HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS344~I ." ,......,.... ,G .:,", (OO1 )216·0001 (901)2n-1641 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 West 5th Avenue , 11 ')r-2n d Floor .U'~nc hola g c ,Alaska 99501.- "Alld t hed 0 Undel ~ep a r a t e cover vla ________the follow ing item s : o S pec ificatIonsoS.,mptes It I)i:LY-::....'__-'-"..-:.;.,.,:....l-_.~ ~-:.;__•..{l~ ---I 0d -'\._..--'..~..,J;......:;~"""__~ ----------- -- -- - -- - ;]Plan s o Cha nge ol der 0 o P lln ts JIJ .;,.,.'. ·C · C-~.',- '1 .<.'..S.,t T v'---7~-----~--"_' "r••• t!"",-.-.c I \I?Jf {1 tAt} /~J ~c.--J V (S 4- Dl ~ C '''l ION --------- -------- _._--Rs ~}J96 0 ApPloved as submitted 0 Resub copies fOIa ppro 0 Apploved 8 S noted [J S ubmit co pies for dist libution 0 Returned fOI co rrections 0 Retu corrected plintl 0 o For a pproVII ~FOI your use o As I QU st ed o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DU"--19 0 PRINTS RETURNEDAFTER LOAN TO US THE.SE AR E TR SMtTTE D as che c ed be low . REM ARKS _ ---------- - -_-_-_-._-_~.R~E.(t TY _ JUN I -Ii 1983 - -- -HARZA -EB ASCO Susi\na JoIn t Venture -- COpy TO,_ .........1 ·,1 \~'M E M o R A N D d M <"'~I """S t a t e of Alaska -.~l'.,~-·~v ....u1r 'l- TO.Richard Fl eming OAT(,June 10,19€t.,J 0 ~6 De puty Proj ect Man ager - Env!r onment .%:t.9.; Alaska Power Auth ority 'u NO,02-83-13 .03 ~....a'.;> ~nc h o r a g e .~_ ~""PHONE NDo 2 74-7583 "',,>- rRO M;Thoma s W.Tr ent SUR..te CT:FY8 4 RSA Pr ogram - Aqua t ic Studies Coord i nator Bu dget ,AO F&G Su Hy dro Alaska Dep artme nt of Fish and Game Aquatic Studies Anchorage The Aqua t ic Stud ie s p rogram a nd budget info nnation for the Reimburs able Se rvi ces Ag r eeme nt (RSA)between the Al aska Power Authority (APA)a nd the Alaska Department of Fi sh a nd Game (AOF &G)for Fi s cal Year 1984 Is attach ed. We are reque s t i "9 your furth er action and trans mi tta1 to the appr opri ate adm ;n i 5 tra t i ve c hanne 1$for ap proval a nd enc um brance of opera t i n9 f und s. Page A-4 of the RS A program -budge t do cument contain s the line 100 t hr oug h 4 00 to ta ls which s hould be re fl ec t ed on th e RS A cove rs for the r espect ive APA a nd Co,mor cial Fi sh Di v is i on RS A,an d the AP A an d Spo rt Fish Division RSA.The li ne 500 e quipme nt budge t total on pag e A·4 rep rese nt s the amo unt of funds whic h sho uld be a l l ocated to Harz a -Ebasco Sus itna Jo int Vent ure (SJV)for the purpose o f purch asing AOF &G Aqua tic Studies Equi pmen t. Othe r ~u pp o rt se rv ice s which wil l hav e funds ad mini s tered by Harza ~Ebas c o SJV are being identi fied by item i n a sepa ra te memo r a ndum.Costs for s ervices s uc h a s buildi ng l ease s shou ld b e de t ermine d a nd forwarde d to y ou by Harza -Eba sc o SJV. In t he c ou rse of our RS A discussion s with y ou a nd Harza-Eb a sco SJV ..~.~~..~r epr e sen tatives,seve ral H ems of a pla nning a nd o rga niz a tional na ture have b een requ ested from ADF&G.The AD F&G will provide a r esponse on our con sideration of these it ems In separate correspond ence.Two docu ments which we will need to fo rmulate our respons es ab out these Items are (a)a final c opy of Harza-Eba sco SJV·s conment s on our s econd draft RSA program and budget as drafted to Rob ert Mohn of APA,and (b)a list of p ropo sed tasks that Harza·Ebasco SJV desires ADf&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studi es Team to make s t af f time available to respond to FERC and agency c onro ents.I s hould note t hat with r esp ect to (b),APA has indIcated Harz.-Ebasco SJV wIll provIde. q uarte rly rev iew of t a sks In which th ey ex pect the ADF&G Su Hydro Team pa r ti cipat ion will b e ne eded . One item not add ressed i n the atta ched RS A pro gram·budget is inclusion of an I FG Mod el D o c ~men t ati on Rep or t r eque sted by Harza-Ebasco SJV. The ADF&G Su llY'fro Aqu at ic StueHes T('am will r eq ui re mo re speci f ic informat ion on the i nt e nded nature an d s ubstanc e of t his repo rt f r om Har l a-Ebasco SJV be fo re we c an agre e to a proposed dead l ine for its preparat ion. The prepara t ion of t hi s r epo rt co uld be c ons idered as part of t he t a sks un der (b)of t he p ~c e d f ng pa ragra ph. Ric.hu d I l emill g -2 -J une 10.1983 Ano t her item we ha ve not t aken i nto con sider a tio n in draf t ing th i s p r oos al i n th e RS A with the ADF&G Divi s ion of Admini st r at io n fo r s er vi ces r end ere d by t hem.We s ugge st .as in pr evi ous y ea rs , th e Di r ec to r of The Div ision of Admini st r atio n be c onta ct e d d ire c tly on t h is mat t e r . We a pp r ec i ate y o ur as si s tance in th e deve lo pme nt of t h i s RS A prnq r em-budge t documen t and we l ook f orwa rd to a nothe r c hall enging y ear i n o u r aquat ic s tud ie s inv e st iga ti ons . c c :Co na nis si one r Coll i nswo rth R.l oga n S.Pc nnoye r June 10.1983 A T TA C ~IENT A-GENER AL TE RM S AN D ACC ORD OF AGR EEM ENT I .Mutual Agr eements and th eirfisheriesresources The Ala sk a Power Au thori ty (A PA)and the Alask a Dep artmen t o f Fish a nd Ga me (ADF&G)haVl mutual ly aqr eed: A.-~~co n ~n u i n 9 s tudies of the -b ~t in t he Sus i tna Riv er a re ne ces sary to i mprove t he co nfi - dence ~~a 5 e l i ne conditi ons and pote nti al impac ts on thes e r esources by pr oposed hyd ropowe r develo pmen t. B.Th at th e AO H G will c onduct f is her ies and a quatic hab itat s tudi es t o pro vide : 1.bas el ine fisheri es and aquatic habi tat informa tion,and 2.an analysis of pr e-pro ject condit ion of the f isheries and their aquatic habitat. C.AP A wi ll ut i li ze t he information from t he AD F&G fishe r ie s and aquat ic stud ies to s uppo rt: 1 ••an asses sme nt of potential post pr oj ect i mpacts on f ish and th ei r aquat ic ha bitats, 2. pl anning and fut ure i mp l ementa tion of mi t iga tion me asur e s , A-I June 10,1983 3. the Fect eral Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)li censing pr ocess and other r egulatory and permitting pr oces ses. o.Th at during the pr oc essing of the a pp lica t ion for license for the Susitna Hydroelectri c Project t hrough the FERC it is necessary for th e APA t o esta bl ish a r ec ord o f comm un ica t ion rel ating to t he p roje ct whic h will document the dist r ibut ion of proj ect related i nforma tion as re quired by th e r egulati ons of the FERC. I!.APA aqrees : A.That f unding f or AD F&G par ticipation in fisheries and aquatic habi t at s tudies will a llow th e AD FtG t o es tablish the .Sus itna Hydro Aqu atic St ud ies Te am a s a un it which is managed a nd admin ist ered by t he AD F~G . B. To fund ADF &G parti cipati on in s tudies of the fi shery r e sourc es and th eir aq uat ic habitat ba sed o n ob jec t i ves of study for wh ich the APA makes the final de cision to proceed.Furthermore.that the APA will r evi ew in January 1984 the FY 1984 program o bj ect i ves to r econ sider i mplementation or re scopi ng of those o b jec t i ves schedul ed for conti nuance or i mpl em entation in the f ourth q uarter of 1984 . c.That internal adm i nis t ra t ive a nd supe rv isory conmun ic at ions within the AOf&G s hal l b e u nencumbered by the FERC p roc ess. A-2 June 10, 1983 I I I.AOF &G ag rees: A.That a n AOF&G Su Hy dro Aq uatic Studies Team will be es ta bl ished managed,and s up erv ised by the AOF&G. B.That t he AOF&G Su Hydro Aqu a ti c Stud ies Teamwill : 1.annua lly provid e a reco r.rnende d program and budge t fo r fisherie s and aquatic habita t studie s on the Su sftna River f or AP A's rev iew.considerat ion,and approv al ,and 2.i mpl ement th e st udie s for FY 84 as s hown in a ttac hme nts 8 , (.D. E, F an d G. __C.That th e ACHG Su Hydro Aquatic Study Team,t hrough th e Su Hy dro Aquati c Stu die s Coordinato r. will repo rt t o the COlml iss f o ner of AOHG and the Exec utive Oirf'ctor of APA on the dire ction of the aqua tic st udies ,their fi ndings,and progress. A·3 ATT A CIlI ~E N T A - Su Hydro Aquatic Studies FY 84 Bu dget Su mmary June 10,1983 Sp ort Fish Conmerc i a 1 Fish Tot als--- line 100- Sa1a ry 1846.1 35 6.6 22 02.7 Overti me 12.0 N/A*12.0 Annual leave Cas hout 31.8 2.0 33.8 Subtot al 188 9.9 358 .6 2248.5 li ne 200 42.9 9.1 52 .0 l ine 300 369.4 37.0 406.4 line 400 22 3.2 52 .2 275 .4 Subtotal 2686.4 45 6.9 298 2.3 li ne 500 (Equipment procured t hrough Harza-Eb asco) Su bto tal 160.9 2686.3 6.4 463.3 167.3 GRAN D TO TAL 31 49.6 ·Overt ime budgete d in s alary A-4 June 10,1983 ATTA CW1ENT B -AD MINIS TRATION AND SU PPORT UN IT I.Background The Admini stra ti ve and Support Un it of the Su Hydro Aquatic St udie s is compose d o f s t aff s uppo rting or d i r ecting the s taff and a ct ivit ies of the othe r f our proj ect e l em ents a nd i s also compo sed of staff who pr ovide cleri cal,budget a nd expe nd it ure,eq ui pme nt purch ase,and r epair serv l ces for the proj ect.This unit is res ponsible,through the Aquatic Studies Coordi nator,for c oo rdi nat ion with APA a nd o ther c ontractors as approp ria te ,on admi nist rat ive and te ch nical ma tter s.Also,the Aquatic Studies Coordinat or,a t the d irection o f t he Comm iss i oner of t he Department of Fish a nd Ga me a nd Di rectors o f t he Spor l Fis h an d Comnercia l Fish Divisi ons ,carries ou t those dutie s a ssigne d as necess ary to accompli sh and report on th e Su Hydro Aqua ti c Studies a s an off ice of the Departme nt of Fis h a nd Game . The Alas ka Depar tment of Fi sh and Ga me Su Hydro Aquatic St udies is comp osed of five organiza ti onal el em ents: A.Admini<tratlve and Support Unit (Attachment B) B.Data Proces sing Unit (Att achment C) C. Re si de nt and Ju venile Anadromou s Proj ect (Attachment 0) O.Aquatic Habi tat and I nst r eam Fl ow Proj ect (Atta chment E) E.Anadromou s Ad ul t Pr oject (A ttachment F) The program s ta t eme nts out li ne the basic obj ect ives far each o f th ese pragram el ements.Tas ks ta be acc ompl ished within each el ement,the B-1 June 10.1983 ma np ow e r r equ irement s and budge t to accom plis h t hese t asks fo r FY84 are in t he atta chme nt sec tio ns of th e pr ogram . II .Fiscal ye ar 1984 Obje ct ives (Ad min istrat ive Suppo rt ) A. To tunc t ton ,in FY 84 .on be ha lf of the o rgan iz at iona l e lement s of the Su Hydro Aquatic Studi es Teamand the Alaska Oepartmen t of Fish a nd Game.in a coo rdi nat ion r ole with the APA a nd the i r contractors on ma tters related t o the aquat ic studie s. Tasks to be pe rfo rmed under this objective are: 1.To plan a nd coordinate the deve I npme nt of t he f ishe ri es. aquati c hab itat a nd inst rea m fl ow stud i e s by t he Su Hydro Aqua t ic Stud ies Te amwith AP A. 2.To provide ad vice and rec onm e nde t t cns r e gard ing fishe r ies reso urce .a nd aq uat ic habitat pr ote cti on to the APA and its c on tra ctors. 3 .To i n te ract with other s tudy groups,which have a role i n a svess rent of i mpacts of the Sus it na Hydro Proj ect,in deve 1opme nt of mit i ga t i on s tudi es or o the r s tudy plans as app r op ria te. 8-2 - ..-- June 10,1983 8.To provide.coo rdinate a "d mana ge a dmini strative,personnel an d equi pme nt support servic es to th e other f our project el ements. Tasks under this ob jective are: 1.To provide f or th e gene ral admini stration of the col lective ADf &G Su Hyd ro Aquatic Stu dies o ffice. 2 . To p rovide bas ic State pe r son nel a nd budg et a dmini stration for th e Su Hydro Aqu a ti c Stud ies Team . 3.To c oordinate .manage and direct the work of the support per sonnel,a nd suppo rt contra ctors .~s provided in Pa rt III of thi s attachme nt • 4 .To admi niste r th e b id proce ss f or the purc hase of c apital equi pment purchased for the Su Hydro Aquatic Studies. 5.To administer ,man age and pro vide f or t he i nventory,matn te ~ na nce and repai r of capita l equipm ent u sed by the Su Hydro Aqu atic Studies Team. 6 .To draft and man age,with the c o operation of t he APA or its design ated agent,the terms of agreement fo r:pers onal service contracts to whic h AOF&G is the reci pi ent of t he se rv ices ;l eases on bu ilding s o ccupi ed by AOF&G;and other service agrc c rr~nts t o whic h AOF&G is the r ec ipf en t of 8-3 June 10.1983 th e service,and as provided furt her in Part III of this attachment . 1.To r evi ew a nd ed it drafts of s c ienti f i c and t echn ica l r e ports. III.-AP A Su ppo rt Se rvices Other s uppo rt se rvi ces ....r e pr ovided to th e AOF &G Aquat ic Studi es Te am by t he APA to e nable the Aqu a t ic Studies Team to ca r ry out th e tas ks outlined in Part 1 of ATT AC HMENT B and also outl ined 1n Att achments C.D.E, F and G. The se rv ice s pro vided by th e APA i ncl ude: A.Expedited servicing and pay ~~n t of contractual s ervices i ncluding but not l imit ed to ty ping, o ther personal s ervic e s cont r ac ts,and ae ri al photography by f i rms contracte d to APA or t heir des i gna t ed agent for pro jec t purpos es.These se rvices shall be cons is tent with ADF&G Aqu atic Studi es needs to me et AOF&G's delegated progr am object ives. B.Expedit ing of equi pme nt purchas es for the AOF &G Aquath;Studies Program in cluding the pay ~nt of this equi pme nt . c.Provide the full t i me s ervice s of a hydraulic e ngineer to the ADF &G Aquatic Studi e s Team.to aid,under t he d ir ect ion of the AQu atic St udies Coo rdi nator,in pla nning,i mpl eme nta ti on. e valuat ion, a nd coordinat ion of aquatic habitat a nd instrcam flow studies. 