HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS403I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT INSTREAH ICE SIMULATION STUDY Report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authoirty Draft Report September 1984 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE or CORTE!fTS Section/Title 1.0 IRTRODUCTIOR 1.1 Objective and Scope 1.2 Project Background Information 2.0 ImTIIODOLOGY 2.1 Model 2.2 Range of Simulated Conditions 2.3 Simulations of Natural Ice Conditions 2.4 Simulations of With-Project Ice Conditions 2.5 Slough and Side Channel Areas 2.6 Interpretations of Computer Simulations 3.0 JlESULTS 3.1 General 3.2 Simulations of Natural Conditions 3.3 Watand Operating with 1996 Energy Demand 3.4 Watana Operating with 2001 Energy Demand 3.5 Watana and Devil Canyon Operating with 2002 Energy Demand 3.6 Watana and Devil Canyon Operating with 2020 Energy Demand 3.7 Watana Filling 4.0 CONCLUSIORS AIm JlECOMMERDATIONS 5.0 JlEFEJlElfCES TA:BLES rIGUJlES UIIIBITS i 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-6 2-9 2-10 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-6 4-1 5-1 I I I Ruaber I I II III I IV V I VI VII VIII I IX I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF Ti.BLES Title Scope of River Ice Simulations Observed Ice Front Progression on the Susitna River Slough and Side Channel Areas in Middle Susitna River MaxiMUm Simulated Winter River Stages Occurrences where With-Project Maximum River Stages are Higher than Natural Conditions Expected Project Effects on Winter Slough Overtopping Simulated Ice Front Progression Total Ice Thickness -Maximum Simulated Values Solid Ice Thickness -Maximum Simulated Values 11 I I I lIuJIber I 1 2 3 I 4 5 I 6 I I • • • • • • • • • • • LIST 0'nGUUS Title Sus1tna River Average Monthly Air Temperatures at Talkeetna Susitna River Nat ural Streamflows at Go ld Creek - Average Monthly Values Discharge from Project Reservoirs Typical Slough Ice Di s tr ibut ion -Actual vs.SilllUlated 111 I I LIST OP EDlIBITS I ICECAL SIMULATION RESULTS: I Reservoir I lIeather Energy Release Exhibit Period Project Status Demand Tellperature I A 1971-72 Natural Conditions B 1976-77 Natural Conditions C 1981-82 Natural Conditions D 1982-83 Natural Conditions I E 1971-72 lIatana Operating 1996 Inflow-Ma tch ing I F 1976-77 lIatana Operating 1996 Inflow-Hatching G 1981-82 lIatana Operating 1996 Inflow-Hatching r 2 W L J-'-j,' H 1982-83 Watana Operating 1996 Inflow-Hatching .- I I 1971-72 lIatana Operating 1996 Warm,4°C C:,"N '-'":JJ,. J 1971-72 lIatana Operating 2001 Inflow-Matching ")l w,H,,-.-..)....I It 1982-83 Watana Operat ing 2001 Inflow-Matching I L 1971-72 lIatana and D.C. 2002 Inflow-Matching Operating H 1976-77 Wataua and D.C. 2002 Inflow-Hatching I Operating t;(r.'XJ (/-~ N 1981-82 lIatana and D.C.2002 Inflow-Matching I Operating 0 1982-83 lIatana and D.C. 2002 Inflow-Hatching I Operating -- "- I P 1971-72 lIatana and D.C. 2020 Inflow-Hatching / Operating '>-'-I f>;N 1-,.,) Q 1982-83 lIatana and D.C.2020 InflOW-Hatching I I Operating -' I R 1982-83 Watana Filling I (1st Winter) S 1981-82 Watana Filling (2 nd Winter) I I iv I I I I I LIST or ElHIIITS (Cont'd) INTERPRETIVE SDTCIIES or lCECAL U:SULTS: I I I I Weather Exhibit Period T 1971-72 U 1976-77 V 1982-83 W 1971-72 X 1971-72 y 1982-83 Project Status Watana Operating Watana Operating Watana Operating Watana Operating Watana and D.C . Operating Watana and D.C. Operating Reservoir Energy Release Demand Temperature 1996 Inflow-Hatching , /1996 Inflow-Hatching L (~_I /-/Y1996Inflow-Hatching j 1996 Warm,4°c -,'~I /../.:,;,.-, 2002 Inflov-Ha tching ""'/>i./. ,I-~ 2002 Inf lov-Ha tci.lng !".f,-'-/. I I I I I • I I I I I z 1981-82 Watana FUling (2nd Winter) v I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 IRrRODUCTIOR 1.1 Objective and Scope Presented in this report are the results to date of the instream ice simula- tion s tudies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The objective of these studies is to determine the effect of the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon Dams on river ice processes and the corresponding water surface elevations during the winter season in the Susitna River downstream of the dams.These studies are limited to the Middle Reach of the Susitna River (i.e.,upstream of the confluence with the Chulitna River -See Figure I),wherein the greatest impact of the project is expected. The information presented in this report will be used in future environmen- tal studies,particularly an assessment of possible project impacts on salmon migration and spawning.Of special interest in this regard are a number of slough and side channel areas,adjacent to the mainstem of the Susitna River,which are known to be the preferred habitat for salmon spawning.Results of the river ice studies are therefore focused on several of the more important slough and s ide channel locations along the Middle Susitna River.Results include continuous descriptions of ice thickness, water surface elevation and water temperature at these locations. This report provides a comparison of pre-project (i.e.,"natural")river ice conditions with that expected during operation of the proposed project (i.e.,"with-project").In order to provide a broad range of comparisons, various combinations of winter weather patterns,project energy demands , ins tream flow requirements and reservoir releaae temperature policies were conaidered.The river ice simulations cover the six month period from November 1 through April 30,during which the freeze-up and melt-out of the Middle Susitna River is generally expected to occur with-project. The river ice simulation studies represent one component of a coordinated environmental study effort.Corresponding simulations of the reservoir 1-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I operation ,reservoir tempera ture distribution and st ream temperature p rovided boundary c onditions on which the river ice studies were based . The results of these related studies will be summarized in separate repor ts . 1.2 Proje ct Background Information The proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project is to be located in south-central Alaska approximately 140 miles north-northeast of Anc horage and 110 mi les south-southeast of Fairbanks.The proposed project,consisting of Watana and Devil Canyon dams,would generate electrical power for the Railbelt region of Alaska,i.e.,the corridor surrounding the Alaska Railroad from Seward and Anchorage to Fairbanks.The Watana and Devil Canyon sitea are 184 and 152 river miles,respectively,upstream from the mouth of the Susitna River at Cook In let. Observation of natural ice processes on the Middle Susitna River have been documented by R&M Consultants,Inc.[1,2,3,4]for the past four winters; 1980-81,1981-82,1982-83 and 1983-84.An additional study of natursl hydraulic and ice conditions was also presented by R&M [5]. Preliminary river ice simulations with the ICESIH model were undertaken by Acres American,I nc.[6]in preparation of the FERC License Appl ication. Harza-Ebasco [7]documented t he river ice model ICECAL and its calibration to the Middle Susitna River for use in the present study.Stream temr er a- ture modeling with the SNTEMP model has been documented by the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center [8].The DYRESM model for reser- voir temperature simulation has been documented by Harza-Ebasco [9]. 1-2 • • • • • • • 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Hodel The computer .adel ICECAL was u sed to generate the river ice simulations presented in this report.The model provides a daily summary of hydraulic, temperature and ice conditions throughout the study reach. The particular hydraulic and ice operations performed by the ICECAL model include the following : • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrauli ~profi~es are computed daily for the study reach . Computations are based upon the Bernoulli and Hanning equations, and are equivalent to the "HEC- 2"backwater program authored by the u.s .Army Corps of Engineers.The computations include the e ffect of existing ice covers and border ice in the river . Water tempera ture pro files required for with-project simulations are provided by the SNTEHP stream temperature studies.For i ce covered reaches of the river ,the SNTEMP results are superseded by ICECAL temperature computations. Frazil ice generation is c om puted for reaches of t urbulent,open wate .in which the water temperature has dropped to O·C .Frazil ice flow rates are tabulated as the ice is carried downstream with the flow . Lateral or border ice growth proceeding from the river banks is computed.This lateral ice growth t ends to restrict the open water surface area available for frazil ice generation. Frazil ice particles tend to coalesce into pans or rafts of slush ice which can be accumulated downstream at n deve loping ice cover extending across the river width .Hydraulic conditions at the ice 2-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. 7. cover are analyzed to determ ine i f the i ncomi ng i ce p an s wi l l accumulate at the upstream edge of the cove r,there by adva ncing t he "ice front ".Alternate ly,the incoming i ce may be swe p t beneath the ice front and deposited downstream on the underside o f the ice cover,t hereby thickening the ice cover. Slush and solid ice component thicknesses of the rive r ice cover are computed.Daily growth of solid ice is computed within the initial accumulations of slush ice. Melting o f the ice cover and retreat of its ice front are computed when warm water (i.e.,above aOC)reaches the ice cover.In th is manner ,a spring "melt-out "is simulated.Mechanical "break-up" of the ice cover is no t c onsi dered,being beyond the state-of-the- art in river ice modeling.Although severe springtime break-up activit y and resulting ice jams have been observed for certain years under natural conditions,it is expected that a more grsdua1 spring melt-out ,as considered in the model,will characterize the with-proje ct condition.Severe springtime break-up activi ty is largely associated with rapid natural flow increases which lift and fracture the ice cover.The proposed project reservoirs will reg ~late such seasonal flow events ,yielding a more steady flow regime in the Middle Susitna River and allowing an existing ice cover to melt i n place. I Required input data for the I CECAL model includes the following: 3.Water inflow hydrograph at upstream boundary of study reach I I I I I I 1. 2. 4 . River cross-sectional geometry and bed roughness for study reach Weather conditions (daily air temperature and wind veloc ity) within the study reach Daily frazi1 ice discharges at upstream boundary of study reach 2-2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5.Water temperature profiles between the upstream bo unda ry a nd th e location of the O·C isotherm. Further discussion of the input data used fO l natural and wi th-pro ject simulations is presented in Sections 2.3 and 2.4,respectively. A detailed documentation of the ICECAL model and its c~libration to the Middle Susitna River for the winters of 1982-83 and 1983-84 is presented by Harza-Ebasco [7]. 2.2 Range of Simulated Conditions The particular river ice simulations included in this report are tabulated in Table I.As shown,the simulations include four winters of historical weather and flow data;1971-72,1976-77,1981-82 and 1982-83.Air tempera-' ture data for these four winters is plotted in Figure 2.Figure 3 shows t he corresponding natural river flow data.The winters of 1971-72 and 1981-8:! are relatively cold whereas the winter of 1982-83 is average in temperature . The winter of 1976-77 i.considered)warmer than average. II </\••-<.~1 1. The range of simulated conditions also includes various stages during development of the project;natural conditions,filling of Watana Reservoir (first and second winters),Watana operating alone (1996 and 2001 energy demands),and Watana and Devil Canyon operating together (2002 and 2020 energy demands).The year 1996 represents the expected first year of Watana-----....-~power generation.Start-up of the Devil Canyon power generation is planned for the year 2002.\ Reservoir releases for the with-project simu lations satisfy the Case C minimum instream flow requirements.Case C is discussed in the FERC License Application (6)and is a compromise between power generation and environmen- tal flow constraints (See Figure 4).Flow rates for the with-project simulations are ~djusted on a weekly ba~is.Fluctuations of flow within a particular day or week are not considered. 2-3 "' I I I I I I I I I I I Temperature of the reservoir releases is con trolled by operat ion of a mul ti- l evel intake st ructure.The policy of operation used in the simulations is ------------based on an attempted match of the releas~perature_with that of the natural flow entering the reservoir.In effect,this "inflow matching " policy results in release of the coldest available water during the win ter months.As a sensitivity investigation,one river ice simu lation considers the effect of an assumed release of warm,4°c water throughout the study period. The ra n~e of simulated conditions in this study is intended to provide a broad base for comparisons between the natural and w1th-project river ice environments.Of necessity,all c ombi nat i ons of meteorology,hydrology, energy demands and reservoir operations could not be considered herei n. However,the range of simulations includ ed is believed adequate to allow significant conclusions regarding river ice behavior.Additional simula- tions and sensitivity analyses will be pe rformed as needed. 2.3 Simulations of Natural Ice Conditions As s hown i n Table I,this report includes natural ice simula tions for the winte rs of 1971-72, 1976-77,1981-82 and 1982-83 .These simulations were based on the following conditions and assumptions: I I I I I I I I 1. / / Study Reach The st ~dy reach extends from River Mile 98.6 (Chulitna confluence) to River Mile 139.4 (slightly upstream of Gold Creek). Progression of a defineable ice front has been observed in this reach under natural conditions.Upstream of Gold Creek,howeve r, localized unsteady ice bridging processes have been observed to close the river prior to arrival of the ice front.Since the ICECAL model does not attempt to simulate such processes,and since observations of frazil ice quantities are available only at Gold Creek,the model does not extend upstream of this vicinity. 2-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. 3. 4. 