HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS340PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF RESERVOIR TEMPERATURE AND INSTREAM ICE RUNS DRAFT 70 : L~rr7 G;·(6c r hn-.. h~ .J ~~ T. c;e;np<r/.~ ~IJJ._c...f: Pr~,.;.~·~~"/ ..e?~~/6 ~ ,&,~VVdtY k'/ e r~ re. .:57,._/ ..:Z.,..~~ec....-.Lc.~ £vrj /k a;f/cc.£d ex~·, b, J.s ""/tz ;;re),:.., /vr~r 7 /.:.!.~.....ll/-~ r /e~'~'"UdJ'r /c.~v..~-hrc_ d.vtJ tn-!>v'rq,ccA._..._ / ._..., ;-c .. : ,.z S. d~ sc r ,k,. cJ ~~ : ?;7 o,~s -r sn<l Z :s-Ac<....J 1-,'t~r c s / #,....,._.T{ ~ s~ tnk~ cr~ -1-/1 ~ .,k ,-v?-r.? :4>ru ; 17_./ /c-:- -e ~ CJ.s...tfdrrG Rc. '-'Y'-'e ;._ I /18 v / ~ !?Y Z, Rc-S~Lrvoir-oc..Jf-.JI~~ .a.....-r_J / ~ 2--'--k ~ --c:..-.--j 4--...._ /" ~ s /~ ls,..k___.ll r~s.sarvo./;--o~r~~ L Acre ':eeL ~o~c~ cS~r~ c£,-r.c:'-'«~ /cvc.-h ( t/7o 0 6V!f) DRAFT hf~rC!.J ~ -10 ~~ ~ M~)(t~'- c..uekr fove/J -/~ e v~-r-~~ ?z ~ / ~(.J~,..~ ~ \llf~ ~~ ~;:'Jr/re_~--- ~ ~&e~ .!-·~J/lJ ~ s ch-eel~6. ~t/~ ·; c~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~c? Nove~ fc-,./ /?&" / k 4r,./ /?Y~ 6e~ ,SQ. 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RIVER MI LE WOH I'£R PERICD • I ~ 81 -30 lf>R 8Z RESERVOIR OPERATl~ a WAT~ 1996 AEFEAE.C:E RU4 ~. 8196£ 740 ... A...ASKR POWER AUTtefi I TY .. ,na-...rt 6U5lTNA RI VER (C£ 6 JtU..AT J(»4 PRJ"ILE CF t1AlCI ~ SHUS tt~UA-E IIAEIXl ..ll 1 Nf won LM 1--..-F-·I -.... I • I' • r · -··-···-·-· ···-··--··-., ·-·----.- ~pt ~..,., -~ d r L caill5 :K ., 18 -.- IL -12 ; . u r -·I .... \ r .-. w ~ ~z \ u .... i ~ \ 0 . 4 ~ u a ... "' i 1: 1\ 1\ JY \ I \ 1\ 1\ I \1 ~ I' ~ N\1\ J loO 0 1101 tEC ..... F£8 "'"" APR ~ ~ AUTHrAITY RIVER MILE 101-50 __ ._... ' &USJTNR Rl~ ICII M.,.._ LIIIDD• WEATtER ~IUOO • 1 t«:N 81 TO 30 APR 12 ICE SUU.ATlON 1 . tDT'L~ RESERVOIR (J'[AATI~ • NAT~ 1996 Tit£ HtST~Y ·-~ AEFEAENC£ ~ NJ. • 8196£ MNA-t:.aD ..OIMr von..- I I ---~--1 __ .. • - .. 'JO ~ .... 1£. ... - > _, ... .:;1 ~ 45 \ :I .., IS -... IL -l2 I x: I u T -X .... .. ~ -0 \ \ ,v ----\ f 4,---------~----------~---------r--------~~--------~---------, ~~a 1\ n ~ B z ill ~ . \ f \ J\t , I \ ~-~~~ ~~ \ JV ~\ ..,... ICIIM~~o I . TCI'T"-~ I . ...._.. aMI"'NJff FEB RIVER t1 I LE I 1 12 . 1 0 ~A'n«:lt P(AI 00 I 1 NOV .,, TO 30 Af'ft 8Z AESEJNOIA (JI[AA'TI()f o NAT~ 1996 AU~HC:E ,_,. NJ. I B 196E ""' A rvN {\ I ~ Af"ft R..A&t<R f"'WEl' ~I TY 11111,_..._. I 6lli ITNA A 1 YEA ICE SlfU .. ATION Tit£ HIST~Y ~ ..J)INf Wbf'f\M --.. -·1 -... r-: ., ~· .. "' ··r •. "i I • ·r l l ' ' • .., -I ~ """\ ~..,.. ..... a410 r \ -"""\ ti4115 --; ::& .., 18 ~ IL. -12 I. /I ll: ..., u I -r /,......._ \~ ~ . tj 'I ----/2 1 -p \ 0 ""'" . .. ~ua _A i I: 1\ n N'l . \ r \ JV .. 1 \ -A./\ 'V \.-..! \.JV V\ 1 ~ CD 0 NOV CEC ..M FEB fA' AP'R R...A6tCR PllNER fliT to. I T Y RIVER MILE 114.10 ___ __, I I 6US JTNA Rl V£R IC2 THI~ LIIIIND• WERT!«:" P£RI 00 I I NOV 81 TO ao ~ 8Z lCE SJI'U-ATJDN I . 10'T"-lWI=t F£8ERVOIR (J)ERATI(Jo4 I WA T f:N:I 1996 Tit£ HIST~Y t . ~ CDf'OCN AEFERENCE ~ Nl. • BI9E£ ltNfWIAB[D .IIINf WIM'fiM ' --.-~--1 -... • ~ ,.. ~ ~..., >._ 1/ j c.i.., -~ 4'J& as ~ ·-IL -12 D I liC u -:r r,......_ ~ . 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TO'IIL 1H1~ t . ~ CDfiOCNf / ( I ]_r--.... ./2 [/,/ .........c.__ v n ,.., t ,.. \ JV Y\ FEB RIVER MILE I 118 .90 ~AT~R ~RlOD • 1 tOI 8J TO 30 RIPR 8Z F£8ERVOIR OPERATION • NAT~ 1996 REFERENCE ,_... toe • • 8 196E ~ \ \,-~ f l T ' "\\. ~ .ac .l rJ'I '"\J\ f'\ ~ R.AIII<A ~ AUT~JTY __ ._.. &l.61TNR Rl~ ICE SJ~AT ION Tit£ Hl6T~Y 1 I I' • .. -0·--··----------------o------- SJO -~ / ""\. u.. 1!118 -v ~.., '"' u; .. , .. "' &lO , .. -·-IL oo 17 = ./, lC I I V' u -I r---_ X /"2 ~ . .., Ill '<--u -v 0 • ~~a i I: 1\ n \ \ A t.. I\. n. ~ 'V \ jY v \ (D 0 NOV IEC .At FEB RIVER MILE I 120.00 Ita TWI~ L..IIIDGo ~ATte:R P£RI 00 . 1 NOV 81 T030~82 l o TO'Y..._ THI~ ~&ERVOlR OPERATI~ • NAT~ 1996 f o IL&at CDPGCNT AEFEAENCE "-M Nl . • 8191£ ·--···-······ . ... . . -·.. .. . . .......... 0. 0 ----·--· ---·-····-···- "-.../ \ "'---..,. ""\. \ \ """\... _\ h ... A rfi' \J\ r\ ~ - ~ Arft Fl..~ POWER ~ITY ..,_....aY I 6USITNA R1'1£A ICE 51"-A..AT JDN TU£ HlST~Y ltiUfWII&D ...,,.., VlJnlJI( --..-t--·1 _0 .. --t : . 0 j ., I i • - IS ~I u .... r ... . .., u ... 0 ' 1\ \{ \ A ' '\j 101 TWSoec. L&IIDID• I . T01-. ltil~ r .-......~ --------------·------···--·-- ·- ........ r ~ ~ rt / /2. ' ---"\ F.. _.,.;-[.__ \ I \ f"\. A n 1\ rJ/ ~ ,.J \.." \ f\ A,. A I \../\ ~;· '\ "' \ 1 1 .. IEC FEB ~ APft Fl..Aii"R ~ AU'Tt«JU TY -·--..:r 6U51TNR ~~~ RIVER MILE I 126.10 ICE Sl"'-Jl.AT ION 1.• lU£ HIST~Y NEAT~" P£~100 • 1 NOV e1 TO 30 APft ez ~BERVOtR tFEAATI~ I WAT~ t996 AEFEAENC£ ...... fiC . I 8196£ ~IRiiltO .J)INf ~--... ,. --··---------------------------·-·---··-. ···-······------ S9S ~ ... u. -MD > 818 'j '"' ca .., :I 616 , .. ~ ... IL -12 ~. liC Ll ... :r .... 4 w u ... 0 • . t ;:; iJ i I: UJ 0 ICZ M~ LIDDID• l . TIJTf~. ltiiQellae I . &.L.-t CDNCNT __., ' r ~ .rl / L·2 ' ------~ ~---..\ / RIVER M I LE t 127 . 1 0 WEATt£R P£JU 00 : I NOV 81 TO 30 Af'ft 8Z F£8ERVOIR {PERATICJo4 WAT~ 1996 AEFEJ£NCE RJN Nl . 8196E ~ \ £"\. -------- ... ,.__, SUSJT~ RJVEA ICE SJI'"U..ATJON Tit£ HIST~Y • ~ ... IL 15 IZ ~I 'IC u -~ ... . "" u 0 • ----------------------------··----·---------- r 1\ I \ j ,---_C\ -... ~ I -VI lr-<.2 r; r\ j __...,., Q I I .A I \ 4~----------~----------~----------,-----------,-----------~----------, ~u~~~~----+---------+---------~------~---------+-------,fti i I :~r-+--+at:-~+--------++-+--~~~ ~ - ~ 0~------~--~~~----~~----------~----~----~~_.~~--~--------~ am n.aa.... UIIDG• I . terr-. 1Hio-c81 I . &.l.-t COfiDCWT RIVER MILE I 129.70 WERTt£" P£ftiDO I l NO¥ BJ TO 30 Rf'ft 8Z f£BERVDlA tFEAATIDN • WAT~ 1996 AEFEAENCE NJN I'C. Bl!EE &U:iiTNA RJ~ ICE SJtU..AT JON Tit£ HIST~Y I I ( !_., t '\ I I • IU& 15 12 ~. " u ... X ~ . ... u 0 ~ • r--.....~ I \ I -1'\. r -c::::::.J .___J \.. ...... I r-... r j,L}.- T \.] 1 IJ II J\ ~ 11 /,...__,...._,_\ H ·~----------~----------~~----------r-----------~----------~--~--------tua+-~----~------~------~------~------~----~~ il:~~~-~~~~ m 0~------~---+~~----~~------------~----~--~~--_._. ____ ~----------~ ICZ "~ u:GIND• ' . ,.,__ "Clltc. l .~~f RIVER MILE • 130.60 W!:--T~It ~RlOD I 1 NOV 81 TO 30 APft 8Z RESERVOIR IFEAATI"" • WAT~ 1996 AEFEAENCE ....... KJ . 8191£ &USITNR R1 V£R ICE Slt1l.t..AT JON TU£ HIST~Y r I -... c.. ,._, t: ' " I 1 \\ .. ... 1&. ... 17 ~ . ¥ u -r ... 4 w u 0 -· • r'\r \ I \ _.r-'\ J ~ / ./I I \ ,__ If "".1 lf-..2 v r---.. }/ v l -\ D.. 4~-----------r-----------,----------~~----------~----------~----------~ tu~~~----1-------~------~------~------~----~ i I :~~~----+4---+----.t.-+-~~~ w 0~------~--~~~----~~--------~~~--~~--~~--~~----+-----------~ RIVER M I LE I 1 31 . 80 ~AT~llt P'[ft(QO I I HOi 81 TO 30 APR 8Z f£8EJNOlR CJIERATI~ I ~T~ 1996 REFERENCE ~ NJ. 8196E 6US JTNA Rl VER ICE Sl~AT JON TU1E HlST~Y . ; "~-, ... I · I ' ,......---------------------------------·--· -.. ·-·····-·· ............ . t-u. .., ... .. I -12 ~I X: u ... X t-• .., u 0 . r-------·- ('_/' "'\. 1\ f"v" _, ~fA\ LVfl 2 A 4~------,----------,-------y------r-------~------, ~ui~~----~------~------~-------+------~------~ i I :~~~---tL------+:---I'tt+-~~----4 ~ 0~------~--~------~-+----~~_.-'+---~--~~---~---~~----------~ ICZ M~ L.IIIDID• I . 1G'TIIL '!!:tJO!IGI r . &l.et~ RIVER MILE I 1 33. 70 WEATt£R P£RIOO • J NOV 81 TO 30 Af'ft 82 ~SERVOIR IFERATI~ • WAT~ 1996 ~FERENCE ~ t-Il. ' 8196E ..... ...., 6US JTNA R I Y£Jit ICE SHU .. ATJON Tit£ HIST~Y t I I 11.1 I l b I I I • • ------------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------~ 6'70 ~ IL -- > ~ w ..J w ui&li5 - ~ ., ... ~ ... IL .. l2 ~ ~ . u i ~ • .., u 0 4 ~ u a II: .... - CD 0 ICZ TWIC.... L.DIDC)o I . TO'U~. lWloaoGa r . ~ COPOCHT 0-f' ...... JV\ " -J'\1 ~ /1\ fr...\Yi i RIVER MILE I 134.30 Nr:RTI-£R PERIOD • J H1:N 81 TO 30 RPR 82 ~BERVOIR IFERATI()o4 WAT~ 1996 AEF ERENCE N.JN I'll . 8 196E R ""---.. A...R6t<R fiBER AUT~ I TY 5l.5J~ RJY£R JCE SJI'U ... ATJDN Tit£ H IST~Y \.'I ... I ' • • • --·-·-0 ·-···--··------ 91) ~ ~ ~.,. > '"' 8lO J w ujllll5 :I .., Ill ~ .. '---· IL .. 12 UJ ~ ~ I u -X ~ 4 ... u -0 ~ t ~a i I: ~ )\ 1\ (\_ 1\. r-N' '\/ \. r'" "'-N \A I \ ,. 1\ /\}J\ IV\} ~ -v 17 . \ N-'\ { \~7 y \1 v c:D 0 NOV CEC .... FEB ~ Rf'ft R.Afii<R f"'WEft ~~ TY RIVER MIL E 135.30 ..,_..._.I t 6US JTNR RJ VfJ' ICR !WI~ LIDIJC)e WI!:An£R "£RI 00 • 1 NDV ,I TO 30 Rf'R 8Z I C£ Sl~AT JON I . TO'T"-'"la-aa ~SERVOIR (F[AAT Ja-. I NAT~ 1996 Ti t£ HtST~Y I . ..,...~T AEFEAENCE ,__.,. fo() 0 I 8196£ ~IR&CD ..I)IMf VDn"'l I I --..