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Jones PREFACE ======== In ordering his staff to prepare for a series of public meetings on the Kemano Completion project, Director-General of DFO' s Pacific Region, Wayne Shinners, stated; "This project proposal contains elements which make it of more vital concern to salmon than any other fish habitat question we are likely to encounter in the rest of this century". In that spirit, the staff of DFO's Habitat Management Division and Communications Branch have afforded the public information and public involvement process the highest working priority. The realer who wishes to become fully informed on this massive project will be confronted with a bewildering array of biological, economic and engineering data. None of these data are to be withheld from public sqrutiny but the great volume of material makes it impossible for inclusion in so small a document as this discussion paper. In producing this discussion paper the Department has one primary objective; to more fully inform the public on the vastness of this project and its likely impact on the fisheries resources for Which the Department is responsible. In presenting this information, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans wishes to point out that its powers and legislative mandate are very clear and quite specific. These extend, as spelled out in the Fisheries Act, to those matters pertaining to the management of five species of salmon and the habitat on which they depend. While the Department is aware of the considerable level of public concern over broadly-based environmental values and are sympathetic to them, the powers of the Department are set out c lea:rly in the Fisheries Act and do not extend to cover overall environmental considerations. While there has been much media publicity afforded this project, the Department believes that the full magnitude, the enormous extent of the project are not fully appreciated. The FJ;'aser and Skeena River systems drain a significant portion of the land mass of British Columbia. This project will provide a link, a physical connection by which these two great rivers will bl;l joined together. While the extensive studies of this proposal have produced a massive amount of scientific data, there are still a good many unknowns. Following the release of the Kemano Completion Discussion Paper, Alcan has advised the Department of a number of revisions. The estimate of sidechannel losses in the Morice River has been revised and now ranges from 10 to 35% with the best estimate being 25% (see pages 20. and vi). Alcan has also suggested ·some minor changes in flow d~lculations particularly for the Nechako River. These changes are presently being reviewed. They are not, however, expect~d to significantly alter our analysis in the Discussion Pape~. Preface List of Figures & Executive Summary 1 • INTRODUCTION Tables 2. LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY CONTENTS ========= . . . . 3. RIVER ECOLOGY, AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF CHANGE 4. 5. 6. 7. a. NANIKA RIVER 4.1 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal 4.2 Biology • • • • • • • • • • 4.3 Implications of Alcan's Proposal • MORICE RIVER 5.1 5.2 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal Biology , , • . • • • • • 5. 3 Implications of Alcan's Proposal NECHAKO RIVER . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal • 6.2 Biology -. . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Implications of Alcan' s Proposal KEMANO RIVER . . . . . 7.1 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal 7.2 Biology . . . 7.3 Implications of Alcan' s Proposal WATER QUALITY . . . . 8.1 Temperature . 8.1.1 Effects of Temperature on Salmon 8.1.2 8.1.3 Nanika and Morice Rivers Nechako River • 8.2. Total Gas Pressure 8.3 Further Water Quality Considerations 9. DISEASES AND PARASITES 9.1 Diseases 9.2 Parasites . .. ... . . . ... . . . . ..... ... .... ... ... . .... 10. POfENfiAL SALMON PRODUCfiON FROM RIVERS AFFECTED BY KEMANO COMPLEflON 11. TOWARD NO NET LOSS OF FISH PRODUCTION 12. DISCUSSION ••••• Scenario 1 -The Present S.itua tion Scenario 2 -No Diversion of the Nanika River Scenario 3 -Aleen's Proposal 13. GLOSSARY OF fECHNICAL fERMS BIBLIOGRAPHY ii i iii iv 3 6 8 8 9 13 16 16 20 26 30 30 34 37 41 41 42 46 47 47 47 48 48 50 51 52 52 53 54 59 63 64 65 66 70 LISf OF FIGURES AND TABLES =========================== Figure No. 1. Regional Map •••••••.•• 2. Physical and Biological Features 3. Nanika River at Kidprice Lake 4. Nanika Ri.ver Salmon Spawning Areas 5. Bulkley River -Percent of Discharge at Quick Originating from Morice Lake ••• , •••••• , , . • • • • • . • 6. Morice River at Outlet of Morice Lake (Reach 1) 7. Morice River -Downstream of fhautil Creek (Reach 2) 8. Morice River -Upstream of Owen Creek (Reach 3) 9. Morice River -Downstream of Peacock Creek (Reach 4) • 10~ Morice River -Chinook and Coho Spawning Areas • 11. Morice River -Pink Spawning Areas ••••• 12. Nechako River -Monthly Flows 1930 -1942 13. Nechako River -Monthly Flows 1952 -1967 •• , • 14. Nechako River -Monthly Flows 1968 -1982 15. Nechako River at. Cheslatta Falls -Natural Flows Prior to Construction of Kenney Dam (1930 -1952) • • •••• 16. Nechako River at Cheslatta Falls-Regulated Flows (1957-1979) 17. Nechako River at Cheslatta Falls -Flow Alternatives Proposed by Aleen and Injunction Flows •••••• 18. Nechako River -Chinook Spawning Areas ••••• 19. Kemano River -Mean Monthly Flows •• , •• 20. Kemano River -Pink and Chum Spawning Areas 21. Kemano River-Chinook and Coho Spawning Areas 22. Temperature Profiles for the Nechako River •• Table No, 1. Morice River -Mean Monthly Flows (1962 -1981). 2. Scenarios iii viii 6 9 11 16 17 18 19 19 22 25 31 31 31 32 32 33 35 42 44 45 50 17 68 KITIMAT Skeen a FIGIJIE 1 REGIIJIAL MAP ~ Nechako Reservoir 0 50 I 00klfl -----Scale EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ================== The Kemano Completion Project is massive. The Aluminum Company of Canada "?>. 0 (Alcan) proposes a capital expenditure in excess of ~ bi~lion which t"l,; c,. .. ~IO! could increase aluminum production from its present level of 241 -88B· metr1c tonnes per year to 582,000 metric tonnes per year. It will genecate 1, 500 permanent jobs and several thousand man-years of temporary construction employment. The project ent.ails the construct.ion of two aluminum smelters ·af 170,000 and 200,000 metric tonnes capacity, the first. of which would be located near Vanderhoof. They are the primary source of permanent employment. The power to operate the smelters would be generated by an additional power- house to be built at Kemano and transmitted via new transmission lines to the B.C. Grid System. Water to operate the1c;ew powerhouse would be con- veyed from the Nechako Reservoir by a new ~ km long t.unnel and penstock system passing through the Coast Range, which parallels the existing water delivery system. The additional water requ.ired to generate the power would be obtained by minimizing the spill of water from the existing Nechako Reservoir and augmenting it by diverting water from the Nan~ka River into the reservoir. This will be accomplished by constructing a ~meter high dam on the Nanika River at. the outlet of Kidprice Lake. An B km long diversion tunnel through the mountain between Nanika Lake and Nechako Reservoir would be constructed thus linking t.he Skeena and Fraser River drainage. A low-level flow regulation dam on Murray Lake in the Cheslatta system and a cold water release tunnel around the Kenney Dam would be con- structed to provide a source of cold water for downstream cooling purposes. The Kemano Completion project directly threatens the salmon stocks in the Fraser River system (especialLy the chinook of the Nechako River, as well as the sockeye of the Stuart, Stellako and Nadina rivers). Several species (chinook, sockeye, coho and pink salmon) would be impacted in the Nanika and Morice rivers as a result of the diversion of the Nanika River. All five species of Pacific Salmon and the eulachon populations of the Kemano River would be impacted. The potential exists fat s.ignificant downstream effects in the Skeena and Fraser River. The present level of salmon production from t.hese rivers is significant, and the opportunity for increasing production is substantial. Using current catch to escapement ratio and escapement estimates, the current and potential stocks for each river that would be affected by the project are as follows: iv TOTAL FISH STOCKS BY SPECIES RIVER CURRENT PRODUCTION POTENTIAL PRODUCTION Nanika Sockeye 9,200 73,600 Chinook 9~77-50 I 'I (.)0 ~It" Coho 750 ) --1,250 Total 19;70U' 1·6-;ll5U /D t/7~ 76 70/l Morice Sockeye 1 '150 4,600 Chinook 19 ~ 5t.> ~ t(Z,...DtJO~O J I Coho 6,250 25,000 Pink (Even) 16,800 57,500 (Odd) 57,500 57,500 Total 1~ ;}2'+'2~~ /00 ,~ Q Nechako 2., f;()t)l ()(.)(} Sockeye * J;1BB,OOO 4; if s-r>, DW 34, 78fl, fl88- Chinook 1.1{0 0 1~· To, ()W) ""'r880 ) Total ~ b 1 3,.})2,6tl0 t.;t; t"o 31,745,1:10 ~~ ()C) oo() Kemano Chum 72,000 180,000 Pink (Even) 296,800 560,000 (Odd) 69,000 560,000 Chinook 7, ooo 1Q 1 Q8& "/01)1) I 113-;iffift- Coho 12,500 12,500 Total U'51J ~;~~~tr-1 0 I {lq/§0'3-'U' GRAND TOTAL JJ/7(:;( 11 ~ (Stocks and Species) 3,e~2,~0 &/;~-z. JSD H 1 ~4~1 950 * Dominant cycle only The project threatens the fish habitats upon which these stacks depend, The principal impacts stem from the major changes in the flow regimes of the rivers affected by the project. Sixty-two percent of the mean annual flow in the Nanika River will be diverted to the Nechako Reservoir and this will primarily occur in the months of June through August. This diversion of the Nanika will reduce the mean annual outflow from Morice Lake by 25%, essentially in the same time period. The existing, partially regulated flow of the Nechako River will be reduced further by Bm~. This represents a 88% reduction in flow from pre-Kemano I conditions. The diverted water from the Nechako and Nanika rivers will be discharged into the Kemano River, where the mean annual flow will increase approximately by a factor of two. A 52 square kilometer (20 sq. mile) new reservoir will be created, flooding 14.6 sq. kilometers (5.6 sq. miles) of land between Nanika and Kidprice Lake. The Department is reviewing Alcan' s proposal and the preliminary results of their detailed bio-engineering impact studies. v For the purposes of the review a fisheries management objective has been defined as follows: TO PRESERVE THE NATURAL STOCKS AND THE NATURAL SALMON PRODUCING POTENTIAL OF ALL RIVERS THAT WOULD BE AFFECTED BY THE DEVELOPMENT In its review the Department has at.tempted to identify Likely impacts, pos- sible solutions and areas of uncertainty and risk. The information has been assembled into t.his discussion paper which has been prepared to stimulate public input. into the decision which the Department must soon make with respect to the project. The principal impacts of the Nanika diversion relate to the survival of juvenile coho and chinook rearing in the Nanika River and juvenile sockeye rearing in Morice Lake. The reduced flows and altered flow regime would cause major channel changes and losses of sidechannel habitat. L1kely s1g- nificant changes in the river temperature regime would occur. Some oppor- tunity exists for mitigation. When considering compensation in a dim- inished Nanika River, possible gains would likely not offset the 9m6 loss of coho rearing habitat and 7m6 loss of chinook habitat. The loss of nutrients carried by the Nanika River to Morice Lake which threatens sockeye fry may be offset by applying lake enrichment technology. The proposed Nanika diversion would principally affect chinook and coho rearing in the Morice River. The most utilized reach of the river would suffer up to a 30% loss of sidechannel habitat. The sidechannels in this reach account for 46 and 79% of the total chinook' and coho production respectively in the Morice River. Pink salmon which spawn almost exclusively in sidechannels, and to a lessor extent coho salmon would also suffer some loss of spawning habitat. There appears to be an opportunity to improve overwintering survival of juvenile chinook and coho. However, the extent of increased product ion that can be expected from such activity has not been determined. The full impact of flow reductions in the Morice River salmon populations is difficult to assess because of the uncertainties of predicting long term changes in the physical environment (channel structure, substrate, groundwater, transport of debris ) and the effects of these changes on fish habitat and production. The Nechako River is already a diminished river. There is no certainty that the river currently has sufficient rearing capacity to meet its poten- tial chinook salmon production targets and there is no belief that Alcan's proposal will permit the maintenance of current product ion wh.ich is sub- stantialLy less than the target. The opportunities for the application of substantial habitat improvement as compensation appears severely limited although the potential for hatchery production appears to be good. The opportunity to mitigate against temperature effects on sockeye appears good although more data is required if temperatures in the Upper Nechako River are to be regulated for juvenile chinook as well as migrating adult sockeye. vi With regards to other water quality parameters on the Nechako River, more detailed study is required to identify the need for and the method of con- t.rolling t.he supersaturation of dissolved gases. Similarly, there is a need to further study the effects of flow reduction on the concentration of natural and man-made pollutants in the Nechako River and on the need to up- grade existing pollution treatment systems. The impacts on fish production on the Kemano River are not predictable at this time with any degree of certainty. The expectation is that. cunent fish production can be maintained. On the general subject of diseases and parasite transfer, there was no sub- stantial concern identified to warrant objection to the Nanika Diversion. Some long term monitoring has been suggested, To facilitate public discussion and input into the Department's considera- tion of the project, three possible decision scenarios have been pre- sented. They are: 1. Present Situation: No expansion to existing facilities. Continuation of an inefficient. and destructive method of regulating temperature in the Nechako River. 2a. No Nanika Diversion: Provision of Injunction flows with a suitrole quality and quantity of cold water release flows. Possibly yields one 200,000 tonne smelter, allows some flexibility for responding to unforeseen impacts. Provides for the maintenance of a reduced number of chinook necessitating limited compensation. 2b. No Nanika Diversion: Provision of Alcan's proposed flow and tempera- ture regime • Yields one 200,000 tonne smelter with considerable surplus power. Anticipate substantial loss of chinook production and continuation of sockeye cooling problems. 3a. Nanika Diversion: Diversion of a pristine river. Provision of Injunction flows with a suitable quality and quantity of cold water release flows. Yields one 200,000 tonne smelter, and substantial surplus power, Impacts to fish are substantial and are spread over three drainages. 3b. Alcan 's Proposal: Yields two 170,000 tonne smelters. Presents maxi- mum degree of impact and risk. Provides no flexibility to adjust or respond to unforeseen circumstances or impacts, The public is invited to express its preferences concerning these or other possible scenarios. The paper concludes with a statement to the effect that regardless of which decision option is finally chosen, it is absolute- ly clear that in the face of so much uncertainty and risk to the fisheries resources of Canada, the proponent will be expected to engage in consider- able post-project assessment and monitoring. The need to retain the flexi- bility to adequately respond to the inevitable impacts, be they positive or negative, is essential. vii PROBLEM Of WATER ALLOCATIIW DEPARTMENT EN:OWACE:S PUBLIC DISCUSSIIW AND INPUT DEPARTMENT OCVELOPS POSITIIW AFTER PUBLIC CONSULTATIIW ALCAWI'S 1950 CONDITIIWAL WATER LICENCE FAILED TO ADDRESS SALMON CDN:EIIIIS EFFECT Of RESERVOIR FILLING ON NECHAKO RIVER CHUIJOK 1. INTRODUCTION ============= The proposed Kemano Completion Project raises and necessitates considera- tion of the longstanding problem of water allocation. Again there is com- petition over the use of water, in this case, for the production of alum- inum or for other uses ranging from the preservation of fish habitat to the preservation of natural rivers for the simple pleasure that comes from the sight of them. This discussion paper represents a deliberate attempt by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to consult with an interested and concerned public on the fisheries management and habitat issues arising fr001 the Aluminum Company of Canada 1 s (Alcan) plan to use the waters of the Nanika and Nechako rivers in central British Columbia for aluminum production. Public consultation is particularly applicable, as decisions arising from consid- eration of this project will, most certainly, involve complex judgements about environmental risk, alternatives, social and economic costs and bene- Fits and mitigation and compensation action. Upon completion of a public consultation process concerning the matters raised in this paper, it is the Department 1 s intention to develop a position concerning the acceptability of the project. It should be noted that in keeping with its responsi- bility, the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission has completed an analysis of the potential effects of the Kemano Completion Project on Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon. It is intended that this analysis, contained in a separate report (IPSFC, 1983) also be subject to public review prior to the development of a Departmental position. To place the present proposal in perspective, it is appropriate to provide some background history. In December, 1950 the Government of British Columbia granted a conditional water licence to Alcan authorizing it to store and divert all waters in the Nechako watershed upstream of the Cheslatta River and all waters of the Nanika watershed upstream of Glacier Creek, approximately 4 km below Kidprice Lake. The Department of Fisheries reviewed the licence application and stipulated provisions regarding temperature regulation and flow releases to protect the fisheries resources; however, despite the prov- isions of the Fisheries Act the spirit of the times dictated that those provisions were, in the main, ignored. By 1957 the first, or Kemano 1, phase of development was fully opera- tional. Its works consisted of a dam on the Nechako River resulting in the creation of a 890-km2 reservoir with tunnels through Mt. Boise to a power house constructed at Kemano and transmission lines conveying power to an aluminum smelter constructed at Kitimat (Figure 1). Predictably, during the period of reservoir filling (1952 -1957), when very little water was being released below the dam, the Nechako chinook salmon stocks were deci- mated. Since 1957, as water became available for release to the Nechako river, the chinook stocks have shown signs of recovery. ORIGINAL WATER LICENCE ALLOWED fOR EXPANSI!J\1 KEY PROJECT COMPONENTS 1980 IN.I.It«:TI~ fLOWS HfiEA T TO SALMON STOCKS FISHERIES OBJECTIVE TlfiEAT TO FISH HABITATS ATTEWT BY ALCAN TO DEFH£ FLOW REQUIRDENTS In 1978 Alcan announced its intentions to add to the hydroelectric genera- ting capacity at Kemano, and to increase aluminum product ion capacity • Under the terms and conditions of the original licence granted in 1950 Alcan now propose to divert more water from the Nechako as well as to use water diverted from Nanika Lake. Key components of the project include a second tunnel from West Tahtsa Lake through to Kemano, a tunnel diversion from Nanika Lake to Tahtsa Lake, a dam at the outlet of Kidprice and Murray Lakes, and a new power station at Kemano. During the w.inter of 1979, because of a perceived water shortage, Alcan reduced the releases of water from the Nechako reservoir through the Skins Lake spillway. In 1980 the Department of Fisheries and Oceans successfully appealed to the Supreme Court of British Columbia for an injunction order- ing Alcan to make specified flow releases into the Nechako River. These injunction flows have been adhered to since August of 1980. The second, or completion phase of the Kemano development, once again threatens the salmon stocks in the Fraser system (especially the chinook of the Nechako River, as well as the sockeye of the Stuart, Stellako and Nadina Rivers). For the first time, several species (chinook, sockeye, coho and pink salmon) would be impacted in the Nanika,and Morice Rivers as a result of the diversion of the Nanika River. All five species of Pacific salmon and the eulachon populations of the Kemano River would again be impacted. Once again the Department of Fisheries and Oceans finds itself having to respond to a development proposal. In the context of the present Kemano Completion project review, a fisheries management objective has been defined as follows: TO PRESERVE fHE INIIHURAL SfOCKS AND TfE NATURAL SALMON PROOOCIN; POTENTIAL lF ALL RIVERS THAT WOOLD BE AffECTED BY THE OCVEUPMENT The Kemano Completion project threatens the fish habitats upon I'Alich the fisheries resources of the Nechako, Nanika, Morice and Kemano Rivers depend. In its review of the project the Department is examining ways to avoid damage to fish habitat that is likely to permanently reduce its productivity, by (a) prohibiting certain proposed activities that could permanently damage highly productive fish habitats; (b) mitigating potential problems through design, construction and operational adjustments, (c) and compensating for unavo.idable losses by employing habitat replacement and enhancement techniques. At this time, apart from a very general description of the project, Alcan has not provided detailed information concerning the construct ion and operation of their facilities, and a comprehensive environmental impact statement being prepared by Alcan is not yet available. To date, Alcan and their consultants have attempted to define the fisheries flow requirements - 2 - TEI:HNICAIL IN'"ORHATION REVIENED SllJPE lT PAPER FISHERIES ARE A FEDERAL RESPONSIBILITY FISHERIES ACT RELATIONSHIP TO PROJECT in the rivers downstream of the proposed dam site on the Nanika River and the existing dam on the Nechako River. Alcan wants to know whether the fish protection flows proposed by them are acceptable. To Alcan, the definition of fish protection flows is an essential first step, as the scope, and indeed, the viability of the Kemano Completion Project depend on knowing how much water is available through a diversion for power- generating purposes and how much has to be released for downstream (i.e., fish protection and other) purposes. A mass of technical data on the subject has been provided and reviewed. It is not intended to reproduce all of this information here. Rather, this paper is a synopsis of the most important considerations that have arisen from the Department's review of the data. In many cases the data are incomplete, and certainly this paper does not address all facets of the impacts arising from the Kemano Completion Project. The paper begins with a brief review of the applicable legislation by which the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has the authority to conduct its review, then reviews the hydrology of the Nanika, Morice, Nechako and Kemano River systems, and discusses, by life cycle stages, the biology of the salmonid species utilizing the rivers. The implications of the Alcan proposal are discussed by river system, water quality and quantity con- siderations are presented, comments are offered on diseases and parasites, salmon production targets for each river system are provided, and oppor- tunities for compensation are identified. The paper finishes with a pre- sentation of a number of possible decision options or scenarios designed to stimulate, and to provide a focus for public discussion. A glossary of terms used throughout the paper is provided at the end. 2. LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY ====================== The jurisdictional responsibility for the salmon resources of the Nechako, Morice, Nanika and Kemano rivers, as for all freshwater and marine fisheries resources in Canada, was assigned to the Federal Government under Section 91 of the British North America Act. Over the years, the Federal and Provincial governments have developed separate agreements in regard to the administration of the fisheries resources. In British Columbia, the Provincial Government now has responsibility for the management, protection and restoration of all non-anadramous species as well as steelhead and sea-run cutthroat trout. Responsibility for protection, preservation and extension of the Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon resource is vested with the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission under the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries Convention signed in 1930, ratified in 1937 and amended by the Pink Salmon Protocol in 1957. Since Confederation the main instrument of the Federal Government in protecting fish habitat has been the Fisheries Act. Amendments to the Fisheries Act have been recently enacted. These amendments have broadened the scope of 'fish' to be protected and included new controls on physical disruption of 'fish habitat'; they have shifted the burden of proof of - 3 - PROYISHHi fOR MAINTAINING ANNUAL RETURN IF FISH fUJI REGULATION BELOW DAMS fOR SAFETY IF fiSH fiSH HABITAT POLLUTU:fi whether fish habitat will be altered from the Crown to the proponent; and strengthened other prov1s1ons. Particular attention is directed to Sections 20, 31, 33 and 53 1 l'klich specifically relate to development activities such as those proposed by Alcan. Section 20 in part states: 20.(1) Every slide, dam or other obstruction across or in any stream where the Minister determines it to be necessary for the public interest that a fishpass should exist, shall be provided by the owner or occupier with a durable and efficient fishway, or canal around the slide, dam or other obstruction, l'klich shall be maintained in a good and effective condition by the owner or occupier, in such place and of such form and capacity as will, in the opinion of the Minister, satisfactorily permit the free passage of fish through the same; where it is determined by the Minister in any case that the provision of an efficient fishway or canal around the slide, dam or other obstruct ion is not feasible, or that the spawning areas above such slide, dam or other obstruction are destroyed, the Minister may require the owner or occupier of such slide, dam or other obstruction to pay to him from time to time such sum or sums of money as he may require to construct, operate and maintain such complete fish hatchery establishment as will, in his opinion, meet the requirements for maintaining the annual return of migratory fish. and 20. (10) The owner or occupier of any slide, dam or other obstruction shall permit to escape into the riverbed below the said slide, dam or other obstruction, such quantity of water, at all times, as will, in the opinion of the Minister, be sufficient for the safety of fish and for the flooding of the spawning grounds to such depth as will, in the opinion of the Minister, be necessary for the safety of the ova deposited thereon. Section 31 in part states: 31.