HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS61t 6i 1M Interior Anchorage-Fairbanks Transmission lntertie ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS REPORT INCLUDING RADIO AND TELEVISION PRECONSTRUCTION MEASUREMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS TOWER SURVEY ENGINEERING REPORT R-2394 June 1982 ,__ __ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ _.~ - ------~~--G_i_l _b_e_rt __ I_C_o_rn __ rn __ o_n_vv __ e_a __ lt_h __ e_ng_in_ee_rs_;_co_ns_u_lta_n_ts_;a_rc_hi_te_ct_s __________________________________ __ COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC ., 209 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49201/Tel. 517 788-3000 June 25, 1982 Mr. David R. Eberle Project Manager Alasks Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Mr. Eberle: Subject: ANCHORAGE/FAIRBANKS INTERTIE ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS REPORT Enclosed are 22 copies of 11 Electrical Environmental Report 11 (R-2394). The 22 copies supplied are in accordance with Mr. David Wozniak's letter of December 22, 1981, Item 1, and are for your distribution. The report as submitted is final and includes sections entitled, 11 Electrical Environmental Effects Report;11 Appendix A, 11 Results of Preconstruction Measurements of Radio and TV Signal Strengths and Radio Frequency Noise;11 and Appendix B, 11 Communication Tower Survey 11 • These three sections of the report were orginally submitted in the first draft as individual reports but are submitted together in the final report for convenience. LGM/dl Enclosures Gilbert/Commonwealth family of Companies Reading, PA Jackson , Ml New York, NY Rio de Janeiro, Brazi l ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS REPORT INCLUDING RADIO AND TELEVISION PRECONSTRUCTION MEASUREMENTS APPENDIX A AND COMMUNICATIONS TOWER SURVEY APPENDIX B Engineering Report R-2394 prepared by: J. F. Torri, P.E. J. T. Hancock, P.E. at the offices of Commonwealth Associates Inc. 209 East Washington Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 June 4, 1982 Approved by: ..!L'l 2 0 1982 r;/J 1t.oJ5 . Ub A Lith / rdl ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOPE • • • CONCLUSIONS • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSMISSION LINE CONFIGURATION • . . . . . . . . . INTERTIE OPERATING VOLTAGES • • • . . . . . . . . . HEAVY RAIN AND WET CONDUCTOR CONDITIONS DEFINED • . . . LEVELS OF OZONE CONCENTRATION AND THE QUALITY OF AIR. • AUDIBLE NOISE • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RADIO INTERFERENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radio Frequency Noise Calculations • . . . . . . . Hardware Radio Frequency Noise • • • . . . . Page 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 7 7 8 Rpdio Station Signal Strength Measurements • • • • 8 Estimated Radio Reception Quality. • • • • • • • • 8 CB Radio Interference •• TELEVISION INTERFERENCE • ELECTRIC FIELDS • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 10 • • • • 10 • • 11 Induced Currents MAGNETIC FIELDS • • . . . . . . . . . • • • 12 BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS •• ELECTRICAL SAFETY • • Physical Contact • Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i • • 13 . . . • 13 • 14 • 14 . . . • 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT) REFERENCES. TABLES. • • • APPENDIX A -RADIO AND TV PRECONSTRUCTION MEASUREMENTS APPENDIX B -COMMUNICATION TOVJER SURVEY ii 15 17 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS REPORT SCOPE This report discusses the electrical environmental effects of three 345 KV transmission lines associated with the Alaska Power Authority's intertie between Willow and Healy, Alaska. This report presents the results of calculations, preconstruction field measurements and a communication tower survey. The following subjects are discussed: Ozone generated by transmission line corona Audible noise generated by transmission line corona Broadcast and citizen band (CB) radio interference Television interference Electric and Magnetic Field Strength Induced Currents and Safety Aspects Biological Effects and Electrical Safety The report is based on an analysis of three single circuit 345 kV lines on a common 400 foot wide right-of-way as described in a following section of this report. To estimate the effects of the transmission lines, an operating voltage of 362.5 kV was used. Preconstruction measurements taken in the study area between Willow and Healy determined the radio and television signal strengths and ambient radio frequency noise levels. The results of these measurements document the preconstruction conditions and are presented in Appendix A. A survey of radio communications towers licensed to business and governmental agencies in the study area was conducted to identify locations where the metallic structures of the intertie may interfere with communication signals. The results of this survey are presented in Appendix B. -1- CONCLUSIONS The conclusions below are based on studies conducted for operation of the intertie at 362.5 kV. Initially, the intertie will be operated at a lower voltage of 138 kV. During the period of operation at 138 kV, all electrical environmental effects will have much lower levels and will be, for practical purposes, negligible. No measurable levels of ozone will be generated by the intertie transmission lines. The low levels of audible noise produced by the intertie will not result in significant noise problems. No interference to FM radio reception caused by rf noise from the intertie is expected. No interference to AM radio reception from the intertie is expected at distances greater than 1000 feet from the center- line of the right-of-way. No interference to TV reception is expected from the intertie in locations where present TV reception is good. Electric and magnetic field strengths produced by the intertie at ground level will be harmless. The minimum phase-to-ground clearance of 30 feet is sufficient to satisfy the 8 kV/meter design criterion for maximum electric field strength on the right-of-way. The 30 foot phase-to-ground clearance is sufficient to satisfy the National Electrical Safety Code five milliampere induced current criterion for large vehicles (13.5' H, 8.5' W, 70' L) on highways and major roads crossing perpendicularly beneath the intertie. No shock hazards from induced currents from the intertie are expected. -2- RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of this analysis, the following recommendations are made. In areas where use of large (tall) equipment is operated under the lines, adequate clearance should be maintained by the operators of the equipment to insure that minimum NESC clearances are attained. Metallic fences and/or large stationary metallic objects permanently located inside the right-of-way should be grounded to prevent possible nuisance shocks. Between Willow and Curry, a minimum separation of 1000 feet is recommended between the centerline of the intertie right-of-way and long parallels to the Parks Highway and to residences to preserve the existing quality of AM radio reception. Between Curry and Garner (south of Healy), the one AM radio signal able to be measured has a Grade D quality of reception. The recommended minimum separation between the edge of the right-of-way and the commercial and governmental communications towers in the study area are presented in Table B-3 of Appendix B. TRANSMISSION LINE CONFIGURATION The analysis is based on three single-circuit 345 kV trans- mission lines on a common 400 foot wide right-of-way. one structure is located on the centerline of the right-of-way, and the other two structures are separated from the center structure by a distance of 115 feet. The structure is a guyed steel pole x. The minimum phase conductor height is 30 feet and the average conductor height is 44.3 feet based on a suspension height of 73 feet and a sag of 43 feet. A bundle of two 1.165 inch diameter wires comprise each phase conductor which are spaced 33 feet apart. The shield wires are 3/8 inch extra high strength steel and have a minimum height of 76.7 feet. The two shield wires on each structure are spaced 52 feet apart. -3- INTERTIE OPERATING VOLTAGES The nominal voltage of the intertie is 345 kV. The operating voltages are expected to range from a minimum of 310.5 kV ~o a maximum of 362.5 kV [1]. Calculations of the electrical environmental effects were made for the maximum operating voltage. HEAVY RAIN AND WET CONDUCTOR CONDITIONS DEFINED In calculating and evaluating audible noise and radio frequency noise from the transmission lines, it is necessary to define the terms "wet conductor" and "heavy rain." The wet conductor (also called "after rain") condition represents a natural condition of very light rain, drizzle or dense fog. The conductor is saturated with pendant water drops and the concen- tration of moisture in the air is just sufficient to maintain an equilibrium between the loss and replacement of water drops [ 2] • The audible noise level during wet conductor conditions represents the maximum noise in fog, the noise in light rain and the noise immediately after rain [2] • For radio noise the wet conductor condition represents the average (50 per- cent point) radio noise level for the total foul-weather period. Foul-weather includes all periods of rain, wet snow, and "wetting fog" [2]. For audible noise purposes, heavy rain is defined as a laboratory condition of artificial rain of intensity ranging from 0.7 to 3.5 inches per hour which gives reproducible results and simulates a special situation which occurs in nature for short periods of time [2]. For radio noise pur- poses, heavy rain is defined as a rainfall rate of 0.47 inch per hour or greater. For 99 percent of the total foul-weather period, the radio noise generated by corona can be expected to be below the heavy rain value [2]. In a general context, heavy rain may be considered as a rainfall rate of 0.5 inches per hour or greater. LEVELS OF OZONE CONCENTRATION AND THE QUALITY OF AIR Field measurements, laboratory studies, and analytical predictions [3, 4, 5], show that existing high voltage trans- mission lines, including 345 kV lines, produce no significant levels of ozone. -4- Actual field measurements, have shown that commercial trans- mission lines, including 345 kV, 500 kV and 765 kV lines, do not generate ozone levels which are measurable above the ambient levels. The results of these studies clearly demon- strate that ozone levels produced by transmission lines are significantly below the maximum concentration level (0.12 parts per million) recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency [6]. It is concluded that the line design used will produce no significant levels of ozone. AUDIBLE NOISE corona generated audible noise from ac transmission lines is greatest during heavy rain when corona activity is greatest. During these periods, the background audible noise level also increases and public activity generally decreases. These two factors tend to offset the effect of increased noise during heavy rain. When the conductor is wet following a heavy rain or during light rain, fog or snow, lower levels of audible noise are produced by transmission line corona. However, since back- ground audible noise levels are also lower during light rain, fog, or snow and public activity is more nearly normal, the "wet conductor" condition is generally used as the audible noise design condition for ac transmission lines. Audible noise during fair weather is highly variable and is dependent on the conductor surface condition and the number of dust particles or insects on the conductors. The audible noise from the Anchorage-Fairbanks Transmission Intertie during fair weather will probably be inaudible to a person with normal hearing standing under or near the line. Some- times a faint "crackling" noise may be heard if one listens for this noise. Many factors will determine whether a particular person will be aware of this noise. If a light wind is blowing, air turbulence around the ears in usually more than loud enough to obscure fair weather audible noise. Natural noise sources would also tend to mask the fair weather noise from the lines. A person having his attention focused on some activity or engaged in conversation would probably not be aware of fair weather audible noise from the lines unless he would specifically listen for it. -5- Audible noise levels for the intertie have been calculated using methods developed at Project UHV [2]. The calculated maximum audible noise level and the calculated noise level at the edge of right-of-way (EROW) are given in Table 1 for heavy rain and wet conductor conditions. Estimated fair weather levels (inaudible) are also given. Bonneville Power Administration developed a general guideline [7] based upon public response to ac transmission line audible noise. The guideline indicates that numerous com- plaints can be expected if the line noise exceeds approxi- mately 58.5 dBA and that few complaints should be expected if audible noise is less than 52.5 dBA. The calculated noise levels for the subject line indicate that few complaints should result from transmission line audible noise and then only if conditions of heavy rain and maximum system voltage occur simultaneously. The EPA Levels Document [8] discusses the effects of various day-night average sound levels (Ld ) in terms of interference with speech communication, commun1~y reaction, annoyance and attitude toward the area. A summary of the expected effects of an outdoor day-night average sound level of 55 dB, as developed by the Committee on Hearing, Bioacoustics and Biomechanics (CHABA) [9], is shown in Table 2 together with the defining equation for Ld • Effects for Ldn levels below 55 dB have not been develope9. For purposes of comparison, the 44 dBA wet conductor audible noise level (at the edge of the right-of-way; see Table 1), excluding background noise, may be converted to an equivalent Ld • To do this, it must be assumed that the conductors w1£1 remain wet (producing a 44 dBA noise level) for a 24 hour period. This is a very conservative assumption. The resulting equivalent day-night average sound level (Ld ) is 50.4 dB. Since this level is well below 55 dB, the et~ects of transmission line noise will be much smaller than those given in Table 2. A comparison of transmission line audible noise levels can be made with other common noise sources given in Table 3 [10]. Such a comparison illustrates that the intertie will not significantly increase the noise level to which people are normally exposed. Therefore, no problems are expected as a result of the low levels of audible noise produced by the intertie. -6- RADIO INTERFERENCE Radio interference from ac transmission lines may result from corona generated radio frequency (rf) noise. The severity of this interference depends on the strength of the desired radio signal and the intensity of the transmission line rf noise. This assumes that the transmission line rf noise exceeds the ambient rf noise. The magnitude of corona generated rf noise decreases with increasing frequency and is very low at frequencies above 10 MHz. Interference is generally noticed on AM broadcast-band radios located near a transmission line such as in an automobile passing under a line. FM radios generally do not experience inter- ference from corona generated radio noise for two reasons: the magnitude of radio noise is quite small in the FM broad- cast band (88-108 MHz) and the interference rejection proper- ties inherent in FM radio systems make them virtually immune to static type disturbances. No interference to FM radio reception caused by rf noise from the intertie is expected. The degree of interference to AM broadcast reception caused by corona generated radio noise is characterized in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The SNR is more generally expressed in terms of the difference (in decibels) between the radio station signal strength and the radio frequency noise, both expressed in decibels based on a one microvolt per meter reference level (dBu). The quality of radio reception expressed in terms of SNR is defined in Appendix A, page A-5. Signal strengths of AM broadcast stations and ambient rf noise levels have been measured at eleven sites in the study area between Willow and Healy (Appendix A). The rf noise levels for the Anchorage-Fairbanks transmission intertie have been calculated. RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE CALCULATIONS corona generated rf noise levels for the three 345 kV trans- mission lines have been calculated for heavy rain and wet conductor conditions using methods developed at Project UHV [2). Radio noise levels for average fair weather can be estimated using averages of measured differences between radio noise during heavy rain and during fair weather. For 345 kV lines this difference in noise levels is about 20 dBu [2). -7- The calculated levels of rf noise from the intertie operating at 362.5 kV are given in Table 4 for three weather conditions; heavy rain, wet conductor and fair weather. The radio noise levels are calculated for a frequency of one megahertz which is representative of the middle of the AM broadcast band. The radio noise level at the low frequency end of the broadcast band (550kHz) is 4.5 dB greater than at one megahertz and at the high frequency end (1600 kHz) it is 5 dB lower. HARDWARE RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE Radio frequency noise from transmission lines may also be generated by loose or damaged hardware where sparking can occur. This problem is not unique to transmission lines but also occurs on lower voltage distribution lines. No methods are available for calculating the intensity of this type of radio frequency noise. If this type of noise causes inter- ference, techniques exist [ll] for locating and correcting these sources of rf noise. RADIO STATION SIGNAL STRENGTH MEASUREMENTS The signal strengths of AM broadcast stations were