HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS450... -' ·. .--·-!(...;;._ SUSITRA HYDRO!'LECTiiC PB.OJECT LOWEI. SUSITRA RIVER SEDIMENTATIOB STUDY -PROJECT EPF!CTS Oil SUSPENDED SEDIMERT CONCENTIA7ION Report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority November 1984 TABLE OP-· CONT!RTS S!CTION/.TITLB -. LIST OF TABLES LIST OF EXHIBITS· 1 .. 0 SUMMAB.Y 2.0 SCOPE OP TBB STUDY 3.0 SBTTING 4.0 SUSPENDED SBDIM!NT 4.1 DATA SOURCE 4.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF SUSPENDED SEDIMENT 4.2.1 4.2.2 At Selected Locations Suspended Sediment Entering Watana Reservoi.r 4.3 EFFECTS OF ICE COVER ON SEDIMENT TRANSPORT 4.4 SEDIMENT TRANSPORT DURING FREEZE-UP 4 .S PROJECT EFFECT IBl!IBRCES TABLES· !XIII BITS 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 Suspended Sediment Concentration at Watana ReservQir Outlet River Temperatures Suspended Sediment Concentration between Watana and the Confluence Suspended Sediment Concentration between the Confluence and Sunshine PAGE ii iii 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 10 11 12 Number 1 2 3 LIST OP TABLES Title Suspended Sediment Samples Colle<:ted at USGS Stream Gaging Stations Suspended Sediment Concentrations Partlc'le Size Distribution of Suspended Sediment .;..!_i- . :'·: · .. ~ ·.: .. . . .,',, ·.··.'·:··· Number t. 2 . 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 'LIST OF EXHIBITS Title Stream Gaging Stations Susitna River at Gold Creek, Water Discharge Vs. Mg/1 Susitna River at Sunshine, Water Di~charge Vs. Mg/1 Suspended Sediment Size Distribution, Susitna Rfver nr. D~riali Suspended Sediment Size Distribution, Susitna River nr. Cantwell Su~pended Sediment Size Distribution, Susitna River at Gold Creek Suspended Sediment Size Distribution. Susitna River nr. Ta1keetna Suspended Sediment Size Distribution, Chulitna River nr. Talkeetna Suspended Sediment Size Distribution, Talkeetna River nr. Talkee.trta Suspended Sediment Size Dist-ribution, Susito.a River at Sunshine Suspended Sediment Size Distribution, Susitna River at Susitna Station Susitna River at Gold Creek, Monthly Suspended S-ediment Concentrations Susitrta River at Sunshine, Monthly Suspended Sediment Concentrations Middle Susitna River -.Isotherms, Natural Condit.fo:i.s, Winter 1971-72 Cliniate.Data ~iddle Susitna River -Isotherms, Wata.na on;l.y, 1996 Energy Demand, Winter 1971-·72 Climate Data· Middle Susitna 'River -I-sotherms, Watana/Devil Canyon, 2002 Energy Demand. Winter 1971-12 Climate Data -iii- .. ·· ·•• '• .:_:o.·- Number 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 . 28. 29. 30. 31. LIST OF EXHIBITS (eontinued) Title Middle Susitna River-Isotherms, Watari.a/Devil Canyon, 2020 Energy Demand, Winter 1971-72 Climate Data Middle Susitna River -Isotherms, Natural Conditions, Winter 1976-77 Climate Data Middle Susitna River -Isotherms, Watana only, 1996 Energy Demand, Winter 1976-77 Climate Data Middle Susitna: River -Isotherms, Watana/Devil Canyon, 2002 Energy Demand, Winter 1976-77 Clim3.te Data Middle Susitna River .-Isotherms, Watana/Devil Canyon, 2020 Energy Demand, Winter 1976-77 Climate Data Middle Susitna River -Isotherms, Natural Conditions, Winter 1981-82 Climate Data Middle Susitna River-Isotherms. Watana Filling 1992-1993, 2nd Winter, Winter 1981-82 Climate Data Middle Susitna River -Isotherms, Watana only, 1996 Energy Demand, Winter 1981-82 Climate Data Middle Susitna RiVI!r -Isotherms, Watana/Devil Canyon, 2002 Energy Demand, Winter 1981-82 Climate Data Middle Susitna River-Isotherms, Watana/Devil Canyon, 2020 Energy Demand, r~inter 1981-82 Climate Data Middle Susitna River ~ Isotherm;;, Natural Conditions, Winter 1982-83 Climate Data Middle Susitna River -Isotherms, Watana Filling 1991-1992, 1st Winter, Winter 1982--83 Climate Data Middle Susitna River -Isotherms, Watana only, 1996 Energy Demand, Winter 1982~83 Climate Data · Middle Susitna. River -Isotherms, Watana/Devil Canyoti, 2002 Energy Demand, Winter 1982-83 Climate Data Middle Susitna River -Isotherms, Watana/Devil Canyon, 2020 Energy Demand, Winter 1982-83 Climate Data -iv- 1.0-SOMMAJtY The ·concentrations and particle size distributions of suspended sediment were determined fo-r natural conditions at various locations on _ the Susitna River based on the data collected by the United States Geological Survey. Under with-project conditions, the concentrations were estimated for reser- voir releases and at Gold Creek and Sunshine. It is estimated that the average suspended sediment concentration of all flows entering Watana Reservoir will be about 830 milligrams per 11 tre (mg/1). The reservoir will trap about 82 percent of the sediment. Pa-rticle sizes of about .004 mm and less will pass through. The concentration in the releases will vary from about 55 mg/1 in the winter to about 250 mg/1 in the summer. The estimated mean monthly suspended sediment concentrations at Gold Creek and Sunshine are shown on Exhibits 12 and 13. Project operation would increase the concentration during winter and decreas.e that during summer. At Gold Creek, November through March concentrations would increase from a bout 5 to 60 mg/1. The increase a t Sunshine also would be about the SCI.Ji!e. The concentrations in the months of April and October also wi 11 increase compared to those under natural conditions (Exhibits 12 and 13). The concentrations during May through September will decrease (Exhibits 12 and 13). 