... 3 O'l 120 s::: .,.... s::: ~ ItS 90 0.. Vl "'0 Q) ~ ..c:::: 60 O'l .,.... Q) 3 30 Spawning Maintenance Flo~ l 80 160 240 320 400 Discharge (cfs) Figure 19. Rainbow trout spawning curve for South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. Spawning Maintenance 1 / 80 Flow 160 240 Discharge (cfs) 320 400 Figure 20. Brook trout spawning curve for South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. 26 480 480 180 Spawning Maintenance Flow . +l 4- .s:: 150 +l l "'0 ...... 3 0'1 120 c ...... c 3: ttl c.. (/) "'0 IV +l .s:: 0'1 ...... IV 3 90 60 30 80 160 240 Discharge (cfs) 320 400 Figure 21. Dolly Varden spawning curve for South Fork Boise River below Anderson Ranch Dam. The rearing flow recommendation is based on subjective evaluation of the habitat loss at each flow, and 200 cfs is suggested as the mini- mum rearing flow for all activities other than spawning, incubation, and passage. Flows for angling were not considered in the study, but in most cases, the suggested levels are probably adequate for the purpose. Beach (1974) recommends that during the whitefish season (December through March), maximum flow of 700 cfs be maintained to optimize the fishability of the stream. 27 480 The recommended low flow regime in cfs, from Anderson Ranch Dam to Arrowrock Reservoir, based on species periodicity flows, is as follows: Species/life Stage JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Rainbow Trout Spawning 280 280 280 Incubation 187 187 187 187 187 Brook Trout Spawntng 100 100 100 100 Incubation 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 Dolly Varden Spawning 200 200 Incubation 120 120 120 120 120 120 Rearing -All Species 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Recommended Flow Regime 200 200 200 280 280 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Editor's Note: Since these data were collected in the early 1970's, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game has conducted instream flow studies on South Fork Boise River and has made a rearing flow recommendation of 279 cfs based on wetted perimeter/discharge relationship (Cochnauer 1977). The department is presently evaluating greater flows to allow for spawning in the smaller side channels. 28 BOISE RIVER The lower Boise River includes that portion of the river from Lucky Peak Dam downstream to the mouth (Figure 22). The stream channel through the study area averages between 105 feet and 200 feet in width; in some places it splits into two or more channels where the river becomes intricately braided. Some sections of the river have been channelized, leveed, and riprapped to the point where it is no longer in a natural condition. The gradient thr·ough the study area is from an elevation of 2,827 feet at Lucky Peak Dam to 2,177 feet at the Snake River, for a drop of 10.2 feet per mile through the 63.8-mile reach. Major tributaries which contribute to the Lower Boise River are North Fork, Middle Fork, and South Fork of the Boise River, and Mores Creek, all of which are located above the study area. Average annual discharge for the Boise River near Boise is 3.023 cfs or 2,190,000 acre-feet per year (USGS 1976). The flow is regulated by th·ree reservoirs on the river and one off-stream reservoir, with a combined usable storage capacity of 1,165,150 acre-feet. Anderson Ranch Dam, on the South Fork of the Boise River, built in 1945 by Bureau of Reclamation, has an active storage capacity of 423,000 acre-feet. Arrowrock Dam, on the main Boise River, built by Bureau of Reclamation in 1915, has an active storage capacity of 286,000 acre-feet. Lucky Peak Dam, on the main Boise River, built by the Corps of Engineers in 1954, has an active storage capacity of 278,200 acre-feet. Nelson et. al. (1977) reports, 11 Lucky Peak Reservoir has 116,000 acre-feet of unob- ligated storage2 which could be renegotiated to provide the needed instream flows. Lake Lowell is an off-stream reservoir built in 1915 along with Diversion Dam below Lucky Peak Dam. The diversions and return from groundwater and canals along the Lower Boise River combined to produce a complicated hydrologic system. Maximum recorded discharge for the Boise River was 35,500 cfs on June 14, 1896. There has been zero discharge on many occasions when the gates at Lucky Peak Dam were closed. Mi nimuni recorded discharge for Boise River near Boise prior to the construction of the major storage dams upstream, was 432 cfs on November 14, 1915. 2 11 ••• portion of conservation storage which is not contractually obli- gated to water users although bound by legislative intent for particular rei mbursab 1 e purposes ... 11 (Ne 1 son et a 1. , 1977) 29 IDAHO Location Map e NAMPA Study Area 0 SCALE Miles 1:500,000 10 Figure 22. Study area on Boise River below Lucky Peak Reservoir. 