HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS455DRAFT ALASKA POWER Al.Tl'HORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 7114 WORKING DRAFT SETTLEMENT PROCESS INSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS REPORT VOLUME NO. 1 FEBRUARY 1985 Prepared for: HARZA-EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE E. WOODY TRIHEY AND ASSOCIATES AND WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS -. :.; DRAFT E. Woody Trihey Jean E. Ba 1 dri ge Greg Reub Bob Aaserude ~lizabeth Bradley Steve Bredthauer Steve Crumley Linda Perry Dwight Diane Hilliard Tim Jennings Carol Kerkvnet Sharon Klinger Joe LaBelle Paul Meyer- Larry Moulton Larry Rundquist Carl Schoch Cleve Steward Rhonda Steward Erwin Van Nieuwenhuyse Curt Wilkinson This Report was Prepared by the Following Project Staff E. Woody Trihey & Associates Woodward-Clyde Consultants E. Woody Trihey & Associates E. Woody Trihey & Associates Woodward-Clyde Consultants R&M Consultants Woodward-Clyde Consultants E. W~ody Trihey & Associates E. Woody Trihey & Associates Woodward-Clyde Consultants Woodward-Clyde Consultants E. Woody Trihey & Associates Arctic Environmental Information & Data Center Arctic Environmental Information & Data Center Woodward-Clyde Consultants Woodward-Clyde Consultants R&M Consultants E. Woody Trihey & Associates Woodward-Clyde Consultants E. Woody Trihey & Associates E. Woody Trihey & Associates i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Instream Flow Relationship Report (IFRR) and its associated technical report series were funded by the Alaska Power Authority {APA) as part of the engineering feasibility and licensing studies for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Much of the IFRR is based on engineering and environmental studies which were initiated by Acres American, Inc. and continued by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. Except for the stream temperature modeling, Harza-Ebasco has conducted all physical process modeling directly or indirectly referenced in this document. Of particular value is their reservoir temperature and ice processes modeling. Field studies and analyses completed by other members of the Aquatic Study Team are also cited within this report . Most visible are numerous references to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydroelectric Aquatic Study Team {AOF&G). The ADF&G SuHydro Study Team conducted field studies to determine the seasonal distribution, relative abundance , and habitat requirements of anadromous and selected resident fish populations in the Susitna River. The University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center {AEIDC) conducted the instream temperature modeling studies, a key element in this evaluation. Mr. Paul Meyer and Mr. Joe Labelle are recognized for assembling the supporting technical information and drafting portions of the Instream Tem;1erature and Ice Processes section of this report. R&M Consultants has conducted the hydrologic and climatologic field studies . Of most value in preparing this report has been their assistance in providing data, analytical results, and technical revif>'AS pertaining to basin hydrology and climatology, slough geohydrology (upwelling), and ice processes. Recognition is given Mr. Steve Bredthauer for drafting portions of the Basin Hydrology and iii Streamflow Variability section of this report. Mr. Carl Schoch proviaed technicaT information and -drafted portions of the Instream Temperature and Ice Processes section of this report. Finally special recognition is given to Milo C. Bell for the flawless insights he provided at the onset of the feasibility studies regarding the issues that would arise as being central to project licensing and his wise counsel concerning their implications to the maintenance and enhancement of salmon resources in the Susitna River Basin. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DECEMBER DRAFT INSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS REPORT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREFACE I INTRODUCTION Instream Flow Relationships Report Project Setting II APPLICATION OF AQUATIC HABITAT MODELING TO THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER Approach Framework for Analysis The IFR Model III FISH RESOURCES AND HABITAT TYPES Overview of Susitna River Fish Resources Relative Abundance of Adult Salmon Distribution and Timing of Juvenile Salmon and Resident Species Identification and Utilization of Habitat Types Selection of Evaluation Species IV WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS AND PHYSICAL PROCESSES INFLUENCING MIDDLE RIVER HABITATS Watershed Characteristics Sediment Transport Processes lnstream Water Quality and Limnology Instream Temperature and Ice Processes V INFLUENCE OF STREAMF LOW AND INSTREAM HYDRAULICS ON MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER HABITATS Habitat Types and Categories Passage Microhabitat Response to Instream Hydraulics VI EVALUATION OF HABITAT COMPONENTS WITHIN THE IFR FRAMEWORK Watershed and Climatologic Influences on Physica1 Habitat Components Seasonal Utilization of Middle River Habitats Evaluation Periods and Sepcies Relative Rankirtg of Existing Phys ·ical Habitat Components Inherent P~ject Influences on Existing Pnysical Processes Control Over With-Project Relationships VII REFERENCES v 1-1 1-1 1-3 11-1 11-3 11-9 111-1 111-1 111-8 II 1-13 I 11-14 111-22 IV-1 IV-1 IV-18 IV-28 IV-39 V-1 V-1 V-11 V-24 VI-1 VI-1 VI-3 VI-4 VI-6 VI-12 VI-15 VI 1-1 LIST OF TABLES Page Table III-1. Common and scientific names of fish species recorded from the Susitna Basin. III-2 Table I II -2. Commercial catch of upper Cook Inlet salmon in numbers of fish by species, 1954-1984. I II-3 Table II I -3. Summary of commercial and sport harvest on Susitna River basin adult salmon returns . III-6 Table III-4 . Sport fish harvest for Southcentral Alaska and Susitna Basin in numbers of fish by species, 1978-1983. III-7 Table I II-5. Susitna River average annual salmon escapement by sub-basin and spec i es. III-9 Table IV-1. Summary of monthly streamflow statistics for the Sus i tna Ri ver at Gold Creek {Scully et al . 1978). IV-5 Table IV-2. Percent distri bution and duration of annual peak flow evP.nts for the Susitna River at Gold Creek 1950-1982 (R&M Consultants 1981). IV-6 Table IV-3. Number of times breached for duration indicated based on analysis of Go l d Creek record 1950-1984. IV-11 Table IV-4. Sediment transport processes and co mponents and the i r relati ve importa nce in the formation and maintenance of habitat. IV-19 Table IV-5. With-project influence on sediment transfer processes and sediment loading. IV-25 Table IV-6. Mean baselinP. water quality characte ~i stics for middle Susitna River at Gold Creek under (a) turb i d summer (June -August) conditi ons and (b) clear, winter (November-April) condit i ons. IV-30 Table IV-7. Preliminary stream temperature cri teria for Pacific salmon developed from l i terature sources for application to the Susit~a River. IV-40 vii LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table IV-8. Comparison of accumulated centigrade temperature units (CTU 1 s) needed to produce 50 percent hatching of chum salmon eggs and 50 percent emergence of chum salmon alevins at selected sites on the Susitna River with those required under controlled incubating environments elsewhere in Alaska. IV-42 Table IV-9. Comparison between measured surfact water temperatures (°C) in side sloughs and simulated mainstem temperatures IV-47 Table IV-10. Simulated middle Susitna River mean summer mainstem temperatures for natural, Watana only, and Watana/Devil Canyon conditions. IV-49 Table IV-11. Downstream temperatures (°C) resulting from differences in summer reservoir release flows and temperatures. IV-50 Table IV-12. Comparison between simulated downstream water temperatures for constant reservoir outflow conditions and different air temperatures. IV-53 Table IV-13. Downstream temperatures (°C) resulting from differences in winter reservoir release flows and temperatures. IV-54 Table IV-14. Summary of freeze up observations for several locations within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River. Source: R&M Consultants 1980-81, 1982, 1983, 1984. IV-59 Table IV-15. !CECAL simulated ice front progression and meltout dates (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, 1984c). IV-66 Table IV-16. Occurrences where with-project maximum river stages are higher than natural conditions. IV-68 Table V-1. Descripti~n of habitat categories. V-5 iable V-2. Numher of specific areas classified in each habitat category for seven mainstem discharges. V-8 Table V-3. Frequency of breaching flows at selected sloughs and side channels. V-20 viii LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table V-4. Calculation of turbidity factors for determination of the infleunce of turbidity on clear water cover criteria for juvenile chinook salmon. V-46 Table V-5. Habitat suitability criteria used in revised model to forecast WUA for juvenile chinook salmon under low and high turbidities. V-51 Table VI-1. Simplified periodicity chart. VI-4 Table VI-2. Evaluation of the relative degree of influence physical habitat components exert on the suitability of middle Susitna River habitat types. VI-7 Table VI-3. Tabulation of habitat and evaluation period indices for the middle Susitna River. VI-11 ix LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure I-1. Project area. I-6 Figure II-1. Primary l i nkages among habitat components and their relationship to freshwater life phases of salmon within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River . II-4 Figure II-2 . Hierarchical structure of the relationship analys i s. II-7 Figure II-3. A schematic diagram of the structural and functional components of the r elationship analysis. II-10 Figure II-4. Schematic diagram showing the integration of physical processes and the habitat response components of the Relationships Model. II-12 Figure II I-1. General habitat types of the Susitna River II I-15 Figure I II -2. Relat i ve distribution of salmon spawning within different habitat t)pes of the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984c • III-23 Figure III-3. Relat i ve abundance and distribution of juvenile salmon wi t hin different habitat types of the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984c). I II-26 Figure IV-1. Stream network within the Susitna River Basin. IV-2 Figure IV-2. Estimated percent co ntribution to flow at Gold Creek. IV-4 Figure IV-3 . Comparison between natural and anti cipated with-project annual flood frequency curves for the mi ddle Susitna River (Source: Alaska Power Authority 1983}. IV-8 Figure IV-4 . Upwelling, downwelling and intergravel flow. IV-12 Figure IV-5. Chum salmon spawning time versus mean incubation tempertaure nomograph (Source: AEIDC 1984b). IV-43 Figure IV-6. Comparision between average weekly stream temperatures for the Susitna Ri ver and its tributaries (Adapted from AEIDC 1984b). IV-46 xi LIST OF FIGURES {Continued) Figure IV-7. Comparison of simulated natural and with- project monthly temperatures of the Susitna River at RM 130 for the one and two dam scenarios {Source: AEIDC 1984b). IV-52 Figure IV-8. Flowchart of general ice forming processes on the middle reach of the Susitna River. IV-56 Figure V-1. Surface area responses to mainstem discharge in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River {RM 101 to 14g). V-2 Figure V-2. Flowchart describing possible habitat transformation that may occur with decreases in mainstem discharge. V-6 Figure V-3. Number of specific areas classified in each habitat category for various Gold Creek mains tem d_i s charges. V-9 Figure V-4. Typical passage reach configuration. V-13 Figure V-5. Breaching flow occurrence during 12 August to 8 September based on Susitna River discharge period 1950-1984. V-21 Figure V-6. Thalweg profile of Slough 8A. V-22 Figure V-7. Habitat suita~ility criteria for slough spawning chum and sockeye salmon. V-26 Figure V-8. Comparison of WUA responses to site flow for spawning chum and sockeye salmon at four middle Susitna River study sites {Ad~pted from ADF&G 1984d) • V-29 Figure V-9. Total surface area and WUA index for spawning chum salmon at Habitat Category I, II, and III study sites {Adapted from ADF&G 1984d). V-31 Figure V-10. Simulated influence of increased upwelling on WUA for spawning chum salmon at Slough 21 and Upper Side Channel 11. V-33 Figure V-11. Surface area and WUA responses to mainsten discharge Habitat Category I, II, and III spawning sites {Adapted from ADF&G 1984c ). V-34 Figure. V-12. Frequency distribution Df cell depth over upwelling areas in Upper Side Channel 11 at site flows of 5 and 50 cfs. V-35 xH LIST OF FIGURES (Cont 1nued) Figure V-13. Frequency distribution of cell veloc i ty over upwelling areas in Upper Side Channel 11 at site flows of 5 and 50 cfs. V-36 Figure V-14. Flow and habitat duration curves for spawning chum salmon by habitat categories V-38 Figure V-15 . Velocity criteria for juvenile .chinook in clear and turbid water. V-42 Figure V-16. ADF&G cover criteria for juvenile chinoo k in clear and turbid water. V-43 Figure V-17. Velocity suitability criteria for juvenile chinook in the Kenai and Chakachamna rivers, Alaska (Source : Burger et al. 1982 and Bechtel 1983). V-44 Figure V-18. Revis~d cover criteri a for juvenile chinook i n clear and t urbid water. V-49 Figure V-19. Comparison between WUA forecasts using ADF&G low turbidity velocity criteria and modified low turbidity velocity criteria. V-51 Figure V-20 . Comparison between WUA forecasts usir.g ADF&G and modified cover criteria for juvenile chinook. V-52 Figure V-21. Simulateu effect of reducing fine sedi~~nt deposition at two study sites. V-54 Figu r e V-22 . Comparison between WUA forecasts using ADF&G and revised rearing habitat model. V-55 Figure V-23. Percent ~f total wetted surface area provid i ng WUA for rearing chinook at Side Channel 21 and Upper Side Channel 11. V-57 Figure VI-1. Phenology and habitat utilization of middle Susitna River salmon in mainstem, tributary, and slough habitats. VI-5 Figu !"e VI-2. Comparison of natural and with-project habitat components. Vl-13 Figu r e VI-3 . Ranking of habitat component in accord with the degree of control project design and operation might provide them. VI-16 xi ii Preface The Alaska Power Authority submitted a ·license application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project on February 18, 1983. Following submission of supplemental information and responses to FERC comments, the applica- tion was accepted on July 19, 1983 for review by the FERC. The appli- cation was then sent by the FERC to resource agencies for review and comment. This review is now complete, and the FERC is proceeding with preparation of the final environmental impact statement (FEIS). The decision to issue the license is tentatively scheduled to be made by the FERC in 1987, assuming no substantial delays in the licensing process prior to that date. Even though the license application has been accepted by the FERC for review, and preparation of the FEIS has begun, various aquatic or aquatic-related studies are still in pro- gress to assure that the licensing process proceeds on schedule . In 1982, following two years of preliminary baseline studies, a multi- disciplinary approach to quantify effects of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project on existing fish habitats and identify mitiga- tion options was initiated. As part of this multi-disciplinary effort, a technical report series was planned that would (1) describe the existing fish resources of the Susitna River and identify the seasonal habitat requirements of selected species, and (2) evaluate the effects of alternative project designs and operating scenarios on naturally occurring physical processes which most influence the seasonal availability of fish habitat in the middle Susitna River. In addition, a summary report, the Instream Flow Relationships Report (IFRR), would (1) identify the relative importance of the physical processes evaluated in the technical report series, (2) integrate the findings of the technical r!port series, and (3) provide quantitative relationships (where possible) and discussions regarding the influ- ences of incremental changes in streamflow, stream temperature, and water quality on fish habitats in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River (Middle River) on a seasonal basis. xiv Midway in preparing ~h is draft of the IFRR it became apparent a final report that would adequately me et all three of these objectives could not be prepared by March 1985. However, it was also apparent that many reliable interim statements could be based on existing informa- tion. Hence it would be possible to apply a large amount of technical information and identify the relative importance of various inter- actions among physical processes with regard to providing fish habitat in the middle river on a seasonal basis. The IFRR will consist of two volumes. Volume I uses project reports, data and professional judgement to develop the scope and framework for the IFR analysis to be presented in Volume II. Volume I identifies evaluation periods, species, and habitats, and ranks a variety of physical habitat components with regard to their relative importance for providing fish habitat at different times of the year. This ranking considers sper.ies life phase, habitat type and both naturally occurring and anticipated with-project conditions. Volume II will specifically address the third objective of the IFRR as originally stated, "prt.vide quantitative relationships (where possi- ble) and discussions regarding the influences of incremental changes in streamflow, stream temperature and water quality on fish habitats in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River on a seasonal basis. The influence of the project induced changes in stream temperature and water quality will be discussed on a river segment level by habitat type, season, and species.The influence of streamflow on fish habitat will be evaluated on both a river segment and microhabitat level. Site specific habitat responses to instream hydraulics will be iden- tified at the microhabitat level and sunwnarized in the form of flow relationship hydrographs at the river. segment level. These hydro- graphs are intended to describe the composite response of fndividual study sites by habitat type to changes in mainstem discharge for specific species and life history phases of interest. XV The IFRR technical report ser1es consists of the following: Technical Report No. 1. Fish Resources and Habitats of the Susitna Basin. This report, being prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, will consolidate infonnation obtained by ADF&G Su Hydro on the fish resources and habitats in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River. A draft report utilizing data available through June 1984 was p·r epared by WCC in November 1984. Technical Report No. 2. Physical Processes Report. This report, being prepared by Ha rza-Ebasco and R&M Consu 1 tants, describes such naturally occurring physical processes within the middle river segment as: reservoir sedimentation, channel stability, and upwelling. Technical Report No. 3. Water Quality/Limnology Report. This report, being prepared by Harza-Ebasco, will consolidate existing information on water quality for the Susitna River and provide technical level discussions of the potential for with-project bioaccumulation of mercury, adverse effects of nitrogen gas supersaturation, changes in downstream nutrients, and changes in turbidity and suspended sedi- ments. A draft report based on 1 i teratu re reviews and project data available through June 1984 was prepared in November 1984. Technical Report No. 4. Instream Temperature. This report, prepared by AEIDC, consists of three principal components: (1) instream temperature modeling; (2) development of temperature criteria for Susitna River fish stocks by species and life stage; and (3) eval- uation of the influences of with-oroject stream temperatures on existing fish habitats and natural ice processes. A final report describing downstream temperatures associated with various reservoir operating scenarios and an evaluation of these stream temperatures on fish was prepared in October 1984. A draft report addressing the influence of anticipated with-project stream temperatures on natural ice processes was prepared in November 1984. xvi Technical Report No. 5. Aquatic Habitat eport. This report, being prepared by E. Woody Trihey and Associates, will describe the avail- ability of various types of aquatic habitat in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon river reach as a function of mainstem discharge. A preliminary draft of this report is scheduled for March 1985 with a draft final report prepared in FY86. Technical Report No. 6. Ice Processes Report. This report being prepared by AEIDC, Harza-Ebasco, and R&M Consultants will describe naturally occurring ice processes in the middle river, anticipated changes in those processes due to project construction and operation, and discuss effects of naturally occurring and with-project ice conditions on fish habitat. xvii I. HITRODUCTION Instream Flow Relationships Report The IFR studies are intended to inform a broad spectrum of readers having widely differing educational backgrounds and degrees of familiarity with the proposed project, about potentially beneficial or adverse influences the proposed project may have on fluvial processes in the middle Susitna River that control the availability and quality of fish habitat. By meeting this objective, the report will assist the Alaska Power Authority and resource agencies to reach an agreement on an instream flow regime (and associated mitigation plan) that will minimize impacts and possibly enhance existing middle Susitna River fish resources. The final draft of Volume I will: (1) identify limiting life history phases for evaluation species indigenous to the middle Susitna River; (2) identify and rank habitat .variables influencing these life phases; and (3) discuss the responses of these habitat variables to project induced changes in streamflow, quantity and quality. Habitat characteristics such as channel structure, sediment transport, ice proce$ses, turbidity and water chemistry are elements of streamflow quantity and quality. The primary purpose of this first volume of the Instream Flow Relationships Report, presented here in draft form, is to present technical information within a hierarchical structure that reflects the relative importance of interactions among physical processes governing the seasonal availability of fish habitats in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon segment of the Susitna River. The IFRR and its associated technical report series should not be construed as impact assessment documents. These reports merely describe a variety of natural and with-project conditions, that govern availability of fish habitat. These relationships are necessary for others to evaluate alternative streamflow and stream temperature regimes, conduct impact analyses, and prepare mitigation plans. I-1 Brief discussions of anticipated with-project conditions are provided in this report . However they only serve to establish a basis for assigning some relative importance to anticipated with-project conditions in so far as they might influence the availability of fish habitat. No quantitative discussions are presented regarding the effects of with-project conditions on the amount or quality of fish habitat as might be expected in an impact assessment. This draft is based upon information available in project documents and the status of the IFRR technical report series as of October 1984. Environmental factors that influence the seasonal distribution and relative abundance of fish in the middle river are principally discussed by habitat type. The influence of instream hydraulic conditions on the availability and quality of fish habitat can only be discussed on a quantitative basis for a few side sloughs and side channels. Subjective statements are required at this time to extend these site specific habitat responses to other habitat types within the middle Susitna River. As more technical information becomes available, undocumented discussion will be expanded to encompass such important habitat variables as upwelling, intragravel temperatures and primary production and their relationship to anticipated with-project streamflow, temperature and turbidity regimes. In this report the three principal freshwater life phases of the Pacific salmon are ranked in their order of importance as determined by existing habitat conditions in the middle river, and the relative importance of several environmental factors in providing suitable habitat for each of these life history phases is identified. To the extent data and technical information are available the response of seasonal habitat conditions to altered streamflow, stream temperature and water quality conditions are also discussed. 1-2 Project Setting The Susitna River is located in Southcentral Alaska between the major population centers of Anchorage and Fairbanks. The Susitna Valley is a transportation corridor and contains both the Alaska Railroad and the Parks Highway. Yet even with these transportation facilities, the basin remains largely undeveloped except for several small communities located in the lower portion of the drainage. Talkeetna, the largest of these communities, has an approximate population of 280 and is located on the east bank of the Susitna River at river mile (RM) 98 (River Miles are measured from Cook Inlet). The proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project consists of two dams scheduled for construction over a period of 15 years. Construction on the first dam, Watana, is scheduled to begin when the FERC license is issued, possibly in 1987, and would be completed in 1994 at a site located approximately 184 river miles upstream from the mouth of the Susitna River. The Watana development would include an 885 ft high earth fill dam, which would impound a 48-mile long, 38,000 acre reservoir with a total storage capacity of 9.5 million acre feet (maf) and a usable storage capacity of 3.7 maf. Multiple level intakes and cone valves would be installed in the dam to control downstream temperatures and dissolved gas concentrations, which otherwise might be harmful to fish resources. An underground powerhouse would contain six generators with an installed capacity of 1020 megawatts (mw), and an estimated average annual energy output of 3460 gigawatt hours (1,000,000 kilowatts = 1 gigawatt). The maximum powerhouse discharge capacity at full pool would be greater than 21,000 cfs (APA, 1983). The second phase of the proposed development is const.ruction of the 646 foot high concrete arch Devil Canyon dam, which is scheduled for completion by 2002. Devil Canyon dam would be constructed at a site 32 miles downstream of Watana dam and would impound a 26-mile long reservoir with 7,800 surface acres and a usable storage capacity of 0.35 maf. Installed generating capacity would be about 600 mw, with an average annual energy output of 3450 gwh. A multiple level intake 1-3 structure and cone valves would also be installed in Devil Canyon dam. The maximum possible outflow from the four generators in the powerhouse at full pool is 15,000 cfs. The cone valves at Devil Canyon dam are designed to pass 38,500 cfs. Watana Reservoir, because of its large size, provides the capaicty to regulate Susitna River streamflows. Prior to Devil Canyon construction, Watana Reservoir will be filled with high summer streamflows when energy demand is lowest, and drawn down to meet high power demands during the winter when streamflows are lowest. When Devil Canyon becomes operational, Watana Reservoir will operate in a similar manner, however, winter drawdowns may not be to as low levels. Devil CaRyon Reservoir water levels will generally be stable with a small drawdown iR the spring of dry years and a larger drawdown in the fall of average and dr; years. The Susitna River is an unregulated glacial river. Middle Susitna River turbidities have a mean of approximately 200 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) in summer and less than 10 NTU in winter (refer to Table IV-6). Typical summer flows range from 16,000 to . 30,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) while typical winter flows range between 1,000 and 3,000 cfs. A thick ice cover forms on the river during late November and December that persists through mid-May. The drainage area of the Susitna River is approximately 19,600 square miles, which is the sixth largest river basin in Alaska. The Susitna Basin is bordered by the Alaska Range to the north, the Chulitna and Talkeetna mountains to the west and south, and the northern Talkeetna plateau and Gul kana uplands to the east. Major tributaries to the Susitna include the Talkeetna, Chulitna, and Yentna Rivers, all of which are glacial streams with characteristically high turbid summer streamflows and ice covered clearwater winter flows. The Yentna River is the largest tributary to the Susitna and adjoins it at RM 28. The Chulitna River originates in the glaciers on the south slope of Mount McKinley and flows south, entering the Susitna River near Talkeetna (RM 99). The Talkeetna River headwaters in the Talkeetna Mountains, flows west, and joins the Susitna near the town of Talkeetna (RM 97). The junction of the Susitna, Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers is often called the three rivers confluence. 1-4 The Susitna River originates as a number of small tributaries draining East Fork, Susitna, West Fork and Maclaren Glaciers, and follows a disjunct south and west course 320 miles to Cook Inlet (Figure I-1). The Susitna River flows south from the glacier in a braided channel across a broad alluvial fan for approximately 50 miles, then west in a single channel for the next 75 miles through the steep-walled Vee and Devil Canyons. The two proposed Watana (RM 184.4) and Devil Canyon (RM 151.6) dam sites are located in this reach. Downstream of Devil Canyon, the river flows south again through a well defined and rela- tively stable multiple channel until it meets the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers (RM 99). Downstream of the three rivers confluence, the Susitna River valley broadens into a large coastal lowland. In this reach the down valley gradient of the river decreases and it flows through a heavily braided segment for its last 100 miles to the estuary. Overview of Fish Resources and Project Related Concerns The Susitna River basin supports populations of both anadromous and resident fish. Commercial or sport fisheries exist for five species of Pacific salmon (chinook, sockeye, coho, chum, and pink), rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, Dolly Varden, and burbot. The commercial fishery intercepts returning sockeye, chum, coho and pink salmon in Cook Inlet. Sport fishing is concentrated in clear water tributaries to the Susitna River for chinook, coho, pink salmon, rainbow trout and Arctic grayling. Construction and operation of the proposed project will notably reduce streamflows during the summer months and increase them during the winter months, leading to a more uniform annual flow cycle. Stream temperatures and turbidities will be similarly affected. The most pronounced changes in stream temperature and turbidity will likely be observed in mainstem and side channel areas with somewhat lesser effects occurring in peripheral areas. Depths and velocities in habitat areas peri phera 1 to the ma i nstem wi 11 be influenced by the I-5 I-6 0 ! c -u .... 2 CL change in stream flow patterns more so than habitat in other areas including the mainstem. The effects that anticipated changes in streamflow, stream temperature and turbidity will have on fish populations inhabiting the Susitna River depends upon their seasonal habitat requirements and the regulatory control which these habitat components exert upon the population. Some project induced changes in environmental conditions may have no appreciable effect on existing fish populations and their associated habitats, whereas other changes may have dramatic consequences. Thus, in order to understand the possible effects of the proposed project on existing fish populations and identify mitigation opportunities or enhancement potential, it is important to understand the relationships among the naturally occurring physical processes which provide fish habitat in the middle river and how fish populations respond to natural variations in habitat availability. 1-7 II. APPLICATION OF AQUATIC HABITAT MODELING TO THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER Approach The goal of the Alaska Power Authority (APA) in identifying environ- mentally acceptable flow regimes is the maintenance or enhancement of existing fish resources and levels of production (APA 1982). This goal is consistent with mitigation goals of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) (APA 1982, ADF&G 1982a, USFWS 1981). Maintenance of naturally occur- ring fish populations and habitats is the ultimate goal of these agencies' mitigation policies. The focus of the Instream Flow Rela- tionships Studies (IFRS) is on describing the response of middle Susftna River fish habitats to incremental changes in mainstem dis- charge, temperature and water quality. Fish populations of the Susitna River are thought to fluctuate for many reasons. Some of the factors affecting population levels exert their influence outside the river basin. This is particularly true for anadromous species such as Pacific salmon, which spend portions of their life cycles in freshwater, estuarine and marine environments. Ocean survival and commercial catches significantly affect the number of salmon returning to spawn in the Susitna River and its tributaries. Within the freshwater environment, other factors such as late summer and fall high flows, cold-dry winters, predation, and sport fishing also affect fish populations. In addition, the long-term response of adult fish populations to perturbations either within or outside their freshwater environment is seldom i11111ediately apparent. A time-lag lasting up to several years usually occurs before an effect, whether beneficial or detrimental, is reflected in an increase or decrease in the reproductive potential and ultimately the size of the population. To avoid many of the uncertainties associated with fluctuating popu- lation levels, fish habitat is often used when making decisions regard i ng hydroelectric development and instream flow releases 11-1 (Stalnaker and Arnette 1976, Olsen 1979, Trihey 1979). When using fish habitat as the basis for decision making, the direction and magnitude of change in habitat quality and availability are accepted as indicator s of population response. This relationship is not necessarily linear, but is generally quantifiable (Wesche 1973, Binns 1979). Instream flow recomnendations based on an analysis of fish habitat rather than fish population levels require exact knowledge of the seasonal habitat requirements of the species and ev a luation of the characteristic responses of individuals of those species to variations in habitat conditions. In the middle Susitna River the abiotic habitat components of most interest are the locations and flow rates of groundwater upwelling, the channel structure, quantity and quality of streamflow including temperature, suspended sediment concentration and turbidity. Important biological factors include food availabil- ity, parasitism or disease, inter species competition and predation. II-2 Framework for Analysis Fish habitat is the integrated set of environmental conditior.s to which a typical individual of a species responds both behaviorally and physiologically. It is generally recognized that temperature, water quality, water depth and velocity, cover or shelter, and streambed material are the most important physical variables affecting the amount or quality of riverine fish habitat (Hynes 1972). Important biological factors include food availability, parasitism or disease, and predation. The principal relationships (linkages) among environ- mental factors which influence salmon populations within the Talkeetna- to-Devil Canyon segment of the Susitna River are diagrammed in Figure II-1. Various approaches exist for evaluation of fluvial systems and their associated fish habitats. The longitudinal succession approach to describing riverine ecology and fluvial processes examines a river from its headwaters to its mouth (Burton and Odum 1945, Sheldon 1968, Mackin 1948). Watershed characteristics such as climate, hydrology, geology, topography and vegetative cover (land use) are the principal determinants of basin runoff and erosional processes which become manifest as a river system. This approach focuses on the down-valley transition in channel morphology, water quality and the biological community which results from the interaction of these watershed characteristics. Based on the longitudinal succession of the existing river system as well as anticipated differences in the type and magnitude of project impacts, the 320 mile length of the Susitna River was subdivided into the four discrete segments described below. This report is focused specifically on the fifty mile segmen t from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon; referred to as the Middle River. 1. Upper Basin (RM 320-232). This segment includes the headwater reach of the Susitna River and its associated glaciers and tributary streams above the elevation of the proposed impolind- ments. II-3 H H I .p-. WATER QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTION REARING STREAM TEMP WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS ICE PROCESSES INCUBATION AND OVERWINTERING POPULATION RESPONSE STREAM FLOW AND HYDRAULICS UPWELLING SPAWNING CHANNEL STRUCTURE FigureD-I . Primary linkages among habitat components and their relationship to freahwater life phase a of aalmon within the "Talkeetna to Devil Ca"yon reach of the ·susitna River. 2. The Impoundment Zone ( RM 150-232). This segment inc 1 udes the eighty-mile portion of the Susitna River which will be inundated by the Watana and Devil Canyon impoundments. This single channel reach is characterized by steep gradient, and high velocity. Intermittent islands are found in the reach with significant rapids occurring in Vee Canyon and between Devil Creek and Devil Canyon. 3. The Middle River ( RM 99-150). This fi fty-mi 1 e segment extends from Devil Canyon downstream to the three rivers confluence. It is a relatively st~ble reach comprised of nearly equal lengths of single channel and split channel characteristics (R&M River Morphology 1982). Construction and operation of the project will alter the quantity and temperature of streamflow and the amount of suspended and bed load sediment in this reach. 