HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS319I ...INTERTIE,_News etter March 1982 Alaska Power Authority Public Part icipation Offi ce Alaska Power Authority Board of Directors Approves Routing of Intertie Transmission Line Eric P.Youki,ex.c:utM Dnc'lOf Heney BlJndt.Dnetor 01 P\.lbAc PortJelpallOn ---PflEFEFlAEO TRA NS M ISSION LIME AO UTE The general fOUtlng o f me transmission line as sootovea by the Boa rd 0 1Direc tors in November 198'is sho wn here Alaska Po w~,Authorilv Board m ember s, s lal/,resource persons.and me mbers o f the p ublic are s ho wn d uring the Novemoer 198 1 Board mee ting The c rete n ec route (which appea rs on this page)was approved by the AlaSka Power Authority Board 01 Drrec rors on November 19.1981.The route is the pro- du el 0 1 econom ic ,environme nTa l ,and fea sibili ly s tud ies.drs cu s stcn s wi t h utilit ies and permitling agencie s .and In- put h om the pubhc .II inc ludes a po t lion wh ich we dubbed 'he "near ea ster ly " rou te ma t was suggested by meeunq car - ucceots In June 198 1 a t tne Susuna Valley High scnocr.Tne rou te doe s not pass through the Chase .CU Hy .and La ne a reas bu t doe s pass throug h me Sherman and Gold Cree k a reas .u avoid s Denali Nationa l Pafk and all bu t a '11 mile corner 01 the Denali Slate Park ,In the area 01 the palk e ntran ce into Denali Nationa l Park , the p rete r rec route goe s a way Irorn the highway (in o rder to preserve Ihe views near the entrance)and goes into the Moody arid Montana Creek dra inage s The Boa rd also app roved ccosnucuoo 01 the line a t 345 Kv with iOilial ccereuon a t 138 Kv FUr1her Board A cti on In add ition 10 me gene ral roullng of Ihe line,access was an im pollanl issue a t t he m eeting .The Board Icdl l our actions regarding access , Fi rst.Commonwealth Associa tes,the c coscuant s w ho roulHd and des igned Ihe line l or Ihe Power AuthOri ty.rec ommend- ed and th e Board app roved s trict helicopter ccosuucuco and maint enanc e In me Moody /Montana area .This re com- me ndation ISin respect lo r Ih e und,sturb- ed nature 0 1 t he area and me DaJl shee p habital u enccoter cc nsnucncn would also be limit ed to seasons othe'Ihan lambin g li me Second.Common ....eann had re commend- ed gOing 00 me ea st s ide of Broad Pass The Department 01 Natural Resources (D NR)creters t hat tne line go wes t 01 the highway in o rder to decrea se Visual Im- pa ct.The Board directed the stanto mak e a good faith etten to acc ommodate DNA by work ing with Ihem and the rece ra r gove rnmenl to engi"leer a land swap The we stern route sugges ted by DNA would reqc ire enc roachment o n a c orner 0 1 Denali Naliooal Park . Third ly.a good la ith euc n to av(lId Denali Slate Park was dir ected by me Board Fourth ,the Board al so acceotec the Power Au thority s ta n's re commendalion 10 ccostrucr 1M teo ha ll o f Super Link 3S and all 01 55 in me neucccte r-assrstec m ode (see crscusson on ccostrucuon modes) ove r Comrnonweaun's re co-n- merceuco lor c onvenuonat constr uction in mat a rea The stall's recc rwrenoeuon was ma in ly a re su ll 01 publ ic input re la ting to lhe life styles and environmental c on- cerns in that area The top half 0 1 3S is no rth 01 the r eeeem e River :6S ru ns east o rm e susnna River and through me Gold Creek.Ind ia n River .arid c nomoe Pass areas Ex pla natIOn o r ConstructIOn M ode s ' 'The d IViding line 1$the Talkeetna Rrve r Methods 0 1 Construction En"l ronment. 