HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS86ch2SUSITNA HYDRO ELECTRIC PR OJECT EXHIBIT E VOLUME 1 CHA PTER 2 WATER USE AND QUALITY TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 -INTRODUCTION ............................................... E-2-1 2 -BASELINE DESCRI PTION ....................................... E-2-2 2.1 -Sus itn a River Water Qua 1 Uy .......................... E-2-3 2.2 -Susitna River Morphology ............................. E-2-5 2.3 -Susitna River Water Quality .......................... E-2-10 2.4-Baseline Ground Water Conditions ..................... E-2-23 2.5 -Existing Lak es, Reservoirs, and Streams .............. E-2-24 2.6 -Existing Instream Flow Uses .......................... E-2-25 2. 7 -Access Plan ..... : .................................... E-2-2 9 2.8 -Transmission Co rridor ................................ E-2-29 3-PR OJECT IM PACT ON WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY ............... E-2-31 3.1 -Proposed Project Reservoirs .......................... E-2-31 3.2 -Watana Development ................................... E-2-31 3.3 -Devil Canyon Development ............................. E-2-68 3.4 -Access Plan I[Tlpacts .................................. E-2-8 6 3.5 -Transmissio� Corridor Impacts ........................ E-2-88 4-AGENCY CONCERNS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ E-2-89 5-MITIGATION ENHANCEMENT AND PR OTECTIVE MEASURES ............. E-2-90 5.1 -Introduction ......................................... E-2-90 5.2 -Construction ......................................... E-2-90 5.3 -Mitigation of Watana Impoundment Impacts ............. E-2-90 5.4-Mitigation of Watana Operation Impacts ............... E-2-91 5.5 -Mitigation of Devil Canyon Impoundment Impacts ....... E-2-92 5.6 -Mitigation of Devil Canyon/W atana Operation .......... E-2-9 2 BIBLIOGRA PHY LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES · E.2.1-Gaging Station Da ta E.2.2 -Baseline Monthly Flows (cfs) E.2.3 -Instantaneous Pe ak Fl ows of Re cord E.2.4 -Comparison of Susitna Regional Flood Peak Estimates With USGS Methods for Gold Creek E.2.5 -Susitna River Reach Definitions E.2.6 -Detection Limits for Wa ter Qu ality Pa rameters E.2.7 -Pa rameters Exceeding Criteria by Station and Season E.2.8-1982 Turbidit y Analysis of the Susitna, Ch ulitna, and Talkeetna Rivers Confluence Area E.2.9-Significant Ion Concentrations E.2.10 Streams to be Partially or Completely Inundated by Watana Reservoir (El 2,185) E.2.11 -Streams to be Parti ally or Completely Inundated by Devil Canyon Reservoir (El 1,455) E. 2.12 -Downstream Tributaries Potentially Impacted by Project Operation E.2.13 -Summary of Water and Groun d Water Appropria tions in Equ iv alent Flow Rates E.2.14-Susitna Ri ver -Limitations to Na vigation E. 2.15 -Es timated Low and High Flows at Access Road Stream Crossings E:2.16 -Available Streamflow Records fo'r Major Streams Crossed by Transmission Corridor E.2.17-Downstream Flow Requirements at Gold Creek E. 2. 18 -Watan a In flow and Outflow for Fi 11 i ng Cases E. 2.19 -Flows at Gold · Creek Du ring Watana Fi 11 ing E. 2.·20 -Monthly Average Pre-Project and Watana Filling Fl ows at Gold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Stations E. 2. 21 -Post-Project Flow at Watana (cfs) E.2.2 2 -Monthly Maximum, Mi nimum, and t�ean Fl ows at Wa tana E.2.2 3-Pre-Proj.ect Flow at Gold Cree k (cfs) E.2.2 4-Post-P roject Fl ows at Gold Creek E. 2.25 -Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Mean Flows at Gold Cree k E.2.2 6 -Pre-P roject Fl ow at Sunshine (cfs) E.2.2 7-Po st-Project Flow at Sunshine (cfs) E.2.2 8-Pre-Project Flow at Susitna (cfs) E. 2.2 9 -Po st-Project Flow at Susitna E.2.30-Monthly Maximum, Mi nimum, and Mean Flows at Su nshine E. Z. 31 -Monthly Maximum, Minimllll, and Mean Flows at Susitna E.2.32 -Pre-Project Flow at Watana (cfs) E.2.33 -Pre-Project Flow at Devil Can yon (cfs) E.2.34 -Post-Project Flow at Wa tana (cfs) E.2.35 -Po st-Project Flow at Devil Can yon (cfs) E.2.36 -Post-P roject Fl ows at Gold Creek (cfs) E. 2. 37 -Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Me an Flows at Devil Can yon E.2.38 -Post-Project Flow at Su nshine (cfs) E. 2.39 -Post -Project Flow at Susitna (cfs) ,-I -I I ~ I l I I J l LIST OF FIGURES Figure E.2.1 -Data Collection Stations Figure E.2.2 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Susitna River Near Denali Figure E.2.3 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Susitna River Near Cant well Figure E.2.4 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Susitna River at Gold Creek Figure E.2.5 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Maclaren River· near Paxson Figure E.2.6 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Chulitna River near Tal keetna Figure E.2.7 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Talkeetna River near Talkeetna Figure E.2.B -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, .Skwenta River near Skwentna Figure E.2.9 -Design Dimensionless Regional Frequency Curve Annual Instantaneous Flood Peaks Figure E.2.10 -Watana Natural Flood Frequency Curve Figure E.2.11 -Devil Canyon Natural Flood Frequency Curve Figure E.2.12 -Flood Hydrographs, May -July Figure E.2.13 -Flood Hydrographs, Aug -Oct Figure E.2.14 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Susitna River at Gold Creek, Susitna River near Cantwell, Susitna River near Denali Figure E.2.15 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Maclaren River at Paxson Figure E.2.16 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Susitna River at Susitna Station Figure E.2.17 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Talkeetna River near Talkeenta Figure E.2.1B -Susitna River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -May ,-I -I I ~ I l I I J l LIST OF FIGURES Figure E.2.1 -Data Collection Stations Figure E.2.2 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Susitna River Near Denali Figure E.2.3 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Susitna River Near Cant well Figure E.2.4 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Susitna River at Gold Creek Figure E.2.5 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Maclaren River· near Paxson Figure E.2.6 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Chulitna River near Tal keetna Figure E.2.7 -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, Talkeetna River near Talkeetna Figure E.2.B -Annual Flood Frequency Curve, .Skwenta River near Skwentna Figure E.2.9 -Design Dimensionless Regional Frequency Curve Annual Instantaneous Flood Peaks Figure E.2.10 -Watana Natural Flood Frequency Curve Figure E.2.11 -Devil Canyon Natural Flood Frequency Curve Figure E.2.12 -Flood Hydrographs, May -July Figure E.2.13 -Flood Hydrographs, Aug -Oct Figure E.2.14 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Susitna River at Gold Creek, Susitna River near Cantwell, Susitna River near Denali Figure E.2.15 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Maclaren River at Paxson Figure E.2.16 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Susitna River at Susitna Station Figure E.2.17 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves Talkeetna River near Talkeenta Figure E.2.1B -Susitna River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -May \ -} LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.19 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -June Figure E.2.20 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -July and August Figure E.2.21 -Susitnc. River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -September and October ·-F-ig.ure--::E.2.22 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -May Figure E.2.23 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -June Figure E.2.24 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -July and August Figure E.2.25 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -September and October Figure E.2.26 -Susitna River Water Temperature -Summe~ 1980 Figure E.2.27 -Susitna River Water Temperature -Summer 1981 Figure E.2.28 -Susitna River at Watana, Weekly Average Water Temperature -1981 Water Year Figure E.2.29 -~usitna River -Water Temperature Gradient Figure E.2.30 -Data Summary -Temperature Figure E.2.31 -Location Map for 1982 Midwinter Temperature Study Sites Figure E.2.32 -Comparison of Weekly Dial Surface Water Temperature Variations in Slough 21 and the Mainstream Susitna River at Portage Creek (adapted from ADF&G 1981). Figure E.2.33 -Susitna River, Portage Creek and Indian River Water Temperatures Summer 1982 Figure E. 2.34 -Data Summary -Total Suspended Sed iments Figure E.2.35 -Suspended Sediment Rating Curves, Upper Susitna River Bas in Figure E.2.36 -Suspended Sediment Size Analysis, Susitna River l r [ [ I .. 1 [ L L \ -} LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.19 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -June Figure E.2.20 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -July and August Figure E.2.21 -Susitnc. River at Gold Creek, Low-Flow Frequency Curves -September and October ·-F-ig.ure--::E.2.22 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -May Figure E.2.23 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -June Figure E.2.24 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -July and August Figure E.2.25 -Susitna River at Gold Creek, High-Flow Frequency Curves -September and October Figure E.2.26 -Susitna River Water Temperature -Summe~ 1980 Figure E.2.27 -Susitna River Water Temperature -Summer 1981 Figure E.2.28 -Susitna River at Watana, Weekly Average Water Temperature -1981 Water Year Figure E.2.29 -~usitna River -Water Temperature Gradient Figure E.2.30 -Data Summary -Temperature Figure E.2.31 -Location Map for 1982 Midwinter Temperature Study Sites Figure E.2.32 -Comparison of Weekly Dial Surface Water Temperature Variations in Slough 21 and the Mainstream Susitna River at Portage Creek (adapted from ADF&G 1981). Figure E.2.33 -Susitna River, Portage Creek and Indian River Water Temperatures Summer 1982 Figure E. 2.34 -Data Summary -Total Suspended Sed iments Figure E.2.35 -Suspended Sediment Rating Curves, Upper Susitna River Bas in Figure E.2.36 -Suspended Sediment Size Analysis, Susitna River l r [ [ I .. 1 [ L L I ~! I ---l 1. } I \ I I ( LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.37 -Data Summary -Turbidity Figure E.2.38 -Turbidity vs Suspended Sediment Concentration Figure E.2.39 -Data Summary -Total Dissolved Sol ids Figure E.2.40 -Data Summary -Conductivity Figure E.2.41 -Data Summary -Chloride ........... ~ -..,...- Figure E.2.42 -Data Summary -Sulfate Figure E.2.43 -Data Summary -Calcium Figure E.2.44 -Data Summary -Magnesium (d) Figure E.2.4S -Data Summary -Sodium (d) Figure E.2.46 -Data Summary -Potassium (d) Figure E.2.47 -Data Summary -PH Figure E.2.48 -Data Summary -Hardness Figure E.2.49 -Data Summary -Alkalinity Figure E.2.s0 -Data Summary -True Color Figure E.2.S1 -Data Summary -Aluminum (d) Figure E.2.S2 -Data Summary -Aluminum (t) Figure E.2.S3 -Data Summary -Cadmium (d) Figure E.2.S4 -Data Summary -Cadmium (t) Figure E.2.SS -Data Summary -Copper (d) Figure E.2.56 -Data Summary -Copper (t) Figure E. 2.57 -Data Summary -Iron (d) Figure E.2.S8 -Data Summary -Iron (t) Figure E.2.59 -Data Summary -Lead (d) Figure E.2.60 -Data Summary -Lead (t) Figure E.2.61 -Data Summary -Manganese (d) I ~! I ---l 1. } I \ I I ( LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.37 -Data Summary -Turbidity Figure E.2.38 -Turbidity vs Suspended Sediment Concentration Figure E.2.39 -Data Summary -Total Dissolved Sol ids Figure E.2.40 -Data Summary -Conductivity Figure E.2.41 -Data Summary -Chloride ........... ~ -..,...- Figure E.2.42 -Data Summary -Sulfate Figure E.2.43 -Data Summary -Calcium Figure E.2.44 -Data Summary -Magnesium (d) Figure E.2.4S -Data Summary -Sodium (d) Figure E.2.46 -Data Summary -Potassium (d) Figure E.2.47 -Data Summary -PH Figure E.2.48 -Data Summary -Hardness Figure E.2.49 -Data Summary -Alkalinity Figure E.2.s0 -Data Summary -True Color Figure E.2.S1 -Data Summary -Aluminum (d) Figure E.2.S2 -Data Summary -Aluminum (t) Figure E.2.S3 -Data Summary -Cadmium (d) Figure E.2.S4 -Data Summary -Cadmium (t) Figure E.2.SS -Data Summary -Copper (d) Figure E.2.56 -Data Summary -Copper (t) Figure E. 2.57 -Data Summary -Iron (d) Figure E.2.S8 -Data Summary -Iron (t) Figure E.2.59 -Data Summary -Lead (d) Figure E.2.60 -Data Summary -Lead (t) Figure E.2.61 -Data Summary -Manganese (d) ~l } , I I '), LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.62 -Data Summary -Manganese (t) Figure E.2.63 -Data Summary -Mercury (d) Figure E.2.64 -Data Summary -Mercury (t) Figure E.2.65 -Data Summary -Nickel (d) Figure E.2.66 -Data Summary -Nickel (t) ~-----Figure E.2.67 -Data Summary -Zinc (d) Figure E.2.68 -Data Summary -Zinc (t) Figure E. 2. 69 -Data Summary -Oxygen, Di ssolved Figure E.2.70 -Data Summary -0.0., % Saturation Figure E.2. 71 -Data Summary -Nitrate Nitrogen Figure E.2.72 -Data Summary -Ortho Phosphate Figure E.2.73 -Location of Township Grids in the Susitna River Basin Figure E.2.74 -Watana Borrow Site Map Figure E.2.75 -Cross-Section Number 32 RM 130 Figure E.2.76 -Watana Water Levels and Gold Creek Flows During Reservoir Filling Figure E.2. 77 -Watana Outflow Frequency Curve During Watana Impoundment (to be completed later) Figure E.2.78 -Flow Variability, Natural and Filling Conditions Di scharge at Gold Creek Figure E.2.79 -Schematic of the Effect of the Susitna River on Typical Tributary Mbuth Figure E.2.80 -Eklutna Lake, Light Extinction In Situ Measurements Figure E.2.81 -Slough 9 Thalwg Profile and Susitna River Mainstem Water Surface Profiles Figure E.2.82 -Watana Reservoir Water Levels (Watana Alone) Figure E.2.83 -Watana Hydrological Data -Sheet 2 [ [ [ l L l l ~l } , I I '), LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.62 -Data Summary -Manganese (t) Figure E.2.63 -Data Summary -Mercury (d) Figure E.2.64 -Data Summary -Mercury (t) Figure E.2.65 -Data Summary -Nickel (d) Figure E.2.66 -Data Summary -Nickel (t) ~-----Figure E.2.67 -Data Summary -Zinc (d) Figure E.2.68 -Data Summary -Zinc (t) Figure E. 2. 69 -Data Summary -Oxygen, Di ssolved Figure E.2.70 -Data Summary -0.0., % Saturation Figure E.2. 71 -Data Summary -Nitrate Nitrogen Figure E.2.72 -Data Summary -Ortho Phosphate Figure E.2.73 -Location of Township Grids in the Susitna River Basin Figure E.2.74 -Watana Borrow Site Map Figure E.2.75 -Cross-Section Number 32 RM 130 Figure E.2.76 -Watana Water Levels and Gold Creek Flows During Reservoir Filling Figure E.2. 77 -Watana Outflow Frequency Curve During Watana Impoundment (to be completed later) Figure E.2.78 -Flow Variability, Natural and Filling Conditions Di scharge at Gold Creek Figure E.2.79 -Schematic of the Effect of the Susitna River on Typical Tributary Mbuth Figure E.2.80 -Eklutna Lake, Light Extinction In Situ Measurements Figure E.2.81 -Slough 9 Thalwg Profile and Susitna River Mainstem Water Surface Profiles Figure E.2.82 -Watana Reservoir Water Levels (Watana Alone) Figure E.2.83 -Watana Hydrological Data -Sheet 2 [ [ [ l L l l ,; I' ,. " , 1 , ) i 1\ , J \' I I LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.84 -Watana Inflow Flood Frequency Figure E.2.85 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Watana Figure E.2.86 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Gold Creek Figure E.2.87 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Sunsh i ne Figure E.2.88 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Susitna Station Figure E.2.89 -Water Temperature Profiles, Bradley Lake, Alaska • Figure E.2.90 -Multiport Intake Levels Figure E.2.91 -Watana Reservoir Temperature Profiles Figure E.2.92 -Reservoir Temperature Modeling, Outflow Temperature~ Figure E.2.93 -Devil Canyon, Flood Frequency Curve Figure E. 2. 94 -Watana Reservoir Water Level s (Watana and Devil Canyo'n in, Oper at; on) Figure E.2.95 Devil Canyon Reservoir Water Levels Figure E.2.96 -Devil Canyon Hydrological Data Figure E. 2. 97 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Talkeetna River Near Talkeetna)Chulitna River near Talkeetna Figure E.2.98 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River ~t Gold Creek Figure E.2.99 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Sunshine Figure E.2.100-Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Susitna Station Figure E.2.101-Temporal Variation in Salinity Within Cook Inlet Near the Susitna River Under Pre-and Post-Susitna Hydroelectric Project Conditions ,; I' ,. " , 1 , ) i 1\ , J \' I I LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Figure E.2.84 -Watana Inflow Flood Frequency Figure E.2.85 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Watana Figure E.2.86 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Gold Creek Figure E.2.87 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Sunsh i ne Figure E.2.88 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Susitna Station Figure E.2.89 -Water Temperature Profiles, Bradley Lake, Alaska • Figure E.2.90 -Multiport Intake Levels Figure E.2.91 -Watana Reservoir Temperature Profiles Figure E.2.92 -Reservoir Temperature Modeling, Outflow Temperature~ Figure E.2.93 -Devil Canyon, Flood Frequency Curve Figure E. 2. 94 -Watana Reservoir Water Level s (Watana and Devil Canyo'n in, Oper at; on) Figure E.2.95 Devil Canyon Reservoir Water Levels Figure E.2.96 -Devil Canyon Hydrological Data Figure E. 2. 97 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Talkeetna River Near Talkeetna)Chulitna River near Talkeetna Figure E.2.98 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River ~t Gold Creek Figure E.2.99 -Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Sunshine Figure E.2.100-Monthly and Annual Flow Duration Curves, Susitna River at Susitna Station Figure E.2.101-Temporal Variation in Salinity Within Cook Inlet Near the Susitna River Under Pre-and Post-Susitna Hydroelectric Project Conditions , ) J \ -I ~j \ I J 1/ I I ~) 2 -REPORT ON WATER USE AND QUALITY 1 -INTRODUCTION The Report on Water Use and Quality is divided into four basic sec- tions: baseline conditions, p"roject impacts, agency concerns and recom- mendations, and mitigatives, enhancement, and protective measures. Within the sections on baseline conditions and project impacts, emp- hasis is placed on flows, water quality parameters, ground water condi- t ions and instream flow uses. The importance of flows cannot be over- stressed. Flows are important to all instream uses. Mean flows, flood flows, low flows and flow variability are discussed. The primary focus of the water qual ity discussion is on those para- meters determined most critical for the maintenance of fish populations and other aquatic organisms. Detailed discussions are presented on water temperature both in the mainstem Susitna River and in the sloughs downstream of Devil Canyon, ice, suspended sediment in the reservoirs and downstream, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen supersaturation and nutri ents. These parameters have prev ious 1 y been ident ifi ed as areas of greatest concern. Mainstem-slough groundwater interaction 90wnstream of Devil Canyon is important to salmonid spawning in sloughs and is discussed. The primary instream flow uses of the Susitna are for fish, wildlife and riparian vegetation. As these are fully discussed in Chapter 3, they are only briefly discussed in this Chapter. However, other in- stream flow uses including navigation and transportation, waste assimi- lative capacity and freshwater recruitment to estuaries are discussed. Since minimal out of river use is made of the water, Talkeetna being the only town located near the river and not relying on the river for its water supply, only limited discussions have been presented on out of river uses. Proj ect impacts have been separated by devel or:ment. Impacts, asso- c i ated with each devel or:ment, are presented in chrono 1 og ic al order: construction, impoundment and operation. The agency concerns and recommendations received to date are sum- mar i zed. The mitigation plan incorporates the engineering and construction meas- ures necessary to minimize potential impacts," given the economic and engineering constraints. E-2-1 , ) J \ -I ~j \ I J 1/ I I ~) 2 -REPORT ON WATER USE AND QUALITY 1 -INTRODUCTION The Report on Water Use and Quality is divided into four basic sec- tions: baseline conditions, p"roject impacts, agency concerns and recom- mendations, and mitigatives, enhancement, and protective measures. Within the sections on baseline conditions and project impacts, emp- hasis is placed on flows, water quality parameters, ground water condi- t ions and instream flow uses. The importance of flows cannot be over- stressed. Flows are important to all instream uses. Mean flows, flood flows, low flows and flow variability are discussed. The primary focus of the water qual ity discussion is on those para- meters determined most critical for the maintenance of fish populations and other aquatic organisms. Detailed discussions are presented on water temperature both in the mainstem Susitna River and in the sloughs downstream of Devil Canyon, ice, suspended sediment in the reservoirs and downstream, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen supersaturation and nutri ents. These parameters have prev ious 1 y been ident ifi ed as areas of greatest concern. Mainstem-slough groundwater interaction 90wnstream of Devil Canyon is important to salmonid spawning in sloughs and is discussed. The primary instream flow uses of the Susitna are for fish, wildlife and riparian vegetation. As these are fully discussed in Chapter 3, they are only briefly discussed in this Chapter. However, other in- stream flow uses including navigation and transportation, waste assimi- lative capacity and freshwater recruitment to estuaries are discussed. Since minimal out of river use is made of the water, Talkeetna being the only town located near the river and not relying on the river for its water supply, only limited discussions have been presented on out of river uses. Proj ect impacts have been separated by devel or:ment. Impacts, asso- c i ated with each devel or:ment, are presented in chrono 1 og ic al order: construction, impoundment and operation. The agency concerns and recommendations received to date are sum- mar i zed. The mitigation plan incorporates the engineering and construction meas- ures necessary to minimize potential impacts," given the economic and engineering constraints. E-2-1 I I Y l ) I -I I \ r I 2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION The entire drainage area of the Susitna River is about 19,400 square miles, of which the upper basin above Gold Creek comprises approximate- ly 6160 square miles (Figure E.2.1). Three glaciers in the Alaska Range feed forks of the Sus itna Ri ver, fl ow southward for about 18 miles and then join to form the Susitna River. The river flows an additional 55 miles southward through a broau valley where much of the coarse sed iment from the gl ac iers settl es ou~. The river then flows westward about 96 miles through a narrow valleY, with constrictions at the Devil Creek and Devil Canyon areas, creating violent rapids. Num- erous small, steep gradient, clear-water tributaries flow to the Susitna in this reach of the river. Several of these tributaries cas- cade over waterfall s as they enter the gorge. As the Sus itna curves south past Gold Creek, 12 miles downstream of the mouth of Devil Canyon, its gradient gradually decreases. The river is joined about 40 miles beyond Gold Creek in the vicinity of Talkeetna by two major trib- utaries, the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers. From this confluence, the Susitna flows south through braided channels about 97 miles until it empties into Cook Inlet near Anchorage, approximately 318 miles from its source. The Susitna River is typical of unregulated northern glacial rivers with high, turbid summer flow and low, clear winter flow. Runoff from snownelt and rainfall in the spring causes a rapid increase in flow in May from the low discharges experienced throughout the winter. Peak annual floods usually occur during this period. Associated with the higher spring flows is a 100 fold increase in sedi- ment transport which persists throughout the summer. The large sus- pended sediment concentration in the June to September time period causes the river to be highly turbid. Glacial sllt contributes most of the turbidity of the river when the glaciers begin to melt in late spring. . Rainfall related floods often occur in August and early September, but generally these floods are not as severe as the spring snow melt floods. As the weather begins to cool in the fall, the glacial melt rate de- creases and the flows in the river gradually decrease correspondingly. Because most of the river suspended sediment is caused by glacial melt, the river also begins to clear. Freeze up normally begins in October and cont inues to progress up river through earl y December. The ri ver breakup generally begins in late April or early May near the mouth and progresses upstream with breakup at the damsite occurring in mid-May. E-2-2 I I Y l ) I -I I \ r I 2 -BASELINE DESCRIPTION The entire drainage area of the Susitna River is about 19,400 square miles, of which the upper basin above Gold Creek comprises approximate- ly 6160 square miles (Figure E.2.1). Three glaciers in the Alaska Range feed forks of the Sus itna Ri ver, fl ow southward for about 18 miles and then join to form the Susitna River. The river flows an additional 55 miles southward through a broau valley where much of the coarse sed iment from the gl ac iers settl es ou~. The river then flows westward about 96 miles through a narrow valleY, with constrictions at the Devil Creek and Devil Canyon areas, creating violent rapids. Num- erous small, steep gradient, clear-water tributaries flow to the Susitna in this reach of the river. Several of these tributaries cas- cade over waterfall s as they enter the gorge. As the Sus itna curves south past Gold Creek, 12 miles downstream of the mouth of Devil Canyon, its gradient gradually decreases. The river is joined about 40 miles beyond Gold Creek in the vicinity of Talkeetna by two major trib- utaries, the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers. From this confluence, the Susitna flows south through braided channels about 97 miles until it empties into Cook Inlet near Anchorage, approximately 318 miles from its source. The Susitna River is typical of unregulated northern glacial rivers with high, turbid summer flow and low, clear winter flow. Runoff from snownelt and rainfall in the spring causes a rapid increase in flow in May from the low discharges experienced throughout the winter. Peak annual floods usually occur during this period. Associated with the higher spring flows is a 100 fold increase in sedi- ment transport which persists throughout the summer. The large sus- pended sediment concentration in the June to September time period causes the river to be highly turbid. Glacial sllt contributes most of the turbidity of the river when the glaciers begin to melt in late spring. . Rainfall related floods often occur in August and early September, but generally these floods are not as severe as the spring snow melt floods. As the weather begins to cool in the fall, the glacial melt rate de- creases and the flows in the river gradually decrease correspondingly. Because most of the river suspended sediment is caused by glacial melt, the river also begins to clear. Freeze up normally begins in October and cont inues to progress up river through earl y December. The ri ver breakup generally begins in late April or early May near the mouth and progresses upstream with breakup at the damsite occurring in mid-May. E-2-2 -[ ( . ~ I .I 2.1 -Susitna River Water Quality (a) Mean Monthly and Annual Flows Continuous historical streamflow records of various record length (8 to 32 years) exist for gaging stations on the Susitna River and its tributaries: Gages are located at Denali, Cantwell (Vee Canyon), Gold Creek and Susitna Station on the Susitna River; on the Maclaren River near Paxson; Chulitna Station on the Chulitna River; Talkeetna on the Talkeetna River; and Skwentna on the Skwentna River. In 1981 a USGS gaging station was constructed at Sunshine on the Susitna River; however, the streamflow record is of such a short duration it has not been used in most of the hydrologic analysis. Statistics on river mile, drainage area and years of record are shown in Table E.2.1. The station locations are illustrated in Figure E.2.1. A complete 32 year streamflow data set for each gaging station was generated through a correlation analysis, whereby missing mean monthly flows were estimated (Acres 1982a). The resultant monthly and annual maximum, mean and minimum flows for the 32 year record are presented in Table E.2.2. Mean monthly flows at the. Watana and Devil Canyon damsites were estimated using a linear drainage ar-ea-flow relationship between the Gold Creek and Cantwell gage sites. The resultant mean, maxi- mum and minimum monthly flows are also provided in Table E.2.2 . Comparison of flows indicates that 40 percent of the streamflow at Gold Creek originates above the Denali and Maclaren gages. It is in this catchnent that the glaciers which contribute to the flow at Gold Creek are located. The Susitna River above Gold Creek contributes 19 percent of the mean annual flow measured at Susitna Station near Cook Inlet. The Chulitna, and Talkeetna Rivers contribute 20 and 10 percent of the Susitna Station flow respectively. The Yentna provides 40 percent of the flow, with the remaining 11 percent originating in miscel- laneous tributaries. The variation between summer and winter flows is greater than a 10 to 1 ratio at all stations. This large seasonal difference is due to the characteristics of the basin. Glacial melt, snownelt, and rainfall provide the majority of the annual river flow during the summer. At Gold Creek, for example, 88 percent of the annual streamflow occurs during the summer months of May through September. The maximum and minimum monthly flows for the months of May through September indicate a high flow variability at all stations on a year to year basis. E-2-3 I r f l ( [ [ [ l l. l 1 L -[ ( . ~ I .I 2.1 -Susitna River Water Quality (a) Mean Monthly and Annual Flows Continuous historical streamflow records of various record length (8 to 32 years) exist for gaging stations on the Susitna River and its tributaries: Gages are located at Denali, Cantwell (Vee Canyon), Gold Creek and Susitna Station on the Susitna River; on the Maclaren River near Paxson; Chulitna Station on the Chulitna River; Talkeetna on the Talkeetna River; and Skwentna on the Skwentna River. In 1981 a USGS gaging station was constructed at Sunshine on the Susitna River; however, the streamflow record is of such a short duration it has not been used in most of the hydrologic analysis. Statistics on river mile, drainage area and years of record are shown in Table E.2.1. The station locations are illustrated in Figure E.2.1. A complete 32 year streamflow data set for each gaging station was generated through a correlation analysis, whereby missing mean monthly flows were estimated (Acres 1982a). The resultant monthly and annual maximum, mean and minimum flows for the 32 year record are presented in Table E.2.2. Mean monthly flows at the. Watana and Devil Canyon damsites were estimated using a linear drainage ar-ea-flow relationship between the Gold Creek and Cantwell gage sites. The resultant mean, maxi- mum and minimum monthly flows are also provided in Table E.2.2 . Comparison of flows indicates that 40 percent of the streamflow at Gold Creek originates above the Denali and Maclaren gages. It is in this catchnent that the glaciers which contribute to the flow at Gold Creek are located. The Susitna River above Gold Creek contributes 19 percent of the mean annual flow measured at Susitna Station near Cook Inlet. The Chulitna, and Talkeetna Rivers contribute 20 and 10 percent of the Susitna Station flow respectively. The Yentna provides 40 percent of the flow, with the remaining 11 percent originating in miscel- laneous tributaries. The variation between summer and winter flows is greater than a 10 to 1 ratio at all stations. This large seasonal difference is due to the characteristics of the basin. Glacial melt, snownelt, and rainfall provide the majority of the annual river flow during the summer. At Gold Creek, for example, 88 percent of the annual streamflow occurs during the summer months of May through September. The maximum and minimum monthly flows for the months of May through September indicate a high flow variability at all stations on a year to year basis. E-2-3 I r f l ( [ [ [ l l. l 1 L : \ I. J I t ) r ) j , I. (b) Floods The most commong causes of floods in the Susitna River Basin are snownelt or a combination of snownelt and rainfall over a 1 arge area. This type of flood occurs between May and July with the majority occurring in June. Floods attributable to heavy rains have a1 so occurred in August, September or October. These floods are augmented by snownelt"from higher elevations and glacial run- off. Table E.2.3 presents selected flood peaks at four gaging stations. Figures E.2.2 to 1:.2.8 illustrate annual instantaneo,us flood frequency curves for individual stations. A regiQnal-..---f1ood frequency analysis was conducted using the re- corded floods in the Susitna River and its principal tributaries (R&M, 1981a). The resulting dimensionless regional frequency curve is depicted in Figure E.2.9. A stepwise multiple linear regress ion computer program was used to rel ate the mean annual instantaneous peak flow to the physiographic and cl imatic charac- terist ics of the drainage basins. The mean annual instantaneous peak flows for the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites were computed to be 40,800 cubic feet per second (cfs) and 45,900 cfs respec- tively. The regional flood frequency curve was compared to the station frequency curve at Gold Creek (Table E.2.4). As the Gold Creek station frequency curve yielded more conservative flood peaks (i.e. larger), it was used to estimate flood peaks at the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites for floods other than the mean annual flood. The flood ,frequency curves for Watana and Devil Canyon are presented in Figures E.2.10 and E.2.11. Dimensionless flood hydrographs for the Susitna River at Gold Creek were developed for the May -July snownelt floods and the August -October rainfall floods using the five largest Gold Creek floods occurring in each period (R&M, 1981a). Flood hydrographs for the 100, 500, and 10,000 year flood events were constructed using the appropriate flood peak and the dimensionless hydrograph. Hydrographs for the May -July and August -October flood periods are illustrated in Figures E.2.12 and E.2. 13 respectively. Probable maximum flood (PMF) studies were conducted for both the' Watana and Devil Canyon damsites for use in the design of project spillways and related facilities. These studies which are based on Susitna Basin c1 imatic data and hydrology, indicate that the PMF peak at the Watana damsite is ~26,000 cfs. (c) Flow Variability The variabil ity of flow in a river system is important to all instream flow uses. To illustrate the variability of flow in the Susitna River, monthly and annual flow duration curves showing the proportion of time that the discharge equals or exceeds a given value were developed for the four mainstem Susitna River gaging stations (Denal i, Cantwell, Gold Creek and Susitna Stat ion) and three major tributaries (Maclaren, Chulitna, and Talkeetna Rivers) (R&M, 1982a). These curves which are based on mean daily flows are illustrated on Figures E.2.14 through E.2.17. E-2-4 : \ I. J I t ) r ) j , I. (b) Floods The most commong causes of floods in the Susitna River Basin are snownelt or a combination of snownelt and rainfall over a 1 arge area. This type of flood occurs between May and July with the majority occurring in June. Floods attributable to heavy rains have a1 so occurred in August, September or October. These floods are augmented by snownelt"from higher elevations and glacial run- off. Table E.2.3 presents selected flood peaks at four gaging stations. Figures E.2.2 to 1:.2.8 illustrate annual instantaneo,us flood frequency curves for individual stations. A regiQnal-..---f1ood frequency analysis was conducted using the re- corded floods in the Susitna River and its principal tributaries (R&M, 1981a). The resulting dimensionless regional frequency curve is depicted in Figure E.2.9. A stepwise multiple linear regress ion computer program was used to rel ate the mean annual instantaneous peak flow to the physiographic and cl imatic charac- terist ics of the drainage basins. The mean annual instantaneous peak flows for the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites were computed to be 40,800 cubic feet per second (cfs) and 45,900 cfs respec- tively. The regional flood frequency curve was compared to the station frequency curve at Gold Creek (Table E.2.4). As the Gold Creek station frequency curve yielded more conservative flood peaks (i.e. larger), it was used to estimate flood peaks at the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites for floods other than the mean annual flood. The flood ,frequency curves for Watana and Devil Canyon are presented in Figures E.2.10 and E.2.11. Dimensionless flood hydrographs for the Susitna River at Gold Creek were developed for the May -July snownelt floods and the August -October rainfall floods using the five largest Gold Creek floods occurring in each period (R&M, 1981a). Flood hydrographs for the 100, 500, and 10,000 year flood events were constructed using the appropriate flood peak and the dimensionless hydrograph. Hydrographs for the May -July and August -October flood periods are illustrated in Figures E.2.12 and E.2. 13 respectively. Probable maximum flood (PMF) studies were conducted for both the' Watana and Devil Canyon damsites for use in the design of project spillways and related facilities. These studies which are based on Susitna Basin c1 imatic data and hydrology, indicate that the PMF peak at the Watana damsite is ~26,000 cfs. (c) Flow Variability The variabil ity of flow in a river system is important to all instream flow uses. To illustrate the variability of flow in the Susitna River, monthly and annual flow duration curves showing the proportion of time that the discharge equals or exceeds a given value were developed for the four mainstem Susitna River gaging stations (Denal i, Cantwell, Gold Creek and Susitna Stat ion) and three major tributaries (Maclaren, Chulitna, and Talkeetna Rivers) (R&M, 1982a). These curves which are based on mean daily flows are illustrated on Figures E.2.14 through E.2.17. E-2-4 r , I l , -( 1'1 I \ I .' The shape of the monthly and annual flow duration curves is Slml- lar for each of the stations and is indicative of flow from north- ern glacial rivers. Streamflow is low in the winter months, with little variation in flow and no unusual peaks. Groundwater con- tributions are the preliminary source of the small but relatively constant winter flows. Flow begins to increase slightly in April as breakup approaches. Peak flows in May are an order of magni- tude greater than in April. Flow in May also shows the greatest variation for any month, as low flows may continue into May before the high snowmelt/breakup flows occur. June has the highest peaks and the highest median flow. The months of July and August ·have· relatively flat flow duration curves. This situation is ·indica- tive of rivers with strong base flow characteristics, as is the case-on tfte Susitna with its contributions from snowmelt and gla- cial melt during t.he summer. More variability of flow is evident in September and October as cooler weather becomes more prevalent. The I-day, 3-day, 7-day and 15-day high and low flow values were determined for each month from May through October for the periods of record at Gold Creek, Chulitna River near Talkeetna, Talkeetna River near Talkeetna and Susitna River at Susitna Station (R&M, 1982a). The high and low flow values are presented for Gold Creek in the form of frequency curves in Figures E.2.18 through E.2.21. May showed the most variability. It is the month when either low winter flows or high breakup flows may occur and thus significant changes occur from year to year. June and July generally exhibited less variability than the late summer months. Flow variability increased in the August through October period. Heavy rainstorms often occur in August, with 28 percent of the annual floods occurring in this month. 2.2 -Susitna River Morphology (a) Mainstem The Sus itna Ri ver ori gi nates in the gl aci ers of the southern slopes of the central Alaskan Range, flowing 318 miles to its mouth at Cook Inlet. The headwaters of the Susitna River and its major upper tribu- taries are characterized by broad braided gravel floodplains below the gl aci ers, with several meltstreams exi t i ng from beneath the gl aci ers before they combi ne further downstream. The West Fork Susitna River joins the main river about 18 miles below Susitna Glacier. Below the West Fork confluence, the Susitna River becomes a split-channel configuration with numerous islands. The river is generally constrained by low bluffs for about 55 miles. The Maclaren River, a significant glacial tributary, and the Tyone River, which drains Lake Louise and the swampy lowlands of the southeastern upper basin, both enter the Susitna Ri ver from the east. Below the confluence with the Tyone River, the Susitna E-2-5 , \ t l 1 I r l [ l r , I l , -( 1'1 I \ I .' The shape of the monthly and annual flow duration curves is Slml- lar for each of the stations and is indicative of flow from north- ern glacial rivers. Streamflow is low in the winter months, with little variation in flow and no unusual peaks. Groundwater con- tributions are the preliminary source of the small but relatively constant winter flows. Flow begins to increase slightly in April as breakup approaches. Peak flows in May are an order of magni- tude greater than in April. Flow in May also shows the greatest variation for any month, as low flows may continue into May before the high snowmelt/breakup flows occur. June has the highest peaks and the highest median flow. The months of July and August ·have· relatively flat flow duration curves. This situation is ·indica- tive of rivers with strong base flow characteristics, as is the case-on tfte Susitna with its contributions from snowmelt and gla- cial melt during t.he summer. More variability of flow is evident in September and October as cooler weather becomes more prevalent. The I-day, 3-day, 7-day and 15-day high and low flow values were determined for each month from May through October for the periods of record at Gold Creek, Chulitna River near Talkeetna, Talkeetna River near Talkeetna and Susitna River at Susitna Station (R&M, 1982a). The high and low flow values are presented for Gold Creek in the form of frequency curves in Figures E.2.18 through E.2.21. May showed the most variability. It is the month when either low winter flows or high breakup flows may occur and thus significant changes occur from year to year. June and July generally exhibited less variability than the late summer months. Flow variability increased in the August through October period. Heavy rainstorms often occur in August, with 28 percent of the annual floods occurring in this month. 2.2 -Susitna River Morphology (a) Mainstem The Sus itna Ri ver ori gi nates in the gl aci ers of the southern slopes of the central Alaskan Range, flowing 318 miles to its mouth at Cook Inlet. The headwaters of the Susitna River and its major upper tribu- taries are characterized by broad braided gravel floodplains below the gl aci ers, with several meltstreams exi t i ng from beneath the gl aci ers before they combi ne further downstream. The West Fork Susitna River joins the main river about 18 miles below Susitna Glacier. Below the West Fork confluence, the Susitna River becomes a split-channel configuration with numerous islands. The river is generally constrained by low bluffs for about 55 miles. The Maclaren River, a significant glacial tributary, and the Tyone River, which drains Lake Louise and the swampy lowlands of the southeastern upper basin, both enter the Susitna Ri ver from the east. Below the confluence with the Tyone River, the Susitna E-2-5 , \ t l I I r l [ l ! J River flows west for 96 miles through steep-walled canyons before reaching the mouth of Devil Canyon. The river has a high gradient through this reach and includes the Watana and Devil Canyon Dam- sites. It is primarily a single channel with intermittent is- lands. Bed material primarily consists of large grravel cobbles. The mouth of Dev il Canyon, at Ri ver Mil e (RM) 149 forms the lower limit of this reach. Between Dev il Cailyon and the mouth at Cook In 1 et, the ri ver has been subdivided into nine separate reaches.-These reaches are identified in Table E.2.5, together with the average slope and predominent channel pattern. These reaches are discussed in more detail below. ~ -........ RM 149 to RM 144 Through this reach, the Susitna flows predominately in a single channel confined by valley walls. At locations where the valley bottom widens, depostion of gravel and cobble has formed mid-chan- nel or side-channel bars. Occasionally, a vegetated island or fragmentary fl oodpl ain has formed with el ev at ions above normal flood levels, and has become vegetated. Presence of cobbles and boulders in the bed material aids in stabil ization of the channel geometry. RM 144 to RM 139 A broadening of the valley bottom throug"h this reach has allowed the river to develop a split channel with intermittent; well- vegetated isl ands. A correl ation exists between bankfull stage and mean-annual flood. Where the main channel impinges on valley walls or terraces, a cobble armor layer has developed with a top elevation at roughly bankfull flood stage. At RM 144, a perigla- cial alluvial fan of coarse sediments confines the river to a single channel. . RM 139 to RM 129.5 This river reach is characterized by a well defined split channel configuration. Vegetated isl ands separate the main channel from side channels. Side channels occur frequently in the alluvial floodplain and receive Susitna water only at flows above 15,000 to 20,000 cfs. Often, valley bottom springs flow into sloughs. There is a good correl ation between bankfull stage and the mean annual flood. Where the main channel impinges valley walls or terraces, a cobble armor layer has developed with a top elevation at roughly bankfull flood stage. The main channel bed has been frequently observed to be well armoured. E-2-6 ! J River flows west for 96 miles through steep-walled canyons before reaching the mouth of Devil Canyon. The river has a high gradient through this reach and includes the Watana and Devil Canyon Dam- sites. It is primarily a single channel with intermittent is- lands. Bed material primarily consists of large grravel cobbles. The mouth of Dev il Canyon, at Ri ver Mil e (RM) 149 forms the lower limit of this reach. Between Dev il Cailyon and the mouth at Cook In 1 et, the ri ver has been subdivided into nine separate reaches.-These reaches are identified in Table E.2.5, together with the average slope and predominent channel pattern. These reaches are discussed in more detail below. ~ -........ RM 149 to RM 144 Through this reach, the Susitna flows predominately in a single channel confined by valley walls. At locations where the valley bottom widens, depostion of gravel and cobble has formed mid-chan- nel or side-channel bars. Occasionally, a vegetated island or fragmentary fl oodpl ain has formed with el ev at ions above normal flood levels, and has become vegetated. Presence of cobbles and boulders in the bed material aids in stabil ization of the channel geometry. RM 144 to RM 139 A broadening of the valley bottom throug"h this reach has allowed the river to develop a split channel with intermittent; well- vegetated isl ands. A correl ation exists between bankfull stage and mean-annual flood. Where the main channel impinges on valley walls or terraces, a cobble armor layer has developed with a top elevation at roughly bankfull flood stage. At RM 144, a perigla- cial alluvial fan of coarse sediments confines the river to a single channel. . RM 139 to RM 129.5 This river reach is characterized by a well defined split channel configuration. Vegetated isl ands separate the main channel from side channels. Side channels occur frequently in the alluvial floodplain and receive Susitna water only at flows above 15,000 to 20,000 cfs. Often, valley bottom springs flow into sloughs. There is a good correl ation between bankfull stage and the mean annual flood. Where the main channel impinges valley walls or terraces, a cobble armor layer has developed with a top elevation at roughly bankfull flood stage. The main channel bed has been frequently observed to be well armoured. E-2-6 ( -( Primary tributaries include Indian River, Gold Creek and Fourth of July Cr"eek. Each has formed an alluvial fan extending into the valley bottom and constricting the Susitna to a single channel. Each constriction has establ ished a hydraul ic control point that regul ates water surface profi 1 es and assoc i ated hydr aul ic par a- meters at varying discharges. RM 129.5 to RM 119 River patterns through this reach are"similar to those in the pre- vious reach. The most prominent characteristic between Sherman and Curry is that the main channel prefers to flow against the west valley wal.1 and the--ea.stTloodpl ain has several side channel s and sloughs. The alluvial fan at Curry constricts the Susitna to a single channel and terminates the above described patterns. A fair correl ation exists between bankfull stage and mean annual flood through thi s reach. Compari son of 1.950 and 1980 ai rphotos reveal s occasional local changes in bankl ines and isl and morphol- ogy. The west valley wall is generally nonerodible and has occasional bedrock outcrops. The res i stant bound ar y on one si de of the mai n channel has generally forced a uniform channel configuration with a well armored perimeter. The west valley wall is relatively straight and uniform except at RM 128 and 125.5. At these loca- tions, bedrock outcrops deflect the main channel to the east side of the floodplain. RM 119 to RM 104 Through this r"each the river is predominantly a very stable, single incised channel with a few isl ands. The channel banks are well armored with cobbles and boulders, as is the bed. Several large boulders occur intermittently along the main channel and are believed to have been transported down the valley during glacial ice movement. They provide local obstruction to flow and naviga- tion, but do not have a significant impact on channel morphology. RM 104 to RM 95 At the confl uence of the Susitna, Chul itna and Tal keetna Rivers, there is a dramatic change in the Susitna from a split channel to a braided channel. Emergence from confined mountainous basins into the unconfined lowland basin has enabled the river systems to develop laterally. Ample bedload transport and a gradient de- crease also assist in establishing the braided pattern. The Chul itna River has a mean annual flow simil ar to the Susitna at Gold Creek, yet its drainage basin is about 40 percent smaller. Its glacial tributaries are much closer to the confluence than the Susitna. As it emerges from the incised canyon 20 miles upstream of the confl uence, the river transforms into a braided pattern E-2-7 t r f I l [ l l l ( -( Primary tributaries include Indian River, Gold Creek and Fourth of July Cr"eek. Each has formed an alluvial fan extending into the valley bottom and constricting the Susitna to a single channel. Each constriction has establ ished a hydraul ic control point that regul ates water surface profi 1 es and assoc i ated hydr aul ic par a- meters at varying discharges. RM 129.5 to RM 119 River patterns through this reach are"similar to those in the pre- vious reach. The most prominent characteristic between Sherman and Curry is that the main channel prefers to flow against the west valley wal.1 and the--ea.stTloodpl ain has several side channel s and sloughs. The alluvial fan at Curry constricts the Susitna to a single channel and terminates the above described patterns. A fair correl ation exists between bankfull stage and mean annual flood through thi s reach. Compari son of 1.950 and 1980 ai rphotos reveal s occasional local changes in bankl ines and isl and morphol- ogy. The west valley wall is generally nonerodible and has occasional bedrock outcrops. The res i stant bound ar y on one si de of the mai n channel has generally forced a uniform channel configuration with a well armored perimeter. The west valley wall is relatively straight and uniform except at RM 128 and 125.5. At these loca- tions, bedrock outcrops deflect the main channel to the east side of the floodplain. RM 119 to RM 104 Through this r"each the river is predominantly a very stable, single incised channel with a few isl ands. The channel banks are well armored with cobbles and boulders, as is the bed. Several large boulders occur intermittently along the main channel and are believed to have been transported down the valley during glacial ice movement. They provide local obstruction to flow and naviga- tion, but do not have a significant impact on channel morphology. RM 104 to RM 95 At the confl uence of the Susitna, Chul itna and Tal keetna Rivers, there is a dramatic change in the Susitna from a split channel to a braided channel. Emergence from confined mountainous basins into the unconfined lowland basin has enabled the river systems to develop laterally. Ample bedload transport and a gradient de- crease also assist in establishing the braided pattern. The Chul itna River has a mean annual flow simil ar to the Susitna at Gold Creek, yet its drainage basin is about 40 percent smaller. Its glacial tributaries are much closer to the confluence than the Susitna. As it emerges from the incised canyon 20 miles upstream of the confl uence, the river transforms into a braided pattern E-2-7 t r f I l [ l l l J . \ \ I ( . ) i with moderate vegetation growth on the intermediate gravel bars. At about a midpoint between the canyon and confluence, the Chulitna exhibits a highly braided pattern with no vegetation on intermediate gravel bars, evidence of recent lateral instability. This pattern continues beyond the confluence and giving the impression that the Susitna is tributary to the dominant Chulitna Ri ver. The spl it channel Ta lkeetna Ri ver is tri butary to the dominant braided pattern. Terraces generally bound the broad floodplain, but 'provide little control over channel morphology. General floodplain instability results from the three river system striving to balance out the combined flow and sediment regime. ..,------,...,.- RM 95 to 61 Downstream of the three-ri ver confl uence, the Sus i tna continues its braided pattern, with multiple channels interlaced through a sparsely vegetated floodplain. The channel network consits of the mai n channel, usually one or two subchannels and a number of minor channels. The main channel meanders irregularly through the wide gravel floodplain and inter- mittently flows against the vegetated floodplain. It has the ability to easily migrate lateralJy within the active gravel floodplain, as the main channel is simply reworking the gravel that the system previously deposited. When the main channel flows agai nst vegetated bank 1 i nes, erosi on is retarded due to the vegetation and/or bank materials that are more resistant to ero- sion. Flow in the main channel usually persists throughout the entire year. Subchannel s are usually posi ti oned near or agai nst the vegetated floodplain and are generally on the opposite side of the flood- plain from the main channel. The subchannels normally bifurcate (split) from the lJIain channel when it crosses over to the opposite side of the floodplain and terminate where the main channel me- anders back across the floodplain and intercepts them. The sub- channels have smaller geometric dimensions than the main channel, and their thalweg is generally about five feet higher. Their flow regime is dependent on the main channel stage and hydraulic flow controls point of bifurcation. Flow mayor may not persist throughout the year. Minor channel~ are relatively shallow, wide channels that traver~e the gravel floodplains and complete the interlaced braided pat- tern. These channels are very unstable and generally short-lived. The main channel is intermittently controlled laterally where it flows against terraces. Since the active floodplain is very wide, the presence of terraces has little significance except for deter- mining the general orientation of the river system. An exception is where the terraces constrict the river to a Single channel at the Parks Highway bridge. Subchannels are directly dependent on E-2-8 J . \ \ I ( . ) i with moderate vegetation growth on the intermediate gravel bars. At about a midpoint between the canyon and confluence, the Chulitna exhibits a highly braided pattern with no vegetation on intermediate gravel bars, evidence of recent lateral instability. This pattern continues beyond the confluence and giving the impression that the Susitna is tributary to the dominant Chulitna Ri ver. The spl it channel Ta lkeetna Ri ver is tri butary to the dominant braided pattern. Terraces generally bound the broad floodplain, but 'provide little control over channel morphology. General floodplain instability results from the three river system striving to balance out the combined flow and sediment regime. ..,------,...,.- RM 95 to 61 Downstream of the three-ri ver confl uence, the Sus i tna continues its braided pattern, with multiple channels interlaced through a sparsely vegetated floodplain. The channel network consits of the mai n channel, usually one or two subchannels and a number of minor channels. The main channel meanders irregularly through the wide gravel floodplain and inter- mittently flows against the vegetated floodplain. It has the ability to easily migrate lateralJy within the active gravel floodplain, as the main channel is simply reworking the gravel that the system previously deposited. When the main channel flows agai nst vegetated bank 1 i nes, erosi on is retarded due to the vegetation and/or bank materials that are more resistant to ero- sion. Flow in the main channel usually persists throughout the entire year. Subchannel s are usually posi ti oned near or agai nst the vegetated floodplain and are generally on the opposite side of the flood- plain from the main channel. The subchannels normally bifurcate (split) from the lJIain channel when it crosses over to the opposite side of the floodplain and terminate where the main channel me- anders back across the floodplain and intercepts them. The sub- channels have smaller geometric dimensions than the main channel, and their thalweg is generally about five feet higher. Their flow regime is dependent on the main channel stage and hydraulic flow controls point of bifurcation. Flow mayor may not persist throughout the year. Minor channel~ are relatively shallow, wide channels that traver~e the gravel floodplains and complete the interlaced braided pat- tern. These channels are very unstable and generally short-lived. The main channel is intermittently controlled laterally where it flows against terraces. Since the active floodplain is very wide, the presence of terraces has little significance except for deter- mining the general orientation of the river system. An exception is where the terraces constrict the river to a Single channel at the Parks Highway bridge. Subchannels are directly dependent on E-2-8 main channel flow and sediment regime, and generally react the same. Mi nor channel s react to both of the 1 arger channel s I behaviors. RM 61 to RM 42 Downstream of the Kashwitna River confluence, the Susitna River branches into multiple channels separated by islands with estab- lished vegetation. This reach of the river has be.an named Delta Islands because it resembles the distributary channel network common wi th 1 arg.e river del tas. The mul tipl e channel s are forced together by terraces just upstream of Kro~ee~~(Deshka River) • Through thi s reach, the very broad fl oodpl ain and channel network can be divided into three categories: -Western braided channels; -Eastern split channels; and -Intermediate meandering channel~. The western braided channel network is considered to be the main portion of this very complex river system. Although not substan- tiated by river surveys, it appears to constitute the largest flow area and lowest thalweg elevation. The reason .for this is that the western braided channel s const itute the shortest distance between the point of bifurcation to the confluence of the Delta Is 1 and channel s. Therefore it has the steepest grad ient and highest potential energy for conveyance of water and sediment. RM 42 to RM 0 Downstream of the Delta Islands, the Susitna River gradient decreases as it approaches Cook In 1 et. The ri ver tends toward a split channel configuration as it adjusts to the lower energy slope. There are short reaches where a tendency to braid emerges. Downstream of RM 20, the river branches out into delta distribu- tary channels. Terraces constrict the floodplain near the Kroto Creek confluence and at Susitna Station. Further downstream, the terraces have little or no influence on the river. The Yentna River joins the Susitna at RM 28 and is a major contri- butor of flow and sedim~nt. Tides in the Cook Inlet rise above 30 feet and therefore control the water surface profile and to some degree the sediment regime of the lower river. River elevation of 30 feet exists at about RM 20 and corresponds to where the Susitna begins to branch out into its delta channels. (b) Sloughs Sloughs are spring-fed, perched overflow channels that only convey glacial meltwater from the mainstem during median and high flow E-2-9 l [ f l [ l main channel flow and sediment regime, and generally react the same. Mi nor channel s react to both of the 1 arger channel s I behaviors. RM 61 to RM 42 Downstream of the Kashwitna River confluence, the Susitna River branches into multiple channels separated by islands with estab- lished vegetation. This reach of the river has be.an named Delta Islands because it resembles the distributary channel network common wi th 1 arg.e river del tas. The mul tipl e channel s are forced together by terraces just upstream of Kro~ee~~(Deshka River) • Through thi s reach, the very broad fl oodpl ain and channel network can be divided into three categories: -Western braided channels; -Eastern split channels; and -Intermediate meandering channel~. The western braided channel network is considered to be the main portion of this very complex river system. Although not substan- tiated by river surveys, it appears to constitute the largest flow area and lowest thalweg elevation. The reason .for this is that the western braided channel s const itute the shortest distance between the point of bifurcation to the confluence of the Delta Is 1 and channel s. Therefore it has the steepest grad ient and highest potential energy for conveyance of water and sediment. RM 42 to RM 0 Downstream of the Delta Islands, the Susitna River gradient decreases as it approaches Cook In 1 et. The ri ver tends toward a split channel configuration as it adjusts to the lower energy slope. There are short reaches where a tendency to braid emerges. Downstream of RM 20, the river branches out into delta distribu- tary channels. Terraces constrict the floodplain near the Kroto Creek confluence and at Susitna Station. Further downstream, the terraces have little or no influence on the river. The Yentna River joins the Susitna at RM 28 and is a major contri- butor of flow and sedim~nt. Tides in the Cook Inlet rise above 30 feet and therefore control the water surface profile and to some degree the sediment regime of the lower river. River elevation of 30 feet exists at about RM 20 and corresponds to where the Susitna begins to branch out into its delta channels. (b) Sloughs Sloughs are spring-fed, perched overflow channels that only convey glacial meltwater from the mainstem during median and high flow E-2-9 l [ f l [ l j -l periods. At intermediate and low flows, the sloughs convey clear water from small tributaries and/or upwelling groundwater. Dif- ferences between mainstem water surface elevations and the stream- bed elevation of the side sloughs are notably greater at the up- stream entrance to the slough than at the mouth of the slough. The graidents within the slough are typically greater than the adjacent mainstem. An alluvial berm separates the head of the slough from the river, whereas the water surface elevation of the mainstem generally causes a backwater effect at the mouth of the slough. The sloughs funGtion like small stream systems. Several hundred feed of channel exist in each slough conveying water independent of mainstem backwater effects. The sloughs vary in length from 2,000 -6,000 feet. Cross-se-e--..--- tions of sloughs are typically rectangular with flat bottoms. At the head of the sloughs, substrates are dominated by boulders and cobbles (8-14 inch diameter). Progressing towards the slough mouth, substrate particles reduce in size with gravels and sands predominating. Beavers frequently inhabit the sloughs. Active and abandoned dams are visible. Vegetation commonly covers the banks to the waters edge with bank cutting and slumping occurring during spring break-up flows. The importance of the sloughs as salmon spawning habitat is discussed in detail in Chapter 3. 2.3 -Susitna River Water Quality As previously described in Section 2.2, the Susitna River is charac- terized by large seasonal fluctuations in discharge. These flow varia- tions along with -the glacial origins of the river essentially control the water quality of the river. Existing water quality data have been compiled for the mainstem Susitna River from stations located at Denali, Vee Canyon, Gold Creek, Sun- shine, arid Susitna Station. In addition, data from two Susitna River tributaries, the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers, have also been compiled (R&M, 1982b). The station locations are presented in Figure E2.1. Data were compil ed correspondi ng to three seasons: break up, summer, and winter. Breakup is usually short and extends from the time ice begins to move down river until recession of spring runoff. Summer extends from the end 9f breakup until the water temperature drops to essentially O°C in the fall, and winter is the period from the end of summer to breakup. The water qual ity parameters measured and their respectively detection limits appear in Table E.2.6. The water quality was evaluated (R&M 1982b) using guidelines and cri- teria established from the following references: -ADEC, Water Quality Standards. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska, 1979. -EPA, Quality Criteria For Water. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 1976. E-2-10 j -l periods. At intermediate and low flows, the sloughs convey clear water from small tributaries and/or upwelling groundwater. Dif- ferences between mainstem water surface elevations and the stream- bed elevation of the side sloughs are notably greater at the up- stream entrance to the slough than at the mouth of the slough. The graidents within the slough are typically greater than the adjacent mainstem. An alluvial berm separates the head of the slough from the river, whereas the water surface elevation of the mainstem generally causes a backwater effect at the mouth of the slough. The sloughs funGtion like small stream systems. Several hundred feed of channel exist in each slough conveying water independent of mainstem backwater effects. The sloughs vary in length from 2,000 -6,000 feet. Cross-se-e--..--- tions of sloughs are typically rectangular with flat bottoms. At the head of the sloughs, substrates are dominated by boulders and cobbles (8-14 inch diameter). Progressing towards the slough mouth, substrate particles reduce in size with gravels and sands predominating. Beavers frequently inhabit the sloughs. Active and abandoned dams are visible. Vegetation commonly covers the banks to the waters edge with bank cutting and slumping occurring during spring break-up flows. The importance of the sloughs as salmon spawning habitat is discussed in detail in Chapter 3. 2.3 -Susitna River Water Quality As previously described in Section 2.2, the Susitna River is charac- terized by large seasonal fluctuations in discharge. These flow varia- tions along with -the glacial origins of the river essentially control the water quality of the river. Existing water quality data have been compiled for the mainstem Susitna River from stations located at Denali, Vee Canyon, Gold Creek, Sun- shine, arid Susitna Station. In addition, data from two Susitna River tributaries, the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers, have also been compiled (R&M, 1982b). The station locations are presented in Figure E2.1. Data were compil ed correspondi ng to three seasons: break up, summer, and winter. Breakup is usually short and extends from the time ice begins to move down river until recession of spring runoff. Summer extends from the end 9f breakup until the water temperature drops to essentially O°C in the fall, and winter is the period from the end of summer to breakup. The water qual ity parameters measured and their respectively detection limits appear in Table E.2.6. The water quality was evaluated (R&M 1982b) using guidelines and cri- teria established from the following references: -ADEC, Water Quality Standards. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska, 1979. -EPA, Quality Criteria For Water. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 1976. E-2-10 -( [ I ~\ -McNeely, R.N., V.P. Neimanism abd K, Dwyer. Water Quality Source- book--A Guide to Water Quality Parameters. Environment Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, Water Quality Branch, Ottawa, Canada, 1979. -Sitting, Marshall. Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals. Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey, 1981. -EPA, Water Quality Criteria Documents; Availability. Environmental Protection Agency, Federa 1 Reg i ster, 45, 79318-79379 (November 28, 1980) . The guidelines or criteria used for the parameters were chosen base~DQ a priority system. Al aska Water Qual ity Standards were the first choice, followed by criteria presented ln EPA I~ Quality Criteria for Water. If a criterion expressed as a specific concentratlOn was not presented in the above two references, the other cited references were used as the source. A second priority system was used for selecting the guidelines or cri- teria presented for each parameter. This was required because the v ari ous references presented above cite 1 evel s of parameters that provide for the protection of identified water uses; such as (1) the propagation of fish and other aquatic organisms, (2) water supply for drinking, food preparation, industrial processes, and agriculture, and (3) water recreation. The first priority, therefore, was to present the guidelines or criteria that apply to the protection of freshwater aquatic organisms. The second priority was to present levels of para- meters that are acceptable for water supply, and the third priority was to present other guidel ines or criteria if avail able. It should be noted that water qual ity standards set criteria which limit man-induced pollution to protect identified water uses. Although the Susitna River basin i"s a pristine area, some parameters naturally exceeded their respective criterion. These parameters are presented in Table E. 2.7. As noted in Table E.2.7, criteria for three parameters have been set at a level which natural waters usually do not exceed. The suggested criteri a for al urn inlJT1 and bi smuth are based on human health effects. The criterion for total organic carbon (TOC) was established at 3 mg/l. Water containing less than this concentration has been observed to be relatively clean. However, streams in Alaska receiving tundra runoff commonly exceed this level. The maximum TOC concentration reported herein, 20 mg/l, is likely the result of natural conditions. The criterion for manganese was establ ished to protect water suppl ies for human consumption. The criteria presented for the remaining parameters appearing in Table E.2.7 are established by law for protection of freshwater aquatic organisms. The water qual ity standards apply to man-induced alterations and constitute the degree of degradation which may not be exceeded. Because there are no industries, no significant agricultural areas, and no major cities adjacent to the Susitna, Talkeetna, and Chul itna Rivers, the measured levels of these parameters are considered to be natural conditions. Since criteria exceedance is attributed to natural conditions, 1 ittle additional discussion will be given to these phenomenon. Also, these rivers support diverse E-2-11 [ r [ [ r l l l -( [ I ~\ -McNeely, R.N., V.P. Neimanism abd K, Dwyer. Water Quality Source- book--A Guide to Water Quality Parameters. Environment Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, Water Quality Branch, Ottawa, Canada, 1979. -Sitting, Marshall. Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals. Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey, 1981. -EPA, Water Quality Criteria Documents; Availability. Environmental Protection Agency, Federa 1 Reg i ster, 45, 79318-79379 (November 28, 1980) . The guidelines or criteria used for the parameters were chosen base~DQ a priority system. Al aska Water Qual ity Standards were the first choice, followed by criteria presented ln EPA I~ Quality Criteria for Water. If a criterion expressed as a specific concentratlOn was not presented in the above two references, the other cited references were used as the source. A second priority system was used for selecting the guidelines or cri- teria presented for each parameter. This was required because the v ari ous references presented above cite 1 evel s of parameters that provide for the protection of identified water uses; such as (1) the propagation of fish and other aquatic organisms, (2) water supply for drinking, food preparation, industrial processes, and agriculture, and (3) water recreation. The first priority, therefore, was to present the guidelines or criteria that apply to the protection of freshwater aquatic organisms. The second priority was to present levels of para- meters that are acceptable for water supply, and the third priority was to present other guidel ines or criteria if avail able. It should be noted that water qual ity standards set criteria which limit man-induced pollution to protect identified water uses. Although the Susitna River basin i"s a pristine area, some parameters naturally exceeded their respective criterion. These parameters are presented in Table E. 2.7. As noted in Table E.2.7, criteria for three parameters have been set at a level which natural waters usually do not exceed. The suggested criteri a for al urn inlJT1 and bi smuth are based on human health effects. The criterion for total organic carbon (TOC) was established at 3 mg/l. Water containing less than this concentration has been observed to be relatively clean. However, streams in Alaska receiving tundra runoff commonly exceed this level. The maximum TOC concentration reported herein, 20 mg/l, is likely the result of natural conditions. The criterion for manganese was establ ished to protect water suppl ies for human consumption. The criteria presented for the remaining parameters appearing in Table E.2.7 are established by law for protection of freshwater aquatic organisms. The water qual ity standards apply to man-induced alterations and constitute the degree of degradation which may not be exceeded. Because there are no industries, no significant agricultural areas, and no major cities adjacent to the Susitna, Talkeetna, and Chul itna Rivers, the measured levels of these parameters are considered to be natural conditions. Since criteria exceedance is attributed to natural conditions, 1 ittle additional discussion will be given to these phenomenon. Also, these rivers support diverse E-2-11 [ r [ [ r l l L I J \ ( popul ations of fish and other aquatic 1 ife. Consequently, it is con- cluded that the parameters exceeding their .criteria probably do not 'have significant adverse effects on aquatic organisms. In the following di'scussion, parameters measured during breakup will generally not be discussed since data normally indicate a transi tion period between the winter and summer extremes and the data itself is usually limited. Levels of. water quality parameters discussed in the following section are reported by R&M (1982b), unless otherwise noted. (a) Physical Parameters (i) Water Temperature -Mainstem In general, during winter, the entire mainstem Susitna River is at'or near DoC. However, there are a number of small discontinuous areas with groundwater inflow of near 2°C. As spr ing breakup occurs the water temperature begins to rise, generally warming with distance down stream. In summer, glacial melt is near DoC as it leaves the gl acier, but as it flows across the wide gravel flood- plain below the glaciers the water begins to warm. As the water winds its way downstream to the proposed Watana damsite it can reach temperatures as high as 14°C. Further downstream there is generally some additional warming but, temperatures may be cooler at some locations due to the effect of tributary inflow. In August, temperatures begin to drop, reaching DoC in 1 ate September or October. The seasonal temperature variation for the Susitna River at Denal i and Vee Canyon during 1980 and for Denal i and Watana during 1981 are displayed in Figures E.2.26 and E.2.27. Weekly averages for Watana in 1981 are shown in Fi gure E. 2.28. The shaded area ind icates the range of temper atures measured on a mean d ail y bas is. The temperature variations for eight summer days at Denal i, Vee Canyon and Susitna Station are presented in Figure E. 2. 29. The recorded variation in water temperatures at the seven USGS gaging stations is displayed in Figure E. 2.30. Additional data on water temperature are available in the annua 1 reports of U.S.G.S. Water Resources 0 ata for Alaska, the Al aska Department of Fl sh and Game (ADF&G) Susitna Hydroelectric Project data reports (Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project -1981, and Aquatic Studles Program -1982), and ln Water Quality Data - 1981b, 1981c, R&M Consultants. E-2-12 I J \ ( popul ations of fish and other aquatic 1 ife. Consequently, it is con- cluded that the parameters exceeding their .criteria probably do not 'have significant adverse effects on aquatic organisms. In the following di'scussion, parameters measured during breakup will generally not be discussed since data normally indicate a transi tion period between the winter and summer extremes and the data itself is usually limited. Levels of. water quality parameters discussed in the following section are reported by R&M (1982b), unless otherwise noted. (a) Physical Parameters (i) Water Temperature -Mainstem In general, during winter, the entire mainstem Susitna River is at'or near DoC. However, there are a number of small discontinuous areas with groundwater inflow of near 2°C. As spr ing breakup occurs the water temperature begins to rise, generally warming with distance down stream. In summer, glacial melt is near DoC as it leaves the gl acier, but as it flows across the wide gravel flood- plain below the glaciers the water begins to warm. As the water winds its way downstream to the proposed Watana damsite it can reach temperatures as high as 14°C. Further downstream there is generally some additional warming but, temperatures may be cooler at some locations due to the effect of tributary inflow. In August, temperatures begin to drop, reaching DoC in 1 ate September or October. The seasonal temperature variation for the Susitna River at Denal i and Vee Canyon during 1980 and for Denal i and Watana during 1981 are displayed in Figures E.2.26 and E.2.27. Weekly averages for Watana in 1981 are shown in Fi gure E. 2.28. The shaded area ind icates the range of temper atures measured on a mean d ail y bas is. The temperature variations for eight summer days at Denal i, Vee Canyon and Susitna Station are presented in Figure E. 2. 29. The recorded variation in water temperatures at the seven USGS gaging stations is displayed in Figure E. 2.30. Additional data on water temperature are available in the annua 1 reports of U.S.G.S. Water Resources 0 ata for Alaska, the Al aska Department of Fl sh and Game (ADF&G) Susitna Hydroelectric Project data reports (Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project -1981, and Aquatic Studles Program -1982), and ln Water Quality Data - 1981b, 1981c, R&M Consultants. E-2-12 -Sloughs The sloughs downstream of Devil Canyon have a temperature regime that differs form the mainstem. During the winter of 1982 i ntergravel and surface water temperatures were measured in sloughs 8A, 9,11,19,20 and 21, the loca- tions of which are illustrated in Figure E.2.31. These measurements indicated that intergravel temperatures were rel atively constiint through February and March at each location but exhlbited some variabil ity from one location to another. At most stations intergravel temperatures were within the 2-3°C range. Slough surface temperatures showed more variability at each location and were generally lower than intergravel temperatures during February and March (Trihey, 1982a). During spring and summer, when flow at the head of the slough is cut off, slough temperatures tend to differ from mainstem temperatures. During periods of high flows, when the head end is overtopped, slough water temperatures correspond more closely to mainstem tempera- tures. Figure E.2.32 compares weekly diel surface water temperature variations during September, 1981 in Slough 21 with the mainstem Susitna River at Portage Creek (ADF&G, 1982). The slough temperatures show a marked diurnal variation caused by increased solar warming of the shallow water during the day and subsequent long wave back radiation at night. Mainstem water temperatures are more constant because of the buffering and mixing capabil ity of the river. -Tributaries The tributaries to the Susitna River generally exhibit cooler water temperatures than does the mainstem. Con- tinuous water temperatures have been monitored by the USGS in the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers near Talkeetna, and al so by ADF&G in those two rivers as well as in Portage, Tsusena, Watana, Kosi na, and Goose Creeks, and in Indian and the Oshetna River. The 1982 mean daily temperature records for Indian River and Portage Creek are compared in Figure E.2.33. Portage Creek was consistently cooler than Indian River by 0.1 to 1. 9°C. The fl atter terrain in the lower reaches of the Indian River valley is apparently more conducive to solar and connective heating than the steep-walled canyon of Portage Creek. Figure E.2.33 also presents water temper- ature data from the mainstem Susitna for the same period, showing the consistently warmer temperatures in the main- stem. E-2-13 I r [ f ! r r ( l [ l l L l -Sloughs The sloughs downstream of Devil Canyon have a temperature regime that differs form the mainstem. During the winter of 1982 i ntergravel and surface water temperatures were measured in sloughs 8A, 9,11,19,20 and 21, the loca- tions of which are illustrated in Figure E.2.31. These measurements indicated that intergravel temperatures were rel atively constiint through February and March at each location but exhlbited some variabil ity from one location to another. At most stations intergravel temperatures were within the 2-3°C range. Slough surface temperatures showed more variability at each location and were generally lower than intergravel temperatures during February and March (Trihey, 1982a). During spring and summer, when flow at the head of the slough is cut off, slough temperatures tend to differ from mainstem temperatures. During periods of high flows, when the head end is overtopped, slough water temperatures correspond more closely to mainstem tempera- tures. Figure E.2.32 compares weekly diel surface water temperature variations during September, 1981 in Slough 21 with the mainstem Susitna River at Portage Creek (ADF&G, 1982). The slough temperatures show a marked diurnal variation caused by increased solar warming of the shallow water during the day and subsequent long wave back radiation at night. Mainstem water temperatures are more constant because of the buffering and mixing capabil ity of the river. -Tributaries The tributaries to the Susitna River generally exhibit cooler water temperatures than does the mainstem. Con- tinuous water temperatures have been monitored by the USGS in the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers near Talkeetna, and al so by ADF&G in those two rivers as well as in Portage, Tsusena, Watana, Kosi na, and Goose Creeks, and in Indian and the Oshetna River. The 1982 mean daily temperature records for Indian River and Portage Creek are compared in Figure E.2.33. Portage Creek was consistently cooler than Indian River by 0.1 to 1. 9°C. The fl atter terrain in the lower reaches of the Indian River valley is apparently more conducive to solar and connective heating than the steep-walled canyon of Portage Creek. Figure E.2.33 also presents water temper- ature data from the mainstem Susitna for the same period, showing the consistently warmer temperatures in the main- stem. E-2-13 I r [ f ! r r ( l [ l l L l ---I , I-l There are noticeable diurnal flucutations in the open- water tributary temperatures, though not as extreme as in the sToughs. Daily variation of up to 6.5°C (from 3.0 to 9.5°C) was observed at Portage Creek in 1982 (June 14). The major tributaries joining the Susitna at Talkeetna show uniform variation in temperatures from the mainstem .. Compared to the Talkeetna fishwheel site on the Susitna, the Talkeetna River temperature is I-3°C cooler on a daily average basis. The Chulitna River, being closer to its glacial headwaters, is from 0 ~o 2°C cooler than the Talkeetna river, and has less during fluctuations. Winter stream temperatures are expected to be very close to O°C, as all the tributaries do freeze up. Groundwater inflow at some locations may create local conditions above freezing, but the overall temperature regime would be affected by.the extreme cold in the environment. (ii) Ice -Freeze-up Air temperatures in the Susitna basin increase from the headwaters to the lower reaches. Whil e the temperature gradient is partially due to the two -degree latitudinal span of the river, it is, for the most part due to the 3,300-foot difference in el ev at i on between the lower and upper basins, and the climate-moderating effect of Cook Inlet on the lower river reaches. The gradient results in a period (late October -early Novenber) in which the air temperatures in the lower bas.in are above freezing while subfreezing in the upper basin. The location of freezing air temperatures moves in a downstream direction as winter progresses (R&M, 1982c). Frazil ice forms in the upper segment of the river first, due to the initial cold temperatures of glacial melt and the earlier cold air temperatures. Additional frazil ice is generated in the fast-flowing rapids between Vee Canyon and Devil Canyon. The frazil ice generation nor- mally continues for a period of 3-5 weeks before a solid ice cover forms in the lower river, often a result of frazil-ice pans and floes jamming in suitable reaches. Once frazi 1 ice jams form, the ice cover progresses up- stream, often raising water levels by 2 to 4 feet. Bor- der ice formation along the river banks also serves to restrict the channel. E-2-14 ---I , I-l There are noticeable diurnal flucutations in the open- water tributary temperatures, though not as extreme as in the sToughs. Daily variation of up to 6.5°C (from 3.0 to 9.5°C) was observed at Portage Creek in 1982 (June 14). The major tributaries joining the Susitna at Talkeetna show uniform variation in temperatures from the mainstem .. Compared to the Talkeetna fishwheel site on the Susitna, the Talkeetna River temperature is I-3°C cooler on a daily average basis. The Chulitna River, being closer to its glacial headwaters, is from 0 ~o 2°C cooler than the Talkeetna river, and has less during fluctuations. Winter stream temperatures are expected to be very close to O°C, as all the tributaries do freeze up. Groundwater inflow at some locations may create local conditions above freezing, but the overall temperature regime would be affected by.the extreme cold in the environment. (ii) Ice -Freeze-up Air temperatures in the Susitna basin increase from the headwaters to the lower reaches. Whil e the temperature gradient is partially due to the two -degree latitudinal span of the river, it is, for the most part due to the 3,300-foot difference in el ev at i on between the lower and upper basins, and the climate-moderating effect of Cook Inlet on the lower river reaches. The gradient results in a period (late October -early Novenber) in which the air temperatures in the lower bas.in are above freezing while subfreezing in the upper basin. The location of freezing air temperatures moves in a downstream direction as winter progresses (R&M, 1982c). Frazil ice forms in the upper segment of the river first, due to the initial cold temperatures of glacial melt and the earlier cold air temperatures. Additional frazil ice is generated in the fast-flowing rapids between Vee Canyon and Devil Canyon. The frazil ice generation nor- mally continues for a period of 3-5 weeks before a solid ice cover forms in the lower river, often a result of frazil-ice pans and floes jamming in suitable reaches. Once frazi 1 ice jams form, the ice cover progresses up- stream, often raising water levels by 2 to 4 feet. Bor- der ice formation along the river banks also serves to restrict the channel. E-2-14 ( 1 -1 The upper Susitna River is the primary contributor of ice to the river system below Talkeetna, contributing 75-85 percent of the ice load in the Susitna-Chu1itna-Ta1keetna Rivers. Ice formation on the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers normally commences several weeks after freeze-up on the middle and upper Susitna River. -Winter Ice Conditions Once the solid ice cover forms, open leads still occur in areas of high-velocity water or groundwater upwell ing. These leads shrink during cold weather and are the last areas int,he main channel to be completely covered by ice. Ice thickness increases throughout the winter. The ice cover averages over 4 feet thick by breakup, but thicknesses of over 10 feet have been recorded near Vee Canyon. Some of the side-channels and sloughs above Talkeetna do not form an ice cover dur i ng wi nter due to groundwater exfiltration. Winter groundwater temperatures generally varying between 2°C to 4°C contribute enough heat to prevent the ice cover from forming (Trihey 1982a). These areas are often sa1monid egg incubation areas. Breakup The onset of warmer air temperatures occurs in the lower basin several weeks earlier than in the upper basin, due to the temperature grad ient prev ious 1 y noted. The 10w- elevation snowpack melts first, causing river discharge to increase. The rising water level puts pressure on the ice, causing fractures to develop in the ice cover. The severity of breakup is dependent on the snowmelt rate, on the depth of the snowpack and the amount of rainfall, if it occurs. Alight snowpack and warm spring temperatures result in a gradual increase in river discharge. Strong forces on the ice cover do not occur to initiate ice movement resulting in a mild breakup, as occurred in 1981 (R&M, 1981d). Conversely, a heavy snowpack and cool air temperatures into late spring, followed by a sudden increase in air temperatures may result in a rapid rise in water level. The rapid water level increase initiates ice movement and this movement coupled with ice left in a strong condition from the cooler temperatures leads to nLATIerous and possibly severe ice jerns which may result in flooding and erosion, as occurred in 1982 (R&M, 1982f). The flooding results in high flows through numerous side- channels in the reach above Talkeetna. The flooding and erosion during breakup are bel ieved to be the primary factors influencing river morphology in the reach between Dev i1 Canyon and Ta 1 keetn a (R&M, 1982a) .. E-2-15 I I l r l [ l. ( 1 -1 The upper Susitna River is the primary contributor of ice to the river system below Talkeetna, contributing 75-85 percent of the ice load in the Susitna-Chu1itna-Ta1keetna Rivers. Ice formation on the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers normally commences several weeks after freeze-up on the middle and upper Susitna River. -Winter Ice Conditions Once the solid ice cover forms, open leads still occur in areas of high-velocity water or groundwater upwell ing. These leads shrink during cold weather and are the last areas int,he main channel to be completely covered by ice. Ice thickness increases throughout the winter. The ice cover averages over 4 feet thick by breakup, but thicknesses of over 10 feet have been recorded near Vee Canyon. Some of the side-channels and sloughs above Talkeetna do not form an ice cover dur i ng wi nter due to groundwater exfiltration. Winter groundwater temperatures generally varying between 2°C to 4°C contribute enough heat to prevent the ice cover from forming (Trihey 1982a). These areas are often sa1monid egg incubation areas. Breakup The onset of warmer air temperatures occurs in the lower basin several weeks earlier than in the upper basin, due to the temperature grad ient prev ious 1 y noted. The 10w- elevation snowpack melts first, causing river discharge to increase. The rising water level puts pressure on the ice, causing fractures to develop in the ice cover. The severity of breakup is dependent on the snowmelt rate, on the depth of the snowpack and the amount of rainfall, if it occurs. Alight snowpack and warm spring temperatures result in a gradual increase in river discharge. Strong forces on the ice cover do not occur to initiate ice movement resulting in a mild breakup, as occurred in 1981 (R&M, 1981d). Conversely, a heavy snowpack and cool air temperatures into late spring, followed by a sudden increase in air temperatures may result in a rapid rise in water level. The rapid water level increase initiates ice movement and this movement coupled with ice left in a strong condition from the cooler temperatures leads to nLATIerous and possibly severe ice jerns which may result in flooding and erosion, as occurred in 1982 (R&M, 1982f). The flooding results in high flows through numerous side- channels in the reach above Talkeetna. The flooding and erosion during breakup are bel ieved to be the primary factors influencing river morphology in the reach between Dev i1 Canyon and Ta 1 keetn a (R&M, 1982a) .. E-2-15 I I l r l [ l. -I \ -\ ( iii) Suspended Sediments The Susitna River and many'of its major tributaries are glacial rivers which experience extreme fluctuations in suspended sediment concentrations as the result of both glacial melt and runoff from rainfall or snowmelt. Beginn- ing with spring breakup, suspended sediment concentrations beg in to ri se from their near zero wi nter 1 evel s. Our i ng summer, val ues as hi gh as 5700 mg/l have been recordej at Denali, the gaging station nearest the glacially-fed head-' waters. Before entering the areas of the proposed reser- voirs, concentrations decrease due to the inflow from several clear water tributaries. Maximum summer concentra- tions of 2600 mg/l have been observed at Gold Creek. Below Talkeetna, concentrations increase due to the contribution of the sediment-laden Chulitna River which has 28 percent of its drainage area covered by year round ice. Max imum values of 3000 mg/l have been recorded at the Susitna Sta- tion gage. A more extensive summary of suspended sediment concentrations is presented in Figure E.2.34. Suspended sediment discharge has been shown to increase with discharge tR&M, 1982d). This relationship for various upper Susitna River stations is illustrated in Figure E. 2. 35. Estimates of the average annual suspended sediment load for three locations on the upper Susitna River are provided in the following table (R&M, 1982d). Gaging Station Susitna River at Denali Susitna River near Cantwell Susitna River at Gold Creek Average Annual Suspended Sediment Load (tons/year) 2,965,000 6,898,000 7,731,000 The suspended sediment load entering the proposed Watana Reservoir from the Susitna River is assumed to be that at the gaging site for the Susitna River near Cantwell, or 6,898,000 tons/year (R&M, 1982d). A suspended sediment size analysis for upper Susitna River stations is presented in Figure E.2.36. The analysis indicates that between 20 and 25 percent of the suspended sediment is less than 4 microns (.004 millimeters) in diameter. E-2-16 -I \ -\ ( iii) Suspended Sediments The Susitna River and many'of its major tributaries are glacial rivers which experience extreme fluctuations in suspended sediment concentrations as the result of both glacial melt and runoff from rainfall or snowmelt. Beginn- ing with spring breakup, suspended sediment concentrations beg in to ri se from their near zero wi nter 1 evel s. Our i ng summer, val ues as hi gh as 5700 mg/l have been recordej at Denali, the gaging station nearest the glacially-fed head-' waters. Before entering the areas of the proposed reser- voirs, concentrations decrease due to the inflow from several clear water tributaries. Maximum summer concentra- tions of 2600 mg/l have been observed at Gold Creek. Below Talkeetna, concentrations increase due to the contribution of the sediment-laden Chulitna River which has 28 percent of its drainage area covered by year round ice. Max imum values of 3000 mg/l have been recorded at the Susitna Sta- tion gage. A more extensive summary of suspended sediment concentrations is presented in Figure E.2.34. Suspended sediment discharge has been shown to increase with discharge tR&M, 1982d). This relationship for various upper Susitna River stations is illustrated in Figure E. 2. 