-~--1 -... -·--··------ 6116 ·- ~ ~ ~.., ~-&ol -ca.., "' .. "" -~- IL -17 ~ I X: u ~ r ~ . ..., lJ -0 4 t u a i I: \ )\ 1\ f\.... 1\. rfi' 1J ~rv ~ (\/\A I \ ,.. {\. /\fJ\ f V\j v v \ ~r \r. I -v \7 " CD 0 NOV EEC ..... FEB ~ IW"R ~A6t<R ~ RJT~I TY RIVER MILE 136.40 _.,.-..:J L I &US JTNA Rl V£ft • \ I C. lWI oetaa LIIIDID• WEA~--P£RIOD I 1 NOV 81 TO 30 APft 8Z ICE 51"-'..ATION I . TIJTIL l'HJ~ REBERY?g tRRATI~ I ~T~ 1996 TU£ HlST~Y t .~~f P£FEAE ...,. IIC. I 8196E ~..::0 .J)INf VDCTII'£ ---.. --1 __ .. 'I • • -·--------.. ·-----.. -··-·--···-···- 6'!6 ·---· -- ~ ... ~., >-'j '"' uililm :.1 8'J6 ·~ ~ ... IL -12 ~. " l.l -X ... 4 .., u -0 4 t ~ i jl: \ )\ (\ A.. 1\. r!!:' 'V \._ rv K. f\1\A I \ ,. 1\. /'\fJ\ I "-"\/ v v \ ~{ y\f\. J v \I 1'1 U) 0 NOV CEC .,.. FEB ~ RPft A..~ POWER AUTtDITY RIVER MILE 136.50 -·---..r 1 I 6L5JTNR RJVEA ~ ..... J. ,, 1 ca TtfiOINDe UDDG• WEATt€1t P£RIOO • J NOV 81 TO 30 RPR 82 ICE SJI'U..AT JON ' "" I l I . TO'T' 1W1 0.C.. RESERVOIR (J)ERATI~ • WATAIIR 1996 Tit£ HlST~Y ,_ ........ ~, REFERENCE NJN loll. • 8191£ ~IA&CQ .JUNI' WDniM .. r. ---~--1 -... I I • r--·----··- 7C) -.. ~"1!111 iZ7!0 .J w ui '115 ~ 720 15 .. ... IL .. l2 =I 'W' u ... l: ... . lj ... 0 • ~u" il: ~ )\ v ~rv ... -v CD 0 NCPI Ita M~ LIIIDGo l. TO'"'· 1HIOOC. t. a.L.e4 CXH'GCJriT • ~-- (\ (\,.,_ ~/'l'v\. I \_ ,.. ""' \ ,r-r\/ \rJ EEC ..... FEB RIVER MILE I 140.50 ~ATt£ .. PERl 00 • 1 NOY 81 TO 30 AfiR 82 ~SERVOin IFEAATI~ • NAT~ 1996 AEFEAENCE NJN toe . • 819EE --·--·-·~·---····---. ···--- ~ A.. ~ f '\ /\/"\ I '-V \1 't \I :"' ~ APft R...RiiiCA ~ AUT~ I TY _,_....., I &USJT~ RJ~ ICE SltU..AT JON T It£ Hl&T"'Y ~IA&CD .J)INf WENT~~'£ -.... -1"'-·1 -... J I\ I II. • • r -- "lll) ~ ~ ~.,.. 1~ .., ui ., ... ~ 740 18 ~ .. ll . l2 ~. :11: u ~ X .... .. '"' u .... 0 ... t ~a i I: ~ /\ 1\ (\,.._ "" /\.. rN' V ~rv ~f'l'v\ 1 L /"' {\~ f \.V \} ~ -y ~ \ I\/ vv ~ \I - U) 0 HDV [EC _,_ FEB ~ Aflft F\..~ f"'WER fVT~l TY RIVER MILE 141 . 70 _,_.....aT I I SUSJTNA RIVER ICZ TWI~ L.IDIJC)o WEATt£1t 11£Rl00 I 1 NOV 81 TO 30 ~ 82 lCE SltU-AT10N I . lCJT' lWio.GI '£SERVO tR OPEAAT I~ • ~T~ 1996 TII1E HIST~Y t .~~T AEFD£toa: fUol t«l . • 8191£ ~..:0 ..OINf WOfT"'l --.---1 -... • r · 1S6 ~ 1- ~ ..,., - ~..,. OJ h i ~"JJill ., 7Ait ''" ~ ~0 .. "' •o 17 ~ . lC u .... :r .... . 1&.1 u ._ 0 4 ~ u 3 jl: \ )\ -v ~rv v CD 0 NOV It% '"1~ UIIDCJ• I o lO'TII. """OCNae f o &.1..-t CDPODT • . 1\ (\.._ ~f'/'v\ T ~ ,.. ..... \ f'\1 vv CEC _,.. FEB RIVER MILE I 142.20 Wf:RT~R P£RI DO • J NOV 81 TO 30 APR 82 ~SEJNOIR ~RATI~ I AEFEAENCE l'o() • I WAT~ 1996 BI!Je£ -·-··-·-------·· ·-···-0- ... 1'tt1.._ ~ {'\ /\/'/\., I ~ \J " \1 ~ APR F\...REif<R P0WEA ~1 TY _, _ __. I &USJTNA Rl~ tCE SHU .. RT JON Tit£ Hl6T~Y ~IIIID .JJINr WOfTIJil -M-_t-_-·1 _0 .. .. ... I lo, • • ------· -- "7!16 ~ ·-LA. 7!0 - » Ul .,.. - ' "\ Ul ui.., ' -m , .. ~ I ~ -I? ~ I u ... :r ..... . .... u ... 0 - . .. ~ua jl: \ r'\ 1\ 0::. A ""' rJI' v ~rv ~JV''v\ T ~ r ,{'\ ~ I -\1 v ~ t v V'../ \1 tO 0 ,.,.. CEC ..... FEB ""' Rf'R R..~ P0WE.R AlJTHri'J TY RIVER MILE 144.80 ... ,.--..ct I t &L5JTNA AJ~ ICR THJoec. LIIIDCI• ~AT~It P£AIOD ' J ~ 81 TO 30 APR 8Z ICE SJ ...... AT JON I . lO'T~ THIO.C.. RESERVOIR ~RATI~ I WAT~ 1996 Tit£ HlST~Y t . a..t..-t CXJPIICNT REFERENCE NJ . I BI96E ~.aD ..OINf ~- ~·~ _..__,. __ , -... - _,-..... ~vi • Arctic Environmental Information and Da:a Center 707 A Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Mr. William J. Wilson Principal Investigator April ll, 1984 4. 3. l • 2142 • 2 • 2 Subject: Susitna Hydroel~ctric Project Reservoir and lnstream Temp~rature and Instream Ice ~odels Dear Mr. Wilson: Enclosed is a memorandum from Mr. E.J. Gemperline which outlines the product ion runs of tbP DYRESM, SNTEMP and I CECAL models which will be used to respond to ... •equest from FERC. This mem.Jrandum should be provided to Mr. Voos for his use in developing the required SNTEMP model production runs necessary to provide the information to FERC. If you have questions, please ~ontact m~ ~r ~r. Gemperline. hg Enc. as noted cc w/Enc: t.l652 L. Gilbertson, HE E. Gemperline, KE '! yours, ~ Bizer, PhD Contract Manager ' UIZA·IMICI SUSI'n#A JOINT VENTlllfE MEMORANDUM Aocboraae OATE March 22. 1984 L.OCAT10N L. PoliYka, W.!. Larson, J. Robinson, J. Thrall ----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~·~W~·~C.olemanNUMBER --~~1~-~'-·~'---------------TO FROM Page 1 of 3 Materia e supplied SUBJECT _-!.r.s<e~g.)jutsie'-'~sl.lot..seilldL.....Ji~n...__.S...,c...,b"'e'"'d....,.u...,l.-e_..B.._..R..,e..,g~->y .. e._.s..,t.__f...,o......._r_ Supplemental Informat i on of April 12, 1983 FEiC, on April 12, simulations of the simulations of river are attached hereto. 1983, requested information on DYRESM /HEA!SIM reservoir and stream temperatures and ICESIM ice processes. These requests and our responses The requests and o ur responses c all for a large amount of information to be compiled and transmitted to FERC. Basically we have promised: 1. Results of calibration of DYRESM , SNTEMP, and ICECAL, and 2. Production runs of 'c.'eekly longitudinal temperature profiles for wet, dry and ~ve rage years and for various power operation schemes. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline how we intend to complete o~r response to these r eq uests. Calibrat ion DYRESM and IC ECAL c alibration stud ie s have been comp le ted and the reports have been f i nalized. These wil l be transm i tted to FERC as soon aa they are printed. The SNTEMP model was documented in "Stream Flow and Temperature Model in& in the Susitna Basin, Aiaska" by AEIDC and this has been transmitted to FEiC. Product i on Runs The follovin& matrix represents the 23 cases whi c h would be simulated ···th reservflir (DYRESM) and stream temperature models (SNTEMP ) and the instreaa ice model (ICECAL). 420193 1 ' 11174· PAlCO SUSintA JOINT VENTUIIE MEMORANDUM L.OCATION Aac:horaae DATE Harc:h 22, 1984 L. Polivka, W.!. Laraoa, J. iobioaoa, J. Thrall TO J. Biser 8.8. Wang, C.Y. Wei, H.W. ColeaanNUMBEA FROM !.J. Gemperlioe Page 2 of 3 Material to be supplied to FERC aa suEUECT --~r~e~q~u~e~s~t~e~d~L~·n~S~c~h~e~d~u~1~e~B~R~e~q~u~e~s~t~~ro~r 7 Supplemental Information of April 12, 1983 ... • • c ~ c 0 >-. --........ ..-.... ~."' 1113 ... 0\ ... Ill 0\ -~ "'--~-"-00 ...... ..... 0 >- ... c c • 0 0 ~ .... >-Ill ... = .. .... " ... Ill .... ~ " ~ Q, ...130 c 0 ... >-.. c c Cl .. 0 >-u .... ... .... -. ~ ·-... ... > ~ ·-~ Q, "-CO Dry year (1974) Wet year (1 982) Avg. year Average winter (1983) I Warm winter (197&-77) I Cold w1nter (1 971-72) I For each of these cases the following in format io n must be supplied to FERC: 1. Listings of i nputs used and assumptions mad e fo r ~ach simulat ion, 2. Meteorological conditione used as model parameters, 3. Parameter values uaed in each simulation and sourc e of valuea, 4. 5. A chart ahovins reservoir outflow c:o.pariaoa with pre-dam temperatures reapective dam site (a), and temperature• and a 10 the river at th e Loasitudiaal predicted if temperatures profiles of natural (measured if available , not) aad with project predicted weekly average dovuatream of the pro j ect s). Since production runs are nov begining the following guidelines a r e suggested to allow o rder l y preparation of this response : l. 2. 420193 Thorough l.y document runs of DY RESH, SNTI:.~P and IC ECAL as chey are made, Label input data files so that meteorologic and hydrologic data are clearly marKed, and 2 ' &I_IZA•IMICf SUSI'nU. JOINT VENTUifE MEMORANDUM L.OCATIOH Ancbor!J! DATE March 22, 1984 L. PoliYka, W.E. Laraoa, J. Robinaoa, J. Thrall TO J. Bizer B.B. Wana. C.Y. We i , H.W. ColemanNuM8£R FROM E.J. Gemperline Page 3 of 3 SUBJECT Material to be supplied to FERC aa requested in Schedule B Request for Supplemental Information of April 12, 1983 3. Prepare the requested material for each run as it ia made. In order to limit the number of exhibit• required to show the weekly locgitudinal temperature profiles it is sugested that they be grouped by month. Thus each chart will show four or five simulated weekly with project temperature profiles and the co rresponding number of measured (or simulated if measurements are unava il able ) natural (pre-project) temperature profiles. As the requested material for each run becomes avai l able it should be thoroughly reviewed and transmitted to Harza-Ebasco. It is recognized that close c oordinati o n is required between the reservoir temperature, stream temperature and in stream tce studies. This 1s prov i ded in the following mann~r. 1. Reservoir ou tflows and temperatures a re si ~ulated with DYRESM in Chicago and an output fi l e ts transmitted to AE IDC's account at Boeing in Seatt le, 2. AEIDC generate• stream temperature us in g SNT EMP and provides output on the location of the freez i ng point isotherm i n the river to the ice study , and 3. Ice proce•••• are aimulat e d in Chicago and the output tranamitted to AEIDC for use in their analyses of i mpacts. Tbe location of the ice front leading edge provides the upatreaa boundary of the open water temperature simulation durin& break-up or melt-out. The open water temperature profiles generated by AEIDC wi ll be modif i ed 1n the follow i ng manner. 