4. The Lower River (RM 0.-99). This segment extends one hundred miles from the three rivers confluence downstr~am to the estuary. The floodplain is ver) broad containing multiple or braided channels which meander laterally. Reworking of streambed gravels in this area is relatively frequent causing instability and migration of the main flow channel or channels. Project induced changes in streamflow, stream temperature and sediment concen- trations will attenuate in this reach due to tributaries such as the Talkeetna, Chulitna and Yentna rivers which will be unaffect- ed by project operation. Another method frequently used in riverine ecology sta :dies is to describe the manner in which individuals of a species respond to changes in site-specific habitat variables such as surface and intra- gravel water temperatures, substrate composition, depth, velocity, cover, food availability, and predation (Everest and Chapman 1977, Bovee 1984, Gore 1978). Within the structure of our analysis this method is referred to as the microhabitat approach and is reflected in the development of speci P.s-specific habitat su i tability criteria and numerous site-specific habitat models. II-5 Because of the notable variation and differences in microhabitat conditions within the middle Susitna River segment, six major habitat types are recognized: mainstem, side channel, side slough, upland slough, tributary and tributary mouth. Habitat type refers to a major portion of the wetted surface area of the river having comparatively similar morphologic, hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics. At some locations, such as major side channels ar.d tributary mouths, a designated habitat type persists over a wide range of mainstem dis- charge even though its surface area may change significantly. In other instances the habitat classification of a specific area may change from one type to another in response to mainstem discharge (Klinger and Trihey 1984}. Such an example is the transformation of some turbid water side channels that exist at typical mid-suiTITier mainstem discharge levels to clear water sloughs at lower late sum- mer/fall mainstem flows. Habitat categories are used to classify specific areas within the river corridor according to the type of transformation they undergo as mainstem discharge varies . This approach was chosen as the basic framework for extrapolating site-specific habitat responses to the remainder of the middle Susitna River because (1} a significant amount of wetted surface area is expected to be transformed from one habitat type to another as a result of project induced changes in streamflow (Klinger and Trihey 1984); and (2) .a large amount of circumstantial evidence exists within the ADF&G SuHydro data base and elsewhere that indicates turbid water channels which transform into clearwater habitats may provide substantially different summer rearing conditions than channels that remain turbid. The hierarchical structure of our analysis, proceeding from micro- habitat study sites through habitat categories and habitat types (ADF&G macrohabitats) to the middle rher segment is diagrammed in Figure II-2. The structure of our analysis is similar to the study site and representative reach logic referenced in other instream flow studies and training documents (Bovee and Milhous 1978, Wilson et al. 1981, Bovee 1982). II-6 lllddle River S•t••nt Habitat cat•oort• Studr Sit• CJ c:::::::::J c::::::J Fl•ed louncl•r llloroMbitata V.lable BoundorJ •cnMIIItota Fig&n D-2. Hierarchical structure of the relationship analyaia. II -7 The basic difference between the structure of the middle river studies and other instream flow studies is that habitat types and habitat categories have been substituted for river segments and representative reaches. Additionally, our methodology uses wetted surface area of habitat types as the common denominator for extrapolation rather than reach length. Given the spatial diversity and temporal variation of riverine habitat conditions within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon segment, the hierarchical structure of our analysis appears more applicable to the middle Susitna River than routine adherence to the IFG representative reach concept. 11-8 The IFR Model Throughout the evolution of the Susitna Aquatic Studies identification of an environmentally acceptable flow regime to protect existing fish populations and habitats has remained of central importance. Thus physical process and aquatic habitat modeling has occupied an important position within the structure of the instream flow studies and visually discernible characteristics of the riverine environment have been used to categorize the entire wetted surface area of the middle Susitna River according to habitat type. Sufficient data have been obtained and analyzed to identify the seasonal and microhabitat requirements of resident fish and adult and juvenile salmon indigenous to the middle Susitna River. In addition, physical process models have been developed to evaluate stream temper- ature, ice cover, sediment transport and site specific hydraulic conditions for a broad range of streamflow and meteorologic con- ditions. The surface area response of middle river habitat types has also been estimated. Thus the existing data and analytic base is sufficient to warrant application within a structured framework to identify habitat response to alternative streamflow and stream temper- ature regimes. The influences of water 1uality and groundwater upwelling on middle river habitats can also be forecast but in a more subjective manner. A schematic diagram of the functional and structural components of the IFR analysis is diagrammed in Figure II-3. At present, this analytic approach does not exist as a functioning model. The numerous compo- nents and linkages diagrammed in the figure are still at various stages of development. However, sufficient data and information have been asseni>led and subjectively evaluated within the analytic struc- ture diagrammed in Figure II-3 to make reliable tentative forecasts and predictive statements. Application of this conceptual model is reported in this first volume of the IFRR. Section III describes the fish resources and habitat II-9 INPUT IIAINaTEM DIICHAR&e lEA ION IPI!CIEI/L.E ITAGE H H I ..... 0 ; HAaiTAT REIPOIIII r------, I [ WUA RIIPOIIII I I, III!PONM _g I I I ... . FUNCTIONAL MODeL MIDDLI RIYIR IIGMIIIT ITMJCTUUL PRAIIIWOM OUTpUT HAaiTAT IUIIPACE ARIA HA .. TAT AYAILAaiJTY ... . HAaiTAT QUALITY ... . Fleure D-1. A eolleMetlo dl•1r•• of tlae etruotur•l ••d fu•otlo••l OOMPo•e•te of .... rel•tlo•elllp •••l,ele for tlae Middle •••It•• Rlwer d11rlne ope• ••ter. types of the middle river and identifies the evaluation periods and the primary and secondary evaluation species. Section IV discusses the principal watershed characteristics and physical processes which influence the seasonal availability and quality of fish habitat. The influence of streamflow and i nstream hydrau 1i cs on habitat type and microhabitat conditions ·is described in Section V. Collectively these three sections identify and discuss the principal components and linkages diagrammed in Figure 11-3. Section VI sunmarizes the major points presented in Sections III through V, and applies these findings to describe the relative importance of relationships among physical processes and biologic responses. Anticipated with-project conditions are generically discussed in Section VI, but only to the extent necessary for identifying differences between existing and with-project relation- ships that will be important to consider in future analyses. A more detailed description of the linkages between physical processes and habitat response within the IFR model is provided in Figure 11-4. The IFR model will be applied to support preparation of Volume II of the IFRR. Volume I is intended to define the relative importance of the various physical processes and microhabitat variables to evaluation species by habitat type and season. In this manner Volume I will introduces the IFRR model and reduces the scope and complexity of the IFRR analysis to be reported in Volume II. One basic difference between the envisioned IFRR analysis and those previously proposed for the Susitna River is evaluation of watershed processes and physical habitat components such as ice, temperature and sediment at the macrohabitat (river segment) level rather than microhabitat (study site) level. Another major difference is addressing only a small number of evaluation species in a rigorous quantitative manner. The interface between physical process and habitat response models at the macrohabitat level is illustrated in Figure 11-4. 11-11 IFR MODEL r -----------------, J.!teYI MAINSTEM DISCHARGE SEASON (Riv.r SetmwJt) PHYSICAL PROCESS SYNTE_. Allalyala ~, ,.._,, •• Iori ..... C.......Stltlllllty ... ,... INPUT 1 --L---~------~ ---_..1 _______ 1 SPECIES I HABITAT LIFE HISTORY PHAfE RESPONSE (Habitat Cotegory) (Microhabitat Stud.r Site) ANa 11r a,.clfJc "-''ool .._. "rHa'"-t T,e T 0..11111 IIMIIIo ... for I Site Specific ~ Nalllfot AwallollllltyCMd .___NA_~_AT_MO_DEL_---..rt' IMIIwlcluol Study Site T 1 ,. ... ~ I Ca pa .... Awailallle Area (by ~ liaa.etet type) Nat Li81itecl liy T1•p1rotwe ar Water Quo I ity Duriftt S..... lpeciff eel ea.o.tte Hallltet lAdle .. .., Halll1at TJIIII for Soeofw artc1 Life Stage Spaoiflecl ..... _______ ---------------- Figure ll-4. Schem•tlc dl•tr•m allowing t!te lntetr•tlon of phyale•l proceaa •nd the hult•t reaponH component• of the Rel•tlonahlpa Model. II-12 A fundamental requirement of the IFRR analysis is a forecast of the amount of surface area represented by each habitat type at various levels of mainstem discharge. The surface areas of individual locations comprising each habitat type in the middle river have been estimated at four mainstem discharges ranging from 9,000 to 23,000 cfs using digited measurements on 1 inch = 1,000 feet aerial photographs (Klinger and Trihey 1984). The surface areas at different locations may be summed within and across habitat types, and the surface area response of any specified area to variations in mainstem discharge can be modeled and its habitat type forecast for discharges ranging from 9,000 to 23,000 cfs. Additional photography has or will be obtained by June 1985 to extend our modeling capabilities to a range of middle river streamflows from 5,000 to ave~ 30,000 cfs. Physical process models have been or are being developed to forecast reservoir storage, temperature, ice and suspended sediment conditions in relationship to a variety of historic climatologic, hydrologic and anticipated power forecasts. These reservoir models in turn support analysis of downstream temperature, ice, suspended sediment and channel stability analyses. Sufficient progress has been made with the physical prot:ess modeling to feel relatively confident that the influences of instream water quality, temperature, ice and suspended sediment can be integrated at the macrohabitat level with no foresee- able adverse effects on the utility of the resultant habitat response in supporting streamflow negotiations. At the microhabitat level Weighted Usable Area (WUA) is used as an index to evaluate the influence of streamflow variations on the site specific availability of potential fish habitat. WUA is defined as the total wetted surface area of a study site expressed as an equiva- lent surface area of optimal (preferred) fish habitat for the life stage and species being evaluated (Bovee and Milhous 1978). Weighted Usable Area is most commonly computed using such microhabitat vari- ables as depth, velocity, substrate composition (spawning fish), and cover (rearing fish). WUA fore casts for habitats in the middle Susitna River have been enhanced by also considering such other 11-13 microhabitat variables as upwelling groundwater and turbidity. Resultant WUA indices will be used in conjunction with surface area measurements to calculate habitat availability and habitat quality indices for each study site. Each study site and approximately one hundred fifty other locations in the middle river have been subjectively evaluated during a habitat reconnaissance survey. These data are currently being used to classify all reconnaissance sites by similar morphologic characteris- tics and develop field habitat indices that might be used to corrobo- rate those forecast by the WUA habitat models. Thus the envisioned output of the IFR model is total surface area of each habitat type not limited by temperature, water quality or suspended sediment during the evaluation period, and a composite species specific habitat index for each habitat type. Both the surface areas and habitat indices will be functions of the mainstem discharge at Gold Creek. As previously stated these forecasts are to be presented in Volume II of the IFRR. This first volume serves to introduce the model and reduce the complexity of the IFR analysis by identifying the principal components, evaluation species and periods of the IFR analysis. II-14 III. FISH RESOURCES AND HABITAT TYPES Overview of Susitna River Fish Resources Fish resources in the Susitna River comprise a major portion of the Cook Inlet commercial salmon harvest and provide fishing opportunities for sport anglers. Anadromous species that form the base of commer- cial and sport fisheries include five species of Pacific salmon : chinook, coho, chum, sockeye, and pink. Important resident species found in the Susitna River basin include Arctic grayling, rainbow trout, lake trout, burbot, Dolly Varden, and round whitefish. Scien- tific and common names of all fish species which inhabit the Susitna River are presented in Table 111-1. Adult Salmon Contribution to Commercial Fishery With the exception of sockeye and chinook salmon, the majority of the upper Cook Inlet salmon cornnercial catch originates in the Susitna Basin (AOF&G 1984a). The long-term average annual catch of 3.1 million fish is worth approximately $17 .9 million to the cornnercial fishe~ (K. Florey, AOF&G, pers. comm. 1984). In recent years commer- cial fishermen have landed record numbers of salmon ~n the upper Cook Inlet fishe~ with over 6.2 million salmon caught in 1982 and over 6.7 millior. fish landed in 1983 (Table 111-2). The most important species to the upper Cook Inlet commercial fishe~ is sockeye salmon. In 1984, the sockeye harvest of 2.1 million fish in upper Cook Inlet was valued at $13.5 rr.illion (K. Florey, AOF&G, pers. comm. 1984). The estimated contribution of Susitna River sqckeye to the commercial fishery is between 10 to 30 percent (AOF&G 1984a). Thus, in 1984 the Susitna River co~tributed between 210,000 and 630,000 sockeye salmon to the upper Cook Inlet fishery, which represents a value be t ween $1.4 million and $4.1 million. Chum and coho salmon are the second and third most valuable commercial species, respectively. In 1984, the chum salmon harvest of 684,000 111-1 Table III-1. Common and scientific names of fish species recorded from the Susitna Basin. Scientific Name Common Name Petromyzontidae Lampetra japonica Salmonidae Coregonus laurettae Core~nus pfdschfan Onco ynchus ~orbuscha oncorhYnchus eta OncorfiYnchus KTSUtch oncorhynchus nerka Onco~nchus tshawytscha Prosop um cylindraceum Sa 1 mo ~a f rdneri Salvel nus malma Salvelinus ~cush Thymallus arctfcus Osmeridae Thaleichthys pacificus Esocidae Esox lucius Catostomidae Catostomus catostomus Gadidae Lota lota Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus Pungftfus pungftius Cottidae Cottus spp. Source : AOF&G SuHydro, Anchorage, Alaska. III-2 Arctic lamprey Bering cisco humpback whitefish pink salmon chum salmon coho salmon sockeye salmon chinook salmon round whitefish rainbow trout Dolly Varden lake trout Arctic grayling eulachon northern pike longnose sucker burbot threespine stickleback ninespine stickleback sculpin . Table III-2. Commercial catch of upper Cook Inlet salmon in numbers of fish by species, 1954 -1984. Year Chinook Sockeye Coho Pink Chum Total 1954 63,780 1,207,046 321,525 2,189,307 510,068 4,291,726 1955 45,926 1,027,528 170,777 101,680 248,343 1,594,254 1956 64,977 1,258,789 198,189 1,595,375 782,051 3,899,381 1957 42,158 643,712 125,434 21,228 1,001,470 1,834,022 1958 22,727 477,392 239,765 1,648,548 471,697 2,860,129 1959 32,651 612,676 106,312 12,527 300,319 1,064,485 1960 27,512 923,314 311,461 1,411,605 659,997 3,333,889 1961 19,210 1,162,303 117,778 34,017 349,628 1,683,463 1962 20,210 1,147,573 350,324 2 ,711,689 970,582 5,200,378 1963 17,536 942,980 197,140 30 ,436 387,027 1,575,119 1964 4,531 970,055 452,654 3,231,961 1,079,084 5,738,285 1965 9,741 1,412,350 153,6 19 23,963 316 ,444 1,916,117 1966 9,541 1,851,990 289 ,690 2,006,580 531,825 4,689,626 1967 7,859 1,380,062 177,729 32,229 296,037 1,894,716 1968 4,536 1,104,904 470,450 2,278,197 1,119,114 4,977,201 1969 12,398 692,254 100,952 33,422 269,855 1,108,881 1970 8,348 731,214 275,296 813,895 775 t 167 2,603,920 1971 19,765 636,303 100,636 35,624 327,029 1,119,357 1972 16,086 879,824 80,933 628,580 630,148 2,235,571 1973 5,194 670,025 104 ,420 326,184 667,573 1 ,773,396 1974 6,596 497,185 200,125 483,730 396 ,840 1,584,476 1975 4,780 684,818 227,372 336,359 951,796 2 ,205,135 1976 10,867 1,664,150 208,710 1,256,744 469,807 3,610,278 1977 14,792 2,054,020 192,975 544,184 1,233 ,733 1,049,704 1978 17,303 2,622,487 219,234 1,687,092 571,925 5,118,041 1979 13,738 924,415 265,166 72,982 650,357 1,926,658 1980 12,497 1,584,392 283,623 1,871,058 387 ,078 4,138,648 1981 11,548 1,443,294 494,073 127,857 842,849 2,919,621 1982 20,636 3,237 ,376 777,132 788,972 1,428 ,621 6,252 ,7 37 1983(1) 20,396 5,003,070 520,831 73,555 1,124,421 6,742,273 1984 8,800 2,103,000 443,000 623 ,000 684,000 3,861,800 Average 19,247 1,340,339 263 785 even-1,576,646 ' odd -120,416 659,190 3.058,170 (1) ADF&G Prel i minary Data, Commercial Fisheri es Division, Anchorage, Alas ka. Source : ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Di vision, Anchorage, Alaska. I II-3 fish was valued at $2.0 million, while the coho salmon harvest of 443,000 fish was worth $1.8 million (K. Florey, ADF&G, pers. cOflll'l. 1984). The estimated contribution of Sus i tna River chum to the upper Cook Inlet commercial fishery is estimated to be 85 percent, while the estimated contribution of Susitna River coho to the fishery is approximately 50 percent (ADF&G 1984a). Pink salmon is the least valued of the conmercial species in upper Cook Inlet. In 1984, the pink salmon harvest of 623,000 fish was worth an estimated $0.5 million (K. Florey, ADF&G, pers. cOflll'l. 1984), of which Susitna River pink salmon contributed about 85 percent (ADF&G 1984a). Since 1964 the upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon fishery has opened in late June to avoid capturing chinook salmon. Thus, most chinook salmon have entered their natal streams when the commercial fishing season opens and their harvest is incidental to the commercial catch. In 1984, the 8,800 chinook harvested in upper Cook Inlet had a commer- cial value of $0.3 million (K . Florey, ADF&G, pers . coiTIIl. 1984). It is estimated that the Susitna River contribution of chinook salmon was about 10 percent of the total catch (ADF&G 1984a). In the last four years (1981-1984) sockeye, chum and coho salmon harvests, which account for over 95 percent of the commercial value in the fishery, have exceeded the long-term average catches for those species (Table III-2). Record catches for coho and chum were recorded in 1982 and for sockeye in 1983. Sport Fishing The Susitna River, along with many of its tributaries, provides a 111.1lti-species sport fishery. Since 1978, the Susitna River and its tributaries have accounted for an annual average of 127,100 angler days of sport fishing effort (Mills 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984). This represents approximately 13 percent of the 1977-1983 !nnual average of 1.0 million total angler days for the Southcentral III-4 region. Most of the sport fishing in the Susitna Basin occurs in the lower Susitna River from Alexander Creek (RM 9.8) upstream to the Parks Highway (RM 84}. Most sport fishing activity occurs in tributaries and at tributary mouths, while the mainstem receives less fishing pressure. Coho and chinook salmon are most preferred by sport anglers in the Susi tna River. In addition many pink salmon are taken during even-year runs. The annual sport harvest of coho salmon in the Susitna River is significant when compared to the estimated total coho escapement. In 1983, almost one of every five coho salmon entering the Susitna River was caught by sport anglers (Table III-3}. The annual harvest of chinook salmon in the Susitna River has increased from 2,850 fish in 1978 to 12,420 fish in 1983 (Table III-4), During this period, the contdbution of the Susitna River chinook sport harvest to the South- central Alaska chinook sport harvest has increased from 11 to 22 percent. Of the resident species in the Susitna River, rainbow trout and Arctic grayling are caught by anglers in the largest numbers (Mills 1984). Subsistence Fishing The only subsistence fishery on Susitna River fish stocks that is officially recognized and monitored by the Alaska Depa r tment of Fish and Game is near the village of Tyonek, approximately 30 miles (50 km) southwest of the Susitna River mouth. The Tyonek subsistence fishery was reopened in 1980 after being closed for sixteen years. From 1980 through 1983, the annual Tyonek subsistence harvest averaged 2,000 chinook, 250 sockeye and 80 coho per year (ADF&G 1984b). III-5 Table 111-3. Summary of commercial and sport harvest or. Susitna River basin adult salmon returns . ~ommercta1 Rarvest Sport Harvest Susitna Upper Estimated Estimated Estimated Basin Cook Inlyt Estimated 2 Susitna Susitna Total Sport Percent of Species Harvest Percent Susitna Harvest Escapement 3 Run Harvest 4 Escapement Sockeye Mean ~ 81 1,443,000 20 ( l 288,600 287,000 575,600 1,283 0 .4 82 3,237,000 20 ~10-30 647,400 279,000 926,400 2,205 0.8 83 5,003,000 10 10-30 500,300 185,000 685,300 5,537 3.0 Pink 81 128,000 85 108,800 127,000 235,800 8,660 6.8 82 789,000 85 670,650 1,318,000 1,988,650 16,822 1.3 83 74,000 85 62,900 150,000 212,900 4,656 3 .... Chum 1-4 81 843,000 85 716,550 297,000 1,013,550 4,207 1.4 1-4 82 1,429,000 85 1,214,650 481,000 1,695,650 6,843 1.4 1-4 83 1,124,000 85 955,400 290,000 1,245,400 5,233 1.8 I 0\ Coho 81 494,000 50 247,000 68,000 315,000 9,391 13.8 82 777,000 50 388,500 148,000 536,500 16,664 11.3 83 521,000 50 260,500 45,000 305,500 8,425 18.7 Chinook 81 11,500 10 1,150 7,576 82 20,600 10 2,060 10,521 83 20,400 10 2,040 12,420 1 Source: ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Division 2 3 B. Barrett, ADF&G Su Hydro, February 15, 1984 Workshop Presentation 2 Yentna Station + Sunshine Station estimated escapement + 5% for sock!ye + 48 % for p1nk 2 + 5% for chum + 85 % for cohi 4 Mills 1982, 1983, 1984 Table Ill-~. Sport fish harvest for Southcentral Alaska and Suaitna Basin in numbers of fiah by species, 1978-1983. Arctic Cra~lt !!S Rainbow Trout Pink Salmon Coho Sa 111100 Chinook Sal110n Ch• SaliiOn Sock•~• Sal110n South-Suiitna South-Suaitna South-Suaitna South-Suaitna South-Suaitna South-Suaitna South-Suaitna Year central Basin central Basin central Basin central Baafn central Baa in central Basin central Basin 1978 ~7 ,866 13,532 107,2~3 1~,925 1~3.~83 55,~18 81,990 15,072 26,~15 2,8~3 23,755 15,667 118,299 8~5 1979 70,316 13,31t2 129,815 18,35~ 63,366 12,516 93,23~ 12,893 3~,009 6,910 8,126 ~.072 77,655 1,586 1980 69,1t62 22,083 126,686 15,1t88 153,7~ 56,621 127,958, 16,1t99 2~,155 7,389 8,660 lt,759 105,911t 1 ,30ft 1981 63,695 21,216 11t9,1t60 13,757 6~,163 8,660 95,376 9,391 35,822 7,576 7,810 lt,207 76,533 1,283 H H 1982 60,972 18,860 1lt2,579 16,979 105,961 16,822 H 136,153 16,66-lt lt6,266 10,521 13,1t97 6,81t3 128,015 2,205 I ....... 1983 56,896 20,235 11t1,663 16,500 lt7 ,26ft lt,656 87,935 8,lt25 57 ,09lt 12,1t20 11,0it3 5,233 170,799 5~537 Average 61,535 18,211 132,908 16,000 131t,lt13 lt2,951t 103,771t 13,157 37,2~ 7,91t3 12,1lt9 6,797 112,869 2,128 (even) (even) 58,26/t 8,611 (odd) (odd) Source : Hilla (1979-1981t) Relative Abundance of Adult Salmon Major salmon-producing tributaries to the Susitna River include the Yentna River drainage {RM 28), the Chulitna River drainage {RM 98.6) and the Talkeetna River drainage {RM 97.1). Numerous other smaller tributaries also contribute to the salmon production of the Susitna River. The average salmon escapements at four locations in the Susitna River for 1981 through 1984 are presented in Table 111-5 . The minimum Susitna River escapements of four salmon species can be estimated for 1981 through 1984 by adding the escapements at Yentna Station {RM 28, TRM 04) and Sunshine Station {RM 80) {ADF&G 1984a). These total escapements are considered minilll.lms because they do not include escapements below RM 80, excluding the Yentna Riv.er {RM 28) {AOF&G 1984a). The four-year averages of minimum Susitna River escapements for sockeye, chum and coho salmon are presented in Table 111-5. The minimum Susitna River escapement for pink salmon is reported in Table 111-5 as a two-year {1981, 1983) average escapement for odd-year runs and a two-year {1982, 1984) average escapement for even-year runs. This separation was made because pink ~almon runs are numerically dominant in even years {AOF&G 1984a). Escapements of chinook salmon at Yentna Station have not been quan- tified because most of the run passes the station before monitoring begins {AOF&G 1981a, 1982a, 1984a, 1985). Therefore, a minimum Susitna River escapement for chinook salmon cannot be estimated by the same method used for the other salmon species. Chinook escapements have been estimated at Sunshine Station in 1982, 1983 and 1984 {AOF&G 1984a, 1985). The three-year average of chinookr escapements at Sunshine Station is presented in Table 111-5. Most salmon spawn in the Susitna River and its tributaries below Talkeetna Station {RM 103) (AOF&G 1981a, 1982a, 1984a, 1985). Impor- tant chinook spawning areas are Alexander Creek {RM 9.8), Lake Creek in the Yentna River drainage {RM 28), the Oeshka River {RM 40.5) and Prairie Creek in the Talkeetna River drainage (RM 97.1) {AOF&G 1984a, 111-8 Table 111-5. Average salmon escapements in the Susftna River by species and location. location Sockeye 1 Chum2 Coho2 Pink 3 Chinook 4 River Mile location Total Yentna Station 126,750 21,200 19,600 Odd 48,400 Odd 215,950 RM 28, TRM 04 Even 408,300 Even 575,850 Sunshine Station 121,650 431,000 43,900 Odd 45,000 88,200 Odd 729,750 RM 80 Even 730,100 Even 1,414,840 Talkeetna Station 6,300 54,600 5,700 Odd 5,900 16,700 Odd 89,200 RM 103 Even 125,500 Even 208,800 Curry Station 2,400 28,200 1,6op Odd 3,300 13,000 Odd 48,500 RM 120 Even 87,900 Even 133,100 H Minimum Susitna 248,400 452,200 63,500 Odd 93,400 Odd 857,500 H River 5 Even 1,138,400 Even 1,902,500 H I I ..0 1 Second-run sockeye escapements. Four-year average of 1981, 1982, 1983 and 1984 escapements. 2 Four-year average of 1981, 1982, 1983 and 1984 escapements. 3 Odd is average of 1981 and 1983 escapements. Even is average of 1982 and 1984 escapements. 4 Three-year average of 1982, 1983 and 1984 escapements. Dashes indicate no estimate. 5 Summation of Yentna Station and Sunshine Station average escapements. Does not include escapement to the Susitna River and tributaries below RM 80, excluding the Yentna River (RM 28). Source: ADF&G 1984a, 1985. 1985). Most sockeye salmon spawn in the Yentna, Chulitna (RM 98.6) and Talkeetna drainages (ADF&G 1984a, 1985 ). The Yentna River is also an important pink salmon spawning area (ADF&G 1984a). The primary area of chum salmon spawning is the Talkeetna River (ADF&G 1984a, 1985). Most coho salmon spawn in tributaries below RM 80 (ADF&G 1985). In the middle reach of the Susitna River, chum and chinook are the most abundant salmon, excluding even-year pin k salmon (ADF&G 1984a, 1985). In this river reach, salmon escapements have been monitored at Talkeetna (RM 103) and Curry (RM 120) stations since 1981 (ADF&G 1981a, 1982a, 1984a, 1985). The contribution of the middle Susitna River salmon escapements to the Susitna River salmon runs can be estimated for 1981 through 1984 by dividing the Talkeetna Station escapements into the minimum Susitna River escapements. Based .on the average escapements presented in Table III-5, the average percent contribution in 1981 through 1984 for the middle Susitna River is: 2.5 percent for sockeye, 12.1 percent for chum, 9.0 percent for coho, 6.3 percent for odd-year pink and 11.0 percent for even-year pink salmon. These estimates should be con- sidered maximum values because (1) the minimum Susitna River escape- ments, as previously discussed, do not include escapements below RM 80 (excluding the Yentna River); and (2) the Talkeetna Station escape- ments overestimate the number of spawning salmon in the middle reach. This overestimation is apparently due to milling fish that return downstream of Talkeetna Station to spawn. The number of fish that reach Talkeetna Station and later move downstream to spawn is significant. In 1984, 83 percent of the sockeye, 75 percent of the chum, 75 percent of the coho, 85 percent of the pink and 45 percent of the chinook salmon escapements at Talkeetna Station were milling fish that returned downstream of Talkeetna Station to spawn (ADF&G 1985). If the escapement to Talkeetna Station is reduced to account for the milling factor, the contribution of III-10 middle SusHna River escapement to the miniDI.Im basin escapement in 1984 becomes: 0.8 percent for sockeye, 3.1 percent for chum, 2.6 percent for coho and 1.9 percent for pink salmon. Chinook salmon were not included in this analysis because of the lack of minimum Susitna River escapements, as previously discussed. III-11 Distribution and Timing of Juvenile Salmon and Resident Species Juvenile Salmon The relative abundance of juvenile salmon in the Susitna River can not be estimated because population estimates of outmigrating juvenile salmon have been done only for chum and sockeye salmon at Talkeetna Station (RM 103) and catch per unit effort data are available from smolt traps at Talkeetna Station but comparable data are unavailable for other areas. Most chum salmon rear in the middle Susitna River for one to three months, while pink salmon spend little time in this reach (AOF&G 1984c). The outmigration of juvenile chum at Talkeetna Station (RM 103) extends from May through mid-August, whereas most juvenile pink salmon leave this reach~· river by June (AOF&G 1984c). Outmigration timing of pink and chum juveniles is positively correlated with mainstem discharges (AOF&G 1984c). Chinook and sockeye salmon rear from one to two years in the Susitna River, while coho salmon rear from one to three years (AOF&G 1984c). Some age 0+ juveniles of chinook, coho and sockeye salmon move out of the middle Susitna River throughout the summer, with peak downstream movements at Talkeetna Station occurring in June, July and August (AOF&G 1984c). Chinook, coho and sockeye juveniles that remain in the middle Susitna River utilize rearing habitats until September and October, when they move to overwintering habitats . Chinook juveniles primarily rear in tributaries and side channels. Side channel use was highest in July and August of 1983 (AOF&G 1984c). Most coho juveniles use tributaries ad upland sloughs for rearing (AOF&G 1984c). Sockeye salmon rear principally in natal side and upland sloughs (AOF&G 1984c). Age 1+ chinook, coho and sockeye and age 2+ coho outmigrate primarily in June at Talkeetna Station (AOF&G 1984c). Rainbow trout and Arctic grayling use aquatic habitats within the middle Susitna River during all phases of their life cycle. However, III-12 movements to other reaches of the Susitna River may be significant for other resident species such as Dolly Varden, round whitefish, and humpback whitefish (ADF&G 1984c). III-13 Identification and Utilization of Habitat Types The complex of primary, secondary and overflow channels that exists wi hin the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon segment of the Susitna River provides a great diversity of habitat conditions. Six major aquatic habitat types, having comparatively similar morphologic, hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics, have been identified within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River : mainstem, side channel, side shugh, upland slough, tributary, and tributary mouth (Figure III-1) (ADF&G 1983c). Within these aquatic habitat types, varying amounts and qualities of fish habitat may ex i st within the same habitat type, depending upon site-specific thennal, water quality, channel structure and hydraulic conditions. Differentiation of aquatic habitat types is useful for evaluating the seasonal utilization patterns and habitat preferences of the fish species/life stages which inhabit the middle Susitna River, as well as determining the influence of seasonal variations in streamflow on the availability of potential aquatic habitat. The seasonal utilization of the middle Susitna River habitat types by fish is primarily depen- dent upon the abiotic conditions they offe r the species and life stages under consideration. Abiotic habitat conditions are primarily influenced by streamflow, stream temperature and water quality, which in the middle Susitna River vary markedly among habitat types and with the season of the year (ADF&G 1983c). Mainstem Habitat Mainstem habitat is defi ned as those portions of the Susitna River wh ·ich normally convey the largest amount of streamflow throughout the year. Both single and multiple channel reaches, as well as poorly defined water courses flowing through partially vegetated gravel bars or islands, are included in this aquatic habitat category. Mainstem habitats are thought to be predom i nantly used as migrational corridors by adult and juvenile salmon during summer. Isolated II I-14 Note: A more detailed deecrlptlon of theee habitat typee can be found •n thle eectlon of thle report. LEGEND I. Mainstem Habitat 2. Side Channel Habitat 3. Side Slough Habi tat 4 . Upl and Slogh Habitat 5. Tributary Hab it at 6. Tributary Mouth Habitat Figure m-I . General habitat types of the Susitna River. I I I -15 observations of chum salmon spawning at upwelling sites along shore- line margins have been reported (ADF&G 1982a). Also, ma.instem habitats are utilized by several resident species, most notably Arctic grayl i ng, burbot, longnose sucker, rainbow trout and whitefish. Turbid, high-velocity, sediment-laden summer streamflows and low, cold, ice-covered, clearwater winter flows are characteristic of mainstem habitat type. Channels are relatively stable, high gradient and normally well armored with cobbles and boulders . Interstitial spaces between these large streambed particles are generally filled with a grout-like mixture of small gravels and glacial sands. Isolated deposits of small cobbles and gravels exist. However, they are usually unstable. Groundwater upwellings and clearwater tributary inflow appear to be inconsequential determinants of the overall characteristics of main- stem habitat except during winter when they dominate mainstem water quality conditions. Side Channel Habitats Side channel habitat is found in those portions of the river which normally convey streamflow during the summer, but become appreciably dewatered during periods of low flow. For convenience of classifi- cation and analysis, side channels are defined as conveying less than 10 percent of the total flow passing a given location in the river. Side channel habitat may exist in well-defined channels, in poorly defined water courses flowing through submerged grave 1 is 1 ands, or along shoreline or mid-channel margins of mainstem habitat. J uvenile chinook appear to make the most extensive use of side channel ha bitats, particularly during July and August (ADF&G 1984c). A l ·mited amount of chum salmon spawning also occurs in side channel habitats where upwelling is present and velocities and substrate composition are suitable (ADF&G 1984d). Resident species > such as burbot and whitefish, also ut i lize side channel habitats. I II-16 In genera 1, the turbidity, suspended sediment and thenna 1 character- istics of side channel habitats reflect mai-nstem conditions. The exception is in quiescent areas, where suspended sediment concen- trations are less. Side channel habitats are characterized by shallower depths, lower velocities and smaller streambed materials than mainstem habitats . However, side channel velocities and sub- strate composition often provide suboptimal habitat conditions for both adult and juvenile fish. The presence or absence of clearwater inflow, such as groundwater upwellings or tributaries, is not considered a critical component in the designation of side channel habitat. However, a strong positive correlation exists between the location of such clearwater inflows and the location of chum salmon spawning sites that exist within side channel habitats (ADF&G 1984d). In addition, tributary and ground- water inflow prevents some side channel habitat from becoming com- pletely dewatered when mainstem flows recede in September and October. These clearwater areas are suspected of being important for primary production prior to the fonnation of a winter ice cover. Side Slough Habitats With the exception of the clearwater tributaries, side slough habitats are probably the most productive of all the middle Susitna River aquatic habitat types. Side slough habitats typically exist in overflow channels, which originate from riverine physical processes such as flood events resulting from high streamflow or breakup ice jams. Clearwater inflows from local runoff and/or upwelling are ccmponents of this aquatic habitat type. Periodic overtopping by high mainstem discharge events is the most distinguishing characteristic of side slough habitat (ADF&G 1983c). A non-vegetated alluvial benn connects the head of the slough to the mainstem or a side channel. A well vegetated gravel bar or island parallels the slough separating it from the mainstem (or side channel). During intermediate and low-flow periods, mainstem water I 11-17 surface elevations are insufficient to overtop the alluvial benn at the upstream end (head) of the slough. However, the mainstem stage at these flows is often sufficient at the downstream end (mouth) of the slough to cause a backwater effect to extend a few hundred feet upstream into the slough (Trihey 1982). Approximately 80 percent of all middle Susitna River chum salmon spawning in non-tributary habitats and essentially all sockeye salmon spawning occurs in unbreached side slough habitat (ADF&G 1981, 1982a, 1984a). In