1Con s lde r.llons EnVlron me nlal con side rat IOnS ale be ing incorporaled in the llna f p lan EX !Sftng ana p1anoect roads and t rans Will be used to the maximum extent poss ible Int rOdUC , tion 01 access into area s where none p revIOU Sly eos tec will be pl anned 10 m inImize s tream c ross eqs.extens we SW itc hback s on s leep topog,aDhy and heavy cl earing 01 veget a l lQn The iocauco 01 res idences and p nvate prope rty WIll be respected as mu c h as poss ible as mo re eer euee studies are nuna tec 10determ ine Ihe "nat location 0 1 acce ss mr c the tlg hl ' ol -way . Conc eptual PI."B ecomes A Working Plen The conc eptual plan Will be meddled In ac corda nce With Pf'rmi!l;n.,;,age n cy StipulatIonS and w ill be 11nallzed puor to the start 0 1 const ruc tIOn As ce-rs 01 tne plan bec ome I lflulized .lhey w.lI be d iSCu ssed in ful ure newslellers lor nn eee mar shalling ya rds alOng l he en- me length 0 1 170 m ile s Matefla ls can be lOaded on trucks Of raIl ca rs and d irec tly shlPPE'd to a selec tee ya rd WIth a min imum 01 handling ,resulting In mrnlmal damage and loss .lee-a.Yo The Righl.()t·W.y Ac cess TO the right-o l-way I rom the radroad Ot hlQhway and mar shalling yards wi ll be needed on a da lly ba SISdu ring con- snoct oo.de livery 01 mate nats.,"stall",· lion 0 1 loundation s.assembly and erec- lion o f struc tures ,a nd st ringIng of c on- ductor a nd shield w ir es Yr."el Along The Rlght ·Or·w. y The m achines and eq u ipment reccu eo lor tounoauons .structure s,and w ire stringing ac tivities ar e br oughl lnilialty overland 0fI · 10 me righ T-o f.way fr om the rna,shailing yards by way of f road or trail and then s lay on the nght -ol -way un td me 100 IS comp leled Where natura r oostac 'es TO cconnucos c cosnucncn (such as rivers c anyons ,o r steep slopes)p revent trus.me cont ractor Wltl have 10 exrt Irom lne flghl· o l-way and re lurn to It tun ner atong ee rout e Conceptual Access Plan M.r a hlllllng Vards Greal c oncern was VOiC ed by bot h the publIC ancl me per rnlltlng aseeces abou t construc ti o n a cce ss ,In large pari because normuch w as known abou t whal lhe op tron s w ere Common w eallh develOped and r..esentec a conceptua l ptan to shOw hOw access would mosl like-- Iy occur .This plal"l wa s p resenlfld 10 the Boa rd 01 Duec tcrs In November 1981 , This pl an depend s heav ily on eXlshng roads ,ueus .ancl pleviously d lslurbed a reas (l or example .old gravel Pits c ould be fNI rshall ,ng yards )The cooceot 01 cceretcos That goe s With IhiS access IS cescreec belOw The loc ation,size an(!crs tence betw een ma rsha lling yards are oe termoeo by me neatness to est ablished transpo llahon recute s .site availabi lity.and limita tiOnS of access The p1 al"l shOwn here prOVides The c onceptual pla n c alls tor selected marsha lhng yard s alon g th e Park s Highway and the Alaska Railroad Ma r- shalhng yard s are sto rage places l or matenal s and equipment. The m aterials and equip ment Will be delivered by truck o r railroad 10 the marshalling yards and then uen sccrteo to the line rlghl-ol ·way where msrananon OCCur s II is e xpe c ted Th at the tmat access plan