HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS41J<A PO\V~R SUS HYDROELECTRIC P JU 1 Prepat'""ed for: R ALASKA POWER AUT RITV SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJ TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY FIELD DATA INDEX TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTiON 1 \VATER RESOURCES DATA COLLECTED IN HE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 '11 'j '1 '1 '1 '1 Streamflow Continuous Streamflovv Qu.:1l re Cl &J Survey ice ng 01 1 0200-1 0300-1 0500-1 0800~1 1 11 1 '1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1/ APPENDICES p A Government Agencies that have Collected or Analyzed Water· Resources Data for the Susitna River Basin B Water Quality Parameter·s that have been Sampled by USGS within the Susitna River Basin C Data Collected by ADF&G in the Susitna River Basin from 1974 -1977, and 1981 D Climatoiogicat Parameters .which Appear in the NOAA Reports Entitled 11 Local Climatological D.ata 1 Annual Summary with Comparative Data 11 1. Meteorological Data for Current E 2. Normals, Means & Extremes 3.. Average Temperature 4. Precipitation 5. Heating Degree Days 6. Cooling Degree Days 7. Snowfall Climatological Pararneter·s Report Entitled 11 Annual Ci F Climate & for Field H E '1: ... ii - in NOAA Related to Susitna R 82) INTRODUCTION objective of the Field Data Index & Distribution System estabtish a formal system conveying hydroJogic and climatologic data ity to each me~mber team. The project base consists (<a) recorded data up to January 1, 1980; (b) Post 1980 by government agencies study members. Historical files have been researched avai are docu- me:nted in this report.. Records which could be exist in R&M Consultants Records which ar·e ~t this time, are identified as to location files, recor·d. 17 assigned to Susitna a wou or G ( months. Anyon~e knowing of additional data that has been collected within or adjacent to the Susitna River Basin is asked to notify R&f\fl Consultants, P .0~ Box 6087, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, (907) 27!9-0483. Hard copy of the data will be stored in the R&~ll Consultants and Acres Almerican offices. The data will be made available to project team men1bers and other concerned parties upon request. - 2 -( WATER RESOURCES DATA COLLECTED IN THE SUSITNA RtVER BASJN 0100 STREAMFLOW CONTINUOUS GAGING Mean daily discharge and/or annual maximum flood peak discharge data have been collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) & R&M Consultants (R&M) at several locations within the Susitna River· Basin. The stations for which this information is a1vailable and the period of record at each location are Hsted below. Unless indicated by agency name in parentheses following p~1eriod of record, all data has been collected by the USGS. All listed in thi:s section are on file R&M Consultants according index number and name .. Section 1700 Slough Observations. in this section. 10 Sus near 1 near ( are included they have 1 : 1 1 , 1 1 1 Index No. 0'130 __________________ o_·_e_scri~ti~~------------- Susitna River near Wat;Jna Damsite -R&M SG-1 l\1ean Daily Discharge Records: July 1980 -Present 0140 Susitna River near Gold Creek -USGS Station 1529.2000 Mean Daily Discharge Record: August 1949 -Present 0145 Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15i292400 Mean Daily Discharge Record: February '1958 ,.. September 1972 May 1980 -Present Annual Instantaneous Peak F!ow: 1958~1977, 1980 ... Present 01 Talkeetna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 1!5292700 Mean ly : June '1964 -P1resent 01 River at Sunshine -Station 15292780 Mean ly May 1981 -Present 1 1 1 61 Station 1 00 ly 1 Creek near 1 0 1 2 ( Index No. ---- 0165 Description Skwentna River near Skwentna ... USGS Station 152~94300 Mean Daily Discharge Record: August 1959 -Present 017S Yentna River near Susitna Station Mean Daily Discharge Record: October 1980 -Present 0190 Susitna River near Susitna Station - USGS Station 15294350 Mean Daily Discharge Record: October 1974 -Present ( 0200 STREAMFLOW PARTIAL RECORDS All data collected relating to river stage or water discnarge1 for the Susitna River Basin not previously listed under Secti1on 0100: Strean-.flow Continuous Gaging are included belo,.N. This se~ction includes all records from crest stage gages, staff gages 10r frag- mentar·y data. Agencies collecting the data include: U.S. Geolo~Jical Survey (USGS), R&M Consultant~ (R&M) and National Weather Service (NWS). The agency responsible for data c:oflection at each site is indicated by the agency name in pc-~entheses follow- ing the period of record. It shc:>uld be noted that National Weather Service stations collect river stage data which can be obtai Forec;ast Center on a daily basis. k~a Department of Fish and from the NWS Alas:ka River additional 10n stage and water discharge of selected tributaries and fresh-\~vater sloughs in the Susitna River Basin for 1981. Appendix C includes period of record the available~ Additional flow measurements, and , have been included under· Section 1 Slough Obser·vations. Therefore they have not again netow are on fi Consultants , un by an k neat" 1 ( 1 ( index No. ___________ D_e_s_c_r ....... ip_t_.io_n _________ , __ 0203 Susitna River at Dena I i Highway Staff Gage: 1981 (R&M) 0205 Susitna River at Deadman Creek -R&M CSR ... g Crest .... Stage Gage: 1980 -Present (R&M) 0210 Susitna River abo·ve Watana Damsite -R&M CSR-8 Crest-Stage Gage (J~-mile upstream of damsite): 1980 .. Present ( R~~M) 0211 Susitna River below Watana Damsite Staff Gage (1 mile downstream of damsite): 19£1 -Present (R~~f\11) 0212 Susitna River at Devil Creek Crest Stage Gage: 1981 -Present ( R&M) 0215 Susitna River above Devil Canyon -R&M CSR-7 8 Su Crest-Stage Gage ( 1~ miles upstream of D.C. damsite): 1980 -Present (R&M) R Staff River c c below Canyon (1 mile t"'ll"'~1'141 "eTii'•o-::.rn of D.C. damsite!): 1981 (R&M) 1 2 c R ( ) ( ) R Index No. 0235 Description Susitna River at Curry -R&M CSR Crest-Stage Gage: 1980 -Present ( R&M) 0236 Susitna River at Curry Partial Discharge Record: 1948 ( 1 date) (USGS) 1949 (1 date) (USGS) 0240 Susitna River near Chase -R&~Jl CSR-2 Crest-Stage Gage: 1980 -Present ( R&M) 0245 Susitna River above Susitna-Chulitna Confluence - R&M CSR--1 Crest-Stage Gage: 1980 -Present (R&i\1!) 