HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS45Phase I Study Plan for Fish and Wildlife Studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Studies June 1980 .Mf.S:MORANDUM . ra:Robert Mohn . Director of Eng1neering Alaska Power Authority Anchorage ~ F~oM:Thomas w. Tr~r......,. Regional Supervisor Habitat Prot~tion Section Oepat'"tment of Fish and Game Anchorage State of Alaska OATS: June 2, 1 980 Flt..E NO: TeLEPHONE NO: 344-0541 suBJECT: Su Hydro Fish and Wildlife Studies In accordance with the discussions b.etween your agency and Acres-American rnc the Alaska Department of Fish and. Game wi11 participate in the Sus1tna Hydro Project Feasibility Studies pursuant to the finalization of the fo1 lowing agreement:. The· Alaska Power Authority APA and the Alaska Department af Fish and Game have mutually agreed: . . 1. that the fish and wildlife studies are a necessary effort to determine potentia 1 impacts of the Susi tna Hydroelectric Project on ·the valuable fish and. wild11fe resources ot. the Susitna Riv~r Basin. 2. 1:hat A<:res-Ainerican, the prime contractor for the Susitna Hydroe1e-:tr)c Proj~t Feasibi11ty-Stud1es, w1Jl re~lie.11 the results of ADF&G's irie1d programs providing·base1irre fish and wildlife popu1ation and oabi'tat infonnation, and 'as· the Alaska Power Authorit.ies represer:t.a- tiva prepare the fish and wi1d11fs Exhibi~ S, of the filing documents for the Federal En~rgy Regulatory Commission iicense for the praject. 3. that, al thClugh the stucii es conducted 1n Phase I oi. the Sus itna R.-·-Mohn -2- Hydroelectric Feasi bi1 i ty Studies can provide a pre1 iminary ass.essment I of project impacts and are a basis for preparation for the Exhibit \ \ S, continuation studies into Phase II will be essential to make the best judgement of the project impacts and identify fish and wildlife mi.tigation al ternat1 ves. Therefore, the Alaska Power Authority has agreed to fund the Alaska Department of. Fish and Game participation in the Susitna Hydro Feasibility studies, and AOF&G agrees to implement. these studies as follows: ADF&G Studies Susitna Hydro Feasibility Study Team and its General Functions 1. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game wi11 establish a Susitna Hydro Feasibility Studies Team. 2. The ADF&G Susitna Hydro Feasibility Studies Team will function in · the a. coordination and further development of the fish and wildlife studies with the APA, Acres-American, other fish and wildlife or resources agencies, and other fea'sibility study contractors as appropriate b. the development and reconmendation of the Department's policies, concerns, and advices withrespect to resource protection, study direction and their progress to APA, Acres-American, .other fish and wildlife and resource agencies and study contractors. .R.Mo~n ----~---_.~-,_._----_._~---"'..-,--~._-'-~. -3- c.representation of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game on \ the Fish and Wildlife Steering Committee,and for coordinating the involvement af other delegated Department representatives ,-from outside the study team. d.'review and approval.as delegated by the Commis'sioner to the ADF&G Studies Coordinator.of the Susitna Hydro Project Feasibility Study activities of APA,Acres-American or their subcontractors which may affect State designated anadromaus fish waters e.implemen'tation of the fisheries baseline studies.(Wildlife studies are covered in a separate agreement,but staff of these stu~ies ar.e part of theADF&G Studies Team.) Administration and Supeort APA has agreed: 1.To fund ACF&G administration and support services for overall Susitna Hydro Project Studies coordination,planning and implementation as shown in Attachment I.The purpose of these funds is to: a.provide for basic State personnel and budget administration at the Anchorage office of the StUdy Team,and additional1y Jund administrative support required from within the ADF&G Division of Administration in Juneau. ~, R.Mohn. .......".. ·4· b.,'provide for support services of: 1) 2) ADF&G personnel to develop,manage,and analyze data being generated by the fisheries field program ADF&G personnel to maintain and'construct equipment and apparatus needed for the field program >lAAo,' ,PJ!'.. .... 3)ADF&G personnel to ed'it scientific and technical reports and documents generated by the field research program. 2.That Acres-American will provide certain supplemental administration and support services di.rectly toADF&G as shown in Attachment II. The purpose of this support is: a)provide clerical assistance for typing of required reports and documents related to the Susitna Hydro Project. b)provide cartographic and drafting services for required technical and scientific reports anddocum~nts c)provide the full time assistance"of a hydraulic engineer to the ACF&G to aid in the planning,implementation and evaluation of seasonal and spatial habitat studies in consultation with ADF&G,.the'Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service . ..--_..._----..._.. .._-_.-.... R.Mohn -5- d)provide office space,warehousing,workshop and outside storage space to support the fisheries field studies,and the program administrative,coordination and support staff,as well a~the office supplies,office equipment and communication services required for thi s staff •. AOF&G agrees: ,. that the Clerk IV under the $u-Hydro 'Coordinator,in addition to other duties,will be responsible for the coordination,on a departmental .-basis,of the monitoring and :administrative processing of all personnel, purchasing,and accounting documents for the Division of Sport Fish, Division of Corrmerical Fisheries,and Habitat Protection Section.The DiVisions of Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries will forward all approved personnel,purchasing,and accounting documents directly to the Su-Hydro Coordinator's Otfice to be processed for payment,etc.The Divisions of Sport Fish and Comnercial Fisheries will provide to the Su-Hydro Coordinator's Office,each month,copies of the payroll warrant re9iste~sJ monthly expenditure journals (MEJs),and current year authorization balances runs for their codes affected by the APA project.The Clerk IV.in . turn,will provide to the Divisions of Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries monthly audit reports on the status of their fund balances. Fi e1 d Progral'! ADF&G agrees to implement the fisheries-aquatic studies program as shawn in Attachment III. R.Mohn .Egui [!lent ·_-_..._-_.-'--._----'_..--,._....-._.-.....-...... -6- ~,_.__..--....."'_._~..,--"-"" APA and Acres-American have agreed that Acres-American will provide the equipment shown in Attachment IV for use in the ADF&G fisheries program.The schedule for obtaining and the release and use of this equipment to AOF&G by Acres-Ameri~an will be in accordance with the field study timeframes shown in Attachment III. Helicopte~Support APA and AcreS-American have agreed that Acres-American will provide helicopter support for transport of field crews!equipment and material in the studies area.Theminirnum air hour requirements for helicopter support will basically follow these outlined in ADF&G1s October 31.1979 study proposals and modified to the timeframes below: .,Resident &Juvenil e Anadromous Study Spatial &Seasonal Habitat Study Total CY ·81 88 hrs. 20 hrs. loa hrs. Phase II CY 82 46 hrs 20 hrs. 66 hrs. Reporting Requirements The Department of Fhh and Game will follow 'the schedule of reporting requirements to Acres-American and Terrestrial Environmental Services ~s shown in Attachment V. R.Mohr, ·_.,_.--_._--..-"....'--.,...--~ -7- .'~"--_."~-':.".---....~.'--'.,-.......,~.-.,........ The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will provide procedures manual sections to Acres-Pmerican and Terrestrial Environmental Services in accordance with Attachment VI. .' i l )))))J ))» .... i i I I "~"'t Wildlife Studies Staff _Region II -DT'IOft Wildlife Studies Coordinator 8611 _Region II _ _ _ ____ _ _ '~ht"f AOf&G Sus t tllA Hydro - - - - - - -CooflUnatGr - - - - - - --- -rClerical Clerk IV Technical Support BlometriclaD II Progr4lllllel'II I Dila Conlrol Clerk II Pub.Spec Ia 11 s t f&GT III Ha Intenance He<:h.II AquatIc Studies Coordinator--- - - ------ FB IV AttachRent I Region II _ Ft'h'rt'.Dt,I ..., 1I0te:I Acct.Clerk will be attached lo the AllUG,Division of AWilntstrat10ninJuneauand15lIotshownonthtstableoforganhatlon.' Spatial and Seasonal lIa.b i til l Project leader '"1"1 2 FB 1/11 3 FB I Resident &Juvenille ARldfOlQus Project leader fB III • r I I Cook In.to lalkee~to Devils Canyon Talkeetna Devils Canyon to lyone River 4 f8 I 3 fB I 1 F8 II 3 FB 1 Anadromous Adult Projec t leader I F.'l'I Electrophoresis Stock Assessment Cook Inlet (Grad.Student"Sonar Tagging &Scale Collection'Anaalysls Or other contract Creel Census .FB I prograj 1elder.)I I I I 6 fT II Cook In to Ventnl to 2 fiG T II Yentna Talkeetna 5 f&GT III 4 f8 I 2 FB I 2 F&GT II 5 F&GT II i. I I r --.--..---,-------~......-........--_.._~.._.._'At;-Ioo3~hment II Line 100 1980 ,Sal 19SZ ", Seer.tary Ca l"'t.ogra.POE!l'" H:teirolagist 9,S16.0a 19,53Z.00 19,632.00 -6,5Q1.0a 6,561.00 previc:1ed as par-:of Acras rask.3 ..Hyd:-~loS,Y \ tfne 300 Office space 2,000 ft.Z storage space 1 ,000 ft.2 11 Camrnun i cati ons -Of~i~e equipment, Line 400 -Commodities -Office Suppl ies Line SOO -Eouioment ~Offic:e units (10) ,EC;Ui prnant !nsurance Total 12,000.00-. 2,400.00Staao.co 3.6ao.00 ,4,000.00 • 35,415.00 9,000.00 4,800.00 ... 7,200.00 3,600.00 9~aOO.QO 83,793.00 24,000.00 9,000.00 4,800.00 7 ,ZOO ,,00 9.000-.GO 8 ....7Q~~a~,.;....1.: l/Any additional storage space that will be required will be provided in Anchorage -or at the Watana Camp site by Acres as part of other tasks. .I ..."." •..-.0-'.··.:r-··.r··~":.:,.:_~..--~-• ______.•_~._._,.•__.,.:.;......'._.•._._...._._t."_,"••.,,........ Attachmen t !r I - ~. rne overall goals of the AOF&G Study are to: 1.Oetarmine the relative abundance and distribution of ~dult anadromous fish populations within the drainage. 2.Determine the distribution and abundance of selected resident and juvenile anadromous fish populations. 3.Determine the spatial and seasonal habitat requirements of anadromous and resident fish species during each stage of their lire histories. Determine the e~onom1cJ recreational,social,and aesthetic values of the existing resident and anadrcmous fish stocks and habitat. The Oepar~uent has not developed a specific work plan for this objecti've but thE!stud;es ccnductad under tn;s RSA 'Ni 11 contribute from the standpoint of providing information which will have value to the socioeconomic studies that will be., developed by'Acres-American and their subcont~actor, 5.Oetennine the impact the DEI,i'Canyon project 'Hill nave on the aquatic:e~osystems and any required mitigation prior to construction approva.l decision.This is the primary obje~-:i'le of both Phase I and II studies.Tni s will he discussed in detail in -the Phase II wo~k when it is written. - -. 6.Determine a long-term plan of study,if the project is authorized, to monitor the impacts during and after project completion. This is also an objective of Phase IL The study areas are generally categorized within the following locations: A.Cook Inlet area B.Cook Inlet to the Yentna River confluence C.Yentna River to the Talkeetna River confluence D.Talkeetna River confluence to the Devils Canyon dam sit~ E.Devil Canyon dam site to the Tyane River confluence Scaling of the proposed"studies with respect to timing,geographic locations,and intensity has been done with consideration of the resource 'knowledge available for each of the geographic locations identified .above. TITLE STOCK ASSESSMENT OF ADULT ANADROMOUS FISH POPULATIONS Background The·Susitna River salmon stoc~s are major contributors to the Cook Inlet , area recteational and cOtmlercial'fisheries.Determining total escapement into this system is complicated by the glacial conditions of the major streams and the enormity of the area.Management of the northern Cook Inlet salmon stocks has been difficuH due to the mixed stock commercial fishery in Cook Inlet and the lack of adequate tools to provide accurate in-season escapement estimates for the drainage. .,~,__"~,_,,,'-"_'__"_4_.__.•."_.-'.._ The major hydroelectric ~roject impacts on the anadromous fish species are expfK.ted to be due to changes .in habitat.Alteration of the normal flow regimes and the physical and chemical water characteristics will ; probably be the most critical impacts.It is difficult at this time to determine the distance downstream from the proposed dams that changes will occur.Studies conducted by Townsend (1975)in the Peace River demonstrate that effects were observed 730 miles downstream from the Bennett Dam. Baseline fisheries inventories were conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in the upper Susitna River during the 1974-1977 field seasons.Emphasis has been on the inventory of adult and juvenile salmon stocks and habitat assessment •.Ongoing Alaska Department of Fish and Game research investigations have concentrated on determining salmon escapement into the Susitna River and the distribution of these escapements. Emphasis has,however,been primarily on sockeye salmon.Successful tag ~nd recovel·y proj~ct~were o~er~ted in the lower river during 1975 and 1977 and the feasibility of sonar operation was tested in the mainstem Susitna River approximately 25 miles upstream from Cook I~l~L du)ing 1916.Side-scan sonar counters have been utilized to detennine escapements .into the,river 5i nee 1977 and are considered the state-of-the-art equi pment for determining escapements in glacial river systems inAlaska. Only through total stock assessment will it be possible to determine .-.what portion of the Susitna River salmon stocks will be affected by the project and determine the level of mitigative measures which will ultimately be required.It is essential to know what portion the affected stocks - - ____•'-.•_...•••_._-...-'.