u sed Will be very similar 10 tne one de scribed ne .e.How ever ,ther e ca n and probably w ill be variations.Every contrac- lor goes abou t his wo rk a lillie d llterently and in ord er not 10c reate mo re pr oblems tnan wh al are SOl ved.lhe tear ac c.e ss p tan must also ccesoe -ue cowecrors needs ,The f inal access plan w ill be oeveooec JOIntty by me perm llflng age ~ ces.Ihe ccon ector.and the Alaska Power Authon ty ThiS hna!plan will I~ c lude the cc etco 01 marShalling yards FInal cecrscos Will nol be reached uem 1983 ?u b tlc c once rns Will be rep rese nted by born tne pe rm'fl.ng ace ree s and the Powoe r A...tno rlty n.ere IS eve ry reason to ee'eve mat the !lna l plan wll!c ontInue 10 re ly heav Ily on e l(ISling develOped and pla l1ed access Pre fer red M lXIe ee HA HAeecc H HA Super link Number 1 bottom hall 0 1 3" lop ha ll 0 1 3 · 6 7 9 12 13 16 16 The !OI IOW ln~cha rt srcws the selected method 0 1 ccosu ccroo lor ea ch Super link ,The Super L;nks Of Incremen ts a re sho wn on tne ma p on pa ge 3 C =ConventIOnal land COflSlr ueh on eeeees HA =He licop ter Ass is ted Helicopler Iranspo ,1 01 labor . eQuipment,and ma lerials with neucccte r assistance 10 all coere - ucos The no lable eeceon-os 10 the helicopt er assis tance will be me coeretons ,nvolving reels 01 c able and the equ ipment call ed me tensice ere and pu llers.w hich w ill be br ought over land 10 the work sues. H =Heli copter Only . Helicopters will be used l or ceo- s t ruc ucn a nd u ltimately l or main tenance Spec ial equipme nt will be fa bric ated so lhallhe reels o f ca ble .the tereooer s .and the pullers can be eree by rercccter . A marS1l alllng yard,01 stagIng area IS ShOwn here.EkBC t localions 1nd sizes 01 marShalling yards on /his (Jr('iecl will be det ermined ;emtly by the resource agen- cie s.cont ractors ,and the Power Authority d uring 1982 and earty 1983 P8f}e '00 -_.- Conceplual Access Map __--' .....,"""'\ ---- - -_._.-.0.----.;0.-.._...-_- e-, I I '.' --- ..•I ." ••_M4 t'- - -,- .. '''_e-•:. ".\ t ~, \!•• '~"'C~~':---__ •;... .. i " I,\ '..... Conc eolual Louten ot I.la'SNlII "'9 .....$IIa Ra ,l'oaa Va'a"'.... • sc cess E'I$IttI;p,,,,,,,,,,,*Qbs lfUC l oon to RllJnl -ot·Wav___ _P i>'S H ogI'Mav _""!>IIa Rall.oad ___$uDeo.l.nIt ISecToon s 0 1 3 to 5 m ,lt'SI,. - What Is the background ot the Intertle? Thf'poss ibility 0 1 mte rconnecnnq Pair- ba rks and Anchor age h as be en discussed fo r .1 numoer 01 years and c ulminated in a May 1981 l easib ilily report.p repared by Commonwealth Associate s In this reoort the tw o potential be nents 01 an inlmlie we re ctscos sec TM Polent..1 Benefits The lir st beneut is c alled KOftOmy 'n l ...• change.The merit 0 1 economy inte r. chang e hinges upon the tact thai the 01' burn ed '"f airbanks is.and pr omises 10 be.subs lan\la Uy more c o sI ly than the n atural g as bu rned In A nchorage r nus.II energy provided by lower c ost gas cou ld be tran sported 10 Fairbanks to replace ene rgy pr ooucec there With oil ,the re wou ld be a COSI redu ction ove rall ,The es t imated sav ings is $160 mi llion lor the period 1984 10 ,,,93 . .. • M •• I \I I l DeSign recommenc1,)lIons tor me rnerne mclude mis x·lower ro be cons tructed o f Corten (na turally rus ting s leel)The c onc1UC lors (w ,res'Will be a non specu1ar