HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS158I 982 MI MTER TkNPERhTURE STUDY Open F-i Ie Report Ccmpiled by 6. Moody Trihey9 P,E. P. 0. BOX 10-1774 Anchorage, A1 aska 9951 1 w< th coratri but? ons from the 6 Alaska Department eP Fish and Game and Arcti c Envi ~onmntal 1 nformtati an and Data Cente:. Prepared FOP ACRES MEW1 CM aMINtORP13MTIPED BUFFaLO, MEW YORK June 1982 ~ WEST 5th &iV,\PENUE - AWICiJORk3E, AUSW May 1, 1984 Susitna File No., 6.:8.5.5 Mr, WjlSSam E, Lasson Project Director Harza-Ebasco, Susi tna dV 711 "H" Street, 6th Floor Anchorage, A1 arka 99501 Subject: 1982 Winter Temperature Study, by E. I.I. Irihey, June 1982 Dear Nr, karson: During a discussion for the next workshop, the above report was cited; however, it did not have wide distribution agnong the study participants. I have attacked a copy for yourh use and provided copies to others for their information. Sincerely, Attachment as stated, cc: Hr. Eric A. Marchegiani, Alaska Pokder Authorityy-, w,'a Mr William Mi'fsan, AElOC Mr. Steve B~sdthaver, R&M Consultants Mr. Don Beyer, Marza-Ebasco Larry Moulton, MCC Mr. E, A. Trihey, EWT, w/o Open File Rwrt ST~P Open File Weprt E, Hoeay Txbheys P.E. Alaska Bepa ad Aretic Envizcmental Info Febmargl 24-28 Trip RgpaleQ Ee WQ&~ T~ihdy ~me~e~a~~a~eaeaee~ecseodaeeem~eerau~o~*~ee riees uthe finaingis of a joint effae beween aaysalf, (Ba8.~ett, 1975 2 mF&G, 1981) . ma 1982 wonrle was intenaed to provide a naq fydndstetaning of baseline mi+wintex haDitae ccnditions at: ham spa~ming areas, obtain auxfaca and intergravel watex teinperatlare data, an& to test a vaxiety af iast n%s fox mea~urBag wae@p tap@=- at eonaists of axee pa~s: a s q rapfl, Chata prasenta- tion, and a tzlp repae, mg s am repoe ddescrues tha meL%ads used for collecting cormtlnuous md instmattmeou~ su~faee md.' intargravel data wexe obtdnad, md pxe-sents graphics% eewaisons of trapious data sets. Appendices W B canti)lin continusus wate:r tmprature deser2bes &e week's activities ad cpefars same insights zegwding Bhe 21 Uver stage appears to be iluEluenclng cg~rsun6water upwalling ir, ae sloughs* In~roduct ion ling stations were est4gblished e~l the Susitna Uver above Talkeeeaa for the purpose of abeaisiag aridt-k~ter surface gad insergrwrtl wager gewerature bta. These daea vere cellacfed tc deter- dae ths *c~i~t~ffec~fvea~ss af % daga eolleetioa ~~mthads ad Eo 1 ckzosseristicer cf -1- s&de slatagh spamaag (incabatian) and avemiaesrriag are&&. gaga were slaa celllected f ron cpen wgter leads ia the minstgla river raMsb appeared eo bavse mauiticblc sub- sersses far sah~w spaming. A l eed nmbsr of kn@gmganesas miasgem zfver tenapaeaeuras were also measured by mP&G and R&K Consultants in asseciaelen * * ? * Doe preeeatcd lin this repore. Both saak%auous &ad %asta2ga~@sppas ~uxfaes and heorgravel wa~tor teqer? a EUT B a Raad held mercuTe themameter was used. En these gainstances surface wager tetlpperatures Tgere masured at 6he watez surfacg. Teqcrature date abtained with the Ryan 3-90 thcwographs are believed to be within2 0.6@6 of ae~ual tmperatuzer3. Teqarataare data obtained by usbg PSI[ arature probes in associaelon 'coith aither e YSB 42SC telaetterm~ater or Bigisease dlgital themornotex are eaaeh%a 2 0.P86 of eho actual teiqmpePatures. Surface and intergxavel waeeb tenaperetare data presented in eEh:is report for slough 8A and 136.2 were obtained using a fabe~ato~g calibrated the probe and record2ag spetenr wieh a cerelfied accuracy of -2 O.lO@. 