0246 Talkeetna R AI Bridge Partial (2 dates) (USGS) 0247 Talkeetna River 8 Partial : 1976 -(NWS) R ne 1 1971, 1 . 1 c 1 I 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) Index No. 0253 0254 0255.5 0255.6 .8 Goose Creek near Montana -USGS 1 Crest-Stage Gage: 1963--1 (USGS) Casv.tell Creek near Cas\' I -Station 15t:.33000 Crest-Stage Gage: 1963 -P~-""""''""'r" (USGS) rv'lisceHaneous Discharge Measurements. 1963 -1 I 1979 -Present ( Litt!e \\lillow Creek near USGS Station 15293700 Low-Flow Partial Creel< belovv Peters Creek 1 !low Creek) Miscellaneous 1 ( ) ( c ( 1 near· near ) uence ) 0256.5 025'1 .5 WHio\V Creek at B , 1 mile Partial Discharge Reco: .. d. 1948 (1 date) (USGS) Deception Creek above USGS Station 15294007 Flo"v Partial u reek scellaneous Discharge near Houston - 1978 -Present {USGS) near w•=<=>--=>"-Arements: 1979 -( near 1 ( ) ) Index Creek near Station Low-Flow Partial 1975-1976, 1 978 USGS) Creek above Peters Creek -USGS ............. -........ 0 Low-Flow 1 1976, 1 1 Martin 2 Flow 1 ( ) WATER QUALITY Water quality data lected by R&M Consultants ( R&M) U.S. Geological Un 0 (USGS) several River Basin. locations for which this information and at each site are given below. are only taken periodically number of , timing and parameters measured v.ary year at any A list water ity param- measured USGS B. quality n measured by R&M in Appendix F. by the fol by the are c. is are I on name, are the U.s. R near 1 1 1 1 ( Index No. 0313 ----·-Description Clearwater Creek near Paxson - USGS Station 630230146530000 Period of Record: 1958* 0315 Maclaren River near Paxson -USGS Station 152911200 Period of Record: 1958-'1961, 1967-1968, 1975 0318 Little Oshetna River near Eureka ... USGS Station 621130147391500 Period of Record: 1953* 0320 Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Canyon) - USGS Station 15291500 Period of Record: 1967.., .. 1970, 1980 to 1981 1980: June 19 ( R&IM) August 8 ( ) September" 5 ( R&M) September 17 (R&M) October 17 ( R&IM) 1981: January 13 (R&IM) 20 (R&M) 18 ( ) June 30 (R&iM) 2 ( R&M) 3 ( ) 15 (R&lM) ( ) 1 ( ) R near - 2 ) ) / 0335 Susitna River above Portage Creek near Gold Cre!ek - USGS Station 624941149221500 Period of Record: 1977 0339 Gold Creek at Gold Creek -USGS Station 624606149412500 Period of Record: 1977* 0340 Susitna River at Goid Creek -USGS Station 1529~~000 Period of Recot"d: 194~' ·1958, 1967-1968, 1975, 1977, 1980 to Present a ( ) ( ) ) Index No. 0344 0344.5 Description Ramsdyke Creek near Petersvifle - USGS Station 623742150462600 Period of Record: 1979 Long Creek near PetersviUe -USGS Station 62354:>150435600 Period of Record: 1979 0345 Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 1521!~2400 Period of Record: 1958-1959, 1967-1972 0355 Talkeetna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15:292700 Period of Record: 1954, 1966-Present 0360 Susitna River Sunshine ... Station 15292780 Period : 1 1 1 1 1977, 1981 -Present 036'1. 1 Period of Record: 1971-1 .2 .3 ( Index No. 0362 0362~ 1! 0362. '~ 0362.~t 0362.4 $ 11 .4 Description Willow Creek near Willow -USGS Station 15294005 Pf~riod of Record: 1979 ... Present Willo,N Creek below Canyon near Willow - USGS Station 614607149552000 Period of Record: 1972 Willow Creek at Parks Highway near Willow (USGS Station 15294012) Period of Record: 1972, 1979, 1980 \ViHow C at Upper Bridge near WHiow - USGS Station 614522149401700 Period of Record: 1972 WiiiO\'\f Creek at Hatcher Pass USGS Station 15294002 Period of Record: 1978-1979 near Willow - Creek near -USGS near 1 1 1 1 near 1 1 1 ( Index No. 0363 .. 5 Description Unnamed Tributary to Deception Creek near Willow .... USGS S tatio:1 614446149551 000 Period of Record: 1979-1980 0365 Skwentna River near Skwentna ... USGS Station 1,5294300 Period of Record: 1959, 1961, 1967-1968, 19J4-1975 0366 Yentna River near Skv;entna - USGS Station 615815151070000 Period of Record: 1955* 0370 Yentna River near Susitna Station -USGS Static1n 15294345 0390 Period oi-: Recor·d: 1981 : May 20 June 11 July 14 River at Susitna 1 1 19701 1 1 12 1 ( 12 16 July 30 17 0400 WATER TEMPERATURE Water temperature data have been collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1 R&M Consultants (R&M), and Alaska Department of Fis•h and Game (ADF&G) at many locations within the Susitna River Basin. The locations for which this information is 43Vailable and the period of record at each site are given below. Continuous water temperature records are generally available for op.::!n-water months only, but the length of record will vary for each site from year to year. Descriptions of the data collected by AOiF&G for 1981 have been included in Appendix C.. Additional thermograph sites installed in 1982 for the slough observations can be 1:ound in Section 1700. Therefore, both sets of data have not been listed again in this section. it should also noted that instantaneous temperature measurements have been taken and may be fbund in wa1ter quality records published by the USGS. Unless indicated by agency name in parentheses following the period of record, I have collected by the USGS. in this section are on fi at R&M Consultants to index number and naane, data by the USGS and Tal R 0 R near 1 000 1 1 1 ( Description 1982: March 30 IV1ay 25 June 30 0415 Maclaren Rivet .. near Paxson ... USGS Station 15291200 Miscellaneous V'/ater Temperatures: 1980 0420 Susitna River near Cantwell -USGS Station 15291500 Water Temperature Record: May 1980 -Pres~i~nt Temperature Cross Sections: 1982: June 30 0430 Susitna River near Watana Damsite Water Temperature Record: October 1980 -[)~cember 1981 0440 (Station destroyed December 1981) Susitna River at Gold ... USGS Station 15292000 Water Temperature Record: 1957, 1974 -Present Temperature Cross Sections: 1980: May 14 July 2 August 1~9 1981: 1 1 1 1 - 2 (R 1 Index No .. 