HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS83E- ADULT ANADRDMOUS INVESTIGATIONS, SOCKEYE~ PINK, CHUM, AND COHO .. REPORT, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, SU HYDRO STUDIES, 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page No. 1. SUMNARY l 2. INTRODUCTION E-2-1 3. OBJECTIVES E-3-1 4. METHODS 4.1 Mainstem Investigations E-4-1 4.2 Survey Investigations E-4-10 4.3 Radio Telemetry Investigations E-4-16 4.4 Data Analysis E-4-27 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Mainstem Investigations E-5-l 5.2 Survey Investigations 5.3 Radio Telementry Investigations E-5-59 r r "'i t.·-o-1 7. LITURATURE CITED E-7-l l/ Summary to be provided in Phase I report LIST Of TABLES Table E.4.1. Anadromous adult salmon sampling locations, gear type and operational dates on ·mainstem Susitna and Yentna Rivers. Table E.4.2. Tag type and color used at Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stations. Table E.4.3. Survey schedule on selected salmon spawning streams between Sunshine Station and Chulitna River. Table E.5.1. Apportioned sonar counts and Petersen population (tag/recapture) estimates by species ~nd sampling location. Table E.5.2. Summary of fishwheel catches by species and samplin9 1 ocati on. Table E.5.3. Petersen population estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals of sockeye, pink, chum, and coho sa-lmon migrating to Sunsh-ine, lalkeetl)a and Curry Stations. Table E.5.4. Evaluation of tag loss based on adult spawning ground surveys of sloughs between Sunshine Station qnd Devil Canyon. PAGE E-4-l E-4-9 E-4";'13 E-5-3 E-5-4 E-5-11 E-5-12 Table E.5.5. Analysis of sockeye salmon age data by percent from escapement samples collected at Susitna, Yentna, Talkeetna and Curry Stations. Table E.5.6. Analysis of sockeye salmon lengths, in millimeters, by age from fishwheel catches at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stations. Table E.5.7. Analysis of pink salmon lengths, in millimeters, from Table E.5.8. fishwheel catches at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna, and Curry Stations. Analysis of chum salmon age data by percent from escapement samples collected at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Station. Table E.5.9. Analysis of chum salmon lengths, in millimeters, by age from fishwheel catches at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and ~urry Stations. Table E.5.10. Analysis of coho salmon age data by percent from escapement .. and Curry Stations. Table E.5.ll. Analysis of coho salmon lengths, in millimeters, by age from fishwheel catches at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations. PAGE E-5-21 E-5-23 E-5-30 E-5-34 E-5-36 E-5-41 E-5-42 Table E.5.12. Mainstem Susitna River salmon spawning locations with survey results. Table E.5.13. Results of set gill netting on mainstem Susitna River between Devil Canyon and Portage Creek. Table E.5.14. Chum salmon radio tagging data. Table E.5.15. Fifteen fastest recorded movements of radio tagged adult, chum salmon. Table E.5.16. Coho salmon radio tagging data. Table E.5.17. Fifteen fastest recorded movements of radio tagged adult, coho salmon. PAGE E-5-44 E-5-47 E-5-60 E-5-65 E-5-68 E-5-72 LIST OF fiGURES Figure E.4.1. Susitna Basin with field stations and major glacial streams defined. figure E.4.2. 1980 Model Bendix Side Scan Salmon Counter with attendant oscilloscope monitoring fish passage. Figure E.4.3. Removing flood instated debris from a SSS substrate which has been raised to the surface to allow cleaning. figure E.4.4. Fishwheel operating off west bank Susitna River at Curry Station. Figure E.4.5. Electrofishing on mainstem Susitna River at RM 150.6 at the entrance to Devil Canyon. Figure E.4.6. Attaching radio transmitter antenna to adult salmon. figure E. 4. 7. (A) Posterior _placement of radio transmitter in stomach. Ct v J r 'v v in stomach. (Antenna to transmitter connection not visible in rear of mouth}. (D) Pre-anterior placement of radio transmitter in stomach. (Antenna to transmitter connection visible in rear of mouth}, Figure E.4.8. Preparing to release radio tagged chum salmon while tracking another chum salmon in the Susitna Ri~er at east bank Curry Station fishwheel. PAGE E-4-2 E-4-4 E-4-5 E-4-7 E-4-15 E-4-19 E-4-25 Figure E.S.l. Susitna Basin with field stations and major glacial streams defined. Figure E.5.2. Daily sonar counts of sockeye salmon at Yentna, Susitna, Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations. Figure E.5.3. Sector distribution of sockeye salmon passing over side scan sonar substrate where daily sockeye apportioned sonar counts were equal to or greater than ninety percent of total sonar counts. Figure E.5.4. Sector distribution of sockeye and chum salmon, passing over side scan sonar substrates, where daily sockeye and chum apportioned sonar counts were equal to or greater than ninety percent of total sonar counts. Figure E.5.5. Cumulative percent of sonar counts by species at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, and Talkeetna Stations. Figure E.5.6. (A-C) Migrational rates of sockeye, pink, and chum Station based on fishwheel recaptures. (D) Migra- tional rates of sockeye between Sunshine and Curry Station. Page E-5-2 E-5-5 E-5-8 E-5-9 E-5-15 E-5-17 Figure E.5.15. Chum and sockeye salmon live counts by date in Slough 98. figure E.5.16. Chum and sockeye salmon live counts by date in Slough 11. Figure E.5.17. Chum and sockeye salmon live counts by date in Slough 21. Figure E.5.18. Pink and chum salmon live counts by date in Lane Creek. Figure E.5.19. Chum and sockeye salmon spawning in Slough 11. Figure E,5.20. Map of Susitna River mainstem from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon. Figure E.5.21. Mov~ments of radio tagged chum salmon in the Susitna River (to first occupied tributary) and discharge during July and August, 1981. Figure E.5.22. Movements of radio tagged coho salmon in the Susitna River (to first occupied tributary) and discharge during August and September, 1981. Page E-5-53 E-5-54 E-5-55 E-5-58 E-5-57 E-5-61 E-5-62 E-5-69 A summarization of the data reported in this draft species/subject report is intended for inclusion in the Draft Phase I final report for the Adult Anadromous Fisheries subject area. 2.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the data collected on four species of adult salmon in the Susitna River by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) during the 1981 Su Hydro Aquatic Studies. These studies are a part of the Fish Ecology (Subtask 7.10) Phase I studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The primary objectives of the fish ecology studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project are to: (1) describe the fisheries resources of the Susitna River, (2) assess the impacts of development and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on this fishery, and (3) propose the mitigation measures to minimize adverse impacts (Alaska Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Environmental Studies Procedures Manual, Subtask 7 .10, Fish _Ecology Impact Assessment and August 1981). The tas~·of meeting the first of these study objectives is the responsibility of the ADF&G und2r a reimbursable services agreement (RSA) with the Alaska Power Authority and the second and third are the responsibility of Terrestrial Environmental Specialists (TES). E-2-1 3.0 OBJECTIVES The data contained in this draft Anadromous Adult project species/subject report was collected by the Alaska DepartmGnt of Fish and Game to meet the specific objective and tasks outlined in the ADF&G Aquatic Studies Procedure Manual for Phase I in 1981 as follows: Objective 1. Task 1.1 Task 1.2 Task 1.3 Determine the seasonal distribution and relative abundance of adult anadromous fish populations produced within the study area. Enumerate and characterize the runs of the adult anadromous fish. Determine the timing and nature of migration, milling and spawning activities. Identify spa\vning locations within the study area (i.e., subreaches of the mainstem sloughs and side channels, tributary confluences, lakes and ponds,_ etc.) and estimate their comparative E-3-1 4. t·1ETHODS 4.1 Mainstem Investigations Five escapement monitoring stations were established in early June 1981 at the locations identified in Figure E.4.1. Individual site description maps are provided in Figures EA-1 through EA-5. The operating dates and gear deployed at these sites were as listed in Table E.4.1. The Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations were operated under the direction of Su Hydro, Adult Anadromous Investigations personnel. Susitna Station was run by Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries Division staff. Table E.4.1. Anadromous adult salmon sampling locations, gear type and operational dates on mainstem Susitna and Yentna Rivers, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. SAMPLING LOCATION PERIOD GEAR DEPLOYED SITE RIVER RIVER MILE BEGIN END SONARS FISHWHEELS Susitna Susitna 26 6/27 9/2 2 2 Station Yentna Yentna 04 6/29 9/7 2 2 Station Sunshine Susitna 80 6/23 9/15 2 4 Station Talkeetna Susitna 103 6/22 9/15 2 4 Station Curry Susitna 120 6/15 9/21 2 Station E -4 - 1 m SUNSHINE STATtON -# ,,. Figure E.4.1. Susitna Basin with field stations and major glacial streams defined, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. The side scan sonar (SSS) counters used at the escapement monitoring stations were deployed and monitored by trained personnel in accordance with the 1980 Side Scan Sonar Counter Installation and Operational Manual written by the Bendi~ Corporation C1980). A brief narrative of how a sonar works is provided in the following ~aragraph. A sonar counter essentially converts electrical energy into acoustical energy (sound waves} and counts underwater targets by measuring changes in acoustical echoes. Each SSS counter is composed of a transducer, aluminum substrate with reflector (target}, an electronic-printer, a 12 volt battery, a solar charger and attendant cableware (Figures E.4.2 and E.4.3). The transducer is vertically mounted on the shore end of the substrate and emits repeating sound signals in a conical 2° and 4° alternating beam just above the substrate. The transducer also receives returning echoes from the' target-which is mounted vertically on· the offshore end of the substrate. The entire substrate rests on the bottom, perpendicular to the shore. As upstream migrant fish pass over the substrate, they reflect transmitted sound waves back to the transducer and are then recorded as counts on the electronic counter-printer. The counter-printer tallys the counts and hourly provides a print-out of the number of fish passing over each of 12 lineal substrate sectors. During the 1981 season, each SSS counter was monitored a minimum of four times daily for 30 minutes and fish related echoes displayed on an oscilloscope were hand tallyed. The ratio of oscilloscope counts attributed to fish and SSS counts were compared and used to adjust the counter for accuracy. A fishwheel was operated near each counter to provide species . . E - 4 - 3 Figure E.4.2. TEST SIIICULATH FISH '" SECTS 1-U (SAFETY OHl ALAR~S FOR nsH OR A SWITCH LUT SAFETY IN WRCII(i ,OS " ·fl Off TURH orr TO CLEAR OR SET TIMES • OEAO R.uu;E 0~10' COUifTUU; RAMH 0-100' CU~ULATIVE t• SEHS . • 4'~& ·~ ALT. SEE (PULL TO CHAM;E) HAMUAl. "0 SECTORS Q • 1-6 T-12 RUO FISH-')>-<0 C) ~ 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 C) 0 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 II 12 TEST POINTS+ • • • • • • • • • • TAPE I'WR PWR ON ) ST COLU~H PRINTS SECTOR 1.0. # ·!) .f; 2 NO COLUMH PRINTS: A IF NORMAL AUTO (l,6lo41M/HR) C DURIN; PRIHT CO~MAHO E DURIN; AUTO TESJI. 3 RO COLUMN PRINTS+ OH SECTOR WITH OEERIS PRINTS EA. HR •• AUTO TESTS EA.I2 HRS. '· PRINTER PRIHT COMM ,. • ~ "' IHO EFfECT ON TIME! RCVR LIHE IH ·:P TAPE l ,i) LIHE IN FISH • • CL£AR (s':NY) . .... " l· 1980 Model Bendix Side Scan Salmon Sonar Counter with attendant oscilloscope monitoring fish nassaae, Adult Anadromous Investiqations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · ,.f:::.. (.)1 Figure E.4.3. Removing flood instated debris from a SSS substrate which has been raised to the surface to allow cleaning, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. composition data for apportioning sonar counts. The fishwheels used at each project location were of identical design with two baskets and two paddles (figure E.4.4}. Floatation was provided by styrofoam logs shielded by a plywood frame. The baskets had an average length, width and depth of 2.4, 1.7 and 0.6 meters (m} respectively and were constructed of native spruce poles. The basket frames were covered with three inch rubber coated fencing material which was replaced during the season on most baskets by similar size creosote coated webbing. The paddles were also made from spruce poles of the same length and width as the baskets. The fishwheel axles were built from 20.3 centimeters squared spruce logs capped at each end with a steel collar that held a 3.8 em steel shaft set into self adjusting bearing blocks. The bearing blocks were bolted to an adjustable wooded frame that permitted the axle to be raised or lowered at 15.2 em steps to a minimum and maximum height of 30.5 and 122 cm,·respectively, above the top of the floats. A 122 em long, 76.2 em wide and 122 em deep live box was attached to the inshore side of each fishwheel. Each fishwheel was held in position in the river by a cable bridle anchored to an onshore deadman and by an inshore mounted boom log lodged between the bank and the inshore float. An inshore weir was used on each wheel, except those at Sunshine Station to deflect inshore migrants into the fishing area of the baskets. Weir panels were constructed of alder and willow poles vertically spaced on one to two inch centers or when available from three inch mesh, fencing material. E -4 -6 Figure E.4.4. Fishwheel operating off west bank Susitna River at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigation, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. Each weir was built to conform to the river bottom at the location of installation and extended from the shore perpendicular to the downstream end of the livebox. Weirs were not used at Sunshine Station because of debris problems. All fishwheels were adjusted daily to insure that the baskets fished within 15.2 ern or less of the bottom. Depending on site characteristics, primarily river velocity, the wheels rotated at speeds ranging from 2.0 to 5.5 revolutions per minute (rpm). The preferred speed was 2.5 rpm based on design. All fishwheels were scheduled to operate continuously 24 hours per day. However, due to occasional flooding and excessive debris, maintenance and repair work, and at Sunshine Station because of periodically high ' .· " ~ ... catches which could not always be processed due to safety and personnel constraints3 continuous operation was not always possible. Sampling checks were usually made four times daily at each fishwheel. Forty sockeye, 25 chum, and 25 coho salmon were sampled daily for age, length, and sex from fishwheel catches at sampling station. Age samples were obtained by removing the 11 preferred 11 scale located two rows above the lateral line on a diagonal from the posterior insertion of the dorsal fin to the anterior insertion of the anal fin. Sex was determined from morphologic characteristics. Fork Length (FL) measurements were taken from mid-eye to fork of the tail and recorded to the nearest millimeter (mm). Pink salmon, exclusively two year old fish, were sampled only for length and sex at a rate of 40 per day per station. Average processing time for collection of age, length and sex samples E - 4 - 8 per fish usually ranged between 20 and 30 seconds. All fish were immediately released following sampling. All fishwheel intercepted sockeye, pink, chum, and coho salmon at Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations were tagged. An e~ception was that on three non-consecutive days at Sunshine Station an insufficient number of tags were on location to tag the entire catch. Two types of tags were used (Table E.4.2.). At Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations color coded Floy-4 spaghetti tags were deployed. One inch diameter Petersen disc tags were used at Curry Station. The Petersen disc tags were inserted through the cartilage immediately ventral to the insertion of the dorsal fin. Quarter inch diameter buffer discs were used to prevent the tagging pins from wearing through the Petersen disc and causing tag loss. Floy FT.:.4 spaghetti tags were .inserted-in same location·as.the Petersen· disc tags and each was secured against the back of the fish by a tightly drawn overhand knot. Tagging time per individual fish ranged from 10 to 30 seconds. All fish were released immediately after tagging. Table E.4.2. Tag type and color used at Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. TAG RIVER TAGGING MILE LOCATION (RM) TYPE COLOR Sunshine 80 FT-4/spaghetti Int. Orange Station Talkeetna 103 FT .. 4jspaghetti Yellow Station Curry 120 Petersen Disc Int. Orange Station E - 4 - 9 4.2 Survey Investigations In mid July, a mobile crew was assigned to each of three subreaches of the Susitna River mainstem between the estuary and Devil Canyon as outlined below: Susitna Station Survey Crew Sunshine Station Survey Crew Gold Creek Station Survey Crew Estuary to Kashwitna River (RM 0 to RM 61) Kashwitna River (RM 61 to RM 108) to Chase Chase to Devil (RM 108 to RM 151) . ·.. , · · ·· Canyon· The crews used a combination of drift gill nets, electroshockers, echo recorders and egg deposition pumps to sample the mainstem Susitna River for presence or absence of mainstem spawning activity. Drift gill nets were deployed over a wide range of sites. Site selection was based on a brief visual assessment of the following· criteria which generally suggested suitability of a particular site as a spawning area and the feasibility of operating a drift net: 1. Substrate composition 5. Presence of debris 2. Relative water velocity 6. Presence of spawned 3. Water turbidity out fish or fish surfacing. 4. Water depth E - 4 - 1 0 Several times during the season high water conditions obscured many of the visual clues used to identify potential spawning sites. When this occurred, aerial photographs taken earlier during low water flows were examined and from the photos likely spawning areas were identified and sampled. Drift gill nets used in sampling the mainstem were 15.2 m long, 1.5 m deep, 13.3 em stretch mesh nylon web, fished from 6.1 m, flat bottom riverboats each equipped with a 75 horsepower jet outboard. A net was typically deployed by casting one end into the river from the bow of the boat as it moved slowly in reverse. The other end of the net was tied to the bow and the boat was then maneuvered in a manner that the net extended semi-perpendicular to the river current. Surface and subsurface d~bris along w-it.h fluctuating depths generally governed the distance . ,. . ~. .._.-~. ' :.. :. . . ' ••. <_·~···. •'· .. : -~ ,. ':" . , .• ' : . . . ,·;. , . ·. •. fished. These same nets were used in areas that were either too shallow or too narrow to sample effectively by the drifting technique. In some cases, the net was used as a set net by anchoring one end to the boat bow and the other end to a portable anchor or natural deadman. In other instances, the net was deployed as a seine by manual means. Salmon caught by drift netting, seining or by set netting were not assumed to be spawning at the catch location unless all of the criteria listed below were met: 1. Fish exhibits spawning maturation color and morphology. 2. Fish expells eggs or milt when slight pressure is exerted on the abdomen. E -4 -1 1 3. Fish is in vigorous condition, with an estimated 25 percent or more of the eggs or milt remaining in the body cavity. 4. Additional fish are provided from the site that meet criteria 1 through 3 above. Survey crews were equipped with a Lowrance Model LRG~l510B echo recorder to survey the Susitna River mainstem for salmon spawning activity. The plan was to locate fish by directing the transducer beam horizontally across the river bed. A horizontal mode was chosen because of the limitation of vertical scans due to restricted water depths in the mainstem. In conducting a horizontal side scan the recording unit was nearly always tuned to record at the 9.1 or the 18.2 m range to take advantage of refi-ned dimension in reso.lution-and deta.il on the.graph printout. The sensitivity setting on the recorder was set at the 3/4 point or higher for additional detail. The transducer was attached to an adjustable aluminum gunnel bracket that allowed it to be l·owered into the water column at various depths. Echo recordings were taken with the transducer in the horizontal mode at depth ranges from two feet from the surface to one foot from the bottom. Sites surveyed were generally .. semi-placid areas of the river due to the limited ability of the transducer bracket to withstand water force without bending or breaking. The Sunshine and Gold Creek survey crews conducted salmon enumeration counts on all spring fed sloughs and tributary streams between the Chulitna River and Devil Canyon on a scheduled weekly basis. In addition the Sunshine survey crew made tag recovery counts at pre-selected times on several known spawning tributaries between Sunshine Station and the E • 4 - 1 2 Chulitna River confluence CTable E.4.3.}. Table E.4.3. Survey schedule on selected salmon spawning streams between Sunshine Station and Chulitna River, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ll SURVEY SPAWNING LOCATION AREA (RIVER MILE) PERIOD FREQUENCY Birch Creek 88.4 8/1-8/30 weekly 9/7-9/21 weekly Troublesome 97.8 8/7-8/30 weekly Creek 9/7-9/21 Byess Creek 97.8 8/7-8/21 weekly Byers Lake 97.8 9/15-9/30 weekly Question Creek 84.1 9/1-9/30 weekly Answer Creek 84.1 9/7-9/30 weekly ·'· . .. ' ... n·l;,,, ,·1'\',1""'1"'\ Swan Creek .97.8 :Jf!.I-':J/-'U once Horseshoe Creek 97.8 9/21-9/30 once Clear Creek 97. 1 8/21-8/27 once ]j Confluence o.f these streams or their receiving waters with the Susitna River mainstem. The spawning ground surveys were performed on foot by two crew members. One counted live fish and the other counted carcasses. Tag recovery counts were made at the same time by the crew member enumerating live fish. Tag type and color were recorded by species on each live fish bearing a tag. The second crew member removed tags from carcasses and recorded the tag type, number, color and species. From late July to mid September, the Gold Creek crew fished four hours every five days, one-15.2 m long, 1.5 m deep, 13.3 em stretched mesh E - 4 - 1 nylon gill net in eddies in the mainstem between Devil Canyon and at RM 149.4, 1/2 mile above Portage Creek. The gill net was staked at one end to the shore and held off shore at the other end in a slight downstream arc by a 35 pound Navy anchor. The species and spawning condition of the fish caught in the net was recorded. The survey crews electroshocked areas of the mainstem Susitna River with a Model VVP~3C Coffelt electroshocker, using a 3500 watt Homelite generator as a power source (Figure E.4.5). Input to the electroshocking unit was 230 volts alternating current (A.C.} and output voltage was one of three types, A. C., direct current (D.C.), or pulsating D.C. One to three and one half amps of D.C. or pulsating D.C. was found to be effective capturing adult salmon. The output power was split with one lead going --to a· foot switch· and the; other to the electrodes;· the anode ( +) electrode being the dip net and the cathode (-) electrode the boat. Depression of a foot switch allowed the flow of current through the water. The activation period ranged from five to ten seconds followed by a 20 to 40 second pause to avoid a possible herding effect on fish. Safety was accomplished through the use of rubber boots and gloves; in addition, a kill switch was att'ached to the generator and kept in a ready position by the boat operator at all times. Egg deposition sampling was conducted with a Homelite two cycle, single stage, backpack mounted water pump and two circular, standing screen baskets with cod and nets. Each basket sampled a 1,800 cm 2 area. The height of the basket was 45.7 em. Samplino with this gear was E - 4 - 1 4 ~~Figure E.4.5. Electrofishing on entrance to Devil Su Hydro Studies, _ . .,. ,_ ............... 7. .. - -( }' ... ~ _.,,.,.~llliii ......... _:......~~ -· E - limited to areas of not more than 45.7 em deep and where electroshocking or gill ne~ting produced fish which met the previously defined criteria for spawning or where visual surveys earlier in the season revealed suspect redds or spawning activity. 4.3 Radio Telemetry Investigations Radio tracking operations targeted on chum and coho salmon, a sample size of 11 chum and 10 coho salmon was chosen in this study. The radio telemetry transmitters, receivers, and antennas were obtained from the Smith-Root Corporation. Transmitters were individually identifiable and operated on a carrier frequency ranging from 40.650 to 40.740 mHz. Transmitter life expectancy was 75 to 90 days. •' .. Each transmitter was encased in a rubber coated, waterproof plastic case and anchored to an insulated, water tight antenna wire. The transmitters were cylindrical in shape, weighed 23.6 grams each and measured 7.6 em long, by 1.6 em in diameter. They were fitted with a 13.0 em long antenna. A small bar magnet was taped to each transmitter to break the electrical circuit and conserve battery life until used. Prior to field operations, the radio transmitters were immersed in water for 48 hours and tested for signal strength and frequency on both manual and scanning receivers. Malfunctioning transmitters were returned to the manufacturer for repair. To enable anglers to return the transmitter and catch data to project personnel, adhesive waterproof labels were then affixed to those transmitters which tested satisfactorily. E - 4 - 1 6 Preliminary literature research revealed no information about internal radio transmitter implants on chum salmon. During late July three adult chum salmon were experimentally radio tagged with dummy transmitters to insure that proposed techniques would not injure the fish. Sample specimens were taken from Sunshine Station fishwheels. Each fish was transferred by net from the fishwheel holding box to a wooden, two compartment tank containing approximately 60 liters of fresh Susitna River water in each compartment. Within 2 to 5 minutes the fish would usually relax and be measured (FL) before being examined briefly for external wounds and spawning condition. Vigor was appraised prior to and during this inspection and any fish displaying little or no movement or loss of equilibrium was deemed "stressed 11 • Fish with fresh wounds or those fitting the definition of "stressed 11 were classified as unsuitable fo~ tag·gi ng .-, stFessed:' fi sn w~re ·'gently reinoved from· the' tank and held. in shallow, slow moving water by hand until they revived and forcefully swam away. Three fish were found to be suitable for experimental tagging and preparations were made to implant the radio transmitter. Tricaine methanesulfonate (M$~222}, an anesthetic, was sprinkled sparingly in the water of one compartment in an amount that caused a slight decrease in opercular movement followed by loss of equilibrium within 2-5 minutes. Slightly more anesthetic was added if the fish remained active after the first applications. Before implantation, a #2, nickel finish, beak hook was tied to the free end of the antenna wire. The antenna, with attached hook, was placed E - 4 - 1 7 hook first into a 1.95 em diameter,. 50.2 em long plexiglass tube which served as an insertion instrument. A wider, 2.5 em diameter, 32.4 em long plexiglass tube was slid over the small tube until the transmitter was cradled in the larger tube. Glycerine, a water soluble lubricant, was liberally poured on the transmitter to ease insertion in the fish. As one person held the fish ventral side up with the head elevated at about a 45° angle, the other person inserted both tubes and the transmitter to the fish's esophagus. The smaller rod was slowly pushed inward until the transmitter disappeared from view into the stomach. The fish was immediately immersed for 20 to 30 seconds and lifted again at the same angle. The antenna hook was positioned slightly off center in the roof of the mouth to prevent rupturing a major artery and pressure applied until the barb protruded (Figure E.4.6). The transmitter was verified to be ·in· its· original positforr. · Ttie ·fish· was-transferred to the adjacent compartment of the tank containing fresh water and revived. The first experimentally implanted transmitter was positioned in the posterior of the stomach [Figure E.4.7(A)]. Immediately after tagging, the fish was pithed and necropsied. The stomach was found to be very thin walled and had ruptured. The tear was 5.3 em long and extended from the posterior end of the transmitter toward the fish's mouth. The second and third chum salmon experimental implants were made in progressively anterior positions, posterior of the esophagial sphincter muscle. Despite the anterior transmitter location the thin walled stomachs ruptured IFigure E.4.7(B,..C)]. The antenna also extended too far forward in the fish's mouth; allowing it to sag and become entangled in the lower jaw and gills. E - 4 - 1 8 Figure E.4.6. Attaching radio transmitter antennae to adult salmon, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. (A) (B) (c) (D) Figure'E.4.7. (A) Posterior placement of radio transmitter in stomach. (B) and (C) Progressively anterior placement of radio transmitter in .stom- ach. (Antenna to transmitter connection not visible in rear of mouth). (D) Pre-anterior placement of radio _transmitter in stomach. (Antenna to transmitter connection visible in rear of mouth). Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E - 4 - 2 0 From these results the decision was made to implant the transmitter in the anterior portion of the stomach cavity in chum salmon Ifigure E.4.7(D}]. This location was determined to be when the anterior (antenna} end of the transmitter just disappeared from sight behind the esophagial sphincter. Hhen so positioned, the rubber coated reinforcement at the antenna/transmitter connection point is visible in the rear of the fish's mouth. The problem of antenna placement was remedied by lacing the antenna through the fish's kype. To accomplish this the hook method was rejected and an extension was added to the antenna. A six inch piece of heat-to- shrink material, a wire insulating material made of plastic, was fastened to the anterior two em of the antenna. Following transmitter implantation a h01'1ow·Floy tagging needle was used to pierce the kype from inside the mouth. Care was taken to avoid puncturing the major artery that lies at the center of the roof of the mouth. The heat-to-shrink material was slid into the hollow needle and the needle pulled through the kype, lacing the elongated antenna through the tissue. This allowed maximum extension of the antenna without damage to gills and simultaneously suspended the antenna so that signal transmission was enhanced. The antenna extension was secured to the dorsal surface of the kype by crimping one-half of a precut size 10/12 electrical butt splice on the heat-to-shrink material. A plastic buffer pad was placed between the flesh and the butt splice to prevent tissue damage. Any excess heat-to- shrink material was then removed above the butt splice. F. -.1 -? ...... 1 During live radio transmitter implants the procedures outlined above for fish capture and selection were used. Prior to insertion however, the tag was checked a final time while submerged in a container of water and tested for signal strength and frequency of transmission. The heat~to~ shrink material was installed on the antenna wire and the fish anesthetized as described previously. Sex of the fish was determined by external examination of morphological characteristics. The fish was then suspended in a moistened canvas sling and weighed to the nearest 0.1 kg and returned to the anesthetic tank. As the fish was held firmly against one side of the tank a numbered Petersen disc with buffer pad was mounted on a pre- sharpened needle and inserted about 2.5 em beneath the second dorsal fin ray. A blank Petersen disc was then slipped on the protruding needle, and the disc snugged against the flesh by twisting the needle firmly . a'gainsfthe blank disc. The-~easDring, ~eighing and Petersen disc tagging process usually took 60 to 90 seconds. The radio transmitter was next inserted and the antenna anchored through the kype. Four to six fresh river water changes were made while the fish recovered. When the fish displayed increased muscular and gill activity it was carefully removed from the tank and held by hand in the river until it forcefully swam away. Tag implanting and antenna anchoring usually took two to three minutes. Total elapsed time for the entire tagging process between introduction of MS~222 and first addition of fresh river water varied from eight to 12 minutes, depending on how long it took the fish to become sedated. Recovery times from the anesthetic ranged from seven to 30 minutes depending on how much M$~222 was required to sedate the fish. E - 4 - 2 2 During the tagging process the fishwheel was deactivated for 20 minutes to prevent recapture upon release. Movement of the fish was noted with a loop or paddle antennae for ten to 20 minutes after release (Figure E.4.8). Fish tracking was conducted by boat along the mainstem Susitna River from (RM) 99.0 to as far upstream as RM 142.0. Tracking was conducted from a 6.6 m Wooldridge riverboat powered by a 460 cm3 four cylinder inboard engine with a two-stage Hamilton jet. Tracking occurred at one to four day intervals depending on stream flow conditions and fish distribution. Fish tracking was conducted with a manual and a scanning receiver powered by battery pa~ks:··.·-rh~ r~ceive.rs and ba'ttery packs were encased in. a . wooden, waterproof box. A large loop antenna and an outdoor speaker were connected to the scanning receiver to detect and signal the occurrence of a radio tagged fish while monitoring from the boat. A smaller paddle antenna was connected to the manual receiver to pinpoint a tagged fish's location.to within six meters. While the scanning receiver automatically searched all transmitter frequencies in use, the individual operating the manual tracker scanned for transmitter frequencies when a tagged fish was detected. A triangulation procedure was implemented by rotating the loop antenna slowly from various river locations. The position of the fish was determined and its location plotted on black and white aerial photographs (scale 1 :4,000} of the river. Its position was then logged to the nearest 0.1 river mile. Monitoring of tagged fish vJas conducted by air at one to four day intervals from a Cessna 185 aircraft. A loop antenna was fastened to each wing strut with hose clamps. The antennas were fixed parallel to the fuselage with the handle facing forward. The broad face of the loop faced the fuselage and the narrow surface of the loop was perpendicular to the ground. One antenna was connected to a manual receiver and the other to a scanning receiver inside the airplane. Each antenna cord was reinforced with duct tape where it passed through the doorway. A speaker was connected to the scanning receiver and headphones to the manual receiver. The manual receiver was monitored by one person while the other monitored the scanning receiver and plotted the position of the aircraft. Locations of tagged fish were identified by signal strength to+ 0.1 mile and marked on vinyl encased, black and white aerial photographs (scale r:·40 '000 r~-·. . . :; "· . . " ' ' .. Radio transmitter implantation methodology for coho salmon was initially identical to that described for chum salmon, however transmitter and antenna modifications were required to prevent transmitter regurgitation by adult coho salmon. The first two tagged coho salmon carried extremely anterior implanted transmitters with the heat-to-shrink material antenna modification. However, the third tagged coho salmon regurgitated the transmitter while recovering from tag implantation. To prevent future transmitter regurgitation by coho salmon, a wire modification was adopted. A 30 em long piece of 16 gauge baling wire was wrapped twice around the anterior tip of the transmitter and extended forward, parallel to the antenna. Several wraps of waterproof plastic E - 4 - 2 4 Figure E.4.8. Preparing to release radio tagged chum salmon whil2 tracking another chum salmon in the Susitna River at east bank Curry Station fisrnvheel, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hyc}ro Studies, 1981. Monitoring of tagged fish was conducted by air at one to four day i nterva 1 s from a Cessna 185 aircraft. A loop antenna was fastened to each wing strut with hose clamps. The antennas were fixed parallel to the fuselage with the handle facing forward. The broad face of the loop faced the fuselage and the narrow surface of the loop was perpendicular to the ground. One antenna was connected to a manual receiver and the other to a scanning receiver inside the airplane. Each antenna cord was reinforced with duct tape where it passed through the doorway. A speaker was connected to the scanning receiver and headphones to the manual receiver. The manual receiver was monitored by one person while the other monitored the scanning receiver and plotted the position of the aircraft. Locations of tagged fish were identified by signal strength to+ 0.1 mile and marked on vinyl encased, black and white.aerial photographs (scale T:40,000). Radio transmitter implantation methodology for coho salmon was initially identical to ~hat described for chum salmon, however transmitter and antenna modifications were required to prevent transmitter regurgitation by adult coho salmon. The first two tagged coho salmon carried extremely anterior implanted transmitters with the heat-to-shrink material antenna modification. However, the third tagged coho salmon regurgitated the transmitter while recovering from tag implantation. To prevent future transmitter regurgitation by coho salmon, a wire modification was adopted. A 30 em long piece of 16 gauge baling wire was wrapped twice around the anterior tip of the transmitter and extended forward, parallel to the antenna. Several wraps of waterproof plastic ~ - 4 -2 6 tape secured the wire to the transmitter. The tip of the antenna was extended and taped to the wire to enhance signal transmission and prevent it from causing possible abrasion to the fish. Implantation techniques were identical to those for chum salmon although prior to pushing the sharpened wire through the kype, an outward facing loop was made, so that it rested against the inside of the kype. A buffer was then snugged against the dorsal side of the kype and one half of an electrical connection was crimped over the wire and against the buffer. The wire loop and buffer-crimp combination prevented the transmitter from moving forward and being regurgitated by the fish. 4.4 Data Analysis . ·,. :· , .. ·. ~ , . ' : ·; . . . . ' Population estimates presented in the report were calculated using the following formulas (Ricker, 1975): 1\ , N = mc/r Where: m =Number of fish marked (adjusted for tag loss). c =Total of fish examined for marks during sampling census r =Total number of marked fish observed during sampling census 1\ N = Population estimate 1\ The 95% confidence limits around N were determined by using the formula (Dixon and Massex, 1969): E - 4 - 2 7 r(c + 1".96\jr/c Cl-r/c) .(_rlc<r/c-l.96Vr/c Cl .;. r/c) c c = . 95 (\ r/cupper 0/m) ~ 1/N <r/clower 0/ml Tag loss was calculated using data derived from repeated spawning ground surveys of placid sloughs where survey conditions permitted unrestricted (visual) observation of tag loss through inspection of spawning areas for shed tags and accurate enumeration of fish with tags in place. In calculating tag loss, the number of tagged fish examined (t) were summed with the number of loose tags (1) respective to tag type. The resulting summation (1 + t) was then divided into the number of fish with tags (t) in place to provide a percentage on tag retention ( R). The above is mathematically stated in the formula: t = R X 100%. 1 + t ·ThE: percentage \vas· then multiplied by the number of fish by species tagged at the particular tagging location being examined, for an appropropriation adjustment to the number of fish released. Age determination was made by scale examination using a portable microfiche reader and the age class described using Gilbert-Rich notation. By the notation, age 42 fish are those fish in their fourth year of life that migrated from freshwater to the marine enviornment in their second year of life having spent one winter rearing in fresh water. E - 4 - 2 8 5.0 Results and Discussion 5.1 Mainstem Investigations Table E.5.1. summarizes the salmon escapement estimates by species at each of the mainstem Susitna River and Yentna River stations (Figure E.5.1.) as determined from SSS counters and Petersen tag and recapture operations. Fishwheel catches are summarized in Table E.5.2. Daily sonar counts and fishwheel catches by sampling station are provided in Tables EB-1 through EB-8 and ED-1 through EC-10, respectively. The following subsections outline by species the specific results of escapement sampling at the above defined stations. Sockeye Salmon At Susitna Station 340,232 sockeye were counted (Table E.5.1.). Fifty- one percent of those coun~ed migrated across the east bank SSS counter and 49 percent over the west bank counter. The migration principally extended from 29 June to 24 August with the mid-point occuring on 17 July (Figure E.5.2). Seventy-five percent of the sockeye escapement passed in a 13 day period from 11 July to 23 July. Fishwheels operating at Susitna Station intercepted a total of 4,087 sockeye salmon. Fishwheel catch per hour plotted against time (Figure ED-1) indicates the peak of migration occurred between 10 July and 19 July with the majority of the sockeye salmon migrating along the west bank. A total of 139,401 sockeye salmon were logged by the SSS counters at E - 5 - 1 m 01 (\) ~ -. ,,. Figure E.5.1 Susitna Basin with field station and major glacial streams defined, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su t-lydro Studies, 1981. Table E. 5.1. Apportioned sonar counts and Peter~en· population (tag/recapture) estimates by species and sampling location, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . . . . ESCAPEMEN1 ESTIMATES SAMPLING RIVER SOCKEYE PINK CHUM COHO LOCATION MILE Sonar Petersen Sonar Petersen Sonar Petersen · Sonar Petersen Susitna Station 26 340,232 ... 113,349 -46,461 -33,470 Yentna Station 04 139,401 -36,053 -19,765 -17,017 Sunshine Station 40 89,906 130;450 72,945 48,459 59,630 256,667 22,793 24,415 m -- I Talkeetna 01 Station 103 3,464 4,780 2,529 2,574 10,036 20,244 3,522 3,291 I (.V Curry Station 120 -2,812 -1,052 -12 '934 -1 '164 Table E.5.2. Summary of fishwheel catches by species and sampling location, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. CATCH SAMPLING RIVER LOCATION MILE SOCKEYE PINK CHUM COHO Susitna Station 26 4,087 691 250 329 Yentna Station 04 7,000 2,729 1 ,415 1 '122 Sunshine Station 80 9,528 7,099 9 '167 2,928 Talkeetna Station 103 391 371 1 ,273 527 Curry Station 120 461 227 1,276 182 E - 5 - 4 m 01 01 (f) 1-z :::> 13,200 16,900 8 9900 a: <( z 0 (f) (A) (f) 1-z 9000 7200 g 5400 0 a: <( 6 3600 (f) 1800 YENTNA STATION DATE SUNSHINE ST A T!ON 6/20 6/30 7/10 7/20 7/30 8/10 8/2Q' 8/30 9/10 (f) 1-z :::> 32,500 26,000 8 19,500 a: <( z 0 Cl) (B) Cl) 1-z :::> 0 (.) a: <( z 0 Cl) 375 300 225 150 75 6/20 DATE (C) DATE (D) DATE SUSITNA STATION /10 TALKEETNA STATION Figure E.5.2. Daily sonar counts of sockeye salmpn at Yentna, Susitna, Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, S~ Hydro Studies, 1981. Yentna Station(_Table E.5.1}. Ninety~two percentmigrated over the- south bank and eight percent over the north bank counters. The beginning, mid-point and end of migration occurred on 1 July, 16 July and 3 August respectively (Figure E.5.2). Seventy-five percent of the fish passed in a 12 day period between 12 July and 23 July. A total of 7,000 sockeye were caught in fishwheels at Yentna Station. Fishwheel catches indicate that the peak of migration occurred between 13 July and 15 July with the majority of fishwheel interceptions (70.0%) on the south bank (Figure ED .. l). Sunshine Station passed 89,906 sockeye salmon over the SSS counters. Sixty eight and nine-tenths percent were counted on the east bank sonar and 31.1 percent on the west bank counter. The migration began principally on 16 July, reached a mid-point on 2l July and was over on 20 August < • • • ' ' ",-'... • ~ ' • • • • • : • • -• • ••• • (Figure E.5.2). Seventy-five percent of the sockeye migrated over the counters in an 11 day period between 19 July and 28 July. A tota1 of 9,528 sockeye salmon were intercepted by fishwheels at Sunshine Station. Based on 'fishwheel ~atch records-(TabTe ED.:.2) the 'peak migration occurred between 18 July and 23 July. The highest catches (83.2%) were made on the east side of the river. At Talkeetna Station 3,464 sockeye salmon were counted. The majority of the fish (_54 percent) were enumerated on the west bank SSS counter. The migration principally began on 23 July and was complete by 8 August. The mid-point occured on 31 July (Figure E.5.2). Seventy-five percent of the fish were counted between 23 July and 6 August. Talkeetna Station fishwheels intercepted 391 sockeye salmon. From a plot of the mean E - 5 - 6 hourly fishwheel catch (Figure ED~2l it qppears that the peak of migr~tion occurred between 27 July and 1 August w-ith sockeye showing no apr:>arent bank preference. Curry Station fishwheels intercel'ted a total of 470 sockeye salmon with the majority (87.2%) caught on the east bank. A plot of fishwheel catch per hour indicates that migration began, reached a mid-point and ended on 18 July, 5 August and 29 September respectively (Figure ED-3}. Accuracy of population numbers generated by SSS is dependent upon site location and species enumerated. Recognizably, sonar counters do not enumerate every fish that migrates upstream. They accurately count those which pass over the counting plane or substrate of the counter but . not· those :which migrate outside. or offshore o.f the. range of the sonar .. Water depth, velocity, channel configuration and location or absence of obstructions are variables which influence where salmon migrate in the river at a particular time and location. It has been shown that sockeye ~nd p.ink salmo~· usually migrate near''shore withi~· 6o feet .or less of the bank (Tarbox, et. al., 1980). This appears to be generally less true of other salmon species. However, at Sunshine Station chum salmon were found to migrate closer inshore than sockeye salmon at either Susitna, Yentna, or Sunshine stations (Figures E.5.3 and E.5.4). Sonar sector count data indicates that salmon, of all species, tend to display greater bank preference the further they progress up the Susitna River (Figures EE-l to EE~8}. To illustrate this, 42.6 percent of the counts on the east bank and 18.7 percent on the west bank at Susitna E - 5 - 7 i- >-40 0 z w .::::l g 30 0:: u. 1-z w 20 0 0:: w a.. 10. -, 1 2 3 4 --~·: >-40 0 L z w .::::l 0 30 w 0:: u. 1- ~ z 20 .W 0 0:: w a.. 10. 'I 1 2 3 4 20 foot substrate : One sector = 1.5 feet 40 foot substrate: One sector =3.0 feet 60 foot substrate , Ole sector = 4.5 feet SUNSHINE EAST BANK 20 foot substrate 7/15/81·-· 7/18/81 n •1.200 ~ >-40 0 z w .::::l ~ 30· 0:: u. 1-z ~ 20 0:: w a.. 10 SUNSHINE WEST BANK 40 foot substrate 7/19/81 -7/26/81 n "'14,458 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SECTORS SECTORS Y.ENTNA SOUTH. BANK SUSITNA SOUTH BANK >-40 1--· 60 foot substrate 0 60 foot substrate 7/11/81-7/18/81 z 7/8/81 -7/22181 w .::::l n =76,086 0 30 w ...._ n = 117,523 0:: u. 1-z w 20 0 0:: w a.. 10 ~ _r--' I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SECTORS SECTORS Figure E.5.3. Sector distribution of sockeye salmon passing over side scan sonar substrates where daily sockeye apportioned sonar counts were equal to or greater than ninety percent of total sonar counts, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E - 5 8 60.0 52.7 >-0 45.0 z w ~ m 0 37.5 w . a: LJ... 1- 22.5 (.11 z w 0 a: <0 w a.. 30.0 . 15.0 7.5 - ·-.. SOCKEYE CHUM 20 foot ~I,Jbstrate SUNSHINE EAST BANK 60.0 20 toot substrata SUNSHINE EAST BANK 7/19/81.-7/22/81 9/2/81-9/5/81 n • 24,954 ~2.7 n • 2,165 6 45.0 -z w ~ 0 ~7.5 w - a: u. 1-z ~2.5 w 0 a: w . a.. 30.0 ; 15.0 7.5 -, I :J I 2 3 4 2 3 SECTOR~ SECTORS Figure E.5.4. Sector distribution of sockeye and chum salmonJ passing over side scan sonar substrates, where daily sockeye and chum apportioned sonar counts were equal to or greater than ninety percent of total sonar counts, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ··~ 4 Station were registered in offshore sectors 6 to 12. At Talkeetna Station~ 4.9 percent and 2.2 percent were recorded in the saJTie sectors on the east and west bank respectively, an indication that SSS counters become more effective counting all salmon species in the upper reaches of the Susitna River. This is probably due to water velocities, channel configuration and river gradient. Sockeye salmon population estimates derived from fishwheel tagging operations at Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stations indicate that approximately 130,450, 4,800 and 2,800 sockeye salmon were present at each site respectively. The 95% confidence limits on these estimates along with the components used to calculate them are presented in Table E.5.3. ThesepopuTation estimates, as with others which w-ill be presented on the in this report, should not be considered to be the actual number of fish, in this case sockeye salmon, that spawned upstream of the tagging location. The sockeye estimates represent only the number that were present at the particular tagging station. Other Susitna River investigations have revealed that all adult salmon species mill to some degree in the mainstem and that it is ·not uncommon to find adult salmon in the mainstem well upstream of their spawning d~stination (Barrett, 1974 and Friese, 1975). A further factor in considering the population estimates is tag loss and tag induced mortalities. Both are capable of introducing positive bias to the estimates (Everhart, et. al., 19751. Tag induced mortalities were not considered significant due to minimal amount of time (10-20 E - 5 - 1 0 Table E.5.3. Petersen population estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals of sockeye, pink, chum, and· coho salmon migrating to Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations~ Su Hydro Studies, 1981. LOCATION OF POPULATION ESTIMATE Sunshine Station Talkeetna Station Curry Station PARAMETERl/ m c r 1\ N 95% c. I. m c r A N 95% c. I. m c .. r A N 95% cr. SOCKEYE 8,179 4,721 296 130,450 117,491- 146,621 322 4,142 279 . 4,Z80 4,294- 5,391 357 3,040 ... 386.· 2,812 2,572- 3 '1 01 SPECIES PINK 5,900 6,045 736 48,459 45,386- 51,978 258 798 80 2,574 2 '131- 3,249 183 69 12~ 1,052 695- 2,166 l/ m = Number of fish marked ,(adjusted for tag loss) c =Total fish examined for marks during samplinq census CHUM 7,600 9,047 270 256,667 229,682- 290,837 1 '142 5,903 333 20,244 18,331- 22,602 1 ,068 4,633 333· 12 '934 11 ,728- 14,418 r =Total number of marked fish observed durinq sampling census 1\ . N = Population estimate A C. I .. = Confidence i nterva 1 a roung N E - 5 - 1 1 COHO 2,420 3,501 291 24,415 22,199- 27,125 454 848 117 3,291 2,817- 3,956 133 105 12 1 '164 759- 2,489 ·second~} required tQ tag. a fish, and the general vigorous condition of the fish caught in the fishwheels. Tag loss was taken into consideration by adjusting the total number of fish tagged by species according to percent occurrence of loose tags found during foot surveys of clearwater spawning sloughs. This provided an independent tag loss factor for Sunshine Station and Talkeetna Station which was 7.5 percent and 3.4 percent respectively (Table E.5.4}. The difference in tag loss factor between the two stations can be attributed to the difference in tagging quality. At Sunshine Station the total number of fish tagged was 24,159 compared to 2,176 at Talkeetna Station. The maximum number of fish tagged in a single day at Sunshine Station was approximately 1,700 fish versus 250 fish at Talkeetna Station. The tag loss factor of Curry Station tagged fish was presumed to be insignificant (less than one . per~ent). based on survey crews. not finding any. shed Petersen disc tags during spawning ground surveys and the general difficulty encountered in removing these tags from carcasses. Table E..