Prepared by:
R&M Consultants, Inc.
Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture
Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center,
University of Alaska
LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc.
Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station,
University of Alaska
Submitted by:
Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture
711 H. Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Alaska Power Authority
324 W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
April 5. 1985
This report was prepared by:
R&M Consultants, Inc.
C. s. Schoch
Harza-Ebasc o Susitna Joint Venture
D. W. Beaver
H. W. Coleman
E. J. Gemperline
K. Jawed
Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center
University of Alaska
S . V. Cuccarese
R. J. Hensel
M. D. Kelly
J. C. LaBelle
LGL Alaska Re s earch Associates, Inc.
D. R. Herter
R. H. Pollard
D. G. Roseneau
R. G. B. Senner
W. D. Steigers, Jr.
J . C. Truett
.l. D. Woolington
Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station
University of Alaska
D. Helm
II. INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
PURPOSE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
SCOPE ••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
BACKGROUND ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
III . SUSITNA RIVER MORPHOLOGY AND CLIMATE.......................... 8
UPPER RIVER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
MIDDLE RIVER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
LOWER RIVER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1. River Mile 98.5 to RM 78 •••••••••••••••••••••••
2. River Mile 78 to RM 51 .........•.•..•.•••......
3. River Mile 51 to RM 42. 5 •••••••••••••••••••••••
4. River Mile 42.5 to RM 2 7 •••••••••••••••••••••••
5. River Mile 27 to RM 0 ...••.......•.••...•.•...•
RIVER ICE PROCESSES ••••.•••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
GENERAL FREEZEUP I CE PROCESSES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1. Prazil ..................•••.....•...................
Shore Ice .......................................... .
lee Bridges ........................................ .
lee Cover Progression .............................. .
Anchor Ice ..•••........................ e ••••••••••••
1. Cook Inlet to the Chulitna River Confluence •••••••••
2. Chulitna River Confluence to Gold Creek •••••••••••••
Gold Creek to Devil Canyon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Devil Canyon (to Devil Creek) •••••••••••••••••••••••
Devil Canyon to the Oshetna River •••••••••••••••••••
The Freez eup of the Lower and Middle River
Side Channels, Sloughs and Tributaries ••••••••••••••
Summarized Historical Freezeup Chrono l ogies •••••••••
1980 Freezeup
1981 Freezeup
Chronology ..•........•.••..•...••
Chronology ••••..•••••.•..•.•••.••
1982 Freezeup Chronology ••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••
1983 Freezeup Chronology •••••••••••••••••••••••
e. 1984 Freezeup Chronology •••••••••••••••••••••• 86
1. Channe 1 Leads. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 96 2. Candling............................................ 99
3. Ice Jams •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100
Talkeetna to Cook Inlet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Devil Canyon to Talkeetna •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••
Sum.arized Historical Breakup Chronology ••••••••••••
1981 Breakup Chronology ••••••••••••••••••••••••
1982 Breakup Chronology ••••••••••••••••••••••••
1983 Breakup Chronology ••••••••••••••••••••••••
d. 1984 Breakup
Alternate Sources
Chronology ••••••••••••••••••••••••
of River Ice Information ••••••••••
EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 127
Morphology and Vegetation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 128
Sediment Transport ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• 130
Slough Overtopping •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 133
Groundwater. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 136
V. WITH-PROJECT STUDIES.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 138
MEmODOL()(;Y AND SCOPE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1. Reservoir Ice Modeling ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••
2. Instream Temperature Modeling •••••••••••••••••••••••
3. Instream Ice Modeling •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
SIMULATION RESULTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1. Reservoir Ice •••••••••.••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••
a. Watana Operations •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••
b. Watana Filling •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••
c. Devil Canyon Operation •••••••••••••••••••••••••
2. Instream Temperature Simulations ••••••••••••••••••••
a. The 0 C Isotherm Position ••••••••••••••••••••••
b. Effects on the Ice Cover •••••••••••••••••••••••
3. River lee •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
a. Preezeup •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
(1) Natural Conditions ••••••••••••••••••••••••
(2) With-Project Conditions •••••••••••••••••••
(a) Project Operation ••••••••••••••••••••
(b) Watana Filling •••••••••••••••••••••••
(3) Alternative Intake Designs and Operating
Policy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
(4) Case E-VI Flow Constraints ••••••••••••••••
Breakup ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · •• • • •
Effects of Power Flow Variation on Ice
Cover. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 164
( 1) Experience Survey ••.••••••••••••••••••••••
(2) Susitna Operations ..••••••••••••••••••••••
Project Effects on River Cross-Section
Characteristics .................................... .
Effects on Slough and Side Channel Flow •••••••••••••
a. Q\lant 1 ty of Flow ..•.•...•••..........•.....••..
(1) Period immediately Prior to Ice
Cover Formation .....•...••••..........•...
(2) Within Ice Cov~red Areas ••••••••••••••••••
(3) Upstream of the Ice Covered •••••••••••••••
b. Water Temperature ••••••..•..•..•••..••.•..•.•.•
Ice Effects on Sedim·ent Transport and Channel
Stability .................•.........................
a. Mainstream Habitat .......•......•...•.••.••••.•
(1) Suspended Sf!diment Concentration ••••••••••
(2) Channel Stability •••••.•••••••••••••••••••
b. Side Channe~.s ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
(1) Suspended Sediment Concentration ••••••••••
(2) Channel Stability •••••••••••••••••••••••••
c. Side Sloughs ................................... .
(1) Suspended Sediment Concentration ••••••••••
(2) Channel Stability •••••••••••••••••••.•••••
d. Upland Sloughs ................................ .
e. Tributary Mouths ................••........•....
(1) Suspended Sediment Concentration ••••••••••
(2) Channel Stability ••••••••••••••••••••••.••
f. Tributaries ................................... .
VI. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 188
1. Sources of Issues •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
a. Fish and Aquatic Habitat ••••••••••••••••••••.••
b. Riparian V~getation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
c. Wildlife and Terrestrial Habitat •••••••••••••••
d. Public Use .................................... .
1 . Impoundment Zone .....••••••••....•.••.••.........•..
a. Wa tana Filling ................................ .
b. Watana Only On-Line ....•............•.•.......•
( 1) Freezeup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .
(2) Meltout/Breakup •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
c. Watana and Devil Canyon On-Line ••••••••••••••••
( 1) Freezeup ................................. .
(2) Meltout/Breakup •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
2. Middle River Zone ..•••.....•..•.....................
a. Freezeup ....••.....•........•....•.......•.•...
b. Meltout/Break.up ...............•.•..........•...
3. Lower River .....•.......................•...........
a. Fr•ezeup ...................................... .
b. Mel tout /Breakup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
EFFECTS ON f ' ISHERIES ••••••••••••.••••••••••.•••••••.•••.•
1 . Introduction ........................................ .
2. Methodology ........................................ .
3. Impoundment Zone Effects Analysis •••••.••••••••.••••
a. Fish Resource ..........•.......................
b . The With-Project Environment •••••••••••••••••••
c. Anticipated With-Project Effects •••••••••••••••
(1) Watana Reservoir ...........•..............
(2) Devil Canyon Reservoir ••••••••••••••••••••
4. Middle River Effects Analysis •••••••••••••••••••••••
a. Fish Resource ................................. .
b. The With-Project Environment ••••••••.••••••••••
c. Anticipated With-Project Effects •••••••••••••••
5. Lower River Effects Analysis ••••••••••••••••••••••••
a . Fish Resources •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
b. The With-Project Environment .••••••••••••••••••
c. Anticipated With-Project Effects •••••••••••••••
6 • Su111D8. ry ......................•......................
EFFECTS ON RIPARIAN VEGETATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1. General ............................................ .
a. Impoundment Zone ..•••••••.••••.••.••.•.•..•..•.
b. Middle River Zone •...•.••...••..•............•.
c. Lower River .......••.••••.•..•.................
2. Effects of Altered River Ice •••••••••••••••••••••.••
a . Impoundment Zone ............•.......•...•.••.•.
b. Middle River Zone •.•...•.........•••••.......•.
c. Lower River ..........•.........................
EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE ..........•...•......•...•.••••..••.•.
1. General .............•........•......................
a. Impoundment Zone ...•••.••.••.....•..•........•.
b. Middle River ...•....•....•....•.............•..
2. Effects of Alteration of River Ice ••••••••••••••••••
a. Impoundment Zone ..•..•••.....•..•..............
(1) Watana Dam On-Line Only •••••••••••••••••••
(a) Non uniform ice formation during
freezeup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
(b) Ice deposition along reservoir
margin during winter drawdown •••••••• 264
(c) Determination of reservoir ice
cover in spring •.••••••••••••.••••••• 266
(d) Accumulation of windblow snow along
impoundment shoreline •••••••••••••••• 267
(e) Increased extent of open water
during winter ........••.........•....
(2) Watana and Devil Canyon Dams On-Line ••••••
Middle River .•.....•.•..•.•..•......•..•...•••.
( 1) Wa tana Dam ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
(a) Longer open-water period and larger
open areas resulting from higher
temperatures of regulated flows •••••• 271
(b) Higher staging resulting from
increased winter flows ••••••••••••••• 273
(c) Early in situ melting of ice during
spring breakup ••••••••••••••••••••••• 275
(2) Watana and Devil Canyon Dams On-line •••••• 277
(a) Longer open-water periods and larger
open-water areas resulting from
higher temperatures of regulated
flows................................ 277
EFFECTS ON PUBLIC USE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1. Natural Ice Cycle Chronology ••••••••••••••••••••••••
2. Public Use Perspective ........•...•.••.••••.........
3. Present User Group Activity ••••••.••••••••••••••••••
4. Effects of Altered Ice Processes on Public Use ••••••
(Additional Reading)
Appendix A Lower River Photography
Appendix B Middle River Photography
Table No. Page No.
1. Slough and side channel study areas in the lower and
middle Susitna River ...................................... .
2. Relative contribution of flows at Chulitna-Susi.tna-
Talkeetna confluence....................................... LC)
3. Susitna River available weather data ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~7
4. Major annually recurring open leads between
Sunshine RM 83 and Devil Canyon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
5. Susitna River Ice Thickness Summary 1981-84 ••••••••••••••••
6 . 1980-81 River Ice Summary •....••••••.•.•.••••..•••.•••••...
7. 1981-82 River Ice Su1111D8ry ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
8. 1982-83 River Ice Summary ..•.•.................•.......•.••
9. 1983-84 River Ice Summary .••••••..•...••.••.•..•.•••••..•••
10. 1984 Freezeup .......................•............•..•......
11. Common and scientific names of fish species recorded
in th Susitna River Basin •••••• , •••••••••••••••••.••••••••• -;too
12. Susitna River salmon escapement estimates, 1981-84 •••••••••
13. Simulated Susitna middle river ice front progression
and winter overtopping of sloughs ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
14. Susitna hydroelectric project ice issues list for fish •••••
15. Susitna river salmon escapement for the middle
Susitna River, 1981-84 .........•.........•.....•...........
16. Susitna river salmon phenology •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
17. Peak salmon survey counts above Talkeetna for
Susitna River tributary streams ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
18. Peak slough escapement counts above Talkeetna ••••••••••••••
19. Chum salmon escapement for the ten most productive
sloughs above RM 98.6 1981-83 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Figure No.
Vo \v~~ It
Page No .
1. Basin Ma.p ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
2. Basin 'Ma.p Upper River ............•..•.......................
3. Basin Hap Middle River..................................... 3
4. Basin 'Map Lower River...................................... Jf
5. Average Historical Accumulated Freezing Degree (; Days 1980-1983 ••.•.••••••••.•••••••...•••.•• ., ••.•.••••.•.••
6. Upper Susitna River Basin Air Temperature Variation ••••••••
7a. Middle River Mean Daily Air Temperature
Record December 1984 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• /C
14. Photo of shore ice on the left bank at the Chulitna
River Confluence ........................•..................
15. Photo of Susitna River mouth ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
16. Photo of Yent~ River Confluence ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
17. Photo of Kashwitna River Confluence ••••••••••••••••••••••••
18. Photo of Goose Creek Confluence ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
19. Typical ice cover development on lower and
middle river .............................................. .
20. Relative stage levels at selected sites during 1983
Susitna River freezeup ..••••••..•.....•••.•..•.••••.•••••••
21. Photo of Susitna-Chulitna-Talkeetna Confluence •••••••••••••
Figure No.
" IJ \ u .,...... (. :r:r
Page No.
Photo of Middle River ice bridge and Leading Edge ••••••••••
Photo of ice bridge at RM 105; November 4, 1984 ••••••••••••
Photo of RM 105 November 17, 1982 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Photo of Wlliskers Creek. ...........................••.......
Photo of RM 103.3 December 28, 1983 ••••••••••••••••••••••••
\) ~ (.~ I 9 ~ ~ # ., ~ 5
~~ok ~~~ 6 RM I O ~
Photo of ~ ~.u ... .-\-.::.. 0 ... /\_..Q...~ 1\..o1..:-
I q ~ (_ ~ , , Y, ~-/
Photo of ~ ~{. CL'\..Lc...__, t) .oi.<..J lq &l 'L ~ 0., tf ~
Photo of Shore Ice at Devil Canyon ••••••••••••••••••••••••• £"o
Photo looking upstream from RM 134 December 1983 •••••••••••
Photo of anchor ice dam near Slough 21 •••••••••••••••••••••
Photo looking downstream at anchor ice
dam at RM 144 • 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••
Photo Gold Creek November 17, 1982 and
December 23, 1982 •••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Photo of Anchor Ice Dam ......•••.••.•••••.•.••....••.••....
Photo of Slough 8A November 17, 1982 and
December 23 • 1982 •••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Photo of Slough 9 November 17, 1982 ••••••••••••••••••••••••
35b. Photo of Slough 9 December 23, 1982 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 61
Figure No.
LIST OF FIG URES (Continued)
\J 'j \ 'J ~ "t TI
Page No.
Annual variation of freezing degree days
from 1380-1984 ............................................. .
Annual variation of stream flow during freezeup ••••••••••.•
lee front progression relative to cumulative freezing -ro degree days ............................................... .
Water temperatures at Gold Creek •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Photo of Candling .......................................... .
41. Photo of simple ice jam, RM 134............................ 7 ~
42. Photo of an in situ ice cover melting during breakup ••••••• 1 ~
43 . Photo of a grounded o r dry jam at RM 131 ••••••••••••••••••• 8 0
44 . Photo of ice jam producing island overtopping
near RM. 131, May 7, 1983 .............•.......•..•.•........
45. Photo of overtopped island and damage to mature
vegetation .................................•.•.............
46. Photo of showing in an ice jam ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• g ~
Photo taken after release of ice jam at RM 101 •••••••••••••
Photo of a shear zone between flooding and
grounded ice at RM 105..................................... '1 0
Photo of an ice shear wall, RM 137 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• q L
Photo of rafting of large cobbles near Slough 21 ........... qy
Photo of sediment deposited by ice ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'
52. Photo of formation of Slough 11 by ice scouring •••••••••••• 9 S
53. Susitna -Talkeetna air temperatures
November -March •...........................................
54. Average monthly air temperatures at Talkeetna •••••••••••••• l O L
55 . Susitna River natural streamflow ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t C3
56. Release constraints discharge for Susitna
at Cold Creek. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Figure No.
v c \ \J .,_., ~ Jl
Page No.
Watana Reservoir ice growth 1996 Case c ................... .
Devil Canyon Reservoir ice growth 2002 Case C ••••••••.•••••
Watana Reservoir water levels ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Watana Reservoir water levels Watana and Devil Canyon
operating 2002 .........••....•.•..........•..........•.....
Watana Reservoir Water Levels; Watana and Devil Canyon
Operating 2020 Simulation Case E-VI ••••••••••••••••••••••••
Devil Canyon Water Levels 2002 Simulation Case E-VI ••••••••
/0 ~
10 7
1 ocr
63. Devil Canyon Water Levels.................................. II I
64 . Photo reservoir bank erosion caused and influenced
by ice cover ..................................... • • • · · ... • · } f "2...
65. Middle Reach Ice Front Maximum Progression................. {I 3
66. Middle Reach Ice Cover Duration............................ II J.J
67. Su Hydro Maximum Simulated Winter River Stages •••••••••••.•
68. Susitno Hydro -Total Ice Thickness Maximum
Simulated Values .•......................................... II ftJ
69. Winter 1971-72 maximum slough stages....................... Jl7
70. Winter 1976-77 maximum slough stages....................... 1/ ~
71. Winter 1981-82 maximum slough stages....................... /I q
72 . Winter 1982-83 maximum slough stages ••••••••••••••••••••••• {~u
73 . Winter 1971-72 Total Ice Thickness ••••••••••.•••••••••••••• p .. J
74. Winter 1976-77 Total lee Thickness ••••••••••••••••••••••••
75. Winter 1981-82 Total Ice Thickness •••••••••••••••••••••••••
76. Winter 1982-83 Total Ice Thickness •••••••••••••••••••••••••
77. Watana Filling Maximum Slough Stages •••••••••••••••••••••••
78. Winter 1971-72 Filling Maximum Slough Stag ~s •••••••••••.•••
79 . Winter 1981-82 Maximum Slough Stages Case C vs.
Figure No.
v 6 ' \) VV> o( .:rr
Page No.
Case E-V I 200 1 .•.•........................•.•..............
Winter 1981-82 Maximum Slough Stages Case C Vs.
Case E-Vl 2002 ., • ,. <"' • wo
Winter 1981-82 Middle Reach Freeze-up Simulated
Pre-Project ................................................ .
Winter 1981-82 Middle Reach Freezeup With-Project-1996 •••••
Middle Reach Freeze-up With-Project Winter 1981-82 •••••••••
Middle Reach Freeze-up Simulated Preproject
Winter 1982-83 ..............•.....................•........
Middle Reach Freezeup Simulated Preproject
Winter 1982-83 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••
Middle Reach freezeup with-project 1996 winter 1982-f.3 •••••
Plan view showing flow components typical slough ••••••••••.
Detail of Intragravel Flow From Exhibit 34 •••••••••••••••••
Susitna River Drainage Basin Species by Study Zone •••••••••
Month river crossing initiated ••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••
Nelchina caribout head estimates •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Historical range of the Nelchina caribout herd •••••••••••••
Dall sheep study area ..................................... .
The Jay Creek mineral lick complex •••••••••••••••••••••••••
l 3 I
I 3 2
t4 0
I c.f I
I'/ 1.
(To be written)
The Susitna ~iver system is dominated by river ice for more than hal f of
each year. The processes of ice formation in the late fall, ice development
and evolution thoughout the winter, and decay of ice in the early spring have
large effects on the river's morphology and fish and wildlife habitats, as
well as patt~rns of human use . The purpose of this report is to summarize all
that has been learned to date regarding natural river ice processes in the
Susitna River, the predicted alteration of those ice processes by the proposed
Susitna Hydrolelectric Project, and the effects of altered ice processes on
aquatic and terrestrial habitats, fish, wildlife, and vegetation, and man's
use of the Susitna basin.
This assessment is an integral component of an overall environmental
investigation of the effects of the Susitna Hydrolelectric Project on fish ,
wildlife, and the human environment. This report is part of a series, called
the lnstream Flow Relationships Report Series (!FRS), which summarize aquatic
environmental studies.
This report incorvorates the work of many groups over the past five
years, all of whom contributed dir ectly or indirectly to this effort .
Especially notable are the efforts of the following organizations:
R&M Consultants, Inc, who performed river ice observa tions and analyses
every winter;
Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture (H-E), who carried out computer
simulation modeling and analyses of natural and with-project river ice
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), who performed winter
field work in terrestrial and aquatic studies;
The Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC), Univ. of
Alaska, who carried out instream temperature simulations by computer model and
performed fish and aquatic habitat analyses;
LGL Alaska \ssociates, Inc., who performed studies of wildlife and
terrestrial habitat in the Susitna Basin;
The Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station (AFES), Univ. of Alaska,
who carried out riparian vegetation studies along the river system.
The report is organized into two volumes. The first volume includes
text and tables; the second volume contains all figures and appendixes.
Figures are not collated into the text because many of them will be in 11 by
17-inch format in the final report. For the draft version of the report, all
figures and maps have been reduced to 8 1/2 by 11-inch size.
This report analyses river ice processes under both natural and
with-project conditions, and describes the expected effects of projec t-altered
ice conditions on the biological environment, for the entire Susitna River
system including the proposed impoundment areas. Specifically addressed are
the following subjects :
1. Natural river ice processes in the Susitna River as observed for the past
five years, including freezeup, mid-winter ice development, and breakup
2. Predicted alterations of river ice processes by the proposed Susitna
Hydroelectric Project, produced by computer simulation modeling of
with-project instream temperatures and ice processes (SNTEMP and !CECAL).
These include predicted ice conditions in the proposed Watana and Devil
Canyon reservoirs, and river ice regimes under various operational
scenarios including Watana filling, Watana alone on line, and both Watana
and Devil Canyon on h .ne. Each of these scenarios is tested against
varying climatic conditions, for wh i ch the climatic years 1971-72 (cold),
1976-77 (very warm), 1981-82 (average), and 1982-83 (warm) are used;
3. Predicted effects of altered river ice processes on terrestrial and
aquatic habitats, fish, wildlife, and vegetation, and public use.
Many of the conclusions reached in Chapter VI of thi$ report are
necessarily speculative, as few studies have been carried out regarding the
effects of natural ice processes on fish. wildlife, or vegetation. Also,
little information exists on the effects of river ice processes altered by
33RD2-007v J
other northern hydroele c tric facilit i es on fish and wildlife habitats. The
statements of fact or conclusions contained in this report have been derived
fro• several sources. These ar ~:
1. Field observations and interpretations by investigators contractually
involved with determining the environmental effects of the Susitna
Hydroelectric Project;
2. Information on the Susitna River basin anj its resources and environs
contained in both accredited journals and in gray literature;
3. Information on the physical and biological effects of river ice processes
learned from studies performed in other river systems,prin~ipally
reported in accredited journals.
~~·~ever possible, statements in the report purporting to be factual are
documented as • so~rce. Conclusions or expressions of professional opinion
are similarly documented unless they are the opinions of the authors.
Additional relevant winter studies in the Susitna Basin are now in
progress by ADF&G, but these results were not available in time for inclusion
in this report.
Conclusions regarding the effects of altered ice regimes on fish and
wildlife and their habitats rest entirely upon the with-project river ice
scenarios predicted by computer simulation models. These simulation models,
while state-of-the-art, have limited predictive capabilities. For example,
the !CECAL model is one-dimensional in scope, limiting its capabilities to
predict ice processes in peripheral parts of the river where important fish
habitat often occurs . Als~ • the model is incapable of modeling spring ice
bre akup processes; conclusions about spring meltout are based on professional
judgement using !CECAL-predictea ice regimes.
This report, therefore, serv,s to give project planners the best view
of with-project river ice conditic:ms and their effects on the biological
environment that is possible wi th presenl predictive technol ogy. Tne authors
believe that the scenarios discussed herein ~re the most likely to result from
t'tte project.
The Susitna River drains an area of 19,600 .•quare miles, the sixth
largest river basin in Alaska. The Susitna flows 320 m.'les from its origin at
Susitna Glacier to the Cook Inlet estuary. Its basin is b,rdered by the Alaska
Range on the north, the Chulitna and Talkeetna mountain: on the west and
south, and the northern Talkeetna plateau and Gulkana upla1 ds to the east.
This area is largely within the coastal trough of southcentral Alaska, a belt
of lowlands extending the length of the Pacific mountaiL system and
interrupted in Alaska by the Talkeetna, Clearwater, and ~rangell m1untains.
Major Susitna tributaries include the Talkeetna, Chulitna, ~nd Yentna
rivers (figure 1). The Yentna River enters the Susitna at river mil~ (RM) 28
(28 miles upstream from the mouth ?t Cook Inlet). The Chulitna River ·ises in
the glaciers on the south slope of Mount McKinley and flows south, e1tering
the Susitna River at RH 99 near Talkeetna. The Talkeetna River originat ·s in
the Talkeetna Mountains, flows west, and joins the Susitna at RH 97 1 ear
Tributaries in the no~thern portions of the Susitna basin originate 1 .
the glaciers of the eastern Alaska Range. The east and west forks of the
33RD2-007v s
Susitna and Maclaren rivers join the mainstem Susitna River above RM 260.
Below the glaciers the braided channel traverses a high plateau and continues
south to the Oshetna River confluence near RM 233. There it takes a sharp
turn west and flows through a steeply cut canyon which includes the Watana (RM
184.4) and Devil Canyon (RM 151.6) damsites. In this predominantly
single-channel reach the gradient is quite steep, averaging approximately 10
feet per mile (Acres American 1983). Below Gold Creek (RM 137) the river
alternates between single and multiple channels until the confluence with the
Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers (RM 97), below which the Susitna broadens into
widely braided channels for 97 miles to Cook Inlet.
The proposed project consists of two dams to be constructed over a period
of about 15 years. The Watana dam would be completed in 1994 at a site 3
miles upstream from Tsusena Creek (RM 184.4). This development would include
an underground powerhouse and an 885-foot high ~arthfill dam, which would
impound a reservoir 48 miles long with a surface area of 38,000 acres and a
usable storage capacity of 3 .7 million acre feet (maf). The dam would house
multiple level intakes and cone valves. Installed generating capacity would
be 1020 megawatts (Mw), with an estimated average annual energy output of 3460
gigawatt hours (gwh) (Acres American, Inc. 1983).
The concrete arch Devil Canyon dam would be completed by 2002 at a site
32 miles downstream of the Watana damsite. It would be 645 feet high and
would impound a 26 mile-long reservoir witt 7,800 surface acres and a storage
capacity of • 36 maf. Installed generating capacity would be about 600 Hw,
with an average annual energy output of 3450 gwh (Acres American, Inc. 1983).
Construction and subsequent operation of the Susitna dams are expected to
alter the norma.. flow and thermal regimes of the river . Mainstem flows
downstream of the project would be higher in the winter than they are
naturally. Mainstem water temperatures downstream from the projec: would be
cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than under natural conditions.
A change in the river ice regime downstream from the project is expected due
to these al t ered flows and tecperatures .
The Susitna River drainage basin, sixth largest in Alaska, is located in
the Cook Inlet subregion of southcentral Alaska. The drainage basin covers
19.600 square miles. It is bordered on the west and north by the Alaskan
Range, on the east by the Talkeetna Mountains and the Copper River lowl ands,
and on the south by Cook Inlet. The river is 320 miles long from the mouth at
Cook Inlet to the headwaters at Susi tna Glacier . Major tributaries include
the Chulitna, Talkeetna, and Yentna _vers, all located downstr1.!am of the
proposed project. Extensive glaciers in the headwaters contribute substantial
suspended sediment loads during summer months. Streamflow is characterized by
high flows between May and September and low flows from December to April.
The headwaters of the Susitna River and the major upper basin tributaries
are characterize d by broad, braided, gravel floodplains emanating from
glaciers on the south flank of the Alaskan Range. Below the West Fork
tributary confluence, the river develops a split-channel configuration with
numerous gravel bars, flowing south between narrow bluffs for about 55 miles.
Below the confluence with the Oshetna River, the Susitna River flows west for
96 miles through steep-walled canyons before reaching the mouth of Devil
Canyon. This reach contains the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites at River
Hiles {RM) 184.4 and 151.6, respectively, as measured from Cook Inlet. River
gradients are quite high, averaging nearly 14 feet/mile in the 54 miles above
Watana damsite, 10.4 feet/mile from Watana downstream to Devil Creek, and 31
feet/mile in the 12-mile stretch between Devil Creek and Devil Canyon. Below
Devil Cany on, the gradient decreases from about 14 feet/mile to 8 feet/mile
above Talkeetna . The river in this reach is generally characterized b y a
split-channel coufiguration , with numerous side-channels and sloughs. About 4
33RD1-007m - 8 -
miles above tri~ confluence with the Chulitna River, the Susitna River begins
to braid, and remains braidec:l the remainder of its length to Cook In]et.
Numerous islands and side channels appear. The gradient continues to
decrease, ranging from 5.5 feet/mile for the 34-mile r each below Talkeetna to
1.6 feet/mile for the last 42 miles.
In order to facilitate morphological descriptions, this report refers to
three distinct and easily identifiable river reaches labelled the upper,
middle and lower reaches. These river reaches have been referred to in other
reports concerning a variety of specific studies. This report deals with ice,
the formation of which is primarily controlled by air temperature but to a
great extent is affected directly by solar radiation as well. For the
following discussions regarding river ice, the "upper river" will refer to the
initial reach which is subjected to colder air temperatures due to the higher
elevation and latitude of th~ headwaters, but also receives a substantial
amount of solar radiation during the freezeup period because of the
north-south orientation and lack of major topographic features (figure 2).
The "middle reach" is the section of river that flows generally east to west,
from tlae vicinity of the Oshetna tributary confluence, through the Watana and
Devil Canyon impoundment areas, then southwest past Gold Creek and ending at
the Chulitna River confluence. This reach flows through a mountainous area
where steep canyon walls shade the turbulent water surface for much of the
year (figure 3). Downstream of the Chulitna River confluence the river
mvrphology changes suddenly from essentially a narrow confined channel with a
steep gradient to a broad channel containing a braided flow pattern. This
configuration is retained through this final "lower reach" to Cook Inlet
(figure 4).
33RDl-007m - 9 -
Identification of i pecific sites on the r i ver is best don e with
place-names . However, in some areas the lesser features have no names or the
cartographers have failed t o a ttach one, so a substitute system of river mile
(RM) numbers was developed with a common refecence point (Cook Inlet, &~ 0) s n
that all chose concerned with the river study could mutually orient
themselves. Photomo saic river maps snowing the Susitna from Cook Inlet to the
proposed Devil Can y on dam site are included in Appendixes A and B. No maps
are available of the river upstream of Devil Canyon except for the standard
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic sheets at 1:63,360 scale. The
entire USGS map set showing the Susitna River from Cook Inlet to the Susitna
Glacier has been compiled and reproduced with river mile numbers in the
Susitna River Mile Index (R&H, 1981a).
The Susitna River originates in the continental climatic zone, flowing
south into the transitional climatic zone. Due to the maritime influence and
the lower elevations, temperatures are more moderate in the lower basin than
in the upper basin. Freezing temperatures occur in the upper basin by
mid-September, with frazil ice generated in the reach from Denali through Vee
Canyon by early October.
Several meteorological stations have been installed along the river since
1980. Records from these stations, located at Susitna Glacier, Denali, Kosina
Creek (between Vee Canyon and Watana), Watana, tevil Canyon and Shen:~an,
together with records from the National Weather Service (NWS) at Talkeetna,
illustrate the 1harp difference in freezing degree-days along the length of
the river (figure S). In general, the meteorology within the Susitna River
basin is highly variable between weather station s ites. This is due, in part,
to the movement of storm systems, the topographic variance, and the change in
latitude, but the major reason for the temperature variance between Denali and
33RD1-007m -10 -
Talkeetr.a is the 2,400-foot elevation dif f erence. Of the seven weather
stations currently in oper~tion, only three will be considered in this report
as prc-viding repre.,e:ntative data for describing ice processes in the upper,
middle, and lower reaches. These stations are located at Susitna Lodge on the
Denali Highway, at Watana Camp, and at Talkeetna.
The following section~ discuss the specific morphological and
climatological characteristic:; unique to each section and how they relate to
river ice formation.
The waters flowing through this reach originate primarily from four major
glaciers and to a lesser extent as runoff via nu~erous tributaries. Meltwater
and runoff drain from the West Fork, Susitna and East Fork Glaciers, flow
through broad gravel floodplains and merge into a single channel, to flow
through a narrow pass between the Clearwater Mountains on the east and an
unnamed range to the west. The Denali Highway bridges the river at this point
(RM 291). The u.s. Geological Survey records daily river stages at the
bridge. This gage provides information for computations of daily flow, which
averages 2, 759 cubic feet/second (cfs ) from a drainage area of 950 square
miles. During freezeup, or between October and December of any given year,
tne flow drops rapidly from about 2,000 cfs to under 400 cfs. The lowest flow
occurs in March, and is usually estimated at less than 300 cfs. Just to the
south and eas t of the highway bridge, at Susitna Lodge, R&H Consultants
operates a weather recorder. This station monitors air temperature, wind
speed and direction, solar radiation, humidity and precipitation. Along the
Susitna River, freezing air temperatures are generally first recorded at the
Denali weather station.
33RD1-007m -11 -
Downstreac of the Oena l i a rea, the river develops a split-channel config-
uration •ith man y gravel oars but few vegetated islands. The route meanders
through a broad plain, wit n the channel generally confined by low bluffs . The
Maclaren River ent ~rs from the northeast about 31 miles downstream of the
Denali Highway Bridge. Average annual discharge of the Maclaren River is 979
cfs. During freezeup the flow drops from about 700 cfs in October to 200 cfs
by the end of December. This river drains the Maclaren Glacier and a large
portion of the C1.earwater Mountains. Fourteen miles further downstream the
non-glacial Tyone ~lver enters the Susitna from the southeast, draining the
lakes Louise, Susitna and Tyone, as well as hundreds of square miles of muskeg
and black-spruce bogs. The last major tributary entering this reach is the
Oshetna River (RM 233). This river flows north into the Susitna, draining the
north flank of the Talkeetna Mountains. Several tributaries to the Oshetna
are glacial, the largest being the Black River which emerges from a sizeable
unnamed glacier.
The climate in this upper river reach is characterized by being colder,
drier and sunnier than in the lower reaches. Figure 6 shows a comparison plot
of air temperatures recorded at Talkeetna, Watana, and Denali during the 1984
freezeup. Storm systems usually pass to the west of this river reach,
funneled northward through the lower Susitna Valley and over Chulitna Pass.
The Talkeetna Mountains rise to over 8,000 feet and cause much of the water in
the warm maritime air masses to precipitate out, so that the region to the
north and east of this range is in a rain shadow.
This reach description focuses on the general east-west course of the
Susitna River beginning at approximately RM 233.
33RD1-007m -12 -
The unique characteristics of this reach are the steep gradient of the
channel and the steep-walled canyon throu,~h which the river flows. The
elevation drops from about 2,150 feet down to 350 feet in roughly 140 miles,
for an average gradient of 13.4 feet /mile. This contrasts considerably with
the upper river gradient of 5.9 feet/mile and the lower river gradient of 3.6
Downstream of the Oshetna River confluence the Susitna enters Vee Canyon,
the site of a U.S.G.S. streamgage. This gage measures flow draining an area
of 4,140 square miles. The average annual flow is 6,404 cfs. From October to
December, the flow drops from roughly 5000 cfs to under 1400 cfs. The middle
reach is primarily either a single channel or a split channel with
intermittent vegetated islands and gravel bars. The water is very turbulent
through the entire reach.
The river valley or canyon is generally quite deep, averaging about 1000
feet at the proposed Watana damsite. and the mountainous terrain along the
south bank shields the river from direct sunlight for much of the year. This
causes an air temperature gradient between the cold canyon bottom and the
warmer plateau adjacent to the river. This gradient is especially evident
during the winter, when sun angles are lowest and dense cold air settles in
the canyon. In December, 1984, temperature deviations of over 10 C were
measured between the Watana weather station and a thermograph located near the
water surface . The average monthly deviation, however, measured between 2-3 C
(figure 7).
The weather recorder at Watana Camp is similar to the recorder at Denali.
Winter precipitation is not generally measured at the weather stations except
for what snow may accumulate on the ground. However, at Watana a Wyoming gage
has been operating since October 1981, giving daily precipitation readings
33RD1-007m -13 -
when a heated tipping bucket was operating. Since October 1983 monthly totals
have been measured froc an accumulating snowgage charged with an ant ifreeze
mixture. These data allow a comparison between winter precipitation at
Talkeetna anrl Watana. Figure 8 summarizes precipitation data over the winters
of 1982-1983 and 1983-1984. The effects of storm patterns is illustrated by
the large volumes of snowfall at Talkeetna compared to Watana.
The combination of turbulent water, cold air temperatures and little
solar radiation creates conditions where massive volumes of ice can form.
This reach of river is therefore a major source of ice during freezeup
compared to the upper and lower reaches. The upper reach has cold air
temperatures but lacks the turbulence necessary to generate large volumes of
ice. In October the sun shines directly on the water surface for much of the
day, raising the effective water temperature, if not the air temperature,
sufficiently to prevent further ice from forming. In the shaded middle reach,
freezing air temperatures are sustained, allowing ice to form over a longer
period of til!le. In contrast, the lower river has neither the cold air
temperatures in October nor the turbulence to generate much ice.
The reach between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River confluence has
received considerable attention during the project environmental studies.
Project impacts would be most evident in this reach because no major
tributaries enter the Susitna River to offset the effects of flow regulation.
Smaller tributaries include Portage Creek, Indian River, Gold Creek and Fourth
of July Creek. The U.S.G.S. maintains a streamflow recorder and conducts
monthly measurements of discharge at the Gold Creek Bridge, where the Alaska
Railroad crosses the Susitna River (RM 136.6). This gage measures the flow
from a drainage area of 6,160 square miles. The average annual discharge is
9,724 cfs. Freezeup flows range from about 10,000 cfs in October to under
33RD1-007m -14 -
Freezeup Year of Threshold
Name Location lee Effects Observation Elevation
(River Mile) (Feet)
Hooligan Side Channel 35.2H None 1984 Unknown
Eagles Nest Side Channel 36.2H Some flooded snow 84 Unknown
Kroto Slough Head 36.3H None 84 Unknown
Rolly Creek Mouth 39.0M None 84 Unknown
Bear Bait Side Channel 43.0H None 84 Unknown
Last Chance Side Channel 45.4H None 84 Unknown
Rustic Wilderness Side Ch 59.5H Overtopped 83,84 Unknown
Caswell Creek -Mouth 63.0M None 84 Unknown
Island Side Channel 63.2M Flooded snow 84 Unknown
Mai n stem West Ba n k 74.4M Some flooded snow 84 Unknown
Circular Side Channel 75 .6H None 8 4 Unknown
Goose 2 Side Channel 75.8H Overtopped 83,84 Unknown
Sauna Side Channel 79.8H Non e 84 Unknown
Sucker Side Channel 84 .5M 11· me 84 Unknown
Beaver Dam Slough 86.3M None 84 Unknown
Sunset Side Channel 86.9 None 84 Unknown
Sunrise Side Channel 87.0 None 84 Unknown
Birch Creek Slough 88.4M Ncne 83,84 Unkn own
Trapper Creek Side Channel 91.6 None 83 ,84 Unknown
Whiskers Slough 101 .5H Overtopped 80-84 367
Side Channel at Head of
Gash Creek 112.0 Overtopped 82,83,84 Unknown
Slough 6A 112.3M Backwater 80-84 u
Slough 8 114 .lH None 83 476
Side Channel MSII 115.5 Overtopped 82,83,84 482
Side Channel MSII 115. 9H None 8 2 ,83,84 4S7
Curry Slough 120.0H None 84 Unknown
Moose Slough 123.5H None 84 Unknown
Slough SA-West 126.1H Overtopped 8l,S2 .83,S4 573
Slough SA-East 127.1H Overtopped S1,S2 ,83,84 582
Slough 9 129.3H Some flooded snow 81,S2,S3,84 604
Side Channel Upstream
of Slough 9 130.6 None S2,S3,84 Unknown
Side Channel Upstream
of 4th of July Creek 131.S None 82,S3,84 Unknown
Slough 9A 133 . 7H None S3,84 651
Side Channel Upstream
of Slough 10 134.3 None 82,83,S4 65 7
Side Channel Downstream
of Slough 11 135.3 None 8 2 ,S3,84 Unknown
Slough 11 136. SH None 82,83 ,84 687
Slough 17
Slough 20
Slough 21-Entrance A6
Slough 21
Slough 22
TABLE 1 (c o..,f',.,· •• Jj
(River Mile)
141. 8H
Ice Effects
Year of
H -Indicated location represents the head of the slough or channel.
M -Indicated location represents the mouth of the slough or channel.
U .. "Upland" slough wtth no upstream head or berm.
3.000 cfs by the end of December. Downstream of the Gold Creek Bridge. the
river gradually resumes a more southe r ly f l ow direction. retaining the steep
gradient and mostly split channel configura tion. R&H Consultants operates a
weather station at Sherman. which together with the Watana Station provides
representative data for the middle river reach.
Downstream of Devil Canyon there are a series of sloughs and side channel
habitats that are particularly sensitive to changes in the mainstem flo·w
regime. The project-name given to these sloughs for identification. and the
river mile location of the upstream entrances are included in table 1. The
majority of these habitats have both an upstream entrance and a downstream
exit. During high water events in the mainstem. flood flows overtop the
entrance and spill into these overflow channels. The upstream entrances arc
often protected to some extent by a low gravel berm. These berms have been
observed to form when ice floes are pushed laterally from the mainstem by
forces usually generated in ice jams. The floes contact the .channel bottom
and shove gravel 1 cobbles or soil before them. ultimately forming these berms.
A critical mainstem stage must be achieved before overtopping of the
berms occurs. These critical elevations are also listed in table 1. At low
mainstem flows the berms are not overtopped and the sloughs often convey clear
water from small tributaries and upwelling groundwater.