measured at eleven sites. At these sites, all thirteen radio stations measured had very low signal levels and all signals were below the level required by the Federal Communications Commission for primary service in small towns and northern rural areas. These measurements are discussed in Appendix A. The results of these measurements are summarized in Table 5 in terms of the number of stations observed to provide various grades of reception quality. ESTIMATED RADIO RECEPTION QUALITY The width of the zone of influence depends on the levels of rf noise from the intertie for three different weather conditions. The width of this zone during fair weather is expected to be 800 feet, extending past the edge of the right-of-way a distance of 200 feet. For wet conductor conditions, this zone of influence is 1000 feet wide and extends past the edge of the right-of-way a distance of 300 feet. For heavy rain conditions (expected to occur less than 3 percent of the time) the zone of influence is 1600 feet wide and extends past the edge of the right-of-way a distance of 600 feet. -8- Table 6 tabulates the maximum extent of the zones of influence of corona generated rf noise from three transmission lines operating at 362.5 kV. The width of these zones for the different weather conditions will diminish when less than three lines are energized and when the lines are operated at voltages lower than 362.5 kV. Based on the results of the radio noise calculations and the results of measurements of AM radio station signal strengths in the study area between Willow and Curry (Appendix A), it is recommended that the minimum separation between the centerline of the right-of-way and residences and long parallels with the Parks Highway be 1000 feet. This provides an adequate buffer zone and is expected to preserve the existing quality of AM radio reception near the line route. Between Curry and Garner, AM radio reception is almost non- existant. Only one radio signal was measured at Deneki Lake and that had a Grade D quality of reception. The radio reception analysis pertains only to AM radio reception in the commercial AM broadcast band for daylight propagation condtions. During nighttime hours, the radio propagation characteristics change dramatically and good AM reception might be available only from a few high power clear channel AM stations. Also during thunderstorms, high levels of atmospheric static preclude noise-free AM radio reception. Should radio interference occur near the intertie, it is theoretically possible to restore AM reception quality to preconstruction conditions. However, there are practical problems and limitations in implementing mitigative proce- dures. The basic requirement to restore the existing quality of radio reception is to reestablish the preconstruction signal-to-noise ratio. Any method which decreases the radio frequency noise without affecting the signal strength, or which increases the signal strength but not the rf noise, will be suitable. This will generally require locating an outside antenna beyond the influence of radio noise from the intertie and using a shielded lead-in to connect the antenna to the radio. However, many radios manufactured in recent years do not have provision for an external antenna. The use of an external antenna may require modification of the radio to permit connection of an external antenna. In some cases it may be possible to use the directional character- istics of an internal loop antenna by orienting the radio to minimize the radio noise. -9- CB RADIO INTERFERENCE Interference to a 27 MHz citizen band (CB) radio near the intertie is theoretically possible in two ways: a) a "static" type noise from corona while receiving and b) a signal blocking effect by steel structures on both receiving and transmitting. The severity of the static-like interference will depend on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and hence the strength of the received signal. As previously mentioned, the intensity of radio noise from transmission line corona decreases with increasing distance from the line and decreases at high radio frequencies. Corona generated radio frequency noise will be about 48 dB (250 times) lower at CB frequencies of 27 MHz than at a frequency of one MHz. Assuming typical CB signal strengths, it is estimated that good CB communications (SNR = 16) can be obtained outside the transmission line right-of-way during fair weather con- ditions. During rain a separation of 100 feet will be required for good CB communications. During thunderstorm activity, atmospheric static will mask intertie rf noise in the CB band. Radio noise from loose or damaged transmission or distribution line hardware could cause interference to CB radio reception. If such noise sources cause problems, they can be located and repaired [11]. TELEVISION INTERFERENCE Interference to TV reception, when present, is a visible interference in the received picture. The audio portion of a TV signal is an FM radio system which is not subject to static types of interference as was discussed in the section on Radio Interference. Of the thirteen different television signals measured in the study area (Appendix A), nine of these signals were from television translators. A television translator is a low power facility (normally 10 watts) which receives a weak signal from a primary television station and rebroadcasts the video and audio on a different channel. A TV translator is licensed to provide service to a small geographical area. A TV translator is therefore located near more densly pop- ulated areas such as Talkeetna and Healy, which are areas -10- receiving relatively weak TV signals from Anchorage and Fairbanks respectively. Measurements show that these signals can be detected up to about 20-30 miles from the translator tower with diminishing quality of reception as the distance from the translator tower increases (Appendix A). In the service area of a TV translator, the rebroadcasted signal from the translator is stronger than the weak signal of the primary television station and is therefore less susceptible to interference from the intertie. Television interference from transmission lines is possible from three sources: a) corona generated interference, b) interference from spark discharges associated with loose or damaged hardware, and c) "ghost" images resulting from TV signal reflections from large metallic structures. Corona generated rf noise is quite small in the very high frequency (VHF) range used for television transmission. Generally, if the AM radio reception associated with a particular transmission line is acceptable, then TV inter- ference from corona will not be a problem. Spark discharges associated with loose or damaged hardware can cause TV interference. This problem is not unique to transmission lines but also occurs on lower voltage dis- tribution lines. Loose or damaged hardware can be located and repaired to eliminate this source of interference [11]. Reception of TV signals reflected from large structures can cause delayed or "ghost" images in the TV picture. The tubular steel structures used for the intertie are not expected to reflect sufficient TV signals to cause ghost images. Modification of or addition to the receiving TV antenna system is the most effective means of alleviating ghost images and must be considered on a case by case basis. No TV reception problems are expected to result from the intertie in locations where present TV reception is good. ELECTRIC FIELDS The maximum calculated electric field strength in the intertie right-of-way is 6.9 kV/meter. At the edge of right-of-way, the maximum field strength is 1.6 kV/meter. Other levels of electric field strength for the proposed lines are given in Table 7. These values are for a minimum conductor height of 30 feet, a 33 foot phase-to-phase spacing and an operating voltage of 362.5 kV. -11- These field strengths are directly proportional to line voltage and can be determined for any line voltage (V in kV) by multiplying the given field strengths by v 1 /36~.5. All field strength values are calculated for a standard height of one meter above ground. INDUCED CURRENTS The electric field will induce electric charges on metallic objects (such as vehicles) near the line. This induced charge results in an electric current (induced current) flowing between a vehicle and ground. The largest vehicle allowed on Alaskan state highways without a special permit [12] is 13.5 feet high, 8.5 feet wide and 70 feet long. For this vehicle the maximum induced current will be approxi- mately 4.5 milliamperes based on a perpendicular crossing of a major road or highway, a conductor height of 30 feet and a line operating voltage of 362.5 kV. Induced currents on vehicles under and parallel to the intertie will be greater than for the perpendicular vehicle orientation. Calculations show that a large vehicle (13.5 feet high and 8.5 feet wide) longer than 45 feet and parallel to the intertie will have an induced current greater than 5 milliamperes if it is positioned in the maximum electric field produced by the intertie. However, vehicles this large are not expected under and parallel to the intertie. Smaller vehicles parallel to the intertie will satisfy the 5 milliampere criterion. Measurements show that people touching a large vehicle (i.e., bus or large truck) receive a current of 10 percent or less [13] of the induced current about 90 percent of the time. For an induced current of 4.5 milliamperes, the current through the person touching the vehicle would be about 0.5 milliamperes or less. A current of 0.5 milli- amperes can be perceived by approximately 1.0 percent or less of adult males [13]. The remaining 10 percent of the time, the current through a person touching a vehicle ranges between 10 percent and about 80 percent of the induced current [13]. Even though such currents may become percept- able, they will be safe since the NESC criterion of 5 milli- amperes is satisfied. No shock hazard due to induced currents from vehicles will result. -12- Existing metal fences and large stationary metallic objects permanently located inside the right-of-way will be grounded as an additional precaution. MAGNETIC FIELDS The maximum magnetic field strength und~r heavily loaded 345 kV transmission lines is typically 0.2 Gauss or less at a height of one meter above ground. Such a field strength is between 10 and 100 times smaller than magnetic fields from common household tools and appliances [14] and is considered harmless. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS A comprehensive review of world literature covering several hundred publications has been compiled in the book Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Extremely low Frequency (ELF) [15] by A. R. Sheppard and M. Eisenbud. The authors conclude " ••• there is no evidence that the public health or ecological systems have been jeopardized in the slightest by artificial electromagnetic (transmission line ELF) fields ••• " and " ••• neither is there a basis for alarm concerning exposure (ELF) to the public." A tutorial review of the biological influences of power frequency electric fields by Bridges, [16] concludes "In the interim, based on the above (Bridges') review, it does not appear likely that power-frequency electric fields from existing transmission lines can cause any important biologi- cal effects on humans at ground level. However, the pos- sibility of some subtle and yet undetected effect cannot be excluded." Although there is abundant evidence suggesting that no short-term harmful biological effects of transmission line fields exist, the electric utility industry continues to sponsor additional research. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, California and the u. s. Department of Energy (DOE) have funded research studies totaling several millions of dollars. These and continuing studies are examining the nature of long-term biological effects of continuous exposure to transmission line fields especially as they regard the health and safety of the public. -13- ELECTRICAL SAFETY Two aspects of electrical safety relative to normal proximity to the proposed 345 kV transmission lines are considered below. PHYSICAL CONTACT Physical contact with energized transmission line conductors or objects which touch them is hazardous and may result in injury or death. The same, however, applies to lower voltage distribution lines of all sizes. The likelihood of direct contact with the energized conduc- tors by a person is reduced by using a minimum conductor to ground clearance which satisfies the National Electrical Safety Code. The greatest hazard comes from a person raising a long conductive object, such as a metallic irrigation pipe into the conductors. This hazard is obvious and only careful handling of such objects will prevent accidents. VEHICLES Since it is very difficult to visually judge distance from overhead conductors, anyone operating equipment in close proximity to a transmission line should know the height of his equipment (including fully extended overhead appara- tus) and should limit the height of the equipment to a safe height. The same precautions should be applied to lower voltage distribution lines of all sizes which generally have lower clearances. -14- REFERENCES 1. "Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Transmission Planning Criteria," Letter from J. D. Lawrence (Acres American, Inc.) toR. R. Hoop {Commonwealth Associates Inc.), Augu~t 20, 1981. 2. Transmission Line Reference Book, 345 kV and Above, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California 94304' 1975. 3. Sebo, S. A., et.al., "Examination of Ozone Emanating from EHV Transmission Line Corona Discharges," IEEE Transmission on Power Apparatus and Systems, volume PAS-95, Number 2, pp. 693-703, March/April 1976. 4. Snow, R. H., Kahn, s. R., Shiau, Y., and Bridges, J. E., "Ozone Concentrations Near the 345 kV Single Circuit Dickinson-Wilmarth Transmission Line Under Conditions of Zero Wind Velocity," IIT Research Institute, Project No. 8194, February 1977. 5. Roach, J. F., et.al., "Ozone Concentration Measurements on the C-Line at Apple Grove 750 kV Project and Theoret- ical Estimates of Ozone Concentrations Near 765 kV Lines of Normal Design," IEEE Transmission on Power Apparatus and Systems, Volume PAS-97, Number 4, pp. 1392-1401 July/August 1978. 6. Environmental Protection Agency Regulation on National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards, 40 CFR 50.9, July 1, 1980. 7. Perry, D. E., "An Analysis of Transmission Line Audible Noise Levels Based Upon Field and Three-Phase Test Line Measurements," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Volume PAS-91, Number 3, pp. 857-865, May/June 1972. 8. Environmental Protection Agency, Information of Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate ~1argin of Safety, Document 550/9-74-004, March 1974. -15- 9. Committee on Hearing, Bioacoustics and Biomechanics, Guidelines for Preparing Environmental Impact Statements on Noise, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1977. 10. Sound and Vibration Magazine, pp. 33-36, September 1974. 11. "The Location, Correction and Prevention of RI and TV! Sources from Overhead Power Lines," IEEE Tutorial Course 76CH 1163-5-PWR, IEEE, New York, 1976. 12. Alaska Administrative Code, Title 17, Chapter 25.020 and Chapter 25.030, Alaska Register 78, July, 1981. 13. "The Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Effects of AC Transmission Lines," IEEE Tutorial Course, 79 EH0145-3-PWR, IEEE, New York, 1979. 14. Bridges, J. E., "Biological Effects of 60 Hertz Electric Fields," liT Research Institute Final Report E8151, EPRI Project RP-381-1, November 1975. 15. Sheppard, A. R., Eisenbud, M., Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Extremely Low Frequency, New York University Press, New York, NY 1977. 16. Bridges, J. E., and Preache, M., "Biological Influences of Power Frequency Electric Fields - A Tutorial Review From a Physical and Experimental Viewpoint," liT Research Institute, Revised, March 1981. -16- TABLE 1 CALCULATED AUDIBLE NOISE LEVELS (Three Transmission Lines Operating at 362.5 kV) Weather Conditions Heavy Rain Wet Conductor Fair Weather *200 feet from centerline **Estimated Maximum Level (dBA) 57 48 inaudible** -17- Location Level at the Edge of Right-of-Way* (dBA) 54 44 inaudible** TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF HUMAN EFFECTS FOR OUTDOOR DAY-NIGHT AVERAGE SOUND LEVEL OF 55 DECIBELS Type of Effects Speech -Indoors -Outdoors Average Community Reaction High Annoyance Attitudes Towards Area Magnitude of Effect No disturbance of speech: 100% sentence intelligibility (average) with a 5 dB margin of safety Slight disturbance of speech with: 100% sentence intelligibility (average) at 0.35 meter or 99% sentence intelligibility (average) at 1.0 meter or 95% sentence intelligibility (average) at 3.5 meters None; 7 dB below level of significant "complaints and threats of legal action" and at least 16 dB below "vigorous action" (attitudes and other non-acoustical factors may modify this effect) Depending on attitude and other non- acoustical factors, approx. 