•••---•._.•-••~;--_••-.-_••'0'--'-•••.-'• contribute to the total Susitna River salmon escapement in order to determine potential changes in fish populations and numbers.An evaluation of the contribution of the Susitna River salmon runs to the Cook Inlet fisheries is essential to establishing the importance of the Susitna ."\, River salmon to the economy of the Cook 101 etarea as a whole. Study Ae2roach Adult anadromous fisheries studies will be divided into five major geographical areas.A1l studies,however,will be interrelated.The following outlines baseline $tudies required for each area and general work plans. l.Ccok In 1at Area.Contributi on of the Sus itna Ri vel"Salmon Stocks to the Cook Inlet Fisheries -Quantitative Separation of Stocks Objectives The objectives in this study are to: - - 1. 2. Background identify the proportion of the Susitna River salmon stocks harvested by the commercial and recreational fisheries;and determine quantitatively that portion of the total catch produced in the Susitna River drainage. The major area of salmon resQurcecompetit1an ;s within the Upper Cook Inlet area,Le.,that area north of the latitude of Anenor Point.The ._---_._------,.~~.""'-..~.._.~-_._._..-._--_._-.-....-....~-:.._--... h .... Susitna River salmon stock?ar.e intennixed with other large salmon .- stocks p~oduced from the Kenai Peninsula and west side of Cook Inlet. All five species of Pacific salmon are harvested in Upper Cook Inlet. ,<- The majority of these salmon pass through the area at the same time y thus creating a mixed species and mixed stock fishery.Any feasibility study of the Susitna River project will require an assessment of the contribution of the Susitna River salmon populations to the commercial and recreatio~al fisheries. - Work Pl an Commercial catch data ;s available through the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Final statistical runs are available through 1976 and preliminary data is available through the current years harvest. ,'~ Identification and separation of the various stocks of salmon will be by scale pattern analysis and/or electrophoresis.Differences in scale patterns have already been found to exist in sockeye and coho salmon populations in Cook Inlet and the Sus1tna River stocks have been statistically. ,separated from the other -major Cook Inlet stocks.Data is,however, only available for one age class.Chum and pink salmon stocks have not successfully been separated on the basis of scale pattern analysis in other areas,due to the absence of freshwater growth.E1ectrophoretic techniques would be employed for stock identification of these species. An analysis of length-weight relationships may provide sufficient data for these two species. The program requires the regular collection of scales and tissue samples from the commercial catch and from the major salmon producing areas (i .e.,known escapement samples).Expansion of the on-going Alaska Department of Fish and Game Stock Separation Program would provide the necessary data base for stock assessment of sockeye,coho,and chinook salmon.Cost estimates and design of this program are based on incorporating these studies with ADF&G programs.If a separate program is designed additional funding would be required for sampling crews and laboratory equipment and analysis. Sampling design would be divided into two major components:collection of scales and laboratory and computer analysis of scale patterns. A minimum of 250 seal as per sped es and age e1as s wi 11 be abta i ned 'during each fishing period.Known escapement samples would be obtained from existing research and management programs.Three additional cannery sampling crews (2 people each)will be required to obtain scale samples.Staff time will be ~equired to design a program for chinook salmon.Existing crews should,however t be adequate to conduct sampling.-. The AOF&G scale laboratory would be used to process samples.A supervisor and a second shift would be added to the staff to maximize the use of ~; existing equipment.A digitizing station would have to be added to the existing microcomputer.Additional computer time 'Nould be required. The feasibility of separating pink and chum salmon stocks by electro- phoretic techniques probably could be determined after one sampling season.rf this technique is unsuccessful it would be discontinued and -. - other methods would be evaluated.Analysis will be done either under contract to the University of Alaska or by the staff of the ADF&G Fisheries Rehabilitation and Enhancement Division.A minimum of 1,000 fish samples per fishery s~ould be obtained for each species.Known i escapement samples will also have to be collected.Three sampl ing crews would be required. 2.Cook Inlet/Susitna river confluence to the Yentna River confluence. Stock assessment of the adult salmon Ropulations .Objectives The objectives of these studies are to provide: 1. 2. 3. escapement data,by salmon species,into the lower Susitna River; differentia ti on of the Susi tn"a and Yentna river stock cO'ntributi on; timing of the salmon migrations; 4.movements as related to stream flow and water quality;and 5.utilization of the mainstem river for spawning. -...Background Total·escapement infonnation for the Susitna River drainage is generally lacking.Various methods have been utilized by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game since 1974.Recent developments in side-$can sonar have provided the most valuable tool,to date,for evaluating in-season· -7- - - escapement by species.Emphasis has,however,been on sockeye salmon. Work Plan Commercial Fisheries Division of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game currently operates an escapement project in the vicinity of Susitna Station as a part of their on-going sockeye·s~lmon research program. Expansion of this program would 'providethe necessary escapement data required for the Susitna Hydro-Project baseline studies.Sonar counters and fishwheels would be operated from May "through mid-October to deter- mine escapement by species.This would require funding of the existing project beyond its normal operating dates.Data from this program would be correlated to the Stock Separation program within Cook Inlet and additional escapement studies in the upper Susitna River. A sonar escapement enumeration program would be required in the lower Yentna River to differentiate between Yentna and Susitna river produc- tion.Comparative analysis of the Yentna River escapement data and,the mainstem Susitna River sonar data would be made to determine stock contribution of each system.Two side-scan sonar counters·and two fishwheels (for species apportionment)would be deployed on the Yentna Ri ver. Salmon captured in the fishwheels at the Susftna Station sites will be marked with a color and a number coded Peterson disc tag.Numbers of salmon tagged will be based on a statistically valid sample size. Mark.ed fis,h wi 11 be recaptured upstream to provi de an assessment of stocks utilizing this area. -8- - - -.'<...'••_---......, Migrational timing da,ta would be obtained from fishwheel catch data at thes'onar site. Scale samples will be obtained from the fishwheel catch to provide a kn~wn data base for Cook Inlet stock separation studies.A minimum of 40 samples per day wil1 be required.for ea.ch species. Eulachon»an anadromous smelt,utilize the lower mainstem Susitna and Yentna rivers for spawning.The extent of utilization of the mainstem river will be documented and a review of the population status win be made. ~ 3.Yentna River confluence to Talkeetna.Stock Assessment of Adult Salmon Populations Objectives The objectives of these stock assessment studies are to determine.the: 1.numbers of adult,salmon utilizing this area for migration and spawning; \ 2.migrational timing of the adult salman; 3.recreational utilization of these stacks;and 4.movement of salmon as reiated to stream flow and water quaiity. Background Many of the important recreational use areas occur within this area of the river.These areas have -read access on the east side of the river and receive high use via aircraft transportation an the west side.All five species of adult salmon utilize this area for spawni.ng and migration. - - ...".._~. Due to the braided "4ture of the Susitna River in this area many impacts are expected to be seen due to alterations of stream flow. Work Pl an One side-scan sonar projects will be established within this area of the river.Seasonal apportioned counts by species will be compared to the lower Susitna and Yentna river sonar projects to determine importance of this area to the entire drainage..Fishwheels and possibly other sampl ing gear will be used to apportion sonar counts. The sonar project will be located in the vicinity cf Sunshine.These programs will provide information on':1).the importance of this area of the river for spawning;2)the extent to which this area is used for migration to spawning areas upstream of Talkeetna;and 3)the contribution of these salmon stocks to the total Susitna River drainage.A total of 2 side-scan sonar counters and 4 fishwheels will be required. All salmon captured in the fishwheels at the 'ISunshine sitell will be . marked with a color-and number-coded Peterson disc tag.Marked fish will be recaptured upstream to provide an assessment of stocks utilizing this area. Migrational timing wi11 be dete.mined by fishwheel catches at the sonar projects and survey crews. Recreational utilization of these sa1mon stocks will be detennined partially by on-going ADF&Gcreel census programs ..Expansion of these programs will be required to adequately monitor all species.The creel- census programs will also provide data on migrational timing and tag recoveries. Movement of salmon through this geographic area will be monitored by :remote sensing devices for radio tagged fish.,,Sonar counters may also provide horizontal distributlon data for that particular area. Alaska Department of Fish and Game survey data will be used to detennine chinook salmon escapements into major tributaries.These surveys may have to be expanded to assure adequate coverage of major tributaries. 4.Talkeetna to-Oevi 1 Canyon Dam Site.Stock Assessment of Adul t. Salmon Populations Objectives The objectives within this study area are to detennine the: stock assessment of the Susitna-Chulitna-Talkeetna stocks; migrational timing of the salmon stocks; recreational utilization; movement of sa lmonstocks through this,area as rel ated to " stream f10w and water quality. J abundance of adult salmon;1. 2. """3. 4. 5. t~ Background Popu-1atio"n estimates of salmon species utilizing the Susitna River above the Chulitna River confluence were estimated during the 1974. 1975,and I~ 1977 field seasons based on tagging and subsequent recovery of fish. These studies indicate a portion of the salmon tagged are not destined to spawn above the tagging site,but rather below it.The importance and extent of this milling.behavior in the upper river areas requires definition.The alterations in flow and water quality in the mainstem river after project completion could significantly affect this behavior and consequently spawning success. Observations of spawning areas between the Chulitna and Susitna river confluence upst..-eam to Portage Creek during fall surveys indicate that a reduction in flow to p..-oposed post-construction levels would prevent access to mdny important spawning areas. Work Plan Sa lmon escapenent estimates wi 11 be detennined by a tag and recovery , program in this area.Fish marked at the IIS uns hine site lC will be recovered by ground survey crews upstream from the Chulitna River confluence. Surveys of major spawning areas between Talkeetna and the Dev;l Canyon dam site wi1l be conducted in conjunction with juvenile studies to f'" determine distribution. Escapement estimates will be compared to sonar project located in the-lowet river,primarily the "Sunshine site,"and will provideinfonnation an importance of the upper river for spawning and also contribution af the Ta lkeetna and Chul i tna river salmon stocks to·the enti re dra;nage. Migrational timing Of salmon stocks utilizing this area will be"detennined by stream surveys. -Recreational use within this 'area will be determined by a creel-census program. 5.Devil Canyon dam site to the ryone River confluence.Stock Assessment of Adult Salmon Populations 9b jective To determine if salmon utilize that area of the Susitna River above Dev;1 Canyon., Background Studies conducted during the late 1950's indicate that Cook Inlet salmon stocks are unable to ascend the Susitna River beyond Devil Canyon,the htter being a natural water velocity barrier to migration (U.S.Department pf the Interior,1957).Reports fram local residents of salmon observations above Devil Canyon indicate that this should be investigated further. Work Plan Surveys and escapement sampling will be conducted in the proposed impoundment areas between the Denali Highway and Devil Canyon during peY";ods of peak adult salmon abundance.Initial observations will be conducted by aerial surveys to document the presence or absence of adult salmon.Surveys will be done in conjunction with resident fish investigations. Data obtained will be uti'izedto determine necessary mitigation measures. \~ ,~ I~ r"'" TITLE STOCK ASSESSMENT OF ADULT RESIDENT FISH AND JUVENILE RESIDENT AND ANAORQMOUS FISH POPULATIONS Study Approach Adult and juvenile resident fisheries studies will be divided 1nto three major geographical areas.All studies,however,wi1l be interrelated. The following outlines baselines studies required for each area and general work plans. 1.Cook Inlet/Susitna River confluence to the Talkeetna River confluence. Stock Assessment of the Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Populations. Objectives The objectives of these studies are to: 1.Oetennine specific occurence and species composition of resident and juvenile anadromous stocks throughout the year within the Susitna River mains.tem and within"the reaches of tributary streams regularly 10f1 uenced by the Sus;tna Ri ver. Of particular importa.nce to this study are the Alexander Creek,Flat Horn Lake.Deshka River and Willow Creek; 2.Define any apparent seasonal changes in occurrence and relative - .