This final reach begins at the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna
Rivers at RM 98. 5. During the spring. summer and fall the Chulitna River
contributes most of the sedjment to the lower river. The large material is
deposited as the river gradient decreases. The deposition of sediment
eventually causes the unconfined river channel to shift. This on-going
33RD1-007m -x-
proc ess results in numerou s interlac ed channels. Upstream of ots confluence
with the Susitna, the Chulit na River currently has two major channels. The
larger one flows along the northeast (left) bank, while the other flows along
the extreme right bank. During freezeup the r.ight bank channel usually
de-waters at flows under 4,000 cfs, and the left bank channe l contains all the
Chulitna flow. The exact confluence of this channel and the Susitna varies
from year to year. At the Chulitna Canyon, the USGS maintains a gage
measurin g streamflow from a drainage area of about 2,570 square miles. The
average annual discharge is 8, 798 cfs. This is about 90% of the average
annual flow measured at Gold Creek , although the drainage area is less than
half (approximately 40 %) the size. To some extent this is due to the higher
perc entage of the basin that is glaciated, but otherwise indicates the high
volume of precipitation this region receives compared to the Watana and Denali
area. The Chulitna River flow decreases rapidly during freezeup from about
10,000 cfs in early October to about 2,000 cfs by the end of December.
The lower river has been subdivided into five reaches, each with distinct
characteristics: Segment 1, RH 98.5 at the Chulitna confluence to RH 78 near
the confluence with Montana Creek; Segment 2, RH 78 to RH 51, which is
approximately the upstream enri of the Delta Islands ; Segment 3, RM 51 to RM
42.5 through the Delta Islands ; Segment 4, RH 42.5 to the Yentna River
confluence at RH 27; and Segment 5, the remaining reach from RM 27 to Cook
Inlet .
The following discussion presents brief descriptions of each river
segment including pertinent data based on photo-interpretation and field
33RD1-007m -~-
The Talkeetna River f lows into the Susitna from the northeas t, upstream
and adjacen t to the town of Talkeetna. This r i ver is also gaged by the US GS
at a site about 3 miles up s tream of the Susitna confluence. The strea~flow is
measu red from a drainage area of about 2 ,006 squar e miles. The average
dis charge is 4,055 cfs. The t y p i cal range of flow during fre:ezeup is fr om
about 6,000 cfs in early October to about 1,000 cfs by the end of December.
The relative flow contributions from the Susitna, Chulitna and Talkeetna
Rivers have been summarized in table 2.
Downstream from the three-river confluence area, tht. Susitna continues
t h rough a broad, low floodplain with multiple, interlaced channels . This
network genera l l y consists o f the main channel and a s eries of secondary
cha nnels. The main channel meanders irregul arly a cross the wide floodplain,
occasionally contacting the steep bluffs of the su~rounding terrace .
Secondary channels are usually flooded during the spring a nd summer high w':er
period only, since their thalweg elevation is higher than the main channel.
They are generally located near or against veget a ted islands or directly along
either bank, and usually on the opposite side o f the floodplain from the main
channel. The main channel flow continues all year while most of the secondary
channels normally de-water at some time during the winter, not necessarily
prior to freezeup .
The floodpla i n consis t s mostly of gravel bars and some partially
vegetated islands. Sev eral complex side channel systems e x i s t but these are
generally flooded only at flows exceeding 13,000 cfs at Sunshine. Some side
channels have a separate source of wa ter, either from z tributary or
groundwate r seeps, and are cons i dered side s !oughs at lower d ischarges. These
s i de channels are separate d from the mainstem by l arge heavi l y vegetated
i slands, and ma y occur along either the left or right bank. Birc h, Sunshine ,
33RD1-007m -~
Tota 1
Flow Contribution b~ (cfs Fl o w D/S(cfs) Pe rce n t~ b~
Chu I i tna I 1 l Ta I keetna( ll Susitna (ll Talkeetna Chu I i J.na Talkee!,na Susi!<na
October 4859 2537 5 639 13U35 r t % 20% 4 3%
Nov ember 1994 1187 2 467 56 48 35% 2 1% 411%
De cember 14 57 838 1773 4068 36% 2 1% 11 3%
January 1276 67 1 14 5 4 31t 0 1 37% 20% 43%
February 1095 565 1236 2896 38% 19% ld~
March 976 4:'12 11 111 2582 38 % 19% 113%
N Apri I 1 158 557 1 368 3083 38% 18 % 1111%
0 May 851 1 4176 13317 26004 33% 16% 5 1%
J une 225 40 1191 0 27928 6 2378 36% 1\1% 4~%
July 26330 10390 23 8 53 60573 411% 1 7% 3\1%
August 22 190 9 '149 2 14 79 53418 42% 18 % 4 u%
Sep t em be r 11 740 5853 13171 30764 38% 19% 4 3%
Annua l 8 ·fl18 11 0 86 9567 221101 39% 18% 4 3%
( 1 ) 0 i sc ha ry e data from U.S.G .S. records up to September, 1981 .
Source: Bre dthaue r and Drage , 1982 .
Rabideux and \o."hitefish sloughs are the most extensive :md significay;-,t side
channel systems along this reach .
Six tributaries enter this reach, including the Chulitna and Talkeetna
rivers, Lesser contributions are added by Trapper, Birch, Sunshine, and
Rabideux creeks.
The Susitna River downstream of Talkeetna is confined to only one channel
at few places, most notably at the Parks Highway Bridge area called Sunshine,
and immediately below the Yentna River confluence at Susitna Statton. The
USGS monitors streamflow at both sites. At Sunshine the gage measures the
cummulative flow from the Chulitna, Susitna an<.! l'alkeetna rivers, a drainage
area of about 11,100 square miles. The mean annual discharge at this site is
about 24,000 cfs (unofficial estimate) with the flow usually diminishing from
about 25,000 cfs in early October to about 5500 cfs by the end of December.
This reach is characterized by extensive side channel complexes along the
entire reach. These consist of a network of interconnecting channels which
are normally flooded only at high flows or during the elevated stages induced
by an ice cover. Many of the outermost channels in the complexes are fed by
one or more tributaries which keep water flowing in a small portion of the
side channel regardless of the mainstem flow. Six significant tributaries
enter this reach, although only Montana Creek enters the Susitna mainstem
directly. Goose Creek, Sheep Creek, Kashwitna River, 197 Mile Creek and
Caswell Creek enter side channels which are isolated from the mainstem except
at high water stages.
The gradient through this segment starts out at 6 feet/mile and decreases
near the Delta Islands for an average of 5.6 feet/mile. This segment has the
33RD1-007m -)(-
steepest s lope on the lower river and subsequently has the highest velocities.
Due to mechanical thickening (shoving), this reach also has the thickest ice
cover. The mainstem (excluding the side channel complexP.s) appears simil~r to
the main channel in Segment 1, with a broad expansE: of gravel and sand bars
exposed at low flows when the mainstem is generally confined to one or two
channels. The maximum width of the flood plain is 6,000 feet and tre minimum
is 1,000 feet. The majority of the gravel bars are devoid of veg~tation.
High summer flows generally inundate the gravel bars, with debris carried
along by the flow often piling up on the islands as log jams. At high flows,
the water breaches the entrances to side channels and spills into these
systems. The side channels seem to function primarily as overflow channels,
diverting water away from the mainstem during floods.
3. SEG!-!ENT 3: RIVER !-!ILE 51 TO RIV ER HILE 42.5 (Delta Islands)
This reach runs through an intricate system of islands. The mainstem at
some high flows becomes diffused and is difficult to differentiate from side
channels. Only at the low flows prior to freeze-up can the thalweg be
defined. Even then it is split into two channels flowing along both the
extreme left anri right banks. The majority of the side channels are dewatered
at these low flows. The maximum channe l width is 4,500 feet at RM 51, with
the narrowest portion of 700 f~et at RM 4 2 .5. RM 42.5 also marks the joining
or convergence of the two main channels emErging from the Delta Islands anJ
the end of this segment. Field investigations documented ground water seeps
entering several of the side channels, providing these with a separate source
of water isolated from the mainstem. The groundwater seeps are probably
related to the mainstem stage since the contrihutto n of flow by groundwater in
the side channel seems to diminish with lower water levels in the mainstem.
33RD1-007m -)(-
Two tributaries enter this rear.h along the east bank. Little Willow
Creek and Willow Creek initia lly flow into rt side channel, which th en en~ers
the east mainstem at RM 52 about 1,000 feet downstream of the Willow Creek
The river gradient reduces substantinlly from 5.6 feet/mile in Se gment 2
to 2.9 feet/mile in Segment 3. This may provide an explanation for the
complex morphology of this reach. The lower gradient results in reduced water
velocities which could result in less degradation and perhaps some
aggradation, causing the channels to meander and intertwine.
The east channel conveyed the majority of the flow in 1984. However,
this could shift to the west channel if the contr0lling gravel deposits at the
upstream end of the Del ta Islands are eroded. The multiple channels of the
Delta Islands are fo rced together by terraces just upstream of the Deshka
River at RM 42.
This reach is similar to Segment 2, with a well defined mainstem and
numerou s side channels along both the left and right banks. The Deshka River,
at RM 40.6, is th~ only major tributary entering this segment.
Kroto Slough represents one of the major side channel complexes in this
segment. The upstrean: entrance is located about one-half mile below the
confluence of the Deshka River. Although Lhis side channel has several
branches which connect with the Susitna m.-dnstem, one channP.l continues on
separately to the Yentna River. This side chan.1el sys tem dewaters at flows
less than 13,000 cfs (USGS at Sunshine). However, when the mainstem is ice
covered , the stage increases enough tc.. flood the channel, so for a major
33RD1-007m -.-M-
portion of the year this side channel flows with Susitna and Deshka River
The gradient through this reach continuc!s to decrease with respect to
p r eceding segments. The gradient average of 2 .6 feet /mile is also reflected
in the lower surface water velocities. Velocities from 3 to 4 fps have been
measured when Sunshine flow is 10,000 cfs. Channel widths range from a
maximum of 5,500 feet at RM 32.2 to the narrow section of 800 feet at RM 38.5.
The side channels through this reach are strictly overflow channels at high
water, are generally dewatered at flows below 13,000 c:s, (USGS at Sunshine),
or usually between October and April.
At RM 28 the Yentna River joins the Susitna. This is a maj o r tributary
draining an area over 6,200 square miles. The Yentna River contributes
approximately 40 percent of the annua 1 flow measured at Susitna Station (RM
25.9) by the USGS. However, this is not cons istent at all flow ranges. The
proportion may vary greatly depending on storm system movement and the glacier
mass wasting characteristics of each system. The Yentna discharge
approximates the flow on the Susitna measured at Sunshine during low flow
periods but often does not respond sicultaneousl y to the same hydrograph
peaks. The average annual flow in 1983 was 18 ,214 cf.. During freezeup the
discharge typically drops from about 20,000 cfs in October to under 4,000 cfs
by the end of December.
Just downstream of the Yentna River confluence the USGS maintains the
last streamflow gage on the Susitna at RM 26 . This gage, located at Susitna
Station, measures essentially the total flow of the entire Susitna River
waters hed, an area of about 19,400 square miles. The average discharge is
49,940 cfs, but typically during freezeup the flows dro p from about 60,000 cfs
to 9,000 cfs during freezeup.
The river reach downstream of Susitna Station represents an area of
transition from a river system to an estuary. A dominating feature of this
sep;"'lent is Alexander Slough, al so called the Susitna west channel. This
represents a major side channel at most o pen water flows but dewaters just
prior to freezeup. When mainstec water enters this side channel the flow
essentially becomes isolated and does not re-enter the mainstem except at
flood stages. Then an interconnecting channel at RN 9. 7 floods. At low
flows, such as just prior to freezeup, the side channels are generally
dewatered and the mainstem is confined to one channel, although encompassing
many exposed sand bars.
The slope through this reach was determined from USGS topographic
contours to be about 1.5 feet/mile. Surface velocities average about 2 to 3
Tributaries entering this reach include Alexander Creek and Fish Creek.
Alexander Creek enters Alexander Slough and continues out to Cook Inlet
without joining the mainstem. Fish Creek drains the swamplands adjacent to,
and east of, the Susitna east channel and enters a side-channel at RM 8. As
can be expected, the gradient is so low here that flow froc this tributary is
greatly restricted by backwater created by mainstem stages.
The National Weather Ser•Tice has o perated a weather station in Talkeetna
since 1941. The data from this site are fairly representative of the lower
river area and provide good bas~line climatic trends for the entire basin.
Air temperatures are known to vary considerably between Talkeetna and Cook
Inlet, with extremely low winter air temperatures observed between the Delta
Islands and Susitna Statio.1. In 1984 R&M Consultants placed a thermograph at
33RD1-007m -k-
RM 48 in the Delta Isla nds in order to quantify the air temperature deviation
from Talkeetna . These data are plotted in figure 7. Statistical information
presented in th is section have been summarized and are listed in table 3.
SUS I TNA RIVER "" .... ; \ ... \, \ ~ \v ~ '\-\-. •. 'f"' \:)-\."
Basin Annual
Arua Ave ra4e Ava i lnl.l le
f\uu .... Ga g ed Gradient D 1 scha rge Majo r wea titer
Locat,ion b£!!gJj} ~il ( ft,Lmi l (cf s ) T r i bu J.a r i e s __ * Dnta
Upper River West ro r k (R&M)
Dena I 1 ( RM 29 1) 2 1 9')0 9.3 2,7':;9 [II S l f ork DOnA I I
Mn c laren 1960-19811
Mac l aren I< i vur 280 979 Tyone
RM 233 ~ 5.9
M iddl e River Goose
Jay (R&M)
Vee Ca n yon (RM 22 3) 10 4, 140 25.0 6, 4 011 Ko si na Wat iHta
Watana 1980 -19811
GOII.I Cruc k (HM 136) I)( 6,160 1~.0 9, 7<!11 Duallman 0CVI I Ca nyon
l su s en a 1 98()-1 '.1811
RM 98 ill 13.4 Duv1 I SIIHnnan
Portage 1CJ!l 2-1<;84
I nll ian
-J Gold Cree k
fourth of July
Lower River
Chu I 1 tna River 2,570 8, 798 .. (NW S) I • , I 2,006 4,05 ':; l~tlkeetna Talkee tn• _!:•v~r
\-Chulitna 19111-1984
Sunshine ( RM 81~) lit 1 1,100 5.7 24,000 Talkeetna
r rappc r (R&:M)
Wi I l o w Cruek 11 6 417 Birch De Ita 1 s 1 and
Rabi lluaux 1 ho rmoy roph
Des h k<l R I vor ')92 9 41 Mnnt<t na 19811
Yen trw H 1 vor 6, 180 18,2 14 Sheep
Ka s llw 1 t na
Susitna S t a t1on (RM 26) 72 19,1t00 II. 3 lt<J, 91 10 L 1 t t 1 e W 1 I 1 ow
W i I I ow
Cook Inlet (RM 0) 2..!! 3.6 Doshka
Yl~n tna
Tcta 1 318 IS.3
* Other wc<~tller l>tatio n s opera tell 1n t h e Susitna River b asin by R&M Consu l tants
are G 1 ac i cr 1980 -84 , and Kos1na 1980 -81 1,
Previous stud i es of ice formation on northern rivers have ranged from
qualitative descriptions of events to analytical studies of ice ccver
stability (Newbury, 196). Through these studies a consistent sequence of
events has emerged by which an ice cover forms on northern rivers. These
events have also been documented on the Susitna River and can be summarized as
follows. Generally in October, a continuous trend of cold air temperatures
causes the river water temperatures to drop to the freezing point, and frazil
ice forms (figure 9). Slush floes appear on the water surface and collect in
quiet water, eddies and along the shore, freezing into ice sheets. Anchor ice
accumulates on the channel bottom in turbulent shallow reaches. The river
current carries the majority of the slush downriver where, on entering the
backwater of Cook Inlet, it jams at a cons triction to form an ice bridge.
From tnis point the slush packs into an ice cover which accumulates upstream
at a rate dependent on the intensity of cold weather, river morphology and the
hydrodynamics. Growth of the ice cover continues until the upper and middle
river is frozen over and frazil ice is no longer generated. Remaining open
water is gradually closed as i c e grows laterally from the banks.
The main process of ice development on turbulent northern rivers is the
formation and accumulation of fra?.i l ice. Fra?.il ice fot'll's on open water
surfaces when air temperatures are below freezing. Frazil ice is microscopic
ice crystals which fo r ms wh en the river water becomes supercooled.
Supercooling occurs when water loses heat to the atmosphere, producing a
33RD1-007m -..)h--
temperature below the free.zi.ng point (i.e. le ss than 0 C). Supercooling of
river water normally does not go below -0.05 C (Michel, 1971 ). The
supercooling of water stops when the heat of fusion of ice formation produces
an increase in water temperature. In supercooled water, newly formed frazil
ice c rystals are very "active" and either agglomerate to form larger grains or
adhere to underwater objects. This stage of development may last only a few
minutes. Frazil ice takes the shape of flat, circular plates. The frazil ice
becomes inac tive once the river water returns to 0 C from the supercooled
state. The inactive frazil ice grains float to the surface and continue to
grow from atmospheric heat e xchange.
Frazil ice crystals are continuously changing form. From the initial
miniscule crystaline discs t hey grow rapidly into larger grains (figure 10).
The nucleation of frazil ~s known to be associated with foreign particles such
as fine sedioents (Osterkamp, 19 78). The crystals form around these nuclei,
and while the water remains supercooled they grow rapidly in size or stick to
other crystals to form ice floes. The ice floes have densities nearl y equal
to water and remain entrained even at low water velocities. If supercooling
continues the frazil floes grow and eventually gain sufficient mass to
counteract the turbulence and float to the surface. The frazil slush floes
drifting on the surface are agglomera tions of highly porous, poorly bonded ice
grains that can easily break apart and become re-entrained (figures 11 and
12). The slush is therefore constan tly broken up and submerged by turbulence
enroute downstream. On the water surface and in close contact to cold air,
the slush ice grains grow with th e water in the slush pores crystalizing onto
the grain surface . Ice partic lt:! growth tends towards a spherical shape,
suggesting that the flat surfaces grow more ice than at edges or ends. The
p oros ity of the slush decreases as the grain size increases. Measurements of
porosity on the Susitna River indicate decreasing values in the downs tream
direction, which correlates well with the increasing age or residence time of
the slush in the downstream direction. (New frazil ice is formed in the
colder and more turbulent upstream reaches, then floats downstream.) When
flow velocity decreases so that frazil slush remains on the surface, a
continuous layer of solid ice forms on the top of the slush floe. Under these
conditions the ice grains are no longer being broken apart and the water held
in the interstices simply freezes solid, binding the ice particles together in
a solid sheet.
The majority of frazil ice is generated at night when air temperatures
are usually coldest, and generation is reduced or stopped with sunlight when
heat added by solar radiation stops the cooling of the water (Hichel, 1971).
The variable climatic conditions throughout the Susitna River basin
significantly effect the net volume of fra z il slush present in the river and,
consequently, the rate of ice cover development. The dominating
meteorological parameters governing ice formation are air temperature and
solar radiation.
Shore, also called border ice, ice is the first type of ic~ cover to form
over non-turbulent water along a river bank. On many northern rivers an area
of laminar flow exists along the banks . Michel (1971) states:
because in laminar flow there is no intermixing of the top layer with the
botto~ layers, ••• considerable cooling will occur in the top laye r while
the average water temperatu re i s still far above the freezing point. Ice
33RD1-007m ~-
is nucleated on the ·water surface starting in contact with the cold
material along the river bank .•. forming a clear and solid ice sheet.
Michel also recognizes this as a primary ice cover process, second only
to frazil ice accumulation.
Shore ice growth on the Susitna River has not been documented to form
exactly the way Michel describes. This is probably due to the high velocity
and turbulence of this river. An absolute laminar flow area along the banks
is rare on the Susitna and the rapid cooling and subsequent clear ice
formation has only occasionally been observed. Shore ice does develop,
however, often to extensive dimensions . Flow margins, while not laminar, are
relatively slow-moving and water temperatures are close t o those at
mid-channel. Because the turbulence is less, cooling of the surface does
occur, but even a slight amount of mixing prevents the formation of ice on
the surface.
Sho re ice on the Susitna begins forming soon after frazil ice is fir s t
formed, and continues growing t owards the channel center until the rate of
growth equals the rate of erosion by water veloci ty (figure 13). Shore ice
development begins when frazil slush drifts into the low velocity flow margins
along the river banks. Friction against the channel bottom stops the slush,
which freezes to the bank. Slush continues accumulating along the flo~
margins, extending the shore ice out into the channel until flow velocity is
high enough to keep the slush moving, preventing it from freezing in place,
At this point a shear zone develops where moving slush , carried by the flow,
slides along the edge of the fixed shore ice. This usually occurs when the
velocity at the shore ice edge exceeds 1. 0 fps. The face of the shore ice
edge is very rough, consisting of ice grains frozen in place, and the friction
33RD1-007m -~-
on the moving slush ice is enough to slow the v elocity of the floes. The
slush ice flo es are then be ing forced downstream by the water velocit y along
their out side edge while also being f o rced t o a s tandstill along the inside
edge b y friction against the shore ice. The slush floes then tend to break
apart, with th e ice grains either being fo rced underneath the shore ice o r
deposit e d along the top edge in a n a rrow layer, Successive layers are added
in this manner, so that the shore ice grows laterally out into the channel and
vertically down t o the channel bottom by trapping drifting slush ice. This
process is known as "buttering" (Lavender, 1981). Low velocity areas subject
to this t ype of frazil slush accumulation include: the inside bank of river
meanders; shallow flow margins; eddies downstream of any flow obstruction such
as rocks, logs and rapid s; backwater areas above flow cons trictions; and
eddies immediately downstream of a tributary confluence (figure 14 ). In some
reaches the conditions are favorable for extensive shore ice growth from
adjacent banks, so that the surface of the flowing water is constricted. In
these cases floating slush ice often bridges the narrow gap and free z es in
place (see Ice Bridges).
Heavy snowfalls during cold weather often initiate shore ice growth by
rapidly covering low-veloc ity flow margins . If the turbulence is low enough
to not entrain the snow laye r, then water infiltrated into the s now qui c kly
freezes into a rigid snow-ice cover. Once in place this ice cover continues
growing vertica lly by building up add itional layers of black ice. This
process has been documented on some shallow areas of the Susitna where
velocities are nea r zero, including backwater zones, sloughs, beaver ponds and
The growth of s hore i ce in c reases the we tted perimeter of the channel
while decreasing the c ross-sectional area of the channel.
33RD1-007m -Jtr-
This causes an
increase in water level. ·The rising water level often fractures the shore
ice, sometimes simply hinging the ice shelf and separating it from the bank.
This creates a narrow lead of open water between the bank and the shore ice
The rate of shore ice growth seems to depend on the channel depth. Shore
ice grows quickly over shallow flow margins and slowly in deeper water with
high velocities. The gradual decrease in river discharge, therefore, plays an
important role in controlling the extent of shore icP growth. If discharge
remains high or constant (i.e., the same water lev el) tht. shore ice growth is
Ice bridges usually initiate an upstream ice cover progression by frazil
slush accumulation. This eventually leads to a continuous ice cover on most
northern rivers. On the Susitna River, several formation processes have been
documented, all of which may occur during the course of one freezeup period.
The most important ice bridges to form on the Susitna are those on the lower
river, which usually form in the final 10-12 miles upstream of Cook Inlet. In
this reach, an ice bridge forms primarily due t o low flow velocities induced
by a high tide event, allowing t!-!e slush floes to accumulate and form a
continuous cover from bank to bank that freezes in place. Ice bridges may
also form at shore ice constrictions or at shallow riffles where slush ice
floes become grounded while having sufficient cohesion to resist breaking
apart. Of less significance are ice bridges which form late during the
freezeup when water levels rise due to anchor ice (see Ancho r l ee) or shore
ice growth. The rising water lifts the shore ice away from the river banks.
The shore ice fractures into large blocks which are c a ught by the current and
33RD1-007m -y-
drift downstream until they wedge firmly between a channel constriction or
become grounded along the banks. Any type 0f ice bridge acts as a surface
obstruction to slush floes drifting downs tream . These floes either contact
the ice bridges and submerge, become entrained in the flow and re-emerge
further dowr.~tream, or accumulate ag~i~st the upstream z dge of the ob -
The tide fluctuations in Cook Inlet create a backwater that influe nces
water velocities in the final 15-mile reach of the Susitna ~iver. The tides
often fluctuate over 30 feet above the Anchorage reference datum. This datum
is 16.4 feet below the :!.ocal mean sea level. \.fuen a high tide of 34 feet
occurs at Anchorage the high water line is approximately 17.6 feet ar ove me an
sea level. Water velocities a re visibly reduced iP the 10-mile reach of the
Susitna above Cook Inlet .
During the latter half of October, when slush ice floes are drifting
downriver and a high tide occurs in Cook Inlet, the floe s tend to concentrate
in the backwater zone, This accumula tion occ~rs rapidly since the floes are
not conveyed through the reach at the same rate as t hey en ter. Tte
accumulations often attain extensive proportions resembling a continuous ice
cov er but moving at a slow v eloc ity of ab o ut 0.5-l.O fps. When the tide
begins to recede the water level drops and flow v elocity increases . However,
as the surface area of the river decreases it can no longer transpo rt the
massive volumes of accumulated ice, resulting in a jam . The i c e jam gains
stability as the water level c ontinues dropping a nd more ice floes become
grounded. This ice jam prevents incoming ice fl oes from pas s ing out t o s ea.
At low c oncentrations of ice f loes, a bridge does not develop and the ice
accumulation is flushed out t o sea . Ice bridges hav e been observed to f orm at
RM 5 and RM 9 during the 4 years (1981 -19 84) of ice study. The factors
33RD1-007m -~
which appear to coincide be"fore on ice bridge forms in this rea c.h are cold air
temperatures, large volumes of slush ice and a high tide event.
Subsequent to the formation of an ice bridge below RM 10 and the upstream
progres sion of an ice cover, other ice bridges may form above the advancing
ice front. The flow velocity is generally reduced in the backwater a rea
upstream of the leading edge. When the slope gradient is low, the flow
velocity can be reduced to less than 1 fps for a distance of at least o ~e mile
abov e the ice front. During a cold weather event and with high slush ice dis-
charges, the slush may jam at a channel constriction or river me~nder upstream
of the leading edg~ but within the backwater zone, leaving an open water reach
downstream betwe en the new ice bridge and the old leading edge. Ice cover
progres s ion resumes at the new ice bridge. Some slush may break free from the
underside of the upstream ice cover, emerge in the open water below the ice
bridge, and accumulate along the up s tream edge of the old ice front in a thin
sheet. This is shown in Figure 14, along with an example of the pr ~viously
described ice bridges . From 1981 to 1984 river ice bridges have been observed
to form at the following river miles:
46.1 (West Channel, Delta Islands)
At low river discharges (i.e ., les s than 5000 cfs at Gold Creek), several
reaches of the middle river between Talkeetna and Gold Creek have a channel
configuration that allows wide shore ice development.
33RD1-007m -~
The shore ice
constricts the open water surface area to a narrow lead which becomes plugged
by ice floes during a high slush ice discharge. This ice jam freezes in
place, and additional ice floes drifting downstream begin accumulating along
the upstream edge of the ice bridge. lee bridges of this type have been
documented to form at the following river miles :
97.4 (lower river) 120.5
98.8 128.5
105.1 135.5
Ice bridge formation is of paramount importance to further development of
an ice cover. How or where the bridge forms is not critical, but an
obstruction must develop in order to stop the flow of slush out to sea. Once
an ice bridge forms the frazil slush rapidly accumulates along the upstre~m
edge by various processes which are dependent on the physical characteristics
of the ice and the hydrodynamics of the river. Trese processes are discussed
in the following sections.
After the formation of an ice bridge, the upstream progression of an ice
cover is controlled by air temperature at the leading edge, the volume of
incoming ice discharge, the hydrodynamics of the river flow and the physical
properties of the incoming slush ice. Published literature recognizes four
conditions for the progression of the leading edge (Calkins, 1983). The
following diagrams show the four basic processes of ice cover progression, Vp
is ice cover progression rate and V is water velocity, t is ice thickness, and
H is water depth.
1. Progression by simple juxtaposition of the arriving floes with no
subsequent thickening of the ice cover. Ice cover thickness equals
initial slush floe thickness.
H ---v t H < 0.33
2. Slush floes arriving at the leading edge are compressed to a greater
thickness than the original ice floe thickness. This is termed
hydraulic thickening and can occur in various degrees when combined
with the mechanical thickening process of shoving.
l < 'll H' _o.3..,
3. Arriving slush ice floes are compressed and added to the cover but
some also submerge and break apart, eventually being deposited
underneath the ice cover further downstream if lower velocities
v, ..
c , --
4. Arriving slush floes do not accumulate at the ice front but are
subducted beneath the cover and may be deposited some distance
The upstream progression of the ice front by juxtaposition leads to a
rapid ice cover development. On the Susitna River this is the predominant
process of progression downstream of RM 25. The slush ice floes that drift
33RD1-007m -)6-
through this reach have been on the water surface long enough to have formed
a solid surface layer. This significantly strengthens the floes so that they
resist crushing or breaking apart. Virtually all the floes therefore remain
on the surface and c c me to a stop against the leading edge. The floes pack
together and spread across the channel from bank to bank. They accumulate so
rapidly during a high ice discharge that voids of open water may remain
(figure 15). The shearing stresses of flowing water under the ice cover are
no! strong enough to compact the ice floes into a tight configuration.
Hydraulic thickening is the primary process of ice cover advance from
near RM 25 upstream to the reach near Sherman (RM 130). Even as far
downstream as RM 25, the ice floes have not remained continuously on the
surface long enough to form a solid laye-:-. The floes therefore lack coi.~sive
strength and deform readily when contacting the leading edge. Hydraulic
thickening occurs in various forms, depending primarily upon the water
velocity and the cohesive properties of the slush. Generally, with colder air
temperatures the cohesion increases. Less ice cover thickening occurs in
areas of slower water velocities. Arriving ice floes are plastered along the
leading edge to a thickness roughly one-third the water depth in areas where
flow velocity is low. Where the river is steeper, the velocity higher, and
the cohesion of the slush relatively low, thickening continues by a shoving or
compression of the cover. The compression of the cover occurs repeatedly,
creating higher upstream water levels and lower velocities until progression
can resume. This process is known as staging. Water levels can rise
dramatically in a short period of time to many feet above the initial level.
The remaining two processes of undercover deposition are difficult to
document, but probably occur to some extent on the Susitna River. However,
juxtaposition and hydraulic thickening seem to be the predominant processes.
33RD1-007m -~-
Ai r temperatures influence the st<1bili t y of an accumulating ice cov er,
thus affecting the freq u ency and extent of ice shov e s and mechanical
thicken ing. Rapid upstream progress i ons during cold weather periods are due
to !arg e volumes of ice being generated ups tream and t o the fast stabilization
of th€ ice cover as the slush rapidly free z es solid, resulting in fewer and
less e x tensive shoves. Colder air temperatures result in faster sta bilization
of the ice cover. The equation for estimating solidification of the slush
cover i s :
h (t) ~ k z~
where: h(t) = ice thickness at time t in inches
k empirical coefficient based on snow cover
z = accumula ted freezing-degree days (F) since slush
floes stopped down s tream drift
p = porosity of slush
For example, if the mean daily temperature is 20 F, then in one day the
freezing degree-days accumulated equal 12. If no snow lies on the ice then k
is about 0.6. With a slush porosity of 0 .35, the ice cover on the main s tem
would have a solid layer about 1.2 inches thick after 1 hour, about 3.0 inches
thick after 6 hours, and 6 inches thick in 24 hours. At 0 F the rate of
stabilization would increase so that a solid layer 2.0 inches thick would form
i n 1 hour and about 5 .0 inches thick would form in 6 hours .
Slush ice is relatively weak when compared to black ice, due to the
number of bonding surfaces between the small ice grains of slush ice. Black
ice, which grows at a slower rate, develops large crystals with fewer boundary
surfaces resulting in a substantially stronger material. During warmer
temperatures, a solid layer may not form in the slush floes. The compressions
then occur concurrently with the arrival of ice floes at the leading edge.
This is more difficult to distinguish, as several processes occur
simultaneously. The slush ice accumulates in the backwater and rapidly fills
the wetted surface area of the open water. The slush floes become grounded
along the flow margins, with a shear zone developing where moving slush slides
past grounded or fixed shore ice. Slush sliding along the shear zone deposits
layers of ice grains along the shore ice, increasing the width of the latter.
Additional slush is pushed under the shore ice and fills in any space between
the channel bottom and the underside of the shore ice. The slush continues
building rapidly onto the shore ice until it has extended out into the channel
to some distance where the velocity of the flowing slush prevents furt-her
deposition. The shore ice is now in equilibrium for the prevailing flow and
temperature conditions, neither building nor eroding. If either the water
velocity or air temperature decreases, then the shore ice would begin building
out again.
The velocity of slush ice is decreased by friction when contacting the
shore ice. This decrease in velocity is transferred to other ice floes
further out in the channel. There is generally an increase in velocity from
the flow margin to the channel center. Slush therefore tends to accumulate
first at the channel perimeter and proceeds towards the channel center,
creating a V-shaped leading edge . The fastest flow velocities at center
channel are in the notch of the V. Along the sides of the V, the slush floes
are compressed and are no longer distinguishable in the resulting ice cover.
If air temperatures remain warm enough to prevent the rapid freezing of the
33RDl-007m -.)t-
surface layer, then the ·accumulating, unconsolidated ice mass constantly
compresses due to the mass of upstream ice and flow friction acting on the ice
cover. The momentum of the moving ice is sufficient to compress the cover to
thicknes.1es greater than that necessary 1.or upstream progression. For this
reason, ice thickness measurements often detect 10 to 15 feet of slush beneath
a solid ice layer of several feet, although the channel gradient or water
velocity are not high enough to justify that much resultant stagin~.
Compression or shoving occurs only in reaches of high water velocity
(generally greater than 4 fps), but this also depends on the degree of
solidification of the slush. Unsolidified slush compresses at lower
veloc ities. The massive bank-to-bank compressions of the entire ice cover
usually only occur where water velocities exceed 4 fps.
On the lower river and in some reaches of the middle river, the com-
pressions occur sporadically. The final ice cover shows evidence of
compression zones followed by a reach where the floes juxtaposed. At the end
of the juxtaposed section, another compression occurs (figure 16). This
pattern extends from Cook Inlet to Talkeetna. In constrast, much of the
middle river is entirely compressed, with the ice cover shoved laterally until
it contacts the surrounding terrace. During a compression the forces within
the cover are transmit ted to the banks. If the bank slope is low, ice is
pushed laterally up the bank well beyond the water level. If the banks are
steep, the ice is contained without the lateral spreading. The latter
condition is more prevalent on the middle river, with the former more typical
of the lower river.
The rapid development of open water leads in the ice cover is evidence of
instability between the stable ice and flowing water. The widespread
occurrence of the leads suggests that an ice cover, particularly on the middle
river, is either eroding -or building, but is rarely stable. The rate of
erosion is dependent on the air temperature and the water velocity. Open
leads can form within 1-3 miles below :he ice front, with exceptions noted
where leads have developed within a few hundred feet below the leading edge.
During e x tremely cold weather (i.e ., below-15 C) the channel leads begin to
form a secondary ice cover by a gradual accumulation of slush at the
downstream end. This secondary ice cover progresses upstream until completely
covering the open water. If the cold weather ends before a complete ice cover
reforms, open water may remain all winter. Erosion of the ice cover is
evident by a decre3 se in water level and a sagging of the ice cover by many
feet. This is due partially to a steady but gradual decrease in discharge.
However, the primary cause is the erosion or removal of unsolidified slush ice
under the solid layer. The entire ice cover between banks settles until the
slush contacts the channel bottom along the low flow margins.
In supercooled water, frazil ice crystals hav e a propensity for adhering
to any object in contact with the river flow. When frazil ice adheres to
rocks on the channel bottom, it is commonly referred to as anchor ice. Anchor
ice generally forms in shallows immediately downstream of a turbulent reach.
The turbulence is required to supercool the entire water column down to the
channel bottom so that frazil ice forms and is maintained in the active state
until it adheres to the substrate. Deeper reaches are generally free of
anchor ice because they are less turbulent and the supercooled condition does
not effect the entire water column. Anchor ice can accumulate in thick layers
in and below shallow rapids where depths do not exceed 4 feet. The greatest
accumulations therefore occur in the rapids themselves, often altering the
33RD1-007m -~
flow regime by either effectively raising the bed surface and increasing the
water level, or by restricting the flow and creating a backwater area. Anchor
ice "dams" have been documented between Sherman (RM 130 ) and Portage Creek (RM
149). The thickness of the anchor ice dams can exceed 2 feet. They tend to
locally lncreas e water velocity by restricting the cross sectional area,
creating turbulence which helps to maintain the supercooled condition of the
flow. When supercooling ceases, due to increased air temperature or the
formation of an ice cover, anchor ice tends to release from the bottom and
float, often taking along material from the channel bottom. Anchor ice is
usually readily visible, as it takes on a dark tint (generally appears brown
but this varies with depth) from accumulating small sediment particles . The
sediRent probably was saltating along the bottom until contacting the rough
and highly porous surface of the anchor ice. The sediment is trapped between
the crystals and is eventually covered by more frazil ice layers.
On clear days, solar radiation or warm air temperatures can raise the
substrate temperature sufficiently so that anchor ice breaks away and floats
to the surface, oftea carrying with it accumulations of sediment. The anchor
ice floes drift downstream, eventually becoming incorporated in a downstream
ice cover.
Studies of anchor ice have shown it to be an important ecological factor
relative to lentic macrofauna and fishes (Needham and Jones, 1959). Anchor
ice forms only in areas which have no upwelling of relatively warm groundwater
through the substrate. When anchor ice releases from the channel bottom it
generally dislodges bed material, causing bottom macrofauna to become
entrained and made available as food to resident fish species.
33RD1-007m -K-
This section discusses jce cover formation on the Susitna River from the
mouth at Cook Inlet to the middle river reach near Vee Canyon .
The initiation of ice cover developcent on the Susitna River usually
occurs when large volumes of slush ice fail to pass through a channel
constriction near the river mouth at Cook Inlet. The meander at RM 9 forces
the ice floes to contact the outside (west) bank. At a high tide the
resulting backwater furthP.r reduces the water velocity. With high ice concen-
trations and cold air temperatures, bridging is likely to occur. Cold air
temperatures are necessary to quickly freeze the ice in place. Upstream ice
cover progression by accumulating ice floes can begin as soon as the slush ice
velocity slows. The higher upstream velocity of incoming slush causes a
greater volumt! of slush to accumulate against the upstream edge than can be
expelled from the downstream end. Therefore, with a low channel gradient and
slow water velocity the ice cover "advances" upstream by juxtaposing (Figure
A fixed ice cover imparts a frictional resistance to flowing water,
causing an increase in water level. The increase in water level, called
staging, is required to slow water velocities to such a point that ice floes
are not swept beneath the leading edge of the ice cover. The maximum staging
level observed below RM 26 is about 2-3 feet, with ice thickness averaging 3
feet. This ice thickness refers to the total of solid surface ice (frozen
slush) and the underlying loose slush. Air temperature controls the thickness
of the solid ice fraction simply by continually freezing additional slush ice.
If the underlying slush ice is removed by erosion, then growth of the solid
surface ice layer slows significantly.
Prior to the initi~~ion of freezeup, Alexander Slough is usually
dewatered when decreasing mainstem flows drop below th,, critica l level to
overtop the entrance. The developing ice cover stages suft ~ciently to flood
the channel. Water usually inundates the snow cover in the side channel and
along the flow margins. This quickly freezes solid, producing a shorefast ice
cover. The flowing open water in Alexander Slough often requires more than
four additional weeks to freeze, primarily because the stage does not increase
enough to allow the passage of slush ice. The slush ice rafts are usually 2-3
feet thick. Unless the stage increases by that value above the threshold
elevation of the channel entrance, the floes can not drift into the side
channel. The depth of water over the channel entrance at Alexander Slough has
been observed at 1 foot, so the ice rafts become grounded a short distance
from the main chailnel. No slush ice cover progression has therefore been
observed in Alexander Slough. Closure is achieved by border ice growth.
Higher water velocities near RM 26 prevent ice cover progression by
simple juxtapositiorl . and mechanical thickening of the cover begins. This
process of thickening occurs after the slush ice cover is in place. The
frictiona l shear between high velocity water and the fixed ice creates an
unstable condition, which can cause a portion of the ice cover to shift. This
sudden movement upsets the stability of adjacent ice and in seconds the entire
local cover is moving downstream and consolidating. A chain reaction of this
type has been observed to affect over 2,000 feet of ice cover. Compression of
unconsolidated slush ice during this move causes the total thickness to
increase. The ice c vv er may also be shoved laterally ~nto the ·Janks often
above the water line. Several ice compression phases have been timed to last
more than 8 minutes, which brought the leading edge downstream about one-half
mile and increased the s tage about two feet.
Aerial observations noted that the Yentna River often contributes about
50-60% of the total estimated icc volume below the Susitna confluence. When
the ice front reaches the confluence it separates and continues up the Susitna
River, while another leading edge goes up the Yentna River (figure 16). The
progression rate on the Yentna River is faster due to its morphological
characteristics and high ice discharge. The Yentna is generally narrower,
shallower and has fewer channels compared to the Susitna. The s l ower water
velocities also permits less ice thickening, therefore requiring less ice
volume to develop a stable cover.
A stage increase of 3.9 feet has been measured at the entrance to Kroto
Slough (RM 40.1). This is sufficient to overtop the slough with a flow depth
of 1. 5 feet at the entrance, but few ice floes can enter due to a t y pical
thicknesses of about 2 feet. The elevated mainstem stag·· also effects the
Deshka River by creating a backwater zone which extends about 2 miles
upstream. The surface water velocities on the Deshka are reduced enough to
allow Susitna ice floes to be pushed up the Deshka for about 100 feet. Slush
ice drifting down the Deshka River encounters this barrier to flow and an
upstream advance by accumulating ice is initiated. The Deshka has low water
velocities and the slush ice advances by juxtaposition, eventually freezing
into a solid ice cover.