(1) No person shall carry on any work or undertaking that results in the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat. Section 33 in part states: 33.1(1) Every person who carries on or proposes to carry on any work or undertaking that results or is likely to result in (a) the deposit of a deleterious substance in water frequented by fish or in any place under any conditions where that deleterious substance or any other deleterious substance that results from the deposit of that deleterious substance may enter any such water, or - 4 - HABITAT DEGRADATION PROVISION OF PLANS FOR REVIEW COST REmVERY APPLICATION OF ACT TO HER MAJESTY ADMINISTRATION OF ACT AS IT RELATES TO PROJECT (b) the alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat, shall, on the request of the Minister or without request in the manner and circumstance prescribed by regulations made under paragraph (3)(a), provide the Minister with such plans, speci- fications, studies, procedures, schedules, analyses, samples or other information relating to the work or undertaking and with such analyses, samples, evaluations, or other information rela- ting to the water, place or fish habitat that is or is likely to be affected by the work or undertaking as will enable the Minister to determine. (c) whether there is or is likely to be a deposit of a deleter- ious substance by reason of such work or undertaking that constitutes or would constitute an offence under Section 33 and what measures, if any, would prevent such a deposit or mitigate the effects thereof; or (d) whether the work or undertaking results or is likely to result in any alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat that constitutes or would constitute an offence under Section 31 and what measures, if any, would prevent such a result or mitigate the effects thereof. Section 53 in part states: 53. (1) Where the Minister determines that the provision, which he deems necessary for the public interest, of an efficient fishway or canal around any slide, dam or other obstruction is not feasible or that the spawning areas above such slide, dam or other obstruction are destroyed by reason of any such obstruction, the owner or occupier of any such slide, dam or other obstruction shall from time to time pay to the Receiver General such lump sum or annual sum of money as may be assessed against him by the Minister for the purpose of con- structing, operating and maintaining such complete hatchery estab- lishment as will, in the opinion of the Minister, meet the require- ments for maintaining the annual return of migratory fish. Section 71 states: 71. This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province and any agent thereof. The Habitat Management Division of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has the main responsibility for administering the hiD i tat provisions of the Act. This is accomplished in a manner that (a) recognizes the legitimate interests of other levels of government and private sector interests, (b) provides opportunities for public views and concerns to be heard, and (c) makes full use of the results of scientific research in reaching habitat management decisions. The reader is reminded that the Division's responsibil- ities are limited by the authority of the Fisheries Act and do not concern other environmental matters. - 5 - RIVERS ARE COMPLEX AND HIGHLY CHN«iEAR.E KEY PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL FEATURES LISTED 3. RIVER ECOLOGY, AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF CHANGE ============================================== Ri·vers are complex and highly changeable systems. To visualize what happera if their patterns of flow are altered it is helpful to have a simple descriptive scheme of the mai:-1 factors and processes operati:-~g in rivers. Figure 2 lists key physical .'Jnd biological features of a ri·ver that go into the making of salmon habitat and to the production of salmon. These features are referred to throughout the report. The biological processes of a river are the product of an adaptation of pl:mts and animals to their surroundings in various zones of the river; surroundings that are shaped by the physical phenomena of hydrology, hydraulics and local geolog)'• The general shape (or morphology) of a river is characterized by lateral bends (meanders) and pool -riffle series. Valley I Riparian CAJCHtENT AREA Within the river I . Algal produchon (Defined by hydrology, hydraulics and geology) vegetation e.g. diatoms River Geomorphology Detritus Terrestrial food Large debris Width Depth Meanders Braiding Riffles and pools Fish Habitat defined by Substrate characteristics Dispersal and sorting of bed materials Velocity Instream cover ~Substrate Large debris Turbulence Overhead cover Depth Riffle/pool ratio Gravel quality for incubation Gravel quality for food production Numbers of fish supported FIGURE 2 -PHYSICAL & BIOLOGICAL FEATURES - 6 - STRESS OF DOMINANT DISCHARGE VARIWS TYPES IF HABITAT RIFFlES ARE PRODUCTIVE AREAS AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES FOOD FOR REARINi SAlMON! OS TERRESTRIAL INSECTS FOOD FOR SAlMONIDS FISH PREFER TO SPAWN IN CERTAIN AREAS CHANGES DIFFICULT TO FORECAST AND VERY DIFFICULT TO QUANTIFY Both result in the dispersal and sorting of bed materials, with riffles acquiring large gravel and cobble near the surface, and pools acquiring a high sand and silt content. In rivers of highly variable discharge with erodible banks, the stream channel may divide and coalesce repeatedly, thereby producing a braided pattern. The annual flood flow constitutes the dominant discharge. The stress of dominant discharge, which is correlated with velocity and depth, moves bed materials and determines Which materials remain in place in various river zones. This stress reconditions the river by suspending and transporting sediment and organic materials that would otherwise build up and clog the spaces within the coarse gravel and cobble material. The physical features of a river -its riffles, pools and side channels - present various types of habitat to salmon and to the aquatic invertebrates that constitute most of their food. The main strands of the food web of salmon streams pass from algae and leaf litter through aquatic insects to fish. The most productive food-producing areas are riffles where thousands of insects per square metre, of a great diversity of species, feed upon algae and detritus. The flow of a river results in a continuous downstream drift of these organisms, which increases several-fold during the hours of darkness. This drift makes up the food of rearing salmonids. The rate of growth of salmonids that feed upon the insects can be limited by high or low temper- atures. Thus the temperature regime of a stream strongly affects its productivity. Conspicuous changes in a stream's flow regime result in changes to its temperature regime. Terrestrial insects can constitute a significant portion of the food of young salmon during daylight hours. Their abundance as food is influenced by streamside vegetation, wind, and sunshine. Streamside vegetation pro- vides security to fish as cover, retards scouring of river banks and reduces the effect of solar radiation on stream temperatures. In rivers diminished by man, receding water levels isolate streamside vegetation for a period of time. For reasons not entirely understood, salmon prefer to spawn in certain areas of a stream. Each species has different preferences. Spawning chinooks, for example, select relatively deep, fast flowing, coarsely- gravelled areas; pinks favour the slower velocity fine-gravelled bottom areas. Flow alterations can alter the depth and velocity conditions of spawning areas and alter their gravel composition. Radical reductions in flows may create points of difficult passage that block or deter the migration of adult salmon. Such flow reductions may also cause river temperatures to rise to levels that stress migrating salmon so that some may die or their migration may be delayed. Rearing habitat and fish food may be permanently lost. The conclusion that emerges, from a review of the elements of stream ecology is that the quan- tity and quality of habitat presented to salmon in any river are very - 7 - FURTHER DISCUSSION FOLLOWS DESCRIPTillll IF NANIKA RIVER DRAINAGE FLOW RECORDS PHYSICAL OESCRIPTI1»11 OF PROPOSED DIVERSillll STRUCTURES TOTAL RECULATID FLOW PROPOSED closely related to the flows that shape it. To alter flow regime radically is to invite complex biological changes that are dlfficult to forecast and even more difficult to quantify. In the following sections, a review of the hydrology, biology and implications of alcan' s proposal on the salmon resource is presented for each river system affected by Kemano completion. Steelhead trout and resident species would also be impacted by the project and these concerns are being addressed by the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch. 4. NANIKA RIVER ============= 4.1 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal The Nanika River is a tributary of Morice Lake, entering the lake only 3 kilometers from the lake outlet (Figure 1). The Nanika River watershed has a total area of 890 sq.km. yielding a mean annual flow of 36.6 ems (1292 cfs), Elghty-two percent, or 732 sq.km., of the watershed lies above the outlet of Kidprice Lake. The long term mean annual flow at this point (Envirocon, 1983) is 29.65 ems (1047 cfs).* Glacier Creek, the main tributary to the Nanika, has a mean annual flow of about 3.0 ems (107 cfs) (Envirocon, 1983). It joins the Nanika downstream of the main spawning areas. The hydrograph of the mean monthly flows at the outlet of Kidprice Lake (gauge 8ED001) is shown in Flgure 3. It is based on the historic period 1962 -1981. As recorded data (WSC) are available only for some of these years ( 1950 -1952, 1972 -1981), flows for other years had to be synthesized (Env irocon, 1983). The high flows in May-August result from snow melt. High flows in October-November result from fall rains. Alcan proposes the construction of a dam 330 meters downstream of Nanika Falls (Nanika Falls, presently the upper limit of salmon migration, is about 400 meters below the outlet of Kidprice Lake). A 52 sq.km. reservoir would be created consisting of both Kidprice and Nanika lakes, and would flood out Nanika Falls and that reach of the river joining the two lakes. A tunnel approximately 5 meters in dianeter would divert 62% of the total annual flow 18.49 ems (653 cfs) from the Nanika reservoir to Tahtsa Lake (Nechako reservoir). It is unders toad that the tunnel would be so designed and the reservoir so operated that all surplus runoff could be diverted, even in extremely wet years. Alcan has proposed a regulated flow regime, as shown in Figure 3, which would provide an annual average flow of 11.16 ems (394 cfs) (38~~ of the natural flow) in the Nanika below the dam. Alcan proposes to release flows via a gate at the spillway. Part of this mean annual flow 0.34 ems (12 cfs) would be for flushing purposes. Alcan has suggested a flushing release of 75 ems (2648 cfs) for four days every three years. *This is Alcan's most recent estimate (Oct. 1983.) - 8 - DIVERSHW IT GlACIER CREEK NANIKA RIVER SUPPORTS SOCKEYE, COifJ AND CHINO()( SALMON 1 Jao 1 Fob 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May 1 Jon 1 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sop 1 Oct 1 Noy 1 Ooc 1 I mig. ~pawnln~ IncubatIon lneuba t ion to t me rg enc a I rea ring J ova rwlnt 1 ring CHINOOK ovuwlnttrlng I emoltlng I migration I epawnlng J Incubation to tmugenc t I rt a rln g J ova rwlnt erlng COHO overwintering I amoltlng I mig. Jepawnlng J Incubation In cuba tlon to emergent e I rea ring -overwinter In Morice Lake SOCKEYE overwintering I tmoltlng 4 100 MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 1962-1981 (W.S.C., Envirocon) en ::IE 0 3 ~ 0 o. 0 50 ~ en 1370 "-0 Jan Ooc FIGURE l -NANIKA RIVER AT KIDPRICE lAKE A possible modification, suggested by the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch, is the diversion of Glacier Creek into the Nanika-K1.dprice reservoir via Des Lake. The approximately 1. 7 ems (60 cfs) thus diverted would then be released in add it ion to the 11.16 ems (394 cfs) proposed by Alcan. The purpose of so diverting Glacier Creek would be to reduce or eliminate the sediment load presently transported by Glacier Creek into the Nanika River, and to increase flow in the Nanika between the dam and Glacier Creek. 4.2. Biology The Nanika River supports a major sockeye run and smaller populations of coho and ch1inook salmon and s teelhead trout. The Nanika River is the principal spawning area for the Morice Lake sockeye population • Other sockeye populations spawn along the lakeshore near Cabin Creek at the southwest end of Morice Lake and in Atna Lake. The Nanika River is also a significant coho producing tributary of the Morice River system. - 9 - SOCKEYE SPAWNitfi CAPACITY DECliNING SOCKEYE POPULATI!t4S COIIJ SPAWNitfi COUNTS UNJERESTIHA TID SOCKEYE SPAWNitfi MIGRATIIW EXTENT OF SPAWNING AREAS PRIIIE SPAWNit«i AREA Sockeye escapements From 1949 to 1954, sockeye numbered in the order of 35,000 to 70,000 fish comprising as much as 10% of the total Skeena River escapement (Shepherd, 1979). These escapements, however, exceeded the total capacity of the spawning grounds which is estimated to be approximately 32,000 fish (Robertson et al, 1979). From 1955 to 1975, an average of over 4,000 sockeye returned to the Nanika River. Numbers then declined to less than 1 ,DOD fish, but increased to 3,000 and 4,000 sockeye in 1982 and 1983 respectively. Despite efforts to rehabilitate the Nanika River stock, numbers have not returned to optimal levels. A pilot hatchery operated from 1960 to 1965 was not successful owing to the use of transplant stock from the Sabine system. These proved to be poorly suited for Nanika River conditions. The Nanika River sockeye population also has a history of being overfished, because its timing coincides with the larger and more productive Pinkut River sockeye run. Nanika River sockeye presently represent only 0.1% of the total Skeena River sockeye escapement. Chinook and coho escapements For the period of record, chinook salmon spawners averaged about 150 fish ranging from 25 to a maximum of 400. The spawning population of coho salmon averaged 300 fish with a maximum of 500 recorded. It is expected, however, that the coho escapements may be significantly underestimated owing to their extended spawning period, scattered distribution and poor visibility, typical of late fall and winter conditions for observation. In addition, counts are timed to coincide with peak sockeye spawning. This occurs considerably earlier than the peak spawning period for coho and contributes to the underestimates. Timing and distribution of sockeye salmon Timing of the various life stages of sockeye salmon is shown in F1gure 3. A peak migration past the Alcan counting tower near Owen Creek in the Morice River occurs in early to mid-August (Farina, 1982). Sockeye probably hold in Morice Lake until they move into the Nanika River, usually in September. Peak spawning at the Nanika grounds is usually in late September and ends in October. Sockeye salmon spawn in the upper Nanika River in the 3 kilometer reach below Nanika Falls (Figure 4). The two prime spawning areas, designated A and B contain 17,000 m2 (20,000 sq.yds.) and 1600 m2 (2,000 sq.yds.) respectively (Robertson et al, 1979). An additional 8400 m2 ( 10,000 sq.yds.) are estimated to be available in scattered pockets. In 1979, approximately 96% of the sockeye spawners utilized area A ( Envirocon, 1981). Spawning occurs within a relatively deep channel at this site and is not subject to dewatering or freezing in the winter. High egg to fry survival was reported (R. Palmer in Shepherd, 1979). The smaller spawning area (B), on the other hand, is located near the river margin and, being shallower, is more subject to dewatering with decreasing discharge in the winter incubation period. -10 - TIMING (F DOWNSTREAM SOCKEYE FRY MIGRATIIW SOCKEYE RESIDENCE TIME IN MORICE LAKE SMOL TIFICATIIW AFFECTED BY MORICE LAKE PRODUCTIVITY REACH 4 Artl A ••ck•r• coho chinook 1. \ 4__ 1!11 Major Spawning Area ':{{Minor Spawning Area 0 FIGURE 4 -NANIKA RIVER SALMON SPAWNING AREAS 2 Sockeye fry emerge and migrate downstream to Morice Lake in late May to July, peaking in June and coinciding with peak annual flows (Shepherd, 1975; Zyblut, 1974). Peaks in sockeye fry migration are generally associated with a rise in flow and temperature. In the absence of freshet flows, studies in the Sabine system indicated that downstream migration occurred when temperatures reached 4"C (West, 1978). In contrast to other Skeena sockeye stocks, which spend one year in fresh- water, over 85% of Nanika River sockeye spend two years in Morice Lake and 9m~ return as five-(5 3 ) and six-(63 ) year-olds (Shepherd, 1979). The age distribution of sockeye spawners in 1983 was similar with approximately 84% aged 5 3 and 63 • Tow netting of sockeye in the early 1960's led to the conclusion that the duration of sockeye residence in Morice Lake was size related (R. Palmer, pers. comm.). Subsequent study by Cleugh (1979) demonstrated the low productivity of Morice Lake, that Shepherd (1979) suggested, resulted in delayed smoltification. Sockeye smolts migrate out of Morice lake from late April to August with a peak migration in May (Shepherd, 1979, Smith & Berezay, 1983). -11 - ADULT OfiN[)(J( MIGRATE IN AUGUSf com MIGRATE LATER CHINOOK SPAWN IN SEPTEMII:R com SPAWN IN SEPTEMI£R/DECEMIER PRIN[IPAL SPAWNING AREAS SAME AS SOCKEYE JUVENILE OIINOOK AND rom KIGRATHW JUVENILE llUMJ(J( AND rom HABITAT REQUIREMENTS CHINOOK MD llJHO REARING AND OVERWINTERING HABITAT Timing and distribution of chinook and coho salmon Timing of the various life stages of chinook and coho salmon are shown in Figure 3. Chinook salmon that spawn in the Morice and Nanika rivers pass the counting tower near Owen Creek usually in early August and in some years in late July (Farina, 1982). Peak migration of coho salmon past this point is in late August or early September. In the Nanika River, chinook salmon spawn in September; coho salmon spawn la t.er. According to the Department's spawning reports, the coho spawning period extends from September through November. This observation is probably the result of the early timing of the surveys, since winter obser- vations in 1979 indicated that peak spawning occurred in November and extended through December (Envirocon, 1981). Chinook and coho spawners utilize the sam~ areas as sockeye salmon, area A being the major spawning site (Figure 4). A small number of coho may also spawn in a tributary stream (approximately 10 km downstream of the falls) in years when flows permit access. Emergence of chinook was observed in early May in 1979 (Envirocon, 1981) and minor downstream chinook and coho fry migrations from the Nanika River were monitored in June and August (Shepherd, 1979). While some chinook and coho fry move out of the Nanika River and rear in Morice Lake (R. Palmer, pers. comm.), others overwinter in the Nanika River. Chinook smolts move out of the Nanika River in the spring following their first winter, while coho may spend one or two winters in the river. Some chinook smolts also leave the Nanika River in the fall of their first year. During their res ide nee in rivers, coho and chinook juveniles have speci fie habitat. requirements and preferences during the rearing period in the summer (May to October) and the inactive overwintering (November to April) phase. The availability of food, cover and suitable space are all impor- tant factors that. determine the uHimate production of chinook and coho smolts. Based on studies in the Morice River, there is evidence that a limiting constraint to chinook and coho production in the Nanika River may occur in the overwintering period. Significant mortalities were observed in the Morice River associated with dewatering and freezing of sidechannels used by juveniles (Bustard, 1983). Studies of the Nanika River indicate that sidechannel habitat and log jams, which provide cover were the key components of summer rearing and winter habitat for both chinook and coho juveniles (Shepherd, 1979; Envirocon, 1981, 1983). This is reflected in the distribution of juveniles in the Nanika River. The lower reach (Reach 1), with the most abundant side- channels and log jams and hence rearing capacity, was heavily utilized by both juvenile chinook and coho. In contrast, abundance of coho juveniles was consistently low in Reach 2, a single channelled section with few low velocity areas. In 1979, chinook and coho fry were found in the vicinity of the spawning areas early in the season and became increasingly abundant in the lower reach in the fall where they probably overwintered. -12 - NANI.IICI\ RIVER TRIBUTARIES HAVE LIHifED REI\RI ~ POTENTIAL COfoPARISON lF NATURAL AND RE:GlLATED FUJNS SIDECHANt£L LOSSES FROM FLOW HE:Gli.ATION FLUSHIINC FLOWS AND GRAVEL QUALITY SPAWNIJ£ AND INCUBATION FLOWS Coho yearlings also favoured this lower reach. In 1982, the distribution of coho fry and yearlings was similar to that reported above, but chinook were found throughout t.he river in the fall. Chinook juveniles were, however, twice as abundant in sidechannels compared with the mainstem, th~ ;;-onfirming t.he importa~of t_his type of habi t.rl.. ----=~---,-,~~--. ------·--~-~ -· --~ .... --=.::"''"""..._"""'~~_,_--"--~''~-. Nanika River tributaries do not. contribute significantly to the overall rearing potent. ial of Nan.ika River. Some chinook fry were found in tributary 1 2 1 • Coho fry were observed in two t.r ibut. aries ( 1 and 2) but were estimated t.o account for less than 1m~ of the overall rearing capacity in the Nanika River (Envirocon, ~981). 4.3 Implications of Alcan 1 s Proposal Alcan 1 s proposed regime for the Nanika River substantially alters the natural hydrograph (Figure 3). The Nanika would become a much diminished river. The annual flow below Kidprice Lake would be reduced to 38~o of the present mean annual flow. The flow for June, which is the highest flow month, would be reduced to 8~~ of the present June mean. Not only would flows be greatly reduced but the shape of the hydrograph, that is the rela- tive distribution of flow month by month, would be entirely altered. The river would naturally adapt itself over a long period of time (decades) by a reduction of mainchannel width, vegetation encroachment on banks and bars, redistribution of sediment sizes, and abandonment of sidechannels. It is estimated that. most of the sidechannels would eventually be lost because of the severe reduction in June-July flows, which now govern the morphological patterns. The loss of sidechannels would have a major impact on coho and chinook salmon in the Nanika River. the rearirg habitat are es timat.ed for coho (Envirocon, 1983). Losses of 90~~ and 7m~ of and chinook respectively The flushing flows required to maintain present. channel conditions in the lower Nanika be low Glacier Creek would have to be of a magnitude and dura- tion comparable to present annual flood flows. This would require so much water that it would probably make it impractical for Alcan to consider the Nanika project.. Diversion of the upper part of GLacier Creek may reduce some of the sediment load but with an acceptance of Alcan 1 s flow proposal one would have to accept the long t.erm channel changes. The consequent effect on fish Life in the lower Nanika, whether negative or positive, cannot be predicted. It. is not known what the magnitude or duration of flushing flows should be, or even if they are required at all, in the Nanika above Glacier Creek where the major spawning areas are located. The only contribution of silt to this part of the river would be from the local banks and the limited watershed below the proposed dam. Spawning flows from late August to October are comparable to mean monthly flows, and incubation flows though reduced in November would be increased during the late winter period (February to April). -13 - EfFECTS lF FUif REGULATION ON ADULT SOCKEYE MIGRATION fLIJVI REGII£ WOULD MAINTAIN SPAWNING HABITAT IN:tiJATION FLOWS IM:REASED IMPACTS OF REDUCED fLOWS ON SOCKEYE fRY MIGRATHW NUTRIENT IN'UT INTO MORICE LAKE REDUCED The implications of these changes on Nanika River sockeye, chinook and coho are described for each life stage. The effects of changes in temperature regime on Nanika River salmon populations are discussed in the Water Quality section. Sockeye salmon Migration of sockeye adults into the Nanika River would probably not be substantial ty affected by the proposed regime. While August flows would be significantly reduced (5 ems, 175 cfs), the increase to 22 ems, (775 cfs) in late August to accommodate spawning would likely provide an "attraction" flow for sockeye entering the Nanika River. Time of entry into the Nanika River would therefore not be expected to depart significantly from present "average" conditions. On the basis of spawning records, the adult sockeye generally migrate into the river in September but in some years enter the river earlier. With the proposed schedule of water releases there may be a delay of sockeye at the mouth of the Nanika River until flows are increased in late August. The effects of this delay are difficult to predict. Alcan's proposed spawning flow is consistent wit.h that estimated by the Department to protect sockeye spawning habitat. At 22.7 and 28.3 ems (BOO and 1000 cfs), 95% and 100% of the total suit.able gravel in the prime spawning areas (A and B) were estimated to be available (Robertson et al, 1979). This assumes that gravel quality on the spawning grounds would be maintained. Alcan' s proposed increase in late winter incubation flows (February to April) ·to 8.5 ems (300 cfs) is likely to be an improvement to the present flow regime, which may drop to a minimum of 3.1 ems (109 cfs) during this period. Robertson et al, (1979) estimated that 100% of the smaller spawning area (B), which is more sensitive to dewatering than area A, would remain wetted at 9.9 ems (350 cfs). At 8.5 ems (300 cfs), 95% of the spawned area would remain wetted. It is during sockeye emergence, fry migration and rearing phases that. the implications of Alcan's flow regime on sockeye production