8-4 1 June 10...1983 O.Pr ovide pfffce ~pace.warehousing.laboratory,workshop and outside storage space.exclusive of utilities.to support the fisheries fi eld studies.and the program administrative. coordination and s upport staff in FY 84. Furth ermore.s ele ction and ma na gem ent of the aforementioned facilities will be in ac c ordance wi th ADF&G n eeds and wi 11 be managed by ADF&G as a St ate facility co nsis te nt with general State law.r egulation, rules ,and policies for the manag ement of a State facility and the normal adm ini s trat ive management rules a nd pol ides of the AOf&G. L He l i c opte r s uppo rt for transport of Aquat it Studi es fi eld c rews, e qui pme nt and ma te r ial in t.he s tud ie s area.The air hour r equirements i n FY 84 for hel ic opter s upport a re: Project -_....~ Hours Re sident &Ju venile An adromous Project 182 Aquatic Habitat &tnstream Flow Project 244 Adult Anadr omous Project 31 Subtotal 457 Ac ce ss &Trans mission Ccrridor 120 TOTAL 577 •• June la,1983 IV.Project Schedules A.Administrative,Budget,Planning or Status Reports or Activities I.Audit Reports 2. Status Report 3. Draft RSA Program and Budget B.Te chnical Reports and Pro cedures Manual 1.Anadr omous Adult Project a.Oraft (8 asic Data) b.Final Draft 2.Resj de nt and Juvenile A n a dr o~us Project.. a.Draft (84 sic data &Analysis) b.Final Oraft 3. Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project a .Draft (8asic data &Analysis) b.FInal Draft 6.Proc edures Manual B-6 Monthly Monthly March I,1984 12/15/83 2/1/84 1/15/84 3/1/84 3/1/B4 4/15/84 6/1/84 June 10,1983 ATTA CHMENT 8-1 AOMINI ST RATION ANO SUPPORT UNIT Line 100 -Personal Se rvices PCN C1ass Grade MM Cost 41 88 F8 IV 20 12 69.6 4192 F8 III 18 12 57 .2 4220 F8 III 18 12 53.2 4187 8M Il 19 12 52 .8 4194 F8 II I 18 12 52.2 4169 MM Il 52 12 49.2 4185 M IV 54 12 43.2 6079 AAI 12 12 32.5 422 2 AC I I 9 lZ 27 .0 412 0 CT II I 8 12 26.4 42 32 CT II 7 12 25.2 -4M3 l ine 200 •Travel an d Pe r Di em 25.8 Li ne 300 -Co ntra ct ua l Se rvice s 82.3 l ine 400 -Commod it ies 55 .2 Grand Total :651.8 8-7 J une 10,1983 ATTACHMEN T C -OATA PROCESS ING UNIT I .Back ground The ex tensive stu d ie s be ing ca rri ed out by th e ADF &G/Su Hyd ro Aquatic St udies Te am enta il the collection of large que nt.t t tes o f c omp lex fie ld da ta . The data proc ess ing support unit o f the s tud y team provides t he e xpert is e and ma npo wer ne ces sary t o ca ta log,s umma rize ,and ana lyze t hese data. The c ata l ogi ng of t h i s f i eld data into com pute r de t.a ba se s is a ne ce s sary pr ecur sor to effici e nt r e tri e val ,re f orma tting,a nd a ggrega tion o f data fo r th e purpose o f su rr ma riz a tion an d anal yst s.Sueme r-i za t ton of t he large quanti t ies o f co ll ec te d fi eld data i nto a co ncise and understandable f orm r equires t he c apabi li ties of digital comp ute rs with data base ma nageme nt a nd _____r ep or t·pr oduct io n cap ab il i t i es. The use or-c o mput e rs-·t a-f a cilita t e ~M s - s umm a r iza t io n e nsure s th at er rors in dat a r ed uct ion a nd a nalysis a re kept to a min i mum , an d su ch e rrors are e asy to de tec t and c or r ec t . An ad di tio nal fa cet of t he data pr oc e ss ing unit is the in volv ement of the unit 's bi ometricia n in da ta a nal ysis and in t erpre ta tion wi th the f i eld proj e ct l e ad ers.This i nvol ve ment i~clu d es s u pport in the areas of s tatis t ical ana ly s is o f fi eld da ta , b i omet ric eva luation of s tudy r es ults, a nd t he design of f i eld paramete r sampl i ng pr ograms . The de si gn of fie ld paramete r sa mp l in C]pr o gram s is a necessa ry ste p in any sci e ntific inve stigation becaus e an i mpr operly d e s t qned s a mpl fng proc edure C-1 J une 10,1983 ATTACHMEN T C -OATA PROCESS ING UNIT I .Back ground The ex tensive stu d ie s be ing ca rri ed out by th e ADF &G/Su Hyd ro Aquatic St udies Te am enta il the collection of large que nt.t t tes o f c omp lex fie ld da ta . The data proc ess ing support unit o f the s tud y team provides t he e xpert is e and ma npo wer ne ces sary t o ca ta log,s umma rize ,and ana lyze t hese data. The c ata l ogi ng of t h i s f i eld data into com pute r de t.a ba se s is a ne ce s sary pr ecur sor to effici e nt r e tri e val ,re f orma tting,a nd a ggrega tion o f data fo r th e purpose o f su rr ma riz a tion an d anal yst s.Sueme r-i za t ton of t he large quanti t ies o f co ll ec te d fi eld data i nto a co ncise and understandable f orm r equires t he c apabi li ties of digital comp ute rs with data base ma nageme nt a nd _____r ep or t·pr oduct io n cap ab il i t i es. The use or-c o mput e rs-·t a-f a cilita t e ~M s - s umm a r iza t io n e nsure s th at er rors in dat a r ed uct ion a nd a nalysis a re kept to a min i mum , an d su ch e rrors are e asy to de tec t and c or r ec t . An ad di tio nal fa cet of t he data pr oc e ss ing unit is the in volv ement of the unit 's bi ometricia n in da ta a nal ysis and in t erpre ta tion wi th the f i eld proj e ct l e ad ers.This i nvol ve ment i~clu d es s u pport in the areas of s tatis t ical ana ly s is o f fi eld da ta , b i omet ric eva luation of s tudy r es ults, a nd t he design of f i eld paramete r sampl i ng pr ograms . The de si gn of fie ld paramete r sa mp l in C]pr o gram s is a necessa ry ste p in any sci e ntific inve stigation becaus e an i mpr operly d e s t qned s a mpl fng proc edure C-1 June Ill,1983 does not allow for evaluation of the extent and nature of the actual variability.due to the introduction of variability by the implementation of the s ampling pro cedure. Acc ordingl .y,e v aluation of field measurements coll e cted via an impr op erly des igned sa mp l ing pr ocedure is ha mp ered by this e xtran eous va ri ability. Howe ver.a sa mpl ing pr ocedure.which accounts for bi ological and s tat istical realiti es.r esul ts in the measurements which can be depended upon to pr ovide the best pos sible answer to th e s tudy's objec tives. Ev alua ti on of data coll ect ed during the 1981 field s eason was used to modify sampl f og p rocedures used d ur ing t he 1982 fi eld seas on. These modific a ti ons were i mpl e ment ed to r educe va r iabil ity in tt.e coll e cted field d ata.The modifi cations often in clud ed (but we re not 1 imited to)tn cree s e d sampl ing fr equency and in t ensity (f ,e,number of s am p le s taken during o ne sampli ng period)at a reduced number of key sites.For e xample the number of sites s ampled for e val uat ion of the distribution and a bundance of r esid ent and juvenile anadromous fish populations was r educed from approximately 40 sites in 1981 to 17 sites in 1982.Conversely some of the modifications entailed an increase in o verall ~cop e and frequ ency of sampling (e .g.thermograph and datapod t e mp erature r ecorders).The criteria util fled for modification of procedures included e valuation of the intra versus inter site and sa mpling peri od variability en d professional judgement in t enns of the validity of s ampling va riability as is r efl e ction of a ctual "real world"variability. Fi eld data collected during 1982 has and will c ontinue to be similarly e valua ted for the purp oses of modification and design of sa mpl ing proc edures June 10,1983 of the 1983 field program.Specific details of these modifications will be included in the FY 84 Procedures Manual. Statistical analysis of field data is necessitated by the inherent variability of field data,for example the nu mber of fish collected by a trap would vary from sample to sample even if the actual density of fish in the population remained constant.However,the density of the fish population is generally expected to vary between one sampling period and the next period, due to changes in distribution and abundance.Accordingly,statistical analysis is necessary to ensure that observed variations in field measurements (e.g.numbers of fish collected)are large enough to indicate an actual variation in the characteristics of interest.The particular statistical procedures to be utilized in analyzing the various field program data will be presented in the FY 84 Procedures Manaul. Biometric evaluation of study results (i.e.data summarizations,statistical analyses,and biological conclusions)is provided to ensure that all analyses,interpretations,and conclusions are founded upon observed field data,proper application of statistical techniques,and valid evaluation of biological and physical realities. During FY 1982, the tasks of data processing were carried out by a Biometrician,a Prograrrmer,and a Data Control Clerk.These tasks were primarily directed at the first two objectives listed in the following section (f.e.II General 1983 (FY 84)program objectives). C-3 Jun.10,1983 Statistical design and biometric evaluation beyond that implem ented by field biologists was late arriving in the 1981 program .The primary factor contributing to the r e tardation of program biometric impl ementation was funding and personnel s ystemconstraints.Onc e es tabl ished, heavy work l oads •we re impo sed up on the biometric pasitan wh ich are being r ectified by the additi on of e qui pme nt a nd manpower as qui ckly as funding and the hiring pr ocedur es of the Sta te Personn el sy stem all ow. During FY 1983.the data p roce s sing and pro gramning tasks of the p ro ject Bi ome t ri ci an were r e du ce d by the addition of the new posftions and s upport equi pm ent. How ever,due to r equest for early tran smittal of provisi onal data to other proj ect pa rti d pants (e.g .Woodward-Cl yde and AEID C) and to time taken for t raining new pers onnel.the l evel of data processing and pr ogra rrrning t asks was still gr eater than ant ic ipated.The part icipat ion of the bi ometrician .Jn proj ect s tat is t ical a nalyses was ge nera ll y on a co nsultant/ review basis.but did in cl ude d irect participation in pr ocedures manual development in new progr~m areas in 1982. This budg et pr oposal includes additional s uppo rt e quipment (both hardware and s oftware)which will allow for a more effici ent use of pr esent pers onnel and will also provide r esources to expedite early transmittal of r equ ested provisional data .The ma jor items included in the FY 84 equip ment 1ist are three new mi crocomputers with s upporting hard ware and s oftware.One of the mlcrocomputers is a new Vector Graphic machine which will provide data processing pers onnel additional s upport for data pro ce ssing activities because pr e sent equipme nt is being used to it's capaci ty a nd a ddit ional programs are needed.Another of the microcomput ers is an IBM PC configured C-4 June 10,1983 to allow for efficient interfacing of data processing activities with AOF&G Su Hydog's se cretarial and budget staff equipment (i.e.ISH Display Writers) and with the data analysis and interpretation staff equipment.The third microcomputer is also an IBM PC configured to interface with opts IBM and secretarial staff's e quipme nt ,this microc omputer is for use by the data analysis and interpretation personnel for inh ouse data analysis . The FY 84 equi pm ent budget incr ease of 12.6K is comparable to the in crease of 12.8K g ranted in the FY 83 new equipme nt budget.The funding l evels for per sonal se rvi ce s ,travel,co ntractual se rvices , and c ommoditi es are com pa rable to the l evels requ ested in FY 1983. In addit ion to re sources nec essary to acc omplish the objec ti ves of the data proces sing s upport unit.this budget proposal section includes requested r esources to s upport drafting and c artographic services to all field proj ect e l ement s for field data collection (e .g.field data forms) and report pr odu cti on (e.g.maps and figur es)support. II.Ceneral 1983 (FY 84) Program Obj ectiyes The objec t t ves of the Data Proces sinq Support Unit of the AOF&C Su Hydro Aqu atic Studies Team in FY 84 are: A.To provide data proc essing support to the field program and data analysis and int erpretation elements.The t asks under this objective are: C-5 June 10,1983 1.computerization of all data collected in the field studies . This computerization into retrievable data bases allows for efficient and accurate retrieval of data for analyses and i nterpre tat ion. 2.production of s unma ry r eport tables and c omputer plotted graphics.with st mple s urrrn ary statistics (e.g.mean.median, range.standard errors.etc.);and 3.pr o9 ra ~nfng and e~ec u t fo n of s tat is t ical pr ograms. 