~, abundance of resident and juvenile anadromous species at the confluence of tributary systems and the Susitna mainsta~; 3.Develop suitable sampling techniques for the collection and determination of relative abundance of,resident and juvenile. anadromous species in the Susitna mainstem throughout the year; 4.Define and describe habitat type utilization by resident and juvenile anadromous species throughout the year and at varying hydrologic conditions; Background ThiS reach of the Susitna River encompasses many important fi 5n producing and recreational fishing tributaries and is an area of critical environmenta1 con'cern because of the possible seasonal use and migration between clearwater tributaries and the Susitna River.Studies of these seasonal migrations and the distribution of resident and juvenile anadromous fish in and to habitats in the 5usftna River are essential.The studies would be initiated for selected streams and for a prescribed distance: upstream throughout the year.Expansion or retirement of these studies would depend on confirmation for migration and habitat use by resident and juvenile anadl"'omous fish in the Susitna River.-If confinnation of these movements and distribution to the Susitna is positive,the basic -15- ..--'---'--...,"- inventory w~ll,in conjunction with the study task on habitat evaluation, identify specific year to year study locations for ongoing programs required to determine fishery impacts on the fish populations. Work Plan The initial year of this study,1981 will be comprised of two field ()peratiqns,a sumner and a winter program on the Susitna River A crew of three biologists,utilizing a riverboat as their primary means of transportation,will operate in the Susitna mainstem and tributary systems during the ice free months,May through October.Their responsibilities w'il 1 incl ude: 1.Sampling using established techniques and their adaptations including gill nets,minnow traps,adult traps,angling, seines,and el~ctrofishing. 2. 3. Developing suitable techniques for sampling the Susitna mainstem. Particular emphasis wi11 be placed on the design of an effective stationary fish trap. Classifying in terms of depth,velocity,turbidity,and substrate types in conjunction with the sampling of resident popUlations. It is essential that close cooperation is maintained between hydrologic and fisheries research. ·, 4.Tag adult resident fish and note species,size,date and 10,cation of capture. A crew of four biologists will carry out fi~heries research during the winter month5.This facitof the field operations will be based on road access until such time as the mainstem Susitna ice condition has stablized sufficiently to provide safe transportation via snowmachine,.This cre',,* wi 11 : 1.Survey in the proxim1ty of areas surveyed during the previous Surrrner using established sampling techniques such as gill nets and minnow traps.As ice conditions improve and data is analyzed this effort will be expanded to include"as much of the study area as possible. 2.Design an effective resident species adult trap for use in this stUdy area as established sampling techniques meet with limited success when applied under a cover of ice in the river environment. 3..Classify habitat in terms of ice cover,depth,velocity turbidity, and substrate in conjunction with sampling of resident populations. Following the first season's determination of resident and juvenile anadromous fish occurrence,areas of greatest availability and suitable methods of captur'e ,the 1982 program will be directed to largely the same areas.and intensified with respect to relative abundance and preferred - ·..........-.'.~....'...... (. habitat utilization.The 1982 study plan will again consist of two segments. summer field operat~onSt and winter field operations. A crew of three biologis~s utilizing a riverboat as their primary means of transportation will operate in the Susitna mainstem and tributary systems during the ice free months to: 1.Confirm previous seasons data base with regard to occurrence and species composition. 2.Determine relative abundance of resident stocks in predeter- mined locations by seasonal period and further establish patterns of intrasystem migration. Ip... 3.Further define preferred habitat parameters. 4.Continue to tag adult resident fish and note any recaptures from previous year. A crew of four biologists wil1 carryon the initial year's study from January through April.This four man crew'will begin the second field season in December of 1982 and following the first season's determina- f!"'" tions the program will: 1.be expanded to include additional areas; '2.be intens1fied at one or two predetermined locations;and -18- 3.cont,inue to detenn1ne habitat requirements. 2.Talkeetna Ri ver confl uence to Devi 1 Canyon.Stock Assessment of the Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Populations. Objectives The objectives ()f programs within this study area are to: 1.Determine specific occurance and species composition of resident and anadromous stocks utilizing the mainstem Susitna River and HiS major tributaries; 2.Define seasonal changes in occurrence and abundance of resident and anadromous specis within the mainstem Susitna River and itl s tT'ibutaries; ."'" 3.Define habitat types util ized by resident anadromous fish species,seasonally throughout this year,at varying hydrologic conditions,both within the mainstem Stisitna River and the major tributaries;and 4.Establish the impacts of flow regulation upon the habitat which currently meets seasonal requirements of resident and anadromous fish stocks within the study area. ~acksround This study area inc:ludes the mainstem Susitna River and a number of resident game fish and provide spawning and rearing habitat for anadromous species.Several of the more important lateral tributaries-are Portage Creek,rndian River,Gold Creek,and Fourth of July C~eek.All are located in the upper reaches of the study area and in the general vicinity of the railroad crossing at Gold Creek. Five species of Pacific salmon,chinook,coho,sockeye,pink and"chum are native to .this portion of the study area.The most important resident' fish species within this area are Arctic grayling and rainbow trout, however,burbot,whitefish Dolly Varden and various other species are al so present. While a higher degree of reliability in knowledge of possible flow, water quality,and stream morphology changes exists in this reach because of previously collect~d baseline data,baseline studies on resident and juvenile anadromous fish must be initiated to better detail specific occurrence,distribution,and seasonal migration and habitat use of the Susitna River as well as document the population sizes OT resident fish. Work Pl an Que to limited access to much of the Susitna River upstream of Talkeetna, and related high cost of transportation,work proposed for 1981 is \ limited to the Indian River -Portage Creek -Gold Creek area.This area is accessible by railroad and can be fnvestigated by a sing1e field o .~._••••_'.-~..'.,OJ"_"-.'....."".••'.• :lIl-,j "~ crew located in the Gold Creek area.These investigations will be extended downstream into other areas in the second and tnird years of study. A four man ctew will be located in the Geld Creek or Indian River area housed in a local cabin or tent camp,and provided with a river boat and Zodiac type raft to conduct the following activities: 1.Establish the occurrence and species composition of resident and anadrornous fisnstocks uti1izing the mainstem Susitna R1"E~r during the period May through October of 1981.This work will entail intensive netting,electro-shocking,trapping, or use of set lines or other suitable collection methods within the mainstem reach from Fourth-of-July Creek upstream to Portage Creek.Some of these collection devices are expected to require modification and/or develQpment as the season progr~sses. 2.Perform similar sampling by net,electro-shock,trap or angling within the Indian River,Portage Creek.Gold Creek, and Fourth-af-July Creek tributaries.A program of fish tagging wi 11 beimpl emented to define intra-system movement. 3.Creel 'census ang1ers util izing these four streams to detennine harvest of res ident fi sh by:a)speci es,b)age c1 ass,c) size,d)seasonal period,and e)area of availability.The creel census will also help with recovery of tagged fish. -. 4.Conduct the adult anadromous studies in this area in cooperation with the anadromous program. Following the first seasons determinations of resident and anadromous fish occurrence,areas of greatest availability,and suitable methods of capture,the 1982 program will be directed to largely the same areas and intensi fied tel include population estimati ons and preferred habi tat uti11zation. A similar two man crew will be located in the Indian River or Gold Creek area,depending upon which seems more appropriate as a result of the first year study.The same equipment.will be utilized.Study objectives for 1982 wi 11 be as fo 11 ows: 1.Determine relative abundance of res ident andanadromous fish stocks in Indian River and Portage Creek,at predetermined locations,by seasonal period,and further define intra-system movements and migrations.These studies win necessitate an intensified tag and recovery program to provide instantaneous population estimates at specific seasonal periods and also numerous aeria1 surveys.While the methods with which to accomplish this work may be more apparent after the first years efforts ,1t is at thi s time cons i dered 1ike 1y that trapping devices or a statistically designed angling scheme may.be most appropriate. :. - 2.Conduct simila~studies in appropriate sections of the mainstem river and side channels during spring,summer,and fall. Techniques for this work segmentwi11 be similar to objective No .1. 3.Define habitat utilization of reSident and anadromous species both within the mainstem and the Gold Creek,Fourth ..of-July Creek,Indian River,and Portage Creek tributaries as related to hydrologic conditions. Areas of resident and anadrort'lous fish preference will be surveyed in terms of flow,substrate,turbidity,depth,etc. to determine if these par~eters are responsible far instream movements and distribution.These data will be correlated with historical climatological data and mainstem flows. Particular emphasis will be placed upon this facet during periods when mainstem flows approach the proposed regulated flow. 4.Determine mid-winter occurrence and diStribution of resident and juvenile anadromous fish species both in Indian River and the mainstem Susitna River. As Indian River is the only major accessible upper tributary stream during mid-wint!r,these studies will be limited to it. The mainstem river is characterized as being extremely dangerous to wor~:in mid-winter due to poor ice conditions.As deemed ,~ possible,netting,trapping,and set lines will be utilized to detl!rmine occurrence and distribution of resident species during the winter months and to recapture fish tagged earlier in the year. Winter sampling of both the tributary and mainstem will be conducted during November and December on a field trip basis, on a monthly schedule.No permanent camp is contemplated. 3.Devil Canyon to the Tyone River confluence.Stock Assessment of Resident and Anadromous Fish Populations Objectives The objectives in this study area are to: 1.determine specific occurrence and species composition of fish stocks utiliZing the mainstem Susitna River and itls major tributari es; .2.define seasonal changes in occurrence and abundance offish species within the mainstem Susitna River and,tributaries; 3.define habitat types utilized by fish species,seasonally throughout the year,at varying hydrologic conditions;both within the mainstem Susitna River and major tributaries; 4.establish the impacts of inundation ~pon the aquatic habitat ...-..... of the clearwater tributaries.necessary to sustain the indigenous fish species;and 5.conduct complete hydrological surveys at the tributary mouths and at predetermined locations on each tributary . .Background This area of study includes the more than fifty miles of the mainstem Susitna River and tributary streams.which will be either totally or partially inundated by construction of the Devil/Watana Hydroelectric Campl ex. This portion of the Susftna River drainage lies in a truly wilderness setting,is roadless.is inaccessable eicept by boat or light aircraft, and is only moderately utilized by recreational anglers at this time. Angling in this reach of the Susitna River system can be termed a "qual ity experience.II This area has obvious identifiable habitat and biological impacts due to eventual inundation of segments of the clearwater tribut3.ries feeding the impoundment.Critical habitat needs.as well as recreational fishing ",~, opportunities.are provided primarily at the mouths of these respective tributaries. Workplan A three man creW will work in the proposed impoundment area during the :'.::--.:.-::..~:---:. ,... I~- ice free months,utilzing helicopter and light aircraft for transportation throughout the study area.The study crew will be housed in a temporaryjprotable field camp.Investigations will be directed to; 1.Conduct extensive on-the-ground surveys of Goose,Jay,Kosina, Watana,Deadman,Tsusena,and Fog creeks,and the Oshetna River.These investigations will include hydrological surveys and \/1111 detennine the types of aquatic habitat currently available to resident species .. 3.Extensive netting,trapptng,and fish collection will be conducted to determine the specific occurence,and compostion of resident species occupying these eight tributarial waters. As possible,efforts will be directed to determine the extent of seasonal intra--seasonal migrations. 