1. During the freeze-up period the profiles will be truncated where the water t~mperature reacnes the free~ing point 2 . 420193 During the break-up or melt-out period t he pro fi le• wi ll be truncated at the location of the l eading edge of the ic e. 3 EXHIBIT E 2. W~ter Use and Quality Comment 28 (p. E-2-87, para. 1) Provide longitudinal orofiles of predicted weekly average temperatures oown- stream of ~at ana Dam and Devi 1 Canyon/Watana using the DYRSEM and HEATSIM models. Simulations for stations with pre-project temperatu·e data snould be provided with Watana in operation and Devil Canyon/Watana in operation using data for an average water year and for conditions of minirnum releases (i.e., using data for a minimum flow year) from Watana and from Devil Canyon. istings of inputs used and assumptions made in !ach simulation should also be provided. O u~flow temperature from each reiervoir used i rr the HEATSIM model should include the temperatures that would have to be available at the multilevel intakes i n order to match pre-cam temperatures that would have to be avai l abl~ at the 11ultilevel intakes in order to match pre-dam temperat ures. M'=t eorologica l conditions used as m)del oanmete,.s sr1ould be pro'lided. in ese si ;r u13ted average .t~eekly tempera::ures snou l d oe com oared to ore-oroject :emoeratures rr eas :.;red du ring l ow-flow and average f l ow years. ?r o\ioe parameter vc iu es JSed i n ~acn si ;n u l at i!:n and aocurrer.t ~ne source of tne values used. Resoonse: Daily simulations of reservoir and river temperatures had bet!n prepared to provide the longitudinal profiles of temperatures downstream of ;latana oam and Watana/Devil Canyon using the DYRESM and HEAiSIM mo dels for a wet year (1981) condition (Acres Mlerican Inc., 1933a, .983b). Selected profiles from the daily simulations are given as Figures 8.44 to 8.56 (attached ) in ..l.c res .983b. =-igu res S . .l4 tnr:JUg n 3.56 (see ::iages 2-23-6 to 2-23-lS)cc,.- respond to Figu res E.2 .l7 6 t hr::>ugh E.2.178 , ::.2 .130 tnrough E.2.1 33, and :.2.217 through E.2.2 22 of Exn i oit t, Cha pter 2 o f ~n e li cens~ doc u~ent. 2-28-1 To provide average weekly temper~tures, for comparisons wHh pre-project temperatures during low-flow and average flow years, ad~itional studies will be conducted in 1983. A work plan to carry out the studies and to prov id e the updated parameter values and their sources is presented as follows: 1. The parameter values of OYR£SM used (in Acres 1983a) will be updated through additional calibration using Eklutna Lake data, including jata collected after January 1, 1983. This calibrtion effort will be com- pleted by January 1, 1984. 2. Water temperature profiles downstream from Watana will be determined by SNTEMP model.Y (Stream Network T~mperature Model). The calibrati on of SNTEMP will be made using existing streamflow, stream temperat:;re, and meteorological data. 3. The reservoir temperature profiles will be aetermined using tne OYRESM mod el and the updated oanme!er values. Outflow t e"l'peratures from ~ e reservoir temoerature rrodel will oe used as in puts fo r the Sr.E:-I P -oa el to provide longituain a l Drof i l es of t::mperatures downstrea:n from tn e reservoir. Thi s study ~i ll be :J ~~l eted by ~un e 30 , 1984. ~eekly s imulat ion s will be made for c~~oar i son ~i th ore-pro j ect t:moerat~res measured during low-flow and average f 1ow years fo r tne foll ow in g cases : l/AEIDC will perform river temp erature stud i es using SNTEMP mode l. 2-23 -2 ' (a) Filling of Watana reservoir (b) Watana in operation (c) Watana/Devil Canyon in ooeration ~lthough not soecifically requested case (a ), filling of Watana Reservoir i s included because the cited paragraph (E-2-87, para. 1) is in the section entitled "Impoundment of Watana Reservoir•. Weekly simu l ations of the reservoir thermal behavior will be performed under various power operation schemes for low-flow, average-flow, and high-flow (1981) years. The resulting outflow temoeratures at the 1111ltilevel intak~s. will be used as inputs to the jownstream temperature simulations using tn!" SNTEMP model. Th e co :n outed te11oeratures wi 11 be como ared with the measured pre-project temoerltures. Results of the 1933 Study (A cres 1983b) for wet year co ndit ions Nill a l so oe verif i ed . 7ne representative yeari for ow -f.ow (~ry ), av erage-flow {average ), and high-f l ow (w et) years conditions are se l ected cased on the avai labl e s:r!:~­ flow aata. From a frequency analysis of annual f l ow vo lum es at Gold Cr eeK, water years 1974, 1982 and 1981 may be consiaered as dry, average, and Net years, respectively. At the completion of the study, a surrmary report will be prepared. The report will include: (a) A listing of inputs used i n tne st uay . 2-23-3 ' (b) The assumptions made in eac~ simulation. (c) The parameter values used in each simulation and documentation of their sources. (d ) Tn e outf ow ~e mo erat ur es from each reservoir. (e) A comparison of si mulated average weekly temperatures with .easured pre-project temperatures. Outflow temperatures wi 11 include the temperatures that would have to be available at the multilevel ·ntakes i n order to match pre-dam temperatures. The study will be c o pleted by June 30, 1984. The parameter values used for the 1983 reservoir thermal simu lat i ons are given in the following table: PAR'"l:: ER :onvective overturn, CK :·:ech anica l stir ·ng, ::A 7emporal effects, CT Shear production, CS Diffusion constant W = Wedderburn number W > 1 {for general condition) W ~1 (for high wind condition) Drag coefficients These oarameters values ~ere aeri ed f rom c ~l i ~r~t ·an of ::klu tna ake (A cres 1983b). 2-29-4 . 25 l. ~ 30 .:.o 0 .2 0 . 48 .096 . 15 e I References Acres American Incorporated, "Susitna Hydroelectric Project, License Appli- cation, Volumes SA, and 58," prepared for Alaska Power Authority, 1983 ( (1 ). Acres Anlerican ncorporated, "S usitna Hydroelectric Project Feasib;l i ty Reoort -Supplement, Chapter 8: Reservoir and River Temperature Studies," preoared for Alaska Power Authority, l983(b). 2 -29 -::> EXHIBIT E 2. Water Use and Quality :011111ent 40 {p. £-2-121, oara. 5, fig. £.2.1 79) Provide parameter va l ues used i n the DYRESM/HEATSIM s 1mula tion of riv er t em- peratures in Fig. E.2.179 and document the source of parameter values used. Response The parameter va l ues used in the DYRESM simulation of reservoir temperatures can be found i n the "Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Feasibility Report - Supplement" {Acres, 1983) and are given in Tab le 1. Table 1 OYR ESM Par1meters for ~atana Reservoir PARAMETER VALUE Convective overturn, CK 0.125 Mechanical stirring, ETA Temporal effects, CT Shear production, CS Shear instability, AKH Diffusion constant W • Wedderburn number W > 1 (general condition) W ~ 1 {high wind condition) Drag Coefficients 1.~30 0. 51 0 0.200 0 .300 0.048 0.096 0.015 These parameter values were determined tnrough the calibration of the ov ~:SM model us ing £k lu tna ake data {~&M Con s ul tants 1982). The parameter va l ues used in HEATSIM are aocumented i n the "Sus i tna 'iy dro- ~lectr : ... p,·oject, Feasibility Report -Volu me 4, Appendix A-Hyaro log i c a l Studies, Final Dr aft" {Acres, 1982) and are shown i n Table 2. 2-40-1 Table 2 . HEATSIM Parameters for Susitna River PAAAME ER I nsolation Coefficient Emissivity Coefficient Albedo for Water Ratio of bright sunshine to maximum possible sunsnine VAL UE 0. 