~.4. TAG TYPE Orange/Flay FT-4 Yellow Floy FT-4 Evaluation of tag loss based. on adult spawning ~wound survey of sloughs between Sunshine Station and Devil Canyon, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . TAGGING NO. TAGGED NO. TAGS TOTAL NO. PERCENT STATION FISH EXAMINED SHED TAGS TAG RETEN- TION Sunshine 335 27 362 92.5 Talkeetna 397 14 411 96.6 E - 5 - 1 2 There is some discrepancy between popul at.i.ons estimates from sonar counts of fish, versus estimates from the tag and recapture project CTabl e E. 5. ll. Bo +h ec::t,·m::.te>S ha~'Q de>-Fir,·Qncie>s that m11 S+ he V'Qco·an1·7 Qd ..... 4-l .,., • \llj-tl , __ , ~ ...... -· ,._ t. .... "'-,_ :,:,•• --. It should not be assumed that all fish pass over the SSS substrate. As previously discussed, the sector distribution of sa.lmon will vary with site and species, with an undetermined number of salmon passing beyond the SSS counting range. A major source of error present in SSS counts is related to the methods of apportionment and the bias inherent in those methods. Although all fishwheels used to apportion the SSS counts were irr close proximity to the counters it must be recognized that fishwheels can be species selective. The apportioned sonar counts would then reflect the selected catchability of the fishwheel. In addition, SSS counters are adjusted for fish velocity and sensitivity, thereby introducing an ·unknown vart~nc& component into the counts.· Methods of . calculating confidence intervals around the population estimates are not available for SSS counts because, at this time, it is not feasible to duplicate a counting sample at one site at the same time, which does not allow for a sampling estimate for the variance. It should be realized that SSS counts are not absolute population numbers and at this time should be considered an index of species abundance at a specific location. Tag and recapture methods of estimating the population and the Petersen estimate in particular make six assumptions which are listed in Begon (1979}. It is realized that failure to meet these assumptions will bias the population estimate and consequently the confidence intervals. The following assumptions were made in estimating population size: fishwheel capture of salmon was random with respect to the population; there was no mortality as a result of the tagging process; there was no differential E - 5 - 1 3 mortality between tagged and untagged salmon; tagged salmon mixed randomly within the population; and recovery of tagged salmon was not influenced by the tag. The net result of tag loss, if not accounted for, will result in an overestimation of the population and conversely if tagged salmon are more readily visible than untagged salmon the resulting bias will cause the population estimate to be low. In summary, it should be recognized that both methods of enumerating salmon have potential drawbacks but at this point they represent the state of the art in estimating population sizes in glacial river systems. The discrepancy, where they exist, between Petersen population estimates and SSS counts reflect the limitations inherent in both techniques. From the sonar data the mi9rational timing of sockeye salmon between the mainstem sampling stations indicates that those passing Susitna Station • ~ < < # • ' ' • bound to the Yentna River made the six mile trip in one day or less, and of the fish migrating past Susitna Station to Sunshine Station and destined to Talkeetna Station had an average travel time of 8 days and T3days res.pectively (FigureE.5.5). Thfs is an average travel rate of 6.8 miles/day between Susitna Station and Sunshine Station and 4.6 miles/day between Sunshine Station and Talkeetna Station. These migrational rates are considered valid if there is no fundamental variation in timing between Susitna River sockeye salmon stocks. An insufficient number of tagged sockeye salmon recaptures were made at Talkeetna Station to determine the average travel time rate between Sunshine Station and Talkeetna Station. The data indicates that the minimum travel time between these stations was three days or a travel E - 5 - 1 4 m 1-z w 0 0: w a. w ;:: 1- 80 60 :s 40 ::J ::::!: ::J 0 20 (A) 6/20 _,.-·-· ,.'' .-' ~' I ,• I l . . I ' ; I i : t I I I I I ; I I I J : ·"· ;' •" I •' I I , / i I I I • I ,,, ,. ... l ---· .I.~·.,··· DATE 100 n--------------::-:?.'::IIIIII'--::--.---., ......... :.::::.:··r····· 1-80 z w 0 0: ~ 60 w > i= :5 40 ::J ::?: .,::) 0 20 I ' . I ,...., I I ~fl' i 1 i : , i . ' ! ) I I f I ~ I I : I ~.~ // i I / ;·' I I ' .~· / 7/20 7/30 PINK 9/10 1-80 z w 0 0: ~ 60 w > i= :5 40 ::J ::?: ::J 0 20 (8) ·1-80 z w 0 0: w a. 60 w ;:: 1- :s 40 ::J ::?: ::J 0 20 DATE 6/201 6/30 (C) DATE (0) DATE CHUM Figure E.5.5. Cumulative percent of sonar counts by species at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investiqations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. speed of 7.7 miles/day-(Figure E,5.6)_. T~g recaptures of sockeye salmon . . ' . at Curry Station indicates a minimum travel time of five d~ys from Sunshine Station to Curry Station ~nd one day from Talkeetna Station to Curry Station (Figure E.5.7}. The: average migration time between Talkeetna Station and Curry Station based on the tag recapture data was approximately five days or a travel speed of approximately 3.5 miles/day. Our investigations reveal that sockeye salmon generally reduced their travel speed the farther they migrate upstream. A possible explanation for this observation is that sockeye salmon di.splay greater milling behavior as they approach their natal stream therein reducing their net travel speed. This behavior was indicated by a significant number of sockeye salmon recaptures at Talkeetna Station that were intercepted · · inore than 26' ·days ear·l i er at Sunshine· Stati an 1 ocated 23 mi 1 es downstream from Talkeetna Station (Figure E.5.6). The sonar counts and fishwheel catches at Susitna Station, Yentna Station, < -.~ • and Sunshine Station indicate a strong preference by sockeye salmon to favor one bank of the river depending on the location. Sockeye salmon were more abundant on the west side of the Susitna River at Susitna Station and were more numerous on the east bank at Sunshine Station. Yentna Station recorded higher sonar counts and fishwheel catches along the south bank along off the north bank. At Talkeetna Station, sockeye salmon utilized bath sides of the river without any notable preference. The fishwheel catches at Curry Station indicate that sockeye are significantly more abundant on the east side of the river than on the west side (figure E - 5 - 1 6 :-~. :-...s 100 -100 ~~ 25 25 -. 20 >-0 z w :::> 0 15 w a: u.. -SOCKEYE Rltnge. 3 -44 .. n • 24 20 >-(.) z ·.~ 15 w [f -PINK Range 2 • 3Q n•8 - 1-z w 10 0 a: llJ Q.. . ffi 10 0 :· ~ .... r- - 5 5 -u I 0 10 20 30 40 45 0 10 20 30 40 (A) NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN CAPTURES (B) NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN CAPTURES 100 ----. 100-r----------------------------------·----------~ -p II I 20->-0 z w :::> 0 15-w a: u.. >- CHUM I ·0 15~ COHO z Range 2-9 w Range 5 -4.1 :::> n .. 9 0 n. 31 w [f 20 1-II r' ...., ,---z w 10-0 a: w Q.. 1-z 10 lU (.) \ a: lU Q.. 5-5 0 10 20 30 .. 40 0 10 20 30 40 (C) NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN CAPTURES (D) NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN CAPTURES Figure E.5.6. (A-C) Migrational rates of sockeye. pink, and chum salmon between Sunshine Station and Talkeetna Station based on fishwheel recaptures. (D) Miqrational rates of sockeye between Sunshine and Curry Stations, Adult Anadromous 'Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. m 01 -1. (X) 100-n------------------------------------------------~ 25 0 20 z w :J a w e: 15 1--z w ffi 1 0 0.. 5- 0 (A) SOCKEYE Range 1 -28 n "'35 10 20 30 NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN CAPTURE 40 100 ~ >- () z w :J a 15-w 0: u. I-rs 10 () 0: w 0.. 5 (B) 0 CHUM Ranoe 1 -24 n = 112 10 20 30 NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN C~PTURE 40 100-r----~~--------------~-----------~--~ 80 >-() 60 z ~ a w e: 40 1--z w () ffi . 20 0.. 10 (C) 0 PINK Range 1 -13 n = 25 10 20 30 NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN CAPTURE 40 100-rr----------------------------------------------, 40->-() z w :J a 30-w e: 1--z w 20- () 0: w 0.. 10- 0 (D) Lf n n n COHO Range 2 -15 n • 25 10 20 30 NUMBER OF DAYS BETWEEN CAPTURE 40 Figure E.5.7. Migrational rates of sockeye,, pink/chum, and coho salmon between Talkeetna and Curry Stations based on fishwheel recaptures, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies1 1981. The migrational preference displayed by sockeye salmon for a particul~r side of the river appears to be closely tied to site characteristics when proximity or distance to a spawning area is not a factor. Agents influencing bank preference in a specific reach of the river may be velocity, water depth and channel configuration and presence or absence of navigational obstructions. Evaluation of hourly passage rates indicate distinct behavior patterns of sockeye salmon migrants at Susitna Station, Yentna Station and Sunshine Station (Figure E.5.8). Higher than average passage rates occurred between 1900 hours and 0100 hours at Susitna Station and lower than average passage between 0700 hours and 1100 hours. At Yentna Station sockeye salmon exhibited greater upstream movement bet\'Jeen 2300 hours and 0500 hours and displayed lower than average upstream movement between ' 1100 hours and 1500 hours. Sockeye salmon at Sunshine Station moved less between 0700 hours and 1100 hours than at any other time and displayed a higher than average preference for movement between the hours of 1900 and 0100. Sockeye salmon age composition samples, collected in fishwheels, revealed that the majority of the sockeye salmon at each of the sampling stations were age s2 (Table E.5.5). The next abundant were age 42 sockeye followed by age 62 sockeye. Five year old sockeye, 1976 brood year, comprised apprqximately 86 percent of the return at Susitna and Yentna stations, 73 percent at Sunshine and Talkeetna stations and 70 percent of the sockeye at Curry Station. four year old sockeye, 1977 brood year made up 8.5 percent of the escapement return both at Susitna Station and E - 5 - 1 9 m 01 1\) 0 11 10 9 8 1-z w 0 7 cr: w 0.. 6 5 2 0 \ \ 0 \ '\ O··---~ II \ \O·.. \ ~ . . 'l . 0, 0 '•,, 'n\ . / \ I ••. '-·o. lo ... I \ ;· 0 •• \ ·-. ;· \ ···O I 0•. .~ •• ·-.. • ••• ... ... -o•' ~· Q. \ 0 • • ·'/ \ '· o I ·' \ /, 0 0 N 0 0 0 ~ 0 ·. .. .. _ .· .•. · -~·· /i •• 'o 0 •· I \ ,· ·. •J , o: • •• ' \ o' . / a, ··.. .d· · \ · · · I \ ·· I '· · · · .. 0 .. •• ••• o ()''' . , . I .· o 0 0 w 0 • \ • a·· ' ..--·. :'\'A ,• 0 _.. •\ . ' .. ·~ .. ' ,.· ., .. o ,'' o·· •• •• / 0 0 0 00 0 ........ / ......... , '0 0 0 0 ,... l 0 0 N ..... LEGEND SUSITNA STATION SUNSHINE STATION ••• • • .. YENTNA STATION ,--------,-----.------.-------,.------. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ W 00 0 N ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N HOUR Figure E.5.8. Percent daily sonar counts of sockeye salmon by two hour blocks at Susitna Station, Yentna Station, and Sunshine Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. m 01 1\) ...... Table E.5.5. Analysis of sockeye salmon age data by percent from escapement samples collected at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna· and Cur-ry Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. AGE CLASS ll BROOD YEAR COLLECTION SITE n 31 32 41 42 43 51 52 53 62 63 1975 1976 1977 Susitna Station 1709 0.0 0.6 0.0 8.4 0.0 0.0 83.9 2.7 0. l 4.3 4.4 86.6 8.4 Yentna Station 1193 0.1 0.7 0.7 7.5 0.4 1.9 80.8 3.5 2.4 2.0 4.4 86.2 8.6 Sunshine Station 976 0.0 1.1 0.6 21.0 0.6 0.0 70.2 2.6 0.2 3.7 3.9 72.8 22.2 Talkeetna Station 110 0.0 0.0 1.8 22.8 0.0 0.0 70.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 3.q 71.8 24.6 Curry Station 270 0.0 0.7 1.1 • 27.4 0.0 0.0 65.9 3.4 0.0 1.5 1.5 69.3 28.5 ----~---------'-··· .. ~----------------.. -· l/ Gilbert-Rich Notation 1978 0.6 0.8 l.l 0.0 0.7 Yentna Station and represented 22.2 percent, 24.6 percent ~nd 28.5 ~ercent of the sockeye at Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations respectively. Approximately four percent of the escapement return at each of the samp,ling stations were· six year old sockeye, 1975 brood year, with the exception of Curry Station which had a 1. 5 percent return of six year old sockeye salmon. Table E.5.6 provides a summary of the sockeye salmon length data collected at each of the sampling stations. Graphic representation of this information is provided in Figures EF-1 through EF-5 and Figures EF-21 through EF- 23. Five year old male sockeye salmon averaged 590mm, 605mm, 604mm, 57lmm, and 584mm at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations respectively. The average length of five year old female sockeye salmon in the same order respective by station as defined above was 568mm, 577mm, 553mm, 55lmm and 560mm. The combined sockeye salmon lengths of all ages ranged from 230mm to 675mm at Susitna Station, 310mm to 684mm at Yentna Station, 395mm to 635mm at Talkeetna Station and 335mm to 640mm at Curry Station. Male sockeye salmon were larger than females in all age classes (Tabl.e E.5.6) but were more numerous than female sockeye at only Talkeetna Station (1.2 to 1.0). At Sunshine Station sex ratios indicate that male and female sockeye were equally abundant (1 .6 to 1.0). Males were less abundant than females at Susitna Station (0.9 to 1.0), Talkeetna Station (0.6 to 1.0) and Curry Station ( 0. 8 to 1. 0) . E - 5 - 2 2 m 01 N (.U Table E.5.6. Analysis of sockeye salmon lenqths in mill:imeters, by age from fishwheel catches at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna,and Cur·ry Stations, Adult Anadromous ~nvestigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. n SEX r,---BANGE, ~-MEAN 95% CONF. LJMJTS1/ MEDIAN COLLECTION SITE AGE m!! tY RATIO m f rn f m f m. f 238-495 ' ' Susitna Station 3 9 2 4.5:1 230-54Q. 354 385 --351 385 4 89 55 1.6:1 328-600 415-614 468 562 458-479 419-704 459 494 5 689 792 0.9:1 . 430-645 436-675 590 568 575-606 555-581 587 564 6 31 42 0. 7:1 452-626 507-600 576 564 564-588 557-570 575 565 - Yentna Statl on 3 4 5 0.8:1 322-465 310-325 363 315 --333 313 4 60 43 1.4:1 .. 333-603 340-597 477 485 462-491 469-501 464 490 5 554 475 1.2:1 442-684 419-632 605 577 584-626 554-599 598 571 6 30 22 1.4:1 565-682 437-601 609 567 600-618 549-584 606 576 --------- Sunshine Station 3 11 0 -270-470 -342 ---331 - 4 150 67 2.2:1 321-615 416-!)96 486 • 512 475-496 503-520 464 508 5 308 402 0.8:1 431-699 454-624 604 553 567-640 551-556 593 555 6 26 12 2.2:1 502-635 515-!)87 577 554 566-588 540-567 576 554 Talkeetna Station 4 11 16 0.7:1 400-580 436-!i90 507 517 464-549 494-540 515 520 5 30 49 0.6:1 395-635 415-Cil~ 571 551 552-590 541-562 585 560 6 0 4 --540-!)80 -563 ---566 Curry Station 3 1 1 1 :1 --340 320 --340 320 4 53 24 2.2:1 . 335-615 455-{105 496 532 478-514 513-550 480 534 5 68 119 0.6:1 490-640 445-ti10 584 560 577-590 556-565 590 563 6 1 3 0.3:1 -480-fi68 570 536 --570 560 ---·-------- 1/ Male "'! Female . If Confidence of limits on Mean Pink Salmon Side Scan Sonar counters at Susitna Station enumerated 113,349 pink salmon; 88 percent orr the east side-·and 12 percent on the west side of the Susitna River. The pink salmon migration essentially began, reached a mid-point and terminated on 10 July, 25 July a~d 21 August respectively (Figure E.5.9}. Seventy-five percent of the pink salmon migration passed Susitna Station in 15 days between 15 July and 29 July. The fishwheels at Susitna Station caught a total of 691 pink salmon. Of the 691 pinks caught, 57.5 percent were intercepted by the west bank fishwheel and 42.5 percent intercepted by the east bank fishwheel. Figure ED-4 indicates the peak of migration occurred between 21 July and 3 August. At Yentna ·stafion·, 3'6,053' 'pink salmon we!:'e enumerated by sonar counters •. The south bank sonar counter recorded 82 percent of the counts while 18 percent were registered by the north bank sonar counter. The beginning, mid-point and end of the migratJon approximately occurred on 14 July, 27 . . . . ' . . . ~ ~ . July and 20 August respectively (Figure E.5.9). Seventy-five percent of the pink salmon were counted in 13 days between 21 .July and 2 August. The two fishwheels located at Yentna Station intercepted 2,729 pink salmon. Sixty-three and seven tenths percent of the pink salmon were intercepted by the south bank fishwheel and 36.8 percent were caught by the north bank fishwheel. A graphic representation of the fishwheel catch per hour indicates that the peak of the migration was during the 17 days between 21 July and 6 August (figure ED~4). E - 5 - 2 4 3250 2600 (/) 1-z ;:) 8 ; 1950 a: < z 0 1300 (/) 650.11 n n 'I (A) ,) 9000~ i n 7200 (/) 1-z ;:) 5400 0 (.) a: < z 3600 0 (/) 1800 6 (C) 12,60) , YENTNA STATION SUSITNA STATION 10,000 (f.) 1-z ::> 0 7690 (.) a: < z 0 fiOOO Cl) I I A : DATE (B) DATE SUNSHINE STATIO~ I 376n TALKEETNA STATION 300 (/) 1-:z ;:) 225 0 () 0:: < :z 150 0 (/) 76 DATE (D) DATE Figure E.5.9. Daily sonar counts of pink salmon at Yentna, Susitna, Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .. At Sunshine Station SSScounters enumerated 72,945 pink salmon. Eighty ... four and five-tenths percent of the counts were registered on the east side of the river and 15.5 percent on the west side of the river. The migration essentially began on 23 July, peaked on l August and terminated on 20 August (E.5.9}. Seventy five percent of the fish were counted in 13 days from 28 July to 9 August. Sunshine Station operated four fishwheels; two on the west bank and two on the east bank of the Susitna River. A combined total of 7,099 pink salmon were caught with the east bank fishwheels intercepting 91.3 percent and the west bank fishwheels catching the remaining 8.7 percent. Figure ED ... 5, a plot of fishwheel catch per hour, shows the peak of migration occurred between 29 July and 9 August. Talkeetna Station counted 2,529 pink salmon. Fifty-seven and three- tenths-percent of the counts were recorded by' the west bank sonar and 42.7 percent by. the east bank sonar. The migration principally began on 27 July, reached a midpoint on 6 August and terminated on 20 August (Figure E.5.9). Seventy-five percent of the escapement was intercepted between 29 July and 9 August. The four fishwheels operating at Talkeetna Station intercepted a total of 379 pink salmon. Fifty-nine point four percent were caught by the east bank fishwheels and 40.6 were caught by the west bank fishwheels. Figure ED-5 graphically illustrates that peak fishwheel catches of pink salmon occurred between 1 August and 10 August. The pink salmon migration at Curry station started on 31 July, reached a midpoint on 8 August and terminated 19 August approximately (figure ED- 6}. Seventy five percent of the escapement passed the site between 4 E - 5 - 2 6 August and 19 August. The majority of the pink salmon f.ishwheel catch (69.9 percentl at Curry Station was made on the east side of the river. Population estimates. derived from tag and recapture data indicate that 48,459 pink salmon were present at Sunshine Station, 2,574 present at Talkeetna Station and 1,052 present at Curry Station. The 95% confidence limits along with the parameters used to calculate these estimates are presented in Table E.5.3. The migrational rate based on plots of sonar and fishwheel catch data indicate that pink salmon took an average of three days to reach Yentna Station from Susitna Station, a distance of approximately six miles (Figure E.5.5 and ED-5). This represents an average travel of about 2.0 mi 1 es per day. These trave 1 rates are· va 1 i d only-.if there is. no fundamental variation in migrational timing between Susitna River pink salmon stocks. Pink salmon averaged of about nine days of travel time between Susitna Station and Sunshine Station (Figure E.5.5). This represents an average travel rate of 6.0 miles/day. Travel time between Susitna Station and Talkeetna Station was approximately 12 days or a travel speed of 6.4 miles/day. Tag and recapture data on pink salmon indicate that travel time between Sunshine Station and Talkeetna Station ranged from two to 30 days (Figure E.5.6). Pink salmon averaged three days of travel time or six miles/day between Talkeetna Station and Curry Station with a range of one to 13 days (figure E. 5. 71. E -5 - 2 7 Table E.5.7 provides a summary of the pink salmon length data collected at ea·ch of the mainstem sampling stations. Graphic representation of this data is provided in Figures EF~6 through EF~lO and Figure EF~24 . . The average length .. af male pink salmon at Susitna Station was: 444mm, 478mm at Yentna Station, 445mm at Sunshine and 4321nrn at Curry Station. In comparison females averaged 433mm, 47lmm, 449mm, 434mm, and 432mm in the same order by station. The data indicates that pink salmon stocks in the Yentna River subdrainage were larger than the pink salmon stocks utilizing the Susitna River upstream of the Yentna River confluence (Table EF-24). Table E.5.7 summarizes the sex composition of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at each of the stations. Male pink salmon were more abundant than females ·at an: sampling stations except at Talkeetna Station where females were 20 percent more numerous (1:1.2) than males. Chum Salmon A total of 46,461 chum salmon were enumerated· at Susitna Station with SSS counters. The majority (91.1%) of the fish were enumerated along the east side of the river and the balance (8.9%) along the west bank counter. The migration arrived at Susitna Station, on 10 July, reached a mid-point on 27 July and passed on 25 August (Figure E.5.10). Seventy five percent of the escapement was counted between 15 July and 6 August. A total of 250 chum salmon were caught in the fishwheels operated at Susitna Station. The peak of migration, as indicated by a plot of the mean hourly fishwheel catch (Figure ED~71, occurred between 3 August and J August with the majority of fishwheel interceptions occurring along WE; .-: 5 - 2 8 1000 800 (/) 1-z :J 0 600 u a: ~ z 0 400 (fJ 200 m (A) I 01 5000~ I 1\) <0 4000 (fJ 1-z :J 3000 0 u a: <( z 2000 0 (fJ 6 (B) figure E.5.10, . YENTNA STATION II SIJSITNA STATION 2500 2000 CJ) 1-z :J 0 1500 u a: ~ z rt 0 1000 CJ) A 500 .. -"----~-------· ---· ----. -6/20 . 6/30. 7/10. 7/20. 7/30. 8/10 . 8/20. 8/3(). 9/10 DATE (C) ~UNSHINE STATIC~ I 1oo.JI TALKEETNA STATION I 560 (fJ 1-z ~ :J 420 0 u a: n ~ z 280 0 CJ) 140 DATE (D) DATE Daily sonar counts,.of chum salmon at Yentna, Susitna, Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations~ Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ' I .I l .I ' ,, .I! ' J Table E.5.7. Analysis of pink salmon lengths, in millimeters, from fishwheel catches at S~sitna, Ye~tna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ---- m Clllll c !lOll SITE Sw. lln a Stdtlon (JJ -- I Y!.!lllfld Sta tlon (.U o Stmshl ne Station ------------ I .llll'f! tnd Station ----- Curry Stat I on 1/ Male 2/ Female AGE 2 2 2 2 2 3/ Confidence Limits on Mean n SEX mll f~ RATIO 73 177 0.4:1 494 619 0.8:1 604 727 0.8:1 111 89 1. 2:1 77 101 0.8:1 RANGE LIMITS MEAN 95% CONF. LIMITS~ MEDIAN ,• m ·r m T m T m ,.-- 333-566 318-491 444 433 437-452 430-436 443 435 '. 315-580 245-567 478 471 449-506 441-501 452 441 336-565 345-505 445 449 443-448 434-464 445 440 380-505 303-480 434 434 428-439 428-439 430 430 355-560 360-4!35 432 432 425-439 427-436 430 430 ... ·, the east bank. The Yentna Station SSS counters enumerated 19,765 chum salmon. SiAty~ four and,four-tenths percent of the counts were recorded by the south bank sonar and 35.6 percent by the north bank sonar. The chum salmon migration essentially began at Yentna Station on 13 July, reached a mid~ point on 29 July and terminated on 24 August (Figure E.5.10l. Seventy five percent of the fish were counted in a 29 day period between 18 July and 15 August. Fishwheels operated at Yentna Station caught a total of 1,415 chum salmon. Chum ~almon passage by Yentna Station reached a peak between 20 July and 23 July as indicated by fishwheel catch data (Figure ED-7). The north and south bank fishwheel chum catches during this period were 66.3 percent and 33.7 percent respectively. Side scan sonar counters at Sunshine Station counted 59,630 chum salmon. The east bank counter recorded 77.9 percent of counts and the remainder, 22.1 percent, were registered on the west bank counter. The chum salmon migration began on 22 July, reached a mid-point on 6 August and terminated on 6 September, approximately (Figure E.5.10). Seventy five percent of the fish were counted in a 29 day period between 27 July and 24 August. A total of 9,167 chum salmon were caught in the four fishwheels at Sunshine Station. The peak of chum salmon migration at Sunshine Station, as indicated by daily fishwheel catches, occurred between 17 August and 19 August (Figure ED-8}. The east bank fishwheels intercepted more chum salmon than the west bank wheels by the ratio of 9.1 :1. A total of 10,036 chum salmon were counted at Talkeetna Station. The west bank SSS counted 59.6 percent of the chum salmon and 40.4 percent E - 5 - 3 1 were enumerated on the· east bank SSS. The migration approximately begqn on 28 July, reached a mid~point on 8 August and ended on 29 August (figure E.5.10l. Seventy-five percent of the escapement was counted in a 32 day period between 30 July and 30" August. A total of 1 ,285 chum salmon were intercepted by the fishwheels at Talkeetna Station. Seventy~ five percent were caught between 4 August and 7 September with 48.7 percent and 51.3 percent of the total catch intercepted on the east and west bank respectively (Figure ED~8l. Fishwheel catches at Curry Station indicate that the migration essentially began on 29 July, reached a mid-point on 16 August and terminated on 2 September (Figure ED-9). The majority (89.6%) of the catch made on the east side of the river. Tag and recapture data indicates that 256,667 chum saimon were present at Sunshine Station, 20,244 at Talkeet~a Station and 12 3 934 at Curry Station. The 95% confidence limits and variables used to calculate the estimates are presented in Table E.5-~3·. Chum salmon averaged four days of travel time between Susitna Station and. Yentna Station for a travel speed of 1.5 miles/day. The average travel time between Susitna Station and Sunshine Station was ten days which computes to a travel speed of 5.4 miles/day. The migration period between Susitna Station and Talkeetna Station averaged 14 days or 5.5 miles/day. The migration timing and travel rates presented above are considered valid if there is no fundamental variation in timing between Susitna River chum salmon stocks. E - 5 - 3 2 m CJ1 c.v 1\) )> 1-z w 0 a: w 0.. 10 9 8 7 6 2 . . 0 0 0 C\J 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 """ 0 . . . b. 0 0 (J) c . . . . . . . . . ' . o· •. •· ... d 0 0 co 0 0 0 0 ,... . . . . .o·· · ·· · ·o. . . . . 0 •• •• · .• -d • : o' . . . . . . . .. o .. . ···o ,-------,~------r-------;r------~--------r-------~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\J ~ (J) co 0 C\J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ N HOUH Figure E.5.11. Percent daily sonar counts of churn salmon by two hour blocks at Sunshine Station, Adult Anadrornous Inv~stigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. Chum salmon tagged at Sunshine-Station took between t~ro and nine days to reach Talkeetna Station (figure E,5.6l. Between Talkeetna Station Md Curry Station the number of travel days ranged from one to 24 days with an average travel time of approximately 4. 5 days· and a mean travel speed of 3.8 miles/day (figure E.5.7l. Evaluation of the hourly passage rate of chum salmon at Sunshine Station suggests a distinct behavior pattern with a high percentage of the fish passing the counters between 2100 hours and 0100 hours and between 0300 hours and 0500 hours (Figure E.5. 11}. The lowest hourly passage rate occurred between 0700 hours and 1100 hours. East bank SSS sector counts at Sunshine Station indicate that chum salmon displayed a strong migrational preference for near-shore travel. More than 60 percent of the chum salmon were counted in the first sonar sector and 30 percent in the second sector (Figure E.5.4). Comparison data is not available for the ~ther stations due to the absence of discrete periods when chum salmon comprised 90 Rercen.t or more of the counts. Table E.5.8 outlines the age structure of the chum salmon sampled at each of the stations. Age 41 chum salmon from the 1977 brood year dominated the catch at each site comprising an average of 86 percent of the fish. Next abundant were age s1 fish followed by age 31 fish which made up ten percent and four percent of the age samples respectively. The most notable difference in age class structure was among the chum salmon sampled at Curry Station which were 14.1 percent and 1.9 percent . . age s1 and 31 fish respectively. This is a considerable variation from the above cited averages for the combined stations. -.... 5 ... - 3 3 .' Table E.5.8. Analysis of chum salmon age data by percent from escapement samples collected at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine~ Talkeetna and Curry Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · AGE CLASS Jj BROOD YEAR COLLECTION SITE SAMPLE SIZE 31 41 51 1976 1977 1978 m Susitna Station 158 3.2 88.6 8.2 8.2 88.6 3.2 Yentna Station 754 6.6 84.1 9.3 9.3 84.1 6.6 (Jl Sunshine Station 1088 4.1 88.7 7.2 7.2 88.7 4.1 (A) Talkeetna Station 438 4 .. , 85.2 10.7 10.7 85.2 4.1 .j:>. Curry Station· 632 1.9 84.0 14.1 14.1 84.0 1.9 -------~-- 1/ Gilbert-Rich Notation Presented in Table E,.5.9 is a· summary of chum salmon· fork: length (JLl data collected at each sampling location. This data is also gra~hically displayed in Figures Ef··ll through Ef,..l5 and Figures Ef ... 25 through Ef~ 27. Chum salmon of all age classes at Susitna Station ranged in size from 445mm to 658mm, at Yentna Station from 436mm to 697mm, at Sunshine Station from 455mm to 718mm, at Talkeetna Station from 480mm to 720mm and at Curry Station from 440mm to 680mm. Four year old male chum salmon had an average length of 593mm, 60lmm, 624mm, 586mm, and 593mm at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry stations respectively. Female chum salmon of the same age at the same lncations had an average length of 58lmm, 585mm, 588mm, 578mm, and 614mm respectively. Table E.5.9 provides a comparison of sex ratios between age classes by sampling location. Combined age class sex ratios.indicate that male chum salmon were less abundant. than females at Susitna Station (.1 :1.6) and Sunshine Station (1 :1.2) and equally numerous as males at Yentna Station (1 :1}. Male chum salmon were dominate at Talkeetna Station (1~0.7} and Curry Station (1 :0.9). Coho Salmon A total of 33,470 coho salmon were enumerated across the SSS counters at Susitna Station. Seventy percent were registered by the east bank SSS and the balance by the west bank SSS. The migration began, reached a mid-point and ended on 20 July, 28 July and 25 August respectively (figure E.5.12). Approximately 75 percent of the fish passed in 25 days between 23 July and 16 August. The fishwheels at Susitna Station cauqht . ~ E - 5 -3 5 m 01 Table E.5.9. Analysis of chum salmon lengths, in millimeters, by age from fishwheel catches at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stations, Adult Anadromous Investi~ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. n SEX RANGE liMITS MEAN 95~ CONF. liMITS1f MEDIAN · COL LECTION SHE AGE m.!1 fE:J RATIO m f m f m f m f Sus itna Station 3 3 2 1.5:1 501-561i 500-518 537 509 --544 509 4 51 89 0.6:1 502-64!i 445-658 593 581 584-602 574-588 595 584 5 8 5 1.6:1 538-620 584-632 585 610 --580 607 \ ---- Yen tna Station 3 22 28 0.1:1 474-590 436-612 537 523 523-551 509-538 542 526 4 322 312 1.0:1 465-694 460-697 601 585 597-605 581-589 602 586 5 42 28 1. 5:1 564:-69:1 526-688 629 616 620-638 602-629 625 614 ---- c.v Sun shine Station 3 16 29 0.6:1 510-585 495-600 554 538 544-565 527-548 560 535 0> Tal keetna Station ------- Cur ry Station 1/ Male 2; Female 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 If Confidence Limits on Mean 435 40 12 212 27 6 281 44 530 0.8:1 485-704 38 1.0:1 541-71il - 6 2 1 480-6Hi 161 1.3 1 515-650 20 1.4 1 540-720 6 1 1 505-570 250 1.1 1 440:-680 45 1.0 1 539-650 - '455-690 624 588 590-657 585-591 600 590 565-708 628 614 616-640 603-625 625 6l2 490-592 534 531 --535 535 480-689 586 578 581-590 572-583 585 575 660-650 620 611 604-635 600-623 620 612 540-590 534 562 --630 559 470-678 593 614 589-597 571-656 595 592 510-662 612 603 606-619 595-611 614 605 YENTNA STATION I If SUSITNA STATION 1500-H 3000 II nA ( 1200 2400 (j) (j) 1-1-z z :::> ~ ::> 0 900 0 1800 0 0 a: a: <( < z z 0 600 0 1200 (I) (/) ']0. 6(30. ,,10. ,L 1 . 7f3Q" :~6~0. 9/Slr-97!0 I 600 m 6/20 01 (A) DATE (B) DATE (J.) 2500 SUNSHINE STATION 25011 TALKEETNA STATION ....... 2000 200 (j) (j) 1-1-z z :::> 1500 ::> 150 0 0 0 (.) a: a: <( < z 1000 M~ z 100 0 0 (I) (J) 500 50 7 1"20 . 7/30 . 81"1 o . 8/20"8/30. 9T1 0 .. . 6/20. 6/30 . 7/"1 0' 1T2 (C) Figure E.5.12. DATE · (D) DATE Daily sonar counts of coho salmon at Yentna, Susitna, Sunshine and Adult Anadromous Investigations~ Su Hydro Studies, 1981. Talkeetna Stations, a total of 329 coho salmon. Coho salmon showed a strong bank preference with 76.3 percent moving up the west bank and 23.7 percent migrating along the east bank. A plot of fishwheel catch per hour indicates the peak of migration occurred between 25 July and 30 July •'" p (Figure ED-101. The Yentna Station SSS counters enumerated a total of 17,017 coho salmon. The south bank counter registered 83.6 percent of the count and the north bank counter registered 16.4 percent of the count. The migration principally began on 22 July, reached a mid-point on 31 July and ended on 20 August (Figure E.5.12). Seventy five percent of the fish passed between 23 July and 16 August. A total of l ,122 coho were intercepted by Yentna Station fishwheels with 75.7 percent and 24.3 percent of the catch caught along the south and north bank respectively. The peak of migration~ as shown by a plot of fishwheel catch per hour, occurred • ·~., • ... ~ ·~4, ' between 23 July and 6 August (Figure ED-10). Side Scan Sonar counters at Sunshine Station counted a total of 22,793 coho salmon. Sixty-six and six-tenths percent of the fish passed over the west bank sonar and the remaining 33.4 percent over the east.bank sonar. The migration principally began at Sunshine Station on 29 July, reached a mid-point on 18 August and terminated on 5 September, approximately (Figure E.5.12). Seventy five percent of the migration was counted in 21 days from 4 August to 24 August. Sunshine Station fishwheels intercepted 2,928 coho salmon. There was no apparent preference between river banks with 51.6 percent and 48.4 percent migrating up the east and west bank respectively. A plot of the fishwheel catch per hour graphically E - 5 - 3 8 illustrates that coho salmon passage peaked between 18 August ~nd 25 August (Figure ED"ll}, The SSS counters at Talkeetna Station recorded a total of 3,522 coho ":<.: salmon. The west bank sonar enumerated 62.0 percent of the fish and the east bank sonar, 38 percent. The migration approximately began, reached a mid-point, and ended on 30 July, 24 August and 11 September respectively (Figure E.5.12). Seventy five percent of the coho salmon were counted in 22 days from 11 August to 1 September. The four fishwheels operated at Talkeetna Station intercepted a total of 533 coho salmon with 59.5 percent caught in the two west bank fishwheels. Fishwheel catch per hour plots indicate that the peak of migration occurred between 19 August and 30 August (Figure ED-11). Curry Station fishwheel catches indicate that the coho salmon migration began, r~ache·f a mi·d~poi'nt ~nd ended ~n 5 Au.gust, 22. Auqust and 4· Septe.m,be~· respectively (Figure ED-12). The majority (64.8%) of the fish at Curry Station were intercepted on the east side of the river. Population estimates derived from tagging and recapture operations indicate that 24,416 coho salmon were present at Sunshine Station, 3,291 were present at Talkeetna Station and 1,164 were present at Curry Station. The parameters used to calculate the estimates along with the 95% confidence limits are presented in Table E.5.3. The average migrational travel time between Susitna Station and Yentna Station was two da,ys which is an upstream travel speed of 3.0 miles/day E - 5 - 3 9 lFigure E .. 5.5l. fourteen. days were spent between Susitna Station and Sunshine Station. ·The total tra-vel time from Sus.itna Station beyond Sunshine Station to Talkeetna Station was approximately 24 day$. This represents a travel rate of 3.9 and 3.2 miles/day respectively. These migration rates are based on the' assumption that there is no fundamental variation in timing between Susitna River coho salmon stocks. Tag recaptures of marked coho salmon from Talkeetna Station at Curry Station indicate that coho salmon migrated between these stations in two to 15 days (Figure E. 5. 7) . The average trave 1 time was 4. 5 days or a travel speed of 3.8 miles/day. Table E.5.10 summarizes the coho salmon age composition by sampling location. The data indicates that the majority of the fish were age 43 from the 1977 brood year fo 11 owed by age 3 2 from the 1978 brood year. · Less "than 'ten percent ·of· ·the coho· escapement was comprised of other age classes. A summary of coho salmon lengths (FL) collected by sampling station is presented in Table E.5.11. This data is also graphically displayed in Figures EF-16 through EF-20 and Figures EF-28 through EF-30. Lengths ranged from 216mm to 645mm at Susitna Station, 365mm to 635mm at Yentna Station, 325mm to 680mm at Sunshine Station, 320mm to 650mm at Talkeetna Station and 370mm to 605mm at Curry Station. The average lengths of four year old· male coho salmon were 519mm, 54lmm, 54lmm, 534mm, and 519mm at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna, and Curry stations respectively. Four year old fema,le coho salmon in the same order by station averaged E - 5 - 4 0 m 01 ~ .... i Table E.5.10. Analysis of coho salmon age data by percent from escapement samples collected at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. AGE,CLASS !J BROOD YEAR COLLECTION SITE n 31 32 33 ,· 4.-, £. 43 44 52 54 1976 1977 Susitna Station 224 0.0 22.0 0.4 0.9 68.8 1.3 0.0 6.6 6.6 71.0 Yentna Station 323 0.0 16.1 0.0 .0.0 82.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 82.9 Sunshine Station 424 0.0 31.8 0.0 . 0.0 . 65.1 0.0 0.0 3.1 3 .l 65.1 Talkeetna Station 164 0.0 11.6 0.6 ... 0.0 84.8 0.0 1.2 1.8 3.0 84.8 Curry Station 77 1.3 27.3 0.0 ... 0.0 68.8 0.0 0.0 2.6 2.6 68.8 .. · ' 1J Gilbert-Rich Notation 1978 22.4 16.1 '31.8 .12. 2 28.6 m Ol ~ 1\) Table E.5.ll. Analysis of coho salmon len~ths, ·in(mi"llimeters, by a(Je from fishwheel catches at Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Stati~ns, Adult Anadromous Investi9ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. COLLECTION SITE Sus1tna Station Yentna Station Sunshine Station Talkeetna Station Curry Station 1/ Male 2! Female --··-···-----------~- AGE 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 ~ Confidence Limits on Mean --m!t n 26 66 8 26 128 1 81 143 8 10 87 1 12 37 2 ----------···-· --- SEX RANGE LIMITS f~ RATIO m f 24 1.0:1 256':'592 406-577 93 6.7:1 216-645 413-614 7 1.1 :1 515~605 433-637 25 1.0:1 424~566 371-598 140 0.9:1 365-635 399-615 3 0.3:1 ,.. 574-588 ,. 54 1. 5:1 325;585 410-585 133 1.1:1 395-680 445-628 5 1.6:1 380.:.635 510-623 ---·-.-· 10 1: 1 330-:fiOO 455-565 52 1. 7:1 4;20-650 420-605 4 0.2:] -510-585 ,---· 10 1.2:1· 400-580 415-575 16 2.3:1 420-:600 370-605 0 -590-594 - ' ------- MEAN 95% CONF. LIMITS.Y . MEDIAN m f m f m f . 477 493 445-509 471-515 482 .504 519 530 499-539 520-540 543 546 568 517 --570 511 508 495 492-525 469-520 513 499 541 540 532-551 533-548 544 546 553 580 --.553 578 477 497 465-490 486-509 477 500 541 . 542 531-550 535-549 555 545 541 554 --:. 552 545 484 510 432-536 480-540 488 492 534 536 522-546 528-548 540 540 595 539 --595 530 484 492 453-515 455-530 490 498 519 541 502-536 513-569 510 542 592 ---592 - .. . ---- 530mm, 540mm, 542rom,. 538mm and 541mm. The male female ratios of coho salmon for all Cige classes combined was 1.2:1 at Sositna Station, 1.1:1 at Yentna Station, 0.8:1 at Sunshine ' ' • ¥. • • • Station, 0.7:1 at Talkeetna Station and 0.5!1 at Curry Station (Table 5.5.11). 5.2 Survey Investigations Mainstem Surveys Presented in Table EG-1 is a list of the locations and catch results of more than 300 sites sampled with gill nets and electroshocking gear on Susitna River mainstem. Twelve mainstem spawning locations were identified (Table E.5.12). Chum salmon were found spawning at 10 of 12 sites. ( ,, ;• ·. ~~: : ': ' ·... ~ .• .. -· . " Coho salmon were found spawning alone at one site and both coho and chum salmon were recorded sharing spawning sites in two mainstem areas. One of the 12 spawning areas was located at RM 100.5. This site was determined on the basis of visual sightings of redds on 24 September ind egg deposition sampling on 30 October. Salmon eggs were found in subsurface gravels at the same site, but it was not possible to confirm which species spawned there. Maps of each of the 12 spawning areas are presented in Figures EH~l through EH-12. All spawning areas are located between RM 68.3 and RM 135.2. Echo recorders did not prove effective in identifying mainstem spawning areas. They were tested in mainstem sloughs and although adult fish were located through vertical scanning, interception of recorder print" E - 5 - 4 3 Table E.5.12. Mainstem Susitna River salmon spawninq locations: with survey results, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studie'~, l98l. ! .. LOCATION SURVEY EGG. DEPOSITION SAMPLING REMARKS NO. CAUGHT[OBSERVEO EGG RIVER MILE LEGAL DATE METHOD DISTANCE SOCKHE PWK CllUM COHO DATE NO. PLOTS liVE DEAD "TOTAL ",' " m 68.3 22N05W13 9/21 Visua 1 0.5 0 .. 0 6 0 10/7 2 1 1 2 Active spawning AAB .;_· occurring 9/21. .· .. 76.6 23N04W07 9/21 Electroshock 1.0 0 .. 0 1 2 BBD 9/27 Visual 0.5 0 0 16 0 Active spawning noted 9/27 83.3 24N05W15 9/5 Visual 0.5 0 0 17 0 10/8 6 4 0 4 Active spawning BCC observed 9/5 92.2 25N05W13 10/9 Visual 0.3 0 0 11 0 Spawning observed BCC and Redds 10/9 . 96.8 26N05W25 9/2 Visual 0.3 0 0 1 0 10/8 5 0 44 44 A 11 eggs fungus BAA covered ' 97.0 26N05W26 9/17 Visual 0.1 0 0 20 0 Spawning activity ADB occurring 9/17 100.5 26N05W02 9/24 Visual 0.1 0 0 0 0 10/3 3 8 0 8 Redds observed on COD / ; 9/24 and 10/3 117.6 29Nl3W28 9/23 Drift Net 0.01 0 0 0 6 10/7 16 1 2 3 Ori ft gi 11 net em- BBC ; ployed as seine 9/23 129.2 30N03W09 9/8 Drift Net 0.1 0 0 2 1 10/1 18 0 0 0 Numerous Redds ob- B served 10/1 130.5 30N03W10 9/8 Drift ~et 0.1 0 .. 0 3 0 10/1 10 0 0 0 Redds not visable B 10/1 131.1 30N03W3 9/7 Drift Net 0.2 0 ·• 0 3 0 10/1 6 0 0 0 ~edds not visable DA 10/1 : . 135.2 31N02W19 9/6 Drift Net 0.1 0 0 6 0 10/1 2 16 11 27 ~edds not vfsable 0 1 ADA I •i outs on the mainsterri Susitna River was difficult because debri~ echoes had a similar appearance to fish and· turbulence produced false recordings. Further compounding the problem was the inability to operate echo recorders against the force of the river current. The gunnel mounted transducer ¥ • -J_ : • ~ ••• '-~ brackets commonly bent and become inoperative particularly in areas where water velocity was greater than three feet per second. Drift gill nets were effective in locating five of the 12 mainstem spawning sites previously referenced. They were not however, considered an efficient means of sampling due to variable water depths encountered. Many areas were several meters deeper than the 1.5 ·m depth limit of the nets. In shallower areas, debris caused nets to be torn and resulted in several hours of mending for each hour fished. Electroshocking gear was not available to the survey crews operating • •• ~-.~ ·_ ,_ t• •• ;.: t -~ .. .. • •• .>·._.;..; -.~ --.} .... ~ · .• *·. ... .: ".. ·. . . above RM 61 until 21 September. Although only one mainstem spawning site was found with this gear type, it worked efficiently in all areas of the river in which it was used and was considered superior to drift gill nets and depth recorders. It is probable that additional spawning areas would have been located had the gear been used earlier in the season particularly in late August and early September. Results of set netting in the area immediately below Devil Canyon between RM 150.1 and 150.4 (Figure E.5.13) are presented in Table E.5.13. The data confirms that sockeye, chum and coho salmon used the Susitna River mainstem above Portage Creek for migration purposes. A catch comprised of sockeye, chum and coho salmon was made on 26 August at RM 150.2 and a E - 5 - 4 5 m (11 .l:;>. 0) Q =Gill net sites '~ : "~ o~, ·:,.: ... ... ... ... .. . . ... • .. ··:::.:.~·.·. -~ ... ... ... : ... ... ... ··~· . ... ··::· ... ··!: • .... ~. ·::: .. ·=~·:.:: . . ··.-.-:.::• . .. / I .. ... ... ,!~:-·.~ '~ ....... . . ·:~: ::::r.: •• ~ ........... ::::~::: ... ~ ....... •.:::::~: "• ,.o.•:to•~••·'·*• (Porta,ge Creek Alvermlle 149) (Devil Canyon Catwalk Rlvermlle '151) Figure E.5.13. 5~0 . 0 I; iiiiE2! Scale 500 1000 iiiiiiiiil teet Set gill net fishing location$ on mainstem Sus1tna River between Porta9e Creek and Devil Canyon, Adult Anadromous Investigations, .Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ,,, Table ,,13. Results of set gill netting on mainstem,:S, ./tna River between Devil Canyon and Port~ge Cree,,,·w·'' Adult Anadromous Investigation~, Su H,ydro''Studies, 1981. <"1,' LOCATION NETTING TIME (MILITARY) CATCH (SALMON} SITE RIVER TOTAL DATE NO. MILE BEGIN END HOURS SO~KEYE CHUM COHO TOTAL REMARKS 7/29 3 150.1 1330 1630 3.0 "0 0 0 0 River at flood condition; net fished poor . .. 7/29 2 150.2 1400 1640 2.7 ·· .. 0 0 0 0 River at flood stage; net • :·:~: fishe9 poor. 8/5 3 150.1 1500 1900 4.0 ·o 0 0 0 High water conditions; net ,. fished fa "ir. fTI 8/26 2 150.2 945 1400 4.25 ::2 2 1 5 Net fished excellent; all •, fish were in excellent 01 pre-spawning condition; the coho -~.Qlmon had ·been tagged on ".f;>. 8/17/81 at Talkeetna Station. . •'"'' ..... 8/26 1 150.4 930 1345 4.25 --o 0 0 0 Net fished excellent. 9/2 1 1.50.4 1100 1300 2.0 . 0 0 1 1 Net fished excellent. Coho was fresh and in excellent spawning condition. 9/2 2 150.2 1115 1315 2.0 0 0 0 0 Net fished excellent. 9/10 1 150.4 1500 1700 2.0 0 0 0 0 Net fished excellent. 9/10 3 150.1 1520 1720 ?..0 0 0 0 0 Net fished fair due to low wa.ter. 9/19 150.4 1100 1500 4.0 0 0 0 0 Net fished excellent. :. j single coho salmon was captured on 2 September at RM 150.4. All gi.11 netted fish were in pre spawning condition. The one coho $almon caught on 26 August had been tagged earlier at Talkeetna Station on 7 August. Set. netting c-~~d~cte~. ~etween 29 July an~ 5 August and a1 so from 25 September to 19 September did not produce fish. No set netting was performed between 6 August and 25 August due to high water conditions. Escapement Surveys Escapement surveys were conducted an 32 sloughs and T5 tributary streams of. the Susitna River. reach between the Chulitna River and Devil Canyon (Figure E.5.14}. Efght new sloughs and streams were located which supported salmon spawning. The sloughs are referenced as Moose (RM 123.5), A1 (RM 124.6), 98 (RM 124.2) and 21A (RM 145.5). The new streams are Gash Creek (RM 111.6), Lower McKenzie Creek (RM 116.2), 5th July ·:·Jo>'·· :>'"<~~'-__,~·,~:~~.,t<':<< z, ~.:::<··:·~ ;' 1~ .'•--".··,;f"" ::r:·.:,::•.~~:~.~ .. :.";:_·.:;·~·>': ··,:.~, ·+ Creek (RM 123.7) and Jack Long Creek (RM 144.5). The location of these streams and sloughs relative to the Susitna River mainstem are defined in Figure. Adult sockeye salmon were observed in Sloughs 38, 3A, 6A, SA, 9, 9A, 98, 11, 17, 19, 20 and 21 and in Lower McKenzie Creek (Tables EJ-1 through EJ~2}. Peak spawning occurred during the last week of August and the first three weeks of September (.figures E.5.15 through E.5.17).. Sockeye salmon were most numerous in Slough SA~ 98 and 11 where peak spawning ground counts were 177, Sl, and S93 sockeye salmon respectively. E - 5 - 4 8 A \ • -River Mile • -< TALKEETNA STATION Whiskers Creek Figure E.5.14. Slough locations and primary tributaries of the Susitna River from the confluence of the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers to Devil Canyon, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . - E - 5 - 4 9 115 Slough 8 Lane Creek Slough 7 Slough 6A ~ Gasn Creek 110 Slough 5 ~ Chase Creek E.5.1~ Continued. A E - 5 - 5 0 ! • -River Mile -< Moose Slough ·~ V Slough 813 ·n~ $Iough ac ~q -< Slough BD totj RM 120 Little Portage Creek Mckenzie Creek Lower Mckenzie Creek B ·.··· RM c Figure E.5.14. Sherman Creek Skull Creek ~Slough A' Continued. · I •• ~ Riyer Mile l -.< Slough 20 RM -< Slough 19 Slough 17 Slough Slough 12 . E - 5 - 5 1 •-River Mile j Portage Creek Devil Canyon RM Long Creek E Slough 21 Figure E.5.14. Continued. E-5-52' m ,01 Ol w 6.00 5.00 ,...... 0 ~ 4.00 X .._. I 3.00 ~ l.L. w 2::: 2.00 __J LL 0 a: 1.50 w (1) ~ :J 1.00 z 0.15 0.50 0.25 5 10 •,.,' SLOUGH No. 96 CHUM ----- SOCKEYE •••• • •••••• ; ,. ,, ..... , .· ......... . • o !l. fl D / '-' ...... / ..... . ..... . ~ '"' .... ~ . . .. / . . ... / : ' ·· .. .--. ' ·· .. "' ·. ' ·. ... ......... •····•••· ,,, ' .•. , · .. ·, ....... _ --~ 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 AUGUST SEPTEMBER 30 'I Figure E.5.15. Chum and sockeye salmon live counts by date in Slough 98, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. r-.. 0 0 .... m X . ......, :c ()1 (f) u.. w ()1 > ....J .j:>. u.. 0 a: w co ~ ::> z 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.75 0.25- 5 "~.· .,,. ,•. • •• fl . . . .. . ·~:r. • ... ~~ . . . . . .·. . ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 •• . . . . . . • • /'.'. . :' ~ ;~ ' ~ I .· .. .: . • 'f, • • '-v' • /. ' " . . ' .. . /.··· '\. .. ... h' ~ ~ . ~ . I ,, . .I . ;: '\. :1 . \ :'/ .. ·. \ /1 \ .: I > \ /I . \ ; I \ ! I \ . I ·' \ / I .:· \ : I \ I \ I \ I ~ \ I :~ ' 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 AUGUST , SEPTEMBER ' ' ' 25 SLOUGH No. 11 CHUM----· SOCKEYE • • • • • • • •_• •' 30 Figure E.5.16. Chum qnd sockeye salmon live co'unts by date in Slough 11, Adult Anadrornous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .;. ,....., 0 0 ..-- X '--' m I ~ l.J... 01 w > _j 01 l.J... 0 01 a: w co ~ ::J z 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 ..& 150~ 1.00 0.50- 0.75 0.25 5 10 15 20 AUGUST 25 ,, ... ~' .~· ·:·. Y~. /' -~ \ .. : / '< / :,:, / ·" ' / ' · . .. \• ' '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SLOUGH No. 21 CHUM----- SOCKEYE • • • • • • • • • • ............ · .. ·' .. . ~ . . . ';• . . . . . • • •~o,. . . . . "\ . . . " . . ..... . v . .. ·· . ~·. , .. -~---=====---=--===------__ )I ·::::----.. 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 SEPTEMBER figure E.5.17. Chum and sockeye salmon live .;bunts by date in Slough 21, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. Pink s·a1mon.were found in Sl9ughs 3A 1 8 and A, also 1n Whiskers Creek~ Chase Creek, Lane Creek, Fourth July Creek, 5th July Creek, Skull Creek, Sherman Greek, Indian River and Jack Long Greek (Jables EJ ... l and EJ-2}. The highest peak s~awning count within an index area was in Lane Creek , ' . . . :: ..,, where 291 fish were recorded. Peak spawning occurred in a ten day period front19 August to 2S August (figure E.5.1S}. The stream survey counts are index counts and do not reflect total number of s~awning fish present in the stream surveyed. 1 Chum salmon were present in Sloughs 1, 2, 6A, S, SB, Moose, A , A, SA, 9, 98, 9A,. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 21A (Table EJ ... l). They were also found within the survey reaches of Whiskers Creek, Chase Creek, Lane Creek, Lower McKenzie Creek, Skull Creek, Sherman Creek, Fourth July Creek and Indian River (Table EJ-2). The peak of spawninq activity in the sloughs occurred during the last two weeks of August and the ~"" .-,::. ·.: . ..__,, ' .·>';.: ,, ·.:··t:·: .. f' /'.• .·~:~.