4.To·tag any and all adult fish captured for determination of -intra-systemmovem~nt and migrations. Upon completion of t~e first year's (CY-81)assessment.of aquatic habitats, ,-and biological di:)tribution of fish species within the impoundment arp.:l ... _..,.~..--....•~...--:...:::;.:-~-_.-_.:.._~..--......._~.--..-.-_....... .- tributaries,investigations will be directed to the upland lake areas and the mainstE!!lI Susitna proper. A two man field crew will again operate with a transportable field camp, utilizing hel icopter and 1i ght aircraft for transportati on.Investi ga- tions will begin as soon as ~ice-out"occurs in the spring arid continue until freeze up in the fall. Studies in CY-1982 will be directed to: 1.Surveys of fish utilizing selected t~ibutarial stream mouths throughout the season to determine intra-system movements of resident fish,and their reliance upon the mainstem river during the critical winter months.Tentative stream selections are Kosina,Jay,and Watana creeks. A semi-permanent camp will be located in the vicinity of these stream mouths,and the individual streams sa~pledfor fish occurrence on an established sampling schedule throughout the season .. 2.ConduCi:surveys of upland lakes associated 'oIIith mainstem" Susitna:River tributary streams for fi sh population and rc:lated biological data.Habitat infonnation will also be collected from inlet and outlet streams,and be used later in determining the impacts to seasonal migrations and biological requirements of resident fish as a result of impoundment,road construction, . •.....~.~.~_.....~.~-----;...,.".~-.-.'-'":..=~~.-.........::.;.,.._::.:.-:_.•_--..•._,'.:,'•.•._-_....:..--_.~.........".'.,'.. 3.To determine resident fish occurrence and distribution within the nlainstem Susitna River throughout the spring-su~er-fal1 per;olds.This work wi 11 be accompli shed by the same ff e1d. crew utilizing a chartered boat for transportation qn a pre- determined sampling schedule.Nets,trot lines,traps.etc. will be used to determine fish presence. 4~To continue to collect complete hydrological data. It is anticipated the single two man crew will be capable of performing all the above tclsks.Oetennination of mainstem fish occurrence and distribution (#:l)will be accompl ished by two or three scheduled week long trips thr.ough the impoundment area • .The upland lake surveys will be accompl ished during "non-sample"periods .at the tributary mouths.Close coordination will be necessary,as will helicopter support at frequent intervals. TITLE SEASONAL AND SPATIAL HABITAT STUDY Study Approach Spatial and seasonal habitat studies will be divided into three major geographical areas.Sampling upstream of the Susitna-Ta,lkeetna river confluence will be conducted primarily by fisheries study groups. Design of sampl ing programs wi 11 .be done by the habi tat stud;es superyi sor. These studies will be perfanned in addition to work proposed by ON·R,but "'... ·~ill be done in close cooperation and coordination with that agency and other tasks performed by consul tants as a part of the overall SiJsitna Hydro-feasibility study.It is anticipated that other agencies such as the USGS and USFWS will also provide support for these instream flow studies. The following outl ines baseline studies requi red for each study area: 1.Cook Inlet to the Talkeetna-Susitna river confluence.*Spatial and Seasoncll Habitat Requirements of Fish Pooulations. Objectives The objectives within this study area are to: 1.define essential seasonal habitat requirements for incubation, rearing.spawning.and passage of anadromous and resident fish populations; 2.define the seasonal relationships between flow regimes and essential physical and biological habitat characteristics; 3.define the relationships between the tributary and slough physiochemical and biological habitats with the mainstem Sus;tna River at various flow regimes; 4.develop state-of-the-art capabilities to evaluate habitat characteristics in this difficult reach of river;and '*Habitat study pl ans for the estura f ne area will be based upon the findings of Phase I studies and initiated in the Phase II biological $tudies. - •••__.•_....-__."•..•.~,'...-_..~-_..•..--..-•-.........~--_••-...~,-••••,.-.'......."•.-,-.''.•<I ••.•.......•.'. 5.generate data essential for evaluating the effects of various flow regimes on terrestrial and reparian habitat. Background This reach of the Susitna River provides important habitat for rearing, incubating,spawning,and migrating resident and anadramous fish species. Unfortunately,its physical characteristics also make it one of the most difficult to evaluate.Studies of seasonal habitat characteristics wil1 be coordinated on an annual basis with the life history and distribution fi sl1 stud i es (b,oth anadromous and res i dent). Expansion or telrmination of these studies will depend upon determination and confirmatio"of; 1.The seasonal habitat requirements between various life history stages of the'resident and anadromous fish. 2.The relationship of seasonal habitat to various discharges. If positive confirmation is provided by the habitat study in conjunction witli other biololgical studies,specific year to year study locations shou1d be identi'fied for ongoing programs to determine the effects of the project on the fish and wildlife resources in this portion of the .- basin. - - Work Plan The initial year of this study will be comprised of essentially three field ~perat1ons: 1.mainstem seasonal instream flow measurements; 2.tributary seasonal instream flow measurements;and 3.collection of other physiochemical and biological habitat data. A crew of biologists wi1lutilize a customized riverboat as their pri(T\ary means of transportation and will operate in the mainstem and selected tributary systems during the ice-free months May through October to: 1.Procure equipment. Z.Establish and refine large river instream flow measurement techniques. 3.Collect instream flow data in tems of depth,velocity,wetted perimeter,and substrate. 4.Collect water quality data as related to discharge. rtis essential that items 2 and 3 be coordinate~with other fishery related and hydrological studies. ·.'----.--;..-'-~._-..:;,-""'O"'l"....... ,-2.Talkeetna River confluence upstream to Cevil canyon.Seatia1 and Seasonal Habitat Requirements of Fish Populations. ,~See Resident Fish Study Proposal. 3.·Devil CanYl::ln damsite upstream to the Ty.one River confluence. Spatial and Seasonal Habitat Requirements of F1sh Populations., .iSeetheResiden1~Fi sh Study Proposal for thi's area. -32- _.._.__._:-_~.._-.. .._,_ts""'"._;,,1 t "_..'Cl·_.__..qrDt,.,,ilisiii_ ,~ ADMINISTRATION &SUPPORT AOF&G FISHERIES STUDIES BUDGET SUMMARY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PHASE I FY 1981 FY 1982 PHASE II FY 1982-83 .~ .Oivision of Adminisltration ;'""I-Iabi tat Protection Secti on Sport Fish Division Subtotal Adm.&Support "STOCK ASSESSMENT OF A,DUL T FISH -POPUlATIONS -~OMMERCtAC FISH trrQ rs ION 24.4 74.S 179.7 278.6 25.2 65.0 192.1 283.3 .13.S SO.S 202.6 266.6 . Scale Pattern Analysis -Cook Inlet Electrophoresis -Cook Inlet - Susitna Station 'fentnaStation Sunshine Station Cr-ee 1 Census Studies Supervisor Su~total Adult Stock Assessment _STOCK ASSESSMENT OF ADULT RESIDENT FISH &JUVENfCt ~ES"&ANADROMOUS ..FISH POPULAr IoN -SPORT FISH OIVISION Devil Canyon to Tyone River Talkeetna River to Devil Canyon Cook Inlet to Talkeetna River Subtota 1 SPATIAL &SEASONAL HABITAT STUDY - SPORT FISH DIVISION Cook In1et to Devil Canyon Above Devil Canyon.air charter Sub total GRANO TOTAL Equipment to be provided by Acres American Inc. 25.6 87.6 .115.2. 16.4 24.3 35.3 38.9 is.6 37.8 46.5 83.4 46.7 50.6 101.9 9.3 24.5 34.6 39.4 24.5 39.2 210.5 297.0 449.9 27.5 35.9 72.8 52.9 66.1 123.1 103.0 86.0 208.8 1e3.~lS8.0 404-.7 " , 140.9 129.9 301.6 2.7 2.7 5;4 143.6 132.6 307.0 816.1 900.9 1428.2 414.9 ,~ - .-_. ADMINISTRATION ANO SUPPORT (Subschedule) Div;sion of Administr'ation line 100 -Personal Services Account.Clk.III (mm 12.6.12) To.ta 1 0;v.of Adm;ni stra ti on Habitat Protection Section FY 1981-- 24.4 24.4 PHASE FY 1982 26.2 26.2 Line 100 R Personal Services HB IV,Susitna Hydro.Pro Coord. (rrnn 12. 12.6) CL IV (mm 12.6,12) Line 200 -Travel Travel and Per diem Line 300 -Contractua 1 Ser~..I . .Q.ta ~r1UiQllisiGg ,Cep.tj.';,.~~t ~;fme~e ~~a;r.Freight. Transp./charter Une 400 -Commodities •et-O I,'~~ Clothing.materials,-eee~~ Total Habitat ~rotection Section SpOT·t Fish Division, 44.9 48.6· 22.1 12.4 67.0 61 .0 3.0 'LS 1.0 '.5 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 74.5 65.0 Line 100 -Personal Services F8 IV Aqu.Studies Coord.(mm 12.12.6) Biometrician (mm 1Z,9.9) •EDP Programmer II (mm 6.9,9) Oa ta Contra 1 ell<.J:!(m 6,9.9) Publications Spec.rr (mm 6) Maintenance Mech.II (mm 6,6,12) .FT III (mm 2.2,4.) Line ZOO -Travel Travel and Per diem Line 300 -Contractual Services Data Processing Equipment repair,Fr~ight. Transp./charter Line 400 -Commodities Clothing,materials.etc. ""'_.Jo"_,,,...._1_"·'•. 46 ..5 42.8 16.6 13,,5 -0- 17.3 4.4 141 •1 12.2 6.0 10.0 16.0 10.4 49.5 33.9 25 •.2 20.4 17.8 17.3 4.4 . 168.5 5.8 5.5 6.1 ' 11 .5 5.2 .7'··,-.....'......._._.'-~.----....-.- FY 1981 ~~ANAOROMOUS ADULT -STOCK ASSESSMENT Task ,1 .Cook.Inl et Stock Assessment Sea 1e·Pa ttern Ana 115 is ~Line 100 -Personal Services PHASE r FY 1982 PHASE II FY 1982-83 FTrI FT II I FB I Total Line 200.-Travel Travel/per diem Total (mm 4 ~S 1 5 ,1 0,.S) (mm 0.21,21) (mm 2.5,8,10.5) a.s '. -0- 6.5 15.3 . .5 .5 12.0 45.9 20.8 78.7 .5 .5 21.7 4.7 .1 28.2 97.0 1.0 1.0 Total for Scale Pattern Analysis 25.5 Line 300 -Contractual Services Contractual services (compute~time) Aircraft charter (10 hrs.C185 @lS0/hr.) Vehicle rental (3 t 2S0/mo.&3,000 mi.) Tota 1 Line 400 -Commodit1e~~ Scient11icsupplies (SOO/field crew) Food @ 15/day (days:100.107) Gill nets Housing (SSO/mo.) Clothing (ZOO/person) Total 2.5 .8 1.0 4.3 .8 2.3 1.0 .6 .8 5.5 2.5 .7 1.0 4.2 .7 2.4 -D- .7 .4 4.2 87.6 5.0 1.5 2.0 8.5 1.5 4.7 1.3 1 ;2 8.7 11 5.2 ----_._--...--.-~-----~------------- -.~-..-"-.' PHASE r PHASE II FY 1981 FY 1982 FY 1982-83 ANAOROMCUS ADULT -STOCl<ASSESSMENT (cent) p- Task ".Cook rnlet Stock Separation E1 ect}"ophor~si s ~~Line 100 -Personal Services FTII (mm 2;6)3.9 11 .7 -0- Total 3.9 11.7 -0- line ZOO -Travel-Travel/per diem .5 .5 -0.;; Tota 1 .5 .5 -0- Line 300 -Contractual Services ;~Contractual services (graduate student) includes al1 analysis of samples 7.5 7.5 -0- Aircraft charter (10 hrs.el85 @ lSO/hr.).7 .8 .-0- 'Jehicle Rental (2 @ 250/mo.and 2.000·mi .).7 .7 -0-:. Tota 1 .8.9 9.0 0.0,-Line 400 -Commoditiet Scientif1c supplies (days:100.'07).5 .5 Food @ 15/day (days:100.107)1.5 1.6 Housing (6S0/mo).7 .6 ,~\Clothing .4 A Total 3.1 3.1 0.0.. Total far £1 ectrophcres is 16.4 24.3 0.0 ..-..-~~..,'-'--"'--'-'..---........--- ANADROMOUS ADULT -srOCK ASSESSMENT (cont) Task #2.Susitna River Mouth to Yentn.a l~i \fer ~Susitna Station (May 15 -Octobe~15) L1ne 100 -Persona 1 Servi c,es FB 1 (mm 8,12,20) -Total line 200-Travel Travel/per diem -Tota 1 Line 300 -Contractual Services ~y 1981 20.8 20.8 ,1 •1 PHASE r FY 1982 ,31.2 31.2 .1 •1 PHASE r r FY 1982-83 53.6 53.6 ,2 .2 Aircraft chirter (18 Mrs.C185 @ 150) Freight (barge charter) Repairs and maintenance Total line 400 -Commoditie:5 Fish Tags (10,000) Food @ lS/day (days::273.280.553) Scientific supplies Gas and D/B 011 (15 barrels @75) Camp supplies C1 oth1 ng Total Total for Susitna Station 1 .3 1.4 2,7 .2 .3 .5 .6 .6 1.2 2.1 2.3 4.4 1.0 "7.0 4.1 4.2 8.3 .2 •1 .3 .5 .5 1.1 .2 .3 .3...3 ·1 .4 12.3 5.3 17.4 35.3 38.9 75.6 ..-.'."....- ~ANAOROMOUS ADULT -SiOCK ASSESSMENT (cent) Task #2.Yentna Sonar ~tation line lOa -Personal Services FB 1 (mm 4.6.1CI ) FT'1 (mm 4.6~10) Overtime {hrs:240,360.600) Total Line 200 -Travel line 300 -Contractual Services- Freight (barge charter) Aircraft charter (35 hrs @ 150/hr) Repairs and maintenance Total Line 400 -Commoditie~ Food @l5/day (days:273.280,553) Ca.mp suppl i as Parts Tool s Gas and O/B oil (45 barrels @ 75) Scientific supplies Fishwheels (2 -parts and labor) Clothing Total Total for Yentna Sonar Station l'''!I-',.. FY 1981 10.4- 7.8 5.1 23.3 a.o .3 2.6 .8 3.7 4.1 .7 . .8 .3 1.7 .2 2.4 .6 10.8.. 37.8 PHASE r FY 1982 15.6 11.7 7.6 34.9 0.0 .3 2.6 .8 3.7 4.2 .8 .7 .2 1.7 .1 .2 7.9 46.5 PHASE II FY 1982-83 26.8 20.1 13.0 59.9 0.0 ..6 5.3 1.5 7,4 8.3 1.0 1.5 ,3 3.4 .3 ,5' ~8 i 6.1 33.4 ANAOROMOUS ADULT -Si'OCK ASSESSMENT (cc'nt) Tas~~3.Sunshine Sonar Station line 100 -?ersonal Services .PHASE I FY 1981 FY 1982 PHfl..SE II FY 1982-83 FB 1 (mm 4,6,10) FTII (rrm4,7,l1) Overtime (hrs:29S~525,1200) Total Line 200 -Travel ~300 -Contractua'J Ser'li ces Vehicle rental (2S0/mo &2,500 mil Repairs and maintenance Total ~Line 400 -Commcditie~ Food @ 15/day (days:305,307,513) Camp supplies Parts Tools Gas and a/s ail (45 barrels @ 75) Scientific supplies Fishwheels (4-parts and labor) Fish tags (10,000) Clothing Tota 1 . Total for Sunshine Sonar Site 10.4· 7.8 6.l ~4.4 0.0 .8 .7 1.5 4.6 .7 .8 .3 1.6 .2 4.8 7.0 .8 20.8 46.7 15,6 13.7 11.0 40.3 0.0 .9 .8 1.7 4.6 .8 .7 .2 1.8 •1 .4 8.6 50.6 26,0 22.1 26.0 74.1 0.0 1.7 1.5 3.2 9.2 1.0 1:5 .5 3.4 .3 .5 7.a 1.2 24.6 101 .9 • I~ PHASE I FY )gaL EY 1982 AMAOROMOUS ADULT'-STOCK ASSESSMENT (cont) CREEL CENSUS Line 100 -Personal Services PHASE rr 'rY 1982-83 Fi II (mm 2,7 s,g) Qvertime (hrs:100.35Q,450) ,Total Line 200 -Travel bine 300 -Contractual Services Vehicl~s (2 @ 2S0/mo &2,000 mil 3.9 2.1 6'.0 0.0 .4 13.7 7.4 21.1 0.0 .5 18.1 9.7 27.8 0.0 .9 -Line 400 -Commoditf!! Food @ lS/day (days:133, 140,27j) Housing (SOO/mo) Gas and 0/8 oil Total To~al for Creel Census, 2.0 2.1 4.1 .4 .4 .8 .5 .5 1.0 2.,9 3.0 5.9 9.3 24.6 34;6 Task #4.Budget is included in Juvenile studies. Task #5.Budget included in resident fisheries studies. ,Anadromous Fi sheri es StUG i es Anadromous Fisheries Studies .