When the ice cover progression enters the Delta Islands the leading edge
splits. Ice fronts advance separately up the east and west channels. The
east channel ice cover progresses more slowly. The advancing ice cover
generally causes stage increases high enough to inundate the snow cover over
the Willow Creek gravel fan. This saturated snow eventually freezes into an
ice cover. However, the water course from Willow Creek is not u s ually
altered. The stage through this area increases about 3 feet during the ice
33RD1-007m -}( -
front advance. Slush ice . from the Susitna does not encroach on the creek
confluence. In 1983, the stage increase measured on the west channel of the
Delta Islands, near RM 48, was about 2.5 feet. This channel was flooded but
no slush ice entered. The Susitna ice cover progresses through the Delta
Islands and converges near RM 51, then continues to proceed upstream.
The reach above the Delta Islands contains more secondary channels within
a broad gravel and sand floodplain. The primary or main channel is
relatively shallow at freezeup and when the water level rises a wide area is
generally flooded. The ice floes remain contained within the main channel,
since water depth is not sufficient t" float them laterally out of the
thalweg. As the ice cover proceed e d through this reach in 1983, a large
portion of the flood plain was inundat ed. The saturated snow eventually froze
solid, creating an ice cover but without the hummocked appearance of the main
channel slush ice cover.
Many of the lower river side channel complexes are flooded during ice
cover progression. vfuen the staged mainstem overtops the channel entrances,
existing ice over isolated pools in side channels is immediately broken up and
washed downstream. Mainstem slush ice often accompanies the :>urge through the
side channel at RM 60. The slush ice and ice debris occasionally accumulates
in small jams a short distance below the side cha nnel entrance, but is usually
carried out to the mainstem. A mainstem stage increase of about 3 feet occurs
near the mouth of Kashwitna River (RM 60) (figure 17).
The effects of mainstem staging are not evident to a significant degree
at the mouth of Sheep Creek. Sheep Creek enters a side channel that exte nc~
from RM 62 to RM 67. Through this reach the mainstcm is along the west bank.
Since the side channel complex is on the east bank, it is not usually affected
by backwater or overtopping during ice cover progression.
Goose Creek enters a -side channel that runs from RM 69 to RM 72. This
side channel was flooded in 1984 but not in 1983 (figure 18).
The mouth of Montana Creek is significantly influenced by the staging
process. The existing channel mouth steadily degrades when the mainstem water
level recedes. T~e absence of an extensive backwater area results in higher
tribut:ary velocities at the mouth and subsequently more downcutting at low
mainstem flows. Montana Creek can therefore become entrenched in the alluvial
fan. Heavy anchor ice deposits usually accumulate on the substrate, and a
large ice dam has been observed to develop about 200 feet above the
confluence. When the ice front approaches RM 73, 2 miles downstream of the
tributary confluence, the mainstem stage adjc.cent to Z.tontana Creek increases
by about 1 foot and creates a backwater zone that floods the tributary channel
and ice dam. A maximum stage increase of 7.1 feet was measured on
November 18, 1983, and most of the confluence area was inundated. The snow
cover over much of the alluvial fan was flooded and subsequently formed ice.
An additional 2 feet of staging would have been required to completely overtop
the alluvial fan.
Ice thicknesses measured adjacent to the Hontana Creek confluence (RM 77)
in late January, 1984 averaged 6.8 feet, with a minimum of 1.3 feet and a
maximum of 7.0 feet. The channel gradient is relatively steep in this a~ea,
with the ice cover usually remaining unstable. After the initial progression
through this reach, an open lead appears from about RM 71 to RM 85. This lead
eventually freezes over again when entrained frazil ice floats and accumulates
at the lower end and along the sides. This secondary progression may not
completely close the lead. In March 1984, open water remained from RM 81 to
RM 85.
Sunshine Slough and side channels are usually ov ertopped and flooded.
Slush ice has not been observLd entering this system due to an insuf f icient
overtopping depth at the entrance. These channels subsequently require an
additional 8-12 weeks to freeze over, with many leads existing all winter.
The side chann ... ls leading to the entrance of Birch Creek Slough are
flooded but the stage does not increase enough to overtop the slough entrance.
The maximl'.m observed increase was 3. 1 feet in 1983, near the upstream entrance
to Birch Creek Slough. An additional foot would have been necessary for over-
Trapper Creek is not affected by Susitna mainstem freezeup. At
prefreezeup stages Trapper Creek does not merge with the Susitna until RM 90.
No slush ice floes drifted up into the creek mouth, and flow remains
unrestricted by ice. With the except ion of some backwater, Birch Creek and
Sunshine Creek are also unaffected by the ice advance. The flow in Rabideux
Creek is low during freezeup (discharge estimated less than 10 cfs) and the
staging has been measured to reached 7 feet over the open water level.
Most of the side channels below Talkeetna are flooded to sone extent,
often only saturating the snow cover. Several side channels, such as Sunshine
Slough and Kroto Slough, remain flooded all winter. The maximum staging
levels seem to be temporary, and water levels along the entire lower river
recede once the leading edge has moved upstream several miles. This may be
due to ice cover erosion and the development of leads, or seepage of water
into the adjacent banks.
A reduction in mainstem stage may cause the ice cover to sag and
eventually collapse. A thinning of the ice cover by erosion has also been
measured over high velocity cells along a cross section. Ice thickness
measurements along the banks usually reveal thicknesses representative of the
original ice cover at the time of progression. Thin covers have been located
over fast flowing water, either at mid-channel or along either bank. The thin
ice covers are indicative of areas where water velocity (friction) is high
enough to erode the underside of the ice cover. Table 4 lists the major open
leads documented by aerial photography in 1983 on the lower and middle river.
Figure 19 illustrates the general fr~ezeup sequence for the lower Susitna
River. Water level fluctuations due to staging at sev eral lower river sites
have been plotted and are shown in Ligure 20.
See table 5 for ice
The following sequence suD'Illlarizes the highlights and general freezeup
characteristics of the lower river from Cook Inlet to the Chulitna River
1. An ice bridge forms at a channel constriction near the mouth of the
Susitna during a high tide and high slush ice discharge.
2. A rapid upstream advance of an ice cover by slush accumulation.
3. Thin, unconsolidated initial ice cover forms.
4. Minimal staging (2-4 feet) occurs up to Sunshine, with over 4 feet
occurring near Talkeetna.
5. Little telescoping or spreading out of the ice cover occurs due to
shoving. Ice cover generally is confined to the thalweg channel.
6. Tributaries generally continue flowing through the winter.
33RD1-007m -H-
Table 4
Major Annually Recurring Open Leads
Between Sunshine RM 83 and Devil Canyon RM 151
Locations and Dim*sions on Harch 2, 1983
Location of !I£!. Continuous
UEsteam End Channel of AEErox. Widest or
River Mile If T~Ee Lead (1) Len~th (Ft) Point ~Ft) Discontinuous
85.0 Mainstem Velocity 550 80 Continuous
87.1 Slough Velocity 4,500 50 Discontinuous
87.6 Mainstem Velocity 700 100 Continuous
89.0 Hainstem Velocity 1,200 100 Continuous
Side Channel Velocity 2,500 40 Continuous
89.5 Mainstem Velocity 1,400 60 Discontinuous
91.0 Mainstem Velocity 1,700 80 Discontinuous
92.3 Mcdnstem Velocity 1,300 110 Discontinuous
93.7 Mainstem Velocity 3,500 110 Continuous
94.0 Mainstem Velocity 3,500 20 Discontinuous
95.2 Side Channel Velocity 2,400 100 Continuous
96.9 Side Channel Velocity 5,600 lJO Discontinuous
97.0 Mains tern Velocity 1,100 30 Continuous
102.0 Mainstem Velocity 2,400 100 Discontinuous
102.9 Mains tern Velocity 600 100 Continuous
103.5 Mains tern Velocity 1,850 100 Discontinuous
104.1 Mainstem Velocity 280 70 Continuous
104.5 Mainst.em Velocity 1,700 110 Continuous
104.9 Mainstem Velocity 900 150 Continuous
105.9 Mainstem Velocity 1,050 100 Continuous
106.1 Mainstem Velocity 200 60 Continuous
106.4 Mainstem Velocity 370 50 Continuous
106.6 Mains tern Velocity 350 50 Discontinuous
107.4 Mainstem Velocity 200 50 Continuous
109.1 Mainstem Velocity 550 100 Discontinuous
110.3 Mainstem Velocity 150 100 )iscontinuous
110.5 Mainstem Velocity 290 50 Continuous
110.9 Mainstem Velocity 450 50 Discontinuous
111.5 Mainstem Velocity 1,600 100 Continuous
111.7 Mainstem Velocity 500 90 Continuous
111.9 Mainstem Velocity 900 150 Continuous
112.5 Hainstem Velocity 700 100 Discontinuous
112.9 Mains tern Velocity 500 110 Continuous
113.8 Mainstem Velocity 600 110 Continuous
117.4 Mainstem Thermal 780 60 Continuous
117.9 Side Channel Thermal 1,260 120 Discontinuous
119.6 Side Channel Thermal 550 50 Continuous
119.7 Mainstem Velocity 350 50 Continuous
Location of ~ Ufsteam End Channel of
River Mile # T;a~e Le~(l)
120.3 Mainstem Velocity
121.1 Mainstem Velocity
121.8 Side Channel Thermal
122.4 Slough (7) Thermal
122.5 Slough (7) Thermal
122.9 Slough (7) Thermal
123.1 Hainstem Velocity
123.9 Side Channel Thermal
124.4 Side Channel Velocity
124.9 Mainstem Thermal
125.3 Slough (8) Thermal
125.5 Hainstem Velocity
125 .5 Slough (8) Thermal
125.6 Hainstem Velocity
125.9 Slough (8) Thermal
126.1 Slough (8) Thermal
126.3 Slough (8) Thermal
126.8 Slough (8) Thermal
127.2 Side Channel Thermal
127.5 Hainstem Velocity
128.9 Slough (9) Thermal
128 .5 Side Channel Thermal
128.8 Side Channel Thermal
129.2 Slough Thermal
130.0 Hainstem Velocity
130.8 Side Channel Thermal
130 .7 Hainstem Velocity
131.1 Mainstem Velocity
131.3 Mainstem Velocity
131.5 Side Channel Thermal
131.3 Side Channel Thermal
132.0 Mainstem Velocity
132.1 Mainstem Velocity
132.3 Hainstem Velocity
132.6 Mainstem Velocity
133.7 Slough Thermal
133 .7 Mainstem Velocity
134.3 Slough (10) Thermal
134.0 Side Channel Thermal
134.5 Side Channel Thermal
135.2 Hainstem Velocity
Lensth (Ft)
Wi d est or
Point (Ft) Discontinuous
100 Continuous
100 Continuous
30 Discontinuous
60 Discontinuous
50 Continuous
80 Discontinuous
80 Continuous
50 Continuous
40 Continuous
90 Continuous
50 Discontinuous
100 Continuous
500 Continuous
60 Continuous
50 Continuous
30 Continuous
50 Continuous
80 Discontinuous
50 Continuous
80 Continuous
100 Continuous
30 Discontinuous
20 Continuous
30 Discontinuous
90 Continuous
50 Discontinuous
50 Continuous
90 Continuous
100 Continuous
80 Discontinuous
90 Discontinuous
20 Continuous
20 Discontinuous
80 Continuous
80 Continuous
60 Continuous
100 Continuous
40 Continuous
50 Continuous
100 Continuous
90 Discontinuous
Location of ~
U~steam End Channel of
River Mile I Tl:~e Lead(1 )
135.7 Slough (11) Thermal
136.0 Mainstem Velocity
136.3 Side Channel Thermal
136.7 Mainstem Thermal
137.1 Mainstem Velocity
137.4 Side Channel Thermal
137.8 Slough (16) Thermal
138.2 Mainstem Velocity
138.9 Mainstem Thermal
139.0 Mainstem Velocity
139.1 Mainstem Velocity
138.4 Mainstem Velocity
140.6 Side Channel Thermal
Slough (20) Thermal
142.0 Slough (21) Thermal
141.5 Mainstem Velocity
142.0 Mainstem Velocity
142.6 Mainstem Velocity
142.8 Mainstem Velocity
143.6 Mainstem Velocity
Main stem Velocity
143.8 Mainstem Velocity
143.9 Mainstem Ve.1.ocity
144.5 Mainstem Velocity
Slough (22) Thermal
144.6 Slough (22) Thermal
145.5 Mainstem Velocity
146.9 Mainstem Velocity
147.1 Mainstem Velocity
147.7 Mainstem Velocity
14 8 .1 Mainstem Velocity
148.5 Mainstem Velocity
149.0 Mainstem Velocity
149.5 Mainstem Velocity
150.0 Hainstem Velocity
150.2 Mainstem Velocity
151.? Mainstem Velocity
(1) Velocity indicates lead kept open by
kept open b y groundwater seepage.
A~~rox. Widest
Lensth (Ft) Point (Ft)
40 so
flows. Thermal
indicates lead
1981 1982 1983
Average Th ic kness Ave r age Thi ckness Average Thickness
Location Date -so l i d -S lu s h ·• Location Date So I id S lu s h • Location Dat.e So I id Slush ·
Vee Canyon 0 1 /13/8 1 3. 1 30 Deadman Cr . 2.9 11.4
(RM 223) 'I"_(RM 187 )
Deadmiln <.r 02/27/8 1 2.6 4.0 • wa t ana 03/11/82 3 .0 1.5 Wattt na 02/04/83 2 .II 0
( RM 187) 011/04/8 1 3.0 0 ( RM 18 2 .3 ) ~(RM 182.3) 04/12/83 2.8 0
UR X-1 02 03/04/81 2.8 1 . 3 •fr-Portage Cr 03/13/82 2 .5 1 . 7 .Portage Cr 02/0 4/83 2.5
(RM 186.6 ) (.( RM 148.8) ~· -{ UR X-1 03 03/0 4 /8 1 2.5 1 . 5 1 "' (RM 146 .8 ) 011/12/83 3. 0 1 . 1
( RM 165 . 7) ' URX-104 03/05/6 1 2.0 3.6 LR X-6 1 04/16/62 3 .0 3.0 ·I Go ld Cr 02/04/83 1 .6 0
(RM 18 5.3) ' I;,
UR X-1 05 03/05/61 2.5 2 . 1 "t RM 146.6) ~ (RM 1 36.6 ) 04/12/83 2.3 0
(UM 184.6 1
UR X-1 06 03/06/6 1 2.4 3.4 LRX-53 04/13/62 2 .0 2 .5
(RM 184.5 1 I
UR X-107 03/06/81 2.4 2.4 ~( RM 140.2 ) I
(RM 184 .2 1
UR X-1 06 03/07/81 2.2 3.3
~ ( RM 18 3.6 )
UR X-1 0 9 03/07/6 1 2 .5 2.3 Curry 03/13/82 3.2 1 . 5 02/04/63 1.9
(RM 181,.9)
\ RM 120.6 ) ·'.
UR X-11 0 03/06/8 1 2.0 2.0 I ( RM 120 .6) 04/12/63 2.2
( RM 162.6 ) !
wa tana 0 4 /0 1 /6 1 2. 1 2. 1
(RM1 82.3 )
URX-11 2 03/08/61 3.0 1 •• chu l itna Co n~ 0?/04/63 2 .9 2
( RM 18 1 .6 ) \
URX-113 03/09/81 3 .3 1.9 (RM 96.6) 04/12/63 2.8 2
( RM 180 . 1)
UR X-1 14 03/09/61 2.5 2.2
(RM 179 .7 )
URX-11 5 03/10/81 2.5 2.2
( RM 178 .8 )
URX-116 03/11 /81 1.3 5 .5
( RM 1'(6. 6)
URX-11 7 03/11/82 2 .6 1. 5
(RM 176.2)
URX-118 03/11/81 2.0 3 .0
( RM 17 3.9 )
UR X-11 9 03/1 2/81 2 .0 3.0
(RM 170.0)
UR X-1 20 03/12/61 2 .0 2 .3
( RM 167. 1)
UR X-1 2 1 03/13/61 3 .9
(RM 162.5 )
Portage Cr 03/15/8 1 2 .4 1.3
( RM 1'18 . 8)
Gold Creek 0 1/1 4 /81 2. 1 1 .0
(RM 136.6 ) 02/27/8 1 2.3 0.9
Sherman 03/05/81 2 .1 0.6
( RM 12 8 .5 )
Cur r y
( RM 120.6)
(RM 103.3)
02/27/8 1
03 /05/81
1 . 8
1. 9
7. The following major side channel complexes are subject to overtopping
during freezeup due to mainstem staging that exceeds the thres~old
a. Alexander Slough
b. Delta Islands Side Channels
c. Rustic Wilderness Side Channel
d. Goose Creek Side Channel
e. Sunshine Side Channel
8. Flooded snow forming snow ice along channel margins, with variable
9. High initial freezeup discharges near 16,000 cfs at Sunshine are common,
with low final discharges of about 5,000 cfs (based on USGS daily
computed values).
10. Gravel bars and islands are seldom overtopped.
11. Flow is often diverted into connecting side channels.
12. Ice cover sags due to a gradual decrease in discharge, bank storage, and
erosion of the ice cover.
33RD1-007m -')fl-
U. Open leaas persist !n side channels and high velocity zones through
i4. Surface area of open water decreases due to steady ice accumulations and
decline of water surface.
15. Clear ice builds up under slush ice c o ver.
16. Minimal shore ice develops, due to relatively warm air temperatures
before ice cover advances.
When an ice bridge forms at the Chulitna confluence, ice progression
moves upstream from the confluence to the vicinity of Gold Creek. Depending
on cliruatic conditions, this bridge may form either when ice cover progression
in the lower river reaches the confluence, or is wel l s hort of it. Depending
on the flow rate, ice concentrations and channel morphology, an ice bridge may
form in November or December just upstreac of the confluence of the Susitna -·
and Chulitna Rivers (figure 21). The flow discharge a t Gold Creek during this
period is typically ab0ut 4,900 cfs. In some year ~ with severe cold periods
occurring during ice front progression, one or more secondary bridges may form
upstream of the confluence bridge, forming secondary leading edges.
Th~ processes of ice cover telescoping, sagging, open lead development
and secondary ice cover progression are the predominant characteristics
through this reach (figure 2 2, 23 and 24). Telescoping, or shoving, occurs
during consolidation of the ~ce cover. When the velocity at the leading edge
is low, ice floes drifting downstream contact the edge, remain on the surface,
33RD1-nn7:: -~-
and accumulate upstream b y· jux taposition at a rate proportional to the con-
centration of slush ice and to the channel width. This accumulation z o ne can
be extremely long, generally being governed by the local channel grad ient ,
amount of staging and extent of the resulting backwater. This buildup
continues until a critical velocity is encountered, causing the leading edge
to become unstable with ice floes submerging under the ice cover. The
pressure on a thin ice cover increases as ice mass builds up and higher
velocities are reached in conjunction with upstream advance . At an
undetermined crit i cal pressure, the ice cover becomes unstable and fails .
This sets off a chain reaction , and within seconds the entire ice sheet is
mo ving downstream. Several miles of ice c over b elow the leading edge can be
affected by this consolida tion. This process r e sults in icc cover stabi-
lization due to a shortening of the ice cover, substantial thickening as the
ice is compressed, a stage increase, and telescoping. The shoving occurs only
during each consolidation. As the ice compress es downstream, tremendous
pressures are exerted on the ice cover below the accumulation zone and on the
river banks. The ice mass s hifts to relieve the stresses exerted on it by the
upstream cover, often becoming thicker in the process. This tends to further
constrict the flow, resulting in an inc rease in stage. As the stage
increa ses, t!"te entire ice cover lifts. Any additional pressures within the
ice cover can then be reliev ed by latera l expansion of the ice across the
river channel . This process of latera~ telescoping can continue until the ice
cover has either expanded bank to bank or else has encountered some other
obstruction (such as gravel islands) on which the ice becomes strande d.
The ict. cover over water-filled channels continues t 0 float during ice
cover progression. However, because of constant contact with high-velocity
water, the ice cover erodes rapidly in areas, sagging and eventually
collapsing. In some reaches these open leads can extend for several hundred
yards. A secondary ice cover generally accumulates in the open leads, often
completely closing the open water by the end of March. The process is similar
to the initial progression except on a smaller scale. Slush ice begins
accumulating against the downstream end of the leads and progresses upstream.
Generally it takes several weeks to effect a c omplete closure (figure 25).
Ice cover saggirtg, collapse, and open lead development usually occurs
within days after a slush ice cover s tabilizes (figure 26 and 27). A steady
decrease in flow discharge gradually lowers the water surface elevation along
the entire river. Also, the staging process which had raised the water
surface within the thalweg channel tends to se ~k an equilibrium level with the
lower water table by percolating through the gravels of the surrounding
The ice cover continues to move up the Susitna River, although at a
steadily decreasing rate as the channel gradient increases. Since the
gradient and the river velocities are increasing, staging levels must increase
in order to create sufficient backwater to slow velocities to allow ice
juxtaposition. Although flows are only in the range of 3,000-5,000 cfs at
this time, the water rises to levels equivalent to open water flows of up to
45,000 cfs. This often causes breaching of upst':'eam berms on many of the
sloughs and side channels. Significant quantities of slush ice are swept into
these channels, entering the backwater area caused by the downstream staging.
The slush ice then consolidates and freezes in the side channel, resulting in
ice thi cknesses of up to 5-6 feet. This process occurs at different levels in
different years and at different locations on the river.
Many of the sloughs have groundwater seeps which persist through the
winter. This groundwater is relatively warm, with winter temperatures of 1-3
C(R&M, 1982). This is sufficiently warm to prevent a stable ice cover from
fo nn ing in those areas not filled with slush ice. This relatively warm flow
develops ice along the margins, constricting the surface area to a narrow
lead. The leads rarely freeze over, often extending for thousands of feet
downstream. Open water was observed all winter in the following s~oughs in
this reach:
Slough 7
Slough SA
Slough 9
Slough 10
Slough 11
The ice front progrEssion rate decreases as the ice front moves upriver.
In 1982, the progression rate slowed to 0.05 miles per day by the time it
reached Gold Creek. The slush ice ~ront progression from the Susitna/Chulitna
confluence generally terminates in the vicinity of Gold Creek, about 35 to 40
miles upstream from the confluence, by December or early J<~nuary. This is
probably due to the increase in gradient, and to the reduction in frazil ice
generation in the upper river as it develops a continuous ice cover. The
upper river freezes over by border ice growth and bridging before the
advancing leading edge has an opportunity to reach there. See table 5 for ice
thicknesses. Figure 19 shows a generalized schematic of middle river
The freezeup characteristics on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and
Gold Creek are summarized as follows:
1. Frazil ice plumes appear as early as September, but more commonly in
early October.
2. Velocities are generally be~een fps.
3. Discharges at Gold Creek range from 4,900 cfs on November i to 1,500 cfs
by the end of March. (USGS estimates).
4. lee bridge sometimes initiate an independent ice cover progression from
the Susitna/Chulitna confluence.
5. The rate of ice advance gradually decreases from 3.5 miles per day near
the confluence to 0.05 miles per day at Gold Creek.
6. Flow diversion~ into side channels and some sloughs occur.
7. Surface ice constrictions are formed by border ice growth.
8. Staging levels of 4-6 feet occur.
9. lee pack consolidates through telescoping of ice cover late~ally across
10. lee cover sags.
11. Open leads and secondary ice covers are common.
12. Berm breaches at Slough SA.
13. Staging affects the local water table.
14. Thermal influx by groundwater seepage prevents ice cover formation in
sloughs that are not breached and inundated with slush.
The reach from Gold Creek to Devil Canyon freezes over gradually, with a
complete ice cover occurring mu c h later than on the river further downstream.
The delay can be explained by the relatively high velocities induced by the
steep gradient and by the absence of a continuous ice pack progression past
Gold Creek. The river upstream of this reach usually freezes over by late
December (figure 28), resulting in an insufficient length of o p en water
remaining to generate the large volumes of frazil necessary to cause the ice
cover to progress past Gold Creek (figure 29).
The most significant features of freezeup between Gold Creek and Devil
Canyon are wide border ice layers, ice build-up on rocks and formation of ice
covers over eddies. Ice dams have been identified at several locations below
Portage Creek (figures 30 to 33). Generally, these dams form when the rocks
to which the frazil ice adheres are located near the water surface. When air
temperatures are cold (less than -10 C), the ice-covered rocks continue
accumulating additional layers of anchor ice until they break the water
surface. The ice-covered rocks effectively increase the water turbulence,
stimulating frazil production and accelerating ice formation. The ice dams
are often at sites constricted by border ice. The dams dOd constrictions
cr2ate a backwater area by restricting the streamflow, subsequently causing
extensive overflow onto the border ice. The overflow bypasses the ice sills
and re-enters the channel at a point further downstream. Within the backwater
area, slush ice accumulates in a thin layer from bank to bank and eventually
Since the ice formation process in this reach is primarily due to border
ice growth, the processes described for the Talkeetna to Gold Creek r each do
not occur. There is only minimal staging. Sloughs and side channels are not
breached at the upper end, and remain open all winter due to groundwater
inflow. Open leads exist in the main channel, but are primarily in high-
velocity areas between ice bridges.
To summarize, the following are the significant freezeup characteristics
of the river reac h between Gold Creek and Devil Canyon.
1. The reach has a steep gradient, high velocities, and a single channel.
2. A discontinuous ice cover occurs, usually by formation of local ice
covers s eparated by open leads. This results in a late freeze over,
generally in March.
3. There is extensive border ice growth, with very wide layers of shore-fast
ice constrictins the channel.
4. Anchor ice dams create local backwater areas, which form ice covers and
cause overflow.
5. Ice covers exist over ed d ies which form behind large boulders in the
33RD l -007m -):2 -,,
6. Minima l staging oc c urs. No sloughs are breached, and no flow is diverted
into side channels.
7. Few leads open after the initial ice cover. Minimal ice sagging occurs.
8. Thermal influx by groundwater seeps keeps sloughs open all winter.
9. Extensive development of snow ice occurs.
4. DEVIL CANYON (to De v il Creek)
Ice proces ses in Devil Canyon (RH 150 to RH 151.5) create the thickest
ice along the Susitna River, with mee ~ured thic knes ses of up to 23 feet (R&M,
19818). The remote, inaccessible canyon has a narrow, confined channel with
high flow velocities and extreme turbulence, making direct observations
difficult. Consequently, in 1982 a time-lapse camera, on loan from the
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, was mounted on the south rim of
the canyon to document the proc esses causing th~se great ice thicknesses.
Large volumes of slush ice enter t h e canyon from upstream, generated
either by upstream rapids or by heavy snowfall. Additional frazil ice is
generated in the extremely turbulent flow through the canyon. The slush i c e
jams up repeatedly in a plunge pool below the canyon and the ice cover
progresses upstream, staging the water level over 25 feet above the normal
open water level. However, the slush ice has little strength, and the center
of the ice c over rapidly co l lapses after the downstream jam disappears and the
water drains from beneath the ice. Some slush ice freezes t o the canyon
33RD1-007m -~-
walls, increasing in thickness each time the staging process is repeated. The
ice cover forms an ~ erodes several times during the winter.
Two reaches in Devil Canyon were noticed on the Geophysi~al Institite
film. There were a total of 6 ice cover advances observed on the lower reach
and 3 on the upper. This difference is due primarily to a steeper gradient,
higher velocities and turbulence in the upper section. Only during extreme
ice discharges did the upper reach form a n ice cover. The initial ice cover
developed in October over both reaches, but rapidly eroded away, leaving only
remnant shore ice. The second major ice cover event occurred in December.
with the final ice cover forming in January. All of the major ice advances
seemed to be related to heavy snowfalls. A storm in January left an ice c over
on the lower reach which appeared to be stable. The low discharges in January
could explain the longevity of this ice cover.
Devil Canyon and the reach between Devil Creek (RM 161) and the Devil
Canyon damsite (RM1S1) are the first areas on the Susitna to form ice bridges
and develop an extensive ice cover. Ice covers of one mile in length were
observed to form about two miles below the Devil Creek confluence as early as
October 12, 1982, despite relatively warm air temperatures. The ice formation
process at this point is believed to be similar to that in Devil Canyon.
To summarize the freezeup in Devil Canyon:
1. The narrow. confined channel has high flow velocities and turbulence.
2. There is early formation of ice bridges and loosely packed slush ice
33RD1-007m -,..-
3. Ice covers form and erode several times during the winter.
4. The ice covers are inherently unstable, eventual collapsing long before
5. There are extreme staging levels and ice thicknesses, with ice
accumulations up to 23 ft.
Lateral accumulation of border ice layers is the predominant process of
ice cover development through this reach. The border ice often constricts the
open water channel width to less than 10 feet. The slush ice then jams
between the shorefast ice and freezes, forming an unbroken, uniform ice cover
acros s the river channel. However, since this process does not occur simulta-
neously over the entire reach, a very discontinuous ice cover results.
Numerous open leads generally exist until early March .
Upstream of the Devil Creek confluence the Susitna River has a steep
gradient, single channel with gradually sloping banks to the vegetation trim
line. At this point on a typical cross section the bank slope increases •
dramatically and rises to nearly 1000 feet above the channel bottom. The
gradually sloping banks below water line result in shallow water along the
flow margins that abound in large boulders. These boulders provide anchors
for slush ice that drifts into and stops along the river banks. Shere ice
rapidly develops laterally out into the channel until encountering water
velocities greater than 2 fps . Water velocities prevent the slush from
adhering to the shore ice fringe or from anchoring to flow obstructions.
Howeve r , eddies downstream of boulders do fill with frazil ice, resulting in
small patches of surface ice with a fluted shape, the upstream tip being the
An ice bridge usually forms at a flow constriction dow"llstream of the
Tsusena Creek confluence at RM 181. Flow is funneled between a vertical rc·ck
cliff and a gravel bar. Shore ice grows in the shallow water over the gra,el
bar and the water depth does not reach the limiting 2 feet until all but 10
feet of the channel is ice covered. The rem~ining 10 feet of open water plJgs
up with slush ice, which subsequently freezes solid. The water velocities are
too high for an upstream progression, and all the slush from upstream is swept
under the ice bridge.
An ice bridge also formed near the mouth of Watana Creek, usually by
mid-November. A continuous ice cover advances upstream and in some years
reaches the mouth of Vee Canyon at RM 223. Water levels stage to over 10 feet
above the initial open water, and slush ice is shoved laterally onto gravel
bars and up to the vegetation trim line on both banks between ~~ 210 and 22 0.
Anchor ice accumulates on the channel bottom to thicknesses exceeding 2
feet in some areas, raising the water level correspondingly. Th i s usua.l ly
occurs when shore ice is present, and the rising water either fractures t he
solid ice or overflows on top. In the latter case, snow laying on the shcre
ice is flooded and eventually freezes, increasing the overall ice thickness
significantly. The lateral growth of shore ice also increases the wat ~r
level, but this is less noticeable since the discharge is simultaneous :~y
By the end of December the reach from R}f 170 to RM 210 has a
discontinuous ice cover resulting f rom numerous bridgings between wide shore
ice formations. The remaining open leads eventually f~eeze over if ait
temperatures remain below -10 C for a long period, but otherwise water
33RDl-007m -~
velocity and turbulence Keeps the leads open. se~ table 5 for ice
Characteristics of Susitna River freezeup between Devil Creek and the
Oshetna River are summarized as follows:
1. Extremely wide accumulations of border ice layers occur, resulting in
gradual filling of the narrow open channel with slush ice which freezes
and forms a continuous ice cover.
2. There is extensive overflow and flooded snow.
3. Few reaches exist where staging or telescoping occur.
4. Low discharges through the winter result in shallow water and moderate
S. Minimal ice sagging occurs , with few leads opening after initial
6. Extensive anchor ice forms, with high sediment concentrations.
To review processes of ice cover development on bodies of open water,
black ice develops and grows on the surface of non-tu-bulent water. Snow can
stiruulate this by covering and floating on the water surface, effectively
decreasing the volume of water that needs to freeze before solidification
occurs. An ice cover finally develops by frazil slush accumulation. The side
channels, sloughs and tributa ries of the Susitna are subjected to one or all
of these processes.
:>i.!e channels generally have bed elevations higher than the adjacent
mainstem, and therefore normally convey water only at relatively high stages
such as those ass ociated with spring runoff and summer rain s torms . Susitna
River side channels vary considerably in length, width and complexity from the
relatively short systems on the middle river to the extensive multi-channel
complexes on the lower river. Most lower river side channels are de-watered
prior to freezeup when mainstem flows drop below 10,000 cfs. Some of these
may have separate sources of water such as a minor tributary or groundwater
seeps. These contribute enough water to maintain shallow pools. With the
advent of cold air temperatures, these pools often develop ice covers by
either black ice or snow ice formation. Snow ice obviously forms only after a
heavy snow storm. This cools the water surface rapidly and often freezes into
a solid but thin ice sheet. The snow can initiate an ice cover man y days
before it would have frozen without the snow. This ice appear':.' white or
opaque and grainy in contrast to the clear and smooth black ice which begins
to grow underneath the snow ice.
Staging, or the rising of mainstem water levels due to the accumulation
of frazil slusn, often increases the water level sufficiently for t he side
channel entrance to be overtopped. The sudden increase in water volume washes
away the snow cover and flushes out the pools, fracturing the ice cover . This
often results in small ice jams. The flooding continues until the mainstem
water level recedes below the side channel threshold elevation. In some cases
33RD1-007m -~-
overtopping continues all winter long. Depending on the depth of water over
the channel entrance, an ice cover then forms by either shore ice growth
(shallow overtopping depth) or frazil slush accumulation (deep overtopping
depth). In the case of a shallow overtopping depth, mainstem water enters the
side channel, but due to the slush floe thicknesses which usually exceed 1
foot, the floes become stranded at the channel entrance and cannot enter.
When overtopping depths are greater than 1 foot, then slush ice flows into the
side channel and e i ther continues through to the mainstem again, or becomes
lodged and initiates an ice progression that develops into a solid ice cover.
If a progressio n does not start, then border ice forms along the banks and
continue growing laterally into the channel, eventually closing over the open
water. Side channels with separa te sources of water generally develop open
leads through an ice cover. This is due to thermal erosion by relatively warm
water emanating from the ground or tributary.
Side channels on the lower
river which are usually overtopped during freezeup are:
Alexander Slough
Delta Island Side Channels
Rustic Wilderness Side Channel
Goose Creek Side Channel
Sunshine Side Channel
Side sloughs by definition are side channels with a source of water
separate from the mainstem. They generally have an upstream entrance,
bifurcating from the mainstem, and an exit which rejoins the mainstem. Upland
sloughs have no upstream entrance, only a mouth, but the water level in the
mouth is controlled by backwater regulated by mainstem stage. At low mainstem
stages the mouth areas of tnese sloughs are dry except for the contribution o f
its tributary or groundwater source. Side sloughs that are overtopped during
mainstem freezeup behave similarly to the previously described side channels .
An ice cover of either snow ice or black ice usually forms over the ponded
water by mid-November. As the mainstem ice cover advances upstream, a large
volume of water percolates into the substrate and surrounding terraces as bank
storage. This has been doc umented by an increase in the water table adjacent
to a developing ice cover. This is also noticeab le by an increase in the
surface area of the ponds and the subsequent flooding of the surrounding snow
(figure 34). The water level rise is not sudden enough to fracture the ice
cover. Several sloughs between RM 120 and RM 130 are overtopped by the
mainstem during freezeup. The overtopping usually consists only of water and
no slush ice enters. An exception to this occurred in 1981 when Slough 8A was
breached by an estimated 140 cfs for over 1 week.
Any ice cover that forms over a slough is usually eroded away soon after
mainstem ice progression because of the increased heat flux from groundwater
flow into the sloughs (figure 35). This source of heat is significant enough
to erode through an existing ice cover and keep the open water ice free
thro ugh the winter. Often the thermal erosion continues out into the mainstcm
ice cover, which develops an open lead wit h its source in the slough. Middle
river sloughs and side channels that are c ommonly overtopped during freezeup
Lane Slough
Mains tem II Side Channel
Curry Side Channel
Slo ugh 7
Slough SA
Slough 9
Upland sloughs, such as Sloughs 6 and 10, generally do not develop a
continuous ice cover but shore ice will form along the channel fringes.
The majo~ tributaries of the Susitna form an ice cover by surface
accumulatio:-.s of fr.:~zil slush. These include the Yentna, Deshk.a, Talkeetna
and Chulitna Rivers. Most of the minor tributaries develop an ice cover by
shore ice and anchor ice accumulations. They are generally too shallow and
turbulent to fonn an ice cover by frazil progression. A majority of these
tributaries drain basins large enough to contain a sufficient volume of stored
groundwater to maintain a flow through the winter. This groundwater flow
retains enough heat to erode through an existing ice cover when air
temperatures begin moderating in early April. Before breakup these
tributaries usually show a discontinuous ice cover and a lead eroded through
the mainstem ice cover near the confluence.
This section is included for the purpose of consolidating the river ice
observations from 1980 to 1984. This will facilititate evaluating the
significance of annual variations in the freezeup sequence. Included in this
section are tables 6 to 10 and figures 36 t.J 39, which summarize pertinent
information from each year of the study to show how the varying climate
conditions control ice cover formation.
a. 1980 Freezeup Chronology
33RD1-007m -)It-
Climate conditions in"the Susitna Basin varied significantly from normal
during the study period, influencing the processes of ice cover formation and
breakup on the river. In early December air temperatures were well below
normal. This was followed by unusually warm air temperatures in January after
the ice cover had formed over the length of the river. During these early
winter months, precipitation was low. Snow survey data showed that the
snowpack in the Susitna Basin was 30-50% below normal through January. The
combination of these factors resulted in an average ice thickness of 2 .5 feet
on the Susitna River at Gold Creek in January, close to the historical average
at that site.
On October 11, 1980 in the vicinity of Gold Creek, areal coverage of
frazil ice in the main channel was estimated to be 40%. It appeared that
frazil was being generated primarily through Devil Canyon. At this time,
there were no signs of frazil or shore ice developing in the Chulitna or
Talkeetna Rivers.
By late afternoon on October 12th, the leading front of floating frazil
ice was approximately 5 miles above the Kashwitna River confluence
(approximately RM 66). Frazil ice was flowing in the Yentna River, but no ice
was observed in the Deshka (Krotc Creek). Frazil ice coverage in the main
channel of the Susitna averaged 30% in the river above Talkeetna. Floes were
beginning to accumulate at natural constrictions and in low velocity areas.
Shore ice was also beginning to form in the quiet-water areas, but there was
no significant constriction of the main channel due to shore ice growth.
The following day, October 13th, first frazil ice was observed in the
Talkeetna River, but there was still no sign of frazil ice in the Chulitna
River. Ice floes in the Susitna River above the Chulitna/Susitna conf:~enc~
were more concentrated, with coverage in the main channel estimated at 80%.
33RD1-007m -)1-
The floes varied from 2-S feet in diameter through more turbulent reaches up
to 50-10 0 feet long in the constrictions below Curry and Portage Creek
confluence. A thin ice cover had formed on some quiet-water s loughs and side
channels. Tributaries upstream from the Susitna/Chulitna confluence showed no
signs of flowing frazil ice.
On October 31st, anchor ice was first observed in the river near Sherman.
The ice accumulated in masses 3-4 inches thick over SO % of the cobble bed in
the near-shore area. Anchor ice was still present in water depth s of 4 feet
up to 30 feet from shore in the main channel. Several ice bridges were ob-
served through Devil Canyon and upstream to Devil Creek.
By mid-November, anchor ice could be clearly seen along the length of the
river from Talkeetna to Portage Creek. In the main channel, most reaches of
shallow, high velocity water had anchor ice over 50-70% of the bed.
Spring-fed side channels showed no signs of anchor ice formation. No ice
bridges existed below Portage Creek. The most noticeable channel
constrictions occurred just upstream of Curry near RM 120.8, at RM 126.1, at
the bedrock outcrop near R}f 128.5, just upstream of Sherman at RM 131 and at
the rock point near RM 135.8.
By November 13, most of the tributaries below Talkeetna had formed ice
covers near their confluences with the Susitna. In the lower river, the
leading edge of the ice cover wa s observed at RM 75.5 approximately 8.4 miles
below the Parks Highway Bridge. Upstream from this bridge to Talkeetna, flow
was confined to the main channel, and side channels were either ice-covered or
On November 29, frazil ice coverage in the Talkeetna River was 40-50%,
with most flow through the north channel. There was no sign of an ice cover
forming in the Chulitna River near Talkeetna, with approximately 40% frazil
ice coverage. The Susitna River at the confluence with the Chulitna showed
80-90% coverage of frazil slush ice, but the channel was still open.
On December 1, an ice bridge was observed across the Susitna River at the
Susitna/Chulitna confluence. The Chulitna River was still ice free. Evidence
of a rise in water level of 3 to 4 feet occurred between November 29 and the
morning of December 1 upstream of the ice bridge.
Over the next two weeks the progression of the ice cover between the
confluences and Gold Creek was monitored to determine the rate of ice cover
growth upstream. The average rate of ice cover growth was 2.7 miles per day.
Overall, there was little observed variation from this rate. It is important
to note here that during ice cover formation air temperatures at Talkeetna
were far below normal, which would tend to accelerate the rate of ice cover
On December 2nd, the leading edge of the ice cover was at RM 108 .5 . At
RM 110.4, the width of open water was 100 to 125 feet and the edge of shore
ice was approximately 80 feet from the toe of the right bank. Upstream from
the leading edge of the ice cover, there appeared to be little change in the
ice conditions along the river through Devil Cany ~n. However, from Tsusena
Creek upstream, the channel was severely constricted by snore and anchor ice
growth. At Watana Creek, an ice cover had formed which extended upstream to
approximately 3 miles above the Kosina Creek confluence by the afternoon of
December 3. At a few sites there was water spilling into side channels,
indicating a rise in water level.