· .... . .' -~.: ... first two weeks of September·(figures E.5.15 through The highest counts were recorded in Sloughs S, SA, 9, 11 and 21 where 302, 620, 260, 411 and 274 chum salmon, respectively were found spawning (Figure E.5.19). Based on the limited stream survey data the peak spawning period was approximately one week earlier than that observed in slough spawning areas. The highest_peak count in an index area was registered on Lane Creek where 76 chum salmon were counted on 23 August (Figure E.5.1S). Coho salmon were not found in any of the sloughs surveyed but were observed in Whiskers Creek, Chase Creek, Lane Creek, Gash Creek, Lower McKenzie Creek, Fourth July Creek, Indian River and Portage Creek (Jables E - 5 - 5 6 Figure E.5.19. Chum and sockeye salmon spawning in Slough 11, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. m I 01 01 3.50 3.00 2.50 r-. 0 0 ,.... X 2.00 '-' I 1.75 ~ 1.1.. w 2: 1.50 _J co t 1.1.. 0 a: 1.25 w co :=:: :J 1.00 z 0.75 0.50 0.25 5 10 15 f\ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I . . \ I :.·.. \ . : . ·. \ . . . . . ,'•; ,:•{ .;) ' ·, t:· j·' " •,, ... .•. .••' . . . \ • I • ,, . . . . .. . ·. ' .· ·. . . . " .. . . . . . . . : ·. ' .· ... . . .... . . : .... ·· ' ·· .. ... ,.. ' . 20 25 30 5 10 LANE CREEK PINK-----· CHUM • • • ~ • • • • • •,• • • • • 15 20 25 30 AUGUST SEPTEMBER figure E.5.18. Pink and chum salmon live counts by date in ~ane Creek, Adult Anadromous Investigations, ' Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · · .. ,. ·.: EJ .. l and EJ ... 2}. The highest densities of coho salmon, based on peak index counts, were in Whiskers Creek, Chase Creek, Gash Creek and Indian River where 70, 80, 141, and 85 coho salmon respectively were recorded ·Sj'awning in a single· survey. The survey data indicates that the spawning. peak probably occurred in the second and third week of September. 5.3 · RadioTelemetry Investigations Chum Salmon Eleven chum salmon were radio tagged between 30 July and 12 August and their movements monitored during 30 and 31 July and August, 1981 (Table E.5.14). Ten of of the 11 fish were tagged between-6 and 12 August. Seven fish were tagged at Curry Station and four were tagged at Talkeetna ''·~· · · ·. ·.st~tion; f-i-ve: were.: females.·. and· sjx: w.ere males (figure E.5.20). Eight of the radio tagged chum salmon moved upstream from th~ir respective tagging locations. Two others moved downstream and one remained within +0.2 river miles of its tagging location (Figure E.5.21 .) Radio tagged chum salmon that moved upstream after tagging exhibited two types of movement. Upstream movement, with cessations of less than 72 hours was termed "direct movement". Upstream movement with cessations in excess of 72 hours, was termed, "indirect movement". Direct movement was exhibited by chum Si;ilmon bearing transmitters numbered 650-3, 680-2 and 710-2 (Figure E.5.21l. Indirect movement was displayed E - 5 - 5 9 ',, -Table E.5.14. Chum salmon radio tag~ing data9 Adult Anadromous Investi9ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. TAGGING RADIO TRANSMITTER ~ FREQUENCY (nib) . PETERSON lENGTH.!/ WEIGHT SEX DATE LOCATION . PULSE/SECONO. '. ·-:--DISC NUHllER (CH) (KG) (H/~) 7/30 102.9 40.700·3 A·325 63.5 3.9 F 8/6 102.9 40.710-2 A-326 62.2 4.1 F . 8/6 102.9 40.730·2 A-327 63.5 4.2 H '·.~ 8/6 120.7 40.680-2 ., A·328 62.2 3,6 " .. :. .... •> 817 120.7 40.720.1 ,,, A·329 58.4 3.7 H 8/7 119.5 40.650-3· :).} ' A·330 63.5 3.9 H 8/9 119.5 40.680-3 ':, A-331 61.6 3.6 H m . 8/10 102.9 40.660-1 A·332 63.5 4.5 H . . 01 8/11 119.5 40.740-1 A-333 62.9 3.7 , ';• . 8/12 119.5 40.700-1 ..... , .. "' A-334 61.0 4.0 F ()) i .. 8/12 119.5 .40.670·2 A·335 61.0 4.2 F 0 ... ,. t. 62.1 t. 3.9 .': --- 1/ Mid eye to fork of tatl > c: Figure E.5.20. LEGEND e FISHWHEEL SITE 1: DEVILS CANYON DAM SITE 000 RIVERMILE Map of Susitna River mainstem from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon, Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E-:5-61 55 Figure E.5.21. ·x CBUUT!A L ~ IIDiliL + lllDU SLDU&B 30 JULY 5 ,..----·/ I -I l" I ' I -1 12 19 AUGUST 26 r~ovements of radio tagged chum salmon in the Susitna River (to first occupied tributary) and discharge during July · and August, 1981~ Adult Anadromous Invest1gations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E - 5 - 6 2 by fis.h bearing transmitters numbered 660-1, 680-3 and 720-l. fish bearing transmitters numbered 680-3 and 720-l remained in the Susitna Ri"ver within 0.3 mile of the mouth of Fourth July Creek (RM 131.0} for three and 1,1 days respectively, and fish carrying transmitter number 660-1 remained at the mouth of Lane Creek (RM 113.6) for at least six days. The five remaining radio. tagged chum salmon exhibited other movements (Figure E.5.21). Two individuals bearing transmitters numbered 700-1 and 700-3 moved downriver, the first individual entered a slough at RM 96.9 whereas the other chum salmon ascended the Chulitna River. Fish bearing transmitter number 670-2 remained within 0.2 miles of its tagging location at RM 119.5. A chum salmon carrying transmitter number 730-2 was last detected at RM 127. 0. . . . . ~.. ., . . ~ .. A female chum salmon regurgitated transmitter number 740-1 at RM 121.1 several days after being tagged 1.6 miles downriver but was detected spawning without it•s radio transmitter in Slough 11 (RM 135.3). Determination of radio tagged, chum salmon upstream, migration rates was influenced by the time separating consecutive tracking detections. Eighteen percent of the detections, e.g. location of a fish's positions in the river, were made within a frequency of 24 hours or less while 43 percent were made with a frequency of between 24 and 48 hours. Because of these relatively long intervals and because exact arrival times at upstream locations are unknown, the movement rates, with few exceptions, are expressed as "greater than or equal to 11 Cz l. speeds. E - 5 - 6 3 The fastest documented rate of chum salmon migration was 1,0 miles per hour Cmphl (Jable E.5.15l. Fish bearing transmitter number 710 ... 2 moved 1.9 miles U!'Stream within 1.9 hours after release. Perhaps more typical of sustained rapid movement is the subsequent 11Jovement of this fish when it traveled 22.2 miles within 32.5 hours for a rate .2: 0.68 mph or 16.4 miles/day. In contrast, fish bearing transmitter number 650 ... 3 moved 5.1 miles within 39 hours for a rate ~ 0.13 mph or 3.1 miles/day. Rates of movement of two radio tagged chum salmon which migrated 11 directly" upstream suggest that radio tag implantation did not interfere with their upstream migration as their rates of movement were similar to that exhibited by some Flay tagged chum salmon. Two chum salmon radio tagqed at Talkeetna Station on 6 August reached Curry Station within two days. Fish bearing transmitter number 730-2 was detected 0.3 miles ~prtver of Curry Station 48 hours after being radio tagged at Talkeetna Station. ~. •. "'~·-~· •-• '} ',,,: ~ '•o.e, :.s-: ~· ·•.: Another chum salmon, supporting transmitter number 710-2, 9.2 miles upriver of Curry Station, 51 hours following transmitter implantation at Talkeetna Station. One hundred six chum salmon tagged with Flay ta~s at Talkeetna Station were recaptured by fishwheels at Curry Station 16.5 river miles upriver. Twenty of the 106 fish were recaptured after one day of release, 42 after two days, 53 after three days, 74 after four days and 86 after five days. The number of recaptures progressively decreased each day until 106 recaptures were recorded. The influence of flow on the movements of radio tagged chum salmon in the Susitna River is not apparent due to the small number of chum salmon tagged, and the limited flow conditions encountered by these fish (figure E - 5 - 6 4 Table E.5.15. Fifteen fastest recorded movements of radio tagaed adult, chum salmon9 Adult Anadromous Investiqations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · · TRANSMITTER RATE OF HOURS ELAPSED DISTANCE LOCATION FREQUENCY UPSTREAM BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE MOVED OF MOVE- (mHz) MOVEME~f · FISH POSITIONS (MI.) MENT PULSE/SECOND {MPH)_ RM to RM 710-2 1.0 1.9 1.9 102.9-104.8 710-2 0.68. 32.5 22.2 107.0-129.2 680-2 0.50 42.5 21.3 1 02 . 6-I 3 • i!J 650-3 0.43 33.6 14.3 119. 5-133.8 660-1 0.41 19.6 8 .. 0 101.0-109.0 730-2 0.38 47.9 18.1 102.2-120.3 660-1 0.36 15.1 5.4 108.3-113.6 720-1 0.31 34.3 10.7 120.7-131.4 700-3 0.24 54.2 13 .. 3 99.9-Ch 12.aii •, ·.,' * ~ . -~ ,:. :.. : : -' ~---,• ... ' ;'::"" ,., ~ ,;. 680-3 0.24 17.3 4.2 "'i "!"' ,. ., ".. ..., I I~. :J-1 t::..l./ 680-3 0.18 48.0 8.2 123.7-132.2 680-3 0.17 47.6 8.2 130.9-I o.sY 660-1 0.16 61.3 9.7 113.6-123.3 - 740-1 0.16 25.1 3.9 117.8-121.7 660-1 0.15 122.0 18.7 . . 123 0 3-142 0 0 !f Upstream fish movement speed denoted as equal to or greater than ( ) when five or more hours lapsed between observations 2/ Indian River Mile 1f Chulitna River Mile E - 5 - 6 5 E.5.21}. The primary destinations of radio tagged chum salmon were Susitna River sloughs, clear water tributaries and the confluence zones of tributary streams (Figure E.5.2ll. ·The. four fish bearing transmitter numbers 66Q .. 1, 710~2, 740-1 and 700-1 entered Susitna River sloughs 21 (RM 142.0}, 11 (RM 135.3}, Moose (RM 123.5) and s ... 14 (RM 96.9) respectively. The three fish bearing transmitter numbers 650-3, 680-2 and 680-3 entered the Indian River (RM 138.9}. One fish bearing transmitter number 720-1 entered Sherman Creek (RM 130.8} before returning to the mainstem Susitna River where it held within 0.3 miles of the Fourth July Creek confluence zone (RM 131.0}. One fish bearing transmitter number 670-2 stayed in the mainstem Susitna River at RM 119.6. One fish bearing transmitter number 700-3 swam down the Susitna River and entered the Chulitna River (RM 98.6). Fish bearing transmitter 730=2 was last detected at RM 127.0 Radio tagged chum salmon entered spawning areas between 8 August and 23 August. Fish bearing transmitter number 710-2 entered Slough 11. (RM 135.5) about 13 August and was observed building a redd on 21 August. It had completed spawn.ing by 2 September when it was captured and necropsied. Fish bearing transmitter number 740-1 entered Moose Slough (RM 123.5) between 13 August and 18 August. On 29 August it was observed over a redd and netted. A brief external examination revealed that most eggs were still present in the body cavity although the transmitter was absent. The transmitter had been found earlier at RM 121.1, the site of apparent regurgitation. On 4 September the carcass of this fish was E - 5 - 6 6 found in Moose Slough~ . A necropsy indic~ted the fish had spawned, ~s evidenced by the l~ck of eggs in the coelom. Individual movements of radio tagged chum salmon are described in Appendix EK. Coho Salmon Ten coho salmon were radio tagged from 31 August through 4 September. Four were tagged at Curry Station and six at Talkeetna Station (Table E.5.16). Eight bore wire reinforced radio transmitters where~s two carried non-reinforced transmitters (660-2 and 680 .. 1). Coho salmon displayed three types of directional movement: downstream, upstream or milti-directional movement (Figure E.5.22). ·~~. , • ~~·· ,_.:.~ ,..,f ~·: '.,;~~:.··~_:'~ ; __ ,~f !!,: (,[f~·:, • •,:,•• ~ e' • •, ,'"'" • l::, :•~. Three radio tagged· coho sa lmcn from Ta 1 keetna Station and one fronl ··curry Station moved downriver upon release. Three of the four fish entered tributarie~ downstream of RM 102.8 of the Susitna River (Figure E.5.22). Fish supporting transmitter number 700-2 entered the Chulitna River (RM 98.6} and moved upstream to RM 31 .9. Another individual bearing transmitter number 710-1 entered the Talkeetna River and acended Chunilna Creek (RM 5.9) where it was last detected at Chunilna Creek mile 9.1. Fish carrying transmitter number 710-3 moved downstream in the Susitna River to RM 88.0 and ascended Birch Creek (RM 88.0) to Fish Lake and spawned in an inlet stream. The fourth fish, supporting transmitter number 720-2, was apparently adversely influenced by transmitter implantation as evidenced by observ~tions of the fish while it occupied Chase Creek (RM 106.9). E - 5 -6 7 Table E.5.16. Coho salmon radio tagging data. Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su. Hydro Studies, 1981. ,: ,~'.:' .,. ·--~---·---~------· . TAGGING RADIO TRANSMITTER ·~i:: . ---- lENGHtlf FREQUENCY (mHz) PETERSON WEI GilT SEX COLQ~LIOt1 21 ·-_!.l/\TE LOCATION PULSE£SECOND DISC NUHBER (CM} (KG) (M£F} m 8/30 120.7 40.660-2 J\:.336 62.2 4.1 F .. Pink-red 01 8/31 120.7 40.680-1 ~:-337 61.6 2.6 H Si]~_r.-pink 8/31 102.9 40.730-3 A-339 59.1 3.5 M snver-r)!lk 0> 9/l 102.9 40-650-2 ~-340 57.2 2.9 F Silver-r.l~!· Q) I ~-341 9/2 120.7 40.720-2 59.1 2.8 M fiver-pink 9/3 102.9 40.700-2 :~·-342 59.7 3.7 M S i1 ver-pJ~k 9/3 120.7 40.650-l A-343 58.4 3.3 F Silv_e_r-plnl: 9/4 102.8 40.710-3 .~-344 59.1 3.4 F Pink-red 9/4 119.5 40.720-3 A-345 59.1 3.2 F Silver-pl11~: 9/4 102.9 40-710-1 A-346 57.8 -F E_!~k-rPd -- x" 59.3 x = 3.3 -. -·· ·------ 1/ Mid eye to fork of ta11 ~I Underlined color predominates Figure E.5.22. 0 25 0 0 -r- x15. en u. 0 5 w a: ·. w 30 AUGUST .. 4 X CHULITNA R. '( INDIAN R. • TALKEETNA R. e ·GASH CK. + BIRCH CK. o 4th JULY CK. + CHASE CK. 9 14 SEPTEMBER . . 720-3 720-2 19 Movements of radio tagged coho salmon in the Susitna River (to first occupied tributary) and discharge during August and September, 1981, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E 5 - 6 9 .. Length of stay. of the above three radio t~gged coho salmon in the Susitna River upstream of RM 100.1 was variable; a fish bearing transmitter number 700-2 moved downstream to Whiskers Creek (RM 101.21 and remained there for several days prior to moving further downstream and ascending the Chulitna River. The other two fish supporting transmitter numbers 710-1 and 710-3 moved downriver after tagging. Two coho salmon tagged at Talkeetna Station bearing transmitter numbers 650-2 and 730-3 exhibited upstream movement after tagging. The fish I with transmitter number 650-2 entered Indian River (RM 138.6) eight days after tagging and the fish with transmitter number 730-3 remained at the mouth of Fourth July Creek (RM 131.0) for several weeks before moving up the creek. Both fish were implanted with transmitters having modified antennas .. Fau·r cciKo·\a·1m.on· tagg~d at· c·urry ·stati.on ~xhi b1 ted ·lnuTt·i~di recti ana 1 movements in the Susitna River (Figure E.5.22). Two fish carrying transmitter numbers 650~1 and 660-2, entered and spawned in Gash Creek (RM 111.6). Fish bearing transmitter number 650-1 moved downstream and remained in the Talkeetna River (RM ~7.0) prior to moving up the Susitna River and entering Gash Creek (RM 111.6) whereas fish supporting transmitter number 660-2 moved upriver to RM 141.1 then descended to and entered Gash Creek (RM 111 .6). Another coho salmon supporting transmitter number 680-l moved downriver to RM 101.5 and held there for several days before migrating upstream to RM 109.8 where transmitter reception was lost. The other fish bearing transmitter number 720-3, moved upriver to RM 131.0, then descended to and remained at RM 117.8~ near the mouth of E - 5 - 7 0 Little Portage Creek, through early October and apparently did not spawn. Movements of coho salmon apparently were not influenced by fiow conditions ·-w-fthin the Susttna River· (Figure E. 5. 22}. Flows decreased from about 23,000 cfs in late August to 11,000 cfs in mid"September. Adult, radio tagged coho salmon moved upstream at various rates, although the relatively long periods of time separating some successive fish positions probably under-estimated the upstream migratton rates (Table E.5.17}. The fastest upstream migration rates, 0.67 to 1.00 mph, generally occurred at intervals of less than five hours. However some coho salmon moved upstream at 0.23 to 0.60 mph during longer intervals of 20 to 60.8 hours. Consequently, all upstream migration rates are expressed as equal to or exceeding ( ~ ), except. for those successive fish positions :·separated by less .·than-five·'-hours·~.,--: .. · .. c_o:' .... ' • .. • Behavior o.f adult radio tagged coho salmon near the mouths of Susitna River tributaries was variable (Figure E.5.22). Some individuals, such as fish bearing transmitter numbers 650-1 and 660-2, occupied positions in the mainstem Susltna River at or within 0.1 mile of the mouth of Gash Creek (RM 111.6} for several days prior to entering that tributary. Other coho salmon such as those carrying transmitter numbers 650-2 and 720-3, remained in the Susitna River within 0.1 mile of the mouth of Fourth July Creek CRM 131.0} and Little Portage Creek (_RM 117.8}, respectively, for two or more weeks. Fish bearing transmitter number 650~2 entered Fourth July Creek after holding at it's mouth for about two weeks whereas E - 5 - 7 1 Table E.5.17. Fifteen fastest recorded movements of radio tagged adult, .c.oho salmon .. Adult Anadromous Investiaations, Su Hydro Studies~. 1981. TRANSMITTER FREQUENCY {mHz) PULSE/SECOND 650-2 660-2 730-3 720-2 '730-3 650-2 660-2 720-3 680 ... 1 ..... • 0-'. :,,, •• , ·' 730-3 650-l 680-1 660-2 650-2 650-2 RATE OF UPSTREAM MOVEMENT {MPH)l/ 1.00 0.88 0.67 0.67 0.60 0.56 0.43 0.39 -.... , .0-~9 .. 0.27 2.33 0.23 0.18 0.18 0.17 HOURS ELAPSED BETWEEN' SUCCESSIVE FISH POSIT IONS 0.7 2.5 4 .. 5 2.1 20 .. 3 28.2 23.3 21.8 ~0.2 68.6 56.3 9.1 69.0 43.5 -24.4 DISTANCE MOVED {MI:) 0.7 2.2 3.0 1.4 12.2 15.8 9.9 8.6 5.9 18.7 13.1 2.1 . 12.7 7.6 4.1 LOCATION OF MOVE- . MENT RM to RM 1 02.8-1 03.5 112.5-114.7 102.9-105.9 109.1-110-5 109.6-121.8 1 03. 5-11 9. 3 118.5-128.4 119. 5-128.1 103.8-109.7 .:· .... l21.8-i3B.6-I i .9Y 3.3 ~06.9 1 01. 7-1 03. 8 128.4-141.1 123.4-131.0 119.3-123.4 1J Upstream fish movem~nt speed denoted as equal to or greater than ( ) when five or more hours lapsed between observations 2/ Indian River Mile 3/ Talkeetna River Mile E - 5 - 7 2 ·fish bearing transmitter number 720~2 remained near little Portage Creek (RM 117.81 for about three weeks and apparently did not ascend that stream. Three radio tagged female coho salmon spawned in streams connected to lakes as evidenced by their spawned out condition upon necropsy. However, actual spawning activity was not observed. Two spawned out individuals supporting transmitter numbers 650-1 and 660-2 were detected in Gash Creek (RM 111.6).; one carried a wire modified transmitter whereas the other supported the heat-to-shrink material style transmitter. The other fish beari.ng .transmitter number 710-3. spawned in Cabin Creek a tributary of Fish Lake (RM 4.7 Birch Creek) and bore a wire modified transmitter. The a~pv,ethree individuals spavJ~ed within one week after entering .... ~.<;.·~ \.~_.;.:. -~ --: .-·:,"!.• ___ :·. ·_;:_ .·-,_ :~--·-·~ ~-.... , .. v.. ~~-,.~ .. + .. Susitna River tributaries in September. A female fish beat~ing transmitter number 710-3 was found spawned out and dead less than one week after entering Cabin Creek (RM 4.7 Birch Creek) in September. Two fish bearing transmitter numbers 660-2 and 650-1, were detected in a spawned out condition within seven days after entering Gash Creek (RM 111.6) on about 22 and 21 September, respectively. A female coho salmon bearing transmitter number 650-2 displayed a similar pattern of tributary occupancy in Fourth July Creek (RM 131 .0). This individual entered the stream on 20 September after remaining in the Susitna River near the mouth of this stream for about two weeks. It was detected at RM 1.25 fourth July Creek CRM 131.0). on 20 September, On 23 E - 5 - 7 3 Septem.ber it was .detected in the Susitna River at RM 130.0. The sp~wning status of this fish was not determined. Individual movements ~f radio tagged coho salmon are further described tn Appendi-x EK. Other telemetry studies have detected radio transmitter regurgitation among adult coho salmon and steelhead trout~ salmo qairdneri. Two of twenty three aqult coho salmon evidently regurgitated radio transmitters (identical in dimension to those used in this study but without antenna modifications) downstream of their release sites.along the White River, Puget Sound, Washington (personal communication, Don Chapman). Location of the transmitters remained static during the White River study whereas had they been within carcasses they probably would have moved downstream. The transmitters were lubricated and esophageally implanted with the .·.: .:. :-:·,::·~ ··::·· <.,· .. · ... : •. .-... ~"'.· .::;.~~·;;;::' ~ _ ... ·-.:: -.~ ~.~: .... · .. · .. : ... · . ' -·.~.··.. ·-.· antenna trailing through the operculum rather than being anchored to the roof of the mouth or kype, as they were in the Susitna River study. Three adult steelhead trout in the Clearwater River, Idaho also were presumed to have regurgitated transmitters, measuring 9.7 em long and 1.2 em in diameter. They were presumedly regurgitated in the spring, in response to development and expansion of the gonads prior to spawning (personal communication, Steven Pettit), The antenna of each transmitter was anchored to the roof of the fish's mouth. Another individual was captured with the transmitter dangling from the mouth, suspended by the antenna. E - 5 - 7 4 6.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was financed by the State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority. Personnel support was provided by the following Alaska Department of Fish and Game staff biologists and technicians: Fisheries Biologist II's: Thompson, Michael Fisheries Biologist I's: Bigler, Jeff Dolezal, Wayne Ellis, Susan Goodman, Lee Gustin, Rick Hessing, Pauline Kerkvliet, Carol Knuepfer, Gary Krueger, Steve Mickowski, Ted Minard, Mac Pechek, Stuart Quera 1 , Isaac Witbrow, Tom Zose 1 , Katri n E-6-1 Fisheries Technician's: Anderson, Cindy Blaney, Chuck Crowe2 Tom fink, Mark Harris, Trish Malvaney, Harriet Palach, Brad Sigurdsson, John Stratton, Barry Trickett, Steve Weidmier, Mike Whitmore, Nancy Wick, Susan Special appreciation is given to biologist Carl Burger, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for-his assistance in providing technical guidance to the radio telemetry portion of the study. Appreciations is also extended to those individuals not mentioned here with thi~ ~rni~ct. E-6-2 7.0 LITERATURE CITED Barrett, B.M. 1974. An assessment of the anadromous fish populations in the upper Susitna River watershed between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River. Alaska Department of fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries. 56pp. Begon, M. 1979. Investigating animal abundance: capture-recapture for biologists. Edmond Arnold, London. 97pp. Dixon, W.J. and R.J. Massey. McGray-Hill. New York. 1969. Introduction to statistical analysis. 638 pp. Everhart, W.H., A.W. Eipper and W.O. Youngs. 1975. Principals of Fishery Science. Cornell University Press. Ithica. 288 pp. Friese, N.V. 1975. Reauthorization of anadromous fish populations of the upper Susitna River watershed in the vicinity of the proposed Devil Canyon hydroelectric project. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Divisiun of Commercial Fisheries. 108pp. Ricker, W.E. 1975. Computat~on and interpretation of bioloaical statistics of fish populations. Bulletin 191, Information Canada, Ottowa. 382. Tarbox, K, B.E. King, D. Waltemyer. Cook Jnlet sockeye salmon studies. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Technical Report~ Project #AfC~62-2, Anadromous Fisheries Conservation Act. 1980. E-7-1 APPENDICES EA -EK Table EB,.,l. Table EB,..2. Table EB,..3. Table EB-4. Table EB-5. Table EB-6. Table EB-7. Table EB-8. LIST OF TABLES Susitna Station west bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species. Susitna Station east bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species. Yentna Station south bank daily and cumulative sonar cumulative sonar counts by species. Yentna Station north bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species. Sunshine Station west bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species. Sunshine Station east bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by specJes. Talkeetna Station west bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species. Talkeetna Station east bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species. PAGE EB-1 EB-7 EB-10 EB-13 EB-16 EB-19 EB-23 Table EC,.,2. Table EC,..3. Table EC-4. Table EC,..5. Table EC,-6. Table EC,.,J. Table EC-8. Table EC-9. Susitna Station east bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Susitna Station west bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Yentna Station south bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Yentna Station north bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Sunshine Station east bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Sunshine Station east bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Talkeetna Stat1on east bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Talkeetna StatjDn west bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Curry Station east bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. PAGE EC-1 EC-4 EC-6 EC-9 EC-12 EC-15 EC-18 EC-21 EC-24 Table· EC,.,lO. Table EE ... l. Table EE~2. Table EE-3. Table EE-4. Table EE""5. Table EE-6. Table EE.-7. Table EE ... 8. Curry Station west bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris, east bank, Susitna Station. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris, west bank, Susitna Station. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris, south bank, Yentna Station. Sector disbribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris, north bank, Yentna Station. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris~ east bank, Sunshine Station. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris, west bank, Sunshine Station. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris, east bank Talkeetna Station. Sector distribution of son~r counts, adjusted for debris west bank~ Talkeetna Station. PAGE EC-28 EE-l EE-3 EE-6 EE-9 EE-12 EE-15 EE-18 EE-21 Table EG~l. Table EJ~l. Table EJ-2. Table EK-1. Table EK-2. Summary of mainstem Susitna River sampling using gill nets and electroshocking. Escapement surveys conducted on Susitna River Sloughs between Chulitna River and Devil Cqnyon. Escapement survey counts of Susitna River tributary streams between Chulitna River and Devil Canyon. Movement and timing data recorded during radio telemetry operations of adult chum salmon during July, August and September, 1981. Movement and timing data recorded during radio telemetry operations of adult coho salmon .during September and October, 1981. PAGE EG-1 EJ-1 EJ,..lO EK-]9 EK-41 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure EA~l. Susitna Station with sonar and fishwheel locations shown. EA~l Figure EA~2. Yentna Station with sonar and fishwheel locations shown. EA~2 Figure EA~3. Sunshine Station with sonar and fishwheel locations shown. EA~3 figure EA-4. Talkeetna Station with sonar and fishwheel locations shown. EA~4 figure EA~5. Curry Station with fishwheel locations shown. EA-5. Figure ED-1. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of ED-1 sockeye salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations. Figure ED-2. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of sockeye salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations. Figure ED-3. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of sockeye salmon at Curry Station. Figure ED-4. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day pe~iods of pink salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations. figure ED~5. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of pink salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations. ED-2 ED-3 ED-4 ED-5 Figure ED~6. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of pink salmon at Curry Station. Figure ED~7. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of chum salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations. Figure ED~8. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of chum salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations. Figure ED-9. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of chum salmon at Curry Station. Figure ED-10. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of coho salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations. Figure ED-11. Mean hourly fishwhee1 catch by two day periods of coho salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations. Figure ED-12. Mean hourly fi"shwheel catch by two day periods of coho salmon at Curry Station. Figure EF-1. Length freque~~ies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Susitna Station. Figure Ef~2. Length frequencies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station. PAGE ED~6 ED~ ED-8 ED-9 ED-10 ED-ii ED-12 EF-1 Ef-2 Figure EF~3. · Length frequencies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine Station. Figure EF~4. Length frequencies of sockeye salmon s~mpled from fishwheel catches at Talkeetna Station. Figure EF~5. Length frequencies of sockeye s~lmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station. Figure EF~6. Length frequencies of pink samon sampled from fishwheel catches at Susitna Station. Figure EF-7. Length frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station. Figure EF-8. Length frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine station. Figure EF-9. Length frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Talkeetna Station. Figure EF-10. Length freque~~ies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station. Figure EF~ll. Length frequencies of chum s~lmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Susitna Station. PAGE EF-3 EF-4 EF-5 EF-6 EF-7 EF-8 EF-9 EF-10 Figure EF-12. Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station. Figure EF~13. Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine Station. Figure EF~14. Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Talkeetna Station. Figure EF-15. Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station. Figure EF-16. Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwhee1 catches at Susitna Station. Figure EF-17. Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station. Figure EF-18. ~ Length freque~cies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine Station. Figure EF-19. Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Talkeetna Station. Figure EF ... 20. Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station. PAGE EF-12 EF-13 EF-14 EF-15 EF-16 EF-17 EF-18 EF-19 EF-20 Figure EF-21. Sockeye salmon length by age class from Yentna Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF~22. Sockeye salmon lengths by age class from Susitna and Sunshine Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF~23. Sockeye salmon lengths by age class from Talkeetna and Curry Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF-24. Pink salmon lengths by age class from Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF~25. Chum salmon lengths by age class from Yentna Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF~26. Chum salmon lengths by age class from Susitna and Sunshine Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF-27. Chum salmon lengths by age class from Talkeetna and Curry Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF-28. Coho salmon lengths by age class from Yentna Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF"29. Coho salmon lengths by 9ge class from Susitna and Sunshine Station fishwheel catches. Figure EF-30. Coho salmon lengths by age class from Talkeetna and Curry Station fishwheel catches. PAGE Ef-21 Ef-22 EF-23 Ef-24 EF-25 EF-26 EF-27 EF-28 Ef-29 EF-30 Figur~ EH..,l. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at RM 68.3 approximately. Figure EH~2. Mainstem Susitna river chum salmon spawning area at RM 76.6 approximately. Figure EH-3. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at RM 83.3 approximately. Figure EH-4. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at RM 92.2 approximately. Figure EH-5. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at RM 96.8 approximately. Figure EH-6. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at RM 97.0 approximately. Figure EH-7. Mainstem Susi~na River chum salmon spawning area at RM 100.5 approximately. Figure EH-8. Mainstem Susitna River coho sairnon spawn1ng area at RM 117.6 approximately. Figure EH-9. Mainstem Susitna River chum and coho salmon spawning area at RM 12~.2 approximately. PAGE EH-1 EH-2 EH-3 EH-~ EH-5 EH-7 EH-9 PAGE Figure EH-10. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon soawnina area at I " EH-10 RM 130.5 approximately. Figure EH-11. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at EH-11 RM 131.1 approximately. figure EH-12. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at EH-12 RM 135.2 approximately. Figure EI~l. Gash Creek located at RM 111.6 approximately. EI-J Figure EI-2. Lower McKenzie Creek located at RM 116.2 approximately. EI-2 Figure EI-3. Moose Slough located at RM 123.5 approximately. EI-3 Figure EI-4. Slough A1 located at RM 124.6 and Skull Creek located at RM 124.7 approximately. Figure EI-5. Slough 98 located at RM 129.2 approximately. Figure EI-6. Slough 21A located at RM 145.5 approximately. Figure EK-1. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 650-3 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. Figure EK-2. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 660-1 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. EI-4 EI-5 EI-6 EK-2 EK-3 Figure EKr-3. Movement of radio tagqed chum salmon transmitter number 670-2 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981 . Figure EK~4. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 680-2 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. Figure EK-5. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 680-3 in the Susitna River drainage during Figure EK-6. August and September, 1981. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 700-1 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. Figure EK-7. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 700-3 in the Susitna River drainage during August and Se~tember, 1981. Figure EK-8. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter Figure EK.-9. number n 1n ~he Susi~na ver drainag~ auring .. August and September, 1981. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 720-1 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. PAGE EK-5 EK-6 EK-8 EK-9 EK-11 EK-12 EK-14 Figure EK-10. Moyement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 730-2 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. Figure EK~l1. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 740-1 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. Figure EK~l2. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 650-1 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Figure EK-13. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 650-2 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Figure EK-14. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 660-2 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Figure EK-15. Movement of radin tagged coho salmon transmitter number 680-1 in ~he Susitna ver dra1na uur1 .. August and September 2 1981. Figure EK-16. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 700-2 in the Susitna River drainage during September2 1981. PAGE EK-16 EK-17 EK-23 EK-25 EK-27 EK-30 EK-31 Figure EK~l7. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 710~1 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Figure EK~18. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 710-3 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. figure EK-19. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 720-2 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Figure EK~20. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 720-3 in the Susitna River drainage during September and October, 1981. Figure EK-21. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 730-3 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. PAGE EK-33 EK-34 EK-36 EK-37 EK-39 APPENDIX EK Radio Telemetry Tracking Reports PAGE Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #650-3 EK-1 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #660-1 EK-1 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #670-2 EK-4 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter 680-2 EK-4 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #680-3 EK-7 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #700-1 EK-7 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #700-3 EK-10 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #710-2 EK-10 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #720-1 EK-13 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #730-2 EK-15 Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #740-1 EK-15 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #650-1 EK-18 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #650-2 EK-24 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #660-2 EK-26 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #680-1 EK-29 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #700-2 EK-29 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitte-r #710-1 EK-32 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #710-3 EK-32 Coho S:>lrnon, R2dio Transmitter #720-2 F Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #720-3 EK-35 Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #730-3 EK-38 APPENDIX EA SUSITNA RIVER AND YENTNA RIVER SAMPLING STATIONS •' m )> 0 ®susltna Stat on Camp .. , . , . . . •, .. •,', : tL. ··:·· .. ~ East a'ank Flshwheel..z((b ·East Bank Sonar , . ... SU$1l'NA STATION ,.· ... - Figure EA-1. Susitna Station with sonar and fishwheel locations shown, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .;. ·:' m )> f\) ... ·~ Figure EA-2. ., .·. ;· · .. ·· .. . !· ·.~. :.; . ._ .. •, ~ .\ . ·.~ "' .. .. YENTNA ~S'T ATION ~· + Yentna Station wit~ sonar and fishwheel locations shown, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies~~ '1981. ·'· ... . . .... ·.; ·.·· !', m )> ·.:; SUNSHINE STATION ,. ,,. . .,: Figure EA-3. Sunshine Station with sonar an(.fi shwheel 1 ocations shown, Adult Anadromous .Investigations: Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . .· ... · ; ··~ m )> +:>. ,____,.,..~ * •. ,i· ., ,, ..... ·· * i --N-----· ·:~: Upper Weal Bank L ~'-: W · · Sonar .... ~!ath~~!.!1 .. uwet e~l Bank . ··:· · ·;;.··~~·~··~·~ .. ·~··~···~;~"·~-·~··~~·~···~·~·~~~~~~~~~ · ·· .. Flah hee ·····•·· · ' 1 ···ii•·; .. ,·,·;.;·····'it""''··,;;· ... ~ .. ~:.;.:.a:.o.:.'t " 01 ~~ ·· ED Rlv~~~lle ~ ·,-". . ...... ~.":.~;.;··: :•·:-~; .. _.. ·~. -. :· · ........ . ··-.-.... :·· t * + ·;· ..•. , .... ·: .. . ··.:.:·· ... . • ,. & ~ ··::~ ... ·:·~::::: . ~ .. .. ~ .............. I ......................................... o ...... ".M'::tl:~~~\:frt~"~Y!l"""' ..... ~-:~:::i;iiii•• .. ~ Cabin .• • 4 ·•· TALKEETNA STATION ... Figure EA-4. Talkeetna Station with sonar ang fishwhee1 locations shown, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · ... . · .. •' m )> (11 "' ' ~· ::: I; ·,} -;+' . r-~~------------------------------------~----~--------------------------~--------------~-- ! -* ! ~ "• ,:,~ ·~i:· !•! . .:-. .';' .· ., ,:.· •" ~;. ~ $ CUfl~Y ST ~ T'ON :-.· '"'!""" ' + * ~/~ • Figure EA-5. Curry Station with fishwheel locations shown, Adult Anadromous Investigation~, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ·> \': .. ~· APPENDIX EB DAILY SIDE SCAN SONAR COUNTS m CD ...... •': " !1{. ··.·~ .. .'' '( Table EB-1. Susitna Station west bank daily and)cumulative sonar counts by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1~81. · ~.; ·-------------------------------------------------------------~----~------------------· . -. ·-· -· ·-· . ~ ~-TOTAL COUNT CUI NOOK SOCKEYE · .. PINK CHUM COttO tU SCELLANEOUS DATE . -~·- DAILY CUM. DAilY CUM. DAILY CUM. .. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAilY ·cuM. DAILY CUM. June 2Z 6.Q. __ 6.0 0 0 60 .Ji.IL ,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 63 123 0 0 63 1~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' '29 J70 493 3 3 367 12Q -~· 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---.22Z 6 426 9Hi :_ 0 0 0 0 JO _1Z_2._ J Q 0 - .J.vlv 1 451 ___1461 4 10 537 .J.i§.L:_ 0 o· 0 0 0 0 2 1929 3392 20 30 1 Rfifl ~~ 4Q 4Q 0 0 0 0 ~ 1109 4501 11 41 1070 4183.__ ?R 77 0 0 0 0 4 550 --5051 3 44 478 ' 4861 ; -66. l43 0 0 3 3 5 448 5499 2 46 190 sill · · 54 197 0 0 2 5 6 377 5876 2 48 328 5579 ' 45. ?42 0 0 2 7 --6155 1-:Slm · · 7 279 2 50 242 33 275 0 0 2 9 23r 2 52 226 !--!...--1 8 6386 6047 •' 276 1 1 1 -U ]J§Q. __ 1114 2_ 61 11~ '-13ol :. 6 282 3 4 6 9 JO 5262 13006 36 '97 5166 f--12547 ,· 24 306 12 16 24 10 ll y---___J~9j6 0 gz 1Hl4ii 24i~ R2 1R8 0 16 0 40 1930. ]2 l§~§Q. __ 3Q~tl6 0 97 1§2~ _iQM!i . · 0 3118 0 16 0 40 lL ____ l2ZE ___ fiQ~n Q 2Z 19717 . 59792 -~ 0 388 0 16 0 40 1.! _____ 22011 _1.2.316 0 Q7 22043 '--lmns · 0 388 0 ~-0 ___AO . 1.5 1697Q. 89346 0 Q7 16055 98690 ::"""" 0 -~RR 1\5 0 4o ]6 101]8_ Uooo64 0 Q7 10fil6. ___l_O!l36.fL...:._ 4? <!10 0_ J3l 0 40 JZ 3ll30 __]QJ89~ 0 Q7 l~~ -JlZ1l_ 0 410 26 157 0 40 18 ~60Z. ....JOfi501 0 Q7 Li~ 11 573 72 229 0 40 19 36.3.2.. __]Jill3 0 97 3412_ '--:-' lQQ] . I 0 683 0 229 83 123 . ZO 569L _ll1824 0 Q7 5054 ....;.., ~6~ 117 1170 19 248 131 -254 21 8301.. p_26~~ 0 97 7711 133:166· 2 1552 40 288 171 _j25 22 1182.. .33310 0 I Q7 6ROR 140574 -224 1776 75 363 75 500 23 10.19. _14.0359 50 147 5960 142_~ 601 2377 50 413 388 888 2A_ 4LQI _1.45066 J1 lRQ J210 ·149-m· 706 3083 325 738 433 1321 .25 32.62LJJBJ2R 0 lRO 1954 151~ 835 3918 l 26 764 447 1768 ··~·· ~-. : . -~ - -·--- --·-·"- --- ----·------ -~·---... ____ -----·- ----... --- ---- .. · . ~t.'· ·.;. Table EB-1. Continued . •. r·· TOTAL COUNT CUI NOOK SOCKEYE DATE - DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUJII. July 26 1927 ~.§0255 0 180 1066 152Z&L;.;_ 27 2!1L ~_2379 0 180 1115 15387"9 ;, ' 28 J.lfi.L l!>fifi4? 0 1illl ii1fi 154815 .·. l9 269tL ~!l-'!0 0 180 682 15~!l2.L_ JO f11l_ ___j_§QQZ1 0 180 974 15§471 ' 31 2480 163151 0 180 1127 157598 : ~ugust m 1 1.6liL._ _]_Ml.fil 0 180 844 158442 2 801_ _}fi55.6? 0 lAO 41Q 1 fiR861 .. · 3 4~-=:_JQ.Q043 0 180 283 152144 ' -4 476 l§§g_l9 0 180 280 159424 _5_. __ ~~ _lQZJZ1 0 iAO 471 159895 ____6__ 5Z4 __ _121a2g_ 0 180 337 160232 ' co 7 920 _16881.§ 0 180 541 160773 : -8 1fii= _jlQQ86 0 180 367 161140 . 9 307 170393 0 180 89 161229 ' 1\l lQ__ 146 170539 0 180 4? l.li]271 . 11 288_ _]10827 0 lRO fl3 . l.fil354 12 412...... _Jll2JQ 0 1ilo llQ 16i423 ' ll. ~F =Jww~ 0 lAO 183 161656 ) ].!__ --'"'---_j72405 0 180 160 161816 ' 15.. 55.1_ _JZ2958 0 180 160 16l9Z6 ' 16 5~L _ll~~!! 0 180 160 162136 . 17 4ZL ~H~1 0 180 137 '162273 . la. 473 0 1f1Cl 137 1624]0 ' ]9 223L _]]fifi91 0 180 646 16JQ56 . 20 118~ =-J18A75 0 lAO 516 1 fi1~l2 21. 15.55.._ _1.80030 0 1illl 450 164022 22.... .agL p.ao81n 0 lAO 245 1.§!ZJiL- 2.3 Z98 l8}1i74 0 180 231 164498 ' PINK . -···. CUUM -·· -·- DAILY CUM. DAILY 690 4608 0 690 529fl 51 14?0 671Sl 35 15n4 8302 45 ll84 9486 0 902 10388 113 399 107A7 26 jqq l0986 l3 66 11052 26 65. 11117 26 110 11227 44 79 11306 32 126 11432 51 166 11600 232 41 11641 56 1<1 11660 27 3R llf\98 53 54 11752 75 84 11836 115 73 11909 101 71 119R2 101 73 12055 10} 62 12117 86 62 12179 86 295 12474 407 ?ifi T?71o 325 205 1291~ 284 112 . l3027 154 105 13132 146 COflO --·.- CUM. DAILY 764 171 815 268 850 772 895 387 895 273 1008 338 1034 341 1047 170 1073 106 1099 105 1143 177 1175 126 1226 202 1458 424 1514 102 1541 49 1594 96 1669 138 1784 ' 211 1885 184 1986 184 2087 184 2173 158 2259 158 2666 745 2991 595 3275 518 3429 282 3575 266 CUM. 1939 2207 2979 3366 3639 3977 4318 4488 4594 4699 4876 5002 5204 5628 5730 5779 5875 6013 6224 6408 6592 6776 6934 7092 7837 8432 8950 9232 949fl ' " MISCELLANEOUS . --------· ·- OAILV CUM. ---- -- ------- -- m OJ (..) Table EB-1. Continued. --~ DATE TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DAILY CUI·I. DAILY CUM. August 24 -~fL 182595 0 180 25 701 183296 0 180 26-399 1'83695 0 180 ?:.Z ,_3L __ ..18.3930 0 180 m lJL r-J!l!164 0 180 l2-196 _lillliO 0 180 30 8Z l!lill.7 0 180 11. 10L 184-548 0 180 -- September 1 59 184607 0 180 2 ___IQ_ ~.6ill7 0 .180 ----·······-····--------------------------------~ --------------- .·.·. ,.· .. SOCKEYE .'.~ ,. ... DAILY CUM. _,. 266 JJi.4Z6~ .·f.- 202 16•1966 .• 33 164999 :' 22 16 5.Qz..L.:._ 21 165!ML_:_ 17 16~Q52 ': 8 165QGZ .. _ 9 _]_§.~QZ§ J 5 165081 .:· 6 1fi5087 .. .. .. .. .. .. , __ '· . ., PINK . -···. CHUM -··-·· COIIO --··-IUSCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY cm1. 122 13254 168 3743 307 9805 93 13347 128 3871 234 ___ wpo39 0 13347 78 3949 12 10051 256 256 j} 13347 48 3997 7 10058 158 414 0 13347 4!L 4045 7 1006! 158 5Il _a 13347 AO 4085 6 1007 133 705 0 13347 18 4103 3 __ -ig~ 58 Z63 0 13347 . 21 4124 :! 68 "831 ------ ~-------- 0 13347 1? 41Jfi ? 10Q79 40 Ail u 13347 14 4150 l 10082 47 918 -- ·----·- --- .. ------- m ljD' .. .J:>. =·t I. I; ·., Table EB-2. Susitna Station 'east bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species, Adult 'Anadromous Investi!lati.ons, Su Hydro Studies,.1981. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CHUM cmm 141 SCELLANEOUS DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY C!UM. . :· DAllY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. June ... 27 116 116 12 12 ~6 46' 39 39 18 18 1 1 . ----28 101 217 10 22 41 87' 34 73 15 33 1 2 29 ____]_§_ r--iri 8 30 31 118 . 25 98 12 45 0 2 30 ]24 13 43 50 16fl 41 139 19 64 1 3' -Jyl.L__ 1 246 663 25 68 100 268 ·. 82 221 37 101 2 5 --'-21L !ill. 22 90 86 -1~ 70 291 32 133 1 ... 6 --3 173 ~!M7 18 108 70 fL_ 58 349 26 159 1 ·-1 --·--4 180 -l227 19 127 73 49F 60 409 27 186 1 8 ----"·---__ 5_ __ _j!!~--J4l0 20 147 79 576 64 473 29 215 1 9 .• ---·-----6 292 1712 30 177 119 695 97 .. 570 44 259 2 __jl _ _L_ 2~~ __2QQO 30 207 116 . 81] .. 96 666 44 303 2 __]3 8 40~--_____f!Q2 41 '248 164 97§ 134 800 61 364 2 Ts _.2.. .5~~ __2!!4.0 55 303 219 1] 24 179 979 82 446 3 18 10 2913 5853 300 603 1183 23ZZ ____971 1950 441 887-18 36 ]1 2QlL _i867 0 603 1520 389Z 3o7 ??fi7 1A7 1074 0 36 )2 788 _8255 0. 603 595 4492 120 2377 73 1147 0 36 )3 213fi lOZ!!l 0 603 1613 . 1~~~~-3?5 2702 198 1345 0 36 14 135JJL ------.24.310 0 603 10207 2059 4761 1253 2598 0 36 }5 22QBfL. W.6.1Clo 0 finl 16fi70 32!!BZ 33fi3 8124 2047 4645 0 36 . ln. 217~!--____68121 0 603 16407 119389 3310 11434 2014 6659 0 36 17 20UL _!lll!l59 0 603 15658 65047-3158 14592 1922 8581 0 36 }_8 ___ _____119JH __ _1.QJ763 0 603 11252 76299 2270 16862 1382 9963 0 36 l.9____lil!3.L 117949 0 603 10710 B7009 2161 19023 1115 _1]276 0 36 2fi. l328IL. _131217 0 603 10032 97041 2024 21047 1232 12510 0 36 2.L 2101!!_ __llli56 0 603 .15670 1 wm 3201 24248 1948 -iillB 0 36 22 ngr~-_JQfiN} 91 694 4411 1]ZJ2~ 6226 30474 1109 5567 1214 1250 2.1 _____l.Ml26 147 8~1 1104 12H26 10026 40500 1787 17354 1955 _3205 2.4 _24137 21Q463 169 1010 . 8158 132584 11513 52013 2052 19406 2245 54~0 2.5 1ZJ10 227773 A7 10!17 6526 ltlll~ 7218 59231 1194 20600 2285 7735 m OJ Table EB-2. Continued. ·' . ; '. '·· DATE TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE . . PINK CHUM __ C_Oi_!O_ , MISCELLANEOUS ~------=OA~I=LY~~~CU~M~·----~O~A=IL~Y~~C=UH=·~---=M=I=LY~-~CU~~D~A=IL~Y-+~C=UH=·~---=DA=I~LY~~CU~H~.----~D~AI~L~Y-r~C=UH~.--~~D=A=IL~Y-7_C~U~M~·----­Ju1y Z~6 ______ ~1~4~~_z~~l~3--~7~4~~1t~tl7~1 ____ ~5~59~5~1~1·41~--~611:8~8~6~5411~9 ___ ~1l0~24_r~2~11~624~--~ll9~59-r~9~694~-------r--~----- 27 1830"' 260916 92-1263 69oo 15T6o5 , 7632 73051 1263 22887 2416 12110 ~2~8:--------;1;..:;6-:1->: 41-277057 80 1343 6085 157690 6731 79782 1114 24001 2131 14241 . f.:o-.9 _______ ..;...:.11155 288212 0 1343 371R Hi1408 · .f306 R40RR . . .1468 25469 1663 15904 30 Z'JflL 2.2.5n9 o 1343 2435 163843 '·· 2821 86909 962 26431 1089 16993 ·· ~31<-------6290 -J01809 0 1343 2096 '165939 . 2428 89337 828 27259 938 17931 -~===-~-~~~-===~--~~,_-=~~---==-.~~~------~r--------- .--~---------l------------;-------------r-------~------+------------r-------------I------~------7---------August __ 1 ___ JHlLr-_304222 o · 1343 1061 167000 · · 1228 90565 419 27678 475 18406 2 2lli __ ;mill,_,_9 ____ __,.o'-+_1...,.13'-'-'41:3._ __ _,a~1-'!..6f-'.1""6:.u.z'=a~J6~::~==~9;i4t·4t-=::~91~5.:::.:o~9=====~3;;22~t=j2~ao~oto====->ll!~J6,.~!,_+w--.!.,~J~,.~~ ....... l-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:t-'--_-_-__ -_-_-:-_:·_--_ l 2l.Bl_ __ 31.02211 HI 11111 557 1 11Rlz.:L...,:._ __ _,I1U.:141~'5~~ 92..L11->FL-54 __ ---.~1~0804---~ 290~80_~3~4mi~·-~'' :t~fi.1~9----·I------- _A_ 55J..L _:U5I4.0 35 13911 1103 111!MZL..:,.. 1274-93428 2137 31217 689 19808 ....5 ZlaL.. ____322.924 45 1441 IA34 lZ0910 -~t~662:..-;-~9~!5~o9:'!'o---c!2:-!:7~85:-J----:3~4o~o:-:-2---_,a"=9=-9 -l--*2o:-:7'*o7=------t-----__ - _£. 3952 __ .3268111 25 14611 790 171700 914 . 96004 1531 35533 494 21201 7 211L_322fi.47 17 '1483 554 172254 .. 641 96645 1074 36607 346 21547 ..] ____ } ~!~ _ ~1H76:2:------'1~11-t--:1;-:4'="94:----~36:-:3-t--ifl~72;;.:6.:;11:,-------,4~2-=-0 -t-~9.;;.:70~6-=-5 ------r.70<-'<3-t-----x 3 3.;.;7 78 3<i:l 0 1"'-r-o ----~ Z27,-+_;;;;..;21,.;,.77~4------t-------·- 9 1 V :> "JU.JZ 8 1502 255 172872 295 97360 494 '"' 159 219U ].o._ _____ ]Q~~--J.1;!ZQ5 6 1508 206 173078 · 238 97598 398 3R202 129 22062 I] __jW!_ 335043 8 1516 256 . 173.~33;74----~ 295~-~978~93-· ----:4~!9~5 +--3~8~69=:7:-----l!-:6~0-+-c!2~22:2:2;.:.2------+-------- J? 98.6_ _,116029 6 1522 197 173531 : 22R 98121 382 39079 124 22346 13 754 336783 5 1527 151 173682 . 174 98295 22_L 39371 94 22440 i 4 41L ;_ 331Jl4=------:3:-t--+1~ 5~3o;,-----'-8i:-i5<+--"' 11'""' 71=Z=6z'--. __ __,1L.L.;;L. oo,-~· -""98""3"""95~----"'16 1 t---'!3~95=f;3:!:-a ----;-54;---t-~22.4:~1~ 94~========~======---·-_·-_ 15 .J6L _..JJZfi83..__ ___ -"-J 2f--'11.><.l<53,.:2.__ __ ~74~1 _lli841 85 9 98 84 5 ,!! 5 0 8 143 39681 47 22i4~11~~----l-------- 16 34tl-_lJZ.2Z3!!---~ 21--:!1~ 531·4~---~ 68_1L'I~90:-:9'---:oo-· ---::-:78:-+-==--___:.,13~2-+-_..w.39.z1181lt.L13.,___---.:J4t..~-3~2~25>!!o!84:l-----+-·------ 17 _.3~~ __3;!8235 2 15:16 62 173971 72 981130 121 39934 39 22623 ]8 -?~........11a240 4 5 0 141 174~ 1113 98793 273 40207 89 22712 a 1~~~s 7 ~~5 z 222 17t~~~---!-2~~~~~~o~49~-~4~2•9~~480~6386~--1~3~9-r~H~m~----7------ 20 697 340745 4 l 139 1744l.L_ 161 99210 270 40906 RR 22939 21 lo2L~11844 z 1558 220 174693 · · ·---!-;2!5=+-4t---:9~'97:46~4----74~26'-+--i4f7-1~33~2----=u ..... ,7~~23':7~o~6~_-_-_~------=-----t+---=--=----_~·-=---::_-= 22.__ 647 342491 4 1562 129 174822 · 150 99614 251 4158.:::-3--.....,.s~l· 23157 2.3.. ___5Q.9_J_lH060 4 1566 114 174936 132 99746 220 41803 71 232~28:------1------- Table EB-2. Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. .A!J.g~t 24 604 343664 4 1570 25 365 344029 2 1572 26 363 344392 0 1572 2Z 12L ........ill81!i 0 157? 28 242 345051 0 1572 29 153 345210 0 1572 30 99 345309 0 1572 31 34 345343 0 1572 m September 1 106 345449 0 1572 OJ 2 101 345550 0 1572 0> ------------- . . ·. ; . .. ,, ' -;. SOCKEYE ... DAILY CUM. · 120 H5!l56 73 175129 4 175133 -5 175HR 3 ---ffiill-2 1 175144' 0 JZ~Bg 1 175145 1 17514!! ·' .t.' . -···· ----------PINK CHUM COIIO tHSCELLAN~OUS · DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAilY CUM. : DAILY CUI1 . 140 99886 234 4?017 76 23304 -84 99970 14J 42178 47 23351 8 99978 32 42210 8 23359 311 _JlJ 9 9QQR7 :n 4??47 Q 23368 363 674 5 ~~~~~-21 .!22.68 6 ?3374 ?07 881__. --- 3 H 4226] § 23378 Bl lo]L__ 2 99997 9 4.2290 2 23380 85 1091 ) 99998 3 42293 3 23383 29 1l2jj. ___ 2 100000 9 42302 3 23386 91 a~t-----2 .. 100002 9 42311 2 23388 8.7 ---------------·-· -·····-----------------------~-----~ ---~-------~ ----- DATE June 30 July 1 2 3 1 m 5 2 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 ]5 12 17 18 19 20 2] 22 z'l 24 25 ~~ Table EB-3. Yentna Station south bank daily a~·d CUIJlulative sonar counts by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, ]981. ·.:.' TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE -.. PINK CHUM COIIO MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CIJI>t. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 295 295 39 39 206 ZOfi 22 22 . 17 17 ii 0 11 11 377 672 50 89 263 ~ 28 50 ?? 1Q n 0 14 25 427 1099 57 146 298 . ZfjL.:;_, 32 82 24 6J 0 0 11; 41 483 1582 38 184 350 _j_1]7 ·. 51 133 . 1? 7fi 0 . 0 32 73 z~q 1R41 ?0 ?04 ]87 ] 30!1 27 160 8 83 0 0 17 90 . 162 2003 H 217 117 -t42J . 11 177 4 A7 -~ n 11 101 201 ??{)4 H ?30 ]22 ~u__ 55 232 0 87 4 7 108 JZl ?177 11 241 104 1647 48 280 0 ilf 4 8 6 114 164 2541 11 252 99 1746 ; 45 325 0 87 4 ._12 5 l19 318 3 255 ?R? ---.-26 351 6 93 1 n 0 119 2859 21128 4641 7500 51 306 4117 61ft_:_ 381 732 ll1 176 9 22 0 119 4882_ 12382 0 30 4818 Hl263 49 781 15 121 Q 22 0 119 8843 21225 35 34 8800 UUZL:._ 0 781 0 -.Ql 0 22 0 119 10604 31829 0 14 lOlQL ~i}-85 666 212 ·.ao'l 0 ?? 0 H~ 15885 47714 0 34 15m 254 1120 . 64 /167 1? 1\4 0 l529L __61005 0 34 14970 . 6058L_ 199 1319 }07 SH 15 69 0 119 924L 7??4R 0 34 9012 69!595 120 1439 1\6 610 I; I; 1?4 n 11Q ss76 77R?4 0 341 5403 74998 0 1439 173 RQJ. 0 124 n llQ 5Zfi? RI)1Rfi 0 1,41 4869 79867 346 1785 507 ll1Q 40 164 0 119 6]90 89776 0 141 523L Rl)l)98 371 2156 545 1855 41 2nZ ll llQ 7259 97015 0 341 sai!i 20~HJ . -1.9.1 2947 530 2385 123 330 0 119 86.21L ~?