~,Supervisor>HB III (rrun 12,"-7,11) GRANO TOTAL ANAOROMOUS ADULT FISHERY STUDY 39.4 210.5 24.5 297.0 39.2 449.9 ~I RESIDENT AND JUVENILE ANADROMOUS FISHERY STUQY Devil Canyon to Tyone River Impoundment .h.!.ne 100 •.Per~ona 1 Serv ;ces .3 Fa I IS (mm.7 ,11.18) Total Line 300·-Contractual Services Communications Professional Services Repairs Freight &Transportation Air charter - Fixed wing @ l50/hr Watercraft charter @ 30G/day Vehicle lease @ ZOO/me Mi seen aneous Total Line 400 -Commodities FY 1§al· .18.2 18.2 .4·, .4 .9 •1.2 .2 .3 1.5 .5 .5 .2 3.~ PHASE I FY 1982 28.6 28.6 .4 .4 .8 •1 ·1 .3 .2 1.5 .5 .5 .3 3.5 PHASE II FY 1982-83 ~8.3 48.3 .7 .2 .8 1.7 .2 .3 .5 .2 6.0 6.0 La .5 14-.5 Cil othi ng Food @ 15/day (days:146,147.300) .Outboard fuels @ 1.lC/gal .Camp materials,supplies,tents, -.staves,.hea ters.etc. Trap and net materials Mi see 11 aneous Total Total for Devil Canyon,to -.Tyone RiV'er .5 2.2·, .5 L4 .2 4.9 27 ..5 .2' 2.2 •1 .2 .3 3.0 35.9 .8 4.5 .2 ~ .5 1.2 1.0 8.2 72.8 . .~ RESIDENT AND JUVENILE ANADROMOUS FISHERY STUDY Talkeetna.River to Devil Canyon ~ine lOa -Personal Services 1 FB II (mm 5,6,12) j Fa I Is (mm 9>15.24) Total Line 2QO -Travel Transportation (train) Private vehicle mileage Per diem @ 55/day Total Line 300 -Contractual Services Communications (, Profess i ona 1 servi Clas \ Repairs Freight &Transportation (train) Air charter Fixed wing @ 150/hr Watercraft charter Cabin rental @ lS0/me Miscellaneous Total U ne 400 -Cornod iti es-. Clothing (boots.waders,etc.) •Gill nets @ 150 each .Sei nes 2.@ 150 each for Phase I Phase II includes minnow traps Food @ 15/day (days:200,200,400) Outboard fuel @ 15/day Marine oils l lubes,etc. Building materials Trap mater;a1S,net frames ,buoys,etc. Miscellaneous Camp gear,stave.lantern,etc. Total Total for Talkeetna River to Devil Canyon FY 1981 17.7 '4·'4 41.1 .8·, ,6 1.5 ·1 •1.3 .5 .7 .3 .4 .2 2.6 .7 1.2 .3 3.0 1•1 ..1 .3 .5 .3 .2 7.7 52.9 PHASE r FY 1982 17 .8 39.0 56.8 .8 .2 ,5 1.5 .2 ..4 .5 .7 .2 .4 .3 2.7 .3 3.0 1.1 .1 .2 .3., S., 66.1 . PHASE II FY 1982'-83< 36.9 64 ..4. 101.3 2.0 .5 ,1 3.6 .3 •1 1.0 1.1 .9 l.0 .4 4.9 1.2 1.2 .7 6.0 2.4 .2 .5 .6 13.3 123.1 "... PHASE I PHASE U ~y 1981 FY 1982 FY 1982-83 RESIDENT AND JUVENILE ANAOROMOUS FISHERY STUDY Cook In 1et to Ta 1keel!!!' Line 100 -Personal 'Services ' 4 FB I I S (mm 14,12 t 42)36.4 31.2 112.7 Resident Fisheries Study,S~pervisor FB I II (mm 12,9 t 9)"39.4'31.5 32.2 Total 75.8 62.7 144.9 Line20Q -Travel Per diem @ 55/day (days:S4,56,11 0)3.0 3.1 6.,1 Miscellaneous (picKuP mileage).2 .3 1.0 Total 3.2 3.4 7.1 ,~ Line 300 -Contractual Services ~ Air Charter @ l50/hr 4.8 4.8 12.a Vehicle @ 2S0/mo 2.6 2.7 5.2 Engine Repair .3 .4 2.6_.Equipment Rental .4 .3 1 .0 Communications .3 .4 1.0 Total 8.4 8.6 21.8 Line 400 -Commodities. Food @ lS/day (days: \ 326,327,1053)4.9 4.9 is.S Cl othi og 1.0 1.0 2.0 Sui lding material,s 1.0 .9 1.9 Camp gear .3 .3 Net gear 4.3 4.0 'Fuel 2.3 2.4 7.5 I""-Oi 1 .3 .3 1.0 . Marine suppl i es .2 .3 .5 Snowmachine supp1ies .3 .2 .4 Miscellaneous 1.0 1.0 1.9 Total "'15.6 11.3 35.0 "'"',Resident and Juvenil~Anadromous Fi s'Mery Study Tota 1 for Cook Inlet to Talkeetna 103.0 86.0 208.8 /!fIiI<t"..GRANO TOTAL RESIDENT AND JUVENILE FISHERY STUDY 183.4 188.0 404.7 ~\ .. SPACIAL AND SEASONAL HABITAT STUCtES Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon Line 100 -Personal Services Habitat Study Supervisor FB IH (rrm 12,,7,11) 2 FB !lIs-(mrn 10, 11,2.4) ';3 FB lis (mm 13.5,13.5,36) Tota l' Line 200 -Travel Per diem @ 55/day (days:60,60,120) Total Li l1Ie 300 -Contractu,~1 Servi ces Air charter 15 hrs/mo for 7 me @~150/hr Vehicle 12 mo@ 250/mQ ' Engine repair and maintenance Equipment rental USGS,Instream flow Group Consultation Boeing computer analysis ~li see llaneous Total Line 400 -Cammod i ti es Food @ lS/day (days:346,353,980) C'lothing:boots,life jackets,tents, sleeping bags,etc. Fuel:20 ~eeks 2.00 gal/wk @ 1.25 gal 'Oil,lube,etc. ~Marine supplies Snewmachine supplies Miscellaneous Total Spacial and Seasonal Habitat Studies, Total for Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon Devil Canyon ,to Tyone River -An costs included in Resident Studies except Air Charter GRANO TOTAL FOR SPA~AL ~ND SEASONAL ~~8rTAT \~TUQIES . fA. FY 1981 39.4 29.5 35.1 104.( 3.3 3.3 7.9 1.5 .5 .2 6.0 5.0 .2 21.3 5.2 2.5 2.5 .3 .7 •1 .9 12.2 140.9 2.7 143.6 PHASE I r'f 1982 24.5 32.6 36.2 93.3 3.3 3.3 7.9 1.5 .5 •1 8.0 5.0 .3 23.3 5.3 2.5 .4 ;8 •1 .9 10.0 129.9 2.7 132.6 PHASE II F'T 1982-Sj 39.1 73.8 95.6 208.5 6.6 . 6.6 15.8 3.0 1.0 .3 16.0 25.0 .5 61.6 14.7 1.0 5.0 .7 1.5 .2 1.8 24.9, 301.6 5.4 ·307.0 .' -I·... ,.- Equi pment to be Pr-evi de':b;(Acres Cameras,calculatcr~i (HP91 and H?67) .and-sho p equ i pment: Digitizer (Ome~a computer) Z s·l ide scan s.onar c.Quntars .-2.recordel""s Oscil1oscope Z boats FourZS hp outboards Z side scan sonar counters &spare parts ' Generator'" .,-Compressor Z tape.recorrisrs (sonar-) Osci11-osccpe (sonar) Z shotgun$(bear protection) SSE radio """Z boats 4 outboards.. 2 si de scan so nar CO~l;"rt.ers &;spare parts Generator Compressor Z tape.recorders ~. Oscilloscope Z shotguns ssa radio 1 bo,at tra i 1er Inflatabl e boat "'"Outboard Radio Rivert:oa t Thermogr!phs @ 450 each 00 met.er ~.Condu~tivity metsr ph meter. Outboard motor Z at 15 Hp Jetuni:ts'@ 600 each Rubber raft OUtboard 25 hp ;-.Radlo Snowshoes @ 2.5 .each Guns Z @ ZSO .SnotMr.achi nes 2 @ 1)600 Sno\lmlachine $1eds (2) _rca Auger ..E1 ect:nJs·hocker Riverboat 7S hp outboard ZS hp Qutbca rd '. Jet unit· ......~~...-...:.. Attachment IV 9~100.0a 8,200.00 78,000.00 SOQ .00 1,800.00 4,.000.00 2 t 916.00 86,200.00 350.00 350.00 600.00 1,800.00 400 ..00 1,600:00 4,000.00 Z,976.00 86,200.00 ..350.00 350.00 600.00 ·1,800.00 400.00 1 ,600.00 1,700 ..00 2,000.00 1 ,COO.OO 1 ,600.00 2,500.00 5,400..00 600.00 600.00 200.00 5,500.00 1',200.00 3,500.00 1,200.00 ,,.200.00 300.00 500.00 3,200.00 150.00 300.0"0 1,200.00 1 ,500 .00 2,700 ..00 1,200.00 .600.00 -.-~.l -0 ------.-.. .' TMlner boat .Radio Rifie:. 4-sno~chines Z trai1ers (SM) Z tea auger'S Z c:ha:insaws Canoe Backpack shocker Survey Stakes . 2 measuring ta~es !holders 300 J @150 Z 3S rom SUt cameras (macro 1ens and pola.riz.ed .filter)@ 350 ea.eh 2 ~lfi es~@ 250 each 5 current meters (APL)@350 3 current meters (P)'smy)@400 3 Marsh McSirney flow meters digital readout @1,500 each 11 to p satti ng \'iad i ng rods @ ZOO eac h Suspended f1 ow support systa'i1 Z boat mountad flo\'1 metering systs..'!ts @ 1,600.00 _.Sonar narrow beam system S headsets @ SO/each twaZ-way radio·walkie talkie @ 1,000 ea .. Z cmnpasses @ 50 each Rebar 4-cable tag1 i ners 30e I @1 sa -Tools for repcir -20 1 Woolcirige beat (I:apable of performance in Portage a rea). 13 1 Avon riverboat 8S hp (jet rOQt ) -25 hp (kicker) 25 hp (for Avon) Boa t tra 11 er 3 field calculators @ 3S each 5 00 meters @ 600 each 5 ph metars @ 200 eac:h ,,,,,lS tnenncmetars @ 25·e3ch 20 thermographs @ 450 each 4QO Leu po 1d sta ff ga Si es @ 1.1 ea en 00 meU!r Conductivity metar'. """PH meter 3 tnermcrnet:rs @ 25 each Marsh McSirney meter 500 ..00 1 ~OOO.00 300.00' 6,4-00.00 1,000 ..00 600 ..00 600 ..00 600.00 1.200.00 300.00 300.00 700 ..00 .: 500.00 1,750.00 1,200 ..00 4,800.00 2,200 ..00 400.00 3.200.00 3,000.00 400.00 2,000.00 100'.00 100.00 600.00 175.00 4.000.00 1,800.00 3,800.00 1 ,200.00 1,200.00 2,000 :00 105.00 3.000.00 1 ,000.00 . 375 ..00 9.000.00 4,400.0<l 60C.OO 600 ..00 200 ..00 7S .00. 1 .500 .00. '---~....- AA meter Pygmy met~r' Z measuring tapes 300'@ 1Sa each '2 topsatti nq wadi ng reds @ ZOO each l headsets ~SO'aach ~35mm camera,(macro lens and po1arizeci fi 1tar)@ 350 25 Leupoid st.a ff gagl!S @ 1T.00 GRANO TOTAl EQUIPMEN"r TO BE PROVIOED BY r-ACRES ,~ 350.00 400.00 300.00 400.00 100.00 350.00 275.00 4-14,857 •ao ,~ .- ,' •"'...'.~'" Attachment V ALA:SU 011'A!.rnm~OF ?!Sa ~'lD GJU'ftE !li.i~Efa ~aUili~lliF!!S previOU3 month~any problems encountered,and plans £or the tolloWUlg r::~nth..S:1.gni1"1cant t'Uld1ng:3 shou.ld also be 1C:enti!'ied. Proced,ures !.fanuaJ.-Documentatioc ot ~tUC.7 desig=, sam:pllr..g methedolosies).and.anaJ.ys1s procedures t.=be rol~o"',l(ed th::'oughout the Elhase I program ..,Can be amenc.ec.as necessc=y, W'ith._approva~of the T:E:S Group Lead"er and QA Coordi..n2.tor • Q~-terly Reoo~ts -Three qua--terly r~ports will be requi:ed during each project year..'Reports wil~include a .. SlU'j'lmarization of c..a.ta collected dur1l~g the p!'ece~ding cp..:.a.r~e:' tables,and su£f1cient discussion to pe:mit ~~~~de:'standi~~ or.repor~ed data.Pour copies will be d~e en the f~st day or May,A~~5t,andNove~ber o~1980 and 1981.These reports will be a.'1'1.:l1portane lnean.s o~in.t"Q~t:ion e:tchange amons·· d..1sci.plines" -AnnU2.~Re~ort -A detailed aCCOl..t...~t c£the ti.rst .year r S ........-prog::'am :LncJ.ud1.ng l1te.ratu=e·revj"ew,methodology ~results~' d1 .1 l ~~'0 -I"~_o .scuss on,cone US J..o ns I an,-,-stJD'i"'na-y"~Ol..l.:'cop.:..es cue .- later th~l March 1,1981.Written =esponses to oo~ents 01 Group Leaders wi1~be required,l~ut oomplete revi...si~n of th~a..7lnual repo~will.be·avoj"cied,1£'at all possible. Ora.tt~?has e r Recore A 'detailed,thoro~gh accou.~~of .( the e;'1t1.re E'hase I.pz:og:am,including m.ethodology,results J d1seuss~on (including comp~i30ns w~th pertinen~l~ta~~tu=e), conclusions,and a SUl'It£!"Ila%.,.. . Four copies due 00 days afte~ ,~ (~ completion ot the Phase I.pr?gram,CIU,t no la.t'er than ?ebru2-1""j" 1,.1982. Pinal Phase I Re~ort·-Inc:or-porat1ns tbe comments of the Group teaders on th.e Dratt ?hase.!Report.Pour copies d.ue 30 days !"011ow1ng receipt 0"£comments. .".,.....'.'Attachment 'II..". ....",~:'•.;.....•·t·~.'.'"J••~.".,••.""'.',....:.::~'.•:....•..;.-'..••,""..t,'• -7!.....H.:,:··,;>~···:.';.·";:'.'...:.....:":,'.j :.,••••':...".':0:,.'.'." . ;~.'..~.'.'....,:'!'lIs"pro~edu.r,=s manual w111 ear-Ie ~.P,..\iet~:t:\ad'doeu::ent:l t':'cn ~~:.<·.~.1~-:~<~:.:":::;',:.;, ."'~·~.~:~.l·".'.'~;. .';.:,.".:.'.' .','. .~.;..-;·C:(Qt.'bo t.~~tl.idY .d4!$i~"e-~d 1.::r:.i'le':tU1i;at;i6n..'It::"":Ill :>Cl'r'lC'a.'. J,••J':....,....1";~f ••••':.••'.•r '..,~I ",'...'."......•••....•.•' •,......0 ... :~~:~.:~~(:41i·~·:{..i~~~tj,~~;·:f~;~.~~ciJ.~?~'q~5~ranc~':a'l"!d:~s .~u~afu.~'il~de::t'o' .~r·"~~~:!..,)~.:.:':~.'.':,:,.:~.'' '.'.".'.:.."..":..~'.'..:" . . ~.:~"..··::~·\'~oJee·t-··Sh~.r~()nne:l ..i·The pro~edurea.'manual.!:!u'~t'~on~af.n ·~t.l.i.rlc!.(;Gt. ;.'.,,"::.~,,:~:".:),:~':l~:...:::"'.~1':,~i •..r ~.•~;.:.'••, .':;'d~taj.r.'to 'ss::nJre:that.the prcg:'aa:t e.a.."-1 ,<:·dntlr.!.l.~··\m':"'~;'i:·t'"r'.~~.i;:~Q .:(·~~~.'i;:;"~;.~i,.:,:~..:.',~'..-:~;'.~:~'.:~~:....::.,.."",:~(!.'::.::·.·h.~.:.1 '~.....'.:.1':.~¥..tp']e#~t:t;ed .,~!"~ga~'.:~~~1'i~~o~~I:~.0t."'.eq~l t ~me'l1~,m~1 ~inc:ticit,,:~';,:;;~~~~:~~ri '.....;".':;"..:::.':;::':.,''.;:"";>.:-..',""",... :\i.',':":~r~.."incdt~:~~.?}~e Pl~"~d ~~~.e.'r e :e11"c ~::""--'''d,l'u t all " -:4.h~l1g~~mu&'t.be.d'oc~ented in advsnec b:t ':lU tl1o~!~!;'d:...~me.r7dil'.c:n:;3 .•':.."•.··c··::~.t,~,.~"(~f..,..•.•'.• . ........:~··to:t..~~.'P.~~r.:du.r~·:3·~·a.~.u~i~:~r,r..ro;eQ·by the TE3 Grc,up l.eader ;..,.;.;;:...'.~..',."'..:'.".:.'"..... ..:-~.~..::~c.~Qual.i-:.;AZ:i:ilrance'C¢ci·d.lJ~o.t,,;r..,The ,Procedure.:!:~a."lu.al . !:':'~:.>:.>:::'.>..:~':,'.:;:<.:':,.;.:-..:.:..:..: .~.'~.~.''....: ,;.:.' .'···,.I1J:l·1J~.~cOJrc:ro~J-ed do.cu::~nt~a~~r:opi~3 bcb~il~:m~-e!"ea to ..'. ,. 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I••••·" ,~.:..... ..'4· i ~.:.i .,..~':. ·~..(':.I.!:~....."......:~'..~p ..,::.: .-.. "... ;~....'..-.,,~.',..... .'.o' ." JI'I'.."01 "I'"'-1"""\.11»1\.1' .f)udgcl &Management Dlv. REVISED PHOGRAM REQUEST fOR NEW POSITION ~~~~~~1--------- !\GENC!..__..1 _ DIViSiON._--- DUDGEl IlEQUEST UNIT---OUIlGETCOMPONENT I _ ArI'ROrRIA TlON --- AllOCATION 20A $2,845. LOCATION Anchorage HUMBER REQUESTED J RANGE rOSITION Uabi tat 8io10gist IV TITLE ADF&G SusitnaHydroe1ectric Feasibility Studies Coordinator lYrE (fUll OR rART-TIME)PFT JUSTIfICATION: The Susitna .~dro Feasibility Studies are a cooperative effort with the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feasibility a major proposed capital improve- ment project which the Department of Fish arid Game cannot accomplish within the ., {realm of its general pr09rams,'~nd which!·because of the..development of the Su ---------:----------1Hydro Plan of Study (POS)late 1n this f1sca1 year by the APA could not be bUdgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FY 81. The ADF&G Su Hydro Coordinator will be the lead coordinator and administrator for the Department of Fish and Game's Susitna Hydro Fish and Wildlife Studies. He will review,coordinate and plan the development of .the Department's pol icies, t land programs for the project with·State,Federal and local governments.The coordi~ator will work to insure statutory and regulatory provisions requiring a revie\'1 study,and mitigation of the impacts of the proposedprojec on fish and I 1~--------------lwi1dlife are identified,and that these requirements are instituted as a part of DARGAININGUNIT the overall Susitna lIydropower Feasibility Studies of the Alaska Power Authority. GGU .Duration of the position is expected to be through Phase I of the Susitna Feasi- bil ity Studies unti 1 July 1982.and may conti nue for up to three years more in ________-1 Phase II if the APA proceeds through project 1 icense app1 ication.1,..----T-lV-5A-l-A-R-Y-~I#MONTlISFY·I o.n a continuing basis;funds for these stud1.·es will be budgeted as part.of the MON It capital improvement program for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the 12 Alaska Power Authority,and allocated to the Oepartment of F.ish and Game in accordance with reimbursab 1e serv,lo8s.aareement6.fonnulated between these aaencies. 01 rER50NAlSERVICES I 44;9 ,.Detail of Related Expens 01 TItAVEL·-2.512 month~sa 1an'__t_beneJjtS-.{Lil.1Allmonth~.~__ OJ CONTRACTUAL I ~.'.ITrayel to project area,Juneau.W~5h.D,C./perdJem.personal Ye~ge at COMMODITIES b.gcOIIIIIUnications and other services.air charter to project area.vehfclLre..utal_ os EQulrMENT •clothing.publicationns!office and librarY su~glies. 