30 N 1 Runoff characteristics follow a basic pattern which does not vary significantly from one year to the next. Natural runoff is characteris- ized by low flows from late July through February, increased flows during March, and high flows during April through June. Flows below Diversion Dam are normally high just prior to the irrigation season for flood contro 1, during i rri gat ion season, and are very 1 ow during the late fall and early winter months. The U.S. Geological Survey has maintained stream discharge gages on the Lower Boise River since 1895. Gages have been added and discon- tinued at several locations since this time. The following is a list of the gage stations that were used for this study: Gage Title Location Landmark Boise R. near Boise River Mile 63.8 At Lucky Peak Dam Boise R. at Boise River Mile 52.8 Capital Blvd. Bridge Boise R. near Middleton (new) River Mile 29.2 Lansing Lane Boise R. at Notus (discontinued) River Mile 13.8 At Notus Boise R. near Parma (new) River Mile 3.6 County Road Bridge Diversions and inflows from Lucky Peak Dam to the mouth are very numerous. The tota 1 capacity of the more than 40 can a 1 s which divert water from the Boise River is approximately 6,700 cfs. Normal maximum diversion rates during. the irrigation season are 600 cfs from Diversion Dam to Boise, 1,400 cfs from Boise to Star, 850 cfs from Star to Notus, and 175 cfs from Notus to Parma. Boise River flows exhibit wide fluctu- ations, particularly from Diversion Dam to Star, where diversions can range from 0 to 2,000 cfs. Diversions and inflows on the Boise River have a major impact on the existing fisheries. Diversions often limit flows in the Boise River to less than 5 cfs in the Star to Middleton area, and to less than 100 cfs in the Notus area. The most significant low flow conditions above Eagle, Idaho, occur from the end of the i rri gat ion season (October 15) to whenever flood contro 1 or i rri gat ion re 1 eases are resumed the next year. From Eagle, downstream low flow conditions are generally associated with irrigation diversions. The Boise River provides water for irrigation of about 347,000 acres of cropland. Most of this is in the Boise Valley, but some water is diverted for irrigation of land out of the drainage near Mountain Home. Water for municipal and industrial use is also provided by the Boise River by recharging the ground water in some areas. The US Bureau of Reclamation's Boise Project is the largest user of Boise River water, and can be divided into an upper and lower system. The upper system, 116,300 acres, includes the area served directly from 31 In order to conduct instream flow studies on the Lower Boise River, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers made a series of controlled flow re- leases from Lucky Peak Dam as follows: Flow 500 cfs 400 cfs 300 cfs 250 cfs 150 cfs 100 cfs Return to Normal Operations Time Flow Changed 4:00pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm Date Monday, Feb 10, 1975 Wednesday, Feb 12, 1975 Friday, February 14, 1975 Sunday, Feb 16, 1975 Tuesday, Feb 18, 1975 Thursday, Feb 20, 1975 Saturday, Feb 22, 1975 Individual transects have been coded for convenience with respect to its type (spawning or passage), location (river reach), and order of occurrence (numbered downstream). PT-LBR-1 refers to the farthest up- stream (-1) passage transect (PT-) on the Lower Boise River (LBR-). Transect PT-LBR-1 ST-LBR-1 PT-LBR-2 PT-LBR-3 ST-LBR-2 ST-LBR-3 River Mile 53.9 53.6 53.6 53.0 52.3 52.2 Major Landmark Broadway Bridge (downstream) (RM 53.7) Broadway Bridge (upstream) Broadway Bridge (upstream) Capital Bridge (downstream) (RM 52.8) Americana Blvd. Bridge (upstream) (RM 52.0) Americana Blvd. Bridge (upstream) Various side channels and slough areas were monitored for loss of depth and wetted bottom as these areas provided habitat which is typical for war·m water fish. These s 1 ough areas were characterized by sand, mud, or gravel bottoms, adjacent brush on either or both banks, and gen- erally slow velocities. Water depths in these various channels or sloughs are directly influenced by Boise River flows or indirectly by seepage. Slough Locations: Study Site SL #1 (left bank) SL #2 (right bank) SL #3 (right bank) SL #4 (right bank) SL #5 (right bank) River Mile 39.2 30.2 29.1 14.3 14.0 32 Major Landmark North Channel, Linear Rd., 100 yds. upstream Lansing Lane, @ 1 mile upstream Lansing Lane, at road end 0.5 mile upstream from Notus Gage 0.2 mile upstream from Notus Gage the Boise River, mostly by the Main (New York) and Ridenbaugh Canals. The lower system, 50,600 acres, includes the area that receives water after it has first been stored in Lake Lowell. The remainder of the canals on the Lower Boise River supply approximately 160,000 acres of land. Releases from Lucky Peak Dam to the Boise River are regulated by the Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reel amati on, Boise Project Board of Control, and the Boise River Watermaster. At present, the Idaho Depart- ment of Fish and Game Department owns approximately 50,000 acre-feet of storage in Lucky Peak Reservoir which is used for releases during the winter months to maintain fish populations. Waste loads that accumulate during these low flow periods, in addition to the large fluctuations in flows that occur on a predictable annual schedule, provide for a poor habitat and a limited carryover population of game fish. Wildlife along the Lower Boise River originally was very abundant, but has decreased with the loss of natural cover caused by man 1 s en- croachment into the area. Deer are still found along the river in reduced numbers. Muskrat, mink, and a few beaver are found along the Lower Boise River, and are