35. Estimates of the average annual suspended sediment load for three locations on the upper Susitna River are provided in the following table (R&M, 1982d). Gaging Station Susitna River at Denali Susitna River near Cantwell Susitna River at Gold Creek Average Annual Suspended Sediment Load (tons/year) 2,965,000 6,898,000 7,731,000 The suspended sediment load entering the proposed Watana Reservoir from the Susitna River is assumed to be that at the gaging site for the Susitna River near Cantwell, or 6,898,000 tons/year (R&M, 1982d). A suspended sediment size analysis for upper Susitna River stations is presented in Figure E.2.36. The analysis indicates that between 20 and 25 percent of the suspended sediment is less than 4 microns (.004 millimeters) in diameter. E-2-16 (iv) Turbidity ( v) -Mainstem The Susitna River is typically clear during the winter months with values at or very near zero. Turbidity increases as snownel t and breakup commence. The peak turbidity values occur during summer when glacial input is greatest. limited turbidity data are available for the headwaters of the Susitna River. However, measurements-up to 350 Nepholometer Turbidity units (NTU) have been recorded at Denali. Turbidity tends to decrease in the vicinity of the project areas due to clearwater inflow, although high values still exist. At the mouth of the Chulitna River near Talkeetna, values of over 1900 NTU have been observed. In contrast, max imum observed val ues on the Talkeetna River, with its minimal glacial input, were 270 NTU. Results of data collection are summarized in Figure E.2.37 (R&M, 1982e). Data collected at various sites in 1982 are tabulated in Table E.2.8. Figure E.2.38 shows the direct relationship between sus- pended sediment concentation and turbidity as measured on the Susitna River at Cantwell, Gold Creek, and Chase (Peratrovich, Nottingham and Drage, 1982a). However, suspended sediment concentrations can vary significantly at similar flow ranges, as the glaciers contribute highly variable amounts of sediment (R&M, 1982d)\ -Sloughs Turbidity values for selected sloughs were collected by ADF&G during the summer of 1981. The turbidity in the sloughs was less than the turbidity in the mainstem except when upstream ends were overto.pped at which time the turbidities usually mirror~-mainstem level s (ADF&G, 1982). Even with overtoppiD9, some sloughs maintained lower turbidity due to grounqwater or tributary inflow. \ Vertical Illumination Vertical illumination through the water column varies d irectl y with turb id ity and suspended sedi~nt concentra- tion and hence follows the same temporal'",and spatial patterns. Although no quantitive assessment wa~conducted, summer vertical illumination is generally a fe'w, inches. During winter months, the river bottom can be seen lQ areas without-ice cover, as the river is exceptionally 'clear. Vertical illumination under an ice cover is inhibited, especially if the ice is not clear and if a snow cover exists over the ice. E-2-17 - -~- l [ l [ l 1 l (iv) Turbidity ( v) -Mainstem The Susitna River is typically clear during the winter months with values at or very near zero. Turbidity increases as snownel t and breakup commence. The peak turbidity values occur during summer when glacial input is greatest. limited turbidity data are available for the headwaters of the Susitna River. However, measurements-up to 350 Nepholometer Turbidity units (NTU) have been recorded at Denali. Turbidity tends to decrease in the vicinity of the project areas due to clearwater inflow, although high values still exist. At the mouth of the Chulitna River near Talkeetna, values of over 1900 NTU have been observed. In contrast, max imum observed val ues on the Talkeetna River, with its minimal glacial input, were 270 NTU. Results of data collection are summarized in Figure E.2.37 (R&M, 1982e). Data collected at various sites in 1982 are tabulated in Table E.2.8. Figure E.2.38 shows the direct relationship between sus- pended sediment concentation and turbidity as measured on the Susitna River at Cantwell, Gold Creek, and Chase (Peratrovich, Nottingham and Drage, 1982a). However, suspended sediment concentrations can vary significantly at similar flow ranges, as the glaciers contribute highly variable amounts of sediment (R&M, 1982d)\ -Sloughs Turbidity values for selected sloughs were collected by ADF&G during the summer of 1981. The turbidity in the sloughs was less than the turbidity in the mainstem except when upstream ends were overto.pped at which time the turbidities usually mirror~-mainstem level s (ADF&G, 1982). Even with overtoppiD9, some sloughs maintained lower turbidity due to grounqwater or tributary inflow. \ Vertical Illumination Vertical illumination through the water column varies d irectl y with turb id ity and suspended sedi~nt concentra- tion and hence follows the same temporal'",and spatial patterns. Although no quantitive assessment wa~conducted, summer vertical illumination is generally a fe'w, inches. During winter months, the river bottom can be seen lQ areas without-ice cover, as the river is exceptionally 'clear. Vertical illumination under an ice cover is inhibited, especially if the ice is not clear and if a snow cover exists over the ice. E-2-17 - -~- l [ l [ l 1 l ( ,~ .1 ( ,1 (vi) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Di"ssolved solids concentratons are higher, and ·exhibit a wider range during the winter low-flow periods t~an during the summer period. Data at Denali range from 110-270 mg/l in the wi nter and from 40-170 mg/l i·n the summer. Pro- g~essing downstream on the Susitna River basin, TDS concentrations are generally lower. Gold Creek TDS winter values are 100-190 mg/l, while summer concentrations are 50-140 mg/l. Measurements at Susitria Station, range from 100-140 mg/l during winter and between 55 and 80 mg/1 in the summer. "Figure E.2.39 provides a graphic representation of the data collected. (vii) Specific Conductance (Conductivity) (viii) Susitna River conductivity values are high during winter low-flow periods and low during the summer. In the up- stream reaches where glacial input is most significant, conductivity is generally higher. At Denali, values range from 190-510 umhos/cm in the winter and from 120-205 umhos/cm in the summer. Below Devil Canyon, conductivity values range from 160-300 umhos in the winter and from 60-230 umhos/cm in the summer. The Chul itna and Talkeetna Rivers have sl igh1y lower con- ductivity values, but are in the same tange as in the Susitna River. Figure E.2.40 graphically provides the maximum, minimum and the mean values as well as the ntmber of conductivity ob- servations for the seven gaging stations. Significant ions Concentrations of the significant ions are generally low to moderate, with summer concentr~tions lower than winter con- centrat ions. The ranges of concentrat ions recorded up- stream of the project at Denal i and Vee Canyon and down- stream of the project at Gold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Station are 1 isted in Table E.2.9. The ranges of ion con- centrations at each monitoring station are presented in Figures E.2.41 to E.2.46. (ix) ..e!! Average pH values tend to be slightly alkaline with values typically ranging between 7 and 8. A wider range is gener- ally exhibited during the spring breakup and summer months with values occasionally dropping below 7. This phenomenon is common in Al askan streams and is attributable to the acidic tundra runoff. E-2-18 ( ,~ .1 ( ,1 (vi) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Di"ssolved solids concentratons are higher, and ·exhibit a wider range during the winter low-flow periods t~an during the summer period. Data at Denali range from 110-270 mg/l in the wi nter and from 40-170 mg/l i·n the summer. Pro- g~essing downstream on the Susitna River basin, TDS concentrations are generally lower. Gold Creek TDS winter values are 100-190 mg/l, while summer concentrations are 50-140 mg/l. Measurements at Susitria Station, range from 100-140 mg/l during winter and between 55 and 80 mg/1 in the summer. "Figure E.2.39 provides a graphic representation of the data collected. (vii) Specific Conductance (Conductivity) (viii) Susitna River conductivity values are high during winter low-flow periods and low during the summer. In the up- stream reaches where glacial input is most significant, conductivity is generally higher. At Denali, values range from 190-510 umhos/cm in the winter and from 120-205 umhos/cm in the summer. Below Devil Canyon, conductivity values range from 160-300 umhos in the winter and from 60-230 umhos/cm in the summer. The Chul itna and Talkeetna Rivers have sl igh1y lower con- ductivity values, but are in the same tange as in the Susitna River. Figure E.2.40 graphically provides the maximum, minimum and the mean values as well as the ntmber of conductivity ob- servations for the seven gaging stations. Significant ions Concentrations of the significant ions are generally low to moderate, with summer concentr~tions lower than winter con- centrat ions. The ranges of concentrat ions recorded up- stream of the project at Denal i and Vee Canyon and down- stream of the project at Gold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Station are 1 isted in Table E.2.9. The ranges of ion con- centrations at each monitoring station are presented in Figures E.2.41 to E.2.46. (ix) ..e!! Average pH values tend to be slightly alkaline with values typically ranging between 7 and 8. A wider range is gener- ally exhibited during the spring breakup and summer months with values occasionally dropping below 7. This phenomenon is common in Al askan streams and is attributable to the acidic tundra runoff. E-2-18 =\ I I Winter pH ranges at the Gold. Creek station are between 7.0 and 8.1 while the range of summer values is 6.6 to 8.1. Figure E.2.47 displays the pH information 'for the seven stations of record. (x) Total Hardness Waters of the Susitna River are moderately hard to hard in the winter, and soft to moderately hard during breakup and summer. In addition, there is a general trend toward softer water in the downstream direction. Tota 1 hardness, measured as cal c iurn magnes i urn hardness and reported in terms of CaC03, ranges between 60-120 mg/l at Gold Creek during winter, and betwen 30-105 mg/l in the summer. At Susitna Station, winter values are 70-95 mg/l while summer values range from 45 to 60 mg/l. l r Figure E.2.48 presents more detailed total hardness infor- mat i on. r (xi) Total Alkalinity Total Alkal inity concentrations with bicarbonate typically l being the only form of alkal inity present, exhibit moderate to high levels and display a much larger range during winter than the low to moderate summer values. In l addition, upstream concentrations are generally larger than downstream values. Winter values. at Gold Creek range between 45 and 145 mg/l, while . summer values are in the range of 25 to 85 mg/l. In the lower river at Susitna Station, winter 'concentrations are between 60-75 mg/l and summer 1 evel s are in the range of 40-60 mg/l. Figure E.2.49 displays a more detailed description of total alkal inity concentrations. (xii) True Color True color, measured in platinum cobalt units, displays a r [ [ r wi der range dur ing summer than wi nter. Th i s phenomenon is l attributable to organic acids (especially tannin) charac- teristically present in the summer tundra runoff. Color levels at Gold Creek vary between 0 and 10 color l units during winter and 0 to 40 units in the summer. It is not uncommon for color levels in Al aska to be as high as 100 un its for streams receiv ing tundra runoff, i.e., the maximum recorded value at the Sunshine gauge. Figure E.2.S0 displays the data collected. E-2-19 l =\ I I Winter pH ranges at the Gold. Creek station are between 7.0 and 8.1 while the range of summer values is 6.6 to 8.1. Figure E.2.47 displays the pH information 'for the seven stations of record. (x) Total Hardness Waters of the Susitna River are moderately hard to hard in the winter, and soft to moderately hard during breakup and summer. In addition, there is a general trend toward softer water in the downstream direction. Tota 1 hardness, measured as cal c iurn magnes i urn hardness and reported in terms of CaC03, ranges between 60-120 mg/l at Gold Creek during winter, and betwen 30-105 mg/l in the summer. At Susitna Station, winter values are 70-95 mg/l while summer values range from 45 to 60 mg/l. l r Figure E.2.48 presents more detailed total hardness infor- mat i on. r (xi) Total Alkalinity Total Alkal inity concentrations with bicarbonate typically l being the only form of alkal inity present, exhibit moderate to high levels and display a much larger range during winter than the low to moderate summer values. In l addition, upstream concentrations are generally larger than downstream values. Winter values. at Gold Creek range between 45 and 145 mg/l, while . summer values are in the range of 25 to 85 mg/l. In the lower river at Susitna Station, winter 'concentrations are between 60-75 mg/l and summer 1 evel s are in the range of 40-60 mg/l. Figure E.2.49 displays a more detailed description of total alkal inity concentrations. (xii) True Color True color, measured in platinum cobalt units, displays a r [ [ r wi der range dur ing summer than wi nter. Th i s phenomenon is l attributable to organic acids (especially tannin) charac- teristically present in the summer tundra runoff. Color levels at Gold Creek vary between 0 and 10 color l units during winter and 0 to 40 units in the summer. It is not uncommon for color levels in Al aska to be as high as 100 un its for streams receiv ing tundra runoff, i.e., the maximum recorded value at the Sunshine gauge. Figure E.2.S0 displays the data collected. E-2-19 l j I ~ I ~I I I • \ -I ) ,I ! i (xiii) Metals The concentrations of'many metals monitored in the river were low or within the range characteristic of natural waters. Eight parameters antimony (sb), boron (8), gold (Au), dissolved molybdentm (M), platinum (Pt), tin (Sn), vanadium (V) and zi~conium (Zr) were below detectable limits. However, the concentrations of some trace elements exceeded water qual ity guidP.l ines for the protection of freshwater organisms. (Table E.2.4). These concentrations are the result of natural processes, since with the exception of some placer mining activities, there are no man-induced sources of these el ements in the Susitna Ri ver basin. Metals which have exceeded these limites include altJ11inum (Al), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn). Figures E.2.51 through E.2.68 summarize the heavy metal data that were collected. (b) Dissolved Gases .(i) Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen (D.O.) concentrations generally remain quite high throughout the drainage basin. Winter values average near 13 mg/l while summer concentrations average between 11 and 12 mg/l. These concentrations equate to dissolved oxygen saturation levels generally exceeding 80 percent, although summer val ues average near 100 percent. Winter saturation levels decline slightly from summer levels, averaging near 97 percent at Gold Creek and 80 percent at Susitna Station. . Figures E. 2. 69 and E. 2. 70 contain additional dissolved oxygen. data. (ii) Nitrogen Supersaturatiori Limited sampling for dissolved gas concentrations, namely nitrogen and oxygen, was performed during the· 1981 field season. However, continuous monitoring equipment was installed in the vicinity of Devil Canyon for approximately two months (8 August -10 October) during 1982. This data is not available at this time but will be included when it is available. The 1981 data indicated that supersaturation existed above Devil Canyon as well as below ranging from 105.3 percent to 116.7 percent, respectively. Al aska water qual ity statutes call for a maximum dissolved gas concentration of no higher than 110 percent. E-2-20 j I ~ I ~I I I • \ -I ) ,I ! i (xiii) Metals The concentrations of'many metals monitored in the river were low or within the range characteristic of natural waters. Eight parameters antimony (sb), boron (8), gold (Au), dissolved molybdentm (M), platinum (Pt), tin (Sn), vanadium (V) and zi~conium (Zr) were below detectable limits. However, the concentrations of some trace elements exceeded water qual ity guidP.l ines for the protection of freshwater organisms. (Table E.2.4). These concentrations are the result of natural processes, since with the exception of some placer mining activities, there are no man-induced sources of these el ements in the Susitna Ri ver basin. Metals which have exceeded these limites include altJ11inum (Al), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn). Figures E.2.51 through E.2.68 summarize the heavy metal data that were collected. (b) Dissolved Gases .(i) Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen (D.O.) concentrations generally remain quite high throughout the drainage basin. Winter values average near 13 mg/l while summer concentrations average between 11 and 12 mg/l. These concentrations equate to dissolved oxygen saturation levels generally exceeding 80 percent, although summer val ues average near 100 percent. Winter saturation levels decline slightly from summer levels, averaging near 97 percent at Gold Creek and 80 percent at Susitna Station. . Figures E. 2. 69 and E. 2. 70 contain additional dissolved oxygen. data. (ii) Nitrogen Supersaturatiori Limited sampling for dissolved gas concentrations, namely nitrogen and oxygen, was performed during the· 1981 field season. However, continuous monitoring equipment was installed in the vicinity of Devil Canyon for approximately two months (8 August -10 October) during 1982. This data is not available at this time but will be included when it is available. The 1981 data indicated that supersaturation existed above Devil Canyon as well as below ranging from 105.3 percent to 116.7 percent, respectively. Al aska water qual ity statutes call for a maximum dissolved gas concentration of no higher than 110 percent. E-2-20 (c) Nutrients Nutrient concentrations, specifically nitrate nitrogen and ortho- phosphate, exist in low to moderate concentration throughout the Susitna River. Nitrate concentrations are less than 1.0 mg/1 along the Susitna, although Talkeetna River values have reached 2.5 mg/l. Gold Creek nit.rate concentrations vary from below detectable limits to 0.4 mg/l. Biologically available orthophosphates are generally less than 0.2 mg/1 throughout the drainage bas in. Gold Creek orthophosphate values vary from below detectable limits to 0.1 mg/l. most values at Vee Canyon are also in this range. This data is depicted in Figures E.2.71 and E.2.72. Studies of glacially influenced lakes in Alaska (Koenings and Kyle, 1982) and Canada (St. John et al., 1976) indicate that over 50 percent of the total phosphorus concentration in the 1 akes studied was biologically inactive. This was attributed to the fact that the greatest percentage of the 1 akes I total phosphorus occurred in the particulate form. Consequently, phosphorus available in the dissolved form is much less than recorded values. This is discussed i~ more detail by Peterson and Nichols, (1982). Of the maj or nutri ents--carbon, s il ic a, nitrogen and phosphorus, the limiting nuturient in the Susitna River is phosphorus (Peterson and Nichols 1982). (d) Other Parameters (i) Chlorophyll-a Chlorophyll-a as a measure of algal biomass is quite low due to the poor light transmisSivity of the glacial waters. The only chlorophyll-a data available for the Susitna River were collected at the Susitna Station gage. Values up to 1. 2 mg/m 3 for chloroph.yll-a (periphyton. uncorrected) have been recorded. However, us i ng the chromospectropi c technique, values ranged from 0.004 to 0.029 mg/m 3 for three samples in 1976 and 1977. All recorded values from 1978 through 1980 were 1 ess than detectab 1 e 1 imits when analyzed using the chromographic fluorometer technique. No data on chlorophyll-a are available for the upper basin. However, with the very high suspended sed iment concentr a- tions and turbidity values, it is expected that chloro- phyll-a values are very low. (ii) Bacteria No data are available for bacteria in the upper river basin. However, because of the glacial origins of the river and the absence of domestic, agricultural, and industrial developnent in the watershed, bacteria levels are expected to be quite low. E-2-21 ! r [ [ [ l. l. l (c) Nutrients Nutrient concentrations, specifically nitrate nitrogen and ortho- phosphate, exist in low to moderate concentration throughout the Susitna River. Nitrate concentrations are less than 1.0 mg/1 along the Susitna, although Talkeetna River values have reached 2.5 mg/l. Gold Creek nit.rate concentrations vary from below detectable limits to 0.4 mg/l. Biologically available orthophosphates are generally less than 0.2 mg/1 throughout the drainage bas in. Gold Creek orthophosphate values vary from below detectable limits to 0.1 mg/l. most values at Vee Canyon are also in this range. This data is depicted in Figures E.2.71 and E.2.72. Studies of glacially influenced lakes in Alaska (Koenings and Kyle, 1982) and Canada (St. John et al., 1976) indicate that over 50 percent of the total phosphorus concentration in the 1 akes studied was biologically inactive. This was attributed to the fact that the greatest percentage of the 1 akes I total phosphorus occurred in the particulate form. Consequently, phosphorus available in the dissolved form is much less than recorded values. This is discussed i~ more detail by Peterson and Nichols, (1982). Of the maj or nutri ents--carbon, s il ic a, nitrogen and phosphorus, the limiting nuturient in the Susitna River is phosphorus (Peterson and Nichols 1982). (d) Other Parameters (i) Chlorophyll-a Chlorophyll-a as a measure of algal biomass is quite low due to the poor light transmisSivity of the glacial waters. The only chlorophyll-a data available for the Susitna River were collected at the Susitna Station gage. Values up to 1. 2 mg/m 3 for chloroph.yll-a (periphyton. uncorrected) have been recorded. However, us i ng the chromospectropi c technique, values ranged from 0.004 to 0.029 mg/m 3 for three samples in 1976 and 1977. All recorded values from 1978 through 1980 were 1 ess than detectab 1 e 1 imits when analyzed using the chromographic fluorometer technique. No data on chlorophyll-a are available for the upper basin. However, with the very high suspended sed iment concentr a- tions and turbidity values, it is expected that chloro- phyll-a values are very low. (ii) Bacteria No data are available for bacteria in the upper river basin. However, because of the glacial origins of the river and the absence of domestic, agricultural, and industrial developnent in the watershed, bacteria levels are expected to be quite low. E-2-21 ! r [ [ [ l. l. l Only 1 imited data on bacterial indicators are avail able from the lower river basin, namely for the Talkeetna River since 1972, and from the Susitna River at' SusitnaStation since 1975. Indicator organisms monitored include total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci. Total coliform counts were generally quite low, with all three samples at Susitna Station and 70 percent of the samples on the Talkeetna River registering less than 20 colonies per 100 ml. Occasional high values have been recorded during summer months, with a ,max imum val ue of 130 colonies per 100 ml. Fecal coliforms were also low, usually registering ,less than 20 colonies per 100 ml. The maximum recorded summer values were 92 and 91 colonies per 100 ml in the Talkeetna and Susitna Rivers, respectively. Fecal streptococci data also display the same pattern; low values in winter months, with occasional high counts during the summer months. All recorded values are believed to reflect natural varia- tion within the river, as there are no significant human influences throughout the Susitna River Basin that would affect bacterial counts. (iii) Others Concentrations of organic pesticides and herbicides, uranilJT1, and gross alpha radioactivity were either less than their respective detec,tion limits or were below levels considered to be potentially harmful. Since no significant sources of these parameters are known to ex ist in the drainage basin, no further discussions will be pursued. (e) Water Quality Summary The Susitna River is a fast flowing, cold-water glacial stream of the calcium bicarbonate type containing soft to moderately hard water during breakup and summer, and moderately hard water in the winter. Nutrient concentrations, namely nitrate and orthophos- phate, exist in low-to-moderate concentrations. Dissolved oxygen concentrations typically remain high, averaging about 12 mg/1 dur- ing the summer and 13 mg/1 during winter. Percentage saturation of dissolved oxygen generally exceeds 80 percent and averages near 100 percent ,in the summer. Winter saturation levels decline slightly from the summer levels. Typically, pH values range between 7 and 8 and exhibit a wider range in the summer compared to the winter. During summer, pH occasionally drops below 7, which is attributed to organic acids in the tundra runoff. True color, al so resulting from tundra runoff, displ ays a wider range E-2-22 Only 1 imited data on bacterial indicators are avail able from the lower river basin, namely for the Talkeetna River since 1972, and from the Susitna River at' SusitnaStation since 1975. Indicator organisms monitored include total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci. Total coliform counts were generally quite low, with all three samples at Susitna Station and 70 percent of the samples on the Talkeetna River registering less than 20 colonies per 100 ml. Occasional high values have been recorded during summer months, with a ,max imum val ue of 130 colonies per 100 ml. Fecal coliforms were also low, usually registering ,less than 20 colonies per 100 ml. The maximum recorded summer values were 92 and 91 colonies per 100 ml in the Talkeetna and Susitna Rivers, respectively. Fecal streptococci data also display the same pattern; low values in winter months, with occasional high counts during the summer months. All recorded values are believed to reflect natural varia- tion within the river, as there are no significant human influences throughout the Susitna River Basin that would affect bacterial counts. (iii) Others Concentrations of organic pesticides and herbicides, uranilJT1, and gross alpha radioactivity were either less than their respective detec,tion limits or were below levels considered to be potentially harmful. Since no significant sources of these parameters are known to ex ist in the drainage basin, no further discussions will be pursued. (e) Water Quality Summary The Susitna River is a fast flowing, cold-water glacial stream of the calcium bicarbonate type containing soft to moderately hard water during breakup and summer, and moderately hard water in the winter. Nutrient concentrations, namely nitrate and orthophos- phate, exist in low-to-moderate concentrations. Dissolved oxygen concentrations typically remain high, averaging about 12 mg/1 dur- ing the summer and 13 mg/1 during winter. Percentage saturation of dissolved oxygen generally exceeds 80 percent and averages near 100 percent ,in the summer. Winter saturation levels decline slightly from the summer levels. Typically, pH values range between 7 and 8 and exhibit a wider range in the summer compared to the winter. During summer, pH occasionally drops below 7, which is attributed to organic acids in the tundra runoff. True color, al so resulting from tundra runoff, displ ays a wider range E-2-22 ~ I -/ I dur i ng summer than wi nter. Values have been measured as hi gh as 40 color units in the vicinity of the damsites. Temperature remains at or near O°C during winter, and the summer maximum is 14°C. Alkalinity concentrations, with bicarbonate as the dominant ani on, are low to moderate duri ng summer and moderate to hi gh during winter. The buffering capacity of the river is relatively low on occasion. . The concentrations of many trace elements monitored in the river were low or within the range characteristics of natural waters. However, the concentrations of some trace elements exceeded water .quality guidelines for the protection of freshwater aquatic organ- isms. These concentrat ions are the resul t of natura 1 processes because with the exception of some placer mining activities there are no man-induced sources of these elements in the Susitna River Basin. Concentrations of organic pesticides and herbicides, uranium, and gross al pha radioacti vity were either less than their respecti ve detection limits or were below levels considered to be potentially harmful to acquatic organisms. 2.4 -Baseline Ground Water Conditions (a) Description of Water Table and Artesian Conditions The landscape of the upper basin consists of relatively barren bedrock mountains with exposed bedrock cliffs in canyons and along streams, and areas of unconsolidated sediments (outwash, till, alluvium) with low relief particularly in the valleys. The arctic climate has retarded development of topsoil. Unconfined aquifers exist in the unconsolidated sediments, although there is no water table data in these areas except in the relict channel at Watana and the south abutment at Devi 1 Canyon. Wi nter low flows in the Susitna Ri ver and its major tri butaries are fed primarily from ground water storage in unconfi ned aqui fers. The bedrock withi n the basin tomprises crystalline and metamorphic rocks. No significant bedrock aquifers have been identified or are anticipated. Below Talkeetna, the broad plain between the Talkeetna Mountains and the Alaska Range generally has higher ground water yields, wi th the unconfi ned aquifers i mmedi ately adjacent to the Susi tna River having the highest yields (Freethey and Scully, 1980). (b) Hydraulic Connection of Ground Water and Surface Water Much of the ground water in the system is stored in unconfi ned aquifers in the valley bottoms and in alluvial fans along the slopes. Consequently, there is a direct connection between the ground water and surface water. Confined aquifers may exist within some of the unconsolidated sediments, but no data are available as to their extent. E-2-23 r J~ [ r { l t l ~ I -/ I dur i ng summer than wi nter. Values have been measured as hi gh as 40 color units in the vicinity of the damsites. Temperature remains at or near O°C during winter, and the summer maximum is 14°C. Alkalinity concentrations, with bicarbonate as the dominant ani on, are low to moderate duri ng summer and moderate to hi gh during winter. The buffering capacity of the river is relatively low on occasion. . The concentrations of many trace elements monitored in the river were low or within the range characteristics of natural waters. However, the concentrations of some trace elements exceeded water .quality guidelines for the protection of freshwater aquatic organ- isms. These concentrat ions are the resul t of natura 1 processes because with the exception of some placer mining activities there are no man-induced sources of these elements in the Susitna River Basin. Concentrations of organic pesticides and herbicides, uranium, and gross al pha radioacti vity were either less than their respecti ve detection limits or were below levels considered to be potentially harmful to acquatic organisms. 2.4 -Baseline Ground Water Conditions (a) Description of Water Table and Artesian Conditions The landscape of the upper basin consists of relatively barren bedrock mountains with exposed bedrock cliffs in canyons and along streams, and areas of unconsolidated sediments (outwash, till, alluvium) with low relief particularly in the valleys. The arctic climate has retarded development of topsoil. Unconfined aquifers exist in the unconsolidated sediments, although there is no water table data in these areas except in the relict channel at Watana and the south abutment at Devi 1 Canyon. Wi nter low flows in the Susitna Ri ver and its major tri butaries are fed primarily from ground water storage in unconfi ned aqui fers. The bedrock withi n the basin tomprises crystalline and metamorphic rocks. No significant bedrock aquifers have been identified or are anticipated. Below Talkeetna, the broad plain between the Talkeetna Mountains and the Alaska Range generally has higher ground water yields, wi th the unconfi ned aquifers i mmedi ately adjacent to the Susi tna River having the highest yields (Freethey and Scully, 1980). (b) Hydraulic Connection of Ground Water and Surface Water Much of the ground water in the system is stored in unconfi ned aquifers in the valley bottoms and in alluvial fans along the slopes. Consequently, there is a direct connection between the ground water and surface water. Confined aquifers may exist within some of the unconsolidated sediments, but no data are available as to their extent. E-2-23 r J~ [ r { l t l I ~ I l I , I \ (c) Locations of Springs, Wells, and Artesian Flows ( d) Due to the wilderness character of the basin, there is no data on the location of springs, wells, and artesian flows. However, winter aufeis buildups have been observed between Vee Canyon and Fog Creek, indicating the presence of ground water discharges. Ground water is the main source of flow during winter months, when precipitation falls as snow and there is no glacial melt. It is believed '~hat much of this water comes from unconfined aquifers (Freethey ;nd Scully, 1980). Hydraulic Connection,of Mainstem and Slough~ Ground water studies in respresentative sloughs downstream of Devil Canyon indicate that there is a hydraulic connection between the mainstem Susitna River and the sloughs. These sloughs are used by salmonid species for spawning and hence are important to the fisheries. Ground water observation wells indicate that the upwelling in the sloughs, which is necessary for egg incubation, is caused by ground water flow from the upl ands and from the \. mainstem Susitna. The higher permeab'i1ity of the valley bottom ( sediments (sand-gravel-cobble-alluvium) compared with the till \ mantle and bedrock of the valley sides indicates that the mainstem \ Susitna River is the major source of ground water inflow in the \ sloughs. Preliminary estimates of the travel time of the ground )' water from the mainstem to the sloughs indicate a time on the order of six months. 2.5 -Existing Lakes, Reservoirs, and Streams (a) Lakes and Reservoirs There are no existing reservoirs on the Susitna River or on any of the tributaries flowing into either Watana or Devil Canyon Reser- voirs. No 1 akes downstream of the reservoirs are expected to realize any impact from project construction, impoundment, or operation. A few lakes at and upstream of the damsites, however, will be affected by the project. The annual maximum pool elevation of 2190 feet in the Watana Reservoir will inundate several lakes, none of which are named on USGS topographic quadrangle maps. Most of these are small tundra lakes and are located along the Susitna between RM 191 and RM 197 near the mouth of Watana Creek. There are 27 1 akes 1 ess than 5 acres in surface area, one between 5 and 10 acres, and one relatively large one of 63 acres, all on the north side of the river. In addition, a small lake (less than 5 acres) lies on the south shore of the Susitna at RM 195.5 and another of about 10 acres in area lies on the north side of the river at RM 204. Most of these lakes appear to be simply perched, but five of them are connected by small streams to Watana Creek or to the Susitna River itself. E-2-24 I ~ I l I , I \ (c) Locations of Springs, Wells, and Artesian Flows ( d) Due to the wilderness character of the basin, there is no data on the location of springs, wells, and artesian flows. However, winter aufeis buildups have been observed between Vee Canyon and Fog Creek, indicating the presence of ground water discharges. Ground water is the main source of flow during winter months, when precipitation falls as snow and there is no glacial melt. It is believed '~hat much of this water comes from unconfined aquifers (Freethey ;nd Scully, 1980). Hydraulic Connection,of Mainstem and Slough~ Ground water studies in respresentative sloughs downstream of Devil Canyon indicate that there is a hydraulic connection between the mainstem Susitna River and the sloughs. These sloughs are used by salmonid species for spawning and hence are important to the fisheries. Ground water observation wells indicate that the upwelling in the sloughs, which is necessary for egg incubation, is caused by ground water flow from the upl ands and from the \. mainstem Susitna. The higher permeab'i1ity of the valley bottom ( sediments (sand-gravel-cobble-alluvium) compared with the till \ mantle and bedrock of the valley sides indicates that the mainstem \ Susitna River is the major source of ground water inflow in the \ sloughs. Preliminary estimates of the travel time of the ground )' water from the mainstem to the sloughs indicate a time on the order of six months. 2.5 -Existing Lakes, Reservoirs, and Streams (a) Lakes and Reservoirs There are no existing reservoirs on the Susitna River or on any of the tributaries flowing into either Watana or Devil Canyon Reser- voirs. No 1 akes downstream of the reservoirs are expected to realize any impact from project construction, impoundment, or operation. A few lakes at and upstream of the damsites, however, will be affected by the project. The annual maximum pool elevation of 2190 feet in the Watana Reservoir will inundate several lakes, none of which are named on USGS topographic quadrangle maps. Most of these are small tundra lakes and are located along the Susitna between RM 191 and RM 197 near the mouth of Watana Creek. There are 27 1 akes 1 ess than 5 acres in surface area, one between 5 and 10 acres, and one relatively large one of 63 acres, all on the north side of the river. In addition, a small lake (less than 5 acres) lies on the south shore of the Susitna at RM 195.5 and another of about 10 acres in area lies on the north side of the river at RM 204. Most of these lakes appear to be simply perched, but five of them are connected by small streams to Watana Creek or to the Susitna River itself. E-2-24 1 =1 1 A small lake (2.5 acres) lies on the south abutment near the Devil Canyon dansite, at RM 151.3, and at about elevation 1400 feet. No other lakes exist within the proposed Devil Canyon Reservoir. (b) Streams I Several streams in each reservoir will be completely or partially inundated by the raised water levels during project filling and operation. The streams appearing on the 1:63,360 sclae USGS quadrangle maps are 1 isted by reservoir in Tables E.2.10 and E.2.11. ·Listed in the tables are map name of each stream, river mile locations of the mouth, existing elevation of the stream mouths, the average stream gradient, the number of miles of stream to be inundated. Annual maximum reservoir elevations of 2190 feet and 1455 feet were used for these determination~ for the Watana and Devil Canyon pools, respectively. There is a small slough with two small ponds on it at RM 212, four miles upstream from the mouth of Jay Creek. This slough, which is at approximately elevation 1750, will be completely inundated by the Watana Reservoir. Similarly, there are five sloughs (at RM 180.1, 174.0, 173.4, 172.1, and 169.5) which will be totally inun- dated by the Devil Canyon Reservoir. As i de from the streams to be ~nund ated by the two proj ect impound- ments, there are several tributaries downstream of the project which may be affected by changes in the Susitna River flow regime. Since post-project summer stages in the Susitna will be several feet lower than pre-project levels, some of the creeks may either degrade to the lower elevation or remain perched above the river. Analysis was done on 19 streams between Devil Canyon and Talkeenta which were determined to be important for fishery reasons or for maintenance of. existing crossings by the Alaska Railroad (R&M 1982). These streams are listed in Table E.2. 12, with their river mile locations and reason for concern. 2.6 -Existing Instream Flow Uses Instrean flow uses are uses made of water in the stream channel as opposed to withdrawing water from the stream for use. Instream flow used include hydroelectric power generation; commercial or recreational navigation; waste load assimilation; downstream water rights; water requirements for riparian vegetation, fish and wildlife habitat; and recr.eat ion; freshwater recruitment to estuaries; and water requi red to maintain desirable characteristics of the river itself. Existing instream flow uses on the Susitna River include all these uses except hydroelectric power operation. (a) Downstream Water Rights The 18 different areas in the Susitna River Basin investigated for water rights are shown in Figure E.2.73 (Dwight, 1981). Table E.2.13 indicates the total amount of surface water and ground water appropriated within each area. The only significant uses of surface water in the Susitna River Basin occur in the headwaters of the Kahiltna and Willow Creek township grids where placer E-2-25 r [ r l 1 =1 1 A small lake (2.5 acres) lies on the south abutment near the Devil Canyon dansite, at RM 151.3, and at about elevation 1400 feet. No other lakes exist within the proposed Devil Canyon Reservoir. (b) Streams I Several streams in each reservoir will be completely or partially inundated by the raised water levels during project filling and operation. The streams appearing on the 1:63,360 sclae USGS quadrangle maps are 1 isted by reservoir in Tables E.2.10 and E.2.11. ·Listed in the tables are map name of each stream, river mile locations of the mouth, existing elevation of the stream mouths, the average stream gradient, the number of miles of stream to be inundated. Annual maximum reservoir elevations of 2190 feet and 1455 feet were used for these determination~ for the Watana and Devil Canyon pools, respectively. There is a small slough with two small ponds on it at RM 212, four miles upstream from the mouth of Jay Creek. This slough, which is at approximately elevation 1750, will be completely inundated by the Watana Reservoir. Similarly, there are five sloughs (at RM 180.1, 174.0, 173.4, 172.1, and 169.5) which will be totally inun- dated by the Devil Canyon Reservoir. As i de from the streams to be ~nund ated by the two proj ect impound- ments, there are several tributaries downstream of the project which may be affected by changes in the Susitna River flow regime. Since post-project summer stages in the Susitna will be several feet lower than pre-project levels, some of the creeks may either degrade to the lower elevation or remain perched above the river. Analysis was done on 19 streams between Devil Canyon and Talkeenta which were determined to be important for fishery reasons or for maintenance of. existing crossings by the Alaska Railroad (R&M 1982). These streams are listed in Table E.2. 12, with their river mile locations and reason for concern. 2.6 -Existing Instream Flow Uses Instrean flow uses are uses made of water in the stream channel as opposed to withdrawing water from the stream for use. Instream flow used include hydroelectric power generation; commercial or recreational navigation; waste load assimilation; downstream water rights; water requirements for riparian vegetation, fish and wildlife habitat; and recr.eat ion; freshwater recruitment to estuaries; and water requi red to maintain desirable characteristics of the river itself. Existing instream flow uses on the Susitna River include all these uses except hydroelectric power operation. (a) Downstream Water Rights The 18 different areas in the Susitna River Basin investigated for water rights are shown in Figure E.2.73 (Dwight, 1981). Table E.2.13 indicates the total amount of surface water and ground water appropriated within each area. The only significant uses of surface water in the Susitna River Basin occur in the headwaters of the Kahiltna and Willow Creek township grids where placer E-2-25 r [ r l I ~ I .1 ( b) mlnlng operations take place on a seasonal basis. No surface water withdrawals from the Susitna River are on file with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Ground water appro- priations on file with DNR for the mainstem Susitna River corridor are min imal, both in terms of nunber of users and the amount of water being withdrawn. An analysis of topographic maps and overlays showing the specific location of each recorded appropriation within the mainstem Susitna River corridor indicated that neither the surface water diversions from small tributaries nor th.e groundwater withdrawal s from shallow wells will be adversely affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric project (DwigHt 1981). Hence, no further discussion on water rights is presented. Fishery Resources The Susitna River supports popul ations of both anadromous and resident fish. Important commercial, recreational, and subsis- tence species include pink, chum, coho, sockeye and chinook salmon, eulachon, rainbow trout, and Arctic grayling. Instream flows presently provide for fish passage, spawning, incubation, rearing, overwintering, and outmigration. These activities are correl ated to the natural hydrograph. Salmon spawn on the receeding 1 imb of the hydrograph, the eggs incuQate through the low-flow period and fry emergence occurs on the ascending limb of the hydrograph. Rainbow trout and grayl ing spawn during the high flows of the breakup period with embryo development occurring during the early summer. Alteration of the natural flow regime during reservoir filling and project operation will likely result in both detrimental and beneficial effects on the fishery resources-of the Susitna River (see Chapter 3). (c) Navigation and Transportation Navigation and transportation use of the Susitna River presently consists of boating for recreation sport fishing, hunting, and some transportation of goods. The reach from the headwaters of the Susitna River to the Devil Canyon damsite has experienced limited use, primarily related to hunters and fishers' access to the Tyone River area after 1 aunching at the DenaJ i Highway. Some recreational kayaking, canoeing, and rafting has also taken place downstream from the Denali Highway Bridge, generally stopping near Stephan Lake or some other points above the rapids at Devil Creek. Steep rapids near Dev il Creek and at the Dev il Canyon damsite are barriers to most navigation, though a very small number of kay- akers have successfully traveled through the Devil Canyon rapids in recent years. There have been several unsuccessful attempts to penetrate the canyon, both going upstream and downstream, in a powerboat and in kayaks. E-2-26 I ~ I .1 ( b) mlnlng operations take place on a seasonal basis. No surface water withdrawals from the Susitna River are on file with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Ground water appro- priations on file with DNR for the mainstem Susitna River corridor are min imal, both in terms of nunber of users and the amount of water being withdrawn. An analysis of topographic maps and overlays showing the specific location of each recorded appropriation within the mainstem Susitna River corridor indicated that neither the surface water diversions from small tributaries nor th.e groundwater withdrawal s from shallow wells will be adversely affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric project (DwigHt 1981). Hence, no further discussion on water rights is presented. Fishery Resources The Susitna River supports popul ations of both anadromous and resident fish. Important commercial, recreational, and subsis- tence species include pink, chum, coho, sockeye and chinook salmon, eulachon, rainbow trout, and Arctic grayling. Instream flows presently provide for fish passage, spawning, incubation, rearing, overwintering, and outmigration. These activities are correl ated to the natural hydrograph. Salmon spawn on the receeding 1 imb of the hydrograph, the eggs incuQate through the low-flow period and fry emergence occurs on the ascending limb of the hydrograph. Rainbow trout and grayl ing spawn during the high flows of the breakup period with embryo development occurring during the early summer. Alteration of the natural flow regime during reservoir filling and project operation will likely result in both detrimental and beneficial effects on the fishery resources-of the Susitna River (see Chapter 3). (c) Navigation and Transportation Navigation and transportation use of the Susitna River presently consists of boating for recreation sport fishing, hunting, and some transportation of goods. The reach from the headwaters of the Susitna River to the Devil Canyon damsite has experienced limited use, primarily related to hunters and fishers' access to the Tyone River area after 1 aunching at the DenaJ i Highway. Some recreational kayaking, canoeing, and rafting has also taken place downstream from the Denali Highway Bridge, generally stopping near Stephan Lake or some other points above the rapids at Devil Creek. Steep rapids near Dev il Creek and at the Dev il Canyon damsite are barriers to most navigation, though a very small number of kay- akers have successfully traveled through the Devil Canyon rapids in recent years. There have been several unsuccessful attempts to penetrate the canyon, both going upstream and downstream, in a powerboat and in kayaks. E-2-26 I , I I . J Below Devil Canyon, the river is used for access to salmon fishing at several sites as far upstream as Portage Creek. This is under- taken by private boat-owners and by anglers using commercial boat operators. In either case, most of the boat-launching is done at Talkeetna. Commercial operators from Talkeetna also cater to sightseeing tourists, who travel upriver to view the diversified terrain and wildlife. There is recreational boating in this reach, frequently by kayakers or canoeists floating downriver to Talkeetna from the railroad access point at Gold Creek. Access to the Susitna downstream of Talkeetna is obtai ned at Talkeetna, from a boat-launching site ·at Susitna Landing near Kashwitna, at several of the minor tributaries between Talkeetna and Cook Inlet, and from Cook Inlet. Other primary tributaries accessible by road are Willow Creek, Sheep Creek, and Montana Creek. Virtually this entire reach of the Susitna is navigable under most flow conditions although abundant floating debris during extreme high water and occasional shallow areas during low water make navigation treacherous at times. Identified restrictions of open-\'1ater navigation over the full length of the river are tabulated in Table E.2.14. Under the existing flow regime, the ice on the river breaks up and the river becomes ice-free for navigation in mid to late May. Flows typically remain high from that time thr·ough the summer until later September or early October, when freezing begins. The onset of river freezing causes discharge of significant frazil ice for several days in an initial surge, which hinders boat opera- tion, but this is often followed by a frazil-free period of 1 to 2 weeks when navigation is again feasible. The next sequence of frazil generation generally leads into continuous freezing of the river, -prohibiting open-water navigation until after the next spri ng breakup. The Susitna is used by several modes of non-boat transportation at various times of the year. Fixed-wing aircraft on floats make use of the river for landings and take-offs during the open water sea- son. These are primarily at locations in the lower 50 miles above the mouth. Floatplane access also occurs on occasion within the middle and upper Susitna reaches. After the river ice cover has solidly formed in the fall, the river is used extensively for transportation access by ground methods in several areas. Snow machines and dogsleds are commonly used below Talkeetna; the Iditarod Trail crosses the river near the Yentna River confluence and is used for an annual dogsled race in February. Occasional crossings are also made by automobiles and ski, primarily near Talkeetna and near the mouth. (d) Recreation Information 6n the recreation uses on the Susitna River are pre- sented in Chapter 7. E-2-27 l [ r r l ( t l I l t I , I I . J Below Devil Canyon, the river is used for access to salmon fishing at several sites as far upstream as Portage Creek. This is under- taken by private boat-owners and by anglers using commercial boat operators. In either case, most of the boat-launching is done at Talkeetna. Commercial operators from Talkeetna also cater to sightseeing tourists, who travel upriver to view the diversified terrain and wildlife. There is recreational boating in this reach, frequently by kayakers or canoeists floating downriver to Talkeetna from the railroad access point at Gold Creek. Access to the Susitna downstream of Talkeetna is obtai ned at Talkeetna, from a boat-launching site ·at Susitna Landing near Kashwitna, at several of the minor tributaries between Talkeetna and Cook Inlet, and from Cook Inlet. Other primary tributaries accessible by road are Willow Creek, Sheep Creek, and Montana Creek. Virtually this entire reach of the Susitna is navigable under most flow conditions although abundant floating debris during extreme high water and occasional shallow areas during low water make navigation treacherous at times. Identified restrictions of open-\'1ater navigation over the full length of the river are tabulated in Table E.2.14. Under the existing flow regime, the ice on the river breaks up and the river becomes ice-free for navigation in mid to late May. Flows typically remain high from that time thr·ough the summer until later September or early October, when freezing begins. The onset of river freezing causes discharge of significant frazil ice for several days in an initial surge, which hinders boat opera- tion, but this is often followed by a frazil-free period of 1 to 2 weeks when navigation is again feasible. The next sequence of frazil generation generally leads into continuous freezing of the river, -prohibiting open-water navigation until after the next spri ng breakup. The Susitna is used by several modes of non-boat transportation at various times of the year. Fixed-wing aircraft on floats make use of the river for landings and take-offs during the open water sea- son. These are primarily at locations in the lower 50 miles above the mouth. Floatplane access also occurs on occasion within the middle and upper Susitna reaches. After the river ice cover has solidly formed in the fall, the river is used extensively for transportation access by ground methods in several areas. Snow machines and dogsleds are commonly used below Talkeetna; the Iditarod Trail crosses the river near the Yentna River confluence and is used for an annual dogsled race in February. Occasional crossings are also made by automobiles and ski, primarily near Talkeetna and near the mouth. (d) Recreation Information 6n the recreation uses on the Susitna River are pre- sented in Chapter 7. E-2-27 l [ r r l ( t l I l t l I , I J ( i , \ I I J I (e) Riparian Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat . Wetlands cover large portions of the Susitna River Basin, includ- ing riparian zones along the mainstem Susitna, sloughs, arid tribu- tary streams. Wetlands are biologically important because they generally support a greater diversity of wildlife species per unit area than most other habitat types in Al aska. In addition, ripar- ian wetlands provide winter browse for moose and, during severe winters, can be a critical survival factor for this species. They al so hel p to maintain water qual ity throughout regional water- sheds. Further information on riparian wetlands and wildlife hab- itat can be found in Chapter 3. (f) Waste Assimilative Capacity ( g) Review of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation doc- ument entitled "Inventory of Water Pollution Sources and Manage- ment Actions, Maps and Tables" (1978) indicates that the primary sources of pollution' to the Susitna River watershed are placer mining operations. Approximately 350 sites were identified although many of these cl aims are inactive. As the result of these operations, 1 arge amounts of suspended sediments are intro- duced into the watershed. However, nQ biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is pl aced on the system and therefore, the waste assimil a- tive capacity remains unaffected by these mining activities. As for BOD discharges in the watershed, the inventory did identify one municipal discharge in Talkeetna, two industrial wastewater discharges at Curry and Talkeetna, and three solid waste dumps at Talkeetna, Sunshine, and Peters Creek. No volumes are available for these pollution sources. During personal communication (1982) with Joe LeBe.au of the Ala,ska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) it was noted that no new wastewater disc harges of any s igni fi cance have developed since the 1978 report. Further, he noted that the sources that do exist are believed to be insignificant. Mr. Robert Fl int of the DEC indicated that, in the absence of reg- ul ated flows and significant wastewater discharges, the DEC has not established minimum flow requirements necessary for the main- tenance of the waste assimilative capacity of the river (personal communication, 1982). Freshwater Recruitment to Estuaries The Susitna River is the chief contributor of freshwater to Cook In 1 et and as such has a maj or infl uence on the sal in ity of Cook Inlet. The high summer freshwater flows cause a reduction in Cook, Inlet sal inities. During winter flows the reduced flows per- mit the more sal ine water to move up Cook Inl et from the ocean. Using a computer model for the Cook Inlet, Resource Management E-2-28 l I , I J ( i , \ I I J I (e) Riparian Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat . Wetlands cover large portions of the Susitna River Basin, includ- ing riparian zones along the mainstem Susitna, sloughs, arid tribu- tary streams. Wetlands are biologically important because they generally support a greater diversity of wildlife species per unit area than most other habitat types in Al aska. In addition, ripar- ian wetlands provide winter browse for moose and, during severe winters, can be a critical survival factor for this species. They al so hel p to maintain water qual ity throughout regional water- sheds. Further information on riparian wetlands and wildlife hab- itat can be found in Chapter 3. (f) Waste Assimilative Capacity ( g) Review of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation doc- ument entitled "Inventory of Water Pollution Sources and Manage- ment Actions, Maps and Tables" (1978) indicates that the primary sources of pollution' to the Susitna River watershed are placer mining operations. Approximately 350 sites were identified although many of these cl aims are inactive. As the result of these operations, 1 arge amounts of suspended sediments are intro- duced into the watershed. However, nQ biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is pl aced on the system and therefore, the waste assimil a- tive capacity remains unaffected by these mining activities. As for BOD discharges in the watershed, the inventory did identify one municipal discharge in Talkeetna, two industrial wastewater discharges at Curry and Talkeetna, and three solid waste dumps at Talkeetna, Sunshine, and Peters Creek. No volumes are available for these pollution sources. During personal communication (1982) with Joe LeBe.au of the Ala,ska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) it was noted that no new wastewater disc harges of any s igni fi cance have developed since the 1978 report. Further, he noted that the sources that do exist are believed to be insignificant. Mr. Robert Fl int of the DEC indicated that, in the absence of reg- ul ated flows and significant wastewater discharges, the DEC has not established minimum flow requirements necessary for the main- tenance of the waste assimilative capacity of the river (personal communication, 1982). Freshwater Recruitment to Estuaries The Susitna River is the chief contributor of freshwater to Cook In 1 et and as such has a maj or infl uence on the sal in ity of Cook Inlet. The high summer freshwater flows cause a reduction in Cook, Inlet sal inities. During winter flows the reduced flows per- mit the more sal ine water to move up Cook Inl et from the ocean. Using a computer model for the Cook Inlet, Resource Management E-2-28 ~ J 1 I Associates (RMA, 1982) predicted a seasonal salinity variation near the mouth of the Susitna River of 15 parts per thousand (ppt). In the central part of the inlet, sal inity varies seasonally by about 5 ppt. Salinity measurements were taken at the mouth of the Susitna River in August 1982 to determine if and to what extent sal twater in- truded upstream. No saltwater 'intrusion was detected. Flow was approximately 100,000 cfs at Susitna Station at the time the meas- urements were made. Additional sal inity measurements will be made during the 1982-83 winter season to determine if salt water" pene- tration occurs upstream of the mouth of the river during low flow periods. 2.7 -Access Plan (a) Flows The streams crossed by the access road are typi c al of the sub- arctic, snow-dominated flow regime, in which a snownelt flood in spring is followed by generally low flow through the summer, punctuated by periodic rainstorm floods. During October-April, I I precipitation falls as snow and remains on the ground. The annual I low flow occurs during this period, and is almost completely base flow. I i Streamflow records for these small streams are sparse. Conse- quently, regression equations developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (Freethey and Scully, 1980) have been utilized to estimate the 30-day low flows for recurrence intervals of '2, 10, and 20 years, and the peak flows far recurrence interval s of 2, 10, 25, and 50 years. These flows are tabulated in Table E.2.15 for three segments of the access route: (1) Denal i Highway to Watana Camp; (2) Watana Camp to Devil Canyon Camp; and (3) Devil Canyon to Gold Creek. Only named streams are presented. (b) Water Quality At present very 1 ittle water qual ity data is avail able for the water resources in the vicinity of the proposed access routes. 2.8 -Transmission Corridor The transmission corridor consists of four segments: the Anchorage- Willow 1 ine, the Fairbanks-Healy 1 ine, the Willow-Healy Intertie, and the Gold Creek-Watana 1 ine. The first two (from Anchorage and Fair- banks) have existing facilities, but they will be upgraded before Watana comes on 1 ine. The intertie is currently being constructed under an.other contr act. The 1 i ne between the d am and the intert i e has yet to be designed, sited, or constructed. E-2-29 f I t [ ( , L ~ J 1 I Associates (RMA, 1982) predicted a seasonal salinity variation near the mouth of the Susitna River of 15 parts per thousand (ppt). In the central part of the inlet, sal inity varies seasonally by about 5 ppt. Salinity measurements were taken at the mouth of the Susitna River in August 1982 to determine if and to what extent sal twater in- truded upstream. No saltwater 'intrusion was detected. Flow was approximately 100,000 cfs at Susitna Station at the time the meas- urements were made. Additional sal inity measurements will be made during the 1982-83 winter season to determine if salt water" pene- tration occurs upstream of the mouth of the river during low flow periods. 2.7 -Access Plan (a) Flows The streams crossed by the access road are typi c al of the sub- arctic, snow-dominated flow regime, in which a snownelt flood in spring is followed by generally low flow through the summer, punctuated by periodic rainstorm floods. During October-April, I I precipitation falls as snow and remains on the ground. The annual I low flow occurs during this period, and is almost completely base flow. I i Streamflow records for these small streams are sparse. Conse- quently, regression equations developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (Freethey and Scully, 1980) have been utilized to estimate the 30-day low flows for recurrence intervals of '2, 10, and 20 years, and the peak flows far recurrence interval s of 2, 10, 25, and 50 years. These flows are tabulated in Table E.2.15 for three segments of the access route: (1) Denal i Highway to Watana Camp; (2) Watana Camp to Devil Canyon Camp; and (3) Devil Canyon to Gold Creek. Only named streams are presented. (b) Water Quality At present very 1 ittle water qual ity data is avail able for the water resources in the vicinity of the proposed access routes. 2.8 -Transmission Corridor The transmission corridor consists of four segments: the Anchorage- Willow 1 ine, the Fairbanks-Healy 1 ine, the Willow-Healy Intertie, and the Gold Creek-Watana 1 ine. The first two (from Anchorage and Fair- banks) have existing facilities, but they will be upgraded before Watana comes on 1 ine. The intertie is currently being constructed under an.other contr act. The 1 i ne between the d am and the intert i e has yet to be designed, sited, or constructed. E-2-29 f I t [ ( , L \ ~, J J J I J I '\ . I, .J I / , I ( a) Flows Numerous waterbodies in each of the four sections will be crossed by the transmission 1 ine. Most of these are small creeks in remote areas of the region, but each segment has some major cros- sings. Data are very 1 imited on the small streams, both with respect to water quantity and water qual ity. Most of the major crossings, however, have been gaged at some point along their length by the USGS. Major stream crossings are identified below. Pertinent gage records are summarized in Table E.2.16. The Anchorage-Wi 11 ow segment will cross Kn i k Arm of Cook In 1 et with a submarine cable. Further north, major stream crossings include the Little Susitna River and Willow Creek, both of which have been gaged. The Fairbanks-Healy line will make two crossings of the Nenana River and one of the Tanana River~ bbtll 1 arge rivers and gaged. The intertie route between Willow and Healy will cross several dozen small creeks, many of whi ch are unnamed. Maj or streams, include the Talkeetna, Susitna, and Indian Rivers; the East Fork and Middle Fork of the Chulitna River; the Nenana River; Yanert Fork of the Nenana; and Healy Creek. The final leg of the transmission corridor, from Gold Creek to Watana Dam, will cross only one major river; the Susitna. Two smaller but sizeable tributaries are Devil Creek and Tsusena Creek, neither of which have been gaged • . (b) Water Qual ity At present, essentially no data is available for those sections of streams, rivers, and lakes that exist in close proximity to the proposed transmission corridors. E-2-30 \ ~, J J J I J I '\ . I, .J I / , I ( a) Flows Numerous waterbodies in each of the four sections will be crossed by the transmission 1 ine. Most of these are small creeks in remote areas of the region, but each segment has some major cros- sings. Data are very 1 imited on the small streams, both with respect to water quantity and water qual ity. Most of the major crossings, however, have been gaged at some point along their length by the USGS. Major stream crossings are identified below. Pertinent gage records are summarized in Table E.2.16. The Anchorage-Wi 11 ow segment will cross Kn i k Arm of Cook In 1 et with a submarine cable. Further north, major stream crossings include the Little Susitna River and Willow Creek, both of which have been gaged. The Fairbanks-Healy line will make two crossings of the Nenana River and one of the Tanana River~ bbtll 1 arge rivers and gaged. The intertie route between Willow and Healy will cross several dozen small creeks, many of whi ch are unnamed. Maj or streams, include the Talkeetna, Susitna, and Indian Rivers; the East Fork and Middle Fork of the Chulitna River; the Nenana River; Yanert Fork of the Nenana; and Healy Creek. The final leg of the transmission corridor, from Gold Creek to Watana Dam, will cross only one major river; the Susitna. Two smaller but sizeable tributaries are Devil Creek and Tsusena Creek, neither of which have been gaged • . (b) Water Qual ity At present, essentially no data is available for those sections of streams, rivers, and lakes that exist in close proximity to the proposed transmission corridors. E-2-30 -) / I 1 i ) l 3 -PROJECT IMPACT ON WATER qUALITY AND qUANTITY 3~1 -Proposed Project Reservoirs (a) Watana Reservoir Characteristics The Watana Reservoir will be operated at a normal maximum water level of 2185 feet above mean sea level, but will be allowed to surcharge to 2190 feet in late August during wet years. Average annual drawdown will be 105 feet with the maximum drawdown equal- ling 120 feet. During extreme flood events the reservoir will rise to 2193.3 for the 1 in 10,000 year flood and 2200.5 feet for the probable maximum flood respectively. At elevation 2185, the reservoir will have a surface area of 38,000 acres and a total volume of 9.47 million acre-feet. Max- imum depth will be 735 feet and the corresponding mean depth will be 250 feet. The reservoir will have a retention time of 1.65 years. The shoreline length will be 183 miles. Within the Watana reservoir area the substrate classification varies great- ly. It consists predomin~nt1y of glacial, colluvial, and fluvial unconsolidated sediments and several bedrock lithologies. Many of these deposits are frozen. (b) Devil Canyon Reservoir Characteristics Devil Canyon reservoir will be operated at a normal maximum oper- ating level of 1455 feet above mean sea level. Average annual drawdown will be 28 feet with the maximum drawdown equalling 50 \1 feet. At elevation 1455 the reservoir has a surface area of 7800 acres and a volume of 1.09 million acre-feet. The maximum depth will be 565 feet and the mean depth 140 feet. The reservoir will have a retention time of 2.0 months. Shoreline length will total 76 miles. Materials forming the walls and floors of the reser- voir area are composed predomi nant1y of bedrock and gl aci a1 , colluvial, and fluvial materials. I \ I ) I / t J 3.2,-Watana Development For detail s of the physical features of the Watana development, refer to Section 1 of Exhibit A. (a) Watana Construction (1) Flows During construction of the diversions tunnel, the flow of the mainstem Susitna will be unaffected except during spring flood runoff. Upon completion of the diversion facilities in the autumn of 1986, closure of the upstream cofferdam wi 11 be compl eted and flow will be di verted through the lower diversion tunnel without any interruption in flow. Although flow will not be interrupted, a one mile E-2-31 -) / I 1 i ) l 3 -PROJECT IMPACT ON WATER qUALITY AND qUANTITY 3~1 -Proposed Project Reservoirs (a) Watana Reservoir Characteristics The Watana Reservoir will be operated at a normal maximum water level of 2185 feet above mean sea level, but will be allowed to surcharge to 2190 feet in late August during wet years. Average annual drawdown will be 105 feet with the maximum drawdown equal- ling 120 feet. During extreme flood events the reservoir will rise to 2193.3 for the 1 in 10,000 year flood and 2200.5 feet for the probable maximum flood respectively. At elevation 2185, the reservoir will have a surface area of 38,000 acres and a total volume of 9.47 million acre-feet. Max- imum depth will be 735 feet and the corresponding mean depth will be 250 feet. The reservoir will have a retention time of 1.65 years. The shoreline length will be 183 miles. Within the Watana reservoir area the substrate classification varies great- ly. It consists predomin~nt1y of glacial, colluvial, and fluvial unconsolidated sediments and several bedrock lithologies. Many of these deposits are frozen. (b) Devil Canyon Reservoir Characteristics Devil Canyon reservoir will be operated at a normal maximum oper- ating level of 1455 feet above mean sea level. Average annual drawdown will be 28 feet with the maximum drawdown equalling 50 \1 feet. At elevation 1455 the reservoir has a surface area of 7800 acres and a volume of 1.09 million acre-feet. The maximum depth will be 565 feet and the mean depth 140 feet. The reservoir will have a retention time of 2.0 months. Shoreline length will total 76 miles. Materials forming the walls and floors of the reser- voir area are composed predomi nant1y of bedrock and gl aci a1 , colluvial, and fluvial materials. I \ I ) I / t J 3.2,-Watana Development For detail s of the physical features of the Watana development, refer to Section 1 of Exhibit A. (a) Watana Construction (1) Flows During construction of the diversions tunnel, the flow of the mainstem Susitna will be unaffected except during spring flood runoff. Upon completion of the diversion facilities in the autumn of 1986, closure of the upstream cofferdam wi 11 be compl eted and flow will be di verted through the lower diversion tunnel without any interruption in flow. Although flow will not be interrupted, a one mile E-2-31 1 J --'l I I ) '--'/ I J section of the Susitna River will be dewatered. No significant impacts should result from this action. Flows, velocities, and associated water levels upstream of- the proposed Watana damsite will be unaffected during con-. struction except for approximately one half mile upstream of the upstream cofferdam duri ng wi nter and two mil es up- stream during summer flood flows. During winter, ponding to elevation 1470 feet will be required to form a stable ice cover. However, the volume of water contained in this pond is insignificant relative to the total river flow. During the summer, the diversion intake gates will be fully opened to pass the natural flows resulting in a run-of- river operation. All flows up to approximately the mean annual flood will be passed through the lower diversion tunnel. Average velocities through the diversion tunnel will be 18, and 35 feet per second (f/s) at discharges of 20,000, and 40,000 cfs.respectively. The mean annual flood of 40,800 cfs will cause higher than natural water levels for about several ·mi1es upstream of the cofferdam. The water 1 evel wi 11 ri se at the upstream cofferdam from a natural water level of 1,468 feet to 1,520 feet. Two miles upstream, the water level will be about 4 feet higher than the natural water level during the mean annual flood. The two diversion tunnels are designed to pass the 1 in 50 year return period flood of 87,000 cfs with a maximum head- pond elevation of 1,536 feet. For flows up to the 1 in 50 year flood event, water levels and velocities downstream of the diversion tunnels will be the same as preproject 1 eve1 s. (ii) Effects on Water Quality -Water Temperature Since the operation of the diversion structure will essentially be run-of-river, no impact on the temperature regime will occur downstream of the tunnel exit. A small· amount of ponding will occur early in the freeze-up stage to enhance the formation of a stable ice cover upstream, of the tunnel intake. This will not have a noticeable' effect downstream. Ice During freeze-up, the formation of an upstream stable ice cover by use of an ice-boom and some ponding to reduce approach velocities, will serve to protect the diversion works and maintain its flow capacity. The early forma- tion of the cover at this point will cause a more rapid E-2-32 . I I r ! I r I r l. 1 J --'l I I ) '--'/ I J section of the Susitna River will be dewatered. No significant impacts should result from this action. Flows, velocities, and associated water levels upstream of- the proposed Watana damsite will be unaffected during con-. struction except for approximately one half mile upstream of the upstream cofferdam duri ng wi nter and two mil es up- stream during summer flood flows. During winter, ponding to elevation 1470 feet will be required to form a stable ice cover. However, the volume of water contained in this pond is insignificant relative to the total river flow. During the summer, the diversion intake gates will be fully opened to pass the natural flows resulting in a run-of- river operation. All flows up to approximately the mean annual flood will be passed through the lower diversion tunnel. Average velocities through the diversion tunnel will be 18, and 35 feet per second (f/s) at discharges of 20,000, and 40,000 cfs.respectively. The mean annual flood of 40,800 cfs will cause higher than natural water levels for about several ·mi1es upstream of the cofferdam. The water 1 evel wi 11 ri se at the upstream cofferdam from a natural water level of 1,468 feet to 1,520 feet. Two miles upstream, the water level will be about 4 feet higher than the natural water level during the mean annual flood. The two diversion tunnels are designed to pass the 1 in 50 year return period flood of 87,000 cfs with a maximum head- pond elevation of 1,536 feet. For flows up to the 1 in 50 year flood event, water levels and velocities downstream of the diversion tunnels will be the same as preproject 1 eve1 s. (ii) Effects on Water Quality -Water Temperature Since the operation of the diversion structure will essentially be run-of-river, no impact on the temperature regime will occur downstream of the tunnel exit. A small· amount of ponding will occur early in the freeze-up stage to enhance the formation of a stable ice cover upstream, of the tunnel intake. This will not have a noticeable' effect downstream. Ice During freeze-up, the formation of an upstream stable ice cover by use of an ice-boom and some ponding to reduce approach velocities, will serve to protect the diversion works and maintain its flow capacity. The early forma- tion of the cover at this point will cause a more rapid E-2-32 . I I r ! I r I r l. ,~ I. ! I . ! r :1 I j ; ce front progress; on upstream of the dams i teo The ice formed in the upper reach, which, normally feeds the downstream ice growth, will no longer be available. However the major contr i buter of frazi 1 ice wi 11 be the rapids through Devil Canyon as it now i's. Hence, no appreciable impact on ice formation downstream of Watana will occur due to the diversion scheme. The ice cover upstream of the damsite wi 11 thermally decay in place, since its movement downstream would be restri cted by the di versi on structure. Downstream of Devil Canyon the volume of ice in the cover will be essentially the same as the baseline conditions and 'breakup would likely be similar to natural occurrences. -Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination During construction, suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity levels are expected to incr.ease within the impoundment area, and for some distance downstream. This wi 11 result from the necessary construction acti vit i es within and immediately adjacent to the river, including: dredging and excavation of gravel fr'om borrow areas, ex- cavation of diversion tunnels, placement of cofferdams, vegetative clearing, blasting, gravel processing and de- wateri ng. The location and subsequent excavation of the material from proposed borrow sites will create the greatest potential for suspended sediment and turbidity problems. The proposed borrow sites, identified in Figure E2.74, are tentatively located in the river floodplain both upstream and downstream of the dam site. However, except for the materi al for the upstream cofferdam, the lower borrow material will be obtained from sites D and E. Materi al for the core of the mai n dam wi 11 be obtai ned from site D (10,000,000 yards). Material for the filters and shell of the main dam will be obtained from site E (52,000,000 yards). Borrow excavation will take pl'ace during the summer months when suspended sediment and turbidity values in the mainstem of the river are already quite high. As a result, incremental impacts during the summer should not be significant. Stockpiling of gravel is expected to alleviate the need for excavation during the winter, when the impact on overwintering fish due to changes in suspended load would be greatest. As a result of the proposed scheduling of activities, impacts will ~ minimized. However, it is inevitable that there will be some increases in suspended sediments and turbidity during winter, but these should be short-term a~ local ized. Downstream, turbidity and suspended sediment levels should remain essentially the same as baseline conditions. E-2-33 ,~ I. ! I . ! r :1 I j ; ce front progress; on upstream of the dams i teo The ice formed in the upper reach, which, normally feeds the downstream ice growth, will no longer be available. However the major contr i buter of frazi 1 ice wi 11 be the rapids through Devil Canyon as it now i's. Hence, no appreciable impact on ice formation downstream of Watana will occur due to the diversion scheme. The ice cover upstream of the damsite wi 11 thermally decay in place, since its movement downstream would be restri cted by the di versi on structure. Downstream of Devil Canyon the volume of ice in the cover will be essentially the same as the baseline conditions and 'breakup would likely be similar to natural occurrences. -Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination During construction, suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity levels are expected to incr.ease within the impoundment area, and for some distance downstream. This wi 11 result from the necessary construction acti vit i es within and immediately adjacent to the river, including: dredging and excavation of gravel fr'om borrow areas, ex- cavation of diversion tunnels, placement of cofferdams, vegetative clearing, blasting, gravel processing and de- wateri ng. The location and subsequent excavation of the material from proposed borrow sites will create the greatest potential for suspended sediment and turbidity problems. The proposed borrow sites, identified in Figure E2.74, are tentatively located in the river floodplain both upstream and downstream of the dam site. However, except for the materi al for the upstream cofferdam, the lower borrow material will be obtained from sites D and E. Materi al for the core of the mai n dam wi 11 be obtai ned from site D (10,000,000 yards). Material for the filters and shell of the main dam will be obtained from site E (52,000,000 yards). Borrow excavation will take pl'ace during the summer months when suspended sediment and turbidity values in the mainstem of the river are already quite high. As a result, incremental impacts during the summer should not be significant. Stockpiling of gravel is expected to alleviate the need for excavation during the winter, when the impact on overwintering fish due to changes in suspended load would be greatest. As a result of the proposed scheduling of activities, impacts will ~ minimized. However, it is inevitable that there will be some increases in suspended sediments and turbidity during winter, but these should be short-term a~ local ized. Downstream, turbidity and suspended sediment levels should remain essentially the same as baseline conditions. E-2-33 [' I) f ) I, \ ) I } I I Decreases in summer and wi nter vert i ca 1 ill umi nat i on are expected to be commensurate with any increased suspended sediment concentrations. Si nce summer flows wi 11 be passed through the di vers ion tunnel with no impoundment, no settling of suspended sed~ iments is expected to occur. The insignificant headpond that will be maintained during winter is not expected to affect the very low suspended sediment and turbidity levels present during the winter season. -Metals Sl i ght increases in the concentrat i on of trace metal s. could occur during construction when disturbances to soils and rock occur on the shoreline and in the river- bed. Such increases are expected to be below detect ion limits and thus would not indicate a change from baseline conditions described in Section 2.3 (a) (xiii). -Contamination by Petroleum Products Accidental spillage and leakage of petroleum products can contaminate water during construction. Lack of main- tenance and service to vehicles could increase the leak- age of fuel, lubricating oils, hydraulic fluid, anti- freeze, etc. In addition, poor storage and handling techni ques coul d 1 ead to acci denta 1 spi 11 s. Gi ven the dynamic nature of the river, the contaminated water would be quickly diluted; however the potential for such sit- uations will be minimized. All state and federal reg- ulations governing the prevention and reclamation of accidental spills will be adhered to. -Concrete Contamination Construct i on of the Watana project will create a . poten- tial for concrete contamination of the Susitna River. The wastewater associated with the batching of concrete, if directly discharged to the river, could seriously de- grade downstream water quality and result in substantial mortality of fish. However, this potential problem should not occur since the wastewater will be neutralized and settling ponds will be employed to allow the concrete contami nants to settle pri or to the di scharge of the wastewater to the river. -Other No additional water quality impacts are anticipated. E-2-34 r l [ [ { 1 l 1 L [' I) f ) I, \ ) I } I I Decreases in summer and wi nter vert i ca 1 ill umi nat i on are expected to be commensurate with any increased suspended sediment concentrations. Si nce summer flows wi 11 be passed through the di vers ion tunnel with no impoundment, no settling of suspended sed~ iments is expected to occur. The insignificant headpond that will be maintained during winter is not expected to affect the very low suspended sediment and turbidity levels present during the winter season. -Metals Sl i ght increases in the concentrat i on of trace metal s. could occur during construction when disturbances to soils and rock occur on the shoreline and in the river- bed. Such increases are expected to be below detect ion limits and thus would not indicate a change from baseline conditions described in Section 2.3 (a) (xiii). -Contamination by Petroleum Products Accidental spillage and leakage of petroleum products can contaminate water during construction. Lack of main- tenance and service to vehicles could increase the leak- age of fuel, lubricating oils, hydraulic fluid, anti- freeze, etc. In addition, poor storage and handling techni ques coul d 1 ead to acci denta 1 spi 11 s. Gi ven the dynamic nature of the river, the contaminated water would be quickly diluted; however the potential for such sit- uations will be minimized. All state and federal reg- ulations governing the prevention and reclamation of accidental spills will be adhered to. -Concrete Contamination Construct i on of the Watana project will create a . poten- tial for concrete contamination of the Susitna River. The wastewater associated with the batching of concrete, if directly discharged to the river, could seriously de- grade downstream water quality and result in substantial mortality of fish. However, this potential problem should not occur since the wastewater will be neutralized and settling ponds will be employed to allow the concrete contami nants to settle pri or to the di scharge of the wastewater to the river. -Other No additional water quality impacts are anticipated. E-2-34 r l [ [ { 1 l 1 L I," I I " \ ) ) I ( 1\ i (iii) Effects on Groundwater Conditions No impacts on groundwater wi 11 occur because of construc- t ion, ei ther in the impoundment area or downstream other than in the localized area of the project. (iv) Impact on Lakes and Streams in Impoundment Area There will be minor impacts on lakes and streams in the impoundment area due to excavation of borrow materi a 1. A 1 so, faci1 it i es wi 11 be constr ucted to house and su pport construction .personnel and their famil ies. The construction, operation and maintenance of these facilities is expected to impact the Tsusena and Deadman Creek drainage basins and some of the small lakes located between the two creeks near the dam site. For a comp1 ete discussion of these impacts refer to the discussion on Facilities in paragraph (vi) below. (v) Instream Flow Us~s For all reaches of the Susitna River except for the immedi- ate vicinity of the Watana damsite, there will be virtually no impact on navigation, transportation, recreation, fish- eries, riparian vegetation, wildlife habitat, waste load assi mil at i on or the freshwater recrui tment to Cook In1 et for flows less than the 1 in 50 year flood event. -Navigation and Transportation Si nce all flow wi 11 be di verted, there will only be an impact on navigation and transportation in the immediate vicinity of Watana dam and the diversion tunnel. The cofferdams will form an obstacle to navigation which will be difficult to circumvent. However, since this stretch of ri ver has very 1 imited use due to the heavy rapi ds upstream and downstream of the site, impact wi 11 be minimal. -Fisheries During winter, the diversion gate will be partially closed to maintain a headpond with a water surface eleva- tion of 1,470 feet. This will cause velocities greater than 20 feet per second at the gate intake. This coup- 1 ed with the 50 foot depth at the intake wi 11 impact fisheries. The impacts associated with the winter diver- sion are discussed in Chapter 3.2.3. During summer, the diversio~ gates will be fully opened. This will permit downstream fish movement during low flows of about 10,000 cfs (equivalent velocity 9 feet per E-2-35 I," I I " \ ) ) I ( 1\ i (iii) Effects on Groundwater Conditions No impacts on groundwater wi 11 occur because of construc- t ion, ei ther in the impoundment area or downstream other than in the localized area of the project. (iv) Impact on Lakes and Streams in Impoundment Area There will be minor impacts on lakes and streams in the impoundment area due to excavation of borrow materi a 1. A 1 so, faci1 it i es wi 11 be constr ucted to house and su pport construction .personnel and their famil ies. The construction, operation and maintenance of these facilities is expected to impact the Tsusena and Deadman Creek drainage basins and some of the small lakes located between the two creeks near the dam site. For a comp1 ete discussion of these impacts refer to the discussion on Facilities in paragraph (vi) below. (v) Instream Flow Us~s For all reaches of the Susitna River except for the immedi- ate vicinity of the Watana damsite, there will be virtually no impact on navigation, transportation, recreation, fish- eries, riparian vegetation, wildlife habitat, waste load assi mil at i on or the freshwater recrui tment to Cook In1 et for flows less than the 1 in 50 year flood event. -Navigation and Transportation Si nce all flow wi 11 be di verted, there will only be an impact on navigation and transportation in the immediate vicinity of Watana dam and the diversion tunnel. The cofferdams will form an obstacle to navigation which will be difficult to circumvent. However, since this stretch of ri ver has very 1 imited use due to the heavy rapi ds upstream and downstream of the site, impact wi 11 be minimal. -Fisheries During winter, the diversion gate will be partially closed to maintain a headpond with a water surface eleva- tion of 1,470 feet. This will cause velocities greater than 20 feet per second at the gate intake. This coup- 1 ed with the 50 foot depth at the intake wi 11 impact fisheries. The impacts associated with the winter diver- sion are discussed in Chapter 3.2.3. During summer, the diversio~ gates will be fully opened. This will permit downstream fish movement during low flows of about 10,000 cfs (equivalent velocity 9 feet per E-2-35 ( \ I .\ r \ / ) J second (fps)). Higher tunnel velocities will lead to fish morta 1 i ty. The impacts associ ated with summer tunnel velocities are discussed in Chapter 3.2.3. Riparian Vegetation Ex i st i ng shore 1 i ne vegetat i on upstream of the cofferdam will be inundated approximately 50 feet to elevation 1,520 during flood events. However, the flooding will be confined to a two mile river section upstream of the cof- ferdam, with the depth of flooding lessening with dis- tance upstream. Si nce the fl oodi ng wi 11 be infrequent and temporary in nature, and the flooded lands are within the proposed reservoir, the impact is not considered significant. Further information on the impacts to riparian vegetation can be found in Chapter 3. (vi) Facilities The construction of the Watana power project will require the construction, operation and maintenance of support. facilties capable of providing the basic needs for a maxi- mum population of 4,720 people (3,600 in the construction camp and 1,120 in the village) (Acres, 1982). The facili- ties, including roads, buildings, utilities, stores, rec- reation facilities, airports, etc., will be constructed in stages duri ng the first three years (1985-1987) of the proposed ten-year constructi on peri ode The camp and vi 1- lage will be located approximately 2.5 miles northeast of the Watana damsi te, between Deadman and Tsusena Creeks. The location and layout of the camp and village facilities are presented in Plates 34, 35, and 36 of Exhibit F. Water Supply Nearby Tsusena Creek will be utilized as the major source of water for the community (Plate 34). In addition, wells will be drilled in the Tsusena Creek alluvium as a backup water supply. During construction, the required capacity of the water treatment plant has been estimated at 1,000,000 gallons per day, or 700 gallons per minute ( 1.5 cfs) (Acres, 1982). USing the USGS regression equation described in' Table E2.15, 30-day minimum flows (cfs), with recurrence interval s of 20 years were estimated for Tsusena Creek near the water supply intake. The low flow was estimated to be 17 cfs for the apprOXimate 126 square mil es of drai nage bas in. . As a resul t, no s i gnifi cant adverse impacts are anticipated from the . maximum water supply withdrawal of 1.5 cfs. Further, a withdrawal of this E-2:-36 r r r f ( r t 1 [ l I l ( \ I .