97 0.97 0.10 Clear Days 0.9 Partly Cloudy Days 0.5 Cloudy Days 0.2 Long term c l imatic recoras at Ta l keetna and Surrmit stations, operated by NOAA, were used as inputs i n the analysis. The principal climatic pa- rameters used were: average daily air temperature, rat i o of recorded sun- shine to maximum possib l e sunshine, wind speed, precip i tation, barometric pressure, and relative humid i ty. Ai r temperature and the sunsh i ne rat i o were the two most i mportant parameters of tn i s Clata set. However, as stated in the response to !'later Qua li ty Question No. 28, tne Eklutna Lake study will be updated using tne addit i onal data ava il ab l e af ter January 1, 1983, and the SNTEMP mode 1 (Stream ~etwork Temperature Moae 1) will be used for the river temperature studies. Therefore, ref i ned para- meter values in the IIIOdels and documentation of the source of parameter values used wil1 be presented at the completion of a study outlined in the work plan. 2-40-2 EXHIBIT E 2. Water Use and Quality Ca.~Rftt 41 (p. E-2-124-p•rl. 2) Prev i ae ao cument3t ion fo r rc :SIM mode l . Prov ide validation of ~::sr~ moa e l oy comparing model predictions wi th i ce observations on the Susitna ~iver. Response Documentation for ICESIM is not ava i lable because the model is proprietary. nowever, as part of the on-going env i ronmental stud i es, a comprehens i ve ice simulation model will be emp l oyed to verify resu l ts given in the application. This :nodel will be fully available for documentation and wnl be ver if i ed for pre-project winter f i ow regimes on the Susitna, and, i f suff icir•t: i nformat ion can be obta ·ned, for other rivers with wi11 ter flow regimes s i milar to the post-project cond i tions. Tne proposed work plan for the ic e simulation mode ing i s giv e n be l ow : ~ork ? l an The proposed work plan will be accomp li shed i n three steps: mode l vert ifi - cation, preliminary studies, and final studies. Model Verification: A state-of-the-art mathematical model wi 11 oe used to estimate ice production and ice cover progress i on and thickening . The mathematical model wi l l first be caliorated wit h i ce observation data on the Susitna River. In previous studies us i ng IC ES I M, it became apparent t hat the model c ould not simulate the ic e regime at numerous cross sections . ..,nere critical or near critic a l ve l ocit ·es occur in the riv er during ow f l ow 2-·H -1 conditions. However, s i nce the po~t-project winter d i scharge wi 11 be s i g- nifi cantly h i gher than pre-project tfinter flows, th i s verif i cat i on to the avai table ice observation data would be useful only to demonstrate tne accuracy of the mode 1 for extreme l ow wi nter releases. Therefo r e. o t he r rivers with hi gher wi nter f l ow r ates and stages wi l l be c ons i d ered i f suff i cient d ata can be obta i ned . Pre li mi nary Stud i es : Prev i ous st ud i es wi ll be rev i ewed with an assess:ne nt of neces s ary changes to the scope of work. These studies wi 11 proceed as fol l ows : a. Review reservoir d i scharge quantity and t emperature presented i n the Li cense App lic at i on f or compar i son wit h results from the most recent stud i es. Also c ompare open-river water profi l es presented - in the Li cense App li cat i on with the latest available res u l t s. b. Use av ~'l ~b l e o pen-w4ter surface and temperature profi l es t o pro- ceed wi th pre li minary ic e-model r uns. Compare res ul ts to r un s c ommon to bot h Li cense Ap p lic at i on l eve l stud i es and cu r r ent stud i es. The ic e mode l wi 11 i nc l ude an ope n -wate r temperat u re a i gorit nm wh ic h will be used to determ in e both the temoor a l an d spat i a l di str i bution of i ce product i on . Wh en t he r i v e r tem per a- ture profiles from the i nstream temperat ure mode lin g u s 1ng the SNTEMP model are ava il ab l e (see r esponse to Coownen t J Q ), th e starting location and t i ming of i ce produc t ion may be ad j u sted. c. Review the adequacy of Li cense Appl i cat i on i ce s i mul at ion ru ns especially in view of the J i fficulty i n ca l i orat i ng the mode l . d. Rev i ew the adequacy of lim it i rg hydra u li c an d ·c e s t ud i es to the reach upstream of Ta l keetna. 2 -·U -2 e. Review the adequacy of assumpt i ons made with regard to tr i butar i es of the Susitna River between Watana dam s i te and Talkeetna. F i nal Stud i !s : r ollowing verificat i on of the model and pre l im i nary r uns, f i na l r uns will commence. Fi na l runs •i ll reQuire temperature outJut data at Watana and Dev i 1 Canyon f rom th e reservo i r operat i on and reservo i r temp- erat ure mode l s and water profi l e da t a from the r i ver hydrau l i c moae l . Resu l ts of 1nstream temperat ure mode l ing us i ng SNTEMP model wi 11 be c ons i d - ered and adjustment of the location of ic e product i on may be reQuired. Typical production runs wou ld i nc l ude t he fo ll ow i ng : a . Open-wa t er surface and temperat ure prof il es downstream from the dam( s), for var i ous power d i scharge hydrographs and for average and extreme win ter weather conditions. These runs wi 11 estimate the i n iti a l lo ca t ~o n and t im ing of i ce product io n in tne r i ver for the study cond t ;~n~ descr i bed. b. Ice deve l opmen t ru ns fo r the ti me and ocat i on of i ce product i on downstream fr om t he dam (s ) duri ng the winter, i ncluding i ce th i c k- en i ng, area l ex t ent, "stag 1n g ," and ce-c over break-J p. The expected sc hedu l e for complet i on of tn e new s t ud i es i s as f o ll ows: Model Verif i cation Preliminary Runs F ina 1 Runs ~ec . 1983 Mar. 1984 J une 1984 All documentation, model verif i cation, and study r esu lt s wi 11 be s upp l i ed as they become avai l able. 2-4 1-3 • • • -"-•' .... ~01 ·, Arctic ~nvironmental Information and Data Cent<!r University of Alaska 707 A Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Mr. William J. ~ilson Principal Investigator Subject: Susitna Hydroelectric Proj~ct Evaluation of Impacts on Aquatic Resources due to Changes in Ice Processes Dear Mr. Wilson: April 10, 1984 T EL t9 0 71 2 2 5585 We have read your letter of Mar c h 12, 1984 .tnd agree that a concerted effort utilizing perscnnel from ADF&C St ;Hydro, Harza-Ebasco, R&M Con- su cants, E. Woody Trihey and Associa r es and AEIDC will Ge required to accomplish the subject evaluation. We oelieve that AEIDC should take the lead in this assessment and we suggest the approach to the scudy o utlined in Encl o sure ! would most efficiently uti l ize the availab l e resources. we do not oelieve the memorandum called fot in Encl.:>sure 1 should be a lengthy document. We prefer that it contain concise definitions o f impacts and brief explanations of how these impacts can be addressed. The finalized memorandum will guide future ice studies and will be ver y useful to the instream ice processes simulation study being carried out in Chicago. We anticipate that the physical processes which wou l d result in impacts to aquatic resources will be discussed in the Harza- Ebasco report documenting our inst ream ice study. AEIDC aod other Aquatic Study Team Members identified in the memorandum would evaluate the impacts of the ice processes on aquatic resour c es. The fina 1 report would be prepared by AEIDC f o r the Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture and reviewed by the Aquatic Study Team. We have also enclosed the following material to -:ssist Ln the devel o p- ment of the ~emorandum : Enc l osure 2 -.-\las ka Power Authority "Susirna Hydroelectric ?r.:>j ect-Issues L ist" Mar:h 6, 1984 Enclosure 3 -Harza-Ebasco interoffice memorandum from E.J. Gemperline to H.W. Coleman on Presentation of results from Instream Ice Simulation Model, ~arch 12 ' 1984. Mr. Williaa J. Wilson April 10, 1984 Paae 2 We would appreciate your c omments on this methodology and we look f o r- ward to meeting with you to discuss them at the ~arliest opportunity. hg Enc : as noted cc w/ Enc : !.2020 3 J. Th r a 11 , HE E. Woody Trihey, EWT W. Oyok, HE E. Gemperline, HE T. Trent, ADF&G S. Bredthauer, R&M H. Coleman, HE V~ry tr uly you~s, Larry Gilbertson Aquatic Gr oup Leader Suggested Approach for Evaluation of Ice-Related I•pacts To Aquatic Resource• A. AEIDC would prepare a comprehensive list of potential ice-related impacts to aquatic resources with concise explantions. For each c f the issues AEIDC would propose a method of analysis. We suggest that this 1 ist of potential impacts be drawn frca the following documents: 1. Alaaka Paver Authority, "Application for License for Major Project, Susitna Hydroelectric Project" Exhibit E, Vol 5A, Chapter 2, Vols. lOA and lOB, Chapter 11, February 1983. 