The next re c onnaissance trip for ice observ ations was carried out on
December 8. By this time, the i c e c ov er in the river below Talkeetna had
progressed as far as RM 93.5 . Above the Susitna/Chulitna confluence, the
leading edge of the ice cover was observ e d at RM 126.4.
The final reconnaissance trip f o r freezeup observations was conducted on
December 12. The ice co·1er t:xtended a s far upstream as Gold Creek. Upstream
of Gold Creek, there were n o h .e bridges in the ch'lnnel until just below
Portage Creek, where a small bridge had formed on the upstream side of a
constricted bend in the channel.
On December 15th, the ice cover extended upstrea m past Portage Creek and
in t o Devil Canyon. On December 30, the i c e cover extended intermittently
through Devil Canyon upstream to 4 miles above Devil Creek. Open water
persisted in several turbulent flow reaches. Further upstrea m there was a
discontinuous ice cover with several open leads.
b. 1981 Freezeup Chronology
The 1981 freezeup process was prolonged by the delay of cold weather.
This contrasts with the 1980 freezeup, when a November cold snap caus ed rapid
ice formation. Fluctuating air temperatures and relatively heavy
precipitation through October precluded the formation of a stable ice cover.
By the second week of December the lea ding edge of ice on the lower river was
near Talkeetna, about two weeks later than in 1980. Long before an ice cover
formed adjacent to Talkeetna, an ice bridge formed at the Susitna /Chulitna
confluence. The i c e bridge at the Susitna /Chulitna confluenc e presented a
barrier to ice floes, greatly re ducing the ·;olume of ice f eeding the down-
stream ice pack. Co n sequently, it took over 6 ~eeks for the confluenc e area
between Talkeetna and the ice bridge on the Susitna to develop an i c e cover.
Fr azil i c e was first o bserved on October 2 , 198 1 at RM 11 0 during a
morning flight up the Susitna River on October 2, 1981. No frazil ice was
observ ed in the confluenc e area.
33RD1-007m --,1-
With air temperatures fluctuating above and below 0 C all through
October, no permanent ice formations developed. Between October 12-1),
temperatures increased sufficiently to melt much of the remaining border ice.
On O~tober 29, border ice was again building along both sides of the river,
and most side channels were de-watered. Ice ?ans and rafts from the Susitna
formed 70% of the t o tal floating ice below the confluence with the Chulitna
By November 2, mean daily air temperatures had remained consistently low
(about -11.0 C) for several days. Above the mouth of Deadman Creek, the
border ice had extended into and closed the channel to form an ice bridge.
Ice pans were accumulating against this obstruction, causing an upstream
advance of the ice cover. Another channel closure was forming just down s tream
of Bear Creek confluence, about 1 mile below Tsusena Creek. An extensive ice
bridge had developed below Fog Creek confluence, but the ice cover was not
progressing further than the rapid s immediately below the Fog Creek
confluence. A continuous ice cover had formed over the two mile long rapids
section below the Devil Creek confluence. Many ice bridges were building
between RM 155 and RM 160. Devil Canyon had a co ntinuou c ice cover from the
proposed damsite down to RM 150. The discharge at Gold Creek at the time of
these observations was 4,100 cfs.
remained open.
Below Gold Creek, the river channel
Ice rafts were periodically broken up and reformed by local variations in
flow. At RM 115 c hannel constrictions concentrated the ice rafts, and
bridging seemed imminent.
Cold air temperature s continued, and on November 6 the following aerial
observations were recorded. Below Talkeetna, the Susitna wa s ice-covered from
Cook Inlet to approximately the Kas hwitna River. The channe 1 at the Parks
33RD1-007m -~-
Highway Hridge was choked· with slush ice rafts. The confluence area showed
some frazil ice being contributed by the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers, but
most of the ice was drifting down from the Susitna. In the Chase area 50-60%
of the river channel was covered by border ice. An apparently stable ice
bridge had formed at RM 105.5. Slush ice rafts were accumulating against it,
creating an upstream progression of ice coverage. Channel constrictions were
ohserved at RM 123, at RM 131 at Sherman, at RM 136 below Gold Creek, at
RM 145 and at RM 149 just above the Portage Creek confluence. The ice cover
and bridges through Devil Canyon remained stable with no significant growth
observed. Little further ice formation was reported in the reach from Devil
Canyon to Watana.
On November 18, the mean daily air temperatures ranged from -13 C at
Talkeetna tc -16.0 C at Watana. The lead ing edge of the ice cover had
progressed upstream to within 4 miles of the Parks Highway Bridge. The
Chulitna River showed increasing i ce formation activity, with moderate
concentrations of frazil ice and ~idening border ice . The Talkeetna Riv~.r was
completely ice-covered and was no longer contributing ice to the Susitna.
Slush ice rafts on the Susitna River had consolidated and j ammed at a bo rder
ice constriction near the confluence. The rea ch b e tween Cur r y and Sherman was
characterized by extensive anchor ice, giving the water a milky appearance.
The ice bridge below Gold Creek remained stable, with ~10 i ce progression. No
significant ice formation had occured above the Devil Canyon area.
By December 14, the i ce c uvet had progressed to RM 95 below Talkeetna.
From there to the Susitna/Chul i.tna confluence, the river maintained an open
channel. At the confluence, an ice cover 1·esumcd on the Susitna Riv~r and
continued to RM 12 7 with the exception of narrow open leads of varying
lengths, usually less than one-half mile long. The open channel above RM 12 7
33RD1-007m -x-
was 40-50 feet wide, and contained 70% frazil ice. Extensive patches of
anchor ice were also observed. At Gold Creek the channel was 60-70 feet wide
with no visible frazil ice. The ice-covered reaches in Devil Canyon and below
Devil Creek confluence had developed narrow open leads about ~ and 1 mile
long, respectively. Above Devil Creek, the river remained open with extensive
herder ice formations constricting the remaining open water.
On January 4, the Talkeetna, Chulitna and Susitna rivers were frozen at
the confluences with the exception of open leads through the ice cover
resulting from high water velocities. The Susitna above the confluence was
generally ice-covered, with many reaches of narrow open l ead s . Near Sherman
at RM 127 , an open channel about 1 mile long persisted. Above Sherman, the
open leads became more numerous and generally longer. Above Go ld Creek, the
river was essentially open but had many anchor ice dams. Little had changed
through the Devil Canyon reach and further upstream.
c. 1982 Freezeup Chronlolgy
Between October 22 and Oc tober 26, 19 82, slush ice jammed near RM 10 and
accumulated upstream 57 miles to the Sheep Creek confluence. Assumi.tg that
the ice cover began progre ss ing upstream on October 22, then the progression
rate was 11.5 miles per day .
On Oc tober 26, the i ce cover had progressed past Rl-1 25 but was not
continuous. There was no ice cove r on th e Susitna near the confluence of the
Yentna River . The Yentna was also completely f ree of drifting ice and s hore
ice. At Rl-1 3 2 , a loosely packed ice cover re sume d and continued upstream to
RM 67. From RM 67 to RM 97 near Talkeetna, the river remained free of shore
ice, even though a large volume of slush ice was con tinually drifting
downstream. All of the major tributaries to the Su~itna below Talkeetna were
still flowing and remained ice-free.
The leading edge of the ice pack o n October 29 was near RM 87 , just
upstream f r om the Parks Highway Bridge and adjacent to Sunshine Slough.
However, the ice cover remained discon tinuous, with long o pen leads at the
Yentna River confluence near Susitna Station, the Deshka River confluence,
Kashwitna River, and Montana Creek. These tributaries were still flowin g but
showed signs of an ice cover beginning to develop. From RM 76 up s tream to
RM 87 the ice cover was thin and discontinuous, with long open leads adjacent
to Rabideux Slough and in a side channel that extended from ~ mile below the
confluence of Rabideux Creek down s tream for about 1 mile.
By November 2, the leading edge had advanced to RM 95 at a rate o f 2 .1
miles per day during the previous 4 days. Many side channels had filled with
water and the surface of the ice pack was near the vegetaLion line along the
le f t (east) bank. The c hannel along the west bank remained dry and snow
An ice bridge formed at the Susi tna and lhulitna confluence on
November 2, greatly reducing the volume of s.:.ush ice flowing in to the lower
river and s lowing the rat e of ice cove r advance s u bs tantially . The formation
of this lee bridge was dependent on decreased velocities b r o ught on by the
proximit y of the leading edge .
A snow storm immediately preceded the formation of the ice bridge at the
Susitna /Chulitna confluence. This storm ma y have caused a s ubstantial local
inc rease in ice di scha rge which could not pass through the cons tri ct~d channe l
at one time. I ce disc harge estimates were substantially l ower a t Talkeetna
after Nove mber 2. Several ice cons trictions were located near Curry
(RM 120.6). Sl o ug h 9 (RM 128 .5) and Gold Creek (RM 135.9). Slush ice had been
33RD1-0 07 m -~
passing easily through these narrows since October 26 , but was now being
compressed into long narrow rafts which broke up within several hundred f eet
downstream. Unlike the co nfluence area, these constrictions were formed by
successive layers of frozen slush ice along the shore.
The r ate of ice advance averaged 1. 6 miles per day for thirteen days
after passing Whiskers Creek. On November 22 the leading edge was situated
adjacent to Slough ~A . The ice cove r had staged approximately 4 feet and was
overtopping the berm at the head of Slough 8A. The estimated discharge
through the s l o ugh was 138 cfs.
The ice cover ~as very slow in advancing thro ugh the shallow section of
river between Sloughs 8A and 9 . By December 2 , the ice cover had advanced at
a rate of only 0 .3 miles per day for the previous 10 days, even though high
frazjl slush discharges were observed at Gold Creek.
On December 9 the leading edge had reached RM 136, just downstream of the
Gold Creek Bridge. The ice cover advance stalled here for over 30 days , as
the ice needed to accumulate in thickness before it could stage past this
high-velocity channel constriction. On January 14, 1983, the leading e t.!:;€!
finally crept past the Gold Creek Bridge at a ra te of 0.05 miles per day.
d. 1983 Free zeup Chronology
On October 17, 1983, slush ice was flowing through the middle and lower
river, depositing along flow margins where it quickly froze into border ice.
From Oct ober 23 until October 26 s lush ice f loes were estimated to cover 60%
of the open wat er surface area on the Yentna River and about 40% o n the
Susitna. On the morning of Oc tober 26 , 1983 an ice bridge formed at IU1 9 .
On November 1 , 1983 the leading edge was a t RM 31.5, having progressed
more than 16 miles in five days. By November 4 the ice front had passed the
33RD1-007m -~-
confluence of the Deshka River at RM 40.5. The maximum stage inc~ease
l!'easured at the entrance to Kroto Slough (RM 40.1) was 3. 9 feet. This was
sufficient to overtop the slough with a flow depth of 1.5 feet at the
entrance, but no slush ice floes could enter due to their thicknesses of abou t
2 feet. The elevated ma j nstem stage also effected the Deshka River by
creating a backwater zone which extended about 2 miles upstream.
On November 5 the ice c0ver progression entered the Delta Islands. The
leading edge split, and ice fronts advanced separately up the east and west
channels. The east cha nnel ice cover progressed more slowly. The advancing
ice cover caused stage increases high enough to inundate the snow cover over
the Willow Creek alluvial fan. This saturated snow then froze into an i~.;e
cover. However, th'2 water course from Willow Creek was not altered. The
measured stage incr1!ased about 3 feet during the ice front advance. Slush ice
from the Susitna d jd not encroach on the creek confluence, The stage increase
measured at the entrance of a side channel near RM 48 on the west channel was
about 2.5 feet. This channel was flooded but no slush ice entered. The
Susitna ice covel progressed through the Delta Islands and converged near RN
Most of the major sid : channel complexes on the lower river were flooded
during ice cover progre ss ion. Nainstem slush ice was observe d to accompany
the surge thr o u ~h the Rustic Wilderness side channel, The slush ice and ice
debris occasionally accu~ulated in small jams a short dista nce below the side
channel entrances but usual ly were carried back out to the mainstem.. A
maximum mainstem stage increase of 3 feet was measured near the mouth o f
Kashwitna River (RM 60) on November 11.
On November Y the leading edge was at RM 66, but the new ice cover
remained un stable due to warm air t e mperatures that preve nted the s lush from
33RD1-007m ~
freezing. This was apparent by the quickly deteriorating ice cover below the
leading edge. An open lead had formed froo RM 62 to RM 65. The leading edge
continued to advance at an average rate of 2 miles per day, even though the
channel gradient gradually increases beyond RM 66 and more ice was required to
produce a sufficiently stable cover. The effects of mainstem staging were not
evident to a significant degree at the mouths of either Sheep Creek or Goos e
Creek. Sheep Creek drains into a side channel that extends from RM 62 to ~~
67. Through this reach the mainstem is along the west bank and since the side
channel complex is on the east bank, it was there fo re not affected by back-
water or cn:e rtopping. Goose Creek enters a side channel that runs from RM 69
to RM 72. This side channel was also not flooded or affec ted by backwa ter
when the mainstem water level staged. The stage at the se tributary mouths did
increase slightly due to a rise in the local water table.
On November 19 the stage was rising at entrances to Suns hine Slough. Th e
slough and side channels were eventually overtopped and fl oo ded, although no
slush ice entered. These channels s ubsequently required an additional 8 -12
weeks to freeze ove r and many leads remained open all winter. The side
channels leading to the entrance of Birch Creek Slough were flocded but the
stage did not increase enough to overtop the slough entrance. The maximum
increase was 3 .1 feet near the entrance to Birch Creek Slough. An additional
foot would have been ~ecessary for overtopping. The tempor a~y arrival of the
leading edge at Rl-1 95.5 initiated a separate ice progression up the Talkeetn n
River. This progression o n the Talkeetna wa s so late, however, that the
ruajority of the river had already frozen over with anchor ice and bo rder ice,
significan tl y reducing the volume of frazil being genera ted. By mid-December
the ice cove r had r eached a position about 300 ya rds upstream 0f the railroad
bridge and e ssentially remained there for the rest of the winter.
By December 9 the Susitna River ice front had advanced upstream into the
middle reach above Talkeetna, No intermediate ice bridges formed. The ice
cover on the lower river remained unstable and was marked by many extensive
open water areas, either in mainstem leads or in flooded side channels. The
Chulitna River, like the Talkeetna, had frozen over by lateral ice growth at
the headwaters and was b y this time generating so little ice that no upstream
accumulation occurred. The coni luence area of the Chulitna did not freeze
over until late March, 1984. This was entirely due to anchor ice and lateral
growth of surface ice.
On December 22, a second leading edge was observed progressing from an
i c e bridge at RM 120.7, jus t upstream of Curry. The river downstream bet\olee n
RM 120 and RM 118 wa s still open -=1nd an ice fr on t was not longer advancing
there. Heavy anchor ice deposits were observed within the open lead. This
anchor ice had noticeably raised the water level and flooded the surrounding
shore ice and s now.
A new leading edge was subsequently started and moved past Curry (LRX-24)
probably on December 21, 1983.
The open water below Cur ry on the mainstem eventually froze over by
border ice growth. Two anchor ice dams were observed in t he lead, at RH 120
and RM 119.6. Thi s created some backwater pending which facilitated faster
lateral growth of border ice.
By January 5, 19 84 the second leading edge was located at Sherman near RM
130. Since very little slush ice was flowing in the open water, the ice cover
progression was relatively s l ow . By this time the river above Devil Canyo n
had essentially frozen over and s t opped generating 3ubstantial volumes of
fr a z il. An ice bridge formed a t RM 135.6 and a third leading edge began but
p ~o gressed only about ( mile before becomir~ an indefinite zone of
accumulation. The open water area between Rl-1 130 and RM 135.6 eventually
covered by border ice closure.
e. 1984 Freezeup Chronology
Unusually mild weather during September and early October delayed the
formation of significant volumes of frazil ice until the fourth week in
October. The lack of late summer rainfall resulted in lmv freezeup stages
compared to previous years.
Slush ice was first observed flowing down the mainstem at Go ld Creek on
October 16, 1984, although it had probably started flowing during the previous
night. Variable concentrations of ice were o bserved until the af ternoon of
October 22, when the air temperatur ~s warmed to 3 C and all ice disappeare~
A full 6 fee t of accumulated border ice disintegrated at Gold Creek during the
follow ing two days . Slush ice concentrations began to increase again on
<l::tober 25. On October 26, at river mile (RM) 9, near the mouth of the
Susitna River, a dense con centration of ice f loes had ac cum ulated during the
high tide of 32.4 feet (Anchorage referenc e station) at about 7:30 a.m. At R}l
9 the tidal fluctu a tio n was measured to range over 6 feet during this
particular cycle. Near the river mou th t he top 1-2 inches of the ice pans had
solidified, forming a rigid shee t on the surface. Pan size was variable with
average diamete r s ranging fro:n 2 feet to over 6 feet. The water velocity
during the high tide was le ss than foot/sec. and at low tide about 2.5
feet/sec:.: at center channel. The ice floes which drifted into the flow margin
a long th·~ ea s t bank were barely moving, and became grounded when the t i d e
33RD1-007m -)il!"-
The following day, October 27, the ice concentration in the area below r~
9 again increased during high tide. With substdntially higher volumes of i c e
floes coming into this area from upstream due to the co ld air temp e ratu·.es, an
ice bridge developed near RM 5.
On October 29, a complex picture unfold~d of ice cover develoyment on the
lower reach. From R}f 5 a somewhat continuous cover extenJed to RM 19,
adjacent to the entrance of Alexander Slough. The predr,minant process of
aelv.:'1ce was by juxtaposition. Large areas of ope:. water were present
througho ut ..:1-)e cover, indicating that little pre !'"_,u re was acting on the ice
and no comprcssio.: had occurred. By 10:30 a.m. on Oc tober 29, the leading
edge was located at Rt-1 1':1. ~-:-·;::·.o::r , due to insufficient ice from upstream,
the leading edge was no longer advancing, and this ice fron t was essentially
stalled at RM 19. The leading edge consisted of a thin layer of fine slush
that was building in diagonal layers across the channel from the area of high
water velocity on the outside of the river bend to low velocity on the inside
of the bend. Open water with no slush was noted f r om Rl'l 19 to RM 25 .9 at
Susitna Station (USGS gage site), where a second ice bridge had formed. A
continuous ice cove r had devel oped upstream f r om ~~ 25 .9 to RM 43 of the east
channel through the Del ta Islands. The ice cove r had also progressed up the
Yentna River abou t 12 mil~s. The west channel through the Delta Isiands was
entirely open from ~~ 42.5 to RM 46 . At RM 46 on the west channel a third i ce
bridge had formed. This obstruction had prevented slush ice from drifting
downstream to advance the ice cover above ru-: 42.5. From the ice bridge at
~~ 46, the ice cover had progressed up the west c hannel to RM 51. At this
point the ma in c hanne l bifurcates , creating the west and east channels. The
ice cover progression had sto pped here, and there was open ~ater up to P~ 52.
The east channel was open from RM 43 t o RM 52. A fourth ice b ridge had fo rmed
33RD1-007m -~
at RM 52. Very little slush ice emerged from under the downstream edge of the
bridge, indicat ing that mos t of the ice floes were retained by the advancing
ice cover near the leading edge. This ice cover had progressed up to RM 5 5 .
Visual estimates of slush concentrations at Gold Creek during the 4 days
following the initial ice bridge formation were never less than SO% of the
total open water surface area.
By November 3, the leading edge of the ice cover, which now originated
from the ice bridge at lUI 52, had progressed to R~! 71.5 at an average rate of
4.1 miles per day . At the three rivers confluence, the Chulitna l:<.iver and
Talkeetna Rivers appeared to be contributing most of the slush ice to the
lower Susitna River. The Susi tna above this con fluen c e area contained v ery
little slush. At RN lOS, s lu s h ice had bridged the river at a shallow reach.
Thi s bridge had remained s t ab le long enough to initiate an upstream
progressio n of an ice cover on the middle reach of the Susitna. The
consequence of this new progression was a de creased supply of s lush ice to the
lower river ice front, ultimately delaying ice cover formation below
Talkeetna. The leading edge progression rate slowed to under 2 miles per day
on the l ower rive r, being e ntirely dependent on slush from the Ch ulitna and
Talkeetna Rive rs and o n f razil ice gene rated below the ice bridge at RH lOS .
A warm weather period began or. November 5 and lasted until the lOth. Ice
conce ntra tions s harply decreased during this period to less tha n 10% at Gold
Creek on November 8. Thi s subsequently decrea sed the rate of leading edge
progres sion to 0.5 miles per day on the middle river and 0 .2 mile s per day o n
the lower river. At thi s time, a n estima te d 75% of the slush forming the
lower r iver ice cover above t he Yentnd River conf luence o riginated from tr~
Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers.
On November 10, cold air temperatures once again increased the ice
concentrations, and on Novembe~ 13 the surface coverage was estimated at 80%
by the Gold Creek observer. The middle river ice front advan c ed 6 miles (up
to RM 121) and the lower river front moved upstream about 2 miles (up to RM
86). The middle river ice front progressed more rapidly due to a larger
volume of slush ice generated in the available open water reach from Gold
Creek to Watana.
On November 14, the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers had forced ice bridges
several miles upstreac of the Susitna confluence. These ice bridges prevented
slush from entering the Susitna, and the ic~ cover progression on the Susitna
stopped at ~~ 88. An insufficient supply of slush prevented further upstream
progression at the rates previous ly observed.
In Slough 8A, ponds with black ice about 4-6 inches thick began
overflowing and flooding the surrounding snow :over on November 16, ~hen the
leading edge was located at "J-1 12 7 . This indicated that groundwater levels
were rising. The entrance berm at Rl·! 127 had not ye t been overtopped. HO\•ev-
er, the berm at RM 126.1 had been f~ooded . The upper entrance to Slough 8A
began overtopping on November 19 when the leading edge was at RM 128. This
event was not nearly as dramatic as the previous overtopping in 19 82. From
the air it was difficult t o tell that overtopping had occurred. The snow
cover was about fo o t thick at the time, and the mainstem water seeped
through the snow pack.
On November 21, the leading edge of the ~iddle river ice fro nt reached RM
129, near the entrance t o Slough 9. No ove rtopping o f the entrance berm
By this time the river upstream of Devil Canyo n had become ice cov~red,
~ever e ly limiting the volume of frazil capable of being generated, The rate
of leading edge advance ·subsequently slowed t o about 0. 2 miles per da}.
Anchor i ce had accumula ted on the bottom in massive proportions. Thi ck
layers often broke free from the bottom and floated downstream to also become
part of the downstream ice cover.
On Decemb er 15, backwater from an ice dam at RM 135 caused a fracturing
of upstream border ice. A large solid fragment drifted downstream, but
instead of floating down to the leading edge at RM 131, it be came lodged on
the anchor ice dam at IU-1 135, creating a new ice bridge. This ice bridge
accumulated slush ice at the upstream cage. The new ice front prevented slush
from continuing d ownstream and advancing the previous leading edge. By
December 20, the river under the Gold Creek bridge had fro zen over and the
leading edge was approaching RM 137 . The o p e n water belcw the ice dam at RM
135 remained as it appeared a week earlier.
By the final observation flight on December 20, 1984, the leading edge on
the Susitna River below the thr e e rivers confluence had reached IU-1 92, at a
rate of 0. 1 2 miles per day . The Talkee tna Rive r was fr ozen ove r above the
railroad bridge. The Chulitna River was frozen over f r om about three miles
a bove the Susitna conf lue n c e. Exte n sive o pen l eads exis ted in the Susitna
River ice cove r below Talkeetna . Open wa t er s till persis ted on the east
channel o f the Delta Islands , al t hougil the flow velocity had dimin ished in
man y places and b0~de r ice wa s beginning to c lose the open c hannel i n several
33RD1-007m -,x---
M18/5 1
Nov. 29
Dec. 1
Dec. 3
Dec. 5
Dec. 8
Dec. 12
De. 15
Ha:y 3
Ma:y 4
~ Ma:y6
May 9
Ice Bridge
Loca t ion ( RM l
Leading Edge
Location I RM l
75 .5
104 .5
126 .4
Increase lftl
Slough or
Side Channels
Jams I RM)
126. 1
142 .3
138 .8
Ice Free
M18/5 2
Nov . 2
Nov. 6
Nov. 18
Dec. 14
Jan. 4
May 10
~ May 12 tv May 14
Ice Bridge
Location !RMl
Leading Edge
Location (RMl
Increase ( ft l
Sloughs or
Side Channels
Jams !RMl
1 5 3
111 2
1 0 7
Ice Free
M1o /5 3
Dec .
Apri I
Ma~ 4
Ma~ 6
Ma~ 7
Ma~ 8
May 9
Ice Bridge
Location !RM)
Le ading Edge
1f i. ion !RMl
Increase ( ft)
Sloughs or
Side Channels
Rustic Wilderness
Slough 8A
Slough 21
Slough 9
Slough 8A
Slough 7
Jams ( RMl
1 35.9
131 .0
120 .0
1 34.5
129 .0
113 .2
131 .5
129 .0
124 .5
120 .5
113 .0
1 3 1 .5
122 .0
11 2.5
Ice Free
M18/5 4
1983 -1984 RIV ER ICE SUMMA RY
S l oug hs o r
I ce Br i dg e Leading Ed ge St age Side Channe l s Ice
Date Loca 11i o n (RMl LOCa !iiOn !RMl 1 nc r ease (ft l Ove r t opped ,J am s (R Ml
Oc t . 26 9 2-3
Oct . 2 7 15 .0
No v. 1 27 31.5 Al exande r
Nov . 4 40 .5 4
Nov . 5 50 .0 3
Nov. 9 6 6.0 3 Ru s t ic Wilde rne s s
Nov . 10 73 .0 7
No v . 18 82 .5
Nov . 19 8 4 .5 6 s un s h i ne
Nov. 26 95.5
Dec. 9 98.6 4
Dec. 22 120 .7 1 18 .0
124 .0 10
~ Jan. 5 135 .6 1 30 .0 4
~ 1 36.5 2
May 5 79
May 6 I ce f r ee
M18/5 5
Oct. 27
Oct . 29
Nov. 3
Nov. 5
Nov. 10
Nov. 14
Nov . 19
Nov. 21
Dec. 15
Dec. 20
Ice Bridge
Location !RMl
Leading Edge
Location IRMl
Increase I ftl
Sloughs or
Side Channels
Slough 8A
Jams I RM)
Breakup is a gradual process of ice cover d!sintegration that begins with
the formation of open leads through the ice cover, the melting of snow in the
basin, and subsequent rising water levels that lift and fragment the ice
cover. The multitude of resultant ice floes often accumulate in areas where
the flow or channel configuration cannot convey the ice volume, and jams may
develop. The stability of the jams is dependent on their configuration
(floating or grounded) and on the presence of secondary channels that can
divert water and relieve pressure from the jam.
Ice jams are not common on channels with broad flood plains since a rapid
rise in water level, necessary to lift and shatter the ice cover, is prevented
by a greater increase in open water surface area relative to depth with the
rising discharge. Jams may still develop upstream of an ice cover on this
type of channel, but last only until the cover weakens and collapses.
On confined channels, the river water eventually reaches a level where
the ice jam is freed from its anchor and the mass of ice debris is swept
downstream with a great enough force to destroy other ice blockages. This
breakup drive leaves the channel essentially ice-free, with the exception of
ice blocks left stranded above the high water line.
Open water leads are common in the ice cover on the Susitna. They are
either formed shortly after the progression of a frazil cover, exist as a
remnant in channels that were flooded but never ice-covered, or indicate
reaches of mainstem that were either bypassed by the progression or by the
progression ending further downstream. Examples of each case follow.
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The upstream progression of a frazil slush ice cover is dependent on a
slush accumulation of sufficient thickness to slow the water velocity upstrea m
of the leading edge. Massive thicknesses can thereby be attained in reaches
where high water velocities prevail, since the cover continues thickening
until the rapids section is essentially drowned out. Slush ice tends to
accumulate in thicker deposits near the banks, since water velocities are
generally slower in shallow water. The thinnest ice cover can usually be
found over the faster flowing water. The ice cover thickness necessary for
continued progression only needs to be sustained long enough for the leading
edge to move upstream. If progression occurs rapidly, the downstream slush
ice cover may have little time to freeze solid, and leads may consequently
form through the cover.
After the passing of the leading edge the water stage drops as flow is
lost to bank storage and slush ice is eroded from under the cover, thereby
increasing the cross sectional area. The elastic properties of the ice cover
cause it to sag, conforming to the configuration of the channel cross section
in shall•)W water and floating over the area conveying deeper flow. If the
bank slopes are low the ice cover forms an undulating surface with bulges
where the slush is grounded on the bottom, and depressions corresponding to
areas where the cover still floats. If the bank slopes are steeper, the cover
deforms only to a critical angle before failure occil rs. In this case the ice
cracks and falls into the water, creating an open lead.
Leads also form in areas of high water velocity soon after an ice cover
forms. On some reaches of the middle and lower river, leads have formed
within hours after the slush stopped moving. This suggests an instability
between the ice thickness and the water velocity which causes the unsolidified
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slush to rapidly erode away, usually only ov er a narrow portion of the channel
where a critical velocity is exceeded.
Leads are also prevalent in a reas that were bypassed by the slush cover
progression or in areas such as upstream of Gold Creek where a continuous
progression usually does not ~each. Many side channels on the lower river are
dewatered prior to freezeup, only to be flooded when the mainstem water level
stages upstream of the advancing ice front. The side channels carry water
diverted from the mainstem, but often are too shallow to allow passage of the
2-3 feet thick ice floes . Without the entry of slush, the ~ide channels can
only free z e over by direct heat loss to the atmos phere. This process requires
significantly more time than a slush accumulation, and many side channels hav e
never entirely frozen over in the years o f ob s ervation.
Leads on the mainstem may grow an ice cover by slush accumulation if a
supply can be generated in the open water area and if the resultant frazil can
be captured at the downstream end of the lead.
Leads often develope downstream of tributary mouths, side sloughs, or
groundwater seeps. Groundwate r upwelling in sloughs results in relatively
warm water being exposed to the surface. This rapidly erodes any ice cover on
the sloughs (if it ever developed) and the thermal erosion conti nues
downstream until the water has lost most of its heat . Thermal leads have been
documented on the middle river, with their source emanating from sloughs and
extending hundreds of feet into the main channel ice cover. The ice cover
often perpetuates the flow of groundwater by raising the local water table so
as to increase the rate of upwelling (see Section E, part 4 : Groundwater).
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Ice grows in hexagonal crystals. The crystal structure is described by
.5c.c Jio.jnrtt '-•low
four intrusive axes , three A-axes and one C-ax e in the basal
plan of the crystal and the C-axis is perpendicular to the basal plane. An
ice crystal resembles a pencil with the C-axis as the lead. When ice crystals
nucleate on a body of calm water the axes are oriented randomly. The crystals
grow more easily along the A-axes and crystals with horizontal C-axes tend to
grow faster. Growth along the C-axis a l so occurs, but at a slower rate.
Horizontal growth is usually restricted by a crowding out effect after about 1
em. During the process of crystal growth, impurities within the water are
rejected, and concentrate along the crystal boundaries where they cause a weak
bond between adjacent ice crystals. Because of the trapped impurities
concentrated at crystal interfaces , solar radiation weakens this bond first
when melting begins, causing the crystalline bonds to fail and the individual
crystals to separate into "candles". Eventually the innumerable single
crystals comp osing the ice cover one no longer frozen together and easily
collapse (Figure 40).
·.· .·
. -: ,
.... •:.· .... : .: .·.
:·::·.; ;' ~ ...... :..·:..::· . 1,·•· ,.:.. ;
~·· ,.
,. .. .-..• <· ,Crys1al~raphlc axes ... : ... ..: ~" ..• Example of a-axes growth
... : •• • ..... ~ .... • r •• ;._ ;:: ~~.··; ;;:_'.:;"r~ ··.', . :.. ... ·:
Example ol c·axis growth
-Cr)·stallogr.tphic :~xes of snow :~nd ice cryst:~ls. If the growth m te a lo ng the ,,.,,1.:~ 1!\Co:o:J, that o~long th.: f'·a\1~.
l.he cryS_I:Jis tend tow:~rd ~ pl:~tel i k~ struCiure. If C·3Jl is growth dominates. the cryst:~ls :~>SU me a columnhke :tppe:~r:~nce. The
mecb:~msms t h3t c:~use dtlferences m growth r.ttes are not fully understood: air kmper:~ture pl 3 ys 3n impon:~nt role.
33RD1-007m -~-
Reference: Perla & Martinelli (1976)
The ice cover breakup on northern rivers is characterized by a weakening
of the ice crystal structure by solar radiation, warm air temperatures, and an
increasing river discharge initiated by snowmelt and augmented by rainfall.
These factors combine to fracture the ice cover. The ice fragments drift
downstream until they encounter a barrier such as a solid ice cover, an ice
jam, shoals or constrictions. Ice jams are also caused by islands, sharp
river bends, bridge piers and abutments.
Two types of ice jams are common during breakup. The simple jam (figure
41) consists of an accumulation of ice fragments floating on the water surface
and prevented from continuing downstream by a barrier, usually a stable ice
cover. The dry jam (figure 42) is also formed by the accumulation of ice
floes at an obstacle, but in this case the jam completely blocks the channel
down to the river bottom. The water is forced to flow by percolating through
the ice plug, and water levels upstream of the jam rapidly rise. This type of
ice jam is responsible for the major flooding commonly associated with
breakup. Water generally continues to rise upstream of the ice jam until the
flow is either diverted via a side channel, flows overbank, or lifts and
destroys the ice jam. The environmental effects of breakup are discussed more
thoroughly in Section 7, part 1: Morphology.
Destruction of a river ice cover progresses from a gradual deterioration
of the ice to a dramatic disintegration which is often accompanied by ice
jams, flooding, and erosion. The duration of breakup is primarily dependent
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on the intensity of solar radiation, air temperature, and the amount of rain-
fall. An ice cover rapidly breaks apart at high flows. Ice debris
accumulates at flow constrictions and can become grounded. The final phases
of breakup are characterized by long open reaches separated by massive ice
jams. A large jam releasing upstream usually carries away the remaining
downstream debris, leaving the river channel virtually ice free.
A pre-breakup period occurs as snowmelt begins in the area, usually by
early April. Snowmelt begins first at the lower elevations near the Susitnn
River mouth and slowly works northward up the river. By late April, snow has
usually disappeared on the river south of Talkeetna and snowmelt is beginning
on the reach above the Chulitna confluence. Tributaries to the lower river
have usually broken out in their lower elevations, and open water exists at
their confluences with the Susitna Rivet. Increased flows from the
tributaries usually erode the Susitna ice cover for considerable distances
downstream from their confluence.
As water levels in the river begin to rise and fluctuate with spring
snowmelt and precipitation, overflow often occurs onto the ice since the rigid
and impermeable ice cover fails to respond quickly enough to these changes.
Standing wacer appears in sags and depressions on the ice cover. This
standing water reduces the albedo, or reflectivity, of the ice surface, and
open leads quickly appear in these depressions. As the water level rises and
erodes the ice cover, ice becomes undercut and collapses into the leads,
drifting to their downstream ends and accumulating in small ice jams. In this
way, leads become steadily wider and longer. This process is especially
noticeable in the reach from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon. In the wide,
low-gradient river below Talkeetna, open leads occur less frequently, and
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extensive overflow of mainstem water onto the ice cover is the first indicator
of rising water levels.
The disintegration of an ice cover into individual fragments or floes and
the drift of these floes downstream and out of the river is called the breakup
drive. The natural spring breakup drive is largely associated with rapid flow
increases, due to pr~cipitation and s nowmelt, that lift and fracture the ice
surface. When the river discharge becomes high enough to break and move the
ice sheet, the breakup drive begins. Its intensity is dependent upon
meterological conditions during the pre-breakup period. For example, in 1981
a minimal snowpack and light precipitation during spring caused an
insufficient increase in the flow to develop strong forces on the ice cover,
and the ice tended to slowly disintegrate in place, producing few significant
ice jalllllling events. Conversely, in 1982 a heavy snowpack with cool early
spring temperatures prevented the ice cover from deteriorating significantly
during the pre-breakup period. The ice remained strong into the later period
of normal spring temperatures and rising flows, and the cover broke
dramatically, producing several large ice jams.
Solid and continuous ice covers can fragment en masse when the pressure
created by the rising water level can no longer be contained. This is
especially true on the lower river downstream of Talkeetna. The shattered ice
cover, however, may remain in place for several days if the ice downstream
remains intact.
Increasing daily duration of exposure to solar radiation begins to have a
marked effect in April. Existing leads lengthen as the floating ice cover
melts from underneath, and once the snow has melted, solar radiation bearing
33RD1-007m -x-
to 1-
directly on the ice surt"ac..: causes the familiar candling process. This
gradual melting seems to characterize "breakup" on the lower river (figure
43). The broad flood plain (relative to the area occupied by channels on the
lower river) prevents a rapid increase in stage with rising discharges. When
ice jams do occur, such as when ice debris from the middle river accumulates
against a solid cover on the lower river, water spills over onto the flood
plain and bypasses the congested main channel. Although erosion and damage to
vegetation have been observed during breakup, these are isolated incidents and
are considered insignificant when compared to damage incurred during summer
By the end of April the middle Susitna River is usually laced with long,
narrow open leads. Floes that have fragmented from the ice cover accumulate
into small ice jams. The configuration of these small ice jams often
resembles a U-or V-shaped wedge. the apex of the wedge corresponding to the
highest velocities in the flow distribution. The constant pressure exerted by
these wedge-shaped ice jams effectively lengthens and widens many open leads.
reducing the potential for major ice jams in these areas. The actual breakup
of the ice cover occurs when the discharge is high enough to break and move
the ice sheet.
lee jam sites generally have similar channel configurations. consisting
of a broad channel with gravel islands or bars. and a narrow, deep thalweg
confined along one of the banks. Sharp bends in the river are also good jam
sites. The prese~ce of sloughs on a river reach may indicate the locations of
frequently recurring ice jams. Many of the sloughs on the Susitna River
between Curry and Devil Canyon were carved through terrace plains by some
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extreme flood. Summer floods, although frequentl y flowing t h r ough sloughs, do
not generally result in wate r levels high enough to ov ertop the river bank .
During breakup, h owever , ice jams commonly cause rapid, local stage
increases that continue rising until either the jam releases or the sloughs
are flooded. While the Jam holds, channel capacity is greatly reduced, and
flow and large amounts of ice are diverted into side channels and overbank
(figure 44). The ice has tremendous erosive force, and can rapidly remove
large sections of bank (figures 45 and 46). 0ld ice scars on tree trunks up
to 10 feet above the bank level have been noted along side-channels. It
appears that these sloughs are an indicator of frequent ic.e jams on the
adj acent mainstem, influencing the stability and longevity of these jams by
relieving the stage increases and subsequent water press ures acting against
the ice.
The following channels between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna are regularly
influenced by ice-induced flooding ~uring breakup:
Slough 22
Slough 21 from RM 142.2 t o RN 141
Slough 11 from RM 136.5 to RM 134.5
Side channels from RM 133.5 to 131.1
Side channels from RM 130.7 to 129.5
Slough 9
Slough 8A and 8
Slough 7
In general, the final destruction of the ice cover is accomp l ished when a
series of ice jams break in s uc c ession. The resulting on-rush of water and
ice debris clears the channel of any remaining obstructions and ice (figures
47 to 49).
a. 1981 Breakup Chronology
There was no significant precipitation during early spring to increase
runoff in the watershed. Therefore, river discharge did not increase
sufficiently to create strong forces on the ice cover and initiate breakup.
Instead, the ice began to slowly disintegrate in place with long open leads
developing through the length of the river.
Pre-breakup conditions were observed during a reconnaissance trip on
April 23. At that time, open leads were growing by ice calving off the lead
perimeters. Ice floes accumulated at the downstream end. t.o floes were
observed being carried underneath the ice cover. There was also little
evidence of rising water level increasing pressure on the ice cover.
For the next few days changes in the character of ice accumulations and
water levels along the river were monitored, especially at Gold Creek.
Increased overflow on top of the ice and fracturing of the ice cover indicated
that the water level was steadily rising during the first week of May. Open
leads continued to grow and connect.
By May 3, the rise in water level and ice movement created ice jams
upstream of the Parks Highway Bridge, above Curry at RM 120.5 where the
channel bends sharply and begins to constrict, at RM 126.2, at RM 131.3,
downstream from the Gold Creek bridge at RM 135.8, above Indian River in the
vicinity of RM 139, and upstream at a constriction in the channel at RM 142 .3.
On the morning of May 4th, it was o~served that most of the prev ious
day's ice jams had released and new jams reformed at several different sites.
The jam at RM 142 .3 had released sometime overnight, adding more ice and
increasing pressure on the ice jam upstream from Indian River. A sharp
bedrock outcrop along the left valley wall at RN 139 appeared to be the
principal factor holding the ice. The far right channel was acting as an
overflow channel, conveying flow around the ice and relieving pressure on the
jam. Flow in this channel increased noticeably with the addition of ice from
upstream. It also appeared that the center of the ice jam had sagged due to a
change in water level. Parallel shear lines could be traced through the ice
jam along the boundaries of the main channel on May 4th. This apparent drop
in water level may have been related to increased flow spilling into the far
right channel or possibly to release of the ice jam below Gold Creek.
Duration and maximum water surface elevations resulting from the jam
which keyed at the rock point near RM 135.6 could be read from the streamgage
chart at Gold Creek (USGS). On tl, .. morning of May 4th remnant ice was stacked
up to 6 feet high along both shores upstream and downstream of the bridge.