\ r \ / ) J second (fps)). Higher tunnel velocities will lead to fish morta 1 i ty. The impacts associ ated with summer tunnel velocities are discussed in Chapter 3.2.3. Riparian Vegetation Ex i st i ng shore 1 i ne vegetat i on upstream of the cofferdam will be inundated approximately 50 feet to elevation 1,520 during flood events. However, the flooding will be confined to a two mile river section upstream of the cof- ferdam, with the depth of flooding lessening with dis- tance upstream. Si nce the fl oodi ng wi 11 be infrequent and temporary in nature, and the flooded lands are within the proposed reservoir, the impact is not considered significant. Further information on the impacts to riparian vegetation can be found in Chapter 3. (vi) Facilities The construction of the Watana power project will require the construction, operation and maintenance of support. facilties capable of providing the basic needs for a maxi- mum population of 4,720 people (3,600 in the construction camp and 1,120 in the village) (Acres, 1982). The facili- ties, including roads, buildings, utilities, stores, rec- reation facilities, airports, etc., will be constructed in stages duri ng the first three years (1985-1987) of the proposed ten-year constructi on peri ode The camp and vi 1- lage will be located approximately 2.5 miles northeast of the Watana damsi te, between Deadman and Tsusena Creeks. The location and layout of the camp and village facilities are presented in Plates 34, 35, and 36 of Exhibit F. Water Supply Nearby Tsusena Creek will be utilized as the major source of water for the community (Plate 34). In addition, wells will be drilled in the Tsusena Creek alluvium as a backup water supply. During construction, the required capacity of the water treatment plant has been estimated at 1,000,000 gallons per day, or 700 gallons per minute ( 1.5 cfs) (Acres, 1982). USing the USGS regression equation described in' Table E2.15, 30-day minimum flows (cfs), with recurrence interval s of 20 years were estimated for Tsusena Creek near the water supply intake. The low flow was estimated to be 17 cfs for the apprOXimate 126 square mil es of drai nage bas in. . As a resul t, no s i gnifi cant adverse impacts are anticipated from the . maximum water supply withdrawal of 1.5 cfs. Further, a withdrawal of this E-2:-36 r r r f ( r t 1 [ l I l -,( I) '/ " \ i " I \ magnitude should not occur during the low flow winter months since construction personnel will be significantly less than during summer. The water supply will be treated by chemical addition, flocculation, filtration and disinfection prior to its use. Disenfection should probably be with ozone to avoid having to dechlorinate. In addition, the water will be demineralized and aerated, if necessary. -Wastewater Treatment A secondar.y waste water treatment facility will treat all waste water prior to its di scharge into Deadman Creek (Plate 34). Treatment will reduce the BOO and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations to levels acceptable to the Alaska Department of , Environmental Conservation. The levels are 1 ikely to be 30 mg/l BOO and 30 mg/l TSS. The maximum volume of effluent, 1 million gallons per day or 1.S cfs, will be discharged to Deadman Creek which has a low flow of 27 cfs (see below). This will provide a dilution factor of about 17, thereby reducing BOO and TSS concentrations to about 2 mg/l after complete mixing under the worst case flow conditions (maximum effluent and low flow in Deadman Creek). Mixing will occur rapidly in the creek because of turbulent conditions. The effluent is not expected to cause any degredations of water quality in the 1 1/2 mile section of Deadman Creek between the waste water di scharge poi nt and the creek I s confluence with the Susitna River. Furthermore, no water quality problems are anticipated within the impoundment area or downstream on the Susitna River as a result of the input of this treated effluent. Using the USGS regression analysis, the one in 20 year, 30-day low flow for Deadman Creek at the confluence with the Susitna, was estimated at 27 cfs • Flow at the poi nt of discharge whi ch is 1 ess than two mil es upstream, are not expected to differ significantly. Constructi on of the waste water treatment faci 1 i ty is expected to be completed in the first 12 months of the Watana construction schedule. Prior to its operation, all waste will be stored in a lagoon system for treatment at a later date. No raw sewage will be discharged to any water body. The applicant will obtain all the necessary DEC, EPA, DNR, and PHS permits for the water supply and wastewater discharge facilities. E-2-37 -,( I) '/ " \ i " I \ magnitude should not occur during the low flow winter months since construction personnel will be significantly less than during summer. The water supply will be treated by chemical addition, flocculation, filtration and disinfection prior to its use. Disenfection should probably be with ozone to avoid having to dechlorinate. In addition, the water will be demineralized and aerated, if necessary. -Wastewater Treatment A secondar.y waste water treatment facility will treat all waste water prior to its di scharge into Deadman Creek (Plate 34). Treatment will reduce the BOO and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations to levels acceptable to the Alaska Department of , Environmental Conservation. The levels are 1 ikely to be 30 mg/l BOO and 30 mg/l TSS. The maximum volume of effluent, 1 million gallons per day or 1.S cfs, will be discharged to Deadman Creek which has a low flow of 27 cfs (see below). This will provide a dilution factor of about 17, thereby reducing BOO and TSS concentrations to about 2 mg/l after complete mixing under the worst case flow conditions (maximum effluent and low flow in Deadman Creek). Mixing will occur rapidly in the creek because of turbulent conditions. The effluent is not expected to cause any degredations of water quality in the 1 1/2 mile section of Deadman Creek between the waste water di scharge poi nt and the creek I s confluence with the Susitna River. Furthermore, no water quality problems are anticipated within the impoundment area or downstream on the Susitna River as a result of the input of this treated effluent. Using the USGS regression analysis, the one in 20 year, 30-day low flow for Deadman Creek at the confluence with the Susitna, was estimated at 27 cfs • Flow at the poi nt of discharge whi ch is 1 ess than two mil es upstream, are not expected to differ significantly. Constructi on of the waste water treatment faci 1 i ty is expected to be completed in the first 12 months of the Watana construction schedule. Prior to its operation, all waste will be stored in a lagoon system for treatment at a later date. No raw sewage will be discharged to any water body. The applicant will obtain all the necessary DEC, EPA, DNR, and PHS permits for the water supply and wastewater discharge facilities. E-2-37 ! _\ (b) \ -Construction, Maintenance and Operation Construction of the Watana camp, village, airstrips, etc. wi 11 cause impacts to water quality si mil ar to many of those occuring from dam construction. Increases in sed- imentation and turbidity levels are anticipated in the local drainage basns. (i.e., Tsusena and Deadman Creeks). Even with extensi ve safety control s, acci dental spi 11 age and 1 eakage of petrol eum products cou1 d occur creati ng localized contamination within the watershed. Impoundment of Watana Reservoir (i) Reservoir Filling Criteria The fi 11 i ng of the Watana reservoi r is schedul ed to com- mence in May 1991. -Minimum downstream target flows In the selection of minimum target flows, fishery con- cerns and economics were the two controlling factors. Al though not unimportant in the overall impact assess- ment, other i nstream flow uses, were determi ned not to have a sig-nificant influence on the selection of minimum downstream target flows. However, instream uses such as navigation and transportation, recreation, and waste load assimilation are closely related to the instream flow requirements of the fishery resources. Minimum downstream target flows will be provided at Gold Creek since Gold Creek flows are judged to be representa- tive of the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach where down- stream impacts will be greatest. The minimum target flows at Gold Creek will be attained by releasing that flow necessary from the Watana impoundment, which when added to the flow contribution from the intervening drainage area between Watana and Gold Creek, will equal the minimum Gold Creek target flow. The absolute minimum flow release at Watana will be 1,000 cfs or natural flows, whichever is less. During filling, flows at Gold Creek will be monitored and the flow at Watana adjusted as necessary to provide the required Gold Creek flow. Table E.2.17 illustrates the targeted minimum Gold Creek flows. The minimum downstream flow of 1000 cfs from November through April is somewhat lower than the average winter flow at Gold Creek. From May to the 1 ast week of July, the target flow will be increased to 6,000 cfs to allow for mainstem fishery movement. During June, it may be deslrable to spike the flows to trigger the outmigration of salmon fry from the sloughs. (Schmidt, 1982 personal communication). It is believed that the outmigration is triggered by a combina- tion of stage, discharge and temperature. Trihey (1982) has observed that the fry outmi grate duri ng the fall i ng limb of the spring flood hydrograph. E-2-38 J r - , f I J t t l t ! _\ (b) \ -Construction, Maintenance and Operation Construction of the Watana camp, village, airstrips, etc. wi 11 cause impacts to water quality si mil ar to many of those occuring from dam construction. Increases in sed- imentation and turbidity levels are anticipated in the local drainage basns. (i.e., Tsusena and Deadman Creeks). Even with extensi ve safety control s, acci dental spi 11 age and 1 eakage of petrol eum products cou1 d occur creati ng localized contamination within the watershed. Impoundment of Watana Reservoir (i) Reservoir Filling Criteria The fi 11 i ng of the Watana reservoi r is schedul ed to com- mence in May 1991. -Minimum downstream target flows In the selection of minimum target flows, fishery con- cerns and economics were the two controlling factors. Al though not unimportant in the overall impact assess- ment, other i nstream flow uses, were determi ned not to have a sig-nificant influence on the selection of minimum downstream target flows. However, instream uses such as navigation and transportation, recreation, and waste load assimilation are closely related to the instream flow requirements of the fishery resources. Minimum downstream target flows will be provided at Gold Creek since Gold Creek flows are judged to be representa- tive of the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach where down- stream impacts will be greatest. The minimum target flows at Gold Creek will be attained by releasing that flow necessary from the Watana impoundment, which when added to the flow contribution from the intervening drainage area between Watana and Gold Creek, will equal the minimum Gold Creek target flow. The absolute minimum flow release at Watana will be 1,000 cfs or natural flows, whichever is less. During filling, flows at Gold Creek will be monitored and the flow at Watana adjusted as necessary to provide the required Gold Creek flow. Table E.2.17 illustrates the targeted minimum Gold Creek flows. The minimum downstream flow of 1000 cfs from November through April is somewhat lower than the average winter flow at Gold Creek. From May to the 1 ast week of July, the target flow will be increased to 6,000 cfs to allow for mainstem fishery movement. During June, it may be deslrable to spike the flows to trigger the outmigration of salmon fry from the sloughs. (Schmidt, 1982 personal communication). It is believed that the outmigration is triggered by a combina- tion of stage, discharge and temperature. Trihey (1982) has observed that the fry outmi grate duri ng the fall i ng limb of the spring flood hydrograph. E-2-38 J r - , f I J t t l t ( y r --y ( i i ) I l , I ,) The 6,000 cfs Gold Creek flow will provide a mlnlmum of 2 feet of river stage for mainstem fishery movement at all 65 surveyed cross sections between Ta lkeetna and Devil Canyon. Fi gure E2.75 ill ustrates computed water surface elevations for various discharges at cross section 32 located near Sherman (RM 130). (Accuracy is + 1 foot). This cross section is believed to be the shallowest in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. The estimated water surface elevation for a discharge of 6000 cfs indicates that the depth is greater than 2 feet. Du'ri ng the 1 ast 5 days of July, flows wi 11 be increased from 6, 000 cfs to 12, 000 cfs in increments of approxi- mate ly 1,500 cfs per day.. Flows will be rna i nta i ned at 12,000 cfs from August 1 through mid-September to coin- cide approximately with the sockeye and chum spawning season·in the sloughs upstream of Talkeetna. Adverse impacts to fish resulting from this flow regime are discussed in Chapter 3.2.3. After 15 September, flows w~ll be reduced to 6,000 cfs in daily increments of 1,500 cfs and then held constant un- til October when they wi 11 be further reduced to 2, 000 cfs. In November, the flow will be lowered to 1,000 cfs. -Flood Flows Taking into account the 30,000 cfs discharge capability of the low level outlet, sufficient storage will be made available during the filling sequence such that flood volumes for all floods up to the 250 year recurrence in- terval flood can be temporarily stored in the reservoir without endangering the main dam. Whenever this storage criteria is violated, discharge from the Watana reservoir will be increased up to the maximum capacity of the out- let to lowe~ the reservoir level behind the dam. Reservoir Filling Schedule and Impact on Flows Using the reservoir filling criteria, three simulated reservoir filling sequences were examined to determine the likely filling sequence and probable deviations. As ap- proximately three years will be required to bring the res- ervoir to its normal operating 1 eve1, three year runni ng averages of the total annual flow volume at Gold Creek were computed. The probabil ity of occurrence for each of the three year average values was then determined. Using the 10, 50, and 90 percent excee<;lence probabil ity vol urnes and E-2-39 ( y r --y ( i i ) I l , I ,) The 6,000 cfs Gold Creek flow will provide a mlnlmum of 2 feet of river stage for mainstem fishery movement at all 65 surveyed cross sections between Ta lkeetna and Devil Canyon. Fi gure E2.75 ill ustrates computed water surface elevations for various discharges at cross section 32 located near Sherman (RM 130). (Accuracy is + 1 foot). This cross section is believed to be the shallowest in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. The estimated water surface elevation for a discharge of 6000 cfs indicates that the depth is greater than 2 feet. Du'ri ng the 1 ast 5 days of July, flows wi 11 be increased from 6, 000 cfs to 12, 000 cfs in increments of approxi- mate ly 1,500 cfs per day.. Flows will be rna i nta i ned at 12,000 cfs from August 1 through mid-September to coin- cide approximately with the sockeye and chum spawning season·in the sloughs upstream of Talkeetna. Adverse impacts to fish resulting from this flow regime are discussed in Chapter 3.2.3. After 15 September, flows w~ll be reduced to 6,000 cfs in daily increments of 1,500 cfs and then held constant un- til October when they wi 11 be further reduced to 2, 000 cfs. In November, the flow will be lowered to 1,000 cfs. -Flood Flows Taking into account the 30,000 cfs discharge capability of the low level outlet, sufficient storage will be made available during the filling sequence such that flood volumes for all floods up to the 250 year recurrence in- terval flood can be temporarily stored in the reservoir without endangering the main dam. Whenever this storage criteria is violated, discharge from the Watana reservoir will be increased up to the maximum capacity of the out- let to lowe~ the reservoir level behind the dam. Reservoir Filling Schedule and Impact on Flows Using the reservoir filling criteria, three simulated reservoir filling sequences were examined to determine the likely filling sequence and probable deviations. As ap- proximately three years will be required to bring the res- ervoir to its normal operating 1 eve1, three year runni ng averages of the total annual flow volume at Gold Creek were computed. The probabil ity of occurrence for each of the three year average values was then determined. Using the 10, 50, and 90 percent excee<;lence probabil ity vol urnes and E-2-39 ( -y the long term average monthly Gold Creek flow distribution, Gold Creek flow hydrographs were synthesized for each probability. An identical process was used to synthesize the 10, 50, and 90 percent probability volumes and flow distributions at Watana. The intermediate flow contribution was taken as the difference between the Watana and Gold Creek monthly flows. Then using the downstream flow criteria and the flow values at Watana and Gold Creek, the filling sequence for the three probabilities was determi ned by· repeat i ng the annua 1 flow sequence unt i 1 the reservoir was filled. The reservoir water levels and the Gold Creek flows for the three fill i og cases consi dere'd are illustrated in Fi gure E2.76. Under average conditions the reservoir would fill sufficiently by autumn 1992 to allow testing and com- missioning of the units to commence. However, the reser- voir would not be filled to its normal operating level. until the following summer. There is a 10 percent chance that the reservoir would not be sufficently full to permit the start of testing and commissioning until late spring 1993. Only about one month is saved over the average filling time if a wet sequence occurs. This is because the flood protection criteria is violated and flow must be by- passed rather than stored. The Watana discharges for the high (10 percent), mean (50 percent) and low (90 percent) flow cases cons i dered are compared to the Watana inflow in Table E2.18. For the average hydrologic case, pre-project discharge for the May-October peri od is reduced by approx i mate ly 60 percent during the filling period. However, from November through April there is little difference. For the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach, Gold Creek flows are considered representative. Monthly pre-project and filling flows at Gold Creek for the wet, (10 percent), mean (50 percent),. and dry (90 percent) sequences are ill us- trated in Table E2.19. Percentage summer and winter flow changes are simi 1 ar to those at Watana but are somewhat reduced because of additional tributary inflow. For the mean case, August monthly flow at Gold Creek is reduced by 45 percent (21,900 cfs to 12,000 cfs) when the reservoir is capable of storing all flow less the downstream flow re- quirement. Flows will be altered in the Talkeetna to Cook Inlet reach, but because of significant tributary contributions the impact on summer flows will be greatly reduced with dis- tance downstream. Table E2.20 is a comparison of mean pre- project monthly flows and monthly flows duri ng reservoir filling at Sunshine and Susitna Station. Pre-project flows are based on the long-term average ratio between the respective stations and Gold Creek. Filling flows are pre-project flows reduced by the flow stored in the reservoir. E-2-40 I r f I 1 r ) r f. [ I l l l ( - y the long term average monthly Gold Creek flow distribution, Gold Creek flow hydrographs were synthesized for each probability. An identical process was used to synthesize the 10, 50, and 90 percent probability volumes and flow distributions at Watana. The intermediate flow contribution was taken as the difference between the Watana and Gold Creek monthly flows. Then using the downstream flow criteria and the flow values at Watana and Gold Creek, the filling sequence for the three probabilities was determi ned by· repeat i ng the annua 1 flow sequence unt i 1 the reservoir was filled. The reservoir water levels and the Gold Creek flows for the three fill i og cases consi dere'd are illustrated in Fi gure E2.76. Under average conditions the reservoir would fill sufficiently by autumn 1992 to allow testing and com- missioning of the units to commence. However, the reser- voir would not be filled to its normal operating level. until the following summer. There is a 10 percent chance that the reservoir would not be sufficently full to permit the start of testing and commissioning until late spring 1993. Only about one month is saved over the average filling time if a wet sequence occurs. This is because the flood protection criteria is violated and flow must be by- passed rather than stored. The Watana discharges for the high (10 percent), mean (50 percent) and low (90 percent) flow cases cons i dered are compared to the Watana inflow in Table E2.18. For the average hydrologic case, pre-project discharge for the May-October peri od is reduced by approx i mate ly 60 percent during the filling period. However, from November through April there is little difference. For the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach, Gold Creek flows are considered representative. Monthly pre-project and filling flows at Gold Creek for the wet, (10 percent), mean (50 percent),. and dry (90 percent) sequences are ill us- trated in Table E2.19. Percentage summer and winter flow changes are simi 1 ar to those at Watana but are somewhat reduced because of additional tributary inflow. For the mean case, August monthly flow at Gold Creek is reduced by 45 percent (21,900 cfs to 12,000 cfs) when the reservoir is capable of storing all flow less the downstream flow re- quirement. Flows will be altered in the Talkeetna to Cook Inlet reach, but because of significant tributary contributions the impact on summer flows will be greatly reduced with dis- tance downstream. Table E2.20 is a comparison of mean pre- project monthly flows and monthly flows duri ng reservoir filling at Sunshine and Susitna Station. Pre-project flows are based on the long-term average ratio between the respective stations and Gold Creek. Filling flows are pre-project flows reduced by the flow stored in the reservoir. E-2-40 I r f I 1 r ) r f. [ I l l l r ( ( -----1 \ , ! j l -Floods The reservoir filling criteria, dictates that available storage vol ume in the reservoir must provide, protecti on for all floods up to the 250 year recurrence interval flood. Thus, the reservoir must be capabl e of stori ng all flood inflow except for the flow which can be dis- charged through the outlet facilities during the flood event. The maximum Watana discharge of the outlet facil- ities is 30,000 cfs. A maximum flow at Watana at 30,000 cfs represents a substantial flood peak reduction which will reduce downstream flood peaks substantially as far downstream as Talkeetna. For example, the once in fifty year flood at Gold Creek would be reduced from 106,000 cfs to 49,000 cfs. After the flood event, the outlet facility will continue to discharge at its maximum capacity until the storage volume criteria is reestablished. This will cause .the flood duration to be extended beyond its normal duration although at a reduced flow as noted above. The flood frequency curve for Watana during reservoir filling is illustrated in Figure E.2.77. -Flow Variability The variability of flow in the Watana to Talkeetna reach will be altered. Under natural conditions substantial change in flows can occur daily. This flow variability will be reduced during filling. Using August, 1958 as a example, Figure E.2. 78 shows the daily flow variation that would occur. The average monthly flow of 22,540 cfs during August, 1958 yields a value close to the long term average monthly discharge of 22,000 cfs. Superimposed on Figure E.2.78 are the flow variations that could occur under filling conditions with the August 1958 inflow, first, assuming that the reservoir was capable of accommodat i ng the i nfl ow and second, assumi ng that the reservoir storage criteria was violated (i.e., 30,000 cfs discharge at Watana). Both Gold Creek hydrographs have reduced flood peaks. In filling sequence 1, outflow;s greater than i nfl ow at Watana on the receedi ng 1 i mb of the hydrograph in order to meet the reservoi r storage volume criteria. Hence during this time period, Gold Creek flows are greater than natural. In this example it was assumed that ongoing construction did not permit additional storage. In reality, the dam height will be increasing and additional storage would be permitted, thus reduci ng the requi red outflow from Watana. Th i s would correspondingly reduce the Gold Creek discharge. E-2-41 r ( ( -----1 \ , ! j l -Floods The reservoir filling criteria, dictates that available storage vol ume in the reservoir must provide, protecti on for all floods up to the 250 year recurrence interval flood. Thus, the reservoir must be capabl e of stori ng all flood inflow except for the flow which can be dis- charged through the outlet facilities during the flood event. The maximum Watana discharge of the outlet facil- ities is 30,000 cfs. A maximum flow at Watana at 30,000 cfs represents a substantial flood peak reduction which will reduce downstream flood peaks substantially as far downstream as Talkeetna. For example, the once in fifty year flood at Gold Creek would be reduced from 106,000 cfs to 49,000 cfs. After the flood event, the outlet facility will continue to discharge at its maximum capacity until the storage volume criteria is reestablished. This will cause .the flood duration to be extended beyond its normal duration although at a reduced flow as noted above. The flood frequency curve for Watana during reservoir filling is illustrated in Figure E.2.77. -Flow Variability The variability of flow in the Watana to Talkeetna reach will be altered. Under natural conditions substantial change in flows can occur daily. This flow variability will be reduced during filling. Using August, 1958 as a example, Figure E.2. 78 shows the daily flow variation that would occur. The average monthly flow of 22,540 cfs during August, 1958 yields a value close to the long term average monthly discharge of 22,000 cfs. Superimposed on Figure E.2.78 are the flow variations that could occur under filling conditions with the August 1958 inflow, first, assuming that the reservoir was capable of accommodat i ng the i nfl ow and second, assumi ng that the reservoir storage criteria was violated (i.e., 30,000 cfs discharge at Watana). Both Gold Creek hydrographs have reduced flood peaks. In filling sequence 1, outflow;s greater than i nfl ow at Watana on the receedi ng 1 i mb of the hydrograph in order to meet the reservoi r storage volume criteria. Hence during this time period, Gold Creek flows are greater than natural. In this example it was assumed that ongoing construction did not permit additional storage. In reality, the dam height will be increasing and additional storage would be permitted, thus reduci ng the requi red outflow from Watana. Th i s would correspondingly reduce the Gold Creek discharge. E-2-41 ( In filling sequence 2, Gold Creek flow is constant at 12,000 cfs. However, at Watana, flow would be 4,350 cfs at the peak and about 10,000 cfs when the natural Gold Creek flow drops to 12,000 cfs. Further downsteam, the variability of flow for both sequences will increase as a result of tributary inflow, but will be less than under natural conditions. (iii) ~iver Morphology During the filling of Watana reservoir, the trapping of bed- load and suspended sediment by the reservoir will greatly reduce the sediment transport by the Susitna River in the Watana-Talkeetna reach. Except for isolated areas, bedload movement will remain limited over this reach because of the armor layer and the low flows. The lack. of suspended sedi- ments will significantly reduce siltation in calmer areas. The Susitna River main channel will tend to become more defi ned with a narrower channel in thi s reach. The mai n channel river pattern will strive for a tighter, better de- fined meander pattern within the existing banks. A trend of channel width reduction by encroachment of vegetation will begin, and will continue during reservoir operation. Tribu- tary streams, including Portage Creek, Indian River, Gold Creek, and Fourth of July Creek, will extend their alluvial fans into the river. Figure E.2.79 illustrates the influence of the mai nstem Susitna Ri ver on the sedimentation process occurri ng at the mouth of the tri butari es. Overflow into most of the side-channels will not occur, as high flows will be greatly reduced. The backwater effects at the mouths of side-channels and sloughs will be significantly reduced. At the Chulitna confluence, the Chulitna River is expected to expand and extend its alluvial deposits. Reduced summer flows in th.e Susitna River may allow the Chulitna River to extend its alluvial deposits to the·east and south. However, high flows in the Chulitna River may cause rapid channel changes, inducing the main channel to migrate to the west. This would tend to relocate the deposition to the west. Downstream of the Susitna-Chulitna confluence, the pre- project mean annual bankfull flood will now have a recurrence interval of five to ten years. This will tend to decrease the fr·equency of occurrence of both bed materi a 1 movement and, consequently, of changes in braided channel shape, form and network. A trend toward relative stabil ization of the floodplain features will begin, but this would occur over a long period of time (R&M, 1982a). (iv) Effects on Water Quality Beginning with the filling ~f the reservoir, many of the physical, chemical and biological processes common to· a E-2-42 [ I I f r r [ I [ I I l I I I I ( ( In filling sequence 2, Gold Creek flow is constant at 12,000 cfs. However, at Watana, flow would be 4,350 cfs at the peak and about 10,000 cfs when the natural Gold Creek flow drops to 12,000 cfs. Further downsteam, the variability of flow for both sequences will increase as a result of tributary inflow, but will be less than under natural conditions. (iii) ~iver Morphology During the filling of Watana reservoir, the trapping of bed- load and suspended sediment by the reservoir will greatly reduce the sediment transport by the Susitna River in the Watana-Talkeetna reach. Except for isolated areas, bedload movement will remain limited over this reach because of the armor layer and the low flows. The lack. of suspended sedi- ments will significantly reduce siltation in calmer areas. The Susitna River main channel will tend to become more defi ned with a narrower channel in thi s reach. The mai n channel river pattern will strive for a tighter, better de- fined meander pattern within the existing banks. A trend of channel width reduction by encroachment of vegetation will begin, and will continue during reservoir operation. Tribu- tary streams, including Portage Creek, Indian River, Gold Creek, and Fourth of July Creek, will extend their alluvial fans into the river. Figure E.2.79 illustrates the influence of the mai nstem Susitna Ri ver on the sedimentation process occurri ng at the mouth of the tri butari es. Overflow into most of the side-channels will not occur, as high flows will be greatly reduced. The backwater effects at the mouths of side-channels and sloughs will be significantly reduced. At the Chulitna confluence, the Chulitna River is expected to expand and extend its alluvial deposits. Reduced summer flows in th.e Susitna River may allow the Chulitna River to extend its alluvial deposits to the·east and south. However, high flows in the Chulitna River may cause rapid channel changes, inducing the main channel to migrate to the west. This would tend to relocate the deposition to the west. Downstream of the Susitna-Chulitna confluence, the pre- project mean annual bankfull flood will now have a recurrence interval of five to ten years. This will tend to decrease the fr·equency of occurrence of both bed materi a 1 movement and, consequently, of changes in braided channel shape, form and network. A trend toward relative stabil ization of the floodplain features will begin, but this would occur over a long period of time (R&M, 1982a). (iv) Effects on Water Quality Beginning with the filling ~f the reservoir, many of the physical, chemical and biological processes common to· a E-2-42 [ I I f r r [ I [ I I l I I I I ( . ( lentic environment should begin to appear. Some of the more important processes include sedimentation, leaching, nutrient enrichment, stratification, evaporation and ice cover. These processes are expected to interact to alter the water quality conditions associated with the natural riverine conditions that presently exist. A summary discussion of the processes and their interactions is provided in Peterson and Nichol~ (1982) • -Water Temperature During the first summer of filling, the temperature in the Watana reservoir will be essentially a composite of the inflow temperature, increased somewhat by the effects of solar heating. The reservoir will fill very rapidly (to about a 400 foot depth by the end of summer) and the effects of solar heating will not penetrate to th~ depth at which the outlet is located.' Therefore, outlet temperatures during the first summer of filling should be an average of the existing river water temperatures with some lagging with the inflow water temperatures. During fall, the reservoir will gradually cool to 4°C. Once at this temperature the low level outlet will con- tinue to discharge water at just above 4°C until the reservoir water 1 evel has increased to where the fi xed cone valves can be used. Downstream of the Watana development the water tempera- ture will be modified by heat exchange with the atmos- phere. The filling sequence will cover two winter peri ods and the temperature at the downstream end of Devil Canyon will reach O°C at or about the beginning of November in the first year and toward the end of October in the second. This will have the effect of lagging the downstream temperatures by about 5 weeks from the base,,: liner. Further downstream, the lagging in temperatures will be reduced as cl imatic conditions continue td in- fluence the water temperature. During the second summer of filling, outlet temperatures will be 4°C. Downstream of Watana, the water temperature will increase but, will be well below normal water temperatures. ~ -Ice With the delay of freezing water temperatures, the entire ice formation process will occur 3-4 weeks later than for natural conditions. However, due to the lower flows the severity of jams will be diminshed and the staging due to ice will be less than presently experienced. At breakup, E-2-43 . ( lentic environment should begin to appear. Some of the more important processes include sedimentation, leaching, nutrient enrichment, stratification, evaporation and ice cover. These processes are expected to interact to alter the water quality conditions associated with the natural riverine conditions that presently exist. A summary discussion of the processes and their interactions is provided in Peterson and Nichol~ (1982) • -Water Temperature During the first summer of filling, the temperature in the Watana reservoir will be essentially a composite of the inflow temperature, increased somewhat by the effects of solar heating. The reservoir will fill very rapidly (to about a 400 foot depth by the end of summer) and the effects of solar heating will not penetrate to th~ depth at which the outlet is located.' Therefore, outlet temperatures during the first summer of filling should be an average of the existing river water temperatures with some lagging with the inflow water temperatures. During fall, the reservoir will gradually cool to 4°C. Once at this temperature the low level outlet will con- tinue to discharge water at just above 4°C until the reservoir water 1 evel has increased to where the fi xed cone valves can be used. Downstream of the Watana development the water tempera- ture will be modified by heat exchange with the atmos- phere. The filling sequence will cover two winter peri ods and the temperature at the downstream end of Devil Canyon will reach O°C at or about the beginning of November in the first year and toward the end of October in the second. This will have the effect of lagging the downstream temperatures by about 5 weeks from the base,,: liner. Further downstream, the lagging in temperatures will be reduced as cl imatic conditions continue td in- fluence the water temperature. During the second summer of filling, outlet temperatures will be 4°C. Downstream of Watana, the water temperature will increase but, will be well below normal water temperatures. ~ -Ice With the delay of freezing water temperatures, the entire ice formation process will occur 3-4 weeks later than for natural conditions. However, due to the lower flows the severity of jams will be diminshed and the staging due to ice will be less than presently experienced. At breakup, E-2-43 I I. the reduced flows in combination with the diminished jamming in the river, will tend to produce a less severe breakup than currently occurs. -Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination • Watana Reservoir As the reservoir beings to fill, velocities will be re- duced and deposition of the larger suspended sediment particles will occur. Initially, all but the larger par- ticles will pass through the reservoir, but with more and more water impounded, smaller diameter particles will sett1 e. As the reservoir approaches normal operati ng levels, the percentage of particles settling will be sim- ilar to that occurring during reservoir operation. How- ever, since during filling, water will be passed through the low level outlet which is at invert elevation 1490 feet, whereas during operation it will be drawn from above elevation 2065 feet, larger particles would be expected to pass through the. reservoir dur i ng fi 11 i ng than during operation (The deposition process during reservoir operation is discussed in detail in Section 3.2 (c)(iii).). During the filling process, reservoir turbidity will de- cr.ease in conjunction with the settling of suspended sed- iments. Turbidity will be highest at the upper end of the reservoir where the Susitna Ri ver enters. Turbi d interflows and underflows may occur during summer months, depending on the relative densities of the reservoir and river waters. Turbidity levels in the winter are ex- pected to decrease significantly from summer levels, how- ever, turbidity is likely to be greater than pre-project wi nter level s. Vertical illumination in the reservoir will decrease dur- ing breakup as flow begins to bring glacial silts into the reservoir. Vertical illumination during the s-ummer wi 11 vary, dependi ng on where the ri ver water fi nds ' its equilibrium depth (overflow, interflow, or underflow). Data from glacially fed Ek1utna Lake indicates that vertical illumination will not exceed 4 meters during the mid-summer months (Figure E.2.80). Vertical illumination will gradually increase during the autumn as glacial input decreases. During the filling process additional suspended sediments will be introduced to the reservoir by the slumping of the valley walls and continued construction activities. The slumping of valley walls will provide intermittent quantities of suspended sediments. Although no quantita- tive estimates of this impact are available, it is an- tiCipated that these impacts will be localized, of short E-2-44 r 1 [ [ L [ L [ [ l L I I. the reduced flows in combination with the diminished jamming in the river, will tend to produce a less severe breakup than currently occurs. -Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination • Watana Reservoir As the reservoir beings to fill, velocities will be re- duced and deposition of the larger suspended sediment particles will occur. Initially, all but the larger par- ticles will pass through the reservoir, but with more and more water impounded, smaller diameter particles will sett1 e. As the reservoir approaches normal operati ng levels, the percentage of particles settling will be sim- ilar to that occurring during reservoir operation. How- ever, since during filling, water will be passed through the low level outlet which is at invert elevation 1490 feet, whereas during operation it will be drawn from above elevation 2065 feet, larger particles would be expected to pass through the. reservoir dur i ng fi 11 i ng than during operation (The deposition process during reservoir operation is discussed in detail in Section 3.2 (c)(iii).). During the filling process, reservoir turbidity will de- cr.ease in conjunction with the settling of suspended sed- iments. Turbidity will be highest at the upper end of the reservoir where the Susitna Ri ver enters. Turbi d interflows and underflows may occur during summer months, depending on the relative densities of the reservoir and river waters. Turbidity levels in the winter are ex- pected to decrease significantly from summer levels, how- ever, turbidity is likely to be greater than pre-project wi nter level s. Vertical illumination in the reservoir will decrease dur- ing breakup as flow begins to bring glacial silts into the reservoir. Vertical illumination during the s-ummer wi 11 vary, dependi ng on where the ri ver water fi nds ' its equilibrium depth (overflow, interflow, or underflow). Data from glacially fed Ek1utna Lake indicates that vertical illumination will not exceed 4 meters during the mid-summer months (Figure E.2.80). Vertical illumination will gradually increase during the autumn as glacial input decreases. During the filling process additional suspended sediments will be introduced to the reservoir by the slumping of the valley walls and continued construction activities. The slumping of valley walls will provide intermittent quantities of suspended sediments. Although no quantita- tive estimates of this impact are available, it is an- tiCipated that these impacts will be localized, of short E-2-44 r 1 [ [ L [ L [ [ l L J I I duration, and thus not very significant. However, slump- i ng is expected to cont i nue after operation of the pro- ject begins until equilibrium is attained. Construction activities, such as the removal of timber from within the proposed impoundment area are also expected to contribute to increased suspended sediment concentrat ions and tur- bidity levels and decreased vertical illumination. Once removed, the lack of soil-stabilizing vegetative cover will likely accelerate wall slumping. However, the in- crease in suspended sediments due to valley wall slumping will be significantly less the reduction due to the sed- i mentat i on process and thus the ri ver will be cl earer than under natural conditions. Watana to Talkeetna Maximum particle sizes passing through the project area downstream, will decrease from about 500 mi crons dur i ng pre-project conditions to about 5 microns as filling progresses. As can be observed from the part i c1 e si ze distribution (Figure E.2.36) this results in a retention .of about 80 percent of the pre-project suspended sediment at Watana. Because of the c1 ear water tributary i nfl ow in the Watana to Talkeetna reach, further reduction of the suspended sediment concentration will occur as the flow moves downstream. During high tributary flow periods, additional suspended sediment will be added to the river by the tributaries. Talus slides may also contri bute to the downstream suspended sediment concen- trations. In general, the suspended sediment concentra- tion in the Watana to Talkeetna reach will be reduced by approximately 80 percent duri ng the summer months and slig~tly increased during the winter months. Downstream summer turbidity levels will be reduced to an estimated 30-50 NTU. Winter turbidity levels, although not presently quantifiable, will be increased above natural levels of near zero. Because of the reduced tur- bidity in summer, the vertical illumination will be en- hanced. Winter vertical illumination will be reduced • • Talkeetna to Cook Inlet In the Talkeetna to Cook Inlet reach, the suspended sedi- ment and turbidity levels during summer will decrease s 1 i ghtly from pre-project 1 eve 1 s. The Chul i tna Ri ver is a major sediment contributor to the Susitna with 28 per- cent of its drainage area covered by glacier. As such, it wi 11 tend to keep the suspended sediment concentra- t ions hi gh duri ng summer. Therefore, the summer char- acter of this reach will not change significantly. E-2-45 J I I duration, and thus not very significant. However, slump- i ng is expected to cont i nue after operation of the pro- ject begins until equilibrium is attained. Construction activities, such as the removal of timber from within the proposed impoundment area are also expected to contribute to increased suspended sediment concentrat ions and tur- bidity levels and decreased vertical illumination. Once removed, the lack of soil-stabilizing vegetative cover will likely accelerate wall slumping. However, the in- crease in suspended sediments due to valley wall slumping will be significantly less the reduction due to the sed- i mentat i on process and thus the ri ver will be cl earer than under natural conditions. Watana to Talkeetna Maximum particle sizes passing through the project area downstream, will decrease from about 500 mi crons dur i ng pre-project conditions to about 5 microns as filling progresses. As can be observed from the part i c1 e si ze distribution (Figure E.2.36) this results in a retention .of about 80 percent of the pre-project suspended sediment at Watana. Because of the c1 ear water tributary i nfl ow in the Watana to Talkeetna reach, further reduction of the suspended sediment concentration will occur as the flow moves downstream. During high tributary flow periods, additional suspended sediment will be added to the river by the tributaries. Talus slides may also contri bute to the downstream suspended sediment concen- trations. In general, the suspended sediment concentra- tion in the Watana to Talkeetna reach will be reduced by approximately 80 percent duri ng the summer months and slig~tly increased during the winter months. Downstream summer turbidity levels will be reduced to an estimated 30-50 NTU. Winter turbidity levels, although not presently quantifiable, will be increased above natural levels of near zero. Because of the reduced tur- bidity in summer, the vertical illumination will be en- hanced. Winter vertical illumination will be reduced • • Talkeetna to Cook Inlet In the Talkeetna to Cook Inlet reach, the suspended sedi- ment and turbidity levels during summer will decrease s 1 i ghtly from pre-project 1 eve 1 s. The Chul i tna Ri ver is a major sediment contributor to the Susitna with 28 per- cent of its drainage area covered by glacier. As such, it wi 11 tend to keep the suspended sediment concentra- t ions hi gh duri ng summer. Therefore, the summer char- acter of this reach will not change significantly. E-2-45 -Dissolved Oxygen Initially, during the 3-year filling process, the reservoir D.O. levels should approximate riverine conditions. As filling progresses, some weak stratification may begin to develop, but no substanti a 1 decreases in di ssol ved oxygen levels are anticipated. The volume of freshwater inflow, the effects of wind and waves, and the location of the out- 1 et structure at the bottom of the re~ervoir are expected to keep the reservoir fairly well mixed, thereby replenish- ing oxygen levels in the hypolimnion. No significant biochemical oxygen demand is anticipated. The timber in the reservoir area will be cleared, thereby eliminating the associated oxygen demand that would be cre- ated by the inundation and decomposition of thiS vegeta- tion. Further, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the Susitna River is quite low. COD levels measured upstream at Vee Canyon during 1980 and 1981, averaged 16 mg/1. No significant BOD loading is expected from the construc- tion camp and village. As previously noted, a low level outlet will be utilized for di schargi ng water. Therefore, the 1 eyel s of oxygen immediately downstream of the outlet could be slightly reduced. However, pre-project values will be established withi n a short di stance downstream of the out 1 et due to reaeration enhanced by the turbulent nature of the river. -Nitrogen Supersaturation Nitrogen supersaturation of water below a dam is possible in certain seasons, extending a considerable distance downstream. The detrimental impact of nitrogen supersatur- ation is its lethal effect on fish. If dissolved gases reach lethal levels of supersaturation, a fish kill due to gas embol isms may result for mil es downstream of an im- poundment (Turkheim, 1975). Nitrogen supersaturation can be caused by passing water over a high spillway into a deep plunge pool. The factors influencing this phenomenon include the depth of the p1uhge pool, the hei ght of the spi 11 way and the amount of water bei ng spi 11 ed. Si nce all flow wi 11 be passed through the low level diversion tunnel and no spilling of water will occur at the Watana damsite, this problem will not exist duri ng fi 11 i ng. -Nutrients Two opposing factors will affect nutrient concentrations during the filling process. First, initial inundation will likely cause an increase in nutrient concentrations. E-2-46 t r [ i r I r [ L ~ L l L l -Dissolved Oxygen Initially, during the 3-year filling process, the reservoir D.O. levels should approximate riverine conditions. As filling progresses, some weak stratification may begin to develop, but no substanti a 1 decreases in di ssol ved oxygen levels are anticipated. The volume of freshwater inflow, the effects of wind and waves, and the location of the out- 1 et structure at the bottom of the re~ervoir are expected to keep the reservoir fairly well mixed, thereby replenish- ing oxygen levels in the hypolimnion. No significant biochemical oxygen demand is anticipated. The timber in the reservoir area will be cleared, thereby eliminating the associated oxygen demand that would be cre- ated by the inundation and decomposition of thiS vegeta- tion. Further, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the Susitna River is quite low. COD levels measured upstream at Vee Canyon during 1980 and 1981, averaged 16 mg/1. No significant BOD loading is expected from the construc- tion camp and village. As previously noted, a low level outlet will be utilized for di schargi ng water. Therefore, the 1 eyel s of oxygen immediately downstream of the outlet could be slightly reduced. However, pre-project values will be established withi n a short di stance downstream of the out 1 et due to reaeration enhanced by the turbulent nature of the river. -Nitrogen Supersaturation Nitrogen supersaturation of water below a dam is possible in certain seasons, extending a considerable distance downstream. The detrimental impact of nitrogen supersatur- ation is its lethal effect on fish. If dissolved gases reach lethal levels of supersaturation, a fish kill due to gas embol isms may result for mil es downstream of an im- poundment (Turkheim, 1975). Nitrogen supersaturation can be caused by passing water over a high spillway into a deep plunge pool. The factors influencing this phenomenon include the depth of the p1uhge pool, the hei ght of the spi 11 way and the amount of water bei ng spi 11 ed. Si nce all flow wi 11 be passed through the low level diversion tunnel and no spilling of water will occur at the Watana damsite, this problem will not exist duri ng fi 11 i ng. -Nutrients Two opposing factors will affect nutrient concentrations during the filling process. First, initial inundation will likely cause an increase in nutrient concentrations. E-2-46 t r [ i r I r [ L ~ L l L l 'r-... \ I ' ! { ~ ( I \ I I ' '- I I Second, sedimentation will strip some nutrients from the water column. The magnitude of net change in nutrient concentrations is unknown, but it is likely that nutrient concentrat ions wi 11 increase for at 1 east a short-term during fill ing. -Other No significant chang;~s in any other water qual ity par- ameters are ant i ci pated. (v) Effects on Groundwater Conditions -Mainstem Alluvial gravels in the river and tributary bottoms will be inundated. No significant aquifers are known to be in the reservoir area, other than theunconfi ned aqui fers at the relic channel and in valley bottoms. Summer releases from the reservoir during filling are dis- cussed in Section 3.2(b)(i). As a result of the decreased summer ,flows, water levels will be reduced, especially above Talkeetna. This will in turn cause a reduction in groundwater levels, downstream but the groundwater level changes will be confined to the river floodplain area. The groundwater table will be reduced by about 2 feet in summer near the shoreline with less change occurring with distance away from the river. A s imil ar process will occur downstream of Talkeetna, but the changes in groundwater levels will be of less magnitude due to the decreased effect on river stages. -Impacts on Sloughs The reduced mainstem flows and subsequently lower Susitna River water levels will reduce the water level gradient between the mai nstem and the sloughs. At 1 ocat ions where slough upwelling 'is unaffected by mainstem backwater effects, the reduced gradient will result in reduced slough upwell i ng rates. However, an analysi s of mai nstem water elevations at the decreased flow rate and the slough up- welling elevations, indicates a continued positive flow toward these upwell i ng areas with the except i on that the intersection of the slough and the groundwater table will move downstream. Data to confirm the areal extent of upwelling at low flows is unavailable at this time. E-2-47 'r-... \ I ' ! { ~ ( I \ I I ' '- I I Second, sedimentation will strip some nutrients from the water column. The magnitude of net change in nutrient concentrations is unknown, but it is likely that nutrient concentrat ions wi 11 increase for at 1 east a short-term during fill ing. -Other No significant chang;~s in any other water qual ity par- ameters are ant i ci pated. (v) Effects on Groundwater Conditions -Mainstem Alluvial gravels in the river and tributary bottoms will be inundated. No significant aquifers are known to be in the reservoir area, other than theunconfi ned aqui fers at the relic channel and in valley bottoms. Summer releases from the reservoir during filling are dis- cussed in Section 3.2(b)(i). As a result of the decreased summer ,flows, water levels will be reduced, especially above Talkeetna. This will in turn cause a reduction in groundwater levels, downstream but the groundwater level changes will be confined to the river floodplain area. The groundwater table will be reduced by about 2 feet in summer near the shoreline with less change occurring with distance away from the river. A s imil ar process will occur downstream of Talkeetna, but the changes in groundwater levels will be of less magnitude due to the decreased effect on river stages. -Impacts on Sloughs The reduced mainstem flows and subsequently lower Susitna River water levels will reduce the water level gradient between the mai nstem and the sloughs. At 1 ocat ions where slough upwelling 'is unaffected by mainstem backwater effects, the reduced gradient will result in reduced slough upwell i ng rates. However, an analysi s of mai nstem water elevations at the decreased flow rate and the slough up- welling elevations, indicates a continued positive flow toward these upwell i ng areas with the except i on that the intersection of the slough and the groundwater table will move downstream. Data to confirm the areal extent of upwelling at low flows is unavailable at this time. E-2-47 The thalweg profile in slough 9 and computed mainstem water surface profiles in the vicinity of Slough 9 are illus- trated in Figure E.2.81. The thalweg profile taken at right angles to the mainstem flow together with the main- stem water levels show that upwelling will continue at lower mainstem flows. (The water surface profiles which were computed using HEC-2 a.re sufficiently accurate to illustrate the relationship). It should also be noted that the groundwater driving head is more in an upstream- downstream direction than in a direction perpendicular to the mainstem. This can in general be attributed to the 1 ocat i on of most sloughs at natura 1 bends in the river. The di stance from the mai nstem at the head end of the sloughs to the rna i nstem at the mouth of the sloughs ;-s usually shorter through the sloughs than along the mai n- stem. . At the slough upwelling locations which are affected by the mainstem backwater, the groundwater gradient between main- stem and slough is relatively unaffected by discharge until backwater effects are ·no longer present at the upwelling 1 ocat i on. (As the mai nstem water 1 eve 1 decreases at the head end of the slough, there is a corresponding decrease in mairistem water level at the mouth of the slough where the backwater is controlled. Therefore, the gradient betweefi the mainstem water level upstream and the backwater elevation in the slough is essentially unchanged.) Hence upwell i ng rates in backwater areas wou1 d remai n virtually unchanged until the area is no longer affected by back- water. At that time the upwelling would behave as dis- cussed above. Under ice conditions the mainstem water levels increase, resulting in an increased head differential between main- stem and slough, and increased upwelling in the sloughs. Under reservoir filling conditions during winter, discharge will be reduced to about 1000 cfs at Gold Creek during the freeze-up period. This will result in reduced staging from pre-project ice staging levels. Hence, during winter, the mainstem-slough water level differential will be reduced with a corresponding reduction in upwelling area. In summary, based on available information to date, up- welling in sloughs will continue but at an equal or slight- ly reduced rate from the natural rate. Additionally, the upper ends of some sloughs maybe dewatered because of the lower groundwater table associ ated with the decrease in mainstem water levels. (vi) Impacts on Lakes and Streams Several tundra lakes will be inundated as the reservoir approaches full pool. The mouths of tributary streams E-2-48 f 1 [ [ [ L L L L The thalweg profile in slough 9 and computed mainstem water surface profiles in the vicinity of Slough 9 are illus- trated in Figure E.2.81. The thalweg profile taken at right angles to the mainstem flow together with the main- stem water levels show that upwelling will continue at lower mainstem flows. (The water surface profiles which were computed using HEC-2 a.re sufficiently accurate to illustrate the relationship). It should also be noted that the groundwater driving head is more in an upstream- downstream direction than in a direction perpendicular to the mainstem. This can in general be attributed to the 1 ocat i on of most sloughs at natura 1 bends in the river. The di stance from the mai nstem at the head end of the sloughs to the rna i nstem at the mouth of the sloughs ;-s usually shorter through the sloughs than along the mai n- stem. . At the slough upwelling locations which are affected by the mainstem backwater, the groundwater gradient between main- stem and slough is relatively unaffected by discharge until backwater effects are ·no longer present at the upwelling 1 ocat i on. (As the mai nstem water 1 eve 1 decreases at the head end of the slough, there is a corresponding decrease in mairistem water level at the mouth of the slough where the backwater is controlled. Therefore, the gradient betweefi the mainstem water level upstream and the backwater elevation in the slough is essentially unchanged.) Hence upwell i ng rates in backwater areas wou1 d remai n virtually unchanged until the area is no longer affected by back- water. At that time the upwelling would behave as dis- cussed above. Under ice conditions the mainstem water levels increase, resulting in an increased head differential between main- stem and slough, and increased upwelling in the sloughs. Under reservoir filling conditions during winter, discharge will be reduced to about 1000 cfs at Gold Creek during the freeze-up period. This will result in reduced staging from pre-project ice staging levels. Hence, during winter, the mainstem-slough water level differential will be reduced with a corresponding reduction in upwelling area. In summary, based on available information to date, up- welling in sloughs will continue but at an equal or slight- ly reduced rate from the natural rate. Additionally, the upper ends of some sloughs maybe dewatered because of the lower groundwater table associ ated with the decrease in mainstem water levels. (vi) Impacts on Lakes and Streams Several tundra lakes will be inundated as the reservoir approaches full pool. The mouths of tributary streams E-2-48 f 1 [ [ [ L L L L enteri ng the reservoir wi 11 be inundated for severa LJmil es (Sec. 2.4 (b)). Bedload and suspended sediment carried by these streams will be deposited at or near the new mouths of the streams as the river mouths move upstream during the filling process. No significant impacts io Tsusena or Deadman Creeks are anticipated from their use as water supply and waste recipient, respectively. (vii) Effects on Instream Flow Uses -Fishery ;Zesources, Riparian Vegetation, and Wildlife Habitat Impacts on fishery resources, riparian vegetation and wild- life habitat during the filling process are discussed more fully in Chapter 3. As summer flows are reduced, fish access to slough habitats will be decreased. Since temper- atures of upwelling groundwater in sloughs are expected to be unchanged and upwelling should continue at most 10ca- t ions, though pos sib 1y at a reduced rate, impacts on the "i ncubat i on of sal moni d eggs are not expected to be severe. -Navigation and Transportation Once impoundment of the reservoir commences, the character of the ri ver immedi ate1y u-pstream of the dam wi 11 change from a fast-flowing river with numerous rapids to a still- water reservoir. The reservoir will ultimately extend 54 miles upstream, just downstream of the confluence with the Tyone Ri ver, and will inundate the major rapi ds at Vee Canyon when the reservoir reaches full pool. The reservoir will allow increased boat traffic to this reach of river by decreasing the navigational difficulties. The reduced summer flows released from the reservoir during filling could reduce the navigation difficulties between Watana and Devil Canyon during the summer months. However, the lower segment of this reach from Devil Creek to Devil Canyon will still consist of heavy white-water rapids suit- able only for expert kayakers. Navigational difficulties between Devil Canyon and the con- fl uence wi th the Chu1 i tna Ri ver wi 11 be increased due to shallower water and a somewhat constricted channel. Al- though there will be sufficient depth in the river to navi- gate it, greater care will be required to avoid grounding. There will be less floating debris in this reach of the river, which will reduce the navigational danger somewhat. There will be little impact on navigation below the conflu- ence of the Chulitna River. The Susitna River is highly braided from Talkeetna to Cook Inlet with numerous channels which can change rapidly due to the high bedload movement E-2-49 enteri ng the reservoir wi 11 be inundated for severa LJmil es (Sec. 2.4 (b)). Bedload and suspended sediment carried by these streams will be deposited at or near the new mouths of the streams as the river mouths move upstream during the filling process. No significant impacts io Tsusena or Deadman Creeks are anticipated from their use as water supply and waste recipient, respectively. (vii) Effects on Instream Flow Uses -Fishery ;Zesources, Riparian Vegetation, and Wildlife Habitat Impacts on fishery resources, riparian vegetation and wild- life habitat during the filling process are discussed more fully in Chapter 3. As summer flows are reduced, fish access to slough habitats will be decreased. Since temper- atures of upwelling groundwater in sloughs are expected to be unchanged and upwelling should continue at most 10ca- t ions, though pos sib 1y at a reduced rate, impacts on the "i ncubat i on of sal moni d eggs are not expected to be severe. -Navigation and Transportation Once impoundment of the reservoir commences, the character of the ri ver immedi ate1y u-pstream of the dam wi 11 change from a fast-flowing river with numerous rapids to a still- water reservoir. The reservoir will ultimately extend 54 miles upstream, just downstream of the confluence with the Tyone Ri ver, and will inundate the major rapi ds at Vee Canyon when the reservoir reaches full pool. The reservoir will allow increased boat traffic to this reach of river by decreasing the navigational difficulties. The reduced summer flows released from the reservoir during filling could reduce the navigation difficulties between Watana and Devil Canyon during the summer months. However, the lower segment of this reach from Devil Creek to Devil Canyon will still consist of heavy white-water rapids suit- able only for expert kayakers. Navigational difficulties between Devil Canyon and the con- fl uence wi th the Chu1 i tna Ri ver wi 11 be increased due to shallower water and a somewhat constricted channel. Al- though there will be sufficient depth in the river to navi- gate it, greater care will be required to avoid grounding. There will be less floating debris in this reach of the river, which will reduce the navigational danger somewhat. There will be little impact on navigation below the conflu- ence of the Chulitna River. The Susitna River is highly braided from Talkeetna to Cook Inlet with numerous channels which can change rapidly due to the high bedload movement E-2-49 -1 \ and readily erodible bed material. Navigation can be difficult at present and knowledge of the river is beneficial at low flows. The reduced summer flows from the Susitna River will be somewhat compensated for by the high flows from other tributaries. No impacts near the existing boat access points of Susitna Landing, Kaskwitna River or Willow Creek have been identified. Minor restrictions on navigation may occur at the upstream access to Alexander Slough, but this would occur only in low streamflow years when the other-tributaries also have low flow. -Recreation Information on recreation can be found in Chapter 7. -Waste Assimilative Capacity The previously noted, reductions to downstream summer flows could result in a slight reduction in the waste assimila- tive capacity of the river. However, no significant impact is anticipated given the limited sources of waste loading on the river (see Section 3.2(a)(ii)). -Freshwater Recruitment to Estuaries During filling, under av'erage flow conditions, the mean annual freshwater inflow to Cook Inlet will be reduced by about 12 percent. This will cause a few parts per thou- sand increase in the natural salinity conditions. How- ever, the salinity change would still be within the range of normal variation. If filling were to take place during an average hydrologic sequence, then the annual freshwater input to Cook Inlet would still be greater than the existing annual flows into Cook Inlet 15 percent of the time. During a dry flow sequence, the downstream flow require- ments at Gold Creek would be maintained. Thus, a smaller percentage of the Gold Creek flow is available for stor- age. Consequently the percent reduct ion in fresh water i nfl ow into Cook In 1 et is 1 ess for a sequence of dry years than for average conditions. The higher Cook Inlet salinities will last only until project operation, at which time a new equilibrium wil be established as described in Section 3.2(c)(v). E-2-50 l [ f r I [ { I { 1 ( [ t l -1 \ and readily erodible bed material. Navigation can be difficult at present and knowledge of the river is beneficial at low flows. The reduced summer flows from the Susitna River will be somewhat compensated for by the high flows from other tributaries. No impacts near the existing boat access points of Susitna Landing, Kaskwitna River or Willow Creek have been identified. Minor restrictions on navigation may occur at the upstream access to Alexander Slough, but this would occur only in low streamflow years when the other-tributaries also have low flow. -Recreation Information on recreation can be found in Chapter 7. -Waste Assimilative Capacity The previously noted, reductions to downstream summer flows could result in a slight reduction in the waste assimila- tive capacity of the river. However, no significant impact is anticipated given the limited sources of waste loading on the river (see Section 3.2(a)(ii)). -Freshwater Recruitment to Estuaries During filling, under av'erage flow conditions, the mean annual freshwater inflow to Cook Inlet will be reduced by about 12 percent. This will cause a few parts per thou- sand increase in the natural salinity conditions. How- ever, the salinity change would still be within the range of normal variation. If filling were to take place during an average hydrologic sequence, then the annual freshwater input to Cook Inlet would still be greater than the existing annual flows into Cook Inlet 15 percent of the time. During a dry flow sequence, the downstream flow require- ments at Gold Creek would be maintained. Thus, a smaller percentage of the Gold Creek flow is available for stor- age. Consequently the percent reduct ion in fresh water i nfl ow into Cook In 1 et is 1 ess for a sequence of dry years than for average conditions. The higher Cook Inlet salinities will last only until project operation, at which time a new equilibrium wil be established as described in Section 3.2(c)(v). E-2-50 l [ f r I [ { I { 1 ( [ t l \ ,L (c) Watana Operation (i) Flows • -Project Operation Watana will be operated in a storage-and-release mode, such that summer flows will be captured for release in wi nter. Generally, the Watana reservoir wi 11 be at or near its normal maximum operating level of 2185 feet each year at the end of September. Gradually the reservoir will be drawn down to meet winter energy demand. In early May, the reservoir will reach its minimum annual 1 eve 1 and then begi n to refi 11 fr am the spr i ng melt. Flow in excess of both the downstream flow requirements and power needs will be stored during the summer until the reservoir reaches the normal maximum operating level of 2185 feet. Once the reservoir is at this elevation, flow above that required for power will be wasted. After the threat of significant flooding has passed in late August, the reservoir wi 11 be all owed to surcharge to 2190 feet to minimize wasting of water in late august and September. Then, at the end of September, the annual cycle w~e r~peated • • Minimum Downstream Target Flows During project operation, minimum Gold Creek target flows from May through September will be unchanged from those duri ng reservoir impoundment except that flows from October to Apri 1 wi 11 be mai ntai ned at or above 5,000 cfs. It should be noted that these flows are minimum target flows. In reality, project operation flows will normally be greater than the targeted mini- mum flows during winter. During May, June, July and October, operat i ana 1 flows wi 11 a 1 so normally be greater than the mi ni mums. The 1 ate Ju 1y, August, and September flows will probably coincide very closely with the mi nimum requirements. The mi ni mum tar get flows during operation are shown in Table E.2.17. If during summer, the natural flows fall below the Gold Creek minimum target, then these flows will be augment- ed to maintain the downstream flow requirement • • Monthly Energy Simulations A monthly energy simulation program was run using the 32 years of Watana synthesized flow data given in Table E2.2 except that the extreme drought (recurrence inter- val greater than one in 500 years) which occurred in water year 1969, dominated the analysis and was there- fore modified to reflect a drought with recurrence interval of one in 32 years for energy planning and E-2-51 \ ,L (c) Watana Operation (i) Flows • -Project Operation Watana will be operated in a storage-and-release mode, such that summer flows will be captured for release in wi nter. Generally, the Watana reservoir wi 11 be at or near its normal maximum operating level of 2185 feet each year at the end of September. Gradually the reservoir will be drawn down to meet winter energy demand. In early May, the reservoir will reach its minimum annual 1 eve 1 and then begi n to refi 11 fr am the spr i ng melt. Flow in excess of both the downstream flow requirements and power needs will be stored during the summer until the reservoir reaches the normal maximum operating level of 2185 feet. Once the reservoir is at this elevation, flow above that required for power will be wasted. After the threat of significant flooding has passed in late August, the reservoir wi 11 be all owed to surcharge to 2190 feet to minimize wasting of water in late august and September. Then, at the end of September, the annual cycle w~e r~peated • • Minimum Downstream Target Flows During project operation, minimum Gold Creek target flows from May through September will be unchanged from those duri ng reservoir impoundment except that flows from October to Apri 1 wi 11 be mai ntai ned at or above 5,000 cfs. It should be noted that these flows are minimum target flows. In reality, project operation flows will normally be greater than the targeted mini- mum flows during winter. During May, June, July and October, operat i ana 1 flows wi 11 a 1 so normally be greater than the mi ni mums. The 1 ate Ju 1y, August, and September flows will probably coincide very closely with the mi nimum requirements. The mi ni mum tar get flows during operation are shown in Table E.2.17. If during summer, the natural flows fall below the Gold Creek minimum target, then these flows will be augment- ed to maintain the downstream flow requirement • • Monthly Energy Simulations A monthly energy simulation program was run using the 32 years of Watana synthesized flow data given in Table E2.2 except that the extreme drought (recurrence inter- val greater than one in 500 years) which occurred in water year 1969, dominated the analysis and was there- fore modified to reflect a drought with recurrence interval of one in 32 years for energy planning and E-2-51 drawdown optimization. Energy production was optim- ized, taking into account the reservoir operating criteria and the downstream flow requirements. The energy simulation program is discussed in Volume 4, Appendix A of the Feasibility Study (Acres, 1982). Monthly maximum ,mi ni mum, and medi an Watana reservoir levels for the 32 year simulation are illustrated in Figure E.2.82 • • Daily Operation In an effort to stabilize downstream flows, Watana will be operated as a base loaded plant until Devil Canyon is completed. This will produce daily flows that are virtually constant most of the year. During summer it may be economically desirable to vary flow on a daily basis to take advantage of the flow contribution down- stream of Watana to meet the flow requirements at Gold Creek. This would yield stable flows at Gold Creek, but somewhat var i ab 1 e ri ver flows between Watana and Portage Creek. -Mean Mant?+Y and Annual Flows Monthly discharges at Watana for the 32 year period were computed using the monthly energy simulation program and are presented in Table E.2.21. The maximum, mean, and minimum flows for each month are summarized in Table E.2.22. Pre-project flows are also presented for comparison. In general, powerhouse flows from October through April will be much greater than natural flows. For example, in March the operational flows will be eight times greater than natural river flow. Average post pro- ject flow for May will be about 30 percent less than the natural flow. Mean daily post project flows during May wi 11 be si mil ar for each day of the month. In contrast, existing baseline flows vary considerably from the start of the month to the end of the month due to the timing of the snowmelt. Flows during June, July, August and September will be substantially reduced, to effect reser- voir fi 11 i ng. Pre and post project montly flows at Gol d Creek are listed in Tables E2.23-and E2.24. A summary is present- ed in Table E2.2S. The comparison is similar to that for Watana although the pre-pr oj ect/post-pr oj ect percentage change is less. Further downstream at the Sunshine and Susitna Station, gaging station pre-and-post project flow differences will become less significant. During July, average monthly flows will be reduced by eleven percent at Susitna E-2-52 l f [ f r [ [ f l l L drawdown optimization. Energy production was optim- ized, taking into account the reservoir operating criteria and the downstream flow requirements. The energy simulation program is discussed in Volume 4, Appendix A of the Feasibility Study (Acres, 1982). Monthly maximum ,mi ni mum, and medi an Watana reservoir levels for the 32 year simulation are illustrated in Figure E.2.82 • • Daily Operation In an effort to stabilize downstream flows, Watana will be operated as a base loaded plant until Devil Canyon is completed. This will produce daily flows that are virtually constant most of the year. During summer it may be economically desirable to vary flow on a daily basis to take advantage of the flow contribution down- stream of Watana to meet the flow requirements at Gold Creek. This would yield stable flows at Gold Creek, but somewhat var i ab 1 e ri ver flows between Watana and Portage Creek. -Mean Mant?+Y and Annual Flows Monthly discharges at Watana for the 32 year period were computed using the monthly energy simulation program and are presented in Table E.2.21. The maximum, mean, and minimum flows for each month are summarized in Table E.2.22. Pre-project flows are also presented for comparison. In general, powerhouse flows from October through April will be much greater than natural flows. For example, in March the operational flows will be eight times greater than natural river flow. Average post pro- ject flow for May will be about 30 percent less than the natural flow. Mean daily post project flows during May wi 11 be si mil ar for each day of the month. In contrast, existing baseline flows vary considerably from the start of the month to the end of the month due to the timing of the snowmelt. Flows during June, July, August and September will be substantially reduced, to effect reser- voir fi 11 i ng. Pre and post project montly flows at Gol d Creek are listed in Tables E2.23-and E2.24. A summary is present- ed in Table E2.2S. The comparison is similar to that for Watana although the pre-pr oj ect/post-pr oj ect percentage change is less. Further downstream at the Sunshine and Susitna Station, gaging station pre-and-post project flow differences will become less significant. During July, average monthly flows will be reduced by eleven percent at Susitna E-2-52 l f [ f r [ [ f l l L , ( 1 ,( I ( ./ Station. However, during the winter, flows will be 100 percent greater than exi st i ng condi t ions. Monthly pre- and post-project flows at the Sunshine and Susitna Stations are tabulated in Tables E.2.26 through E.2.29 and summarized in E2.30 and E2.31. Mea n an nua 1 flow will remain the same at a 11 stat ions. However, flow will be redistributed from the summer months to the winter months. -Floods • Spring Floods For the 32 years si mul ated, Watana reservoi r had suf- ficient storage capacity to absorb all floods. The largest flood of record, June 7, 1964, had a peak dis- charge of 90,700 cfs at Gold Creek, corresponding to an annua.l flood recurrence interval of better than 20 years. This flood provided the largest mean monthly inflow on record at Gold Creek, 50,580 cfs and contain- ed the largest flood volume on record. However, even with this large a flooq, the simulated reservoir level increased only 49 feet fr~vation 2089 to elevation 2138. A further 47 feet of storage were available before reservoir spillage would have occurred. The flood volume for a May-July once in fifty year flood was determined to be 2.3 million acre feet (R&M, 1981a). This is equivalent to the storage volume con- tained between elevation 2117 and 2185, neglecting dis- charge. Since the maximum elevation at the beginning of June was always less than 2117 during the simula- tion, the 50 year flood volume can be stored without spillage if it occurs in June. Assuming the maximum June 30th water level in the simulation, if ·the flood event occurs in July, the once in fifty year flood volume can also be accommodated without exceeding El evati on 2185 if the powerhouse di scharge averages 10,000 cfs. Thus, for flows up to the once in fi fty year spri ng flood event, Watana reservoir capacity is capable of totally absorbing the flood without spillage. Only for flood events greater than the once in fifty year event and after the reservoir elevation reaches 2185.5 feet, will the powerhouse and outlet facilities will be operated to match inflow up to the full operat- ing capacity of the outlet facilities and powerhouse. If inflow continues to be greater than outflow, the reservoir will gradually rise to Elevation 2193. At that time, the main spillway gates will be opened and operated so that the out flow matches the i nfl ow. The E-2-53 , ( 1 ,( I ( ./ Station. However, during the winter, flows will be 100 percent greater than exi st i ng condi t ions. Monthly pre- and post-project flows at the Sunshine and Susitna Stations are tabulated in Tables E.2.26 through E.2.29 and summarized in E2.30 and E2.31. Mea n an nua 1 flow will remain the same at a 11 stat ions. However, flow will be redistributed from the summer months to the winter months. -Floods • Spring Floods For the 32 years si mul ated, Watana reservoi r had suf- ficient storage capacity to absorb all floods. The largest flood of record, June 7, 1964, had a peak dis- charge of 90,700 cfs at Gold Creek, corresponding to an annua.l flood recurrence interval of better than 20 years. This flood provided the largest mean monthly inflow on record at Gold Creek, 50,580 cfs and contain- ed the largest flood volume on record. However, even with this large a flooq, the simulated reservoir level increased only 49 feet fr~vation 2089 to elevation 2138. A further 47 feet of storage were available before reservoir spillage would have occurred. The flood volume for a May-July once in fifty year flood was determined to be 2.3 million acre feet (R&M, 1981a). This is equivalent to the storage volume con- tained between elevation 2117 and 2185, neglecting dis- charge. Since the maximum elevation at the beginning of June was always less than 2117 during the simula- tion, the 50 year flood volume can be stored without spillage if it occurs in June. Assuming the maximum June 30th water level in the simulation, if ·the flood event occurs in July, the once in fifty year flood volume can also be accommodated without exceeding El evati on 2185 if the powerhouse di scharge averages 10,000 cfs. Thus, for flows up to the once in fi fty year spri ng flood event, Watana reservoir capacity is capable of totally absorbing the flood without spillage. Only for flood events greater than the once in fifty year event and after the reservoir elevation reaches 2185.5 feet, will the powerhouse and outlet facilities will be operated to match inflow up to the full operat- ing capacity of the outlet facilities and powerhouse. If inflow continues to be greater than outflow, the reservoir will gradually rise to Elevation 2193. At that time, the main spillway gates will be opened and operated so that the out flow matches the i nfl ow. The E-2-53 main spillway will be able to handle floods up to the once in 10,000-year event. Peak inflow for a once in 10,000-year flood will exceed outflow capacity resulting in a slight increase in water level above 2193 feet. The discharges and water levels associated with a once in 10, OOO-year flood are shown in Fi gure Eo 2.83. If the probable maximum flood were to occur, the main s pi 11 way wi 11 be operated to match i nfl ow unt il the capacity of the spi11wc.y is exceeded.· The reservoir elevation would rise until it reached Elevation 2200. At this elevation, the erodable dike in the emergency spillway would be eroded and the emergency spillway would operate. The resulting total outflow through all the discharge structures would be 15,000 cfs less than . the probable maximum flood (PMF) of 326,000 cfs. The i nfl o.w and outflow hydrographs for the PMF are i 11 us- trated in Figure E.2.83 • • Summer Floods For floods occurri ng in August and September, it is probable that the Watan~rvoir could reach Eleva- tion 2185. Design considerations were therefore estab- lished to ensure that the powerhouse and outlet facili- ties will have sufficient capacity to pass the once in fifty year summer flood without operating the main spillway as the resultant nitrogen supersaturation coul d. be detri menta 1 to downstream fi sher i es. Our i ng the flood, the reservoir will be allowed to surcharge to Elevation 2193. An analysis of the once in fifty year summer flood was carri ed out assumi ng that the reservoi r was at 2185 feet when the flood commenced. The inflow flood hydro- graph at Watana was derived by multiplying the mean annual flood peak at Watana by the ratio of the once in two year summer flood peak at Gold Creek to mean annual flood peak at Gold Creek to obtain the once in two year summer flood peak at Watana. This value was then multiplied by the ratio of the once in fifty year summer flood to the once in two year summer flood at Gold Creek, to obtain the Watana once in fifty year summer flood peak of 64,500 cfs. The August to October dimensionless hydrograph (R&M, 1981a) was next multi- p 1 i ed by the Watana peak flood flow to obta in the in ... flow hydrograph. The i nfl ow was then routed through the reservoir to obtain the outflow hydrograph. Maxi- mum outflow is the sum of the outlet facility discharge and the powerhouse fl ows. Flows and associ ated water levels are illustrated in Figure E.2.83. E-2-54 r { l r [ [ l 1 l L l l main spillway will be able to handle floods up to the once in 10,000-year event. Peak inflow for a once in 10,000-year flood will exceed outflow capacity resulting in a slight increase in water level above 2193 feet. The discharges and water levels associated with a once in 10, OOO-year flood are shown in Fi gure Eo 2.83. If the probable maximum flood were to occur, the main s pi 11 way wi 11 be operated to match i nfl ow unt il the capacity of the spi11wc.y is exceeded.· The reservoir elevation would rise until it reached Elevation 2200. At this elevation, the erodable dike in the emergency spillway would be eroded and the emergency spillway would operate. The resulting total outflow through all the discharge structures would be 15,000 cfs less than . the probable maximum flood (PMF) of 326,000 cfs. The i nfl o.w and outflow hydrographs for the PMF are i 11 us- trated in Figure E.2.83 • • Summer Floods For floods occurri ng in August and September, it is probable that the Watan~rvoir could reach Eleva- tion 2185. Design considerations were therefore estab- lished to ensure that the powerhouse and outlet facili- ties will have sufficient capacity to pass the once in fifty year summer flood without operating the main spillway as the resultant nitrogen supersaturation coul d. be detri menta 1 to downstream fi sher i es. Our i ng the flood, the reservoir will be allowed to surcharge to Elevation 2193. An analysis of the once in fifty year summer flood was carri ed out assumi ng that the reservoi r was at 2185 feet when the flood commenced. The inflow flood hydro- graph at Watana was derived by multiplying the mean annual flood peak at Watana by the ratio of the once in two year summer flood peak at Gold Creek to mean annual flood peak at Gold Creek to obtain the once in two year summer flood peak at Watana. This value was then multiplied by the ratio of the once in fifty year summer flood to the once in two year summer flood at Gold Creek, to obtain the Watana once in fifty year summer flood peak of 64,500 cfs. The August to October dimensionless hydrograph (R&M, 1981a) was next multi- p 1 i ed by the Watana peak flood flow to obta in the in ... flow hydrograph. The i nfl ow was then routed through the reservoir to obtain the outflow hydrograph. Maxi- mum outflow is the sum of the outlet facility discharge and the powerhouse fl ows. Flows and associ ated water levels are illustrated in Figure E.2.83. E-2-54 r { l r [ [ l 1 l L l l L If summer floods of 1 esser magnitude than the fifty year event occur with the reservoir full, i nfl ow will match outflow up to the discharge capabil ity of the outlet facilities and powerhouse. August floods occurring in the 32 year energy simula- tion period did not cause the reservoir to exceed ele- vation 2190 feet. Hence, no spills occurred. The sim- ulation included the August 15, 1967 flood. This flood had an instantaneous peak of 80,200 cfs at Gold Creek and an equi va 1 ent return of once in 65 years; thus demonstrating the conservative nature of the above analysis. Downstream of Watana, flood flows at Go 1 d Creek,· wi 11 be reduced corresponding to the reduction in flood flow at Watana. Flood peaks at Sunshine and Susitna Station will also be attenuated, but to a lesser extent • • The annual and summer flood frequency curves for Watana are illustrated in Figure E.2.84. -Flow Variability Under normal hydrologic conditions, flow from the Watana development will be totally regul ated. The downstream flow will be controlled by one of the following criteria: downstream flow requirements,· minimum power demand, or reservoir level operating rule curve. There will gener- ally not be significant changes in mean daily flow from one day to the next. However, there can be significant vari ati ons in di scharge from one season to the next anq for the same month from one year to the next. Monthly and annual flow durati on curves based on the monthly average flows for pre-project and post-project operating conditions for the simulation period are illustrated in Figures E.2.85 through E.2.88 for Watana, Gold Creek, Sunshine, and Susitna Station. The flow durat i on curves show a dimi ni shed pre-and-post-project difference with distance downstream of Watana. (ii) River Morphology Impacts on river morphology during Watana operation will be similar to those occurring during reservor impoundment (Section 3.2(b)(ii), although flow levels will generally be increased for power operations. The reduction in stream- flow peaks, and the trapping of bedload and suspended sedi- ments will continue to Significantly reduce morphological changes in the river above the Susitna-Chulitna confluence. E-2-55 L If summer floods of 1 esser magnitude than the fifty year event occur with the reservoir full, i nfl ow will match outflow up to the discharge capabil ity of the outlet facilities and powerhouse. August floods occurring in the 32 year energy simula- tion period did not cause the reservoir to exceed ele- vation 2190 feet. Hence, no spills occurred. The sim- ulation included the August 15, 1967 flood. This flood had an instantaneous peak of 80,200 cfs at Gold Creek and an equi va 1 ent return of once in 65 years; thus demonstrating the conservative nature of the above analysis. Downstream of Watana, flood flows at Go 1 d Creek,· wi 11 be reduced corresponding to the reduction in flood flow at Watana. Flood peaks at Sunshine and Susitna Station will also be attenuated, but to a lesser extent • • The annual and summer flood frequency curves for Watana are illustrated in Figure E.2.84. -Flow Variability Under normal hydrologic conditions, flow from the Watana development will be totally regul ated. The downstream flow will be controlled by one of the following criteria: downstream flow requirements,· minimum power demand, or reservoir level operating rule curve. There will gener- ally not be significant changes in mean daily flow from one day to the next. However, there can be significant vari ati ons in di scharge from one season to the next anq for the same month from one year to the next. Monthly and annual flow durati on curves based on the monthly average flows for pre-project and post-project operating conditions for the simulation period are illustrated in Figures E.2.85 through E.2.88 for Watana, Gold Creek, Sunshine, and Susitna Station. The flow durat i on curves show a dimi ni shed pre-and-post-project difference with distance downstream of Watana. (ii) River Morphology Impacts on river morphology during Watana operation will be similar to those occurring during reservor impoundment (Section 3.2(b)(ii), although flow levels will generally be increased for power operations. The reduction in stream- flow peaks, and the trapping of bedload and suspended sedi- ments will continue to Significantly reduce morphological changes in the river above the Susitna-Chulitna confluence. E-2-55 -1 I The mainstem river will tend to become tighter and better defi ned. Channe 1 wi dth reduct i on by vegetat ion encroachment will continue. The effects of ice forces duri ng breakup on the ri ver morphology above the Chulitna River will be effectively eliminated. Although an ice cover could form up to Devil Canyon, the rapi d ri se in streamflows whi ch causes the initial ice movement at breakup will be eliminated due to the reservoir regu1 ati on. Instead of movi ng downri ver and formi ng ice jar(ts, the ice will thermally degrade. When it does move, it wi 11 be ina weakened state and wi 11 not cause a significant amount of damage. Occurrences of the overtoppi ng of the gravel berms at the upstream end of sloughs will be virtually eliminated. Movement of sand and gravel bars will be minimized. Debris jams and beaver dams, which previously were washed out by high flows, will remain in Iilace, with resultant ponding. Vegetation encroachment in the sloughs and side-channels will also be evident as the high flows are reduced. Impacts at the Chul itna confl uence and downstream will be similar to those occurring during reservoir impouR4meRt. (iii) Water Quality Water Temperature • Reservoir and Outlet Water Temperature Aft~r impoundment, Wjitana reservoir will exhibit the thermal characteristics of a deep glacial lake. Deep glacial lakes commonly show temperature stratification both during winter and summer (Mathews, 1956; Gilbert, 1973; Pharo and Carmack, 1979, Gustavson, 1975), although stratification is often relatively weak. Bradley Lake, Alaska, (Figure E.2.89) demonstrated a weak thermocline in late July, 1980, but was virtually isothermal by late September, and demonstrated a reverse thermocline during winter months (Corps of Engineers, unpublished data). The range and seasonal variation in temperature within the Watana reservoir and for a distance downstream will change after impoundment. Bo1ke and Waddell (1975) noted in an impoundment study that the reservoir not - only reduced thi range in temperature but also changed the timing of the high and low temperature. This will al so be the case for the Susitna Ri ver where pre-pro- ject temperatures generally range from O°C to 14°C with the lows occurri ng from October through April and the E-2-56 1 [ I l ( [ l I [ L l l -1 I The mainstem river will tend to become tighter and better defi ned. Channe 1 wi dth reduct i on by vegetat ion encroachment will continue. The effects of ice forces duri ng breakup on the ri ver morphology above the Chulitna River will be effectively eliminated. Although an ice cover could form up to Devil Canyon, the rapi d ri se in streamflows whi ch causes the initial ice movement at breakup will be eliminated due to the reservoir regu1 ati on. Instead of movi ng downri ver and formi ng ice jar(ts, the ice will thermally degrade. When it does move, it wi 11 be ina weakened state and wi 11 not cause a significant amount of damage. Occurrences of the overtoppi ng of the gravel berms at the upstream end of sloughs will be virtually eliminated. Movement of sand and gravel bars will be minimized. Debris jams and beaver dams, which previously were washed out by high flows, will remain in Iilace, with resultant ponding. Vegetation encroachment in the sloughs and side-channels will also be evident as the high flows are reduced. Impacts at the Chul itna confl uence and downstream will be similar to those occurring during reservoir impouR4meRt. (iii) Water Quality Water Temperature • Reservoir and Outlet Water Temperature Aft~r impoundment, Wjitana reservoir will exhibit the thermal characteristics of a deep glacial lake. Deep glacial lakes commonly show temperature stratification both during winter and summer (Mathews, 1956; Gilbert, 1973; Pharo and Carmack, 1979, Gustavson, 1975), although stratification is often relatively weak. Bradley Lake, Alaska, (Figure E.2.89) demonstrated a weak thermocline in late July, 1980, but was virtually isothermal by late September, and demonstrated a reverse thermocline during winter months (Corps of Engineers, unpublished data). The range and seasonal variation in temperature within the Watana reservoir and for a distance downstream will change after impoundment. Bo1ke and Waddell (1975) noted in an impoundment study that the reservoir not - only reduced thi range in temperature but also changed the timing of the high and low temperature. This will al so be the case for the Susitna Ri ver where pre-pro- ject temperatures generally range from O°C to 14°C with the lows occurri ng from October through April and the E-2-56 1 [ I l ( [ l I [ L l l I \ ' highs in July or August. However, to minimize the preproject to post-project temperature differences downstream, Watana wi 11 be operated to take advantage of the temperature stratification within the reservoir. DUring summer, warmer reservoir water will be withdrawn from the surface through a multi port intake structure (Figure E.2.90). The intake nearest the surface generally will be used. In this way warmer waters will be passed downstream. When water is rel eased from the epil i mni on of a deep reservoir, there is likely to be a warming effect on the stream below the dam (Turkheim, 1975; Baxter and . Glaude, 1980). However, given the hydrological and meteorological conditions at Watana, this may not occur. • To provide quantitative predictions of the reservoir temperature behavior and outlet temperatures, reservoir thermal studies were undertaken in 1981 and 1982. To date, detailed studies have been completed for only the open water period. A one dimensional computer model, DYRESM, was used to determine the thermal regime of the Watana reservoir and the outlet temperatures. Temperature profiles were simulated for the June through October time period using 1981 field data. Monthly reservoir temperature profi 1 es and the mean daily inflow and outlet water temperatures are illustrated in Figures E.2.91 and E.2.92. The maximum .reservoir temperature simulated 'was 10.4°C and occurred in early August. This is less than the maximum recorded inflow temperature of 13°C. Although there is an initial lag in outflow temperatures in early June, it is possible to reasonably match inflow temperatures from 1 ate June to. mid-September. Thus, the summer outl et temperatures from Watana will have no impact on the downstream fishery resource. In late September the natural water temperature falls to near zero degrees. Because of the large quantity of heat stored in the reservoir, it is not possible to match these natural temperatures. The lowest outl et temperature that could be obtained is 4°C with the use of a lower level outlet. From September through November, reservoi r water tem- peratures will gradually decrease until an ice cover is developed in late November or December. During the ice cover formation process and throughout the winter, out- E-2-57 I \ ' highs in July or August. However, to minimize the preproject to post-project temperature differences downstream, Watana wi 11 be operated to take advantage of the temperature stratification within the reservoir. DUring summer, warmer reservoir water will be withdrawn from the surface through a multi port intake structure (Figure E.2.90). The intake nearest the surface generally will be used. In this way warmer waters will be passed downstream. When water is rel eased from the epil i mni on of a deep reservoir, there is likely to be a warming effect on the stream below the dam (Turkheim, 1975; Baxter and . Glaude, 1980). However, given the hydrological and meteorological conditions at Watana, this may not occur. • To provide quantitative predictions of the reservoir temperature behavior and outlet temperatures, reservoir thermal studies were undertaken in 1981 and 1982. To date, detailed studies have been completed for only the open water period. A one dimensional computer model, DYRESM, was used to determine the thermal regime of the Watana reservoir and the outlet temperatures. Temperature profiles were simulated for the June through October time period using 1981 field data. Monthly reservoir temperature profi 1 es and the mean daily inflow and outlet water temperatures are illustrated in Figures E.2.91 and E.2.92. The maximum .reservoir temperature simulated 'was 10.4°C and occurred in early August. This is less than the maximum recorded inflow temperature of 13°C. Although there is an initial lag in outflow temperatures in early June, it is possible to reasonably match inflow temperatures from 1 ate June to. mid-September. Thus, the summer outl et temperatures from Watana will have no impact on the downstream fishery resource. In late September the natural water temperature falls to near zero degrees. Because of the large quantity of heat stored in the reservoir, it is not possible to match these natural temperatures. The lowest outl et temperature that could be obtained is 4°C with the use of a lower level outlet. From September through November, reservoi r water tem- peratures will gradually decrease until an ice cover is developed in late November or December. During the ice cover formation process and throughout the winter, out- E-2-57 flow temperatures will be between O°C and 4°C but, most likely the low temperature will be lOC or greater. This range of outflow temperature (lOC to 4°C) can be obtained by selectively withdrawing water of the de- sired temperature from the appropriate port within the intake structure. Thus, when the optimum temperature, between approximately lOC and 4°C, has been determined, the reservoir wi 11 be operated to match that temperature as closely as possible. > Downstream Mainstem Water Temperatures In winter, the outflow temperature will initially de- crease as reservoir heat is exchanged with the cold atmosphere. The downstream temperatures were investi- gated with a constant 4°C outflow and also with a temperature of 4°C up to October 15 and decreasi ng linearly to 1°C by January 1. This sort of analysis brackets the expected temperature regime during Watana operation. • At the downstream end of Devil Canyon, the temperatures would be in the range of 1.5° to O°C by about the first week in January. This would place the upstream edge of O°C water somewhere between Sherman and Portage Creek by about the middle of January. This regime would conti nue through the remai nder of the wi nter until about Apri 1 when the net heat exchange agai n becomes positive. During summer, outlet water temperatures will approxi- mate existing baseline water temperatures. Downstream water temperatures wi 11 essent ia lly be unchanged from existing water temperature. For example, at Gold Creek maximum June water temperatures will approximate 13°C. Through July, temperatures will vary from lO°C to 12°C and through mid-August temperatures will remain at about 10°C. About mid-August, temperatures will begin to decrease • • Slough Water Temperatures Preliminary investigations show that ground water up- welling temperatures in sloughs reflect the long term water temperature of the Susitna Ri ver. Downstream of Devil Canyon, the long term average is not expected to change significantly. Post-project summer Sus itna Ri ver water temperatures downstream of Portage Creek will be similar to existing temperatures. Fall temperatures will be sl ightly warmer but should fall to O°C by January and wi 11 remai n at O°C unt i 1 temperatures begi n to warm. In E-2-58 r \ l [ [ [ t [ l I l flow temperatures will be between O°C and 4°C but, most likely the low temperature will be lOC or greater. This range of outflow temperature (lOC to 4°C) can be obtained by selectively withdrawing water of the de- sired temperature from the appropriate port within the intake structure. Thus, when the optimum temperature, between approximately lOC and 4°C, has been determined, the reservoir wi 11 be operated to match that temperature as closely as possible. > Downstream Mainstem Water Temperatures In winter, the outflow temperature will initially de- crease as reservoir heat is exchanged with the cold atmosphere. The downstream temperatures were investi- gated with a constant 4°C outflow and also with a temperature of 4°C up to October 15 and decreasi ng linearly to 1°C by January 1. This sort of analysis brackets the expected temperature regime during Watana operation. • At the downstream end of Devil Canyon, the temperatures would be in the range of 1.5° to O°C by about the first week in January. This would place the upstream edge of O°C water somewhere between Sherman and Portage Creek by about the middle of January. This regime would conti nue through the remai nder of the wi nter until about Apri 1 when the net heat exchange agai n becomes positive. During summer, outlet water temperatures will approxi- mate existing baseline water temperatures. Downstream water temperatures wi 11 essent ia lly be unchanged from existing water temperature. For example, at Gold Creek maximum June water temperatures will approximate 13°C. Through July, temperatures will vary from lO°C to 12°C and through mid-August temperatures will remain at about 10°C. About mid-August, temperatures will begin to decrease • • Slough Water Temperatures Preliminary investigations show that ground water up- welling temperatures in sloughs reflect the long term water temperature of the Susitna Ri ver. Downstream of Devil Canyon, the long term average is not expected to change significantly. Post-project summer Sus itna Ri ver water temperatures downstream of Portage Creek will be similar to existing temperatures. Fall temperatures will be sl ightly warmer but should fall to O°C by January and wi 11 remai n at O°C unt i 1 temperatures begi n to warm. In E-2-58 r \ l [ [ [ t [ l I l J .J L spring, however, water temperatures should remain cooler longer. This will counteract the warmer fall temperatures and result ; n the average annual water temperature remaining close to eXisting conditions in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. -Ice The delayed occurrence of DoC water in the redch below Devil Canyon will tend to delay the formation of an ice cover significantly. Since 75-80% of the ice supply be- low Talkeetna is currently from the Susitna River, the formation of the cover will be delayed until about December and ice front progress i on above the conf1 uence starting in late December or early January. Depending on the water temperatures upstream, the ice cover wi 11 pro- gress to a point between Sherman and Portage Creek. Staging will range from about 4 ft at Talkeetna to about 3 ft at Sherman. The more likely occurrence is an ice cover to Portage Creek. Duri ng breakup, the cover wi 11 tend to thermally erode from both downstream and upstream. The downstream ero- sion will be similar to existing conditions while the upstream wi 11 be due to the warm water supp 1 i ed by the reservoir as well as the positive net atmospheric heat exchange. Due to the lower flows, the breakup of the ice cover will be less severe than the baseline case. -Suspended Sediments As the sediment 1 aden Susitna Ri ver enters the Watana reservoir, the river velocity will decrease and the larger diameter suspended sediments will settle out to form a del ta at the upstream end of the reservoir·. The delta formation will be constantly adjusting to the changing reservoir water level. Sediment will pass through channels in the delta to be deposited over the lip of the delta. Depending on the relative densities of the reservoir water and the river water, trre river water containing the finer unsettled suspended sediments will either enter the lake as overflow (surface current), interf1ow, or underflow (turbidity current). Trap efficiency estimates using generalized trap effi- ciency envelope curves developed by Brune (1953) indicate 90-100 percent of the incoming sediment would be trapped in ·a reservoir the size of Watana Reservoir. However, sedimentation studies at glacial lakes indicate that the Brune curve may not be appropri ate for Watana. These studies have shown that the fine glacial sediment may pass through the reservoir. Indeed, glacial lakes i mmedi ate1y below gl aci ers have been reported to have E-2-59 J .J L spring, however, water temperatures should remain cooler longer. This will counteract the warmer fall temperatures and result ; n the average annual water temperature remaining close to eXisting conditions in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach. -Ice The delayed occurrence of DoC water in the redch below Devil Canyon will tend to delay the formation of an ice cover significantly. Since 75-80% of the ice supply be- low Talkeetna is currently from the Susitna River, the formation of the cover will be delayed until about December and ice front progress i on above the conf1 uence starting in late December or early January. Depending on the water temperatures upstream, the ice cover wi 11 pro- gress to a point between Sherman and Portage Creek. Staging will range from about 4 ft at Talkeetna to about 3 ft at Sherman. The more likely occurrence is an ice cover to Portage Creek. Duri ng breakup, the cover wi 11 tend to thermally erode from both downstream and upstream. The downstream ero- sion will be similar to existing conditions while the upstream wi 11 be due to the warm water supp 1 i ed by the reservoir as well as the positive net atmospheric heat exchange. Due to the lower flows, the breakup of the ice cover will be less severe than the baseline case. -Suspended Sediments As the sediment 1 aden Susitna Ri ver enters the Watana reservoir, the river velocity will decrease and the larger diameter suspended sediments will settle out to form a del ta at the upstream end of the reservoir·. The delta formation will be constantly adjusting to the changing reservoir water level. Sediment will pass through channels in the delta to be deposited over the lip of the delta. Depending on the relative densities of the reservoir water and the river water, trre river water containing the finer unsettled suspended sediments will either enter the lake as overflow (surface current), interf1ow, or underflow (turbidity current). Trap efficiency estimates using generalized trap effi- ciency envelope curves developed by Brune (1953) indicate 90-100 percent of the incoming sediment would be trapped in ·a reservoir the size of Watana Reservoir. However, sedimentation studies at glacial lakes indicate that the Brune curve may not be appropri ate for Watana. These studies have shown that the fine glacial sediment may pass through the reservoir. Indeed, glacial lakes i mmedi ate1y below gl aci ers have been reported to have E-2-59 -I trap efficiencies of 70-75 percent. British Columbia, a deep glacial lake River, retains an estimated 66 percent sediment (Pharo and Carmack, 1979). Kamloops Lake, on the Thompson of the i ncomi ng Particle diameters of 3-4 microns have been estimated to be the approximate maximum size of the sediment particles that will pass through the Watana reservoir (Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, 1982). By examining the particle size distribution curve (Figure E2.36), it is estimated that about 80 percent of the i ncomi ng sediment wi 11 be trapped. For an engineering estimate of the time it would take to fill the reservoir with sediment, a conservative assump- tion of a 100 percent trap efficiency can be made. This results in 472,500 ac-ft. of sediment being deposited after 100 years (R&M, 1982d) and is equi val ent to 5 percent of total reservoir volume and 12.6 percent of the live storage. Thus, sediment deposition will not affect the operation of Watana reservoir. In the Watana reservoir, it is expected that wind mlxlng will be significant in retaining particles less than 12 mi crons in sus pens ion in the upper 50-foot water 1 ayer (Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, 1982). Re-entrainment of sediment from the shall ow depths along the reservoir boundary during high winds will result in short-term high turbidity 1 eve1 s. Thi s wi 11 be part i cu1 arly important duri ng the summer refi 11 i n.g process when water 1 eve1 s will rise, resubmerging sediment deposited along the shoreline during the previous winter drawdown period. Slumping will occur for a number of years until the valley walls attain stability. This process will cause locally increased suspended sediment and turbidity levels. Sediment suspended during this process are expected to be si lts and c1 ays. Because of their small size these particles may stay in suspension for a long period of time. Nonetheless, during summer, the levels of suspended sediments and turbidity should remain on the order of five times less than during pre-project riverine conditions. If slumping occurs during winter, increases in suspended sediment concentrations over natural condi- tions will occur. Since cold ambient air temperatures during the winter will freeze the valley walls, the num- ber of slides will be reduced and impacts should be minor. Suspended sediment concentrations downstream will be similar to that discussed in Section 3.2(b), (iv) except that maximum particle sizes leaving the reservoir will be 3-4 microns. E-2-60 l r r r r l [ I [ r l l. -I trap efficiencies of 70-75 percent. British Columbia, a deep glacial lake River, retains an estimated 66 percent sediment (Pharo and Carmack, 1979). Kamloops Lake, on the Thompson of the i ncomi ng Particle diameters of 3-4 microns have been estimated to be the approximate maximum size of the sediment particles that will pass through the Watana reservoir (Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, 1982). By examining the particle size distribution curve (Figure E2.36), it is estimated that about 80 percent of the i ncomi ng sediment wi 11 be trapped. For an engineering estimate of the time it would take to fill the reservoir with sediment, a conservative assump- tion of a 100 percent trap efficiency can be made. This results in 472,500 ac-ft. of sediment being deposited after 100 years (R&M, 1982d) and is equi val ent to 5 percent of total reservoir volume and 12.6 percent of the live storage. Thus, sediment deposition will not affect the operation of Watana reservoir. In the Watana reservoir, it is expected that wind mlxlng will be significant in retaining particles less than 12 mi crons in sus pens ion in the upper 50-foot water 1 ayer (Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, 1982). Re-entrainment of sediment from the shall ow depths along the reservoir boundary during high winds will result in short-term high turbidity 1 eve1 s. Thi s wi 11 be part i cu1 arly important duri ng the summer refi 11 i n.g process when water 1 eve1 s will rise, resubmerging sediment deposited along the shoreline during the previous winter drawdown period. Slumping will occur for a number of years until the valley walls attain stability. This process will cause locally increased suspended sediment and turbidity levels. Sediment suspended during this process are expected to be si lts and c1 ays. Because of their small size these particles may stay in suspension for a long period of time. Nonetheless, during summer, the levels of suspended sediments and turbidity should remain on the order of five times less than during pre-project riverine conditions. If slumping occurs during winter, increases in suspended sediment concentrations over natural condi- tions will occur. Since cold ambient air temperatures during the winter will freeze the valley walls, the num- ber of slides will be reduced and impacts should be minor. Suspended sediment concentrations downstream will be similar to that discussed in Section 3.2(b), (iv) except that maximum particle sizes leaving the reservoir will be 3-4 microns. E-2-60 l r r r r l [ I [ r l l. ,l , I . i I J 1 I 1 -Turbi dity Turbidity patterns may have an impact on fisheries, both in the reservoir and downstream. Turbi dity in the top 100 feet of the reservoir is of primary interest. The turbidity pattern is a function of the thermal structure, wind"mixing and reentrainment along the reservoir boun- daries. Turbidity patterns observed within Ek1utna Lake, a lake 30 miles north of Anchorage, may provide the best "available physical model of turbidity within Watana Reservoir. Although it is only one tenth the size of the W"atana Reservoir, its morphometri c characteri st ics are simi"lar to Watana. It is 7 miles long, 200 feet deep, has a surface area of 3,420 acres, and has a total stor- age of about 414,000 ac-ft. Bulk annual residence time is 1.77 years, compared to Watana's 1.65 years. It also has 5.2" percent of its basin covered by glaCiers, com- pared to 5.9 percent of Watana' s drai nage area. Conse- quently, it is believed that turbidity patterns in the two bodies of water will be somewhat similar. Data collected at Ek1utna from March through October 1982 demonstrates the expected pattern at Watana. In March, turbi dity beneath the ice cover was uniformly 1 ess than -10 NTU in the lower end of the lake near the intake to the" Ek1utna hydroelectric plant. Shortly after the lee melted in late May, but before significant glacial melt had commenced, turbidity remained at 7-10 NTU throughout the water column. By mid-June, the turbidity had risen to 14-21 NTU, but no distinct turbidity plume was evi- dent. It is believed the lake had recently completed its spring overturn, as a warming trend was evident only in the upper 3 meters. By early July a slight increase in turbi dity was noted at the 1 ake bottom near the ri ver inlet. Distinct turbidity plumes were evident as inter- flows in the upstream end of the lake from late July through mid-September. Turbidity levels had significant- ly decreased by the time the plume had traveled 5 miles down the lake, as sediment was deposited in the lake. In late September, a turbid layer was noted on the bottom of the lake as river water entered as underflow. By mid- October, the lake was in its fall overturn period, with near-uniform temperatures and turbidity at about 7°C and 30-35 NTU, respectively. In Kam100ps Lake, B.C., thermal stratification of the lake tended to "short-circuit" the river plumes especial- ly during periods of high flow (St. John et at.