2.0 SCOPE OF THE STuDY This is a second report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture on the evalua- tion of project effects on sediment transport in the Susitna-River. The first report e.ntitled ''Reservoir and River Sedimentation (HE, April 1984)11 primarily addressed the sediment accumulation in the Watana and 1/ Indicates reference at the end of text. -1- Devil Canyon reservoirs and potential aggradation and degradation in the river reach between Devil Canyon and the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna rivers (the confluence) and near the confluence. The scope of this study includes the analysis of suspended sediment concert- t rations under natural conditions and changes in the concentrations due to project operation. The analysis is made for the Susitna River at the Watana site, Gold Greek and Sunshine stream gaging stations (see Exhibit 1 for the locations). The m.ajor tasks are: 1. to define the characteristics of suspended sediment at selected locations upstream of Sunshine stream gaging station (Sunshine gage); 2. to define the characteristics of suspended sediment entering Watana Reservoir; 3. to estimate probable suspended sediment concentrations of water released from the reservoir; 4. to evaluate effects on suspended sediment concentrations in the mainstem due to major tributaries entering the Susitna River above Sunshine gage; and 5. to provide a comparison of monthly. suspended sediment concentra- tions at Gold Creek stream gaging station (Gold Creek gage) and at Sunshine gage for natural and with-project conditious. -2- 3.0 SETTING The Susitna River drains an area of about 19,600 square miles (mi 2 ) in the south central region of Alaska. The major tributaries include the Chulitna, Talkeetna and Yentna rivers with drainage areas of about 2 ,650, 2,040 and 6~200 mi 2 respectively. The Susitna River ori~inates in the West Fork, Susitna, East Fork and Maclaren glaciers of the Alaska Range (Exhibit 1) and traverses a dlstance of about 320 miles to its mouth at the Cook Inlet. The Chulitna River originates in -.:he glaciers on the south slopes of Mount McKinley and joins the Susitna River from the west near Talkeetna at river mile 98 (river miles referenc ed from the Cook Inlet). The Talkeetna River originates in the Talkeetna Mountains and joins the Susitna River from the east near Talkeetna at river mile 97. The Yentna River originates in the Alaska Range and e:nters the Susitna River from the west at river mile 28. The Susitna Hydroelectric Project will include two dams, Watana and Devil · Canyon, located at river miles 184 and 152, respectively. The drainage areas at the two s i t c~s are about 5,180 and 5,810 mi2, respectively. Susitna streamflow is characterized by turbid high flows from May through September and clear low flows from October through April . High spring and summer flows are caused by snowmelt, glacial melt and storm rainfall. 4 .0 SUSP!Nl)ED SEDIMENT 4.1 DATA SOURCES Suspended sediment samples have been co-llected at a number of stream gaging stations in the Susitna River basin by the· United States Geo l ogical Survey (USGS) (USGS Water, Resources Data) and R&M Const1ltants (R&M, 1981). These samples have been analyzed. for total suspended sediment concentration in -3- mg/1. A number of sampl!!s also have been analysed for particle size dis- tribution. Exhibit 1 shows the sampling stations for which 'the suspended sediment data are available. The number of samples collected at selected stat ions during the period of record are given in Table 1. R&M Consultants collected about 10 samples at Cantwell and 8 samples at Gold Creek stream gaging stations during 1980 and 1981. 4Q2 CHARACTERISTICS OF SUSPENDED SEDIMENT Sediment is transported in suspension, as bed load rolling or sliding along the bed and interchangeably in suspension and as bed load. 'rhe nature of movement depends on the particle size, shape and specific gravity in respect to the associated velocity and turbulence. Under some conditions of high velocity and turbulence (high flows in steep-gradient mountain streams) cobbles (64 to 256 mm size) can be carried intermittently in suspension. Conversely, silt size partie les ( .004 to .062 ::nm) may move as bed load in low-gradient, low-velocity channels. 4.2.1 At Selected Locations Suspended sediment is the sediment that is transported outside of the bed layer in suspension by the turbulent components of the flow. In the Susitna Rivet, fine material (silt and clays finer than 0.062 mm) and fine to medium sand particles (sizes between 0.062 mm and up to 1.00 mm) have commonly been observed in suspension. The fine material, also known as wash load, is derived from sheet erosion, glacier melt and bank erosion. The quantity of wash load being transported depends upon its availability because for the observed ranee of flow the Susitna River can 'transport much larger quantities of wash load than has been measured. The sand particles are derived either from river bed erosion or fr001 glacier melt and other erosion processes. The maximum quantity of sand being transported depends upon the magnitude of flow. -4- Suspended sediment samples at the USGS stream gaging stations generally have been collected during the months of ~Y through October (Table 1). A few samples are available for some stations for the period from December through April but no sample has been collected in November at any station. Since the suspended sediment consists of wash load and sand particles, its concentration varies both with the availablity of wash load and the capacity of flow to transport sand particles. Available data for Gold Creek and Sunshine gages are plotted on Exhibits 2 and 3, respectively, to show the variation of sediment concentration with water discharge. The maximum, minimum and median concentrations measured at various stream gaging stations are listed in Table 2. The maximum and minimum concentrations are not pro- vided for the months for which only one or two samples are available. The median values in such cases are also not given. The size distrfbut::!.oG.o:~ of suspended sediment at various stations are given in Table 3. Size C.istributions are available for the samples collected durh,g the months of May through October. A f~w samples collected during the other months were not analysed for <Jize di.9tribution probably because of insufficient sediment quantity. The smoothed size distribution curves based on Table 3 are shown on Exhibit 4 through 11. The percentages of fine mate- rial and sand particles at various locations taken from these exhibits are given below. -5- PERCENTAGES OF FINE MATERIAL A.'fD S&'iD IN SUSPENDED SEDIMENT Station Susitna R. nr. Denali Susitna R. · nr. Cantwell Susitna R. at Gold Creek Susitna R. nr. Talkeetna (above confluence) Chulitna R. nr. Talkeetna Talkeetna R. nr. Talkeetna Susitna R. at Sunshine Susitna