'Phe mp;Bi- tude (~f ehe tgqertleure departure from the 1aBoratorj teglperrcure standard was born ~QE ea4:k themfste~ msxr~af oza the f20Bd -s -mea~aremeats o!C surface md Pakesgravel water teqeraeures could be adjusted fe eolscide exa,ctPy etPI the standard laboratory tentperature by usLng the rorrecefcpl factor far each indfv%daal probe. Hd-%ater teperaeure data were obtai~ad fro% 13 sPteg at 7 locabdons alwg eh@ Sus&Cm Rdvao bemeen %25 &ad 143, 1as~arn3a~~g%oa was eeacsatoaeed ia spam%m~bng (incubat ion) areapi, dth perelcrah~ aetenrgf oe b43Png ggven %e thc side sloughe. Intargravel &ad sttatun teqeragura staeicne wabre l~cated on he baaia cf BQF&G% 18981 obsemaeiomae of. sp ng 8cei~ity . Upwelling spab~larfaee fLw wae ~baemed OP believed to be prasepng as wll laeatiana ma%e@r@d * Congiauosxs ~aacfaee sad %nechgrpaseL wa6@e Eeqerae&re dafa collected bc~~rreen mid-F~bmary sad eazlyr lay 1982 are preeeat~d %a lintcaBuhr fa t Appendices A igiad B. m~~c sme data are praerinted graphically 18 this scsc,%a~ cf the report ts facd%itrabe intcqraea",ion. ED geaernl el~ese plot@ iadieaee tbac durb,~ dal.d4dtn%ar %at~rgravavcl vater f~ oeogabkg PZ~~~EP md ~cb a mbo%e ecaataat teqahea"lupa tha the surface vaten, This ~tronglp suggests &hat Fneexgxavel eeaparaeures respond Bndependigatlp of surface wager temperatures. mis was emreted since she mo~ieorlng seaciano ~@ers lacated in open wager leiads which weze ha-, or highly staspscs, of he%%&; cagxa~sed by up<~~elling ~lubsarf aee flaw, Althorpgh their daitiaL cset bs greater, tka tkda study provided greater PPBCISBOQ~ sad B =re east-ffeeei~e mthod sf ~Q~I~C~PPH~~ atre= teqeratares thm ttLe Ryaa ghe~gagrgphs. Z7ae sreatesr cast sae~ings was attributable to reduced pcrsamcl eosts for dara raducrlen and prcrseneatian. Ee is also balievad ehzt mrc reliable intetgra-gel wager bemp@ratern"c daea were cbtalaed by drbv%ag bba ~i~ele prccbes intu sere gravels ghaa frm buqing the wag: ghaeaagrapb u~psits. - - -.-- -- .- jSasa~$83 af &amampha i.~-, Baagh 9, QB, SURFACE WATER TEMP, Date (nmn corregponds to &!~e First point following the date) BURYACE WATER TEMP, Mean daiiy in%e~~~atel and su~face wtlkerr termpemeure dab hm ADPBG Rym &heamo@;aaphci at 88onaa 9B, FeLPmew 28 - AprSI I, 1982. Bay 1 2/28/82 Mem dcfay iintergevel aaad su~aee wette~ temperature data f~em ADP&G Ryan tbermopphs at Slough 9B, Apr3 4 - May fi,lLB82. 8urface Water Temp, elas 4 lzo Day I a 4/2/32 la%&rpv&# oar waW@g T@&%@= Me= dletly ia~krpigaste8 asld auirface ~v;ater &@mpc?ratuae data from WDPBG Byma tberraaesgmphs at YBeu@ 9, Oebmauy B 1 - March 24.3982. Mean drlSy hterwvet sad 818at~ee wa&az %@rmrpemtcsre data &om ADP&G By= $$ermagmplas eal Slough gSi, MareR 25 - May 5,1982. Graph 2 of' 2 Temperature C Day 1 = 3/25/82 Me=$ daily inte~washro?l and surface water temperature data from a mabtem ~pawaing site in the Susftna River at river dIclile 