~ 1976). The turbi d pl ume was confi ned to the surface 1 ayers, resulting in a relatively short residence time of the river water during summer. St. John et ale (1976) noted that high turbidity values extended almost the entire E-2-61 ,l , I . i I J 1 I 1 -Turbi dity Turbidity patterns may have an impact on fisheries, both in the reservoir and downstream. Turbi dity in the top 100 feet of the reservoir is of primary interest. The turbidity pattern is a function of the thermal structure, wind"mixing and reentrainment along the reservoir boun- daries. Turbidity patterns observed within Ek1utna Lake, a lake 30 miles north of Anchorage, may provide the best "available physical model of turbidity within Watana Reservoir. Although it is only one tenth the size of the W"atana Reservoir, its morphometri c characteri st ics are simi"lar to Watana. It is 7 miles long, 200 feet deep, has a surface area of 3,420 acres, and has a total stor- age of about 414,000 ac-ft. Bulk annual residence time is 1.77 years, compared to Watana's 1.65 years. It also has 5.2" percent of its basin covered by glaCiers, com- pared to 5.9 percent of Watana' s drai nage area. Conse- quently, it is believed that turbidity patterns in the two bodies of water will be somewhat similar. Data collected at Ek1utna from March through October 1982 demonstrates the expected pattern at Watana. In March, turbi dity beneath the ice cover was uniformly 1 ess than -10 NTU in the lower end of the lake near the intake to the" Ek1utna hydroelectric plant. Shortly after the lee melted in late May, but before significant glacial melt had commenced, turbidity remained at 7-10 NTU throughout the water column. By mid-June, the turbidity had risen to 14-21 NTU, but no distinct turbidity plume was evi- dent. It is believed the lake had recently completed its spring overturn, as a warming trend was evident only in the upper 3 meters. By early July a slight increase in turbi dity was noted at the 1 ake bottom near the ri ver inlet. Distinct turbidity plumes were evident as inter- flows in the upstream end of the lake from late July through mid-September. Turbidity levels had significant- ly decreased by the time the plume had traveled 5 miles down the lake, as sediment was deposited in the lake. In late September, a turbid layer was noted on the bottom of the lake as river water entered as underflow. By mid- October, the lake was in its fall overturn period, with near-uniform temperatures and turbidity at about 7°C and 30-35 NTU, respectively. In Kam100ps Lake, B.C., thermal stratification of the lake tended to "short-circuit" the river plumes especial- ly during periods of high flow (St. John et at.~ 1976). The turbi d pl ume was confi ned to the surface 1 ayers, resulting in a relatively short residence time of the river water during summer. St. John et ale (1976) noted that high turbidity values extended almost the entire E-2-61 I )' length of Kamloops Lake during the summer, suggesting that the effects of dilution and particle settling were minimal due to the thermocline at 10°_6°C effectively separating the high turbidity waters in the upper layers of the lake from highly transparent hypolimmion waters. This was not apparent in the Eklutna Lake data. Plumes were evi dent up to 5 mi 1 es down the 1 ake, but they were below the thermocline. In addition, particle settling and dilution were evident, as turbidity continually dec~eased down the length of the lake. The relatively cool, cloudy climate in southcentral Alc:iska would tend to prevent a sharp thermocline from devel opi ng, so that _ the processes evident in Kamloops Lake would not be expected in Eklutna Lake, nor will they be expected in the Watana reservoir. . -Total Dissolved Solids, Conductivity, Alkalinity, Significant Ions and Metals The leaching process, as previously identified in Section 3.2.(a)(ii), is expected to result in increased levels of the above parameters within the reservoir immediately after impoundment. The magnitude of these changes cannot -be quantified, but should not be significant (Peterson, 1982). Furthermore, Baxter and Glaude (1980) have found such effects are temporary and diminish with time. The effects wi 11 dimi ni sh for two reasons: First, the most soluable elements will dissolve into the water rather quickly and the rate of leachate production will decrease with time. Second, much of the inorganic sedi- ment carri ed by the Susitna Ri ver wi 11 settl e in the Watana Reservoir. The formation of an inorganic sediment blanket on the reservoir bed will retard leaching (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). The effects of the 1 eachi ng process shoul d not be re- flected in the river below the dam since the leachate is expected to be confined to a small layer of water immedi- ately adjacent to the reservoir floor and the intake structures will be near the surface. Due to the large surface area of the proposed impound- ment, evaporati on will be substant i ally increased over existing conditions. The annual average evaporation rate for May through September at Watana is estimated at 10.0 inches or 0.3 percent of the reservoir volume (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). During evaporation, slightly higher concentrations of dissolved sUbstances have been found at the surface of impoundments (Love, 1961; Symons, 1969). Neglecting precipitation which would negate the effects E-2-62 I r [ f [ f [ [ [ l L I )' length of Kamloops Lake during the summer, suggesting that the effects of dilution and particle settling were minimal due to the thermocline at 10°_6°C effectively separating the high turbidity waters in the upper layers of the lake from highly transparent hypolimmion waters. This was not apparent in the Eklutna Lake data. Plumes were evi dent up to 5 mi 1 es down the 1 ake, but they were below the thermocline. In addition, particle settling and dilution were evident, as turbidity continually dec~eased down the length of the lake. The relatively cool, cloudy climate in southcentral Alc:iska would tend to prevent a sharp thermocline from devel opi ng, so that _ the processes evident in Kamloops Lake would not be expected in Eklutna Lake, nor will they be expected in the Watana reservoir. . -Total Dissolved Solids, Conductivity, Alkalinity, Significant Ions and Metals The leaching process, as previously identified in Section 3.2.(a)(ii), is expected to result in increased levels of the above parameters within the reservoir immediately after impoundment. The magnitude of these changes cannot -be quantified, but should not be significant (Peterson, 1982). Furthermore, Baxter and Glaude (1980) have found such effects are temporary and diminish with time. The effects wi 11 dimi ni sh for two reasons: First, the most soluable elements will dissolve into the water rather quickly and the rate of leachate production will decrease with time. Second, much of the inorganic sedi- ment carri ed by the Susitna Ri ver wi 11 settl e in the Watana Reservoir. The formation of an inorganic sediment blanket on the reservoir bed will retard leaching (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). The effects of the 1 eachi ng process shoul d not be re- flected in the river below the dam since the leachate is expected to be confined to a small layer of water immedi- ately adjacent to the reservoir floor and the intake structures will be near the surface. Due to the large surface area of the proposed impound- ment, evaporati on will be substant i ally increased over existing conditions. The annual average evaporation rate for May through September at Watana is estimated at 10.0 inches or 0.3 percent of the reservoir volume (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). During evaporation, slightly higher concentrations of dissolved sUbstances have been found at the surface of impoundments (Love, 1961; Symons, 1969). Neglecting precipitation which would negate the effects E-2-62 I r [ f [ f [ [ [ l L I.J 'i:.-. -1 1 J l I r Iii \ . I i \... f J L. I I l!..... I I \ I I l I I I l L.. of evaporation, the potential increase of less than one percent is not considered significant (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). Dissolved solid concentrations are expected to increase near the surface of the impoundment during ~inter. Mortimer (1941,1942) noted that the formation of ice at the reservoir surface forces dissolved solids out of the freezi ng water, ther'eby i ncreas i ng concentrations of these solids at the top 9f the reservoir. No significant impacts should result either in the reservoir or down- stream of the dam. . Precipitation of metals such as iron, manganese and other trace elements have been noticed in reservoirs resulting in reduced concentrations of these elements (Neal, 1967). Oligotrophic reservoirs with high pH and high dissolved salt concentrations generally precipitate more metal than reservoirs with low pH and low dissolved salt concentra- tions. This is attributed to the dissolved salts react- ing with the metal ions and subsequently settling out (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). Average Susitna River conductivity values for Vee Canyon and Gold Creek during winter are 70 and 125 umhos/cm at 25°C, respectively. For summer they are'somewhat lower,· 45 umhos/cm at 25°C for both stations. Values for pH range between 7.3 and 7.6 for the two stations. Although neither of the para- meters were high, some precipitation of metals is· ex- pected to reduce the quantities suspended in the reservoir. -Dissolved Oxygen Susitna River inflow will continue to have both high dis~ solved oxygen concentrations and high percentage satura- t ions. The oxygen demand enteri ng the reservoir shaul d cont i nue to remain low. No man-made sources of oxygen demandi ng effl uent exist upstream of ·the impoundment. Chemi cal oxygen demand (COD) measurements at Vee Canyon during 1980 and 1981 were quite low, averaging 16 mg/l. No biochemical oxygen demand values were recorded. Wastewater from the permanent town will not contribute an oxygen demand of any si gni fi cance to the reservoir. All wastewater wi 11 be treated to avoid effl uent related problems. The trees within the inundated area will have been cleared, removing the potential BOD they would have -created. The layer of organic matter at the reservoir bottom will still remain and could create some short term localized oxygen depletion. However, the process of decomposition should be very slow due to the cold temperatures. E-2-63 I.J 'i:.-. -1 1 J l I r Iii \ . I i \... f J L. I I l!..... I I \ I I l I I I l L.. of evaporation, the potential increase of less than one percent is not considered significant (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). Dissolved solid concentrations are expected to increase near the surface of the impoundment during ~inter. Mortimer (1941,1942) noted that the formation of ice at the reservoir surface forces dissolved solids out of the freezi ng water, ther'eby i ncreas i ng concentrations of these solids at the top 9f the reservoir. No significant impacts should result either in the reservoir or down- stream of the dam. . Precipitation of metals such as iron, manganese and other trace elements have been noticed in reservoirs resulting in reduced concentrations of these elements (Neal, 1967). Oligotrophic reservoirs with high pH and high dissolved salt concentrations generally precipitate more metal than reservoirs with low pH and low dissolved salt concentra- tions. This is attributed to the dissolved salts react- ing with the metal ions and subsequently settling out (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). Average Susitna River conductivity values for Vee Canyon and Gold Creek during winter are 70 and 125 umhos/cm at 25°C, respectively. For summer they are'somewhat lower,· 45 umhos/cm at 25°C for both stations. Values for pH range between 7.3 and 7.6 for the two stations. Although neither of the para- meters were high, some precipitation of metals is· ex- pected to reduce the quantities suspended in the reservoir. -Dissolved Oxygen Susitna River inflow will continue to have both high dis~ solved oxygen concentrations and high percentage satura- t ions. The oxygen demand enteri ng the reservoir shaul d cont i nue to remain low. No man-made sources of oxygen demandi ng effl uent exist upstream of ·the impoundment. Chemi cal oxygen demand (COD) measurements at Vee Canyon during 1980 and 1981 were quite low, averaging 16 mg/l. No biochemical oxygen demand values were recorded. Wastewater from the permanent town will not contribute an oxygen demand of any si gni fi cance to the reservoir. All wastewater wi 11 be treated to avoid effl uent related problems. The trees within the inundated area will have been cleared, removing the potential BOD they would have -created. The layer of organic matter at the reservoir bottom will still remain and could create some short term localized oxygen depletion. However, the process of decomposition should be very slow due to the cold temperatures. E-2-63 -I I I I , \ j The weak strat ifi cat i on of the reservoi r may cause the oxygen levels in the hypolimnion to diminish due to lack of oxygen replenishment. The spring turnover, with its large inflow of water, will cause mixing; however, the depth to which this mixing will occur is unknown. As a result, the hypolimnion could experience reduced oxygen 1 evel s. The upper 200 feet of the impoundment shoul d maintain high D.O. due to river inflow and continual mixing. Downstream of the da(J1, no di ssol ved oxygen changes are anticipated since water will be drawn from the upper layer of the reservoir. -Nitrogen Supersaturation As previously noted, nitrogen supersaturation can occur below high-head dams due to spillage. During project operation, specially designed fixed cone valves will be used to discharge spills up to the once in fifty year flood. -Trophic Effects (Nutrients) Reservoir trophi c status is determi ned in part by the relative amounts of carbon, silicon, nitrogen and phos- phorus present in a system, as well as the quality and quantity of light penetration. The C:Si:N:P ratio indicates which nutrient level s wi 11 1 imit al gae produc- tivity. The nutrient which is least abundant will be ·limiting. On this basis, it was concluded that phos- phorus will be the limiting nutrient in the Susitna impoundments. Vollenweider's {1976} model was considered to be the most reliable in determining phosphorus concen- trations at the Watana impoundment. However, because the validity of this model is based on phosphorus data from temperate, clear water lakes, predicting trophic status of silt-laden water bodies with reduced light conditions and high inorganic phosphorus levels may overestimate the actual trophic status. The spring phosphorus concentration in phosphorus limited lakes is considered the best estimate of a lake's trophic status. Sio-available phosphorus is the fraction of the total phosphorus pool which control s al gae growth in a parti cul ar 1 ake. The measured di sso 1 ved orthophosphate concentration at Vee Canyon was considered to be the bio- available fraction in the Susitna River. Accordingly, the average dissolved orthophosphate concentration in June was multiplied by the average annual flow to calcu- late spring phosphorus supplies. These values were in turn combi ned with phosphorus val ues from preci pi tati on E-2-64 l r r r' [ r r [ [ I [ l [ [ [ -I I I I , \ j The weak strat ifi cat i on of the reservoi r may cause the oxygen levels in the hypolimnion to diminish due to lack of oxygen replenishment. The spring turnover, with its large inflow of water, will cause mixing; however, the depth to which this mixing will occur is unknown. As a result, the hypolimnion could experience reduced oxygen 1 evel s. The upper 200 feet of the impoundment shoul d maintain high D.O. due to river inflow and continual mixing. Downstream of the da(J1, no di ssol ved oxygen changes are anticipated since water will be drawn from the upper layer of the reservoir. -Nitrogen Supersaturation As previously noted, nitrogen supersaturation can occur below high-head dams due to spillage. During project operation, specially designed fixed cone valves will be used to discharge spills up to the once in fifty year flood. -Trophic Effects (Nutrients) Reservoir trophi c status is determi ned in part by the relative amounts of carbon, silicon, nitrogen and phos- phorus present in a system, as well as the quality and quantity of light penetration. The C:Si:N:P ratio indicates which nutrient level s wi 11 1 imit al gae produc- tivity. The nutrient which is least abundant will be ·limiting. On this basis, it was concluded that phos- phorus will be the limiting nutrient in the Susitna impoundments. Vollenweider's {1976} model was considered to be the most reliable in determining phosphorus concen- trations at the Watana impoundment. However, because the validity of this model is based on phosphorus data from temperate, clear water lakes, predicting trophic status of silt-laden water bodies with reduced light conditions and high inorganic phosphorus levels may overestimate the actual trophic status. The spring phosphorus concentration in phosphorus limited lakes is considered the best estimate of a lake's trophic status. Sio-available phosphorus is the fraction of the total phosphorus pool which control s al gae growth in a parti cul ar 1 ake. The measured di sso 1 ved orthophosphate concentration at Vee Canyon was considered to be the bio- available fraction in the Susitna River. Accordingly, the average dissolved orthophosphate concentration in June was multiplied by the average annual flow to calcu- late spring phosphorus supplies. These values were in turn combi ned with phosphorus val ues from preci pi tati on E-2-64 l r r r' [ r r [ [ I [ l [ [ [ -l I I I I I \ ' I l i I I I I t ,) I. J ,I I ) , I J l, •. (i vl and divided by the surface area of the impoundment. The resultant spring phosphorus loading values at Watana were far below the minimum loading levels that would result in anything other than oligotrophic conditions. Likewise, upon incorporating spring loading values into Vollenweider's (1976). phosphorus model, the volumetric spring phosphorus concentration fell into the same range as oligotrophic lakes with similar mean depths, flushing rates, anrl phosphorus loading values (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). The aforementioned trophic status several assumptions that cannot basis of existing information. tnc1ude: predictions depend upon be quantified on the These assumpti ons • The C: 5i : N: P rat; 0 does not fl uctuate to the extent that a nutri ent other than phosphorus becomes 1 imit- i ng; • No appreciable amount of bio-availab1e phosphorus is released from the soil upon fill i ng of the reservoirs; • Phosphorus loading 1 evel sare constant. throughout the peak algal growth period; • June phosphorus concentrations measured at Vee Canyon correspond to the' time of peak algal productivity; • Phosphorus spec.i es other than di sso 1 ved orthophosphate are not converted to a bio-available form; • Fl ushi ng rates and phosphorus' sedimentat i on rates are constant; • ·Phosphorus losses occur only through sedimentati on and the outlet; and • The net loss of phosphorus to sediments is proportional to the amount of phosphorus in each reservoir. Effects on Groundwater Conditions -Mainstem As a result of the annual water level fluctuation in the res~rvoir, there will be localized changes in grouridwater in the immediate vicinity of the reservoir. Groundwater impacts downstream will be confined to the river area. E-2-65 -l I I I I I \ ' I l i I I I I t ,) I. J ,I I ) , I J l, •. (i vl and divided by the surface area of the impoundment. The resultant spring phosphorus loading values at Watana were far below the minimum loading levels that would result in anything other than oligotrophic conditions. Likewise, upon incorporating spring loading values into Vollenweider's (1976). phosphorus model, the volumetric spring phosphorus concentration fell into the same range as oligotrophic lakes with similar mean depths, flushing rates, anrl phosphorus loading values (Peterson and Nichols, 1982). The aforementioned trophic status several assumptions that cannot basis of existing information. tnc1ude: predictions depend upon be quantified on the These assumpti ons • The C: 5i : N: P rat; 0 does not fl uctuate to the extent that a nutri ent other than phosphorus becomes 1 imit- i ng; • No appreciable amount of bio-availab1e phosphorus is released from the soil upon fill i ng of the reservoirs; • Phosphorus loading 1 evel sare constant. throughout the peak algal growth period; • June phosphorus concentrations measured at Vee Canyon correspond to the' time of peak algal productivity; • Phosphorus spec.i es other than di sso 1 ved orthophosphate are not converted to a bio-available form; • Fl ushi ng rates and phosphorus' sedimentat i on rates are constant; • ·Phosphorus losses occur only through sedimentati on and the outlet; and • The net loss of phosphorus to sediments is proportional to the amount of phosphorus in each reservoir. Effects on Groundwater Conditions -Mainstem As a result of the annual water level fluctuation in the res~rvoir, there will be localized changes in grouridwater in the immediate vicinity of the reservoir. Groundwater impacts downstream will be confined to the river area. E-2-65 -1 ) -j \ I -Impacts on Sloughs During winter, in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach, some sloughs (i.e. those nearer Talkeetna) will be adja- cent to an ice covered section of the Susitna River and others will be adj acent to an ice free sect i on. In ice covered sections, the Susitna River will have staged to form the ice cover at proj ect operat i on flows of about 10,000 cfs. The associated water level will be a few feet above normal winter water levels and will cause increased upwell i ng in the sloughs because of the i n- creased gradi ent. The' berms at the head end of the sloughs may be overtopped. A number of sloughs may be. adjacent to open water sec- tions of the Susitna River. Since flows will average approximately 10,000 cfs in winter, the associated water level will be less than the existing baseline Susitna River water levels in winter because ice staging under present conditions yields a water level equivalent to an open water discharge that is greater than 20,000 cfs. Hence, it is expected that the winter gradient will be reduced and will result in a decreased upwelling rate in the sloughs. . Duirng summer, the mainstem -slough ground water inter- action will be similar to that discussed in Section 3.2 (b)(v), with the exception that operational flows will be greater than the downstream flows during filling and thus upwelling rates will be closer to the natural condition than were the upwelling rates during filling. (v) Instream Flow Uses -Fishing Resources, Riparian Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat s Impacts of project operati on on the fi shery resources, riparian vegetation and wil~life habitat are discussed in Chapter 3. Navigation and Transportation Within the reservoir area, water craft navigation will extend to November because of the delay in ice cover for- mation. During winter, the reservoir will be available for use by dogsled and snow machine. A 1 though summer flows will be reduced from natural condi- tions during project operation, navigation and transpor- tation in the Watana to Talkeetna reachwi1l not be significantly impacted. Flows will be stabilized due to E-2-66 L r r r [ r r [ t ( I [ l l l l L [ -1 ) -j \ I -Impacts on Sloughs During winter, in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach, some sloughs (i.e. those nearer Talkeetna) will be adja- cent to an ice covered section of the Susitna River and others will be adj acent to an ice free sect i on. In ice covered sections, the Susitna River will have staged to form the ice cover at proj ect operat i on flows of about 10,000 cfs. The associated water level will be a few feet above normal winter water levels and will cause increased upwell i ng in the sloughs because of the i n- creased gradi ent. The' berms at the head end of the sloughs may be overtopped. A number of sloughs may be. adjacent to open water sec- tions of the Susitna River. Since flows will average approximately 10,000 cfs in winter, the associated water level will be less than the existing baseline Susitna River water levels in winter because ice staging under present conditions yields a water level equivalent to an open water discharge that is greater than 20,000 cfs. Hence, it is expected that the winter gradient will be reduced and will result in a decreased upwelling rate in the sloughs. . Duirng summer, the mainstem -slough ground water inter- action will be similar to that discussed in Section 3.2 (b)(v), with the exception that operational flows will be greater than the downstream flows during filling and thus upwelling rates will be closer to the natural condition than were the upwelling rates during filling. (v) Instream Flow Uses -Fishing Resources, Riparian Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat s Impacts of project operati on on the fi shery resources, riparian vegetation and wil~life habitat are discussed in Chapter 3. Navigation and Transportation Within the reservoir area, water craft navigation will extend to November because of the delay in ice cover for- mation. During winter, the reservoir will be available for use by dogsled and snow machine. A 1 though summer flows will be reduced from natural condi- tions during project operation, navigation and transpor- tation in the Watana to Talkeetna reachwi1l not be significantly impacted. Flows will be stabilized due to E-2-66 L r r r [ r r [ t ( I [ l l l l L [ \ . i . [·'i' I I, I ' 'i ~ I.. i J L: I I j ) L ) I i L. a base-loaded operation. However, because of the reduced water levels, caution will be required in navigating various reaches. There will be less floating debris in this reach of the river, which will reduce the navigational hazards. During the fall and winter a significant reach of the river downstream of Watana will contain open water. This will allow for a longer boating season but will impede use of the river as a transportation corridor by· snow machine or dog sled. Downstream of Talkeetna, ice formation may be delayed and river stage during freezeup will be increased. This may impede winter transportation across the ice. -Estuarine Salinity Salinity changes in Cook Inlet due to project operations were projected through the use of a computer model (Resource Management Associates, 1982). A comparison of the sal i nity impacts of average project flows with aver- age natural ·inflow showed that under project operation, the sal i nity range decreased a maximum of two parts per thousand (ppt) near the mouth of the Susitna River. The change was most notable at the end of winter when post . project salinities were 1.5 ppt lower than existing con- ditions. At the end of September post project salinities were about 0.5 ppt higher than natural salinities because of the reduced summer freshwater inflow. Although there will be seasonal differences in salinity, the post pro- ject salinity changes should not have a significant impact. \ . i . [·'i' I I, I ' 'i ~ I.. i J L: I I j ) L ) I i L. a base-loaded operation. However, because of the reduced water levels, caution will be required in navigating various reaches. There will be less floating debris in this reach of the river, which will reduce the navigational hazards. During the fall and winter a significant reach of the river downstream of Watana will contain open water. This will allow for a longer boating season but will impede use of the river as a transportation corridor by· snow machine or dog sled. Downstream of Talkeetna, ice formation may be delayed and river stage during freezeup will be increased. This may impede winter transportation across the ice. -Estuarine Salinity Salinity changes in Cook Inlet due to project operations were projected through the use of a computer model (Resource Management Associates, 1982). A comparison of the sal i nity impacts of average project flows with aver- age natural ·inflow showed that under project operation, the sal i nity range decreased a maximum of two parts per thousand (ppt) near the mouth of the Susitna River. The change was most notable at the end of winter when post . project salinities were 1.5 ppt lower than existing con- ditions. At the end of September post project salinities were about 0.5 ppt higher than natural salinities because of the reduced summer freshwater inflow. Although there will be seasonal differences in salinity, the post pro- ject salinity changes should not have a significant impact. 3.3 -Devil Canyon Development (a) Watana Operation/Devil Canyon Construction Construction of the Devil Canyon site is scheduled to begin in 1995. When comp leted, the Devi 1 Canyon development wi 11 consi st of a 646 foot high, concrete arch dam, outlet facilities capable of passing 38,500 cfs, a flipbucket spi llway with a capacity of 125,000 cfs, an emergency spillway with a capacity of 160,000 cfs, and a 600 MW capacity powerhouse. Further i nformat i on on the physi ca 1 features of, the Devil Canyon development can b~ found in Section 7 of Exhibit A. The Devil Canyon diversion is designed for the 25 year recurrence interval flood. This is because of the degree of regulation provided by Watana. Any di fferences in the quant ity and quality of the water from existing baseline conditons during the Devil Canyon construction will be primarily due to the presence and operation of ,the Watana facility. Therefore, the impacts described in Section 3.2(c) will, in most cases, be referred to when discussing the impacts of Devil Canyon construction. (1) , Flows Operation of Watana will be unchanged during the construc- tion of Devil Canyon. Hence, flows will be as discussed in Section 3.2(c). Mean monthly flows for Watana, Gold Creek, Sunshine, and Susitna Station are illustrated in Tables E.2.21, E.2.24, E.2.27, and E.2.29. Monthly flow duration curves are shown in FiguresE.2.85 through E.2.88. During construction of the diversion tunnel, the flow in the mai nstem wi 11 be' unaffected. Upon comp let i on of the diversion tunnels in 1996, the upstream cofferdam wi 11 be closed and flow diverted through t,he diversion tunnel with- out any interruption in flow. This action will dewater approximately 1,100 feet of the Susitna River between the upstream and downstream cofferdams. Because 1 itt le ice wi 11 be generated through the Watana Dev i 1 Canyon reach, pond i ng duri ng wi nter wi 11 be unneces- saryat Devil Canyon. Velocites through the 30 foot diameter tunnel at flows of 10,000 cfs will be 14 feet per second. The diversion tunnel is designed to pass flood flows up to the once in 25 year summer flood, routed through Watana. The flood frequency curve for Devil Canyon is illustrated in Figure E.2.93. Initially, there is little change in discharge with frequency. This is due to the fact that the E-2-68 [ [ r r r l r r [ l [ I [ [ [ [ l L L 3.3 -Devil Canyon Development (a) Watana Operation/Devil Canyon Construction Construction of the Devil Canyon site is scheduled to begin in 1995. When comp leted, the Devi 1 Canyon development wi 11 consi st of a 646 foot high, concrete arch dam, outlet facilities capable of passing 38,500 cfs, a flipbucket spi llway with a capacity of 125,000 cfs, an emergency spillway with a capacity of 160,000 cfs, and a 600 MW capacity powerhouse. Further i nformat i on on the physi ca 1 features of, the Devil Canyon development can b~ found in Section 7 of Exhibit A. The Devil Canyon diversion is designed for the 25 year recurrence interval flood. This is because of the degree of regulation provided by Watana. Any di fferences in the quant ity and quality of the water from existing baseline conditons during the Devil Canyon construction will be primarily due to the presence and operation of ,the Watana facility. Therefore, the impacts described in Section 3.2(c) will, in most cases, be referred to when discussing the impacts of Devil Canyon construction. (1) , Flows Operation of Watana will be unchanged during the construc- tion of Devil Canyon. Hence, flows will be as discussed in Section 3.2(c). Mean monthly flows for Watana, Gold Creek, Sunshine, and Susitna Station are illustrated in Tables E.2.21, E.2.24, E.2.27, and E.2.29. Monthly flow duration curves are shown in FiguresE.2.85 through E.2.88. During construction of the diversion tunnel, the flow in the mai nstem wi 11 be' unaffected. Upon comp let i on of the diversion tunnels in 1996, the upstream cofferdam wi 11 be closed and flow diverted through t,he diversion tunnel with- out any interruption in flow. This action will dewater approximately 1,100 feet of the Susitna River between the upstream and downstream cofferdams. Because 1 itt le ice wi 11 be generated through the Watana Dev i 1 Canyon reach, pond i ng duri ng wi nter wi 11 be unneces- saryat Devil Canyon. Velocites through the 30 foot diameter tunnel at flows of 10,000 cfs will be 14 feet per second. The diversion tunnel is designed to pass flood flows up to the once in 25 year summer flood, routed through Watana. The flood frequency curve for Devil Canyon is illustrated in Figure E.2.93. Initially, there is little change in discharge with frequency. This is due to the fact that the E-2-68 [ [ r r r l r r [ l [ I [ [ [ [ l L L !' -[ J I- I C f r--- ,I _ If r ). f -: '/ ~ I~ j L I -I l, f L ! . [.:, 1.'_- 1 L ----- Watana Reservoir can absorb the one in fifty year flood, discharging a maximum of 31,000 cfs (24,000 cfs through the outlet facilities and 7,000 cfs through the powerhouse [assuming minimum energy demand]). (ii) Water Quality -Water Temperatures There will be no detectable difference in water tempera- tures at Devi I Canyon or points downstream from those discussed in Section 3.2(c)(iii) Watana Operation. -Ice Ice processes will be unchanged from those discussed in Section 3.2(c)(iii) Watana Operation except that in the event water temperatures are lowered to O°C upstream of Devil Canyon, any frazil ice produced will be passed through the diversion tunnel. -Suspended Sediment/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination Consfruction of ,the Devil Canyon facility will have im- p acts s 1mi I ar to' those expected dur i ng the Wat an a con- struction. Increases in suspended sediments and turbid- ity are expected duri ng tunne 1 excavat i on, placement of the cofferdams, blasting, excavation of gravel from bor- row areas, gravel washing, and clearing of vegetation from the reservoir. Any impacts that occur during summer will be minimal compared to pre-Watana baseline condi- tions. However, stringent construction practices will have to be imposed during the construction of Devi 1 Canyon to prohibit suspended sediments from entering the river and negating the improved water quality, relative to suspended sed1ments, that wi II result when Watana becomes operational. During winter, slightly increased suspended sediment concentrations can be expected since particles less than 3-4 microns in diameter wi 11 probably pass through the reservoir. No impoundment of water wi 11 occur duri ng the placement and existence of the cofferdam. As a result, no settling of sediments will occur. Slightly decreased vertical illumination will occur with any increase in turbidity. -Metals Similar to Watana construction, disturbances to soi Is and rock or shore lines and ri verbeds wi I I increase di sso I ved and suspended materials to the river. Although this may E-2-69 !' -[ J I- I C f r--- ,I _ If r ). f -: '/ ~ I~ j L I - I l, f L ! . [.:, 1.'_- 1 L ----- Watana Reservoir can absorb the one in fifty year flood, discharging a maximum of 31,000 cfs (24,000 cfs through the outlet facilities and 7,000 cfs through the powerhouse [assuming minimum energy demand]). (ii) Water Quality -Water Temperatures There will be no detectable difference in water tempera- tures at Devi I Canyon or points downstream from those discussed in Section 3.2(c)(iii) Watana Operation. -Ice Ice processes will be unchanged from those discussed in Section 3.2(c)(iii) Watana Operation except that in the event water temperatures are lowered to O°C upstream of Devil Canyon, any frazil ice produced will be passed through the diversion tunnel. -Suspended Sediment/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination Consfruction of ,the Devil Canyon facility will have im- p acts s 1mi I ar to' those expected dur i ng the Wat an a con- struction. Increases in suspended sediments and turbid- ity are expected duri ng tunne 1 excavat i on, placement of the cofferdams, blasting, excavation of gravel from bor- row areas, gravel washing, and clearing of vegetation from the reservoir. Any impacts that occur during summer will be minimal compared to pre-Watana baseline condi- tions. However, stringent construction practices will have to be imposed during the construction of Devi 1 Canyon to prohibit suspended sediments from entering the river and negating the improved water quality, relative to suspended sed1ments, that wi II result when Watana becomes operational. During winter, slightly increased suspended sediment concentrations can be expected since particles less than 3-4 microns in diameter wi 11 probably pass through the reservoir. No impoundment of water wi 11 occur duri ng the placement and existence of the cofferdam. As a result, no settling of sediments will occur. Slightly decreased vertical illumination will occur with any increase in turbidity. -Metals Similar to Watana construction, disturbances to soi Is and rock or shore lines and ri verbeds wi I I increase di sso I ved and suspended materials to the river. Although this may E-2-69 , I ) .I I ! ( ! I result in elevated metal levels within the construction area and downstream, the water qual i ty shoul d not be significantly impaired since substantial concentrations of many metals already exist in the river (Section 2.3(a)). -Petroleum Contamination Construction activities at Devil Canyon will increase the potential for contamination of the Susitna River by petroleum products. However, as per the Watana construc- tion, precautions will be taken to ensure this does not happen (Section 3.2(a)ii). -Concrete Contamination The potential for concrete contamination of the Susitna River during the construction of the Devi 1 Canyon Dam wi 11 be greater than duri ng Watana construct i on because of the 1 arge volume of concrete requi red. It is est i- mated that 1. 3 mi 11 ion cubi c yards of concrete wi 11 be used in the construct i on of the dam. The wastewater associ ated with the batching of the concrete could, if directly discharged into the river, seriously degrade downstream water ·quality with subsequent fish mortality. To prevent th is, the wastewater wi 11 be neutral i zed and settling ponds will be employed to allow settlement of concrete contami nants pri or to the di scharge of waste- water to the river. Other Parameters No additional ground water quality impacts are expected from those di scussed for. the proposed operat ion of the Watana faci 1 ity. (iii) Ground Water There wi 11 be no ground water impacts from Devil Canyon construction other than in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. (iv) Impact on Lakes and Streams in Impoundment The perched lake adjacent to the Devil Canyon damsite will be impacted by construction of the saddle dam across the low area on the south bank between the emergency spillway and the main dam. The lake is just west of the downstream toe of the saddle dam and wi 11 be drained and parti ally filled during construcion of the saddle dam. (v) Instream Flow Uses The diversion tunnel and· cofferdams will block upstream fish movement at the Devil Canyon construction site. E-2-70 / L I ! [ I r r [ I L l L , I ) .I I ! ( ! I result in elevated metal levels within the construction area and downstream, the water qual i ty shoul d not be significantly impaired since substantial concentrations of many metals already exist in the river (Section 2.3(a)). -Petroleum Contamination Construction activities at Devil Canyon will increase the potential for contamination of the Susitna River by petroleum products. However, as per the Watana construc- tion, precautions will be taken to ensure this does not happen (Section 3.2(a)ii). -Concrete Contamination The potential for concrete contamination of the Susitna River during the construction of the Devi 1 Canyon Dam wi 11 be greater than duri ng Watana construct i on because of the 1 arge volume of concrete requi red. It is est i- mated that 1. 3 mi 11 ion cubi c yards of concrete wi 11 be used in the construct i on of the dam. The wastewater associ ated with the batching of the concrete could, if directly discharged into the river, seriously degrade downstream water ·quality with subsequent fish mortality. To prevent th is, the wastewater wi 11 be neutral i zed and settling ponds will be employed to allow settlement of concrete contami nants pri or to the di scharge of waste- water to the river. Other Parameters No additional ground water quality impacts are expected from those di scussed for. the proposed operat ion of the Watana faci 1 ity. (iii) Ground Water There wi 11 be no ground water impacts from Devil Canyon construction other than in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. (iv) Impact on Lakes and Streams in Impoundment The perched lake adjacent to the Devil Canyon damsite will be impacted by construction of the saddle dam across the low area on the south bank between the emergency spillway and the main dam. The lake is just west of the downstream toe of the saddle dam and wi 11 be drained and parti ally filled during construcion of the saddle dam. (v) Instream Flow Uses The diversion tunnel and· cofferdams will block upstream fish movement at the Devil Canyon construction site. E-2-70 / L I ! [ I r r [ I L l L I , ,.;-:;:. I , l I --I I , I I ( I. . r (' I I [' However, the Devi 1 Canyon and Devi 1 Creek rapids, them- selves act as natural barriers to most upstream fish move- ment. Navigational impacts wi 11 be the same as during Watana operation, except that the whitewater rapids at Devil Canyon will be inaccessible because of construction activi- ties. (vi) Facilities The construct i on of the Devi 1 Canyon power project wi 11 re-quire the construction,operation and maintenance of sup- port facilities capable of providing the basic needs for a maximum population of 1,900 people· (Acres 1982). The facilities, including roads, buildings, utilities, stores, recreation facilities, etc., will be essentially completed during the first three years (1993-1995) of the proposed nine-year construction period. The Devil Canyon con- struction camp and village will be built using components from the Watana camp. The camp and village will be located approximately 2.5 mi les southwest of the Devi 1 Canyon dam- site. The location and layout of the, camp and village facilities are presented in Plates 70, 71, and-72 of Exhibit F. -Water Supply and Wastewater Treaatment The Watana water treatment and wastewater treatment plants wi 11 be reduced in si ze and· reut i 1 i zed at Devi 1 Canyon. As a result, processes identical to those employed at Watana will be used to process the domestic water supply and treat· the wastewater. The water intake has been designed to withdraw a maximum of 775,000' gallons/day to provide for the needs of the support communities, or less than 1 cfs (Acres 1982). Since the source of this supply is the Suistna River no impacts on flows will occur throughout the duration of the camps existence. The wastewater treatment facility will be sized to handle 500,000 gallons daily. The effluent from this secondary treatment facility will not affect the waste assimilative capacity of the ri ver. The eff1 uent wi 11 be di scharged approximately 1,000 feet downstream of the intake. Prior to the completion of the wastewater treatment faci- lity, all wastewater will be chemically treated and stored for future processing by the facility. E-2-71 I , ,.;-:;:. I , l I --I I , I I ( I. . r I [' However, the Devi 1 Canyon and Devi 1 Creek rapids, them- selves act as natural barriers to most upstream fish move- ment. Navigational impacts wi 11 be the same as during Watana operation, except that the whitewater rapids at Devil Canyon will be inaccessible because of construction activi- ties. (vi) Facilities The construct i on of the Devi 1 Canyon power project wi 11 re-quire the construction,operation and maintenance of sup- port facilities capable of providing the basic needs for a maximum population of 1,900 people· (Acres 1982). The facilities, including roads, buildings, utilities, stores, recreation facilities, etc., will be essentially completed during the first three years (1993-1995) of the proposed nine-year construction period. The Devil Canyon con- struction camp and village will be built using components from the Watana camp. The camp and village will be located approximately 2.5 mi les southwest of the Devi 1 Canyon dam- site. The location and layout of the, camp and village facilities are presented in Plates 70, 71, and-72 of Exhibit F. -Water Supply and Wastewater Treaatment The Watana water treatment and wastewater treatment plants wi 11 be reduced in si ze and· reut i 1 i zed at Devi 1 Canyon. As a result, processes identical to those employed at Watana will be used to process the domestic water supply and treat· the wastewater. The water intake has been designed to withdraw a maximum of 775,000' gallons/day to provide for the needs of the support communities, or less than 1 cfs (Acres 1982). Since the source of this supply is the Suistna River no impacts on flows will occur throughout the duration of the camps existence. The wastewater treatment facility will be sized to handle 500,000 gallons daily. The effluent from this secondary treatment facility will not affect the waste assimilative capacity of the ri ver. The eff1 uent wi 11 be di scharged approximately 1,000 feet downstream of the intake. Prior to the completion of the wastewater treatment faci- lity, all wastewater will be chemically treated and stored for future processing by the facility. E-2-71 The applicant will obtain all the necessary permits for the water supply and waste discharge facilities. -Construction, Operation and Maintenance Similar to Watana, the construction, operation and main- tenance of, the camp and village could cause slight increases in turbidity and suspended sediments in the local drainage basins (i .e., Cheechacko Creek and Jack Long Creek). In addition, there will be a potential for accidental spillage and leakage of petroleum contaminat- i ng groundwater and local streams and 1 akes.· Through appropriate preventative techniques, these potential impacts will be minimized. (b) Watana Operation/Devil Canyon Impoundment (i) Reservoir Filling Upon completion of the main dam to a height sufficient to allow ponding above the primary outlet facilities (eleva-· tions 930 feet and 1,050 feet), the intake gates will be partially closed to raise the upstream water level from its natural level of about 850 feet. Flow wi 11 be maintained at a minimum of 5,000 cfs at Gold Creek if this· process occurs between October and April. From May through September, the minimum environmental flows described in Section 3.2(b} will be released (See Table E.2.17). Once the level rises above the lower level discharge valves, the diversion gates will be permanently closed and flow passed through the fixed cone valves. Since the storage ~olume required befor~ operation of the cone valves can commence is less than 76,000 acre feet, the filling process will require about one to four weeks. The reservoir will not be allowed to rise above 1135 feet for approximately one year, w~ile· the diversion tunnel is being plugged with concrete. When the dam is completed, an additional storage volume of one million acre feet will be required to fill the reser- voir to its normal operating elevation of 1455 feet. Filling will be accomplished as quickly as possible (cur- rently estimated to be between 5 and 8 weeks) util izing maximum powerhouse flows at Watana. During filling of Devil Canyon Reservoir, Gold Creek flows will be maintained at or above the. minimum target flows depicted in Table E.2.17. (; i) Flows Because of the two distinct filling periods, the two-stage impoundment sequence will be several years long, even E-2-72 I r 1 ( I q r [ t r I I ~ .f '[ l The applicant will obtain all the necessary permits for the water supply and waste discharge facilities. -Construction, Operation and Maintenance Similar to Watana, the construction, operation and main- tenance of, the camp and village could cause slight increases in turbidity and suspended sediments in the local drainage basins (i .e., Cheechacko Creek and Jack Long Creek). In addition, there will be a potential for accidental spillage and leakage of petroleum contaminat- i ng groundwater and local streams and 1 akes.· Through appropriate preventative techniques, these potential impacts will be minimized. (b) Watana Operation/Devil Canyon Impoundment (i) Reservoir Filling Upon completion of the main dam to a height sufficient to allow ponding above the primary outlet facilities (eleva-· tions 930 feet and 1,050 feet), the intake gates will be partially closed to raise the upstream water level from its natural level of about 850 feet. Flow wi 11 be maintained at a minimum of 5,000 cfs at Gold Creek if this· process occurs between October and April. From May through September, the minimum environmental flows described in Section 3.2(b} will be released (See Table E.2.17). Once the level rises above the lower level discharge valves, the diversion gates will be permanently closed and flow passed through the fixed cone valves. Since the storage ~olume required befor~ operation of the cone valves can commence is less than 76,000 acre feet, the filling process will require about one to four weeks. The reservoir will not be allowed to rise above 1135 feet for approximately one year, w~ile· the diversion tunnel is being plugged with concrete. When the dam is completed, an additional storage volume of one million acre feet will be required to fill the reser- voir to its normal operating elevation of 1455 feet. Filling will be accomplished as quickly as possible (cur- rently estimated to be between 5 and 8 weeks) util izing maximum powerhouse flows at Watana. During filling of Devil Canyon Reservoir, Gold Creek flows will be maintained at or above the. minimum target flows depicted in Table E.2.17. (; i) Flows Because of the two distinct filling periods, the two-stage impoundment sequence will be several years long, even E-2-72 I r 1 ( I q r [ l r I I ~ .f '[ l ). ( i"i 1) f. I· though the actual time for filling will only be about two months long. Flows during the first stage of filling will be impacted for a short duration. Between the fi rst stage and second stage of fi 11 ing, the reservoir wi 11 not be allowed to exceed 1135 feet. Thus, the Devil Canyon reservoir will be more or less held at a constant level. Flows along the Susitna wi 11 be unchanged from those during Devi 1 Canyon construction (See Section 3.3(a)). Du~ing the second stage of filling, wherein 1,014,000 acre-feet are ~ed __ to the Devi 1 Canyon reservoi r, the Watana reservoir will---be lowered about 25 feet 1f filling occurs during either fall or winter. Although the flow into Devi 1 Canyon wi 11 be approximately twice normal power flow from Watana, the impact of increased flow wi 11 be minimal in the Devi 1 Canyon-Watana reach because the two sites are close to one another. Flow downstream of Devil Canyon will be s 1 i ght ly reduced during this filling process. However, the time period will be short and flows will be maintained at or above the mini- mum target flow at Gold Creek. Since actual filling times are short and since filling will 1 ikely occur in fall or winter, floods are 1 ikely to be important only during the time the reservoir is not allowed to increase above 1135 feet. If a flood should occur dur- ing this time, the cone valves are designed to pass the once in fifty year design flood of 38,500 cfs. Effects on Water Quality -Water Temperature The outlet water temperatures from Watana will be unchanged from those of the Watana alone scenario. Because of the rapid filling of the Devil Canyon reser- voir, there will be minimal impact on the outlet tempera- tures at Devil Canyon during both stages of filling. Between the fi 11 i ng st ages, the 1 arger surf ace are a of the reservoir will offer more opportunity for atmospheric heat exchange. However, si nce the retent i on time wi 11 on ly be in the order of. 4 days, it is expected that little change in water temperature will occur from that experienced under Watana along at the Devil Canyon outlet or downstream. E-2-73 ). ( i"i 1) f. I· though the actual time for filling will only be about two months long. Flows during the first stage of filling will be impacted for a short duration. Between the fi rst stage and second stage of fi 11 ing, the reservoir wi 11 not be allowed to exceed 1135 feet. Thus, the Devil Canyon reservoir will be more or less held at a constant level. Flows along the Susitna wi 11 be unchanged from those during Devi 1 Canyon construction (See Section 3.3(a)). Du~ing the second stage of filling, wherein 1,014,000 acre-feet are ~ed __ to the Devi 1 Canyon reservoi r, the Watana reservoir will---be lowered about 25 feet 1f filling occurs during either fall or winter. Although the flow into Devi 1 Canyon wi 11 be approximately twice normal power flow from Watana, the impact of increased flow wi 11 be minimal in the Devi 1 Canyon-Watana reach because the two sites are close to one another. Flow downstream of Devil Canyon will be s 1 i ght ly reduced during this filling process. However, the time period will be short and flows will be maintained at or above the mini- mum target flow at Gold Creek. Since actual filling times are short and since filling will 1 ikely occur in fall or winter, floods are 1 ikely to be important only during the time the reservoir is not allowed to increase above 1135 feet. If a flood should occur dur- ing this time, the cone valves are designed to pass the once in fifty year design flood of 38,500 cfs. Effects on Water Quality -Water Temperature The outlet water temperatures from Watana will be unchanged from those of the Watana alone scenario. Because of the rapid filling of the Devil Canyon reser- voir, there will be minimal impact on the outlet tempera- tures at Devil Canyon during both stages of filling. Between the fi 11 i ng st ages, the 1 arger surf ace are a of the reservoir will offer more opportunity for atmospheric heat exchange. However, si nce the retent i on time wi 11 on ly be in the order of. 4 days, it is expected that little change in water temperature will occur from that experienced under Watana along at the Devil Canyon outlet or downstream. E-2-73 ,I -Ice An extens i ve ice cover is not expected to form on the Devil Canyon reservoir during the period wherein a pool at approximate elevation 1135 is maintained. Addition- ally, since winter temperatures downstream will not be significantly affected by the pool, ice processes down- stream of Devi 1 Canyon wi 11 remain the same as during Devil Canyon construction. Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination As previou~is~ussed, the Watana reservoir will act as a sediment trap, greatly reducing the quantity of sus- pended sediment entering the Devil Canyon reservoir. During the fi 11ing of Devi 1 Canyon from approximately elevation 1135 feet to full pool, the flow will be increased to the maximum power flow from Watana. Because of the reduced residence time, this could cause a slight increase in suspended sediment concentrations leaving Watana reservoir. However, Devil Canyon will provide additional settling capability and thus, the net result in suspended sediment concentration downstream of Devil Canyon will not be different from that during operation of Watana alone. Turbidity levels and vertical illumination will remain unchanged from Watana only operation. Some short-term increases in suspended sediment concen- tration and turbidity may occur within the Devil Canyon impoundment from slump i ng of vall ey wa 11 s • However, since the Devil Canyon impoundment area is characterized by a very shallow overburden 1 ayer with numerous out- croppings of bedrock, slope instability should not signi- ficantly affect turbidity a~d suspended sediment concen- tration. A further discussion of slope stability can be found in Appendix K of the Susltna Hydroelectric Project Geotechnical Report (Acres 1981). -Total Dissolved Solids, Conductivity, Alkalinity, Significant Ions and Metals Similar to the process occurring during Watana filling, increases in dissolved soilds, conductivity and most of the major ions will likely result from leaching of the impoundment soils and rocks during Devil Canyon filling. However, for initial filling, from elevation 850 to 1135, no significant downstream impacts are foreseen, since it wi 11 take only about two weeks to accumulate the 76,000 acre-feet of storage. In such a short time, insignifi- cant leaching would occur which could be detrimental to downstream water quality. E-2-74 I. r :f f r 'I f' "I L f { ( [ q [ ( l L l ,I -Ice An extens i ve ice cover is not expected to form on the Devil Canyon reservoir during the period wherein a pool at approximate elevation 1135 is maintained. Addition- ally, since winter temperatures downstream will not be significantly affected by the pool, ice processes down- stream of Devi 1 Canyon wi 11 remain the same as during Devil Canyon construction. Suspended Sediments/Turbidity/Vertical Illumination As previou~is~ussed, the Watana reservoir will act as a sediment trap, greatly reducing the quantity of sus- pended sediment entering the Devil Canyon reservoir. During the fi 11ing of Devi 1 Canyon from approximately elevation 1135 feet to full pool, the flow will be increased to the maximum power flow from Watana. Because of the reduced residence time, this could cause a slight increase in suspended sediment concentrations leaving Watana reservoir. However, Devil Canyon will provide additional settling capability and thus, the net result in suspended sediment concentration downstream of Devil Canyon will not be different from that during operation of Watana alone. Turbidity levels and vertical illumination will remain unchanged from Watana only operation. Some short-term increases in suspended sediment concen- tration and turbidity may occur within the Devil Canyon impoundment from slump i ng of vall ey wa 11 s • However, since the Devil Canyon impoundment area is characterized by a very shallow overburden 1 ayer with numerous out- croppings of bedrock, slope instability should not signi- ficantly affect turbidity a~d suspended sediment concen- tration. A further discussion of slope stability can be found in Appendix K of the Susltna Hydroelectric Project Geotechnical Report (Acres 1981). -Total Dissolved Solids, Conductivity, Alkalinity, Significant Ions and Metals Similar to the process occurring during Watana filling, increases in dissolved soilds, conductivity and most of the major ions will likely result from leaching of the impoundment soils and rocks during Devil Canyon filling. However, for initial filling, from elevation 850 to 1135, no significant downstream impacts are foreseen, since it wi 11 take only about two weeks to accumulate the 76,000 acre-feet of storage. In such a short time, insignifi- cant leaching would occur which could be detrimental to downstream water quality. E-2-74 I. r :f f r 'I f' "I L f { ( [ q [ ( l L l r ( r r r L I L Subsequent to initial filling and for the remainder of the filling process, fixed-cone valves will be utilized for reservoir discharge. Since they will be drawing water from wel,1 above the bottom of the impoundment and since the leaching process will be confined to a layer of water near the bottom (Peterson and Nichols, 1982) down- stream water quality should not be adversely impacted. Evaporation at the Devil Canyon reservoir surface will be increased above existing riverine evaporation, but this wi 11 be negated by pre,cipitation fall ing directly on the reservoir. Hence, there will be no impact on total dis- solved solid concentration from ~or~ion. Dissolved Oxygen As previously' discussed in Section 3.2(c), (iii) Watana Operation, water entering Devil Canyon will have a high dissolved oxygen concentration and low BOD. Because of the extremely short residence times, no hypo- 1imentic oxygen depletion is expected to develop during either the one year that the reservoir is held near elevation 1135 feet or the final six weeks of reservoir filling. Treated wastewater will continue to be discharged down- stream Of the dam, but the river flow will be more than ample to assimilate any wastes. -Nitrogen Supersaturation Nitrogen supersaturation will not be a concern during the filling of Devil Canyon reservoir. During the initial fi lling to an elevation of no greater than 1135, low level outlets will be employed. No superstauration with- in the lower level of the reservoir will occur during thi s two week time frame. Further, there wi 11 be no plunging discharge to entrain nitrogen. Duri ng the remai nder of the fi 11 i ng sequence, di scharge will be via the fixed cone valves. Therefore, no nitro- gen superstauration conditions are expected downstream of the dam. Support Facilities No impacts are anticipated during the filling process as the result of the withdrawal of water and the subsequent di scharge of the treated wastewater from either the camp or vi 11 age. E-2-75 r ( r r r L I L Subsequent to initial filling and for the remainder of the filling process, fixed-cone valves will be utilized for reservoir discharge. Since they will be drawing water from wel,1 above the bottom of the impoundment and since the leaching process will be confined to a layer of water near the bottom (Peterson and Nichols, 1982) down- stream water quality should not be adversely impacted. Evaporation at the Devil Canyon reservoir surface will be increased above existing riverine evaporation, but this wi 11 be negated by pre,cipitation fall ing directly on the reservoir. Hence, there will be no impact on total dis- solved solid concentration from ~or~ion. Dissolved Oxygen As previously' discussed in Section 3.2(c), (iii) Watana Operation, water entering Devil Canyon will have a high dissolved oxygen concentration and low BOD. Because of the extremely short residence times, no hypo- 1imentic oxygen depletion is expected to develop during either the one year that the reservoir is held near elevation 1135 feet or the final six weeks of reservoir filling. Treated wastewater will continue to be discharged down- stream Of the dam, but the river flow will be more than ample to assimilate any wastes. -Nitrogen Supersaturation Nitrogen supersaturation will not be a concern during the filling of Devil Canyon reservoir. During the initial fi lling to an elevation of no greater than 1135, low level outlets will be employed. No superstauration with- in the lower level of the reservoir will occur during thi s two week time frame. Further, there wi 11 be no plunging discharge to entrain nitrogen. Duri ng the remai nder of the fi 11 i ng sequence, di scharge will be via the fixed cone valves. Therefore, no nitro- gen superstauration conditions are expected downstream of the dam. Support Facilities No impacts are anticipated during the filling process as the result of the withdrawal of water and the subsequent di scharge of the treated wastewater from either the camp or vi 11 age. E-2-75 l Some localized increases in suspended sediments and tur- bidity are expected to occur during the dismantling of the camp which may begin at this time. Using the appro- priate preventive procedures, any impacts should be mini- mized. . (iv) Groundwater ( v) ( vi) No major groundwater impacts are anticipated during the impoundment of Dev 11 Canyon. Th e increased water 1 eve 1 within the reservoir will be confined between bedrock walls. Downstream there may be a slight decrease in water level from reduced flows if fillh:t.g....oCGlJrs other than in August or the first 3 weeks of September. The associated change in groundwater level will be confined to the immediate area of the riverbank. Impacts on Lakes and Streams in Impoundment As the Devi 1 Canyon poo 1 1 eve 1 ri ses, the mouths of the tributaries entering the reservoir will be inundated for up to 1.6 miles (See Table E.2.11). Sediment transporated by these streams wi 11 be deposited at the new stream mouth established when the reservoir is filled. Instream Flow Uses -Fisheries As Devil Canyon reservoir is filled, additional fishery habitat will become available within the reservoir. How- ever, impacts to fish habitat wi 11 occur as tributary mouths become inundated. Further information on reser- voir and downstream impacts in Chapter 3. Navigation and Transportation During filling, the rapids upstream of Devil Canyon will be inundated and white water kayaking opportunities will be lost. Since the reservoir will be rising about as much as 8 feet per day during filling, the reservoir will be unsafe for boat i ng. Downstream water 1 eve 1 s may be slightly lowered, but this is not expected to affect navigation because of the slight change most likely con- fined to the winter season. -Waste Assimilative Capacity Although flows in the river will be reduced during the two segments of reservoir filling, the waste assimilative capacity of the river will not be affected. E-2-76 L r J I , ;~ i r [ I :r f L L ! l l l Some localized increases in suspended sediments and tur- bidity are expected to occur during the dismantling of the camp which may begin at this time. Using the appro- priate preventive procedures, any impacts should be mini- mized. . (iv) Groundwater ( v) ( vi) No major groundwater impacts are anticipated during the impoundment of Dev 11 Canyon. Th e increased water 1 eve 1 within the reservoir will be confined between bedrock walls. Downstream there may be a slight decrease in water level from reduced flows if fillh:t.g....oCGlJrs other than in August or the first 3 weeks of September. The associated change in groundwater level will be confined to the immediate area of the riverbank. Impacts on Lakes and Streams in Impoundment As the Devi 1 Canyon poo 1 1 eve 1 ri ses, the mouths of the tributaries entering the reservoir will be inundated for up to 1.6 miles (See Table E.2.11). Sediment transporated by these streams wi 11 be deposited at the new stream mouth established when the reservoir is filled. Instream Flow Uses -Fisheries As Devil Canyon reservoir is filled, additional fishery habitat will become available within the reservoir. How- ever, impacts to fish habitat wi 11 occur as tributary mouths become inundated. Further information on reser- voir and downstream impacts in Chapter 3. Navigation and Transportation During filling, the rapids upstream of Devil Canyon will be inundated and white water kayaking opportunities will be lost. Since the reservoir will be rising about as much as 8 feet per day during filling, the reservoir will be unsafe for boat i ng. Downstream water 1 eve 1 s may be slightly lowered, but this is not expected to affect navigation because of the slight change most likely con- fined to the winter season. -Waste Assimilative Capacity Although flows in the river will be reduced during the two segments of reservoir filling, the waste assimilative capacity of the river will not be affected. E-2-76 L r J I , ;~ i r [ I :r f L L ! l l '- 1 ) , } 1 t l-_ I L (c) Watana/Devil Canyon Operation (i) Flows -Project Operation When Devi 1 Canyon comes on 1 i ne, Watana wi 11 be operated as a peaking plant and Devil Canyon will be baseloaded. Advantage will be taken of the reservoir storage at Devil Canyon to optimize energy production while at the same time providing the downstream flow requirements. Each September, the Watana reservoir wi 11 be fi lled to'-a:s --./ near the maximum water level of 2190 feet as possible, . whi le sti 11 meeting the downstream flow requirements. From October to May the reservoir will be drawn down to approximately elevation 2080 feet, although the reservoir will be allowed to fall to a minimum reservoir level of 2065 feet duri ng dry years. In May, the spri ng runoff will begin to fill the reservoir. However, the reservoir wi 11 not be allowed to fi 11 above elevation 2185 until late August when the threat of a summer flood wi 11 have passed. If September is a wet month, the reservoir will be allowed to fill an addi- tional 5 feet to elevation 2190 because the probability. of significant flooding wi 11 have passed until the next spring. From November through the end of July, Devil Canyon will be operated at the normal maximum headpond elevation of 1455 feet to optimize power production. In August, the Devil Canyon reservoir will be allowed to fall to a mini- mum 1 eve 1 of 1405 feet. In th i s way, much of the August downstream flow requirement at Gold Creek can be met from water coming out of storage at Devil Canyon. This will allow most of the water entering the Watana reservoir to be stored rather than pass through the turbines and pro- duce unsalable energy. In September, the Devil Canyon reservoir will be further lowered if it is not already at its minimum elevation of 1405 feet and if the Watana reservoir is not full. When the downstream flow require- ments diminish in October, the Devi 1 Canyon reservoir will be filled to 1455 feet. -Minimum Downstream Target Flows The minimum downstream target flows at Gold Creek which controlled the summer operation of Watana alone will be unchanged when Devil Canyon comes on line. Table E.2.17 illustrates these flows (A further explanation is pro- vided in Section 3.2(c)(i)). E-2-77 '- 1 ) , } 1 t l-_ I L (c) Watana/Devil Canyon Operation (i) Flows -Project Operation When Devi 1 Canyon comes on 1 i ne, Watana wi 11 be operated as a peaking plant and Devil Canyon will be baseloaded. Advantage will be taken of the reservoir storage at Devil Canyon to optimize energy production while at the same time providing the downstream flow requirements. Each September, the Watana reservoir wi 11 be fi lled to'-a:s --./ near the maximum water level of 2190 feet as possible, . whi le sti 11 meeting the downstream flow requirements. From October to May the reservoir will be drawn down to approximately elevation 2080 feet, although the reservoir will be allowed to fall to a minimum reservoir level of 2065 feet duri ng dry years. In May, the spri ng runoff will begin to fill the reservoir. However, the reservoir wi 11 not be allowed to fi 11 above elevation 2185 until late August when the threat of a summer flood wi 11 have passed. If September is a wet month, the reservoir will be allowed to fill an addi- tional 5 feet to elevation 2190 because the probability. of significant flooding wi 11 have passed until the next spring. From November through the end of July, Devil Canyon will be operated at the normal maximum headpond elevation of 1455 feet to optimize power production. In August, the Devil Canyon reservoir will be allowed to fall to a mini- mum 1 eve 1 of 1405 feet. In th i s way, much of the August downstream flow requirement at Gold Creek can be met from water coming out of storage at Devil Canyon. This will allow most of the water entering the Watana reservoir to be stored rather than pass through the turbines and pro- duce unsalable energy. In September, the Devil Canyon reservoir will be further lowered if it is not already at its minimum elevation of 1405 feet and if the Watana reservoir is not full. When the downstream flow require- ments diminish in October, the Devi 1 Canyon reservoir will be filled to 1455 feet. -Minimum Downstream Target Flows The minimum downstream target flows at Gold Creek which controlled the summer operation of Watana alone will be unchanged when Devil Canyon comes on line. Table E.2.17 illustrates these flows (A further explanation is pro- vided in Section 3.2(c)(i)). E-2-77 Monthly Energy Simulations The monthly energy simulation program was run using the 32 years of Watana and Devi 1 Canyon synthesi zed flow data. Pre-project flow data is presented in Tables E.2.32 and E.2.33. (The development of the Watana and Devil Canyon flow sequences used in the simulation was discussed in Sections 2.1(a) and 3.2(c), (i).) Monthly maximum, minimum, and median Watana and Devil Canyon reservoir levels for the 32 year simulation are illustrated in Figures E.2.94 and E.2.95. . Daily Operation With both Devi 1 Canyon and Watana operating, Watana wi 11 operate as a peak i ng plant since it wi 11 di s- charge directly into the Devil Canyon reservoir where the flow can be regulated. Water levels in Devil Canyon wi 11 fluctuate less than one foo.t on a dai ly basi s due to the peak i ng operat i on of Watana. Devi 1 Canyon will operate as a baseloaded plant for the life of the project. -Mean Monthly and Annual Flows Monthly Watana, Devil Canyon and Gold Creek flows for the 32 year monthly energy simulation are presented in Tables E.2.34, E.2.35, and E.2.36. The maximum, mean, and mini- mum flows for each month are summari zed and compared to pre-project flows and Watana only post-project flows (where appropriate) in Tables E.2.22, E.2.37, and E.2.25. From October through Apri 1, the post-project flows are many times greater than the natural, unregulated flows. Post-project flows during the month~ of June, July, August, and September are 36, 34, 56, and 79 percent of the average mean monthly pre-project flow at Gold Creek respectively. The reductions represent the flow volume used to fill the Watana reservoir. Variations in mean monthly post-project flows occur' but the range is substantially reduced from pre-project flows. Further downstream, percentage differences between pre- and post-project flows are reduced by tributary inflows. The pre-and post-project monthly flow summaries for Sunshine and Susitna Station are compared in Tables E.2.30 and E.2.31. Monthly post-project flows are presented in Tables E.2.38 and E.2.39. Although summer flows from May through October average about 8 percent less at Susitna station, winter flows are about 100 percent greater than existing conditions. E-2-78 --....- ! f ,C' \" I r- l r 1. --l ·r ..... [ r L 1 I ( l t Monthly Energy Simulations The monthly energy simulation program was run using the 32 years of Watana and Devi 1 Canyon synthesi zed flow data. Pre-project flow data is presented in Tables E.2.32 and E.2.33. (The development of the Watana and Devil Canyon flow sequences used in the simulation was discussed in Sections 2.1(a) and 3.2(c), (i).) Monthly maximum, minimum, and median Watana and Devil Canyon reservoir levels for the 32 year simulation are illustrated in Figures E.2.94 and E.2.95. . Daily Operation With both Devi 1 Canyon and Watana operating, Watana wi 11 operate as a peak i ng plant since it wi 11 di s- charge directly into the Devil Canyon reservoir where the flow can be regulated. Water levels in Devil Canyon wi 11 fluctuate less than one foo.t on a dai ly basi s due to the peak i ng operat i on of Watana. Devi 1 Canyon will operate as a baseloaded plant for the life of the project. -Mean Monthly and Annual Flows Monthly Watana, Devil Canyon and Gold Creek flows for the 32 year monthly energy simulation are presented in Tables E.2.34, E.2.35, and E.2.36. The maximum, mean, and mini- mum flows for each month are summari zed and compared to pre-project flows and Watana only post-project flows (where appropriate) in Tables E.2.22, E.2.37, and E.2.25. From October through Apri 1, the post-project flows are many times greater than the natural, unregulated flows. Post-project flows during the month~ of June, July, August, and September are 36, 34, 56, and 79 percent of the average mean monthly pre-project flow at Gold Creek respectively. The reductions represent the flow volume used to fill the Watana reservoir. Variations in mean monthly post-project flows occur' but the range is substantially reduced from pre-project flows. Further downstream, percentage differences between pre- and post-project flows are reduced by tributary inflows. The pre-and post-project monthly flow summaries for Sunshine and Susitna Station are compared in Tables E.2.30 and E.2.31. Monthly post-project flows are presented in Tables E.2.38 and E.2.39. Although summer flows from May through October average about 8 percent less at Susitna station, winter flows are about 100 percent greater than existing conditions. E-2-78 --....- ! f ,C' \" I r- l r 1. --l ·r ..... [ r L 1 I ( l t \ , J ( I j \ '-. \ A comparison of post-project mean monthly flows with Watana operating alone, and with Watana and Devi 1 Canyon both operating shows that although there are some differ- ences, the differences are minor. -Floods . Spring Floods For the 32 years simulated, ·,10 flow releases occurred between May and July at either Watana or Devil Canyon. All flow was either absorbed in the Watana reservoir or passed through the respective powerhouses. The June 7, 1964 flood of record with an annual flood recurrence interval of better than 20 years, resulted in a Watana reservoir elevation of 2151 feet at the end of June, an elevation well below the' elevation at which flow is released. The maximum mean monthly discharge at Devil Canyon dur- ing the spring flood period was approximately 10,500 cfs. If peak inflow into Dev i 1 Canyon reservoi r con- tributed from the drainage area downstream of Watana approached thi s di scharge, flow at Watana would be virtually shut off to maintain a Devil Canyon reservoir level of 1455 feet. Lateral inflow would supply most of the power needs. However, it is unlikely the peak contribution downstream of Watana wQu1d be as large as 10,500 cfs. For' example, the Gold Creek maximum his- torical one day peak flow to mean monthly flow ratio for the month of June is 2.05. If it is assumed this is valid for the d~ainage area between Watana and Devil Canyon, the-peak-1 day June inflow during the simu- lation period would approximate 9300 cfs. For the once in fifty year flood, the downstream flow with both Watana and Devil Canyon in operation will be similar to the flow with Watana operating alone. The' Watana reservoir wi 11 be drawn down sufficiently such that the once-in-fifty-year flood volume can be stored within the reservoir if the flood occurs in June. The flow contribution at Devil Canyon for the drainage area between Watana and Devil Canyon would approximate 11,000 cfs. Hence, power needs would be met by running Devil Canyon to near capacity and reducing outflow from Watana as much as possible to prevent flow wastage. For flood events greater than the once in fifty year event and after Watana reservoir elevation reaches 2185.5, the powerhouse and outlet facilities at both Watana and Devi 1 Canyon wi 11 be operated to match inflow up to the full operating capacity of the power- house and outlet facilities. If inflow to the Watana reservoi r conti nues to be greater than outflow, the E-2-79 \ , J ( I j \ '-. \ A comparison of post-project mean monthly flows with Watana operating alone, and with Watana and Devi 1 Canyon both operating shows that although there are some differ- ences, the differences are minor. -Floods . Spring Floods For the 32 years simulated, ·,10 flow releases occurred between May and July at either Watana or Devil Canyon. All flow was either absorbed in the Watana reservoir or passed through the respective powerhouses. The June 7, 1964 flood of record with an annual flood recurrence interval of better than 20 years, resulted in a Watana reservoir elevation of 2151 feet at the end of June, an elevation well below the' elevation at which flow is released. The maximum mean monthly discharge at Devil Canyon dur- ing the spring flood period was approximately 10,500 cfs. If peak inflow into Dev i 1 Canyon reservoi r con- tributed from the drainage area downstream of Watana approached thi s di scharge, flow at Watana would be virtually shut off to maintain a Devil Canyon reservoir level of 1455 feet. Lateral inflow would supply most of the power needs. However, it is unlikely the peak contribution downstream of Watana wQu1d be as large as 10,500 cfs. For' example, the Gold Creek maximum his- torical one day peak flow to mean monthly flow ratio for the month of June is 2.05. If it is assumed this is valid for the d~ainage area between Watana and Devil Canyon, the-peak-1 day June inflow during the simu- lation period would approximate 9300 cfs. For the once in fifty year flood, the downstream flow with both Watana and Devil Canyon in operation will be similar to the flow with Watana operating alone. The' Watana reservoir wi 11 be drawn down sufficiently such that the once-in-fifty-year flood volume can be stored within the reservoir if the flood occurs in June. The flow contribution at Devil Canyon for the drainage area between Watana and Devil Canyon would approximate 11,000 cfs. Hence, power needs would be met by running Devil Canyon to near capacity and reducing outflow from Watana as much as possible to prevent flow wastage. For flood events greater than the once in fifty year event and after Watana reservoir elevation reaches 2185.5, the powerhouse and outlet facilities at both Watana and Devi 1 Canyon wi 11 be operated to match inflow up to the full operating capacity of the power- house and outlet facilities. If inflow to the Watana reservoi r conti nues to be greater than outflow, the E-2-79 I reservoir will gradually rise to elevation 2193. When the reservoir level reaches 2193, the main spi llway gates wi 11 be opened and operated so that outflow matches i nfl ow. Concurrent with openi ng the Watana main spi llway gates, the main spi llway gates at Devi 1 Canyon will be opened such that inflow matches outflow. The main spillways at both Watana and Devil Canyon will -have suffi ci ent capacity to pass the one in 10,000 year _event. Peaki nflow for the one in 10,000 year flood will exceed outflow capacity at Watana resulting in a slight increase above 2193 feet. At Devil Canyon there wi 11 be no increase in water 1 eve 1. The di s- charges and water levels associ ated with a once in 10,000 year flood for both Watana and Devil Canyon are illustrated in Figures E.2.83 and E.2.96. If the probable maximum flood (PMF) were to occur, the -operation at Watana would be unchanged whether Watana is operating alone or in series with Devil Canyon. The mai n spi llway wi 11 be operated to match i nfl ow unt i 1 the capacity of the spi llway is exceeded. At thi s point, the reservoir elevation would rise until it reached elevation 2200. If the water level exceeds elevation 2200, the erodible dike in the emergency spi llway would be washed out and flow would be passed through the emergency spi 11way. The resulting total outflow through all discharge structures would be 311,000 cfs, 15,000 cfs less than the PMF. At Devi 1 Canyon a simi lar scenario would occur. The main spi llway would continue to operate, passing the mai n spi llway di scharge from Watana. Once the emer- gency spi 11way at Watana started operat i ng, the Devi 1 CanyOn reservoir would surcharge to 1465 and its emer- gency spi llway would begin to operate. Peak outflow would occur immediately after the fuse plug eroded away. However, the peak is slightly less than the peak inflow. The inflow and outflow hydrographs for both the Watana and Devi 1 Canyon PMF are shown in Fi gures E.2.83 and E.2.96, respectively. . Summer Floods Although there were no flow releases at the Watana site d uri ng August or September in the 32 year s i mu 1 at ion, in wet years Watana and Devil Canyon may produce more energy than can be used. If this occurs, flow wi 11 have to be released through the outlet facilities. However, on a mean monthly basis, the total discharge at Watana will be less than the Watana powerhouse flow capacity of 19,400 cfs. Flow wi 11 only be released when the reservoir exceeds elevation 2185.5 feet. E-2-BO L I 1 r f r [ l r [ ( ( [ ( .