the mammals most affected by reduced flows in the river. The habitat along the Boise River holds a diversity of birds, including song birds, raptors, upland game birds, waterfowl, and shore birds. Waterfowl and shore birds are most affected by reduced or ex- cessive flows in the Boise River during nesting seasons. Low flows during the winter have an adverse affect on the river 1 s waterfowl carry- ; ng capacity. Game fish populations in the Boise River above Star include rainbow trout, brown trout, mountain whitefish, and Dolly Varden. Game fish species below Star include largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides), smallmouth bass, and channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus). Rainbow trout is the species of highest value to the sportsman above Star. Brown trout fry have been planted in the stream and natural reproduction has been documented (Will Reid, personal communications). Brown trout up to 2 pounds have been harvested in this river stretch. Mountain whitefish make up approximately 46% of the game fish population in the study area and are the second most sought after species. The river below Star is generally a low-quality fishery due to returned irrigation water, effluent from waste water treatment p 1 ants and food process plants, and an inconsistent flow regime. The Boise River thr,ough Boise has a high recreational potential due to its proximity to 25% of the State 1 s population. 33 The spawning flow recommendations are: rainbow trout, 255 cfs; brown trout, 225 cfs; and Dolly Varden, 150 cfs (Figures 23, 24, and 25). The majority of the stream bottom in the study reach consists of unsuitable spawning substrate, and large rocks 6 to 10 inches in diam- eter. Gravels suitable for spawning have been removed from the main river channel by high spring flows and deposited either in higher side channels or in downstream locations. Because of the dams constructed above the study area, the bedload, which would have replaced the removed gravel, is not available. By observing the Boise River throughout the study area at high flows, it was f~und that a flow of 1,100 cfs or greater is needed to provide suitable water depths and velocities in the side channels where more suitable spawning gravel now exists. For incubation, a flow of 900 cfs is needed. The higher spawning flow recommendation is suggested as an optimum spawning flow and should be maintained as much as possible through the spawning and incubation periods. The rearing flow recommendation is that flow which provides for the greatest wetted perimeter on riffles for the least amount of discharge. For the study reach, a rearing flow of 220 cfs is recommended (Figure 26). Flows for angling were not considered for this study reach; how- ever, the suggested discharge levels are probably adequate for angling. No conclusive recommendations could be made from the data collected in the slough areas in the lower section of the river; therefore, it is recommended that the flow recommendations above Star be maintained to the mouth. The recommended low flow regime in cfs, for the Boise River from Lucky Peak Dam to Snake River, based on species periodicity flows, is as follows: Species/Lffe Stage J~ FEB ~R APR ~y JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Rainbow Trout Spawnfng 225 225 225 Incubation 151 151 151 151 151 Brown Trout Spawning 225 225 Incubation 151 151 151 151 151 Dolly Varden Spawning 150 150 Incubation 100 100 100 100 100 Rearing -All Specfes 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Recommended Flow Regfme 150 150 150 225 225 225 150 150 150 225 225 150 34 . +.l ~ 150 ..c: +.l "'0 ...... 120 3 0'1 s::: ...... s::: 90 3 113 c... t/) "'0 60 Ql +.l ..c: 0'1 ...... Ql 30 3 180 . +.l ~ ..c: 150 +.l "'0 ...... 3 0'1 120 s::: ...... s::: 3 113 90 c... t/) "'0 Ql +.l 60 ..c: 0'1 ...... Ql 3 30 Spawning Maintenance Flow 1 80 160 240 320 400 Discharge (cfs) Figure 23. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. Spawning Maintenance Flow l 80 160 240 320 400 Discharge (cfs) Figure 24. Brown trout spawning curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. 35 480 420 .......... . +-1 150 \f.- .s::. +-1 "'C ...... 120 3 01 I:: ..... I:: 90 3: ~ 0. (/) "'C 60 QJ +-1 .s::. 01 .,... QJ 30 3 200 .......... +-1 \f.-160 ~ QJ +-1 ~ 120 .,... ~ QJ Cl.. "'C 80 QJ +-1 +-1 QJ 3 40 Spawning Maintenance Flow ! 80 160 240 320 400 Discharge (cfs) Figure 25. Dolly Varden spawning curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. Rearing Maintenance Flow ! 