~~ 0 341 6905 . 97818 -939 3806 6?Q 1014 147 477 0 119 ]11.6Jj . 11\ 171'\ 9285 107103 . __91ft_ 4R04 A?i 1838 106_ Tiln n 1 lQ 1n477 1?7Qtl0 n 1711 6045 11311§_ 2787 7591' 6<1? 453o 953 ?]36 0 11Q ll4oo ___llfi1tl0 n 'Hfi 41\01 117651 · Z62J 10212 722 !i?!i:> -~~4 2620 ll 11Q 6647 142947 0 376 2712 1Z.Q:1Q.J___ 3038 3250 : 758 60}0 1J2 _m9 0 119 1Zfi7 _Jffil4 0 176 1626 '121989 1916 5166 491 6501 7J4 l563 0 llL_ __ 3407 151121 0 376 . 1162 123151 1369 6535 351 6852 525 4088 _Q___; 112 m m ():) Table EB-3. Continued. J \;, '· .•. .· .. ' '~ .. DATE ... . ..... ~ ~. ~ . -TOTAL COUNT CUI NOOK SOCKEYE PINK CHUM co no MISCEllANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. ·: DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. July ·· -·==---...,----..,.--1--::-:-:::---28 4885 156006 l'l 376 752 123903 2194 18729 664 7516 1275 5363 0 119 29 3579 159585 0 376 716 124619 : 1918 20647 197 7913 548 fi~ll . 0 119 3o 4119 163704 o 376 783 12s4o2 2o1a 22665 437 83so an 6784 · a 1n 31 2416 l6G120 0 376 435 125837 1201 23866 208 8558 555 7339 17 U4 Auaust .. 1 3476 169.596 0 376 434 126271 1342 25208 435 8993 1265 8604 0 14L___ -2 2342 171938 0 376 691 126%~ 717 _25.925 Ql\ . QOR9 838.J !H42 Q f4i 3 961 172899 0 376 284 127246 · 294 26219 --~Q Ql?A 344 i9Z86 0 144 4 945 173844 o 376 151 12z397 ·. 256 26475 Hil 9ZZ9 36LWDU1 o 144 5 1086 174930 0 376 174 127571 294 26769 174 9453 444 l0617 ' 0 144 6 869 175799 0 . 376 · 77 127648 470 272.39 131 9584 ~l9L[___lQ!iQR o 144 7 723 17652? 0 376 45 1 ?7693 264 27503 150 9734 264 T1 ()72 0 144 . 8 455 176977 0 376 28 12772}__ 166 27669 95 9829 166 llgJ.8 0 144 9 400 177377 o 376 82 127803 · 67 27736 101 9936 144 11JB2 o 144 10 523 1779oo o 376 101 12791o 87 27823 141 1ooz7 -1iifi Hszo o 144 11 501 178401 0 376 103 12801.L__.:.;_ 83 27906 H~ 1o?1? -18o 11750 . o 144 12 412 178813 0 376 128 128141 52 27958 )80 10392 52 W-J802 0 144 13!1 172 _llfi98fi 0 376 53 . 128194 . 22 27980 75 10467 22 11824 0 144 14f, Z6o 179?41; o 1'16 a1 12ans 32 28012 114 1o5e1 33 11857 o 144 15::! 505 179750 o 376 15 l2B290 130 28142 72 1of;i;1 2Ra ~i2145 o 144 16 814 180564 0 376 24 128314 • 209 _1!!351 116 10769 46~ _12610 0 144 17 745 18130Q . 0 376 22 128336 191 28542 107 10876 425 ..J]Q_35 0 144 18 67'1 ___llll9R4 n 171'i ?? 128358 203 28745 135 11011 27o. 13305 45 189 19 652 1826J6 0 376 ?1 1281Z9 196 28941 130 11141 261 _ill66 44 233 20 944 1!U580 0 176 31 128.110 283 22224 lAQ 1111fl 378 13944 63 296 21 545 184125 0 376 39 128449 118 29342 ?17 l15DZ 79 lif023 72 368 22 4ll_ lfl4fi1A 0 171i 30 __12!l119 90 29432 179 f746 60 14081 54 4?2 23 35!!-_].84896 0 376 26 Ull5.Q5 78 29510 I liiii j fQQ) 52 Ml't5 47 469 . 74 1!ili 182z5? . n 171i 10 128515 52 29562 57 1958 3L_lH66 206 675 · 25 342 185594 o 376 . 1o 12as2s so 29612 ii4 l?ot? 3o 141ilfi 1iln an Jj low counts due to counter malfunction in sector 1 'caused by extre~ high water. m OJ <0 Table EB-3. Continued. ; TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM; Auqust 26 435 18.6029 0 376 27 256 Hlfif!!5 0 376 28. 204 186489 0 376 29 122 186611 0 376 30 109 186720 0 376 31 53 186773 0 376 SeQtember l 86 186859 0 376 2 106 186965 0 376 3 74 187039 0 376 ~-91 187130 5.;!. 86 187216 6w: 115 187331 z-· 122 187453 y No apportionment due to inoperative fishwheel. ·.:. :;'. SOCKEYE -- DAILY CUf1. _; ; .. 13 128538 20 12ass.a__;_ 16 1285H . : 9 128583 . ·. 0 126583 0 I2n5aJ ' 0 128583 0 128583 . 0 128583 " - .. PINK ........ CHUM -··-·· COHO --··-MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CU~I. DAILY CUM. -63 29675 69 J2Q81 38 1.:1z3g 252 1125 0 29675 QR 12179 0 14234 138 1263 0 29675 78 12257 0 14234 110 1373 0 29675 47 12304 0 1423., J.i6 _HJ9 0 29675 109 12413 0 14234 0 1439 0 2967..5_ 53 12466 0 .14234 0 1439 0 29675 86 12552 0 H2J1 0 JA39 0 29675 106 12658 0 ........14234 ' 0 1439 . 0 29675 74 12732 0 14234 0 1439 .. ·- : . .. .. m m ..... 0 ... . ' Table EB-4. Yentna Station north bank daily an~ cumulative sonar counts by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ---------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------~----------------- TOTAl COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. June 29 199 199 0 0 135 135 30 307 506 0 0 208 .....__14.3 JUl.}:: 1 392 R9R 0 0 266 609 2 719 1617 0 0 4RR 109L 3-5!1 -Hill_ -0 -109L 6 182 1799 16 16 98 1195 7 245 2044 21 37 131 1326 8 339 2383 6 43 165 1491 9 266 2649 5 48 129 1620 )Q 137 2786 2 50 67 T687 _ 11 151 2937 0 50 112 1199 12 61 2998 0 50 45 1844 13 174 3172 0 50 129 1973 f~ 451 3623 0 50 374 2347 470 4093 0 50 390 2737 16 377 lfllo 0 ~0 312 . }049 17 419---rl·908 0 50 371 3420 rs 27 TB!> 0 50 lJ!> -i~4~ 19 233 5418 1 51 192 20 245 5663 0 51 171 4018 21 248 5911 0 51 176 4194 22 398 6309 0 51 299 .4493 23 539 6848 0 51 298 4791 24 668 7516 0 51 446 5237 782 8298 0 51 522 57!:>9 2!i f6£/ 2516 10814 0 51 1205 6964 27 1913 VJU Q !>l 916 7880 28 1'251 13978 0 51-601 8481 !J Sonar shut down due to high water necess1tatin9. site adjustment. y Sonar to be moved to a new sHe. PINK CHUM COHO MISCEllANEOUS ... : IOAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. . DAILY CUM. 14 14 21 21 0 0 29 29 22 36 33 511 0 0 44 73 . .. . . 28 64 42 96 0 Q ~§ 129 ' 51 115 77 1ZJ Q 0 103 232 -115 -_!ZJ -0 -232 62 177 2 175 2 2 2 234 84 261 3 178 3 5 3 237 154 415 13 191 0 r l 238 121 536 10 ~01 () 5 1 239 62 598 5 206 0 5 1 240 H 612 25 231 0 5 0 240 6 618 10 241 0 5 0 240 17 635 28 269 0 5 0 240 . 44 bi':J 33 302 u 5 u 21W 46 725 ~4 336 0 5 u 240 J/ J.."62 ltl Jb~ 0 ~ 0 240 21 783 42 406 4 9 0 240 IJ 796 ~t 433 2 11 0 240 . 13 sOl} 2 ~~ .~ 16 0 240 --- ---37 846 36 491 1 17 0 240 31 877 37 528 II 21 0 240 20 897 64 592 15 36 J!_ liJU .. 12 ~f6 lb':J /bl ljj t9 0 240 -,r Oo 128 889 20 99 0 240 ~ IIJI.l/ ~50 1039 23 122 0 240 --- 1562 : -,'.J 1618 257 379 .o 240 " 362 1924 440 4%~ J95 574 0 240 266 2190 234 5o 724 0 240 ~ ~ •:, m OJ ...... ...... Table EB-4. Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 22 908 14886 0 51 30 1700 16586 0 51 31 1418 18004 0 5 Auqust 1 615 18619 9 51 .2 395 J9014 0 51 3 575 19589 0 51 4 61~ 20237 0 51 5 5T 20753 0 51 6 Jut 21060 0 51 7 308 21368 0 51 8 231 21599 0 51 9 379 21978 0 51 10 417 22395 0 51 ll 459 22854 0 51 12 459 23313 0 51 m7 145 23,~!>8 u :>I 14f. 138 23596 0 51 15 7 127 23723 0 51 16 163 23886 0 51 l~ J09 2~195 0 51 517 24712 0 51 ]9 595 25307 0 51 20 769 26076 0 51 21 377 26453 0 51 ~2 451 26904 0 51 23 274 27178 0 ~4 248 f-ill~6 0 il z~ 245 27671 0 26 162 27833 0 i 1 27 -~16L _IflQQL ·--. -0 5 . SOCKEYE DAILY CUM. 436 8917 816 9733 437 10170 189 10359 122 10481 32 10513 36 10549 52 10601 10 10611 9 106'2"1)"' 14 10634 24 106:i8 24 10682 26 10708 26 10734 I !.I 10753 ,~.' , . ... 't:· PINK _DAILY . 193 362 1191 ,• : 213 137 250 282 . 285 ·. 193 246 125 ~Q:>_ 113 1211 124 15 CUM. 2383 2745 3236 3449 3586 3836 4118 4403 4596 4M2 . 4967 5]72 5285 5409 5533 5548 18 10771 ___, 14 5562 17 . 10788 13 5575 3 10791 35 --sblo 6 10797 65 ~675 10 1"0'807 liO 5795 0 10807 123 5908 0 10807 159 6067 0 10807 78 6145 5 .Qlli_ 77 6222 3 0815 47 6269 3 0818 42 6311 0 0818 29 6340 0 IO!fl 0 19 6359 u 10818 20 6379 y Counts are low due to malfunction in sector onl! caused by extreme hi,gh water. CHUM COHO MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUI1. DAILY CUM. 170 . 2g,fi2 109 J.l3.3 0 240 -318 2780 204 1037 0 240 327 3107 J63 _!200 () 240 142 3249 71 1271 0 240 91 3M~ 45 '1~16 0 240 186 352'6 107 1'42 0 240 . ~I 209 3735 121-r--!544 0 240 1J4 3849 §S HiM 0 _MO ~i-l9T2 41 1650 0 240 ~940 25 !'675 0 240 --63 4003 29 1704 0 240 103 4106 47 1'751 0 240 190 4296 90 l841 0 240 210 45i:i6 99 i940 0 240 210 4716 99 £03~. () 240 87 4803 ~~ ~63 u 2110 83 488~ 2086 0 240 76 4962 21 2107 0 240 72 5034 4~-C-~151 9 249 ~~I 5T71 1~~ 2234 18 267 21) .~l99 . 2373 30 297 349 5748 82 2455 41 338 451 6199 106 2561 53 39t 221 6420 52 2613 26 41/ 209 6629 55 2668 105 522 127 6/!:16 33 2701 64 586 115 68ZJ 30 273] 58 644 52 6923 Js 2749 U6 79() 35 ""0959 12 2761 96 886 36 6994 12 2773 lOO 986 m OJ ..... 1\:) Table EB-4. Continue' TOTAL COUNT I NOOK ~ .......... ,, -·· DATE ' DAILY CUM. : DAi' ·: CUM. 28 28 28029 -· iJ_ 51 29 27 28056 l 51 30 22 2~078 -~l. ~] Jl ll 2~Q2Q .. U_ 51 '",. ?eptember ·-.... 1 50 _281.18 ., 51 ~ ' i- ' 50 _281911 ., __51 ...... 1_ 3 26 _2822.1 ... JL _51 4 19 28243 __ Q_ 51 b lO 2821i3 .·t 51 6 49 28312 ') 51 .. 7 29 28341 f) 51 ... ---- -· -~ "-~· ·- -·~-· -~·- .. ,_ - .---- ··- -· . ...... - ·-· ~ ·-~ .. ... SOCKEYE ~ ---.--. PINK . -.. CHUM COHO --· ·-IUSCELLANEOUS ---~ DAILY ~UM, DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUf1. 0 1Q8l6 0 63Z2 0 fr994 0 ZZZ'J 28_ l-lQ14__ 0 _lQ8J.!;! 0 6379 0 _fi99~ Q .2.17~ '/7 lQil__ __ Q 10818.___ 0 6379 0 __Q994 0 .?.111 22 1063__ ___ n __liill!B 0 h~7Q 3 699Z Q .~ZZJ g 1 07.2.___ -· -- Q 1 0!!18 0 63Z2 H _l:Qll n _1ZZ3 _1i -J-U6 ____ 0 1 081_8 0 63I2 12 _1Q23 0 2ZZ3 38_ -!-J-~L_--· n 10818 0 6379 4 __]])27 4 2ZZZ 18 _ -JJ Z2.__ ___ 0 10818 0 6379 3 7030 3 2780 13 1185 n l.Q818 0 6379 3 7033 3 2l.a3 14 -119_9 ___ 0 __liilll8 0 6379 0 7033 0 "2783 -49 1-'-----·-(.18__ ___ 0 lnBlB n h~7Q 0 7033 0 2ZBJ 22 _]_lli__ __ : m CD .... (A) Table EB-5. Sunshine Station west bank daily and cumulatiye sonar counts by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. TOTAL COUNT CIIINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CHUM COHO MISCELLANEOUS DATE : DAILY CUM. D/\l_L Y CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY cur1. June ---- 25 91 91 91 91 Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 26 58 149 ~f) ]1Q Q __Q_ 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q_ 0 27 . 31 180 Jl 180 0 ·Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 _Q_ __g ____ 28 51 231 '!ii 231 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 Q Q 0 - 29 40 271 40 271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --·-30 14 285 ~L3 284 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 - Ju1v 1 56 341 C'[J 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 2 51 392 ~~l0 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ___L 12 -~ 5fL f_4~Q 35 112 23 2J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4 44 544 ~-.(j 471 38 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~i=-~--5 122 666 73 544 49 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 68 734 51 575 37 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 -- 7 67 801 ~j GOG 36 Hl3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 --·--8 3.9 840 1_!} 624 2] 204 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 12 --9 D _£5J .. 6f2 7 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 ,) 1o 31 884 ti 637 lL 228 0 0 3 J Q Q J (6 11 2 §8(2 l 638 1 . 229 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 16 12 11 897 3 641 6 235 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 __ 1_7 ____ 13-18!1 -897 -641 -235 -0 -4 -0 -17 ---19 184 1081 f) 641 178 41J 0 0 6 10 0 0 0 17 -20 233 1314 Q 641 226 6li__ 0 0 7 ]7 0 0 0 17 21 130 ]414 0 641 126 765 0 0 4 21 0 0 0 17 22 2177 3221 0 641 2005 2850 46 46 46 67 0 0 0 17 ?.J J1~ 7077 Q 641 3311 6161 73 119 72 139 0 0 0 __ 1_7 __ 24 3624 10701 () 641 3472 9633 io 195 76 215 0 0 0 __]7 - 25 3240 1 3.94] 0 641 2904 126'17 165 360 • 91 306 0 0 0 17 26 1414 15355 0 641 1302 13919 72 432 40 346 0 0 0 17 27 2302 17657 g 650 1787 15706 315 747 175 521 16 16 0 17 28 3419 21076 _IL -~ 664 --2653 18359 -41i8-1215 260 781 24 40 0 17 · ]j Sonar shut down for adjustment. Table EB-5. Continued. TOTAL COUNT CidllOOK SOCKEYE PINK ..... ~ CHUM -· ·-·. COHO --· ·-IHSCEL LANEOUS .-------DATE DAILY CUM. DAILJ. CUM. DAILY CUt1. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. July --29 4659 2~35 (.:1 622 2Z6Z _2_ll26 -1~ ~9Q5 ZZJ 1554 401 441 0 17 30 3116 288~1 u~. Zll Hm -2297Z 2366 517 2071 268 709 _Q_ 17 31 2445 31296 lQ 721 Z4J 2372Q 812 3178 52L 2521 J~Z _1066 _Q_ JZ ·-· m ---Auqust OJ 1 2533 33829 w 731 770 24490 841 4019 542 3136 370 1436 0 17 ...... 2 88 ~1217 () __ ____]Jl 27 24.ll7 29 41218 l.L --3155 ]3_ ~119 0 17 - 3 J29 ~1£16 L _uz JQL 24!'il8 _109 41~Z 4~~ --3225 18 _]12Z Q 17 4 1753 35929 (l __ ___1_12 24Q 24858 _]Q7 48§4 _1621 j46" la.J.? _Q_ __lL__ _ ~ 5 3324 __12}23 \!_ __ ___]'1_2 519 2537Z 1150 6014 1047 4738 60~ 2445 _Q_ 17 6 3715 4303.8 () 732 580 25957 1285 7299 1170 5968 680 ~,125 0 17 . 7 3lll 46749 ij-732 445 26402 1677 8976 8~~ 6740 757 ~¥§82 0 17 8 2195 48944 (cl 732 309 26711 683 9659 389 7129 814 4696 0 ~-7 2 1594 ~.0.5.38 fl __ __l32 22Q ..26931 717 10376 338 ~§} 319 5015 0 17 10 644 51182 0 .. __l32 89 2702!L_ 290 10666 136 7@3 ]29 ~111 Q 1_Z 11 807 51982 f) ___]J?-]]2 ___illj2 __ ___J&_ -=Hf19 ]l1 7ll4 161 '--~~05 _Q_ r------)_7 ---·-14. ·-12 607 52~26 Q__ -ZJ2 55 __m~7 83 1.? 3~~ _8U] }10 5415 0 17 ---13 2Qg_ _5~~2 Q_ Z32 26 27213 39 11151 16~-8302 52 5467 0 17 14 53242 732 32 . 27245 -851s 55J3 --360 \J ... 49 11200 213 66 0 l7 15 140 ~3382 Q_ __l32 .]] 27256 0 _Jj_2QO 83 8598 46 5!.2Z2 _Q_ 17 _ 16 J3 __53115 f)_ ____1]2 2 __ uz.~a___ 0 1120Q 20 llQ.lO ]l 5520 Q 17 17 480 53fl95 Q -732 38 27296 0 11200 285 8903 157 5747 0 17 18 1871 55766 0 732 82 27378 15 11215 625 9528 1149 6896 0 17 19 3272 59038 0. 732 144 27522 26 11241 1093 10621 2009 8905 0 17 'Q f368 __Q_lli)6 Q. __l32 JQ1 . 27626 19 1260 791 _11412 1454 10359 0 17 21 1106 ~~12 \)_ 732 67 27691_____ 0 1260 142 11554 897 11256 0 17 --~-22 757 63269 Q_ __l32 46 27739 0 1260 97 11651 614 lf875 0 17 23 746 64015 (1 732 ·-50 277fl.9__ 0 '126Q . ]59 11810 537 12470 0 17 24 1265 65280 [) 732 85 27874 0 11260 270 12080 910 13317 0 17 25 730 66010 u-732 31 . 27QrJ5 8 11268 241 12321 442 13759 8 25 --26 459 66469 0 732 20 2792.5__ 5 11273 151 12472 278 -14037 5 30 m OJ ..... (11 Table EB-5. Continued. ·-----DATE TOTAL COUNT CIIHIOOK DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. Auoust 27 422 66891 0 732 28 276 67167 ·(;-732 Z9 95 67262 u 732 30 48 67310 !L 732 31 27 67337 Q_ __)_:J_? -Seotember 1 75 67412 u· 732 2 98 67510 ~'-732 3 178 67688 1_1 732 4 169 67857 0 732 5 225 _@Qf32 _.Q_ ____]]_2 6 187 -682Ji9 Q_ -Hf 7 94 @lQ3 Q_ .]f'. 51 68414 g.;!, 46 68460 TIW 66 68§f6 -11:.-'. 50 685Z6 12~. 59 68635 u:.'. 48 68683 H~~ 55 68Zl8 15:.1 79 68817 £1. No apportionment due to inoperative fishwhee1s 1 SOCKEYE --·- DAILY CUM. ]8 27943 0 27943 0 27943 0 2794J 1 2794,4_ 2 27946 3 27949 5 27954 0 2795L 0 .27954 0 2Z254 0 6Z254 PINK ..... ~ CHUM .......... COHO _.., .. _ MISCELLANEOUS -- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. -·-·- 5 11278 139 126] 1 255 14292 5 ~~-5-= 0 11278 107 12718 169 14461 0 ~----0 11278 37 12755 58 14519 0 35 0 11278 19 12774 29 14548 0 35 0 11?78 21 12795 5 14553 0 35 --·- 0 11278 60 12855 13 14566 0 35 0 11278 78 12933 H-:_ ~2.U3 _Q_ ~2 0 11278 142 13075 H~l4 0 f-~~----0 11278 29 _lllQ4 ]40 1 54 Q 35 --- 0 11278 38 13142 187 14941 0 35 0 11278 32 13174 155 15096 0 35 ---0 11278 16 13190. 78 15174 0 35 ----- -- - ---- ------ --- --- ------ -- ---' ·-·- . --- m ID ..... 0> DATE June 23 24 25 22 27 28 29 30 ,Ju1 v 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11~. 12..'.! Table EB-6. Sunshine Station east bank daily and cumulative sonar counts by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CIIUM COHO MISCELLANEOUS ""- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 695 695 687 687 8 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 283 978 280 967 3 _____11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191 1171 191 1158 2 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6Z 1233 62 1220 0 fJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 1276 42 1262 0 _____13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 1343 68 1330 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 1358 11 J341 4 17 0 0 0 0 0 "" 0 0 0 59 1417 42 1383 17 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 1453 26 1409 10 ___A4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 H95 28 1437 12 56 1 1 1 1 0 Q 0 0 43 1538 29 1466 12 ___f28 1 2 1 2 "0 0 Q 0 60 1598 ~1 1507 17 85 1 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 134 1732 36 1543 Bl _li6 ~ 7 12 15 1 1 0 0 61 __l.193 16 1559 37 ___1!13 2 9 5 20 1 2 0 0 60 T853 16 1575 36 _1)2 2 11 5 25 1 ~ 0 0 11 1864 2 J571 6 245 1 12 2 27 0 3 0 0 79 1943 16 1593 38 " 283 9 21 16 43 0 3 0 0 51 1994 10 1603 25 308 6 27 10 53 0 3 0 0 -1994 -1603 -308 -27 -53 -3 -0 -1994 -1603 -30ft_ -27 -53 -3 -0 --- 13 5 _1999 0 1603 4 312 0 27 1 54 0 3 0 _[!_ __ 14 42 2041 1 1604 40 352 0 27 1 55 0 3 0 0 15 117 2158 1 1605 115 467 0 27 1 56 0 3 0 0 16 204 2362 2 1607 200 667 0 27 2 56. 0 ·-3 0 0 1Z Z62 _2624 0 160Z Z6Z 929 0 27 0 58 0 J 0 0 16 2739 5363 0 lfi07 . ?fi87 3616 41 fiB 11 fi2 _0 3 -} 0 19 5886 11249 0 1607 5827 9443 59 127 0 69 0 3 0 20 5982 17231 0 1607 5904 15347 60 187 18 87 0-3 0 0 21 ~ ··-~_...QZ16 22947 0 1607 .. J!5!H. . 2Q~H-86 273 46 . JJ~ 0 3 0 0 !J Sonar shut down due to debris problems. m Ol ..... -...1 DATE Ju1v 22 23 2~ . '5 '2 27 28 '2 30 31 August 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 f3 14 15 16 u lA 19 Table EB-6. ·Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 7370 30317 0 1607 6372 36689 13 1620 5933 42622_ {l 1620 ZJiL 49975 22 1642 5783 55758 0 1642 5906 61664 0 1642 8566 70230 0 1642 1H4~ 81679 0 1642 12480 94159 0 1642 12231 10fi390 0 1642 9931 116321 0 1642 309 116630 0 1642 1778 118408 0 1642 ~605 122013 0 1642 5874 _127887 . 0 1642 5894 :--U~781 24 1666 5464 139245 0 ' 1666 4]]6_ H%;rn1 8 1674 2031 15392 . 0 1674 1484 146876 0 1674 1617 148493 0 1674 1720 150213 0 1674 1H3 151356 0 1674 742 152098 0 1674 420 152518 0 1674 321 152845 0 1674 696 151741 0 1674 3128 158869 9 1683 3332 ]60201 0 1683 SOCKEYE PINK DAILY ·CUM. DAILY CUM. ; 6905 27836 .. 155 428 .4849 326!.15 .42.7 855 3951 36636 760 1615 4603 41239 1.§00 3115 3412 44651 1157 4272 3012 47663 1004 5276 2047 49710 3649 8925 2359 52Q§.2_ Hl.Z7 13B02 2683 54752 6352 20154 1578 56330 7057 27211 586 56916 6207 33418 37 56953 256 33674 213 511Jili.~476 35150 433 57599 ' i~9!g_ J8142 493 58092 4676 42818 572 586ft ~R-K~9oa 464 . 59128 'Uf 0236 473 59601 :~581 52817 187 59788 1503 54320 104 59892 905 55225 113 60005 986 5fiZl1 120 ' 60125 '1049 57260 171 . 60225., 542 .57809 111 6.t11M, ' 356 5lllfi5 64 6D4ZQ · · .101 58366 56 60527 lll 58477 152 60679 _305 58782 279 60958 782 59564 260 61218 560 60124 CHUM COiiO MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CU~I. DAILY. CUM. - 310 443 0 3 0 0 1070 1513 13 16 0 0 1198 2711 24 40 Q 0 228 3939 0 40 0 0 214 5153 0 40 0 0 1801 6954 89 129 0 0 2844 !lZ98 26 155 0 0 3984 13li!2 229 384 0 0 3220 17002 225 609 0 0 3376 20378 220 fl22 Q 0 2959 23337 1Z2 ]QQ6 0 0 16 25fl3 0 1008 0 0 ~~-1_3 12 0 }008 Q 0 1811 1if~~ 0 1POU 0 0 ---511 . 194 1202 0 0 1102 25235 106 1308 0 0 1421 26656 251 1559 0 0 811 27167 243 1802 0 0 203 27670 138 1940 0 0 267 27937 208 2148 0 0 --Z9l 28228 227 23Z5 Q 0 ·-310 28538 f~1 2616 0 0 251 28782 JZ2 2788 0 0 163 2ll2§~ 1]2 2900 0 0 92 29Q44 63 2963 0 0 : 95 22U9 25 J02ll 0 0 260 221.29 122 3207 0 0 1514 30913 544 3751 0 0 1946 32852 566 41ll 0 0 m OJ ..... ()) Table EB-6. Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK --,=.==.. -------·--DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. /illgyst 20 2705 162906 0 16fl1 21 1]06 164212 0 1683 g2 lJ.BL __}65396 0 1683 2J ]52.L _..166919 0 1683 zg ]84..8_ l6fl767 0 16R3 25 1~}-_lZQ541 0 Hi6J 26 122 172331 0 16.83 27 1542 173873 0 1683 28 644 1lrn.7 6 16fl3 29 468 ~!35 0 1683 30 304 ~5289 0 16R.1 31 356 1756_15 0 1683 SeJllimJl!~>r 1 42L _]Zfi{)7Q 0 1683 2 480 _]]6550 0 llif\3 -3 §81 --177131 0 1683 .T 644 177775 6 1683 5' 460 178235 0 1683 6 425 178660 0 1683 1 239 178899 0 1683 -8 291 179190 0 1683 9 ZJL _112!22 n lfiR:l TO 125 _lZ.2~7 0 1683 11 j~~-__lZ9l25 0 1683 12 21 179942 0 16R3 13 196 1RoHR n lfi63 14 HiL .:.J.lill104 n lf.R'l IS 157 .Jil.Q1f.l n lf.R:l --------------- SOCKEYE - DAILY CUM. 184 61402 117 61519 107 61626 91 61717 111 61828 25 61853 ?Q nlRB? 11 61893 1 61200 5 61205 3 612Q8 4 !H21?. 5 61917 10 fil2.27 12 6]939 lL 61952 0 61952 0 61952 0 6L'l.5" 0 61.952 0 .6l!l52 0 fi1.9.5? 0 61952 0 fi]952 0 f.l9.5? 0 61952 n 619!>2 PINK . -···· CHUM -··-·· -COHO ---··-MISCELLANEOUS .. OAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 628 60752 1298 34157 595 4912 0 0 209 60961 653 34810 327 5239 0 0 189 61150 592 .....-1M!l2 ~96 5535 0 0 137 61287 960 36362 320 5855 15 15 ·. ' 166 6145.1 1164 '.17526 388' Jill 12 34 .. 80 61533 1293 3fl6]2 :m 66]4 5 '.\Q 68 61601 13IL -l?H~ ?QO fiQ04 2R 67 56 61657 1254 llifi 7070 lili 1?2 .. 0 61657 515 41963 116 71R6 fi 128 0 61651 374 42:nz 81 72ZQ -+ 133 3 _6}660 271 42608 27 __11.27 1.11 3 filfifi:l 3t7 &zll?~ 32 '112() 0 133 4 61667 37fl 43103 1R 1367 0 133 0 _filli67 451 4371i4 14 _238] 5 HR _{}__ 61667 li4fi 4!JOil 17 7J.98 #i 144 0 61667 605 44905 20 . -}l~~ 6 llill 0 6].£67 'l~Q ·4s2~4 37 _M_ 214 0 61667 3.3? 4r;c;Qfi ':1& _1489 59 273 0 61667 iiifi 4.szii' 1<1 7508 34 307 0 61667 172 45954 ~0 752R 99 406 0 ~>1667 l'lJ 4609i jf) 7544 79 4R5 0 61667 74 4fil61i g 7553 42 527 0 61667 >4 --4Ji'??(} 14 Jf\f.7 100 f.27 0 _61667 7fl 4fi3QZ ]7 Jf\R4 1?? 74.!1__ 0 filf.f.7 '1 4fi17A 1fi 7f.OO lOQ AJ;f.l - 0 61Q6Z JL 4~1n . 1n 7fi]Q ]24 9R2 0 61667 30 4fi440 Q 7619 ]lA 1100 -'--------------------- m CD ..... <0 DATE June 20 21 22' 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.!1 12.!1 13 14 f5 !.6 1Z l8 Tab 1 e EB-7. Ta 1 keetna Station west bank da il.Y". and cumulative sonar. counts by species, Adult Anadromous Investigatioris,. Su Hydro Studies; 1981. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CHUM COHO MISCEllANEOUS --···-- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 25 25 25 25 0 Q 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 56 ~1 56 0 Q ··' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5:! 111 55 111 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 48 159 48 159 0 11 0 0 0 0 o ___ 0 0 0 27 186 27 J136 0 0 0 n _0 0 n 0 -+ 0 27 213 27 213 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 251 38 251 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 282 31 :>R? .o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 302 20 302 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 12 314 12 314 0 (l 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 12 326 12 1?fi 0 (l 0 0 0 0 !} -0 0 0 4 330 4 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 29 359 29 359 0 _o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1RQ 30 389 0 Q 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 417 ?A 417 0 !!L__ 0 0 0 0 0 n n n 24 441 24 _441 0 !ll n 0 0 0 0 0 __{}_ 0 ]6 4'i7 lfi 457 n· ill n 0 0 0 0 0 ·-0 0 2R 4R5 ?R 41!!\ n 0 Q 0· 0 0 0 0 __j}_ 0 8 493 ' 8 493 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 . 0 (l - -- 4 497 4 497 0 0 0 0 0 0 } 0 0 JL __ 2 499 2 499 0_ 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - ' ~ 4 501 4 503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 8 511 8 5)1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 1\11 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 511 0 0 0 0 0 J) 0 0 0 n 0 u ~II . 0 Q __ 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 515 1 512. 2 1 0 0 1 -] ______ .0 ---0 -----.. ~_o________ 0 !J Counter 1noperable due to flood conditions. m OJ 1\) 0 Table EB~7. Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY cuM;· July ~9 11 528 2 514 20 ]4 540 2 516 21 . 15 555 3 519 22 32 587 5 524 fl 16 633 8 532 i4 63 696 2 534 ?.5 93 789 3 537 26 109 898 4 541 27 165 1063 3 544 2§ 2§L 1331 5 549 29 305 1636 6 555 30 531 2167 4 559 31 469 2636 5 562 August l 474 3110 3 '565 2 13 3123 0 565 3 35 3158 0 565 4 78 3236 0 565 5 J11 1567 3 568 6 213 3780 2 570 7 _415 4195 3 573 8 361 4556 0 573 9 184 4740 0 573 10 92 4832 0 573 11 101 4933 0 573 12 }3fi llOfiQ n .573 11 111 51RO 0 573 14 17 5217 0 573 15 11 5258 0 573 16 29 5287 0 573. ·.· SOCKEYE PINK DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 6 § . 0 0 8 1§ .· 0 0 8 24 .. 0 0 17 41 0 0 25 66 0 0 52 liB · 0 0 77 195 0 0 90 213i.,..._ 0 0 81 _JfiL_ B 8 131 4.2L_ _ __l3 21 149 fiAL_ 14 35 179 _!!25 ... 45 80 159 984 . 39 119 160 ~~~~ 40 159 7 1151 0 159 l7 1168 0 159 39 . 1207 .. 0 159 32. 1?.32 125 _f84 21 1.?60 80 364 40 . 1:100 J!i7 521 16 13]6 190 711 8 .1)24 97 808 16 1340. 18 826 17 1357 20 846 23 1380 27 873 28 11108 14 887 9 1417 5 892 10 1427 5 897 3 1430 4 901 CHUM COIIO MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 2 3 0 0 1 1 ~ 6 0 0 1 2 9 0 0 1 3 7 1§ 0 0 3 6 -9 25 0 0 4 10 9 34 0 0 0 10 13 4Z 0 0 0 ]0 15 62 0 0 0 10 70 132 3 3 0 HJ 114 246 5 8 0 10 130 316 6 14 0 lll 289 665 14 28 0 1 . . 256 92] )2 gg Q &--- 258 1179 13 53 0 ]() 6 1185 0 53 0 10 ]8 1203 0 53 0 fo 39 1242 0 53 0 HI 143 1385 28 81 0 10 92 1477 18 99 0 10 lBO 1657 35 134 0 10 126 1783 29 163 0 10 64 1847 15 J78 0 10 34 1881 24 202 0 10 38 1919 26 228 0 10 51 1970 35 263 0 10 69 2039 0 263 0 10 ' 23 2062 0 263 0 10 ~6 ~088 0 263 0 10 __ _j8. , 21Ub j ~bb I n m co 1\) ..... Table EB-7. Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DATE DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM; August 17 142 5429 0 573 18 291 5720 0 573 19 241 5961 0 573 20 231 6192 0 573 21 84 6276 0 573 22 66 6342 0 573 23 152 6494 0 573 24 210 6740 0 573 25 94 6798 0 573 26 165 6.963 0 573 27 188 7151 0 573 28 181 7332 0 573 29 145 7477 0 573 30 145 7622 0 573 31 121 7743 0 573 Seotember 1 j38 7881 0 573 2 104 7985 0 573 3 125 8110 0 573 4 97 B207 0 573 5 152 8359 0 573 6 119 8478 0 573 7 110 8588 0 573 8 111 8699 0 573 9 83 8782 i73 10 69 8851 ~~ 11 68 8919 ·H 40 B259 573 31 8990 573 14 27 9017 0 573 ":' ',• SOCKEYE ----- DAILY CUM. 16 1446 32 __}_ill 6 T4JH 6 1490 2 1492 '" 6 14.98 14 1ill 19 1~31 6 1533 4 153Z 4 __1M! 3 1544 2 1546 ·, 2 1548 6 1554 7 1~1 6 ]567 0 1567 0 1567 0 1567 0 1567 0 1567 0 ' 1567 10 1577 B ~5 8 ~~ 0 0 ' 1593: 0 1593 CHUM couo JHSCELLANEOUS PINK ...... , -··-·· --·------·-. ----- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 18 919 88 ZH!~ 18 284 2 13 37 956 180 2374 37 321 5 18 44 1000 149 2523 39 360 3 21 43 1043 142 2665 37 397 3 24 15 1058 52 2717 14 . 411 1 25 2 1060 32 2749 . 26 4JZ Q 25 4 1064 75 2824 59 496 0 25 6 1070 103 2927 82 578 0 25 ' 2 1072 54 2981 31 609 5 30 4 1076 94 3075 54 663 9 39 4 1080 108 3183 61 . 724 11 50 0 1080 92 3275 86 810 0 50 0 lOBO 74 3349 69 879 0 50 0 1080 74 3423 69 948 0 50 0 1080 70 3493 44 992 1 51 0 lOBO 79 3572 50 1042 2 53 0 1080 60 3632 37 1079 1 54 Q 1080 70 3702 37 1116 18 72 0 1080 54 3756 29 1145 14 86 -· 0 1080 85 3841 45 1190. 22 108 0 1080 58 3899 15 1205 46 154 0 1080 54 3953 14 1219 42 196 0 lOBO 55 4008 H .____}1J3 12 238 0 1080 5 4013 29 1262 39 277 0 lOBO 4 4017 24 1286 33 310 0 1080 4 4021 24 __1110 32 342 0 lOBO 10 -.!Qll 10 1~go 20 J§_2 ____ 0 lOBO 8 4039 8 1328 15 3Z_7 -·--0 1080 7 4046 7 1335 13 390 Table EB-7. Continued. ·'. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE .. PINK ~ .. -~ ... CHUM -··-·· COHO --··-!USCELLANEOUS DATE ., DAILY CUM. DAILY CUI1; DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. . DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. Seotember 15 18 9035 0 573 0 "T593 ; 0 1080 4 4050 !j 1340 9 399 m OJ 1\) 1\) ~ - - ---- -- -- --- -... --------- ------------------~------~-~------------···-·- m OJ 1\:) (.:> '· ·:. Table EB-S. Talkeetna Station east bank daily··and cumulative sonar counts by species, Adult Anadromous Investigat~ons, Su Hydro Studies~:l981. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK ....... -DATE ; DAILY CUM, DAILY CUM; DAILY CU~I. ... DAILY CUM. Juoe .. 22.-f'-5Z 57 57 57 0 Q 0 0 23J 71 128 71 121l 0 0 0 0 24!.!. 50 178 50 178 0 Q .. 0 0 25-45 223 45 223 0 0 0 0 26 46 269 46 269 0 Q 0 0 27 28 297 28 297 0 ..o___ 0 0 28 39 336 39 .336 0 Q 0 !l 29 17 353 17 353 0 _Q· ' 0 0 30 JO 363 10 363 0 Q 0 0 -July 1 31 394 31 394 0 0 0 0 2 21 4l'i n 41'i 0 0 0 0 3 14 430 15 430 0 Q 0 0 4 14 444 14 444 0 Q 0 0 5 21 465 13 A 57 4 1~ 0 0 6 33 498 19 476 7 0 0 7 32 530 19 495 7 16 0 0 ~ Z9 559 ?Q 1=,?4 0· 18 0 0 9 11 570 11 535 0 Jfl___ 0 0 10 7 577 7 fi4? 0 __]_8 0 0 11-15~! 577 542 0 . HI '• 0 --~ )6 8 585 8 550 0 __]_B 0 0 l7 11 596 0 550 4 . 22 0 0 ]8 2 598 0 550 1 23 0 0 19~ -598 ~ 550 ~ 23 -0 20 5 603 0 550 2 25 0 0 21 7 610 0 550 2 27 0 0 22 45 655 0 550 15 42 0 0 23 87 742 6 556 60 102 4 4 24 96 838 z 56] 66 169 4 8 1/ Catch percentage classified as chinooks for June 22-25, fishwheels operational June 26. 21 Counter inoperable due to flooding. If Counter being repaired. CHUM -··-·· COHO -~··-MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM . DAILY CUM • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _Q a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .!l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 z u 0 0 (} 0 6 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 11 -0 -0 -17 0 0 0 0 0 17 7 7 0 0 0 17 1 8 (l 0 0 JZ ~ 8 -0 -17 3 11 0 0 0 17 5 16 0 0 0 17 30 46 0 --0 0 17 15 61 0 0 2 19 17 78 0 0 2 2) - m OJ 1\) """ Table EB-8. Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DATE DAILY CUM, DAILY CUM; Auqust 23 404 9409 0 581 24 406 9815 0 581 25 465 10280 0 581 26 318 10598 0 561 27 231 10829 0 581 28 248 11077 0 581 29 300 11377 0 581 30 211 11586 0 561 31 128 11716 0 581 September 1 109 11825 0 581 2 62 ___ll887 0 581 J Z2 11959 0 581 4 58 12017 0 58 5 70 12087 0 58 6 67 12154 0 58 z 4L ___lil98 0 58 8 57 12255 0 581 9 30 12285 0 581 10 32 12317 0 581 11 31 12348 0 581 12 24 12372 0 581 13 22 _ill94 0 581 14 17 l241] 0 581 15 11 12422 0 581 .. ,· SOCKEYE ... DAILY CUM. .. 27 1766 27 1789 32 1821 8 1829 6 1835 6 1841 .. 5 1846 4 1850 2 ~ 3 1855 2 1 !l!il 2 1859 3 1862 5 1867 4 1871 0 1871 0 . 1871 0 1871 0 1871 0 1871 0 1871 0 1871 0 . 1871 0 1871 PINK CliUM COHO tUSCELLANEOUS ~· ·--·--~ ·---- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM . - 15 1369 168 4666 183 ____2ZJ ]1 60 15 1384 . ]69 4835 184 1155· 11 71 17 1401 194 5029 210 1365 12 83 19 1420 187 5216 98 1463 6 89 14 1434 136 535~ 71 _}_534 4 93 15 1449 . 146 5498 76 _]jiJO 5 98 0 1449 . 117 5615 170 IZ!lQ _1L 1!!2 0 1449 83 5698 119 1899 5 111 0 1449 50 5748 73 1972 3 114 -- ·0 1449 42 5790 64 2036 0 114 0 _1449 24 58]1 J6 2oz2 0 114 0 1449 28 5842 42 2114 Q JH 0 1449 31 5873 11 .:_ms 13 127 0 1449 37 5910 13 _ll38 ]5 142 0 1449 36 5946 13 ~ 2151 14 156 0 1449 11 5957 8 2159 25 181 0 1449 14 5971 10 _ _l}§9 33 214 0 1449 7 .52ZO 5 .. _lll4 ]8 232 0 1449 3 5981 3 2177 26 258 0 1449 3 5984 3 2180 25 283 0 1449 2 5986 2 2182 20 303 0 1449 0 5986 0 2182 22 325 0 1449 0 5986 0 2H~2 17 342 0 1449 0 5986 0 2182 11 353 ; m OJ 1\) 01 Table EB-8: Continued. TOTAL COUNT CHINOOK DATE DAiLY CUM, DAILY CUM. July 25 137 975 9 572 26 116 1091 2 574 27. 74 1165 1 575 28 346 1511 6 581 29 403 1914 0 581 30 608 rn2 0 581 31 673 3195 0 581 Auqust 1 553 3748 0 581 _2~. -3748 -581 3~ -3748 -581 4 ~98 4216 0 581 5 924 5170 0 581 6 959 6129 0 58) 7 448 6577 0 581 8 264 61!41 0 5R1 9 46 6887 0 581 10 10 6897 0 581 )] 16 fiQ11 0 581 12 11 6924 0 581 13 23 6947 0 581 ]jT', -6947 -581 15::!1 -6947 -581 16 48 6995 0 581 1Z ]70 7J.b5 0 5R1 18 732 7897 0 58) )2 ~ZJ 8420 0 581 20 481 8901 0 581 21 102 9003 0 581 22 2 9005 0 581 1f Sonar counter inoperable due to flooding. .~·· I~''' SOCKEYE .. DAILY CUM. 94 262 57 312 36 355 . 170 525 115 640 171 8l3 ,. 191 100~ ' 98 1102 -1102 -_llQ2 1~~ _ll~lL__ 1354 106 146~~ 50 1510 29 1539 14 155J 3 ·----15.5.6.___ . 5 1561· 0 1561 0 156] -lSiil __;__j.5.fi 1 .. - 0 1561 16 15JZ 69 rl~6 49 95 33 1728 7 1735 0 1735 PINK CHUM COHO IUSCELlANEOUS DAilY CUH. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 6 14 25 103 0 0 3 24 10 24 47 150 0 0 0 24 7 31 30 11l0 0 0 0 24 30 §] HO 320 0 0 0 24 57 118 222 542 9 ~ ___!L 24 86 204 336 878 13 22 0 24 96 300 371 1249 '15 37 0 24 114 414 330 1579 11 48 0 24 -414 -1579 -48 -24 -414 -1579 _, __48 -2.!_ 103 517 297 1876 10 58 0 24 190 707 551 2427 19 77 0 24 272 979 504 2931 77 154 0 24 127 1106 235 3166 36 190 0 24 75 1181 139 3305 21 211 0 24 4 1185 23 3328 5 216 0 24 --1 1186 5 3333 1 2]7 0 24 --2 1188 8 3341 1 2}8 0 24 3 1191 5 3346 3 221 0 24 6 1197 10 3356 7 228 0 24 -1197 -3356 -228 -24 -1197 -3356 -228 -24 14 1211 20 3376 14 242 0 24 2 1220 104 3480 41 28~ 0 24 39 1259 446 3926 178 46 0 24 --28 1287 ' ~~~ 42~5 127 5~~ 0 24 55 1342 208 445J ]6~ __]_52 2] 45 12 1354 44 4497 J~ 787 4 49 0 1354 1 4498 ~_. ___ 788 0 49 .. - APPENDIX EC DAILY FISHWHEEL CATCH DATA . ...~· . • ..... -•• j ._ ... m 0 ..... ... .. ,.· . t: Table EC-1. Susitna Station east bank fishwheal daily and cumulative catch loq by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies; 1981. NUMBER OF CllltlOOK SOCKEYE-: PINK • a•on, CHUM .............. DATE .. Ju .. 28 ·-----·~ te ________ 29 ~-~Q ___ ,Zu. _L _z .. L 4 5"" '"6. 7 -a··- ·-g ·-- --· L ·--- -- ·- ·To 2riT - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~.n~ ~Jl4 2Tl!l 2/16" --1T --. ra 1?i ··2o -n 3 22' 1123" - I 1 -1 -1 --1 .... _ I -1 -1 -1 1 I ""24" £5 '"26-·-----·I ""2T '28 .. 29 .. -I 1 1 -··--··-I DAILY ?II Q 5 24-0 1 24.0 0 2!1 0 0 ?tt n 0 ?0.0 1 24~0 4 1~.0 0 24.0 2 24:o 4 24.0 1 24.0 2 24.0 1 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 14~5 0 19.2 Q 24.0 0 29.5. 0 rr:o 0 0 -15.3 1 7.5 0 2~-~5 0 2l.5 . 0 22.8 0 24.8 0 2~ 0 0 ed 24 hour's. when 2T_"A_ Ttll!IJ1lirrg<lay may exce 11 Fis1Mhee1 inoperable due to high water. ' CUI-!. DAILY Cl~M: DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 5 n 1:1 . 1 1 n n 6 2 15 0 l 0 0 6 2 --f-lL 0 1 1 1 ----:...-- .. •, fi 0 ri 0 1 1\ 1 6 3 _2.fL 0 1 '} '.1 7 5 ?5_ 0 1 1\ 1 11 4 .....2.!L 2 :l 0 1 11 1 30 _l <t n -i 13 5 -1t-2 6 . 1 4 1Z 10 4 10 0 4 21 }8 63 9 19 5 9 23 16 79 7 26 4 13 24 84 J6.L 25 51 13 ?6 24 .51 '~ -l6.L --24 -.1U_ -___5_1 -26 24 -163 -51 -?l'i -. 24 -163 'I 51 -26 24 -..!.63 -51 -26 24 -163 -51 -?fi ?4 10 J.ZL 1 54 1 ?7 24 2A 20L 2 -{~ 3 10 24 25 22tL 9 -ii :lfi 24 11 237· 4 69 :l 39 24 3 ~40 6 75 0 3Q --39 24 -240 -75 - 25 8 248 24 99 0 12 ~~ 26 274 30 j?Q " -{~ 34 -308 20 i49 8 25 15 323 13 162 ::1 54 25 7 -;uQ_ . 15 177 1 "" 25 23 Jll_ 37 2H ~ r::n '" 7 ..36.0--19 •.23? h1 me lnleival between ,.'mtn::el checks labs--tnto--the--foHow nq-dat. 11 Catch lost due to hole 1n livebox. COIIO ---~r-::-- DAl.!:!_ CUM· n 0 (j_ +-n ... _ (\ 1\ (1 1\ " 0 1}_ --}---1 IL 1 fl __ -i) ___ --1 !L 1 fL_ I .. ___ -+-.. 1 -1 .. -1 1 fi 1 -fL I .11_ __t__ {} 1 (I 1 j 5 ___ fi B---~~ z 1? 33 1._ -34 :, ~! -j" TOTAL CATCH ALL SPECIES DAILY CUM. 19 10 t1 -22..__ 1 _ _2.5___ 1\ _ _25._ c; -30 6 1h 10 ___au.__ 1 4Q 10 59 18._ -zz .16 _ll:L_ 22 _ll_2- 123 .. 265 -265 -265 -265 --~~ -- -?.6.5...._ 14 ?J.9__ 11 312 !10 _352 )8 3ZO -q 1LL_ -·uq 3R 411.__ ~~-~~--I" 42 ...5..91 __ 24 -621--w-..591--_ua_. m 0 I\) Table EC-1. Continued. NUMBER OF CUI NOOK NUMBER OF DATE JuT ___ '/_ __ F I Sllli!1EELS ... ] _J_Q_ ...1}_ _ ___ l ~\!9~u-l? 1 -2 - -3'---, -s··- - - t _, 1 1 --47 1 --1 ---6-----1 ... 'j" ·-?_ --~L. 10 11" '12'- ''13" "14'"" -g 'lii" ·n-- --· 1 1 1 1 1 ·-I -1 I 1 1 ---1 ·Ta- "19' ---r 20 21"" '22- '23 '24 ·- - '25 __ _ -26' "'27 2ff- '2!}"---3cr 31-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FISitWilEEL !lOURS DAILY 2.4_3 0 24.2 0 27.7 0 21.0 0 0.0 - 16.5 1 23.5 0 22.3 0 2~.u 0 ]],j 0 24.7. 0 26.3 0 21.0 0 24~0 0 24.0 0 ~~·.Q. 0 24.0 0 24.0 0 24.0 0 24.0 0 z4.o 0 27!0 0 22.0 0 24.0 0 2;!.0 0 24.0 0 24.0 0 24.0 0 24.0 0 24.0 0 24~0 0 24.0 0 24.n 0 y F1shwhee1 inoperable due to h1gh water. CUM. 25 25 25 . 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 2ti 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 ':~' ·.·· SOC KE't E -.;·. .. DAILY CIJM.' 11 _JZ) ·. 9 3SQ . ... · .. 7 387 3 ~ -390 1 391 . 8 399. 9 -409 2 410 ~- 1 4]] .. 1 412 . ' 2 414 . 0 414 1 415. 0 415 0 nr- 0 4]5 0 415 :. 1 416 1 417 0 41Z 0 417 0 11Z 0 417 2 112 1 420 0 420. 0 420 1 4~ 0 421 0 421 0 !121 0 421 . ; .. ~. ·. PINK CIIUM DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 12 244 2 65 4 248 5 zo 9 257 4 74 2 259 l 75 -259 -75 3 262 1 7il 13 275 0 /6 8 283 16 92 2 285 13 _j05 2 287 2 lo7 0 287 4 111 0 287 1 112 0 287 0 fl2 0 287 2 114 0 287 1 115 0 z87 li 115 0 287 0 115 0 287 0 115 0 287 0 115 0 287 1 ]16 0 287 j} 116 0 287 ·2 -tt: 0 287 0 0 287 0 1 ]8 1 28if 8 126 3 291 5 131 1 292 6 137 . 1 293 2 139 0 293 0 132 0 293 2 . 141 0 293 1 142 1 ?Q4 ·n 1.4? 0 294 0 142 COIIO DAILY CUM· 7 55 ] §6 2 58 0 58 -58 0 58 . ~ 60 2 62 3 65 3 68 0 68 1 69 0 69 0 69 0 69 0 69 0 62 0 69 0 69 0 69 1 _]_0 0 70 Q 70 0 70 1 ZJ 2 73 3 _]_§ 0 76 Q _l6_ 0 _]_6 1 77 0 77 0 77 TOTAL cATt1l ALL SPECIES ~ DAILY CUt~: 32 760 19 Z79 22 sor- 6 807 -]~ 2;-!B6 35 871 zo 82)__ 8 899 5 904 4 908 0 908-- 3 ~-1 912 0 912 0 212 0 912 l 913 2 915 1 216 2 218 0 218 0 _jla__ __}? 93Q 11 -~n-]0 3 251 1 955 2 957 2 952 1 960 0 960 ·:' :· \• Table EC-1. Continued. .' . ~ ~ ~_. ' TOTAL CIITCH NUHBER OF CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CUUM COHO /Ill SPECIES ---r.r-- ---------------~ .. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM· Dill LV CUM ... S_gJ!!~!!!ber 1 1 24.0 0 26 0 421 0 294 4 l46 1 78 5 965 -r·· 1 24.0 l 27 () 421 0 294 4 150 0 78 5 970 ---·· ··-- -·~------...,-- ---- --·-·---·- m ... -·--- 0 ---··· ··-,. ------- cu ---------·-·- ------ ----·-·-- -----... -----~ --- -·-------~-- --·----- --- ----- ------ ···-----· _,__ . ---- - ··--- ··---- ---- ----- -·· ---... ---· --- m 0 .f;>. \:.· .,_ \' Table EC-2. Susitna Station west bank fishwhe-~i daily and cumulative catch lo~ by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies ,:.1981. ------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------iO'fAi. CATCII All SPECIES NUMBER OF CIIINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CUUM COHO ---.--. NUMBER OF FISHWHEEl . DATE FISHWHEELS HOURS y DAILY CUM. DAILY. I CUM. DAILY June ~ --:--.- CUM· DAILY _Q!_ft. __ CUM. DAILY I CUM. DAILY 29 1 24.0 o f~o 34 34 0 0 -o-ro 0 _0 34 __.1!_ __ _ 0 62 96 30 1 24.0 _n 1 o 6:i 96 0 n n I n 0 Julv 1 1 24.0 1 1 40 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 ~ 2 1 24.0 1 2 83 219 1 1 0 0 0 0 85 222 3 1 24. 0 3 5 --,-Q1 326 1 2 0 0 0 0 111 f----4~3 4 1 24 .o o 5 10 396 1 3 o -o 1 1 72 1 .. os- s 1 21.0 o 5 _.26 422 ~ 6 n n . n 1 29---43.4_ 6 1 24.0 1 6 __lL 434 8 14 o o Q __L 2L_~-- 7 1 18.0 0 6 19 453 5 19 0 0 0 1 24~1=-m- 8 1 20.0 1 7 38 491 1 20 0 0 0 1 40 519 9 1 24 .o 0 7 33 524 1 21 1 1 . 0 1 35 554 10 1 22.0 2 9 -----:i26 '850 0 21 1 2 1 2 330 8~4-n 1 7.5 o 9 363 1213 g_ 23 o '1' o 2 · 365 .-Jl4~- 12 1 16.0 0 9 74 1287 0 23 0 2 0 2 . 74 1323 13 1 19.0 1 10 """103 J390 o 23 o . 2 o 2 H!4_1tffl __ _ 14 1 21.0 0 10 _llL 1627 0 23 1 3 0 2 238 __ _j_Q65_._ 15 1 13.6 0 10 166 1793 1 24 0 3 0 2 . 167 ~~- 16 1 11. 7 0 10 250 2043 0 24 0 3 0 2 250 2082 17 1 15.7 0 10 190 2233 0 24 1 4 0 2 191 2273 18 1 10.0 0 10 128 2361 4 28 2 6 2 4 136 24og- 19 I 6.6 0 10 89 2450 8 36 0 6 5 98-2507-- 20 1 17.5 0 10 197 2647 3 39 o 6 1 r 206 ]:__1fYf_== 21 1 5.7 o 10 _lilL 2829 5 4 1 10 l2L _f9oo __ _ 22 1 4 .a _o 10 91 _2920 3 11 a _lL ~L ~-- _2.3 1 5.5 1 11 109 3029 11 >B 9 lfi 12L~ll[ __ _ 24 1 3~3 0 11 ~-3088 13 1 10 8 26 • 81 3206 25 1 14.0 1 12 2ZO 3308 94 HiS 3 13 50 _1§. 368 ____3iil.L__ 26 1 3.3 o 12 __3L_ 3345 24 189 o _u___ 6 JL ~-f.-_.l§!L _ _2.7 1 3.3 o 12 Zl 3366 13 202 1 14 __ ~ 87 40 __ _l§M_ __ _LA 1 ! .3 0 12 29 3395 44 246 1 15 24 _jlL ____ ~L _]]_79 ___ _ 29 1 4.3 0 12 16 3411 37 283 1 16 9 120 63 -~-- ::10 1 •L5 0 12 29 1440 ::l!i : 118 ],;: '12 8 128 00 · 3!13U 31 1 4.0 0 12 20 3460 16 334 18 50 1! J34 jill ~20.. 11 Sampling day may exceed 24 hours, when time interval beb1een f1shwheet cnecKs tapses mw we Toa tow1ny uay. -- ~ .. Table EC-2. Continued. :-. NUMOER OF CHINOOK SOCKEYE - -···-. --······----..... _.,_ I DAILY CUM. DAILY cuM:· DAILY Aunuc;t · l 1 18.7 0 12 41 3501 14 -? 1 ?.7 0 12 g 3510 !i ::1 1 22.0 0 12 6 J~Hi 2 4 ] Z4.7 0 12 20 J§J2 1 5 1 23.5 0 12 35 3571 11 6 1 23.5 0 12 22 3593 12 7 l 29.0 0 12 27 3620 8 -8 l 18.0 0 12 12 3632 3 2 ] ?::1,0 0 iz ]2 -361§ 2 10 1 26.3 0 12 7 _...1§5]_ 1 11 l 21.0 0 12 1 ...1§52 0 12 1 24.0 0 12 3 3655 0 m 13 1 24.0 0 12 0 3655 3 H ] 24 0 0 1? 0 -lfi5L 0 15 ] 24..0 0 12 2 325Z 0 16 1 24.0 0 2 0 3657 0 0 __]1 1 ?4.0 0 '2 j -J66Q 0 01 18 1 24.0 0 12 0 3660 0 19 1 24.0 0 12 0 -~660 0 20 1 27.0 0 12 1 3661 0 21 1 22.0 0 12 0 3661 0 22 1 24.0 0 12 1 36~ 0 23 1 24.0 0 12 0 36o2 1 24 1 24 0 0 12 0 J662 0 25 1 24.0 0 12 0 3662 0 26 1 24.0 0 12 1 3663 0 27 1 24.0 0 . 12 1 3664 0 28 1 24.0 0 . 12 0 3664 0 Z9 1 24.0 0 12 . 1 360!> 0 30 1 24.0 0 12 0 -,rn-0 31 1 24.0 0 12 1 3§§2 Q Seotember 1 1 24.0 0 12 0 3Ub 1J ? 1 24.0 0 12 0 3666 0 PINK . -... ~ CHUM CUM. DAILY CUM. 348 3 53 ::I~J Q 53 ~355 0 53 356 0 53 367 1 54 379 0 s~ 387 11 {Jb 390 5 70 392 4 74 393 0 74 393 0 74 393 1 75 396 0 75 396 0 75 396 0 75 396 0 75 396 0 75 396 1 76 396 0 76 396 5 81 396 1 82 39ir u 92 397 2 84 397 3 87 397 7 94 397 3 97 397 0 ~~ 397 3 397 u IOU 397 u 100 397 0 100 ~"97 . u IUO 397 Q 100 COIIO DAILY CUM, 21 11>5 3 ]58 0 _1§8 1 159 9 l68 12 180 zr 202 14 216 9 225 1~-. 235 2 . 237 2 -239 1 240 0 24Q 0 240 0 240 3 243 2 245 0 245 r· 248 ·,-zw- 0 zrr- 0 249 0 249 2 251 0 25r- 0 ~I 0 251 u ~.- 0 251 0 251 0 251 0 251 lOT"Al CATCiT'- ALL SPECIES --=--=--- DAILY CUM . 1_9-4069 17 ~86_:.._ 8 -4094_ 22 . f-~·p6_ 56 cl~172 ~r-:mr- 6ii-q~a1l 34-3ro- 27 4347 18 4365- 3 -4368- 6-4374- 4 ---o~n- 0 4378 2 -438() 0 4380 6 r-4386- 3 4389- 0 4389- g 41gg- 2 ~orr- I q4!JT- 3 4404- 3 4407 9 _.1_116 4 4420"- I qitzr- 3 ~-z~·- I --.r425- 0 4425- 0 q22()-- 0 hc2r- 0 Ull!L_ m ·o I ;0'> DATE June 2.8 29 30 Ju1v 1 ? 3 1 _5_ 6 7 _a 9 10 11 j? ]3 14 l5 16 1Z 18 19 ZQ 21 22 Zl 24 25 26 27 28 i i•:' ! . I· .. . •. Table EC-3. Yentna Station ~outh bank fish\'lheel daily and cumulative catch lo9 by speci-es, Adult Anadromous Investiqations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. CIHNOOK SOCKEYE PINK NO. OF WIIEEL .. WIIEHS HOURS DAILY .CUM. DAILY CUM. IJAILY · CUM. 1 24 1 i 3 3 2 2 1 :>4 3 4 20 23 _ _]_ . 9 1 24 5 9 23 46 3 12 1 12.5 2 11 14 60 -~ 13 1 6 0 11 0 no 0 H 1 ?4 1 14 26 .Rfi 0 13 1 24 2 16 21 ]OZ 2 15 1 ?J l 7 A 115 n _21 1 ?4 1 8 8 123 3 24 1 24 -5 ~3 13 136 9 33 1 ?4 n ?1 34 170 13 46 1 24 4 27 50 220 19 65 1 22....5 L ?R 349 569 19 83 1 1 6....2 0 29 307 875 3 86 J ltl 1 ?9 280 1155 -1 86 ] 0 29 341 1496 _jl9 1 14.5 0 ?Q 549 2044 9 -98 I 13.8 0 22 15.6 2800 10 108 1 16 0 29 158 2958 2 110 ] g1.5 () 29 252 3210 0 110 1 14 0 29 111. 3321 5 115 ] H.2 0 29 130 3451 12 J27 1 13 0 29 79 3530 11 138 1 ]4.5 0 29 163 3693 22 160 1 14.2 1 JO Z2L 39]l 22 ]!}2 1 _15 0 10 ?0? 411Q ...93 275 ] 13.8 0 30 163 4282 95 370 1 15 0 30 100 4382 ll? 482 1 13.5 0 30 44 4426 38 520 1 17 0 30 29 4455 48 568 1 20.5 0 30 42 4497 122 690 CHUM COHO DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 1 1 0 0 3 4 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 -0 n 11 7 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 q n 0 0 9 o. 0 0 9 0 0 0 g -, 2 3 12 1 1 5 17 0 1 1 18 0 3 0 18 0 1 7 25 n 1 2 27 1 4 5 32 1 5 1 33 ) 6 8 41 0 6 6 47 0 6 ]9 fifi ? -8 11 77 2 lO 11 88 3 13 2Q 108 17 30 23 131 1? li? 26 157 20 R2 28 . 185 5 A7 10 195 16 103 12 207 17 1?0 37 244 71 191 MISCEllANEOUS DAILY CUM. 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 ii 5 3 8 J 9 1 l.!L J 11 1 . 12 -1 )J 0 . 13 0 13 0 rl-I) ~ i4 ·u 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 4 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 ·tt-0 TOTAL CATCH All SPECIES DAILY CUM 8 8 35 43 35 78 18 96 0 96 32 128 27 155 17 172 1.L lll!i 28 213 5o 263 7 340 .17 . 712 31 Hl2J 28 no~ 352 -16~§ 560 2216 772 2988 162 . 3150 260 3410 122 3512 163 3695 103 3798 199 3997 284 42Rl 350 4§3] 304 4935 245 filRO lOA 5288 106 5394 272 5666 .. , .. '· Table EC-3. Continued. !-' CUI NOOK SOCKEYE PINK OATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEF.LS IIOURS OAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY ~ tUM. Julv ---zg l ]3 0 30 76 4573 203 893 30 12,8 0 30 101 4674 259 1152 ll 1 10 0 30 55 4729 151 1303 .. August J 1 11.7 0 30 35 4764 108 . 1411 2 1 15.7 0 30 30 4794 49 1460 3 1 23.5 0 30 21 4815 4 . 1464 4 1 24 0 30 14 4829 22 1486 5 1 24 0 30 15 4844 27 1513 m 6 1 24 0 30 14 4858 86 1599 7 1 24 0 30 8 4866 39 1638 0 8 1 24 0 30 ' 3 _4869 26 1664 9 1 24 0 30 9 4878 5 1669 ....... 10 1 24 0 30 5 4883 6 1675 11 1 24 0 30 2 __1§85 2 1677 12 ] 24 0 30 4 4889 1 1678 13 ] z.8 0 30 0 4889 0 1678 l! 1 3 0 30 1 4890 1 f679 15 1 21 0 30 0 4890 1 1680 i6 1 24 0 30 1 4891 2 1682 17 1 20 0 30 0 lf89l 6 ___.1~8 fa 1 H _Q 30 1 4892 2 ~690 12 ] 10.3 Q 30 0 4892 _j_ 1694 20 1 24 0 30 0 4892 3 1697 ~~ ] 2~.5 0 30 3 4895 + 1700 zz 1 24 0 30 2 4897 . 1706 23 1 24 0 ~0 1 4R9R 9 1715 2§ 1 24 0 30 2 ____tlQO _2_ h-JU4 25 1 24 0 30 0 4900 1 1:725 26 1 24 0 30 0 4900 0 1725 27 1 24 0 30 J 4901 0 1115 28 1 24 0 ~0 0 4901 0 172fi CIIUM COHO MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 42 286 58 249 0 14 56 342 112 361 -~ 15 26 368 70 431 JZ 35 403 J.02 533 0 17 6 409 42 575 0 11 1 410 20 595 0 17 lJ 421 ·-27 622 0 1Z 18 439 '17 669 0 . lL 24 463 35 704 0 17 15 478 43 747 0 17 22 500 22 769 0 17 10 510 12 781 0 l7 4 514 7 7138 0 17 7 521 9 797 0 17 4 525 1 798 0 7 2 527 0 798 0 7 1 ___528 1 _229 0 17 2 530 6 805 0 17 0 530 9 814 0 7 3 533 5 819 0 17 1 534 9 828 0 17 3 537 2 830 2 19 2 __ll9 1 831 0 19 2 541 ( 81 0 19 26 567 83 2 1.1 8 \ 575 84 9 j() !i 580 84 7 37 4 __5l34 3 848 10 47 2 -586 J 849 24 71 2 588 0 _Di9 6 Z7 2 -~90 ----Q -Jl~!l ____ , 2 79 TOTAl~ltH ALL SPECIES DAILY CUM ·. 379 6045 529 6574 304 6878 '28{! 7158 127 7285 46 7331 24 -7405 107 7512 159 7671 105 7776 73 7849 36 7885 22 _1907 20 7927 10 Z237 2 7219 4 72!3 9 7952 12 7964 14 7978 13 7991 11 A002 6 BOOB 8 8016 4? Pi05R u 8!1.2] ?!i !.HHi 18 8134 27 8161 9 8170 4 8174 .. . . . - .... · Table EC-3. Continued. --~·-"'-·-DATE NO. OF WHEEL CUI NOOK SOCKEYE PINt< WIIEF.LS HOURS DAILY .j:UM. DAILY CUM: Mil y·. CUM. Augu<:t ?Q 1 ?4 0 ':10 0 4901 0 1125 ;llL_ 1 24 0 30 0 4901 0 1725 J] ] 24 0 30 0 4901 0 1725 ~eotember 1 ] 2g 0 30 0 4901 0 1725 2 ] ?4 0 ::!0 0 420] 0 1725 J 1 10 0 30 0 4901 0 1725 m 0 - co --- ' • ! CHUM -··-·. COHO -··-- OAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 1 591 0 A4Q 0 !iQl 0 849 0 ~;qj 0 -i!4(j 0 l;Ql 0 B49 0 591 0 849 1 592 0 849 : MISCELLANEOUS --· --" . ~ ~ DAILY CUM. 0 79 0 79 0 79 0 79 0 79 0 79 T()TAlCAfCH ALL SPECIES DAilY CUM 1 iri175 0 8175 0 8175 0 8175 0 8l75 1 B1Z6 - - m 0 <0 DATE June 26 27 28 29 10 ~J ~ 3 4 5 6 7 -8 9 10 11 i2 13 H 15 i6 17 is 19 20 Zl 22 23 24 25 26 I · .. ,·. ~··· i. .. Table EC-4. Yentna Station north bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, .1981. CIHNOOK SOCKEYE PINK .. ..... ,. .. NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEHS HOURS DAllY t:UM. DAilY CUM. DAilY ·· CUM. ; 1 24 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 24 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 24 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 23 0 3 5 6 1 1 1 24 n 1 14 ~0 1 2 ~ 0 0 1 20 : 2 ---0 0 -1 -20 -2 1 5 Q 3 0 20 0 2 1 24 2 5 21 41 2 4 1 21 1 6 17 sa 15 19 1 24 3 9 23 81 9 28 l 24 4 13 10 91 8 36 24 0 H 41 132 27 63 l 1 16 2 15 11 143 9 72 1 22 1 16 37 lf\0 47 119 1 21.5 0 16 2 ]62 1 120 1 24 0 HI 15 197 4 124 1 22.5 0 16 3L 234 2 126 ] zg 0 H\ 39 273 5 131 1 24 0 -16 41 314 7 138 1 15.R 0 16 22 3J6 0 HR 1 9.~ 0 16 26 362 1 IJ9 1 21.5 0 16 167 529 10 ' 149 1 13.8 1 17 295 824 20 169 1 14 0 17 245 1069 54 223 1 l3 I) 17 lQI}__ 1?1\Q :n 256 1 13.8 0 lZ 313 1522 21 2ZZ 1 J~.a !l 17 1il7 1759 lA 295 1 _10 4 () 17 85 1844 1.1-_lOQ 1 14.8 0 17 54 lRQA 9 ;us ] ]].A . 0 17 59 1957 25 3H CHUM -··-·· COHO ~· ·--.- DAILY cuM·. DAilY CUM. 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 2 2 fl n 1 3 0 0 -3 -0 -.1 -0 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 ii n 1 5 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 6 0 '1 2 8 0 1 4 12 n -1 4 16 0 ] 4 20 0 1 4 24 0 1 5 29 0 1 3 32 0 1 1 33 n i 1 34 0 1 21 55 ? 1 34 89 7 10 52 141 T 1f go 1R1 4 . 11;. 67 ?4R 11'; 1n 106 354 27 57 3? 386 4 6f 8 394 ? 63 ]1 411 9 72 hlSCEllANEOUS --- HAllY CUM. .. 0 a 0 0 Q 0 2 2 l r; -5 -5 () 5 1 6 0 ··,; 1 7 0 . z 1 R 0 R 0 A g-R a 0 R 0 8 0-a fl A 0 8 0 R 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 B n A TlliAL CATCH All SPECIES DAilY CUM. 1 . l 2 3 1 4 10 14 19 33 -33 ·-33 0 33 27 60 33 93 37 130 23 : ] 53 76 ?::11 ?4 247 80 336 7 343 2J 366 41 409 49 458 51 509 ?1 . 532 2ii 560 200 760 357 117 31\? 1469 26'7 1716 41if 152 338 490 135 625 73 698 110 2808 Jj F.ishwhee1 Inoperable due to debris damage. - m () ... 0 DATE Ju1x fj 28 29 30 J] August -1 2 l 4 5 6 7 8 9 )Q ]] 12 13 14 ]5 }6 lZ 18 19 20 ~] 22 23 21 25 26 Table EC-4. Continued. CtllNOOK NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEHS HOURS DAILY ,£UM. 1 17.2 0 17 1 22.2 0 17 -1 24 0 jj 1 ]fi.5 0 17 l 24 0 17 1 U.5 Q 17 1 15.6 0 17 1 21.5 0 17 1 24 0 17 1 24 0 17 1 ~ 6 17 1 24 0 7 1 24 0 17 1 24 0 17 ] ~1 0 17 ] Hi.5 Q 17 1 24 0 17 1 24 0 17 1 23 0 17 1 Z1 -}-11 1 ?4 17 ] 2? 0 17 1 24 0 17 1 9.2 0 17 1 21 0 17 1 21 Q 17 1 24 0 17 1 24 0 17 1 2~ 0 17 1 211.5 0 17 l 24 0 17 I i· I. I '· .,. ' SOCKEYE PIHK -···· DAILY CUM. DAILY . CUM.· 35 1992 12 355 2:l 2015 11 :lfill 9 2024 4 370 4 20?8 1 :l71 4 2032 3 . 374 2 2034 -o-374 2 2036 6 380 :l 20:l9 4 384 6 2045 66 MiQ 20 2065 110 560 7 2072 136 696 5 2077 140 836 7 2084 79 915 " ?OAQ --fg 940 3 2092 ' 950 0 2Q2Z 5 255 1 209J 4 ' 959 2 2095 1 960 0 2095 0 960 2 2097 2 962 1 2098 2 964 0 ?OQA ? 966 0 202!1 7 2Zl 0 2o2a -t 976 0 2098 981 0 2098 4 __985 0 2098 4 ·gag 1 2099 5 991 0 ?OQQ !i 999 0 2099 3 1002 0 ?OQQ 2 l004 CIIUM -··-·. COHO ---·- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 28 439 11 83 7 44fi li 91 5 451 1 Q? 2 453 0 9? 1 41\4 1 <11 0 41\4 0 93 5 4!\Q 2 q 9 468 10 10 43 511 20 2 44 555 25 l!ifi 44 599 29 179 16 61'i 14 193 31 646 17 :no 21 667 7 217 11 678 4 ??1 )6 694 8 229 5 699 232 7 706 2 234 0 706 1 215 11 717 ' ?17 8 7?1; ? ?:lQ 9 714 A ?47 ~ r4o 4 251 2 r4? 1 ?!ii 13 rss 2 . 256 19 r74 1 ?c;ll 14 788 1 ?60 ]1 : ROl r; ?65 11 Rl? 4 ?fiQ ? RlA ? ?71 7 R21 fl ?71 MISCEllANEOUS DAILY CUM. 0 8 0 a 0 it 0 El 0 ' 8 0 8 0 A 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 a: o· 8 0 8 0 R 0 R 0 8 0 R 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 1 q 3 12 1 1l 3 16 0 ~· 4 z ?7 10 17 1 .to- H 51 TOTALUTtll ALL SPECIES DAILY CUM. 86 2894 49 2943 19 2962 7 2262 9 . 2978 2 2980 15 2995 26 3021 135 3156 199 3355 216 3571 175 .3746 134 .Jf!BQ !iR 3938 ?R 3966 29 3995 13 4008 12 4020 1 4021 17 4038 ·13 4051 ?0 . 4.071 2o 4091 9 00 ~3 23 ?fi 142 23 72 11 4.203 10 4233 11\ 4243 ?? 4265 .. Table EC-4. Continued. CHINOOK SOCKEYE DATE NO. OF WI I EEL WIIEFLS HOURS DAILY .t;UM. DAILY CUM. August 27 1 24 0 17 0 2099 28 ] 21 Q 17 0 2099 29 1 14 0 17 0 2099 30 1 24 0 ]7 Q 2099 31 1 24 0 17 0 2099 September ] 1 21 0 JJ 0 .2099 m ~ 1 24 0 17 0 2099 3 1 24 0 17 0 2099 § ] 2!1 0 17 0 2099 5 1 24 0 17 0 ?Q99 0 6 1 24 0 17 0 2099 7 1 9.5 0 17 0 2099 ..... ..... - PINK CHUM COilO -.· DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAilY 0 1004 0 821 1 0 1004 0 821 0 0 1004 0 821 0 0 . 1004 0 821 0 0 1004 1 822 0 ]) . 1004 0 822 0 0 1004 0 822 0 -t 1004 0 822 0 .1004 1 823 1 0 1004 0 ___8?1 0 0 1004 0 823 0 0 1004 0 823 0 -- -- MISCELLANEOUS CUM. DAilY . CUM. 272 9 62 272 2 64 272 0 64 . 272 0 6~ 272 0 64 272 1 65 272 2 67 272 1 68 273 3 Z1 273 0 71 273 0 71 273 2 ZJ TOTAL~CATCR ALL SPECIES DAILY Clil 10 4275 2 2ZZ 0 277 0 277 1 278 1 4279 2 4281 1 42£12 5 4287 0 426Z 0 4287 2 .4289 .. DATE June l2_ zo 21 22 23 24 m 25 0 26 27 28 29 ..... 3Q 1\) Ju1v -1 2 __J 4 5 6 J_ {l 2 10 ll 12 13 H ]5 16 17 i!L 12 Table EC-5. · Sunshine Station east bank fishwhe·e·J .daily, cumulative catch log by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK ----NO. OF WHEEL \~IIHLS HOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 1 12 19 19 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 ?0 0 0 0 0 1 6 ] 21 0 0 0 0 ] ZJ ]6 37 0 0 0 0 1 23.5 28 65 1 1 0 0 1 22.5 35 -100 0 1 0 0 1 23 37 137 0 1 0 0 1 23 18 155 0 1 0 0 2 27 21 176 0 1 ..JL 0 2 46.5 14 190 0 1 0 0 2 47.5 10 200 3 4 0 0 2 47~5 6 206 2 li 0 0 2 47 19 225 7 13 0 0 2 45.5 51 276 10 23 0 0 2 46 "' 328 17 40 1 1 2 ga az 415 43 133 2 3 2 48 38 453 38 121 1 4 2 47.5 32 1!15 72 193 _3_ 7 2 48 2{L 505 55 248 4 11 2 gJ g 514 20 268 0 11 2 4Z....5 8 5?? 10 2Z8 1 1? 2 2!,L5 2 524 7 285 -}-15 "1 12 0 5?4 0 2!l5 15 ] ?g 0 "1;?4 n . ?RI; n 11; I 2~ 0 1;?4 0 ?fl5 n I' 1 ?~ n !i?4 0 ?fl!i 0 I! 24 1 1;?1; 41i 33] 0 1 24 1 526 171 502 0 I! 2 2a,_5 1 527 441 943 4 _19 2 41 5 1 528 6£2. lli05.__ 11 10 2 g] 0 fi?R F;F;Q 22H 1 :n CHUM --.---COHO ---- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -n 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 -0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... if 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 6 8 0 Q 5 13 0 0 10 23 "ii ii 6 29 0 0 ? :n n n 1 32 0 0 0 32 0 0 n 1? "ii "il 32 0 n 33 0 0 34 0 0 34 0 0 0 34 0 0 1 11\ 0 0 l 31i n . n MISCEllANEOUS --· Ofi!L Y CUM. j} --'-o 0 0 (j 0 n 0 _ti 0 --~ 0 n (\ n n 0 ·n 0 0 0 I) 0 .. , 1 ... 'I 2 n 2 ."o . 2 (I 2 :.1 5 5 li li () li fl li 0 li ..fl 6 n li n il 0 -6 0 -+ ll ii li n f\ TOTALCAitfl All SPECIES DAILY CUM. 19 19 1 20 1 21 16 37 :;>g 66 35 101 'i7 138 lR 151i ?1 177 14 191 13 2Q1 8 212 27 239 62 301 70 . 