Average thickness of the ice blocks was three feet, but much of it was candled
and easily broken apart.
From Gold Creek downstream, the main channel was free of ice
accumulations until just below Sherman. Sometime during the night of May 3,
the ice jam above Sherman released. Icc from that jam combined with upstream
ice packed into the main channel throu.gh the reach just below Sherman. The
ice jam key was located above a reach of shallow, turbulent flow near RM
129. 7, where the channel bed was extremely irregular. In this reach of
divided flow, the left channel provided overflow relief, carrying flow around
the ice so there was little effect on water levels upstream. This jam held in
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place until sometime during the night of May 7th, as the channel was clear of
ice on the morning of May 8th.
The i~e jam downstream of Curry released during the early morning hours
of May 4th. The ice sheet that previously existed at Curry broke up and
accumulated in the reach at RM 119.2.
Another ice jam keyed near RM 112.7 and extended upstream to the
confluence with Lane Creek. On May 4th, there was a noticeable increase in
overflow on the upstream ice indicating a rise in water level. Flow had also
spilled into the right channel below IUt 112.7. The ice jam held until the
early morning of May 6th, when the jam released. Ice floes packed into the
channel extending from approximately RM 98.5 up to river Mile 101. 8. On the
morning of May 8th the jam was still in place. Examination of streamgaging
charts from Sunshine indicate the jam released sometime later on the 8th or
early on the 9th causing the peak recorded on the Sunshine gage chart.
New ice floes adding to the upstream edge of the jam at the confluence
and the flood wave associated with release of the jam at Gold Creek on May 7
aggravated conditions at the confluence. Water levels were already high
through this reach, with water and ice rising well up into the vegetation on
both sides of the floodplain. The accumulating ice floes and rising water
level created an unstable situation and the jam released on the morning of
May 9.
Ice cover in the lower river had broken up and been washed out several
days before the ice moved down from above Talkeetna. First movement of the
ice cover on the Deshka River and the lower Susitna River at the confluence
was reported on the morning of ~~y 2. Sporadic movement continued throughout
the day in this area. iiy early evening ice movement was also reported
downstream at Susitna Station.
For the next few days observers reported continued ice movement in the
Susitna, rising wat:er levels, and breakup of the ice cover. (n May 3, the
Deshka was 95 % ice-free, but a jam had developed at the confluence with the
Susitna. The Yentna River was also ice-free except for a jam at the con-
fluence with the Susitna River.
By mid-day on May 5. the river at Susitna Station was reported free of
ice and the jams at the Deshka/Susitna and Yentna/Susitna confluences ha d
Through the length of the river channel, remnant ice was stranded on
shore or packed into side channels with little or no flow. Over the following
weeks rising water levels flushed out the rest of the ice or it melted in
Overall, breakup during 1981 on the Susitna River was mild. Ice scarring
of trees from the release of ice jams was noticed in a few locations, most
dramatically in the vicinity of Whiskers Slough (lUI 101. 5). on the vegetated
islands in the channel. However, no major changes in channel configuration or
significant scouring of river banks due to ice were observed during the
breakup process.
b. 1982 Breakup Chronology
Breakup was more dramatic in 1982 than in previous years, as demonstrated
by extensive erosion and by damage to the Alaska Railroad tracks. Air
temperatures increased during the second hal f of April, but nighttime lows
still dipped below 0 C. By May 7 minimum daily temperatures averaged 4 C and
ice moveruent began. Jams occurred in most of the areas described for 1981 but
with greater consequences, rang i ng from scarring and denuding of vegetation to
flooding and wa s hing away of railroad tics from under the tracks . In several
areas below Talkeetna, massive amount s of soil were eroded from cutbanks,
jeopardizing at least one residence. In the vicinity of the proposed Watana
damsite, breakup effects were not as dramatic, with more ice melting in p!ace
and less erosion. The jam just downstream of the mouth of Watana Creek caused
total channel blockage and ice accumulations for 1 mile upstream.
The only other significant jamming observed in the upper river took place
near the mouth of Jay Creek. This jam backed up ice floes and impounded water
for several miles. However, since the channel here is confined, no
significant flooding took place.
On April 26, 1982, the river below Talkeetna remained ice-covered, with
many areas showing overflow. South of Bell Island, however, the ice had gone
out, and the river was open. The Talkeetna River was still frozen, with open
leads beginning to extend and connect. Heavy overflows were observed near
Chase, indicating some localized runoff. Open leads dominated side channels
and sloughs which were influenced by seeping groundwater. With the exception
of high-velocity reaches, the ice cover remained stable and continuous from
Sherman to Gold Creek. In high-velocity reaches, usually marked by open water
leads, ice rafts were breaking away from the ice cover and drifting
downstream. From Gold Creek to Indian River, the Susitna had a narrow open
channel, probably a direct result of flows from Indian River, which was
beginning to breakup. The ice bridges between Devil Canyon damsite and Devil
Creek were beginning to show accumulations of ice floes and some jamming
activity. No significant water level increases were reported. The areas of
overflow previously observed above Devil Creek were showing open water. The
quantity and extent of open leads were less upstream of tl-.e Fog Creek
confluence, with no change in river ice above the Watana damsite.
Between May 10 and May 15 the river showed little change upstream of
Devil Creek except for the open leads getting wider and more numerous. The
ice cover seemed to be melting in place rather than "breaking up". Ice
movement began on many reaches of the Susitna River below Devil Creek. All
ice bridges had disappeared except at RM 153, where an accumulation of ice
floes had jammed and extended several hundred yards upstream. The river was
open from Portage Creek to Gold Creek except for ice jams at RM 142 and
RM 139. The ice cover remained stable about one-half mile below the Gold
Creek Sridge. Ice had jammed below Sherman at RM 129 and 130, but appeared
unstable and reportedly did not last long. The main channel between RM 118
and RM 120 retained its ice cover and appeared stable. Several jams of lesser
consequence appeared at RM 115 to 117. At RM 107 (LRX-11), the river remained
entirely frozen over. A continuous open lead had formed from Chase upstream
to t:.~ mouth of Lane Creek. The confluence area was characterized by opening
leads on the Susitna, the Chulitna was in final stages of breakup with no ice
remaining over the channel. Hany ice blocks were stranded on sand bars and
bank areas adjacent to the Chulitna.
From May 12-15 a jam occurred at RM 107, flooding the railroad tracks and
scouring the east bank. Although jams have occurred in generally the same
location in previous years the 1982 breakup caused unusually severe erosion.
The section of railroad track adjacent to the Susitna Rive1 at RM 108.5 was
undermined when impounded water rose about 15 feet. The ice cover at breakup
was shorefast and extended far out into the river channel, constricting the
flow to a narrow deep channel against the right (west) bank. This cover was
very resistant to lifting. Drifting ice blocks were up-ended upon striking
this barrier, causing water inpoundment and subsequent increases in stage
upstream of the jams. Witnesses claim the impounded water rose high enough to
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erode the railroad grade and wash away several ties and damage the support
structure on a bridge crossing a tributary at RM 110. The jam persisted for
three days and backed up ice floes for approximately 1 mile before releasing
on May 15. While the j a m held, some water flowed over the ice. An extensive
area on the right overbank was also flooded. This was by far the most
significant damage in recent years according to railroad personnel.
After the final ice drive, a river reconnaissance was made by boat on May
27 to observe the damage caused during breakup. The river reach just below
Talkeetna was characterized by significant erosion of river banks on the
outside of natural bends. A signi.ficant erosion problem exists just
downstream of Talkeetna where a cabin situated on a 10-15 foot bank is
potentially threatened by future breakup scouring of equal severity as that in
1982. At the confluence, the Susitna left bank at LRX-3 had eroded 3-4 feet,
with many mature cottonwood trees now overhanging the river. At RM 99 and
100, ice blocks measuring 20-30 feet diameter had been pushed up onto the
banks and sand bars. The upstream ends of vegetated islands had been scoured
by ice, some being completely denuded of any vegetation for 100 feet or more
inland from the bank. The left river bank had eroded 4-5 feet at RM 102.
Areas most notably damaged by ice were characterized by mature (15-20 inch)
cottonwoods and birch trees being knocked down and piled up against the
upstream ends of islands . The Alaska Railroad had to heavily reinforce the
grade by depositing large rip-rap on che river bank from RM i04 to 105 and
from RM 108 to 116.
particularly evident.
The effects of breakup at Slough 9 (IU-1 129) were
The berm at the head of the slough consisted of
unconsolidated cobbles and sand, suggesting recent deposition. The ground on
the islands was covered by 3-4 inches of freshly deposited silt, and ice
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blocks were observed wich.in the forest, all evidence of a major flooding
event. The jam which caused this flooding was not observed.
In addition to the ice jam at Chase, the Alaska Railroad reported damage
to tracks at several locations along the river up to Gold Creek. The most
extensively damaged section of railroad track lies between Curry and Chase
where recurring ice jams are formed between RM 126.1 and RM 127.5. Additional
jamming and damage was reported at Railroad Mile 260 (RM 132) following an ice
jam near LRX-37.
Upstream of Gold Greek between RM 141 and 142 is another overflow channel
(Slough 21) which receives flood waters during breakup and high summer flows.
Extensive damage to the channel and overbank vegetation ~as reported after the
1982 breakup. Scarring of 30 inch cottonwoods to heights o.= 5 feet above
ground level was estimated. These trees were previously undamaged and are
situated well above and away from the normal channel.
c. 1983 Breakup Chronology
The major streams flowing directly into the lower Susitna River were
contributing substantial discharges by April 27, 1983. The ice was in varying
stages of decay on these tributaries, with Kashwitna River retaining a
virtually intact ice cover, and Montana Creek, Sheep Creek, and Willow Creek
breaking up rapidly. By April 28, there was an open channel for most of the
reach between Talkeetna and the Parks Highway Brid~:e. Observation during an
aerial reconnaissance on April 29 documented a rapidly disinteg,:ating mainstem
ice cover from Talkeetna down to the Montana Creek confluence. ~urther
downstream, the mainstem ice cover was extensively flooded but remained
intact. Above the Parks Highway Bridge the ice cover had shattered into large
ice sheets in several areas. The large size of these fragments prevented the
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ice from flowing out. At Sunshine, an ice covered reach was flooded by about
0.5 feet of overflow, but remained intact. No ice jams had occurred.
Observers at Susitna Station reported ice beginning to move downstream on
May 2, with flowing ice continuing to pass for several days. Deshka River
residents observed the first ice moving on May 4, with the steady ice flows
ending on May 10. No significant jams were noted. This pattern indicates an
upstream progression of ice breakup, which confirmed the aerial observations
on the river belc~ Montana Creek.
The largest ice jam observed on the lower river occurred on May 3 near
the confluence with Montana Creek at RM 77. Here an extensive accumulation of
drifting ice debris had failed to pass around a river bend and jammed. The
Montana Creek confluence was flooded but no damage or significant impact by
ice or water was noted.
On April 27, 1983, daily observations and data acquisition began upstream
of Talkeetna. By this time, the river had opened in some areas by the
downstream progression of small ice jams. These minor ice floe accumulations
remained on the water surface, often breaking down any intact ice cover
obstructing their passage. As described earlier, this process is initiated in
open leads which gradually become longer and wider until extensive reaches of
the channel are essentially ice free. These small ice jams may be important
in preventing the occurrence of larger, grounded ice jams. This was evident
in 1983 when large ice jams released, sending tremendous volumes of floating
ice downstream. The small jams had provided wide passages for the flowing
ice, which may have jammed again i f the channel had remained constricted. On
April 27, extensive channel enlargements and small ice jams were steadily pro-
gressing downstream near the following locations:
33RD1-007m -~
Portage Creek, RM 148.8
Jack Long Creek, RM 145.5
Slough 21, RM 142.0
Gold Creek, RM 135.9
Sherman Creek, RH 131
Curry Creek, RH 120
A large jam had also developed near Lane Creek at RH 113.5 and was
apparently grounded. Flooded shore ice surrounding the jam indicated that
some water had backed up. A noticeable increase in turbidity occurred on this
On May 1, the ice jam key at Lane Creek had shifted down to RM 113.3 and
was still accumulating ice floes at the upstream end. The source of the floes
was limited to fragmenting shore ice. No significant accumulation would occur
here until ice jams further upstream released. The ice jam near Slough 21 had
increased in size and was raising the water level along the upstream edge.
This backwater extended approximately 300 feet upstream. Figure 52 shows a
relative stage increase at this measurement site of over 3 feet in 24 hour~.
illustrating the water profile before and after this ice jam occurred.
By May 2, 1983, several large ice jams had developed. The small ice jam
at Gold Creek had broken through the retaining solid ice sheet, forming a
continuous open channel from RM 139 near Indian River to a large ice jam at RM
134.5. The small ice jam that had been fragmenting the solid ice at the
downstream end c.f an open lec;d adjact=nt to Slough 21 had progres sed down to
Rl-1 141. A large jam had developed at RM 141.5, leaving an open lOater area
between the two jams. The upstream ice jam was apparently created when a
33RD1-007m -~-
massive ice sheet s napped ·loose from shore-fast ice and slowly pivoted out
into the mainstem flow, maintaining contact with the channel bottom at the
downstream left bank corner. The ice sheet was approximately 300 feet in
diameter and probably between 3 and 4 feet thick. The upstream end pivoted
around until it contacted the right bank of the mainstem. The ice sheet was
then in a very stable position, jammed against the steep t'ight bank and
grounded in shallow water along a gravel island on the left bank. Several
small ice jams upstream had released and were accumulating against this ice
sheet, extending the jam for about one-half mile. The water level rose, with
an esrimated 2,000 cfs flowing around the upstream end of the gravel island at
RM 142 tnto a side channel. The entrance berm to Slough 21 at cross section
H9 was also overtopped. Although the estimated discharge at Gold Creek was
less than 6,000 cfs ba~ed on a staff gage reading, the normal summer flows
required to breach this berm exceed 20,000 cfs. The entrance channel at cross
section AS was breached, with about 150 cfs being diverted into the lower
portion of Slough 21. Many ice floes also drifted through this narrow access
channel and were grounded in the slough as the flow was distributed over a
wider area. This illustrates the extreme water level changes caused by ice
By May 4, 1983, stable ice jams had developed and were gradually growing
in size at the following locations between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon:
Lane Creek at RM 113.2
Curry at RM 120.5 and RM 119.5
Slough 7 at RM 122
Slough 9 at RM 129
Sherman Creek at RM 131.4
Slough 11 at RM 134.5
Slough 21 at lUI 141.8
Downstream from the ice jam at Lane Creek, the ice cover was still
intact, although extensively flooded. Between Lane Creek and Curry, the
channel was open and ice free with the exception of some remnant shore ice.
From Curry upstream to the ice jam adjacent to Slough 7 some portio~3 of the
ice cover remained, but were severely decayed and disintegration seemed
imminent. An intact ice cover remained from Slough 8 past Slough 9 to the ice
jac at Sherman. This ice cover had many open leads and large areas of flooded
snow. Between the remaining ice jams at Sherman, Slough 11 and Slough 21, the
mainstem was essentially open.
The jam at slough 21 was still receiving ice floes from the
disintegrating ice cover above Devil Canyon. As ~ce floes accumulated against
the upstream edge of the jam, the floating layer became increasingly unstable.
At some critical pressure within this cover, the shear resistance betl'een
floes was exceeded, resulting in a chain reaction of collisions that rapidly
caused the entire cover to fail. At this point, several hundred feet of ice
cover consolidated simultaneously. These consolidation phases occurred
frequently during a 4 hour observation period at Slough 21 on Hay 4. The
frequency was dependent on the volume of incoming ice floes. With each
consolidation, a surge wave resulted. During one particular consolidation of
the entire half-mile ice jam, a surge wave broke loose all the shorefast ice
along the left bank and pushed it onto an adjacent gravel island. These
blocks of shore ice were up to 4 feet thick and 30 feet wide. The zone
affected was almost 100 feet long, with the event lasting only a few seconds.
This process is essentially the same as telescoping during freezeup except
33RD1-007m -~-
that the ice is in massive rigid blocks instead of fine frazil sl\:,sh, and is
thus capable of eroding substantial volumes of material in a very short time.
The ease with which these ice blocks were shoved over the river bank indicates
the tremendous pressures that build within major ice jams.
During all of the observed consolidations at Slough 21, the large ice
sheet forming the key of the jam never appeared to move or shift. The surge
waves would occasionally overtop the ice sheet, sending smaller ice fragments
rushing over the surface of the sheet. Towards the end of the day, the ice
sheet b e~~n to deform. Solar radiation, erosion and shear stresses were
rapidly det eriora: ·~~ this massive ice block. Final observations showed it to
have bucklec in an undulal.._ -~ wave and fractured in places. Observers at the
Gold Creek Bridge reported treme ndous volumes of ice flowing downst r eam at
6 p.m. on May 4. Taking into account the travel time, this indicates that the
jam had probably released about 1 hour earlier.
The ice released at Slough 21 continued downstream unobstructed until
contacting the jam adjacent to Slough 11 at river mile 134. 5. The sudden
influx of ice displaced the mainstem water and caused a rapid rise in water
levels. The stage increased sufficiently to breach berms and flood the side
channel belo~ Slough 11 adjacent to mainstem river mile 135. The jam key at
this site consisted of shorefast ice constricting the mainstem flow to a
narrow channel of no more than 50 feet. Large ice floes. mostly from the
original jam at Gold Creek, had lodged tightly in this bottleneck. Pressures
appeared to be exerted laterally against the shorefast ice which inherently is
resistant to movement due to the high friction coefficient of the contacting
river bed substrata.
33RD1-007m -~-
On May 5, few significant changes were observed in the ice jams despite
warm, sunny weather and constantly increasing discharges from the tributaries
to the mainstem.
It was at first thought that when the ice broke at Slough 11 on May 6, it
would carry away the ice jam at Sherman and start a sequence that could
destroy the river ice cover potentially as far dow~river as Lane Creek. This
was prevented by an event that actually increased the stability of the jam at
Sherman so that it held for several more days. When the ice jam released near
Slough 11 and the debris approached the jam at Sherman, it created a momentary
surge of the water level. This surge broke loose huge sheets of shore ice
which slowly spun out into the mainstem. One triangular ice sheet about
100 feet wide wedged tightly between two extended sheets of shore-fast ice.
Ice floes continuing to accumulate against the upstream edge of this wedge
exerted tremendous pressures on the obstruction. A pressure ridge rising at
least 10 feet above the ice formed along the contact surfaces of the wedge.
This ridge consisted of angular fragments and ice candles.
The water level continued to rise as the mainstem channel fill~d with
ice, which eventually extended upstream to RM 132.5. The ice jam had
lengthened to over 1.5 miles. Flooding quickly occurred on the side channels
adjacent to the mainstem, and some ice drifted away from the main channel.
The volume of water flowing through the side channel was estimated at
approximately 2,000 cfs. As the ice jam consolidated and thl! water level
rose, P-ven more water was diverted through the bypass channels. This volume
of diverted flow was critical to the stability and duration of the ice jam.
Even though the jam increased in size, any additional hydrostatic pressure was
relieved by diverting water into Lhe side channels. The entire sequence of
events lasted only about 10 to 15 minutes. The water level rose over 1 foot
33RD1-007m -~
during this time span. Consolidations occurred periodically for the rest of
the day but the jam key was never observed to shift.
Other major ice jams key s on May 6 were located at:
Watana Damsite
Sherman Creek at RM 131 .5
Slough 9 at RM 129
Slough 8 near Skull Creek at RM 124.5
Slough 7 at RM 122
Curry at RM 120.5 (Photo 5.12)
Lane Creek at RM 113
A small and unstable ice jam at RM 126 near Slough 8 had consolidated and
the resulting surge started a rapid disintegration of the remaining ice cover
down to the mouth of Slough 8 near Skull Creek. This same surge appeared to
have breached the entrance berm to Slough 8. Slough 9 was flooded by a jam at
RM 129 -near the upstream channel entrance. The Slough 7 ice jam received some
additional floes wh ~ the jam at Slough 8 released. This resulted in a rise
in water level and flooding at RM 123.
At 6:30 p.m. on May 6. a moving mass of ice debris that stretched
continuously from RM 136 to RM 138. with l esser concentrations extending for
many more miles upstream. wa s observed approaching the Sherman ice jam.
However. the consequences of this on the Sherman jam were not immediately ob-
served. The condition of the floes indicated that this ice originated from
above Devil Canyon. The well-rounded floes appeared to be no larger than
1 foot in diameter and were presumably shaped by the high number of collisions
experienced in the turbulent rapids through Devil Canyon. Reconnais s ance of
the river above Devil Canyon on Ma y 6 revealed a mainstem entirely clear of an
ice cover for many miles. Stranded ice floes and fragments littered the river
banks up to the confluence of Fog Creek. In several short reaches from Fog
Creek upstream to Watana, the ice cover remained intact. A large jam had
deve loped near the proposed Watana damsite and extended approximately 1 mile.
On May 7, the following ice jams persisted:
Key Location
Watana Damsite, RM 184
Sherman, RM 131.5
Slough 7, RM 122
Slough 6A, RM 112.5
(formerly Lane Creek jam)
1 mile
3.5 miles
1 mile
2 miles
Downstream from the jam at Slough 6A , the river retained an intermittent
ice cover that was severely decayed and flooded. Below the Chulitna
confluence, the mainstem was ice-free and no ice jams were observed. The
reaches between the remaining ice jams were generally wide open. The Curry
jam had released overnight and traveled all the wdy to the Lane Creek jam.
Here, the sudden increase in i.ce mass shoved the entire ice jam downstream
about 1 mile where it again encountered a solid but decayed ice c over .
At about 10:30 p.m. on Hay 8, the ice jam at Sherman released, sending
the total 3.5 miles ~f accumulated ice drifting downstream en masse at
approximately 4-5 feet per second. This accumulation of ice easily removed
33RD1-007m -,li:C-
the remaining ice jams at· Slo-.6n 7 and Slough 6A. The l ust solid ice cover
between Slough 6A at RM 11 2 and the Susitna/Chulitna c onfluence at RM 98.5
were also destroyed and replaced by one long, massive ice jam. This jam
extended continuously from RM 99.5 to RM 104, and then was interrupted by an
open water section up to RM 107. From this point a second ice jam extended
upstream to RM 109.5. This blockage was later measured to be over 16 feet
thick ia some sections, but more commonly was about 13 feet thick.
These ice jams released on the night of May 9. Further observations were
conducted on May 10 between lUI 109 and lUI 110. Along this rea ch, the final
ice release had left accumulations of ice and debris stranded on the river
banks, leaving ice floe s deep in the forest. When the ice jams released, the
ice floes piled up along the margins did not move, probably due to strong
frictional forces against the boulder strewn shoreline. This created a
fracture line parallel to the flow vector where shear stresses were relieved.
The main body of the ice jam flowed downstream, leaving stranded ice deposits
with smooth vertical walls at the edge of water. These shear walls at
RM 108.5 were 16 feet high. The extreme height of the water surface within
the ice jam was demarcated by a differe nce in color. A dark brown layer
represented the area through which water had flowed and deposited sediment in
the ice pack. A white layer near the surface was free of sediment and
probably was not inundated by flowing water.
On May 10, the only remaining ice in the mainstem was on the upper river
above Watana. Here an i c e jam about 1.5 miles long had dev eloped near Jay
Ice floes continued to drift down s tream for several week s after the final
ice jam at Chase released. As increasing discharges gradually raised the
water level, ice floes that had been left strandP.d by ice jam surge waves were
33RDl-007m -)=t(-
carried away by the current. On May 21. the massive deposits of ice floes.
fragments. slush. and debris were still intact near Whiskers Creek and
probably would not be washed away until a high summer flow.
The ice breakup of 1983 occurred over a longer time span than in previous
years. according to historica.l. information and local residents. This was
primarily due to the lack of precipitation during the critical period when the
ice cover had decayed and could have been easily and quickly destroyed by a
sudden. area-wide stage increase. During a year with more precipitation in
late April. ice jams of greater magnitude may form and cause substantially
more flooding and subsequent damage by erosion and ice scouring.
Several important aspects related to 1 ce jams were observed this year and
are summarized here:
1. Ice jams generally occur in areas of similar channel configuration. that
is. shallow reaches with a narrow confined thalweg channel along one
2. Ice jams commonly occur adjacent to side channels or s lcughs.
3. Sloughs act as bypass channels during extreme mainstem stages. often
relieving the hydrostatic pressure from ice jams and controlling the
water level in the main channel. Ice jam flooding probably formed the
majority of the s loughs between Curry and Gold Creek.
4. Ice jams commonly create surge waves during consolidation which heave ice
laterally onto the overbank.
5. Large ice sheets can break loose from shore-fast ice and wedge across the
mainstem channel, creating extremely stable jams that generally only
release when the ice decays.
d. 1984 Breakup Chror.ology
The 1984 lower river breakup was not marked by any unusual or dramatic
events. The processes observed in the spring of 1983 were essentially
As previously described, open water leads developed immediately in some
a=eas where water velocities were high enough to erode the underside of the
ice. The following river reaches seem to be particularly susceptible to open
lead development, where an ice cover cannot remain stable for any period . ~
time unless cold air temperatures override all other influences:
Below RM 9 (tidal influence)
RM 62 to RM 66
RM 70.5 to RM 74
RM 78 to RM 86
RM 93 to RM 95
RM 96.5 to RM 98.5
The reach from RM 96.5 to RM 98.5 opened within 24 hours after ice cover
progression from November 27 to December 8, 1983 to a width of about 100 feet
at LRX-3 (RM 98.5). The open water surface area gradually diminished through
the winter but wa s not observed to close in 1984 . Reach 5 also opened shortly
after the initial cover developed in mid-November 1983. A secondary
accumulation progressed upstream though the lead but never achieved a complete
33RD1-007m -_)>it:.-
closure. The remaining reaches eventually froze over by late January 1984.
An ice cover that forms over open leads, by nature is less thick that the
initial cover. For this reason these areas are the first to open up again
with warmer air temperatures. This is the pattern observed on the lower river
over the past three years. By early April 1984 the reaches listed above were
again ice free over a portion of the cross section.
The 1983 freezeup initiated with flows at the Sunshine gage of about
13,000 cfs. The leading edge of the ice cover arrived at Talkeetna with the
discharge at Sunshine approximately 5,000 cfs. The majority of the ice cover
in the downstream reaches of the lower river, formed at higher stages, is
subsequently no long floating prior to breakup. Discharge generally begins to
increase in late March from th~ Sunshine base flow of about 3,000 cfs. The
corresponding stage increase consequently breaks up the ice cover over the
upper reaches of the lower river first, since this ice developed at lower
freezeup flows. If the ice is still structurally competent during the
discharge increase then large ice sheets break free from the shorefast ice.
These remain intact and drift downstream until they contact solid ice or
become lodged across the channel. In the latter case a new barrier is
created, whic h may cause i ce debris to accumulate into an ice jam. This was
observed at RM 79 in 1984. This ice jam remained on the surface and no
significant backwater occurred. The ice floes causing the blockage weakened
after three days and dislodged. All the accumulated ice debris rushed
downstream about l mile before contacting a solid ice cover. Here a new ice
jam formed, which also remained on the surface with no substantial increase in
stage. Historically, ice jams have been documented between RM 77 and R.M 96,
but rarely do they cause much flooding since the broad flo o d plain adjacent to
the ice choked channel has a large flow capacity.
33RD1-007m -~-
The lower river is us.ually ice-free by May 6. At this time the middle
river usually has several very large ice jams and the upper river ice may
still be intact. When the upper river ice finally disintegrates and moves
downstream, it takes out the remaining middle river jams and the ice moves
unrestricted through the lower river.
Additional inf ormation on the nature and timing of breakup of the ice
cover on the Susitna River can be obtained through the National Weather
Service River Forecast Center and the Alaska Railroad.
Data from the Alaska Railroad
The table below lists breakup dates on the Susitna River from 1975 to
1980 based on observations by personnel from the Alaska Railroad. It also
d~scribes the nature of breakup a nd identifies specific problem sites.
33RD1-007m -~
Year Dates
1975 May 12-15
1976 May 5-17
1977 May 16th
1978 May 8-9
1979 May 8
1980 May 12-13
Ice out by the 15th.
no damage to track.
Some minor flooding,
Washouts on the Sth on tracks in the
vicinity of Curry from river miles 119.8 to
122. Washouts related t o large jam extend-
ing from river mile 118 .4 to 123 during the
same time. Short stretch of track also lost
downstream of LRX-30 at river miles 127.0
to 127.2. Heavy flooding of tracks in vicin-
ity of LRX-18 and
cant bank scouring
tracks from LRX-13
ice pushed
110. 4) to
(R.M. 113.0). Ice out on the 17th.
up on
Ice out , some bank scouring, but no signif-
icant damage.
Some jams and flooding, minor damage. Ice
on tracks at curve approximately river mile
109.6, below LRX-13.
Gentle breakup, no flooding or damage to
No flooding, ice and rockc pushed up on
tracks at a few spots, no serious damage.
Overall, the Railroad has never had ice problems with the track from
Sherman upstream to Gold Creek. The track is farther from the main channel of
33RD1-007m -~-
the Susitna and is higher above the river through that reach. However.
flooding and damage to the tracks occur consistently in come reaches below
Sherman. The track in the vicinity of LRX-30, where the river channel bends
to the west has been damaged often. Rock rip-rap has been dumped Lo retard
active bank erosion during breakup along the far left bank.
Another section that appears vulnerable during breakup is that area below
Curry from LRX-23 to below LRX-21. Ice jams of varying magnitude form through
this reach nearly every year, causing flooding of the tracks or other damage.
Farther downstream, active bank erosion is threatening the tracks in the
vicinity of LRX-20. Rip-rap has been dumped to prevent further erosion.
Rip-rap has also been dumped through the entire reach from LRX-18 to
below LRX-13 along the left bank. This reach suffers nearly every year from
flooding, ice on the tracks and scouring of the banks.
The sharp bend in the riv er channel between LRX-09 and LRX-10 has also
been the site of ice jams several times in the past. Water flooded the tr~cks
and ice was pushed up on top of the banks, with some scouring occuring.
River bed and bank material may be displaced directly by moving ice or by
flow conditions altered by ice phenomena (Newbury. 1968). The rising ice
cover and accompanying shifts of the solid ice fragments during breakup
removes vegetation from the banks to a level not attained by high summer
flows. The middle river vegetation trim line corresponds to the late winter
ice profile rather than the peak annual flood. However, the lower river is
not affected severely by breakup, and erosion on this reach is primarily
associated with summer floods.
33RD1-007m -~-
Sloughs and side channels are usually overtopped during the open water
season, but severe erosion generally takes place only when flows are
accompanied by solid ice fragments during breakup or during extreme floods.
Some sloughs may also be overtopped at freezeup. This usually leads to
development of snow ice and in some cases short-term deposition of anchor ice.
A rise in groundwater levels corresponding to the staging maj .nstem flow
increases the seepage rate in the sloughs. This results in a storage heat
flux to the slough water, causing anchor ice to melt and opening leads open
through an existing ice cover.
Breakup ice processes historically have been a major environmental force
on the Susitna River, affecting channel morphology, vegetation, and aquatic
and terrestrial habitats. The impacts vary along the length of the river.
Ice processes appear to be a major factor controlling morphology of the river
between the Chulitna confluence and Portage Creek. Areas with frequent jams
have numerous side channels and sloughs. The size and configuration of
existing sloughs appear to be dependent on the frequency of ice jamming in the
adjacent mainstem.
Major breakup ice events probably formed sloughs. The size and
configuration of existing sloughs is dependent on the frequency of ice jamming
in the adjacent mainstem, Ice floes can easily move the bed material,
substantially modifying the elevation of entrance berms to the sloughs. In
May, 1983, a surge wave overtopped a shallow gravel bar that isolated a side
channel near Gold Creek. The surge also created enough lifting force to shift
large ice floes. These floes barely floated but were carried into the side
channel by the onrush of water, dragging against the bot toe for several
hundred feet and scouring troughs in the bed material. This same process also
enlarges the sloughs. When extreme staging occurs in the mainstem and a large
volume of water spills over the berms, then ice floes drift into the side
channel. These ice floes scour the banks and move bed material, expanding the
slough perimeter. This scouring action by ice can therefore drastically alter
the aquatic habitat.
rhe erosive force of ice affects vegetation along the river. The
frequency of major ice jam events is often indicated by the age or condition
of vegetation on the upstream end of islands in the mainstem. Islands that
are annually subjected to large jams usually show a stand of ice-scarred ma-
ture trees ending abruptly at a steep and often undercut bank. A stand of
young trees occupying t he upstream end of islands probably represents second
generation growth after a major ice jam event destroyed the original
vegetation. Vegetation is often prevented from Te-establishing by ice jams
that repeatedly override some islands.
Ice processes have several impacts on aquatic habitat. The sloughs may
have snow ice up to 5-6 feet thick. Diversion of flow and ice into the
sloughs may cause large changes in channel morphology. Large amounts cf silt
may be deposited in the system at breakup. The s ilt deposits move downstream
during summer high flows, covering good spawnin g habitat.
Ice processes do not appear to play as important a role in the morphology
of the Susitna River below the Chulitna confluence. This river reach
regularly e xperiences extensive flooding during summer storms. These summer
floods seem to have significantly more effect on the riverine environment than
do ice processes (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982a, 1982b). This reach is
characterized by a broad, multichannel configuration with distances between
vegetated banks of ten exceeding 1 mile. The thalwe g is represented by a
33RD1-007m ~-
relatively deep meandering-channel that usually occupies less than 20 percent
of the total bank-to-bank width. At low winter flows the thalweg is bordered
by an expanse of sand and gravel (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982b ). Although ice
cover prog ression frequently increases the stage about 2-4 feet above normal
Octob er water levels, no significant overbank flooding takes place, although
some sloughs a~d the mouths of some tributaries do receive some overflow. The
ice cover below Talkeetna is usually confined to the thalweg, and surface
profiles rarely approach the vegetation trim line along the banks.
The transportation of sediments decreases substantially between freezeup
and breakup, primarily because of the elimination of glacial sediment input
and the reduction in flows. The glaciers contribute the maj or ity of the
suspended sediment by volume to the Susitna. Other factors that significantly
influence the sediment regime are turb u lence, velocity, and discharge, all of
which are greatly reduced during the winter. However, t he advent of frazil
ice in October provides a variety of processes by which particles, both in
suspension and saltation, c an be moved. Ice nucleation, suspended sediment
fi4tration, an~ entrainment of larger particles in anchor ice are some of the
processes described in t~lis section. The dramatic nature of breakup often
introduces sediment to the flow by re-entraining particles that had settled to
the bottom. This ice event is characteristically accompanied by ice scouring
and erosion during extreme stages. Ice jam induced flooding commonly flushes
sediments from side channels and sloughs. Ice blocks are heaved on t o riv er
banks or scraped against unconsolidated depositional sediments, remov ing soils
which may become entrained in the turbulent flow and carried downstream.
Laboratory investigations have determined that ice readily nucleates
around supercoo l e d particles. These particles may be in the form of organic
detritus, soils, or even water droplets (Osterkamp, 1978). Prior to freezeup,
the Susitna River abounds in clay-size sediment particles wldch may form the
nucleus of frazil ice crystals. The first occurrence of frazil is generally
also marked by a reduction in turbidity. Visual observations seem to indicate
that the decrease in turbidity is proportional to the increase in frazil ice
discharge. It is not certain whether this occurs because of the nucleation
process or by filtration.
As described in previous sections, frazil ice crystals t ~ to flocculate
into clusters and adhere together as well as to other objects. When frazil
floccules agglomerate they form loosely packed slush (Newbury, 1978). Water
is able to pass through this slush but suspended sediments are filtered out.
Sediment particles are therefore entrained in the accumulating ice pack. Ice
shavings from bore holes drilled through the ice often contain silt-size
particles of sediment. Early flows of slush ice accumulate on the lower river
below Susitna Station and progressively advance upstream. These early slush
floes possibly filter high sediment concentrations in October and retain them
in suspension all winter.
When frazil ice collects on rocks lying on the channel bottom, it is re-
ferred to as anchor ice (Hichel, 1971). Anchor ice is usually a temporary
featl.re, commonly forming at night when air temperatures are coldest, and
releasing during the day. Like slush ice, anchor ice is porous and often has
a dark brown color from high sediment concentrations. These sediment
particles were either once suspended and subsequently filtered out of the
water, or else were transported by saltation until they adhered 0:1 contc.•:t
with the frazil. When anchor ice breaks loose from the bottom, it generally
33RD1-007m -~-
lacks the structural competence to float any particles larger than gravel.
Frazil slush is therefore an effective medium for sediment transport during
freezeup, whether the process is nucleation, filtration or entrapment.
An ice cover advancing upstream can cause a l ocal rise in water levels,
often flooding previously dry side channels and sloughs. Substantial volumes
of slush ice may accompany this flooding. On December 15, 1982, Sloughs 8 and
8A were flooded when the ice pack increased in thickness on the mainstem
immediately adjacent to the slough entrance. These sloughs r eceived a
disproportionate volume of slush ice relative to water volume since the water
breaching the berm constituted only the very top layer of mainstem flow. The
majority of slush ice floats near the water surface despite only minimal
buoyancy. The flow spilling over the slough berms therefore carried a high
concentration of ice. This slush ice and entrained sediment rapidly
accumulated into an ice cover that progressed up the entire length of
Slough 8A.
Side channels and sloughs that were breached during freezeup and filled
with slush ice are not necessarily flooded during breakup. If these sloughs
are not inundated then the ice cover begins to deteriorate in place. The
entrained sediment consolidates in a layec on the ice surface and effectively
reduces the albedo, further increasing the melt rate. What finally remains is
a layer of fine silt up to ~-inch thick covering the channel bottom and
If berms are breached during breakup, t hen ice fragments from the main
channel may be washed into the slough and become strai].ded in the shallow
reach. These ice floes then simply melt in place, depositing their sediment
load in the side channel. This occurred in Hay 1983 when the "AS" access
channel to Slough 21 flooded during a major mainstem ice jam.
33RD1-007m -~
Shore-fast ice along the perimeter of an ice jam is usually not floating.
When debris accumulating behind a jam consolidates, the resulting surge wave
may provide the critical lifting force to suddenly shift the border ice. This
occurred near Slough 21 on Hay 4, 1983. Tons of ice were shoved onto a gravel
island, entraining particles up to boulder-size and producing ridges of
cobbles, gravels and organics. By this process of laterally shoving substrate
material, ice can build up or destroy considerable berms and change the size
of gravel bars near ice jam locations. When the lateral pressure exerted by
ice is comp o unded by simultaneous downstream movement such as during an ice
jam release, the effec ts on the riv er banks can be devastating. Many cubic
feet of bank material were scoured away in minutes when massive jams released
near Slough 21, Sherman, and Chase in t-fay 1983 (figure SO).
An interesting phenomeno n observed during breakup was the e f fective
filtering capability of ice j ams and individual ice blocks. Sediment-laden
water flows through the man y channels and interstices between the fragment s in
an ice jam. The s e interstic e s are usually filled with porous slush which
removes suspended s e diments from the water. Ice jams can concentrate sediment
in this manner and often become v ery dark in color .
As discus s ed, Susitna Riv er ice generally consists of alternating layers
of rigid, impermeable clear ice and porous, loosely packed, rounded crystals
of metamorphosed fra z il ice. Water can percolate through the permeable
lay ers, which strain out suspended sediment particles. This sediment becomes
concentrated when the ice melts and is ei t her re-entrained into suspension or
deposited on the river bank if the i ce floes were stranded (figure 51).
33RDl-007m -~
The sloughs and side channels of the middle and lower Susitna River
convey mainstem flow for most of the open water season and generally dewater
prior to freezeup. Overtopping occurs when mainstem water levels exceed the
threshold elevation at the slough entrances. This typically occurs during
floods initiated by snowmelt and augmented by rainfall and glacial melt, and
often during freezeup when mainstem water is staged to a higher level before
the advancing ice front. Breakup ice jams dramatically incre;:..s e the water
level in a relatively short reach immediately upstream of the obstruction.
Water levels can easily exceed those associated with even extreme summer
flooding. When this occurs, the river banks can b e c vertopped as the \'later
seeks an alternate route to bypass the jam.
The sloughs on the middle river are overtopped at different river
discharges . The bed material is often composed of large cobbles and gravels
which may be tra nsported during the peak annual flood but not by the typi~Gl
overtopping flow which occurs at the usual mainstem discharges of between
25,000 cfs and 40,000 cfs. This is evident also by the numerous beaver dams
and ponds located in some sloughs indicating that flows do not reach extrem2
velocities. During breakup, the activity of solid ice floes moving bank
material has been well documented and little doubt remains that i c e can move
great volumes of material, even up to the largest boulders (Newbury, 1968).
Entranc e berms can be bu1.lt up by ice floes shoved laterally from the main
channel, literally bulldozing the substrate in front of them. Conversely
these same berms can be removed if ice floes override the channel entrances.
The typical sequence of breakup overtopping occurs as follows. An ice
jam develops on the mainstem. This starts as a simple floating jam again s t a
solid ice cover obstruction but evo lves into a dry dam when ice accumulations
33RD1-007m ~
cause a compression of the debris, increasing the thickne ss and ground i n g the
ice on the channel bottom. The jam n o w complete l y b locks the riv er chann el.
Water levels rapidl y rise, spilling into s ide channels o r fl owi ng overb ank.
If the flow can be conveyed through side channels, then the mainstem wa ·:er
level stops rising. If the diverted flow is shallow, then ice f l o es can ·1ot
leave the ice-cho ked mainstem bef o re beco ming grounded o n the chan nel bad.