0445 0455 Description Chulitna River near Talkeetna -USGS Station 15292400 Water Temperature Record: 1982 -Present Temperature Cross Sections: 1980: June 3 Miscellaneous Water Talkeetna River near Water Temperature Temperature Cross July 17 Septembe~r 1 October :22 1981: January 14 February 10 March 2S May 18 June 23 July 20 August 1982: June 29 res: 1980 keetna -USGS Station 1 S292700 ( 1 1980: April 1 April 22 1 1 June 30 July 10 iy July index No. 0460 Susitna River near Sunshine ... Water Temperature Record: Temperature Cross Section : Station 152!32780 1981 ... Present 1981: October 19 1 March 2 April 9 June 3 Ju 2 0462 llo\v Creel< near Wi I low -USGS Station 15294005 Temper~atu re : 1978 - 0463 Deception Creek near Wgter Temperature 1 -1981 nearS 1 1 1 1 1 R -USGS 1 -1 : 1 1 7 0500 SEDIMENT DISCHARGE Suspended sediment concentration (mg/1), suspended sedim1ent dischar~~e (tons/day) and suspended sediment particle size analysis have lected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and R8dVI Consultants ( R&M) at several sites within the Susitna River USGS ~nd R&M Consultants cooperated in 1981 on meas;urements to determine bedload ~ediment transport ra1tes as a function of stream discharge, and distributions cJf this sediment~ Three measurements were each site (Talkeetna R Chulitna River, and River Goid C and Sunshine) in 1981. 0 locations where sediment All of USGS, are on file by I R near 1 1 1 are col- followir1g the been 1 Index No. 0515 Description Maclaren River neat"' Paxson -USGS Station 15291:200 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1958-1968, 1974-1975 Particle Size Analysis: 1958-1967, 1974-1975 0520 Susitna River near Cantwell -USGS Station 15291500 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1962-1972 (USGS), 1980 -Present (R&M) 1 1980: September 5 (R&M) AQIIOT.!r"'t.<:»V• 17 ( R&M) 18 (R&M) 1981 : January 13 ( R&M) May 20 \R&fV1) June 30 ( R&M) 1982: June 4 30 2 (R&M) 3 ( ) 15 ( R&M) 1962-1 , 1980 -Present 1 19 7 16 ( ) 2 ) Index No. 0540 Description Susitna River at Gold Creek (continued) ·t981: January 14 ( R&M) January 16 February 12 March 24 May 27 (R&M and USGS) June 30 ( R&M) June 23 July 21 July 1 (R&M) August 2 (R&M) August 3 ( R&l\1) August 27 September 14 (R&M) 1982 January 20 March 3 March 30 June 10 ( R&M) 16 ( R&M) July 1 Main sediment and site mately four mi uence and River at Mile 232. River at 1 ul R near 1 957, 8 8 June 3 1 ( ) index Chul Particle 1981: January 14 February 10 March 25 May 18 ,June July 20 September 1982: March 2 f 8 June River near Talkeetna ( 1967-1972, 1 1981· 1 R near ( ) 1 inde:x No" 0560 Description Particle Size Analysis: 1966 ... Present Bedload Sed£ment Sasnpling: 1981: July 21 August 25 September 29 1982: June 9 June 23 June 29 July 7 Susitna River Sunshine -USGS Station "15292780 c Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1971, 1977, 1981 -Present 1 July 6 near 1 I 1 Index No.. Description __ , _________ _ 0563 Deception Creel" near Willow -USGS Station 152940~~0 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1978-1981 0565 Skwentna River near Skwentna .. ~ USGS Station 152914300 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1967-1968, 1974-1 , 1980, 1981 1980: June 12 1981: 11 Particle Analysis: 1 968, 1974-1975 1980 - Yentna River near Susitna Sediment Concentration 1 16 1 s s: 1 Present ( ) index No. Description 0590 Susitna River near Susitna Station - USGS Station '15294350 Sediment Concentration and Sediment Discharge: 1975 ... Present · Particle 1980: February 12 March 12 June 16 July 30 October 10 1981: January 13 April 9 May 21 June 12 July 15 August 12 September 17 1982: April 9 May .·19 June 10 12 July 14 1 - 7 ( -Present 0600 CLIMATE Climatic data have been collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), R&M Consultants ( R&fv1), and others at a number of locations within and adjacent to the Susitna River Basin. Climatic Data collected by NOAA appear for individual stations in one of two types of reports~ The first, entitled 11 Local Climatolog- ical Data, Annual Summary with Comparative Data 11 is generally the most comprehensive and is published only for stations with over 30 years data. A list of the parameters included in this r~~port is presented in Appendix D. The second, entitled 11 Ant lUcid Clim- atologic Summary 11 contains fewer parameters than the first, and a Jist of the parameter·s included in this report is presented in Appendix E. It should be noted that all of the parameter·s listed in the appendices for a particular been mE~asured at any given station. may not have actually NOAA so publishes reports entitled 11 Climatologict:~l ly Summaries 11 • These reports are available for any station an uAnnual Summary Comparative n1ost the contained annual summary on a ly basis, with so presented on cl 3-hour or y s can se are ( are listed by parameter collected. Thi!; infor·mation is footnoted in the table~ and listed at the end of the table. Climate data measured at each R&M station include: air tempera- ture, average wind speed, \<vind direction, peak wind 1 rel- ative humidity, precipitation 1 and solar radiation o Snovvfall amounts have been measured in a heated precipitation bucket \Vatana only. Data are recorded at fifteen-minute intervals at all the stations. An evaporation pan was installed in spring c>f 1981 at Watana Camp and measurements are taken daily during IVlay -September-. An attempt has been made at ordering climate stations fr10m the upper t() the lower Susitna River Basin, with R&M Stations in the upper Susitna River Basin li first. Clirrlate data may be obtained through R&M Consultants. -2 ( index Measured Report 1 Number Station Name By Available 0610 Su:sh:na Glacier R&M 7/20/80 -Present 0618 Gracious House NOAA B 1959! -1978 0620 Denali R&M 7/18/80 -6/29/82 0630 Tyone R. R&M 8/27/80 -5/13/82 0635 Ve~e Canyon USSR * 0640 Kosina Cr. R&M 8/2S/80 ... 0650 Watana R&M 4/8/80 - 0660 Devil Canyon R&M 7/1 0665 Sh~erman R&M 5/15/82 - 0670 McKinley Park NOAA B 192S -Present 0671 He~aly 1 NO A. A 1 - 1 0671 He~aly 2 NOAA B . 1972: - 0672 Healy Plant NOAA ** 0673 y Power II NOAA ** Rapids ** .5 Trims Camp 1957 -1 8 a A 1 1 A 1 Avai Data ava pp. and 2, II nt (1 2 ) 1 1 B to 3 s ly summary by combined velocity g ) covering 1940 -1941. I USBR I (16 5 1 EVAPORATION DATA Watana Matanuska Agr e Exp. McKinley k Palmer ~AS rbanlks WS AP is once a is and ma>'.::num res. are on fi di 1934 - 1 1 conj N 0700 FR lNG RAiN AND ICING 4' Instrumentation for the measurement of rain ( buildup on transmission li has recently sultants in are measured at Susitna R n. In ly -operated counter at the Watana site ·for a II on file ts name .. 0710 ) I an was 0800 SNOW SURVEY depth ··and water equivalent have been collected by U.S. Soil servation Service ) , the ka Fish (ADF&G) and R&M Consu which this n. 8 are p cr·oss the markers is been snow depth on a I snow rna below end movements. Cross snow courses are can rse or are -------- Cross Measured Record Prior Cr. 1 1 Mine scs 13 Cr.