80 160 240 320 Discharge (cfs) Figure 26. Wetted perimeter curve for Boise River below Lucky Peak Dam. 36 400 480 480 BLACKFOOT RIVER The Blackfoot River is located in the highly productive southeast- ern Idaho area (Figure 27). From its sources in the Caribou Range, the river flows north and west to its confluence with the Snake River at river mile 751.2. The drainage is located approximately 30 air miles southeast of the city of Idaho Falls and 40 air miles northeast of Poca- tello and drains almost 1,295 square miles. The major tributaries to the Blackfoot River are Lanes Creek, Diamond Creek, and Slug Creek above Blackfoot Dam; and Corral Creek, Brush Creek, and Wolverine Creek below the dam. Most of the water of Sand Creek, small drainage north of the Blackfoot River, is diverted into the Blackfoot River through the Idaho Canal at river mile 31.3. Blackfoot Dam at river mile 78.0 is the major impoundment structure on the Blackfoot River. Built by Corps of Engineers in 1909 and oper- ated by the Fort Hall Irrigation District, it is a 50-foot high rockfill structure with a concrete core. The reservoir has a usable storage ca- pacity of 413,000 acre-feet between the elevations of 6,086 feet and 6,124 feet. Water in Blackfoot Reservoir is held in storage to be diverted for irrigation of about 50,000 acres near Pocatello and on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation. Inflows to Blackfoot Reservoir have been augmented by seasona 1 diversions from Grays Lake through Clark • s Cut since 1924. Depending on the runoff situation, up to 20,000 acre-feet a year are obtained from this source for use on Fort Hall Indian Reserva- tion lands with control in Blackfoot Reservoir. Our study encompassed that part of the Blackfoot River below Black- foot Dam at the mouth of Wolverine Creek, a section 38.3 miles long from river mile 39.7 to river mile 78.0. The Blackfoot River drainage lies mainly in the Middle Rocky Moun- tain physiographic area. The rocks of this section are largely sedi- mentari es such as 1 imestones, sandstones, sha 1 es, etc. The phosphoria formation is only a few hundred feet in thickness, but holds the rich phosphate deposits. The stream elevation of the Blackfoot River at Blackfoot Dam is 6,100 feet. Through the 38.3 mile study area, the river drops 1,415 feet to an e 1 evat ion of 4, 685 feet at the mouth of Wo 1 veri ne Creek. The average gradient through the area is 0. 699% or 36.9 feet per mil e. Draney Peak at 9.737 feet is the highest point in the Blackfoot drain- age, which drops to 4,400 feet at the confluence with the Snake River. As the e 1 evat ion drops from 9, 000 feet, the vegetation changes from coniferous-aspen type to a drier sagebrush zone with a few straggling conifers. The area encompassing the Blackfoot Reservoir still shows some evidence of marsh vegetation, but the lower watershed elevations below the dam support semidesert vegetation where sagebrush, tall grasses, and 37 a POCATELLO / /. I IDAI'tO FALLS \ 4·· t<J ' : e SHELLY : N 1 CHESTERFIELD • 0 SCALE Miles 1:500,000 Location Map 10 Figure 27. Study area on Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Reservoir. 38 forbs are the dominant plant species and where stream banks support a fringe of willows. The average annual precipitation for the Blackfoot River Basin is 16 inches, but ranges up to 50 inches in the highest mountains of the drainage. The seasonal distribution of precipitation in the Basin is 1.3 to 1.7 inches per month from September through June, and 0.6 to 0.8 inches per month in July and August. The precipitation during the cooler months falls largely as snow at high elevations in the basin, leaving most of the runoff as snowmelt in the mountains. The US Geological Survey has maintained stream discharge gages at the mouth of the Blackfoot River since July 1913. Prior to October 1931 they were maintained only during the summer months. The USGS also main- tains a gage on the Blackfoot near Henry (above Blackfoot Reservoir) with records from April 1914 to September 1925, but without winter records except water year 1915. The gage was discontinued from 1925 to 1967, and records have been kept from 1967 to the current year. Average annual discharge of the Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Reservoir at the 1961 level of development is 185 cfs or 135,000 acre- feet per year, and the average annual discharge where the Blackfoot enters the Shake is 176 cfs or 127,500 acre-feet per year (USGS, 1976). Discharge just below the reservoir reflects a large amount of regula- tion, irrigation and water imported from Willow Creek drainage. In addi- tion, the runoff at the downstream location also reflects relatively large amounts of exchange irrigation water from the Snake River and large irrigation diversions from the Blackfoot River. Maximum recorded Blackfoot River discharge, 1,710 cfs, occurred on February 11, 1962. Maximum recorded discharge for the Blackfoot River and Blackfoot River bypass was 1,840 cfs on May 12, 1972. Minimum dis- charge of record is 0.0 cfs on many days through the period of record. The rainbow trout and cutthroat trout are the highest valued fish species on the Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Dam. Mountain whitefish and a small population of brook trout are also found in the Blackfoot River. Because of the high nutrient content, the Blackfoot River and the Blackfoot Reservoir are one of the most productive fisheries in Idaho. The fish in the Blackfoot drainage grow quite large for resident trout, and are characteri st i ca lly deep bodied and range up to 20 inches in length. The majority of rainbow trout spawning takes place from early May to early June. The cutthroat spawning occurs from late May to 1 ate June. 39 In order to conduct instream flow studies on the Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Reservoir, the Fort Hall Irrigation District made a series of controlled releases from Blackfoot Dam between October 28, 