HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS99.,.' ·'.. RE eEl V E0 DEC 2 1/1982 LG L ALASKA LIST OF DEFICIENCIES Draft Susitna Application Exhibit E Prepared by Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S.Cass Ave. Argonne,IL 60439 and Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O.Box X Oak Ridge,TN 37830 for Division of Environmental Analysis Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington,DC 20426 U IV I ARCTIC E 'RC" A :J 7 •;.~lH AN IV'\E.AX 99501 December ZI,1982 '"~~iJ E:~ SuS I?i ....-.... CDtITENTS GENERAL DEFICIENCIES • • • . . . ConsultAtions . Trans.hs;a"and Access Routes SPECIFIC DEfICIENCIES Chapter 2 -Water Use and QuaHty .. Chapter 3 -fish.Wildlife.and Wotanica'Resources Chapter 5 -SocioeconOllics . . . ..... Chapter 6 -Geological and Soil Resources Chapter 7 -Recreational Resources .... Chapter 9 -land Use Patterns . . . . Chapter 10 -Alternative locations,Designs,and Energy Sources Pag. 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 S .. ... 1 GENERAL DEFICIENCIES CONSULTATIONS Applicants must attempt to consult with the appropriate federal,state, and local resource agencies in preparing their license appli~~tf4n_Consulta- tion Ilust be documented,where possible,by appending to the Exhibit E a letter fro.tach agency consulted that indicates the nature,extent.and results of consultation.Exhibit E IIIUSt also contain a discussion of issues and conflicts identified during consultation and the steps proposed to resolve these issues. In general,while Exhibit E of the draft Susitna application implies or makes reference to consultations in progress or completed,the required docu- mental i on and di scuss f on of the consultat i Dns h-3.ve not been i nct uded.In review of the draft application and preparation of the fo11o\ling list of deficiencies,it has been assumed that the applicant is cognizant of the FERC requirements concerning consultation and that the final license application will be complete in this respect.Therefore,deficiencies relative to consul- tations have not been explicitly included in the following list. TRANSMISSION AND ACCESS ROUTES Environmental information covering the proposed and alternative transmis- sion and access routes (including the rail spur to Devil Canyon)must be provided in detail commensurate with the scope of the project.This informa- tion must be provided in the Exhibit E Reports on Water Use and Quality;Fish, Wi 1dl i fe.and Botani ca 1 Resources;Hi s tori c and Archaeo 1ogi ca 1 Resources; Socioeconomics;Geological and Soil Resources;Recreational Resources; Aesthetics;Land Use;and Alternative Locations and Designs.The environmental information provided must be sufficient to allow for the analysis of impacts and the development of mitigation measures.Further,the transmission and access route selection process must be thoroughly discussed in the Report on Alternative Locations and Designs. ·. SPECIFIC DEFICIENCIES 2.WATER USE AND QUALITY 1. 2. 3. p.E-2-38 , Soc.3.2(b)(l) Sees.2.3.5 p.E-2-68,'2 Provide the baSii foK"the 5e~ection of proposed filling and operating target flows,and data sufficient to evaluate the ability of these flows to .inimize downstream impacts. Quantify the effects of project operations on downstream nitrogen 5upersaturltion and the effec- tiveness of cone valves in reducing nitrogen concentrations. Include data on reservoir surface area,volume, maximum depth,.ean depth.shoreline length,and area-capacity curve. 3.FISH,WILDLIFE,AND 6DTAN!CAL RESOURCES 1.Describe the existing grayling fishery resource in the Wataoa and Devil Canyon Reservoir aTea and the U;5l i 09 anadromous and other sa lraoni d (i shery resources in the Susitna River between the proposed qam sites and Talk.eetna (population estimates). Further,quantify the project-related reductions in habitat required for successful reproduction and maintenance of these populations and estimates of any population losses projected,and the effectiveness of .;tigation measures proposed to offset these losses. 2.p.E-3-120 3.p.E-3-165.f 4.to p.E-3-I66,f 2 Clearly indicate proposed .itigation .easures,as opposed to potent ia 1 nli t igat i on llIeasures t and describe proposed measures to the extent practical as roquirod undor 16 CfR 4.41 (f)(3)(iv),Parts C, 0,and E. Provide a description of impacts to wetlands and floodlands resulting from construction and opera- tion of the proposed project facilities. 4.p.E-3-279 to p.E-3-372 1.p.E-S-38.,6; p.E-S-124 , 2.p.E-S-20.,2, through p.E-S-36,,2; p.E-S-39.,3; p.E-S-41,,I, through p.E-S-46.,2; p.E-S-102 through p.E-S-120; Appendix E.SA, {c)(iij) 1.p.E-6-1.1 1 1.p.E-7-61,, 6 Describe anticipated 1mpac~s on human use (e.g., sport and subsistence harvesting)of the principal wildlife species in the project area. S.SOCIOECONOMICS Provide oosite l!lI\ploynent lind payroll by lIonth. Provide the basis for the assUfllptions used in projecting residency and move~ent of construction workers. 6.GEOLOGICAL ANO SOIL RESOURCES Include a discussion of known and potential mineral resources in the project area. 7.RECREATION RESOURCES Provide a base .ap of the project area ~n sufficient deta;1 to i 11 ustrate the shore 1i ne buffer zone within the project boundary.Provide mapping details to illustrate:(1)all existing recreational develop_eots within and abutting the project boundary I (2)recreati on fac i 1 it i es proposed for initial development.and (3)recreational facilities proposed for future development.Features that should be identified include:access roads and trails,and the number and types of f.1cilities provided for shelter.camping,picnick.ing,boat dock.ing and launchil~,etc.Provisions for sanita- tion and waste disposal should also be indicated. rI • 1.p.E-9-19,,5,to p.E-9-Z0,1 5 9.LAND USE PATTERNS Identify ani locate on appropriate maps wetlands and flood1 nds in the proposed project area. 10.ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS,DESIGNS,AND ENERGY SOURCES 1.Provide a discussion of reservoir operation alter- natives (reservoir release targets),as mentioned in Exhibit B,including variation in downstream flows and a ualitative comparison of the associated impacts. Shortened title page and letter of transmittal LIST OF DEFICIENCIES Draft Susitna Application Exhibit E December 25, I982 December 22, 1982 OEPR-DEA Susitna - Alaska PI:-, Eric Ysufd EX~CU t ive Director Alaska Power Aa thor i ty 334 %Jest 5th kventac Anchorage, Alaska 93501 The Division of Environncntal Analysis (DEA) has completed its preliminary rc~iew of the Draft Exhibit E fix- the Susitna Hydroelectric project. The resuits of this review are attached and include a Marked-up Copy of the Exhiblit E, a ~ist of Deficiences, and a List of Suppltmental In,formation Needs a,nd Ciarifieatio~s, his infomation is being mzde available in this draft form to allow APA the greatest opportunity to prepare an envirsn- mental report of scope and content adequate to support the proposed application. Final cominent Dn the tintire Draft tXpplicatLon, to include the Exhibit E, is sciieduled for Jarluary 14, 1382, Any questions concerning the W:A review shu:~lc3 be ~iirected ta Yr, J, Piark Rol~inson at 2G2/3i5-5060m Sincerely, Lawrence R, Anderson Director, Office of Electric Power Regulation At t.achlrlents: Marker?-up Copy tist of ~~eLicI.e~~ci.~~s List of S~ipp~.cim~~i~tai Inforrnat ion i!\ird~ (3i-d Clarifications