* 1 1 1 2 1 2 scs 16 1 3 R. R. Cr.* Hills R. Hifls 12 R. 16 R. 9 12 R. 8 16 Cr.* 14 15 * snow course stadia l SNO\V CREEP for measuring snow on was i nter of 1980-81.. Two on near u.s. c neer·s. N R f 1 N R D N In 1 1000 FREEZEUP t1JVER ICE OBSERVA 4 fiONS d observations of the freezeup of Susitna R wer·e regular intervals starting in 1980. In su was flown, observations made, ice cover·. Location the upstream bridges and amounts of were were all se. is information is on file from Area s 1 0 1 B I J. 1 1 B. G 1 2 '1 T. ( ~s) t I 1 B. '1 3 t 0 •< J. 1 1 L H 6 1 B. J. J c Area of Ice Observations 1020 12/1 -.. Talkeetna to Tyone River J. Coffin 12/3/80 1021 1 Survey of ice cover formation B. Drag~e, L. s 12/3/80 T·alkeetna Devil C 1 12/4 -Tal Tyone R J. n 12/5/80 1 12/5/80 Vertical aerial photog from L. 1 R. Cook Inlet to Watana C 1 12/8/80 Survey of ice cover L. s, B. Curry & 1 12/12/80 Su of ice cover L. I B. d Creek 1 10/2/81 c. I L 1 10/6/81 fnl J. 1 1 In s. B auer, L. 1 11 J. c. 1 11 In B. J L 1 11 In c. 8. B 1 -'I c r B B i .......... 1 1 - of were period after other results R 1110 1 11 cover on in w R. c c ver assess on fi 1117 3/24/81 Tal to Watana J. 1118 3/31 -4/2 to Denali J. c. 1119 J. G. c. 11 3 -Devil I J Coffin 4/1 R. le c. 11 1 Tal Glaciers s. B 1;7 J. Coffin 11 s. R. 11 R. L. 2 ( Index '1201 1205 1 0 1 5 1 6 1 ""! i 1 9 1200 BR KUP RiVER ICE IONS were made by R&M personnel during on Susitna R to assess the nature of ice cover· channel, of flooding upstr-e;am and fioes and ice decay of the hydraulic cover. The infor·mation collected II be ice studies, as of Study. AU information coi•· ....... l'".,.,..,..;; Consultants~ during 4/13/81 4/18 'D 5/7/81 Susitna in Subtask 3.06 of the Plan uence~ trips will be on "file of ice cover and Deadman observations and Dick at Desh ka - Deshka River C and ~AJater- from -1 ( R&M J. B. L. L. R. ; \./,. L (Act ~s) ,_ Index 4/30 -5/1/81 1 5/1/81 1 5/2/81 1 5/3/81 1227 5/4/81 1229 5/5/81 1231 5/6/81 1 5/6/81 1 1 1 1 Reconnaissance Talkeetna and i. Reconnaissance Yentna-Susitna confluence to River mile 1 (downstream of Portag1e Creek) with survey of water levels at selected sites. Reconnaissance from the Yentna River confluence to Devil Canyon with surveys of water levels selected sites. Reconnaissance from Yentna R~ver confluence to I Canyon with survey of water ieveis in the vicinity of Gold CreE~k. Reconnaissance from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon with survey of water levels at selected sites. Reconnaissance the Parks Highway Bridge to Devil Canyon with survey of water· levels at selected sites. Reconnaissance from the Parks High~tr~ay Bridge to above the indian River with survey of water levels at selected sites. 1 mm to -2 photography from Talkeetna to Gold of water levels to Denali, R ( ) c. R .. B. L. f !...a L. L. H. H .. L. R. c. L. J. B. ~:1te(s) 1 L. 1238 0 clnd 15/82 Tal to R. L. 1239 5/27/82 Tal c. 1 -3 ( ) RJ L y a isting I h over or River Basin. e , area of precise area can be 1 ( BW Index or Contracting Susitna Discharge* Color 1310 19&19-51 Susitna iver Basin • 1:40000 BW USCE EROS Data Center· Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon 1311 1951-54 1:40000 BW USCE EROS Data Center 1312 1951-54 Yentna Rivet· -1:40000 13W USCE i::ROS Data Center Cheiatna lake 1313 1951 Talke1~tna 1:40000 BW USCE EROS Data Center 1314 1961-62 Cook Inlet to Willow 1:15840 BW ADL ADL (Project SymboJ BL) East of Sus1be<:i River 1315 1961-62 Cook inlet, Mt. Yenlo 1:20000 BW BLM BLM (Project Symbol GP 103, West of Susitna River GP 120) 12rl6 19ti2 Delti!.! I slmtds 1:20000 BW BLM BLM (Project Symbol GP 105) 1317 1962 Talkeetna 1:20000 BW ADL ADL ( Pr·oject Symbol TAK) 1318 1962-63 SusBtna Vallev 1:15840 BW ADL ADL (Project Symbol SUS) 1320 1968 Upper· Susitna Valley, 1:15840 BW ADL ADL (Project Symbol SUTP) Chulitna River 1325 1972 lake Louise Area 1:24000 c SOP ADL (Project Symbol Lk. lou.) 1330 1974 Devil Canyon 1:30000 BW DOT NPAS 1331 1974 Susitna River Basin 1:500000 BW NASA EROS Data Center 1332 1974 Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 1:63360 BW esse NPAS 1333 1976 Willow Basin 1:24000 BW&C esse ADL (Project Symbol WIL) 1300-2 (Revised 7/82) s15/r2 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued) BW or Contracting Susitna Discharge* Scale Color Agenc;t location of fl!_egatives {cfs) 1976-79 Susitna River Basin 1:500000 BW NASA EROS Data Center 1:1000000 BW NASA EROS Data Center 1335 112.8/71 Susitna River 1:120000 C-!R BlM BLM G. C. = 19,700 7/29/77 Go!d Creek to Gfaders G. C. = 19,900 1336 1978 Susitna River 1:18000 BW USCE NPAS 1337 1978 Susitna River "";72000 BW USCE NPAS 1338 4/8/79 Susitna River 1:60000 e-n~ BLM BlM s.s. = 6,500 8/25/78 Cook Inlet to TaUr.;.'etna 1:120000 BW BLM BLM s.s. = 79/600 1339 8/11/80 Susitna River 1:60000 C-IR BLM BLM G. C. :::: 22,600 8/1/80 1:120000 BW BLM BLM G. C. = 31,100 7/19/80 Devil Reservoir 1:24000 c R&M NPAS G.C. :::: 35,,800 7l'd9/80 Watana Reservoir 1:24000 c R&M NPAS G. C. ::; :35,800 1342 7/19/80 Alternative Access 1:24000 c R&M NPAS G. C. = 35,800 Corridor -Susitna 1343 8/24/80 lower Susitna River 1:48000 BW R&M NPAS G. C. ::: 18,000 s.s. :::: 119,000 11/14/80 St~sitna River -Oeita 1:60000 BW R&M R&M (35 mm Photography) G.C. :::: 3,520 islands to Watana Creek s.s. :::: 14,000 1345 12/5/80 Susitna River .. Cook 1:24000 BW R&M R&M (35 mm Photography} Ice effects @ gages ln;et to Watana Creek 4/27/81 Susitna River .. Bell 1:24000 BW R&M R&M (35 mm Photography) Ice -covered Island to Watana Creek 1300-3 (Revised 7/82) Index 1347 5/6/81 1348 5/6/81 1349 5/12/81 1350 5/26/81 1351 5/26/81 1352 8/24/81 1353 10/19/81 1354 4/26/82 .1355 5/31/82 Susitna River -Bell island to Curry South lntertfe - Pt. Mackenzie to Wi I low North lntertie -Healy to Fairbanks Alternative Access Corridors East-west intertie Susitna River -Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon (For Vegetation Studies) Susitna River -Cook Inlet to Tat keetna, 5 miles up Chulitna, 5 miles up Upper Susitna (For Definition of low Water Channel) Susitna River -Talkeetna to Watana. Thr·ee sets of photqs; morning, noon, evening. (For Shadow Study) 1300 AERiAL PHOTOGRAPHY {Continued} BW or Contracting Scaie