2. Alaska Power Authority, "Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Isaues List", March 6, 1984. 3. Alaska Power Authority, "Application for License of Major Project, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Responses to Agency Comment!: on License App ~ication" January 19, 1984 and Vol s . I and II, February 15, 1984. 4. AEIDC, "Methodological Approach to Quantitative Impact AssesslDent For The Propoaed Susitna Hydroelectric Project", for the Alaska Power Authority, March 12, 1983. 5. R&H Consultants Inc., "1982-1983 Susitna River Ice St u dy", for the Alaska Power Authority, January, 1984 6. 420203 R&H Consultants Inc., 82 Ice Observations December , 1982. "Susitna Hydroelectric Pr oj ect Winter 1981- Report", for the Alaska Power Authority , • • • 7. R&M Consultants Inc., "Susitna Hydroelectric Project Ice Obeervationl 1980-81", for the Alaska Power Authority, August, 1981. Other documents may also provide information but we believe t h at a review o f these should suff i ce t o generate a c omprehensive i mpacts 1 i s t. AEIDC should draw on the experience of the Aquatic Study Team when proposing methods of analyses. AEIDC should consider: In compi 1 ing the methods of ana lyses 1. The capabilities and limitations of the !CECAL model as documented 1n Harza Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, "Susitna Hydroelectric Project-Instream Ice, Calibration of Computer Model" draft report for the Alaska Power Authority, January, 1984. 2 • n ... ~ !CECAL runs which have been req a ested by FERC identified in t ta e follo'=ting matrix: ~ l1i 4 ~ ~~ ~~ )~-t ~~ ~ 1 ~, ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~{ '~ t .)~ ( ~ ~ t ~ ~~ "' ., ~1 ~]o ~~ () ~~ Wet Year (1981-82) Dry Year (1974) Avg. Year and Ava. Winter Teme (1982-83) Cold Winter Temp. (1971-i2) NA Warm Winter Temp • (1976-77) NA 420203 2 E. Woody Trihey and Wayne Dyok have also identified aeveral other ruaa which would provide e~treme conditions as followa: a. cold winter and low flows (1971-72) to give maximum upstream progression of the ice front. b. warm winter (1976-77) and synti1esized outflows from reservoir to determine m1n1mum progression of leading edge under possible maximum weekly flows c. cold winter (1971-72) and very low flow (1979 drought) to determine extreme maximum upstream progression of ice 3. The proposed method for analyzing ice stageing impacta on slougha documented in the attached memorandum from E.J. Gemperline to B.W. Coleman and discussed with AEtDC and ADF&G. B. Upon completion cf this draft memorandum it would be transmitted to the Ice Study Team ~o~ review. C. tee Study Team members would transmit review comments to AEtDC D. AEtDC would prepare a revised draft memorandum which would be transmitted to tee Study Team members for final review. E. A meeting of the tee Study Team would be held to finalize the memorandum and to define the list of potential issues and method of analyaea. 420203 3 Fisherv Iss~es (F) Alaska Power Authority Susitna Bydr~ele~tri~ Proje~t Iuuu List !'tuch 6, 1984 F-1. Significance of ~ltered flow resime on salmon and resident fish h~bitats and populations downstream of the dams, including effects on miJration/access, spawniaa, and rearina durin& summer months, and effects oa incubation and rearina durin& winter montbe. F-2. Si10ificance of chana•• in water quality paraaetere (turbidity. pB, heavy metals, diuol ved nitrogen, temperature, nutrients) on ealmoo aDd resident fish habitat• and population• dowostreaa of the daat. F-3. Si10ificance of altered ice pro~euu on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams, includina effectl on_ fish acces1 and changes due to ttaaina. F-4. Si10ificanc:e of changes in stream morpholo11 on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations dovastream of the dame. F-5. Si10ificance of impo~~ment effects on retident fish habi tat and populations upstreua of the dnas. F-6. Significance of physical effects of access corridor• on fish h~bitats. F-7. Significance of physical effects of tr~nsmission line corridors on fish habitats. F-8. Significance of water quality and quantity effects of construction camp and pe~nent villaae on fisb habitats. F-9. SiiDificance of water quality and stream morpholosy effects of borrow aad 1poil area• on fith habitats. F-10. SiiDificanc:e of disturbance effects of human instream activities on fiab. F-11. Feaaibility and detirability of specific: ~t11ation options, includins structural modification•, flow allocation, physical habit~t modification, hatcberiet, and management options. F-12. Forllulation and i:Dplementation of post-construction plan to monitor signifi:ant impacts and the efficacy of specific: mitigation measures. 40836 • • • Wildlife I11ue1 (W) w-1. Sipifieance of reduction ia moon carryina capacity directly attributable to the project. w-2. Sianificance of reduct i on in black bear dennina and foraRina h abitat. W-3. Significance of reduction in browu bear sprina foragina ha b itat. W-4. Sianificance of habitat reduction for middle basin furbearers and birds. w-5. Siaaificance of Dall sheep habitat modification at Jay Creek lick. w-6. Sipificance of increase in accidents and inbi bit ion of movements of bia aame mAmmals due to reservoir open water and ice conditions. w-7. Sipificance of inundation or other disturbance to bald ••ale, aolden eaale, and other raptor nests. w-8. Sipific:ance of change• in wildlife habitat and movements downstream _ of the da~ due to changes in flow and ice cover. W-9. Sipifi c:ance of reduc: t ion in vi ldli fe habitat due to cons true: tioa camps/villages, pe~nent tovn, and airstrips • w-10. Sipificaace of accesa road p resence and uae effects oa caribou movements and behavior. w-11. Significance of increased accidental bia game deaths from vehicle collisions due to increased access. ~-ll. Significance of reductions in big game and furbearer populations from increased hunting/trappina pressure due to increased accessibility of project area. ~-13. Siauificaac:e of other disturbances to vi ldlife due to human ac:tivities, auc:h aa aircraft overflights and c:onltruc:tion noise. W-14. Forwulatioa and implementation of construction worker transportation plan. W-15. Foraulation and implementation of post-construction access policy. W-16. Fu1ibility and duirability of refinement of timina of construc:tion and operation ac:civitiel to reduce wildlife impacts. W-17. Feasibility and desirability of specific mitigation options, including moose and bear habitat enhancement , Jay Creek lick expansion, raptor nest habitat enhancement, revegetation of disturbed areas, downstream beaver habitat enhancement. 40836 2 w-11. raaaibility and deairability of typea of ~itiaation optiont, iaeludina deai,a G~ ttructural modification•, replae~ent landa/babitat, enbaac .. ent ol lands/habitat, rehabilitatioa of ditturbed laadt, ~•n•a .. ent optiona (acbedulina or rettrie~ions) to reduce disturbance or direct iapacta, preventive ~•asuret. w-19. Fonaulation and illlplnentation of post-construction plan to monitor sianificant impacts and the efficacy of specific ~itiaatiou aaeaaures. Recreation Issues (1) R-1. Sipificance of impact• on fithin&, includina availability of fish, accesa, and quality of experience. R-2. Sipificance of impacts ineludinc availability experience. oa huatiaa and recreational trappiaa, of resource, aceesa, and quality of R-3. Siaaificaace of losa of whitewater resource. R-4. Siaaificaace of iapacts to boatina dovust-rea~ of Devil Canyon Daa, includiaa aecesa to the water aad on tbe water (iapediaeata to naviaatioa). R-S. Siaaificaace of iapacts oa non-consumptive activitiea (e.,., bird- watch in& and hikiaa), includinc availability of the reaource, aceeaa to tbe reaource, aDd quality of experience. R-6. Sianificance of -recreational activities of project conatructioa work- ers oa fisb and wildlife resources in the Sutitna River watershed. R-7. Formulation and implementation of a specific opportunities/recreation plan. R-8. Featibility aad deairability of restrictions of opportunitiea in order to reduce impacts to fish retources ia tbe Suaitaa liver watershed. Aettbetic Iaauea (AI) rec-reational recreational aad wildlife AE-1. Siraificance of Lapacta of borrow and spo il areaa, trantaissioa lines, acceaa road• and rail lines, construction campa aad villaaes, aad dams oa acenic reaources. AE-2. Faaaibility aad desirability of incorporatin& specific aesthetic ~itiaation measures into project plans. 