5% of the population will be highly annoyed. Noise essentially the least important of various factors WET CONDUCTOR EQUIVALENT DAY-NIGHT AVERAGE SOUND LEVEL WITH OTHER NOISE SOURCES EXCLUDED Vlet Conductor Day-Night Average (Ldn) 44 dBA 50.4 dB l Ldn = 10 log 24 (l 5 [lOLd/10] + 9 [lO (Ln + 10)/10]) Where Ld = 44 dBA (assumed) Ln = 44 dBA (assumed) -18- TABLE 3 NOISE LEVELS OF TYPICAL NOISE SOURCES Noise Source Operator* Community** (dBA) (dBA) Air Conditioners 70-96 52-77 Power Lawn Equipment 80-95 59-85 Chain Saws 103-115 64-86 Automobiles 55-8 7 77-8 7 Snowmobiles 100-116 78-88 Motorcycles Less than 24 0 cc 90-105 70-90 Greater than 24 0 cc 95-115 78-95 Trucks 70-100 70-95 *Operator: Noise levels measured at the position of the operator of the noise source **Community: Noise levels measured at locations 50 feet from the center line of the path of the source or 50 feet from the source. -19- TABLE 4 CALCULATED TRANSMISSION LINE RF NOISE LEVELS (Three Transmission Lines Operating at 362.5 kV) 1 MHZ Lateral Separation vveather Conditions From Edge of Heavx: Rain Wet Conductor Fair Weather Right-of-Way (dBu) (dBu) (dBu) 0' 69 57 49 100' 50 38 30 200' 40 28 20* 300' 34 22* 14* 400' 29 19* 9* 500' 25 15* 5* 600' 22* 12* 2* 700' 20* 10* O* 800' 18* 8* -2* Note: Average value of measured ambient rf noise level is 25 dBu. *No impact of corona generated transmission line rf noise is expected on the existing quality of radio reception. -20- TABLE 5 Existing Quality of Reception for AM Radio Stations (Based on Field Measurements of Radio Station Signal Strengths July 9-15, 1981) Site Number 10 20 30 40 50A 60 70 80 90 100 llOA LEGEND: Location Willow Trapper Creek Chase Lane Creek Curry Cantwell Carlo Creek Deneki Lake McKinley Village McKinley Park Healy A -Entirely Satisfactory Number of Radio Stations Judged to have the following Quality of Radio Reception A B C D E 3 3 2 2 3 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 B -Very Good, Background Unobtrusive C -Fairly Satisfactory, Background Plainly Evident D -Background Very Evident, Speech Understandable With Concentrating E -Speech Unintelligible -21- TABLE 6 ZONES OF INFLUENCE OF TRANSMISSION LINE RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE Weather Condition Fair Weather Wet Conductor Heavy Rain** Width of Zone (Feet) 800 1000 1600 Distance Away From Edge of Right-of-Way (Feet)* 200 300 600 *At greater distances from the edge of the right-of-way, no impact on the quality of radio reception from the operation of the intertie is foreseen for the weather conditions cited. **Condition of the highest levels of radio noise from the intertie. -22- TABLE 7 CALCULATED TRANSMISSION LINE ELECTRIC FIELD STRENGTHS (Three Transmission Lines Operating at 362.5 kV) Lateral Separation from Centerline of Right-of-Way 0 50 100 150 200 300 400 Calculated Electric Field Strengths kV/m 5.14 3. 78 3.90 6.90* 1.61** 0.22 0.07 *The maximum value of electric field strength occurs near the outside phase conductors. **Value of electric field strength at the edge of the right-of-way. -23- )> "'tt "'tt m z c X )> APPENDIX A RESULTS OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEASUREMENTS OF RADIO AND TV SIGNAL STRENGTHS AND RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY JULY 9, 1981 -JULY 15, 1981 Measurements by: D. A. Reynolds -CAI J F. Terri -CAI APPENDIX A TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY • . . . . . . . . . FIELD SURVEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . RADIO SIGNAL STRENGTH AND NOISE EQUIPMENT . . . Page A-1 A-1 A-3 A-3 A-3 RADIO SIGNAL AND-NOISE DATA • • • • • • • • • • A-4 TELEVISION SIGNAL STRENGTH AND NOISE EQUIPMENT • A-6 TELEVISION SIGNAL AND NOISE DATA TABULATED DATA • • • • • • • • • • • SITE AND WEATHER DATA • • • • • AM QUALITY OF RECEPTION SUMMARY AM RADIO SIGNAL AND NOISE DATA • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TV SIGNAL AND NOISE DATA • • • . . . . . A-7 RESULTS OF PRECONSTRUCTION MEASUREMENTS OF RADIO AND TV SIGNAL STRENGTHS AND RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE SCOPE This appendix covers the pre-construction measurements of AM radio signal strengths, background radio noise, television signal strengths and television background noise in the study area between Willow and Healy, Alaska. These measure- ments are intended to serve as a record of the precon- struction signal strengths and noise levels at 11 sites near the intertie corridor. SUMMARY Based on Federal Communication Commission (FCC) criteria, all AM radio stations received at the 11 sites offer inter- mittent service in the study area. According to the FCC, these radio signals are subject to fading and interference from atmospheric and man-made noise. The quality of AM radio reception was judged by the observers while making measurements of the AM signal strengths. Five grades, A through E, were used to evaluate the quality of radio reception. No radio signal received had a Grade A or Grade B quality of reception. Seven different AM radio stations measured had a Grade C or Grade D quality of recep- tion. At Willow six of these stations were received, at Trapper Creek four of these stations were received, and at Lane Creek two of these stations were received. Between Lane Creek and Curry, these last two stations faded out. Between Lane Creek and McKinley Park, only one radio station having a Grade D quality of reception was received. A-1 To preserve the existing quality of reception of the very weak radio station signals measured between Willow and Curry, it is necessary to recommend a minimum separation between parallel route segments and the Parks Highway and between the line route and residences. Between Willow and Curry the minimum recommended separation is given in the engineering report. TV signals, especially those from the TV translators, are much stronger on a relative basis than the measured AM radio signal strengths due to the proximity of TV translator antennae. In areas of strong signal strengths, no inter- ference from the 345 kV intertie is anticipated, provided that the minimum recommended separation from the line route to the residences (between Willow and Curry) is satisfied. During these measurements, signal strengths from 13 tele- vision stations and translators were measured at the ll sites. Five grades, A through E, were used to evaluate the quality of audio reception of television signals. Four television stations from Anchorage were received at Willow, and each had a Grade A or Grade B quality of audio recep- tion. One television station from Anchorage was received at Trapper Creek, and one television station from Fairbanks was received at Healy. Both had a Grade B quality of audio reception. No other signals from television stations having a Grade A, B or C quality of audio reception were received. All other TV signals which had Grade A, B or C quality of audio reception were from TV translators. Signals from seven such translators were measured between Trapper Creek and Healy. A-2 FIELD SURVEY This survey was conducted at 11 sites in the study area be- tween Willow and Healy, Alaska as shown as Figure A.l. The measurements were made during the period July 9, 1981, to July 15, 1981. A description of each measurement site and weather conditions at the time of measurement are contained in the "Site Location and Weather Data" exhibits. INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA The instrumentation used in making the measurements is described below. A brief discussion of the results of the measurements is also included. RADIO SIGNAL STRENGTH AND NOISE EQUIPMENT The radio signal strengths and background radio frequency noise levels in the AM broadcast band (540-1600 kHz) were measured using an Ailtech NM-17/27A electromagnetic interference field intensity meter (Leasemetric serial number 0514-81146), an Ailtech vertical rod antenna (Model 92197-5), an Ailtech rod antenna coupler (Model Number 94592-1) and ground plane (Model 92199-3). The rod antenna was mounted on the antenna coupler that was attached to a ground plane normally placed on the ground and remote from the meter. (At Site 20, Trapper Creek, a tripod was used to elevate the ground plane approximately 4 feet above ground.) The antenna coupler was connected to the meter by a 100 foot long radio frequency coaxial cable. The bandwidth of the NM-17/27A was approximately 5 kHz. The calibration of the meter was periodically checked using an internal calibrator. The A-3 NM-17/27A was factory calibrated on June 29, 1981, and the vertical rod antenna, rod antenna coupler and ground plane were calibrated on June 5, 1981. RADIO SIGNALS AND NOISE DATA Signal strengths from 13 different standard broadcast {AM) radio stations were measured at the 11 sites. A summary of these stations are tabulated in "AM Radio Stations Received." These stations are listed by frequency with the station call letters, transmitter location, power, antenna and operating information. Only Class II and Class III stations were received. Class II stations are licensed by the Federal Communication Commission {FCC) to operate on a clear channel and render primary service over wide areas. Class III stations are licensed by the FCC to operate on a regional channel and render primary service to large cities {municipalities) and surrounding areas. The primary service area is the area in which the radio signal is not subject to objectionable interference or fading. In northern rural areas, the FCC requires a minimum signal strength of 40 dBu for primary service. Since the maximum signal strength measured at the 11 sites is only 37 dBu, no stations offer primary service in the study area. The FCC defines an intermittent service area as an area receiving service from a ground wave signal beyond the primary service area. The intermittent service area is subject to fading and some interference {from atmospheric and man-made noise). Therefore, all 13 radio stations pro- vide intermittent service to the study area. A-4 Measured radio frequency noise and AM radio signal strengths are tabulated in summary form in "RF Signal Strength and Ambient Noise Survey" for each of the 11 sites. Background radio frequency noise measurements were made at five station-free frequencies distributed throughout the AM broadcast band. The quasi-peak (QP) detector mode was used for these measurements. The results are given in decibels based on a one microvolt per meter reference level, i.e., dBu. The signal strength of the radio stations was measured using the field intensity (FI) detector mode. These results are also given in dBu. The quality of reception of each radio station, based on the subjective evaluation of the observers, is given. The letter classification is based on the reception quality definitions as follows: Reception Quality A B c D E Definition Entirely satisfactory. Very good, background unobtrusive. Fairly satisfactory, background plainly evident. Background very evident, but speech easily understood. Speech unintelligible. A-5 Those AM radio signals having a Grade E quality of reception should be disregarded. Very few AM radio stations were received between Willow and Healy, and those that were received had a low signal strength. Reception quality was no better than fairly satisfactory, Grade C. At all 11 sites only three radio stations were received with a Grade C quality of reception and only four were received with a Grade D quality of reception. The station having the strongest signal (37 dBu) was measured at Willow. All other signal strengths measured at the 11 sites were below this level. A summary of the observed quality of reception at each of the 11 sites is tabulated in "Existing Quality of Reception for AM Radio Stations." Graphs of the "Measured Radio Signal Strength (dBu)," showing the ambient noise level and the signal strengths required for primary service in small towns and northern rural areas, have been prepared for each of the 11 sites. These graphs illustrate that radio signal strengths are very low. TELEVISION SIGNAL STRENGTH AND NOISE EQUIPMENT An Ailtech NM-37/57 electromagnetic interference/field intensity meter (Model Number 0389-06293) was used to make the signal strength and background radio frequency noise measurements in the VHF and UHF frequency spectrum allocated for commer- cial television. Two antennae were used. A biconical antenna, Model 94455-1, was used for frequencies in the range from 20 MHz to 200 MHz. A conical logarithmic spiral antenna, A-6 Model 93490-1, was used over the frequency range from 200 MHz to 800 MHz. Each antenna was normally mounted at a height of approximately 29 feet above ground and was connected to the NM-37/57 by a 100-foot long radio frequency coaxial cable. At Sites 30, 40 and 50A, each 0 antenna was mounted at a height of approximately 24 feet above ground. At Sites 90, 100 and llOA, each antenna was mounted on a tripod at a height of approximately 8 feet due to wind conditions. Each antenna was rotated in the horizontal plane to obtain maximum video signal strength on each channel received. The antenna was left in this position for the noise measurement. The bandwidth of the NM-37/57 was 1.0 MHz. The calibration of the meter was checked prior to each measurement using an internal calibrator. The NM-37/57 was calibrated on March 20, 1981. A 2-4 dB correction factor was used to correct for signal attenuation in the 100-foot coaxial cable. TELEVISION SIGNAL AND NOISE DATA Signal strengths from 13 different television stations and TV translators were measured at the 11 sites. A summary of these stations and translators is tabulated in "TV Stations Received." These stations and translators are listed by channel with the call letters, location, transmitter power and broadcast antenna height. A summary of the measured video signal strengths and back- ground radio frequency noise is tabulated in "TV Signal Strength and Ambient Noise Survey., for each of the 11 sites. A-7 The signal strength of the television video signal was measured using the quasi-peak (QP) detector mode. The background radio frequency noise was measured at a clear frequency slightly below the video carrier frequency. The quasi-peak (QP) detector mode was also used for this measure- ment. The results of these measurements are given in dBu. The TV signal strength readings contained in this report do not necessarily indicate any particular reception quality. Television signals too weak to provide good video reception can be detected and measured by the NM-37/57 measurement system. The quality of audio reception of each television signal, based on the subjective evaluation of the observers, is given in "TV Signal Strength and Ambient Noise Survey." Five grades, A through E, the same used for the evaluation of the quality of radio reception, were also used in the evalua- tion of the quality of audio reception of the television signals. Those TV signals having a Grade E quality of audio reception, "speech unintelligible," should be disregarded. A summary of the observed quality of audio reception for television signals at each of the 11 sites is tabulated in "Existing Quality of Television Reception (Audio)." At all sites other than Willow, the television signals judged to have a Grade A or Grade B quality of audio recep- tion were from nearby TV translators. At six sites, at least one television signal was judged to have a Grade A quality of audio reception. At the remaining five sites, no television signals were judged to have better than Grade D quality of audio reception. A-8 Based on the results of this subjective evaluation of the quality of audio reception for television signals, no ad- ditional recommendations for locating the transmission line route, over and above these recommendations offered for preserving the quality of radio reception, are required. A-9 If>.. -~~ ·'--· iT .. -" J . . -...,.. '. "'~'. ~ Moo.."\ >1. -~-M .a1r..r ~ .. ~~~·": ,. ,. -... "'"J'. rt ~ : j ---.. "!, 1.·. •.· F J•-, f 'J . ~ .__ :_ __ ' __ '<_. M? . ...iL R .7W. f R .6W. FIGURE A-1 ( Alaska Power Authority] ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE 0 1 0 2 0 M ile s 4 0 1 0 20 Kil omet e r s ~ Gi lb e rt/C ommo nw ealth North Location of Measurement Sites SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds Sketch of Location J. Torri Date: 07-09-81 Site: 10 ~ ~ Willow ~ <:l - Time: Start 13:00 Finish 18:50 Temperature: Wet 56°F Dry 58°F Relative Humidity 88% Barometric Pressure 28.1" Wind: RA.VGE 4W' Speed (mph) <5 71111(NSN!I"' /'!N S~Cr!Of'/ 8 Direction s Weather Description: Overcast, Light Drizzle Site Description: Willow Airport, located at southern most clearing off Taxiway. Site surrounded on 3 sides by 40 feet tall deciduous trees. Closest Residence: None visible Topography: Flat Shielding Terrain or Structures: None visible Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Distribution line located 250' west of site was very quiet. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: N t SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Torri p. Robinson* Date: 07-11-81 Time: Start Finish Temperature: Wet Dry Relative Humidity Barometric Pressure Wind: Speed (mph) Site: 20 Trapper Creek 09:25 12:15 100% 28.05" <5 Direction s Sketch of Location T~AI'P~Il t:R£E!< PP.s r Pl'rlc .= P.ET£1($VIU.~ ROIIP Weather Description: overcast and raining Site Description: Gravel pit west of Parks Highway. First pit south of Petersville Road. Gravel pit surrounded by brush about 3 feet tall. Brush surrounded by tall deciduous trees. Closest Residence: None visible Topography: Rolling terrain. Gravel pit was filled with water. Shielding Terrain or Structures: None visible Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W *Comments: The calibrated rod antenna (including base plate and antenna coupler) was mounted 4 feet above ground on a tripod. Pete Robinson, a resident of Trapper Creek, observed these measurements. N t SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Torri Sketch of Location Date: 07-12-81 Site: 30 Chase Time: Start 13:40 Finish 14:25 Temperature: Wet Dry Relative Humidity 78% Barometric Pressure Wind: Speed (mph) <5 Direction S Weather Description: Overcast RIIA/~E "'f-W rpt,.IP~I(fl' Z7/tl 5£CTtON 8 TREES StJKJ/cY ~.4Rt<cR ZR-IB I~S! H£i.ICOPT£K _ ___.,..... LtgAT/ON t11/5K£G Site Description: Alaskan muskeg surrounded by short black spruce and then by taller coniferous and deciduous trees. Panel Point 2R-18 was positively identified. Closest Residence: None visible Topography: Flat muskeg in hilly terrain. Shielding Terrain or Structures: None visible Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: Helicopter access. TV mast was about 23'-4" tall. SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Torri Sketch of Location Date: 07-12-81 Time: Start Finish Temperature: Wet Dry Relative Humidity Barometric Pressure Wind: Speed (mph) Site: 40 Lane Creek 10:15 12:35 53°F 56°F 82% <5 Direction s Weather Description: Overcast !?ANG~ 4-W T41VIVSHIP ,ZS!v' 5ECT!t>N S T~.t=£5 J/EL/COPIE~ LOCATION TR#S 8.._AM MU5K£G- Site Description: Alaskan muskeg surrounded by black spruce and then by taller coniferous and deciduous trees. Panel Point 2R-2 was positively identified. Mountain visible to northwest. Closest Residence: None visible Topography: Flat muskeg in gently rolling terrain. Shielding Terrain or Structures: Trees, mountain to northwest. Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: Helicopter access. TV mast was about 23'-4" tall. tJ t SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY observers: D. Reynolds Sketch of Location J. Torri Date: 07-12-81 Site: 50A TREE5 Curry T!<EES' Time: Start: 15:15 ~~ Finish 16:15* ~,J N 1/' t Temperature: Wet 55°F v'\ ~ Dry 58°F Relative Humidity 83% //(E£5 Barometric Pressure RANGE 4-W TDW/V$/11,. 2'!1/o/ Wind: Speed (mph) <5 SEC.71 Of./ I 0 IR&:5 Direction s Weather Description: overcast with drizzle. Site Description: Clearing within 500 feet of the Curry Depot. Survey marker 29-4W/OA/1980 (R&M consultants) was positively identified. Closest Residence: Curry Train Station 500 feet west. Topography: In Susitna River valley with mountains to the east and west. 'TREES Shielding Terrain or Structures: Mountains to the east and west. Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Distribution line 700 feet northwest of the site was very quiet. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: Helicopter access. TV mast was about 23'4" tall. The original site selected at Curry was on a gravel bar in the susitna River. Due to the heavy rainfall during the previous two days, the gravel bar was under water. *Estimated SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Terri Sketch of Location Date: 07-11-81 Site: 60 Cantwell Time: Start 17:15 N Finish 18:30 t Temperature: Wet 49°F Dry 5l°F Relative Humidity 87% Barometric Pressure 27.4" Wind: Speed {mph) 9-17 Direction S Weather Description: Heavy overcast, showers li'A.N6£' 7 W TOWN.NIIP /Bf !!U.Cr!OI'{ 4 Site Description: of the Jack River. Gravel pit west of Parks Highway and south Located about 3/4 mile south of Cantwell. Closest Residence: None visible Topography: Gently rolling terrain around gravel pit. Mountains northeast and west of gravel pit. Shielding Terrain or Structures: Mountains Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: Located AM antenna coupler on top of 20' tall gravel ridge due to very weak signal. SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Terri Date: 0 7-15-81 Site: 70 Carlo Creek Time: Start 10:45 Finish 12:20 Temperature: Wet 52°F Dry 53°F Relative Humidity 94% Barometric Pressure 26.80" Wind: Speed (mph) 6-12 Direction 290° Magnetic Sketch of Location TReE..r N t Rl'ltv~c TIWI{$HI P /5"5 sec.rttJM 3c. TREE! Weather Description: Cloudy, very low ceiling, light misty rain. Site Description: Second level of gravel pit 0.4 miles north of Carlo Creek along Parks Highway. Closest Residence: 3 residences about 1/4 mile away on east side of Parks Highway Topography: Mountainous terrain Shielding Terrain or Structures: Rim around northwest and southwest of gravel pit about 40 feet above site. Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Terri Date: 07-15-81 Site: Deneki Time: Start 12:50 80 Lake Finish 15:45* Temperature: Wet 53°F Dry 57°F Relative Humidity 77% Barometric Pressure 26.8" Wind: Speed (mph) <5-14 Direction s Sketch of Location !llfNGE t:.W IDW#SII/P ISS SECrtOIV /II tJ 1 T/lEES Weather Description: Hazy, low ceiling, broken clouds T~E~S Site Description: Gravel pit approximately 2 miles north of Carlo Creek along east side of Parks Highway. Closest Residence: None visible Topography: Mountainous terrain. Site is at a crest of a rise where highway goes down hill in both directions. Shielding Terrain or Structures: None at crest of small hill. Sources of Radio Noise: None visible Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: *Estimated SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Terri Date : 0 7-14-81 site : 9 0 McKinley Village Time: Start 14:30 Finish 16:30 Temperature: Wet 51 °F Relative Humidity 57% Barometric Pressure 27.45 Wind: Speed (mph) Direction Weather Description: overcast. Sketch of Location RIINtJ-E 7 W TtJW#SII/17 /45 SeCTION 3~ GR!ZZLEY 8EA!? C/lrlPER p,111RK TV Site Description: West of McKinley Village at entrance to the Grizzley Bear Camper Park. 11cK!NLEV V!t..L.AGE Closest Residence: Camper park office within 300 feet of site. McKinley Village is across Parks Highway. Topography: Rolling terrain surrounded by mountains. Shielding Terrain or Structures: Nearby mountains Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W comments: TV mast was not used due to swirling winds in parking lot. used tripod for TV measurements located at entrance road and Parks Highway. Elevation of TV antenna appeared to be the same as visible TV antennas located in McKinley Village. SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Torri Date: 07-14-81 Site: 100 McKinley Park Time: Start 11:45 Finish 13:00* Temperature: Wet 51°F Dry 59°F Relative Humidity 57% Barometric Pressure Wind: Speed {mph) 15-27 Direction s Weather Description: Overcast. Sketch of Location f{ 1 RAA.JGc 7w . TOIIIN'SIIIP 135 S£CTI"tV 3+ Site Description: Gravel pit northwest of bridge where the Parks Highway crosses the Nenana River. Closest Residence: 1/2 mile north. Topography: Mountainous. Shielding Terrain or Structures: Nearby mountains Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: Tripod used for TV antenna due to strong winds. *Estimated SITE LOCATION -WEATHER DATA ALASKA PmvER AUTHORITY Observers: D. Reynolds J. Torri Date: 07-13-81 Site: llOA Healy Time: Start 16:10 Finish 17:50* Temperature: Dry 63°F Relative Humidity 50% Barometric Pressure Wind: Speed (mph) Direction Sketch of Location A8A..VPi?A./.Fo AtR STRIP ---+----1 "' I 7W TtJINKSHIP 125 s.ccrtt:7N z.~ Weather Description: Broken clouds. Site Description: Located on Alaska Railroad property along gravel road at a hilltop between the abandoned gravel air strip and the Parks Highway. Closest Residence: None visible Topography: Flat hilltop, surrounded by distant rugged mountains. Shielding Terrain or Structures: Distant mountains Sources of Radio Noise: Ambient. The 138 kV transmission line 1/2 mile east was very quiet at this site. Direction of Site Location Photographs: 1-N, 2-E, 3-S, 4-W Comments: The original site at the parking lot at the Healy Depot of the Alaska Railroad was full of cars and trucks. The depot agent suggested a site near the abandoned air strip. Tripod was used for TV antenna due to strong wind gusts. *Estimated Freq. kHz sso S60 S80 S90 6SO 660 700 7SO 900 970 1080 llSO 1170 Key: DA-2 DA-N LS N * Station Call KEN! KVOK KYUK KHAR KYAK KFAR KBYR KFQD KFRB KIAK KANC KABN KJNP AM RADIO STATIONS RECEIVED ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Power Location kW Anchorage s Kodiak 1 Bethel s Anchorage s Anchorage so Fairbanks 10 Anchorage LS-1, N-.S Anchorage LS -S 0, N-10 Fairbanks 10 Fairbanks s Anchorage 10 Long Island (Big Lake) s North Pole so Antenna Limitation DA-2 DA-N -Directional Antenna, different patterns day and night -Directional Antenna during night only -Local Sunset -Night -See Text, Page A-4 Station Class * III III III III II II II II II III II III II RF SIGNAL SfRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•&=;~ ALA~KA POWER AUTHORITY -=.I TE :1. 0 ~·JILLm·J 5 TAFH : 15 : 00 OB5ERUER5: D. REYNOLD5 .J. TOPRI fFEG!UENC'·•' !-:.Hz 540 ::::00 1000 1300 1600 550 5:30 ~~~50 750 10030 1150 FINI5H: 1.:::.:30 CALL LETTER5 NOI5E NOI5E NOI5E NOI5E NOI5E j-:;'"('l_!j-:; HVAH* t-:;nm f-::ANC t·iETEF:: F::EAD I t·lG de·# 27. 0(G!P) 27. 0(G!F') z.~,. 5 ( G!t=·) 24. 5(G!P) 25. 0(,~P) 27.0 ·-=··-· c:-k:r. ·-' 35.0 40.0 2;3.0 37.0 * 5TATION CALL VERIFIED ATTENUATOF:: At·HENNA 5ETTINC. FACTO!=:: de. de. -40 3';'. 0 -40 37.0 -40 37.0 -40 37.5 -40 3::;. 0 -40 3·;·. 0 -40 3i:i. 0 -40 37.0 -40 37.0 -40 37.0 -40 -='..., = ·-'·~· . ·-· () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? 5TATION NOT IDENTIFIED # 5IGNAL I5 FIELD INTENSITY(~!) NOI5E I5 QUA5I-PEAH(QP) OB5EF::I . .JED 5IGNAL F::ECEPT I ON 5TF::ENC:rTH G!UALIT'-c' dE:·: 1u1...',.··'M 2·!·. 0 24.0 23.5 22.0 23.0 2~~~. 0 D 27.5 D 32.0 ,-. -· 37.0 ,-. -· 25.0 D 34.5 c 5ITE 10 DATE: ~F SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC~J=;: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY '11,.···;::;1 ::= • .I TE :20 TRAPPER cr-;:EEt-=; 5TRFrT :25 OB5ERVER5: D. REVNOLD5 ._1. TORr-;:r FJ=::EC!UENC'"i' !-=.Hz 530 eenl! 1000 1300 1.!·00 550 ,::,50 700 750 10;::;0 1150 FINI5f' LE .-.• c:-,-. .,. •. _: :r NOI5E NOI5E NOI5E NOI5E NOI5E t<ENI f-::HRR f-:;'/RJ-:: t-=;e.· ... ·J=:: J-=:FG!D ~<RNC !-=:Ae.N t·iETEP PERDINC:. dE:·# 27. 5(C!P) 2,!,. 5 ( G!l=·) 2~~~. 5(G!F') :24. 5(G!!=•) :25. 0(G!P) •'":-"":I ..:..·-'. 5 2·~~. 5 32. c-·-· :21 .0 37. 0 27. 0 ·"':·.:· ~'-'• 0 * 5TRTION CALL VERIFIED ATTEI'iURTOJ=:: Rt·iTEI'iNR 5ETTINC:. FACTO!==: de. .:::e. -40 3·;:·. 0 -40 37. 0 -40 -:o-, ·-'··· . 0 --40 ~-, r= ·-'··· . ·-· -40 ~·=· ._:,_ .. 0 -40 "':'·-· ·-' :r. 0 -40 3;=j· 0 -40 '"='-::' 0 ·-··· . -40 -:a:-, 0 ._l,o' . -40 '"='""" ._ ..... 0 -40 -;,-, ·-'··· . 0 -40 "':"-, r= ,_l,o' • ·-· () COCHANNEL DR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ·::· 5TATION No· # 5 I C:.t·iRL I 5 f NOI5E I5 G! EtHIFIED J INTEN5IT'/(FI) -PERf-:; ( G!P) P. r-;:OB I N50N Of:·5ER 1..JED 5IC:.NRL F=:ECEPT I Ot·i 5TRENC:.TH G!URLIT'/ df:·: 1 U 1...',.··'t·1 ·-=·..: c-..:..•-'. ·-· ·"":·"':1 C" .a:..,._ •• ·-' ·-=·~ .a:..·-'. c-·-· ·-=··"':· 0 ..:...a:.. 23.0 22. 5 E :24. 5 E ·"':··-· c-c: .a:..:r . ·-· 1 ;;:; • 0 E 34. 0 c :24. 0 [I ·~·= ..... _ .. 5 [I 5ITE :20 RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE ~URUEY FC•t==: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY :=.I TE 30 CHA5E 5TAF::T: 12:50 OB5ERVER5: D. REYNOLD5 ._i. TOHFH FHEf.!UENC'.,-' 1-:.H::: 530 800 1000 1300 1·!·00 5•';•0 .!.50 750 1080 1150 FIN I 5H : 13 : 35 CALL LETTER::. NOI5E NOI:::.E Nor:::.E t·Kti5E t-lOI5E E'..-'Ar:; r::FoD 1-':AI'·IC 1-':AE:·N t·iETEF:: F::EADINt::; dE:·# 2·~·· 5(C~F·) 2r!• • 0 ( G!f=') :2.!;. 5 ( r:;~t=·) 2•;:1 • 5 ( t)l=') 25. 0 ( G!F=') 20.5 22.5 24.0 20.0 19.0 * 5TATION CALL VERIFIED ATTENUATOF:: ANTENNA 5ETTING FACTOR ,::!f:, dE:· -40 3 1 ;·. 0 -40 37.0 -40 37.0 -40 ~~ C" ·-'··· . ._, -40 3;:::. 0 -40 3;::i. 0 -40 37.0 -40 -='"'? ·-··· .0 -40 37.0 :-40 ""':*""':l C" ·-f··· •. ._: () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? 5TATION NOT IDENTIFIED # 5IGNAL I5 FIELD INTEN5ITY(FI) NOI5E 15 f.!UA5I-PEAK(QP) OE:·5EF:'..JED 5IGNAL HECEPT I Ot·i 5 TF::Et·iG TH G!UALIT'..-' dE:· : 11J !.) •. ··'t·1 25.5 23.0 23.5 27.0 23.0 1 ;;:;. 5 E 1·;·. 5 c-'- 21.0 [I 17.0 E 1~~r• 5 E 5ITE 30 F"F::EG!UENCV !-:.Hz 530 <:;00 1000 1300 1·:!:·00 5·50 5•7•0 ·!·50 750 1150 *= 5TA' () COC ·-::• 5TA1 # 5IGt NOI; RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY Feat==~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'12,.··';;:; 1 :=.I TE 40 LANE CF::EEJ-:; 5TAFH: 10:30 OB5ERVER5: D. REYNOLD5 .J. TOF::F::I f"HH5H: 11 :05 CALL LETTER:. t·iOI5E NOI5E NOI5E NOI5E NOI::·E t-:;r.,.tot-:; t-:;HAR t-:;'lAt-:; t-:;FC!D t-=;ANC t·iETEF:: READING dNI: 27.0(G!P) 2·5. 5 ( (~J=·) 2r5 a 5 ( G!J=') 24. 5(G!P) 25. 0(G!P) :20.5 22.0 25.0 31.0 :21.5 22.0 CALL 1...'Et=:: IF I ED ATTENUATOR ANTENNA 5ETTING f"ACTOF:: .~e. de. -40 3·;:·. 0 -40 "":1-:t .0 ·-1··· -40 37.0 -40 "":'..., c.-·-'··· . ·-' -40 3;:i. 0 -40 3;:;. 5 -40 3i=i. 0 -40 37.0 -40 37.0 -40 37.0 -40 "':'-;t £:"' ._: •• • •• _J 4EL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE NOT IDENTIFIED [5 FIELD INTENSITY(f"I) -· C!U1=!5 I -PEAt-:; ( G!P) oe.5Et=::t . .JED 5IGNAL F::ECEPTION 5TRENt::lTH G!UALIT''i' de.: 1rJ.t.J,/t·i 2·~·-0 23.5 23.5 22.0 23. :z, 1';'. 0 E 20.0 E :22.0 E 2~=i. 0 c 1::;. 5 [I 1·;:·.5 E SITE 40 RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•t==: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE : 7,..-'12,.··';::.1 . :::.ITE 50A CUHF::\·' F F::EG!UENC'y' !-:.Hz 5TAFH: 15:10 FHH5H: 15:30 CALL LETTER:. 530 NOI5E e00 NOI5E 1000 NOI5E 1300 t·K!I5E 1·!·00 NO I 5E r·iETEF:: F:~EADINC:~ dE!·# 27. 0 (I~~F·) 2::! .• 0(t~F·) 2t!r • 5 ( (;!F') 24.5(G!P) 25. 0(G!P) 20.0 * 5TATION CALL VERIFIED :=1TTENUATOF:: 5ETTING dB -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 OB5EHUER5: D. REYNOLD5 ._!. TOF:!F:! I OE!·5EF::t..JED ANTENNA 5IGNAL F::ECEPT I ON FACTOR 5TF::ENGTH G!UALIT'l de. dE!· : 1u1...' ,.··'t·1 3·;·. 0 z,!,. 0 37.0 23~0 37.0 23.5 37.5 22.0 3;:;. 0 23.0 ""='..., .0 17.0 E ·-~ .. · () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? 5TATION NOT IDENTIFIED # 5IGNAL I5 FIELD INTEN5ITY(FI) NOI5E IS QUA5I-PEAK(QP) 5ITE 50A RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY F"C1s=;= ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'11,.··';:::1 ::=.I TE .::::.0 CAtH~·~ELL OB5ERUER5: D. REYNOLD5 ._1. TORj:;: I F"I=::EG~UENC'l !-:.HZ F"HH5H: u:;: 11 CALL LETTER::. 530 t·KII5E e•00 NOI5E 1000 NOI5E 1300 NOI5E 1600 NOI5E 1170 1-=:.JNP t·1ETER I=::EADING df.# 27. 0(G!F') 2··5. 0(G'~F·) 27. 0 ( G!F=' ) 24. 0(G!P) 25. 0(G!F=') 1 ·;~. 5 * STATION CALL UERIPIED ATTENUATOI=:: At·HENNA 5ETTit·K, FACTO!=:: de. dE:· -40 3•;:'. 0 -40 37.0 -40 37.0 -40 -=-~ c-·-···· . ·-' -40 3t3. 0 -40 --:a -:r C" ·-···· .. _: () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? STATION NOT IDENTIFIED # SIGNAL I5 FIELD INTEN5ITY(FI) NOI5E I5 OUA5I-PEAK(QP) oe.:::.EF::1...fED 5IGNAL RECEPTION 5TRENGTH OUALIT''i' dE:·: 1 ut.J,.··'t-1 z.~ .. 0 23.0 24.0 21.!5 23.0 17.0 E RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•F== ALA~KA POWER AUTHORITY DATE : 7,.··'15,.···::: 1 :::.I TE 70 CA~:LO CHEE!-=; 5TA~:T: 11 :00 OB5ERUER5: D. REYNOLD5 ._!. TOi=::FH F~:EG!UENC\' !-:.Hz FINI5H: 11:15 CALL LETTER:. 530 NOI5E S00 NOI5E 1000 NOI5E 1300 NOI5E 1600 NOI5E 1170 t<;._INP t·1ETE~: ~:EADINCl df::·# 27. 0(C!P) 2a!aa @(G!F') 2~:s. 0 (G.! I=·) 24. 5(G!I=') 25.0(G!P) ·'":·""':' C" ..:..·-' .. _;. i 5TATION CALL VERIFIED ATTENUATO~: AtHENNA 5ETTINCl FACTO~: de. ~e. -40 3·;:·. 0 -40 -='-, .0 ·-···· -40 37.0 -40 -='~ z= ·-···· . ·-' -40 3i:;. 0 -40 -=!~ c: ·-··· . ·-· () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? 5TATION NOT IDENTIFIED # 5IGNAL I5 FIELD INTEN5ITY(FI) NOI5E I5 QUA5I-PEAK(QP) oe.::.ER 1...'ED 5IGNAL RECEPTION 5T~:ENGTH G!UALIT''I' de. : 1 u t.J •. ··'t·1 2(~J. 0 23.0 23.0 22.0 23.0 21.0 E 5ITE 70 RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURV~Y FC•F=~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ::=.I TE •::::•0 DE NEt-=; I LAI<E oe.5EP1..JEP5 : D. F::E'·r'NOLDS ._1. TOF::F:: I FF::EC!UENC\' ~-:.Hz FINISH: 13:30 C:ALL LETTEr-:;5 530 NOISE :;::00 ~·!0 I SE 1000 NOISE !300 noi5E 1 .::;.00 NO I 5E .~;~~~e t<~AF! ,;:·00 r::rF.:e. ·;·70 ;--:;rAt-!: 1170 t-=;.JNP ~·iETEJ=;: F::EADING ::!E:# ·-=·..: ;::-C!P) ..... ,_,. ·-· ·":·C' 5 G!F') ..:..·-·. 25. ;::-G!i=') ·-' 24. C' G!F•) ·-' .-,.;::-0 C!P) ...... _:. 2'ZI.!ZI 1 . -. ;r • 0 i .-. ... ;r • 0 27. 5 :+: :::.TATION CALL !..JEP!FIED ATTENUATOJ=;: ANTENNA :;:.ETTING FACT OJ=;: dE:· dE:· -.a.i-0 3·;:·. 0 -40 "":1..., ._ ..... 0 -40 37.0 -40 -=="? 5 ·-··· . -40 "":1·=· ._:._,. 0 -40 "":1..., ~1 ·-···· . -40 37. 0 -40 -::--, ·-'··· . 0 -40 '":1-, ·-···· . C' ·-· () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? 5TRTION NOT IDENTIFIED # 5IGNAL IS FIELD INTEN5ITY(FI) ~OISE IS QURSI-PEAK(QP) OE:·5EJ=;:I..JED 5IGNAL J=;:ECEPTION 5TJ=;:ENGTH C!UALITV de. . 1u. f.),.··' t·1 . ·":·;::" 5 .a:_._ •• 22. C' ·-· 22. 5 22. 0 23.0 17. 0 E 1 ·~=. 0 E 1~!·. 0 E 25. 0 [I RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND RMBIENT NOISE SURUEV FCIJ=;! ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY !:lATE: ? .. ··' 14,/::H FF::EG!UENC'/ ~=.Hz 530 ;:;00 1000 1300 1600 5TAF::T: 14:40 F IN I 5H : 1 4 :55 CALL LETTER:. NOI::·E t·10ISE t·KriSE NOI5E NOISE t·~ETEF:: F::EADING 27. 5 ( G~J=·) z,:::t. er < G!f=') 2:~t. 5 ( G!f=•) 24~~ 5(G!F•) 25. 0(G!f=') * STATION CALL VERIFIED ATTENURTOR 5ETTING -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -=.I TE ·;:•0 t-K:t-:; I t·1LE\-' ' . .J I LLAG.E OB5ERUERS: D. REYNOLDS ._!. TOF::F=: I :~t-tTENNA FACTOt:::: 37.0 37.0 37.5 oe.5EF::1..JED SIGNAL RECEPTION STRENGTH QUALITY dB : 1u1 • .J, .. ·'t·i 23.0 23.5 22.0 23.0 () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? STATION NOT IDENTIFIED # SIGNAL IS FIELD INTENSITY(FI) NOI5E IS QUASI-PEAK(QP) 5ITE 90 RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY F"CtF:~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY f'REG!UENC'l !-:.Hz 530 :::00 1 •Zl00 1300 DRTE: 7,/14.-···::H STAF::T: 12:10 ;=-I t·i I :5H: 12 :22 ~·1ETE!==: C:RLL LETTER:. }:;:E:RDINC:. t·~O ISE ~·lOISE NOISE HOISE NOISE dE:·# ..... 5(C!P ..:.. _,. ·"":·..: .a:..~-·. 0(G!C' ·"":·· ~~-~. 5(G!P 24. 5 (G!!=' •":•C' ..:...._:. €1 ( OP * STATION CALL VERIFIED r=lTTENURTOP SETTINC:a dE:· -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -=·ITE :100 t·iCI-:; I ~·~LE'-,-' PRPI-=; OBSERUEPS: D. PEVNOLDS .J. TOF::F:: I At·nEt·iNR FRCTOR dE:· 3·;:·. 0 "":'~ ._,, ... 0 37. 0 37 C' . ·-· 3;:;. 0 oe.sEt=::1..JED SIGNRL RECEPTION STPENGTH QURLITV •":•C' c:' ..:..·-·. ·-· 23.0 23.5 22.0 23.0 () COCHRNNEL OR ADJRCENT CHRNNEL INTERFERENCE ? STATION NOT IDENTIFIED # SIGNAL IS FIELD INTENS TV(FI) NOISE IS QUASI-PERK(QP SITE 100 RF SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•S::~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY :=.I TE: :1. :1. 0A HEAL'/ FPEG!UENC'..-' f.:. Hz 530 e>00 1000 1300 1600 1170 CALL LETTEF:5 t·K!I5E NOI5E t·mi:=·E t·40I5E NOI5E i-';FA!=:~ !-::.JNP t·it:TEF:: F:~EADING ,:j~-# 27. 0(G!P) 2~~,. 0(G!F') 2.~ .• S ( G!l=') 24. 5(G!f=') 25.5(0P) 20.5 -~·-=· C" Ji-.•-'. ·-' * 5TATION CALL VERIFIED ATTENUATOF:~ 5ETTING de. -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 OB5ERUER5: D. PEYNOLD5 ._!. TO I=:~ I=:~ I oe.5ER'..JED ANTENt·4A 5IGNAL f;~ECEPT I ON FACTO!=:~ 5TF::ENGTH G!UALITY de. de.: 1 ut..t,.··'t·1 3·;·. 0 2~!~. 0 37.0 23.0 ...,..., ._l,o' a 0 23.5 -='~ C" ·-'··· . ·-' 22.0 3::;. 