1973, and November 4, 1973. The change was made at 4:00 pm each day. However, neither Blackfoot Dam nor the river below it through the study area is gaged. Thus, the flows released were only approximately those requested. Each release was measured by the investigators at the bridge below the dam. Flow Requested 250 cfs 200 cfs 150 cfs 100 cfs 75 cfs 50 cfs 25 cfs Return to Normal Discharge Measured 272 247 188 145 115 76 43 Operation Date Monday, October 29, 1973 Tuesday, October 30, 1973 Wednesday, October 31, 1973 Thursday, November 1, 1973 Friday, November 2, 1973 Saturday, November 3, 1973 Sunday, November 4, 1973 The spawning flow recommendations are: rainbow trout, 92 cfs; and cutthroat trout, 87 cfs (Figures 28 and 29). The recommended incubation flows are 66% of the recommended spawning flows. The recommended rearing flow, 140 cfs, is based on the greatest amount of wetted perimeter for the least discharge (Figure 30). Flows for angling were not considered in the recommendations but in most cases, the suggested flows for fish life history periods are pro- bably adequate for that angling. The recommended low flow regime in cfs, based on fish periodicity charts from Blackfoot Reservoir to Wolverine Creek, is as follows: Species/Life Stage JAN FEB MAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Rainbow Trout Spawning 92 92 92 Incubation 62 62 62 62 62 Cutthroat Trout Spawning 87 87 Incubation 58 58 58 58 Rearing -All Species 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 Recommended Flow Regime 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 40 75 .,.... 3 60 O'l c: .,.... c: 3: 45 ttl c. (/) "'C ~ 30 ..c: O'l .,.... (I) 3 15 ........... 60 . ..c: 50 ~ "'C .,.... 3 O'l 40 c: .,.... c: 3: ttl c. 30 (/) "'C (I) ~ ..c: 20 O'l ..... (I) 3 10 40 Spawning Maintenance Flow 80 120 Discharge ( cfs) 160 200 Figure 28. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Reservoir. Spawning Maintenance Flow ! 40 80 120 Discharge (cfs) 160 200 Figure 29. Cutthroat trout spawning curve for Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Reservoir. 41 240 240 150 -~ 4- ......... 120 s... cu ~ cu E 90 ..... s... cu c.. "0 60 cu ~ ~ cu 3 30 40 80 Rearing Maintenance Flow 120 Discharge (cfs) 160 200 Figure 30. Wetted perimeter curve for Blackfoot River below Blackfoot Reservoir. 42 240 WILLOW CREEK The Willow Creek drainage is located in eastern Idaho north of the Blackfoot River drainage and east of the city of Idaho Falls (Figure 31). From its sources in the Blackfoot Mountains, it flows north and then west to its confluence with the Snake River at river mile 800.4. Approximately 627 square miles are drained by Willow Creek above the study area. Major tributaries to Willow Creek are Grays Lake Outlet, Cranes Creek, Meadow Creek, and Tex Creek. Since 1924 up to 20,000 acre- feet of water a year have been diverted from the Willow Creek drainage to Blackfoot Reservoir through Clark's Cut. The construction of Ririe Dam, a rock-face, earth filled structure, was completed by the Corps of Engineers in 1976. The dam, located at river mile 20.5, has a total capacity of 100,000 acre-feet between the elevations of 4,997 feet and 5,118.7 feet. Water is diverted for irri- gation of about 7,300 acres upstream from Ririe Reservoir but as yet 90,000 acre-feet of the storage in Ririe Reservoir is unobligated (Nelson et. al., 1977). The study area was located approximately 1 mile downstream from Ririe Dam. The stream e 1 evat ion of Will ow Creek be 1 ow Ririe Dam is approxi- mately 5,010 feet. From Ririe Dam to its confluence with Snake River, Willow Creek drops 320 feet to an elevation of 4,690 feet. The average gradient through the reach is 0.295% or 15.6 feet per mile. Mean annual discharge of Willow Creek below Ririe Dam is 188 cfs or 136,200 acre-feet per year. Maximum discharge observed in Willow Creek was 4,200 cfs on May 15, 1917, while the minimum flow of record was 0.27 cfs on January 6-15, 1976, after the construction of Ririe Dam (USGS, 1976). The US Geological Survey has maintained a stream discharge gage station on Willow Creek about a mile upstream from the mouth of the can- yon intermittently since 1903 and constantly since October 1962. Fish species of consideration in Willow Creek include rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, brook trout, and brown trout. Rainbow and cut- throat trout are spring spawners, while brown and brook trout spawn in the fall. In order to conduct instream flow studies on Willow Creek, the Corps of Engineers made a series of controlled releases from Ririe Dam. The flows released from the dam were approximately those requested. 