40836 3 . , Cultural leaource Issues (C) . c-1. Ueotificatioo anli siJilificanc:e of lou of affected cultunl/ historical sites. c-2. For.ulation and impleMentation of cultural resources mitiaat i on pl~n . Air Quality Issues (AQ) AQ-1. Sianificance of ambient ~1r quality i:p~cts dur i n& pro j ect construction. AQ-2. Formulation ~nd implementation of air quality mitiaation measures. D .. Safety Issues (D) D-1. Determination of siroificance of risk and effects of catastrophic daa failure. D-2. Formulation of emer1ency warnina plan. Socioecoaoaic Issues (S) s-1. Siroificaac:e of changes io subsistence opportunities relatin& to fisb and wildlifE resources io tbe Susitna liver watershed. s ~2. Siroificance of project impacts ou life styl& in area communities • S-3. Siroificance of chanaes in commercial opportunities related to fisbina, huntina, trappina, etc. S-4. Siroificance of ch~nges in employment in ~rea communities. S-5. Siroificance of increased burden on Mat-Su Borough and affected c~uaitiu for providina public: services and facilities in response to project-related demands. S-6. Siroificance of secondary development impacts on Native corporation undeYeloped lands. s-7. Feaaibility and desirability of specific m1t11atioa options, includina worker traasportation plan, worker housina plaa, local aid plan, local hire plan. S-8. Foraulatioo aad implementation of a constructioo and post-construction plaa to moaitor siroificaat impacts and the efficacy of specific mitiration measures. Land Acauisition Issues (~) L-1. Development of a feasi~le and ~esirable land acquisition ?rogram. ~0836 4 • • • I ffP~RlP.. £[)AS(;(} SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE MEMORANDUM Anchoraae March 12, 1984 LOCATION ------------------------------------~----DATt -------------------------- TO FROM H.W. Nl:IMBER E.J. Page 1 Based on my conversation with Wayne Dyok, represtativee of AEIDC and ADF&G, I recommend that result• of the ice simulation studiee be presented in the manner and at location• described below. Manner of Presentation It appears that the most useful manner of presenting the results would be a plot of the time history of stage at significant locations. A.a shown in Figure 1. jt-Ice Cov•ret;/ ---..J /,'"~ It is suggested that this plot can be generated in the following manner: A. For important habitat locations which are between two cross- sections in the ice model and for which an open water rating curve (see data from ADF&G) exists: 420162 1. Compute the ice induced staging at both upstream and downstream cross sections and linearly interpolate to estimate the staging at the significant location. 2. Add this staging to the open water rating for the given discharge at the significant location to determine the water surface elevation at the significant location. 3. Plot the water surface computed in 2. above as a function of time. 1 • Alternate 2 If for hydraulic reasons, it is not considered appropriate to interpolate staging between cross sections -then based on judgement estimate the staging .. , ' ~ARZt. • ra.t~s co SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE MEMORANDUM Anchor•&• March 12. 1984 LOCATION DATE ----------------------------- TO H.W. Coleman NUMIIE .. FROM !.J. Ceruperline Paae 2 SUBJECT Presentation of results from Instream Ice S1mulat1on Hodel ·. at the significant location to be equal to the stagina at either the upstream or downstream cross sectioa. 2-3 Continue as in Alternate 1 steps 2 and l. Alternate 3 1. Linearly interpolate the staged water surface elevations at cross sections upstream and downstrea• of the significant location to obtain the water surface elevation at the significant location 2 . A J,~st the water surface elevation obtained in 1. above ~; t he difference between the computed and observed open ~atcr surface elevations. 3. Plot the water surface computed in 2. function of time, or plot the water surface 1. above and provide an adjustment factor. above as a computed 1n B. For important habitat locations which are at a cross section in the model simply plot the time history of water surface elevation at the location. C. For important habitat locations which are not at a cross section in the model and for whicb a rating curve does not exist estimate the water surface at the significant location by linearly interpolating between the nearest upstream and downstream cross sections and plot this time history of water surface elevation. Superimpose on the plots the control elevation for the significant location if this is known or the open water surface elevation corresponding to the berm overtopping flow if this is known. It ~o~ould also be temper atures at temp erature ~o~i 11 Addi tional data /.'lnt L1 useful to add information on these plots to show water the given locations. This should be simple since be at the freezing point for most of the period. which should be plotted include: .. ffflRlf!. • Ea~sco SUSITNA .JO I NT VENTURE MEMORANDUM Anchoraae March 12, 1984 LOCATION ------------------------------------------OATE II.W. Cole .. aa TO N\JMBE .. FROM E.J. Cemperline Page 3 SUBJECT Presentation of result• fro .. Inatream Ice Stmulat1on Hodel 1. The time history of progression of the ice front. 2. The profile of the stream showina the maximum water surface attained and the ice thicknesa. Significant Locations Based on analyses carried out by W. Dyok the sloughs which we believe it would be most beneficial to present resulta for are denoted 11 21, 8A, 9, 8 and 9A. Sufficient hydraulic information is available for these sloughs to allow a quantitive estimate of ice related impacts due to benD overtopping • Whis.kers Slough, Slough 20 and Slough 22 are not nearly as produ ct ive all !"h ~ above 6 sloughs, but since sufficient infortuatioa is availa ~. ~ •• we could present resulta for these locations. Results can also be presented for the side channels shown in Attachment 2 since sufficient data are available. Storage of Resulta Result• of all final !CECAL runs should be saved oa tape so that additional analyses of results can be made at a later date. In addition, FERC haa shown a tendency to request input and output files of PHF runs. It would be prudent, therefore, to save input and output files and to label them in such a manner that FERC does not ask us a lot of questions. Please also discuss this last point with C.Y. ~ei regardina his DYRESH runs. • .. Attachme nt 1 .. l'hysieal . Dsta tlccdcd for I111pact St udiee Sloll&h• LEGEND X -de-note• data r c qucs ted be provid e d ~:y ADF&C ia · -·denote• data 10~ich we understand w.J:; 111..1 t ubt.:~iued and 1s not avai table If .:~ny ·hta marked NA is available please supply this also Location ~~a instera Mains tea Bena (river ,.,. .. ff Contro} Cross Crose Overt»pina Slough Mile) 1/ :l ~/ El ev 1 Section !I Section Flow Sll 136.4 136.2H2 X LRX-44 X 40,000-42,000 S21 142.2 142.1Ml X LRX-56 X 26,000 SSA 126.1 125.3M3 X LRX-29 X 26,000 S8A 127.1 125.3f-!6 X LRX-29 X 30,000 :;9 129.7 12 9.7 ~:1 "{ ::A X 20,000 SB 11 '•.1 :{\ -~ ·_:._\-13.1 X 25,000 59 A 133.7 NA HA NA NA 19,600 ':oo se 123 .3 NA NA NA NA NA Sl7 123.5 NA i~/. NA NA NA 581 123 NA Nl. NA NA NA SA' 124.7 NA NA NA NA NA S91 129.2 NA NA NA NA NA 520 140.5 140.6M1 X NA X 20,000 S2 100.2 NA NA NA NA NA sse 121.9 NA NA NA NA NA Sl 126.3 NA NA NA NA NA 522 144.8 144.3M1 X NA X 21,000 Whiskera 101.5 101.5M6 X LRX-7 X 18,000 11 at upstreaiD end 1.1 at berm subject to overtopping 11 water level at which berm is l>Vertopped !J Susitna Rivf!r discharge at which berm is overtopped }./ at bern l cc.it ioa 420162 • . • LEGEND Attachment 2 / Physical Oata .Needed for I~pact Studies ---· Side.,Channels X -denotes data reque~ted be provided by ADF&C NA -denotes data which we und e rstand was not obtained and is not available If any data marked NA is available please supply this also Location Mainstem Mains tea Bena Side (river Staff Control Cross Cross OvertoP.pina Channels Mile) 11 Cage 1.1 E!.ev 11 Section !!/ Section Flov ~7 HS II 118.9 119. SH2 X LRX18.2 X 26,000 HS II 115.5 115. 5M4 X LRX18.2 X 14,000 RM 120 120 .0 X X NA NA "NA S.C. u/s 59 130.6 130.5Ml X LRX34 X NA S.C. u/s 510 134.3 134.3M1 X LRX40 X 16,200 S.C. d/s 511 135.3 135.3M1 X LRX42 NA NA .. ..... s. c. u/s Sll 136.5 135. 3M1 X LRX44 X 12,200-18,500 S.C. u/s S21 141.7 141.6!11 J LRX55 X 24.200 s. c. u/s 4th of July Cr. 131.8 131. 