in the Nanika River are more difficult to predict and quantify. Even if spawning habitat is maintained and egg to fry survival improved, the ultimate production of the Nanika River sockeye stocks depends also on the fry to smolt survival. Some of the key factors affecting survival are the successful migration of fry to the lake, lake entry, which coincides with food ava it ability and favourable temperatures, and a lake environment that promotes good growth and survival during the entire period of lake residence. The proposed Nanika River flow regime, by reducing the discharge into Morice Lake, would significantly reduce nutrient input into the lake. Morice Lake is presently an unproductive lake and the two year residence of Nanika River sockeye in the lake has been attributed to their slow growth rate. Further reducing sockeye growth may increase the lake residence period. Smaller smolt size would reduce the survival of seaward migrating smolts. -14 - TIHINi ()'" FRY ARRIVAL IN MORICE lAKE IS CRITICAL It«:REASED SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PREDATI~ OVERALl EFFECTS ON SOCKEYE UNCERTAIN SUBSTMITUL LOSS lllF CHINOOK AND COHO REARINi AREA EXPECTED The proposal would result in higher water temperatures during \he fall incubat.ion period. The timing of fry emergence in the spring i3 dependent on temperature. Higher temperatures accelerate the rate of development and emergence. The effects of early emergence and migration are difficult to predict.. In general, sockeye fry enter the lake just prior to, or at the onset of, an increase .in plankton food supply, to rear. Heavy mort alit .ies would be expected to occur if, at the time of lake entry, t.he appropriate foods were not readily available. Finally, the large decrease in the volume of water in May/June would likely render sockeye fry more susceptible t.o predation during the migration to Morice Lake. Foerster (1968) indicated that predation may be a significant limiting factor accounting for the loss of 50 to 75~~ of the fry emerging and migrating to the rearing lake. The Alcan proposal .identifies the reduced input of nutrients into Morice Lake and the earlier emergence of fry in the spring as principal impacts on the Nanika River sockeye population. Fry survival at emergence and during downstream migration to the lake are considered as risks to sockeye produc- tion that Alcan states will be balanced by the benefits of a more stable flow regime and increased winter flows. While the Department recognizes that there is uncertainty in assessing the effects on sockeye survival during all life phases, these 'risks' nevertheless could have serious implications for achieving our objective of preserving the salmon producing potential of the Nanika River. There is no convincing evidence that the risks identified will be balanced by potential benefits. Chinook and coho salmon While sockeye move out of the Nanika River following emergence, chinook and coho rear in the river through summer and winter. It is at this stage of their life eye le that losses would be greatest. Due to a major reduct ion in peak annual flows, most sidechannels that are heavily utilized by rear- ing coho and chinook would be lost. Envirocon (1983) estimates that chinook and coho rearing habitat would be reduced by 70 and 90%, respec- tively, owing to the loss of sidechannels as well as mainstem rearing areas. In addition, the quality of the remaining habitat below Glacier Creek would be expected to decline. The .increased proportion of cold Glacier Creek water with its glacial silt would result in a deterioration of gravel quality in the Nanika River affecting both fish and .invertebrate habitat.. This might, however, be alleviated by the proposal to divert Glacier Creek into Kidprice Lake, which is currently being considered by Alcan. The proposed changes in flow regime during chinook and coho spawning and incubation are less extreme. Since sockeye and chinook spawn at similar times, the spawning flows and increased incubation flows proposed for sock- eye should also maintain chinook habH.at. There may however be a delay in adult chinook migration into the Nanika River. Coho spawn later in the season (November-December) when proposed flows are less than present mean monthly flows, and some loss of spawnable area is expected.Some dewatering of redds at emergence and increased predation owing t.o reduced spring flows may reduce the survival of chinook and coho fry. It is important to note -15 - MAJOR IMPACT ON CHINOOK AND COHO RELATIVE FLOW CONTRIBUTIONS that spawning habitat could be maintained, and increased incubation flows could improve egg t.o fry survival, the loss of rearing habitat in the Nanika River would threaten chinook and coho populations in the Nanika River. 5. MORICE RIVER ============= 5.1 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal Morice River is considered a tributary of the Bulkley River (Figure 1) but in fact the Bulkley River above the confluence is a very small river, representing only 14~.; of the flow at the confluence, whereas the Morice, with a mean annual flow of 118.1 ems (4171 cfs), represents 86~.; of the flow. The Morice River at the outlet of Morice Lake has a mean annual flow of 76.32 ems (2695 cfs), which is 56% of the mean annual flow of the Bulkley River at Quick. Figure 5 shows the monthly relationship. 100 .... c ., <> '-., a.. 80 60 40 20 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec FIGUIIE 5 -BULKLEY RIVER PERCENT lT DISCHARGE AT QUICK £1UGII'*\TIN; FROM MORICE LAKE -16 - J F M A M J J A s 0 N D Outlet Natural 27.11 23.63 17.84 16.75 65.13 187.71 174.48 126.62 82.86 83. 16 68.46 39.03 Morice K.C. 26.24 23.53 18.94 18.39 50.12 111.59 104.49 85.65 72.22 75.43 57.38 35.67 Lake Difference 0.87 .10 +1.10 +1.64 15.01 76.12 70.00 40.97 10.64 7. 73 11.08 3.36 Reach 1 %Diff. 3% 0% +6% +10% 23% 41% 40% 32% 13% 9% 16% 9% D/S 'Ihautil Natural 32.43 27.66 21.96 33.~8 150.89 288.82 224.08 146.74 96.11 104.32 88.12 47.33 Reach 2 K.C:. 31.56 27.57 23.06 35.23 135.89 212.70 154.08 105.76 85.48 96.59 77.05 43.89 Difference 0.87 .10 +1.10 +1.65 15.00 76.12 70.00 40.98 10.63 7. 73 11.07 3.44 %Diff. 3% 0% +5% +5% 10% 26% 31% 28% 11% 7% 13% 7% U/S <Men Cr. Natural 33.19 28.17 22. ~6 37.03 175.74 305.84 227.57 147.85 97.65 106.67 90.55 48.31 Reach 3 K.C. 32.32 28.07 23.66 30.67 160.73 229.71 157.57 106.88 87.01 98.93 79.47 44.87 Difference 0.87 .10 +1.10 +1.64 15.01 76.13 70.00 40.97 10.64 7. 74 11.08 3.44 %Diff. 3.% 0% +5% +4% 9% 25% 31% 28% 11% 7% 12% 7% U/S ~acock cr. Natural 34.51 29.36 23.80 45.32 213.25 329.31 234.00 149.69 99.36 109.95 94.28 50.12 Reach 4 K.C. 33.63 29.26 24.91 46.96 198.24 253.18 164.00 108.72 88.72 102.22 83.20 46.66 Difference .88 .10 +1.11 +1.64 15.01 76.13 70.00 40.97 10.64 7. 73 11.08 3.46 %Diff 3% 0% +5% +4% 7% 23% 30% 27% 11% 7% 12% 7% TABLE 1 MORICE RIVER t£AN MONTILY FLOWS (1962 -1981) (Differences Between Natural and Kemano Completion Flows(in ems)) (All D_tfferences and 9~ Differences are Negative,Unless Shown Positive) ~ 0 0 ><I (/) :::!; 0 I J an I F b . 1 tolar 1 Apr 1 tolay 1 Jun Jul 1 Aug I Stp lncuba tlon to emergent a overwlntulng I lncub at ion to emergence overwintering I Incubation to emerttnct MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 1962-1981 (W.S.C., Envirocon) 960 670 650 Jon J mltratlon lepawnlngj I rea ring a molting I migration j T rea ring amoltlng T 1 mig-:-ftpawnln~ I 6630 FIGURE 6 Oot 1 Nov 1 Ooo lncuba t I on T overwintering epawnlng T overwintering lncuba tlon MORICE RIVER AT liJTLET lF MORICE LAKE (REAEH 1) -17 - CHINOOK COHO PINK 8 FLOW RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN NANIKA RIVER AND MORICE RIVER FOI.Il STUDY REAOIES DEFI~ FLOW REDOCTilWS IN REAOf 2 PREDICTED LOSSES IT SIOCCHANNEL AREA The influence of the Nanika River on the Morice and Bulkley rivers is con- siderable. It represents 48% of the mean annual flow at the outlet of Morice Lake, 27% of the flow at Quick, and 22% of the flow at Moricetown. Alcan 1 s proposed mean annual diversion of 18.49 ems (653 cfs) from the Nanika River would reduce the flow at the outlet of Morice Lake by 25~~ and the flow at Morice town by 11%. During the period of June 1 to September 30, which is the timing of upstream migration at Moricetown, Alcan 1 s diver- sion would represent up to 20% of the flow. Alcan 1 s consultants divided the Morice River into four reaches as shown in Figure 10. For purposes of reference and uniformity the same division has been adopted in this report. Table 1 and f~gures 6 to 9 show the differences in mean monthly flows that would occur in the four reaches of the Morice River with Kemano Completion. 0 0 en ~ () MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 1962-1981 (W .S.C., Envirocon) 10200 }-:--1 / 3020 Post Kemano Completion FIGLRE7 MORICE RIVER DOWNSTREAM OF THAUTIL CREEK (REAOI 2) 1550 "' 10 0 0 0 en "- () In Reach 2, between Thautil and Owen Creeks, which is the braided section of the Morice River, the mean monthly flows would be reduced as follows: May 1m~ -18 - June 26% July 31% August 28% 0 0 0 0 (/) :::E <..> 3 3 0 MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 1962-1981 <W.S.C., Envlrocon) 1300 I I 70 990 I I 40 990 eh 840 10800 5680 I I I I L- Post Kemano fiGlflE 8 tiJRICE RIVER UPSTREAM IF OWEN CREEK (READf 3) MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 1962 -198 I (W.s.c., Envirocon) Post Kemano 3840 7-:-_..J / 3130 Completion FIGlflE 9 MORICE RIVER DOWNSTREAM IF PEACOCK CREEK (REAOf 4) -19 - 1580 cfo 1650 th· I 2 10 12 10 2 0 0 0 (/) lL <..> 0 0 0 (/) lL <..> MORICE RIVER SALMON PRODUCTI(JII liN RELATHJ11 TO SKEENA RIVER CHINOOK ESCAPEMENT TRENDS ESTIMATES lF llJHO SPAWNING INCOMPLETE It is important to recognize that high flows, usually occurring in June, control the channel forming processes, A decrease of 26% in June is there- fore very significant. Based on experience with the Peace River Project, it has been estimated (pers. comm. R. Kellerhals) that the long term loss in side channel area would be 8 to 3m~, This would result from a reduct ion in the rate of creation of new channels combined with an increase in the rate of blockage and siltation of old channels. The uncertainty in the estimate is due to the lack of data on sidechannel losses in diminished rivers, and the high variability and very sensitive balance inherent in braided systems. 5.2 Biology The Morice River produces three of the five salmon species; chinook, coho and pink salmon, and cant ains a major steel head population, Chinook are the most important single salmon stock in the Morice River and represent 20% of the total Skeena river chinook escapement. In the recent past, this stock has constituted as much as 4m~ of the total Skeena chinook population. The relative contribution of coho and pink salmon to the Skeena as a whole is minor, representing 4 and 2% respectively. Although the percentage contribution of pink salmon is small, the Morice River pink run is significant among the small producers in the Skeena system cons ide ring that 80% of the pink product ion comes from 4 sys terns ( Lakelse, Kitwanga, Kispiox and Babine), Sockeye salmon migrate up the Morice River to spawn in the Nanika River and in Morice and Atna Lakes. Chinook escapements An average of 5,500 spawners has returned to the Morice River since 1960, generally ranging between 3,000 and 7,000 fish. In the late 1950's a maxi- mum escapement of 15, DOD was recorded. (1978 -1983) was 3,820 chinook, The most recent 5-year average It should be noted that a single census of spawning salmon as provided in the spawning records can seriously underestimate actual escapements. Using several aerial counts and the residence time of spawning chinook females, Nielson and Geen ( 1981 ) found that a maximum single count in the Mar ice River yielded only 52% of the total estimated escapement. Coho escapements Average escapements from 1957 to 1979 were in the order of 2,500 to 3,000 coho. Prior to 1957, 7,500 to a maximum of 15,000 coho were reported. In recent years the record is incomplete since surveys during coho spawning were not always conducted. Estimates in 1979 and 1981 were only 300 and 500 fish respectively. record. -20 - The 1979 escapement was the second lowest on PINC SAlMON ESTABLISHMENT IN MORICE RIVER UPSTR~ MIGRATION Of CHINOOK BEGINS LATE _..LV PRINCIPAL CHINOOK SPAWNIN; AREA AT OUTLET IF MORICE LAKE HIGH EGG TO FRY SURVIVAL IN PRINCIPAL SPAWNING AREA LIN WINTER FLIJWS AffECT SURVIVAL PEAK Of CHINO(I( fRY EMERGENCE IN LATE APRIL MAJORITY Of CHINOOK SPEN> lK fULL YEAR IN FRESHWATER Pink escapements The odd-year pink run to the Morice River has been expanding since the Moricetown fishway was built in 1951 and the obstruction at Hagwilget Canyon was removed in 1958. The average of the last 5 cycles has been about 25,000 fish, and 30,000 pink spawners were reported 1n 1983. Even- year escapements have also increased in recent years from less than 500 fish to over 4,000 in 1980 and 8,000 in 1982 (Farina, 1982). Timing and distribution of chinook salmon Timing of the various liFe stages of chinook are shown in figure 6. Chinook salmon pass the Alcan counting tower near Owen Creek in late July or early August and peak spawning usually occurs in September. The major chinook spawning area is in the reach from Morice Lake to Gosnell Creek (greater than 80% of the spawners), particularly in the upper 4 kilo- meters (Figure 10). A prime spawning area that supports the highest den- sity of chinook spawners in the rive 1.' is located about 1 km bel ow Morice Lake. Most of the river bed at this site is characterized by a series of large gravel dunes oriented perpendicularly to the direction of flow. Chinook were observed to spawn on the upstream face of the dunes where depths and velocities were suitable. The remainder of the chinook popula- tion spawn in areas of suitable gravels downstream to Lamprey Creek. High egg to fry survival rates have been reported in the prime chinook spawning area and are attributed to the moderating effect of Morice Lake on water temperature and discharge rates. In 1979 and 1980, egg to fry sur- vival was estimated to be 12.5 and 23. 7%, respectively (Smith and Berezay, 1983). Low winter flows can, however, result in dewatering of some redds. Envirocon (1981) observed that several marginal redds were dewatered at flows less than 28.32 ems (1000 cfs) in November and December 1979. In April, flows less than 14.16 ems (500 cfs) were marginal for the survival of alevins and fry within the gravel. Trapping studies in 1979 and 1980 indicated that chinook fry emerge in early April, peak in late April and then decline until June (Smith and Berezay, 1983). Envirocon (1981) observed emergent fry as early as March in 1979. Some chinook migrate to sea in their first year but most rear in fresh water (Morice, Bulkley and Skeena rivers) for one year. This has been determined by scale analysis from four years of chinook returns. In 1974, 1979 and 1980, chinook that had overwintered in fresh water for one year predominated (65%, 76% and 95% respectively). In 1978, however, chinook that had migrated to sea in their first year constituted 52.6% of the adult returns. This variability in liFe history may be a function of prevailing stream conditions during emergence and the early rearing of chinook fry that results either in migration out of, or residence, in the river. It may also be a reflection of the variability in the differential survival of the two groups. For example, if heavy winter mortalities of chinook fry -21 - CHINO[)( REARING HABITAT 0 ---10 Scale FIGtflE 10 Mr Major Spawning Area ... ~.<over 80%) :;;:;::;::Scattered Spawning QPrlme Spawning MORICE RIVER CHINOOK AND COHO SPAWNING AREAS occurred in abnormally dry and cold _winters, then the proportion of this 'stream type' would be depressed in the adult returns. During their freshwater residency, chinook fry disperse throughout the mainstem of the Morice and Bulkley rivers (Envirocon, 1981 ). Habitat preferences in spring, summer and fall are fairly typical for the species (Shepherd, 1979; Envirocon, 1981; Smith and Berezay 1983). In general, chinook reared along river margins and were often associated with slow water velocities and cover in the form of log jams, cobble and debris. Shepherd (1979) found that, in spring, chinook were concentrated in side- channels; in summer, in mainstream log jams and flats. The reach between Gosnell and Owen creeks (Reach 2), with abundant s idechannels and log debris, was considered the most productive rearing area. -22 - MAIINISTIEH VERSUS SIOCCHANt£L DIS TRIBUJI(J.I lF CHINOOK fRY LATE FAll DISTRIBUTim lF CHINOOK NO DATA ON RB._ATIVE CONTRIBUTION lF MORICE RIVER OR BULKLEY REARID CHINOOK HEAVY OVERWINTERIN; (_ LOSSES NOTIDC/(Y'vtl~ ' ;~~ COHO SPAWNIN; EXT£NOCD OVER fALL AND EARLY WINTER PERim COHO SPAWNIN; DISTRIBUT IlJ,I IS HOW DEPENDENT Envirocon (1981) reported that. chinook fry use the mainchannel (74~n more than sidechannels ( 26~o) in May, moved int.o sidechannels at high flows which normally occur in June and July and were equally distributed between bot.h types of habitat in September and November. It was est.imated that 63.9~o of the juvenile chinook in the Morice River reared in Reach 2 (Envirocon, 1983). ( As temperatures decline in the fall, chinook become inactive, hiding under cobbles or log jams where they will remain over the winter. The late fall distribution of chinook is therefore indicative of their overwintering habitat. In the fall, Env irocon ( 1981) found that. chinook fry were most abundant in Reach 1 (above Gosnell Creek) and below Owen Creek (reaches 3 and 5). Smith and Berezay (1983), on the other hand, reported highest catches in Reach 2 between Gosnell and Owen creeks and the area just above the confluence of the Bulkley and Morice rivers. The differences in relative distribution between the two studies are likely attributable to different sampling techniques ( electroshocking vs. minnow trapping) and locations since both sampling programs were conducted in 1979. The results indicate, however, that chinook fry overwinter throughout most of the Morice River. Although Shepherd ( 1979) suggested that the majority of chinook fry move out of the Morice River to overwinter in the Bulkley River, sampling by Envirocon (1981, 1983) showed that a significant number of chinook over- winter in the Morice. There is no estimate, however, of the proportion of the population that remains in the Morice River. The seasonal distribution (spring to fall) indicates that there is a progressive downstream dispersal of chinook fry. The number of fry remaining in the Morice River is probably· determined by the amount of suitable rearing habitat. Require- ments for space, food and cover, and the territorial behaviour of chinook fry as they grow, probably determines their summer distribution. A key component of overwintering habitat is the availability of cover, primarily cobbles and log jams in channels that do not. dewater, freeze or stagnate. ( Studies of Morice River sidechannels indicated that chinook .and other over- wintering salmonids are subject to heavy mortalities as flows decrease in winter. Bustard ( 1983). concluded that the overwintering phase may be a major constraint to chinook smolt production in the Morice river. Timing and distribution of coho salmon Timing of coho salmon liFe stages is shown in Figure 6. Peak mig rat ion of adults past t.he Owen Creek counting tower occurs in late August and early September (Farina, 1982) and coho salmon spawn over an extended period from late September to December (Hancock et al, 1983). Peak spawning occurs in mid-to-late November (Envirocon, 1981). Coho spawn in the mainst.em of the Morice and in several tributaries (Figure 10). The distribution of spawners is dependent on water flow conditions. In 1979, a year with below average stream flows, most spawners (85~o) were observed in the prime spawning areas below Morice Lake that had been util- ized by chinook salmon. Scattered spawning was also noted in s idechanne ls -23 - COHO FRY EM£RGEM:E AND DISPERSAL AGE COMPOSITION Of MORICE 001-11 STOCKS TRIBUTARY REARING Of COHO DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT PREFERENCES Of R\INSTEM COIIJ UTILIZATIIJII Of SIOCCHANt£LS BY OVERWINTERING COHO between Fenton ard Gosnell Creeks (Envirocon, 1981). In that. year t.he only tributaries with adequate flow for coho access and spawning were the Gosnell and Houston Tommy creeks ard the Thautil River. In 1975, on the other hand, Shepherd (1979) observed that coho held in the mainstem or in Morice Lake and moved with the fall freshet into the tributaries to spawn. Owen, McBride and Gosnell creeks, and Thautil River were ident1fied as the preferred coho spawning areas. Coho fry emergence extends from April to July, and downstream movements have been monitored from April to October (Shepherd, 1979), and in May and June in the upper Morice River (Smith and Berezay, 1983). Peaks--tnriligra- tion were not identifiable "owing to the small numbers of fry and smolts that it was possible to trap. Dispersal upstream has also been observed from spring through fall (Shepherd, 1979). Coho juveniles rear for one or two years in t.he river. In 1975, 75~~ of Morice River coho had overwintered in freshwater and returned in their third year (32 's). The remainder were four years old and spent two winters in freshwater (43 •s). Coho fry are distributed throughout the Morice River ard many tributaries, and in McBride ard Morice lakes. Envirocon (1981) estimated that. 67~~ of coho fry reared in the tributaries, particularly Gosnell, Houston Tommy and McBride creeks. Shepherd (1979) also indicated that Gosnell and McBride creeks were the most productive tributaries. Mainstem rearing (33~~), may however, be underestimated owing to differences in sampling efficiency between the mainstem and tributaries. Coho may move out of the tributaries into the Morice in the fall (Smith and Berezay, 1981). In the mainstem Morice River an estimated 95~~ (Envirocon, 1983) and 85~~ (Smit.h ard Berezay, 1982) of rearing coho were found between Morice Lake and Owen Creek (reaches 1 and 2). Habitat preferences of coho juveniles were well defined. Sidechannels, sidepools, ponds and sloughs were heavily utilized by rearing coho with instream cover providing a key habitat com- ponent ( Env irocon, 1981). These habitats are typical of the braided sec- tion of the Morice River between Gosnell and Owen Creek (Reach 2). Over 80% of the coho fry and 65~~ of coho yearlings occupied sidechannels in July and September (Envirocon, 1981). Shepherd (1979) also found that coho were concentrated in sidechannels in summer and that Reach 2 was potentially the most productive rearing habitat for coho juveniles in the Morice River. Overwintering studies showed that coho utilize sidechannels extensively, and found cover under log jams and debris. Coho juveniles were t.he most abundant species in sidechannels sampled in late fall constituting 52~~ of \' the total, while chinook fry made up about 9~~. The preference of coho for sidechannels makes them susceptible to reduced winter flows and tempera- tures that may result in dewatering and freezing of their winter habitat. This is likely a major constraint for coho smolt production in the Morice ,~River, as significant mortalities during this period were documented \~ustard, 19~). Groundwater inflows reduced the amount of dewatering and resulted in greater juvenile survival. Sidechannels with groundwater input, therefore, provide very important overwintering habitat.. -24 - SIGNIFICANCE lF PONDS AND SLOOGHS PINe SALMON MIGRATiml AND SPAWNING PINe SALMON DISTRIBUTiml Ponds and sloughs adjacent to the main channel and relatively common in Reach 2, also provided important wintering habitat for coho. Fall migra- tions into ponds were observed, and densities of coho juveniles were an order of magnitude higher than in the river. Studies in Carnation Creek and in Washington creeks have documented good survival and high smolt out- put from overwintering ponds (Bustard and Narver, 1975; Peterson, 1982). Timing and distribution of pink salmon Migration of adult pink salmon past the Owen Creek counting tower is usually in late August or early September. Peak spawning is reported to occur in early September, ending before the end of the month. Over 90% of the total escapement spawns in Reach 2 of the Morice River between Gosnell and Owen creeks (F 1gure 11) (Envirocon, 1983). Approximately 80% of the total pink population spawned in sidechannels. Small numbers of pink spawners have also been observed at the chinook spawning grounds below Morice Lake and in Gosnell Creek. 