[ l L I reservoir will gradually rise to elevation 2193. When the reservoir level reaches 2193, the main spi llway gates wi 11 be opened and operated so that outflow matches i nfl ow. Concurrent with openi ng the Watana main spi llway gates, the main spi llway gates at Devi 1 Canyon will be opened such that inflow matches outflow. The main spillways at both Watana and Devil Canyon will -have suffi ci ent capacity to pass the one in 10,000 year _event. Peaki nflow for the one in 10,000 year flood will exceed outflow capacity at Watana resulting in a slight increase above 2193 feet. At Devil Canyon there wi 11 be no increase in water 1 eve 1. The di s- charges and water levels associ ated with a once in 10,000 year flood for both Watana and Devil Canyon are illustrated in Figures E.2.83 and E.2.96. If the probable maximum flood (PMF) were to occur, the -operation at Watana would be unchanged whether Watana is operating alone or in series with Devil Canyon. The mai n spi llway wi 11 be operated to match i nfl ow unt i 1 the capacity of the spi llway is exceeded. At thi s point, the reservoir elevation would rise until it reached elevation 2200. If the water level exceeds elevation 2200, the erodible dike in the emergency spi llway would be washed out and flow would be passed through the emergency spi 11way. The resulting total outflow through all discharge structures would be 311,000 cfs, 15,000 cfs less than the PMF. At Devi 1 Canyon a simi lar scenario would occur. The main spi llway would continue to operate, passing the mai n spi llway di scharge from Watana. Once the emer- gency spi 11way at Watana started operat i ng, the Devi 1 CanyOn reservoir would surcharge to 1465 and its emer- gency spi llway would begin to operate. Peak outflow would occur immediately after the fuse plug eroded away. However, the peak is slightly less than the peak inflow. The inflow and outflow hydrographs for both the Watana and Devi 1 Canyon PMF are shown in Fi gures E.2.83 and E.2.96, respectively. . Summer Floods Although there were no flow releases at the Watana site d uri ng August or September in the 32 year s i mu 1 at ion, in wet years Watana and Devil Canyon may produce more energy than can be used. If this occurs, flow wi 11 have to be released through the outlet facilities. However, on a mean monthly basis, the total discharge at Watana will be less than the Watana powerhouse flow capacity of 19,400 cfs. Flow wi 11 only be released when the reservoir exceeds elevation 2185.5 feet. E-2-BO L I 1 r f r [ l r [ ( ( [ ( .[ l L i \ Since Watana was designed to pass the once in fifty year summer flood without requiring operation of the main spillway and since the capacity of the powerhouse and. outlet faci 1ities is 31,000 cfs, Watana summer flood flows wi 11 vary from a low value equal to the powerhouse flows up to 31,000 cfs for floods wi th a recurrence interval less than fifty years. For the once-i n-fi fty-year summer flood, the Watana discharge will be maintained at 31,000 cfs but the reservoir will s~rcharge to 2193 feet (refer to Section 3.2(c)(i) for the derivation of the once-in-fifty-year summer flood hydrograph). At Devil Canyon, design consideration were also estab- 1 i shed to ensure that the Devi 1 Canyon powerhouse and outlet facilities will have sufficient capacity to pass the once in fifty year summer flood of 39,000 cfs with- out operating the main spillway as the resultant nitro- gen supersaturation could be detrimented to downstream fisheries. This flood is passed through the Devil Canyon reservoir without any change in water level. It includes the 31,000 cfs inflow from the once in fifty year summer flood routed through Watana plus a lateral inflow of 8000 cfs. The lateral inflow of 8000 cfs was obtained by subtracting the once-in-fifty-year Watana natural flood peak from the once-in-fifty-year Devi 1 Canyon natural flood peak. In the 32 year simulation period there were four years in which flow releases occurred during high summer flow periods. Although the maximum monthly release was only 4100 cfs, the peak flow may vary well have been higher depending on the variability of the tributary inflow downstream of Watana and on the Watana reservoir level. However, the peak Devil Canyon outflow would not have exceeded the capaci ty of the powerhouse and outlet facilities. -Flow Variability As discussed above, at both Watana and Devil Canyon, peak monthly flows may differ from mean monthly flows if the reservoir exceeds elevation 2185.5 at Watana and flow is released. For Devi 1 Canyon, as reservoir inflow from sources other than the Watana Reservoir varies, the peak outflow may also differ from the mean monthly flow. For the 32 years of simulation, the maximum Devil Canyon discharge in August was 17,900 cfs which included 14,100 cfs from Watana and 3800 cfs from tributary inflow into the Devil Canyon reservoir. In examining flow ratios of E-2-81 i \ Since Watana was designed to pass the once in fifty year summer flood without requiring operation of the main spillway and since the capacity of the powerhouse and. outlet faci 1ities is 31,000 cfs, Watana summer flood flows wi 11 vary from a low value equal to the powerhouse flows up to 31,000 cfs for floods wi th a recurrence interval less than fifty years. For the once-i n-fi fty-year summer flood, the Watana discharge will be maintained at 31,000 cfs but the reservoir will s~rcharge to 2193 feet (refer to Section 3.2(c)(i) for the derivation of the once-in-fifty-year summer flood hydrograph). At Devil Canyon, design consideration were also estab- 1 i shed to ensure that the Devi 1 Canyon powerhouse and outlet facilities will have sufficient capacity to pass the once in fifty year summer flood of 39,000 cfs with- out operating the main spillway as the resultant nitro- gen supersaturation could be detrimented to downstream fisheries. This flood is passed through the Devil Canyon reservoir without any change in water level. It includes the 31,000 cfs inflow from the once in fifty year summer flood routed through Watana plus a lateral inflow of 8000 cfs. The lateral inflow of 8000 cfs was obtained by subtracting the once-in-fifty-year Watana natural flood peak from the once-in-fifty-year Devi 1 Canyon natural flood peak. In the 32 year simulation period there were four years in which flow releases occurred during high summer flow periods. Although the maximum monthly release was only 4100 cfs, the peak flow may vary well have been higher depending on the variability of the tributary inflow downstream of Watana and on the Watana reservoir level. However, the peak Devil Canyon outflow would not have exceeded the capaci ty of the powerhouse and outlet facilities. -Flow Variability As discussed above, at both Watana and Devil Canyon, peak monthly flows may differ from mean monthly flows if the reservoir exceeds elevation 2185.5 at Watana and flow is released. For Devi 1 Canyon, as reservoir inflow from sources other than the Watana Reservoir varies, the peak outflow may also differ from the mean monthly flow. For the 32 years of simulation, the maximum Devil Canyon discharge in August was 17,900 cfs which included 14,100 cfs from Watana and 3800 cfs from tributary inflow into the Devil Canyon reservoir. In examining flow ratios of E-2-81 one day peaks to mean monthly flow at Gold Creek for the month of August it can be seen that these rat i os vary from 1.10 to 2.40. If these ratios can be applied to the tributary inflow, then the peak inflow could have been as high as 9100 cfs. Also, if the Watana powerhouse flow was not constant for the month, then some flow varia- bility could also be attributed to Watana. The net result is a Devil Canyon outflow that could be a constant value for the entire month or a variable outflow that has the same mean value but a peak on the order of 30,000 cfs. The actual variability would depend on the daily inflow hydrograph for Devil Canyon. The month 1y and annual flow duration curves for pre- project and post-project conditions for the 32 year simu- lation period are illustrated in Figures E.2.97 through E.2.I00 for Watana, Gold Creek, Sunshine, and Susitna Station. The flow duration curves show less variability during post-project operations and a diminished pre-ana post-project difference with distance downstream of Devil Canyon. (ii) Effects on Wat~r Quality -Water Temperatures The winter time temperatures discharged from Devil Canyon wi 11 range from about 4°C to laC. The temperature wi 11 slowly decrease in the downstream direction because of heat exchange wi th the colder atmosphere. In January by the time the flow reaches Sherman, a drop in temperature of about 1.3°C will be expected while a drop of about 4°C wi 11 occur to Ta 1 keetna. Depend; n9 on the outflow tem- perature, the threshho1d of O°C water wi 11 vary from Talkeetna to Sherman. Throughout the winter water tem- peratures upstream of Sherman. wi 11 always be above freezing, approaching the outflow temperature as it moves upstream. The minimum temperature expected at Gold Creek will be between O.SoC and 3°C. E-2-82 I f r r l l I I I t 1 t 1 1 l one day peaks to mean monthly flow at Gold Creek for the month of August it can be seen that these rat i os vary from 1.10 to 2.40. If these ratios can be applied to the tributary inflow, then the peak inflow could have been as high as 9100 cfs. Also, if the Watana powerhouse flow was not constant for the month, then some flow varia- bility could also be attributed to Watana. The net result is a Devil Canyon outflow that could be a constant value for the entire month or a variable outflow that has the same mean value but a peak on the order of 30,000 cfs. The actual variability would depend on the daily inflow hydrograph for Devil Canyon. The month 1y and annual flow duration curves for pre- project and post-project conditions for the 32 year simu- lation period are illustrated in Figures E.2.97 through E.2.I00 for Watana, Gold Creek, Sunshine, and Susitna Station. The flow duration curves show less variability during post-project operations and a diminished pre-ana post-project difference with distance downstream of Devil Canyon. (ii) Effects on Wat~r Quality -Water Temperatures The winter time temperatures discharged from Devil Canyon wi 11 range from about 4°C to laC. The temperature wi 11 slowly decrease in the downstream direction because of heat exchange wi th the colder atmosphere. In January by the time the flow reaches Sherman, a drop in temperature of about 1.3°C will be expected while a drop of about 4°C wi 11 occur to Ta 1 keetna. Depend; n9 on the outflow tem- perature, the threshho1d of O°C water wi 11 vary from Talkeetna to Sherman. Throughout the winter water tem- peratures upstream of Sherman. wi 11 always be above freezing, approaching the outflow temperature as it moves upstream. The minimum temperature expected at Gold Creek will be between O.SoC and 3°C. E-2-82 I f r r l l I I I t 1 t 1 1 l I _J The summer time temperatures will be slightly higher than those for the Watana because of the 1 arger surface area for heat exchange. A pe~k temperature of about 13°C will be reached at Gold Creek about the middle of June. Through July and the first half of August, the temper- atures will ab about 10 to 12°C, slowly decreasing through the latter part of August to the end of September. -Ice The initiation of ice formation at Talkeetna will be delayed by several months. The large volume of warm water from upstream will delay and reduce the quantity of ice supplied from the Upper Susitna River. Depending on the reservoir outflow temperatures, the ice cover wi 11 start to form by the end of January and progress a short distance upstream through February. The location of the ice front is expected to be between Talkeetna and Sherman. Staging due to the ice cover will be about 3-4 feet. The breakup in the spri ng wi 11 occur downstream due to warmer climatic conditions and also from the upstream front because of the warmer water from the project. The cover will tend to thermally decay in place. Therefore, the intensity of the breakup should be less severe with . fewer ice jams than the preproject occurances. -Suspended Sediment s/Turbi dity/Vert i ~a 1 III umi nat i on Of the suspended sediments passing through. the Watana reservoir, only a small percentage is expected to settle in the Devil Canyon reservoir. This is attributable to the small sizes of the particles (less than 3-4 microns in diameter) entering the reservoir and the relatively short retention ~time. The suspended sediment, turbidity, and vertical illumination levels that occur within the impoundment and downstream wil be on ly s lfght 1y reduced from that which exists at the outflow from Watana. Some minor slumping of the reservoir walls and resuspen- s i on of shore 1 i ne sediment wi 11 probab 1y cont i nue to occur, especially during August and September when the reservoi r may be drawn down as much as 50 feet. These processes will produce short term, localized increases in suspended sediments. However, as previously noted, the overburden layer is shallow so no significant problems will arise. Additionally, since most of this sediment will settle out, downstream increases will be minor. E-2-83 I _J The summer time temperatures will be slightly higher than those for the Watana because of the 1 arger surface area for heat exchange. A pe~k temperature of about 13°C will be reached at Gold Creek about the middle of June. Through July and the first half of August, the temper- atures will ab about 10 to 12°C, slowly decreasing through the latter part of August to the end of September. -Ice The initiation of ice formation at Talkeetna will be delayed by several months. The large volume of warm water from upstream will delay and reduce the quantity of ice supplied from the Upper Susitna River. Depending on the reservoir outflow temperatures, the ice cover wi 11 start to form by the end of January and progress a short distance upstream through February. The location of the ice front is expected to be between Talkeetna and Sherman. Staging due to the ice cover will be about 3-4 feet. The breakup in the spri ng wi 11 occur downstream due to warmer climatic conditions and also from the upstream front because of the warmer water from the project. The cover will tend to thermally decay in place. Therefore, the intensity of the breakup should be less severe with . fewer ice jams than the preproject occurances. -Suspended Sediment s/Turbi dity/Vert i ~a 1 III umi nat i on Of the suspended sediments passing through. the Watana reservoir, only a small percentage is expected to settle in the Devil Canyon reservoir. This is attributable to the small sizes of the particles (less than 3-4 microns in diameter) entering the reservoir and the relatively short retention ~time. The suspended sediment, turbidity, and vertical illumination levels that occur within the impoundment and downstream wil be on ly s lfght 1y reduced from that which exists at the outflow from Watana. Some minor slumping of the reservoir walls and resuspen- s i on of shore 1 i ne sediment wi 11 probab 1y cont i nue to occur, especially during August and September when the reservoi r may be drawn down as much as 50 feet. These processes will produce short term, localized increases in suspended sediments. However, as previously noted, the overburden layer is shallow so no significant problems will arise. Additionally, since most of this sediment will settle out, downstream increases will be minor. E-2-83 -Total Dissolved SOlids,lConductivit.y, Alkalinity, Significant Ions and Metals As previously identified in Section 3.3(b)(iii) the leaching process is expected to result in increased 1 eve 1 s of the aforement i oned water qual i ty propert i es. These effects are not expected to diminish as rapidly as was indicated for Watana. Although leaching of the more soluable chemicals will diminish, others will continue to be leached because large quantities of inorganic sediment will not be covering the reservoir bottom. It is, how- ever, anticipated that the leachate will be confined to a 1 ayer of water near the impoundment floor and should not degrade the remai nder of the reservoi r or downstream water quality. As was the case at Watana, the increased surface area will lead to an increase in the amount of evaporation. However, because of the 2.0 month retention time and the mixing actions of the winds and waves, the concentrations of dissolved substances should virtually be. unchanged and no adverse affect on water quality within the reservoir or downstream should occur. Since no ice Cover is anticipated, no increased concen- trations of dissolved solids will result at the ice-water interface. -Dissolved Oxygen As was previously discussed in Section 3.2 (c)(iii), reduction of dissolved oxygen concentrations can occur in the hypolimnion of deep reservoirs. Stratification and the slow biochemical decomposition of organic matter wi 11 promote low oxygen levels near the reservoir bottom over time. No estimates of the extent of oxygen depletion are available. Within the upper layers (epilimnion) of the reservoir, dissolved oxygen concentrations will remain high. Inflow water to the impoundment wi 11 continue to have a high dissolved oxygen content and low BOD. Since water for energy generation is drawn from the upper layers of the reservoir, no adverse effects to downstream oxygen levels wi 11 occur. -Nitrogen Supersaturation No supersaturated conditions will occur downstream of the Devil Canyon Dam. Fixed-cone valves will be employed to minimize potential nitrogen supersaturation problems for all floods with a recurrence interval less than one in fifty years. E-2-84 I f r f r f L r I [ i 1 1 t L L -Total Dissolved SOlids,lConductivit.y, Alkalinity, Significant Ions and Metals As previously identified in Section 3.3(b)(iii) the leaching process is expected to result in increased 1 eve 1 s of the aforement i oned water qual i ty propert i es. These effects are not expected to diminish as rapidly as was indicated for Watana. Although leaching of the more soluable chemicals will diminish, others will continue to be leached because large quantities of inorganic sediment will not be covering the reservoir bottom. It is, how- ever, anticipated that the leachate will be confined to a 1 ayer of water near the impoundment floor and should not degrade the remai nder of the reservoi r or downstream water quality. As was the case at Watana, the increased surface area will lead to an increase in the amount of evaporation. However, because of the 2.0 month retention time and the mixing actions of the winds and waves, the concentrations of dissolved substances should virtually be. unchanged and no adverse affect on water quality within the reservoir or downstream should occur. Since no ice Cover is anticipated, no increased concen- trations of dissolved solids will result at the ice-water interface. -Dissolved Oxygen As was previously discussed in Section 3.2 (c)(iii), reduction of dissolved oxygen concentrations can occur in the hypolimnion of deep reservoirs. Stratification and the slow biochemical decomposition of organic matter wi 11 promote low oxygen levels near the reservoir bottom over time. No estimates of the extent of oxygen depletion are available. Within the upper layers (epilimnion) of the reservoir, dissolved oxygen concentrations will remain high. Inflow water to the impoundment wi 11 continue to have a high dissolved oxygen content and low BOD. Since water for energy generation is drawn from the upper layers of the reservoir, no adverse effects to downstream oxygen levels wi 11 occur. -Nitrogen Supersaturation No supersaturated conditions will occur downstream of the Devil Canyon Dam. Fixed-cone valves will be employed to minimize potential nitrogen supersaturation problems for all floods with a recurrence interval less than one in fifty years. E-2-84 I f r f r f L r I [ i 1 1 t L L '\ r r 1 J r '( )- 1 J ) I. i· l. For flood flows greater than.once in fifty year flood when spillage will unavoidably occur, nitrogen super- ·saturation will be minimized through the insta~lation of spillage deflectors which will prevent the creation of a plunging action that could entrain air. - . F ac i 1 it i es The construction camp and village will be decommissioned upon completion of construction and filling. Localized increases in turbidity and suspended sediments will occur in the local drainage basins due to these activities, but these effects will not be significant as erosion control measures will be employed. . (iii) Effects on Groundwater Conditions Effects on ground water conditions will be confined to the Devil Canyon reservoir itself. Downstream flows and hence impacts wi 11 be similar to those occurring with Watana operating alone. (iv) Impact on Lakes and Streams All the effects identified in Section 3.2(c)(i i) for the streams in·the Watana reservoir will be experienced by the streamsflowi ng into the Devi 1 Canyon reservoi r 1 i sted in Table E.2.11. No lakes in the Devil Canyon impoundment will be impacted other than the previously described small 1 ake at the Devi 1 Canyon damsi teo The tri butari es down- stream of Devil Canyon will not change from the conditions established when Watana was operating alone as discussed ear 1 i er. (v) . Instream Flow Uses The effects on the fishery, wildlife habitat, and riparian vegetation are described in Chapter 3. -Navigation and Transporation The Devil Canyon reservoir will transform the heavy whitewater upstream of the dam into flat water. This wi 11 afford recreat i ona 1 opportuni ties for 1 ess exper;- enced boaters but totally eliminate the whitewater kayak- ing opportunities. E-2-85 '\ r r 1 J r '( )- 1 J ) I. i· l. For flood flows greater than.once in fifty year flood when spillage will unavoidably occur, nitrogen super- ·saturation will be minimized through the insta~lation of spillage deflectors which will prevent the creation of a plunging action that could entrain air. - . F ac i 1 it i es The construction camp and village will be decommissioned upon completion of construction and filling. Localized increases in turbidity and suspended sediments will occur in the local drainage basins due to these activities, but these effects will not be significant as erosion control measures will be employed. . (iii) Effects on Groundwater Conditions Effects on ground water conditions will be confined to the Devil Canyon reservoir itself. Downstream flows and hence impacts wi 11 be similar to those occurring with Watana operating alone. (iv) Impact on Lakes and Streams All the effects identified in Section 3.2(c)(i i) for the streams in·the Watana reservoir will be experienced by the streamsflowi ng into the Devi 1 Canyon reservoi r 1 i sted in Table E.2.11. No lakes in the Devil Canyon impoundment will be impacted other than the previously described small 1 ake at the Devi 1 Canyon damsi teo The tri butari es down- stream of Devil Canyon will not change from the conditions established when Watana was operating alone as discussed ear 1 i er. (v) . Instream Flow Uses The effects on the fishery, wildlife habitat, and riparian vegetation are described in Chapter 3. -Navigation and Transporation The Devil Canyon reservoir will transform the heavy whitewater upstream of the dam into flat water. This wi 11 afford recreat i ona 1 opportuni ties for 1 ess exper;- enced boaters but totally eliminate the whitewater kayak- ing opportunities. E-2-85 Si nce the Devi 1 Canyon faci 1 i ty wi 11 be operated as a base loaded plant, downstream impacts should remain simi- ·lar to the Watana only operation. The reach of river that remains free of ice may be extended somewhat further downstream. -Estuarine Salinity Salinity variations in Cook tnlet were cOlnputed using a numerical model of Cook Inlet (Resource Ma~agement Asso- ci ates, 1982). As expected, the sal inity changes from baseline conditions were almost identical with those determined for Watana operation alone. The post-project salinity range is reduced, there being lower salinities in winter and higher salinity in summer. Figure E.3.101 illustrates the comparison of annual salinity variation off the mouth of the Susitna Ri ver using mean monthly pre-and post-project Susitna Station flows. 3.4 Access Plan Impacts The Watana access route wi 11 begin with the construction of a 2-mi le road from the Alaska Railroad· at Cantwell, to the junction of the George Parks and Denali Highways. Access will then follow the existing Dena 1 i Hi ghway for twenty-one mi 1 es. Port ions of thi s road segment wi 11 be upgraded to meet standards necessary for the ant i ci pated con- struction traffic. From the Denali Highway, a 42 mile road will be constructed in a southerly direction to the Watana site. Access to the Devil Canyon site will be via a 37 mile road from Watana, north of the Susitna Riv~r, and a 12 mile railroad extension from Gold Creek, on the south side of the Susitna River. For a more detailed description of the access routes refer to Exhibit A, Section 1.12 and 7.12. (a) Flows Flow rates' on streams crossed by the access road wi 11 not be impacted. However, localized impacts on water levels and flow velocities could occur if crossings are poorly designed. Because they do not restrict streamflow, bridge crossings are preferred to culverts or low-water crossings. Bridge supports should be located outside active channels, if possible. Where not properly designed, culverts can restrict fish movement due to high velocities or perching of the culvert above the streambed. Culverts are also more susceptible to icing problems, causing restricted drainage, especially during winter snowmelt periods. E-2-86 L r ! f r f I 'l F· .. t' [ [ 1 f L L Si nce the Devi 1 Canyon faci 1 i ty wi 11 be operated as a base loaded plant, downstream impacts should remain simi- ·lar to the Watana only operation. The reach of river that remains free of ice may be extended somewhat further downstream. -Estuarine Salinity Salinity variations in Cook tnlet were cOlnputed using a numerical model of Cook Inlet (Resource Ma~agement Asso- ci ates, 1982). As expected, the sal inity changes from baseline conditions were almost identical with those determined for Watana operation alone. The post-project salinity range is reduced, there being lower salinities in winter and higher salinity in summer. Figure E.3.101 illustrates the comparison of annual salinity variation off the mouth of the Susitna Ri ver using mean monthly pre-and post-project Susitna Station flows. 3.4 Access Plan Impacts The Watana access route wi 11 begin with the construction of a 2-mi le road from the Alaska Railroad· at Cantwell, to the junction of the George Parks and Denali Highways. Access will then follow the existing Dena 1 i Hi ghway for twenty-one mi 1 es. Port ions of thi s road segment wi 11 be upgraded to meet standards necessary for the ant i ci pated con- struction traffic. From the Denali Highway, a 42 mile road will be constructed in a southerly direction to the Watana site. Access to the Devil Canyon site will be via a 37 mile road from Watana, north of the Susitna Riv~r, and a 12 mile railroad extension from Gold Creek, on the south side of the Susitna River. For a more detailed description of the access routes refer to Exhibit A, Section 1.12 and 7.12. (a) Flows Flow rates' on streams crossed by the access road wi 11 not be impacted. However, localized impacts on water levels and flow velocities could occur if crossings are poorly designed. Because they do not restrict streamflow, bridge crossings are preferred to culverts or low-water crossings. Bridge supports should be located outside active channels, if possible. Where not properly designed, culverts can restrict fish movement due to high velocities or perching of the culvert above the streambed. Culverts are also more susceptible to icing problems, causing restricted drainage, especially during winter snowmelt periods. E-2-86 L r ! f r f I 'l F· .. t' [ [ 1 f L L f r f r r r 1 J 1. \.. ( b) Low-water crossings may be used in areas of infrequent, .light traffic. They should conform to the local streambed slope and are to be constructed of materials so that water will flow over them instead of percolating through them, which would also restrict fi sh passage. Water Quality Most water qual ity impacts associ ated with the proposed access routes will occur during construction. The principal anticipated water qual i ty impacts associ ated wi th construct i on wi 11 be i n- creased suspended sediment and turbidity levels and accidental leakage and spillage of petroleum products. Given proper design and construction techniques, few water quality impacts are antici- pated from the subsequent use and maintenance of these facili- ties. (i) Turbidity and Sedimentation (i 1) Some of the more apparent potential sources of turbidity and sedimentation problems include: -Instream operation of heavy equipment; Placement and types of permanent stream crossings· (culverts ~s. bridgesY; -Location of borrow areas; Lateral stream transits; -Vegetative clearing; -Side hill cuts; -Disturbances to permafrost; and -Timing and schedules for construction. These potent i a 1 sources of turbi dity and sedi ment at i on are discussed more fully in Chapter 3. Contamination by Petroleum Products Contamination of water courses from accidental spills of hazardous materials, namely fuels and oils, is a major con- cern. During construction of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, it became apparent that oil spills of various sorts were a greater problem than anticipated. Most spills occurred as a result of equipment repair, refueling and vehicle accidents. When equipment with leaky hydraulic hoses are operated in streams petroleum products are very likely to reach the water. To avoid tt.lis, vehicles and equipment will be prop- erly maintained. Water pumping for dust control, gravel processing, dewater- ing, and other purposes can also lead to petroleum spills if proper care is not taken. Si nce water pumps are usually placed on river or lake banks very near the water, poor refueling practices could result in frequent oil spills into the water. E-2-87 f r f r r r 1 J 1. \.. ( b) Low-water crossings may be used in areas of infrequent, .light traffic. They should conform to the local streambed slope and are to be constructed of materials so that water will flow over them instead of percolating through them, which would also restrict fi sh passage. Water Quality Most water qual ity impacts associ ated with the proposed access routes will occur during construction. The principal anticipated water qual i ty impacts associ ated wi th construct i on wi 11 be i n- creased suspended sediment and turbidity levels and accidental leakage and spillage of petroleum products. Given proper design and construction techniques, few water quality impacts are antici- pated from the subsequent use and maintenance of these facili- ties. (i) Turbidity and Sedimentation (i 1) Some of the more apparent potential sources of turbidity and sedimentation problems include: -Instream operation of heavy equipment; Placement and types of permanent stream crossings· (culverts ~s. bridgesY; -Location of borrow areas; Lateral stream transits; -Vegetative clearing; -Side hill cuts; -Disturbances to permafrost; and -Timing and schedules for construction. These potent i a 1 sources of turbi dity and sedi ment at i on are discussed more fully in Chapter 3. Contamination by Petroleum Products Contamination of water courses from accidental spills of hazardous materials, namely fuels and oils, is a major con- cern. During construction of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, it became apparent that oil spills of various sorts were a greater problem than anticipated. Most spills occurred as a result of equipment repair, refueling and vehicle accidents. When equipment with leaky hydraulic hoses are operated in streams petroleum products are very likely to reach the water. To avoid tt.lis, vehicles and equipment will be prop- erly maintained. Water pumping for dust control, gravel processing, dewater- ing, and other purposes can also lead to petroleum spills if proper care is not taken. Si nce water pumps are usually placed on river or lake banks very near the water, poor refueling practices could result in frequent oil spills into the water. E-2-87 I I -) I I ) I ) . I I I J I I ) 3.5 Transmission Corridor Impacts The transmission line can be div·ided into 4 segments: central (Watana to Gold Creek), intertie (Wilow to Healy), northern (Healy to Ester), and southern (Willow to Anchorage). The central segment is composed of two sect ions: Watana to Cheechako Creek and Cheechako Creek to Gold Creek. Construction of the portion from the Watana damsite to Cheechako Creek wi 11 be undertaken duri ng winter with minimal disturbance to vegetation. Hence, impact on stream flow and water quality should be minimal. From Cheechako Creek to the intertie, the transmission corridor will follow the existing trail. This should also result in minimal impacts. The Willow-Healy intertie is being built as a separate project and will be completed in 1984 (Commonwealth Associates, 1982). The Susitna pro- ject will add another line of towers within the same right-of-way. The impacts, then, will be similar to those experienced during intertie construction. The existing access points and construction trails will be utilized. The Environmental Assessment Report for the intertie (Commonwealth Associates, 1982) discusses the expected environmental impacts of transmission line construction in this segment. For construction of the north and south stubs, stream crossings wi 11 ,be required. The potential effects will be of the same type as those dis- cussed in Section 3.4, although generally much less severe because of the limited access needed to construct a transmission line. Erosion related problems can be caused by stream crossings vegetative clearing, siting of transmission towers, locations and methods of access, and disturbances to the permafrost. However, given proper-design and con- struction practices, few erosion related problems are anticipated • Contamination of local waters from accidental spills of fuels and oils is another potential water quality impact. To minimize this potential, vehicles will be properly maintained and appropriate refueling prac;.. tices will be required. Once the transmission line has been built, there should be very few impacts associated with routine inspection and maintenance of towers and .1 i nes. Some localized temporary sedimentation and turbidity problems could occur when maintenance vehicles arerequi red to cross wetlands and streams to repair damaged lines or towers. Permanent roads will not be built in conjunction with transmission lines. Rather, grasses and shrubs will be allowed to grow along the transmission corridor but will be kept trimmed so that vehicles are able to follow the right-of-way associated with the lines. Streams may need to be forded, sometimes repeatedly, in order to effect repairs. Depending on the season, crossing location, type and frequency of vehicle traffic, this could cause erosion downstream reaches. E-2-88 j I t I I ) I I -) I I ) I ) . I I I J I I ) 3.5 Transmission Corridor Impacts The transmission line can be div·ided into 4 segments: central (Watana to Gold Creek), intertie (Wilow to Healy), northern (Healy to Ester), and southern (Willow to Anchorage). The central segment is composed of two sect ions: Watana to Cheechako Creek and Cheechako Creek to Gold Creek. Construction of the portion from the Watana damsite to Cheechako Creek wi 11 be undertaken duri ng winter with minimal disturbance to vegetation. Hence, impact on stream flow and water quality should be minimal. From Cheechako Creek to the intertie, the transmission corridor will follow the existing trail. This should also result in minimal impacts. The Willow-Healy intertie is being built as a separate project and will be completed in 1984 (Commonwealth Associates, 1982). The Susitna pro- ject will add another line of towers within the same right-of-way. The impacts, then, will be similar to those experienced during intertie construction. The existing access points and construction trails will be utilized. The Environmental Assessment Report for the intertie (Commonwealth Associates, 1982) discusses the expected environmental impacts of transmission line construction in this segment. For construction of the north and south stubs, stream crossings wi 11 ,be required. The potential effects will be of the same type as those dis- cussed in Section 3.4, although generally much less severe because of the limited access needed to construct a transmission line. Erosion related problems can be caused by stream crossings vegetative clearing, siting of transmission towers, locations and methods of access, and disturbances to the permafrost. However, given proper-design and con- struction practices, few erosion related problems are anticipated • Contamination of local waters from accidental spills of fuels and oils is another potential water quality impact. To minimize this potential, vehicles will be properly maintained and appropriate refueling prac;.. tices will be required. Once the transmission line has been built, there should be very few impacts associated with routine inspection and maintenance of towers and .1 i nes. Some localized temporary sedimentation and turbidity problems could occur when maintenance vehicles arerequi red to cross wetlands and streams to repair damaged lines or towers. Permanent roads will not be built in conjunction with transmission lines. Rather, grasses and shrubs will be allowed to grow along the transmission corridor but will be kept trimmed so that vehicles are able to follow the right-of-way associated with the lines. Streams may need to be forded, sometimes repeatedly, in order to effect repairs. Depending on the season, crossing location, type and frequency of vehicle traffic, this could cause erosion downstream reaches. E-2-88 I r J ,. r- r j I t I I ) \ I I 4 -AGENCY CONCERNS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Throughout the past three years, state and federal resource agencies have been consulted. Numerous water quantity and quality concerns were raised. The issues identified have been emp"hasized in this report. Some of the major topics include: -Flow regimes during filling and operation; -Reservoir and downstream thermal regime; -Sedimentation process in the reservoir and downstream suspended sedi- ment levels and turbidity; -Nitrogen supersaturation downstream of the dams; -Winter ice regime; -Trophic status of the reservoirs; -Dissolved oxygen levels in the reservoir and downstream; -Downstream ground water and water table impacts; -Effects on instream flow uses; -Sediment and turbidity increases during construction; -Potential contamination from accidental petroleum spills and leak- age; and -Wastewater discharge from the temporary community. A thorough and comp I ete comp I iment of agency concerns and recommenda- tions will be presented pursuant to the review of this drat"t license app I i cat i on • E-2-89 \ I I 4 -AGENCY CONCERNS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Throughout the past three years, state and federal resource agencies have been consulted. Numerous water quantity and quality concerns were raised. The issues identified have been emp"hasized in this report. Some of the major topics include: -Flow regimes during filling and operation; -Reservoir and downstream thermal regime; -Sedimentation process in the reservoir and downstream suspended sedi- ment levels and turbidity; -Nitrogen supersaturation downstream of the dams; -Winter ice regime; -Trophic status of the reservoirs; -Dissolved oxygen levels in the reservoir and downstream; -Downstream ground water and water table impacts; -Effects on instream flow uses; -Sediment and turbidity increases during construction; -Potential contamination from accidental petroleum spills and leak- age; and -Wastewater discharge from the temporary community. A thorough and comp I ete comp I iment of agency concerns and recommenda- tions will be presented pursuant to the review of this drat"t license app I i cat i on • E-2-89 I I I -i 5 -MITIGATION, ENHANCEMENT, AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES 5.1 -Introduction Mitigation measures were developed to protect, maintain, or enhance the the water quality and quantity of the Susitna River. These measures were developed primarily to avoid or minimize impacts to aquatic habi- tats, but they will also have a beneficial effect on other instream flow uses. . The first phase of the mitigation process identified water quality and quantity impacts from construction, filling and operation, and incor- porated mitigative measures in the preconstruction planning, design, and scheduling. Three key mitigation measures were incorporated into the engineering design: (1) Minimum flow requirements were selected during the salmon spawning season that were greater than what would be discharged if flow was selected solely from an optimum economic pOint of view. (2) A multilevel intake was added to improve temperature con- trol and minimize project effects. (3) Fixed-cone valves were incor- porated to prevent nitrogen supersaturati on from occurri ng more fre- quently than once in fifty years. Other mitigation measures incor- porated in the project design and construction procedures are discussed below. The second phase of the mitigation process will be the implementation of environmentally sound construction practices during the construction planning process. This will involve the education of project personnel to the proper techniques needed to minimize impacts to aquat.ic habi- tats. Monitoring of construction practices will be required to identi- fy and correct construction related problems. Upon completion of con- struction, the third phase of mitigation consists of operational monitoring ana surveillance to identify problems and employ corrective measures. 5.2 -Construction The mitigation, enhancement, and protective measures included in Chapter 3.2. 4(a) are appropri ate for constructi on of the Watana and Devil Canyon facilities; the access road construction; and the transmission line construction. 5.3 -Mitigation of Watana Impoundment Impacts The primary concerns duri ng fi 11 i ng of the reservoir di scussed in Section 3 of this chapter include: -Maintenance of minimum downstream flows; -Maintenance of an acceptable downstream thermal regime throughout the year ;~ -Changes in downstream sediment Joads, deposition and flushing; E-2-90 I r [ r r [ 1 i L ( ( [ I I I -i 5 -MITIGATION, ENHANCEMENT, AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES 5.1 -Introduction Mitigation measures were developed to protect, maintain, or enhance the the water quality and quantity of the Susitna River. These measures were developed primarily to avoid or minimize impacts to aquatic habi- tats, but they will also have a beneficial effect on other instream flow uses. . The first phase of the mitigation process identified water quality and quantity impacts from construction, filling and operation, and incor- porated mitigative measures in the preconstruction planning, design, and scheduling. Three key mitigation measures were incorporated into the engineering design: (1) Minimum flow requirements were selected during the salmon spawning season that were greater than what would be discharged if flow was selected solely from an optimum economic pOint of view. (2) A multilevel intake was added to improve temperature con- trol and minimize project effects. (3) Fixed-cone valves were incor- porated to prevent nitrogen supersaturati on from occurri ng more fre- quently than once in fifty years. Other mitigation measures incor- porated in the project design and construction procedures are discussed below. The second phase of the mitigation process will be the implementation of environmentally sound construction practices during the construction planning process. This will involve the education of project personnel to the proper techniques needed to minimize impacts to aquat.ic habi- tats. Monitoring of construction practices will be required to identi- fy and correct construction related problems. Upon completion of con- struction, the third phase of mitigation consists of operational monitoring ana surveillance to identify problems and employ corrective measures. 5.2 -Construction The mitigation, enhancement, and protective measures included in Chapter 3.2. 4(a) are appropri ate for constructi on of the Watana and Devil Canyon facilities; the access road construction; and the transmission line construction. 5.3 -Mitigation of Watana Impoundment Impacts The primary concerns duri ng fi 11 i ng of the reservoir di scussed in Section 3 of this chapter include: -Maintenance of minimum downstream flows; -Maintenance of an acceptable downstream thermal regime throughout the year ;~ -Changes in downstream sediment Joads, deposition and flushing; E-2-90 I r [ r r [ 1 i L ( ( [ I -j 1 I .1 I I I I" I -Downstream gas supersaturation; -Eutrophication processes and trophic status; and -Effects on ground water levels and ground water upwelling rates. Minimum downstream flows, will be provided to mitigate the impact the filling of the reservoir could have on downstream fish and other instream flow uses. Although access may be difficult, the 12,000 cfs flow at Gold Creek in August will provide spawning salmon access to most of the sloughs between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna. Additionally, the selected downstream flow of 12,000 cfs will assist in maintaining adequate ground water levels and upwelling rates in the sloughs. Eutrophication was determined not be a problem and therefore no mitiga- tion is required. Downstream gas supersaturat i on wi 11 be prevented by the des i gn of the energy disipating valves and chambers incorporated in the emergency release outlet. Changes in the downstream river morphology will occur but are not expected to be significant enough to warrant mitigation except for the mouth of some tributaries between Devil 'canyon and Talkeetna where selective reshaping of the mouth may be required to insure salmon access. From the first winter of filling to the commencement of project opera- tion, the water temperature at the Watana low level outlet will approx- imate 4°C to 5°C. Although these temperatures will be moderated some- what downstream, downstream impacts are likely to occur. No mitigation measures have been incorporated in the desi gn to offset these low downstream temperatures during the second and third year of the filling process. If during the final de~ign phase of the project a technically acceptabl e cost-effecti ve method can be developed to mitigate thi s potential temperature impact, it will be incorporated into the final designs. 5.4 -Mitigation of Watana Operation Impacts The primary concerns during Watana operation are identified in Section 5.3. (a) Flows The minimum downstream flows at Gold Creek will be unchanged from those provided during impoundment from May through September. However, for October through April, the minimum flow at Gold Creek will be increased to 5000 cfs. These mininum flows are not the most attractive from a project econ.omic point of view. However, they do provide a base flow of sufficient magnitude that permits the development of mitigation E-2-91 I -j 1 I .1 I I I I" I -Downstream gas supersaturation; -Eutrophication processes and trophic status; and -Effects on ground water levels and ground water upwelling rates. Minimum downstream flows, will be provided to mitigate the impact the filling of the reservoir could have on downstream fish and other instream flow uses. Although access may be difficult, the 12,000 cfs flow at Gold Creek in August will provide spawning salmon access to most of the sloughs between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna. Additionally, the selected downstream flow of 12,000 cfs will assist in maintaining adequate ground water levels and upwelling rates in the sloughs. Eutrophication was determined not be a problem and therefore no mitiga- tion is required. Downstream gas supersaturat i on wi 11 be prevented by the des i gn of the energy disipating valves and chambers incorporated in the emergency release outlet. Changes in the downstream river morphology will occur but are not expected to be significant enough to warrant mitigation except for the mouth of some tributaries between Devil 'canyon and Talkeetna where selective reshaping of the mouth may be required to insure salmon access. From the first winter of filling to the commencement of project opera- tion, the water temperature at the Watana low level outlet will approx- imate 4°C to 5°C. Although these temperatures will be moderated some- what downstream, downstream impacts are likely to occur. No mitigation measures have been incorporated in the desi gn to offset these low downstream temperatures during the second and third year of the filling process. If during the final de~ign phase of the project a technically acceptabl e cost-effecti ve method can be developed to mitigate thi s potential temperature impact, it will be incorporated into the final designs. 5.4 -Mitigation of Watana Operation Impacts The primary concerns during Watana operation are identified in Section 5.3. (a) Flows The minimum downstream flows at Gold Creek will be unchanged from those provided during impoundment from May through September. However, for October through April, the minimum flow at Gold Creek will be increased to 5000 cfs. These mininum flows are not the most attractive from a project econ.omic point of view. However, they do provide a base flow of sufficient magnitude that permits the development of mitigation E-2-91 I I I -) measures to substantially reduce the project l s impact on the downstream fishery. Hence, the minimum downstream flows will provide a bal ance between power generation and downstream flow requirements. To provide stable flows downstream and minimize the potential for down stream ice jams, Watana when it is operating alone wi 11 be operated pr'imarily as a base loaded pl ant, even though it would be desirable to operate Watana as a peaking plant. (b) Temperature and D.O. As noted in Section 3, the impoundment of the Watana reservoir wi 11 change the downstream temperature regime of the Susitna River. Multilevel intakes have been incorporated in the power pl ant intake structures so that water can be drawn from various depths (usually the surface) . By se 1 ect ivel y wi thdrawi ng water, the desired temperature can be maintained at the powerhouse tailrace and downstream. Using a reservoir temperature model, it was possible to closely match existing Susitna River water temperatures except for periods in spring and fall. (c) Nitrogen Supersaturation Nitrogen supersaturation is avoided by the inclusion of fixed-cone valves in the outlet facilities. Fixed-cone valves have been proven effective in preventing nitrogen supersaturation (Ecological Analysts Inc. 1982). Instead of passing water over the spillway into a plunge pool, excess water is released through the valves. These facilities are designed to pass a once in fifty year flood event without creating supersaturated water conditions downstream. The Watana facil ities incorporate six fixed-cone valves that are capable of passing a total design flow of 24,000 cfs. 5.5 -Mitigation of Devil Canyon Impoundment Impacts Other than the continuance of the downstream flows at Gold Creek establ ished during the operation of Watana no additional mitigation measures are planned during the Devil Canyon impoundment period. 5.6 -,Mitigation of Devil Canyon/Watana Operation (a) Flows The downstream flow requirement at Gold Creek will be the same as for Watana operation alone. After Devil Canyon is on line, Watana will be operated as a peaking plant since the discharge feeds directly into the Devil Canyon reservoir. The Devil Canyon reservoir will provide the flow regul ation required to stabil ize the downstream flows. E-2-92 f I ( ! 1 r r r L L l I [ I I I I -) measures to substantially reduce the project l s impact on the downstream fishery. Hence, the minimum downstream flows will provide a bal ance between power generation and downstream flow requirements. To provide stable flows downstream and minimize the potential for down stream ice jams, Watana when it is operating alone wi 11 be operated pr'imarily as a base loaded pl ant, even though it would be desirable to operate Watana as a peaking plant. (b) Temperature and D.O. As noted in Section 3, the impoundment of the Watana reservoir wi 11 change the downstream temperature regime of the Susitna River. Multilevel intakes have been incorporated in the power pl ant intake structures so that water can be drawn from various depths (usually the surface) . By se 1 ect ivel y wi thdrawi ng water, the desired temperature can be maintained at the powerhouse tailrace and downstream. Using a reservoir temperature model, it was possible to closely match existing Susitna River water temperatures except for periods in spring and fall. (c) Nitrogen Supersaturation Nitrogen supersaturation is avoided by the inclusion of fixed-cone valves in the outlet facilities. Fixed-cone valves have been proven effective in preventing nitrogen supersaturation (Ecological Analysts Inc. 1982). Instead of passing water over the spillway into a plunge pool, excess water is released through the valves. These facilities are designed to pass a once in fifty year flood event without creating supersaturated water conditions downstream. The Watana facil ities incorporate six fixed-cone valves that are capable of passing a total design flow of 24,000 cfs. 5.5 -Mitigation of Devil Canyon Impoundment Impacts Other than the continuance of the downstream flows at Gold Creek establ ished during the operation of Watana no additional mitigation measures are planned during the Devil Canyon impoundment period. 5.6 -,Mitigation of Devil Canyon/Watana Operation (a) Flows The downstream flow requirement at Gold Creek will be the same as for Watana operation alone. After Devil Canyon is on line, Watana will be operated as a peaking plant since the discharge feeds directly into the Devil Canyon reservoir. The Devil Canyon reservoir will provide the flow regul ation required to stabil ize the downstream flows. E-2-92 f I ( ! 1 r r r L L l I [ I I ., J \ -/ I I I I i I I (b) Temperature As with Watana, mult i1 evel intakes will be incorporated into the Devil Canyon design. Two intake ports will be needed because of the 1 im ited drawdown at Dev il Canyon. (c) Nitrogen Supersaturation The Devil Canyon Dam is designed with seven fixed-cone valves, three with a diameter of 90 inches and four more with a diameter of 102 inches. Total design capacity of the seven valves will be 38,500 cfs. E-2-93 I ., J \ -/ I I I I i I I (b) Temperature As with Watana, mult i1 evel intakes will be incorporated into the Devil Canyon design. Two intake ports will be needed because of the 1 im ited drawdown at Dev il Canyon. (c) Nitrogen Supersaturation The Devil Canyon Dam is designed with seven fixed-cone valves, three with a diameter of 90 inches and four more with a diameter of 102 inches. Total design capacity of the seven valves will be 38,500 cfs. E-2-93 -I i ~ B I BLI OGRPAHY Acres American Incorporated. 1982b. Susitna Hydroelectric Project - Design Development Studies (Final Draft), Volume 5, Appendix B, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Acres Ameri can Incorporated. 1982a. Susitna Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feasibility Report: Hydrological Studies, Volume 4. Appendix A, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. ADEC. 1978. Inventory of Water Pollution Sources and Management Actions -Maps and Tables, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water Programs, Juneau, Alaska. ADEC. 1979. Water Quality Standards, Al aska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska. ADF&G, 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project' -Final Draft Report - Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project, prepared for Acres American Incorporated. ADF&G,1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Final Draft Report - Aquati c Studi es Program, prepared for Acres Ameri can Incorporated. Baxter, R.M. and P. Glaude, 1980. Environmental Effects of Dams and Impoundments' in Canada: Experi ence and Prospects, Canadi an Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bulletin 205, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, Canada. Bulke E.l. and K.M. Waddell, 1975. Chemical Qual ity-and Temperature in Flaming Gorge Reservoir-, Wyoming and Utah, and the Effect of the Reservoir on the Green River. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply paper 2039-A. Bruce, G.M., 1953. Trap Efficiency of Reservoirs, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Misc. ubl. 970 Bryan, ML.L, 1974. Sublacustrine Morphology and Deposition, Klhane Lake, Yukon Territory. Pages 171-187 in V.C. Bushnell-and M.B. Marcus, eds. Ice Rield Ranges Research Project Scientific Results, Vol. 4. Dwight, L.P., 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Review of Existing Water Rights in the Susitna River Basin, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December. EPA, 1976. Quality Criteria for Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C~ r { r f ( i ( I f I I I I -I i ~ B I BLI OGRPAHY Acres American Incorporated. 1982b. Susitna Hydroelectric Project - Design Development Studies (Final Draft), Volume 5, Appendix B, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Acres Ameri can Incorporated. 1982a. Susitna Hydroe 1 ectri c Project Feasibility Report: Hydrological Studies, Volume 4. Appendix A, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. ADEC. 1978. Inventory of Water Pollution Sources and Management Actions -Maps and Tables, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water Programs, Juneau, Alaska. ADEC. 1979. Water Quality Standards, Al aska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska. ADF&G, 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project' -Final Draft Report - Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project, prepared for Acres American Incorporated. ADF&G,1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Final Draft Report - Aquati c Studi es Program, prepared for Acres Ameri can Incorporated. Baxter, R.M. and P. Glaude, 1980. Environmental Effects of Dams and Impoundments' in Canada: Experi ence and Prospects, Canadi an Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Bulletin 205, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, Canada. Bulke E.l. and K.M. Waddell, 1975. Chemical Qual ity-and Temperature in Flaming Gorge Reservoir-, Wyoming and Utah, and the Effect of the Reservoir on the Green River. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply paper 2039-A. Bruce, G.M., 1953. Trap Efficiency of Reservoirs, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Misc. ubl. 970 Bryan, ML.L, 1974. Sublacustrine Morphology and Deposition, Klhane Lake, Yukon Territory. Pages 171-187 in V.C. Bushnell-and M.B. Marcus, eds. Ice Rield Ranges Research Project Scientific Results, Vol. 4. Dwight, L.P., 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Review of Existing Water Rights in the Susitna River Basin, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December. EPA, 1976. Quality Criteria for Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C~ r { r f ( i ( I f I I I I -I , " I' I "f- ') 'I 'I , .. I / I-I \ 11 I /. I i ,- EPA. 1980. Water Quality Criteria Documents: Availability, Environ- mental Protection Agency, Federal Register, 45, 79318-79379, November. Flint, R., 1982. ADEC, Personal Communication, October. Freethy, R~D. and D.R. Scully, 1980. Water Resources of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, USGS, Hydrological Investigations Atlas, MA-620. Gilbert, R., 1973. Processes of Underflow and Sedilnent Transport in a British Columbia Mountain Lake. Proceedings of the 9th Hydrology Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Gustavson, T.C., Bathymetry and Sediment Distribution in Proglacial Malcspina Lake, Alaska, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 45:450- 461. Hydro-North, 1972. Contingency Plan Study Paxson -Summit Lakes Area Trans-Alaska Pipeline, prepared for Alaska Pipeline Alyeska ~ipe­ line Service Co., prepared for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. Koenings, J.P. and G.B. Kyle, 1982. Limnology and Fisheries Investiga- tions at Crescent Lake (1979-1982, Part I: Crescent Lake Limnology Data Summary, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Soldotna, Alaska. . LeBeau, J. 1982. ADEC, Personal Communication, October. Love, K.S, 1961. Relationship of Impoundment to Water Quality, JAWWA, Volume 53. Matthews,W.H. 1956. Physical Limnology and Sedimentation in a Glacial Lake, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 67: 537-552. McNeelY, R.N., V.P. Neimanism and K. Dwyer, 1979. Water Quality Sourcebook --A Guide to Water Qual ity Parameters, Environment Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, Water Quality Branch, Ot"tawa, Canada. Mortimer, C.H., 1941. The Exchange of Dissolved Substances Between Mud and Water in Lakes, Parts 1 and 2, Journal of Ecology, Volume 29. Mortimer, C.H., 1942. The Exchange of Dissolved Substances Between Mud and Water in Lakes, Parts 3 and 4, Journal of Ecology, Volume 30. Neal, J.K., 1967. Reservoir Eutrophication and Dystrophication Follow- ing Impoundment, Reservoir Fish Resources Symposium, Georgia Uni vers i ty, Athens. Peratrovich, Nottingham and Drage, Inc., 1982. Susitna Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Cl arity Study (Draft), prepared for Acres American Incorporated, October. -I , " I' I "f- ') 'I 'I , .. I / I-I \ 11 I /. I i ,- EPA. 1980. Water Quality Criteria Documents: Availability, Environ- mental Protection Agency, Federal Register, 45, 79318-79379, November. Flint, R., 1982. ADEC, Personal Communication, October. Freethy, R~D. and D.R. Scully, 1980. Water Resources of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, USGS, Hydrological Investigations Atlas, MA-620. Gilbert, R., 1973. Processes of Underflow and Sedilnent Transport in a British Columbia Mountain Lake. Proceedings of the 9th Hydrology Symposium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Gustavson, T.C., Bathymetry and Sediment Distribution in Proglacial Malcspina Lake, Alaska, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 45:450- 461. Hydro-North, 1972. Contingency Plan Study Paxson -Summit Lakes Area Trans-Alaska Pipeline, prepared for Alaska Pipeline Alyeska ~ipe­ line Service Co., prepared for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. Koenings, J.P. and G.B. Kyle, 1982. Limnology and Fisheries Investiga- tions at Crescent Lake (1979-1982, Part I: Crescent Lake Limnology Data Summary, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Soldotna, Alaska. . LeBeau, J. 1982. ADEC, Personal Communication, October. Love, K.S, 1961. Relationship of Impoundment to Water Quality, JAWWA, Volume 53. Matthews,W.H. 1956. Physical Limnology and Sedimentation in a Glacial Lake, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 67: 537-552. McNeelY, R.N., V.P. Neimanism and K. Dwyer, 1979. Water Quality Sourcebook --A Guide to Water Qual ity Parameters, Environment Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, Water Quality Branch, Ot"tawa, Canada. Mortimer, C.H., 1941. The Exchange of Dissolved Substances Between Mud and Water in Lakes, Parts 1 and 2, Journal of Ecology, Volume 29. Mortimer, C.H., 1942. The Exchange of Dissolved Substances Between Mud and Water in Lakes, Parts 3 and 4, Journal of Ecology, Volume 30. Neal, J.K., 1967. Reservoir Eutrophication and Dystrophication Follow- ing Impoundment, Reservoir Fish Resources Symposium, Georgia Uni vers i ty, Athens. Peratrovich, Nottingham and Drage, Inc., 1982. Susitna Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Cl arity Study (Draft), prepared for Acres American Incorporated, October. ' ... f 1 ·1, I Ii i, I I ) Peterson, L.A. and G. Nichols, 1982. Water Quality Effects Resulting from Impoundment of the Sus itna Ri ver, prepared for R&M Consultants, Inc., October. Phaso, C.M., and E.D. Carmack, 1979. Sedimentation Processes in a Short Residence -Time Intermontane Lake, Kamloops lake, British Colubmia, Sedimentology, 26: 523-541. Resource Management Associ ates, 1982. Sus itna Hydroel ectri c Project Sa 1 in i ty Mode 1 , prepared for Acres American Incorporated, October. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1982c. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Hydraulic and Ice Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, March. R&M Consul tants, Inc., 1982d. Sus itna Hydroel ectri c Project, Ice Observations 1980-81, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, August. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982e. Unpublished Susitna River Hydroelectric Project Data. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982f. Sus itna Hydroel ectric Project Slough Hydrology Preliminary Report, prepared for Acres American Incor- porated, October. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982f. Unpublished Eklutna Lake Data. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1981a. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Regional Flood Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982d. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Reservoir Sedimentation, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, January. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982a. Susitna Hydroelectric Project River Morphology, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, January. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982b. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Interpretation 1981, prepared for Acres American Incor- porated, February. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1981b. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Annual ~eport 1980, prepared for Acres American Incorpora- ted, Apr i 1. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1981c. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Qual ity Annual Report, 1981, prepared for Acres American Incor- porated, December. Schmidt, D., ADF&G, 1982. Personal Communicatiori, October. Schmidt, D., ADF&G, 1982b. Personal Communication, meeting, September. [ f r l [ [ [ 1 1. l t I l ' ... f 1 ·1, I Ii i, I I ) Peterson, L.A. and G. Nichols, 1982. Water Quality Effects Resulting from Impoundment of the Sus itna Ri ver, prepared for R&M Consultants, Inc., October. Phaso, C.M., and E.D. Carmack, 1979. Sedimentation Processes in a Short Residence -Time Intermontane Lake, Kamloops lake, British Colubmia, Sedimentology, 26: 523-541. Resource Management Associ ates, 1982. Sus itna Hydroel ectri c Project Sa 1 in i ty Mode 1 , prepared for Acres American Incorporated, October. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1982c. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Hydraulic and Ice Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, March. R&M Consul tants, Inc., 1982d. Sus itna Hydroel ectri c Project, Ice Observations 1980-81, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, August. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982e. Unpublished Susitna River Hydroelectric Project Data. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982f. Sus itna Hydroel ectric Project Slough Hydrology Preliminary Report, prepared for Acres American Incor- porated, October. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982f. Unpublished Eklutna Lake Data. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1981a. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Regional Flood Studies, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, December. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982d. Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Reservoir Sedimentation, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, January. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982a. Susitna Hydroelectric Project River Morphology, prepared for Acres American Incorporated, January. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982b. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Interpretation 1981, prepared for Acres American Incor- porated, February. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1981b. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Annual ~eport 1980, prepared for Acres American Incorpora- ted, Apr i 1. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1981c. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Water Qual ity Annual Report, 1981, prepared for Acres American Incor- porated, December. Schmidt, D., ADF&G, 1982. Personal Communicatiori, October. Schmidt, D., ADF&G, 1982b. Personal Communication, meeting, September. [ f r l [ [ [ 1 1. l t I l ! I / { .I "I t , ' I I J Siting, Marshall, 1981. Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey. St. John et al., 1976. The Limnology of Kamloops Lake, B.C. Department of Environment, Vancouver, B.C. Symons, J.M., .S.R. Weibel, and G.G. Robeck, 1965. Impoundment Influences on Water Quality, JAWWA, Vol. 57, No.1. Symons, J.M., 1969. Water Quality Behavior in Reservoirs, U.S. Public Health Service, Bureau of Water HY0iene, Cincinnati. Trihey,W., 1982b. ADF&G Personal Communication, October. Trihey, W., 1982c. ADF&G Personal Communication, meeting, September 15. Trihey, W., 1982a. Susitna Intergravel Temperature Report (Draft). AEIDC. Turkheim, R.A., 1975. Biophysical Impacts of Arctic Hydroelectric Developments. In J.C. Day (ed), Impacts on Hydroelectric Projects and Associated Developments on Arctic Renewable Resources and the Input, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada. USGS, 1981. Water Resources Data for Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Data Report AK-80-1, Water Year 1980. U.S. ArmY Corps of Engineers, 1982. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Design Memorandum No.2, AppendiX E, February. Vollenweider, R.A., 1976. Advances in Defining Critical Loading Levels for Phosphorous in Lake Eutrophication, Mem. 1st. Ital, 1drobiol., 33. ! I / { .I "I t , ' I I J Siting, Marshall, 1981. Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey. St. John et al., 1976. The Limnology of Kamloops Lake, B.C. Department of Environment, Vancouver, B.C. Symons, J.M., .S.R. Weibel, and G.G. Robeck, 1965. Impoundment Influences on Water Quality, JAWWA, Vol. 57, No.1. Symons, J.M., 1969. Water Quality Behavior in Reservoirs, U.S. Public Health Service, Bureau of Water HY0iene, Cincinnati. Trihey,W., 1982b. ADF&G Personal Communication, October. Trihey, W., 1982c. ADF&G Personal Communication, meeting, September 15. Trihey, W., 1982a. Susitna Intergravel Temperature Report (Draft). AEIDC. Turkheim, R.A., 1975. Biophysical Impacts of Arctic Hydroelectric Developments. In J.C. Day (ed), Impacts on Hydroelectric Projects and Associated Developments on Arctic Renewable Resources and the Input, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada. USGS, 1981. Water Resources Data for Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Data Report AK-80-1, Water Year 1980. U.S. ArmY Corps of Engineers, 1982. Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Design Memorandum No.2, AppendiX E, February. Vollenweider, R.A., 1976. Advances in Defining Critical Loading Levels for Phosphorous in Lake Eutrophication, Mem. 1st. Ital, 1drobiol., 33. ! ! /1 1 / B IBLI OGRPAHY Acres American Incorporated, 1982c. Susitna Hydroelectric Project 1980-81 Geotechnical Report Final Draft, Volume 1, prepared for the Alaska. Power Authority. Kavanagh, N. and A. Townsend, 1977. Construction-related Oil Spills Along trans-Alaska Pipeline, Joint State/Federal Fish and Wildlife Advisory Team, Alaska, JFWAT special report No. 15. Commonwealth Associ ates, Incorporated, 1982. Anchorage -Fairbanks Transmi ssi on Interti e, prepared for the Al aska Power Authority, , March. Joyce, M.R., l.A., Rundquist and l.l. Moulton, 1980. Gravel Removal Guidelines Manual for Arctic and Subarctic Floodplains. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program FWS/OBS -80/09. Burger, C. and l. Swenson, 1977. Environmental Surveillance of Gravel Removal on the trans-Alaska Pipeline System with recommendations for future gravel mining, Joint State Federal Fish and Wildife Advisory Team, Alaska, Special Report Series, No. 13. lauman, T.E, 1976. Salmonid Passage at .Stream-road Crossings, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon. U.S. Forest Service, 1979. Roadway Drainage Guide for Installing Cul verts to Accommodate Fi sh, U. S. Dept. of Agri culture, Al aska, Alaska Region Report No. 42. Gustafson, J., 1977. An evaluation of low water crossings' at fish streams along the trans-Alaska pipeline system, Joint State/ Federal Fish and,Wildlife Advisory Team, Anchorage, Alaska, JFWAT Special Report No. 16. A lyesk a Pi pe 1 i ne Service Company, 1974. Environmenta 1 and techni cal st i pul at i on comp 1 i ance assessment document for the trans-Alaska pipeline system, Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. I. Bohme, V.E. and E.R. Brushett, 1979. Oil spill control in Alberta, 1977 Oi 1 Spill Conference (Preventi on, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), New Orleans, LA. American Petroleum Institute, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard. Lindstedt, S.J., 1979. Oil Spill response planning for biologically sensitive areas, 1977 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), New Orleans, lA., American Petroleum Institute, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard. lantz, R.l., 1971. Guidelines for stream protection in logging opera- tions, Research Division, Oregon State Game Commission, Oregon. [ f [ I r [ r r I l [ I f I I I I l t ! ! /1 1 / B IBLI OGRPAHY Acres American Incorporated, 1982c. Susitna Hydroelectric Project 1980-81 Geotechnical Report Final Draft, Volume 1, prepared for the Alaska. Power Authority. Kavanagh, N. and A. Townsend, 1977. Construction-related Oil Spills Along trans-Alaska Pipeline, Joint State/Federal Fish and Wildlife Advisory Team, Alaska, JFWAT special report No. 15. Commonwealth Associ ates, Incorporated, 1982. Anchorage -Fairbanks Transmi ssi on Interti e, prepared for the Al aska Power Authority, , March. Joyce, M.R., l.A., Rundquist and l.l. Moulton, 1980. Gravel Removal Guidelines Manual for Arctic and Subarctic Floodplains. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program FWS/OBS -80/09. Burger, C. and l. Swenson, 1977. Environmental Surveillance of Gravel Removal on the trans-Alaska Pipeline System with recommendations for future gravel mining, Joint State Federal Fish and Wildife Advisory Team, Alaska, Special Report Series, No. 13. lauman, T.E, 1976. Salmonid Passage at .Stream-road Crossings, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon. U.S. Forest Service, 1979. Roadway Drainage Guide for Installing Cul verts to Accommodate Fi sh, U. S. Dept. of Agri culture, Al aska, Alaska Region Report No. 42. Gustafson, J., 1977. An evaluation of low water crossings' at fish streams along the trans-Alaska pipeline system, Joint State/ Federal Fish and,Wildlife Advisory Team, Anchorage, Alaska, JFWAT Special Report No. 16. A lyesk a Pi pe 1 i ne Service Company, 1974. Environmenta 1 and techni cal st i pul at i on comp 1 i ance assessment document for the trans-Alaska pipeline system, Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. I. Bohme, V.E. and E.R. Brushett, 1979. Oil spill control in Alberta, 1977 Oi 1 Spill Conference (Preventi on, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), New Orleans, LA. American Petroleum Institute, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard. Lindstedt, S.J., 1979. Oil Spill response planning for biologically sensitive areas, 1977 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), New Orleans, lA., American Petroleum Institute, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard. lantz, R.l., 1971. Guidelines for stream protection in logging opera- tions, Research Division, Oregon State Game Commission, Oregon. [ f [ I r [ r r I l [ I f I I I I l t TABLE E.2.1: GAGING STATION DATA I 1 ' USGS Gage Drainage 2 Years of River Station Number Area (mi ) Record Mile Denali 15291000 950 25 291 Maclaren 15291200 280 24 260(1) Cantwell 15291500 4140 20 225 Gold Creek 15292000 6160 J2 137 Chulitna 15292400 2570 23 98 Talkeetna 15291500 2006 18 97(1) Skwenta 15294300 2250 20 28( 1) . Susitna 15294350 19400 9 26 (1) Confluence of tributary with Susitna River. Ii , ,) , ~ L TABLE E.2.1: GAGING STATION DATA I 1 ' USGS Gage Drainage 2 Years of River Station Number Area (mi ) Record Mile Denali 15291000 950 25 291 Maclaren 15291200 280 24 260(1) Cantwell 15291500 4140 20 225 Gold Creek 15292000 6160 J2 137 Chulitna 15292400 2570 23 98 Talkeetna 15291500 2006 18 97(1) Skwenta 15294300 2250 20 28( 1) . Susitna 15294350 19400 9 26 (1) Confluence of tributary with Susitna River. Ii , ,) , ~ L "~~'~~I r '~-= OCT ,-,--- Max Mean ax '~ ..,...--::::---- TAGLE E.2.2: BASELINE MONTHLY fLOWS (cfs) Vee Devil Gold Susitna Maclaren-Chulitna Denali 1 Canyon2 Watana 2 Canyon2 Creek Station (Paxson) (20) (0) (2) (2) (2) (5) (21) 2135 ' 1132 4626 3033 6458 4523 7518 5324 8212 5654 52636 31250 687 409 Station (14) 9314 4859 '--- Talkeetna (15 ) Skwenta (20 ) 6196 4297 Mean 317 998 1415 1665 1788 9070 118 1457 842 1267 Min 146 543 709 810 866 4279 49 ~ 891 515 628 JAN Max 651 1300 1780 2212 2452 12269 162 1673 1001 7BL9 Mean 246 824 1166 1362 1466 8205 96 1276 675 1070 Min 85 437 636 757 824 6072 44 974 504 600 rEB Max 321 1200 1560 1836 2028 11532 140 1400 a05 1821 Mean 206 722 903 1153 1242 7409 84 1099 565 903 Min 64 426 602 709 768 4993 42 820 401 490 HARCH Hax 287 1273 15bD-------n79 1900 9193 12T~---130IT--743-1200 Mean 188 692 898 1042 1115 6562 76 978 496 009 Min 42 408 569 664 713 4910 36 738 379 522 APRil Max 415 1702 1965 2405 2650 9003 145 1600 ~1G--~-17ao Mean 230 853 1099 1267 1351 7214 87 1154 569 1016 Min 43 465 609 697 745 5531 50 700 371 607 MAY Max 4259 137511'5973 -'19777 ---21-8ga-H~414) ZU84-----2002)-7790 ---134-60 Mean 2056 7520 10355 12190 13277 60822 002 8371 4195 7920 Min 629 2643 2857 3428 3745 29809 20B 3971 1694 1635 JUNE Hax 12210 34630--q2842 -----zrrB1~--)(J5SU--__rr62Tr----Ll2'J~________q~--19'040------40356 Mean 7306 19655 23024 26078 28095 122510 2891 22495 11610 10583 Min 4647 9909 13233 14710 15530 67838 1751 15587 7429 10650 JULY Hax 12110 2Z89IT-~TS767 JL3BS---341100~"-16B81) 4C49---~557u_------.-zi440~' 25270 Mean 9399 17079 20810 23152 2391.9 130980 3165 26424 10560 17089 Min 6756 12220 15871 17291 18093 102121 2441 22761 7080 11670 AUGOSI Hax 10400 22710 31435 -)527IT---------rr62;lJ 13833l1-----)741~~3670 18033 20590 Mean 8124 14474 18629 20928 2172fJ 109360 2566 22292 9331 13374 Min 3919 6597 13412 15257 16220 62368 974 11300 3787 7471 SEPT Hax 5452 12910 17206 19799 21240 104218 2439 23260 10610 13311 Mean 3356 7897 792 12414 13327 . 68060 1166 12003 5546 8156 Min 1822 3376 5712 6463 6881 34085 470 6424 2070 3783 ANNUAL Max NOTES: Mean Min 1 Years of Record 2 Computed , ",:;;,\ ~~ 3651 2723 2127 1~;~'! 7962 6295 4159 r;:r,1, r~"-~ 9833 8023 6100 /-_., 10947 9130 7200 r"'-l 11565 9670 7200 r':0 59395 48148 31228 ;::'0; "-... "t'{' 1 ~"""'0 1276 975 693 j-, ~ 12114 8748 6078 r;-, 5276 4029 2233 '-"'"'1 r-1 10024 6306 4939 f':::':'1 ~ -----------------'-,--------,'-' '~ -::::----'--- TAGLE E.2.2: BASELINE MONTHLY fLOWS (cfs) Maclaren Chul itna Vee Devil Gold Sus itna Denali 1 Canyon2 Watana 2 Canyon 2 Creek Station (Paxson) Station Talkeetna Skwenta (20) (0) 02 ) (2) (2) (5) (21) (14 ) (15 ) (20 ) OCT Max 687 4430 Mean 409 2505 Min 249 1450 NOV Hax 265 1786 Mean 177 1146 Min 95 770 ax Mean 317 990 1415 1665 1788 9070 118 1457 842 1267 Min 146 543 709 810 866 4279 49 ~ 891 515 628 JAN Max 651 1300 1700 2212 2452 12269 162 1673 1001 2829 Mean 246 824 1166 1362 1466 8205 96 1276 675 1070 Min 85 437 636 757 824 6072 44 974 504 600 rEB Hax 321 1200 1560 1836 2028 11532 140 1400 a05 1821 Mean 206 722 903 1153 1242 7409 84 1099 565 903 Min 64 426 602 709 768 4993 42 820 401 490 HARCH Hax 287 1273 1560 1779 1900 9193 121 1300 743 1200 Mean 108 692 898 1042 1115 6562 76 978 496 009 Min 42 408 569 664 713 4910 36 738 379 522 APRil Hax 415 1702 1965 2405 2650 9003 145 1600 710 1700 Mean 230 853 1099 1267 1351 7214 87 1154 569 1016 Min 43 465 609 697 745 5531 50 700 371 607 MAY Max 4259 13751 15973 19777 21890 94143 2084 20025 7790 13460 Mean 2056 7520 10355 12190 13277 60822 002 8371 4195 7920 Min 629 2643 2857 3428 3745 29809 208 3971 1694 1635 JUNE Hax 12210 34630 42842 47816 50580 176219 4291 40350 19040 40356 Mean 7306 19655 23024 26078 28095 122510 2891 22495 11610 10583 Min 4647 9909 13233 14710 15530 67838 1751 15587 7429 10650 JULy Hax 12110 22890 28767 32388 34400 168815 4649 35570 14440 25270 Mean 9399 17079 20810 23152 2391.9 130980 3165 26424 10560 17089 Min 6756 12220 15871 17291 18093 102121 2441 22761 7080 11670 AUGUst Hax 10400 22710 31435 352/0 3262;0 138334 3141 33670 18033 20590 Mean 8124 14474 18629 20928 2172fJ 109360 2566 22292 9331 13374 Min 3919 6597 13412 15257 16220 62368 974 11300 3787 7471 SEPT Hax 5452 12910 17206 19799 21240 104218 2439 23260 10610 13371 Mean 3356 7897 792 12414 13327 . 68060 1166 12003 5546 8156 Min 1822 3376 5712 6463 6881 34085 470 6424 2070 3703 ANNUAL Max 3651 7962 98D 10947 11565 59395 1276 12114 5276 10024 Mean 2723 6295 8023 9130 9670 48148 975 8748 4029 6306 Min 2127 4159 6100 7200 7200 31228 693 6078 2233 4939 NOTES: 1 Years of Record 2 Computed ,",:;;l he;..'!', "':l'?.if!-. TABLE E.2.3: INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOWS OF RECORD GOLD CREEK CANIWt.LL ll:.NALI MACLAREN Date cts Date cfs Date cfs Date cfs 8/25/59 62, 300 6/23/61 30,500 8/1 B/63 17,000 9/13/60 8,900 6/15/62 80,600 6/15/62 47,000 6/07/64 16,000 6/14/62 6,650 6/07/64 90,700 6/07/64 50,500 9/09/65 15,800 7/18/65 7,350 6/06/66 62,600 8/11/70 20,500 8/14/67 28,200 8/14/67 7,600 8/1 5/67 80,200 8/1 0/71 60,000 7/27/68 19,000 8/10/71 9,300 B/1 0/71 87' 400 6/22/72 45,000 8/0B/71 38,200 6/17/72 7,100 6/17/72 82,600 TABLE E.2.4: COMPARISON OF SUSITNA REGIONAL FLOOD PEAK ESTIMATES WITH USGS METHODS FOR GOLD CREEK USGS USG. Single Susitna Are a I I Cook Inlet Return Station Regional Regional Regional Station Location Period Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate (Yrs.) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Susitna River at Gold Creek 1.25 37,100 37,100 4B,700 2 49,500 49,000 59,200 43,BDD 5 67,000 64,200 73,000 53,400 10 79,000 74,500 8:3,400 55,300 50 106,000 100,000 104,000 71,600 100 11 B ODD 110 DOD 115 ODD Based on three parameter log normal distribution and shown to three significant figures. 2 Lamke, R.D. (1970) Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Stream, USGS, Water Resources Investigation, 78-129. 3 Freethey, G.W., andD.R. -S~ully ('i9BO). \~ater Resources of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, USGS, Hydrological Investigations ~tlas HA-620. River Mile RM 149 to 144 RM 14/: to 139 RM 139 to 129.5 RM 129.5 to 119 RM 119 to 104 RM 104 to 95 RM 95 to 61 RM 61 to 42 RM 42 to 0 TABLE E.2.5: SUSITNA RIVER REACH DEFINITIONS Average Slope 0.00195 0.00260 0.00210 Predominent Channel Pattern Single channel confined by valley walls. Frequent bedrock control points. Split channel confined by valley wall and terraces. Split channel confined occasionally by terraces and valley walls. Main chan- nels, side channels sloughs occupy valley bottom. 0.00173 Split channel with occasional tendency to braid. Main channel frequently flows against west valley wall. Subchannels and sloughs occup.y east floodplain. 0.00153 Single channel frequently incised and occasional islands. 0.00147 Transition from split channel to braided. Occasionally bounded by terraces. Braided through the con- fluence with Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers. .--0.00105 Braided with occasional confinement by terraces. 0.00073 Combined patterns; western floodplain braided, eastern floodplain split channel. 0.00030 Split channel with occasional tendency to braid. Deltaic distributary channels begin forming at about RM 20. River Mile RM 149 to 144 RM 14/: to 139 RM 139 to 129.5 RM 129.5 to 119 RM 119 to 104 RM 104 to 95 RM 95 to 61 RM 61 to 42 RM 42 to 0 TABLE E.2.5: SUSITNA RIVER REACH DEFINITIONS Average Slope 0.00195 0.00260 0.00210 Predominent Channel Pattern Single channel confined by valley walls. Frequent bedrock control points. Split channel confined by valley wall and terraces. Split channel confined occasionally by terraces and valley walls. Main chan- nels, side channels sloughs occupy valley bottom. 0.00173 Split channel with occasional tendency to braid. Main channel frequently flows against west valley wall. Subchannels and sloughs occup.y east floodplain. 0.00153 Single channel frequently incised and occasional islands. 0.00147 Transition from split channel to braided. Occasionally bounded by terraces. Braided through the con- fluence with Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers. .--0.00105 Braided with occasional confinement by terraces. 0.00073 Combined patterns; western floodplain braided, eastern floodplain split channel. 0.00030 Split channel with occasional tendency to braid. Deltaic distributary channels begin forming at about RM 20. TABLE E.2.6: DETECTION LIMITS FOR WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS Field Parameters Dissolved Oxygen D. 0. Percent Saturation pH, pH Units Conductivity, umhos/cm ® 25°C Temperature, o C Free Carbon Dioxide Alkalinity, as CaC0 3 Settleable Solids, ml/1 Laboratory Parameters Ammonia. Nitrogen Organic Nitrogen Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Tat al Nitrogen Ortho-Phosphate Total Phosphorus Chemical Oxygen Demand Chloride Color, Platinum Cobalt Units Hardness Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids((~)) Total Suspended Solids Turbidity (NTU) Gross Alpha, picocurie/liter Total Organic Carbon Total Inorganic Carbon Organic Chemicals -Endrin, ug/1 -Lindane, ug/1 -Methoxychlor, ug/1 -Toxaphene, ug/1 -Z, 4-D, ug/1 -2, 4, 5-TP Silvex, ug/1 ICAP Scan(4) -Ag, Silver -Al, Aluminum -As, Arsenic -Au, Gold -B, Boron -Ba, Barium -Bi, Bismuth -Ca, Calcium -Cd, Cadmium -Co, Cobalt -Cr, Chromium M Detection L . •t(l) ~m~ 0.1 1 +0.01 -1 0.1 1 2 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.01 1 0.2 1 1 1 1 1 0.05 3 1.0 1.0 0.0002 0.004 0.1 0.005 0.1 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.05 Detection L . •t(S.) ~m~ .01 .1 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 --1 .05 1 1 00 .00001 .00001 .00001 .001 .00001 .00001 .001 .01 .001 .01 .1 .01 .001 .001 .001 Criteria Levels 7-17 110 6.5 -9.0 20,15 (M), 1 3 (Sp) 20 0.02 10 0.01 200 50 200 1,500 no measurable measurable increase 25 NTU increase 15 3.0 (S) 00 0.004 0.01 0.03 0.013 100 10 0.05 0.073 (S) 0.440 0.043 1.0 0.00.35 (S) 0.0012, 0.0004 0.1 ) J L.'. TABLE E.2.6: DETECTION LIMITS FOR WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS (Cont'd) Laboratory Parameters (Cont'd) -Cu, Copper -Fe, Iron -Hg, Mercury -K, Potassium -Mg, Magnes ium -Mn, Manganese -Mo, Molybdenum -Na, S,odium -Ni, Nickel -Pb, Lead -Pt, Platinum -Sb, Ant imony -Se, Selenium -Si, Silicon -Sn, Tin -Sr, Strontium -Ti, Titanium -'N, Tungsten -V, Vanadium -Zn, Zinc -Zr, Zirconium --.c. R&M Detection L · . t( 1) lml 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 1.0 0.05 0.05 0.05 (1)All values are expressed in mg/l unless otherwise noted. OSGS Detection Limit(s) .001 .01 .0001 .1 .1 .001 .001 .1 .001 .001 .001 .001 .1 .01 .01 Criteria Levels 0.01 1.0 0.00005 0.05· 0.07 0.025 0.03 9 0.01 0.007 (S) 0.03 (2)TDS _ (filterable) material that passes through a standard glass fiber filter and remains after evaporation (SM p 93). . 0) TSS -(nonfilterable) material required on a standard fiber filter after filtration of awell-mixed sample. (4) . ( ) / ( ICAP SCAN -thirty-two n element computerized scan in parts mil Lion Ag, AI, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Pt, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, W, Zn, Zr). (S)USGS detection limits are taken from "1982 Water Quality Laboratory Services Catalog" USGS Open-File Report 81-1016. The limits used are the limits for the most precise test avail able. (S) -Suggested Criteria (M) -Migration Routes (Sp) -Spawning Areas ) J L.'. TABLE E.2.6: DETECTION LIMITS FOR WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS (Cont'd) Laboratory Parameters (Cont'd) -Cu, Copper -Fe, Iron -Hg, Mercury -K, Potassium -Mg, Magnes ium -Mn, Manganese -Mo, Molybdenum -Na, S,odium -Ni, Nickel -Pb, Lead -Pt, Platinum -Sb, Ant imony -Se, Selenium -Si, Silicon -Sn, Tin -Sr, Strontium -Ti, Titanium -'N, Tungsten -V, Vanadium -Zn, Zinc -Zr, Zirconium --.c. R&M Detection L · . t( 1) lml 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 1.0 0.05 0.05 0.05 (1)All values are expressed in mg/l unless otherwise noted. OSGS Detection Limit(s) .001 .01 .0001 .1 .1 .001 .001 .1 .001 .001 .001 .001 .1 .01 .01 Criteria Levels 0.01 1.0 0.00005 0.05· 0.07 0.025 0.03 9 0.01 0.007 (S) 0.03 (2)TDS _ (filterable) material that passes through a standard glass fiber filter and remains after evaporation (SM p 93). . 0) TSS -(nonfilterable) material required on a standard fiber filter after filtration of awell-mixed sample. (4) . ( ) / ( ICAP SCAN -thirty-two n element computerized scan in parts mil Lion Ag, AI, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Pt, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, W, Zn, Zr). (S)USGS detection limits are taken from "1982 Water Quality Laboratory Services Catalog" USGS Open-File Report 81-1016. The limits used are the limits for the most precise test avail able. (S) -Suggested Criteria (M) -Migration Routes (Sp) -Spawning Areas TABLE E.2.7: PARAMETERS EXCEEDING CRITERIA BY STATION AND SEASON Parameter D.O. % Saturation pH Color Phosphorus, Total (d) Total Organic Carbon Aluminum (d) Aluminum (t) Bismuth (d) Cadmium (d) Cadmium (t) Copper (d) Copper (t)' I ron (d) Iron (t) Lead (t) Manganese (d) Manganese (t) Mereury (d) Mereury (t) Nickel (t) Zinc (d) Zinc (t) Stations o -Denali V -Vee Canyon G -Gold Creek C -Chulitna T -Talkeetna 5 -Sunshine 55 -Susitna Station .. Station G T G T, 5 V, G, T, 5, 55 G, 55 V, G, 55 55 V, G G, 5, 55 V, G G T, 55 55 G, T, 5, 55 T, 55 T, 55 T 55 G, T, 5, T, 5, 55 T, 55 0, V, C G, T, 5, T G, T, 5, T, 55 D, V, G, G, T, 5 T, 55 G, 5 5 G, T, T, 5, T, 55 ,. 5, ... , V G, 5, T, 5, 55 Seasons 5 -Summer 'II -\~inter B -Breakup 5, 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 C 55 Season Criteria 5 L 5, W, B L B 5 L 5, W, B L 5 5 W B 5, W 5 5 5 5 'Ii 5, W L B 5 'II, B 5 A 'II 8· --5 of! 5 L 5 8 5 A W, B 5 L 5 B 5 L 'II 5 'II B 5 A 5 A 5 'II B Criteria L -Established by law' as per Alaska Water Quality Standards 5 -Criteria that have been suggested but are now law, or levels which natural waters usually do not exceed A -Alternate level to 0.02 of the 96-hour LCSO determined through bioassay l TABLE E.2.7: PARAMETERS EXCEEDING CRITERIA BY STATION AND SEASON Parameter D.O. % Saturation pH Color Phosphorus, Total (d) Total Organic Carbon Aluminum (d) Aluminum (t) Bismuth (d) Cadmium (d) Cadmium (t) Copper (d) Copper (t)' I ron (d) Iron (t) Lead (t) Manganese (d) Manganese (t) Mereury (d) Mereury (t) Nickel (t) Zinc (d) Zinc (t) Stations o -Denali V -Vee Canyon G -Gold Creek C -Chulitna T -Talkeetna 5 -Sunshine 55 -Susitna Station .. Station G T G T, 5 V, G, T, 5, 55 G, 55 V, G, 55 55 V, G G, 5, 55 V, G G T, 55 55 G, T, 5, 55 T, 55 T, 55 T 55 G, T, 5, T, 5, 55 T, 55 0, V, C G, T, 5, T G, T, 5, T, 55 D, V, G, G, T, 5 T, 55 G, 5 5 G, T, T, 5, T, 55 ,. 5, ... , V G, 5, T, 5, 55 Seasons 5 -Summer 'II -\~inter B -Breakup 5, 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 C 55 Season Criteria 5 L 5, W, B L B 5 L 5, W, B L 5 5 W B 5, W 5 5 5 5 'Ii 5, W L B 5 'II, B 5 A 'II 8· --5 of! 5 L 5 8 5 A W, B 5 L 5 B 5 L 'II 5 'II B 5 A 5 A 5 'II B Criteria L -Established by law' as per Alaska Water Quality Standards 5 -Criteria that have been suggested but are now law, or levels which natural waters usually do not exceed A -Alternate level to 0.02 of the 96-hour LCSO determined through bioassay l "'I , , \ TABLE E.2.8: 1982 TURBIDITY ANALYSIS OF THE SUSITNA, CHULI TNA AND TALKEETNA RIVERS CONFLUENCE AREA 11 3 Suspended 1 Turbidit/ Sediment 1 Discharge 4 Date Date Concentration [ Location SamE!led Anal~zed (NTU) (m!:j/I) (cfs) j '1 Susitna at Sunshine 6/3/82 6/11/82 164 71,800 (Parks Highway Bridge) 6/10/82 6/24/82 200 403 62,100 6/17/82 6/24/82 136 '22 48,700 \ 6/21/82 8/3/82 360 755 76,600 6/28/82 8/18/82 1,056 71,600 1 7/6/82 8/3/82 352 44,800 I 7/12/82 8/3/82 912 58,000 7/19/82 8/18/82 552 59,400 7/26/82 8/18/82 696 97,100 1 8/2/82 8/18/82 544 . 61,000 8/9/82 8/26/82 720 50,200 8/16/82 8/26/82 784 45,600 8/23/82 9/14/82 552 1 8/30/82 9/14/82 292' 9/17/82 10/12/82 784 ( Susitna Below Talkeetna 5/26/82* 5/29/82 98 I 5/28/82* 6/2/82 256 43,600 -, 5/29/82* 6/2/82 140 42,900 5/30/82* 6/2/82 65 38,400 ( 5/31/82* 6/2/82 130 39,200 6/1/82* 6/2/82 130· 1~7, 000' II Susitna atLRX-45 5/26/82* 5/29/82 81 Susitna near Chase 5 6/3/82 6/11/82 140 1/ (R.R. Mile 232) 6/8/82 6/24/82 130 547 6/15/82 6/24/82 94 170 20,700 6/22/82 8/3/82 74 426 " 6/30/82 8/18/82 376 I 7/8/82 8/18/82 132 18,100 1 7/14/82 8/3/82 728 27,300 l 7/21/82 8/18/82 316 21,900 ,\ 7/28/82 8/18/82 300 25,600 8/4/82 8/18/82 352 18,500 \ 8/10/82 8/26/82 364 16,700 8/18/82 8/26/82 304 I 8/25/82 9/14/82 244 I 8/31/82 9/14/82 188 ! 9/19/82 10/12/82 328 1 Susitna at Vee Canyon 6/4/82 6/11/82 82 6/30/82 8/3/82 384 7/27/82 8/18/82 720 I 8/26/82 9/14/82 320 Chulitna (Canyon)6 6/4/82 6/11/82 272 6/22/82 8/3/82 680 l 6/29/82 8/18/82 1,424 7/7/82 8/3/82 976 7/13/82 8/18/82 1,136 7/20/82 8/18/82 1,392 7/27/82 8/18/82 664 I 8/3/82 8/18/82 704 8/11/82 8/26/82 592 8/17/82 8/26/82 1,296 ,\ 8/24/82 9/14/82 632 9/1/82 9/'14/82 316 9/18/82 10/12/82 1,920 :'~ I J "'I , , \ TABLE E.2.8: 1982 TURBIDITY ANALYSIS OF THE SUSITNA, CHULI TNA AND TALKEETNA RIVERS CONFLUENCE AREA "1 3 Suspended 1 Turbidit/ Sediment 1 Discharge 4 Date Date Concentration [ Location SamE!led Anal~zed (NTU) (m!:j/I) (cfs) j '1 Susitna at Sunshine 6/3/82 6/11/82 164 71,800 (Parks Highway Bridge) 6/10/82 6/24/82 200 403 62,100 6/17/82 6/24/82 136 '22 48,700 \ 6/21/82 8/3/82 360 755 76,600 6/28/82 8/18/82 1,056 71,600 1 7/6/82 8/3/82 352 44,800 I 7/12/82 8/3/82 912 58,000 7/19/82 8/18/82 552 59,400 7/26/82 8/18/82 696 97,100 1 8/2/82 8/18/82 544 . 61,000 8/9/82 8/26/82 720 50,200 8/16/82 8/26/82 784 45,600 8/23/82 9/14/82 552 1 8/30/82 9/14/82 292' 9/17/82 10/12/82 784 ( Susitna Below Talkeetna 5/26/82* 5/29/82 98 I 5/28/82* 6/2/82 256 43,600 -, 5/29/82* 6/2/82 140 42,900 5/30/82* 6/2/82 65 38,400 ( 5/31/82* 6/2/82 130 39,200 6/1/82* 6/2/82 130· 1~7, 000' l Susitna atLRX-45 5/26/82* 5/29/82 81 Susitna near Chase 5 6/3/82 6/11/82 140 1/ (R.R. Mile 232) 6/8/82 6/24/82 130 547 6/15/82 6/24/82 94 170 20,700 6/22/82 8/3/82 74 426 " 6/30/82 8/18/82 376 I 7/8/82 8/18/82 132 18,100 1 7/14/82 8/3/82 728 27,300 l 7/21/82 8/18/82 316 21,900 ,\ 7/28/82 8/18/82 300 25,600 8/4/82 8/18/82 352 18,500 \ 8/10/82 8/26/82 364 16,700 8/18/82 8/26/82 304 I 8/25/82 9/14/82 244 I 8/31/82 9/14/82 188 ! 9/19/82 10/12/82 328 1 Susitna at Vee Canyon 6/4/82 6/11/82 82 6/30/82 8/3/82 384 7/27/82 8/18/82 720 1 8/26/82 9/14/82 320 Chulitna (Canyon)6 6/4/82 6/11/82 272 6/22/82 8/3/82 680 1 6/29/82 8/18/82 1,424 7/7/82 8/3/82 976 7/13/82 8/18/82 1,136 7/20/82 8/18/82 1,392 7/27/82 8/18/82 664 I 8/3/82 8/18/82 704 8/11/82 8/26/82 592 8/17/82 8/26/82 1,296 ,\ 8/24/82 9/14/82 632 9/1/82 9/'14/82 316 9/18/82 10/12/82 1,920 :'~ I J -I TABLE E.2.8 -(Cont'd) 3 Suspended 1 Turbidity 2 Sediment Date Date Concentration Discharge Location SamEled Anal~zed (NTU) (mg/l) (cfs) Chulitna near Confluence6 5/26/82* 5/29/82 194 5/28/82* 6/2/82 272 5/29/82* 6/2/82 308 5/30/82* 6/2/82 120 5/31/82* 6/2/82 360 6/1/82* 6/2/82 324 Talkeetna at USGS Cable 7 6/2/82 6/11/82 146 311 16,000 6/9/82 6/24/82 49 311 13,400 6/17/82 6/24/82 28 10,300 6/23/82 8/3/82 26 164 11,700 6/29/82 8/18/82 41 11,800 7/7/82 8/3/82 20 6,830 7/13/82 8/3/82 132-9,390 7/20/82 8/18/82 148 8,880 7/28/82 8/18/82 272 16,000 8/3/82 8/18/82 49 9,730 8/10/82 8/26/82 53 7,400 8/17/82 8/26/82 82 6,490 8/24/82 9/14/82 68 8/31/82 9/14/82 37 9/20/82 10/12/82 34 ---Talkeetna at R.R. Bridge7 5/26/82* 5/29/82 17 5,680 Notes: 5/28/82* 6/2/82 39 6,250 5/29/82* 6/2/82 21 5,860 5/30/82* 6/2/82 20 5,660 5/31/82* 6/2/82 44 7,400 6/1/82* 6/2/82 55 9,560 1*Refers to samples collected by R&M Consultants, all other samples were collected by USGS. 2 R&M Consultants conducted all turbidity measurements. 3 Suspended sediment concentrations are preliminary, unpublished data provided by the U.S. Geological Survey. 4 Discharges for "Susitna at Sunshine" and "Susitna Below Talkeetna" are from the U.S. Geological Survey stream gage at the Parks Highway 8ridge at Sunshine. 5 Discharges for "Susitna at LRX-4" and "Susitna near Chase" are from the USGS stream gage at the Alaska Railroad Bridge at Gold Creek. 6 Discharges for "Chulitna" and "Chulitna near Confluence" are from the USGS stream gage at the Parks Highway Br.idge at Chulitna. 7 Discharges for "Talkeetna at USGS Cable" and "Talkeetna at R.R. Bridge" are from the USGS stream gage near Talkeetna. 4 l 1 I :1 1 -\ i I ?l ) J I I I J -I TABLE E.2.8 -(Cont'd) 3 Suspended 1 Turbidity 2 Sediment Date Date Concentration Discharge Location SamEled Anal~zed (NTU) (mg/l) (cfs) Chulitna near Confluence6 5/26/82* 5/29/82 194 5/28/82* 6/2/82 272 5/29/82* 6/2/82 308 5/30/82* 6/2/82 120 5/31/82* 6/2/82 360 6/1/82* 6/2/82 324 Talkeetna at USGS Cable 7 6/2/82 6/11/82 146 311 16,000 6/9/82 6/24/82 49 311 13,400 6/17/82 6/24/82 28 10,300 6/23/82 8/3/82 26 164 11,700 6/29/82 8/18/82 41 11,800 7/7/82 8/3/82 20 6,830 7/13/82 8/3/82 132-9,390 7/20/82 8/18/82 148 8,880 7/28/82 8/18/82 272 16,000 8/3/82 8/18/82 49 9,730 8/10/82 8/26/82 53 7,400 8/17/82 8/26/82 82 6,490 8/24/82 9/14/82 68 8/31/82 9/14/82 37 9/20/82 10/12/82 34 ---Talkeetna at R.R. Bridge7 5/26/82* 5/29/82 17 5,680 Notes: 5/28/82* 6/2/82 39 6,250 5/29/82* 6/2/82 21 5,860 5/30/82* 6/2/82 20 5,660 5/31/82* 6/2/82 44 7,400 6/1/82* 6/2/82 55 9,560 1*Refers to samples collected by R&M Consultants, all other samples were collected by USGS. 2 R&M Consultants conducted all turbidity measurements. 3 Suspended sediment concentrations are preliminary, unpublished data provided by the U.S. Geological Survey. 4 Discharges for "Susitna at Sunshine" and "Susitna Below Talkeetna" are from the U.S. Geological Survey stream gage at the Parks Highway 8ridge at Sunshine. 5 Discharges for "Susitna at LRX-4" and "Susitna near Chase" are from the USGS stream gage at the Alaska Railroad Bridge at Gold Creek. 6 Discharges for "Chulitna" and "Chulitna near Confluence" are from the USGS stream gage at the Parks Highway Br.idge at Chulitna. 7 Discharges for "Talkeetna at USGS Cable" and "Talkeetna at R.R. Bridge" are from the USGS stream gage near Talkeetna. 