Coior A gene}': 1:24000 BW R&M 1:30000 BW R&M 1:30000 BW R&M 1:24000 c R&M 1:24000 c R&M 1:36,000 c R&M 1:60,000 BW R&M 1:12000 BW R&M Susitna River .. selected 1:48000 BW R&M locations between Kashwitna and Devil Canyon Studies) 1300-4 (Revised 7./82) Location of Negatives R&M (35 mm photography) NPAS NPA$ NPAS NPAS TES R&M (35 mm photography) NPAS NPAS Susitna Discharge* (cfs) G. C. = 10 1 000 s.s. = 70,000 Same as above N/A Same as above G.C. = .33,400 s. = 74,700 s.s. :: 130,000 G.C. ::: G;,81U S. = ? (not operating) s.s. = 30,700 Ice -covered G.C. = ? (not operating) s. = 39,800 s.s. :: 62,500 ndex 1356 5/31/82 1357 6/1/82 Area l\iternate Access Corridors Rand Between Sherman and Watana Susitna River .. Talkeetna at Devil Canyon (For· Studies) 1300 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (Continued) BW or Contracting Color Agenc:x: 1:24,000 BW R&M BW R&M * From USGS streamflow records: G.C. = Gold Creek, S.S. -Suaitoa Station, and S. = Sunshine. 1300-5 (Revised 7 /82) Susitna Discharge* NPAS G. C. = ? (not operating) NPAS G. C. = ? (nat operating) Alas (ADL) Land Management A 701 u 99501 Selection ( ) H (N ) 99501 , Inc. ( ) ( sus. SoH Conservation Service ( SCS) U .. S. Departrr~ent of Agriculture Federal Center Building Hyattevi lie, Maryland of Alaska Division of Parks (5DP) 619 V11arehouse Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Terrestrial Envir·onmentai Specialists (TES) 2207 Spenard Rd. Anchor~age, Alaska 99503 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USC E) Alaska District P. 0 . Box 7002 Anchorage, 99510 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) E Data Center Sioux Falls, 571 1 "' 7 ( 1 14'i0 1 1 1400 HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS on river channel morphology have be1en River .. lected by R&M Consultants the Precise nel , date of cross-section , calculated hydraulic parameters , p~ot generaJ tions of each cross-section site are Talkeetna and Portage Creek. In profiles of ~he main channel thalweg Tal Portage Creek. Miscel cross surveyed near access points Lower Susitna (Le,. Tai cross-sections from fresh Susitna River have been su and Game during 1 is c has not this section are on fi at 1 1 1 L 1 to to 1 2 3 1 4 1415 1 1 Location Creek LRX -18 -2 { cross fioodplain 6 cross GLACIAL OBSERVATIONS studies were begun by R&M and the University of Alaska during 19814 The objective of this program is to tify any problems peculiar to existence of glaciers in the Susitna Basin. This study assessed whether ... significant changes water cH~ sediment yield could occur or if potential ke dumps exist and is oriented toward a long-term glaciaJ observatiC>n and p ram~ Data we~re gathered on all major g n \1\rith exception of the Eureka Glacier was i The to River, and therefore was the controJ butary Susitna monthly 1 May th in mass snow su son of the U Oshetna Susitna observations was not a ime the Susitna on Fork rkey Giaci~er and were move- an as i 21s R I as a 1600 GLACIAL LAKE OBSERVAT:ONS To determine the effe'=ts of a large impoundment of glacial water, such the \~atana or Devil Canyon reservoir, upon a system, a glacial lake study was begun in the spring of 1982. On Apr··H 16 R&M Consultants, in conjunction with ADF&G, visite:d four glacial lakes in south-central Alaska; Kenai, Skilak 1 Tustumena and Eklutna. They obtained a temperatur~e and turbidity profile from eacL lake~ It was then decided that a more intense study of one glacial lake would be a preferred approach. The Eklutna Reservoir was chosen as an easily accessible glacial rescrvoiir, and it is also comparabie to the proposed \tvatana reservoir considering the fol la1wi ng cr·iteria: 1. Residence time of water in lake 2. Percent of drainage area covered by glaciers 3. Ratio of I ive storage total Continuous discharge .and re data are being C(:>l from main inflow glacial Consultants Daily outflow temper·atu res plant are also VIaS 1 I measurement is to the tailrace ka ttansmi 1 the I the above-mentioned data can Consu have conducted June 8 June 17 18 July 1 and 2 July 14 and 15 found on file R&M date on: 2 5 8 9 11 14 15 6 8 13 1700 SLOUGH OBSERVATIONS .A. slough study program has been conducted by the AJa:,ka Department of Fish & Game since 1980. In the spring of 'i982, R&M joined ADF&G to intensify efforts of study on selected sloughs o The slough areas are distributed from belo'N Devil Canyon, on downstrearn as far as Goose Creek below Talkeetna. Data co!lection sites are listed below accot"'ding to type ·Of site. The agency responsible for each site is also noted, where this has been identified. It should be noted that this is not an exhaustive list of ADF&G study sloughs. This list details essentially those sit~s of joint investigation by R&r11 and ADF&G~ It shoPfd also be pointed out that the site numbers given are applicable only for the listing herein ... they do not at present have general use. Creek R&M Slough 2'1 I River Slough 16 11 c I 9 8 1 ( Site Number - 15 16 21 23 24 Slough 8 Curry Mainstem Chase/Talkeetna base camp Talkeetna River Chulitna River S:ROSS:~.ECTIOf\!S & STAFF GA.§E..§. 4 Slough 22 (a) Head of slough (b) Near .-a~""'"'~'".e~•""' (c) Site in backwatf.H" z.one (d) Outlet of slough 5 Slough 21 6 7 9 11 (a) Head of slough (b) Between islands Slough 20 (a) Head of slough (b) D/5 end of slough (below Waterfall Crtaek) ( Outlet of slough 19 (a) Outlet of (b) Habitat cross-section U C} ) (no gage) island tog slough near N. ce 2 ( k ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G ADF&G R&M R&M R&M ADF&G Site Number' 15 19 ____ S_i_t_e_D_e_s_c_r~ip_t_io_n ____ ro ___________ __ (e) DIS end of upper slough (f) Tributary from N. E., above backwater (g) Tributary from N. E. , neat'" R. R. tracks (h) LRX-3'1 Slough 8 (a) At each well pair (b) U/S end of E .. tributary (c) Outlet of slough (d) Immediately D/S of LRX (e) DIS end of upper tributary (f) D/5 of E .. tributary Slough 6A 22 1Nhiskers Creek (a) of slough (b) Outlet of slough (c) Midpoint of slough 25 IBirch Creek SI()Ugh 2 5 Sunshine Slough ) Head of slough (b) in Sunshine C (c) In slough above located into ... 3 ( R&M R&IV1 R&M Site Number 8 13 18 . _ Si!