371 H4 505 83 588 115 703 go Z9J 35 828 ?1 849 13 862 0 862 0 862 0 862 1 863 48 211 1Z2 1083 441i 1529 li71; 2204 li71 2871 m 0 -' (.,) DATE JU1l 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29._ 30 31 August l 2 3 4 5 6 z 8 9 1Q 11 JZ 13 ]4 15 16 ]7 18 19 Table EC-5. Continued. CIIINOOK --.-.---.. SOCKEYE PINK r••• NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEFLS HOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY 2 35 0 528 606 2880 5 2 13.'1 n 'l?A I\1A 31\lR A 2 44 n 'l?R 7Q4 411? 2? 2 48 1 529 671 ~21:!3 fiL 2 4R 0 529 406 5389 "49 ? 4A 1 liln 41\1 'lA52 ]n? 2 18 ~ 530 41fi fi?68 _lg}-2 ?Q " 1\30 lfiQ fi46:i z 16 0 530 3ZL_ _QeJo 165 2 2A 'l 0 1\JO JU 6924 189 2 ~8 Q 530 180 7104 3!L 2 !IZ 5 a 530 H7 72?1 467 2 4A 0 530 84 ...1305 597 2 33.83 0 1\10 n 1305 11 2 31\.'l 0 !\30 10 "7115 1 fiq 2 46.5 0 530 26 73!1 357 2 ~1 1 531 49 7390 381 2 H.5 1 532 56 7446 538 2 H.5 0 'll2 50 7426 471 2 __j7 5 1 533 93 7589 493 2 48 Q 533 3? 7621 ?71 2 18 0 !\33 1 7F.?? liO 2 1R 0 1\13 q _.1631 ]1R _z 18 ] 1\14 Q Z610 ]3? 2 !18 0 534 10 71i5Q 77 ? 4A n 1;14 fi 71\1\fi ~~-2 !18 0 1\14 Q _1£6..5. 2 18 0 534 13 7~za 32 2 18 1 535 39 7ZlZ ]79 2 45.5 1 536 45 7762 195 2 45,~--Q _ 5J~------~6l_J!lZl_ 172 CIIUM --·-·· CUM. DAILY CUM. 38 2 3R !~ 4 4? 1-l 7'.l 132 133 206 181 104 310 ?A1 -1n.ii 418 392 llfi 534 -47n 97 631 943 618 249 1132 210 1459 1449 286 1745 -1916 .1li9 '104 '2513 361 2465 -~~R 0 2465 7 ?47? 299o 150 2622 3371 94 2716 3909 288 3004 4380 ?Jill -1r59 4873 197 456 5144 11 34R7 1\?04 Q 14Qfi .51?? 1Q -,~,~ .5_4"i4 fin 1.fiQ1 -ill} 1Q 1fi:>n 1R 1filA .Jfi1? ?1 ___,.3661 "!i6n4 ?7 ~lies 5!HJ 259 3947 5038 554 4501 6210 581 5082 COHO --··-MISCEllANEOUS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 6 0 n 0 6 0 0 0 6 1 1 0 6 1 2 0 6 0 2 0 6 1 3 0 6 4 7 0 6 3 10 0 6 6 16 0 6 20 36 1 z 10 46 0 7 24 70 0 . 7 0 70 0 7 1 71 0 7 4 75 0 7 24 99 0 7 27 126 0 7 11 170 0 7 75 245 0 7 23 268 0 7 6 274 0 7 ?7 301 0 7 32 333 1 8 13 _lg6 0 ~ R 11\!l 0 ll 365 0 8 ]J 378 0 8 72 450 0 8 104 554 0 8 166 720 0 8 TOTAL CATCH All SPECIES DAILY CUM. fil3 3490 6li0 4140 847 4987 870 5857 560 211Z 674 709] 642 7733 356 8089 1459 9548 519 10061 80~ 10871 953 nPzg 1Q66 l?RQO 11 12'201 12L 13028 537 13:565 549 14114 910 15024 820 15844 859 16703 357 llillill 76 17]36 193 17329 241 17570 ]]9 17689 ~~ ~1281 1786~ ~ 17950 550 1850Q 899 19399 980 20379 Table EC-5. Continued. CIIINOOK SOCKEYE PINK . -···· DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEFLS HOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. OA11LY t:UM. ~ust - ~g 2 41 75 0 536 25 7848 97 6307 ZJ 2 48 Q 536 17 7865 34 6341 22 z ~R 0 516 12 7877 25 fi366 u 2 48 0 536 17 7894 i~5 fi391 ~4 2 45 0 536 15 7909 410 6431 25 2 48 0 536 5 7914 t~ 1---ftll6 26 2 48 0 536 6 7920 ]9 6465 rn· zz 2 ~8 Q 516 3 -Z22J lL 1!478 28 2 4R 0 536 2 7925 1 fi479 0 2Q ? 4A 0 5~1i 1 7Q26 0 MZ2 ~0 2 ~8 0 536 0 7926 0 tiH2 3] 2 18 0 536 0 7926 0 fi479 ...... SeQtember i 2 48 0 536 1 7927 --!-fi480 2 48 0 536 1 Z226 0 11480 ,t.. _J 2 ~8 0 5.~1i 0 7Q?R 0 li4RO ~ 2 41 0 536 1 7.222 0 1~80 5 2 ~8 0 536 0 7929 ---}-_jj480 -~8 0 536 0 Z222 i1!}0 6 2 7 2 ~!l Q 5Jii 0 Z222 0 ____fi!fiO 8 2 48 0 536 0 7929 0 ____f!48() __q -? 47 0 536 0 7929 0 1)480 10 2 48 0 5.16 0 7929 0 6480 u 2 48 Q 5~" 0 JQ?Q 0 fi480 12 z 411 0 . 516 0 7929 0 fi48Q 13 2 ga Q 536 0 7Q29 0 MBO H 2 .JZ 0 1\16 0 7929 0 _fJARO 1~ 1 ?4 0 536 0 7Q?Q () MBO 16 l 9 0 1\11> 0 7929 0 fi480 - - CHUM -··-·· couo --··- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 139 5221 129 849 109 5330 47 896 102 5432 47 943 151 5583 39 QR2 451 60.34 160 1142 319 6353 99 1241 396 6749 86 1327 402 7151 51 1378 128 7279 32 1410 62 7361 T5 1425 J6 7397 5 1431 67 7464 4 1435 95 7559 12 l447 38 7597 2 1449 Q1 71iRR 1 -ill~ 145 _18.33 3 145Q 92 7925 6 1465 141 8066 R l47i 65 8131 -~ l47R 60 8191 6 1484 33 8224 4 -14i:lit 22 8246 2 1490 20 8266 q 1499 32 8298 3 Hfl? 16 fi314 ·~:;· 11;o7 6 R120 -1 ~1n R 8l2R 2 1512 1 8329 0 Til? fiiSCEllANEOUS --·-·- DAllY CUM. 0 8 0 8 0 8 1 9 2 11 5 16 6 22 16 38 1 39 1 40 0 40 1 41 0 41 0 41 0 Iii ? 43 5 48 h 61 4 65 B Z3 4 77 26 103 24 127 14 . 161 38 ]99 ?R ??7 27 254 8 262 T!IT~l--cATCH All SPECIES DAILY Cltl • 390 20769 207 20976 186 21162 233 21395 668 22063 443 22506 513 ·!l~.Ql!L_ 485 23504 164 23668 99 23767 42 23809 72 2JAA1 109 21220.__ 41 240:31 98 24129 151 24280 103 24383 162 ?45!5_ 74 ?4fi19 H 24693 41 24734 50 24784 53 ?4RJL_ li.!L_ 249o6 · 59 Z~965 17 '.!1\00? 37 2503Q 9 2fi04R m 0 _.. 01 Table EC-6. Sunshine Station west bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch logs by species~ Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. CHINOOK CHUM COHO TlJTALC.IITCH ALL SPECIES DATE NO. OF WIIEEL SOCKEYE DAILY I CUM. PINK oAILvTcuM. MISCELLANEOUS DAILY I CUM. DAILY I CUM. WIIEELS flOURS OAIL Y I CUM. DAILY I CUM. DAILY I CUM. June 24 1 3. 5 1 I 1 0 I --0 ---.. ol 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I a I I I 25 1 23.5 1,--,-----ol 0 or 0 _.Ill _0 -o.l 0.. ol 0 31 4 Z.6 1 n. 5 4 1 s q 1 q __ o L o o 1 o o 1 o o 1 o 4 1 8 27 1 24 2 10 0 0 ----or-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 28 1 12. 5 1-,~---n ~ I o =fF o o I o o I g ~ I g ~ 1 11 29 1 13 1 12 o . _Q_ _JL o o o o p 30 1 22 2 14 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 July I I I I ~ 1 1 , • , 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 ; i I :i 25 l l !!· J li J J J -i i i = f f; . I! 6 2 47.5 6 63 • 27 0 0 0 ; 0 0 ; 0 0 2 15 = 92 ; ~ HJ ! 1 ii ~ 1 ~I =±1= r~-~--~11~1---z 1 z f 1 ~ ~ l=tf& 10 - 2 ·-48 0 69-. 1 39 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 ::t 1 11~1 --11 2 45.5 o I 69_ 1 I 40 ()I ~1 ,---1 -----o r ---() --ri I -3 21 113 12 -~ 2 _ -~3fi-o~.--~<i-----oT--4o _______ --oT _____ o-------o ,~-T o T o o I -3 (f I -113 l 2 48 0-,~~69 ~-----v,-46 ___ *... -0 g I I g I g gl ~ ~I ~1 13 14 ___ g 18 o 69 i 41 o o~14 15 2 48 2 71 6 47 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 8 122 16 2 39 0 71 5 52 0 0 Q 0 0 0 :~------s----1~7 17 1 24 0 71 1 53 0 0 0 0 0 f 4 2 l29 18 1 24 0 71 1\ 5Q 0 0 -0 0 0 0 4 6 ____l.35 19 1 24 0 71 11 70 __L 1 0 0 0 0 4 1? 147 20 1 11.1 0 71 j Ti _JL l 0 0 0 0 4 7 154 ~L ___ l 2o o 11 .;.; 11:> -n 1 o o o o 4 s!i 2o9 ~2 z. 35 1 12 111 __24.1___1_ 2 1 ' a o o " n4 323 23 2 33.5 0 7? 71 314 _JL ? 0 0 0 0 4 71 394 24 2 40 0 '-12_ --. _ __fJ] .... 381 _2_ 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 70 464 Table EC-6. Continued. CIIINOOK SOCKEYE PINK DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEFLS HOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. Ju1~- 25 2 26 0 72 47 428 1 !i 26 2 48 0 72 200 628 10 ' 15 27 2 42 0 72 123 751 14 29 28 2 44 l 73 189 940 29 58 29 2 22 0 73 62 1002 !i fi1 30 2 _3.5 1 74 130 1.112 34 ..u m ll__ 2 ~8 ) 75 91 1223 33 130 0 Auoust 1 2 40.33 0 75 74 1297 Zi_ 204 2 t' 1 20.75 Q 75 2 1299 1 205 3{ 0 0 -75 -1299 -205 4:! 0 0 -75 -1299 -205 ...... 0) 5 2 _.2.J 0 75 14 1313 21 226 6 2 1Z,5 Q 75 54 1367 110 336 7 2 !18 1 76 58 1425 161 197 8 2 !1fi n 7F. 1fi 14fil fi7 5.64 2 2 46 0 76 14 HZ5 26 590 fq _ ___z_ J? 0 Zfi z 1HZ 12 602 11 2. 21.25 0 76 1 1478 3 605 11______1 11 0 76 2 14f.lQ 3 6QIJ 13 l 1J Q 76 0 1480 0 608 14 1 24 0 76 0 1480 0 608 15 2 ___30 n 76 2 1482 0 608 16 z _ ____ga 0 76 1 1483 _Q_ -~~ 1.7 ~----~~ 0 76 6 1489 0 ]8 0 76 9 H21l + 609 12 2_ ~3 0 7fi 15 1513 609 2Q 2 42. 5 0 76 ?9 1 5!12 1 6i2 n ? 4R n 7fi 11 1!i55 0 6.12 2 ~2 0 76 7 1562 0 ru2 23 2 48 0 ]6 1 1569 + -~15 24 2 48 0 76 18 1587 615 !J Fishwheels inoperable due to flood. CHUM COIIO DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 1 4 0 0 7 11 0 0 1 12 1 1 19 31 0 1 11 42 0 1 30 72 25 26 31 103 21 47 42 145 34 81 0 145 0 81 -H5 -81 -145 -81 21 166 1,6 97 96 262 70 167 95 357 87 254 51 408 98 35: 15 423 Z9 38 2 __!25 5 381 5 43o 7 39: z 437 4 397 4 441 0 397 2 443 0 397 1 444 3 400 5 449 8 l108 44 493 27 435 46 539 80 515 20 559 55 570 5L filfi 207 777 15 ' 631 156 933 18 649 96 1029 48 697 104 ___lll3 30 727 120 . ill3 IUSCELLANEOUS DAILV CUM. 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 () 4 .o 4 0 4 0 ~ 0 4 -4 -4 0 4 0 4 l 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 1 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 TOTALCATCH All SPECIES DAILY CUM. 49 513 217 730 139 .· 869 238 Jl07 78 1Hl5 220 1405 177 1582 22~ 1806 3 lROQ -1809 -1809 72 1881 330 2211 403 2614 252 286§ 8'4 2950 21 2971 16 29R7 16 3003 4 3007 2 3009 6 3015 14 3029 77 3106 136 3246 90 3332 296 3628 11!~ _38].:1 ] 21 323§ ' 162 4096 168 4264 .. m 0 ..... ....., Table EC-6. Continued. CHINOOK DATE NO. OF WHEEl WIIEF.lS IJOURS DAILY CUM. ~~gust 2 43 Q 76 26 2 48 0 76 2Z 2 ~B 0 76 ?R ? 4A 0 ji; 29 2 ga 0 76 .JQ 2 42 0 16 31 2 44 Q 76 Septemb!tl:.. 1 2 48 0 76 2 2 48 Q 76 3 2 28 0 76 ..A ] 24 0 76 5 1 24 0 Zfi 6 1 zg Q 76 7 1 Z1 Q 7fi 8 1 12 0 76 ,) SOCKEYE PINK DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. " 1522 2 617 4 1596 1 618 2 ___1598 0 618 0 l598 0 618 0 1598 1 619 0 1598 0 619 0 1598 0 619 0 1598 0 619 1 1599 0 619 0 1599 0 §19 0 1599 0 619 Q 1592 0 619 0 1599 0 619 0 1599 0 619 0 1599 0 619 / ·' CUUI1 -··-·· COHO ~-·· DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 26 753 6? 1111> 12 765 :tl 1:148 :H 796 ?Q 1177 5 801 7 .111l.t 6 807 q 1391 J 808 5 l398 7 815 2 1400 4 819 1 14nl 16 835 5 1406 2 837 0 ian~ 0 837 0 406 1 838 7 1413 1 839 1 1414 0 839 2 1416 0 839 ll 1411\ .. . MISCEllANEOUS DAILY CUM. 1 7 0 7 1 8 0 A 0 B 0 8 0 8 0 R 0 B 0 8 0 El 0 8 0 8 1 9 _o q TlJTALCATCll All SPECIES DAILY CUM. 96 43§9__ 50 441o 63 4471 }~ ~!!L_ 4501 6 4507 9 .tl!i.IQ__ ii 4521 22 4543 2 4545 0 4545 B 45.a__ 2 4555 3 1558 0 4558 m 0 ~ (X) Table EC-7. Talkeetna Station east bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, '1981. CIIINOOK DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEFLS HOURS DAILY .cuM. June 22 1 10 0 0 23 1 23.5 7 7 Z1 ] 22. ]2 19 25 1 23 ]§ 35 26 1 17.5 15 50 27l! 0 0 -50 28 ] 2!1 3 1;1 22 ] 2~ ] 54 30 1 22 0 54 Julv 1 ] 16.5 9 63 2 1 23 6 69 J 2 2~ a 72 4 2 38 0 72 5 2 g7 7 79 6 2 48 5 84 z 2 gs 4 flfl !! 2 AB 6 94 ]a-]6Y ~ g8 2 96 0 -96 17 1 9 0 96 !8 1 24 0 96 12 1 2g 0 96 20 2 33 0 96 2] 2 ga 1 97 22 2 ga 0 Q7 23 2 48 3 100 24 2 48 0 100 25 2 48 1 101 26 2 48 0 101 2Z 2 47 0 101 28 2 gz 1 102 1/ Fishwheel shut down for modification. gj Fishwheels inoperable due to flood. SOCKEYE DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 -~ 0 2 1 !i 8 ___13 11 21 6 30 7 37 10 47 31 78 PINK ,. .. ·~· .. CIIUM -··-·· COHO ~ ~ . ~ DAII.,.Y._ . CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~. n 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 -0 -0 -0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .D 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Q 0 ..0 0 0 0 0 ..0 0 D _0_ n 0 0 0 0 0 ..11. 0 0 0. 0 ..11. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 -0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~ Jl 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 n ? !i 0 D 0 D 5 0 -0 0 z :J 0 0 0 2 9 0 1 1 11 20 0 3 4 25 45 1 MISCEllANEOUS CUM. DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 ? 0 D 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 2 TOTAL CATCH All SPECIES DAILY CUM 0 0 7 7 12 19 16 35 15 50 -50 3 53 1 54 0 54 9 63 6 69 3 72 0 72 1 79 5 84 4 88 6 94 2 96 -_96 0 96 0 96 0 96 0 96 6 102 4 06 14 i20 11 !31 9 i40 9 149 22 171 61 232 .. .. • I Table EC-7. Continued. CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK . ~ ... -DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEFLS HOURS DAILY .CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY £:UM. Julv 29 2 48 l 103 12 90 1 5 30 2 48 0 103 6 96 1 6 31 z gR 1 11'14 16 11? R 14 Auoust m 1 2 48 Q 104 32 144 5 19 2!1 0 0 -104 -144 -19 3 1 .5 0 104 0 144 0 19 .0 ..... <0 4 1 24 0 104 1 145 0 19 5 2 J!i.!i 2 l06 5 150 10 29 6 2 ~~f () 1nn 10 __)_fiQ 29 58 7 2 18 0 lOti R l!i8 51 10Q 8 2 18 0 106 7 WZ5 76 '185 9 2 47.5 0 1on 0 175 4 18 10 2 48 0 106 1 _176 0 18 ]1 2 48 0 106 2 l78 2 '19 12 2 !18 0 lOll 3 181 5 '19 lJ 2 !18 0 10" 2 __l!l3 -+ 196 14 2 47.5 0 '106 0 l83 197 15 2 42.75 0 106 . 0 183 0 '197 l6 1 11. Z5 IL 10/i () lll1 {I 'IQ7 17 2 36.25 0 106 4 187 1 '198 }8 2 44 0 106 :l lQO 8 206 ~ 2 48 0 106 0 1 2Q 11 217 20 2 48 0 106 1 191 J.. 221 g1 2 18 0 '..ll" 1 192 . 0 2:>1 22 2 ~R 0 106 0 192 0 4: ~ 1 23 2 ~fl () 106 5 197 2 n 2!1 2 48. Q 106 ] 1 QR 0 ??1 25 2 !18 0 )06 Q 198 1 224 26 2 ~8 0 Jflli 1 )QQ 0 ?.24 27 2 ~B 0 10/i 1 ?on ..:]_ 1---1~25 28 2 48 0 1o6 0 ?00 0 225 lJ Ftshwheels 1noperable due to flood. CHUM -----. COHO -----.. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 10 55 ] ' 21 76 ~ 5 29 105 1 6 37 142 1 7 -_H2 -1' 0 142 0 7 1 143 0 7 15 15R :l 10 28 186 9 19 _fiQ . 2Mi .R -~7 51 297 15 4? 2 22!.! 0 42 1 ____300 0 --;sz 3. J.Q3 1 4J 9 312 fl 51 5 317 0 T1 1 318 0 51 0 318 (} 51 ? 320 0 -~1 3 323 1 52 3! l5J 7 -59 37 394 4 63 13. .!07 9' 72 0 oz 0 72 1 QIJ 0 7? 10 i]B 1:1 __84 ?? ti40 14 98 18 _J5R 15 ll'l 14 Al2 7 lZO 2? 494 8 126 6 5il0 q 117 MISCELLANEOUS DA!LY CUM. 0 2 0 ' 0 ? -- 0 2 -2 0 z 0 2 0 ? --0 2 il 2 . -·-" 0 2 0 2 -() 2 0 2 0 2 0 ? 0 2 0 . ? 0 ~ 0 2 1 3 0 3 1 4 0 4 0 4 Q 4 0 4 2 6 1 q 0 9 0 9 TOTAL CATCB ALL SPECIES DAILY CUM 25 257 . ':.11 288 I; I; 343 . 75 418 -418 () 418 2 420 JL 455 76 531 127 658 1!19 807 6 SlH 2 815 fl 823 25 B48 7 855 ? 857 0 857 ? 859 9 868 5i 921 52 973 28 1001 1 1002 1 1003 ?() 1032 ':.17 1Q§2 ::16 1105 ?'i 1130 32 JJ62 1K ll17 - ,: Table EC-7. Continued. CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK ..... -·~ DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEFLS !lOURS DAILY .t:UH. DAILY CUM. DAILY euM. Aunu<:t 22 2 48 0 106 1 201 0 225 30 2 48 0 106 0 201 0 225 Jl -2 .ill 0 106 3 204 0 225 Seotember m 1 2 48 0 106 2 206 -0 225 2 2 42 0 106 0 206 0 225 0 3 2 48 0 106 0 206 0 225 4 2 48 0 106 0 206 -~ 225 5 2 ~R () 1()6 0 206 0 225 1\) 6 2 48 0 106 0 206 0 225 7 2 ~~~ 0 j()6 0 2Q!i 0 225 a 2 ga 0 101\ 0 20!i -~ 225 _9 2 g? 0 1nfi 2 208 225 0 10 2 gR 0 106 0 208 0 225 11 2 ga 0 ·ro6 0 200 0 225 12 ,.L___j.8 0 106 0 208 0 225 13 2 ga 0 1ilfi 0 208 0 225 H 2 48 0 106 0 208 0 225 )5 2 48 0 106 0 208 0 225 ----~-- CHUM -··-·· COHO -··- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 13 sn 13 ~ 12 525 7 157 12 537 14 T71 23 560 10 181 19 579 1o 191 7 586 3 194 2 588 4 lQA .~ 594 1 199 11 605 1 200 7 612 6 206 9 ___221 1 207 1 622 0 207 1 623 il ?07 0 623 6 ~H 1 624 -1 n.r 2 626 2 '1§ 0 626 0 ~1,; 0 626 0 116 MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. 0 9 0 9 1 10 0 1o 0 )Q 0 10 2 2 2 14 3 17 8 25 10 35 1 J6 3 9 4 3 2 5 z 17 2 19 0 19 ·-· -· TOTAl CATCH All SPECIES DAILY CUM 27 1204 19 1223 30 125J 35 1288 29 1317 10 1327 8 1335 g 1344 15 1359 ZJ 1380 20 1400 4 1401 4 1108 10 1418 4 1422 6 14213 2 1430 0 1430 - : m 0 1\) ..... Table EC-8. Talkeetna west bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro StudiE~s, :1981. CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK . ~ ~-. DATE NO. OF WHEEl HIIEFLS HOURS DAILY J:UM. DAILY · CUM. nAIL!_ . CUM. June--- 26 ) 15 B 9 9 0 0 0 0 2Z 1 23 5 4 1:1 0 0 0 0 ?8 1 23 1 14 0 0 0 0 29 1 24 1 15 0 0 0 0 JO J 2?..5 0 15 0 0 ___jl_ 0 Jull .J z 28 ~ 16 0 0 0 0 2 2 J8.5 19 0 0 0 0 J 2 g2 1 20 (l 0 0 0 4 2 47.5 0 20 0 0 0 0 5 2 48 3 23 0 0 0 0 6 2 48 0 23 0 0 0 .0 7 2 48 0 23 1 1 0 0 8 2 48 ·o 23 0 1 0 0 9 2 46 1 24 0 1 0 0 ]0 1 5 5 0 24 0 1 0 0 n-n1t--o 0 -24 -1 -0 ]8 1 8.5 0 24 0 1 0 0 19 1 24 0 24 0 1 0 0 ZJ} ] 24 0 24 0 1 ___o_-0 21 2 22.5 0 24 1 2 0 0 22 2 3!1 0 24 0 2 0 0 23 2 48 0 24 11 n 0 0 24 2 48 3 27 12 25 -t-0 25 2 48 0 27 B 33 z ?6 2 ~6 0 27 fl 39 0 2 zz 2 48 0 27 3 42 3 5 28 2 gz.s ] 28 19 61 2 7 ~~· 2 ~i 0 28 10 71 ~-_ __]2 2 0 28 15 86 3 15 ll__ 2 48 0 28 14 100 12 27 Flshwheels Inoperable due to flooding. CIIUM. ~-.-.-COHO ----- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o -0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ] 2 0 0 3 5 0 0 ~ 8 0 0 2 10 0 0 1 13 0 0 5 lA 0 0 15 33 0 0 14 47 1 1 24 71 1 2 36 107 1 3 MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUH. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 --t 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 l 0 1 -1 0 1 0 J 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 ? 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 lON CATCH ALL SPECIES DAILY CJJ.I . g 9 4 ]J 1 14 1 15 0 15 1 16 3 19 ] 20 0 20 3 23 0 23 -2 25 0 25 ! 26 . 0 21\ 0 26 0 26 0 26 1 27 1 28 1 29 14 4l 18 fit 13 74 9 83 11 94 37 lJl 30 161 43 204 63 267 . - - Table EC-8. Continued. . -···---· ·-·--~---DATE NO. OF WIIEEL CIIINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CUUM COIIO ----;orAL CATCH MISCELLANEOUS All SPECIES WIIHLS HOURS DAILY .$:UM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CIJ.I Allli!!st 1 2 41 0 ?A 11\ 115 2l ' 48 42 149 0 3 0 2 78 345 2?1 n n ~ ?R -1Hi -48 -149 -1 -2 -345 -rg 0 0 ?R -115 ·-48 -149 --1 ~ 2 -145 4 1 ]0. !'i () ?R 0 115 I!) ' :18 2 151 0 3 0 2 2 147 5 z Jl 0 28 10 125 9 57 44 195 3 -6 _!} 2 66 ' 413 -6 2 48 Q 28 6 1:n 14 ' n 28 223 5 11 .0 ? li1 466 z 2 46 Q 28 8 139 26_ 97 49 272 4 1fi () ? R7 fi5J () _a 2 4R 0 ?R 13 152 21 124 41 J]J ~ 24 0 2 90 643 9 2 42 0 -28 3 155 l 125 J 314 24 0 -~ !i ' 648 10 2 47 0 28 0 155 0 .:._125 3 317 1 25 0 4 652 11 2 32 0 28 0 155 0 125 1 318 0 25 0 -~ 1 653 Jl_ 2 Jfi.!i 0 ?R 0 1 !'i!i ~i wn 1 3?1 ? -~ 0 7 660 Ug_~ l 23 0 _ta 1 156 __127 0 321 0 n ? 1 62) HZ1 0 0 28 -156 l27 -3?1 --27 -2 -' 861 12 Q 0 -28 -156 -__127 -321 -')7 -? -• 6§) ]6 ] 2 !! 28 0 156 -g-lZZ 0 321 0 ?1 0 ? 0 ~1 17 2 35 0 2a 1 157 1a1 0 321 0 -27 0 2 1 662 fa 2 42 0 28 2 159 3 fJD' 15 336 4 31 0 2 24 ' 686 m 1\) '1\) 12 2 ____A8 0 28 4 163 2 132 30 366 14 4!i 0 2 50 736 2Q 2 ga 0 ?R 2 165 :1 135 12 37R Q 1;4 1 3 ')7 163 21 2 48 0 28 1 166 2 131_ 1 3A5 ,; 1\0 1 4 17 780 22 2 4R 0 28 0 166 0 137 0 385 n £>0 0 !I 0 780 23 2 48 0 28 0 166 0 137 16 401 20 80 1 -~ 37 BlZ 24 2 47 0 28 a 174 6 143 37 438 4R -128 1 100 917 ~-5 --2 47 0 28 5 179 1 144 27 465 19 _147 3 9 55 972 2!i 2 46 n ?A 1 180 1 145 21 4Rfi 11 l58 2 1] 32 1008 2L___l. 1~-0 ?R 3 83 5 150 Z9 15 )R 176 0 11 55 1-f63 2~ 2. 4 0 2R 1 A4 g_ __]54 46 6] 21 19z ] 12 73 T J§ 29 2 48 0 28 0 84 0 l54 34 595 ?1 _tin ? ]4 5<1 B~g 30 2 48 Q ?A 2 186 0 154 7 502 16 216 0 '14 25 -3L 2 48 0 28 0 186 0 __]54 4 606 26 ?6? 1 15 :11 125] ---~ ----·-·-··~ ----~---!.-- ?J F1shwheels inoperable due to flooding. ' Table EC-8. Continued. CIIINOOK SOCKEYE --· PINK • -w•• • DATE NO. OF WIIEEl WllfFLS UOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY · CUM. Seotember 1 2 48 Q 28 1 l8Z Q . 154 2 z ga 0 2R 1 1RR 0 154 3 2 42 0 28 0 188 0 154 4 2 48 Q 2R 1 ]82 n __]54 5 z ga 0 28 ] 190 (JI 154. 6 2 gA 0 28 0 190 0 154 7 2 ga Q 2R 0 190 -1-__]54 a 2 16 a 28 0 190 __]54 m 0 9 2 48 0 ?A 0 190 0 154 }0 2 g8 n ?R 0 190 0 154 11 2 ga 0 ?R 0 12Q 0. __]54 l2 2 48 0 28 0 190 0 154 13 2 44 (} ?R 0 lQO 0 Hi4 1\l c.v H 2 ga 0 ?R 0 1 QO fl __]54 15 2 36 0 ?li 0 190 fl 154 -- CHUM -··-·· COHO -··- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 11 617 27 289 15 612 -14 ·]fi3 2 634 2 J05 4 638 "4" 309 4 642 0 10Q 9 651 ' 111 1 652 2 113 4 656 1 .114 2 658 2 316 0 658 0 316 1 659 1 "117 0 659 I} 317 0 659 0 3 f7 0 1\!\Q n 317 0 659 ll 317 MISCELLANEOUS ... ~ DAILY CUM. 0 15 0 ]5 0 15 3 18 0 lR 4 ?? 5 zz 4 11 8 39 6 45 ? 47 2 49 7 56 5 61 -2 63 - ·~· ~- TOTAl~ ell All SPECIES DAILY CUM. 39 T?<iil 30 1320 4 1J2g 1~ 1136 !\ 1341 1!\ 1356 a 1364 g 1373 12 1385 6 1391 4 1395 2 1197 7 1404 5 1409 2 1411 1 m 0 1\) .p,. Table EC-9. Curry Station east bank fishwheel daily and cumulative catch log by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. CHINOOK SOCKEYE ~-PINK . -···· DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEHS I lOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. June 15 1 21 3 3 ' 0 0 0 0 lL_ ) )fl 1 4 0 0 0 0 JZ 1 2~ ] 5 0 0 0 0 1fl 1 17 1 6 0 0 0 0 ]9 ] 12 4 lO 0 0 0 0 20 1 24 5 15 0 0 0 0 21 1 24 6 21 0 0 0 0 22 ) 24 z ?Sl 0 0 0 0 23 1 ?4 14 4? 0 0 0 0 24 1 24 5 47 0 0 0 0 25 1 24' 10 57 0 0 0 0 26 1 Z2 8 65 0 0 \ 0 0 2Z 1 24 3 68 0 0 0 0 28 1 23 3 71 0 0 0 0 29 1 22 1 72 0 0 0 0 3.Q_ 1 6 0 7? 0 0 0 0 -- JUlv 1 1 6 Q 72 0 0 0 0 _l _ _j 24 1 73 o_ 0 0 0 3 1 18 4 77 0 0 0 0 4 1 23 0 77 0 .0 0 0 _5 ____ 1_ 17 0 77 0 0 0 0 6 1 24 0 17 0 0 0 0 _]__ 1 ?4 1 11\ 0 0 0 0 a 1 21 2 AO 0 0 0 0 q J ?4 ? R? 0 0 0 0 ~V-15~ 10 1 fl1 0 0 0 0 0 -83 -0 -0 ).6__ 1 24 1 il4 0 0 0 0 11 } __ 24 5 RQ 1 1 0 0 18 1 21, ? Q1 1 1\ 1 1 }_2__ ____ 1 22 2 93 0 6 0 1 JJ Fishwheel inoperable due to flood. CHUM -··-·· COHO --··-.. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 '0 0 f) 0 0 ~n 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '() 0 0 il 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 fi n n 0 0 0 ~0 0 0 (I (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 n -r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 -0 n 0 : 0 -il n 0 0 (} (} 0 0 0 (I 0 0 n n MISCELLANEOUS . ------ DAILY CUM. , .. 0 0 0 0 0 f) 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·-() 0 1 I 0 () 1 0 1 ·---o 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ) 0 I ~ 1 1 0 1 (I ' 1 0 1 0 L_ TOTAl-atclf ALL SPECIES DAILY CUM. 3 3 ·t- . 6 10 5 ' 15 6 '21 7 ?fl 14 42 5 4]__ 11 5a 8 66 ~ 69 72 1 73 0 73 () H-1 4 78 0 78 0 78 0 -7fl 1 79 ? 81 ? A]__ 1 A4 84 1 All R C)l..__ fi 22 ? Hll Table EC-9. Continued. CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK ------DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEFLS flOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. OAILY CUM. Ju1v 20 1 24 2 95 2 8 0 1 21 1 21 1 96 2 lQ 1' 2 22 1 24 2 98 9 19 1 3 23 1 ?4 j QQ 3 22 --lL. 3 24 1 24 2 101 4 26 1 ~ 25 1 23 1 102 7 33 0 4 2§ ] 2~ 1 __101 1l 4fi 0 4 1,_7 -1 24 0 l03 14 60 1 5 _28 1 24 1 104 19 Z2 1 6 m 0 29 1 24 0 104 27 '106 2 8 30 1 24 0 104 16 122 2 10 31 1 23 0 104 33 155 8 -18 1\:) ~ygw;t 1 ] 24 1 105 32 __],8Z 2 20 -kr 1 21 Q -lO!i 2 182 _o_ 20 0 0 -105 -189 -. 20 C1l 4 1 12 1 106 12 201 J 21 5 1 24 0 106 41 ?4? fl 29 fi 1 ?4 0 106 18 2.6Q 32 61 7 -T 23 0 106 17 278 1l 12 8 1 23.5 0 106 10 288 17 89 9 1 23 0 106 14 302 6 95 10 ] 21 1'1 10f\ 3 105 4 QQ 11 1 23.5 0 106 )8 323 _L 103 T2 1 23.5 0 106 2 125 _J_ --It~ 11 1 24 0 106 Q 3J1 ~ H 1 24 0 106 2 33L__ _ ___z_ 120 15 ] ?4 (I I Of\ 3 13.2._ _ __2 122 ]§ 1 24 0 106 6 315 _L 126 17 1 24 0 ' 106 3 348 3 129 18 1 24 0 l06 14 ___122 7 131 19-I 24 0 106 23 385 12 143 --~ F1shwheel inoperable due to flood. CIIUM --·-·. COHO --·-- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ' 1 0 0 0 ' 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 ' 1 0 (I _5 A n n 5 11 n il 5 Hl 0 0 22 40 0 0 8 48 0 0 37 85 i1 0 13 9B 0 0 0 QR 0 -0 -98 -0 18 116 1 1 45 16l ~ j 17 21R 3 10 60 298 -~; 11; 48 346 3 18 14 360 1 19 16 3Ji 4 -?i 26 40? 1 ?4 .10 4l? 1 25 44 16 4: 1 ?A 19 4 ~1\ 0 28 15 10 5' ' 10 40 : 1\1\ll 4-i4 ll 581 4 38 66 f\1 17 ~ 44 77 ?4 7: 11 !il\ MISCEllANEOUS DAILY CUM. 0 l 0 1 0 1 0 1 if :--1 0 1 ') ? 3 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 -4 0 4 n 1 0 g 0 ~ 1 -0 5 0 .. 0 !i n r. 0 5 0 1:; 0 ~· 0 5 1 6 0 fi 1 j TOTAI-l:ATCB All SPECIES DAILY CUM. 4 105 5 110 12 12~ 4 126 9 135 8 143 20 16J 20 183 27 210 52 ?fiZ 26 286 7R 366 48 414 2 -~l~ 33 449 100 549 130 679 9~ 773 79 8'52 35 887 27 ~l~ 49 3 40 IOOJ 64 )l\7 ?1 190 22 1? 54 166 4? 1203 AR ]222 1?4 1420 m o· 1\) 0) Table EC-9. Continued. -------TOTAL CATCH CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK ~ -. ~· ~ CIIUM -··-·· COHO --··-MISCELLANEOUS All SPECIES DATE NO. OF Wit EEl WHEELS HOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. OAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. _August 20 1 24 1 107 7 392 4 147 40 764 " fin ~-+ ~ 51 14.77 21 1 21 0 107 2 394 3 l50 37 801 4 lia . s 47 1524 22 1 24 0 107 4 398 3 153 72 873 11 1!\ 1 ' q 9] tfi15 23 1 24 0 107 3 401 2 155 44 917 6 81 --+ 9 55 1670 24 1 24 0 107 1 402 1 156 23 940 4 AI; g 29 1699 25 1 23 0 107 2 404 1 . 157 39 979 1 AA n 9 45 1ZH 26 1 24 0 l07 2 406 ? gq 11 1010 3 91 0 Cll JA tzaz 27 1 21 Q 107 1 407 0 159 19 1029 2 93 -0 9 22 -f60~ 28 1 2~ n 107 0 407 0 159 33 106? 1 94 0 9 34 ~J~ 29 1 24 0 107 0 407 1 160 9 1071 6 100 n 9 11\ 1854 30 ] 24 0 1o7 n 40Z 0 _160 4 ___li!7fi ? 102 0 9 n 1860 .31 1 24 0 107 0 407 0 _160 6 1oaT ? 104 0 9 R l868 ~ei>teriiDer 1 1 24 0 107 0 407 0 160 5 1086 1 105 1 10 7 187§ 2 1 24 0 107 0 407 0 160 10 IOQil j -'ion 1 i 1 14 l6B2 3 ] ]6 0 1o7 1 40R 0 160 4 1100 -? 110 1 i? R 1897 4 1 ?4 0 107 0 __JOB n _160 7 1107 3 113 0 12 10 12QZ 5 1 24 0 107 0 408 0 160 3 110 0 -111 1 13 4 191]__ 6 1 23.5 0 107 0 40R n 160 5 1111; 0 111 n 11: " 1916 z 1 23.5 0 107 0 40R ..JL 160 3 111A n 111 ? l5 5 1921 8 1 24 0 107 1 ~09 0 160 4 1122 1 114 2 17 8 1929 9 1 24 0 10z n 402 0 160 4 11?1\ 1 llfi 2 i9 j 1936 10 1 24 0 107 . 0 409 0 160 5 1131 1 ~ ? ?1 A 1944 H ] 24 0 107 0 402 0 )60 4 111!> 1 1-17 0 21 I; 1949 --~-?4 0 __jQZ 1 410 0 _160 5 1140 1 11R 1 . . ?? A f957 11 J 20 0 107 0 4)0 -~ .__lfiO ? 114? n 11SI 1 ~~ 1 1960 H ) ?4 0 107 0 410 ...!fill 1 114':1 0 1fil-? 1 l2§3 15 1 ?4 0 107 0 41.0 0 _160 0 1141 n 11R 4 ?Q 4 1.261 u 1 24 0 __Jo7 0 ___4)0 0 160 0 1143 ii 11A 1 30 1 1968 1 24 0 107 0 410 0 160 0 1143 0 11R 3 33 1 1971 18 1 24 0 107 0 410 0 160 0 1143 0-111t . n 33 0 1971 12 1 20 0 107 0 410 0 160 0 1141 n 11R n 11 0 1971 Table EC-9. Continued. TOTAL CATCH ___________ _:_ _________ ~ ALL SPECIES CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK CHUM COHO MISCELLANEOUS . -···· -··-·· --··-DATE NO. OF WIIEEL WIIEHS HOURS DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. OAJtY C:UM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM llitember 20 1 24 0 107 0 410 0 160 0 1143 0 118 0 . 33 0 1971 21 1 14.5 0 1o7 0 410 0 160 0 ]1~~ 0 118 0 . 33 0 19n m 0 N ....... . . .. ·----·-···---------~--------1- m 0 N (X) Table EC-10. Curry Station west bank fishwheeldaily and cumulative catch log by species, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 11981. · ------·-· CIHNOOK SOCKEYE PINK ----DATE NO. OF HIIEEL .i:UM. WIIEFLS llOURS DAILY DAILY CUM. DAII.Y · · CIJM. June 15 ] 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 j_6 ___ ] 24 6 6 0 0 0 0 17 1 22 6 12 0 0 0 0 l8 1 12 8 20 0 0 0 0 19 1 21 1Q 1ii 0 0 0 0 20 1 24 )] !\0 0 0 0 0 21 ] ?4 ii liR 0 0 0 0 2Z ] 22 a F.fi 0 0 Jl 0 23 1 24 17 83 0 ·0 0 0 24 1 2} 12 95 0 0 0 0 25 1 24 13 108 0 0 0 0 26 1 22 9 117 0 0 0 0 2Z ) 24 12 l?Q 0 0 + 0 26 1 23 6 ll!i 0 0 0 29 ) 24 4 HQ 0 0 0 0 30 1 24 0 1J2 Q 0 0 0 Julv _L 1 z4 ? 141 0 0 0 0 2 ] ----'1 1 145 0 0 0 0 3 1 24 6 151 0 0 .JL 0 4 1 22 5 156 0 ·o 0 0 5 1 16 1 157 0 0 0 0 6 1 24 0 157 0 0 0 0 z 1 24 0 157 0 0 -* 0 8 1 24 ll llli 0 0 0 9 1 24 1 164 Q 0 0 0 10 J 6 Q 164 0 0 0 0 11-n't Q 0 -164 -0 -0 18 1 21 0 161 Q 0 0 0 l9 1 H '1 .165 0 0 0 0 20 ___ 1 24 j 16/l 0 0 0 . Q 21 1 24 2 168 0 0 0 0 !J F1shwhee1 inoperable due to flood. CllUM -··-·· couo -.......... DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 il 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 o_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 n 0 ·o-0 0 0 n 0 0 0 :0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 ·o ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 a Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n ·n 0 0 n n 0 0 0 0 -0 -n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· ) 1 0 f\ 1 2 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. 0 0 1 t 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 .3 () .3 0 3 0 3 0 J 0 ' 3 0 3 0 1 0 1 n 3 0 .3 g 1 3 0 3 0 j 0 3 0 3 0 1 n 1 0 1 -1 0 .3 0 3 0 3 0 j TOTAL-uTCH All SPECIES DAILY CUM. 0 . 0 7 7 6 13 8 21 ?1 42 11 53 A 61 R 69 17 86 12 · im. 13 111 9 120 12 132 fi l:lR 4 142 0 1.1? 2 144 4 148 6 154 5 1~2 1 16{2 0 160 0 160 fi ~fi 1 6Z 0 n_ -6Z 0 . 167 1 16El 2 170 .1 J7.3 Table EC-10. Continued. CIHNOOK SOCKEYE PINK ...... ~ DATE NO. OF Wit EEl WIIEFLS IIOURS DAILY t:UM. . DAILY CUM. DAIILV CUH. Julv 22 1 24 1 169 0 0 0 0 23 1 24 0 169 4 4 0 0 .a_ 1 ?4 1 17o 6 10 0 0 zs 1 23 Q 170 :l 13 _.o_ 0 26 1 24 0 l70 1 14 } 0 27 1 24 1 171 2 16 0 28 1 19 0 171 5 21 1 1 m 29 1 24 1 172 1 22 1 2 .30 ) 20 1 l73 1 23 .IL 2 0 .ll__ 1 21 0 173 5 26 L 7 ~ust 1f. 1 2].5 0 173 2 30 4 11 2 l () 0 -171 -30 -=-11 3 0 0 -173 -___.lQ ~11 4 1 i.5 0 T73 0 1Q 0 _11 - N <0 5 1 24 0 173 3 33 11 22 6 1 21 1 174 3 36 7 29 7 1 -23 1 _lZ!i 5 41 13 42 a ] :>.1.5 :> _177 4 45 _l'f-60 2 ] 24 0 . i zz 2 47 61 10 1 2J 0 177 1 ~a 2 63 1] 1 24 0 177 1 42 -:~ 66 12 1 24 0 177 0 49 0 66 l3 1 24 0 m 0 49 2 68 1~. 1 6 0 !77 0 49 ] 69 l5l 0 0 -i77 -49 -69 I 0 0 -177 -49 -69 16~· lZ-, 0 0 -177 -~9 -69 18 1 3 0 -177 1 5Q !L ,---...29 l9 1 ?1 0 _lZ7 0 50 0 69 2ll. ___ l_ ___ f2 0 177 0 5Q 0 69 21 1 24 0 177 0 50 0 69 y Fishwhee1s inoperable due to flood. CIIUM ~-·-·. COHO --··- DAILY CUM. DAILY CUM. l 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 ! Q 0 2 6 0 0 0 6 -0 0 1 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 6 13 0 0 3 16 n 0 10 26 0 i1 1 27 0 0 -27 -0 -27 -0 1 2B 0 0 ]0 38 . r 1 10 48 0 1 6 54 1 2 7 61 j -~ 0 61 ? 7 2 63 1 R 3 66 0 ll 4 70 0 R 0 70 1 q 0 70 0 9 -70 -g -70 -Q -70 -Q 2 12 1 10 1 73 1 T1 1 74 {I 11 0 74 0 11 MISCELLANEOUS - DAILY CUM. 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 j 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 j {) j -3 -1 0 3 0 Q 0 1 0 4 0 . 4 ··~ 4 5 1 6 0 6 -6 . -6 -1\ 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 TOfAl CATCH All SPECIES DAILY Cltl 2 175 4 179 8 ...J.81 ~ 122 1 193 4 197 6 203 9 212 5 217 -20 237 j ?44 -244 -244 1 . 245 25 27ii 21 -1it-26 35 35L_ !\ 357 6 363 7 JZO 5 3Z5 4 379 1 380 -380 -380 -380 4 384 ? 385 1 387 0 387 Table EC-10. Continued. CHINOOK SOCKEYE PINK .. ~-... DATE NO. OF Wit EEL - WIIEHS HOURS DAILY (:UM. DAILY CUM. DAILY CUI~. August--- 22 1 zg 0 177 0 50 0 6Q ZJ 1 24 0 177 1 51 Q 69 21 ] 2g 0 177 0 51 0 69 25 1 24 0 177 2 53 0 69 26 1 24 0 177 0 53 0 69 27 1 24 0 177 0 53 0 59 28 1 24 0 177 0 53 0 69 m 2.9___] 21 0 177 1 51 0 69 30 + Z1 Q 177 0 54. 0 69 31 24 0 177 0 51 Q 69 () (A) Se(!tember 0 1 1 24 0 177 3 57 0 69 2 _] 2A 0 177 2 59 0 69 3 1 23 0 177 0 59 0 69 4 1 Hl Q 177 0 52 Q ~9 5 1 24 0 177 0 59 0 69 _D_ 1 24 0 -177 0 e;g 0 69 7 1 24 0 177 0 59 0 69 8 ] . 2Q 0 i77 0 5L__j!_ !5.9 9 1 24 0 177 0 59 _Q 69 io 1 20 0 77 1 60 0 69 11 1 20 .0 177 0 60 _Q 69 l2 1 24 0 177 0 60 0 . 69 13 1 24 0 177 0 60 0 69 H J zg 0 177 0 60 0 l'i9 15 1 ~' 0 177 0 60 0 69 Hi 1 zg {) i7i 0 60 0 159 1Z 1 24 Q 177 0 60 Q. 69 18 1 22 0 177 0 60 0 69 l9 ] 2.4 0 177 0 60 Jl 69 20 1 24 0 177 0 60 0 ___:__pg 2] ] 19 0 177 0 60 0 69 CHUM -··-·. COHO -~~·- DAILY CUM.· DAILY CUM. 6 80 0 11 2 R2 4 11; 4 86 2 17 3 U2 2 -1<1 6 95 1 20 3 98 2 22 3 101 9 31 2 103 1n 41 2 105 4 45 0 105 4 4Q 6 111 1 !i? R 119 ? 1;4 1 120 2 56 1 -~H ? ~6 2 -,--,;n 3 126 1 61 2 128 1 6? 0 128 -0 6? 1 129 0 6? 1 130 0 62 0 130 0 liz 2 132 1 63 0 132 0 63 0 132 ll i>1 1 133 0 63 0 131 .n ~1 0 -133 0 63 0 133 0 -61 0 133 1 64 0 111 0 64 0 133 0 1>4 MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CUM. 0 6 0 6 0 6 -0 1\ 0 6 0 6 0 6 1 7 0 7 1 8 -o R ll A 1 9 0 1~ 2_ 0 11 1 12 -i 11 1 H-0 3 17 0 17 i 18 0 18 0 18 Q 1B Q_ ---ii-0 0 18 0 18 ll 18__ TOlAL CATCH . All SPECIES DAILY CUM·. 6 393 7 400 6 4flfi 7 413 7 4Z!l 5 425 12 437 14 451 6 457 !i 462 12 474 1? 466 4 490 3 493 fi 499 4 503 4 507 1 508 ? 510 2 i12 3 ill; 3 i 1!J 1 512 0 ;19 1 520 0 5?0 0 li?O 0 5?0 1 521 0 521 0 521 -· .... •,. APPENDIX ED MEAN HOURLY FISHWHEEL CATCH RATE CURVES 20.0 _, 15.0 w w ::r: 3 10.0 ....... a: ::> 0 5.0 ::r: ....... ::r: 2.0 en LL. 1.0 (a) • " .. • • . . . . .. . . ,, . . ' ' . ' ' \ . . ' ' I • : \., l ~ ' ... , . . . . . • • ' • . • • . . • • . . • • . • . • . • • • • , • • • • .. . -. . . . .. .. • • • . . \ . . . . . . . ' \ • • • . . . . . ~/\ .. . . . .. "'------ a) C\1 ' ,._ C\1 I.,.JUN£>1 a) a) I .... ,._ ' ,._ JULY :. It .. : \ I . . . ' . • • • • • • . . ' . . . . . . ' . ' . : . . . : . . . . . . . : \ . . . . . . • • I • • • • • • • • • • . ; • ' . . a) • ,._ a) .... I ,._ ,.. JULY ... ' . . ' \' a) C\1 I ,._ C\1 .... , DATE . . • . · . ·~ ... • • \ \ • • ,._ I <0 4 • • • ·-. a) ,._ C\1 • • <0 ,._ C\1 DATE ,._ .... • <0 .... AUG ,._ .... • <0 .... AUG SUSITNA STATION East Bank West Bank Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 ,._ C\1 • <0 C\1 )t-j YENTNA STATION North Bank~----- South Bank---------------- Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 ,._ C\1 • <0 C\1 ..... , Figure ED-1. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of sockeye salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D - 1 .... · ·-··. 15.0 12.0 ....1 w w 9.0 J: 3: ....... a: :;) 6.0 ·a J: ....... J: 3.0 (fJ u. 2.0 1.0 .:·.: co co C\1 • I ..... ..... C\1 ,. . ' . ' . ' I ' . . , I , , . : . • . . f . . ' I I I f f I I #,.~ co .,... I ..... co C\1 I ..... C\1 ..... I co .,... I co ..... C\1 I co C\1 SUNSHINE STATION East Bank West Bank ---------·-···-· Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 (a) I..,._JUNE-+-1~---JUL Y--__. ...---AUG--~ . ; :.' ·-.' :. . .. ~, ··- ....... .20 a: :;) 0 J: .15 ....... J:. (fJ .10 u. . 05 co co C\1 I I ..... ,..._ C\1 (b) i-+-JUNE-+-1 co ... I ..... JULY DATE ~ /I .. :. .. .. r . i I . I ' ' co C\1 I ..... C\1 DATE ..... I co .._.. ...... ... I co • .. .. ' ' '. . . ' . ' . • • ' . . ' A ... ' , ' # " ..... C\1 I co· C\1 . . AUG TALKEETNA STATION East Bank West Bank ·--------------· Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 Figure ED-2. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of sockeye salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadrqmous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D - 2 ....... :···. ... . l 1.0 ..J w w ::z:: .3: 0.8 ..... 0.6 lr ::::> 0 J: ..... ::z:: en u.. 0.2 CD C\1 • ,... C\1 I~JUNEJ-i CD • ,... ,, .... _ , -· • • , , , • , , CD CD C\1 • I ,... ,... -C\1 JULY DATE • . ' . ' . ' ' ' ' • ' \ • • . ,... I co ,... -I co AUG ,... C\1 I co C\1 )Iori CURRY STATION East Bank West Bank ---·--·········-· Smoothed by a + 2b -t-c 4 Figure ED-3. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of sockeye salmon at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D - 3 '• 7.0 6.0 ...J w w 5.0 :I: ~ ........ a: 4.0 ;:::) 0 :I: ...... 3.0 :I: en u. 2.0 1.0 a) (0 N I , I, ' 1.0 ,.... N (a) fo-JUNE..f 12.0 9.] ...J w w :I: ~ 6.0 ...... a: ::::> 0 :I: 3.0 ....... :I: en 2.0 u. 1.0 a) (0 N I I 1.0 ,.... C\1 (b) 1-JUNE.J :. .. .. : · . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . •· . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l I . . . . . ,._. ... f I . •· . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . I . I I I I I I . . . • • ' ::· .•. ·, ....... -,,.. ~ N -N I ... (') -N JULY . ' •. .• ~.. . ... ;~·. .; 0 (') I. C) N I DATE .. .. .. .. .. ,.... I (0 '. I 0 ~ .. ., .:· :-:·· ...... . • • .. . . . ! . . ' . ' . . • • ' • • • • I • • • • • , : .,, I ' I I ' ' I I ' ~ N 0 ,.... .... N (') I I I I (0 (') C) C\1 N JULY I DATE ...... 1.0 (') ..... N I I ~ N ... N AUG -----·--. 1.0 (') .... C\1 I I """ C\1 C\1 AUG (') I 0 (') ~I (') I 0 (') SUSITNA STAT ION East Bank West 8 an k ·---------------- Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 ·:. YENTNA STATION North Bank------ South Bank·-------------- Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 Figure ED-4 (a-b). Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of pink salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D 4 .. ,_., .. 10.0 a.o· ...J w w 6.0 :::c 3: ...... a: 4.0 :;:) 0 :::c .... 3.0 :::c en u. 2.0 1.0 (a) 0.6 ;: 0.4 ...... a: :;:) 0.3 0 :::c ...... :::c 0.2 en u. 0.1 (b) .. ··· ... ~ ··. co <0 'It C\1 N • --C\1 • 10 I I ,... (') C\1 C\1 I~JUNEl>l JULY ;. '' . \ • ' . ' • ' . I ' .. . ' . . , ' .. ' ~ ' • ' ,, ___ Q ,... 10 (') I -I <0 I 0> 'It C\1 . I AUG DATE (') C\1 . I ... ' C\1 C\1 SUNSHINE STATION East Bank West . Bank ·---------------- Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 (') •· Q (') I ...... "' ..... · . '>· ... ·:·· ··I· .A .. : ... ::: ..... . f I . TALKEETNA STATION ·eai'i ·era'nk .·...;..., ____ _ co <0 'It C\1 C\1 I C\1 I 10 I I ,... (') ... C\1 (\1 I-4JUNE>-l JULY I • • ' • I I I ' ' • . . • • • • ' • • • I I • I • ' I I I • I I Q (') I 0) (\1 I DATE . .. .. . ' . ' I I I I I I I I I .I I ' • I I ,... I <0 ' • I . • • . . • 10 (') -C\1 I I '<t C\1 C\1 AUG West 8 ank ·---------------· .Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 . (') I Q (') I Figure ED-5 (a-b). ~1ean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of pink salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D 5 :' ..J w w J: 3: ....... a: :::> 0 J: ....... J: en I.!.. 0 • 61 o.sT 0.4 0.3 0.2 I co C\1 I ..... C\1 co ' ..... co ... I ..... co C\1 I ..... C\1 ;, .. 'I II I I •• •• t I I I •• •• : l .. I I I l • • • • • • I • • • • • • I • • I I • • • ' • . . . . • • • • . . .. ..... ' CQ . . : • • ' ' · .. ..... ..... .... C\1 I I CQ CQ C\1 CURRY STATION East Bank West Bank ------~ Smoothed by a + 2b 1-c 4 # •• • l--tJUNElt--1 JULY--.....,. SEPT Figure ED-6. DATE Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of pink salmon at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investioations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. - E D - 6 -' UJ 0.3 UJ J: 0.2 ;: a: ::::> 0 :::c ' :::c C/) IJ.. Cal· a: ::::> 0 :::c ' :::c C/) IJ.. (b) 0.1 2.0 1.0 . :· .. •. - C\1 I I• C\1 I I• I I I I • I I I I ' • • • . • • . • ,''----l . · C\1 C\1 -.... C\1 I I I (I) "C\1 . , . I I • t . . . • • . • . I . \ . ' . ' . .. .I ... -•• 4;- -C\1 I I 0 0 C\1 ' • . . • ' '· ,· ... SUSJTNA STATION East Bank West Bank ---------------- Smoothed· by a -t-2b -t-·c 4 0 co (I) -I I I o en 10 (I) JULY . ~I .... --,--AUG--~f-+--SEPT •I C\1 .... I DATE. ~- .~··:_.~ ... -........ ~~ ·J ··>.\· .i"\ ·< ' .. : ! I I : \ I I • • . . • • I I • • • • I I , ;-J . • . I I I I . • . • • . . • I • C\1 C\1 I C\1 JULY • • I I • • . ' • • \ I .... -I (I) I 0 AUG DATE C\1 I 0 C\1 (I) I 0 (I) YENTNA STATION South Bank North Bank ----------- Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 0 co -.... I I en 10 1-+--SEPT__,..I Figure ED-7 (a-b). Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of chum salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D 7 . .. .... '. :~ ·. ·~ 8.0 7.0 6.0 ....I UJ UJ J: 5.0 ~ ...... .. . a:··. 4.0 •' ..... ~ ::J : ' 0 J: ...... 3.0 J: (/) LJ.. 2.0 1.0 C\t C\t. C\t" .. -C\1 -I I --..... C\1 (a) JULY ,.,A J\ .... -• --I (I) 0 .... AUG DATE -C\t I 0 C\1 SUNSHINE STATION East Bank W.est Bank -----------------· Smoothod by a + 2b + c 4· -0 (I) -I I 0 0> (I) __ _..,J~EPT___.I 1 -------::o. ':---.'0.6_ r--..... ,/·--> -. _,.-.. :. ---,._ ·.· -)I I : ....I UJ w J: • .. , . : . .. ~- : t: : i • • .... •. :.~· .· .· ' TALKEETNA STATION 0.5 3: ..... 0.4 a: ::J 0 J: 0.3 ...... J: ~ LJ.. (b) 0.2 0.1 C\1 C\1 I -I JULY C\1 C\1 ' C\1 • ' • I • • • • • • I • • . . . • • . • • . • • • . . . ' .. ' .. . .. . . . . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . ' . . . . . • • . . ' . I I I I . • • ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . I I I I . . . . • • • • • • • • : . I I East Bank West Bank ·--------------- Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 ---· ,.. 0 I ,.. C\1 (I) ,.. ,.. I I I I (I) 0 0 0 0> C\1 (I) I AUG l~SEPT~i DATE Figure ED-8 Ca-b). Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of chum salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D ~8 ....... ' .·.· ... 2.2 2.0 .. . :• -~:'. ·: ...... ·::~ : ... l~,.~ ··! ... · .. --: 1.6 ...J w w :I: 1.4 ;: ' cr: 1.2 ::::> 0 :I: ' 1.0 :I: en u. 0.8 0.6 ... ·-:· p_.:!41. . : ..... : :· ,. ---: . . ... ~ ' l 0.2 (\j (\j (\j • ... (\j ... ' I ... (\j JUL I -(\j ... I ' (') 0 0 (\j AUG DATE CURRY STATION East Bank W e s t B an k ······---·------- Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 \ ... ,.·• o •,, •> • ·~ 0 .. , ! • .• ~ ~ I.::'~:. !o'• ' 0 (') ..... ' I 0 CD (') I~SEPT_._i Figure ED-9. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of chum salmon at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E 0 - 9 ·~ . ,.... ...J w w J: :: -.-,....,. a: ::> 0 J: -J: en LL ' .... · .. ·.·.· •·· -~·.·. · ... '· .. : :-,; ·· .. ' . · .. ~ · .. .. . . ·:· .. ,. ·' '.,. ; .... ·: .:;;,J· ,. w w :r: :: a: ::> 0 J: .... J: en u.. (b) 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 "' • "' ' • ,. J\· I \ : \ • • . ' I I ; \ i \ " ·--· ., I \ : \ • • . \ : \ : \ : t : ~ : ~ ! \ I ~ SUSITNA STATION East Bank West Bank·-----···---- Smoothed by a + 2b + c. 4 ,) ~·-- "' ..... I "' I ..... N N I N JULY . '. "' l. ~. -• -I (') 0 )looj DATE , ... 1 • • . ' I I • • •• • • I I I I I I • • .:. ·: ·:.· -:-... • .... t ..,~·.: I I t I . . i ~ • • . . I I I o I I I I I I • • I I I I : \ • • • • j .. ,, ,,/ ' ;· ~ "' ..... N • I -(') N JULY • • \ • -I 0 DATE AUG AUG N I 0 "' 0 (') -I I 0 Cl) . (') ----to-~SEPT-..1 N (') I I 0 0 "' (') ··-~ ... YENTNA STATION North Bank South Bank·-·-·--·------·-· Smoothed by a-+ 2b + c 4 0 I 0) SEPT Figure ED-10 (a-b). Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of coho salmon at Susitna and Yentna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D -1 0 ~# • • ··..: •• .. •' · .. l ,;··: 3.0 ....J w w ::c ::: 2.0 ...... il: : r·:::>. . . 0 ::c ...... ::c (/') 1.0 u.. (a) 0.5 ....J I w UJ .:::C Mt:l * -. :: • . .. :;.·, .... ::: . ...... a: ::J 0.3 1 0 ::c ...... ::c 0.2 (/') u.. 0.1 (b) SUNSHINE STATION East Bank West Bank ----------------· Smoothed by a+ 2b + c 4 N N t\1 -I -t\1 I I I -(") t\1 JULY I . DATE TALKEETNA STATION E.as-t. ~.~nk;.· .. .:. .· .. West 8 an k ·-···----·-····-·· Smoothed by a + ~b + c I N N Cll -I -t\1 I • I -(") t\1 JULY •loc DATE -I 0 I 0 • I • • I . I . • .. •• I I ... I \ ... ' . I t • • I 1 I 1 I I I I t\1 I 0 t\1 . I I I 0 (") -I I 0 0) (") AUG 1-+-SEPT-+-j • .. ' . ! \ t .· ... A ·. !. .... \·\ . . : ~ : ~ • • • ' r· •, : \ I I I I t t 1. • I tf I I • I . ' • • • • • . Cll (") I • 0 0 Cll (") • • • • • . I • 0 -I 0) AUG !..-SEPT~ _: . Figure ED-11 (a-b). Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of coho salmon at Sunshine and Talkeetna Stations, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D 1 1 -·-... -· :.·. ..J w w J: 3: 0.3 ...... 0.2 a: ::::> 0 J: ...... J: CJ) u. 0.1 C\1 0 . I '~· :,~;·· : *.· ..• < ... :~ ..... ·.~:/~#' :: · .... · -.·."'::~ ·< .. ·/· -: 1 .. I I I I I I f ' . .. . . . . I ',," I : ;:.::: • • • • • • • • • /' I , , , , , . • . • : t\1 I Q· C\1 . • . . . . Q on -• • CURRY STATION East Bank ----- West Bank ---------------· Smoothed by a + 2b + c 4 g:·· ;.; .. ·. (1). ·. •,: · .... ~--JULY--~..,.._ __ AUG---!!o-1--+-SEPT~I DATE Figure ED-12. Mean hourly fishwheel catch by two day periods of coho salmon at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E D - 1 2 ... APPENDIX EE SECTOR DISTRIBUTION OF SIDE SCAN SONAR COUNTS .. Table EE-1. Sector distribution of sonar count;.adjusted for debri~ east bank, Susitna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydr~ Studies, 1981. SECTOR - DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 TOTAL ...:------ !I June !· 27 20 13 5 3 0 ' 4 5 9 12 12 7 16 . 116 28 18 3 8 7 4 4 6 7 5 11 19 9 101 29 21 12 25 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 6 6 76 30 59 8 10 5 1 0 0 2· 9 13 6 11 124 <' July :"> 1 84 14 26 11 0 1 0 9 8 40 40 13 246 m 2 108 6 5 1 0 ,:, 0 4 3 11 10 21 42 211 3 33 12 3 0 0 . 0 2 1 1 4 25 42 173 m 4 76 10 0 0 0 '· 0 Ql l 2 9 29 53 180 5 74 14 2 0 0 .. : 0 0 2 4 19 34 44 193 6 85 13 1 0 0 : 0 0 1 8 53 63 68 .?92 7 127 21 6 1 0 . 0 2 5 5 38 57 25 288 _., 8 88 .?5 17 3 3 1 8 17 23 67 8o 70 402 9 62 11 28 6 0 2 31 38 43 92 109 111 538 10 283 85 156 97 36 23 178 . 290 302 453 493 517 2913 11 1618 119 109 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 21 1907 12 496 108 51 32 4 0 12 9 4 16 22 36 790 13 749 638 506 126 G .. 0 0 0 5 34 39 33 2il36 14 3301 3633 3520 1686 407 . ·, 74 37 36 50 326 348 101 13,519 15 4558 5345 5768 4145 tim. 433 214 133 74 253 582 736 24,072 16 6663 5221 4425 2901 H71 ·: 168 187 112 61 213 438 469 21,731 17 5906 3626 3897 3457 1021 . .179 199' 13l 105 479 665 1073 20,738 18 2415 3023 3211 2049 669. 118 151 150 130 287 929 1772 14,9()4 19 4412 3264 2668 1028 434 92 250 147 69 170 513 1139 14,186 20 2060 1941 2350 1005 421 . 259 824 578 349 501 905 1290 12,483 21 1391 2311 3148 2251 1168 593 1924 1532 981 1464 1528 2384 20,675 22 1306 1954 1938 1004 498 246 1081 752 547 1222 1113 1390 13,051 23 906 1454 1764 1216 881 488 2465 2446 1942 2157 2266 3034 21,019 24 2031 2185 2285 1733 1034 430 2186 2019 1854 2306 2584 3490 24 '137 25 1354 1261 1464 1284 775 . 423 1624 1521 1415 1626 1773 2790 17,310 26 1821 1201 1752 1529 67H 215 1298 . 1143 963 1098 1155 1987 14.840 27 2735 1620 2269 1777 003 · .. 389 1599' 1323 995 1173 1114 2506 18,303 28 2171 1013 1433 1228 890. 500 1019 ; l!i12 1135 1338 1290 1804 16 '141 29 1573 344 539 672 397 . 237 1411 '1254 814 1046 1113 1755 11,155 30 646 363 466 462 356'' 250 791 771 622 590 825 1157 7,307 31 343 1134 362 358 2511 :· 209 777 . 703 583 686 ]2() 1111 6,290 '1/ 60 foot substrate deployed " ':•' ',.', •' Table EE-l. Continued. .. . .. ·: '·' SECTOR OAT£ 1 2 3 4 ' ,, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL ~ : August ·'' 1 254 129 147 147 87 78 358 394 282 357 365 585 3,183 2 1009 249 283 162 S!i 91 125 82 56 97 109 129 2,447 3 934 504 504 242 no I 14 31 71 56 .96 90 '~36 2,781 4 590 822 1041 718 2&8 122 334 276 149 289 372 533 5,514 5 416 475 836 877 483 263 728 649 489 475 6l1 882 7,184 G 151 230 281 230 200 177 465 400 334 372 409 653 . 3,952 7 197 118 130 107 99 94 297 267 245 337 342 548 2,771 3 196 88 112 60 50 38 140 178 109 293 278 273 1,815 m 9 107 139 146 74 3Cj 18 136 73 97 119 135 195 1,275 lO 182 159 173 80 3Q 7 65 62 47 45 63 115 1,028 m 11 307 na 151 78 39 3 66 76 39 48 131 142 1,278 12 180 142 154 78 35 7 80 45 32 49 67 117 986 13 399 81 58 51 14 , 33 22 14 8 34 38 754 .. 14 119 101 96 40 16 7 18 12 12 7 30 48 . 506 1\) 15 85 81 61 29 13 3 9 2 18 9 18 41 369 16 101 76 34 33 19 0 6 2 8 0 0 61 340 17 34 32 66 33 9 11 21 21 25 16 40 73 381 18 80 31 59 39 33 21 89 71 41 28 64 149 705 19 106 76 36 26 20 20 125 54 139 166 155 185 1,108 20 107 45 70 26 22 8 52 62 84 77 151 188 892 21 162 105 40 30 19 16 46 64 52 145 220 200 1,099 22 72 47 41 13 9 4 40 57 62 43 146 113 Q47 23 176 73 18 9 8 0 33 34 27 67 88 72 605 24 100 59 27 10 1Q 2 25 33 27 42 113 156 604 25 96 34 19 3 0 10 3' 4 13 54 65 64 365 26 134 62 13 7 7: 1 9 7 5 14 57 47 363 27 130 60 38 8 0 1 4 2 9 32 53 86 423 23 93 27 15 5 2 0 6 2 5 13 24 53 242 29 56 12 13 4 l 0 1 1 9 12 9 35 153 30 43 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 25 17 99 31 45 6 17 0 0. 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 71 September I 59 24 11 2 o: 0 0 6 1 0 1 4 108 2 45 35 17 0 l 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 101 3 20 47 17 1 1-0 0 0 0 0 3 13 107 .~: TOTAl 56,478 . 45,429 . 48,942 33,375 1s, 10a 6,364 22,4~) 19,687 15,625 21,125 25,202 37,041 346,807 PlRCENT 16. 3 13. 1 14.1 9.6 4.~ 1.8 6.5 5.7 4.6 6.1 7.? 10.7 .;. : .. ... ... ' Table EE-2. Sector distribution of sonar counts~.·adjusted for debris, west bank, Susitna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su ·:Hydro Studies, 1981. · .. :: . ... SECTOR DATE 1 2 3 4 .;,.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ·TOTAL ::t• 11 Jiiiie--.. -27 20 20 8 0 .. ' 0 0 0 · . 0 1 7 .. 2 8 66 28 22 21 0 2 .:o 0 2 : 0 0 2 ·n 3 63 29 94 21 ' 50 24 ::7 2 6. 14 10 14 73 55 370 30 71 36 55 23 ·.22 6 12 11 26 31 . 47 89 429 July ·.:.: .. 1 134 69 72 41 '24 17 10 29 28 45 . 55 60 584 2 250 219 216 78 ·38 15 38 472 104 147 206 146 1929 3 276 181 178 39 . '.7 1 20 ·. 40 79 80 85 125 . 1109 m 4 201 100 54 12 . 1 0 17 14 10 51 38 52 550 2/ 5 293 106 15 1 . 1 0 0 0 0 5 21 6 448 m 21 6 -231 40 7 ._· 0 0 3 14 11 25 15 31 377 - 7 -136 44 0 .:. 2 0 2 3 7 27 28 24 279 8 101 26 18 0 .0 0 0 5 11 12 39 19 231 c.> 9 128 53 33 24 ·u 1 41 . 68 120 247 305 326 1358 10 603 607 423 167 60 25 207 271 486 699 . 821 893 5262 11 3900 910 280 112 . 12 20 37 106 254 161 183 39 .. 6014 12 223 140 21 661 55 0 315 51 6 73 103 131 ~ 1779 13 7286 6549 . 3030 609 51 . 302 216 240 61 434 576 548 19,902 14 6014 6446 5692 1111 73 23 228 291 202 443 694 826 22,043 15 5671 4908 4199 609 '32 114 126 108 105 321 409 36il 16,970 16 5356 3615 1581 122 : ... 3 0 0 0 4 5 9 23 ·10,718 17 2277 1023 513 17 :. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,830 18 2860 1221 516 10 . ·0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,607 19 2214 CJJ7 465 14 ; 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3,632 20 3271 1660 649 71 5 1 0 0 0 7 16 11 5,691 21 4158 3688 386 28 ::0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 8,304 22 4153 2707 275 12 .· 0 0 2 0 1 1 2 29 7,182 23 4776 1832 218 7 ,· 6 4 55 419 4 15 29 44 7,409 24 3231 1070 115 15 .. 0 55 1 2 1 33 72 112 4,707 25 2307 645 70 3 ·' 5 22 0 0 0 27 68 115 3,262 26 1390 379 44 2 : 0 0 41 0 3 6 28 34 1,927 27 1455 382 54 3 0 38 22 0 l 83 47 39 . 2,124 28 1809 579 116 12 : 6 85 9 5 19 173 180 171 3,164 29 884 212 42 5 1 1 10 9 82 289 . 564 589 2,698 !I 60 foot substrate de&loyed y Sector 1 all debr1s locks : .. . . .. .· .. ., Table EE-2. Continued. ·\i . . . , .. I ol~ ' ···: .. . ' SECTOR DATE 2 3 4 .:.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 :·TOTAl .. JUTY-- 30 702 139 26 7 ·1 . 0 9 8 47 240 555 697 2431 31 690 129 26 2 :.p 0 10 7 53 249 .545 769 ?480 =·· ·' August ':'•. ,. 1 274 65 20 5 .0 1 a 38 46 165 413 575 1610 2 363 54 7 1 ·,.) 1 56 0 0 187 37 94 801 3 284 58 107 0 .. 0 0 21 5 0 0 0 0 481 4 233 36 2 0 .1 1 61 37 0 22 . 32 50 475 5 357 57 13 2 .0 0 0 13 3 71 147 139 802 6 213 43 5 0 ·.1 0 1 2 4 58 135 112 574 m 7 196 81 18 5 . 1 0 1 7 54 120 218 219 920 8 212 46 10 2 ·~·1 0 149 305 262 53 : 82 149 1271 m 9 229 43 2 1 :0 0 1'' ·' 0 0 5 7 5 307 10 136 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 1) 212 58 4 0 :0 0 3 0 1 3 5 2 288 12 285 88 15 0 ::o I 0 0 0 0 4 14 6 412 .t;:. 3/13 522 71 5 4 'f) 0 f' 5 5 3 10 3 633 ~ ~14 ··,·..:. /15 4! 16 - 4! l7 116 36 20 2 ·0 0 57 43 43 156 473 -18 71 69 36 2 ·o 0 25 42 26 152 473 19 236 159 136 16 ·o 0 26 121 130 171 413 827 2235 20 214 156 146 50 10 3 22 69 147 198 394 375 . 1784 21 139 130 180 72 24 9 34 30 80 207 257 393 1555 22 168 86 120 34 .2 0 14 12 40 129 90 139 834 y-23 144 246 106 6 3 0 5 6 '36 65 95 86 798 24 216 239 56 0 0 10 20 10 97 133 140 921 25 195 199 111 47 :.:7 0 7 14 6 40 34 41 701 26 143 99 71 16 . 3 0 29 0 3 9 1 5 379 27 107 104 15 0 .·0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 235 28 120 97 15 1 .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 234 29 123 55 17 0 ·o 0 J I 0 0 0 0 0 196 30 53 31 3 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 31 42 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 .. ·' 3/ No data, electronics pulled due to h1gh water ., 4/ Sectors 11 and 12 are all debris blocks ' 'if Sector 1 all debris blocks m m 01 Table EE-2. Continued. DATE l 2 September 1 59 0 2 37 21 3 63 11 TOTAL 72,366 43,481 PERCENT 41.6 25.0 3 0 12 21 20,980 12.0 4 0 0 2 4,180 2.4 ·;_: :•; ;~- !·:·r,· .. .. :~ •:, $" 6 -,----------·--·T ... ·o 0 0 0 .9 0 '· ·: 4!9 748 ~~ .5 ·.· ... '·j ... . :( . :t SECTOR 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 2,956 2,682 5,877 8,344 9,784 173,881 1.7 1.5 3.4 4.8 5.6 2,004 1.2 I ::f I .... ,,,, ~ ; ' ·'' Table EE-3. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris~ south bank, Yentna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies,. 1981. SECTOR ---- DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 :11 12 ·TOTAL ·'r. .; .. l/June 30 58 31 50 12 '.'.0 0 2 34 38 43 15 1..! 295 July ) .. 1 108 76 50 7 .. 0 0 17 25 15 19 35 25 377 2 152 53 11 0 ·.o 0 19 10 27 67 37 51 4~7 3 146 91 12 0 .() 0 5 12 47 62 49 59 483 4 92 47 6 2 0 0 1 5 0 25 41 4J 259 5 82 30 2 0 .. ,\o 0 0 3 1 5 . 23 16 162 6 119 10 0 0 "'0 0 0 1 1 10 29 31 201 m 7 90 12 2 0 :o 0 0 0 4 38 4 23 173 8 59 31 5 0 ·: 0 0 6 4 5 13 12 29 164 m 9 125 47 9 3 .:o 0 11 14 20 21 25 -13 . 318 10 2083 1602 480 44 6 0 83 44 41 51 78 1'~:1 4641 11 1663 2333 858 15 .0 0 0 0 0 0 . 13 0 4882 12 1714 3911 2780 233 '15 0 46 22 14 49 15 44 8843 0> 13 1376 3555 3lll3 517 .88 9 20!) 216 228 224 15:) 219 10,604 14 1854 5317 6280 944 193 17 306 l9Cl 203 169 223 101 15,885 15 1395 5046 6666 1043 169 23 346 217 120 128 63 75 15,291 16 3559 3953 1639 85 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 9,243 17 2526 2282 745 22 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5,576 18 2276 2304 1128 31 . ·2 0 0 1 2 2 2 14 5,762 19 1627 2249 2072 144 :-16 0 11 13 24 10 10 14 6 ~ 190 20 1467 2657 2338 283 41 4' ]I' 49 35 27 19 61 7 ,259· ·' 21 1475 3234 3178 495 53 5 6" 32 27 11 12 33 8,620 a 22 2276 4105 4246 685 . 70 16 83 .; 53 55 56 57 66 11,768 23 2638 3400 3235 570 87 10 70 101 115 86 75 82 .10;477 24 1988 2659 2429 554 69 6 ll!i 97 170 107 74 132 8,40() 25 2103 1970 1701 300 '46 I 5 7 :J 77 102 138 50 82 6,647 26 1346 1758 1316 197 ·6 0 Hi 16 27 22 27 36 4,767 27 1195 1109 709 113 .10 1 43 57 40 42 19 69 3,407 28 1962 1341 746 199 '25 2 lOG 72 135 63 59 175 4,885 29 1244 864 532 126 21 3 110' 141 153 109 87 169 3,579 30 1399 974 512 140 19 5 13!i' 134 186 167 130 318 4,119 31 545 454 501 79 17 4 8'' 83 197 173 120 157 2,416 ·' !I 60 foot substrate deployed .. ·' .. , J•, I 'I ··.:'{ .,,;· ,. • I ·:: :·:::.' Table EE~3. Continued. ... . .. ·.,. -:.; . ... ...,. ,.:.· .-§· SECTOR ·. ... OATE 2 3 4 .... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL ~.: .. August ·;. ·.4'·1· 1 954 739 496 100 tla 1 147 157 246 233 148 237 3 .• 476 2 700 863 443 67 .:.·6 0 45 64 33 30 31 47 2,34~ 3 434 359 126 10 :::, 3 0 5· 1 i) 3 12 8 961 4 267 358 166 29 . :0 0 12 17 15 22 18 41 945 5 300 265 159 44 ::.4 0 19 46 39 67 66 77 1,085 6 216 172 165 21 .t', 2 2 32 43 59 74 38 45 869 7 212 138 135 18 :·.;:!:! 0 33. 17 49 43 27 44 723 8 157 131 64 22 ·. 3 0 16 11 11 2 17 21 45S 9 184 140 50 8 .. 0 0 0 0 4 4 1 9 40() 10 181 172 132 27 .. 4 0 4 0 1 0 0 2 523 11 157 J72 129 33 ·.·>o 0 8 0 0 0 1 1 50, .. 12 201 106 78 15 ·::o 0 3 .. : 0 0 3 () 6 412 m 2/ 13 103 17 2 .:··o 0 0 0 3 20 4 23' 172 g; 14 173 53 3 >o 0 10 0 0 6 10 15 26() m 15 164 146 75 14 :.o 17 n 7 16 10 15 24 50!i 16 240 198 108 21 . 2 0 14 24 54 41 69 43 814. 17 336 155 43 10 ;,: 1 0 14 22 24 30 28 74 74!i 18 199 162 41 13 .: 3 2 17 31 27 14 61 105 67!i. ......, 19 177 87 19 8 . 1 0 'l.7 34 27 67 . 110 95 652 20 255 118 65 14 ·. 7 0 36 48 47 72 .. 101 181 944 21 200 87 33 17 :: 2 0 23 . 12 19 56 54 42 545 22 210 81 31 7 :·s 0 11 19 6 13 8 ~2 413: 23 189 64 Ill 9 : 2 1 11 9 4 J1 23 17 351l 24 167 70 21 , .: .. 1 0 9 10 10 21 27 18 356 .:. 25 137 65 14 5 ·.1 1 12 14 17 36 24 16 342 26 194 89 22 7 4 1 8 3 16 20 28 38 435 27 148 39 7 3 ;.o 0 4 6 5 18 14 12 256 28 135 47 7 1 /0 0 1 l 0 3 0 9 204 29 104 11 1 0 .P 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 122 30 81 21 6 0 ·.o 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 109 . 31 43 9 I 0 ·o () I[) 0 0 0 0 0 53 September 1 69 13 3 0 '0 0 'I 0 () 0 0 () 86 2 73 18 15 0 .. () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 ··"! 2/ Sector one invalid due to malfunction caused by extreme high W<lter. ..... ... . •. m m ()) Table EE-3. Continued. OATE September 3 4 5 6 7 39 65 63 98 98 TOIAL 48,189 PERfENT 25.7 2 29 21 19 10 18 63,193 33.7 3 4 6 0 5 0 3 1 6 0 3 0 . 50,617 7,382 27.1 3.9 ~·.· , . ; .:·, .:~:· : .. :.·. : ' . ~. ·'·" .. I<' I'· : .· '5 ·_:: .... , .:':. .. :, : ,,.'0 ,.-o :o .··.0 ·.·:o .:'- 1~027 :·· :·.i;6 ·. ... ·~ ·: ·: •• t' " •! ~· ,, .. ~ .. ~ .';.'- ''~~'-.' ·~ ,): " •.:T ·.· 'f .. ·' . ,,, ... \t;t' .1", ,. ·. SECTOR 6 7 8 9 10 '11 12 ·.TOTAL ·' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 . ·. 1 0 0 1 1 122 135 2 ,5!10 2.,338 2,770 2,870 2,490 3,652' 187,453 ,• • 1 1.4 '; 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.9 .. . . .... ' ... ·'· .. • ... . : ~ . Table EE-4. Sector distribution of sonar courits, adjusted fOI~ debris, north bank, Yentna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, -Su Hydro Studies,. 1981. · ,. ·.• d\ .. SECTOR DATE 1 2 3 4 ·: ~-5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL .. l/ June . ;, 27 11 1 0 ... 0 0 5 13 23 26 38 55 199 -29 ;;f: 0 30 38 11 3 0 0 5 25 25 40 <· 35 122 304 A 1 .. :· :~· July 1 67 36 14 2 5 4 8 8 24 69 96 79 392 2/2 73 30 14 2 0 0 6 3 57 194 . 150 190 719 2/3 2/4 .~< ... 2! 5 ---- -6 38 31 0 0 ... , o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 182 m 7 90 11 2 0 ,.··o 0 0 0 0 a 12 122 245 m 6 55 9 0 0 ·r o 0 1 . 2 14 112 82 64 239 9 28 3 2 0 . ·_;: 0 0 o· 0 0 59 .~ 41 130 263 10 123 5 3 0 :-O 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 137 11 130 6 13 0 ;'. 0 0 0 0 l 0 1 0 151 <0 12 58 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 61 13 165 1 2 0 < 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 174 14 429 10 3 0 :; 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 0 451 15 452 0 2 1 _:·,; 0 0 0 0 3 7 4 1 470 16 373 1 1 0 ':: 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 377 17 402 36 0 0 •, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 438 18 272 3 0 0 :l· 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 277 19 219 2 1 0 , ... 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 3 233 20 185 1 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 1 13 27 18 245 21 212 1 0 0 ::; 0 0 0 0 1 16 13 5 248 22 279 1 0 0 ···. 0 0 0 0 2 35 34 47 398 23 393 2 1 0 '. ~ 1 0 2 0 5 42 44 49 539 24 451 7 0 0 .:,·:~. g 0 1 0 9 72 46 82 668 ~~ 581 35 11 5 0 2 5 3 44 48 48 782 2196 180 63 13 : . .' 1 0 2' 2 7 '19 23 10 2516 27 1678 115 59 3 . 0 0 3 0 7 16 ' 20 12 1913 1/ 60 foot substrate deployed ~I Sonar count off from 7/3 through 2000 hours.on 7/16 ·'": I. "1/ New 1ocat1on .. . ;. .. .•.. . ,.: . .. ' . 'I ,, \· : ~ '! ;~~ " Table EE-4. Continued. . ' ) . , . ... ··:L ... SECTOR DATE 2 3 4 $.: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL July .. 28 996 98 85 8 0, 0 2 1 3 25 15 18 1251 29 642 104 57 6 .l 0 2 4 12 32 30 18 908 30 1302 115 79 6 0. 0 3 2 17 81 60 35 1700 31 1157 87 58 3 .0. 0 2 3 19 46 31 12 . 1418 ,·,· August 1 433 56 54 3 0 0 0 3 5 10 19 23 615 2 316 30 28 2 () 0 1 3 1 7 -2 5 395 3 498 51 14 0 ·o 0 0 0 1 7 '3 1 575 4 588 31 16 0 0 0 0 1 . 2 4 1 5 648 5 433 13 12 0 Q 0 1 2 5 28 10 14 518 6 258 18 11 0 0. 0 0 0 5 5 1 9 307 m 7 232 35 7 3 0 0 1 1 3 7 .5 14 308 8 176 21 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 18 4 231 m 9 326 41 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 379 10 383 26 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 417 11 393 48 16 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 459 ..... ~ 12 415 33 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 459 !/13 128 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 0 14 105 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 138 15 115 5 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 127 16 119 25 8 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 .. 163 17 267 24 13 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 ·o 0 309 18 177 116 69 16 0 1 9 10 17 28 33 41 517 19 186 127 53 5 4 4 9 6 3 73 56 67 595 20 400 103 46 7 3 1 2 3 10 56 69 67 769 21 137 29 24 16 I) 0 13 3 5 11 45 94 . 377 22 309 51 4 3 2 0 6 7 6 22 22 19 451 23 199 33 9 3 1 0 4 7 7 4 7 0 274 24 169 33 12 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 14 13 248 25 172 10 7 1 0 8 0 0 1 5 6 35 245 26 104 10 2 0 0 19 0 0 0 4 7 16 162 27 113 27 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 24 168 28 15 7 0 0 Q 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 5 28 29 19 3 0 0 Q 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 27 30 21 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 ·I . 11 Sector 1 1nva11d due to malfunction caused by extreme high wate~ :'· ... ... . , ,. '•, .. ,.•.= (. Table EE-4. Continued. . ~\ ' ~ '•' .. :, ~~ ' <' - " SECTOR • . DATE 1 2 3 4 . ::.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL ,. August .·.· 31 8 2 0 0 ,·.o 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 ' 12 ·. ·~~: p .. ·.f:. September _·,:o 1 40 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 2 37 8 5 0 ·:0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 50 3 22 4 0 0 <o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 4 19 0 0 0 ::o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 5 13 6 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 6 27 8 0 0 ::,,o 0 0 0 1 1 1 11 49 7 13 4 1 0 .-.-'0 0 0 0 0 2 4 5 29 .,, m TOTAL 20,263 2,244 978 111 .:.18 38 92 122 314 1,272 1,176 1,709 28,337 m PERCENT 71 . 5 7.9 3.5 .4 . ·.1 • 1 '.3 .4 1.1 4.5 4.2 6.0 ...... ... ·: ..... ... '•. •.· ···. '• :~· . . ;.·, ... ,,·,, ,, ,, I ·.!. q . . ;. Table EE-5. Sector distribution of sonar cou~ts, adjusted for· debris, east bank, Sunshine Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, ·su Hydro Studies~ ·1981. '• " .·. SECTOR DATE 1 2 3 4 · ... s:: 6 7 8 9 10 l1 12 TOTAL ,··"' -., 11 June ... ·:. -23 400 84 64 76 32~ 4 11 6 0 0 I) 18 . 695 24 133 78 52 9 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 283 25 91 51 33 5 o· 0 0 0 0 8 0 5 .. 193 26 13 26 18 5 (j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 62 27 1 25 11 2 a· 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 42 .. , 28 44 9 7 2 0. 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 68 29 11 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 15 30 41 0 0 0 . 10. 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 59 ,, .. July 1 11 3 8 0 2:. 6 1 0 0 5 0 0 36 m 2 15 17 9 0 o· 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 42 3 29 3 10 1 '' o:· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 m 4 29 18 13 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 60 5 68 47 18 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 !) 0 134 6 31 20 7 1 ()· 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 61 7 24 12 5 2 0 1 1 3 2 1 2 7 60 ...... 8 8 0 1 2 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 15 0 3 19 17 12 0 0 0 0 2 11 79 f\) 2/10 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 51 -11 ----. 12 ----6: 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 14 19 4 9 6 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 42 15 98 19 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 . 117 16 122 37 9 1 0 0 0 2 12 J 14 204 y11 111 87 57 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 262 4/18 232 161 184 31 4 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 '617 -18 908 945 247 22 2122 19 2655 2395 784 52 ... '5886 1/ 20 foot substrate deployed ~ No data electronics pulled due to high water y 12 sectors through 1300 hour ·. 1J Substrate divided into 4 counting sectors at 1400 hour ,, ~ ·:' .. ~ . 'i' ~· ":' \~:' ... ;'1: .. .. ... ' ~::: Table EE-5. Continued. '·:' •) 7 ·: SECTOR DATE 1 2 3 4 s· 6 7 8 9 10 1J 12 TOTAL July 20 2968 2368 576 70 5982 21 2912 2132 603 69 ;. 5716 22 3054 3286 916 114 •• <: •• -7370 23 2754 2627 823 168 6372 24 2829 2329 598 177 ... 5933 25 3781 2785 589 198 .. .• 7353 26 3146 2133 390 114 . 5783 27 2669 2391 644 202 :;:.: .. 5906 28 3694 3395 1103 374 8566 29 5502 4322 1422 203 11449 30 6131 4814 1362 173 .i 12480 31 5984 4654 1309 284 . '. 12231 .. :.: m . ~ .. August '·' m .:· 1 6285 2691 823 132 9931 2 298 11 0 0 309 ...... 3 1653 105 16 4 1778 4 3216 332 57 0 ~\ 3605 (.,.) 5 5129 629 138 3 5899 6 4634 971 286 3 ... 5894 7 3101 1780 575 8 •. 5464 8 2387 1285 428 16 4116 9 1103 714 201 13 .:· 2031 10 1027 342 103 12 .. 1484 11 1247 257 109 4 1617 12 1411 209 92 8 ;:, 1720 13 967 128 45 3 1143 14 653 63 24 2 .··.:, 742 15 383 30 7 0 '·~ .. 420 16 298 24 5 0 .. ·:. . 327 17 734 157 4 1 896 18 2607 480 41 0 3128 19 2849 457 25 1 '• 3332 20 2414 279 12 0 .. 2705 21 1202 100 4 0 ... i 1306 22 1060 120 4 0 .. 1184 23 1278 224 21 0 ·: 1523 24 1414 401 33 0 ':·~ 1848 •' "· ' .. ~.: ... Taboe EE-5. Continued. DATE 1 2 3 4 . August 25 1163 562 49 0 26 1199 548 40 3 27 1017 496 28 1 28 492 144 8 0 29 272 173 22 1 30 151 128 25 0 31 161 179 16 0 m September 1 203 189 32 1 2 253 190 34 3 m 3 356 204 20 1 4 429 188 27 0 5 368 76 16 0 ..... 6 267 129 26 3 7 160 68 7 4 ~ 8 183 91 16 1 9 163 51 17 1 10 84 33 8 0 11 114 38 25 1 12 150 58 6 3 13 116 60 16 4 14 92 51 19 4 15 110 38 6 3 TOTAl 103,840 56,059 14,882 ::?,464 PERCENT 58.6 31.6 8.4 1.4 ,; 5 ,. ';:'. ' .. .... '· ,,, •. ... ;:· ::· .. .... . ;· ::-· ,. : ·.• ... ,. · .. ,. .''i ... · .. .;. ·.i.: ·;. :·. .> ·.· , .. . ~· ~ ' .. .. ,. ~. J ·' \ ., ... '·~ . . SECTOR 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAl 1774 1790 1542 644 468 304 356 425 480 581 644 460 425 239 291 232 125 178 217 196 166 157 177,245 :.-! .•· ·' ., .:.·· , I Table EE-6. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted f9r debris, west bank, Sunshin~· Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, ·su Hydro Studies, l98J . .• ~ .. SECTOR .. ,. DATE 1 2 3 4 5;; 6 7 a. g 10 11 12 TOTAL l/ June . :·.· 25 4 0 8 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 91 26 16 1 0 0 0.·. 0 0 0 9 3 5 19 . 58 27 3 2 1 1 0::; 0 2 ., 0 0 0 20 31 ... 28 29 4 0 0 0/. 0 0 2 2 3 .5 6 51 29 2 0 o· 0 0.' 0 0 0 0 0 15 23 40 30 8 0 0 0 0 .: 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 14 " July .... 1 7 3 2 0 ()' 0 0 0 3 20 3 18 56 2 18 5 1 0 0:-.: 1 1 0 0 3 12 10 51 3 22 6 0 0 a-0 0 1 2 6 18 3 58 m 4 37 8 9 1 l ·;. 0 1 12 5 9 3 8 94 5 20 9 1 0 0 :. 0 1 21 10 13 19 28 122 m 6 11 6 1 2 ()· 0 2 6 12 13 10 5 68 7 14 3 1 1 () ',· 0 0 1 7 16 7 17 67 8 20 2 0 0 0 ;,., 0 0 0 (J 7 5 5 39 9 4 0 0 0 0 ·, 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 13 ..... 10 11 0 0 0 0 ·:· 0 0 0 5 1 0 14 31 11 0 2 0 0 0 '-.:· 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 2 01 12 11 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n v 13 14 - - --.. . 15 ----.. . 16 ;• ----•. . 17 18 .3/ 19 72 16 24 0 0 0 0 :J 0 72 0 0 184 20 146 32 49 4 o: 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 233 21 82 18 10 3 0> 0 3 10 0 2 1 1 130 22 785 541 509 112 4 1 97 56 37 19 6 6 2177 23 1379 832 901 185 19 1 95 56 42 22 8 10 3456 24 1324 844 939 220 30' 2 109 53 38 39 16 fo 3624 25 1044 845 993 162 26 .. 1 76 35 26 21 5 6 3240 I ~-foot substrate deployed. ~No data, electronics pulled due to high water •'•• 1f______.1Q_fQo t .... substrate dcp 1 o_yed . ' .. ,, m m ..... 0> Table EE-6. Continued. OATE 2 3 4 ··;. !:· ,. •\' .:• .• . . • £ 5 .,; -------... July 26 27 28 29 30 31 August l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 227 261 507 858 586 367 1525 88 221 600 444 609 810 506 502 243 344 227 106 272 108 29 162 419 899 692 357 243 196 522 276 192 181 105 21 445 481 746 lOJ9 795 535 350 a 43 236 530 609 768 477 441 187 204 172 78 44 26 1 56 365 061 503 179 131 140 161 117 68 70 48 20 460 731 1034 1496 640 482 213 0 36 364 706 707 661 514 357 133 113 98 70 ,24 5 1 60 317 558 356 178 146 111 142 90 54 45 30 27 104 728 450 433 333 273 135 0 16 162 352 381 300 207 95 34 66 35 10 9 1 0 . 30 138 260 217 116 71 68 97 53 16 24 11 5 : ... 10 ;. 77 ::·:, 125 :: 118 1'. 152 > 145 .·, ;, 55 0 ... 2 62 ·.·:. 172 : 247 ' 205 98 .:.: 26 18 ·: 31 .. 0 .... 3 .:.'. 2 .. 0 0 27 48 86 78 46 23 26 ;: .. 36 \'.! 13 ·. 11 .·. 15 .:: 5 .':·. 1 : _;. ' 6 2 8 28 41 59 59 29 0 1 21 64 141 129 41 4 1 8 10 0 1 0 0 7 18 35 17 9 5 9 17 10 6 1 0 0 SECTOR 1 49 131 109 137 105 128 61 0 6 107 333 351 276 115 24 12 19 18 1 3 0 0 37 140 136 104 35 43 64 64 39 16 10 8 4 8 39 188 99 209 169 129 46 0 3 69 245 241 212 36 15 5 12 15 5 1 0 0 28 107 107 102 32 30 34 51 37 19 15 8 10 9 39 160 151 157 145 158 51 0 1 47 182 187 159 69 14 0 3 8 () 3 0 0 25 131 111 115 42 23 29 58 14 7 16 7 0 10 24 40 113 99 84 83 30 0 0 44 150 122 94 54 17 0 6 8 7 1 0 0 13 n 85 82 27 17 25 35 22 20 9 34 2 11 7 23 37 58 25 39 18 0 :> 20 81 51 49 27 5 0 1 .3 1 0 0 0 26 47 47 39 7 10 16 38 17 15 13 9 2 12 8 28 20 48 23 47 20 0 0 21 65 69 48 51 4 6 0 5 5 0 0 2 9 90 87 63 28 15 28 44 42 35 23 11 3 TOTAL 1414 2302 3419 4659 3116 2445 2533 . 88 319 1753 3324 3715 3711 2195 1594 644 307 607 2136 36J 140 33 480 1871 3272 2368 1106 757 746 1265 .73() 459 422 276 95 .. · .: !'t: ... •.' Table EE-7. Sector distribution of sonar counts, adjusted for debris~east bank, Talkeetna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations 1, ?;~ Hydro Studies, 1981. ··~ ... . , -: . ~· SECTOR DATE 1 2 3 4 :s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL .. -~ June !/ 20 ") 1 1 0 .0 0 7 0 J 0 0 14 25 '- 21 9 5 4 0 ,(l 0 4 0 4 2 1 2 31 2Z 27 9 9 3 ·:J) 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 55 23 13 8 5 2 ·~o 0 3 2 1 2 5 7 48 24 4 4 1 0 :o 0 2 0 2 4 4 6 27 25 10 3 1 0 .0 0 0 1 1 5 4 2 27 26 12 7 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 5 5 38 27 9 10 7 0'' ·:.o 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 31 28 3 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 20 29 7 1 1 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 12 30 7 1 0 0 ·:-o 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 12 ,•, :• m July .··•. m 1 3 1 0 0 .iO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 12 4 3 0 . ·0 0 0 ' 0 1 0 8 29 3 9 0 0 o· :o 0 I 0 7 4 1 8 30 4 5 0 1 1 .o 0 3 2 0 7 8 ' 1 28 .... 5 0 3 0 0 .0 0 I 0 1 8 10 1 24 cP 6 3 1 1 0 0 0 I 0 1 2 1 6 16 7 11 2 0 0· 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 3 28 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 8 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 2 0 0 0 ,0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 2 2/ 11 ?I 12 --. ~ 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 1 1 0 4 14 8 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 8 15 0 0 0 0 .0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 ,:0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 19 7 0 1 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 11 20 6 \) 2 1 0 0 0. 0 0 1 1 3 14 21 7 6 1 0 . ,0 0 o' 0 0 1 0 0 15 22 22 4 0 0 ,!) 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 32 !I 60 foot substrate deployed .... ~ .. 2/ No data, electronics pulled due to high water. ' •' .. .. , . . . : Table EE-7. Continued. , . .. .. ~ !, ' .. SECTOR .. DATE 2 3 4 5: 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 12 . TOTAL .. July •'•• \ 23 24 15 3 0 o· 0 1 t 0 1 .0 1 46 24 37 24 1 0 0·. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 25 27 55 6 2. o·· 0 0 1 Q 0 ? 0 93 . ... 26 47 54 5 3 o,· 0 0 0 0 0 ·. 0 0 109 27 82 75 6 0 0 (. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 165 28 86 162 13 6 o.· 0 0 0 0 1 ·0 0 268 29 72 194 34 1 o··· 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 305 30 146 346 35 4 0'.' 0 0 0 0 0 .· 0 i) . 531 31 139 298 2!) 3 0 ·; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 469 August 1 228 214 30 2 o ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 474 m 2 11 1 1 0 o.~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 3 18 5 1 1 o··:· 0 1 0 1 2 2 4 35 m 4 17 19 4 5 0 ·: () 1 " 3 3 11 13 78 .. 5 110 153 32 6 1 0 14 4 2 0 ' 1 B 331 6 49 130 22 7 o·: 0 0 0 0 0 \) 5 213 ..... 7 168 224 17 6 ·0\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 415 a 112 216 26 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 ;0 0 361 <0 9 48 117 14 4 1 .'.: o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 10 60 24 5 l o· 0 ., IJ 0 0 0 0 92 .. 11 70 15 10 1 ') . 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 101 ' .: 12 76 37 10 4 2 ' 0 0 2 1 3 1 0 136 13 72 20 9 1 2' 1 1 3 J J 0 0 111 14 20 7 6 3 1. ·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 15 29 3 3 0 0 .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .. 41 16 20 8 0 1 o.: 0 0 \) 0 0 0 0 29 17 51 48 34 8 0~ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 142 18 182 83 19 4 0.' 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 291 19 136 91 12 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 241 20 166 56 8 1 0.' 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 231 21 48 33 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 22 29 26 11 0 0 ·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 66 23 104 45 3 0 o· .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 24 158 47 5 0 0 .. , 0 0 (} 0 0 0 0 . 210 25 58 31 4 1 . o.::. 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 94 26 47 72 26 11 0 ·. 0 a·. 1 . 0 0 .0 0 165 .27 37 78 35 18 7 '.,. 0 11 21 0 0 0 0 188 .•. lj' .:.· •' .·,·_. ',• .;. ... '·· ·.· Table EE-7. Continued. . .. ~~: t .. ....,. .::-: SECTOR ---~ DATE l 2 3 4 '· .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 · TOTAL :-:·. August ""• ', 28 53 66 31 11 )'4 1 . 2 1 1 0 1 10 181 29 31 63 35 6 :'1 0 5 1 0 2 0 1 145 30 50 67 16 5· .'2 0 1 1 0 1 2 J 145 31 42 42 23 ·a :,0 0 3 0 0 3 0 J 121 September 1 62 48 22 4 •:o 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 138 2 43 39 19 2 ' :o 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 104 3 63 43 9 6 :o 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 125 4 62 21 13 1 :·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 5 79 50 20 1 :o 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 152 m 6 64 40 10 4 :o 0 'I 0 0 0 0 0 119 7 72 32 3 1 .o 0 () 0 1 0 1 0 lllJ m 8 64 33 13 1 0 0 () ·0 0 0 0 0 111 9 58 20 2 3· .:o 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 83 10 3() 31 8 0 .~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 1\) 1l 44 18 5 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 12 25 11 2 2 :o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 13 10 16 3 0 'o 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 31 14 17 6 2 0 .·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 27 15 7 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 TOTAL 3,867 3,7GO 765 179 24 5 91 30 38 72 82 131 9,035 PERCEI'If 42. B 41.6 8.5 1.9 ,,3 . 1 1!0 .3 .4 .3 .9 1.4 ·: , . .. ; ' ;!.; ·!. ~ Table EE-8. Sector distribution of sonar coun.ts, adjusted for· debris.,west bank, Talkeetna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, .. ~u Hydro Studies, 1981 .. ,. SECTOR OATE 1 2 J 4 .·s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . TOTAl v,une ., '• 22 0 0 40 0 '.o 0 J 0 0 7 0 7 57 23 26 31 9 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 71 24 16 13 13 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 ~ 0 0 50 25 10 16 8 1 ' 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 0 45 .. 26 15 13 15 1 'f) 0 0 0 0 1 . 1 0 46 27 8 10 6 0 .o 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 28 28 9 7 12 0 :o 0 0 0 0 3 ·;: 4 4 38 29 14 3 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 17 30 0 5 0 0 ·o 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 10 m July 1 11 14 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 31 m 2 7 3 1 1 ' 0 1 1 1 0 4 " 2 0 21 3 3 1 6 0 0 0 1 J 0 0 :· 1 0 15 4 5 0 2 1 ·0 0 1 0 0 0 :: 0 5 14 1\) 5 8 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 :. 5 0 21 6 7 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 7 0 33 ..... 7 8 6 3 0. .0 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 32 8 15 8 0 0 :o 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 29 9 3 6 2 0 :o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 ylO 0 7 0 0 :o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 11 12 -" ~ " ·" 13 --" " I" 14 3/15 8 0 0 0 :o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 -16 17 7 0 4 0 ·a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1/18 2 0 0 0 ;o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 19 ---" ~ ... ~ 60 foot substrate deployed _/ No data, electronics pulled due to high water 3/ 40 foot substrate deployed !I No data, counter being repaired I ; ;·'· : ·L ·:·'. " ! . .. .. ( '• .. I .. : ":1 ·· .. : Table EE-8. Continued. ····· ./'··. ·~ .. SECTOR DATE 1 2 3 4 Jj 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL July 20 0 5 0 0 '() 0 0 0 0 0 .o 0 5 21 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 22 31 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .· 0 0 45 23 62 25 0 0 '(I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 24 61 33 2 o. ':.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 25 89 45 2 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 1 137 26 58 51 7 0 ;(l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 27 26 40 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 28 170 141 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 346 29 227 145 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 403 30 331 240 34 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 608 31 332 291 48 2 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 673 m " m August 1 324 199 29 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 553 2 1\J 3 --.. -~ 4 298 101 66 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 498 1\J 5 278 306 229 66 ~~ 12 7 2 3 0 0 0 924 6 195 324 303 103 18 7 7 2 0 0 0 0 959 7 58 176 154 41 14 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 448 8 83 94 56 17 8 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 254 9 19 12 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 10 6 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 0 3 1 0 ·o 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 12 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 13 10 6 5 0 ·o 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 23 14 -.. M -·" 15 --.. -,.; 16 32 13 3 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 :o 0 48 17 35 52 58 19 2~ 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 170 18 193 227 192 13 10 7 1 0 0 ' 0 0 732 19 61 176 180 65 2~ 3 7 3 0 0 '0 0 523 E{ No data, electronics fulled due to high water 6/ 20 foot substrate dep oyed ZJ No data, electronics pulled due to high water :) ... '· · .. :·· ' '. '• 1'. APPENDIX EF LENGTH FREQUENCIES OF SOCKEYE, PINK, CHUM, AND COHO SALMON .. 201 15 10 ..... z 5 w 0 a: w a.. 3 2 1 (a) 201 .. , .. ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH Cmm) MALES n,. 877 " .... ··. :":·. : ··'".· :: .. 151·~'· ;. . ... .; .Y· I ,r-, .. t·~ ·~ .· I . : . . .. .... ·~.. . . . .· .. : . ~ _;. . . 10: 1-z w 5 0 a: w a.. 3 2 (b) figure EF-1 (a-b). ' .'-· .. ... : . ~ . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ • ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) FEMALES n • 938 Length frequencies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Susitna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies~ 1981. E F - 1 ;~,. · .. •,.": . ... . 1-. z UJ (.) a: UJ a. (a) 1-z UJ ·0 a: ~ 20 15 10 5 2 20 2 1 ...... •' . . . ~ . . . . . ·;··· •• · • ,. : 'J •· • li) 0 10 LENGTH Cmm) (b) LENGTH (mm) li) li) co 'CJ) li) 10 10 C\1 co li) co co MALES n •742 • .:~: ~ • • • • • I FEMALES n =658 Figure EF-2 (a-b}. Length frequencies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies~ 1981. E F - 2 . .. . . ---~ -- 1-z 'W 0 a: w a.. (a) t-• z w 0 a: w a. .. .. t 12 10 8 6 ·1 2 1 5 3 2 1 (b) Figure EF~3 (a-b). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) ... ,., . -:" . "." ...... ·~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) MALES n .. 614 FEMALES.· h = 641 Length freguencies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 3 -.. · . ·~·· . ~·;. 10 1-z w-o a: w a. ... . . . 5 3 2 1 .. : 1,0 !-z w 0 5 a: w a. 2 1 ¥ 1... • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m N ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) · ...... •#: ,R I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m N ~ ~ • ~ o ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) ··_.' • .. MALES n = 62 . FEMALES n • 87 . • • .,_ .• . ~ . ;· ~~! ::. . Figure EF-4 (a-b). Length frequencies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Talkeetna Station~ Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 4 .. .. .:.· .. 15 12 9 1-z w 6 (.) a: w a. 3 2 1 (a) . 20i ·: . ~ .. . ~ ~ 15 .... "10 1-z w (.) a: 5 w a. 2 1 (b) Figure EF~S (a~b). ·. ,. .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) .···. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ m N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) MALES n= 168 FEMALES n • 183 Length frequencies of sockeye salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 5 ···- t-z w 0 a: w a. (a) -~ . '.' ... " ..... -~, •' .. • :-', I ~ ·,, ,• • • ; ,.:. • •; t-z w (.) a: w a. .. ·.J 25 20· 15 . 10 5 2 1 . 25 10 5 2 1 :· .. . .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t'l ~ CD .... .... .0 (") ("). (") (") ............ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) . . : . ; .... .:. . . -. . .· . : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LO ~ C\1 ~ CD oqo " 0 (') (') (') (') ~ oqo oqo LO ~ (b) LENGTH (mm) MALES n .. 68 . -~ .• . . ""... . . ~-.. -· . . . ; . . .-.... .: .. ~· . __ ":. "·~ -:_ .... FEMALES n = 180 Figure EF-6 (a-b). Length frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Susitna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 6 ........... -:··. . . . ~ 15 10 ~-·· ·l··· UJ (.) cr: w 3 a. 2 1 .... . . :.-· .. . •. ··.·· . ~ ~ ~ ~· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ • ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ • • • ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) ' ... . . .. ... •.• MALES n = 496 20 .. .... . . ... ~ • •·•• -!_ • •••• ..·:· 15 ... I-z 10 w (.) cr: w 5 a. 2 1 ' .. ·· ... ·-~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ 10 ~ 10 <:r ,.... 0 t'l <0 0) N 10 ~ <:r ,.... N N t'l t'l ~ t'l • ... ... ~ 10 ~ LENGTH (mm) FEMALES n: 617 Figure EF-7 (a-b). Length frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station, Adult Andromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 7 ·: . _:.-.. ..... : . /· . : . 1-z w o· 0:: w a. Cal '·· l 15 12 9 . 20~ .: .. )5 1-z 10 w 0 0:: w 5 a. 2 (b) Figure EF-8 (a-b). .··.·. n 10 tO 10 10 10. 10 10 10 10 .... .... 0 ('I) co C2) C'l .., co ~ .. .... .... .... .... 10 .., 10 LENGTH (mm) ... . ·-. .. •(l' I I I ·'' ·,:. .. .. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ~ .... 0 ('I) CO ~ N 10 CO ('I) ('I) ~ .... ~ .... 10 10 10 LENGTH (mm) MALES n =604 FEMALES n • 727 * ,, • •• ~· • '• ~ • Length frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 8 15 12. 9 t- ... ' z w 0 6 a: ; . ··. - . ·· ~:· ,: . ' .. . Lr. MALES n = 111 .... · ... ~ . w ~~ a. 3 2 1 [aJ 1 I I I I "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ~ (I) 0) ('I "' co ..... .... ~ ~ ~ • ..,. ..,. "' &0 LENGTH (mm) ........ ,.J .. . • 'I·~ • • • •• .... •• :· . ~: .. :. •• -:· : 1-0 t-z w 0 a: w a. (b) Figure EF-9 (a-b). 5 3 2 I •':..· ;. •• I· 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 ~ <0 0) N 1.0 CO ..,. ~ ~ ~ • ..,. ..,. 1.0 10 LENGTH Cmm) . · ... ·.-· FEMALES n = 89 Length frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Talkeetna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 9 . j,. .. ' .. ~ .... . . 20-~·-·A 15· 10 r-z w 0 5 . ·. -~ . a: .. w ~;;-.· '· .. . . MALES ,. n:n a. 3 2 1 (a) 20 r-z w 0 a: w a. (b) Figure EF-10 (a-b). 5 3 2 1 • I I r.o r.o u:t "tiT r.o lO u:t "' r.o co <orr ,... 0 (") co (") ('!) <orr .<orr <orr 10 10 10 LENGTH (mmJ .. -... · ... :• .-:._· ... FEMALES n = 101 r.o 1.1) 1.1) r.o lO r.o r.o lO r.o co <orr ,... 0 (") lO M M <orr <orr <orr 10 10 10 LENGTH (mm) Lenqth frequencies of pink salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investi9ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 1 0 .. -. -- .. ~ . .. -~-·. : .• ... -. .. -. , .. . .. .. . ··t-z w 0 a: w c.. (a) I .. 15 12 9 ·: ·.: 6 3 2 1 . ·.··.· .· : .. : . .... :. :~· .. ~ ·. t-z w 0 a: w c.. 1 (b) Figure EF-11 (_a-b}. ·.·.· . ~· ·.. . . . .·; . ... - I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) .! .·-· • . :~. ~-... . .[. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) MALES n = 67 FEMALES nz 104 ··. Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Susitna Station~ Adult Anadromous Jnvestigations, Su Hy~ro Studies, 1981. E F - 1 1 .... t .. .. . . . 15 12 9 1- '• z .. ,· .. ~ . w· 0 6 MALES a: n•452 UJ a. 3 2 1 ~ a ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ a • ~ o ~ ~ a ~ o = • • ~ G G 0 G G G ~ (a) LENGTH (mm) . ••.,· . :. .·· .. . •/ .. 1-z w 0 a: w a. g· 6 3 2 1 (b) Figure EF-12 (a-b). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ = ~ ~ ~ = • • ~ ~ 0 ~ G ~ G ~ LENGTH (mm) FEMALES n • 396 Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 1 2 ... · · .. · .. ~ . ~ t-z w 0 a: w a. (a) .. · t-z w 0 a: w a. 10 8 4 3 2 1 6 3 2 1 (b) Figure EF-13 {a-b). . :. ·. n·. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ = . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 0 M ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) MALES n• 579 .. · .... ·.·;" FEMALES n • 691 . .... ·. . :• . ·. . . ··:.: ~_.=:· .. ,. ·. Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F -1 3 .. l i• • • -. '!' 1-z··· w 0 a: w a.. (a) 11 9 7 5 3 2 1 . ~ ···. .. -J .... 1-z w () a: w a.. 12 ... .. 9 6 3 2 1 I (b) Figure EF-14 (a-b). . ~ ' ... -... ~ . LENGTH Cmm) . -~ ·, ·· .. . .. ·.· LENGTH (mm) MALES n-294 FEMALES n-238 Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Talkeetna Station~ Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F -1 4 ..... •• i '. 15 12 9 ·1-·z··· .. w 0 6 a: w a. 3 2 1 (a) MALES -· LENGTH (mmJ . '· .· ~ :· <.·· .•. ·•. J· 15 ·.=. 'I.· 1-z 5 w 0 a: w 3 a. 2 (b) Figure EF-15 (a-b). .... ·:.·· . .. . ..... -._:--. . . .... :·· ... FEMALES n • 337 LENGTH (mm) Length frequencies of chum salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 1 5 ; .·· · .. :'· f n ,. 10 a ,... 6 -1-z w 0 a: w a. ~"'-I""' . ' ,.. J r-- MALE s •· 4 3 . 2 1 - (a) ~ .. ·. ,J 9 1-z 6 w -0 a: w 3 a. 2 (b) Figure EF-16 (a-b). ... .... '- ,.. r-' '-..... .... ,.. .___ ..... I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = -• ~ ~ • ~ • • C C C G G LENGTH (mm) . ... : .·. ...··:· .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~· ~ N ~ = • ~ . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LENGTH (mm) n = 111 FEMALES n • 142 . . -.. Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Susitna Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F -1 6 . ;. " .. 10 9 8 1-7 z w 6 MALES (.) a: 5 n:328 w a. 4 3 2 10 1,() It) It) It) It) It) It) It) . It) It) It) It) It) co ,._ 0> C') It) ..... 0> C') It) ..... 0> C') C') C') C') ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ~ 10 _10 10 10 co co co VI AI (a) LENGTH (mm) d ~-: .' .. : .. :-. .. ·.-n .. .. .. 10 ~ . . ···· 9 :.:. .. ... 1-8 z w 7 FEMALES (.) a: 6 n: 267 w a. 5 4 3 2 1 10 It) It) It) It) It) It) It) It) It) It) 10 10 It) co ,._ 0> C') It) ..... 0> C') It) ,._ (I) C') C') C') C') ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. It) 10 10 It) It) co co (I) VI 1\J (b) LENGTH (mm) Figure EF-17 (a-b}. Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Yentna Station 1 Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 1 7 ... ....... 1-z UJ 0 a: UJ c. (a) _;._:-~· z UJ 0 a: UJ c. 10 9 a 7 6 MALES 5 n-401 4 3 2 9 a_, .. '· :-' ... ·. ·. , ·: ._,_: .· ... -:~: ·: ...... : ,, 7_ 6 5 4 3 2 "' ,.. C') FEMALES n-313 "' "Ot' .... -.: LENGTH (mm) .-·· .. .• :· I ~#, : ••• : • • • • •• ~ ··~...,_· • ··~:. • -~-.-~·-: .. :.:-. .... (b) LENGTH (mm) . ·.• .. :.'" Figure EF-18 (a-b). Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Sunshine Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 1 8 . ·. .. . . 10 9 a 1-7 z w 0 8 a: 5 w -4 a. 3 2 1 (a) 12 ···.n lO 4 3 2 1 (b) Figure EF-19 (a-b).. 10' ·C/1 (') VI .• i 10 Cl) C') VI '; .. . .. . .. MALES 10 10 . (") .. .. FEMALES n = 110 . ., .. _. .. . . 10 10 10 ,... .... .., .... ··· 10 10 C/1 .., 10 LENGTH . .... •. . . . . ~ .. 10 10 10 (") 10 (mm) 10 M 10 LENGTH (mm) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ,... 10 . . .~ .. 10 C/1 10 10 10 (") <0 <0 .. .. Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at ·Talkeetna Station, Adu1 t Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. E F - 1 9 cO (") <0 1\1 <0 C') CD J\1 .··:-..... .... ·-z-w 0 a: w a.. (a) (b) 10 9 a ·7 6 5 4 3 2 16.· 15• H· 13- 12 10· 9 8· 7 6 5 4 3 .• 2· 1 MALES n= 82 tD tD ,._ C) C') C') FEMALES n =50 I tD C) C') .. tD tD -C') .... .... • : 4"" .....- I tD 1.() C') .... .... u tD tD tD tD tD tD tD tD tD tD ..... C) C') tD ..... C) .... .... .., tD tD tD tD tD (Q LENGTH (mm) n I I n - I I I I 1.() tD tD tD 1.() 1.() 1.() tD 1.() tD ..... C) C') 1.() ..... C) .... .... .... tD tD tD tD tD (Q LENGTH (mm) Figure EF-20 (a-b). Length frequencies of coho salmon sampled from fishwheel catches at Curry Station, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies 1 1981. E F - 2 0 . · ... 6 en en "( 5 ...J 0 w (!) "( m "Tl 4 I 1\) ..... 3 Male--Female----- Mean 0 Median S Range limits I I 95% Confidence limits ,...--c ... . .. ~. •'· . ' .... ',;t . { : .. 1---~------i---.------.:--.:..--~..o(--10-22 .. :.'·: I • cf.) -c Jn • 30 '''· •: ·:!- r------~.;·~.------~---,..------------·-_.;;.,_ __ -e<:)-.. ----c---------Jn • 4 7 5 :: I '/ • ~ In .. 554 .": :; ... , . ; . .. -~: . -I (----------------------------..;i~--)l..~-·--<::)9-·...c .. -----------·-----------n • 4 3 I :>·m--0 _. n.,. 60 ... , .. ··: ~~n-5 .. .. ' 1---m (.l .• I n m .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,... '<I' ,... 0 M. (0 C1l (\J It) co ... (') (') (') '<I' '<I' '<~' '<I' It) It) It) (0 :·;. LENGTH (mm) 0 0 0 '<I' ,... 0 (0 (0 ,... Figure EF-21 Sockeye salmon lengths by age class from Yentna Station fishwheel catches~ Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro St4~.ies, 1981. .·.~· m , I 1\) 1\) ti (I) (I) 5 <( -' 0 w 0 4 <( 3 u - (J) (I) 5 <( -' 0 w (:J 4 <( 3 Male--Female······- Mean 0 Median c::J Range Limits I I ··. ·:;, . .'t· · .. :·. ;I ... , '··. . . ·~ ... /. '•. ~--··--"7---~-------ln • 4 2 I .,.lD" jn-31 95? Confidence Limits ,..~ ~ .. ~---------------------..,...-0-~------------------~n '!' 792 I ~.. . .. @) " In = 6 8 9 · .. •.:·· ·;'·' ... :.·. ·:::· ~-----------.,-----e------··-------0-----------Jn "" 55 I :_.'· -~ . n=69 ;· l----------------------------------@---~~---····-------------------------1n -2 I !!f.) ·.:. -n • 9 SUSITNA STATION 0 0 0 (') r--... C\J C\J (') ; .. 0 0 ·.;·. C> U') 0) (Y) (') (V) ~ '·~ f~ '!:, ·' .;· ' •',.' .-:.:~. ;J. 0 0 r--.,... '<t 1.(.) LENGTH (mm) 0 U') 1.(.) 0 0) U') 1·-··-..... -®-~---10 ... 12 0 (') <0 f--._. Q) " jn • 26 0 0 r--· .. ... <0 r-- ~-------------------....Q-+-----fl-----1 n • 402 . ~ . .. 8-Q " In -308 v . _;'~-----... ---------,---~---------------in"" 67 1-------~·;:,.....: -· ~ n = 150 I o-o r:. ---j1n = 11 0 0 (V) r-- C\J C\J Figure EF-22 !.,4 _:· ~ SUNSHINE STATION 0 0 0 ·:· ... U') 0) ;,. ' (V) (V) (') ·:;" ... ~ 0 (') '<I' 0 r-- '<t 0 ... U') LENGTH (mm) 0 1.(.) U') 0 0) U') 0 (') <0 0 t- <0 Sockeye salmon length~ by age class from Susitna and Sunshine Station catches, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . ., .... :< :. 0 ,.. t- fishwheel '. ·.· m "T1 1\l (.o) 0) (/) 6 <( .....J u w <.:) 5 <( 4· lj· 0J (/) 5 . <( .....J u w <.:) 4 <( ;j Male-Female------ Mean 0 Median 8 Range Limits I I 95% Confidence Limits ).-~ ·:· .. ; :.~.: . '· ·.:. .'! .·~· .. ~----(9---Jn = 4 L ' .. ' J I r----.:·+---··--------------:-------·--)o---0~---------------n = 4 9 •' .. ··=::. . · )o-0--CJ ,_. In ;:;:30 '.. .. h~-----·----~---.:_P..-----{9------------------------in = 16 I ). ~ ~ jo=11 0 C\J (') @) 0 C\J (') 0 I() (') 0 co (') 0 ..... "'f ::i 0 "'f "it :,, ,. ··.·. t• .·.·. 0 ,... "'f 0 0 L() LENGTH (mm) 0 (') I() 0 (!) L() 0 0) L() T Al.KEETNA STATION 0 C\J (!) 0 I() ,(0 .:·:.· ~-----------------.. 0-------e--jn • 3 @n • 1 f-----... ,. ..... --------------···-------~--------------1n a 11 9 . · I ., (.')-3( In::;: 68 ' J· ··-~--~----------.,.·----(9------------------------~ n "' 24 ~-------------------------~----~ n= 53 @) 0 I() (') 0 co (') 0 .... "'f .. f. 0 "'f "'!'. 0 ,... "'f 0 0 I() •·:· LENGTH (mm) 0 (V). IJ) 0 (!) I() 0 0) I() 0 C\J (!) CURRY STATION .0 I() (!) Figure EF-23 Sockeye salmon lengths by age class from Talkeetna and Curry Station fishwheel catches~ Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. '·. ' . .. L:IJIIIIY- T ALI\EE Tf'JA m SUN~IIItJ[­ -n 1\) .j:>. YEt~ INA SU::.ill NA- (.) '<I' C\1 Male--Female------ Mean 0 Median L:l Rango Limits I I 95% Confidence Limits ,..."""' ... . 4. . ~· .. } ~---------:-~~---··-·-~~~---------------~n • 1 0 1 I ~·=· .. ·~ I ~ r----------------------------~·-.:~---·---~~---------·--1n .... 89 I ·:. ~ ln-·111 .·~· ~--------------~;----.. ~·----+--e-0--""""'-··--··-----in ::: 7 2 7 Jn .. 77 · -~olll n"" 604 j-------------------------------------------.:.~,.------:-----41o6-------0--··--.---~------------------in "" 619 0 ,.... C\1 0 0 (") t----------..;.------· -~• £!1 0 n = 4 94 ~-------------~------'-~-<(------------·--~0 :;:: 1 7 7 t---------,·.-.·-·---~~~>(9 ct n • 7 3• 0 (") (") 0 <0 (") 0 C1l ("), ... 0 C\1 '\I' 0 I[) ..,. LENGTH. (mm) 0 co ..,. 0 ,... I[) 0 ..,. I[) 0 ,.... I[) / Figure EF-24 Pink salmon lengths by age·: c 1 ass from Sus itna, Yentna, fishwheel catches, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Station Hydro Studies, 1981 . ... • .. CIJHIIY T ALI\EE INA m SUt~SIIIfJ[- "T1 1\) ~ YEN INA SUSil NA CJ ..,. N Male--Female------ Mean 0 Median 8 Flange Limits I I 95% Confidence Limits .,.. .... .... ,. 4 • .• . . . =.( r· .. I --------·-.~~----··--:--~-------------·.Jn • 1 0 1 1 r . ,.. 1 ·.:,·. ~. n .. 77 ~--····--·····•••••••••••••••••;L_ ___ -:-~~~----······---Jn a 89 I·.,·· ~ ln-·111 :."·; ·•: .. J--------------.;~;:~----.. ~--:--...,-f>-0--~--:-··-----1n = 7 2 7 · · · ~"" n"" 604 ~------------------------------------------·~.;,. .. -----------~-------o-:. ....... -oo(------------------1" "" 619 0 t- N 0 0 C') 1------------· --·----il>-t• l!l 0 n = 49~ ~----------~+------~-------------·--~11 ~----------~------__.~(9-~~---------------------~ ;:; 177 I". 73' 0 C') C') 0 <0 C') 0 en ·, C') '• ·:·· 0 N 't 0 I[) '¢ LENGTH (mm) 0 co '¢ 0 ..... I[) 0 '¢ I[) =F 0 t- I[) Figure EF-24 Pink salmon lengths by age class from Susitna, Yentna, Sunshine, Talkeetna and Curry Station fishwheel catches, Adult Anadromous Investigatio~s, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . . { ' m "11 1\) OJ 5 1./) C/) <( _J u w C) <( 4 3 Male--Female------ Mean 0 Median 8 Range limits I I 95% Confidence limits .. """ ~---·---------------..... ---®--•--------------In. 28 J • GQ 1( In • 42 ~----------------------·------·---~----··------------------------~n = 312 ~------------------------------~·~ 0=322 U) (\J "" J------------~-~------..,...--@----....-------------------Jn = 28 1------4•-r:I:J • In =: 221 U) U) "" U) OJ "" U) ,... U) U) "" ,10 U) ..... U) LENGTH· (mm) U) 0 (J) U) (") (J) U) (J) (J) U) O'l (J) Figure EF-25 Chum salmon lengths by age class from Yentna Station fishwheel catches, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies ,1 1981. m -n 1\) 0) (/) (/) 5 < -I () lU C) 4 < 3 (/) (/) < 5 -I () lU ~ 4 3- .:~·: ·.· .. •' . '~-~·. ~----~~-Q)--...:--1n "' 5 I ·~,(0. · · In • 8 ~---------------------------------------~ ...... ..:~------·-----------~0-89 Ll) ll) ...,. Ll) co ...,. I · .. ·)ro (9 . :._ · jn • 51 ~--@-1n .. 2 . :~· I OJ jn=,·3 Ll) ,.... Ll) Ll) ...,. Ll) Je IS) .•. . •. •,;· Ll) 0 <D Ll) (') <D LENGTH (mm) .--- 11) Ll) <D 0) <D <D r------------------·~:~-----;..---€[)---c---------··------------1n = 38 I ... · ~ 0 • In • 4 o 1---------------------------------------.:~~------------------·--~----in = 530 . I · \_' • -a o .• In. 435 ~-----------4:}-4-----::: ---··---10 a 29 I • ~ <(( ·. • In = 1.6 Ll) Ll) Ll) Ll) ll) Ll) Ll) Ll) Ll) Ll) Ll) co .... ...,. "'" 0 (') <D 0) C\1 ...,. ...,. Ll) Ll) ~. <D <D <D <D ,.... : .. LENGTH (mm) Male-F~male------­ Mean 0 M~dian 8 Range Limit~ I I 95% Confidence Limits ,...""" SUSITNA STATION SUNSHINE ST ATJON Figure EF-26 Chum salmon lengths by,':!age class from Susitna and Sunshine Station fishwhcel catches, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ... , :; : m "11 1\) ..._, (/) (/) 5 -~ .....J () UJ C) 4 ~ 3 (I) (/) ~ (., .....J () UJ C) 4 ~ 3 0 l!l '<t ' :.~ . .. .. ~ ... ·'i~ '~.~. ··' .. · " ·. :~· ~ Male-Female------·· Mean 0 Median 8 .. Range Limits :I I . ·~. l---7.f.;..·--~-~-@---o(--------1n = 20 95% Conlidence Limits )oo-oo( I ~~-.,. @) -. n: 27 ;.,: . ~-----------------------------~---~-------------------------1n = 161 I . :?·®·"'< . ln=212 I 1----------~----------~---1" .~ a Jn. 12 0 co '<t 0 ..... Ill 0 '<t L(.) •;.' . ·: r--------r--------,· 0 0 C> 0 C') (£) <D <D <.Cl 0 ,__ , .. Ill:;. ·. ·;· .. :;:. LENGTH (mm) . ., ...... . ::· ... :=/ . ~ •. : . I '{. .. I . r-----------------'!'·----~-------------n = 4 5 I ..... ~0=44 0 CJ) <D ··: In:::; 250 : ;• -0-----------E-·----1 L ----------..,.-......,:;..----8---· -~ n "' 2 8 1 r----------------·. :9 "" · 1 ..... I 0~~:: ___ 1n -· 6 I cO -----.. b.:• 6 .. · ... :.:.!. ~ 0 0 0 o· 0 co ..... '<t r---::. 0 '<t l!l l!l Ill. <D '::" 0 C') <D LENGTH (mm) 0 <0 <0 0 CJ) <D 0 (\j ,__ 0 (\j ,__ .. ~ TALKEETNA STATION ... CURRY STATION Figure EF-27 Chum salmon lengths'~~~y age class from Talkeetna and Curry Station fish\'fheel catches, Adult Anadromous Inv~stigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ' . .. . :·r "::.· .... .. .. ~: . ~. (/) (/) <( _J 0 UJ CJ <( m "T1 I 1'\l ()) 5 4 3 Male--Female------ Mean 0 Median G Range limits I I 95% Confidence Limits )o--o( ~·, ·r~ ·· . .. -~· ~. ':. ·~· . .... .... : ~ ·' :·~·' ;•.:I '·,· .. ·:1 ., ~' I .''·\·.• :, :'":··: ;~·."" . . · ... ~ . .. '\• ::. '. ·· .. ':, ~·:. . 1·~-~~ , :··. ·~.:. ·:·..;: .. r-~~n-3 @n=l ~-------------------.~~:.-....... ";'.:. ___ .;. ___ __..~,-----------------in = 140 ~------------------.~:-.. ---·--~·~ nu 128 :.{·· •'.• , . . :·\.' 1----.--------------------------... Z-------CP·· . ______ 1n = 25 ~ -~----------·----.. -------· ... ·:. l-----·.:..::~,-. -·-ioD>--(:)1 "" . -in = 26 ' .... ,--------.--- l{) l{) l{) l{) l{) l{) l{) l{) l{) l{) (!) 0) C\1 l{) ro . .... '<t ""' 0 (') (') (') '<t '<t '<:!' l{) l{) l{) (!) (!) ~· . LENGTH (mm) > .. Figure EF-28 Coho salmon lengths by age class from Yentna Station fishwheel catches, Adult Anadromous. Investfgations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. '•' ··-: .'~· m "11 1\) <0 U) (/) 5 <( ...J () UJ <.:l 4 <( 3 (f) (/) <( b ...J () UJ <.:l <( 4 - 3 0 N N Male--Female----~-· Mean 0 Median 8 Range Limils I I 95% Confidence limils )o--.( 0 ~ N 0 w N 0 ..- (') .1: ... ..... \ . ,. '· ·. ·: ·:.~:· : t, .· ;·r·· ..... ,'-\, .,. . "/.• .. ..... :. t;i ~---------------------!:0------------.. ------------.!.l;..:_~ 1 ~ jn-.a -~---------·------~------------~----~-----------:..-10 tll !t3 -~: •· )lo 0 ..0--------__,...,-l '( ::. .:::·::.· ~---------------)o------Q--8-.....,..-------------:--Jn .. 24 ·. ():1 ~ n .. 26 ··. , .. 0 .... -" 0 ~ . ,.._ (') '·· ' (') -;.·, . ~ : .. ' :·:.·· t :. ".:· .•,. .... :f .. 0 0 ooq- 0 (') ~ LENGTH (mm) SUSITNA STATION'· I ····~~ ··-· .,-~-~ ·-· --.--~-~~-·1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ m N ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ . :;:-. ~----------e-o-------------------1n = 5 ,._ ____ ......:....·=·,... .. ---0--cJ In .. er 0 ..- (') .·,· 1 J----------------------~----------------i" • 1 a a .·_, . . . In" 143 .·• 1--------~--__,.., -----~~~:,....-_--.... ----@-}9-~------·---------~----i~ : :~ 0 ooq- C') 0 ,.._ (') 0 0 v ···. '· 0 ·! (') ooq- ·.~ . ... ,. SUNSHINE STAT ION r== ---~1~ . UF 0 0 0 ~ m N ooq-v ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ w ..-ooq-,.._ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.._ LENGTH (mm)1 Figure EF-29 Coho salmon lengths by.:·age class from Susitna and Sunshine fishwheel catches, Adult Anadromous Investigatfons, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .. ~. •' .. ~··· '. m '"t1 w 0 5 U) U) ~ _J (.) 4- UJ 0 ~ 3 (J) U) b ~ _J (.) UJ 0 4 ~ 3 Male--Female---· Mean 0 Median 8 Range Limits I I 95% Conlidence Limits )o-...( ~~. ~ ·~ ::::. l, . . ,·, ·._;·,· "': ~ > -. f;· •. ··' .... ~ . . ·"'.t ).' ··! ~-----eO----------In;: 4 @)n"' :·'j: .;;\ r-------s-----,-----------~--8-;--------------1" • 52 r ~ .• 7 /l------~---a--0-------.... ------fn = 1 0 t--~---------+--~_ . .;.:----f:'l:>-n a 10 0 C') C') 0 C') C') 0 (Q C') 0 <D C') 0 CJ) C') 0 C\J ..,. 0· ll)• ~­ . ·1' . ·..,. ,. ~ ': :·i 1'• '> 'J,t ;-· ·~;· .. .. ; ~· .. .6 ·Cx:l . ..,. 0 ... L() LENGTH (mm) 0 '<t L() 0 ,... L() 0 0 (Q n"' o @n• 2 ~------------------------:~~-------:-----------P---------<9----.-----~------:fn .. 16 · Jt ~ lna37 0 CJ) C') ... f---------+-··---------():J----------.... -... -----------111 ;:: 10 I . ~--. ~ 1n-12 0 C\J '<t o· ll) "¢' 0 (X) ..,. 0 .... L() .:·;; LENGTH (mm) <:::l •<:t lt) 0 ,... L() 0 0 (Q TALKEETNA STATION 0 C') (Q 0 C') (Q 0 (Q (Q CURRY STATION 0 (Q (Q Figure EF-30 Coho salmon lengths .. by age class from Talkeetna and Curry Station fishwheel catches, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. )::· '· ..... . "~ .. : -· ... ·.::.: ,._:.· ..... . . . . . : .. : .. : .:·· ... APPENDIX EG MAINSTEM SUSITNA RIVER VARIABLE GEAR CATCH . ~ ~ ..!: . -~· . ·. .. · .. · ... · m G) ...... I :• ·,. ~:". '!': j·:·. ··)': ~·: !•'' ~ I Table EG-1. Summary of mainstem Susitn~:-:·_RivE~r samplinq using gill nets and electroshocking, Adult Anadromous Investigations~ ~u Hydro Studies, 198'1. ·· RIVER 6. --·--r. -·-·--- NilE .. 5 3 ·----,: --,~ r --,~ --12~ =]~.~ __ }q,_ ~~-­____ ,fQ, 1" ·--_!,:\,!,_ 27. ·--··27: ·---27 ~ ~~ :~~~ 30. . -j()~ . -35: ---~\!,_ ___ _JQ,_ 30. :=~jQ~ ·--.31. . --.31' ·---~t.. 32. ·= ~~R~ .. -~5..,_ ---~5.-. 35. ---35~- ·---35: __ .]i._ 8 B ~ ! l j ~ ) i- ;· ; r i--- i- i ! I L L. . . ---L __ L_ ' [==--l:_ l-.. ' I I I _ _1~~ [ . lEGAl 15NO 7W~ 9BBC 15N07W20CBO 15N07W20CBO 15N07W22ABD 15N07W22ABO 15N07W02ADD 15N07W02ADD 1fiNOJiJi4f:f:f: JZHQ7W2f!RRA 17N07W140f:R 1 ZN07Wl4DCB 17N07Wl3DCC 17N07W13DCC 17N07W13DCC l iN07W1 :'IOC:f. ]7N06W04ADB 17N06W04ADB 17N06W04AOB 17Nri6W04AOR lllillQ_lliM AOR f7N5fiWfi4ADR 17N06W64ADB 1 AN07W1f\flrll"l 1 71-Jor.wnr-lirr 1..:.;.~, ·~ tArr 1 ZNQ6110MlCn 17N06W04ADB ]8t'l07m 10RA ]81101.Wl30RA 1Stl07Wl10RA ]BNQZWJ JIIDA 1RN07WI iBBA 18N07Wl3RRA 18N07WBRRA ···: .... ~ DATE ME~OO OISIJNCE B/29 r!fs 2 mi lr><: 8 29 [/S 500 9 16 !:IS 300 8 29 ~lS 400 8 29 E/S 400 ·9/16 O)N -0 9116 DIN 0 Rlln 0/N 0 RJ15 n/N -{} fl/.?fl 1:/S -]r;O fl/28 E/S 600 3/15 DIN 0 8/15 O[N 0 8/15 D/N 0 RI?R F/S 4'l0 9/0? E/S 100 9/02 E/S 75 9/02 E/S 75 9/02 r:J<:. -100 Q/lR F/<; 17fi 9/lR EJS 275 . 9/18 0/N 0 fl/11 F/S 100 1}/0? F/S ]I>!} Oil A niN 0 Q/lA F/<; fiOO 9/Hl EJs 400 R/14 0/N 1\ B/30 r:'!t:. 40il fl/11 E/S 5()0 3/30 ElS 1!)0 B/30 E/S ?!\0 -R/30 E/S ?O -R/10 EJS 40 1/ Methods Noted: E/S = E1ectroshocker; 0/N = Ortft G111 Net; S/N • Set G111 Net y Distance recorded In yards unless otherwise Indicated ,. ,, ADULT SALMON CATCH SOCKEYE PINK CHUM n n n it .n n n 0 () 0 '(I '!) 0 0 0 .. n n n n -n (l 1\ 1\ . 1\ 'I r. ii 0 il 0 il o. n 0 n 0 0 0 0 Q ::J 'ii n n 0 0 0 . 0 -n 11 0 0 0 1\ n n ll ll n 0 ll ll -0 r. ll n n 1\ 1\ ,., 1\ 1\ 1\ n n ll n n n 0 (\ (\ ~ n n 0 ll 0 -n :l 0 n n n ll n n 0 n n COilO () n n n 0 1 4 (\ i 0 1 n ? 3 n n 0 0 1\ !l 0 n (\ 1\ 'l n .'l (\ ii 1 ?ll 0 tl 1\ m G) F\) Table EG-1. Continued. RIVER tlllE --3:i. _:i~. ___ n,. 37. ·---37.- 37. ---37: __ J(_._ 37. ·-· -rt. l ) I I j 3 3 :i 3 3 3 --37:-··--rr 3- ·---37 .-3" 37. ---37.- ----38.' 3 ... -~ll·~ -.. )~.) 39.: . --'39:-2 ---39.'2 --39."2 -----39:2 ---'39.2 ---j!L2 39:9 --"39.9 ""39.'9 ~~If-1 ____ .41.3 43.5 ---.n:s ---4IT -· ·- ---- - - -· - - --- - -- ---- -43.5 LEGAL 18Nu7W13BBA 1AN07W11RRA 1BN06W090CB 18NOGW09DCR .18N06~109DCB 18N06W090CB 18N06W09DCB ]6NQGWQ9~B 18N06W090CB 18N06W09DCB 18N06W09DCB 18NG6W09DCB 18N06W090CB 18N06W09DCB 18N06H09DCA l8N06Wl1 BCA 1 HNIIhWCI10C:R HlN06~111AAB 1ANOfiWO?OCR 18N06W02DCD 18N06W020CD 18N06W020CO l8N06W020CO l8N06W02DCD 18N06W02DCD 18NJ6W02AAC lilN06W02AAC 18N06W02MC 101J(If.:IJ1f.:llll )!]NQfiW.15.AIIC: 19N05Wf9CAB 19N05Wl QCAR l9N05W19CAB 19N0'1W1QCAB DATE 8/31 fl/11 8/lO 8110 8110 8/10 8/21 8/21 8121 9/02 9/02 9/13 9/19 9119 9/13 9/19 A/10 8/20 A/?0 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/20 9/13 9/19 9/02 9/02 9/02 A//0 ~1~5--- A/10 8110 8/:>0 ··'' ',. :~ :k· ; ~~\ .·:· •,·1 '•' .•.. . : ... HE~Oil E/S i=IS. ··DIN DIN . ·DIN 0/N !J/N ll/N om E S E S E S E S E/S E/S E/S nm DIN IUU 0/N DIN 0/N DIN E/S E/S F/S E/S E/S 0/N r:J<::. · D'!N OLJ1 0/N 0/N ' . DISVNCE 50 40 lOll 100 300 75 100 100 100 JJO 200 250 75 150 ' 100 100 ' 100 0 100 175 ·ns ?50 30J 300 300 400 150 400 100 ?l;ll 1oo 100 ' li10 7S lf--Me ti1o<l_s_N~t~d: E/S "' El ectrosho-cker; 0/N = Ori it Gil 1 iNet; S/N • Set G111 Net iJ Distance recorded in yards unless otherwise indicated ·· ,; I . .. ADUlT SAUmN CATCif SOCKEYE PINK CflUI~ COflO 0' () 0 1 () ·1 0 1 ii ,) 0 0 0 i) 0 0 ..·--li i 0 1 0 i) 0 1 0 : i) 0 0 0 n !l 'l 0 -::) 0 0 li 0 0 0 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 :1 -o n ll :1 Q 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 n 1\ ? 0 n 0 0 n n 0 11 ll n 0 ll 0 -n 0 0 0 0 fl ll ·a 1'1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 '(i 0 0 0 --;-} 1 (l ll n !\ n n 0 :\ n i'i 0 11 1 n n n ., n 0 a (\ 1\ n 1':1 n n m G) (A) ,·:· '. .... . :t •:..:· Table EG-1. Continued. ·;~~~ ;: .. ·t ·~. ., ADULT SALMON CATCH RIVER MILE lEGAl DATE ME~O~:': DISI?NCE SOCKEYE PINK I CHUM COHO 43.5 19N05Wl9CAB 8/20 D/N ·." --75 0 0 0 0 ---43~!r 19N05Wl9CAB 8120 0/H. -100 0 o 0 o --·,tj~l) 19N05Wl9CAB 9/03 E/S · · 250 0 0 0 ..:...____Q -·--:5--i9No5wiQi:An Q/H 1=:/S : 100 o n n n --·--~~~5--l9N05W19CAB 9/13 El'\"""'· 300 o n n o --·43~5 l9N05Wl9CAB 9/19 · E/S . 200 0 n n ' n ---4r5 19N05Wl9CAB 9/19 E/S · 300 Jl 0 . o o =-.u:2-19t«l.51flQI1AR Q/13 F/._.' . ?00 0 n n n 45.9 19No5Whnllo ll/H FJS.. 150 _fl o o --11. ---.;6:f 19N05Wl6BAC 8110 om·· 300 o n n 1 ----46~f lONQ5WifiBAC 9112 FJ<; ·• 250 11 :l n n ---47:6 l9N05W03DCC 8/10 0/N' 75 i ;i n o ---47:6. 19N05W03BCC 8/10 0/N : 75 0 o -o 0 --47:6-l9NO!iW03BCC 8/20 0/N :. 125 0 0 ~1 0 ·----7 .6.. 1 QNO'iWll1Rf.f. 8/20 D/H · ?on o n n · -11 --·lj :6--1 NWiW01RCO Q/lR 0/N 0 o n n n .. ·,1]:6·--· l~Nor.W31DCA 9119 0/N 0 0 n n o :~: :1z~z-20NO~H3inoA 8/12 DIN ·· 400 o o n o 47.7 20N05W.11DDA R/J2 0/N 4:10 0 .1 n . n ---48~2----l9N05W03BCA 8/10 0/N 150 0 o n n ---48~2-19N05W03BCA 8/10 0/N. 200 o o n :1 ----48~2---l9N05W31BAA 8/19 0/H 150 0 o n o ·---48:2-19N05W31BAA 8119 0/N · 300 0 n n o --48:2"___ l9N05W03BCA 8/20 0/N' -100 0 o o o ---4lC2-19N05W03BCA 8/20 0/N · 150 0 o JL o --48.7 19N051~03BCA 9/12 EJS·: 75 0 0 0 0 ·---48:7 I!JNUbWUjtlLA 9/1<: E/S · 17~ 0 0 0 0 -·-4a:r--19N05W03BCA 9/12 E/S 100 0 n o o --·4s:z--l9N05W3lBBO 9/15 E/S 2.5 miles 0 n ll o ---49:-f-20N05W34CBC 9/12 E/s· 100 0 o .1 o :_ _ _49_,A_ ;'QNO'iW11ARfl Q/1 :> f:' /'<. . 10(} 0 11 n n __12,5 2Qt{O'iW?QRAR Q/JQ F/C:. 1 n ndlo~ 0 0 n 0 -49:6 20N05W29AAC 8/12 o·JN .,:10 0 n n n -49:&._ __ 20N05W29AAC 8/12 0/N · . __ 2!l0_ . 