5. Period o f Simulation Simulations cover the 6 month period from November 1 through April 30.Ice front progression up the Middle Susitna River has not occurred prior to November 1 during the f cur years of ice observat ions .Simulation of spring break-up or melt-out is not attempted for natural conditions. Starting Date for Ice Front Progression into the Middle Susitna River When a vailable ,actual observations are used for the starting date o f the ice front progression a t the Susitna-Chu litna confluence. Obser ved sta ~ting dates have ra nged from November 5 through December 8 and are shown in Table I I .For years when observations are not available,an assumed date is selected within the observed range baded on the severity of the particular winter . Water Flow Rates Historical f l ow data at Gold Creek (Rive r Mile 137)was used as recorded by the USGS and/o r R&M Consultants,Inc.(See Figure 3). Daily flow rates are interpolated for periods when data is not available.Flow rate adjustment factors were applied along the study reach to account for tributary inflows [5) . Weather Data Daily air temperature and wind speed recorded at Talkeetna and Watana weather stations were interpolated linearly along the river length.Talkeetna data is available for all years simulated. Watana data,when not a vai labl e,was estimated from a correlation with Ta lkeetna . 2-~ I I I I I I I I 6 . 7. Frazil Ice Discharge a t Upstream Boundary This quantity was computed from actual ice observations at Gold Creek (River Mile 137),when available.These ice discharges were found to be well correlated with Talkeetna air temperature data . This correlat ion provided an estimate of frazil ice discharge at Gold Creek for years in wl:ich observations were not available. Stream Temperatures Stream temperatures were assumed at O·C at the up~tream boundary t hr ougho ut t he natural simulations.Possible stre~temperature variations downstream of Gold Creek were computed within the lCECAL model. I I 2 .4 Simulations of With-Project Ice Conditions The various with-project i ce simulations were based on the following condi- tions and assumptions: I I I 1.Study Reach The study reach extends from the Susitna-Chulitna confluence (River Mile 98 .6)to the Watana (River Mile 184 .4)or Devil Canyon (River Mile 152)damsite. I I I I I I 2.Period of Simulation Simulations cover the 6 month period from November 1 through April 30.The fr eeze- up and melt-out of the Middle Susitna River are generally expected to occur during this period. 2-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.Starting Date for Ice Front Progression i nto the Midd le Susitna River Progress ion of the i ce front upstream of the Su sitna-Chul itna confluence begins when the Lover Susitna River (downstream of the Chulitna confluence)has f rozen over.The Lower Susitna freeze-up is characterized by an initial ice bridge formation near River Mile 9 and the subsequent advance of a u ice cover up to t he Chulitna confluence. The Lower Susitna ice cover is fed by frazil ice generated in t he Tentna,Talkeetna,Chulitna,Lower Susitna and Middle Susitna Rivers .The ICECAL model considers the total volume of ice re- quired to fill the Lower Susitna River from the Tentns confluence (River Mile 30)to the Chulitna confluence (River Mile 98.6)and computes the time needed to generate the necessary frazil ice. Frazil ice generation in the Middle Susitna River is computed directly by the model.The frazil ice contributions of the Talkeetna,Chulitna and Lower Susitna Rivers are computed by correlation with cumulative freezing degree days at the Talkeetna weather station. Lower Susitna River ice observations suggest that the ice front typical ly reaches the Tentna confluence (River Mile 30)in late October or early Novembe r u nder natural cond itions (See Table II). It is expected that this event will not be significantly delayed under with-project conditions.Although the frazil ice contribu- tion from the Middle Susitna River is greatly reduced under with- project conditions,the Tentna River,wh i ch produces more than 50% of the total ice downstream of River Mil e 3 0,remains unchanged. Also unchanged are the frazil ice contributions o f the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers. Based on the above,November 1 was selected as a representative date on which the Lower Susitna ice front reaches the Tentna confluence during with-project conditions .The I CECAL model and ~7 • • • • • related computations of tributary frazil ice production therefore begin on November 1 for the with-project river ice simulations. Daily tabulations of cumulative ice production are performed until the ice atorage capacity of the Lower Susitna is reached.At th is point,the model begins progression of the ice cover at the Chulitna confluence (River Mile 98.6). 4.Water Flow Ratea • • • • •I I •, •I • • • • • • 5. 6. Wa ter flow rates at the upstream boundary of the ICECAL simulation are determined by releases from t he Watana or Devil Canyon reservoirs.This information is read directly from the output of the corresponding Harza-Ebasco DYRESM simulation and is summarized in Figure 4.The flow rates are provided on a weekly basis and are adjusted along the study reach to account for tributary inflows.Fluctuations of flow within a particular day or week are not considered. Weather Dat a Daily air temperature and wind speed data is interpolated along the river length between Talkeetna,Devil Canyon and Watana weather stationa.Watana and Devil Canyon data,when unavailable, is estimated from a correlation with Talkeetna data. Frazil Ice Discharge at Upstream Boundary Water released from the Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs remains above O·C throughout the year.Therefore,no frazil ice exists at the upstream boundary of the with-project simulations. 2-8 • • • • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • ~ I • 7.Stream Temperatures Reservoir release temperatures are computed in daily time steps bj the Rarza-Ebasco DYRESM simulations.Corresponding SNTEMP simula- tions provide stream temperature profi les on a weekly basis throughout the study reach.This information is read directly into the ICECAL .odel.The SNTEMP stream temperature profiles are based upon open water conditions a nd are therefore not valid for that portion of the river which is ice covered.The SNTEMP results are therefore superseded by ICECAL temperature computa- tions where an ice cover exists • 2.5 Slough and Side Channel Areas Various slough and side channel areas adjacent to the mainstem Susitna Rive r are of special importance as salmon spawning habitat .A typical slough, illustrated in Figure 5,is an overflow channel separated from the mainstem by a well-vegetated bar.Sloughs are often fed by an incoming creek and/or upwel ling of groundwater.An alluvial berm generally extends across the upstream end of the slough,shielding it from the river.High natural river flows or ice activity viII periodically overtop this upstream berm and flood the slough with water or ice.The water level at a given mainstem river mile which results in overtopping of a nearby slough berm is referred to in this study as the -threshold elevation.-This is not necessarily the berm crest elevation,since the critical water level for overtopping that berm may be at a different river mile location • The important sloughs and side channels have been identified and are tabu- lated in Table III.The most productive of these areas are indicated in Table III with a -.- .For the purpose of the river ice simulations,it is assumed that these particular sloughs will be protected against possible overtopping by construction of artificial berms.That is,the model assumes that the cross-sectional area of these particular sloughs is not available to pass flow or store ice.This assumption has no influence on the model results for those simulations in which the river stages re~in below the 2-9 7 '1 • • •I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • natural threshold elevations .For those simulations which show s lough overtoppings,the slough protection assumption yields river stages which may be slightly higher than those expected without the articifial berms.The slough protection assumption therefore yields conservative results,reflect- ing the river stages for which the artificial berms would hs v e to be designed. 2.6 Interpretations of Computer Simulations River ice mechanics and modeling is a relatively primitive field of study. Ice processes are very complicated,unsteady and non-uniform,and many aspects are not yet fully understood.Although the ICECAL model is con- sidered state-of-the-art,cer tain simplifications and limitations are necessarily involved.Three dimensi~nal concepts are presented in a one- dimensional format,and the model t he r e f or e computes an average or characteristic velocity and ice thickness to represent a particular cross- section.The actual spatial distribution of velocity and ice thickness may be highly non-uniform and is beyond the scope of the ~odel.Figure 6 con- trasts actual and computed ice distribution at a hypothetical cross-section. For these reasons,s el ec t ed ICECAL computer simulations have been inter- pretted by R&H Consultants ,Inc.,based on their experience with Susitna River ice over the past four years.The particular interpretations included in this report are identified in Table I.The resulting interpretive sketches combine the quantitative ICECAL results with observed river ice distribution trends to yield the best estimate of the actual river ap- pearance ~t selected cross-sections. 2-10 I I I I I 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 General Reaults of the river ice simulations are presented in Exhibits A through S. Each exhibit includes the following information: I I I I I 1. 2. 3. Profile of the maximum river stages which occurred during the simulation period and the corresponding ice cover thickness which existed on the date of maximum stage.(Since river stage is influenced by both flow rate and ice thickness,the ice thick- nesses shown do not necessarily represent the maximum thickness.) Location of the ice front and zero degree C water isotherm throughout the simulation . Time history plots of water surface elevation,ice thickness and water temperature at the selected slough and side channel areas. I I I I I I I I I Table IV is a summary of the maximum water surface elevations which occurred at selected slough and side channel areas for all the river ice simulations. Table V summarizes the number of occurrences where with-project simulations resulted in higher maximum stages than the corresponding natural conditions for the same weather period.Table VI shows those slough and side channel areas whose known threshold elevation was overtopped with-project but not under natural conditions,and vice versa.Table VII summarizes the starting da te,maximum extent and melt-out date of the ice front for each simulation.Tables VIII and IX present the maximum total and solid ice thicknesses,respecti vely,which occurred during the simulations. Interpretive sketches for selected ICECAL simulations are presented in Exhibits T-Z.Each sketch shows natural river conditions observed in 1983- 84,a selected ICECAL simulation result and an interpreted version of the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ICECAL result for a particular river cross section .This i nt er pr et ed ver- sion represents the best estimate of the actual appearance of the particular river cross section at the time of its maximum winter stage. 3.2 Simulations of Natural Conditions Of the four years simulated,the relatively cold winter of 1971-72 (Exhibit A)typically results in the greatest ice thicknesses and highest river stages within the study reach .For this winter,maximum total ice thicknesses (solid +slush component)within the study reach range from 5 ' to II',including up to 5'of solid ice.The winter of 1981-82 (Exhibit C), also considered cold,shows maximum total ice thickne sses of 4'to 10',of which 3'to 4'is typically solid ice.Maximum river atages for 1981-82 are often l'to 3'lower than those for 1971-72. The winter of 1982- 83,average in temperature,was used for model calibra- tion pur~oses [7].Actual ice observations are shown along with simulated results in Exhibit D.Maximum total ice thicknesses for 1982-83 range from 3'to 8',of which 3'is typically solid ice.Maximum river atages are generally 0'to 4'lower than those of 1971-72 . The winter of 1976-77,warmer than average in temperature,results in the smallest ice thicknesses and lowest river stages of the four winters simulated.Maximum total ice thicknesses range from l'to 7',of which I' to 2'is solid ice .Maximum river stages for 1976-77 are generally 2 'to 6' lower than those of 1971-72. For the winters of 1971-72,1981-82 and 1982-83,ice front progression at the Chulitna confluence (River Mile 98.6)begins in early or mid -November and reaches Gold Creek in late December or early January.The winter of 1976-77 however,shows the ice front beginning in early December and reach- ing Gold Creek in early March.All four simulations are characterized by a rapid initial ice front progression rate in the lower portion of the study reach with a gradual slowing as it approaches Gold Creek. 3-2 I I 3.3 Watana Operating with 1996 Energy Demand I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Simulation results are presented i n Exhibits E-I.As shown,the start of the ice front progression at the Chulitna confluence ranges from late November (1971-72 winter)to late December (1981-82 winter).This repre- sents a delay of 2 to 5 weeks relative t o natural conditions for the corresponding winters.The maximum upstream extent of the ice front is at River Mile 137-140 for the winters of 1971-72,1976-77 and 1981-82,and at River Mile 127 for the winter of 1982-83.Completion of the spring melt-out in the Middle Susitna ranges from mid March (1982-83 winter)to mid May (1971-72 winter).This melt-out occurs 4 to 6 weeks earlier than natural river break-up based on observation of 1981-82 and 1982-83. The ~st severe ice conditions for Watana operation and 1996 energy demand occur for the winter of 1971-72 (Exhibit E).For this simulation,maximum total ice thicknesses range from 2'to 11',including up to 5'of solid ice. These ice thicknesses are generally similar to t hose of natural conditions in the reach downstream of Gold Creek (River Mile 137).Maximum river stages,however,are 3'to 7'higher than natural conditions due to the significantly higher winter flow rates with the project. The mildest simulated river ice conditions for the 1996 energy demand occur for t he winter of 1982-83 (Exhibit H).Maximum total ice thicknesses for this simulation range from 2'to 8',including up to 2'of solid ice.These thicknesses are generally similar to natural 1982-83 conditions.but maximum with-project river stages are 2'to 5 'higher than natural conditions due to the higher with-project winter flows.Maximum river stages for the 1982-83 with-project simulation are 0'to 7'lower than those of the 1971-72 severe conditions. The effect of an assumed warm (4°C)water release from the Watana reservoir throughout the 1971-72 winter was considered as shown in Exhibit 1.With these "warm"reservoir releases,the ice cover progression at the Chulitna confluence begins 3 weeks later and melt-out occurs approximately 7 weeks earlier than with the "inflow matching"temperature release policy of 3-3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Exhibit E (See Section 2.2 ).Max imum ice th icknesses with the warm releases range from 2'to 7',and maximum river stages are typically I 'to 7'lower than those with the -i nfl ow-matching-releases.Maximum exte nt of the i ce cover with the warm releases is River Mile 127,versus River Mile 140 under inflow matching release temperatures.It therefore appears that control of the reservoir release temperatures can potentially have a ~jor impact on river ice de velopment. 