43 IDAHO IDAHO Location Map N 1 0 SCALE Miles 1:500,000 10 Figure 31. Study area on Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 44 Flow (cfs) Date 10 Apri 1 7, 1976 20 April 8, 1976 30 April 9, 1976 50 April 10, 1976 70 April 11, 1976 90 April 12, 1976 The spawning flow recommendations are: rainbow trout, 40 cfs; cutthroat trout, 25 cfs; brown trout, 40 cfs; and brook trout, 23 cfs (Figures 32, 33, 34, and 35). The recommended rearing flow of 25 cfs is based on the greatest amount of wetted perimeter for the least flow (Figure 36). Flows for angling were not considered in the study, but in most cases the suggested levels are probably adequate for that purpose. The recommended low flow regime in cfs, based on fish periodicity charts, in Willow Creek from Ririe Dam to Snake River, is as follows: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Rainbow Trout Spawning 40 40 40 40 Incubation 27 27 27 27 27 Cutthroat Trout Spawning 25 25 25 Incubation 17 17 17 17 Brown Trout Spawning 40 40 40 Incubation 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Brook Trout Spawning 23 23 23 Incubation 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Rearing -All Species 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Recommended Flow Regime 25 25 27 40 40 40 40 27 25 40 40 40 45 . .jJ 4-50 -..c .jJ "'C .,.... 40 3 O'l c: .,.... ~ 30 ItS c.. V'l -g 20 .jJ ..c O'l .,.... ~ 10 ....-.. 30 .jJ 4- ..c 25 .jJ "'C .,.... 3 O'l 20 c: .,.... c: 3: ItS c.. 15 V'l "'C <I) .jJ ..c 10 O'l .,.... <I) 3 10 20 Spawning Maintenance Flow 30 Discharge (cfs) J 40 50 Figure 32. Rainbow trout spawning curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 60 Spawning Maintenance Flow 1----------~ 10 20 30 Discharge (cfs) 40 50 Figure 33. Cutthroat trout spawning curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 46 60 30 25 ..s:: ....., -c ...... 3 O'l 20 c ...... c 3: ~ 15 (/') -c <LI ....., 10 ..s:: O'l ...... <LI 3 . ....., 4-......... 5 30 ..s:: 25 ....., -c ...... 3 O'l 20 c ...... c 3: ~ 15 (/') -c <LI ~ 10 O'l ...... <LI 3 5 10 Figure 34. 10 Spawning Maintenance Flow 20 30 Discharge ( cfs) 40 50 Brown trout spawning curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. " Spawning Maintenance Flow 1 20 30 Discharge ( cfs) 40 50 Figure 35. Brook trout spawning curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 47 60 60 30 25 ......... ....., 4- ~ 20 QJ ....., QJ E .,..... 15 ~ QJ 0... -o QJ 10 ....., ....., QJ 3 5 10 Rearing Maintenance Flow 20 1 30 Discharge ( cfs) 40 Figure 36. Wetted perimeter curve for Willow Creek below Ririe Dam. 48 50 60 SUMMARY Stream resource rna i ntenance flow recommendations in cfs for seven stream reaches in southern Idaho were determined, based on field studies performed by personnel of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service during the period 1972-1974. These recommendations are summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Recommended stream resource maintenance flows (cfs) for seven study stream reaches. Study Reach JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Little Weiser River Gray's Creek to Mouth 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Deadwood River Deadwood Dam to Mouth 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 North Fork Payette River Payette Lake to Cascade Reservoir 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 South Fork Boise River Anderson Ranch Dam to Arrowrock Reservoir 200 200 200 280 280 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Boise River Lucky Peak Dam to Mouth 150 150 150 225 225 225 150 150 150 225 225 150 Blackfoot River Blackfoot Dam to Mouth 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 Willow Creek Ririe Dam to Mouth 25 25 27 40 40 40 40 27 25 40 40 40 49 REFERENCES Beach, Donald R. 1974. Lake and Reservoir Investigations: Survey of Fish Harvest in South Fork Boise River from Anderson Ranch Dam to Arrowrock Reservoir. Project F-53-R-10, Job II!e. Idaho Fish and Game Department. Beach, Donald R. 1975. Lake and Reservoir Investigations: Survey of Fish Populations in South Fork Boise River from Anderson Ranch Dam to Arrowrock Reservoir. Project F-53-R-10. Job !!If. Idaho Fish and Game Department. Bovee, Ken D. and Tim Cochnauer. 1977. Development and Evaluation of Weighted Criteria, Probability-of-Use Curves for Instream Flow Assessments: Fisheries. Instream Flow Information Paper No. 3. Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, Fort Collins, CO. Decem- ber 1977. 39 pages. Bovee, Ken D. 1978. Probability-of-Use Criteria for the Family Salmon- idae. Instream Flow Information Paper No. 4. Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, Fort Collins, Colorado, January 1978. 88 pages. Cochnauer, Tim. 1977. Streamflow Investigations--Stream Resource Main- tenance Flow Determination on Idaho Stream Job Performance Report F-66-R-2. Job No. II. Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game, Boise, Idaho. 85 pp. Collings, M. R. 1974. Generalization of Spawning and Rearing Discharges for Several Pacific Spawning Species in Western Washington, USGS, open file report. 39 pages. Ne 1 son, Wayne, Gera 1 d Horak, and Martin Lewis. 1977. Unob 1 i gated and Unut il i zed Reservoir Storage at Federally Contro 11 ed Dams. FWS/ OBS-77/49, US Fish and Wildlife Service. 52 pages. Mate, Steve. Personal Communications. Idaho Fish and Game Department. Reid, Will. Personal Communications. Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Thompson, Ken. 1972. Determining stream flows for fish 1 ife. In: Proceedings, Instream Flow Requirements Workshop, Portland, Oregon, Pacific Northwest River Basin Commission, Vancouver, Washington, page 3150. 50 USGS. 1952. Water Resources Data for Idaho, Part 1 Surface Water Records. USGS. 1960. Water Resoruces Data for Idaho, Part 1 Surface Water Records. USGS. 1969. Discharge measurements at gaging stations. Book 3, Chapter A8, of Techniques of Water Resource Investigations of US Geological Survey. Gov•t Printing Office. 