R. at Susitna Station Fine Material ( < .062 mm) 52 54 61 70 62 51 69 61 Sand (> .062 48 46 39 30 38 49 31 39 Med i an Dia. mm) (rnm) .056 .049 .038 .015 .024 .060 .014 .030 The above table indicates an increase in the per ~~entages of fine material from Denali to above the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna rivers. Downstream from the confluence, the trend is not clear primarily because of sediment contributions from the major tributaries and partly because of limited number of samples available for Susitna River at Susitna. A sufficient number of samples are not available to precisely define the concentration for each month. However, by comparing the data for various stat ions, some indicative values of monthly concentrations for the Susi tna River at Gold Creek and at Sunshine were estimated and are shown on Exhibits 12 and 13, respectively. The values indicated on the exhibits are not re- lated to specific discharges a n d approximately represent the median values from the range of observed concentrations under natural flow conditions. i 4.2.2 Suspended Sediment Entering Watana Rese·rvoir The characteristlcs of the suspended sediment entering Watana Reservoir are best represented by those measured at the Cantwell station. This indicates that, on the average, the suspended sediment concentrations vary approxi- mately between 2 to 20 mg/1 from November through April and between 80 to 3,000 mg/1 f~om May through October. The aver~e size distribution based on -6- the samples collected from May through October is shown on Exhibit 5. This indicates that about 18 percent of the sediment is less than .004 mm (clay sizes), about 36 percent is between .004 and .062 (silt sizes) and about 46 percent is larger than .062 mm (sand sizes). The average annual streamflow at Watana is about 8,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) (HE, January 1984). The suspended sediment inflow is estimated. to be about 6,530,000 tons per year (ton/yr) (HE, April 1984). This gives an average concentration of a bout 830 mg/1 for the flow entering the reservoir. The winter concentra- tion may be about 0 to 10 mg/1 (Table 2). 4.3 EFFECTS OF ICE COVER ON SEDIMENT TRANSPORT A study made by w.w. Sayre and G.B. Song (Sayre, 1979) to evaluate the effects of ice-cover on alluvial channel flow and sediment transport processes indicates that ice causes a number of changes in alluvial channel flows by approximately doubling the wetted perimeter and thereby producing a redistribution of the boundary and internal shear stresses. The total depth of flow in the channel with a given unit discharge and slope is significant- ly increased (about 20 to 30 percent for a smooth cover and from 30 to 80 percent for rough cover, relative to the depth for a free surface condi- tion). Due mainly to the lo~er velocities, sediment discharge is signifi- cantly reduced. The above conclusions are applicable to· the Susitna River fot the period between early November and mid-May when an ice cover is generally present. 4. 4 SEDIMENT TRANSPORT PORING FREEZE-UP Field observations on the Susitna River show that freeze-up generally begins in October and may continue until break-up. The beginning of frazil ice (a spongy or slushy accumulati on. of ice crystals which form tn supercooled water that is too turbulent t 'o permit coagulation of tht! crystals into sheet ice) is marked by a rapid reduction in suspended sediment concentration. As -7- the process continues, the river becomes clear within a day or two. The contributions of fine sediment from the erosion process and from glacial flour are stopped due to frozen ground and the elimination of glacier llelt. The river remains practically clear until breakup. The frazil crystals often flocculate into larger clusters having a porosity of about 60 percent. Since water can permeate through these clusters, they filter out the sediment particles which remain entrapped in the ice. During breakup, a significant quantity of sediment, mostly silt and clay, is observed to be mixed with ice. The sediment is concentrated at places rather than distributed over the whole mass. Anchor ice, similar to slush ice but adhering temporarily to the river bot- tom, also has been obs·erved to be mixed with sediment . The anchor ice prob- ably catches sediment moving as bed load as well as suspended load. the anchor ice is generally formed at night and released during the day and then drifts downstream. 4.5 PROJECT EFFECT 4.5.1 Suspended Sediments Concentrations at Watana Reservo.ir Outlet Peratrovich, Nottingham and Drage, Inc.; (PND), (PND, 1982) made analysis of turbid! ty levels in Watana Reservoir using a computer model DEPOSITS. The major conclusions made by PND that are pertinent to this study are given below. 1. It is likely that sediment particles of about .004 mm and less wili remain in suspension; 2. Maximum turbidity levels at the outlet will be on the order of SO NTU's, which corresponds to a sediment concentration of 200 to 400 m.g/ 1; -8- 3. Minimum turbidity level will be in the order of 10 NTU's. which corresponds to a sediment concentration o·f 30 to 70 mg/1; 4. Turbidity levels at the reservoir outlet during each month appear to be prima-rily dependent upon the travel time for sedi111ent slugs delivered to the reservoir during previous summers to reach the reservoir outlet; and 5. In spite of some limitations, the data gathered from outside sources support the conclusion that Watana reservoir turbidity level will be in the range of 10-50 NTU's. Harza-Ebasco plans to study the suspended sediment in Watana reservoir and in the outflow f'rom the reservoir. The purpose of the study will be to confirm or refine the analysis made by PND. The dynamic reservoir simula- tion model DYRESM (Imberger and Patterson, 1981), currently being used for the reservoir temperature and ice study, will be enhanced to include a sub- routine to simulate quantitatively the vertical distribution of suspended sediments in the reservoir and the suspended sediment concentration in the outflow on a daily basis. The model will consider the sediment !Dixing due to meteorological forcing, turbulence, density currents and externally specified vertical settling velocities. The effect of the ice cover on the suspended sediment concentration also will be considered. Compared to DYRESM, the DEPOSITS model used monthly inflow data and thus, was not responsive to rapidly changing sediment inflows during floods. The effects of stratification, density currents and ice cover also were not considered. · PND' s analyses show that sediment particles of about .004 mm and less will remain in suspension and pas.s through the reservoir. Using the size dis- tribution curve shown on Exhibit 5, about 18 percent of the sediment is finer than .004 mm. Therefore, it can be· expected that about 18 percent of the inflowing sediment will paas through the reservoir. -9- the turbidity level at th·e outlet: is estirnat.ed to be about 10 to 50 NTU's by PND. In terms of suspended · sediment, PND estirna·ted the concentration t .o be about 55 to 2·50 mg/1 • However, recent studie.s by .Harza -Ebasco in.di ca te that the relationship between suspended sediment concentration and turbidity used by PND is not valid for glacial outftow . Data are bei-ng collected fran the Susitna River and several south central Alas.ka gLaci.al lakes to revise this relationship.. The results and conclusions made in this study wilt be revised when the refined estimates of reservoir rele·ase suspended sediments became available. tn the absence of any better information on reservo1r turbidity and suspended sediment con centra tion, the PND results are us·ed in this study. Therefore, it 1s assumed that the ope.ration of Watana r~servoir would increase the suspended sedim,ent concentration 1n winter fran abou.t 5 to about 55 mg/ 1. The swnmer concentration would be significantly reduced. The extents of reductions would vary fran month to month. 4.5.2. River Temperatures The extent of formation of ice cover on the Susitna River downstream fran the reservoirs will depend upon the reservoir outflow temperatures and their effect on river temperatures. Because the formation of ice cover affects 1:he sediment trans port as discussed under sub-section 4. 3, an evaluation of with-project river temperatures was made _ based on the on-going qtudies. Harza-Eb.as~o is conducting a temperature and ice study for Watana and Devi 1 Canyon reservoirs and a river lee study between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna confluence. The preliminary study results indicate that the outflow temperatures at Wata.na will be ab_out l 0 t ,o 3°C higher than those under natural condi tiona bo.th f .or an average and an extreme winter. The Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC), Alaska, is conductin~ a river temperat-ure study to investigate, wi .th-proje~t tempe_ra- tures at various locatiot)s in the reach be lpw Watana a~d Devil Canyon. The -10- fina:l results of this study a.t:e not yet available. However, the preliminary results (see Exhibits 14 through 31) indicate that between 15 and 30 miles of the river downstream from Devil Canyon would be tee ftee during the winter period depending on winter weather conditions when Devil Canyon and Wa tana are ope.rating. With Wa tana operation only, the ice cover wi 11 be between 10 and' 25 miles down·stream of Devil Canyon. Frazil and anchor ice formation may occur upstream of the ice cover where the river temperature is above 0°C· 4.5.3 Suspended Sediment Concentration between Watana and the Confluence The suspended sediment concentration in this rea~h will be controlled by the concentration in the reservoir releases (about 55 to 250 mg/1) and any sedi- ment contribution from the reach. During summer flood periods, the concen- tration will be somewhat higher than 250 mg/1 because of intervening flows but much less than those observed under natural conditions. Simulation of river temperatures for various winter scenarios (Exhtbits 14 through 31) indicate approximate locations of ice front for natural and with-project conditions. The 1971-72, 76-77, 81-82 and 82-83. winter climate data used in the simulation represents cold winter preceded by wet summer, very warm winter !'>receded by dry summer, average winter preceded by wet summer and warm winter preceded by average summer, respectively. The formation of frazil ice or anchor ice will occur in the reach immediately upstream of the ice front while further upstream these activities will be pr~cti~ally eliminated because of above freezing temperatures of reservoir releases. The suspended ,9ediment concentration in the reach above the ice front will be nearly the same as in the releases. Any reduction caused by frazil and anchor ice will be compensated by sand particles picked up from the river bed because of higher winter flow. The formation of ice in the reach between the ice front and the confluence will reduce the sediment transport -11- capacity of the river and some sediment could be trapped by ice. aowe ver., the reduction in the concentration will be relatively small. The approxi- mate IDOnthly distributions of suspended sediment concentrations for With- projf!cts conditions are shown on Exgibit 12 . 4.5.4 Suspended Sediment Concentration between the . Confluence .and Sunshine In this r .each two major tributaries, the Chulitna and the Talkeetna rivers join the Susitna River. These rivers carry Uttle sediment during winter (Table 2). The increased winter flow will pick up sand particles from river ~ed.. aowever, some of the sediment will be trapped by the ice and net inci~~-"';~ in sediment concentrations will be insignificant. The concen:tra- "'·· ·:r·.~:-· : tion duri~· ~·~,nter will, therefore, be controlled by the concentration in :\t:.l·:·~_:.·::·: the Susitna Rivef above the confluence. During summe.r months, low concen- tration in the Susitrta above the confluence will reduce the concentration at Sunshine compared to the natural conditions. The tnOnthly concentrations were estimated at Sunshine gage based on monthly suspended sediment concen- trations and discharges obs.erved on the ChuJ..itna and Talkeetna rivers, witb.- project monthly discharges and concentrations on the Susitna River above the confluence and flow contributions from the intervening area. The monthly discharges used for the Susitna River were those for with-project and scenario 'C' of License Applicat·ion. The monthly discharges for the Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers were for the water years from 19 50 through 1981 computed by ACRES (ACRES, 1982). Exhibit 13 show the approximate increase or decrease in the suspended sedi- ment concentrations during various months at Sunshine. This can be used to estimate changes in turbidity levels. -12- RBl!I!IC!S Acres American Incorporated, 1982: Feasibility Report, Volume 4, Appendix A, Hydrologic Studies, Final Draft, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, prepared for Alaska Power Authority, also subsequent updates. Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, April 1984: Reservoir and River Sedimentation, Final Report, Document No. 4 7 5, prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, January 1984: Susitna River at Watana and Devil Canyon, Streamflow Time Series, Draft Report, Document No. 460, ~repared for Alaska Power Authority. Iruberger, J., and J .c. Patterson, 1981: A Dynamic Reservoir Simulation Model. DYRESM: 5, Transport Models for Inland and Coastal Waters. Chapter 9, Academic Press. Perat.rovich, Nottingham and Drage, Inc.; November 1982: Susitna Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Clarity Study, prepared for Acres American Inc. R&M Consultants, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, 1981: Report, prepared for Acres American, Incorporated Authority. Water Quality Annual for the Alaska Power Sayre, w.w; and G.B. Song, February 1979: Effects of Ice Covers on Alluvial Channel Flow and Sediment transport Processes, prepared for U.s. Geological Survey, IIHR Report No. 218, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. U.s • Geological Survey: Water Resources Data for Alaska, Water Resources Division, Anchorage, Alaska, published annually by water year. Table 1 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT SAMPLES COLLECTED AT USGS STREAM GAGING STATIONS Months J F M AM J J Stream Gaging Stations Period No. of Samples Susitna River nr. Denal 1961-62; 1964-66 1968; 1974-75; 1977; 1979-82 --1 1 7 8 12 Susitna River nr. Cantwell 1962-72; 1980-82 1 - 1 -3 11 14 ·Susitna River at Gold Creek 1962; 1974-82 3 1 4 - 9 7 9 Susitna River nr. Talkeetna 1982 -----5 4 Chulitna River nr. Talkeetna 1967-72, 1980-82 1 1 4 2 4 10 10 Talkeetna River nr. Talkeetna 1966-82 8 1 7 7 12 13 16 Susitna River at Sunshine 1971; 1977; 1981-82 - - 2 -1 7 7 Susitna River at Susitna 1975-Sl 2 -3 2 3 4 6 Station A s 0 N D 9 8 3 - - 9 12 3 9 8 5 5 1 --- 8 9 2 23 12 7 8 3 1 4 1 2 -2 Table 2 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS Months Station 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug ~ Oct Nov Dec --· Susitna R. nr. Denali Max. ----1190 1600 2770 5690 3600 1400 Min. -- - - 102 302 886 350 124 85 Median ----570 840 1350 890 293 104 Sus!tna R~ nr. Cantwell Max. --- - 726 1860 2790 1040 770 140 Min. ----132 172 632 380 34 6 Median - - --661 417 1090 755 138 84 Susitna ·R~ at Gold Creek Max·. 8 -3 -1110 1400 130 938 812 22 Min• <1 -1 -65 151 100 158 23 7 Median 2 -2 -498 574 394 420 68 10 Susitna R• nr. Talkeetna Max. ---- - 769 768 341 Min. -----181 145 219 Median -----438 422 285 Chulitn~ R. nr. Telkeetna Max. --21 -1040 1600 2200 1260 1680 Min. --4 -500 90 717 694 129 Median --12 -675 820 1165 817 396 Talkeetna R. nr. Talkeetna Max. 15 -11 48 503 1340 1160 3530 310 29 Min. 2 -1 2 21 171 90 38 13 8 Median 8 -3 8 123 309 359 466 80 16 Susitna R. at Sunshine Ha.x. -----1630 1430 3510 Min. -----360 503 424 Median -----702 713 715 1 Susitna R. at Susltna Station Max. --5 -572 918 1490 1490 Min. --3 -378 326 561 483 Median ~ -3 -417 503 852 943 Table 3 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF SUSPENDED SEDIMENT No. . Particle Size (mm) Stream Gaging of !J .002 .004 .008 .016 .031 .062 .125 .250 .500 1.000 ----. --percent Finer TbanY Station Sample Susitna River 34 12 16 23 31 41 53 64 81 96 100 nr. Denali Susitna River 27 12 18 25 33 43 54 67 86 97 100 nr. Cantwell Su.sitna River 24 15 19 27 35 47 61 15 86 98 100 at Gold Creek Susitna River 13 29 35 53 72 79 90 100 n't. Talkeetna Chulitna River 36 21 31 37 46 55 62 72 85 99 100 nr. Talkeetna Talkeetna River 16 9 16 22 31 41 53 65 85 99 100 n~. Talkeetna Susitna River 17 22 33 43 53 62 67 19 90 100 at Sunshine Susitna River 9 16 23 33 43 52 60 82 94 100 at Susitna Station 1/ Samples for which full range of size distributions were analyzed. 2/ The percentages given are the median values from a range of oberved percentages for various sizes. . · ' .e :,._. < ~ , .. """=. .-. . , I ... .... ~· ~ ... ..__~ ... -. "; ---~~ _.,~ "" ,---· .. , . ... ...,, ' :, ..... ' -.: " :-. ~ > ~ ,....._.... ., .. ..-.--' i~~----- ~----.., '- - :. --"' . . ----. ~ ., .. - ~ '-.. (: .. _,t . I ·-· ·- ---- -·-... - ,~.- ,::;: "' < ) I I \ 'l -. / : .... ~ -... ..,_').., .... • 1 ' • .,.. ~ " : ' ' : ' ~ ). ' ' -----c· ' ' c ..... !.,. ~ v. e I .. l I I -I I J I '""' ~ 3 " lO } " '- ~ ~ ....... 'J ~ ~ ' ' ~ \.1 "' '...: 2 ~ to ~ "' , ,C) j fO I-"'~ ..... {.1•~1· EXHIJ3;r 2 .• MAV -·-------.___...LJ.t. ..... 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'' 150 <: ,\ .-... ,.;~ .. .. \ IP - SIMULATED TEMPERA l- URES FOR MARCH AND APRIL SHOULD NOT . , •. (I) : .... ,.;.w ·. ~~' \J ,::E .··a: ,~~r~ "a:: ·'!"-, .. 140-' .. GOLD . . I CREEl< 130 '-'i 120 fio 91) ,u-1 ~II ' - 0 0 I / // --........ .,._.._ - . r /L....___A PPROXIMA iE lOCATION I Of ICE FRONT I BE USED . I t 3 . ICE FRONT PROGRESSION } UPSTREAM OF RIVER MILE 139 NOT MODELED J FOR NATURAL CONDITIONS \ I I 1r I 80 . I #PIT! u I OUT I I NOV I DEC I . JAN I FEB I MAR I APR 11. TIME NATURAL CONDITIONS WINTER 1971 ·1972 CLIMATE DATA ALASKA 'POWER ~'OTHORITY , susn~:~~ HY_DRQ_eteG.T.RIC ~Pijo)e_cr .~ . '.\ :::[ . AA C HC,fNYI~.oNw£,tJ~L IXJ~OO{l~~~~ § ltHfORIMJ.IOH AND OAJA .· · ·.• · -..... . ... .. ..• ·.·~ CfNT£ft • ,SUStlHA ..tOtNf VfNIUfl!( . ..: 1 . . ~ ·l ' . . ·.... .·. . ... ··~ .. ';.·\ i > MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MID-WEEK) 49 50 51 !)2 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2~ 30 190 . . I . · • ·I I i I t I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I l l I J NOTES WATANAIOO~ ; ,· ;· i I I~ t \ 110~ 1 ~ I I / ( $~~\!-oN;;j . J J j a .... . GOLO cREE~30 j I I I 120 110 100 -}CHIJLIT~~ : •·. \i.' 90 .. ... ,.. I I " r I "-----~ I - 0 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE fRONT I d ... 80 I \ =tt.a.tl I pctr I I I NOV I DEC • I JAN I FEB I MAR I AfH I TIME .. -::: ',\ " WATANA ONLY, 1996 ENERGY DEMAND I ,j• WINTER 1971·1972 CLIMATE DATA 1. TEMf<;,i ERATURES IN •c. 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF I.CE FRON·T FROM RIVER ICE SIMULATION PLOTS. ALASKA POWEll AUTHORIT-Y I SUSITNA HYOf\O~LECTRtC P~()JE(:T ~~ :r AjlCTIC [NitlftO~WfHJALIOOA\OO~c:»(!~:I ·-!E IHfOIIIIlArt()lrt AHO OAU . . . . . . . · . . . ·"' ((NJ(~ . · SUSifNA . .IOlN.f ~fNfUit( . -1. -·.·.. m . MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS •:. WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED .AT MID-WEEK) 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 tO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 19Q II I ~I I I ,I I -l,l---LL-L l I I ~-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES WAT Ali A I . I r I 1 I 1. T E M p E A A T u A E ·s IN •c . 180 170 ·' ::.: ...... ···· ..... ·'·1..:; 1so '?:.DEVIL .. 1 !~·6t~··y ·q N . :w . '. ,.,· ·., , ... ~ . \~\ ; ... . ::;\>-·_;_ . 'f5 ;; .. ·><·)' a: -~-:::.: 140- GOLD .. · · .. ·· .····· . I ·CREEK . . :~: :: '•: ·. ~. 130 120- 110-. l:~~i- 1'/;,·'Ct,-tH,t;;! TNAIOO 1 ,,,, .. ,. ' .... :{; .. 90 .•. .,, I -.. ... ~· ~APPROXIMATE LOCATION 1 OF ICE FRONT I \j 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT FROM RIVER IG:E SIMULATION PLOTS. i.:_. ' ~·.·" BO I •\ •n.fi, I U lv-.~ ( J I NOV I DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR J APR I .. ·-~: :1 :'·:~ TIM£ .. , ...... ··.1: .;:. - '·'·l d; WATANA/OEVIL CANYON, 2002. ENERGY DEMAND . ~ -:-· ·-----;-- AlASKA P-OWER AUT.HO .RITY l SOSIINA ~YO~()~LECTR'C P~OJECT I X I ARCTIC £NYIAOHW_[!tf~l ~£OO?l£-:=-m~ ·§ INf"OHWATIOff AND · OAU . .· · ·.· · .... ·c ..•.... : • . ·. . CfNTlA IUSI!~A JOINf ·WIN JURI · -i ' : . . . ' . . et; WINTER 1971-1972 CLIMATE DATA ··~· ,'i • • • i • •I ' MIDDLE SUS I TNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS WATER Wf:EKS (PLOTTED At MID-WEEK) 49 .50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 190 I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I l_l_l I I _LI I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I NOTES WATANA-.f lBO 160---;~g;~x~Ld.N I :.;~·' ·. :':<· ' ' Ji~,;)~~~~K:: -' .a:•' 150 ( 111 - I -II II_IJ/A I 1\j h... . LOCATION I ~ APPROt~~~~E FRONT ) ~ ~ ..- ., .. : .. ~·--~-. ;~\' .. 12o ~t :5~;~iEf,'i--:{~{~·;: .·.··;do ·-~ ;.~"CHULITNA__; ,.,. ... ·l~~··,·· ·. "·! -~· uo- 80 I . \::sr.rh Ill tfv1\ I -I NOV 1 nrc I J.AN I FEB I MAR I TIM£ WATANA/DEVIL CANYON, 2020 ENERGY DEMAND WINTER 1971-HH2 CLIMATE DATA ""' - AP I. T EMPER ATURES IN •c . 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT FROM RIVER ICE SIMULATION PLOTS. ALASKA· .POWER AUTHORITY '. -: .• .. · .. -.: ... ' . ,. . . . ~ '· . ' . . ' ' ' ' SUSITNA HYOROElECT.RtC PROJECT m ... . .. .. . . . .. -.~ A~CJlC' ENVIRONMEftlA( ~OO;?l£C::.m~. · ~ IHf.ORWATION AHO OAU · · · ... , . ·." .. ·'cE'NtU '· -.IU31lNA ;IO.Nf ·· WINJU .. I --i -"-4 MIOOL£ SUSITNA RIV E H ~.J SO THEnMS WATER WEEKS (PLOTT~D AT 'MID-WEEK) 49 5 0 51 5 2 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 190 I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I ,.1 I I I l, l I . I I, I I I I I I I l J WATANA--f 111 l~ .:. ,...1 I Ill ) .. , .... N O TE S ··, . :~· :::. 160- 170 - IGO-'8 .. -. -., l ........ 0 u APPAOX(MA T E LOC.A TION l .,.---...1--'- 0F ICE FRONT t>-~-../ ( I I I / / / I I 1. TEMPERA TUAES IN •c. 2 . APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT FROM RIVER ICE SIMULATION \ \\' 1, 1, 1, 1 3. ICE FRONT PROGRESSION _ .. · UPSTREAM OF RtVER l I MILE 139 NOT MODELED PLOTS . H/ FOR NATURAL I; · CONDITIONS IH ' If I c t·f ql, r. I J/!1 I v L ! f 11 I \ I J\_ ... llllbcrl/.1 NOV I DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR Jl APR\l\1 80 . . . .. . . TIME NATURAL CONDITIONS WINTER 1976·1977 CLIMAT E DATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOROELfCJAIC, PROJECT m ... , .. , '· ·.·· .. ··.·· .· X . X AACTIC EHYIAONWEN1:~~ (){)&!ru~~-~~~0' CD tNfOfUIATIOff ANO OAr A .. . ·. · ~-- C£NTUI liOSI.NA JOI .. f V~HfUIIf -i I · ... · I . . . Ci) 'I•' MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER-ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (P~OTTEO AT MID-WEEK) 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 160 DEVIL CANYON I (.() w >;.J ':E. -a: w > a:: . 150 ~0 ®LD 1 CREEK 130 120 HO- 'CHUUl.NA~ 90 { tr!tJVJ - .,. - • Q .. .. 0 Q -I ...-, 1/ ........ APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT 80 I ... t. ll IL I ~;t I I I NOV I DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR I APR l TIME WATANA ONLY, 1996 ENERGY DEMAND WINTER 1976·1977 CLIMATE DATA AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOROElEClRlC PROJECT m )( . . :r .,.CfiC (tt\IIROHUfHUl IXI£~?k&c:;;,~fiilfa\~()\ ai INfORMAriONANOOAU .. ··. ·· · ~·.- C(Ni£ft ~UIH .... JOUH Wt" .. fURE ~ I .1,0 ' MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER-ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MIO -WEEK) 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 190 I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I l I I I I I IN 0 T E s wATANA I I I 1 I 1 1. TEMPERATURES IN •c . 2. APPROXIMATI; LOCATION OF ICE FHONT FAQM 110 ---1 I I I I I I I I A I VE A ICE S I MULA T I 0 N PLOTS . ... ,~.: DE V~ L . 'CANYON . . 150 . ·.I(/') -··.·: :;_·. w • , •. : :;..J_ '; . .' ~:< .· 140 GOLP ·~ CREEK 1)0 120 110 -tt1ULIT~~ 90 0. -.. 0 "-APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT 80 I ;;>trt Ill {ocrj I l I Nov t'l DEc I JAN . I rre . I MAR I APR I TIM£ WATANA/DEVIL CANYON, 2002 ENERG V DEMAND WINTER 1976·1977 CLIMATE OATA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYOROELECTRI~ PROJECT rn X I ARCTIC (NVIftON .. (Hl41.. .{XJ£OO~&o:ornliDL!l~ ro . IHfORWAfl~ ANO 0414 ,. · · . . · - C(NJU. ;1~tHJitA .IOUH: ltlNfURl . -i l I ~ MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVEH-ISOTHERMS .,. WATEAWEEKS(PLOTTED. AT MID -WEEIO 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2:> 26 27 28 2.9 30 I I I I ·' I I I ! I I 190 . L. I I I I ,I I I 1 __ 1_ I I I l. I I I I I I I l l WATAN·A----J 180 170 160 DEVIL CANYON 150 (/) w _, .·~ l4Q.,..-I qo GOLD •.• 0:: CREEK liJ IJO > ,a: 120 I I 110-' I CHUUTNAIOO 1-- 90 80 I 4"-..-t 1111 v~~ lll NOV I ore I JAN I fEB I MAR Jl APR Ill TIME WATANA/DEVIL CANYON, 2020 ENERGY DEMAND WINTER 1976·1977 CLIMATE DATA NOTES 1. TEMPERATURES IN oc . 2. ICE SIMULATION NOT MADE FOR THIS CASE . TEMPt;AATUAES FROM. NOVEMBER THROUGH APRIL SHOULD NOT BE USED. ALA$KA POWER AUTHOR~i,:-y' SUSITNA H)'OROELECTRIC PROJECT m -X . :t ARCTIC £NYIRON~EHIA~ (l{l~fru~&~~~ :(j)· INfORMATIOff ANO OAJA . · .. , · · · .. · · ..•.... , .... · ... · - C[NJ(A . .. . SU36l .. ~ .l~_un V_~M_fUftC . :..,... l I ~ • -• • t,._ ~--· •• ·-•• • • _•, •" • • ,; • "'· • • • • •-• • • v·. ,• ·.·.•. >·.'·: .,; .. · :':"'' .·. ;, ~ .. ":-:~ WATANA MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MID -WEEK) 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 ~ 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I I· I I J I I I I f l I I I L_ L_ L_l 1 I I I .. I I I I I 190 . I I l I ; fll 180-l 17Ql 160 - I I I 1:- •.zo T11\) 1-N 0 T E s : Jllt \ . 1. TEMPERATURES IN •c . (\• 1 ; 1 .2. APPROXIMATE L O :CA TJON- ' · OF ICE FRONT FROM DEVIL I L e.r-;. tlt\ I\ RIVER ICE SIMULATION \ \ \ PLOTS. 1\+ a. ICE FRONT PROGRESSION CANYON. lf) w .:_:. ~· £r w •: > .. a: 150- 140...,.... COLO......-~ CAfEK 130- ........... 120 -u liT).( ...... • " 110 ~ ~ nt }·· CHQLITNAJQQ:j') l ,. v 90-" .... ... .... D ~ -D I I I I / I -"""/ ,,. -- /rL APPROXIMATE LOCA TtON I I OF ICE. FRONT () I·)\) UPSTAE AM OF HIVER I .. MILE 139 NOT MODELED f {·· FOR NATURAL Jjl} I CONDITIONS lJM \ljl 'l lj ,, /; IJIIII ( {lflf~· eo I ~E~YJ Ill\ ocr . i J Nov I oEc I JAN I . FEe .. I MA•J\ J·A u.J.t I~ TIME AlASKA. POWER AUTHOR.tlY I SUSIJNA tiYOf\O~~ECT~I4: ~AOJ~CT .. l~ ::r: NATURAL CONDiliONS WINTER 1981-198? r.t tuA TE= nAT A .AifCTIC (H'il.fiO.H .. EH .. TAl. l}fi. &I?J?Z&.'?.~~4.~.AIO f'(ij, lftfORWAJIOH AND .. DATA · .. · .. . · ~ - _ --·······--····· . Ct:HHR . . SUSITNA .I~INf "liieHif!E ···~ ... N ··-· 'N · MIODt.E SUSITNA RIVER-ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MID-WEEK) 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~4 25 26 27 28 29 30 190 ' I . I I : I . I I I ' I . I I 11 I I l I 1 1 I I I ~ I I I 11 I I I ! 1 I I I ~-NO T E S WATANA I 180 170 160 DEVIL . CANYON I 150 (/) w ...J ~ a: w > a: 140 GOLD 1 CREEt< 130 120- 90 Q Q APPROXIMATE I oF icE I I LOCATION I I FAONT-y 1.-- / I / / I I I ) ,. 1. TEMPERATURES IN •c. 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT FROM RIVER ICE SIMULA TlON PLOTS. 3. ICE FRONT PROGRESSION UPSTREAM OF RIVER MILE 140 NOT CONSIDERED ACCURATE FOR FILLING CASE 80 1. \ ~aatlll odt I II NOV I DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR II r•·n • TIME WATANA FILLING,1992-1993 2nd WINTER WINTER 1981·1982 CLIMATE DATA ALASKA POWER-AUTHORITY 1 sus• rNA Hvo~o~tECTRic PROJECT rx :r; ARCTIC (fiiVIftOHW(NJAl 008.\!ru!l~c::o{ieAil/A~ til IN,OAMAJION AfiiD OAJA · · . . .• . ~ - . . . . ClNJ{ft . ~U:IITNA J()INf V(NfUAI--i ~~------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------L--~----------~-----------------~·~ MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MID-WEEK) 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 190 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 l I I I . I I I I l I I 1 I I I I I Ll j_l_j I 1 l l I I L l I I 1 i . • . I I . I I I NOTES WATANA I ~ ~ . ( lBO-I ... ; ( i 170-1 • t~o- 111 fV ~\ ~ 1 \ .. ~ ~ 1. TEMPERATURES tN •c. 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT FAO.fvi RIVER ICE SIMULA TI'ON PLOTS . . DEVIL .CANYON I .'Ul w· ,.:..J .~ a:: .w > 0:: 150 140 GOLD ., CREEK 130 120~ 100 . CHULITNA-.--:. 90 .. l .... 1 I o;o /'I .r- /' APPROXIMATE LOCATION Of ICE; FRONT ... \ 80 . Dl ~t ... !· 111\ OCT\ I u NOV I DEC I JAN I FEe I m,..8 fl .IAFI!II II TIME WATANA ONLY, 1996 ENERGY OEMAND WINTER 1981 ·1982 CLIMATE DATA ALASKA POWER' AUTHORlTY 1 SUSITNA HY()ROELECT~IC P~0JECl · ~ I X ARCTIC . £NVIftOIUI£"TAl (X}£!\ffi)~a~~ m INfORWAliOHAHO .~fA .. ·, .... , · , · .·.: · .. · .. - CIENTfft ' IUIITNA JOIN' 'WlNlUIIII( .-1 . ,, N .. I ~ MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS WAT~A WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MID-WEEK) 49 50 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 190 I I I I I' I I I 1 I • I I 'I I I I I I' I I I 'I I l I ) I I I I I' I I I N 0 T E s WATANA-1 aeo- DEVIL CANYON---I 150 U) w .;;_J ~ n: w > ...._ 0:: CREEK llO 120 110 90 \ -J- ~v APPROXIMATE LOCATION . . Of ICE FRONT ... ,."' J .., 1. TEMPERATURES IN •c. 2. APPROXIMATE lOCATION OF ICE FRONT FROM RIVER ICE SIMULATION PLOTS. 80 ll ;,!\t·tl 8 ocr Lilt oov ~ oEc I JAN 1 FEB 1 ... ,..a n f!\lfll 11 TIME ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT· m . . . . X :I: WA 1 ANA/DEVIL CANYON, 2002 ENERGY DEMAND ARCHC £HVI.AONW£HJ.4l ~lfd~c:.R:~A~ [ji INf~RWAIIOfl! ANO OAlo\ · · · ~. ~ C(fU'fR. IU,lTMA .IOUU v••ruttl -i N WINTER lSSl-1982 CLIMATE DATA ... ~ ~ ,,, .................... -----~------~-------------&----------------_.~ .,: . ' . . : ~ . .MIDDLE . SUSITNARIVEA-ISOTHE'AMS WATEHWEEKS (PLOrTEO AT MID-WEEK) 49 50 51 52 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 i3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 190 I . I .·_I I I I I I I ' I I I I, I I I I ·' I I I I. I I I 1, I I 1 1 I I I I . I ···wATANA~ '160 ·'·• ()·~ V It .. CANYON. 150 :.·,~ 140 '\ \ l · GOLD .. ir CREit<--t j \ \ ,·t W ·. '\ > t3o . f'~ I \ 1 \ f . , \ ~ ~ ' i l 120 . ,: :: i \ I I } l \ I .. .. ; . ·; I \ I \ I '. ,, . uo .::, u~~-... ljl J \ f I / , ~ . CHULITNA100 .. • I d \. I ' \ .,. I . r I \ 90--:-1 -: "r<V I 7 ,. ~ I li f I I ··0: 0 .· I :>t.t"\1 T I I OCT I rll !.NOV · DEC . JAN 1l fEB TIME WATANA/OEVIL CANYON, 2020 ENERGY DEMAND WINTER :.1 .98·1-1982 CLIMATE DATA NOTES 1. TEMPERATURES IN •c. 2. ICE S-IMULATION· NOT MADE FOR THIS CASE. TE:MPERATUAES FOR 'NOVEMBER THROUGH MARCH SHOULD NOT BE US.ED. NOTE SH~iLARITY TO WATANA/DEVIL CANYON. 