08 OTlIER I I .." TOTAL I 50.9 1001 fEDERAL 100)G/f MATCII 1004 G{NERAl FUND 100$'/A RECEIPTS I 50.9 10-11 PROGRAM RECEIPTS I I.V v.V V V V , nLlnH 'Reviled Match_1979. {(((((,(~"(( ,nice of the Governor U r J' udget &Management Dlv.. REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST fOR NEW POSITION COVER I:IWGRAM '____'__.-- AGENCY --~--~--.._-----.- DIVISION ...-DUOGETREQUEST UNIT OUOGET COMrONENT Arl'llOrRIAnON AllOCATION-- •. .. 23.6 23.6 '-.'- Clerk IV Anchorage TOTAL 100S IIA RECEIPTS 1001 fEDERAL 100)G/fMATCII 1018 PROGRAM RECEIPTS 1004 GENERAL fUND NUMBER REQUESTED _..:..'_ -dl CONTRACTUAL .5 Of COMMODITIES _5 affi ce su .I 0;EQUir~E«T I 0•0 01 OTIIER RANGE t BARGAINING UNIT 9 GGU O.PER50NAlSERVICES L'22,]112 months sala_ry t benefits @ $l.B41/montb , 01 TRAVEL'r.~1 trip to Juneau.oer.JUem.oersonalvel11cJe-..ID.Ueao.a~ LOCATION MONlULY5AlA~Y I#MONTIIS.FY' $1,355 '12 POSITION TiTlE lYrE 'fULl OR PART-TIME)-..!P...!.fJ,T _ JUSTIFICATlONI •J The Susitna Hydro Feasibil ity Studies are a c.ooperatlve effort with the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feas i b01ty a major proposed capital lmprovement project which the Department of Fjsh and Game cannot accomplish ________,---11 within the rea 1m of its genera 1 programs,and which,because of the development of the Su lIydro Plan of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year by the APA could not be budgeted as'a part of AOF&G's program for FY 81. The Clerk IV will be the sole clerical position for the Susitna Hydro aquatic studies program and the Su Hydro Coordinator.The position is required to handle administrative tasks and other tasks for direct ADF&G personnel and program budget -----------------1 and expenditure monitering needs.The prime contractor,Acres-American,Inc.will provide the majority of clerical assistance for typing of reports and field re- --------.---------JI search results for the Su Hydro feasibility.studies,and the ADF&G clerk will I also coordinate the work handled for ADF&G by the Acres clerical staff. Duration of the position is expected to be through Phase I of the Susitna Feasi- bility Studies until July 1982,and may continue for up to.three years more 1n P~ase II if the APA proceeds through project license application. On a continuing basis,funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capital improvement program for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the Alaska Power Authority.and allocated to the Department of Fish and Game in accordance with reimbursable services agreements formulated,between these agencies DETAil Of RElAlED EXPENSES, ({({t t ((((( AGENCV _OIV',-S/o/T----------:-----1 -----~~- 'rri"jiiGI:TItEQUE5TUN·-IT-·---------.------- ~-----~-----"- IIUUGET COMI'ONEHT .Hm!;!.:l 0(IYI,lHilCCIllC/H lJIV. REVISED f)HOGHAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION A/'I'/lO/'It!A noN-------_._-- ALlOCATION --------_._------ '--- GGUlOA lyrE (FUI.l OR rART.TIME)---c:.P..:...f ....:..T ....... ."OSITION lUtE fishery Diologist III Anadromous Adul t Project: leader I ---- ,USlU:ICAliotthe S.usitna Hydro feasibllity studies are a cooperative effort with the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feasi bllHy of a proposed major capital improvement project which the Department of fish and Game cannot accom- plish within its general programs and which.because of the development by the -----------:---:------~---IAPI\of the SusHna Hydro Plan of study late in this fiscal year.could not be .I.OCJ\TlON budgeted as a part of I\OF&G's program for FYOl. I\nchqrage . .The FO III Anadromous Adul t Project leader will provide essential technical and administrative supervision to accomplish the tasks and objectives of this divers( project which encompasses sonar enumeratfon.fishwheel.·sampling tag and recaptun _ ----------"-----1------------------1 studies.creel census ~nd stock separation.Scale analysis work will be coordi-. 'HUMnE/{REQUESTED •nated with the Department's stock separation laboratory and electrophoresis .ana lyses wi 11 be aCCOI'lp 11 shed by a techn i cilll y tra 1ned'gradua te or ADF&G s ta f f 'RANGE OAflGAININGUNIT RlCulber.The Project leader will also be responsible for report preparation post- season. On a continuing basis.funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capital fmprovement program for the Susitna Hydro~lectric Project by theIONn,s Cy IAlaska Power Authority.and allocated to·the Department of Fish'and Game in MONTlll y SAlA~,(#M ()accordan.ce with reimbursable.services agreements fonnula ted between t~ese agencies$3284 12 IOn . . ,..J TOTAL DHA'L Of ItElA no EXPENSES 0'rERS~NAl SERV'CE~_39.4"1~~T'-J-2-11-lil-,-LJ-uon-.-t-~-s-s-a-l.a-f¥_--~n-4_--b-o-no-f:t-ts~Z04/100-'".,...0'._•••_ 01 TRAVEl·0.5,Travel and vehicle mlleage between Anchorage to Talkeetna and Juneau -.;)CONTRACTUAL '0.9 ..'..Contractual services for Electrophoresis,air charter.vehicle rental --04 cOMMourr,ES 3.1·food $15/day X 100 Dian days.Scientffic supplies.housing $650/mo x 1 mo.c1olh.h ::~~~~~I'''T ~I·~:~....I II .71 ._-_.7i 7i , 51.9 _!~(J_l_f_~!~_A_l.__I I '00)G/f MATCII lOtH GENERAL FliNn I -100S I!ARECEIl'l~I_51 ~9.. '1018 rttOGItAM RfCElfn _.I •1 ....~Jlb"L_.IU~••I,'0'16' (((t ~~..<-•,.(,( ...n "'W't1 'fOf U ","'.,••""'1".I\l,l:Ii\.., ~ REVISED J)HOGRAM (tEQUEST fOR Nf:W I)OSITION ..!!.!y~lo,~_:..~.__1._ IlUnGH ,{[qUEST UNIT------.---- IlUUGEJ C.OMI'OHENl--,--~-------_.- AJ""W"RIA TION-------~--- A I.LOeA liON , UMflf R IUQUE HE 0 _'----,----, YrE ffUl.l OR "ART·TlME) 5 ()eA lION )111 tho;'4 j~ JUSTlflCAlION: The SusHna lIydro feasibility stu'dies are a cooperative effort with the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feasibility of a proposed major capital improvement project which the Department of fish and Game cannot aCCDfII- pl i sh wHh1 n its general programs and whi ch.because of the development by the APA of the Susitna lIydro Plc1n of study late in this fiscal year.co.uld not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's progrmn for FY01,' These five F&G Tech II personnel will operate stock assessment (sonar)facilities at Yentna River and Sunshine,They will fnstall,operqte and remove sonar f1sh counters,ffsh wheels.f1sh tagging equipment a'!d other accessory gear to,enumerat ad~lt saln~n.identify specfes,determine migration timing.recreational ~t11izat1on and behavioral response to changes in stream flow and water quality. On a continuing basis,funds for these 'studies will be budgeted as part of the capital improvement program for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the Alaska Power Authority,and allocated to the Department of Fish and Game in accordance with reimbursable services agreements fonnulated'between thes~agencies. Seasonal BARGAINING UHIT GGU· fish and Game Tech II Stock Assessment (sonar) crew member M'GE 9A :lSIlION IHE ., DETAil Of RElATED EXPENSES #MOtHUS (fY) n om 535 hrs.01 I -:-::--=-=-=-=-::=-::::-::::-:'::;:---~----__:_------,---$1950 ONTlil Y SALARY ----I --I TOTAL ___-...l--_~_ 101 fEDERAL'---'---'-'-I IlO}G/f MJ\-..:T_C_Il . '04 GEN[RAl rutiO I _--.I ~!-IIA n~C£I!'rs __26..t9 .._-__ ,18 rKOGRAM ItECE.pn I r[R50NAl5ER~ICES__-20,ICost of 8 mao mQlltbs salary pnd tUlle-fits@ $195OJmo pJlIL5.J5-b~vm:1JJne, 1 TRAVEL'a j--CONTRACTUAl 0 4-COMMourflES 0 S EQUlr,.'·t:NT _0 .1 _ ~_O'!!!!!~I 0 26.9 OU 'Ihvlwl Mllth.197'1 ((((((t (t (( lltlgel &Milll.lfl c menl Dlv.G .... REVIS EO J»HOGRAM HEQUEST FOR NEWPOSITION .•:~.--'•._l_·~·~.,._'._.---~'.~-_.....~.~-.-'-.-,-.-'._,,_•• f\G!~~~__.____I __'_ DIVISION , .-OUI)!k,.ItEQU',:ST UNIT -- !!~!)'GETCOMI'OUHlT 'I'-'~~-';""""----- A.'j'IWrIUA liON----------'----II !.t.OCA TlOI., I /\nchoraQe .OCI\1I0N 'OSITION ~llflCI\lIOt-(; fllLE Fish and Game Technician II I·,fhe S_usHna lIydro feasibility studies are.a cooperative effort with Stock Separa tion sampler the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feas1b1l ity of apropos'ed major (Electrophoresis &scale analys1s),cap~ta~improvement project \'lhich.the Departrllent ~f f1shand Gamc ca~no.t accom- rl1sh ~,itl11n ·its ge'neral programs and which.because of the development by the APA of the Susitna,Hydro Plan of study late in this fiscal year.,could not be budgeted as a part of AOF&G I S program for nOlo rVfE (fUl.l OR I'ART'TI~EJ Seasona 1 , fOMBER REQUESTED 0 lANGE 'BARGAINING UNIT 9A GOO lONTlIL Y SALARY 1#"wtntls (fY) $1950 6.5nll1 These eight technicians will 'sample escapements and sUbs1stence.sport ilnd conmercial saln~n harvests 1n Cook Inlet to collect scales and tissue sauvles to determine the number of SusHna River salw.on captured in the fisheries, Scales will be collected from king.coho and sockeye salmon and tissue samples from-pink and chum salmon.This sampling'will augment ongoing sitlipling by AOF&G cOI\»nerc1al fisheries.Division conlnercial harvests of which is appl1ed only to sockeye salmofl. On a continuing basis.funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capital improvement program for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the Alaska Power Authority,and allocated t9 the De.parbnent of Fish and Game in . accordance with reimbursable services agreements formulated between these agenCl( I OETAIL Of nElAno EXPENSE5 Cost of 6,~"111 satarY gOnd benefits@U9.5O/..mo........_~I rERSONAt 5~~_-ll..-L----~ OJ TRAVEL·,0.0 .-.~"1 CONTRAClUAI..0.0 I 0..CO~IMOllrr'E5 0.0 .___-:--e....--_ [JS ·f:QU!PMHH •0.0 BI 0111£1\1 __°_....:.,0 _ TOTAL I 12.7 1001 fEOr:RAl iOOl -G/f MATcij'--.----1 I 00 ..GENERAl.fUND ~~~ILA-RE~EI~'TS'""1_11:Z _ OlB 1'llOGRAM IlECElrn I t ((((((t ({{{ ,'lIgCI&:Mtlllagcmcnl VIV....GEIKY--~------,I OIVISIOtl REVISEO PHOGRAM nEQUEST fOftNEW POSITION ___n~l)Gn It£QUEH UNIT IlUOGE.1 COt.!!'Otlf!!L-__1 Arl"WrnlA nONAl.lO-c-...-r-,ON---'--.'--------'- ------_.--'-------,--'----~-- lUMBER R[QUf~HD _-l1L-_ vrE (fUl.l OR 'ART.lIME)Seasona 1 OSITION IHE OCAIION ANGE lilA , FisherY,Oiologist 1 Stock Separation Anchorage. DARGAINING UNIT GGU . I JUSlIf'CATIONThe ~usHna Uydro feasibility studies are a cooperative effort \'Jah ,the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feasibility of a proposed major capital improvement project ,which ·theDepartment of Fish and Gallle cannot accom':'• pl1sh within its general progr.ams and which,because of the development by the APA of the Susitna lIydro Plan of study late in this ffscal year.could not be ,budgeted as a part of AOF&G's program for FYBl. The f1 shery n101 09i s t I will d1rect the sca 1e samp 11 og.0 f escapemcn ts and coulner- cial /sport and subsistence harvests for adult salmon stock identification purpos He will be responsible for coordination of sampling wHh other ADf&G programs and for maintenance of accurate records of time.location'and species sampled and -delivery of scale samples to the stock separatfon laboratory in Anchorage... On a continuing basis.funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capita 1 improvement program for the Sus Hna Hydroelectric Project by the ". Alaska Power Authority;and allocated to the Oepar~ent of Fish and Game 1n accordance with reimbursable services agreements formula ted between these agencies IONTfIL Y SALARY II MONTIIS (CY) ~2600 I 2.5 rrrn I OfTAllOrRELATEDEXPEtlSES -----, lOTAl ,OO!-!ED-E·~~._,I J _00)_~lf Mit Tell 00"GENERAl.fUND ~~!J/A n{CEI!'TS L_lti.6 . 018 r'toGItAM REcorTS.- )I rERSONAl SERVICES 6.5 ."Cost of sa h.rY a!1!LJreneflts @ t2fiQOIJJlOfor 2~hS- )1 IRA VEL '. -0.5.i Tra ve 1 and veh f cl e mil eage between AnchQLamhJ alkeetna.So ldotna il CON!ItAClUAL 4.3·_Computer time.aircraft charter and vehicle rentaL H COMMOOIltES ----S.5 2<;JentifJ£,,$,urmJ i.es......JoadJ5,l.dilJl-.-.L-lJ.lO....man.....days»gfjlnets -nous..ing.c1eUliJ1'!L!1'~_ is EQUII'MHIT 0.0 I '.., )8 0111£R.I "x...- 16.0 .A .....A 'IIU..J.J II I I~"-A' (( .----_.._----------- ((t t "...t (( ._--------- !liel &.Man;lllclIlcnt iJIV.Gr REVISED PROGltAM ItEQUEST fOR NEW POSITION. ACENCV_.··I·_'w__~·_,_··•• UIVISlot.~_ IlUf)GET IlEQUEST uniT I IIUI)GETCOMI'ONElH ~---------------- ---_._--~~--- AI'I'ROrlt IA liON----~--.'----- AU.OCATION--,-_..~.-----------I -_ ---..~-.._-._~-,---~--, . MIIER.R£QUU*EO 2 I'E {fUll OR rAnT-TIME, SIlION rtf CATION ,.,fiE 9J\ fish and Game Technician II creel census .(\nchorage Seasonal DAtlGAINU-IG UNIT GGU JUSTlfle)\.liON:. The Susitna Ilydro·feas1bllity studies are a cooperaUve effort-wHh the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feasibility of a proposed major capital improvement project which 'the Department of Fish and Game cannot accom-', pHsh within its general programs and which,·because -of the development by the APJ\of the Susitna Hydro Plan of study late in this fiscal year,could not be budgeted .as a part of AOf&G IS·program for FY01.. These two technicians,under the supervision of the J\nadrolllous Adult Project Leader will expand ongoing AOf&G sport fish sampllng of recreational salmon harvests to cover all salmon species and all harvest'areas within the Sus ttna drainage.Their surveys wt-l1 also contribute data on migration timing and tagged f1sh recoveries,. On ~continuing basis,funds ~or ~hese studies will be budgeted as part of.the capltal improvement program for the Susitna Hydroelectrlc Project by the Alaska Power Authority,and al10cated to the Department of Fish and Game in accordance with reimbursable services agreement.s fonnulated between these agencies "nlll'(SALARY 1950 tl MONTI'S (fY) 2 '''"100 hrs O.T,I OETA'L Of RELATED fXrENSES TOTAL I 9.3 ~I -----19.3 rrRSONAf.SERVICES _6.0 .~9S.t of ?UlualaJ:LaIULhJmeffts @Jl ~~(}(~~us 100hrs 0.1. TRAVEL:0 1\. __cO'!I!lACTUAl 0.4'.Vehicle reptal.2 ea x $250/rnn loon mi.. COMM~.U~Ti!~__2 .9.·poo~llit.d.a.LLl3J da~umuSlog_500/.lJ1)"-lJdS-iilldon lfuel.) u)Ulr~~tH OT&lE(\ 11 ff:OUAt )i G/f MA lei,-·------1 I ------~_._------. l~GENERAL flJUU IS 1/"ItlCElI'U ;ITRO(rRAiilict:li'~,_I t ..In ,,-·.t ......._..J:.Ift"l.ft.' ("'li"G..{~((((,( I£lgct.&Manaucmcnl Dlv.....,. R'EVISEO ')I{OGnAM HEQUEST FOR NEW I'OSITION !,G!__:N_C_Y ---.------1----- DIViSiON ~._- IlUUGET REQUEST UNIT IJUUGET (OMI'ONENT AI'I'lwrRIATIO!'l AllOCATION IUMDER REQUESTED _ 'YrE (rUlL OR rART-TlMEt Seasona 1 6 BARGAINING UHll GGU #MONTIIS .