136.2. INTERGRAVEL %VATBB TEMP, SURFACE WATER TEFdP, Dale (noon ec~usespondo to the first pain& falloairag he dote) TEMPERATURE C Mcm drt$Jg sugface water &empemtssze dah f~oaa~ ADF&G Ry~na &ki&~magmpb& @% 8Esspl& 11, Pebmpary 26 - Mach 24,1982. Day 1 8/26/82 Mem daUy laater~avel and surface ~we&ee kesnpe?mture data from ADFSLO Byaw the~a~cagmphe ek %lola@ 19, Pebxuw 28 - March 28,19112. Day 1 211018% Mean dagy inb~~avel ;awd surrfaee water temperature data from ADF&G Rym themoophs a& Sic~u& 19, March 2'9 - May 5,19632. Mesa dsBg bbrsavel and surface wakes bwpemture da&a &om ADB"&G Ryan tfnes~aoo~mphs at Slana* 211 Pebsrsary 10 - MmcBs 17,1982. Day 1 2/18/82 Day B = 3/18/82 Day 1 a 5118/8% Interpsvel Wakes Temp. Burfaea VJaber Temp. Mgaw daily isnter~aveil sad surfgee wpak~ &empemture data from ADB&G Rym them~saph~ P& Slough %PA, Febm8~gr 10 - March 22,1982. Day 1 ;;2/60/82 IntcrgravsS Water Temp, Mean dally io&erm&vei and surface water &empemtasre daeia fgam ADF&G Rym thcrmopphs at Slough 22BA, Fdagch 29 - Apr3 31,1982, DP2321 temperature data Sutfaee & intergravel wager temperature ~geasure:ments Feb. 27 - Apr. 25, 1982.. ................... A1-6 --- Stlrfaee B %atergravel wgcer teqarature ro@aBure~aents Feb, 27 - April 25, 1982...............dDOe.e 89-12 Slough 21 Intergravel water eeweraturc . .............. sdeasure~~ents mr. 9 - APE. 20, P962........ 11.33 AT MW DATA .8 e 6 (dl qj .8 .6 3, 2.2 1,s 1-5 1,O 2,4 am- && &@ &! -5 -% 8-4 w +& 4% & ---h -%% '-a* @3 4% CW hB Fd %-;Sam 483 @ &L! 80 5e S16t &A 83 @%a Q3 Ryan miskers Greek Slough Surface water temperatures Peb. 17 - M2iy 6, X982...ee...e..e..~~oe~cae0esPeQ*~01e~~~~6, B1-7 Slough 9 Surfaeo water tewera~ures -- IPr Feb. 10 - MB~ 4, 1982. .~e~*~e~eeee~EJ(laOaeBe~~~~ePotr~~~ee.spe B8-15 Intergravel temperasures Feb. 9 - May 6, i982...............00e..a.C6sPBe(Ie~1Pb~01e~e B16-23 Suxface water $eaqeratures 3 -- Feb. 29 - May 6, 1482...e..................e.....e. .......a B24-29 Slough 18 Surface water EeqeraZureB Peb 24 - ME. 2Zs 1982.......~..~...~e.~~C1.0.QeQB~~~EJB~B.0 B36-40 Slough 19 Surface wager tevcrare%~res (A) Fag, $ -' my 2, l982eeeeeaeeee,eee,oeeargoee~aeeeoeCio~eoa BS5-59 ORB XD #: @0017@ * F@&M AR=@~~/COIREGTGD * * PAGE 02 OP 07 g*g 1 W 1 k""Z Z*Z 4" 8 Z@Z $"Z dell 0" % L*l L" g xyVa H 8 k"f L" f" t""P ite8 t"1 it* 3 t" l ga 8 r@Ii f <a t" I $2 .$fa Vet C" I 4-8 Let C"t g* 8 Rf* 4% b 9 6"" I" 8 iavzgj *r xser*?rmW~e&~W~*&w~~ui;i1W~~~e~CA-1;~&~a~~ I 0 0082 I t"Z #* 1 L"" Zm""t L" % 6" 1 Let g* 1 %!""I! d" 0 if* g ogt?~ OOEL I Zag &" 5 t " Ee I! 4""' 1 L" B ye be 8 4" f ge+ 8 E" P Ze 2 I" 1 @02& QOQZ t t"E 4"" B 2"" 1 4" 1 k" f 4" t 4" 1 ke 8 E" t gss 1 2" 3 1"" t 0@8Z . 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These data ape expected to pr~vide~ a pxel udsx!etadbng of baseline dd-wintax a charaetsri~tics at :ma~m spi~wning areas in tbg si.de SIQU~~O~ ad s~face waeex tWjp@WtW@S undex aaaplrd. f& is @usp@eted *hat $Iza water pxesent Fw eaas we9 @pn~le4!~ due to ~dtagi~ng md bricb9tatex effects csf the amhste~2, mnitolrinq stations and preparea Ulxee additional siten for installa%dan acl to Butchorage afternoon of Februaq 226. Jeam Baleige (milelDc) wave to Talkeetna Sto%&g~~ MduLes md and intergravel waiex tmperatures, Ule sleugh (RM 142) . Slough. 