early spring, large numbers of juvenile chum and sockeye salmon can be found in unbreached side sloughs. During summer, moderate numbers of juvenile coho and chinook make use of side-slough habitats, with chinook densities increasing during the fall-winter transition (ADF&G 1984b). Small numbers of resident species, such as rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, burbot, round whitefish, cottids and longnose suckers, are also found in side slough habitats. Considerable variation in water chemistry has been documented among side sloughs. This is prinCipally a function of local runoff pat- terns, basin characteristics, and groundwater upwelling when the side sloughs are not overtopped. Once overtopped, side sloughs display the water quality characteristics of the mainstem (ADF&G 1982b). Pre- sumably side sloughs provide better habitat for aquatic organisms than mainstem or side channel areas largely because side sloughs convey turbid-water less frequently than other channels and contain warmer water year round. During periods of high mainstem discharge, the water surface elevation of the mainstem is often sufficient to overtop the alluvial benns at the heads of some sioughs. When this occurs, discharge through the side slough increases markedly from turbid mainstem flow. Such overtopping events affect the thennal, water quality and hydraulic conditions of side slough habitat (ADF&G 1982b). Depending upon their severity, overtopping events may flush organic material and fine sediments from the side slough, or totally rework the channel geometry and substrate composition. III-18 Streambed materials in side slough habitats tend to be a heterogeneous mixture of coarse sands, gravels and cobbles often overlain by fine glacial sands in quiescent areas. Perhaps because of the upwelling or the less frequent conveyance of mainstem water, streambed materials in side slough habitats do not appear to be as cemented or grouted as sim1lar size particles would be in side channel habitats. When side sloughs are not overtopped, surface water temperatures respond independently of mainstem temperatures (ADF&G 1982b). Surface water temperatures in unbreached side sloughs are influenced by the temperature of groundwater upwelling, the temperature of surface runoff and climatologic conditions. In many instances during winter, the thennal effect of the upwelling water is sufficient to maintain relatively ice free conditions in the side sloughs throughout winter (Trihey 1982, ADF&G 1983a). Upland Slough Habitats Upland slough habitats are clearwater systems which exist in relic side channels or overflow channels. They differ from side slough habitats in several ways. The most apparent reason for many of these differences is because the elevation of the upstream berm, which separates these habitats from adjacent mainstem or side channels, is sufficient to prevent overtopping in all but the most extreme flood or ice jam events. Upland sloughs typically possess steep well-vegetated streambanks with near-zero flow velocities, and sand or silt covering larger substrates. Active or abandoned beaver dams and food caches are commonly observed in upland slough habitats presenting barriers to fish movements. The primary influence of the mainstem or side channel flow adjacent to the upland slough is to regulate its depth by backwater effects. The water surface elevation of the adjacent mainstem or side channel often controls the water surface elevation at the mouth of the upland slough. Depending upon the rate at which the mainstem water surface elevation responds to storm events relative to the response of local III-19 runoff into the upland slough, turbid mainstem water may enter the slough. The rap i d increase in mainstem water surface elevations and suspended sediment concentrations in association with peak flow events is suspected of being a primary transport mechanism of fine sediments into the backwater areas of upland sloughs. Local surface water inflow and bank erosion may be major contributors of sediments in reaches upstream of backwater areas and beaver dams. Upwelling is often present in upland sloughs, however, little spawning occurs in these habitats (ADF&G 1984a). The most extensive use is by juvenile sockeye and coho salmon (ADF&G 1984c). Resident species common in upland sloughs include round whitefish and rainbow trout. Tributary Habitat Tributary habitats reflect the integration of their watershed charac- teristics and are independent of mainstem flow, temperature and sediment regimes. Middle Susitna River tri butary streams convey clear water which originates from snowmelt, rainfall runoff or groundwater base flow throughout the year. Tributaries to the middle Susitna River provide the only reported spawning areas for chinook salmon, and nearly all the coho and pink salmon spawning areas that occur in this river segment (ADF&G 1984a). Approximately one-third of the chum salmon escapement to the middle Susitna River spawn in tributary habitat. Pink salmon juveniles outmigrate shortly after emergence and most juvenile chum leave within one to three months, but a large percentage of emergent chinook and coho remain in tributary streams for several months following emer- gence (ADF&G 1984c). Resident species such as Arctic grayling and rainbow trout also greatly depend on tributary streams for spawning and rearing habitat. I II-20 Tributary Mouth Habitat Tributary mouth habitat refers to that portion of the tributary which adjoins the Susitna River. The areal extent of this habitat responds to cha nges in mainstem discharge. By definition, this habitat extends from 1t he uppermost point in the tributary influenced by mainstem backwa/ter effects to the downstream extent of its clearwater plume. This mabitat type is an important feeding station for juvenile chinook (ADF&G 1982a), rainbow trout and Arctic grayling (ADF&G 1984c), especially during periods of salmon spawning activity. Tributary mouth habita t associated with the larger tributaries within the middle Susitna Ri ver ~lso provides significant spawning habitat for pink and chum salmon (ADF&G 1984a). II 1-21 Selection of Evaluation Species Selection of evaluation species is thought to be consistent with the guidelines and policies of the Alaska Power Authority, Alaska Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. These guidelines imply that species with commercial, subsistence and recreational uses are given high priority. The habitats of those species that are likely to be significantly influenced by the project are of the greatest concern. The following discussion provides a synopsis of the baseline data used in the selection of primary and secondary evaluation species . The primary species and life stages selected for evaluation were chum salmon spawning adults and incubating embryos, and chinook salmon rearing juveniles. These species and life stages depend on side slough and side channel habitats, which are expected to be significantly affected by project operation . The secondary evaluation species/life stages that may receive secondary consideration in subsequent analyses of flow effects on aquatic habitats include: chum salmon juveniles and returning adults, chinook salmon returning adults, all freshwater life phases of sockeye and pink salmon, rainbow trout rearing and overwintering, coho salmon juveniles and returning adults, Arctic grayling rearing and overwintering, and all life phases of burbot. Surveys of spawning adult salmon conducted during 1981-83 by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G 1984a) indicate that tribu- taries and side sloughs are the primary spawning areas for the five species of Pacific salmon that occur in the middle reach of the Susitna River (Figure III-2). Comparatively small numbers of fish spawn in mainstem, side channel, upland slough and tributary mouth habitats. Chum and sockeye are the most abundant salmon species that spawn in non-tributary habitats in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River (ADF&G 1984a). The estimated number of chum salmon spawn i ng in non-tributary habitats within the middle Susitna 111-22 LE8END MS -MAl NITEM IC -SIDE CHANNEL IL -UPLAND and SIDE SLOUGHS T -TRIBUTAIUEI • -PRIMARY SMWNI,. HABITAT + -SECONDARY SMWNIH HABnar M8 SC SL T COHO M8 SC SL T CHINOOK M8 SC SL T SOCKEYE M8 SC SL T PINK -IC SL T CHUM Figure I-2. Relative distribution of salmon spawning within different habitat types of the middle Suaitna River. (ADF&G 1984c). III-23 River averaged 4,200 fish per year for the 1981-83 period of record (ADF&G 1984a). This represents about two-thirds of the peak survey counts in all habitats during 1981-1983 (ADF&G 1984a). Approximately 1,600 sockeye per year (99 percent of peak survey counts) spawned in slough habitat during the same period. Limited numbers of pink salmon utilize side channels and side sloughs for spawning during even- numbered years (ADF&G 1984a). Similarly, only a few coho salmon spawn in non-tributary habitats of the Susitna River (ADF&G 1984a). It is estimated that approximately 10,000 chum salmon have returned annually to the middle Susitna River to spawn during the 1981-1983 period of record, of which nearly 50% spawn in tributaries. Approxi- mately 80 percent of all chum salmon spaw~ing in non-tributary habitats within the middle Susitna River occurs in side slough habi- tats, with Sloughs 21, 11, 9, 9A and 8A accounting for 75 percent of the annual slough spawning (ADF&G 1981, 1982, 1984a). Extensive surveys of side channel and mainstem areas have documented compara- tively few spawning areas (ADF&G 1981, 1982, 1984a). Within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach, spawn1ng sockeye salmon are distributed among eleven sloughs, with Sloughs 11, 8A, and 21 accounting for more than 95 percent of the spawning in 1981-1983 (AOF&G 1984a). In 1983, 11 sockeye salmon were observed spawning alongside 56 chum salmon in the mainstem approximately 0.5 miles upstream of the mouth of the Indian River (ADF&G 1984a). This is the only recorded occurrence of sockeye salmon spawning in middle Susitna River areas other than slough habitats. Chum and sockeye salmon spawning areas commonly overlap at all of the locations where sockeye spawning has been observed (ADF&G 1984a). This overlap is likely a result of similar timing and habitat require- ments (ADF&G 1984a and d). Chum salmon are more numerous in slough habitats and appear to be more constrained by passage restrictions and low water depth during spawning than sockeye sa·lmon. Hence, the initial evaluation and analysis of flow relationships on existing III-24 salmon spawning in the middle Susitna River is on chum salmon spawning in sloughs. Depending upon the season of the year, rearing juvenile salmon utilize all aquatic habitat types found within the middle Susitna River in varying degrees. Among the non-tributary habitats, juvenile salmOn densities are highest in side and upland sloughs and side channel areas (Figure III-3). Extensive sampling for juveniles has not been conducted in mainstern habitats, largely due to sampling gear ineffi- ciency in typically deep, fast, turbid waters. little utilization of these habitats is expected except in the lateral margins that have low velocities. Coho salmon juveniles are most abundant in tributary and upland slough habitats. In general, these habitats do not respond significantly to variations in mainstem discharge (Klinger and Trihey 1984). Sockeye juveniles, although relatively few in number, make extensive use of upland slough and side slough habitats within the middle Susitna River. In contrast, juvenile chum and chinook salmon are quite abundant in the middle Susitna River and are most numerous in side slough and side channel habitats (ADF&G 1984c). These habitats respond markedly to variations in mainstem discharge (Klinger and Trihey 1984). For this reason, these two species, chinook and chum, have been selected for evaluating rearing conditions for juvenile salmon within the middle Susitna River. Because juvenile have a longer freshwater residence period, they are a primary evaluation species/life stage. Juvenile chum are one of the secondary evaluation species/life stages. With the exception of burbot, important resident species in the middle Susitna River are mainly associated with tributary habitats. Both rainbow trout and Arctic grayling are important sport species in the basin. The spawning and rearing for these two species occur primarily in tributary and tributary mouth habitats. Both species use mainstem habitats for overwintering. A limited number of both species rear in III-25 H H H I N 0\ ... • 60 Ill 50 (,) IC Ill ~ 20 10 0 60 50 40 ... • Ill 50 (,) IC Ill ~ 20 10 0 14.4 17.1 2 .9 4 .9 I TR18UTARI£S UPLAND 5tOE SlOE SLOUGHS CHAHHELS SLOUGHS CHUM , ... 8 .5 II. 7 11 . I TRI8UTARI£S UPLAND SIDE SIDE SLOUGHS CHAHHELS SLOUGHS CHINOOK RELATIVE A8l*OANCE Of JUVENILE SALMON ... • 60 ... 50 u IC Ill ~ 20 10 0 60 50 40 ... • Ill 30 (,) IC Ill ~ 20 10 0 11.1 II. I 0 9 1 10 .• TRI8UTARI£S UPLAND SIDE SIDE SLOUGHS CHAHHfLS SLOUGH S COHO 48.7 41 .3 o.e 1.1 TRi f1 UTArilf~ Uf\.ANP ~I f.[ SIDE SLOUGHS tHAHHfLS SLOUGH S SOCKEYE Figure m-3 . Relative abundance and diatribution of juvenile salmon within different habitat types of the middle Suaitna Ri~er (ADF8G 1984c). I mainstem influenced habitats (ADF&G 1984c). Due to their use of mainstem-influenced areas, overwintering and rearing Arctic grayling and rainbow trout are selected as secondary evaluation species. Burbot are found almost exclusively in mainstem, side channels and slough months, as they apparently prefer turbid habitats (ADF&G 1984c). Because of their dependence on mainstem influenced habitats, all life phases of burbot may be evaluated. As the IFR analysis continues, other species whose populations may be influenced by with-project conditions will be considered for evaluation. Species/life stages such as chum, chinook and pink salmon spawning may be evaluated in side channel and mainstem habitats. These species currently spawn primarily in habitats other than the mainstem and side channels of the middle Susitna River. The physical characteristics of mainstem and side channel habitats in this reach may approach those in other Alaskan river systems utilized by these species under possibl~ with-project streamflow, water temperature and water quality regimes. II I-27 IV. WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS AND PHYSICAL PROCESSES INFLUENCING MIDDLE RIVER HABITATS Watershed Characteristics Basin Overview Tributaries in the upper portions of the Susitna River drainage basin originate in the glaciers of the Alaska Range, which is dominated by Mount Deborah {12,339 feet) and Mount Hayes {13,823 feet). Other peaks average between 7,000 and 9,000 feet in altitude. Tributaries in the eastern portion of the basin originate in the Copper River lowland and in the Talkeetna Mountains, with elevations averaging between 6,000 and 7,000 feet and decreasing northward and westward. To the northwest, the mountains fonn a broad , rolling glacially- scoured upland dissected by deep glaciated valleys. Between these ranges and Cook Inlet is the Susitna lowlands, a broad basin increas- ing in elevation from sea level to 500 feet, with local relief of 50 to 250 t eet {Figure IV-1). The drainage basin lies in a zone of discontinuous pennafrost. In the mountainous areas, discontinuous pennafrost is generally present. In the lowlands and upland areas below 3,000 feet, there are isolated masses of pennafrost in areas with fine-grained deposits. The basin geology consists largely of extensive unconsolidated deposits derived from glaciers. Glacial moraines and gravels fill U-shaped valleys in the upland areas. Gravelly till and outwash in the lowlands and on upland slopes are overlain by shallow to moderately deep silty soils . Windblown silt covers upland areas. Steep upper slopes have shallow, gravelly and loamy deposits with many bedrock exposures. On the south flank of the A 1 aska Range and south-facing s 1 opes of the Ta 1 keetna Mountains, soils are well-drained, dark, and gravelly to loamy . Poorly drained, gravelly and stony loams with pennafrost are present on northfacing slopes of foothills, moraines, and valley bottoms. Water erosion is moderate on low slopes and severe on steep slopes. IV-1 "' c: .. E .. "' ~ .. e ~ "' e ~ : -:i .. Q " . , -IJ' IV-2 c • 0 CD ... • > if 0 c -•• ~ (I) • .6: -.s ~ .:: Jl .c ... 0 Jl -• c e 0 • ... -(I) Vegetation above the tree line in steep, rocky soils is predominantly a 1 pine tundra. Well-drained upland soils support white spruce and grasses, whereas poorly drained valley bottom soils support muskeg. The upper drainage basin is in the continental climatic zone, and the lower drainage basin is in the transitional climatic zone. Tempera- tures are more moderate and precipitation is less in the lower basin than those in the upper basin. Storms which affect the area generally cross the Chugach Range from the Gulf of Alaska or come from the North Pacific or southern Bering Sea across the Alaska Range west of the upper Susitna Basin. The heaviest precipitation generally falls on the windward side of these mountains, leaving the upper basin in somewhat of a precipitation shadow except for the higher peaks of the Talkeetna Mountains and the southern slopes of the Alaska Range. Therefore, precipitation is much heavier in the higher elevations than in the valleys. Basin Hydrology The Susitna River is typical of unregulated northern glacial rivers, with relatively high turbid streamflow during sunmer and low clear- water flow during winter. Sources of water to the Susitna River can be classified as: glacial melt, tributary inflow, surface runoff, and groundwater inflow. The relative importance of each of these contri- butions to the mainstem discharge at Gold Creek varies seasonally (Figure IV-2). Snowmelt runoff and spring rainfall are elements of surface runoff which cause a rapid rise in streamflows during late May and early June. Over half of the annual floods occur during this period. IV-3 Figure IV-2 . Estimated percent contribution to flow at Gold Creek. SUMMER WINTER Figure Ill 2 The glaciated portions of the upper Susitna Basin also play a signifi- cant role in shaping the annual hydrograph for the Susitna River at Gold Creek (USGS stream gage station 15292000). Located on the southern slopes of the Alaska Range, these glaciated regions receive the greatest amount of precipitation that falls in the basin. The glaciers, covering about 290 square miles or approximately 5% of the basin upstream of Gold Creek, act as reservoirs storing water in the winter and releasing water in su!TII'Ier to maintain moderately high streamflows throughout the summer. Valley walls in those portions of the upper basin not covered by glaciers, consist of steep bedrock exposures or shallow soil systems. Rapid surface runoff originates from the glaciers and upper basin whenever rainstorms occur, typically in 1 ate sunmer and early fall. Many annua 1 peak flow events have occurred duri~g August. Approximately 87 percent of the total annual flow of the middle Susitna River occurs from ~lay through September; IV-4 over 60 percent occurs during June, July and August (Table IV-1). R&M Consultants and Harrison {1982) state that "roughly 38 percent of the streamflow at Gold Creek originates above the gaging stations on the Maclaren River near Paxson and on the Susitna River near Denali •.. " Table IV-1. Summary of monthly streamflow statistics for the Susitna River at Gold Creek (Harza-Ebasco 1985). Rax1mum MonthlR Flow {cfs} Month ean Rinimum January 2,452 1,542 724 Februar_v 2,028 1,320 723 March 1,900 1,177 713 April 2,650 1,436 745 May 21,890 13,420 3,745 June 50,580 27,520 15,500 July 34,400 24,310 16 '100 August 37,870 21,905 8,879 September 21,240 13,340 5,093 October a,212 5,907 3,124 November 4,192 2,605 1,215 December 3,264 1,844 866 Average 15 2900 9 2651 4 2785 As air temperatures drop during fall, glacial melt subsides and streamflows decrease. By November, streamflows have decreased to approximately one tenth of midsuiTITier values. An ice cover, which generally persists until mid-May, forms on the middle Susitna River during November and December. During winter, flow in the Susitna River is maintained by the Tyone River which drains Lake Louise, Susitna Lake and Tyone Lake, and by groundwater inflow to severa 1 smaller tributaries and to the Susitna River itself. Al t hough ground- water inflow is thought to remain fairly constant throughout the year, its relative importance increases during winter as inflows from glacial melt and non-point runoff decrease. IV-5 Streamflow Variability Peak flows for the Susitna River nonmally occur during June in asso- ciation with the snowmelt flood. Rainstonns may also cause floods during late sumner. Most annual peak flows occur dur~ng June or August (Table IV-2). Snowmelt flood peaks are generally 3 to 5 days in duration, whereas late sumner flood peaks are often single day events. Table IV-2 Percent distribution of annual peak flow events for the Susitna River at Gold Creek 1950-1982 (R&M Consultants 1981). Month Ma} June July August September Percent 9 55 9 24 3 Little difference exists among monthly ratios for the 1-, 3-, and 7-day low flows to their respective monthly flows during June- September (R&M Consultants 1981). Flow is relatively stable during the summer, with occasional sudden increases as the basin responds to the highly variable, and sometimes erratic, precipitation patterns. Susitna River streamflows show the most variation throughout the months of May and October, the transition periods commonly associated with spring breakup and the onset of freeze up. From November through April, low air temperatures cause surface water in the basin to freeze, and stable but gradually declining groundwater inflow and baseflow from headwater lakes maintain mainstem streamflow. The natural flow regime of the middle Susitna River streamflows will be significantly altered by project operation (Figure IV-3). With- project streamflows will generally be less than existing streamflows from May through August as _water is being stored in the reservo i rs for release during the winter. Variability in the middle Susitna Ri ver will be caused primarily by tributary inflow and baseline and peaking IV-6 releases from the reservoirs. Floods will also be reduced in frequen- cy and magnitude (Figure IV-3) generally occurring in late summer when the reservoirs are full and water must occasionally be released. With-project streamflow during September is expected to be less variable but similar to the long tenn average monthly natural flow. Flows from October through April will be greater in magnitude and more variable than natural streamflows. Daily fluctuations in streamflow are expected to occur throughout winter as the project responds to meet changes in the daily and weekly load. However, these fluc- tuations are not expected to exceed ±10 percent of the base discharge for the day (W. Dyok, Harza-fbasco, 1984, pers. comm.). Influence of Streamflow on Habitat Mainstem and Side Channel Habitat. The large amount of water that is conveyed during the summer in steep mainstem and side channel water courses generally results in inhospitable conditions for fish. Mainstem and side channel gradients within the middle Susitna River are on the order of 8-14 ft/mile (R&M Consultants 1982a). Although flood peaks seldom exceed twice the long tenn average monthly flow for the month in which they occur (R&M Consultants 1981), the average monthly flows for June, July, and August are nearly 2.5 times the average annual discharge of 9700 cfs/day (Scully et al. 1978}. As a result of the steep channel gradient, mid-channel velocities are often in the range of seven to nine feet per second (fps) for normal mid- summer streamflow conditions. Velocities of 14 to 15 fps have been measured by the USGS at the Gold Creek stream gage station in asso- ciation with 62,000 to 65,000 cfs flood flows (L. Leveen, USGS , 1984, pers. comm. ) • As a result of being subjected to persistently high velocities, streambed materials in mainstem and side channe l habitats typically range in size from cobbles (5 inches) to boulders (10 inches or larger) (R&M Consultants 1982a). Isolated deposits of smaller IV-7 1/) ~ 0 0 0 0 -w C> a:: <( 'l: 0 1/) 0 H < I 00 100 ~ 90 80 70 60 50 4(1 30 20 10 ....... II"""" ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ..... .. .... ... ,.. ~ ~ ... / , , ~ , , ...tt' , ~ , , , ; -7 "'' , t,~ , , , , ~ " , I I / ' "'"' ---~.~ ~----- 1.02 I. II 1.25 2 5 RECURRENCE I~JTERVAL (YEARS) NOTE : BASED ON WEEKLY RESERVOIR SI~ULI\TIONS . ---- 10 20 LEGEND Natural Watona 50 100 Wolooo/Ocvil Canyoo 2002 Wotona/Devil Conyon 2010 Fiourenf3.Compari•on between natural and anticipated with-project cmnual flood frequency curve• for the middle Su1itna River. (Source : Ala1ka Power Authority 1183 ) streambed materials, including sand, also exist within the mainstem and side channels, but only at protected locations. These smaller streambed materials are generally unstable and transient (R&M Consul- tants 1982a). High summer streamflows characteristic of the Middle Susitna River are not considered to be beneficial to salmon production in mainstem or side channel habitats. As stated above, high streamflows during summer tend to transport spawning gravels into or out of these habi- tats. In those locations where salmon have spawned, high streamflows may wash out the redds or deposit sediments over them. Juvenile salmon in these habitats are also displaced downstream by high flows (ADF&G 1984c). Low seasonal streamflows can also be undesirable. During spawning, low streamflows may restrict fish access to spawning areas or result in shallow depths at potential spawning locations. Thus, the avail- able spawning habitat area may be reduced. Low streamflows during incubation may cause dewatering of redds, low dissolved oxygen levels, high temperatures, or, during the winter, freezing of embryos (Hale 1981). Low seasonal streamflows may also adversely influence juvenile salmon rearing by restricting fish access to streambank cover or dewatering rearing habitats. Side Slough Habitat. Side sloughs are overflow channels along the floodplain margin that convey clear water originating from small tributaries, and/or upwelling groundwater. A non-vegetated alluvial berm connects the head of the slough to the mainstem or a side chan- nel. A well-vegetated gravel bar or island parallels . the slough, separating it from the mainstem (or side channel). During intermedi- ate and low-flow periods, mainstem water surface elevations are insufficient to overtop the alluvial berm at the upstream end (head) of the slough. However, mainstem stage is often sufficient at the downstream end (mouth) of the slough to cause a backwater to extend at least a few hundred feet upstream into the slough. IV-9 During high mainstem discharges, the water surface elevation (stage) of the mainstem is often sufficient to overtop the alluvial berm at the head of many of the sloughs. When this occurs, discharge through the side slough increases markedly. Such overtopping affects the thenmal, water quality and hydraulic properties within the side slough. Overtopping during late August and early September provides unrestricted passage by adult salmon to spawning areas within the side sloughs . Overtopping during early summer flushes organic material and fine sediments from the side sloughs, but in some instances transports large amounts of sand i nto the slough. The turbidity associated with the overtopping flows provides cover for juvenile chinook salmon and allows them to utilize habitat that was previously unavailable (ADF&G 1984c). The influence of overtopping on various physical conditions will be discussed in subsequent sections of this report. However, prior to those discussions, it is important to recognize the dominant influence of streamflow variability in determining the timing, frequency and duration of discharges which can cause overtopping (Table IV-3). Upwelling Water which rises from the streambed has been recognized as strongly influencing the spawning behavior of chum and sockeye salmon in Alaska (Kogl 1965, Wilson et al . 1981, Koski 1975, ADF&G 1984d). This water is commonly referred to as "upwelling" by fisheries biologists because of its characteristic flow direction into the stream channel. Downwelling and intragravel flow are two other types of subsurface flow which occur in stream channels that are i mportant to maintaining aquatic life in streambed materials (Figure IV-4). However these two types of flow differ from upwelling in both their flow direction and origin. As the term implies, downwelling flows from the stream into the streambed and is generally thought to be in a near vertical direction. Intragravel flow is generally considered to be flow in streambed gravels parallel to the down valley gradient of the channel. IV-10 Table IV-3. Breaching Flow (cfs) 12,000 16,000 19,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 33,000 35,000 40,000 42,000 12,000 16,000 19,000 23,000 25,000 27,000 33,000 35,000 40,000 42,000 Frequency and duration of naturally occurring over- topping events during the outmigration and spawning periods for the middle river related to incremental breaching flows based on analysis of Gold Creek record 1950-1984. 4-5 6-10 Total 1 day 2 days 3 days days days >10 days days June 3 through June 16 0 0 0 0 0 33 459 1 2 2 2 3 27 412 3 2 2 0 4 23 357 5 4 3 1 12 13 300 0 4 3 3 13 10 263 3 6 2 3 11 8 218 3 3 5 3 6 3 118 1 5 4 3 6 1 94 0 3 2 2 3 1 55 2 0 1 3 2 1 46 August 12 through SeEtember 8 2 1 2 0 1 35 826 4 3 6 5 7 25 628 2 4 6 9 13 15 431 7 6 8 4 7 6 224 3 7 3 3 6 3 141 3 3 2 3 3 3 99 1 0 1 2 3 1 46 0 0 1 3 2 1 42 1 2 1 1 3 0 31 0 1 1 2 2 0 26 NOTE: The controlling elevation of an alluvial berm may change with time, due to sediment transport and ice processes . IV-11 H < I ...... N Water Surface Moi nstem _lM~~a.!!_d Soil Saturatld hif-- A. CROSS-SECTION Of MAINSTCM AND SLOU8H Water Surface Flow _ __. .. _ B. SIDE VIEW OF SLOUGH OR MAINSTEM Figure W-4 . Upwelling doWnwellinG and intergravel flow. Because the water flowing in the stream channel provides both the source and driving mechanism for downwelling and intragravel flow, these two types of subsurface flow generally have temperatures and water chemistry very similar to the surface water. Upwelling, how- ever, generally has temperature and chemical composition characteris- tics differing from the water flowing above the streambed . As this groundwater flows through the soil from its source to its upwelling location, its thennal and water chemistry properties become more defined by the soil properties. Broadly defined, groundwater is the hydrologic term for water occur- ring beneath the land surface. Groundwater exists in saturated and unsaturated soil zones. The interface between these two zones is called the water table. The plan shape and slope of the water table is determined by the subsurface geologic structure and type of soil material present. The elevation of the water table at any point is primarily a function of water supply. Water supply for groundwater generally consists of precipitation and adjacent surface water bodies. Precipitation infiltrates into the soi 1 , flows through the unsaturated zone as "i nterfl ow 11 , and reaches the saturated zone. Because of t h is increased water supply, the groundwater table rises in elevation. Bank seepage appears when the water table reaches the ground surface on exposed slopes, streambanks, rock outcrops, or steep hillsides. During periods of drought caused by lack of precipitation or cold air temperatures the elevation of the water table generally declines unless maintained by adjacent water bodies. In river valleys 1 ike that of the middle Susitna River, where the underlying materials are alluvial deposits of glacial outwash (R&M Consultants 1982d), the groundwater flow patterns may be quite com- plex. The general slope of the water table is similar to the valley slope. The mountains or hills which parallel the river form an impermeable boundary for the alluvial deposits. Hence, in the middle IV-13 Susitna River, groundwater is generally thought to be flowing down valley in an unconfined aquifer in an alluvial, intermontane valley, bounded by the impenneable mountains on each side (R&M Consultants 1982d). Wherever the water table intersects the streambed, upwelling is likely to occur. The groundwater table elevation, as determined by the structural geology and the corresponding relationship between the sources of groundwater flow, will control upwelling. Downwelling flows will occur if the surface water level in the channel is higher than t he groundwater table elevation. Upwelling flows will occur when the elevation of the groundwater table exceeds the water surface elevation in the channel. Upwelling may also occur in a manner similar to pipe flow. A lens of coarse sediments permitting groundwater flow may be flanked by deposits of finer sediments that prohibit groundwater flrn~. Flow may thus become concentrated in the flow-conducting lens. When the 1 ens intersects a channe 1 , thl flow is re 1 eased from between the flanking de'posits and upwelling may result. Piped groundwater flow may occur under the berms at the heads of side sloughs and elsewhe r e as long as the required geologic conditions are present and a water source, such as the mainstem, exists. In addition to the influence of subsurface alluvial deposits on the location and rate of upwelling water, water supply is also important. In the river valley the most persistent water supply is the river itself. Through downwelling, the river supplies water to the unconfined aquifer. At some down-valley location, the groundwater will yield this water as upwelling. In the middle Susitna River, much of this upwelling appears to be along the east bank. Because the water table rises and falls seasonally and across years in response to water supply, upwellings can be ei the!'" persistent or intermittent. Upwelling flow rates a 1 so depend upon fluctuations in the local groundwater table. IV-14 The groundwater system can be divided into two components: a regional component driven by the down valley gradient and a temporal component influenced by changes in mainstem stage and precipitation infiltra- tion. The regional groundwater component is constant throughout the year, and corresponds to the minimum groundwater levels observed under natural conditions. These minimum groundwater co'lditions appear to occur during the late winter period of low mainstem discharge and no infiltration due to freezing conditions. The temporal groundwater component augments the regional groundwater component. When the mainstem stage is high, the mainstem may supply downwelling flows which increase the groundwater table elevation. Precipitation infiltrating the soil may also serve as a source for the groundwater, as does local runoff onto alluvial fans at the base of the slopes. The raised elevation of the groundwater table due to the temporal component results in increased areal extents and rates of upwelling flows. Thus, the -fluctuations of the groundwater table due to the temporal component variations, which . are induced by changes in river sta~e and precipitation, will have a pronounced effect on upwelling. The groundwater table appears to reach a minimum elevation in the late Novermer to early Decermer period; upwe 11 i ng flows wi 11 correspond- ingly reach a minimum rate and areal extent . The temporal groundwater component will be reduced as the mainstem stage lowers and infiltra- tion of precipitation ceases due to freezing temperatures. The remaining upwelling flows will be supplied by the regional groundwater component. At sites where upwelling is continuously provided by the regional groundwater component, viable habitat will be maintained; high mortality is suspected at sites where upwelling is reduced due to the reduction in temporal upwelling. As ice formation increases the mainstem stage, the temporal groundwater component will again augment the regional groundwater component and increase upwelling rates and areal extents. However, as mainstem flow continues to drop through the winter, b.