8.To provi de sta ti st ical a nalyses of scf entific and t echnical data c o llected by the field progr am el ements (specific details of the analytical pr ocedures to be used will be pr e sented in the ap pr o p ria te sec t ions of the FY 84 Pr oce dures Ma nual).The t asks under this object ive are: 1.computation of fish population or density estimates frolA mark/recapture and catch per unit effort data; 2.c omparison of biological attributes of fish populations (e.g. l ength.weight.age.and sex)a mong s ampling ~reas and sampl ing periods; 3.testing and analyzing relationships amo ng a quatic habitat para meters as illustrated by field me asu reme nts (e.g.intra- C-6 June 10.1983 Dgravel wa ter temperature in s lo ug h habitats as it rela te s to mafnstem discharge and t emp erature);and 4 .t est ing a nd a nalyz ing r elat ionships amon g aqu at ic hab itat parame te rs and th e associa ted fis h popula tions occurri ng i n th ese habita ts. 5.e valuat ion and cross-comparison of data collec ted in previous y ea r's s tudi e s (i.e. 1981 and 1982). c.To pr ovide advice and direction on expe r ime ntal sa mpling desig n of t he f iel d s tudy pr ogr am s .to e ns ur e t hat t he fi eld stud ies will yi eld t he type,qua li ty. and quant ity of data needed to me et their objec tiv es. D.To provide bi ometric eval uation a nd in pu t fnt o t he study t ea m's a na lysi s a nd i nte r pre tat ion of f i eld data.to e nsure tha t all conclu sions are f ounded upon so und statistical and biol og ical analys is and interpretation of the coll ected field data. III.Wo rk Plan The p r opos ed wo rk plan for me e t ing the data p roces sing and dat a b a se ma nage- me nt object h e (Obj ective A.Part It)of the data proce ssing s upport unit is bas ed upon the p rocec!ure s deve loped dur ing FY 1981 and FY 1983.Duri ng this ti me.da ta c o ll ected f r om t he win te r of 1980 t hr ough t he fall of 1982 was cata loged.su rrma rize d,and an alyzed. The proce dures d e veloped duri ng this time are o ut l ined tn the following discussion. C-7 • June 1E,1983 A. Data base manag ement consist of a five step proc ess which can be sunrnarized as (refer to the FY 83 Procedures Hanual for c omplete and s pecific details): I.Data entry,including coding of data from field data form s and keying to mic r ocomputer s torage me dia, 2.d ata ver f r tce t.ton,t ,e .c he cking keye d da t a f or a ccuracy a nd val idity; 3.e rror correction; 4. definition a nd cre ati on of a c omputer data base ma nage ment sy stem;a nd 5. lo ading of correc ted data into a compu t er da ta ba se ma nageme nt system for s ubsequent retri eval,reformatting,aggregation, and report pr oduction . Step 2 and 3 a bove are ge ne ral ly i mpl e mented in a r ecursive mann er unt11 all mi stakes are detected and corr ected.Fu rther -e rror-detection often occurs during step 5. Such e rrors are oft en not caught unt11 step 5 due to the reformatting and agg regation of data which all ows for a mo re detail ed and straight·forward review.Errors dete cted during step 5 are corrected wit~in the framework of the data base manag ement system. Entry of data into the computer will be acc omplished primarily through direct keying of ffeld data from field data forms t nto mfcrocomput'!r memo ry and C-8 June 10.1983 perman ent stora ge devices (Le.magnetic discs).Direct keying of data is facflft4ted by an interactive data entry program called DATASTAR.Data entry via the software package DATASTAR is in the s ame format as that upon which the data is rec orded on fi eld form s.Design of comput er based fo rms for use in OA TAST AR is via the com panion sof tware packag e call ed FORMG EN. B.Exceptions to data entry via direct keying include: 1.da ta transfe rred dire ctly i nto computer memo ry from au toma ti c r ecording de vice s (i .e .Da t apo d r ecordin g devices); 2.da ta t r an sferred in d irec tly vla digiti zi ng e quipment (t ,e, Numonics Oigitablet).for e xample t empe rature tra ces r ec ordec on th ermo graph strip charts;and 3.wordy c omments and note s r ecorded on fie ld d ata f orms, whic h have lengths (t ,e,number of cterec t ers )which can not be anticipated or controlled.Notes or cem ents of this type wi 11 be coded onto key-punch c oding forms and keyed a nt" c om pu te r punch cards.Th ese notes and co nm e nts are utilized du ring s ubsequent ve r if icat ion s t eps.For exa mp le mis s ing data e xplanations in notes or co mments allow for evaluation of data gaps (e.g.-D.O.probe mal functioning - no dis solved o xygen reading taken-). Verifi c ttion C1.e.error che cki ng)of da ta e nt ere d into the microco mpu ter system e ntai ls checking for ac curacy of da ta en te red into the c omp uter in comparison to data recorded on original field data forms.Additi onally, ~~~~-'C-9 June 1J!.1983 verifica tion includes e valuat ion of the validity of recorded values (e.g.can the wat ~r t emperature re ally be -S .O degrees?).Cor rpction of keying errors dis covered during the verification pr ocess is a cc omplished by r ekeying the data which is in e rror ."Correction"of invalid data often requires c onsultation with th e rec ording field biol ogist in order to de te rm ine if a co rre ct val ue can be asce rt ai ned f rom pe rs ..nal field note boo ks o r if the fnv aHd va l ue mu st be "s cret ched"(t ,e,ma de missing ).Respons ibility f or dat a entry.va lida tion ,co rr ec tion i s prima rily with the unit's Da ta Control Cl erk and fish e ry Bio l ogis t .under the di re ct ion of t he project Bi ometri c ian. Definition a nd creati on o f data base ma nagement syst ems for various kinds of d ata ba ses will be f a cil it at ed by a da t a bas e ma ne qem e nt packa ge called SIR (Sd enti fic I nfor mati on Re trie va l),av a ila ble on th e Boeing Computer Serv ices EK SI o pe r a t ing s yste m.SIR is he irarchic al da t abase ma na geme nt sys tem with an ex tens ive r epo rt wri ting procedure an d will pr ovide da ta proc essing with the ca pability of ex t en sive manageme nt tools such as s orting,con d itional r etri eval,s imple st ati sti cs and interfacing with mo re advan ced c omputerized s tal i s l ical packages (1.e.SPSS and BMDP). l oading of cor r ec ted dat a i nto t he data ba se man ag"'men t sy stem c an oc cur direc t ly in the c ase of da ta whi ch has bee n c ode d and keyed via keypunch c od i ng f onns.How ever,data e nte re d via OAT AST AR or d irectly t ransfe rred (e .g.Oatapod da h l o fte n mu s t be r e f o r ma tt ed to c o nf o rm to data e nt ry and conm unt ce t l cns r eq uir e men ts of Boei ng Comp uter Servi ces a nd S IR.This r eformatting is a c comp l {shed through comp uter pr ogra rrming and execut ion of the dcve tcped p r ogra ms o n th e data pr oce ssing unit's microc omp ute r sys tem. J une 10,1983 Responsi bility f or data bas e manageme nt sys tem defi nit ion and creat ion,data r ef onna ~t ing.and system ma intenance is a jo int effort of the unit's two Analyst/Programme rs, th e Biometrician, and th e Fishery Biologist. Produc tio n o f c ompute r r eports,c omputer plo tt ed graphics a nd e xecution o f s tat is t ical analy ses involv es the use of SIR' s reporting facilit ies an d inter facing capabi li ties or pr ogranrn ing a nd exec ut ion of c us t omi zed compute r p rogra ms.Respon sibility f or design and im plemen tat ion o f the se p roc e dures l ies wi th t he Bi ometrician and the two Analyst /Pr ogramme rs . Re sponsibility for ac complis hmen t o f objec t ives B throug h 0 lies primar il y wit h the unit 's Bi ome t ricia n.Su c ce s s ful co mple ti o n of th ese object ives r equi res a c l ose work ing r elati onship with the field b iologis t r e sponsible f or data gath ering pro c edures an d dat a a nalyse s . Stat i stical analy s es pr oce du r es are gen era ll y ch osen apr-tor !to a ctua l fi el d data co llectio n.during th e process of sampli ng d esign.Howev er .f o llowi ng co l le cti on of data t he va lid ity o f the pr ocedure c hose n mu st be eva lua ted in that the pr oc ed ur e's ba sic u nde r lyi ng a ssu mpt ions mus t be ad here d to 1n ordt r f or the p roc e dure t o be app ropri a te . A detailed pre s entati on of pro cedure s fo r data e na Iys f s ,e va lua ti o n. and p r es e ntation will be i nclu de d in e ac h t e chnical s ect ion o f the FY 84 Pr oc e dures Ma nual . Proposed s tati st i c al pro cedu r e s (in clu d ing hypo the se s a nd me thod s of testing the hypothese s)al o ng with the rati ona le fo r c ho i ce of e ach proce dure will be inc lude d. C-II ATTACH MENT C-l OATA PRO CE SSING UNIT line 100 - Personal Services PCN CL ASS--- 419 3 AP III 4n9 AP III 1381 F8 I 4191 OC C II 41 90 C II Borrowed FB lis l ine 200 -Tr avel and Pe r Diem Li ne 300 •Con tractual Services line 400 -Conmodt t f e s .lune 10 .1983 GRADE MM COST-- 17 12 44.2 17 12 42.7 14 12 39.0 11 12 31.3 15 12 37.5 14 6 19.5 Subtotal 21 4.2 1.7 136.5 12 .4 Grand Total 364.8 n•-... DA TA PROCESS I NG SUPPORT U N IT AND CARTOGRAPH I C SERVICES YA8L!OF ORGANIZATION PROJ Eel LEADER B IONETIUCIAN 11 -PCN 411T ~~ ~~....n ::li o ~n z ~~ '"'"n-,Z N '""'I!ii <5 ~ <=z-.... CART OGRAPH IC SERViCES CAIITOGIUJ'H(.1I II PC"4110 I "[1..0 EL.[M[NT L IAISON AND QUALITY CONTROL 'IIII (.IIY I.Ot,,0411T I ,ell U I' DATA P ROCESSlNG PROGRAMM IN G AhO SUPERV I SION Alul.1'ST I '''OI Il AIIIIII[ 1I 111 ,c.4'1' OATA AfolA LYSIS P RO(jRANM ING "''''L'STI I"ttOGIIAfllllll[1l11l "ell 41U DATA ENTRY AN~ MED IA CONTROL DnA COil TIIOL CLue II ,ell 4.1 1 I DATA ENTRY AND VeRIFICATION fl SH[II,.,0LOG ln I 10••0_[0 -o June lO,1983 ATTACHMENT °-RESIOENT ANO J UVEN ILE ANAO ROHOUS FI SHERIES PRO JECT 1. Background The Resident and Juv enil e Anadromo us Fi sh St udies a re d irect ed t owa rd acc om pl i shi ng th e g e neral obj ec ti ves desc ri bed in 1979 by the Depar-t ment of Fi sh a nd Game (or t he Susitn a Hy d roe l ect ri c pr ojec t . The se objec tives a re stated below: A.De fi ne se asonal dist ribu tion and relative abundance of re sident and j uven ile anad romou s f is h in t he Susitna Riv er betwe en Cook Inl et a nd Devil Ca ny o". 8.Characte riz e the s easo nal habitat re qui reme nt s o f .0 "--e nadronous an d residen t specie s wit hin l he"st u dy ~'a re a :-=-''-- --- s electe d--.._--- The Re si de nt an d Ju venile Anadr omo us Fi s he ri es St udie s began in tlove mbe r of 1980 a nd have co nt inued to t he pre se nt . From th e onset of th ese s tu dies . gene ral survey s of t he Sus itna River mains-tern "and as socia ted habita ts .and t he por tio ns o f t he basin to be i nund ated by the proposed i mpoundments.have been co nduc ted . During t he winte r of 1981.and t he spring and su rrme r of 1982 the s tudies have be en co nce nt ra ted mo re intensively on those areas that ma y be mo st se vcre ly affect e d by t he deve l opme nt of t he Sus itna projE'c t . I nvc s ti 9a t tc ns a 1s o exam '[ne d rn a in s t em habita ts for adu l t r es i de nt specie s th at we re not previ o usly c over ed during t he 1980-81 gc ne r ~l s urveys. 0-1 June 10,1983 The primary purpose of these investigations was to address objective (A). Du ring the 1982 summer inv estigations,the studies con centrated on developing more i nformation on objectiYe (B) by gathering data on habitat relationships of r ear ing r esident a nd juvenile anadromous speci es th at may be affected by th e Susitna proj ect. The a me nded stud ie s pr oposed for the 1983-84 s eason a ddre ss areas wh ere data have not prev i o us ly be en c o11 ec ted a nd prov id es more di rect ed and focused e ff ort o n habi tat and r e aring rel a ti onships of the ju venile an ad r omous s pe ci es a nd se le ct e d r e sident sp eci es. II.Gen eral FY 8 4 Pr o gr am Obje ctives A. Pr o vide a third ye ar of ba seline informati on on the distribution a nd ab unda nc e of r e s ide nt and ju vent le ana dr omo us fish for the s peci e s and popul at ions th at are lik.ely to be af f'e ct ed b.y the deve l o pment of t he Susitna Hydroel e ctric Proj ect. 1.Rationale - Populations of ju venile anadrc rr ous and certain r e sident fish s pecies vary consid erable from year to year be cause of variation in surv ival of ju veniles and numb ers of a dul t s pawne rs. Multi ple ye ar data are ne c es sary to provide a q ua nt ita tiv e e s t imate of the value of the r es ourc es that may be d ffe c te d by the devel opment of the hydr oel e ctri c proj ect. 0·2 June 10,1983 8 .Es tab 1;sh the fre shwa ter surv i va1 of the 1982 brood year of chum and s ockeye salmon populations f or the portion of their life cycle confined to the Susitna Ri ver above the Chulitna Ri ver confluence. 1.Rati on ale ·Although th e mo nitor ing of esc apement of adul t chum a nd sock eye s al mon provide a re lat ive indi c ation of the produ cti ve cap ab il tt.t es o f the habitat in the Sus itna Ri ver a bove th e Ch ul itna River confluence, the true pr odu c ti ve ca pab ilities are bes t des cri bed in t erms of s urvival .By d et ermini ng th e fec und ity of a dult s a l mo n a nd q uantifying nu mb ers of j uven il e s almon outmigrants,the survival of the species within th is r each of th e Sus itna Ri ver wh ich will be affect ed by th e de velopment of t he Susitna Hydro pr oje ct.can be es t ima ted.Th is u t ll be com ple ted on i ndivi dual s loughs a nd a t otal es t ima te fo r t he Sus i tne Ri ver abov e th e Ch ul it na River confl uence .By com paring di scharge and t emp erature co ndit ions of the s lough through out th e spawning.in cubati on. a nd emerge nce peri od. t he e ffe cts of t hese va riables on s urvival f or s pec ie s sp aw ~i n g a t the s loughs can be es t im ated. Thi s t ype of anal ysis will provide a quant itat ive check on the pr edi cti ons ma de for va ri ous s ub-com ponent in stream flow eval uati ons conducted at some of th ese sites during the pr evious ye a r-,The data will al so provide a quantifi cati on of• the req uired l evel o f mi ti gati on needed for i mpacts th at may oc c ur.The foll owing object ive a ddresse s t hes e type s of s tudies. In add it ion. th ese da t.a will provide information that can be used to eva luate th e e ffect of vari ous escapeme nt D·3 June 10,1983 8 .Es tab 1;sh the fre shwa ter surv i va1 of the 1982 brood year of chum and s ockeye salmon populations f or the portion of their life cycle confined to the Susitna Ri ver above the Chulitna Ri ver confluence. 