Subsequent surges due to ice d e bris compressions may shove the ice blocks
laterally, pushing bank material il,to low mounds or berms .
Compres-;ions also re s ult in increased water lev els, als o c a u sin g trore
water to f low o ut of the main c hannel. If c om pressio ns cont inue, then a water
level may be reache d that is deep eno ugh to drive the ic ·~ floes out of the
main channel and into t he diversio n c hannel. The solid floes , which may have
large dimensions and we i gh thou sands of pounds, are carried through the side
channel, bumping and scrapin g over the entrance berm, impacting the ban<s,
scouring the bed until finally b e coming stran ded . Severe modific atio n s o f :he
side channel morpho logy o ccur i n th is manner . F igure 52 s h ow s an e x tn!me
example of this process. A W4 SSive ice j am on the ma ins tem cau s ed water to
flow into a side channel, wl1ich also became b l o cked and c ause J flo o ding of the
terrac e along the left bank. I c e blo cks and wa ter ero d e d o ut what i s now
calle d Slough 11.
Overtopping may occur at some sloughs during freezeup as well. Thet:e
event s a Le considerably less dramatic and usually do not affe c t the c hannel
morpho logy since s o lid ice is ab s ent. Main s t e m staging c auses the wa ter lev el
to rise and eventually s eep through the snow cover lying over the entranct!
berm. During some years this results only in the formation o f s now i c e. If
the water c ontinues t o r ise, t he s now rapidly ero des away a nd open wa ter flo ws
thro ugh the side channel. If o vertopping continues , the entire s lough ma y b e
33RD1-007m -~-
flooded. Water cont inues flowing until the mainstec recedes. The side
channel flow may be accompanied by slush ice. This, however, has no
detrimental influence on the channel since the ice lacks cohesion and usually
flows around obstacles . The presence of shallow open water in the slough may
resul t in the formation of anchor ice on the channel bed if air temperatures
are cold enough (i.e. less than -10 C). Anchor ice was reported in Slough SA
during the 198 2 freezeup when an estimated 140 cfs flowed through that
Most sloughs on the middle river have channel bed elevations low enough
to intercept the local groundwater table . This water seeps into the channel
and prevents any permanent ice development . Groundwater temperatures are
generally warm (2-3 C), melting existing ic~ und causing leads to fore in the
sloughs . The se leads usually remain all winter, often extending beyond the
slough mouth and into the main channel ice cover.
Observations and recordings of groundwater levels in wells ad jacent to
the mainstem indicate that water goes into or out of ground storage depending
on mainst em s tage. At high stages, when the mainstem water level is higher
than the l ocal water table (i .e. during flood s), water percolates thro ugh the
substrate and groundwater levels gradually rise . Conversely, when mainstem
stages are low, groundwater seeps from the banks until it reaches a level near
the mains tem water level.
Groundwater observation wells located at Slough 9 indicated a rising
water table as the main channel ice cover a pproached in both 1982 and 1983 .
This coincided with a noticeable increase in the s urface a re a of isolated
pools in the slough system. Snow surrounding these pool s was inundated and
33RD1-007m -~-
subsequently froze into snow ice. Slough banks began t o seep ground water and
the flow in the sloughs inc r eased slightly. The inc rease in groundwater flow
rapid ly mel ted through ice covers over the pools and prevented further ice
from developing.
The thermal influence of the groundwater is overwhelmed if the slough is
overtopped , but since overtopping during freezeup i s a rela tiv ely short term
e vent, the groundwater provides heat when overtopping ceases. This heat
influx continues all winter.
The sloughs e ffec ted by groundwater seeps during the winter include:
Slough 21 Slough SA
Slough 11 Slough 7
Slough 10 Slough 6
Slough 9 Lane Sl ough
t.lhi sk ers Slough
33 RD1 -007m -ya~
Wint e r with-project studies included simulations of reservoir and river
temperatures and ice processes, groundwater, sediment, and channel s tabilit y
studies. The re se rvoir and river tempera ture and ice simula tions provided the
necessary information on flows, water levels, and temperatures t o make the
other studies. The seque n ce of these simulations is given be low.
1. Reservoir(s) o peration simulatio n s , in whi ch the power and f l ood release s
are determined, on a weekly bas i s, thro ugho ut the y e ar.
2. Reservoir(s) temp e rature /ice s imulations utilize meteorologic and
hydrologic data to determine outflow temperature s and winter reservoir
ice cover on a daily basis.
3. In s tream temperature simulations pro ceed f r om the release r a t e and
temperature at the dam(s ) a nd produce t empe rature profiles in the o pen-
water o n a weekly basis.
4. I nstream ice s i mula tions begin a t th e 0 C isotherm dete rmined from the
ins tream t e mp e r a tu re mod e l a nd predic t the ice r egimr d own s tream.
Additionally , a mail su rvey of experience in o perating hyd r o electric
project s in cold regions wa s undertaken. Letters were sen t t o operators of
h y droelect ric proj ects and concerned environ~ental agencies to asce rtain
33RD2-007p /JcY'
measures employed at the projects to minimize potential problems. Concerns
addressed by the survey were:
1. project operation to control ice formation in the river downstream,
2. project operation to control ice cover cracking in the reservoir,
3 . effects on t errestrial animals of exposure to ice covered reservoir
4. problems of bank erosion associa ted with ice in the reservoir and
river downstream.
With-project reservoir temperature and ice cover characteristics are
simulated with the Dynamic Reservoir Simulation Model (DYRESM), developed by
Imberger, Patterson, and others (imberger and Pa tt e rson, 1981). The model has
b P.en calibra ted by Harza-Ebasco u sing Eklutna Lake data from 1982-1 984
(Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, 198 4a). Acres used the same model for
the License Application studies, with a limi ted calibration study on Eklutna.
In order to include effects of an ice cover, an ice subroutine developed
by Patterson and Hamblin for Canadian lakes has been incorporated in the
:ce wc~ld begin t o f o rm on th e reservoi r when the surface temperature has
cooled to 0 C and dail y average air temperatures are below 0 C. At Watana and
De vil Ca nyon thi s normally occ ur s in November. On ce the river temperature at
the upper end of the reservoir ha s dropped to 0 C, an estimate is made for
fr azil ice input also . The frazil input is esti~a ted to be 5% of the ~~ater
fl ow , and is assumed to b e presen t beginning No v ember l and decreasing t<, 0%
33RD2-007p /Ji
on December 31. Once an ice cover has formed on the reservoir, snow is also
allowed to accumulate based on actual precipitation records. The snow acts as
insulation, slowing the growth of ice. The ice cover generally grows
throughout the winter in accordance with daily air temperature and
precipitation data. In the spring, solar radiation begins to melt the cover
before air temperatures exceed 0 C. Later, the warm air temperature in
co~bination with the increasing solar radiation tends to melt the cover
rapidly, usually in less than 1 month.
With-project stream te~peratures are modeled by SNTEMP, the Stream
Network Temperature Simulation Model, developed by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. SNTEMP predicts water temperatures at selected points in a river
network. The model uses discharge and temperature output from the reservoir
simulation, DYRESM, and routes the flow downstream utilizing meteorologic,
hydrologic, and stream geometry data to compute heat flux relationships and
water temperature along the river. SNTEMP has been documented by the Arctic
Environmental Infornation and Data Center (AEIDC, 1983).
SNTEMP operates between Watana o~ Devil Canyon downstrean to Sunshine
Station at the Parks Highway bridge. Flow and thermal input froo tributaries
between the dam and Sunshine Station are included. Topographic shading is
also an important feature of the Susitna River which is included in the mode l .
Generally, the SNTE~W output which is utilized by !CECAL is the location
of the 0 C river isotherm as a function of time during the winter. From this
point, !CECAL computes ice producti~n in the river downstream to the ice
front. However, in the spring, the 0 C isothenn as cot:lputed tj SNTEHP is
downstream of the ice front, which indicates meltout is in progress. In this
case, the water temperature at the front is interpolated from the SNTEMP
results in order to estimate the temperature at the ice front. With this
value , the melting of th ~ front and under-ice water temperature decay are
computed by ICECAL.
Preliminary river ice simulations with the ICESIM model were undertaken
by Acres American, Inc. (Acres American, Inc., 1983) in preparation of the
FERC License Application. Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture (1984b)
documented the river ice model ICECAL and its calibration to the Middle
Susitna River for use in the present study IC EC AL was used to generate the
river ice simulationR presented in this report . The model provides a d a ily
summary of hydraulic, temperature and ice conditions throughout the study
reach for the period November through April.
The particular hydraulic and ice operations performed by the ICECAL model
include the following:
a. Hydraulic profiles are computed daily for the study reach.
b. The 0 C isotherm is located based on SNTEMP results.
c. Frazil ice produc tion is computed between the 0 C isotherm and the
ice front. If the 0 C iso therm is determined to be downstream of
the i ce front, meltout of the ice f r o nt a nd und er ice tempe r acu re
decay are computed.
d. Shore ice (border ice) growth proceeding from shore is computed in
the reach between the 0 C isotherm and the ice front.
e. As frazil ice coalesces into loosely-consolidated slush floes,
hydraulic conditions at the ice front are analyzed to determine
whether the floes accumulate at the upstream (leading) edge of the
ice cover. If not, the ice is swept under the ice cover and
deposited on the underside of the ice cover downstream, in
accordance with the under-ice velocity profile.
f. Computations are made of the slush and solid ice component thickness
of the river ice cover.
g. Meltout of the ice cover is simulated by computing the melting of
the c ove r and retreat of the ice front ~hen warm water, above OC,
reaches the ice front.
Input data utilized by IC ECAL include the following:
a. River cross-sectional geometry and bed roughne ss for the s tudy
reac h.
b. Weather co nditions (daily air t em perature and wind ve l oc ity) for the
stud y reach.
c. Water inflow hydrograph at up s tre am boundary of s tudy reach.
d. Daily frazil ice discharges a t upstream boundary of study reac h, or
e. Location of the 0 C isotherm, or water temperature at the ice f r ont.
Cal ibration of !CECAL was carried ou t using observa tions of natural ice
processes during 1982-83 and 19 83-84 (R&M Consultants , rnc., 19 84 a, b).
Computer simulations of natural a nd with-project ice processes were made
for the winters of 1971-7 2 , 1976-77, 1981-82, and 1983-83. The winter of
1971-72 is considered to be a repre sentative co ld winter, whereas, the winter
of 1981-82 is average in te~perature. The winter of 1982-83 represents a warm
winter and 1976-77 r ep resents a very warm winter. Climatic data fo r these
yea r s are summa rized on figures 53 and 54 . Natural streamflows at Gold Creek
for these winter s are shown in figure 55.
The basic sioulations were run using the Case C release cons traint, shown
on figure 56. Other simula tions have been made using the Case E-VI release
constraint, al3o sho~~ on figure 56. The mul ti -level intakes at Wa tana and
Devil Canyon were initially oper a ted in an attemp t to match the natural flow
temperature . Other simulations were made as s uming release of warmest water
year-round, end additional low power intakes at Watana.
These variations were made to test the sensitivity of release
temperatures and ice regime to operating policy and intake design. The
simula tions are as follows:
a. Basic Runs
Case C Flow Coustraints
33RD2-007p /'( 3
Inflow-Matching Release Policy
Intake Geometry per License Application
Watana +
Year Watana Only Devil Canyon Watana
Simulated Pre-Project 1996 2001 2002 2020 Filling
(Cold) 1971-72 1 5 9. 12. 16.
(Very Warm) 1976-77 2 6 13.
(Average) 1981-82 3 7 10. 14. 19. (2nd
(Warm) 1982-83 4 8 11. 15. 17. 18. (1st
b. Attempt to Provide Warmer Releases Throughout the Winter.
(i) Repeat run 5, assuming 4 C releases throughout the w~nter.
(ii) Repeat run 9, using warmest water available, year-round.
(iii) Repeat run 9, using warmest water available year-round, with
additional low intake at El.l800, (approach channel El.l770).
(iv) Repeat run 9, using warmest water available year-round, with
additional low intake at El . 1800, (approach channel El. 1500).
(v) Repeat run 9, with additional low intake at El. 1636 (approach
channel El. 1470).
c. Effects of Revised Flow Constrain ts (Case E-VI)
33RD2-007p j'tY
(i) Repeat run 10, with Case E-VI flow constraint.
(ii) Repeat run 14, with Case E-VI flow constraint.
Figures 57 and 58 show typical results of the ice cover simulations on
Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs, respectively, based on DYRESH results.
On Watana, the ice cover begins to form in November and gradually
thickens until March or April. The cover begins to melt in April or May and
the meltout is generally more rapid than the fo~ation. The ice cover is
generally melted sometime in May. In a cold winter , such as 1971-72, the
Watana cover is not completely melted until early June.
The timing for the cover on Devil Canyon Reservoir is very similar to
Watana Reservoir. However, the ~o ver at Devil Canyon is generally thinner
than at Watana. For ins tance, in a cold winter s uch as 1971 -72, the maximum
computed thickness at lJatana was about 60 inches, compared to about 48 inches
at Devil Canyon. The thinner cover at Devil Canyo n is because of the above
0 C releas es from Watana into the Devil Canyon reservoir during the winter,
compared to the 0 C inflow to Watana reservo ir in the winter.
The reservoir cover thickn esses shown on figures 57 and 58 are ba sed on
inflow matching" temperature control. That is, the intake port which mo s t
closely matches the reservoir inflow temperature is operated. Also , the
releases are constrained by Case C. Other o p e rating rule curves have been
studied including:
a) Warmest available water year-round,
b) Additional low intakes at Watana, and
c) Lase E-VI release constraint.
All of the above operations result in slight differences in the ice
thickness, but the timing of formation and meltout are not substantially
Figures 59, 60, and 61 show the minimum, mean and maximum Watana
Reservoir water levels for operations in 2001, 2002 and 2020. Reservoir
levels in 1996 would be similar to 2001. Figures 62 and 63 show the same
information for Devil Canyon Reservoir in 2002 and 2020. Watana Reservoir is
normally be drawn down between 40 and 90 feet between October and May.
Between mid-April and mid-May the water level is fairly stable. Beginning in
mid-to late Hay, the reservoir water surface begins to rise by about !0 to 30
feet a month. During the same periods the Devil Canyon water levels remains
relatively constant and is not drawn down.
a. Watana Operation
At Watana, the reservoir would generally freeze over while the water
level is near its maximum for the year. Ice would first begin to form in
shallow areas and along the edges of the reservoir. This would consist of a
very thin sheet. The ice cover would progress toward the reservoir center
until it covered the entire surface. It is not uncommon for an overnight cold
spell to result in a thin sheet of ice over large portions of the reservoir
surface. If solar radiation and winds do not melt or break this sheet up, it
is not unlikely that much of the reservoir surface could become ice covered
almost simultaneously. Once an ice cover forms, it would thicken to a few
33RD2-007p I~
inches very rapidly. The thickening rate would be reduced with time because
of the insulation effect of the ice and any snow cover. The ice thickness
would be relatively uniform over the entire reservoir surface but a little
thicker at the edges where the cover first forms. The reservoir ice surface
would be relatively smooth. Strong winds may result in delays to ice cover
formation by mixing reservoir water and keeping the surface water warm. This
wind effect is accounted for in the DYRESM simulations.
As the water level drops, ice sheets and blocks would be deposited on the
banks. These would generally appear as in figure 64 and would conform to the
topographf of the banks. Local discontinuities in the ice on the banks would
occur due to rocks, stumps, changes in slope and other morphological and
topographical features on the banks.
Shelving of ice which would result in large discontinuities in the bank
ice is not expected. The reservoir water level would begin to draw down in
October, prior to freezeup of the reservoir surface. The draw down would be
continuou ~, at a rate of 0 . 25 to 0. 5 feet per day. This would preclude
the possibility that the ice might freeze into the banks if the water level
were stable during freezing and form an ice shelf when the water level draws
down further. The thickness of the ice would gradually increase as the water
level dropped. Cracks would separate the ice sheets on the banks. The ice
would generally be covered with snow.
The ice cover would begin to melt in early April and be completely melted
between early May and early June . In general, the melting of the ice cover
would coincide with the lowest extent of the reservoir drawdown and reservoir
levels during this period would be relatively stable . By the time reservoir
water levels begin to rise, the reservoir ice cover would normally be nearly
completely melted.
lee on the reservoir banks would melt from solar and atmospheric
radiation as the ice on the reservoir. Heat from water just below the
reservoir surface and warm inflows would melt reservoir ice slightly faster
than ice which was deposited on the banks. lee deposited in shaded areas on
the banks and along the south shoreline would remain longer. Ice deposited on
the northern shore and exposed to direct solar radiation would melt faster
t:1an along the southern s.1ore . As the water level rises, ice which remains on
the banks would be refloated into the reservoir where it would melt rapidly
due to the warm reservoir water.
lee on the reservoir surface in contact with the underlying soil and
along the banks may melt sooner than the ice in the center of the reservoir.
This would free the main body of the reservoir ice cover to move with winds.
The ice on the reservoir banks near the maximum water level would be thinner
than the ice on the banks near the minimum water level, and would thus melt
sooner. For this reason, much of the ice on the reservoir banks may,in fact,
melt sooner then the reservoir ice cover.
Soon after the reservoir water surface is exposed to direct radiation and
winds the upper layers of the water would overturn. The reservoir surface
would be at 4 C or higher, and any ice refloated from the banks would be
melted rapidly.
During the meltout period, winds would generally be from the north and
west and would tend to blow refloated ice blocks and broken ice on the
reservoir toward the south and east shores. Some localized accumulation of
ice may occur along the banks. However, the continuing rise of the reservoir-
during this period should keep most ice afloat.
Some erosion of reservoir shoreline material may be expected to occur in
the spring as the mobi l e reservoir ice cover or floating ice blocks comes in
contact with the banks. This is expected to result in localized increases in
suspended sediment concentrations near the shorelines, but is not expected t o
cause slope instability.
Travel across the reservoir by animals may be impeded by the ice on the
banks during the winter . However, the e:~perience survey indicates this is not
a problem. Travel is more likely to be difficult during the period of initial
ice formation when the ice thickness is not sufficient to hold an animal and
during the melt out period when the ice is deteriorating. Thus there would be
periods in November and May of every year when travel across the reservoir
would not be assured. At other times, animals which could swim or walk across
the reservoir would not be impeded.
Ice blocks or sheets may be deposited in tributary mouth areas along the
reservoir shore. Where the tributary walls are steep, this may shield the ice
from direct solar radiation and melting of the ice before it is refloated by
the rising water levels, may be delayed. However, it is not believed that this
would prevent passage by fish through these areas since normal tributary flows
during the melt out would be above free~ing, would tend to melt this ice and
provide adequate passage conditions.
b. Watana Filling
Watana reservoir would be filled over a three year period as the dam is
raised from elevation (El.) 1700 to El. 2205. The winter releases during the
two winters of impounding would be the same as natural. That is, the water
levels would be held constant in the reservoir. During the first winter of
filling the dam crest wouid be at approximately El. 1950 and the water level
would be stable at a level near El. 1880. An ice cover would form on the
reservoir in much the s a me manner as during operation. The thickness would be
similar and the melt out would occur a t about the same date. During the second
winter of filling the dam crest would be at approximately El 2130 and the
water level would be stable at a level between El. 20 50 and El. 2100 . Ice
cover formation, thickness and melt out would all be similar to the first
winter of filling.
Since there would be no drawdown during the win ters of filling there
would be no ice blocks on the banks. Passage over the reservoir would not be
assured during the initial freeze-up and the melt out periods.
c. Devil Canyon Operation
The Devil Canyon water level would be relatively constant at its maximum
level throughout the winter . In dry years, only, there would be period during
freezeup, when the water level would be rising from its minimum level to El.
1455. During this period, ice along the reservoir shoreline would be somewhat
thinner than ice in the center of the reservoir. This could make travel
across the ice cover hazardous. In most years the water lev el would be at its
maximum level by early December. In dry years, the water level would be at
its maximum level in January. So, generally, between December and melt out in
May, travel across the reservoir would be safe. During initial freezeup and
meltout, passage would not be assured. Because the water level would not be
drawn down there would be no ice blocks on the banks.
Since the Devil Canyon winter water level would be relatively stable
there is a possibility of cover expansion and ice push induced erosio n of bank
materials and damage to vegetation r oo ted in the banks (Gatto, 1982). This
could lead to some localized increases in suspended sediment concentrations
near the eroded areas. The potential for this is probably greater upstream of
the canyon, between river mile 162 and the Watana Da~ (RM 184).
a. The 0 C Isotherm Position
The position of the ice cover leading edge, or ice front, is ultimately
related to the position of the 0 C isotherm in the river. The position of the
0 C isotherm, for both natural and with-project conditions, has been simulated
by the SNTEMP model, utilizing data from variouti climatic years.
Under natural conditions the 0 C isotherm in the river progress es
downriver in early winter. Climatic conditions in early winter normally cause
the upper river basin to freeze earliest, and freezing temperatures then
progress southward and downriver . With-project, however, warm waters above
0 C would be released from the dams year-round , and the water would slowly
cool as it is exposed to below-freezing air temperatures while it moves
downriver . Therefore, as air temperatures cool in early winter, the 0 C
isotherm i n the river would progress upriver.
The position of the 0 C isotherm is dependent upon climatic conditions,
flow rate, and reservoir temperature releas es. Given a steady flow and
temperature release scenario, the 0 C isotherm would progress upstream during
the freezeup season at a rate determined by climatic conditions. If the flow
rate were decreased or the release tempera ture decreased, the progression
upstream of the 0 C isotherm would be quicker.ed . If the flow rate were
increased or the release temperature increased, the 0 C isotherm progression
would be slowed.
Generally, with the project in place, the 0 C isotherm would advance
upriver during freez e up, and during meltout/breakup it would retreat
downriver. However, with-project simulations of the progress of the 0 C
isotherm show that the progression rate fluctuates over a relatively wide
33RD2-007p I~
range from week-to-week, including reversals in direction from advancing
upriver to retreating downriver and back again. This fluctuation is caused by
short-term air temperature variations in the river basin.
Comparisons of with-project conditions for the same climatic year under
one-dam and two-dam scenarios, however, show a greater degree of fluctuation
of 0 C isotherm progression for the one-dam scenario than for the two-dam.
This can be explained by the fact that there are moderately different flow
releases and slightly different release temperatures under e ach operational
scenario . Changes in flow and temperature releases could be used, in fact, to
gain some degree of control over the position of the 0 C isotherm and, hence,
the ice front. A multi-level intake structure is included in the design of
both dams to draw off waters from selected thermal strata for this purpose.
b. Effects on the lee Cover
SNTEMP assumes an open water sc~nario and cannot accurately predict the
position of the 0 C isotherm in an ice covered reach. Therefore, whenever the
0 C isotherm is downstream of the ice front (i.e.: beneath the ice cover), the
ICECAL model supercedes SNTEMP and calculates a new position for the 0 C
isotherm. Whenever the 0 C isotherm is again upstream of the ice front,
SNTEMP results again take over. Simply stated, it is important to note that
whenever the 0 C isotherm is upstream of the ice front, SNTEMP results apply;
whenever the ice front is upstream of the 0 C isotherm, ICECAL results apply.
When the 0 C isotherm is upstream of the advancing ice front, cooling air
temperatures prevail and the ice front advances upriver. Under these
circumstances a reach of open water exists upstream of the ice front with
water temperatures at 0 C. In this reach, border ice and anchor ice could
form. Simulations predict that a maximum of about 30 miles of border ice
could form with a one-dam scenario, while only as much as 10 miles of border
ice could form under a two-dam scenario. Anchor ice could form in this reach
in a manner similar to that which forms upstrean of the ice front under
natural conditions.
Whenever the 0 C isotherm is coincident with the ice front, stable air
temperatures prevail and the position of the ice front would be stable,
neither advancing nor retreating. In this circumstance, all open water
upstream of the ice front would be above 0 C, and no significant border ice or
anchor ice could form there.
When the 0 C isotherm decays to a position downstream of the ice front,
warming air temperatures prevail and the 0 C isotherm lies beneath the ice
cover. Under these conditions, water above 0 C underlies the ice front. This
causes the ice iront to disintegrate and the ice front retreats downriver. In
this circumstances, no border ice or anchor ice could form upstream of the ice
a. Freeze-up
(1) Natural Conditions.
Observations of natural conditions in the middle river are available from
the winter of 1980-81 through 1983-84 by R&M Consultants (R&M Consultants,
Inc., 1982a, 1983a, b). !CECAL model calibrations were made by Harza-Ebasco
Susitna Joint Venture (1984a) using the 1982-83 and 1983-84 observations.
Additional !CECAL simulations of natural conditions were made for the winters
of 1971-72, 1976-77, and 1981-82, for comparison with the with-project runs.
33RD2-007p ISJ
Simulations of natural conditions in the middle river are started when
the ice bridges at the Chulitna confluence. This bridge has generally not
occurred until the lower river front has reached the confluence area. In cold
years with low flows, the middle river progrP-ssion has begun prior to the
lower river being completely covered. For simulation purposes, the 1981-82
and 1982-83 middle reach progression was begun on the observed date, and the
1971-72 and 1976-77 progressions were assumed to begin at the earliest and
latest observed bridging dates, res pectively.
For natural conditions, the upstream simulation boundary was just
upstream of Gold Creek, with ice inflow based on observations for 1981-1982
and 1982-1983, and ice inflow based on estimates correlated to Talkeetna
temperatures for 1971-72 and 1976-77.
(2) With-Project Conditions .
For with-project simulations, lower river ice front progression is
assumed to have reached the Yentna River on November 1. This is similar to
natural timing, and is expected to be conservative for with-project ice
conditions in the middle reach. In fact, the ice bridge near Cook Inlet
with-project may form 1 or 2 weeks later than natural becaus e of trapping of
the early Upper River frazil by the r eservoir(s).
Following the November 1 start of the lower river front, ICECAL computes
daily ice generation in the Middle Reach, estimates the ice contribution from
the Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers, and estimates the contribution of frazil
generated on the lower river. The daily ice vo lume is accumulated until the
estimated volume of ice required to fill the lower river is produced. At this
time, the progression is permitted to begin in the middle reach.
The upstream boundary of ICECAL for with-project conditions is the 0 C
isotherm location, as determined b y the i1 .stream temperature model (SNTEMP).
ice Droduction is then computed in the reach from the 0 C isotherm downstream
to the ice front. At the front, the ice either contributes to the front
progression or is drawn down under the ice cover and deposited downstream,
depending on hydraulic conditions at the front.
(a) Project Operation. The annual maximum sin ulated progressions of the
ice front in the middle river are summarized in figure 65 . The following
conclusions can be made:
1. In warm winters, the ice front is not expected to progress past RH 1 26
(Slough 8A-East head).
2. In a ve ry cold winter, the ice front is expected to progress to the
vicinity of Gold Creek, similar to natural progressions.
3. In an average winter, the front is expected to progress to very near Gold
Creek with Watana only, and 5-10 miles downstream of Gold Creek with
Devil Canyon on line.
The simulated duration of ice cover in the middle reach is summarized figure
66 . This summary indicates the following:
1. In the coldest winter, 1971-72, the natural duration is about 6 months.
The with-project duration is 4. 5 to 5. 5 months. The duration with
Devil Canyon is slightly less than with Watana only . The progression
typically begins 3-4 weeks later than natural, but meltout is ge~erally
early to mid-May, similar to natural .
2. In the warmest winter simulated, 1976-77, the natural coverage exists for
only 5 months, compared to 3-4 months for with-project conditions. The
with-project ice progression starts 2-4 weeks later than natural and
meltout is 2-3 weeks earlier.
3. In an average or warm winter, the natural coverage is about 6 months, and
the with-project covera ge is valy abo ut 3 months. With-project
progression typically begins in mid-to-late December and melt-out is
complete by mid-to-late March.
Maximum stages and ice thicknesses for basic simulations are tabulated in
figures 67 and 68. Maximum stages are plotted relative to threshold elevation
for sloughs in the middle reach in figures 69 to 72. Maximum ice thicknesses
are plotted in figures 73 to 76 .
These results indicate the following:
1. In a cold winter such as 1971 -72, many sloughs are overtopped in the
natural condition as well as with-project. However , with-project, most
of the sloughs are overtopped by a larger amount and for longer
2. In a warm or very warm winter such as 1982-83 or 1976-77, there is little
or no overtopping naturally, and overtopping is minor, with-project.
3. In the average winter, 1981-82, there is minor overtopping naturally, and
moderate overtopping with Watana only.
4. thicknesses, with-project, are generally about the same as natural in
the downstream half of the reach and less in the upstream half of the
reach. This is particularly true after 2002 since the ice front rarely
reaches Gold Creek with Devil Canyon on-line.
Border lee, (or shore ice, or lateral ice) can be expected along the
river banks where the water has cooled to 0 C upstream of the ice front.
ICECAL estimates the development of border ice based on the water velocity and
air temperature. The greatest rate of border ice development occurs in low
velocity zones with cold air temperatures. The development of border ice is
important because the water surface covered by border ice is not available for
producing frazil ice.
Border ice is simulated based on general experience data, and
observations on the Susitna. Figure 65, which shows the maximum progression
of ice in the Middle Reach does not indicate the border ice which would exist
upstream of the front. Simulations indicate that, with Watana only, border
ice would exist, as times, as far as 30 miles upstream of the maximum
progression and may cover up to 25% of the water surface in that reach. With
Devil Canyon, the border ice is expected to be restricted to a reach of only
about 10 miles upstream of the maximum progression, again covering as much as
25% of the surface area.
Anchor ice is generally found in the same general locations as border
ice, that is, between the 0 C isotherm and the ice front. Anchor ice is not
included in the simulation because little is known about the mechanism of its
33RD2-007p IS?
formation and it is generally not modelled. Natural observations indicate it
is quite common in the middle reach, presently, and would also be there with
project. It is expec ted to have a relatively minor effect on with-pr<•ject
water levels upstream of the ice front, which are generally lower than natural
levels. Anchor ice generally produces less staging than an ice cover ·•ith the
same volume of ice, since an ice cover results in a displac ement of the water
surface as well as an additional roughness surface (shear face). The anchor
ice produces a similar displacement but with no additional roughne ss surface.
(b) Watana Filling. Results of simulations for the first and r.econd
winters of filling compared to natura l are shown on figure 77 . A wa1~ winter
was us e i to simulate the first winter of filling since relatively wa l ~
releases would be made through the low level cutlet for that condit~~. For
the second winter, colder winter tenperatures were used since ~older releases
would be made from near the reservoir surface with the cone vQ ~ves. The rates
of flow during the winters of filling would be equal to natural flow rates.
Thus, these two winters represent a wide range of conditions during reservoir
Figure 77 indicates that middle reach winter stages during filli1g are
similar to or slightly lower than natural stages. Simulated thicknes:;es are
likewise similar to or less than natural conditions.
The ice front during filling is simulated to progress to the v icinity of
RH 156-162, which is in the Devil Canyon area. The simulated ice proc~sses
during filling upstream of Gold Creek are questionable, howev er, becaut~e
observations of natural conditions in this zone have indicated that
intermittent closure by border ice is the predominant process, rather t1an
33RD2-007p ISY
front progression . No significant ice is expected upstream of Devil Canyon
during filling under average or warm winter conditions.
Simulated freezeup of the middle reach during filling begins 5-7 weeks
later than natural, and meltout is expected in early May, similar to natural
The basic simulations discussed above have been made with the "Inflow-
matching" release criteria. This generally results in the coldest water
available being released in the winter in an attefup t to match the 0 C winter
inflow temperature. However, there is some interest in warmer releases in the
winter in order to reduce the extent of ice coverage and staging with-
project. The following studies were made to determine the sensitivity of ice
related stages to intake operation for Watana in 1996 and 2001 using
hydrologic and meteorologic data for the winter of 1971-72, the coldest
1. A theoretical 4 C release for the entire winter period. This is not a
DYRESM result, but assumes that the warmest water in the reservoir can be
selected for release throughout the winter.
2. Warmest water available for the present intake design. This generally
means using the bottom opening of the multi-level intake throughout the
3. Warmest water available with an additional lower intake at El. 1800.
This intake would be 240 ft. below the lowest present intake opening.
33RD2-01)7p I 51
4 . Warmest water available with an additional lower intake at El. 1636,
instead of El. 1800.
Figure 78 is a comparison of the runs in relation to their performances
in preventing overtopping of significant sloughs and side channels.
Conclusions are as follows:
1. The theoretical 4 C water is not effective for preventing overtopping
significantly in the downstream third of the reach between Talkeetna and
Gold Creek.
2. In the middle third of the reach, 4 C water would be effective. However,
the lowest intake tested, El. 1636, is no more effective than the
present design, and 4 C water cannot be withdrawn from the reservoir in
this winter.
3. In the upstream third of the reach, 4C wate r would be very effective.
However, only the intake at El. 1636 begins to approach the
effectiveness of the 4C water . The present intake design, using warmest
water, is a substantial improvement over "inflow-matching ." However, an
intake at El. 1800 is no more effective than the present intake design.
In summary, an additional low intake at El. 1636 would have some limited
benefits in reducing ice related stages . However, the additional cost and
other water quality questions related to releases from such depths make the
alternative questionable.
4. Case E-Vl Flow Constraints.
The bulk of the river ice studies have been made using the Case C flow
constraints. However, Case E-VI has now replaced Case C as the recommended
flow guidelines. The two release constraints are shown in figure 56. Case
E-VI provides a more uniform summer flow .
Additional !CECAL simulations have been made for Watana only in 2001, and
Devil Canyon in 2002, with Case E-Vl, for comparison with Case C. The
comparison of slough stages is shown on figures 79 and 80.
Conclusions are as follows :
1. For 2001, average stage is about the same for both cases. Case E-VI
results in one less slough overtopped (Slough 8), but the upstream
sloughs (SA, 9 and 9A) are overtopped with a slightly larger head with
Case E-VI.
2. For the 2002 comparison, Case E-VI results in slightly higher stages in
the downstream reaches and slightly lower stages near Gold Creek.
However, most sloughs are .. ~t overtopped for either case. Therefore,
with Devil Canyon on-line, slough over topping is not considered important
in either case except in a cold winter such as 1971-72.
3. In summary, Case E-VI and Case C produce similar winter ice conditions
for the inflow-matching release policy for the years 200 1 and 2002, even
though the winter release temperatures are slightly colder with E-VI.
b. Breakup
Breakup processes are expected to be different from natural in the
Susitna River below the project, especially in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon
reach. Since the maximum upstream extent of the ice cover below the dams
would be between RM 124 and RM 142, there would be no continuous ice cover
between the damsite and the ice cover and, consequently, no breakup or meltout
in that reach. Any border ice attached to the shore would probably slowly
melt away in place. Occasional pieces of border ice might break away from
shore and float downstream. Ice in the river reach above the project
reservoirs would break up normally, but would not drift into this area as it
normally does because it would be trapped in the reservoirs.
Ice drifting into the headwaters of the Watana Reservoir may jam against
the reservoir ice cover. This could result in elevated water levels in the
Susitna River immediately upstream of the reservoir. As the reservoir ice
cover melts, the ice from upstream would move further into the reservoir and
the elevated water levels would decrease.
At the time of the potential headwater ice jamming, the water level in
the reservoir would be at its lowest leve l and would be between 40 and 120
feet below the normal maximum pool level. Water levels resulting from any ice
jam would probably not exceed the normal maximum pool and would therefore not
result in any flooding above the normal maximum pool level.
The natural spring breakup drive is usually brought on by rapid flow
increases that lift and fracture the ice cover. The proposed project
reservoirs would regulate such seasonal flows, yielding a more steady flow
regime and resulting in a slow meltout of the ice cover in place, from
upstreac to downstream.
The warmer than natural water temperatures released from the project
would cause the upstream end of the ice cover to begin to decay earlier in the
season than natural. Gradual spring meltout with Watana operating alone is
predicted to be as much as 4 to 6 weeks earlier than natural, and 7 to 8 weeks
earlier than natural with both dams operating. By May, flow levels in the
river would be significantly reduced compared to natural as the project begin~
to store incoming flows from upstream. The result is expected to be that
breakup drive processes that now normally occur in the middle river area would
be effectively eliminated. Instead, a slow and steady meltout of river ice in
this reach would probably occur. Since there would not be an extensive volume
of broken ice floating downstream and accumulating against the unbroken ice
cover, ice jamming in the middle river would probably not occur or would be
substantially reduced in severity. This would eliminate or substantially
reduce river staging and floo~lng normally associated with ice jams. thereby
eliminating or greatly reducing the overtopping of berms. flooding of side
sloughs and scour of the bank and channel.
Observations of natural conditions indicate that breakup ice jam flooding
in the lower river is not as severe as in the Middle Reach. Breakup ice jams
have been noted near Montana Creek (RM 77), RM 85. 5 and RM 89 in 1983.
However, the wide flood plain with many channels tends to prevent significant
staging. With-project, spring flood flows from the Talkeetna. Chulitna and
Yentna Rivers would make breakup in the lower river more similar to natural
than break-up in the Middle Reach. The earlier meltout, warmer than natural
temperatures and reduced flows from the Middle Reach with-project, are
expected to cause the lower river meltout or breakup to begin earlier and be
milder than natural .
c. Effects of Power Flow Variation on lee Cover
Natural ice cover formation is generally a very stable process, with
minor stage fluctuations in the zone of front progression . In fact, natural
flows are generally low and decreasing during the freezeup process which
contributes to a well-behaved condition. Natural breakup, however, can be a
much more unstable process. Flows are generally increasing in the spring and
the ice cover is weakened by solar radiation and warm air. This combination
can result in collapse of covers over large reaches, causing-
ice jams and flooding.
With hydroelectric power developments on a river, the natural flow and
temperature conditions are altered. Power releases in the winter are
generally larger than natural and warmer. In addition, hydroelectric
generation can respond quickly to system load changes and is well suited to
load following or peaking. Flow fluctuations resulting from load following or
peaking can result in fracture of an advancing ice cover in early winter, or a
~~treating cover in spring. Such a fracture of cover can lead to flow surges,
ice jamming, and flooding of aquatic, terrestrial, or human habitat.
A mailed survey has been conducted in order to ascertain the effects of
winter power operation on river and reservoir ice. Results indicate the
1. There are few or no problems within impoundment zones. There are
isolated instances of animal casualty, but no specific operation
constraints for this.
2. There are a few cases reported in Canada where ice jam tlooding of
towns has been attributed to upstream hydroelectric power operations.
3. Where operational procedures are in effect, they are generally directed
toward protecting human life and property rather than aquatic or
terrestrial habitat.
4. Operational restrictions such as those for British Columbia Hydro 's Peace
River project include the following :
a. During freezeup ice cover progression through sensitive areas on the
river, flows are controlled at a high level until the cover develops
sufficient strength to withstand flow fluctuations.
b. After freeze-up, the plant can be operated freely without endangering the
cover except in the frontal zone.
c. During break-up and melt-out, flows are again maintained at a high level
in the sensitive areas to erode the cover as quickly as possible . If
tributary break-up appears imminent, B. C. Hydro releases are decreased
in order to minimize the effect of the tributary ice surge.
5. In other cases operational constraints are employed to prevent the
formation of hanging dams downstream or to reduce water levels upstream
after a dam forms. These dams may result in high water levels which can
reduce the plant generating capacity, endanger ~he powerhouse, or result
in flooding of areas adjacent to the river. These types of constraints
a. Inducing an early ice cover on the river upstream of known sites of
hanging dams, by artificial means such as ice booms or other
obstructions. When an ice cover forms, frazil ice production stops and
the hanging dams, which result from frazil accumulation, are minimized.
b. Inducing an early ice cover on the river by keeping powerhouse discharges
low while the ice cover forms. This may result in more rapid ice cover
advance, preventing further frazil production.
formed, powerhouse discharges can be increased.
After the ice cover is
c. Preventing ice cover formation in sensitive areas by fluctuating
discharges, continually breaking up the ice cover and keeping it
downstream. This may result in higher water levels further downstream,
but lo'l-rer water levels in sensitive areas.
d. Reducing discharges after a hanging dam forms in order to reduce water
levels upstream of the hanging dam.
6. The Canadian Electrical Association and many plant operators indicated
that powerhouse operations during the winter to maintain a stable cover
would be site specific and require operating experience over a number of
years (ACRES, 1980). Climatic conditions, ice characteristics of years
(Acres Consulting Services, Ltd. 1980). Climatic conditions, i~e
characteristics, channel morphology, and water temperature are all
variables which must be considered.
(2) Susitna Operations.
The License Application indicates that with Watana only, the Susitna
project would be operated to generate base load electrical energy. In
addition, following the construction of Devil Canyon, Watana would load-follow
and Devil Canyon would be base-loaded. It is presently proposed to operate
Watana before Devil Canyon is built, and later Devil Canyon, as follows
(Alaska Power Authority 1985):
1. Allow maximum of t 10% flow variation from the weekly average flow within
a given week.
2. Allow maximum t 10% flow variation from the current flow within a given
A flow variation of 10% (for instance, 1000 cfs with a base flow of
10,000 cfs) results in an open-water steady-state stage change of on 1 y about
0.3 feet. With an ice-cover, the steady-state stage change would be about 0.5
feet. This is considered to be safe from the standpoint of preventing
breaking of the cover during freezeup, mid-winter, or breakup conditions. It
is not believed that other constraints on winter powerhouse operation would be
necessary to keep the ice cover stable.
Project operation in the winter is expected to change the flow
cross-section characteristics in the middle reach compared to natural
conditions. Parameters such as velocity, cross-section area and wetted bed
perimeter would be somewhat different with-project. For e x ample, figures 81
and 82 show the middle reach velocity profile before and after freezeup for
the winter of 1981-82, for natural and with-project 1996 conditions. These
plots show the following:
1. Before freezeup, velocities are highly variable from section to section,
for natural or with-project conditions. Velocities for natural
conditions range from about 1.5 to 7 fps. With-project the range is from
about 2 to 9 fps . Average velocity is about 3 fps, natural and 4 fps,
with-project .