_e DE?scrigtion Indian River (a) Mainstem @ LRX-50 (b) ~.1ainstem @ LRX -51 (c) Near R. R. bridge 4th of ,July Creek (a) Head of small channel (b) Outlet of small channel (c) On creek l..ane Creek (a) Head of slough (b) Near R. R .. crossing 20 Gash Creek FLOW MEASUREMENTS/RATING CURVE 4 6 9 11 12 15 18 19 Slough 22 Slough 20 Slough 16 Slough 11 c In In ( (near center) (near DIS end of slough, befo\v Waterfall (3/4 of way down the island) (near 0/S end, above backwater) Tributary, ::Jbove backwater Tributary, near R. R. tracks in slough of ) crossing ) uence 1 ( Agency R&M R&M R&M R&M Cr·.) R&M ADF&G R&M Site Number 26 Sunshine Slough 27 (a) In Sunshine Creek, above confluence \vith slough (b) in~ slough, above confluence with creek Rabideux Creek (6 ADF&G located sites) 29 Goose Creek No. 2 (a) In slough, above confi uence with Goose Creek (b) In Goose Creek, above confluence with slough CREST GAGES ~--':!IJ",j{'> 11 '-,,:ough 11 (Head of slough) 18 _:}ne Creek GROUNDWATER OBSERVATION WELLS 14 Slough 9 (Several Locations) 15 Slough 8 (Several Locations) 16 1 2 3 8 0 Main stem c 1 -5 ) { A gene)( R&M R&M R&M R&M AD Site NL~mber 13 16 17 18 Site Description Fourth of "July Creek Curry Mainstem IV1acKenzie Creek Lane Creek 6 ( ) Agen.st R&M R&M R&M R&M APPENDIX A GOV·ERNMENT AGENCIES THAT HAVE COLLECTED OR ANALYZED \VATER RESOURCES DATA FOR THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Alaska Department of Fish & Game 333 Raspbe~rry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attn: Sport Fish Division I ncfudes: \\later Quality Data in Conjunction with Fisheries Studies Alaska Department of Natur·aJ Resourc-es Division Land and Water l\1anagement Water Management Section 323 E. Fourth Avenue Anchorage 1 Alaska 99501 Includes: f nfot"'mation on Navigation and Navig~:ibility Data Analysis National Climatic National Oceanic & Administration Asheville, North Includes: Climatic Soi I Conser"vation 2221 E. Northern Room 129 Anchorage 1 Alaska f ncludes: Snow u .. s. 0 B re APPENDiX B WATER QUALITY ERS THAT HAVE BEEN SAMPLED THE USGS WITHIN THE SU~ITNA Rl ER fN Site P ar·arneters Avai Date Time Occasionally Cross ) as f ) Sol , Dissolved Residue at 1 , Dissolved Solids~ ·Suspended ) as ) ( ) ) ) as ) ) (mg/1) ) as ) ) ) as ) as ) ( as as Fl!uoride, Dissolved (mg/1 as F) Jr·on (ug/1 as Fe) t r·on 1 Dissolved ( ug/1 as Fe) lr·on, Total Recoverable (ug/1 as Fe) Liead 1 Dissolved ( ug/i as Pb) L1ead, Recoverable ( ug/f as Pb) Lithium, Dissolved (ug/1 as Li) IVIagnesium, Dissolved (mg/1 as ) Manganese~ ( ug/1 as Mn) Dissolved (ug/1 as ) f\<'1anganese, Total as , Dissolved ( ( Miolybdenum, (ug/1 as ( ) N N N N , Total Recoverable ( } .. n,.-,o;r, I Di ssoived I ) as Hg) ( as ) as N) ) as as as N) as N) as as N) I as N) as N) as as P) as as P) as ) ) Selenium, Dissolved (ug/1 as Se) Selenium, Total (ug/1 as Se) Silica 1 Dissolved (mg/1 as Si02 ) Silver 1 Dissolved (ug/1 as Ag) Si!ver, suspended recoverable ( ug/1 as Ag) Silver·, total recoverable (ug/! as Ag) Sodium Adsorption Ratio Sodium, Dissolved (mg/1 as Na) Sodium, Percent um + Potassium; Dissolved (mg/1 as Na) Strontium, Disso,ved (ug/l as Sr) Sulfate, Dissoived (mg/1 as S() 4 ) Uranium, Dissolved -Extractior,, (ug/1) Uranium, Dissolved -Dir·ect rometric (pci/l) Zinc, Dissolved (ug/1 as Zn) Zinc, Total Recoverable (ug/1 as ) -4 Oieldr·in, Totai (ug/1) Dieldrin, Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Endosulfan, Total (ug/1) Endosuffan I Total in Bottom rilaterial ( ug/kg) Endrin, Total (ug/f) Endrin, Total in Bottom IV1aterial ( ug/kg) Ethion, Total (ug/1) Ethion, Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Heptachlor'". , Total ( ug/1) Hleptachfor. 1 Totai in Bottom Material ( ug/kg) Heptachlor., Total Epoxide (ug/i) Heptachlor~, Total Epoxide in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Lindane, ·rota! (ug/1) Lindane,. Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Malathion, Total ( ug/1) Malathion, Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Mnrex, Total (ug/f) , Total Polychlor ( ) Parathion, Total (ug/1) Totai in ( ) , Total Methyl (ug/1) Methyl (ug/1) (ug/kg) in (ug/i) ) ) 2, 4, 5 -T, 2, 5 - ) ( f \ ) ) { ) Trithion, Total in Bottom Material (ug/kg) Tr·ithion, Total Methyl (ug/1) Tr·itbion 1 Total Methyl in Bottom IViaterial (ug/kg) Vanadium, Dissolved (ug/i as V) Radioactive Parameters Alpha, Dissolved Gross (pci/1 as U-NAT, ug/1 as U-NAT Alpha, Total Suspended Gross (pci/1 as U-NAT, pci/g as U-NAT, ug/i as U-NAT) Beta, Dissolved Gross (pci/1 as Cs-137, pci/t as Sr/Yt -90) Beta, Total Suspended Gross (pci/1 as Cs-137, pci/g as Sr/Yt -90, pci/g as Cs-137) Radium 226, Dissolved -Random Method (pci/1) Coliform Bacteria su Coliform, Fecal -0.45 UM-MF (Cols./100 mi.) Coliform, FecaJ -0. 7 UM-MF (Cols./100 mi.) Col1 , Streptococci Fecal (Cols./100 mi.) ifot"m, Streptococci -KF Agar· (Cols~/100 mt.) Coliform, -Delayed (Cols./100 rrd.) Coliform, Total-lrnmed (Cols./1 mi.) 8 -6 APPENDIX C DATA COLLECTED BY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME (ADF&G) IN THE SUSITNA RiVER BASIN FROM 1974-1978, and 1981 Streamflow, water .. quality and \<Vater temperature data have been collected by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game at a number of locations within the Susitna River Basin. Since the measure- ments have been taken periodically, the number of measur·ements, tin1ing and specific parameters measured vary from year to year at any given station. Jnformation I able from the Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game has been inc I uded belov.;. These reports are ali on file at R&M Consultants. Barrett 1 Bruce M. 1974. An assessment study of the anadromous fish populat:ons in Upper Susitna River be~tween Devil's Canyon and the Chulitna River. Cook Inlet Report No. Alas Department of and Game. Division of Commerical sheries. 56 pp. Figure 10: Profile of a R September 4 -11 at Canyon Fi re 11: p le r water Creek r·es for res Friese.. Nancy V. 1975. Preauthorization assessment of anadro- mous fish populations of the Upper Susitna River \Natershed in the ··vicinity of the proposed DeviPs Canyon Hydroelectric project. Cook Inlet Data Report No~ 75-2. Alaska Depart,. ment of Fish and Game -Division of Commerical Fisheries. '121 pp. Table 10: Table 11: Table 12: Table 13: Survey of winter conditions in Indian River, Lane Creek. and Gold Creek. Analysis of Water Conditions in indian River, at Chase Creek, 1974 -1975. Analysis of Water Conditions at Gold Creek, 1974 -1975. Analysis of water conditions at Parks Highway Bridge, 1974 -'1975. Riis, James C. 1975. Pre-authorization assessment of the Susitna River t·!ydroelectric Pr·ojects: preliminary investigations of vvater quality and aquatic species composition, Alaska Department of Fish and re 1: ure ..... re 3: Daily water ks Hig 1 imum Cr·eek, r- \..., ly 11 ly I 10 c - Division of Sport . 