> mid-April the water table drops to nearly the same level as existed prior to freeze-up. IV-15 Under with-project conditions, upwelling flows may not be reduced to the extent of upwelling flows experienced under natural conditions during the late fall period. The mainstem stage is anticipated to be maintained at a higher elevation during project operation than under natural conditions in the late fall. The temporal groundwater compo- nents will therefore continue to augment the regional component in the late October to early November period. Habitat dewatered or frozen as the temporal groundwater component is reduced under natural conditions may become viable throughout the year as the temporal groundwater component is maintained by higher with-project mainstem stages. The magnitude of the increase in viable habitat is unquantified and is likely to remain so until determined through a monitoring program. Biological Importance of Upwelling. Upwelling is one of the most important habitat variables influencing the selection of spawning sites by chum and sockeye salmon in the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984d). In addition, upwelling flows contribute to local flow in sloughs and side channels and facilitate fi~h passage. Incubation appears to be the life stage most critically affected by upwelling in the middle Susitna River. Chum and sockeye salmon embryos, and embryos of other species spawned in the area of upwelling flows, benefit from the upwelling flows. During incubation, upwelling provides for successful development of embryos, principally because of its thermal -characteristics . It also ensures the oxygenation of embryos and alevins, transports metabolites out of the incubating environment, and inhibits the clogging of streambed material by fine particulates. Upwelling flows appear to reach a minimum immediately prior to ice staging when mainstem discharges range from 3,000 to 5,000 cfs . During this period upwelling flows are considered to originate exc lu- sively from the regional groundwater component of upwelling. These low mainstem discharges and minimum upwelling flows probably limit the incubation success of embryos that were spawned under higher mainstem IV-16 and upwelling flows. Many embryos are likely dewatered and frozen. Therefore, the viable incubation habitat is probably that which is effective during this transition period of low upwelling flows. Mainstem discharges that are higher than the 3,000 to 5,000 cfs would likely increase the upwelling flows in sloughs above natural con- ditions. Thus, a stable flow regime throughout the spawning and incubation period would probably increase the viable incubation habitat because embryos would develop under upwelling flows similar to those at spawning. Groundwater upwelling also appears to be an important factor influenc- ing the winter distribution of juvenile salmon and resident fish. Upwelling flows may comprise the predominant source of water in sloughs when runoff from precipitation ceases due to freezing. f \ constant water flow in sloughs and side channels provides over- wintering habitat for juven.ile sockeye, chinook, and coho salmon and resident species. The water temperature of sloughs and side channels is usually higher than mainstem waters because of upwelling waters. Warmer temperatures apparently attract overwintering fish and may reduce their winter mortality (ADF&G 1984c). IV-17 Sediment Transport Processes In this section, sediment transport is used generically to include all the physical processes which result in the movement of bed and sus- pended load. Bed load is defined as that portion of the solid mass being transported within 0.3 ft of the channel bottom. Suspended load refers to that portion of the solid mass present in the water column above 0.3 ft from the channel bottom. It is well documented that the results of sediment transport pro- cesses, such as streambed stability and composition, are important parameters describing aquatic habitat. McNeil (1964) has observed that streani>ed stability can influence the success of salmonid egg incubation. Several researchers have shown that substrate composition influences the survival of eggs to fry in salmonid populations (McNeil and Ahnell 1964, McNeil 1965, Cooper 1965, Phillips et al. 1975). The suitability of aquatic habitat for rearing is also influenced by substrate composition. On a macrohabitat level, the channels of the middle Susitna River are quite stable given the range of streamflows and ice conditions to which they are subjected. Review of aerial photography taken over an approximate 35 year period (from 1949-51 to 1977-80) indicates the plan fonn of the middle Susitna River has changed little (AEIOC 1984a). Although many non-vegetated gravel bars have appeared, and some peri phera 1 areas have changed, a preponderance of channe 1 s and habitats appear unchanged over this period . Channel Stability of Habitat Types Each of the six habitat types previously identified in the middle Susitna River can be characterized by the relative influence that specific sediment transport processes have on their formation and maintenance (Table IV-4}. IV-18 H < I ...... ..0 Table IV-4. Sediment transport processes and components and their relative importance in the formation and maintenance of habitat. Sediment Load Components Sediment Transport Processes Flooding Due to Ice Jams Mechanical High Flow During Scour by Anchor Ice Shore Ice Habitat Type Suspended Bed Events Breakup Ice Blocks Processes Processes Mainstem and Large Side Channels Secondary Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Minor Minor Side Channels and Side Sloughs Primary Secondary Primary Primary Secondary Minor Minor Tributary and Tributary Mouth Minor Primary Primary Minor Minor Minor Minor Upland Slough Secondary Minor Secondary Minor Minor Minor Minor Ma i nstem and Large Side Channels. The plan form of the middle Susitna River appears to be shaped by i ce processes, whereas the size of its channels are a result of hydrologic processes. Hydrologic events, or more specifically floods, are probably the dominant channel forming process whereas normal summer streamflows represent the primary sediment transport process. Channel forming discharges are usually those which occur only once every several years . High discharges cause high velocities with the capacity to erode and transport signif- icant quantities of substrate from the bed and banks of the channel . These high discharges would also change the shape of the channel, but likely occur only once in 20 years or more. Discharges occurring more frequently, such as the mean annual flood or bankfull discharge, would reshape the channel to reflect the hydraulic conditions associated with this lower, but more frequent, discharge. Some local changes in bed geometry would likely occur, but these persistent lower floods are unl1 ~~1 v to reform the channel to its original condition. Streambed mater ial in the mainstem and large side channels is of sufficient size to resist erosion or transport by flood flows less than 35,000 cfs. The cobbles and boulders constitute an armor layer which has developed as a result of previous flood events transporting smaller substrate sizes downstream . The cobbles and boulders remain as a well graded protective layer for the more heterogeneous under- lying materials. High discharges would have the capacity to erode the armor layer and transport underlying streambed materials downstream , but a new armor layer would likely develop as the flood recedes and cobbl es and boulders eroded from upstream locations are redeposited. The entire bed elevation of the middle Susitna River may decrease during these events si nce the sands and gravels eroded from the materials underlying the armor coat would l i kely not redeposit . Evidence of such long-term channel degradation has been documented through analysis of aerial photography (AEIDC 1984a). Resistance of large substrate in the middle Susitna River to erosion is increased by the cementing characteristics of the fine sands and silts which fill interstitial spaces between them. Although the flow IV-20 is relatively clear in the winter , high concentrations of fine glacial sand and silt are transported through the middle Susitna River through- out the summer. Some of these fine materials are deposited or washed into the armor layer. The stability of the streant>ed allows these fine silts to accumulate and completely fill the voids between the armor layer. This prevents water from flowing through voids surround- ing larger streambed materials, greatly increasing the armor layer's resistance to erosion. If water could flow through the voids, the erodibility of sediment particles would increase. Several different ice processes also influence the shape and character of mainstem and large side channel habitats: 1) mechanical scour by block ice, 2) scour caused by ice jams during breakup, 3) sediment transport by uprooted anchor ice, and 4) scour and sediment tran oort by shore ice. In comparison to sediment transport processes associ- ated with high streamfl ows, ice scour by either of the first two processes is of secondary importance. The last two are only of minor importance. Mechanical scour by block ice is primarily a spring breakup phenome- non. As large ice floes are moved downstream, block ice may impact streant>anks or channel bottoms. Suspended sediment samples collected in late May or early June following breakup typically contain large percentages of sand, which may indicate stream channel or bank scour (Knott and Lipscomb 1983). Bank erosion by ice-block abrasion may be extensive (Knott and Lipscomb 1983). Ice jams during breakup cause local staging and flow constrictions which increase flow velocities and scour potential. High velocity flow directed towards a channel bottom or bank can result in severe local scour. The sudden release of an ice jam can also cause signifi- cant scour potential in the form of a flood wave conveying large blocks of ice. Anchor ice also contributes to sediment transport. During anchor ice formation, suspended sediments are filtered by ice crystals and IV-21 incorporated into the ice structure (see Ice section). Bed materials are also encased in ice, serving to anchor the ice mass to the channel bottom. In the fall during anchor ice fonnation, the bonding of anchor ice masses to the channel bottom is sensitive to increases in temperature and direct solar radiation. If the bond is partially r ejuced by meltlng, flow momentum and/or buoyant forces may be suffi- cient to uproot the ice mass. This results in the downstream trans- port of sediments and streambed particles frozen into the ice IMSS. Scour of anchor ice during freezeup by changes in local flow veloc- ities or contact with floating ice blocks may also contribute to this process. Shore ice contributes to sediment transport by directly scouring channel margins and also by encasing and uprooting bed materials and the shoreline vegetation. The denudation of shoreline vegetation indirectly serves to increase sediment transport by increasing the susceptibility of the shoreline to scour by high flow events . Although the relative contribution of sediment transport by shore ice is thought to be minor, the process can significantly influence the character of fish habitats along the channel margin. Side Channels and Side Sloughs. Of the sediment transport processes described in the previous section, two have dominant roles in the fonnati on and maintenance of side s 1 oughs and side channe 1 s. These are: 1) high flow events, and 2) flooding caused by ice jams during breakup. Mechanical scour by block ice, anchor ice processes, and shore ice processes are less active in these habitats. Side sloughs and side channels are relatively stable channels. Their size and shape imply that they were formed by high flows. The frequency of high flows through side sloughs and side channels is generally low, but it varies significantly between sites. These high flows may be important in maintaining and flushing fine sediments from these habitats. Some sites have formed as a result of ice jams. An ice jam can raise the upstream water level causing flow to divert around the main channel, thereby developing a new channel . Slough 11 IV-22 apparently formed when an ice jam developed below the railroad bridge at Gold Creek in 1976 . Sediment transported into side sloughs and side channels is primarily from three sources : 1) the mainstem, 2) tributaries, and 3) overland flow. Of these sources, the mainstem probably dominates. The sedi- ment transported into these habitats is characteristically fine. Overtopping flows from the mainstem, which spill over the gravel berm at the upstream end of these sites, originate in the upper part of the water column and thus typically contain fine particle sizes only. These materials deposit in pools within the channel or in the back- water that is often present at the mouth of the channel. Tributaries and Tributary Mouths. Of the sediment transport processes described in the prev i ous sections, high flow events have the dominant role in shaping tributary mouths. Most tributaries in the middle Susitna River are steep gradient systems with a capacity to transport large quantities of sediment during flood events. When a rainstorm causing a flood is widespread, the Susitna River would likely have a high discharge concurrent with, or soon after, the high discharge in the tributary. Most sediments carried by the tributary will be transported downstream by the Susitna River. However, during localized storms, a tributary may flood while the Susitna River remains relatively low. In such cases, the delta at the mouth of a tributary may build up with large deposits of gravels and cobbles. The delta may extend well out into the Susitna River mainstem. Subsequent high discharges in th~ Susitna River will erode the delta. Upland Sloughs. Upland slough habitats are largely isolated from mainstem sediment transport processes. The exception is in the vicinity of the slough mouths, where mainstem flow may intrude as a backwater during periods of high mainstem discharge. Suspended sediments may settle out in these backwater areas and contri bute to slough sedimentation. IV-23 With-Project Sediment Transport and Channel Stability Sediment transport processes would change with project operation (Table IV-5). The operation of a reservoir will alter the natural hydrologic regime of the middle Susitna River. High erosive dis- charges will occur less frequently and with reduced magnitudes. This will result in less frequent breaching of side sloughs and side channels. Sediment transport by hydrologic processes will be reduced throughout the middle Susitna River system . Channel stability will be increased. Sedimentation and encroachment of streambank vegetation will be more likely to occur in side channels and side sloughs. Less frequent and lower flood events in the Susitna River would allow tributary deltas to enlarge over their natural size. However, tribu- tary mouths are best analyzed individually. Local characteristics, such as orientation to mainstem flow and tributary gradient, greatly influence delta formation .processes. The above is a generalized scenario which may be characteristic of many tributaries in the middle Susitna River. Reduced flood peaks and frequency associ a ted with project operation would reduce sediment transport int o upland slough mouths via back- water intrusion. Ice processes do not significantly influence sedi- ment transport in upland sloughs. Both Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs will trap nearly all sediments of sand size and larger. Project discharges will also carry lower concentrations of fine silts, but the concentration will be more uniform throughout the year. Such low concentrations may not cause cementing of the armor layer, but the lower flood regime may not be sufficient to disturb streambed materials and remove the fine sedi- ments which presently fill interstitial spaces between coarse sands and fine gravels . The assessment of with-project ice processes resulting in sediment transport is dependent on project design and operation. For this IV-24 H <: I N V'l Table IV-5. With-project influence on sediment transfer processes and sediment loading. !Sediment load Components Sediment Transport yrocesses Ice Jams High Flow During Habitat Type Suspended Bed Events Breakup Mainstem and large Reduced Reduced Reduced 1 Milder, less Side Channels Magnitude Frequent and Freq-2 Reduced uency Side Channels and Reduced Reduced Reduced 1 Milder, less Side Sloughs Magnitude Frequent and Freq-2 Reduced uency Tributaries and No Change No Change Reduced 1 Minimal Tributary Mouths Magnitude 2 Reduced and Freq- uency Upland Sloughs Reduced Reduced Reduced 1 Milder, less Magnitude Frequent and Freq-2 Reduced uency 1 Assumes thermal operating regime is reservoir inflow temperature matching. 2 Assumes thermal operating regime is warm-water release throughout winter. Mecham cal Scour by Anchor Ice Ice Blocks Processes Reduced Minimal Effect Reduced Reduced Increased Increased Reduced Reduced Reduced No Effect Reduced Reduced Reduced Increased Reduced Reduced - Shore Ice Processes Increased Reduced Increased Reduced No Effect Reduced Reduced Reduced reason, this assessment will proceed based on two possible project thermal operating regimes: 1) reservoir inflow temperature matching, and 2) winter-long warm-water releases. Reservoir Inflow Temperature Matching. Under with-project conditions, ice jams may still occur in the mainstem, but will be reduced i n frequency and magnitude. There will be a greater tendency for the ice cover to melt in place because of warmer-than-natural stream tempe ra- tures during April and increased project flow stability. This will result in less mainstem and side channel scour and less frequent diversions of mainstem flow through side slough habitats. The sedi- ment transport capacity due to ice jams will be reduced. In addition. the channel stability of mainstem, side channel. and side slough habitats is expected to increase. Mechanical scour by block ice will also be less severe than natural levels in most habitats. This process occurs primarily during break- yp. Reduced project discharges will provide less energy to drive ice blocks forcefully into channel banks and bottoms. In some side sloughs with low overtopping discharges, mechanical scour by block ice may be increased. Project flows will be higher during the winter and the breaching of some side sloughs may result . Project influence on anchor ice sediment transport processes is expected to be minimal. The principal influence will be to delay anct.or ice fonmati on by one to two months. However, there may be some increase in sediment transport in those side sloughs and side channels that wi ll be breached by project discharge levels during periods of ice cover. Sediment transport by shore ice processes will probably be increased from natural levels. The increased elevation forecast for a with- project ice cover would result in a substantial amount of vegP tated shore 1 i ne being frozen into the with-project ice cover. Howeve r , lower and more stable project discharges during sunmer would likel y minimize streambank scour along channel margins. IV-26 Warm-water Releases. If a warm-water release throughout winter could prevent a solid ice cover forming on the mainstem, the sediment transport capacity would be reduced for all ice processes. Mainstern, side channel, and side slough habitats will become extremely stable. Sensitive side slough habitats with low overtopping discharges will not be subjected to increased sediment transport by anchor ice, shore ice, or mechanical scour by block ice, as with reservoir inflow temperature matching. Tributary mouth and upland slough habitats will have the same with- project channel stability as for reservoir inflow temperature matching. IV-27 Instream Water Quality and Limnology Baseline Condition Water quality encompasses numerous physical and chemical characteris- tics, including the temperature, density, conductivity, and clarity of the water, as well as the composition and concentration of all the dissolved and particulate matter it contains. Water quality greatly influences fish habitat qua 1 i ty by virtue of its direct effects on fish physiology and behavior and because it largely governs the type and amount of aquatic food organisms available to support fish growth. Each of the aquatic habitat types associated with the middle Susitna River differs not only in terms of its morphology and hydraulics, but a l so in the basic pattern of its water quality regime. Therefore, the relative importance of a specific habitat type to fish may change in response to seasonal change .in either streamflow or water quality. In the middle Susitna River, turbidity is an influential and visually detectable water quality parameter that may be used to classify the six aquatic habitat types into two distinct groups during the open water season: clear water or turbid water. In order to gain a greater understanding of each habitat type, it is useful to 1) examine the water quality characteristics of both clear and turbid water aquatic habitats; 2) identify how the water quality of these aquatic habitat types changes on a seasonal basis; and 3) determine how these seasonal changes in turn influence the quality of the aquatic habitat types. Highly turbid water accounts for the greatest amount of wetted surface area in the middle Susitna River from June to September (Klinger and Trihey 1984). During this period, when surface runoff and glacial melting are greatest, total dissolved solids, conductivity, alkalinity, hardness, pH, and the concentrations of the dominant anions and most cations tend to be at their lowest levels of the year, while stream temperature, turbidity, true color, chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, total phosphorus, and the total IV-28 concentrations of a variety of trace metals are at their highest values for the year (Table IV-6). Average nitrate-nitrogen concen- trations remain relatively constant throughout the year with greater variation during the summer as discharge fluctuates. The basic water chemistry of the clear water flow of the middle Susitna River in winter. and of certain groundwater fed habitat types throughout the year, can be generalized from an evaluation of the water quality record for the Susitna River at Gold Creek during winter. Surface water flow throughout the basin is low and the concentration of suspended sediment and the trace metals, and phosphorous associated with it, is also low or below detection limits. During winter months, middle Susitna River discharge is comprised almost entirely of outflow from the Tyone River System (lakes Louise, Susitna, and Tyone) and groundwater inflow to tributaries and the mainstem itself. Groundwater spends a greater amount of time in contact with the soil and . underlying rocks of the watershed than surface runoff or glacial meltwa~er and thus contains more dissolved substances. The longer contact with subsurface materials also results in groundwater temperatures which are warmer in winter and cooler in summer than surface water temperatures. The specific water quality characteristics of clear or turbid water flowing through a given channel may differ from the general descriptions provided above. depending on local variations in the amount of local surface runoff or the composition and distribution of rocks, soils , and vegetation. Nonetheless, a generalized seasonal water quality regime unique to each habitat type seems to prevail. and having knowledge of it provides useful insight into the direct and indirect role water quality plays as a component of fish habitat within the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon segment of the Sus i tna Ri ver. Mainstem and Side Channel Habitats A comparison of the sunmer and winter water quality record for the Susitna River at Gold Creek (Table IV-6) reveals a seasonal contr ast IV-29 Table IV-6 . Mean baseline water quality chara cteristics for middle Susitna River at Gold Creek under (a) turbid summer (June-August) conditions and (b) clear, winter (November-April) conditions. Parameter Units of Turbid Clear (Symbol or Abbreviation) Measure (summer) (Winter) Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/1 700 5 Turbidity NTU 200 <1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/1 90 150 Conductivity (~mhos cm -1 , 25°C) 145 240 pH pH units 7.3 7 .5 Alkalinity mg/1 as Caco 3 50 73 Hardness mg/1 as Caco 3 62 96 Sulfate (SO -2) mg/1 14 20 Chloride (Cf) + mg/1 5.6 22 Dissolved Calcium (Ca 2l mg /1 19 29 Dissolved ~agnesium (Mg 2) mg/1 3.0 5.5 Sodium (Na ) + mg/1 4.2 11 .5 Dissolved Potassium (K ) mg/1 2.2 2.2 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) mg/1 11.5 13.9 DO (% Saturation) % 102 98 % Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/1 11 9 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) mg/1 2.5 2.2 True Color pcu 15 5 Total Phosphorous ~g/1 120 30 Nitrate-nitrogen as N (N0 3-N) mg/1 0.15 0.15 Total Recoverable Cadmium [Cd(t)] ~g/1 2.0 <1 Total Recoverable Copper [Cu(t)] ~g/1 70 <5 Total Recoverable Iron [Fe(t)] ~g/1 14,000 <100 Total Recoverable Lead [Pb(t)] ~g/1 55 <10 Total Recoverable Mercury [Hg(t)] ~g/1 0.30 0.10 Total Recoverable Nickel [Ni(t)] ~g/1 30 2 Total Recoverable Zinc [Zn(t)] ~g/1 70 10 Source : Alaska Power Authority 1983 IV-30 in the water quality conditions of the mainstem and its associated side channels. During winter almost all the flowing water is covered with ice and snow. However high velocity areas and small isolated areas of warm · (3-4°C) groundwater upwelling maintain a few scattered open leads. A winter-spring transition algal bloom probably occurs at open leads along the mainstem and side channel margins or at mid-channel shoals and riffle areas (Hynes 1970). The large amount of mainstem areas which may be involved in this process suggests that the mainstem contribution to autochthonous production may be substantial. During spring break-up, stream flow rapidly increases during May from approximately 2,000 cfs to 20,000 cfs or greater, while suspended sediment concentrations fluctuate considerably (9 -1,670 mg 1-1 ), but average approximately 360 mg 1-1 (Peratrovich et al. 1982). Most of the benthic production that. occurred during the winter-spring transi- tion is likely dislodged and swept downstream. A portion of .this material may follow the natural flow path along the mainstem margin and into peripheral overflow channels and sloughs. Thus high spring flows may redistribute fish food organisms and retain some of the winter-spring transition organic production. At prevailing springtime turbidities (50 to 100 NTU), the mainstem margin and side channels apparently continue to support a low to moderate level of primary production wherever velocity is not 1 imiting . The euphotic zone at this time is estimated to extend to an average depth between 1.2 and 3.5 ft (Van Nieuwenhuyse 1984). In sui'IIT!er, mainstem flows are at their highest levels. The total surface area available for primary production is 1 imited by high turbidities that reduce the depth of useful light penetration to less than 0.5 ft (Van Nieuwenhuyse 1984). Many of the hemi-metabolous insect species are suspected to be in the egg stage or in early instar phases at this time. Juvenile fish migrating out of their natal tributaries move to low velocity rearing habitats, which seem to be IV-31 concentrated in peripheral areas of the mainstem and side channels. side slough, and upland slough aquatic habitats {AOF&G 1984c). Largely because of its water quality {especially its high suspended sediment concentration), high velocities and large substrate, the principal function of mainstem habitat during the summer months is to provide a tr1nsportation corridor for inmigrating spawning salmon and outmigrating smolts. Mainstem water quality also has a significant influence on the seasonal water quality regime of side slough habitats when overtopping of side slough occurs. Field observations made in 1984 by EWT&A suggested that during a typical autumn transition period, a second pulse of primary production often occurs in the mainstem. dominated this time by green filamentous algae rather than diatoms. This second bloom. induced in part by moderating stream flows, but mostly by a notable reduction in tur- bidity levels to less than 20 NTU, probably exceeds the winter-spring transition bloom in terms of biomass produced and surface .area affected. The depth of the euphotic zone at turbidities of 20 NTU approximates 5 ft (Van Nieuwenhuyse 1984). This fall-winter period of abundance stops at freezeup. Some of this production is dislodged and swept away or frozen in place . Side Slough Habitat Side sloughs present a unique seasonal pattern of streamflow and water quality that is important to many fish species inhabiting the middle Susitna River. Side slough habitat consists of clear water maintained by groundwater upwelling or local surface runoff in overflow channels. One distinguishing characteristic of side slough habitat is the periodic overtopping of the upstream end of the slough by high mainstem discharge levels that temporarily transforms the side slough to side channel habitat. In winter, side sloughs contain numerous groundwater upwelling sites which may be distinguished by the presence of open leads (ADF&G IV-32 1983a}. Thus they provide intragravel habitat for incubating embryos and overwintering opportunities for juvenile arradromous and resident fish. Duri~q the winter-spring transition period, surface water temperatures exceed intragravel water temperatures during the day (Trihey 1982, ADF&G 1983a}. Chum, sockeye and pink fry emerge from nata 1 areas within the sloughs during this transition period and primary produc- tion rates probably increase at this time. Because side sloughs are located along the lateral portions of the flood plain, spring breakup in the sloughs is generally less severe than it is in either the tributaries or mainstem and side channel habitats. The most significant changes in side slough water quality occur during the summer. Side sloughs are connected at their upstream end to the mainstem or side channels by head berms of various ele- vations. As mainstem discharge increases to the point of overtopping the head berms, side sloughs are inundated with turbid mainstem water. Overtopping of· the upstream berm wi 11 be more frequent, of 1 onger duration, and the cause of greater quantities of flows in locations where berms are relatively low. During each overtopping, the side slough water quality and temperature are dominated by the characteris- tics of the mainstem. Sloughs are also subject to turbid backwater effects at their down- stream juncture with the mainstem or a side channel (mouths}. Much of the suspended sediment load carried in by the mainstem water settles in the backwater, and thus presents a substrate different from that found farther upstream in the sloughs. Field observations by EWT&A suggest that some of the sediment carried through sloughs seems to become part of an organic matrix of unknown composition (probably involving bacteria, fungi, and other microbes} which in turn is usually covered by a layer of pennate diatoms and/or colonial and filamentous algae. This benthic community, which covers most streambed material greater than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, can be IV-33 observed throughout the system in mainstem and side channel habitats as well. It is possible ·that the phosphorus associated with the sediment plays some role in making this possible and studies (Stanford, Univ. of Montana, pers. comm. 1984) elsewhere indicate that as much as 6 percent or more of this sediment-bound total phosphorus can become biologically available --perhaps to the diatoms. This might help explain how primary producers can still ma i ntain a viable presence even under short-term highly turbid conditions. During late September and early October 1984, fall-winter transitional algal blooms were observed by EWT&A in most side sloughs and thus probably occur every year. The 1984 bloom was characterized by dense mats of filamentous green algae growing on gravel substrate of one inch in diameter up to the largest cobble. Upland Slough Habitat Upland slough habitat is distinguished from side slough habitat by the lack of overtopping of the upstream slough end by high mainstem discharges. Thus, groundwater upwelling and local runoff dominate the water quality characteristics of upland slough habitats except at the slough mouths, which are influenced by turbid backwater effects from the mainstem. Tributary and Tributary Mouth Habitats As for all other aquatic habitat types, the seasonal water quality pattern displayed by the tributaries is closely linked to their annual flow regimes. This pattern is of considerable interest since it is in the tributaries--most notably Portage Creek, Indian River, and Fourth of July Creek--where most of the fish production originates (AOF&G 1981, 1982, 1984a). These streams pro vide spawning, rearing, and overwintering habitat that either does not exist, or only exists in limited amounts in other habitat types. Tributaries, in effect, may represent the most productive of the aquatic habitats in the middle Susitna River. The ionic composition of tributary water likely IV-34 conforms to the hydrologic principle that the soils of a stream basin generally govern the quantity and the quality of the solids contained in the water flowing from it. However, productivity levels in tribu- taries may be due more to the hydraulic and hydrologic conditions than to water qua 1 ity. The moderate concentrations of macronutri ents (phosphorus and nitrogen} that prevail in these streams probably represent only that which leaks from the internal cycling taking place in the soils of the local watershed. In winter, tributary flow is minimal and is predominantly comprised of groundwater rising up through the bed of the stream channel. Since much of the winter mainstem flow is comprised of contributions made by groundwater and tributary sources, tributary water chemistry is probably reflected in the winter water chemistry characteristics of the mainstem (Table IV-6}. Thus, the water quality characteristics of tributaries during winter reflect a well-buffered, well-oxygenated environment for embryo incubation and adult and juvenile over- wintering. During the four to six week transition between winter and the onset of the spring freshet, portions of the ice and snow cover on the tribu- tary melt away. Water temperatures may increase slightly and a pulse of primary production probably occurs in response to a lengthening photoperiod (Hynes 1970). The ab i1 i ty of 1 i ght to reach the a 1 ga 1 corrmunity is assisted by absence of leaf cover on stream bank vege- tation ·and presence of rotten ice that effectively transmits light (LaPerriere, Univ. of Alaska, pers. COITIIl. 1984). The emergence of some fish species and many insects is apparently timed to occur during this brief early-spring interlude of plentiful food and relatively tranquil stream flows. Typically, by mid-May air temperatures have increased to 8°C and the spring freshet has filled the tributary channel with runoff from melting snow. Flooding from ice jams redistributes much of the cobble substrate, displaces juvenile salmon from overwintering habitat, and flushes out organic and inorganic debris as we 11 as lllJCh of the IV-35 benthic community (Hynes 1970). This erosion causes an increase in suspended sediment concentration and turbidity. Likewise, color, total organic carbon, and chemical oxygen demand increase sub- stantially, while, as in the mainstem, the inflow of surface runoff dilutes winter concentrations of dissolved solids. It is likely that the spring freshet serves as a functional reset mechanism for the system, in effect cleansing it in preparation for the ecological events to follow. Typical water quality in tributaries during the sulliTler (June to mid-September) probably approximates the winter condition except for lesser concentrations of dissolved solids (Hynes 1970). Summer stream temperatures are warmer and fluctuate diurnally. This background condition is frequently punctuated by storm runoff events. Summer is the season when juvenile fish are most active. Rearing is supported primarily by the growth and recruitment taking place within the aquatic insect community (especially chironomids). The carrying capacity of tributaries, however, does not appear adequate to support the large numbers of rearing juveniles, so many juveniles outmigrate at this time to continue their development elsewhere (ADF&G 1984c). During late September and early October a second transition period occurs as streamflow, photoperiod, and temperature gradually decline. Algal biomass and productivity are probably at their annual peak, as is the standing crop of benthic macroinvertebrates (Hynes 1970). The algal mat is not only a food source for a variety of insect larvae and nymphs, but serves as microhabitat for many aquatic organisms includ- ing juvenile fish. The leaves shed from riparian vegetation may provide further microhabitat and insect food substrate. By late October, surface water temperatures are 0°C and an ice cover begins to form. Unstable border ice and anchor ice probably dislodge a substantial portion of the benthic community, causing it to be swept downstream. Much of what remains of this community may be frozen in place as the ice cover formation continues. Freezeup is usually IV-36 complete by late November or early December when the winter phase of the annual cycle begins once again. With-Project Relationships Temperature and suspended sediment seasonally influence aquatic habitat types in the middle Susitna River, and therefore are important in the distribution and production of fish. It is evident that these water quality parameters will be more directly affected by con- struction and operation of the proposed project than other water quality parameters (AEIDC 1984b, Peratrovich et al. 1982). Stream temperature is discussed in Section IV of this report, hence the following discussion focuses on suspended sediment and turbidity. The downstream water quality regime will change as a result of project operation. The reservoir(s) is estimated to trap approximately 70 to 98 percent of the total volume of sediments that are annually trans- ported through the middle Susitna River (R&M Consultants 1982, Harza- Ebasco 1984a). The sediment remaining in suspension and released downstream year round will consist predominantly of fine particles (<5~ in diameter) (APA 1983), which create a turbidity far greater in proportion to their mass than larger particles. Estimates for the expected concentration of total suspended sol ids released from the reservoir(s) year round range from 0 to 345 mg 1-1, with the expected average between 30 and 200 mg 1-1 (Peratrovich et al. 1982). Concen- trations of this magnitude would result in year round turbidities ranging between 60 and 600 NTU based on a ratio of 2 to 1 NTU/mg/1-1 (R&M 1984) with corresponding euphotic zone depths of approximately 3 and 0.4 ft (Van Nieuwenhuyse 1984). A reduction in suspended sediment levels in the middle reach of the Susitna River would likely result in existing sediments and fine sands in streambed materials being transported downstream (Harza-Ebasco 1984a). Additionally, if short term peak flow events disturbed streambed materials prior to the cementation of these materials and cleared the interstitial spaces of fine sediments, the hydraulic IV-37 connection between surface and subsurface flow would protably improve. Reduced turbidity and increased subsurface flow, in turn, would be expected to increase the success rate for mainstem and side channel spawning by salmon and the colonization rates of periphyton and benthic invertebrates during the summer. Primary production in the middle reach of the Susitna River presently appears to be concentrated in the spring and fall periods of low turbidities. Constant, year-round turbidity levels in the range of 60 to 600 NTU would likely reduce the level of primary production during these transition periods, although primary production may increase during summer months. IV-38 Instream Temperature and Ice Processes Instream Temperature Criteria Within the range of temperatures encountered in northern river sys- tems, rncreases ·in stream temperature generally cause an increase in the rate of chemical reactions, primary production, and cycling of allochthonous food sources. The fish inhabitants of the river system adjust their body temperatures to match the temperature of the water. As temperatures increase, rates of digestion, circulation and respira- tion increase. Thus, there is an overall increase in the rate of energy input, nutrient cycling and energy use as the river system warms. Each species of fish is physiologically adapted to survive within a tolerance range of stream temperature. Within this tolerance range there is a narrower range of "preferred" temperatures at which metabo- lism and growth rates of individuals are most efficient. Outside the tolerance range are upper and lower incipient lethal limits. The preferred temperature range for adult salmon in the middle Susitna River is 6 to l2°C (AEIDC 1984b). Juvenile salmon prefer slightly warmer temperatures for rearing, generally