65 pages. USGS. 1976. Water Resources Data for Idaho, Part 1 Surface Water Records. 51 APPENDIX PROBABILITY-OF-USE CURVES 52 0 ., 0 >-"' t-o ....J (D a: (D 0• g:o "' 0 0 0 0 CD 0 >-"' t-o ....J (D a: (D 0• a::· a_O "' 0 0 0 0 0 1111 0 r II I I J ~ \ \ \ RAINBOW TROUT SPAWNING 0 "' 0 >-"' t-o ....J (D a: (D 0• g:o "' 0 I \ 1\ I 0 0 2 3 0 VELOCITY lrTISECJ I 1\ I \ \ \ 0 CD 0 >-"' t-o ....J (D a: (D 0• g:o "' 0 0 0 78/01/24. 1\ \ \ \ \ ~ 2 O£PTH lrTJ I 3 2 J 5 6 0 20 40 60 80 SUBSTRATE TEMPERATURE lrl 100 Figure A-1. Rainbow trout spawning probability curves (from Bovee 1978). 53 0 .. 0 ,....., t-o .J CD a: CD o ... fo N 0 0 0 0 .. 0 ,....., 1-d .J CD a: CD o ... g:o N d 0 d I 0 0 11210 ( 1\ \ \ \ r---- 2 VELOCITY IFT/SECJ 2 3 SUBSTRATE CUTTHROAT TROUT SPAWNING 78/01/24. I \ I \ \ 5 6 0 .. 0 >-"' t-o .J CD a: CD o ... fo N 0 0 0 0 .. 0 ,....., t-o .J CD a: CD o ... g:o N 0 0 0 !\ I \ 1/ \ I \ I \ 0 0.5 I 1.5 DEPTH IFTJ I 0 20 to so eo TEMPERATURE !Fl Figure A-2. Cutthroat trout spawning probability curves(from Bovee 1978). 54 2 100 _, CD a: C> "' 0 CD o ... Q::• a.."' "' 0 C> 0 0 "' 0 >-"' 1-o _, CD a: CD o ... ca::· a..<> "' 0 0 0 0 0 I ) 11310 ~ J 1/ \ ~ 2 3 i VELOCITY IFT/SECJ 2 3 SUBSTRATE BROWN TROUT 5 I 1\ I 5 SPAWNING \ \ 6 0 "' 0 >-"' 1-o :J CD a: CD o ... ~0 "' 0 0 0 J 0 0 \ 78/01/24. \ \ .......... ~ 2 DEPTH lrTl ' \ 3 20 iO 60 80 TEMPERATURE ltl 100 Figure A-3. Brown trout spawning probability curves (from Bovee 1978). 55 0 .. 0 ....... l-ei -l CD a: CD 0• fo ... c:i 0 ei 0 .. ei ....... l-ei -l ~ CD O• fei ... ei 0 0 0 0 ( I 11410 \ \ \ \ 2 VELOCITY !fTISECl ~ 2 J SUBSTRATE BROOK TROUT SPAWNING ~ ~ \ \ \ 5 6 0 .. ei ....... o-ci -l CD a: CD 0• fci ... c:i 0 ei 0 0 ....... 1-o -l CD a: CD 0• fo ... 0 0 ei 1 1/ 0 0 (\ l \ 78/01/24. ll \ ~ 1'--- 2 DEPTH !FTl \ 20 10 60 eo TEMPERATURE lfl 100 Figure A-4. Brook trout spawning probability curves (from Bovee 1978). 56 0.9 0.8 0.7 > 0.6 1-~ a5 0.5 <t ~ 0.4 g: 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 > 0.6 1- ~ as 0.5 <t ~ 0.4 g: 0.3 0.2 0.1 DEPTH feet VELOCITY ft/sec 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Figure A-5. Dolly Varden spawning probability curves.(From unpublished data provided to Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group by Tim Gochnauer, Idaho Fish and Game Department, Jerome, Idaho. 57 0 .. c:i ,... ... .... c:i ..J m a: m 0• l[c:i N c:i 0 c:i ., c:i ,... ... .... c:i ..J m a: m 0• o::· ~0 N c:i 0 c:i 0 0 I 10210 ! \ I I \ \ \ ' "--._ 2 VELOCfiY lfT/SECJ 2 3 SUBSTRATE I KOKANEE SALMON ( s SPAWNING 0 .. c:i ,... ... .-.c:i ..J m a: m 0• l[c:i N c:i 0 c:i 0 0 I 78/01/24. /'\ 1\ \ \ \ I'.. ~ r--........ O.S I l.S DEPTH lfTJ (\ I I 20 10 60 80 TEMPERATURE lfl 2 100 Figure A-6. Kokanee salmon spawning probability curves (From Bovee 1978). 58 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. INSTREAM FLOW INFORMATION PAPERS ISSUED Lamb, Berton Lee, Editor. Guide 1 i nes for Preparing Expert Test i- mony in Water Management Decisions Related to Instream Flow Issues. Fort Collins, Colorado, Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, July 1977, 30 pages. FWS/OBS-77/19. (NTIS Accession Number: PB 268 597; Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-83281). Lamb, Berton Lee, Editor. ProtectinE Instream Flows Under Western Water Law: Selected Papers. Fort oll1ns, Colorado, Cooperative Instream Flow Serv1ce Group, September 1977, 60 pages. FWS/OBS- 77/47. (NTIS Accession Number: PB 272 993; Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-15286). Bovee, Ken D., and Cochnauer, Tim. Development and Evaluation of Weighted Criteria , Probability-of-Use Curves for Instream Flow Assessments; Fisheries. Fort Collins, Colorado, Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, December 1977, 49 pages. FWS/OBS-77/63 (NTIS Accession Number: PB Bovee, Ken D. Probability-of-Use Criteria for the Family Salmon- idae. Fort Collins, Colorado, Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, January 1978, 88 pages. FWS/OBS-78/07. (NTIS Accession Number: PB Bovee, Ken D. and Milhous, Robert T. Hydraulic Simulation in Instream Flow Studies: Theory and Techni lies. Fort Collins, Colorado, Cooperative Instream Flow Service G oup, May 1978, pages. FWS/OBS-78/33. (NTIS Accars:i on Number: PB ; Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 78-600110). Hyra, Ronald. Methods of Assessing Instr~a~ Flows for Recreation. Fort Collins, Colorado-, Cooperative Instream Flow Serv1ce Group, May 1978, 49 pages. FWS/OBS-78/34. (NTIS Accession Number: PB ; Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 78-600071). Bayha, Keith. Instream Flow Methodologies for Regional/National Assessments: A State-of-the-Art Review. Fort Collins, Colorado, Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group, July 1978, pages. FWS/OBS-78/61. (NTIS Accession Number: PB ; Library of Congress Catalog Card No. ). Pruitt, Thomas A. and Richard L. Nadeau. Recommended Stream Resource Maintenance Flows on Seven Idaho Streams. Fort Collins, Colorado, Cooperative--rn5tream--rl0w Service Group, July 1978 pages. FWS/OBS-78/68. (NTIS Accession Number: PB Library of Congress Catalog Card No. ). 