3.4 Watana Operating with 2001 Energy Demand Simula t.ions of Watana operating with the 2001 energy demand were performed for the winters of 1971-72 and 1982-83 (See Exhibits J and K).Results show that the ice front starting date,melt-out date and maximum upstream extent are simila r to those of the 1996 energy demand for the corresponding winters.However,some redistribution of the frazil ice depositions along the river length is apparent.Such differences in ice distribution can be caused by different pat terns of reservoir release temperatures occuring at different times wi thin a given winter season.In particular,for the 1971- 72 winter,the 2001 ene rgy demand shows colder December reservo ir rele3ses than the 1996 demand,thereby causing a faster ice front progression.The subsequent heavy frazil production i n January is therefore accumulated at a further upstream location for the 2001 demand. As a result,maximum rive r stages in the vicinity of river miles 137-142 for the 1971-72 winter with 2001 energy demand are 2'to 10'higher than those with the 1996 demand. Maximum total ice thicknesses for the 1971-72 winter with 2001 energy demand range from 4'to 14'of which 4 'to 5'is solid ice.Maximum river stages are 2'to 6'higher than for natural 1971-72 conditions. Maximum total ice thicknesses for the 1982-83 winter with 200 1 energy demand range from 2'to 7'including up to 2'of solid ice.Maximum river stages are l 'to 6'higher than natural conditions in the reach downstream of River Mile 124 where the with-project ice cover exists.Upstream of t "e w ·.th- projec t ice cover,however,maximum river stages are l'to 4'10 ~r than natural conditions.Although the with-project flow rates are higher,the 3-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ] II I I displscement and frictional resistance of the natural ice cover in this reach result in higher river stages for natural conditions than with- project . 3.5 Watana and Devil Canyon Operating with 2002 Energy Demand SimulatioJ.results for Watana and Devil Canyon operating with 2002 energy demand are presented in Exhibits L-O.Results show that the beginning of the ice front progression at the Chulitna confluence ranges from early December to aid-January,approximately 0-2 weeks later than the correspond- ing Watana-only simulations,and 4-6 weeks later than natural conditions for the same winters.Haximum upstream extent of the ice front ranges from River Hile 123 to 137,and is 3-13 miles below that with Watana only and 1996 energy demand.Simulated melt-out with both dams operating and 2002 energy demand ranges from mid-Harch to mid-Hay,being 0-3 weeks earlier than Watana-only simulations for the corresponding winters,and 7- 8 weeks earlier than the natural break-up observed for the 1981-82 and 1982-83 winters. For both dams operating with 2002 energy demand,the most severe ice condi- tions occur with the 1971-72 winter (Exhibit L).Maximum ice thicknesses for this case range from 3'to 7 ',of which 3'to 5'is solid ice.Haximum river stages are l'to 5'lower than the corresponding Watana-only simula- tion with 1996 energy demand.Maximum river stages downstream of River Hile 130 are 0'to 4'higher than natural conditions.Upstream of this location, however,the ice cover is much thinner With-project and maximum river stages are 0'to 3'lower than natural conditions. The winters of 1976-77,1981-82 and 1982-83 (Exhibits H,Nand 0)all show relatively mild ice conditions for both dams operating with the 2002 energy demand.Maximum ice thicknesses for these cases range from l'to 6',in- cluding l'to 2'of solid ice.Maximum river stages are 0'to 7'lower than t he corresponding Watana-only simulations with 1996 energy demand.Maximum river stages ,where an i ce cover exists,are l 'to 4'higher than cor- responding natural conditions.Upstream of the with-project ice cover, maximum river stages are 0'to 5'lower than natural conditions.Again,the 3-5 • • • • • • •r • I • •I •I • • • • • • • higher natural stagea in this reach are due to the displa cement and fric- tional r esistance of the natural ice cover. 3.6 Watana and Devil Canyon Operating with 2020 Energy Demand Simulations of Watana and Devil Canyon operat ing with the 2020 e nergy demand were performed for the winters of 1971-72 and 1982-83 (Exhibits P and Q). Results show tha t the ice front starting date and maximum upstream extent are generally similar to those of the 2002 energy demand for the correspond- ing winters.The apring melt-out with the 2020 ene rgy demand,however , occurs 1 to 3 weeks earlier than with the 2002 energy demand.This i ll apparently caused by somewhat warmer reservoir release temperatures result,· ing from the 2020 reservoir simulation. Simulation of the 1971-72 winter with 2020 ener JY demand shows maximum ice thicknesses which range from 2'to 7'including l'to 4'of solid ice. Maximum river stages in the ice-cover ed reach (downstream of River Mile 130)are l'to 7'higher than corresponding natural conditions.Upstream of the with-proje ct ice cover,maximum river stages are l'to 5'lower than those of natural conditions,due to the displacement and frictional resis ·· tance of the natural ice cover. Simulation of t he 1982-83 wi nter with 2020 energy demand shows maximum ice thicknesses ranging from l'to 3',including up to I'of solid ice.Maximum river stages in the ice-covered reach are 0'to 4'higher than natural conditions.Upstream o f the with-project ice cover,maximum stages are 0' to 4'lower than corresponding ice-covered natural conditions . 3.7 Watana Filling River ice simulations for the first and second years of filling the Watana reservoir are shown in Exhibits Rand S. The first winter of filling,which involves relatively warm reservoi r releases frow the low level outlet works, wa s simulated with the average 1982-83 weather conditions.The second 3-6 • • • • • • • m m m '. '. '. '. .. • • winter of filling includes re lesse of colder wster from the reservoir sur- fsce and was simulated with the cold 1981-82 westher conditions .The two simulations were selected to provide a likely range of ice conditions during the filling of the Watana reservoir. Results for Watana filling show that the ice front progression at the Chulitna confluence begins in mid-December,5-7 weeks later than correspond- ing natural conditions.The simulated melt-out for the first winter o f filling occurs in early May,similar to the timing of break-up under natural conditions .The second winter of filling shows a melt-out in late May,2 to 3 weeks later than the natural break-up.This earlier natural ice break-up is probably due to the spring flow increases which exist under natural conditions but not during filling conditions. The Watana filling simulations show the ice front progressing up to River Mile 156-162.This ice progression is significantly further upstream than any of the other with-project simulations and is due to the lower river flows and velocities which exist under filling conditions .However,simula- tion of an ice front progression upstream of River Mile 140 is considered an approximation only,since intermittent bridging of lateral ice has been observed to be the dominant process in this reach for natural conditions. S imulation of the first year of filling with the 1982-83 winter shows maxi- mum ice thicknesses of I'to 6',including up to 2 'of solid ice.Maximu~ river stages are 0'to 5'lower than natural conditions for 1982-83. Simulation of the second year of filling with the 1 981- 82 winter shows maximum ice thicknesses of l'to 8',including up to 3'of solid ice. Maximum river stages are generally 0'to 3'lower than natural conditions f or 1981-82. 3-7 I I I I I I I 4.0 CORCLUSIONS AND IECOIIMENDATIORS The fol lowing preliminary conclusions are based upon the river ice o imula- tion results to date and are subject to the various assumptions and conditions described in this rep::-rt.In particular,the with-project ice results are based on a reservo ir release temperature policy whic h attempts to match the natural stream tpmperatures incoming to the reservoir (i.e., co ldest available water is released from the reservoir during winter season).Conclusions a pply only to the Middle Susitna River (i.e,upstream of the confluence with the Chulitna River)wherein the most sign ificant project impacts a re expected. I I I I 1.Ice Front Progression and Me lt-Out Relative to natural conditions,initial progression of the Middle Susitna ice front at the Chulitna confluence (River Mile 98.6)is expected to be delayed by 2 to 5 weeks with Watana operat i ng alone,and 4 to 6 weeks with Watana and Devil Canyon operating together .A gradual spring melt-out with Watana operating alone is expected 4 to 6 weeks earlier than the natural,mechanical break-up.With both dams operating,t he spring melt-out is ex- pected 7 to 8 weeks earlier than ~h e nat ural break-up. Maximum upstream extent of the river ice cover during the selected warm,average and cold winters is e xpected to range from River Mile 124 to 142 with Watana operating alone.With the addition of the Devil Canyon dam,this maximum upstream extent will be some- what reduced,with an expected range of River Mile 123 to 137. 2.Ice Thicknesses In those reaches where an ice cover exists ,the maximum total and solid ice thicknesses wi th Watana operating alone ore expected to be generally similar to those of natural c onditions.With both 4-1 I I I I I I I I I I I 3. 4. dams operating,the maximum total and solid ice thicknesses are expected to be typically I'to 2'less than those of natural conditions. River Stages and Slough Overtopping In those reaches where an ice cover exists,the maximum r i ver stages with Watana operating alone are expected to be generally higher than those of the natural conditions,typically by 2'to 7'.Corresponding maximum river stages in ice covered reaches with both dams operating are expected to be typically l'to 6' higher than those of natural conditions. Upstream of the with-project ice front,however,the maximum river stages with Watana operating alone are expected to be typically I' to 3'lower than the corresponding natural conditions.With both dams operating,these maximum river stages are expected to be typically l'to 5'lower than natural conditions. As a result of the above,overtopping of the natural threshold elevations in various slough and side channel areas in the lower reaches of the Middle Susitna is expected to be more frequent with the project than under natural conditions (See Table VI). Depending on the aquatic assessments,it may therefore be desirable to protect these particular areas with artificial berms. However,various slough and side channel areas in the upper reaches of the Middle Susitna are expected to be overtopped less frequently with the project than under natural conditions. Artificial berms,therefore,are not expected to be necessary for these locations. Further Considerations It is expected that the policy which governs reservoir release temperatures may have a major impact on the river ice development 4~ 5.R&H Consultants,Inc.,"Hydraulic and Ice Studies",March 1982 . 5.0 unllERCBS Harza-Ebasco,"Instream Ice,Calibration of Computer Hodel",Document No.1122,April 1984. Harza-Ebasco ,"Ek1utna Lake Temperature and Ice Study",January 1984. R&H Consultants,Inc.,"Ice Observations,1980-81",August 1981. R&H Consultants,Inc.,"Susitna River Ice Study,1982-83",August 1983. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center,"Stream Flow and Temperatu'"e Hodeling in the Sus1tna Basin,Alaska",June 1983. R&H Consultants,Inc _,"Winter 1981-82,Ice Observations Report", December 1982. 1. 7. 6.Acres American,Inc."Sua1tna Hydroelectric Project",Application for FERC License,February 1983,Volume SA,Exhibit E,Chapter 2. 9 . 8. 3. 2. 4.R&H Consultants,Inc.,"Susitna River Ice Study,1983-1984",Draft Report,June 1984. I I I I I I I U 1.1 5-1 --- ------ - - -------- TABLE I SOSITRA RYDaOELlcnIC PROJECT SCOPE or 1UVER ICE SDIDLATIORS Natural Watana Only Watana and Devil Watana Projec t Status Conditions Operating Canyon Operating Filliml Flow Requirements ---Case C Case C ---- Energy Demand ----1996 2001 2002 2020 ---- Release Temperature --N W N N N ---- let 2nd Winter Winter cal Period: (Cold winter)X 1tJ ®"I X "'®3 x (Warm winter)X 1®'I x (Cold winter)X I2-x 'I X ~ (Average winter)X 1&>I x '1 ®J x X Ristor! 1971-72 1981-82 1982-83 1976-77 Notes:1.N represents natural "inflow matching"policy for reservoir release temperatures. 2. W represents assumed warm,4°c temperature release. Legend :X ICECAL simulation 00 ICECAL simulation and interpretive sketch I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE II SOSITRA RtDIlOnECTRIC PROJECT OBSERVED ICE nORT PROCUSS ION OR THE SUSITRA RIVER Observed Loca tion o f Rive r I ce Front Mile 1980 1981 1982 1983 River Mil e 9 9 Unknown Ear ly Nov .Oct.2 2 OCt .26 Ch u lit na Co nf luence 98.6 Nov. 29 Nov. 18 No v.S Dec.8 Near Go ld Cr eek 136 Dec.1 2 Dec .3 1 Dec.2 7 Jan.S U -"Upland "slough with no upstream head or berm. Legend: 8 -Indicsted location represents the head of the slough or channel K -Indicated location represents the mouth of the slough or channel SUSITlIA HYDROELECTRIC PROJ'ECT SLOUGH AND SIDE ClWiMEL AREAS IN MIDDLE SUSITlIA RIVER TABLE III -For purposes of simulation,these sloughs are assumed to be p rotected against overtopping.* River KUe Threshold Area Location Elevation (feet) *Whiskers Slough 101.58 367 Side Channel at 8ead of Gash Creek 112.0K Unknown *Slough 6A 112.30 U *Slough 8 114.1 476 Side Channel KSIl 115.50 482 Side Channel KSIl 115.98 487 Curry Slough 120.08 Uoknown *Koose Slough 123.50 Unknown *Slough 8A - West Channel 126.18 5;3 *Slough 8A -East Channel 127.10 582 *Slough 9 129.3 604 Side Channel Upstream of Slough 9 130.6 Unknown Side Channel Upstream of 4th July Creek 131.80 Unknown Slough 9A 133.7 651 Side Channel Upstream of Slough 10 134 .3 657 Side Channel Downstream of Slough 11 135.30 Unknown *Slough 11 136.50 687 *Slough 17 139.30 Uoknown Slough 20 140.50 730 *Slough 21 -Entrance A6 141.80 747 *Slough 21 142.20 755 Slough 22 144.8 788 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MAXIMUM SIMULATED WINTER RIVER STAGES 4 TABLE IV - NATURAL WATANA ONLY WA '"(ANA AN D D EVIL CANYON WATANA CON DITIONS ,-200 '2OIl2 2020 FILLING DEMAND D EMAND DEMAND DEMAND YR ,l YR.2 N ~N lil N ~l:l lil ;ON N lil N ~N lil N N lil N:!.,...,.,:!:!:!