0 23.5 37.0 17.5 1:"" '- 37.5 2-5.@ D () COCHANNEL OR ADJACENT CHANNEL INTERFERENCE ? STATION NOT IDENTIFIED # SIGNAL I5 FIELD INTENSITV(FI) NOISE IS QUASI-PEAK(QP) :=·ITE 110A ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Existing Quality of Reception for AM Radio Stations (Based on Field Measurements of Radio Station Signal Strengths July 9-15, 1981) Site Number Location Number of Radio Stations Judged to have the following Quality of Radio Reception A B C D E lO Willow 3 3 20 Trapper Creek 2 2 3 30 Chase l 4 40 Lane Creek l l 4 SOA Curry l 60 Cantwell l 70 Carlo Creek l 80 Deneki Lake l 3 90 McKinley Village 100 McKinley Park llOA Healy l l LEGEND: A -Entirely Satisfactory B -very Good, Background unobtrusive C -Fairly Satisfactory, Background Plainly Evident D -Background very Evident, Speech Understandable Hith Concentrating E -Speech Unintelligible •:S:• ...... •:::• )· ' • .(1 -1-($) w ' • .(1 I-....... ,, 1_1 •• • .. ((I ZJ --SIGNAL STRENGTH FOR SMALL TOWNS* 1-..,. W!Ii ..a. 0 -., _I 1.1 ·~· J '"'' If) 1..:) · •••. -t-•:S:• If) J w r.:l u H I! I '7 LLI-..a. -1-H > p::; ;:il (.') ('=;I oz -o:t HlJj SIGNAL STRENGTH FOR NORTHERN RURAL AREAS* H H H H (J) •:S:• -o:t ;:.... 0:: ~ ::E: ~(t II 1- Ill Ct: ((I ·~ oM (•) H --H H H -H -HH H H :z:p::; :z: Ct ~ () ....... 1-1 I-p::; ·~· 1-•I 0 (•) •I I-CLt I-(1) ~J w W1! 1-Ct::..,. .i.. H H ....__ H -1--AMBIENT HF NOISE LEVEL ((I u t-tU 1-1 ....... CLt .............. ;:.... (I) (I) Ill H :lt:i 1:S) ((I ((I 1-1 ("oj -,_ ((I (0 t:S) •I •I E-l (•oj .....1 _J t:LI (..) (..) (J) II ((I I I w -1-1-1 '."" ..... ' 1-1 ....... ....... ....... iC cr• ·~· ...... I I I I I I I I I I I ...... ·~· t::;} ·~· c:;, ·~· ·:::=· ·===· •::::::• ·~· •:S:• .=:;:. ·~· •:S:.• •:S:• •:S:• c:;, •:S:• ·===· cr• •:S:• ·~· •:S:• ·~ •:S:• 1n • • .(1 r··-0) •:r·, ·~ ...... (··J (•) -o:t If) 1 • .(1 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... I.J.. I! lJJ ,-~ ~I J w z , .. _I -.. . .' '• ····I ...:.. N ) 10 50~3 60€1 - F 700 F:: E BtHJ - G! 1_1 90€1 - E t--1 1000 - .---- ITI 11tnJ - _ .. -... _ 1.---12€10 -- H - :z: -----1300 - 1400 - 1500 - 16(10 - 10 TF-:AF"F"EF-: C:F-:EEI-< MEASURED RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNAL STRENGTH <dBu> 20 I I I I I II~ III II I II II III !l:>' 3: to H 1:'1 z 1-3 :::0 "":] z 0 H m 1:'1 t"' 1:'1 < 1:'1 It-< I I I I l l 2(1 II -CLASS II STATION III -CLASS III STATION 40 I II Cfl H GJ z !l:>' t"' Cfl 1-3 :::0 1:'1 z GJ 1-3 0::: "":] 0 :::0 z 0 :::0 1-3 ::r:: 1:'1 :::0 z :::0 c ::c !l:>' t"' ~ ~ Cfl * l 4(1 * -SET BY FCC FOR PRIMARY SERVICE 50 6(1 I I I Cfl H GJ z !l:>' t"' Cfl 1-3 :::0 1:'1 z GJ 1-3 ::r:: "":] 0 :::0 Cfl 3: !l:>' t"' t"' 1-3 ~ tiS * I l l 6(1 :3ITE 20 1 (1 500 600 F 700 Q 1_1 90(1 E t·-1 1(U)(1 c: .. ---- 1-< 12(U~1 H -----1 :3(1(1 14(1(1 15(1(1 10 C:HA:::;E MEASURED RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNAL STRENGTH <dBu> II :;d "%J z 0 H (/) t'j I:"' t'j < t'j I:"' II III II -CLASS II STATION III -CLASS III STATION 4(1 (/) H G':l -...... :x:- I:"' (/) 1-3 :;o t'j z G':l 1-3 ::c "%J 0 :;o z 0 :;o 1-3 ::c t'j :;o z :;o c ~ I:"' :x:-:;o t'j :x:- (/) * 40 * -SET BY FCC FOR PRIMARY SERVICE 5(1 6(1 (/) H G':l z :x:- I:"' (/) 1-3 :;d t'j z G':l 1-3 ::c "%J 0 :;d en :s: :x:- I:"' I:"' 1-3 ~ z (/) * 5(1 60 10 50£1 60(1 - F 7(nZ1 - F-: E 80(1 - G! Ll 9(10 - E t·-1 1(U3~Z1 - c: ITI 1100 - ----.. 1.-:: 12~30 H - ::z: ..... _ .... 1300 - 14(1(1 - 15(1(1 - 16(10 - 10 LAt--IE C:REEI-< MEASURED RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNAL STRENGTH <clBu~ 2(1 I I I I I III III II II II ~II ~ tJj H t':l :z 1-3 :::c '"':: :z 0 H (/') t':l t"' t':l < t':l b I I I I I 20 30 II -CLASS II STATION III -CLASS III STATION 40 I (/') H C) :z ;!::' t"' (/') 1-3 :;cJ t':l :z C) 1-3 0:: '"':! 0 ::;J z 0 :;:;::: 1-3 0:: t':l ::;J :z :;cJ c ~ t"' ;!::' !:;::) t:I::: ;!::' (/') * l 4(1 * -SET BY FCC FOR PRIMARY SERVICE 50 60 I I I (/') H C) :z ;!::' t"' (/') 1-3 :;cJ !:':! :z C) 1-3 0:: '"':! 0 :;cJ (/') :::: ;!::' t"' t"' 1-3 ~ :z (/') * I I 1 5(1 6(1 SITE 40 } ~ ~ :1 (j II 1'."1 .... u~' w 1- H ~·r~ . ' } '' ,_, ..... ..,., .... -w~ J7J I-ll I I ,.:J ·-· w Cti I.LI- ("1 -1-1..,. _.._ HLIJ Act II 1- ~((I AJ WI! 1\•' ..,. LLJ.. -1 ("I --((1 H II (0 w E ·~·-1,.1) 1"="1 ,_ (cl l sIGNAL STRENGTH FOR SMALL TOWNS* I •:S:•-If) - r-·~· If) '-- ~ I SIGNAL STRENGTH FOR NORTHERN RURAL AREAS* I I:S:I u -v ,. - ·~· ·~·)- I- I-·~· (·~· -r-------AMBIENT RF NOISE LEVEL _,_ •5:•- ('oJ - H H I-·=· (··J 1- lSI ~ ·~· ...... ·~· I:Ej If) I IS• IS• '·.C• I ·~· .=:;:. r··- lJ. I lSI .=:;:. I)) Ct w I I IS• •S• ·~· 1:S:t .:r·, ·~· ....... lj -, -lJJ z I I I ....... I:Ej •:S:• c:;) •S• c:;:. •S• •:S:• I:Ej I:Ej •:S:• ·===· •:S:• ....... ('oJ ('o') v If) 1 • .1) ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... i'l ... ( .::ii N ) -. •, ~ u H > p:: w (/) ::>-; p:: ~ ~ H zp:: z ·::. 0.. ·::. ...... 1-11-P:: 1-•IO •I I-li< I-(() ((I u ...... u 1-11-fli< ............ ::>-; ((I ((I Ill ((I ((1 •I •I E-1 ·-' --' w (_.) (_) (/) I I I ...... ...... ...... 1--1 1--1 -1< •I ·~· If) w I-..... (0 10 500 F 700 a:;;: E 800 G! Ll 9(10 E t--1 10(10 .-. -· ITI 11~30 _.-.._ 1--:: 1200 H :z: -----1::::00 140~3 15~3€1 16(1(1 10 !3ITE 60 CAt--ITa..--IELL MEASURED RADiu FREQUENCY SIGNAL STRENGTH <clBu~ 20 :.3(1 II ::::::: ":j z 0 H (/) tr:l I 2(1 :30 II -CLASS II STATION III -CLASS III STATION 40 (/) H GJ z ~ t"' (/) 1-3 ::0 tr:l z GJ 1-3 ::t ":j 0 ::0 z 0 ::0 1-3 ::t tr:l ::0 z ::0 c ~ t"' ~ ::0 tr:l ~ (/) * * -SET BY FCC FOR PRIMARY SERVICE 50 60 C/) H GJ z ~ t" (/) 1-3 ::0 tr:l z GJ 1-3 ::t ":j 0 ::0 C/) ::s: ~ t"' t"' 1-3 ~ z (/) * 50 6(1 ~3ITE 60 10 500 600 F 7~~10 R E 800 Q Ll 9~30 E t-.,1 1(100 c: ·y' 1100 .. -.... 1--=: 120~3 H z ... _ ... 1 ::;:(10 140(1 1500 160~3 10 =3 I TE 7.;::-. C:AF..:LCI C:t==::EEJ< MEASURED RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNAL STRENGTH <dBu> I :J::o' :s: ll:l H t':l z 8 :::<:1 ~ z 0 H (/) t':l II -CLASS II STATION III -CLASS III STATION 40 (/) H GJ z :J::o' t"' GJ 8 -..... ~ 0 :::<:1 * 4(1 * -SET BY FCC FOR PRIMARY SERVICE (/) H GJ z :J::o' t"' (/) 8 :::<:1 t':l z GJ 8 ::I: ~ 0 :::<:1 (/) :s: :J::o' t"' t"' 8 ~ z (/) * SITE 70 10 500 600 - F 700 - F:: E 800 - G! 1_1 90(1 E t--1 1(100 - c: ITI 1100 - .. ---.. l.-:: 1200 H - ::z: ---130~3 - 1400 - 1500 - - :DEt--IEt< I LAI<E MEASURED RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNAL STRENGTH <dBu> 20 30 I I I I I II II III II ::t>' :3: tJ:j H tt:l z 1-3 :::e "'J z 0 H C/.l tt:l ~ ~ ~ \ I I I I I 20 30 II -CLASS II STATION III -CLASS III STATION *3 I C/.l H G') z ::t>' t"' C/.l 1-3 ::0 tt:l z G') 1-3 ::r: "'J 0 ::0 z 0 ::0 1-3 ::r: tt:l ::0 z ~ ~ ::t>' t"' ~ ~ ~ * I * -SET BY FCC FOR PRIMARY SERVICE 5(1 60 I I I C/.l H G') z ::t>' t"' C/.l 1-3 ::0 tt:l z G') 1-3 ::r: "'J 0 :::e C/.l :3: ::t>' t"' t"' 1-3 ~ z C/.l * l l l 50 60 SITE 80 w 11"1 -II J J 1-1 .. .·· : .. w J z 1-1 ~ II 'I -E I !I ljll lJ.I ~ 1-1 1 1 1"1 . . : .. II II .... -I ZJ w~ .J-7' .I 13 .,_,. lJ.I •:S:•-I,Jj - •:S:• 1.1--,I U:: I - LL~ SIGNAL STRENGTH FOR SMALL TOWNS* 1-t:S:I 1,.(1 1- ~--·=· IJ"') 1- 1:1 •:S:• ~ sIGNAL STRENGTH FOR NORTHERN RURAL AREAS* I ·=· n7 v v _ ...... I-lLLI ~ er: - [~ (t ((I •:::.::. - AJ lJ.I1I ..... 1 ..,. J.LJ.. :11:1 ((Il-l II ((1 lJ.I E (•:• •:::.::.-("oj - ....... t:S:I .=:;:. 13) ·~· •:::.::. .=:;:. (~l •S:• IJ":t 1.£1 r··-(I) LL (t w NO STATIONS RECEIVED .:::;:. •:::.::. G:• •S• •:::.::. •S• 1:::.::. 13) r:r·, .:::;:. ....... N ....... ....... ....... 13 J w z (.) : .. I 1\ .:I IN G:t 13) •S• •:S:• ·~· .:::;:. (0:1 v IJ") ....... ....... ....... I ) 1:::.::. ·::=:· '·.D ....... 1- 1-·=I •7J 1-1:::.::. ('lj 1- •:i:• ....... w u H :> ~ lil CJ) >t ~ .:X: :a: H :z~ :z Ct P-t Ctt-t 1-1 1-~ 1-cc 0 •I 1-rx.. 1-(rJ (0 u t-tU 1-1 1-1 rx.. 1-1 1-1 >t (0 (() co •:1') (t') •I •I 8 .....1 .....1 lil (..) t:..J CJ) I I 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-11-fiC •:::.::. tJ·, w I- l-l t)) \/ ..... ~ ri ll. } lJ.J .J ...,. .... H ..... J.. (.) 't"' ..... t!l r!r 'r"i lJ.J 1- H ((I : .. ... 1_1 ,• •, ...,., ..__ IJJ~ J.,. 1.1 ,-.~I I .:J ·-· IJJ Ct:I Lt. I- r'"r ---,. ,_, .J.. HIJJ ~Ct: ri 1- (t (r"r .. ~.J Wri Ct:Z -,,,., --r'l"rr-t .. ri ((I lJ.J r t=:;:t_ 1 . .1) - 1::;:._ If) - SIGNAL STRENGTH FOR SMALL TOWNS* 1-1::;;:1 1 •• (1 1- 1-1::;;:1 If) 1- •S• v I SIGNAL STRENGTH FOR NORTHERN RURAL AREAS* I 1::;;:1 v - ·~·-(•:• -r-------_ ·~·-(·J - •5• ·~ t=:;:t c:;:l •:S:• 1::::. c:;:. I ::;;:I If) I.J) r··-1:1) Lt. Ct: lJ.J 1- 1-1::::. ·~·) AMBIENT RF NOISE LEVEL r NO STATIONS RECEIVED c:;:. c:;:l 1::::. ·~· c:;:l c:;:l c:;:l •:S:• I ::;;:I •:::=:• .:r·~ c:;:l ....... (··J (•) ....... ...... ...... ...... r] :r IJJ ...,. .... ( . _, : .. t :liN\ 't I t' •S• 1::::. ·~· ·~· .::;:. ·~· v If) 1 . .(1 ...... ...... ...... ---- 1-1::::. (··J 1- •S• ....... w u H > 0:: w (/) :>i 0:: ,:X: ::E: H :z: 0:: :Z:I:) (:4 C11-i 1-lr 0:: rii o (C r u.. 1-1)) ((I u 1-lU 1-i 1-l u.. 1-l 1-l :>i (i) (() ca (() ((I (C I:C 8 __J__J t::zl (_)(_) (/) I I 1-i 1-l 1-l t-it-lie t:S,:t l::;;:t ...... w .... 1-l (() 10 50(1 60(1 F 7(10 F-: E 8(10 G! 1_1 9(10 E t-.1 1(100 c: 'T' 11(10 _.-.... 1--:: 12(1(1 H :z . ___ ... 1:3(10 1400 15~Z1(1 1600 1~3 =3ITE 1 10A HEAL 1T 1 t-1 E A==; 1_1 F:: E 1) F-:AD I C• F REG! 1_1 E t--1 c 1T 1 =3 I Gt--IAL =3TREt--IC-iTH < cfB•--1 ::- 20 :~:0 I II II :x:- 3: o:J H t%j z ~ ::0 "::2 z 0 H Ul 1:'1 2(1 :~:(1 II -CLASS II STATION III -CLASS III STATION 40 Ul H Q z :x:- t"' Ul ~ ::0 1:'1 z Q ~ ::r: "::2 0 ::0 * 40 * -SET BY FCC FOR PRIMARY SERVICE 50 6(1 Ul H Q z :x:- t"' Ul ~ ::0 1:'1 z Q ~ ::r: "::2 0 ::0 Ul 3: :x:- t"' t"' ~ ~ z Ul * 50 60 :3ITE 110A TV STATIONS RECEIVED ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Operating Antenna Power-kW Height-Feet Visual/Aural AT/AG 2 KENI Anchorage 26.9/2.69 70/173 2 KFAR Fairbanks 5.37/.676 45/200 2 Cantwell Translator at Earth Station Operated by Alaska Department of Highways 4 K04CO Healy Translator (Primary Ch. 11 KTVF Fairbanks) 4 K04DO Talkeetna Translator (Primary Ch. 11 Anchorage) 6 K06KG Talkeetna Translator (Primary Ch. 13 Anchorage) *7 KAKM Anchorage 105/20.90 14 3/250 7 K07ND Healy Translator (Primary Ch. 9 Fairbanks) 9 KUAC Fairbanks 46.7/1.16 200/255 9 K0900 Talkeetna Translator (Primary Ch. 2 Anchorage) 11 KTVA Anchorage 26.3/5.35 300/391 13 KIMO Anchorage 30/6.17 90/347 13 Healy Translator AT -Above average terrain AG -Above ground * -Non-commercial educational station CHANNEL 2 '5 7 11 13 TV SIGNRL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•F== ALASKA POWER RUTHORITY ·=.I IE :1. 0 ~·~ ILLm·~ 5TAF::T: 1 ·!·: 40 OBSERVERS: J. TORR! D. F::E'/NOLDS FINISH: 1 ;=j: 30 CALL t·1ETER+: ATTEt-~. ANTENNA CAE:·LE SIGNAL* At·1E:· I ENT AUDIO LETTEF::S F::EADING 5ETTING COF::F::. COF::F::. 5TRENGTH NOI5E* G!Ui=lL IT'/ t-::ENI 53.0 -20 ~:;. 5 3.0 44.5 A 2$~ .. 0 -:20 ·=-C' :_;. ·-' 3.0 17.5 t-::0.!·f-:;(; 2·;·. 0 -20 7 .0 3.0 g:•. 0 E :27.0 -20 7.0 3.0 17.0 t-=:At-::t-1 C""":' s= ·-··-'. ·-· -20 14.0 4.0 51.5 A 2·=·· 0 -20 14.0 4.0 24.0 :-::T 1..JA 43.0 -20 15.5 5.0 43.5 A 2·;·. 0 -:20 15.!5 5.0 2·;·. 5 t-:; It·10 47.0 -20 1 ·;·. 5 :::.0 54.5 e. 2-7'. 0 -20 1•;:•. 5 ;:;i. 0 -:-..: C" ·-··-·· ·-· * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) 5ITE 10 DATE: 5TAJ=::T: f"INI5H: CALL CHANNEL LETTEP5 2 J-:;ENI 4 J-:;04DO 1!a j-:;0.~.j-:;c; 7 t-:;AJ-::1'1 ·;· t-::0900 11 J-:;TJ...IA TV SIGNAL STR~NGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FCtF:: ALA~KA POWER AUTHORITY -= -· I TE ::Z0 7,/ 11 1a"'1 ~:: 1 TJ=::APPEJ=:: CJ=::EEJ-:; 11 : !lJ,~, Of·5EJ=::I..JEP5 : I TOPJ=::I ._l. D. :=::E'.,-'I'~OLD5 12:01 F'. J=;:Of· I N5ot·~ t·1ETEJ=::* ATTEN. ANTENI'~A CAf·LE 5 IGNAL:+: At·1f·IENT AUDIO READit·K, 5ETTING C:OJ=::J=::. COJ=::J=::. 5TRENGTH NOI5E* G!UALIT'/ 37.0 -20 ·=· r:: 3.0 ·-=··=· r:: c. ~-· .. _, ..:..•-1. ·-· .... 2~~ .• 0 -20 ·:. C" ·-·. ·-' 3.0 17.5 31.0 -:20 5.0 3.0 19.0 D 28.0 -:20 5.0 3.0 16.0 44.0 -:20 7.0 3.0 34.0 c :28.0 -:20 7.0 3.0 H:;.0 z;3. 0 -20 14.0 4.0 2:!ca 0 E 2·~·-0 -:20 14.0 4.0 :24.0 ~.-. &::" ·-' ~ . ·-~ -:20 12.5 4.0 3·!·. 0 A 2·!·. 0 -:20 1:2.5 4.0 22.5 32.0 -20 15.5 5.0 ""::•"':• C" ·-•,a;. •. _; E z·;:·.0 -:20 15.5 5.0 2'F'. 5 * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) 5ITE 20 DATE: 5TAfH: FHH5H: CALL CHANNEL LETTER:. 2 ~:;f"AF:: 4 j-:;04-DO ,!, f-:;0.!·!-=;e:. ..., f-:;At-:;t·1 .. · •;:• !-~0900 11 !-=;T 1..JA 13 j-:;rt-10 TV SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FCtF=~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .. =. I TE 30 7./ 12,.···;=; 1 CHA5E 13:40 OE:·5ER 1..JER5 : f TOF::FU ·-'. D. }:;:E\'NOLD5 14:20 t·1ETEF:::+: ATTEN. ANTENNA CAE:·LE 5IGNAL* At·iE:· I ENT AUDIO READING 5ETTil'lG CORF::. CORF::. 5 TF::ENC:r TH NOI5E* OUALIT\' 34.0 -20 ;:;. 5 3.0 25.5 D 2~ .• 0 -20 ;=;. s 3.0 17.5 47.0 -20 5.0 3.0 35.0 E:· z:::. 0 -20 5.0 3.0 1·:::0. 0 3;:i. 5 0 ..., .0 3.0 4i:i. 5 A .. · 27.0 -20 7.0 3.0 17.0 32.0 -20 14.0 4.0 30.0 D :z,!,. 0 -20 14.0 4.0 24.0 "'::I,:• E:' ._ .. _,. ·-' -20 12.5 4.0 35.0 A 2·!~. 0 -20 12.5 4. 0 22.5 32.0 -20 15.5 5.0 32.5 D :2·;·. 0 -20 15.5 S.0 z·;:·. s "":'-:t ~ -20 1';:'. 5 e;. 0 40.5 E ._:._ .. z·;:·. 0 -20 1 r;:r • 5 ;:; . 0 "":'..: c:" ._,,_ .. ·-· * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) 5ITE 30 CHANNEL ·-=· .... 4 ..: ·-· 7 ·;· TV SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE ~URUEY FC1t=:~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'12,.··'0::1 5TAt=H: 11 :25 :::.I TE -40 LAt·iE c::;:EE~:; CB5ERUER5: J. TORRI D. F:~E\'NOLD5 F"INI5H: 12:1·;· CALL t·1ETEt=::;+: ATTEN. RNTENt·lA CRE:·LE 5IGNAL+: At·iE·IENT AUDIO LETTER:. t=::EADING 5ETTING CORt=::. cot=::R. 5Tt=::ENGTH NOI5E;+: G!UALIT\' ~=:rAt=:: ""!'·:-c: ·-~·-·. ·-' -20 ;:;. 5 3.0 30.0 (I ·-=· ~ I:" .... ,_ .. ·-' -20 .::-C' ,_ .. ·-· 3.0 1e.0 ~=:04(10 37.0 -20 5.0 3.0 25.0 D 2~~. 0 -20 5.0 3.0 1 ~!·. 0 ~=:0·!·1-=:G 52.0 -20 7.0 3.0 42.0 A 27.0 -20 ~ .0 3.0 17.0 ,•' ~=;At-:;t-1 31.0 -20 14.0 4.0 2·;:·. 0 (I 2·~·-0 -20 14.0 4.0 24.0 t-=:0900 39.0 -20 12.5 4.0 "'::t:' C" ·-1·-·. ·-' A 2~!·. 0 -20 12.5 4.0 22.5 :+: Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) ::.ITE 40 CHANNEL ..: ,_, TV SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY r c• s::;;~ ALA~KA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'12,.··';31 5TAt=::T: 15:40 ·=·ITE 50t=l cur:::t=::'/ OB5ERVER5: J. TORRI D. ~:E'i't·WLD5 FINI5H: 15:55 CALL t·iETER* ATTEt·~. ANTEt·lNA CAE:·LE 5IGNAL:f. At·1E:· I ENT AUDIO LETTER:. HEADING 5ETTING CORt=::. cor:::r:::. 5TRENGTH NOI5E:+: G!UALIT'..-' r:;0.:::.t-::G 2·;·. 0 -20 7.0 3.0 19.0 1:" ..... ·"':-~ .0 -20 7.0 3.0 17.0 .a:...·· * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) 5ITE 50A TV SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•s=;~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'11,.··'81 -=.I TE -~·0 CANnJELL 5TAF=:T: 1 ..,. ·":·":' ... · •L·-• OB5ERUER5: J. TORRI D. F::E\'NOLD5 F"HH5H: 17:53 CALL r·1ETEH* ATTEN. ANTENNA CAe·LE 5IGNAL* 1=tt·1e. I ENT AUDIO CHANNEL LETTER=· F::EADING 5ETTINC:. COF::F::. CORF::. 5 TF::ENC:. TH NOI5E:+; G!UALIT\' •":-·:.· 50.0 0 -=· C" 3.0 ,!.1. 5 A .,;.. ;_I •• _1 :21.0 -:20 -=· C" ·-· ... _. 3.0 12.5 .., t-=:At<:t1 z;:::. 0 -:20 14.0 4.0 2~! .. 0 E .. · :z,~ .• 0 ·-20 14.0 4.0 :24.0 ·;;· !-=:UAC 32.0 -20 12.5 4.0 2::i. 5 D 2·~:. 0 -20 12.5 4.0 22.5 * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) ? 5tation Call Letters Unknown. 5ITE ,;::,0 CHANNEL •":o ..:.. TV SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FCtft=;! ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'1S,.··'e1 5TAt=::T: 11 :47 ==·ITE 70 CAt=::LO Ct=::EEt-:; OB5ERVER5: J. TORRI D. ::;:E'/NOLD5 F"INI5H: 12:01 CALL ~·1ETER+: ATTEt·~. ANTENI'~A CAE:·LE 5IGNAL* At·1E:· I ENT AUDIO LETTER::. t=::EADING 5ETTING COt=::P. cot=::t=::. 5Tt=::ENGTH NOI5E* C!UALIT'-1' t-::FAt=:: 2!5.0 -20 ·=· C' 1-1. ·-· 3.0 1·!-.!5 [I 17.0 -20 ~=;. 5 3.0 ::;. 5 * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) :::.ITE 70 TV ~IGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•F=~ ALA~KA POWER AUTHORITY DATE : 7 , . ..'15/81 :=.TAFn: 13:40 ·=.I TE ;:::•0 DENE!-=; I LAt<E OBSERVERS: J.TORRI D. ~:E'lt-iOLDS FINISH: 14:30 CALL t-1ETEF::;+: ATTEN. ANTENNA CAE:·LE 5IClNALf. At·1f:. IENT AUDIO CHANNEL LETTE~5 F::EADI NG 5ETTING C:OF::F::. COF::F::. STRENGTH NOI5E* G!UALIT\' 2 "? 24.0 -20 -=· C" 3.0 15.5 c- 1-1 • ._, '- 17.5 -20 ·=-C" ·-·· -~ 3.0 ·;·. 0 4 ·-::· 21.0 -20 5.0 3.0 ·;:·. 0 E 19.0 -20 5.0 3.0 7.0 * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) ? 5tation Call Letters Unknown. CHANNEL ·;· TV SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURUEY Fc•r-;;~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'14,.··'81 5TAFH: 15:00 ::;:. I TE ·;::·0 t·iCI-:; I t·iLE'.,-' 1.} I LLAGE OB5ERUERS: J. TORR! D. F::E'.,-'NOLD5 f"INI5H: 15:51 CALL ~·iETEJ=;::+; ATTEN. RI'4TENNA CAE:·LE 5IGNAL:f. At·1f:·IENT AUDIO LETTER:. J=;:EADING 5ETTING COJ=;:J=;:. COJ=;:J=;:. 5TJ=;:ENGTH NOI5E;f: G!UALIT\' r';uAc 20.0 -20 1·":· C" ~-·-' 4.0 1l!~. 5 E 1 r!-• 5 -20 12.5 4.0 13.0 * Decibels (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) 5 ITE ·;:·0 TV SIGNAL STRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY F"C,F:! ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'14,.··';:H -=.I TE i 00 t·iCt-:; I NLE:'l PAj:;:t-:; 5TAj:;:T: 1 .-; .• -:oc-.a:...·-··-· OB5ERVER5: J. TORRI D. RE'/NOLD5 FINI5H: 12:41 CALL METER* ATTEN. ANTENNA CABLE SIGNAL* AMBIENT AUDIO CHANNEL LETTERS READING SETTING CORR. CORR. STRENGTH NOISE* QUALITY NO 5TATION5 RECEIVED SITE 100 CHANNEL 4 7 .-. :r 1":' ·-· TV SIGNAL ~TRENGTH AND AMBIENT NOISE SURVEY FC•F=: ALA~KA POWER AUTHORITY DATE: 7,.··'13,.··'S1 :=.I TE i i 0A HEAL\' 5TAt==:T: 1•!· :33 OB5ERUER5: J. TORRI D.. F::E\'t·K1LD5 F"It-H5H: 17:10 CALL t·1ETER+: ATTEN. ANTENNA CAe·LE 5IGNAL* At·1e·IENT AUDIO LETTER::. READING 5ETTING COt==:t==:. cot==:t==:. 5Tt==:ENGTH NOI5E:+: G!UALIT'r' t-:;04CO 47.0 -20 5.0 3.0 35.0 A 2:3.0 -20 5.0 3.0 16.0 f-:;07ND 4S.0 -:20 14.0 4.0 46.0 A 2r!:a 0 -20 14.0 4.0 24.0 t-:;I_IAC 33.0 -20 1:2.5 4.0 zr;:•. 5 Co '-' 21!1. 0 -20 12.5 4.0 :.::::.:::.5 "? 40.0 -20 t·;·. 5 6.0 47.5 c zr;•. 0 -20 1 .-. C" ,. . ·-· ;=:. 0 '?..: C"' ·-''-'. ·-· * DecibeLs (dBu) Quasi Peak (QP) ? 5tation CaLL Letters Unknown. 