21 is losated in the damstre- side a2 an old it bar. alder-cottcmnwaod uverstoq and probably eonsicsts of raChe~ peranedle . iall~%~f~X depsits. St is quite concaivdla t aae upelXk~g fPm a&x~srs PR &a sEsugh ~es~lt~~ at %ease in pa-, :Ez~I me hydraulic Iaesd ere~ted by ehe diEfarence in elevation bat-= b9.e~ stage of the m:hastm river an upstre- side af ae pafat bar ad a@ stre eraewe etatian was ese&lished b the upper: pa:ti~n uf Slsugh 21 * wem installed Febmaq 27 tc E~COP~ averageB aeir 1981 fie16 studies. Qn Satu~day, F&~ME~ 27, 3eaa Bal&%nrig@ locataja ad identified several redds. No jwrnile fish urerc sbsempved. Qne xakdd was digtuxbed ad ten aBevins wexa ax-acted, mese young salnwn were pzesemad in alcohol md presented to AXaa Kingrb (mFQG I Cam, Fish, ) Eox Bdsntification, Be tentativsly ideatJi~Pied am as n, Pnacaking sat gflZ wehgs w81;lafd hawe to be -- 4% c~mtefd OX V~EA~&G~~~QW 6f ideatiky, bas $@@a AdelatiEied in *e 1981 MF&G field stuaes as prt3viding spa- in9 Bz&ita& for ehw s& n, It als~ provides ~eain(8 hdftae fox A @a&@x% a@ upper p-io~ af SXaugh 20 I~XG~B me @&@te A mnlbtcrinag skatfoa was nat est&PinAed, but su~%ace abd inkexgxavel packet t%bcrm~=tex, 01% 1P&;aagn%al~ 25 sua3arakface and @w%ace watsr tmpcr- s&et~ate *%ad allow~d ta stad fes 5 &,nates befsre a~txacting it. fYhis tsehiqpe was used to obtain -8 subsurface tmpgratuxe ~@~SUS a 15 d.nu%e the spa, A perrament manitorfwg station was eatalplished in e$a slough approxi- mte1y 250 feet series 400 t-peratwa p3:obe was fnstalled ta a dapa cf orie faot in a@ strea~ed gxiivels at a suspected sgamhg site. Boa intaxgravel ad su~face water tmpexatuxes were nreasraxed as being 2@C. (The surface @%ex atged mas-@ ae tmpezatu~e sf -- =mat -& of Walttaxfall Creek, m~ee hol@s b"fere chapped ough &a ice in Slough 20 of$ mu* af creek only %a $knd sat aa sh~agb was. fxozen solid fffsta a@ s*@eak@e Based en this ~b%@rd&eL8~ af phygical cond%&ksns, ?ha toea% Bnpat af sex@= glm md he&% enexqy into SPoagh 20 apazenely ezigiraata~ Zzam fl~~ ld~m~t~da fn ae %Laugh 2~- ese m~a 82 efb~taq~ kt. &$s watexf6alP Ceseko it has fxez%w ~iolPd %szdng ice plug 91e sla13gh. mxe feet ines gx~aea bed of saaagh, a disc:b&~cge area~wm~ent might be md@ at muPJa sf elel whe4&e:g a@xe %@ a nee knerease QX decxeasa An suxfaca Obaw in tkls gj~&zeacsh of d&@ sla~agh~ X su@p@ekl "".,a$ a%sze fs a net Loss o2 swfaca flow ta intergravel. pezcolation which laay be reappearing dasxnstxea~a samewlisaerc mdex ice cover between "&e ~QU* af Wake~faa&~P 6xeek a~d a@ a~aa of Sl~ugh 20 *be . Slough ' s ice COV@X kbl~~ m~a C3f Wa9@~falx t~ a@ja~@fiah f@h@'&@% OE watex was present in the lower poeican of a@ slough. The powex auger was n43t used beg.;&aae of ae BfkeBih~od of dsstroying ae bit we%@ it to erne fa contact wia ~XOE~B s*%tzate WOE@ water not gre~tsent wdesrr me ice eiatte?r. Csncri4eraeAon was givgn ta installing a wan che 4 haw eve^^ & ~u:~lt&Pb fscatiea caald not be fomd (too shallm) T%arg;.ePe~s, ft f s ~~ie~mended "n$"haEat wheneyrer ADF&G fie%d CP~WS ax@ in the vieiaty of $laugh 20, aey mou th 1.a ha& he%& $apexata~e pzabe [By&o--L&) GBara@h %9 was i&@a+ifi@d iirr Q%@ %98L B$"aF&G ratuaefs as a esckepa saBmoa aax&ii@r An eba mna by Th Qua@, a an 2.3-28 f i@Bd v~axk, of Slola* L1 Rfvez at M f36,2 ad X35, M addftf~aa8 sation !I& located fw that will provide for Ule cellecti~a of boa continuous and instmta- nearas suzface and intergravel water tatnperatare data. Slough 11 an& U?e minstlm sidts ~hwma8 at 139,2 hav~ been IBsntifidl~d k~y mFf6 a@ n spaustning arreae. Slsugjh 11 hasr alss been idaabified a,:: sn 6 continuaus re?eording station was ast&Lishecl in. e side c-mel of Bt~e Su~itn,~ Mver (m 136e21 ta =&sure %nt@xgravel md watea: t domstrea frm "me YSI probe to obtain a ccntiauaus reeuxd of surf ace aratures. A campaison can Latea: be mde beeween the pe~icdic readings of islter~avel t Jean BaPeige ma I obsenrc?d ~sev@raZ sedds la@ a aclea~ ice c@v@~ on ah Qne zedd diaQcly downs&rem of an open-water riffla was distwbed ad WQ sizes of eqge -6 several allevins were col%ected. The sitioa of eggs) hsr -a a- to hi@ u+ilization cP 4% ai~ by adult ~parnexs, These eggs and alevins weare pxasemed in aleohax ad presented to Allen fdawkiLled Ch@ aXev6~~ ma co~%%dBant a@ Paxgex wgs were ehm @&:ban eggs, i% ?A%%& 'kempeza&m@ mwito~&ng a&&&%~sm was e~L&lfskked h a m&*inatm okwm Lea& wwfnieh whae rrasj nnoL 14~0- t~ OCLWZ ikr aka% =@a. XSX ~.&;c%BB 40Q t~-@zgk%%xe probee %fag@ im$&%ji.@d 8a ~@~EQQZ~ 25 %Q =aB8%X@ ~S~WS I~$@X~X~W@B ad atad, ad ?he id ~f esh@ve& kt was faun& $63 be hbgkk2-y cgm&ant@d at savaxesl aftas Fn localion, me sueace layax qiBu@a P&~@ false i@praa~iAaaa t&-&t @uibaebk& ~pawililiq s%&e3hxa'6@9 wexe pre~enk. Bnly *a% top 2 to 3 $ad:hea (apgz~mnim&%e LhS.Pickn@as af ana Lay~i?~ sf khG8ne laxg43 wavsx silts ad fine sand have completely fixred the interetitihl spaces mtexids wia a shovel, aelea?garra bt. f# do~&tful r*ould be saecesafilt in dfggincj rrecadls eat faii~ location. Dus to watars of strs side ekanneP ~*ould be a highly productiva spmirag area leven aaugh it fs fed1 c9dkrectLy by upwalling subaurf ace fPow. Slough 10 was notad as rewing =@PI in the 1981 MF&G s%~~dkes, bud nc adult: spamars were obeteaved using aie aea. merefore Slough - doamstxes~sa fza a@ ea~flur3aee OP We also located an ae dawnsexem a side of an DB~P point bar. llhus it is ayite p~s~ihla that ae srnbsrarfacc Elow which arises in Slrjugh ie driven by hyde.auXic graaienta wMeh exist bamecn ice-covexd bksked in BPough 9 and 9B ee dets a@ if %s a net&le decay in slaefzr~e and intargnavel. watea: t@~peratures as ame mves d~mstreaw in bslwd ~Uie ga&&rsa& =ack~"l~aa inolallad by Tb Qua@ and CO~SBB~S af SXougb, was identified ae a probale coho spawning area. (Coho saxcasses we+@ abgel~vrd Slough 9B h ewly Oct~bez 1982, am& d@c~wo@edl jawbones whi~h my have been coho. were obse~ved F&puwy. 29 neap the tmperature probe, was established in the stre upswe= end of Slcugh 9B. The slough temperataxe was measuxed wiCh a st spgt loeaCed during -is eratuxes were .-?- mssuestd a% 4,4 a& 4,5@C on e* Qnxss days ~h8em&t&oa~ we%@ mdes Suxfa~e wate?,g tw~azatuxes wexe and 24e8@C an S~"~sqday* me vxiatian in suxface vatcx tmpssatuxes my, in paxt, hs attxBut&le to aa field teehicques; tathaler zfhm actual Y~E%&~%Q&s fa %~f &c@ W&g@g ~=P@X~%IX~S a foud ta b6 $80 &ick t8 was n4at avai b& he, ) continuous tapexatare aaclritcring stations were lesti&lished in Slouglh 8A to obtain integvavel md supface water tearperature dlata. A Datapod wecoxder (serial No. 567B) and -0 calfirateid probes were @paning =ea fn ugbper pohtion of 1 A (caSilaration correc%$o.cw +- -0.09@CI ~eccxds f atraw $calilbxatbon eozreetion -0,%2@C) gscsxds surfaea water tempexakuzek) Avexa{ge , mal dnbm temperaeuxes axe recorded fax 6 horn I~hsroalse p e- atrate composbticn in several alpen leads, it hcae quite apparent sat suit&%e spawniag areas are vekq P spawning substrate is tkighlp cmenbed witkin ~nly a few inches af *e strsW~ed suxfaca, If 8pam%ng daes ocmr in ass@ areas ox in seas t%b~ ~i~ca they could ollly ba depsltad _2 tc 3 i~~hg~i bcneaeh the 4L ' ape bs ba mintaAned e&@an side slcugh spaming areas mgL be retained or dtigative aetians wbi& wald paovi& 'fern %OCQ~~ORB~ weze t~ntati~ely identifie8 tkaae could ba skudied to d@t@mia@ g@a@ailiQ ae c~@&thg ar *rav&ng accepe:&1< eiz~ s~&s*(lwers fax spamislgp but silt ad t3a~d8 ~~hieh have been depsited in the inkeraticia& spaces cemdn%ingi and compaisting ae subs-ates, preclude use of these ai^eas by spawners. smfll. seals duxincj %be X9$% field seasan to aacs~aia Ule dsgcaa ea As ag;ecspt&2@ &or succasefal .>:aiwstsa spamdng. A pixat ZiaPi! stuay f xeaze-earring , p.e~@txa1e%sr tests, a6 sieve malysis te &ev 9Lap Baby] be eaaseaetd regalling his aperit~ees uia a&ing pagsjLbikaSic ~~pp1I~aei0n fa aa m~hota %,ueibna Rivex, Intergravel and suxf ace water t=perakuza E 'C) meagx!reakents abtainedl at established ~cuo~itering sites. Febraary 25-28 1982 Ice Cover at the Susi tna - Chul i Lna Confluence Ice Cove~ sn Slar!t~a at RM 102.8 Datapad recording statf on in Slough 8 W 9 - Conti nuous surface and intergravel water te~eratuse data $el ng recorded Or, 4 Slough Pb t bni toping Stat i oan VSI probes for surface ad .I nterg~avel wate~ temperatures. Ryan the~ioograpin mni tor- Ing caatinuous surface temperatures. Fry extracted $ram Redds with tire aid of a shave1 Eyed Chum salmon eggs from Slough 11 Comparison ef a1 evtns f om SL 21 and l.% Date of depesdtian unknown thus djfference ips development cawnet be attrfbuted to tompe~~atut" even though tem~erat@v@ cm~a~.-i%on WOU'O~ suppoPe such a statement Thhenaal lead in thet side channel below the nauth of Slough 11 App~exs'mately M 135.4 Rt:coimi8lnended study rite for spawning habitat improvement for mi tigat-ion. Idea 4s ta, scarify existing substrate or place sgawntng sized gravel. Rely an reduction of sumer flows to prevent acouri ng af gravel . Datapod site in mainstem below Gold Creek Bridge. Continuous surface and intergravel water temperature data is being obtained at a kxlotnrn spawning site PB - probe far obtaining inter- gravel water temperatures from perl'odic sampl ing, Obtaiai ng inte~g~svel water temperaturn data from Slough 21 Mainstem moni tori ng station RM 9 43.0. Ice thi ckness appreximatel y 4 ft. YSI series NO themister inserted through the ice for monitoring insantaneous mjinstem water termper3 tures . Mid-wi nte~ csndi ti ons SI ough 22 Approximte'ly RM 344.5 ..