0 10 REACH ~ Peacock 15kfll'-....:....:-----=---==-=-====---Sull FIGlRE 11 MORICE RIVER PINK SPAWNING AREAS -25 - Pitt< SAlMON It«:UBATI(}.I LOSSES NOTED PRE MD POST FUJI REGUlA TI(}.I C(JIJARISONS PEAK !DIHER FLOWS REDUCED BY 4~ SIGNIFICANT REDUCTIOII IN CHIN()()( AND Cotll REARING AREA MAJOR SPAWNINi GROUMlS NOT IMPACTED AND POTENTIAl IMPROVEMENT IF It«:UBATION AND REARING CONDITIONS OVER WINTER CHANGES IN PHYSICAL CONDITION OF RIVER DIFFICULT TO PREDICT AND RELATE TO FISH PROOU:TION DOWNSTREAM EFFECTS Winter observations in 1979 of pink redds in a heavily utilized sidechannel indicated that dewatering of redds and probable losses of eggs and alevins occur with reduced flows to a greater extent than in the more stable main- channel spawning areas (Envirocon, 1981). Pink fry probably emerge in April and migrate directly to the ocean, returning to spawn as two-year-old fish. 5.3 Implications of Aleen's Proposal The projected post Kemano Completion mean monthly flows at Morice Lake out- let are shown in contrast to existing mean monthly flows in Figure 6. Since flow would be controlled from the Nanika River dam, the Morice River hydrograph would reflect that control, but it would also be influenced by natural inflows and the buffering effect of Morice Lake. The most significant change would be in the spring and summer period when flows would be reduced in the order of 30 to 40%. This reduction in peak flows would result in an estimated loss of up to 3m~ of the sidechannels in Reach 2 between Gosnell and Owen Creeks (Envirocon, 1983). This represents a major loss of chinook and coho rearing habitat and would affect pink and 1 coho salmon that spawn in this reach. Although the river would stabilize into a new morphological pattern, it may not pe I'IS productive as it is at the present time. The changes in flow regime during the remainder of the year are of smaller magnitude with a decrease in existing mean flows during the fall spawning and early incubation periods and a proposed increase in flows in the late winter incubation period (February to April), It is expected that flows at spawning time, l'klich would not differ aubstant ially from natural mean flows,would not reduce the capacity of the majqr spawning grounds below j Morice Lake and that increased winter flows might have potential benefits fl for incubation of eggs and alevins and overwintering of juveniles. The overall impact of flow regulation upon river morphology is difficult to predict, and it is even more difficult to predigt how such physical changes would affect salmon habitat. The implications of the proposed flow regime for the various species and life stages are discussed in the following section. The section focuses on the impacts specific to the Marice River and the Maricetown fishway. It should be recognized that there would be dawnatream effects on the Bulkley and Skeens Rivers owing to the reduction in flow regime. The reduced flows 1. would improve the effectivenesa of the river fi;'lhery since exploitation ~rates generally increase with reduced flows. D!Je to the absence of data, detailed consideration of the downstream effects is not presented. Migration flows Salmon that spawn in the Morice, Nanika and Bulkley systems pass the Moricetown fishway on the Bulkley River on their upstream migration from -26 - '• FLOWS REDUCED AT MORICETOMN FISHWAY DLIUN; FISH MIGRATIOO REVIEW OF HYOOAULIC CON>ITIOOS AT FISHWAY REQUIRED NO OBSTRUCTIONS TO MIGRATIOO EXPECTED MAJOR CHANNEL CHANGES IN REAOt HfO EXPECTED MINm lti'ACTS 00 PRIME CHINOOK AND COHO SPAWNING AREA BELOW MORICE LAKE LOSS lT REACH TlfO COHO SPAWNING EXPECT ED BUT D IFF! CULT TO QLWHIFY June to September. The reduction of the mean monthly flows at the fishway during this time would be 15 to 21~~ for the months of June, July and August and 8% in September. The effect on migration of all species would depend on how these percentages may vary in dry and wet years. A detailed review of hydraulic conditions at the fishways is necessary to determine the effect of reduced flows, and structural alterations could be required. No obstructions to migration in the Morice River would be expected at the proposed flows. Whether flows reduced by 30 to 4m~ would affect the migra- tion timing of Morice River salmon and Nanika River sockeye salmon cannot be determined beforehand. Spawning flows The effect of the proposed flows on spawning habitat in the prime chinook spawning areas below Morice Lake can be estimated with some confidence assuming that gravel quality would be maintained. Because this reach is single-channelled and relatively stable, relationships between discharge and suitable spawning habitat can be analyzed. Reach 2, on the other hand is multichannelled and would be expected to experience significant changes in channel morphology that cannot be predicted with accuracy. The effects on salmon that spawn in this reach are more difficult to quantify. The proposed September flow for chinook spawning requirements would not be expected to reduce chinook spawning habitat capacity appreciably. Proposed flows would average about 13~~ less than natural flows. On the basis of measurements in the prime spawning area below Morice Lake, Robertson et al (1979) estimated that 100% of the suitable spawning gravel were available at 79 ems ( 2800 cfs). The mean post Kemano flow of 2550 cfs in September would represent an approximate reduction of 7% in available spawning area. Mean monthly flows during coho spawning would be reduced by 9% in October and December and 16% in November when fall freshets occur. Envirocon ( 1983) estimated that maximum suitable coho habitat occurs between 3 5 and 40 ems ( 1235 and 1412 cfs). Flows would not drop below 35 ems until the end of coho spawning in December. While this assessment may be valid for Reach 1, the changes in spawning habitat below Gosnell Creek (Reach 2) are more difficult to evaluate. Approximately 15~~ of the coho spawned in this reach in 1979, utilizing both the mainstem and sidechannels. This percentage may be underestimated since spawning flows in 1979 were below average and the coho escapement was the second lowest on record. Loss of spawning habitat in this reach would be dependent on the extent of sidechannel losses, changes in gravel quality and other morphological changes resulting from the reduction in peak annual flows. -27 - IMPACT ON PI NC SPAWNINi NOT PRffiiCTABI...E WINTER FlOW IM:REASID EXCEPT IN WET YEARS DEPARDENT DOES NOT ACCEPT AlCAN I 5 ASSUWTIIW lF BENEFITS MD LOSSES DEINi EQlW.. IMPORTANCE lF GROUINDWATER IM'"lOWS FOR INCUBATIOO AND OVERWINTERINi AlCMI ASsutES lATE SUMMER AND lATE WINTER FLONS HOST CRITICAl FOR FISH The impact on pink salmon spawning habitat would also result from' changes in Reach 2 where over 90% of the pink escapement spawns, primarily in side- channels. The loss of sidechannels would result in a signiflcant loss of pink spawning habitat. Pink salmon may, however, find alternative sites in the mainstem, since they have fairly broad spawning requirements as indi- cated by expanding populations in other river systems. The net impact on pink salmon cannot therefore be predicted with any accuracy. Incubation and overwintering flows Alcan has proposed to increase flows in the late winter incubation period. A review of the hydrology for Reach 1, year by year, shows that the median increase for the lowest month in the February to April period would be 8% over natural conditions. In dry years it would be 2m~ to 3m~ more, and in wet years as much as 8% less. Incubation flows would, however, be reduced 1-17% from October through December. The intent of these increased flows would be to improve egg to fry survival by reducing the risk of dewatering and freezing redds and by reducing the spawning to incubation flow ratio. This could potentially benefit all salmon species. In addition, overwinter survival of juvenile chinook and coho is expected to increase since heavy losses during this period have been documented. Mortalities have been attributed to stranding and freezing of fish, low dissolved oxygen and predation in side channels that dewater. According to Alcan, the improvement in winter flows is expected to balance negative impacts resulting from slightly decreased spawning and early incubation flows, and the large reduction in early summer flows. While the Department recognizes the potential benefits of these extra flows for incubation and overwintering there is no assurance that they would be realized. There are many uncertainties and two key assumptions made by Alcan must be questioned; that the winter flows proposed would increase overwinter survival sufficiently to compensate for potential losses and risks that have been identified at other liFe stages and that decreasing summer flows by 30 to 40% would not diminish juvenile production. Slightly increased winter flows may not produce the benefits expected. Groundwater inflows may be a critical factofd..~ ,lletermiJ.!i9~ )the quality of the incubation environment and overwintering 1-iab'it~ Gfounawater includes subsurface water affected directly by river levels, seepage from minor tributaries or slopes, and springs from deep groundwater sources. There is \ evidence that sidechannels with groundwater inputs were selected by some pink and coho spawners and that the overwinter survival of juvenile salmon- ids in these areas was substantially increased. The impact of major changes in hydrology and morphology on these areas is unknown. Rearing flows Alcan's flow regime for rearing salmonids is based on their assumption that both late summer (September to October) and late winter flows (January to April) limit salmon production in the Morice River. While a small reduc- tion in the historic median flows is projected for the September/October -28 - MAJOO LOSS OF SIOCrnANt£1... REARIN; HABITAT VALl£ lF EARLY SUMMER REARIN; IN DISPUTE LOWER SUMMER FLOWS tEAINI REDOCTI~ IF DISPERSAL OPTI~S SI.H£R FLOW REDOCTI~S YIELD LOSS lF TERRESTRIAL INSECT AND llJVER PROVIOCD BY BANK VEGETATIIfi EFFECTS IF FllM REDUCTI[t,IS ON SUMMER REARIN; HABITAT NOT WELL UN)[RSTDID period, a substantial reduction (30-40~~) in early summer flows (June to August) is proposed. The major impact on coho and chinook rearing habitat is the permanent loss of sidechannels (up to 3m~) in Reach 2 between Gosnell and Owen creeks. This reach accounts for 64 to 8~~ of juvenile production of chinook and coho, respectively. Over the short term, Envirocon (1983) has estimated losses of early summer rearing habit. at of up to 5m~ in June and July when peak flows occur. These losses represent a significant threat to coho and chinook production in the Morice River. While Alcan recognizes the loss of sidechannels as a major impact, other potential effects of the project are considered as risks to fish produc- tion. These include the substantial loss of early summer rearing habitat, and smaller reduction of late summer and early winter habitat. As dis- cussed earlier, Alcan' s proposed flow regime assumes that these risks will be balanced by the benefits of increased winter flows. The Department does not accept this assumption. In the Morice River Envirocon ( 1981) found that rearing habitat generally increased with increasing discharge. As channels were flooded additional low velocity water and more suitable cover for juvenile salmonids was pro- vided. Reduced summer flows would affect the dispersal of newly emerged chinook and coho and their options to use a diverse range of habitats that provide them with a favourable feeding environment, favourable temperatures and protection from predators. Migrations into smaller sidech annels and off-channel rearing ponds occur during early summer in the Morice River concurrent with high flows. The reduction in summer habitat and the in- crease in d(W,itL:>!_ fry a~d yearlings could well have an overwinter su~~iva'r.' let{~ Carnation Creek, for example, resulted in smaller "sized coho fry that experienced lower rates (Holtby and Hartman, 1982). impact on their high densities winter survival Alcan's proposal assumes that losses of summer rearing habitat are pro- port ional to losses in area. Reduct ion in summer flows would, however, result. in the loss of river margins close to riparian vegetation with dis- proportionately high negative impacts due to loss of terrestrial insects and cover afforded by the vegetation. Both aquatic and terrestrial prey were consumed by chinook and coho juveniles in the Morice River (Shepherd, 1979). There are many uncertainties in evaluating the effects of substantially reduced flows on the rearing capacity of the Morice River. There is uncer- tainty in predicting both physical and biological changes. The long term physical effects of flow regulation on channel structure, gravel quality, groundwater flows and the transport and deposition of larger debris are not well understood, yet these changes have a profound influence on rearing habitat. There are considerable data on the dis tr ibut ion of juvenile chi- nook and coho and their utilization of different habitat types, however, the complex interrelationships between juvenile salmon and their environ- ment (including food, cover, suitable space and other needs) are not well enough understood to allow for accurate prediction of the full effects of flow reduction. -29 - DESCRIPTilW IF REGULATED WATERSHED CIH'ARISON IF PRE AND POST 1\l:CHAKO RIVER FLOWS DESCRIPTI~ lF CHESLATTA RIVER AND CHANGES Slt£E KEMANO I DESCRIPTI11"11 IF KEHANO llliHPLETI11"11 PROPOSALS FOR NECHAKO MID PRDPOSm FLIIfS 6. NECHAKO RIVER ============== 6.1 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal The Kenney Dam, completed in October 1952 as part of the Kemano I project, created the Nechako Reservoir (Figure 1). The reservoir has a surface area of 890 sq.km. and a contributory watershed of 13,900 sq.km. The mean annual flow stopped by the dam is 205 ems ( 7239 c fs)*. During reservoir filling, from October 1952 to January 1957 (see Figures 12 to 14 for his- toric monthly flows, 1930 -1942 and 1952 -1982), there were no signifi- cant releases from the reservoir into the Nechako River. However, there was some local inflow, primarily from the Cheslatta River system which has an average annual flow of 5 ems (175 cfs),on which Alcan operated a temporary timber dam to regulate the flow seasonally. Since 1957 all releases to the Nechako from the reservoir have been made through the spillway at Skins Lake. These releases must pass down approximately 68 kms of the Cheslatta River through Skins Lake, Cheslatta Lake and Murray Lake (Figure 1), before entering Nechako River, via Cheslatta Falls below Kenney Dam. Approximately 80 kms. downstream from Cheslatta Falls, the Nautley River, with a mean annual flow of 35 ems (1,236 cfs) joins the Nechako. Figure 15 shows the average pre-Kemano I flows (1930 -1952) in the Upper Nechako River (above Nautley River) and Figure 16 shows the average post- Kemano I flows (1957 -1979). These two figures show the change that has occurred since Kemano I in both the mean flows and the range between the minimum and maximum flows. This change was caused in part by the way releases were made from Skins Lake, such as for flood control, and in part by the diversion to Kemano (which increased gradually from a mean annual value of 24.9 ems (879 cfs) in 1955 to 124 ems (4380 cfs) in 1979, as aluminum production was increased and power was sold to B.C. Hydro. Releases to Nechako River via Skins Lake and Cheslatta River have averaged about 130 ems (4600 cfs) since 1956, with peak flows occasionally exceeding 425 ems (15000 cfs). Prior to Kemano I, the Cheslatta was a very small system with a mean annual flow of about 5 ems ( 175 cfs). Consequently, a great deal of erosion,flooding, and channel change has occurred along the Cheslatta. Most of the sediment so created settled out in the string of intervening lakes, but in 1961 during high flows, the Cheslatta River broke through a gravel hillside just upstream of Cheslatta falls, bypassed the falls and washed out a large volume of material that in part settled .in the Nechako River in the vicinity of the falls and in part was carried further down river affecting fish productivity for some years. This material has stabilized and all Cheslatta flow, confined by a saddle dam, now goes over the falls. Kemano Completion, as proposed by Alcan, would consist of another tunnel from the Nechako Reservoir to Kemano to divert additional water to provide power for two new smelters, a new deep water outlet works at Kenney Dam (designed to pass about 130 ems at minimum pond level) for cold water * This is Alcan's most recent estimate (Oct. 1983) -30 - 0 0 0 0 DATA SOURCES: Orortfrasergage 1930 1938 1939 1940 I 94 I 1942 FIGI.IlE 12 t£CHAKO RIVER -KJNHLY flOWS (1930 -1942) DATA SOURCE: 0 Ne.thako RtYer below Che~latta. Falh <En~troton Data) • Ftsh Protettlon and Other Flows as proposed by A lean Oct. 1952 1960 1~1~1 CbuhiU AIYU •Ub ool ( Arouo~ Cblllllll FAll I 1961 1963 FIGIRE 1J t£01AKO RIVER -MONTtLY flOWS (1952 -1967) 0 0 ~ , u DATA SOURCES: [ _j Necha\to River belo• ChHialU Falls <Enviroton Data) • Ftsh Protect 1on and Other Flo•s as propoud by A1can 1968 1969 1970 1971 1<.07 10 l.lontU JFU.S.UJJASOND 1111111111111 1972 I 973 1974 1975 FIG IRE 14 NECHAKO RIVER -KJNTtL Y FlOWS ( 1968 -1982) -31 - 0 0 0 .:: "' ... 0 JO 0 0 0 <f) ... tO " 0 10 EJ Fi•h Protootioo aod Other Flo., " '"'"'' by Alca" "' 1 1 \_......-Muimum t"', / I I -I '-I I -I I I \ FIGI.RE 15 NECHAKO RIVER AT CHESLATTA fALLS 0 0 <f) :> 0 NATURAL FLOWS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF KENNEY DAM ( 1930 -1952) •• 20 15 I 0 EZJ Fish Protection and Other Flows as propoeed by Alcan ........... , I ' \ ;"_...,"' \\ yMaxlmum , \ I '~ \ I '--. I ', I \ ./ \ ___ ,.,. .__..- FIGURE 16 NECHAKO RIVER AT CHESLATTA fALLS ( 1957 -1979) -32 - 0 0 <f) ,. 0 TEJI>ERATURE REGULA TI lJII FOR SOCKEYE release, and a dam at the outlet of Murray Lake above Cheslat ta Falls to better control flows out of the Cheslatt.a System. Alcan has proposed two possible flow schedules for the Nechako River below Cheslat.ta Falls as shown in Figure 17. The mean annual flow would be 21.41 ems (756 cfs) for "fishery" flows or 26.14 ems (923 cfs) for "fishery plus other" flows. Although Alcan have not specifi.ed the purpose of the "other" flows, it is understood that they would be for instrean use, rather than for diversion and offstream consumption. The 26.14 ems (923 cfs) represents a reduction of Bm~ in the mean annual flow of 131.74 ems (4652 cfs) for the 1957 -1981 period (Envirocon, 1983). 1 J10 1 Fob 1 Mar 1 Apr 1 May 1 Juo 1 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sop 1 Oct 1 Nov 1 Doc 1 I mlo-1 1pa wnlng I lncuba tlon Incubation to tmtrgtnc 1 I fry mlgra tlon & r 11 ring I overwlntulng CHINOOK overwintering I tmoltlng I mlgr a tlon I SOCKEYE MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 4 100 (/) :::;; u 50 Injunction Flows r\._·-z·ooocfl"-· i Peak daily cooling flows to 6000 cfs maximum for cooling. Long-term monthly mean = I 444 cfs. Fiah and 11 0ther 11 Fjlows . Fish Protection Flows· ·-· "'j"j'OQ'~'-·-·t:~:::=~:;:Th~7r;=ic==-==-==-==--==t:::;~;:~=;::== ;so...!..~~ ct. 900 ere I 00 cl 500 eta _______ J L-------375 ere 37 5 cf s FIGI.RE 17 NECHAKO RIVER AT CHESLATTA FAlLS - FLOW AlTERNATIVE PROPOSED BY ALCAN AND INJUNCTII:..I fLIJfS 3 ~ 0 0 0 (/) u. u To overcome the problem of increased water temperatures that would result from reduced flows, Alcan propose to release cold water from the Kenney Dam and to mix it with water from Murray Lake to provide water of suitable temperature (not colder than 10°C) and volume to meet the requirements for sockeye migration in July-August (see Figure 17). In the long term (as calculated by Alcan) this would amount to mean monthly flows of 40.89 ems ( 1444 cfs) for July and August. Maximum short term flow releases in this period would be unlikely to exceed 170 ems (6000 cfs), even in hot years. -33 - IMPACTS IF ltuiNCT I !Ill FUJif RELEASES NECHAKO RIVER SUPPORTS OIINOOK PlPULATION AND SERVES AS MIGRATION ROOT E fOR SOCKEYE PRE-DEYELIP~N T ESCAPEMENTS 1979 -1980 POOR EGG TO FRY SURVIVAL CHINOO< MIGRATE IN LATE AUGUST AND SPAWN IN SEPTEHIER Since 1980, daily discharges as high as 538 ems (19,000 cfs) have been released at Skins Lake to provide cooling flows for sockeye migration. Corresponding flows in the Nechako River at Cheslatta Falls have also been high, although delayed and attenuated by the effect of Cheslat.ta and Murray Lakes. The discharge of 538 ems (19,000 cfs) at Skins Lake on July 21 1 1981 resulted in a maximum flow of 350 ems ( 12 1 360 cfs) at Cheslat.ta Falls on August 11. Flows of this magnitude would not be compatible with a Post Kemano Completion diminished river in which the average flow would be only 26.14 ems (923 cfs). Such high flows would be disruptive to the fish rearing in the river, to their invertebrate food supply, and would be physically damaging to the channel. It would be more appropriate if lower flows of cooler water could be released from t.he Nechako Reservoir at. Kenney Dam. 6.2 Biology The Nechako River supports a significant chinook salmon population and also serves as a migration route for the Stuart River chinook population. Substantial sockeye runs also migrate up the Nechako River to the Stuart and Nautley Rivers and spawn in the Stuart, Nadtna and Stellako rivers. Chinook salmon escapements In 1951 and 1952, prior to Kemano I, maximum escapements of chinook salmon in the Nechako River averaged 3500. This was the mid point of the record- ing range (2500-5000) in the Department's spawning records. Following the closure of Kenney Dam in 1952, until the ope rat ion of the Skins Lake Spillway in 1957, the Nechako River was dewatered. Chinook runs were almost decimated. In response to heavy siltation following large spill releases through the Cheslatta system from 1957 to 1961, chinook moved out of the Nechako River and spawned in the Stellako River. This was reflected .in the Stellako River escapements that increased from an average of 50 fish to 1500 spawners in 1958. In the 1960's the average escapement to the Nechako River was about 500 fish. In the last decade, the chinook run has improved, averaging about 1,400 fish. The 1983 estimate of 800 to 900 chinook, however, is low when compared to the brood years in 1978 and 1979 (escapement of 2600 and 1800). It is pos- sible that low flows (400 cfs) in the winter of 1979/80 and freezing condi- tions may have resulted in poor egg to fry survival and poor survival of overwintering chinook juveniles. The spawning escapement in 1983 was con- siderably less than expected, particularly for returns to the major spawning areas in the upper Nechako River. Chinook escapements to other upper Fraser River systems increased significantly. Timing and distribution of chinook salmon Adult chinook usually arrive in the Nechako River in late August or early September and spawning occurs in September 1 peaking in mid-month (Marshall and Manzon, 1980). Chinook spawn from Cheslatta Falls as far downstream as Vanderhoof (Figure 18). Historically, the majority of the run has spawned above Fraser Lake, the major spawning areas being above Greer Creek in -34 - VARIATIONI IN USE IF SPAWNII'£ AREAS Reach 2. Two prime spawning areas in this reach include an upper site located about 6 km. below Cheslatt.a Falls and a lower site at Irvine's Lodge about B km. below Cheslatta Falls (DFE, 1979). In 1979 and 1980, Envirocon (1981) estimated that 86 and 72% of the run spawned between Cheslat.ta and Greer Creek. In 1983, d.istr.ibution of spawners changed significantly with 44~.; occurring below Fraser Lake and 56% occurring above Greer Creek. The major spawning area at Irvine's had only 6% of the spawners. A similar change in distribution was also noted .in 1974 when only 40 to 50% of the run spawned above Fort. Fraser. , .... -35 - FIGLRE 18 CHINOOK SPAWNING AREA ~~Major Spawning Area (>60% apawnera) ??::: Scattered Spawning ~ 0 ·•o 20 30k• ..... TIHIIIE lF FRY HERGENCE FRY DIS TRIBUTillll TRIBUTARY REARIIIE ACE COMPOSITION AND FRESHWATER RESIOCNCE TUE MACNITUII OF OVERWINTERINi POPULATION UN:ERTAIN FRY OUTMIGRATION FIIJH UPPER NECHAKO Incubation studies in 1981 and 1982 indicated that eggs were hatched by mid-November (Russell et al, 1983). Hatching time may vary from year to year depending on temperat.ure. In colder years, eggs may hatch later than November. In 1981, fry emerged in March, peaked in the third week of April and declined through May (£nvirocon, 1982). Timing of emergence may vary from year to year and in 1982 emergence was approximately three weeks later than in 1981 (£nvirocon, 1982). Chinook fry were found to rear in the Nechako mainst.em and in tributary streams. After emergence, chinook fry were abundant throughout the Nechako but declined as the season progressed (Olmsted et al, Envirocon, 1981; Russell et al, 1983). Fry utilized the shallow upper 1980; river margins after emergence but were found in deeper, faster waters in close proximity to the substrate by June (Russell et al, 1983). Tributaries provide good rearing habitat. for chinook fry (Olmsted et. al, 1980; Envirocon, 1981; Russell et al, 1983). Rearing capabilit.y is, however, limited by the small number and small size of the tributary streams. Utilization of tributaries has varied from year to year (Envirocon, 1982). In 1979, fry were abundant. in tributaries and numbers remained relatively constant. throughout. the summer rearing period. In 1980 and 1981, abundance declined in the summer. Russell et. al ( 1983) reported an outmigration of fry from Greer Creek in the fall. Scale analysis of adult chinook returns in 1980, 1981 and 1982 indicated that the majority were five-year-old (69 to 89~0 and four-year-old fish ( 10 to 27~~). Over 88~~ of the spawners had spent one full year in fresh water. The abundance of chinook fry in the Upper Nechako River, however, declines substantially in the summer. This has been attributed to downstream migration, nat.ural mortalities and the inefficiency of sampling gear to capture larger fry. Studies were undertaken to document the downstream migration of fry from the upper Nechako (at Diamond Island) and into the Fraser River (at Prince George) (Envirocon, 1982; Russell et al, 1983). The results regarding the relative proportion of fry that overwinter in the Nechako River and those that move into the Fraser River prior to their first winter were incon- clusive. Envirocon (1982) estimated that 3m~ of the emergent population migrated past Diamond Island with peak migration occurring at. the end of June. It is difficult, however, to estimate with accuracy the magnitude of the mi.gration owing to errors associated with sampling efficiency, mark recovery techniques and year to year variations. Nevertheless, it. appears that a large number of fry may move out of the upper Nechako to rear in the lower Nechako and/or the Fraser River. A similar pattern, for example, is reported for the Stuart River where an estimated 9~~ of the fry migrated out of their natal river to rear in downstream areas (Lister et al. 1981). The movement of Nechako fry to the Fraser was confirmed by the recovery of marked fish at. Prince George. Numbers were too small, however, to estimate population size. -36 - LITTLE IN'"ORMATI~ AVAILABLE £W OVERWINTERIN; REQUIRD£NTS flllf REGIME Coti'ARISONS PR(J>()SED flOW REGIME WILL AffECT CHINOOK PRODUCTION SPAWNit>E flOWS REDUCED 84~ fROM NATURAL REGIME /Very little information is available on the size of the overwintering lpopulat.ion and on their habitat requirements. Envirocon (1981) has suggested that the upper reach below Cheslatta and the canyons below Greer Creek and Nautley may provide overwintering habitat for chinook fry, but fish utilizat.ion data are not available. Trapping and marking studies have indicated dispersal of fry upstream in the Nechako ma.instem and into tributaries, and fry have been sampled in the upper Nechako as late as November (Russell et al, 1983). Small numbers of chinook smolt.s have been sampled in the spring .in both the mainstream and in tributaries (DFE, 1979; Olmsted et. al, 1980; Env.irocon, 1981). 6.3 Implications of Alcan's Proposal Alcan's proposed flows for "fish protection" and "fish and other uses" .in the Nechako River and the .injunction flows are shown on Figure 17. A mean annual flow of 26.14 ems (923 cfs) as proposed by Alcan for "Fish and Other Uses", would result. jn an 80% reduction in the mean annual Nechako R.i. ver flow at Cheslatta Falls, resulting .in a much diminished river down to the Nautley River confluence. Below the Nautley the mean annual flow of the Nechako River would be reduced by 6~~. still a very substantial amount.. During the critical warm weather months of July and August, flows in the Upper Nechako (i.e., above Nautley) could be reduced by as much as 83%. Alcan does not acknowledge any impacts or risks to chinook salmon associated with their proposal. The Department., however, cannot accept that such a signif.1cant reduct ion in flow regime would impose no risks to the chinook salmon population. Flows would be reduced to levels that. would threaten their survival, and there is considerable uncertainty in predicting gross river changes and consequent habitat. changes that may affect the long term productivity of the Nechako River. The following analysis of the effects of A lean's flow regime on chinook salmon generally refers to the proposed "fish and other uses" flows. These flows are higher than the "fish protection" flows that Envirocon ( 1983) suggests would protect the chinook resource. The review focuses on the effects of Alcan's proposal on chinook salmon of the Nechako River. Flow reductions and changes .in temperature regime would also have downstream effects in the Fraser River that may impact Nechako River chinook as well as other salmon populations. These concerns have not been addressed to date but are discussed with reference to pink and sockeye salmon by the IPSFC (1983). Spawning flows Mean September flow (chinook spawning time) would be reduced 84~~ to 28.32 ems ( 1000 cfs) which is less than the minimum ever recorded (except when the water was cut off during reservoir f.i.lling between October 1952 and January 1957 (see Figures 12 to 14). Beginning in 1980, and in accordance with the injunction (issued August 5, 1980), spawning flows have been main- tained at about. 