0 n n n 1/ Methods Noted: E/S = Electroshocker; 0/N = Drift Gill Net; S/N • Set 6111 Net ~ Distance recorded in yards unless otherwise indicated .. ~ m G> ~ Table EG-1. Continued. !liVER 49.6 --l9.b 49."6 -----49.6 --4!L7 ---56':1 =50.] _.50..5 ___ .5.0. • .5 50.5 --55~5 ·----5o: 5 :~~~ §g~~ ---59.<~ ··-· ~0,~ ---50.5 .. -50. z -50.7 ·---5L5 52.3 ---52:3 ----5L3 -==~ ~?~~ ---~Z.J. ____ §?.J 52.3 -·-52:3 ----52:3 ·---52~3 -52: a ----~J.5 ____ _5g, 2. ___ _54,2 _ -~5.Z --- 'IILE LEGAL 20N05W29AAC ZUN05W29AAC 20N05W29AAC . 20N05W29AAC ·-20N05W29BAB ---20N05W2800B 20N05W280DB 20t105W?7Af.f. 2Qt:lQ51:l~ZAAC 20N05W27ACC 20N05W27CAC 20N05W27ACC --20N05W27ACC 20N05W27ACC 20ti05Wl9AAB 20N05Wl9AAB --?Otill5WZOAOC --· ?OU051:l20AOf. ·-20t1051fLMOO 20N05W22ABA -20N05W22ABA 20ti05W22ABA ---20ti05W22ABA . --20ti05H22ABA 20NO~l2_ABA 20N05W22ABA .. 20N05W22ABA 20N05W22ABA 20N05W22ABA 20N05W08DDB -2QNQ5W04CCA -2llliQ5W04AOB 2Q.t!Q.5lliMADB 2Qt:l0i!WJ~CDA DATE 8/12 8/20 8/20 8/20 9/15 8/12 9112 All? 8'!12 8. 12 8 12 8 21 8 21 8, '21 9/19 Q/lQ 9Llr. qJlq Q.rl!l 8 11 8 11 8 21 8 21 8/21 R/:.>1 9'12 9 12 9 12 9 12 9/15 9/lr- 8111 R/11 8/11 :' ..... : •J;' •' ,•,· .. '.· .. ·;·:· ·.;,' j ., l .. 'it; ;,:· :.,; :··· '. MEJJ.OD D N IN DJ D N D N E S 0/N £/1! rim DIN D N D N Oft! 0/N - - DIN - E/S EIS f/S E/S ~·,,. 0/N DLN 0/N D/N DIN DJN E/S -E S E, S E S E, S E/S DIN 0/N DIN DISVNCE ·200 250 250 250 400 300 lOll 1M 200 250 150 400 350 150 4 miles <2 miles 1 r. mi.l!Ls_ 1 .fi milPs ::100 150 200 100 100 200 150 150 150 350 200 350 350 ?!lO 250 150 1/ Methods Noted: E/S = Electroshocker; D/N = Drift Gtll 'Het~ S/N • Set Gill Net ~i Distance recorded 1n yards unless otherwise 1nd1cated ·' :: ''· ' " ADULT SALMON CATCII SOCKEYE PINK CIIUH COHO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n ll n 0 0 n n n 1 0 -0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·O 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m G) CJ1 Table EG-1. Continued. lliVEH MilE LEGAL •: . ..... •.. 'l .. , :.' ·' .... DATE ME~OD DISI?NCE ·'. ADULT SALMON CATCH SOCKEYE PINK I CIIUM COIIO =-~~~~~r-21N05W34CDA 8/19 0/N 0 0 0 0 _____a ___ §~!l_ 21N05W34CDA 9/Jl E/S 100 o o n n 55.7 21N05W34CDA 9/11 E/S 100 . 0 o iL o -55:7 21N05W34CDA 9/11 E/S 100 0 0 o o ·--~~:}_ 21N05Wl4RCO R/lQ OJN lOll 11 11 o . . 0 56. 1 2llill.5Wl4Rr.O A/1 Q . 0/N 100 o n 0 ll =j~j __ 2lN05W34BCD 8/19 O, N -150 0 0 0 0 56.4 21N051434ABD 9114 EJ S 300 0 0 0 0 -·59:9 21N05W14DBC 8/11 0 N 50 0 0 0 0 --·-59~9 21N05W14DBC 8/11 0 IN 50 0 0 0 :' 0 :-::~·~s~:§_ 21N05Wl4.QBC 8/19 0/N __ 150 0 0 0 : 0 ___ -~~,~-21N05W140BC 8!19 D/H . ,so o 0 0 o 59.9 21N05W140BC 8 19 DIN 200 0 0 0 ., 0 ---6iU--21N05W14COA 8 01 S/N 12 min. 0 0 0 ' 0 ----65~4-21N05W14DBB 8 01 0/N 1000 0 0 0 . 0 ---6iL5 21t105W14ACC 8 11 0/N -100 0 0 0 0 ----6o:5____ 2lN05Wl4AC.C 8 11 D/N 100 0 0 0 ·. 0 --·6o:5 21N05WI4ACC 8 '11 IJ/N 15\l 0 0 0 0 ---66:5-21NOf-W14ACC 8/11 0/N 150 0 0 0 0 ·--66:5-21N05Wl4ACC 8/19 D/N 250 0 . 0 0 0 ---6iL5___ 21N05W14ACC 8/19 0/N 250 0 0 0 0 :==~Q~~-~-21N05W14ACC 8/19 0/N -250 0 0 0 0 60.5 21N05W14ACC 8/19 ll/N o o o o .. o ----66:5--21N05W14ACC 9/11 ELS__ 100 0 0 0 0 ---6o:5-21N05W14ACC 9/11 EJS 150 0 0 0 0 ·---6o:r-21N051H4MB 8/01 0/N 2QO 0 0 0 0 ----Gl~l 21N051413AAC 9121 ELS 1\ mil<>~ 0 1 0 0 ·---6i:6-21N05Wl2COB 8110 DIN 1200 0 0 0 o ---62 :a--.21 N05Wl2CAB 8110 D/H -600 0 0 o o ----62~4--2lN05Wl2AAA 9/03 S/~ 15 min. D o o o ---62 ~5 21 N05W121lAB 8/10 0/~ 100 0 o o fl ----62:5 21N05Wl2BAB 9/03 0/~ 200 0 o 0 0 ----62:5 21N05W12BA!l 9103 Dl~ 300 0 0 o __1l --=_~§?.~!i __ _2lllil5.1-1128AB 8/21 DIN 200 _ _ __ 0 ___ 0 _ ~ 0. 0 1/ Methods Noted: E/S • Electroshocker; 0/N = Drtft Gill Net; S/tf • Set Gill Net ~ Distance recorded fn yards unless otherwfse indicated I ,. ·' I .•. m G) 0> ·.: .. . ~~ ': .'i.";' ';.' .~~' ·:\. ' ~, .. Table EG-1. Continued. RIVER ·---62~5 ----6~7 ·--64~2 --··6·1:4 ===§4:1 __ 64 .. (i ____ 6~.~ ___ §fi,_J ---~2,, ___ ZQ& ___ 10.6. _____ zo.a _____ zl.fi ___ ZLl ____ n,.Q ·--.l3 .o ...•. ZJ.O -··. ZJ.Q _____ 13 •. 4 _____ 13.4 ____ Z3.4 ____ Z3.4 ___ ZJ,4 ___ .14,_8 ___ Z!i.Q _____ Z5.0 ____ z~.o . -.z~,Q ___ Z§,_Q 75.4 ---g:·4 . ---75~4 ----75~4 ···. ·<;: ' L , . . :::; ADULT SALMON CATCH mLE lEGAL DATE MEf'OD DIS_I?NCE SOCKEYE PINK CIIUM COHO ~-=---21N05W01CDA 9/21 E/S 600 0 0 o o 21N05W01DCB Q/01 S/N 1A min o o n n 22N05W35CDA 8110 0/N ·3oo 0 o o o 22N05W36ADO 9/03 0/N . ?no o o n o 22N05W36AOil Q/?1 n/N 300 n n 1 n 22N04W31Cil0 9/03 S N 10 min. 0 0 0 0 -~-22N05W21iCilB Q/21 f 'S .25 nli les 0 0 0 U 22N05Wl3AAB 9/03 S. N 1 min. 0 0 2 0 22N05W02DOA 8/10 D N 200 0 0 0 u 22N05W02BBB 8/10 DIN 500 0 0 0 0 _ 22N05W0100R fl/23 S/N 17 min 0 0 0 0 ??N0'114010r.A fl/?1 0/N ?oo 0 0 0 0 .. 22N05W010BB 8/23 0/N 1600 0 0 0 0 --23N04W30CCC 7/31 SIN 14 min. 0 0 0 0 23N05W26AAD 8110 SlN 2 min. 0 0 0 3 _ ?1NfiJ;W?f:AAn fl/?fl S/fL._ 2 mln C 0 0 1 ?<NOilWOilAfiR A/?0 OJN ]ji)(l U 0 0 0 -?<NflJ:\W?IlOAA R/?i 0/N )500 C 0 3 0 ?<Nflii.WiflRRI' 7/31 0/fL 250 (] 0 3 0 ___ 2JNfl4WiORRr. fl/lO OJN 4ilo 0 0 0 0 _ _ 2JNQ4W30RRr. fl/21 DiN 300 0 0 3 0 _ 23NQ4\t3.0RRC 9/02 0/N 200 0 0 . 3 · 0 23NOIIWJOBBC 9/13 i/N 40 min. 0 0 0 0 -23N04Wl8CBC 8/23 S/N 20 min. 0 0 1 0 · :nNo5W13nso n!?n nJN 11ilo o o o o ~-?1N04W1Af.RC fl/?3 0/N _ 1300 0 0 0 0 23N04W18CBC 9Jo2 s.N 3 min. o o 4 o 23N05W13AOB 9/21 E S • 5 miles 0 0 0 0 --23N05Wl301lD 9/21 E S .75 miles 0 0 0 -~0---- __ 23N05W13ADC 8 06 SIN 20 min. 0 0 0 . . 0 --. 23N05W13ADil 8 06 D/N 200 0 0 0 U 23N05W13ADB 8 20 DIN 300 0 0 0 0 23N05W13ADB 9 04 SIN -5 min. 0 0 0 0 ·--z~~ . ·------==-'-':...:..:.:.:::.:....;;..;~-~----=-.::..::...- 1/ Methods Noted: E/S " Electroshocker; 0/N .. Drift 6i11ifei; S/N ··Set Gill Net 23N04W07COC 8 20 SIN -34 m1n. 0 0 0 0 iJ Distance recorded in yards unless otherwise indicated · m G) ~ Rl Table EG-1. Continued. ' ,ft, '.t· ' .. ~ •',: ·,' . •. f• . . ~ . '· j • \:~: ·:::. --------· ::·~~ MUll SA.:::.l:.;.:MO=N __ C~~A.:..:TC::..:H_'-.-------- VER ~lllE LEGAL DATE ME£1_00 DISI?NCE SOCKEYE PINK CHUM COHO 76-.z-23N04W07CDC 8'20 Q, N 200 0 0 0 o 76:2· 23N04W07CDC 9 02 S N -13 min. 0 ll :> (J 76.5 23N04W07BDC 9 21 E S 250 0 0 0 o 7o:o 23N0im07BBD 8/20 0/N · 500 0 0 0 0 76:8·-·--23N04W07 ACC 7/31 0/N 1000 ll ii o o 76: if 23N04W07ACC 8 10 DIN . 300 0 o o o 76~ir 23N04W07BBD 9 21 E/S 300 o o 1 o 76:i.i' 23N04W07BBO 9 21 E{S-400 0 o 1 1 71>:8 23N04WOlBBO 9 21 E/S • 25 miles 0 il o () ?Z.!g___ 23fill1W06DCA 9/04 SIN 2!> min o n n n 77.2 23N04W06CCC 9/21 F IS , 5 miles 0 n 1 '1 77T 23N04~106CCC 9/27 EIS 500 o n o 1 77:2-23N04W06CCC 9/27 E s 50 0 0 fi 0 l?X 23N04W06DBA 8/20 0 N --1600 -jj -o o o !~~[ 23N04WQQBBG 8/20 DIH -2000 ll ll ll ll 78.1 23N05W01BAC 8/20 ·om 500 o n o o lBX--24N05W02AAO 8/01 SIN -17 min o o o ? 78:4 ·==-24llilSI·1n?AAn A/Ill> S,/N ?ll min II ll ll 0 18.4__ 24tlQ5WOiAAn A/?n c:·m 4 min o o n 1 7fJ,4 --·--24Nn~:ufl?""11 R/01 <;.JN l!Q min n n n 11 ?1):4_ ?4NfH;lJO?AAR A/111> SIN 11\ min II . ii 0 ll l8.4_____ ?tl.NOJ;WO?AfHl A/?ll C:IN )7 pdn ll II n II ?~,~---?4N05W01RAC 9/?8 r:·J<;. 300 n n n n 79.2 24NO!iW3!iAOC A/?4 . 0/N ?00 ll II {\ (\ l 0 . i;---2ANQ5\i3fiRf.O R/13 h/N 1000 n 0 0 . 0 - 2 ' -,l_ ?dNOi;W1f\Rf.O A./?4 n·IN 701\ n () 0 0 ~~:~--24flOJ;WCJ~>nrn A/?4 0/N 1\00 n o o o 79: B ---24N05H36,BBO 8/13 DIN llno n -n o o 1§~§ 24l:!Q5W2fiOCB 8/14 ll/N 200 o 0 0 o 00~2-24ti05W26ACA 8/19 l'l/N 300 n n n n :lQ 2. ?4Nili;W?fiAf.A A/?4 rim ?nn n n n n ~Q • 5 ?4NI\i;W?f\llf.n A./?4 c:.'JN 111 min n 1'1 n 11 oo:9 24N05W25BBO 8/14 DIN 700 o il n n 31~0 24N05W25BBO 9/22 ,E/S __ ~-___ _____500. o ri 1 n 1/ Methods Noted: E/S = Electroshocker; D/N =Drift G111-~et; S/N • Set Gill Net ~ Distance recorded in yards unless otherwise indicated '·''· l.\ .~ l. m G) 0> Table EG-1. Continued. - RIVER ____ !Hd 81.2 --sr:-2 ---~rj _ _1!]!.1 81.6 --in:6 =ani __ .81,.2 __ flLZ 82.3 ==~§~;} --·· ez~J _____ ez,J 82.6 ·---a:r: =, ·-··a2:7 . ---83: j :=~~~j~~ ·--·· 83.5 __ 83.5 ____ .ll1~5 85.9 ---M:o ----36:4 ·--86:4 :=:-==~z:z ·--.88.2 ·--_88.!1 . ___ 88,4 ___ 62 ... Q i __ 62 .... J __ 62 ... ~ __ 2.Q ... ~ IHLE - - - - - -- . - -- - - - -- -·- - -. - LEGAL Z~NQ5W24BBB 24N05W24CCC 24N05W24CCC 24N05W25BAB 21NO!lW210AO 24N05W24CDO 24N05W25CCA 24N05W230BB 21No5w24tno 24N05W23DRR 24N05W22BOA 24N05W22BOA 24NQ51'12ZROA 21~05H22BDA 24N05W22RAA 24N05W22BAC 2~N05W220AC 2M:!Q.5lliRCC 21H05HJ5Rr.r. ?dNfli\Wll;rAR 2!l!:I05Wl!lRf.A 2!JNOI\WltiRRR 24N05Wl£1lBR 24N05Wl2CCA 24N05W01DM 24NOSW01 DCD 25Nosw36cs.A 21\No~i.i':l~lllm ?fillil.5.W.3fi.RAR 25!:105\flnRAR 25!:1Q5W21\fnA 25!:1Q!lW2nAOC ?r:;NO'llJ?nAOR 25N05Wl!iOCO DATE 8/24 8124 9/23 9/05 R/14 8/13 8124 9/22 Q/?2 A/24 8114 8/24' Q/1 2 Q/?0 9/12 9/ 12 9/ ~0 8/: ?4 Q/1 )5 A/10 9/12 Q/?7 9127 9/23 8/14 8/14 9127 Q/?7 Q/')7 9./27 Q/?7 Q/27 Q/?7 9127 MEDJOD DISVNCE SIN 7 min. 0/N 200 DLN 200 DLN 300 0/N 500 0/N 300 0/N 500 E/S .5 miles -E/S _250 0/N 16oo 0/N 500 DIN 1300 DIN 200 DIN __ zoo IUH 500 0/ 200 0/1 500 S/1 4 min S/1 5 min 0/N 1\00 SIN 27 nli n F/<;. ."100 -E/S 100 0/N 500 S/N 15 min. S/N 12 min. ELS 150 r:t<::. ?1;0 r:'tc:. 100 F/S 1\0 Fl<;. l!iO F/S ?00 Fl<;. 300 £/S 1\50 -1/ Methods Noted: E/S = Electroshocker; 0/N = Drift 6111 Net; S/N = Set Gill Net k; Distance recorded in yards unless otherwise indicated ADULT SALMOI~ CATCH SOCKEYE PINK CIIUM couo 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 n 0 -0 . 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I) 0 I) 0 n I) I) ~ 0 n n 0 0 ri 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 I) 1 0 /) /) /) n n ··~ /) n I) I) fl 0 n n 0 0 -, n I) 0 (l 1 0 0 n 0 0 0 n n n /) n /) n r. /) 0 n n n /) /) n n 1 n i\ /) /) I) /) n 0 /) n /) 0 n m G.> <0 Table EG-1. Continued. ·-·---- RIVER NILE 92 ---gz. 0 2 --·95 .0 --95 :3 --95 --95 ==]§ 97 ---9'9 ---165 --roo ---Hio ---·1ao ---foo ---ioi --'1d2 ----104 ~~== 191 --.JQS 105 ---·no -~~-11~ 117 --i2o --"126 . ----i2f -"123 ---127 ---128 ---i29 ---1 j(j --fjf .. --ur --=~]3.~ ~3 .8 ,§ __ .1 :5- :2 :5 ,§ .6 :a ·o ___ 0--- r 5 Q ___ .~ ---0 :r= l ___ 2---9 a· (j --- -~----~ ---2 5--- .0 . 1 ~0- lEGAL 25N05Wl3BCC 25fi05Wl3BCC 25N05W36BDC 26N05W36ADC 26N05W36ADC 26N05W36CAB 2fiNQ5W25BM :i6Nn5W?~ROf. 26N05Wl10CO 26N05W11CAD 26N05W02CDD ZfiNO~WO?r.r.r. 26N05W02CCC 26NOSW02BCB 26N05W02BBD 27N05W35ACD 27N05W24COC 27N05W24CDC Z rNII~W ~fif:A 2ZN05W24RRO 28N05W30CBB 29N04W32BDC 29tlQ4W21ABB 29N04W10BAC 29N04W10BAC 29N04W10BDB 30N04W35 30N0.1WWAHl JQtlQJI:l] fiRCA 30N03W20B 30N03Wioll 30N03W02AA 30N03W03DA 31N()2W02ABA DATE 9/22 9/23 R/22 8/22 8/30 8/22 9/02 R/10 R/30 8/30 8/22 R/?? Q/24 8/22 8/22 8/30 8/22 8/29 R/22 R/?? 9/23 9/23 9/23 9122 9/23 9123 9/22 Q/(lQ 91:"2 9/08 Q/08 9/08 Q/07 9!24 ... ~ . . -·. I ·.:. ··;· '•,h' · . . ;·:. .· ";~J. ··,, .. :; t1EI!JOI> DISI?NCE -,E/S .5 m11es :·o;n 500 · DIN 1300 0/N 1000 . 0/f! 500 · D/N 1300 ·:s/ri 13 min DIN 1600 DLN 2000 ·· D/N 1000 · O(N_ 150 . 0/N 100 'S/N 9 min 'DIN 200 ··tUN 300 · SIN 10 min. . DIN 1600 . D/H 1600 . DLN 200 . 0/N 700 . E/S 350 .. £/S 100 . E/S 300 .. DIN 1~0 . E/S ]50 : "£/S 200 : DIN 250 .. ll/N lflfl .. DL[ .200 .: DIN 100 DIN J50 . D/111 .!i milPc: ,,: 0/N 1 mile · 'f/S .100 1/ Methods Noted: E/S = Electroshocker; D/N = Drift Gill Net; S/H = Set Gill Net i; Distance recorded tn yards unless otherwise indicated. -·~,. / :' .. ... ,,., .;. ADULT SALMON CATCH SOCKEYE PINK CllUM COitO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl 0 il 0 R 1 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 'il n 1 (\ 0 n n n -0 n 0 0 0 fl 0 n 0 0 0. 0 o n (\ n 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 0 -n il 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I (\ (\ n ll ·r. n ll ll (\ (\ 0 n 0 0 (} !i (\ n (\ n ll r. n ll n (\ n n 0 n n n 0 n 0 0 n n n n n (} ll (} n r. A. 'l n n ~ n (\ r. n n 0 n ~ n il n (} (} m G) ..... 0 Table EG-1. Continued. ---- RIVER UILE 132 ----134 :..::__135 __ }35 138 -!~~ ___ ]H 146 --148 ----148 ==j~Q 4 &_ .2 .8 ,6 :6 .L .9 -9 .9 ,_6 - - - ---- ·-- ~--- ---- ---·-- ·-- -- -· - ··---- -- --- LEGAL 31N02W02M 31N02Wl90CC 31N02W19AOA 31N02W20BAA 3LN02W09CDA 31N02W09COA 32NOlW32ACA 32NOlW270BO 32N01W25COA 32N01W25COA 32N01W31CBA DATE 9/07 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/24 9/24 9/24 9/24 9/24 9!24 9/24 ,· .'•' _ .. : • ,'.··l ·l ,1::· .. ;'; .-.. : ~:·; 'I :•, •. . . -:~ . ~ .. .:.·• ·~ . . ,. . ..._ .. '•;t. MEl'OO . 0/N -·U/N 0/fl :o1N ·E/S _ E S ·£ IS E S · E S ·E S E/S ., '· .. - ·•. ' ; -.•.. .. -.. .. .·. DIS_I?NCE .8 miles ?00 200 150 100 150 200 250 150 300 .5 miles 1/ Methods Noted: E/S = Electroshocker; 0/N .. Drift G111 'Net; S/N • Set Gill Net 2·1 Oi stance recorded 1n yards unless otherwt se indicated.~!: -.. :•. ··1 '!':· ADULT SAU10N CATCH SOCKEYE PINK CUUM :;· COHO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ... ~ . . . ' . APPENDIX EH MAINSTEM SUSITNA RIVER SPAWNING SITE MAPS • m I ..... ' ... :;;;:t::::: ... Sheep Creek Slough.J ~~ .. Figure EH-1. Mainstem Susitna River chti~ salmon spawnin9 area' at RM 68.3 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro .S.tudie~s, 1981 • ··.:··· ·.·· m :r .·.· ...... . ;• ... : ... . ~·. : •. .' t t:·· :;; :: -~~ ;,.., .. 4 • t'· .. ...... / * ··::: ~~~-. . : -~~:. ~ ; .. ' :. ... ~ ....... . , ; '•\' Figure EH-2. Mainstem Susitna River chvm salmon spawning area at RM 76.6 approximately, Adult Anadromous. Investiqations, Su Hydro S~udies, 1981. ' . . · .. ·· m J: I U) 't. ... : .• ·t. ... . ' •. ~I • .. :~:, '·-.: J/:' .. , . ~ : ... :'. :·· : .:·.:. •'' . . . ·· .. : . . ~ .. · t. ··.···:· '.;. :· :.~~: ....... . ·. .. : . '. . .. •. ···.· •• • • •• :~ l ,. ·,·. '\. ·.· ·:·." .. · ED Rlvermlle 64 Figure EH-3. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at RM 83.3 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies·, 1981. 1 m I -1:>- * Figure EH-4. .~-:-,, ·;. ... ., ··- •: ~---..--------------· ··:.· ..... 4 .. :: .f. \ :·· .:.~:·f :· ., .... .. ! . : :::'/'}·;·:.:: ... · .. ... ... ....... "' . ..... , .. :• .. ··::~·r=·' .. . ...... ... .. ' ('' .. .., .. . .~ .. • 4 l .. .... ~ ! ':! Blrcn Creek Sfougl) ...,) \... ~ Mainstem Susitna River chum salmqn spawning area at RM 92.2 apprJximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su.Hydro Studies~ 1981 . ~ ... . ·::· ., ·:,'-; m ::r 01 · ... ·· .. ,. '(.;• --+o:.- ~ ., -~-------- ED Rlvermlle 97 .,. ~ ~ :J: • 4 ': ... ~ ·._ .. " ' ' ,'• ··································•······••·······•········· Old Airstrip ·· ··············••············ Figure EH-5. Mainstem Susitna River chum·salJnon spawning area at RM 96.8 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies~ 1981. . . ' . · .. ": .... "''"• •• ··. r,, .·· m I 0> I I . . . ... . . .. l,: .... : . . • . . . ·-. I \ I ---.......... • ' " ............... . ; ... .,··.· (1;;, \\ •'.i . .. ... * \. ' ' _____.,- \: Spring-fed Chulitna River Slougll ';!,)! · ~ '. MAJOR CHUM SALMON SPAWNING ACTIVITY ·I ~ ... ·' _ • .r ::· • . . ·.·- ;,,· .... __ ... ..... . ;:* .. ,. + -- ~ Figure EH-6. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning Investigations, Su Hydro Studies.~. 1981 • . ·· .. ,. · .. ·•· ./" -lr • . ~ '''"' \":'1. ..... . . :.· . .. . ~I,; ·, :::fJ w·:· . . ' 4. . ... I'• • ·' .-• .:-.J•V L~l. • .. .. . , .. • ... \\ * rr~·" · · · : .. ·:':· , •• ,.,. !·· \o • • ... ?J·:. iy • · •. ·: •• ~.:r .'.: . · .•.. :~:;· ,,h,. • • '0' • ' I CHUM SALMON r-<\ ~.·;·~· .. :. '•. CO A \A/1\111\Ifl A I"'TI\/ITV '· ··<• •. l •. • • area at RM 97.0 approximately, Adult Anadromous m :c -...J * ~ ED Alvermile 101 ·.::·. 4 ·:r.· ·, \,';. ··~.' •., ··~. :·i . .... .·,. {" :~. ·' .. ·, .. ., SIOI,lQh 2 .,· Figure EH-7. Mainstem Susitna River chum· salmo_n spawning area at RM 100.5 approximately, Adult Anadromous Su Hydro Studies~ 1981. ..~ ... ... · . . '· ;:: 1:..,. m :c ():) Figure EH-8. ...... i ·.:: . ·~ . · ·:.: '':' EB Alvermlle 118 .· ...... ::== ...... ., ..... : .... --...... : ..... .. ,, ,. .. ........ :,:: .... "" ,.* ,. .. eO .... :,: ...... n"'\\~q •• ••• • ~ ~" .. ... ~y~«:'t-······ ::::::~=~=====~~---· -~~ ~ ·:.·· A i. ~ · .. Mainstem Susitna River coho salmon spawning are<l. at RM 117.6 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies~ 1981, · ·.: m :::r: <.0 _.:-: ·:;. ;, ·. '.~ ... ; ·.t 'I; ··~· . .:· ·.,,, ·~· r-----------------, .. ':.·, ,r• •r,• .... of·~·o • ... ::' ~···(!?'o·:· .o·o•o 0 • 0··'~ ., ... , .. .. ., ' ... :. ·.... -.---. •::;0~. 0:. ~ ··... ' , .. ;o'i.i; ":''fo?·~o· 00 t 0 '/)1'; • "t ~ /0>·;;,: ·.: ... o"'/T\.,, .. o r L iiiF-_) o;;oo;::;:•oO f •• -~!: .•; oo'·\;~)ooo ~ • • Fi9ure EH-9. Mainstem Susitna River chum and coho salmon spawning area at RM 129.2 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations,o.Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .. ~:, ;o m I __. 0 ~ AlvermiiE! 130 ,, ··.:. • .. : ... · :~\ .·.·:· .;· ... ·:· ,. .· .. ··, .. · . . ;:, • !' ·,.\ q'' .(. CHU~. SALM"''NJ , SPAWNI~2~- ·.• / Figure EH-10. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning area at RM 130.5 approximately, 'Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro ~tudie~~ 1981. . • :·: '. ·> m :c .... ...... ~ •, ~ ... r .... . . . ·.: --- .. '· ~. ·.' ~·~. •' ,. ' ~I , .. Q) · .• . :, Q) -;. ; : . ... . · () ~\ : :-: .. : .. s: -... :J I , . 0 :. u.. ..... CHUM SALMON I ~,,.,~.,.:.~~;;;.*;i!(;~i$.'\IS~ SPAWNING ACTIVITY --+'"'""''4·~·i,~(;;~ii':1<i."-.l.l·..,.. .. ~ : .. ······) Alvermlle 131 ffi C, ........ . ~""' . ................ "'-.._ .. , ®Sherman' .. ~-.. ..... . ... ......... ... ............ .. . ............ ... ~ ... .... ~~ .... .. .. ......... ......... ... :· .. ,, ·•· .. , .... ~.... """'--. ~---~ ••••••••• •••••••••• AI ~· ------. ·····: ............................ "' ask "':.. ' •• --::.~=-···· ......... ~ 8 . ""'::·······::.-·· . ••• .. "!.tlroaa --... ,.. . . ····· ··-·:.·:::::::::::: :::::::::::::.-:::: ., " Figure EH-11. Mainstem Susitna River churn sal~on spawning area ~t RM-131.1 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro _Studie~, 1981 . . .. ! ' • ~ • l ••. ' ·'• ~ m J: ..... 1\) ... ·.:· '• ·.· ' ~.:· ., . .. ,. · .. ffi Alvermll•i 135 -~·· .. CHUM $ALMON · SPAWNING ACTIVI.TY'· ::. ·'; .. ,_ 14 Gold Croak 0· I I I• lt!/ ~,' ..... ~~ 'If;' II , ., ,, If , II It " , I I II II •• .. .. . , ., .. . , ., ,~ .. .. .. .. X Ql Ql .... 0 ~ . 0 (!) ' /~' ,.'/ ,'l ,l,l ,~l ,~, // ~ ._o/ ·~· lt!/ 'FI •/ ® ADF&G Gold Creek Station Figure EH~l2. Mainstem Susitna River chum salmon spawning are!a at RM 135.2 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ;. . ~: APPENDIX EI MAPS OF NEWLY INTRODUCED CREEKS AND SLOUGHS ",' ,.:~::_~ . . . ·-~ ··: . . . .. -. ~ . . ..... .; .. ' . ~ . . .·. : . ··. ·: .. ·. .. ~·' · .... .. • ...... · . . .. -~ . ~-: : .: .. ~· ...... -' . ·.· · .. m I ~ I I ~ · .. ;', ::, ··:~ ·"•' .•: . . "./ • ·:·~_7 ~. -'.. .. "'--...______ - @ Alvermlle .l11.6 ~ flow ;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ir·::::~~:~::::::.~:-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {; , ,• .· .. .! ,, ' . ·. ,• ... • + + ·.•. ., •. ~ j ,•. ;: <51-f •, : . " .. 1 '·' :-. . , "· ·' .. '· ·' ·' : .. Figure EI~l. Gash Creek located at RM· ~11.6 ~pproximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · .. / . ~ ... m N ··'· ::; ·~: \•; ~) . •:' •.'"'/•I . ~· ... ·.~··: . ~ ........ l,t.: :::'.::: .J'.:. 93 Rlvermlle 116.2 · i.:,. ~ flow .. , . ~ .. '-' '·"= ~ !:~ ; ·~ ~ ·: ... •.. .. , ,;<~. :~ .'•\: .: ,. ·:~ ·:-: .·:· Figure EI-2. Lower McKenzie Creek located at RM 116.2 Su Hydro Studies, 1981. •":·· :'·~· approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, m <:.) ~ • '•• I .. ~·,:: · .. *-• . ·~ ··::~ ';::··. .... ... · . :': •' . '': ... ~ :-\. '·'· ·:·· ~ ' .. -·. ,, . . . , .. :.1·. Ee Riv&rmlle 123.5 ··d: . ... '.' ··:·~· ··:· ·, ... ' ~·~·.:. ·.· ·,.4=- ,!~' 't;:-.. ·' .. , . ·'·:.::.~ ·.:.~ . ,: ~ .•; .: . I .. . ·,., . ~· .~ . .. :·~-. .... ·i~:· ·' . . : r .. :.·:· ~ r ,.•.;!: •,, .. ... :.·:.~ ,. · . ..... -~·~·,"": .. :.~.'·~ . ·~ ..... · . .. . . -:. .. ~ •' . . : ~··:.t ··'i Moose. Slough I Figure EI -3, Moose Slough located at RM;:-123. 5 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .;;· · :· .... :·. ·{r: . .. .. m ~ :.· . .. t .. ·· .. · .. ... . , :>t ·'· ... :: .~ " • 1 •• ·;·· .. flow _ ,,,,.,~· ·~·'·.::.:··.~ .. , .. · .. ·:·.·. ~ ........ :,, .. , ..... ~l·tj• ··.•,,.i-: •. ·~ ,~" .•: .• ,. : ·:!"":·' ·.~· .·~~ .. .. . . . . ,.; • .; ·:. ·: .. ~ ·: l .. \ . •········· ·~·;: .. .. .~ . Jt. ..,. Alvermlle .1.24.761 ~.{.·:·•.;. • •• \t t.. •••• • • "'' ... . ,,..,.,~!~ .••. ~·:"•. •• • ' ... , •• .... •lfi' •. i 4 ·~ .. \e .•,\ • I ···!··· ....... ""~,: :, :, .':,• 'I ...... "' .. 1,, •• •'• ••• • ....... "' '· ... , :.· ······!·.r. ··: . t t 1,, ft to I '•f' t ..... ,It o .· .. ,., . ___________________________ , ______ : ________________ J:~-~~~~- -------------------------······---------------~-----···-·-~---········································· ~.·~ ···. •••. I ,.,, '·'\'J•·: .. ' '· .... . .... '... ·~· ·. ·,· ... ,:.,., .. , . ·. ···.;. ·, ... "• -~;. _,. Figure EI ,..4. .~··· () ., (I) (I) -,:; Slough Al located at RM 124.6 and Skull Creek located at RM 124.7 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investi ga~_ions, Su ~lydro Studies, 1981 • . ; . . ·· ,.\, '"•'•. '•\ .. :· m 01 • 4 j 4 .. ---~· ··~· . ··. : .... ;_;.;·· ··.; ;·~· :~. :.~~ .~. ·::: .. ·:· ·" ~ .. ·: 1,,, ,• ,· '··· . . ··.< .. . ·~ E.·"· :{:. ·:.;· '~. .~·· .' .··:· ·<\ ..... ~ . ··'l'' ,. : '' ". :: ' l J,:. ·! ' •, ~ .. ·'· 4 1~ Slough 98 I • Figure EI-5. Slough 9B located at RM 1.?9.2 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro · Studies, 1981. · ..... ·,·,· :: .. m 0> EDRivermlle 145.5 ·;·:'' . ' .. ~ ... . , .. ·:· l,:C ~ .. •.:.;:·: ..... .. . ..... .~:. ' :· ~ .. ... ~· •' ~)" ~------------~,L~·~h<~~·r,IDJrr:~•-~.~.~-~~-.--- . ·.~: .. •' .· ·.· . i' ~···------~~--------~--~ •, .. · .. ·· cC fiO\'L_, I . . . '~ Slough 21A -I :: ,, . ... , (-Jack long Creek ) '• Figure EI-6. Slough 21A located at RM 145.5 approximately, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · :.· .. ... :.:: ~PPENDIX EJ ESCAPEMENT SURVEYS OF STREAMS AND SLOUGHS : . ~ ... ··. . . •: . . . . : ~-..... ... -... ·.'" ...... . . ~ .. . . . . . .:: '. ' ·~ .. . ~ .. : . . . ... ·~ ·: ~ : •· . . .. ... :~, ...... ; .· . :·: ·: ...... .· . ,. Table EJ-1. Escapement surveys conducted on Susitna River sloughs between Chulitna River and Devil Canyon, Adult Anadromous Investi gatlons, .. Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .. . . ., r:----..... ·--... ... ADULT SALMON COUNTS '. SLOllGII RIVER SURVEY PERCENT ·:::.~. SOCI<EYE PINK CUUM NO./IlAI·IE MILE DATE CONDITIONS SUIWEYEO ~ ·. LIVE OEAO TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAl. Slough 1 99.6 6/21 Poor 50 ~-fl• 0 : .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/29 Poor 100 .··. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 9/6 Good 100 ··~·.\ o·-: .. 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 4 6 9/16 Excellent 100 ' ~ ... 0 '·' 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . 1 9/24 Excellent 100 0 ·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 10/2 Excellent 100 .:-:; 0 .· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ... ~ S10U!)h 2 100.4 6/2 Poor 50 0·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/21 Poor 100 .· ~-0 ·'.· 0 0 0 0 0 •' 0 0 0 m 8/29 Excellent 100 · .. ~ 0 ;-' 0 0 0 0 0 ; 2 1 3 9/6 Excellent 100 ., o· 0 0 0 0 0 ·25 2 27 .. c.. 9/16 Excellent 100 '';'.·, 0 ;. 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 9/24 Excellent 100 .. 0 ·. 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6 10/2 Excellent 100 0 :. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 ..... -----·:· Slott!Jh 3B 101.4 6/5 Fair 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .. 6/11 Fair 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/21 Poor 100 ... , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/29 Poor tOO '·· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/6 Excellent 100 1 . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/17 Excellent 100 ,. 1 . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/24 Excellent 100 o: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/2 Good 100 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slough 3A 101.9 8/4 Excellent 100 ... 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/11 Fair 100 7. 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/21 Excellent 100 3 ·. ·0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 8/29 Fair 100 : .·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/6 Fair 100 .... l:: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 9/17 Fair 100 ~-0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 9/24 Good 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/2 Fair _100 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ··.· ~ ' . -.. : .. , . .. :.. . ' ·.:r ... ~··· .'•; ... . \ . . . • .. .;- Table EJ-1. Continued. ,:1. ,·, !' .. ~· . .·: •Y ADULT SALMON COUNTS -. SLOUGII RIVER SURVEY PERCENT ·---. SOCKEYE PINK CUUM NO./NAI·IE MILE DATE CONDITIONS SURVEYED \·~ LIVE ·, DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE OEAO TOTAL ~ ..... Slough 4 105.2 8/4 Poor 100 '.··.: 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/11 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/22 Poor 100 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/29 Poor 100 : .. ,· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,,•, 9/6 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O· 9/16 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/24 Poor 100 •' •I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 10/2 Poor 100 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Slough 4 105.2 8/4 Poor 100 .. , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •'. 8/11 Poor 100 ;•i () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 8/22 Poor 100 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/29 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c... 9/6 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/16 Poor 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/24 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\) 10/2 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... Slough 5 107.2 8/7 Good 100 ··: 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/19 Fair 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/25 Good 100 : ~' . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/28 Poor 100 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/22 Excellent 100 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 .. Slough 6 108.2 8/7 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/19 Fair 100 .. ·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 8/23 Fair 100 ; . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/28 Poor 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/22 Excellent 100 . ;· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·. , .. ; ... · •'; ... : . . . .. .. =-. .. ·~· ' .; .; ~·· ·-~~ .. : .. ... ~·· ;.~ Table EJ-1. Continued. 1,·· .. ·,~!. r.. ... ADULT SALMON CDutHS . -::::,' . SOCKEYE PINK CHUM SLOUGII RIVER SURVEY PERCENT ·'· NO./IIAHE MILE DATE CONDITIONS SURVEYED "· liVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL liVE DEAO TOTAL : ~ Slough 6A 11?..3 8/19 Good 100 1 0 1 0 0 0 11 0 11 8/23 Fair 100 0 ' . 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 11 8/29 Fair 100 ·j: 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 9/22 Excellent 100 ~ !, • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... . . . . , ,., .•. ·.~ Slough 7 113.2 8/7 Excellent 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/19 Poor 100 ··1: .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 ·· ... · m 8/29 Excellent 100 .. !:.:· 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 c._ ' Slough 8 113.7 8/1 Poor 100 ... ·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/9 Poor 100 .~---: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c.> 8/29 Excellent 100 0 0 0 13 12 25 219 49 268 9/5 Excellent 100 ·~ .• 0 0 0 0 0 0 197 105 302 9/13 Excellent 100 .·· 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 105 151 '•; 9/21 Excellent 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 96 9/28 Excellent 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 ,. '· .. ~· : ... Slough 80 121.8 8/1 Fa1r 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/7 Excellent 100 , .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Excellent 100 ·~.· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excellent 100 0 .o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slough 8C 121.9 8/l Good 100· ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/7 Poor 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Poor 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excellent 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. ·::-.· .. .... .. . ... :--·, .';. : .. ,, Table EJ-1. Continued. . .. . .. . .,..----- ... .. · ADULT SALMON COUNTS (• SlOUGII RIVER SURVEY PERCENT ·' · SOCKEYE PINK CIIUM NO./NAHE NILE DATE CONDITIONS SURVEYED :: ll VE · :. . DEAD HHAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL - Slough BB 122.2 8/1 Fa1r 100 .: .~. # 0 .·. •o 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 8/7 Poor 100 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Poor 100 •:, 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ·.· Moose Slough 123.5 8/27 Excellent 100 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 3 139 9/4 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 91' 76 167 9/12 Excellent 100 .• 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 133 153 m 9/21 Excellent 100 :. 0 0 0 0 0 0 14. 78 92 .. 9/27 Excellent 100 !. ~· () 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 c... f .r:. Slough A1 .. 124.6 8/27 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 13 39 . 9/4 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 18 140 9/12 Excellent 100 ·::: 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 57 92 9/21 Excellent 100 . ,. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 34 34 ::· Slough A 124.7 8/7 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 ! 0 20 .. 8/11 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/19 Excellent 100 0 0 0 2 0 2 4!4 2 26 8/27 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 8 34 9/4 Excellent 100 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 10 23 . 9/2 Excellent 100 ., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 23 .... 9/24 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 ., Slough SA 125.1 8/7 Excellent 20 ·> 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 16 8/20 Poor 100 ,., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 Excellent 100 . 170 7 177 0 0 0 330 290 620 9/12 Excellent 100 .'!. 87 18 105 0 0 0 53 258 311 9/21 Excellent 100 . ;': 23 .... 15 38 0 0 0 2 5 7 9/27 Excellent 100 6 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 .7 .·:;,· .. "· ... •' ... , . ... ,• :•. ,.( .. ~ . ~ ;;' . Table EJ-1. Continued. ·>~: .. ' . .. · . ... .. . ADULT SALMON COUNTS : . .:·. ·;·. ·.·. SOCKEYE PINK CHUM SLOUGII RIVER SURVEY PERCENT ··---,: . NO./NANE MILE DATE CONDITIONS SURVEYED ·.:. LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE. DEAD 10TAL LIVE DEAO TOTAL ...... · .. Slough 9 128.3 8/7 Poor 10 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 8/11 Fa1r 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 8/20 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/23 Excellent 50 ,f. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 Excellent 100 .J.:.: 10 0 10 0 0 0 212 48 260 9/12 Excellent 100 ' 6 0 6 0 0 0 38 33 71 .. 9/20 Excellent 100 2 8 10 0 0 0 1 15 16 9/27 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0· 2 2 m ... . . Slough 9B 129,2 8/11 Excellent 100 27 27 0 0 0 c.. 0 58 0 58 8/23 Excellent 100 .. 47 0 47 0 0 0 8~ 7 90 8/V Excellent 100 :,. . 81 0 81 0 0 0 67 4 71 9/4 Excellent 100 . ' 71 0 71 0 0 0 41 8 49 01 9/12 Excellent 100 62 0 62 0 0 0 18 8 26 g/20 Excellent 100 ·:.· 48 6 54 0 0 0 2 5 7 . 9/27 Excellent 100 15 20 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' Slough 9A 133.3 7/31 Poor 100 ':·.·~. 0 .0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excellent 20 2 0 2 0 0 0 67 4 71 9/4 Excellent 20 1 0 1 0 0 0 26 36 68 9/12 Excellent 20 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 4 9/12 Poor 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 5 60 9/20 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 46 182 9/27 Excellent 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 59 94 ..... Slough 10 133.8 7/31 Excellent 100 . '• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/10 Fa1r 100 ' 0 .. 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Excellent 100 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/20 Excellent 100 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----- ' :.<· .I .. ~ .. ·•. ';r ''· ,, ·. ' ... .. r;· . ' ' ··.·· ·'' .. , .. Table EJ-1. Continued. ~ ~ . . :::. ; . .. ... ~ ~ , . . . 'ADULT SALMON COUNTS ·' .: ..... -.. ... SLOUGU RIVER SURVEY PERCENT .::· --SOCKEYE PINK CHUM NO./NN1E MILE DATE CONDITIONS SURVEYED :;'·· LIVE: DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAO TOTAL -...:· Slough 11 135.3 7/31 Excellent 100 ... ~-0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/6 Fatr 100 100 0 100 0 0 0 ·o 0 ·0 8/10 Excellent 100 ,. 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 8/20 Poor 100 • 1 ... 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 J 8/22 Excellent lOD · · 25B 1 259 0 0 0 276 6 282 8/27 Excellent 100 ~. 373 5 378 0 0 0 403 8 411 9/1 Excellent 100 -.. 610 25 635 0 0 0 358 26 384 9/11 Excellent 100 .'· 710 183 893 0· 0 0 18}· 162 343 9/20 Excellent 100 468 338 806 0 0 0 32 274 306 m 9/26 Excellent 100 ':' 270 333 603 0 0 0 5 27 32 c.. :· ~ ·. Slough 12 135.4 7/31 Poor 25 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/6 Poor 100 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 8/20 Poor 100 :.··· .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 Poor 100 ·.,· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/20 Excellent 100 .. , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/26 Excellent 100 · ..... · 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 Slough 13 135.7 7/31 Poor 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/6 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Poor 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excellent 100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 Fair 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 9/11 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 9/20 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/26 Excellent 100 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :•· Slough 14 135.9 7/31 Fair 100 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/6 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/20 Excellent 100 ... 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/27 Excellent 100 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/4 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. . ~' \ ... ·, ·: •' ·.·:, .. .. ... ~-·. ' .. . ·· Table EJ-1. Continued. ,,•' .. ' .. , ... . ~· ADULT SALMON COUNTS --- SLOUGII •,., SOCKEYE PINK CHUM RIVER SURVEY PERCENT NO./NAHE HILE DATE CONDITIONS SURVEYED ·.:: LIVE .DEAD TOifAL liVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE. OEAO TOTAL Slough 14 Coot 'd. 135.9 9/19 Excellent 100 .• 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/26 Excellent 100 "' ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·. Slough 15 137.2 7/31 Good 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 8/6 Poor 100 ;·, 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 8/10 Fair 100 .. : 0 0 0 0 0 0 O· 0 0 m 8/21 Poor 100 -.( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/26 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 (_ 9/3 Excellent 100 · . .;' 0 ·· .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/19 Excellent 100 ·: ·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ....., · Slough 16 137.3 8/6 Poor 100 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/10 Poor 100 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/21 Poor 100 :.·; 0 :. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/26 Poor 100 _..: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/3 Fair 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 9/19 Excellent 100 ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/26 Excellent 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slough 17 138.9 8/6 Excellent 100 ·: 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 8/10 Poor 100 ., 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 8/21 Excellent 75 ,., 1 0 1 0 0 0 32 1 33 .. 8/26 Excellent 100 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 2 38 9/3 Excellent 100 ., 5 0 5 0 0 0 30 7 37 9/11 Excellent 100 ... 6 0 6 0 0 0 11 13 30 9/19 Excellent 100 3 0 3 . 0 0 0 4 0 4 9/26 Excellent 100 ·: •• i. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .,. :\.. . . '•: '· , ..... ~·1~ • . ··-1 . . . m c... ) ()) Table EJ-1. Continued. . · ..... ~ .. '· :.·, ·'.·. •..." . ·. ( ,t'' . .. .. . ·, ::· ·~":: ADULT SALMON COUNTS ~ ·~-------------------------------------------------------------,:.. . SLOUGII RIVER SURVEY PERCENT ~--SOCKEYE PINK CllUM NO./NN-1E ~IILE DATE CONDITIONS SURVEYED ·,LIVE . DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE· DEAO TOTAL ··.•. Slough 18 Slough 19 Slough 20 Slough 21 139.1 8/6 8/10 8/21 8/26 9/3 139.7 8/6 140.1 141.0 8/10 8/21 8/26 9/3 9/11 9/19 9/26 8/6 8/10 8/21 8/26 9/3 9/11 9/19 8/6 8/10 8/21 8/26 9/3 9/ll 9/19 9/26 Fair Poor Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Poor Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Poor Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 75 100 100 100 ··. '~:: 0 :':; g : . 0 . ~\~· 0 ~ :'. ·,;· 0 . : 0 ~: .13 '.:.':20 ·_; 23 .. 12 ·::· 8 :·, 4 ~. 0 :C 0 .. 0 '~ 2 . . 0 ·.:. 0 ~ 0 0 ' 0 . 0 :.. 1 .'' .. 26 . ' .. 38 . 32 .. 3 · .... · \ ·:-., ... ~·: ·:·· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> 0 0 0 0 0 1 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 20 23 18 8 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 26 38 33 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0· 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 156 270 134 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 13 4 2 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 14 0 0 0 0 0 169 274 136 67 0 · ... m c.. I c.o Table tJ-1. Continued. SLOUGII NO./HANE Slough 21A RIVER 11ILE 145.5 DATE 8/26 9/2 9/11 SURVEY CONDITIONS Poor Excellent Excellent , .. .. ··· .•.:.,· •, .. · ·· ..... j •• · ... . . ;. ~ -'::· . .: 4. !> ,·. PERCENT \." SURVEYED . ' 100 100 100 ~. ··' ·~ 1: \:-:,· . ! ~.·. .·1 ~ ..•. ~.., ... ;.·. ::. . '• . '~:·: .. . :A·· .·' . ~ .. ::. \ ~ : ~.;: . ~._:t ·.~.~ .) ADULT SALMON COUNTS · SOCKEYE PINK CHUM liVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIV~ DEAO TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 '.t ·~ ··. '' / ·;· .· . . ·.' ... : ',~r Table EJ-2. Escapement survey counts of ·.sus"itna River tributary streams between Chulitna River and Devil Canyon, Adult Anadromous Investipations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . ... 1(, :; ~ .. ADULT SALMON COUNTED .....;. ·.~. SURVEY ..... SOCKEYE PINK CIIUM COIIO ·~·· RIVER RIVER DISTANCE SmEAH MILE DATE CONDITIONS (MILES) LIVE UEAD TOTAL LIVIE DEAD TOTAL liVE DEAD · TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTJ\L Whiskers 101.4 8/5 Poor .50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creek 8/11 Poor .25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 () 8 8/21 Fair .so ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 43 8/29 Good .so (j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 1 50 9/6 Good .so j) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 70 9/17 Fair • 50 ·0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 9 0 9 9/24 Good ·50 ·u Q 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 16 2 18 m 10/2 Good ·50 p. o .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 11 . --;':. c.. Chase 106.9 8/4 Good • 75 ·o 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creek 8/11 Good .75 '() 0 0 38 0 38 1 0 1 23 0· 23 ..... 8/17 Fa1r .75 :'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 8/23 Excellent • 75 ,'() 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 13 0 8/29 Good . 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 . 0. 49 9/7 Excellent .75 ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 79 1 80 9/14 Good . 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 60 2 62 9/24 Good • 75 .o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 . 12 34 10/2 Good • 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 16 21 . 4th of 131.0 7/31 Poor • 25 0 () 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 July 8/7 Fair . 25 0 0 0 18 0 18 88 2 90 1 0 1 Creek 8/10 Good • 25 0 0 0 4 0 4 30 1 31 0 0 0 8/20 Good • 25 0 0 0 27 2 29 46 20 66 0 0 0 9/1 Excellent 1.5 0 0 0 2 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/25 EXCE!llent • 30 ·.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 -.. Gold 136.7 8/25 Fair • 75 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creek ' . • . .. " ., =:.~! ·:: ·:? .. •. ~.· . Table EJ-2. Continued. RIVER RIVER STREAM MILE DATE CONDITIONS Lower 116.2 8/23 Excellent McKenzie 8/29 Excellent Creek 9/5 Excellent 9/13 Excellent 9/21 Excellent 9/28 Excellent m c.. McKenzie 116.7 8/11 Excellent Creek 8/23 Excellent I ..... Deadhorse 120.9 8/11 Excellent ..... 9/25 Excellent 5th of 123.7 8/11 Excellent July Creek Skull 124.7 8/20 Excellent Creek 8/11 Excellent 9/19 Excellent Sherman 130.8 7/31 Poor Creek 8/7 Good 8/10 Good 8/11 Excellent 8/20 Excellent 9/25 Excellent SURVEY. DISTANCE (HILES) .5 .5 .5 • 5 .5 • 5 . 5 .5 .5 . 5 • 5 .5 .5 .5 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25. .25 ..... ·· ... ·,'1 . ..~.:· t:·l. . .. ~ '· : .. : -;.· ·.:. t r:·:· ,. . ··.· SOCKEYE LIVE;~ . DEAD;·. 'TOTAL 1 . 0 ;':··, 0 ·:'.: 0 .. : ... 0 .. 0 ': . ,. .. 0 ~;_. 0 .:. 0;. 0· . .\. ,. 0 ·:. o_ . 0;:.: o.:,: 0 ·. 0 ::'' 0 '•: 0·. 0 0' ·; .~ .. f ,.,..; '.•' 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 .. ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0. ·o 0. 0 0 0 0 ·0 0 0 ADULT SALMON COUATEO PINK CIIUM COHO LIVI; DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL 0 0 0 11 3 14 56 0 56 0 . 0 0 11 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 . 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6· o· 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 . 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 5 9 0 9 0 0 0 2 0 2 6 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 6 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 . :~ }':: •·. Table EJ-2. Continued. :·~.{. .. ·,• ADULT SALMON COUNTED ... SURVEY . , SOCKEYE PINK CHUM COHO RIVER RIVER OJ STANCE STREAM MILE DATE CONDITIONS (MILES) uvr;· DEAD · .TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL LIVE OEAO TOTAL LIVE DEAD TOTAL ,, ...... Indian 138.6 8/6 Excellent .25 o'··., 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 22 0 0 0 River 8/10 Poor • 25 0 ··: . 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 8/21 Fair .25 Q:: 0 0 2. 0 2 33 1 34 0 0 0 m 9/3 Excellent .25 0.: 0 0 0 0 0 36 4 40 0 0 0 9/11 Fair .25 0 o. 0 0 0 0 10 6 16 10 6 16 '-9/15 Good 15.0 o:::· 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 85 9/19 fair .25 0 .,: 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 10 0 10 9/26 Good .25 0 .·. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ..... 1\) Jack 144.5 8/21 Poor .25 o·~··. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Long 8/26 Excellent .75 0 :. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creek 9/24 Excellent .50 0'" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ,. Portage 148.9 8/21 Poor .25 0"' I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creek 9/15 fair 12.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 22 9/24 Good .25 0 ·,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gash 111.6 9/23 Excellent .75 o.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 0 141 Creek 9/28 Excellent .75 0·· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 12 117 ···~ lane 113.6 8/19 fatr .5 0: 0 0 53 0 53 8 1 9 0 0 0 Creek 8/23 Excellent 1.0 o· .:. 0 0 286 5 291 72 4 76 0 0 0 8/29 Excellent .5 0 0 0 26 17 43 9 a 17 0 0 0 9/5 Excellent .5 o·,. 0 0 0 0 0 37 7 44 0 0 0 9/13 Excellent .5 0 ... 0 0 0 6 6 2 22 24 0 0 0 9/21 Excellent .5 0: o· 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 3 0 3 9/28 EXC!!llent .5 o .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .o 1 .. :·: ::·: .. •· .... · APPENDIX EK RADIO TELEMETRY TRACKING REPORTS .. '.·_,··.· .. -~.· .. ··'· .. : .. '".·:·., :· ,.·.,.· .. ·~~·····~·: .:.-:,;. ·' '.·:s; .. •. · .... ~.·-.· .. :·.:·-~ .. :.'."_.· .. ,~.·· .. :.:_"" . .'···~·: ~--........ ·.·. ·· .. --;:: -~,. '· --·· .. ;~~·-·~-.. ~-·_-:.·.. . . ...:_ ...... ·!·::··~·---·""·";-.. ~~ .. ~··:·.:.?· _; . -~ Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #650-3 This male chum salmon was radio tagged at river mile (RM) 119.5 on 7 August (Figure EK-1). Within 33.5 hours of tagging the chum salmon moved 14.3 miles upstream, at a rate greater than or equal to (~) 0.43 miles per hour (mph). During the next 39 hours the fish moved an additional 5.1 miles upstream to a position 0.3 miles above the Indian River confluence (RM 139.6). Sometime during the following three days the fish entered the Indian River (RM 138.6) where it was found 1. 3 miles above the confluence on 13 August. It remain e.,.. in the Ir:.d · an River between RM 2.1 and 0.6 for the remainder of the season, fifteen tracking flights. Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #660-1 On 10 Au~st. this male. chum salmon w~s radio ~agged at RM 192.9 . ' .. ·' ., . . .. .. .. . . . . . (Figure EK-2). Wi~hin several hours this fish moved 1.9 miles downriver. Nineteen and six tenths (19.6) hours later, however, it had moved 8 miles upstream. This upstream movement was ~ 0. 41 mph. During the next eight hours the fish~._moved downstream about 0.8 mile. Within fifteen hours it had resumed upstream migration and was detected 5.4 miles upstream, at the mouth of Lane Creek (RM 113. 6) • The salmon· remained there for at least three days and then began moving upstream. Sixty one hours later, on 18 August, it was found at RM 123.3; this upstream movement was ~ 0.16 mph. Within five days it had proceeded ' 18.7 miles upstream to the head of Slough 21 (RM 142.0), movement to this location occurred at a rate ~ 0.15 mph. Aerial surveys on 26 and 28 August indicated the fish was moving down Slough 21. On 30 August E K 1 w ..J ::?: 0: w ::: 0: <( z !:: rn ::::> rn 145 135 125 115 105 95 !· :·, .•·. :·:.· ... ' z~: r ': I I H--+--+--+--1--1--1--1--1--1---t----t---;:; ;: . 7 ~ . ·. ~ ~ ~ s ·r--·-·· --------_ .. _ ---·----__ ... --· .... ... .. . . ---·- ..... > ' . 1-1 ' . . 0::: ~. ,_ .... ...;. . . 'l ;, 1... .,..~ ...,...llllllf--t ........ _,J.. . ··•1--.. .. . ~~. • 1/ ..... ~---· -------__ ,.__ .. . ---- 1/ ' J . j ; ·,, ., .. .. ' ) : ' -~-~~~-+-~~~~~~~--~- ·': I <;. RADIO TRANSMITTER #650-3 . TAGGING LOCATION RM 119.5 ·.·~_l ·-· FISH POSITION PLOTTED ~q · TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY :, ' . "---1--1--l--+--l--+--l--+--+--+--+---f---f---f--+---f---f---f---f---f---f----·. ...... --. . . . . .. . 30 JULY ::: .; •!' ... ~.: ·" 1 3 5 1 9 11 13 15 17 1.9, 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 B AUGUST ·· SEPTEMBER 10 Figure EK~l. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 650-3 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . .... ·.; C\1 ~ w lJJ ~ ~ 0: lJJ ::: 0: < :z 1-u; ::::> VJ 145 135 125 115, '• 105 '95 30 :.1 3 5 7 JULY ) Figure EK-2 .. : Movement of radio ~ during August and . ·.;, ::..: ,,· " •. ;-·--... -... " I .. j .,_ v I( .... : y ·' : v ' .. v .. l .... 1--•• j .. l --~~~IO TRANSMITTER #660-1 ··. ·: . TAGGING LOCATION RM 120.9 ·-· \ ·----· FISH POSITION PLOTTED t .. TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY .. -: --- ... • ~~ • . . ·' , . . ' : .. •' : ··.; -. -~-1---~-- -------~1---. --- 9 11 13 15 17 ,19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 .. 6 8 AUGUST SEPiEMBER tagged chum s~lmon transm1tter number 660-1 in the Susitna River drainage September, 1981·, Adult An~dromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. .: . ··; . ·;. ' I i 10 (t) ~ w .. · ... :· .. ·.·. Slough 21 was surveyed by foot. The functional ·radio transmitter was found about 20 feet from the water amongst the remains of the fish carcass. This fish was apparently captured by a predator. This female chum salmon was radio tagged on 12 August at RM 119.5 (Figure EK-3). It displayed very little movement following release. Within 2.4 hours it moved 0.2 miles upstream. Almost 21 hours later it was found 0.8 miles upstream at RM 120.5. Two days later it had dropped to RM 119.8, a position only 0.3 miles upstream from its release site. During the remainder of the season and a total of 27 more tracking fixes the fish stayed between RM 119.9 and 119.6. During this time it periodically moved between the east and west banks. Several attempts to recover the fish failed. : -~. .. -.· ..• l.~. : ·. · ... :·. '.·. . :· ... -. · .. :::. Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #680-2 On 6 August this male chum salmon was radio tagged at RM 120.7 (Figure EK-4). Immediately upon release this .chum salmon moved downriver; within 45 minutes it was 0. 1 mile downstream. Less than 2 days later (42.5 hours}, however, it had migrated 21.3 miles upstream to a position 3.3 miles up the Indian River (RM 138.6). Movement rate to this location was > 0.50 mph. For the next ten days the fish was found between Indian River mile 3.3 and 2.4. On 23 August it had moved downstream to Indian RM1.7. For the remainder of the season it was found between RM 1.8 and 1.1 of the Indian River. E K - 4 • ... ·=.: lLI _, ::ll 0:: lLI > 0: < z !:: en ;::) en ·' .145 : ,• . 135 125 ' ,.. ---~~ • -~Mooa~. -· -• • -~~·· ••• ·-r-· -· -. "'"~ .... -.. ·-•.• ~.. ' 115, . ·.. , . . , 105 95 .: I i . I .. . ·. 1 1· . RADIO TRANSMITTER #670-2 : TAGGING LOCATION RM 119.5 <i : · ·-• FISH POSITION PLOTTED ··I . TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY ·.~ ! ' I , "--'---I-.._.__,,____.__.___.__.____.__.__ l--_l____.____ ; _ ___.._____ -~----~--·-··· --··-···· 30 .1 3 & 7 JULY Figure EK-3.~ Movement of radio ·. during August and g 11 13 is 11 ·.f9 21 23 25 21 29 31 2 4 s a AUGUST 'i SEPTEMBER ... tagged chum salmon transmitter number 670-2 in the Susitna River drainage September,.l981, Adult An;adromous Investi!lations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ·~ 10 lO ~ w LU = ::E 0: LU ~ 0: "( z t: en :::> en w .145 Z.....J7 <(1-i 1-i::E oa::::s zw ~--<> 3 • ...... 0:::1 135 i 125 • ' 115 105 i 95 I I 3o i 3 5 7 .. JULY : Figure EK-4. ::Mov~ment of radio :dur1ng August and ,; .. ,: --f-.-. --· ·-·· ·~--·-·· . i -:--. ~---... ~ -loo• -• •• ~ I-• ·I-""". 1-~-; . --·-· -··-· -·- i .. i .. ·' ·' ' ,, ,. ;:- ~ RADIO TRANSMITTER #680-2 rf TAGGING LOCATION RM 120.7 r.'. .._ • FISH POSITION PLOTTED n~ TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY t:: ,.t,' . -.: ... --· ... ,-- .. I I I ' ! ~ : ..... 1 ., .. ~! : ~·· 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 B AUGUST .. SEPTEMBER tagged chum salmon transmitter number 680-2 in the Susitna River drainage September, 1981, Adult An.adromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. · .. ·. .. 10 <0 ~ w . ·· ..... -... · ... Chum Salmon, Riidio Transmitter #680-3 On 9 August this male chum salmon was radio tagged at RM 119.5 (Figure EK-5). ·Within 17.3 hours following transmitter insertion, . . . . .. .•. the fish moved 4.2 miles upstream to RM 123.7 for a movement rate :· 0. 24 mph. For at least the nex·t 30 hours it held position at RM 123.7. On 13 August it was found approximately 1.3 miles upriver of Four~~ July Creek (RM 131.0) at RM 132.3 along the west shore of the Susitna River. Movement to this location was : 0.18 mph. It then moved downstream to within 0.05 miles of the mouth of Fourth July Creek (RM 131.0) and remained there about six days. Sometime after 1100 hours on 21 August the fish began moving upstream. On 23 August it was located in the Indian River about one half mile above the confluence with the Susitna River (RM 138.6). Movement rate to this location was: 0.172 mph. The. .. ·. f~sh sta¥~9;. ·~-~---~~-~~~~~ ... Riv~ -~~~~~x~ate:l7' ~ne. ":~ek -~d was ?C)!lsisten~lY,_ , , - ;'··· .. -,.:.· detected within the lower·one-half mile of this strea~. It re-entered the Susitna River after 1233 hours on 28 August and was found at RM 132.5 on 30 August. During the remainder o~ the season the fish did not move from this position. Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #700-1 This female chum salmon was radio tagged on 12 August at RM 119.5 (Figure EK-6). Within 3 hours of release this fish moved 0.2 miles below the release site. Twenty-one and one half (21.5) hours later it had moved 0.5 miles upstream. During the next eight days and four tracking attempts it was undetected. On 23 August it was discovered at E K - 7 UJ ..J :!: 0: UJ ::: 0: < z !:: (/) :::;) (!)· . I . . :· w I 145 J ~ .:::: t . . t-. ---·---.. -. .. -~~~+-+-~~-+-+-+-r~~+-r-~~-7-j~, ~~~ : I Cl 0:: 5 -t--t--t·-t--t--1- i =~ Lt.J . 135 .125 115, : '105 95 30 : 1 JULY .. ·figure EK-5/ ·'· ~ H;:: J I 0:: , l. -· l ~. -~~-\ j_ ~ .l 'f 1\.~o-.·•· ~· t--· ~~--1..-·-~~-~-·~~---·~1--!oJ • ,....... I ,-'r-1 1 1 . . RADIO TRANSMITTER #680-3 . i TAGGING LOCATION RM 119.5 • ......._. FISH POSITION PLOTTED I TO NEAREST l/4 DAY 3 & 7 .9 11 13 15 17 . :19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 " 6 8 AUGUST SEPTEMBER Movement of radio tagged chum salmon tran~mitter number 680-3 in the Susitria River drainage during August and September, 1981, Adult A_nadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. 10 <0 ~ w UJ :d :!! 0: UJ ~ 0: < z t: en ;;:,') C/) .. I 145 135 . 125 ~ 15, 105 .. :M ~-----: ---_:_ 30 j:1 3 5 7 JULY!. Figure EK-6. · Movement of radio during August and - I .. --I I -- ·-RADIO TRANSMITTER #700-1 TAGGING LOCATION 'RM 119.5 ·-· FISH POSITION PLOTTED " TO NEAREST l/4 DAY [ •• ~ .. 1\ ,, ' ., i\ 1\ ~ " I ' I I ~ " ~ \. ' •', . . ..-1-· . g 11 '13 15 17 ~-9 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 1 AUGUST i SEPiEMBER tagged chum salmon transmitter number 700-1 in the Susitna River draina9e September, 1981, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. l ! ! I 10 m ~ w . ·· .... ;_,. RM· 98.6 i.n the. Three. &i:vers Area (TRA) near .the Chulitna~susitna River confluence, about 20 miles downriver from its last known position. By 31 August the fish had moved into Slough S-14 (RM 96.9) on the west side . of,,.the Chulitna-Susitna confluence area ... On a September the transmitter. was recovered fro~-~Ee carcass a:J__()~9' the ba.'1.k of Slough S-14, located at RM 9'6. 9. Spawning--condition could not be· d'etermined due ·to the--adva..'"lced state of carcass decomposition. Chum. Salmon, '.Radio Transmitter #700-3 On 3 July this female chum salmon was radio tagged at RM 102.9 (Figure EK-7). After tagging this fish moved downstream and remained in the Susitna River at RM 99.5, just above its confluence with the Chulitna River, until 6 August, a period of about one week. It then moved into .· ,., th:e. Chulitna, River anq was .. ~ound. on ~~ A~gust.'.· 12:: ~le~ upriver. of the ··'· TRA. Movement during· this t~~e was >·0.24 moh. T~'"l days later the fish -- was found at RM 16. i of the Chulitna River. During the remainder of the season this fish could not be found, probably due to transmitter failure; erratic transmitter signa~s were"detected during the 6 and 7 August aerial tracking flights. Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #710-2 Radio tagging of this female chum salmon occurred on 6 August at RM 102.9 (Figure EK-8) . This fish displayed the most rapid upstream movement for radio tagged chum salmon. Immediately upon release from tagging it proceeded upstream. One and nine tenths (1.9) hours later it was 1.9 E K - 1 0 UJ ..J :E 0: UJ 2!: 0: < z !:: .. en ;::) en ··' t ' ! ,· 145 135 125 . 115, 105 95 ·! I _l .. i l.J.J ! ' _J c ...... ::E: ::515 > .. ' ...... ~ . . c( 10' z I 'I-...... .• _J .• . ::::> ··~ ' ~ 5 • ~ ~ r--. r--" lll: it.. -' .. 30 '11 JULY i ~ & 7 ! '--I--,_., .. ! 1 ~ tJ 11 .. RADIO TRANSMITTER #700-3 TAGGING LOCATION RM 102.9 I .---.. FISH POSITION PLOTTED I TO NEAREST l/4 DAY - -· ~ ~ -[------~-·--.. . : . ·· . ·I---... ·-~· ··-----··· ··-· --·"' ~*----·· --·-· .... .... ··--· 13 15 17 :/19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 .. t3 B AUGU~T .SEPTEMBER Figure EK-7~ Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 700-3 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981, Adult Anadromous Investi~ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. -1- 10 !- ,... ,.... :::c: w I 145 : I ! II li • 1--1-· ...... .. 1- I; • . . ·I-+-· ~ ,.. - " .... ll : '135 i ' UJ 125 = :a 0:: UJ ;:: 0:: I I < z C\1 !:: 116, en :::> (/)' I RADIO TRANSMITTER 710-2 I , TAGGING LOCATION RM 102.9 ~ .• • ....._. FISH POSITION PLOTTED I . ' TO NEAREST l/4 DAY I . - I • .,.- ~ w 105 I II I ~ 95 i I 30 ; 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 i5 17 19 /. 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 .. 6 8 10 JULY.. AUGUST :. SEP'f~MBER fiaure EK~B~ Movement of radio tagged chum salmon trans~itter number 710-2 in the Susitna River drainage ~ ·during August and September, 1981, Adult Artadromous Investiqations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. , .. ... ~ . miles above the tagging. ~ite, a rate of.l.O mph. Sixteen (16) hours later it was detected 2.2 miles above its previous position, a rate ~ 0.14 mph. Thirty-two and one half (32.5) hours later, however, it was found. 22.5 miles further upstream, a movement rate > 0.68 mph. Between .. . . ·.. . . ·:; --:... ··: . .-.. . . . .. -·.. . . ~ ... . 10 August and 13 August the fish entered Slough 11 at RM 135.3. On 21 August it was detected by telemetrJ 0.4 mile up the slough at RM 135.7, excavating a redd. On 2 September the live fish was netted and necropsied. It had spawned, as indicated by the 22 eggs remaining in the coelum but the radio transmitter was not in the fish, as it was on 21 August. The operational transmitter was located 5 meters from the redd, in the water. Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #720-1 ,j • • •• • • -~-~. .This .male chum salmon was. radio tagged on.7 .August at RM 120.7 (Figure EK-9). -:.~ q_.: :·: .. ._ •· ~·:--;.:·_. _-:-:: ••. • :-.···~· ._"'.;.· •.. · ._.··::: .. :;,· ~· ··>{ ...• :·::. ··.·. ;-· .. _..... ·:·--·~-. ",, ....... ·_: .... '·.. . .· .:,: After release this fish proceeded upstream to PM 131.4, where it was found 32.3 hours later, a upstream movement rate > 0.32 mph. Between 1727 hours on 8 August and 0812 hours on 10 August it moved downstream to RM 130.7, an area just below the Fourth.of July Creek confluence (RM 131.0). For the remainder of the season the fish stayed within 0.2 mile of RM 130.7. Between 10 August and 21 August it occupied positions along the west side of the mainstem Susitna River from RM 130.6 to 130.7. On 23 August it moved to the east side of the river near the confluence with Sherman Creek (RM 130.8). On 24 August it was observed in Sherman Creek, approximately 55 yards upstream of the confluence with the Susitna River (RM 130.8). Between 26 August and 30 August it returned to the west shore of the Susitna River at 130.8. On 3 September the transmitter signal became weak. The transmitter was detected at RM 130.9 + 0.1 mile for the remainder of the E K - 1 3 UJ ..J :i 0: UJ > 0: < z !:: en ;:) en 145 135 125 115 105 95 30 1 JULY -· 3 5 I ........ ... A 17 7 9 ',\· ;• - : ~· "-' !ooo· 1-'""" ,.,. -.. . .. ~ "·· ~ .. ""-. .. --lo.•• 1-• I 1-• ~· -!-. --, I I . \ : RADIO TRANSMITTER #720-1 ,.: TAGGING LOCATION RM 120.7 I.. ·-· FISH POSITION PLOTTED f. ' TO NEAREST l/4 DAY i - - 11 13 i5 17 ',19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 AUGUST -~~· SEP'TEMBER Figure EK-9.· Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 720-l in the Susitria River drainage dudng August and September!> 1981, Adult Anadl~omous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ':.{-· . <o;t .,... ,I ~ w I 10 summer. On 18 September the transmitte~ was recovered at RM 130.9; it was found about 15 yards inland from the west shoreline. A few pieces of fish carcass were scattered near the tag indicating a probable predator kill. Spawning condition could not be determined. Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #730-2 Radio tagging of this male chum salmon occurred at RM 102.9 on 6 August {Figure EK-10). Upon release this fish moved 0.7 miles downstream within 10 minutes. Forty-seven and nine-tenths {47.9) hours later on 8 August, however, it was detected 18 miles upstream at RM 120.3, a movement rate~ 0.38 mph. During the next 7 days it progressed 6.7 miles upstream to RM 120.7, where it last detected on 15 August. On 18 August and thereafter the signal could not be detected. Extensive ... . . .. , . e.fforts .during-tht;!-r~inder o:f .. 1:,he: seas_on to ... locate this. f_ish· were... ·-................... -· .. · .· " . ·.... .· .. '-: .. -. ... . : . unsuccessful. Chum Salmon, Radio Transmitter #740-1 This female chum salmon was radio tagged at RM 119.5 on 11 August (Figure EK-11). Within 1.3 hours of release this fish moved 1.4 miles downriver. Less than a day later it had moved an additional 0.3 miles downriver. On 13 August, however, it had begun moving upstream and was found at RM 121.7, 2.2 miles above the release site. On 15 August it was detected at RM 121.1 and was consistently encountered there through the field season. However, on 29 August this fish was briefly examined in Moose Slough at Susitna RM 123.5; the fish was without the transmitter E K - 1 5 '145 135 ~ 125 :: c: w :::: c: < z !:: ~ ·116, t/) 105 . 95 30 ., 1 JULY~: Fi gu re E K-1 0. • • ~ ~· ~ ~-, ~, ··" --... r . . ! j l RADIO TRANSMITTER #730-2 . ~ L -TAGGING LOCATION RM 102.9 f ·-· FISH POSITION PLOTTED f TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY ~ tJ ·-------~ 3 5 7 9 11 '13 i5 17 ·.;19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 AUGUST ·', SEPTEMBER Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 730-2 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981, Adult Ailadromous Investi~ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . .. , -· t-- ' - 10 f- '- <.0 .... ~ w UJ ..J :E 0: UJ ::: 0: < z f- en ::> en ·. 145 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · +-I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1a5 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 125 I ,ly::·: I t• I I I I I I I I I I I I I It--I ...., • ...,...,....I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,_ I • 115, II I I I I I I II I I I I I ' I I ' I I I I I I I I 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RADIO TRANSMITTER .#740-1 TAGGING LOCATION RM 119.5 .--... FISH POSITION PLOTTED TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : 105 95 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' +-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I I I I 30 JULY:· 3 5 1 9 11 ' 13 15 17 (19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 AUGUST { SEPTEMBER Figure EK-11. Movement of radio tagged chum salmon transmitter number 740-1 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981 . .. ' ··. ,:·· .. ' I ··and identified·by it's Peterson disc tag number (A-333). · It had regurgitated· the radio transmitter, which was located at RM 121.1. Oft 4 September the fish was found dead in Moose Slough. It was necropsied and determined to·· be spawned-out. The transmitter continued to emit weak signals at the tag failed. Complete radio-tagged chum salmon movement data are shown on Table EK-1. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #650-l Fish 650-1 was tagged on 3 September at RM 120.7 (Figure EK-12). This coho salmon progressively moved downriver and eventually entered the .. TaLlceet.'r!a River between 4 and 11 September. Six hours after being . : .. -. released. it ·was: detected. ~at~ Rlvf. 116,.·!~ · ·The following day; 4· Sepiember ·at 1450h, it was located at RM 107.0; about 6 hours later it was detected downriver at RM 102.5. An overflight on 11 September detected the fish in the TaLlceetna River (RM 97.0) at RM 2.7. · Subsequent overflights on the 13 and 16 September detected the individual at RM 2.7 and 3.2, respectively. Sometime between 16 and 18 September this coho salmon departed the Talkeetna River (RM 97. 0) and moved upstream the Susitna River. The individual apparently remained in the Talkeetna River at or near RM 2.7 on 17 September, as it was not detected by boat while tracking round r.rip along the lower 0.75 mile of the Talkeetna River (RM 97.0) and the Susitna River from RM 96.8 to 120.8. However, the next day, 18 September, E K - 1 8 m :A ...... .<0 I ' Table EK-1. Movement and timing data recorded during radio telemetry operations of adult chum salmon', ,, during July, August and September, 1981, Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. Tag ,, Number ' --Date --8-7-81 8-8-8] 8-]0-81 ' 8-1~-81 8-15-81 8-18-81 8-Z:HU a-z6-aJ 8-28-81 locaf~~([1iJZfime 119.5/0753 133.8/1728 138.9/0831 ) 1.3ll434 _I 1.1/1927 I 2.1/0844 I 1.2/1025 I 1.2/1029 I 1.1[12~1._- .Distance mqved(m.f), _ lT~gg,~fl.!!f<!. __ --1~3'~6·--'. --5:-r--.-· 0.3,:1-1.3=1.6' -0.2 1.0 ----0.9 0 I. -0.1 Hwe_Jla~~e.~C!lr.l_ released --39.0 ·-·-··":" ·-· ·· 7a:o·-· · ··· . S3.5. ··-···· ... _. or:r ·-·---.. 1'21:7'-.. ------/2-:~r--·-· .... . 50.0' --·-·-~- Rate of movement(mph --·----:42o·-:--~---······;no ..... --·· ---~-02fi ____ ... . .::;1)04". -~-----:olil ···-:::·our·---0 -.002 ___ --8-31-81 __ 9.::~·81 . ---~.::li.:6L_ ... .... ~::ll:-~L __ ___ 2.:.11:-.tlL __ . . ..... 2-: 1.3:-61 __ __ 2.:.1.6.::81__ __ !1=2!!=ftl__ -9-23-81 .~30-JJL _____ --------~·--~- 650-3 I 1.0/l~~ I 1.0/1941 I 0.9[1504 . -~.!UJ.! 11.-.. l..Q!~Ll§J]__ ... J _Q,.§LJ.52~ _ _L.Q..JU.1 03~.--.. ! .Q!!!LH.QL_ ..LQ....§/0836 I 0.6/!_13~----------0.1 0 -0.1 -0.1 ·0.3 0 +0.3 -0.2 0 0 -----·---·---43.4 ' -78.4 72.8 68.7 76.3 47.1 67.5 99.5 69.5 171.0 ----------::-:oo2 _____ ~-----·---·------•.• 004 ..... __ . ···------· ~---~----... -.001 0 -.001 0 .004 -.002 0 0 8-10-81 8-10-~_1-_ ___!!.::! 1-81 __ . _____ Jl-11 :m_ ·--8-12-81 .!l=ll::.a1 B-15-81 8-18-81 __..Q.:fJ-~1-8-2§;:!!.1 ___ 660-1 102.9[1700 101.0[2045 109 '-OLJ Z~Q -~fl£lQQ_ __ U3.6LJ20Z _]J_J_&.j~~t. _ ____ u l,Ml9.1L ___lll,JLQ.!!Jl._ . H1 .• Ql.1Ml__ 141.9/1044 (Tagged and -1.9 . __ ._a.._o___ -o.a · s;4 Q -0 9.7 ]a.z -0.1 _Btl~se!li___ 3.7 12...§.. ____ ___ JL3 .. ___ ]5.] ·--~ ~3,Q 6L.L_ ____ .___l2.2..JL_ _ __ ?.?.:.Q .. _ ~- -.513 .408 -.096 .358 0 0 .158 .153 -.001 --8-28-81 8-30-81 ----------·-------------141.7/1309 141.7/1830 --. .~!!~~~~ r.~.~----~·----···----··--· --····--·----___ ... __ ··-------------...... ··-··--. -..... ··-·-----~ -- -0.2 0 fish on -------· ··----.---··--. ·---· ··---·-·--··----------·-·· . ·-............ _____ ····-----------.. ····-·····--··-· -·-~-···---~-----------·-····--*------__ 5Q_.4_. ___ --53.3 --~~0-81_ ___ ·-··. ... .. _ ....... -.......... . -~-----..... -... -···· ---·---·--·-· ·- __ .,. ___ ·--------.004 0 -......,...,_,.~ -8-12-81 8-12-81 8-13-81 8-15-81 a-Hi-81 _.J!:-~9-:~L-__ 8-21-81 8-23-81 __ .Q::U:-.81.._ ___l!:_~ft::!!]___ _ ··-.. -·--·---·--- 670-2 119. 5[1513 119.7{l.z!_5-_j_?0.5/1!?.L_ _1 !2.:.~{_19_~_1.. . ... I!!. 8[ Q.8.34 --_ _!!~ :.~/..16~_0 .... 1 !_9.:~1..!?~~---· J U!.~ ~I.J Ql.L _ _j_l9.~{1020 _119.9/1224 ... {Tagged and 0.2 0.8 -0.7 0 0 0 0 0.1 ___ {! ___ re1ei!~.§L ------·-------------55.4 --Cont'd 2.4 .... _20. ? ..... ·-·-----~?.·.? ... ___ . ... ... .!>J.:~---· 25 41.3 72.1 ..... §Q.,.J ..... -----·-·---.. ·· .. ·-w·-------· --· .. ···--·-~---next .083 .038 -.001 0 0 0 0 .001 0 page 8-29-81 8-30-81 .. ~.-3J-8L ___ .. _J!:}J -81 .. -. . . ..J.:J...:~_l ----_.2::--~.-.!l.L ... - . . .2:3-1!]_, ___ ... 9-~-81 .... . . J..:i-81 ---~-5-1;31 _____ -----·-·--. -------·'--.. ·- --l.li.:9/J800 .: .. . . . 1) -~-.J!/J93~ _J!!~~1o~_o _ .. ...!l~:.!.i/.l845 ·-· ] 12.,.§11630 ____ . _]] 9.. !i/1.900 119.6/1.64~. --_n~-~~.u~a __ . 119,6/]1J.Q__ 119.3/1458 ---· .. ····----- ---.Q. ___ 0 .. _ ... ::.!!.3. .... ... I) Q ·--. .Q. Q -....... -... 0 ..... ____ 0 -0.3 ··--.. ,. __ -------- ---~.2..1.._ ... -_ . ..J.Q...L_ --~--·--__ll.l_ __ ____ JJ~----______ l6,L ____ ....... 2.1.8 .. --.· ... 2.7 . .. -_zz.o . 21.~ . . ~,· 0 0 -.012 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.014 ----~-------------~--~-·-~--~----------~------. ··-·-------·-~---·---~------------~------------~-----·-···- -= downstream movement + = upstream movement I = lnd1ah Rfver mflea~e Tfme recorded using 24 hour clock Miles shown are Susitna River locatfons unless otherwise noted. Elapsed time has been rounded to nearest one tenth (0.1) hour. Page _1_ of _4_ m " 1\:) 0 Tag Number Table EK-1. Continued. .:~ ' '• '·, f Qate 9-8-81 9-9-81 9-10-81 9-11-81 9-13-81 9-16-81 9-17-81 2-18-81 9-20-8] - i,pcaff~~J8~~JZfime --119.6/1136 119.6/1345 __ =-~19.~/1120 _ _J12.,M16Q] __ jJi&.1512 119.6/1020 _ 119.6/lill_ 119.6/1715 119.6/1~1§._~ Distance moved(m1) +0.3 0 0 · · :· o· 0 0 0 0 • . 0 1i.meEt~P.~~~Lor>~ ·· -·6a:6-··-·--·--"26-.C~~--·--~~~.?.!.:..t'~-~~~-: .. ·--·:~: ·2~:s·~_:_:~ · .... ~?·.·C ... ~.=: -=~67:y--· ·. =·-· iq~.·~-·-·----241--.~--__:__:_j1'.'5 __ Rate of movemenU!!lPh .004 0 · · 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __ J::f3_:§L_ --~.:.lQ.:-81 . ·--..... --.. -.. -.... . ------..... ·-· ---------····:-·-·--t------ 670-21_119.6LQ82_2 __ 119.6/llfl__ ---------···----.... ---· ----------------....... _. ____ -______ ... - ; 0 . 0 . . -----· •----,.....---..,---(cont) -~6-----·-·171.o ___ --:---·· '-'·· ·----------.- -------· --------' ·---------------.. ·-·....--· -··---·-------·--·--"---- 0 0 8-6-81 §:§.:!!L ___ 8-8-.!!L_ ....... lt-J..Q=B.L___.. 8-]3-81 . _ll::ll:-81 8-18-81 __..&:.23-Bl 1!-26-8] .J::Z.6::JlL= 680-2 120.7/2215 120.6/2300 I 3.3/1731 I 3.3/0817 .I 2.0l143L_ _I g~JUJ2.f.!L __ I_2.4L08_4_5 _ _lj_.]Lw.§._ .. L.L.81lDZ9__ I 1.6/1234 ~ged anL -0.1 . 1~..8.1.:.3=21.3 0 _. ·~] .3 0 0.4 -0.7 · 0.1 -0.2 .. 1 re easeaT 0.7 42.5 _ 3!L.L__ .. · 86.3 _52,9 61.6 __l2L6 U...l ___ ~L----~-- -.143 ·.501 0 • -.015 0 .006 _ ... 006 001 . -.004 8-31-81 9-2-81 9-5-81 9-8-81 _ 9-11-81 _ 9-13-81 9-16-81 ...2.=20:::81 9-23-Rl 9-30-81 I l . 411856 I 1 . 6/1 942 .... . I.J •. 6/HQS ___ ..... .J.J ... .5Ll.l51L ___ (J.f!L.l61 a... I .L..1/.152.6..br:. _Ll .. iW..D.33._ .Ll,J /.l407.... ... . . .L.L UQ!UL. 1 ..1Alill1_ :Qd_ _______ .Q_,g_ ___ ._ _ ___ ..Q. ________ ----=.Q..L ............. .,....:.0...5..__ .-.. 0.. • ..1 Q_.J ________ -:Q.,J. ____ __o....L _________ o __ _ 78.4 72.8 ____ 43.4 --·--·-· ... §~~?.. ...... . ... 1~&. .... ---•H.,_l _______ -~7. .. 1 ... , ___ ·-· .... 99~..6........ 66.5 . _.1!Q~9 ____ _ -.003 .003 0 -.001 .:.006 .002 .VOl __;1Q,P.L ·-.001 0 _Ii::.9.::.8l-=--._...a-1 o-aJ ____ 8-1 1 -81 Jl::.U-81 _ .. 8-15-81 --~-18:1)_1 __ _.1!:21-81 ___ ... §-n:-~.1 _________ Q.::g_6::.!lL _ ___!!:_f.8-81 ~ 680-3 1..1!2:2[1452 123. 710!110 ___ . __ lll:JJJ~QQ__ _Ut, 2/l5QQ.. .. .ULJ>.Ll!RQ_ .... _ .J .31. 0/0836.. ..13Q .• ?/UQO ____ .L!! •. l!LJ 9?!1___ ..J.Jh9/J..Q~ _! ..!>. •. J./.1233 ..J.llg_ged and . ___ 4.2 0 8.5 .. -1.2 0 -0.1 7.7._ 0.5 = 8.2 -0.1 -~- released) 17.3 _ ..... 30.~----·· --~-~.:.Q. ... ·--··· .... .§?:.L,. ____ , __ §hL ...... __ .....Ii.d_ ____ . _____ 1!~·---72.0 ._ ..... .!i.Q:~--- .243 0 .• 177 ;..,023-0 . -.001 .172 -.001 -.002 ~ Cont~t~ iit;~;:bo fji;~:~_!:~; ~ _lJ?J/~C iJ~~~~trQ ~ i:?~~lfu j lt:;:!oJ 1:~~;~},42 :~ J~~ :;1:~._---~ .J~:§~\iiL nex · page .. :~.h..:6:J=-6.4 o . . _ ...... ..!1.,1. ....... .... Q_ . _ . .. .. -O,L....... . -Q.2.. . . +0.2. ---·-· .... 0 ______ . o __ o __ ~ · --~Q-=.1... ___ 28.8 __ 2;!._6 _____ g!&_ __ .. _:l_!i .. L ________ !1~.~·--·-·· ___ .68..7 ___ .... ~9,7. ..... ___ _L5 ...... .?.?:! ... -.127 0 .004 0 -.004 -.005 .003 0 0 0 - = downstream ri1ovement I = Indian River mileage + = upstream movement Time recorded using 24 hour clock Miles shown are Susitna River locations unless otherwise noted. Elapsed time has been rounded to nearest OO'e tenth (0.1) hoUl", Page ___1_ of _!_ m ~ 1\) .... •. Tag Number Table EK-1. Continued. / ·, '· _____ .Q~J.e ___ _ 9-13-81 9-16-81 _ 9-20-Bl 9-23-81 • 9-30-81 1 - ~.!=~~t~~O!.:!'!J/Time 680-3 . ___llgdLJ.§1L_ ____ JJ~,.!i/l!l1L .. _132,_§/_]AQZ ___ JJ2.5L@.3_4 __ _]]_g_,_ffiJJ.Q ___ _ P.tstan~e JIJQVed(m1) _ .. . 0 0 · 0 o o • ~!~:-~a:~:!~~~!(m~: ·-cQQtin~;i-·-4~-.-"-.--~-~~ ---~~-.§~ tc~=~:~-_=._--'99~i.::_~:· · :. 6~,~~~--~-~:= =~i?r9·==· ==~~::.== ---------~----·--=== 100-1 1-~:J..?:-tli.._ J:U-:.81 . .. . _&::-U::6L-.... . .J!::.?..~.-:~L-_ -8-31 :.QL ________ J.:;!:JIJ _____ 9.:.5-81 ~:lll_-_ . --·- 1-119.5/1430 119.3/1740___ 119.8/1515. .~LHJL._ -----~!hQLt9.Z.P __ 2l....§LJ.2.1L_ ___2l&!illL ____ _2LMl7.lL_ -~ered ---··· __ J.Wm~E .. ~!!!L_ -0.2 0.5 -21.2 _ -0.6 -0.4 0 __ o _____ tag on released) 3.2 ---·--· -----~~----____ ?36;.L _____ 119.!!_ ______ --~------· 43.3 __ 71..:!____ 9-8-81 I -.062 .023 .090 -.003 -.006 0 0 I 700-3 7-30-81 Z.:10-8L_ . 8-5-81 ... ·--. 8_-.§-8L __ -8-8-81 .1l:.la::!ll. ------= 102.9/1250 102.9/2004 ____22..511341 99_,9/1150 ..JJI.lZ,0//1802 __ CJL1.6..1L9~'ML. _t.!Q_llinal_ -----· __ _ (Tagged and~ 0 __ :3.4__ 0.4 .:.L.J 1 +1Z.0=]3.3 4,1 detected __r_g_lmML_ 7. 2 __120_..8__. ---22..1 54 2 23L.L after ------~- 0 .028 .018 .245 .o18 8.:.18-81 710-2., 8-6-81 8-6-81 8-7-81 . 8-8-81 -IH0-81 8-]J-81 8-15-81 _ll::JJ1::8~--:-.::--. 8-21-81 8-23-8] JD2 .911448 tn4 llL.lML .•. lOL0/.085.4._ ___ 1.2.!l...it.U2.6__ __ l:l2 • .5J.08l3 ... _ Jl~.l/1.~~-...ill~ZLl~. _n5.V.084.~ ... __ .}35.8/1427 H~:~l024_ __ _ ~sL!IDSL_ _____ .1.9 __________ .2~2 22~---· ............ 3...3. _____ . __ ..3...2._ ___ Q ______________ Q ______ .Jl..J ________ ..Q ___ _ released) _____1.9 ____ _]jj_,_2 ----______ 3.?.,§... .:t~ .. &--....... _____ ]8..3_ •. ___ ____52 ... 9 ...... -. ·---· __ 61.....1_ 77.7 . ___ .4;l,!i) ___ _ 1.0 .136 .683 085 .041__ 0 _ _u._ --.001 0 8-26-81 8-28-81 8-31-81 9-2-81 135.8/1026 ·l35.8/1231--··135.8/1853 135.8/1645 --RE!covered · ·-·· ·· ------··· ---·-----------------· · ···--·--------- -----------· -------·. ·--·-·--·-----·--··--.... -· .... ,.._,. ____ ------------------·--· ------,-·-· 0 0 0 0 tao on -------~ . --· -· -f 12.0 5o.1 __ ....... z8.4 _____ ----~~:-~---· ·---~-:..~:~!!. ___________ .. ___ .. -·· __ ·--·--------"-- o 0 0 0 720-1 __ fH-!!L ____ f.l.::.8::81 ... ..IH.O.-:BL ...... __ Jl::l.L-.8.L ___ .=..B.::J.l.::BJ ___ .~.8:-:15-81 .... 8.:18-81..._..:.:. __ 8:-:21:-81 .......... 6.::2.3:-81 .J~-~4::81 __ = Cont'd -frML07.Q_7 _. _ _1.31.1/ll?.?... _j)QJL081? ___ _]JQ,p/.J~JO .... l3Q,_flLHlQ ... 131.8/1927. 131.0/0838 ·--___ 130.9/HOO._ . 130.8/1020 _1_3Q.J3l.l230 hl:_ next. --~Q!!_ed_and__ 10.7 __ -----=~-:1. -0.1 0.? .... _ . 1.0 .· -0.8 ........ -~ .. ~-------.. -0.1 ~--- page ~1easedL ___ 3._'!.:1___ _ 38.7 lld ________ ll:.!L ...... ------~2 .. ~------...... H.?____ __7~.·-'L._ 47.3 ..... 26._? . • 312 ,-.018 -.003 .003 .019 -.013_ -.001 -.002 0 -.. downstream movement Cl\ ;.• Chulitna River mfleage + .. upstream movement S = Sherman Creek mf1eaoe Tfme recorded using 24 hour clock Miles shown are Susttna River locations unless otherwise noted. Elapsed time has been rounded to nearest one tenth (0.1) hour. Page _3_ of __ 4 _ 'I ( m 7': Tag Number Table EK-1. Continued. ..< _____ Q!lte ____ _ . 8-26-81 8-28-81 8-30-81 8~J1 -IJ1 _ l~~~ ~ t~!l( ~ ~~JLTi me_ ]30. 8/1 025__ 130,8/1226 __ ..... l.=!O_.JjJ 53Q.__ _llQJ!(.J..fi~Q __ _ Distance moved(mi). __ ·-_ ... f!. ........... -__ --~------. ___ . +0. L .... :.. -·-. ~~.J Hm!Lll.i!l2§,gl:Hhr)__ 45.9 50.Q.._____ -------~1& ......... _........:11_,..§ ___ _ Rate of movement( mph 0 0 · .002 · ::..004 '~:: 9-1-81~1 9-3-81 9-10-8] . 9-11-81 9-13-81 JJQ~~~~~ .. __ =~;~-~l.~~z-~~~ ~3o.~~l-~~-= J3o.~~161:.:.~.. .13o.~'.~~~~--:· ...... ?.~-?. _________ 4.2.,6 ____ .li.9".7__ 21.9 __jiz.J.__- .oo4 -.oo2 o o o 720-1 ~~l~~~/f6·2_1 == lJ~~!}~:~o .. R~~~~~~e-d _______ ·------·=------------------~-~-=~=~~~~~=-----1-------~---·--------1 1-· ------· ·-. (cont) 0 . 0 fish on _ -----~-_ . ---- 67'J___ 52.5 9~18-81 ·-·---····--·----·-----.. -· .. ·---· .. ----···---.. •---------•---·-··--• I ..,.......f 0 0 I 8-6-81 __ji-6-§.l ____ .. 8-8-81 _____ 8::J0-8L_ 8-]3-81 ...Jl.::l..5..:8.1 ~---------··--·· 730-2 1 :102.9/1718 102.2/1728 120.~11722 _liL1LQ907 124.5/l427 UZ .• l>lZO:HL_ Jio..S~J ____ -------·:-·-- _1!~9~~~2 -0.7 __ _lB,_L 0.9 3.3 2.5. . · --..r.gleased) .2 _!7-'..2_ ____ 3.2....L__.__ 77.3 ____5.J ... L ___ after . _____ .. __ .,.;;_ N -I I -3 ·5 .378 .023 ·.043 .047 8-15-81 . _ll::ll -81 8-ll-81 8-12-81 __ll:l3-81 8-15-81 8-18-81___ 8-23-81 8-26-~! 8-28-81 8-29-81 N f 740 -1 119.5/1922 118.1/2040 --UZ.J!Ll~.?_O--121:7/1426 121:§/201_!!_ .. J21.0/.Q742 121.1/1138 .JlL.l.LlP2.L ...... Jz.L]/1225 .Hl..illU.J.Q~ ..JlM!g~l!_qpJl ___ __:::.l.,L___ -0.3 _ 3.9 ____ ...... -:-.0...2.. ____ . ___ ::fl..Ji ___ .....Jl.L_ ______ I) .!L_ ___ ?~h n:t~ed. released) 1.3 ____ . ___ ]§_& ___ ....... ?~_,.J... .. .2P.:.~ .. -... _. _M ... L ... -... _JV.9.. .. -·----· ... ZQ,l__ 50.1 ~() ___!!__ -1.76 -.018 .155 .001 -.008 .0008 _Jl.._.,_ ____ · _o fish. 9-4-81 -----J------1 1----... -··---1-·-- Recovered "RShj=====~~-----.. -----~-------............. 1 . ---~-------------,--.. .. .. .. . at R.M, lZ.3~ ..... --· -··-----.. I I I ·--·--- I Taq at . _ .... ____ ... _ ............ ---------------· .. ----------· 1--·--·-~--·-•·· · I"-··-·------·1 -··••--·-----1 R.M. 121.1 ,--·---------.•--·----·-• ·-·-··----·-· .. I·------·· .. -···II --..---- ----. -·----··· .. ·-----·--··--· ·-.. .";·: ..... ._ ..... I ---1-·--------;--·-----~--, ----.. -·---- -= downstream movement + = upstream movement Time recorded using 24 hour clock Miles shown are Susitna River locations unless otherwise noted. Elapsed time has been rounded to nearest one tenth (0.1) hour. .. " ,"• ~·: .\:· . '· ... ......... _______ _ • ••«••··-· ·-----.. ----·-·-·· ........... ····----- ... . . . .............. _., ......... -· -----1 ·---------~ ··~--···--·---· ----·· ... ,..- Page _4 _ of _4_ l1J ::! :E 0: w :.::: a: <( z ... 'ti; ;:) "' 145 135 125 •116 105 •. 95 -85 30 AUGUST Figure EK-12. ::' : -· - --..• : ' .. .. - RADIO TRANSMITTER f 650-1 .•. TAGGING LOCATION Rl~ 102.9 . ' .•,' •-• FISH POSITION PLOTTED TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY .·. ltJ -J ...... i :E: ~ ,~ ltJ (") C\1 -J I ...... :E: 0:: ltJ , .. •• > ' l ...... v ! I 0:: I :•: I w ~ • ' c( ,._ ::z: ·. I 8 . --· II :-.... !><: ' -J . ~ 4-.4 ' ~ ~ :' 1-.... •• -... "~ .. f-.-1-1-'-----·- .. --~-----~------~ 3 6 7 g 11 . 13 fs lr t9 21 23 25 27 29 SEPTEMBER Movement of radio tag9ed coho salmon tr~~smitter number 650-l in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Adult Anadromo~s Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. t· •. ··-.. :. .. ·;. .. ~ . . . .. · . it was monitored in the Susitna River-adjacent to the mouth of Chase Creek, (RM 106.9) and by 21 September was located in the east channel of the Susitna River at RM lll.S, immediately downstream of Gash Creek, (RM lll. 6). The fish \V"as first detected in Gash Creek -cru•! 111.6) at RM 0~375 by overflight on 23 September; later the same day, the fish was located by telemetry, during a stream survey, in a pond immediately above a beaver dam at RM 0.375 with about 18 other adult coho salmon. Numerous attempts to capture the individual with a net and assess it's spawning condition were not successful. An overflight on 30 September did not locate the fish. However, later that same day the spawned out, live female was captured in a riffle-run stream reach upriver of the pond at RM 0.375. 'The transmitter was missing. ';·· ·.··.·.·,...;-"':"·:·;. .. ~ . .:..· ... ~.:· -~~·~;· ...... ; ..... . \ .. :."_.; · .. :· .. · · .... :: ··.:··:·.• .. -. -~~ .. -.... ·.· A necropsy'was performed. ±thad spawned, 'as evidenced by the 18 eggs .... ·:· -~ : . retained in the coelum. The kype was torn where the transmitter wire modification had been removed by someone. The Peterson disc tag remained intact and no other external injuries or abnormalities were noted. It is not known if spawning took place prior to and/or after the removal of the transmitter. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #650-2 This individual was tagged at RM 102.9 on 1 September (Figure EK-13). Ten minutes after release this fish entered (and was immediately removed from) a fishwheel on the opposite bank at RM 102.8; forty minutes later E K - 2 4 · .. :· ~ '~ .• .; 145 I LJJ l >· . --1 .. :::> •'j : lt..W . 0-1 1-f 135 .. ::c ::E.: -··. t-· ~ 0:: w :::> w 00:: UJ 125 ::! f •• -••u .... ~ 1--• If~,=· r--r--. - !j ::E 0: UJ > 0: o:( z t: I RAOJ.O TRANS~11TTER f 650-2 TAGGING LOCATION RM 102.9 •--• FISH POSITION PLOTTED J TO NEAREST.J/4 OAY ' '• (I) 115 :J (I) • ! 105 95 ----i-i-- ~ 85 '30 3 5 1 g 11 13 is 11 19 21 23 25 27 29 AUGUST SEPTEMBER .. Figure EK~l3. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 650-2 in the Susitna River draina9e during September, 1981. Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. lO C\J ~ w •,' ··:. .... · .. · it was located upstream at RM 103.5. I.t was detected the following day in Oxbow II at RM 119.3; this movement is equivalent to an upstream migration rate ~ 0.56 mph or 13.4 mi/day. It reached RM 131.0 on or before 5 September and remained within 0. 1 mile of the mouth of Fourth .. · ..... of July Creek (RM 131.0) through at least 16 September. Indirect evidence suggests this fish moved upstream Fourth July Creek (RM 131.0) sometime during 17 or 18 September. It was consistently detected by boat and airplane at RM 131.0 from 5 through 16 September. However, on 18 September it was not encountered at or downstream of .,,~. RM 131.0 or along· the lower 0.5 mile of Fourth July Creek (RM 131.0). Two days later (20 September) it was detected by overflight at RM 1.25 Fourth July Creek (RM 131.0). The individual probably would have been detected on 18 Septemper upriver of mile 0.5 of Fourth July Creek (RM 131.0) had the ground telemetry survey extended further upstream. -sometime between 20 and : .~-~·--.~· .. : ... . . ~ . '• ..... _ .. : .. .. ~: "'· .. · ... · .. :. ~· .. :·· '. ·_: :..:;-~ __ : -· ; 23 Septe~~er ~~e fish departed this stream; it was last located in the Susitna River at RM 130.2, downstream of the mouth of Fourth July Creek, (RM 131.0), on 23 September. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #660-2 This coho salmon was radio tagged at RM 120.7 on 30 August (Figure EK-14). Upon release the individual swam 0.1 mile upstream and remained there for at least 45 minutes. However, the following day (36 hours later) the fish was detected 11.0 miles downstream at RM 109.8; this movement is equivalent to a downstream migration rate of about 0.35 mph. The individual moved upstream to Oxbow I, RM 110.4, where it was monitored during 1 and 2 September. E K.-2 6 145 135 ' w 125 _, :E a: w > a: < ; .. :z 1-v; 115 ; ::> (I) : •, 105 i 95 t*' 85 30 AUGUST Figure EK ... i4. . ,• --f---f--- I n 1-f--1------~ J • l.tJ _, ) ..... 52 Lt.l . Lt.l C:t:: u \~-:r: I 1-.... "-Vl ~· -1"·-<:( 2- \. ~·· ~-·4 ~'[~ .. 1. .~ .. RADIO TRANSMITTER # 660-2 TAGGING lOCATION RM 120.7 •-• FISH POSITION PLOTTED TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY I 1- 3 5 1 g 11 13 is .. 11 19 21 23 2s 2~ 29 SEPTEMBER Movement of radio ta9ged coho salmon transrnitter number 660~2 in the Susitna River drainage during August and September, 1981. Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro, 1981. ,.... C\1 ~ LU . · .. .... · ...... 4•. • •. This individual began moving upstream sometime during 2 or 3 September and was located at RM 141.1 on 8 September. This movement corresponds to an overall upstream migration rate of 0.22 mph but the fish demonstrated considerably faster upstream movement. For example, during 3 September -. . .: ... , .. ,:. it moved upstream 2.2 miles in 2.5 hours, a rate > 0.88 mph. Sometime between 9 and 10 September the fish began __ mov~ng dow~~yer and .... ---------ri-.---~ -·--··~··--· ~~·-.... -~-· -~ -· --· ----. entered Gash Creek, (RM 111.6), about 10 days later. On 10 September the individual was located in Slough 6A at RM 112.5; this movement is comparable to a downstream migration rate ~ 0.53 mph. The fish exited Slough 6A, as it was detected the following day at RM 113.3, and then progressively· moved downriver and remained within 0. 1 to 0 ~ 3 mile-of the mouth of Gash Creek during 17 and 18 September. It was detected at RM 0.1 Gash Creek (RM 111.6) on 20 September • ··.· . . :·~· .. : .. -:.·.~·::·.· ·· .. ··· ..... ,; (RM 111.6), netted and inspected. The transmitter was intact and the fish had apparently spawned. The anterior one third of the coelomic cavity appeared gravid and firm whereas the remainder of the coelom was flacid and apparently devoid of eggs. The fish was returned to the stream alive, immediately swam 5 meters downriver and occupied an undercut bank. A 23 September overflight did not encounter the individual along Gash Creek (RM 111.6); later the same day the live fish was detected visually within 15 meters of it's release site, netted and inspected. The fish was without the transmitter; neither telemetry or a search 25 meters up E K - 2 8 . . . : ... ·. ~ :. . . ,: ~ . . ., . and downriver from th~ capture site detected the transmitter. It was apparently removed from the fish sometime after 21 September. A necropsy revealed only 25 eggs in the coelom. The stomach was intact -. ·.•·. -.· . . .· . ' .... ; and displayed no apparent damage from the transmitter. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #680-1 Coho salmon number 680-l was radio tagged at RM 120.7 on 31 August (Figure EK-15). Forty five minutes after being released it had moved upstream 0.1 mile but within 8~1 hours it was detected 13.6 miles downriver ·at RM 107.2. This movement is equivalent to a downstream migration rate ~ 1.69 mph. The fish continued moving downriver to RM 101.9, where it was monitored on 3 September. The coho salmon was consistently encountered •· in the .. Susitna River ~~om RM 101.6 tQ.l:92 .• l. through l045h 10 September . :·-~ .... · .•.. :.: . .>,·:--.... ·: .. ·~.;~ •.. ·.~:· :','· ··: · .. : * ~ •• ·:.· .:-~ ••• •• · .... •.. .... • . • . ..... • • ..··.: . .· . •. ; as determined by telemetry on 3, ·4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 September. The individual began moving upstream sometime between 1045h and .1950h on 10 September and was last detected at RM 109.7 on 11 September (1600h). This upstream movement represents an upstream migration rate ~ 0.28 mph or 6.7 mi/day. Extensive tracking efforts during the remainder of the season failed to locate this fish. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #700-2 Fish 700-2 was tagged at RM 102.9 on 3 September (Figure EK~l6). This fish moved downstream to the mouth of Whiskers Slough, (RM 101.2), within four hours of release, and remained there thru 5 September. It EK-2·9 lU ::! :E a: w > a: < z I- t? :J Cl) 145 135 125 115 105 95 85 sf- 30 AUGUST .. 1-• ~ ,~. 1-•• ~- 3 5 1 .. ' : ' RADIO TRANSMITTER # 680-1 TAGGING LOCATION RM 120.7 •-·~ FISH POSITION PLOTTED TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY . . ' . .. I ~ ' ' ··ll·• i ~- .•· .. --1-- 9 11 13 15 : 17 19 21 2~ 25 27 29 SEPTEMBER - - Figure EK~lS. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transMitter number 680-1 in the Susitna Rive~ drainage during August and September, 1981 .. Adult J\nadromous Investi9ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. 0 C') -~ w ~),, UJ ..J :€ 0:: UJ .::: 0:: < z 1-u; ::J (I) ·' 146 u--llii I I I I I II I !Jill I I 1--l-~1 I I I 1-+-4-·-·- RAOIO TRANSmTTER H 7002.(~ TAGGING lOCATION RM 102.9 ·-• FISH POSIT ION PLOTTEO TO NEAREST 1/4 OAY 135 II I I I . I I I I -t--t ' 35 , I I I -+-1-1-1 I I I I I I •I I ,_.._ 30 -fllr·l•" . I ltJ 25 - ...J 125 II I I I I I I I I I ..... -Ci LtJ > 20-..... ~ c(• r:: 15 -..... 115 II I I I I I I I I I ...J ::::;, ::r: . .,., u 10- 105 II · I I I I I 1· I I I 5 ~ I I I I I I· I +-f-1--1-1 I I I I I I I I ........ ..,.. 95 II . I I I I I I I I 1-1-1 I I 1-1 I . I I I I ·~-1 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 95 30 AU6ust Figure EK-16. I . . . Movement of radio:taooed coho salmon transmitter number 700-2 in the Susitna River drainaoe duri.ng September, l9BL Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. - ,... C') ~ w ·. . . . : . . . : . ·~ ~ ... ·:· .. ·- was next detected at RM 25.9 Chulitna River (RM 98.6) on ll September. OVerflights detected this individual at or within 0.3 miles of RM 32.1 Chulitna River (RM 98. 6) on the 13, 16 and 30 September . . ·-·--··· Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #710-1 This fish was radio tagged at RM 102.9 on 4 September and remained undetected until 8 September, when it was located in the Talkeetna River (RM 97.0) at - the mouth of Chunilna Creek, (RM 5.9) (Figure EK-17). Flights on ll and 13 September detected the individual· at RM 9.0 Chunilna Creek. It was ·not- located thereafter. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #710-3 This female coho salmon was radio tagged at RM 102.8 on 4 September . ..:. :····:· , .·· .... •. · ... : . . . •._. · .. ·· .·· .. . . ·-... :· (Figure EK-18} :---Withi..."'"l 7.1 hours after being released this fish was detected 1.7 miles downriver at RM 101.1. It was next detected 9 days later by airplane in Fish Lake, about 4.7 miles upriver of the mouth of Birch Creek, (RM 88.0). The individual ascended a northwest side inlet (Cabin Creek) to Fish Lake, sometime between 13 and 16 September and remained at or near RM 0.1 of this stream thru 19 September. A 19 September ground telemetry survey detected the spawned-out, dead coho salmon at RM 0.1 Cabin Creek. The caudal fin of the female fish was worm. About 25 eggs remained inside the fish. The stomach was ruptured along its entire length, probably from the radio transmitter; no other apparent tissue or organ damage associated with the radio transmitter was noted. E K -3 2 .... -! UJ ::! :::r! a: UJ > 0: .< % ""' ~ ::> V'J 146 II I I I I I 1·-1 1-I I I I I I I I I I I I*' 1-1-t-t-1-1-f-t 1 1 1 1- 135 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I . I-I I I I I I 1-t-1 I I I 126 II I I 1-+- RADIO TRANSMITTER # 710-1 · TAGGING LOCATION Rf.l 102.9 •-• FISH POSITION PlOTTED TO NEAREST 1/4 DAY t-i~--t-1-l-1-1-+-1-. --r-'l 1 1 I I I tJ..I ..J ..... 116 II I I I I 1-I I ' -.J ·~ w JO'"i.. w r~· 5 8- <: l..t.J ~ 6- Z..J ..J ~x ..... 4-wo::: z 105 H-f I ,_,_ I -I I ~ ~ .~ I 2 j t I I I I I L 1·-H-1-~1 I ' I I I I J-.IX6~ II 4 I I I I I I I I I 11·. 2, 96 II I I 1-1-1-1--1-t--J-J-.1--1-I I I · I I · 1· I ~-l-1 I I I 1-J-1- ~ 86 I' I I • I I , I ••1 I. I I I . I,. I I I ,..,I I I I I I I I 1-I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 3 6 1 g tt 13 fs n.> 19 21 23 2s 21 29 AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure EK~17. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitte~ number 710-1 in the Susitna River drainage durin~ September. ]981. Adult Anadromous Investipations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. (') (') :::;:::: i.JJ . ' : .. ~. ' ,. .·· :"i UJ = :E a: w ~ a: < z t: f/) :::> 115 (I) 105 • ·~ 85 30 1 ! .3 5 Auoust RAOIO TRANS~1ITTER /.1 710-3 TAGGING LOCATION R~1 102.8; . • ..._. FISH POSIT iON PLOTTED TO NEAREST 1/4 OAY . LJJ . ...J ..... ~ LJJ LJJ ' ~· u I ol ~ ~ ··. t-4 ~ 00:. ~ t'~ ~~ • .• '. 1-- 7 9 11 13 f5 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 SEPTEMBI:R : Figure EK-18. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 710-3 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Adult Anadromous Investi~ations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. -.:t ('I) ~ w . · ... ·.: . Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #720-2 This male coho salmon was radio tagged at RM 120.7 on 2 September ' (Figure EK-19) • Within 32 hours after release the fish was detected ll. 6 !niles ·.downri"Ver "at ,RM 109 .l. About two hours later the same day, 3 September, it was located 1.4 mile upriver at RM 110.5. During 4 and 5 September it was encountered at RM 111.2. However, on 8 September it moved downstrQam to RM 107.7 and wns observed in Chase Creek (RM 106.9) at RM o. 3 with two other adult coho salmon. The individual supported itself on the substrate by it's pectoral and pelvic fins; it appeared· lethargic and did not actively swim away when touched by hand. The swimming perfo~~ce of this fish was apparently adversely influenced by insertion of the radio transmitter. The fish departed Chase Creek (RM 106.9) sometime before llOOh the . foilcSw:frig-'-day a~ it was. io~ated in the· Su~itn'a 'Riv~r· at RM 109.0. rr·-- moved upriver and by 13 September was located at RM 111.3. However, 3 days later it was detected at RM 96.8 of the Susitna River, downstream of the Talkeetna River (RM 97. O) ·, and was consistenly encountered there thru 7 October. Attempts to retrieve the carcass were unsuccessful. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #720-3 Coho salmon 720-3 was radio tagged at RM 119.5 on 4 September (Figure EK-20). Within 21 hours after release this individual migrated 8.6 miles upriver, which represents an upstream migration rate .:<: 0.41 mph. By 8 September it was detected by airplane at RM 131.0, the upstream migration extent of this individual. Two days later it was detected E.K-3 5 UJ d ~ 0:: UJ == a: < :z ,.... u; ::J "' us ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- RAOlO TRANSMITTER # 720-2 TAGGING lOCATION RN 120.7 • • FISH POSITION PlOTTED :yo NEAREST l/4 DAY 135 II I I t I I I I I I I I I --r-1-t-t--r-t--t-+-f--t-1-t I I I I I I 1--1-+ 125 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1 I I -t--1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1- ' 11a II I I I I \ I I I I I I I I · I I I I I I -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I · 1- ~+ .. ..P.•+-1-••1 I 1•·4-f-1-1 I=~ I• 95 II I I I I 1-1--1--1-1 I I I I I I I 1-1-1--1-1-1--·1---1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 ~ 85 30 3 5 1 g tt 13 i5 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 AUGUST SEPTEMBER Figure EK-19. Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 720-2 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981. Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, .1981. (!) cry ~ w HI .J :E a: w > a: <( z 1- r.n ::::> In 145 I ~ 135 - 125 ~ ~ ~ ' " •"' ,. \ I -1-- J .PII ~ ~-I ' \ • ~ •• 1-• ,. .. "'"'"' flll • • 115 105 ~ RADIO TRANSMITTER # 720-3 TAGGING LOCATION RM 119.5 ·-• FISH POSITION PLOTTED TO NEAREST l/4 OAY 95 : ~ 85 ·=- 30 3 6 1 9 11 13 ts 11 19 21 23 25 21 29 2 .. . 6 9 AUGUST SEPTEMBER oc WPrn Figure EK-20. Movement of radio taqged coho salmon transmitter number 720-3 in the Susitna River drainage during September and October, 1981. Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. ., ""-'" ' ('? ~ w downstream at RM 130.4; it continued moving downstream until 17 September when it was detected at RM 117.8, near Little Portage Creek at the same milepost. This fish was consitently encountered in the mainstem Susitna River near the mouth of Little Portage Creek at RM 117.8 from 17 Sept~~er thru 30 September. It was gillnetted on 17 September along-the east bank of the mainstem Susitna River at RM 117.9; the fish had not attained spawning condition, as evidenced by it's silver-pink coloration and non-fluid character of the gonads. It was detected at or within 0.2 mile of RM 117.9 on 20, _23 and 30 September. The individual was captured alive at RM 117.8 in the outlet of Little Portage Creek (RM 117.8) on 7 October and necropsied. The necropsy revealed that the fish had not spawned due to the fullness of the gonads, although the kype was eroded. Coho Salmon, Radio Transmitter #730-3 Fish 730-3 was radio tagged at RM 102.9 on 31 August (Figure EK-21). Four and one half hours after being released it was detected 3.0 miles upstream, which is comparable t.o a 0.67 mph upstream migration rate. It was next detected at RM 111.7 on 4 September, although 3.6 hours later it was monitored at 2.1 miles downstream. Within 20.3 hours the fish had moved upstream 12.2 miles; this is equivalent to an upstream migration rate of 0.601 mph. The fish apparently continued migrating upstream, as evidenced by it being detected at RM 1.9 of Indian River (RM 138.6) on 8 September. E K 3 8 \1.1 = ::! 0: UJ ::: 0: < z t: en :;) en 145 135 125 115 105 95 ~ 05 .30 AUGUST figure EK-21. LtJ _J I ....... :::::: -0:: LtJ > 6-....... ~ ~· . 0:: 4-~ z 2-.. ~ c:( •• 1'-...... . 0 . z ....... I RADIO TRANSMITTER # 730-3 TAGGING LOCATION RM 102.9 •-• FISH POSITION PlOTTED ) TO NEAREST l/4 DAY l • ' ., ~ • • ~ ~;· ~ I' I ~ .. 3 5 7 9 11 13 is t7 19 21 23 25 21 29 SEPTEMBER Movement of radio tagged coho salmon transmitter number 730-3 in the Susitna River drainage during September, 1981 •. Adult Anadromous Investigations, Su Hydro Studies, 1981. Ol (") ~ w ·.·'. overflights consistently monitored this individual from RM 1.5 to 1.8 of the Indian River (RM 138.6) on 11, 13 and 16 September. By 20 September it moved upstream to RM 5.8 of the Indian River (RM 138.6) and was last detected there on 23 September. The spawning status of this fish was not •' .. ··-4 · ... ·. . .. _. '·-- determined. Complete radio tagged coho salmon movement data are shown on Table EK-2. E K - 4 0 tx:l ~ II ~ ...... ·;: Table EK-2. Movement and timing data recorded.during radio telemetry operations of adult coho salmon during Septemb~r·and October, 1981. Adult Anadromous Investiaations, Su Hydro Studies. 1981. Tag Number Locafio~(~~l/riiiii! 9-3-81 9-~-~1 -2-~ -81 2-HH 2-11-!ll 2-13-IH ··Tro-:7ill1 z _ 11~.1/1926 ··-. J.QU>J~1IDL. _ _!Q_Z_,~/gg!L . .l_?,_,_ZL 1540 T .bl/.lJQ~-ol stance 'iOOved(riiJJ:-= -{J~~R~~--~~~-·--7' ~~ ·----. ---~9.1. ---:. -· .. ::~ ·~ .... ;. -.5. 5, +?. 7.~8 .. 2. -· ---··-~ ·--·-···-· . Tlm~.(lap~ft~(n~)----__r_e]~!l~edL 5.7 ..... J.?,_4 ____ ---·· 5.8 163 46.4 Rate of movementCmph ·----:::no7 .......... -469 --:776"''-....• 050 .... __ ~-----o-- __ 2.::n:-.~L-9-23-81 9-23-81 9-30-81 9-30-81 650-1 ..Jl.L.W§QQ_ G 0.375/0810 · G 0.375/1315 G 0.375/1120 G 0,375/17l2 _Recovered __ o,t ____ ~.1+0.375•.475 0 0 0 fish on 25.7 41.2 5.1 166.1 5.8 9-30-81 .008 .012 0 0 0 9-1-81 .?..: l_:~J --· ---~-1-§L_ .. ... 9~.?-81 9-3-81 9-5-BL 9-8-81 .J.QLU.141 0 1Q2.6LJ4l0 ...J.Ql,_Sl] ~QO ...JJ.2...JL 121 Q IZMlmZ .J..J.l.J!/.l&OQ __ .J.3.LIUU4L_ 650-2 ~gg~-~f!<!_ -0.] _ __ ().7_ 15.8 §.] -7.6. 0 _re1~ased} 0.2 0.7 28.2 24.4 43.5 68.7 -.500 1.000 .560 . 168 .175 0 Q-11-nl 9-16-81 9-20-81 9-23-81 131 0/1521 131.0/1025 lr .. 1. ?"i/t4on 130,2/0830 0 0 -----1.25 -1.25 -0.8"2.3 __ 4L1._. __ 67.1 99.6 66.5 0 0 .013 -.035 0-30-81 __ _!-30-_81 __ ... fl:..J.l-01 ~-1-01 2-2-~1 --. 9-~-81 ___ _?-3~---660-2 120,lll028-_ill_&LJ HJ_ .. ·-__ 10~:!3/J~~~ -.. _!]~(1555. .. JJ_Q.4/29Q.Q . . 112.5/1430 114.7/1700 ... ~~and_ ___ ,_Q.L__ -.. -=.lJ..•!L .. ____ _ _Q.._§ ___ . ____ .Q__-::--_l.,_L_ __ --~·2 released} OJ_ __ .. .ll:L ...... --·· ~J.:.t ... _____ 28.1 -.Ja . .s_, . ... -.? .... L. __ ................ ,_. .143 -.349 .027 0 .113 .880 ___ 9=.11=.8J~ ......J}.:l0.-81 .. --.. 9-ll::.B.L __ __ i::J 3-81 . -. .. _.2.::16-81 ___ . _.2:-J? ~~n ...... .9:P:8J.. __ Cont'd. _l!l.1/11..5L . .JI~._sn.n5 .... __ ] ll .. JillQ.5_ .. JU.7ll5l1 . 1.1 VUJQ1.L. _ J 12. I /1555 111.5/1835 - next ___ L2,7 ____ .:£!46 ___ .. -..... ..!! .• !3...... . ... Q,4. .. . . -~,~--. . . -.Ch?. -0.6 page __ 69 . ...Q __________ a__5_ --~2:_7 _____ y...!,l ____ --~!--···-·-. --·· _ ?9..L._. 2.7 ··--- ··~· --.. -...... -~' ___ _.HlL~. ---·~~---_____ &~L _ , .008 _ _:_._<l.ll____ -.024 -.222 -• downstream movement + • upstream movement T • Talkeetna River mfleage G • Gash Creek mileage ~.nL-. ___i:.l.B-81 2-~!HH . T ~.2£0945 106.9£1800 111. 3L!l49-. ___ Q,~-----.1..Z ... !U'!J.3 ... 1. . 4 •. 4 ..... ~ 67.7 §§.3 _4.JL] ___ ···-··· nii;·---'~1 .101 ___?.::l.!>~il1 __2.:.)Q:!l}_ __ JH.l.:SL - _Lll,.0./.130..0_ .J3LOL18QIL_ ..lJ.L ~lHJ. _ 0 . 0 41.3 . 5.0 22.2 0 0 0 ---. 9-3:81 ... -· __ .9-~-BL_ __ 9.-5-81 __ ··- 114.9/1926 ..... J.Hl. . .P/J ~JQ__ )28.4/1458 _____ Q,L_ ____ 3 .. § __ ..... 9.9. -·--- ..... _?.J ---__ U.~L-. ... n) ··--· .083 .160 .425 .. 9-18-81 ...... . --~18-81 9-20-81 .. DJ.~/l!QQ.._ -111.3£1750 ~;j,~_o,i~..u. -0.2 0 0.4 l34111r i6.'4·--·· . 6.8 4iu-- . ~ .. ~-······--. ... . .. ... -.012 0 .008 - Tin~ rccol'dcd using ~4 hour clock fr • fourth of ~uly Creek mtlea~e Miles shown are Susltna River locations unless otherwise noted. Elapsed time has been rounded to nearest one tenth (0.1) hour. Pag" _1_or _3_ ' tr:l :;><: +:'- N Table EK-2. Continued. Date ...... 6.6!1-:2 _ __:_ ~-Z1-Il1 __ J:Zl.::§L__ Locafion(i!.M.liTime G 0 211530 G O.Zil245 Recovered oi s tariCe iiiOvedriiilJ..:" n 1 n fhh nn . . ' . - Time .E.l.aps!!d(hr) _ J.ontlnued 25.8 45.3 9-23-81 Rate of movement(mph .004 0 __ 8-J! :.e.J_ _.J!.:-.31-~1 . . ··-!l:-.H:9l_ .... .. __ .2_:J.:_81 __ ~-81_,_ .li(L]lQnL_ _]ZQ~---__ 1Q7. 2.l.l.!QL _ _ lQz...JLt~J~. -.. J!l.l~J!ll ~4!) _____ 680-1 ~9.9l!.fl . ..![!_d -~-....!!.:.1 __ -13.6 •0.1 -5.2 released)" 1.1 ____ __ J!:l_ ____ 20.7 50.3 -------------·-·-.090 -1.679 -.005 -.103 9-10-81 9-10-Bl 9-11-81 101.7/1045 103.8/1950 109.7/1600 NO SIGNAL DETECTED AFTER __ -Q_,_§ ___ 2.1 ---•. ~9 23.3 9.1 20.2 -.022 .231 ·.292 700-2 -~:3-81 9-3-81 9-3-81 9-3-Bl 9-4-81 102. 9/l340 _lOUlil.J.liiL_ JOL.Ull!t~--.l.!JJ.....lilill._ _JJ!Ll.Lll3JL _ .....ii.a.9ged .md --· --....: . ~ ~-........ . .:-~ ._5_~·-·· ·-. .. _JI --.... -·--· ,._Q _____ - _re.l.rut~!l!l) __ .____!l.L_ ......... 3 .J.L.----1· 5 .-. .J~.l. ~.750 -408 0 0 710-1 __!l:~=8l 9-R-81 9-11-RI 9~ 11-Al _19_?,~12021 T 5.9/1230 Cr 9.0/1540 Cr 9.011415 _ID.!l!J!l<! . .<!ru!_ -5.9 +5.9•11.8 9.0 0 NO SIGNAl _r..e.l~se.d} ___ 118 .I 7~.? 46.6 t ~nd ~ 1 H~ 120 0 710-3 .•. 9.:4:81 ____ 9-4-81 9-13-81 9-16~81 9-19-Rl _JJ)Z...BH335........: .. 101 1/2042 F llfi1!i h. n.1/091i!i 1 rt. n 1111nn .JI.~~[ed_~rd · -1.7 ~!sed __ 7.1 -'-. -.239 -• downstream movement + • upstream movement -14.8 f4 .6=19.4 211.9 l-.092 Time recorded using 24 hour clock n 1 65.3 .001 Miles shown are Susltna River locations unless otherwise noted. Elapsed time has been rounded to nearest one tenth (0.1) hour. n -7i.1- o_ ·---?.:.~.:~L----__ 9-4-81 __ __9-5:.8_1 __ _IQ!!.~LJ.n~--_102JL120~.-.J01._9L!_41L_ -0.3 -2.~ __ -Q..l __ _ _j_.fr ____ ___16.1 __ _16~6 ____ -.BBO .030 -.008 1600 HR. ON 9~11-81 - 2-5-1!1 9-11·1!~ _..2.:-J..HlJ_ . ~Ol..J/14.3.5._ J;!Ll? ~w ~?o ... _ .:L..Z • .<2h.Z. r ·--!! ... _.1._ __ ----~l!.!i ... ---·-.6il! ____ .... 27 .• 3 ..... _ ..... _ __l46.,li ...... -·-· .~7..L.... .00~ ·.195 _.-Lu.t..._ DETECTED AFTER ·9-13-81 h fhh nn 9-lQ-Rl G • Gash Creek mileage Ch • Chulitna River mtlea!Je T • Talkeetna River mileage Cr • Chunll,na (Clear) Creek mileage F • Fish lake (Birch Creek Lake) Cb • Cabin Creek (tributary of Fish lake) ' 2-6~1!1 . ___ 2;2::!U ___ . 101.6l1123 102.2/1130 -0.~ -·-o:r - .__fill 8 24.1- -.004 0.25 -· ......J:.l§-61 9-l2-!H -~~..11.2/1120 f~ ..Jl~.2LJ lJL _ __ ':.0..2. _____ 0 67.q .. "j36.6-· ----· ,. __ -.003 0 --------~---- Page _2_ of _3_ t:'lj ~ .p.. w Table EK-2. Continued. Tag Number --_or~Lr---_ __JI.:.?.:ll.L 9-3-111 9-3-61 ' Location R.M. /Time 120.1 LJ032 l09.1/l7l7 J.l!>., ~n 2~-oi s ta rici! movii<ifmH:-= Trag;jerand----ii-.6---1.4 . llflle.ElaP..~!l~{!!d released) 30.7 2.1 Rate of movementlmoh -.378. .667 9-13-81 . 9-16-81 9-17-81 9-18-81 --·-----720-2 . _111 . 3/].~09 96.6/1145 96.8/1430 96.8/0930 0:.~.--_:!.1:.L__ 0.2 0 47.1 6~!1 __ ~I.. ___ .. -~~~--- .006 -.216 007 0 2-1-81 9-~::.l!.L __ __ 9-8::8_1 ___ __ ?~10-81 720-3 1J9.5LJZOZ ~..ill]_ _j}_lJ.0£1 H1 .J.12...1.ll~ .-!.il9.9ll!l.J\!l.<L -2~~----6~·~~--_...:!l...ti __ __r~ l.e.aRd.}__ 55 I .394 .042 -.012 9-18-81 9-20-81 9-23-81 9-23-81 117.9/1720 118~2jJ349 117 .6}0820 117.W600 0 0.3 -0,6 0 ··-5.3 44.8 66,5 7.7 0 .007 -009 0 -.!l.:1l-8J __ B-31-81 9-4-81 !J-4-81 730-3 ..J.0.~ • .2/J.1QL 105.9/1837 111.7/1510 109.6/1845 -l.:IA.!Jg~d.._~rut_ _ .. 3 0 .... -·~~!L ______ -2.1 _ru.e.a.~~.l.U. 4.5 92.6 --3-.6-- .667 .063 . -.583 ... 9:23:-Bl_ .J ...... ~.JU9!nJI ____ jl __ 6~- 0 -~ ------------------• downstream movement + • upstream movement Time recorded using 24 hour clock Miles shown are Susltna River locations unless otherwise noted. Elapsed time has been rounded to nearest one tenth (0.1) hour! ·' ..· 9+B1- 111.2/1455 -.-. -o:7--.. - 19.5 .036 9-20-81 . 96.7/1330 . -0.1 . 54.0 -···--.002 9-10-81 _!1!!...1l.l!!lL 0 5,3 0 9-30-111 117.W121 . 0 163.3 0 9-5-81 121.8/1505 --~~-20.3 ,601 .. ~ . .. --2:5-Bl . 9·6-61 ----..!C:i~lll_ 9-10-81 9-11-81 __ W.:.Ulill::_ ..J.ll1..1/11ZS .. _. . tLO..JLlllL l09,Ql11) .5 Jll.DJ16Ql_ . 0 -3.5 -0.8. +O.l•O;~ -.0~1. t Z.l '!2 ~·2. 2.0 23.9 68.6 25.1 22.7 28.8 0 -.051 .036 ;097 .069 9-21-81 9-23-81 9-30-01 96.7/1730 96.7/0924 96.7/1115 0 0 0 . 28.0 39.6 169.8 .·. ---------···-·--. 0 0 0 -2::.ll::6.L !1-lJ-IU 9-16-AI .9::ll;:Q L_ _9~!_~::!lL _ . ..1..?.3 .• ~/J.@~---... _l23.4.L!HL . ...l.M,.?/lQl?_ . JJ1:.9./llill!L_ lli!.9lJf!l.Q ·- -6.8 • -0.2 -5.2 . -Q.J 0 21.8 47.1 67.1 31.7 Ht.O - t -.312 -.004 -.077 -.008 0 10-7-81 117.8/1300 Recovered 0.2 fish on 169.6 10-7-81 .001 ---9-R-81 9-11-81 9-13-81 9-16-81 9-20-81 ( 1. 9/1151 I 1.5/1619 I I. 5/1532 I 1.8/1036 I 5.8/1409 J6,8+1.9a18.7 _ _:Q._4 __ 0 .__ll,3 -·-~~u --68-.6---76.4 47.3 67.0 99.5 .273 -.005 0 .004 .040 ---------~--~-~~---------~----------~------~--------"-------· Cs • Case Creek mileage I • India~ River mileage Page _3_ of _J _