5ITE 110A ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Existing Quality of Television Reception (Audio) (Based on Field Measurements of Radio Station Signal Strengths July 9-15, 1981) Site Number Location Number of TV Signals Judged to have the following Quality of Audio Reception A B C D E 10 Willow 20 Trapper Creek 30 Chase 40 Lane Creek SOA Curry 60 Cantwell 70 Carlo Creek 80 Deneki Lake 90 McKinley Village 100 McKinley Park llOA Healy A -Entirely Satisfactory 3 1 2 2 1 2 B -very Good, Background unobtrusive 1 1 1 1 1 1 C -Fairly Satisfactory, Background Plainly Evident 1 3 3 1 1 D -Background very Evident, Speech Understandable With Concentrating E -Speech Unintelligible 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 > "'tJ "'tJ m z c X OJ APPENDIX B COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCOPE • • • • • • APPENDIX B TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . RECOMMENDATIONS • • • • • INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . COMMUNICATION FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . CLEARANCE CRITERIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FM TRANSLATOR FACILITIES • . . . . . TELEVISION TRANSLATOR FACILITIES • . . . . . EARTH STATIONS • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIR NAVIGATIONAL AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . NAVAIDS (Enroute) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page B-1 B-1 B-1 B-3 B-4 B-4 B-5 B-5 B-6 B-6 Nondirectional Radio Beacons (NDB) • • • • B-6 Remote Center Air Ground (RCAG} Facilities. B-6 Single Frequency Outlets (SFO} • • • • • • B-7 Simultaneous Single Frequency Outlets (SSFO) B-7 NAVAIDS (At Airports) • • • • • • • • • • • B-7 VOR Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unicorns • • • • . . . . . . Remote Communications Outlets (RCO} Flight Service Stations (FSS) •••• Airport Advisory Services (AAS) •••••• Airport Landing Alert Systems (ALAS} •• POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE • • • • • • • • • • • • RESULTS • • REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXHIBITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8 B-8 B-9 B-9 B-9 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SCOPE The results of an investigation of radio communications towers licensed to business and governmental agencies in the study area between Willow and Healy, Alaska are pre- sented in this Appendix. A total of 50 towers have been identified including microwave relay facilities, TV trans- lators, FM translators, earth stations and air navigational aides. Also presented are the minimum recommended separa- tions between the 345 kV intertie and these towers. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the minimum separation distances summarized in Table B-3 be observed between the communication towers identified in this appendix and the edge of the right-of-way of the intertie. Actual locations of the communication towers near the final line route will be verified using aerial photographs of the route at the time the transmission line centerline is established. INTRODUCTION In the past, EHV transmission lines have been reported to cause interference to certain types of communication facili- ties. This interference is not limited to electromagnetic interference resulting from conductor corona. Rather such interference has been caused by the physical presence of B-1 tall metallic transmission line structures, shield wires and, in some cases, phase conductors. Such interference occurred even when transmission lines were deenergized. Both clearance criteria and mitigative techniques have been developed to successfully resolve most of these types of interference. In routing the intertie, it then becomes desirable to iden- tify those situations where a proposed route may cause such interference. Necessary corrective measures can be imple- mented prior to the construction of the intertie thereby minimizing the impact on communication facilities. APA authorized CAI to perform a study of the commercial radio communication facilities near the proposed 345 kV intertie. The radio communication facilities identified in this study are: FM Translators TV Translators Earth Stations Air Navigational Aids Point-to-Point Microwave The primary sources of technical data on these communication facilities include various bureaus of the Federal Communi- cation Commission (FCC), the Federal Aviation Administration, Alascom, Inc. the Alaska Railroad, the Golden Valley Electric Association and the Matanuska Telephone Association. These sources were supplemented by Federal Aviation Administration Aeronautical Charts and United States Geological Service Maps and field surveys by both Dryden & LaRue and Commonwealth. B-2 These sources of technical data are the best available. However, it is Commonwealth's experience that the actual location of the communication towers may be slightly dif- ferent from that shown in the technical data. For example, the smallest unit of longitude shown in the technical data is normally integer seconds. A deviation of 0.5 seconds (longitude) between an actual tower location and the techni- cal data can result in a difference of about 50 feet. Commonwealth will verify the actual locations of the communi- cation towers near the final line route using aerial photo- graphs of the route at the time the transmission line center- line is established. COMMUNICATION FACILITIES The following types of communications facilities were identified in this study: 1. FM Translators 2. TV Translators 3. Earth Stations 4. Air NAVAIDS Not Located at Airports a. Nondirectional Radio Beacons b. Remote Center Air Ground Facilities c. Single Frequency Outlets d. Simultaneous Single Frequency Outlets 5. Air NAVAIDS Located at Airports a. VOR Stations b. Unicorns c. Remote Communications Outlets d. Flight Service Stations e. Airport Advisory Services f. Airport Landing Alert Systems 6. Common Carrier and Point-to-Point Microwave B-3 The following types of communication facilities were excluded in this study: 1. Police and Sheriff 2-Way Radio 2. Private 2-Way Radio 3. Amateur Radio and Citizens Band 4. Classified Government Frequency Assignments 5. Telephone, Telegraph and Other Wire Facilities CLEARANCE CRITERIA A summary of the clearance criteria for the different communication towers identified in the study area is tabu- lated in Table B-1. FM TRANSLATOR FACILITIES FM translator facilities are licensed by the FCC to receive an FM station and to rebroadcast the FM program on a different FM frequency. To date, EHV tower and conductor impacts on FM transmitting antennas have not been reported. The minimum spacing between FM transmitting antennas and the EHV right-of-way is recommended to be the FM antenna structure height plus 200 feet. If the FM antenna were to topple, it would topple so that neither the antenna nor guy wires would be expected to fall on the right-of-way. Also sufficient clearance would be provided for established main- tenance practices on the guying anchors for the broadcast tower. B-4 TELEVISION TRANSLATOR FACILITIES TV translator facilities are licensed by the FCC to receive a TV signal and to rebroadcast the TV program on a different TV channel. No effects of EHV lines on television trans- mitting antennas have been reported. Again, the clearance criteria is the antenna structure height plus 200 feet. There may be an impact of the EHV towers on television reception due to reflections from the EHV towers which can cause ghost images (multiple images) to appear on the television screen. Modification or improvement of the receiving TV antenna system is the preferred method of correcting ghosting problems. Such problems must be con- sidered on a case by case basis. EARTH STATIONS Earth Stations are licensed by the FCC to provide communica- tion service from a geostationary satellite. Operating at frequencies in the 1 GHz or 6 GHz band, earth stations are normally unaffected by 345 kV lines. Located at approximately 61° N latitude, earth stations in Alaska have low zeniths, approximately 19° above the horizon. For proper operation it is necessary that the line of sight link between the earth station antenna and the satellite does not pass through or near the transmission line structures. Therefore the minimum separation between the line route and the earth station is recommended to be 1000 feet (approximately 10 tower heights). B-5 AIR NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Air Navigational Aids (NAVAIDS) are radio facilities used by government, commercial and private airplane pilots for communication, data logging, positioning and other informa- tion exchange. Many types of Air Navigational Aids are in use in the study area. NAVAIDS (Enroute) In selected cases NAVAIDS are not located at airports. Such NAVAIDS are located throughout the countryside to provide a blanket of electronic aids to pilots and controllers. Nondirectional Radio Beacons (NDB) These omnibeacons are used by pilots for navigation fixes or homing points. The nondirectional signal has a frequency range of 200-400 kHz in 3 power ranges: MH -less than 50 watts, H -50 to 2000 watts, and HH -more than 2000 watts. The airborne equipment generally consists of a radio direction finder, a loop antenna and a sense antenna. The FAA recommends a minimum clearance of 1000 feet to tall metallic structures such as transmission towers. Remote Center Air Ground (RCAG) Facilities The RCAG Facilities extend the communications coverage of Air Route Traffic Control Centers. The voice signal from the Controller is generally carried over telephone lines to a RCAG site where it is transmitted (AM) in the range of 123.6-128.8 MHz or 132.05-135.95 MHz at 10 or 50 watts. When telephone lines are not used for the ground link, an FM B-6 link (between 162 MHz and 174 MHz) or an alternate FM UHF link (between 406 MHz and 420 MHz) is used. These directional signals normally have a transmitted power of up to 50 watts. Effects from EHV lines have not been reported by the FAA. The FAA recommended clearance is 1000 feet to tall metallic structures such as transmission towers. Single Frequency Outlets (SFO) At or near airports with no control towers, the FAA can authorize an SFO air-to-ground facility to tie in with a remote Air Traffic Control Tower communications. SFO operates on a frequency between 118-136 MHz and has a non- directional AM signal using a normal transmitter power of 10 watts. For an SFO not located at an airport the FAA recom- mends a minimum 1000 foot separation to tall metallic struc- tures such as transmission towers. The ground link used for a SFO is identical with the ground link for a Remote Communications Outlet (see RCO). Simultaneous Single Frequency Outlets (SSFO) A SSFO is a low-powered battery-operated Single Frequency Outlet (unique to Alaska). Refer to the section on SFOs for characteristics of this system. NAVAIDS (At Airports) The air NAVAIDS located at airports in the study area include the facilities listed under Airport NAVAIDS in Table B-1. For most applications the minimum spacing criteria for EHV lines B-7 (from airports) requires a maximum slope of 1.5° from the air- port to the top of the EHV tower. This criteria generally will provide sufficient separation resulting in insignifi- cant impact on NAVAIDS located at airports. VOR Stations The VOR station is the standard very High Frequency Omni Range electronic direction finder in common use today. The VOR system consists of a 200 watt ground transmitter and airborne receiving equipment. Two signals are transmitted on a 110-118 mHz carrier: 1) a frequency modulating reference phase 30 Hz signal and 2) a space amplitude modulating variable phase 30 Hz signal. With proper phasing of the reference and variable signals, the airborne equipment can determine the azimuth from the plane to the transmitting site. Unicorns A Unicorn is a nongovernment air-to-ground radio communica- tions facility providing private air-to-ground communications and, at certain airports, airport advisory services. Unicorns are licensed by the Aviation Marine Branch of the Federal Communications Commission. At airports with no control towers, one of three frequencies (122.7 MHz, 122.8 MHz or 123.0 MHz) is used. At airports with control towers a frequency of 122.95 MHz is normally used. The nondirectional vertically polarized signals are amplitude modulated. The broadcast power is normally 10 watts. B-8 Remote Communications Outlets (RCO) At airports with no control towers, a Remote Communications Outlet may be authorized by the FAA to provide local Flight Service Station (FSS) service from a remote location. These nondirectional signals have a frequency range between 118- 136 MHz, are amplitude modulated and normally have a trans- mitted power level of 10 watts. Voice channels between an RCO and an FSS may be over telephone lines or a directional VHF link. This link has a frequency range of 162-174 MHz and is frequency modulated. Flight Service Stations (FSS} At airports with control towers, air-to-ground communication for a Flight Service Station may be authorized by the FAA. Services of the FSS include change of flight plans and reports of weather conditions along a flight route. A nondirectional signal having a frequency between 122.0-122.6 MHz is amplitude modulated. Normal broadcast power is 10 watts. Airport Advisory Services (AAS} Airports, having an FSS, may also be authorized by the FAA to provide an Airport Advisory Service. This air-to-ground communications is used for aircraft landings and takeoffs. The nondirectional AM signal has a frequency of 123.6 MHz from a 10 watt transmitter. Airport Landing Alert Systems (ALAS} At airports with no control towers or when the control tower is unmanned, the FAA can authorize an ALAS, an air-to- ground communication link. A pilot can key a frequency B-9 between 118-136 MHz, a predetermined number of times to cause the airfield lights to turn on. At the airport only a receiver is used for this communications link. POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE All tall metallic structures including 345 kV transmission line towers may affect microwave beams. While literature discussing such effects is scarce, it is standard practice for microwave facility suppliers and microwave routing engineers to avoid placing a microwave path through a trans- mission line tower. The general routing criteria for a microwave beam is to provide a minimum spacing of six-tenths of the radius of the first fresnel zone [Reference B-1] from path to obstacle. Because of the considerations made in microwave routing, it is appropriate that APA make similar considerations in transmission line route selection. This survey of microwave beams considers a two dimensional model with the understanding that the elevation of the microwave beams may be higher than the transmission line. The licensees of the facilities normally have completed path- profiles for each microwave beam to determine the minimum clearance required between the beam and both the natural topography and existing man-made objects. Using these path- profiles, these licensees should be able to easily determine whether sufficient clearance exists between their microwave beams and the proposed transmission lines. The minimum horizontal separation recommended between a microwave tower and the 345 kV line is the height of the microwave tower plus 200 feet. This is a distance based on physical parameters rather than microwave beam degradation. B-10 RESULTS A total of 50 commercial communications towers have been identified in the study area (Figure B-1). A summary of these towers is provided in Table B-2, Sheets 1-8. Included in this summary for each tower is the licensee, site name, licensing agency, location, site elevation, antenna height, the type and call letters (when available), frequency, power and the receiving targets of the facility. The recommended separations between the commercial communi- cations towers and the edge of the right-of-way of the 345 kV intertie are summarized in Table B-3, Sheets 1-4. The Federal Aviation Administration and the Licenses of Microwave Facilities and Earth Stations have received copies of this Appendix for review and comments. A record of per- tinent correspondence in this matter follows Table B-3. B-11 REFERENCES B-1 Engineering Considerations for Microwave Communications Systems. GET Lenkurt, San Carlos, California, June, 1970. B-2 VOR/VORTAC Siting Criteria, 6700.11, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, washington, D.C., August 7, 1968. B-12 p.. -~~---.-·: ,,--· I . vW..,.. ~ ,._.,_. ·. fl'loo... ...,.,.,.,.t "' • _ -~ -Mofltl\•.-bt,.,. ::::-"' ....... : ....... " . ·- 1 f \ R .7W. I .... -~- <"~..,. ..... .... -_*" l Air- + T ovver Locatio n (!) Tovv e r No. S ee T a bl e B -2 Microvvave Be a ms Lin e Route '-----------------=:A:::.:I=.a s~k:::::a~P:.....:o::..:'W=er:....:A:::.u=.:t::.:h:.:::o~ri..:..!...tv] ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION I NTERTI E 0 1 0 2 0 Miles J 0 1 0 20 K ilo m e t e r s ~ G ilbe rt/Commo nw ealth North Communication T ovvers TABLE B-1 POSSIBLE EHV LINE EFFECTS ON COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES AND RECOMMENDED MINIMUM CLEARANCES c:: 0 0 ·.-I c:: '0 "0 +J +J c: 0 c:: <V <V cU 0 ·.-I 0 +J '0 <V Ul c:: C) >. ·.-f +J ·.-I Ol l-1 c: C) <V 0 ·.-f +J +J u +J c:: 0 Ul <V E c: C: ·.-f c:: ·.-f C) :ij 0. ·.-I C..+J E :l :ij ·.-f l-1 :l.--t <V l-1 l-1 +J <V C) E E l-1 ...::I <V E . .-~ .--f 4-l 0 Ul 0:: <V 0 ·.-f cU +J E c.> 4-l 4-l Ul 0 4-1 UC::<V!> ·.-f 0 it! <V ·.-I ..a ..c: 04-l <V ·.-1 .