~..:!.... ~..!N ;:..!N N :e !N N N~!~..~~!~!~!~~~~~..iii~~~~~e ~388 [jiJ ~rmJ ~[ffiJ ffi2llilll 1m]~mn~~~lilll ~381 381............459 457 460 .........461 458 455 ...451 ...457 455 ......457 457 459 482 460 482 482 483 46'48J 48D 458 '58 48D 46'45.451 451 414 412 412 414 I!iil 475 lillIl!ZiIlffiI IillI IillJ 415 414 415 415 [ill]415 413 .,3 I!i!J ...~~~1!!!l1!!!l1!ill!Bl Ii2I m!iI ~~~WZl ~~41'~...412 ......'~m!iI ~Biil ~lID)B§~~~~Iffil ~...... 522 520 523 520 528 S2S 527 S2S 523 525 521 522 52'520 520 S2S 523 520 521 552 S46 ...S48 558 554 555 S50 552 55S S50 553 S50 548 J54S-555 5SO ...S48 512 S69 571 570 ImlIilllWi 512 512 ImJ jsM--1mJ 571 Js68 568 Iilll 512 SIB 510 ~581 W1~Wlmmmm~Gill ~1 58 '~~sao 581 ~~sao ~ ~803 ~~iii:IWl [§gi)["iiii3003-~1803 I!i!!l '602 601 602 ~lo03-602 803 622 8 ' 8 620 621 82'622 620 I 611 817 625 611 620 1 818 816 8'6 621 1 611 816 8'8 632 628 629 630 835 833 831 628 828 ;1=63:l 621 827 827 __~628 625 628 ~...~~f§W~~6SO 6SO ~'6S0 6SO 8SO ~6SO 8SO 6SO ~6S4 ~~i@ ~~j'"...~6S8 IlliI OSS OSS 8SS f§W ...(§§§J 855 873 887 870 872 675 612 670 668 ...676 1 668 810 881 881 881 ......810 ... 8114 88'883 8114 !l!!!J "'~1i!l3 883 ~883 685 1682 b82 882 8114 ...882 882 ~-_--=...J-- - - 711 1715 715 115 115 127 7 15 714 11.714 11.115 115 112 113 - ----~~12'729 729 lml 1729 128 128 128 128 129 729 127 129 ----141 141 146 146 145 ~J'46 146 146 ,.5 146 lillJ lmI 145 145 ----753 153 153 153 153 ~153 752 152 152 152 753 154 151 lSO ----181 181 181 188 187 I ~-;786 185 185 185 785 181 181 182 182 of Nnur.I Simu ...ions U &unt of let!eow.NOTES:U~Bound.-y 1.0 Inda.kationt .....maximum .....me-equIlh or.--k •known IIouth thrWtold-...non. 2."-e-C-.....,..ttow requnn-nts _-",*for with puci "lsimu~ 3.1 91_1 -72~~1niDn __",":-m.it'C~~AI~wi1h. prqect ftcw td•••~policy. 4.AU'in '-t.. ......'"......................RinrMile E_ -..101.5 361 ......e-o.112.0 UM_ SA 112.3 ,_I 8 "4.1 478 MSU 115.5 ... MS II 11 5.9 .., Cuny 120 .0 ---'23.5 --BA .....126 .1 on SA'"121.1 6112 •'29.3 804 'uI.130 .'UM_ ..Itt July 13'"~...133.7 85' ~o ""134.3 857 11 dI.'35.3 UM_ 11 138.5 "'" 17 139.3 --20 140.5 730 21 (All 141.8 747 21 142.2 755 22 144 .8 718 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE V fUSITN&HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT OCCUUE~ES WllERE WITH-PROJECT HAXDIOII RIVER STAGES ARE HIGHER TJIA1i NlTlJUL CORDITIONS Watana Watana and Slough or River Only Devil Canyon Watana Side Channel Mile Operating Operating Filling Whiskers 101.5 6/6 6/6 0/2 Gash Cre~k 112.0 6/6 5/6 0/2 6A 112.3 6/6 5/6 0/2 8 114.1 6/6 6/6 1/2 MSII 115.5 6/6 6/6 0/2 MSII 115.9 6/6 6/6 0/2 Curry 120.0 6/6 3/6 0/2 Moose 123.5 6/6 4/6 0/2 8A West 126.1 5/6 4/6 0/2 8A East 127.1 4/6 2/6 0/2 9 129.3 4/6 2/6 0/2 9 u/s 130.6 3/6 0/6 0/2 4th July 131.8 3/6 2/6 0/2 9A 133.7 3/6 1/6 0/2 10 u/s 134.3 4/6 1/6 0/2 11 dIs 135.3 3/6 0/6 0/2 11 136.5 4/6 2/6 0/2 Notes: 1.For example,4/6 means that 4 of the 6 with-project simulations resulted in a higher maximum river stage than the natural conditions for c orresponding winters. 2."Case C"instream flow requirements and "inflow-matching" reservoir release temperatures are assumed for with-project simulations. SUSITNA H YDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXPECTED PROJECT EFFECTS ON WIN TER SLOUGH OVERTOPPING _a An_a--o Mile_on 10 1.5 •"4.1 M511 115.5 M $II 115.9 BAW..126.1 BA"~177 .1 9 129.3 9A 133.7 10 u!.134.3 11 136 .5 WATANAONLY WAYANA AN D D EVil CANYON WAT A'''A FILLING ,_ 2001 2002 20Xl DEMAND DEM AND DEMAND DEMAND Y R.l V R.2 ~ ;0 M ~M~~lil ~~~~M Z M ~.,.~..~~..~~.. .. .. .. ..;:l!!!~~l!!;;;~~~!21 ~~21 ~m ~m m~~e ~~~~~~~~ x x 0 0 x x x x x x x x x 0 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x X x I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LE GEND : X o Slough ..0..rr 1 with project,but not und.Mt\nl ClOfIdnion,fewtM tof,......ocI..w"'_. Slough II Of.:;1 with NtI.Im condit..... but not _: , 'with proiert. NOTES : 1.""e-C'"inIt...-m f low requnments we .aurMd for with-proitct simu'-1iom, 2.1971·72W IimuIMic.n ....~_c ~~All ott.'with-poiect timue.tiont ...me WI '1nfaow-tch tempeq1wo pol icy . TABLF.VI 1."Case C"instream flow requirements are assumed for with-project simulations _ 2.1971-72W simulation assumes warm,4°c reservoir releases.All other with-project simulations assume an "inflow-matching " temperature policy. B -Observed natural break-up. E -Melt-out date is extrapolated from results when occurring beyond April 30. N -Ice cover for natural conditions extends upstream of Gold Creek (River Mile 137)by means of lateral i ce bridging. I - Computed ice front progression upstream of Gold Creek (River Mile 137)is approximation only.Observations indicate closure of river by lateral ice in this reach for natural conditions. Notes: TABLE VII SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SIKlJL&TED ICE PRORT PIlOGUSSION Starting Date Maximum at Chulitna Melt-Out Upstream Confluence Date Extent (River Mile) Natural Conditions l37 N1971-72 Nov.5 1976-77 Dec.8 137 N 1981-82 Nov.18 B 137 NMay10B151982-83 Nov.5 May 10 137 N Watana Only - 1996 Demand 1tE1971-72 Nov.28 May 140 1976-77 Dec.25 May 3 137 1981-82 Dec.28 April 3 137 1982-83W Dec .12 Mar. 20 127 1971-72 Dec. 17 Mar. 27 127 Watana Only - 2001 Demand E1971-72 Nov. 28 May 15 142 1982-83 Dec.19 March 16 124 Both Dams - 2002 Demand E1971-72 Dec.2 May 3 137 1976-77 Jan.10 April 20 126 1981-82 Dec.30 Mar. 12 124 1982-83 Dec. 22 Mar. 20 123 Both Dams - 2020 Demand 1971-72 Dec. 3 April 15 133 1982-83 Dec.14 Mar. 12 127 Watana Filling 2E 156 11982-83 (YR.1)Dec.23 May 1981-82 (YR.2)Dec.23 May 30E 1621 Legend: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TOTAL ICE T HIC KNESS MAXIMUM SIMULA T ED VALUES 3 WATANADN lY WA TA NA A ND DE VI L CA NYON WA TANA FILLING NATURAL COND ITIONS 1996 200 1 2002 20 20 YR .lDEMANDDEMAND D EMAND DEMAND YR .2 •N ~N M N ~N M N N M N ~N M ~M M N S10uQftOf .,.,.....,".......,.,...,.,.....,........:;;N :e :;;N ;;~:e :;;~~~:;;Side Ctwln nel R iver Mile ~~..~..~..~~~~..m ~~~m m ~~~~~m m ~m ~~ Whidters 101 .5 5 2 4 3 5 2 3 2 ,5 2 5 1 2 2 4 ,2 3 G.sh Creek 11 2 .0 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 6 5 7 5 2 2 3 4 ,3 4 6 A 11 2.3 6 5 4 5 5 3 5 4 6 5 7 5 2 3 4 4 ,5 5 •114 .1 5 2 4 4 5 2 4 3 4 5 5 4 2 3 3 4 1 3 3 MSII 11 5.5 5 2 5 5 6 2 5 5 4 5 6 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 5 MSII 1 15 .9 5 3 7 6 7 3 7 6 6 5 •4 6 4 6 5 3 5 B Cu""120 .0 6 5 7 4 7 •B s 3 5 ,4 3 , ,4 2 4 B ~- M~..123.5 '0 4 7 5 9 B B 2 4 B 2 7 4 _'J 7 2 5 B S A West 126 .1 5 2 3 3 5 3 3 1 ,5 r--3 (J 3 ,1 2 SA''''127 .1 5 2 3 3 4 3 2 0 0 4 I 3 3 0 ,2 9 129 .3 B 4 7 6 5 3 3 ,--6 I 3 3 r 2 4 I , 9 u/s 130 .6 •3 B 7 5 4 2 I B 3 I 2 ,3 B,_lJ4thJuly131.8 7 ,3 5 5 3 2 7 I 3 I 1 3 9 A 133 .7 7 ,3 3 6 4 2 ,•3 ,3 2 10 u t i 134 .3 11 ,3 4 7 5 2 I 9 4 I 6 2, "dIs 135.3 6 ,3 5 6 4 2 B I 3 3 3 11 136 .5 5 ,3 4 3 2 2 ,5 ,,3 4 (Upmum Bou ndary ,,---' 17 139.3 2 ,13',4 20 140.5 U ':I ,4of Natu ral Sim ulations .~Upstream b len t 0 121lA61141.8 ,2 21 142 .2 Ice Covt r Proweuio n ,', , ~ 22 144 .8 ,1 NO TE S: 1."Case C"m srreem f low requirem ents are .....med lor wit h-proJec1 sim u lations. 2 .1971 -72'101 simu lation .uumes war m ,4"C r~ir r eleases. All o thel"wit h-pf oiect simulat ion.assume an "intlow-malch ing"temperature pol icy . 3 .All ice th ickness in feet . T ABLE VIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA H YDROELECTRIC PROJECT SO LID ICE THICKNESS MAXIMUM SIMULATED VALUES 3 WATANAONlY WATA NA AN D DEVIL CAN YON WATA NA f iLLING NATUR AL COND ITIONS ,_ 2001 2002 2020 DEMA ND DEMAN D DUiANO DEMAND Y R.1 YR.2 •N ~N Ii!N ~N M N N M N ~N M N M M N-«.,..,.'9 .,.~'9 '9 .,.:!'9 :!.,.'9 '9 .,.'9 '9 '9 ~;;;N ..;;;N ;:N ~;;;N ;:N N i....Chonnoo R.,.M iN ~~m ~~~~m ~~~m ~ ~~~e e ~~~~~~~e ~~~~ Wh"~10 1.5 5 2 •3 5 2 3 2 3 5 2 5 1 2 2 •1 2 3 Gooh c...o "2.0 5 2 •3 5 2 3 2 2 5 1 5 1 2 1 •1 2 c SA 112.3 5 2 •3 5 2 3 2 2 5 1 5 1 2 1 •1 2 3 8 "4..'5 2 •3 5 2 3 2 2 5 I 5 1 2 1 •1 2 3 MSII 115.5 5 2 •3 5 2 3 2 1 5 1 •1 1 1 •1 2 3 MSlI 1 15 .9 5 2 •3 5 2 3 1 1 5 0 •1 1 1 •1 2 3 """v 120.0 5 2 •3 5 2 2 0 1 5 0 •1 1 0 3 0 2 3-1 l3.5 5 2 •3 •1 2 0 0 •0 •0 _~.r -2 0 2 2,-- BAwtc'126 .1 5 2 3 3 •1 I 0 0 •3 ~1 0 1 2 SA ....127.1 5 2 3 3 3 1 I 0 0 •3 ,1 0 1 2 9 129.3 5 2 3 3 3 1 I 1--•3 1 r--I 2 1 9 U/.130 .6 5 2 3 3 3 1 I •2 0 1 2, 4 th Ju ly 13 1.8 5 1 3 3 2 1 1 ,•2 ,_EJ I 2 9A 133.7 5 1 3 2 2 1 0 •1 1 2 10 u/I 134.3 5 1 3 2 2 0 0 3 ,1 1 2 11 d /.135.3 •1 3 2 2 0 0 ,3 0 1 7, 11 136.5 •1 3 2 1 O~3 -~1 2 17 139.3 (Upmu m Boundary 0[-2 ,0 2 20 140.5 o f 0 ,2 0 2 Nat u ral Sim ulation.~U pm.m Ex ten t o f211A6)141.8 1 0 2 2 1 '42.2 lea eov-Progreuion ---.Q.,0 1 22 '40'.8 0 1 NOTES; 1."Cue C"instr. m flow requ wemeflu ...e I SSUme:l tOf with"9fOied simulations. 2 .1971 _nw simua.tion etalrnnw...m ,4-c r!'W'l'\lOir r elelses. A ll o ther w ith -poj ect simull tioM auume In "i n f low ~ch i n9'''temper ~ure pol M:y . 3 .A ll ice t h ick Ma in 'MI. TAB LE IX I I I I I I I I I J J J J J I ..:-..:-.~~-- MAP COURTEIV Of ENVIRONMENTAL INfORM ATION AND DA TA C ENT ER S CALE :1 IN CH EQUALS "M'L ES ~ R&M CON SULTANTS,INC•....,..........Ch.OO....._...__....".•._. FIG URE 1 -SUSITNA RIVER OO~lriVJ ·lElfJ&!~~~ --=-~~~- - ,-~=~= 5 - (COL O) (WA RM) (COLD) (A VE RA G E) 1 971-72 ---- 1 97 6 -77 -.-.-1 98 1-8 2 -"-"- 1 98 2-8 3 L EGEND: ----I I I - ,"-- I ---~--!F~-=--':"- I :-~..- ..Jt _._.L 1 'I ·]_r-...~~..J 11'--...l ,I I -I -".r-..-..---l1j 0-"-- •.I I I L L.._..-r:.-.4------' I _._ ,.-J 'I I'I ' L._.----l - -1 5_ 0 -u Vl ~ ~ Cl:: l? ~a -5 ~ Cl::=> Eo< ~ ~ 0..::s -10~ Eo< Cl:: H 0< 1 APR. I MA R.F EB. I V 1"\1'4 • I OFT I NOV . -20 ,iii I i I FIGURE 2 -AVERAGE MONTHLY AIR TEMPERATURES AT TALKEETNA IfJffilffJU •IEl:Jffil ~~@ -",.,I .'-'l ----.L .._..~,,_.._ -.-,..-""-"1L--..---.r-_,_ I I ~"_Y 'L.----,L_...=.i----l ~ L-._'---'__._,.L- ~ 4 000 3 000 til ~u- ~2 0000 ..:l ~ l>: Eo< til 1 0 00 NOV, '- LEGEND: ---''--- ---''---'.--- DEC, - 19 71 - 72 197 6-77 19 81-82 1 9 82-83 JAN.FEB . ---. MAR. -.., APR. -:........"==:l FIGURE 3 - SU SITNA RIVER NATURAL STREAMFLOWS AT GOLD C REEK -AVERAGE MONTHL Y VALUES HARlA-EIASCO rr- ~......-_t.=~ Disch a rges shown a r e ave r a ges a mong t he 1 971- 72 ,1 976- 77 ,1981 -8 2 a nd 1 982- 83 wi nte r wea th er cond i tions s i mu lated. Discharge From Re servoir Wata na Wa t a na Dev i l Canyon Devil Canyon 1 99 6 2001 2002 2020 Ene r gy Demand LEGEN D: ---'---'--- --''- --''--- ..-',--+~-, ""_0_0_\ NOTE: 6000 14000 I rr:">. :\ 12000 -.J ,-"/", /r ~ ~ 10000 ...\, Ulr..u- ~ Eo< ;:i ~8000~"//'>.0 ..:lr.. ./,-,/'-. NOV.DEC.J AN .F EB.MAR.APR . ~I GuRE 4 -DISCHARG E FROM PROJECT RES ERVO IRS HA RlA-EIASC ~ -I , I ,, '.".··..~;r ·. e4 ~ e 3~e9~~':::t=::!::;:l:,=:!':::!I:::!':-:2..,..-,......,~....,-,......,......,......,.-..,-,......... ..:.:.'~:~'. ':':~~""'1::'~:'..,1.":'::r~t.:!\:.::::':OJ :.•"::.~~'.:.....,'.~:'.'".:.:.!~.," ..,.':.. .. ..:,.-,:.r "<E--.;::;:.'.:,,',;;:.:.•..:;.;:.i::-=':,.0 _~ .'J 'IIIlIN".:.~" ......,';::'.G~-~ ...,:.".:.:;::.:...>:::~.,:~~• ·:i i"·.,,:,~~ ·~a·'·--.,......."vA J ,,'~~,:): r-:2 -.:.,.;,:..s:..,~·:·.:.::T;::~~:·;::~.: LEGEND: e OBSERVATION WELLS •STAF f GAGES Q DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT SITES • CONTINUOUS STAGE RECORDERS ~CONTROLLING BERMS ~CLIMATE STATION ~STREAMBED -.;~·-.·;·I f·;:~~;-·~:(;·:;......:~:-,.._.~~ ,..-t : PREPARED BY ' Rill eON SUlTANTS."t e . FIGURE 5 -TYPICAL SLOUGH mJJ1/flVJ·/E/fJD.\~a:@ I water 7"-__slush ice deposit a.Actual River Cross-Section solid icewater ...e ";.',(\_... ..,."'- ",..1 ,...,(~~.I ~"\c ~ .' ",l _~ \....o t ":: \ ,·.,"_")., ., b.Simulated River Cross-Section I FIGURE 6 -ICE DISTRIBUTION -ACTUAL VS. SIMULATED EXHIBIT A IIIII I I I I I I I I I ,I I I II I I u ELEVATION -(FEETI III..g !!~-~Ii!~E 8 ~~.~i ..i~..........aot;i~-!i~-~"IaolZ _ iii'\.""\1\;i -i~i ~ 'I..""\r--i ~-"'I!l§E ~I:l",I '-"""\'\-'i I -=i ~ "\,....j ~I~-,\rl ~'--""\l!!-"-,-,""""Ii! "--..l19,....-s-~"--51............ t-..-.~:::"'-I -r-....r:r.."-=:"'.<,..c ~~E ~~.-.~~<,w -Ii-J 1\-.~~...",l:§iii~0 Eo::-~~~§~w>\-~f!~--l::lQ;~n'\:.=\\- \:~i\--0 0 g-~'\"":--t!~ 8 <,-...--0 !;!~!0-~~2 .. ~I~U~~II»!eIIIIII<,&8-'\.~..If I"-;1II8l ~i ~iii ~~a [13 :3:11 -NOl 1tM 313 I I I 'I " I 'I W -l- IIJ- -- ",%: =0:: W>-NO:: l!l- ..- Q-..Iil..i.. 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I 6l£ITNA RIVER 1m ntI_..-.IEIITt£R PERIOD 'I NOV lIZ -15 APR ea ICE SI IIUlATl ON ~.fOUL ,,",ClOG,:J PRO..ECT 6111UlATI~TII£HI6TlJtY._-lIE EREHCE fUj N:l.•I'IlU2A ~.III"lIDIlllll........_......._... .'Xl-..!!:el 54&l . ~.65 ~ .1iD 16.. ~12 ~8u ..--2-.rI-:r /JI....r ;... U-I0 6 ~u .. II!--...-..........R_.-:Ii _Il1-,- SIDE CHAHHEL AT HEAD OF GASH CREEK ~/'OWER AUTHlJU TV RI VER MILE 112 .00 ...........I,&USI TNII "I YO' lea 1HI_L&IIPG.NfATt£R 1'£"100 'I NOV 8Z -1&AI'It 83 I CE S IIUJITl DN I ''11111.1HI=t PRE ~CT S IIU.ATlDN T1t£HIST~Y......-~EJlE RUN 1«1 .•I'ftEII2A __.-xl .JIIHr womM: -.................._••<11 t.--.-,-,-.- ----------..-_.------ .?C-.. !!:~ 5~I.0.66 I-J:I: 45D 16.. !!:12 ~B /"1 "I /;tu-1:I... I , I:l-I0 6 ~jj. II! 0- LO -~-.-.....Pl_~_IL .IN 1_ ftOUTH OF SLOUGH 6A A.._f'OIlER AUT IOU TY RIV ER MI LE 112.34 ............ 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S65 16 ... ~12 ~s u-:r ,1...4 /l.II~ 0 I " Ii t U ""i ~~-Ac.o ~.-.-..n "'-IIIlD<_IL,-I- HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (~EST)FUl6I<A PllWER AUT_ITT RIVER MILE 126.10 _.,.IWIo.Gf I I Iil.6ITNA RI VER ICK ntlOOC88 LIDPCJ.WEATt£R PERIllO 'I NOV 8Z - 16 APR sa ICE SII'lJUlTlIIN I 'tllf-.tHlODCU ~PRo..ECT lllIt.UlTl~TII£HISTlRY._-,1£EJlENCE flJN N:I.,l"RIElI2A -.l1I&:ll .JIINT V£K\lIll ~M_"....I _.... . 1i!16-.... !!:590 ('THRESHOLD ELEV. j5B5 -L... ui liSll :It 575 \& .... !!:12 ~8 u-l:,.z."I....4 /,... U-I0 5 ~U4 II! III _. l&LDaii .-..rr R_ItIUDi _IL I-I- HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (EAST)fl._PllIlOl IIITIIlRITT RIVER MILE 127.10 ...,.......,.-T I lilIlI TNA RI VER 11:&1WI~LUlPII.WEllTI£Il PfRlOO ,1 IOi lIZ - 16 _83 It[SlllULATlllN I.1lJ'1IL tHlOItCaI PRE !'RUCT 61IU.ATlllN 111lE HI6T~T,.....~,IlEfERENCE lUI 100.,Pl'EB2A -..£1l&D .Jl1....~lJl£ -.u..........1 _... i;",,:;;;.I .-,-,-,---J ,,-- LD '"'"N -0 t :t I2JIlID3D I .cIGl wtGIJ.9 - . ~ lol... lol Q... I--~t--...p..,,-f ~ lol l¥:... \..... 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GG6-.. ~6611 ('THRESHOLD ELEU. ~6$I ui G6D :s 645 16-.. ~12 ~ Z B /1fir//2..4..."/ U-/0 5 t U 4"r~-r ~....I&W«lI .--.rr_....._'L..,'Ia HEAD OF SLOUGH 9A A.._POIER AUT_ITY RIVER MI LE 133 .70 ..._........I •5U5ITNl RI Y£R ICI ntl~LmDID.IlEIITt£R PERIllO ,I NOV 12 -15 fAt ~ICE SIItJLATlIIN j .TlIfIL 1H,00CN PRE PRll..EC T BIIlJlATlIIN T II£HIBTIJlY ......CDI'lNIIT IlEfEREHCE ~NJ .•1'IlEB2A _IIKII .JI U••01'''. -.k...........1 _... - SIlO-to- ~675 ~610 ./ •66IiII! '"6fiD Iii-.. ~12 ~8 /1 I.....·Z-J:.... /..u ,-/0 5 ~U" II!........~.aua.Dl .-.n_-.._ILI-.- SID E CHAHH EL DIS OF SLOUCH 11 PI..AliIGl fOIER IllITlOI TV RIVER MI LE 135.30 ..._-...---r I 5Ll!iffNA Iff'I£R lC&M .....LI1IIIII.IlEATt£A PERIOD •ANO¥8Z - IS Rf'ft 83 ICE S IIU.ATl llN ~.