(FY) 16 11m ..-~ fishery D1010gist I ' Stock Assessn~nt (sonar) crew lead~r Anchorage OCATloN mrnlll v SALARY ~2600 os iliON ·UtE iANCiE HA JUSTlFICATlONI . The Sus Hna Hydro teas i bl1 ity studies are a coopera t1 ve effort with the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the feasibility of a proposed major capital improvement project \'Ihich the Departll)ent of Fish and Game cannot ilccom-., pl1sh within its general programs and \'lhich.Because of the developlllf!nt by the 'APA of th'e SusHna lIydro Plan of study late 1-n this fiscal year.could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FYOI. These six Fishery Oiologist I personnel will be responsible for pre-season pre- paraUon.conduct and data analysis for adult salmon ~tock assessment (sonar) studies at SusHna station.Yentna River and Sunshine'.They will purchase and prepa~e supp11es and oversee installation.operation and re"~valof sonar fish counters.f1shwheels.fish tagg1ng equipment and other accessory gear and main- tain records of results.Post season they will assenwle and analyze dat~~ On a continuing basis.funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capital improvement .program for the SusHna Uydroelectric Project by the, I ,IAlaska·Power Authorlty.and allocated to the Department of Fish and Game in --------accordance with reimbursable services agreements 'fonnulated between these agencies. 92.9TOTAL 100",GENERAL fUNO 100S II'"I\E(£II'15 ,1_""'9=2.....9~. 1018 1'l\OGltAM ItfCEU'T~__I onAll Of RELATED EXPENSES Bf rUSOHAlSERVICES _4].6',_.L.Cost nf.J.u_JrIlL.salar.'L.iHl!LhenefHs @ $2600/mo Dl TRAVEL·0.1 Travel and vehicle mileage between Anchorage and··Tal~eetna. iiJ-CON TRACT UAl 7 .3 ~.,,_..)Hrcrafl charter.bilrge c,harter to SusHna StationJ-iib.rJciLU.oo of peaL.r~~__ 04 COMitOOITl£5 43.9.'fish tags.other scientific suppl1es.food.fuel.camp suppJJ..es..-r:a.1D-oea.l-r_---'---11 n -iiJ £QUifMEtH I v.U I . 01 OlllER 1001 fEDERAL 100)G/f MA TCII (((((.((<.(;((~. "'~IJ""..,'''''"UI.)'t'~II\iIl~VI", REVISED PROGRAM I REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION ---------."""4~--AcwcY'---DIVISiON . OUI>Gn REQUEST UNIT ',--OUUGETCOMf>ONENT AI'I'ROPRIAlioN -....-ALLOCATION ~----"------~---~ GGU PAROAINING UNIT Anchorage fi sJ,eries Biologist II I 18 3,283 NUMDER REQUESTED -1 RANGE TYPE (FUll OR PART·TIME), lOCATION· !.~ONnIL Y SALARY POSITION TITLE r,ennanent Full-'I.'IThis position will funct~on 88 ,pro j ect leader 0,f,all ,"reSident:and j UVe111le,anadt=i mous"related studies,and ensure coordination of these investigations with athet'I me .'---~-------~=-------fishery and aquntic-habitat related studies be-ing COfidueted simultaneously,The project leader is reaponsible for planning,program formula'tion and implementatio the hiring and organization of fieid ·personn~l.,and for the continued ongoing dix ection of tl,ese studies.The project leader will supervise approximately 10 indj vidualsassigned to several "field"study teams.Wili be responsible for analysl and documentation of field data. On a continuing basis.funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the t .Icapital improvement.program for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the ;r'I-MoNTJlS~)FY Alaska ~ower Authority.and allocated to 'the Department of Fish and Game in .accordance with reimbursable services agreements fonnulated between theseagenc1es 12 IUSTIFICA TIONe The Susitna ]~r~.Fpasibiiity B~udies are a ~ooperative effort with the Alas~a Power Authority for the study of th&feasibility a"major'proposed capital ' improvement project ~hich the Department ofFish and Game cannot accomplish ~~-Jlwithin the 'realm of its general'programs',and which'because of the development of the Su Hydro Pl~of Study (POS)lnte 1n this fiscal year by APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FY '81.. DETAIL OF RELATED EXPENSES 01 PERSONAL ~ERVICES I 39.4 .H2 IIlOnths salary and benefits ii1 TRAVel '~1.5 •Commercial -tTaverand per dicmmthin and-outSIde-StUdy area. OJ-COIHRACTUAl 2.'0'Primarily air charter to field camps wi thin study area. ~.,COM~I~.oITIES 1.2 '_Mfscell?neous materials field su lies 5 acinI clothin •etc. 05 EQU1rr-.tENT 44.1 '. TOTA~ 1001 feDERAL 'i~;)]G/f MATC::ii'. IGO·I G[Nf.RAl FUND I I 0¥11uECEIPfS'_;.L44;LL..i.1J--_ Iota PROGRAM RECEIPTS C]OTHER (~(((,{((({ "" Iget €X MnnJge~cnt Dlv.~v REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION ~~.--,........._.. AGENCY -~ DIVISiON OU/)GIi,T REQUEST UNIT,-----j IJUDGEr COMl'Of'lENT -.. Arl'RoPrtlATION AllOCATION . Fisheries Biologist I:. Anchorage ,.JUSTIfiCATION' The Susitna Hyro F~a5'ibiiity sludies are a coo'perative effort wJ:th the Alaslta }lower Authority for the study of the:feasibility a'major'proposed capital . improvement project which the'Department of Fish and Game cannot'accomolish, _____-:--_--,--:-"-'-within the 'realm of ita,ceneral'programs',and which because of the :development CATION-.,."Icif the Sullydro P1~of Study (POS)late in this fiscal yea,r by APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FY 1 81. SITlON 'LE GGU OARGAINING UNIT it MONTHS ((}'1()FY 14 $2,600'..I 14 ' WHIL YSALARY MOER REQUESTEO .4 .I . '1Gf rE (FUll OR PART·TIME) Permanent{1'I.'he fishery biologists'l;"esponsibilities will be,to collect biological data in the Seasonal :,field pertaining to fish species distribution,comp?sitipn,abundance,m:i.grational ------------------patterns and cha~acteristics.various life history requirements,critical·habitat areas,.angler utilization,and other pertinent infor~ation.'Inve:itigatlonalo crews ________________r-__r-~r will'spend extensive time in the field and viII ,uti1!ze nets,seines,traps,ele~trl i 'shockers,boats,etc.,to accomplish their goals.They will be responsible for f.ollowing and meeting designated sampling schedules"biological preservatlonand/or preparation,keeping adequate records,and maintenance of gear·and equipment.Area of emphasis will )e Cook Inlet -Talkeetna.'.. . ,I,I On a continuing basi s,funds for these studies wi 11 be budgeted as part of the, ci\pita 1 imprpvement·program for the Sus Hna Ilydroel ectric Project by the Alaska p'ower Authority,and all oca ted to the Department of Fi sh and Game in accordance with reimbursable services agreements fonnulated be,tween these agencies. DETAIL OF RELATED EXPENSES rERSONA1.5E RVICES TRAVEL,I 1.7 COHTRACTUAl '6.4 COMMODITIES ••• EQUII'MENT ]4 months salary w/benefits COJJ¥l1crcial travel and pcrdiem ,·Ii thin study area Air charter and professional services including equipment repairs Miscel1aneo~s building materials,mnrine and biologica~supplies,fuel t camp gear. 58.9 .TOTAL \ I I'•V •V "V .V .....y._~_ ,. OTIIER. 1 fEDERAL ilGJfMAjCi i' ..~Et:E,!!,l fUHO I!~~\RE~S f 58.9 , iI i'ROGilAM IlECEIPTS (t (( Jug~t &Milnag.C~ncnt Div.'';>r' REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION ,,",UVl..I\.''\''V''I..,In.",'.f.-_.--_. AGENCY .-----.-DIVISiON [lUnGET Itl:QUESr UNIT .. ,---UUI)GETCOfIirOHENT-.. AI'I'I\OI'RIA T ION -~ ALLOCATION -.I - '. OC,\TlON' Anchorage JUSTIFICATIONI The Susitna Hyro.f'~asibiiity sludies are a coo~erlltive.effort with the.Alaska Power Authority for the study of thO'feasibility a:'major'proposed capital . fishery Diologist Ii I'improvement proj ect which the'Department of Fish and Gam.ecannot accemplish, ________---:--__...,,-.within the 'realm of its ceneral"programs,and which because of the developmclltoftheSuHydroPlanofStudy(POS)late in this fiscal year by APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FY '81.'. \ 'OSITION -ITLE GGU PermanentL Seasonal / 16 vrE (fUll OR.rAR.T.TIME) Tbis position,a Fiahery Biologist II,will serv~'as crew Leader and a lnemberof field study team assigned to the "resident and juvenile anadromoua ll fish studies c I (the Talkeetfla to Devila /Canyon river section.-The Fishery Biologist'II-will be responfible for the field study team's compliance with biological sampling schedul the utilization of standardized biological technlque~and adequacy of recotdk~epin AHGE I DARGAININGUNIT'.t as e~tablished by the Fishery"Biologist III,'projec~~eader..'.',' On a continuing ~asis.funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capital improvement program.for the Susitna Hydroele~tric rroject by the Alaska Power Authority,and allocated to the Department of Fish and Game 1n ________________,I acco~dance with reinlburs~ble services agreements f?rmulated between these agen~1ei. ONTlll Y SAlAR,V r't MONTItS 1~'tJ FY 'UMOER REQUESTED 1 ' $2,960 6 DETAIL OF RELATED EXPENSES '1 P£RSONAlSERVICES I 17.7 I 6 months salary w/henefi ts ?__~~AYEl 'I O.S 'I COI_reial travel and peT diem within study area.'~_COH~CTI,IAl is''Air charter and miscellaneous professional s~rvices...~COM/..1<~OlTIES • _1:0 Materif!ls,project supplies,special.clothing j EQUU'f,1fNT I'i 20.0 (.( TOYAl ( 1 OTJlEIl D02 HOE IVd. e-a J olifiiiCi i' .---~. >01 GENfRAl FUUD I'3 S I/AftECflI'TS f-'20.0 • na i'kOGfi,\U IlECEWr5 Cl IX IVIMlill.:C~lCm lJlV. .~F:'REVISED PROGHAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION 1-}~-~WBif,-~--'~-.J .....__~__._'~_~___'___"_ o.u~.I)Gn l.tEQ.U..ESTU.N1T .~....~••_...-n\JUGET cmWmlEHT .•___~ Arl'l\OPIlIATION . AlI.OCATION • .--I .--------~~--~--~~.-- " :' Fishery Biologist I ATION, Anchorage ITioN LE I USTlfICI\TioNa The Susitna nyro F,aoo·1biiity B tudlcs oro a cooperative effort ,Jith the Alnslta Fower Authority for ,the study of tho-feasibility a'maJor'proposed capital .. improvelnent }lroj ect which the·Deportment of Fish llnd Game cannot accomplish· __-------:-~-------~Iwithin the ·realm of its general'programs',and which because of the development.pf .the Su Hydro rl~of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year b,y APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADFbG's progrom for FY '81...' E (FULL QR rAI\T-rIME)'Permanen!/_ Seasonal GE .DARGAINiNG utllr 14 GGU ,------- fElJEI\Al -GjFMATCii' GENERAL FUIIO fiAR"EcEliors I 32,9 . I'lt00RAijiECEIPrS •, TOTAL ( 32.9. ( { l:C 0'(rhe 'GO:VCrilOr :gct ..~Milnagclllcnt Dlv..Sr:: REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION i __"-~''''--______~'''~__~_____·._.__0••-.. COVE/trROGRAM ._--.,---,.. ~---~--AGEtlCY -. -DIViSION .: .~ ~I)GET IlL;QUESTUN/T ...,,- OUOGETCOMPONENT i Al'I'ROPIlIA liON --, AllOCArloN , ~OER REQUESTED _....:3~_ GGU Anchorage 14, 'E (fUll OR PAItT·TlME) PermaoentL IThe fishery biologie ts':eGPonsilJilitie's will Le.to collect biological data in thl seasonal:=field pertaining to fiah species distribution,compo9itl~n,abundance,·migrat~ona' ~~~~;:':';':::"-t patterns and characteristics;various life history requireluents,critical llabltat areas"angler utilization,and other pertinent information;Investigational'~rew: 'Will.spend e~ten9ive time in the field and w!11 utilize nets,seines,traps t elect IGE I DARGA/NING UNIT I shoc~ere,boata,etc.,to accompliah their goals.:rhey will be responsible for' following and meeting designated sampling schedules,biological preservation and/( preparatio~,keeping 8d~quate recorda,and maintenance of gear and equipment.ArE of emphasis,will be thc impoundment area.., On a continuing basis,funds for these studies will be budgeted ~~part of the HUl Y SAlAR.vitI-MONTIIS (eYI 'I capita 1-improvement"program for the Sus itna IIydroe l,ectric Project by the ,."Alaska Power Authonty.and allocated to the Department of Fish and Game in accordance with reimbursable services agreements fotinu1ate~between these :ATlON- IUST,FICA TION: The Susitna Hyro F~aBiuiiity studies are n cooperative effort with the 'Ala5ka Power Authority io'r the study of tho-feasibility a"mc1j or'proposed capital . Pi I 0 , 1 i t I 'I iloprovemeI\t proj ect ~hich the'Department of Fisll and Game cannot accomplish. , 5 .ery 10 og 5'..____~,---__~_-_-_---~within the 'realm of its general programs',anduhich because of the development.of the Su Hydro Plan of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year by APA could not be budgeted as n pa~t of ADF&G's progrom for FY '8l~. ;ITION LE $2.600.00 7 "'OETAIL Of ItELArED EXPENSES PERSOtlhl'SEI\VICES I 16."2 1 months salary ",/benefits :rn,\vEl '- 0 •.9 Comlnercinl'travel flnd PCI"diem \dthin study area .' CO/IT"ACTUAl ~3.5'Air charter,'gui!!."."t I,.!!dr,f •••for ~rofe••iollai service•• COf\u.t<!.Drf!ES ~4.9 .Materials,marine nnd hiological suppl!es.fuels,clothing. U)UIl'MfHT • t(,(t .21..5~__TOTAL OTIIER . 1 fEOER.Al i(~T.\ATCii· :G£Nflt,.\l FUUO -1&\R~cEI!'l1~'----e-l 27,5 '-=, f'Jl OG It AI"f\r:eEl rlS (( Iget I.~Manllgement Dlv.,. , REViSED I'ROGRAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION _-".""'11 ••,......_.',11-'....,~----. AGENCY , ----~DIVISiON -,. nUDGEr REQUEST UNIT. ._-. UUU~ETCOMrONENT . ,j AI'I'ROI'JUA liON -. ALLOCATION·. :ATlON· Anchorage SITlON Fishery Dialogist III'"LE . JUSTlFICATIONI The Susitna l~yro F~a6ibiiity studies nre a cooperative effort with the Alaska POWBl:'Authority for the study of thO'feasibility s"major'proposed c~pita1 . improvement proj ect which the Deportment of Fish and Ganle cannot accomplish· ____~-~('~ithin the realm of ita neneral'programs"J a~d which because of the development of the Su Hydro Plan of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year by APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&Gls program for FY 161.. • IDETAilOfRELATEI>EXf>H/SES tf.MONTtlS (cr)FY ,12 16 3,283.11 " iT'll Y SALARY. I.WE R REQUESTED ] P This position wIll function as the project leader for the "spacial and seasonal 'E (fUll OR PAR.r·TlME)erma~:~t t ,.'.Full-iiiile =hab.itat ll studies.Responsibilities will be to hire a!'d organize field ..~ersonn~l, plan;implement and direct specific habitat-related studies involving r~ow reg1mes, water guality,instream flow.needs for fish,sediment loads and tra~sport,ri~arian characteristics,.etc.A further responsibility will"be the close coordination of l ,I th~se studies with the relqted fisheries investigations,occurrin~simultaneously. 