4 l 1 I :1 1 -\ i I ?l ) J I I I J I , I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l J I 1 1 I ~f ( ( I i ( ( I I .1 j ( ( l 31 I I TABLE E.2.9: SIGNIFICANT ION CONCENTRATIONS Ranges of Concentrations (mg/l) U stream of Pro'ect Downstream of Pro'ect Summer Winter Summer Winter Bicarbonate (alkalinit y) 39 -81 57 -187 25 -86 45 -145 Chloride o -11 4 -30 -15 6 -35 Sulfate 2 -23 11 -39 -28 10 -38 Calcium (dissolved) 13 -29 23 -51 10 -37 22 -32 Magnesium (dissolved) 1 - 4 o -16 1 - 6 1 -10 Sodium (dissolved) 2 -10 4 -23 2 - 8 5 -17 Potassium (dissolved) 1 - 7 0-9 1 - 4 1 -5 I , I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l J I 1 1 I ~f ( ( I i ( ( I I .1 j ( ( l 31 I I TABLE E.2.9: SIGNIFICANT ION CONCENTRATIONS Ranges of Concentrations (mg/l) U stream of Pro'ect Downstream of Pro'ect Summer Winter Summer Winter Bicarbonate (alkalinit y) 39 -81 57 -187 25 -86 45 -145 Chloride o -11 4 -30 -15 6 -35 Sulfate 2 -23 11 -39 -28 10 -38 Calcium (dissolved) 13 -29 23 -51 10 -37 22 -32 Magnesium (dissolved) 1 - 4 o -16 1 - 6 1 -10 Sodium (dissolved) 2 -10 4 -23 2 - 8 5 -17 Potassium (dissolved) 1 - 7 0-9 1 - 4 1 - 5 1 • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2.3. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 3 3 5. 6. 37. 3 8. 39. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 o. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. O. Stream Name unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed Oshetna River unnamed Goose Creek unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed slough unnamed slough unnamed Jay Creek unnamed unnamed Kosina Creek unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed Watana Creek TABLE E.2.10: STREAMS TO BE PARTIALLY OR COMPLETELY INUNDATED BY WATANA RESERVOIR (EI. 2,185) Approximate Length Existing Approximate of Stream Susitna Elevation Stream Gradient to be River Mile at Mouth at Mouth Inundated at Mouth (ft. msI) (ft/mile) (miles) 240.8 2,185 380 mouth only 240.0 2,175 1,000 mouth only 239.4 2,170 500 mouth only 238.5 2,165 600 mouth only 236.0 2,140 500 0.1 233.8 2,055 400 0.3 233.5 2,050 65 2.0 232.7 2,040 1,500 0.2 231.2 2,030 125 1.2 ,230.8 2,025 F 1,400 0.2 229.8 2,015 550 0.3 229.7 2,015' 1,500 0.2 229.1 2,010 2,000 0.1 228.5 2,000 1,300 0.1 228.4 2,000 2,000 0.2 227.4 1,980 1,700 0.1 226.8 1,970 250 0.6 225.0 1,930 400 0.4 224.4 1,920 1,250 0.2 221.5 1,875 --230 -... 1.0 220.9 1,865 1,000 0.2 219.2 1,845 350 1.0 217.6 1,830 700 0.5 215.1 1,785 900 0.3 21.3.2 1,760 1,000 0.4 213.0 1,755 600 0.6 212.1 1,750 1,200 0.3 212.0 1,750 13 0.5 (full length) 211.7 1,745 1,000 0 •. 3 210.2 1,720 400 0.7 208.6 1,700 120 3.2 207.3 1,690 300 0.9 (full length) 207.0 1,685 160 1.0 206.9 1,685 120 4.2 205.0 1,665 1,100 0.5 (full length) 204.9 1,665 750 0.4 (full length) 203.9 1,655 800 0.7 203.4 1,650 350 0.5 (full length) 201.8 1,635 400 0.8 200.7 1,625 1,000 1.0 198.7 1,610 400 0.7 198.6 1,605 700 0.6 197.9 1,600 500 0.6 197.1 1,595 650 0.7 196.7 1,590 1,000 0.7 196.2 1,585 550 1.0 195.8 1,580 350 1. 1 195.2 1,575 200 1.3 (fu.ll length) 194.9 1,570 200 1.7 194.1 1,560 50 10.0 (longest fork) l .. j! .' -I I J I .J 1 • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2.3. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3 8. 39. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 o. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. O. Stream Name unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed Oshetna River unnamed Goose Creek unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed slough unnamed slough unnamed Jay Creek unnamed unnamed Kosina Creek unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed Watana Creek TABLE E.2.10: STREAMS TO BE PARTIALLY OR COMPLETELY INUNDATED BY WATANA RESERVOIR (EI. 2,185) Approximate Length Existing Approximate of Stream Susitna Elevation Stream Gradient to be River Mile at Mouth at Mouth Inundated at Mouth (ft. msI) (ft/mile) (miles) 240.8 2,185 380 mouth only 240.0 2,175 1,000 mouth only 239.4 2,170 500 mouth only 238.5 2,165 600 mouth only 236.0 2,140 500 0.1 233.8 2,055 400 0.3 233.5 2,050 65 2.0 232.7 2,040 1,500 0.2 231.2 2,030 125 1.2 ,230.8 2,025 F 1,400 0.2 229.8 2,015 550 0.3 229.7 2,015' 1,500 0.2 229.1 2,010 2,000 0.1 228.5 2,000 1,300 0.1 228.4 2,000 2,000 0.2 227.4 1,980 1,700 0.1 226.8 1,970 250 0.6 225.0 1,930 400 0.4 224.4 1,920 1,250 0.2 221.5 1,875 --230 --1.0 220.9 1,865 1,000 0.2 219.2 1,845 350 1.0 217.6 1,830 700 0.5 215.1 1,785 900 0.3 21.3.2 1,760 1,000 0.4 213.0 1,755 600 0.6 212.1 1,750 1,200 0.3 212.0 1,750 13 0.5 (full length) 211.7 1,745 1,000 0 •. 3 210.2 1,720 400 0.7 208.6 1,700 120 3.2 207.3 1,690 300 0.9 (full length) 207.0 1,685 160 1.0 206.9 1,685 120 4.2 205.0 1,665 1,100 0.5 (full length) 204.9 1,665 750 0.4 (full length) 203.9 1,655 800 0.7 203.4 1,650 350 0.5 (full length) 201.8 1,635 400 0.8 200.7 1,625 1,000 1.0 198.7 1,610 400 0.7 198.6 1,605 700 0.6 197.9 1,600 500 0.6 197.1 1,595 650 0.7 196.7 1,590 1,000 0.7 196.2 1, ?85 550 1.0 195.8 1,580 350 1. 1 195.2 1,575 200 1.3 (fu.ll length) 194.9 1,570 200 1.7 194.1 1,560 50 10.0 (longest fork) l .. j! .' -I I J I .J I J \ TABLE E.2.10 -(Cont'd) Approximate Length Existing Approximate of Stream Susitna Elevation Stream Gradient to be River Mile at Mouth at Mouth Inundated Stream Name at Mouth (ft. msl) (ft/mile) (~Iiles) 50A. Delusion Creek --1,700 200 1 c, .' (tributary to Watana Creek) 51. unnamed 192.7 1,550 400 1.5 (full length) 52. unnamed 192.0 1,545 200 3.9 (longest fork) 53. unnamed 190.0 1,530 1,300 0.5 54. unnamed 187.0 1,505 1,250 0.7 55. unnamed 186.9 1,505 2,000 1.7 56. Deadman Creek 186.7 1,500 450 2.~ . ( I J \ TABLE E.2.10 -(Cont'd) Approximate Length Existing Approximate of Stream Susitna Elevation Stream Gradient to be River Mile at Mouth at Mouth Inundated Stream Name at Mouth (ft. msl) (ft/mile) (~Iiles) 50A. Delusion Creek --1,700 200 1 c, .' (tributary to Watana Creek) 51. unnamed 192.7 1,550 400 1.5 (full length) 52. unnamed 192.0 1,545 200 3.9 (longest fork) 53. unnamed 190.0 1,530 1,300 0.5 54. unnamed 187.0 1,505 1,250 0.7 55. unnamed 186.9 1,505 2,000 1.7 56. Deadman Creek 186.7 1,500 450 2.~ . ( -' 1 • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 12A. 12B. 12C. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 17A. 17B. 18. 19. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 O. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TABLE E.2.11: STREAMS TO BE PARTIALLY OR COMPLETELY INUNDATED BY DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR (EL. 1,455) Approximate Length Existing Approximate of Stream Susitna Elevation Stream Gradient to be River Mile at Mouth at Mouth Inundated Stream Name at Mouth (ft. msl) (ft/mile) (miles) Tsusena Creek 181.9 1,450 250 0.2 unnamed 181.2 1,440 250 0.2 unnamed slough 180.1 1,430 10 0.6 (full length) unnamed slough 179.3 1,420 250 0.1 unnamed slough 179.1 1,420 500 0.2 unnamed slough 177.0 1,385 600 0.1 Fog Creek 176.7 1,380 125 1.0 unnamed 175.3 1,370 75 0.6 unnamed 175.1 1,365 1,100 0.1 unnamed 174.9 1,360 650 0.1 unnamed 174.3 1,350 350 0.3 unnamed slough 174.0 1,350 15 2.0 (full length) unnamed (tr ibutarv to slough) --1,350 550 0.2 unnamed (tributary to slough) --1,350 550 0.2 unnamed (tributary to slough) --1,350 1,600 0.1 unnamed slough 173.4 1,340 20 0.5 (full length) unnamed 17.3.0 1,335 600 0.1 unnamed 173.0 1,335 1,000 0.2 unnamed 172.9 1,330 1,300 0.2 unnamed slough --.. 172.1 1,320 15 0.8 (full length) unnamed (tributary to slough) --1, .320 2,000 0.1 unnamed (tributary to slough) --1,320 2,000 0.1 unnamed 171.4 1,315 2,000 0.1 unnamed 171.0 1,310 250 0.6 unnamed slough 169.5 1,290 15 0.7 (full . length) unnamed 168.8 1,280 1,400 0.2 unnamed 166.5 1,235 350 0.6 unnamed 166.0 1,230 1,250 0.2 unnamed 164.0 1,200 2,000 0.2 unnamed 163.7 1,180 1,350 0.2 Devil Creek 161.4 1,120 180 1.4 unnamed 157.0 1,030 400 1.3 unnamed 154.5 985 3,000 0.4 unnamed (Cheechako Creek) 152.4 950 500 1.6 r r l [ [ [ [ l L l -' 1 • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 12A. 12B. 12C. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 17A. 17B. 18. 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9. O. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TABLE E.2.11: STREAMS TO BE PARTIALLY OR COMPLETELY INUNDATED BY DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR (EL. 1,455) Approximate Length Existing Approximate of Stream Susitna Elevation Stream Gradient to be River Mile at Mouth at Mouth Inundated Stream Name at Mouth (ft. msl) (ft/mile) (miles) Tsusena Creek 181.9 1,450 250 0.2 unnamed 181.2 1,440 250 0.2 unnamed slough 180.1 1,430 10 0.6 (full length) unnamed slough 179.3 1,420 250 0.1 unnamed slough 179.1 1,420 500 0.2 unnamed slough 177.0 1,385 600 0.1 Fog Creek 176.7 1,380 125 1.0 unnamed 175.3 1,370 75 0.6 unnamed 175.1 1,365 1,100 0.1 unnamed 174.9 1,360 650 0.1 unnamed 174.3 1,350 350 0.3 unnamed slough 174.0 1,350 15 2.0 (full length) unnamed (tr ibutarv to slough) --1,350 550 0.2 unnamed (tributary to slough) --1,350 550 0.2 unnamed (tributary to slough) --1,350 1,600 0.1 unnamed slough 173.4 1,340 20 0.5 (full length) unnamed 17.3.0 1,335 600 0.1 unnamed 173.0 1,335 1,000 0.2 unnamed 172.9 1,330 1,300 0.2 unnamed slough --.. 172.1 1,320 15 0.8 (full length) unnamed (tributary to slough) --1, .320 2,000 0.1 unnamed (tributary to slough) --1,320 2,000 0.1 unnamed 171.4 1,315 2,000 0.1 unnamed 171.0 1,310 250 0.6 unnamed slough 169.5 1,290 15 0.7 (full . length) unnamed 168.8 1,280 1,400 0.2 unnamed 166.5 1,235 350 0.6 unnamed 166.0 1,230 1,250 0.2 unnamed 164.0 1,200 2,000 0.2 unnamed 163.7 1,180 1,350 0.2 Devil Creek 161.4 1,120 180 1.4 unnamed 157.0 1,030 400 1.3 unnamed 154.5 985 3,000 0.4 unnamed (Cheechako Creek) 152.4 950 500 1.6 r r l [ [ [ [ l L l , ) , \ ., TABLE E.2.12: DOWNSTREAM TRIBUTARIES POTENTIALLY IMPACTED BY PROJECT OPERATION I River Bank of Reason '1 . ( Name Mile Susitna 1 for Concern No. 1 Portage C~eek 148.9 RB fish , ( 2 Jack Long Creek 144~8 LB fish 3 Indian River 138.5 RB fish l 4 Gold Creek 136.7 LB fish \ 5 Trib. fa 132.0 132.0 LB RR 1 6 Fourth of July Creek 131.1 RB fish \ '\ 7 Sherman Creek 130.9 LB RR, fish 8 Trib. a 128.5 128.5 LB RR 9 Trib. !a 127.3 . 127.3 LB RR ·10 Skull Creek 124~7 LB RR -1 \ 11 Trib. 1m 123.9 123.9 RB fish 12 Deadhorse Creek 121.0 .LB £.ish, RR 1 13 Trib. @ 121.0 121.0 RB fish \ 14 Little Portage Creek 117.8 LB RR 1 15 McKenzie Creek 116.7 LB fish \ 16 Lane Creek 113.6 LB fish 17 Gash Creek 111.7 LB fish 18 T rib. Illl 110.1 110.1 LB RR 1 19 Whiskers Creek 101.2 RB fish i ) 1 ( 1 Referenced by facing downstream (LB = left bank, RB = right bank). q ( 1 ( , ) , \ ., TABLE E.2.12: DOWNSTREAM TRIBUTARIES POTENTIALLY IMPACTED BY PROJECT OPERATION I River Bank of Reason '1 . ( Name Mile Susitna 1 for Concern No. 1 Portage C~eek 148.9 RB fish , ( 2 Jack Long Creek 144~8 LB fish 3 Indian River 138.5 RB fish l 4 Gold Creek 136.7 LB fish \ 5 Trib. fa 132.0 132.0 LB RR 1 6 Fourth of July Creek 131.1 RB fish \ '\ 7 Sherman Creek 130.9 LB RR, fish 8 Trib. a 128.5 128.5 LB RR 9 Trib. !a 127.3 . 127.3 LB RR ·10 Skull Creek 124~7 LB RR -1 \ 11 Trib. 1m 123.9 123.9 RB fish 12 Deadhorse Creek 121.0 .LB £.ish, RR 1 13 Trib. @ 121.0 121.0 RB fish \ 14 Little Portage Creek 117.8 LB RR 1 15 McKenzie Creek 116.7 LB fish \ 16 Lane Creek 113.6 LB fish 17 Gash Creek 111.7 LB fish 18 T rib. Illl 110.1 110.1 LB RR 1 19 Whiskers Creek 101.2 RB fish i ) 1 ( 1 Referenced by facing downstream (LB = left bank, RB = right bank). q ( 1 ( -! J TABLE E.2.13: SUMMARY OF SURFACE WATER AND GROUND WATER APPROPRIATIONS IN EQUIVALENT FLOW RATES Township Grid Surface Water ~uivalent Ground Water Equivalent efs ae-ft/yr efs ae-ftbr Susitna .153 50.0 .0498 16.3 Fish Creek .000116 .02100 .00300 2.24 Willow Creek 18.3 5,660 .153 128 Little Willo~ Creek .00613 1.42 .001907 1.37 Montana Creek .0196 7.85 .366 264 Chulina .00322 .797 .000831 .601 Susitna Reservoir .00465 3.36 ,~ Chulitna .00329 2.38 Kroto-Trapper Creek .0564 10.7 Kahiltna 125 37,000 Yentna .00155 .565 Skwentna .00551 1.9_Q - - .00Q7?5 __ .560 - 1 ] J' " I~~~ ':.1 .;J J ] J -! J TABLE E.2.13: SUMMARY OF SURFACE WATER AND GROUND WATER APPROPRIATIONS IN EQUIVALENT FLOW RATES Township Grid Surface Water ~uivalent Ground Water Equivalent efs ae-ft/yr efs ae-ftbr Susitna .153 50.0 .0498 16.3 Fish Creek .000116 .02100 .00300 2.24 Willow Creek 18.3 5,660 .153 128 Little Willo~ Creek .00613 1.42 .001907 1.37 Montana Creek .0196 7.85 .366 264 Chulina .00322 .797 .000831 .601 Susitna Reservoir .00465 3.36 ,~ Chulitna .00329 2.38 Kroto-Trapper Creek .0564 10.7 Kahiltna 125 37,000 Yentna .00155 .565 Skwentna .00551 1.9_Q - - .00Q7?5 __ .560 - 1 ] J' " I~~~ ':.1 .;J J ] J I I , l 1 j .. ! ., I 1 j ] .! 1 ( I TABLE E.2.14: SUSITNA RIVER -LIMITATIONS TO NAVIGATION River Mile Location* 19 52 61 127-128 151 160-161 225 291 Description Alexander Slounh Head Mouth of Willow Creek Sutitna/Landing Mouth of Kashwitna River River Cross-Over near Sherman and Cross- Section 32 Dev il Canyon Devil Creek Rapids Vee Canyon - Denali Highway Br idge Severity Access to slough limited at low water due to shallow channel Access from creek limited at low water Access from launching site limited at low water Shallow in riffle at low water Severe rapids at all flow levels Seve re rapids at all flow levels -Hazardous~t accessib le rapids at most flows Shallow water and frequent sand bars at low water *Reference: River t~ile Index (R&M Consultants, 1981) I I , l 1 j .. ! ., I 1 j ] .! 1 ( I TABLE E.2.14: SUSITNA RIVER -LIMITATIONS TO NAVIGATION River Mile Location* 19 52 61 127-128 151 160-161 225 291 Description Alexander Slounh Head Mouth of Willow Creek Sutitna/Landing Mouth of Kashwitna River River Cross-Over near Sherman and Cross- Section 32 Dev il Canyon Devil Creek Rapids Vee Canyon - Denali Highway Br idge Severity Access to slough limited at low water due to shallow channel Access from creek limited at low water Access from launching site limited at low water Shallow in riffle at low water Severe rapids at all flow levels Seve re rapids at all flow levels -Hazardous~t accessib le rapids at most flows Shallow water and frequent sand bars at low water *Reference: River t~ile Index (R&M Consultants, 1981) 1 TABLE E.2.15: ESTIMATED LOW AND HIGH FLOWS AT ACCESS ROAD STREAM CROSSINGS Drainage 1 ~ 30-Day Minimum Flow (cfs) Arfa Peak Flows (c fs) Basin (mi ) Recurrence Interval (yrs) Recurrence Interval ( yrs) 2 10 20 2 10 25 50 -- --- Denali Highway to Watana Came Lily Creek 3.70 0.8 0.6 0.5 25 54 78 96 Seattle Creek 11.13 2.4 1.8 1.5 74 147 205 248 Seattle Creek Tributary 1.49 0.3 0.2 0.2 10 24 35 44 Seattle Creek Tributary 2.70 0.8 0.5 0.4 13 29 42 51 Brushkana Creek 22.00 5.5 3.8 3.4 115 217 299 354 Brushkana Creek Site 21.01 4.9 3.5 3.1 121 228 315 374 Upper Deadman Creek 12.08 3.0 2.1 1.9 64 127 177 211 Deadman Creek -----. --Tributary 21.28 4.6 3.3 2.9 138 263 363 432 Deadman Creek Tributary 14.71 3.2 2.3 2.0 97 189 262 315 Watana to Devil Can~on Tsusena Creek 126.61 26 19 17 780 1309 1744 2000 Devil Creek 31.0 6.7 4.8 4.2 199 369 506 597 Dev il Canyon to Gold Creek Gold Creek 25.00 5.4 3.9 3.4 162 304 418 497 1MinimUm flows estimated from the following equation (Freethey and Scully, 1980, Water Resources of the Cook Inlet BaSin, U. S. Geological Survey, Atlas HA-620) bed Md,rt= aA (LP + 1) (J + 10) where: M = mlnimum flow (cfs) d = number of days rt = recurrence interval (yrs) A = drainage area (mil) LP = area of lakes and ponds (percent) J = mean minimum January air temperature (OF) --1 ] . ) J "~Tl j J J 1 TABLE E.2.15: ESTIMATED LOW AND HIGH FLOWS AT ACCESS ROAD STREAM CROSSINGS Drainage 1 .!l 30-Day Minimum Flow (cfs) Arfa Peak Flows (c fs) Basin (mi ) Recurrence Interval (yrs) Recurrence Interval ( yrs) 2 10 20 2 10 25 50 -- --- Denali Highway to Watana Came Lily Creek 3.70 0.8 0.6 0.5 25 54 78 96 Seattle Creek 11.13 2.4 1.8 1.5 74 147 205 248 Seattle Creek Tributary 1.49 0.3 0.2 0.2 10 24 35 44 Seattle Creek Tributary 2.70 0.8 0.5 0.4 13 29 42 51 Brushkana Creek 22.00 5.5 3.8 3.4 115 217 299 354 Brushkana Creek Site 21.01 4.9 3.5 3.1 121 228 315 374 Upper Deadman Creek 12.08 3.0 2.1 1.9 64 127 177 211 Deadman Creek -----. --Tributary 21.28 4.6 3.3 2.9 138 263 363 432 Deadman Creek Tributary 14.71 3.2 2.3 2.0 97 189 262 315 Watana to Devil Can~on Tsusena Creek 126.61 26 19 17 780 1309 1744 2000 Devil Creek 31.0 6.7 4.8 4.2 199 369 506 597 Dev il Canyon to Gold Creek Gold Creek 25.00 5.4 3.9 3.4 162 304 418 497 1MinimUm flows estimated from the following equation (Freethey and Scully, 1980, Water Resources of the Cook Inlet BaSin, U. S. Geological Survey, Atlas HA-620) bed Md,rt= aA (LP + 1) (J + 10) where: M = mlnimum flow (cfs) d = number of days rt = recurrence interval (yrs) A = drainage area (mil) LP = area of lakes and ponds (percent) J = mean minimum January air temperature (OF) --1 ] . ) J "~Tl j J J ___ El ___ --~_I_---___ -. ___ ~ ------' __ ...J_" -.J TABLE E2.16: AVAILABLE SfREAMfLOW RECORDS fOR MAJOR Sf REAMS CROSSED BY fRANSMISSION CORRIDOR . , --' ..J riansliiissTonTIne ...J ...J. Per iod of Crossing from Mean Annua\ USGS Gage Continuous Drainagi Area 1 Gage Streamflow Stream Name Description USGS Number Record (mi ) (approx.) (cfs) Anchorage-Willow Segment Little Susitna River Willow Creek Near Palmer Near Willow fairbanks-Healy Segment. Nenana River #1 Nenana River 112 Tanana River Near Healy Near Healy At Nenana Willow-Healy Inter tie Talkeetna River Susitna River Indian River Lf. Chulitna River M.f. Chulitna River Nenana River Yanent fork Healy Creek Near Talkeetna At Gold Creek Chulitna River near Talkeetna Chulitna River near Talkeetna Near Windy Watana-Gold Creek Segment Tsusena Creek Devil Creek Susitna River At Gold Creek 15290000 15294005 15518000 15518000 15515500 15292700 15292000 15292400 15292400 15516000 15292000 1940- 1978- 1950-1979 1950-1979 1962- 1964- 1949- 1958-72,1980- 1958-72,1980-' 1950-56,1958-73 1949- 61.9 166 1,910 1,910 15,600 2,006 6,160 82 2,570 . 2,570 710 N/A N/A 149 N/A 6,160 1Areas for'ungaged streams are at the mouth. ;d/s = downstream, u/s = upstream. Distances for ungaged stream are from the mouth. Averages determined through the 1980 water year at gage sites. 35 mi. dis 7 mi. dis 2 mi. dis 20 mi. dis 5 mi. u/" 5 mi. dis 5 mi. u/s 15 mi. u/s 40 mi. u/s 50 mi. u/s 5 mi. u/s 1 mi. u/s 1 mi. u/s 3 mi. u/s 3 mi. u/s 15 mi. u/s 206 472 3,506 3,506 23,460 4,050 9,647 8,748 8,748 9,647 tOi.:..I .-l. ... __ ...J_" ..J TABLE E2.16: AVAILABLE STREAMfLOW RECORDS fOR MAJOR STREAMS CROSSED BY TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR Stream Name USGS Gage Description Anchorage-Willow Segment Little Susitna River Willow Creek Near Palmer Near Willow fairbanks-Healy Segment. Nenana River #1 Nenana River 112 Tanana River Near Healy Near Healy At Nenana Willow-Healy Inter tie Talkeetna River Susitna River Indian River Lf. Chulitna River M.f. Chulitna River Nenana River Yanent fork Healy Creek Near Talkeetna At Gold Creek Chulitna River near Talkeetna Chulitna River near Talkeetna Near Windy Watana-Gold Creek Segment Tsusena Creek Devil Creek Susitna River At Gold Creek USGS Number 15290000 15294005 15518000 15518000 15515500 15292700 15292000 15292400 15292400 15516000 15292000 Per iod of Continuous Record 1940- 1978- 1950-1979 1950-1979 1962- 1964- 1949- 1958-72,1980- 1958-72,1980-' 1950-56,1958-73 1949- Drainagi Area 1 (mi ) 61.9 166 1,910 1,910 15,600 2,006 6,160 82 2,570 2,570 710 N/A N/A 149 N/A 6,160 1Areas for·ungaged streams are at the mouth. 2d/s = downstream, u/s = upstream. Distances for ungaged stream are from the mouth. 'Averages determined through the 1980 water year at gage sites. Jransmission Line Crossing from Gage (approx.) 35 mi. dis 7 mi. dis 2 mi. dis 20 mi. dis 5 mi. u/" 5 mi. dis 5 mi. u/s 15 mi. u/s 40 mi. u/s 50 mi. u/s 5 mi. u/s 1 mi. u/s 1 mi. u/s 3 mi. u/s , mi. u/s 15 mi. u/s ...J Mean Annua\ Streamflow (cfs) 206 472 3,506 3,506 23,460 4,050 9,647 8,748 8,748 9,647 -1 J ~ ::i'. TABLE E2.17: DOWNSTREAM FLOW REQUIREMENTS AT GOLD CREEK ·-1 Flow (efs) -1 Month Dunng F 1111ng Operabon Jan 1,000 5,000 --j Feb 1,000 5,000 Mar 1,000 5,000 Apr 1,000 5,000 OJ May 6,000 6,000 Jun 6,000 6,000 J Jul 6,480(1) 6,480 12,000 12,000 ~J Aug ;;-:, Sep 9,300(2) 9,300 Oct 2,000 5,000 '1 Nov 1,000, 5,000 Dee 1,000 -5",00(f""'" (1) July 1-26 6,000 27 6,000 28 7,500 29 9,000 30 10,500 31 12,000 i (2) September 1-14 12,000 15 12,000 J 16 10,500 17 9,000 18 7,500 J 19 6,000 20 6,000 J ==1 J \ _1 1t'1 ~ -1 J ~ ::i'. TABLE E2.17: DOWNSTREAM FLOW REQUIREMENTS AT GOLD CREEK ·-1 Flow (efs) -1 Month Dunng F 1111ng Operabon Jan 1,000 5,000 --j Feb 1,000 5,000 Mar 1,000 5,000 Apr 1,000 5,000 OJ May 6,000 6,000 Jun 6,000 6,000 J Jul 6,480(1) 6,480 12,000 12,000 ~J Aug ;;-:, Sep 9,300(2) 9,300 Oct 2,000 5,000 '1 Nov 1,000, 5,000 Dee 1,000 -5",00(f""'" (1) July 1-26 6,000 27 6,000 28 7,500 29 9,000 30 10,500 31 12,000 i (2) September 1-14 12,000 15 12,000 J 16 10,500 17 9,000 18 7,500 J 19 6,000 20 6,000 J ==1 J \ _1 1t'1 ~ ........... , ~! • ..: J~ __ _ -------.J _ ~ _____ --__ ~ __ --___ ~ __ ..JJ __ Jill __ .Y __ .....J __ .-I __ .....I __ ..:.:..,t __ -J TABLE E2.18: WATANA INFLOW AND OUTFLOW FOR FILLING CASES -IU:;' )u:a 9m~ -UutFlow (efe) Uutflow (efe) Uutflow <efs} Inflow Inflow Inflow (ere) 1991 19.2.~ _____ lJ~3 ___ _ <!:[~L_ '--_199~ _'-_1J~ ___ .1993 __ _(ere) _ '----_1991 ~__ 1992 1993 Jan 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,190 1,198 1,198 1,000 1,071 1,071 1,071 1,000 Feb 1,138 . 1,138 1,138 1,138 1,018 1,018 1,018 1,000 910 910 910 910 Har 1,028 1,028 1,028 1,028 919 919 919 919 822 822 822 822 Apr 1,261 1,261 1,000 1,000 1,127 1,127 1,000 1,000 1,008 1,008 1,000 1,000 Hay 12,158 8,690 3,276 3,276 10,870 7,402 3,649 3,649 9,715 6,247 4,016 4,016 Jun 25,326 20,005 1,000 10,527 22,644 17,323 1,103 1,939 20,238 14,917 1,867 1,867 Jul 22,327 5,309 9,031 1,000 19,963 2,945 2,181 2,163 17,842 2,836 2,836 2,836 Aug 20,142 14,993 8,649 15,859 18,008 12,859 8,105 10,198 16,095 8,934 8,713 8,713 Sep 12,064 6,743 6,597 12,064 10,787 6,967 6,967 10,787 9,641 7,331 7,331 7,331 Oct 5,272 5,272 1,000 5,272 4,713 3,261 1,000 4,713 4,213 1,230 1,000 1,000 Nov 2,352 2,352 1,000 2,352 2,102 2,102 1,000 2,102 1,879 1,879 1,000 1,000 Dec 1,642 1,642 1,020 1,642 1,468 1,468 1,000 1,468 1,312 1,312 1,000 1,000 Note: 1 Prior to 1991,· no water is stored in Watana reservoir. i -J __ ..... ~_ .. _-__ -__ --__ ~ __ --__ ~ __ ..JJ __ Jill __ .Y __ .....J __ .-I __ .....I __ ..:.:..,t __ -J TABLE E2.18: WATANA INFLOW AND OUTFLOW FOR FILLING CASES lU:;' ~u:a :fm~ uutflow (efa) Outflow (efa) Uutflow <efs} Inflow Inflow Inflow -I 1 (ers) 1991 1992 1993 (efs) 1991 1992 1993 (efa) 1991 1992 1993 Jan 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,340 1,190 1,19B 1,198 1,000 1,071 1,071 1,071 1,000 Feb 1,13B . 1,13B 1,13B 1,138 1,018 1,018 1,01B 1,000 910 910 910 910 Har 1,02B 1,02B l,02B 1,02B 919 919 919 919 B22 B22 B22 B22 Apr 1,261 1,261 1,000 1,000 1,127 1,127 1,000 1,000 l,OOB 1,00B 1,000 1,000 Hay 12,15B B,690 3,276 3,276 10,B70 7,402 3,649 3,649 9,715 6,247 4,016 4,016 Jun 25,326 20,005 1,000 10,527 22,644 17,323 1,103 1,939 20,238 14,917 1,B67 1,B67 Jul 22,327 5,309 9,031 1,000 19,963 2,945 2,181 2,163 17,B42 2,B36 2,B36 2,836 Aug 20,142 14,993 B,649 15,B59 lB,OOB 12,B59 B,105 10,19B 16,095 B,934 B,713 B,713 Sep 12,064 6,743 6,597 12,064 10,7B7 6,967 6,967 10,7B7 9,641 7,331 7,331 7,331 Oct 5,272 5,272 1,000 5,272 4,713 3,261 1,000 4,713 4,213 1,230 1,000 1,000 Nov 2,352 2,352 1,000 2,352 2,102 2,102 1,000 2,102 1,B79 l,B79 1,000 1,000 Dee 1,642 1,642 1,020 1,642 1,46B 1,46B 1,000 l,46B 1,312 1,312 1,000 1,000 Note: 1 Prior to 1991,· no water is stored in Watana reservoir. __ ~1:J ------------------------------' ,jiiJ .III _..ii:od .. II ~I. _1111 .. 1_ TABLE E2.19: FLOWS AT GOLD CREEK DURING WATANA FILLING '" AI. ,. 109 109 Pre- ___ Pl'~~ ~92.L ______ l~92 ______ 1993 1993 1993 Jan 1,640 1,640 1,640 1,640 1,457 1,457 1,457 1,259 1,290 1,290 1,290 1,219 Feb 1,393 1,393 1,393 1,393 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,220 1,096 1,096 1,096 1,096 Mar 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,118 1,118 1,118 1,118 990 990 990 990 Apr 1,544 1,544 1,283 1,2B3 1,371 1,371 1,244 1,244 1,214 1,214 1,206 1,206 May 14,882 11,414. 6,000 6,000 13,221 9,753 6,000 6,000 11,699 8,231 6,000 6,000 Jun 31,002 25,680 6,675 16,202 27,541 22,220 6,000 6,836 24,371 19,050 6,000 6,000 Jul 27,331 10,312 4,034 6,003 24,280 7,262 6,498 .6,480 21,486 6,480 6,480 6,480 Aug 24,655 19,506 3,162 20,371 21,903 16,754 2,000 14,093 19,382 12,221 12,000 12,000 Sep 14,767 9,446 9,300 14,767 13,119 9,300 9,300 3,120 11,609 9,300 9,300 9,300 Oct 6,453 6,453 2,181 6,453 5,732 4,280 2,019 5,732 5,073 2,159 1,860 1,860 Nov 2,879 2,879 1,527 2,879 2,557 2,557 1,455 2,557 2,263 2,263 1,384 1,384 Dec 2,010 2,010 1,388 2,010 1,785 1,7B5 , 1,317 1,785 1,580 1,580 1,268 1,268 f I --~ ----" --- TABLE E2.19: FLOWS AT GOLD CREEK DURING WATANA FILLING 'IU:" )U~ ~u:.. WrIng tllUng Wnng t llllng Wrlng t lHing Pre-Pre-Pre- Project 1991 1992 1993 Project 1991 1992 1993 Project 1991 1992 1993 Jan 1,640 1,640 1,640 1,640 1,457 1,457 1,457 1,259 1,290 1,290 1,290 1,219 Feb 1,393 1,393 1,393 1,393 1,238 1,238 1,238 1,220 1,096 1,096 1,096 1,096 Mar 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,118 1,118 1,118 1,118 990 990 990 990 Apr 1,544 1,544 1,283 1,2B3 1,371 1,371 1,244 1,244 1,214 1,214 1,206 1,206 May 14,882 11,414. 6,000 6,000 13,221 9,753 6,000 6,000 11,699 8,231 6,000 6,000 Jun 31,002 25,680 6,675 16,202 27,541 22,220 6,000 6,836 24,371 19,050 6,000 6,000 Jul 27,331 10,312 4,034 6,003 24,280 7,262 6,498 .6,480 21,486 6,480 6,480 6,480 Aug 24,655 19,506 3,162 20,371 21,903 16,754 2,000 14,093 19,382 12,221 12,000 12,000 Sep 14,767 9,446 9,300 14,767 13,119 9,300 9,300 3,120 11,609 9,300 9,300 9,300 Oct 6,453 6,453 2,181 6,453 5,732 4,280 2,019 5,732 5,073 2,159 1,860 1,860 Nov 2,879 2,879 1,527 2,879 2,557 2,557 1,455 2,557 2,263 2,263 1,384 1,384 Dec 2,010 2,010 1,388 2,010 1,785 1,7B5 , 1,317 1,785 1,580 1,580 1,268 1,268 _I TABLE 2.21 f'OST-f'RO.lfCT FlOb) AT Wf,H,IH: (d'~.) WATA~A AlOHE : CASE C YEMi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 '28 29 30 31 32 MAX ~IIN MEAN c·~~ i ~ '"'--- OCT twv 1JF.r. J(:N 5664.6 9716.3 11285.3 9705.6 5840.9 6640.7 7716.0 71~9.9 7032.9 10164.1 11617.4 10165.0 8269.3 10750,7 11397.~ 9709.4 ~691.2 6591.6 I1JOO.2 9978.3 5684.0 7246.1 11665.9 10778.B 7620.0 9502.1 11155.0 9707.4 7778.5 10270.5 1182J.4 1026~.5 9605.4 10921.9 12374.9 10371.1 5731.9 651?7 7772.5 9971.5 9736.0 10207.4 117~8.7· 10290.9 6482.710371.7 12089.6 10670.4 60~'jO .,1 10~!:'i7.;i 11 97,S. a 104.'19.1\ 9130.6 1050~.9 11H2~.3 10199.4 6516.0 9793.1 11311.1 9742.5 5759.3 65J~.B 7538.2 9560.5 9791.7 9559.3 11320.0 9950.9 5722.3 6504.8 7606.3 9992.7 7589.5 9920.2 11320.6 10508.1 5756.8 ~543.1 7573.0 7636.5 5907.9 6309.4 7956.2 7330.4 5971.4 6790.2 7B79.0 7336.3 7860.2 10590.1 1207J.8 105~1.~ 5697.0 65B9.5 11362.9 ~92~.0 5730.5 657J.2 7622.2 7091.7- 5901.1 67B2.7 7Bl1.4 727~.2 7756.1 9595.1 10792.6 7648.3 5827.7 662?.j 7(;77 I 0 71~:'.9 5692.1 9108.0 12096.1 10~6H.~ 5881.8 66B3.9 7750.7 7?15.6 56l11.2 11305.1 12148.4 10360.5 9053.3 11290 ,9 11501.4 10037.5 FF.R W)!'j{L ~! 62C,·(). (I 91~P. !"j H'n~.2 <J UI) ,,) 9U,I'. (I 9071. ~i 9~';O~i i ~) n~ja. ~! S'2\~:~j , ::; 9455.4 9621.3 9573.9 9501.2 90Ya.1 90B9.2 9301.2 9347,8 987h.9 906~.3 6420.2 ~419.1 9007.9 9316,J 6638.2 6358.6 9059.7 6231.~ 'l~ja-i , :.! 6~~06. H 'i~i '\ '} • :':i 9:?8"7. ::, Hi-:F: !l1)/'II) • (-I f,4M~. 3 B~!4t" ;, Wi. t:? 4 BIW.'i IB'Il,B 1I~!l)li • 1 8..,46.7 a ,i II ~j • ~! Fl20:).7 H~n.a BH'l2.7 a6(~:·I. ~'j Po ~~ 9!) • ;~ Boa,) , 'J B319. (, H~IS)b > .'\ 8'101. 2 9()n.l H19}.7 MIl!}.I) 6614.8 *.lfl71.7 838:';. t. IIn'i.1) .1,~):~ 7.0 W,!l)~!. 4 7!in.l B?,)a> :) 64}7,9 8MiO.7 SJ\()O,7 M'R /'i(,)' .WN 73a3.7 56J2.5 41153.9 5674,3 7874,1 4BJ5.5 7507.5 5J26.1l 501)2.3 H()8!j,t. 113ni,6' 4~)!)9"l, 7646.2 BJ6Y.J 4Y~2.2 7644.4 5258.9 5174,6 7421.9 9500.1 91)90.6 7t,4S.7 7(J(I(I.·1 71n:" ;'S',)9 .0 bUO '\ .2 7~,fl9. 3 . 6 'N,n. 7 77 n . ~i <J~W 1 • 'i BMH.6 i,(l1:i! .. ;\ ill ,H • i) I) (H~! • ;i 7l;1·l(J,~? 11611,4 n 12 • a ,~j ;\ :~:I • 1 79M) I (I nU,6 i10·'2 • () ,~j~!:'ia • 'J 7~'j!i~, 3 '914;! 11 H~)('ll) .:~ nUb .~! 7:·j~j~. c. ,!'i:~:W. 9 ~iH"U) • :-! .~) <l:W • I. ~~)n .1 ,~)~-j(l 1, H HOO',!. i) Jhu H. t) ]t . .\7 I 7 ~-j:!:H) 19 4IJ,).~. " 4D:{B I ~I 4:l7l).4 ~·j~?O:\. :~ 1 Ml'Ja • 9 49~)'7,4 Ul;i!).~. ~'j .,%~! I B 647,S.3 61-137,7 77~'j~j .:-l 41l!):i. 17 c\'i(12.6 ~'j:lM,8 ~'b(H .t) 49n,,~, 7 '---1." r' ,'I " .. ,) 5739.0 JJ63,4 79(17.0 3112.0 ~679.0 810/.6 7806.6 9442.3 ~859.5 53~6,J 7B69./ 5897.1 49A4.J 5554,6 12444.1 7950.5 4H44.1 8309.9 51~2,8 6960.2 5~J2.6 7207.6 4874.0 .IUL AliI) SfF' 461.7i4 1033.6 8J01.l) 477tl.1 811(18.0 52b~ •• 5 4797.2 8436.3 63?1,O 4~6(J,9 8(171.6 554~,5 4590.a 6320.6 5545.~ 6849,6 14(163.1 84~7.B a8 lB. 7 11)()~j:L -1 . B:!/!'j,l) 4748.4 A777.7 725~.1 4755.7 8303.4 7550.0 4780.9 8969.2 7390.3 181.2.9 7733.1 4875.6 ·47~7.4 9380,2 6(176,2 7579.4 1101)4.0 J296.n 951~.9 124GH.O 7780,(1 S02l).1 9~l)8.2 7253.2 5167.4 8274.1 10381.7 455~.1 7561).9 6764.1 5!)!'0.2 161BII. s· B?~;~1. :'j ~705.5 0777.5 7647.6 462Y,} 9756.0 76J4.0 4747.2 82(-13.0 7403.1 4Y3~.7 8685.6 7048.9 4742.3 10219,~ 7H5~.7 4585.1 9726.7 SJ?~,7 ~651.8 1J30J.7 b836.2 (-, 7 ~'l , 1 'J (i:~t.. f. 6(1(-.:). :.\ c) ~'j 87 • 9 ~. I) ~j 'i:~ • ~) Mllit. I) 47,~~i.4 '}\!)6?:~ 7~n::~.1 4603.~ 90~2.1 7H25.~ 7742.0 B~10.J 7626.7 92Jl.7 91);'0.3 7020.0 5632.0 19391.(1 9~16.0 9605.4 l1J05.1 12374.9 10670., 9876.9 Y072.1 3668.6 12218.0 18353.5 9515.9 19391,0 10381.7 5664.6 6504.8 7538.7 7091,7 623'.4 6~AR,J 567~.3 525t~.9 4835,5 4~~5.1 6320.6 487~,6 6766.1 0667,7 10300.7 9319.2 Ilh95.J I)Q911.3 1~79.1 7519.6 6620.3 ~549.6 9779.0 7310.7 ~ ~ L-J L-.: \ . '; 1 --' ~ tdH-!II?d. 77.',1.9 M~ilj'.O 7Bt9.7 8:~~~~;t3 n:i3.B B:~·;\!~, ~" 9046.5 B381.0 84:i5.1 lJ~~.4 (]:~:.~\) ~ 4 B~~l9.if 9.I;~S·. 7 iJ1,1~.t ;:;'nl.5 7!:,S'~:! f" 7~\9S·. () fi,Pl.0 811"/,.1;.0 l (, ;!!l , 9 ,1-'1/0.0 6 ::~ :i. f~ , H 'nt,'i .t· 7l.4:1 ,~~ 'lO~;2 , 0 ~79B.3 7993.1 }37B.~ H~./6tO lY~9.3 R6l0.1 949J,5 9h~9.7 645~,0 H013.1 ~Y"-' _I TABLE 2.21 f'OST-f'RO.lfCT FlOb) AT WfIH,IH: (d'~o) WATA~A AlOHE : CASE C YEMi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 028 29 30 31 32 MAX ~IIN MEAN OCT twv 1JF.r. J(:N 5664.6 9716.3 11285.3 9705.6 5840.9 6640.7 7716.0 71~9.9 7032.9 10164.1 11617.4 10165.0 8269.3 10750,7 11397.~ 9709.4 ~691.2 6591.6 I1JOO.2 9978.3 5684.0 7246.1 11665.9 10778.B 7620.0 9502.1 11155.0 9707.4 7778.5 10270.5 1182J.4 1026~.5 9605.4 10921.9 12374.9 10371.1 5731.9 651?7 7772.5 9971.5 9736.0 10207.4 117~8.7° 10290.9 6482.710371.7 120B9.6 10670.4 6050.~ 10257.3 I1H76.a 10499 •• 9130.6 1050~.9 11H2~.3 10199.4 6516.0 9793.1 11311.1 9742.5 5759.3 65J~.B 7538.2 9560.5 9791.7 9559.3 11320.0 9950.9 5722.3 6504.8 7606.3 9992.7 7589.5 9920.2 11320.6 10508.1 5756.8 ~543.1 7573.0 7636,5 5907.9 6309.4 7956.2 7330.4 5971.4 6790.2 7879.0 7336,3 7860.2 10590.1 1207J.8 105~1.~ 5697.0 65B9.5 11362.9 ~Y2~.O 5730.5 657J.2 7622.2 7091.7" 5901.1 67B2.7 7Bl1.4 727~.2 7756.1 9595.1 10792.6 7648.3 5827.7 662?.j 7{;77.0 713:'.9 5692.1 9108.0 12096.1 10~6H.~ 5881.8 66B3.9 7750.7 7?15.6 :),~B 1. 2 1 n()~j.l 1~! 1<18. -4 11)~fIQ.:l 9053.3 11290.9 11501.4 10037.5 FF.R W)!Oj:L ~! 62C,·(). (I 91~P. !Ooj H'n~,2 <J UI) ,,) 9U,I'. (I <]071 • ~i 9~';O~i i ~) n~ia. ~! <] -'I ~i:Oj > 1\ 9621. ;:- <]~j~/~~ .9 9501. ? 'JOWl, 1 9(1B9.2 nOl, :! n47.fi <In?.\. 'J '10M, :) () 'L~!) • ~! .VU9,1 9Bl) 7 • ~I S':~~6,/ ,)6JH > ~! 63::;(\.6 <]O:'j'},! 62:~ 1 • -1 6~~06. H 'i~i '\ '} , :o:i 9:?8"7, !:, BI)IOll) , (-I f,4,L,!~ • 3 B~!4t" ;, Wi. t:? 4 BIW.'i IB'Il,B 1I~!l)li • 1 8..,46.7 a ,i a~j ,~! Fl20:).7 H~n.a 8H'l2,7 a6(~:01. ~oj Po ~~ 9!) • :~ Boa,) , 'J B319. (, H~IS)b > "\ 8'101. 2 <]()n .1 P,19J.7 bM <} > l) 6614.8 *.lfl71,7 838!';. t. IIn'i.o ,1,~):~ 7.0 W,!l)~!, ~ 7!in.l B?,){L :) 64}7,9 8MiO,7 SJ\()O.7 .WN 7333.7 56J2.5 41153.9 5674.3 7874.1 4BJ5.5 7507.5 5J26.B 51)02.3 H()8!i.t. 113ni.6' 4~)!)9"l, 7646,2 BJ6Y,J 4Y~2.2 7644.4 5258.9 5174.6 7421.9 9500.1 91)90.6 7t,4S.7 7(J(,(1.01 71n,-" ?S',)9 .0 bUO '\.2 7~IB9. 3 0 6'N, I-; .7 77 n . ~i <J~W 1 , 'i 866H.6 1P116.3 520~.3 Hl,H • i) .U()<\~!.:~ 1 MI'JIL 9 7480.2 11611.4 49~9.4 7312.3 ~JJJ.l 19353.5 7936.0 7711.6 4962,8 9042.0 S25U.1 6476.3 755~.3 ~14~.1 6837,7 H~)(oll) .:~ nUb .~! 7:oj~j~. c. ,:'i:~!W. 9 77~oj~j ,:-l 4n:):io .7 <\'i(12.6 ~oj:lM.B ~'b(H .0 49n.,~. !jW:!.') , :"! .~) <l:W • J. ~~)n .1 ,~)~"i(l 1. H HOO','. i) l~!U H. 0 ]t . .\7 • 7 ~"j:!:H). 9 :,n'l.(l J/6:~ • ~ 7S·07.0 fll1~!. () ~d,7~'.0 H:t.Ol "I., 7806.6 <J <\<12.:~ ~B~oj9. ~oj !)3-\[ .. 1 7Bf>9./ ~WH7 • 1 '\'),!;4 • :"i 5:i~A" 6 1 ~~-14'L 1 7 <J!Ojl), ~j :1:-14-1. 1 t-no'i. 9 ~j:t.?:~ .• B /) 9t>U .~! ~j-i:S~!. 6 n07.6 4874.(1 .IUL AliI) SfF' 46J.7i4 1033.6 8J01.0 477tl.1 BB(lR.O 52b~ •• 5 1797.2 8436.3 6391.0 4~6(J.~ 8071.6 55-1~,5 4590.fl 6320.6 5545,5 6849.6 14(163.1 84~7,B a8 J.!l • 7 1 ()l)~j:'j, -1 . B:!/:'j,I) 4748.4 A777.7 725~.1 4755.7 830304 7550,0 4780.9 8969.2 7390.3 18J.2.9 7733.1 4875,6 ·47~7.4 9380.2 6076,2 7579.4 11(1)4.0 J296,n 951~.9 124GH.O 7780,(1 S020.1 9~1)8.2 7253>2 5167.4 8274.1 10381.7 455~.1 7561),9 6764.1 5:)!'0.2 161BII. s· B?~;~1. :oi ~705,5 0777,5 7647.6 462<),} 9756.0 76J4.0 4747.2 82(-13.0 7403,1 4YJ~.7 8685.6 7048.9 4742.3 11)219,~ 7H5~,7 4585.1 9726.7 SJ?~,7 t651.8 <]30J.7 b836,2 (-, 7 ~'l, 1 'J (i:~t.. f. 6(1(-.:), :0\ <) ~oj 87 • 9 ~o l) ~j 't:~ • ~i Mill 1 , I) 47,~~i.4 '}\:)6?:~ 7Tl::~.1 4603.~ 90~2.1 ?H25.~ 7742.(1 8210.} 7626.7 92Jl.7 91)70.3 7020.0 5632.0 19391,(1 9~16.0 9605.4 l1J05.1 12374.9 10670.4 9876,9 9072,1 3668.6 12218.0 18353.5 951~.9 19391,0 10381>7 5664.6 6504.8 7538.7 7091.7 623'.4 6~AR,J 567~.3 525t~,9 4835.5 4~~~.1 6320.6 487~,6 67M>,l IIM)7.! 10;~I)I).'J n'l'J.:! IIMI:'),] HI)',IIL~~ 1479.1 nil'},,) Mi2B.:~ !j~oi-1<J.6 !J7'l3.n 'nolO.7 0_0 _; L....1J o. tdH-!II ?d0 M~ilj'.O 7Bt9.7 Y()46 .5 H:H:l.(l B4:)5.1 n?!:i.t\ B~~l9.if 9,I;~S'. 7 iJ1,1~.1 ;:;'nl.5 7~\9S·. () fi,Pl.O l (, ;!!l, 9 ,'.-"./0.0 'nt,Oi .to 7l.4:1 • ~~ {. 71]0 8. "3 ?,~,}3, 1 '/:1,?fi If. H~./6tO l.'ns". :~ B6.10.1 '] .... :'7'/. ~) 9,l,·1·j. ? {,;\:W I ("I B'o) J.:;.1 ~ ,,',-'I' , '" . .' '. , • II ---~------_____L----' ___ ---___ --, --_~ ....--:... ---... __ __ ....J ~ ---J ---.J ......... . ---------------------'------Jill ....-II ...l:i.l __ ------.i TABLE 2.22 1'1£1 NTH L Y Ii fi X I MUM , ~1I NIH UN, MW liEAI~ Flo mls. AT I.) f.:T f.lHf; MONTH POB !"--P:·W.JECT , PRE--f'ROJECT MAT ANA AIONF WATANfi/DFVIL CfiNYON 11AX 11IN' NEAN I'1AX MIN m·:f.lN MAX MIN NEAN OCT 6458.0 ' 2-'103.:1 .~ 4 ~j~!~~. B 7' 6 O:'j • 4 ::;664.6 6761 .. 1 :t i 7' (I (I. 7 ri::;"-4.1 7'764.4 NOV :~ ~i~!:'i • () . 1 t)~!t). 9, ,:.~():)9 • l :I. .1. J()~j • l briO 4 • H B,~b7.7 Ll.04A.4 bbA:~ • ::s YU.~.6 DEC ~!258. 5 709.3 :l.41-'1.1i 1:,~:~74.9 nj38.2 1(1:~()(1 • 9 1 :?:'H)(" :~ ·17n).9 10BR1.2 JAN 1779.11 ~~:~,~ • ~! :1.165. ~j 10670.4 7t)'11.7 Y:i99. ~! Ll.497.6 7227. ~s :t. t)~!B7 • ~i FEB :t. ~,i60. 4 60? • 1 983.3 1J1i76.9 6:~31. 4 861i:~. :~ 1 UI:,):(. 6 1)~~72. (I ~~9;:!<1 .6 MAR 1 :-jf,O • <) 569.1 HY8 • :i YO}2.:!. 6468. :i BI)YB. :i :I. O:H ri • b 64 ~j9 • fI 9()~:;9. 2 APR 1965.0 609.2 1099.7 1·~66H. "-~j • .L,74.3 7-17B.1 9j91).9 :)1 (I(l .... 7793.9 MAY 1~:; 97:~ • J. ~!U~)1.2 10.1::;4.7 1~!~! 1 8 • l) 5~!!Hl • <) nH '},,~ 7::;():I..6 4072.9 ~HJ26 .l) JUN ·'~~841 .9 :( :~~~:{3 • .1) ~':~023. 7 1 H:~ :'j:~ , ~j 4B:~~j.5 (-'6?8. :~ ,",l,~?l •• '" :U 91i. 6 51?3.6 JUL '')87fJi ) .:. \ \ ,. l 1:W71,.O :.~()H:l.t).l nLt ~j.'} 4 ~j rj ~j • 1 ~j ~j·'l'J • 6, 66~!5. 6 :44ll~!. ~j 47:~6. 1 AUG ~HJn5. 0 :1.3-'112.1,.' :lBb2B.5 :I. 9:191.0 b:~20. 6 9i'7B.B 1·i(1-1::S. ~? ::S~~6::S • -1 5947.5 SEf' ~,7:~():). !'j !') 7 Ll • ~j: 1 0 7 9 ~~ • 0 10~Wl .7 4H7:'j > 6 7:Ht>.7 1=~67~~.Y 4(1)9. ~! 7S:~8. 4 ANNUAL 9f;32.9 6100.4 Ii023.0 '1649.7 64~jS·. 0 80 1 ~j • 1 I)B::S~? c ~' 634:4. Ii BO 1 ~,i. 1 <$ • -~/;~:----~~ __ --___ ._.~ ....J ----. ~ -.:i .'~ I t i . ----~-------~ ~ --. ----------._----'-- TABLE I") "") '1 ..:.. . "' .... ~: .. rHlNTHL Y lifiX I MUM, ~lINI HUN, MW liEAI~ Fl.mlS. AT I.) f.;T f.lHf; MONTH POB r,-p:,W.JECT . PRE--F-ROJECT MAT ANA AIONF WATANfi/[IFVIL CfiNYON 11AX 11IN· NEAN I'1AX MIN m·:f.lN MAX MIN NEAN OCT 6458.0 2-'103.:1 .~ 4 ~j~!~~. B 7' 6 O:'j • 4 ::;664.6 6761 .. 1 :t i 7' (I (I. 7 ri::;"-4.1 7'764.4 NOV :~ ~j~!:'i • () . 1 t)~!t). 9· . :.~():)9 • l :I. .1. Jt)~j • l briO 4 • H B,~b7.7 Ll.04A.4 bbA:~ • ::s 9U.~.6 [IEC ~!258. 5 709.3 :l.41-'1.1i 1:,~:~74.9 nj38.2 1(1:~()(1 • 9 1 :?:'H)(" ~~ ·17n).9 10BR1.2 JAN 1779.11 ~~:~,,> • ~! :1.165. ~j 10670.4 7t)'11.7 Y:i9Y. ~! Ll.497.6 7227. ~s :t. t)~!B7 • ~i FEB :t. ~.i60. 4 60? • 1 983.3 1J1i76.9 6:?31.4 861i:~. :~ 1 UI:,):(. 6 1)~~72. (I ~~9;:!<1 .6 MAR 1 :'if,O • <) 569.1 H98 • :i Y072.:!. 6468. :i BI)YB. :i :I. O:H ri • b 64 ~j9 • fI 9()~:;9. 2 APR 1965.0 609.2 1099.7 IU)6H. "-~j • .L,74.3 7-17B.1 9j91).9 :)1 (I(l .... 7793.9 MAY 1~:; 97:~ • J. ~!U~)1.2 10.1::;4.7 1~!~! 1 8 • l) 5~!:Hl • <) nH,} .. ~ 7::;():I..6 4072.9 ~HJ26 .t) JUN ·'~~841 .9 :( :~~~:{3 • ., ~':~023. 7 1 H:~ :'j:~ , ~j 4B:~~j.5 (o.6?8. :~ 61,~?1,. '" :U 91i. 6 51?3.6 JUL '")87fJi ) .:. \ \ ,. l 1:W71,.O :.~()H:l.t).l nLt ~j >'} 'I~jrj~j .1 ~j ~j·'l'} • 6, 66~!5. 6 :44ll~! > ~j 47:~6. 1 AUG ~HJn5. 0 :1.3-'112.1, " :lBb2B.5 :I. Y::S 91.0 b:~20. 6 9i'7B.B 1·i(1-1::S. ~? :~~~6::S • -1 5947.5 SEf' ~. 7:~():). !'j :")7 Ll • ~j : lO79~~.O 10~Wl .7 4H7:'j > 6 7:Ht>.7 1=~67~~.9 4(1)9. ~! 7S:~8. 4 ANNUAL. 9f;32.9 6100.4 Ii023.0 '1649.7 64~jS'. 0 80 1 ~j • 1 'iB::S~? c ~' 634:4. Ii BO 1 ~.i. 1 <$ TABLE 2.23 f'RE-f'fWJECT FlOl~ Al fHlUI CRI:EK (d!.) MODIfIED HYDROLOGY YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 :50 OCT NOV J.I n; JAN 6335.0 259J.0 1437.0 1027.0 3848.0 1300.0 1100.0 960.0 5571.Q 2744.0 1900.0 1600.0 8202.0 3497.0 J700.0 1100.0 5604.0 2100.0 1500.0 1300.0 5370.0 2760.0 2045.0 '791.0 4951.0 1900.0 1300.0 9S0.0 5806.0 3050.0 2142.0 1700.0 9212.0 J954.0 3264.0 1965.0 4811.0 2150.0 1513.0 1448.0 6559.0 2850.0 2200.0 7794.0 ,3000.0 2694.(1 5916.0 271)0.0 2100.0 6723.02800.0 2000.0 644?d 2251).0. 1494.0 6291.0 2799.0 .1211.0 7205.0 2090.0 1631.0 4163.0 1600.0 1500.0 184:).0 :2·1 !12 I 0 19t)0.O 1600.0 104H,O 960.0 INO.O 1500.0 490t).I) 4272.0 ~! :S :"j.~ • I) 19(16.(1 2055.0 19H1.0 1330.0 ·'(lB6.0 'S21.0 H1~~.(l FEB 788.0 820.0 1000.0 820.0 1000.0 1400.0 970.0 1500.0 IJ01.0 1307.0 1452.0 1754.0 1500.0 1500.0 966.0 860.0 IJOO.O 1400.0 1900.0 92~.0 76H.0 1036.0 :U24. 0 121~j, I) 5288.03-107.0 ~HI4] ,I) :S09:S • I) a6,~ .1) 2290~0 2~HO .0 4826.0 2253.0 1465.0 3733.0 1523.0 1034.0 3739.0. 1700.0 '160:~.(l 77~19 .1) 3874.0 19n.0 "I(Wl.0 ?6~,O I (I 240:~. (I 22J9.0 202H.0 1200.0 1200.0 874.0 777.0 1516.0 1471.0 974.0 950.0 1829.0 1618.0 7571.0 3525.0 2539.0 2029.0 11168.1) 4907.0 ·2535.0 1681.0 1397.0 1286.0 MAR 726.1) 710.0 SBO.I) 820.0 7BO.1) 1100.0 '/40.0 1200.(1 114(-1.0 980.0 1197.0 1810.0 11)1)1).1) 1 (100. () 71~LI) 900. (I 1 ~11)() • I) 1/.(10.0 1'/00.1) B:~3. (I 77\~ .0 9:)(1.0 la~!.L I) 1000.0 724.1) l400.0 i}OO.O l~JOO. 0 160~j • I) 1~!OO.(I M'R l1{i \' JlIN .IIIL flUB ~;FF' 1170.0 11510.0 19600.0 2~600.0 19830.0 9301.0 1617.0 14090.0 ?0790.0 22570.0 19670.0 21'40.0 920~1) 5419.0 32370.1 26310.0 20920.0 14~80.0 1615.0 lY'70iO 27320.1 20200.0 20610.0 15270.0 1235.0 17200.0 25250.0 20360.0 26101).0 12920.0 1~?00. 0 931"9'() 2~'.lIo0.(1 ~!"i'~jMI. (I 2:'j7:HI.() 14290.0 950.0 17660.0 33340.0 Jl090.1 2453Q.0 18330.0 l?OO.O 13750.0 30160.0 23310.0 20540.0 19800.0 1533.0 12900.0 25700.0 22SHO.0 22540.0 7550.0 1250.0 15990.0 23320.0 25000.0 31180.0 '6920.0 1300.0 157110.0 15530.0 229(-10.0 2J590.0 20510.1) 2650.0 17360.0 29450.0 ?4570.0 22100.~ 13370.0 1700.0 i2590.0 43270,0 25850.0 23550.0 15890.0 1130.(1 19030.0 26(100.0 34400.0 ?3670.0 12320.0 745.0 4J07.0 50580.0 22950.0 16~40.0 9571.0 1360.0 i2990.0 25720.0 27840.0 21120.0 193~0.0 1775,0 ,9645.0 J2950.0 19860.0 21830.0 11750.0 1167.0 15480,0 29510.0 26BOO.0 32620.0 16870.0 1910.0 16100.0 31550.0 26~20.Q 1717Q.0 0816.0 1022.0 9852.0 20523.0 18093.0 16322.0 9776.0 \ 1000.0 l1JOO.0 111630.0 22660.0 19980.0 1121.0 1082.0 3745.0 3293(1.0 23950.0 31910.0 14440.0 1710.0 ~1090.0 34430.1) 22770.0 19290.0 12400.0 1027.0 8235.0 271100.0 IB250.0 20?90.0 9074.0 992.0 16101).0 17870.0 1»800.0 16220.0 12250.0 1593.0 15350.0 32310.0 27720.0 18090.0 16310.0 un.!) 1~!I!~!!).() ~!43al).!) 10940.Q 19a!)!).!) 6aal.!) 1600.0 126110.0 37970.0 22870.0 19240.0 12640.0 1702.0 11950.0 19050.0 21020.0 16390.0 8607.0 1450.0 13B70.0 24690.0 2UB80.1 20460.0 10770.0 A1~NUAL 8032.1 9106.0 ,/:,jn.1 10090 •• , 9\~81.6 10?~6.4 11473.3 1 O:H:t\ • 1 '1476.4 10:)~)9.9 9712.3 10B09. :\ U~j1l3.2 1107:'.9 9199.6 101b8.B 94:U .8 11218.5 1810.6 1200.1 7591. 2 102:51.0 10811:5.5 BOB6. ~! n.H.o Ion:). 4 BU19.3 Hll 09.0 1119 .. 1.5 9489.3 MAX (-1212.0 3954,0 3264.Q 2452.0 202B.0 1900.0 2650.0 21090.0 50530.b J4~00.0 32~20.0 21240.0 11565.2 MI~ 3124.0 1215.0 866.0 824.0 768.0 7~3.0 745.0 J74~.O 15530.0 l8093.0 16220.0 bB81.0 7200.1 MEAN 5654.3 2476.3 1788.0 1465,7 1242.J 1114.B 1351.3 13276.7 20095.1 2J919.4 21726.7 13327.2 9670.1 $ : W:? L-~ ~ LoJ L-: ----, , L.....-. ,,;',1 ---' --.-!J LJ TABLE 2.23 f'RE-f'fWJECT FlOl~ Al fHlUI CRI:EK (d!.) MODIfIED HYDROLOGY YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 :50 OCT NOV JAN 6335.0 259J.0 1437.0 1027.0 3848.0 1300.0 1100.0 960.0 5571.Q 2744.0 1900.0 1600.0 8202.0 3497.0 J700.0 1100.0 5604.0 2100.0 1500.0 1300.0 5370.0 2760.0 2045.0 '791.0 4951.0 1900.0 1300.0 9S0.0 5806.0 3050.0 2142.0 1700.0 9212.0 J954.0 3264.0 1965.0 4811.0 2150.0 1513.0 1448.0 6559,0 2850.1) 2200.0 7794.0 .3000.0 2694.0 5916.0 2701).0 2101).0 6723.02800.0 2000.0 6441,0 2251),1) 1494.0 6291.0 2799.0 .1211.0 7205.0 2090,0 1631.0 4163.0 1600.0 1500.0 184:).0 19t)0.O 1600.0 104H,O 960.0 IN!).O 1500.0 4901),1) 4272.0 19(16,(1 ~!0~l5.t) 19HLO 1330.0 ·'('JB6.0 'S21./) H1~~.(l FEB 7f1H.0 820.0 1000.0 820,0 1000,0 1400,0 970.0 1 :)(10.0 DO] .t) 1 ;~ 0"7, (i 1 <\~j~!. t) , 7~i·1, (I 1 ~jOO • I) 1500.0 966. I) 860.0 nOI) .0 14()0.() 191)1).0 9?/,O 7b8.t) 10;~6. 0 :U24.0 121~j,0 5288.03-107.0 ~HI4] ,I) :S09:S , l) a6,~. I) 2290~0 2~HI) .1) 4826.0 2253.0 1465.0 3733.1) 1523.0 11)34.0 3739.0. 1700.0 '160:~.0 77~19 .1) 3874.0 19n,1) "lIWl.1) ?6~,O. (I 240:~. (I n.w. 0 ~!t)~!a. 0 120(1.0 1200. (I 874.0 777.1) 1 !H 6 , (I 1-171 • 0 9}4.t) 9~jl),O lB29.0 1618.0 7571,1) 3525,1) 2589,1) 2029,0 11163,O 4907.0 ·2535.0 1681.0 1397.0 '286.0 MAR 726.1) 710,0 SBO.I) 820,(1 7(10.0 1100,0 '/40, I) 1?00,(I 114(-1,1) 980.0 1197,0 1810.0 11)1)1),1) 1 (100. () 71~LI) 900, (I 1 ~1l)1) , I) 1/.(10.0 1(/1)1) , I) B;~3. (I 77\~, 0 9:)(1.0 la~!.L I) 1000.0 724,1) l400.0 i} 1)1) , I) l~JOO. 0 160~j • I) 1~!(iO.0 l1{i \' JlIN .IIIL flUB 071),0 11511).0 19601).0 2~601).O 19831).0 9301,1) 1617.0 14090.0 ?0790.0 21570.0 19670.0 21'40.0 921)~1) 5419,1) 32370.1 26311),0 21)921),0 14~30.0 1615.(1 lY'70iO 27320.1 20200.0 20610.0 15?"70.0 1235.0 17200.1) 25251).0 20361).0 26100.0 12921).1) 1~?00. 0 931'9 d) 2~'.lIo0.(1 ~!·i'~jMldl 2:)7:)(1.0 14290.0 951).0 17660.0 33340.1) Jl090.1 24530.0 18331),1) l?OO.O 13750.0 30160.0 23310.0 20540.0 19800.0 1533.1) 12900.0 25701).0 22831).0 22541).1) 7551),0 1250.0 15990.0 23320.0 25000.0 31180.0 '6920.0 13(1).1) 15701).0 15531).1) 22981).0 2J591).0 20510,0 2650.0 17360.0 29450.0 ?4570.0 22100.~ 133"70.0 1701).1) i2590.0 43271).0 25851).0 23551).0 15890,1) 1130.(1 19030.0 26000.0 34400.0 ?36"70.0 123?0.0 745,1) 4J07,O 51)581).0 22950.0 16~40,1) 95"71,1) 1360.0 i2990.0 25720.0 27840.0 21120.(1 193~0.0 17}5.1) ,9645.0 J2951),0 19860.0 21930,0 11751),1) UI,7.(1 1:>480.0 ;!9~jlO.(1 UIBO(I.O 326~!0.0 il,H"70.0 1911).1) 16100.1) 31551).0 26~20.Q 17170.1) 8816,1) 1022.0 ,9852.0 20~23.0 18093,0 16322.0 9776.0 10UO,1) l1JOO.1) 10630.0 22660.0 19981).1) 1121.0 1082.0 3745.0 3293(1.0 23950.0 31910.0 14440.0 1710.1) ~1091).1) 34<\31).1) 22]70.0 19290.0 12400.1) 1027.0 8235.0 271100.0 IB250.0 20?90.0 9074.0 992.1) 16100.0 17871).0 1»800.0 16220.0 12251).1) 1593.0 15350.0 32310.0 27720.0 18090.0 16310.0 un,!) 1~!1!~!0,() ~!43al).1) 10940.Q 19aO!).!) 6aal.1) 1600.0 126110.0 37970.0 22870.0 19240.0 12640,0 171)2,0 11950.1) 19050.0 21021).0 16391).0 8607,1) 1450.0 13B70.0 24690.0 211B80.1 20460.(1 10770.0 A1~NUAL 8032.1 9106.0 10090 •• , 9\~81.6 10?~6.4 11473.3 1 O:H:t\ • 1 '1476.4 10:)~)9.9 9712.3 10B(l9. :\ U~j1l3.2 1107:'.9 9199.6 101b8.B 94:U .8 11218.5 1810.6 1200.1 7591. 2 1(12:51.0 1080:5.5 BOB6.~! n.H.o Ion:). ., BU19.3 Hil 09.0 1119 .. 1.5 9489.3 MAX (-1212,0 3954,1) 3264.1) 2452.0 202B.0 1900.1) 2651),1) 21091).0 505HI).b J4~1)1),0 32~20.0 21241).0 11565.2 MI~ 3124.0 1215.0 866.0 824.0 768.0 7~3.0 745.0 J74~.O 15530.0 l8093.0 16220.0 bB81.0 7200.1 MEAN 5654,3 2476.3 1788.0 1465,7 1242.J 1114,B 1351.3 13276.7 281)95,1 2J919.4 21726.7 13327.2 9670.1 $ ,,;',1 ---- ;""':' L " ,,:;a, ','lI I I JI .'. J I --~ --------' ---~ -~ --------------' -.III ... ..i. --' ---J ... ... --J ~ .... . ------------.-------=---.----.- TABLE 2.24 POST-PROJECT FLIIWR AT GOLD CREEK (~fs) . WATANA : CASE C ! YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~O 21 22 23 24 25 26 .,-, ~I 28 29 30 31 32 ~ OCT NOV [IEC ~I(~N F E.B MAR ~Pf.: l'ifiY .IUI-! .Hll f1UG SE.P 7271.7 10215.7 11555.4 9117.5 91~4.5 8237.7 7573.6 8486.6·0021.8 0024.0 12000.0 9281.6 6389.8 6833.4 7909.B 7341.9 6437.0 6588.5 5989.1 10314.3 7107.6 7561.5 12000.0 9300.0 8061.0 10730.0 12016.4 10490.5 9316.5 0391.7 7623.6 6529.J 11599.0 9076.3 12000.0 9300.0 10185.6 11490.9 l1C16.4 9990.5 9136.5 83~1.7 BJIC.6 15600.4 10009.9 7405.6 12000.0 9300.0 7076.3 7092.0 11616.4 10190.5 .9J16.5 11291.7 7938.6 IJ952.5 10735.5 7967.2 12000.0 9300.0 7194;8 7955.0 12161.4 10684.5 9716.5 8611.7 71)03.6 7a~9.B 10153.2 l0621.7 16276.1 9300.0 8468.7 9094.0 11~16.4 9870.5 9206.5 0451.7 7653.6 14206.8 15256.8 14077.5 15432.0 13~10.6 9376.5 11044.0 12~~8.4 10590.5 9816.5 8711'.7 7~OJ.6 10574.5 12008.4 "109.5 12000.0 12213.0 11782.5 11940.0 IJ330.4 10855.5 9623.5 UA59.7 0236.6 9746.4 0565.8 7883.0 12000.0 9121.3 6874.9 6933.2 8170.4 1033R.5 9623.~ A491.7 7,53.6 12818.1 982B.6 9287.8 ,162011.B I1B43.4 10128.5 I0U43.9 12316.4 10735.5 9768.5 0708.7 HOOJ.6 12317.7 7167.0 8286.8 12000.0 9300.0 B227.4 10993.9 12810.4 11342.5 10010.5 9321.7 9353.6 13B30.4 11869.2 9477.6 12000.0 9300.0 732H.7 10694.0 12216.4 10790.5 91116.5 0111.7 0403.6 ,9298.8 24151.8 9935.7 14666.9 10429.8 10293.5 10794.0 12116.4 10490.5 9816.5 8511.7 7533.6 15342.2 10296.0 15140.5 15146.6 9300.0 7777.9 10244.0 1161Q.~ 7938.5 92112.5 0224.7 7448.6 :6061.J 26091.6 7037.3 12000.0' 9300.0 7290.9 6966.6 767H.9 ,9657.5 9176.5 8411.7 8063.6 9735.6 9469.8 9771.5 12000.0 13506.1 10775.5 100~2.0 11747.4 10290.5 9616.5 0311.7 0473.6 '7U09.3 13436.7 0261.6 12000.0 9300.0 6615.5 690~.6 79B4.7 10390.5 9716.5 8711.7 7870.6 12066.6 11635.8 10362.9 22704.4 119~0.6 9470.5 I0J46.7 12171.4 10871.5 10216.5 9~11.7 3613.6 127J9.5 13601.8 10042.6 12000.0 9300.0 6581.8 6BB2.1 7830.0 7B3~.5 9738.5 8344.7 7725.6 '716B.9 78'5.7 61151.7 12000.~ 9300.0 6628.B 7003.5 !1012.9 7518.2 6586.1 6770.1 5919.8 ·7~71.7 9213.6 0997.1 12000.0 9300.0 7491.4 7700,8 B4~1.6 7681.2 6677.7 6847.7 609l.4 .638Y.6 10484.0 7762.3 13149.0 9300.0 372B.l 11006.7 12626.4 11129.5 10J44.5 1334.7 9413.6 10134.1 16601.7 7672.0 12000.0 9300.0 6221.8 6B64.6 115B1.4 10090.5 9316.5 8511.7 7730.6 6206.9 B914.3 6484.0 12000.0 9300.0 6457.0 6741.5·7724.6 7179.3 6725.3 112J5.7 7695.6 127J3.3 7948.9 7482.9 12000.0' 9300.0 6551.3 7008.3 8137.7 7574.4 6719.3 6895.6 6120.8 9024.5 13490.5 11000.7 l2000.0 9300.0 9H16.0 7907.0 11197.4 9861.5 9266,5 0411.7 0076.6 9560.3 9350.3 6512.6 12000.0 8050.5 6778.2 7351.4 8~92.5 7616.2 6646.~ 7982.3 8383.6 9665.2 19061.3 790«.1 I?OOO.O 9~00.p 7469.2 10067.7 12705.4 10919.5 9904.5 9116.7 0405.6 8669.0 6616.9 7243.2 12000.0 9300.0 7014.9 7274.0 R119.1 7475.8 6537.4 6576.7 5811.1 9810.6 6YOH.0 11710.4 12000.0 9300.0 6842.2 11972,1 12532.4 10638.5 97112,5 11911.7 0373.6 8000.2 11112.6 16151.9 12030.3 9300.0 10320.3 11979.9 11889.5 l0344.1 9552.1 R626,O B071.1 10110.3 6000.0 9792.0 26494.0 10461.1 (':HHU({L 'JU5.8 711:H. ~ 9595.1 10380.5 96:~5. 0 9882.5 lU68.8 10384.1 10162.0 9R74.3 9978.8 10726.l 11~~Hl.9 1126:L :~ 104b8.3 I):~O~\. 7 100~j6. 4 10::;93.9 101>54.4 8l28.7 79~7.1 8181 ~ 2 11289.7 8f.1~j.7 f1~~70 .1 Bl.71.0 n-n.6 ~\2:)::;. 0 n78.3 g23!'i.0 104b9.9 11172.4 MAX 11792.5 11979.9 13390.4 11342.5 10344.5 9411.7 935J.6 111134.9 26011.6 15151.9 26494.0 IJ506.1 11468.8 MIN 6221.8 6741.5 7678.9 7179.3 6437.0 657~.7 5811.1 6061.3 6000.0 64U4.0 12000.0 8050\5 78~1.3 MEAN HOI4.U 9105.7 106?J.3~707.H 0951.1 032J.7 7740.1 10404.9 11419.5 9181.6 IJ378.4 9839.6 9745.4 , ~_2 ~--_ L-i __ .....; _~ ~ ___ ~-_ _ --i .-,; .. ~ ~-.J ~..-J .. ... .-..1 ~ ... . ----------.-------~ ----. -.----. '---- TABLE 2.24 POST -F'RIl.JE[;r FI.I)~I!~ AT GOUI CREEI( (l':f~,) . WATANA : CASE C ! YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~o 21 22 23 24 25 26 .,-, ~I 28 29 30 31 32 ocr NOV [IEC F E.B MAR .1U1-! .Hll f1UG SE.P 7271.7 10215,7 11555.4 9117,5 91~4.5 8237,7 7573.6 8486,6·0021,8 0024,0 12000.0 9281.6 6389.8 6833.4 7909.B 7341.9 6437.0 6588.5 5989.1 10314.3 7107.6 7561.5 12000.0 9300.0 8061,0 10730,0 12016.4 10490.5 9316.5 0391,7 7623.6 6529,J 11599.0 9076.3 12000,0 9300.0 10185.6 11490.9 l1C16.4 9990.5 9136.5 83~1.7 BJIC.6 15600.4 101109.9 7405.6 12000.0 9300.0 7076.3 7092.0 11616.4 10190.5 .9J16.5 11291.7 7938.6 IJ952.5 10735.5 7967.2 12000.0 9300.0 7194;8 7955.0 12161.4 10684.5 9716.5 8611.7 71)03.6 7a~9.B lQ153.2 l0621.7 16276.1 9300.0 8468.7 9094.0 11~16.4 9870.5 9206.5 8451.7 7653.6 14206.8 15256.8 14077.5 15432,0 13~10,6 9376.5 11044.0 12~~8.4 10590.5 9816.5 8711'.7 7~03.6 10574.5 12008.4 "109.5 12000.0 12213.0 11782.5 11948.0 IJ330.4 10855.5 9623.5 UA59.7 0236.6 9746,4 0565,8 7883.0 12000.0 9121.3 6874.9 6933.2 8170.4 1033R.5 9623.~ A491.7 7,53.6 12818.1 982B,6 9207.8 ,162011.B IIB43.4 10128.5 10"43.9 12316.4 10735,5 9768,5 8708,7 HO~J,6 12317.7 7167.0 "286,8 12000.0 9300.0 B227.4 10993.9 12810.4 11342.5 10010.5 9321.7 9353.6 13B30,4 11869.2 9477.6 12000.0 9300.0 732H.7 10694.0 12216.4 10790.5 91116,5 0111,7 0403.6 ,9298.8 24151.8 9935.7 14666.9 10429." 10293.5 10794.0 12116.4 1~490.5 9816.5 8511.7 7533.6 15342.2 10296.0 15140.5 15146.6 9300.0 7777.9 10~!'14.0 1161().~ 'J<J:;8.~j 92H2.~) 0~!~!4.7 7H8 .. ~ :()I){,l.:S ~!M91.11 7IlB7 •• ~ l~!Ot)t),o· nOI).O 7290.9 6966.6 767H.9 ,9657.5 9176.5 8411.7 8063.6 9735.6 9469.8 9771.5 12000.0 13506.1 10775.5 100~2,0 11747.4 10290,5 9616.5 0311.7 0473.6 '7009.3 IJ4B6.7 0261.6 12(01),0 9300.1) 6615.5 690~.6 79B4.7 10390.5 9716.5 8111,7 7870.6 12066.6 11635.8 10362.9 22704.4 119~0.6 9470.5 I0J46.9 12171.4 10871.5 10216.5 9~11.7 3613,6 12739,5 13601,8 10042.6 12000,0 9300.0 6581.8 6BB2.1 7030.0 7B3~.S 9738.5 8344.7 7725.6 '716B.9 78'5.7 61151.7 12000.~ 9300.0 6628.8 7003,5 !1012.9 7510.2 6586.1 6770.9 5919.8 '7~71.7 9213.6 0997.1 12000.0 9300,0 7491.4 7700.8 B4~1.6 7681.2 6677.7 6847.7 609l.4 .638Y.6 10484.0 7762.3 13149.0 9300.0 372B,1 11006.9 12626,4 11129,5 10344,5 1334.7 9413.6 10134.1 16601.7 7672.0 12000,0 9300,0 6221.8 6B64.6 11581.4 10090.5 9316.5 8511.7 7730.6 6206.9 B914.3 6484.0 12000.0 9300.0 6457.0 6741.5·7724,6 7179.3 A725.3 112J5.7 7695.6 127J3.3 7948.9 7482.9 12000.0' 9300,0 6551.3 7008.3 8137.7 7574.4 6719.3 6895.6 6120.8 9024.5 13490.5 110110.7 l2000.0 9300.0 9H16.0 7907.0 11197,4 9861.5 9266,5 0411.7 0076.6 9560.3 9J50.3 6512.6 12000,0 8050.5 6778.2 7351.4 8~92.5 7616.2 6646.~ 7982.3 8383.6 9665.2 19061.3 7908.1 l?OOO.O 9~00.p 7469.2 10067.7 12705.4 10919.5 9904.5 9116.7 8405,6 06119,0 6616.9 7243,2 12000.0 9300,0 7014.9 7274.0 R119.1 7475.8 6537.4 6576.7 5811.1 9810.6 6YOH.0 11710.4 12000.0 9300.0 68'\~!.2 llyn,1 1~!~j~S2.4 106~~8.~) 97a~!,~) H'J.l1."7 !I~O~L6 !HIUH,~! 1111~!,6 IH1~i1.9 1~!t)~~t),;~ nO!).1) 10320.3 11979.9 11S89.5 l0344.1 9552.1 R626.0 B071.1 10110.3 6000.0 9792.0 26494.0 10461.1 'JU5.8 711:H. ~ 9595.1 10380.5 96:~5. 0 9882.5 lU68.8 10384.1 10162.0 9R74.3 9978.8 10726.l 11~~Hl.9 1126:L :~ 104b8.3 I):~O~\. 7 100~j6. 4 10:)93.9 101>54.4 8l28.7 79~7.1 8181 ~ 2 11289.7 8f.1~j.7 f1~~70 .1 Bl.71.0 n-n.6 n78.3 104b9.9 11172.4 MAX 11792.5 11979.9 13390.4 11342.5 10344.5 9411.7 935J.6 111134.9 26011.6 15151,9 26494,0 IJ506.1 11468.8 MIN 6221.8 6741.5 7678.9 7179.3 6437.0 657~.7 5811.1 6061.3 6000.0 64U4.0 12000.0 8050\5 78~1.3 MEAN HOI4,U 9105,7 106?J,3~707.H 0951,1 032J.7 7741),1 10404.9 11419,5 9181,6 IJ378,4 9839,6 9745.4 co --"- ~---' ! . TABLE 2.25 HONHll.Y H(IXlIiIJl1s IHlnl1lHh (.'aND MrAN FJ..(JI~!'; (.'aT!)!)\.)) Cl'~EF.'K ~ HDNHI POHl··PRll.lECT F'~~E-F'rWJECT IJ~TP.N(I (ILI'JNF lJ(i T (aNfl/[lEV Xl. CfiHY DN MAX IUN ',NEAN . rlAX MIN rlEflN 11AX MIN NEAN OCT 8212.0 :H ~~4.0 ~)b54 .3 j :l i' 8~! • :') 6:~:~:l • 8 BOVt.(1 10983.0 6",~)3. :~ 77614.9 NOV :~9!14 • t) t 21 ~j • t) 247,r,.:~ 1:t <J79 .9 [) 741 • ~j <Jlm).? "UHI1.U 7" ():~ • <J 9,r,:W.B DEC 3264.0 B66~0 . :178B.O 13380.4 If, i' H , C; 1 (II, 9:~ • ::s 1a134.,:1 HOA(I, !'j :1:t :n(l. 9 JAN 24~~? () a~? 4 • () 1465./ 1 L'H~! .!') ?1.79.~~ <J;/07.B 1:C~t)45 • a 7 '1~?:~ • <) "C)!)9,".7 FEB 2028.0 768.0 :1~!.I\2.3 :I O=~I\I\. :'j 6·1:~i'.(1 ~~ <J :'):i. I 1 :l1~~2.8 64 ~i i' • :~ 1(119(1.9 MAR t 'Jt)() • () 'l L'l > t) 11:1.1\.8 'JeLl. 1. > 7 6:'j~/6. 7 n~~~?~s. 7 ,,'t)604 .~? ,~,H fi •. l 9~?8:). 6 APR 2650.0 7 4~j. 0 l;;~H. ;; 9~53.6 ~·j(H1. 1 T14().1 9.i'~j9.4 :)I):'jO.4 B:t.(I(l,1\ MAY ~~11190>t) ,D4r'i. () 1:~~~7.S. ? UH ::~<\ • ') ,L,O,S 1 • ::~ 1 () '\1)') • 'J "~?~HH). t) ,,> I) t)C) • l) B'lO.'>.3 JUN 50580.0 :t. :'i ~'j ~~ 0 • () :W095.1 2f,()91 • f, 6000.0 :t.:i." 1 9 • !:, L~~05. 2 600~1. (l <,'IH}:?9 JUL :~ 1\ .1\ t) () • I) .l H t) <},~ • I) , ~! ~ <} 1 9 • <\ l~'i.l.~'iJ .• 9 ,L,4H<l,t) <J:lB&\.,S 1:tB4f,.:C~ f,40.l\.0 R:~87.3 AUG 32620.0 :\ t,~!20 • () 21726.7 2t.l\94.0 :\ :~ 00 (l • () 1:n7B.1\ ;:!U.4 6.? 1 :~(lO(l. (I 1 2 6 :~:~ • ~'i SU' 2 1 ~! 1\ C) • t) . ,£,Ba:l. • t) L~,1:U. ::! :U~';06. ~, HO!'jO • ~j ~)H:'S <J • ,~ un~~o. t) 93t)(). t) :I. t)!)1 0 .3 .. HINU(,L 11565.2 72(iO.l 9670.1 :1.:1 .1\ 1'.8.8 n~:H .:~ . 971\~'j ./1 :1.:1.173.3 7"176.4 I} 7 " :'j , 1\ $ ~ ) '!'if:;;": I '---------.l L..:...: L-..: ~ ~ "-'-. -:-'-"-----' ~y,:;\ I -- ! . TABLE 2.25 HONHll.Y H(IXlIiIJl1s IHlnl1lHh (.'aND MrAN FJ..(JI~!'; (.'aT!)!)\.)) Cl'~EF.'K HDNHI POHl··PRll.lECT F'~~E-F'rWJECT IJ~TP.N(I (ILI'JNF lJ(i T flNfl/ [IE V X I. CfiHYDN MAX IUN , ,NEAN rlAX MIN rlEflN 11AX MIN NEAN OCT 8212.0 :H ~~4.0 ~)b54 .3 j :l i' 8~! • :') 6:~:~:l • 8 BOVt.(1 10983.0 6",~)3. :~ 77614.9 NOV :~9!14 • t) t 21 ~j • t) 247,r,.:~ 1:t <)79.9 [) 741 • ~j <)lml.7 "UHI1.U 7" ():~ • <) 'U,:W.O DEC 3264.0 B66~0 . :178B.O 13380.4 If, i' H , C; 1 (II, 9:~ • ::s 1a134.,:1 HOA(I, !'j :1:t :n(l. 9 JAN 24~~? () a~? 4 • () 1465./ 11.'H~! .!') ?1.79.~{ <);/07.B 1:C~t)45 • a 7 4~?:~ • <) "C)!)9,".7 FEB 2028.0 768.0 :1~!.I\2.3 :I O={I\I\. :'j 6·1:~i'.(1 ~~ <J :'):i. I 1 :l1~~2.8 64 ~i i' • :~ 1(119(1.9 MAR t 'Jt)() • () 'l L'l > t) 11:1.1\.8 'JeLl. 1. > 7 6:'j~/6. 7 n~~~?~s. 7 "'t)604 .~? lh~Hl •. l 9~?8:). 6 APR 2650.0 7 4~j. 0 l;;~H. ;; 9~53.6 ~·j(H1. 1 T14().1 9.i'~j9.4 :)I):'jO.4 B:t.(I(l,1\ MAY ~~tI190>t) ,D4r'i. () 1:~~~7.S. ? UH ::~<\ • ') 1I0,S:t. • ::{ 1 () '\1)'\ • 'J "~?~HH). t) .r, I) t)C) • l) B'lO.~. 3 JUN 50580.0 :t. :'i ~'j ~{O • () :W095.1 2f,()91 • f, 6000.0 :t.:i." 1 9 • !:, L~~05. 2 600~1. (l <,'IH}:?9 JUL :~ 1\ .1\ t) () • I) .l H t) <},~ • I) ~!~919.1 l~'i.l.~'iJ,.9 ,L,4H4,t) <):lB&\.,S 1:tB4f,.:C~ f,40.l\.0 R:~87.3 AUG 32620.0 :\ t,~!20 • () 21726.7 2t.l\94.0 :\ :~ 00 (l , () 1:n7B.1\ ;:!U.4 6.? 1 :~(lO(l. (I 1 2 6 :~:~ • ~'i SU' 2 1 ~! 1\ C) • t) ,£,Ba:l. • t) L~,1:U. ::! :U~';06. ~, HO!'jO • ~j ~)H:·~ <J • ,~ un~~o. t) 93t)(). t) :I. t)!)1 0 .3 .. HINU(,L 11565.2 72(iO.l 9670.1 :1.:1 .1\ 1'.8.8 n~:H .:~ 971\~'j ./1 :1.:1.173.3 7"176.4 I} 7 " :'j , 1\ $ ~ "-'-. -:-' -,' ---' -....:.>:.~---~-L-: ------~~-,------_--___ -~---_-.....J~-....:J----_c.~--~--~ "~~ ~--,-J ~_-.J __ c=-::L; .--J TABLE 2.26 f'RE-PRO.JECT FI.OW (iT SlINRHWF (cf!;) YEAR 1 2 :5 4 ~ 6 7 8 9 10 1.l 12 1 :~ 14 1 ~j 16 17 18 11J 20 21 22 ;.~ ~~ 24 ::!~.; 26 111lIHFHJ) U'{))JWLI1GY O(,:T nov l4I)1);S • 0 ~i()J9 .0 12226.0 471~!.(1 .l ~s 71:S. 0 ~j 7 O~! • 0 17394.0 7199,0 J:S~!27.() ~j()n.o 12188.0 63-\0,(1 110U.0 <\.Jb7.0 15252. 0 702~', (I .lI1."S99 , 0 9IU~! .0 , 11578. () !:;~Bl. (~ 1 ~-i 1 ~Ll • 0 l> 41 ~i • 0 1 H9f.. (I 61(i<) • 0 1<l ~i7Y • 0 (,(,~) 7. () B9!)r" (I [,(,!);t. 0 UI~j~"j~"j. 0 ~j<)1)7. 0 15473.0 747;>.0 .l!l~!OB.O ~j:S~!l.1) 11551.0 429:).0 ll)~}l)b.O ~jHJ. 0 . l 0524. 0 ~4IH", (I 9 4 L~ • I) 3 <) 7 II. 0 1226-1.0 7~1,"7,0 .l(\~Sl:LO ',7<\~"j,I) n~8R. 0 oOW, (I .I.1:!1I4.0 4b~'<) .() L):i(I;~. (I 4~\:m. (I DEC .• MN :Sl>l1.t) ~~14B.0 3804.0 2n(l,(I J702.0 .H70.0 4080,(' 2Bl!l,0 J977.0 J.'>67.0 4:~1:\. (I :w:n, (I J1()l.1) ~!61~!.1) -\907, (I ~('(l6, (l bl:~9.0 ·\1)\~7,0 :~!)9~"I, (I 3387.0 <\!l~!J.O <\0~j9.0 :'i!'iM.O 47:W. 0 <\1I:!0.0 4~!~!2.1) 4690.0 407",(l J~j:S:S .0 2197.0 4!'i:~6, 0 :7,:~n, 0 :S9M-i.0 J404.0 3B!)I., 0 MIn:. (I 4~j6:S. 0 <\ HIL 0 :~2~?n.(1 2f.119, 0 ~!!l4n. 0 ~!MI) .0 4nO,(1 :~:~~!!:,.() 49~!2.0 '\2~j7, 0 4030.0 3312.(1 ;S~i24 • t) ~!BB2 .0 ~i777. 0 ~i~j41 .• (l H"I! 227b.Q 2~3~.0 2511.Q 23~3.0 2U8Y.Q ~189.0 2286.Q ~~71.0 2Y96,0 JO~9.0 J2QI,Q 3478.0 JJ42,Q 3621.0 2447.Q 2962.0 JQQ9,Q 3191,0 J986,Q 1731.0 244U,Q 2514.0 JU01,0 29B4.0 251Y,Q 2990.0 IiflR 21):~:S , 0 ~tH~.O nH2,1) 2:~ 1"1.0 24n.l) ;!~'Tl. (l 2~!09 ,0 2B~4.(; ~!/)4:S, I) :'~~~1l0. (l ~![, nj ,0 :1,4B(I.O ~!Ynj, I) :~:~99. 0 ',!Ql:S,1) na8.0 :wnj,O :?7n.o :SB'JIl • I) ~!(,n. (, 2:HI~! > I) 2:~~):i t (i J335,Q 261~.0 222Q,1) 2Bl0.(; flf'R tlf,y .Jlm .\lIL AUG SEP 2311.0 22<\10.0 4561J.0 39179.1) 5<\0<\9.0 27734.0 3563,0 4219~.0 2J57.1) 11250.1) 4~92.0 50302.0 J204.Q J2595.0 26~fl.0 21758.0 2244.0 JJl~7.0 2907.0 34140,0 JJ99.1) 2775<).0 20Y5,0 29460.0 2920.1) J4002.1) 5109.0 3243R.0 J501.0 i4520.0 58U72.0 6947~,0 ~B356,0 51069,0 bllno • I) M9~S7. I) ~j:"s.~s ,:S.O ~r,!0~"i7.0 64075.0 ~~2J1.O "Y 54,0 33737,0 54005.0 5JJOA.O 57"Ol.O 20J76.Q 696B6,0 70894.0 77692.(; 353B5.0 " 1 :S9 <\ 1. t) BO~j[,9. 0 ()9~~S 4. I) 4 Hnj.O 7Yl~3.0 ~230~.0 ~3?43,0 48121.0 60752.Q 59850.0 5691)2.1) 20Q9B.0 6~2B6.0 ~752l~0 7194B.0 3691~.0 J9Jll.0 30224.0 55J15.1) 4J006.0 60BSb.O ~3640,0 ~0616.0 J~071.0 B7~"j~S7. t) (,n~it). () 611111.0 ;Wll.l. t) MHHI{1\ 2QJ47.1 26136.1 22117.5 24544.3 21921.8 26041.6 27508.4 26550.7 22824.2 2~345.B 22651.3 25075.2 26766.6 24~60.R 2J8~1.9 14971.~ 22934.7 21566,J 24149.1 17950.7 20J93.7 24629.0 24407.1 20235,8 1911~.1 !~::;()~!:~ (2 ~7 15565,1) 42JO,Q 2734.Q 251)7.Q 2J55,0 2201.0 J294,0 22075.1) 56J66.1) 35506.0 52155.0 111502,0 2~000.7 28 10620.0 5888.0 5285.0 423',0 364(,.0 317l.0 J537,(; 27292,0 B177~.0 62194,0 5~157.0 32719.0 25221.6 ?025.0 3~24~,O 56629.0.70219,0 5293B.0 '9182.0 ~!~"sa 1 • I) B(14~j. t) 1111) n • t) ;)IlB~StI> t) ·"Il,:S 74.1) n~!,~ 7 • 0 3J\~~i, 0 i1!'i97. 0 !'iB4UII. (' (,!5042.(1 !'6:rl~l.(1 :'i:~70:L (I J59B.O ~6479.1) 69569.0 3524J.O 62007.0 JQ156.0 2639,0 3291~.O 66162,0 771'~.O 82747,0 37379.0 4J59.0 J6961.t) 76770.0 697J3.Q 46730.0 20005.0 244~,0 ~j306,0 49349,0 4"56~,b 42970.0 24832,0 J150.0 25607.0 47602.0 61)771.0 54926.0 21191.1) 264(1.0 10652,0 7~20B.0 ~~7D7.0 74519.0 32402.0 ~S'nO.I) :(tllHO.() M!I~j(,.I) (Inn.!) ~i1~!~i4.1) :~H~i.r,.I) :,'B~~j.O Hl21:" •• (i :'j~'n:~,(1 !'a171l.0 !HOB!'i.O ~!:'jnB.o ~!91.Lt) :Sl4!lfl.1) 4:\11:S,O ~i:l;!b7.1) 4.~~!2~!.1) ~!<)IH.O 3160.0 29380.0 12B36.0 "75692.0 51678,0 3~56"7.0 29 17399.0 71JO.O 531J.0 421J.Q J227.0 J002.0 J542.0 22707.0 4B044.0 57930.0 42110.0 22742,Q 19910.2 30 .11223.0 ~A48.0 4300,0 361~.0 3~(16.0 2963.0 3704.0 33B16.0 59B49,0 71774.0 4"897~0 267~O.0 23144,3 MAX 111555.0 9032.1) 6139.1) 4739.0 J986,Q J998.0 511)!).Q 51)~02.Ql1.l07J,1) 80569,0 112747.0 5371)3,0 ~75U8.4 MIN 9416.0 3978,0 273~,0 2501.(; 173l.0 2013.0 2025,0 B64~,0 39311,0 J\856~,O ~2111~.0 18502.0 17~~i0.1 MEA" 13754.0 5U4J.0 421B.5 J513.11 2940.J 2628,7 J.l43,4 27709.9 A4495.0 6J298.4 56510.2 32656.0 ~J525.6 $ TABLE 2.26 f'RE-PRO.IEe,. FI.OW (iT SlINRHWF (cf!;) 111lIHFHJ) U'{))IWLI1GY YEAR 1 2 :5 4 ~ 6 7 8 9 10 1.l 12 1 ~~ 14 1 ~j 16 17 18 l lJ 20 21 22 ;.~ ~~ 24 ;!8 29 30 O(,:T nov 141)t);S • t) ~i(IJI) ,I) 12226.0 471~!.(1 1 ~S 71:L I) ~j 7 I)~! , I) 17394.0 7199.(1 D:!27.1) ~j()n,1) 12188.0 63-\(I.() 111)11.1) <\.Jb7.1) 15252. 0 7(12~', (I .lIl."S <)<) • I) <) IU~! , t) , 11578. () :'i:Bl. (~ 1 ~H:S.l • I) l> <\1 ~i , t) 1 H9f.. (I 61 (;<J, (I 1<l ~i 7 I) , !) Ml~) 1 • t) U9!)r .. (I [,(,:);t. 0 Ul~j~·jr"j. I) ~j<)1)7, I) 15473.0 747;'.0 .l!l~!()B ,I) ~i:S~!l.1) 11551.0 429:),(1 1()~}06, I) ~j<l IJ, I) . l 0524,0 "4IH., (I 9 <I L~ , I) J <) 7!1. I) 1226-1.(1 7"1,7.(1 l'I~SLLI) II7<\~"j,I) n~8R. (I 0(;111. (I .I.1:!B4 .1) <lb~)<) ,I) L);i(I;~. (I ,w:m. (I .l~i~jti~j,t) 4~!:S!l.1) ,. (,.',:?O. (I 5888.0 .l7~~<)1). 0 7l:H), I) u. :~:~:\. (l ~r.,\ fl. 0 DEC .• MN ;Sl>ll,t) ~!14B,1) 3B04.(l 2no.o J7B2, t) ,H 70.!) 4(180.(1 2B11l,O 3977,1) JIl67,!) 4:~1:\. (I :w:n, (I 3Hll.1) ~!6l~!.1) -\9(17.(1 ~(I(l6.() bl:~<) ,I) ·It)\~l, t) :~:)9~.I. (I 3387.0 4n~!],I) 40rj9.!) :'i:'iM. (I 47:W. 0 <\1I:?t).0 4~!~!2.1) 4690.(l 407".(1 J~j:S:S ,t) V97 ,I) 4:'i:~6, (I :7,:~n. (I :19Mj,t) J"1)4,t) 3U:)I,. (I M)n:. (I <I~j6~S, t) <\ HIL I) :~2~?n,(1 2f.119.(l ~!!l4 n. I) ~!Ml) • I) 4nO,(1 :~:~~!::,.() <l1)~!2.1) '12~j7, I) 40;10.0 3312.(1 ;S~i24 ,t) ~!HB2 ,!) ~i777. (l :i~jH,. (l ~!734 ,I) ~!~jl) 1, I) 528:). (I 42:~J. (I ~i:SLL I) 4U.L I) 4:~OIl.(I :~1,7".(1 H.I! ~!~!7 II> I) 2-i:~:).(1 ~!~)11 ,I) ~!:~-t:~. (I 211BI) ,I) ~q89. 0 ~!2H\~, t) ~"71.(1 ~!I)<J6, I) ~(I:)~'. 0 :S;!O 1, I) ~{IWB. (I ~S~S<l2, ° :~(,::':i • (l ~!~'17,1) :~91,::'. (I ~S!)t)<J ,!) ~~ ~lC) '"\ , (l :SYBIl,1) 1731.0 :!~ 'Ill, I) ~!:H 4. (l :Wt).l ,I) :~9B4, (i ~!: .. j.1. I), I) :~()90, (i Ui4("(I :·sn7, I) :~?(I(,. () IiflR 2\):~~S ,l) ~tH~.O nH2,1) 2:~ 1 ·1 • () 24~!~L I) ;!~'Tl, (1 2~!(1) ,0 ?B44.(; :!64~S, I) :'!~~Il(l. (l ~!tl nj ,0 :1,4B(I. (l ~!I)nj, t) :~:~99. (I ',!I).1.:S • t) na8.0 :w nj.1) :?7n. (I ~SB'J!l , I) ~!(,n. (. 2~HI;! > 0 :S:~:~~j ,\) :n1/,. (I :!:!:!O, I) :?Ili 0, (i :!:!HLO 317l.0 :son ,0 2963.0 .Jlm .\lIL AUG SEP 2311.1) 22410,1) 45l>lJ.1) 3917<).1) 5404<),0 27734.1) 3563,(1 4219~,(1 5UU72.(l 6947".0 ~U356.(I 51(169.(1 ~!Jrj7. I) 11 ~!;'jB. I) flunn. t) M9~S7. I) ~j:·s.~s )~S, I) ;r,!t)~"i7. I) 4~9~.O 5(1302.(1 64075.0 ~"2Jl.() "Y 54,0 33737.(1 321)4,1) ]2595.1) 54005,t) 5]JHA,~ 57·1)1,0 2UJ1A.1) 26~fl,(l 21758.(1 696B6.(I 7(1894.(1 77692,(; 353U~.(I nH,I):i:a:i7.t) 7:S941.t) nl)~jtl9,O ()9~~S<I.I) 4<\<lnj,1) 29()7.0 34140,(1 7Yl~3,O ~23(1~,(I ~3?43.(l 4B121,(I ]J99.1) 27759,1) b0152,O 59H51),1) 5(1)1)2.1) 2~1)9U,1) 2nl)~.() 29460.(1 ~~2B~.(l ~752l~(l 71940,(1 3691~.0 292B,1) ]4111)2.1) 39J1.l.1) 30224,0 55J15.1) 4JI)Hb.1) 51(19.(l 3243R.() ~(l1l8b.() ~364().(l ~0616,(I J~(l71.(1 :S ~lB L t) ~!' <\ ~j~! I) ,0 B 7~·j:S7 ,I) (, n~it) ,I) (, 11 B.L t) :Wll.l.O ~'(I~':).(I :~:)~!4:'i.(1 :'iM;;.19.0 ,7B~!19.(I :'i2nB.o /9182.0 ~!~·sa.l.1) n(I~~j,t)l1.l1)7:S.t) ;'jBB:Uhl) ·"\l,:S74.1) n~!\~l.1) 3J\~~j. 0 i":)97. (I !'iB4UII. (I (,:5(142'() :'6:rl~l. 0 :):~7(l:L (I ]5<)n,0 ~6<179,Q 69569,1) 35~4J,O 621)1)7.1) ]1)156,1) 2639.0 3291~.0 66162.(1 771'~.O 82747.(1 37379,(1 ~J59,t) J6961,O 7(771),1) fl97J3.1) 4b7]1),1) 21)BB5,1) 244~,D ~j3(16.0 49349.0 41l56~.b 42970,0 24032,0 ]151),1) 25607,1) 47(1)2,1) bt)171.Q 5<1926,1) 27191,1) 2640,(1 1(1652.(1 7~208.0 ~"7D7.(I 74519.(l 324(12.0 ~rnt).I) ;(tllHI),t) MU~j("I) (Inn.l) ~i1~?ri<\.t) :~H~j,~,I) ::'B~~j.O Hl21:·,.(i :i~\n:~.(1 :='1711.0 :HOB!'i,(I ~!:'jnfl.(l ~!I) l.L t) ~H <lUll, t) 4:\11:L t) ~i:l ;!67 ,0 4.~~!2~!, t) ~!9114, I) 3160.0 2938(1,(1 72B3~.() 75692.0 51~78,O 3~567.(I ~S:!I)·LI) ~!~!!j75.t) ~j().JM).1) :j~j~jt)(,.I) ~jU~j:j,l) 1I1~·jt)2.1) ~537.(1 27292.() B177~.(I 62194.(1 5~157.0 32719.(1 J5<12.1) 2271)7,1) 4111)44,0 57931),1) 4211B.l) 22142,1) 3704,0 33B76.0 59B49.(I 71774.(; 4"B97~(1 ?~79(1.(I :.!I) 3 "7.1 nU().l nU7.5 :r-\:)44. :~ :! 1 <):.! 1. 8 :?6041.6 nrHl:~.4 2(,:l:'iO.7 :!~!B~!·1. 2 2~345.8 ~!'n~jl. 3 2:HI"J~j. ? n7b,~.6 24nO,g ~!]B/, 1. 9 :'497:i.:\ n<n".7 :n:'i66. J :!4.149.1 1I95(l.7 ~!l):I93. 7 24(,29.0 :! <I 41)7 .1 2023:),8 .lSl1·]!i.1 .l9910.2 n~.'H. :~ MAX 11l~·j:j:j • I) <)I):I~!. l) (11 :~I) • I) 'll:W ,I) ~19a\~ .0 ;S:i ~)a ,I) ~i .ll)~) ,I) r)tqo~!, I) 11.l 1)73 ,I) nl)~j6 9 .0 IlV '17. 0 ~j~~71).L I) n:·iHS • 4 tlI N 9416.0 :W7tl,(1 ~?n" .(1 2:)(17. (. l. n 1. (I 2(11:1. (i :!(l2::;. 0 B(;4:'i. (I :~n 11 .0 ,Ht56:·,. (i I\~? 11 n. (I 1tl:HI~? (I :i n~i(1 • I MEA" IJ754.B 504J.1l 42.l8.5 J5.l3.!1 2941),3 2628.7 3143.4 2771)<),<) A4495,11 6J298,<I 5A510,2 32A5b.1) ~J525.6 $ =--L TABLE 2.27 POST -PRIl.lr;(;1' FI. ml t. T SlIHRH HIE (C'f~.) YEAR t ~. .:.. 3 4 &: ~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n 14 I!) 16 17 18 19 20 21 '1.., ....... 2:5 24 .., .-.'. ,) 26 ",·7 "-I 28 29 :iO MX 1·1 I t~ MEAN .. . '~i~~~ !oh\TMh) t\L.()N[ : CAllE C OCT NOIJ DEC Jf.;N FHI MAR APR Hf.;Y .IUN .JUI. AUG SFf' 14947.7 1J271.7 IJ727.4 11630.5 10592.5 9544.7 9014.6 19394.6 34034.9 44603.0 46969.0 20714.6 ]4767.8 10245.4 10613.8 931j.9 8052.0 7992.5 7935.1 311~~0.3 45109.6 54465.5 50696.0 39129.0 16203.0 13696.0 13018.4 12360.5 10027.5 9793.7 90AO.6 12360.3 47966.7 47623.3 44~3.0 26877.0 19377.6 1~192.9 14196.4 11708.5 10659.5 9828.7 10995.6 46640.4 475~4,8 4143~.6 ~1: 4~.0 27767.0 14699.3 100!14.0 14093.4 12557.5 11105.5 99~4.7 9907.6 29267.5 40290,5 4099J.2 4J.Ol.0 24756.0 14?~~.~ 1~~~~.0 1~~~~.4 12~1~.~ 11~0~.~1~~~9.? 9~61.6 ~~?Y~.~ ~!?!9.2 5~~~5.7 ~~~8.1 3?~?~.0 l-L),.d.l 1. .• !,.11.0 1.1 •. 77.4 11.)0 •.•. ) 11).)1) •.•. ) ~7<.0.7 1I~'17.6 •. 97(U • .l .).).1.)7.9 6.!.).h~.4 .)9<Ji.~6.0 .H.)7:h6 18822.5 1502~.0 15023.4 12896.5 117B7.5 ]0355.7 ~610.6 30964.5 61001.4 ~710j.5 44703.0 40534.0 21969.5 17026.0 16255.4 12957,5 11312.5 10154,7 10102.6 24605.4 43617.8 44953.0 46362.d 21669.3 13641.9 10114.7 10249.4 12277.5 11375.:i 9791.7 9598.6 26298.1 5079~.6 51R08.8 5697&.8 3133R.4 19701,5 14408.9 14939.4 12949.5 11517.5 10196.7 9~31.6 31339.7 30940.0 4J530.8 43725.0 31876.0 17429.4 11102.9 1~620.4 13629.5 117~~.5 10~91.7 11812.6 28916.4 43305.2 43547.6 50316.0 32001.0 15991.7 14651.0 147J~.4 13112.5 11659.5 10~96.7 10294.6 21220.8 60419.8 51R91.7 52297.9 33250,8 17526.5 14046.0 14806.4 1296~.5 11937.5 9910.7 87'8.6 31557.2 40925.0 58967.3 44414.6 26162.0 19893.9 13901.0 13649.4 11687.5 10763,5 9524.7 9094.6 10J99.3 86594.6 4J773.3 41934.0 22996.0 1~472.9 11639.6 11003.9 12070.5 11278.5 10329.7 10138.6 213~2.6 42237.8 46973.5 47255.0 ~7859.1 21779.5 IJ315~O'140Hl.4 12294.5 11325.5 10396.7 10301.6 14643,3 50105.7 4l644.6 52177.0 27706.0 14003.5 9597.6 103~0.7 125311.5 11610.~ J0301.7 9342.6 ~94YO.6 48287.8 60687.9 728~1.4 32459.6 14276,5 13406,Y 14679.4 IJ071.5 12302.5 11409.7 11062.6 3J520.5 58021.3 53357.6 41560.0 21369.0 12833.8 94~7.1 9729.0 9441.5 10047.5 9533.7 9145.6 18622.9 36691.7 37323.7 3R64H.0 24356.0 12920.9 9766,5 9994,9 9294.2 8266.1 11376.9 7999.8 21578.7 311185.6 47100.t 46946.0 27370.0 14467.4 11760.8 11121.6 956~.2 8153.7 8249.7 7649.4 1~296.6 5376~.0 48599.3 55758.0 27262.0 17194.1 14738.9 15038.4 13147,5 12117.5 10946.7 9913.6 ~2~24.9 49027.7 47214.0 4J964.0 31056.0 149B3.8 10629.6 14146.4 12202.5 11300.5 10157.7 9524.6 16186.9 ~1047.3 39915.0 42795.0 25464.0 14008.0 9917.5 10214.6 9187,3 9467.3 9731.7 9619.6 280J9.3 33791,9 J9949,9 JY002.0 26164.0 15111.3 102~6.3 10311.7 960~.4 823H.3 8305.6 7687.8 23054.5 54016.5 59052.7 455BU.0 29557.0 17642.0 122J2.0 12050.' 11397.5 10671,5 9792.7 9997.6 1982~.3 41336.3 4l07fl.6 44355.0 19671.5 13474.2 10589.4 1127~.5 10018.2 8668.5 9653.3 10240.6 24277.2 68864.3 47232.1 47917.0 27379.0 17217.2 13672,7 15429.~ IJI0J.5 11543.5 10513.7 10245.6 19426,0 J5~10.9 4415J.2 37728.0 23435.0 13330.9 10387.0 10746.1 9752.8 8457.4 8339.7 RO~5.1 29016.6 42067.0 54604.3 40437.0 25320.0 21969,5 170~A,0 16255.' 13629.5 12302.5 1~409.7 11312.6 46640 •• 86534.6 6J556.4 72831.4 47359.1 12833.B 94~7.1 972U.0 9187.3 8052.0 7992.5 7619.4 10399.3 30948.0 37323.7 37728.0 lY671.~ 1607~.7 12J67.2 IJ022.6 11703.7 10601.4 91107.9 9500.0 240YO.2 48011.1 48334.' 47769.6 29165.7 ~ L....; L-~ , , I --~' -~ MIlII J(>, I. ~!1'160.9 2111{,1.4 ~!~!lM.5 24834.4 ~!IH7S.2 ~.):)U.7.8 V:)83.9 :n:):)O.7 2~i509 • 9 24660.1 n'J17.7 24992.0 2Mj83.3 ~!H:H. 1 ~!4~j:i3. 6 2411~~.2 n:)~j9. 4 26941.5 ~!~992.9 18f179.2 21)"719.6 ~J~':)~y. 2 24311.2 20765.2 19934.2 '3418.8 21159.0 24367.6 21094.0 211109.9 n:HI3.9 18879.2 ~~:~:·j·29 .2 '-.:'-'-~ -~ TABLE 2.27 POST -PRIl.lr;(;1' FI. ml t. T SlIHRH HIE (C'f~.) YEAR t 3 4 ::; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n 14 I!) 16 17 18 19 20 21 '1.., ....... .., .-.". ,) 26 ",·7 "-I 28 29 :iO MX 1·1 I t~ MEAN .. !oh\TMh) t\L.()N[ : CAllE C OCT NOIJ DEC Jf.;N FHI MAR APR Hf.;Y .IUN .JUI. AUG SFf' 14947.7 1J271.7 IJ727.4 11630.5 10592.5 9544.7 9014.6 19394.6 34034.9 44603.0 46969.0 20714.6 ]4767.B 10245.4 10613.8 931j.9 8052.0 7992.5 7935.1 311~~0.3 45109.6 54465.5 50696.0 39129.0 16203.0 IJ696.0 13018.4 12360.5 10027.5 9793.7 90AO.6 12360.3 47966.7 47623.3 44~3.0 26877.0 19377.6 1~192.9 14196.4 11708.5 10659.5 9828.7 10995.6 46640.4 475~4,B 4143~.6 ~1: 4~.0 27767.0 14699.3 100!14.0 14093.4 12557.5 11105.5 99~4.7 9907.6 29267.5 40290,5 4099J.2 4J.Ol.0 24756.0 14012.8 1153~.0 14429.4 12817.5 11505.5 .10099.7 9361.6 20298.B 49979.2 53955.7 69~B.l 30395.0 l·'~l~!a.l 12:1.bl.O 1:1277.4 11~10~!.~1 II)M2.~1 '}nO.7 II'J'17.6 ~!9"7()~i.H :)~jn~j7.9 6:m~l.~.4 ~j9<Ji.~6.0 .~nj7:)'6 18822.5 1502~.0 15023.4 12896.5 117B7.5 ]0355.7 ~610.6 30964.5 61001.4 ~710j.5 44703.0 40534.0 21969.5 17026.0 16255.4 12957,5 11312.5 10154,7 10102.6 24605.4 43617.8 44953.0 46362.d 21669.3 13641.9 10114.7 10249.4 12277.5 11375.:i 9791.7 9598.6 26298.1 5079~.6 51R08.8 5697&.8 3133R.4 19701,5 14408.9 14939.4 12949.5 11517.5 10196.7 9~31.6 31339.7 30940.0 4J530.8 43725.0 31876.0 17429.4 11102.9 1~620.4 13629.5 117~~.5 10~91.7 11812.6 2B916.4 43305.2 43547.& 50316.0 32001.0 15991.7 14651.0 147J~.4 13112.5 11659.5 10~96.7 102n4.6 21220.8 60419.8 51R91.7 52297.9 33250,8 17526.5 14046.0 14806.4 1296~.5 11937.5 9910.7 B7'8.6 31557.2 40925.0 58967.3 44414.6 26162.0 19893.9 13901.0 13649.4 11687.5 10763,5 9524.7 9034.6 10J99.3 86534.6 4J773.3 41934.0 22996.0 1~472.9 11639.6 11003.9 12070.5 11278.5 10329.7 10138.6 213~2.6 42237.B 46973.5 47255.0 ~7B59.1 21778.5 IJ315~0·140Hl.4 12294.5 11325.5 10396.7 10301.6 14643,3 50105.7 4l644.6 52177.0 27706.0 14003.5 9597.6 l03~0.7 125311.5 11610.~ J0301.7 9342.6 ~9490.6 48287.8 60687.9 728~1.4 32459.6 14276,5 13406,9 14679.4 IJ071.5 12J02,5 11409,7 11062.6 33520.5 58821.9 53J57.6 41560.0 21369.0 12833.8 94~7.1 9729.0 9441.5 10047.5 9533.7 9145.6 18622.9 36691.7 37323.7 3R64H.0 24356.0 12920.9 9766,5 9994,9 9294.2 8266.1 11376.9 7999.8 21578.7 38185.6 47108.t 46946.0 27370.0 14467.4 11760.8 11121.6 956~.2 8153.7 8249.7 7649.4 1~296.6 5376~.0 48599.3 55758.0 27262.0 17174.1 14738.9 15038.4 13147,5 12117.5 10946.7 9913.6 ~2~24.9 49027.7 47214.0 4J964.0 31056.0 149B3.8 10629.6 14146.4 12202.5 11300.5 10157.7 9524.6 16186.9 ~1047.3 39915.0 42795.0 25464.0 14008.0 9917.5 10214.6 9187,3 94b7.3 9731.7 9619.6 280J9.3 33791,9 J9949,9 J9002.0 26164.0 15111.3 102~6.3 10311.7 960~.4 8238.3 8305.6 76B7.8 23054.5 54016.3 59052.7 45588.0 29557.0 17642,0 122J2.0 12050.' 11397.5 10671,5 9792.7 9917.6 1982~,3 41336.3 4l07fl.6 44355.0 19671.5 13474.2 105B9.4 1127~.5 10018.2 8668.5 9653.3 10240.6 24277.2 68864.3 47232.1 47917.0 27379.0 17217.2 13672,7 15421.4 lJ10J.5 11543.5 10513.7 10245.6 19426,0 35~10.9 4415J.2 37728.0 23435,0 13330.9 10387.0 10746.1 9752.8 8457.4 B339.7 RO~5.1 29016.6 42067.0 54604.3 40437.0 25320.0 21969.5 170~A,0 16255.' 13629.5 12302,5 1~409.7 11312.6 46640 •• 86594.6 6J556.4 72831.4 47n59.1 12833.8 94~7.1 972n.0 9187.3 8052.0 7992.5 7619.4 10399.3 3094B.0 37323.7 37729.0 19671.~ 1607~.7 12J67.2 IJ022.6 11703.7 10601.4 91107.9 9500.0 2409U.2 48011.1 40334.' 47769.6 29165,7 L-J ' __ .! MIlII J(>, I. ~!1'160.9 21I1t,I.4 ~!~!lM.5 24834.4 ~!IH7S.2 ~.):)U.7.B V:)83.9 :n:):)O.7 2~i51)9 • 9 24660.1 n'J17.7 24992.0 2Mj83.3 ~!H:H. 1 ~!4~j:i3. 6 2411~~.2 n:)~j9. 4 26941.5 ~!~992.9 18f179.2 21)"719.6 ~!4:H 1. 2 2076::;.2 199J4.2 n1HL8 211 ~i9 .0 ~!4:~67. t. 211)94.0 :?1I1B~'.9 n:HI3.9 18879.2 X -I ~ ____ -~ --....;.J -._~ --. --.l----__ ---' ~-~ .... I -----...J -.... ~.~ TABLE 2.28 F'F:E-f'rW.IF.CT FUlIJ AT SUSITNA (cf~,) HOIHFXE)) H'())I~OLOGY YEAr.: OCT NOV DEC .!f.IN fEB 1 :~MWJ .4 11 '"s1I"7 .1 /)1'/7 .1) 1~1)7:t .9 r' ")r: r:' r' ,) (. ,),) ) ,) ') Ifl026.1 6932.8 59BO.9 70n.6 7:1~\-1 , ~\ L 3 310~';2,,~ l,~:16~Ltl ,~'J80.~) 11214. :i 71):16. <\ 4 44S'52.4 16289.1 9746,0 8(IM1.7 6774.5 5 21)1 ,~(L ~j UnlJ, 1 ~i~!71 .1> l?1)2.0 <l9n.1 6 23895.7 9167.8 61B:~.0 12:)4.6 ~845 .1 7 1 'J9:!.L -1 II)~j21. 9 7~!'J~\. 7 617 1), ~! tdl:-lO , B 8 41021.6 2154~.5 14146.3 10600.1 8356.1 9 52636.0 19886.6 10635.3 n)~)2, 9 6~SlIb. ') 10 30543.1 ~\~"j2R. 4 4763.4 779~; .1 t,~jt:.4, :\ 11 2~j7~";4 ,III)! tl4 .~; 71)1)4 .,~ ,~71,~ .:i Il~H I) ,!) 12 33782.3 1291-1.2 13768.2 12669.1 10034,0 1.3 2~1i) :!:L 7 1 :~!) <\.L:~ wn~~.,~ 90~;0 , 1 (dB~!. ~; 14 ?771 6.2 10754. ~j 886-1.6 8610.7 n):):~. ,~ 1 :"; .DS4,'>. ~i 1.l10 1. ,S ~;'~~!I~.I) ,~3~i1 • 1 ~;7M .6 16 787·16. I]' 10458.0 t,12,~. 6 69:H.9 f,1 9::1. B 11flR ~)~p,,>. 7 ,1.~~81. ~ ~)a~j:~ , I) 6349.8 49"19,7 5~H·i. 6 ,~~S~!4 • <\ 7~~~i~i .1 fl,,> 78, II 51,11~). !) ~j(I~H .4 9:192,6 ~";IJ~";O ,6 l,O!H).l <\ I) 11) • <\ 61t.9.9 17 :~g;~;.L 2 1~!31~!.:'i <J1 ~)9 • :~ (-Ji):iO .11 "7 <l1l9 • -4 . "71)<)l) • ~j 18 2l.396.2129t.2.t. fl321.9 B(l2!!. !:; 7726.1 6683.? 19 37724.5 15972.0 15081.0 11604,2 11532,2 HTn ,I) 20 26322.5 11 OSf •• 4 7194. :i 692-1,0 t.163,~~ 5~.~~:l. :~ 21 2';!,~fU.4 ,t,7~19 .~s ~jO,l", <l ,~07<L ~! ~j~illl • ~~ :")7~H .. ~ .) ') 32817.316607.:! 86;B. :? 6508.7 6~'~)3, B ~jHB~~. I> L ... 2.~ .~271d.:! 149~!l,'J 11791), a n7IJ,7 tl <\ !"ja , :~ (16·\ :"j , B 24 26781. 9 lA ~)~;:~, 9 8147.1 7609.2 7n6.l l,:~:l2. 6 ",.:-.. ,J :~t)97:L7 .l1)11~i,3 Mal,O 741)1 .. ~ /17'\1.3 6~!9.L 7 ')' .. .:I li):'20,O 10400.0 9419.0 8~jS'7 ,0 71)(14. (I 7(14f). (I 27 .H ~j~jl) , I) 99:U ,I) t)I)!)t) .0 .S~j2'J ,0 ~j6.1" -4 , I) ~"i:i,~B, I) 28 30140.0 18270.0 13100.0 10100.0 89H.(1 6774.0 ~~9 ~W2~~I).1) 1 ~!,s:S!). I) ;1:'j~!1J .1) 697<1.1) ,~7?1 • I) Mj91). I) 30 36810.0 1500().(l 9306.0 oan.o 7~\41>. 0 703?0 MAX 52636.0 21547,5 15001,0 12661,1 11532.2 1)1 n. 6 tlIH 18026.1 f,799. :i 476:~. 4 /,(171.9 4993.1 -1910.4 MEAt! 30401,0 1~!aO;', 7 :nll.8 79Ml.9 71)/!, 7 ,~~~:s~"! .:~ $ APR H~Y • 11m .JUl. flUB SFf' 5656.9 66293.511)1615.7124839.811)6431.8 39331.2 7354.2 5927'.5 B2254.612316~.1100946.9 73471,0 ~j9B~j, 1 4~j'l94. :~U~!~)4l.:~ Un21 .811 MU6.1 W,!076. 3 7992.6 BB840.0130561.3125949.2 97610.0 44167.7 6JI)5,3 511516.410UUOl.0116731.612115U6.7 66275.3 6412.4 58164.0169044.8148876.5120120.0 53504.2 7 HI:! .~! !l 2 '10:") , n 161 :i 4 6 • 11 ,Sn8 14 , 6l.H ,S 11 • ~H I) 4~! 1 B • <I 7705.3 63204.4176?lR.BI4031P.312~812.9 B7025.0 0098,6 7I)J20.5112U96.81222a~.2 9961)3.5 53053,3 6~67.1l ~6601.4110602.314~216~BI3B334.3 67903.5 5829.6 500111.6 114134,412940J.411J771.6 81565.<1 9~~(l2, 6 B:'i4 ~'i<'>. 71 :,171!'i d 13B%H. !'i1i66 1)l!.:) 62504.3 66J5.2 ~4533,Ul1131)49,1)14J441.3121220.5 74306,<1 S5 64.7 5'390:1.2 R::;64 7, ~\1464;?(J. 11M, f'b. 8 70782.4 r." to.. -,'0," l ,., r." -... , ") ,.. (. ",,. .. r." ~JJI).11 J~~J~.~IJJl~6.41~48I)d,S ~~,79.J 46109.U 7120.1 {94B5.ltl10074.6130406.5111845.9 B9944.3 a:) <\(L 3 :F:~ 11 • 4 :l~!~jHI2 "! 111:~07 • <\ 1,1!1~~~9 .:i ~;m:·~?:i nBO.6 .)Bl06.6d481l0.~1~6.\06.3UI31f1.0 f,~5,.7.0 B7,~~!.6 1J<l14;"s'~!.l.:s7H\~"l.~!BO~)l.L6 :"IM174.~j 42~i:14,B 6112.0 52951t.Ol(1B336.2j155~7.9 97076.0 57771.6 5769.1 5JOJ6.2 74612.11329S~.7117728.0 30534.(-J :i7117 • ~j ;~9B(19, 312?;'58. 21 ~9H)3. 41 :~:!.;H(I. 1 l,9(1~? 1.2 11894\9 ~4062.0171>02J.71427B6,810751J6,6 61)220.4 7608.2 6453~.OI22797.1123362.2107260.B 45226.8 6962,8 61<157.0 67830,011)2134.J (-J0251.5 56123.5 6867.0 475ltO.012H!l00.2135700.0 91360.1 77740.1 7253.0 71)461).110701)0.1)115200.1 91JA51).1 43110.1) 623~.0 561BO.01659(10.31lt3900,(J125500.1 83810.1 71)JJ,I) 411671).0 907JI).011761)0.1102100.2 55500.1) 86B3.0 8126(1.1119Y(l0.(l142500.0128200.0 74340.0 1J:102 ",> 'J H·\:s. ~!1 n~~w , SIMla 14." DB~i~H. :1104218. <\ 5530.8 29809.3 67838.010718~.3 80251.5 39331.2 6967,3 60750.512<\534.8132379.5111997,7 66752.7 ...... • :.J ~ . -~ f.:I"HHI (: I" 42-114.7 'Hn~:~.l 4'J!l~!::i. 4 It 1J27~', 5 4~jnO. 4 . :H"1:~~'. 1 ~";9 71>1. 9 5B911.9 478:\0.1 49606.5 H.l72.5 5:>111. 2 ~)3~!!i4 .8 4:)n~j. 4 <\4:~38.1 It7Un. !) '\1470.1 :):~(ln. 6 :,)0:\99.0 419'7'9.8 ~~jl)14. 0 48289.9 ~j4~SO::;. 3 4:).1:'3.5 ~~f, :!85 • 1 4610:~.6 HOH9.2 5:)97~\. :~ 421)1)2.4 :):~676. B ~)9 701. 9 :U)~'85 .1 411307.6 ,~ .. , ~ . -', ---~ ~ _. I _ _ _' _ _ _ .-.oJ ---.. --* -----~ -.~ ---..L--,~, _......,.. _~____ --.,_. __ ~__ _____ ___ _ _~ _._ TABLE 2.28 F·F:E-f'rW.IF.CT FUlIJ AT SUSITNA (cf~.) i-HIIHFXE)) H'())I~OLOGY YEAr.: OCT NOV DEC .!(IN f E'B 1 :~MWJ .4 1 LS II '7 .1 /)1'/7 .1) ,~07:t ,9 r' ")r: r:' r' ,) (. ,),) ) ,) ') Ifl026.1 6932.8 59BO.9 70n. b 7:)~\-1 , ~\ L 3 310~';2 ,,~ 1,~:S6~Ltl ,~'J8B.~) 11214. :i 71):Sb • 1\ 4 44S'52.4 16289.1 9746,0 8(IM1.7 6774.5 5 201\~(L~j Un!),l ~i~!71 .1> l?02.0 49n,1 6 23895.7 9167.8 61B:~,0 12:)4.6 ~845 .1 11flR APR H~Y • 11m .JUl. flUB ~)~p,,>, 7 ~jMjh, IJ 66293,5101615,7124a39.8106431.8 ,1.~~8l. ~ 7354.2 ~)~'~?'7~) c~) B2254.b1231l~.1100946.9 ~)a~):~ ,I) ~)9B~) .1 4~j'l94, :SU~!~)4l. :sun21. 811MB6.1 6349.8 n9:?b 8BB40,(J130561.3125949,2 97610,0 49'79,7 b:SI)~j. ~j 511516.410BBOl.Q116731.612115Bb.7 5~H'i. 6 6412.4 58164.(J169044.8148876.5120120,(I SFf' ;~n~H, ~! nn1. (J W,!07b,3 44167.7 M~!nj,~S :);~:)04 , ;'1 7 1 'J9:!.:S, 4 II)~j21. 9 7~!'J~I. 7 617()' ~! tdl:-lO • B ,~~S~!4 • 1\ 71H:!. ~! !l2 '10:'), BI61 :i46, 11,sna 14. 61.:S1,S 11. ~j11)4~! 1 B • <I 8 41021.6 21 ~i"i',::' 14146. ~i 10600.1 8356.1 7~~~i~i .1 770!). :~ 63204.4176?1R.BI4031P.312~S12,9 8·ln~~!'i. (I 9 :')~!\S~~,S. 0 19HB,S .. S 1!),~~i!';. 3 n)~)2. 9 6~SlIb. ') fl,,> 7S .11 !I09B.6 7I)J21).5112U96,81222a~.2 'n 6 IHi • ~j :)~~O~j:~. :~ 10 30543.1 ~\~'j2R. 4 4763.4 779~; .1 t.~jt:.4, :\ 51,11~). !) t;II,t,'l.B ~6601.4110602,314~216~B13B334.3 t.79(1:~. !'i 11 2~j7~';4 , 1· ll)! tl4 • ~j 7(1)4. ,S ,S 71.~ .:i lJ~H I) • I) ~j(I~H .4 ~iB2'1 •• ~ ~)()I)td )\~ 114134,4129403,411J771.6 Sl~j,'>5,<1 12 33782.3 1 ~! CHIt. 2 13768.2 126t.9.1 1(10:~·1. 0 9:192,6 !J~~(l2, b B!'i4 ~'i6. 71 :,171!'i. ~ 13B~'~H. :'i116b()6,.:) 62504.3 1.3 2~1i):!:i, 7 1:i!) <I.L:S :-l'n~s .,~ YO~jO , 1 (dB~!. ~j ~'; !) ~'; I) , 6 b\~~S:·i) ~! ~4533,BllJ31)4Y.1)14J441.3121220.5 7'WI),'>, <I 14 ?7716.2 10754 • ~j ~B6-1.6 8610.7 n)!):~. ,~ l,O!H).1 5564.7 5'390:1.2 R!:;M 7, ~\14M;?(J. 11M, f'b. 8 70782.4 1 !') .r784.'>. ~i l.l 71) 1. ,S ~j'S~!I~.1) .S3~i1 • 1 ~j7M • b <\ I) 11) • <I ~j~j~il) • B -,"," l ,., r.'-"" ") ,.. (. "" .. r." 4,H09.11 J~~J~.~I~Jl~6,41~481)~.S ~~,79.~ 16 787·16.9 10458.0 t.12,S.6 69!H.9 f,19!:1.8 tl1t.9.9 7120.1 {94B5.ltl10074.61304(16.5111845.9 B9~'''4. :i 17 :~g;~j.\ ,2 1~!31~! ,!'j <J1 ~)9 • ~i :-Ji):iO .11 74B9,-<\ . 71)<)1) • ~j Bl)<}(L 3 ;F:S 11 • -<\ :l~!~jl B2 "! 117:~07 • <I 1.1!1~~~9 • ~i 6:mU7. ~i 18 :?l.396.2 129t.;? t. fl321.9 8(1::!!!' !) 7726.1 6683.? nBO.6 .)Bl (16.6 d4B!!O. ~ 1 ~6.~06. 3 UI31f1. 0 ~~95n , (I 19 :U?:!4 .~f l~iBn, !J .l ~jl)H 1 .!) 1161) 4,~! 11 ~'i:~~! I ~~ HTn ,I) B7.'>~!. 6 Y<l14J,21J7"~'l.213051J,6 :'IMi74, ~j 42~i:H, B 20 26~·22. 5 11 OfU'" 4 7194. !i 6924,0 6163.~~ 5~,~~~. :~ bH2. (I 52951t.(ll0B336.2jI55~7,9 97076,(1 !) 77f'i. • 6 21 2';!.~fU.4 ,t,7~)9 .~s ~jO.l6. <l .~1)7<L ~! ~j~iIll • ~~ :')7~H ,,~ !n6'J.l ~)~S I)J Il • ~! 94612.11329S~.711772B.0 al)~HH, a .) ') 32817.3 16607. :! 86;B. :? 6508.7 6~'~i3. B ~j8B~~. 6 :i 7117 • ~j ~9B(l9.312?25R.21~91B3.4133310.1 l,9(1~?1. ;:.> L ... 2.~ .~271d. :! 149~!1.'J 11791). a n7Y,7 II 1\ !'j:i • :i (II'> .\ :'j ) B Mi'J" \'1 ~<l062.017I>Q2J,'J142786,BI07596.6 bI)~! 20 .,\ 24 26781. 9 lA~)~;:~. 9 8147.1 7609.2 7n6.l l,:~:l2, 6 If,BB.2 6453~.OI22797.1123362,21(J7260.B 4!in6,8 ",.:-~~()97:L 7 .l1)11~i.3 MB1.0 741H ",> tl7'\7,3 6~!9.L 7 b lJb2,8 61<137.H ,~78:iB ,I) 1 ()~! 1 a·i .:~ :N:!~H .~i :·j6123.~j .,;..J ')' li):'20.0 10400.0 9419.0 8~jS'7 ,('I 71)(14. (I 7(14f), (I 6867.0 4754(1,012S!lOO.21J5'lOO.O 9nM.1 77740.1 "'.:! 27 .H ~j~jl) ,Q 99:U ,I) tl!)!)t) .0 .S~i2'J .1) ~i6.1. 4 , I) ~'i:i,~B .1) n~i~i .1) 70<160.1107000,1)11520().1 9%~jl) .1 4WHI) .1) 28 30140.0 If;270.0 13100.0 10100.0 H9H,(1 6774.0 623~{. 0 561BO.016590(J,31lt3900.(J125500.1 8;~810.1 ~~9 ~W2~Sl) .1) 1 ~!.S:S!). I) ;I:'j~!!) .1) 697<1.1) ,~7?1 ,Q Mi91). I) 71)~S~S ,I) 'Iiltl71) ,!) 907JI).011761)1).1102100.2 !)~)~jl)!) .1) 30 36810.0 1500(),(l 9306.0 nsn.o 7~'46, 0 7032.0 86B;~. () 81260.111990(1.()142500.0128200.(J 74:HO, (I MAX :i2.'>3\~. 0 :!1~jc}7 > ~j I ~jO~l1 • () 1~!66'J>1 11~j3:!. ~! 1)1 n I 6 !):~02 ",> 'H l·\:S. ~!I n~!w . Hll>tlH 14. 6 DB~i~H. ~111)4~ 1 B. <I tlIH 18026.1 f,799 , :i 476;~. 4 /,(171.9 4993.1 ·1910 • ., ~j5;~O. B 2()f~O!). ;~ 6/B;~S. OlO~118~.3 B(I~):l1, :, ;\9:7,;\1, ~? MEAt! 30401.0 1~!aO;', 7 :!:ill.s 79M1.9 71)jI L 7 .~~~:S~,! .:~ 119,~7, ~i 6(151).5124534.a132379.5111Y97.7 6hn)~!, 'J $ (:I'H-HI (: I. 42-114.7 'Hn~:~,l 4'J!l~!::i. 4 It 1J27~', 5 4~jno. 4 . :H·1:~~'. 1 ~';9 71)1. 9 5B911.9 4'7S:\0 .1 49606.5 H.l72.5 5:>111. 2 ~)3~!!i4 .8 4!)n~j. 4 <\4:~38.1 It71l<n. !) '\1470.1 !):~on. 6 :')1):\99.0 419'7'9.8 ~~jl)14. 0 48289.9 ~j4~SO::;. 3 4!).1:'3.5 ~~f, :!85 • 1 4610:~.6 HI)B9.2 5!)97~'. ;~ 421)1)2.4 :):~6'l6. B ~)9 701. 9 :U)~'85 .1 ~H307.6 '---L-L ~--'"'----------'--/ -'>--.---~ ~~-~ ~~--:-::... "~------,:::,-~-~ ~~,.:. TABLE 2.29 F'OST-f'RD.lfCT FI. nw fir Sll~;XTNA (ef!;) ~lt\lMI~' M,ONE : CASE C YEAR 1 ') .... 3 Jj 5 6 7 8 9 10 t 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ").-"",.) 26 27 :,~8 29 ~50 MAX !-lIN , ~i'~J:.:AN f ~ '--- OCT NOV llEf: JAN FEB I~M': (':PR liM' JUN JUL fillB BF-f' 27914.1 111999.0 1631~.4 14962.4 13572.0 12938.4 12360.5 63270.1 90037.51103lJ.a 7U551.8 40311.8 20567.9 12466.2 12790~7 Il455.5 12911.9 12230.0 11726.3 55496.8 68572.'108155.6 93276.9 61531.0 33542.6 24351.8 17104.9 17164.8 15J52.9 IJ364.7 12690.7 46404.6111776.2120008.1107266.1 76896.3 46936.0 24283.0 19862.4 16959.2 J5091.0 13061.5 14696.2 8517R.4114051.111J154~B 89000.0 39197.7 21640.9 16U21.115330.U 16092.5 13309.6 12491.4 13009.1 55100.9 94366.5104J38.8114496.7 62655.3 25720.5 14362.8 16299.4 J6145.1 14161.6 12927.3 13116.0 56704.8J49338.0131930.2110646.1 48514.2 23441.1 10515.9 17411.1 15069.7 15147.3 IJ836.1 IJ805.8 79032.6143262.7151802.0122521.5 99291.0 4539'.1 29~41.5 24262~7 19490.6 16672.6 141164.8 14408.9 60a2H.91~8067.21251j7.0116272.9 80~3a.o 56206.5 27000.6 20751.7 16443.4 L47()3)4 14190)5 14902.2 67166.9 95762.6107233.2 89068.5 5462 •• 6 32607.0 14311;6 1r4~O.B 166H5.6 140110.8 13177.2 13171.4 53429.3 97110.913~504.6123363.1 6?826.9 29324.6 10150.4 17121.0 15606.8 14626.5 13163.1 12533.2 46599.3 75771.4114710.2102J01.6 70355.4 34215.7 20908.1 23884.6 21559.6 18350.5 16704.3 16506.2 81935.1134234.3123876.1106596.5 ~H4J4.3 30441.4 21037,3 19093.0 17940.6 14499.0 13462,3 13338.8 51262.6143930.8127577.011233714 69346.2 31286.7 18748.5 18981.0 J7561.2 16170.1 13~69.8 12268.3 50215.4 69913.912716R.6 98183 4 67762.4 31175.2 11695.6 15742.4 15241.6 14079.1 12422.1 12234.4 37290.5128638.0109743.1 87837.5 45938.8 29746.8 14625.6 12594.5 15649.4 14512.3 13601.6 13823.7 46231.0 93B2~.412033R.0102725.9 04100.4 40123.7 20306.5 19275.7 Ih921.J 15905.1 14602.2 14751.9 50~76.2105719.5106009.010089~J 61~J7.3 28848.7 10265.2 f4B06.6 16919.0 16042.6 14194.9 13984.2 54693.211700~.7jI9B69.2127402.4 04607.6 41215.0 2J066.7 25197.4 20494.7 19949.7 16283.7 1546b.2 90702.7119919.0114136.2 81704.5 42869.3 2R632.J 16062.5 13694.5 13676.5 144BO.0 130~7.0 12815.6 5~?70.9 9561R.910430A.6 92754.0 57295.6 26103.2 12501.8 12J63.3 12768.4 11399.4 11726.5 10603,7 48927.9 85195.7119321.3109748.0 a07~J,0 35020.7 20901.0 14824.B 12717.9 11H9~.5 11780.3 10796.9 3~453.9 99812.2122995.7114549.1 :3881.2 35644.3 22915.0 10907.2 10270.2 16774.3 14157.5 IJ593.5 70306.915BI95.6127708.8100306.6 57120.4 28177.7 19464.5 18263.5 16499.7 15793,2 13824.3 14391.8 62505.9103911.4111596.2 98970.8 15452.8 23699,' 15JJ1.8 12771.6 IJ706.9 12695.61J305.4 IJ666.4 50011.1 57116.9 90867.2 76031.5 5J173.5 22332.3 15709.3 15953.7 14655.4 13052.3 12543.6 11394.B 41214.5109980.7119060.7 85270.1 70730.1 J3621,~ 17927.0 16116.~ 15~19.5 IJ930.5 12H79.1 13156.6 ~7400.4 Y1970.310217~.1 71850.1 50077.5 32994.~ 22971.4 19089.5 15887.2 13939.5 132~6.3 12936.6 53165.2146991.61?89J8.11iR260.1 80470.1 33123.2 19172.7 176~5.4 15861.5 150H7)5 141'}1.7 13736.6 45309.0 70496.110J823.3 97710.2 56193.0 38917.9 19739.0 15744.1 14901.8 1~197.~ 12400.7 13044.1 77200.7102118.0125330.3119740.0 72P70.0 56206.5 29541.5 25197.~ 21559.6 19848.7 16704.3 16506.2 90102.7158195.6151802.0127402.4 99299.0 20567.9 12~66.2 11420.8 12747.9 11399.4 11726.5 10608.9 32453.9 5791~.9 90067.2 76031.5 38197.7 32723.0 19JJ1.1 17115,8 16150.7 147J2.8 IJ511.6 13324.0 57930.7108050.0117425.510J257.1 6J2~2.5 '" ~ --...:. 'l, ... , . ~ L.....: ----..J "---•• ,I -----.; ~ - --...-:-----'--------~ .. MIN IJf.ll. ~3:)58.5 40508.4 ~9H68.4 49~jt.9.6 4:'jn3.8 51 O~j~j.::\ ~j9.\97 .5 5BS' 11. 8 48~j15. 7 1U9~~().8 ~44~~8.9 ::;::;020. (I ~)~~() i' 1. 5 -1~.425. 8 4:'j()06.8 47034.4 48094.7 5~·1\4B.9 ~H~!<l2. a -1292B .1 4~j;S70. 0 "6:!~!(I. ~! ~)4 709.5 4!)9B:L (l :~ 11)'24.2 4449fL 1 44217.5 5~l12;,.2 n~fl6.2 52422.5 ~;9h97. 5 37021.2 48:~1l.2 ~ '---~ ----- -- TABLE 2.29 F'OST-f'RD.lfCT FI. nw fir Sll~;XTNA (ef!;) ~lt\lMI~' M,ONE : CASE C YEAR OCT NOV llEf: JAN FEB 1 27:-11 4.J. 1fI991J.H Ib3L~. 4 149\~2.4 1 =s~)n. I) ') .... 20567.9 1 ;1·'6,'>.~! lV90.7 1;\455.5 12911.9 3 .B~j'12 > '" 24:S~jl.H 17104.9 17164.8 :l.~j;S~j2, 9 Jj 4693b.O 242B;~c() 19862.1 169~)9 .2 Jfo091.0 5 21641). a l\~U21 .1 . 1 ~j3aH.0 lb092 .~j 1 ;S309 ,,) 6 25720.5 1436~!,a 16299.4 ~ 614!).t 14161.6 7 :!:144 J.. 1 1H~i1~j. 9 17411 .1 1~)l),S'J. 7 1~'i1117 .~ 8 4~39/.1 29;'41.S 24?62.7 19490.b 166n.6 9 :')6206, ~j 27UUO •• S ~!1)7~H.7 J,b'14~L '1 J.'I7()~~. " 10 32607.0 14311 ;6 11'4~O.B lb6H~i.b HUBO. B t 1 29~i~!4 > /, IHl~W"1 171~!1.0 1 fi61)6. H 1 <It)~?6. fi 12 3'1215.7 20908.1 23B84.b 21 ::;!)S' ,f, 18:~~iO. 5 13 :)OH1.4 ~! 11):$7 , :i l\)t)?,~. I) 17941),6 1 H<JY ,I) 14 31286.7 1874fL !) :1 H~'al,(1 J7561.2 11.170.1 15 :vn. 7~j, 2 1 <N) ?~) ,,~ :l ~j7 4~! • 4 1~j241 .. s 140i'H.l 16 29746.8 14t,~~~';. 6 l2~i1J4 .~; 15649.4 14512.3 17 40U.L 7 21):SI)6. ~j In7:'.7 lh921.;i 1 ~jf) t) :") > 'J 18 28848.7 lI~:n!). 2 f4B06.6 16919.0 It.042.6 19 41~!'i~j.O nH1>6.7 2~i1 <17.4 2()494.7 l. YH'\(o) > 7 20 2Rtl:~2 t 3 1 b()6~!. ~; 13694.5 13676.5 H~HO,. (I 21 2,c,wa.2 12:")HJ .n 1~!163.:~ 12U,B.4 lU~19.4 22 35020.7 2MM .• O 14824. B 12717.9 J 189:L:j 23 3~oi,So44 .3 n9J.:'i.iI HI,}()? ~! 1 H~!'l() • '2 :l6774,({ 24 28177.7 19464.5 1f~;~6:i. 5 lM9').7 :i:57n,2 ,")1-"",.) ;1.~b9'J > 1 l~:i.LH .H 1~?771.6 Di'tM.9 1 ~!lInj ,,~ . 26 22332,3 1570fJ. :~ 1 ~J9:);~. 7 146:)~). " 13052.3 27 :~~iiS ~.!;' I I) 17?:!? • t) :161.16. ~ 1 ~j 419 > ~j 1 :oS9~S(). ~i :o~8 32,'1'4. :! 229i'l.4 19(;B'i.5 15887.2 nn9.::; 29 J:H2~L 2 19112.7 11/1-1:L 4 1 ~jab/l • ~i 1 ~jl)H 7 ) ~j ~50 38917.9 19n9.(1 1 !'i;'4".1 14901.8 1:H97.1 MAX !'~ ,) ~! ().S • :'j ~!<J~:i" 1 .~:i ~!~j197. ~ ~!l~:i~jl). 6 1 'JH"18 • 7 HIN 205t.7.9 1~?o1MII2 11420.8 12747.9 lU99. ,~ ~ f .. '0 AN f ;~~~n3.1) 19:I:H .1 ,l'lU~j.a 11> l~HI. 7 H7~i~! .H , '" ~ '--------.:. L.ii L...: .,'r) I~M': (':PR liM' JUN JUL fillB HEf' MIN IJf.ll. 12BS8.4 In,,>() >~j \~:S270 .1 9t)1)37 • ~H 103 LJ. a 'JU~j!i1 > a 40;~11.B 43:')58.5 122JO. (I l1n6,;i :)!)4')6,8 6B~Jn,11001!m,6 n'J.76,~' l,l!'i:U I (I 40508.4 D:-I,~l), 7 1 ~!,~HU, 7 46404.6111776.2120008.1107266.1 7Mn6.:i 49H68.4 1 :WI,l,!5 J.It 69/" 2 8517R.4114051.111J154~B B900(I.O :~Bl'17, 7 "'9~jt.9.b 12'}91.4 I:S0t)'J .1 ~mlHB.'J 943AA.5104J3B.81144H6.7 ,S26!j:'j .:i 4:'jn3.8 1 :!SV • :i B1l6.0 56704.8J4933B.013193H.2110646.1 <1£1514.2 51 O~j~j. 3 Ufl;I,~ .1 l:WU:, > 8 79032.6143262.7151802.0122521.5 99~!9'J .1) ~j9.~97 .5 14BM.ti 14408.9 60a2H.91~8067c21251j7.0116272.9 80nfl.O 5BS' 11. 8 1.41 VI), ~j 14fll)2.2 671MII'J 9~j7 ()2. 61 \)7~!S3 .1-891MB .~j ~j·1h~!4°. tJ 4B~j15. 7 13177.2 1317' .4 5:H:?I). :$ 97110.913~504.6123363.1 6~'fl;~6. 9 4 Ul)~~(). 8 Ulb,~ .1 1 ni~:~.~! '1l)~il)l) .:~ 75771.4114710.2102JU1.6 70;m~j. 4 ~44:~8.9 16704.3 16~o;06.2 01935.1134234.3123876.1106596.5 !'jH4:H.3 ::;::;020. (I n'162,3 1 ~S~i~H1. H :~1 :!:)~' 61. 4:S'J:it). a 1. ~!7~i77. 0 112:~:i? 14 69:i4/h ~! ~i:~t) i' 1. 5 D~i69. B l22MI.:~ ~011~.4 19913.912716R.6 98183 4 1,77()2.4 -1~,425. 8 l. ~~4:~2 d 1 :~2;S-1 • .., J7291).5128bJH.l)109743,l 879J9,5 "'~jfl3a. a 4:")1)06. a nt,lll. (, l:~Hn. 7 46231.(1 93B2~.412033R.0102725,9 U41(1(1.4 47034.4 l'}M2.~! l<}7~H .'J riO 47 1>. ~! 11)~j719 • ~j 1 IMOO\).l) 1 I)IlH9'i\\ J .H4.n.3 48094.7 1-1194.9 n9B4.2 54693.211700~.7jI9B69.2127402.4 B46(17.6 5~·1\4B.9 U;~!8:i) 7 1.~j4b,~>~! 9t)702.i'IJ9919.1)11413b.2 BI704.:1 4~!RM! .a ~H~!42. a 1 :H1'17 • (I "2815.6 50:710.9 9~';6/B I 91 (l4:~(I(. ,6 927!i4.0 57295.6 -12Y2B .1 11 n6. ~j 1 I)l> I) (1 ,9 4B9~!7 .'1 05195.7119321.3109748.0 S07.6J.U ~~j;S70. 0 U'lH0.3 10796~9 ~q4:):i. ~' 99812.2122995.7114549.1 -':~881.2 46:!~!(I.~! .l <\1 ~j 7 , rj 1 ;S~·i9(l) ~i 70JOb.915B195.A127708.S10030b.6 :;7120. '1 ~j4 7()9. 5 nH;~4. 3 14391.8 62505.9103911.4111591..2 9B970.8 4 ~)J. :'i2 .!~ 4!'iIJB:L 0 l:Wi):o·i. ~ D6M).4 ~mt) 11 ) 1 rj7</l,S. I) 1(Hlb7. ,~ 7 fit> 3 A • ~j :i:S1 n.~) :~ 11)'24.2 1254].6 lU94.B 41214.5109980.7119060.7 8~:i270. 1 i'Onn.l 4449fL 1 1. ~!B7'i, 7 ',;S'i~ib • 6 ,~74(HI.I\ <]l97(). :H()~!ln.l <J Hi~:it) .1 :3007'J .~) 44217.5 B~!:~b. :~ D)'U),6 53165.2146991.61?B9JB.l1iR260.1 B0470.J 5~l12;,.2 .tH01.? un6.6 l}~U09 • I) 7 a 4 I) b • (11 () ~s fJ 2:~ • 3 !J771t).~! 5.~19.L t) n~fl6.2 1 :~40(l. 7 B044 I 1 77200.710211B,0125330.J119740.P nlll(l.O 52422.5 16704.3 1 Mil) 6 .~! 90702.715Bl?5.A151802.0127402.4 'J'J<~99 .1) ~i9697, 5 1172[" !'i 1(lt.o8.9 3245:L 9 !'i'l1J 1.4.9 9(lf~6/. ~? n(l:H. !, :~a197. 7 37024.2 D~jJ.1.6 l~S~~!". \) 5793H.710H050.0117425.510J257.1 6:i~~,S~! • ~j 4S:U1.2 ----..J "---.0 '----..: ~ -- :.i:;''' .~ ,--,L --.:,-----2=_-""': -d ,.~---c---.!=,~_-," ~~-:-J ~~~.~ ,~-=-~ ____ -J-J TABLE 2.30 I1fJNHIL.Y MAXIMUU, IHN1I111l'ls f.l!~JJ I'1FAN FLOlolS AT ·HIJlH)I-IH~F. " HOtHU PI) BT ,··p:·m.JECT F'F:E-f'r~OJF.CT loIATANA (·II.flNF. ~l(l TANA/IIFV ll. C ('II'! YOI-! Mr;X IHN , !1EAN l-lAX MIN Hf:i~N i-IAX I1IH HEAt'1 OCT 18555.0 91\16.0 1:~ 7~) 1\ , n :~:i'l69.::i 1. ?833. f) 16(1"/ (; , "l :·~:i ::;:U" 9 :t:H -1:l , t, 1 :'iBt.B, "7 NOV <? 0 ~~ 2 > I) .3 fJ"7H > <) :'if)4:LB 1 /02l> > 0 <J .1\ ~;j ~I > :to ~. '~~:1 b l a> 2 ~.1.>'i~!6 > H . 9~7~):·~ > (, l :~91) 8.4 DEC 613S>.0 :a:~4. 0 4:?Hl. :'j :I. I, ::' :':i!) • 4 S'"! ;.18. () ~. :H12:? , II :i. bOOS'. 1 S'989.0 1:i,'iOH,6 JAN 1l7:W > () ~~~j() 7> I) :~ ~~j 1 :~ • B ~. 3 \" ~! 'i" ;-~~; SI:lBi, ::s J.:li'tn,/ :I. t\ .~~~~! > a 9:18:~ > l J. :!~"jl, 9 .7 FEB :~ 986.0 1731.0 :?'S'-'\(I, :-:l ? :~ (;:~ • ~.j 8052.0 lO.';01,-1 :i. :~40:~, ~j B 13:~, 'J' :t.:i. IH B • 5 MAR 38YB. t) 2()1 ~5 • t) :!b2B ,"} :t.1l}O,,?} l 'i '} ~.~ , ~:i ':lao "7 > '} 1 ~!~·jt)H .1) HO:~:) ,Co} J.()722.~:i (I F' r.: :j 109,0 2025.0 :11 -1:~ .'1) UHl?6 :If,",,9.-~ '1'::;0(1. () :i ::~::~ HL 4 n',OB • .1\ 9820.8 r1AY ~'i () ~~ O~! , t) H\~'\!:; .l) 2~1Jt)9 > 9 -16(;.1\0,,' ~. () :~ 9 <1 , :~ :~ 'la9B >~! 1\ ~·!29 7 , .~ :l O:B8, t) ~!.~~! 17 .~; JUN :111073.0 :~ S'31 :\ • ° f,/l49~j. B B,',:··.iB·1 • f, 30S'48.0 4nOl:i.1 ·,:1:/ Ii B ! 2 :W~:,",7 • ~·i -16:~:~2. 3 JUL ~:l():o;69 • t) ':\B~jf,:') > t) ,~:5~!H~1 • ~ 6:~~·j:··ifl • <\ :~ "7 :~ :.! :·s > ? ,w::s:-s··\ >.1\ f, t) :-=; b"} > ~'i ;~\.,9~·i6 > t) .1\ j,I>22 .6 AUG 1";21'47.0 '1::>118.0 f,6~):tO.~! ·r? H:11 •• ~ 3/7:;~8. 0 ·'?7f,l),b f,::;:H n, 8 :~Tl:;>R. 0 4"7:\~il\.4 SEf' :):5 7()~~, () ~. H~jt)~! > t) ;1:~b~j,S • () .'1 ?H:·j<1,:t. ~. ':n, 7~. , :.) 291M,,7 44<)97> !) 209~!1 ,t) 29790.7 AflttlMi. ::>7588.4 179::'0,-/ ~~:~ 5 ~.! ~j • (~, :U~;,F.::~ .9 18879.7 : .. ~:~~)~.I(l ,:~ :U.::iHH, -1 19061L f, :~:~ ~'j:~ H • 0 $ f TABLE 2.30 I1fJNTHL.Y MAXIMUU, I'j :c N 111lJ 1'1 s (.,!~ JJ I'1FAN FLOlolS AT ·H IJl~ HI-!:( N F. .' HOtHU PIlBT···p:·m.JECT F'F:E-f'r~OJF.CT loIATANA (·11. fJ N F. ~l(l TANA/IIFV 11. C("HYOI-! Mr;X IHN , !1EAN l-lAX MIN Hf:i~N i-IAX I1IH HEAt·1 OCT 18555.0 91\:l6.0 :l:~ 7~) 1\ , n :~:ill69.::i 1. ?833. f) 16(1"/ (; , "l :·~:i ::;:U" 9 :t:H -1:l , t, 1 :'iBt.B, "7 NOV <? 0 ~~ 2 > I) .3 fJ"7H > <) :'if)4:LB 1 /02l> > 0 <J .1\ ~;j ~I > :to ~. '~~:1 b l a> 2 ~.1.>'i~!6 > H 9~7~):'~ > (, 1 :~94 8.4 DEC 613S>.0 :a:~4. 0 4:?Hl. :'j :I. I, ::' :=:i ~ • 4 S'"! ;.18. () ~. :H12:? , II :i. bOOS'. 1 S'989.0 :l:i,'iOH,6 JAN 1l7:W > () ~~~j() 7> I) :~ ~~j 1 :~ • B ~. 3 \" ~! 'i"l ;-~~; SI:lBi, ::s J.1i'tn, '7 :I. t\ .~~~~! > a 9:18:~ > l J. :!~"jl, 9 .7 FEB :~ 986.0 1731.0 :?'S'-'\(I, :-:l ? :~ (;:~ • ~'j 8052.0 10.';01,'"' :i. :~40:~, ~j B 13:~, 'J' :l:i.IH B. 5 MAR 38YB. t) 2()1 ~5 • t) :!b2B ,"J :t.1l}O,-?} l 'i '} ~.~ • ~:i ':lao "7 > '} :t. ~!~'jt)H .1) HO:~:) ,,} J.()722.~:i (I F' r.: :j 109,0 2025.0 :11 -1:~ .'1) :1.:tH1?6 :If,",,9.-~ '1'::;0(1, () :i :,!:,! HL 4 7:"',08 • .1\ 9820.8 r1AY ~'i () ~~ o:! , t) H\~'\!:; .l) 2~1Jt)9 > 9 -16b40. " ~. () :~ 9 <1 • :~ :~ 'la9B >~! 1\ ~·!29 7 , .~ :t. O:B8. t) ~!.~~! 17 .~; JUN :111073.0 :~ S'311 .0 f,/l49~j. B B,',:··.iB·1 • f, 30S'48.0 4nO:l:i.1 ',:1:/ Ii B ! 2 :W~:",7 • ~'i -16:~:~2. 3 JUL ~:l():o;69 • t) ':\B~jf,:') > t) ,~:5~!H~1 • ~ 6:~~'j:"ifl • <\ :~ "7 :~ :.! :·s > ? 4mS:-S·<\ >.1\ f, t) :-=; b"J > ~'j ;~\.,9~·i6 > t) 4 j,I>22 .6 AUG 1";21'47.0 '1::>118.0 f,6~):lO.~! '/:?H:11 .. ~ 3/7;;~8. 0 ·'"{7f,l),b f,::;:H n. 8 :~Tl:;>R. 0 4"7j~il\.4 SEf' :):5 7()~~. () ~. H~jt)~! > t) ;1:!b~j,S • () .'1 ?H~'j<1 , :t. ~. ':n, 7~. • ~'j 29:t.M'.7 44<)9"7 >!) 209~!1 ,t) 29790.7 AfltHMi. ::>7588.4 1 79:=:;0,"/ ~~:~ 5 ~.! ~j • (~, ;U~;,F.::~ .9 18879.7 : .. ~:~~)~.I(l ,:~ :U.::iHH, -1 :l9061L f, :~:~ ~'j:~ H • 0 $ __ L ...... ---~ ;;::--------' ------:--~/ HIBLE 2. ~~ 1 UONTHI. Y 11f1X HillN, I'II N HlII!1 r (;I·W "'E('l1'~ FI. DMS AT SlIfil nu~ HIHHH POBT·-PRO)ECT PRE-PROJECT WATANA ALONF 1U-ITANA/flFV 11. C(·IIn'nN 11i~X MIN MEAN MAX MIN MEnN MAX MIN MEAN OCT ~;2,~,3\S. 0 l.8026.1· ~H)40:l. • () !!/ I, : .. ! (,/-, • :::; 2()~67.9 3:n ;~:~. (I !)!) ~ (), , (l ;,)O~'?(S ./-, 3?514.9 NO!,.I :n ~j';:1 • ~j ,£'799 • ~~ l~!lN'. -; :~ '1 !'j o4~. • ~'j :J. :!,<},£',£'. ~ l.<J:nl.l ~~!):I.':I. .:~ l. 2'17:~ • <J l'79:1.~.3 DEC 15081.0 4763.4 H~{l:1..B :~!'j :i, In • 1\ 1:ltl20.8 1 ~/1 :I.!'.J • H 2~) "/ I,:~ ( :l 11" :3:?, ~~ l"/0:t.8 ,J(~N 12.£,.1;)9,1 ,£,!)71.9 :19Mi .9 :!~. !:;~'j9. b ~,:~-;"'J.<J ~,(.,:I. ~Hl.1 ~~~~26 ... ~ ) 9 :1.2763.0 :t.7024.7 FEB 11532.2 4993.1 707:t.7 :I. ';'B4B. '7 11:~9'1'.tl :t ·173;! I B :?'(ll):~:"'. :I. :I:i.<1~?7,~~ 1~i949.8 UAR 'i'~,,):':~,6 <\ 'n 0 .4 ,£,~~~;"~ • :'~ :1. /;? () 1 , ,3 ~. 1 ? :.~ \~ t ~'j 'l ~S!'H ,l ,,~ :I.79B6,8 :l.L£,YS',t) :I..~ 4~!.~ • 2 AF'F: '1802.t, !'j~'j~~0 .8 6'1'(;.7. :3 :I ('~:J(lf-, ,;.' :I. (If:,O 8.9 1 :~321! • 0 :t I:.'l :l :~ • (l :t()I-.~:/~.9 13c'.4"1.7 MfH 9·H I):;;':! ~!<JHt)9 .3 bt) niO • ~j 'i'!)70~:~ • "J . ~~?iJ!):l,;. !.) 579~SB • '1 (,I ('l (; l~) >;~ :~:~6~~.-!,) ~~ ~'jb2~'j8. 1 JUN 17t.?1f.1.8 ~7838.0 124534.8 l5H:l.9~./; ~) '1 ". 1,', • 9 1 0 8 O!:i (I • () :t!:; '7 ,} '1 ~ , :I. ::;'lOH(l I 3, l06371.2 JUI.. lbAH:t~.b It)21H4.3 :t32319.5 :tS1Ht)2.0 9 t)(-I b -; .:! l:t -; ," ~! ~ j • ~j :t .<l( H·I :t:{ • l. 9c):t<J1.~! U,£"13.7 AUG :l :~fJ:n4 • 3 8()2~1.~'j 1:tl.997.7 l274(J:~.4 ? I, (i:H .:';i 1 0325 I' • :t :t.:! 0'/ (I') • 4 'N,O:H • ~j 102(;,41. 9 SEF' l.(H~!l A. 4 :i)9:~:~:I. .~! 6,~ni~~ • S' ~'9~~9~) > () :~H,l9},7 'S ~S ~~ II~! • ~j ,I, !) t\ :! Ul , 1\ :HH 97.7 ,£,~Hl87 .6 ANNII(~I. ~:/'i'7() 1.9 :";,£'285.1 ·18307. t. I": (\ l. (\") I": d) \1 11 , d 37024.2 41'}~H:t ,2 ::; I,' 7 o:t, , 9 :~I,'lIM,c'. 48320.0 t 4 . ;'C?', L-- __ L ;;::--------' HIBLE 2. ~~ 1 UONTHI. Y 11f1X HillN, I'II N HlII!1 r (;I·W "'E('l1'~ FI. DMS AT SlIfil nu~ HIHHH 11i~X OCT ~;2,~,3\S. 0 NO!,.I :n ~j';:1 • ~j DEC 15081.0 ,J(~N 12.£,.1;)9,1 FEB 11532.2 UAR 'i'~,'):':~.6 AF'F: '1802.t, MfH 9·H I):;;':! JUN 17t,?1f.1.8 JUI.. lbtW:t·1 .. £' AUG :l :~fJ:~:q . 3 SEF' 1. (H~~"8 • 4 ANNII(~I. ~;,'i'7() 1.9 t pr~ E _. F'f~OJEr. T IHN I'IEAN l.8026.1· ,£'799 • ~~ 4763.4 ,£,071.Y 4993.1 4'l:t.O.4 !'j~'j~~0 .8 ~!<JHt)9 .3 r,7838.0 :I. <)~! UH >:~ 8()2~1 • ~'j :i)9:~:~:I. >~! :";,£'285.1 , . '------ ~H)40:l. • () l~!lN'. ; H~{l:1..B :1YMi .9 707:t.7 ,£,~~~;"~ • :'~ 6'1'(;.7. :3 bt) niO • ~j 12.1\534.8 :t.~~!:~ JlJ • ::j 1U997.7 6,~ni~~ ,S' ·18307. t, POBT·-PRO)ECT lUi TAN A A LON F 1U-ITANA/flFV 11. C(·IIn'nN MAX MIN MEnN MAX MIN MEAN !:, I, : .. ! (,/-, • :::; 2()~67.9 3:n ;~:~. (I !)!) -1 (), , (l ;,)O~'?(S ./-, 3;:>514.9 :~ '1 !'j o4~. • ~'j :J. :!,<},£',£'. ~ l.<J:nl.l ~~!):I.':I. .:~ l. 2'17:~ • <J l'79:1.~.3 :~!'j :i, In • 1\ 1:ltl20.8 1 ~/1 :I.!'.J • H 2~) "/ I,:~ ( :l 11" :3:?, ~~ 1"/0:t.8 :!~. !:;~'j9. b ~,:~-;"'J.<J ~,(.,:I. ~Hl.1 ~~~~26 ... ~ ) 9 :1.2763.0 :t.7024.7 :I. 1;'B4B. '7 11:~9'1'.tl :t ·173;! I B :?'(ll):~:"'. :I. :I:i.o1~?7,~~ 1~i949.8 :1. Ii? () 1 , ,3 ~. 1 ? :.~ \~ t ~'j 'l ~S!'H ,l ,,~ :I.79B6,8 :l.L£,YS'.t) :I..~ 4~!,~ • 2 :I ('~:J(lf-, ,;.' :I. (If:,O 8.9 1 :~321! • 0 :t I:.'l :l :~ • (l :t()I-.~:,~.9 13c'.4"1.7 'i'!)70~:! , "J . ~~?iJ!):l,; >!.) 579~SB > '1 (,I ('l (; l~) ,;~ :~:~6~~.-!,) ~~ ~'jb2~'j8. 1 1 !Hl:l. 9::j. ,t., ~)'J '1' 1 I', • 9 1080::;(1. () :t !:; '7 ,} 'l ~ , :I. ::;'lOH(l I 3, 106371.2 :t~lat):~ ,0. Y!)(-lb;, :! l:t -; ," ~! ~ j • ~j :t -<l(H-I:t:{ , l. 9C):t<Jl,~! U,£"13.7 1274(J:~. 4 ?!,(i:H .:';i 103257.:t :t.:! 0'/ (II) • 4 'N,O:H • ~j 102(;,41 .9 ~'9~~9~) > () :~H,lY},7 IS ;s :.~ b ~~ > ~j ,I, !) t\ :! Ul , 1\ :HH 97,7 ,£,~Hl87 .6 I": (\ l. (\") I": d) \1 11 , d 37024.2 41'}~H:t ,2 ::; 1)'70:1, • 9 :~1,7IM,c'. 48320.0 4 r-~--i~1~ ~ ,-> :~~ '-.=- TABLE 2.32 F'RE-PF:OJECT FI. 0\,1 AT ~J(.:T(.:N{, (dH) 1-10 D X F l nJ Il'{ J)ROL 0 G '( YEAr~ 1 " .. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 .. --, 16 17 18 19 20 21 ' . .., "-, 23 24 ',0::-.:...J ;!6 27 2U 29 30 31 :~~ MAX MIN ilF.MI OCT NOV DEC JAN 4719.9 2083.A 1163.9 815.1 3299.1 1107.3 906.2 B08.0 4572.9 2170,1 1501.0 1274.5 6285.7 2/56.8 1281.2 B18.9 4218.9 1519,A 1183.8 1087.8 3859.2 2051,1 1549.5 138R.3 4102.3 1589.1 1039.6 816;9 4208.0 2276.6 1707.0 1373.0 6031,9 2935,9 2258.5 1480.6 3668;0 1729.5 1115.1 1081.0 5165.5 2213.5 1672,3, 1400.4 6049.3 2327.B 1~73,2 177Y,9 4637.6 2263.4 1760.41608.9 5560.1 2~08.9 1708,9 1308.9 !HH7.1 UWJ, 1 1.l94, 7 H~j~~.O 4759.4 7368.2.1070.3 863.0 5221.2 1565.3 1203.6 1060.4 3269.8. 1?02,2 1121.6 1102.2 4019.0 1934.3 1704.2 1617.6 3447.0 1~67.0 1073.0 884.0 2403,1 1020.7 709,3 636.2 3768.0 2496.4 1687.4 109J.l 4979,1 2597.0 1957,4 1670.9 4301.2 1977.9 1246.5 1031,5 3056.5 1354,7 731,6 78A.4 30B8.8 1~7~.4 1276,7 1215,8 5679,1 IA01,1 876.2 7~7.H 2973.5 1926.7 1687.5 13~8.7 5793,9 2645,3 1977.71577.9 3773.9 1944.9 1312.6 1136.8 6150.0 3525,0 2032.0 1470.0 6458.0 3297.0 1385.0 1147.0 64~H.0 3525.0 225R.5 1779,9 2"03.1 1(170.9 709.3 ld6.? 4~; ~~ 2 • 9 :~ c) ~"j <J d H 14 • II 11.~ ~L !'j Ff.S ,)41.7 673.0 fl4L t) 611,7 ao,~, 1 1 ()~)O. !) n'j4.H 1:1.89.0 11)41,/ lI49.0 l1~HLY 1 ;~04. R 1~!~)7,·1 1184.7 7Bl,(-, 772.7 9114,7 1(,:H .3 1 ~'j,I)t) ,4 7-18.0 ,~02, 1 'n7.4 14'Jl.4 10(lO.:~ Mi9.Y 1110.3 H,~.~! l.~:!02. 9 1 ~!,() 7.7 1055.4 L!~{,~, () . ~'71, (I 1 ~jt.t) • 4 f,(,:? • 1 YB.L .~ ,~ ~I{)R 569.1 619.8 735., 670.7 633.2 HP6.f 694,4 935.0 973.5 694.0 961.1 1331.0 U76.8 Bll:{. I-, ~j7~j ) ~~ 80"1 • :~ IJ(·I·L7 8119. !" 1 ~j,)1) • 'I 6H~" 0 6~!4 ..l 71 "7.1 1 :~6,) • I) Sn.9 627 ,:~ 1()41.4 6 /}!).7 lll0.8 1 ~!~j6, 1 1101.2 1177.1) BBS'. (I 1560.4 569.1 898.J :~ M'R H(iY JUN .11 IL ~ , r:IJB '.......--.. .l REF' (81),1 11635,9 16432,1 19193.4 16113.6 7320.4 1:r,02.:? u.6'I~'''~ 18!)17.9 H'786,b 164·"7l~.0 1nO:L~:i 303.9 4216,5 25773.4 22110,9 17356.3 11571.0 13112.0 15037.7 21469.8 l7355.3 166111,6 11513.5 942,6 11696.9 19476.7 1698J.6 20420,6 1165.5 940.8 .17HI.1 ?1IHH.4 ~!;~7117.9 ;!;l!);~7.