2. After freezeup, velocities range from 1 to 3 fps for natural conditions,
and about 2 to 3 fps with project conditions. Average velocity is about
2 fps for natural and 2.5 fps with-project.
3. After freezeup, velocity is controlled by the critical velocity for
erosion-deposition of slush beneath the ice cover, for pre-project and
with-project conditions. This velocity is about 3 fps and is the
practical limit for velocity beneath the cover. This mechanism controls
the distribution of ice deposited beneath the cover.
~igures 83 and 84 show conditions at a typical cross-section in the
middle reach, LRX 22, RM 119.3, for natural and with-project conditions.
These plots show the following :
1. For natural conditions, the under ice water surface after freezeup is
almost the same as the open-water stage . Figure 78 shows that at this
section, the velocity drops from 3.6 fps to 2.3 fps during the freezeup,
corresponding to the flow change from 3000 cfs to 1750 cfs during the
freezeup. This also means that, in this case, the velocity decrease just
compensates for the friction perimeter increase to produce a similar
friction slope before and after freezeup.
2. For natural conditions at this section, there is little change in flow
area or bed perimeter as a result of freezeup.
3. For with-project conditions, the under-ice water surface increases d~ring
freezeup resulting in a slight increase in exposed bed perioeter. Figure
84 shows that the velocity drops from 5.2 fps to 2.2 fps during freezeup.
This is due to the flow reduction from 12,000 cfs to 10,000 cfs and the
increase in flow area during freezeup required to balance the effect of
additional friction surface with the ice cover.
4. For with-project conditions at this section, the flow area doubles during
freezeup and the bed perimeter increases slightly. The under-ice flow
velocity after freezeup is almost the same as natural.
Upstream of the with-project ice cover there would be changes from
natural conditions as well. Figures 85 and 86 show natural and with-project
conditions in 1996 at LRX 33, RM 130.1 for the winter of 1982-83. These plots
show the following :
1. The natural condition velocity after freezeup is 1.6 fps and the
with-project velocity is 3.3 fps.
2. The flow area after freezeup changes from 1800 square feet for na t~ral
condi tions to 3000 square feet for with-project conditions .
3. The water surface elevation after freezeup changes from 615 .5 feet m ~J.
under natural conditions to 613.2 feet msl with-project.
Flows in sloughs and side channels are affected by winter river water
levels which can increase infiltration from the mainstem and overtop berms at
upstream ends of the c hann ~ls. Figure 87 j~ ~ ~i~gramatic presentation of t~e
sources of slough flow. At a particular slough (or side channel), the g~neral
effect of increasing river water levels without overtopping the upstream berm
would be to increase the amount of groundwater flow from the mainstem without
signific~ntly altering its temperature. At the same location, if the upstrean
berms were overtopped, both the quantity and temperature of intragravel flow
would generally be affected: the quantity of flow could incre ase
significantly, while the temperature would be dominated by that of the
diverted mainstem water.
Intragravel flow refers to the flow in the bed material of the habitat
area and has two sources (see figure 88):
1. Groundwater flow which has three components (see discussion below under
Quantity of Flow).
2. Longitudinal flow in the strea~bed material caused by surface flow in the
habitat area.
In the winter, when a berm at the upstream end of a habitat area is not
overtopped, intragravel flow is generally caused by groundwater flow. When
the habitat berm is overtopped, the intragravel flow many be dominated by flow
induced by surface flows.
Winter water levels and thus slough and side channel flows would be
affected differently in areas within and upstream of ice covered reaches of
the mainstem. The extent of the ice cover would vary from year to year as
shown on figures 65 to 67, depending primarily on climatic conditions. The
upstream limit of the ice cover would be located further downstream with Devil
Canyon in operation than with Watana operating by itself. In addition, the
ice covered reaches would be dynamic and thus areas near the upstream end of
the ice cover may experience changing water levels throughout the winter.
Figure 67 can be used to determine whether important habitat areas would be
affected by overtopping of upstream berms, as well as the mainstem water
levels influencing groundwater flow toward each habitat area. This exhibit
assumes existing slough berms are not protected from overtopping. The
following discussion concentrates on effects on quantity and temperature of
slough and side channel flow in areas within and upstream of the ice cover.
a. quantity of Flow
The rate of flow in sloughs and side channels depends on local runoff,
groundwater discharge, and flow resulting from overtopped berms. Under
natural conditions, local runoff and overtopping of berms are relatively
insignificant from early September until an ice cover forms on the river in
33RD2-007p /7{
November or December. During this period, the main source of flow in these
habitat areas is groundwater which may originate f-om any of three sources:
1. Shallow localized infiltration from the mainstem,
2 . More regional groundwater transport in the downstream directio n ~ithin
alluv ial materials comprising the Susitna River Valley, and
3. Transport towar d the river from upland glacial till and sedimentary r o cks
comprising the Susitna River Valley walls .
Between November and May, the middle Susitna River is normally ice
covered. Water levels are elevated and overtop some side channels and
sloughs. In non-overtopped areas, the higher water levels increase
groundwater flow from the mainstem toward the sloughs and side channels .
With-project mainstem flows would be higher than natural between
September and April. Forma tion of ice cover i n the middle Susitna Riv er would
be delayed relat i ve to natural conditions by approximately two to six weeks,
until sometime in December. The maximum extent of ice-affected wa ter levels
would be reduced relative to natural conditions. Water levels would be
increased within of the ice-covered are as, and dec reased upstream of
ice-covered areas.
(1). Period Immediately Prior to Ice Co ver Formation.
Under with-project conditions, mains tem water levels ~ould be higher than
natural between September and November when an ice cover normally occurs .
When Watana is operating alone, flows in this period would vary between 6,000
33RD2-007p /7~
cfs and 13,000 cfs and would average approximately 9,000 cfs. This is about
6,000 cfs above average natural flows for the period. When Devil Canyon first
comes on line, flows would be in a much narrower range and would average
approximately 7,000 cfs. As system energy demands increase, flows would also
incr~ase to near Watana-only levels. Resulting water levels would be about
two feet above natural levels, and would be similar to minimum with project
water levels for the summer period (May through August). The groundwater flow
resulting from shallow infiltration from the mainstem would thus be increased
about natural conditions and would be similar to that component for the
previous summer of operation. The component of groundwater discharge to
sloughs resulting from regional downstream transport within alluv ial valley
materials would be largely unchanged from natural conditions o r the previous
summer period because the downstream gradients would remain about the same.
Elevated groundwater levels resulting from elevated mainstem stage, with ice
cover, could result in somewhat larger areas of upw e lling, thus increasing
slough discharge somewhat. The component of groundwater discharge originating
from upland areas would be unchanged from natural conditions. However, this
component normally declines throughout the winter as recharge to these
aquifers is reduced . Consequently during this period, groundwater flow in
side channel~ and sloughs would be higher than under natural conditions, and
similar to, although perhaps slightly smaller than, groundwater flows
corresponding to minimum mainstem flows during the previous summer.
(2). Within Ice-Covered Areas.
An ice cover would form on the middle Susitna River during December and
January. With-project discharges during this period are approximately 9,000
cfs above natural conditions and water levels within the ice-covered areas are
33RD2-007p 173
generally a few feet higher than natural. For this reason, the groundwater
component due to local mainstem infiltration would be increased above that
under natural conditions and would also be increased above that during the
with-project summer open water period.. The other two components of
groundwater flow would be largely unchanged from natural conditions, although
the component due to regional down-valley groundwater flow may increase
slightly if the area open to upwelling increases because of generally elevated
groundwater levels in the valley. Groundwater discharge from upland areas
would be the same as under natural conditions, and thus lower during this
period than during the summer open-water period.
There would be an increased frequency of berm overtopping in these areas
relative to natural conditions if they are not protected, and the total flow
in the sloughs and side channels would increase considerably from natural
flows where this occurs.
(3). Upstream of the Ice-Covered Area.
The ice-covered reach of the middle Susitna River would extend upstream
to between river mile 125 and river mile 142, depending on climatic conditions
and whether or not Devil Canyon is operating. Upstream of the ice front, open
water conditions would prevail. Winter time discharges would normally result
in river water levels which are less than or equal to natural ice-affected
water levels in this reach. The differences are generally on the order of
zero to two feet. The maximum allowable winter discharge for Case E-VI is
16,000 cfs, which is not sufficient to overtop berms at the upstream ends of
any of the sloughs upstream of the ice front. Some side channels, however,
could still be affected by ~ainstem flows . The groundwater component due to
shallow mainstem infiltration would be lower than natural in this area.
However, winter discharges are higher than minimum with-project summer
discharges so that the mainstem-affected component of groundwater flow would
be higher in the winter than the minimum summer component. Other components
of groundwater flow would be largely unaffected. Therefore, upstream of the
ice-covered area, side channel and slough groundwater flows would be higher
than minimum with-project summer groundwater flows but lower than natural
winter groundwater flows .
6 . Water Temperature
Surface water temperatures in sloughs and side channels are affected by
thP-temperature of upwelling groundwater, climatic conditions, the temperature
of mainstem water if the berm is overtopped, and the temperature of local
surface runoff. In the winter, runoff can be neglected. Intragravel
temperatures are primarily influenced by the temperatures of the components of
groundwater flow. In habitat areas, intragravel temperatures appear to remain
more stable than river temperatures.
The degree to which intragravel temperatures at a habitat site change in
relation to changes in mainstem temperature appears to be a function of
1. the distance between the site and the mainstem, which affects the travel
time for groundwater from the mainstem:
2. overtopping of berms by cold mainstem water, which may depress
intragravel temperatures; and
3. the relative contributions of the three components of groundwater flow.
33RD2-007p II~
Measurements of intragravel temperatures by the Alaska Department of Fish
and Game (ADF&G 1983) at a site near the mouth of Slough 8A showed that,
following the progression of an ice front past the slough, the intragravel
temperature dropped to near 0 C within approximately a mouth. The ice cover
raised mainstem water levels near the slough by 3.4 feet (R&Z.l Consultants,
Inc., 1984b) and caused overtopping of the upstream berm. ADF&G hypothesized
that the cold surface water depressed intragravel temperatures. It may also
be possible that intragravel temperatures were responding to mainstem
temperature transmitted with groundwater flow. Intragravel temperatures at
this site seem to reflect mainstem temperature influence more than at another
site upstream in Slough SA. lntragravel temperatures at the upper site are
constant near 3 C all winter. The differences in the temperatures at the two
sites may be related to the fact that the downstream site is within 1,000 feet
of the river while the upstream site is approxi~ately 4,000 feet from the
river. Observations on intragravel temperatures and mainstem staging for the
winter of 1983-84 were similar to 1982-83, although overtopping of the berm
was not reported (ADF&G 1985, R&M Consultants, Inc., 1984a).
Measurements by ADF&G (1983) at a site in Slough 9 indicate that slough
surface water temperatures drop to near 0 C during the winter, while
suggesting that intragravel temperatures remain fairly constant at about 3 C.
However, this latter inference cannot be confirmed because of the lack of
intragravel temperature data for the period from mid-November 1982 through
mid-March 1983. Intragravel temperatures recorced in 1983-84 (ADF&G 1985)
were constant at about 3.5 C throughout the winter while surface water
temperatures varied to as low as p.5 C. As a result of overtopping during ice
breakup in May of 1983, intragravel temperatures fell rapidly although only
minimally (less than 0.5 C) in response to a rapid 5 C decline in surface
33RD 2-007p /7~
water temperature. This suggests a response of intragravel temperatures to
overtopping flows of very cold water, but still a dominance by warmer
upwelling water.
At slough 11, both surface water and intragravel temperatures remained
approximately constant at about 3.5 C from September 1982 through April 1983.
However, it was discovered on April 29, 1983, that the surface water probe was
cov ered with about one inch of silt (ADF&G 1983). When the probe was
uncovered, the recorded temperature quickly rose by 1 C to the inferred true
surface water temperature . Thus it is unclear whether the recorded surface
water temperature reflects a predominance by warm upwelling water, or whether
it is in effect a measurement of intragravel rather than surface water
temperature. Intragravel temperatures measured in 1983-84 (ADF&G 1985) show
similar values to those measured in 1982-83. Surface water tempetatures are
more sensitive to climate conditions, are less varied than at Slough 9 and
generally between 1 C and 2 C between November and February.
At Slough 21, intragravel temperatures near the mouth of the slough
remained fairly constant at about 3.5 C during the winter of 1982-83, while
surface water temperatur~s were somewhat colder, fluctuating between 0 C and
2 C (ADF&G ~983). At a site further upstream in the slough, both the surface
water and intragravel temperatures varied in apparent direct correlation with
each other, with the surface water t e mpe ratures about 1.5 C-2 C colder than
the intragravel temperatures. During overtopping events in September (warm
water) and May (cold water), both the surface water and intragravel
temperatures showed approximately equivalent responses of several degrees.
This suggests that surface water temperatures in the upper portions of the
slough may be dominated by upwelling groundwater, except during overtopping of
the upstream berm, when diverted mainstem water would dominate. Intragravel
33RD2-007p /?7
temperatures measured in 1983-84 (ADF&G 1985) showed similar trends, although
overtopping was not reported.
Intragravel temperatures measured in side channels (ADF&G 1985) show the
same characteristics as in sloughs. The measured temperatures are much more
stable than mainstem and side channel surface temperatures, but show more
variability over the year and more short term fluctuations than slough
intragravel temperatures. This may be explained by their closer proximity to
the mainstem. Side channels may be subject to more frequent overtopping than
In general, it appears that the intragravel tP.mperature in many habitat
sloughs and side channels would be dominated by warm groundwater flows during
the winter, except for periods of overtopping of upstream berms as a result of
ice staging or ice breakup if the berms were not protected from overtopping .
the temperature of groundwater flow in slough areas appears to remain fairly
stable, at a temperature approximately equal to that of the mean annual
mainstem water temperature (Alaska Power Authority 1984). Side channel
intragravel temperatures show about 1 C to 2 C variability about the mean
annual river temperature. The mean annual mainstem temperature is not
expected to change significantly with-project, and the temperature of that
component of groundwater flow which is directly related to mainstem flows
should not be changed .
For those slough areas and side channels which appear to be more directly
influenced by mainstem temperature variations, such as near the mouth Slough
8A and near the upstream end of Slough 21, the increased winter f lows relative
to natural conditions and increased mainstem water level~ as a result of ice
formation could produce colder than natural upwelling groundwater and thus
colder intragravel te~~eratures. However, the intragravel temperatures in
these sites are often found to be near 0 C especially at Slough 8A, for
natural con~itions.
Ice processes affect sediment transport and channel stability in the
following manners:
1. The formation of an ice cover on a river may double the flow wetted
perimeter, reduce the flow velocity and reduce the tractive force of the
flow. This will reduce the sediment transport capacity of the flow .
(Sayre and Song 1979)
2. Elevated water levels associated with ice cover formation and breakup
jamming may result in overtopping of sloughs and side channels along the
perimeter of the main channel. Flow velocities associated with these
events may remove material in the slough streambed. Velocities
associated with breakup jamming and overtopping may be sufficient to
erode large amounts of material and change the character of the slough .
A breakup ice jam in 1976 resulted in changing Slough 11 from an upland
slough to a side slough. (LaBelle 1984)
3. High flow velocities associated with surges res~lting from the failure of
an ice jam may result in the scour of river banks and may remove
vegetation and streambed material. (Gerard 1983, R&M Consultants, Inc.
33RD2-007p !?(
4. Anchor ice may attach to a streambed and when refloa ted by rising
temperatures and solar radiation, may carry some fine sediments from the
streambed with it. (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1984b)
5. The flow of water throug~ a porous slush ice cover may result in the
filtering of some fine material carried by the water. (R&M Consultants,
Inc. 1984b)
6. The melting of ice deoosited on riverbanks, floodplain areas, or sloughs
may result in the deposition of sediments carried in the ice on the
underlying material . (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1984b)
The discussion of effects of project operation is organized by habitat
type .
a. Mainstem Habitat
(1). Suspended Sediment Concentration.
With-project suspended sediment concentrations in the mainste m of the
middle river would be increased over natural winter concentrations , which are
near zero mg/1 . Fine materials influent to the reservoir are expected to
remain in suspension and be discharged throughout the year. It has been
estimated that the suspended sediment concentratio n in the powerhouse flows
would be between 0 and 100 mgl (Peratrovich, Nottingham, and Drage 1982) with
an average of about 60 mgl. This concentration would remain relatively stable
between the dams and the upstream end of the ice cover . There would be a
r~duction in the amount of fra7~1 and anchor ic£ occurring in the middle reach
due to the warmer releases from the dams. Some sediment may be picked up by
the frazil and anchor ice. However, any reduction in s uspended sediment
concentration caused by frazil and anc hor ice may be compensated by sand
particles picked up from the river bed as a result of higher winter fl ows
(Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 1984c).
Downstream of the ice cover, some sediment may be trapped by the fra zil
ice. The ice cov er would reduce the capacity of the river to pick up
additional sand particles. Suspended sedime nt c oncentrations are e x pected to
remain relatively constant at level s s imilar to levels upstream of the ice
In the reach downstream of the c onfluenc e with the Chulitna and Talkeetna
Rivers, the suspended sediment concentration is also expected to be controlled
by the concentration upstream of the confluence. Flow from the Chulitna and
Talkeetna Rivers would dilute the suspended sediment concentration slightly.
Winter discharges in this reach would be higher with project than natural
conditions. This would cause additional sediment to be picked up. However,
some sediment may also be trapped by the ice. Suspended sediment
concentrations would be similar to the mi ddle river.
(2 ). Channel Stability.
Winter flows throughout the midd l e and lower rivers would be higher than
natural. However, they would not be high enough to affect the ~tability of
the streambed. The water levels d o wn s tream of the ice front would be higher
than under natural conditions but the velocities wo uld be similar to natural
conditions . Streambed subs trate would b e stable during this period, altho ugh
some sand ma y be picked up by the increased flows. 1his would not alter the
channel geometry.
Breakup ice jams in the middle river would be reduced in frequency or
eliminated Jue to project operation . Stream flows would be regulated by the
project and spring floods, which normally lift and fracture the ice cover,
would not occur. Warmer than natural releases from the reservoir would m«!lt
the ice cover from the upstream end. Meltout would occur up to 8 weeks
earlier than natural breakup. Therefo re, the main channel streambed and ·>anks
would not be subject to scour resulting from ice jams.
Some sediment suspended in the flow may be trapped in the porous frazil
ice cover. The presence of layers of sediment in frazil ice covers has teen
observed in the Tanana River. The mecha nism for this is not known . The
concentration of sediment in the i c e appears to be highest at the bottom of
the ice cover (Chacho 1985).
Since the amount of material suspended in the flow may increase witt
project, the amount of sediment trapped in the ice may also i ncrease. Dtring
the spring meltout, the water level would reduce gradually as the ice co\er
melts. The ice cover would melt primarily from the bottom due to the wa rm
water in the river. Air temperatures would not be high e nough to cause
significant surficial melting of the ice. Most sediment trapped in the i :e
would be near the bottom of the ice and should be transported downstream as it
is freed from the melting ice, rather than deposited on the river banks at1d
underlying material. There would not be breakup ice jams which normally
transport ice blocks onto overbank areas.
Because of the higher than natural water levels within the ice covere•l
area, there would be some stream-deposited ice in unprotected sloughs, s idt·
channels and on the banks. Under natural conditions, this does not occur,
except at breakup.
deposited on banks.
However, some border ice commonly breaks up and is
In shallow areas the ice would not be exposed to much flow. The
potential for accumulation of sediment in this ice would be lower than in the
main channel . During the melt out of the main channel ice cover, the ice in
these areas would not be as exposed to warm water as the mainstem ice and may
remain in place after the main channel ice is melted out. Deposition of
sediment from the melting of this ice is not expected to be significant and
may be less than has been noted to be deposited on streambanks from ice
remaining after breakup ice jams.
In other areas along the stream margin the ice may be exposed to more
flow throughout the winter. Potential sediment accumulation in this ice would
be higher than in shallow areas, but less than in the mainstem. These areas
would be ~xposed to melting from warm water in the same manner as the main
channel. Sediments accumulated in the ice would be washed downstream as the
ice melts and the sediment is exposed to flows. The ice would melt out in the
same manner and time as the ice in the main channel. Deposition of sediments
on underlying material might not exceed lev els resulting from ice deposited
during spring breakup.
b. Side Cham•els
(1). Suspended Sediment Concentration.
With-project winter flows and water levels would be sufficient to prevent
most middle reach side channels from being dewatered . Downstream of the ice
front, elevated water levels would keep side channels watered. Suspended
sediment concentrations would be similar to the main ch~nnel with-project
conditions in these areas. Upstream of the ice front, water levels would not
be affected by ice. Side channels which would not be dewatered at flows of
33RD2-007p I? J
12,000 cfs to 13,000 cfs would have suspended sediment concentr J tions similar
to conditions in the main channel. Dewatered side channels would be free of
the main channel influence and would have clear upwelling flows.
Anchor ice may form in watered side channels prior to the formation of an
ice cover . Warm groundwater upwelling would inhibit this in some areas. This
anchor ice may attache to and, when floated, transport some fine sediment out
of the side channel. However, this is not expected to be significant .
(2). Channel Stability.
Within the ice covered area, high winter water levels would result in
greater depths of flow in side channels than under natural conditions.
Velocities, however, would not exceed approximately 2 feet per second.
Additionally, the presence of an ice cover would effectively reduce the
tractive force in the side channel. Substrate materials are expected to
remain stable; however, materials such as sands and silts may be flushed from
the substrate. The meltout of the ice cover would eliminate breakup ice jams
as a source of scour in th side channels in the spring . Thus their streambeds
would be more stable at that time also. Substrate materials in side channels
upstream of the ice covered area would remain stable.
Since ice jams would be less frequent or eliminated there would be less
frequent stranding of ice which may contain sediment that would deposit in the
area. Some ice from the ice cover may remain o n the side channel banks, and
could result in deposition of sediment.
c . Side Sloughs
(1). Suspended Sediment Concentration.
With-project winter flows and water levels would be sufficient to overtop
unprotected berQ s at the head of slvughs within the ice covered reaches
(figure 67). Suspe11ded sediment concentrations in these sloughs would have
the characteristics of main channel flow. Upstream of the ice front water
levels would not be sufficient to overtop berQs. Water in the se areas would
be clear, resulting from groundwater f low.
An ice cover may form in some side sloughs prior to ice caused staging in
the mainstem. Warm groundwater flow would inhibit thi s in some areas of these
slough. This ice may transport some fine sediments downstream when it is
bro ken up and floated downstream, but this is not expected to be significant.
Ice which may form in sloughs not late overtopped may cause some increase in
suspended sediment concentration when broken up and float ed , but thi s also
would occur under natura l conditions.
Shnrefast ice would also form in sloughs not subject to overtopping.
This also occurs under natural conditions. In general, sloughs which are not
overtopped by elevated water levels would not have any change from natural
conditions with respect to suspended sedimen t concentrations.
(2). Channel Stability.
Flow depths in side sloughs withi n ice covere d reaches would be greater
than under natural conditions. However, the velocities wou]j not exceed
approximately 2 feet per secori and the ice cov er would reduce the tractive
force of the flow. Sediment transp o rt s~oulc be limited to fine materials.
Side slough substrate would be sta~le under with project conditions.
Substrate in side sloughs which are not overtopped would remain stable.
As with side channels, the melt-out of the ice cover would elimina te
breakup ice jams as a source of scour in side sloughs. This would improve the
33RD2-007p I~
stability of their substrate material. Since ice jams would be less frequent
or eliminated, there would be less frequent stranding of ice which may contain
sediment that would deposit in the area . In overtopped sloughs, some ice from
the ice cover may remain stranded on banks. This could result in sowe
deposition along the banks.
In non-overtopped sloughs, shore ice that forms would melt out in much
the same manner as for natural conditions. This ice would remain for longer
periods than main channel ice since it is not subjected to warm water fr~m the
main channel . Warming air temperatures, increased solar radiation and warm
groundwater upwelling would melt t he shore ice.
d. Upland Sloughs
Project effects on winter time suspended sediment and channel stability
in upland sloughs would be similar to side sloughs. Fewer upland sloughs
would be affected by overtopping than side sloughs.
e. Tributary Mouths
(1). Suspended Sediment Concentrations.
Suspended sedimen t concentration in the tributary couth habitat areas
would be affected in the same manner a3 the main channel habitat areas.
(2). Channel Stability.
Channel stability in tributary mouth habit a t areas would be affected in
the same manner as main channel habitat areas. The manner of ice
deterioration would eliminate the potential for main channel ice to remain in
tributary mouth areas and potentially block fish passage in these areas.
33RD2-007p I~
Tributary mouth habitat areas are subject to deposition of sediments
brought down from the tributaries (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 1984d).
This deposited material would normally be removed periodically by high summer
flows. It can be speculated, although it hasn't been observed, that failure
of breakup ice jams may cause surges which could also carry this deposited
material downstream. With project, the manner of ice cover deterio r ation
would preclude the removal of deposited sediments in these areas. Thus,
aggradation affecting access may be encouraged by with project ice conditions.
However, normal summer flows in the mainstem and tributary would cause
downcutting of aggraded sediments and removal of sediments at most tributary
f. Tributaries
With project ice conditions would not affect sediment concentrations or
channel stability in tributaries.
33RD2-007p !T7
This section describes the enviromrental effects of ice processes on
major resources of the Susitna River specific to the upper, middle and lower
river zones referenced by proposed location of hydroelectric facilities.
Natural ice processes would perceivably undergo dramatic changes due primarily
to different flow and temperature regimes anticipated during the construction
and operational phase of the project. 1bis transformation raises issues and
problems central to the welfare of fish, animal and habitat resources, and the
people dependent upon them for recreational, commercial and subsistence
Natural ice processes have a dynamic effect on the physic;1l
characteristics of a subarctic river s y stem by constantly altering channels
and surrounding flood plain. Ice and related flooding phenomena have negative
and positive effects on a riverine environment. Fish and animals are most
notably effected by the destruction, creation and alteration of habit:c.ts.
Human dependence on fish and animal life is incontrovertibly linked to habitat
stability and availability.
Because altered ice processes apparently evoke less public controversy,
virtually all ice-related environmental issues originated with investigative
agencies and consultants during the enviro ncental analysis phase of the
Susitna River study. Based on previous environmental asses s ments, the Alaska
Power Authority and Alaska Department of Fish and Game identified the majority
of issues associated with altered ice processes. LGC Alaska Resource
Associates, Inc. and E. ~oody Trihey and Associates identified pertinent
issues and problems in conjunction with ongoing environmental studies
respective to their contract responsibilities. Except for commentary from a
local citizen (letter dated March 3, 1984 from Leon B. Dick) ice-related
issues from the private sector have been remarkably nil. Issues and problems
can be categoriztd as those pertaini~g to fish and aquatic habitat, riparian
vegetation, wildlife and terrestrial habitat, and public use activities.
a. Fish and Aquatic Habitat
Fish related issues focus o· .. the effect of ice proc:esses on incubation
and fry production. More perplexing is the effect of altered ice
processes on habitat. This aspect is considerably more complex since
aquatic habitats could be destroyed, created or altered during different
freezeup and breakup scenarios as a result of project construction and
operations. l-laj or issues relate to changes in channel morphology and
substrate composition resulting from project-related ice and flooding
b. Kiparian Vegetation
Changes in riverine morphology obviously affect the shore line and
adjacent substrate and subsequently the successional stage of vegetation.
Plant composition and growth patterns would also be influenced by
sediment deposition and different ambient temperature caused by higher
water temperature and rate of heat transfer.
33RD1-007n ;r(
c. Wildlife and Terrestrial Habitat
The most significant issues concern the relationship of different ice
conditions to the mobility and survival of large mammals. The number of
potential ice-related mishaps that normally occur as animals move and
forage in bottoc land habitats may change as a result of more varied and
less stable ice associated with higher winter flows and warmer
temperatures. Of equal concern is the effect of ice and flooding forces
on food and cover components of riverine habitats, especially those of
low relief. During construction and operational phase, feeding niches
subjected to flooding and overtopping would be significantly altered.
d. Public Use
The question of ice stability and presence of open water and its effect
on winter human travel and a c cess is addressed in this section.
Untenable conditions prevail as a result of warmer water temperatures,
open water stretches and weaker ice formations.
33RD1-007n I io
B. Mechanisms of Effects
The physical effects on river ice processes that would ensue from the
construction and operation of the Susitna River Hydro-electric Project are
detailed in Chapter V. The altered physical processes that are expected to
have important effects on the biological and human use environments are
briefly summarized here in order to help orient the reader to the discussions
that follow .
In this zone, where only the river occurs under natural conditions,
Watana reservoir would first occupy the area from approx imately RM 184 to 239
when full, a distance of about 55 miles. It would vary in width along its
length from 500 feet to 22,000 feet (4 .2 miles), not including runup into
tributary mouths .
Later, Devil Canyon reservoir would occupy the area between about RM 152
to 184 when full, a distance of acout 32 miles. Devil Canyon reservoir would
vary in width along its length from about 500 feet to 3,800 feet, not
including runup into tributary mouths.
While Watana reservoir is on line alone, the river would extend
continuously b ~low the dam . Once Devil Canyon reservoir comes on line, there
would be no river reach between the two reservoirs when Devil Canyon reservoir
is full; Devil Canyon reservoir would back up all the way to Watana Dam.
Little drawdown of Devil Canyon reservoir would occur during the winter
season, so there would never be much river reach between the two reserv oirs in
winter (although, in the summer, drawdown is sufficient to produce about 6
miles of river reach between the reservoirs). Below Devil Canyon dam, there
33RD2-007t 111
would be a river reach in Devil Canyon of about 3 miles to the end of the zone
at the canyon 's mouth.
a. Watana filling
During filling, winter water levels in Watana reservoir would be held
constant. During the firs t winter of filling, the water level would be stable
at an elevation of 1880 feet, while during th second winter of filling it
would remain at about an elevation of 2100 ft. Ice cover formation ,
thickness , and meltout would be similar in character to those of normal
reservoir operations (see below), except that no drawdown would occur,
preventing the formation of draped ice ramps along tn reservoir shores.
Below the reservoir, no significant ice would occur in the river upstream
of Devil Canyon under average or warm climatic condi tion s .
b. Watana only on line
(1). Fr ~ezeup.
Watana reservoir would generally begin t o freeze ove r sometime during mid
November. Initially, very thin border ice would form along the shores of the
reservoir, and then progress toward the center. At maximum ice cover
development , the ice thickness on the reservoir would average about 3 to 5
feet. The ice cover would be relatively smooth.
Drawdown of the reservoir during the winter would average ab o ut 90 feet ,
and would cause the ice near shore to fracture and become draped along the
banks of the reservoir, creating an ice ramp surrounding the entire
impoundm en t. The steepness and width of the ramp would vary depending upon
local topog raphy . Narrow cracks would appear at topographic breaks in the ice
33RD2-007t I t!f L
ramp. Where the ice cover comes in c ontact with the shore some bank erosion
might occur, resulting in loca l ized increases in suspended sediments near
Below Watana reservo i r for the 36 miles to the end of the zone, river
water temperatures would remain above freezing and the river would not freeze
over all winter. Open water would prevail throughout the river in this zone.
(2). Meltout/breakup.
In the spring, meltout on the Watana reservoir would occur generally from
early May to early June, depending on the climate . The ice would begin
melting along the shores first. The melting ice cover would then fracture
into numerous large and small pans o f ice. These pans would float around the
reservoir until they melted away, probably being concentrated from time to
time along the south and west shores due to winds. Draped ice above the water
level would melt away more slowly. Some of it would be refloated and quickly
melted away as the water level ri ses to store summer flows.
Ice drifting from the upper river into the headwaters of Watana reservoir
might jam against the ice cover there. This could cause river staging to
occur just upstream of the reservoir until its ice cover begins to melt and
retreat. However, since the reservoir would the~ b e al i ts minimum level due
to drawdown, no flooding would probably occur outside the reservoir limits.
Where the draped ice ramp caused by drawdown overlies tributary mouths
entering the reservoir, the ice would probably become grounded and block the
stream mouths. However, these tributaries begin flowing early in the spring,
often sometime in ~rch, and the their warm flows would probably melt o r erode
out the draped ice in the s tream mouth long befo re the reservoir itself began
to melt out in April or May.
c. Watana and Devil Canyon on line
(l). Freezeup
Watana reservoir would freeze over in a similar fashion and timing to tlte
Watana-only scenario, again starting with very thin border ice along shore and
then freezing toward the center. Ice thicknes s would again average about 3
feet at maximum ice cover development . During the winter, drawdown on Watana
reservoir would average about 40 feet, fracturing the ice cover and causing
draping of ice along shore. However, because the drawdown in this case would
be less, the severity of draping and ice ramp formation would be somew~a t
reduced. compared to th~ Watana-only scenario .
Devil Ca nyon reservoir would begin freezeup during November. Durj ng
early freezeup, border ice would probably form along the shoreline befc re
freezing toward the center. During dry years, when water levels may be risjng
during freezeup. ice near shore may be somewhat thinner than in the center.
Ice thickness at the max imum development of the ice cover would average about
2-l/2 to 4 feet. Since no significant drawdown of the reservoir during t he
winter NOuld occur, no nearshore ice fracturing and draping would occur.
Dow~stream from Devil Canyon reservoir , a river reach of about 3 miles •>f
open water would occu r to the end of the zone. This reach would all be with:.n
th e confines of Devil Canyon . It is unlikely that any significant amount cf
border ice would form with the r e latively warm water temperatures released
from the dam within the turbulent canyon .
(2). Meltout/breakup.
In the spring, Watana reservoir would melt out in a similar fashion and
timing to the Watana-only scenario. Devil Canyon reservoir would slowly melt
out throughout May. There would oe little rise in water level and therefore
little fracturing of the ice cover until it had decayed and thinned
considerably by melting, at which time winds might fracture the remaining
cover and drive the debris to downwind shores.
a. !_reezeup
When Watana reservoir is filling, freezeup of the middle river would be
delayed compared to natural conditions. Delay during the first year of
filling would amount to about 7 weeks, while during the second year of filling
it would be delayed about 5 weeks. The maximum upstream position of the ice
front is predicted to be between RM 156 and RH 162. Ice thicknesses should be
about one foot thinner than natural. Maximum river stages are expected to be
0 to 5 feet lower than normal during the first year of filling, and 0 to 3
feet lower than normal during the second year of filling.
When the project comes on line, freezeup in the middle river is predicted
to be delayed due to higher winter flows, warmer water temperatures, and
reduced frazil ice input into the middle river compared to natural conditions.
The advancing ice front would be delayed in reaching the Susitna/Chulitna
confluence and freezeup in the middle river would be delayed by 17 to 44 days
with Watana dam alone on line, and by 27 to 47 days with Devil Canyon dam also
on line.
Ice cover duration normally lasts 5 to 6 months under natura l conditions.
Duration with-project would range from 3 to 5.5 months, depending on climate.
With only Watana d am on line, the advanc ing ice front is pred icted to
reach only to somewhere between RM 124 and 14 2 , while with Devil Canyon dam
also on line, the ice front would reach somewhere between RM 123 and 137,
depending on the climate and the operational scenario. No ice cover would
mantle the river upstream from there; open water with temperatur0.s above 0 C
would prevail all winter . The position of the ice fr on t would probably
fluctuate significantly throughout the winter, a s weather conditions c hanged .
When the ic ~ f ront is downstream f rom the 0 C isotherm, border ice would
form between the ice front and the 0 C isotherm, cove ring approximately 25
percent of the water surface. Anchor ice would also form at times in this
reach, but would have little effect on water leve ls .
Upstream from the ice front no freez e up staging wo uld occur; ther e for ~ no
sloughs would be overtopped or flooded in that area. Downstream from the ice
front freez e up staging would occur, and the higher winter flows wo uld produce
overtopping and flooding in more sloughs, more f requently, and for longer
durations, than under natural conditions. ~lith Watana darn alone, freezeup
staging is expected to be 2 t o 7 fee t higher than under natural conditions.
When Devil Canyon comes on line , fre ezeup staging is predicted to be 1 to 6
feet higher than natural. The higher stage levels may be sufficient to flood
som~ vegeta ted islands as ~ell as sloughs.
Upstream from Lhe ice front, mainstern water temperatures would depend on
the weather and the pro ject ope rating scenario. Just below the dams, water
temperatures would range froM 0.4 C to 5.6 C f rom early Novem ber to late
April. From there, temp era tures would decline downstream until r eaching the 0
C isotherm. With Watana dam operating alor.e, ice thicknesses below the ice
front arc expected to be s imila r to natural conditions. With Devil Canyon dam
on line, ice thicknesses are expecteo to be
natural conditions.
to 2 feet less than under
The altere ~ flow regime would probably cause a change in t he lengths of
open leads throughout the winter. As under natural conditions, anchor ice
which h a d formed in the river before the passage of the ice fr o nt would
sometimes be exposed in these open leads.
b. Meltout/breakup
In the spring, the river ice is predicted to slowly melt awa ~· iu place 4
t o 6 weeks earlier than natural breaku p with Watana alone, and 7 to 8 week s
earlier than natural with Devil Canyon also on line. An y border ice would
slowly melt away in place . There would probably be little or no breakup
drive, with its associated ice jamming. Therefore, there would be no
overtopping and flooding of sloughs during this period, and n o associated i c e
scouring and fl ow erosion in the s loughs .
a . Freezeup
The ice cover is expected to begin forming in the l owe r part of the lower
rive r early in Novembe r, ab o ut th e same as under natural conditions. Howev e r,
the inc reased flows and redu ced frazil ice produ c tion from the middle river
are predicted t o de lay the movemen t up s tream of the ice cove r s uch that it
reaches th~ Susi tna/Chulitna rive r confluen ce 17 t o 44 days later than natural
with Watana dam alone on line , and 27 t o 47 day s later than natural with Devil
Canyon dam also on line.
33RD2-007t /i}
Due to the increased flows from the middle Susitna River throughout the
winter. it is speculated that there 1.10uld be somewhat more ice in the lower
river than under natural conditions. This. however. has not been quantified.
b. Meltout/breakup
The lower river is expected to melt out sooner than it does naturally
because of the earlier meltout of the middle river and the resulting earlier
influx of warm water into the lower river. The middle river is predicted to
melt out earlier than in natural conditions by 4 to 6 weeks with Watana alone,
and 7 to 8 weeks with Devil Canyon also on line. Therefore, the lower river
c ould be expected to melt out at similar times. The meltout should be gentle
compared to natural conditions because there would be no breakup drive of ice
into the lower river from the middle river. The ice i10 expected to slowly
melt away in place, with no ice jamming and its associated scour and flooding.
This section describes the potential effects of ~hanges in Susitna River
ice processes on fish habitats, resulting from various project operational
scenarios. The Susitna River and its tributaries provide habitat for at least
19 species of fish (table 11); seven are anadromous and 12 are year-round res-
idents. (Figure 89 shows the distribution of these species by study area),
The Susitna River basin provides reproductive and rearing habitat for millions
of salmon (recorded escapements vary from ove r 500,000 to more than 5 million,
table 12). More than 99% spawn in its tribut a r y systems. Available informa-
tion indicates that the mainstem Susitna R ~v er may provide essential rearing
habitat for two salmon species--chum and chinook. Like salmon, resident
species such as rainbow trout and Arctic grayling mostly u s e the mainstem for
mjgration. Some resident spec ies also depend on the mainstem for
overwintering habitats; others like burbot, whitefish, and longnose sucker
reside year-round in the mainstem.
This analys is examines the likely with-project ice effects of Watana Dam
alone and of ~a tana and Devil Canyon dams together on fish habitat in three
stretches of the Susitna River . These are kn own as impoundment zone, middle
river zone, and lower river (figure 89). 1ne results of 21 ICECAL simulations
are e xamined (table 13), four of which are natural (i.e. ·.Jithout project) and
15 of which are with-project and two are filling scen a rios. These simulations
were run under various meteorologic and hydro logic conditions. Thirteen of
the ~oJith-pr ojec t ICECAL simulations used Case C flow re gimes while two used
Case E VI Flows.
Table 11. Common and Scientific Names
of Fish Species Recorded in the Susitna River Basin.
Arctic lamprey Lampetra japonica (Martens)
Eulachon (hooligan) Thaleichthys pacificus (Ricltards 'J n)
Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus (Pallas)
Bering cisco Coregonus laurettae Sean
Round whitefish Prosopium cylindraceum (Pallas)
Humpback whitefish Coregonus pidschian (Gmelin)
Rainbow trout Salmo gaird~eri Richardson
Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum)
Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma (Walbaum)
Pink (humpback) salmon Oncorhynchus gorbus c ha (Walbaum)
Sockeye (red) salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum)
Chinook (king) salmon Oncorhynchus tshawyt scha (Walbaum)
Coho (silver ) salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum)
Chum (dog) sa lmon Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum)
Northern pike Esox lucius Linnaeus
Longnose sucker Catostomus catostomus (Forster)
Threespine s tickleback Gas teros teus aculeatus Linnaeus
Bur bot Lota lota (Linnaeus)
Slimy sculpin Cottus cogna tus Richardson
Table 12. Susitna River Salmon Escapement Estimates, 1981-1984
Year Chinook Socke:z:e 1 Pink Chum Coho Total 2
1981 272,500 85,600 282,700 36,800 677,600
1982 265,200 890,500 458,200 79,800 1,693,700
1983 176,200 101 ,300 276,800 24' 100 578,400
1984 250,000 605,800 3,629,900 812,700 190,100 5,488,500
1 Second run sockeye only.
2 Total 19 84 drainage escapement estimate. Esc~pement counts for 1981 through
1983 do not include chinooks or any escapemen ts into tributaries downstream
of RM 77, with the exception of those into the Yentna River.