--f ::r: l-1 urx.. 0:: Q ~ c.!) :z~ o:::zu~ u FM Translator X Antenna Height Antenna Toppling plus 200 feet Guy Anchor Maintenance TV Translator X X X Antenna Height Antenna Toppling Plus 200 feet Guy Anchor Maintenance Earth Stations 10 Tower Height See Text NAVAIDS (Enroute) NDB X 1000 feet FAA RCAG X 1000 feet FAA SFO X 1000 feet FAA SSFO X 1000 feet FAA NAVAIDS (At Airports) 1.5° DOT/FAA VOR X l. so Ref. B-2 Unicorn X Airport Criterion RCO X Airport Criterion FSS X Airport Criterion AAS X Airport Criterion ALAS X Airport Criterion point-to-Point X X X Antenna Height Antenna Toppling Microwave Plus 200 feet Guy Anchor Maintenance See Text 0.6 First Fresnel Zone COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 345 KV INTERTIE Licensee Tower (Site Name) Latitude N Longitude w Site El. Tower Ht. _il_ (Bureau) Near Mun ic ipali t;t Ft. AMSL Feet 1 Alas com Inc. 6P 46' 20" 149° 45' 06" 1450 175 (Twelve Mile) (Common Carrier) 14 Miles east of Willow 2 Alas com Inc. 62° 19' 07" 150° 17' 55" 450 150 (Scotty Lake) (Common Carrier) Trapper Creek 3 Alas com Inc. 62° 19' 57" 150° Ol' 57" 480 75 (Bartlett Earth Station) (Common Carrier) Talkeetna 4 Alascom Inc. 62° 41' 20" 150° 13' 50" 1216 130 (Byers Creek) (Common Carrier) Byers Lake 5 Alas com Inc. 63° 05' 41" 149° 30' 18" 1910 233 (Honolulu) (Common Carrier) Honolulu 6 Alas com Inc. 63° 24' 14" 148° 50' 31" 3643 45 (Reindeer Hill #2) (Common Carrier) Cantwell 7 Alas com Inc. 63° 24' 04" 148° 56 1 16" 2644 61 (Cantwell) (Common Carrier) Cantwell LEGEND: AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level MTA -Matanuska Telephone Association Facility Frequency (T:tee> (Power) WAD94 (Microwave) WAD95 (Microwave) WAD93 (Microwave) WQQ87 (Microwave) WQQ86 (Microwave) Reindeer 2PV (Microwave) Passive Reflector WQQ80 (Microwave) ~'ABLE B-2 SHEET l of 8 Sept. 18, 1981 Target Microwave to Tower 2 Microwave to Tower 17 (MTA only) Microwave to Tower 1 Microwave to Tower 3 Microwave to Tower 4 Microwave to Tower 2 Microwave to Tower 2 Microwave to Tower 5 Microwave to Tower 4 Microwave to Tower 6 Microwave to Tower 5 Microwave to Tower 7 Microwave to Tower 6 Microwave to Tower 8 Tower -*- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Licensee (Site Name) (Bureau) Alascom Inc. (Reindeer Hill jfl) (Common Carrier) Alascom Inc. (McKinley Village) (Common Carrier) Alascom Inc. (Healy) (Common Carrier) Alascom Inc. (Birch Creek) (Common Carrier) Golden Valley Ele. (Private Radio) Golden Valley Ele. (Sugar Loaf) (Private Radio) Golden Valley Ele. (Healy Power Plant) (Private Radio) COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 345 KV INTERTIE Latitude N Longitude W Site El. Tower Ht. Near Municipality Ft. AMSL Feet 63 ° 24 I 34" 148° 50 I 58" 3238 45 Cantwell 63° 38' 37" 148° 47' 00" 2162 98 McKinley Village 63° 50' 16" 148° 58' 41" 1914 205 Healy 64° 10' 14" 149° 17' 43" 983 125 Birch Creek 64° 52' 47" 148° 03' 20" 2364 80 Ester Dome 63° 47' 25" 148° 52' 18" 4500 28 Sugar Loaf Mountain, Healy 63° 51' 21" 148° 57' 00" 1272 80 Healy LEGEND: AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level MTA -Matanuska Electric Association Facility (Type) Reindeer lPV (Microwave) Passive Reflector WQQ81 (Microwave WQQ82 (Microwave) WQQ83 (Microwave) WJI92 (Microwave) WJI93 (Microwave Frequency (Power) 956.0 MHZ (10 W) 957.6 MHZ (lOW) 959.6 MHZ (10 W) WJI94 954.0 MHZ (Microwave) (10 W) TABLE B-2 SHEET 2 of 8 Sept. 18, 1981 Target Microwave to Tower 7 Microwave to Tower 9 Microwave to Tower 8 Microwave to Tower 10 (Only MTA) Microwave to Tower 15 (Shared with MTA) Microwave to Tower 9 (Only MTA) Microwave to Tower 11 (Shared with MTA) Microwave to Tower 10 (Shared with MTA) Microwave to Tower 13 Microwave to Tower 12 Microwave to Tower 14 Microwave to Tower 13 Tower _#_ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Licensee (Site Name) (Bureau) Matanuska Telephone Association (McKinley Park) (Common Carrier) Matanuska Telephone Association (Bald Mountain) (Common Carrier) Matanuska Telephone Association (Talkeetna) (Common Carrier) Alaska Railroad (Talkeetna) (IRAC) Alaska Railroad (Summit) (IRAC) Alaska Railroad (Chalitna Hwy. Camp) (IRAC) Alaska Railroad (Byers Lake) (IRAC) COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 345 KV INTERTIE Latitude N Longitude W Site El. Tower Ht. Near Municipality Ft. AMSL Feet 63° 43 I 59" 148° 54' 56" McKinley Park 62° 18' 30" 149° 45 1 07" 12 Miles east of Talkeetna 62° 19' 19" 150° 06' 54" Talkeetna (Central Office) 62° 19 1 48" 150° 06 1 48" Talkeetna 61° 15 1 31" 149° 31 1 37" Anchorage 62° 24 1 10" 150° 15' 08" Trapper Creek 62° 41' 17" 150° 13' 34" 1753 3300 346 340 3850 550 1400 33 30 100 90 60 30 160 100 100 30 30 LEGEND: AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level IRAC -Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee Facility (Type) WAS480 (Microwave) (Microwave) Frequency (Power) TABLE B-2 SHEET 3 of 8 Sept. 18, 1981 Target Microwave to Tower 9 (Shared with Alascom) 2GHz Digital Microwave to Tower 17 2 GHz Digital Microwave to Tower 16 (Microwave) 2 GHz Digital Microwave to Tower 2 2.202 GHz Microwave to Tower 20 (Microwave) (3 Watts) 1.776 GHz Microwave to Tower 20 (Microwave) (10 Watts) 2.2565 GHz Microwave to Tower 18 (Microwave) (3 Watts) l. 716 GHz Microwave to Tower 19 (10 Watts) l. 746 GHz Microwave to Tower 21 (5 Watts) 1.806 GHz Microwave to Tower 20 (Microwave) (10 Watts) l. 746 GHz Microwave to Tower 22 (10 Watts) Tl'.BLE B-2 S HEC:T 4 of 8 Sept. 18, 1981 COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 345 KV INTERTIE Licensee Tower (Site Name) Latitude N Longitude W Site El. Tower Ht. Facility Frequency Target _#_ (Bureau) Near Mun ic ipali t;r: Ft. AMSL Feet (T;r:eel (Power) 22 Alaska Railroad 62° 58' 40" 149° 38' 47" 1600 100 1.806 GHz Microwave to Tower 21 (Hurricane) (Microwave) (5 Watts) (IRAC) Hurricane 155 1.776 GHz Microwave to Tower 24 (5 Watts) Microwave to Tower 23 23 Alaska Railroad Microwave to Tower 22 To Gold Creek, south of Hurricane (Microwave) (IRAC) Future Site 24 Alaska Railroad 1.716 GHz Microwave to Tower 22 (Microwave) (0.1 Watts) (IRAC) Future site 1.776 GHz Microwave to Tower 25 (0.1 Watts) 25 Alaska Railroad 63 ° 24 I 13" 148° 50' 23" 3500 40 1. 716 GHz Microwave to Tower 24 (Cantwell/Reindeer) (Microwave) (5 Watts) (IRAC) Cantwell 30 2.2565 GHz Microwave to Tower 26 (5 Watts) 26 Alaska Railroad 63° 39' 17" 148° 46 I 41" 2515 25 2.205 GHz Microwave to Tower 25 (Yanert) (Microwave) (0.1 Watts) (IRAC) Yanert 25 2.2565 GHz Microwave to Tower 27 (0.1 Watts) 27 Alaska Railroad 63° 43' 58" 148° 54' 30" 1753 30 2.205 GHz Microwave to Tower 26 (McKinley Park) (Microwave) (5 Watts) (IRAC) McKinley Park 30 1.746 GHz Microwave to Tower 28 (5 Watts) 28 Alaska Railroad 63° 44 I 40" 148° 53' 00" 2050 8 l. 806 GHz Microwave to Tower 27 (Horseshoe Passive) 8 (Microwave) l. 746 GHz Microwave to Tower 29 (IRAC) Horseshoe Pass Passive Reflector LEGEND: AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level IRAC -Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee Tower _II_ 29 30 31 32 33 34 Licensee (Site Name) (Bureau) Alaska Rai 1 road (Garner) (IRAC) Alaska Railroad (Healy) (IRAC) Alaska Railroad (Browne) (IRAC) (Broadcast) Alaska Public TV (Broadcast) Northern TV Inc. (Broadcast) COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 345 KV INTERTIE Latitude N Longitude W Site El. Tower Ht. Near Municipality Ft. AMSL Feet 63° 50' 13" 148° 59' 30" Garner 63° 51' 15" 148° 58' 44" 64° 10' 30" 149° 19' 00" Browne 62° 17' 56" 150° 06' 25" Talkeetna 62° 18' 02" 150° 05' 52" (Application for Construction Permit) Talkeetna 62° 18' 00" 150° 05' 36" Talkeetna 1900 75 50 90 1459 40 1200 25 31 LEGEND: AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level IRAC -Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee Facility Frequency (T:a~e) (Power) 1.806 GHz (Microwave) (5 Watts) 2.2565 GHz (0.25 Watts) l. 716 GHz (5 Watts) 2.202 GHz (Microwave) (0.25 Watts) 1.776 GHz (Microwave) (0.10 Watts K0900 (TV Translator) (TV Translator) K04DO (TV Translator) Primary - Channel 2 Operate - Channel 9 Primary - Channel 7 Operate - Channel 47 Primary - Channel 11 Operate - Channel 4 (1 Watt) TABLI..; ll-2 SHEET 5 of 8 Sept. 18, 1981 Target Microwave to Tower 28 Microwave to Tower 30 Microwave to Tower 31 Microwave to Tower 29 Microwave to Tower 29 TAbLE B-2 SHEET 6 of 8 Sept. 18, 1981 COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 345 KV INTERTIE Licensee Tower (Site Name) Latitude N Longitude w Site El. Tower Ht. Facility Frequency Target _#_ (Bureau) Near Municiealit;t Ft. AMSL Feet {T:tee> (Power) 35 Talkeetna Chamber of Commerce 62° 18' 00" 150° 06. 12" 15 K06KG Primary - (TV Channel 13 (Broadcast) Talkeetna Translator) Operate - Channel 6 36 Alaska Dept. of Highways 63° 23' 14" 148° 52' 32" Rebroadcast Channel 2 Channel 2 (10 Watts) (Broadcast) Cantwell (Earth Station) 37 63° 52' 30" 148° 51' 00" 2550 40 K269AD Primary - (FM Channel 284 (Broadcast) Healy Translator) (KUAC-FM) Operate - Channel 269 38 Alaska Public Broadcasting 63° 50' 13" 148° 58 1 38" Application for Construction (TV Permit Translator) (Broadcast) Healy 39 KUAC-TV 63° 52' 30" 148° 51' 00" 2550 30 K07ND Primary - (TV Channel 9 Translator) (KUAC-TV) (Broadcast) Healy Operate - Channel 7 40 Northern TV Inc. 63° 52' 30" 148° 51' 00" 2550 25 K04CO Primary - (TV Channel 11 Translator) (KTVF-TV) (Broadcast) Healy/Suntrana/Usibelli Operate - Channel 4 LEGEND: AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level Tower _#_ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 FAA Licensee (Site Name) (Bureau) Montana Creek Airport COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 345 KV INTERTIE Latitude N Longitude W Site El. Tower Ht. Near Municipality Ft. AMSL Feet 62° 04 I 18" 150° 04 I 00" 250 (IRAC) Montana Creek FAA Talkeetna Airport (IRAC) FAA VOR Station (IRAC) FAA ( IRAC) FAA Summit Airport (IRAC) FAA Golden North Airport ( IRAC) FAA Cantwell SSFO ( IRAC) 62° 19' 27" 150° 05 I 30 11 358 Talkeetna 62° 18' 00" 150° 06' 12" 358 Talkeetna 62° 19' 54" 150° 05' 42" Peters Creek 63° 19' 54" 149° 07' 30" 2409 Summit 63° 22' 18" 148° 50' 54" 2250 Cantwell 63° 24 I 00" 148° 56' 18" 2525 Cantwell Facility (Type) (Unicorn) (Unicom) (FSS) (AAS) (ALAS) (RCO) (VOR) (NOB) (RCO) (NOB) (Unicorn) (SSFO) Frequency (Power) 122.8 MHZ 123.0 MHZ 122.2 MHZ 123.6 MHZ 123.6 MHz(r) 122.2 MHZ 121.5 MHZ(R) 116.2 MHz(T) 116.2 MHZ 305 KUz 122.6 MHz 326 kHz 122.8 MHZ 122.5 MHz TABLE B-2 SHEET 7 of 8 Sept. 18, 1981 Target Talkeetna Airport(FSS) Anchorage FSS Anchorage FSS Anchorage FSS Anchorage FSS LEGEND: AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level NOB -Non Directional Radio Beacon (Navigational Aid) RCO -Remote Communications Outlet AAS -Airport Advisory Service FAA -Federal Aviation Administration FSS -Flight Service Station IRAC -Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee SSFO -Simultaneous Single Frequency Outlet (Air-Ground Communications) VOR -very High Frequency Omni Range (Navigational Aid) TABLE B-2 SHEET 8 of 8 sept. 18, 1981 COMMUNICATION TOWER SURVEY 34 5 KV INTERTIE Tower _#_ 48 49 so FAA Licensee (Site Name) (Bureau) McKinley Park Airport (IRAC) FAA McKinley Park SSFO (IRAC) FAA Healy River SFO ( IRAC) Latitude N Longitude W Near Municipality 63° 44 1 00" 148° 54 I 30" McKinley Park 63° 38 1 36" 148° 47 1 00" McKinley Park 63° 50 I 00" 149° 00 I 00" Healy LEGEND: ALAS -Airport Landing Alert Service AMSL -Above Mean Sea Level FAA -Federal Aviation Administration FSS -Flight Service Station Site El. Ft. AMSL 1720 1294 Tower Ht. Feet Facility (Type) (ALAS) (SSFO) (SFO) Frequency (Power) 122.8 MHZ 122.1 MHz 122.4 MHZ IRAC -Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee Target Anchorage FSS Fairbanks FSS SFO -Single Frequency Outlet (Air-Ground Communications) SSFO -Simultaneous Single Frequency Outlet (Air-Ground Communications) Tower # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TABLE B-3 SHEET 1 of 4 OCTOBER 2, 1981 RECOMMENDED SEPARATION BETWEEN 345 KV INTERTIE AND COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS Licensee (Site Name) Alascom Inc. (Twelve Mile) Alascom Inc. (Scotty Lake) Alascom Inc. (Bartlett Earth Station) Alascom Inc. (Byers Creek) Alascom Inc. (Honolulu) Alascom Inc. (Reindeer Hill #2) Alascom Inc. (Cantwell) Alascom Inc. (Reindeer Hill #l Alascom Inc. (McKinley Village) Alascom Inc. (Healy) Alascom Inc. (Birch Creek) Golden Valley Ele. Golden Valley Ele. (Sugar Loaf) Golden Valley Ele. (Healy Power Plant) Latitude N Longitude W Near Municipality 61° 46' 20" 149° 45' 06" 14 Miles east of Willow 62° 19 I 07 11 Trapper Creek 62° 19 I 57" Talkeetna 62° 41' 20" Byers Lake 63° 05' 41" Honolulu 63° 24 I 14" Cantwell 63° 24' 04" Cantwell 63 O 24 I 34 II Cantwell 150° 17' 55" 150° 01' 57" 150° 13 I 50" 149° 30' 18" 14 8 O 50 I 31" 148° 56' 16" 14 8 ° 50 I 5 8 11 63° 38' 37" 148° 47' 00" McKinley Village Recommended Separation In Feet out of Study Area 350' 1000' 350' 450' 250' 300 I 300' 300' 63° 50' 16" Healy 148° 58' 41" 400' 64 O 10 I 14 II Birch Creek 149° 17' 43" out of Study Area 64 O 52 I 4 7 11 Ester Dome 148° 03' 20" out of 63° 47' 25" 148° 52' 18" Sugar Loaf Mountain, Healy 63° 51' 21" Healy 14 8 ° 57 I 0 0 11 Study Area 250 I 300' Tower # 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 TABLE B-3 SHEET 2 of 4 OCTOBER 2, 1981 RECOMMENDED SEPARATION BETWEEN 345 KV INTERTIE AND COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS Recommended Licensee Latitude N Longitude W Separation (Site Name) Near Municipality In Feet Matanuska Telephone 63° 4 3 I 59" 14 8 ° 54 I 56" 250 1 Association McKinley Park (McKinley Park) Matanuska Telephone 62° 18 1 30" 149° 45 1 07" out of Association 12 Miles east of Talkeetna Study Area (Bald Mountain) Matanuska Telephone 62° 19 1 19" 150° 06 1 54 II 300 1 Association Talkeetna (Central Office) (Talkeetna) Alaska Railroad 62° 19 1 48" 150° 06 1 48" 300 1 (Talkeetna) Talkeetna Alaska Railroad 61° 15 1 31" 14 9 ° 31' 37" out of (Summit) Anchorage Study Area Alaska Railroad 62° 24 I 10" 150° 15' 08" 400' (Chalitna Hwy. Trapper Creek Camp) Alaska Railroad 62° 41' 17" 150° 13' 34 II 250 I (Byers Lake) Alaska Railroad 62° 58' 40" 149° 38' 4 7" 400 1 (Hurricane) Hurricane Alaska Railroad To Gold Creek, south of Hurricane -Future Site Alaska Railroad Future Site Alaska Railroad 63° 24 I 13" 148 ° SO' 23" 250' (Cantwell/Reindeer) Cantwell Alaska Railroad 63° 39 1 17" 14 8 ° 4 6 I 41" 250 I (Yanert) Yanert Alaska Railroad 63° 4 3' 58" 148 ° 54 I 30" 250 I (McKinley park) McKinley Park Tower # 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 TABLE B-3 SHEET 3 of 4 OCTOBER 2, 1981 RECOMMENDED SEPARATION BETWEEN 345 KV INTERTIE AND COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS Licensee (Site Name) Alaska Railroad (Horseshoe passive) Alaska Railroad (Garner) Alaska Railroad (Healy) Alaska Railroad (Browne) TV Translator Alaska Public TV Northern TV Inc. Talkeetna Chamber of Commerce Alaska Dept. of Highways TV Translator Alaska Public Broadcasting Latitude N Longitude w Near Hunicipality 63 ° 4 4 I 4 0" 148° 53' 00" Horseshoe pass 63° 50' 13" Garner 63° 51' 15" 64 ° 10' 30" Browne 62° 17' 56" Talkeetna 62° 18 1 02" (Application Permit) Talkeetna 62° 18' 00" Talkeetna 62° 18 I 00" Talkeetna 63° 23 1 14" Cantwell 63° 52 1 30" Healy 63° 50 1 13" (Application Permit) Healy 14 8 ° 59' 30" 148 ° 58 1 44" 149 ° 19 1 00" 150° 06 1 25" 150° 05' 52" for Construction 150° 05 I 36" 150° 06' 12" 148° 52 1 32" 148° 51' 00" 14 8 ° 58 I 38" for Construction Recommended Separation In Feet 200' 400' 250 I out of Study Area 300' 300 1 250 I 250 I 1000' 250 1 300 1 Tower * 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TABLE B-3 SHEET 4 of 4 OCTOBER 2, 1981 RECOMMENDED SEPARATION BETWEEN 345 KV INTERTIE AND COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS Licensee (Site Name) KUAC-TV Northern TV Inc. Latitude N Longitude W Near Municipality 63° 52 1 30 11 Healy 148° 51 1 00 11 63° 52 1 30 11 148° 51 1 00 11 Healy/Suntrana/Usibelli FAA 62° 04 I 18 11 150° 04 I QQ 11 Montana Creek Airport Montana Creek FAA Talkeetna Airport FAA VOR Station FAA FAA Summit Airport FAA Golden North Airport FAA Cantwell SSFO FAA McKinley Park Airport FAA McKinley Park SSFO FAA Healy River SFO 62° 19 1 27 11 Talkeetna 62° 18 1 00 11 Talkeetna 6 2 O 19 I 54 II peters Creek 63° 19 1 54 11 Summit 63° 22 1 18 11 Cantwell 63 O 24 I 00 II Cantwell 63° 44 I QQ 11 McKinley Park 63° 38 I 36 11 HcKinley Park 63° 50 1 00 11 Healy 150° 05 • 30 11 150° as• 42 11 149° 07 1 30 11 148° so• 54 11 148° 56 1 18 11 148° 54 I 30 11 148° 47 1 00 11 14 9 O 00 I 00 II Recommended Separation In Feet 3800 1 3800 1 3800 1 1ooo• 3800 1 3800 1 1ooo• 3800 1 1ooo• 1ooo• LEGEND: FAA -Federal Aviation Administration SFO -Single Frequency Outlet (Air-Ground Communications) SSFO -Simultaneous Single Frequency Outlet (Air-Ground Communications) ADDRESSES OF MICROWAVE LICENSEES Alascom Inc. vancouver, Washington Vice President: George Roberts ( 206) -694-8333 Alaska Railroad General Office Building 419 1st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Chief Engineer: Francis Weeks ( 9 0 7 ) - 2 6 5-24 56 Golden valley Electric Association 758 Illinois Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 Chief Engineer: Joe Killion (907)-452-1151 Mantanuska Telephone Association Palmer, Alaska 99645 Graham Rolstad (907)-745-3211 TABLE B-4 ~~ Gilbert/Commonwealth engineers/consultants/architects -----o•• ·--v--------. 0 0 ••. 0 ••o • • 0 0 0 . ·-. --0 __ 0 ____ 0_ --· .0 --0·--· . ··--•o .. ···--·--·---···-·· ---· ---·-·-· ----···· ---........ ______ _ COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC., 209 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49201/Tel. 517 788-3000 January 12, 1982 Mr. Francis Weeks Alaska Railroad General Office Building 419 1st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Weeks: The Alaska Power Authority is planning to construct a 345 kV transmission line between Willow and Healy, Alaska in 1984. The recommended line route (shown in Figure Bl of the enclosed Appendix B: Communication Tower Survey) consists of the super- link numbers lS, 38, 68, 78, 98, 128, 138, 158 and 168. A profile of a typical transmission structure for the new 345 kV line is shown in Figure 1. Please review the list of your facilities in Table B-2 in Appendix B for completeness. Also, please review the recommended separations in Table B3 of Appendix B to determine if there would be an impact of the transmission structures on your communication facilities and advise us of the results of your review within two weeks. Transmission line Plan and Profile Drawings will be made avail- able to you, if requested, when they are completed. Expected completion dates are June to September 1982, depending on locations. If you require additional information, please contact J. F. Torri at (517) 788-3048. JFT/dl Enclosure CC: D. D. Wozniak, Alaska Power Authority Gilbert/Commonwealth Family of Companies Reading, PA Jackson, Ml New York, NY Rio de Janeiro, Brazil lEPARTMENT OF TRANS?ORTATION J!'EDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Mr. Lytle G iller, o\'.E. Project M ager Commonw lth Associates Inc. 209 E ashington Avenue Jack on, MI 49201 Dear Mr. Miller: THE ALASKA RAILROAD Pouch 7·21 11 Anchorage, Aluka 99510 February 4, 1982 We appreciate very much receiving the Communication Tower Survey and having an opportunity to comment on it. We have reviewed the list of our facilities shown on Table B-2 and find that it is complete. The operations shown on Table B-3 are acceptable-to The Alaska Railroad. The Alaska Railroad would appreciate receiving the transmission line plan and profile drawings as soon as you have them available. In the design and construction phases of this project, the Alaska Railroad is looking forward to working closely with you on this project Sincere\t, j-~-"_{U-tu-b Francis C. Weeks, P.E. Chief Engineer ___ ~~~~~-rtJ_~~~O~~~~~e~l~~ _en~neersjcon~lta~s/~~'~ct5 __ ··-_ ____ __ _ ·--··-___ __ _ COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC, 209 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49201/Tel. 517 788-3000 January 12, 1982 Mr. Joe Killion Golden Valley Electric Association 758 Illinois Street Fairbanks, AK 99707 Dear Mr. Killion: Enclosed is a revised copy of the Communications Tower Survey Report. The revision consists of a minor change of the recommendation and pages have been renumbered. The recommended line route (shown in Figure Bl of the enclosed Appendix B: Communication Tower Survey) consists of the superlink numbers lS, 3S, 6S, 7S, 9S, 13S, 15S and 16S. A profile of a typical transmission structure for the new 345 kV line is shown in Figure 1. Please review the list of your facilities in Table B-2 in Appendix B for completeness. Also, please review the recommended separations in Table B3 of Appendix B to determine if there would be an impact of the transmission structures on your communication facilities and advise us of the results of your review within two weeks. Transmission line Plan and Profile Drawings will be made avail- able to you, if requested, when they are completed. Expected completion dates are June to September 1982, depending on locations. This report is provided also for your information as a member of the Technical Review Committee. If you require additional information, please contact J. F. Torri at (517) 788-3048. JFT/dl Enclosure CC: D. D. Wozniak, Alaska Power Authority Gilbert/Commonwealth Family of Companies Reading, PA Jackson, Ml New York, NY Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ,r-------- r-OLOEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION lf"!!C. Sox 1249. Fairbanks, Alaska 99707. Phone 907-452-1151 Common Wealt Associates Inc. Attn: Lytl Miller 209 E. W ington Jackson, Michigan 49201 Re: Communications Tower Survey Report Dear Lytle, January 21, 1982 Per your request, I have reviewed the list of facilities (Table B-2), and have no additions to recommend. I have also reviewed the recommended separations (Table B-3) and they appear to be adequate. I would not expect the powerline to interfere with any of our communication facilities. I am sure that APA would cooperate in helping to promptly resolve any interference created by the new line. JK:ta cc: Dave Wozniak, Alaska Power Authority g:::e·kd/2~ Joe Killion, Chief Engineer ---~ Gil~~~~c::~~ln.""wealth enoinee~;~~~ts~~,~~cts ----------·--·---·--·-·--···--·-··-- coMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC., 209 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49201/Tel. 517 788-3000 January 12, 1982 Mr. Gerry Markey Frequency Engineering Branch AAF-730 Airways Facilities Division Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue Washington, D.C. 20591 Dear Mr. Markey: As discussed in your telephone conversation with J. F. Torri on January 6, 1982, the Alaska Power Authority is planning to construct a 345 kV transmission line between Willow and Healy, Alaska in 1984. The recommended line route (shown in Figure Bl of the enclosed Appendix B: Communication Tower Survey) consists of superlink numbers lS, 3S, 6S, 7S, 9S, 12S, 13S, 15S and 16S. Please review the list of FAA facilities in Table B2 in Appendix B for completeness. Also, please review the recommended separations, Table B-3 in Appendix B, between the proposed intertie and the communication towers admini- stered by the FAA and advise us of the results of your review within two weeks. Transmission line Plan and Profile Drawings will be made available to you, if requested, when they are completed. Expected completion dates are June to September 1982, depending on locations. If you require additional information, please contact Mr. J. F. Torri at (517) 788-3048. JFT/dl Enclosures CC: D. D. Wozniak, Alaska Power Authority Gilbert/Commonwealth Family of Companies Reading, PA Jackson, Ml New York, NY Rio de Janeiro, Brazil U5. Deportment of Tronsponarion Federal Aviation Administration Mr. Lytle G. . er, P.E. Project M ger Commo ealth Associates, Inc. 209 E. Washington Avenue Jackson, MI 49201 Dear Mr. Miller: 800 Independence Ave •• S.W. Washington. D.C. 20591 In response to your letter of January 12, we have reviewed the communications tower survey for the 345 KV intertie proposed by the Alaska Power Authority. The only facility that may have been overlooked is a unicorn station on 122.8 MHz operated by the Willow Air Service at the Willow Airport. Its coordinates are 150-03-00N061-45-18W. · In regard to Table-3, the recommended separation distances, we have been advised by our Research and Development Service that large power lines have caused reflection problems to VOR's at distances in excess of one mile. It appears as ii the only VOR involved in this study is well beyond this distance so we do not expect any conflicts. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review this proposal. RECE~l!ED '· DE?.-\~7. ~ Cc:7lm:)r;;:::.::. :. ! Gilbert/Commonwealth engineers/consultants/architects COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC, 208 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 48201/TeL 517 788-3000 i~arch 19, 1932 ;~r. Gera 1 c J. Harkey fl~equency Engineering ;..AF -730 .:.".. i n.vays Fac il1 ties uivi sion Federal Aviation Aoministration d00 Independence Avenue ~!ashington, D.C. 20591 Jea r :~r. i-la r key: Subject: u:ucm1 STATION AT ~HLLOH ALASKA AIP.PORT Thank you for your letter of February lC," 1982. The unicon station at the U11low tdrport was included in our inventory of corrr.1unication towers :;et\\een iiillow und Healy, Alasku.. HO\"lever, this unicon \-las net inclurled in our Corrr.:uni cation Tower Survey report for two reasons: 1. The unicor.1 station was outsid.e the transmission line study area. 2. The unico~ station is located approximately 6500 feet southwest of the existing Dourlas 138 kV Substation \l.tl-dch is the southern teroinus of the proposed 1ntert1e. Th1s 6500 foot distance is greater than the mininum FAA requ1red separations for un1coms. Tf:dnk ycu for reviewino our Comnunicat1ons Tower Survey. JFT /dl C(" . ..... BCC: D. C. ~czniak, APA SAOtt RRHoop JTHancock Principal Offices Reading, PA Jackson, Ml Seattle, WA c Gil bert/ Commonwealth engineers/consultants/architects COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC, 209 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49201/Tel. 517 788-3000 January 12, 1982 Mr. Julian Wakefield Director of Engineering Telephone Utilities, Inc. 100 West 11th Street Plaza Suite Vancouver, Washington 98810 Dear Mr. Wakefield: The Alaska Power Authority is planning to construct a 345 kV transmission line between Willow and Healy, Alaska in 1984. The recommended line route (shown in Figure Bl of the enclosed Appendix B: Communication Tower Survey) consists of the super- link numbers lS, 3S, 6S, 7S, 9S, 12S, 13S, 15S and 16S. A profile of a typical transmission structure for the new 345 kV line is shown in Figure 1. Please review the list of your facilities in Table B-2 in Appendix B for completeness. Also, please review the recommended separations in Table B3 of Appendix B to determine if there would be an impact of the transmission structures on your communication facilities and advise us of the results of your review within two weeks. Transmission line Plan and Profile Drawings will be made avail- able to you, if requested, when they are completed. Expected completion dates are June to September 1982, depending on locations. If you require additional information, please contact J. F. Torri at (517) 788-3048. JFT/dl Enclosure CC: D. D. Wozniak, Alaska Power Authority Principal Offices Reading, PA Jackson, Ml Seattle, WA February 11, l9b~ Inc. Dear REF: Your January 12, 1982, letter and Communicati'on Tower Survey for 345 kV Intertie for the Alaska Power Authority The list of Alascom sites as outlined in your report is correct. There is one site elevation for the Reindeer il passive site that needs to be corrected to 3238 feet {AMSL) . The Alascom system:s·J_-n-l;he-willow to Healy area are heavy route communications systems and little or no interference can be tol- erated that affects the performance criteria. To reduce the po- tential of interference from the transmission line, every effort should be made to locate the transmission line route as far· as possible from the microwave sites, and in no case should the line route be any closer than a 500' radius of any site. Also,· no·- powe= line or supporting· structure should intrude into the 2° (de- gree) beam width of any existing microwave antenna or to within 150 feet of -the microwave beam centerline for the first 2 miles of a microwave path, and-no:power line supporting-structure should in- trude into the 150 foot radius area around the microwave beam center- line from the 2 mile path point to the mid-path mile point. - Be~ reflections off of power line supporting structures can also cause severe interference problems. The possibility of reflections frnm the supportinq structures will need to be analyzed when the firvi.t. locati.Oris Of all structures have been determined. ~ above referenced criteria are .predicated upon both obstruction to line-of-sight performance and the potential for radio frequency , interference problems that may result from transmission line electric and magnetic field intensities, corona discharge, etc. Such criteria might be revised pending detailed analysis of the particulars of this transmission line design. Therefore, Alascom Engineering requests that a detailed radio frequency interference .analysis-of the proposed power· line be provided-to assure that no degradation will occur to our VHF, microwave and earth station communications systems by the close proximity of the power line to our sites. Very truly yours, ~~/~t~ Manager, Systems Engineering cc: D.D. Wozniak Roger Funk Julian Wakefield Gilbert/Commonwealth engineers/consultants/architects COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC, 209 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49201/Tel. 517 788-3000 February 18, 1982 Mr. Ronald G. Weber Hanager, Systems Engineering Telephone Utilities Inc. 100 West 11th, Plaza Suite Vancouver, Washington 98660 Dear t·1r. Weber: Subject: YOUR FEBRUARY 11, 1982 LffiER AND COMMUNICATION TOHER STUDY FOR 345 KV ALASKA IHTERTIE The transmission line Plan and Profile drawings showing the proposed locations of the transmission structures.w111 be completed between June and September 1982 depending on locations. Those drawings per- taining to the locations where the transmission line will pass near Alascom's microwave facilities will be sent to you when available. A radio frequency interference analysis of the proposed power line has been completed and can be found in the enclosed reports: -Electrical Environmental Effects Report (R-2394) pages 7-11. -Results of Preconstruction r~easurernents of Radio and TV Signal Strengths and Radio Frequency Noise, Preliminary, Appendix l1, dated October 15, 1981. As nctec in the R-2394 report, Fi'l radio systems genet~ally do not experience interference from corona generated radio noise for two reasons: ' -The magnitude of radio noise 1s small in the VHF bands. -The interference rejection properties inherent in F~·l radio systems makes the~ virtually immune to static type disturbances. Ho interference to FM radio reception caused by radio noise from the proposed transmission line is expected. Principal Offices Reading, PA Jackson, Ml Seattle, WA , Gilbert I Commonwealth '208 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 48201 Mr. Ronald G. Weber February 18, 1982 Page 2 Transmission line rf noise (calculated at 1 MHz) falls off rapidly as the separation from the transmission line increases. From Table 4 of Report R-2394, the greatest level of rf noise,occurring during heavy rain conditions, is below the measured ambient rf noise level at separations gr~ater than about 600 feet from the edge of the trans- mission line's right-of-way. Trans1nission line rf noise also falls off rapidly as the frequency of interest increases. For example, references 1 and 2 below show that the rf noi~e levels at 10 MHz are 20-30 dB below the levels for 1 MHz. Also the rt noise levels __ at 1 GHz are about 60 dB belo\'J the levels' for 1 t·1Hz. 1. IEEE Radio Noise and Corona Subcontnittee Report, "Review of Technical Considerations on Limits to Interference from Power Lines and Stations," IEEE Tr~nsactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-99,-Uo. 1, January/February 1980, pages 3~- 388, (Specifically page 367). 2. Pakala, ~1. E. and Chartier, V. L., "Radio Noise !wleasurement on Overhead Po\'Jer Lines from 2.4 to 800 kV, 11 IEEE Transactions on Po\'ler Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PP.S-90, ~1ay/June i 971, pages 1155-1165. Therefore, no interference to microwave or earth station communications systems caused by rf noise from the proposed transmission line is expected. Radio noise from damaged insulators or loose transmission line hardware could cause interference to comrr~nication systa~s in the same way as from damaged insulators on distribution lines supplying power to thesetcomrnuni- cations systems. Should this occur, they can be located and repaired [Reference 11 of Report R-2394]. If you have additional questi~ns, please contact J. F. Terri at ( 517) 788-3048. JFT/dl Enclosures CC: D. D. Wozniak -Alaska Power Authority Julian Wakefield, Telephone Utilities, Inc. Roger Funk, Alascom BCC: RRHoop (for follow-up info) '· Gilbert/Commonwealth engineers/consultants/architects COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC, 208 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 48201/TeL 517 788-3000 January 12, 1982 Mr. Mel Hoversten Division of Telecommunication Systems 5900 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Dear Mr. Hoversten: The Alaska Power Authority is planning to construct a 345 kV transmission line between Willow and Healy, Alaska in 1984. The recommended line route (shown in Figure Bl of the enclosed Appendix B: Communication Tower Survey) consists of the super- link numbers lS, 3S, 6S, 7S, 9S, l2S, l3S, l5S and l6S. A profile of a typical transmission structure for the new 345 kV line is shown in Figure 1. Table B2 in Appendix B gives the communication tower locations. Please review the recommended separations between the proposed line and the earth station (Tower 36, Table B3 in Appendix B) and determine if there would be an impact of the transmission structure on your facilities. Please advise us of the results of your review within two weeks. Transmission line Plan and Profile Drawings will be made avail- able to you, if requested, when they are completed. Expected completion dates are June to September 1982, depending on locations. If you require additional information, please contact J. F. Torri at (517) 788-3048. JFT/dl Enclosures CC: D. D. Wozniak, Alaska Power Authority During a telephone conversation between Mr. Hoversten and J. F. Torri, on January 7, 1982, Mr. Hoversten said the 1000 foot minimum separation between the earth station and the 345 kV intertie is acce~~~~tffi~s Readmg, PA Jackson, Ml Seattle, WA . Gilbert/Commonwealth engineers/consultants/architects COMMONWEALTH ASSOCIATES INC, 209 E. Washington Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49201/Tel. 517 788-3000 January 12, 1982 Mr. Graham Rolstad Matanuska Telephone Association Palmer, AK 99645 Dear Mr. Rolstad: The Alaska Power Authority is planning to construct a 345 kV transmission line between Willow and Healy, Alaska in 1984. The recommended line route (shown in Figure Bl of the enclosed Appendix B: Communication Tower Survey) consists of the super- line numbers lS, 3S, 6S, 7S, 9S, 12S, 13S, 15S and 16S. A profile of a typical transmission structure for the new 345 kV line is shown in Figure 1. Please review the list of your facilities in Table B-2 in Appendix B for completeness. Also, please review the recommended separations in Table B3 of Appendix B to determine if there would be an impact of the transmission structures on your communication facilities and advise us of the results of your review within two weeks. Transmission line Plan and Profile Drawings will be made avail- able to you, if requested, when they are completed. Expected completion dates are June to September 1982, depending on locations. If you require additional information, please contact J. F. Torri at (517) 788-3048. JFT/dl Enclosure CC: D. D. Wozniak, Alaska Power Authority Principal Offices Reading, PA Jackson, Ml Seattle, WA