2002 WINTER 1981-19'82. ALASKA POWER ''Aurtionlfv ; susiTNA.)iVOROELEci~acP.RoJeca 1· m ~~c ric .. ~"vi~oH~£NT•~·~ Ca&OO~~~~~ ::~ INfORMATIOH AHO. OAJA· .... ·.·; ... ·. . ............ · · ..... · ., . -~ . .. CLin(... . · SUSl.NA .IOIN.J VINJUAE -,.f ··.N .... . .. ·. m MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER •ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MID ~WEEK) 49 50. 51 52 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 '90 +_L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . r·111·. ~11;' ,,~ 0 I . f . ; . . . I I 1 '1. I NOTES WATANA • . ,. ,., ' .. 180 110 :\l'l;. . , 16Q,~. DEVIL _ ,.,.. ....6 CANY-0~. ______ ·\ -"''150 - U) ~ w _J • . ,- • :E 140 GOLD . CREEK-. --f a:: . .· ~ w 130 .. > :a: 120 •.•9 Ct:iyLITNAIOO ~0 SIMULATED ICE -FRONT (APPROX.) 11 I ~OBSERVED I I ICE FRONT (APPROX .) n \ii:: 1 . TEMPERATURES IN 8 C . 2. APPROXIMATE LOCAJION OF ICE FRONT F·AO .M RI VER ICE SIMUL.A li.ON PLOTS . 81MULATED TEMPERA T- URtS FOR MARCH AND APRIL SHOULD NOT BE USED. · I \ '1 3 .tcE FRONT PROGRESSION \I I '1 1 U P S T A E A M () F A IV E A II MILE 139 NOT MODELED Jl /llf f 0 A N A T U R A L • .) JlJI . CONDITIONS .: /;n I ) Utf•· j ) (~ f I l ,,, I I \ I hH 1/ ) II!Jlr I v I jl I 'I' 1-_~~~UU~--~~N~O~V--~~O~E~C--~~J~A~N--~~f~E8~~~M~A~R1~~A~PR~ 80 TIME AlASKA POWER AUTHORITY I SUSITNA HYDROELECTfUC PRQJECT lm *· X :J: NATURAL CONDITIONS WI :ARCTIC £~VIftOHIIJ(H fAl M!.\IOI57. - NTEA 1982·19e3 CLIMATE DATA lflfORMArtOfU~to, o.u .1. ~~ltll~:tf.\-f!~ OJ .. _ . , C( .. J{ft SUIIJN~ .. .IOitn:: "eNfiiaiE q N .~· :~ ·:~' .·. MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS (PLC)TTED AT MID-WEEK) -49 ;50 •51 52 ·t 2 3 ·4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 190 'I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·' I '· I WAT~NA .I DEVIL C.ANYON .. 'I . . . 150 ·•. Vl .w _, ·.·~ .;Q: ".140 GOl 0 ---'-11 CA£EK •:.w :130 ... 0 ·.:::> ·.·~ APPROXIMATE OF ICE , LOCATION 1 120- uo 100~ CHULITNA . -· 90 FROl7·'- .J I I I , 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 28 2.9 30 , .. // ,., .. -~ NOTES 1. TEMPERATURES IN •c. 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ICE FRONT FROM RIVER ICE SIMULATION PLOTS : 3. ICE FR0NT PROGRESSION UPSTRE .... M OF RIVER MILE 140 NOT CONSIDERED ACCURATE FOR FILLING CASE 80 I ~~r~ )II( ,..,., ' = Vnvv I DEC I JAN I FEB I MAR ( APR J TIME WATANA FILLING. 1991-1992 1st WINTER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 1 SUS1Tt4-' HYDROE~ECT~tC Pf\,OJ~CT m , .. -.... · X :r ARCTIC UIV!ftOHioi(HTAl. OOf!\00~~-~ ;;) INfOfiiWATIOfl o\ .. 0 OA.TA ·· · .... ·· . .. . . . · ·. ·. . · . -. C'ENUIII .. · . ..UIITN~ JO~Nf Vl .. ru,_l .·~ 1~----~~------~~~--~------~----~--------------------------------------------------------~·--~--------~~~~------~~~~~~--... , .. · . - WINTER 1982-1983 CLIMATE DATA .. ::.· : ........ ~.-~· ,_. ... ~.'. ·-·· .· ... ~ . ~ ... ,. ···> ..•.. \ MIDDLE ' SUSITNA' RIVER -ISOTHERMS c WATER WEEKS (PLOTTED AT MID~WEEK) ~Hh~o 5t;' 52 I 2;;, 3: 4 5 6 1 8 ' 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24·· 25 26 2'1'28 29 '30 ; t9o ~ . ;N 0 T E S ...... . ;:.~ .. 160 ; DEVIL ~ -;: CAN'I·ON ~ I ' (.1) .. •·;w : k_J -:;~ a: LaJ . :>. :~ a:: ' '150 ' 140 GO.Lo .~, c·fiEEK 130 ' 120 110 ctioL•rN.A'oo · · 96 • I I I ,. : ;,_ I ; r "'· \ I J ... I V'_ '{1 , \,H·\ . r-' lk_AP'PAOXIMA T~ l.OCATip~\l I OF ICE FRONT I'N .~ ·~ I ... ' .. l f j,, 80 lr ··hc:.:d I Ill uo-d t I .. NOV I DEC 1 JAN I FEB ' I MAR-r ~APR I TJME ALASKA PC>WER' AUTHO-JJITV · .- WATANA ONLY, 1996 ENERGY DEMAND susnNA-HYDROELECTftiCi·PRO'JEC:T m . .. . . . . . . X . . . .. . ' ... . . .. · .. · :r AR CTIC UVIRONMfNTA~ ~oo~-1!~ CD IN,ORMAfiO.. AHO 04JA ·. · . . . . · ·. · . .• . . .. . . . -:-1 , ciMn" ·· . ,~uan .. a JOtMT .... ,._. ••. :;: I . . . ·. . U) WINTER 1982,1983 CLiMATE DATA ' '1,,• ·MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER -ISOTHERMS WATER WEEKS {PLO'rTED AT MaD-WEEK) 49 50 51 52 • . 2 3 4 5 6 ----. ~· lilo ,I. I I I I I I I I ! I -'yl--I I I I I I I . I I I I l I I I I I I I ·I· N 0 T E s WATANA I I I I I 1. TEMPERATURES J.N •c . 2. APPAOXIMA.TE LOCATION OF tCE FRONT F,R 'OU RIVER IC~ s :IMULATION PLOTS. J g!.~~~ON ----t 'Cn w ,.;..J ··:i. a: :'w '> . ;..-. a: i50 140-.;; GOLD ..... CREEK_,__ 110 CHULITNA100 . 9o \ ~. I •. I \ r.,_APPAOXIMATE LOCA liON \ oF Ice FRONT ... ..... ... .. 80 (-.·'4£P1 Ill _ bel{.{ .I/ Nov I oEc I JAN I FEB I M~R II APR ! I ~LAS,KA PQ.~ERr :AU.JHOAITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT m ..... ' . . X ... . : •<:·.. . .. ·':··.. . ~ ··AA~TIC E,.VtftONWfNJAl_ l}{JL!WJU-::-~~ CXI INfORNAnOft ANO OAJA ·.· · · .. · · ·· · . • ...., TIME WATANAJDEVIL CANYON, 2002 ENERGY OEMANO WINTER ·1982~1983 ·' CLIMATE DATA I .. CENTflt : ' SU.IIlNA .. OINT VINIUR(. ·:! I 0 1-~ ~< ;· .. ~: i } {--:· i >--: i -~; :-: v· ;;·; ~ ,·; ;.~. ·; r•. ·, .. '·' ·.·' . -~ . _:, . -.: , co . . . . w!t~ey··~~~~~·!~~'~¥~~~ ,A.:o;,:~w::~:~~~R•VtflsoTHER~~ . . ·:(':-~::":_;·-4950/51 5 5-ll ·2 /_;;3/'~f·-~.:~r: 6 ·-:7 8 .9 tO II 12 13 -14 15 16 17 i8 192021 .2223 _24252_62728.2930 ~1f~iw~r~"23ZJ !;(I ·~,~ I I ~.,,,< '_' l:ll I : ~,~ J.l I 'j I I I )' I I If r ' I Nor~:s __ -_ --_-__ . )\' .•;;. \ .. · ' . <. •; ,· -. 1. TEMPEI'IAJQAES ljlj>•c . .· --- . ; ··~.· ·-.~~~~t~?-~~. .w_·, -·= :=E' 140 '" G.OLO~ . CRf_EK ti~f,·~,·-:::- uo ,,-. ·.'<.,.." .. ,~ \ ... - (___ I \ ,.._. APPROXIMATE LOCATION • OF tCE FAONT .. ... -2. APPROXIMATE· LOCAJid~' OF rc E FA-.ON·t · FA. OM ... RfVEA , ICE 'SI~fULATiON PLOTS . ~;. 80. -1 :IS€f· I_ u g.,., I (I NOV ' I DE.C '' I JAN . I FEB I . MAR I I ACR) IJ TIME WATANA/DEVIL CANYON, 2020 ENERGY DEMAND ·l · . L~~--' Wlt\JT~Il 10~') 100"l "'' ... "T'C "'. T"' . >/(' ALASKA POWER AUTHORil'Y SUSITNA HYDROE LECl"RlC PAOJE~,T -~ z ARtrtez: lNVt"O~£NfA t:: INJA\ffJ~c.{!~. § INfOMIATION AM)_ OAf A -.·· .·· --.. , .. .. . · ._ . .· •""f ]c;_·_) '::-,:~_~Y!:·~-·,··-<' :.:,~·u~•'~"---~~~~.~·-. ~!.•'u"! ~;· ·. '-: ~:-;_ ·. ~- .. _ .... · .· r':·: .-· .. :. . ':.·.:: .. :.1 ~.: ,;..-...... ..