HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS242WHEMAL REGIME OF T YSKAYA HYDROEL AND THE PERMANENTLY FROZEN GraeuH [Text] ma coasrmceioa of eha first =jot hpdiaelsc~rie cmplez, the Vil- yuqakoya t4pJsoa$ec0r%c Pawar $t&t%m, in the sagkoag af sesuercnea sf psr- mfm~c 8% severe el geID rafged bafsre plganers md enghx~~tera prg3rb~ Barn by %he specific c~nddtisas of erersfoa md speratloa sf tha atrwedres ie the hydrsahaserle e6wlexs =ant etmceure 0% the hydmelac~ric statban bs tlje dan, ha cmd%tfsm sf chs Par 8arth %s preferably mads frsn kscsl e~rnemeggan megrial@la 33~ ~~&bffBtra~io%;8 and atatggt, ~tabhffqr of ~ueh a dm is d&t@ 6s COW%~CH.B~S~~~ deg~ee by rh@ $;hem&% XE~LZW 02 the sfruecure, which is famed under ghe joint fniluence of differen pbysicnf proccsscs. Naeurally, one af cho principal faceors drca eb& ha gaga a% gh@ body md ndaeisn sf the dam $8 ?3e % ,*&oa@ t cs age axtxcmlg uncartaPra ia tb%~ caa md tequPr~ @peeid @dudye % &he oeher had, th fa nP a large artiffcfaB water badp (length 400 b, area 2,110 km'. v 6 b3, dr~th up Lo 70-80 a). &he bed and oharcs of which canaist o newcly f rszen grsund, in imdiv.Ldul caaes V~V feyp ~~h in~%u3$0n~ ~f an tee caq$ex, raises sew %he prablea af .ssudp%ng the refs tion af the shares an-assibbBe fnfi~tratf~oa as the bed bottem a&cer&al th~us, TaUng irhg"eo ~CCQ~C E~"EB Brnp~rgance of study of the ;he 1 regime of the rab~"e""k818fr and &he pper&anenely brazes ir~und of 2". bbotom for qvalddatfng themosn,ct~dchstP method3 for designing hydrrtserz~lrr;teeriwg Ytruceures in% re- g%sws uieh pemdanen~by frozen ground, the VfLyuysbys Scfentiffc gesearch frost Seaglsw sf the Pe frest $nst%tute Siberiaa Departl~ent %%SR Aaod@rsay sf Scdeaces sizca 1%57 (froa the time of canset of filling of t!re easervoir oE ~hk VfX~yekayra Bwdroclsctric Power Statfnn) Is a)ss%'ens%ic~I- ly carrying our. fieid abserva~fono af che distrlbutiotr of voter tr;3ters-- iw the seetar: af th@ ~CS~P~O~T 3t9~ar C~E: ba-a <13kpprria;xi~atePy 800 :& ~b@ve rhs uppa*. line of he dGm)and of the Jynsnics of %ha re-perature fleld of tha bo~a.aa mccriaP ia its bed, Sinca 1870 specfalfsts hsva also 'bean ask- iag sealsat%i, a at%ona af rha Is rioa sf ehe the 2 ~egfm {at Ikhr csastal (~b&l ter) aria of eke &enpair in fts fgrene paeta w3rh daenfl.& maysi~ sf ehc dbamal v~r%acfon af respeeatures Lr% deye~~denca a% bench, dcaoelimre snd other factors6 lha baof,n of the Vilyrrp Uver balcrags eo the E~T Siberian CIJlnatic Eaghe;~n, Tabka gP~es ghe ~rn m~eMp and aem annual air tsveraeurcs f es six- yest parbod of absenaeionsi:: on cha b-3s af data far eke mtcorolog.ls&d statian st mex~yshvskiy vf llage, %%@ transition of %he aean daily air tespsratlmre through., Q* -chsurs fslr %he neighbbrhood at Clmemyshevskly village in syringa during tho lrsi r#pn days of Pay. and in the aucm -- in ehe st?cc.r!d yen d~>~s in September. T;re tmcrber of frost-free days does not exceed is?&. The re&? nenuqi uind ~9eLocfty 2% 3*6 nb$scic, "Ehe metkind fat carving otse field sSserb~at6c?ns of the ~hemal rrgizc of the reoey;vof.ss and eke arndcslgrisrg frazen layers 1.3 3s Eoli3.o~~~ 1%~ waer rdmpe,r.-. atuke is measured using srrfngs of ckenisrurs along chrcc verricals on the lhe perpendicular to tire ads of the resen5oir (Fig* 1). The intemals of dcggh ac!asunremeT"t%:s were fron % to 5 a, Fc'r c~b:;em-seisns of the dyna~1CS 02 the temps~racure field of pe nsne$y frozen gr~u~d iw ese resenof= bed specid3.s~~ set up a special gcoehemah line af tbsree 3;aoretta4 esl, each vfth a degttl of 58 n, The boaairo%cs were caszd with uater&",ht ;5,r;%lcel sleeves An-. %a which %he ser%ngs af the stors were cr-bedded, Tfie sleeves vcre f =If ed wkth wdg;er of% and in she upper part, r; *I clepch as great is 3 3, sere sealed t$rbth bizweno Te~peraruxe aewaarcmrrei-arns are rade re~atetky fro3 a obaemacian panel memted at a siee away fraa the reserwnr, Tke unde~ water P~!ad fr he boreholes to he panel bras rade ubth a s2ecisl caatr~"1 cable of the 19 x 8,s tlTe, me periodfcity of afi neasurevencs was oae =nth, Heasuxeacnt accuracy was Q,f", a~haaughi she Billing of the eeescn~oit Segaa in 1967, the mse sesbie ad weax-plaancb wager Hcvcls have bee3 abser~~cd szly since 1569, Paerefore, ebe csea.1 obser~atfon the covers a small perf08 and rAe eonclusfoas wnPth were ~P~MZ"B OQ the basis of these obser~sticns arc of a preihinaq r:acure, At rhe beginning of che spring period; %hen the -Jean d-lily aLr teaperatures pass through OD, the the~al regi~e of :he :eserw90Lr is characcrrized by a virtually linear dist'rdbutton of tc~~ex-ahu;~ uirh de3tr% with art a eke rww =Itso hha mL& water amivas fmm eha slmhs3, the %4:@ cover h drs~mped ad rhe aurfaee %t~"pgrs of water are heacad by mass of penem toatFng sabsr radfaeiaa, tks rl~a scgfm of rhe resonwir fomaSrpg by the ansee sf %ha ring pertad is w~trad, A df~~Lfiguf~htng efzsr~rac,tar- frgac of rhs reg bw~ms o cm@fbcrabla ared m~m$efe;~mf rye l?or exw I@, 1h eha headuarsr e~ba%-ats $a &ha sh&l3 ~EPT BsCg8F9 dm a, re- a&& of %hair aarlg opeoing q (freeing froa ice) there fs a dfrqbct stra;e%ffe dgh ~LLRQI high eeq mcure of the surfam lay~ars dur- %% ehe aythda tq ta B2-.l%.'), wharmo ia sar=ecrs of s;hs ra~em~is where& xt.ha ice ~="Dv@P prgftista &bare io ramrgs serakific&eion with twipara- 2ura@ @it 24" (Tax, 21, %dl@ b Table 2 - ea SAOB~G mWpB fm2:xa-3%T .. * - - rh r A1 kp~h; B) Nay; Suae; Dl %@an (.eqeracure along vercfcal, degrees; E) g an 4 Jme rha fee cover was dcserayed are nelc water fldng from the olopes r;ith a tenpeirteure close to 0' fay- Or3 the C-I~D~ of the Water a~d $6 Saae degree gsvems the duration of he pergs5 of spring homehe 8 regdt af this, afca.h- total elearfng of ehc resemvfr from its ice c vg- {BSHZ June) the ecp~raroge of eke bc- torn layers af wager is reduced by 0.2-0.5' with ccasidcrable heating and great gradienrs af teverature fa the su ce layers, Begimling wick %he sceead half ad Ja9c there is Sneeasive s er h~ae$ng of trite ~esenp~Jgr 2nd ehia perfad- io charaeterf zed by st,%ble :itr*~c$ f icagi~n with considerable Mates cewerahure gradients wteh depth $Fig, 2, If), 4he naxinlnn differ~nce betvecln the water Cenperatureg at the surface and at the SocKtrarn is observed during the sec9-d ten-day period Ln July vhen the &it te~plerakurs attaiag bes =xi ekle sector of the resensir near Pig;. 1. Magriua of oucf%tting af 16ne oa reeervair far enwerecure! cbserva- h%sm, A$ hft ~Lda: b)'Wgbg aids; C) Barehole; D) Diseceri~ca, a Fig. 2. W@Eer &rnperarure distriburicn with depth during cltnractertseic periods of year: I) beginning of Eiay ; TI) June 11; III) Eugust; IV) Sep- tmber; V) Qctabar; VI) Janu8y Phe hearing of the reservoir occurs nclnunifomiy Lo its difierenc parts. In mid-Juna 1971 a rapid tenperaeure survey wzs made along the Length of ch@ r(~~emc~1~if fa 23 SgCE6g ~f 50 be The .%E~B~&EuX~ WBS 81889~~ed $&ii the eneixe depth wing a m9 bazkyehe graph, The resu&ts of he aeasrn uraants wt,e prsceosed ia the Esrm 4s teqeraeures uieh depth, Thegr analysis revealed chat che lovesi: wager renperature is observed in the can- yoa aad deepwager secgszs of the resemsir, Pn brsadenings the me= vaeer teqeraturc is greater by 2" aad lesser teapersture gradients with depth as s resulg 4% wid n$ * Zhs aJxinum heneing of the water &nss ie observed in lara Augus~ - early Segeen\bcr. During this period in Che ileccor of the reserratr in che vic- inity of ehe dm there are meaa teaj3eraturas with depth (9-10'). The aaeura of ehs temperaeurc disgribution wich depth is shown in Fig 2, IV, '6he ewLBilg cf thc surf~ca Lagem of mrer bcgLos Fn I&rk Au~vB.~ &I) COQBPC $$as ~gf & 8 B~CIB~B LD aP Paewe, a deerem@ tn the racaigr@ sf -- %ar rrhbatfoa &and Pm ~LC& exlag, %a ~ph @b6Lla 8s eseabbfehad r@hsctvely rspf!dkp u%~h @&P a t f~nher ~CC~B~BQ La g mifar throu* gtm aaafra 1w&r, Ln ehe daep-at&r awgar~ h cures b6" (Fig, 2, V], Pa ghe perid of aut oh& plmcipaf ra%e ~hs hmc ezc wegar 1~yd~ts h cayorma aectars 1s playad by %re@ e bn rh@ btbp~bad~&n~~ mh I~LB b p& by dab aafq, Sev L1 a@ sipif% % dif Permca La the d2m c@ of rba chc=a% rag; ra@@mve&z ia fos diffcrsae ~niecters~ ePoa on ehe reea~;rna&r ergda during rha %$mt em days 1P.n r cemperatwes of H", avcragcd for ehe vert%e& croBIs h ghea ahore zona and Ln shells S~CCO~S 833 CBVCF 1s for~wd be giaaflszg wath the sccmd half of Ocrober vdseh water cew@rsaure@i @v@ra$kng &eut 2" b the verefea$ cro%@ sestba, hrfag eha fizwt $&40 &g@ after tha ifc~ sac3 in there iis ~BGKC~S~ Bn vaeer e eraturc (by 6,2-0,6@) due $43 h~8t exekangc vith the bettoa mteria% 08 tho f%mr ad shen dwing the entire winter tkera is a gradrash decrease in water tempcradurs the en$irgg depth* & i~~tem~ dn thickness of rile ice cover occurs ~e the cnd af &!Pc~ md ~hh~ W&;&YHEU fee thiskaess $a ttia resawair "a.s LGl4X grcatcr %h&a 42a tha ViPyuy, A ganr~ral maXysis af data hrm field sbs&Wations af rha thema% rag the rasamoir frm the pabag of tt-%~w af th& the 1 effect an tka structuas 0% this hydta~%ectr%c p@&ar eeotisn and orr i ha shore mkes %t pfllsl~nfbie $0 note the fsllouiag, 56~ thde caaeal %an@ edf the ges~wair and fn the ahall ai$eg 8,eecaaq the averajge water temperature in F=%%E vertical cross seetion dsnriwg the sumar fs k%gher and dur%ng the vfeter it is Iwes ehm in the deepwater cmyaw sgsgors, Xa general, for the year the me=% water tengsrature for ehs oer- tical ersss seetfoa increases v%rA a decrease in depth, A sinifar picture is dsa traced with respec& ts the 2ean annul gemperazure of rhc bat$- Xayer:.!~ rsf wager, For e~a~Re~ fa the sllgsmee zone c+f the resemolkr with depeks of 5-15 m this Ermperature is 5.1°, whereas in the channel part wieh depths of 50-60 ol it is 4.2@, It can be assrned that s time elqges thLy differ- ence :La eemperaeures M%l increase a the PC neatly frozen ma~cerfal 0% tkc bed kn the coastal zane is heated ad tha%s, Et sh~ad be naeed in ehfs conneceian char in the charnel part of the re.serqqoir durii~g the engineering field work a ~alik af considerable chrci.:ness was also discovered (it is pos- tulated ehae it is a "through" caikf with a k>ean annual tcperacure in the uppeg hsrfzc*lb sf 4@, Ir is also msggarg go acre chis tact. Tle wan water cerapernrurn in the mPb@ s~ztiaa &W"$& fa &@p%h I.an~m1 c~~@I%P~~B&LBP@) i~li kh~ p%8E of s@crma&r r&egQr tb~d da~ &r th@ presene gb2 ig &,Gee miis Cpi?qe~EIa.O,uX@ * Ls c%asak ro cka m~, usgsg r ue~d $OF ~ht r@~en%ir in the ng (5"), NaverthePess, ehera fa bmP8 for ass lad af ~peraaioa of the hydroe%eesrbc cmplex . gb ragura will bs ,wa.rcvhac graagar thta was pzcGbcteei, 7$ fp&rkAL c- H i# Bbi- FOE 6ydr~e~gZaee~t~g c u~ae%ans of ghc the of thg I$otmdsse.$an >, 6". @* I -_C" - - t~q@t&tu~@b %a La@ r@$lew~fg em be accepted adcqusteiy @co~.md, ltmkmao9tp Meh ab~@m~tP sf tha &her-B reg shaae same ~iaets &ad %n sha s cross seetion ob~ewatim8 were 1,wd~t of tbglis (C%;ynam%es a$ the teweraeurs field of racks itsk o;ha bed of rA@ rsombeal man %Pf.guapes 8, and 31, ms I$&.~k~$gagi~al crass seerfsa of the share %lope is as Eollms: lialudd with grwa a~ad st-r~bbas ~srf bedrack EQ P depth of OlsO.r' a eta dapsh sf le-15 m frocsatrcd) virh ct%e faUm4ag ~he~m~hysiel p,rcrpcrthas:: = 11,970 kg/or3; >T - L,90 Cal/m4hour .degz - CH= 0.1167 Cd kg; u S 0,3X, =@ tewerature obsematians were iraitirscad Iw $0: 101 a i'Ba f begiiming cre edtately sf~es outffttisxg the borchealzs with rr;hema.nne~ric ap- PaZ9EFIS a %inc@ 'hwrreh~lo No R was drilled after digging af the resssrvi ir in thc sknore eonc, Oiise lamds~ed (fa 1969 and 1969), the natural temperature reghe sf ehe rock& was senewhat hpaLsed by the cine of onsee ::of the obse-~"~~atfsns, Zn boreholes NOS 2 a1d 3, after ~utfittixg the bozeholbe and "semding" cehe sknstrmeents reg2 s tered the ~fatuar"i % temperature regime which WP~ aI3semed oa ghe slope during engineering field wssk, Begbaaing with the aeeawd baP% of tday 1969, borehole Ns 1 fell In!ca a zone of coktisr:ane rnuradaefcan, T4ae depth sf the W~~CIC layer aver the $oxra;?Rsl.2 dur- ing the absewaelon period varied fr~m 2,5 to 12 m fn dependence on f!uctu- agio= a% $he vaeer level in the reserg~ir, Borehole No 2 ensered into ghe zone of' inmdatdors during the first days of June; %t vatfed from 2-5 to 12 fn dep~asdence an f%u~tu~fi~n~ kurifag the ~)b~e~~atio~"d PEP~C~ ~~OED 0.8 to 6.5 a. Borehole No 3 was situated outside the inundation zone, although the wager Xlaa begianing v%gh the sccsrmd half of May 1971. approacta~d 'the very cdg~ of khs ba~ehale, Far aatly~is af d%ts cn che dpn$des of the plane temperacure ffefd of rl~e pe~eania,lly frazea rocks ip% the rese~vubr flocr F1gurc 3 shows the tenper-. aeure d%s%rbburfon kiti~ depch An three boreholes at similar W~PIC~L~~S fn r*bc during the pcriod from U@ced)er 1969 through kcember 1971. In 2.5 years che frozela cocks ehovcd to J depth of 7.75 m (in the first '?~r~hole), uhareaa ~b gb 1 %aEPli%emee of eha resemoif was grol9sgatcd to a dep%b @ af 22 m,@ ih;a bareholes Xas 2 and 3 there is an; bpaiment caf the rmsurd temperature field to depchs of 26 and 30 m respectively; the gre3ceec deogh W~BB mced in borehole No 3, which is situated ouesi4e the Lnundttion P zolta, Y~Bs eta be ae$rLB~b=~g;f( ~afy $6 tlre ua gt.nfl~@ac@ of %hg: 9.@aemo%re cs aP teqeraturc field of perennf8:ly f~czcs meka in the at ilafrcid mrneme of time (DeeaBear 1968); 23 0r;e~ber k97Q; 3) Erecembes: 1991; fap 2% 3') V;P~@T lev@$& in resomoia 88 c~rrc~p"~nang ohsemam",%.on muntsc, 09 waeez lew8 an 5 hy 1969. A) Borehala ?he dplamics of %having cL ehe racks on che basis of daea frca EEasuremenEs fa borehale No 1 is sh in Flg, 6, fn accardaace with the searon& fbucru- %.tans ,in eBze aawerature of che hot~ama layers af water during the course sf eha year thgre $s dao chang& in the intewity cf tba%:iag md al",hat;gh the gea&rs,l ddrssclaa of klhe precess is m increws $a cha Chbelmess; of the thw-. ad l~ydr, dur%ag hhe vPnedt eRerg %a a dacrcaaa in elts deprh of ghadieag due to freezitng from below when he boctoa water layers hve a tem;lcraturr of abaut l,O-.h,%"g @urge 2 %a Pig, 4 ~~prcgirnate~ (av~ragt~) ehe gt;nez&$ vssi- ation of thaMw ia the resewoir bed ad Le 89 close eo CRa theoreeical cume (31, which $3 ?;computed on the ba $13 sf the well-kngm fonssula deriw ed by V, T, Balebayev [I] on the basis sf field data on ttse meal1 annual taperature of the boceool layers of vacer lo the coastal zone (+je), the eragure oQ &be gere~niabfy frazca grouwd BE rhe depth 0% the bwnca $b rcsemofr {dam 4,s") ~EQ eh8m?p&)9%ta&a ehar9acrsr@%2-st$Cs 3E &Re dtabases =king aj;p zhc resen~ofs f2~.0h, The cacput- atzaas do not e~-ke Bnto ac~it;8we the thfn h:~y~c a9 dabuvtaX depasita; tft8~ evidently can emlafa e he fact tk~e et.e actual deyth of eha~Sng 2s sosam vihaatt Boltss thaa the eaapadtsd VB~UB~ Fig, 4, mPm8cs of thawing af racks ia YESCIVB~~ Sloor, 1) according to biald raeasaxeenc %at%, 2) cuweit ~"prodaafing fir_.:.*l dacae, 3) zsonpured a, A) ye~rs, ~~nck~ @war:ksll;tn of fLetld data on dha thawing of perennially frozen r0cb in zAe resrmt~ir floor with the coquted data, in addigion to be4ng af purely tha~reeical iizearesz, alss ts aE pracefcal 6z~~rrsnee because be ;:Ices Lt psssfble go conclude that the swslycfcz% fa a9 derf veil kr mf.Cimenste~r- aB cont$fb&ons can be used in defbaite lides far evaPuagbng tne %hema1 hf%.hses.rce of the stasemssdr an t:~e pete~nialiy frr~zea gfosarad of eha bed esrsn i~% ehs rrhagikraly Gear ne%ghb~rh~32Pd af=P the ~h03~"el;ikner Far 8 cguaibtatfve and qusatftaefwe evdustisn of the shema% fnflcence ~f the ~6i~em0kr QIL"B "&h perennially frozen grournb of the share 20n~ it as net- esswg to sb:ad$~ data OR S""B~BB dynmi~s epg ctse aleaperature of racks az dif- ferenz d%sta~es fr~m the shore, Pa gcwterd, the resdacs af field ~pP~e?.~"~ar%cans mk$?: ie possfble ro cc.5.acludc tkt t!%sre is a weak intam8~g of zhs processes of hest exchange bemeen Pr and ehs underly%rrg gs~-cr*r-rrcIaPJy frazen ground Qe.ar~:~ rack9 @atem tee ccntcnt), which ia gavt?rned ra n can- sfderak~la degree by the %ha reghe sf the resewoir and ehe 1av caper- &tux@ aB ehs rocb, 1. Ualnbsyev, 9, T., n&mputfng the hprh of Braving vkth M,Iavance Et;r bea eat Exchange ," SEZ~?C%@~ PROE?rIlrX"IIY E I PRWEWAqZNT 1E Cfit7~T4Y Y h mm SS%q&V@SOFA SSSI (Ssaqisf-reH %%awi'kig and FPT~@sE~~~ of LR@ Ground &a gErg Tarrirorp of che Herthcastcr-ir GSSR), tbncour, "~auka," L866,