~G'l1L 'IHlON.:t Pl1£PRO..ECT S JIll.nON Ti llE HIBTeR., ......aaac REfERENCE lUI til .I PIE82A _..xl .JIl..llOlllJl[....."'--..--1 -... ••.,I •I------ -_.... ....iIIIIIiIi ...:- Q!I6 ~r T H RE S~O L D ELEU.to ~6911 , ~6IE / lIi Gllll :K 675 16 ~.. ~12 ~8 .r~ab-Al'cI ;1 ~'Vt'l'"~-(/Ie 1iMJ.7 5Hb ~3 "t.I Au::95''") u r l .-//" ~r J /1 r I..4...Iu ~I .0 " 5 Q.u4~I;I -~ '"--llraJBJI .......n_....._IL ••z ,., HEAD OF SLOUGH 11 ~POWEJl AUTIOU" RIVER MI LE 136.50 ..........I I 6l.6ITNA ''I 'I£Jl lea THlaee.UDDID.IIEA Tt£R PfR 100 •1 NaY lII2 -15 _83 IC£S I IUJlTl ON I:=~PRE PRO..ECT S IIIll.ATlON TI lE HISlERY IEfEftEla NJN NJ .•Pf£82A -":l18:li JIll..llDIlLJll.........-............. • • • EllHlBIT E I_...._---------------- e 99 1110 101 .102 103 104 105 106 1U7 •I •AllY /1 ~/ AFJZ ~ .~ t7 ~~r'/ ~f= lJIP17L .JL / t-~350h w - r ,AW 1/ (ll/{U~IITIP IJF IiI1.ID la :f '...•""""""'ID ICE unUI'JICI •~k J'f'lUll...OF .......ICE ----"._lID IlEATt£R PERIOD • I 101 7\-lIIl _7Z El£1lOI'00fIf(),IIAT_!I!l6 FUIN CIl6E • C TEll'IU.E •NA~ 1lO'~lCf 111M tel.•7198C1Il LUlDII. 99 1110 101 102 103 104 RIVER MILE 105 106 1U7 IUI61IA I'CIlER RUlIIJ"TV.......... 0) c 109 liD III 112 113 \14 115 \16 117 _I ~rr ·11Pf/~ V711/ 17. -;I ..~ r> / ~/ / -~ .IAtPf' IIV¥ z 44O+-----l a-I-a(;j 4~-t--...A ~w 1\1 fl.AIiI<A POlDl IlSTIDU TV.....-\1&115112 113 114 RIVER MILE IIEIlrl€Il P£II11Il • I NJY 71 - 90 "'"7ZD£IIJI'llEIflN)•IlIlr_1!I!IIi FUIW CR6E • C TEN'IU..E •HA_ IlEfEllEN:E RUl N1.•71l18CNl III110109 6lfilTllA IlIV£Il IC£SItU,ATlON PIlIlFILE ~ItIlMI_snus __1AIim ..111M!von _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....Jl .....~....·1 ......I 1011 LIIlPG . {'.J .t.UO ~~DI~110__ "•"""MTIIIII ~&.LVi ICE----".VPlID L.-....:I-.-,-.-.-..-..-..- 1LI ...J- Na:: N ... N- ",2: ~a:: 1LI>- E LE V ~T I O N -(FEET)~~~i ~ (133~)-N OI1~A31 3 ~'\~~~ ~~<,-, ~~-, ~~-, x -, •~~-,'"".r-,-,"\~r-, "r-,~.r-"~~'I.:~."\\ ~~..~.~'\~-~"),.......:")I. .\\~'.~\y......'\, ):.'J '~... ".'~.'.~~.~r-,~":'..~. ~..:. ~~~L ~ ~~~<, I'--. ~~<,>-,»:I ~~'\-, N ~-."'\'"~ ~~<,',-~0.-;~~:%..:.~\ N s- '"N ... U N I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I I I-, I I, ~ c . IA r:.?7....wj V 'ze 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 6lIJ ITIr ITI 6'lO i5 -i-az&SO I-"ITI650fTl -i- 6«l ~.:?.'/",.. ,,'..~ ."/ I AW / -I ~#}1fJ~;:'7 Mt·,v,.'.... 1/ -W:.;;4=--- kIW 'f7'II 1#ff / 1/ I- ([ G:i 600l-... ...J I /. W 5 610-f---tA/- 129 130 131 13Z 133 RIVER MILE 134 135 136 137 LiIliNl. 1111111l~~DI::I"'_1U j 'r'c <...,.......Oj~IIII1IIl11 "lLLItl ICI ----lIlvlll_ IlfATt£R I'DUm • I NIV 71 -90 _'1Z ENEIIlY lID'AI()I IlAT_1!196 'LOIl CIl6E • C lEIP IU.E •NATlRL REFEREN:E RIll NJ,•71llllCNl __....cr &ltiITNA RIYER ICE 6 UUJlTlClN PROF ILE CJ'IIAlCI_srRlES -..uAEaI .JlINT WOlflM e I _.l" l..-.l ,- ----------~-------- e 7IIl TIrn750", -I 7liD ",rm7lO< ~ ~ oz 7~ 730 I 146 146 7IIl -_..... 145 145 RR5KA PQIlEJt IlJTIUU TV 144 144 143 1~3HZ141 141 14Z RIVER MI LE W£A I I£R PERllII • I lIN 71 -SO _12 D€IUI'llOtllCl I IIAT_19!16 FUlN C~•C TEIII'"-I.E •NA~ Il(fEllEtCE Rill ICI.•7 19l1C11l . I ~O 140139 Isg 138 138 ': I VIf/1/1 /f ~I // #/V // ff 1// / ,_L.FI //V~..q;y // / A V IV /1/ I;//J f 1.rJ / / //II LI )1 /,1'/• 6lIl I .1 37 730 137 7~ LEIlEICl. ~~J7 ~7I Ttr /If IIL IO ICE'!f'';C n.-...vII110 lei:IIlT __ --••-.~.IIlTTlIl /If LlIH ICE----"",,:,-- I- W 720wu,- I 71 0Z 0 ~ I- CI>700W ...J W 600 ISO .....~........... 0 , 0 , 1'70 I 0 --.I I •0 I , 160 I I I•,I I 0 •I 0 , 160 I I .._e.:,"..",I I IW0,I I ,•I I...J .-..."....,,,I I 0 0 0 ,......140 . ~~0 I I ..I ~O ~~•~I •0 I •I I I /".","\.I0::I ......,,'................I ·W 100 A..:...1 '-,~i,J .~>,'.--'......I .0::-I .......~ 120 "\ \..,. 110 100 90 NlV DEC .JAN FEB IlAR APR FLA6"R POWER AlJTHORITY LLaNI ,....__I ICI FIIICl &l6ITNA RIV£R•••-•••••~~UKPHPM WEATHER PER[OD • 1 If.)V 71 -30 APR '12 f1lUIJ£SIllllN Qf I CE FRONTENE~Y IEItlNl I WATR-lA 1996 ..ZERO MalEE I SDTHEIltIFL.1lW CRISE I C TEI1P RULE •NATUUlL. REFEREta .....NO .I 719flCNA IfIllA.€IAilJJ oJIlNr VOITIIl£ -"-"'-"1 _.... ------------------- illO ~ ~!:375 r 'THRESI OLD ELE U.a370 1 .J ui 366 z 360 16 .... ~12 ~B"u-x "z.r l....7 iI&J U-/Ia 6 ~u ......I~~-~.... ID -IlUZIWJl -~IWW:Il _IL 11'7\11'72 HEAD OF ~HISKERS SLOUGH A..A6MA POIlER AUTHIJU TY RIV ER MI LE 101 :5 0 ___I I 6USITNA RIVER lIZ ,"I~u.arNII.WEA Tt£R PERIOD ,I NOV 71 -30 APR "72 I CE SlltJlATlllN ..1 111 "-1Hl0CNal D£RCY [EIUNI ,WA TIMl 1996 T 11£HI ST(RY I .LL.-t CDPGCII1'FLllU CASE •C TEIIf'RLLE •NATlJlA..IfNA-(IAIlCIl ..GilII'WENlIJllREfEf£NCE IIJN NJ .I 7196CNA -....-.......1 _... L ') 4?O ~... !!:466 a461l r ui 456 :s 450 16 t- IL -12 ~Bu /"1 /2.-r 'I / ...4 Jtl-}a 5 ~u~. "'I~~-~... to ~DEa:1eDI JIIHIWf P'UIUW/IWOt _IL 11"1 1W12 SIDE CHANNEL AT HEAD OF GASH CREEK fUl6t<A f'OIER AUTIOU TV RIVER MILE 112.00 ...,_-.rr I I lil.61 TNA RIVER lIZ 1tIlDOCI8 L&llDCII.WEATI£R PERIllO I 1 NOV 71 -30 APR 72 ICE SlltJLATHIN j'T01IL 1tI10Na1 ENERGY IE"~O I WAT~A 1996 T11£HI&T~Y •&L.-.ClJPGCIlr FLOW CASE.C TE""RLL£I NATlRl.IAQA-EIIKD .JIIMI'von..I£F~NCE RUN NI.I 7196CNA -'~""".,..I _.... ------------------- 4'70-t- ~466 a460 ""-- J ui 4S; z 450 16-t- ~12 ~B /1 lie I -/l..u-1:/t-.....-II u-J0 5 ~U4 t-I ~I -~• CD -DUZ teDI .--.~.-:It _IL 111'71 Ill'n ftOUTH OF SLOUG d 6A R...~POWER AUTHCRIT Y RIVER MILE 112.34 ___I I SUiITNA RIVER I CI 1tlICllNll8 Lalli."wr m~R PERIOD ,I NOlI 7 1 -30 APR "7Z ICE SIItULATlDN I.l lJTlL ,,"10DCaa ~~lElA-IO 'WAT~1996 111£HIST~Y I .......CDPINJIT llU CASE I C TE IlP RLLE •NATURR..IIIUA-lIAIiICD .JI1l«-en\Jll 1flEfEflENCEALtIto.O .I 7 1 ~ -.....-......,_.IC ~ ~ ~ 486 ~ t- ~480 (-THRESH LD ELEV . ~415 I "'--,. ~~ ui 410 :E 465 16 t- ~12 ~~8 /"1 /Zu-I 7:r..4 I Ii \...u-\a - 5 ~U .. t-I~I-~ CD NCMJevt Q[CZIllDl .........I'tIIIllAI'I'~_IL 1871 IIrn HEAD OF SLOUGH 8 fl...RSICFl POWER AUTtOn TY RIVER MILE 114.10 ..1--I I lil.6ITNR RI YER ICZ THl~UIlDII.WEATt£R PERIOD ,1 NOV 71 -30 APR 72 ICE SIIU.AT JON ..lDT-.1WI CIO«A ENERGY IE/UN)I WATFl-lA 1996 TII£HISTORY Z.&La!lDPlNIIT fLOW CASE • C YEIf"Rl.L£•NATLRI..~lAial ..01111'won ..AEf~IlJN Nl.•71~-....-......,-... ,,-- -------..--...-------- 600 ~t- !!:4S5 j 490 /" 1... -".ui 4S6 --1 '-,, Jl _I.- 48l 16t- ~12 ~8 r l 11:I /lu-:t /.,t-.. tl .J , -'~0 5 t U 4 t-I ~I I~-~I CD -~teCJI .......,I'DIlUlIl'f lRDt _IL "117 1 urn SIDE CHANNEL "511 R..R6lCA POWER AUTttrltJ TV RIV ER MI LE 115.50 "I-_~ I 5l.6JTNA RI YEA ICI ,"I~UIlDlO.WEATt£R PERIOD •I NOV 71 •30 APR 7 Z ICE SJIt.l.ATJON j 'TGTIL lHIClOU'ENERGY ~tuMl I WAT~~TIllE HI6T~Y •~Cl»PlNJj fLOW CASE I C TEI1P •NATIJR.IINfW:IAIilD .JII Nl'mI1 lN:AEFEAENCE lUi Ie .•71S11iOlA -"'-~_.J _.1. 600 ~~T H R E S H O L D ELEV .t- ~496 I~4!D I ~ _L \iii 496 ,--' 1 :K 48l 16 ~t- ~12 ~B /1 .I ...--2 '"u-;1:I -t-..r...u-0 5 ~U"t-I~r II-~J CD --lIDZleOl .IIHI'«f 'faAI'I .-:It _IL IlI?l IlI?2 .HEAD OF SIDE CHANNEL "511 Jl.RliICR f'ONER RlJlHC'U TY RIVER MILE 115.90 ...__T •6U5ITNR RIVER lIZ ,"ICIlNarI LfllDllI.WEATt£R PERIOD 'I NOV 71 -30 APR 7Z ICE 51IU.ATlON I .TG1/IL ....IOOU'ENERGY lElVN)I WA TfNl 1996 T II£HISTMY 2 ........CIJPlNN FLOW CASE I C TEIlP RLl.£•NATlIR.~.Jll..VEHTIIJ(REFERENCE RM Nl.I 7 1l16OlA -..............._.... ,,-- ------------------ liili-t- ~5S0 ~525 d I ~ ui li2D , ~I '-=:Jl 5 15 16-t- ~12 WB /1 ,-L x ,1/u-I.ix: t-4 /1...u "\\-t -/ 0 5 ~i:-~ E 2 fW-~} t- CD -IIUI!.-JI JINJIWI nBIUllI'I'IRIDI _IL .17.urn fl.A6MR f'OIl[R AUTIQU TV RIVER MI LE 120.00 .........-. I &l.6lTNA RIVER .ea lHlODCII LIIlIJIII.WEAH£R PER IllO •I NOV 7 1 -30 APR 72 ICE SllU.ATlllN ••'lJ111.lHlooca,ENERGY lEltIMl I WATIf\lA 1996 TitlE HIST~Y I .....CGPINII FLO W CASE.C TfllP Ru..E •NRTLfR.~lI&:D .Jllllr WO/TlI\[REf'EAENCE "-M htI .•71~ -~to-"I -.. &SO-to -!!:555 I "~5 5D /""'\ J \ui &46 L.--x 540 16 t- !!:12 ;B /"1,/"Z- u r ./'-J-(J:r t-4 U...f/"""\\"u-I ~P0 5 Q.U4~I~r-- -JI-~-7 CD ~1ItlZ,.,..-.wr fUlI1JPilI'IIAIlOl _IL 1171 urn HEAD OF ftOOSE SLOUGH A...ASKA POWER IUTtUtl TY RIVER MILE 123.50 ...__I I 5L61 TNA RI VER 1m THI~L.IllIJdI.WEATI£R PERIOD '1 tQ 71 -30 APR 72 ICE Sllt.JLATlllN I .TIlTIL THlooaa ~ROY [EIRI)I WAT~1996 TII£HIST~YI."'"CXWCDT FLOW CASE • C TEI'I'RU£I NATUIR..lfImWlIlIim .JlIHT V£MllJl(REFEJ£NCE RJN NJ .•71~_...-........._.,.. ----------~------- 6S6 ~ I t-,THRE SH OLD EL EU .!:5llO ~575 ~\/\I/~"cD &10 \.~\ ~ 565 IG t- IL -12 ~e /1 "I /-zU-:r /-'""'t-4 '"//-u-,-=7",r , 0 6 .~U 4 ~I ~,.-- J II!-&,.....,~I t- ID -1lUZ~JIN.AI'I'fQIUllI'f .-:M _IL.187.1W7I HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (WEST)FLA6IG'l I'OWEA AUTtOtl TY RIV ER MIL E 126 .10 ...__I I 6L6 ITNA RI vat ICII ,"I ~u-D.;c;'irw:."f"£RI OO I I NOY 71 -30 I¥R 7Z ._---__ft.......''-Eo ~••~••_e ~:=~ENERGY~"':'1!I ~TINl~TII£HIST~Y FLOW CASE I fl1P I NATlJR.1IRa.£.-o .JIlIlI'811MAEf[J£NC£IlJN NJ.I 7UlliCNA -----.....·1 _..• 696-t- ~590 r THRESHOLD ELEU. i:;585 , .J ,~-\~...I- ui SW "x S15 16 - ...- IL-:2 ~ ~8 /"1 ,,2u-f /r ......../,\u-f\J '-\II "\0 6 i 'u ..~I i ~~ -J1-0 1-,......,......,I CD -IlDZteOI .BIJIIIn ~IWIDt _IL 1117 1 ur7Z HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (EAST)fLR6t<A I'OlER RJTIClR I TY RIVER MI LE 12 7 . 10 ....._. I 61.6ITNA RIVER 11%nuOOla8 UIlUllh WEATt£R PER IOD ,I NOV 7 1 -30 APR '7Z IC E SIIU..ATlON I.TlIl llL lH l OOCII ENERGY CEHINl I W AT ~1996 TJIt£H [ST ~'( 2 .~ClJPGCIIT FLOW CRSE I C TE"P RlLE •NATlRL REFERENCE RLM hQ .I 71 9601A ~II&D .JIINf \llHT1Il£ ___...........AII ..,_.... --------------- e - S20 ~... !!:615 /~THRESH LD EL EU .~a610 I /\ui6(E It I L u~:z 600 16 ... !!:12 ~,-I ~B I /Zu i ...4 I \...u-A./\\7\..a 5 D.04~I~~ --J~-~1-..~~I lD -lEUlIIDI .-.MY nJIIUW/IlAIIOt _IL 1171 urn ..- HEAD OF SLOUGH 9 f\.R6MR POWER AU11O'~IY RIVER MILE 129.30 ..I_-.cr I I 5USITNA RIVER 1m THlooc.LIIlIHlI.WEA Tt£R PERIllO '1 101 71 -30 APR 7Z ICE 51IU.ATl llN I.,m,,-'lH IOCNf.IIS ENEROY lElRolD I WAT~R 1996 TIllE HI5T(RY t .&LWl~T FLOW CASE I C TEt1P RLL£I NATURA..IAIlA-(IAEim .1:111«WEHTlII£REFERENCE RUN PI;].I 71980lA -.....-........_.1" OPTI0lI1 63Ei ~ t- ~630 ~62S '\/ui 620 r t 1\z 615 16 t- IL -12 ~B /1 :II:I /"2-u-:r , t-4 I...""U-Ia 6tu..t-I;-.--.J~-J 1-\-/L....,~ to IINJePI IECCIIIPl .-.wI nJI_.-:tl _IL 117\1171 SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF SLOUGH ~FLAiIiICFl POWER AUTHlJU TV RIVER MILE 130.60 "._-.0 I •6L6JTNR RIVER lei 1Hl~LIIlIDID.WERnER PERIOO '1 NOV 71 •30 APR 7Z ICE SIIU.ATJON ~.la"IL 'lH10lNm8 ENERGV [EIRI)I WATFNl 1996 TIlE:HIST~Y ......CGFINHT FLOU CASE • C TEIP RLL£•NATLJR..IIIlZA-€IIAIilXI .JI11lI'VDIlIJI(flEFEREICE RJN N].•7 1i6OlA -..---..o--T _... • ----------------- I _646 I I I I I I... ~640 ~635 oil /~ ui(3)I \ :K 625 16 ... ~12 ~/'/~B 1 . u ,z-J: ........1u-I \\0 6 ~U""'i~.--- --JI-~h J '---.J... Ul ~IlEa....JIINJIWf fDIlUWI'IROt _IL 187.111'12 SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF 4TH JULY CREEK fUl6l<A POlER AUTHlJU TV RIVER MI LE 131.80 ...__I I 6L6ITNA RIVER lIZ DlIDCIlDe LGIIIIO.WEA Tt£R PERIDO ' I HOY 71 -30 APR "12 ICE SIIU.AT ION I.TOT"-lHlaocn ENERGY EE"1Nl ,WA T~1996 TIllE HISTMV 2.~CDPlNJIT FLOIl CASE I C TEIIP RLL£I NAT~~1IIiIXI .Jll..IlaITlJI[flEFDlENCf fUf lID .,7196CNA _..-..-..._..... 666 ~ t- ~660 ~6S5 (-THRES HOLD ELEU ....-i (\ ui 66D :z 645 16 .... ~12 B /1 /Z~8 Iu / i:r , .........I "'u-f0 5 ~U ......I~---=.:.J~-6 h J '---,-( t- ID -1lQ%.....-..rt ftBlUWI IRIDt _L 111'71 II1?2 HEAD OF SLOUGH 9A fl..~POWER RUTtOn TY RIV ER MILE 13 3.70 ..._--.et --r I 5l.61 TNA R1VER ICI OiICIlIIOB L.IXlDIII,WERTt-£R PERIOO 'I tDI 71 -30 APR '72 IC£S1l1ULATJON I .TIJ1IL 'lHIOOCU E}.IEROY CE"1Ml I WATA'4A 1996 liKE HIST~Y r.LI.-.CDt'lNIIf FLOIl CASE I [TEI1P RU..E •NATURR..ItlRIA-EACD .JlIINf WEHllJl£REfERENCE RUN NJ .I 719601A _..-...-..._.... -------------- ;10 ,1 ~~T H RES H OL D ELE V•... ~656 I /'"~6S)L r \~ ui li66 7& 650 _16 I ... ~12 ~B --/'1 /Z u -,-I ~J:...4 <,.../u-(a 6 n.U ..~13J:2 - ~-~-..-J h ,--.~I '---,I (II IllNUtlDt llUlltIVI .-An f'DlJLAIy IADt _IL 11171 urn SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF SLOUGH 11 ~R6I<R POWER AUTHOR J TY RIVER MILE 134.30 ..,.._ I I SUSJTNA RJV£H I CI '"'&:lINiN LUIEJjJJ,WEAT~1l PERIllO 'I NOV 7 1 -30 APR 1t I CE SIIt.A.AT JON I.'D'TIl.1MIoocaa DEROY [E11FN)I WAT~1996 TII£HIST~Y I .&J.ef CDI'lIICMT F\..llW CASE I C TEtt>RU..f:I NATUIR..~II&XI .JlINr VEN11J1[REFERENCE ''-IN NJ .I 7196CHA -"-""--1 _.... ) 6SCI-~ !!:6 75 , ~6 10 r:~ I \. ~ ui G66 :E 660 16 ~ IL - 12 ~8 /"/.....'Z ~Iu I-r #-...4 &oJ r:~u-(0 6 ~jj " Ii!---=.I h ..,.J '-,~.- 10 IlOWPtIP 1I!:Cl!1IIVI .--,PlBlUWf -=tt _IL 1W71 urn SIDE CHANNEL D/S OF SLOUGH 11 A...A5lG'I POER JlITtCItI TY RIV ER MILE 135.30 "1"--I :5L61T~RIVER I Cl!TWIOlNUe 1..IIlD:D.WEAn£R PERIOD '1 NOV 71 -30 APR "1Z ICE SIIU.AT ION ..lar,,-lHlOlICM D.£RClY [E11A()I WAT~1996 T11£HISTlJ'fY I .......~r FLOW CASE I C TEI1P RU..E I NATURR.IlNA-lIIUO .QINf \lOfI1Jl[REfERENCE "-W loll.I 7196CHl -...-......1 _.101 - -- - -----_I Ir..-------- &96 ~r THRESHJLD ELEV.I- ~690 , ~6&>'....-,-.-.,-JV'""\ J IV \ "'"- ui G9J :z 615 16 l- lL -12 WB¥,1u--j /ZX I-4 1.--'....-u-I \f "'1\0 6 ~i:i4 Ii !----:=T "'\~..........J l- ID --Q[(Z1IIIJl JIIH1IWf -~_IL 1171 1172 HEAD OF SLOUGH 11 R..A5I<Fl POWER AUTIOU TY RIV ER MILE 136 .50 ___I I Sl..6JTNfI RI YEA lIZ THI~LIDDIlI.WEATI£R PERIllO ,I NOV 71 -30 Af'R 72 ICE SItU..ATJIIN I .tlJT ~'!H10CNUlI ENEROY lElR-lD I WATIIolA 1996 1I1£HIST(RY I .&&.-.~,FLOW CASE I C TEIP RU.E •NATUfA..~II&:D .JII",VEM1111t!'lEf'EftENCE lUI ~.I 7 19IiCNA -..........-.._.... 'lao ~..... ~725 ~720 r-.....Aui716 \...--.......v -. :J: 710 16 ..... ~12 ~ ~B u-r rl,Z......4 J,...u-J\J\0 5 ~U4.....I~- ~.:»~-~"1 ""\r ~-J..... lI)-IZateDl .-~IRDI _IL 1117\11172 HEAD OF SLOUGH 17 A...fl6I(A POWER flUTtUn TY RIVER MILE 139.30 ___I I 6L6ITNA RJVER lea THIDlNae LIIlOIL"NEIlH£R PERIllO ,1 NOV 71 -30 APR '7Z ICE SJlUJlTJON I .10"1"-~DEROY £EIRID I WAT~1996 TII£HI '1T~Y I .&.&.-.FUllol CllSE I C TEll"RU..E I NATUIR.~1AIitO ..01111'lIOIlIJlf.REFEAENCE RJN Nl.I 7J96CHl ----...--._.\- • • 7'0 ~I...~'THRESHOLD ELEV •~735 ~~73J 1\ "\\.-----. ui 726 :z 720 . 16 ... ~12 III III ~B rl'ZurI...4 ,... U-/\0 - 5 Q.u~~I~-.--J~-~\r--;,-oJ '---.---l... lD IIO'IP&JI llUIltIfIl .-MY fDIIUlIl'I IADl _IL 11171 11'72 HEAD OF SLOUGH at A..R6I<A POWER flITlD'l TY RIVER MILE 140 .50 -.:11 __I 1 6US1 TNA fll VER l IZ lHl DeC18 1.UlPlD.WEAn£R PERIOO 'I tDi 71 -3D APR 7Z ICE SIIt.JLATION I .l lJT lL lWlOCN:U D.£RCiY lElRoIl I WFlTIN\1996 TIl£:'iIST~Y r .LLeI~FLOW CASE •C TEI1P RU.£I NATUAA..IfIlZA..£lRiI[J .JIINT WDnlJllREFEf£ta RJN I().I 7 1~ -"-~--·T _ .•• 7Q1 ~ t- ~75ii ~751 ,...-THRESH LD ELE U. oJ t.... ui 146 3 14 1 16 ...- ~12 III !lie"u-:z: ...4...u-D 6 ~U"t-i~~--l~-~\r ""\-I-.rr"........,.:»t- Il)~lJ[C!ItI[Il .-.wI ~.-:It _It. 1171 111"12 SLOUG H iH (ENTRANCE AtiJ Fl.ASI<R POWER RUTIIJU TY RIVE R MILE 14 l .80 ....._1 t 6l.6lTNR RI VER ICZ M DMIe 1.lIlIJlO.WERTt£ R PERIOD '1 NOV 71 -ao APR 7Z ICE SII'U..A TJON ..TIlT...'IH1C»C8I El£RGY lElUNl I WATINl 1996 TII£HIST~Y r ......_'FLOIl CASE I C TEIlP RLL£I NATURA..~II&:D .JlllIf VDllIll£REFEAEta RLM N).I 7 196CNA _..---..-..._.... 766 I-/THRESHOLD ELEV.t- ~760 ~7$ ui 76D :It 745 16 t- ~12 ~8 u-:r.."III U-a 5 ~U"~I!