'GE OARGAINING UNIT AnalyBis and documentation of field data obtained in these studies ,will be the GGU ..t project 1ea.der's'responsi.biHty.. On a continuing basis,funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capital improvement program for the Susttna Hydroelectric Project by'the Alaska Power Authority,and allocated to the Department of Fish and Game in 'accordance with reimbursable services agreements formulated between these ~gencies. rERSONAl SERVICES 39:4 12 months r salary with·hend1 tB _ TRAVEl,-.1..3 conun~rcial travel and per <item within Cook In]el-study CO:HRACTVAl .3.1 .Colitractua1 for professionnl serves.repairs of equipment,air cbarter.s,etc . COMMODITIES 1.5'Misc.su~plies,materials and office cOlUlr,oditie8.·'. EQUIN;UH .I -I"' (((((((~ '45.3 ( TOTAL'" { OTlIER 2 f(UERAl ~jffMA~t "j ·1 GEN EitA L F'.;U~N=::O:'-__-F --:----=-__ SUA ftfCEWTS •~"'..l:!3;.......,.,___ a;ii~AM Ill:C;EU'rs dgct L~MilOJ8C~ncnt Dlv.~r ' REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION LOYI.:I\/'/lUUIHIIII ._~~_ ~GI;NC!.._;__I .DIViSiON --------'--------- 'OUl)GET nEQUESTUNIT--nUDGEr COMPONENT AI'I'ROr~~TION I AllOCATION ~-------~--.-----~-- ,--~ \ \1 .' t,t MONTHS tQtl IT 10 IIt/l6 2,960 NTtIL V SALAR Y ,.,( l " ) P 't IThese positions will function as both members of,and leaders of,field study crews rr..FUL OR rART.TIME •ermqmm S 1 assigned to collection of habitat and stream flow data from the Susitna River.The easona .'_.•__'--~ishery Biologl,sts II w111 be responsible for·the field .study team's ccmpliance wit predet~rmined schedules,adherence to state-of-the-art and standar~ized metheds of tnea$Urement and sampling,adequacy of recordlteeping,'and enSure the sampling of NGE l-O-A-R-G-A-I-N-IN-G--U-N-I-T-----·~I esse~tial habitat requirements of fish.flow~egime5,~tc .•progres~as planned. On a continuing Qasis,funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the ceu .I capital improvement program.for the Susitna Bydroele~tric Project by the Alaska Power Authority.and allocated to the Department of Fish and Game in I I accordance with reimbursable services agreements formulated between these agencie~.. I.·.:UER REQUESTED __-./.2~__ ICATlON· Anchorage JUSTIFICATIONI . The Susitna JIyro F.easibiiity s"i:udies are a cooperative effort wJ.th the Alaska Pm'ler Authority io~.the study of thO'feasibility a"maJor'proposed capital ' improvement project which I:;he'Department of Fish and Game cannot accomplish:, ________-:-~I~ithin the 'realm of its ceneral'programs',and ,which because of the development of the ,Su llyclro }l1an of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year by APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G1s program for FY '61.' ISITION Fishery Diol,ogist lIn HE _~,.I:!~TAJl OF RELATED EXPENSES PERSONAL,SERVICES _?Q (,•10 months salary with benefits ----..i ~_AYEl .1.0'.Commercial travel and per diem within Cook.Inlet study area.,_ CONTR,\CTUAL q 6'Air charter,leases of misc.field equipment and professIonal services.. COM"'q,OITlES .'4.0 lotisc.Bupplied.fuels.buildinf!materials marine SttOnl!ef . EQUIPMENT • \ 44.2TOTAL OlllER 2 fF.()fRAl . lG/FMAjCii' ':G;:/·:I:RI\L FUND I j~tI:;RECElfIT~,44.j j rROGRALI nECEIPlS . t ((. :Igc~6:Mi\nilge~llCnt Dlv,? JtEVISED PROGRA.M ".REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION ....,--,..."....,.---..- AGENCY ,---DIVISION... OUI)GE.TrtEQUEST UNIT , UUUGET COMI'ONENT Al"'ROrRIATION ALLOCATION ., CATION "Anchorage SITION FislH~ry Biologist I flE JUnff ICA TION I The Susitnn Hyro .F~eas'ibiiity aiudies nre a cooperative effort with the Alasl<a Power Authority for the study of tho-feasibility a'major'proposed capital . improve~ent proj ect \.,hich the'Department of },<'ish and Game cannot accomplish· ________________~__----------~Iwithin the realm of its general'programs,and which because of the development.of the Su 1lydro Pl~of Study (POS)late in this fiscal ye~r by.APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FY 181.. .GGU11. rE (fULL OR PART.TIME)~PermaneD..t--The fishery biologis ts a~signed to the seasonal ~pacia1 and habita~.sutdics will be Seasonal responsible for field data collections pertaining to:(1)essential habitat require' ----------.,,~~::..:::;.~::=.-----Il!!ents,for fish including spawning,incubation',rearing,.passage.etc.;(2)the MOER REQUESTED '3 seasonililJ.relationships of flolll regimes and biological habitat characteristic~;;. (3)water quality and chemical characteristi<;s;and'(4)develop methods of'.deter- '",GE OARGAINING UNIT mining habitat 'characteristics in diffic~lt reaches.o~the streams.Extensive time ,,,.ill be spent in field camps located the length of the affected reaches of the Susitna Riv~r.. DETAIL Of RELATED EXPENSES I'EnSOtlALSERVICE5 35.1'13.5 months'salary with benefits . TRAVEl -1.0 .Commercial travel and per diem \-lithin the study area. cornnACIUAl 11.3 Principally air charter I various lake analysis work and professional services •. -COM;'''~OJnES 6.7 INisc.materials,supplies)fuels and camp gear £QUll'r.tENT On a continuing basis,funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the r -.-..,...--------11 capita 1 improvement progr.am for the Sus itna Hydroelectric Project by the NHflYSALARY #MONTHStQtt FY \Alaska Power Authority,and allocated to 'the Dep.artment of Fish and Game in accordance with reimbursable services agreements fonnulated between these 2.600 I 13.5 htttefld es i .. -~-----i ,- ,-{ t 54.1 , ( TOTALAe OIliER -~~------ 1 FEUERAl----_...----)G/F /.lATCIl ~. 4 GENEI\Al fUND I f S riA ~~s 54.1 ~ ~p n.OGI~"''''ItECEIPTS Uo""LX !Y111I1.lgc~l1cnl UIV.. ,. ,.., REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION _.__....."__t~,,rr,----.---,~I" AGENCY--.---.. ,OIV~!2iL.-,.' -. OtJl)GliT IlEQUEH UNIT,--'-. DUOGET COMrONENr ~ AI'I'ROrrUA TlON AUOC/\liON . , _._. :' JUSTIFICA TlON, The Susitna Hyro,F~a6ibiiity sludies nre a cooperative effort with the,Alaska Fower Authority for the 6 tudy of,thO'feasibility a"major'proposed capital . Im}lt'ovement proj act which the'Department of Fish and Game cannot accomplish .lwithin the 'realm of its general'programs',and which because of the development, ,of the Su Hydro Pl~of Study (rOS)late in 'this f:l.scal year by APA could not be budgeted 8S a part of ADF&Gta program for FY 181.'(,\TlON, Anchor:ag e )S\TION Biometrician ,II HE l,56f '.HlER REQUESTED 1 rE(fULLORrART~IME)Permanent Responsibilities of the ~iometrician will inc1ud~statistical design and consulcati .'Full-time i~planning of the various Susitna Hydro pn~jectB)as 'well as developme.nt and .application of methods for analysis of resultant data..l'he biometrician will also coope'rqte with Data Processing personnel,in coordinating data flow and'management. and with other p~oject personnel in interpretation of findings and production 'of "GE I bARGAINING UNIT I repons.Performance of these biometric dudes is ~ssential to the'effici~nl and time production of high quality,scientifically sound'study info~ation. ,19 I GGU "I .~,.',On a cont1nulng basls,funds for these studles will be budgeted as part of the capitalimprovernent program for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the ..,UllY5ALARV L~~MONTIIS(OMt FY IAlaska power,Authority,and alloc~ted to the Department of Fish and ,Game inaccordancewlthreimbursableserVlcesagreement$formulated between .these 12 I agencies. DETAIL OF I\EU\lED EXI'EN5ES ~EnSONAl5ERV'C£S ~42.8'12 months'salary with benefits .' TRAVH 3.0 ,Commercial travel and per diem within H,nd outside study area, CONTRACTUAL 4.0'Keypunching,computer time.data processing and 'storage --. . , -COI,,uMJDITIES '1.5 , 'Office supplies,data process!nJ;supplies.references.daia s torane devices . EQU!;t~ENT "I I' (,, ____~hJ If !FEDERAL iG/Fi.lAiCi f . 'ca:NEll,\L fUND • ~-~------ 1(,\RECEIPTS PROGRAM IU:CEII'IS OHlER "fOTAl t 51.3 .'I .1\7\'l\A 1\' 1\ -0""....""'''ULj''~''''''~.....,0", REVISED PROGRAM ,REQUEST FOn NEW POSITION -..~--..-.......-.-. AGENCY , ----~,- DIVISION - BUnGEr IlEQUEST UNii ,-~- [lUOGET COMPONENT - Arl'/WPIUAT/ON -ALLOCATION 'SlTlON EDP Programmer II fLE ' C,\lION· Anchorage. ',USTlfICATIONl The Susitna Hyro ,F.~a5·ibii1ty studies are a cooperative effort with the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the-feasibility a"major'proposed capital . improvement project which the Department of Fish and Game cannot accomplish· ,t~ithin the ,realm of its cenera~programs;and which because of the development of the Su Hydro Plan of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year bY·APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FY '81.' " /.tOER REQUESTED _~1~_ fiE (FULL Oil rART-TIME)_ #MONTHS ~i FY 6 17 HtlL Y SALARY 2,766 Responsibilities of the progranuner will include:execution of packaged computer pr l grams;design,creation,'compi1ing testing,maintenance and documentation of new -----------~------_llcomputer programsj organization and quality control of ihput data,maintenance ofcomput~r files;and cooperation with the biometrician and Data Processing pei~onnel in coordinating data flo,",nnd IJ\tlnagement.Performance of these activities·.is . '~GE I DARGAINING UtfU I ease1)tia1 and timely production of high quality SuS~t~8 Hydro information., On a continuing Qasls,funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the GGU -I capital improvement .program,for the SusHnaHydroel e,ctric project by the .Alaska Power Authority,and allocated to the O~partment of Fish ahd Game in accordance with reimbursable services agreements fonnulated'between these agencie~.'. Z2,5 . 22.5tOTAL --~~I I 1 fEDERAL IGffI.lAiCii' ;~n.:E_~\t FUND I I I'"l\ECEWH ;;:;WGRA"imCEII'lS ____~I l'v.y V,.V V \ I -DETAil Of RElATED EXPENSES PERSONAL-SERVICES _16.6 ~ntha'§l\lary with henefits . _,!!~~L '1.8 Commercial travel and per diem,eersonnl vehicle mileage CONTRACTUAL . '3.5'KeyPunching computer time,data processing and'storage ~ COMMODrneS .6 Office supplies,data processing supplies J references,data -storage devices____fr .EQU!l:~(NT .I.......__~·--.-;..'-------------------------. OTI/Ell I ..,..._ I a t t .'............, !C (,~'.(~.(t (( ct &M;H1JllC~lcnt Dlv.:7r' . REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST fOR NEW POSITION \....o~.r .......I\.I ,,,vUI\l\t'(l--_..-_.-.............---..... AGENCY---., DIVISiON DUIlGf:FREQUEST UNIT ~-. nUOGEr COMl'ONENT AJ'l'ROPRlArlON . ALLOCATION . '. ,'• Main ..enanco~lI Anchorage TlON,' IUSTlflCATIONI The Susitna llyro.F~a5ibiiity studies are a cooperative ~ffort with the Alaska Power Authority for the study of the-feasibility a'major'proposed capital ' improvement project which the'Department of Fish and Game cannot accomplish, ______________~--------------~lwithin the realm of its general'p~ogram9'and which because of the developmcn~.of the Su Hydro Plan of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year by APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for FY I B1.·, flON E lEft REQUESTED 1 (fULL OR pART.TUAE)Permanent Duties of the maintenance mechanic will be the ft;t.brication of field collection facHi ,Seasonal ties;the outfitting and maintenance of vehicular marine equipment>i outboard'engines, ------------------------------------~>snowmachinesond other moto~driven and mechanical equipment.He'will be involved in fabrication and repair work both in,the shop edvironment 4nd in remote field'areas 48 needed.,'The mechanic will also be respon~ible for ordering And maintaining a stoc E I DARGAINING UNIT I of essential spare parts and components for critical field equipment 'items, Local 71/f ~.883 On a,continuing basis.funds for these studies will be budgeted as part of the capital ;mp'rovement program'for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project by the ,Alaska Power Authority.and allocated to the Department of Fish and GaD~in lILYSALARV It,<MONTII<lJ;Xi FY "I.accor~ance with reimbursable services agreements fonnulated between these ,agencle3. . 6 arell TOTAL I 26.5 fEDERAL Glfl.1AWi' ~ENE..R_"l FUHO I I JA It EEEIt'TS 2~'.5 iflOGifM:fi\E<;EIrr s •. i ((( llice or the Governor "-5r' udgCl &Mi\nagc~ncnt Dl\(. REVISED PROGRAM REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION CA Ill-Ul(T .-------_._~_.....'" COVER rROGRAM -.--.,.-...-.. AGEHCY -----DIVISiON ' '-OUI>GET REQUEST UNIT .~---IlUOGETCOMPONENT. AI'I'flOl'ltlAT10N ... 1\LLOC/\lION , '. . Ancllorage . Fishery Techh1cion III )CI\T10N· ,JUSTIFICATION I The Susitna ltyro Fens'ihiiity studies are a coope~ative effor't with the Alaslc.a PmmI'Authority io~the study of thO"feasibility a"major'proposed capital ' improvement project which the'Department of Fish and Game cannot accoffi(llish ________'--:-..:...-Ilwithin the 'realm of its general"programs',and which because of the development.of the Su Hydro rlan of Study (POS)late in this fiscal year by APA could not be budgeted as a part of ADF&G's program for'FY '81.' OSITION IHE }t.IOEIl REQUESTEO _._---=1=--__ (rE(FUlLORrART~IME)fermanent ,Duties of this position ~i11 be the expediting o~equipment and supply orders for I :Part-Time t field camps.assisting field crews order and purchase biological and relQtedmater: and equipment,arranging charter flights,collecting biological field ~ata and proces~for temporary data storage during the field season,·etc.He will.on ,oec a - I I son,,fill in 8S a member of a '';In-field''stu4y teaul'as needed.' OARGAINING UNIT GGU if.MONTHS ~FY 2 ,NGE 11 'NTttl v SALAM,Y 2,200 On a continuing bas is,funds for these studies will be'budgeted.as part of the capital improvement program for the Sus1tna Hydroelectric Pr~j~ct by the Alaska power Authority,and'allocated to th~Deparbnent of'Fish andG.ame in I ,accor~ance with reimbursable services agreements formulated between these agencl es.. PERSONAL SERVICES 4.4 . OETAllOF RELATED EXPENSES vi tJL.h~ef..itS _~._ t(t(( 5.4 , 4 -TOTAL ......-::..-...(..~,....-.;.~~t -~ 1 HOE-hI\L 3G/FmiCif ~ENE.~Al HinD.I~\Po ~CEtPrs .'•.•:1.5 4 , 1 .PROGItAI.,ItECEIPH "-..-J . n~Avr:l ., (Ot~~CTt!Al F--~--:5 IMin'or l:ontractual services;associated with field equipment . COMM~DITIES .1_.5 .Misc.s.u~plie6 and materials~- EQUlft;.....1_EN...;.T.....- OTt-IE1\__~