1.Rati on ale ·Although th e mo nitor ing of esc apement of adul t chum a nd sock eye s al mon provide a re lat ive indi c ation of the produ cti ve cap ab il tt.t es o f the habitat in the Sus itna Ri ver a bove th e Ch ul itna River confluence, the true pr odu c ti ve ca pab ilities are bes t des cri bed in t erms of s urvival .By d et ermini ng th e fec und ity of a dult s a l mo n a nd q uantifying nu mb ers of j uven il e s almon outmigrants,the survival of the species within th is r each of th e Sus itna Ri ver wh ich will be affect ed by th e de velopment of t he Susitna Hydro pr oje ct.can be es t ima ted.Th is u t ll be com ple ted on i ndivi dual s loughs a nd a t otal es t ima te fo r t he Sus i tne Ri ver abov e th e Ch ul it na River confl uence .By com paring di scharge and t emp erature co ndit ions of the s lough through out th e spawning.in cubati on. a nd emerge nce peri od. t he e ffe cts of t hese va riables on s urvival f or s pec ie s sp aw ~i n g a t the s loughs can be es t im ated. Thi s t ype of anal ysis will provide a quant itat ive check on the pr edi cti ons ma de for va ri ous s ub-com ponent in stream flow eval uati ons conducted at some of th ese sites during the pr evious ye a r-,The data will al so provide a quantifi cati on of• the req uired l evel o f mi ti gati on needed for i mpacts th at may oc c ur.The foll owing object ive a ddresse s t hes e type s of s tudies. In add it ion. th ese da t.a will provide information that can be used to eva luate th e e ffect of vari ous escapeme nt D·3 June 10,1983 levels on the total production. and will allow a better interpretation of the adult chum and s ockeye s a l mo n esca pement data. c.Dete rmine the re la t i onship of t he s urvival of s e l ecte d r e si de nt a nd juve nile anadromou s f ish spe c ie s viab i li t y and s ubsequent s urvival to a va ri et y of e nvi ronme ntal f a ctors t hat rr.a y be a ffect ed by t he deve l opmen t of t he Su s it na Hyd r oe l ectr ic pr oject . 1.Rat i ona le - The a bov e ob ject iv e ,wMe h is gene r al and no t a s pec if ic s tudy des ign.is t he b as is for i nc r eme nt ally eva lua t ing the i mpa c t s o f va r io us p r oje ct d i sc ha rqe , t emper ature s .a nd tu rb i dity l e vels.Co mb ined with ob jec t ive (B),it will p r o v ide the data base a nd i nit ia l a naly s i s neces sa ry to cont i nue the in c r eme ntal a na lys is of "in st r e am fl ow " r equir eme nts for ju venile anadromo us s peci e s a nd s e l ec t e d r e sident s pec i e s.for the in cubation.eme rge nce, r ea r1 n9 I and a u tmi gra t ion ph ase s o f th e i r 1i f e cycle.Th ese -:f da ta and as soc ia te d analy sis will pr ovide the basi s for e valuat ion of i mpacts of the pr oj ect under any mod e of oper a t i on and will s uggest di scharges,t emperatures,a nd turbidity l evels that ma y pr ovide i mp roved cond itions for the s peci e s be ing eva lu~t e d . IlI-\lork Plan .' As ma ny of th e objec t ive d cl osely coinc ide wi th t he obj ec t ive s of the 'n stream Fl ow a nd Aquat ic Habi ta t Stu dies (AH)group,a ll of the wo rk will 0 -4 June 10,1983 be closely c oordinated.using conmon res ources to me et corrmon objective . However,only the Ac cess/Transmission Corridor Study will be c omprised of per sonnel (1 RJ biologist and I AH blol o9ist)from both groups. Da ta co ll ected by the Resi dent and J uve ni le Anadro mous St udies (RJ)group will inclu de :density e s tima t e s of juvenil e anad romo us spec ie s,cove r a nd juv enile densi ty correlatio n.cove r-di scharge r elat ionships a t r epresentative 5t udy sites ,tu rbi d i ty-dens ity correhtion.sub s tra te-juvenil e dens ity corre lati ons ,ve loc ity-d e pth j uve n ile density corre lat ion s.an d others a s ap prop ria te.AH wi ll co llect data o n dep th,me an column wate r veloci ty, s ubs tr ate .t emperatu re,a nd othe r aquat ic habit at paramete rs. The ut il iz ati on of habt tat.s by adult r e sident spe cies and spawning ha bitat l ocati on.will be use d t o develo p specif ic habitat d istri bution data t hat can t hen be a nal yzed in conj unc ti on with the AH deve l op.ne nt of habitat availability. The fie ld work pr ogra m is desi gn ed to provide logisti cs t o eniure al l needed data are coll ect ed.Details of exper ime nta l field design.coll ect ion me thods. and data analysis wi ll be out l ined in the pro cedures manual. Study s i te s .s am pl ing s chedules. gear t ypes.a nd ma n pow er needed to compl ete each se gme nt of the RJ FY 84 object ives are pr es ent ed as suppl emental information . A.Stud ies of the Re sident and J uvenile fish of th e Susftna Rfver be low Devf l Cany on. 0-5 June 10,1983 1. Resident Fish Studies 3.Habitat and population data (I)Obje ctive Qu antify th e i mportant habitat par am e ters a sso ci at ed with s pawning and r earing (growth)of r esident fish s pecies s uc h as r ainb ow trout and bur bot a nd measure fi sh density in th e se habitats to pro vide a n es t imate of habitat qu a 1ity. (2)Ra t i ona l e "The r egul at ion of d is charge by t he pr opos ed hydr oel e c tric pr o jec t will c r eate con d itio ns in the ma ins t em Susi tna Ri ver that are different from the cu rrent co nd itions. The r e si dent sp eci es.part icula rly rainbow trout a nd burbot.are cur r ently har vest ed by s port fi shermen in the Susi tna Riv er be twee n the Chul ttne Riv er co nflu e nce and De v il Cany on.Su r bot are widely distributed and r el atively abundant in the mainst ern .Rainb ow trout are he avily fish ed at t ri but ary mouths .Th ese res ide nt s pecie s are o f pri ma ry concern beca use of th e Imp or -t a nce o f ra i nb ow trnut to th e s po rt fi shery a nd beca use of the conf i neme nt of burbot to the mel i ns t ern Sus t tne •ce tch da ta in dicates that bur bot l a rgely avoid cl ear water 0-6 • June 10. 1983 areas during the open water s eason.An evaluation of the suitability of the mains tem Susitna Ri ver for burbot under post project conditions c an be made by c omparing post pr oj ect turbidity data and hydraulic conditions with th e data on the habitat conditions used by the s pecies under pr ep-ej ect co nd itions. The r esid ent fi sh s tudie s will a ddress the foll owing quest ions reg arding t he habit at factors that i nflu ence the re lat ive abundance and di stributi on of re sident fish. 1.Ho w will r a i nbow popu la t i ons r espond to decrea sed tur bi d ity and altered post project matnstem di s cha r ges? 11.What is the c urre nt population l e vel of burbot in the ma fnstem Sus itna and what will t heir r espon se be to alte red turbidity a nd discharge under post proj ect c onditions? The data co ll ec tion e ffor ts desc ribed a nd out l ined in d~tafl in the pr oce dures ma nual will ad dr ess th ese major q ues t ions a nd provide q uanti ta t ive data on populati ons a nd habit at for t hese ~pec i e s . 0-7 June 10,1983 (3)Procedure The pro posed s tudy will me asure t he de ns ity of se lect ed r es i dent fi sh by mark a nd r eca ptu re me thods and wi 11 quantify the a pparen t i nfl uence of s t ream (leu _ t urb id i ty ,a nd t emperatu re on t he se popu'le t tons , In a dd it io n. rad ic -Laqqe d f ish wi 11 be use d to determ ine su mne r mi g ra tory mo veme nt s and r e ar ing a r e as .and will be used to c o ll e ct habitat da ta at r el oc at ion sited.l he fie ld study design will in cl ude t ra cking r a dio-tag'Jed fi sh to d eterm ine t heir distdbut ion during the s p ri ng and s umme r mo nths .Ra dio t el emetry will pr ovide a ~e a n s o f l oc a t i ng r esid en t fis h sp aw ning areas fo r the co ll ec t io n of ha b itat data .The d a ta f r om t he r ad io t agge d f i sh wi ll el s o i ndi c ate whe n these fis h inha bi t area s of the Susitna Rive r tha t may be subjected to al t e r ed habi ta t co ndit io ns pr od uced by da m re la t ed c hanges in d is charg e or t ur bi d ity.Track t.'g wi 11 co nt inue t h rough t he fall a nd into t he win t er mo nt hs ':0 pro v ide mor e in fonmatio n o n o ve rwin te ring a r eas. Se l ec ted ma i nstem.s lough. t ribut ary mouth,~n d t ribu ta ~, sites wi ll be studi e d t o i den t ify s pawning a nd r e adn!) habitat s o f residen t fis h.Th e se site s wil l be sel e cted b ase d o n the pr evi ou s y ears d i str ibu tion a nd r adl e tel e metry dat a c o llec t e d c onc u rren t ly with this proj ec t . 0-8 June 10,1983 Ove r s peci fi c r eaches of t he Sus itna Rive r and its uppe r t ri buta ri es .mark.r e c ap ture stu d ies will pr ovi de dens ity info rmat io n.Ut iliza t ion da t a wi ll b e obta ined o n two l e vel s. One l evel wi ll be ge neral rive r mo rphol og i ca l data a nd wa ter qua l ity (water t emperature,gradi en t . di s charge , t ur bi d ity).I nfo rmati on o n mtc ro -hab i t e t s wil l be meas ured a l s o a t s peci fic coll ec ti on sites (de pth. ve lo c ity,s ubs tr ate .t emperatu re ,and tu rbidi ty ). An a lys is of the d e te wi ll be e xam ine d a t t wo l e vel s o f r eso luti on,tha t i s.vari dbi lity within study reach e s and va riab il ity amo ng s tudy r eaches .The i ncl usio n of c l ea r .....a te r t r ibut aries i n th e a na l ys i s wi ll pr o vide a br -o ade r r ange o f habitat co nd it ions i n th e ana ly si s a nd i mprove th e a bi l ity t o co rre l a t e th e 'di s t ri b ut i on o f the spec ie s in que s tion wit h t he habit a t va r iab l es .for exampl e ,the d at a ba se dev el ope d f or r ainbow trou t may s ugges t tha t post projec t co nd it io ns may i mprove in t he Sus it na ne tn s t em beca use o f de crea sed turbi dity an d r eg ulate d f1 ows• The r e sid en t f ish de ns ity data will a lso se rve a s i ndex to j udge pos t pro jec t effe cts o n t he r e siden t s peci e s . Suc h ba se l ine data has be e n va l uab l e i n ev a l uat i ng the pos t p r oj ec t r e spon se o f the f ishe ri e s to proj e c t i nduce d c hanges at o the r hydro pr oj ect s i n the Pac i fic Nor t hwes t. 0-9 ~. June 10,1983 Statistical methods used in the analysis of the data will be defined in the procedures manual. 2.J uvenile An adr om ous Fish Studies d.Abundance.timing.a nd survival. (I)ObjPctive Estimate the total number of outmigrants and the surv ival of sockeye and chum salmon juveniles.Provide an es t ima te of the r elative abundance of pink.chin ook, a nd coho sa lm on ju ven iles outmigrating from the Susit ra River above th e Chulitna Ri ver confluence. -. (2)Rationale The r elative abundance of all s pe ci es of Pacific s almon juv eniles has been d etermined by the o pera ti on of a dow nst re am migrant trap o n the Susitna River during the 19 8?op en watp.r se ason.Be cause of the June 18 start up de te ,not en ough informat ion was obtained on pink and chum s al mo n juv enfl~s and on the early outm1grat ion rates of the other juv enile sal mon s pec tes ,To de t ermf ne the i mport ance of s el c ct ed c nvtro nme nte t factofs to the outmigrat ion of juvenile sa lmon,further data are neces sary on the tf m1ng a nd rates of outmigration. n.m June 10.1983 A p ilo t pro gram has bee n [ni t te t ed d uri ng the s pr i ng of 1983 to determ ine th e f ea sib ility of obtaining pop ul ati on es t imates f or sock eye a nd c hum sa lmon fr om six sc t ec ted s l ough by mark a nd r eca pt u re t ech niq ues . In add itio n. the e n t i r e p r oduc tion of th e drai nage wi ll be e s t i mate d by the r e covery o f mark e d fi sh a t t wo down stre am migra nt t raps.By developing f ecundity da ta f or s pawning so ckeye an d c hum sal mon.ju ve nile s u r vi val ca n be es t ima te d f or the f r es hwat er life phase of t he se s pe ci e s in th e Sus i t na Ri ver above the Ch ul t t ne Rive r co n fl uence. Thes e da ta c an the n be use d to corre l a te the s urvi val vers us hab itat co nd it ions e xperi en r:e d at t he indi v idua l s l oughs Il'h ich have b een mo n i tore d over t he pas t se a s o n.Th e data wi l l the n provide an i ndica t ion o f the c o n t r ibu t i o n tha t th e se ------·--~1 0 ~;9h s l 'l~k;-i'o '-th-;-o vera f1p r o ;f~c t-i-on o f the -chum a nd - - s oc ~c y e s almo n ju venil es in t he r eac h of r iver. Th e l ow fl ow y e ar ex pe r ie nce d dur ing 1982 a lso pr ov id e s a un ique o ppo r t unity to a ss ess t he e ff ec t o f l ow fl ow co ndi t i o ns o n the ove ra l l surv i val o f juv e ni le s al mo n i n th e 5u s i t na a iver dra ina ge a bove the Chu litna co nfl ue nce . As a bo nus t he c oded wire tag will p r ov ide the op por tu n ity to monito r th e s u rv iv a l of chu m a nd sock eye s e hnc n e r t er t hey migrate be low th e Chul itna co nfl ue nc e . The r et u rn ing adults ma y be r ecap t ured in f o ur o r f ive y ea r-s an d ca n be i dent if i ed to the i r na ta l a re a . The f r er hwa t er'grow th in for ma t ion on t ag re turns will de f ine 0-11 ~---------- June 10.1983 th e effects o f chum o ve rall s urvi val and the survi val r a te of 0+sockeye whi ch mi gra te a nd a pparentl y re ar i n t he l ower riv er o r e stuar y. Th is wil l a dd t o a n understanding of th e impo rtance of t he Sus t tna River from the Chulitna River confl uenc e to Devil Canyo n on sockey e sal"",n .Ava ilabl e data sug ges ts th at l i mited so ckeye r ear ing occ ur s i n thi s r eac h. Although not a n integ ral part o f the s tudy ,t he opt i on will r e ma in o pen f or f urt her tag r ~c o v ery wo rk t o provide de fi ni t ive ev id e nc e co ncerni ng the co nt rib utio n that s l oughs p rovide t o t he o ver a ll p r oductio n of sa lmon i n th e sys~e m .Depen ding upon th e r esu lts of the 198 3 pr ogram ,t he opt i on i s ave i 1a b1e to con t inue the s tudy d~i ng t he -"i984-spri~g -pe ri-od to-p rovide -acompa r-'-son-of su rvival unde r pr obable differ en ce s in habita t c onditi ons a nd escap ~me n t . (3)Pr oced ures Speci al ly cod e d wire t ags and clip ped a dipose fi ns wil l be use d to ma rk c hum and s ocke ye sa lmo n j uve nil es f r om six s l oughs i n the Sus i tna Ri ver from t he Chulitna River co nfl ue nce to Dev il Canyon.Re cove ri es wil l be ma de in t he sam e s loughs with be ac h se ine s o r by e lec t ro fi s hing equipme nt an d th e ma r k-reca pt u re In f orma ti on r eco rded. Two downs t re.am migrant traps wi 11 be i ns ta ll ed a t River Mi le 10 3.Capture d downs t r e am migra n t s wi l l be exami ne d 0-1 2 _.......