ranging from 7 to l4°C (Table IV-7). These temperatures are consistent with the preferred temperature range of 7 to 13°C reported by McNeil and Bailey (1975) for Pacific salmon. The preferred temperature range for incubation is generally between 4 and l0°C. The time required for the incubation of salmon embryos is directly related to stream temperature. Development rates increase with rising stream temperature up to approximately l4°C. Above this, further temperature increases are considered detrimental. Salmon embryos are also vulnerable to cold temperatures until they have accumulated approximately 140 centigrade temperature units (CTU' s)1 . After this .lV-39 Table IV-7 . Preliminary stream temperature criteria for Pac1fic salmon developed from literature sources for application to the Susitna River. Species Life Phase Tem~erature Range {°C~ Tolerance Preferred Chum Adult Migration 1.5-18.0 6.0-13.0 Spawning 1.0-14.0 6.0-13.0 Incubation 1 0-12.0 2.0-8.0 Rearing 1.5-16.0 5.0-15.0 Smolt Migration 3.0-13.0 5.0-12.0 Sockeye Adult Migration 2.5-16.0 6.0-12.0 Spawning 4.0-14.0 6.0-12.0 Incubation 1 0-14.0 4.5-8.0 Rearing 2.0-16.0 7.0-14.0 Smolt Migration 4.0-18 .0 5.0-12.0 Pink Adult Migration 5.0-18.0 7.0-13.0 Spawning 7.0-18.0 8.0-13.0 Incubation 1 0-13.0 4.0-10.0 Smolt Migration 4.0-13.0 5.0-12.0 Chinook Adult Migration 2.0-16.0 7.0-13.0 Spawning 5.0-14.0 7.0-12.0 Incubation 1 0-16.0 4.0-12.0 Rearing 2.0-16.0 7.0-14.0 Smolt Migration 4.0-16.0 7.0-14.0 Coho Adult Migration 2.0-18.0 6.0-11.0 Spawning 2.0-17.0 6.0-13.0 Incubation 1 0-14.0 4.0-10 .0 Smolt Migration 2.0-16.0 6.0-12.0 1 Embryo incubation or development rate increases as temperature rises. Accumulated temperature units or days to emergence should be determined for each specfes for incubation. SP.e Figure IV-0-1 Source: AEIOC 1984b IV-40 initial period of sensitivity to cold temperatures has passed, incubating embryos can tolerate temperatures near 0°C. Table IV-8 provides a comparison between the nunt>er of CTU's that resulted in 50 percent hatching and 50 percent emergence of chum salmon alevins under both field and laboratory environments. The number of temperature units that resulted in 50 percent hatching and 50 percent emergence of chum and sockeye alevins at selected middle Susitna River sloughs appear similar to that required by Alaskan stocks of these species under controlled conditions (ADF&G 1983a). Collectively these data indicate that 400 to 500 CTU's can be used as an index for 50 percent hatching of chum and sockeye eggs. A simplified way of forecasting emergence time using the information provided in Table IV-8 and other pertinent data from the 1 iterature was developed by AEIOC (1984b). The relationship between mean incu- bation temperature and development rate for chum embryos is presented in the form of a nomograph (Figure IV-5). This nomograph can be used to forecast the date of 50 percent emer- gence given the spawning date and the mean daily intragravel water temperature for the incubation period. A straight line projected from the spawning date on the left axis through the mean incubation temper- ature on the middle axis identifies the date of emergence on the right axis. 1A centigrade temperature unit is the index used to measure the influences of temperature on embryonic development and is defined as one 24 hour period l°C above freezing (0°C). Hence stream tempera- tures between 4 and 5°C would provide 140 centigrade temperature units in about one month. IV-41 Table IV-8. Comparison of accumulated centigrade temperature units (cru•s) needed to produce 50 percent hatching of chum salmon eggs and 50 percent emergence of chum salmon alevins at selected sites on the Susitna River with those required under controlled incubating environments elsewhere in Alaska. Brood cru•s required cru•s required location Year for 50 % Hatching for 50% Emergence 1 Susitna River -Slough SA 1982 539 2 Susitna River -Slough 11 1982 501 232 Susitna River -Slough 21 Mouth 1982 534 283 Clear Hatchery 3 1977 420 313 Clear Hatchery 3 1978 455 393 Eklutna Hatchery 4 1981 802 209 USFWS laboratory -Anchorage 5 1982 306 USFWS Laboratory -Anchorage 5 1982 448 USFWS Laboratory -Anchorage 5 1982 489 USFWS Laboratory -Anchorage 5 1982 472 1 Calculated from the time of 50 percent hatching to the time of 50 percent emergence 2 No emergence had occurred as of April 20 3 Raymond (1981) 4 loren Waldron, Eklutna Hatchery, personal communication 5 Adapted from Waangard and Burger (1983) IV-42 Spawning Date T(C) 1.0 Emergence Date June 10 June I Jon 20 Jon iO Jon I FigureB-s. Chum salmon spawning time versus mean incubation t....,_rature nomooraph . (Source: AEIDC 1984b ) . TV-6.1 Instream Temperature Processes Stream temperature in northern rivers responds primarily to the seasonal variation of the local climate and hydrologic conditions. Heat transfer between the atmosphere and an open water surface prin- cipally occurs through convection , evaporation/condensation and radiation. Heat transfer by convection and evaporation/condensation responds directly to wind speed and the temperature differential across the air-water interface. Radiative heat transfer consists of two types: shortwave and longwave radiation. Both short-and long- wave radiation are significantly influenced by basin topography, percent cloud cover, and surrounding vegetation. At higher latitudes incoming shortwave radiation is highly variable because of. seasonal differences in the solar azimuth which influences the intensity of the shortwave radiation per unit area and the length of the daylight period. Cooling or warming of the river by the processes described above will not be a 1 tered by the construction or operation of the proposed project. However, the amount and temperature of water influent to a river also affects its temperature. Construction and operation of the proposed Susitna Project will substantially alter these existing seasonal relationships by the redistribution of the available water supply and its associated heat energy through the year. The reservoir will store heat in the sunwner while releasing water with lower than natural temperatures between break-up and mid-summer. For the remain- der of the year, temperatures of the released water would be greater than natural as the reservoir discharges the stored heat. Sources of water influent to the Susitna River are classified as: glacial melt, tributary inflow, non-point surface runoff, and ground- water inflow. The relative importance of each of these to mainstem flow and temperature at Gold Creek varies seasonally. Tributary and non-point surface runoff increase during snow melt periods and in response to rainstorms, and glacial melt water is IV-44 predominantly a summer phenomena. Groundwater inflow, however, appears to remain fairly constant throughout the year. Hence its relative importance increases during winter as inflows from glacial melt and surface runoff cease. Tributary inflows themselves diminish to base levels maintained by groundwater inflow from their sub-basins. The temperature of influent groundwater remains near 3 to 4°C through- out the year (ADF&G 1983a). Glacial melt water at the headwaters of the Susitna River is near 0°C, but it is warmed by the heat transfer processes described earlier as it flows downstream. Temperature of tributary waters are generally cooler than the temperature of the mainstem, especially during May and June when most of their streamflow consists of snow melt (Figure IV-6). Tributary water teiT'perat\Jres determine mainstem surface water temperatures at tributary mouths. Tributary flows characteristically hug the mainstem shoreline after converging with the Susitna River, forming a plume that may extend several hundred feet downstream. Mainstem water temperatures normally range from zero during the November-April period to 11 or 12°C from late June to mid-July. Water temperatures typically increase from 0 to 6 or soc during May and gradually decrease from 9 or l0°C in early September to 0°C by mid to late October. Water temperatures in side channels follow mainstem temperatures except in side channel areas which do not convey mainstem water during periods of low flow. Except when overtopped by mainstem flow, surface water temperatures in side sloughs are independent of mainstem water temperatures even though both may occasionally be the same temperature (Table IV-9). Slou~hs receive nearly all of their clear water flow from local runoff and groundwater inflow. Due to their relatively large surface areas in comparison to their depth and flow rate, sloughs are quicker to warm and cool. Hence daily fluctuations in side slough surface water temperatures are more exaggerated than for mainstem or side channel water temperatures (ADF&G 1984f). When sloughs receive substantial inflow from snowmelt or rainfall runoff, their surface water tempera- IV-45 -u - ~ E-o ~ "-1 ~ I ~ l'il <: E-< I ~ C1\ 15 14-Simula ted Tributary Temp erature 13 -c Hean '81/'8 2 Tempera ture at RM 150 12 -+ + Me an '81/'82 Tempe r a ture at RM 110 . 11 -c + + + + 0 0 0 + [] 10 -e; + c + + c 0 [J 0 c 9 -tl ~ 8----+ ---:-,.. -0 / -.. .... 0 7 -/' ...... .... 0 / .... 6-/ ... ' / ' 5-/ ,, / ' ' / ' 4-, ., t 1!1' 3-I ' I ., I 2- 1!1 ' ' ., 1 -' 0 ,BJ I~ 0 ' l J UN E I J ULY I AUGUST I SEPTEMBER I OCTOBE R Figure N -6 . Compariaon between average weekly atream temperature• for the Suaitna River and ita tributariea . (Adapted from AEIDC 1984 b). H <: I +' ...... Table IV-9. Comparison between measured surface water temperatures (degrees C) in side sloughs and simulated average monthly mainstem temperatures 19S2 19S2 19S3 Location RM Feli Rar ~pr ~ug Sep Oct Rov Dec Jan Feli Rar ~pr Slough SA Mouth 125.4 6.5 2.4 1.7 0 0 0.4 1.3 Slough SA Upper 126.4 5.S 4.4 2.5 3.S Slough 9 12S.7 S.9 5.9 2.3 3.S Slough 11 135.7 2.5 3.1 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.5 Slough 21 14l.S 1.6 1.9 3.1 2.2 1.1 o.s Mains tern LRX 29 126.1 0.0 0.0 2.9 10.9 6.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 LRX 53 140.2 0.0 0.0 2.5 10.S 6.4 0.6 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 Note: Mainstem temperatures are simulated without an ice cover and warm earlier in the spring than what naturally occurs. Thus the April mainstem temperatures are probably warmer than what would occur. Source: ADF&G 1983. Ray 3.3 4.7 6.0 tures will reflect the temperature of that runoff. During winter, slough flow is primarily maintained by upwelling which possesses very stable temperatures around 3°C (ADF&G 1983a). Surface water temperatures are significantly influenced by the thermal quality of the upwellings; often remaining above ooc throughout most of the winter. Surface water temperatures typically reach 5 or 6°C in quiescent areas within side sloughs by mid-April, approximately one month before similar temperatures are available in mainstem and side channel areas. Side sloughs are occasionally overtopped by mainstem water during staging at freezeup, severely disrupting the relationship between intragravel and surface water temperatures. Once the slough is overtopped, the small volume of relatively wann slough water, which serves to buffer submerged upwelling areas from extreme cold, is immediately replaced by a large volume of 0°C water and slush ice. As the overtopped condition persists, the wanning influence of the upwelling is diminished and intragravel water temperatures may decrease from 3 or 4°C to near 0°C (ADF&G 1983}. A similar condition occurs during spring breakup as ice jams may cause large volumes of near zero degree mainstem water to flow through side sloughs flushing them of their substantially warmer surface water. Although little data are available for this period, intragravel water temperatures are not suspected to be as adversely affected by over- topping events during breakup as they are by overtopping during freeze-up. With-Project Temperature Conditions. Construction and operation of Watana dam will directly affect seasonal water temperatures by redis- tributing streamflow and its associated heat content throughout the year. Those portions of the Susitna River most affected by with- project stream temperatures will be mainstem and side channel areas that convey water released from the reservoir. With-project sunrner flows are expected to be lower and winter flows higher than naturally occurring streamfl ows. It is anticipated that stream temperatures IV-48 will be similarly affected, but not to the same degree as streamflow. Addition of Devil Canyon reservoir would amplify the deviation in both su11111er and winter with-project stream temperatures from naturally occurring mainstem temperatures at any given location within the middle Susitna River (Table IV-10). In effect, the addition of Devil Canyon Reservoir results in naturally occurring stream temperatures being affected further downstream. Table IV-10. Simulated mi~dle Susitna River mean summer mainstem temperatures for natural, Watana only, and Watana/ Devil Canyon conditions. Natura 1 Watana only {1996 Demand) Watana/Devil Canyonz (2002 Demand) RM 150 8.4 7.4 6.4 RM 130 8.5 7.5 6.8 RM 100 9.0 8.5 7.9 1 Average of four May-September stream temperature simulations using meteorologic and hydrologic conditions associated with the summers of 1971, 1974, 1981 afld 1982. 2 With increased load demand in later years of operation, less frequent use of the Devil Canyon cone valves would result in slightly warmer mean summer temperatures (AEIDC 1984b}. Project design and operation have a notable influence on the tempera- ture and flow rate of water discharged from the dam{s). Within the anticipated operating range of the project, the temperature of the reservoir outflow has a greater influence on downstream water tempera- tures than flow rate. Table IV-11 displays the simulated downstream temperatures for two situations : water week 34 (May 20-26), where the downstream release temperatures are equal but release rates differ, and water week 45 (August 5-11) where release rates are-equal but their temperatures differ. The weekly simulation period is the same within each example thereby eliminating downstream temperature differ- ences resulting from climatic influences. The 1.8°C temperature difference shown in the second case results in a much greater down- IV-49 Table IV -11. Downstream temperatures (°C) resulting from di fferences in summer reservo i r release flows and temperatures. Water Week 34 Wat e r Week 45 {Ma~ 20 -26 2 1981} (August 5 -11 2 1974} Dam Release : Dam Release: 6080 cfs 5270 cfs 10,950 cfs 10,950 cfs Temp: Temp: 3.9°C 3.9°C 8.1 °C 9.9°C Middle River Cross 2002 2020 2002 2020 Section River Mile Demand Demand Demand Demand 68 150 4.5 4.5 8.2 9.9 53 140 4.9 5.0 8.5 10.1 33 130 5.4 5.5 8.6 10 .1 23 120 6.0 6 .1 9.0 10.4 13 110 6 .5 6.7 9.4 10.7 3 99 7.1 7.3 9.8 11.0 IV-50 stream temperature difference than that resulting from 810 cfs flow decrease (13 percent decrease in flow) shown in the first case. The most notable effect of project construction and operation on natura 1 stream temperatures is de 1 ayi ng the temperature rise during early summer and extending warm stream temperatures into fall (Figure IV-7). As with mid-summer stream temperatures9 the tempera- ture of the middle Susitna River during winter is directly influenced by climate and project operation. The location at which 0°C water occurs downstream from the dam 9 and consequently the maximum upstream extent of the ice front, is controlled by annual winter climate. However, its location also varies in response to reservoir outflow temperature and, to a lesser degree, flow rate. Due to the occurrence of warmer stream temperatures during fall, ice front deve 1 opment on the middle Sus i tna River is expected to be delayed from two to seven weeks {Harza-Ebasco 1984b). In addition, the location of the ice front under with-project conditions is not expected to extend as far upstream as it does under natural con- ditions. Among the variables influencing winter stream temperature, basin meteorology is the most significant. Short periods of -15 to -25°C air temperatures increase the cooling rate of water downstream from the dams and result in the production of frazil ice. There is a rapid upstream progression of the ice front during these periods {Gemperline 1984). Table IV-12 provides simulat- ed data indicating the influence of winter air temperature on simulat- ed downstream water temperatures. The second most important variable, and one over which project design and operation has some degree of control, is the temperature of the reservoir outflow. The amount of water being released from the reservoir also influences winter stream temperature but it is not as significant a variable as outflow temperature, or basin climate. Table IV-13 displays downstream temperatures for two cases: (1) where IV-51 H <: I V1 N ,10 LEGEND ---Natural ---I Dam (1996 Demand) 2 Dams ( 2002 Demand) ----- ---- MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT DATE Figure JSZ-7.Comparison of simulated natural and with-project monthly temperatures of the Susitna River at R.M .I30 for the one and two dam scenarios (Source : AEIDC 1984 b). Table IV-12 . Comparison between simulated downstream water temperatures for constant reservoir outflow conditions and different air temperatures. Water Week 8 Water Week 18 {Nov. 19-26, 1981} {Jan. 28-Feb. 3 2 1983} Dam Release: Dam Release : 7,590 cfs 7,600 cfs Middle River Release Temp: 1.9°C Release Temp : 1.9°C River Cross Mile Air Temp: {Talkeetna) Air Temp: {Talkeetna) Section -ll.6°C -3.4 °C 68 150 1.8 1.9 53 140 1.3 1.6 33 130 0.6 1.2 23 120 0 .8 13 110 0 .5 3 99 0 0 Note: Both simulations are for Devil Canyon dam, 2002 Demand. IV-53 Table IV-13. Downstream temperatures (°C) resulting from differences in winter reservoir release flows and temperatures. Middle River Cross Section 68 53 33 23 13 3 River Mile 150 140 130 120 110 99 Water Week 9 {Nov. 26 -Dec. 2 1970) Dam Release: 7770 cfs 12 ,370 cfs Temp: 1.3 °C 2002 Demand 1.3 0.7 0 0 0 0 IV-54 1.3°C 2020 Demand 1.3 0.9 0.4 0 0 0 Water Week 22 {Feb. 25 -March 3 2 1982} Dam Release : 7190 cfs 8000 cfs Temp: 2.8°C 1.7°C 2002 2020 Demand Demand 2.7 1.7 2.2 1.2 1.5 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 0 0 0 dam release temperatures are the same but f1ow volumes change (in this case a 59 percent increase) and (2) where ~~m release flows are relatively constant (note: actually a 11 percent increase) and release temperatures differ. As in the previous example for summer releases, the differences in release temperatures result in the greatest down- stream temperature differences. Ice Processes The most important factors affecting freezeup of the Susitna River are air and morphology. water temperature, instream hydraulics, and channel Breakup is primarily influenced by antecedant snowpack conditions, air temperature and spring rainfall. The upper Susitna River is commonly subjected to freezing air temperature by mid- September, and slush ice has been observed in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach as early as late September. Initial phases of ice cover deterioration commonly begin by mid-April, with ice out on the middle Susitna River generall.Y being complete by mid-May (R&M Consultants 1983). Figure IV-8 presents a generic flowchart which diagrams the i ce formation process on the Talkeetna-to-Devil-Canyon reach of the Susitna River, based on a recognition of pertinent climatic and physica 1 factors. In order to understand the flow chart and subse- quent discussions in this text, brief definitions have been adopted from R&M (1983) for the most common types of ice found in the middle reach of the Susitna River. o Frazil -Individual crystals pf ice generally believed to form around a nucleating agent when water becomes super- cooled. o Frazil Slush -Frazil ice crystals have strong cohesive properties and tend to agglomerate into loosely packed clusters that resemble slush. The slush eventually gains sufficient mass and buoyancy to counteract the flow turbu- lence and float on the water surface. IV-55 1~------------------------~cooling Backwaters and Mainstem and sloughs sidechannels I SNOW ICE I Quiescent water low velocity (<1 ft/sec) 1 SHORE ICE -~------------~--~ Turbulen water high velocity (>1 ft/sec) ~ Snowfall ! . UpstreBlll progress1.on of unconsolidated ice cTer . With compress1on BUMMOCKED ICE COVER REFREEZING FIGURE IJ:-8. Flowchart of general Ice forming proce••e• on the middle reach of the Su•ltna River. IV-56 o Snow Slush -Similar to frazil slush but fanned by loosely packed snow particles in the stream. o Black Ice -Black ice initially forms as individual crystals on the water surface in near zero velocity areas in rivers or underneath an existing ice cover. These crystals develop in an orderly arrangement resulting in a compact structure which is far stronger than slush ice covers. Black ice developing in the absence of frazil crystals is characteris- tically translucent. This type of ice can also grow into clear layers several feet thick within the Susitna slush ice cover. o Shore Ice or Border Ice -This forms along flow margins as a result of slush ice drifting into low velocity areas and freezing against the channel bed. o Ice Bridges -These generally form when shore ice grows out from the banks to such an extent that a local water surface constriction results. Large volumes of slush ice may not be able to negotiate this constriction at the same rate as the water velocity. An accumulation of slush subsequently occurs at the constriction, sometimes freezing into a continuous solid ice cover or bridge. This ice bridge usually prevents slush rafts from continuing downstream, initiating an upstream accumulation or progression of ice. o Hummocked Ice -This is the most common form of ice cover on the Susitna mainstem and side channel areas. It is fanned by continuous accumulation of consolidated slush rafts that progressively build up behind ice bridges, causing the ice cover to migrate upstream during freezeup. IV-57 Freezeup Frazil Ice Generation. Most river ice covers are formed as a result of the fonnation and concentration of frazil ice. When river water becomes slightly supercooled (0°C), frazil crystals begin to form by nucleation or by a mass exchange mechanism between the water surface and the cold air. Fine suspended sediments in the water during freezeup season may be the nucleating agent in the Susitna River. In the mass exchange mechanism, initial nucleation occurs in the air above and the ice crystals fall to the water surface (Ashton 1978). Frazil crystals initially form principally as small discoid crystals only a few millimeters in diameter. These grow rapidly to larger size and begin to accumulate as frazil slush masses, which are often contributed to by snowfall into the river forming floating snow slush. The combined slush usually breaks up in turbulence into i ndividual slush floes that continue drifting downriver until stopped by jamming at river constrictions (Ashton 1978; Michel 1971; Osterkamp 1978). Frazil ice generally first appears in the river between the Denali Highway bridge and Vee Canyon by mid-September. This ice drifts downriver, often accumulating into loosely-bonded slush floes, until it melts away or exits into Cook Inlet. During freezeup, generally about 80 percent of the ice passing Talkeetna into the lower river is produced in the upper Susitna River, while the remaining 20 percent is produced in the Talkeetna and Chulitna Rivers. Below the Yentna confluence, usually more than 50 percent of the ice is produced by the Yentna River. Talkeetna to Gold Creek. The leading edge of the lower Susitna Ri ver ice cover usually arrives at the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers (RM 99) between early November and early December (Table IV-14). The rate of upstream progression is significantly slower on the middle reach of the Susitna River. The ice front progression rate decreases as the ice front moves upriver. In 1982, the progression rate slowed from an average of 3.5 IV-58 Table IV-14. Summary of freeze up observations for several locations within the Talkeetna to Dev il Canyon reach of the Susitna River. location River Mile 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 Ice Bridge or Ice Front At Sus i tna-Chulitna confluence Nov . 29 Nov. 18 Nov. 5 Dec. 8 leading Edge Near Cold Creek Dec . 12 Dec. 31 Dec. 27 Jan. 5 ~eroximate Freez ing Oates at Susitna Chulitna Confluence 98.6 Hid-Nov. Nov. 5 Dec. 9 II 103.3 Nov. 8 II 104.3 Dec. II 106 .2 Nov. 9 II 108.0 Dec. 2 II 112.9 Dec. 3 lane Creek 113.7 Nov. 15 McKenzie Creek 116.7 Nov. 18 II 118.8 Dec. 5 Curry 120.7 Nov. 20 Dec. 21 Slough 8 124.5 Nov. 20 II 126.5 Dec . 8 II 127 .o Hid-Dec. Nov. 22 Slough 9 128.3 Nov. 29 II 130.9 Dec. 1 Jan. 5 Slough 11 135.3 Dec. 6 Cold Creek 136.6 Dec. 12 Early Jan . Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Portage Creek 148.9 Dec. 23 R&M Consultants 1980-81, 1982, 1983, 1984. IV-59 miles per day near the confluence to 0.05 miles per day by the time it reached Gold Creek (RM 136). This is probably due to the increase in gradient moving upriver and to the reduction in frazil ice generation in the upper Susitna River as it develops a continuous ice coier. The upper Susitna River freezes over by border ice growth and intermediate bridging before the advancing leading edge reaches Gold Creek. local groundwater levels are often raised when the leading edge approaches. This is probably due to staging effects raising the water level in the mainstem, which then is propagated through the permeable river sediments into surrounding sloughs and side channels. Many sloughs fail to form a continuous ice cover all winter due to up- welling of relatively warm (l-3°C) groundwater (Trihey 1982, ADF&G 1983a). However, ice does form along slough margins, restricting the open water area to a narrow, open lead. Some sloughs that do form ice covers after being inundated with mainstem water and ice later melt out because of the groundwater thermal influence. These leads often then remain open all winter. As slush ice accumulates against the leading edge, it consolidates from time to time through compression and thickening. Staging accom- panies this process, sometimes lifting the ice cover and allowing it lateral movement and often extending the ice from bank to bank . Water flowing under the ice cover throughout the winter often causes frictional erosion of the underside of the ice, opening leads in the cover. This usually occurs rapidly after the initial stabilization of a slush ice cover. These leads usually slowly freeze over with a secondary ice cover, and most leads are closed by March. The slush ice front progression from the Susitna/Chulitna confluence generally terminates in the vicinity of Gold Creek , about 35 to 40 miles upstream from the confluence, by December or early January. Gold Creek to Devil Canyon. Freezeup occurs gradually in the reach from Gold Creek (RM 136) to Devil Canyon (RM 150), with a complete ice IV-60 cover in place much later than in the reach below Gold Creek, usually not until March (R&M Consultants 1983). The ice front does not generally progress beyond the vicinity of Gold Creek because of the lack of frazil ice input after the upper river freezes over. Also, ice is late in forming here because of the relatively high velocities in this reach, caused by the steeper gradient and single-channel charac- teristics of the reach. Wide border ice layers build out from shore throughout the freezeup season, narrowing the open water channel in the mainstem and fre- quently forming ice bri dges across the river, separated by ope n leads. In the open water areas, frazil ice adheres easily to any object it contacts within the river flow, such as rocks and grave 1 on the channel bottom, forming anchor ice. Anchor ice may form into low dams in the stream bed, especially in areas narrowed by border ice, increasing local water turbulence which may increase frazil gen- eration. Slight backwater areas are sometimes induced due to a general raising of the effective channel bottom, affecting flow distribution between channels and causing overflow onto border ice . Within the backwater area, slush ice may freeze in a thin layer from bank to bank. little staging occurs in this reach during freezeup, and sloughs and side channels are generally not breached at their upper ends. They usually remain open all winter due to groundwater inflow . Open leads occur in the mainstem , especially in high velocity areas bet~een ice bridges, but few new leads open after the formation of the initial ice cover. There is minimal ice cover sag in this reach. Ice Cover at the Peak of Development. Once the initial ice cover forms it remains quite dynamic, either thickening or eroding. Slush ice adheres to the underside of the ice cover in low velocity areas and becomes bonded by 1 ow temperatures. The ice cover becomes most stable at its height of maturity, generally in March (R&M Consultants 1983). The only open water at that time is in the numerous leads that IV-61 persist over turbulent areas and areas of groundwater upwelling, and little frazil slush is generated. Breakup . Under natural conditions, the Susitna River ice cover disintegrates in the spring by a progression beginning with a slow, gradual deterioration of the ice and ending with a dramatic breakup drive accompanied by ice jams, flooding, and erosion (R&M Consultants 1983). The duration of the breakup period depends on the intensity of solar radiation, air temperatures, and precipitation . A pre-breakup period occurs as snowmelt begins in the area, usually by early April. Snowmelt begins first at the lower elevations near the Susitna River mouth and slowly works northward up the river. By la ~e April, snow has usually disappeared on the river south of Talkeetna and snowmelt is proceeding into the reach above the Susitna/Chulitna confluence. Tributaries to the lower river have usually broken out in their lower elevations, and open water exists at their confluences with the Susitna River. Increased flows from the tributaries erode the Susitna ice cover for considerable distances downstream from their confluences. As water levels in the river begin to rise and fluctuate with spring snowmelt and precipitation, overflow often occurs onto the ice since the rigid and impermeable ice cover fails to respond quickly enough to these changes. Standing water appears in sags and depressions on the ice cover. This standing water reduces the albedo, or reflectivity, of the ice surface, and open leads quickly appear in these depressions. As the water level rises and erodes the ice cover , ice becomes under- cut and collapses into the o~en leads, drifting to their downstream ends and accumulating in small ice jams. In this way, leads become s t eadily wider and longer. This process is especially notable in the reach from Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon. In the wide, low-gradient river below Talkeetna open leads occur less frequently and extensive overflow of mainstem water onto the ice cover is the first indicator of rising water levels . IV-62 The disintegration of the ice cover into individual fragments or floes and the drift of these floes downstream and out of the river is called the breakup drive . The natural spring breakup drive is largely associated with rapid flow increases, due to precipitation and snow- melt, that lift and fracture the ice surface . When the river dis- charge becomes high enough to break and move the ice sheet, the breakup dr ive begins. Its intensity is dependent upon meteorologica1 conditions during the pre-breakup period. Major ice jams generally occur in shallow reaches with a narrow confining thalweg channel along one bank, or at sharp river bends. Major jams are commonly found adjacent to side channels or sloughs, and may have played a part in forming them through catastrophic overflow and scouring at some time in the past. This is known to have happened at Slough 11 in 1976, as reported by local residents in the area, when a large ice j am overflow event altered a previously- existing small upland slough into a major side slough. Breakup ice jams commonly cause rapid, local stage increases that continue rising until either the jam releases or the adjacent sloughs or side channels become flooded. While the jam holds, flow and large amounts of ice are diverted into side channels or sloughs, rapidly eroding away sections of riverbank and often pushing ice well up into the trees. Generally, the final destruction of the ice cover occurs in early to mid-May ~hen a series of ice jams break in succession, adding their mass and momentum to the next jam downstream. Th i s continues until the river is swept clean of ice except for stranded ice floes along shore. Ice that has been pushed well up onto banks above the wate r level may last for several weeks before melting away in place. IV-63 Effects of With-Project Instream Temperatures on Susitna River Ice Processes. I CECAL modeling runs show that operation of the Susana River Hydro- electric Project would h~ve significant effects on the ice processes of the Susitna River, especially in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach, due to changes in flows and water temperatures in the river below the dams. Generally, winter flows would be several times greater than they are under natural winter conditions, and winter water temperatures would generally be between 0.5°C and 3°C where they are normally 0°C immediately below the dams (AEIDC 1984b). The !CECAL computer model developed by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture was used to simulate river ice conditions under various scenarios of project operations, with Watana operating a lone and in conjunction with Devil Canyon dam, under varying power demand situations, and with differing climatic conditions (Harza-Ebasco 1984c). With-Project Simulations, Freezeup. Frazil ice that is generated in the upper river area, principally in the Vee Canyon to the Denali Highway area, normally drifts downstream into the lower and middle reaches of the Susitna River and provides the source for initial ice bridging and subsequent ice cover formation for most of the these reaches. With Watana dam and reservoir in place, this frazil would be trapped in the reservoir, unable to reach its normal destinations. Consequently, freezeup of the river below the dam would be delayed. Later, with the construction of Devil Canyon dam and reservoir, most of the frazil-generating rapids within Devil Canyon would be inundated, further reducing frazil produc t ion reaching the middle and lower river reaches, and further delaying river freezeup. Arrival of the ice front at the Yentna River mouth usually occurs in late October or early November under natural conditions. This timing is not expected to be significantly altered with-project in spite of the reduced frazil input from the upper Susitna River because the ice contributions from the Yentna River and other major tributaries would remain the same. Based on this, November 1 was used by !CECAL as a IV-64 representative date for the passage of the ice front by the Yentna River mouth. However, reduced frazil input would slow the advance rate of the leading edge. These effects would combine with the higher winter flows and warmer water temperatures to produce a delay of ini- tial freezeup at the Susitna/Chulitna confluence ranging from about 2-5 weeks with Watana operating alone to 4-6 ~eeks with Watana and Devil Canyon operating together (Table IV-15). The warmer water temperatures released from the dams would not cool to the freezing 1 eve 1 for a number of mi 1 es downstream of the dams, preventing ice from forming all winter in this reach, except for some border ice attached to shore. The maximum upriver extent of ice cover prog-ression below the project, with Watana operating alone, would vary from RM 124 to RM 142 depending on winter climate and operational scenario. Similarly, with both Watana and Devil Canyon operating, the maximum ice cover extent would be from RM 123 to RM 137. The ice front would reach its maximum position between mid-December and late March for Watana alone and mid-January to mid-March for Watana and Devil Canyon together, but would fluctuate considerably in position for the rest of the winter depending on prevailing air temperatures. Under natural conditions, secondary ice bridges may form between the Susitna/Chulitna confluence and Gold Creek before the ice front progression in the middle Susitna River has reached Gold Creek. With the project in place these low flow conditions would not occur; therefore, !CECAL simulations are based only on the initiation of one ice bridge at RM 9 in late October and the subsequent ice cover devel- opment on the lower river. !CECAL assumes only one leading edge progression above the Chulitna confluence. Increases in winter discharges in the river below the dams would cause stages during freezeup to be significantly higher than natural. In that reach, where the ice cover forms, stages are expected to be 2 to 7 feet h_igher than natural with Watana operating alone, while with both dams operational, stages should be about 1 to 6 feet higher than IV-65 Table IV-15. !CECAL simulated ice front progression and meltout dates (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, 1984c). Maximum Natural Starting Date Upstream and Si111.1lated at Chulitna Melt-out Extent Conditions Confluence Date (River Mile) Natural Conditions 137N 1971-72 Nov. 5 1976-77 Dec. 8 Mayio:85B 137N 1981-82 Nov. 18 137N 1982-83 Nov. 5 May 10 137N Watana Only -1996 Demand May 1£E 1971-72 Nov. 28 140 1976-77 Dec. 25 May 3 137 1981-82 Dec. 28 April 3 137 1982-83w Dec. 12 March 20 127 1971-72 Dec. 17 March 27 127 Watana Only -2001 Demand May 15E 1971-72 Nov. 28 142 1982-83 Dec. 19 March 16 124 Both Dams -2002 Demand May 3E 1971-72 Dec. 2 137 1976-77 Jan. 10 April 20 126 1981-82 Dec. 30 March 12 124 1982-83 Dec. 22 March 20 123 Both Dams -2020 Demand 1971-72 Dec. 3 April 15 133 1982-83 Dec. 14 March 12 127 Legend: B -Observed natural break up. E -Melt-out date is extrapolated from results when occurring beyond April 30 N -Ice cover for natural conditions extends upstream of Gold Creek (River Mile 137) by means of lateral ice bridging. I -Computed ice front progression upstream of Gold Creek (River Mile 137) is approximation only. Observations indicate closure of river by lateral ice in this reach for natural conditions. Notes: 1. "Case C" instream flow requirements are assumed for with-pr~ect simulations. 2. 