m'terialtha t Will reduce light r eflectIon. The secondbenefit is c alled ,...,.,.ahlr- ing.The demand l or eie ctncuv vanes th roughou t Ihe year ,depe nding on the time 01 da y.the weame r.e tc .A Utility mu s t have a gen erating c apacity well in excess 01 Ihe peak (heaviest)de mand in orde r to Cope w ith equipmen tlailur es and unanticipated load s such as th ose c au sed b y unseasonably c old weather .This ex- ce ss is defined as me reserve.II IS e st imaled by sharing re se rves An chorage c an reduce its need ror new generating capacity by 70 MW (by 1993)and Fan - bank s c an reduce its need by 55 MW. br inging the tote r redu ction 10 125 MW Th is will save an aCld ilional S14 mi llion in the 1984·1993 time I rame .Thu s Ihe totat saving in the 1983-1994 per iOd is roughly $174 mun on in 1982 dollars What's In the future for the Intertle? A ream is cu rrenlly In me li eld (February and Ma rch)TO de lermlne m ore p rec isely me locat ion 01 a 400 root r ight -ol-way Ar· reeled r es -ce nts wer e con tec rec and their input IS be ing soncuee .Foundation tests Will be l ak en Ihroug h Apr il.Surveyor s Will be working along th e rig hl-ol ·way mOSI 0 1 the summer ,Bid pa ckage s l or long lead li m e ma terials Will be issued by mid- summe r 1982.Right-ol-way clearing con - tra cts (sufllcien l for t he i nterne only)wil l be issued in mid-1982 and cco strc cuco c onn ects Will be issued in ea rly 1983 ConSlructiOn is planned 10 be cornp lelect by me fall 0 11984 page foul Geotechnical Explorations Beginning During Ma rch a nd Ap r il 1982 .th e geophysical ccenectcr will be conducting geolechnical e l(plo rations They plan to make l oundation bo rings at up to 73 toea- ucos.Samples w ill be analyZed tc see i r the ground c onditions ale eoec cete l or tee-canons Pre sently the plan c alls l or ove rland cnu- ing a t 3 1 Ioca lions 10 be fol lowed by helicopter surveying a l Ihf'l other 42 locati ons . Since a ll samples Will be an alyzed ee tc-c a ccrccnere toc ooanons ca n be de signed . res idents in me areas should not assu me a tcorcenoo Will be m ade al the pl aces l hey see machines or nenccoter s In a ddi lio n 10 thes e explora tions . geo logists will be surveying l he enure rou te dl.ring this pe riod to gather geol ogical infor malion There Will be no employment oppor - tu nities atlenda nt to thi s ex plo ration since t he c cetrectcr will ha ve tus own drill equipment and crews Will I be able to get a Jobon the Intertle? The Public Parli cipalion omce has been gelling Questions aboul j ob ccoc rnmtnes on Ihe mterte.While oppo rtun ities are not imminent.il appear s mar job s wi ll be av ailab le in the l uture ,oct di rectly Ir om l he Power AuthOrity .hOwever,bu t from Ihe c learing and cons truc tion companies Right-o f-way c lea rlOg connects w ill be issued later nus sum me r ,and construe- t ion con nects in ea rly 1983 ,The c oo- sunants ha ve be en i"1 slructed 10 wr ite t he ccm rac t docume nlS so as to p rovide the ma ximum participa l iOn opport Unlly po ssi- b le l or Alaska turns and Ala ska re sidents Man y or Ihe jobs WIll reqc ue scecuc suns.As pla ns p rogress and mo re mtcr, ma non becomes availab le ,it will appear In tuf ure newsletters Dr.H.WJ A.Kornlwrg.Bonne vIlle Powe r Admmis tratlOfl,Vanc ou ver ,Wasllingl on, on