---- June \D .1983 for tags and the ir length and species reco rded. Scal e sam ples ~ill also be tak en to d et e ~ine their age. Re la tiv e abund ance of outmigrants will be determine d from ca tch per unit e ff o rt data (or coho.chinook,pink sal mon a nd incidental r esident spec ies coll ec ted .Total popu lat ion es ti md tes will be obta ined f r om ma r k/ r ecovery ratio calcula tio ns f or both t he slough and the outm igrant trap r ecoveries .l evels of needed e ffort of tagg ing and reca pture have been approximated usi ng error l imits of 25 percent for t he Pet e r -s en pc::pu h tion e s ttee te. The s tat is t ic s to be used In th e a nalys is of th e ma rk- recapture dat a are define d i n Ride r,197 5 !/.The Shaeffe r and t he gene r al Petersen i ndex will e ach be exam ined f or su it abili ty wi th t he dat a bas e.Es ti ma te s of the po pula t ion f or th ese c a l cula t ions have bee n ma de fr om adult sa l mon esc a pem e nt dat a,literature I ecundt ty and s urv iva l es ti ma tes .f ie ld observa ti on of fry conce ntra t ions i n s l oug hs,a nd t he past yea rs e fffcf rn cy of the down stream migrant t rap fo r r ecovery. !I Rick er ,W.E.19 /5.Computa t icn and i nt erpr eta tion o f biol ogical sta tis ti cs o f fis h po pula ti ons.rt sheri e s Res earc h Boa rd of Canada. Bu lle ti n 191.Ottawa,Canada pp la.102-103 . June 10,1983 Staff gage r eading s,turbidity.and point velocity measurement s will be coll e cted d a il y at the d ow nstream migrant trap.Other ma instem habitat data will be o b ta ined from the AH d ata.Spec if ic s ta ti st ical procedu res for a na1Y5 is o f abundanc e .t imi"9.and survival data for ju venile sal mon w11 1 be out lined i n the procedure s ma nual . b.Emerge nce and developmen t studie s (I)Ob ject iye Determine e merge nce t ining a nd r ates of em b r yon ic devel opmen t un der na tura l var iable condi tions th at oc:ur i n net ns t ee ,s l ough.a nd t r ibut ary sit es in the Sus ft na River a bove the Chul itna Rive r conflu ence f or pink .coho, a nd c hinook sa lmon.Comp l ete the monito ri ng e c t.tvttt es o n c hum a nd s ockeye s al mon deve 1op me nt r a t es f n i ti a ted du ring t he win te r o f 1582 · 1983. (2) R.tl ona1e To det ermine if t he pos t -proj ec t cond it ions will be s u f n cl e nt ly a Lt ered t o s up po rt rna ins tern sp awn !ng chinook.pi nk.an d co ho s almon,d at a o n ha b itat condit i o ns c u rren t ly e xpe rie nced by th ese s peci es in side s l oughs and t ri but ari e s are ne ede d.lf mft e d us e o f t he 0-14 June 10,1983 mains tem by all of these s pec ie s suggest that condi ti ons in the tributaries mo re cl osely refl ect the condit ions npces sary for suc cessful r epr oduc tion of th ese s pecies. The hypo thesis to be t ested is whe ther or not t he ma inst em and s lough subst ra te a nd/or t emperat ures 1imit the r eproduc tio n of th ese s pect es a t th ese s it es.The r e sults of the s tudy wi ll s ugges t post -p roj e ct ma ins tem cond ition s have the potenti al t o provide a lterna tive s paw ning hab itat .The data a nalysts will be li mite d to t esting t he a bove hypoth esis an d co rrelat ing th e deve l opme nt rates and observe d mo rtal ity to habi tat condi t ions suc h as t emperatur e and su bstrate. As assessme nt o f l ate fall f l oods will also be e va lua ted to de t e rmin e t he ir e f f~c t on e gg s urvi va l .Dat a co l lec ted duri ng the 1982-83 wf nte r on pr e -eme rgent sockeye and chum have provided us eful i nformd tion on f act ors (such as intergravel t emperatures )whi ch ma y have ma jor influ ences on survival withi n a slough e nvironme nt. Be cause of the si gnif icance of th ese find ings on possi ble wint er pos t-pro jec t oper at ions.a furt h ~r re fi nemen t of t he data for s ockeye a nd chum in the s l ough env irLnm e nt is war ran ted . (3)Procedures Devel o pmen t rate s and eme rgence of in cubdtt ng chum a nd s ockeye s a lmo n eggs will cont i nue t o be c ollec t ed at 0-15 June 10,1983 s elec ted tr i butary and slough sites.(Coll ection of data on the developmental rates of the other sal mon sp ec ies will a 150 be c onduc ted dud"9 the s pa wni"9 sea son. ) Spawning l ocati ons observed by the Ad ult Anadr omous Proje ct (I.lt achme nt F)will be used t o d e term ine f u ture s ampling s itps .Temperature data will be coll ected using intragravel th e rmal pr obe s an d substra te measurements wi ll be ma de at each s ite . Observed morta l i ties wil l be r ec orde d -a t e a ch s ite.Sam ples wil l be coll e cted us ing s hove ls a nd a s pe ci al \If .,le r pump r e f erre d t o a s a n egg pump.I ce augers and cha i n saws wi 11 b e u sed to r emov e i ce cover at t hese sites a s requi red.Sa mpl es coll ected will be minima "i n size to e ns ur e mini ma l e ff ec ts o f t he s ampl i ng e ffor t on the o veral l r eprod~ct ion of t he spe cie s a t th ese si te s. l evels of eg g and /or fry deve lopme nt will be de termined u s ing publ is he d sta ndard c r t t a r le and the data will be a nal yzed by comp ar ison of a cc um u la ted th erma l units with a pp ro pr iate c o rr e c t io n fa ctors deve l ope d by s ta ti st ical me tho ds. Conti nuous r e co rds of int ragra vel t e mpe ra tures wil l be r ec orded by the AH prog r am a nd will be used in th e data a nalysts.Comparisons of tri butary .sl ough,a nd rna i ns t ern cond it i o ns with r e gard to s ubs t r a te an d t e mperature wil l be ma de.Fu r ther co mp a riso ns of post - p roj ec t e ffec t s w;11 be ma de by o the r c ont r ac tors ex te rn al to ADF&G kho a re r espo nsi bl e fo r i mp act 0-16 analysis. June 10,1983 The d evelopment data obtained from the laboratory study con du cted by the USFWS will also be used for com paring the rat es of develo pment e xperienced in the field with th ose und er control led conditions. c.Rear ing habitat st ud ies (lj Obj ective Oet e nni ne t he re lat iollship of ju venil e sa l mon di str ibu ti on,hydrau1 ie pa rameters.t emperature , tu rbi dity,a nd cover a t se l e cted s tudy s He s t hat will provide a r epres e nt a t ive sa mp le o f me f n s t em,sl ough a nd c l ea rw a te r-t ributary r e a ring hab itat in t he s t udy are a._..····~----......,.·-.-·.··.--------..·.,..~...,....c ~----_··_.~.-_. (2)Ra t i o nale be s ubsta nti a ll y diff ~r ~r.tdischarge\'!ill Becaus e po s t ~projec t tu r bid ity.t empera ture,a nd fr om pre-p r oj e ct conditi ons,it is ne cessa ry to de termine the key f a ct ors o f the e nv ironm e nt whi ch e ffec t the a bi li ty of ju vent'l e s a 1mo n to su cc e ss fu lly r ear in th e Sus ttna Riv er drain age.The va r ious paramet ers t hat a ffect s ucce s sful r ea r ing a re hypo thesiz ed a s b e ing differ ence for ea c h the fiv e sa l mo n sp eci es that occ ur in t h is r ea ch of ri ver .I mpo rt ant f a c tors hy po th e si zed f c.,"the ju venile c hum s almon i nclude wa te r ve loci ty.a va ila ble 0·11 June 10,1983 cover.and access to rea ring areas.Similar f act ors plus the development of pl ankton populations and stabil ity of water vel ociti es influence s ockeye ju venile .Pink s al mo n juv enil es r equ ire ad equate wate r for pa ssage out o f the nata l area.Coho and chi noo k r earing r equireme nt see m t o di ffer by age c lass.Basically,adequate cove r and f ood are con sidered t o be ma i n facto rs f or t he se s pecie s , wit.h pass age (or ingress in to sl oughs an d o ther badwa te r r e d ri ng areas a l so being i mportan t. Spe cif ic s tudy fi eld des igns wil l be i mpl emented that provide a mea ns to t e st the a bo ve hypothe sis which wil l determi ne i mpor t a nt fa c tors infl uencing t he d ist ri but ion of juvenil e s a lmon.If a fa ctor or c ombina tion of fa ctors is f ound to be i mportan t i n d et e rm ining th e dist ri bution of the f ish s pec ies pr esen t ,a n e valua t i o n of t he r es ponse o f t he f a ctor to ma ins tem discha rge of t emperature c hanges will be undert ak en. (3)Proced ure s The e ffec t s of increme ntal c hange s in d is c harge s o f t he main st em S u s i t n~o n the a vail a ble r ea ring hab i ta t will be e valua te d wh e ne ...e r it ca n be es tab li she d qua nt ita tive l y that a p r e f e r e nce for a pa rt icu la r s e t of di s charge depend ent h ahi tat co nd it i o ns ex i s ts for the sp ec ies i n 0 -18 .... June 10 , 1983 quest ion.Ma inst em side cha nnel s i tes t ha.t are being e xamin ed in c onjunct ion with the aq ua ti c habitat a nd in stre am fl ow group will be e val ua ted using the habitat a t vari ous ma i nstem di schar ges.The re a ring da t a co ll ec tion efforts will be c onc ent rated a t si tes wh ere qua nt it a t ive hydra ul ic da ta is be ing c o l lec ted by t he AH g r oup. Be c ause ju veni l e sa lmon re a ring habitats i n th e Susit na Rive r dra i nag e a re mor e di s per sed t han s pawning hab itat s f or adu l t sa lmo n.a l arge numbe r of s ites a nd a l ar ge r ange o f co ndit ions mu s t be s ampl e d . Det a il s of the s t udy desig n a nd met hods us e d in thi s s t udy will be pr esented in t he pr oc edu r es ma nua l . B.Qua l it y Ass urance a nd Suppo r t Sec t ion (1)Obje ctive Ass is t t he RJ pr ojec t l e ader a nd t he o ther RJ s ub·proj ec t e l ement s in s uppor t o pera t ions s uc h a s:(a)coordina ting t he c o ll ec tio n. r edu cti on. t r a nsfe r.a nd ana lys is of da ta;(b)r ep ort prepar a t i on. e d it ing ,and c o lla ting;(c)pr epa re a nnual budge t documen t s;(d) se rve as a b ac ~-up c re w in c a se of ~me r ge n cy o r as othe rw is e ca ll e d upon. by o th-r s ub-p roj e c t e l e me nt s;an d (e)c onduct day t o day opera ti ons during the pro j ect l eade rs a bsence . 0-19 June 10,1983 (2)Rationale Because of the large and varied support requirements of the RJ proj ect,a coordinat ing sub-proj ect s e ction is r equired to e nsure cons istency in the handling of the various el ements listed above. (3)Procedure One crew Jf tw o biol ogists will coordinate the above ac t ivit ies and will be assisted by a th ird b i c l cq i s t ,This c rew will be l oc ated in An chorage. Me t ho ds em ployed by t his gr oup are di scussed fu rther in th e fY8 3 Procedures Manu al . 0 -20 AlTAC HflENT 0 - 1 RESID ENT ANDJ UVEN IL E ANAORO MO US FISH ERI ES PROJECT li ne 10 0 -Per sonal Se rv i ces PC N Clas s Gr ade MIl Cost 420 4 FB II 16 12 46.0 4201 FB II 16 12 45.9 4200 FB II 16 12 45.9 420 5 FB II 16 3 11.3 4206 FB II 16 12 44.6 419 8 FB II 16 12 44 .7 41 97 FB 1111 16 12 43.0 4702 FB I 14 12 41.7 41 99 FB I 14 12 40.3 4212 FB I 14 9 29.2 42 15 FB I 14 7.5 24.4 1769 FB I 14 7.5 24.4 Subto ta l 441.4 line 200 - Travel and Ppr Di em 8.1 line 300 -Contract ual Services 69.B li ne 400 - Commodities 70.6 Grand Total 589.9 0-21 J une 10,19 83 June 10,1983 ATTA CHMENT £ -AQUATIC HABI TAT ANO INSTRENI FLOW 1.Ba ckg rou nd Th e c bject tve s of the revi sed st udi es pr oposed for fY84 (1 983 -84)are based o n co rrmen ts r ec eiv ed from Har za -Ibe sco Sus t tne Joi nt Ve nture. The original propo sal s ubmit ted in e arly March was ba sed on a r ev iew and com pa ri son of the information coll ected during the Ha2 and HS3 field seaso ns.fERC and agency draft Exhibit E con~n t s s ub mit ted to the APA.and comme nts fr om Ha rza·[basco Susitna Joint Venture and other agencies. Th e FY84 prog ram is specifica ll y designed to ev a luate the sev en ha b itat t ypes associated wi th t he Su si tna River (F igure E·1 )r ather than placi ng an emp hasis solely on si de sl oughs as was done du ri ng FY82 a nd FY83. Attent ion is given to de fini ng the re la tionship between various l e vels of matnstem discharge and the habitat potent ia l of matnstem,side channel, slough.tributary mo uth and tributary habitats,with part icular att ention given towa rds tdent Hyi 09 the i nfl uences of I1litf nst ern dtscha rge 1ess than 8,000 cfs and greater than 32,000 cfs. Aquatic Habitat and tnstr.am Flow (AM)studies were in lttated in FY8l (1981-82)to c haracte rize the s easonal habitat requi rements of s el ected a nad romo us and r es id ent fish spec ies pres ent in the various a quatic h~bitats of the Susi toa River basin.Obj e cti ves during FY82 in cluded: £-1 Fi9ure E-l r • Jun e 10.1983 Fi gure E-1.Gene ra 1 habi ta t ceta gori es of th e Sus U na River -a conceptual jiagl'am (adapted fr om AE1DC 1182;Trih ey 1982) QI"II ....-11 ~!...Y'!!.I!!!..I!.