-J \r "\L...,-.......,-J l- UI ~lI!.C£lIIDl SHJM'f -IIR:H _IL lin1 1872 HEAD OF SLOUGH 21 fl.A5IG'4 f'ONER AUTHORJ TT RIVER MILE 142 .20 _.._I I liL6JTNR RJVER lIZ nilOl1C1e UIlIlCl.NEATt£R PERIllO '1 NOV 71 -30 APR 7Z Itf SJ..uLAT ION I .'GTIL~DEROY IEHIN)I WAT~1996 TII£HIST~Y r .~FLllI4 CASE I C TEI1P RlL£I IJAT~ItIUA-UIKO .JIlINT VOfTIJI[IlEFEAENCE RJN Nl.I 7J!iIliCHA -.-...-.......r _.,.. I I EXHIBIT F --...-------- -------- c ~,.,/v /'/ /V Ai-V I ~ ~--./, /'v /P "./ 11'/V ~-:"~r /;' / -==t.;..../~V~/ /---// /All ~/ I V / 102 103 10~ RIVER MILE A..R5I(A POWER RUT lOt I TY 430 ITIr fTl420< D --i....az410 I-"Tl fTl400fTl --i ~ 300 11:11 ~40 380 I 107 11:11 107 106 106 105 105104103102101 101100 100 99 99 330 I 98 9;11 i90 340 380 .- W 310wu, ~ I 360Z 0.....-a>350W -J W LEmN). TIP II'Iill.ID la(l!:«U Vrauavwo..lD lIZ INllJlFla )••~.IIlTTIII OF 8.184 la ----....MVIII lID IlEATt£1t PER I III •I tIN 18 -90 II'R TI ENERlJ'l'0EIWlNl I IlATI'Nl 1!196 FUJW CA6E • C TE"P II.1..E •NATUIIAL 1lEFEJ£1C£~1«1 )•"l89ElCi-A ",_-.0 5USlTNA RIVER ICE 61IU.ATlllN PfO'ILE rF IWCI ....STIU:S lAUA-£IRil:D .JIIII'VENT lIl£ E _,...... c •I F '¥I ./LC7"/' 109 110 III 112 113 114 115 116 117 -I-~/TT7 .c 1*[7fJ==7~'-+-7k17-: I I Pr / 1/ I f~~w-¥ 17 Z 440 o-I-a>w ..J W L.UlEMl. «{(4Yl=:1::~DPIa ----'''IVP lED IlERTt£R PER 100 • I lIN 'l8 -3lI "'"T1 DEIlOY OEKNl I MATINI 1996FLOIlCASE• C 1EIP IlLE •NA1\IlAL REJ'Dl[t«:[~N1.I ~ 109 110 111 112 113 114 RIVER MILE 115 116 n A...A6I<A POlO AUTtUU TV ..,..- 6lIiITNA RIVER ICE Sll'U..ATlllN PRFILE CF Mill....SUUS ~lIAIim .J)INf W£KTlJl[ ~........"-.I _.... ,-.- -------------------- c - 550 o 570 Z 590 "Tlrn560rn -l rTJrrnli9l]§ -l 540•128 128 IiaJ 1Z7 1Z7 FLA5t<A POIlER AUTHClU TV SU5ITNIl RIVER ICE SItU-AllON PR:FILE CF IWCI_SUUS ~1iI&D .JIII«WDnIllE ...-- 126 126 125 125124123IZZ 122 123 124 RIVER MILE IlfATt£R P£R 100 •1 lIlY 18 -90 ff'R 71 DEROY 0EtINI I IlATIN\1!l1!16 FLOIl CR6E • C TEItP RILE •NIllUllAL 1lD'EJ£1C£RlM I(l.I 1898CNl 121 121 IZO IZO119 ,119 " -.J Z ·L _-.J /f.'....f .L...."\-,."..", •'./'.'t-!tr-:.:'>Y J /./~-.....y LL- ~.:·'I :/L -i V,-;"<,,L:i L f!'g r £::1-'~L_~A'.·"L 4'Z V&f!'{:~-7 =/4 7'.I #.,;;-7 /I ~y L~&(2 '7 /A.'<';~/,-AI'-""/~,"j:;/\I If;'~'/~l.;/V AI?'L-n:~'.;.,'/d!i /;;":'/t-~~':'(J f ',I ,:/ ;--/,,-;;7-L £"v •/~'.,~'Z::~':'L .J.."'..,'/.!.t_...!.r-.,I .!.:.. I.ECDG . I 7'""filLlD ICI:Vf J ({ILIJItVIl1ID I CI:IIITIJIPIlCI:I~>..s:,~fII1TlII II'a.aat ICI:----_"IVP l1li 400 •118 I.a liliD 500 540 t- ([ >510W ...J W Z520 o- I- W630wu, _.._.,._..,-~ • c lAS7f 136 ~ .6ilO I- WG20wu. - 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 137 -......rr6!lO Wo--if-lBl L.'•6EIJ 1/I 1-/ 129 130 131 132 133 RIVER MILE 134 135 136 fUI6t(R POlO flITHrAl TY LfaN). Trif /II!T~C1I'111.10 IC£~>•>.!"w ~ID lIZ INTDIfIlIZ.••_..•IIlITTlJI C1I'Il.L.-t ICE -----ItI'iU lID .-- IlEArt£R PER IIII • 1 .cv 'l8 -lIlI If'R T1 D£RDY lIOflNl I IIArl'N'\1996 F\.0Il CRSf:•t TEIP IU.E •NA1\JIlAL. REFEREta:RUl Nl.I ~ .- "1__ SU>lTNA RIVER ICE Sllt..l.ATlQN PlU'ILE C:I'I1AlCI_SrAl£S IfImWIIIlIim .JIINf VOClllll -..~......all.I _.... -.------------------- c- 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146137 790140/j /7 //// 7fl(J730/1 V v / //rTl~ //r.....7i'O~W720 ///v Dw -lU.-~ V /v /aIJ760ZZ710// / /I0 ~-V v V "Tl...../a I 150m>700 /W /L..//-t-l ~W Ii 1/V v-' /740690/V/ l//-7 730li80 I~I~137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RIV ER MI LE fU6<A POD RUT tDU TY 1.£llENl....__I 111'IF IilL 10 ICE SUSllNR RIVER~II ,I :,1/aJJavD.ID ICIl INTIIPMZ IlEATI£R PEftI00 • I NlV 18 -90 ff'R T1 ICE 61IU.ATlllNr!~)~:'''';.\'IlrTTlIIllf LL8t lei D£AOY OOI\N)I IlA TlHl 1996 PACF ILE CF ItAlCl....&TI'a&FL.OII C~• C lE..IU.E •NIllUllAL.ItIVPI 11II REFEJl[tCE RlIt 11),I 1888CNA I4IlRlA.£IIIiID oJll..VEMTIJI( -~"-"I _.... h ....'n.... lllD l1'0 1 ---..--, 0 .... . ••...,-...I I :0 ,----_.....•·UD ••0 ·;••0 ·0 •····••,•••;••·, 0 0 00 0 ,,••·0 ·•·, 160 ••:•0 ••·0 ,,:•,,·,•W 0 ,•0 ··..J •·0 ····0 0 0 ,---,··......140 ·0 ·,·2:,·,•0 ···~I •I , Ir ·•,0 r'·--l:\-•·0 ,•••·W 100 •~~.'U '\'\.·I ·1 1 0 0>1 0 ·~-:..··0 ,·.......,.-- -,,,",",n:0---0 ..'/'.'-r---if-'_'...-I 1 ,·.·---::120 •{.--..-..-'.\•1 I , 0 • \~••, •0 •110 •I ••'.\I 0 I I 1 .,0 0 0 .•0 I •• 100 I • 0 90 NJV DEC .JAN FEB ItRR APR fLR6KA POWER AUTIDI TY LLCDG .....__I la rJIllNT 5U5lTNA RIVER•-•• •----_IKIlllII 111I1_WEATHER PERIllO I I NOV ?6 -30 APR T1 f1CUOHESS ION lJ'ICE FRONTENEROYCE~D I WI=lT~1996 ..fERI DElJU I50THEMFl.Ql.l CI:&:I C TEI1P fU.E ,t-RTl.RlL. FlEF~EN:E ItJN NO .I 76!ECNA IAUA-£IRIiCD ..aIHI'VOITlII£ -.IM_......._.... ------------------- lI80-r T H R ES ~O L D ELEV.~!!:375 5:110 f ~-ui 31i6 :s 36D .. 110 ... !!:12 ~ ~8u-r /2 /1....4 I f1&1 U-I ,, 0 5 ~U .. "'I ~1-~ lD IGVDlI!I II!mIl[JI .-..n R IIURI'.-:H _IL Itrli Ilrn HEAD OF ~HISKERS SLOUGH A..ASt<R f'QWER AUTHlJU TY ,RIVER MILE 101 .50 ..._-..I I SlJ51 TN'l RIVER lIZ MOCIIDe L.r.OIJIO.WEATt£R PERIOO .I t¥:N 76 -3 0 APR T1 IC E SI....ATlON !.TCJ1 AL 'lHIOQO'ENERGY IEI1IMI ,WA TIl-lA 1996 TII£HISTMY.......-FLOW CASE I C TEI'I'RlLE I NAT lJfR.lAUA-£.-:o .JIll«lID41l1l£flEFEJ£NCE RJN NJ .•'7696CNA -.....~......I _.... 4?O ~ to- ~466 ~Am ,fiii466 ~ :JI:-J \-450 16 ... IL -12 ~B u rl 1:I /Z..... tl ,If-/, 0 5 t U 4 "'1:I-~r---\ CD _0811 ~toe[lI JNIIIf'/PE..-r IlllIlCH _IL 1111 Ilrn SIDE CHANNEL AT HEAD OF GASH CREEK FLR5KA Pt:»ER AUTHOR J TY RIVER MILE 112 .00 "._-'0 I •5USJTNA R1V£R Ita nilCllNlle 1.IllDIII.hEllTI'£R PERIOO ,1 NOV 76 -30 APR 7.,ICE st.....An~ I .TcrtAL.'lH1=t ENERGY DOHFHl I WA TA-lA 1996 TII1E HIST~Y 2 .~CDPlIICIl FLOW CASE I C TEHP RLLE I NATLRl.. REFERE NCE RUN I«l.•7696Q4A ~1IRliID .JIINf ~IJI£_..-..--,_.14I •- ------------------ - 4?O ~t-!!::4615 ~460 I ~ ui 46li \.... :K 4SD 16 ~... !!::12 ~B¥/L /"1u-r II It-4...u-I0 '.I 5 ~u .. t-I= I -A ,......... c.o _II!.llOZJIKJl .JlNlAIl'I ,~..-:H _IL 111'71 IIrn ftOUTH OF SLOUGH 6A ~POWER AUTHO'U TY RI VER MIL E 11 2 .34 ...-_-1 •6L6ITNA RIVER l IZ M a.cIe L.DM:IIII.WEA Tt£R PERI OD ,I NOV 76 -30 APR "7"7 I CE SIIt..l.AT ION I .'1Il"-'lHIa.caa ENE~£EMlIl I WATFNA 1996 T I I£HIST~Y I .~~'FLOW CASE I C TE"P RLl.£•NATlJR..~lIIiCD .mINT V£M1 lJ1£REFERENCE RJN /11].I 16960lA -"'-~--·T _.... ,- A&6-~THRES~OLD ELEV.t-!:480 ~~475-r ~iii 410 ::K 466 16 t- IL -12 ~8 u /'1-7 c:7x t-4 7 7....u..f •\0 5 ~U4 "'I~I-~,......... UI -.w.~.-..rr n..-IIIllIDt _IL ItrI.Ilrn HEAD OF SLOUGH 8 A...A6I<A I'OlEA AUTIUU TY ,RIVER MILE 114.10 "I---~1 lil.6ITNA RI VEft ICI ,"10CNDa LIllDIIl,HEATI£R PERIOD ,I NOV 76 -30 APR '11 ICE SII1ULAT ION 1 _TIIT"-THIOO«a8 EN£ROY lE"j:M)I WAT~1996 TIlE HIST~Y I .&L8I~'FLOW CASE I C TEI1P RLLE I NATlBl.IIfIDWIAIilD .JIIINf von_REfERENCE flI.M toO.I 76960IA -~"'-·I _.... ----- - --t_--- - -- -- 600-to- ~495 j 400 ",THRESHOLD ELEU. I....r ui 41l6 J r:IJ 'L..,:I: 4BO 16 ... ~12 ~ ~B /'1u-I:r /2...4....;Iu-/~. 0 6 Q.li4~I~I-~r--\ t- CD _PlK.~J/NIIIIf'I n.-r "'lOt _/L Itn.1177 SIDE CHANNEL "SII A..R6I(R POWER AUT IO'ITY RIVER MILE 115.50 ...-_. I 5USITNA RIVER /til MCIOCII LlIlIIID.WEATt£R PERIOD ,I NOV 76 -30 APR "77 ICE SIILl.ATJ~ I .lOT-.lHlClC>U'ENERGY lE:HAoIl I WA TINI 1996 T11'£HI STlJ'fY I .&L.-.CDPCNJI FLOW CASE I C TEt1P RLLE I NAT Lft:L IfNfWIAliDI .JI/NT VEHlIJ/£AEFD£NCE ALN toe.I ~ --.....-.......I _.141 600-, t-THRESHOLD ELEV.~495 Ia49:1 -l I _......~I r"j4Sli J --C3 411) 16 - to- ~12 ~ ~8 r l ~2.u i I 1/ to-.....,u-J \l0 5 ~i~I-~,..-. CD ~It II[CEJIKIt ..........,'(IIURI'~_IL ,."IIrn HEAD OF SIDE CHANNEL ~SII fUl6t<A I'QWER AUTHORI TV RIVER MI LE 115.90 ....._ I I 5L6ITNA RIVEft lea ,"I~LIDIIII,WEflTt£R PERIOD 'I NOV 7ti -30 APR T7 I CE S I ItUL AT ION I .TMIIL ,,"Icoa,ENEROY ~"flND I WATIMl 1996 T11£HISTORY I .~CCIPlNN I'l..OW CASE •C TEHP RLLE •NATlIR..~1IIim .DINf VDI1l1l£IlEfEAENCE ......1<&1 .•-.-..a L--1-"-"--'.....a.=I ,--,-,- ---'ICII -- ---'-- - - - - - -- 1>36-I-!:sao a52S ...../'\ ui li2D I ,.--'""" :II rr:\ SIS 16I- !!:12 ~8 rl I_Z 1C 7 7u ~x ""\to-4...1 """"T ""'1u ~-~\0 5 t U "I-I~r --;::JI-~r--I 7 l- ID MWOlIllII IIDZIIKJl .--r f(~NW:H _IL 1..,1 111'17 A..AIit<A POWER AUTtUUTY RIVER MILE 120 .00 ......_-, I 5L6ITNA RIVER 1m ntlOMBe LIllINII.WEATI'£"PERIOO ,I NO'I 76 -30 APR 77 ICE SIIU.ATlIlN I .1ll1l1L ~ENERGY lElWNI •WAUNA 1996 T ItlE HlST~Y I .&L.eI FLDIl CASE I C TEI1P RLLE I NATLfR..~1RIiCO .Ill..81l1l£AEffAENCE ......to.I 7696CNA -................_.1" I '-- li60 ~ t- ~556 ~S5D ~1,-'"f \N \ ui S46 J'-....I ......,\ 3 S40 1& t- IL -12 /"1~B /2 I V u ,.L-:r r-;IJ """\It-4 /\"'Iu-(\r-.I0 , 5 ~U4 mH --r= .-J ",J CD _II it1f'dJI .JNRtf ff~.-:H _IL 1117..lIrn HEAD OF "OOSE SLOUGH A..A6KA ~AUT~IT Y RIVER MILE 123 .50 ..._-.rr I I 5U5ITNA RIVER lIZ na.....Lallllh WEATt£R PERIOD ,I NOV 16 -30 APR 77 ICE SJtU-AT JON I .TUT"-'lHIDOCUI ENERGY IEIVNI I WAT~1996 T111E HISTORY I .~~r FLOW CASE I C TEIIP Ru.£•NATURR..IfIUA-(IIECD .DI...lIENTlIIlAEFEAENaN.JN hD .•?B96~_...-..-..,_... .- - - - - - - - - -_.- -...- - - - Ii8Ei-t- ~580 ~THRES~OLD ELEU.a575 , r\V '\ui Ii7\)"\... :z 56S 16 l- ~12 ~ ~8 rl /2u-7 17:r...4 --rT... U-A V ~0 6 Q.jj ..~i:,-- --=::J~-~r ""\~ C/)---iWitIdJi .......,ff__IIW>t _IL 11I'l.I.." HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (~EST)A..RtiKA POWER fllITHDRITY RIVER MILE 126.10 ...-_.. I 5U5ITNA RIVER lIZ MCICIIUe UIIDIII.WEATI'£R PER100 •I NOV 16 -3D APR "7"7 ICE SJIU.ATlON I .TIl1IlL 'lH1~ENERGY lElIINl I WAT~R 1996 111£HIST~Y I.~CIlIPGDr FLOU CASE I C TEIP RU.E I NATUAR.lINA-€lAIiCD ..Dill'VENlIII£AEfERE:NCE rt..M I(].I 1&36CNA -"'~"'''''T _.... , 6$ ~ ~590 as&> (THRESHOLD ELEU., .r-'\W'\ui&m :K 5"15 16 ... I&. -12 m ~8 /1u...7r "'-Z...4 .,J... U...J ~0 5 ~ii r-r--r-: J~-~J \--;;;::::::::J CD ~Il IIDZIWlI ......,nllUWn'~_IL I.,.IIrn HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (EAST)A..A6tCR POWER AUTHC'U TY RIVER MILE 127.10 ...__I •6U5ITNA RIVER Ita M~LDlOlII.WEATt£R PERIllO ,I NOV 76 -30 APR 77 ICE SIIU.AT IllN I .lcnlL 'lttICJlNOa D£ROY CEIRolO I WA TINl 1996 TIHE HIST~Y I .~CDPGCMf Fl..1IW CASE I C TE'"RLL£•NATUIR..IINA-lIAim .DIll'lIENTllIl£REFERENCE lUi "1].I 769601A _..-..-..l _.... ,-,- ------------------- S20-t-!!:615 /"THRESHOLD ELEV • ...610~ ui Gai -"'"I L3r-~6(1) Iii t- IL -J2 ~B'"rl 1 .....[u-J:/J..... Ij-/, 0 5 ~U""'I~-JI-~J \{\-J UI _II ~......,~--.->i _IL 117.IIrn HEAD OF SLOUGH 9 R.RI6MA POWER RUTtUUTY RIVER MILE 129 .30 ...__T,liU51 TNA RI VER ICZ MDMIe LIllDII.WEAT~1t PERIOO •1 NOV 76 -30 APR T1 ICE SltU.ATJON I .TDI"-1HI=t ENEAOY [EttfNl I WATIlolA 1996 TII£HIST~Y I .~COPGCIl FLlIW CASE I C TEI1P RU.E •HATUIA..-.w1llEltO JOU«IIDlTlJI[flEf'EM:NC£.....t«J .I 1Ii96OlA -...-liO--T _.,.. OPTIOlI? Gali ~... !!:630 ~62S ui li20 .---J ....... I L:J: 615 _IJ 16 ... !!:12 B ~8 rl _1u-r J I...4 I&l f "'l ;u-f \0 5·r-' t U 4 "'I~~ j~-~I-J \r "--J... W _II IIDZl8JI .--..n .....IlAlOt _IL 111'1.IIrn SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF SLOUGH g A..~I'DIlER RUTtOn TY RIVER MILE 130.60 _1__"T I SU;1TNA RIVER lIZ THlDMIB LaIDID.WERTt£R PERIllO ,I tDI 76 -30 APR 77 ICE 51lU.AT 1lIN I .TerTII.THlDO«lll ENEROY l:EtVNI I WAT~A 1996 TII£HISTMY 2 .....~FLOW CASE I C TEIlP RLL£I NAT Lft:l.~.DII«lIF-«1Il£REFERENCE "'*.c.I 76960lA ~...-"'...I _... I I -J I---,,- ---------")---------- IU6 ~... ~640 ~635~./r\ ui li::lO I v.:It ,-.., 62S 16 ... ~12 ~8 u /1 1.--,2 i I I...4...u .~/1\0 6 o.u 4~I=J~-~',.J \.7-cJ co ~lt ~..INJIWY RIIILRlY IlAlDt _IL..,.IIrn SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF 4TH JULY CREEK R.flti"R POWER fllIT)Gl TY RIVER MILE 13 1.80 ",_-.rI 1 I 6l.6ITNA RIVER lIZ tHlOlNQI LEla:IIll.WERTt£R PEl"DO ,I NOV 76 -30 APR 77 ICE SJIU..ATllIN l 'TlI"I"-'lttICIOCI'DERGV lElVN)I WATINl 1996 T 11£HI STOfY •&Lat CXI'f'OCNT FLOW CASE • C T·,....RI.L£I NATUlR..IfNA.£II&:D .Jl1 ...WENTlJI[AEfEREta .....1'«).•~_..-..-.....r _.... -. 666 ~ t- ~66D 5tii r THRESHOLD ELEU. i .7 1\ .0 660 :J: 645 16 t- !!:12 ~B¥h v Zu ~:r ., t-..r-~...u ~/1\a 5 Q.li4~I~II-~I--'\.~k -.;::;;:::::T co ~It -.INJII«'t '(~IIIllDt _IL..,.Iwn HEAD OF SLOUGH 9A A...RliI<A POWER AUT tD U TV RIVER MILE 133.70 ..._-. I 5l.6J TNA RJ YEA ICI nllOOlD8 LalIPlD.WERTt£R PfRIDD ,I NOV ·76 -30 APR "77 ICE SJIU.ATION I .TUT"-'IH1=t ENERGY [£1lfN)I WATR-lA 1996 TII£HlST~Y ,.&I.-t lXJ.-x FL llW CASE I C TEI1P RlLE I NATlJR.IllUJWII8D JlIINl'won _REFEAENCE RM Nl .I 76960lA --................._.... 1 -I I---.-,- ,--------~-------- Il"lO ~/THRESHOLD EL EU .r-!!:6Ei6 Ia6&l ~ 1.-1\ ui 661i :K 650 16 ~... !!:12 ~/1 _2 ~B ./u..~:r .....J ~...u../0 5 ~U .. "'I~JI-~I-J \_&..~ UI _II -.......,ffllUln'.-:tI _IL 111'1.18'77 SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF SLOUGH 18 Fl.A6l<R POWER flUTtDt l TY RIVER MI LE 134.30 ...__I I &l.6ITNA RIVER lIZ THlCIOIOB LDlDIIl.WEATIER PERIllO •1 NOV 16 -30 APR 77 ICE SIIU..ATlON I .,,1It1l.'fHl OOC88 ENE~lEltINI I WATINl 1996 TilE HIST~Y I .~~T FLOW CASE I C TEIlP RLL£I NATUfR.HAIlZIWBI&D .mINT VOfTlJI(REFERENCE .....hQ .I ~ -...-110 ...-1 _.we .- Ii80 ~ t- ~675 ~610 ~ I \ ui 666 :K Ii6D 16 t- IL -12 ~B"/1./2u-:I:/...4 I&l /(u-r \0 5tU4"'1;J I-A '--..-h \...-J III NlVDlRIl aozr.u .INlAIIT R __ IIMDt _IL "".IIrn SIDE CHANNEL D/S ~F SLOUGH 11 fUl6IIA fIOlO IlUTHClU TY RIVER MILE 0,135.30 ...__I 6U5ITNA RI VER 11:1 ,"IDOCIe LIlIDIlI.WEATt£R PERIOD ,1 tal 76 -ao APR 77 ICE 51 IU.ATllIN I .TOlIL 'IH10CNDIl DEROY (E1RIl I WATFfolA 1996 T111E HIST~Yz......ClllPDCNT FLOW CASE • C TEIP RI.l.£I NATIJI¥l.~1IIlCD ..oINT VEN111lrREFfJ'ENCE ItM 101I.I 1696CNA -...............,_... ---------------_..- G9& ~"T HR E S ~O L D ELEU.t- ~690 , ~6E "- r-IJ ,....\ "'----'-ui 600 :E 6 75 - 16 ... ~12 ~~B ,1.'2.u-r........u-\0 5 ~u .. t-I ~I1-~to-L-..-~L--'--J CD ~II lRWikii .JINJIWlY n--..~_n. ,.."Itrn HEAD OF SLOUGH 11 fUl6I(R POWEJt AUTHCRI TY RIVER MILE 136 .50 ..,__I,6l.6lTNA RIVER Ita '"'~LIIIPIlIo WEATt£R PERIOD ,1 NO'i 76 -30 APR T7 ICE SItU.ATlON I .1DTlIL "lt4,~ENERGY [EHIN)I WA TAolA 1996 111£HIST~Yr.-.....:t ClJPGDT FLOIl CASE • C TEItP RU.E •NATlRl..IfNA-EIAIim .DINT VDnllllIlEFERENC£......I.Q .•7696CNA -.....-.....,_.,. '7iO ~ ~ ~725 ~720 iii 716 r-.... 3 710 16 ~ IL -12 ~ §8 u ~4...u-0 5 t U "~I~I I-A ...........,-h.--'--J to -eJIII.IIElZ.-oI JIIHJIII«f n....,.IIlIlDl _IL 11'111 1177 HEAD OF SLOUGH 17 A..fl6I(A f"OWER AUTIOU TY RIVER MILE 139.30 ___I I 6L61 TNR ftl VER 11:1I lHl~UlIDII.WEATI£R PERt 110 •1 NOV 16 -30 APR 77 ICE SllU.ATlllN I .TD'T1lL 'IH1=t m£~lElfMI I WAT~1996 TII£HtST~Y ••a&.et awlNIl l'LOW CASE •C TEItP RU..E I NATLIlA.~II&D .JIll.VENT"REfERENCE Il.JN NJ.•769l104A -...._......:-t l _.... 4 •I I I--------- -.------ --...-IiIiI ..-........---- 740.i i i i i - ~...~7lI6 J ,-In' ,.......j.I 16 iii iii i o I I I I I I I _II. -...::=:J ~ 1m I I ,-----, ...,c=::? .. •ffRMIY 1.- IIE.IZIIKIl ItrJI ~,- ~II 5 Iiu..i~i 3~I~_~.I I ' ,IS0-I I ' m --••I I I 5l.6ITNR RIVER let SIIU.ATtIlN TII£H1ST~Y ...._-.url R.RliKA POWER AUTIOtITYHEADOFSLOUGH20 RIVER MILE I 140.50 lIZ TttIDCNQ8 I.IDD...WERTt£R PERIOD ,I NOV 76 -30 APR 77 I .lOT 1l11ONN O£RCY [E~D I WftTINI 1996 I fDIICNNT fLOW CASE .,.~~~~:~~~~----~tJ£NCE NJN NJ .•169IOIA I ~..;:::~~'--I I -.M"'E3 .....I -, 7lil1 ~ t- ~75G /'THRESHOLD ELE V.a'751 ui7~.....