(1 I:H47.8 719.3 129S3.3 27171.8 25931.3 19153.4 13194.~ 945.1. 1017~.2 2~27~.0 19940.9 17317,7 14841.1 1265.4 9957,9 22017,H 19752.7 18343.4 5979,7 885.7 10140.6 18329.6 2(1493.1 2J940.4 12466.9 1069.9 13044,2 1323J.4 1950A,l 19323,1 16085.6 1965.0 13637,9 2~784.1 19839.B lY490,2 10146.2 1457.4 11JJ3.5 36017.1 23443.7 19037.1 12746.2 776.6 152~Y.2 2066~.4 28767.4 21(111.4 10HOQ.0 609,2 J5711.8 42341,9 20082.8 14048,2 7524.2 1232.4 1096~.0 21?13.0 232~5.9 17394.1 16225,6 1338,4 7094.1 25939,6 1~153.5 17390.9 1214.1 9~9,7 1255S.5 74711.9 11987.3 26104.5 13672.9 1576,7 12826.7 25704,0 22082.8 14147,5 7163.6 8~O.O 7~~2.0 17~()9,0 )5871.0 14078.0 8150.0 986.4 95J6.4 14397,0 10410.1 162A3.8 722".1 813.7 2857.2 27612.B 2112~.4 27446,6 12188.9 1305.4 15973.1 27429.3 19820.3 1750~.5 10955,7 91·1.1 nBi'.(I ~!.:~H:)'J.:~ If.3!ll.1 180H.7 8('S'9.7 fl71 • 'J 1 :~BWJ .!) H 7(N)\1 l~j'n 1 ,9 1 :S~):!.L 7 9i'fl6 • :~ 1211.2 11672.2 266HY,2 2343(1.41~126.6 13075.3 10!'j'j.[1 fl<J.1(-l,B 1999·j',O 1701!).:~ la39.L~j ~j7J.l.~j 1203.4 8569.4 3l35'.8 19707,3 16007.3 10613.1 1408,4 11231,5 17277.2 111395.2 13412.1 7132,6 1317.9 12369.3 2290~.B 24911.7 16670.7 ~OYb.7 1404,1) 10140,1) 23400.0 26740.0 InOOO.O 11000.0 1103.0 10406.0 17017.0 27840.0 J1435.0 12026.0 1965,0 15973.1 42841,9 26767.4 31435.0 17205.5 609.2 2857.2 1~233.4 15H71,O 13412.1 5711.5 1099.7 10J54.7 2302J,7 20010,1 18628.5 10192.0 , ~ -~ ~~~ MHWI'II 6.148.1 7733.7 777b.7 803~'j. ? 71t)0.4 B719,~{ 90!)1.0 8:~81.0 ];'f.9.4 HOU.O 19:-i 4,0 ~:()(i2 •• ,' 91U2.9 '1277.7 13~~62. 7 8-151.5 7:~7 4.4 S'OS':;.7 nl):52 .2 t.lOO.·~ 6),14 .6 S!WH. :i fI~\b3. 4 7:i12.0 ,qU.7 B402,7 6H~~4. 8 8n2.6 6992.2 8183.7 , 8907.9 9!HIO.4 9812.9 61 00, .~ aon.o , r~-- TABLE 2.32 F'RE-PF:OJECT FI. 0\"1 AT ~J(.:T(.:N{, (dH) YEAr~ 1 'I .. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 ~; 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 27 2U 29 30 31 :~~ MAX MIN ilF.MI 1-10 D X F l nJ Il'{ J)ROL 0 G '( OCT NOV DEC JAN 4719.9 2083.A 1163.9 815.1 3299.1 1107.3 906.2 B08.0 4572.9 2170.1 1501.0 1274.5 6285.7 2/56.8 1281.2 B18.9 4218.9 1519.A 1183.8 1087.8 3859.2 2051,1 1549.5 138R.3 4102.3 1589.1 1039.6 816;9 4208.0 2276.6 1707.0 1373.0 6031.9 2935.9 2258,5 1480.6 3668;0 1729.5 1115.1 1081.0 5165.5 2213.5 1672.3· 1400.4 6049.3 2327.B 1~73,2 177Y,9 4637.6 2263,4 1760,41608,9 5560.1 2~08.9 1708,9 1308.9 !HH7.1 UWJ. 1 1.l94. 7 l-I~j~~,O 4759.4 7368.2.1070.3 863.0 5221.2 1565,3 1203.6 1060.4 3269.8. 1?02,2 1121.6 1102.2 4019.0 1934,3 1704.2 1617.6 3447.0 1~67.0 1073.0 884.0 2403,1 1020.7 709,3 636.2 3768.0 2496.4 1687.4 109J.l 4979,1 2597.0 1957.4 1670,9 4301.2 1977.9 1246.5 1031,5 3056.5 1354.7 731,6 78A.4 30B8.8 1~7~.4 1276,7 1215,8 5679.1 IA01,1 876,2 7~7,H 2973.5 1926.7 1687.5 13~8.7 5793.9 2645,3 1977,71577,9 3773.9 1944.9 1312.6 1136.8 6150.0 3525.0 2032.0 1470,0 6458.0 3297.0 1385.0 1147.0 64~H.0 3525.0 225R,5 1779.9 2"03.1 1(170.9 709.3 ld6.? 4~; ~~ 2 • 9 :~ c) ~.j <J d H 14 , II 11.~ ~L !.j Ff.S ,)41.7 673.0 fl41. t) 611,7 ao,~. 1 1 ()~)O. !) n"j4.H 1:1.89.0 1041.7 lI49.0 l1~HLY 1 ;~04. R 1~!~)7.·1 1184.7 7Bl,(-' 772.7 9114.7 1(,:H .3 1 ~.j,I,t) .4 7-18.0 ,~02, 1 "n7.4 14'Jl,4 l(l(lO.:~ Mi9.Y 1110.3 H,~.~! l.~:!02. 9 1 ~!,(,7 , 7 1055.4 L!~{,~. () . ~'71, (I l~jM, 4 f,(,:? • 1 YB." .~ ~j69, 1 619.8 73:) • (~ 670.7 6~~a . ~! 1-I~:6. 1· 694. 'I n~j. (I 9l~, ~) 6901.q 961.1 1331.0 U76.a Bll:i. I-, 80'1 • :~ IJ(·I·L'l 8119. !" 1 ~j,)1) • 'I 61-1~" 0 6~!4 ..l 71 "7.1 1 :i6,) , I) sn.9 627 .:~ 1()41.4 (-,//1),7 lll0.S 1 ~!~j6. 1 1101.2 117"7.1) BBS·. (I 1~";60, II :'i6 S' • 1 898, :i :~ . .......--.. .l JUN .11 IL r:IJB REF' (81).1 11635.9 16432.1 19193.4 16113.6 7320.4 1302.2 11649.B 18517.9 lY786,6 164~B.0 17205.5 303,9 4216.5 2577~.4 22110.9 17356.3 11571,0 13112.0 15037.7 21469.8 l7355.3 166111,6 11513.5 942.6 11696.9 19476.7 1698~.6 20420.6 1165,5 940.8 ,17HI.1 ~.'1BS1.4 ~!;~7117,9 ;!;l!);~7,(1 I:H47.8 719.3 129S3,3 27171.8 25831.3 19153.4 13194.~ 945.1. 101U .• :' ;!!",;!7!'i.(I H'9411,9 17317,7 14841.1 1265,4 9957.9 22017.1-1 19752,7 18343.4 5978.7 885.7 10140.6 18329.6 2(1493.1 2J940.4 12466.9 1069,9 13044.2 1323J,4 1950A.l 19323,1 16085.6 1965.0 13637,9 2~784.1 Il1839.B lY480,2 10146.2 1457,4 11JJ3,5 36017.1 2J44~.7 19337.1 12746,2 776.6 152~Y.2 2066~.4 28767.4 21(111.4 10HOQ.0 609.2 J5711.1-1 42341.9 20082,8 14048.2 7~24,2 1232.4 1096~.0 21?13.(I 2J2~5.¥ 17394.1 16225,6 1338.4 7094,1 2~939.6 1~15J.5 17390,9 1214.1 84917 1~!55S.5 ?471j .s' ~)19B7c3 2l,1(141~\ 1:if,72.9 1576.7 12826,7 25704.0 22082,8 14147,5 7163,6 8~O.O 7~~2.0 17~()Y,0 )5871.0 14078.0 B150.0 986.4 95J6.4 14397.0 10410.1 162A3,8 722".1 813.7 2857.2 27h12.B 2112~.4 27446,6 12188.9 1305.4 15973.1 27429.3 19820.3 1750~.5 10955.7 91·1.1 nBi'.(I ~!.:~R:)'J.:~ if.3!ll.1 180H.7 8(IS'lI.7 fl71 • 'J 1 :~BWJ .!) H 7(N ,,1 l~j'n 1 .9 1 :S~):!.L 7 9i'Hh • :~ 121l.:~ 116'?2 ~!66H'J,2 n4:~(1,41~;12b.6 U(,"1!l.:-S 1 i) !'j 'J , a fl<J.1 a • B 1999 .j". 0 1 701!) .:~ 1 a 3 9 .L ~j ~j 7J. 1 • ~j 1203.4 8569.4 3l35'.8 1970,,3 16007.3 10613.1 1408.4 112Jl,5 17277,2 111395.2 13412,1 7132.6 131"1.9 12369.3 2290~.B 24911,7 16670.7 ~(lYb,7 1404,0 10140.1) 23400,0 26740.0 lnooo.o 11000.0 1103.(1 10406.0 17017.(1 2784(1,0 J14J5.0 12026.0 1965.0 15973,1 42841.9 26767.4 31435.0 17205.5 609.2 2857.2 1~233.4 151-171,0 13412.1 5711.5 1099,7 10J54.7 2302J.7 20010.1 18628,5 10192,0 , MHWI'II 6.148.1 7733.7 777b.7 803~·j. ? 71t)O.o1 B719,~{ 90!)1.0 S:-S81.0 ];'fl9.o1 ROU.O 19:-i 4,0 ~:()(i2. I,' 91U2.9 9277.7 13~~62. 7 8-151.5 7:-S74.4 S'OS':;.7 nl):52 .2 t,lOO.·~ 6).14 .6 S!WH. :i fI~'b3. 4 7:i12.0 ,qU.7 B402.7 6H~~4. 8 8n2.6 6992.2 8183.7 , 8907.9 9!HIO.4 91-112.9 61 00, .~ aon.o TABLE 2.33 F'RE-f'fW,IFCT FLOW A1 fiEVH Cf.d-!YOI~ (d!:) M{llHFXHt ll'(I)ROLOGY YEAR 2 7 "' 4 6 7 H 9 10 11 12 13 j 4 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 '11 ... ' 28 29 :w 31 :·1::! OCT NOV :)7:Hl, ~! ~!•104 ,'/ 3652.0 1 ~!:O I 2 :);!~!1.7 2~i:S'J,l) 7517.6 ;{23~!.6 ;)1 () 9 ' .~ 1 <) ~! l ' ;i 4830.4 · ~~506, B ·H47,9 1/Uil .. S 5235.3 21n.B 74:-i-i, :i :~:'i90, >l 4402.8 1999.8 M>bO ,J ~!6:!:!, 7 7170.9 2759.9 :j4~·i9 '., ~!:i44. J. 6307,7 2c.S'6.o :5YYa, .l ~!on:·;,"' 5744.0 ~·6-t:'i.1 6-196,:'i 191)/,B 3844,0 14:i719 4~)H:L ;~ ~~20;1. ~) 3S'76.o na::t.o :!HM, ~i 11·•l:i, 7 474ii.2 3\IBJ,B ::~:;;p '0 ~~'J12' ~i 4638.6 2154,fl .l49L4 :l•l6~!.'J 3506.8 1619.·1 Joo;L .~ w:·;::s, o 3552.4 ?391.7 A II:; 6 , :i :~ ~! .l t) , II 4502' ~\ ;:>;~?4. :1 b 9•H}, I) :~y:·m, I) 72 4 t. t 0 :~ 6 9 '7' I (J 1 :i4:!, ~i 9~H, :i H1:H1, a ~·o~ .. J 17:17, ~) HH:L 7 1:)50.4 999.6 DH7 d . 1 ';!~!,1, ~! l86B.O H>-19.1 1 ~!1)6 .. ~ 'I~! 1 , 7 1986,6 15B:L 2 2j1H,Y 17n.o 1370.9 D16,9 ~!I) 11 • ~i 16H6, ~! 21136 • .$ 2:!J2.0 19Nl.7 1791,.0 1B9fl.(l 14'Jl,,(l DB7.1 978,0 l160.B 925,3 147(L ~ 1V!L 7 t:i64.9 1357.9 1 ')~!'1. 7 1!-1~)1. ·;! 1237.0 101;!.0 B 1 tJ, I) nil,·~ 2074.8 ~~~1H,8 ~!:11 ~!, 6 ~!IJ:i6, 1 1387,0 1U9.8 997,<} 842.7 14f.:l .. 5 HOH,S 1 t)C)7, 9 BY,S. a 2147.:) :lfl:)/,4 nn., •I Hll>7, 9 1!)49,4 DOI\,1 ~!~!79 ,I) L'>·W, 0 1!i~:i-1,0 1287.0 FEB 7~Sf).7 767.5 9 •l:l • ~! 7'15.6 9~!'/,7 an.1 1Jfl8,9 un.1 l:Ht), ~! 1 :i1'3. 6 H.I..Lil BH7 ,4 91)0. ~! 8?8,8 1 HI/ ,4 1?M!,:~ 1nn.1 IJ!)9, {) ?MI,l 7'4 :1. 6 Ul~l,'>, 'I 11:·!8' f, 7 4~). 'i 13-1~~.? (I 1 ·'> '2 H69.7 l~)~!:'j '0 1 ;!(l :L f, t:Hl.'i .o lOF!S',(l MAR 671), I) 697.1 ~:.!a,~! 'J./; 0 I i' n9.<1 .ton. c. (-)~)~!. :1 uo:L 4 11H1~·;, 7 B77, 9 Ul~!.H 1 ,<,;1fl, 9 ~ J ~! 1) > ~i 958.4 66:LB fl(,6.9 1 .U-IJ. 4 1M19, ~ :tna.7 71!(1. (I n~.u B66.fl 1.~ ~) 9 • a 9:i:i,O M1'1, ~i 1271.9 1 :} 61 • (l 1~8!),6 116-1.7 1 :i ~! 1. , I) 9 1)7, (I .JIIN Jill {N2.~! 10~90,7 Ul·~Ml.6 ~!l:iH:L-t 11Hn0,6 79:)o.a 1B04,6 1321R~~ 1997R,5 ~157~.9 10530,0 19799,1 :J7H.5 4909,5 30014.2 24!-161,7 19647.2 13441.1 t::;:~jdl 1n:m.:\ 2:)no~7 H'lfl4.<1 :I.Y:?<l'J,o ~=~~~~!H.4 1130,6 15206,1) 2J1UU,1 19131,1 24071,6 11979,1 1107.4 R390.l 20(181,9 26212,8 2195'1.6 13989.2 ab7,J 15979,1) 311J7,1 2'1212,1) 2260Y,H 16495.0 1109,0 1247:i~6 2B41:L4 ~!~!109,6 Pi:·W~'.2 18029,0 .l ~ :i 7 , ~ 11 !I •l9 , ~! ~! 4 <\1 3 , :i ~! 1 7 6 ;L 1 ~! 1 ~! 1 9 , H .; 91l fl .fl 1119.9 139(1(119 21537,7 23390.4 28~94.4 1~329.6 1~!17.H 1<1!)()~!.9 14709,fl 217~i'l,:i ~!~!0116.1 1H'f;!9,'J 2405,11 J6030,7 27069~3 228HO,& 21164.4 1221H,6 1613.~ 12141.2 40679.7 2~990.6 22241.fl 14767.2 Bl0,9 17697,6 24094,j J23BH.4 ~2720~~ 11777,2 1!96.5 404b,9 47016,4 21926,0 155115,H !-1041),1) 1314.4 12267.1 24110.3 2~19~.7 19709.3 18234.2 16 J. 'I I 1 II 7:14 ,l) :i 0 •I •I .~ ' :i 111 ~j =i .~ • 2 ~!!) ~! 4 ~ • 6 1 t>:H 4 • :i 1 o:'i:' .. 7 lil 4 :i:'i 1 fi 2n 96. 4 :t:wnt. 2 :w~!n 1 o 1 :rnB 1 2 l/91.0 1<19!1~!.•1 ~!9462.1 ~!•1871.0 1,~1)9t),:·i lln:),y ~':i~'.O 9154,0 :19'121.0 J72<J1.(l 1:5:)(10t0 918fl.O 10<1,'>.6 10n1 .. ~ .l7Uil.9 ~!111121,~ 1!1M'i~!.B :H4:L:) ~·a6. 2 · 342/19 :Ho:u, o :n941. b :Hl3l ~. 9 1 :i6:{b .c1 .!~).~~>.:·-; (917,~.0 .H9~!'1d·l 2171.~.5 1BM)4,1 111HJ.1 .~! 986,7 7E96~4 2A392~6 17571,8 19478,1 B/26.0 Y4'l.l 1501)4,6 1676~.7 17790,0 1525/,0 11J71),1 1456.7 140~6.5 30302,6 26JBR.O 17031,1! 151~4.7 l~!61,:.! U:lO:'L3 22:H:L6 Ul~!~i2.6 19~!'1/,7 ,'>46:L:~ 1509~H 11211,9 3~60A,7 21740,5 1H371.2 11916,1 1 r·; 9 7 , 1 1.l6 9 ·' • -t 1 11-1 .lo .t1 ~! o o 1 'J • o 1 r-; :~ ~! .~ , ~·i a o B o , 4 11!(l:!.H i:~:;;H,(l ~1 ·10S?.4 ??fl.6~!1B 191<1/,7 101'7?~4 1~75.0 11Jl7,1) 26255,0 31)01)2.0 21)196,1) 12342.0 1 nB. o 116 n .. o 1 7711 • (l :u ?:t,t., o 3:'i~?70.<l c?n:? I o ni:i7. 8 861[..9 8'118.0 9~56.4 HH.S6, 9 9707.4 11},~1)8. 2 966H,7 8B66.8 9/.49. 6 91)84. 4 1 oo:? 1 , :~ lt)'/~6.5 10431,R Y2:io, 7 9:15;.. 5 IM97,0 10460.4 yp::;. 4 6800.1 li)63.9 9[-.~17.? 101'7'9.0 7l3B, :J 7l60.5 1l60(,,6 ~7 705.5 Y 4 :{H, 8 7765.1 9023.0 '1Y94. 5 10577.9 MAX /fH7.6 :W:i:LI) ~!YOL9 ~!~!12,0 1:-J:i6,4 17711.7 ~!40:L4 1Y77,LB 47B16.~ .1:·!3811.~ :m~!7t>.O 19n9.1 109~6.5 HIN 2866.5 114~.1 1110,0 75~.9 70H,7 663.R 696,5 3427,9 14709,8 17291,0 1~157,0 6463,3 6800.1 MEAN :i324,J 2JVO,a 1664,5 1362.1 1152,5 1042.1 1267,1) 12190,3 26071!,1 2J152.2 2092H.2 12413.,6 9129.7 ..,, ... · . • I :·I(. Tt'\BLE 2,34 F'OST-f'RO.JF.'CT FUJvJ fiT t.Jf.:TAIU: (ds) lM'ftHioVI)EIJXt. CMI'fOI·/ : C;~SE C YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MAX ~llll t1EAN $ DCT t!OV rwc JAN FFB :~!'i64, 1 HH~i~·i, c) .l ~!:H 4, b 11 431l, q :1. \)/H!), H !1;1 \)(i, 4 11 9 0 0 • 0 H 4fJ I •l 7 S' It 1. 1 73 tl ::i • 6 0 :~ 77 • 0 f, ij l 1. ? 1JObL'/ 'JII~·iO,:··; :l~!~!76,:~ 1Hc)L4 Ht)~!Lii 9/t)!l,J. 9261.1 1 \19 J 6, R 1224 9. 2 1 HOI!. s u (l(l;~, :1 YB:n· I:;: 114 n . 'I ,) 7 <1 t> • b u :w o , 1 J. uo :~ • <1 J. 1) 7 a·:.! . ? u n 7 • :·; 10208.6 6683,3 12250.4 1137617 10961.5 1031516 7071,7 10011,9 12317.~ 114~5.6 107J4,6 UUJJ,7 7183.4 10907.1 122'1fi,1 ll:i94~9 10n/,:i 1019:L6 880:~.9 lOUJO.l 12128,6 11312,9 10'/42.6 1~209,1 11673,8 6809.6 7793.9 9626,1 10928.8 BB3J,J 3140.9 10947.2 12222.0 1136~.3 10967.!) 10203.4 10336.7 1006R~4 12172.4 1137317 11003.6 101?5,2 9420.4 9619.6 12347.8 11410.3 10991.6 1020?.5 8535.5 11048.4 J~2fi9.7 1140~.4 10966.2 102~9.9 B 1 b ~! , ~j 1.l 0 J. 2 , 9 1 ~! :H> rL <J J. H 4 ~: , IJ l t) 9 9 9 , 7 lll.l 4 , ~·i 10477.4 R75H.o 12353.o 11497.6 1075~.5 R946.6 H1 '/,~ .. ~ 10711?, 1 1 ~!~!.)7. a .t D9<J, ;s ltlV?fl ..t 9b~!:'i. 1/ 11 n a . 4 Mll 4 , 9 77 9 3 • 1 no o . o u {lU .J. s· <t ~1 s , B 6994,4 11011.0 1231J6,3 113Bfl,2 10961.J 10171),4 11765.1 6839.6 7834.0 8575.6 J0727.8 88?~.3 ll9t)c), 7 7tl.lH, ~! HO:S'l, 4 i'H 'I ,;s ,)4•1H, 1) 6~i9L ~j 11695.6 6014.1 7fl97,6 7352,2 A3Y7~J 6537.0 7 9 ~·; ·1 • ~; 1 o 9 w; . <~ 1 n 1) 9 • ~; u ~~ 9'1., 11 1 I) :U> <J , ~i J. t> ·'· ~~ ,, , " 7715.4 10748.3 12329.9 11451.0 11014.3 9396.7 1 Hl44 , 4 .'> '/J!L ,'> 7Y ~11L .1. ;:n6, :~ ~~~~ 70, ~! HOI) :'i. J. 11900.1 6974.5 7942.4 7JJ4.7 6337.0 6459,fl RMi<t.~·; uHl~!4.9 1~!:L~:Ls' u~!u.:1 1on.L1> m;:~ti,t> 11801.3 679~.3 777~.9 72?7.3 6272.0 88?~.4 1017H,6 10412,9 12205,4 11359,5 10'/40,1 10167.2 117~8.0 6849.0 7903.9 7321.9 6356.0 6~1913 U64:!.~! :H~·i~Ll 1~!272.0 UHL6 10'J<n,6 11)~!t)/,a n:n.·; 61-J~~;\ I H 7406,/ };1/FH, B nj •lri, 4 '7:~113 I 6 n~!J. ,J. fl!'o?? .1 919/,H 7'l8f!.~ a.t. 19. ~s 9(l/1c·1 B't-4 :'i '7 tnn.6 n.t2 .o 71L~~i, 2 7'J -11 '~! 14 !):!. ~; !JHl:'i, :~ 74~j/,8 ~HOt),<! !'iMS? .1 YJ.ri4. :! 7;j16' 9 7<17 ~If ~;{)(1/ I ~7 n .. ~,~~,"' 7!)(i,~ I 2 'i 199' 11 ? ?:3~i. 4 '/IHH, B •l cJ'Jt), :~ ,'.:\'\ -1 ' :~ ,, ~.Hn, :·; 702\i' <(I 4!)~)(),] bBO .l , :1 'l9B?, :l b0!.)9)~) -it:'i'B I:? 7:'}1) .l '6 '/1/B, 1 b09? 't) J !06 .li 57 -1::.>' (i :J~ibb, .l 714'1' J. n'lB, n ., ;•] 6 • !) b ·:~ <l J.) :··; 46:,'·L :?. 6H;~S, .l ~)O"J;..: { t/ '1 :sv ,\) ~)II (I '1 ' f, :)21)iJ,/ -1 (1 1 :,• • s· (, ~~ (d, '4 7 0? ~ < !) ;)1)0 .l , I 1}1) .l J. >I) 4 ;.~f):i' 0 ~Ll9!J • 6 f,;!J9,4 .'1:1 .L~ , l ~H ll:L 4 6.1..1.4,1) ·":'~:r;, {1 !'j li :.~ !.) • i) :H:!:~.:-1 <} :~ l J ' ;! ~iS'69, J !if:·;~, H ,L,J/7' ~~ :; ? t) I , <\ 4/:H .• s· ;;(J'l:'i! a 6;),'.~!' 7 !>~!~~!)) i) 4079,/ ~s;,~!'J. o -1-1.',::) < 9 4;ng,o ,10 :.! .:J , ·-r t.:ws. :-1 :1:1:1'/ ,•'J M!)B, ;~ ;,) :} ,) '9 .JilL ~179?, fj :wn;.o .'16~!11. 9 :~n 1 I 1 ~~~ N ''J ~~1?B,'/ :·HI2iJ, B ;pn I o :w~H .s :s790.t~ 4106,5 b .~ ·;! !L .'! ::;7:i7' 0 b<l99,() 4!W/~1 .'S-174 ,I) f,(I;W I 6 /,1 :\?1 '6 41f.B, 0 ~srin, ~i 3 1no.s 1·:·; u ':i ·1 :1 :\ (1, :t ."!97lL fl t.1ft.B,O 1\?~!!L 'f 61: .~ ~i' H :1\)27 ';·; b(l4 ~ • ;1, !·;9;i~! '7 HH' >11HJt),'/ 7:i-L1.,,/ :i)'~/4,(1 6~';~().1 ~'it ;'1), 1 :"5l.~O, ~~ '!,7{,/,f) 419:?.:'; ~~~!,);~.4 41~!:L9 701:i.6 l~!-1.16.0 ll';!:n,:{ U19L4 !:i12j I B H',''iL I 'l4.tn.~> ~in:··d,:! 5!):)(;. 2 1 (i 1 /j ~·' )' ~S7tJt), ~! 40t)9, ',! f,(}Y[l I "J -1H9 .. l' f, l ;wML b 1V4.L ~! B!)97' l 1 (!BOO I 0 6 'J~! 7, ·1 ~H td, ;; !)4(1:~, :S 1(1/tBi', ;1 :s" n . <J .w :i :L ',! B61t.~:i Df.n.'l <ltH :~, t) ,L,:-JBO, q :i9J.:J,;·; 6•)~!il.t; f,Jfl:L9 8'1~"1~6 7UH,·1 '/~!L~.b 4 :Hu • 1 s:~~!:i, 7 HII~L-i 6n-1,,t, :i6L~di 1:~:~6.6 ~i:!2 f,, 4 fl J .• H), ~·j b'Jil:·,,J S1B0,5 107·1• B 70·P, 3 ~H, n , ~· 4 ~;' ll I s· ,)6~i~!. '1 :;'1);1 ~) 1,1 11901),7 11048.4 l23Hb,J 11497.6 111)21,6 10Jl5.6 'll'/9,9 7~01 • .'! 6626,9 ~625.6 14Q13.2 \367~ .. 1 5564.1 f..68~.3 777:L9 'J:.!V,3 o:U:!..O 645'i',B 51(10,., tl<,'l:,','l :H 1l!l.6 ~4·'!~~.:·) J26;~.'l 111\iS'.:~ Y?.!,:J.<I 9IU,L, lOBIIL~~ 10~!1-1/,~i Y?~!-Lt. '}!):')?,:! li''n,? :··;~~~~6,,', ~H·;!.Lf,lJ 'll3b •. t. ;)'/•l7:~i i'B~W,,I /:)12 .t 6 f, J ;·' 1) '/7'/a, ;• rn:q,p, n·;>1.6 Bf./8,:'i 'tt):il • 0 · s:w1. (l a:!:i.2. 1 /9~1·1*5 H!:, 'i';~ \ r} s·~n2. 9 9D7. 7 IH~L5 '7:!•)3.} tll>f.f,, R a~i:c·.:: I:!J B.:i b:l U, B 8'/6:3.4 !1(1?;?14 .'tfl.1. 5 I 1 6 1} 9 (i i 5' ')~';,j:'). 8 7 j l ;~ .. 't frl•1 ·~ • ;I 6'1i'O, :1 ..:.::;,·; :\' B :I:)) ::, I l 1 ______ , ---------. -~. ~.~.-J TABLE 2.35 F'OST-F'RO.JfCT now Al rlEVll r;{;NYrIl~ (I'ff.) W;HMI~) /))EIJIL. eM-lYON : CAHE C YEAR 1 ~ ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~'i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 OCT NIH' nrc . JMl FEB 11M: 6602.4 1075A.l 124U8.2 11574.6 10879,H 3309.3 12252.9 707~.3 B06S.7 744~,3 6471.5 6511~.O yt.,'}() • 7 10219. 4 1 ~!:·);I~~. II U ,~11) "t, .1.11 ~~:L a 'l1lt).L.:~ 10493.0 11397.6 1251~.4 11589.2 11137,2 99'3.2 123~8.J 7062.3 1178J.4 112J9.8 10909,5 8868.7 11179.8 7139.0 12568.9 11637.5 11186.2 104~3.1 7f1n •. ' 111).l2.4 124B!).2 11~j61),4 It)an.'i 1199)..6 8210.7 11404.3 12527.7 11605.1 111b7.2 10364.0 10205.5 114115.2 12775.0 1162~.~ 11113,1 103~O,~ 12408.6 7079.9 R039.7 9Bl2,O 11158.9 9017.2 ~0~6.1 I1J56.4 12561.2 11646,1 1116a,3 10355.1 11458.3 10500,~ 12635.8 l1HO~.B 11292.4 10433.1 .10242.2 9900.3 12566.1 11597.4 11147,11 10J5~,O 9283.1 11235.5 12476.8 11592.5 ll168.9 103'4.7 8973.7 I1JI)'l.2 124,}S.~ 11568.9 11118,3 HHOJ.l 11462.0 9034.~ 12443.5 11559.9 10808,6 9006.2 9471.9 I11Jl.6 12542.6 11617.6 11130,H 9H28,6 12312.6 7070.6 R036.4 9555.7 1124R.l 9~2H.4 7560.711200.2 12611.H 116~1.H 11179,6 10338.7 17294.1 7055.6 799H.0 8703,6 10838,8 89'9,3 12364.1 7143.1) 3140.1 7540.0 6554,6 6689,2 12672.8 7399.5 82B5.0 7S7~,9 6563.5 6~86.7 8512.4 I1JI0.7 12564.7 11665,0 1121.,5 10417.7 8052.8 10925.2 12470.4 11559,3 1114~.7 9477.B 12279.J 7043.8 HOQJ.'l 7~92.6 6<126,2 "O~7.~ 12318.1 7119.5 B152,2 7~27.7 6S~B.9 ~690,3 S'Y]!1.7 UI)i'6.fl 1~!-1\~!),(, :lU~'i6,:~ .1.t):~!·:;b,l) Wn'L~i 123BO.2 7257.~ 8235.9 7536.0 6538.8 9075,6 l1J21.0 10978.4 12597.1 11649.5 1119/,4 10391.1 12486.4 7228.4 8140.7 7489.2 6504.2 6~H2.8 rn'l~!.~! a(l"~j.1 1·,!~i19.0 11~j9t) .. 1, Ul<l~~,f, 11)~~;;1.-H 10221.4 11J5~.5 12458.0 11592.9 'I121,6 l03Jl.1 (IF'R 7·' I)!i • 0 7(;U.2 ~/"llll,:'S IH31.6 77 ~~~L 4 77.10.:~ 7~70 • .l B136.(. '-n\~9, B 7n~~. 7 B?,~7. ',~ 9::j:i.,1. Ii 9I Ill. 7 f!:VI6.9 l:·~'n, ~ 7'1:i.'?,2 anJ .. <) 7t.56.5 ii~S'i9, 6 7!),l,1.8 ~'i J . .'10. b ~8~j·1. 6 'l=l.lL ~~ 7:)89 .~, 7:j~jl.9 ~'jg~)3 f 2 ?8,~·~ > l) 811:1 .(, nBa.,~ n:i fl. :~ 9~~~~:'j ) n 88~.iB. ? /1(.,)' JUN (, :11)~j, I)' I~t) 4 7 • ~j 79U.0 57-t:~.6 !i7l>~-j,~j 7:lJ9.'1 97~i(l. 1 991HI. 3 ~IB111. 4 71)~!.L ~j .l;;:!;-~;.,~ ( :i 8:~B;! c 9 'J9<)7.t) It)I)lY,:~ nlS'.6 967/, I!, 79:')1), '-J 7')41).7 P.6:111. :i 6b'l (1.4 <) ',~ 6 t) , ~ ~j 7 .~ 'i • ,II ~':i'l(l. If 1 (1~!~4 • ~'j f;904.) .lO<I.I,4, ~ 9!in:L? 9fiOIL? ~'j!d t) .. S .l t)Mll .9 )(I4J cl 76~~I\. 2 f>:~()6.1) J.I)<\I)2. ~j 9(1~~-1.1 9M7. 2 ~l '\:) '\ .!j IJ?Ba I .t ~~\a~·~,~) ~:i~i(i"'l,:.' 7 'l:,~,~. 7 !; :\<IH > 9 .~'i.l ','1\ • 9 78ll:i .• 1 1 O:!MI, a .l t)~H 9 ", 1~)68:.~.] 6UlL3 9 '\ '1 ~! , [., II t) J. 1 • I) R173.9 9~')1. 7 M; ? :.; • :! ,q 4 <I • fl .'. 71 ~,. ·,1 1 (l~~:~:'i. 4 6n.L ~S ~'j:'j79, ~j 7S'IM.2 n,(i!).9 fl ~!~SB , 7 ~I:I ;.1.1. , ') f,~'jO<t, :'1 5:lM" 9 .---.) .lIIL (i III; ~F.P 5989.5 5787.9 H177,1 57j~.3 6016.0 9~~?7 6379.7 74AI.0 ]6~O.~ 5760,1 6293.2 6607.4 5950.4 6914.4 6537.5 75~3.6 8~3a.2 13007.4 <)210.5 116<)9,] 164Y5.8 :)CJ:~:i .7 n '.i':'" 3 1;"l';-·S'. eL, 5865,2 6774.' 686].3 ~339.8 10201.2 1301~.6 11 021.0 6<1:I].:~ b\~!"i:S,:'i 71-1J.3 fj!HI:!.9 (,"N,},(. 111 n .:) 1 fl n:L:~ 14 n, 7 , ~~ 9:~7B. 0 i(.:W6.2 11:rn,? in42.~! lI'I,~~LI) (.4n,:, 7546.9 779J,5 12496.3 M):j6.7 R 1 ;.~~! c :) 119:L~, :! 5:-;1111 ,(I li :1 ~~ '1 ~ t·, ~·jI4~~.0 H!\08,!'j :'i4~;1. (i ~'i'19o , 'I f-I90!) • ,I, ~j ~.'d , ~? fWJIJ.O ~jf:H • ~~ B:)y:~. ,~ 91.9:\,7 B'I(O .1 ht77.6 120£4.8 59~6,0 ~,r, ~ ,I, \01" ... b ~~ t) ~~ • ~j 9~!~)~~.:.~ 8~!,1,:~, 0 ~B4::!.~) !"i 'J :1, fl , ~I 7~-;U-!. (. /1.1. ~~I) , 6 f::),W,f., ~j,}(IY • ~~ ?!j(.8.9 Bi-!:\il,7 UI{J8.2 f/~j,';~) ) ,c'J 1 :;'7:)1).~· n·~::!,/ R:P() , ~~ /?!)~.!~,) 1044b,] 1014},1 895~,0 ;, H~. H ~ ~j 9 /; 11'" (. IWn:~, ~.; t.4'i:i. ,~5 :l9·.J~:; ) l 604l • t, B:~i',~, 'i 1:~76:). (I (dHHlfll. 8101.13 l-t'l9.2 a<)t8.0 r/il511.0 tl8~.8. 1 ,'() le .• f, '.1).1,0:::.2 'i'M,B.7 'n'1't.4 t,';i \~"~" 9 't l )·}4. B HI(·1(',.B It)9il,~ .• 5 H',B1 • Po ,,~~:)o t ~, ,". ,:-, .. ,: C' 'ddd,'" 9.l2j.9 10031.~ 9~a0.4 "l (/ J. f~: , {; /:·:'1 :.') I I,) /no~:~~~·~ J.O.l'/·:t.() r:(,·H.:, f, '/.'; ,~:! .• 0 8~9,~,tl ;:nl~:4 . t.:, 8:Ll~',R 9U7.7 i'H(.'},f, ';OW; 5 ,3 1 f,!:, Tl , S' MAX 12672.8 11485.2 12775.0 11805,8 11212,4 10453.1 9514.8 10266.8 106AI.'l 9378,0 17S7H,~' 16495.1: lQ9~6.~ MIH 6602.4 7043.0 799B.O 7J92.6 6426,2 6~B?B 5160.6 51~4.9 536A.9 5~~1.0 ~757,2 604J.h J293.0 MEAN 105~5.'l 94~4.J .l11~O.9 l04fl4.0 10093,3 9202,9 7'lhl.2 7662,2 0178.0 7078,2 0247,2 94~0,0 9121.8 $ , -------- 1 ______ , TABLE 2.35 F'OST-F'RO.JfCT now Al rlEVll r;{;N)'('II~ (I'ff.) W;HMI~) /))EIJIL. eM-lYON : CAHE C YEAR 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~'i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 OCT NIH' nrc , JMl FEB 11M: 6602.4 1075A.l 124UfI.2 11574,6 1I)Hi'9,H 3309.3 12252.9 7(l7~.3 B06S.7 744~.3 6471.5 f,5"~.O 96 'it) • 7 1 02l <J , 4 1 ~!:');I~~ , II 1.1.'.10 "t, .1.11 ~!:L a 'lllt).l. :~ 10493.0 11397.6 1251~.4 11589.2 11137.2 99'3.2 123~H.J 70(;2.3 1178J.4 112J9,8 11)909,5 aHbR.! 11179.8 7139.0 12568.9 11637.5 11186.2 1(l4~J.l 76n .. ' 11012.4 124U:i.2 11~jllt).1 11)a7:~.'i 1199),,6 8210.7 11404.3 12527.7 11605.1 111b7.2 10364.0 10205,j 114115.2 12775.1) 1162~.~ I11J.3.1 103~0,~ 12408.6 7079.9 R039.7 9Bl2.0 11158,9 9017.2 ~0~6,1 .lIJ56.4 125bl.2 11646.1 1116a/3 lOJ55,1 11458.3 10500.~ 12635.8 I1Ho~.B 11292.4 10433.1 ,10242.2 <)91)0.3 12566.1 11597,4 11147.11 10J5~,O 9283.1 11235.5 12476.8 11592.5 ll168.9 103'4.7 H97J.7 113t)9,2 1249S.~ 11568.9 l111H,3 9303.1 11462.0 9(l34.~ 12443.5 11559.9 10808.6 9006.2 9471.9 I11Jl.6 12542.6 11617.6 lI1HO,H 9H20,6 12312.6 7070.6 8036.4 9555.7 1124R.l 9~2H.4 75AI),711201).2 12Al1,H 116~1,H 1117Y,6 lO~HR,7 17294.1 7055.6 799H.0 8703.6 10838.8 89'9.3 12364.1 7143.0 3140.1 7540.0 6554.f, 6689.2 12672.8 7399.5 82B5.0 7S7~.9 6563.5 6~86.7 H512,4 11310.7 12564.7 111165,0 1121 •• 5 10417,7 8052.8 10925.2 12470.4 11559,3 1114~.7 9477.B 12279,J 704J.8 91)1)J,9 7~92,6 b<\26,2 BO~7,~ 12318.1 7119.5 B152.2 7~27.7 656B.9 ~690.3 SIY7!1.7 UI)i'6.H 1~!-1\~:i.6 lU~·ill.:~ .1,O:~:·:;b,() wn,:J,~i 12380.2 7257.~ 8235.9 7536.0 6538.8 9(175.6 l1J21.0 10978.4 125<)7.1 11649.5 1119/.4 11)391.1 12486.4 7228.4 8140.7 7489.2 6504.2 6~H2.8 rn'l~!.~! a(lB~jol 1·,!~i19.0 11~j9t),,'. 1:I.J.'1~~.f, 11)~~;;1..H 10221.4 11J5~.5 12458.0 11592.9 'I121,6 l03Jl.1 7·' I)!i , I) 7(;U.2 ~/"llll,:'S 10,31.6 77 ~~~L 4 77.10.:~ 7~70,1 B136.(. '-n\~9. B 7n~~. 7 B?,~7, ',~ 9::j:i,,1. Ii 9I Ill. 7 f!:VI6.9 l:,~'n, ~ 7 "n. ".7,2 anJ.,") ii~S'i9. 6 7!),l.! .8 ~'i J. ilO , b ~8~j·1. 6 'l=l.lL ~~ 7:)89 .~, 7:j~jl,9 ?8,~·~ > l) 811:1 .(, nBa,,~ n:i fl. :~ JUN 6 ~Sl)~j, t)' I~I) 47 • ~j 79U.0 !i71:~.6 ~i71>~-j,~j 7:lJ9,'1 97~i(). 1 991HI.3 ~IBlb. <\ 71)~!.L ~j .l;;:!;-~;.,~ ( :i 8:~B;! c 9 'J907,1) It)I),i'Y,:~ nlS'.6 'U,n, I!, 7 <J:'jl) , <) 7')41).7 P.6:1IL :i 6b'l (1.4 "n61). ~ ~j7·~'i. ,'. ~·:i"10. 9 1 (1~!~4 • ~'j 1;904.) .It)'1.1.4,~ 9:in:L? 9fiOIL? .lIIL 5989,5 5787.9 H177.1 5711.3 6016.0 9~~?7 6379.7 74AI.t) ]6~O,~ 576(1.1 6293.2 66(17.4 5950.4 6914,4 6537,5 75~3.6 8~3a.2 13007.4 <J210.5 11699,] 164Y5.8 :)IJ:~:i .7 n '/:',. 3 1;"L'S'. eL, 5865,2 6774.' 6863.3 ~339.8 10201,2 13(11~.6 /1 021.1) /t<\:\].:! b\~:"i:S,:'i 71-1J.3 fj:HI:!.9 (,"N,},(, 111 n .:) 1 II n:L:~ 14 n, 7 , ~~ 9~~7B.O i(,:Wr..2 UFO.? ~·j!dO .. 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() <J -1 b , :'j 7 :,) I)':~ , 0 9121.8 $ ~-- r---J-_ -'--,.. -----r---,- TAI:LE 2.38 POST·,·PRDJECT fLDl~ (d f;lJl-H;HHH~ \cf,,) \·h.lMIr\lI:IE'JH, CMlYlm t CMIE C YEAR OCT NfiV [lEC JM~ FEn 11M: .;f'r.: 1M Y J\IN ,11/1. (;til; SEP MH!\Ia 1 HfJ47.2 l,~<)<)t).A 147:-;t).~! ,n~~7L~~ 1:!~:!/.:~ lOln.:~ H9CLO UI:,!~~:~.~ :~~Ll?1..9 078:).1 ,1/I~~/,':?Q 2!1?:U.O 'n,,~,95,3 2 1512A.5 1055~.1 1083~.9 94~J.6 8139.0 HOJ5.9 9081.6 36890.5 ~16J7.1 5~6)2.1 5~6U6.0 3~129.0 21HO~.~ 3 119Hl.1 133111.1 1455~.9 13396.1 126Yl.6 11261.6 *r59,3 12t)J4.t) 46163.2 1~4~8,5 14443.0 26877,0 221)4.9 4 16499.415352.3 1504H.0 13407.6 l?7:~4.i, :t14liO.O 1(lfW.c1.8 4~~:~lll.:~ ,·HIH:H.6 "1(11,)07.1 41344.0 ~!/U./.(I ;,I'~/'l:il:'{ 5 141P4.7 1()2:S'i,jI .l4.n3.:1 U/,W2.6 .l:!9{lfI.H 1():·j62,:~ 'i'1i(j,,>,:~ :~7UI:L'i ~W.);\(),'l 1tHWL4 4~SIlI)1.() 2~/:'il"l) ~:l\H3.~5 6 14104.5 10972.2 1~007.4 :t391~.4 13100.0 12013.0 9i60.8 lY5Y(I.2 -1Y~EJ.O 5222S.~ 63942.0 31539,~ 2557~.7 7 L~9n.9 U~-;<jO.H IH:~.Ll n(~:)7.·,~ 1~!~!{1:),8 1IB4fl.~~ IIfJ"lfl.fl ~!7()lll.:·i :·i:,~:W.L~~ l.i)~j,S7.~S ~iIlJ.n.';J 4·1~S':).1) n:):~8,4 8 18233.9 15~~2,A 154~B.l 14027,9 13219.3 1'102.6 10540.8 ?!!9~6.0 60408.3 ~612~.1 4~703.0 J849J.B 265~0,7 9 21170.0 16<)26.H lA009.1 13H91.J 12996,9 1187/.6 11331.' 231167.2 44279.2 1J952,1 ;6362.0 2184H,0 ~3!11.~ 10 13883.3 10411.1 10260.8 11932.1 13038.8 10419.3 9491.8 ~41YJ.6 4YJea,7 50470.4 535~1.3 34~~11.0 2~J78.4 11 IH112.9 15142.0 15372.7 14018.9 lJ029.1 11917,3 10494,2 2925},9 30357.5 42508.7 43725,0 31876.0 2j076.1 12 16405.6 13856.3 j569~.7 1433~.B 13176.8 1~2J4,? 1?218.4 25971).2 44071,2 47906.7 50516.0 32001.0 ?~9~8.J D 1:')/3,'>,9140.1.9.9 1:j4()0.9 1<\t)=!:L4 Ul)n,;~ 1~!O<)7,7 111)76.0 .1.nB~L~·i :-inb::;'O :)1)9.37.9 ~)~i1,~·,!.5 ~W~I.I.1,'.) ~!b-1:,;8./ 14 16937.9 14~R~.8 15270.8 14170.5 13402.5 11755.3 9527.7 27126.1 ~23~3.1 55208.6 41268.0 2R'12.9 ~2hO,R 15 21536.9 151JO.8 14637,7 13Jfl7,9 12672.3 1~152,J 8993.9 10ll!I.0 13799.2 4~252,2 ~193'.Q 22916,0 ~}64.4 16 l'14ti'l,B D8W.6 15812.2 H01'l.1 U9~1.R 1(l9~)7.3 10037.B :t9:~n.(1 ,P(lH.9 4(dlll,,1 4n:)~j,() 44997.5 4:'i'/1.::: 17 18 19 20 21 22 n 24 2:5 26 ?7 28 29 30 MAX tlIN MEAN $ 21189,9 14544.H 15022.7 1:1742.9 13002~~ 11522.7 10200,8 13<)51.0 49519.5 4276J,5 52177.0 27706.0 14319.1 9907.7 10527.5 11895.8 13273.8 1(1932.3 9~~1.8 27500.6 48006.1 60166.3 6531B.G 37~7Y.O 1368/.9 14493.0 15245,1 13951.6 lJ396.9 12508.0 1116J.6 314~J.l 57296,~ ~J786.9 41560,Q 21~69,O 13141.t, 975:J.f. 9989.0 1·n8().b 11710.£1 10161.3 9('44.81811(1,:) ]:W1Y,} :1(W:).~.O 31l648.0 24:~:~6,(I 13213.1 9975,J 10179.1 938J.l 9293.9 9349.4 9647,8 21053.0 3b932.0 15953" 46946.0 27370,0 14491.1 11784,7 11140.2 9580.1 8133.9 8170.9 7508.4 1J~68.9 ~197~.2 47~H7,4 ~4609.0 2H014.H :.!:~}.:.:: 8 t J ;~ C. tl ~:;;l , !~ (~!) 1, :q3 f U .t 906B. ,~. ~~ () "-.. 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I ,. 1129,1.9 1~jn,~,7 1~)17"1.1 I~HI8:),9 U179,l 1~!i)92,9 UI)~)~LH :nbll),I) 'l:i:n:L::! ,1:19840(; <\:W,SLO :HO~;,L..\) ·;:'1::;:'):;:.1:; 15215.2 H79~)'1 :t~10f .. 9 13731.5 12S·S;fi.1 lU7:;.3 ~\4?:L~) 160(I(I.S· 404U.7 ;'\~'9·"::j.O 4?~11J~i.O 2~·i4t,.1.0 214"/9.0 14371.4 10279,9 1053Q.5 9431.9 11199.J 9597.9 9510,8 25<)17.5 J2964.1 392J3.9 39~()2.i) 26161,0 19696.J 1 5 4 1 ::! • S' 1 (143 fL 1 1 0442 • 7 9 t. 6 ~ • 9 82 .\t .• J R? ~:'Il • 4 7:)::; 6 • 5 n 511 ,P, ;. ~~ 4 ''lIL -1 ~"j B 4 (I IJ Ill, 4 ::i::' B 8 • fr :~ 8:=;:."1 • (l ::~ ~\ J 1 3 • 0 16353,6 13461,8 14195.2 129J3.0 12J3'.8 10420.3 9896,H 18144,9 39997,2 1J050,O t4J~5,Q 20921.0 21118.1 13747.4 10753.6 11373.4 10109.6 8"1(19.1 1('B~:)'~. 10US'.8 n79:L::; r}n~'~j.(l <\!lS':)~!.~j 4;'917.0 2'i37S',(l ~'1\J(IIL~:i IJIH4.7 14Yt)4.3 155J2,2 13991,6 12899 •• 11912,5 11333.5 17743,<\ 35206,7 4~~72.J J!72H,O 2J433.') 213~6.9 DS06.t. 10552.1 10899.3 98~i9.1 85(i,1.6 8381.1 9.q9,~:i ;W::i?H,;~ ":~,HI;~.~) :);~fi(n.J '1(l·1~i7.0 2~·;J?(I.(I :U'n(i.9 21536.9 16926.9 1600'1.1 143J2,8 13402.5 12508,0 12219 •• 422117.3 7J799.2 60567.5 65318,8 44997,~ 27~88.4 13141.6 97~:L6 9989.0 S·:HlJ.1 R13:·L9 803~i.9 7::,(18,'\ 1<d:·\ll.O :HI~'~:,i·.5 3H:'j6.() ::\7nB.O ;~(IS'?J.(I l'i'(I/.I).i. 158~H.7 12<)40.4 1J60H,6 12569,} 11818.5 11)722,5 9020.9 2121/,5 411332.3 47622.6 47151.4 29790,1 2J5.18,0 '-, r--.. _'-,.. ----r- TAI:LE 2.38 F'OST· .. PRD.lfCT fLDl~ (d f;lJl-H;HHH~ \cf,,) \·h.lMIr\lI:IE'JH. CMIYIlI-I t CMIE C YEAR OCT NfiV [lEC JM~ FEn 11M: 1M Y J\IN .11/1. (;til; SEP 1 HfJ47.2 l"~<)<)t).A 147:-;t).~! .n~~7L~~ 1:!~:!/.:~ J.()1n.:~ H9CLO UI:"!~~:~.~ :~~Ll?1..9 078:).1 ·1/I~~/,':?Q 2!1?:U.O "n",~.95,3 2 1512A.5 1055~.1 1083~.9 94~J.6 8139.0 HOJ5.9 9081.6 36890.5 ~16J7.1 5~6)2.1 5~6U6.0 3~129.0 21HO~.~ 3 119Hl.l 133111.1 1455~.9 13396.1 126Yl.6 11261.6 *r59,3 12t)J4.t) 46163.2 1~4~8,5 14443.0 26877,0 221)4.9 4 16499.415352.3 1504H.0 13407.6 l?7:~4.i, :t14liO.O 1(lfW.c1.8 4~~:~lll.:~ "·HIH:H.6 "1(11")07.1 41344.0 ~!/7.',,/.(I ;""~/'l:il:"{ 5 141P4.7 1()2:S'i,jI .l4.n3.:1 U/,W2.6 .l:!9{lfI.H 1():'j62,:~ 'i'1i(j,,>,:~ :~7UI:L'i ~W.);\(),'l 1tHWL4 4~SIlI)1.() 2~/:"il"l) ~:'-'H3.~5 6 14104.5 10972.2 1~007.4 :t391~.4 13100.0 12013.0 9i60.8 lY5Y(I.2 4Y~EJ.O 5222S.~ 63942.0 31539,~ 2557~.7 7 L~9n.9 U~-;<jO.H IH:~.Ll n(~:)7.·,~ 1~!~!{1:),8 IIB4fl.~~ IIfJ"lf>.fl ~!7()lll.:·i :·i:"~:W.L~! l.i)~j.S7.~S ~iIlJ"n.';J 4·1~S':).1) n:):~8,4 8 18233.9 15~~2,A 154~B.l 14027,9 13219.3 1'102.6 10540.8 ?!!9~6.0 60408.3 ~612~.1 4~703.0 J849J.B 265~0,7 9 21170.0 16<)26.H lA009.1 13H91.J 12996,9 11877.6 11331 •• 231167.2 44279.2 1J952,t ;6362.0 2184H,0 ~3!11.~ 10 13883.310411.1 10:U.O.8 1l932.1 13038.8104:19.3 S·/ilJ,).8 ?4l~'J.f, r.neS,7 5(I4/(I."} ~i3:):;~ .• 3 34~}r,·1~.(1 2'!:n;::.-1 11 IH112.9 15142.0 15372.7 14018.9 lJ029.1 11917.3 10494.2 2925},9 30357.5 42508.7 43725,0 31876.0 2j076.1 12 16405.6 13856.3 j569~.7 1433~.B 13176.8 1~2J4,? 1?218.4 25971).2 44071,2 47906.7 50516.0 32001.0 ?~9~8.J D 1:")/3,'>.9140.1.9.9 l:j4()1).9 1<\t)=!:L4 ul)n.;~ 1~!O<)7,7 111)76.0 .1"nB~L~·i :·inb::;'O :)1)9.37.9 ~)~i1,~·,!.5 ~~IP.l.l.") ~!b-1:";8./ 14 16937.9 14~R~.8 15270.8 14170.5 13402.5 11755.3 9527.7 27126.1 ~23~3.1 55208.6 41268.0 2R'12.9 2~2hO.R 15 21:):~6.9 1:"·jl:~1).8 1·1,'>~'Il.7 n:HI7,9 1:"!.'>n.~~ J"IH:··j2 •• ~ i!iJfU.a l<):UH.1) 1.rn:L2 ':)~;?~·i~!.2 H9~ILQ :::·;!S',},L .. O :!-':N.4 •. j 16 :I,14ti"l.8 D8W.b 15812.2 H01'l.1 U9~LR 1(l9~)7.3 10037.B :t9:~n.(1 ,P(lH.9 4(dlll", 4n:)~j,() 44997.5 24::;"l1.::: 17 18 19 20 21 22 n 24 2:5 26 ?7 28 29 30 MAX tlIN MEAN $ 21189.9 14544.H 15022.7 1:1742.9 13002~~ 11522.7 10200,8 13<)51.0 49519.5 4276J,5 5217/.0 27706.0 14319.1 9907.7 10527.5 :11895.8 13273.8 1(1932.3 9~~1.8 27500.6 48006.1 60166.3 6531B.G 37~7Y.O 13687.9 14493.0 15245.1 13951.6 lJ3H6.9 12508.0 1116J.6 314~J.l 57296,~ ~J786.9 41560,Q 21~h9,O 13141.t. 975:J.f. 9989.0 1·n8().b 11710.£1 101b1.3 9(144.81811(1,::' ]:)I)1Y,l :1(W:).~.O 31l648.0 24:~:~6,(J 13213.1 9975.3 10179.1 938J.l 9293.9 9349.4 9647,8 21053.0 3b932.0 15953,4 46946.0 27370,0 14491.1 11784,7 11140.2 9580.:1 8133.9 8170.9 7508.4 1J~68.9 ~197~.2 47~H7.4 ~4609.0 2H014.H :.!:~}.:.:: 8 t J ;~ C. tl ~:;;l , !~ .t 906B. ,~. ~~ () l-.• '2 ~ • ~~. ') ")1';<':"', ~) ,,: .... .1 I,.. I ,. 1129"1.'1' 1~jn,~,7 1~)17"1.1 I~HI8:),9 U179.1 1~!i)<J2,9 UI)~)~LI-l :nb'jll) ,I) 'l:i:n:L::! ,1:19840(; 4:W,SLO :HO~;,!,.\) ';:'1::;:";:;:.1:; 15215.2 H79~)':I :t~10f .. 9 13731.5 :l2S·S;fi.1 1117:;.3 ~\4?:L~) 160(,(I.S· 404U.7 ;,\~·9·"::j.O 4?~11J~i.0 2~·j4t,.1.0 214'79.0 14371.4 10279,9 1053Q.5 9431.9 11199.J 9597.9 9510.8 25<)17.5 J2964.1 392J3.9 J9~()2.i) 26161,0 19696.J 1 5 4 1 ::! • S" 1 (143 fL 1 1 0442 • 7 9 t. 6 ~ • 9 82 .\t .• l R? ~:'Il • 4 7:)::; 6 • 5 n 511 ,r. ;. ~~ 4 ''lIL 4 ~'j B 4 (I IJ Ill, 4 ::i::' B 8 • (I :~ 8:=;:."1 • (l ::~ ~\ J 1 3 • 0 16353.6 13461,8 14195.2 129J3.() 12J3'.8 10420.3 9896,H 18144,9 39997,2 1J050,O t4J~5,Q 20921.0 21118.1 13747.4 10753.b 11373.4 10109.6 8'1(19.1 1<'B~:)'~. 10US'.8 n79:L::; r}n~'~j.(l <\!lS':)~!.~j 4;'917.0 2'i37S',(l ~}1\'(IIL~:i IJIH4.7 14Yt)4.3 155J2.2 13991,6 12899 •• 11912.5 11333.5 17743.4 J5206.7 4~~72.J J!72H,O 2J433.') 213~6.9 DS06.t. 10552.1 10899.3 98~i9.1 85(i,o).6 8381.1 9.q9,~:i ;W::i?H.;~ ":~"HI;~.~) :);~fi'n.J '1(l·1~i7,0 2~';J?(',(, :U'n(i.9 21536.9 16926.9 16009.1 14332.8 13402.5 12508.0 12219 •• 422117.3 73799.2 60567.5 65318,8 44y97,~ 27~88.4 13141.6 97~:L6 9989.0 S·:HlJ.:I R13:'L9 803:\.9 7::,(18,'\ 1<d:·\ll.O :HI~'~:,i·.5 3H:"j6.{) ::\7nB.O ;~(IS'?J.(I l'i"(I/.B.i. 158~H.7 12<)40.4 IJ60H,6 12569,} 11818.5 11)722,5 9020.9 21217.5 411332.3 47622.6 47151.4 29790.7 2J5.18.0 '., ~J __ 1- TABLE 2.39 POST-PROJECT Fl.ml AT SlJHl'fIUi (cf!;) WATM1M))EI)H. CMf(I)U ; CM;E C YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 L~ 14 1•· ,) 16 17 IB 19 20 21 '1'1 ~-... ~,~ 2-1 25 26 D 28 29 30 MAX tlItI MEAN $ ~ . OCT NOV [lfr. JAN FE I< I'IM.: flPR 11(i)' .IIlN .IIIL r..1.I1l fin' 27713.6 1971~.5 17336.2 16693.2 15406.9 13516,0 12259,7 62107.0 119194.6109475,9 99551.8 40330.2 20926.6 12773,9 13015.8 13611.2 12998.9 12273,4 12815,H 53967.0 68019,7107302.5 93276.9 615~1.~ 32320.7 24050.9 17757.3 IH401.2 11217,0 14332,6 12587.9 46070,JI09972.5110833.3107266,1 76896.3 44057.B 24442.4 20714.0 18658,3 1716A,1 15512.8 14595.4 00825.3115310,9112525.3 89000,0 38l97.7 21816.2 16976.~ 15667.9 11217,6 14972,9 13119.0 1290H,J 53106.~ 92716,410J528,0114496.7 6265~.3 25812.2 13800.0 16877.4 17?43.0 157~6.1 14751.6 13015.2 55996,2l493~5.Bl~0210,8106370.0 49658.6 2~!90:j .. ~ 1 97'I~j • 7 111~j,~6. a IM124. 4 1 flO It) ,,1 14 H:L 7 U7a~j. i) 7b ~O 1 • :S.l-'lo~!al:' :i1411~H:L 1J. ~:i)7t)·1. 41001'~.1. fL ~ 44803.5 30171.3 24687.4 20622.0 1813~.4 16611.7 15339.1 58010.41:i747~.1124140.4116?72.9 78197.8 55407,0 27701.4 20505.4 173H5,~ Ib~117,H 15913,4 16i)Jl.0 ~6~2H.7 Y6~24,0106JH2.~ 89068,5 51803.3 32848.4 14608.5 11432.2 16340.7 165~4.1 13804.8 13070.6 51339,0 95705.~1~9166.~jI9937.6 6~5H~,3 2Hn6.t) 181)<)1.:') 17:m4.~{ 16676.~~ II1D;!.1 ),·\H'i.Li' ).~nB~j,fl 4<I:H~!,~) 1~HHI),91D68B.lJ.Onll1.b 7i):S::,~:;, 1 33191.9 20661.5 2J960.9·22262~9 J973~.8 17986.8 16912.0 i'H9Y6.9134900.31~~735,7106596.~ 58434.3 JOIH6.5 20406.2 19557.5 111851.5 15916,/ 1498J.3 14130,2 49Jl].3132777.0126623.2115202,0 74R06.~ 30698.1 19287.3 19445.4 18767.2 1763~.1 15414.4 13067.4 45704.3 71362.01~3409.7 Y5036.8 7(,013.3 40828.2 20925.4 16730,7 Ib9~2.0 159116,9 13041,] 1213J.6 3722<).21151151.6111222,0 81H39.5 15HJ~.H 29761.716854.6 17402.8 1759~.0 16175.6 14309.2 13122,9 14761.4 93598.51'9751.2102725,9 81238.8 .~9~B:)' 1 21 ~):~,~.,~ 20?17, 0 1 a:s,t,'}' 7 17 '1B2 , (.J 1 !'in(L:~ q6~H.l ·:}<)lil:L 41 ()~jJ. :s:! , :-s 11):H n • 91 OBH?'i.:~ t, J 4:P ,:s 29164.3 18575.3 14993.4 16226.3 17705.9 14822.5 138113.4 3269S.21167~:i.011YJ~7.6119H89.B B9~?7.0 I) 07(),!,.4 24 <J ,\~! • 8 ~!~j7 6.L 1 ~~ D7 <I • S :!t)'/:n, 1 1 T'W2 • i) L~:P L~! :W{d ~j,:1.l 1,11:19:L ~~ 11 <\ ~jt.:L 4 IH11).L:i 1 :!:il,n ,a 289'10.1 163~i9.(l 1395~.5 14t.15,6 If.143d 13,~74.b 12714.8 ·H"8B.:) 94~'(l(,,91(1:~nll.9 ,,'21:)4.0 5n9:;.l, :.~6 4 ao .:') '12796.6 12.H,1. :'j 1 :!iJ~j7 .:s 11·\ n , :.! lJ. ,S 99, C) .1.1 ~!1I6 • 'J 'HI <\o:! .:! a:)<,J:\:! • .t.llli LS 7, I1I)Y74 a II) 811.?',~L a 35044.4 20924.9 j4B43.4 1276J.R 11873.7 1170~.5 10~~5.9 3~626.2 98023.4121983.8113100.1 ~1)631).0 35745.123JI3.6 19042.9 19008.6 170J6.4 15403,1 14743.7 44552,015441J.71294711.811)030b.6 57120,' 28409.1 23630.0 19?24.0 JB~2~.7 17490.8 14841.9 14291.0 12319.9103275.81l1596,2 98970.8 4~~S2,8 24063.1 15694.2 13097.5 IJ951.5 1~421,6 lJ671.5 IJ565.6 5511119.3 57089.1 90191.2 76031.5 ~31JJ,5 22630.9 15900.1 16084.7 14715.9 13030.7 12466.4 J1263.5 4j677.410A41?61j~417.6 B5'70.1 7013(,.1 32339,6 19156.H 17451.2 16<)95.0 15593.8 13507.3 13~55,H 115130,0 906Jl.~1027~ •• 1 91350,1 51329,0 33267.4 23135.6 191811.4 15978.6 13980.1 1441lB,6 12835.8 316HJ.~11)0522.31306511,511R260.1 80~JO,1 38015.7 20404.3 17748.2 16755.6 16443,4 1~500,5 14824.5 43706,4 IH092,111)l2012.4 97710.2 56193.0 39093.6 19904.1 l5iJ97.3 15008.1 13246.6 12450,1 14598.5 7591?3103~5~.512~623.1119710.0 l2870.0 55407,0 30171,J 25163.1 222~2.9 209J3.1 17136.H 16912.0 H"615,3151474.114""13,lt20709.4101~18.~ 20926.6 12773.9 11432.7 12763.8 11427.2 11699.0 106~5.9 32626,2 ~7089.1 90191.2 76031.5 38197.7 32514.9 19<)12.3 17701.8 17024.7 15949,8 14~26.2 13644,1 5625".111)6J71,211A7l3,71026~1.9 638~7.6 L--~ ~ L-- ,; I! 1-111;\1 -1.L'"n,9 1)(l4!'i3, 6 4';>:;;.'12.8 A 'i'~,:, to. 'l ~ ~j l/,2 , 1 5(1~'.',.l • 3 ~)'I}OI.9 :)11'/11.9 ~la:.'~)7. 4 t\ B l; 3 ~~. ( 1. ,'·1:·.,':0.2 !) ''I 'J'I.~ • :~ :)}9~6.? I~~I?:':=-i. 4 ·1-17::17. ~; Irl·~ y.;~ 4 0 -:~H.\H3 t /., 5:~.t60. 0 ~i.1.~sn8. ~' ·1:Q I"} • f: 'I:;:' ,13,2 ,,1:"('.1'."; ., '},}/\},}c .:. :) .. 1.:\:j i' • 1 'I i;. (, 'l.~ I 8 :~\!, :'~~6. 6 Jl1J9~!I:{ '1q~)06tt) 547M .• l :1:-q·19.0 5~~il.~J. /1 :')'1.701, I.j !,.~6i·H\~,'; ;:p.)O,<) .-.-~ , --'- ~J __ 1- TABLE 2.39 POST-PROJECT Fl.ml AT SlJHl'fIUi (cf!;) WATM1M))EI)H. CMf(I)U ; CM;E C YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 L~ 14 1 :) 16 17 IB 19 20 21 '1'1 ~-... ~.~ 2-1 25 26 D 28 29 30 MAX tlItI MEAN $ . OCT NOV JAN FE I< flPR .IIIL fin' 27713.6 1971~.5 17336.2 16693.2 15406.9 13516,0 12259,7 62107.0 119194.6109475,9 99551.8 40330.2 20926.6 12773,9 13015.8 13611.2 12998.9 12273,4 12815,H 53967.0 68019,7107302.5 93276.9 615~1.~ 32320.7 24050.9 17757.3 IH401.2 11217,0 14332,6 12587.9 46070,JI09972.5110833.3107266,1 76896.3 44057.B 24442.4 20714.0 18658,3 1716A,1 15512.8 14595.4 00825.3115310,9112525.3 89000,0 38l97.7 21816.2 16976.~ 15667.9 11217,6 14972,9 13119.0 1290H,J 53106.~ 92716,410J528,0114496.7 6265~.3 25812.2 13800.0 16877.4 17?43.0 157~6.1 14751.6 13015.2 55996,2l493~5.Bl~0210,8106370.0 49658.6 2~!90:j .. ~ 1 97'I~j • 7 111~j,~6. a IM124. 4 1 flO It) ,,1 14 H:L 7 U7a~j. i) 7b ~O 1.:S 1-'10~!al:' :i1411~H:L 1J. ~:i)7t)·1. 4104,~.1. fL ~ 44803.5 30171.3 24687.4 20622.0 1813~.4 16611.7 15339.1 58010.41:i747~.1124140.4116?72.9 78197.8 55407.0 27701.4 20505.4 173H5.~ Ib~117.H 15913.4 16i)Jl.0 ~6~2H.7 Y6~24.0106JH2.~ 89068.5 51803.3 32848.4 14608.5 11432.2 16340.7 165~4.1 13804.8 13070.6 51339,0 95705.~1~9166.~jI9937.6 6~5H~,3 2Hn6.0 181)91.:') 17:m4.~{ 16676.~~ II1D;!.1 ),·\H'i.Li' ).~nB~j,fl 4<I:H~!.~) 1~HHI),91D68B.lJ.l)nll1.b 7i):S::,~:;, 1 33191.9 20661.5 2J960.9·22262~9 J973~.8 17986.8 16912.0 i'H9Y6.9134900.31~~735,7106596.~ 58434.3 JOIH6.5 20406.2 19557.5 111851.5 15916.7 1498J.3 14130.2 49Jl].3132777.0126623.2115202.0 74R06.~ 30698.1 19287.3 19445.4 18767.2 176J~.1 15414.4 13067.4 45704.3 71362.01~3409.7 Y5036.8 7(,013.3 40828.2 20925.4 16730.7 Ib9~2.0 159116.9 13041.7 1213J.6 37229.21151151.6111222.0 81H39.5 15HJ~.H 29761.7 16854.6 17402.8 1759~.0 16175.6 14309.2 13122,9 14761.4 93598.51'9751.2102725,9 81238.8 .~9~B:)' 1 21 ~):~,~ •. ~ 20~!17, ° 1 a:s,t,'}' 7 17 '1B2 , (.J 1 !'in(L:~ q6~H.l ·:}Ylil:L 41 ()~jJ. :s:! • :H O:H n • 91 OBH?'i.:~ t, J 4:P ,:s 29164. 3 1f~~,7:).:S 14993.4 16226. 3 177(l~i. 9 148~!~). ~:i D8IU. 4 :):)69~).:O u. 6n:L (l1l~':VI7. 6 Ll. 'ifW'l. f; 8S·~?7. ('I 407(),!,,4 249 ,\~! • a ~!~j7 6.L 1 ~~ D7 <I • S :!t)'/:n> 1 1 T'W2 • i) L~:P L~! :W{d ~j,:1.1. 1.11:19:L ~~ 11 <I ~jt.:L 4 IH1I).1,:i 1 :!:il,n ,a 289'10.1 163~i9.(l 1395~.5 14t.15,6 If.143d 13,~74.b 12714.8 ·H"8B,:) 94~'(l(,,91(1:~nll.9 ,,'21:)4.0 5n9:;.l, :.~.s 4 ao .:') '12796.6 12.H,1. :'j 1 :!iJ~j7 .:s 11·\ n • :.! 1J. ,S 99. C) .1.1 ~!lI.s • 'J 'HI <\o:! .:! i1:)<,J:I:! • .t.t 111 LS 7> 11 !)Y"l <\ a II) 811.?',~L a 35044.4 20924.9 14B43.4 1276J.R 11873.7 1170~.5 10~~5.9 3~626.2 98023.4121983.8113100.1 ~1631.0 35745.123JI3.6 19042.9 19008.6 170J6.4 15403.1 14743.7 44552.015441J.712947i1.8100306.6 57120,' 28409.1 23630.0 19?24~0 JB~2~.7 17490.8 14841.9 14291.0 12319.9103275.81l1596,2 98970.8 4~~S2,8 24063.1 15694.2 13097.5 IJ951.5 1~421,6 13.171.5 lJ565.6 5511119.3 57089.1 90191.2 76031.5 ~31JJ.5 22630.9 15900.1 16084.7 14715.9 13030.7 12466.4 J1263.5 4j677,410A41?61j~417.6 B5'70.1 7013(,.1 32339,6 19156.H 17451.2 16995.0 15593.8 13507.3 13~55.H 115130.0 90631.~1027~ •• 1 91350.1 51329,0 33267.4 23135.6 191811.4 15978.6 13980.1 1441lB,6 12835.8 51.sHJ.~110522.3130651l,511R260.1 80~JO,1 38015.7 2(41)<\.3 17748.2 16755.6 16443.4 1~500.5 1<\824.5 43706,4 IH092.110l242 •• 97710.2 56193.0 39093.6 19904.1 J5iJ97.3 1500a.1 13246.6 12450,j 14598.5 7591?3103~5~.512~623.1119710.0 l2870.0 55407,0 30171,J 25163.1 222~2.9 209~3>1 17136.H 16912.0 H"615.3151474.114""13.1t20709.4101~18.~ 20926.6 12773.9 11432.7 12763.8 11427.2 11699.0 106~5.9 32626,2 ~7089.1 90191.:0 76031.5 38197.7 32514.9 19912.3 17701.8 17024.7 15949.8 14~26,2 IJ644,1 5625".II06J71>211A7l3.71026~1.9 .s38~7.6 -1.L'"n.9 1(l1j!'i3, 6 4';>:;;.'12.8 A 'i'~,:, to. 'l ~ ~j l/,2 • I 5(1~'.',.l • 3 ~)'I}OI.9 :W'l11.9 ~la:.'~)7. 4 t\ B l; 3 ~~. ( 1. ,'·1:·.,':0.2 !) ''I 'J'I.~ • :~ :)}9~6.? Irl·~ y.;~ 4 0 -:~H.\H3 t /., 5:~.t60. 0 ~i.1.~sn8. ~' ·1:Q I"} • f: '1:;:'·13.2 '1:)()~-j:~ c:~ :) .. 1.:\:j i' • 1 'I i;. {, 'l.~ I 8 547M .• l :1:-q·19.0 :')'1.701. 'i .-.~ , ~'- r- (\' " F ! ~ ii 1 ) 08~ . coot< INLET 06n e ANO<ORAG( 0 ..... ' HEALY e06n PAL .. ER Qo 0681 DATA COLLECTION STATIONS ! ;;: 001'" STATION I .. ) SUSITN.. RnlEA NEAR DEN .. U 18) SVSITNA RnlER AT Y[[ CANroN Ie) $lIS,TNJ. AnlER HEAA WATANA DO .. SlTt 10) SUSITNA IInlEII HEAR [)(VlL C .. NYON IE) SVSITNA IInlEA AT GOLD CRU~ ") CHULITNA AlY[A HEAR Tl.L~f:£TNJ. 1(;) Tt.L~UTN" RrJDI HE .. R ,AUtE(TNJ. h.) SUS'lNA ftlVER HEAR SUN5><'NE III SKWENTNA IInlER HEAR S~"EonNJ. IJI HNTN" A-y(R HEAR SUSlYN .. SUT'ON 1., SUS.T ..... A'VEl! AT SUYTN .. S'JATION (L I MCLAREN RIVER AT PAXSON x x x x IC X x X x x x x x x x x x J( x x x X X x IC IC )( J( x x x \ I r ~", , !- Df.TA COLLECTED • STR[ ..... 'lD"'· CONTINUOUS RECORD o STT«,,"'nD'" -""RnAL RCeDRD • WA.TER OUAUTY T ",UER TE ... '"(RATUR( .. SEDI ... eNT DISCHARC( c:> cu ..... Tt IHlJ()( NUU 5~UHG C\fOO 0200 OX>O C>4O() 0:.00 06:Xl fRCEZINC RAIN AND IHCl.OUD ICINC 0700 SNOW COURSE 0600 SHOW CREEP 0900 NOTES 70, CONTINUOUS WATER OUALITY MONITOR INSTAlLED 3, DATA COLLECTION 1981 SEASON ~_ THE LETTER BEFORE [ADi STATION NAME IN T){[ TABLE IS U5t:D ON THE .... P TO Mt.R~ THE APPROX.IoUTE lDCATION Of' THE STATIONS, ~ STATION NUMBERS UNDERLINED ...ottJrrES Ol>.TA COLLECTED , BY STU9Y TE .... I IN 1980-81., SNOW COURSES "EASURED -ARt: NOT UNDERLINED FOR CLARITY. SCALE ,"PPROX.I FIGURE E.2.1 _,"_~_~ __ .. ..---.--_--.,----:::--:---=-:-:-:-:=~-:-:--__ ----------=--=-::"::":"=--':~:::.J r- (\' " F ! ~ ii 1 ) r ~--~ 08~ . coot< INLET 06n e ANO<ORAG( 0 ..... ' 0Ii70 e ONEN .. NIo. HEALY E> Olin PAL .. ER Qo 0681 DATA COLLECTION STATIONS ! ;;: STATION RAPIDS G' 061<4 PAXSON e OIiTfi I .. ) SUSITN.. RnlEA NE .. R DEN .. U 18) SVSITNA RnlER AT Y[[ CANroH Ie) $lIS,T"" AnlER HEAR W"T .. N" DO .. SlTE 10) SUSITNA IInlEII HEAR [)(VlL CANYON IE) SVSIT"'A IInlER AT GOLD CRU~ ") CHULITNA AlY[A N[AR Tl.L~f:£T"" 1(;) Tt.L~UTN" RrJDI NE .. R TAUtE(T"" h.) SUS'l"'A ftlVER N[AR SUN5><'N( III SKW[NT"A IInlER N[AR S~"Eon .... IJI HNTN.. A-y(R N[AR SUSlYN .. SUT'ON 1., SUS.l ..... A'VEl! AT SUYTN .. SUTIOH (L I MCLAREN RIVER AT PAXSON X X X J( x X x x X X X " X X X X J( x2 X X IC X x x x x " x x X X " X X X X II II IC X )( x X X X { ! I r ~", , !- ,,~, -I'/I( NT I I' ['961 ~ !972' c(8 IUO -PRE~KT IC X 19tD-~R( " NT X 19'~-~R(~£~ 19~r -"~72U (198~ -FP.( NT 1964 -PR(tNT 198·· PRE NT '9~9 -~98o' 198" -~R[~NT 197< • PR[ NT 1- Df.TA COLLECTED • STR[ ..... 'lD"'· CONTINUOUS RECORD o S1T« ..... nD .. · -""RTlAL RCeDRD • WA.TER OUAUTY T ",UER TE ... '-(RATUR( .. SEDI ... eNT DISCHARC( c:> CLI ..... TE IHlJ()( NUU 5~UHG C\fOO 0200 OX>O C>4O() 0:,00 06:Xl fRCEZINC RAIN AND IHCl.OUD ICINC 0700 SNOW COURSE 0600 SHOW CREtP 0900 70, CONTINUOUS WATER QUALITY MONITOR INSTAu.ED 3, DATA COLLECTION 1981 SEASON ~_ THE LETTER BEFORE [ADi STATION NAME IN T){[ TABLE IS U5t:D 011 THE .... P TO MAR~ THE APPROXIIoUTE lDCATION OF THE STATIONS, ~ STATION NUMBERS UND£RLINED ...ottJrrES o.o.TA COLLECTED . BY STU9Y TEUI IN 1980-81., SHOW COURSES "E.lSURED -ARt: NOT UNDERLINED FOR CLARITT. SCALE ,"PPROX,I _.,_~_~ __ .~ . ....-___ --:--_---:::---:--:-:--:-:--:-::=::-::---:-~---_----------~F~I::G::U~RE~~E~. ::.-2~. :.J1 .Ll. Susitna R. near DenalL THRFE PARAMETE~ LOG-NORMAL DISTRlnUTION-wtTH q5 PCT (1 PARAMETERS ESTIMATED f\Y MAXHIlJM llKLlHOOD '~-~~ 10f5----------------------------------------------------~-------------------------_____________________________________________ _ 1 I 1 I t I I I I I I 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________________ _ 1 I t I I I I It] I I I I I I I I I I I I I B -----------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------_______________ _ I I I I I I I I 1 I I I· I ' I I I I I 1 I 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b ____________________________________________________ J_---------------------------------------________ ~------______ -___ _ I I I fil I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ,I I I I 5 ----------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------I I I I I I 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------1 I I I I I 1 I J 1 I I II I 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I 1 I 1 I 1 'I 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 I ~----------------------~ 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 'I I I I 1 • 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I 10f4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.Z~ Z.n 5.0 10. ZOo 50. 100. ZOO. 500. X--ClASERVFD OATh 0--F5TIMATED DATA RECUR~ENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS *--95( CONFIDENCF LIMITS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI FIGURE E.2.2 Susitna R. near DenalL THRFE PARAMETE~ LOG-NORMAL DISTRlnUTION-wtTH q5 PCT (1 PARAMETERS ESTIMATED f\Y MAXHIlJM llKLlHOOD 10f5----------------------------------------------------~-------------------------_____________________________________________ _ 1 I 1 I til 1 I I I 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________________ _ 1 I I I I I B ~------------~------------------~--------------------!------------------------------------___ ! _________ ! __________________ ! I . I 1 I I ' 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________ _ I 1 1 1 1 I 1 b i------------i------------------~-------------------i~-------------------~----------~--------f------- 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I ,I I 1 1 5 ----------------------------------------------------~--------------------I----------j----------- 1 1 1 I 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------1 1 1 t I f II I 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 1 I 1 I 1 'I 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 I ------------------------I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 ~~ X x I I I I I 'I 1 1 I I • I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 10f4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 I.Z~ Z.n 5.0 10. ZOo 50. 100. ZOO. 500. X--ClASERVFD OATh 0--F5TIMATED DATA RECUR~ENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS *--95( CONFIDENCF LIMITS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DENALI FIGURE E.2.2 ,--_--1 :::-:~ !';usitn,l K. UC:1C Cllntwcll L " (. -r: 0 ~~. A L D I <; T n I n 'J T I 011-II I T 1\ 'l'i P (T ( L Ir~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------.------ 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 1 1 I I I I I t ------------------------------------------------------------ I I I • -----I 1 I ~ x I I I -------------- I 1 I I I I 11 f' • 1 "I ~ '1 (, ') ;0 I ____ ~ I I ________________________________ _ ---------I------X~_~~~~~!~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ _______________________________ . ----------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------.------ I 1 I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------------------. I I I I I I' I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I 10r3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------, .005 1.05 '.25 2.0 'i.0 10. 20. SO. lao. 200. 500. x--OOSERVEn DATA O--ESTIMATED DATA .--95( CONFIDFNCE LIMITS RF.CU~RENCE INT(RV~L IN YEARS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL FIGURE E.2.3 !';usitn,l K. UC:1C Cllntwcll L " (. -r: 0 ~~. A L D 1 <; T n 1 n 'J T 1 011-II 1 T 1\ '1 'i P (T C L lr~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::: 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? l1f' 1 1 I I :------------:------------------~--------------------t-------1 1 1 I 1 1 x 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------x------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 1 --------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------. ----------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------1 I ,I I I I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 • I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I l n r3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------" .005 1.05 '.25 2.0 'i.0 10. 20. SO. 100. 200. 500. x--OOSERVEn DATA O--ESTIMATED DATA .--95( CONFIDFNCE LIMITS RF.CU~RENCE INT(RV~L IN YEARS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL FIGURE E.2.3 ~--, __ L Susilna R. at Gold Creek THRFE PARAMFTFR I OG-~OnMAL OISTRlmITIQN-WITH q5 PeT CL PARAMFTFRS FSTINATFD AY MAXIMUM 1,lKLIHOOO 10Fb----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----~----7 ----------------------------------------------~--I I I I I I I I I I I 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I " I I I I I I I 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I . I I I I I 3 ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I 1. I I ..,.,... I, I I I I ............... I 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I ---t--1 I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I IOF5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I 1 I I I I I _ l " q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --O--X---:~~ -~------------------------R 7 I> 5 4 I I I )C I I· 1 1 I I I I I 3 ~-------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 , ~------------------\--------------------\-------------------\----------\--------\---------\-----\------\------1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I IOF4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.25 2.0 5.0 10. 20. 50. 100. 200. 500. X--GASFRVEO DATA O--ESTIMATFO OATA ---951 CONFIDENCF LIMITS PEcuRRENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FIGURE E.2.4 -__ L Susilna R. at Gold Creek htRFF. I'ARAHFTFR IOG-llOIHIAL ()15TRIRlITlnN-WlTH q5 PCT CL PARAI·IFTFR5 E'5THIATFr> AY "'AXHIUM UKLlHOO() 10Fb----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_---_____ _ b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 5 i------------i------------------j--------------------j-1-----------------I----------i--------1---------1-----1------1------\ 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 3 .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I. I I I I I I I 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I IOF5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I 1 I I q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R -----------------------------------------------------------------------7 5 4 1 ----------------------------------------------------------I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I 3 l---------:--~~l ------------------~-------------------~----------~--------I---------~-----~------i------~ ~ I I I 111111 I I I I I I I I I I I 2 ----------1------------------1--------------------1-------------------I----------j--------i---------j-----1------1------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I , I I I I 1 I I I I I , I IOF4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.25 2.0 5.0 10. 20. 50. 100. 200. 500. PECURRENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS X--GASFRVE() DATA O--ESTIMATFO DATA ---951 CONFIDENCF LIMIT5 ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FIGURE E.2.4 -__ L MLclaren R. ncar Paxson THRFF PARAMFTfR LOG-NORMAL OI5TRIP.UTI1N-WITH q5 peT CL PARAflFHR5 E5TIMATEO RY MAXI~·ml I.IKLlIIOOO ._';;....---==;- IOF5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2_ 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I 1 1 1 I I t I t I I I I t I I I 4 --------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------I I It· I I It' I I I I I I t I /1 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --------------------------------------------------------.----------------------------------------I I t I I I I I I IOF4-----------------------~-------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 --------------------------------------------------------------, I I I -----------------------------I b ---------------------------------------~ . . . . t 5 ,------------;-------------:::x ::;::&;-x--x--x x x ~----I----------I--------i---------i-----i------i------I 4 ••••• • ~ ~ •• ~. x ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I IOF3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 \.25 2.0 5.0 10. 20. 50. 100. 200. 500. X--OA5FRVFO DATA O--ESTIMATEO DATA *--q51 CONFIDENCE LIMITS P.F.(lJRRENCE INTERVAL IN yEAR5 ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON FIGURE E.2.5 MLclaren R. ncar Paxson THRFF PARAMFTfR LOG-NORMAL OI5TRIP.UTI1N-WITH q5 peT CL PARAflFHR5 E5TIMATEO RY MAXI~·ml I.IKLlIIOOO IOF5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I 1 1 1 I I t 4 ~------------~------------------:--------------------:--l----------------!----------!--------!---------!-----!-I I It· I . I I t I I I I I I I I I 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --------------------------------------------------------.----------------------------------------I I I I 1 I I I I I I I IOF4-----------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------A -------------------------------------~-----------------------------7 --------------------------------------------------------------, b ------------------------------------------------~-~-:;-~~----...... 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X--OA5FRVFO DATA O--ESTIMATEO DATA *--951 CONFIDENCE LIMITS P.F.(lJRRENCE INTERVAL IN yEAR5 ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE MACLAREN RIVER NEAR PAXSON FIGURE E.2.5 ;--------L_ Chulitna R. near Talkeetna THREE PARAMETER LOG-NORMAL D15TRIAUTIQN-WITH 95 peT CL PARAMETERS ESTIMATED BY MAXIMUM LIKLIHOOO IOF5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1 I I I 1 I 1 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------I 1 1 I I 1 I I A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I 1 I 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I b -----------------------I I I .. 1 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 I " J I I 1 I I I ~ l: ~.:::=-= I" 1 1 1 1 1 I ! _____ _ __________________________ ! _____________ -_____ ! __________ ! ________ ! _________ ! _____ ! _____________ _ I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I \, 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1'1 I I I I I I I I I I ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I" 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I IOF4---------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------1.005 I.U5 1.2~ 2.0 5.0 10. 20. 50. 100. 200. 500. x--Oa5FRVEO DATA 0--[5TIMATED DATA *--951 (ONFIDFNCF LIMITS RfCuRRENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE CHULITNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA '-r-~~ __ FIGURE E.2.6 Chulitna R. near Talkeetna THREE PARAMETER LOG-NORMAL DlSTRIAUTIQN-WITH 95 peT CL PARAMETERS ESTIMATED BY MAXIMUM LIKLIHOOO IOF5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I 1 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------I I b -----------------------I I I 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------~::--:---~--~---;.---f---~--=---=---E--~---f---~---J--=-_-= __ J 3 I .1 I I I I I ~::::::::~~~::-~--~--~--~--------------------------------~---________________________________________ 1 _____________ _ I I I I I I I I I \, I I I I 1 I I I I I I I . I I I I I I ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I IOF4---------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------1.005 I.U5 1.2~ 2.0 5.0 10. 20. 50. 100. 200. 500. x--Oa5FRVEO DATA 0--[5TIMATED DATA *--951 (ONFIDFNCF LIMITS RfCuRRENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE CHULITNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA FIGURE E.2.6 ~~-- Talkeetna R. ncar Talkeetna THREE PARAMFTER LOG-~ORMAL DISTRIBUTION-WITH 95 peT CL PARAMETERS fSTIMATFD BY M"XI~\llM LIKLlHOOO 10Fb----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________ _ 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________________ _ 8 --------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------_______ -_______ _ 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___________________________ _ b -----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------_______________ _ I 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I , 1 I I I I I , 4 ~------------~------------------~--------------------~-------------------~----------f--------i---------f-----~------~--- I I I I 1 I J I I 3 j------------j------------------j--------------------r--------------------------I I ' J I ---------------------Z ______________ I 1 I I -------------___________________________ 1 1 1 1 1 _____________ 1 I 1 1 1 ------------------------------i--------~---------~-- I I 1 I I I' 1 ~ 10F5----------------1 I I I I I _______________________________ I I I I 9 _____________ ~__ ' ---------------------I I I I -------------------8 ___________ _____________ I ------------I 1 -----------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::~::::::::--!-----==-------------- A ______ _ b ---------------------------------------------------------------------------, 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------I I 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------j------------------;- 3 -.---X--------_ I I ~ ~.", ~ I --!--------j---------j-----j-------------- ~_____ _____________ _____________ I I I 1 i= ~ I -------------------------------I I I I ------------------Il ,I I I I I ---j-------------- I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I 10F4--------------------------------------------------___ I 1 I I I I 1.005 1.05 1.25 z:o-----------------s-o----------------------------!-----~------~------! X--OBSfRVFO DATA RECuRRENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS • 10. 20. 50. 100. 200. 500. z O--F.STIIIATF.O OATA 1l--951 (ONFIDFN[F LIMITS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE TALKEETNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA FIGURE E.2.7 · ,-------.---._--------.~~- Talkeetna R. ncar Talkeetna THREE PARAMFTER LOG-~ORMAL DISTRIBUTION-WITH 95 peT CL PARAMETERS fSTIMATFD BY MAXI~\llM LIKLlHOOO 10Fb----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________ _ q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 --------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------_______ -_______ _ 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___________________________ _ b --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___________________ _ I 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I , 1 I I I I I , 4 ~------------~------------------~--------------------~-------------------~----------f--------i---------f-----~------~--- I I I I 1 I J I I 3 -----------------------------------------------------r------------------------------------------------------------, I I ,I I I I I I 1 1 , 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------j------------------j-- 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 10F5-----------------------------------------------------'---------------------------------------, I , I I 1 q -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I 'I b ---------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------I I 1 4 -----------------------------------------------------j---------------------------------I ~ I I I 3 ----X--------------------------------------------------I I I I 1 !~====::::=*~~;;====~~~~~~::~::~~~~ I I 1 I I I -----------~-~-----~-~-~--~-------------------------------------------------------------I--------------2 Il I I I \ 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 10F4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.25 2.0 5.0 10. 20. 50. 100. 200. 500. RECuRRENCE INTERVAL IN YEARS X--OBSfRVFO DATA O--F.STIIIATF.O OATA 1l--951 (ONFIDFN[F LIMITS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE TALKEETNA RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA FIGURE E.2.7 r-____ Skwentna IL near Skwcl,tna THREE PARAt-IETFR lOCi-NORMAL nI5TRIPIJTlntl-WTTH 9~ PCT C"L PARAMFTER5 E~TII<\ATED BY MAXIMUM L1KLIHOOO 10F5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________ _ I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I , 1 9 ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------__ ----------------I 1 . I 1 I I I I R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b 5 _____ 1 _________________________________________________ - 4 -----1 1 I I I I 3 2 1 I I I 1 -I -----------------------------------------------------------------I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I -I , I I I I I I I I I I 10F4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.7.~ 2.0 5.0 10. ZOo 50. 100. ZOO. 500. X--ORSFRVfn DATA O--ESTIMATEn nATA *--95t CONFIDENCF LIMITS RECURPENCF INTERVAL IN YEARS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SKWENTNA RIVER NEAR SKWENTNA FIGURE E.2.8 Skwentna IL near Skwcl,tna THREE PARAt-IETFR lOCi-NORMAL nI5TRIPIJTlntl-WTTH 9~ PCT C"L PARAMFTER5 E~TII<\A.TED BY MA.XIMUM L1KLIHOOO 10F5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________ _ I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I , 1 9 ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------__ ----------------I I . I 1 I I I I R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b 5 I I I 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I -----------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II , I I I I I I I I I I 10F4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.005 1.05 1.7.~ 2.0 5.0 10. ZOo 50. 100. ZOO. 500. X--ORSFRVfn DATA O--ESTIMATEn nATA *--95t CONFIDENCF LIMITS RECURPENCF INTERVAL IN YEARS ANNUAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE SKWENTNA RIVER NEAR SKWENTNA FIGURE E.2.8 ,---"'-=- w > 0:: :J U --~------.,------,------_. '1 1I111 ~'I-. "WIIIII-l-~'I"'I"'II'" -llir"'1 . --1-"'I ··[_· .. ··· .. [111·/·-'~rl ;':11' NOliE:.': '1 :: ·1 :1'.,> :~=-:l r:·~·~;:·::Y·:: .. :-":::::'::;-.::1 :."'.::~ 7.0 ...\ 1'! J~I' ~'H ICA'" ~ , V. ~I • fI -~-". U '. . -.. . -. . t---.. --~.. .. --. I -,0.. " ti ro I" l" . -.. -. - - --. . . _ f-_ _ . ___ .. . . T -E R' ~ [J IF W . .. " . - . . _. -. _.. . -'--. . -. -" "'- 6.0 i 'I" -'-,.S I -r-= r:-. I . I '.:: . I' -.. ' .: -' I . : - : ~.,,_._ ~;~. '.; .: .~ .. ~ .:~ -R.~ ~il' . r 1·1 ~ ..• :~~r7.$!5·t ~JA!.l I <. . ~. tJ . I{I :. . ~ . 0 '.. . 4 :\t ~~~~~.:;~ -:.I! ... < .; ~~ .;~ I ;.< ,'. 5.o·~J:I!jt~;.i i., ,. l~·'·H'·.'.··r:'.:i:.·:~~~:,. 1:.<:.~·.:0.:.=:ii;:~il:::~.' ·~;.:·~~~·:·:~~l .. ~I.::.~, _.-y I,H" WI;~E"--" IJ .. ··· T '" .... . .... -------.... 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IIT· .----_. __ . .. .. ..... ,-~,-"""t--I--... + __ . __ "Tl.Uul .. _ -=::: .. :~ .: --.. . : ...... : . -:. -... ~ ~ . L::: I-- -~ :: -:=~: J.=- rm,c .. .ti. ~ 1.0 -l Z o o 1.005 1.05 1.25 2 5 10 20 RETURN PERIOD (YRS.) DESIGN DIMENSIONLESS .R'EGIONAL FREQUENCY CURVE ANNUAL INSTANTANEOUS FLOOD PEAKS 50 100 200 500 10,000 FIGURE E.2.9 1 .... :-~~ w > 0:: :J U 3.0 1.005 1.05 1.25 2 5 10 20 RETURN PERIOD (YRS.) DESIGN DIMENSIONLESS .REGIONAL FREQUENCY CURVE ANNUAL INSTANTANEOUS FLOOD PEAKS I -..... -~--.! .~ 50 100 200 500 10,000 FIGURE E.2.9 \ \ ( 180 I I . 165 150 ,I I 135 ! 120 (/) ~ I u 105 0 ~ ~ 90 lJJ (!) ct: ~ 75 :x: u (/) 0 60 45 30 15 0 1.005 .2 5 10 20 50 100 1,000 K),OOO RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) WATANA NATURAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE FIGURE E.2.10 \ \ ( 180 I I . 165 150 ,I I 135 ! 120 (/) ~ I u 105 0 ~ ~ 90 lJJ (!) ct: ~ 75 :x: u (/) 0 60 45 30 15 0 1.005 .2 5 10 20 50 100 1,000 K),OOO RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) WATANA NATURAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE FIGURE E.2.10 (, (., , \ l i -! I -( ! ) \ l 180 165 150 135 120 -(/) u.. <.> 105 0 0 Q -90 ILl (!) a:: < 75 J: <.> (/) 0 60 45 30 15 a 1.005 .2 5 10 20 50 100 ~OOO 10,000 RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) DEVIL CANYON NATURAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE FIGURE E.2.11 (, (., , \ l i -! I -( ! ) \ l 180 165 150 135 120 -(/) u.. <.> 105 0 0 Q -90 ILl (!) a:: < 75 J: <.> (/) 0 60 45 30 15 a 1.005 .2 5 10 20 50 100 ~OOO 10,000 RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) DEVIL CANYON NATURAL FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE FIGURE E.2.11 ( ( i 1 J .1 \ L 200 ~,~~I~~~I-r· ~1-+~-r~r-~~~'~44~ 4+-j1-+-+++-i+H-+++-I-+--H-+jf-+-++Vi-t-t--t----t..+-+-HH-H·-t-i-rl-t-t-n--T·I-+-Li-:~t-..;..: ..... '-+-,'-1 H--'-+-+-H-++-H-++++t-+-H-+t--l-I-t-+-+-+-Jr·t-+-+·+-t--;~-'-'· t-+-++ t-:"7'"~ +t-: 'i-i'-+-~";,,,,-r-;..-+, +h--+ . 0 8120 >< (f) u... <..) w 80 (!) '-I ' G: <I: :,A. :c <..) en -... '0 40 r-.. -r TIME -DAYS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 100,500,10000 yr. FLOOD VOLUMES LEGEND Flood Volume ft 3 -----100 yr 122.3 X 10 9 --500yr 178.2X 10 9 ---10,000 y 310.0 X 10 9 Peak Discharge (cfs) 104,550 131,870 19a,000 FLOOD KYDROGRAPHS MAY-JULY t f' v • I I: :\ I . , , 1 _"-..' . ~ : ; , '" , , , ' r'\.. . .7 ~ I J i I I , / I I" ., " 1/ '.-.l~ ~, 1 ! , .... I I ! , , , i FIGURE E.2.12 ! ) . I l j , ( ( i 1 J .1 \ l. ILJ 0 8120 >< J I (f) • I I: u... I t <..) w 80 :"\' . ..Ll I ~. I I ~ (!) I ' I ,! G: :....1 <I: . 1 . ~ , , :c , r'\.. <..) J i I ./ en f' . I , , 1";"--·0 I ._I~ 40 :..... , -.-I ... I I ! . , .... .~ I I ! ~ .. -r f I 1 , i OLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLW~WU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~ -15 -10 -5 PEAK 5 10 15 TIME -DAYS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK 100,500,10000 yr. FLOOD VOLUMES LEGEND Flood Volume ft 3 -----100 yr 122.3 X 10 9 --500yr 178.2X 10 9 -·-10,000 y 310.0 X 10 9 Peak Discharge (cfs) 104,550 131,870 19a,000 FLOOD KYDROGRAPHS MAY-JULY FIGURE E.2.12 -j I I -! -i I L. --r-+++ 7-H-f-;--f-L l-H-_ ~~--~:-tH:±+H---~_ t-_f-~I--t-. --'--:-+--I-L'--I, H-l--I--__ +-_-J-t+-HI--+--"--++~-++-+-Hrx-~lttt---~ -1+-1---r--f--. -1-r---. H . -t. !-1--'---r-j-. -r-'--,'-H-+-+--I~~'~±-I .• 1--1 -: • i +-i+ 1-++ -r-l---t-t-4-rl---t-I---1 H --t-+--'->-t-H-t---++-+t -: : L': I ---I---f-J--H-H--++++-+++ H-++--I-+4-I'-I-iH# I ,-; r-t- 200 ; I l--t--t--+-'-"-H-1I-+-li-+-il~-:--~'---+-:--l-T _. t. ---r-t -H--t--~--! --.- ! . I : -f +++~-f-J-+t i_ ... · -tt.t---:t-ftttt-t.tttt.r-t-tJ~tjJ-t-l-h-t'_-1 -I-;'--tl-_+~'_-H 1 +t-t-t-t-t-;-l-t-f--I '-'---l-+---t---+--l--I--t-f-i -+-ir--+-+- 160 ~++4~~++~,-I,il-~~~~++~rrr.~~~~~r~++~rrt.-~~;~~~~~++~~~ f-L I J --,-~+\I-+-.! Ft +-+ r±-H-jH--T---i--+-~1 \ I I , I I I § 120 I I x (J) u- U I J I I I :, I W c.!) n:: <.t 80 :c U (J) a 40 o --I , , I I I . I ::;!;o+----......, I -15 I • I ~ I i ~ , ,.... .... ~ -10 ~I_- I ! ""--...-r'" I I I ; I i~ v· , ! -..A I ! < 1 -5 1-"'" , . i/f -! PEAK TIME-DAYS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LEGEND ----100 yr --500 yr ---10,000 yr Flood Volu me Peak Discharge ft 3 ( c fs ) 53.8 X 10 9 90,140 78.8 X 10 9 119,430 140.0 X 10 9 185,000 FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS AUG -OCT I , , I I I I I N 5 , I • I I I , 1 I I ---.:.:r . 1 I I .~. I 1 I I ..... 10 15 FIGURE E.2.13 -j -l \ -) I ! -I f l : I ( -! -i I L.. -_++L-. I-r--j-L I-~ -J=t=~---,-R-R-H-t--~--i • t+--c1 1--f~:-~.L J . =!tr.--!-H--+l--h I I-r:-j -1-r--!+ 200 -+t: : it- 1-:-1-.' ! I : ii-ri-L H- I 160 I -, I -I-II -' ;. !- \ I I I : "j \. I ; , § , 120 I ! I X (J) , I u-I 1 I , :, U IA I I , , W "J c.!) \. n:: <.t 80 1/ :c U (f) I a i I I " 1 I : I ~ [A' :--,.- LA' I , ! V-I :.?r-.~ I ! 40 i ;' 1 c...--.~ ... '....; : I 1.01"" ,... .... I ! ~ < I -! 1 1 I 0 -15 -10 -5 PEAK TIME-DAYS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LEGEND ----100 yr --500 yr ---10.000 yr Flood Volu me Peak Discharge ft 3 ( c fs ) 53.8 X 10 9 90,140 78.8 X 10 9 119,430 140.0 X 10 9 185,000 FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS AUG -OCT "1 1 , : I I i'\.1 '" -+ .... ~ I , , • I 1~t=F -Hf -t 1-~-.~ H -+-\-' =~# ~ --.- I-tl-l I -+ I ; H--'-+ ·i· I 1 , -, -T-" '-H-I I ;-~ , I I I ; '-r ... -: I , I , 1 I i 1 , 1'\T , I +-'-'1. I , -1...:1.: ' ; I ,,,. I , I i~. I I "" :--1 1'-;... "1- 1 I ..... "-" : I ,... I -~~ ~ ..... I ,-I I 5 10 15 FIGURE E.2.13 .. ' .lANUA .. V , -,-. '---,'-. __ . ______ , ___ ·l=~~_ .. .. _. __ .. i", j":! ; ! ~~;.~: ~~ ._. :~. ~--r--. .. ' 1--::~~~·:~t~~:~~----:-·----·--· --- to .. ... or 1'_e Ot~ __ .( tOU'&LL[D CIA [.'([0«(1 .JUN. .. ., ,_ ~ I~. _ ,_uuo ROV ... 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I fLOW DURATtON CURVES BASED _ON h1E~" fAILY FLOWS 2 PERIOD .of "[CORD· CHULITNA ~IVER WY~9-WY72~W'fll tALKEETNA "IYER WI65-WVfll ,I 'j i (! I ~~ · , • .. ' · -- ~ ---.' ----:---~--; ." .-i "; .0 , · -. -: -----.. ---:-:-::--:-: ·-T----·· ':-. -----" -: ' . MAV , I --~~----~ ~==~=-;:==~:--~:--:---=~ -: ----~------.---+-~~-+---:---~ ---=-~ -: ~~_~l ~~~~~, -:r:~-=t-:::-:-:--.' ~--~~--0~~:· --;-'---,-- __ i::~:', L~i-,-:L~~· .~:. '0=11--_____ · : .. --_>_ :01 OO'+--__ r-~-~~~-~~~~~~-~--. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tt;,. 0' r..,[ DIKMA.UL I~(O 0-nUl-oco -ac'l'&"" MOiNTHLY w AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVE S TALKEET~~ RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA , , I I FIGURE E. 2.17 f] ) ,'. J r: I rl l 1\1 l i I ( Jl ~~ ~--~+~~~cj~·~--·-·1 .. :: :~ ~ "rot : -~-:~~I~-~~;+=~~~t-:~·~:: f;;-i~-::: , , -.-~--.----~---.~~-.~----' ---_._- i ------_.--"--:-------~-:----:---:----- '0' ~--_-----..------.--~--~-..,...---,---,- , , <, , , ",' . . ~ !I SO"O Il1O 1'0 % 0' t'IoI( OISC ..... G[ lQU.lI..LlD 011' (ICll[ll:O .JANUARY ---------i---. --.,.----. f - - i ---- • c -___ . -. __ "T"._. : ~ -. ~·-I-~·-+:--~- ! -...:...~ =-.. ~.:.--;~ .. ~ ----t--. ~-r--~---,~o--~r--.-o---~--~-· -'~-~~--~~­ % or TIIIIl. O.SCtdlllil[ [OU"'~L[O C* [lC([DC:O .JUN. ... .... til , .. .,..c....-: • ...u.n 011 '.cuO(o Nav •• "" . , l ------~.:...-__ -~-_.-.~:i~. __ ,_._~_ ~. , , · · ,. ",' , • ,,--- :: .--~ ----:-.-~-~---:-- 1 ___ '_ 1 -------------.---------.--------------- ____ .. J._._,._..:.!...... ~.,. nve tll!oC"ARi( [QUAll[() ()Ii; (IIC[U)U JULV ~. . , , -_._----. -.-----" I . :_. __ ...L ___ !. . -. _--'_-. =-.~-- "j '-·--f~-~-~-=+-=~--=-~-·i-~-·-, ! -:_~~--:-.+--___ ~-~2---~~~- i;,;.;.,-i .. ___ -____ L_ -:-----; -----; -.----~--.-.--;- .. :-------:--..-: --:------':.-:-~----' _ ....•. --.. - .. '-r--i--~-----~-------~-' ... MA .. CH , . .) .-~-- ;' ---------_ .. __ ._-----.-----, . --.;...... -------~ .------- '0' r , 10' t . ____ L , .. _ __ _ _ _:._ . ....:...._~.--......:....-____ . _ ._,_ ---:-::::=~:::~.:=:::t====:::= -:-~~~:-=-. -• ! _. ----.-----+--------.----_._---- :-~J::::.::.:=2=:::.: :-:J::'" _:~ i --.-: . --~---. -,------..... -----. ----.-- .: : -_.-;--------:--------.------, .. .. ; ------_ .. ---------. - --. ---------..--,---_. i .. ~. '0; --r 1------~ :~~h*=V~: . ~ .. lRfr . _! __ .. _~ f !:::·· .. H~:;: t ..: -/-m ~~--~~ __ ~~~--_r--_r--,_--~~.---r---. ., f ,. 01 ,.., D!5CtU.'!":OU'&LL.[O ()II [_CHotO ,00 ANNUAL ..~ · , • ~ . ! • 00' , • · -- :r ---- ~~-------~~--~---~------7'-"'~---10 sa ~ 110 ro IO~:IIO 000 ". Of TIU[ D,SC_III', I"OU.lLLEO 0-[,C[tOle .. A~"fL . . . , . ,._-. '-;--. ~ --'. -------------_._------·v.....;,--- ~. \~:. . '.1' . ;~;1~~-~ .---~~-----..,...--- "'·+--~---r' -..,,-----~---7"'" . ......,...__,.--- JO 40 Wl ~ i,c;) 100 ,. 0" 1 .. ( OtSCIUAU IOVIlLIO 0Ii ('C[(O(" : •• ~T.M •• " -; - .1!Qlli. I fLOW DURATtON CURVES BASEO _ON h1E~" fAILY FLOWS 2 PERIOD .of "[CORO' CHULITNA ~IVER WY~9-WY72~W'fll tALKEETNA "IYER WI65-WVfll ,I ., i (! I ~~ , , • .0' 1~--+~~~-t-!~1.-~{C-:LJ:j.n ::. -.;. ~-.L-. i f· 'c' •• _._' __ . __ . __ ~J_---...:...:"':"":""::_~:..._---.:. · _. ..J-·........:.~D . ..:..~---L. __ t-_.......o.,.....,-- ~ ---,' ----:---~--; ." .. j ", .0 , · -. -: -----.. ---:-:-::--:-: ·-T----·· ':-. -.-. -. -: ' . MAV • I --~~----~ ~==~=-;:==~:.-~:--:---=~ -: -. --~------.--t_~~-+----:---~ ---=.~ -: ~.:..._~l ~~~~-::.., . :r::~.:::t-:::-:-:-.. ' ~--~~--0-':~:· -,'--,-- ._i::~:' , L.:.i--,.:L:.:~· .~:. .o:~-------.~: _m "'.+---~~-~~~_..,~~--~--~_..,r_-. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tt;,. 0' r..,[ DIKMA.UL I~(O 0-UCI(.OCO 'ac'l'&"" MOiNTHLY w AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVE S TALKEET~~ RIVER NEAR TALKEETNA , , I, FIGURE E. 2.17 1 ! ,\ I Ii \ I i r I \ I,' I I , I en u. <..> I ~ 0 ...J U. ::E ::J ::E z ::E 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2POO IPOO L...-___ --'-_______ ..L-____ ..L-_---.L ____ --=-.... 50 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES MAY 10 20 FIGURE E.2.IS 1 ! ,\ I Ii \ I i r I \ I,' I I , I en u. <..> I ~ 0 ...J U. ::E ::J ::E z ::E 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2POO IPOO L.-. ___ -J.. _______ ..L-____ ..L-_---L_---:~_.:.. .... 50 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES MAY 10 20 FIGURE E.2.IS ) j I I' I' , , \ \ -f 1 { I J (f) I.L.. 0 I ~ 9 I.L.. :E ::l :E ~ ::E 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7pOO 6,000 5pOO --= -- 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CU RVES JUNE 10 20 50 FIGURE E.2.19 ) j I I' I' , , \ \ -f 1 { I J (f) I.L.. 0 I ~ 9 I.L.. :E ::l :E ~ ::E 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7pOO 6,000 5pOO --= -- 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CU RVES JUNE 10 20 50 FIGURE E.2.19 I ) ! .i I I i L !\ I rn L.I.. U I -10,000 ~ 40,000 ~ L.I.. 20,000 10,000 9POO 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD-CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES JULY AND AUGUST 10 --. ..... ...... .. 20 50 FIGURE E.2.20 I ) ! .i I I i L !\ I rn L.I.. U I -10,000 ~ 40,000 ~ L.I.. 20,000 10,000 9POO 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD-CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES JULY AND AUGUST ..... 10 20 50 FIGURE E.2.20 I I I I • ) I \ ) II }, I I " ) I L en t.-o I ~ ...J U. ~ ::l ~ z :i 20,000 15pOO 10,000 9,000 8,000 rpeo Spoo 5peO 4,000 r,ooo S,OOO 5,000 4POO -= -- 3,000 . 2,000 1,000 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 14-DAY 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUS ITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 10 20 50 FIGURE E .2.21 I I I I • ) I \ ) II }, I I " ) I L en t.-o I ~ ...J U. ~ ::l ~ z :i 20,000 15pOO 10,000 9,000 8,000 rpeo Spoo 5peO 4,000 r,ooo S,OOO 5,000 4POO -= -- 3,000 . 2,000 1,000 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 14-DAY 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUS ITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK LOW-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 10 20 50 FIGURE E .2.21 , ) /' \ \ ( ! \ \ . i I / I I I I I I \ I I I 1 i' ) \ " / f I I I \ , ) I, I L en u. () 0 LLJ 0 LLJ LLJ () X LLJ c:: 0 0 LLJ ...J ...J <r => 0 LLJ !t 0 ...J U. 100,000 ,..--___ --""T _______ --,-____ --""T __ -.-_---r-_----, 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 9,000 5,000 ~------~--------------~--------~----~--~--~ 1.1 2 5 10 20 50 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS NOTE: PERIOD OF RECORD IS 1950-19BI. SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES MAY FIGURE E .2.22 , ) /' \ \ ( ! \ \ . i I / I I I I I I \ I I I 1 i' ) \ " / f I I I \ , ) I, I L en u. () 0 LLJ 0 LLJ LLJ () X LLJ c:: 0 0 LLJ ...J ...J <r => 0 LLJ !t 0 ...J U. 100,000 r---___ --""T _______ --,-____ --""T __ -.-_---r_----, 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 9,000 5,000 ~------~--------------~--------~----~--~--~ 10 20 50 1.1 2 5 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS NOTE: PERIOD OF RECORD IS 1950-19BI. SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES MAY FIGURE E .2.22 i , \ \. i 4 i i ,I) en \L. (.) I 0 UJ 0 UJ UJ (.) x UJ a: 0 0 UJ ..J ..J <t ::::l a UJ ~ 0 ..J \L. 100,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 '--___ --'-_______ -.1... ____ ---'-__ -1-_--1.._----1 2 5 10 50 20 1.1 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES JUNE FIGURE E.2.23 i , \ \. i 4 i i ,I) en \L. (.) I 0 UJ 0 UJ UJ (.) x UJ a: 0 0 UJ ..J ..J <t ::::l a UJ ~ 0 ..J \L. 100,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 '--___ ---'-_______ --'-____ --1. __ -1-_--'-_----1 2 5 10 50 20 1.1 RECURRENCE INTERVAL-YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES JUNE FIGURE E.2.23 r \ , . II en l£.. (J 0 0 0 w (!) II:: c:r J: (J (J) is I ( f. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1.02 JULY 1.05 2 5 RECURENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES JULY AND AUGUST 20 50 FIGURE E.2.24 r \ , . II en l£.. (J 0 0 0 w (!) II:: c:r J: (J (J) is I ( f. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1.02 JULY 1.05 2 5 RECURENCE INTERVAL -YEARS SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES JULY AND AUGUST 20 50 FIGURE E.2.24 I \ .. > \ \ ,I I : , , i J I l ( ( II) lL.. U 0 0 Q w <.!l a::: <I: :I: U II) Cl 40 30 20 10 9 8 7 6 SEPTEMBER 5-~~--------------~--------~--------~--------~--~--~ 1.02 1.25 2 5 20 50 RECURRENCE INTERVAL (YEARS) 20 ~~----~--------------~---------'-----r---..---.-----~ 10 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 1.03 OCTOBER 1.1 2 5 10 RECURRENCE INTERVAL (YEARS) SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES SEP1f'EMBER AND OCTOBER 20 25 50 FIGURE E.2.25 I \ .. > \ \ ,I I : , , i J I l ( ( II) lL.. U 0 0 Q w <.!l a::: <I: :I: U II) Cl 40 30 20 10 9 8 7 6 SEPTEMBER 5-~~--------------~--------~--------~--------~--~--~ 1.02 1.25 2 5 20 50 RECURRENCE INTERVAL (YEARS) 20 .-r------.---------------.---------.-----r---..---~----, 10 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 1.03 OCTOBER 1.1 2 5 10 RECURRENCE INTERVAL (YEARS) SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK HIGH-FLOW FREQUENCY CURVES SEP1f'EMBER AND OCTOBER 20 25 50 FIGURE E.2.25 r--- 14 13 12 II 10 9 0 0 -8 w 1\ , \ 0: t : ::J 7 ~ I I <{ , 0: 6 , w ,I a. ::E 5 , W I I t-, 4 4 , 3f '.1 fll r" \1 2+ I ¥ } I I , J 0 1 MAY t I . 11\ I I I ~ , I , \ I ,~ t I " I dqll " x \ I , 1\ 14' 1'1" I ~~ 'l I f I '/ I 11 I 1 I 'UI 'II ~ ~ I' ~ JUNE L {\ 11: , r\ I" , , \ .'" I ~ " I I" '_' ~ , ' ... ,., I , L, I "\ ,. t \ I •• I I'" f ' l.. " I., I I, \ , ~ "- I' 'p<! '" I I , " I' -1 V ~ 1 ., ." • \: I. j II i\ ' I ~" • , " \ T1 1 ~ lJ 'I I , \ • , "I I , ~ I \, , 'I n \ ri ¥ I II '" I J ~ ,I 1'1 ~" r \ I "I " , I , \oJ ,. I I 'I I I 1/ ~ L.i I ' " ,,J , 'i ~ JULY AUGUST SEP. '--~ SUSITNA RIVER WATER TEMPERATURE SUMMER 1980 LEGEND: ___ DAILY AVERAGE VEE CANYON -+-DAILY AVERAGE DENALI • DAILY AVERAGE SUSITNA STATION (SELECTED DATES) OCT. FIGURE L2.26 14 13 12 II 10 9 0 0 -8 w 1\ , \ 0: t : ::J 7 ~ I I <{ I 0: 6 I w ,I a. ::E 5 I I W I t-I 4 4 I 3 '.1 fll r" \1 2 I ¥ } I I , J 0 MAY t • I II d I I I \ I , I , \ I ,~ I X I I I I .. -~ .. ~-----" --,-,-'-~ SUSITNA RIVER WATER TEMPERATURE SUMMER 1980 LEGEND: ___ DAILY AVERAGE VEE CANYON -+-DAILY AVERAGE DENALI d , 14' II I I I I I ~~ I , {\ 1\ ' \: \. ,~~ J , " r\ " • DAILY AVERAGE SUSITNA STATION (SELECTED DATES) t I f I " I 1 \ I I I I ~ ~ I' ~ JUNE " \ III~' I ~"", II II, I' 11'\ I •• I'~, J V'''' I 1 l \ f \ f ~ ~ l' II l..J \ I " I' ., I ~,I ~ I + It '\ I, ~I A ~lJ 1.1 I I \ T', 1 I I,' \ ~ I, I I , I , I " II " I Ii ¥ I I I I" , I ~ I, ','I , I I I I I I I , WU'I r. , U ~ i LJ~ II , ~ JULY AUGUST SEP. OCT. FIGURE E.2.26 I ! 'l ) I L W 0: 0: => ~-W > 0: (X) -W ~ 0:0... <X ::::E 0: ZWW ..-..-~ -~ (I) 0: => =>W(I) (1)..-<X ~ o <l: z ~ <:{ ~ ~ w (!) <l: a:: w ~ ~ <i 0 + :J <l: Z W 0 I-<l: w (!) <l: a:: w ~ ~ <i 0 I .p I ..... __ ------__ .1 >- ..J :::l .., r--I'! ~ w w a:: ::l ~ u.. I ! 'l ) I L W 0: => 0: ~-W > 0: (X) - W ~ 0:0... <X ::::E 0: ZWW ..- ..-~ -~ (I) 0: => =>W(I) (1)..-<X ~ o <l: z ~ <:{ ~ ~ w (!) <l: a:: w ~ ~ <i 0 + :J <l: Z W 0 I-<l: w (!) <l: a:: w ~ ~ <i 0 I .p I ..... __ ------__ .1 >- ..J :::l .., r--I'! ~ w w a:: ::l ~ u.. 12 10 I 8t I 6 u Il. 4 ::!! w I- 2 o -2 .----J SUSITNA RIVER AT WAThNA WEEKLV AVERAGE WATER TEIVIPERATURE 19B1. WATER. YEAR' LEGEND: @ WEEKLY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE C] ENVELOPE OF WEEKLY . MAXIMA AND MINIMA 4 8 12 16 20 OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. 24 WEE K MAR. 28 APR. 32 36 40 44 48 52 MAY JUN JULY AUG. SEP. FIGURE E.2.28 U . Il. ::!! w I- 12 10 8 6 4 2 o SUSITNA RIVER AT WAThNA WEEKLV AVERAGE WATER TEIVIPERATURE 19B1. WATER. YEAR' LEGEND: @ WEEKLY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE LJ ENVELOPE OF WEEKLY . MAXIMA AND MINIMA -2 L-----~~----~------~------_+------_+------_+------_+------_r------_r------~------~------~I------~I-- 4 8 12 OCT. NOV. DEC. 16 20 JAN. FEB. 24 WEE K MAR. 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 APR. MAY JUN JULY AUG. SEP. FIGURE E.2.28 l l i l' I I ( 15r--r------------~--------~----~M u o I a: ::E w t- .::------------......................... ... O~~ __________ ~------~~----~ 26 137 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE)-6/I/SO 15 u o I 0.: ::E LLJ t- -------- --------------------~ " '- O~~----------~~------~~----~~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION {RIVER MILE)-7/I/SO 15~~------------r---------~------~ u o I a: ::E w t- ::---------------------~ -----~' -------..., -....., " " '" " " " O~~ ____________ ~ ________ +-____ ~~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION !RIVER MILE)-S/I/SO 15 u 0 I a: ::E w t- O 26 137 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION !RIVER MILE l-9LI/SO LEGEND NOTES 15r-~----------~--------~------~ u o I a: ~ LLJ t- =--------- O~~ __________ ~~------~~----~~ 26 137 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATIO~ (RIVER MILE)-6/15/S0 15 u o I a: ::E w t- --------------------~ ----- O~~----------~~------~~----~~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION {RIVER MILE)-7/15/S0 15~-T------------r---------~------~ u o I Il: ~ w t- ~-~- O~~ __________ ~~ ______ ~~~ __ ~~ 26 137 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE) -8/15/S0 15r-~------------~--------~------~ u o I Il: ~ w t- O~~ ________ ~~ ______ ~~ ____ ~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE) -9/15/S0 ----MAXIMUM -----MEAN I.) ALL TEMPERATURES WERE RECORDED BY THE USGS WITH SINGLE THERMOGRAPHS AT EACH SITE. -------MINIMUM 2.)GOLD CREEK'S TEMPERATURES MAY BE INFLUENCED BY TRIBUTARY INFLOW AT THE SITE. 3.)DAILY MEAN TEMPERATURES COMPUTED AS AVERAGE OF MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM FOR THE DAY. SUSITNA RIVER -WATER TEMPERATURE GRADIENT FIGURE E.2.29 l l i l' I I ( 15r-~------------~--------~----~~ () o I a: ::E w ~ .::------------..................... ... O~~ __________ ~~ ______ ~~ ____ ~~ 26 137 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE)-6/1/S0 ISr--r----------~--------~------~ () o I a; ~ w ~ ---------- --------------------~ " '- O~~----------~~------~~----~~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE)-7/1/S0 ISr--r------------~--------~----__ r_1 () o I a: :!: w ~ ::---------------------~ -----~' -------..., .......... , " ...... '-', " " " O~~ __________ ~~ ______ ~~ ____ ~~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION !RIVER MILE)-S/I/SO 15 () 0 I a: ::E w ~ 0 26 137 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION !RIVER MILE l-9LI/SO LEGEND NOTES 15r-~------------~--------~------~ () o I a: ~ w ~ =--------- O~~ ________ ~~------~~----~ 26 137 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATIO~ (RIVER MILE)-6/IS/SO ISr--r----------~--------~------~ () o I a: ::E w ~ --------------------~ ----- O~~ __________ ~~ ______ ~~ ____ ~~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE)-7/IS/S0 ISr-~-----------.--------~-------n () o I a; ~ w ~ O~~ __________ ~ ________ ~ ____ ~~ 26 137 15 () o I a; ::E w ~ SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE) -S/IS/SO O~~~ ________ ~~ ______ ~~ ____ ~~ 26 137 224 SUSITNA GOLD CK. VEE CYN. LOCATION (RIVER MILE) -9/IS/S0 ----MAXIMUM ----MEAN I.) ALL TEMPERATURES WERE RECORDED BY THE USGS WITH SINGLE THERMOGRAPHS AT EACH SITE. -------MINIMUM 2.)GOLD CREEK'S TEMPERATURES MAY BE INFLUENCED BY TRIBUTARY INFLOW AT THE SITE. 3.)DAILY MEAN TEMPERATURES COMPUTED AS AVERAGE OF MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM FOR THE DAY. SUSITNA RIVER -WATER TEMPERATURE GRADIENT FIGURE E.2.29 A ._--' .-1 ' .... ~ PARAMETER: TEMPERATURE. °c _·+t-++, , , , , , , , , , , , I , , I I , I , I I , I I , , I , I , I , , , , , I , I , I , I I I , I I , I I , , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I II 15 +J.--\-l I I I I I I I I I H-I-+H++-H-t-H-ti I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I , I I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , I I +H--H; I , I I , , , , I , , I , , I , , , , , , , I , , , , h , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I , I , I I , , I , , I , , , , , , , , , I I I 10 -I-H--H-I+H I I I I I I+H-H-I , ,± I I " I I I I I , I , I' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I , , I , , , , , , , , , , , , , I I • MAXIMUM MEAN • MINIMUM #:OBSERVATION 1*ltf-i52~~·mlmt#' I" 4 -: ----~t - - -----~8JJJ-~mmftmrt=mmHmtllill;II~II~ I*II~~ SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUp· D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON, a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALK~ETNA S. -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Shall not exceed 20°C at any time. The following maximum temperature shall not be exceeded where applicable: migration routes and rearing areas--150C, spawning areas and egg and fry incubation--l30 C (ADEC,l979) Established to protect sensitive important fish species, and for the successful migration, spawning, egg-incubation, fry-rearing, and other reproductive functions of important species. DATA SUMMARY -TEMPERATURE FIGURE E.2.30 A ----' PARAMETER: TEMPERATURE °c " - 15 -- - -.-- 10 . -• MAXIMUM -- MEAN 5 - - ------• MINIMUM - -o -. - 52 ~? l4:r il Iq4 -I ~l llr !i4 l~ ---~~f ~~ --~ ~ "( --::J...,. 1--~ -++ 1""1-' --'t' ; l-:'l-1 I~ #:OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP' D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON, a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALK~ETNA S. -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Shall not exceed 20°C at any time. The following maximum temperature shall not be exceeded where applicable: migration routes and rearing areas--150C, spawning areas and egg and fry incubation--13 0 C (ADEC,1979) Established to protect sensitive important fish species, and for the successful migration, spawning, egg-incubation, fry-rearing, and other reproductive functions of important species. DATA SUMMARY -TEMPERATURE FIGURE E.2.30 i ,I L. ; . Fourth 01 July Creek RM Direction of Flow Sherman Creek . ~ OBI OF.! Indian River Slough \ Talkeetna: 26 River Miles RM /' Devil Canyon: 7 River Miles ~ -( Slough 21'" .0 [j ,-oEl C:l / ~ Slough 20 ..., -< Slough 19 0 1:1 Direction of Flow \7." O. oe RM = River Mile Ryan Surface Ryan Intergravel YSI Surface YSI Intergravel o .' \7 V Location map for 1982 midwinter temperature study sites. Datapod Surface 0 FIGURE E.2.31 Datarod Intcrqravel tn : '-----.~--_. ____ ' i ,I L. ; . Fourth 01 July Creek RM Direction of Flow Sherman Creek . ~ OBI OF.! Indian River Slough \ Talkeetna: 26 River Miles RM /' Devil Canyon: 7 River Miles ~ -( Slough 21'" .0 [j ,-oEl C:l / ~ Slough 20 ..., -< Slough 19 0 1:1 Direction of Flow \7." O. oe RM = River Mile Ryan Surface Ryan Intergravel YSI Surface YSI Intergravel o .' \7 V Location map for 1982 midwinter temperature study sites. Datapod Surface 0 FIGURE E.2.31 Datarod Intcrqravel tn : '-----.~--_. ____ ' ( SLOUGH 21 SUSITNA RIVER ABOVE PORT AGE CREEK (RM 142) (RM 149) 111.11 31-SEP .:s.a " AUG 6 '"' AUG 31-SEP 6 u a .• U '2 .• V V S.II " .11 a.. 7 •• 0-I •• a :t: 1: W S.II W \J.B l-I- s.a 8.11 I I I I .... ea ,_a I sea zzaa liHea ,_a leea zzaa 11.11 SEP 7-13 IZ.II SEP 7-13 '"' '.11 " 11.11 U U v v 7.B 111.11 0-e.1I a.. g.II :t: 1: W s.a W S.B l-I- 04.11 7.B I .... 911 laa • laaa 22aII G-4QQ1 IQQla ISQQI ZZ:BQ 9.a SEP 14-20 'I.a SEP 14-20 " 8.B -= '"' IB.B U U v 7.a v 9.B 0-/!I. a a.. s.a :t: 1: W S.B W 7.B l-I- 04.a /!I.B a04911 ,-laQQl zzaa a-4QQ1 ,00B 18C311 2299 ,(' S.B S.B 21-27 SEP 21-27 SEP '"' 7.9 '"' 7.9 U U V v S.B S.B 0-S.9 0-S.B 1: 1: W 04.B W 1.11 I-~ 3.B 3.B I II04ea I_a 11:I0.\!l ZZ:BQ IH_ 1-" leea zzaa TIME TIME FIGURE E.2.32 Comparison of \,/eek 1 y die1 surface water tempe ra tu re variations in Slough 21 and the \ mainstem Susitna n· at Portage Creek (adapted "lver -from ADF&G 1981 ) . ( SLOUGH 21 SUSITNA RIVER ABOVE PORT AGE CREEK (RM 142) (RM 149) 111.11 31-SEP .:s.a " AUG 6 '"' AUG 31-SEP 6 u a .• U '2 .• V V S.II " .11 a.. 7 •• 0-I •• a :t: 1: W S.II W \J.B l-I- s.a 8.11 I I I I .... ea ,_a I sea zzaa liHea ,_a leea zzaa 11.11 SEP 7-13 IZ.II SEP 7-13 '"' '.11 " 11.11 U U v v 7.B 111.11 0-e.1I a.. g.II :t: 1: W s.a W S.B l-I- 04.11 7.B I .... 911 laa • laaa 22aII G-4QQ1 IQQla ISQQI ZZ:BQ 9.a SEP 14-20 'I.a SEP 14-20 " 8.B -= '"' IB.B U U v 7.a v 9.B 0-/!I. a a.. s.a :t: 1: W S.B W 7.B l-I- 04.a /!I.B a04911 ,-laQQl zzaa a-4QQ1 ,00B 18C311 2299 ,(' S.B S.B 21-27 SEP 21-27 SEP '"' 7.9 '"' 7.9 U U V v S.B S.B 0-S.9 0-S.B 1: 1: W 04.B W 1.11 I-~ 3.B 3.B I II04ea I_a 11:I0.\!l ZZ:BQ IH_ 1-" leea zzaa TIME TIME FIGURE E.2.32 Comparison of \,/eek 1 y die1 surface water tempe ra tu re variations in Slough 21 and the \ mainstem Susitna n· at Portage Creek (adapted "lver -from ADF&G 1981 ) . 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 ~8 w a:: ~ 7 <l: a:: ~:t 4 l- 3 2 o ___ I A fV\ I r-.",\ , \ \j v,' • "\ ,--/,1 1\ A I . I IV\I I \: ,I ) '" f ,"""", 10 20 30 10 20 JUNE JULY \ \ I .J 31 10 20 AUGUST SUSITNA RIVER DAILY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE (BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA) -. -INDIAN RIVER DAILY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE (BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA FROM ADF a G) ----PORTAGE CREEK DAILY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE (BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA FROM ADF a G ) 31 10 20 SEPTEMBER 30 SUSITNA RIVER, PORTAGE CREEK AND INDIAN RIVER WATER TEMPERATURES SUMMER 1982 FIGURE E.2.33 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 ~8 w a:: ::l 7 I- <l: a:: w Q. 6 ::E W I- 5 4 3 2 ___ I A fV\ I,r-.,/,., \--1'\/' · V I ' I I V \ I . ,\: \ I )' f "'" \I , ... , \ \ I .J SUSITNA RIVER DAILY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE (BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA) -. -INDIAN RIVER DAILY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE (BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA FROM ADF a G) ----PORTAGE CREEK DAILY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE (BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA FROM ADF a G ) o ~ ______ ~ ______ ~ ______ ~ ________ L-______ ~ ________ L-______ ~ ______ ~ ________ ~ ______ -L ______ ~ ______ ~ 10 20 JUNE 30 10 20 31 10 20 31 JULY AUGUST SUSITNA RIVER, PORTAGE CREEK AND INDIAN RIVER WATER TEMPERATURES SUMMER 1982 10 20 30 SEPTEMBER FIGURE E.2.33 i PARAMETER i TOTAL SUSPENDEILllOLIDS, (mg. /1. ) -"-.-"'-'-'-I-.-~I-- . • .• • .•. 1_1 __ .' _ .. -• -t-•.• -1-t-.J.-I--+-l-~-I-+-1.-1··' - . a._ .. _ 6000 1 1 1 1 1 t·-··-~·""·-·-·-·h'-'- -. ~-. -~. -·~-·-H-+-+-I-+++++-+ _.0-••••••• _.-••• -.-•• -•••. ~~-H-t-.-•.• --.-. -.-.. -_1-_--1-'-• ___ • __ .. _ ..... _ ....... _.--1--1-1-+ -·-·-·--··---·-·----··--+_1-+1-J-+-l-+-1-1-+~_+·+_1-+++-1 --.-..... -.. --.-...... -.. -.-.-+-... -<-.-.... ·,-,··~.-I-H-H-l+l+l-I+~+~- 4000 • MAXIMUM -.-.-.-.--~-.-·+-,-.--I-I+~-++I-·-.--.-.-.- -MEAN ~OOO ._ ... _ .··· .. ·-.-.. -1-.-1'1,,'1-1,' 1-t··· .. • t-..... -t--t--t-·r--I-·,·-~--f-~4-+-'-I-H-f-J+ I+I-H_++I-H-·------ ;-I-H+! •. MINIMUM .. , 1'1-1·· [":'-]· ...... 1-"-[··tl-['-tl-·r~·rj· ···tt·I·-t-t-r -t-·I-'-l-'-'-r-t"·'··I-'-'-·1-,-·r-l·1 --,-r-r-I-I-l-r l-'-[1-r-,· . __ ..... '._ :-c _, __ I .. __ -I .. _. __ --'-. -. -1-· ... ,~-I-J.--1-----I-~4-+-·-·· .. --. -.. M _. -+--.. ---.-~.-+-- ---_. _1-_-1. 1._"_.' ·"_-+_1 _I ........... _ ... _a_ .. _ I_a._ ,_1_-1-' -.-1-1-1 -1-"-, ... _ ........ I •• __ ••. I ........... 1_ • _. · .• ··1-.. -1·-1--1-1-1.·.-1.-.- o H+I+~++4 I I t I Ii 1 rJ rll rl1111Irn·I:~.:.w:.w+mW+W:U1TrITll-t+I-~·tltltrt+J:+ f..-.+-f--I--I--+.~j_I~-1_I_.L-J-...l_I_I_.l-I_.J _ 1-1 __ '-.. ·1-'_.1._1_ I .. I .• J _ I ..... ·.1 • I I .. ' I _ I .1 .. J . I._ I .•.• 1--1-1-.' -1-1-.-1-.... -1--1- .,._1_1." __ .. _1.1-1-1_-1 1_ '-.1_."-1_1_1_ ..... -1-.1-.-.... -.---.... -•. -..... ----.-.· .... ··---·---- Illrrfl:~frr.tl'frrffl31ITmtfltlrnt~i1~lirr4'-n1-1-~rlfr·'3·n~w¥~*M~ .... ~~.--~~ t~ ~ .=~.~~ 1~·~·~ ~: .. ~ ~~ ~-t---~~~~[1-:~1~> '-~~: ~··ltF .~~~--:;<~==; 41=08SERVATION SUi\tlMER . : WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI V-VEE CANYON. a .. aOLl> CREEK c-CHULITUA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATION No measurable increase above natural conditions (ADEC,1979). Etitdblished to prevent deleterious effects on aquatic animal and·plant life, their reproduction . . ' .. i.lud habitat. I DATA SUMMARY -TOTAL SUSPENDED SEDIMENTS FIGURE E.2.34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ PARAMETER I TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS, (mg. /1. ) - - - - - - --t-t--t--t-I--H H-I+I--~- .. .' -._. - -_. . - --f--H1--f--_.. . - - H-++++ -H--f .... -H-- - ---- - - -.. -. - 6000 ~~~~--. --." - ------ - - - - --H--+--++~--I--+--ll---+--I- f--H·-+-f-· ------ --.-- ------H-+-++-+-+-+-H-H-H-H-I_I--I _. -_. . -_. -_. -·_·\-f--+-+-H-- - - - -.. --' _. ----... ---- - - - ---·-I---I---I---I-I-HH-I-H+f-++-H- 4000 • MAXIMUM - - - - - --. --f--f--i-t-f--+-I------- -MEAN ~OOO . __ -.... - - - - - . ... ----.--- - - - . ---. ·-I-+--I~~~-I!--H-lH-t-t-t---t-I- -I-I-+-H-- - - - -~+++-- ---- ;- • -MINIMUM -~ --~ •. ~ J;; :. ~ -= ~ : ~: --= - - -~ -~ ... :----'---'--"-1----, -t-= = -= -_. --~.: .~-: ~ ~:~ = . :: = ~ = = -: -: - - - --_. -. .--. . ---.' .. ,---- ---- --- ------.. .. -. --_. .. --. '. .. --.-.---.--.-- --_ .. - - -.... - - - - - - -.. -.. --.-_. - _ ... --. --- - - -.--•. p - - -o ~++++_+_~~-+_+_~+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_~~+4_~+~'~~I_++ -... -.--.. - --., ------- -- --. ---- -... --. - - ---_. _. --... -.-- ... : :~B:~ :~r I~ :~r l ~ ... ~ : : ::rj:~::: It :I::,~I: :l:I~I: : . ·II~ • .. :1tn: ~~ ~!J~ .~~: : 41=08SERVATION SUi\tlMER : WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI V-VEE CANYON. a~ aOLl> CREEK c-Ct-iULITUA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATION No measurable increase above natural conditions (ADEC,1979). Etildblished to prevent deleterious effects on aquatic animal and ·p.lant life, their reprod~ction i.lud habitat. I DATA SUMMARY -TOTAL SUSPENDED SEDIMENTS FIGURE E.2.34 1-- LH IHll III III IRllmmlllFTTTFlTHFFmmtmll1ll 1n11 .Itl~nl. . • t I j I II - . -~. . . -,--I-. -.. .R .. .., ,.. ,.. '. _. _'="_ : .. ····/i .. IH·ffifI~ ~I ................................. ,-- _ TITI ml!~,h!t : l W1 l±111H~ .. ' .... c- . ' .s1Jti;;tct;t r"':tt ttl Wltl II III ItH1] JttH I I I 1I''''""lltlll'l' , tt1 n 1ttttmtltmtt1JHttmmttt~ItlW~lllml~I"-t-t--i-+-+-j\-4 ~~I~I~~lm . : ·lm~Bm -. . •.. .,' U" ft '11m1.~ ". , .. ; . :: : .. 1 .': i, ':'" Y : ; : C'! iii I .. : .: C H1"""tlJHft1TlllITTII!1f!TIll ::. =--:;' ~ .: ~ :' ;:. 1;: ;" ':.:.':.. ~: iii" i 1. .. -:- .. ! !JmnrThl~:~~' :j~ '. 1j jl'j ~}l t!~ ~ .... • 1._..4-1 .... II ••• II •••• ,I ..... I .......... '...ILII •• I ••••••• II .. ' ... 1I .t-t- ++ :t± l~ I ~.ttlU!WI;ilfITl~, . . -I+~f.lil~ t- __ .................................. LL .......... L-.--L.LJ. .......... II. II. IJ 1,.11.'" 5 6 ; 8 9 \~:~~tr[;[lj;j[[[[[[[[[ltljjlljlllllllil~[!!;11 111 ; 1IIIIIIljji~~~~t$OO , 2 3 4 34 "I' , •. :-I 5 6 7 8 9 I· I I I'· • :: I 100,000 2 l : ; :1 4 ~. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT DISCHARGE (TONS / DAY) SUSPENDED SEDIMENT RAT I N G CURVES , UPPER SUSITNA RIVER BASIN IPiJ~i+ , I , , t , , I 6 7 n 9 ! FIGURE E.2.35 • mIiIIHI\Hi~~-dJ::t 1 I': 5 1=1= l- t ~!Ill' +-4 .. I I-t r . ::I,U H: 3_t-. I-I-:;-liml:I'flj kl1 iii I::. !-:: c-,. , 11-t-.t '&f:?-8if.il.n· 1-, H j" 1=:-~ p ~III I/-t- ,I' 1w.W.rtJ:~~l I 2 1-+-I~ I ~P: h b I~: l-f.( r-II.; i'-' tJ I-I- I I~ ro-It I-~ ! ~! I ,~ k" I , , ..... ~~ r<il"-1/ ' . , i 10,000 I--"" Ii it I ~ 1-=-1',:,0 LHt en 9 liiiil'i Ig , , -1'21::1= H: 8 , . I~ 111(' lin u K n H t!! .. , :l,:yr , I'!rj!jW!!UU d ilI~W ~ 7 I:: r~ Itmlm: ,11:: t-.i . ''':, 'l.rW till UllJi, Ir i: , w 6 ·f ~ (9 1= -: ft 1+ lffji ~lrt 0:: 5. I'~ <t ( I:~ iF,. 'I :r: H 'Itf~' fli-t1it 4. 1-' 1-' t'-U (/) Ie:-lEi'b:O:1:.~, . -I=:. I~l ti IB 11 :G !J.:' 0 3_ 1-· .:: :!c L"! ' l~ , l:.!. f-: l-I r---!, Ii !.i,' . -1"'1' }-" . 1::.:: ~'7": !1\lI~: ~:t~ Il~! f:= 1:±E '"' I 2, 1 I~ ~! ' , ' k-'" ' ."-, -I-' ~f ' I Iml-= -I f~ Jllll" ~. ,I 1,009 I:; .. , s ~ I , , 1,000 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ , I , , , : , , , , 10,000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , , ! , ! , , 100,000 2 :1 4 ~. 6 7 n 9 ! 1 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT 01 SCHARGE (TONS/DAY) SUSPENDED SEDIMENT RAT I N G CURVES , UPPER SUSITNA RIVER BASIN FIGURE E.2.35 ._1 .u _~UL !" :1 iUh' I' ill ; I I' , . : 0;' ", .~ -n . 1 --.: ,. '; •. ...... . . .... . . -. . _... ... -.. . I 1 ... -. ---• ---.... ,. ... . .• .. -. .. ., 1 .-. " .... '" . . .• • . . ... 1 .. .. " . .. • .. !----. 11. .. : .. ·t-·· "I"~' .. . . . .." ..... : l i .. -. -..... : :::1.. ... : 1:::1' 11.5 ~ . ..:.....:..:. --'-' ~-'" o_.I.~ -~..:.. -. .... .. . T' , . _I ... -.-: -... ',' _!.... . . :... -::1_1_. _._ .. _.---.... -....... \ ... , ...... . .. 1 ...... ·r , . t-'-'" .. .. it!). II ':::=:::' ::.:; :::: ::. i ! .. :: . . ... '.: :.'::: .'! j: '.: :'. : : ... : :': ~ .. H- ~~T£~ :~~.: SUSPENDED SEDII·IEtiT SIZE AIIALYSIS .... : :.: 'j>: <i .. ::.) V.::' I.,oi·,--,·j rr:: '" I::" .... , .. ·lJl : . =~~ti t~: LEGEtiD STATlQII ... : .. ' :::. L ::: .::'j::-'~! :)~ nl __ ;o~_~ SUSITtIA At GOLD CREEK o_o·--r'-,-,-,-,-".~I~V-il~ .. ,-.... -.... ~- .::.:::~~ ::-~:: ----.:.;:--SUS I HIA tlear CAtITl~ELL 1..1 I .. :: I : .. Vo' j~1 . IIJ to :::: ::.: -----SUSIHIA ~ear DEIIAlI --I r :/ ~.: . I ! ~ Ly.l·~~;· . -:---, -_ 1 MAC,L ~~R~lN: ·!.I:~:'~I~~ C -0 0 ' :;:' .1'-7 -7' o. -i' . "1 + '::'1' ~l··:i --, . 10 .• ---r--r--I-. , '. ' __ '1-1-_ --1-./-.-o . . . ....... '1' ". vi""· ... ~·· I W , ' . . .... I' . !.' r--~. I-. I 1 .::::. I:.:: ~~ . I' <t 1D . . .. ---;-r---. ,-... ,. I. • • ,-. I.---.b· lil·~-'-~.I--I- ." .. 'j I .. . I' . I. ........-.... .....--• ~ . :: .": .. i· . .. .:::! i I /V , .... 1--. !. 1 : i : I z 50 : . ...•.. I .. r-r-~ : I'" :: : I' /1-"':----ta-~ri -j'-: lrIT;ttl-lt -'::. I . . : .. : ...... ·1Q'J...-:.--I~f1" ': i I UL_ z to . • . . !. , __ . ~ .... ', . ; I I . r-1"". -I 1 I . . : !",.....-o-.... -r .... lo-"?'" . <t . I '~-~-f-,', . :r: 4() •••• " ··'1 . -r--:--1-. I ~~-.. .... ~--I" -I~r--: -H-} I . t-.... : ::..' .: L,. • .,....-__ ""..... • : :: I : . ~ .. . .. .. ~i !, !r::----:"'.... " .. _. IX: lO .. .... . .. 1 --:-. -t::::--l~';;' : .!.. .. -. . . ;-'Ir-' 'I-l-I-l-w .... -. . ...... 1 'l~~rc-~.' . '. ~ ... . -.. '1" . 1 I Z . -. .. , ''I _, ~ 1 ' ... 1 1 .. • • ••• "1" . ..... --..... "",,~~. .-.' , ".. .,. . i· LL ZO ,:-,: :. (p-:~"" ~-i: i: . I: .: ': : - . . . ! . .; : ·I-Em~ I-~ :...:.:.(~:.-...,-:. .. -'-.. ; .. : .. ~_I_!-Ic. -. -.J .• oo __ -'-'::..c.: :.c..:...:..i·=-:=:o:, '1'\" =~"':::'r-'':':'''; --!!: .. : :_::.1:-t=-.--.:. -0 '" . r'l I I I· .. ·· '\ . . ., . \ z ..... i . " " I'. . ...•• , W ::: : 1 I :: ... :: . : : .::: '. :. : .. u ID" ...... j .. ... ... I ---:-1-. r--:---I .. ~-. "I'" t--:--, IX: ....... ..... .... . .. • I . , ." .... ...... I' . lLJ ~ !.: ~ .' . : : .. . ~. . : :.:: . . " : i l .' . . • "I ' I : 0... 5 ------' .-- - --.-. -I-----_ -1-. -+-_._. _ "_ _ _ ..:.:..L+_!_ ~ 1 ·1·1-~ --... -:.. ... . ,---. .. .. 1!· '. , .. I : o t ., I.;... .. i:,... . ... .. :...:....:... .... : . I I. ",. I, . zl-I:~:I.: ~:::: :::: .: .. ::" ';:.:. . -:'!::::" :.. ..I I INTERIM REPORT 1 . ..... . -.. .... .... ... .... . .--". I 1 SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT 1 Il~~~: ~~'.~: ~~;~::;:::":'.' ::.:: .:: .. :: :.:.' ~ .. ,r+-1 1 _ ':::1:;-::::;:::::::::"::.:: "'_" ::::.::. IJ: L.... AREA, ALASKA 0.5 ~_ .-__ .•. r-:-:-: :-::-.:: .. ::-r-' o. -:-. ---.. ---. -.... .. r:-:-: r-:-IT -t::"". 1'--ALASKA D:STRICT -t-1'\' i+l: ": .. :: . : . ... ---... ..... -.... \ I ... : CORPS OF ENGINEERS ' 0.21-1-.j. .,,': -...... '" .-:,,1......... . .. .. ... JUNE 1975 I .1-' li;-j iU r iii i .:. ", '" • ,-~~... -, -. ." .....1 :..:.. _ L I. 1 1 I 1 I !.1 I 1.1 . • , • I. . 0.001 1 .01 .I 1.0 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SUSPENDED SEDIMENT SIZE ANALYSIS SUSITNA RIVER FIGURE E.2.36 ,_I 'U .LUL ! !~ ... ··1··· ]11'" ..... / ..... ":1'" '. : 'l i'" ' . : .. :..: I' ..... j. ":J"'! r····I·· .'.1 .~:!! .:. : . I" . . I • - 4 • • • •• I .. .. " .. : ... i ... : ... . ::::"-~::':' :~:l::' .. 1'1':, , : : .::. , ".~: ... L ~ _'-... , ..... "'1" .. . 1151--I--:_··.I·_-t ---"" ... 1 .. ~ .f.-i ,. I : •• ·~:.:I" :., .. , ,';:;," "i:.,:, ~;'!~,'.'f;-,'----~ •. ::~ ~~.