~._Il!'..!~_\!I"~.!!I II ........,_._01.,._..u ..,......._u ',\.0. 11 ,, ......'"I,i".;..;;-.,-"••••fl_""__1 I'",.,11 ••1., _,,_.., ".,.u __,.,,_... ,.,,11__-._Ii.1 , II 11 ......1 "...._,~.._", _u 'n, ........... ......,••.,...,1.."11 •__u ••_•. ...h'11,,.,_I I ~1••",• •~I ".I fi n ,,"I ,11 ,••••1._ .1 1 '100._, ,,_, ",........_._,.,~I_1 ,',11 ·.......~"._fl ___••"",'.11 _,,~"'h _1.""••fIrc-'_'.......,-,_-..,.-.. n ,(._1 •••",_','100,.,,,. ....""'".-0 1.•-"_,.., _--- .........11 ,"'1_II...,_1 'u ,...,,.11 ,•..,11 ,_"._h _.1,",,_"""w."_,"II ",u':',..-.tH .,..•1 '.,_••1....I'",......,~t ~......S'"e...._1 ".._.1,• ••,._,,.,..11,1_,t'"_.._'.',...\1'....'.....1... ••,,_eO ,,I ,II 1..""....Jro"_......u .\,_1_II , ,,11_·_.••.,_•.•I t '..__"_..u~.."''''~..."'l '''~'•1".,,,. ••~'"t":•••• ,~,,~•••n _1.'",. ....H.,.,-,"_"'~,..•·t _h .'... 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",I ~U "\00 1"'",~.,_1 ••f ,,~.'" ,"~,,t ..·.·.__I ..".~".,,~ ._t "..:I.'~,u ,....n_. ...~::;:.~.!..1..1;.,. :..-:'~~~::.~-,~.,~~'::'.:..;;:;T~~:...:::..::~ ......,.,_,,11..,,'''''t''''''.,''''." ••,"11""".,.,._.1 .,.',1.'~1 ,........I ......,1'18 '..,.........',........,""'10''"__.,.._'''u...'_"'_1. I .',·._••n .'I.~_·~n .,,,,,• •"",-•••;..,;,.-1....'_:..n r._11 11 . .....,.....,....."'.,_..,...,_. .••,......I ""c••.-.'"....._'""..,,..•.t .~11 .."..t ,, .,,,_.•..:,!Co _."'~'''••_If ~...._...-.. .lune 10, 1983 A.ide nt ifying t he rang es of se lec te d hab ita t c harac te ri stics util ized by fish in the study ar ea; B.i dent ifying the seaso nal re lat ionships betwee n mainstem d ischarge and t he phys ica l an d chemical cha ra cteri s tics of se lec ted f ish habitats ;and . c.id entifyin g the s easonal relationships betwc~~~linstem d ischarge and general fish dist ribution and abundanc e. Studi es downstream o f Dev il Canyon we re primarily foc used on the r each of rive r b~t we e n Ta lk eetna and Dev il Canyo n with emphas is pl aced on se lected s lough habi tat s.Res ults of the fY8 2 i nvestig a tions i ndic ated th at ma instem d isc harge i nfl uencea bo th th e i lMl i grat ion of ad ult sa lmo n to s lo ughs and t he over a ll ava ila bi lity of spawni ng habitat within slou ghs. Insuffi ci ent data however,were coll ected to quantify th ese fi ndings. Resul ts a nd find ings of th ese a nd o ther s tudies are s umm arized in t he AOF&G Phase I Aquatic Stud ie s Progr am Report. Impoun dment area s tudies were also initi ated in FY82 to id entify bas eline phy sical and c hem ical character is t ics of fi sh habitats which would be i nu ndated by t he r ese rvoirs,with the objec t ive of quan ti fying the amo unt of res id ent fi sh habitat to be lost.Baseline i nformation on r esident fish habi tat in ma jor tr ibu tarie s lo cated within the bou ndaries of t he proposed impoundme nts was collec ted and analyzed. A surrma ry tJf the r esults ts presented in the AOF&G Phase I Aqua t ic Stud ies Program Report. E-3 June 10,1983 During rYS3 (1 98 2-83).Aquat ic Habitat a nd Instream Fl ow in ve stiga ti ons d own s t reem of Devil Canyon were primarily f ocused on a furth er ev aluat ion a nd q ua ntifi c ati on of the influences that mainstem dis charge has on the access ibil ity.availabil ity and utili zation of fish habitats within sl oughs.A be tte r u nde rs land i 09 of the r e 1a ti o nsblps be tween rn a i ns t ern di scharge a nd t he hydr auli c c her ec t er i s t i cs of s ide sl oughs was ob tai ned f or main stem fl ows ranging fr om 8 ,000 to 32 ,000 c fs (as r e cord ed at the U.S. Geol ogical Survey gaging stati on at Gold Creek).This information was used to e valuate and quantify th e r elati onship bet wee n th ese mains tem di sch arges and t he a ccessib il i ty ,availability and utilization of s lough h abi tats f or s almon s paw ning.A s tudy was al so initiated in sele cted side s loughs in the l at ter part of 1982 t o inve st igate t he in cub ation phase of sal mon.These s tud ie s are currently in progress. '."...-........ .._.-.-._....,..0...;•.. -.._...7"-_..•_ .FY83 studi es were al so initiat ed in the mainst em ri ver between Cool(Inlet and Devil Canyon to e valuate eul a chcn,Bering cisco and s almon spawning habitat.The form er two s pecies we re obs erved to use the mainst em as their pri mary sp awning habitat whereas sa l mo n were only found to s pawn in the mainstem at isolated l ocati ons. Baseline water quality,surfa ce and intra gravel water t e mpe rature and st ag e/dis ch arge d ata were also obtained at s el ect ed main stem. s ide ch annel, sl ough and tributary sites from Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon. The range of ma i nst ern di scha rge valu es e xpe ri enced dur fng the FY83 fi e1d se ason were r educed wh en c ompared to histori cal 30 -year main stem dis ch arge.Th erefore, the full range of mainstem fl ows no rmally ex pec ted during an open water sea son were not evaluated.It was f ound however,tha t:for the range of E-4 June 10, 1983 mai nstem fl ow s fr om 8 ,000 to 30,000 c fs ,the r elat ion ship between water s:J r fa ~e el evat ion en d ma i ns te m di s charge is r el at ively well d efined at var i ous ma i nstem lo cat ions be t ~c e n Talkeetna and Devil Canyon. A baselin e study of t he st age/di scharge charact er i sti cs a t tw o s ide channel s ites downstream o f Talk eetna was al so init iat ed t o id entify th e degree of infl uence that vari ati ons in main st em dis charge have on a ccess to known sp awning areas in th e Coo k Inl et to Talkeetna r iver r each.Data f r om this study i s c urrently in t he proces s of be i ng a na lyzed. Compl ete f indi ng s of the FY83 l ower Ri ver Studies are s ummar ized in Volume 4 of the Phase II Bas ic Dat a Re po rt. Impoundment s tud ie s were expanded du ring H83 to in clu de ha bitat evaluations in a one mil e r each ups tream of the p ropo-sed i mpoun dment boun dari es in t he s even st udy tri bu t ari es,a general habit at evaluation of Sa l ly l ake a nd a p rel im inary eva luat ion of sa lmo n habi tat in t wo tr ibuta ri es (Chinook and Cheechako creeks ). A s tudy of grayling spawning habitat wa s a lso ini ti at ed.Due t o in suffi ci ent information on t he ti ming and l ocati ons of grayl i ng spaw ning ac t ivit ies i n i mpoundment t r ibutaries t his s tudy was limi ted by our abil ity to coordinate sa mpl ing wi th s pawn ing eve nts. Ccrspl e te findings of the FY83 Impoundm ent Studies are sunma r i zed in Volume 5 of t he Phase 11 Ba si c Data Report. 11.FY84 Progr am Obje cti ves and Wo rk Plan A work pl an has bee n developed whi ch pa rtiti ons FY8 4 objec t ives into two sub-p rog ram e leme nts: Fish Ha bitat Studies (FH S).a nd I nst r eam Flow E-S June 10';"1983 Evalu ations (IFE).A third s ub-program element,Quality Assurance and labora~ory Op erations (QUAlO).s upports the overall AH and RJ habitat data col lecti on progra ms. Speci fic data coll ection methods and sampling designs us ed in the co tt eet t en of the basic data to me et FY84 objec t ives a re outlined in t he FY 82 a nd FYS3 p roc edures man ua ls .Any sp ec ifi c data collec tion me thods a nd sampli ng designs not out li ned in the se d ocuments will be p res ent ed in the FY 84 procedu re s ma nual a nd are bri efly de scribed in this proposa 1. As ma ny of t he objectives c lose ly coincide wi th th e objec tives of the Adult An adror ;J S and Res i dent and Ju vent 1e Anadr omous Fi sh I nv es t i ga ti ORS I a11 of t he w or~will be c losely coo rdinated using comm on re sources to mee t common ..--'--obj eCt h~"¥s :"The a n'aTYsiS -oroa t a"tf lal-wilT -add n i ss':i:·t he·-obj e c t l ve s....Wll1 -~" also r ecu i r-e data coll ected by other pr ojects within the study t eam.The field ","ork program is designed to in clude pro per l ogistics to insure all needed ~!ta is coll ected. A.Fish Ha bi tat St udi es -Slough. Side Chan nel .Tributary r~o uth . Tributary.and Main stem Habitat Studies 1.Slough Habitat Studies a.Objective Evaluate.and if possible.quantify the r elationship between ma fns tem dhcharge and the availability and .. • June 10,1983 utilization of s lough habi tats f or pa ssage ,spawning, inc ubation,and rearing (see RJ plan of study)of anadromous and r esident fi sh . b.Rat ionale Based on data ob tained d uri ng H82 and H83 studies , the discharge in t he mainstem a pp ears to influ ence the a va il abi li t y and utilization of sl ough habitats for passage,s pawning.incubation.and r earing of anadromo us a nd res id ent fis h.The operation of t he pr oposed hydr oe l e ctric pr oj ect wi ll l ikel y alte r t he flow c haracteri st ics of th e mafns tem fr om those which are naturally occurring .For th ese r easons.it is ne ces sary to eva lua te. and if pos sible quan t ify,the effects of ma f nstem di sc harge o n these a spe cts of the fishery resource.Info rmation from these studi es wi ll be needed f or impact a nd mi tigation ass essments . c.Pr oc edures One three person c r ew will complete a study begun in FY83 to e valuate, an d if possibl e,quanti fy the r elati onshi p betwee n mains tem discharge and t he avail abi li ty an d uti lization o f slou gh habitats fo r pa s sage ,spawnin g,inc ubatio n,a nd r earin g o f anadromous and residen t fis h.Progres s t owards mee t i ng [-7 I J une 10.1!183 this objec t ive d ud ng fY B3 was 1 im ited due to the 1:>w flow co nd it ions of the mainstern ri ver during t he 1982 open wa ter field se ason.It i s hoped tha t data can be c oll ect ed du ring FY84 to better eva lua te ';he re l a tio nsh i p be twee n t he ava il a b il ity an d uti1 i zat ion of s l ough habit at s to ma inst em dis cha rge at hig1er d ischarges.Speci fic data col l ect ion me thods and s ampli ng de si gns used i n the co llection o f this c ata a re s unm er t ze d in the FYa2 a nd FY 8 3 Pr oc e du res Manua ls and Vol ume 4. Part II ~f t he Ph as e II Ba sic Data Report . Comput er anal ysis t e chniques to be us ed in the ana l ysis of hydraul ic data cons i s t ing of In ~t re am Flow Gr oup 4 (IFG-4) typ e comp ute r mode l l ing i s de scribed in th e above docu me nt s and t he Fishery Ha bi tat Relati ons hips Report.Sl oughs t o be {nves ti q.rted duri ng FY84 wil l be Sloughs BA,g, and 21.Ope rat 'ons will be based a t Slough 9 and Go ld Cre ek Camps. 2. Side Chann el Hab itat Studies a.Objectiv e Evaluate ,and i f possi ble,quant i fy th e re lation s t ip betwee n ma i ns t em d isc harge a nd t he ava il a b il f ty and uti liz at ion of si de cha nne l habita ts for passa ge, spawning, in cubat ion,and r ea ring (s ee RJ plan )f s tudy)of anadr omou s and res ide nt f ish. E-8 June 10.1983 b.Rationa le Based on data ob tai ned during FY82 a nd FY S3 s tud ies. th e di scharge in the mainstem app ears to inf lu ence the avail ability and util ization of sl ough habitats for passage .s pawning ,incuba tio n.and r eari ng of ... . e ne drceous and r e siden t fis h.The ope r at io n o f th e proposed hydr oel ectric proj ec t wi ll like ly alte r th e fl ow ch aracte r is tic s o f the main stem fr om th ose wh ich are nat ura ll y occu r ri ng. For t hes e r e as ons,it is neces sary to e va luate,a nd if poss ibl e q uant ify, t he effec ts of ma i nst em d isc ha rge o n t he se a sp ect s of the fishe ry r esou rce.I nfor ma ti on from th e s e s t ud ies will be needed f or i mpact and mit igat ion assessme nts• ......--_.- c.Procedures One t hree person crew will in itiate a s tudy s imilar to the s l ough habitat studies in s ide channe l habi t ats. Similar methods and da ta analysis t echniques will be e mp loyed as were us ed in the study of s loughs d uring FY8 3. Si de channe ls to be i nvesti gated will i nclude the s ide c hannels be low Sl oughs 21 and 11 .Op e ra t ions wil l be based a t Slough 9 and Gold Cr eek ca mps . 3. Tr ib utary Mouth Habitat Studi e s E-9 June 10,1983 a .Objectiv e Evaluate,a nd if possible,quantify the utilization and availabil i ty o f tributary mo u th habitats f or sa lmon spawn ing,holding,and passage at various combina tions of mai ns te mand tribu t ary di scha rges. b.Ra tio nale Bas ed on l imit ed data obtai ned during the FY 82 a nd FY83 fie ld seasons.tributa ry mo ut h/ma i nst em con fl uenc e zones have been i denti fied as bein g i mporta nt sp awn ing o r rearing habita ts for chu m,pink ,chin ook .a nd coho s almon and provi de r e aring habita t f or r esi den t fi sh. Pre 1 imina ry data s ugge s t t hat the di scharge o f t he mafn stem appears to i nfluence the availability and ut il i zation of tri butary mou th habitat for s a lrr~n spawning and r eari ng a nd r esid ent f is h r ea ring. The operation of t he proposed hydroelectric proj ect will 1ik ely r esult in altered fl ow reg i mes of the ma instem from th ose naturally occurring. For thi s r e ason,it is imp ortant to identi fy,evaluate, and if poss ible, qua nti fy the e ffec ts of ma instemd ischarge on these a spec ts of t he f ishery re sourc e.I nfo rm at ion f rom these stud ies wi l l be needed f or i mpac t and mi t iga tion asses smen ts. E-10 June 10.1983 c.Procedures A study will be i nit iated in FY8 4 to ev alua te ,a nd if possible ,quant ify t he uti l iza tion and ava ilabil ity of t rib uta ry mo uth habitats f or sa lmo n spawn ing a nd at vari ous l evels of ma i nstem a nd tri but ary di scha rge.At eac h s tudy site,data will be coll ected f or avai lab le and uti lized habitat conditions ove r various l evels of ma fnstem and tributary di scharge .Data to be collec ted wi ll include: (1)avai lable and utili zed su bst ra tes; (2 )avai lable a nd ut i lized water depths a nd , veloc ities; (3)available and uti1 fzed surface an d i ntragrav e1 wat er t e mpe r atur es;a nd, (4) l ocati ons of wet ted perimeters,mixing zones, pools ,upwe l li ng areas , and riffles a nd the dis t ri bution of f ish i n t hese areas. These data will th en be used to de tenmine hab itat cond i t ions which a re av a il able and ut11 i zed at va rious l evels of ma ins tem a nd tributary di sch arg es.Data will be analyzed u sing techniques similar to t hose in c orpor ated in the preliminary a nalys is of s lough habita t data duri ng FY83 E-II June 10,1983 outlined i n th e fi sherie s Habita t Rela ti onships Report and FY82 a nd FY83 Pr ocedur es Manu a ls .I FG or HE e-II t y re of c omput er mo dell ing analyses will no t be a ttempted with t hese d at a. Tri bu t ary mo ut hs to be studied will the mo uths of Fourt h of Ju ly and l ane Creeks and possibl y Indian River. 