HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS443fXJ£00~£ a(;@£~@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE INTRA-OFFICE MEMOAANOUM LOCATION Anchorage DATE Decauber 20, 1984 ---- TO L. Gilbertson NUMBER FROM H. Teas SUBJECT _;.:;S;.:;i..=d:.:::e--=.C::.ha=.n::.n::.e::.;l::.....::F:....:l:...:a.l:.::;_..;;;R;.:;a_;;.t.;;;.e_Dyo:;.e._e~S:...:t:...:u:...:d::!.y __ On 5 December 1984 I travelled to Talkeetna with T. Withrow of ADF&G. On 6 Deceraber a flar~-rate dye study was perfomed in the lower part of slough 11. On 7 December similar studies were perfomed in sloughs 21 and 10. A sufficient number of measureaents were made to detenaine the flows in all three sloughs. The flow fromslough 9 was not measured, due to interference effects of the ice front. Slough 11 Measurements were made in the lower part of slough 11 (see figure 1). A Geofilter peristaltic pump was used to inject dye a sufficient distance above passage reach I (PR-I) to give complete mixing at the base of the reach. Discrete samples were taken at the base of PR-I and at the Mouth of the slough. Mixing was complete bela.~ PR-I. Considerable upwelling and seepage below PR-I was too close to the Mouth to give complete mixing. The result is a range of flow rates for measurauents at the mouth. The study was conducted only in the lower slough due to time constraints involving time of travel of the dye. Slough 21 The dye injection point in Slough 21 was between PR-II and the fork in Ehe slough (figure 2). SliDples were taken in PR-II and below PR-I. SliDples from both sides of the slough at each sampling location showed canplete mixing of the dye. Slough 10 The location chosen for dye injection was about 200 feet up the northwest am from the fork with the •aller northeast ana. Mixing was complete near the mouth of the slough, but shar~ed some non-uni fona ity at a sampling site just above the fork in the slough. The range, however'· was insignificant (leas than 0.1. cfs). Results Location Fla.~ Rate Slough 11 bela.~ PR-I 1.0 cfs at raouth 1.1 to 1.3 Slough 21 in PR-II 0.4 cfs below PR-t 2.4 cfs Slough 10 abo¥1e the mouth of the NE arm 0.8 cfs at the Mouth of the slough 0.9 cfa 421431/12 MAINITEM Ll .... 0 6 ..... qco•••• •••• ..... ... , .... .,. .. FIGll£ 1 , ... LOW ... \, , •• .,.. Ill• .... , W IWAJIOIIIHfl -£::=awwiUIH 0111 PIIOTOHAMit Q ........... IHIIIAIIfAL ...... , ....... SLOUGH 11 210 I 100 SAMPLNG PC*T • • ......ECTION POINT ' PR I • SAMPLING FaNT A INJECTJON POINT IIAINIUII -- PR :1 Aall£ 2 SLOUGH 21 ....... 0 ....... , ............. . 6 .......... . u .......... .w. --[:::::awW~ ........... en'l ..,. I o .......................... , ......... ...... , ·--[]] ..... cu .......... ............................ , .......... , ....... ,. ...... .............. ALAIItA •owtR AUTttOIUI'Y IUIITMA MYHQILlCTiliC ~C:T Attachment 3 December, 1984 DYE STUDY PROPOSAL At present the relationship between mainstem Susitna flows and side sloughs from groundwater sources is not well defined, especially at very low flows. Mainatem flow is very low at present, and baa been that way for several weeks. It is not likely to get any lower in the near future, and is presently lower than expected from any with-project condi tiona. Residual stored groundwater is likely to be very low, as there has been very little input since August from precipitation or presumed lateral flow from the mainstem. The ice cover has not yet reached the upper middle reach. We believe that under these conditions the source of side slough water ilf limited mostly to underlying longitudinal groundwater flow. If this study h performed in the iauaediate future, before conditions change, we can get the des:red slough flow measurements. The data will be valuable in defining slough flows under worst case conditions for slough access by salmon. The data will also provide information on the relationship between the mainstem and side sloughs at very low flows. These condition• are liable to be altered in the near future due to the. upstream movement of the ice front, with its' attendant stage increase. The procedure involved would be to use a fluorometer and fluorescent tracer dye to measure flow• in side sloughs 11 and 21, and if conditions permit, in slough 9. The fluorometric technique yields direct flow rate measurements to ! 2%. obtain the flow rate: The technique uses a mass balance equation to Where C1 • concentration of dye pumped into the slough, c2 • concentration of dye measured at the slough mouth, F1 • flow rate (mlJmin) from the pump, and F2 • flow rate (cfs) mesured at the mouth of 421431/12 1 the slough. Dye is injected into the upstream end of the open water in a slough. Turbulent lixing of ·the dye and upwelled groundwater occurs downstream of this point. The· concentration of the diluted dye is measured at the mouth of the slough with the fluorometer. Uniformity of the mixing at the slough mouth will be checked by making several measurements across the channel. Dye concentration and flow rate will be adjusted so that measurements at the slough mouth will be at least ten times above minimum detectability if slough flows were 10 cfs. Since the fluoresence of Rhodamine WT is related to temperature, all values will be noraalized to 20°C using: WhereC20 • the dye concentration at 20°C, C8 • the dye concentration at ambient temperature, and Ts • the temperature of the sample. In order to complete this study before the ice front moves into the area of concern, it is suggested that the field work be performed during the first week of December, 1984. Approximate Budget 2 warm bodies for 2 days 5-6 hr. helicopter time (jet ranger) transporation to Talkeetna (l/2 day for 2 people) food and lodging in Talkeetna, 2 people for 2 days office and lab time: preparation analysis short report equipment rental 1 man day 1 man day 2 man days fluorometer, metering puap dye, batteries, glassware, sampling pump 421431/12 2 somehwat over $100.00 (ref: Jack Colinell)