61 pp. re in the Susitna River at Bridge, June 20 -SeptE~mber 23 1, water res of Birch - water .. rP::. Wil 1 Table 9: Table 10: Table 12: Table 14: Table 16: !e 17: Table 18; le 19: e sus Maximum and minimum daily water temperatures for the Susitna River at Parks Highvvay Br·idge, June 20 -September 23, 1975. Maximum and Minimum daily water temperatures from Willow Creek, April ·11 -August 30, 1975. Maximum, minimum and mean values of water quality data collected from the Susitna Hiver and seven tributaries of the Susitna River. Water--quality analysis from the on sample: taken March 25, 1975 Susitna River at Sunshine. Water" quality data collected from four tr·ibutaries of the Susitna R , August 1975. Water quality data collected from the Susitna River above Gold Creek, August 1975. \/'Jater quality data collected from the Susitna River above Portage C i August 1975. Water quality data iected lkeetna Creek, 1 quality col from River near Creeks. c 3 Riis, -.Jan1es C. r 1977. Pre-authorization assessment of the pr·oposed Susitna River Hyd1roelectric Projects: preliminary investigations of water quaHty and aquatic species compos·" ition. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Division of Sport Fish. 91 pp. Appendix A Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Tab~e 4: 5: 6: le 7: 8: Water quality data collected from the Susitna River at the Parks Highvvay Bridge betvveen July 21 and October ·1, 1976. W'ater" quality data collected from the Susitna River at the Gold Creek Railroad Bridge between .July 13 and October 1, 1976. Water quality collected from the Susitna River upstream of Portage Creek between ,July 15 Oct. · , 1976. 'Nater quality 101 13 W.ater 15 c from sloughs 8 and September 30, 197!6. from sloughs 11 and 30, 1 114 & 15 30, 1976. 6 & 17 s s 8 & 19 1 I ' Table 9: Table 10: Tabie11: Table 12: Table 13: Table 14: Table 15: !e 16: Table 17: Water quaiity data collected from slough 20 between June 24 -September 29, 1976. \Vater quality data collected from Willow Creek, Little Willow Creek, Kashwitna River and Caswell Creek between July 21 and October· 12, 1976. Water quality data collected from Sheep Creek, Goose Creek and Montana Creek bet\veen July 21 and October 12, 1976. Water quality data collected from Slough 3c and Chase Creek between June 26 and October 1 1 1976. Water quality data collected from Fourth of July Creek, Gold Creek, indian River and Portage Creek between July 17 and September 28, 1976. Daily maximum and minimum water temperatures in the Susitna River at Parks Highway Bridge, June 26 -October 26, 1976. Daily maximum and minimum ·.vater res in the Susitna River above Chase Creek, June 21 - maximum and minimum water in the Daily Bi R Creek, June and Creek, June c -5 Ps 301 1976. imum water 2, 1 res res Table 19: 20: Table Tab 25: !e Slough 8 cross sections and ation. Slough 10 cross ation. Slough 11 cross ation. Stough 13 cross 14 cross Slough 15 cross ation. Slough 16 cross ation. 17 cross and and stage and e Slough 18 cross 19 cross s cross ation. c Table 30: Table Slough ation cross Chase Creek cross information. Table Tributary 1 1976. R ii s, .James C. and Fr·iese, Nancy V. , 1 Investigations of the Susitna R potential impacts e~ectric Projects. A Di sion of & le 8: R 10: c .,.. I 11 : R B ne ter .. and in c c - 116 pp. I 1 at 12, 1 s \Vater' ro- and to res H eac\vater· June res Table 4: Daily maximum and min \Vater in Montana Creek, -November 61 11 Table 5: Water quality Rabideux C y 25 -October I 1 6: Water quality data Montana , Jlune 7 - October , 1 ER TEMPER URE, WATER QUALITY AND GE COLL BY E A KA DE RTMEN F Fl AND A ER 1 An extensive ram of was by A F&G, 1 in mean F Hydro , pH, water were meast.: study site, \Vere measu in g (ADF&G) du 1 and I nstream k 7 10, Volumes 1 res, tu Jy at 2, The data are see ually at s Je c ,J as are as a ) ~!age Data Stage data ··were collected at ree Adult Anadromous Fisheries fishwheel sites and each lower-river general habitat study site (Table C-2, following) c -0 uation Table C-1 Location and period of record for thermographs ins lled in Susitna River drainage. Summer 1981. LOCATION R .. M. GEOGRAPHIC 1. Alexander Creek 10.1 0.5 6/9-10/9 ? Above Alexander Creek 10~1 . 6/6-7 /1!5 ~-. 3 .. Yentna Ri ve:r 30.1 2 .. 0 6/5-9/14 4. Above Yentna River 32.3 6/6-10/9 5" Deshka River 40,6 1 .. 2 6/10-10/9 6. Above Desh River ..6 --* 7 .. l i t t ·1 e W i 11 ow sobs 1 .. 0 6/24-9/30 8" Above LittleWi1 ow Creek 50.5 6/24-9/ 9 .. Kashwitna River 61~0 00'2 --* 10. Above Kash~ri tna River 61 .. 2 8/30-9/:27 11_ Montana Cre~ek 77.2 6/12-9/:30 .. Above Montana c 77,5 6/12-8/:29 13., Sunshine (Parkas Bridge) 83¢8 6/2-7 /1 1~ 14 .. Cache Creek Slough 95.5 --* 15. Ta.1 keetna River 97.0 1 .. 0 6/21-10/2 16. Chulitna River 98~0 6/20-10/6 .. Talkeetna Base Camp 103.0 6/20-10/7 18 .. Fourth auly Creek 131 .. 3 --* 19 .. Above Fourth of ly Creek 13193 6/ .. Gold Creek 136 .. 8 7i24-8/15 21 .. Above Gold Creek 1 8 7/24 22 .. Indian R i ve:r 138.7 71 23 .. Above Indian River· 138 .. 7 19-9/.23 24~ Slough 19 ( I oravel) .. 0 --* ..., ' 255 Slough .0 Slough 21 (I ravel) 142.0 .. Slough 21 142.0 28~ .8 --* Creek 1 .. 8 7/17-1 3 * no collec R.M~ = River Mile T R~M. = T River Mile COD Table C-2 Location of staff gages installed in the Susitna River drainage. Summer 1981. STAFF LOCATION GAGE # F·i sh Creek Alexander Creek Site A Alexander Creek Site B Al r Creek Site C Anderson Creek Slough Mou Mid-Kroto Slough Mainstem Slough Deshka River Site A Deshka River Site B hka River· Site C Lower 1 Island L i e ~i 11 ov1 Cree~ s iver YEOllA YE021B YE021A YE031A YE041A YE041B YE042A YE051B YE051A YE052A YE06 YE061B YE061C YE0610 YE071A YE071B YE072A YE081A YE082A YE083A YE081B YE082B YE083A YE091A YE091B YEG92A YE092B YElOlA 1018 YElOlC . y 10 C-12 YElllA YElllB YEl YE121A 1 YEl YE YE13 VEl YEl ) RIVER MILE leO 10$1 10 .. 1 10 .. 1 23 8 30 .. 1 36.3 31.,0 40 .. 6 40.6 40.6 44.0 44.0 .0 .. 0 .5 .. 