34 ems (1200 cfs) (somewhat more than the 1100 cfs required by the injunction). -37 - ALCAN'S DEFINITION OF SPAWN!!'£ REQUIREK:NTS DEPARUENT' 5 OBJECTIVE FOR MAXIfUt SPAWN!!'£ AREA GRAVEL QUALITY AND FLUSH!!'£ FLOWS PROPOSffi WINTER FLOWS THREATEN SURVIVAL OF EGGS AND ALEVINS The basis of Alcan' s proposed "fish protect ion" flow of 24.07 ems ( 850 cfs) is to provide spawning habitat. for 3,000 chinook, the "existing stock" as defined by Alcan. By assigning an area per spawning pair (20 m2 ) the habi- tat required was calculated. At 2~~!J1cms ( 850 cfs), a maximum of 70% of the spawners could b~-~srommodated ~in the prime spawning area of the Upper Nechako River~n the rest of the river above Vanderhoof. This takes into account variations in the spawning distribution of chinook salmon. The Department's objective, however, is to maintain maximum spawnable habi- tat.. With this objective, d.ischarges from 25.49 to 42.48 ems (900 to 1500 cfs) were estimated to provide maximum spawning habitat. within the dis- charge range up to 56.64 ems (2000 cfs) (DFE, 1979). Based on this analy- sis, the Department recommended a spawning flow of 31.15 ems (1100 cfs) in 1980. Envirocon's (1983) analysis of discharge versus habitat curves also indicated maximum spawnable habitat at 39.65 ems (1400 cfs) which is within the range reported by DFE (1979). To further define spawning requirements, depth of water and nose velocit.ies at 39 active redds were measured in 1980 at a discharge of 33.7 ems ( 1190 cfs) (Russell et al, 1983). At 28.32 ems (1000 cfs), Alcan's proposed flow, approximately 2.0% of the active redds measured in the above study would have water depths of 24 em or less. This depth (24 em) was the mini- mum observed for spawning. In general, the river substrate of spawning areas would remain highly stable at tlie reduced flows because of the armour.ing effect which has al- ready occurred at higher flows. Flushing flows to move gravel at. depth .in the river bed as required for proper cleansing in spawning areas would not be practical as they would have to be of magnitudes and durations compara- ble to annual pre-Kemano I flood flows (in the order of 18000 c fs). Flushing flows of lesser magnitude would be necessary to sweep surficial silts and sands through the system but observations would have to be made on the sources of such fines and if they are deposited in crital areas. It is probable that cleansing of spawning gravels would depend almost entirely on the digging action of the spawning fish themselves but this alone would not likely maintain gravel quality throughout the spawning area. Incubation and overwintering flows Incubation flows as proposed would be 25.49 ems (900 cfs) in November and 14.16 ems (500 cfs) from December to April. For the three month low flow period (January to March) 500 cfs represents a reduct ion of 82~o from t.he m~an~dil.\wr~" be 1~Wf\l\ than ever recorded except during the reservoir fil- llng penoq. ~ce ·.ranuary 1981 flows for these three months have been about 36.8~cms (1300 cfs). Alcan maintains that their proposed flow would be sufficient to protect eggs and alevins from dessication and freezing. It is highly probable, however, that a fiow of 500 cfs would subject some redds to dessication and freezing, because water levels would be significantly less than water levels at spawning time. For example, a change from 28.32 ems (1000 cfs) -38 - EfFECTS Of ICE fORHATIIIII ON EGGS AND ALEVINS UM:ERTAIN IM:REASED RISK Of ICINi REDUCTIIIII IN flOW WOULD AfFECT OVERWINTERINi CHINO()( ClltPARISON Of CURRENT AND PROPOSED SlH£111 flOW RECitES ENVIROCON'S DISCHARGE AND HABITAT RELA TI IIIISHIPS to 14.16 ems (500 cfs )represents a drop of 0.6 feet (18 em), from 31.15 to 14.16 ems (1100 to 500 cfs), a drop of 0. 72 feet (22 em), and from 33.98 to 14.16 ems (1200 to 500 cfs), a drop of 0.8 feet (24 em). fhe Department has conducted studies over the last few years to assess the effect of ice formation on natural and artificial chinook redds in the prime chinook spawning area. Owing t.o mild weather conditions these studies did not provide thP. data required to justify a decrease in flow from spawning to incubation. Until further information is obtained, the Department maintains that decreasing the depth of water over the redds would increase the risk of idng and in some years reduce the survival of eggs and alevins. Envirocon (1983) analyzed eight years of meteorological data (1974-1981) to determine the effects of Kemano Completion on the ice regime of the Nechako Ri.ver. The calculated frequency of O"C water occurring above Cutoff Creek from December through February was 31% under present conditions (31.15 ems ( 1100 cfs)) and 6 5% at the proposed flow ( 14.16 ems ( 500 cfs)). These data indicate that the probability of ice formation indeed would be increased by reducing flows to 500 cfs during the incubation period. ( In addition to the risks of dessication and freezing of eggs and alevins, increase in the frequency of cooler temperatures could delay the rate of development. and timing of fry erne rgence and possibly reduce their sur vi val. Reduct ion in flows and i.ncreased risk of freezing could also impact over- wintering juvenile chinook in the Upper Nechako River. Overwintering habi- tat was not considered limiting t.o chinook production by Envirocon (1983). There are, however, significant data limitations regarding the overwinter- ing period. It is not known what percent age of the chinook population overwinter in the Nechako River, what their habitat requirements are, or if there is a differential survival between chinook that remain in the Nechako River compared with those that migrate to the Feaser River. Rearing flows fhe prq:~osed flow of 31.15 ems (1100 cfs) departs significantly from his- torical (post Kemano I) mean flows of 198.2 ems (7000 cfs) and a loss or change in rearing conditions must be assumed. The injunction flow of 56.64 ems (2000 cfs) is already a substantial decrease from previous flows. The proposed eegime, initially, would result in loss of sidechannels and bank cover as the diminished flows would be confined to the center of the main channel. Over time, say 20 years, there would be a natural encroachment of vegetation onto exposed gravel bars and up to the stream edges. The rearing flows proposed by Ale an were based on an analysis of habitat discharge curves developed for chinook fry and also for benthic inve rte- brates (Envirocon, 1983). This analysis is based on defining habitat pref- erences (depth and velocity) and quantifying the usable area which provides those conditions as a function of streamflow. The proposed flow for the rearing period from April to September was a compromise between the lowest -39 - LIMITATIONS TO ENVIROCON' S APPROACH FISH rom AVAILABiliTY HAl NTENANCE IF GRAVEL QUALITY RESIDUAL. llUNO(]( REARIN; IN lPPER NECHAKO flow that. provided maximum habitat. for fry and the maximum habitat avail- able for invertebrates. Env irocon 's discharge versus habitat. curves indi- cate little change in rearing habitat even with a 10-fold increase in dis- charge (10 to 90 ems; 353 to 3178 cfs). The foregoing analysis has serious limitations since it does not consider the changes in the quality of the rearing environment and the overall pro- ductivity of the system. Shirvell (1983) has provided in detail many limi- tations of this approach. Along with other instream flow methods, some of its assumptions are de bat able. that cannot accurately predict It frequently offers only broad guide lines the effect of flow alteration on fish numbers. Moreover, it does not address gradual but cumulative changes that. may occur in the system as a consequence of changes in flow. Specifically, it does not address the discharges that are required to maintain morphometric features and substrate characteristics upon which fish habitat. depends. Accordingly, a less theoretical and more empirical approach is called for. Early in the growing season (April to June) Nechako River chinook fry dis- perse along the shore margins utilizing shallow backwaters and sidechannels where they occur. These habitats provide the fry with warmer temperatures, favourable feeding conditions, and protection from predators. These shal- low marginal areas are often the most productive areas in large rivers. Studies indicate that the supply of fish food organisms in the Nechako River is low and drift rates of invertebrates are also low (Russell et al, 1983). There is evidence that available food can be limiting to the growth of chinook fry in the river (Brett et al, 1982). It is desirable, there- fore, to maintain as much benthic production as possible during the rearing period. This is so, even after July, as the remaining chinook population has to compete for food with non-salmonid species. The proposed rearing flows would decrease wetted river width and shallow marginal areas, reducing benthic production and juvenile chinook habitat. Benthic studies at two locations in the Nechako River indicated that all habitats across the stream channel contributed significantly to benthic production at one site, while biomass was higher in the nearshore habitats at another. Based on a limited number of transects in the Nechako River the reduction in wetted width from 56.64 ems (2000 cfs) to 31.15 ems (1100 cfs) was in the order of 11 to 17~~ (Russell et al, 1983). It is also vital that. gravel quality be maintained with the proposed flows. For example, filamentous algae may develop across t.he river channel and sediments may accumulate that would have a negative effect on inverte- brates and fry habitat. The impact of reduced rearing flows on the Nechako River chinook is dependent on the importance of the Nechako for overwint.ering chinook. The size of the population that remains in the river, however, is not known and there are no data to indicate whether or not there is a survival advantage for chinook to remain in the Nechako River over winter. Until the proportion of chinook fry that remain in the Nechako River is known, the proposed flow reduction must be considered a risk to production. -40 - REARING DATA LIMITATIOOS DESCRIPTIOO lF KEMAND WATERSHED PRE KEMANO FLOW REGIME POST KEMANO FLOW RECIIIE Although studies have provided some information on the distribution, migra- tion and habit.at utilization of chinook fry in the Upper Nechako River, we do not know whether the population is cunently limited by unde rseeding of the river (resulting from fishing pressure), by available suit. role habitat (defined by water depth, velocity and cover, w.it.h contrasting requirements in summer and winter), by water quality (e. g., temperature), by available food, or by predators. It is difficult, therefore, to estimate how rearing capacity would change with changes in stream flow. The effects of water quality changes on rearing chinook, in particular temperature and total gas pressure, are discussed in the Water Quality sect.ion. These are key considerat.ions .i.n assessing the proposed rearing flows and have .implication for other liFe stages as well. 7. KEMANO RIVER ============= 7.1 Hydrology and Alcan's Proposal The Kemano River flows into Gardner Canal, which is part of Kitimat Arm of Douglas Channel (Figure 1). The Kemano powerhouse is 16 km. upstream from the estuary. Its discharge goes directly into the Kemano River via a tail- race. The total Kemano watershed area above the Butedale gage (8FE001), located a short distance up from the river mouth, is 780 sq.km. The watershed area above gage 8FE003, located just upstream of the tailrace at Kemano, is about 380 sq.km. This means that about 49~~ of the natural river flow is contributed by the watershed above the tailrace at Kemano. The remaining 51% is contributed by various tributaries that enter the lower Kemano River (below the tailrace). The natural (i.e. , pre Kemano I) ave rage monthly flows, shown in Figure 19, for the lower Kemano River were determined from data published by the Water Survey of Canada (Envirocon, 1983). The post Kemano I flows, also shown in Figure 19, were calculated by adding on the monthly tailrace discharge, averaged over the period 1956 -1978. During this period the tailrace dis- charge increased gradually from about 4 7 ems ( 1660 cfs) in 1956 to about 110 ems (3880 cfs) in 1978. The mean monthly flows for the two high runoff months of June and July have increased am~ .in the last 15 years (see Figure 19). The peak daily flood flows during the same period have increased about 20%. These changes in the high flow hydrology have resulted in some straightening of the mainchannel, an .increase in mainchannel width of about 60'1~, and fan inprease MtH ~o · c.t~..,_ in total sidechannel length of about 25m~. The river app~ars Relo' l;;g hav.e ~IIOZC or less stabilized to the post Kemano flow regime. The sidechannels, which have water in them part or all of the t.ime, support a large proportion of the fish population of the lower river. -41 - SUPPORTS tllJOR SN...tiJN RUNS AND £UL.AOIONS PINe ESCAP£toENTS HAVE IN:REASID CHUM ESCAPEMENTS HAY£ IN:REASID 350 300 250 "' ~ 200 150 50 1 Jan j Feb 1 Mar 1 Apr Moy Jun 1 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sep 1 Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec I ~-------------,---------------L2'·~··~··~·~,,~,i_ 1~··~··~'~1 '~·-L-I ___ ''-'-"'-'-"-''-----r PINK incubation to emergencej CHUM ~igratlo~ spawning I incubation Incubation to emergence j fry migration I lmlgralion I 1pewning Incubation I rearing J overwintering COHO overwintering I amoltlng I I migration Jspawningj Incubation Incubation j rearing or rry migration I ovenrlntering CHINOOK I sfloltlng Incubation to emergence I MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS J migration j spawning J incubation Post Kemano Completion ~--~·-·L.J (P<Oposed by Alcanl _j ...,__·-·-·-·--, ·-·-·-·-.-. ...r __ __f -· L.-. .__. __ riGlfl£ 19 K£MANO RIVER t£AN tiJNHLY fLOWS SOCKEYE 14 13 I 2 II 10 0 0 B o 7.2 Biology The Kemano River supports all five species of Pacific salmon and a major eulachon population. In order of abundance, eulachons, pink aalmon and chum salmon predominate, followed by coho and chinook. The Kemano River supports a small sockeye and steelhead population. Salmon escapements The even-year pink salmon cycle is dominant in the Kemano River, and the average escapement has increased significantly during the period of record. Fr001 1934 to 1960, the even-year run averagEJd 37,000 ,;pawners but since the 1960's has increased to an average of 106,000 and a maximum of 200,000 fish. The odd-year escapement varies considerably but, on average, is less than 30,000 fish. Recently, numbers have increased and in 1983, 120,000 spawners were reported. Chum salmon escapements have shown a similar increasing trand tQ the even- year pink salmon run. Since 1960, chum spawners averagad 40,000 fish (maximum of 100,000). Escapements prior to 1960, were lass than 20,000. It is speculated that the increased flows that have resulted from the Kemano I diversion have improved the spawning and .incubation environment. for pink and chum salmon, The influence of the diversion would have begun to take effect in the late 1950's. -42 - COOO MID OUNOil< ESCAPEMENTS HAVE DECLII'£D MINOR SOCKEYE HUN AUGUST/SEPTEMBER MIGRATION AND SPAWNINi SPAWN IN L~R KEHANO RIVER Coho salmon, on the other hand, may not have benefited from Kemano I. Coho escapements averaged 12,000 from 1934 to 1960, and have declined to 5,000 in the last two decades. The maximum escapement recorded was 35,000, which occureed prioe to 1950. The trend .in chinook escapements is less clear. Spawners averaged approximately 1,500 pre Kemano I, and 2,000 since 1960. In the last decade, escapements have averaged only about 700 chinook. The maximum chinook escapement recorded was 3,500. Six sockeye spawners were first recorded in 1957 and the maximum recorded was 400 in 1971. Sockeye returns to the Kemano River were not consistent until 1977. Since then, sockeye have returned every year, averaging less than 100 fish. It is likely that the sockeye observed are either native stream-reared populations or strays from the Kitlope River. ThE IPSFC (1983) has suggested that there is a possibility that the Kemano River sockeye may be strays from the Fraser River system. These fish spawn im- mediately below the tailrace and may be at.tracted to the water from the Nechako Reservoir that is discharged into the Kemano River. Stream-type sockeye do however commonly occur in central coast streams. As it relates to the Kemano Completion Project, apart from escapement records and a eulachon spawning survey, the Department has not conducted studies in the Kemano River. The information on salmon distribution and hab.itat ut. ilization presented in the fo !lowing sect ions has been summarized from baseline studies conducted in 1979 by Envirocon (1981). Timing and distribution of pink and chum salmon Pink and chum salmon enter the Kemano River in late July. The spawning periods of both species overlap although chum spawn slightly earlier. Peak spawning of chum and pink salmon occurs in late August and early September, respectively (Figure 19). The majority of the chum and pink salmon populations spawn throughout the lower Kemano River (below the Kemano tailrace) mainly in sidechannels (Figure 20). In 1979, it was estimated that 81 and 62 percent of the total chum and pink escapement respectively, spawned in the lower river. Both species were most abundant in Reach 2 which is characterized by an extensive network of sidechannels. The major spawning tributary is Horetsky Creek and limited spawning also occurs in other tributaries. Only small numbers of pink and chum salmon spawn in the upper river. Pink and chum salmon fry do not rear in freshwater. Shortly after emergence, likely in February or March, fry migrate to sea. In 1979, the distribution of chum fry reflected the adult spawning distribution. Chum fry were most abundant in April and declined in May. Pink fry were not sampled in April and had likely migrated out of the river by that time. -43 - SPAWN LATE FALL AND WINTER SPAWN IN TRIBUTARIES AND KEMANO RIVER REAR IN LONER KEMANO Pink and Chum Spawning Areas 0 5 I 0 I 5km Sc alt FIGlflE 20 KEHANO RIVER PINC AND llfllt SPAWNIMi AREAS Timing and distribution of coho salmon Based on the Department's spawning records, adult coho salmon migrate into the Kemano River in August and spawn in October, Figure 21. In 1979, spawning was first observed in late October but probably peaked in late November. The early spawning time noted i.n the Department's records may reflect the early timing of the escapement surveys. Coho salmon spawn in the lower and upper Kemano River and in tributary streams and are roughly equally distributed among these three locations. The greatest concentration of spawners noted in 1979 in the Kemano River occurred in a 4 km braided section below Cariboo Creek in the upper river and below Seekwyakin Creek in the lower river (Figure 21). In the upper river, coho spawners utilized the rnainchannel, while, below the tailrace, where flows are augmented and velocities in the mainchannel are high, side- channels rather than the mainchannel were used. Tributaries where coho spawn include the Wahoo River and Wachwas, Seekwyakin, Horetsky and Cariboo Creeks. Based on scale analysis of adult returns, it can be stated that coho fry generally spend one full year in freshwater. Shortly after emergence, coho fry move downstream to rear in the lower Kemano River. It was estimat.ed that about 65% of the coho fry reared in the lower river during late summer and fall (in 1979). Coho fry also reared in tributary streams, particular- ly in Horetsky Creek, Steel head creek (Reach 5), and an unnamed tributary in Reach 4. -44 - I fRY HABITAT UTILIZATilW J(l',IE MIGRATION AUGUST SPAWNII\C PROPORTION REARING IN fRESHWATER UNCNOWN Chinook Spawning Areas m Coho Spawning Areas 0 10 I 5k• luh fiGI.RE 21 KEMANO RIVER CHINOO< AND mHO SPAWNII\C AREAS In the Kemano River, coho fry preferred the low velocity habitats and selected stable and intermittent sidechannels over the mainchannel and larger sidechannels. Cover was very important and fry were associated with log jams, aquatic vegetation, debris, root wads, and overhanging vegetation during the spring, summer and fall. Beaver ponds found in the lower four reaches were also heavily utilized in the fall and likely provide important overwintering habitat. Timing and distribution of chinook salmon Adult chinook salmon arrive in the Kemano River in June and spawn in the Kemano River in late July or August, (Figure 19). Chinook spawn throughout the lower 20 kilometers of the Kemano River (Figure 21). They utilize deeper and faster waters than the other salmon species, selecting sites in the mainchannel and larger sidechannels of the Kemano River. In 1979, the major proportion of the escapement (90%) spawned in the Wahoo River and in Seekwyakin and Wachwas creeks. The vi sib ili ty in the tributary streams was, however, much better than in the Kemano River and the relative distri- bution may not be representative. Juvenile chinook salmon spend a few months to a full year in freshwater prior to sea migration. Little data is, however, available on the propor- tion of 11 ocean type 11 versus 11 stream t.ype 11 chinook in the Kemano river and their survival rate to adults. A large decline in catches from May to July -45 - WIDE DISTRIBUTION OF FRY SPRINi SPAWNINi PREDICTED CHANNEl CHANGES TtfiEAT TO SAI.JIJN PRDDOCTI~ suggested an outmigration of chinook fry, however, scale analysis of a small number of adult spawners indicated one year freshwater residence. Juvenile chinook fry were found throughout the seven reaches of the Kemano River, in the Wahoo River and in Seekwyakin and Cariboo creeks. Their habitat preferences have not been well documented since catches of chinook fry between spring and fall were low, probably owing to poor sampling conditions during high water. The distribution of chinook fry in the fall suggested that the upper Kemano River and the larger tributaries provide overwintering habitat.. Cover in the form of boulders and cobbles and logjams appeared to be a major component of winter habitat and chinook fry were found in a variety of sidechannels that offered this type of cover. Eulachons The eulachon run in the Kemano River numbers several million fish. Eulachon spawn in the lower Kemano River and Wahoo River within tidal limits. They spawn in the spring, usually at the end of March to mid-April. Eulachon are relatively weak swimmers and their upstream migration and spawning generally coincides with low river disdlarges and high spring tides. River and estuarine water temperatures may also influ- ence the timing of migration. Most adult eulachons die after spawning and after a short incubation period (probably 30 to 40 days), eulachon larvae hatch and are swept with the current to the sea. 7.3 Implications of Alcan'sproposal Kemano Completion would increase mean June and July flows 70% over present values, or triple the original natural June and July flows (see Figure 19). Peak daily flows would be about 17% greater than present peak flows and 40% greater than natural (pre Kemano I) peak flows. The effect of these increased flows on the lower Kemano River cannot be accurately pre- dicted but gross changes in the morphology would be likely. It is quite possible that the river could take on a wide, single channel configuration that would result in considerable erosion and incising (cutting down) of the channel. If this were to happen, many, or perh~s most, of the side- channels could be lost. If the channel were to incise, fish access to some of the tributaries and remaining sidechannels could be cut off or made dif- ficult. It would take some years after Kemano Completion before the nature of the morphological changes would be known, and it would take decades before the river would stabilize. The effect of the increased discharge on the Kemano River and the salmon resource would depend on the extent of morphological changes, Should the river become single channelled, salmon production in the Kemano River would be seriously threatened. The sidechannels of the lower Kemano River are heavily utilized by pink, chum and coho spawners. Selected sidechannels in the lower river were found to be the prime rearing and overwintering areas for coho fry. These habitats would be lost. -46 - IMPACT ON SALt«lN DEPENOCNT ON CHANNEL OfANGES CHANGES IN TDflERATURE REGIIHE EXPECTED POSSIBLE MAJOR Itf>ACT ON EULAOfONS POSSIBLE MAJOR Hf>ACT ON EULAOfONS GOOD WATER QUALITY ESSENTIAL FOR HIUVINi SALMON POPULATI~S ALL SALMON LIFE STAGES SUSCEPTIBLE TO ALTERED TDflERATURE CONOITHWS / The river may, on the other hand, maintain its wandering, braided nat.ure. The Kemano I diversion, by increasing sidechannel development and increas- ing winter flows, appears to have considerably improved the pink and chum populations in the Kemano River. Increasing the flows further, as proposed by Alcan, would not necessarily continue this trend. It is not possible to predict what the net impact of Kemano Completion on spawning and rearing habitat would be with the information available. In addition to these major stream flow changes, alteration in temperature regime and potential increases in total dissolved gas would also occur. ~oJ@te£__~f!l.Q~r_aJ~\J.!'~l!,J:l~~-~':en _"::_a_r:_fl!eE JD J_he _ ~iL.li!:l~-~oler i~rd___sljlf1mer C9f11pared_w_it.h tbe_natlll'1:1LterJ1~_atur«:,~2_~~e. How these changes have affected fish production, however, is not known. Kemano Completion would further change the temperature regime with potential impacts on migration and spawning of adult salmon, timing of emergence, entry of chum and pink fry into the estuary and the growth rate of rearing coho and chinook. These concerns would have to be addressed. The valuable eulachon run in the Kemano River is also a major concern. Although the Department has surveyed eulachon spawning areas to document spawning distribution and conditions, it is not possible to predict how these conditions would change. Increased velocities and changes in temperature may, however, impede migration or reduce the spawning success of eulachons. 