loan nom the Electrical Power Rese arc h In s/l tu te November '98 1 Dr.5.".M lc"""on.Professor 01 Radld ' IJOIIBIOlOg y and 8IopIJySlCS and Associate Professor of MediCme and o f Labo ra to ry Ani ma l Me dlcme i n th e SChool of Med ICIne and Dent is try ,Unrw"SIIy o t Roc hes ter Biological Effects Research Reviewed In response 10 puDhc concern s about possole har mlul biological euect s.lhe Board heard Irom Dr ,S M Michaelson and Dr ,Ha rry KornDefg They reviewed research 10 dale on the DialogICal euecr s 01 hlQh 'IOItage t ,anS/TIISSiOn ees Dr , M IChaelson IS Prolessor 01 Radla hon BIOlogy and B tOPhySlCS and As:;oclCl le Pro lessor or u eoeee and ol laboralory Anim al Med ICIne rn t he School 01 Medlc i"le and Denh stry,a l lhe Un,verSity 01 Bccnester Dr .l(OInbe r g is on loa n trom me Elec l tlc Power Research In- stuute 10 l he Bonne ville PoYve r Ad- m,niSlratlon rn Vancouver ,Washlnglon Bo th men have ee tenswe knowledge and experie nce in trns f,eld and ccecnoec mete a re no dellnite cata c onllrm ,ng harmful DlOloglcal enects assoc iated w llh a nan srmsson line ne size 0 1 the Willow to H ealy In ler tie (3 45 kv) Public Participation Process Now Emphasizes One -an- One Involvement The empha SIS 01 publiC mvotv emenl IIl lhe enerte pr oteCl has now c hanged I rom cornmunica tlOO";w llh commun,ties 10 coe-coooe involvement.111 order 10 In- volve ee people who ale more dlfectly a l - teeter by the line DLaIOgue wllh lOCa l ere- perty owne r s nea r the Iran SffilSSlOO rOUle De9an In early Fetlruary 198 2 and con- t inue s w llh me follow ing acnvme s",.-,,,,, CUrNnt ly Under Way In Fetlruary and M arc h 1982 ,small rn- d lvldual mee lll"l9S are D9'Ing held wl l h pr o- pefty owners nea r l he proposed route Con tac ts l o r me se mttehngs ar e be ing m ade di reclly Dy Land Fie ld services Mos t contact IS be ing rn aoe cnecw w tth tre p rope r ty owner s list ed on lega l records .Some cco tecre also be rng maoe through bu Sh ra oo and the CB "qtape- vee."The ece tcos 01 mese mee llngs a re Fa irbanks ,Ca ntwell .r eneeroa . W IllOw.and possibly Anc horage .so l hat indIVIdual pr operty owners can go to ire meehng CIoseS I to men curr ent pla ce o f resoeoce Lit .,In t he Spri ng Alt ef tt ns st ep er hne re hnemenl,p rope rty owner s w ill ag ain be conta cted by a Land FM!kt ser vee s rep resentalIVe s eekIng pe r. m lSSIOO 10 dO sur ve y wori e ThiS will be another oppo rtunrly lor Indi vidual owne rs nea r the route to pr ovide ecvce on the a lignment Dy givi ng d irect Input to u e r eore s cnrenve II land IS In ta ct attectec by me 119hl-ol . wa y ,an Independent app r aiser (no t yet ~lcc l edl WIll accr aee me Impa Ct.Soml'I l ime m ereatter.Land Field Services.us- Ing the sur vey Inlormat lon and Ihe In- ceoe roeu app raisa l.Will c onlacl the IandaNner 10 recc nete th e a ctual co-o. re nser ce Who Is Land Field services? L and Field Services I l FSI '5 a contra clor irIvoIved in the hne-lunlOQ 01 the interi M! roete II is an Alaskan c orpOlallOO WIth 01· te es 10 Fan'bank s and Anchorage ,11 1$a mullloodl sclPlrnary land consull ing I I,m . specialiZ ing 10 land managemenl.pr Ojecl ma ncgemen t.neoo l1ahons ,nne S8lV1Ce . real property appraI sal.rou te seectee. aCQwSlt lOO 01 flgh ls-ol-wa y and c orol lary permits LFS wi ll