1971-72 simulation assumes warm, 4°C reservoir releases. All other with-project simulations assume an "inflow-matching" temperature policy. IV-66 natural (Table IV-16}. Dcwnstream from the ice front, more sloughs and side channels would be overtopped more frequently. Winter discharges would be higher than normal but no freezeup staging would occur upstream from the ice front's maximum position. Water levels in that reach would be 1 to 3 feet lower than natural freezeup staging levels with Watana operating alone, and 1 to 5 feet lower with both dams operating. Therefore, no sloughs in this reach should be overtopped. However, lack of freezeup staging in this reach of the river may reduce groundwater upwelling in the sloughs. Natural freezeup staging causes approximately the same hyd r aulic head to exist between the mainstem and adjacent sloughs as occurs during sunmer. With the project i n place and no freezeup staging occurring, the hydraulic head would be reduced, despite the increased winter flows . Since the ice .edge would not advance as far, or as rapidly, during project operations as during natural conditions, more areas of open water would exist, and they would remain longer than usual. This could cause the incidence of more anchor ice during cold periods. This might cause the formation of slight backwater areas because of the general raising of the channel bottom, possibly affecting flow distribution between channels with low berms. Where an ice cover forms, the maximum total ice thickness with Watana operating alone are expected to be generally similar to natural ice thickness. With both dams operating, maximum total ice thickness should be about 1 to 2 feet less than natural ice thickness. With-Project Simulations, Breakup. Breakup processes are expected to be different in the Susitna River below the project, especially in the Ta l keetna to Devil Canyon reach. Since the maximum upstream extent of the ice cover below the dams would be somewhere between RM 124 and RM 142, there would be no continuous ice cover between this area and the damsite, and consequently no breakup or meltout in that reach. Any border ice attached to shore would probably slowly melt away in place; occasional pieces of border ice might break away from shore and float IV-67 Table IV-16. Occurrences where with-project1 maximum river stages are higher than natural conditions. Watana Watana and Slough or . River Only 2 Devil Cany~n Side Channel Mile Operating Operating Whiskers 101.5 6/6 6/6 Gash Creek 112.0 6/6 5/6 6A 112.3 6/6 5/6 s 114.1 6/6 6/6 MSII 115.5 6/6 6/6 MSII 115.9 6/6 6/6 Curry 120.0 6/6 3/6 Moose 123.5 6/6 4/6 SA West 126.1 5/6 4/6 SA East 127.1 4/6 2/6 9 129.3 4/6 2/6 9 u/s 130.6 3/6 0/6 4th July 13l.S 3/6 2/6 9A 133.7 3/6 1/6 10 u/s 134.3 4/6 1/6 11 d/s 135.3 3/6 0/6 11 136.5 4/6 2/6 Notes: 1 11 Case C11 instream flow requirements and 11 inflow-matching 11 reservoir release temperatures are assumed for with-project simulations. 2 For example, 4/6 means that 4 of the 6 with-project simulations resulted in a higher maximum river stage than the natural conditions for corresponding winters. Source: Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, 19S4a IV-6S downstream. Ice in the river reach above the project would break up normally, but would not drift into this area as it normally does because it would be trapped in the reservoir~. The normal spring breakup drive is usually brought on by rapid flow increases that lift and fracture the ice cover. The proposed project reservoirs would regulate such seasonal flows, yielding a more steady flow regime and resulting in a slow meltout of the ice cover in place. The warmer-than-normal water temperatures released from the project wou 1 d cause the upstream end of the ice cover to begin to decay earlier in the season than normal. Gradual spring meltout wi th Watana operating alone is predicted to be 4 to 6 weeks earlier than normal, and 7 to 8 weeks earlier than normal with both dams operating. By May, flow levels in the river would be significantly reduced from natural levels as the project begins to store incoming flows from upstream. The result is ex.pected to be that breakup drive processes that now normally occur in the middle Susitna River area would be effecti vely eliminated. Instead, a slow and steady meltout of river ice in this reach would probably occur . Since there would be no extensive volume of broken ice floating downstream and accumulating against the unbroken ice cover, ice janming in the middle Sus i tna River would usually not occur or would be substantially reduced in severity. This would eliminate or substantially reduce river staging and flooding normally associated with ice jams, thereby eliminating or greatly reducing the overtopping of berms and the flooding of side sloughs. In the lower river below the Susitna/Chulitna confluence, breakup would approximate natura1 conditions due to the substantial flow contributions from major tributaries. Ice thicknesses in this reach, however, may be somewhat thicke r than normal because of the higher Susitna River winter flows from the project. IV-69 Environmental Effects Ice jams during breakup commonly cause rapid and pronounced increases in local water surface elevations under natural conditions . The water continues to rise until either the jam releases or the rising water can spill out of the mainstem into adjacent side channels or sloughs. This may cause sections of riverbank to be eroded. Ice scars have been documented on trees in some localized areas as high as 15 feet above the stream bank. The sediment transport associated with these events can raise or lower the elevation of berms at the upstream end of sloughs. Ice floes left stranded in channels and sloughs during breakup can deposit a layer of silt as they melt. Ice processes in the mainstem river are important in maintaining the character of the slough habitat. Besides reworking substrates and flushing debris and beaver dams from the sloughs that could otherwise be potential barriers to upstream migrants, ice processes are also considered important for maintaining the groundwater upwelling in the side sloughs during winter months. This is critical in maintaining the incubation of salmon eggs as described previously in the sediment transport (Section IV-B). The increased stage associated with a winter ice cover on the Susitna makes it possible for appro ximately the same hydraulic head to exist between the mainstem and an adjacent side slough during periods of low winter flow as that which exists during norma 1 suiTJTier. The river stage observed during mid-winter 1981-82 associated with the ice cover formation on the Susitna River appeared very similar to the water surface elevation associated with summer discharges of 18,000 to 19,000 cfs (Trihey 1982). The alluvial deposits that form gravel bars and islands between the mainstem river and side sloughs are highly permeable, making it possible for water from the river to flow downgradient through the alluvium and into the sloughs. Thus the increased stage associated with an ice cover on the river may provide an important driving mechanism for ma i ntaining the upwelling in the side sloughs throughout the winter . IV-70 Ice processes may also have negative impacts on fisheries habitat. Ice scouring can remove redds. Mafnstem water entering the slough near an ice jam can expose juvenile fish and incubating eggs to near zero degree water, causing mortality. The removal of substrate by anchor ice, scouring or flooding can greatly effect cover availability for rearing fishes. Freezing processes, such as anchor ice, can also encase many types of cover, making it useless to juvenile fish. Benthic organisms and small fish can also be displaced by sudden fluctuations i n flow caused by ice jams. IV-71 V. INFLUENCE OF STREAMFLOW AND INSTREAM HYDRAULICS ON MIDDLE RIVER HABITATS Habitat Types and Categories As used in this document, habitat type refers to portions of the riverine environment having visually distinguishable morphologic, hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics that are comparatively similar. Habitat types used here are not defined by biological criteria, rather, they are based on explicit hydraulic and turbidity considerat i ons . Thus, both high and low value fish habitat may exist within the same habitat type. The relative value of one fish habitat type over another is derived from seasonal fish utilization and densities within the middle Susitna River. Six major riverine habitat types have been identified within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River: mainstem, side channel, side slough, upland slough, tributary, and tributary mout~. The total surface area of each habitat type in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach has been estimated for mainstem discharges ranging from 9,000 to 23,000 cfs at Gold Creek (USGS gage 15292000) using digital m~'asurements on 1 inch = 1,000 feet aerial photographs (Klinger and Tri hey 1984). Surface areas of clearwater habitat types, such as upland sloughs, tributaries and tributary mouths, collectively represent approximately one percent of the total wetted surface area within the middle Susitna River (Klinger and Trihey 1984). The surface areas of these habitat types exhibit little response to mainstem discharge (Figure V-1). At times the surface areas may respond more to seasonal runoff and loca l precipitation than to variations in mainstem discharge . Comparatively large differences exist regarding the magnitude and rate of response of mainstem, side channel, and side slough surface areas to mainstem discharges . At 9,000 cfs, mainstem and side channel V-1 2500 1500 1000 500 400 -300 en Ql ... u ca 200 -ca Ql ... < Ql u 100 ftl -... ;::, Cl) iii 0 ~ 50 40 30 20 10 MAINSTEM 10 5 TRIBUTARY MOUTH UPLAND SLOUGH 0 .5 L--.L--'--'----"'--'--..I.---'--'--...L----Ji..---L.-...L--'--.....1 0 .1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 s 20 21 2 2 23 Ma instem Di scharge at Gold Cr eek {x10~, c f s) Figure Y-1 . Surface area responses to mainstem discharge in the Talkeetna -to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River ( RM 101 to 149) U_') ~ 0 !: 0 lEi -N' Ill Q. CJ) c: .. ;' n Ill > .. Ill I» -:; .. - surface areas are approximately 37 percent less than their combined surface area at 23,000 cfs. However, side slough surface area is nearly 200 percent greater at the lower discharge. As a result, the total surface area of clearwater habitat types within the river corridor represents 8.2 percent of the total wetted surface area at 9,000 cfs, whereas 1 ess than 2 percent of the tota 1 wetted surface area consisted of clearwater habitat types at 23,000 cfs. Subreaches of the middle Susitna River possess various amounts of each habitat type. The diversity of habitat types within subreaches of the middle Susitna River is directly related to mainstem discharge and the complex channel morphology. The greatest diversity occurs from RM 113 to 138 in the Lane Creek-to-Gold Creek subreach (Klinger and Trihey 1984). This river segment has a stable multiple channel pattern an d numerous partially vegetated gravel bars. The least diversity occurs in the single channel segments between RM 103 and RM 109, and upstream of RM 145. These subreaches consist almost entirely of mainstem habitat regardless of discharge. For some specific areas within the middle Susitna River corridor, such as major side channels and tributary mouths, a designated habitat type persists over a wide range of mainstem discharge even though its surface area and habitat quality may change significantly. In other instances, the classification of soecific areas may change from one habitat type to another in response to mainstem discharge (Klinger and Trihey 1984). Such an example is the transformation of some turbid water side channels at 23,000 cfs to clear water side sloughs at lower mainstem flows. An important characteristic of these sites, with regard to their va 1 ue as fish habitat, appears to be the frequency, duration, and time of year they exist as one habitat type or the other . (ADF&G 1984d). Closely related to habitat transformation is the concept of variable boundary habitats (i .e. microhabitat location changes with discharge). Within the middle Susitna River, rearing habitat is an example of a variable boundary habitat, particularly in mainstem and side channel V-3 areas where the combination of low-velocity flow and turbidity appear to be the dominant microhabitat variables. As discharge changes, the spatial distribution of turbid, low-velocity conditions suitable for rearing fish also changes within the river corridor. Rather than track the spatial movement of suitable variable boundary habitats, the transformations and changes in habitat suitability were monitored at specific areas of the river in response to incremental changes in streamflow. This provides a systematic framework for analyzing riverine habitat. A specific area is defined as any location within the middle Susitna River corridor with a designated perimeter that contains a portion of the non-mainstem surface area. The total surface area of all specific areas equals the total non- mainstem surface area. Specific areas are classified by habitat type and their wetted surface areas measured on aerfa 1 photographs at several mainstem discharges. Specific areas frequently contain individual side channels, side sloughs, or upland sloughs. Occasion- ally a large side channel or slough was subdivided into two or more specific areas. A significant amount of wetted surface area is expected to be trans- formed from one habitat type to another as a result of project-induced changes in streamflow (Klinger and Trihey 1984). The approach described above was chosen as the basic framework for the extrapo- lation methodology because it focuses on the dynamic change in _the system and allows examination of the system as flows change from a sunrner mainstem discharge of 23,000 cfs to a lower discharge level. Habitat transformations are referenced from a mainstem discharge of 23,000 cfs at Gold Creek because 23,000 cfs is a typical mid-sunrner discharge (APA 1983) and continuous overlapping aerial photography was available. Eleven habitat categories are used to describe the transformation of specific areas from one habitat type to another as mainstem discharge decreases below 23,000 cfs (Table V-1). Figure V-2 presents a flow chart of the possible habitat transformations that may occur as V-4 Table V-1. Description of Habitat Categories Category 0 -Tributary mouth habitats which persist as tributary mouth habitat at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs. Category I -Side slough and upland slough habitats at 23,000 cfs which persist as the same habitat type at lower mainstem discharges Category I I -Side channel habitats which transform to clearwater habitat at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs, and possess sufficient upwelling to maintain an open lead throughout winter. Category III -Side channel habitats which transform to clearwater habitat at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs but do not possess sufficient upwelling to maintain an open lead throughout winter. Category IV -Side channel areas which persist as side channel habitat at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs. Category V -Mainstem or side channel shoals which transform into distinct side channels at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs. Category VI -Mainstem or side channel shoals which become appreciably dewatered but persist as shoals at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs . Category VII -Mainstem or side channel shoals which transform to side slough habitat at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs, and possess sufficient upwelling to maintain an open lead throughout winter. Category VIII -Mainstem or side channel shoals which transform to clearwater habitat at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs but do not possess sufficient upwelling to maintain an open lead throughout winter. Category IX -Any water course which is wetted at 23,000 cfs but becomes dewatered at a lower mainstem discharge. Category X -Mainstem habitats which persist as mainstem habitat at a mainstem discharge less than 23,000 cfs. V-5 TOTAL WETTED AREA @ 23,000 cfs TURBID WATER 111' 23,000 cfs ' DISTINCT CHAN· NEL @ 23,000 cfs CLEAR WATER @' 9,000 cfs ~ WITH APPARENT THERMAL LEADS ~ ------:::~mE CHANNELS ::::::-TQ SLOUG~S ... ---... - K !---) II CLEAR WATER @ 23,000 cfs 0 DISTINCT ® 9,000 cfs .--~ :-_-----~a:J..Ca.a...lll!!l ·-------v .------~~ftll~------- SID_E_ Slo.UGHS: I -l:JPLA~Q ~~G~~ -~~=:Jir~jj)=tJi>~:.::l L...-.--------1 -----------------0------ TURBID WATER @ REMAIN INDISTINCT .----------. / 9,000 cfs @ 9,000 cfs INDISTINCT CHAN· V NEL @ 23,000 cfs ............ ~---y---___,.JI ~ CLEAR WATER @ , WITH APPARENT ·-:-:-=-=~~~=-:-:-:-: :-:-:-:-p.nwN;;._-:-::: v 1 f :..:_· ______ ----------------! -..=:=:=-.. :-=:-::: -:--:::-::--: =-=--- .SHOALS TO _ -:-.-:-·SL.C?liG~S:-::--VI I 9,000 cfs . \ THERMAL LEADS DEWATERED @ _._ 1 :::::::~::::=:1 WITHOUT APPARENT ~~=~-~~~~ViA~---1 V 111 ...._ __ 9_,o_o_o _cf_s_--Jt---+ ~~=~~===~=:±! 1 X THERMAL LEADS t---.._:-:--··=::~~l.S::::-:-. TURBID WATER @ ~~-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-_-:.-_-_-:-:-, '----9_,o_oo_c_f_s _ __Jt--~, @~~~~~~~ T v WITHOUT APPARENT THERMAL LEADS 111 Figure Y-2 . Flowchart dlacribing poiaible habitat tranaformation that may occur with decrea••• in mainstem dlacharge . mainstem discharge decreases from 23,000 cfs to 9,000 cfs. Analysis of any middle river flow of interest lower than 23,000 cfs for which aerial photography exists can be substituted for the 9,000 cfs dis- charge level in Figure V-2. When the habitat transfonnations at all 167 of the specific areas delineated in the middle Susitna River are sumnarized, a ready illus- tration of overall riverine habitat behavior with decreasing mainstem discharge is obtained (Table V-2). This analysis is directly ap- plicable to the assessment of project effects on middle Susitna River fisheries habitats. Inspection of the relative numbers of specific areas in the various categories at several mainstem reference flows reveals some inter- esting trends (Figure V-3). With decreasing mainstem discharge, there is a notable decrease in the number of side channel sites (Cate- gory IV), and an increase .in side sloughs (Category II). There is also an increase in dewatered areas (Category IX), which indic~tes the loss of potential habitat for fish. The implications associated with the decrease in side channel and the increase in side slough habitat types to fish are less obvious. Although it is possible to generally characterize some of the attributes of the specific areas that belong in these categories, a more refined analysis of microhabitat variables (e.g., depth, velocity, substrate, etc.) is necessary to fully assess the capability of a riverine habitat to support fish. V-7 Table V-2. Number of specific areas classified in each habitat category for seven mainstem discharges. Habitat Mainstem Discharge at Gold Creek Category 18000 16000 12500 10600 9000 7400 I 32 32 32 32 32 32 II 10 15 24 25 27 33 III 5 6 10 10 13 12 IV 52 47 36 35 28 23 v 4 ~ 7 9 11 10 VI 21 21 17 11 7 7 VII 2 2 3 5 5 4 VIII 2 2 3 4 6 5 IX 6 6 8 9 13 18 X 33 32 27 27 25 23 Total 167 167 167 167 167 167 V-8 5100 32 33 15 23 11 6 4 3 20 20 167 .. .. I .. l I .. .. •• 0 .. .. l ... l t - ao •o 0 .. .. I ... ; .. I - •• • ._. .. c.o.,..... • 10 j ... l -J ao • • 0 ·-·-·-·--,_ .... ·-·-·-·--,_ .... ,._ (Cf'S) ,._ (Cf'S) -· .. c.o.....• .. l ... ; -J 10 •o 0 ·-·-·-·--,_ .... ·-·-.. _ ·--,_ .... ,._ (Cf'l) ,._ (C~) .......... .. .,.._..s .. l ... ; -J ao 10 0 ·-·-·-·--,_ .... ·-·-·-·--,_ .... ,._ (Cf'SI ,._ (Cf'l) Figure y-3 . Number of specific areas classified in each habitat category for various Gold Creek moinstem discharges. V-9 i l I J l I .. c:.o_... .. .,....... . .. 10 .. I .. -l JO I • 10 10 10 0 0 ~-~-1,_ ·--7-.... ·-·-··-·o--·-.... ,_(CFS) "-(Cnl 10 .,....... 7 10 c .. ......,. 10 10 .. j .. -l -I • 20 tO 10 0 0 ·-·-··-·--·-.... ·-·-··-·--·-.... ,_(crsl new (CFS) Figure~-3 continued . Number of specific areas classified in each habitat category for various Gold Creek mainstem discharges. V-10 Passage Fish passage is defined as the movement of fish from one location to another. The ability to move freely into and out of habitats on a seasonal basis is important in maintaining fish populations. For anadromous species, adults move upstream into spawn i ng areas and juveniles move from natal areas to rearing habitat and finally outmi- grate to marine environments. Restriction of passage conditions can inhibit or eliminate utilization of even high quality habitat. Three levels of difficulty are defined for fish passage in the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984e): 1. Successful Passage (unrestricted): Fish passage into and/or within the spawning area is uninhibited, and would not affect natural production in the area. 2. Successful Passage With Difficulty & Exposure : Fish passage into and/or within the spawning area is accomplished, but with stress and exposure to predation with the potential of reducing the level of successful spawning in the area. This condition over a long period of time may result in a decline in natural production in the area. 3. Unsuccessful Passage: Fish passage into and/or within the spawning area may be accomplished by a limited number of fish; however, exposure to excessive stress and increased predation (which are associated with these conditions) may eventually eliminate or greatly reduce the nc>tura 1 produc- tion in the area. These three levels define the relative level of difficulty that most fish of the same species/life stage have with passage even though certain individuals may have a greater or lesser degree of success than the majority of fish (ADF&G 1984e). V-11 Passage reaches (PR) are sub-sections of stream channel with hydraulic or morphologic characteristics that impede the movement of fish. The length of a passage reach is based on the length of stream channel having such characteristics (Figure V-4); the nonuniformity of natural stream beds necessitates some averaging of characteristics when evaluating the reach length. Physical parameters that cause passage restrictions include shallow depth of flow, high flow velocity, and barriers such as debris or beaver dams. Passage criteria for chum sa 1 mon, based on flow depth and flow velocity, have been developed (AOF&G 1984e, Thompson 1972). If the reach over which these parameters are limiting is long, passage would be more difficult, since the swimming speed of salmon and their ability t o navigate through shallow depths decreases with increasing reach length (Bell 1973). limited resting areas in a passage reach also makes passage more difficult. Affected life Stages. Although the adult and juvenile migration .and rearing 1 ife stages of the anadromous and resident species in the middle Susitna River involve movement from one location to another and thus are potentially affected by passage, adult chum salmon migration is the species/life stage with the greatest potential to be affected by passage restrictions. Adult chum salmon show less ability than other salmonid species to surmount obstacles (Bell 1973, Scott and Crossman 1973). Adult chinook salmon also have potential for being affected by passage restricti ons due to their large size. Depth criteria for chinook salmon is greater than for other salmon species (Thompson 1972). Adult coho, sockeye, and pink salmon could be affected by passage restrictions if the conditions were difficult or unsuccessful for chum or chinook; thus, the analysis of passage conditions for chum or chinook salmon is conservatively taken as being representative of coho, sockeye, and pink salmon. Resident adult trout and other resident species typically have shallower minimum depth criteria for passage than salmon and thus would not be restricted by depth as often as salmon would be, but the maximum V-12 V-13 -. • -I i • • • • c -·o a . .. • 0 0 • • 0 Q. . c 0 --0 .. :1 0 ·-... c 0 Cl velocity criteria for trout is lower than that for salmon (Thompson 1972). Parameters affecting passage of resident and juvenile anadromous species into, out of, and within their rearing habitats include shallow flow depth and high velocities. The most restrictive con- ditions for juvenile passage would be entrapment, where pools contain- ing juveniles become isolated when surface flows reduce to zero. High velocities (>2.0 fps) in channels with few interstitial spaces between streambed particles, or with few cobbles and boulders to provide low velocity resting areas, would also be difficult passage reaches for juveniles. Passage of outmigrating smolts would have similar criteria to those of juveniles. Entrapment would be most critical, as their downstream direction of migration reduces. the importance of velocity as a passage criteria parameter. Mainstem Habitats. The p_arameter with the greatest potential to restrict passage within mainstem habitats is velocity. The mainstem is used as a migration corridor by adult, juvenile, and smolt sal- monids. Mean channel velocities ranging from 5 to 9 fps are commonly associated with typical midsummer flows (R&M Consultants 1982b). Shoreline velocities and velocities near the channel bottom are generally . well below the maximum velocity criteria developed by Thompson (1972) of 8 fps for adult salmon, but occasionally very near the maximum velocity criteria of 4 fps for trout. An analysis of the timing of adult salmon migration indicates that discharges at Gold Creek ranging from 12,000 to 60,800 cfs did not appear to affect adult salmon migration to sloughs and side channel entrances • However, adult milling activity appeared to increase with increased discharges (ADF&G 1984e). Water depth is sufficient for successful passage at mainstem discharges within the natural range; barriers such as debris dams do not exist in the mainstem of the middle Susitna River. V-14 Side Channel Habitats. Side channel habitats may be used for migration by adult and juvenile salmonids. Some side channels are used by ch!fm and sockeye salmon for spawning. Passage conditions in side channel habitats are similar to those of mainstem habitats during 111.1ch of the open water season. During breaching, ve 1 oci ty is the parameter with the greatest potential for affecting fish passage as depth would be sufficient for successful passage. At lower mainstem discharges, the dept~ a~ the head of side channels becomes the most significant parameter affecting passage. As the water surface elevation in the mainstem decreases to a level below that required for breaching, the head of the side channel becomes exposed, preventing passage through that reach and potentially trap- ping fish in downstream pools. Many side channels receive inflow frorn • groundwater or tributary sources along their length . As flow accumu- lates along the slough, passage is first provided for juveniles and outmigrating smolts due to ·their shallow minimum depth requirements . If sufficient flow accumulates, adult passage could become successful.. Backwater from the mainstem may be sufficient to provide for success·· ful passage through lower passage reaches in a side channel. Side Slough Habitats. Side sloughs are utilized by chum and sockeye salmon for spawning. Thus, successful spawning in sloughs relies on successful passage into and within the sloughs. Successful spawning would lead to the need for successful passage conditions for outmi-· . grating smolts. Juvenile salmon and resident fish also use sloughs for rearing. Side slough habitats have similar passage characteristics to side channel habitats except breaching is less frequent. Thus, the depth restrictions described for unbreached side channel sites would apply to side slough habitats more frequently during the spawning seaso,, Passage into and within side slough sites is provided by breaching, backwater, or local flow conditions. Even in side slough sites , breaching is relatively frequent during . the spawning season under V-15 natura 1 flow regimes. Backwater pro vi des for passage through the first and sometimes second passage reaches upstream of the slough mouth during much of the spawning season. Slough flow, when increased by rainstonn runoff from the local area, may provide for passage of adults through some reaches upstream of backwater effects. Upland Slough Habitats. As with side sloughs, upland sloughs are utilized by adult salmon for iiiiTiigration and spawning and juvenile salmon for rearing, and salmon smolts for outmigration. Passage into, within, or out of upland sloughs relies primarily on backwater and local flow, since breaching is an infrequent event. Tributary Habitats. Tributary habitats are utilized primarily by adult chinook, coho, and chum salmon for spawning, coho juvenile for rearing, <.nd chinook, coho, and chum salmon for smolt outmigration. Passage into or out of tributary habitats could be affected by reduced mainstem flows of the pr~ject. Studies have indicated that most tributaries wi 11 adjust to the new mainstem elevations through a degradation process (R&M 1982c, Trihey 1983). Passaqe and Habitat Availability The relationship between habitat availability and passage conditions under natural conditions is assessed by identifying how often the depth required for passage is available. As introduced earlier, the depth at passage reaches in a slough or side channel is a function of the cumulative effect of backwater, breaching, and local flow in the channel. Analysis of escapement timing to sloughs and flow history during the 1981-1983 spawning season provides the infonnation necessary to delineate the period in which combinations of backwater, breaching, and local flow are most important for passage. Escapement Timing. Selection of the period from August 12 through September 8 for chum salmon passage into and within sloughs and side V-16 channels of the middle Susitna River is based on chum migration timing in the mainstem at Curry Station (RM 120) and the dates of first and peak counts in six sloughs that contain the majority of slough- spawning chum salmon in the middle Susitna River. These sloughs (SA, 9, 9A, 11, 20 and 21) are located between RM 125 and 142. The peak of the chum salmon run passes Curry Station during the first two weeks of August (ADF&G 19S1, 19S2a, 19S4a). Since the average migration speed of chum salmon ranges between 4.5 miles per day (mpd) and 7.7 mpd (ADF&G 19S1, 19S2a, 19S4a}, most chum salmon would be expected to cover the 5 to 22 miles from Curry Station to the si x sloughs mentioned in one to five days. Therefore, chum salmon are expected to be abundant in the six sloughs during the first three weeks of August. The dates that chum salmon were first observed in Sloughs SA, 9, 9A, 11, 20 and 21 have ranged from August 4 to September 11, while the dates of peak counts at these six sloughs have ranged from August 1S to September 20 (ADF&G 19S1, 19S2a, 19S4a). Thus the period of August 12 through September S covers the majority of first obser- vations of chum salmon in sloughs and most of the period of p~!ak counts. The slough utilization by chum salmon is one to two weeks later than the predicted · dates based on migration timing in the mainstem . Factors that may expla i n this difference, either singly or together , are: (1) stock diff~rences; (2) milling behavior ; (3) slough observa- tion conditions; and (4) passage conditions. Stock Differences. The dates of first and peak counts in tributaries are one to two weeks earlier than in sloughs (ADF&G 19S1, 19S2a, 19S4a). Hence, the first part of the run passing Curry Station may be a separate stock destined primarily fo r tributaries. Milling Behavior. Fish may mill in the mainstem near the mouths of slcughs before entering the sloughs to spawn. V-17 Slough Observation Conditions. When sloughs are overtopped by turbid, high velocity mainstem water, observation conditions deteriorate . Poor observation conditions may result in fish utilization remaining undetected until the slough water clears. Passage Conditions. Passage conditions, which are influenced by breaching, backwater, and local flow (ADF&G 1984e), may delay p~ssage of chum salmon into and within sloughs in some years. For example, in 1982, mainstem discharge at Gold Creek was below 20,000 cfs from early August to mid-September, which reduced backwater and breaching influ- ences and may have restricted chum passage into sloughs. A rainstorm event from August 29 to September 3 increased local flows, which appeared to provide successful passage conditions at most sites. All sloughs (9, 9A, 11, 20 and 21) except Slough 8A contained peak numbers of chum salmon between August 30 and September 6 (ADF&G 1982a). Frequency of Passage Passage conditions can be further evaluated by establishing how often the depth required for passage occurs under natura 1 or proposed project flows and what condition (breaching, backwater, or local flow) is responsible for passage. For example, the specified depth for successful passage at a passage reach located near the mouth of a slough may be equalled or exceeded ao percent of the time due to backwater only, 20 percent of the time due to breaching only, and 40 percent of the time if the average groundwater flow was supplemented by surface inflow. Since backwater, breaching, and groundwater upwelling are functions of mainstem discharge, the frequency of a certain depth being equalled or exceeded is obtained from a flow frequency analysis for the period of interest. Analysis of the contribution of local flow (surface flow and groundwater upwelling) to passage conditions will be completed as 1984 field data become avail- able. Breaching flows occur relatively frequently at side sloughs and side channels under natural conditions. The frequency of overtopping was V-18 evaluated at selected sloughs and side channels (Table V-3}. This table presents the number of years each site was breached at least one day during the evaluation period of 12 August - 8 September. The frequency of years that individual sloughs and side channels breach varies according to their breaching flow. For example, the frequency of years for breaching flows at Slough 21 (25,000 cfs}, Slough 9 (19,000 cfs), and the lower portion of Side Channel 21 (12,000 cfs), are 49, 89, and 97 percent. Although the number of years in which at least one breaching event occurred was similar for Slough 9 and Side Channel 21, the average number of breached days per year for Slough 9 (13 .9) was about half that of Side Channel 21 (24 .3). Associated with the decrease in frequency of years at Slough 21 is a decrease in the average number ·of days breached (8.3}. The importance of multiple event breaching flows for passage at a site depends on their timing within the spawning season. Several closely clustered events may be less beneficial to passage than a few well spaced overtoppings. Figure V-5 presents a frequency analysis of the percent of years that a flow is equalled or exceeded at least once during the period 12 August to 8 September. The 50 percent occurrence flow is approxi- mately 22,500 cfs. From this analysis, it can be concluded that channels with breaching flows below 22,500 cfs will be breached, on the average, once every two years. The backwater associated with mainstem discharge under natural con- ditions provides passage through passage reaches in the mouths of some sloughs. In Slough SA, for example, a mainstem discharge of 10,600 cfs is required to produce the backwater required for success- ful passage at PRI. This discharge occurred in 97 percent of the last 35 years. At PRII a mainstem discharge of 15,600 is needed, which also occurred 97 percent of the time (Figure V-6). During the August 12 -September 8 period, naturally occurring flows provided passage at PRI for an average of 25.6 days and at PRII an average of 18.5 days out of a possible 26 days. Under anticipated project flows, the frequency of occurrence of the mainstem flows required to breach sites or cause the backwater effects V-19 Table V-3 . Frequency of breaching flows at selected sloughs and side channels under natural conditions for period of 12 August to 8 Septeni>er. Controlling Years Discharge Frequency Occurred Site (cfs) (%) (out of 35) Slough SA 27,000 34 12 33,000 14 5 Slough 9 19,000 8 31 Slough 11 42,000 14 5 Upper Side Channel 11 16,000 97 34 Side Channel 21 12,000 97 34 Slough 21 25,000 49 17 V-20 -0 u. 80,000 0 -~ w w a: 0 60,000 0 ...J 0 (!) t-< <: w 40,000 I N (!) ....... a: < z 0 0 0 20,000 ~ w t- 0 z -< 0 ~ NUMBER OF YEARS 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 25 50 75 100 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL YEARS Figure Y-!5. Breaching flow occurrence during 12 Augulf to 8 September baaed on Suaitna River Diacharge Period 19!50-1984. --560 I ---z 0 .. i= "c ,)> ,).., ..J .., 855 Water Surface at 15,600 CFS---~~~ ..... ------..., 10,600 CFS-.;_-+•+-------~ Mouth of Slough ADFSG Goge 1253W5 ~--FLOW -5+00 0+00 5+00 10+00 STREAMBED STATION (feet) Figure ]l-6 Thalweg profile of Slough 8A . BEAVER DAM 1~+00 20+00 251"00 necessary for passage will in general be significantly reduced during the spawning season . The importance of local flow in compensating for some of these reductions in passage conditions will be described in the final draft of this report. V-23 Microhabitat Response to Instream Hydraulics Depth and velocity of flow respond to variations in streamflow, affecting the availability and quality of fish habitat. The effect of streamflow variations on the availability of spawning and rearing habitat has been modeled at several side slough and side channel study sites (AOF&G 1984c; 1984d). This modeling process used computer software developed by the USFWS Instream Flow and Aquatic Systems Group (Bovee and Milhous 1978, Bovee 1982, Milhous et al. 1984). Spatial distribution of depths and velocities within a study site were simulated at several different site-specific flows using the IFG-4 and IFG-2 hydraulic models. Using the simulated depths and velocities in combination with numeric descriptors for other microhabitat variables (upwelling, cover, and substrate), physical habitat at the study site ca n be described as a function of streamflow. The numeric description of upwelling, depth, velocity, substrate and cover available to fish at various flow levels are then compared to weighting factors repre- senting their suitability to fish. These weighting factors are obtained from habitat suitability criteria for each species and life stage being evaluated. An index of habitat availability called Weighted Usable Area (WUA) is calculated by this modeling process. Because several of the microhabitat variables used respond to stream- flow variations, weighted usable area can be considered a streamflow dependent habitat availability index. Spawning Salmon Microhabitat Preferences. . The influence streamflow variations may ~ave on spawning habitat is generally evaluated using three micro- habitat variables: depth, velocity and substrate (Bovee 1982, Wesche and Richard 1980). However, a fourth variable, upwelling, is also considered important for successful chum and sockeye salmon spawning in the middle Susitna River habitats (ADF&G 1984d). Upwelling has also been identified as an important habitat component for spawning V-24 chum salmon at other locations in Alaska (Kogl 1965, Koski 1975, Wilson et al. 1981, Hale 1981). Of the four microhabitat variabl es used in the modeling processes, upwelling appears to be the most important variable influencing the selection of redd sites by spawning chum and sockeye salmon . Spawning is commonly observed at upwelling sites in side slough and side channel areas possessing a relatively broad range of ~epths, veloc- ities and substrate sizes. Other portions of these same habitats possessing similar depth, velocities, and substrate sizes but without upwelling are apparently not used by spawning chum and sockeye salmon (ADF&G 1984d). Because of this strong preference evident from field observations, a binary criterion was used for this microhabitat variable. The habitat suitability criterion for upwelling assumes optima 1 suitabi 1 ity for areas with upwelling and non-suitability for areas without upwelling . In regard to its overall influence on the quality of spawning habitat, substrate could rank second to upwelling in importance. However, the substrate criteria developed by ADF&G for chum and sockeye salmon spawning in side slough and side channel habitats assign optimal suitability to streambed material sizes from one to nine inches (Figure V-7, Part A). This range includes much larger particle sizes than are commonly cited in the literature as being suitable for spawning chum and sockeye salmon. literature values typically range from coarse sands to five-inch material, with 1/4 to three inches being the most suitable size range (Hale 1981). This discrepancy between the ADF&G criteria and the 1 iterature is probably related to the dominant influence upwelling has on the se 1 ect ion of redd sites. Apparently, such a small amount of good quality spawning substrate exists in middle Susitna River habitats that both chum and sockeye salmon use whatever streambed material sizes are associated with the upwellings . Another consideration is that salmon recorded as spawning in large substrate sizes (>6 inches) V-25 X w 0 z A. >- 1- .J CD <t 1- ::> (/) B. c. .4 .3 .2 .I I 2 Sl 1.0 .9 .8 X .7 IJJ 0 z .6 >-1-.5 :::i ii5 .4 <t· 1- ::> .3 (/) .2 .I 0 0 1.0 I .9 9 I .8 I X .7 I w I 0 ~ .6 I I ,_ I ~ .5 I .J ii5 .4 I <t I t: .3 I ::> l (1). .2· 1 .I 0 0 4 \ \ \ \ 5 6 7 B 9 10 II 12 13 SG LG AU CO 80 SUBSTRATE CODE SOCKEYE SU ITASI LITY CRITERIA \ ~ SUITAIII.ITY n:g'x \ \ \' ~ 0 .0 1.0 1.0 t.O 2 .0 0 .5 ).0 0 .1 c.s o .o o---<l SOCK EYE SUITA~ILITY CRITERIA SOCKlT[ CHUM SUISTIIAT[ CODE I'AIITICI.