8. WATER QUAL lTV ============== Good water quality must be preserved for salmon to thrive. Salmon have adapted to cool rivers and streams, and the aquatic organisms that salmon require for food have similarly adapted. As a generality, reductions in flow can be expected to result in warmer summer water temperatures and cooler water temperatures during the winter. Flow reductions also cause the concentrations of man-made and naturally-occurring pollutants to increase. 8.1 Temperature 8.1.1 Effects of Temperature on Salmon All life cycle st.ages of salmon are susceptible to impacts from exposure to altered temperature conditions. Reduced water flows to rivers could alter temperature regimes and have significant implications for survival of salmon. Salmon eggs have critical temperature requirements. Lower temper- atures during incubation lead to retardation of development rate. Low temperatures during rearing reduce metabolism and feeding success which in turn could markedly reduce the success of salmon survival. Temperature in- creases may increase the susceptibility of salmon to diseases. Higher tem- peratures increase metabolic rates and result in greater requirements for energy.· Salmon encountering dramatic changes in water temperature may undergo "thermal stress" which renders them less able to survive. Temperature may have other important effects on survival of salmon. The -47 - TEMPERATURE lF NANIKA RIVER HAY IM:REASE AND AFFECT MIGRATING SOCKEYE AND REARIMi CHIMJ(J( FRY GLACIER !CREEK DIVERS!~ TEK'ERATURE MODELLING REQUIRED TEK'ERATlfiE NOT EXPECTED TO BE A PROBLEM IN tiJRICE RIVER PROPOSED TEK'. REGULATHW SCHEME AIMED FOR SOCKEYE preferred temperature for most salmon species is close to the optimum tem- perature for growth, swimming performance and maximal ability to extract oxygen from the water dul'ing activity. 8.1.2 Nanika and Morice Rivers MathemaUcal temperature modelling was conducted for the Nanika and Morice Rivers (Dept. of Environment, Fish and Oceans, Vol. 9, 1979). On the assumption that water would be discharged at a temperature of 15.5°C (60°F) from Kidprice Lake, it was computed that at a flow of 184 cfs in the Nanika River during sockeye migration (August 1 to August 18) the temperature would rise to 19.7°C (67.5°F) and cooling water may be required. During this period some rearing chinook and coho fry would also be present in the Nanika River, as would trout. It will be noted from Figure 3, that Alcan's proposed flow would only be 4.96 ems (175 cfs) in August; thus under warm weather conditions high temperatures could affect migrating sockeye and rearing chinook and coho. If Glacier Creek were diverted,, l'o!lich would be a means of reducing the deposition of silt in the Nanika River, it would be necessary to base cal- culations of temperat,ure increases upon a higher temperature at Kidpr ice Lake than 15.5°C (60°F). If this diversion proceeds, further tanperature calculations and data are needed. It may be found that it would be neces- sary to install a cold water intake at the Kidprice Lake Dam. Similar temperature modelling was conducted (Dept. of Environment, Vol. 9, 1979) for the Morice River for the month of August. At a modelled flow of only 2000 cfs the maximum temperature of the Morice River (above the Bulkley confluence) was calculated to be 18.6°C (65.5°F). From this model- ling it would appear that at proposed flows in the order of 3000 cfs, excessively high temperatures are not likely to occur. This should be con- firmed by comparison with actual stream temperatures. 8.1.3 Nechako River At present, because approximately 54% of the reservoir's flow has been diverted, it is necessary to release very large volumes of water from Skins Lake in July and August into the Nechako River to provide cooling for sock- eye migrating to the Stuart and Nautley rivers. These large flows have resulted in erosion of the banks of the Cheslatta River, and silting and flooding of the Nechako River. The release of such large volumes of water could have been avoided by the provision of smaller releases of cold water from Kenney Dam. Alcan now proposes to prov1de a cold water int,ake at Kenney Dam. The release of cold water into the Upper Nechako River is intended to reduce the frequency of exposure of sockeye salmon to high temperatures during adult migration through the Nechako River. For a fuller discussion of the adverse effects of high temperatures dul'ing sockeye migration, the reader is referred to the IPSFC (1983) report. -48 - MANNER lF PROPOSED NECHAKO RIVER TEWERATURE REGULATH~ HI:REASED FUJf REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE TEMPERATURE REGUlA TI 1111 COtELICTING REQUIROENTS lF CHINOIJ( AND SOCKEYE SALtiiN Under Alcan's scheme for the provtslon of sockeye cooling water, releases into the Upper Nechako would be made in the following manner: 1. Water would be released only from Murray Lake from September 1 to June 30. 2. On July 1 releases of cold water from the Kenney Dam would be started. Water temperature in the Upper Nechako River would be reduced gradually by reducing the amount of warm water released from Murray Lake and by increasing the amount of cold wat.er released from the Kenney Dam. By July 10, the temperature of the river just below Cheslatt.a would have stabilized at 10°C (50°F), and the latter temperature would be main- tained until August 19. 3. After August 20, by decreasing the release of water from Kenney Dam and increasing the release from Murray Lake, temperatures just below Cheslatta would gradually be raised. By August 31, all water released into the Upper Nechako River would again originate from Murray Lake. Alcan proposes to maintain a base flow of 31.2 ems (1100 cfs) during the period of April 1 to August 31 to provide rearing area for chin oak fry in the Upper Nechako above its confluence with the Nautley River. Alcan's calculations show, with water released at 10°C (50°F) just below Cheslatta, that it would not be possible to maintain low enough temperatures to safe- guard sockeye migration at the base flow. Their calculations show that it would be necessary to maintain a long term mean flow of 40.9 ems (1444 cfs) during July and August. This would result in the maintenance of a long- t.erm average temaperature of 17.9°C (64.2°F) in the Nechako River just above its confluence wH.h the Stuart River. The increase from 31 .2 ems ( 1100 cfs) to 40.9 ems ( 1444 cfs) is equivalent to a mean annual flow of 1.64cms (58cfs). For adequate protect ion of migrating sockeye salmon, the IPSFC is recom- mending that a long-term average temperature of 17.0°C (62.6°F) should be maintained above Stuart. To maintain this lower average temperature in July and August would require additional cooling water equivalent to a mean annual flow of approximately 3.06 ems (108 cfs) above the base flow. Based upon data on growth of chinook (Brett, 1982), Alcan deduced that am~ of maximum growth of chinook fry would take place within a temperature range of 11.2°C (52.2°F) to 17.8°C (64.0°F). Unfortunately, if a constant temperature of 10°C (50°F) is maintained below Cheslatta, it would often be impossible to maintain sufficiently high temperatures in the Upper Nechako River to provide maximum capacity for chinook growth (Figure 22). In cool weather as much as two thirds of the length of the Upper Nechako would be exposed to lower temperatures than those within the range required. It would seem appropriate for Alcan to be prepared to regulate water temperatures just below CheslaUa to meet chinook rearing as well as sockeye cooling temperature requirements. Lower temperatures in the Upper Nechako caul d not only reduce the capacity for growth of chinook f'ry, but -49 - HOW SUPERSATURAT~ DISSOLVED GASES CONDITION OCCURS EFFECTS OF SUPERSATURATION ON FISH 20 I 7.8 8 ~ "' 0: ::J ... <( 15 0: w a. ::; w ... I I .2 10 0 0 10 Be rt 1s 30 50 70 Greer Tahultzu Nautley Talsunal DISTANCE DOWNSTREAM IN MILES FIGI.RE 22 90 Vanderhoof TEMPERATliiE PROFIL£S FOR THE NECHAKO RIVER I I 0 Stuart also their main food source as Mundie ( 1983) notes that the effect of cooler and more constant temperatures would likely lead to a reduction in abundance and species diversity of benthic invertebrates. Alcan's tempera- ture modelling studies have focussed upon sockeye migration. Further studies may be required to determine the optimum temperature regime for chinook at all li fe stages. 8.2 Total Gas Pressure Water, at given depth, temperature and atmospheric pressure, dissolves nitrogen and oxygen until it becomes saturated. Water becomse supersatura- ted when air bubbles are entrained and subjected t.o hydrostatic pressure, e.g., as happens at. the deep plunge pool at the baae of Chealat.ta Falls. The solubilities of nitrogen and oxygen decrease aa water temperatures rise. Turbulence reaerates water and allows supersaturated gases to escape from solution. Gas bubbles may form in the blood and tissues of Fish am .invertebrates exposed to supersaturated solutions of nitrogen and oxygen, blocking blood ci rcula t..ion, damaging t..issues and causing behavioral a nom ali es. The effects can be lethal. Both supersaturated gasea are .involved, hence the effects of their combined concentrations are expressed by the term -Total Gas Pressure (TGP). Among salmonids, alevins and early fry are most susceptible to damage from TGP. Invertebrates are leaa auscept. ible than -50 - DEFINITION OF SAFE LIHH CAlCUlATIONS OF TCP ARE SUSPECT TEMP. MODELLING FOR SPRING SUH~R PERIOD TO OCTERHII'£ NEED FOR MITIGATION TEMP. HDDELLING FOR SPRING SUH~R PERIOD TO OCTERHII'£ NEED FOR MITIGATION WATER QUALITY STUDIES VERY LIMITED fish. Hydrostatic pressure compensates for TGP at a rate of about one per- cent per 10 em increase in depth, but there is no conclusive evidence to show that salmonids can de teet gas overpressures and compensate by moving to deeper water. Alderdice ( 1983) recommended that "with some risk" TGP in the Nechako River should not exceed 102 to 108% for more than 24 hours and should never exceed 108~~. Alcan (1983), quoting Ebel and Raymond (1976), cited a con- centration of 110% as "usually considered an upper safe limit", but did not identify any relationship between exposure time and concentration. Alcan (1983) mathematically modelled TGP for the period July 15 to August 18, 1981 (assuming flow release from the existing Skins Lake spillway). At 10 of 12 stat.ions in t.he Upper Nechako River, the duration of exposure to TGP exceeding 110% was more than 203 hours, at two, more than 838 hours. If either Alderdice's or Alcan's TGP limits are valid, it is difficult to conceive how chinook in the Upper Nechako could survive under such con- ditions. It would appear that the accuracies of the model and the TGP limits must be checked. Alcan' s studies appear to have been focussed upon the sockeye migration period (summer) and t•oute. Both the Department and A lean have acknowledged the need to maintain chinook habitat in the Upper Nechako, but TGP model- ling has not been carried out. for the period of mid-April t.o mid-July. Late April to early May is a period when young chinook salmon in the Upper Nechako River would be very vulnerable to TGP because they occupy the shal- lows where the mitigating effect of compensatory depth is minimal. Low water temperatures will also cause gases to go into solution readily in the spring and summer. Therefore, more TGP modelling is required to pre- dict what. supersaturation levels are likely to be encountered during that period. Such calculations may show that. it would be necessary to bypass the Cheslatt.a plunge pool and indicate whether reaeration structures would also be required in the Upper Nechako River. Low water temperatures will also cause gases to go into solution readily in the spring and summer. Therefore, more TGP modelling is required to pre- dict what. supersat.uration levels are likely to be encountered during that period. Such calculations may show that. it would be necessary to bypass the Cheslat.ta plunge pool and indicate .whether reaeration structures would also be required in the Upper Nechako River. 8.3 Further Water Quality Considerations Fisheries and Oceans has not conducted water quality investigations, speci- fic to Kemano Completion. Limited wat.er quality studies were carried out by Alcan' s consult ants. Whether the increased nutrient concentrations that. would occur as a result of reduced flows under Kemano Completion would result in excessive plant growths and algae has not been adequately inves- tigat.ed. The impacts of excessive plant growth upon the habitat fish food oeganisms, habitats of rearing and spawning fish, and upon water quality (e.g., dissolved oxygen) may pose risks that are unacceptable. -51 - EFFECTS OF FUll RIDUCJI~ ON EXISTING POlLUTI~ SIIJRCES I'£EDS TO DE ADOOESSED NEED TO UPGRADE EXISTING TREATMENT FACILITIES NOT EXAHHfl> tmRE s JUDY IT DISSOLVED HEAVY METALS REQUIRID OVERVIEW OF MECHANISMS IT DISEASE MD PARASITE TRMSFER NECHAKO TO KEMANO TRANSFER ALREADY A FACT BASIC COti:E:~S OF DISEASE AND HEALTH At reduced flows, the dispersion of existing sewage and industrial effl- uents will be altered and probably retarded. Effects such as reduced dis- solved oxygen, algal blooms, and toxicity in the receiving waters have not been adequately investigated. Alcan have stated that the Provincial Pollution Control Board objectives concerning effluent quality and dilution could be met. It has been assumed by Alcan that the water quality requirements of fish will also be sat is- fied. There are not enough data available to substant iat.e this claim. Consideration has not been given to whether site-speci fie upgrading of treatment would be needed (e.g., nutrient or heavy metals removal) or whether outfalls would need relocation or upgrading (e.g., diffuser ins tall a t.ion) • According t.o Alcan's projections, concentrations of total and dissolved heavy metals will increase owing to reduced flows following Kemano Completion. Howevev, the fraction of metals that. would be reactive wH.h aquatic life has not been estimated, either on the basis of existing levels or at levels based upon projections of metals that would be con.tributed in future by increased sewage discharges. Because some projected metals con- centrations exceed criteria for protection of aquatic life, it is evident that further work must be done. 9. DISEASES AND PARASITES ======================= The Kemano Completion Project involves the diversion of Nanika and Kidprice Lake waters (source waters) to the Nechako Reservoir and to the Kemano and Nechako rivers (receiving waters). Linking watersheds can pose a hazard to the health of fishes in the receiving waters by introducing alien disease agents (including parasites) by degrading wat.er quality, and by introducing animals that may transmit or harbour significant numbers of resident. disease agents. The effects of these introductions may not become apparent for many years. Any transfers of disease agents from the Fraeer River (Nechako Reservoir) to the Kemano River are assumed to have already occurred following the com- pletion of the Kemano I diversion. Bell (1983) and McDonald (1983) have reviewed th@ implications of transfer- ring diseases and parasites from the Skeena Wl'!tershed to the Fraser and Kemano systems. These are summarized as follows. 9. 1 Diseases It is useful to outline briefly some basic concepts of health and disease in order to put discussion of impact .in perspective. Like most animals, fishes usually live in harmony with potential disease agents (pathogens): disease is the exception, not the rule. Disease cpu sed by an indigenous living agent (.i.e., infectious disease) is conceived of as resulting from a disturbance of the complex interaction between the fish (host), environment and potential pathogen. For example, debilitation of the host by environ- -52 - NO N«JUNT £F STUDY PROVIOCS AS!iiRANCE OF PATtoiEN ABSEN:E RESUlTS Of DISEASE STUDY NO DISEASE TRANSFER PROBlEM EXPECTED PARASITE STUDIES mental degradation can so stress the fish that "background" organisms gain the upper hand. Such degradation might consist of chemical or thermal pol- lution, low oxygen, or gas supersaturation. On the other hand, devastating disease outbreaks can occur from the introduction of even low numbers of an exotic disease agent because the fish are defensively naive. An exotic or alien disease agent is a species or strain of micro-organ.ism or paras.ite, new to an area. Maintaining t.he disjunct distr.ibution known For many disease agents .is therefore of major consequence to the fisheries resource, and linking watersheds poses a hazard of introducing new disease agents. Also, although larger fish, possibly carrying disease agents, can be pre- vented from pass.ing into new receiving waters, the microscopic disease agents, cannot be screened out, nor can the seeds of pest plants (e.g., Milfoil) or eggs and larval stages of animals (e.g., snails, leeches, fishes). Some of these animals may act as reservoirs or vectors of disease agents. Although Alcan have met the sampling requirements suggested by the Depart- ment to detect diseases or disease agents, it must be recognized that. no amount of sampling and examination can give complete assurance of the ab- sence of a given pathogen. By agreement, Envirocon ( 1981, 1983) looked primarily for the common threatening diseases or pathogens of sal100nids, and they did not examine for strain differences that. might be significant. Another limitation that should be noted is that there is the possibility of introducing as yet unrecognized disease agents. There .is no way of avoiding this possibility except to maintain the present separat:ion of watersheds. According to the results of the disease surveys no important disease agent was found in t.he source wat.ers that was not also present in the receiving waters. Some important disease agents such as those of furunculosis and bacterial kidney disease were not found .in fish from either system, a rather surprising finding considering their wide distribution .in B.C. Some agents (Cerat.omyxa shasta and Dermocystidium sp.) were detected in the receiving waters only and hence appear to pose no problem. The finding of infectious pancreatic n ecrosis virus ( IPNV) in the study area has serious implications for fisheries management because this is the first report of its occurrence in B.C. (It has been found on the Alberta/ B.C. border). However, the finding would not argue aga.ins t proceeding with the watershed diversion because similar IPNV was reported .in both source and receiving waters. Kemano Completion does not appear to present a hazard to downstream fishes from the int.roduction of alien microbial disease agents. On the other hand, because of the threat of introducing exotic pathogens, steps should be taken to ensure that the movement of fish or waters from the Fraser to Skeena systems cannot occur. 9.2 Parasites The determ.inat ion of the spec.ies compos .it ion of the parasite faunas of fish in the source and receiving waters has been reasonably well documented from -53 - NANIKA HAS PARASITES NOT FOUND IN t£DIAKO RESERVOIR TRANSFER PRIJBLEMS DIFFICULT TO PREDICT NEED FOR DEFINITION OF FISH PROOU:T IlW OOJECTIVES SIGNIFICANCE lF POTENTIAL FISH PRODOCTilW a qualitative perspective, although some spec.ies, particularly ectopara- sites, may have been missed. From a quantitative perspective sampling has been insufficient to provide statistically reliable dat.a on prevalence and intensity of infection, when factot·s such as age of fish, season collected, sex of fish, and locat.ion of fish within a large reservoir system are con- sidered. Likely influences of environmental alterations (e.g., creation of a reservoir, changes in water flows) on the parasite fauna, and t.he.ir potential consequences for the fisheries resources, have not been addressed. Some parasites from Nanika-Kidprice that have not been found in the Nechako Reservoir could be transferred, with potentially detrimental consequences to t.he salmonid fishery resource. There is also the possibility of trans- ferring new strains of parasites to the Nechako Reservoir, with additional unknown consequences. Theoretically, there· is a potential for the reverse transfer of parasites from the Fraser to the Skeena system, but as long as barriers are maintained aga.ins t this trans fer it can be dismissed from further consideration. While there is always a risk associated with such a development, the con- sequences of the completion of the project on the parasite populations and subsequently on their fish hosts are difficult to predict, Should Kemano Completion proceed, monitoring would be required. 10. POTENTIAL SALMON PRODUCTION FROM RIVERS AfFECTED BY KEMANO COMPLETION =======================================~=~=======~===~================ The proposal by Alcan to undertake completion of H.s giant Kemano hydro- electric project, because of its tremendous social and economic signifi- cance to the region and its .inherent requirement for lruge volumes of water, will bring the conflicting demands of wat.er for fish product ion and water for hydro power generation .into sharp focus, Before these conflict- ing demands can be properly addressed, it is incumbent upon the Department to define and enunciate publicly its fish production objectives for the Nanika, Morice, Nechako and Kemano rivers. These~ objectives must be real- istic and attainable because the fish produotion objectives will largely determine the quantity of water which must be relet:~aed by Alcan to permit natural fish product ion and maintain vicb le ernr;~ncement opportunities. This will provide the Department with the necessary yardsticks against which to measure the merits of Alcan's proposals for ensuring that no net loss of present and potential fish production results from development of the project. The viability of the project may well depend upon the volume of water made available for fish production. When considering the implications of the Kemano Completion Project on the salmon stocks of the foul' rivers involved, one must rapidly come to grips with the definition of "potential product ion". This will determine the degree to which the project's impacts must be mit ig& ted and .if necessary the extent and nature of compensation to which th~ developer must be com- mitted .in order to ensure that no net loss of potl:lntial fLsh production wi.ll ensue as a consequence of project <!levelopment, It is now generally recognized that current production levels are the result of a long history of overfishing and are not a reflection of the production attainable from -54 - FACTOOS AFITCTINi POTENTIAL ALL STOCKS HARVESTID IN HIXffi STOCK FISHERY SOCKEYE CAPAC! TY IMPORTANCE lF NANIKA NUTRIENTS available habitat given changes in the management of the fishery (Pearse, 1981; 1982). However, it must also be recognized that in certain instan- ces, proper management of the fishery does not mean that potenUal bio- logical production levels could be attained in all areas by all stocks. The potential of a salmon stock is dependent upon the capacity of the natal stream, its productivity and its manageability. The relative productivity of the stocks within a management unit are determined by the rates of return of adults produced per spawning pair of each stock. The higher the rate of return, the great.er is the productivity. Manageability is the term applied to the ability to manage a given fishery with minimal or no detri- mental impacts on non-target stocks. For example, if a given stock is mixed wit.h stocks known to have the same relative productivity, they can all be harvested at the same rate to optimize escapement without endanger- .ing any of the stocks, and all are considel.'ed manageable. On the othel' hand, if a fishery is conducted on a large productive stock Which is mixed in with many stocks of lesser productivit.y, the fishel'y is not considel.'ed manageable since the fishery targetting of the most productive stock would overexplo.it all the othel.' less productive stocks in the fishery. A simila!.' and compounding pl.'oblem may occur when stocks al.'e taken incidentally in a series of sequential fishel'ies over a wide geograph.ic area. Stocks such as these are on the route to extinction unless their exploitation rates can be !.'educed through better fishel'y regulation or their productivity can be im- pl.'oved through application of enhancement technology. All salmon stacks, except the sockeye migrating through the Nechako, implicat.ed in the Kemano Completion Pl.'oject have one thing in common; all are harvested in mixed stock fisheries of which they are a minor component. Consequently, all stocks are subject to manageability problems and this reality is recognized when the potential of these stocks is identified. Nanika River The Nanika Rive!.' provides the principal spawning ground for what is known as the Morice Lake sockeye population. The Nanika River spawning areas are estimated to have a total capacity of 32,000. The Morice sockeye popula- tion has a history of being overfished because its timing coincides with the larger and mol.'e productive Pinkut River sockeye run to Babine Lake. The problem has been compounded since increased returns from the Pinkut River spawning channel have entered the Skeena River fishery. The pl.'oposal by Alcan does not significantly th!.'eaten the sockeye spawning areas on the Nanika. The principal threat. is that the prime source of nutrients to Morice Lake is the Nanika River, and its annual flow contribu- tion will be reduced by 62%. In limnological terms, Morice Lake is one of the least productive lakes in North America, and a reduction of nutrients of such magnitude would significantly affect the survival of Morice sock- eye. If Alcan were to provide fol' fert..ilizat.ion of Morice Lake as compen- sation for the loss of the Nanika River nutrient input, the Morice Lake system may sustain the Nanika potential escapement of 32 ,DOD sockeye plus .increases to the 2,000 lake spawnel.'s in Morice and Atna Lakes. -55 - NANIKA RIVER CHINO()( AND com PlFULATHWS CHINOOK POPULATION DATA AND POTENTIAL ASPECTS lF DH NOOK fiSHERY IMPACT lF FUJf RIDUCTION ON HEARl~ CotiJ POTENTIAL The Nan.ika River supports minor populat.ions of chinook and coho salmon. Historically, escapements of 400 -500 for each species have been record- ed. Mitigation in the form of flow releases to sustain these populations would preclude the diversion of the Nanika as a component of Kemano comple- tion. If this .is not the case, Alcan should be prepared to compensate for these stocks to historic escapement levels. Morice River The Morice River chinook escapements currently represent 20% of the total chinook salmon escapements to the Skeena River. In the recent past, this stock has constituted as much as 40% of the total Skeena chinook popula- t.ion. Recent escapements have been in the 5-7, DOD range and consequently