8!11 X LRX37 NA NA S.C. at head Gash Cr. 112.1 112 .1!11 X NA NA NA l/ at upstream end 1.1. at berm subject to overtoppina 11 water level at which berm is overtopped M Susitna River discharge at which berm is overtopped 'if at berm location 420162 MEMORANDUM Chicago Office DATE April 3, 1984 E.J. Gemperline TO --------------~----~---------------- NUMIEA 1563.142.42-0 10-04 -C.crJ' --~ ~ : "' 4--Y Moot •."" c.-./ C.Y. Wei, M.F. Rogers FROM ------------~--------~~----------- SUBJECT Transfer o f DYRESM Results to AEIDC Please find enclosed two copies of the DYRESM results for the study periods of May 1981 to May 1982 and May 1982 to May 1983. These results represent Run Id's ~8196E and ~8296E respectfully. The file ~8l96E was sent to Boeing Computer Services (BCS) for AEIDC on 29 March 1984 and file ~8296E was sent on 2 April 1984. The file names on BCS are also ~8l96E and ~8296E respectfully which represent the following simulation conditions: - Watana Reservoir Simulation Only Weekly Reservoir Operation Energy Demand = 4712 GWh (1996) Case C downstream flow requirements 4 or 6 units in the powerhouse Rule curve per memo by N.Pansic (17 feb ?.4) Reservoir allowed to surcharge to 2193 f t. Frazil Ice inflow from 1 Nov (5%) to 1 uec (0%) for 80 and 81 Powerhouse multilevel intake design per Acres Spillway Crest 2148 ft. (654. 71 m) Spillway Approach Channel Elev. 2125 ft. (647.7 m) Powerhouse Approach Channel Elev. 2025 ft. (617.2 m) Offtake No.1 Elevation 21 5 1 ft. (655.6 m) Offtake No. 2 Elevation 2114 ft. (644.3 m) ~ Offtake No. 3 Elevation 2077 ft. (633.1 m) Offtake No. 4 Elevation 2040 ft. (621.8 m) Cone Valve Elevation 2040 ft. (621.8 m) These results have also been forwarded to N. Paschke for the river ice simulation (ICECAL). E.T4 / ;r~.,, ,J'£ ,_,h,/ /~ ,/.~/ /' ~" s., //, • / t(,l,_ J / Ft' C-,_ / ,VAl I Z '"' ~-,(';, J--' ~,._,b. [)-AJ. W~· C. Y. Wei &0 I ' -• -z ~1.0 ~ --5 ' ~ ~'-.. ' 2• ,.,., ~O .Ii -tat 17 / :I -V' I I ~ 0 o.o Ill I I I I I l I I II I I I I I II I I I lti " .. e u .. .... "' ' r 1&1 ~ ~ 10 10 .... ... "' a :I .: ~ 1&1 l D loJ .... .... ' ' :i ~ ""\., I 1&. " .. .. .... r -n a "" I \~ ~ ~ 0 ,... l 1 II 0 I ~~ I ~ 31 10.-.JJ 3D II Ill I II 21 31 1&,.1L 20 3D ~ ..,. l9Sl 1981 I..£DDID • ~. -... le&l[ -· R...ASKA f'OWER AUT~ I TY "''mletm c.nFLG~ ~TUllE I'*LOI~ -•--.a I .......... NDTUO• I. INJQC ,gn I Al IELI:vAfiCJt 2"1 n 1555 .5 "I WRT~ RESER'IDIR z . INJQC IIC:al Z A1 n.€Wlfii:Jt 211• FJ IS ... J "I 11JTFUJW TEI1PERATI.H a. INJAME """ a A1 El.£velfl()l 2017 FJ I UJ .I "' I JNl ICE ~TH ... INJQC ,gn • A1 I:~WAflCII ZCMO n 1511 .e "I '· COIC VIIIL.vt Q.I:'IIAliGN 10<10 n I 521.11 "I '· liPIL..UMW 0101' IEL£VQ1'1GN 214e r1' I ... , "' ~II&D ..DINf VENllll£ ~YinH? -----··--1-·-- ·- liO I& -.. z •I .o J;l --ill5 I .J I 2• ... -o 5 -~I ·. 12 3 -\ I I I I ~ 0 0 .0 ~l~l I l ~ ,._,1 1-1 ~-~fi·l ~i I I II IS 1ft -e ll -.... .... I r ~ ~ r .... 1 I\. '{ '-1 .J'o. ~ '5 10 \. 1/ fJUj v "\-., \. 1\ [\ IG .... 1"1 ... \ JJ I L: ~ /, .l.J,. "' \ 3 a • /Y /\ ~ f . l 11\J \I\ I \ 1\ Jl .... l ~ / ,/ }'J 1\Vl. rr \ "I • .... .\I\ D .... .., ,/__ .1 \ lJV ~~ ~ i ... 5 _L' 5 ~ I ./ \r ~ I "' \ I II. 7 \ -... n ~ { \ - 0 II II ! I \ I 0 l II Zl l 10 20 3D 10 20 lD ' ~' 29 • II a • II a ... ... ..U.'f li[PtoaJI DtiCII[I 1981 LIODG• ~· -wae•ea: ••• FLASI<A POWER RUT~ I TY IIIUJICI&D mlfF\.01 ~f\JIIE ,..._aw~ _, .. _.Cf 1 ......... tGTUo I . INI'~ IIOin I At n5:W!TlON 2151 n 1Sii5 .5 "I WRTAIIA AESERVOIR z . Iliff~ 1101n z at n£WGHON zu• n ts ... a "I WTFLOW T ElftRATtR J . lllffAI& 110111 J At [L£VGflON 20'77 n 1533. I "' fMl ICE ~TH •· INf~ 110111 • At ni:WCITlON :z.MO n 1521 .1 "I 5 . aK V~V[ [1.['4ATION JOoiO Ft 1&21 .8 Ml 5 . IPIL.U* OIUT ni:WUICIN 21 .. ff ca;...7 Ml ,. ~IAim .JUNT WEN11Jt£ ---··--1---- r . ' -a , In h~~ r: .. .- ~ ':.:11111 J .....ll > ; .J -< 100 I <; -.a z -~ I .0 J;\ :14 rJ 05 - ll' :I ~ 0 o.o u e ~ ... '1'1 r w ~ ~ 10 10 -i .... .... a :I G: ~ w l J) .... ... .... ' i ' t§ J ~ -~ t3 n ~ 0 ~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--+---+---+---~--~--~--~0 ~· 31 10.-.Jl 1981 CA5l• -WAell&il[ --· ---PAWICTlD WlF\..01 ~TLR: ---I'*UIW ~-- NJT£5• I . 2 . J . 4 . '· '· INI"~ POA"l I AT ~VATION 2151 H 1555 .5 "' INI"AIC& POIIT 2 AT ~WAJION 2114 n 1544 .i "' INI"'*l POIIT J Al EL.£VATlON 2017 FT 15Jl .l "' INI"AIC& POA"l 4 AT ~WATION 20t0 n 1521 .1 Ml CC. V,._V( (L(VAfl"" 2040 Fl 1521 .II Ml &PIL.LWIW C.ST ~~JIIIt 21441 fT IS5'."l Ml II 21 ..,. 1982 31 10 2D ... IL liD ..,, .. _." --WRT~ RESERVOIR (J.JlfLDW T Etft~TlR A'tl ICE ~TH ., . ) -( • 1;11 .. , -• -z -I .0 f;l --~ ~ I I 24 ..........._ -o• i t-:1 I? -""' II II I I J ~ 0 o.o ~1}-I I ~ I I II 1·.:~-~~~j--~-·fi@ii I I ~ l!l IS -e u -" ~ .... ... I I f'JI r .., 1 UJ ll l ~ i h ~ 15 10 I l\ A L l1h " lJr'\ M 10 J .... ... "' a I ~ ~ ~ ~\. ., rvJ N Ill .. ::r k £"\. A. I' J y I• IV"\ I II UlJ\ 1\ .l .., ;u l A ~ ~\· 1\ I v ""\. D .... .... ur v \..--.J v (\, " ~ ~ ... ' ~ ~ .. !" tr "'" I ...F-' I IL I ~ ... n ::::J 0 I ' - 0 1(\j ~ I I I I 0 I II 21 31 10 2D 3D 10 20 30 g II 21 8 18 28 • II 28 ..., ... ..U.Y 11Ul51 51PTOI8Dt QCTIIKJt 1982 l..l.ODIIo ~· --.... ·~--A...R5KA POWER AlJTHrRI TY NIQliClm GIYF~ ~n. -•--aa I --IN'LCIW ~ ..,~ ... I. IN'~ POit1 I Al Q.(Wnle»t :Zl51 F"T 15lili .5 "I WRT'*A RESERVOIR :z . IN'~ POit1 :Z Al Q.(YATIC»t 2114 F"T 1544 .a "' WTFLOW TEt1PERATUf£ J . INfAICl POitl J Al £1..£YATIC»f 2017 Ff lUi . I"' fMl ICE ~TH ... IN'~ 110111 4 Al Q.(YATIC»t 2040 F"T 1521 .1 "I 5 . aN 'llila.ll~ ELi:'IIAfle»f ZOoiD FT 1521 .11 "I '· CPIUMIW CJI(5f EUVQfiGI 21 .. l'f lli54 .7 "' ~IAim ..J)IH1' WENliJI£ DI>THIH? -· .... -··--1-·-- -rl ~ rn ~ ... ~ ;~ " ) _...] 1 til) I li -• -z -r-a.o j;l -~ I ___. ~ \,-. ......... I 24 ~I -~0 .5 - 1:? ~ :J -,.......,... I II ~ 0 0.0 ~~~~I I I I I l I I II I I I I I ~ I I~ lb 15 -e u .... .,.. I r 1&.1 ~ ~ 10 10 .... ._ ,.. a :J lr: rl 1&.1 l :II D ... .... ._ .. ~ .. ~ "-...,. I li. v ~r '""'\ ~ ._ .... a n \I \_ I ' J ~ 0 T I 0 I ~· I ~ 31 10 2'0 ..JMIIIRV 30 II Ill r~ I II 21 IWOf 31 10 Cl'ltiL 20 3D 19BZ 1983 LI.ODCJ • Cllll:• -.... II&(-R.ASt<A POWER AUT~J TY IIAWICTm C1'TFLO. ~YUlE I • ..,u.. TORJitA1UIE _,,.-..a I ...... -. IG1l5• I. INfAIC "011 I Al ~fiCIN 2151 r:T 15&5 .5 "' WRT~ RE5£RVO I R 2 . I~AIC "011 2 Al o..EWITIC»t 2114 r:T 1544 .3 "' WTFLOW lEt1PERATlR a . INf'-"011 a Q1 EU:VQTIC»t 2017 FJ lUi . I I'll •• INfAG POin 4 Al &:U:VQTIC»t 2Gt0 FJ 1521 .1 Ml ~ICE ~TH '· CtN 'lilLY( Q.('IATICIN 20«1 F1 11021 .8MI '· &PIL.U* CRIST o..EYQTI ... 21 .. FT 1154 ."J Ml ~11&:0 ..Jlllff V£Mllll( hPTI_., -· ... -··--1-· .. - 5il) z .. -... ?4 ~~ 11 0 lb lJ .... ~ 10 ... a It It' .... · ... I I. I .0 f;l 05 0 .0 -:1 ... "' :1 ;w :u D r loJ ... ' i§ ~~~~~+-~--~~~~--+-~--~--~~--+--1--~--~~--~, ~ ...J &L ..... ::J 0 0 II 21 ..., 31 10 .AN20 10 20 ..IA.l' L.(.DDC)o 015lo -.... 18&1[ --· ---MIDICllO OJl~ ~f~ ---l'*U.. li:JRI'AT'-'IE ICJT(5• I. INfAICI "01111 I AT n.li:vAflON 21" F'f 1555 .5 M I 2 . INfAICI 110111 2 at n.li:IIAflON 2114 F'1 1,44 .a Ml i . INfQICE PDit1 i AT n.£11AfiON 2017 F'f lUi . I "I 4 . INfAICI 110111 4 AT ELEWAflON 2040 F'T 1'21 .8 "I '· CCJI5 IIAU( (L(VQfiON 20ooiO Fl 1521 .8 Ml '· liPIL..l.UIW CART EU£11AfiCJN 2148 n 1&54 .7 "' 311 L983 9~, • 18 SI(PtOIIOt • 18 ott ... n WRl~ RESERVD I R O.JTfL()W T Et1PERATURE A-ll ICE ~TH MEMORANDUM Ch ic .. • ··off ice l <CATION ------...-.,.~----------- l .·- DATE April 6, 1984 TO E. J. Gemperline NI:IMBER _1_5_6_3_. _1_4_2_._4_2_-_0_1_0_-_0_4_ FROM C.Y. Wei, M.F. Rogers SUBJECT Transfer of DYRESM Results to AEIDC Please find enclosed two copies of the DYRESM results for the study period of May 1974 to May 1975. These results represent Run Id WA7496A and was sent to Boeing Computer Services (BCS) for AEIDC on 6 April 1984. The file name on BCS is also WA7496A which represents the following simulation conditions: Watana Reservoir Simulation Only Weekly Reservoir Operation Energy Demand = 4712 GWh ( 1996) Case C downstream flow requirements 4 or 6 units in the powerhouse Rule curve per memo by N.Pansic (17 feb 84) ~eservoir allowed to surcharge to 2193 ft. Fr·az~l Ice inflow from 1 Nov (5%) to 1 Dec (0%) for 73 and 74 -~~erhouse multilevel intake design per Acres ~ ~ Spillwa~·crest 2148 ft. (654.71 m) Spillway Approach Channel Elev. 2125 ft. (647.7 m) Powerhouse Approach Channel Elev. 2025 ft. (617.2 m) Offtake No. 1 Elevation 2151 ft. (655.6 m) Offtake No. 2 Elevation 2114 ft. (644.3 m) Offtake No. 3 Elevation 2077 ft. (633.1 m) Offtake No. 4 Elevation 2040 ft. (621.8 m) Cone Valve Elevation 2040 ft. (621.8 m) These results have also been forwarded to N. Paschke for the river ice simulation (!CECAL). c .1 . )1)-~- C. Y. Wei • liiD .. • z ---'\ ... I 74 v ' ttl 1:1 \ +._, -{ \ 0 !ijl 'I I I I I 1-t I lSI I •• -u I j ~ I'll fJl I 10 J Ill' ti •· 1 • i r • Mj AI ., lr ' .... ... ~ I A ' ~ 1/ I. \a .....