4.Tributary Habita t Studies a.Objec ti ve I dentify and eval ua te the ran ges of habi tat cond i ti ons uti lized f or s almon spawnin g in se lected t ributa ries • ....._._.-..__._---•..__..~----.._.-._.....-.•-_...._-. b.Rationa le To pr event the proj ect f r om re sult ing in a n ove ra ll l oss of f ish habitat,it mu st be dete rm ined wh ether alte rnate hab itats will be a va il able to r epla ce those which are lost .Adjust ment of f low r egula tions ,should therefore be evaluated fo r pro viding th e opportu nity to crea te re place me nt habitat s i n sl ough,ma l ns tem,a nd side c hannel habita ts a How eve r ,in o rd er to ident ify the potent ial of th ese habitats to r epl ace o ther habit at.s l ost.it is necess ary to first e valuate the r anges of physi cal a nd chemical c harac ter ist ic s a ssociated with ha bitats c urren t ly ut il i zed by fish. E-IZ J une 10,1983 This proc ess is currentl y being,or proposed to be, don e i n sl ough,side channel ,tributary mou th, tributary,and mainstem habi tat s. c.Pr ocedures --. A study will be initiated in FY84 to id entify and evaluate the ranges of habitat conditions utilized in tributary habitats fo r s al mon s pawnin g.\~ater depth and veloci ty,substrate comp s i t ion ,and intragrav el a nd s urface wa t er tem perature data will be col lec ted at areas util ized f or s a lm on s pawning.Th ese data will be analyzed using t echnique s simi lar t o thos e incorporated in the prel iminary analysis of sal mon spawning u tD r iafion -da-t~l''-f ,ir -S lougns-'du'i-fng -FYS3";'"These- pro cedures are outlined in the FY82 and FY83 Procedures Manua ls and the Fishe ry Ha bitat Rel a tionshi ps Repor t . ••"+!-r---..........."-_,.•~...-............,_....__ Trib utaries to be i nv esti gate d will be t he upper reache s of Portage Creek,Indian Riv er,Fourth of J uly Creek, and lane Creek. This study will be conducted by the Assistant Project l eader and th e FH S Sub-proj ect Leader with assistance from othe r per sonnel as required. 5.Mai nstem Habi tat Studi es E-1 3 ....:.... June lO. 1983 a.Objective Continue to e valuate mains te m habitats utilized by salmon for sp awning and the influ ences of mains tem di s charge on th ese habitats. b.Ra ti ona1e During FY82 a nd FY83 studi es.s ma ll numbers o f s a lmo n have been obs erved to utilize the mainstem for s pawning.Limited habitat data have been coll e cted at th ese mains t em sites.Th ese data a re i mportant to gain a basis for determining the habitat c onditi ons that are us able for s pawning by salmon in the mains tem.This i nformation can be used to e valuate whether or not ex ist ing habitat conditi ons will be r educed by altered fl uw r egimes r esult ing fr om the prop osed hydroe1e ctri c project or whether altered fl ow re gi mes c an in crea se the avail ability of a reas having the se habitat c onditions. c.Proc edures Mains tem habitats utilized by salmon for spawning will be inv e sti gated using speci.fic data c o ll ect ion methods and sa mpling designs which are pr e sented in the FY83 Pro c edures Manual and Volume 4 of the Phase II Basic Data Rep ort.Only sites that are located in E-14 June 10. 1983 conjunction with o ther study programs will be i nvest igated. This study will be cond ucted by the Ass ista nt Proj ect l eader and the FH S Sub ·project l eader with assistance f rom o ther personnel a s requi red. B. I nstre am Flow Evaluati ons I.Objective Co nt inue to i dentify and e valuate the ba se l ine hydrol ogi cal (s tage/di s charge)a nd wa ter qua li ty (surface a nd intra grave l wate r temperatu re,pH, di s solved oXjg en.specific conductanc e a nd turbidity) c har acte r ist ics of ma instem.s ide channel .s lo ug h. and ..n .....•---...~.•-..".••-•........fi-i but.a ry'hab t ta t"s --and -e va 1uate ..t'he=-i nfl ueric es'.tha t ... main stem discharg e ha s on the se ba~elin e characteri s tics . 2.Rati onale Base line hydrological and water qu al ity cha rac te r istics of ma instem,s ide cha nnel , sl ough and tr ibu tary habitats and their rel ati onship to ma instem di sch arge a re r equired t o suppo rt t he evalua tion of fi sh habi tat avail abi lity and uti lizati on.Thi s informat ion is also of value f or ca li bra ti ng hydraul ic a nd t empe r ature mo dels used f or impa ct and mitig ation analyse s. [-IS June 10,1983 3.Proc edu res Tw o crews of tw o bio logis ts will c oll ect hydrolog ical and wa ter qual ity da ta at a r ange of di scharge levels using data collec tion me thods and samp l ing desi gns used in the co l l ection of s imil ar data dur ing rYB 3.These me thod s a nd t e chnique s are su rnna ri ze d i n the FY82 a nd FY83 Pr ocedures Manuals a nd Volu me 4 ,Part I of the Phase I t Basic Dat a Re po rt .Se l ec t ed tr i buta ries,s loughs,s ide c ha nne l and mainstem site s in th e Ta lkeetna to De vil Ca ny on r e ach will be s t udi e d. Opera ti ons will be based at Tal ke e tna and Go ld Creek Camps. C.Qu a l i t y Assurance a nd l aboratory Operations I.Obj ectiv e Assi st the other AH s ub-pro ject e lements in s upport opera t ions such as ass uring qu ality control , coordina t ing da ta r educti on,catago r izat ion a nd data trans f er,provi di n9 1abora to ry support ,e qui pme nt calibrati on,and r epair for AH and RJ ha bi tat ins trume nts. 2. Rati onale Becaus e of the l arge a nd vari ed s uppo rt r eq ui r eme nts of t he AH p roject .a coordina ti ng su b-projec t e l eme nt is E-16 ·... Ju ne 10, 1983 r equired to e nsure consi stency in data co l lect ion, laborato ry ana l yses methods a nd data r eduction, a nd transfer . 3 . Proced ur e One crew of two biologi sts wi ll c oordinate the above ac tivit ie s. The c rew will be l oc ated in Ancho rag e. Methods e mp loyed by th is grou p are def ined i n the FY82 and H83 Pr ocedures 1l,anual.Thts crew also acts as a back -up crew in cas e of e mergency or a s othe rw ise ca lled upon,by t he other s ub -pr oj e ct e l eme nts. E-17 June 10, 1983 ATT ACHI1ENT E-1 AQUATIC HA8 1TAT AN D I NSTREAM FLOW Lin e 100 .Per s ona l Se rvices PC rl Cl ass Grade MM Cos t 4211 FB 11 16 12 46.0 4208 FB II 16 12 44.6 4213 FB 1 14 10 32.5 4196 FB 11 16 12 47.6 4207 'FB II 16 3 11 .5 4126 FB I 14 12 40.3 42 17 FB I 14 10 33.6 41 Bo FB I 14 11 36.9 4116 FB I 14 7 22 .8 41 95 FB II 16 12 46.0 4231 FB I 14 12 39 .0 4209 FB I 14 8 26 .9 41 B6 FB I 14 8 29.7 4101 FB I 14 9 30.2 4210 FB I 14 B 26.9 4230 FB I 14 12 39.0 4214 FB I 14 9 30.2 41Bl FB I 14 10 32.5 4249 FT III 11 6 16.B _........~-:.:...,....:-..-.-.--.~6 3 3 .o·.......Subtotal li ne 200 •Travel and Pe r Di em Line 300 -Contractual Services l ine 400 - Commoditi es *.See Attachment G f or rema ining 9 mm. E-1B 6.7 78.0 77.2 Gra nd Total 794.9 ACC[SS AND TRAN5M I SS IDN(!) CORRIDOR HAS ITAT !.Tu DI [ S I••II-,eM .,or <D DU A l ITY A SSURANCE A N D L A 80RATORY OP£R ATIONS I 'I ll' ''''''.itO . ,.I .",..4 1t ~ FLO W PROJ ECT TAB l.E OF ORGA NIZATION 'Y 114 AQ UATIC H A BIT AT A ND IN ST REAM PROJE CT L EADER fa I Il· PCN 4 192 I .~~S~S :I S~I~A~N~I~PlRO~J~E~C~I~L:E~A~D~E:B:",_i~~~~~~~~fd~,.n-'eN 'UII H ARZA IN S f A(AM J'L OW ..------------- HYDRAU l. IC E NGI NEE R .., o-'" FI SH INSTREAM "U oP'"4 '1' '1 11'KIl41 0rIDr=i----, "I_I'(N .,"",''''"4 11 0,...~.111 '''-PC''.'1' (!)~.;.l II."u .~. (!),.......•,.,.,•• ......•••T _c t'I ... ,••"....,•• •It ••I .I';••~·~~~~.I )_I . (!)s......'I to ,,."••"l"t N',"11 ....U'$.,n It I"...... ,.".....,It ••,.,. 'I "'e,,,,2)1,.I -I"CN .,0 . 'I "'eN 4" 1 fl ""'"4 '0 1'I "'e"4.14nlll' il'CN .,., -o-'"e . June 10,1983 ATTAC HMENT F -ANA OROM OUS AOU LT FI SHERI ES PROJECT I. Baclr gr ound Th e fir st ye ar (1 981)of Adult Anadr omo us In ve sti gati ons were co nduc ted in conj unc tio n wi th the fo l low i ng gene ral ob jec tive: Determin e ti ming,di stri buti on and re la tive abundanc e o f th e adult anadromo us f ish pop ula tion wit hin the ba sin t hat wou ld be affe cted by Sus itna Ri ver hydr o e 1ec trie deve l opment . Ope ra ti ons i n 1 981 su ccess fully docu mented sockeye,pink.c hum a nd co b l s al mon esc a pement l eve ls,ti ming and s tock c hara cte ris t ics at f our ma in cha nnel l ocat ions:(1)Yen tna Sta tion (RM 04)on th e Yent na River (RM 28): (2)Sunsh ine St at ion (RM 8 0);(3 )Talk e etna Statio n (RM 103)and; (4)Cu r. ' St ation (RM 120).The 1981 ope ra ti on at Susitna Sta t ion (RM 26)wa s not s uc ces sful in e stabl ish ing t otal escape me nt nu mb ers but did pro vide s pe cies timing infonmation and age,l ength and sex com position data.Additional 1981 investigations es tabl ished previously unconfirmed spawning by salmon 1n ma in channel,s lough and tributary stream habitats be tween Talkeetna and Devil Cany on and mi l l ing of s a l mo n in l ower De vil Canyon.A quant it ative presentati on of these and o ther fi ndings we re provided in Phase I,Final Oraft Re port ,Ad ul t An adro mau s Pr ojec t,ADF&G/Su Hyd ro,1981. Stud!es in 1982 c ontinued at the s am e l evel as in 1981. but includ ed in vesti- gations of e ulachon and Bering c isco s pecies.and assess ment of ma in channel chin ook s almon es capeme nt .ti ming and stock characteri sti cs at and abo ve RH F-I June 10,1983 80.Base line data on ma in ch anne l esca pe me nt numb e rs .di st ribut ion,timing a nd stock c haract erist ics we re suc ces sfully ob taine d in 1982 at r entna , Sunshine ,Ta lk e etna and Curry stat ions.As in 1981.operatio ns at Sus it na Stat ion we re l es s suc c es sful.Some i mpo rta nt 1982 findings were:(a ) ad d it io na l s a l mo n s pawn i ng are as i dentifi ed in ma in c ha nne l Sus itna River abov e RM 103. (b)chinook sal mon s pawning loca ted i n De vi l Canyon r e a ch.(c) a f irst ru n s ock eye s a lmon populat ion iden ti fie d ups tream of RM 8 0,(d)a s t ock s epar a ti o n a na l ysi s which f ndi ce t ed tha t sock eye s a lmon are eithe r unsuc ces sfu l ly produced a bove RM 98 .6 o r fry sp aw ned above RM 98 .6 r ear be low RM 98 .6 ,a nd (e)two e ula chon r u ns wh ich s paw n i n the ma in channe l bel ow RM 48 .0.A co mp le t e p res enta t ion of 1982 a dult anadromous findings we re pr ovided i n Vol ume 2 , First Draft Phas e II 1982 Adult Anadromous Fisheries St udi es ,ADF&G/Su Hydro ,1983. The FY83 Ad u 1t Anad r omo us pr ogram pr oposed herei n wa s deve l oped a fte r a r evie w o f 1981 a nd 1982 project s r e sults.assessme nt of agenc y corrrne nts the draft Exhibi t E an d i nput o f the AP A and Ha rza-Ebas co Susi tna J oint Ventu re . The FVa 3 p r og r am i s des igned to opera te mo r e effi ci ently ,at l e ss o perational cos t a nd with a cl o ser f ocus o n the s almon production in the Talk e etna to Up pe r Dev il Canyon r each than in pr ~vious y e ars . II General 198 3 (FY8 4)Pr ogram Obje ctives A.Prov ide a t hird y ea r of sa l mo n e scape me nt eva lua tio n to Susi tna River bas in to s ubs t anti ate pr odu ctio n and be tween y ea r vari ab il ity wi thi n sub r eaches o f the rive r wit h principal E~p h a s i s o n t he Tal ke etna to u pper De vi l Canyon r ea ch. F-2 June 10,1983 B.Define where s a lmo n s pawn ing occurs upstream of RM 98.6 in cluding s lough,st rea m,and ma in c ha nne l hab itats . c.Define e xt ent and ti ming of salmo n use of l ower De vil Canyon. Th e rationa le behi nd th ese objec ti ves are: The Susit na River s uppor ts majo r commercia l and r ecreat ional anadromou s f ish popul at i ons a nd a s ind i cated by t he FERC in th eir List of defici encies,Dr aft Sus it na Ap pl ica tio n Exhibit E under 3. FI SH AN O WI LOLIFE AND BOT ANTI CAL RESOU RCES.No . 1.it wi ll be necessa ry to "(1 escribe the e xist ing an adromo us and s 31mo nid fi shery r esour ces in t he 5u5ftn a River between the pro pose d dam site s an d Talkeetna (po pul at ion e sti mates ). Furth er,q uant ify the p roject re lated r educt ions in habit at r equired f or succes sful reproducti on a nd ma int ena nce o f th e se popula t ions and e st im a t es of a ny popu la ti on l osses --'- proj ected.an d t he e ffect ive ness of mitiga t ion me asur es propose d t o offs et t hese l osse s." Ob jecti ve A will f orm the basis for quan tifying escap eme nt into the Sus ft na Ri ver system t o mo ni t o r and provide informatio n on one c omp le te l ife cycle of a nadromous fi sh populations.Objecti ves Band C will provide fu ndamental info nnation on fi sh mi grat ion, beh avior.ti ming,and sp awning to support the defi nit ion o f post project im pac ts f rom f low,wate r quali ty ch anges wh ich are es s e ntial to des cribe r e quired mi tigation. F-3 June 10, 1983 III Work Plan A.Main Channel Escapement Sampl ing 1.Objecti ve De fi ne Susitna Riv er s almon e sca peme nt through one conti guous life cycle (S y ears)and as sess contri bu ti on of s pawn ing po pula t ion upst ream of RM 98.6 to t otal Sus itna River produc tion. 2 .Ra t iona le Th e two pre viou s yea rs (1981 and 1982 )of data do not provide a c~m p l e t e assessme nt of anad romo us fi sh produ ction in t he Susi t na Ri ver drai nage.A full 1ife cycle (5 ye ars) s hould be mo nitore d to accurately de fin e vari ab il ity in escapeme nts and resource value. 