it is the most important. single salmon stock in the Morice system. Escapements on six occasions since 1950 approximated 15,000 but these have never produced escapements exceeding 50'!6 of the brood year population. That .is not surprising since the measured capacity of the chinook spawning grounds is 12,000. The Skeena River chinook stocks are all markedly depressed as a consequence of over-fishing. There has not been a directed commercial fishery for Skeena chinook for at least a decade and in some years, constraints have been placed on the recreational fishery. In 1982 The Indian food fishery ori the Skeena River is estimated to have caught approximately 9,200 chinook salmon. Of this number 3,000 were attributed to the Moricetown Fishery. All Skeena chinook harvested .in the commercial fishery are taken inciden- tally in the major-pink and sockeye fisheries. The prospects for further curtailment of these fisheries are being pursued. In recognition of these circumstances, the Department's North Coast Division is implementing a blend of management and enhancement strategies for all major chinook stocks on the Skeena system to mitigate against the consequences of the major fisheries. It is anticipated that current populations of natural stocks can be sustained. The balance of the natural capacity would have to be filled by enhanced production. The enhancement strategy resulting from the blending of the sources of production is dependent upon the optimal use of currently underutilized habitat. Returns from such efforts would be permitted to spawn naturally until the 12,000 capacity .is reached. Kemano completion is not expected to reduce the capacity of the chinook spawning areas. However, the reduction of flow in the Morice River will result in a reduction of its natural rearing capacity and as such, rep~:e­ sent.s a threat to the potential production of the system. It would also represent an increase in the capital and operating costs of any chinook enhancement effort because such enhancement would necessitate 1+ years of hatchery rearing. If Alcan diverts the Nanika it must then be prepared to optimize the remaining natural habit. at (in the Morice). Losses acc~:u.ing from reduced rearing habitat that remain would have to be replaced by arti- ficial means. Morice River coho constitute 4% of the total Skeena River escapement, Like coho everywhere on the B.C. coast, they a~:e ~at the subject of a broad management strategy. The proposed reductions in flow will, as for chinook, -56 - PIN< SAUIJN POPULATHW EXPANDINi SOCKEYE SALMIDU POTENTIAL CHINOOK POPULATION DATA manifest itself by reducing the rearing capacity for juvenile coho. Currently, the potenhal escapement goal .is 10,000 fish which the river historically has produced. The proponent should be prepared to provide mit.igative and compensatory measures necessary to sust.ain this potential if the project proceeds. Morice River pink salmon are in the process of extending their distribution throughout the Bulkley-Morice system as made possible by the construction of the Moricetown fishway and by obstacle removal in the Hagwilget Canyon. In the absence of adequate data, it is not possible to establish realistic estimates of potential pink production. The 1983 escapement was 30,000 spawners. At. this level their numbers are not significant. in terms of the total Skeena pink escapement or contribut.ion to the pink fishery. Nechako River The Nechako River system is ut.ilized by chinook and sockeye salmon. Numerically, the sockeye populations are far more substantial than the chinook, a factor that has always made management of the latter more comp- lex and difficult. The sockeye salmon stocks of the Nechako system do not spawn in the Nechako River but use it as a migration route to spawning and rearing areas in the Stuart and Nautley River systems. Like all Fraser River salmon stocks above Lytton, sockeye salmon populat.ions native to the Nechako River systems were severely impacted by the Hell's Gate slide of 1913 which was not corrected until 1945. Since completion of the Hell's Gate fishways, the International Pac.i fie Salmon Fisheries Commission has, through regulation of the commercial fishery and modest enhancement effort, managed to subs tant iall y rebuild the sockeye populations nat . .ive to the Nechako River watershed. However, the potential rearing capacity of the five lakes involved ( Takla, Trembleur, Stuart, Francois and Fraser), has scarcely been tapped. Presently, j_n dominant years, the five lakes are being utilized by the progeny of 310,000 female spawners while they cotAA theoretically handle the progeny from 3,170,000 females (Vernon, 1982~ This represents over half of the unused sockeye production potential of the Fraser River system. Consequently, the maintenance of the Nechako River as a migration route is of paramount importance. The period of numerical record for chinook salmon escapements commences in 1934. The escapements up to and including those of 1952 represent the pre-development returns to the river. The maximum estimated chinook escapements to the Nechako was 4,000 (unpublished, Mclaren, 1952: Tuyttens, 1952). In the 18-20 year period following dam closure, escapements dropped from a pre-development average of approximately 1,150 to as low as 75. Observations were not possible in two years. In the period 1971 - 1980, escapements averaged 1,354. MANAGEJENT ACTI~S TAKEN CHINOOK POTENTIAL KEMAND RIVER ESCAPEtENT RECORD POTENTIAL APPROXIMATED The improved escapements in the latter period are considered to be the product of less extreme fluctuations in flow regime and regulatory efforts to reduce the exploitation rate of the various flsheries on Fraser chinook. It was during the latter period that the chinook gillnet fishery of the lower Fraser was virtually eliminated along with the very early sockeye openings in which many early up-river chinook stocks -Nechako included -were incidentally harvested. There is no commercial fishery remaining which targets exclusively on Fraser River chinook salmon. Since 1980 the sport fishery at the mouth of the Fraser has been closed as a con- servation measure. Negotiations have been held with various Fraser River Indian Bands for the purpose of securing a reduced exploitat.ion on certain stocks, although the total Indian Fraser River chinook catch has averaged about 18,000 per year for the period 1970 -1983. Since the precarious state of the Fraser River chinook stocks has been recognized, all targeted fisheries on chinooks have been closed and other regulations have been passed to reduce the incidental catch of chinook. All this indicates that many management options, particularly those applied to the Fraser River fishery itself, have been exhausted and that opportunities for restoration of this stock by management action are limited to those affecting very wide geographic areas. It is apparent from a comparison of Departmental and Alcan habitat data with escapement data that the capacity of the spawning grounds has never been reached within the period of record. In the past 10 -12 years ( 1983 excepted), there has been a modest trend towards increased escapements. If this modest rate of recovery can be sustained and further augmented by the benefits accruing from wide ranging restrictions on various coastal fisheries, it is possible that escapements of 5,000 could reaListically be attained in three cycles. This then is the fish potential to which Alcan must gear its mitigative and compensatory considerations. Kemano River The Kemano powerhouse became operational in 1954 and the low flow regime of the river was gradually expanded, while the mean monthly flows for the two high runoff months increased 80% in the last 15 years. As a consequence, the available habitat for salmon has expanded markedly. Assuming the impact of this increased habitat area and stability began to be demonstra- ted in 1959, a comparison of pre-and post-development escapement averages (1934 -1982) is presented. Average coho escapements declined from 12,313 to 4,881. This apparently has been the only Kemano stock Which appears to have been negatively affected by the increased flows. The chinook escape- ment average increased from 1,500 to 2,000. Average chum escapements have increased from 18,700 to 42,000 while average pink escapements have in- creased from 34,000 to 60,750. It can be expected that. the potential of the Kemano River could be expanded beyond the 200,000 pinks and 100,000 chums which occupied the habitat. in 1972. The extent of this growth in potential cannot be predicted at this time because it will depend upon the quality and extent of the habitat that may be created by the expanded flow regime, and the degree of success achieved in the management of the Area 6 mixed stack fishel'Y 1 \'A1 ich more -58 - COMPENSATION LAST RESORT NATURAL PRODUCTION CONSEQUEM:ES IF DIVERS!~ ESTIMATES OF IMPACT than any other factor, dictates the health of Kemano River pink and chum stocks. It also seems reasonable that the potential for coho will decrease because coho micro habitats may be lost as the river assumes larger physi- cal proportions. Chinook potentials may increase. 11 • TOWARD NO NET LOSS OF FISH PRODUCTION ====================================== If Kemano Camp letion proceeds an exhaustive examination of all pass ib le approaches to mitigation will be vigorously pursued by the Department .• Notwithstanding that, it should be apparent to the reader that. in many instances there will be no way found to mitigate some of the impacts and losses to the fisheries resource suggested by the development of this pro- ject. Compensation for the remaining losses must then be cons .ide red. Con- siderat.ion of compensation in return for losses and impacts to the resource must be viewed as a last resort for it should be obvious that there is no perfect substitute for lost natural salmon production and habitat. The Department's approach to compensation for f.ish losses stems from its' developing habitat management policy. Compensation is sought firstly as natural production, secondly as some form of semi-natural production and lastly as artificial production. Techniques that provide the least interference with the genetic integrity of the natural stocks and have the greatest chance of success are considered first. In recognition of the Department's approach, Alcan has developed some preliminary views on opportunities for compensation. As the requirement for compensation would most probably constitute a major component of any decision on the acceptability of the project a discussion of possible opportunities is presented for cons.iderat..ion. At. this point in time no discussion of compensation in the Kemano River .is presented. Nanika River Alcan proposes to divert 62% of the mean annual flow of the Nanika River to the Kemano Reservoir. The bulk of this flow would be drawn off in the four month period -May through August -which is the normal high flow period in the river. would: This diversion would have three principal consequences. 1) Greatly reduce the nutrient input into Morice Lake; It 2) Greatly reduce the capacity of the Nanika River to produce chinook and coho salmon, and; 3) Substant.ially reduce the discharge of the Morice River during the high flow months of June 1 July and August. Alcan has estimated that reductions of rearing area of 90% for coho and 7mo for chinook would occur as a consequence of the Nanika Diversion. Using their escapement es t..imat.es of 27 5 chinook and 3 50 coho, they have trans- lated losses of rearing habitat into total stock losses of 250 chinook and 1, 200 coho. The Department considers that. the catch to escapement ratios used to derive total stock losses are erroneous. This has led to substan- tial overestimation of coho losses and underestimation of the chinook -59 - EXPECTED FISH LOSSES GLACIER CREEK DIVERSHW CONTROLLED REARING ENVIROtK:NTS NANIKA RIVER IS SOURCE or NUTRIENTS FOR KJRICE LAKE NANIKA DIVERS! 114 WOULD I ... ROVE WINTER CONDITIONS IN KJRICE RIVER LOSSES or SUHK:R REARING HI\BITAT losses. Furthermore, the Department regards the potentials of the Nanika River to be in the order of 400 chinook and 500 coho. Consequently, the re-adjusted potential total stock losses become 1,000 chinook and 900 coho adults, On the positive side, it is possible that flow stabilization could benefit those chinook and coho populations remaining by increasing their rate of survival as long as good water quality conditions can be assured. The extent of this benefit is subject to speculation but it is unlikely to adequately offset losses of rearirg habitat. Alcan is considering diverting the cold and silt-laden Glacier Creek water into the Nanika Reservoir. This could improve some characteristics of the Nanika River which now is extremely turbid, naturally silted and cold for two-thirds of its length owing to the Glacier Creek inflow. Temperature regulation might be required to provide suitable temperature conditions. The actual benefits of such a consideration could only be identified after the fact. If the project proceeds, the disruption of natural rearing environments by extreme flood discharges would not occur. This may present an opportunity to develop controlled but natural rearing environments in the Nanika. The feasibility or benefits of any such opportunity cannot be determined beforehand, especially in the absence of detailed proposals. These opportunities would probably be more successful if the Glacier Creek diversion were implemented. The Nanika River is the principal source of nutrients into extremely nutrient-poor Morice Lake. It is in Morice Lake where the Nanika juvenile sockeye rear for two or three years. Their length of residency is largely dependent upon their rate of growth which is dependent upon zooplankton availability. The loss of nutrient input associated with the diversion of 62% of the annual Nanika River discharge is expected to exceed 62% because nutrient input is higher during the spring freshet and virtually all of the flows will be diverted at that time. Sockeye populations would not be sustained at their present level let alone potential levels with this magnitude of nutrient loss. Alcan has suggested lake enrichment technology to offset this loss. Morice River The Nanika Diversion and t.he flow regime proposed for Nanika has negative consequences for the Morice River flow regime. There would be reductions ranging between 41 and 32% in the peak mean monthly discharges in the months of June, July and August. Alcan has suggested that the Nanika reservoir be operated in such a way as to release more water than .is now naturally available in the Morice River during t.he months of March and April. These increases expressed as percentages will range from 6 to 10%. Alcan has estimated that the summer flow reduct. ions in the high discharge months will reduce the sidechannel habitat. by 8 to 30%. On the basis of their original data, sidechannels of the Morice account for 28% of the chinook production and 37% of the coho production. Assuming incorrect catch to escapement ratios, and escapement potent i.als of 8,000 chinook and -60 - EXPECTED FISH LOSSES WINTER CONDITIONS FOR REARIN; COJIJ AND OUNO(J( IMPROVED ENVIRIIlJN'S APPROACH TO CDHPENSAT HW SPECIFIC COMPENSATION PRlFOSAlS NOT ADVANCED FRYPLANTINi PROPOSALS 4,000 coho, they have calculated !:hat. the losses resulting from t.he diversion would be 1,300 chinook adults and 1,650 coho adults. Alcan subsequent! y increased their estimation of side channel product ion to 46% for chinook and approximately 4m~ for coho. The Department views the realistic potential escapement. as being 12,000 chinook and 10,000 coho. Consequently, the potential losses to fish pro- duction would translate to 8,300 chinook and 3 1 000 coho. It is very uncer- tain that the benefits of improved winter flow conditions would increase the smolt output to the extent required to offset losses to current. popula- tions, let alone the potentials to which the Department proposes to manage the system. Alcan has indicated an acceptance of the need to compensate for fish losses with a preference foL' reliance on habitat improvement or artificial incubation and subsequent natural rearing. Clearly, the approach of improving winter flow conditions proposed by Alcan is a very good recommendation supported by good data that. ind.icate that natural winter flow conditions are t.he direct cause of substantive mortalities to overwintering salmonids. However, there is no comparison available to show how much habitat will be improved to enable estimates of production gains to be calculated for different increments of flow release. For the Morice River, Alcan has suggested a three-pronged approach to compensation. They are cons ide ring various approaches to habitat development to compensate for lost rearing areas and they are considering wild fry rearing and smolt replacement as ways to further compensate for lost habitat and salmon production. Included in habitat development are: 1) Maintenance of selected back and side channels; 2) Creation of coho rearing ponds; 3) Instream improvements; 4) Stream fertilization; 5) Tributary access improvement, barrier removal; 6) Tributary flow control. Wit.h the exception of stream fertilization, all of the above are proven methods for improving t.he productivity of the habitat, although they have not been applied in any system on the scale that. would be required here. Stream fertilization technology is still experimental. However, Alcan has not made speci fie proposals regard.ing any of these approaches. This may be due to the many uncertainties about the scale of losses likely to accrue and the lack of in format. ion needed to des.ign such proposals. However, it would appear that Alcan has considerable biological information on hand that could be employed to identify opportunities for pilot scale investigations. Wild fry rearing by Alcan's definition involves planting artificially incubated fry from native donor stock into under-utilized areas. This becomes feasible if spawning escapements are considerably less than op.timal or if substantial stream lengths above obstructions to salmonid migrat. ion -61 - SIO... T REPLACOENT PR[J>OSAL FOR CHANNEL MAINTENANCE POSSIBILITY TO AUGK:NT WINTER Flllf CON>ITIONIS PRIN:IPAL. CONSEQUENCES OF NECHAKO DIVERSION WATER QUAL lTV PROBLEMS MUST EMP~OY MITIGATION , .. e suitable. Only in the latter case might it be considered a reasonable long term option. With the prospect of diminished flows, fry planting might well compound a habitat shortage problem unless it were undertaken to optimize any habitat development activities. Smolt replacement is a viable but costly alternative to natural smolt pro- duction since chinook as well as coho production would involve rearing for 12-14 month periods. Alcan has proposed a temporary dam structure at the outlet of Morice Lake as means for providing an artificial flood surge to maintain the existing channel configuration. This approach is of uncertain merit. It may be more appropriate to consider more direct means of channel maintenance. There is, however, merit in considering a control of the outflow from Morice Lake to augment the low winter flows which the consultants have shown is affecting chinook, coho and trout survival. It is possible that a few feet of storage could be developed on Morice Lake that would appreciably increase the low winter flows in Morice River. Nechako River (_ t1r:) j . I '1 g I I Alcan proposes to divert 80% of the mean annual flowAnow remaining in the Nechako River through the Kemano Reservoir and into new powerhouse facilities at Kemano. This diversion has four principal consequences which must be addressed to protect the existing and potential chinook and sockeye salmon stocks of the Nechako system. These are the maintenance of: 1) Satisfactory water quality regimes, such as temperature and total dissolved gases, in the Nechako River between the Nautley River and Prince George to ensure safe migratory conditions for adult sockeye salmon on their way to their respective spawning grounds and to provide suitable conditions for rearing chinook, particularly in the Upper Nechako; 2) Adequate spawning capacity for chinook salmon utilizing the upper Nech ako River; 3) The maintenance of adequate rearing capacity for juvenile chinook salmon native to the upper Nechako River; and 4) Assessment and amelioration of potential impediments to migration at points of difficult passage downstream of Prince George. Alcan proposes to mitigate rather than compensate for the first three problems through controlled flow releases affecting both volume and water quality. It has not addressed the fourth. -62 - WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS KIST EMPLOY MITIGATION FLOW REGII£ FOR 3 ,000 CHINO[)( DEPARTMENT'S VIEW OF ADEQUACY lF FLOW PROPOSALS HATCHERY MUST BE REQUIRED TO SUSTAIN CHINOOK POTENTIAL SCOPE lF KEHANO COMPLETION PROJECT The resolution of the water quality problems is dependent upon mitigative and not. compensative approaches. While approaches have been discussed pre- viously, solutions remain to be found. With reference to the chinook populations, Alcan has proposed a flow regime they believe will sustain an escapement of 3,000 fish which is considerably short of the Department's target. As has previously been discussed, the proposed flow regime for the September spawning period would probably accommodate 5,000 spawners. However, the Department holds the view that the overwintering flows pro- posed would place incubating eggs at great risk, because there is no margin of safety for severe winter conditions or ice-generated localized fluctua- tions in water levels. These flows also serve to provide rearing for over- wintering chinook in the Upper Nechako River. There has been no study done on overwintering chinook to establish their abundance, significance or rearing requirements. The summer rearing requirements for chinook cannot be established for the progeny of 5,000 potential spawners because all the information necessary to make such an assessment has not been obtained or is in dispute·. The problem of estab- lishing summer rearing flows is compounded by the possibility that the need to control and depress temperatures in the Upper Nechako River for sockeye cooling purposes may preclude the optimization of chinook rearing there. If the project is to be completed, and on the assumption that long-term monitoring would reveal that rearing conditions are limiting chinook pro- duction, it would be necessary to identify approaches to compensation for those losses. As has been stated, the preference would be to use a semi- natural approach to resolve the problem. It may be difficult. to obtain acceptable mitigation by using the remaining river channel in view of the 94% reduction from the original natural peak flow regime. Given this reality, a solution for offsetting the impacts of the Nechako River Diversion may be the mitigation of the sockeye requirements by regulating the temperature of their migration route and the maintenance of chinook production by full 'artificial hatchery enhancement. To date, this possi- bility has not been considered by Alcan and its consultants because they have held to the conviction that the chinook salmon potential would not be diminished by the proposed reductions in flow. 12. DISCUSSION =========== The scope of the Kemano Completion Project is enormous. Its overall cost has been estimated to be $2.2 billion. A glance at Figure 1 shows that a chain of lakes 200 km. (124 miles) long has already been impounded to form the Nechako Reservoir. Just less than half of t.he reservoir's capacity is now being used to power the Kitimat smelter which has a production capacity of 240,000 tonnes per year. Alcan now proposes to divert even more water from t.he Nechako Reservoir (a am~ reduction of the pre-Keman o I flow regime) and in addition would like to divert 62~~ of the mean annual flow of the Nanika River in order to generate the power that would be needed for -63 - ALCIW CAUSES HABITAT PROBLEM Nllf IN t£CHAKO DEPARTIENT HAS A POLICY IF "NO t£T LOSS" NATIIIAL HABITAT HAll> TO REPLACE RETAIN AS fi.ICH NATURAL HABITAT AS POSSIBLE TlfiEE SCENARIOS FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION two new smelters. To achieve this goal would require the diversion to Kemano of 86~~ of the combined mean annual flows of the Nechako and Nanika watersheds. The Nechako in its diminished state has already presented the Department with salmon habitat maintenance problems. One, for example,· has been to maintain sufficiently cool water temperatures in the Nechako River to pre- vent large runs of migrating sockeye from being destroyed. Now the Depart- ment is faced with a proposal that would impact upon the habitat of salmon (and steelheoct and resident trout) in two hit.herto pristine rivers; the Nanika and the Morice. In all cases, the Department does not insist that. the waters of all salmon rivers be reserved for the sole purpose of producing salmon, but it. does adhere firmly to the more reasonable posit.ion of "no net loss". In other words, potential users of salmon waters must plan to avoid as many losses to salmon production as reasonably possible, and "after the fact" they must stand ready to fully compensate for all damage. For the Department. to require less would be to abandon its mandate which is to protect and pre- serve the fisheries resources of Canada. There is no perfect substitution for natural salmon habitat. If habitat is lost, the loss is likely to be irretrievable. One can partially compensate by producing salmon by alternative methods, but. the substitution can only be regarded as second best.: for one thing, in the case of hatchery pro- duction, the fish may not have the genetic characteristics of the wild stocks, and for a-nother they are costly to produce. Moreover, it is a cost. that must be borne in perpetuity. When other water uses are seen to be important to the public interest, the Department strives first t.o reduce the severity of impacts; i.e., mitigate as much as possible. If t.hat is insufficient, the Department accepts com- pensation (in fish production, not monies). Moreover, and most important- ly, the compensation is sought firstly as natural production, secondly, as some form of semi-natural production, lastly as artifictal production. This distinctton arises from the recognition that wild fish are the essen- tial base of all our fisheries. We are, therefore, committed to the main- tenance of natural habitat which has the capacity to yield salmon at no cost (except that of its safekeeping) for many years to come. To provide a focus for public discussion of issues embodied in the Kemano Completion proposal three possible decision options or scenarios are pre- sented, together with a summary of the key fish production and habitat impacts anticipated with each scenario. The present situation (status quo) is discussed first. In the second scenario it is assumed that. the Nanika River would not