[ IUITAIII.ITY fUITAII LITY __!!!!_ IHDU I .. $11.T 0.000 z 0 .000 ) S& SAND 0 .000 4 0 .100 5 SG VI· t" 0 .500 6 0 .1~0 ' I.G l·l" 1.000 • 1.000 ' IIU ).,-1.000 10 o .,oo II t2 13 co s.oo" 0 .250 1 0 >to" 0 .100 0 .000 ~SOCKEYE CHUM SUITABILITY CRITERIA ~ o .o I .S z.e 4 .5 SUITAIII.ITY tHOU 1.0 t .O o.z o .o ---1 CHJ,IM IHO(I 0 .\100 0 .000 0.025 0 .050 0 .200 o .,oo 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.150 0 .700 0 .2 50 o .ooo ~CHUM 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5 .0 VELOCITY (FT/SEC ) SOCKEYE CHUM SUITABILIT Y CRITERI:O SUITABILITY CRITERIA SUITAIILIT'I' SUITAIII.ITY &!!!. lrlt)[X D[I'TM I NQI'I o .oo o .o 0 .00 o .o o .zo o .o o .zo o .o o.so o .z o.so o .z 0 .50 o ., 0 .10 1.0 0 .75 1.0 1 .00 1.0 1 .00 1.0 0.-~ SOCKEYE -CHUM 1.0 2 .0 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0 6 .0 7.0 8 .0 DEPTH (FT) Figurei-7. Habitat chum and auitability criteria for slough apawning aoc keye aalmon. (ADFSG, 1984d) V-26 may actually have been excavating their redds in smai •~r streambed particles surrounding the cobbles and boulders. In comparison to streambed particle sizes identified in the literature as spawning substrate, the overall quality of substrate in side slough and side channel habitats for spawning salmon is low. The predominant substrate type in side sloughs consists of sands and silts in low velocity areas or large gravels and small cobbles intermixed with large cobbles and small boulders in free flowing reaches (ADF&G 1982b). Substrate composition is often similar within and between side slough spawning areas (ADF&G 1982b, 1984d) and spawning salmon use a broad range of particle sizes in middle river habitats (ADF&G 1984d). Be c ause of the broad range of particle sizes utilized by slough spawnel"s, naturally occurring substrate composition does not appear to have as much influence on the selection of redd sites by chum and sockeye salmon as other microhabitat variables. The limited influence of one to nine ·inc h streambed material size on slough- spawning chum and sockeye salmon is evident in the broad range of particle sizes identified in Figure V-7a as being optimal by ADF&G. Velocity is often considered one of the most important microhabitat variables affecting spawning salmon (Thompson 1974, Wilson et al. 1980, Bjornn et al. 1981). The habitat suitability criteria developed by ADF&G for both spawning chum and sockeye salmon assigns optimal suitabilities to velocities less than 1.3 fps (Refer Figure V-7, Part B). As the mean column velocity at the spawning site increases above 1.0 fps, suitability declines more rapidly for sockeye than for chum. Microhabitat areas with mean column velocities e xceeding 4.5 fps are considered unusable by both species. The ADF&G criteria assign slightly lower suitabilities to velocities between 2 and 3 fps than criteria available in the literature (Bovee 1978, Wilson et al. 1981, Estes et al. 1980, Hale 1981). This dis- crepancy may exist because most data used to develop velocity suit- ability criteria for spawning and sockeye salmon in the middle Susitna River were collected in side slough habitats that typically have a V-27 narrow range of low velocities. Habitat suitability criteria devel- oped by other investigators in Alaska were based on data principally collected in higher velocity habitats of other river systems. For this evaluation, the velocity suitability criteria developed by ADF&G for spawning chum and sockeye spawners are considered most applicable to sites possessing slough-like velocities. Again, for the present evaluation velocity criteria from the 1 iterature are considered more appi icable to evaluating microhabitat preferences of spawning chum salmon in the mainstem and side cl ;annels with higher velocities of the middle Susitna River. Habitat suitability criteria for depth indicate that depths in excess of 0.8 feet provide optimal spawning depths for chum and sockeye salmon (Figure V-7, Part C). This depth is slightly more conservative but consistent with the 0.6 foot depths used elsewhere (Smith 1973, Thompson 1972). Microhabitat areas with depths less than 0.8 feet provide suboptimal spawning. and depths of 0.2 feet or les s are un- usable . These minimum depth criteria are consistent with values presented by others as minimum depth requirements for spawning chum salmon (Kogl 1965, Wilson et al. 1981). Habitat Availability. WUA indices (habitat response curves) have been developed by ADF&G for spawning chum and sockeye salmon at seven side slough and side channel locations. Both chum and sockeye salmon have been observed spawning within four of these study sites or in the i r immediate vicinity (ADF&G 1984a,d). Although minor differences occur at each of these four study sites between the habitat response curves for spawning chum and sockeye salmon, the curves for the two species are similar (Figure V-8). The minor dif ~erences that exist between the habitat response curves for these two species are attributable to differences between depth and velocity suitability criteria. A slightly higher suitability is assigned to depths between 0.2 and 0.8 feet for sockeye whereas a slightly higher suitability is assigned to velocities in excess of 1 fps for chum salmon. V-28 f ~- if ~! j < I N \0 .. ... ~--· i' ~1 ~ SLOUCH lA n S tOE C UAPJN C&. '. ~" l £ ~ .. u 22 20 20 II f 11 .. 14 12 10 • ~ II ij ,. ll ~:;, 10 ~ • Ill I I • • 2 0 0 20 40 10 110 0 0 Ol 0 Sift rLOW (CrS) C MU >.t • SOCt<C'I'£ SLOUIOH 2 1 L0~1 CR SlOt , ... _..,,(•. II a 26 2.l H · 2l 22 . 20 20 II f .. .. :~ ,. 12 10 -----------. • I 0 II Ill--y 14 ~; ~·! u Ut-10 .. -~ ::J • Ill I ---·--. ~ 2 0 0 · 0 10 0 200 .soo 400 0 o.• 0 .1 1.2 1.1 2 2 .• ~ sore now (crs) ':~4 U\t • SOCMCY[ 0 jft\ow e e,oa~ s1 c r,ow (C ) CHU.. • $ :.t<cvt Figure ll-8. Comparieon of WUA reepon••• to eite flow for epawning chum and eockeye ealmon at four middle Sueitna River ltud' eitee. ( Adapted from ADF&G 1984 d). Except for a few isolated observations , all sockeye salmon spawning in the middle Susitna River has occurred in side sloughs that are also utilized by chum salmon. The timing and spawning habitat requirements of sockeye salmon are similar to chum salmon (AOF&G 1984d), and chum salmon are both more numerous and widespread than sockeye in middle Susitna River spawning habitats . Thus the analysis will focus on the response of chum salmon spawning habitats, and will use those WUA indices to estimate the response of sockeye salmon spawning habitats . Response curves for tota 1 surface area and weighted usab 1 e area for spawning chum salmon are presented by habitat category in Figure V-9. Habitat Category I contains those areas that exist as clearwater side slough habitats at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and less. Cate- gory II sites convey turbid mainstem water at 23,000 cfs but become clearwater side slough habitats at a lower discharge . Habitat Cate- gory III refers to side channels that continue to carry turbid water. Of most interest in Figure V-9 is the relatively low WUA indices forecast at all sites in comparison to total surface area . The magnitude of this difference underscores the inappropriateness of using wetted surface area as a measure of spawning habitat. The other notable feature in these graphs for Category I and II is the location of optimal WUA values. The highest value occurs at a rela- tively high discharge after the slough is overtopped by mainstem flows . The habitat response curves for these two categories generally increase rapidly as the channe 1 is overtopped and then 1 eve 1 s off, either slightly increasing or decreasing with additional increases in di scharge. For Habitat Category III sites, the WUA does not respond as markedly to flow increase at the site over the range of mainstem discharges analyzed. Weighted useable area values remain low . and relatively constant as flow changes. A comparison of the WUA function relative to total surface area indicates the small amount of spawning habitat currently available in category III sites. The magnitude of the WUA function is controlled by such f i xed boundary microhabitat variables as upwelling and substrate, while the slope of the WUA curve reflects the influence of depth and velocity. V-30 •!! 10 7 0 E' 10 h il JO ~ 40 I JO :· 2.0 10 0 ISO 1.0 llO 120 E' 110 100 ~ eo -, 1 0 iJ 70 ~::. 10 I so 40 l O 2 0 10 0 ~20 ~00 210 210 2 AO E' uo 1..,.200 i} :: gt lAO I 120 100 10 10 AO 20 0 HABIT AT CAT EGORY I S LOL:G H SA SLO U GH 21 CHUW SAUolc.HSI'-CHUW-HSP-100 -10 .0 E' 70 !.::-10 iJ eo r .0 ~0 2 0 10 0 20 40 10 100 200 ~ 400 SlfC r\.O'ft (C.rs) SITE n.ow (crs) HABIT AT CATEGORY II S LOUGH 9 CHUW~SP..-c: . U PP ER S IDE CHANNEL 1 1 ~-NSI'A- 120 110 100 10 E' 10 !.::-70 !I 10 ~ so I •o ~ 20 .,.. 1110 D I I I D a a o 10 0 ~a-0 a a a ~ a a a • a ...... ~ 0 0 200 •oo 1 00 0 40 DO 120 110 200 IlK n.-(CI'S) SIK n.-(C~) HABIT AT CATEGORY Ill LOWER SID E CHANNEL ·1 1 SIDE CHA ~NEL 21 CHUW~P....-c 210 240 uo 200 E'. 110 ~ 110 iJ :: r·: 10 AO 20 0 0 o.• 0. ~ .o.• 1.1 Figure ll-9. Total surface area and WUA i ndex for spawn i ng ch um salm on at Habitat Cate9')ry I , I I 1 and Ill study sites . (Adapt ed f rom ADF8 G 1984 d ) . V-31 The maximum amount of spawning habitat potentially available at an} site under natural conditions is determined by the total surface area of the upwelling. To demonstrate this point, the total surf ace area of upwellings at the Side Slough 21 and Upper Side Channel 11 study sites were increased by 16 and 53 percent respectively and WUA r~cal­ culated (Figure V-10). By arbitrarily increasing the total surface area of groundwater upwelling at these sites, WUA forecasts increased at both sites without a notable change occurring in the shape of the habitat response curve for either site. This demonstrates that a general increase or decrease in the amount of upwelling will affect the total amount of spawning habitat available over a relatively broad range of site flows. As will be demonstrated in a later example for rearing fish, substrate quality has a sim1lar effect on the amount of habitat potentially available. Variable boundary microhabitat con- ditions important to spawning salmon (depth and velocity) principally determine the accessibility and quality of the fixed boundary con- ditions (upwelling and substrate) as spawning habitats. The habitat response curve for Slough 21 peaks when the mainstem discharge is approximately 28,500 cfs, while the response curve for Upper Side Channel 11 peaks when the mainstem discharge is near 23,000 cfs (Figure V-11). At these discharge levels, the alluvial berm at the upstream end of each site is overtopped and the site- specific flows are approximately 70 cfs in Slough 21 and 150 cfs in Upper Side Channel 11 (AOF&G 1984d). Base flow at both sites is approximately 5 cfs whenever the mainstem discharge is less than that required to overtop their upstream berms (AOF&G 1984d). The depth of flow over upwelling areas forecast by hydraulic models of these sites indicate that depths typically range 1 ess than 0. 5 feet at base flow but increase to 1. 0 feet or greater when overtopped, covering more upwelling areas with adequate water depth (Figure V-12). Velocities respond similarly to overtopping, typically increasing from the 0 to 0.5 fps range to approximately 1.5 fps (Figure V-13). Depths and velocities associated with baseflow and controlled flow conditions were compared to habitat suitability criteria presented V-32 < I w w -• • .. - ~ ~ • -• • .. -c !) • 22,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10.000 epoo spoo 4/)00 2ptJO 0 22,000 20,000 4,000 2,000 0 SLOUGH 21 LEI END ---lncreoud Upwell ing ---ADFSG WUA ,----~ ----~ ............ ___ --v -----:::::-::-:::--------~ ----------------- !50 100 I !SO 200 2!50 300 3!50 400 l i TE FLOW ( CFS) UPPER SIDE CHANNEL II / '/ / / ,, -------------~~-----,. -- 0~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~--~ 0 50 7!5 100 12 !5 1!50 17!5 200 22!5 2!50 SITE FLOW ( C FS) Figure I-10. Simulated influence of increaaed upwelling on WUA for spawning chum ealmon at Slough 21 and Upper Side Channel II. S L OUGH 21 IOO,--------------C~M~U~~~~~M~O~N~~~AW~N~I~NO~----------~ c !1 0 eo :: l' so I 4 0 - 30- :z o J 10 ------------~ 0 +---------r---~--~----~--~----r---~ 0 10 :zo 30 (Thouaoncte) ..WNSTE·A DISCMAACE (Cf"S) NUA (STD-COM!I.·t£0) o GROSS SUR,.AC[ MEA UPP£R SIDE CHANNEL 11 C>iUM SALMON SPAWNINC 1~~.,-------------------------------------------~ / I / -- 10 S I DE CHANNEL 21 :Z&O ~-------------C~M~U~M~SALN~~O~N~$-PA_w_N_IN_G~------------, 240 :z:zo :zoo 110 1&0 1 40 120 100 10 &0 40 :zo o+---~--~~~--~w.~~~~~--~ 0 10 :zo 30 CThou1onda) MAINSTEI.t DISCMARCE (CrS) 40 SLOU GH 21 26 "T""--------CMUt.t ~ON SPAWNING 24 22 20 11 I& 14 12 10 I I A I \ ____________ _} :z 0~--~----~--~----~--~----~--~--~ 0 10 0 20 l'ntoueonele) MAINSTt:LI DISCMAACE (Cf"S) WUA (STD-COM81NEO) 30 UPPER SIDE CHANNEL 11 :ZI,--------------C~M~U~M~S~~M~ON~S~~=AM~<IN=G~------------, :Z4 :z:z 20 1111 IG , .. 12 i 10 ~ e • 2 o+---~~--r---~--~----~--~----~--~ 0 10 20 (iho..,scn-=a) t..U.!t<ST[~I DISCHA.~C!: (CF"S) 30 S IDE C HANN EL 21 C ... UM SAU.OO« SPAWNING 2&~------------~--~~~~--~~------------, 24 1 4 ~ i I :Z l 10: ·~ s- 4- 2 ..: o+---~----r----r--~----~---r--~~~ 0 20 30 (Tho t.~aorusa ) MAINSTEI.t OISCMARCE (CF"S) 10 Figure y-11. Surface area and Habitat Category WUA respcnses to moinstem discharge I , II, and Ill spawning sites. (Adapted from ADF8 G 1984 c). < I w U1 >-u z 20 FLOW • 50 CFS ~ 10 SUBOPTIMAL 0 1&1 a: OPTIMAL RANGE I&. >-u z .1&1 20 ::) 10 0 1&1 a: I&. 0 0.5 FLOW • 5 CFS SUBOPTIMAL 1.0 1.5 . 2 .0 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5 DEPTH DISTRIBUTION OPTIMAL RANGE o~~~~~~~~~r-r-~~-r~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~­ o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 .0 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5 DEPTH DISTRIBUTION Figure ll:-12. Frequency distribution of cell depth over upwelling areas in Upper Side Channel II at aile flows of 5 and 50 cfa. > (.) z U.l :3 0 U.l a:: LL. t4----------OPT I MAL RANGE ---------.. •+14----SUBOPTIMAL----t .. .,..l 10 FLOW• 50CFS o .o 0.1 0 .2 o .3 0 .4 o .e o .8 0.1 o .8 o .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.e 1.8 1.1 1.8 VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION (CFS) t4----------OPTIMAL RAN8E---------...., .. ~~4--sUBOPTIMAL ~I FLOW= e cFs o .o 0.1 0 .2 o .3 o .4 o .e o.8 o.1 o .8 o .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.e 1.8 1.1 1.8 VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION (CFS) Figure 'll:-13. Frequency distribution of cell velocity over upwelling areas in Upp•r Si de Channel II at site flows of 5 and 50 cfs. earlier for spawning chum salmon (Refer Figure V-7). The comparison indicates that the rap i d increase in WUA indices for Slough 21 and Upper Side Channel 11 (Figure V-11) is attributable to an increase of depth over upwelling areas (Figures V-12 and 13). The gradual decrease in WUA indices at higher site flows is due to mean column velocities over upwelling areas exceeding the 0 to 1.3 fps optimum range established for slough spawners. It is important to recognize how shallow water influences the availability of spawning habitat at Category I and II sites under non-breached conditions. The analysis presented in Section IV regarding the infh·e nce of overtopping events on passage depths for adult salmon is also applicable for evaluating the long-term importance of breach i ng flows on the availability of spawning habitat in side sloughs. Side sloughs provide a relatively small but persistent amount of spawning habitat for chum salmon over a wide range of mainstem dis- charge. The apparent stability of side slough spawning habitat primarily from the base flow (upwelling and local runoff) that is present during the spawn i ng season whenever mainstem flows are insuf- ficient to overtop the berm at the head of the slough. Figure V-14 presents flow and habitat duration curves for habitat categories I, II, and III. Each habitat duration curve was constructed using daily WUA values derived from average daily flows at the site. Site specific daily flows were determined from average daily mainstem flow at Gold Creek using the regression equations presented by ADF&G (1984d) for breached conditions, and estimating average daily base flows for non-breached conditions on the basis of field experience and a limited number of flow measurements. Slough 21 provides an example of a category I habitat that is quite stable. The habitat duration curve indicates that the habitat value equalled or exceeded 90 percent of the time is nearly the same as that equalled or exceeded 10 percent of the time. The higher habitat values are associated with breaching flows as discussed previously. V-37 1100 1000 900 :eoo u 700 !600 .500 0400 it300 <: I w 00 ., ~ u z • 0 .J lo.. 200 100 1100 1000 900 800 700 6 00 500 400 300 200- 100 0 10 SLOUGH 2 1 f"low Purat l on Curve 20 3 0 40 50 60 7 0 80 TIME I:.QU ALE D OR EXCE E OEO UPPER SIDE CHA ~NEL f low Duration Curve T I ME EQUAL E D OR EXC E EDED Cataeorr 1 15,000 ~~.ooo 11.000 c 9 ,000 ~ 1/)00 • 5,000 ~poo 1/)00 90 100 0 Cateeorr II II 15,000 ~~.ooo 11.000 c 9,000 ~ 1/)00 • 5 ,000 3/)00 1/)00 0 10 10 20 SLOUGH 21 Habitat Duration Curve 30 40 50 eo 10 80 80 PERCENT TIM£ EQUALED OR EX~EOED UPPER SIDE CHANNEL I I Habitat O..rotlon Cur" 100 20 30 40 50 eo 10 80 80 100 PERCENT TIM£ EQUALED OR EX~EOED 1100 1000 900 fl) 800 &&.. 700 u z 600 • 500 0 400 ..J 300 ~ 200 100 0 < I fl) &&.. u z • 0 .J ~ w \0 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 SLOUGH 9 Flow Dur-ation C11rvu 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TIME EQUALED OR EXCEEDED SlOE CHANNEL 21 Flow Duration Curve• TIME EQUALED Category II t5,000 13,000 11,000 9,000 7po.. 5,000 3,000 1/)00 100 0 10 Category Ill 15,000 13,000 11,000 c 9,000 :) 1/)00 • 5,000 3/)00 1/)00 0 10 20 30 SLOUGH 9 Habitat Duration C~o~rvee 40 50 eo 10 10 90 PERCENT TIME EQUALlED OR IE:lCCZEDIE:D SlOE CHANNEL 21 Habitat Ourat i ol'l Curvu 20 30 40 eo eo 70 10 90 PERCENT TIME EQUALlED OR UCZEDIE:D Figure V-14 Ccont'd). Flow and habitat duration curvea for apawnlng chuM aaiM~n by habitat categorlea. 100 100 P.abitat category II sites are also relatively stable. Upper side channel 11 has a flat habitat duration curve from 100 to 50 percent equalled or exceeded. Higher habitat values associated with breached conditions occur more frequently than in category I. Rearing Salmon Microhabitat Preferences. Field studies were conducted by ADF&G to determine the seasonal movement and habitat requirements of juvenile chinook, chum, coho and sockeye salmon in the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1984c). Juvenile coho salmon rear predominantly in tri butary and upland slough habitats. The few sockeye juveniles rearing in the middle Susitna River are most commonly found in upland slough habi- tats. Juvenile chum and chinook salmon are the most abundant salmon species that rear in side slough and side channel habitats. By early summer (end of June) most juvenile chum salmon have outmigrated from middle Susitna River habitats, and a large inmigrati on of chinook fry is occurring from natal tributaries. These i11111ature chinook redis- tribute into side channels and side sloughs during the remainder of the sumner. With the onset of fall and colder mainstem and side channel water temperatures, chinook juveniles may move into warmer water downstream from upwelling areas in side slough habitats to overwinter (ADF&G 1984c) • . Rearing habitat is cor.1110nly evaluated using three variables: velocity, and cover ·(Bovee 1982, Wesche and Reckard 1980). depth, Habitat suitability criteria have been developed by ADF&G to describe the preferences of juvenile chum and chinook salmon for these microhabitat variables. Habitat suitability criteria developed by ADF&G indicate that water depths exceeding 0.15 feet provide optimal conditions for rearing chinook (ADF&G 1984b). This compares well with Burger et al. (1982) who found chinook using depths between 0.2 feet and 10 feet. Cover is used by juvenile salmon as a means of avoiding predation and obtaining protection from hi gh water velocities. Instream objects, such as submerged macrophytes, 1 a rge substrate, organic debris, and V-40 undercut banks provide both types of shelter for juvenile salmon (Burger et a 1. 1982, Bustard and Narver 1975, Bjornn 1971, and Cederholm and Koski 1977}. One significant result of the AOF&G field studies determined the use of turbidity by juvenile chinook as cover. Juvenile chinook were co111110nly found in low-velocity turbid water (50-200 NTU) without object cover but were rarely observed in low-velocity, clear water (under 5 NTU) without object cover.1 The influence of turbidity on the distribution of juvenile chinook in side channel habitats was so pronounced that habitat suitability criteria for velocity and object cover w~re developed by ADF&G for both clear and turbid water conditions (Figures 15 and 16). These criteria curves assign optimal suitability values to velocities between 0.05 and 0.35 fps for turbid water, and between 0.35 and 0.65 fps for clear water. The Susitna River criteria for juvenile chinook in clear water are different from velocity criteria developed in other Alaska studies (Burger et al. 1982, Bechtel 1983) and those used by the U.S.F.W.S. Instream Flow Group (IFG) (Nelson pers. comm. 1984}. literature values typically indicate optimal velocities for juvenile chinook in clear water are less than 0.5 fps. The criteria presented by both Burger et al. (1982) and Bechtel (1983) (Figure 17) can be considered comparable to ADF&G's criteria fo r juvenile chinook insofar as the Burger and Bechtel criteria were developed for juvenile chinook (under 100 mm) rearing in large glacial rivers in Alaska. Although the chinook criteria from the literature were dev~loped from data collected in clear water (less than 30 NTU), they are more similar to the Susitna River velocity criteria for turbid water * ADF&G selected 30 NTU to distinguish between "clear .. and "turbid" water conditions (ADF&G 1984b}. This is recognized as a reason- able preliminary threshold value . However, because of the limited number of data points that are available to define juvenile chinook behavior at turbiditi es between 5 and 50 NTU and above 200 NTU, turbidity ranges will be parenthetically expressed in our discussion of juvenile chinook behavior in clear (under 5 NTU) and turbid (50 to 200 NTU) water conditions. Turbidity ranges may be fur~her defined as a result of the 1984 ADF&G field studies. V-41 SUITABILITY INDEX 1.0 ,--Velocity Clear Turbid I \ 0 .0 018 0 .42 \ 0 .05 0 .28 1.0 I 0 .20 0 .57 1.0 \ 0 .35 1 .0 1.0 I \ 0.50 1 .0 0 .80 I 0 .65 1.0 0 .60 0 .8 \ 0.80 0 .68 0.38 I \ 1.10 0 .44 0 .25 1.40 0 .25 0 .15 \ 1.70 0 .18 0 .07 \ 2.00 0 .12 0 .02 2 .30 0 .06 0 .01 \ 2 .60 0 .0 0 .0 0 .6 \ Clear water leas than 5 NTU )( \ Turbid water 50 to 200NTL "' \ 0 z \ LEGEND \ ---Turbid < ~ 0 .4 \ -clear I ... ~ ' N _. ' ~ ' ' ' :::;) U) 0 .2 ' ' ' ', ' ', .......... 0.0 --- 0 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2 .5 3 .0 VELOCITY f.p.a. Figure 'll-15. Velocity criteria for juvenile Chinook in clear and turbid water. X w c z >-..... ....J ffi ;:! 5 en < ..... I ~ ~ <D w ex I 2 3 4 5 6 No Cover Emergent Aquat1 c O.br1s and Ovemanging Undercut Vegetat i on Vegetation O.adfall Ri parian Banks PERCENT COVER by COVER TYPE 7 Large GroVIII 8 9 Rubble Cobble or 3"-5'' Boulders over 5" LEGE ND GJ -Clear --Turbid Percent Cover 0 .1 o-5 0 .2 e-25 0 .3 26 -50 04 51 -75 0 .5 76-100 Figure ][-Us. ADF&G cover criteria for juvenile chinook in clear and turbid water . )( ~ z > t: _. -~ t: :::l U) <: I ~ ~ 1.0 ~ .-., 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 \ ~\ '·\ '· \ '. \ I \ \ 0 .5 \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' ' ' ' 1.0 LEGEND ...,___Burger et al.t112 31-IOMm --Burger et · al. t 112 It-t OOM . -·--·Bechtel t 113 ' ' ' ' ' 1.5 ' ' ' ' ' ' 2 .0 2 .~ VELOCITY f.p .e. FigureY-17. Velocity euitability criteria for jw.nile chinook in the Kenai and Chakachamna rivere; Alaeka . (Source : Burger et al. 1982 and Bechtel 1983 ). (50-200 NTU). The apparent reason for this discrepancy is the differ- ence in field methods used by ADF&G and the other investigators. Mean column velocities were measured by both ADF&G and other investi- gators to develop habitat suitability curves for juvenile chinook. However, the location at which the mean column velocity was measured relative to the apparent locations of juvenile chinook were different. AOF&G reported the mean column velocity at the midpoint of a 6 foot by 50 foot cell (mid-cell velocity) regardless of the location of fish within the cell. The velocity criteria developed by Burger and Bechtel are based on mean column velocities measured in the immediate vicinity of individual fish observations or captures (point ve 1 ocities). Assuming that immature fish in clear water are more likely to be found along stream banks (where lower velocities and cover are generally more available), the practice of measuring mid-cell veloc i ties a minimum distance of 3 feet (one half the width of the ADF&G sample cell) from the streambank would result in slightly higher mean column velocities being measured than if point velocities had been measured. Hence it is understandable that the 0.35 to 0.65 fps velocity range selected by ADF&G as being optimal for juvenile chinook is slightly higher than the 0 to 0.5 fps velocity range selected by other investigators. In turbid water (50-200 NTU) it appears that juvenile chinook do not associate with object cover to ~he same degree they do in clear water (AOF&G 1984c). Rather, they are randomly distributed in low velocity areas with little or no object cover. In these low-velocity turbid areas, it is quite likely that mid-cell velocities measured 3 feet from the streambank differ 1 ittle from point velocities measured in microhabitats along the shoreline that would be inhabited by juvenile chinook in a clearwater stream. Therefore, it is not surprising that the 0 to 0.4 fps velocity range selected by ADF&G as being optimum for juvenile chinook in turbid water differs little from the 0 to 0.5 fps V-45 velocity range selected by other investigators using point velocity measurements rather than mid-cell velocities as their data base. It can be inferred from the ADF&G habitat suitability criteria that in low-velocity water ( <0.4 fps) where juvenile chinook do not require protection from water currents, they are more likely to be found within the water column away from object cover if the water is turbid (50 to 200 NTU) than if it is clear (less than 5 NTU). At velocities greater than 0.4 fps, the distribution of juvenile chinook in turbid water will likely become more strongly influenced by velocity, and when velocities exceed 1.0 fps, object cover is probably as important to juvenile chinook in turbid water as it is to them in clear water. However, since these young fish probably cannot visually orient in turbid water, they cannot make use of object cover that may be avail- able and are therefore redistributed in microhabitats by velocity currents. Whenever mainstem discharge recedes sufficiently for turbid water in small side channel areas to clear, juvenile chinook often redistribute from low-velocity turbid water pools to clear water riffles near the upstream end of the site. In these clearwater riffle areas object cover appears important, and juvenile chinook are most commonly found among streamed particles or near organic debris, regardless of the velocities present (ADF&G 1984c). Based on the preceding discussions of habitat suitability criteria and the behavior of juvenile chinook, it appe~rs that velocity and cover are the two most important abiotic microhabitat variables influencing j uvenile chinook rearing habitat. Of the two, cover appears most influential, although velocity is also limiting above 2.6 F.P.S. Although offering no protection from velocity, turbid water appears to provide juvenile chinook adequate concealment from predators. They therefore make extensive use of turbid (50-200 NTU) low-velocity (<0.4 fps) areas. In clear water, juveniles generally seek conceal- ment within interstitial spaces among streambed particles. V-46 Utilization of these interstitial spaces also provides enough pro- tection from velocity so that the juveniles are frequently found during daylight in riffle areas possessing velocities between 0.35 and 0.65 fps (ADF&G 1984c). The difference in velocity ranges utilized by juvenile chinook in clear and turbid water is thought to be most strongly influenced by food and cover availability. Given the high suspended sediment concentrations that presently exist in side channel habitats, interstitial spaces between streambed particles are generally filled with fine glacial sands in most areas where velocities of 0.4 fps or less would exist at moderate to high mainstem discharges. At low mainstem discharges (when water at the site clears), the most likely place to find a good food supply is interstitial spaces not filled with fine sediments in riffle areas that were subjected to relatively high velocities when the site was breached. These types of riffle areas generally occur at the head of the site. Based on this logic, the following modificat i ons have been made to the ADF&G habitat suitability criteria for juvenile chinook. The cover and depth criteria developed by ADF&G for chinook in clear water have been adopted. However, the ADF&G velocity criteria for both clear and turbid water have been combined such that the optimal or preferred velocity range extends from 0.05 fps to 0.65 fps for clear water situations. As velocity increases above 0.65 fps, the habitat suit- ability decreases in accord with the ADF&G clear water criteria. This approach incorporates the behavioral response of juvenile chinook to low-velocity flow observed by other investigators (Burger et al. 1982, Bechtel 1983) where more suitable object cover was associated with clear low velocity flow than generally exists in middle Susitna River habitats. The importance of object cover in providing both conceal- ment and protection from velocity is expressed in the clear water cover criteria developed by ADF&G for middle Susitna River habitats. Whenever the water is turbid, the ADF&G depth and turbid water ve 1 oci ty criteria are app 1 i ed in conjunction with a modi fica t ion of the ADF&G turbid water cover criteria. V-47 The ADF&G cover criteria for turbid water were modified by multiplying the clear water percent cover suitability values for each cover type by a turbidity factor. This turbidity factor is the fitted mean catch per cell in turbid water divided by the mean catch per cell in clear water for corresponding percent cover categories (Table V-4). Table V-4. Calculation of turbidity factors for determination of the influence of turbidity on clear water cover criteria for juvenile chinook salmon. Percent Number of Fish Per Cell Turbidity Cover l:lear Tumid Factor 0-5% .8 3.5 4.40 6-25% 2.4 4.2 1.80 26-50% 4.0 4.8 1.20 51-75% 5.6 5.5 1.00 76-100% 7.3 6.2 0.80 Source: ADF&G (1984c) Application of these turbidity factors to the ADF&G clear water cover criteria increases the suitabi 1 i ty of percent cover category under turbid water conditions if 50 percent or less object cover is present. Turbidity has no discernible influence if 51 to 75% present and slightly decreases habitat suitability if more than 76 percent object cover is present (Figure V-18}. The decrease in suitability of the higher percent cover categories in turbid water conditions may be attributed in part to the inability of juveniles to orient themselves and fully utilize the available cover. Because the turbid water suitability values calculated for the emergent streambank vegetation and no-cover types were unrealistically low (approximately 0.04}, the value, 0.30, was arbitrarily chosen for these cover types under turbid water conditions. This seemed appropriate because 0.30 was the value calculated for the majority of other cover types under turbid water conditions when zero to 5 percent cover was attributable to the quality of the cover types under clear water conditions. By applying the modified cover and velocity criteria, it is felt that a rearing habitat model can be developed that can reliably respond to a broader V-48 1.0 X UJ a z >-t-- ::J ffi ~ 5 {/) 0 . t-- < ~ I m ~ \0 <{ z 3 4 5 6 No Cover . Emergent Aquatic Debria and Overhanging Undercut Vegetation Vegetation Deadfall Riparian Ba nka PERCENT COVER by COVER TYPE 7 Large Gravel 8 9 Rubble Cobble or 3"-~" Boulden OYer 5" Figure l[-18. Re11ised cover criteria for juvenile chinook in clear and turbid water. LEGEND IZJ-Clear --Turbid Percent Cover 0 .1 o-5 0 .2 6-25 0 .3 26-50 0 .4 51 -75 0.5 76-100 range of hypothetical with-project conditions than could be evaluated using the ADF&G criteria which primarily described existing conditions. Habitat Availability. WUA indices forecast using both the ADF&G criteria, and the modified velocity criteria for juvenile chinook rearing at Side Channel 21 and Upper Side Channel 11 are compared in Figure V-19. Increasing the range of low velociti~s suitable for juvenile chinook in clear water at these study sites did not substan- tially change the WUA indices previously forecast by ADF&G. This is attributable to the importance of cover to juvenile chinook in clear water and to the poor cover conditions associated with low-velocity areas in these sites under natural conditions. Although slight, the most notable changes occurred at low discharges (5-10 cfs), where low-velocity water is more likely associated with larger substrates in the mid-channel zone. WUA indices forecast for juvenile chinook using cover criteria for low and high turbidity conditions are presented in Figure V-20. Identical habitat response curves are forecast under low-turbidity conditions because the ADF&G clear water cover criteria remains unchanged. Application of the modified turbid water cover criteria results in approximately a 25 percent reduction in WUA indices from the ADF&G forecasts. However, the basic shape of the habitat response curves remains unchanged. Under project :>peration, the larger suspended sediments (sands and silts) that are currently transported by the river are expected to settle out in the reservoirs. Without continual recruitment of these sediments into habitats downstream of the reservoirs it is anticipated that the finer material presently filling interstitial spaces among larger streambed particles will be gradually removed. The effect of an increase in cover suitability resulting from the removal of fine sediments from interstitial voids was simulated by upgrading all recorded percent cover categories at two study sites by one category and recalculating WUA indices for juvenile chinook. This simulation V-50 <: I U1 ~ -... -.. - -... -.. -i c UPPER SIDE CHANNEL 11 20000 15000 ------------10000 0 50 100 150 200 250 liTE FLOW (CFI) 40000 SIDE CHANNEL 21 30000 ------~---- 20000 10000 ~----------~------------~------------~------------~------------, 0 50 100 150 200 250 liTE FLOW (CFI) Figure I-11. Comp•rlaon between WUA forec•ata ualng ADFAG low turbidity veP .. .;Ity criteria (aolld line) and modification low turbidity velocity criteria (daahed line). 50 •000 Upper Side Cllanntl II 411,000 r 4o ,ooo -~ 311,000 c "' 30,000 a:: c 211,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 50,000 41,000 ;:;--4 o,ooo -!t::. 35,000 (J 2!1 50 711 IOU 1211 SITE FLOW ( CF S) Upper Side Channel II . .....