-. :J: 741 16-... ~12 ~ ~Bur...4....u-0 5 ~U .. "'I~r~-A "---;r-Io.I----..-'---J lD 1CIV~1l IIUUa:II .I'HJI'IfY re..-r IIIlIlDi _IL I trli Ilrn SLOUG H 21 (ENTRANCE AS)A..A6tlR POlO RUTHDRI TY RIVER MILE 141.80 "1"'-I I 5L1SITNfI RI VER Itl ntlC1C11D8 LDIIDIII.WE RT t£R PfR I 00 ,1 NOV 76 -30 APR 77 ICE SIIU.ATlON I .TDlIl.'lH10CICI1 ENERGY CEtuNl I WATr:N\1996 TIItE H IST~'t I .ILLaI IXIIPIIICIlf FLOW CASE •C TE"P RLLE •NATURA...~lIIiIJ).JIINf VDnlll£REFERENCE IUl 110 .I 7696CNA -........."..._.1" 1,...-.4 ~...••I------,,--,- - 7Si ~..-THRES~OLD ELEU.t- ~760 >755~-.... ";19:1 :J: 745 16 t- ~12 ~8"u-:J: t-.. tl I--0 5 Q.U 4~I~~f~-A """r-h '-'-'--J.... ID -eJII!1l II[evw:Il .JINAl'f FE......,.-:H _IL 111'1.IIrn HEAD OF SLOUGH al A...A6t<R I'OlER AUTHCIUTY RIVER MILE l42.20 ___'T •6lJ5JTNR RI~ lIZ MOOID8 LDIDIII.WEATt£R PERIllO ,I NOV 76 -30 APR 71 ICE 51 If.A.ATIe" I.1111M.'lHICIOCU D£~Y [E"?"1!I WAT~1996 Tlt1E HIST~Yr.au..t_T FLIIW CASE I TE....RLLE I NATlJIlA..1lllZA-(8AIim ..DU«WlJ(TlII£A!:"EAENC£RUN toe.•7696CNA -~"'-"I _..- - 7$ ~(,THRESHOLD ELEV. I- ~7S0 ~785 ~ ui 7llD :K 77S 16 t- ~12 Ie u-:r I-.....u-0 5 D-ij4~i~-,~-~-.~h f----"'\...:.....J I- UI ~"IECVBJI ....,..,PE..-r .-:H _IL lin.IIrn HEAD OF SLOUGH aa Fl.AIiIQ'l POIlER flUTHCftI TV RIVER MILE 144.80 ...__T I 6L61 TNA RI YEA lIZ MCNlDa UIlDlII.WEATt£R PERIllO ,1 NOV 76 -30 RPR T1 ICE SItU-AT ION I .1011L 'lHll»CU ENE~[£~D I WAT~A 1996 TI lE HISTlJty Z •..,..CDPGCNT FLOW CASE I C TEIIP RU..E I NAT~IAUA-UAIiID .JI l l«VENlIJl£f£FEAENCE IUf NJ .•7696CNA -"-,,~-"T _.... "'~ !a a:w>- ~-W .J- E LE V~T I O N -.(FEET)e ~~~i i ~i ~i (1 3 3~)-NOI1~A 3l 3 I ~~~~:\.~ ~'\ ~\ ~"\ ~~"'~ '\.~~-,r-,-, ~~-, ~~r-,r-~~ \~., ~\ R \~\ "'~'\ ~~--~~!\~ ~<,....... 81 B llf- s- 19- '"c- i!i-u I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I j c 510 J11r EiOO~ D.......... az49J I -"Tl J114IIOfTI.....- 410 tUI &20 46D U8 lI7 t17 ~f'O€R ALlTHlJU TY....- &Usl TNA IIIVEft Itt:61IU.ATllJol PROFtLE:CF MlCt ....6'~6 tUd iLWIIlIiCD .IIIII'&TIII£ ~....-"...I _.W lI6 116 115 115 114113 tt2 113 tl4 RIVER MILE 112 IlEfITI£II P£Jt 111I • I NW III -!lO "'"• ENEIIJY IlOfNl I IlRTIWA 1!196 FUlIl tAliE:•C T£lIP IU.E:•NATUIlAL IlEJ'EIlEICE IIUl 11).I 819l101l III lit itO 110109 109 ~;Y -:~,I::'....... ~~ IA~'-'~/",~11'"roo~/L ,,'- C:fJ/r:V ~i:'7•c,."...-"" y V L :"':yg'.,.'-'';:'~/.'~."j ~y /a-:;p r;J.......A '_t.,~.!.~:..'" A t bY'/I~'V /~....~:-."~&.I-".·.~f./........-,. /;~7 /A i/'/'v...:".~;. lA'7 ~~/V'.':r_~ V -:A~v ~,'>;v,...'v ~7 1/./A '.....t-:. ,V lA':'v /.;j > .t..~ LIIBG. /II 71 I In TIP aT IILID ta:_~...'1.-.-.W......,.."IO UZ .N'WIIZ~:"..,-;:ct,.•".IF -...at ICI -----IUWII lID 410 I 1011I lc;ll 410 460 .- W 460Wu,- I 4«)Z 0......-a: >430W ...J W 42D l.-I •4 I •l------- ----------~.I.-------- c 5SD 510 SIlO IT1rm6110< ~....a Z ,.. m560m -t SAO•128 1~ IiOO 12'7 12'7 Nl__fl.IlMA f'OER flJTtUtl TY llUSttNIIRi .a Ia:SItU-Al laN PROFILE (F ItAIlIIU1 STAl£5 ~IIB:O oIllNf .an.. _.L --,_.MI 126 126 12& 125124123 122 123 12A RIVER MILE 122 Il£IITt£R f'ER 100 • 1 101 81 -90 If'lt • O£IOI'IlOIlNl I IlAr~1!B6 nJJII CASE • C tEll"IU.E •NA~ IlEJ'EREIC£U ta.I 81BtA 121 121 120 120 us 119 ~~'';-';;;",~~7 / I .'.~-,\:;.:::Y ...0.'•c·-r-•,,:i ~,.<.;;"' Id "...(,"'J•~"".;.'I ~~:,I';"~:!.IV //.v»A - c '•...ff"..-' .,~::~,'.,r . •,,,.."'"',/<7~;"'I V"v _,/LV fi(::;;;::;>'//7 / u :-:;?~~~jj I I /~;""",""1/,/".,::-'~'':-<'"r;,://..~/ •.'.<.._'.'7 \A ""~.:a-~,';y /I '.:~.;.. !.--:.if V .".v~.~v / -P.,"-./ ,.4!":';:'./., / ~~".-.,:,,'.;':~.~>/ ~~:.:'<:::7 "Lf;" . ;::"/ I '."/''':~'~1/"..,,;/I - I I UIlDII. ,((Y.Q ~~D I:INTIIll'la ~•.".-"f a IlI1TIII OF a.t..-t ICE ----IItIVIll ~ A90 •118 118 li6D 540 litO Z520 o l- CI >&10W -.J W t- W6aQ W U. .... -'" LU :;l...J--I: a:: I:C~--a:: ~- ~- 1lI- c-.., (133~1 -NOI1~A313 ELEVATION -(FEETIi~i §~ ~r----~~.....I"--.... ~~.........> ~<...... ~............ ~~ ~"- ~-, r-,"-r-, ~-, r-,~~<, t:\.<,~ ~~'\~ ~<,", ~~<~~-, <, <;~.. "',-, ~-, C1i- ~- -11'I '"III- Iii~- III- III- u IIIII I I I I :1 I I · I I I I I I I u Ie~I ~!-ELE VA T IO N -(F EET )I !~i i i,~~~~~i ~~re-e-,i -i~i ij 1-'"-!j~~II""-,!~"<, !Q j i I- ;:"'-,-"'~~~Ir-,~-r-,- r-,-,lI'l -,'"1:;......-"""<,-:'-i-,<,-I ii <,~...t-lU -i~.N "'-~...J...-<,<,--.-i<,<,<,J:ir~-,<,<,-,a:::-_UJ...>cR-<,<,-,--~§Ul!l-,a:::-,r-,;!~I! ~"-0•-<,<,r-, <,-,I81-,81--,........U !<; "!;!r!! II -,1Il 2 aTI"\."" -».lie': Iii Iii ~11--~~~2 ~iii Iil'r- (133~)-N OIL ~A 31 3 180 - 1~..._---, I I160: ••UiO •IuJ ..J •..... •·-140 ......,Iz;._..'~•I (r r'~••··W lao ,J I'~•.ri:>·.-•I"--'~:I --.~(r I I·120 .---I .......""\I •I •I 0 I 0 •'''\'....-,0 I•I1100 I I -xI•I I I••;I I I I '0;\..100 I I •I :'1\, I •• 90 NJV DEC .JAN FEB lIAR APR R..1lliKA f'OIIER IlUTHDRI TV IBDII.___I Ia:FlDCT &U5ITNA RIVER-••••-.-.__11IIl_ WEATI-£R PERIllO I 1 NOV 81 -30 APR 82 f'ftOOI£5S 1ON OF I CE FRONTENEROY[E~I WAT~1996 ..ZERO llE~IliIDTHEMFLOWCI&I C TEIP ItJLE I NULItiI. REfEftElU lUI NO. •e IlECHA ~.JI1II'WDITIJI£ -.....-~.....I _... ,-,,.-,,-.,- ------------------- lI80-t-!:lrl&["Tli RESHOLD EL EU . 5310 t I 1Ii ili6 ~ 3Bl 16-... ~12 ;B u ~ r l:r _2-...4 /, tl ~,.''\0 6 r- ~u .. IH ~ J....-J "'1 f 11 ~ CD ~~.......,,,--_IL 1.1 ,- HEA D OF YHISKERS SLOUGH fUllil~f'OIER flUTlI]RlT't RIVER MI LE 101 .50 ......._I I SU5ITNl RIVER ICIt M~L&lIIIIII.WEA Tt£R PERIllO ,1 NOV 81 -30 APR 8Z ICE SIIU..AT1llN j:=:::==D£RG1 IEIVNI I WAT~1996 T It£HIST~'t FLOW CASE I C TEIP Ru.£•NATUIR.~.-o ...1..lIEMTUIll,AUEA!NCE .....10.I BllI6CHl _..-IK_.'_.. 1- 410-t-!:el5 54&J \iii&>'"l z 6) 16-t- !:12 ~8 /"1 I ,,-:1.-x t-..;l:l-70 5 ~jj"..-J, II~--;::::;::::J -I---' \,II J ,J ID _. DrCf!ePI .6NJII«f R_~_IL 1.1 1- SIDE CHANNEL AT HEAD OF GASH CREEK ~f'OIlEft ~ITY RIVER MILE 112.00 ....._ I,&t.61TNA AI VER Im,",a..~.WE llll£lt PERIllO ' I tDi III -30 APR 8Z ICE SIIU.AT ION j:m~D£ROY [E1tfN)I IlAT~1996 TltE HIST~Y I'1.OW CASE I C TEIlP IIU.E I ~TUIR..~.JlI"~AEf~NCE IUoI 1(1 ,I BI96CHl -~"-·I _... IIIII I I I :! I I I I I I I I I I ~~!~I ~li~i i_::15 Ii iniI-a:i~ij :..~u;~I~~i J=l:l~I!!-ii I~ I ro-. t ~ \I \.'"Ql ~ ......I l i...~~I·~... «N --~-CQ III III_1-= I ~-§~~- ~_-il!!o . ..J W --51 en ..J Blu~ la.--a:. <,"'\,o x:rl!l~i %cr -=~...w ~~uI~>~~ r-,~~;:!flt~ ~~ ! ~ J I In FZ ,i ~61 III CII ID ~l'I'I CII -0 !~~--III •0 !!-~•I :)_• I ......''\n 'g' " l!~l 5S3NWJIH!SJI •dW3J.wtSU9 J 41i16.iii iii -•II _.'RES'HOLD ElEV.T---r---r-I-~411)..1---r -I " :I t-z - 1 LJ \:l ,I I--lr::~I !/- --i I lei I ~ I J 161===+==I==r---r--~==:i I I i i i I 11==----+-1--===;:1 I~--~12-1 II·~I I 'q~:1 I t_ -I =J --,.F------l...--- RIIUIW --I I L--r=.-:H~_ILJINIIlIn1- 1m '"'~LIIlINII. ~:=~ HEAD OF SLOUGH B RIVER MILE I 114.10 WEATt£R PERIOD.1 NOY BI -30 APR BZ DEROY ~11fN)•MATINI 1996 FLOW CASE • C TEI1P RLl.£•HATlJIlA.. AEFEAENCE .....to,•BI!I6CNA "-A6tCA I"OWER Aunon TV ..,.._ I &L6ITNA RIVER ICE SIIU.ATlON T11£HtST~Y IlIIlDWIAII:D .-...won .. ........-....·1 ..... ----------~-------- liOD-t- ~496 ~"!m ~THRESHOLD ELEV. I 1I ~ t1i 4ll6 ::II .....L. 400 \&-t-... -12 ;B r / u I -2 ~:r ,F ...4 lj II , ~t0 6 ~U 4 --I,t-I;~ L-. I-A I """" '--,1\--I \J -U)-'*""*".......,RRI!Rl'.-:H W.UL,.,..- SIDE CHANNEL "SII fUl6lCA I'OER ~ITY RIVER MILE 1 15 .50 ...__I I &L6ITNA RIVER lIZ '"'~LIIIINlI.WEIlTt£R P£RI 00 •\NOV 8\-3lI AI'R 82 1Ct:SllUJlTlllN1:====DEROY !EIVN)I MATINI 1996 TIllE HIST~Y fLOW CAS£I C TEIP IlU.£I NATUAA.~1AIllXl .D1I1I'81_AEl'ERDa .....hO.I IliICMl _..........-.,-... 600-,.,-THRESHOLD ELEU..../"!:485 (a411l r-, L v \ ui 4S6 ~ ~ 411:I 16 ...1'"1!:12 ~I ,...2 ,:/~8 •,-r:r ...4 III U-0 5 ~U .. ---::::::J III~~ L-. L-,1\......J \1 CD IIMIII!Il '*"'**".-..rr PE__ IIlIII:H _IL 1.1 .- HEAD OF SIDE CHANNEL "511 R.A6ICR POWER ~JTY RIVER MILE 115.90 ...__I •6l.6ITNA RIVER lIZ THI~LDIINII.IEATIER PERIOD • I NOV 81 -30 APR 82 ICE SIIU.ATlDN I.lD'T1L 1HIDlNU DERG't IEIUNl I WATItlA 1996 TilE HISTORYa...,..lDPGGIT FLOW CASE I C TEIIP Ru..E I NAT~~lAilD .JIll«won..AEFERENl%.....I(].I 819&Hl -~)o-"'·I -... I------------------- li3Ii ~ t-!:5lm a52S 1 "\ 1/v "'\ ui 62D 1/\ :K SIS Iii t- !:12 ~8 /"1 /2 I 1/ I •,..--... 1:f I ".....I If '"tl..1/,'\0 5 7~U4 ,"'1;,-J -I '--I -~\,\,..--J \1\, CD -...'*"'*".-..rt n.-.-:H _IL I.',-.RA6IG'l POWER flUTlUtIT Y RI VE R MI LE 120 .00 ___I I 6L6ITNA RIVER I Cil MCIlNa8 LIIlDID.lEAlt£R PERIOO 'I to 81 -3D Af'ft 82 ICE SIIU-ATlON ~:===t Er£ROY £E1tFN)I ~'1Nl 1996 T11£H I6T~Y fLOW CASE I C EtP RU...E I NATUfR.IWQJW.-:D .JIINI'von_REI'~NCE RJN NJ .I 81~ -"-~".I _.. 6&0 ~ I- ~565 //, aSS)If ( ui 646 ......-... z i540 16 ~... ~12 ~8 /"i ..--2 1 / 'Ie I ,u -,-:r I II-.. tI /I-r I0 6 ~U ..I, I-I~~ h-.~,..,I '--I-~1L..i \I ,1-eJ 14 ---.IMM'f PUIUIn'..-H _IL 1.1 ,- HEAD OF "n OOSE SLOUGH fUl6"R f'OlEJ'AUTHiJU TY RIVER MILE 123.50 ...__I I Iil.6I TNA R I YER ICll ntI~UIIINIl.WEATt£R PERIllO .I 101 81 -30 APR 82 ICE SlItJLAT JON j'lG1ll.1H'ONU DEROY lElfNl I ~TIN\1996 T11£HI8T~Y •~CIIIPl»GT F\.OW CASE • C El'lP RU..f •NATlJRl:I.~.Ill....WlMtlJllAEF£AENC£NJN to.•81960lA _..--..-••r _... ••I I.-J __-'" • ------------------- IiIlEi ~... ~li8O ~T HR E S HO L D ELEU. 5575 T ,rt\-:1•liiDII!l ,\.. :K 565 Ui ~... !:12 ~8v:/1 /tou...:r I /..... Ij ,J F=~...,.,r\\/\0 5 Q.u4 r-- ~!3 , ,....-JI~!,...h -,-,-, IL..J \I ,J L..J UI -.--.......,n-.--_IL •••1- HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (..,EST)fl..AllMR f'OWER AUnl:lRITV RIVE R MI LE 126.10 ....._ I •liU51 TNA "I VER 11:1 ntI~LllIDl10 WEATHER PfR IOO I 1 NOV 8\-30 Af'R 8Z ICE SlIU.ATlllN ~.1OTIl.1HlONM D€1Uf IEItlN)I WAT~1996 T11£HI&T~Y .......lDPlNN1'FLl».CASE •C T[IP RU.£I NATlJA.ItIII:A-£IAIim .JlINT von..A!l'r.4lENCE ~to.•81~_..-10._1 _... ". 696-I-!!:&90 ('THRESHOLD ELEV. a5&>,-'\1\ ui 6lKl z SiS 16 I- !!:12 ~~8 /1 /2-f / :r I-• I:l J I-J ~J 1\0 5 ~U .. r-- I~Il ,...-J ""\,-h -I ,-I........,\I ,I L.J lD ----......,FE....,-_IL I ••1- HEAD OF SLOUGH 8A (E ~ST)fUl6KA flOWER ALITtOtITY RIVER MILE 127.io ...__I •llL6JTNA RI VEft IC&'"'~LIlIIIIl.WEATt£R PERI DO •I NOV 81 -3D APR 8Z ICE SItU.ATlON l :=~D£AOY [EIVN)I IlATFMI 1996 TII£HISTMY FLIJ4 CASE • C TE"",Rl1.£•NATUIR.IfNIWIIIIXl .1111«lIOlT..AEfEJ£NCE lUI N:I .•8191tHl -..e.a..........._.... ,- --------- G2D ~... ~61 5 -THRESHOLD ELEU.5610 ui Gai / I 1\J'-:IE 6a:l . Iii ~... ~12 18u /1 1-)-I /:J: ..... lei U-/A.0 6!iii ..-rt-I;--;:::::::::T.....,....n ~,,-,1-~1'--'\.If ,,\-.J CoO -...IlPfP8Pl .-MY flllUln'.-:H _II.,.,,- HEAD OF SLOUGH g fUlliI<A POWER AlJ'ftGJ TY RIVER MILE 129 .30 __-.:a I I &U51 TNA 1'1VEft lIZ 1tII~LIIIDIIe W£RTt£R PfRlllO 'I HOY 81 -3D APR 82 let S Jl U.AllON i :=~ENE~[£IR«)I WATfNl 1996 TII£HIST~Y FLlIW CASE I C TEIP RU..E I NATURA..~.IlINf von..I'IUEJ'IENCE .....to .I 8196CNA -"-F--T _.. OPTlllfI? ~ Bali-... !:1llID 5625 ..;620 r:z 1\ 615 16 I- !:12 ~Bu rl-:r ~! I-4 :...u-J ., 0 6 ~U"-III~---,:=T-.r n ~[,r-\, -c::\I ~ CD ---......,fl-....n'.-:H _IL ••l 1- SIDE CHAHHEL U/S OF SLOUGH g fI.Jl6IQ'l f'ONER AUllOtI TY RIVER MILE 130 .60 ___I •sun TNA ftl VEft 1m na~UDDlh WEATI-£R PERIllO '1 HOY 81 -30 APR 8Z ICE SIIU.ATJCIN j ''IO'TIL 'IHl=:f ENEROY t'E1fNl •MATINI 1996 TII£HIST~Y.......m fLOW CASE •C TE'"Rl.L£•NRTlJIA..~oIIlNf 8IlIIlAEftllENCEfUolNJ.•8 196011 ----to ..·,-... I-I-I-..-.- lWEi ~t-!:640 5636 lli 6aD .J~ 625 16 ~t-...-12 ~B~A /Z ~r I /t-4 III oJ Iu...~0 6 t U 4 -rt-I~,..-J-.r t'\,......,I I ~,I-~'---.,-U L-.I Ul -a..IWltIWii .:IHJM'/RIIlMW .-:tt _IL,.,I- SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF 4TH JULY CREEK ~f'OlER AUnI:lRITY RIVER MILE 131.80 _.__I I &.61 TNA "I VER IClM~~.WEATt£It PfRlOO ,I NOV 81 -30 APR 8Z ICE SItU.ATlON j :=~D£ROY IEItfNJ I WATj:NI 1996 111£HISTORY !<LOW CASE I C 1£IP RU..E I !lqTLJR. IlEfERENCE IlJN Nt .I 819l1CHA HANlIH-.:D .JII ..~--..--._.. IBO ~ ~ ~IB)THRESHOLD ELEU. 5lE6 1 •r> ui liliD =-645 Iii ~.- ~12 ~Bu.. :J:"_'Z.-4 1 ./tl../"'\0 5 ~ii4 -~ Iii ,.-I "'\r n r--'I J I r-.I l.......,I ,-lJ .......... ColI _u..MtlMII ......,Fe....,IlIlIDt _IL 1.1 ,- HEAD OF SLOUGH SA A..A6iIlA POlER RUTtIJU TY RIVER MILE 133.70 ...__I •lilIil TNA RIVER lIZ '"'OllIIa LI\IDlIl.IEATt£A PERlOO ,I NOV BI -30 RPA 82 ICE S I IU.AT IlIN I.'IIlIl.~~fIlY [E1AlO I WAT~1996 T IllE HISTrRY I .~ON CASE I C YElP RlLE I NATUIR.IMII'UlKD oDl..8t\II[A[fEAE:Na:~NJ .•BI96CNA -~~-.I _... IRi-~!:IBJ r THRESHOLD ELEU. 5655 1 •r> ui GIiD :K 645 Iii-~ !:12 B~Bu.. :J:":/Z~4 l ~tl..1"\0 6 ~O4 r Iii ,...-I "1 r:h ~I \,..--., l.......,/l -U ..~ ColI _u..'*"'*".-RIIUIIII'-_IL ••1 ,- HEAD OF SLOUGH SA A..A6J(A 1'00 AUTtOU TY RIVER MILE 133 .70 UI__T I IiUiI TNA RI VER ICII Me:-II LlIlDlIlo IEATt£R PERIOD ,I HOY BI -30 APR 82 ICE S I IU.AT ION I."\'TIl.~R1F1lY !E1fNl I WATINl 1996 TIllE HI8T~Y I .~OIl CASE I C TEIP RU.E I NATlIlA..IIMIl"'UMID .In..BnIJ[AEfEAENa:IlJN toO .I BI96CNA ----.......1 _.. OJ Il'XI-I I ;61i6 _THRESHOLD ELEV. I~&m .1.r> ui lilili :K &SO 1&-... ~12 ~8..r rI 2..... tl l /..!\0 5 ~ii"~~H ,...-J ""\r t\r--->J I ,--,, --c::::;J ,-lJ L-J UI __It ItitIiD .-.wr n-..n'IIW)l _IL •••..:1 SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF SLOUGH 11 A..AIitlR f"CJIO AlITHDRI TY RIVER MILE 134.30 ....._~ •fUillNA RIVER lei ,",~...-.WEATt£R PERIOD •I HOY 81 -30 APR ez ICf SitUATION ~.TCIT"-'lH1=t ~lm[E~I WAT~1996 TII£HI6T~Y .......CilJPOCIl FL CASE I TEtt"RU.£I NATURR..IINA l8&D .Jl1...WJCTUII[IlE:fERENCE lUI NJ .•819liOlA -.k_......_... =I'!I I-i;li~II_::I§'.iE~l;;~h ..I ~i_%i:L.~i I ::lIlW I!~~!i:: I i I ...i [,I .... l a ~I'I ~l · 1-1-~iii U;~I ~o ._ -:I--&..CTI , ,L.---o lSi --~~-t--...F::~CI •CI 1-00 en m I "~"-~1,- I Q ~.--~~ Lj w --i ~=~r '~~11:" .-I ~r r~It !1Q:!II:a I ~~~§~ :;;~;~i I...-•1"- •II...I i ~~~~III £:!III •('II t\I -0 f ~!-CI •a §-.l ~a:MDlIl 1.1.111 •A1ii .~."(l~l SS3N~JI ~l ~1 .~wtaU,9 -, , II . I .I :1 :1 I ] "96 ~("THP.ESfiOLD ELEU. to !!:6S0 -L_a&IE - II~I \."'\.........,. ui liBl ~ 675 Iii ... ~12 B~B u-;::4 'r-I , .l...., u-Aa I 5 ~U4 r: mil ~ \.I 1"\r lJ I r-.,........,I I r I-'~ lIJ ---llECDBII .--r ~--..,._IL •••.- HEAD OF SLOUGH 11 FUlIiICA f'QI€R fll.fllG1 TY RIVER MILE 136.50 ....._I •IiL6I TNA RI'IEft Im,",~~.WEATt£R P£RllIO ,1 N:N 81 -30 APR 82 I n:SIIllA.ATlIlN j :=~ENERGY lE~I If\TINl 1996 TIlE HISTORY FLDW CASE I C TEIlP RU..£I NATIJIlR.IAUA-€IIIIIl .DI ..IIIJmMAEfEJlENCE.....hQ.I 81~ ~~"'''.I _... 7iIO-t- ~725 ~720 iii 7 16 :z 710 I ii ~ t- ~12 B ~B u-r...4... U-0 6 n.u~~I=,.-J h ,.-. \I n \r:~:r,I~-6 I ,r:.... t- &0 _....IIUZJID ..-.wI nIlURI'~_IL 1.1 .- HEAD OF SLOUGH 17 A..AliMA POWER AUTI«'l'tI TY RIVER MILE 139.30 ...__I •SlIiI TNA Itl YER lIZ TWIDC1101 LJ:JIDIlI.IoERTt£1t PERIllO 'I tt:N 81 -3D APR ez ICE 511U.ATJON j 'lD'T1L 'ltt10NS'ENERGY CEMolD I WATIN\1996 Tll£H16TM \' •a&.-.CDPGoUI FUIW CASE I C TElP RU.£•NATlIR..IfNA.€lAiO)..allll'VENTIII£AEFERENCE flJN NJ .•8196CHl -"-~-·I _101 ,- •••r::.G_;;:_C_ '140 ~THRESHOLD EtEV.... ~736 ~7~~ ui 726 :z 720 16 ~ ~12 ~~B u-l: ~4...u-0 6 ~U ..r--J"'i ~h r--J \r:I-J I "I m-A I I r t-' III ICNOIRIt IIUO&JII .-.wI f£1IUIIIY ~_IL ••1 .- HEAD OF SLOUGH 20 fU&(A f'OI£ft AUTHORITY RIVER MILE 140.50 ____1 I 6lJ51TNR RI VER lIZ Me-.&.mDlII.WEATI-£R PERIllO '1 I«:N 81 -30 APR 82 ICE SIIU.AlIIIN I .TaTII.'ltllCIGUI ENEROY lEtRlO I WATAolA 1996 TIlE HISTORY..~_r FLOW CIISE • C TE""RLL£I NRTUIR..IIIQIWII&D ..alII'8'1_A[f~NCE lUI toO.•81960lA -.....-........._.. ""I ~... ~",'56 THRESHOLD EL.EV.a751 1 C1i746 ..L. :J: 741 16 ~... !!:12 ~I.~8 u-~4...u-.:l . 6 t U 4 ---;::.:::J"'1:h ~ \r:I-',1 "l Im-~,l-1 UI --'*N'dII .-..rr 1'£__ .-:H _'L ••1 .- SLOUGH at (ENTRANCE A6)fUl6IIR POWER AUTIQtITY RIVER MILE 141.80 ...--.•6L61TN\RIVER ICII 1HI~LIIIIJIIl.WERTI£R PERIllO ,I NOV 81 -ao APR 82 ICE SIIUJITlllN I.111T1L 1HI 00\IU8 D£RGV ~HfMl I IlATINI 1996 TIlE HI6T~Y I ,......CDf'INNT I'LOW CASE I C TEI1P RLl£I IlATURR..~1AIitO .11IN1'lIEMT..Il!fEflENCE .....lID.I 81~----..-..,_Me ------••• "&-/·THRESHOL D EL EU. t-!!:760.57$ ui 7Sl :K 745 16 t- IL - 12 ~B u I--J: t-.....u-a 6 ~u ..,.......J~n h ~ \.r ,r-I-',{"'"I,L....,.r lD --lIUDImI ..--r ~-.wr ~_IL i _ I 1- HEAD OF SLOUGH 21 fUl6ICFl POWEJt ALlTKJ..TY RI VER MI LE 142.20 ...__I •&l.6ITNA R I \rER lIZ M DM.-LIIlDlII.Io£R Tt£R PERIllO '1 NO'I BI -30 APR 82 ICE SIIU.AT ION I.1DTIL 1HIC»C8III EJo.£RGY IE "~I WAT~1996 TillE HISTlJty r .......lDPINIIT FLlIl CASE I C TEIP ltI.L£•HATUIA..IAUR-€IAKD .JII ..wonlll£flEl'EAEta ......toll.•81~ -~"'-·I _... u c- 796 ~('THRESHOLD ELEV . I-!:790 ~7IE .0 7110 :K TIS 16-t- ~12 ~Bu ~ J: t-.. tl ~ 0 6 ~jj"~ II! ~---J "-r:.J T r "'\r 1-.....,I Ul -~.00tIdJI ..INJII«'/ Pf__ .-Jt _IL 1.1 1- HEAD OF SLOUGH aa fUlIiICR f'OIlER IWJTtOU TY RIVER MILE 144 .80 UJ__I I &lJill1olA ftl VER ICIl ,"I~UIlDlIh WERTHE"II PERI 00 0 I NOlI BI -30 APR B2 ICE SltllA.ATION ~."CIT'",,"ICIDUI ENERGY [E:JAolI)I WAT~1996 TII£HISTORY.....~,FLOW CASE I C TEIf>IIU.E I NATIHl....-.oA&m .111 ...8'lJI(REfERENCE IlJN ICJ .I BI9liCNA ----...--,_... ---------••••••••• c /""/ /'/ /'V I AJ ry /~ .c ~~//Y /fY /P r /' /.W /V r /A A1fY (AY / JJ-:.-'/ry /VA-:»:/ //""/ /.>/A 77 171 T7 TlJ'IF ID.ID la c .__•.-L .:;;.......-vm...ID ICE INTDPIICI ••,-•• •!-IIlJTTlII OF 8.UiH ICl -----ItI~PlIUI 350 IlEATI£R PER [00 • I ICN lIZ -90 If'R 83 DEROY OEKHl I IlATIflR I !!Iii FLOW CI5E • C lElII'RLE •NATUlAL AEFEREtCE RlJj Nl .•lI298CNl 430 rr1r ITI420< D --l....a Z410 I ~ TI ITI4OO1T1 --l- 3!Il 3110 I 108 108 4~ 107 107 _.........0 R..A5t(A POWER AIJT~ITY 5USITNA RIVER ICE lillU.ATlON PACFILE CF MllIHUH STRlES IAUA-£lIl6tD .Jllt«VDfIIIIE 106 106lOS lOS 10"103 102 103 104 RIVER NI LE 102 101 101100 10099 99 L.UlENI . 98 390 3~ 330 , 98 3110 ..... W3/0wu, Z 3W a.... .....a: >w -'w --.-.&............_... DB 109 110 III 112 113 c 114 115 J16 1J1 . .-L.'A '-'" •I ~,;;.-;',._-./ ..Jr.;r -: 1~/Aiii r'",/ I~r'j .~z,-'I-' ~r__'C •7~..~,-•.r), -- f7 w--¥b#rGZJ ~v Wl7 I I~/ LLlDG . /777 77 7 7~~D l~lNTDI"IIlZICo..~•.;__"'W ,'7 " ,t · ..8D1llll IIF lI..L&t ICE -- - -_ltItI VPl II!lI Il£ATt£R PERIOO • I Nl'l BZ -9D ff'ft 83 ENt:RlJl'llEKINl I WATA'lR 1!lI!l6 FLOW CR6E • C IEIIP IU..E •NAlURAL IlfFEllEICE RLN til,I BZ9llC~ lOll lIB 110 III 112 113 II. RIVER MILE 115 J16 111 fLA5I<A POWER AUTtOtJTY..._- 5UiITNR RIVER leE 6t"-l.ATlllN PllCF I LE CF I1AlllllUl'l &TFaS IAlDWIIIilXI .!lINT V£MTIIIE ......~.......I _.&41 -•••••••--- I c ..... TJ fT1560fT1 4 5&1 a 510 Z 59D fT1r fT1680< D 4 128 6CXI 127 540 I 126 l:n 128 ~A61<A POWER RUTtan TY 126 125 125124IZ3 122 123 124 RIV ER NILE 12221 1211201\9 .-'-,' )4'1/7 1/.. L /,I;:Y '-~.:-t//l,6y ~J 7" I A 'I .~YI.,-.':'/Y "~v / A :'::Y // L'~i',,-/'//..>:1/'J '/ [§..f~[j 1/\///...!'~:d I /_,';,//V /}'"v v 1/1.8""/" /,tf /-r--t-+-~ --.....~/V;:y /' 400 I li B 500 li6D 540 Z S20 o ra >5 10W ...J W .- ILl saowu, 1.DlDG. {UQ .((J~~~D 1 ~IN1P1'ACI: •"..,..-'.("'t ,IllI'T l'"CJF LL8i ICE -----III ¥Pl lED IIEIlTl£R PEIlllIl •I tOI lIZ -90 II'ft Il3 DoERIJ'(DDflI(l I WRTI¥'lR 1996 FUlW C~E • C lEIF IU..E •NAll.JlAL REFEREICE RLN I(J .•B298CNI _.......... 6U5lTNA RIVER ICE 511U..An~ P:U"ILE OF 11IlX1t1Lt1 snus ~II&D ..Dllif lI(N1lJl[ ........._~....I _.&011 e 129 130 13 1 132 133 134 135 136 137128 6006.e /V / VI / &all630//V / rTJ-///r rI-GIO~W 620 /.:/1/Dw '-iu,....~ /I\i aIV/660 Z Z 6 10 /i-,/V V Ia-.... jI-///11CI650m>600 ///-tW//-l ~w /V V/ 6.e500 /L v V VI sso5fIJ 136 137128129130131132133134135 RIVER MI LE R..R6I<R f'OWER AUTtOtl TY L.EtIHl o ...--.llJ'lJ'&IUD ItI:6l.6ITNA RIV£R(U ?:{JH·~'D Ia:IN1P1OIlCI:IlEAlt£R PER I lit ,I lIlY llIZ -3D fI'ft 83 ICE &IIU..ATI~-, ",. ",••,-'IID1 TlIJ IF a.L&t ICE Et£RlJY llE1'IlNJ I IIAT~A 1996 PRFILE 0:ttAlCl_&TI'l[;£SFLOWCIl6E,C lEiif'ILt.E •NATURAL"I vcn III!REFEIlEI«:E R~NJ .I II29lICIfl ~1IAIiCD .JlINT vonlJl[ ---~_.......I _.lee ---------'- - c -------- 138 139 140 141 I"Z 1..3 1..4 145 146137 7907~/7 // /7 // 7IlO73:)II V V J I /lTl~VI r.-/T1O~W '120 /'/I V Dwu, -f-[7 /.....1//0I/7EO Z Z 71 0 // / /Ia ---7 /V I.-, TI([/750~>700 /w //I --l.J -w /v-'/V 740600/vV V /7 i 7306Rl 1~4 146Ia?138 139 '40 141 142 143 145 RIV ER MILE FLA5l<R POllER AUTIUUTY LICOCI . U'''-.cJ IlePIFlllLlOla6U5lTNA RIVER{/Ii V!.l a.u~I D ItI:""IJI'IICI:WEATIER PallID ,1 NJV lIZ -90 fPR 8S ICE 51lU.ATlCIN.•~,... .'.'..IIIJ1 TIJI Of Q.UIii ICE D£AOY DD'AI«J I WilT"*'1996 PRCI"lLE CJ'MlCI_STRlESFUlIlCIlfiE• C lEllP ~E •NAl\JlAL.IIIVPI lEO IlEFEREICE RtJl ttl .I lI2geCfoP IffUR-£IIt&CO .J)11lf .anlJl£ --................_....I'l...,.,...... ~ill !I ;;1 i_...-.ii~;l!liij ~;i iUI I!! I I I .-::-;l.-I.'v ~=gIV"I i lIi-"lil -~,.·-'Iw0, 1'-1II &1-;1o-r--,.~0 §It-0 --~~ /-jl-., ~~.--!i ~I~~....,~/,rl!l~~;.~......._... 0 -, h ~>-U~~.-...-Iii!x~... ~0 ~ttl' -.---..k1-.....u0i'-I!t0I'---.----.--I•I---, •,!---.- 0 ;1'-~...i :>0 51~-----0 l:ll'-•,~r: .......-.-, 0 0 ... - ... I Ii ~Ii fil ~lij a 0 8 lil-.........---......- 31lW ~3"1~,-, IIII\ I r., 1 I 1 l I I 1 I 1 I ------------------- aBO I ~/THRES HOLD ELE V.~ !:!:375 \a370-I I \ iii 3t. :z 36D 16 ... ~12 ~e u-:r /2-EI~4 1//wu-II 10 6 ~ ~ii I ,-J ~'--J 1~-~J UI _u..llD:DtK...........,flllUllY ~_IL 11112 IlIlI3 HEAD OF ~HISKERS SL OUGH A..R5I<R f'OlER AUTtOU TY RIVER MILE 10 1.50 _...-..I I ses I TNA RI YEA IIll M~LIIlDlIl.WERnER PERIOD 'I NOV e:z -30 APR 83 ICE SIIllI..AT I ON ~.l OT "-1WI ClOG'ENERGY lJ:HFNl I IlATIMl 1996 -TIllE HIS T~Y .1 'LLet ~FLOW CASE I C TEIlP RLLE I NRTL,R:L IlEf~NCE flM NJ .I B296CNA IfIUR.(IIAIiCD .JII..VlHTlII£._..........-..,_.... 410-~ ~4fi6 ~4EO ,/-J \ ui 456 , z 450 16-... II- -12 ~8u 1 /-I ".l: ...4 c:...,I Iu-I ,\.I0 6 • t U 4 , --;=I...!~~L.-J, 1-&I-.J CD _0..Q[l:P'II[II .-.wr f £1IlLM'I IIIIIDt _IL 1.2 leu SIDE CHANNEL AT HEAD OF GASH CREEK R..~POWER RUT IfJRI TV RIVER MILE 112.00 ___I I Sl.6ITNA R IVER ICI:THI~UlIIIIll.WERTt£R PERIOD •I NOV 8Z -30 APR ea ICE SI IU.ATl ON I.TOT"-TWIOOClI'ENERGY CEIUNl I WATRolA 1996 TI I£HI STlJU 2 •.."..lDNCII FLOW CASE I C TEKP RlLE I NATlIR..~1IIiCO .JI IIII"VENT.REfERENCE ~tC.I 8296~--................_.... ------------------- .10-... ~466 a460 7 v \ ui 46ii :K .sn 16 ... ~12 ~~B //u-1:/1-..... '"T ,\ I ~u --7 ,V , 0 6 ffi o"I .-J"'I ~r--'--J II-~......I CoO _. IItCOWJl .-MY nllUlll'l'IIIIr.:H _IL IIIZ l ia "OUTH OF SLOUGH SA R.A5I<A POWER ~IT Y RIVER MILE 11 2 .34 ..._-.0 I I 5L6ITNR R IVER ICIl lHI~LIIlENIl.WEAT t£R PERIOD ,I NOV BZ -3D APR 83 I CE S II'l.LATlON I .'D'T"-'lHlD1N18 ENERCY lEHIMl I WAT~1996 T111E H1STMY ,.~CDf'lNIIT FLOW CASE I C TEI1P Rl.Lf:I NATLflA..Hll!DWIIIIiC).JlINr VOIllJllREFEJ£1a .....Nl.I B296CNA --.""'-.......,_.... 'IE ~!t-,THRESHOLD ELEU.~..IIO I ~"75 r V \iii 470 :z 46S 16t- ~12 ~8 u ,/-I1:• .....•<0- W IU-(r-="'\Xl \0 5 ~U4 I Jt-!~r--""'C:::J II-~h -1 CD _. IIIU:DWll .-...,n __ IIAlIDt _IL1-11IU HEAD OF SLOUGH 8 FLAIil<A PQWER AUTttJRI TY RIVER MILE 114 .10 "I-_~ I liUSlTNA RIVER IC&ntlCIlIC8I I-IllDlllo WEATt£R PE RIOD 'I NOV 8Z -30 APR 83 ICE SllU.ATlllN ~.T01IL 1Hl=t ENERGY IEHfMl I MATINI 1996 T111E HI ST~'t.au.CI:WINM FL OW CASE I C TEIP Ru..E •NATUI¥l.IlNA-£II&D .mINI'VOOlll£AEfEJ£NCE It.M hD .•8Z96OlA --......-.........,_.1" •• • ••••••••••••• • •• 600 ~... !!:495 ~THR ES HO L D ELE • ~49J I .-./"r '\ui 49& I \.;J \,...J :K 48l 16 ... !!:12 ~/"1~B /1..-"2-u--,J1:........I k\I ~u-f "'U 1\J ,0 5 ~U" , .-lII~r-'--J I h ~~I lD -~.~..-..n 'fa-Y IIAllDt _IL I-.., SIDE CHANNEL "511 A.R6t<A POWER RUTtot l TV RIVER MI LE 11 5 .50 ...__I I 5l.6ITNA RI YER ICEna~~.WERTt£R PERIllO ,I NOV 8Z -30 APR 83 ICE SIII.A.AT ION I .TOT IIL 1WICIDCI'ENERGY [EtIIN)I WAT~;1996 T IllE HlSTOR Y I.&.Lat corDCH "LOW CASE I C TE.".RL.LE I NAT UI¥I.IAUfWIAIilXI oDINI'¥(I(TIJI£IlEfEl£NCE NJN ~.I B2960lA ~"""""'.MI.I _..• &00 I -y-/THRESHOLD ELEU •... !!:495 (~4!D ..1-P \! ui 4SEi ~ 3 49J 16 ... !!:12 m r/"i:.~9 -.... u / /-:r L..., ..4 "'...r-.u-J \I=d , 0 J 5 ~U .. I J Iii -~ I h r--.I t- (I)11I\I0.-_llUDIP .RUWf 'ElIURI'..-:H _IL ••2 1113 HEAD OF SIDE CHANNEL "SII IUl51<A POWER AUTIDU TV RIV ER MILE 115 .90 ..._-.a I I 5U5ITNA RIVER II:.,"I~LIIID."WE RTIER PERIOD 'I NOV BZ -30 APR ea I CE SIlU.ATJON I.TIlfIlL 1tt1ClOG'ENE~l:E~I WATFNl 1996 T11£HI6T~Y I .......ClI'lIIKN FLOW CASE I TfnP RLLE •NATURA...~..ell..V(HTlJIl(RE'EAENC£AI.M Nl .I lI296CNA -"-~-·T _... ------------------- 686 ~... ~5aO ~525 n /h ui S2D I \.H I \ :II 5 15 16 I- ~12 ~ ~Bu-~..-./-/,.. ...,..I Vu-I \I v "'\0 I "- 6 ItU 4 J1-1 ;,...--rc:::::T II-~\.~J A J ........~..... UI --DaDWmI JINIAltf n ..-r .-:H _IL lIN 1883 ~A5I<R I'OER ~ltOU TY RIVER MILE 120 .00 .....-..I I 5l.6ITNA RI YEA 1m ntle-e....-.WERnER P £RIOD ,I NO'i e:z -30 APR ea I C£SItt..l.AT ION I.'ifIlL 1H1CIOCM ENERGY lE"fN)•WAT~1996 TIllE HIS T!J'f Y ,......Cl:WDCIIT FLOW CASE I C T£11P RI.LE I NATlJ¥l..IfRlA-UAIl[D .Jl11If W£Nl 1ll[AEffJ£NC£N.JN NJ .I B296CNA ...................,-_... ----------'--------- liQ6-~T H RES ~O LD ELEV.... ~580 ~575 1\ui IiID :K S66 16 ... ~12 ~B~-:I:1-.1,2-...4 /l:l-70 5 ~U4 T Jt-i~'--" -,I -~.~I ~r "\J ""\,t- Il) _It IZCDIIP .........,rr..-r .-:H _IL I . a 1883 HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (~EST)A..A6I<R POWER AlITIC'l I TV RIVER MIL E 12 6.10 ......_1 •6l.6 1T ~R I VER I CII ,"I~LlllDICh WEATt£R PERIOO 'I NOV BZ -3D Af'R 83 ICE 51 IU-ATION I .lOTllL 'lttl=t ~RQY tElfNl I WATINI 1996 T111E H(S T ~Ya.~atPlWW 011 CASE I C TEI1P RU..E •NATUIR..~1IAIim ..o INT WlNllJllIlEfDlENCE....NJ .I B2960IA ...-.....-......._.... 696 ~ t- ~590 ~SE6 --THR ESHOLD ELEV. I - ui 69J :z 575 lEi t- ~12 ~ ~B u i t-4...u-0 5 ~U4 r-- I~I~~I ~I f--->r '-J "'\r II)-~.II[CEMElI .sNJIW'I f[MUWf .-:H _IL ••2 1813 HEAD OF SLOUGH SA (EAST)FLR5I<A POlER AlJTte:RITY RIVER MILE 12 7.10 ...__I •Sl.6lT~RIVER 1m '"'~UIlDIIl.WEATHER PERIllO 'I NOV lIZ -3D APR 83 ICE S I IU.AT I ON ~.tllT"-,,"I=t ENERGY IEIVNI I IlATINl 1996 TlItE HISTOR Y .~~FLOW CASE I C TEItP RLLE •NATLRL ~II&D .D IIII'lI()fIlII£AEfEllEHCE .....I(].•8Z96CNA -......JO..·T _.... ,.- - ••••••••••'.•••••M •• G20-t- IL 615 >~6 10 uilil:li ::I 6(JJ (THRES HOL D ELEV. I ~ lEi i I I I I I I I I I 1---'---I I~---t 12 1- U8:0: U-:r t-4...u-o IWlIlCH _IL 1812 1183 HEAD OF SLOUGH 9 FLR6I<fl POWER AUTHlJU TY RIVER MILE 129 .30 ...--I 6l.fi ITNA RIVER I~LI.IIDIII.WEAT~"PERIOD ,I NOV 8Z -30 APR 83 ICE SItu.AT 1m. 111-.'lttl~'EtoERGY IEIlfN)I WATINl 1996 T II£HI S T~Y I.L.-t a.-T Fl N CASE • C TEIP RU..£I NATURR..ItIlDWIAII:O .JIl1lf VOlll11lREFERENCERJNN:I .•BZ96(Nl ------.,.-- lIZ '" I.I . . 6 ~U" "'1 3 I -~...0 CD Cll'TIOIl? G:l6 ~ t- ~630 a62S ui 62D :z 615 I ...........,. 16 ... ~12 ~ ~8u-J:...4 wu-0 6 t U " ~ 1t-i~~ ,.......,,I-~""\.J '-~1 \1 '---I \-Wt- ID HDVDlK.IlfCDBII .........,RIIUWf .-:H _ILl_ Ila SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF SLOUGH g R.,A6t(A f"OWER AUTHClU TY RIVER MIL E 130.60 ...-_--. I lil.6 JTNA RIVER 1m TtlIOOlDa LIIIIJIII.WEAnER PERIOD 'I NOV B2 -30 APR 83 ICE S I It.L AT ION I.,,",,",,"I=t ENERGY [£"1Nl I WA TINl 1996 1 11£HIST~Yr.~CD.G11D1 FLOW CASE I C TE"P Ru.E •NATUIR..IfItlA.€lIlIiiIXJ .JI.I«etlll£REFERENCE .....he .I B296CNA ___1M ............_.... Cll'TJOlf? G36 ~ to- ~630 ~62S ui 62D :J: 6 15 I "'" 16 ... ~12 6 ~8u-:r ...4...u-0 6 t U 4 r-- Io-i~I-.......--.II-~_____I -h I F\I '---J \LJ 0-m ~.IJ[C!JImI ........,n .......~_IL1-11m SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF SLOUGH U fl.A6I<A POlER AUTHClU TY RIVER MIL E 130 .60 ...__I I 5l.6ITNA RIVER lIZ '"'~LIllDlII.WEATt£R PERIOD 'I NOV B2 -30 APft 83 ICE S l nLLAT ION I .TII1....1ti1=t ENERGY CE"lHI I WA TINI 1996 111£HIST ~'tr.&&.-.CXIIftNDl FLOW CASE I C TE"P RULE I NATURAL ~1IIIiCO .JI ...lIEJ(llll£REfERENCE AUN hI].I EI:Z96O.Q ..................,_.... ---------_1-- --- - -- - GG-, t-!!:640 ~6 915 uia:!. ::It 625 1& ... ~12 ~B"u i: ...4... U-0 5 ~jj4 r-- It-~~'--' 1-.,--,-~,~-~"\I 1"\,""\I '--',-U t- ID lOVe._IJ[cotI[Il .JAN--.fEIIIUWt IWW>t _IL ••z lIaS SIDE CHANNEL U/S OF 4TH JULY CREEK A..A5I<R POIlEJt AUT IOU TT RIVER MI LE 131 . 80 __-.aCT ·T I 5USITNA RI VER I CIl ntlCllllaa LllIDCh WEA TI£R PfRIOO ,I ~El2 -30 APR 53 ICE 51 111Jl ATlON I.Terril.'ltil~~~lElVWIl •WATQNA .......T U£_HI STlJU r .lU.-t~r ......1.1l~I C TEIP Rti.E -"NATUflR..~..lilt«DTlIII:1lE'1:JI!N[E IUoI toO .I ~ -"'-~-·T _... ~ GG6 ~ t- ~&f O ,-THRESHOLD ELEV. ~.~t u;Gal ~ 645 16 ... ~12 ~B u-1:......., u-0 6 ~U ..-I II!~,---,~~I ~h I "\I -.\~1-1 lD ~.'*"**".-FE..,.,.-:H _IL I.'l la HEAD OF SLOUGH iA fLAIit<A f'llNER RUl tOtlTY • ___I RIVER MILE I 13 3 .70 6USITNA RIVER lIZ ntl~1.1IlII11t WEAnER P£RllI)•I to lIZ -3D Af'R ea IC£SIlU.AT ION l -TOT-.'lMI=t R\.~Ai~•WAT~1996 111£HI 8T~t_&!.et CDPINll TEfP RU.E I HATUIA..IIIUWIIII::D .GI li'WMflJl[AUEIlENC!:.-...t().•lIZ9IICNA ~....-"...I _... ••-- _..-.••••••.-.-.-.•••• • • IrX)-/,THRESHOLD ELEJ.~ !!:li&6 / 5&&J j ...L lIi liQi :I: 6SD 16 ~ !!:12 ~8~-:r ~.. Ij j-0 5 t U 4 -I'-1;h .--.-~II-~\. J n I "'I \-u UI ~III.CVBJl .-..-r RaMY ~_IL I-I- SIDE CHAHHEL U/S OF SLOUGH 1.A..A6"R flOWER AUTHDRITT RIVER MILE 134.30 ___I I 61..61 TNA It1VER II.'"'~L.IIIDII.Wf:ATt£R PERt lID 'I tDI llIZ -30 IW'R sa tCE SllIJLATllIN 1.1DJlL~ENEROY tE~I WAT~1996 TtI1E HI ST(Jft I.&:.;;01 I'l.~CASE •TEI'I"RlU I NAT UI¥l.IAUlWIIIiID .JIIINf VDmJllI£fEAEta ......NI.I ~ -..--..e--T _.... Ii8D-t-~675 a~ uila> :K Ii60 16-t-... -12 ~8 u X..... I&J U-0 5 ~U"--,"'1:h -~-I-..., I-A ~t'\,,,\-l.J III ---~.INJFIIff 'UIUIn'~_IL 1.,1813 SIDE CHANNEL D/5 OF SLOUGH 11 Il..AIiIIA I'OIlER AUTHC'U TY RIVER MILE 135 .30 ..._---•&L6lTNA R IVER I CI MCIOIDI L.GIDID.WERTt£R PERIllO •I NOV lIZ -30 APR 83 IC E S l tUJlT I ON I .TD'l1L 'lH1=t ~~A~~I WTFNA 1996 TII£HIST~Y I .~CXWlNIl EI1P RLLE •NATlIR.~IIIID .III"VEMTUII£AE'£ftfNCE ~NJ .I BZ96CNA _..-..--._.... =I'!I I-i;li~II_::I§'.iE~l;;~h ..I ~i_%i:L.~i I ::lIlW I!~~!i:: I i I ...i [,I .... l a ~I'I ~l · 1-1-~iii U;~I ~o ._ -:I--&..CTI , ,L.---o lSi --~~- t--...F::~CI •CI 1-00 en m I "~"-~1,- I Q ~.--~~ Lj w --i ~=~r '~~11:" .-I ~r r~It !1Q:!II:a I ~~~§~ :;;~;~i I...-•1"- •II...I i ~~~~III £:!III •('II t\I -0 f ~!-CI •a §-.l ~a:MDlIl 1.1.111 •A1ii .~."(l~l SS3N~JI ~l ~1 .~wtaU,9 -,,II . I .I :1 :1 I ] ~ill !I ;;1 i_...-.ii~;l!liij ~;i iUI I!! I I I .-::-;l.-I.'v ~=gIV"I i lIi-"lil -~,.·-'Iw0, 1'-1II &1-;1o-r--,.~0 §It-0 --~~ /-jl-., ~~.--!i ~I~~....,~/,rl!l~~;.~......._... 0 -, h ~>-U~~.-...-Iii!x~... ~0 ~ttl' -.---..k1-.....u0i'-I!t0I'---.----.--I•I---, •,!---.- 0 ;1'-~...i :>0 51~-----0 l:ll'-•,~r: .......-.-, 0 0 ... - ... I Ii ~Ii fil ~lij a 0 8 lil-.........---......- 31lW ~3"1~,-, IIII\ I r., 1 I 1 l I I 1 I 1 I