5 50.5 58.1 61 0 GEOGRAPHI CODE 15N07W27AAC 15N07W06DCA 16N07~432CCB 16N07W30ACD 17N07W29DDD 17N07\~0 lDBC l8N06Wl6BBC 17N06W05CAB 19N06W35BOA 19N06l·J26BCB 19N06Wl4BCA 1 19N05~~19ADC 19 17 19N05W 29N05W27AAD 3 7 "'1 IC.. 1 Table C~·2 (Continued) LOCATION Caswell Creek •I Slough West Bank Sheep Creek Slough Goose Creek (Lower) 1 Goose Creek ( LO\-Jer) 2 Mainstern West Bank ~1ontana Creek Rabideux Creek r~a i nstem 1 Sunshine Creek Bi Creek Slough Birch Creek Cache Creek Slough Whiskers Creek Slough Whiskers Creek Slough 6A ne Creek ins •":: (_ C-13 STAFF GAGE # SU031A SU031B SU031C SU041A SU041B SU041C SU051A SU051B SU061A SU061B SU071A SU072A SU073A SU072B SU073B SU073C SU081A SU081B SU081C SU091A SU092A SU093A SUlOlA TAOllA TAOllB TA021A TA021B TA031A TA031B TA041A TA041B TA051A TA051B T,qQ7 TA071B TA072A TA081A TA081B TA091A TA091B TA092A Tl-\lOlA TA102A TA103A TA1038 \ 1 RIVER MILE GEOGRAPHIC CODE 63 .. 0 :21N04t~06BDD 65 .. 6 :22N05t~27 ADC 66 .. 1 :22N04W30BAB 72.0 :23N04W31BBC 73.1 :23N04W30BBB .. 4 :23N05~J13BCC 77~0 .23N04W07 ABA 83.1 23N05Wl6DDA 84 .. 0 24N05W10DCC 85.7 24N05W14AAB 88.4 25N05W25DCC 89 .. 2 25N05W25ABD 95.5 26N05\~35ADC 101.2 26N05W03ADB 101.4 26N05W03AAC 112.3 1 .6 1 ~ Tab 1 e c-2 (Cant i nued) STAFF RIVER LOCATION GAGE # MILE GEOGRAPHIC CODE ·----------------------- ~1ainstem Sus·itna -Curry GCOllA GCOllB Susitna Side Channel GC021A GC021B Mainstem Susitna -Gravel Bar GC031A GC031B GC031C Slough 8A GCC11A GC042A Fourth of July Creek GC051A GC051B GC052A GC052B Slough 10 GC061A GC061B GC061C GC061D Slough 11 GC071A GC072A GC071B Mainstem Susitna -Inside Bend GC081A GC081B GC081C Indian River GC091A GC091B GC091C GC091D GC092A GC092B GC092C GC092D ough 20 GClOlA GClOlB GClOlC 102A GC1028 in~ Susitna -Island GClllA Creek 1-. "~4 ( \H-l \ GC112A GC112B GC112C GC1120 121A GC 18 121C 1210 121E 120.7 29N04WlOBCD 121.,6 29N04W11BBB 123 .. 8 30N04~J26DDD 30N03W30BCD 131 .. 1 30N03W03DAC 31N03W36AAC 135 .. 3 31 N02\~19DDD 136 .. 9 31N02Wl7CDA 138e6 31N02W09CDA 140 .. 1 31N02WllBBC .9 8 Tab 1 e c-2 {Cant i nued) Sunshine Camp Fi shwhee 1 1 __ EB 2 2 WB 3 Talkeetna se Camp Bank Sonar Upper East Fishwheel Upper Fishwheel Lower st shwheel Lower t Fishwhee1 st Bank Sonar rry Base In Front of Camp Fishwheel s 1 STAFF GAGE # SBOllA SB012A SB012B SB021A S8031A SB041A TBOl TB021A TB031Jl. T8041A TB05 TB06 llA lB CBOllC lD -15 is RIV MI 79.0 81 .. 0 81 .. 0 81 .. 0 101.0 101~0 101 .. 0 1.0 101 .. 0 101 .. 0 .. 0 120 .. 0 GEOGRAPHIC 24N05W36BDC 24N05W25BAD 24N05W26 24N05\~23CCA ~~7N05W26DOA 27N05W26DOD 27N05W26DAC 27N05W35AAB 27N05W26DDB N04Wl6DBA APPENDIX D CLifY1ATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS WHICH ., APPEAR IN THE NOAA REPORTS ENTITLED "LOCAL CLIIV1ATOLOGICAL DATA, ANNUAL SUMIV1ARY WITH COMPARA~fiVE DATAu i. J[Vieteorologicai D~ta For The Current Year Temperature (°F) Average Daily Maximurn, each month. Average Daily Maximum 1 the year. Average Daily Minimum, month .. Average ly nimum, Average, I f:;r H rrence 1 for' each H rrence, year rrence, rrence, ree ( F) N Pr~ecipitation (Inches) Inches of Water Equivalent, for· each month . . , · Total Inches of Water Equ:valent 1 for the year. Greatest Amount of Water Equivalent in 24 hour·s the Date of Occurrence, for each month. Greatest An1ount of Water uivalent in 24 hour·s the Date of Occurrence, for the year & Tota1 Inches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets, for each n1onth. Inches of Snow and/or Ice Pellets 1 for the year. Greatest Amount and/or Ice Pellets in 24 hours and Date of Occurrence, for each month .. Greatest Amount of Snow and/or ice in hours of Occurrence, for the Relative Humid ( ) H r each H r H at r H at r H at H H at r H Wind ltant Di ' month. Resultant Direction, for the Di (m~p.h.), each month. ltant Speed (m.p.h.), (m.p.h.), for (m.p.h.)1 year. the ( m .. p h . ) , and Date and of Mi , (m.p.h.) Occurrence rrence the Possible Sunshine# ne, the s of , sun se to , sun se to 0. more 0. more 1.0 or more 1 ~ inch more with Heavy Days Number of Days I ,t each month. Number of Days year& N of Days N N the 1 or 1 or Temperature wa$ re was F was F 1 re was F v11as re was F ow re F Pr·essure ( re ( re ( ) ly ree F) \ )I ), r"'rence, rrence n y rrence 1 Monthly occurrence. r'rence. Equ ent. rs imum rrence ve Humid ( at H Ice Pel r at 1 at r for r ne. in Mean Yearly Sky Cover, , sun se sunset. Mean Number Clear" 1 sunrise to Yea y N of Clear , sun Mean Number of y c J sun N y c to sun se to sun 0. more 0. or mor~e p .0 or mor·e ce 0 ets. s. Number of Days when the Maximurn Daiiy 90°F and above, for Yea y Number of is 90°F and above. N is and N re rnonth. Jy iy n n re is ly re is re re 4. ly ( ) are g 5. g ree are g I are CLIMATOLOGI L PAR ERS H R IN THE NOAA RE ENTt L uANNUAL CLIMATO L Maximum re, re rrence, Hi re rrence, t'e r·rence, re re was F F N N N N N month. s (I ) reatest Amount p p p re was F Mi re was F re was n re was 0° re was rs rrence rrence eet N N N N N Depth of r. Days with of Days with of with with and/or 0.10 inch 0.10 inch 0.50 0 1.0 inch 1. 0 inch Occurrence, or more p or more ,, or more of or more or more of p or more p Cli R ( 1) I ( 3 FJE Df 18 Li ) rector 1 ftu '. Mr~ ( ( R&M Consultants, inc. P. 0. Box 6087 Anchorage, Alas 99502 Attention: Mr. Stephen Bs"edthauer U.S.. and Wildlife 4th Avenue, Suite ~101 Anchorage, Alas 99501 Attention: Mr. Don Mackay Woodward -c Jydt' Consultants 701 Sesame St. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Mr. ( 2 2221 E. Northern Lights Bl Anchoreige, A ka 99504 Attention: Mr. George C . Vern Mr. Leveen • I G ... 4 ( Mou " 129 rces rces BIBL! * Alas * * Bi * H. J. u y E Bruce R v. 1 R 1 RE ssance u.s .. I on . , :< • • I & .s 1 ,.S. Inc ua- & * is, c. I "I 1 u. ( E . 1 1 * USCE. 1 A ka. E. E. ronmental u sat f.U<::JILHC::l CRREL E. , Willow, A as u.s. ns, May 1 ( f). 1 in of reau on rces R L 1 in u.s. (USGS I 0 R. , 1 * ke, R D. 1 H, .J.. 1 of ka. on at ,, !"!<! I "q, 0 i ~ (,' ~~· J ~ ~ I~ ~ .J;j !3 §t 0 i ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ k ~ : ,, ~ " I APPROXIMATE SCALE lN MILES STATIONS INDEX NUMBERING STRE4MFLOW -COUTINIJOUS RECORD STREAMFLOW -PARTIAL RECORD 0100 0200 0300 WATER OUALtTV T WATER TEMPERATURE 0400 * SEDIMEIH DISCHARGE 0500 CUMA Tl; 0600 FREEZING RAIN and INC LOUD ICING 0700 SNOW COURSE 0800 SNOW CREEP 0900 OATJ~ COLLECTION STF .·,--"'NS FO~:f SUSITNA RIVER Ju.f,..,JN Prepared by: R&M C0Nl3ULTANTS1 INC.