be diverted, and in the third which incorporates Alcan's proposal, it is assumed that the Nanika River would be diverted. Scenario 1 The Present Situation In this scenario it is assumed, based on the period 1978-1982, that. the existing mean annual flow that is now being used to generate power for -64 - LARGE 1-UifS PRESENTLY REQUIRED FOR SOCKEYE COOLING CAUSE HARMFUL EFFECTS MAINTENANCE INJUNCTION BASE FLOWS WITH IPSFC TEMPERATURE REGIME MAINTENANCE OF ALCAN'S FLOW AND TEMPERATURE REGIME aluminum production would continue to be used for that purpose, but that the remainder of the reservoir's mean annual flow, augmented by the mean annual flow of the Cheslatta River, would be used for fisheries purposes. Because wat.er that. is now released from the reservoir via the Skins Lake spillway is subjected to considerable warming during its passage through the Cheslatta and Murray Lake system, it has been necessary to release very large flows from Skins Lake for sockeye cooling purposes. Despite large flow releases, it has not always been possible to depress temperatures suf- fic.iently. The very large flows have eroded the banks of the Cheslatta River and have caused siltation of the Cheslatta and Nechako rivers. fhe present. method of providing sockeye cooling flows is considered to be a continuing threat to the chinook stocks of the Nechako River. The threat could be mitigated by providing a deep intake at Kenney Dam which would enable cold water to be mixed with warm water from the Ches latta River so that such large flows would not be required. (This was recommended by the Department in 1950 when Alcan originally applied for the water licence.) Assuming that all water surplus to the needs of the Kitimat smelter would be used for fisheries purposes, a flow of 113.6 ems (4010 cfs) would be available for maintenance of f1sh habitat. Sufficient flow could be provided for cooling during sockeye migration and for chinook spawning, incubation, rearing and overwintering in the Upper Nechako River. Scenario 2 No diversion of the Nanika River In this scenario it is assumed that a deep intake at. the Kenney Dam would provide a source of very cold water that would permit a constant tempera- ture of 50°F to be maintained just below Cheslatta in the Upper Nechako River. Scenario 2a. It is assumed that a base (Injunction) flow of 56.6 ems (2000 cfs) would be maintained in the Upper Nechako River to provide rearing area for chinook from April 1 to August 31. Flows would have to be raised by varying amounts (depending upon weather conditions) to provide f.or cooLing during sockeye migration in July and August. To target for maintenance of the IPSFC' s long term average temperature dur- ing sockeye migration w.ith maintenance of the Injunct ion Flow regime would require the provision of 43.8 ems (1546 cfs) or 21% of the water available from the reservoir and the Cheslatt.a River for fisheries purposes. The remaining 79% or 166.18 ems (5868 cfs) would be available for generation of power. Scenario 2b. Under Alcan's proposed regime a base flow of 31.15 ems (1100 cfs) ~10uld be maint.ained in the Upper Nechako from April 1 to August 31. Flow adjustments in July and August would be required during sockeye migra- tion. To target for maintenance of Alcan's long term average temperature and their proposed flow regime for fish and other uses would result in 26.14 ems ( 923 cfs) being provided far fish. The percent age of water allocated to fish would be 12~~; for power, 88%. -65 - IMPACTS lF INJUI'I:Tlll"1! FLON REGII£ AND ALCAN' S ClH"ARm OTHER WATER QUALITY FACTORS REQUIRE EVALUATI1l"11 MANY ADOCD Iti'ACTS ANTICIPATED WITH NANIKA DIVERSI1l"11 SPECIFIC IMPACTS UPON NANIKA RIVER Water for maintenance of chinook would originate from the Cheslatta system and would reflect the influence of meteorological conditions upon that sys- tem (except during July and August). The temperature regime would not be the same in the Nechako River as it was prior to Kemano I. The effects upon chinook habitat that. would result from the changed regime have not been fully addressed. The impacts of Alcan's proposed flow regime have been discussed at length in Section 6.3. To summarize, negative effects upon incubating eggs and. alevins could take place due to freezing during cold winters under Alcan's proposed flow regime. A loss of rearing area or at least a change in con- ditions of chinook rearing has probably occurred as a result of Kemano I. Reductions from the Injunction flow of 56.6 ems (2000 cfs) to 31.15 ems (1100 cfs) would probably result in further reductions in quality as well as quantity of rearing area. Further reductions in the quantity of avail- able food could take place under the Alcan regime. Pre-Kemano flushing flows in the order of 509.8 ems (18000 cfs) used to take place in the spring. These flows would be eliminated with provision of either the Injunction Flow regime or Alcan's proposed flow regime. With cool spring water temperatures, the solubility of gases increases, and may cause serious supersaturation problems to occur at. a time of maximum susceptibility of chinook fry. Increased concentrations of nutrients could cause algae and aquatic ~'teeds to proliferate in the Nechako River, and l:he effects of increased concen- trations of heavy metals cannot be predicted at this time. Scenario 3 (With diversion of the Nanika River) The negative impacts, risks and uncertainties that can be anticipated in the Nechako River under both Alcan's proposed regime and the Injunct ion flow regime were presented in Scenario 2. They would remain·the same under this scenario, but there would be additional impacts upon the Nanika, Morice and Bulkley rivers. Scenario 3a. In this scenario, it is assumed that the Nanika River would be diverted as proposed by Aleen. In the Nechako River, the injunction flows for chinook salmon and the IPSFC recommended temperat.ure regime for sockeye would be maintained. Scenario 3b. Scenario 3b is A lean's proposed Kemano Completion project which includes the Nanika diversion and Alcan's Nechako River flows For fish and other uses and their recommended temperature regime for sockeye migration. Nanika River Impacts The .implications of diversion of 62% of the mean annual Flow of the Nanika River have been discussed at length in Section 4.3, Briefly, nutrient in- put into Morice Lake would be great! y reduced and would probably result in -66 - SPECIFIC IMPACTS ON MORICE RIVER BULKLEY IMPACT SCENARIO 3 PRESENTS HOST RISKS the production of fewer and less viable sockeye smolts, unless the lake were artificially fertilized. Radical reductions in chinook and coho rear- ing area would occur. Unless chinook and coho fry were able to find sufficient opportunities for rearing in Morice Lake or the Mar ice River, the Nanika River chinook and coho populations would decline. Excessively high temperatures could occur in the Nanika River as a result of major reductions in flow during June, July and early August. Sockeye and chinook migration from Morice Lake to the Nanika River spawning grounds could be delayed. Greatly reduced spring flows could expose sockeye fry migrating to Morice Lake to increased predation. Reduced flushing flows could lead to a gradual deterioration of substrate quality that could affect spawning success and food production. Maintenance of generally higher than average winter flows could have bene- ficial effect. s upon sockeye, chinook and coho during their incubation period. Morice River A full discussion of the impacts upon the Morice River that would result from diversion of the Nanika River has been presented in Section 5.3. Losses of chinook and coho rearing habitat are expected during spring and summer in the Morice River. Major losses of habitat could reduce chinook and coho production. Major losses of presently utilized pink salmon spawning area could occur. Reduced November flows are expected to reduce coho spawning area, and access to some tributaries utilized by spawning coho may be impeded. Maintenance of generaLLy increased winter flows is expected to benefit the survival of all species during incubation. Overwintering losses of chinook and echo juveniles may be substantially reduced also by increased winter flows. Bulkley River Reductions in flow of up to 20% are expected in August during the upstream migration period of all species. Alteration of the fishways at Moricetown may be required. One can see that diversion of two thirds of the mean annual flow of the Nanika River will cause impacts not only upon the Nanika River but also upon the salmon (steelhead and resident trout) habitats of the Morice and Bulkley rivers. It is impossible to predict with accuracy what changes in river morphology would occur as a result of the altered flow regimes and how the salmon populations would respond to the altered habitats that would be presented to them. Because the Nanika, Morice and Bulkley rivers as well as the Nechako River would be impacted, Scenario 3 carries with it the greatest risks and highest levels of uncertainty of all three scenarios. In order to give the reader a sense of perspective relative to the amounts -67 - of water that would be allocated under each scenario for generation of power for aluminum production as opposed to production of fish, Table 2 is presented. Scenario 1. Present Situation (Kitimat only) (No power sales) 2a. No Nanika Diversion, Nechako Injunction Flows, IPSFC Recommended Temperature Regime. 2b. No Nanika Diversion, Alcan's Proposed Flow and Temperature Regime. 3a. Nanika Diversion Nechako Injunction Flows, IPSFC Recommended Temperature Regime. 3b. ALCAN'S PROPOSAL Nanika Diversion, Percent Flow Percent. Flow for for Fish Power 54 46 21 79 12 88 23 77 Alcan's Proposed 16 84 Flow and Temperature Regimes. TAII...E 2 In general terms Alcan have .indicat.~ the amount of water required to generate power for two additional smelters. rurther to this they .. have indicated that the minimum economic size for a new smelter would be 171,000 tonnes per year and that an optimum size is 200,000 tonnes per year. They have also indicated that t.he overall project is npt economically viable unless two smelters are built. -68 - HE STATUS QUO CAUSES SERI IIJS PROBLEMS ALCAN Is PROPOSAl LEAVES NO FLEXIBILITY FULL IWACTS UN<NOWN lJ,ITIL ArTER KEMANO COMPLETION Scenario 1 (the status quo) is an undes.irab le one from the Department's viewpoint, because it causes serious problems now. At the other extreme is Alcan's proposal (Scenario 3b) which would allow two smelters to be built, but two pristine rivers, the Nanika and Morice River would be severely impacted, and there would be no add.Hional water left to maintain fish if it. were required. The Department does not know whether the public would wish to support the status quo or Alcan's proposal, but it is obvious that the intervening scenarios (or variants of them) would allow a single large smelter to be built and at the same time provide flexibility, i.e., a surplus of water that could be used to main~.ain fish or to generate power. As the reader will have perceived, it is one thing to identify and describe a possible impact upon salmon h<lbitat, but a very different matter to pre- determine its effects with accuracy. Regardless of which scenario, or variant thereof, is finally chosen, its impacts cannot be fully unde rs toad until after Kemano Completion. It is abundantly clear to the Department that, in the face of so much uncertainty and risk to the fisheries resources of Canada, the proponent will be expected to engage in consider- able post-project assessment and monitoring, The need to retain the flexi- bility to adequately respond to the inevitable impacts, be they positive or negative, is essential. -69 - 13. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS ============================ A Alevin: stage of development of the salmonid embryo from hatch- ing to absorption of the yolk sac. The yolk sac is generally the sole source of energy at this stage. Algae: a grouping of primarily aquatic plants that lack true leaves, roots or stems. Anadromous: going up river from sea to spawn. Aquatic: pertaining to water; of the water (freshwwater, estuari- ne or marine). B Bedload: particulates which are transported along the channel bottom in the lower layers of streamflow by rolling and bouncing. Benthic: living in direct relation with the bot tom. Benthos: organisms, both plant and animal, living in direct assoc- iation with the substrate of a water body (freshwater, estuari- ne and marine). Bioaass: the total particulate organic matter present beneath a unit surface area in a body of water. Biota: the plant and animal liFe of an area or region. -70 - .!! (Cant' d) Brood year(s): the calender year or years from which a particular adult salmon population origina- ted. c Catch: that part of the lcital population which is harvested by fishermen. cfs: cubic foot per second. Channel: a water way of d.iscerna- ble extent which continuously or periodically contains moving water, and has a defined bed and banks. ems: cubic meter per second. ems = 35.31 cfs. Compensation for loss: the repla- cement of natural habitat or the maintenance of fish production by artificial means in circums- tances dictated by socio-econo- mic factors and where mitigation techniques are not adequate to maintain fish production. Cover: an area of shelter in a stream that. provides aquatic organisms with protection from predators and/or a place to rest and conserve energy (ins tream cover). Overhead cover is pro- vided by overhanging banks, trees and shrubs and may provide a food source. Cycle: the time interval required to complete all liFe stages from fertilization to death. D Debris (Organic): logs, trees, limbs, branches, bark, and other woody material that accumulates in streams or other water bod- ies. May be naturally occuring or the result. of man's activity. Detritus: organic debris from decomposing plants and animals. Diminished river: a river whose hydrology has been radically changed by a major permanent flow reduction. Discharge: the rate of water movement. past. a given location in a stream; usually expressed as cubic metres per second (formerly cubic feet. per second). Disjunct Distribution: found in one location and not. another. Dominant discharge: the cycle of rising and falling flows in the vicinity of bank-full flows, sustained over a significant. period so that it reconditions a natural channel by dislodging, transporting and distributing bed materials. Drainage area: see Watershed. Drift: voluntary or accidental dislodgement of aquatic insects from the stream or river bottom into the water column where they become more available as food items for fish. [ Ecosystem: an ecological system or unit that includes living organ- isms and nonliving substances which interact to produce an ex- change or cycling of materials. -71 - !. (Cont'd) Egg: a germ cell produced by a female organism. A fertilized egg is a zygote. E.ergence: the act of or period when a lev ins leave the gravel and become free-swimming fry. [rnhancement: application of bio- engineering technology to impro- ve the survival rates of fish populations. Epilimnion: fici al the turbulent super- layer of a lake lying above the thermocline which does not. have a permanent thermal stratification. Escape.ent: that part of a fish population that escapes the fishery -in the case of salmon to spawn. Estuary: a semi-enclosed body of water which has a free connect- ion with the open ocean and within which sea water is measu- rably diluted with freshwater derived from land drainage. r fishery: act, occupation, or sea- son of taking fish or other sea products; fishing. A place for catching fish or taking other sea products. The right to take fish at a certain place, or in particular waters, especially by drawing a seine or net. fishwlay: a man-made structure installed at. points of difficult. passage or blockages in a stream to enable the fish to swim upstream under their own effort. £. (Cant' d) Flood plain: flat land bordering a stream or river and subject to flooding; underlying materials consist mainly of unconsolidated material derived from sediments transported by the stream. Flow: see discharge Food chain (food web): series of organisms interrelated in their feeding habits, the smallest being fed upon by a larger one, and so on. Typically consisting of producers (plants), and con- sumers (animals) including herb- ivores (plant-eaters) and carni- vores (animal-eaters). Freshet: a rapid rise in river discharge and level caused by heavy rains or melting snow. fry: the young stage of fishes, particularly after the yolk sac has been absorbed. G Gauging station: a point on a river where water levels are measured either manually or by an automatic recorder from which discharge can be calculated. Geomorphology: science dealing with the form of the earth, the general configuration of its surface, the distribution of land and water, and the changes that take place in the evolu- tion of land forms. Gradient (strean): the general slope, or rate of vertical drop per unit of lengh, of a flowing stream. -72 - H Habitat: gene rally, the place where an organism lives. Pertains to the conditions found at such locations, including the physical, chemical, and biological featrues such as substrate, cover, water and food. Historic flow: those flows record- ed at a given gauging stat.ion within a specified time span. Hydraulics: the deals with the science which laws governing the behavior of water and other liquids in stat.es of rest and motion. Hydraulics addresses special properties, such as ve- locHy, depth, density, tempera- ture, viscosity and pres·sure at specific points in a fluid. Hydrograph: the graph of discharge versus time, usually daily dis- charge or monthly discharge over a period of one year. Hydrology: the sc.ience that deals with the occurance, circulation, and distribution of water on a watershed, or larger area, and includes the relationship to the environment and living things. Hypoli1111ion: the deep layer of a lake lying be low the thermocline and removed from surface influ- ences. I Incubation period: the liFe stage of fish extending from egg fer- til izat.ion to hatching. li111ology : waters. L the study of inland !. (Cant 1 d) littoral: of or pertaining t.o the shoreward region of a body of water. H Hanageabili ty: the ability to regulate the fisheries on a stock or groups of stocks of Fish to optimize fish production without over-harvesting other stocks which may occur in the fisheries at the same time. Mean: arithmetic mean. all values divided by of values. The sum of the number He an flow: the flow obtained by taking the arithmetic mean of all the daily flows for the year. Mean monthly flow: the arithmetic mean of the monthly flow for a particular roo nth, for a speci fi- ed historic period. Migration: deliberate from one habitat to movement another. Includes the downstream movement of young salmo nids from streams to sea and upstream movement of adult spawners to spawning streams. HinirntJII daily flow: the lowest daily flow for a specified pe- riod, usually a calender year. Minimum mean monthly flow: the lowest mean monthly flow. Mitigation: actions taken during the development, design, cans- t ruction and ope rat ion of works or undertakings to alleviate adverse effects on fish habitat and f.ish. -73 - Monitoring: surveillance, assessment !! (Cant 1 d) part of involving field the of environmental protect ion performance and the measurement of environmental impacts. Monthly flow: the flow obtained by taking the arithmetic mean of all the daily flows for a part i- cular month for a particular year. Morphology: study of configuration or form. Morphometry: the form or shape of a lake or stream, including the contour of the bottom. N Natural flow: the flow in a natu- ral river. Natural river: a pristine river undeveloped and uncontrolled. Non-anadromous fish: fish. see resident Nutrient: chemical element (or compound) essential to the grow- th and survival of an organism. In aquatic systems, de rived from land runoff and decomposition of plant and animal matter within the water body itself, and, in marine waters, from deep water upwelling. 0 !IJstructions (blockages): any na- tural or man-made format ion, object or formation of debris which impedes or blocks water flow and/or fish migration. ..Q. (Cant 'd) Oligotrophic: waters with a small supply of nutrients and hence a small organic production. Overwintering period: the rearing period for juvenile f1sh extending from December through March. p Pla~on: aquat.ic, free floating, small living plants (phyto- plankton) and animals (zoo- plankton). Pool: that where the port ion of a stream water is relatively deep and slow moving. Population: a group of individuals of any species in a location or area. Potential production: the maximum productive capability of a river given that the habitat available is fully utilized. In fisheries management terms would take man- ageabilit.y factors into account. R Reach: the length of river between two defined points. Rearing (fish): Adj. growing; usu- ally pertaining to younger sta- ges-fry and juveniles. Redd(s): the nest .in the stream- bed into which eggs are deposit- ed and subsequently buried. Regime: with reference to a river, means the prevailing state of the river during some time in- terval or historic period. -74 - ..!! (Cont'd) Regulated river: a river in which the flow or water level is artificially manipulated. Resident fish: fish which remain in freshwater throughout their life cycle (non-anadromous). Riffle: a shallow, rapid sect ion of stream where the water surfa- ce .is broken into waves by ob- structions wholly or partly sub- merged. Riparian zone: the zone immediate- ly adjacent to streams or water bodies, with particular referen- ce to the vegetation. Run: a stream section of varying depth with moderate velocity and surface turbulence. Inter- mediate in character between a pool and a r.iffle. s Salmonid: refers to a member of the fish family classed as Sal- mon idae, including the sa lmons, trouts, chars, whitefishes and grayling. Sedimentation: the process of sub- sidence and deposition of sus- pended matter carried in water by gravity; usually the result of the reduct ion of wat.er vel a- city below the point at l'llich it can transport the material in suspended form. ~ (Cant' d) Smolt: a seaward migrating juvenile salmonid which is silvery in color, has become thinner in body form and is physiologically prepared for the transit ion from fresh-to saltwater. The term is normally applied to the migrants of species such as coho, chinook, sockeye and steelhead which rear in freshwater for a period before migrating to sea. Solar radiation: direct heaUng by the sun's rays. Spa~~ning: the act of deposition, fertilizing and burying eggs. Spawning grounds Ol" areas: those sections of a streambed known to be utilized by fish as a locat- ion for spawning activity. Species: the smallest unit of plant or animal classification commonly used. Members of a species share certain character- istics which differ from those of other species, and they tend not to interbreed with other species. Stock: a population of one species of fish which inhabits a parti- cular stream, tends to spawn at a place or time separate from the other stocks. Substrate: the materials making up the streambed; usually described as bedrock, boulders, cobbles, gravels, sands, and silts. Tenestrial: the land. T Adj. pertaining to -75 - .! (Cont'd) Thermocline: the layer of water in a lake between the epil imnion and hypolimnion in l'klich the temperat.ure exhibits the greatest difference over a vertical direction. w Watershed: the total area contributing runoff to a river as measured above a gauging station or other fixed point. Generally synonomous with drainage area or basin. BIBLIOGRAPHY ~============ Alderdice, D.F. and J.O.T. Jensen. 1983, Kemano Completion Project: Biological problems associ a ted wit.h dissolved gas supers atur at ion in the Nechako River system. Fish. Res. Branch, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Internal Report. July 1983. Bell, G.R. 1983. Kemano Completion Project: Impact. Fish. Res. Branch, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. August 1983. on fish health. Internal Report. Brett, J.R., Clarke, W.C. and J.E. Shelbourn. 19B2. Experiments on thermal requirements for growth and food conversion chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Aquat. Sci. No. 1127. efficiency Can. Tech. of juvenile Rep. Fish. ~ustard, D.R. 1983. Juvenile salmonid winter ecology in a northern British Columbia River - a new perspective. Paper presented to the American Fisheries Society, Bellingham, Washington. Bustard, D.R. and D.W. Narver. 1975. Aspects of the winter ecology of juvenile coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri); J, Fish. Res. Board Can. 32: 667-680. Cleugh, T.R, and B.C. Lawley. 1979. The limnology of Morice Lake relative to the proposed Kemano II power development. Vol. 4. Fish. Mar. Serv., Dept. of the Environment. Department of Fisheries and the Environment, 1979. Chinook salmon studies on the Nechako River relative t.o the proposed Kemano II power development. Vol. 3. Fisheries and Marine Service. Ebel, W. and H. Raymond. 1976. Effect. of atmospheric gas supersaturation. on salmon and steelhead trout of the Snake and Columbia Rivers. Marine Fisheries Review Paper 1191. Envirocon Ltd. 1981. Kemano Completion hydroelectric development baseline environmental studies. Volumes 3 to 7. Prepared for the Aluminum Company of Canada. Envirocon Ltd. 1982. The early life-history of chinook salmon in the Nechako River, B.C. during 1981 and 1982. Technical memorandum 1881/41. Prepared for the Aluminum Company of Canada. Envirocon Ltd. 1983. Information and rationale used to determine fish protect ion measures. r Farina, .J.B. 1982. 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Potential effects of the Kemano Completion Project on Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon. Lister, D. B., I. Wallace, and D.G. Hickey. 1981. Salmonid enhancement baseline investigations at Stuart River, British Columbia. Part I - 1980 juvenile chinook salmon study (Volume I) D. B. Lister & Associates Ltd. Prepared for Department of Fisheries and Oceans. McDonald, T .E. 1983. Kemano Completion Baseline Studies -Fish parasites. Fish. Res. Branch, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Internal Report. Mclaren, R.E., 1952. Nechako River survey, Internal Report. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Marshall, D.E. and C.I. Manzon. 1980. Catalogue of salmon streams and spawning escapements of Prince George subdistrict. Fish. Mar. Serv. Data Rep. t-Jo. 79. Mundie, J.H. 1983. Comments for the Position paper, by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, on Aleen's proposals for Kemano Completion. Fish. Res. Branch, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Internal Report. July 1983. Nielson, J.D. and G.H. Geen. 1981. 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