59 50272 -J01 REPORT DOCUMENTATION !l,_RE!'ORT NO. T 2. 3. Recipient's Accession No. -PAGE 1 FWS/OBS-78/68 I 4. Title and Subtitle ~~~-----~~_c_~~ ~~------+-=-5.-R=--e-po-rt~D-at-e~~~~~~~--l Recommended Stream Resource Maintenance Flows on Seven July 1978 Southern Idaho Streams ~- ~~~~~~------- ----·---~~ --------~ 8. -Performing Organization Rept. N~~ 7. Author(s) Thomas A. Pruitt and Richard L. Nadeau IFIP-8 -~~---------------~~----~~~~~~--! 9. Performing Organization Name and Address U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Ecological Services Overland Road Boise, Idaho -----~~~~~~~~~~----------------------- 12. Sponsoring OrfJanization Name and Ad9,n;ss Cooperative Instream t1ow Service Group Office of Biological Service Creekside Building, 2625 Redwing Road Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 -~~~~~~-----~-----------~ -------~~------------- 15. Supplementary Notes 1-~~~--~~--------- 16. Abstract (limit: 200 words) 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. -~------------~~----- 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) il." Typ~ -;;tR;p~rt&P;Mod Cover;;;-- ---- 14. --------------~~~-1 ---- This paper documents the results of instream flow investigations conducted on seven south Idaho streams by the Boise Ecological Service Field Office durring 1972-1975. The results were reanalyzed by the Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group using the concept of probability-of-use curves which are based on weighted criteria for depth and velocity. Recommended stream resource maintenance flows are presented. 17. Document Analysis a. Descri~tor-;----~~-------------~ ------~. -------·--------------~~~---~~~~--! Stream resource maintenance flow recommendations Instream flow studies Hydrologic units 170402 and 170501 Probability -of-use curves (Mt. Whitefish) b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group c. COSATI Field/Group t----~--~~~~-----~-------- 18. Availability Statement Release Unlimited See ANSI-Z39.18) 60 OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS--35) Department of Commerce ~U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE' 1978·0·777· 138131 Zl The Biological Services Program was established within the U.S. F ish and Wildlife Service to supply scientific information and methodolog ies on key environmental issues which have an impact f ish and wildlife resources and their supporting ecosystems. The mission of the Program i s as follows: 1. To strengthen the Fish and Wildlife Service in its ro le as a pri mary source of information on natural fish and wildlife resources , par- ticularly with respect to environmental impact assessment. 2 . To gather, analyze, and present information that will aid decisi on- makers in the identification and resolut ion of problems associated with major land and water use changes. 3 . To provide better ecological information and evaluation for Depart- ment of the Interior development programs, such as those relating to energy development. Information developed by the B i ological Services Program is i ntended for use in the planning and decisionmaking process, to prevent or m i nimize the impact of development on fish and wildlife. Biolog ical Services research activities and technical assistance services are based on an analysi s of the issues, the decisionmakers involved and their information needs, and an evaluation of the state-of-the-art to identify information gaps and determi ne priorities. This is a strategy to assure that the products produced and dis- seminated will be timely and useful. Biological Services projects have been in itiated in the following areas: Coal extraction and conversion Power plants Geothermal, mineral, and oil shale development Water resource analysis, including stream alterations and western water allocation Coastal ecosystems and Outer Continental Shelf development. Systems and inventory, including National Wetlands Inventory, habi- tat classification and analysis, and information transfer The Program consists of the Office of Biological Services in Washington, D .C., which is responsible for overall planning and management; National Teams which provide the Program's central, scientific and technical expertise, and which arrange for contracting of Biological Services studies with States, universities, consulting firms, and others; ~~i,9nal staff who provide a link to problems at the operating level; and ..... I Srtain Fish and Wildl i fe Service research facilities who cond~ci§RS~e research studies. Librarv esources . & Tnformation ~erVi A..nchor!lf1"e AJ u ces '-"' · aska U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife S e rvice As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has re- sponsibility for most of our nationally owned pub- lic lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water re- sources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserv- ing the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and provid- ing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor rec- reation. The Qepartment assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major re- sponsibility for American Indian reservation A communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration.