HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS310SUS 310 HANDOUT 1 RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PT8S TERRESTRIAL TASIS , ISSUIS TASKS..._-,- TERRE STRIAL AQUA-SOC. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 2 6 2 7 28 29 !.!L SCI. Cen.S up .X X X X X '-I X X X X X X X X :.X X X 3 X X X 4 X X X X X X X 1 5 X,6 X X X '"7 X X X X.., ~ .'''"8 X X X X X X X'"... ....9 X X-e... ""10 X X X... '"~II X X X X '"i:J 12 X X X X X X 13 X X X 14 X X 15 X X 16 X X X 17 X X 18 X X 19 X I ~~~Q C:D o Cl 0 0~,,> zo»-<;::!"lVl »m,.~z,,/::0-<m m:l> :::s ....Zr-..~­o mZ -:D j (5 Z Alaska Power Author ity Susiena Hydroelectric Pro ject Terres trial Iss ues Harch 6.1984 W-l.Si gni f i cance of red uc tion in moose carrying c apacity directly attributable t o the project . W-2.Sign ificance of reduction i n black bear denning and foraging hab itat. W- 3.Significa nce o f r educt ion in b rown bear s pri ng fo raging h abit at. W-4.Signif icance of habitat reduc tion for midd le basin furbearers and birds. W-5.Significance of Oall s heep habitat modifi c a tion a t Jay Creek lick . W-6 .Significance of increase in accidents and inhib ition of move ments of big game mamma ls due to reservoir open water and ice conditions. W-7.Significance of inundation or other disturbance to bald eag le .golden eag le ,a nd othe r rs ptor nes ts . W-8.Significance of changes in wildlife habitat and movements downstream of the dams due to changes i n flow and i ce cover. W-9 .Significance of redu ction in wildlife habitat due t o c onstr uction camps/villages ,permanent to wn,and airstri ps . W-IO.Significance of access road pres en ce and use effects on c ari bou movements and behav ior . W-Il.Significance of in creased accidental b ig game de at hs fro m vehicle collisions due to increased access. W-12.Significance of reductions in big game and f urbearer populat i ons from increased hunting/trapping pressure due to increased accessibility of pr oject area. W-13 .Significance of other d isturbances to wi l d li fe due to human a ctivities ,such 8S aircraft overflights and construction noise. W-14.Formulation and implementation of construct ion worker transportation p lan. 40836!A 1 W-15.Formulation and i mplementat i on of post-construct ion access policy. W-16 .Feasibi lit y and desirability of refinement of timing of construction and operation activities to reduce wildlife impa c~s. W-17.Feasibility and desirability of specific mitigation options ,includ ing moose and bear habitat enhancement I Jay Creek lick expansion,raptor nest habitat enhancement I revegetation of disturbed areas I downstream beaver hab itat enhancement. W-18.Feas ibility and desirab ility of types of mitigation options,includ ing design or structural modifications,replacement lands/habitat I enhancement of lands/habitat,rehabilitation of disturbed lands , management options (schedul i ng or restrictions )to reduce disturbance or direct impacts ,preventive measures. W-19.Formulation and i mpl ementat i on of post-cons truction plan to monitor signifi cant impacts and the eff icacy of specific mitigation measures. 40836/A 2 Alaska Power Author i ty Susitna Hydroel e ctric Project FISCAL YEAR 1985 TERRESTRIAL PROGRAM TASKS Leve I I 1.Prep ar at ion of comm ents and responses t o comm ent s o n the DE lS and FEIS and oth er informat ion f or the FERC. 2.Coordination of and part icipation in W'orkshops and other el ement s of the s e t tlement process. 3.General coordination o f terre strial program activities. 4.Preparat ion o f materials t o support FERC hearings. 5.Preparat ion o f impact ass es sme nt a nd mitigation plan ref inemen t reports (Level s I and 2)*. 6.Updat ing of t he tra ck ing and documentat ion s ys tem for impact assessment and mitigation planning. 7.Wetlands mapping. 8 .Vegetation mapping a nd dig itizing (Leve l s I a nd 2)*. 9. Hoose c al f mortal ity s t udy. 10 .Winter-spring mo ni to ri ng o f upstrea m moose i nc ludi ng se ve re win ter s t udi es (Leve ls I and 2 )*. 11.Tes tin g of moose carryi ng capaci ty model . Level 2 12 .Detailed assessment of candidate compensation lands . 13 .Moose browse invent or y. 14.Fie ld evaluation of d ist urbed areas. *Task conta ins work that has been ass ign ed to two or more of the four general levels of importance.See task descript ion . 41 434 Level 2 (cont'd) 15.Site specific downstream riparian studies. 16.Hoose population model refinement. 17. Brown &black bear monitoring (Levels 2 and 3)*. 18.Beaver field studies (Levels 2,3,and 4)*. 19 Beaver population model refinement. 20.Survey of middle basin trappers. 21. Bald eagle food habits study. Leve 1 3 22.Caribou monitoring. 23.Downstream moose monitoring. 24.Transmission corr idor trumpeter swan and bald eagle nest survey. 25.Winter bird surveys of i mpoundment zones. Level 4 26.Other furbearer field studies. 27.Lower Susitna River bald eagle nest survey. 28.Wolf monitoring. 29.Monitoring of peregrine falcon nest sites. *Task cont a i ns work that has been ass i gned to two or more of the four general levels of importance.See task description. 41434 HANDOU T 2 MAJOR LINKAGES AMONG FY85 TERRESTRIAL TA S~S Det ai led Engi nee ri ng Det a il ed Social Sciences ,a nd Aquatic Mitigation Pla n Cons tr uc tion Hi t igat ion Pla n Plann ing Recommended Flow Regime TASK 5 Detailed Terres trial Fish &Wil dl i fe ~Hit iga t ion Pla n -Economic & User T ~Environmental Surveys Comparisons Impact Report Assessment Mitigati on Plan Wil dl ife Habitat Refinement ~Refinement Ilnstream Flow Repor t s Reports Relationahi p Rep . Hydrologic lnformst ion &Analyses TASK 16 Moose Pop i n Model T'T Hoose Carrying Capaci t y Model TASK Descript ion T rr:Wetlands Mapping TA SK 19 12 Candidate Landa Beaver 14 Disturbed Areas Model ing IS Downs tream Studies 21 Eagle Food Habits TASK II TASK 8 22 Caribou C.C.Model Veg etation 23 Downstream Hoose TASK Descri ptio n Testing Mapping 24 1-1 i ne Surveys -g--Call Morta lity 2S Winter Birds 10 Hoose Honitori ng TASK 13 26 Furbearers TA SK 18 TASK 20 17 Bear Monitoring Browse 27 Eag1e Survey Beaver Trapper 28 Wol f Monitoring Inventory 29 Peregrine Falcon Fiel d Survey Note :Tasks 1, 2 ,and 4 are general tasks that recei ve in put from the ab ove tasks. Task 6 provide s a s ystem for tracking and documenting task results. Task 3 prov ides coordination for all ta sks.