~; :~~J::i !. ::;': ... ,'.; :.':j:: •. ' i : .. ~. 1_ .. :~r::.:, ;:.:: SUSPENDED SEDII·IEtiT SIZE AIIALYSIS ..... :::'il>: ~::L::~>i V .:j:, II :; :,::,7:: r.J.·_;:. . I ' =~~Ll I ... :. LEGEtiD STATlQII, .. : . " :::.: ::: .::' ::..... :)~ IS SUSI Ttl A At GOLD CREEK' -.. --r--,-. -.. -. I·~ 1~1I-t;.~~ .. -... _ ... - ::.:-=.: ::-.:: ------SUS I HIA tlear CAtITl~ELL 1-.1 I ,.:: I : .. Vo' j~, . IIJ .o~~ ---~ SUSIHIA ~ear DEIIALJ --I r ~k1": I N ._ .... :. ,: ....... ;_ .. ~ -----MACLAREN tlear PAXSOIl . _ .. _, .I, _. ___ .... __ . '. .: .. ~ .... . (J) ~......... . '~", ··-r---:-!'··"I--:-r-:-' . ... .. i I': I"" .. o 10 .'-: •• I, :.-'-:-r·+-r-· : ~ . ' ~ ~ .. : ';1:' :.... I ~I~' '. ~t '-:-'1--:--1-,1 .' -1--'1-- W . : .: i I--'-+_~_ ::: T,' 1~""" r, . , ~---r-'I-I-!;:t 10 : : :. -:-:1'--, -j' . . '. , , I: :. "::'. ,:. : V I--'~ I, 1 , ! : , ' ~ 50 " ": 'i' f-I-!-" :1" : ::::! I'~ 41-=ta:b~i-:' . j"-:-I'ri-r;I--I--~ .. "j' ! ,:.: :. : :;;:: 'IQ"~-I~~ ,i i I . LLL .. z 50 , , . . I ' J..-::'-!':' .... ~~ . " 1 'I--I-t--+-t-I ~ 40 :1 i-r--f-' : '~~~r-:-~~ , , I-:::.::! i: L..k~;::;::ir -: I :T: I ... \: .: IX: lO ...•. , ... , . _1. .,...r::-.~ . i--I-- ~ :~ .. ~~: .. : ::~. ::'1 ~!::J~~m-' ~ ~ .. , I.I~, ::.: :'~~l: :.j .. I : LL zo :.":: : ;~.::::---:.... -. i: i' . I: .: : ~ . I ' . ! . .; 'I !-:-II-+-+-IH ~ ~ ~.;':~~ '-, 'J .: .. ~.I_IIC. ~': ~;:"':~~~;:r~~rlt'=~~l"I" =~~r~ ~."(':JJ~ --.... --. ~ ID.~;.:::::.:.~:::, 'j:' .. ~~~::: :.:.,. TrT;-c-'-', ::~'::'Jl: ,j'! 0.. 5 -,---- _ .. - - - - -... -I-' --1---1-1' -+--.-. - . --- --f-!-"'7 1·· 'I-~ -TOO .~:.. ... . .~-:-• .. .. ! . '. I . . I ' z ~Jrl t: :~!i ':' :... .::':' . ri-~'; :::: ::: .. I I' INTERIM REPORT i .1:;:: i :';:: :::: ::.: '::. .... . ::: .: ...... I. I. SOUTHCENTRAL RAILBELT I I::'·~;,: ::'::::::::::::.':' : .. : .~:.:;:';'.:. ~ .. 1-:-1-AREA, ALASKA 1-. 0.5 '~~t:l' ~~:~>p:f. .~. :fr'~'~: ~ .-.. _--:.' :.' ~.:.' ~.: .. ~:.'~. ",P+.I. _L 1 ~.'." '~I:--C~~~~3~E~:~i~HRS I' 0.2 -I' J" .:11 j': '... .... . ...! .. I. .. _. li I" i r iii; .; .. " • ! " ....... ....j : .. :.. I! 1 ! I! ! ! ~ 0.1 0.001 I .01 .I 1.0 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SUSPENDED SEDIMENT SIZE ANALYSIS SUSITNA RIVER FIGURE E.2.36 __ I PARAMETER: TURBIDITY, NTU ., . . .. -. --•. -. .-•.• ~ -...... ---.-.1\-1141 ~/b-l-I 1=++-1--1 ........ -1 ----. _I_'~ .t-I-t-t-~-.--•..• -.-~ .• - 1500 · .. ·-·-·-·~·-++-J-f I II 11++-tH±[FEEfErIIIIJIHfB-fffJHlrJIITIIT"'--' I-~-I-H--H-I-~-~-I-~ .. I--I-t-~-I-I-I--I-I-4-~ 1000 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 500 .- I-I-H-H-.-.-.-~ .. - .• -.•• -~-.... -.--~-~-I-I-I--I-l-I -•. , -< --.-~ .--I-l-I-I-1--I- • MINIMUM -•. -..... -.. ··.-1·· H-f.--.l-l--.. ........ _.-to-1-.+-+--1--+--1--1--1--1-' ~ -.-.-~ •. -.--~~~-. -.----.-. --.--.- ·1--1-I-1--I+I-H-f+-!-~+ I ++I--I-I-H-I-I -.--.-.-~ .• -.-~~ .• -.... -.--. -• .. • .. ·-1--1--1--+-1-+-1-1-1--1-++-1 o ".--.-~-..... _ .. + -.-.-< d-l-l-H-l-l-l-l-I--I-I-I-++++I--I--I-H-I -l-I--I-~-++ .-t-t--t--t-H-"·-' .... -.-1-1-1··f_I··· I • .. _1 .•. 1 .... _._.6..-. ....--"-1-. -t._ 1-_1.· .. _1_+-4_. ·.-+-.... -....·1-.• --1-1-1-4-1 *OBSERVATION .. ~ ~1'4FI2P~113~1-¥ ~li~1151:.:t=lj-t¢£1 .. 1ltJl-1~j--l\ltJ¢rf=tttll ottt '''1 Qlt-i·ttfl:thtrttdr - - J ~ I-rlr f I: fl TI1--~llf-----Ll!-J+t.1'" Jtl1: ~+tt. ~IJ£ ~ ~~_:. :-~+ G-t=! ~~E[fl--lS8I-+1 ... -.... -.-•...• -I~· .. ·· ... -· .... +--I--H+ .. ··~··--"-·.-.-+··I-.. I·-I~·~-·. -.......... -. SUMMER . WINTER . BREAKUP u-OeUAlI V-VEE CANYON G" GOLD liREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION Shall not exceed 25 NTU above natural conditions (ADEC, 1979) t::j[:cJl>lished to prevent the reduction of the compensation point for: photosynthetic activity, 'which 1\I"y have adverse effects on aquatic life. , DATA SUMMARY -TUREI D I TY FIGURE E.2.37 _-_I PARAMETER: TURBIDITY NTU .~. ! ------ -_. __ I.i~ I ~( -T t-t-.t-t-+----. - --- 1500 . --- -_. --~+-J-I-++-I-I--l-++~-H-Hr- --~~ ~ .~ ~. ~ ~ --~ -t-+-i~-+-t-t---.. - - . . --' - - - -.-. . ~+-I--H 1000 • MAXIMUM ++--f-f--t+-++-t-t - - - - - -I--l-l--ll-t -t- -MEAN .. -. ---.-. - . -.-... -1--1--1--1-+ . --- -_. ---. -.~I-.I--I-+- • MINIMUM -.-_. -.. -.. ~-II--I-j-- - - - -'+-++-f--f-t--t-f-- - -.---- --. - ------ .~I--I-+--I---I-4--1--1--1-1---- ----+-++++ -.-- - - - -------_. -. _.I-l--+4--I-+-4- o .---- -----. - - -,I-+-+-I--I-+-I-t·-t I-t-H-,H----.---H-+-I--+-I~-t ~--I--~-~-4- - . - - - - -,. -_. - - - - --.Ji-t--t-+-f---.--.---. 1-++++1+1-1---. -.' --.--- - ----.-. - -.-. - ---- - --., -I--lH--t -1-+-+-+-1-+-1 *OBSERVATION 2 I I· 2 15 - - - -h---- -,--,t.... -[" - - --I h .. -_ -_ '): -_ ~~. fI-JI J! --hb-11 -[~ : 1 "::r --,..: I -:: -l--~ ----LL -.-- - - -! 1\L .. .. - . -..., b -'-I-'~ _: r ----f::I?f-----._ D-~ .~ ~ -.. --1.1 __ ._ . . ... -.:e. ~ _ -~ ~ ~_:.: '11i-1st;; SUMMER . WINTER -BREAKUP u-oeUAlI V-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD liREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION Shall not exceed 25 NTU above natural conditions (ADEC, 1979) t::j[:cJl>lished to prevent the reduction of the compensation point for: photosynthetic activity, -which 1\I"y have adverse effects on aquatic life. , DATA SUMMARY -TUREI D I TY FIGURE E.2.37 i· , l I ) l. 10 . . . • I I I I' I 2 3 4 5.6 7 8 9 100 2 3 4 5 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION (mg/J) TUI=iBIDITV va SUSPENOEC CONCENTRATION SECIMENT o 6 7 8 9 FIGURE E.2.38 i· , l I ) l. 10 . . . • I I I I' I 2 3 4 5.6 7 8 9 100 2 3 4 5 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION (mg/J) TUI=iBIDITV va SUSPENOEC CONCENTRATION SECIMENT o 6 7 8 9 FIGURE E.2.38 _J PARAMETER. TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS, (mg./1.) -I-H-H-H-H-t-H-H-+-H-H+I-t-t-I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-H 1 II II 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H-H-+-H-+t-H-H-I-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I -I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1.1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 300 -I I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 200 • MAXIMUM I I I I I 1-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1.'1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I -MEAN 100 --I 1 J 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1+1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I H I I I I I I I H-H-H-H-I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I lit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I H-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-t-H-H-4-1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit 1 1 1 1 I· F I I I 1 1'1 1 1 I I-H-I-H-t-H-I-t-t-H-t--H-t-H-t--H-F-I-H-H-H-H I I I I I I I H-t-H-+-+-t-H-t-t-H-I I i I I I I I I I I I I IT I I I -I I I I I I I I H I I I I I I I ~ I 1'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •. MINIMUM o -H-H-H+I 1 1 1 III I 1 1 1 1 1 1111111111 I-H 1 1 1 III III Iii 1 11111111111111111 I II III I 1 1 III +I-H-H 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1'1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I -H-I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 H-H-H 1 1 1 I 1 1 H-H-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -+-H-t-t-·t-t+-t-+-I-t-~~--~·-H-H 1 1 1 I I I-+++-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Itttifm~i~_$mtlmB~;mllill*lli§ '""OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI· V-VEE CANYON., a-acH.D CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATION A. 1,500 mg/1 (ADEC, 1979). Established to protect natural condition of freshwater ecosystems (SOO mg/l is the criterion for water supplies). DATA SUMMARY -TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS FIGURE E.2.39 _J PARAMETER. TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS, (mg /1 ) -I~;-t+t---H-H~rrl~~I'-I-rrrrrr+++++++~~~~~IHHHrH-H-rrr+++++++++++++~ 300 200 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 100 "H-H--H-+-+++++++++-H-H-HH-t-t-H-H-rr++++++++++++-H-H-H-HHHH-t-t-t-t-H I-H-~I-I,-H-., MINIMUM o . -~I-t-r+,-~~++++~~-r+~I~~~~t-r+-r~+++~++~~-r+-r+~~~~H-+-r+-r++++++~~~ '""OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI· V-VEE CANYON" a-acH.D CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATION A. 1,500 mg/l (ADEC, 1979). Established to protect natural condition of freshwater ecosystems (SOO mg/l is the criterion for water supplies). DATA SUMMARY -TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS FIGURE E.2.39 -----.J PARAMETER' CONDUCTIVITY, Ilmhos/ em @ 25°C _.~l ~UJ ]=\ tt-itl~=~-ttJ~tt tl-L.1~~=ttt=1~=lt-i=-ttlj::tl=ttt:t=tti ++-H++++-l-t-+-I-l+-I-~-·-~-.--... .... ,· .. ,-,··,-,-,-,,-,-·_~· .... ··~·+.·+t-H-t -~··-·-·-H-H++~++++I-I+H-I++-t 400 -.-a. ___ .4 ............ _ .... -.. -f--f-f-f-+-J. , .•.• -<-.-•• -t 1 1 IIH-I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1+1 I I I I I I I H--H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -•. -.-•..• -.-+ ..• --.~-•..• -+-~-+++ d_' "-'--I+H I I I I H-I---H-H--H+H-H I I I I H-I I I I I I _._.".1_ I .. ' , .•. -t-t--t--H-'o-...... -.1--4-.II -I. _'-~ •• I-'" .•.. I,·.'.· ...... - -~~--.-... '-'-']1[111111IJ11J'-1 +H-t--t-+ 300 • MAXIMUM .-J-J.-f--H-I-t_ ... -I _'f __ ' -,.1-1- ... -.-..... -_.-. -.-f-+-H-H I I I I I f- 't--t--t+t--t-t--t--t-1-.-.... -+-_. .--"--~-~.++-++-+-++++++.J..-H-f-l I I I I I I I /-j--H -MEAN 200 -. -+ -. -.• -•.. ~ -+t--+-t-+--I-H- _ .•.• _.+_. LLl_ L J .Lq..L._._._~ ..... • MINIMUM ._-<._+----.-.~-I-~I~ 100 __ ,"H_I_"_".I_._.I_I---I--I~-I t!:IHt!:ffl~HtHjjlfmffHf*ltUIWIUffllij:i~~:~1~~fiI1W1l1 *OBSERVATION SUMMER . -. WINTER BREAKUP D-DI:HALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CliULlTUA T-TALKEETNA S, -SUNStHNE:: SS-SUSITNA STATION III) cr i.ter-ion established DATA SUMMARY -CONDUCT 1 V 1 TY FIGURE E.2.40 PARAMETER' CONDUCTIVITY! pmhos/ em @ 25°C - - -------- --- - - - , ---H-r+-1f-H-H--1-- - -----I-+++-~ -... ---. --"++-H--I---. - ----·'--1-H-II-H l-l-'-f-ll-'-f--f-l-I-I .. ----.. - - - - -.. ..i--l-'-+-I-HH -t--I-++++--I4--I4-.J--J-.J--H-- - - -.--·---H-H-~·'~IK-II-'4+~~-~~ 400 . . --- - ----+++++I-++++++++H-t+H--H-II+1f-H-H-l-f-H-H++++-H--H-++++++I-H-H-++-+-+-++-+-+-I--HH + - -.... .. - --"-f-I--H.-I ------- ---- . -.. -,1-1--1-"+ .... -"1+1~~HHHH'14~~'+++Hf44'1444-~4+~~ -.-- -_. .. .-I-+-4-I-~-_. -. - - - -.. - . .. ... _. .- , - -.... - - . -1:"'- 300 • MAXIMUM ---I- +"-+-!--I-- - --' _. --. - -. .. -' " .. - - -H-H++++--H--++ 1-1-1-1-:1-1-1-1--1--_. - - . .... -----I-+--f-I-+--t-t--t-f-I-t-",L-HI-H·4444-++--+4·-I-I-I -MEAN 200 - - --. -.. "-I-t-++++-I--I- • MINIMUM ---~. ~.-~ ---. -.. . --. . -.. _ .. - - - --' .... -~ - ---.--- . ---- - --H-H-1I-H 100 --". -----.. -H-I--I-I-H - ---_. ------I---I-t-f+ *OBSERVATION SUMMER . WINTER BREAKUP D-DI:HALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CliULlTUA T-TALKEETNA S, -SUNStHNE:: SS-SUSITNA STATION III) cr i.ter-ion established DATA SUMMARY -CONDUCT 1 V 1 TY FIGURE E.2.40 '_J. -~~ PARAMETER I CHLORIDE. (mg. /1. ) t A 30 20 I++++H--! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -•.•. -~.-+.j-l4-l-+++-.j-l-I-l-+++--····-·-·--·-·-I-H-t++H-I I I I I I -J-+-I • MAXIMUM -.-.-~ •.•..•.. ···-·····-1-1-1-+-1-1-1-1 -'-~-~--'-}--H+++-l---I-H-I-H--+-++-I-I I-+-+-+--l-+-l-.-•. -•. -•..• -•...•.• ~~--•.• -.-~ -. _ •. . ·-~~-·······~·-··~-t-+++-I-I-I -MEAN 10 ... -•. --.•. ·-·~-I-t-H-:l-• MINIMUM .•• --.~.~ -•. -•..• -}--.-f+-+-+ o 1+ I I I I I I I .+H-++f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H ,1_1·_t-_I,·_I··I_I--I_ ... _ 11.--.--.. ~-. ··~-I-+++++++H-I-H+H-l ~ It Ht't~:1 t~miooHmHln1jlm~11n~1I-1ltmll{RiH!Hmi' ·~I=OBSERVATION SUMMER . WINTER BREAKUP 0-Dt:UALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALI{EETNA S -SUr~SIUNc SS-SUSITNA STATION I..(!SS than 200 mg/lx (ADEC. 1979) Established to protect water supplies. r OAT A SUMMARY -CHLOR I DE FIGURE E.2.41 '_J. PARAMETER I CHLORIDE I (mg. /1. ) t A 30 H-1f+~H-· _. _ .. -.. - - - - - ... - - - --H-'I--f--H-H 4+++++t-+++ .. !. --.--... -. ·+-1-11-++ 20 -.-.---l~-I--4---JI~ ·1--l--·l-4-I--I~ l--I-I-I---'-- -'" - - -.. --I-~-~--f--H-H-~-+-I--I--I-I---I-I--I • MAXIMUM - - - --... - -_. --I-HI--I--jr-I--I-I - - - --H--H-~,+t--H H-I--t-~H--II--H I--I--I--+-+-+-l-- . -.-.. - ' .. - -_.. ... - --l-+-I--+--I-I-I -MEAN 10 - -_. --1-1-11--~4--- -'-'--. - - -_. -.-- . - --- • MINIMUM , -.--..•.. - - - 1 -- - --.. -1--t-t--1-i-t-i--t-i--t-i--t-i--f--t--f--l ·~I=OBSERVATION II .. i::O'-7'1.. .. ~t. ~'8 .. ;;1:' --. ----.~. ~ :: ~2' .3 -.~-~. .-.'0 -----. -1-= .l - - : -~ .l . .- -\1. -$ ~ ---'f --~: 1'1-: -' :: -... ~ ... : ll::: .. :: - T -:':F ~~.:-~ -: ~l .. __ ~ ... {._ .. _:-:: -=~5 SUMMER . WINTER BREAKUP 0-Dt:UALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALI{EETNA S -Sur~SIUNc SS-SUSITNA STATION I..(!SS than 200 mg/lx (ADEC. 1979) Established to protect water supplies. r OAT A SUMMARY -CHLOR I DE FIGURE E.2.41 t A '-~ PARAMETER: SULFATE, (mg. /1.) -I-+-I-I-H-l-I-I-I-/-I-l-l-l ++IIIIII+·H-+-·H-+-I-H·+++++·f-H-/-·t-H-H+·t++t-·H-+H ~I~J:-l =1 ~'I~'I'~I-[Ll :LnTT.:f~- _. _. p __ •• _ ••• __ ]_ _ [_OJ= ... 1 •• _ -.-. -_··-/-I--H-+-H+++H-+-H 40 I++H+I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 11 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••.•..••. -.-........ -•••. 1-1-4-"'-f-H+-.f-~ ·I-I-H-H-+-H-H-I--H-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 I .. -.-.-.-.-.-~ -H-H-++H-H-H-H+I--H-I-H-f-·H-H--H-f--I-I-I-l-"'-I-I-l-l-l-l-I- I+H-t-l-·-· .. ·-· ..... --1-/4++-t--.~--.-.-.• -.~-.- ·-I-I--I-+--I-/-I-I-I-~ -I -I-H-H -H-+-H-I-I I-I-I-t-I-/-I--I-/-I-~· ... -.-.-_.- 2.0 E'" ---. -•..•. -.--.-.-.-.-·.-·.-.-.-.-1--1--1--1--1-+-+- .... -.-..... ··· .. ·_·-1"· .• -_ .... -.. -......... - o H+I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I T I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I .•• _ .............. _ •••••••• 1,1 ___ • ___ .1 __ 1 __ • __ 1_1_ .. _ •. 1 •• l~ ._ .-0-.-•. _--•. _/-1-1-1-+--1- :tr;~"141:-~6b~ 8" -25 1"1 :l~~r~¥ll·J'-· 29 'r4'11~q-l'41=123I--ttl"I'~ I"f tl-~lll,~.-!tTI~t~·li I: :F .1 fl. f ltl"·~*:·I?f-:·: ~I-rr ·rrl*I-"~lrrlt· ·-~lll·: ~.'~. ··:Yllt ttlr--~l--I~I_- SUMMER WINTEB BREAKUP • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM :U::OBSERVATION 0-Ot::tlALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CHULlTI~A T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSlUNt:: SS-SUSln~A STATlOII ;\. SIl,111 not exceed 200 mg/l. (ADEC, 1979). L::,L~.t) 1 ishud to protect water supplies. OAT A SUMMARY -SULFATE FIGURE E.2.42 '-~ PARAMETER: SULFATE, (mg. /1.) - --.-.. !-- - - - - -I--... - - -.. -f--- -t t+H-H-H·-. -... - . - --'-- ---'--. --+-/--I-H A -+-++-I---I--I-~I--+-f--t-+-++-++-++-++-+-I-+-f - - - . -'I-Hf-t-l-H-+++ I-I-+-I~ • MAXIMUM . -_. --I~~I-H-I~4~ I-I-~-I-l-. - --.-- -_. -t--l-1I-H-f-f-H-++-++ · . .. ... -.. -.. - - - --t-H---I-t-·~ · .. - • - --H-H-I-+!-H!-+-IH-IH-j!-j.....jH-I!-4-:H-~-I-HI-H'-t-I-"--.--1-+-+-+-+-1- · .. -. .. _. -.-. -r;·++-++-l-· - -... -I-+++++-H--_. -. --/-t-I'-r-H-l -~--I-I-~~-l-I-.. - -•.• -MEAN 2.0 .. .. -... _ .. - . - _ ... - - --I-+--+-I~-+-I 1-_.... .. • MINIMUM o - -.. --. . -, -.••• -I ----. ----.-- -_'A _. :U::OBSERVATION --. ,--. , -. -._. '".. _." -. ..--.' -" --.....----. -----.. ... - ll~~·ll :~rF~: -:tlll-. -. ~ :·l:~::: -~ ,." n orr ;~~: SUMMER WINTEB BREAKUP 0-Ot::tlAl.I V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CHULlTI~A T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSlUNt:: ss-SUSln~A STATlOII ;\. SIl,111 not exceed 200 mg/l. (ADEC, 1979). 1.::,L~.t) 1 ishud to protect water supplies. OAT A SUMMARY -SULFATE FIGURE E.2.42 ------ PARAMETER I CALCIUM (Ca) DISSOLVED. (mg. / l. ) . ·1-I -'-1-' ··'--.. -1-4·· __ • ___ -,_ .. ·_, -f.--t' •• -f-I-J-+-f-f--t--f-H -.~ --.-. --. -~ -.--~.-,~,-,-, -~--,-.-.-., -1-++l+I-t-+-f-H-+-I _. _ .... _. ·.I_I_-i' -,,-.. -+-t-f-t-I-+-~.f-..J-l--I-'-'-'-" -.-1-_.- 60 -. -. -·-~--'-·-I-++-++t--~--i-4 _.· .• _1_ .. _._ ... _._._1_ ... _ ..... _._.·. __ 1_ ... _·.···._._1_. __ ._·1-1-1-.. · .... -'........--.-... -.-1_. ·'-1-1·" •..• --.-•..• -I--••• --.---t-... -t--t .. , •.• -+-I-.-.· .. -t-l I I I I I I I I --'--'"-'-'-'--~H+I-I-H-+--f-H-+-H+-H-I-++++-H--H+I I I I I I I-+..j • MAXIMUM 40 ~~J-..I-I--1-~-I-I-I-f-H-~ •• of· ... ·-1--'--4 -. -·t, ..... -l--4--+-#--f- "" ."~ --" ."~-·-H-H+H-H-++-I-H-f+++++-+ _.J]lT'-._ ---'-~~-++I I I I I I I-H-+--f-I-H ·-··--·--·-·-·-~--t--t--+-I I I I I I -MEAN 20 " ..... -.~ ... - • MINIMUM o ."-.1--1-I -f-1--1-_1_ .... , ._._ ·._I_·'_~_"_·" __ • -1-' .-. __ •··•·· .... · ... _1_1·_1_.· .. ·1· 1_1_ ""'-I-t--I--4-H- It l~fW 1 ~ 5~lf *1:-: ~f:~l: l i~~inft1n~~ *r -t 11: lmliUliEf ~l=OBSERVATION SUMMER : WINTER BREAKUP 0-DEIIALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CIiULITUA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSIUNc SS-SUSITNA STATIOU 1-1" Cl." i l.c:!I:ion eSLablisheJ I DATA SUMMARY -CALCIUH (d) FIGURE E.2.43 i - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 60 40 20 o PARAMETER I CALCIUM (Ca) DISSOLVED. (mg. / l. ) .. - - - - -.. - - --. - - - - - - -.-- -1-t-.J.-t--I-+4-J.-I --. --. - - - - - -.-- --. -1-+-I-t-+-I-+-+4-~1-I _ - . -.. -' -. - - - --I-I--~.J.--.J.--.J.--I-- - - - - - - . . - - --1-I-j.-I--I-.J.--.I~~-4 . .. - - - - - - - - - ---." - - . .... - --. -. - - - - - - - - - -_.. ...-_.--' -_.. - -.. _. - - - . --++++-~I-I -. -.. - - - -H-I-r'H-IH-l-H-++-l-+-l-+t--.J.--t--.J.--I--I--~ -H-+-+-+-+---I-I-l-l-H -I-~-+-H-. -.-. - - - - -.... -.. - . .... . ... -----. . --+-+-+1-.J.-I-J.-I-JL-t-I-- - - - --·I-H-t-+4-+-· _ .: ~ _ '.' ._ : ~I-.. t-._ H_ f-++-l+_+_+._+-_I-_ H_ 1+1 ++--If-t-+ -H-I-H-+_+:::. =: :-, . - - --+-t-~+~f-H I-t--H-I-J.-I .-.--. - - --t-t-t-t-t-t-H-t " ... -~ .. - . ---------.~ -.. , -- -.. I--H-t-t--t--+ - --I- -. . . -... -. ---._----_. _.. ~ - --"- --. . -... - - ---- - - -.-' - --. .. ... -. 1--... -- . 11) .~~ ~ 7;1"' .. ' ~ ~ff 1-·~r-~. ~ ~ ---~ '-,:~. ~fl ':-~ _:I~ ~.-l ~ $ ~~: ~ ~ ~ >. ~ : : ~] .-~ _-~ . ~ ~~ ~ = SUMMER :WINiER BREAKUP • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM ~l=OBSERVATION 0-DEIIALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CIiULITUA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSIUNc SS-SUSITNA STATIOU 1·1" Cl.-i l.c:!I:ion eSLablisheJ I DATA SUMMARY -CALCIUH (d) FIGURE E.2.43 i - _I -------_._-----------------------------------------------, PAr~AMETER I HAGNESIUM (Hg) QISSOLVED, (mg. /l . ) 1.0 ·H-I++-+H+I-+++++H-H+H-~-I-~~ -l-~ I I I I I I .J-I.-I ····-·-·-·--·-···--··-···--·-1-~+1 I I I I I . _ -.. -'" .. -... .. -.. .. --..... -... -.... .-- . .. . ... " ---. --. . -.. -. -1-+-+4~-·t·"I·l·l·-rn--EI·-,···,"l-'·-'-E-,j-I-·'-EO·-EfWI1-'·'···'· [-,'I-'m-,",',-','-,,'-,'" .... LLLJ.l..l _. ________ . __ ._. __ ._ _ __ .. . __ LtLlJ..Ij±tt 10 -....... -~-.-.-~--.-~-+ ... -. ···-·_-·· .. ·+++ .............. -·I-++-f-l+I+ .• -.. -.. -.-.-.-.•.•...• -.-~+-~~-+-~I-~+H~l+- --+-.-_.->---++-H-H++-I 1 I I I -f--f--I-++-H-'-' ... -.-~-.--.... ~.-. -.~.-.-... -.. - -·-·-··-·....,-, .. ,-, ..... -·-'-·,·-·-·-'-'-'-.. -T-·-··:r=:r4--+=.l+1 I I II .-.-.•.• -... -.-~--~-·-·-·-I I I I I I H-I-H+I--'I'-1-f-t-l-H--f-f--f-t++-1- ti • I •. 1_. __ f.-. 1-"". I.-_.a-..I_ I •• ~ ... _ .... _ ....... _t-.......... _ ...... _ ... ]~.--.-.• -. ·--~·--·-···~-·--··-·-·-·-·--··-·~-f-H-H-+-H+~I+I .. -.+ .... :-1":.1 .. 1-'.1_ ................... _ ..... , .. _L-•. ~ .. _ •• t_ -a._a.-._ .• _ .• _ ... _ •. _-6-_"'_~._"_ .•. --... ~ IT1 j r_L1.TTITITITl1_T.r-··-+--·--- _1."'_1 .•• _.·"_1 __ ', ..... _ ...... -I-I '-1-t-... +-+,.I.-I--.-.-'.-.I-~_f_·.J+I ->-• -.-.• -.• -·-+--·-I-H+I-I-o I~-I-I-I-H-I---I-+-I-H I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 ~ I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I++H++++-H+H+H Til 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I • I ....... ,_ ....... __ ... ,' -...... -. -~4-I-.J--·I-I . ---+_., -. -... -.... ,~, .-..... f--H--I--f-.• ____ ............. _. __ ••• -t--I I-I 1·1 '-1-1--1··',' .......... -•.•• -•. -t ......... t-•• --I--J-f--I--.J.- ••• 1_ I_+-__ • __ t __ •. _ •. _._I._._t_~f-l--J-...I._.I .. "_...J---I-._.I_.J_L-L-I_.I._l._l-_, _1_1_-'_ L_'-I_'_I.,'·.I .1_ ............ 1_.1. I _I .... _.1_ .• _ .... ·· •• _ •• _1--1_ .~ __ f __ .. _. ___ .. _ ..... ·_. ____ ·· 11 Ll2lq~t74~~1 *-I~'5~CI' ertl~!r::I{j.I~!llll.~ '31': Ill·::I~,H~t 41~'21~I~tJII ! ...... -. fl f Irlf·rrn roo ..!f-I· r-Ifll" TI l ·11' -. SlJMl~En : WINTER .1 iliTrfI.J~Hw.Blf11T~_ BREAKUP • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM #=OBSERVATION U-UEtlAl_1 V-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD GREEIC C-CIHJlITtIA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSl-IINc SS-SUSITNA STATIOH Hd cl:ite'cion established. DATA'SUMMARY -MAGNESlut~ (d) FIGURE E.2.44 I ~--_I -------_._--------------------------------------------, PAr~AMETER I HAGNESIUM (l'1g) DISSOLVED, (mg. /l . ) 1.0 H-f-Hf-+IH-f-H-t ~-I-+-IH-IH~-H---. -·-~-+-++-+-++-.J.....I-I ..... --.. -.. -.,. --H-f_I-I_I_H_I . --'~..: : .~ :. . ~ -= -_.~~ ... ~ ~ ... ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ .~.' ~. = ~ ~=.~'IL..~I-f--I--1 -... :::. - -..... ----. -~ -. ~H_ 1-1_ H_ H_-I-+--t-t-.... - - -.... - - --. . -... - -'I-+-I-l--'~+-._ ... .... - - - - --.... .... -.... -.-+++1_+1-1--+-'-+-1-4-1--1- H-t-++· T 10 - . - -... --t--HHH~-+--++~++-• MAXIMUM + .. \--1-+++4--.... --.. -.. --. -... .. --. ~ _.. ---.. .~ --_. ~ --_. _.. -. - --. -~ -l--'~+-I~I-+-l---+-+- -MEAN · ........ --.. -.. -.... -·t-t-H-1H-t-+-- -.. -I-I-H-1-I·+~.:..J.-~-1- ~l_f_i-I_I_~I_~H-1~_1H_1H+4+++~~~++++~~f_l_l_I_H_I~ .. ~-~+~_I_I_I_H_I~44_1_~~++++-H_++~ .... ~ -... - .. ]i_ --. - -.. -" -.. . - -.. - - . --l-I-I--+-II-I I-I-f---H-1e-1 .-.--e--.--... _ .. _ .......... - • MINIMUM ... 0 .... 1-._ .----.. ----_ .... -----_ .. --I ··-.. --~ .. ~1 : ..... -". -j... ... .. - - - - --'- - - -.-- - -.. . .... ... - - . . -... ---- -.-. -I-+--t-t--"H-I - - -_. -. - - --I-l---++-H-o .-----l---I-Il-l-'-H_1H_++++++~++_++H_H_I_+I_I_I_I_H_lH_1_+_+_++-H_ .. ++++_++_-H .. +++_+_I_I_I_I_H_lH_1H_1_1H_H · - -.-.. - - -... -·I-+-II-t-·II-I --. .. -.. . -. --·~H-+-t-. _ _ .-... _ _ ... - - . . -.. .. . -.--.-... . ·-1-1-+-14- .. - - - ---.--.---1-+++--1-1 ..... -... - - _ .... -.. - - -.. - - -.. -... - - . ..... .. -... - -....... - - _ .. --.. - -..... .. #=OBSERVATION · 1 .. :' ~ 1LI .. =I~n'~ l-I~I:' -. -' ~ :. ~-~114': .. .:: 3 .: 1~ 22 = ~ •... (~: : : -i .. = . L. Ie rOo -1. = .... ·r··· If-T'~ITI""~: -~\lr":-···~:-··T·ll?=:····~·'~·-:: .=~ .. ~:.~ ..... ~.-~.-- SlJMl~En : WINTER BREAKUP u-UEtlAl_1 V-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD GREEIC C-CIHJlITtIA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSl-I\Nc SS-SUSITNA STATIOH ['ld cl:ite'cion established. DATA'SUMMARY -MAGNESlut~ (d) FIGURE E.2.44 I ~-- -_._-------- 30 20 10 o PARAMETER: SODIUM (Na) DISSQLVED. (mg. /1.) I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I·-·-·--··~···- ... -••.• -.-•.•..• -. -··H-t-H-t-I-1-t-I·· .-........ -.-.-.-• MAXIMUM -. • ..• -.-~.-.~-. '.~.-' -.-.-.-... +-t-I-t-l- -·-·····-·-···I-I-l-l·-I-I-I -.... -.• -., ..• ~-•. -.-I-I-I-+-I-i .+=t., ..... '-:1- -.,"-1 •• 0 1-1--... " .. -I·· •• ·•••• I_I .I_.~ __ I_I._._·I_ ._ ... ·.1·· 1 ..... _ .. ·_. __ •• ,·.·· I-I. I_·~_·I··I-_·_._' _t ... • . ''-'L .. " .. ~.1lllitl. 5' '-1 "r-j?·5'·-f·r-\·"IJ.'1· " . . -;' I'· -.. ' .... -• -. - -p' ." •• --.- . 1 , , , , "_ . . . . ... ?f . .. -.... SUMMER ·~lt6f1 t-ntl~lll:·~rltl:l-f[··· WINTER __ . __ ._._a.++++++++ -MEAN -....•.. -..• -•. -.•.• ·I-I-f-+-l-I • MINIMUM ~.~. .••• -~.-.•.•. 1-+-.-1--1-1-1- ,llJ~~I~li~F.~.J·JjFPlP ~F08SERVATION Il'1l ::IFJIII4fl BREAKUP 0-DEI/All V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSUINE SS-SUSITNA STATIOU [lu eriler-i.on established. DATA'SLJMMARY -SODIUI'\ (d) FIGURE E.2.45. -_._---_._---------------------------------------------. PARAMETER: SODIUM (Na) DI.SSOLVED, (mg. /1.) .' -.... -..... ·1-· .--' - -.• . . - - -.. -.--•. ··l-+--I--I-H-II-+-ll--I--l 30 I-+-IH--I--. -.• - - -1-.... -1-1-1-1-1·-o· -. ..- 20 • MAXIMUM . ,. -' -. .-• -.. H-t-t-+-t-I-i-t-I-' •. -.-. - - - • -.---.. . ... -.-. -, '++++-i- - -... -.... I-H-++-I-- -MEAN . --. -·f-+-+-!-'I-+-H .1-; ..... ~-+-11-1--"'-I--I-·-I-I· .. - . . - . 10 • MINIMUM ~-- • I -.. 0 -__ " _'", _,_ • -••• - -•• __ - -"... ... -._ p-••• - • .' .0 ", P. • -•• ~F08SERVATION .' , • _.... •••• _ _ _ •• _ _.. • h •• _ _. • _ • ..._.. _. _ _ • _, •• _ __. _ _ _ _ ," . .-.. ,'. 611;2 -I : ~~~ ~-~ ~I~ ~ ~ --~ ~:, ~ ~ 2~" I·.: - : i' ~ ~ -. . b... ~ . :( ':-1 ~ ~' : 1 -~-~ ~ L.J....;L-l-I--"~...J.~ T . r : '1 :: i1l :: -~ p.'~ . -,f" (.":-. -. T' FT ~ ~ .. ' : . D' ~ ~., ('.::.~ -~ •. .::I~ :-~. SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP 0-DEI/All V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSUINE SS-SUSITNA STATIOU [lu eriler-i.on established. DATA'SLJMMARY -SODIUI'\ (d) FIGURE E.2.45. ~--~ .. -----_._- 10 5 o PARAMETER I POTASSIUM (K) DISSOLVED. (mg. /1. ) .• _ •• _.' ......... ~-l . .l_.l_I_I .. I.,I_I_.I .. .l--I_I._I_1 1·1-1-1· .. I-I·~·~ .. I-·f·I',I-I-I·1 ~·I-I-I-I .. t-I-I-·-'·-·--·-·'-·-·- -~ ...... -.-.~-.-I I I I I I I I -.··1-1· 1.·1 .•• , - . ___ ••. _ ••••• ____ ._ •. _ .•••• _ ........ -_-.. -1. I ••• _I_I • • _ .. _ .. _ •• _. __ .•• _. _ ••••• 1 •.•. -.. _--_ ..... ·-.. ··1 ••••• -•• I _ ........... -.-.1-..... ·_· ... _.-.--.. 1·_1'_1 __ 1.1 . .... ,~-.--.-~. ,-.-~.·-I--l+1-1 -I. I. I. ,,_I ••• _. _1_". I .• ' ·1 _t. I .. 1_' .. 1_·1 _._ •• _ ..... _ .... --0.-.-.-... -.. -.............. 1-.... -._1_·.· ....... •· ... I-I -..... 1 __ ....... --1-•• -........ -.... -. ·· •• -1 •• -... ·-...---1-.... ---- _ .. __ ....... _ .......... __ __..._. __ ._ .... ......._ .. -.. -1-t -t·· 1 --1'--1--1--1-1--1--1--1--4---1---1--1--1 .+-~--t--+--f--l--I-I--'-&-.. 1 -I_"_ .. ··I--._ ... ~·_I -1-....... - -H,+~+·H--· .-._-.-f.·h-I'[' H_·L -.-lLLX --..•.. , ~ ..... -. -·-·-·~-1-I-H4+1-1--f-·--f+H+H++++·'-·-~·-·-~-·- •.••.• _ ••.•.•••. 1 •• __ 1_1_ •• ___ .1_ .... 1._1. '_1. I. I •.• _._1 .. 1_-1 _ 1-_ ... -.-1-' -1-.. _-.1, __ ·1-' -I -.·· •• ·-1·-1-... • •••.•• 1--.. 1-,_1 •• 1-' -.. -.-1--.... -.. -.-. -·1-"- .1. I •• _1_ I _ ••• _ '_1 •• I_I. I _1_ &-..... __ ..... __ ••••• _ •..•• _. 1 .. 1 .• 1."'-.. _ ._ .• _ I • __ I _1_' •• 1 I. '-.. 1 •• 1_ I_I ••• -... I • '-.1 ·.-,,-_.'.-1._1-.. -I -1-•.• -.. - -I.-I .• _ 1-" -_'.1_ ... __ 1 •. _1 -1-' _ .-"-01 -I _1·.1 __ ·1_·1._._._·" .. _1 __ 1 ..... I~ I: , 6 5 -Ij --2 . --.. . . 2 I,.. --'. " \. -. .'- • I' ~..l f'~ $1 t . .lti f . t·f .~ ..... :.. ·fiHlltjHll~IJlltlaIUU~I:Ht n-I-' SUMMEB :WINTEB BREAI(UP • MAXIMUM -MEAN •. MINIMUM :tt=OBSERVATION U" l>EII:\lI V-VEE CANYON a .. GOLD GREEK C-CHULlTUA T-TALKEETNA S -SlJtISHlNE:: SS-SUSITNA STATION [-~u edler-ion established. DATA SUMMARY POTASSI UN (d) FIGURE E.2.46 . __ ... _---_._-----------------------------------------------, 10 5 o PARAMETER I POTASSIUM (K) DISSOLVED. (mg. /1. ) . -_.. ." ~_.. - -.. " -.. ... -.-- . -.. .. . . ... -. . .. -.. . - --" --I-_. - - -.. - - , .... ,. .. - -•.. _ - . -...• . . - - - - _ •. -.. - . -._ -._ -_. .. • _. ... -to. -.-- . _ .. .. - - --.t-+--I-+-l-+-I-l -..... ,. -. .. .. --_. . - -. •• - -._ •••• _ -•• ' '" __ ~_ .""'" - - • • 0' , __ • _ ,_. -. ----. _. -•• .. . .. -. -.--·-1-4-1-1-1 -. . . -.. - --. .. . _. ., -,-_. . .. -.-.--_. - ---. . . .. --_.. .. . .. .. - -.. ---'" -, -.-. _. - -... -- -.. ---- -.. _ _ _ ..... ---.. _.. - -.. .... .. .. - --of -+·of-+-+-~-~--1 • MAXIMUM +-1-H-1I-1·-_.. .. - -.." -.. - - . .. ... --.. . -, --I-!-+-I-I' -.. , ..... -.. -- -- -MEAN -H,'-I-~-I-f-~-" --- -. .... ... - - --. -++-H-f-+++-1-+++++-1--1-+-+-"--1-.--_. --- .. ,-.. ... .. -----. --. -... -. _. ,----, -- -.---- -... ,. -. -.. , ., --., -.... .--'---- -- - --,-- - . . . - --. --_. -. . ---.. . . .--. ---,. _. --. -.. -. -_. _... -. - -._.--- --. -- •. MINIMUM . .-. . --'. .--1-"-. - . - - . -... -.... - --. --. . ..... . . - , II .. ,~ . -.. -,.. -.. .. ---, .. . -. BE ! ~ 59 -II .. 2&; . --.. .: . f. ' .... ·f :I~ .. ~~ ~. . 2~ ..... - -.; . t '1<:=' . _ ........... ,--- .i~ '= .~ , .. lib ,. ~ . :. _ u': ~~ .. ~~ ,.: 7 ~ ~.' "t=OBSERVAT ION '·Is -. - -1-,--... SUMMEB :WINTEB BREAI(UP U'-l>EII:\lI V-VEE CANYON a~ GOLD GREEK C-CHULlTUA T-TALKEETNA S -SlJtISHlNE:: SS-SUSITNA STATION [-~u edler-ion established. DATA SUMMARY POTASSI UN (d) FIGURE E.2.46 A --.--< --::..-;:-::.-. --'--- PARAMETER: _ PH ! --::'-I-I++-\-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H-+++-H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I 8 7 .- -----=,;-- 6 .- .f---I--H4-1--J-.f.--.-4--6_·+-_·+--41_' --1--1 _1--' __ 6_ --. ---. ---,--.' .• -•. -, •. -~--. -+-+--+-++--+-I-t-I-l-H-+-l -.-.-....... _-.-. --1+·.--++·H--+·· .---.-.• -<-- .t-~~-~-'J rl-["EIIEf---1-1--1-,']-'[1 fH---r I-t" • _. _ • _. • _. . _. _ __ •• _ _A-__ • _ •• .. , .. ~ -. -....... ,.. -_.- H--H++t--+++ I~ Ilill~ll t 1~'lti~--!-* r!; P I 1\ SUMMER "2~lllJj!rlllli4 "l'U'ltl !fll'i'I'liJ~Jil"~' "'[JJ9 I T ~' "-, _..-,.._, --..-.. --1~'- -.-" ..... ~-.--.. -. --" .... _-- . ------ WINTER BREAKUP • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM ~l=08SERVATlor~ D-DEUALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CI-IULITNA T-TALI{EETUA S -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITt~A STATION A. I'lDt: l~ss than 6.5 or greater than 9.0. Shall not vary more than 0.5 pH unit frolll na tural condition (ADEC. 1979). E!;tabli!;;hed to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. i:lA'''A SU~VUVjA~V -PH FIGURE E.2.47 A -------" PARAMETER: PH ! 'r ------ H-I-HH-lH·-- --' -. - - - --.- ----- . __ .. -._,.---++-.-4-1H-I-t-/-H-H-I 8 -t--• .-+-I-.-J:-I-· .. -. - -• MAXIMUM -MEAN 7 - --_.-=,;--• MINIMUM ~l=08SERVATlor~ I) 12 . 4T'5 .. j -. J7.3~'1 '1S:~4 ) Iii ,. - . - - - ----.--- \~ '~. ~9_ '_ ' .... I~ .. ~ , ~ '.: ~_ '_, ~ , _ {~_ ,. . J" U ~' 15 ' .. r ~~ n .~ ~ t -=-r=-_ 1" It-( ::-. .. ::: = .: I~~I::: SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DEUALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CI-IULITNA T-TALI<EETUA S -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITt~A STATION A. I'lDt: l~ss than 6.5 or greater than 9.0. Shall not vary more than 0.5 pH unit frolll na tural condition (ADEC. 1979). E!;tabli!;;hed to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. i:lA'''A SU~VUVjA~V -PH FIGURE E.2.47 r-..::::::::=-=- PARAMETER: HARDNESS. as Ca C03' (mg. /1. ) -----... -.-.-.-.----.. -.-.-.-.-.--++l-f;- 170 .----._-.-•..• -.•.• -1-1 I I I I l-t-H-+++t-t-I-H -. -1·1-'-1-'· ·'-"·-'-1-,-[[[-1-·[-[1-·'-1··'·'· LTJ-I·:,·IJ·· .J:j.~t;.-_ . ___ .. ___ . __ . _. _ -L. _ .. - -_ .. -[t -. --[ ~- ._-_."-1 .. 1 ..•. 120 . • MAXIMUM -. -.-.-. -.-.-.-.-.-.• -~ I I I I H -.-.-Hi I I I I I I -MEAN .. 0-, -.-.-.-~.-.-t-I-I-H-+-+-+. H+++t-f-i+' ----.--..... - 70 .- F·-··· .1_ ... ---._ .... _ .. _1_ • __ •• 1. • MINIMUM --.-.-.--.-_ ....... -·-~·-··-··-""'I++-.· _I _ '_.-4_4_ t_ 1·.·1·· 1··.--·., 1-1-~~ -_.-.. -.--. -H-H+H--f--1:-1++++-'+1 20 _I, '-·1-.... _1_1··1_._ .-1-I •• +t-H-I-......... -.. -I-..... -.-...... -.-I-I ... -.... -.... . -._ ... -.-. +-t-H-+ .. 1 Ill. Flllwr; Ilttlll:~l=ltmj:lll:tifrUi:~lll~mtU III I:[mtjm¥~~ 41=OBSERVATION SUMMER :Wn~TER BREAKUP 0-OEUALI v-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA 1'-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATIOU Nt) cLi terion established ~·j()llll; 1I1L.!Lals have variable synergistic effects \\lith hardness, dependent on the prevailing. llcIL-cllli • .:SS in the water. 'rhe criteria fqr cadium, for example, is 0.'0012 mg/l in hard water ,111,1 lJ. (J01l4 1Il<J/l in soft water. DATA SUMMARY -HARDNESS FIGURE E.2.48 PARAMETER: HARDNESS I as Ca C03' (mg. /1. ) - -.. - - . - - -.--... - --"+H-t- 170 . - - - -.. _ ... -,-+++++-,-t H-++++·-t-'-H . .... ~. --_.-- -~ . ~ ~ =-~.'.~ = ~ ... ~ --- _ . .:. _. = -.=~. -~ -= .. -.. ::--l . -. _ .. _. 120 I • MAXIMUM - - - - - - - - -_. -l-+-++-+-I-I - - -,-t'1-++-t-Hr-' -MEAN . .. - - - - - --t-t-.t-t-++++ .I.+++++.f-i.+ - - -... - 70 - F _. . - - - - -__ .1. • MINIMUM ---. ---... .. .. -.. . ---" -.---.--I+t+++++ -F--f-++-t-""'-t-I 20 - . -. - . - -- - - - -,'-+if-H---. - - -.--_.. - - - - - . - - .-.. ---++·H-;- 41=OBSERVATION SUMMER :Wn~TER BREAKUP 0-OEUALI V-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD CREEK C-CIiULITNA 1'-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATIOU Nt) cLi terion established ~·j()llll; lllL.!Lals have variable synergistic effects \\lith hardness, dependent on the prevailing. llcIL-chli • .:SS in the water. 'rhe criteria fqr cadium, for example, is 0.'0012 mg/l in hard water ,111,1 lJ. (J01l4 1119/1 in soft water. DATA SUMMARY -HARDNESS FIGURE E.2.48 ~-' c=--~ ...::=::----0_' --.::::- PARAMETER: ALKALINITY as CACO 3' (mg. /1 . ) -.-.--_.-................ -'-"-l-H-J-I-++-J -•..• -.•..• -.-~ .•. -.-l--~-+-I-~-I-I -~'~'--"I-++++H-I I I I I+++H 1-(5 -~ .... -..• -.-_. ···--·I·-t-.~ -~··· .. ~···-··· .. +-+-I-+-I-I·+-I·+4· -•• -......... -.-....... _'_"_'n .-•. -.--. -•. --... -............. _'_1 I I I I I I I 125 -•. _ •..•.• _4-·.·· •. +++-H-+-+--I-' ..• -. -.-.-• MAXIMUM -MEAN -t I I I I I I +H-t++++-H+I-f-I 1 I 1 I ++.-.. 4. __ + ..... +_. ____ . __ ~ __ -.• -•• ~ .. -.. -... -.. _-.. -•. -+......J--...I-+--J_ .. -.. -I.-•...••.•..• _ ...... _._ • -1-.1-. '-' ........ -.... _·_-····-1- H-H I I I I I I I-·-·-·~··- -H-H-H-++I-+I-··-· .. ~ ...• -... +-+--1-1--1++-1-•.... -.-...... . 75 +-+-1· J -H-I-H-I-I-+++-1 .I-+-+-+-I--~.~ . •. •.• • -. ..... .-··-· .. ··-·-·-.. ··-·-·-···-~·-·-····-·---·-··-·-··-·~I I I I I I I .... ~ •.....• --. --t-l-H+4-• MINIMUM .. -.......... -.. ~-+-.-.-.-.--... ·H..!f-I-+---.. -." ........ ~-•..• --.-... ·-.··.-·· .. -.··._-· .. -1--.--.-_ .. -+-t-t-........... t-H 25 --~- -•..• ··-·-··-·· .... ~~·-··--·-~--·I++-l-l-l-I I I I I 1--1--1 -.-•. -~ .. -........ ~.-....... --•. -.-. +++-H-I-+I·I··I--I-I .. I-I-·j· l-j....j.-~-I--j·-j-l-H-~-~-I-~-1-H+-l-+-l-l--l--1 :: ~ In~~llnttm~:I:~r-fftrm~r!fl1'lnl~lln.~t1inlflilgm~ ~l=08SERVATION SUMMER . WINTEH BREAKUP 0-DEIIALI V-VEe CANYON a .. aOLD GREEI{ C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITt-lA STATIOt! :·~Olllt-'/ 1 or more except 'I:lhere natural conditions are less. (EPA, 1976). , ------ I,::.; L...llll,ished Lo protect freshwater aqua l:ic Or.'.IHllisms. DA T A SUMMARY -ALKAL I N I TY FIGURE E.2.49 -.-. PARAMETER: ALKALINITY as CAC03' (mg./l.) ...... _ ... -_. -1-+-11-HH-jl-\ H-f-l-f-++f-f.~-f-l-f.~· _ .. ---_. -.. -. _. - - - -.. -... _. .-_. -.-- -.... - - - --·I-Hf-1--4 H--f-+-iHH -++-~ -' -_. - -... -----. - ---+-t-+-t -+-l--+-lH -.-._.-_ ... +-+-+++ .. +-+-1--4 -_._ .. ----_ .. --_ .. --- - --. - -_._ .. --. --1--f-l-l-l-l--fH 125 • MAXIMUM _.. _.---. --._t-+++--t-++-t--. - - - - - - -.. -H--tH--t-H-I-I-H--t-t-l-l--fH ·-t-t~---+-l-+-t-t--I-+--t--+-t-++++++·l-+-+++++· -.-. -.-- - - - - .. -'-- - - - -·-+--f--fH-H-- -.-....... - . - - ---_. -MEAN --H-H-HH-1H-I--.. -... - "+H--~+H-.-. - -.... H-++-++-++-++I-·-·" ---.. . 75 -1=. -.. --.-. _. - - - -.-.t--+-I--~ .--. .--._. - - - -_.. _. - - . -_. -.I--I-t--+-I--f.-j~ • MINIMUM .. : : j"" ~ -----~ -~.-I: - -.. +-4~F-I-+· .. -_.. ._.--_.-- -.-..... - --. _.-- --+-t-+..L1-1-4 25 -~---- -~. --... -._-.--~ .. _.... _. . --. -.. -_. . . -. -_ .. --. -.. ---_. -.. f--_. - ---++-H-HI-+-1H-H-H SUMMER . WINTEH BREAKUP 0-DEIIALI V-VEe CANYON G~ GOLD GREEI{ C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITt-lA STATIOtl :·~Olllt-'J 1 ~~.£.-.~or~ except 'I:lhere na tural condi tions are less. (EPA. 1976). I,::.; L.J.1l1,isiled Lo protect freshwater aqua l:ic or.lji!lIisms. DA T A SUMMARY -ALKAL I N I TY FIGURE E.2.49 -------'----,----- PARAMETER. TRUE COLOR, PLATINUM COBALT UNIT -l-+-I++-t-.-~,-.-.-.-- 150 _,._ -.-'_"_1_' -..-.. -t-.. --t-... --1-"-.-J-4-I-J-I--J-' I I I I ,. _ .. __ .. _._._-... -~J-..J.-J -,--.-.-1 1 • 1 I 1 I I -0-o--o_.-~o-o~o-o-~'-'-'-l-H-+-H-f++t--++H+I-++-I 100 • MAXIMUM -o_o-o-o--I-H++H-H-H -MEAN A_;.-50 -~--. -. ---I--I--+-l--144-+ .~-I-t+ .... ~"--I-I-.-.-"--&-... -, .• __ 1 ...• _1 _ ,_, __ 1_' -..... t-t·-I-.-t~-t-f--+--1-.._.-t_t-f-·1-1--t·_1-l__t_I_H_l_l _.-o-.-.-.-.-.+..LH--H-++I I I I I I 1+ • _ MINIMUM -----=rrfJI-FIlfT--I· o .1_ •••. , •• _'-I_._I-I--I-"'-I~_ ~I=OBSERVATION ---. -. -·-·-+-I-+-I-H4 lillmtf: UI ~~I ~t rlfti1I~~ a~$mH~ l~ IItlfff ~~l~.i --. --.---.. ---, 9'---- --- ------- - -'L. ---I ---- - --- . _ -----. -.. '. - . ------~-.-:=::=<~ft-L~-~-~~~:~~~~)~·~~<!t}~~;~~-:·>~;~:~:-~-~~~.~.~::~~~;=~~~ SUMMER . : WINTEB BREAKUP 0-[JEUALI v-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINe SS-SUSIHIA STATION Shall not exceed 50 units (ADEC, 1979) l~:~l.,jblished to prevent the reduction of photosynthetic activity which may haye deleteriou::j 0 (:tf~:cts on aquatic life. I OAT A SUMMABV -TRUE COLOR FIGURE E.2.50 __________________________________________________________________________________________ J 150 100 A_;.-50 o PARAMETER. TRUE COLOR, PLATINUM COBALT UNIT f-- ... '.. - - - -.... - - - --/-1.-1-1-1 -. - - -.-- - - . - - - --H~-/-I. .-+-<~~ -. ,-.-- - - --I-I-lf-f-f-+-+-... .. - - - -.-.. -·H-~_+++_+++~+I_·+++J.++_I " ... -". -... -........ -...... ,-+-I- - - - -··H-IH--l-HI-H-f-I r--1--H-~f_I_.f-I--f-I-+I~I_II_1~H-H+++_+~~HH~f-I4_I4_~~~+++++1 - . ---I--I-f-f-·I-4-1H H-~--I-+-· ... - - - - - - . ---J.--l. ..... t·..J.- ...... ___ . _ _ .-_ _ - -- --. -.-. -f-f-I_.f-I--I--I -.--. -----r-. -- - . - - - - -...... -.--..... --H-H+II-+-I-l-~_+__~_+_H . -- -. --1--t-H--1--t . -.. • - --~-+-~--I-I- .. - - - -·+-I-f-I--~H--I '-----' • MAXIMUM -MEAN •. MINIMUM ~I=OBSERVATION 0-[JEUALI v-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINe SS-SUSIHIA STATION Shall not exceed 50 units (ADEC, 1979) l~:~l.o..lblished to prevent the reduction of photosynthetic activity wh..ich may haye deleteriou::j . (:tf~:cts on aquatic life. I OAT A SUMMABV -TRUE COLOR FIGURE E.2.50 _ __ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ J I -~ ~--- PARAMETER I ALUMINUM~A 1) _ DISSOLVED, (mg. /1. ) 3 2 • MAXIMUM -MEAN -I-H+H-++t++-H--H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I -.-.-. -·-·-·-··~-~-·~-·-I I I I I 1+-1-1-1-I-H·4-H+I+H4-1+I-I--+--H-H I I I I I I I • MINIMUM B ----?-0 1+++1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 rhH1btltttm±tm-thb LI dJ I II 110 I I! I Iii I d> I I d> II d> I I dJ I I t H-&i III lill nUb II th I I b I II *OBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CAN'YO~. G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. No criterion established B. A limit of 0.073 mg/l h~s been suggested by EPA (Sittig, 1981). 'l'his suggested limit is based on the effects of aluminum on human health.· DATA SUMMARY --ALUMINUM (d) FIGURE E.2.51 PARAMETER I ALUMINUM (A 1) DISSOLVED, (mg. /1. ) • MAXIMUM -MEAN - - - - - -_.. - - - --++++-14-1-- -_.. -H-H-H-H-I+-H-I-H 1-4-.!-'-.!-'--I-l--• MINIMUM B --?-0 -H-f-HI-H-H-H-+-I--H-H++++++++ *OBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CAN'YO~. G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. No criterion established B. A limit of 0.073 mg/l h~s been suggested by EPA (Sittig, 1981). 'l'his suggested limit is based on the effects of aluminum on human health.· DATA SUMMARY -ALUMINUM (d) FIGURE E.2.51 ~ ~---~ .. ' PARAMETER I ALUMINUM (A-lL __ Total Recoverable(mg./l.) ... -1- -~-·-·-·--I I I I I I I I H· I I I I I I 20 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 10 •. MINIMUM EL::.-0 tr *OBSERVATION ++jjjJ~teL J+tltllli$ SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-acho CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. No criterion established B. A limit of 0.073 ~g/1.has been suggested by EPA (Sittig. 1981) 'rhis suggested liinit is based on the effects of aluminuIl\ on human health. DATA SUMMARY -ALUMINUM (t) FIGURE E.2.S2 PARAMETER I ALUMINUM (A-l) Total Recoverable (mg. /1.) - - - ---I4-H-JH-H-H +-H-+++- 20 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 10 •. MINIMUM EL::.-0 J *OBSERVATION ~- SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-acho CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. No criterion established B. A limit of 0.073 ~g/1.has been suggested by EPA (Sittig. 1981) 'rhis suggested liinit is based on the effects of aluminuIl\ on human health. DATA SUMMARY -ALUMINUM (t) FIGURE E.2.S2 .----I '-..:o.:...,--==:'-.~----.--=--~ '----.-..- PARAMETER' CADMIUM {Q4) DISSOLVED, (mg./l.) 0.003 III II 1111111 111111 II I II 11111 II III 111111 1111 II II II I II I 1111 III III 1IIII rlllllll 0.002 tt!!!!!!IIIIIIIIII.11111 + 11111111111111111111111 t IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ III • MAXIMUM A~ -MEAN o . 0 0 1 I-~t=t 11111111111111 111111 t 11111111111111111 ; 11111 t 111111111111111111111111111 ~~ Iwmltlllll1l1111111lfi-l1lltllllltllllllllllll!UlllllllltllllllIII • MINIMUM n #=OBSERVATION t ·tS-t+4::-HtH1mH-H-H1H-t-.>.f'-t+G+t¢ I I T I I $-HSSI I I I I ID I I 'V I I G I I It I I T I I $ I ISS SUMMER· WINTER BREAKUp· D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. 0.0012 mg/l in hard water and 0.0004 in soft water. (EPA, 1976) B. Less than 0.0002mg/l. (McNeely, 1979) Established to protect freshwater ~quatic or9a~isms, DATA SUMMARY -CADMIUM (d) FIGURE E.2.53 --I ---.- PARAMETER' CADMIUM (Cd) DISSOLVED, (mg./l.) A ;> 0.001 HH~~++++++rrrrHH"~~++~~HH~44++++~~~HH44++++++~HHHH44++++~ A--?- ~+!HH~HH4-t41+++++++~++++~~~HHHHHH~~4444·++++++++~+~4-~~HHHHHH~~~ B~ -~HHHHHH';~~~1+++++++rr~~~HHHHHHrlH-H~~++++++++++~rrHHHHHH"~~ 0.000 HH44++++~HH~++~~HH44++++~HH~++++~HH44++++~~~++++~HH++++~ SUMMER· WINTER BREAKUp· • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM #=OBSERVATION D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. 0.0012 mg/l in hard water and 0.0004 in soft water. (EPA, 1976) B. Less than 0.0002mg/l. (McNeely, 1979) Established to protect freshwater ~quatic or9a~isms, DATA SUMMARY -CADMIUM (d) FIGURE E.2.53 ,-" '-~ -....---.-~ ~ ~~ .~ .,;------'> ~ :z-'~~;.. ~ .~ --" -----, ~'"? ~--.. ...:::~ ...... -:-=~ PARAMETER I CADHIUM (Qg) Total Recoverable (mg. /1.) ---.~-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -H-H-H-H--H-H I I I I H-H-+H-I-H-t I I I I I I I I I I I-H I I I I I I H+-H-l+1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.02 • MAXIMUM -MEAN O.OL • MINIMUM ~O --·-·~-·-·-H+H-H-H-++-4-H+H-H- -.~~OOi;tWf.m¥fntmtHma III "II tIlIIF I I., '" I I *OBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. 0.0012 in hard water and 0.0004 ~g/l in soft ~ater (EPA~ .1976). B. Less than 0.0002 mg/l (McNeely et al, 1979). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -CADMIUM (t) FIGURE E.2.S4 ,-" .::::=-...---:-~~ .~ .,;--------> ~ PARAMETER I CADHIUM (Cd) Total Recoverable (mg. /1.) ,-H-I-+-+-"'++-I-I-H-I-I-I-I-'I-I-I--" -H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-t-t-H-t-t-t-t-i-+I-H-I-I-I-HI-HI-I-I-I-I-I-H 0.02 • MAXIMUM -MEAN O.OL • MINIMUM ~O - - - -+-I-+-H-H--I--I-I-I-I H-ilr-I-I-+4- H-~H~HH)~~~HY~~~f 11t-r~~[l-rlfJ~H~~rl-~~~~~L~+~~~~~~~~~~44~++~~HH -H--I-~H-~' -, :_.E . ~--++-f-+-1 H-iH--tIP-t'--t-t-++-+-~I-t-iH-t-t-t;+t-t-I-t-iI-H-t-t++-+-t-HH--t-t-t-t-++-~H-1-t-H SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP *OBSERVATION D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. 0.0012 in hard water and 0.0004 ~g/l in soft ~ater (EPA~ .1976). B_ Less than 0.0002 mg/l (McNeely et al, 1979). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -CADMIUM (t) FIGURE E.2.S4 PARAMETER' COPPER 0.02 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.01 •. MINIMUM 0.00 ~fOBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a~ OOLD GREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA s.-SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATIOU A. 0.01 of the 96-hour LC 50 determined through bioassay ~EPA, 1976). B. 0.005 mg/1, (NcNee1y et al, 1979) Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -COPPER (d) FIGURE E.2.55 PARAMETER I Recoverable ----++t+H ----H-H-1 ~-1-H-H 0.2 • MAXIMUM -MEAN •. MINIMUM ~f:OBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAI<UP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a~ GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATION A. 0.01 of the 96-hour LCso determined through bioassay (EPA, 1976). B. 0.005 mg/1 (McNeely et al, 1979). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms, DATA SUMMARY -COPPER (t) FIGURE E.2.56 3 2 • MAXIMUM -MEAN -->-I •. MINIMUM 0 *~=oBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAtCUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a~ GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA 8.-SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 1.0 mg/1 (EPA, 1976; Sittig, 1981). Established to protect freshwater aquati~ organisms. DATA SUMMARY -IRON (d) FIGURE E.2.57 -------1-1-+-lf-HH • MAXIMUM -MEAN ------~--•. MINIMUM ------ ----=--=-Q: n--tt=oBSERVATION --: -~ ~ ---. ~: ·-. .: -1-4-lJ-_t~,:::l-1-1-il-t SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON 3-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T• TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 1.0 mg/1 (EPA, 1976; Sittig, 1981) Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -IRON (t) FIGURE E.2.58 ---------------------------------------- .. -~---- PARAMETER· LEAD (~b~_DISSOLVED, (mg./1.) -o-·---H-H-~-I--t-l+-I-I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1++-1-1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~0.03 0.02 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.01 -H+\--\--. __ ._.-• MINIMUM 0.00 Jt4rJjJnt=l-$-I-I-4rttn-t=l-~+hb+-I I I I th I I-H--t-H-I tit I I J I I i I l.!a I I I I-J-rlt-H+I I'!' I I'" I 1 I I '''' 1 11 1 1 1 *OBSERVATION _.1) I I 'i I I di-H-a++-1-1 I ~ I I~I I I I I &> I I 'V I I ~ I I ¢ I I T I I $ HSS SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE 88-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.03 mg/1, (McNeely et a1, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96-hour LC SO determined through bioassaY.. (EPA, 1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic orgqnisms. DATA SUMMARY -LEAD Cd) FIGURE E.2.59 --------------------- .. -~---- PARAMETER· LEAD (Pb) DISSOLVED, (mg./1.) ~0.03 0.02 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.01 -+4-+-1-1.-_. -• MINIMUM 0.00 *OBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE 88-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.03 mg/1, (McNeely et a1, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96-hour LC SO determined through bioassaY.. (EPA, 1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic orgqnisms. DATA SUMMARY -LEAD Cd) FIGURE E.2.59 0.3 0.2 • MAXIMUM -MEAN A •. MINIMUM 0 *oBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI V-VEE CANYON 0-GOLD CAEEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.03 mg/l (McNeely et al, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96-hour tc 50 determined through bioass,y (EPA, .1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -LEAD (t) FIGURE E.2.60 PARAMETER r MANGANESE (Mn) 0.3 0.2 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.1 •. MINIMUM 0.0 *oBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S,-SUNSHINIS SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.05 rng/1 for water supp1y.(EPA, 1976). Established to prote~t water supplies. OAT A SUMMARY -MANGANESE (d) FIGURE E.2.61 , __ I -',---' -( PAfiAMETER I MANGANESE _ (Mn ) __ (ms. /1.) Total Recoverable 1.sITITrnTIT H-I-H-H-H I I I I I-H··I·-I-I-H-I4-{~ I I I I ~-t-t o . 11t~H IIIIII~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-H 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0·111 II I 11111111 II 11'11 II 1111111111 111111 1111 II I 11111111111 1111111111111111111 A'~OIIIIIIIIIIII t=t1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITllllltlll t I I I I I • I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ~ I • I -*tltmm:ftWmtmtm_llll1tmmmlliOWMY SUMMER WINTER BREAICUP • MAXIMUM MEAN • MINIMUM *OBSERVATION D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.'05 mg/l for water supply (EPA, 1976) Established to protect ,water supplies. DATA SUMMARY -MANGANESE (t) FIGURE E.2.62 ..... _-/ ,_I -',--' -( PAfiAMETER I MANGANESE (Mn) (rna /1 ) Total Rec e bl __ _ ____ b" ov ra e f---I-H-I-+-I--/- 1.5---·'----- • MAXIMUM MEAN -r--'- O.~~~++++++++++++++++~~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~ • MINIMUM A.~ , O~++++rrHH~++++~HH~+++rHH~~++~~Hrt~~~HH~++~~HH~~++~HH *OBSERVATION {·t --{ -1-H}-H..J:I+-I1~ H++~I-I-f1.-+-H1-l-~.f\-+.~MI--I1-H-$lH-+-H-M-II-+A--H-f1-H-A+-I-4-H-f\:4+4+1-J H-4_-_+ _~)+ .. :++-_+-_l-'i_H_, 4_ -'1-_ ,-+, +-=1-1-.c ,~~ -~ +-+.++-I-I.J-f-'.IJ..-Hl-ll...:r~++~+-+=rt~-~;t~7-l::t=t:tt:nt+I:t-~q:j:tttT=t:t~~~~ SUMMER WINTER BREAICUP D-DENALI V-VEe CANYON a-aOLD CReEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.'05 rng/l for water supply (EPA, 1976) Established to protect ,water supplies. DATA SUMMARY -MANGANESE (t) FIGURE E.2.62 PARAMETER I MERCURY eHg) DISSOLVED, (rng. /1. ) I-H-I-H-H-I-I-I-I-I-I-I--t-l-l I I I I I 0.0002 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.0001 A --=-I I I I I H--t--H-H-t+H-H+t--H-H-l • MINIMUM a . 0000 I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I f I I t I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~-$-,~fF-f-lgMmn~HtI4l*um*umUltktMt112tttll*llfll$II~111W *OBSERVATION SUMMER -WINTER BREAKUP' D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S_ -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.00005 rng/l. (EPA, 1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -MERCURY (d) FIGURE E.2.63 PARAMETER I MERCURY eHg) DISSOLVED, (rng. /1. ) - --/--- 0.0002 Hr~~HHHH~~~~++++++++rrrrrrHrHHHHHH~~~++++++++~~~~HHHHHHHH~ • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.0001 A --=-H-I-hH-t-t--H-H-H-H-H-H-t-+-H-l • MINIMUM *OBSERVATION I-+-IH .. -l-l-p. -~. I' SUMMER ·WINTER BREAKUp· D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.00005 rng/l. (EPA, 1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -MERCURY (d) FIGURE E.2.63 PARAMETER I MERCUR~I2") Total Recoverable (~g/l) 0.6111 II 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 --h'-~--'-H I I I I 1 -I-f--I-H-H-+++-J++I-H-++H-I-~-I··I-H-H I I I I I I I J I I I .+1 I I I I II-++-H-H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 0.4111 III 11111111111111111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 o . 21~=W+11111111 ~IIIII t=W:t 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 A.--?- o • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM -'.i_IHRIIIBllllllttfIIIII111 *OBSERVATION SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHUL'TNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.05 ~~/1 (EPA, 1976) Established to prot~ct freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -MERCURY (t) FIGURE E.2.64 PARAMETER' MERCURY (Hg) Total Recoverable (~g/l) 0.6HH~~++~HH~TT~rHHH~+++rHHHH~+++rHHrlH~++rrHH~~++rrHH4+++~~ A.--?- o - - - --. - - --f--I--I-l-II-I-l 1-t-,f--H-t++I-+I-++·H-.--.. -·t-t-t+t-t-t-t-t-I--:H-t-t-t+t+H-H-H-H-H-I+I-+I-+t+t+I-HI-Hf-Hf-H SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM '"'OBSERVATION D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHUL'TNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.05 ~~/1 (EPA, 1976) Established to prot~ct freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -MERCURY (t) FIGURE E.2.64 L-____________________________________________________________________________________ _ PARAMETER I NICKEL G-li) DISSOLVED, (mg. / l. ) tA -'---1- 0_004 • MAXIMUM MEAN 0.002. • MINIMUM 0.000 Ottor *OBSERVATION -Qj'H-t-H4-H-1i-HSSH+H-~-H-dH-kt I I T I I ~~I I I I I n I I'*' I I !Ii I I Et I I * I I cj; I 1cJ::; SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON, G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE; SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.025 mg/l. (McNeely et~al, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96-hour LC 50 determined through bioassay. (EPA, 1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -NICKEL (d) FIGURE E.2.65 PARAMETER· NICKEL (Ni) DISSOLVED, (mg./l.) _.0 1_ 0.004 • MAXIMUM MEAN 0.002. • MINIMUM 0.000 l_LlO *OBSERVATION SUMMER ·WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON. G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE; SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.025 mg/l. (McNeely et ·'al, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96-hour LC 50 determined through bioassay. (EPA, 1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -NICKEL (d) FIGURE E.2.65 r ,_I PARAMETER· NICKEL (Ni) Total Recoverable (mg./l;) 0.1 • MAXIMUM -·MEAN o . 0 5 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A ~ • MINIMUM o ++-l-l-I-tll -tll++drl+1+t-k I I I I I m I I m I I m I I Iii I Ilh I Ii I I ~ I I I I I It I I I .11 I III. I III. I III. I 1.1. I 1.1. I I I *OBSERVATION -I+l-I-l'1!> ~h~-.- SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON, G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE:: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.025 mg/1 (McNeely et aI, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96 -hour LC 50 determined through bioassay (EPA, 1976) Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms, DATA SUMMARY -NICKEL (t) FIGURE E.2.66 ,_I PARAMETER· NICKEL (Ni) Total Recoverable (mg./l.) 0.1 • MAXIMUM -·MEAN • MINIMUM o *OBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON, G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE:: SS-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.025 mg/1 (McNeely et aI, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96 -hour LC 50 determined through bioassay (EPA, 1976) Established to prot~ct freshwater aquatic organisms, DATA SUMMARY -NICKEL (t) FIGURE E.2.66 ·._1 PARAMETER. ZINC (Zn) DISSOLVED, (mg./l.) -~·-·-·-·~-tt+t-H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t- 0.2 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.1 • MINIMUM A~ o =¢!thptl-t~ttM·tMm911111 ~ II * 1#11 q II $11 $11 q 1llltm-ttttll q II ~ II ~ II ~ III *OBSERVATION -·-··~-·-H-H+H-i SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP. 0-DE 1'4 A LI V-VEE CANY ON. a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: S S-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.03 mg/l (McNeely, 1979) B. 0.01 of the 96-hour LC SO determined through bioass~y (EPA, 1976). The suggested limit is based on human health effects. DATA SUMMARY -ZINC (~) FIGURE E.2.67 ·._1 PARAMETER. ZINC (Zn) DISSOLVED, (mg./l.) 0.2 • MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.1 • MINIMUM A~ o *OBSERVATION SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP. 0-DE 1'4 A LI V-VEE CANY ON. a-aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE: S S-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0.03 mg/l (McNeely, 1979) B. 0.01 of the 96-hour LC SO determined through bioass~y (EPA, 1976). The suggested limit is based on human health effects. DATA SUMMARY -ZINC (~) FIGURE E.2.67 PARAMETER· ZINC (Zn) Total Recoverable (mg./l.) 0.20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1'1 1'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • MAXIMUM -MEAN o. ro • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •. MINIMUM A --?-H-H-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o -... -._.~~~il1~-§:~mJimm~1~JBgmmmJJlUjJjiIIMllill%114rn #=OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEe CANYON. G-GOLD CREeK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINE: 8S-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0,·03 m~/l (McNeely, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96 -.hour LC SO determined through bioassay (EPA, 1976). Established to prot~ct freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -ZINC (t) I FIGURE E.2.68 PARAMETER· ZINC (Zn) Total Recoverable (mg./l.) 0.20 HH~~++++r+rrHH~~+++++r~HHHH~++++++~HrHH~~++++~HHHH4444++++~ • MAXIMUM -MEAN •. MINIMUM A~H~rrll~HHHHHHt~HHHh~HHHHHHHrHHHHHHHrHrHrHHHHHHHHHrHrHrHr~HrHrHHHHHHHHHrHHH o -1-+-+-1--+'1'+--1--:-r "1 --1 .-H-.+-t--hi-+-+-+-t--t--4-H-H-~-f-tJ....+-t-t....+-tl-ht-t-t-.t-i-t-A-f-t-.t-i-t-l #=OBSERVATION _.~~~~.~.=-_\:~ ..... __ .... = -<·_I~~ __ :l~--I-'V-1I-Hl .... -ttH-+:r-H SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEe CANYON. G-GOLD CREeK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNSHINE: 8S-SUSITNA STATION A. Less than 0,·03 m~/l (McNeely, 1979). B. 0.01 of the 96 -.hour LC SO determined through bioassay (EPA, 1976). Established to prot~ct freshwater aquatic organisms. DATA SUMMARY -ZINC (t) I FIGURE E.2.68 PARAMETER I DISSOLVED OXYGEN,-(mg. /1.) 17 t A ~-. ---'.. . . ..... -.-.--" ------i - ---.-... ---.LCI.LI.LLUttIUJ LLU .ItrrlJ:titL~--t.LlLLtlIJT-t.:- .•• -I_ .. -.-.. • •.• -~-_·_+ ____ 4 __ f.-I_t-__ ._ -.-.... -H--I--I-4-+-4. 14 --'-~-'---'~++++++-I--I-I-I I I I I I I H+H-H+l+H-I+~+I-t++--f+H I I I I I l--+-+--t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~~--4--+-t-+-I-+-I-+-I-+-I-+-t--++-.----~-. --.-~.--.~.- -.-.-.. -. -, -.-~-.. --'--'-/--H--I-I-/-H+I-H+ -.-1 A __ I_ .--....... J-.l-.J..-J..-...I.- '---'~++++-H- --I -[IT·I~f-J--fT1YI"I·Tl~:I·:I· .. -.-----_ __ L _}~~_ ~-.D_r .1 .. ___ .. 12 -I---"" -I -I --.--1-'-'-.1---4--l-!--llJ'-' .• -.... --.·-.---·~+·I--+---l---t---l--l---+-' , , , , , , ~ • MAXIMUM I--'I---H-I+~ I I I I I+++H-H-H-I -MEAN 10 _ .... I--.~'~-' .-._- --~+I+ H--I-+++H-H-I ++-H-+--I-~-'-'-~ .~ .... ~-... -<-.-.- -.... -.. I-t-~--. ·_4_' -. ~.- -'-~"'-'-'-'1-I+H-I-l • MINIMUM 1-"-"-"·_' -.-..... ·-t·-H-~~f-.... -',-1-·1-t-_ I--f--l·-f.-.-··~-+-t--""-_-__ ·I-·'_" __ '_'~ t_ '--1_--' -•. · .. -1.· ....... . I-++++H·' ·I-I·I-H-I--I· ~+++~-I- 8 .. 1-1-1-+_-._._ .... ___ ... _._ .. _ ...... _ ........ _._1_ , -,-.1-.. 1.-1-1 .• '----1--1 I I I I ._ .. _ .. · .... _1_. __ 1_ •• ~I"I $1:1221-_'1-~ I~-~' 1~1' ' '~'1131'~I'-'I-'-ll~~1IJ 1'181-1'~1"-I'l~~111"1141~rl-1 ~I·~j:lrl~·!ll~l !l'n;rr-l~Tt~~r .~ t·· tv It'~ lr $f-: . -1-.-·r·t ~ f:': TIT -$ ~F' l ~·l .: l~ ·lFFFF lFI~I~-~1=08SERVATION SUMMEB . WINTEB BREAKUP D-LJEIIALl V-VEE CANYON Goo GOLD GREEK C-CHULlTUA T-TALt(EETNA S -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATIOti 1\. (;J'caL:er chan 7mg/l. but in no case shall D.O. exceed 17rng/l (ADEC. 1979). l;~; L .d;Ji ::;l1...,d fol' the protection of allaurolllolis and 1'E!~ id~lIl fish. DATA SUMMARY -OXYGEN J DISSOLVED FIGURE E.2.69 17 t A PARAMETER I DISSOLVED OXYGEN I (mg. /1.) ::.-.. _ : ~ : ~ .. : _ .---. .: ~_ .-.~ - . _. _ ._ .' J ~_ ! !tIe::. -. ::.~ ::. ~ .' _: __ ----.-.. -.+++1-++-+ 14 .. - - ---·t-+-H--JI-+-I H-++-+++++l-+-+-H--H-H+-t--l--1I+ J-.~-+-+-+-J-.I-+-+-+-H-+-++++ --- - - - - . - - ---.. - - --. - - - ---- -H-if-H++ --. -. --.-" -. __ . - - - ---.' .-I-+-.~J-~--~.: -: ~ 1 -.". .:. '..: ~ ~~ ------ - --~-+-~-+-.~ 12 • MAXIMUM '. ----.- . --.------.H--l~+ I-I-+--I-I-.J-+- -MEAN f--.- 10 --f------ -... -++-H-+-·--· -" -.---- - -.. - ----i-t-H-b+ • MINIMUM . - - _ .. -.-I+-I-./--./-+-. ------ . ---.-. - - -_.-. ---' --"" - -.' ... - .. -. -··I-H-+++ H-H--+---. . ---. - - . ~4--I--+-".--I- 8 .. _-------~--'-'----I -.-. --... ---H-I-I-I-- ---- -.. - . ~1=08SERVATION SUMMEB -WINTEB BREAKUP D-LJEIIALl V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD GREEK C-CHULlTUA T-TALt(EETNA S -SUNSHINe SS-SUSITNA STATlOti A. (;fcaL:er chan 7mg/1. but 1.n no case shall D.O. exceed 17rng/l (AOEC. 1979). l;~; L .d;Ji ::;l1...,d fOl" the protection of allaurolllolis and l"E!~ id~lIl fish. DATA SUMMARY -OXYGEN J DISSOLVED FIGURE E.2.69 PARAMETER: D.O .. PERCENT SATURATION -~.-. -. -• -.--.-.-•. _-1-~-t ++-I -. -.. • ..• • -•...• --•..• -+.-I--l--...... 12 0 I·-+-~J.-t....+..+ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1+++ I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I -·-.-.-.-.--H--I~--I-++·H-I-I--+-l~-I 1 1 1 1 1-1---1--1--+4 -.. ~ a.-a. ., _ ••.• ~._._ 1--._ .. _ •. _._ .... '--1--.-'--'-' .. -' I -I·'· -, ••• -I '-.-4-1·· .-'. ··._. __ 4-·_1_ ..... · ...... 1_1_ .----I--a-f-H--f--t-+-t-~ _'_oi---4.' I -I. -I ...... -_ .. ---.. _-•• -'-I-~--J..--I-.-I.-.J A--~ -•. _.-.-.. -•.• ----.-•.. -•. ~.-. -~-.---.-. -......... ~-. -. -.-... ~ • -+---··-·-l4--1-1--1-+-+·+-+-I-I++-++~+-I .. -.--...... -. ~-~·-I-I+H-l-·-·-~-·-~- • MAXIMUM 100 ... -.---~JTI:F-+-+-l--l -..... -~ ·-~-·-·-H+I+++++++H-H I I I I 1--1-1--1- -'--'--'h·-·-I-H-l--I-I-I--H-4+H-H-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ·1 1 1 1 1 1·-·---·-·-··- ... -. ·-_·-··_····1 1 1 1 1 H+H-l -MEAN 00 ._·1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I .... __ . _._. __ ._._ ....... _ .. _ .. _ .· __ · .......... I+~· h·'_ • -•..• -.-.-.- ·I--I-~--I-.t-·-·-·--· .. -..... -.-..... -+++ .•. • MINIMUM H+H+I ~-I-I-H-H++H-.-.... -.-... -... ·--·--·-··~·--·--·-·"··--·I 1 1 1 1 I I. ...-.. --+-..... -,-.-''''_1--1--1 +-1--1-._-•..• -_ .•. -.--. -·-·-.......... 1+4- 60 .• -. -.-~ ... -I--H-H-l 4F08SERVATION -. -:'~]t i-·jll~ltFI~f~1~1~fITll~rr H ;fllff-f·l-lfl=l~nll:' ;-I~l'fr~~l~tHl1~$1'- -·~·-·-·-·--·-I++I+ SUMMER • WINTEn BREAKUP 0-DENAl.! V-VEl: CANYON. G" aOLO GREEK C-CHUl.ITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATIOU A. 'I'h~ COllcentra tion of to tal diso1 ved gas shall no t exceed 110% sa tura tion at allY point:. (ADEC, 1979). l::sLiJbli~ll(!d for the protection of anadroIllous and resident: fish. DATA SUMMARY -b.o., % SI\TURATION FIGURE E.2.70 PARAMETER: D.O.! PERCENT SATURATION - -... -'" . -.. J-Ir-I-J-1H 120 ·+r·~rr·HH11~++++++rrrHHHH~+++++rrr~HH11-~~+++++rrrHH~.44++++~~HHHH~ . - - - --H-J-t-I-HH-i H-H~I-H ~I-HH I-I-H-l - - -"" _. - -.-- . -.. --. -.... ... -' --....." - _ .. -.. . -_... -J-J-~-HI-HH - - --.'" -. -.-·++-H4 A-~ - - --. - - . -_. -.. - . - - - - -.... _. - - -_.. - -.--t-t-I-t-i-t-++-t-i-I';H-I-+·I+-I . _.. .... . ·-J-J-I-H - - - . - - 100 ... . . - . - --H-f--f-++ J-HH-iH I-J-J-J-J-J-J-J--t-J-J- - . -.-.. --I-I-I-I-II-I-I-t-+-t-t--I-+-t-i J-J-J-J-I-HI-H-J ..... " - - _ .. --I-HI-H'-H-H+-I 00 ._H-+-+-++++++++++++-H-H-H-HH-"H .. . ... - -_. - -.... -._ .... -.J-.I-.~-+-.. .... .. .. - - - - _.. ----_. -.---. -----. ----" _. ---_. . _. . .. ----.-... -,- .-" -... .-. ... ..... .. _." ... -·I-t-i-+-t-i-+ . -.. -...... . --+-I-+-t--I- 60 .. - - -.. -l-t-11-1-1 .. - . . .. _.. . .. -_. . .. "I-I-t-+--~+ ... -..... " .... -... -...... '" - - -........ -. . ..... -...... .. -.... - -.' - -... "I-t-I-I-t-t-+-+-· .:. ~ ~ ~l:'$(~:~tF~fr~=~=" r~~\~ ~ ;'I~· .. J~~.t.'::f =~;.<~ ~.~.: ~:~{~ .. -=~ .. ~~ r=~~_ SUMMER • WINTEn BREAKUP • MAXIMUM -MEAN • MINIMUM 4F08SERVATION 0-DENAl.! V-VEl: CANYON. G-aOLO GREEK C-CHUl.ITNA T-TALKEETNA ~ -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATIO" A. 'I'h~ COllcentra tion of to tal diso1 ved gas shall no t exceed 110% sa tura tion at allY point:. (ADEC, 1979). l::sLiJbli~ll(!d for the protection of anadroIllous and resident: fish. DATA SUMMARY -b.o., % SI\TURATION FIGURE E.2.70 PARAMETER: NITRATE NITROGEN} as N, (mg. /1. ) -[-'-'-I-IR-'-l-1--j-11--II--{ -131-1-1'[--[£[-£00--I-l-E-S-IR-ff-rtf]-t--I--fftji--00--±mE----~-'.-•.• 1 ..... I ••• _. _ _ _ ., .••..• _. . _. . -•• ____ •• •• _ •• ---. -.. . _ .. .. ---.. --. ---_. -.... --- -----, .. -.'.-_. ------.. -. -- -.-. - ~ '-'--'--'._-I-H-I-1 1 1 1 1 1 -1-+-1-+-+-1--~~-~-._- _~_.-LtJ.tr 2 : IllIT~t:mITt rnT1T1TTTITrrlT1Trr • MAXIMUM -.-•• -'--0--'-'-'-.---.-o-.. -~-I-l-+-+-I-H-H-H-I-H-+-H-H-I-I--f.-l-..J-,--•. ·._1··· •... 1._1--6_1 __ I.'" -1-_ .......... -••• ,_1 ___ ._ __ I_ •. _ ... _t-. ___ ._.f_····_I--I--~_·I_ ....... __ ... _. -I-t-I--++l--l-.• -~-.-.-.-,._o __ ~_,_, __ , __ -'--'-'-'-'-0-0-·--1-1--+4--1- -'--'---~-'-'-'-'--"--f--l---i-l-I -MEAN • MINIMUM o 1·++-+--1-+-++-HIII1111111IH-H 1~llflll' I t II~-I f IWIIII f! II ~ Ill' -Itl~ ~llt rI~rtlf-l t 11IIII~nifl:ffl~ j~OBSERVATION SLJMMEB -WIN'fEIl BREAI(UP D-DEUALI V-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD GREEK C-CliULITUA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION Less Lhun 10 mg/l (-\-later supply). (EPA, 1976). 1:;~;l..d,j i:;ll<;<! \;0 pr-otect water sUl'plie~. DATA SUMMARY ::.-NITRATE NITfWGEN FIGURE E.2.71 PARAMETER: NITRATE NITROGEN! as N, (mg. /1. ) _. .-.. ~. ~ -~ ~ _= ~-~-_ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ . __ ~ ~-.~~ =~ = = -~.j-.-I-I-4-+--'+-.' ~ ~ ~ --. _ ~ _~ _.~. ~ =~ _ -=t+ .-+-t-t--t-t--t-t-t-t-i-t--! _L . - -.. -. ··/-I-I-I-"1f-HI-H-1 I-+-~-I-. - - - ---ft _ .. - . ----~ --. -~ ., ... ----.---_. --... .... . -. _. ", ........ - - 2 -+-+++4- • MAXIMUM - . ._. '-_. - - - . - - - . --~I-+-I-. --~I-I"-I-I-+-~-+-+-1- I-HI-i-I-- . - -.. ----_. - - - . -.--.-- " .--.--_. •. - ---1-4-I--f-IH--_... -.-~I""+-II-~I-· - - - - -.-.. - -.---- - - - - - - ---1-1-+-+-1- ------- - - - -·-4-1--1-11-1 -MEAN • MINIMUM o .-H-t-l+ ---.--- -.. - . . 4t=OBSERVATION I j (: -15 -t ~~ •. ,-~ .. -.. --= ~) -~ -~61 . -I ~ ~ .. ) ~ . - --. -~ (~ .~. .-_. - -=-, ---I ~ ~-r. -j . = ~ ) .;.. T _.. . . S I .' . \ -~:l' ~ -~ --'_ ~ = ~ -: ~:-J. . --. -.__ ~ . _ ~ .--..:. ~ 5 j .. SLJMMEB . WIN"fEIl BREAI(UP D-DEUALI V-VEE CANYON G~ GOLD GREEK C-CliULITUA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION Less Lhun 10 mg/l (\-later supply). (EPA, 1976). DATA SUMMARY --NITRATE NITfWGEN FIGURE E.2.71 PARAMETER: ORTHO PHOSPHATE. as P, (mg. /1. ) -. -. -.--. -~-.~ .-l-l-+-I--I-l _I. ' ..• _ •. -.-1--+-.- 0.6 -•.•. _ •..•. _ ••• _ ........ _+._t_._.nt-t--t_ .. --f'_t_._I·_-t_+-H I I I I I +-f -'---'-'-'-I++-H-I-H-I--t---I-+H-H -\ \-\-\--I-I-r -t·-\-I-t-tJ·4 u-r--\--\-I-·\· I-I-j·-I tj.-t-·I--r t [[- .f· • _ .•• - -----J.-, ... -•. -__ A --... -•• ---1-.. ~ - 0.4 ... -p • MAXIMUM ·-·--·-·--+-·--~l+I--t+H-1 I I I I 1+1+H-++4--1-H--+++-H-H--I-H-I-H-'_4-_~_'-/' -MEAN -t-+-f-I-f--+ ~-.• -~'_4_~ __ 4.'_ ++H+t-+-f-I--H-+--' --. -.-..• --.-..• -.-. _~_.ul I I ! ! 0.2 _ ......... __ 1_ ... ···'·_ .. · __ • "1--_"'-"-'-'-1-~ .. _f--1-t··, -I' t-to. t -I--t--t-t -t--I-t--f-t-t-I-4-f--.-+~-1--11-'-'-- • MINIMUM .• _ ••• 1_.1_' ._ ... _ , ..... _1 •.• _ •• _'_.1 __ 1 ____ .. _ ..... ' .01.-.... _. __ 1_ 1-1-1.-...-1. I,·' ••••• ,1--1-1-.. -1 __ 1 _-"'_1_'" ••••.••• -4--.. -••..• -...... __ 1 .... --.. -1------ 0.0 LLL+-W--W+!.~4.t_WilllUf·W+W_f-1 rTllfll.IITrIT+-.W+.ITrrlfITII '.w..:l=~ITITITITTTrlll -.• ----.--~ •. ~-I-+-~ ~-4 -"," __ .1 .... _. 1_'" .-.1 _1 .. 1 ••. 1 __ ._"'_1. __ I -1--1-1--1··1--._1·_"_.1_ 1_ ••• 1-•• -a •• . ~ I-I ~I~itll;~rr 1=-1:1 FI~I-rllT'-ill]l!r-lfl~iF· J=J~f~~llj .. ~ I-~ft r [It.It]~=fft:fff~§~ :fl=OBSERVATION SUMMER : WINTER BREAI<UP u-DEriALI V-VEE CANYON a~ aOLD CREEK C-CHUllTUA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNStliNc SS-SUSITNA STATION rid cdL:c::rion established OAT A SUMMARY -ORTHO PHOSPHATE FIGURE E.2.72 0.4 0.2 0.0 __ _ PARAMETER: ORTHO PHOSPHATE , as P, (mg. /1, ) I-t---I-- - -----I---1----1--. - - - --~J----I-I-~- ... .-----. 1-·-· --. - --I--.. ---I---I-H-H-I-----I---I-- - - --. -I---. -1-- - ---1---+--1---+-1--1-1 . - --_ = ~: .-_ = -~ -= = ---~ _ ._: ~: :--_ :..: -:-: : __ -~ -:-t -= ~ ---p _. . ----. - ---I--H-f---t++-H-f---HI----I-I -I-l--...j.-+-~,~ I-I--ll-+-t----t--l------ -~-i--t-+---f-. --- -.. -. - --- - -I---1-1-1--4-+4 - - . - -.. - -.. ~ -H-~I ~-+--IH---+---I-I-I--+JH-4 -. --- --. - ---- --I-I-t-t-I-I -+-+++-I--·+-+-I-l---l _ __.. ---.... - . .----. - - - - - --. - - --. - ---- - - -.. - - -1--.j---,1--1---I·4-- --- -. _. _. _. -... -." .. _. ----.. , - -----. , ..... , ------- --... " .. --•.. --.. -----. - I •.•. - -., -.. . .. - - - . - . - - ---...• -.. -. - -.. _. .. .. - . -. ---_. ---..... -+-+-~I .. p -1"'~.15-·n· ] =--=:-··:==-__ ·[l-_~_tl·~-~·TI~-__ I~-::· I,. -f - - -... ~. -11?· -.. -·:'-IT-(----~:-- SUMMER : WINTER BREAI<UP • MAXIMUM MEAN • MINIMUM :fl=OBSERVATION u-DEriALI V-VEE CANYON a~ aOLD CREEK C-CHUllTUA T-TALKEETNA S. -SUNStliNc SS-SUSITNA STATION rid cdL:c::rion established OAT A SUMMARY -ORTHO PHOSPHATE FIGURE E.2.72 r~ I IIIr .~ t I F) , \ r'l , ) f1 ( ·f l i{j tf\ fl ._ .... _._ ..• _-____ .. _. ___ ~. _. ____ .... _____ . ___ , _________ .... R.-.--.... ____ . _____ . _______ .. ___ . __ . __ ... -. ---i .. ----.----.---------.. ----, i SUSITNA RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN \ COOK INLET ANCHORAGE -_.-_ .. _---._---_.-._.-_ .... _---._--'-... _---- ('> Cantwell l. ,to ·l. I· ,4: I, 5; i 6 ,I 7: Sj 9: --... ~.--.---... -.. _.-._---_ .. ---_. -_ ... _.------.. --. ---... __ ... - LOCATION OF TOWNSHIP GRIDS IN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN SUSlfno 10. Susitna Reservoir r-i!; h .Cree k II. Chulitna Willow Creek 12. Tokositno Uttle Willow Creek 13. Kroto-Trapper Creek Koshwitna 14. Kahiltna Sheep Creek 15. Yentna . Montano Creek 16. Skwentna Talkeetna 17. Happy Chulina 18. Alex.onder Creek o 10 20 MILE SCALE r.t$lr;;;;r~;;;J r _. wo: FIGURE E. 2.73 r~ I IIIr .~ t I F) , \ r'l , ) f1 ( ·f l {j tf\ fl ._ .... _._ ..• _-____ .. _. ___ ~. _. ____ .... _____ . ___ , _________ .. R._.-..... ____ . _____ . _______ .. ___ . __ ._ .... -. ---i .. ----.----.---------.. ----, i SUSITNA RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN \ COOK INLET ANCHORAGE -_.-_ .. _---._---_.-._.-_ .... _---._--'-... _---- ('> Cantwell l. ,to ·l. I· ,4: I, 5; i 6 ,I 7: Sj 9: --... ~.--.---... -.. _.-._---_ .. ---_. -_ ... _.------.. --. ---... __ ... - LOCATION OF TOWNSHIP GRIDS IN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN SUSlfno 10. Susitna Reservoir r-i!; h .Cree k II. Chulitna Willow Creek 12. Tokositno Uttle Willow Creek 13. Kroto-Trapper Creek Koshwitna 14. Kahiltna Sheep Creek 15. Yentna . Montano Creek 16. Skwentna Talkeetna 17. Happy Chulina 18. Alex.onder Creek o 10 20 MILE SCALE r.t$lr;;;;r~;;;J r _. wo: FIGURE E. 2.73 i r' v i ~:~\. \\~ v' I )JBORROW i :'/ SITE f \\~ L1 '",-i WATANA SqRROW SITE MAP I ~, ,("'r-•.•. \ '1 .,'":/ , i ";-I ; r' .. ~- o 4 SCALE t:. ====~=~1 .. ILES .. LOCATION MAP I r i J I 1. \. , LEGEND C~~ =:J. BORROW I QUARRT LII"'~S NOTE • .... P INDEX SHOWN ON FIGURE 6 I SCALE ·FIGURE E.2.74 ~:'\' \\~ V' I )JBORROW i :'/ SITE f \\~ L1 WATANA SqRROW SITE MAP r --'- i i o 4 SCALE /::. ====~=~1 .. ,LES .--LOCATION MAP I r i J i I 1. \. , LEGEND C~~ =:J -BORROW I QUARRT LlloIl~S NOTE j .... P INDEX SHOWN ON FIGURE 6.1 SCALE ,FIGURE E.2.74 \ -j I I l I ( I I~ 8 000 0 ol~ 000000 o U1 ~o ~ I'-0 N ~ r<'l I'-r<'l C1l <i) U1 r<'lN-.. .!!.. II II II II II o ,000000 ------------------ I , , / I i I I f I i I I I I I I I t . I ,---~ , NOI.L'I1A313 SM,:) . o . 00 ..... C"- z 0 j::: <! 00 . I- (J) 02- . I. I~ · 8 0000 0 1 (5 000000 · o U1 ~O ~ I'-0 C\J ~r<'l I'-r<'l C1l<i> 0 0 U1 r<'lC\J " .00 II II 00 O..p. 0 00 -j !" __ ~)r( · -------------- JJITD 00 o~ .J. -, ... __ lJ.~ :-1t~~:J --.;", -00 t OC"'- r (\J ro a:: w CD I i r I I f I 0 0 -,~. i 02- I I I :E z ::> 0 z j::: 0 <! zro I- (J) 0- I-::E Ua: W I I I r 00 I I 0 r ~ ~ en I en en 0 a:: (.) . I ,---~ , I , , 0-f 00 0 °Cl O~ 0 00 06'1/' t.P -.,9 /.,9 .,9 ~ . NOI.L'I1A313 SM,:) ( l ·F ~l F ~. II jl '-l! ,,', j I ! t 'i'l 2200 ! ! ' 1 WATANA DAM CREST ELEVATION t 2000 ,~ .. \ .,/" ~ z g ·tt ,>1800 C,W .'-l W· ------/ ~-WATANAWATER L£VELS 1600 1400 1990 25 20 ,.., £> 15 .. ... -<.) w CI 0:: ct 10 :r 0 If) 5 C\~$ 1990 10 % EXCEEDENCE PROBABILITY ----50% EXCEEDENCE PROBABILITY - ----90% EXCEEDENCE PROBABILITY 1991 1992 TIME (YR) WATANA WATER LEVELS· AND GOLD CREEK FLOWS DURING RESERVOIR FILLING FIGURE E.2.76 ; 1Il'f: ..• i l J,! I f··· i I ! t 'i'l 2200 ! ! . 1 WATANA DAM CREST ELEVATION t 2000 .~ .. \ ,/" .~ z g .!;t .>1800 c·w .. -l W· ---.-;/ ~-WATANAWATER L£VELS .... ~ . ... . 1600 1400 1990 20 ,.., £> 15 .. ... -<.) w CI 0:: ct 10 :r 0 If) 5 C\~$ 1990 10 % EXCEEDENCE PROBABILITY ----50% EXCEEDENCE PROBABILITY - ----90% EXCEEDENCE PROBABILITY 1991 1992 TIME (YR) WATANA WATER LEVELS· AND GOLD CREEK FLOWS DURING RESERVOIR FILLING FIGURE E.2.76 ) ~ , I : . i I I \ ) I \ I i l .. 50 40 ..--"" If) y u.. -CD (J u.. '\ 0 \ If) 30 0 z \ <t If) ~ 0 J: f- Z -20 w (!) II: <t J: (J If) ® 0 10 o 5 10 LEGEND: AUGUST 1958 FLOWS :TIL. FILLING SEQUENCE I, AUGUST 1958 FLOWS -WATANA MINIMUM STORAGE CRITERIA VIOLATED _Y2_ -FILLING SEQUENCE 2, AUGUST 1958 FLOWS -WATANA CAPABLE OF ABSORBING HYDROGRAPH 15 AUGUST 20 25 30 NOTES: I. WATANA FLOW 84 % OF GOLD CREEK FLOW 2. RESERVOIR FILLING CRITERIA EXCEEDED AUGUST WITH SEQUENCE ® 3. NEGLIGIBLE C'HANGE IN DAM HEIGHT DURING FLOOD EVENT 4. MAXIMUM RELEASE AT WATANA 30,000 CFS FLOW VARIABILITY NATURAL AND FILLING CONDlTIONS DISCHARGE AT GOLD CREEK FIGURE E.2.78 ) ~ , I : . i I I \ ) I \ I i l .. 50 40 ..--"" If) y u.. -CD (J u.. '\ 0 \ If) 30 0 z \ <t If) ~ 0 J: f- Z -20 w (!) II: <t J: (J If) ® 0 10 o 5 10 LEGEND: AUGUST 1958 FLOWS :TIL. FILLING SEQUENCE I, AUGUST 1958 FLOWS -WATANA MINIMUM STORAGE CRITERIA VIOLATED _Y2_ -FILLING SEQUENCE 2, AUGUST 1958 FLOWS -WATANA CAPABLE OF ABSORBING HYDROGRAPH 15 AUGUST 20 25 30 NOTES: I. WATANA FLOW 84 % OF GOLD CREEK FLOW 2. RESERVOIR FILLING CRITERIA EXCEEDED AUGUST WITH SEQUENCE ® 3. NEGLIGIBLE C'HANGE IN DAM HEIGHT DURING FLOOD EVENT 4. MAXIMUM RELEASE AT WATANA 30,000 CFS FLOW VARIABILITY NATURAL AND FILLING CONDlTIONS DISCHARGE AT GOLD CREEK FIGURE E.2.78 ]; 1· f i I J .l l I I l o o o .5 ) o __ ~ __ -L __ ~ __ ~ ____ L-__ ~ __ -L--~--~'~ o ·l-::l -NOI.L~/\3/-3 CT r ]; 1· f i I J .l l I I l o o o .5 ) o __ ~ __ -L __ ~ __ ~ ____ L-__ ~ __ -L--~--~'~ o ·l-::l -NOI.L~/\3/-3 CT r I l I I \ I I .. w .'" , .,. ..... ~IQO MICRO EINSTEINS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER PER SECOND ~ f" ..... CllIoOO '" ..... CD~O .. ... • uo '" r , r , ,,0 I I ~ : I , I LEGEND DATA STATION ---0----STA. -~---~-----STA. ···6············ STA. ----0----STA. ----0-STA. EKLUTNA LAKE LIGHT EXTINCTION II 7 4 9 II IN SITU MEASUREMENTS .... .J'j"" ...... CD ... O DATE 28 JULY 1982 27 JULY 1982 27 JULY 1982 I!) JULY 1982 15 JULY 1982 o o FIGURE E.2.80 I l I I \ I I If) II: W I- W ~ z .. , w MICRO EINSTEINS PER SQUARE CENTIMETER PER SECOND .. r I ... , • uo '" I , I ..... CllIoOO ,,0 . : I. • , r LEGEND DATA STATION ---0----STA. -~---~-----STA. ···6············ STA. ----0----STA. ----0-STA. EKLUTNA LAKE LIGHT EXTINCTION II 7 4 9 II IN SITU MEASUREMENTS .. .J> "" ...... CD ... O DATE 28 JULY 1982 27 JULY 1982 27 JULY 1982 I!) JULY 1982 15 JULY 1982 o o FIGURE E.2.80 ) 610 600 t-=' lJ.. r z 0 590 f= :g w ...J ) w 5BO 570 127 r I 34500 23400 17000 13400 9700 WATER SURFACE PROFILES AS DETERMINED BY HEC l! UPSTREAM LOCATION OF SLOUGH FLOW Ii ® / l ;-1· MAINSTEM ---~'\ . I ~) SUSITNA RIVER Ir-;LOUGH THALWEG _J/ THALWEG f \. PROALE (II ·...k-MOUTH SLOUGH WATER SURFACE PROFILE (2) @ CROSS SECTION 128 NOTE (I) TAKEN PERPENDICULAR FROM MAINSTEM FLOW (2) ESTIMATED MAINSTEM DISCHARGE 1200 CFS 129 RIVER MILE SLOUGH 9 THALWEG PROFILE AND SUSITNA RIVER MAl N STEM WATER SURFACE PROFI LES 130 FIGURE E.2.81 ) 610 600 t-=' lJ.. r z 0 590 f= :g w ...J ) w 5BO 570 127 r I 34500 23400 17000 13400 9700 WATER SURFACE PROFILES AS DETERMINED BY HEC l! UPSTREAM LOCATION OF SLOUGH FLOW Ii ® / l ;-1· MAINSTEM ---~'\ . I ~) SUSITNA RIVER Ir-;LOUGH THALWEG _J/ THALWEG (\. PROALE (II ·...k-MOUTH SLOUGH WATER SURFACE PROFILE (2) @ CROSS SECTION 128 NOTE (I) TAKEN PERPENDICULAR FROM MAINSTEM FLOW (2) ESTIMATED MAINSTEM DISCHARGE 1200 CFS 129 RIVER MILE SLOUGH 9 THALWEG PROFILE AND SUSITNA RIVER MAl N STEM WATER SURFACE PROFI LES 130 FIGURE E.2.81 l i ~I I I l I ...J w > W ...J a: (5 > a: w en w a: e:( z e:( l- e:( ~ 2190 2180 2170 2160 2150 2140 2130 2120 2110 2100 2090 2080 2070 " " I / , U /--- , 'I / " / \ I \ I , I \ \ I , / '\ / \', f / , I '\\ .::J I/"'f--MIN. YEAR \ I \ / \ / " / , / '.// OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP WATANA RESERVOIR WATER LEVELS (WATANA ALONE) FIGURE E.2.82 l i ~I I I l I ...J w > W ...J a: (5 > a: w en w a: e:( z e:( l- e:( ~ 2190 2180 2170 2160 2150 2140 2130 2120 2110 2100 2090 2080 " " , U /--- , 'I / " / \ I \ I , I \ \ I , / '\ / \', f / , I '\\ .::J I/"'f--MIN. YEAR \ I \ / \ / " / , / '.// 2070 ~--~--~ ____ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP WATANA RESERVOIR WATER LEVELS (WATANA ALONE) FIGURE E.2.82 r ( 1 fl I rt I fl I :[1 -, -f, f\ r( I [I I - ~ : fr I r I ,. fl ~ fl. II l?:t' ~ rt ·· ','.' I . I I JI Il-l --_--:._------------------------------------:----------------------.....,;..--~--------~-------------.--- .. .. uso o o !:! i /\ '\ j V ----- :,--u.- 1\ ,~~ ........ til ~T...c:,UT,k ATf'ULL~ l-?f- I ----.-~ --- to . . --, o o • ~_1KlUSE IJ(l) I OUTL.£T r;t.CILlTlES OPfJIAT.; ("4T~~) -,.~ YEAR FLOOD (IUOA'ER) l- - -n02 r-"-~r--__;--__,_--:....,..--_r_--..._-- UOD ~-~~-_4---_f---_+--1_--+_-~ . 21118 1---I-----l-----4---+--+--+--- tl" 1104 1 / o 5 -10 e to TIW[ ,o.crS) l'~ YEAR FLOOD (lU .... (R) '0 '5 ItO 40 to o ·ZZ02 UOD Zl~ fl1l6 ~ !: ~ j: 2194 ~ w ..J W II: 21l1Z 0 > II: '" .. '" tl.O II: tiN -til' 2114 i A 1 I f-ocn~ I IJ I I I f -II : J 1\ , ! I I~ M'LOW V-0UT~LCr« W.T~ WLCr« I'--f- WtDWyv'. _ _____ OPERATIN; _ POwo'ERH USE· AHO -OUTLEt~fACILmES AT -A ~1t/""lLW4Y --I \., fULL r~m 1 ' ~ERHOUS.uco / OUTLET ~llLmEs <jERATIttG 0 ( ..... TCHIHG FLDIIi) -I • e to ~ fa I TIW£ (OAn) ~'IO,OOO YEAR FLOOO T' ! 1 f -E •• u w, L 21113 '\ I~IH]LOW Uc!:WINC oum.ow C,",,",CITY / \".lIH sPlLLWL Of'tRJ INC ,"ATCH''''' I"FLOW) / V Kt-OUTLEl r,.cIUTlES AT FUU. C~TY ~£"HOUS£ '~ OUTLET f'IItILlnES ~[1IAT"; (t .... TCHIHC 1HF"!.Dw) o 1,'10,000 YEAR FLOOD WATANA HYDROl,..OGICAL DATA SHEET 2 JO 140 40 -.., o no 2 220D ;::: ... z 0 1194 j: ~ '" .J ... 1112 « ~ « III 11.0 '" II: 1118 II .. 1184 f,-J I\'. /" OUT f1.DIIt ~OW .... p-, I 'I: ~I-Lr", V n I jt\..EWE_~~ -.uoIY\ I oPERATlIH; \ , ,\ J I .. : , , , ( I, <:1 1\ , I :. \. , J I -.. 'j< -• 1.1 I --, ;. 1/ ~&IP(~ G;t .... y OPERAT 1I--·L POWE .... bUg AND ovn.n ..L fACILITlES.lAT f\lLL CAPfoCITY TL£T FJ(PUTIES \H'E"ATlHf o I FLOOD -' 1r-----1 '" i 11 ~ 'f---,£"E~&£HCY -.LWoIi Of'tj\~Tw1G f\ -I \ I \ 1 I I I I I \ \ I~~ \ ,,~~ sPILlw",.()JTL£T rACILITIES .a .~ Of't,,&TlNG ~ 1/ ."1' -f'\-OUTL£T fACi;TlES . o • -AT fVLl C.&~m 10 e -10 U ",([).II'(S) " PROBABLE1WAXIWUW FLOOD I I FIGURE E.2.83 r ( 1 fl I rt I fl I :[1 -, -f, f\ r( I [I I - ~ : fr I r I ,. fl ~ fl. II l?:t' ~ rt ·· ','.' I . I I JI Il-l --_--:._------------------------------------:----------------------.....,;..--~--------~-------------.--- .. .. uso o o !:! i /\ '\ j V ----- :,--u.- 1\ ,~~ ........ til ~T...c:,UT,k ATf'ULL~ l-?f- I ----.-~ --- to . . --, o o • ~_1KlUSE IJ(l) I OUTL.£T r;t.CILlTlES OPfJIAT.; ("4T~~) -,.~ YEAR FLOOD (IUOA'ER) l- - -n02 r-"-~r--__;--__,_--:....,..--_r_--..._-- UOD ~-~~-_4---_f---_+--1_--+_-~ . 21118 1---I-----l-----4---+--+--+--- tl" 1104 1 / o 5 -10 e to TIW[ ,o.crS) l'~ YEAR FLOOD (lU .... (R) '0 '5 ItO 40 to o ·ZZ02 UOD Zl~ fl1l6 ~ !: ~ j: 2194 ~ w ..J W II: 21l1Z 0 > II: '" .. '" tl.O II: tiN -til' 2114 i A 1 I f-ocn~ I IJ I I I f -II : J 1\ , ! I I~ M'LOW V-0UT~LCr« W.T~ WLCr« I'--f- WtDWyv'. _ _____ OPERATIN; _ POwo'ERH USE· AHO -OUTLEt~fACILmES AT -A ~1t/""lLW4Y --I \., fULL r~m 1 ' ~ERHOUS.uco / OUTLET ~llLmEs <jERATIttG 0 ( ..... TCHIHG FLDIIi) -I • e to ~ fa I TIW£ (OAn) ~'IO,OOO YEAR FLOOO T' ! 1 f -E •• u w, L 21113 '\ I~IH]LOW Uc!:WINC oum.ow C,",,",CITY / \".lIH sPlLLWL Of'tRJ INC ,"ATCH''''' I"FLOW) / V Kt-OUTLEl r,.cIUTlES AT FUU. C~TY ~£"HOUS£ '~ OUTLET f'IItILlnES ~[1IAT"; (t .... TCHIHC 1HF"!.Dw) o 1,'10,000 YEAR FLOOD WATANA HYDROl,..OGICAL DATA SHEET 2 JO 140 40 -.., o no 2 220D ;::: ... z 0 1194 j: ~ '" .J ... 1112 « ~ « III 11.0 '" II: 1118 II .. 1184 f,-J I\'. /" OUT f1.DIIt ~OW .... p-, I 'I: ~I-Lr", V n I jt\..EWE_~~ -.uoIY\ I oPERATlIH; \ , ,\ J I .. : , , , ( I, <:1 1\ , I :. \. , J I -.. 'j< -• 1.1 I --, ;. 1/ ~&IP(~ G;t .... y OPERAT 1I--·L POWE .... bUg AND ovn.n ..L fACILITlES.lAT f\lLL CAPfoCITY TL£T FJ(PUTIES \H'E"ATlHf o I FLOOD -' 1r-----1 '" i 11 ~ 'f---,£"E~&£HCY -.LWoIi Of'tj\~Tw1G f\ -I \ I \ 1 I I I I I \ \ I~~ \ ,,~~ sPILlw",.()JTL£T rACILITIES .a .~ Of't,,&TlNG ~ 1/ ."1' -f'\-OUTL£T fACi;TlES . o • -AT fVLl C.&~m 10 e -10 U ",([).II'(S) " PROBABLE1WAXIWUW FLOOD I I FIGURE E.2.83 I I ( 1 I . 1 -I 1 1 1 I I IJO 165 eo '" 120 -. .. ufOS g 2 ~ .a .. i ~ 10 ..-.5 XI 15 0 4 I 17 ) .j ~- / 77', -J v. / / v / 1 / / ~ ./ / I / I I ~ , LOO5 t 5 10 ZO ~ 100 1000 10. 000 _ . _... I"£RIOO (YE"'~) INFLOW FLOOD FREOUENCY . WATANA INFLOW FLOOD FREQUENCY FIGURE E. 2.84 I I ( 1 I . 1 -I 1 1 1 I I IJO 165 eo '" 120 -. .. ufOS g 2 ~ .a .. i ~ 10 ..-.5 XI 15 0 4 I 17 ) .j ~- / 77', -J v. / / v / 1 / / ~ ./ / I / I I ~ , LOO5 t 5 10 ZO ~ 100 1000 10. 000 _ . _... I"£RIOO (YE"'~) INFLOW FLOOD FREOUENCY . WATANA INFLOW FLOOD FREQUENCY FIGURE E. 2.84 fi f r i--- fl , ry :'f ' . i ,.. .. ' i"i ~tl': I' . 'fJ i fl i., f/ ..•.... j :(/ :"'1' "rr I fl I fJ I fl I Ii I fj if I f. I . i ( l L ...---------'---t----.. -- .; .0 ". ie .. ".:. -f----· --.JANUARY .,O~. ~~'-"--~r' -~'~-.' ". I o o ~-._-•.. --.. ~~i-.-,--__ -.+-.=.::...-.++: "", ~'_"=-_'+==;-I";':_' " e' ... 0' .. .., O'1i("-"': 101.1"', ... 0 C-'ICUOf:. .JUN. ~ "=-=~~--~I ~-~~~~~~ , -------i . i -t-. j·..:,.··--':i .< '~§~~~ ':. , '0 : . -. t--.-..i"=-_ _t • ~ . -+-- 1~_, ... ~,_ ._'~_ .~ .-~. -"., •• ,,10( ___ ._ ....... '_"I" HDV.M •• " . u ·:1F-;~·· ;; .. ~-·-;~·;;-==rl' '~~ -iO'~C::4-I";'-~-I+-~-,~, -t-"--:l F;; r ~::,: ~'- 7:-:±rc=~,_~=':,,:~~:~,~, -l~~-::-A:-; .=-,c.;~~fo=-=:i~'c-= ':':"':~:'-~'-o-..... C-,,:c. occ , .-:.·I-·!-:-:",:-;.:.c,: -i'C' .7;·=-1-1t---·'··-'·-I+-,-· 'i-L-I~·-t--I -~"':. ':.: ';. '!'~. i · -.' ~: '. -~~:~ ~~~--i .,~ _ t-~ ~"t~.: ~_:: -~~; ;:=o~ I .tE-.. -:=:...·.=-~_-..:;._·-_-'_-'. -'.:...d-c·~:i.:...·.,;;..=-_-'·;.~.~...:~-.;-_-,_---=-' . .:....~'::...~=._='--'l-'-'-_~, .=._;._"-~-C,cT'--=' .. '= __ ""if?~-:--~~~: ~_I:',1-~-I-:£i:=~·-"~::::i:-If-:-I:-'-I~~:-: , "'",".=!"''':". ......"F-.: """":".' .. --.. -=: =.=--::: ';:-.-." - ~ -, ~ :C-:.-•• :. ',. ~~:. :.;-·.:~*~-=_~;";"'~::-:--f~;-·i ;g~"~ r-::"::':;- .fO =·;==""l, =-=":.?3=.~~#.:··,=t"c~:F-'~.::r=-:::: . .,. - •• -•• to • to ... fir _ , .... IK .... W • ....,..uO-.. fIlUC" ·· ...... UA .. Y ._.: .... ~. ,'-. _._ .. ~!~-',,-'::';;~'-l't'~-. ~::""-1,'o-'-.. '.-'-.' -'.0 J, ~ 0.,_;': .. _l,· ,_,~_ -- -:.; ... -.. _. r-==~ . :=-~ ! ': . 1 -. .JULY _ .... • • ". , • .....:-....c ' ....... L.' .. ,_u ... i -. -'" --.. . ...... '. I~-'" I~'. _ na ... ~_-~If!-. ... CH • t --.~i,._. _____ . _____ .. _._ .,.--... tD. -------I~.-,----~-.-~.-.-· • ,-• i-~· ·:,,-·-:·.1-=.~-·-::: .-... ~p----,-: .. , ,---- GI-L __________ ~r-~~~. __ ~~--~--__ ---~~,---~~.--~~--- )"I4.-UDU.T i J. r ___ ~ ___ • __ ~:.._, ___ ,_ •• • --r- '"'" 1 " -:~,-t-:~:~i ~~ ~:.o:=:+:7-+:-:" .,' "-..... ' . -~. ,:.I .-.• '-0·:·1-,;," t --" -" ......... ,,--... I_LI ... ,.c:c, .. ~NNUAL -j .0 ._ ' .. I _ ,-", It" .~ "II. Of ' .. I .. 10.[ .... [ [~\.IO 000 UCltOilD ..... T.M ..... fiQIf.S: I ----POST-PROJECT 'I y t. a-twIt -.at .[_,_ .. t(o .1tOII to ~I "' __ 'O'ID ., .. nOllIC:1l1.. ."0 'l.ul .. r~'CI AYJ •• ,lil IIOIITI'IL1' 'LOW'&--t:j ;1 II ,iI "1, i i[ !i 10-0., ..... .,. 0" ........ c ... ", ' __ Lit 01'1 •• efl .... OCTO ..... MONTHLY AND FLOW DURATION SUSITNA RIVER AT ANNUAL CURVES WATANA FIGURE E.2.85 fl i.· f/ ..•.... j :(/ :"'1' ':rr I fl I fJ I fl I Ii I fJ If I f. I . i ( lL ...---------'---t----.. -- .; .. .'. ie. -:::. -f---- --.JANUARY .t--~-+== : _ r' _1'-- .' ... 0' .. .., O'1i("-"': 101.1"', \..0 C-'ICUOf:. .JUN. ~ ·--==:"':---=--:'-~~I--------- • -------i . ~~;~~--=f:=--=::1~ . i ____ no! - . -.",0 j.-=,. -.--':i .< '-0:---1· ~-!:-.--:--::"-':"~:'--_;:=:~--7-= -..::.:. ,. ~~~~tif;~:~ ~~~~I~ -.-.£=- -r-'---,-; ------ • ====:=-f -"., •• ,,10( ___ ._ ....... '_"I" HDV.M •• " : cc~;:~:~;~i~,~;;JE~;: .: '-.-:'-:"':-~ _-:.7.=_ ~~..,:::: =---'=-1=-. . '=~""'i' ,~~C~" ~,,--=~~~ ·rli'----'-~·~.~.~. ~.,~,~~. ~. ~.:~.,.~.7~.~~-~~~-~.~i~ .. ~: .~_~: 2:~ .. ~,~, .. ~.-~_:~:~.~.~!~;~;"'~ I . :=::::.=-:==-t-=-=-_ ~~~~==::~~~ ~~~ .". : • ~. <--:£~ ,-:-.'~- ~ ., ~ ~,-.. : .... ,"" _. _ t ._ . • --',=:--:-;:=-=--=--_ .... - •• -•• to • to ... fir _ , .... IK .... W '''''''''UO-.. fIlUC" ........ U-A"y ... : ... ~.'., -.. '-, -._.'-;!_'7'-"=''-I:1''_'· '-:'-=:'-1''0---.'-.' _-.• J,."'--.,-;': , .. J!' ~:~ :.; ..... ---r-==~ . :=-~ !": . 1 - .JULY G"'i:t-:~E~'~T~" ~~~~~ 1= I I '---' . , ",---.. +.. +-i '--r --+- . -". , • .....:-....c ' ....... L.' .. ,_u ... i . '-." .:'.: ~!?=:~~ _.:'q=-., :. C1 ':" :-.. ~:.~. '.-:P * E::::' i-_. "'_' ~ .... _ '.-.r-~.~-;_---T-i.~.~r-~_r--;_~-'~--~_---r--~--- ...... '. I~-"" I~ •• _ na ... ~_-~If!-."'CH • t ---~i,--.------.----------','---" tD. ____ , __ 1=--------, ~_.-~.-._ · • .-.-. ~p----_. :-" ,---- G'-L __________ ~r-~~~-,~--~------~~,---~~. __ '~-- )'·I4.'UDU.T i J. r ____ ~ ___ • __ ~:.._ ______ •• • --r-- -:~.-t-:~:~i ~~ ~:-'=:+:7--+:-:- ."" .. .-:,, .-~.,.j .-. ''-,':'1-,;." t"'i --" -" ........ ,,--... I_LI ... ,.c:c ... ~NNUAL -j -''-. .......' . e::I11-:---'" =.-II--+-L ~ • ~;"-:'~~~_ ?:-~r..~_~ ____ •. __ ~_ ~~ -.... , -l"-i : ~'1:;:~~ £~f-~.'~~~;j'~~~ .. ~==~2~ ..-~~~ _ ........ Jt • • ..., 1'_ .. .e ... :I......o.Il. O!!t ncutilt ·'-. .... IL·' 1'1~~'-~"~-~·~+~'~-~.~~.-~ __ :3. ~~~~=~. ~--4~' ~.~~_~,~~~._~~~. ~~.~_~.~~~ .. ~ .. ~~ .• j •. ,--.-0-_~ • _' -.. '-j ~~.l':-.:-.: -~ ... -:. ~:'=-~.--'" --=--.~: !~ :~'c':; .. :,;,[.'3' ~:~;--,-.;:-"'~'~ o-~-r:.:..:( i: ~c~]Y:~;_ . ' · · ~ • '~. ---. ." "II. Of , ..... 1>[ .... [ .~\.IO 000 nUtDilII ..... T.M ..... fiQIf.S: .0 , ----POST-PROJECT ': y t. a-twIt ".at .[_,_.&t(o .1tOII to ~I "' __ 'O'ID ., .. no ... C:1l1. ."0 'l.ul .. r~'CI AYJ •• ,lil IIOIITI'IL1' 'LOW'&--t:j ;1 II ,Ii "1, i i[ !i e" . . .. ... ....,------r:: :..:::-~-:: .,-,..~-- .1_ .-' -'7" !"" -:. -:-=-:I-:'';;:'':'-::;'~::--; =.;::- ~:;:-::-=-~':::~-=---=..:..: =:-:-= 10-0., ..... .,. 0" ........ c .... -.t , __ Lt. 01'1 ,_efl" OCTO ..... MONTHLY AND FLOW DURATION SUSITNA RIVER AT ANNUAL CURVES WATANA FIGURE E.2.85 J -.. ... 1'_..-.c ...... ,~ ..... _ .. u .... '1: __ ':-:=-:-r.£..~-j ;-;:---=-= ~=.-=--=----;....= .;=-....0:..:. .:.":: :":. _-~-7-~~-. --:---t -, __ ......... ,-. -: ~ ..-.. ,- :::--~~.-;:;-:---'= -. . .. .;.=-.~~: .. ~~~~~~~~ .... '_ ...... __ ......... l..r. ••• CIta ........ NO".Me«iI.-, .. _~ ____ ......u. •• __ ••• oitu",,, ... "' .. ... ., 1_ ~ ___ IWk.L11 gil r.ut.u o_c_ ..... ,. ...._, __ IJd(.~ 1-...u.I.._...ua" AueU.T ~---.. --.-.--------t--.--.---.. -.;.-~-.. : . .. e' o · ~ '. :""""-=-:----7-;--~~.~~. _ -i-::-~~~ -T--.--· ----------.-/0--., -----..... -. __ ._-•• -. -____ _ · :s-~~~~~~~~ .' --. -" ·---------r-- ~ . -~ ~ . . . .... _ ,_ "K~( l-........&..t ...•• ~ ••• ... .... U ... L ,. ... ., "--~ .~. ------ acTa .... ·i MONTHLY AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVES SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREE K FIGURE E.2.86 1 \ -) J -.. ... 1'_..-.c ...... ,~ ..... _ .. u .... '1 __ ':-:=-:-r.£..~-j ;-;:---=-= ~=.-=--=----;....= .;=-....0:..:. .:.":: :":. _-~-7-~~-. --:---t -, __ ......... ,-. -: ~ ..-.. ,- :::--~~.-;:;-:---'= -. . .. .;.=-.~~: .. ~~~~~~~~ -:.....#.-:. ... :..:::;:s''-==-':''"""" -;:.~i~~':";+-=£ ~:::--~ i ----+-:' .... '_ ...... __ ......... l..r. ••• CIta ........ NO".Me«iI.-, .. _~ ____ ......u. •• __ ••• oitu",,, ... "' .. ... ., 1_ ~ ___ IWk.LI. gil r.ut.u o_c_ ..... ,. I r ! .. . ,; .. .: . . ...._, __ IJd(.~ 1-...u.I.._...ua" AueU.T ~---.. --.-.--------t--.--.---.. -.;.-~-.. . ' · · -T--.--· ----------.-/0--., -----..... -. __ ._-•• -. -____ _ · :s-~~~~~~~~ .' --. -" ·---------r-- ~ . -~ ~ . . . .... _ ,_ "K~( l-........&..t ...•• ~ ••• ... .... U ... L i ! , . ... ., "--~ .~. ------ acTa .... ·i MONTHLY AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVES SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREE K FIGURE E.2.86 . '-JANUA"Y · · · • • i : I i ! : . -.-... ~ ____ .~. -a __ Nav .... _111 i i J . . ""~~I~_~ --' ...... UA .. Y . ...-, ... ,.-........-....u..a.e_........, JU\.Y ---........ -.-.........-.-- •• c ...... i i i i MAIIICN .. " r-. ..c. __ .~.Lf.' iii I.cu. .. AU_U_T -"_"_~'--....r:._._ .. AN .... UAL i • · · · i i ! . i i ! ,MAY -.. ... ...,., ..... ___ • ......u..a ........ ... OCTO ••• ---"'-NQ.II:C"1 '\,011: '; ----CASE C ,i MONTHLY AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVES SUSITNA RIVER AT SUNSHINE ! I ! : ; ! . . FIGURE E.2.87 . I : i ! • '-JANUA"Y · · · • : • I liiilJJi i . -.-... ~ ____ .~. - a __ Nav .... _111 i i J .. . i i ! : ""~~I~_~ --' ...... UA .. Y 1111111i i ---........ -.-.........-.-- •• c ...... i i ! .. .. • i i MAIIICN .. " r-. ..c. __ .~.Lf.' iii I.cu. .. AU_U_T -"_"_~'--....r:._._ .. AN .... UAL i i ! . i i ! i • • ---"'-NQ.II:C"1 '\,011: '; ----CASE C ,i i r ! .. ~ . w ,MAY -.. ... ...,., ..... ___ • ......u..a ........ ... acTa .. .. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVES SUSITNA RIVER AT SUNSHINE ! I ! : ; ! . . FIGURE E.2.87 I \-, ! ~ ~-; l f' \ \ , , rl I I I i,:':": r, I f I _J I I I [ 1 L. .- ......... -..-....u.D .. ~ ,"ANUA"" , .... ~ ~ ICIUIII,.U. _ '--=-- '",UN. ~~:i:---'I'--'=I:.:-:-:-i~-:-:-I-~-:I~~'~-I-~;~c_I~:::' l~~ -~--- ~:=~-=--:.~;.?-: £;~~ -:-'":":::=:.- -~:-:--=--:~::-. -~:==--.. .. .. .. .. .. .! u: .-,-_.....:.. .~;.~ -~..:..~::J~ _. .2 .: ~c;,;:-j,!;:;;.;:,.~~~;-<;±f'~~~c;.;:~ •• : !'lIiII~iI' -: . , • .--"-; ~ - .. .. .. ,., .. '. -..t __ ......... _ c.c:u .. Nav • .,. .. . . .. ... ,...~-....u.n_ .... ~ ..... u .... ,.. -' ....... ~I--....u .......... ~ULV "' ... ., ' ... .....:;-.... .-......L .... f-cu: __ D.C.M .. .. ... 1'': ~ I~n _1.1Cd"" AUDuaT "'~:II II1II .,l1li-.. -.. ... -~--.~ .... , .. " .. ..- ANNUAL .: . .. .. ...... ~.......u._ ..... JD ' .. ~ ...... .AV --.. .. ..... Y_ 1if9C.-...I 1--.s..IV" 1-.:u.G 11. ., r_ .ec-.,: t.~ ... lira, .. • ... T.M ..... ~: ----CASE C I. ~Ullf\l't:t. ".".AT[D .aou 10 Y(,Ut, .(~ ", MIUottICAL. ,UTMlSJl(.1 &fIC) '''\lLATlD A¥[ .... K IIOtI'MU' ~ aCTOI"I_" MONTHLY AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVE S SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION FIGURE E.2.88 r, I f I /1 I [ 1 L. .- ......... -..-....u.D .. ~ ""ANUA"" " .... ~ ~ ICIUIII,.U. _ '--=-- "",UN. ----==-...--~-,--.......- ~"-'.,..;-_i--;.:-"~_.:·~:~-':'"~,~·,,,:-~ ~_~;T "--:---'~' •. _ :-~~~~~;~:l:~§§~=~ .. .. . ,., .. '. -..t __ ......... _ c.c:u .. Nav • .,. .. . .' . • ... ... ,...~-....u.n_ .... ~ ..... u .... ,.. -' ....... ~I--....u .......... ~ULV ., ...., ' ... .....:;-.... .-......L •• _ f-cu: __ D.C.M .... ~ . , ... 1'': ~ I~n _1.1Cd"" AUDuaT . -----_ .. -.----------.. -- ~ " . .. . .. • ! ... .: -:--':'":;--r-~-":;'-~:"~"S:::"'P..,_-·: , • -~-::~:;';---=-,=~~ --t---1--,...-t----"'t------~------ I I --<.--.......... __ _ i':, ':"";.:-.-.~- .. .. ...... ~.......u._ ..... JD ",,~,,"-.AV .,' --.. ..... Y_ 1if9C.-...I 1--.s..IV" 1-.:u.G 11. ., r_ .ec-.,: t.~ ... lira, .. .... T.M ..... ~: ----CASE C I. ~Ullf\l't:t. ".".AT[D .aou 10 Y(,Ut, .(~ ", MIUottICAL. ,UTMlSJl(.1 &fIC) '''\lLATlD A¥[ .... K IIOtI'MU' ~ aCTOI"I_" MONTHLY AND ANNUAL FLOW DURATION CURVE S SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION FIGURE E.2.88 r /' I ' r I (i I [I I ;~f t' \ ,I; I il . ) i ," ,~ i [l El [I 'K i I f' 'i [ l i [( rj ~1~ f ' L I l WATER TEMPERATURE, °C o 2 4 6 8 10 . ; -7" . • I i I I ~ I ; ; -E .' ;! " I' '. :c ; I r-41 ~UI tR I' . : I : a. \ ,; '., . : I . i ': : I J ; I ; W I I _ I I I: ~ ~ :: .:;! o 60~--~~~~--~--~~--~--~~--~--~--~'~~~~ I : - I : _ I i I I I .," \! I 1-:· ,. • I i I . I •• •. I • •. .' i : I' iii: • ,-: : : ; ~ .;;;-1 ... \, : ' , \ : ' I ; j'l' ;.,1"" ". ·j:1t)fll.ml=' '\(1'-",:::, I , • I ;:! I : : ! • ., . I ; ; ~ ; , : il=f 'S ')~ NGl.NEERS.'·: I I: : I: ,,' : i j • 1~1 I. ~~~L: L: r: r; ~.~' :~. ,~,~~,~,~:~~~:~:~:~~~~.~,~.j~~'~~+U~N_P~U_B+~I_S~H~ __ ~~,~,~!~ 80~--~--~1~' __ ~ ____ L-__ ~'~_' ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ WATER TEMPERATURE PROFILES BRADLEY LAKE,ALASKA FIGURE E.2.89 r /' I . r I (i I [I I ;~f t' \ .i; I il . ) i ," ,~ i [l El [I 'K i I f' 'i [ l i [( rj ~1~ f . L I l WATER TEMPERATURE, °C o 2 4 6 8 10 ~ \ . / . \ .\ .,LJffiO . , . . _--_±-r-_. , ~ , \ I -hn. !HO,:..-,...t---'---I 20 \ I f r-' \\ . , ____ A~ __ _+ __ ~.~ __ ~ " " .' . :: I ' . 71 I ! . ; -. . I . • I i I I ~ I ; ; ~~.-:....... 'I i : : ; i : ~ : : ~' ~: ~' +H-' ~: ~: ,~i I_'~:~i~'~'~'~'~:~ 40~--~~--~--~~~~~' '~'~--~~7~,~,--~4-~~,~,~ , ; -~ • : I • : I . . . ~ : E .' ;! I' '. :c ; I r-4/ :!)u/ ti' . I' . : , ; a. I' '.' I;,; '., ' : I . W I I _ I I I: ~ ~ :: .:;! o 60r---~-r~t----~--~t__--~--~~--~--~~~'~~~~ I : - i -I-. ,. IV I I· ; .. I ; , , I \ , i I i , ; : • I •• •. : ; :: ,:::""1 . ,-: ; , , :\, j I ; ! , I I I ~ - • • ~ . I ~'\(I="I : ; : , : : I , ; ; ! I : : ! • ., . : I , ,--, ~ ; , : "IF! Ie; )F" . NGl.NEf-CRS' . : : , , , : I : ; : : , : f-!-.;..-.-"-t-L....l.....T-t-t--!.-.'-+-i---+-~I-,~.'-.:-.L..iI-::......::....... i:......'~~_·-"....jUN PU B 1;1 5 H EG \ ' : , , , : , ; : l WATER TEMPERATURE PROFILES BRADLEY LAKE,ALASKA I ~ ! FIGURE E.2.89 r-i i I I t~ \ I [: \ .~.' I ';} 1 I ' [( f" [ . . , I I, Li I , ~C-, '" I .. I I r [ L ) FI L ) I l. NORMA IMUM EL.2185 EL2151 :::::,::,:' .::: ': ,: ::!:::::::},':, ::::: : : :, ': ',' ': ':' EL.2114 EL2077 20' (TYPICAL) MINIMUM LEVEL EL. -=::.-...(::1:';:: MULTIPORT INTAKE LEVELS FIGURE E.2.90 r-i i I I t~ \ I [: \ '~,' I ';} 1 I ' [( tr I I, Li I 'r:~' I [ I I r [ L ) , I . \ FI L ) I l. MAXIMUM EL.2185 EL2151 , '::::,,::' 'rn" [: ':'r:'{: : :" : ' : . . . . . . . , ..... . .: . ': : .. ", EL.2114 EL2077 20' (TYPICAL) MINIMUM LEVEL EL. _;..::.:=----I:q:""7777'8J7:'72rr:7777737 MULTIPORT INTAKE LEVELS FIGURE E.2.90 ( I f·' I \~\ I )"c: c , i·- I f t. ' r- I I L r- , i I ( l ;'; I ! I . I' I :. L I WATER TEMPERATURE °C 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 II 12 2200 81273 2185 MAX. RESERVOIR LEVEL I 2150 2100 81152 2050 t-= Ii.. z 0 2000 ~ :::> w ..J w 1950 1900 IB50 IBOO 12 1750 ~--~----~--~--~~--~----~--~----~--~----~--~--~ 8 9 10 II YR n 81243 L,J JULIAN DATE B~SED ON 19BI DATA 2 3 4 5 6 7 WATANA RESERVOIR TEMPERATURE PROFILES FIGURE E.2.91 ( I f·· I f~\ I )"c: c , i·- I f t. ' r- I I L r- , i I ( l ;'; I ! I . I' I :. L I WATER TEMPERATURE °C 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 II 12 2200 81273 ~--2185 MAX. RESERVOIR LEVEL I 2150 2100 2050 t-= Ii.. z 0 2000 ~ :::> w ..J w 1950 1900 IB50 IBOO 1750 ~--~----~--~--~~--~----~--~----~--~----~--~--~ 8 9 10 II 12 YR n 81243 L,J JULIAN DATE B~SED ON 19BI DATA 2 3 4 5 6 7 WATANA RESERVOIR TEMPERATURE PROFILES FIGURE E.2.91 FI I I : r( . , f1 I' r! ! l\ f( f[ i "f( / -1! [ I l I L o o 14 12 10 .. 2 o 152 162 172 I JUNE BASED ON 1981 DATA "., , .,.. --..... _/ , -.,... '" "..-' ------......... ..,.,/ IB2 192 I JULY 202 222 232 AUGUST 'JULIAN DATE 2421 RESERVOIR TEMPERATURE MODELING OUTFLOW TEMPERATURE 252 262 SEPTEMBER 282 -- 292 OCTOBER 302 FIGURE E.2.92 FI I I : r( . , f1 I' r! ! l\ f[ i "f\ / -1! [ I l I L o o 14 12 10 .. 2 o 152 162 172 I JUNE BASED ON 1981 DATA "., , .,.. --..... _/ , -.,... '" "..-' ------......... ..,.,/ IB2 192 202 I JULY 212\ 222 232 AUGUST 'JULIAN DATE 2421 RESERVOIR TEMPERATURE MODELING OUTFLOW TEMPERATURE 252 262 SEPTEMBER 282 -- 292 OCTOBER 302 FIGURE E.2.92 I ;' I : ; I ! f" I 1. :., I I I I ii, [ I ~, I '£ \ ,~ \ ~~I ~h \ [ [( ! ~i I r~~ l ( I \ I 110 I~ 120 60 -- o -, I I I I I ! I ; I I : I :/ i I : , I I i i 7 I I I I I , I I I --"- i I i - I I I I ! I I I I I I i -I i I I ! ,I , I , il : I I ! I I I , V I , I i I ! I I ; ! I I , i UI' i I ' I j I I I !AI-I ' , i I I i I , i , V , I i I I ! :/ : --~ ri-1 I I I: , I .2 ~ 10 20 50 100 1000 10.000 RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) FLOOD FREOUENCY CURVE (I~FLOW AF'Tt:~ ROUTl~G THI'O'.JG'< WA"~'U.1 DEVIL CANYON FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE \ FIGURE E.2.93 I ;' I : ; I ! f" I 1. :., I I I I ii, [ I ~, I '£ \ ,~ \ ~.,<~I ~h \ [ [( ~id l ( L II 110 I~ 120 60 - - o I I ! I I I ! I ; I I : I / i I : : : I I i i / I I I I I , I I II --"- i i i - I I I I ! I i I I I I i I i I i ! ,I , I , il : I I I I I I , II I , I i I ! I I ; ! I ill' I , i . I i I I j I I !)\-I . , i I I i I , i , 17 , I i I I ! :/ : --+--ri-1 I I I: , I .2 ~ 10 20 50 100 1000 10.000 RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) FLOOD FREOUENCY CURVE (I~FLOW &FTt:~ ROUTl~G THI'O'.JG'< WA"~'U.1 DEVIL CANYON FLOOD FREQUENCY CURVE \ FIGURE E.2.93 l ( .. I , \ I I., ( '1';' \ E:\ [( hi I ~I l \ (d t ( l ! ( L 2190 2180 2170 .2160 2150 2140 I- ~ 2130 z o ~ ~ 2120 .J w 2110 2100 2090 2080 2070 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP WATANA RESERVOIR WATER LEVELS (WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON IN OPERATION) FIGURE E.2.94 l ( .. I , \ I E:\ [( hi I ~I l \ (d t ( l ! ( L 2190 2180 2170 .2160 2150 2140 I- ~ 2130 z o ~ ~ 2120 .J w 2110 2100 2090 2080 2070 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP WATANA RESERVOIR WATER LEVELS (WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON IN OPERATION) FIGURE E.2.94 f l ; L,r i , ( I ( I F ( r~ ( r:' ~c F( i I~ r I ! \ 1460 1450 -;: 1440 . ~ z ~ 1430 <L > w ...J w 1420 1410 1400 I I I I I I I I I OCT " / 'V"'-MIN YEAR . EDIAN . YEAR \ .. \ , \ \~ " DEC JAN' FEB MAR APR MAY JUN J UL AUG SEP .\. DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR WATER LEVELS FIGURE E.2.95 f l ; L,r i , ( I ( I F ( r~ ( r:- ~c F( i I~ r I ! \ 1460 1450 -;: 1440 . ~ z ~ 1430 <L > w ...J w 1420 1410 /400 I I I I I I I I I OCT " / 'V"'-MIN YEAR . ED/AN . YEAR \ .. \ , \ \~ " DEC JAN' FEB MAR APR MAY JUN J UL AUG SEP .\. DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR WATER LEVELS FIGURE E.2.95 r( fI fI l ~ fl I -1 l I ~[ I l i l ,.: ..... 0 0:-0 -. :otO -- Z40 -------+---~ .. .. u 8 200 ----- o .. i 160 J ... , ~t;,i~CY ~II<G. I ~>K>Us( IZO OlITTLflfI I------f--I>'<-WA.TO<HQ I---+'---t---I-----I IOFlOW o D Ttu€ IDU'S) PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD 0 M:5£lOOfl £Lrv",Tl()Ij 147 0 146 . IUJl wsa /EWEI'tCIE~CY ·~·!l7 SPILLWAY OI"'f:/lATlIK 0 } / r\ \ PO"'ERHOJSE ~E~IHG I~ .\ .. 144 0 ~ \ ~o 1410 10400 o I \ 10 III 10 Tloo( ID-Ot"Sl PROBABLE I.IAXIUUI.I FLOOD • -·0.-__ .. ______________ .. ___ ._ o· -.------.-••• -.---. .--_. ... ... u " o ~ ..= !!: ~ .. ~ .., d ~ .~ '00 00 I----I----IH'---/----+- IC~--_+----~--~-----+----~----+---~ ~O~--~-~~-~~---+----+----+----~ RATING OLO---~IIL--~f~-~eL---to~--J~--~~L---J~ TIW[ [[)I.TS) ... &0 14!>e .. ~ 1'154 1451 1450 o . bESERVOIR ROUTING i "10.000 YR. FLOOO t f t. I r POr1:R>iOl13€. OUTL£T f ACIUT 0 "NO W.lJW 5P1LLW"Y Of't:R"T""," 1 f\-..... X . ..!sEL.1-05 I 10 10 n .. c l()I.nl RESERVOIR ROUTING I' 10.000 HI. f LOCO DEVIL CANYON HYDROLOGICA L DATA .. -------------'-.... , r !.o ---~--I -------I r---r--j r,,,,'l :-" -('J, , l hI' '-C ---------------r .. "-u ~ : -g l:i) J ... 10 0 1-:.., 145 e ... :,~ z: ;;~ .1 ~ .. ~ '''' ~j.~ c "0 t<4~ :~ 'i ..... ,I ., ~1,~ -'I 0 II • --~---i------- f"OoI' (R>-'OJ!':E A.,., OUTLET r~aLmu Cf>£lUn~ III TIWE «()I.YI' RESERVOIR ROUTING lr f'O"'ERHOUSE .... ND I ~~:':taLlT;n ( -- '-Ii'} wSCL .1-0~ 10 ro 30 . RESERVOIR ROUTING FIGURE E.2.96 r( fI fI l ~ fl I -1 l I ~[ I l i l ,.: ..... 0 0:-0 -. :otO -- Z40 -------+---~ .. .. u 8 200 ----- o .. i 160 J ... , ~t;,i~CY ~II<G. I ~>K>Us( IZO OlITTLflfI I------f--I>'<-WA.TO<HQ I---+'---t---I-----I IOFlOW o D Ttu€ IDU'S) PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD 0 M:5£lOOfl £Lrv",Tl()Ij 147 0 146 . IUJl wsa /EWEI'tCIE~CY ·~·!l7 SPILLWAY OI"'f:/lATlIK 0 } / r\ \ PO"'ERHOJSE ~E~IHG I~ .\ .. 144 0 ~ \ ~o 1410 10400 o I \ 10 III 10 Tloo( ID-Ot"Sl PROBABLE I.IAXIUUI.I FLOOD • -·0.-__ .. ______________ .. ___ ._ o· -.------.-••• -.---. .--_. ... ... u " o ~ ..= !!: ~ .. ~ .., d ~ .~ '00 00 I----I----IH'---/----+- IC~--_+----~--~-----+----~----+---~ ~O~--~-~~-~~---+----+----+----~ RATING OLO---~IIL--~f~-~eL---to~--J~--~~L---J~ TIW[ [[)I.TS) ... &0 14!>e .. ~ 1'154 1451 1450 o . bESERVOIR ROUTING i "10.000 YR. FLOOO t f t. I r POr1:R>iOl13€. OUTL£T f ACIUT 0 "NO W.lJW 5P1LLW"Y Of't:R"T""," 1 f\-..... X . ..!sEL.1-05 I 10 10 n .. c l()I.nl RESERVOIR ROUTING I' 10.000 HI. f LOCO DEVIL CANYON HYDROLOGICA L DATA .. -------------'-.... , r !.o ---~--I -------I r---r--j r,,,,'l :-" -('J, , l hI' '-C --- ------------r .. 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