3.Pr ocedure a.Esca pement mo nitoring Monilor es cape me nt at f our stati ons (Figure F-l) acc ording to t he f o ll owing sc hedule for the c a lendar years o f 1983 a nd 1984. F-4 Ju ne 10.1 83 Fi9u rc F-I Y (HTHA OEVIL CA.H YO H I S1A flO H ST ATIO H Fi gure F-l Su sitna River ba s ~n m4 p s howing field stations a nd major streams. Adu l t Anadro mou s Fishe ri es Project.Su Hyd ro St udies.1983. F-S Yent na Stat ion Sun shine Sta ti on Tal keetna Statio n Cu rry Sta t i on 1 9 8 3 7/1 -9/5 7/1 - 9/1 0 7/1 -9/1 2 7/1 -9/14 June 10,198 3 1 9 8 4 7/1 -9/5 6/4 -7/1 6/7 - 7/1 6/10 -7/1 Ope rat ions pr oposed a t the f our stati ons a re i nt ended t o provide a perspec ti ve o f contribu ti on and va lue of anad romou s fi sh escape me nt above RM 98.6 to t ota l bas i n pr odu ct i on.Secondari ly, the s tati ons a re s ited to pr ovide a seco nd leve l che ck of e scape · ment nu mbe rs be t wee n sta ti ons . Sp ecies inve stiga tions wi ll be as f oll ow s: (1 )Chin ook Sa lmo n Ch inook s a l mo n wi ll be interce pt ed by fishwhee ls a t Suns hine,Ta lk eetna and Curry s tat i ons and rel eased wi t h Pet ersen dis c o r Flay FT -4 t ags.Ta g r ecov eri es wil l be ma de at ups tr eams tat io ns and duri ng s pawning gr oun d s u rveys in t he Chulitna River a nd Tal keetna River draina ges. (2)Sockey e ,Pink,Chum,and Coho Sa lmo n Es capement wi ll be assessed by s ide sca n s onar (SSS) gear a t Yentna Stat ion,and by Petersen ma rk and r eca pture me thod at F-6 J un e 10,198 3 Suns hine,Talke etn a an d Cu rry s tat ions.Si te opera tion of SSS so na r and fishwh ce l gear will be a s p re s ented i n Volume 2,First Draft,Phase II 1982 Adult An adromous Fi sherie s St udi es,AOF&G/Su Hydro 1983. B.Spa wni ng Surveys/ma in chann el ,streams and sl ough s 1.Ob ject ive Define whe re s a l mo n s pawning occ urs above RM 98.6 and t o what exte nt . 2.Rati on ale 5us ftna Ri ve r ups tream of RM98.6 wi ll be subj ec t t o cha ng~~ It is necessa ry to defin e whe re sp awnin g is occ urring and to what ex tent for purpose s i mp act a s se ss ment and mit igat ion. A fu ll l if e cycle of mo nito ri ng (5 y e ars )is neces sary in our opinion, to cl ea rly defi ne r esource valu es and concern s. 1983 s urveys wou ld be the third con tinuous y e ar of s urvey wo rk. 3.Proc edure Ground su rvey all know n a nd suspec ted anadromo us fish sp aw ning s lough s an d strea m h abit ats wil l be co nduct ed a s c l ose to week ly as poss ib le f rom Augu st 7 to Oct ober 7. F-7 June 10,1983 Sloughs will be surveyed in their e nt irety and i ndividual streams will be surveyed from the confluence with the Susitna River to a predetermined distance upstream. Excepti ons are Indian River and Porlage Creek which are to be surv eyed in entirety. C.Stream Li fe 1.Obj ec tive Quantify sockeye and c hum salmon e scapement into slough habitats up stream of RM 98.6. 2.Rati onale Total escapeme nt fnto slough habitats is unknown. Currently,peak c ounts provide an index of production.It is apparent that a significant portion of early spawning slough fish are not c ounted when peak survey counts are effected nor are any late (entering)spawning fish.8y a sses sing mean stream lffe of chum and sockeye salmon.total escapement into sl ough habitats can be calculated from survey count data.This study would provide quantification of sl ough s pawning salmon to accurately define their value and the level of mitigation that may be r equired. F-8 June 10,1983 3. Procedure At Curry St a tion,all f ishwheel in tercepted chum and so ckeye sal mon a re to be tagged with Peterse n disc tags with large numbers t hat will be r eadable f rom 20 f eet with t he naked eye . Fi sh tagg ed at Curry Stata ion and i ntering s loug h~II, 9,SA ,a nd g ous e will be mo n it o re d eve r y th i rd da t f rom th e f irs t day of observed pr esence t o the la st day of obse rve d 1 'i f e , Es ca pement into s l oughs 1"9.SA and Moose s loug hs will be c al culated by div iding t otal number of fish days by mea n s t r eam life.Total fish days will be calcul at ed by mu l t iplying the l i ve count on each s t r eam s ur vey by the mean number of days i n t he su rvey pe riod a nd summi ng thp res ults.Chu m and sockeye s a lmo n esc apeme nts i nto other sl ough habi tats will be quantified usin g the me a n avera ge str eam l ife of r es pective spec ies f or s l ough s 11.9.SA and Moose sl ough, a nd t o tal f ish days r e spectiv ely comp ute d per i ndividual s loug h fr om r e gular s urvey data. St r eam l ife inv estigatio ns will ex te nd from appro xi mat ely Au gust 16 to October 15.Work will be co nduc ted by a s taff of two bas od a t Curry St ation. F-9 June 10,19B3 ATTACHMENT F-l AOU LT ANAOROMOUS FI SHER IES PROJEC T line 100 -Pe rsonal Services PCN Class Grade MM Cost 1721 FB III lB 12.0 60.0 176B FB II 16 12.0 44 .4 1767 FB I 14 11.0 36.3 Borrow ed FT II 9 2.0 7.0 Bo rrowed FT II 9 1.0 3 .S Borrowed FT II 9 1.0 3.5 Bo rrowe d FTII 9 2.5 B.B Ne w FB I 14 3.0 10.0 1793 FTII 9 2.5 9.0 17 66 FB I 14 3 .5 11.6 1792 FT II 9 2.7 5 9 .6 17B6 FT II 9 2.75 9 .6 Borr owe d FB I 14 4 .0 13.2 17B9 FT II 9 4.0 14.0 17B7 FT II 9 3 .5 12.3 lIew FB I 14 4.0 13.2 1790 FT II 9 3.5 12.3 1788 FT II 9 3.5 12.3 New FB I 14 4.0 13.2 1791 FT II 9 3.5 12.3 1794 FT II 9 2.0 7.0 New FB I 14 3.25 10.7 1796 FTII 9 3.20 11 .2 Ope n (internal FB I 14 3.5 11.6 1/Tr ansfer or -hire). Sub total 356.6 line 200 - Trave l and Per Di em 9 .1 line 300 -Co ntra ctual Services 37.0 li ne 400 -Co rrmo ditf es 52.2 Grand To tal 454 .9 1/Provi des for internal ~r a n s f e r or hire of FB- I staff which will provide back-u p in da ta reduction,r eport preparation and qu al f ly as s urance to comp ensate for the re l ease of principa l projec t staff t o Harza-Ebasco SJV and APA Support roles as requ ested. F-IO ·o- I YE NTNA STATION FB r /p CN 1766 FT I I/PCN 179 2 FT II /PCN 17B6 I CUR RY ST ATIO N FT l!/PC N 179 1 FT I l/PCN 17 94 FB I/ll ew PCN A N ADRO ~O U S AD ULT PROJ ECT LEAD ER FB I I I/PCN 172 1 ASSISTA NT PROJECT LEADER FB I I/PCN 176B SUNS HINE STATI ON FT !II pCII 1789 FT !!/Borrowe d peN FT I I/Borrowed PCN FT II /PCN 17B7 FT II /Bor rowed PCN FT II /Bo rrowed PCN Fa 1/Bor rowe d PCN I GOLO CR EEK SURVEY FT WpCN 179 6 F8 I/Ne w PCN OPERATIO NS CONTROL LEADER FB I /PCN 1767 TAL KEE TNA STATIO N FT !t7 pCN 179 0 FT II /PCN 17 B8 FB II Ne wPCN I STREAALIFE FB IINe w PCN FT 111'eN 179 3 --,... PROJ ECT UAOER fD I I 12_ -o• ».. ~~ "'~-..",n ~:r %'"~~ % ..~ % 00,EN < \:; r- ~ Fa II AH PC N 1120 7.- '.IPCNI,ZOZ.- Fe II PCH 1lI911 12 _ Fe I I PCN II Z01l 12_ I STU DIES ABOV E DEV IL CANYON ACCESS/TRANSMISSION STUOY Fa II PC "II Z05.- QUAL IT Y ASSURA NC(1-- - - - - -...SuP PO RT SECT IOH STUDIE S eELO~DEVIL CA NYON 0, JUV[NI L(AIlAoROHQU S FISH ST\,OI(5 RESIDENT FISH STUQIES'"'"I I I Fa I I.c.II Zol ~'9."t.Ou~i9,,"t ",..I u t 12 _ ,"d Su,v lv .1 St ud l,.St",l .. I ,.I,I I PCIt 176' fl II lIhut",Cold c,.....7.S ... 'CH IIZ00 I I12_,.1 F8 II f8 II PCH IIZ0 Z ,.I PCH 11206 POI ",7 1 _ PeN IIZ12 11 _11_.-,.1 ,.I Fa I I PCN '215 PCH Ill" PC N 1tZ0 5 7 .5 _il_ l-FO I I '.I PCH 1Il0 5 PCH 11 101 1 _ 1- June l{),1983 ATTACHMENT G -ACCESS AND TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR AND ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION SITE STUDIES. I.Ba ckground This attachment pres ents a r evised Access and Tr ansmission Corridor Program to be performed by a te amof Aquatic Ha bitat (AH)a nd Resident Juvenile (RJ)biologists.This study supe rcedes the plan init ially proposed in two pa rts of the earli er RSA versions (Att achments D and E).The access corridor inv estigations for the pri mary route into the Watana dam sites,the pri mary transmission lines between t he dam sites and the intertie corridor a djoining ass o c i~te d const ruction sites are pr opo sed f or study this upcoming seas on (Fi gure G-1). II.FY84 Progr am Obj ect ives and Work Plan A.Objectiv es 1.Identify the general physical a ~d chemical characteristics of stream and lake habitats within and adjac ent to the selected access and transmi ssion corridor r outes to provide information to assess the pot ential i mpacts to those habita s from proposed acc ess a nd transmi ssion corri dor construction ac t ivit ies. G-l U "I CU O .cU lt CO"'OQIl_._...._••"W••,........_._.-. ..... . .,00-co-.~••• •'nlttl. G'l I N .~...., c.... § III Fi gu re G-l.Se le cted Acc ess and i ransm ission Co rr idors. , J une W,1983 2 . I nven tory th e res ident f ish spe cie s a nd dete rm ine the abu ndanc e .ag e.growt h I an d mor ta 1 ity o f Arct it grayl i 09 and la ke t rout in the stream s and l akes within and adja cent to the pro posed access and t ransmission co rr idors and othe r const ructi on si tes. B..Rat i ona le 1. Es tabl ishment of cons truc tion camps a nd deve l opm e nt of the acc ess an d t r an smissi on co r ridors wil l have a n i mpac t on ma ny o f th e la kes and s t r ea ms both during a nd af te r de ve l opment .By pr ovidi ng i nformatio n on th e r es id ent fish popul at ions in ar ~a s t hat ~~y be ~ff ect ed by r o ~d c r ~~sip g . ca mp c on struction,bo rrow pits.a rc:!a (lc"'.'o r 'incre a se in spo rt ff :ohing p r es s ure , i mpa ct ana lys is c a n be made a nd a ppropri ate miti gat i on ac tivities pla nned. 2. Examination of t he phys ica l and c hem ical cha rac ter is t ics of t hese ha bita ts a nd th eir r elat ionship t o f ish speci es presen t .wou ld a ssis t in identifying poten ti al i mpac ts on th e se r esources for wh ich appro pri ate miti gation options ca n th en be develop ed. 3 .Arctic grayling a nd la ke trout a re th e two major sp ort fish i n the proposed s tudy a r e a.An i ncrease in ac cess will a llow a subst an tia l in crease in spo rt fishin g pr essure in a n a r ea wh ose fish popula t ions have be en v i rtua ll y G-3 June lJl.1983 un explo ited due t o i naccessibi lity. I n addit i on,th e De adma n lake and Deadman Creek sys t em.wh ich is adja cent t o the pr oposed access roa d for appro xi ma tely 15 miles .is one of t he f ew t r ophy s port fish ing areas f o r Arctic grayling i n South Centra l Alaska.It is neces sary t o document the pres ent abun dance and biol ogi ca l s t ructu re of th is s peci es to use as a c e s t s :0 p r edtc t t he i mpacts of in cr e ased fi shing pressure a nd i ncr eased ha r vests on this a rea. C.Procedures 1.Thi s pla n o f s tudy will exam ine the se l er t e d a cces s a nd t rans mi s s ion l ine cor r id ors.and a s sociated co ns t ruc tio n s i tes.The se studi es wi ll be conducted by one join t AH/RJ two perso n crew wh ich ~i l 1 col lected habitat (AH )a nd fish ery (RJ )data concurre nt ly while in the field .This crew wi ll i nve stigate the port ion of the s el e cted acce s s r oute f r om t he De nali Highway t o the Watana Dam site a nd t he po rtion of t he s e l ected a cc ess r oute fr om t he ~'ata n a dam site to Go ld Cr eek .i ncludi ng the Gold Cr e ek rai l s pur and both t he s el e cted and alternate tran s mis sion li .,e corridors. 2 .Ha b ita t data c o ll ec ted o n st r e ams will inclu de info rm ation o n gene ral water qua l ity (p H,00 ,conduct iv ity .wa te r t emp era ture ,subs trate c ompos it i o n and gr adi e nt }.Th es e data will be c o ll ecte d a t or in t he vlcl ri t y o f th e G-4 June Ill.1983 proposed constru ction activity depending on individual site circumstances.Habitat data collected on lakes will be limited to general water quality.Sp ecifi ~data collection me thods and s ampling 'd esigns used in the collection of the ab ove data are o ut l ined in the Phase II FY82 and FY83 Procedures Manuals. 3.St ream s t udy s ites at a cc ess and transmis sion c orridor crossings.areas of a dja cent parallel r outes.and construction s i te s and cam ps will be in ventori ed for r es i dent fi sh spec i es by hook and 1i ne,m;nnow traps and e le t rof is hing me t hods. Population e st imate s by mark and re c aptu re met hods will be co nducted on s t rea ms f ound to con tain harve stable numbers of Arctic grayllng.The lake 5 tudy 5 i t es wi 11 be inventori e d by gill net I mi nnow traps and s ide sc an s ona r. G-S = June TO,1983 ATT AC HMENT G ACCESS AND TRAN SMIS SION CORRIDOR AND ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION SITE ST UDIES Lin e 100 Personal Services PC N CLA SS GRAOE MM COS T- 4205 Y FBII 16 9 34.5 4207 Y FBII 16 9 34 .5 •5ubtota1 -"69.lJ - line 200 -Travel and Per Di em line 30 0 Co ntrac tual Serv ice s Li ne 400 C orr~dit ie s 0.6 2.B 7 .B Grand Total ---1l1)~2-- !/RJ biol ogi st,see At tachment 0 f or rema ining 3 man mo nths. ~AH biol ogost.se e Attac hme nt E f or remaining 3 man mo nths. "<