__~ Low Turbidity IIIIJ 175 Hjgh Turbidity ~ 30,000 ,., Z!UV~ c 211,000 -------------------_ ....... _ ~~ , -----------------· IIS,OOO SITE FLOW (CFS) 50,000 45,000 -40,000 ,._ -16.000 -~ 30,000 a:: c 20,000 15,000 - Side Channel 21 Low Turbidity 10,000. ~----~----~-----r-----,----~~----~--~ ea,ooo -511,000 .... --c 41,000 "' a: C( 311,000 211,000 1!1,000 0 0 100 400 tOO tOO 1000 1200 SITE FLOW (CFS) Side Channel 21 High Turbidity ------------------- 200 400 1000 1100 1400 SITE fLOW (Cf S) FIGURE Jl-20. Comparison between WUA forecasts using AOF&G (solid line) and modified cover criteria (dashed line) for Juvenile chinook. resulted in increased WUA indices at Upper Side Channel 11 and Side Channel 21 of approximately 60 percent depending on the suitability criteria applied (Figure V-21). Rearing habitat for juvenile chinook under low-and high-turbidity was modeled using a combination of the revised clear-water velocity criteria, modified high-turbidity cover criteria and ADF&G criteria for depth, velocity and cover (Table V-5). WUA indices Table V-5. Habitat suitability criteria use1 in revised model to forecast WUA for juvenile chinook salmon under low and high turbidities. Low Turbidity (<30 NTU) ADF&G Cover Criteria ADF&G Cover Criteria Revised Velocity Criteria High turbidity (> 30 NTU) ADF&G Depth Criteria Modified Cover Criteria ADF&G Velocity Criteria forecast for juvenile chinook salmon at Side Channel 21 and Upper Side Channel 11 using the ADF&G and revised rearing habitat criteria are compared to total surface area in Figure V-22 as functions of mainstem discharge. The upstream berms at these sites can be overtopped at mainstem discharges of 9,200 cfs and 13,000 cfs, respectively. Hence low turbidity exists at the Side Channel 21 site whenever the mainstem discharge is less than 9,200 cfs, and high turbidities prevail when- ever the mainstem discharge exceeds 9,200 cfs. The same relationship between mainstem discharge and turbidity exists for Upper Side Channel 11 except the threshold discharge is 13,000 cfs. Given the habitat suitability criteria developed f~r juvenile chinook and typical middle riv~r conditions, depth of flow is a relatively inconsequential microhabitat variable unless it is less than 0.15 feet. Thus, the general shape of habitat response curves for juvenile chinook is determined primarily by the interaction between cover availability and velocity. Because juvenile chinook salmon in the middle Susitna River use naturally occurring turbidity levels as a form of cover, notable increases in WUA are caused by the breaching of V-53 < I V'l +-- 40,000 31,000 10,000 c 11,000 "' ~ 10,000 40,000 SI,OOO aa,ooo ~•.ooo 01: c 14,000 10,000 11,000 II.POO Upper Side Cllonnel II Low Turltldlt' -------· 0 • I I ao 71 100 II& 110 171 100 Ill SITE FLOW ( CF S) Upper Side CIIOMII II Hlgll Turltldlt' """'""'-' ............. -------- 0 II LEGEND 10 71 100 Ill !ITE fLOW (Cfl) --WITH REDUCED SEDIMENT -WITHOUT REDUCED SEDIMENT 110 171 tOO Ill ao,ooo 41,000 40,000 11,000 ~ 10,000 ~ 11,000 10,000 11,000 Low Ttlr~ld i t' ...... __ 10,000+------r------r-----~----~~----~----~------, 0 10,000 41,000 40,000 11,000 : so,ooo 01: ca1,ooo 10,000 11,000 10,000 0 tOO 400 100 100 1000 I tOO 1400 SITE FLOW (CfS) \Side c ..... , 21 "'til TurtlldltJ \ \~ ' 100 -""" ,_..,__ ---__ .......... ____ _ 400 100 IOU 1000 1200 1400 SITE FLOW (CfS) Figure Y-21 . Simulated effect of reducing fine sediment deposition within the streambed at two study sites using revised chinook rearing criteria. < I V1 VI c Ul ac c UPPER SIDE CHANNEL 11 100000 TOTAL SURFACE AREA 50000 ADFAQ WUA ~-----------------~_...._,_..~ " REVISED MODEL ---------- o~------------~~----~------~---------------r--------------~- 10000 200000 100000 14000 1iooo MAINSTEM FLOW (CFI) SIDE CHANNEL 21 22000 TOTAL SURFACE AREA -~---ADFAQ WUA ---------REVISED MODEL ---------------- 21000 0+---------~~--------~----------,-----------r----------,--------5000 10000 15000 20000 2&000 30000 MAINSTEM FLOW (CFS) Fiourell-22. Compariaon between WUA forecaata uaino ADF&G and revised rearing habitat model. a clear water study site by turbid mainstem flow. The magnitude of the WUA increase is proportional to the increase in wetted surface area possessing suitable velocities. The initial increase in WUA indices depicted in Figure V-19 is attrib- utable to the influence of turbidity on improving otherwise poor cover conditions at these sites. Subsequent increases in WUA result from increases in wetted surface area with suitable velocities for juvenile chinook. Turbidity has a lesser effect on increasing WUA indices at the Side Channel 21 site than the Upper Side Channel 11 site because less favorable velocities typically exist at the Side Channel 21 site. This trend for habitat Category III sites to possess less favorable rearing velocities than habitat Category I or II sites is suspected to be widespread in the middle Susitna River. The relationship between weighted usable area and wetted surface area is plotted as a flow dependent percentage in Figure V-23. At higher main.stem discharges a lesser percentage of the total wetted surface area is available as rearing habitat. This is attributable to wetted areas with suitable velocities for rearing fish becoming available at a lesser rate as discharge continues to increase; a common occurrence in well defined steep gradient channels. The most efficient use of streamflow to provide rearing habitat at these sites appears to occur at low mainstem discharges where the site remains turbid and a greater percentage of the total wetted surface area is associated with suit- able velocities for rearing fish. V-56 ~ z l&J (,) a: l&J Q. <: I U1 ....... 40 LEGEND 3!5 Upper Side Channel II Side Channel 21 30 ,,..., 2!5 _,, ' ---,, ' 20 ' 1!5 10 , __ ----..... .......... .......... ..... _ ------------ 5 0~----~------r------r----~~----~----~------~----~------T------e,ooo a,ooo 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 22,000 · MAINSTEM FLOW, GOLD CREEK (CFS) Figure .Y-23. Percent of total wetted surface area providing WUA for rearing chinook at Side Channel 21 and Upper Side Channel II. VI. EVALUATION OF HABITAT COMPONENTS WITHIN THE IFR FRAMEWORK Watershed and Climatological Influences on Physical Habitat Components The primary environmental factors of the basin that influence fish habitat in the middle river segment are water supply, air temperature, and channe 1 morpho 1 ogy. Of these, water supply and air temperature vary both seasonally and annually (AEIDC 1984b) whereas middle river channel morphology is considered constant (R&M Consultants 198 2a, AEIDC 1984a). The relationships between air temperature and water supply determine the seasonal response of middle Susitna River flow, water temperature and water quality. Annual variations in basin precipitation and climate account for year-to-year fluctuations in these three primary habitat components. Summer streamflow variability is moderated both by glaciers (which cover about 290 square miles of the upper Susitna Basin) and by three large lakes in the Tyone River drainage. Because glacial flow results in high turbidity and sus- pended sediment concentrations in summer, the water quality of the middle Susitna River changes markedly with the seasons. The streamflow, thermal, and water quality regimes (turbidity and suspended sediment) are the driving variables that control the availability of fish habitat in the middle Susitna River • As dis- cussed in Section IV, "easonal changes in these three driving vari- ables significantly influence the seasonal characteristics and utility of each habitat type in the middle r iver. These seasonal changes, in turn, attended by seasonal changes in biological activities and habitat utilization patterns. The climatology, geology, and topography of the watershed determine the channel pattern and channel structure of the river as well as seasonal and daily variations in streamflow, stream temperature and water quality. Among the many watershed characteristics affecting streamflow, water t e~perature and water quality, air temperature and water supply are most important. Air temperature regulates seasonal VI-1 changes in streamflow patterns; precipitation governs its variability. Streamflow, stream temperature, and water quality either directly or indirectly control the seasonal availability and quality of fish habitat in the middle Susitna River. Of the three, streamflow is most important because it is directly related in varying degrees to all physical processes influencing fish habitat in the middle Susitna River. High streamflows reshape channel geometry, which at lower discharge levels controls site-specific hydraulic conditions. Summer streamflows transport large amounts of suspended sediment, which cause high turbidities and generally degrade water quality. The relatively poor quality of illainstem and side channel habitat in summer is caused by high velocities with associated high suspended sediment concentrations. The suspended sediment load is considered limiting to the colonization of streambed materials by algae and aquatic insects, which generally provide an important food source for fish. Streamflows and stream temperatures during winter play an integral rol~ in middle Susitna River ice processes, which directly affect channel structure, shoreline stability and the general qualHy of winter fish habitat. River ice affects instream hydraulics, most notably constricting the channel, reducing velocity and increasing river stage (Harza-Ebasco 1984c). This increase in water surface elevation during winter has both positive and negative effects on fish habitat. Higher water surface elevations during winter appear impor- tant for raising local groundwater tables within the river corridor, thereby maintaining upwellings in slough and side channel areas throughout winter (R&M Consultants 1982d, Harza-Ebasco 1984d). These upwellings provide a source of relatively warm water (2-3°C) through- out winter (Trihey 1982, ADF&G 1983) essential for the successful incubation of salmon eggs and for use by overwintering fish. However, if river stage increases above the streambed elevation at the upstream end of the slough or side channel, then near ooc water from the mainstem will flow through these channels, greatly reducing the VI-2 thennal effect of upwelling areas and their value as winter habitat (AOF&G 1983). Seasonal Utilization of Middle River Habitats Mainstem and side channel habitats are predominantly used as migra- tional corridors by adult and juvenile salmon. Adult inmigration begins in late May and extends to mid-September. Juven i le outmi- gration occurs from May through October. A 1 imited amount of chum salmon spawning occurs at upwelling areas along shoreline margins in these habitats (AOF&G 1984a), and chinook juveniles use low-velocity areas for rearing (ADF&G 1984c). Several species of resident fish use mainstem and side channel habitat for overwintering and summer rearing (ADF&G 1984c). The more important species appear to be burbot, rainbow trout and Arctic grayling. Side slough habitats provide important spawning, rearing, and over- wintering habitat. One prominent physical feature of this habitat is upwelling groundwater, which maintains clear water flow in these habitats during periods of low mainstem discharge. Approximately half of the chum salmon (5,000) and all of the sockeye salmon (1,500) that spawn in the niddle Susitna River depend upon side slough habitats (ADF&G 1984a). Most chum and sockeye spawning activity occurs between mid-August and mid-September. Upwelling attracts spawning salmon and provides incubation conditions that result in high survival rates (ADF&G 1984c). Fry begin to emerge i n April, and rear near these natal spawning areas until June (AOF&G 1984c). Chum f~v outmigrate in June and early July to marine habitats, while sockeye juveniles generally move into accessible upland slough habitats to rear. Juvenile chinook enter side slough habitats in August and overwinter until late spring, when they begin their outmigration to marine habitats. Upland sloughs provide rearing and overwintering habitats for juvenile sockeye, coho and chinook salmon (AOF&G 1984c). Some spawning by chum salmon also occurs in this habitat, but it is fairly restricted (ADF&G VI-3 1984a). Sockeye fry rear in upland slough habitats throughout the sunmer, but most 1 eave the middle Sus itna River prior to freezeup (ADF&G 1984c). Tributary mouth habitats provide important areas for spawning, rearing and overwintering. Pink, chum, and chinook salmon have been observed spawning in tributary mouth habitats in mid-August (ADF&G 1984a). Juvenile chinook and coho salmon occupy these habitats for both rearing and overwintering (ADF&G 1984c). Evaluation Periods and Species Both the biological activities and the physical processes \'ary season- ally. In order to integrate the physical processes and biological activities in the evaluation of seasonal changes in habitat, the year was divided into four segments. The four segments were established on the basis of timing of the four principal life stages of the fresh- water residency of salmon: Spawning ·, incubation, overwintering, and su11111er rearing (Figure VI-1). Although these periods overlap, the habitats occupied by overlapping life stages and the physical require- ments differ sufficiently to warrant separate analyses. To facilitate the analysis of the effects of streamflow on habitat, the biological activities were defined in water weeks (Table VI-1). Water weeks begin October 1 and consist of 51 consecutive 7-day periods. The fifty-second week (September 23-30) contains eight days, and February 29 is omitted . Table VI-1. Abbreviated phenology chart. Species Chum Chu m Chinook Chinook life stage Spawning Incubation Overwintering Sunmer rearing Activity period August 12 to September 15 August 12 to March 24 September 16 to May 19 May 20 to September 15 Water Weeks 45 through 50 45 through 25 51 through 33 34 through 50 Seasonal habitat requirements are species-and 1 ife stage-specific. Evaluation species have been selected on the basis of their importance VI-4 i 2 Ill .... • z c 2 ,.. at c .... :» !! at .... • % e :» 0 ..J • > REMARKS ~ JiM FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG IEP O~T NOV DEC I ' I I I I I I I I ----,. ;, ---~II IM ... --· ----.. -----.~I .. __ "' __ _;, s -k• --RI - I ~·-·· ~--·-·· 1-•••• .. ~···-· ~-cs 4•-g ~-·-· --~----i-RS ...... ~---· R OM IM s ~--.. ~--- ~.--- R ~--- ~M - IM . 8 .. ·-·-· I t--·--.. l ~--·--R -< ~~ -J -- . . . . . . . . ..... --· ~·-- ~ -· . ----. -- --. ---'• . .: J --. . -------..... _ .. ~-- ~-....... ~--· ---::---- ------ -- --- ---- ---. -. "'.., lo --. .... , .. ·-·-· r--------- ··-. -1----·--· . -- . .. HlciH ME DIU" LOW .• . ....... . ....... .......... ----~:.M ~aiirs ---· ----~------~------- ~--------c1 "----~---~--PI ----------------1--------~-_!(_\, ---. -· ~------cs --RI ----------p ---~-KI "----1 8 --PI C8 -KI ---~-----88 ----t--CI ---· PI ---KS K&--~----------------· ~S PI Clf ---· 88 --------KIS ~-- --------CS PI 1------- ·-·-·· PI p ---jcSR8 CIR --· -----llf-IS81 1--- ~---~-----cs ~-------~-c8 ·-·-·--·-PI .,.. ___ --- Kl CHINOOK SALMON 8S COHO SALMON C8 CHUM SALMON PI PINK SALMON R8 SOCKEYE SALMON 1---------- Sl ~--- -------- ~---"'---"'--Ka --PI cs ---•-R8 ~---·-~~-c. --· --· ----~R8 It-·-·. ~----·-·-· ~--------- ---~---· --- ----K8 Iss Rl IM IN MIGRATION S SPAWNING I INCUBATION R REARING OM OUT MIGRATION -,., .. , ..... 1---1-t e e l f .... •-c• ...... ,..-1,.,,.,_ !:;:' ........... ---1----,., .. , ..... ,.,._ ------. ... , ............ f-.•~ •·•~c • ---·---.............. ------- 88 1 ... , .... , t O" , ... _ ~--·-... ,,, .. de'•• ·:-:.-.J;::._·:.:~.:··· ---..... ~---~--- BASED PRIMARILY ON ADF&G FIELD DATA RGUR! la~1. PHENOLOGY AND HABITAT UTILIZATION OF MIDDLE •· SUSITNA RIVER SALMON IN MAINSTEM, TRIBUTARY, AND SLOUGH HABITATS. to commercial and sport fisheries, and the potential of project construction and operation substantially altering on their existing habitat. The primary evaluation species and life stages for natural conditions are chum salmon spawning and incubation, and juvenile chinook salmon rearing (Refer: Section III). These species and life stages were selected because they greatly depend on slough and side channel habitats that will le significantly altered by project opera- tion (APA 1983). Relative Ranking of Existing Physical Habitat Components Spawning and incubation are associated with fixed boundary habitat conditions, while rearing and overwintering generally occur under variable boundary conditions. Fixed boundary conditions are more closely associated with localized structural features of the channel (such as substrate or upwelling), whereas variable boundary habitats are more strongly influenced by transient hydraulic conditions within the channel, such as depth, velocity and turbidity. Both the quality and location of variable boundary habitats respond to changes in streamflow, while only the quality of fixed boundary habitats respond. Availability of spawning and incubation habitat appears limited throughout the middle Susitna River. Table VI-2 summarizes the results of subjectively applying the IFR model introduced in Section II and the technical infonmation presented in Sections III through V. This table is intended to summarize the relative degree of influence physical habitat components exert on middle river habitats for the evaluation periods identified. These subjectively derived indices are later compiled in Table VI-3 to indicate the habitat types and species life phases most limited by existing conditions . The presence of upwelling water is the most important microhabitat variable influencing the selection of spawning areas by chum salmon and it significantly affects egg-to-fry survival rates(ADF&G 1984c, 1984b). Table VI-2, Parts A and B summarize the influences of VI-6 Table Vl-2. Evaluat i on of the relative degree1 of influence physical habitat componenh exert on the suitability of middle Susitna River habitat types. Habitat * Parameters Hainstem PART A 'Riliiitem fl ow -3 Upwelling +3 Substrate co.position -3 Suspended sediment -1 Turbidity 0 Water Olemistry 0 Water Temperature 0 Index value -4 PART B 'Ril"ii'it em f 1 ow -3 Upwelling +1 Substrate composition -1 Suspended sediment -1 Turbidity 0 Water chemistry 0 Water temperature -3 Ice processes -2 Index value -9 PART C RiT'iiStem fl ow -2 Upwelling +1 Substrate composition -2 Suspended sediment 0 Turbidity 0 Food availability 0 Water chemhtry 0 Water temperature -2 Ice processes -2 In de x value -7 PART 0 Hafnstem flow -3 Upwelling 0 Substrate composition -2 Suspended sediment -3 Turbidity +1 Food availability -2 Water chemistry 0 Water temperature 0 Index value -9 Evaluation scale +3 extremely beneficial +2 moderately beneficial +1 slightly beneficial 0 no effect -1 slightly detrimental -2 moderately detrimental Side Side Upland Channel Slough Slough Seawning -2 (August 12 +2 -Seetember 15) 0 +3 +3 +3 -2 +1 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 +6 +1 Incubation !August 12 -March 24~ -2 +2 0 +2 +3 +3 -1 +l -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 +2 +2 -2 -1 0 -7 +7 +4 Overwintering -3 (S:~tember 16 -Ha~ 19) +2 +1 +3 +2 -2 +2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 +2 +2 -3 -1 0 -9 +8 +5 Summer Rearing -2 !H!~ 20 -Seetember 15) +3 +1 +2 +2 -2 +2 +1 -2 -1 0 +1 +1 +2 -2 +2 +2 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -6 +7 +10 * . -3 extremely detrimental Typ1cal conditions for the habitat type during the season evaluated. VI-7 Tributary Mouth -1 +3 +2 0 0 0 0 +4 _, +2 +1 0 0 0 -2 -2 -2 +1 +1 +2 0 0 0 0 +1 -2 +3 -2 +1 +2 0 +2 +3 0 0 +6 existing physical habitat components on spawning and incubation in each habitat type. Use of mainstem habitats by spawning chum salmon is limited by several factors. Velocities between 5 and 9 fps (Harza- Ebasco 1984e) preclude spawning in many mainstem areas, and substrates are generally large and well-cemented with silts and sands (R&M Consultants 1982e, AOF&G 1983b). Upwelling areas within side channels are used by spawning salmon, but only to a limited degree. Side channel habitats generally have low quality substrate, and are also limited by velocity except in isolated locations along streant>ank margins. During the spawning season mainstem discharge is usually adequate to provide adult spawners access to upwelling areas in side channel habitats (Harza-Ebasco 1984f, Klinger and Trihey 1984). Exclusive of the major clear water tributaries, spawning most fre- quently occurs in side slough habitats where upwelling is prevalent and other physical habitat conditions are suitable (AOF&G a and d). Naturally occurring velocities seldom 1 imit spawning conditions in side slough habitats. However, side slough habitats are often limited by shallow depths, and spawning salmon must utilize the available substrate. Shallow slough flows cause passage problems which some- times inhibit spawning salmon from using upstream reaches, and reduce the quality of accessible upwelling areas. Breaching flows, which appear to be important for passage and the short term improvement of spawning, frequently occur in side sloughs (Section V). Both incubation and overwintering are adversely influenced by naturally occurring cold water temperatures, winter ice and low streamflows (Table VI-2, Part B and Part C). The presence of upwelling groundwater throughout winter (Trihey 1982, AOF&G 1983a), creates favorable incubation conditions in sl~ugh habitats and resulted in egg-to-fry ~urvival rates up to 35 percent in 1983-1984 (AOF&G 1984b). Many sloughs have ice-free areas but ice covers do form over deeper poo 1 s and at the s 1 ough mouths. In winter poo 1 habitats in sloughs generally provide adequate depth and water temper- atures where small fish occupy interstitial spaces between the larger substrate materials. VI-8 At times sloughs are overtopped by mainstem flows during winter. These overtopping events are caused by ice cover formation (see Section IV). The influx of cold mainstem water into side slough habitats reduces intragravel water temperatures and adversely affects incubation rates and embryo growth. Overtopping events also adversely affect overwintering habitat as wa~er temperatures drop to near 0°C. Anchor ice may form on the streambed r freezing embryos and small fish. Such overtopping events do not appear to be conmon under natural conditions at the most productive slough habitats. The influence of cold water temperatures is most adverse in mainstem and side channel habitats where near 0°C water temperatures exist for approximately seven months. In addition, a thick ice cover (4-6 ft) forms over these habitats during winter (R&M Consultants 1983). The formation and break-up appear to have substantial detrimental effects. Shorefast and slush ice form along channel margins filling low- velocity areas, where fis~ might otherwise overwinter, with ice. Upwelling exists in mainstem and side channel areas but its thermal value is significantly reduced due to the large volume of 0°C water in these channels. Velocities in much of the mainstem are excessive for overwintering habitat since fish would have to expend energy to maintain position. Portions of mainstem and side channel habitats possessing large bed elements that would provide velocity barriers generally have interstitial spaces filled with densely packed glacial silts and sand; thereby preventing small fish from burrowing into the streambed. During summer chinook juveniles rear in tributary and tributary mouth habitats, side channels, side sloughs. Most rearing fish were cap- tured in tributary habitats; side channels had the next highest abundance (ADF&G 1984c). Many of the main channel and large side channels contain areas with high velocities and high suspended sedi- ments not suitable for small fish (Table VI-2, Part D). Although turbidity is used by juvenile chinook for cover, high turbidity also limits light penetration and reduces primary production levels in these habitats. Low primary production results in a low aquatic food VI-9 base for rearing fish. Turbidity thus has both beneficial and detri- mental effects on rearing habitat. Side channel habitats that fluctuate between clear and turbid in response to streamflow vari- ations, or that have a clear water input, would appear to provide better rearing habitats than areas that remain turbid throughout summer. While the area is clear, primary production rates would be high, stimulating production of benthic prey items. Under higher turbidities, the young chinook could move into these areas and feed without unduly exposing themselves to predation. However, if rearing areas remain turbid continuously, aquatic food production would likely be reduced. Turbid areas with clear water inflow would also provide rearing habitat. Food production occurring in clearwater areas would be transported into turbid side channels with better cover. Substrate in many mainstem and side channels has glacial fines filling interstitial spaces reducing cover value of large substrate. Rearing areas in mainstem and side channel habitats are located in low- velocity areas along the late~al margins, in backwater areas, or behind velocity barriers . Depths of less than 2 ft are most commonly associated with low-gradient reaches. In these areas, streamflow fluctuations can cause large changes in wetted area. Low-velocity areas generally increase as discharge decreases. In contrast to mainstem and side channel habitats, clearwater habitats such as side sloughs and upland sloughs, provide a higher quality foo~ base and physical environment for juvenile fish, if sufficient cover is present. Although the water temperatures in most of the channel are generally lower (10°C) than optimum (12-14°C), they are suitable (AEIDC 1984). Unless the slough is overtopped and conveying mainstem water, velocities in most of the channel are generally within the tolerance range for juvenile fish. Under natural streamflow, stream temperature, and water quality, the most stressful period for fish within the middle Susitna River appears to occur during winter (Table VI-3). High streamflows, suspended sediment concentrations and turbidities during summer appear to have a VI-10 Table VI-3. Tabulation of habitat and evaluation period indices for the middle Susitna River. Side Period Mainstem Channel Spawning -41 -2 Incubation -9 -7 Overwintering -7 -9 Su11111er Rea·ri ng -9 -6 Habitat Index -29 3 -24 1 Inde x value from Table Vl-2 2 Inde x values totaled from left to right 3 Column total Side Slough +6 +7 +8 +7 +28 VI-11 Evaluation Upland Tributary Period Slough Mouth Index +1 +4 +52 +4 -2 -7 +5 +3 0 +10 +6 +8 +20 +11 significant adverse influence on mainstem and side channel habitats when compared to adjacent clearwater habitats. The limited amount (surface area) of spawning habitat that exists in five side sloughs (21, 11, 9, 9A and SA) accounts for approximately 95 percent of the sockeye, and 75 percent of the chum salmon spawning in non-tributary habitats within the middle Susitna River. Therefore, improvement of incubation/overwintering; reduction of high sunmer strea~lows, suspended sediment concentrations and turbidities; and maintenance or enhancement of existing clearwater spawning habitats appear to be three reasonable goals to pursue when establishing instream flow requirements for the middle Susitna River. Inherent Project Influences on Existing Physical Processes The most notable proj~ct induced changes in the middle river segment will be alteration of natural streamflow, stream temperature and sediment transport regimens (Figure VI-2). These anticipated changes in t!Jrn cause changes on stream channel stability, upwelling, tur- bidity, and winter ice. Understanding project induced changes in these habitat components and degree of control associated with project operations will provide a basis for estimating the potential habitat for spawning, rearing, and overwintering in the middle Susitna River. Some changes in habitat components are inherent in construction and operation of the project. Others we can choose or influence through operation, facility design or location. With-project summer streamflows are expected to be approximately one half naturally occurring average monthly values whereas winter flows are estimated to ~ncrease five fold (APA 1983). Overall there will be less variability in the annual flow cycle and a marked reduction in flood peaks, resulting in more stable middle Susitna River flows. Since mid-summer streamflows will be lower and winter flows higher, a notable difference will exist regarding site specific hydraulic conditions in peripheral habitats. Many areas will be dewatered that VI-12 STREAM FLOW Mainstem (xiOOOcfs) Side Slougtl (ch) WATER TEMPERATURE Mainatem (°C) lntergrovel Flow (OC) WATER QUALITY Turlliditr ( NTU) Suspen..1ed Solids ICE PROCESSES Ice Front Period Upstreom Extent of Ice Cover Overwlnterl ftQ l WITH· ,_.OJICT --.... __ -------- NATURAL ..,.. ___ . 0 NAT'UJtAL 0 0 0 • WITH•,..o.IECT 100 110 ISO •-.. 100 114 124•141 Depen41nl on CliMate DATE Figure n-2. Comparison of natural and with-project habitat compon•ts. VI-13 presently convey streamflow during SUITITler whereas the opposite trend will prevail during winter. Mid-channel areas will also experience a change in hydraulics that will affect the amount and quality of fish habitat relative to present levels. The 8.6 million acre-foot impoundment behind the proposed Watana dam will effectively trap nearly all the sand and larger size materials currently being transported downstream from upstream sources (R&M 1982f, Harza-Ebasco 1984a). Detention time for Watana Reservoir is estimated to be 1.6 years (APA 1983) thus downstream water quality will be affected by limnological processes occurring in the reservo i rs. The Watana reservoir will contain turbid glacier melt water throughout the year. Downstream flows are expected to change from highly turbid in summer and clear in winter to moderately turbid all year (Peratovich et al. 1982). Downstream temperature is also expected to be altered by the large impoundments. The reservoirs will attenuate existing mid -summer stream temperatures and store solar energy during summer for redistri- bution during fall and winter months. This will promote warmer stream temperatures in the fall and winter, probably delaying freeze-up (AEIDC 1984b, Harza-Ebasco 1984c). Anticipated instream water quality and temperature are important to flow negotiations in that with-project conditions may either alter or provide mitigative opportunities being considered. Although it is necessary to evaluate the influence of project design and operation on with-project water quality and temperature, it must be recognized that certain unavoidable conditions (project effects) may exist over which project design and operation have limited control. However, in many situations design and operation of the proposed Susitna project will afford varying degrees of control over the streamflow, stream temperatures and water quality of the middle VI-14 Susitna River. The degree of control that might exist over these macrohabitat conditions will in turn influence other important habitat components at the microhabitat level (Figure VI-3). Control over with-Project Relationships The degree of control that project design and operation can exert over macrohabitat conditions in the middle Susitna River is strongly influenced by basic laws of physics governing energy transfer and the seasonal changes in air temperature. The influence of mainstem discharge, temperature and water quality on middle Susitna River fish habitat is also highly dependent upon the location of affected habi- tats with respect to the dam site ( s) and the rna i nstem channe 1. The further downstream from the project, the less influence project operation has on streamflow (Harza-Ebasco 1984f), stream temperature (AEIDC 1984b), and water quality. It is also evident that aquatic habitats peripheral to the mainstem are most sensitive to dewatering by variations in mainstem discharge (.EWT&A 1984, ADF&G 1984d) whereas habitats directly associated with the mainstem are most significantly influenced by variations in mainstem temperature and water quality (ADF&G 1982b). Therefore the nature and degree of change that may be intentionally caused by project design and operation is bounded by watershed charac- teristics and physical laws of science as well as project economics . Some unavoidable effects of project construction may be beneficial to middle Susitna River fish habitats. Most notably is the entrapment of nearly all suspended sediment currently being transported by the middle Susitna River. Reduction in mid-summer suspended sediment concentrations is expected to result in more hospitable habitat conditions for invertebrates and immature fish that typically inhabit streambed materials. Associated with the reduction in suspended sed i ments will likely be a reduction in mid-summer turbidities, which may improve the depth of light penetration and stimulate algal growth on a more stable and coarse graded streambed. VI-15 Project .Design and Operation FOOD PRODUCTION LEGEND Degree o f Control HIGHEST . ! -LOWEST WATER QUALITY FlgureJl:I-3. Ranking of habitat component in accord with the degree of control project design and operation might pro.~ ide them. Mainstem turbidities are also expected to remain higher than natural throughout winter. At present it is not known whether project design or operation could significantly control downstream turbidities, nor has the effect of the project induced change in natural turbidity levels been estimated. However, overwintering fish are thought to primarily use low velocity lateral habitats, such as sloughs, slough mouths or tributary mouths. It is likely that the high winter flows will increase upwelling and thus may increase the amount of clear- water, low velocity habitat in the winter. The actual gain in habi- tat, if any, would depend on the upstream extent of the ice front and the effects of staging on slough habitats. With-project stream temperatures are expected to be cooler in summer and wanner in winter. Project design and operation can exert a moderate degree of control over mainstem water temperatures (AEIDC 1984}. Winter is the most important season in which to evaluate the degree of control which project design and operation has over middle Susitna River temperatures is winter. Cold stream temperatures and . associated ice processes appear to be the most limiting habitat component for existing fish populations (Table VI-2}. The increase of stream temperatures throughout winter would likely improve over- wintering in mainstem and side channel habitats. Groundwater tempera- tures in slough habitats may increase slightly (0.2°C}. This slight increase is not expected to have a measureable effect on surface water temperatures. Were mainstem and side channel temperatures sufficient to prevent formation of an ice cover, it is expected that terrestrial vegetation would stabilize along shorelines and partially vegetated gravel bars. This change would likely improve summer rearing due to greater availability of terrestrial insects and shoreline cover. Lack of winter ice cover would also greatly reduce the adverse effects currently associated with the naturally occurring overtopping of side slough spawning habitats. Lack of an ice cover would reduce staging and therefore the frequency at which side slough habitats are over- topped. In addition those channels which convey water warmer than 0°C may provide improved overwintering and incubation. VI-17 Project operation can provide a high degree of control over streamflow in the middle Susitna River (Harza-Ebasco 1984f). Surrmer flow could be regulated to provide relatively stable depths and velocities, or could be intentionally fluctuated to flush undesirable sediment from the streambed . Streamflow fluctuations during fall could assist adult salmon gain access to side slough spawning habitats (ADF&G 1984e, wee 1984 Mitigation). However recurrent fluctuations such as those commonly associated with hydropower peaking would 1 ikely be detri- mental to mainstem and side channel habitats. During winter, higher than natural, but stable, streamflows would likely improve over- wintering in mainstem and side channel habitats. However, the inflow of colder mainstem water could adversely affect incubation and over- wintering conditions in side slough habitats if mainstem water surface elevations associated with higher winter streamflows were sufficient to cause recurrent mid-winter breaching events. VI-18 VII REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1981. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase I Final Draft Report: Adult anadromous fisheries project. Prepared for Acres American, Inc. Buffalo, NY. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1982a. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Phase II Final Data Report: Volume 2. Adult Anadromous Fish Studies. Anchorage, AK 239 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1982b. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase I Report: Aquatic Studies Program. Prepared for ACRES American Incorporated, Buffalo, NY 137 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game'. 1983a. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Data Report: Winter aquatic studies {October 1982 -May 1983), Anchorage, AK. 137 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1983b. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies -Phase II Report. Volume I: Sulmlarization of Volumes 2, 3, 4; Parts I and II, and 5. Anchorage, AK. 126 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1983c. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies: Phase II Basi -c Data Report. Volume 4: Aquatic habitat and instream flow studies, 1982, Appendix C {Draft). Anchorage, AK 221 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984a. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report No. 1: Adult Anadromous Fish Investigations, May -October 1983. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. 380 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984b. fishery, 1983. Prepared by James Commercial Fisheries. Soldotna, Alaska. Tyonek subsistence salmon Browning, Division of Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984c. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report No. 2: Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations, May -October 1983. Dana C. Schmidt, Stephen ~­ Hale, Drew L. Crawford, Paul M. Suchanek (eds.), Prepared for: Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK . 395 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984d. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report No. 3: Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations, May -October 1983. Part II, Chapter 7: An Evaluation of Chum and Sockeye Salmon Spawning Habitat in Sloughs and Side Channels of the Middle Susit1a River. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. 178 pp. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984e. Su$itna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report No. 3: Aquatic Habitat and lnstream Flow Investigations, May -October 1983. Chapter 6: An evaluation of passage conditions for adult salmon in sloughs and side channels Vll-1 of the Middle Susitna River. 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