-..; l "-I'\_ .JI I a T 0 I .. IK .... FD .... ... ..., ..... ...... .., g;p OCT I.,. le'U &.IIJDG• a.ll ~ IIAIDICfiD m~JR.OW ~ ·~~ NII1E&o I . INrAIC& PCIII'T I AT Q.alafiON Zl51 n 1&115 .5 Ml a . ,...,._ E 1 AT Hwa'ION 2114" 1144.a "' a . INrAME at Y'Af ON 2DT7 n II •. I Ml 4 . INr-4 AT Q.alaTlON aD40 n tUl .I Ml '· =: VIL.C M--·~ ...., " .,. ·I&: I I. IL~ eMS ILaVATICIN Zl4e I .'7 Ml v / { I I I \ \a .. IIIC .... .. ~ .......-~ \ ~·.o Q \ I \ ~o .a i - 0.0 I I It I II e ~ .... r ~ •• ~ I I\ ' ~ , 5 i ,.,.. I I' I ~ -n r I • - 0 FD -... ... ..... ... R.AIIICA f"'WD' AUTHORITY _. _ __.. I ---NAT~ AE:&EJNOI .. CSJTFL.OW TEfW'£RATUM: 1M) ICE ORaofTH ~..:o ...,,.., won&M --··--·--·- ' ~·J rr ,;, ~ ; F .. J u ... ~~ :"llll L-., c I . .J r ll l J .l J ., 8D -2 • --. -I 14 .---ti -12 -/ II 0 IJI I I I I I l I I 15 -u I ~ 10 ~ ~ E ~ 5 ~ ' ... y""' ~ a \ 0 I J I I J.6,..N I ·'!....~~ 1973 ~· ~· ...,__. MEDICI~YSMNJIIANIIIE I..UW 111118• I. INI',._ I'QirT ~AT Q.E'IIATIC»t 2151 n 1555 .5 "' 2 . INI',._ IIOirT At ~TIC»t 2ll4 n 1~44.1 "' J . INI',._ 'Ut1 J A1 ID.£YQfiON 2IJ'n n I II . I "I 4. ..,..,._ ~ 4 In ~~ ~n IUI.I "' i · • VIIL.~E'41At' I 1 .11 Ml • ~ ,~ .... 21 ... 1 ... ., ... DPYTnN? 0 • .. I II l I I I I I .. D .. ~ I II I _,. 197 .. .. I ii -~1.0 f;l I ~0 .• i I ~ 0.0 II I I ~ II e ~ .,. r ~ •• ~ "' i ~ " :i I n - I 0 I a..IL D D RA~i"R flOWER AUTtOtl TY -~--.. I .... -. WATANA AE6f"''DUt C11TFLDW T£tft:RArll£ INl ICE GROWTH ~IAIICD .JIUft' WOftlllll ---··--1--·- .. J _j ) .. j -< I .' ' I Ill 1.!; z • .. • 1.0 ~ 2• l't I:/ 0 .5 i -0 0.0 I. " u ~ 10 ~--~--~---+---+---+~~~~~~~~~~~~._--~~.---~--~--~--~--~~~· ~ ·-~ r I ~ w .... 5 ~ 1--+--~~~~~~~4-~--~~--~~~~~~--+-~~~5 i ~ a .... L£CKIIG • ~· ===~,~~ lOllS• I . INJIII5 ,gn I AT ~VATICJN 2151 " lllii5 .5 "I 1 . Nr,.. ,gn 1"' ~fiCIN zu• "' 15u .a "' I . INI"AIIl 110111 A1 ~VAfiCJt 2DT7 n IIJI .I "' .t . INI"1115 ,..., 4 A1 ~fiCJt ~n lUI .I "' 5 . C0C IIIIL~ ~ION 1040 I l .8 Ml I . ··~ OIIST ILP'IIITIIIN -zt... I ... 1 "' l974 ~ n - R.R&MR f"'WER AUTHORITY ... _ __, --- MAT,.._ AE&ERYO I R OJTFL.OW TEI'I"EMTlK ~ ICE cro.TH ~J .,r-, ,;, ... ' t i u [1-J L~ ~ l ~ l L ) r .J ) iiD 1 .~ z • -a 1 .0 Q •• li I. 0 .11 ~ 0 0.0 111 I I I I ~ I I t ·1 I I I I I, f I I u ~ 10 .... a lk I w .... 5 ~ IL ... a 0 &..IGDG• CA&lo I 1974 ..,.__ ==== IIIIIUJICliO ~F\..01 .....,..,,_ I'*LOW~ .eTESo I . INYAM& "Dit'T I A1 ~IIQTUJN 2151 n 111&5 .1 Ml a . INYAM& 1101n a '" ~~~~anON zu• n " ... a "' I . NYAICE PDI1 I A1 nnATICJN 2IJT7 n 1511. I "I 4 . INYAICE I'Oin 4 A1 ~-~ aD40 n 11111 .1 Ml 5 . CXJN5 v-.V( ll.hAI'II»f n IR1.8 Ml 1. ••~ a.ar IL&V'Afle~t 21 .. " ,.,._,"I JO e -i .... r ~ le -i ,.. I -4 5 :i n - ll :I 10 _,. .. IL 1975 R..Aiit<A POWER AUTHOR I TY __ __, ---- MAT,..._ AE6ERWIR CUTFL.DW T EtftRATUIIIIE fNl ICE TH -;) P.:r:4J ~-~ fit ~~ E ·~ ~ ~ , J ..a J , ;.( , r-·-·- UJ -.. z -h -.. I ,. '-.. tJ 12 '\: -"' I 0 ~J~-g--~1 II I I I& -u ~ I ~ 10 I ... I a II: r I l T v w A ,.. ..... ' ~ / -" I ..- IL ~ ... -tl VQ. 0 F\...,a II I 1 .. 21 I 0 .AM D lo 10 io ....... , ~· Ol&lo ...,~ ...:DICliD C11TFUJW ~ l..u!W~ IGYI.Ih I. INfAG IIOit'T I At IEUi:IIAfl~ 2151 Ff 15Ci5 .S Ml I. IHrAG IIOit'T t At EL£11Art~ JM• n 15 .... 1 Ml I . IHfQICE POin I At ELEVArtON 1 F'f IIi •. I "I 4 . UoTQICE POin 4 AT ni:WArt~ 21040 n 1111 .I Ml 1· flat v•u' Q.hArl._. 1040 n •Jt•·• "' • lu.MM' CM&T IL.&¥AriCIN .,.. c-...1 Ml M9.,_.. ' I I 1; r I II I I I • I I Jl ~~ • •.,.u~~:. l91S ---- I ' -~~.o Q I ~o .• i I ~ o.o I I I I II II e .... .,. r ~ •• .... ... ; D .... ' :i I n ~ I 0 • •CICl..a • IL~ f"'WER AUTHORITY -~-~I ---WAT"'*' f£6ERIIOIR WTFLOW TErftRATlft: A'oCl I CE GROWTH ~IAiim ...OINf WDnllll ---··--·--·- t ~ ~ ~·~ll ~ -~ ~11 ~· ') .... ) ..1 .., . j ~ II"'·IIUCt SUSITNA JOINT VENTIJIIE MEMORANDUM LOCATION _C_h_i_c_a..:gc....o_O_f_f_i_c_e _________ _ DATE Apr il 1 0 , 1 9 8 4 TO E.J. Gemperline N~MIEA 1563.142.42-010-04 FROM C.Y. Wei, M.F. Rogers SUilJECT Transfer of DYRESM Results to AEIDC Please find enclosed two copies of the DYRESM results for the study period of May 1974 to May 1975. These results represent Run Id WA7401A and was sent to Boeing Computer Services (BCS) for AEIDC on 10 April 1984. The file name on BCS is also WA7401A which represents the following simulation conditions: Watana Reservoir Simulation Only Weekly Reservoir Operation Energy Demand z 5164 GWh (2001) Case C downstream flow requirements 4 or 6 units in the powerhouse Rule curve per memo by N.Pansic (17 Feb 84) Reseruoir allowed to surcharge to 2193 ft. Fr"azil Ice infl<>'fi r_ .. ~-:Al!-1 Nov (5%) to 1 Dec (0%) for 73 and 74 Powerhouse multileve-l. 'intake design per Acres Spillway Crest 2148 f~. (654.71 m) Spillway Approach Channel Elev. 2125 ft. (647.7 m) Powerhouse Approach Channel Elev. 2025 ft. (617.2 m) Offtake No. 1 Elevation 2151 ft. (655.6 m) Offtake No. 2 Elevation 2114 ft. (644.3 m) Offtake No.-3 Elevation 2077 ft. (633.1 m) Offtake No. 4 Elevation 2040 ft. (621.8 m) Cone Valve tlevation 2040 ft. (621.8 m) These results have also been forwarded to N. Paschke for the river ice simulation (!CECAL). C. h). ))}-~ c. Y. Wei M. F. Rogers liO -z • iii 24 ~ 12 0 16 u .... ~ 10 ..... a a:: .... l w ..... ' ~ IL ..... ~ 0 ~· -WA7«lla -:=== IIMDICTiD mltiFL~ ~I\J5 ... u.. ~-1\15: IGUSo I. INTAG 110111 I AT EU:VArte»t 2"1 l'f lli55 .1i Ml 2 . INTAIC& 110111 2 AT ntlVATIC»t 2114 fT IIi ... a M I 3. INf'*l POin J Al E1.£VQflCJN :zon fT lliii. I "' 4. INT~ 110111 4 AT Q.OitTION lll)tO fT ISZI .I Ml li. C05 IIAL.II' Q.'IIIAfiCIN 2040 Fl 1121 .8 Ml I. •tUMIW CAEaf ~fiGN Zl .. n c-...l "' .. , 1.0 J;l 0 .5 -:I 0 .0 " e -t ,.. r ~ 10 -t ... i -t ' i n Fl..A6KA f"'WER AUT~ I TY WAT~ RESERVOIR WTFLDW T Et1PERATll£ ~ICE ~TH . ' J ' liD 1.5 -• z -315 1.0 J;l r4 ~ IZ 0 .5 i ..., 0 0.0 II I I = I I I I I I II I I I I I II I I I 15~---r---,--~~--r---,---~---r---,--~~--~--,---~---r--~--~~--r---y---~·· u e ~ -i .,. r w ~ '!; 10 II -i .... "' a ~ CIC w l J) '"' -4 .... ' i li ~ IL -.... ~ n ... 0 ~--~--~--+---+---~~~~~~--~._-+---+--~--~--~--~--+---+---,_0 ~· IJ~ 1973 L.AliDG• CA&(o -..OC»IA -- ==== fiAD)ICTUJ c.ITF\.Ool ~nilE ltA..Caf~ '0.-..Jl .afU.t I . INf'*& liOn I In ~IIAUC»> 2llil F"T 1555 .5 Ml 2 . INf'*& "0111 2 AT ~VATIC»~ 2ll4 F"T t544 .a Ml il. INfAICE "0111 il At n£WlTUJC 2077 FT lliJi .l Ml 4 . INfAMI "0111 4 At ~TIC»> 2040 FT tUI .I Ml 5 . coc v-..vs: Q.[Y!Afl~ 21040 n 1&21.8 "' li . IIPILUMW CREST il.PAfiiiN Zl ... n 1&54 .1 Ml • A..A&t(A POWER AIJTtOU TY NAT~ RESERVOIR OUTFLOW TEHPERATURE fNl ICE ~TH ' ' . ....._ I . ':-::::1 ~--, (" ...l .J 1 m .. , z • -i5 1 .0 J;l ?4 ~ 0 .15 ~ I? 0 O.G -------- I I II 15,.---y--~.---~--,.--~---,;---r---,----r--~----~--~--,.--~---,----r---,---~~·· u 0 " .. 21 10 211 .AM 10 211 .A&. 'I ~· CA&i:• -WA'7401A -- ---IIAIDICfiD BITFL..OI f'Dt'OIATUII[ ---l..ullf~ NIJTI&o I. IHT'*5 POA1 I AT [&.i:WUIC»f 2151 n 1555 .5 Ml 2. IHT'*5 POA1 2 Al [L.[WUIC»f 2lt4 FT 1544 .a Ml a. I NfQICE Pan a AT EL£VATI C»f 20'77 FT lUi . I "I 4 . IHTAG Pan 4 Al "-'VATIC»f ZIMO FT IlliZI .I "' 5 . aN IIILV( P.(waTIC»f 20oiO n 1521 .II Ml I . IIPILUMr CRIST Q£11ATICIN Zt4e " 11154 . ., Ml 3D 1974 I II IO"fiDIKJt I II act_. R..A&t<R POWER AUTHORITY ..... ~ -..- WAT~ RESERVOIR OUTFLOW TE~RATURE INl ICE GROWTH ~ tf""" - t,·. ri~J . .M..J I -::a .·; r _.) . ~ J t 50 -z • --ill> I 2• ~ t'1 ~ ~ 12 -..... I 0 !Jt I I I I I l I I II lr. -u - I lo.l ~ 10 .... a a: lo.l Cl. E loJ .... 5 a .J " IL f\ ..... .... a v ~ 0 II I I ~I I ~ 31 10.-.JJ 30 197<4 u:GPG• CA&I:t __ ...,.,.,. -- IIAEDICT&.O BllF\.31 ~T\..: ~~~1\IIE IGT"• I . INf~ IIOR1 I AT ni:Wifl(»t 2"1 FT Ui55 .5 Ml I· INf~ IIOR1 2 '" 5:1...EVQTJ(»t 2ll• " 1544 .i "' . INf'*l IIQin J AT n.EVATION 2017 FT lUi. I "I •· INfiM IIOifT • AT EI.£VATION 2040 FT 1511 .1 Ml 5 . COI5 YIILYI El.twafiON IO«J n 1521 .11 Ml I •• lu..MM' CREST ID.£VATICJf Zl ... n c-...l Ml b.on_., I I I I I I ~ I II 21 ..,. 1915 1.5 - •1.0 Q I •0.5 i II -o.o II I I I li e ... "" r ~ II ... "' ~ D ... 5 i I n '\, r - I 0 31 10 AMIL 20 30 R..REiMA PClWER AUT~ I TY -1-..ar:Y l ........ .__ WRT~ ~SERVOIR OUTFLOW TEtftAAT~ f:Nl lCE ~TH ~IAfim .. JUNf WENllM -... -:t--·1-.. - - ,, ~J ...... I -.:a """) :· . ..J -:::31 J ..J ) 1 I liD -.. 1-z ~ --... I 1• ' ~ "\ 12 -~ 0 ll~·g 111 II I I 15 -u - I "' ~ 10 .... T a ~ r I "' l T v .., A r .... 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