partiCipa te wl lh C0m- monw ealth Asscca tes and Dryden and LaRue ,an Anchor age eng lneerrng I I,m ,In li ne l uning the Iran sm lSS lon line rout ing Whal Quesllons Would You Like Answered In Fulure News/elfers? We wi ll t ry our be st to answe r your que stions in fu ture newslette rs .Write your q ues non he re and send it to t he Public Partic ipation Offi ce ,Alaska Power Au thor i ty .334 West Fifth Avenue ,second Floor ,An- cho rage .Alaska 99501 , Summary of Public Participation During 1981 Al lhe November 198 1 Board me eling o f the Alaska Power AuthO rity,Nancy Blunck ,Dn ector 01 Pub lic Pa lll Clpa lion , summarized the acuvnres 0 1 Ihe cuce and the Input from me public In 1 ~'3 1 relative 10 the mterue .This sum mary is ,n · e luded bel ow The three ma jor corecnves 01 me Public Part icipa tion omce lPPOl we re 10:I )in· form Ihe c uouc :2)record !helf resconses . and 3)inCOIporate pli ohc preference s ntc Ihe decision s of a rocre In /Orming me publi c wa s eccorcnseec by m a ilin g s .rneetm q s. reue re .a nd d islnbUling ma ps , Maili ng s A total 0 1uve n1a ihng s weot oot I rom Jan uary 1981 th rough December 1981.They c an be broken down in lhe following way : January.450 people Ma rch -1700 people " May ·1700 people " June .1700 people " August ·1700 people " "I ncluded eu eoxncice rs In Willow , taneema .Trapp er Cree k.c emweu. Mc Kinley Park and Healy. Meetings A total 01 15 pub lic mee nnqs were held :n Ihe a rea s 01 Fairbanks , Mc Kinley Park,Cantwell ,TalkeetnafTrap- pe r Cleek.and Ancho rage Over 650 pe l> pie eueooec these mee lings whiCh wer e held Janu<.oy 1981 throu gh November 1981 .with many ceooie atte nding mo re than ooe meeunc Map.Over 200 maps were dl shibuted throughout the process 10 Interested in- ovccets at meeunae and by mai l Some per sons stopped by lhe Power AuthQrlty cuee to ge l me maps LeUer.Fa rlY-SIX ietter s we re d lrec lly received in tne PubliC e emccenc- otnce EighTy·fIVe percen t wer e frorr:smaller c o rne-u mne s (other m an AnchQrage and Fai rba nks).An aonnonet fo rly-eight lel- te rs were receiv ed in me Govern or's 0 1- l ice an1 rc te rrec to the Power Authorily Whenever accr ccna te.responses were senl. Wh ile each c ommunll y had c oncerns soecmc to li s area ,some con cerns were heard through out the r ai!belt.1)the Visual impacl ctme ene :2)coteotrat ATVuse 0 1 any new access roads ,and 3 )possible biolog ical e l-ects 0 1 the high vcnece line The t ransrmssron line route l hal wa s ap- proved by tile Board of Directors reu ecrs a pptoxun a tely 90%of t ne pu bli c preferences heard during 198 1 The emphasis o f public Involvement ha s now c hanged from com munica llOns WITh large gr oups 0 1 people (commumhes)10 a one-on -one involveme nt.DUring February a nd March 1982 ,p roperly ow ners and at- recteo per sons a re be ing cco tecteo by l and Fie ld Services ,me contractor which is involved in the l ine lu ning 01 me rouling o f the line , rne pr ocess began in January 198 1......... A partICiPant marks his map dUring ffte Talkeetna meeting Alaska Power Authority Public Participation Office 334 W. 5th Avenue Anchorage,Ala ska 99501 BUlIIRllTE U.S.POSTA GE PAlO PERM IT MO.272 AMCH .All .99502 InCnor a ge ,AlaS ka ~.J 707 P .S:I. !lne)Ilf:.77'S{)( Anchorage - Fairbanks Transmission Line