Source: ADF&G 1983a; Barrett, Thompson & tHck 1984 and 1985.
Start o f
freeze up
Ha xioum
Upstre a"'
Ex tent of
l e e Front Slough Overtopping
Opi>ll l.a ter
Dovns tr cam of
Devil Canyon
(RH 1 52)
Date r•ate Ri ver Hile 8 SA 9 11 2 1
(RH 113 .7) (R.'f 125.1) (RH 128.3) (RH 1)5 .3) (RH 141.1)
Natu ral 2
15 2A 1971-72 Nov 05 0
197 6-77 Dec 08 15 2 0
19111-82 Nov 18 Hay 10-15 152 0
1982-83 Nov 05 May 10 152 c 0
Watana Only
1996 Case C
1971-72 Nov 28 May 15 140 D D D 12
1976-77 Dec 26 Apr 18 126 D D 2n
1981-82 Dec 28 Apr 0) 137 D D D 15
1982-83 Dec 12 Mar 20 126 D 26
2001 Case c
1971-72 Nov 28 Hay 15 14 2 D D D 10
1981 -82 Dec 30 Apr 03 134 D D D 18
19 82 -83 Dec l'J Har 16 124 D 28
2001 Case E-VJ
1981-82 Dec 28 Har 23 134 D D 18
Watana and
Dev il Canyon
2002 Case C
l'lll-72 Dec 02 Ha y \l3 13 7 D f) 15
19 76 -77 Jan 08 Apr 14 124 28
1981-82 Dec 30 Har 12 124 28
1982-83 Dec 22 Mar 20 123 29
2002 Case E-Vl
2020 Case c
1971-iZ Dec 03 Apr 15 13 3 D D 19
1982-83 Dec 14 l-f.a t 12 127 25
Wata na filling
1911 2-83 (YR I ) Dec 23 Hay 02 156 0
198 1-82 (YR2) Oec 23 ~ray 30 16 2 0
Legend: A -lee cover for natural condi tions extend s upst r ea~ of River HUe 137 to Devil Can yo n (lUI 152) by mean s of
lateral ice bridging.
8 -Number o f miles of upen water from the i ce front upstream to Devil Canyon at River Hile 152. Sollie open
lead s can be found in the ice cover.
c -Observed natural overtopping.
D -Slough is overtopped with project, but 110t under 5 ic1Ul a ted natural conditions.
Notes: I. !CECAL Hodel Simul at i ons
2. Weather Conditions: 1971-72, co ld winter; 1976-77 , very warm winter; 19 81-82, average ..,inter; 1982 -8),
wa re win ter .
3. Results una~ailable to date.
Source: Harza/Ebasco Susitna Joi11 t Vent u re, 1985.
33RC1 /007e
The effects of altered ice processes on salmon
and resident fish habitats and populations down-
stream of the dams, including fi s ~ access and
changes due to staging.
T~pacts on egg incubation, rearing and rearing
cover, ~specially disruption of incubation or
emergence timing from lower water temp e rutures
and dewatering. Attention to middle river
sloughs and side chann~ls are of primary impor-
The effect of ice staging on upwelling in
slough and mainstem habitats.
The level of ice cover. Could it effect primary
productivity and rate of food production? Would
it increase available overwin t er habitat?
Importance of altered breakup on the forma -
tion of ice jams and corresponding flushing
of slough hab:!.tats.
Ice process effects on staging overtopping.
Changes in anchor ice formation.
ADF&G/Su Hydro
33RCl/007f -1 -
8. Effect of ice shelf formation in the reservoir
drawdown zone. AEIDC X
9. Increased amount of ice in the inundation area
near tributary mouths impeding fi s h passage. AElDC X
1 Source: APA -Alaska Power Authority Issues List March 6, 1984 .
ADF&C/Su Hydro -Alaska Department of Fish & Game/Su Hydro Aquatic Studies memorandum to AEIDC
October 5, 1984.
EWT -E. Woody Trihey & Associates memorandum to AEIDC October 2, 1984.
AElDC -Arcti c Environmen tal Information and Data Cen t er plu s information from literature reviews
o f hydroelec tric projec ts in northern environments.
-2 -
This analysis addresses nine ice-related issues of concern, which were
identified by the Susitna Hydroelectric Study Group (table 14). The majority
focus on middle river incubation and rearing habitats, which for the most
part, are limited to sloughs and side channels. Concerns here rest principal-
ly with the potential for increased frequency of overtopping of slough berms
by ice-induced staging and with the potential for changes in the thermal
regime of upwelling waters on natal habitats. Expressed concerns directed at
the lower river are fewer in number. The project staff feels that this reach
has less significant salmon spawning and rearing habitats and !CECAL modlers
believe that with-project ice processes would change less dramatically here
than in the middle river. Impoundment zone ice-related concerns focus on the
potential for blockage of tributary stream mouths by ice and on the influence
of ice on the littoral environment.
To conduct this analysis, AEIDC first reviewed the literature on high
latitude water bodies (both regulated and unregulated) for information
describing various ice condition effects on fisr. habitats. Relevant informa-
tion was then synthesized to provide an overview of the type and scope of po-
tential ice-related with-project effects which co1:ld occur in the Susitna Riv-
er basin. Next, pertinent Susitna River-specific biological and physical in-
formation was assembled. These two steps provided the basis for the ice ef-
fects analysis, which was performed by comraring knowledge of fish overwinter
life history stages to !CECAL simulations.
This analysis was constrained by a number of factors. Chief among these
was that ICECAL was designed prima rily to address river ice physical proc~sses
.£!!_~(rates of formation, timin~ of freezeup, etc), r a ther than the effects
of icing on the environment. Being one dimensional, ICECAL simply lacks the
power to describe site-spe~ific ice processes in areas possessing multiple
habitat types (e.g. side sloughs, mainstem, etc). Second, extant Susitna
River basin data on fish distribution, abundance, and habitat uses focus on
salmon and are temporally and spatially limited. Third, knowledge of the
effects of various winter conditions on fish mortality is particularly scant.
The fourth problem relates to the fact that issues were identified for
evaluation primarily by a approach. Representatives of E. W. Trihey &
Associates, Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, the Alaska Department of Fish
and Game, R&M Consultants, Inc. and AEIDC met on September 9, 1984 in AEIDC's
offices to plan the ice assessment approach . It was agree d that participants
would nominate ice related issues of concern to be addressed in the report by
October 1, 1984. Subsequently, E. W. Trihey & Associates, Alaska Department
of Fish and Game, and AEIDC responded. Offered issues of concern are listed
in Table 14. Since no similar project exists in Alaska and time was of the
essence, the project team relied on iciug information from other Northern
areas to nominate issues. Because of this, issues raised are not necessarily
wholly pertinent to the basin nor are they necessarily all encompassing.
a. Fish Resource
The principal source of information on fish distribution, abundance,
habitat use, and life histories in the impoundment zone is ADF&G 1983b. The
natural environment between Devil Canyon and the upstream end of the proposed
Watana Reservoir provides habitats for nine fish species (ADF&G 1983b); eight
are year-round residents and one (chinook salmon) is anadromous. Within Devil
Canyon, Cheechako Creek (RM 152.5) and Chinook C~eek (RM 156.8) mark the up-
stream limit of salmofl in the mainstem Susitna River. Devil Canyon's con-
stricted river channel apparently creates a velocity barrier to upstream mi-
grants. In total, fewer than 100 salmon utilize these two tributary habitats
for reproductive purposes (Barrett, Thompson & Wick 1985).
Arctic grayling are the most widely distributed and abundant species uti-
lizing habitats above the c.anyon. The total 1982 Arctic grayling population
in the impoundment zone was estimated to be over 1~,000 (ADF&G 1983b).
Mainstem impoundment areas above the canyon provide essential overwintering
habitat for Arctic grayling, which move into its tributaries to spawn
following breakup in late May or early June (ADF&G 1983b). Arctic grayling
migrate out of natal tributaries in September as water levels begin to drop.
They overwinter in mainstem environments which become less turbid following
freezeup (ADF&G 1983b).
Except for documentation of their presence, little is known of the life
histories or relative abundance of other species resident in the impoundment
zone. Based on limited capture data, it seems that both burbot and longnose
sucker are relatively abundant in the proposed impoundment areas (ADF&G
1983b). Elsewhere in the Susitna River, burbot spawn under the ice from
January to February over gravel near tributary stream mouths (such as the
Deshka River) (R. Sundet, pers. cotmn.). During the rest of the year, they
apparently distribute themselves throughout the deeper portions of aquatic
environments. Susitna River longnose sucker are spring spawners which move
from overwinter habitats in the mainstem to tributary natal areas from late
May to early June (ADF&G 1983b). Small numbers of round and humpback
whitefish have been captured (at two locations) within the impoundment areas,
but there are no estimates of their relative abundances. If they behave
similarly to lower river reach and middle river whitefish, they overwinter in
mainstem environments. Although available information is scant, it appears
that this species spawns in early October in clearwater tributary streams.
Although not present in mainstem impoundment areas, some lake trout and
rainbow trout might gain access to them as a result of the project. Sally
Lake, which supports a lake trout population of undetermined size, would be
inundated by the Watana Reservoir (ADF&G 1984b). Lake trout generally spawn
from August through December and require stable lake shore gravel substrates
for reproduction. High Lake (located immediately north of Devil Canyon) is a
tributary system to Devil Creek which has a resident population of rainbow
trout. Nothing is known of the lake's trout population size. Should the
project be completed, we believe that some rainbows might outmigrate down
Devil Creek to the Devil Canyon Reservoir. Elsewhere in the basin, rainbow
trout typically overwinter in lakes and mainstem habitats, returning in the
spring following breakup to spawn in tributary streams. Most rainbow trout
spawn in clearwater streams, which are paved with relatively small cobbles and
have relatively moderate velocities (ADF&G 1983c).
b. The With-Project Environment
The following is a synopsis of selected aspects of the with-project envi-
ronment that are rele•,ant to this ice effects analysis. (A detailed descrip-
tion of with-project ice processes is found in Chapter IV.) The Watana Reser-
voir would inundate roughly 55 linear miles of the mainstem Susitna River and
about 30 miles of tributary stream environments, converting them to a lentic
system. The Watana Reservoir would generally begin to freeze sometime in
mid-November, with probable maximum ice thicknesses ranging from 3 to 5 ft.
Winter reservoir drawdown would cause nearshore ice to fracture and drape over
exposed banks. While on line alone, the Wat a na dam reservoir's winter draw-
down would avera ge about 90 ft. With both dams drawdown would av~rage about
40 ft. In mid-winter, grounded ice would probably form barricade s at tribu-
tary mouths. Based on observations of natural ice processes withi n the upper
basin, project team members g ~~erally believ e that tributary flows would down-
cut grounded ice before reservoir ice meltout. This would generally occur be-
tween May and early June.
The Devil Canyon Reservoir would inundate a maximum of 32 linear miles of
mainstem Susitna Riv er environments. Freezeup times would be similar to those
of the Watana Reservoir, but probable maximum ice thickness would not exceed
four ft . Yearly winter reservoir drawdown would be slight if it occurred at
all. Consequently , less ice draping would occur than in the Watana Reservoir.
A few miles of open water may occur in the upper part of Devil Canyon Reser-
voir due to the warm water released from the Watana Reservoir.
c. Anticipated With-Project Effects
(1). Watana Reservoir.
Ice processes attendant to winter reservoir drawdown would affect
reservoir salmonid spawning and rearing habitat quality. The littoral zone
environment would experience periodic dehydration, substrate freezing, ice
gouging, and erosion. Lake drawdown, coupled with ice draping, would prec lude
evolution of a stable littoral zone conducive to lake trout (from Sally Lake)
reproductive and rearing success. Lake trout reaching the i~~ounrlment would
likely live a normal life span. The effects on other sal~onids would be less
severe, because they spawn in tributary stream habitats. Thus, only their
rearing life stages would be affected. Impoundment rearing habitats for
Arctic grayling and whitefish would probably be less than ideal. Lake
drawdown, ice draping, ice gouging, erosion and associated effects would
likely reduce cover and food availability, because together they would
preclude establishment of riparian vegetation and limit invertebrate produc-
The effects of Watana Reservoir operation on burbot are more difficult to
predict, because they have more generalized habitat requirements. They often
inhabit deep, cold, and turbid environments. Although burbot can utilize lake
shore gravels for spawning, most spawn in tributary stream environments.
These would be unaffected with-project. Thus, the impoundment probably would
not exert discernable negative effects on them. The impoundments littoral
zone would not afford them viable reproductive habitat because of its unstable
nature (see above).
Ice blockage of tributary stream mouths should be a problem for fish only
in extremely cold years, when spring ice mel tout is retarded. If climatic
conditions match long term averages, the tributary mouths should be ice free
before late May when Arctic grayling and longnose sucker migrate to instream
spawning habitats . If spring meltout does not occur until after early June,
both grayling and longnose sucker could experience reproductive failure that
year. From a fish population biology standpoint, loss of a single-year class
is not particularly troubling unless the population is being simultaneously
stre .... sed by other factors such as epldemics or sport fishing. In Alaska, it
1a common for some local fish populations to have certain year classes predom-
inate while others are absent or nearly so.
Once the Devil Canyon Dam was on-line, the Watana Reservoir operations
schedule could exert somewhat less influence on fish habitats because the ex-
pected dr~wdown would be less. However, this point is moot, since its pre-
dieted drawdown still exceeds 40 ft. For reasons discussed above, a drawdown
of this magnitude would severely limit littoral zone productivity.
(2). Devil Canvon Reservoir.
Because of its smaller scale, winter drawdown of the Devil Canyon Reser-
voir would be iess influential on impoundment littoral zone habitats than that
predicted for the Watana Reservoir. Ice draping would be minimal (if it oc-
curred at all) and ice gouging negligible given the bedrock substrate and lack
of ice fracturing from extensive drawdown (Chapter V). Perhaps, importantly,
impoundment area geomorphology and geology are such that they naturally con-
strain the amount of potential lentic spawning habitat available. The can-
yon's steep side walls and bedrock substrate severely limits potential use by
spawning fish. For this reason it is unlikely that this reservoir would be a
productive environment for fish.
Arctic grayling, buibot, longnose sucker, and (possibly) rainbow trout
could gain access to the Devil Can y on Reservoir and become residents. None
depend on lentic littoral zones for reproductive purposes. Arct~c gray ling,
burbot, and longnose sucker naturally occur within the area to be iffipounded.
Rainbow trout might gain access through outmigration from High Lake. Lake
trout are not resident within the Devil Canyon impoundment area. They would
have to gain access from the Watana Reservoir either by passing through the
turbines, over the spillway , or through the gate valves.
With-project ice blockage of tributary strean mouths should not be a pro-
blem in this reservoir. The two main tributaries capable of providing repro-
ductive habitats for the subject species (Fog Creek (RM 177) and Tsusena Creek
(RM 181)] are located in the upper end of the reservoir where little, if any,
ice accumulation is expected to occur (G. Gemperline, pers . comm.). Normal
spring tributary meltout in this area would then easily wash out any remaining
ice allowing timely access to spawning and rearing habitats for all reservoir
a . Fish Resource
A complete summary of available information on middle river fish
resources is available in a report by Woodward Clyde Consultants and Entrix
1985 . Sixteen fish species are known to inhabit middle river zone waters
(figure 89). All are ultimately dependent on mainstem environments for some
aspects of their life histories.
salmon) are anadromous.
Five of the fish species present (all
Salmon utilize mainstem river environments for migration, rearing, over-
wintering, and to a lesser extent spawning (Woodward Clyde Consultants &
Entrix 1985). An indication of the importance of middle river mainstem
habitats as a travel corridor to returning salmon adults is found in
escapement counts made at the ADF&G fish wheel stations at Carry and Talkeetna
(table 15). Population estimates (based on Talkeetna station data) for 1984
indicate that approximc:ttely 6% of all coho, 12% of all chum, 2% . of all
sockeye, 10% of all chinooks, and 5% of all pink salmon spawning in the entire
Susitna drainage basin travel through the mainstem middle r~ver to reach ·their
natal grounds (table 5). Adult migration timing varies by species, but in
general the peak inmigration time above Talkeetna is from late June through
the end of September (table 16).
At least eighteen tributary streams in the middle river provide salmon
spawning habitats (table 17). Viewed as a whole, most salmon spawn in tribu-
tary streams (which would be unaffected by the project). Based on escapement
counts for 1984, 34 middle river sloughs collectively provided habitat for ap-
proximately 5.5% of all salmon migrating above Talkeetna station (Barrett,
Thompson & Wick 1985). Coho and chinook in this river reach apparently spawn
only in tributary stream environments, pink salmon primarily in tributary
streams (with a small number utilizing slough habitats) chum salmon in both
tributary and slough environments, and sockeye spawn almost exclusively in
sloughs (Barrett, Thompson & Wick 1985). Despite their relative importance to
both chum and sockeye salmon in the middle river, slough spawning habitats are
not central to the maintenance of the total Susitna River stocks of either
species. Only about 2% of all chum and less than 0.5% of all sockeye spawning
in the drainage in 1984 utilized these sloughs for this purpose.
33RD1-007 213
Supllna River Chinook2 Pink Chum Sockev~ Coho
~catlon Hlle 19b2 1983 1984 1981 1982 lq83 1984 l981 1 982 1983 1984 1~81 1982 1983 1984 1981 19112 198) 1984
talkeetna 10) 10,900 11t,SOO 24,S91 2,300 73,000 9,SOO 177,881 20,800 49,100 S0,400 98,236 4,800 3,100 4,.,00 U,OSO 3,300 S ,lOO 2,400 11,847
Percent of
Eecapellent 9.8 2. 7 8.2 9.3 4.9 7.4 10.7 18.2 12.0 1.8 1 .2 2 .4 2.2 8 .9 6.4 9.9 6.2
CUrry 1 20 11,300 10,000 17,lS1 1,000 S8,800 s,soo 116 ,8S8 13 ,100 29,400 21,100 49,278 2,800 1 ,300 1,900 3 ,S93 1,100 2,400 800 2 ,162
N Station
' Percent of 3
~ t otal
Su tltna
Elcapement 6.9 1.1 6.6 S.4 3 .2 4 .6 6.4 7.6 6.1 1.0 o.s 1.1 0.6 ).0 3.0 '· ~ 1.1
~otal baein eecapeMent data for chinook are only available for 1984.
3 Eecape~~ent nuabeu for 1981·83 du not Include any count• Into tr1butar1u dovnotre'"" of RH77, vith the exception of the Yentna River.
Source • ADFt.C 1983&1 Sarrett , th011peon and Wick 1984, 198S.
33RC 1/007d
Table 16. Susitna River Salmon Phenology.
Adult Inmigration Cook Inlet -Te lkeetna Hay 25 -Aug 18 Jun 18 -Jun 30
Talkeetna -D.C. Jun 07 -Aug 20 J un 24 -Jul 04
Middle River Tributaries Jul 01 -Aug 06
Juvenile Migration Middle River Hay 18 -Oct 031&3
Spawning Middle River Tributaries Jul 01 -Aug 26 Jul 20 -Jul '27
Lower River Tributaries Jul 07 -Aug 20 Jul 20 -Jul 27
~ Adult Inmigration Cook Inlet -Talkeetna Jul 07 -Sep 28 Jul 27 -Aug 20
Talkeetna -D.C. Jul 18 -Sep 19 Aug 12 -Aug 26
Middle River Tributaries Aug 08 -Sep 27
Juvenile Migration Middle River May 18 -Oct 121&3 May 28 -Aug 21
Spawning Middle River Tributaries Sep 01 -Oct 08 Sep 05 -Sep 24
Lower River Tributaries Aug 08 -Oct 01
Adult Inmigration Cook Inlet -Talkeetna Jun 24 -Sep 28 Jul 27 -Aug 0 2
Talkeetna -D.C. Jul 10 -Sep 15 Aug 01 -Aug 17
Middle River Tributaries Jul 27 -Sep 06
Middle River Sloughs Aug 06 -Sep 05
Juvenile Migration Middle River May 3 18 -Aug 20 May 28 -Jul 17
33RC1/007h - 1 -
' t'
Table 16 (cont'd). Susitna River Salmon Phenology.
Spawning Middle River Tributaries Jul 27 -Oct 01 Aug 05 -Sep 10
Middle River Sloughs Aug 05 -Oct 11 Aug 20 -Sep 25
Middle River Mainstem Sep 0 2 -Sep 19
Lower River Tributaries Jul 27 - Se p 09 Aug 06 -Aug 14
Adult Inmigration Cook Inlet -Talkeetna Jul 04 -Aug 08 Jul 18 -Jul 2 7
Talkeetna -D.C. Jul 16 -Sep 18 Jul 3 1 -Aug 05
Juvenile Migration Middle River May 18 -Oct 111&3 Jun 22 -J ul 17
Spawning Middle River Sloughs Aug 05 -Oct 11 Aug 25 -Sep 25
Adult Tnmigration Cook Inlet -Talkeetna Jun 28 -Sep 10 Jul 26 -Aug 0 3
Talkeetna -D.C. Jul 10 -Aug 30 Aug 01 -Aug 08
Middle River Tributaries Jul 2 7 -Aug 23
Middle River Sloughs Aug 04 -.\ug 17
Juvenile Migration !>Iiddle River May 18 3-Jul 24 May 29 -Jun 08
Spawning Middle River Tributaries Jul 27 -Aug 30 Aug 10 -Aug 25
Middle River Sloughs Aug 04 -Aug 30 Aug 15 -Aug 30
Lower River Tributaries Jul 27 -Sep 09 Aug 06 -Aug 09
2 All migration includes migration to and between habitat. n o t just outmigration.
3 Second run sockeye only.
No data available for pre-ice movement; earlier date of range refers to initiation of outmigrant trap
Source: Barrett. Thompson and Wick 1984. 1985; Schmidt et al. 1984; ADF&G 1983a.c.
33RC1/007h -2 -
r.uu n
Ptalr. S.l~ Sur'"#ty Coun t a Abooft Ta lk.Htn. for Sualtu lhn Tr l tM.atu y St r t •a
S'IIIUI< ~ Coho CblnooiL
1914 1976 1981 1981 198) 1954 19lS 1916 19 71 1918 1919 1981 1982 l9•l ·-..tlisu u 0 .2S 21 10 116 u s l01 22 •'
Cru ll (lUI 101.4 )
....... O.lS 40 80 )6 u 2)9 IS
Crt ~ll (ltll 10...9)
.ln ... o.n ,, .... CIUI 11 1.2)
"""' 1 .0 141 ,. 19 2 :14
Creek (R."t l ll.•)
l Ane o.s 24 40 •1 12 2l
Cre ek Cl.~ 111.6)
L-r 1 .5 S6 lll 18 24
McKenzie U ll 116.2)
"'.CI(enzle 0 .2S
Cnco Cl.~ U6.1)
l l t t le o.n
Po rta .. (lUI 111.1)
rt(CI\ 0.2S 11
of Ju.ly (lUI 121.1 )
Sku ll 0.25
Cn c o Ull 124.1 )
........... 0.2S
CrHO (lUI llO.I)
J."nur rh 0,2 5 26 11 4 14 S6 .,
o f July U ll U 1.0)
C..>ld 0 .2S 21 2l 21
Cnck !M 1l6.1l
lncU .n n .o .. lO as 101 SJ 46S lD sn )9) 114 liS 4 22 1 ,0Sl 1,19) 1,4 S6 ., .. , (lUI 118.6)
Jac k 0.25 6
...... !lUI 144 .5)
;·on: a,. 1S.O uo 100 22 81 n 128 29 102 ,. 140 140 6S9 1 ,2Sl l,l.O 5,444
c ..... (lll 1•1.9)
o. .. ct..lr.o 3.0 16 25 2t
Creek (lll U2,S)
.:hlnooiL 2,0 • I lS
CrH O (lll U6.1)
MAL )01 141 •sa 6 )) 240 1,434 6 2 1 ,261 761 n• •2s 1.1 ~1 2,47 ) 4 ,416 1 ,171
• t.C:l/0071'"1
TAaLI l '1 (cont 'd)
~ak Sa..._ s..arv., Counu Abcwe t a lkeetna for SulltN lt"r Tributary Stn••
<1'1I1AII ~ a-. Sod
nn 1•n lt16 19}1 1 .. 1 1912 191) 1-197. l 9n 1976 nn 1 .. 1 19ft2 1"'81 ~--
Y\lU.ra o.u
c.--• <.., 101.•1
O\ON 0.2S
CAd. CAPt 10.. 9)
s••~h o.n
c~ck (11:1 111.2)
r~.,. 1.0
Cre-ek Ca. lll.U
...... o.~ 76 11 ]1
Cnc k (Ill 111.61
'--< 1.~ 14 u
"""'"''" (lUI 116. 2)
'<Yule 0.2S
Cnok 1111 116.7)
L.tttle o .u ll 11
Port .. • ( ... 111.71
Fl ttfil 0.2~
of JuiJ ( ... 121.7)
Sloull o.u 10
Cre~k (Ill U". 7)
51" .. .,..,. 0.2~
Cn•ll ( ... llO.I)
rou uh o.u ~ .. 71 11 90 191 ... ltl
ot J11ly ( ... 1)1.0)
...... o .u
Crttk (M ll6. 7)
ln4h" n .o HI 70 114 776 40 1,)1.6-Ill 2.24'1
Rhu (a.~ 111.6)
~·~· o.u
l.ona (IL~ .... ~)
rorup u.o 216 )0() IU ~26 l 1 21S ., , .... ( ....... ,
U.Cechako ).0
C<Hk (M Ul.~)
O.l.....,. ... 2.0
Cnok (M I SO.I)
MTAL J ,.01 1) ~ll 719 2•1 1,716 1 .... l,llt. .. 1:
l*=l /0071•2
tAIIZ 17 (cont'd)
Pult S.lMn Survey Cowlu Above Ta l lleetu for ~ltn. llver Tributa ry Stre.-a
S'!UNI !!!!!!!S Pink
1974 1975 1976 1977 1981 1901 1901 .,..
l.ttlallert 0.25 a 1:18 193
Creek (R.'t lOl.«t )
n~n Cret'll. CRM 10..9) 0.25 so ll 107 4)1
s t .. :n Cr e e k CaM U l. 2) 0.75
C.:.th Crt<!k Cltll 111.61 1.0
lAne Crull UK U 3.6) 0.5 12 106 1,101 291 21 1 ,184
~ •• ,"tt c .... (ltll 115.6) 0.2S 107
Lowtr 1.5 Zl 17 S6~
NciCtonJle (liM U6.2)
~len. tot 0.2S 17 11
t:ruk CR.'I 116.7)
Uu.l• 0 .25 140 101
Porta ae (all 117.7)
f'lrfo.nthorM 0 .25 ))7
Cr «lr. (lUI 120.1)
fLtth 0 .25 111 411
o f July (all Ill. 7)
S&ull Crc~ll Call 124 . 7) 0 .25 12 111
'l.rraan Cru ll (ltll UO.I) 0.25 24 ·~
t~n h 0.25 159 4 ,000 612 29 70 2 71 1 ,14:'
o f July (aM 1)1.0)
Cold r. .... (all 116. 7) 0.25 32 11 ~2
India n ll .. r CM 111.6) u.o 577 321 5,000 1 ,6 11 711 ... 9 ,0.6
J a t.ll Lor., (R.'I 1 .... 5) 0.25 ••
rortaa• lS.O 211 3 ,000 169 215 2 ,101
, .... (ltll 148.9)
O..ectt.ko 3.0 u
Creek laM 1S2.5)
011-.k 2 .0
c .... (ltll 1S6.1)
totAL 1 ,036 5 75 12,157 3 ,326 311 2,15S 1,)29 1 7,417
Soutc•: brrett 191t.; l.arrett, ~ton and Wl clt 1961., 191S; Rill 1977; ADh.C 1976, 1971, 1911, l983e.
llRC1/007a • 3
Spawning habitat quaiity apparently varies greatly between sloughs as. in
the last four years. the majority of chum salmon spawners counted were in 10
of the 34 (table 18 & 19). Three of the 10 most used sloughs have added sig-
nificance in that they also provided over 90% of all sockeye spawning habitat
in the middle river (table 18).
Relatively few salmon spawn in mainstem non-slough habitats. of those
which do chum salmon predominate. Generally. spawning habitats within the
mainstem proper are small areally and widely distributed. In 1984. ADF&G made
a concerted effort to identify mainstem middle river spawning habitats; they
identified 36 spawning sites . Numbers of spawning fish counted at each of
these sites varied from one to 131 with an average of 35 (Barrett. Thompson. &
Wick 1985).
Four of the five salmon species use middle river waters for rearing pur-
pc ·ses (Dugan et al. 1984). At this time insufficient information exists to
characterize the relative importance of individual mainstem rearing habitats.
From May to September juvenile chinook rear in tributary and side channel
environments. coho mostly rear in tributary and upland sloughs. and sockeye
are evenly distributed between upland and side sloughs. From May to July
rearing chum juveniles are distributed throughout side slough and tributary
stream environments (Dugan et al. 1984).
Of the five salmon species present. only two have been captured in winter
in the middle river (ADF&G 1983c). Preliminary studies indicate that
significant numbers (perhaps 25 % to 50%) of chinook and c oho juveniles reared
in this zone overwinter in side slough and tributary stream environments
(ADF&G 1985a). Perhaps significantly. preliminary evidence indicates that few
juvenile salmon utilize the mainstem proper for overwintering purposes (ADF&G
TASU: 11
Oft.lt soat£YE >I ""
~ !lli!-.!!lli ~ !lli .!.!!.! !!!! !.!!1 ill! ~ !.ill .!!!! !!!! !!.!.! !!!! !.!!! !!!! ~ !lli !!!! .!.!!! .1.!!!2 !.!!.! ~
99.6 12 10
100.4 21 ., 129
•• 101.4 50 I n u 20 ,.
)A 101.9 17 11 ..
:'•lkHtr...l S t. l O).n
108.2 -· 112.) 11 I'
Jll. 1 )02 aS 2S
l'u•t'lro4 117.1 90 10
Curry St. 120.0
.u 121.1 2) 49
~( 121.9 41 4 121
1& 122.2 ao 104 400 ..
.._ .. 12). 5 107 21 .. 16 2 2 n .. 114.6 140 77 1U , .
114.7 )4 2 2 ,. 125.1 S1 no ))6 17 917 10 177 .. 66 121 21 1)<.
1U.I sa 108 • 2 ' ll
• 121.1 su 111 )6 lf>O )00 169 ISO 10 s 1J
u 129.1 90 7) 11
•• 1)).1 Ul n1 105 )01
10 111.1 )6
l1 115. I )) " 116 411 459 211 l,S86 7t 84 75 n• 191 456 I loa 564 Ill 1 ~1
II 115.4
l l 115.7 11 , .. 115.9
15 117.2 100 Ill 500 ,. 117. I 12 u 11
" 111.9 24 II 21 90 66 16
:d 119,1 11 ,,, 119.7 • 45 )2 II 11 I
10 lloO.O 107 II 14 )0 u uo 10 2 .. as
II lU.l 661 250 )0 )04 ll• 7)6 II' 2 ,lS4 II 75 21 )8 S) 197 112 ..
~u 145.5 10
ll 1 ... 5 11.4 U1
roru 1,152 49S " 541 1,596 2,2&.4 1,4» 1 ,S41 10) 194 114 )00 l,l~tl 607 S55 tn II 71 507 ' l,O.'t
Soll.ru; t.rren 1974; 141nttt, n..p1on •M Vl ck 1964, 191S; lll1, U7l; ADF&.C 1976, 1978 . 1911, 1911o.
Sloush Mile
8 113.7
8B 122.2
Moose 123.5
A' 124.6
8A 125.1
9 128.3
9A 133.8
11 135.3
17 138.9
21 141.1
Chum Salmon Escapement
for the Ten Most Productive Sloughs
Above RM 98.6, 1981-83 .
1981 1982 1983 Averas~
695 0 0 232
0 99 261 120
222 59 86 122
200 0 155 118
480 1,062 112 551
368 603 430 467
140 86 231 152
1,119 1,078 674 957
135 23 166 108
657 1,737 481 958
Source: Barrett, Thompson and Wick 1 98 4.
33RC1/007c 2'22...
of Total
1985a). This helps somewhat to demonstrate the significance of sloughs to
these species.
Of the 11 resident middle river fish species (figure 89), capture data
indicate that only rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, burbot, round whitefish,
longnose sucker, and slimy sculpin are common (ADF&G 1983c). Dolly Varden,
humpback whitefish, threespine stickleback, and Arctic lamprey also occur, but
all appear to be more abundant in the lower river (Sundet and Wenger 1984).
Lake trout are found only in surrounding area lakes, none of which would be
influenced by the project.
Little is known of either the numbers or the life histories (especially
during the winter) of any fish species residing year-round in the middle
river. Given the naturally reduced winter flow regimes of tributary streams
in winter, it is probable that the majority of the~e resident fish (with the
exception of lake trout) overwinter somewhere in the mainstem. It is general-
ly believed, however, that most resident fish overwinter further down stream
in the lower river (ADF&G 1983c).
Of the most common resident species, three (burbot, longnose sucker, and
slimy sculpin) :---ur year-round in the mainstem. Rainbow trout, Arctic gray-
ling, and round whitefish spend most of the open wa~er season in tributary en-
vironments which provide spawning and rearing habitat. Aspects of the winter
life histories of these species (with the e x ception of slimy sculpin) pertain-
ing to this analysis have been discussed previously. Too little is known of
Susitna River slimy sculpins to adequately describe their habitat needs. How-
ever, it is known with some certainty that they are distributed y ear-round
throughout lentic and lotic environments within the basin, and that no large-
scale movements or migrations have been noted . Spawning p~obably occurs
around mid-June (ADF&G 1983c).
b. The With-Project Environment
The with-project Middle River Zone ice environment would differ dramati-
cally from natural conditions. Formation timing of a contiguous river ice
cover would be delayed, there would be an extensive reach of ice-free water
below Devil Canyon, river flows would be four to five times more voluminous,
and ice meltout would be earlier. These changes would occur as a consequence
of dam interception of mainstem frazil ice input, increased wint~r flows due
to the reservoir's operating schedule(s), and warmer than normal instream win-
ter temperatures (the reservoirs would function as heat sinks).
Middle river freezeup is predicted to be delayed between 17 to 44 days
with Watana Dam and 27 to 47 day s with both dams in place. Depending on the
year and with only Watana Dam on-line, the ice front is predicted to range
somewhere between RM 124 and 142 and ice thickness below the front would be
similar to natural. With both dams operating, the ice front is expected to
range between P~ 123 to 137 and ice thickness is expected to be less than for
natural conditions. It would likely be dynamic, changing location signifi-
cantly throughout the winter in response to changes in weather conditions and
with-project flows. Upstream of the ice front, no ice cover would mantle the
river; open water with temperatures above 0 C would prevail throughout the
winter. Between the 0 C isotherm and the upstream edge of the ice front, a
zone of anchor ice form~tion would occur; no anchor ice would form upstream of
this zone .
Portions of the river near the ice front would be subject to free z eup
staging, a phenomena which occurs as flowing water encounters the rough bottom
surface of the ice mantle. When this happens, water velocity slows and the
water sta ge rises (Chapter IV). Staging generally lasts one to two weeks un-
der natural cond itions and could last a month or more with-project.
Regardless of the final reservoir operation regime adopted, winter flow
volumes would increase significantly with-project. Consequently, the aquatic
instream environment would be substantially greater in extent, i.e. the wetted
area would be increased. Because no ice staging would occur in the open water
reaches immediately below Devil Canyon, no winter flooding is anticipated in
this area. However, localized flooding would occur within ice-mantled river
reaches, since higher than natural flows would be coupled with ice-induced
staging . Higher flow volumes might also increase the length of open leads in
ice-mantled areas downstream of the ice front.
From early November to late April with-project water temperature is pre-
dicted to range between 0.4 C to 5.6 Cat the dam outlet (AEIDC 1984). Water
temperatures are expected to decline relatively uniformly downstream, reaching
the 0 C isotherm near the ice front.
The with-project springtime environment would differ from natural condi-
tions chiefly in breakup phenology . Predicted higher than normal stream flows
and instream temperatures would cause a gradual in-place melting of the ice
mantle; there would be no breakup drive. Ice mel tout is expected to occur
four to six weeks earlier than natural with the Watana Dam and seven to eight
weeks earlier with both dams operating.
c. Anticipated With-Project Effects
Seven of the nine ice-related iss ues of concern identified for the pro-
posed project relate to the middle river (table 14). Most are interrelated.
Chief among these are concerns with slough incubation and rearing habitat
quality. One deals with the potential introduction of near freezing water to
slough incubation and rearing environments through ice-induced overtopping .
Other issues concern the r otential of with-project flows altering the
character of upwelling waters and the lack of with-project ice cover upstream
of the ice front. Potential effects in the ice-free reach include increased
primary production (as more light penetrates the ice-free water surface) and
increased overwinter habitat (as a result of higher than normal with-project
winter flows). Of lesser concern, are issues pertaining to the with-project
end of the natural cycle of breakup-induced flooding of slough habitats, and
the a!llount of with-project anchor ice. Natural breakup-induced floods are
thought necessary by some project team members to flush fines from spawning
grounds. When anchor ice breaks up, melts, or otherwise disperses, it dis-
lodges considerable amounts of substrate which can be life threatening to de-
veloping embryos.
Overtopping of slough b e rms occurs naturally during freezeup as a result
of ice-induced staging and during breakup as a consequence of ice dam forma-
tion. It is believed to influence overwinter embryo mortality in the middle
river (ADF&G 1983d). Overtopping from freezeup-induced staging is the most
troublesome to salmon, because it would introduce colder ~han ambient mainstem
waters to developing embryos, for relatively long periods of times.
During the period of incubation, survival of developing embryos naturally
varies greatly and is dependent on several factors. The principal natural
phenomena inducing embryo mortality are freezing of the spawning habitat, redd
desiccation from dropping water levels, changes in the thermal and chemical
characteristics of groundwater, and silting of redds (Buklis and Barton 1984,
Canada Department of Fisheries & Oceans 1984). Dewatering and freezing of
salmon redds have been identified as the principal factor inducing chum salmon
embryo mortality in the middle Susitna River (ADF&G 1985b). Natural mortality
is generally high during incubation; reported survival rates from North Amer-
ica and Asia range between 1.5% to 30% (Buklis and Barton 1984; McNeil 1980).
Temperature ranges that cause increased mortality to embryos are much
narrowe r than those for adults (Alabaster and Lloyd 1982). Generally, the
lower and upper temperature limits for successful initial incubation of
Pacific salmon eggs fall between 4.5 and 14.5 C (Reiser and Bjornn 1979 ).
Salmon embryos are most vulnerable to temperature stress in their early devel-
opment stages, before closure of the blastopore . This occurs at about 140 ac-
cumulated Celsius temperature units (Combs 1965; Bams 1967). (A t empe rature
unit is one degree above freezing experienced by developing fish embryos per
day). Merrell (1962) suggested that pink salmon embryo survival in Sashin
Creek, southeastern Alaska, may be related to water temperature during spawn-
ing. Embr yos exposed to cooler spawning environmental temperatures have been
shown t o experience greater incubation mortality than those which began incu-
bation at warmer temperatures (McNeil 1969). Bailey and Evans (1971) reported
an increase in pink salmon mortality when initial incubation water tempera-
tures were held below 2 C during the initial incubation period. Laboratory
experiments with developing Sus:l.tna chum and sockeye salmon embr yos resulted
in increased mortality and alevin abnormality when average temperatures were
maintained at a level less than 3.4 C (Wangaard and Burger 1983). However,
these increases were relatively slight. Following the period of initial sen-
sitivity to low te-mperatures, i.e ., after the blastopore has closed (approxi-
mately 30 days at 4.5 C), embryos and alevins can survive temperatures near 0
C (McNeil and Bailey 1975), but their development is slowed . During the incu-
bation period, mean intragravel water temperatures in the primary middle river
spawning sloughs range from 2 . 0 to 4. 3 C (ADF&G 1983d). Since peak chum
s a lmon spawning in sloughs occurs between late August and September (table
16), it follows that blastopore closure occurs by October.
Slough 8A was naturally overtopped in late November 1982 by cold mainstem
water (near 0 C), providing some insight into potential effects of with-
project overtopping events. Slough 8A intragravel water temperature was de-
pressed during this event. Subsequently, embryo dev~lopment and emergence was
delayed, and large numbers of dead embryos were seen (ADF&G 1983d). This sug-
gests that increased mortality may have occurred.
The significance of with-project overtopping to developing salmon varies
between sloughs, being more p~oblematic in those downstream of the predicted
ice front. As noted above, the predicted ice front location with the Watana
Reservoir occurs between RM 124 to 142 (table 13). When it is at RM 124 (the
farthest downstream ice front location predicted with the Watana Reservoir),
none of the sloughs upstream of this point would be overtopped (table 13). Of
the five most productive chum salmon sloughs in the middle river, only slough
8 is located downstream of RM 124 and would be overtopped. An average of 232
chum salmon spawned in slough 8 between 1981 and 1983 (table 19). T\,is
represents approximately 5. 6% of the total chum salmon escapement to middle
river sloughs for those three years (table 19). At the other extreme, when
the predicted ice front is RM 142, three of the top five chum salmon producing
sloughs (8, SA and 11) would be overtopped (table 13). From 1981 to 1983,
these three sloughs supported an aggregate average of 1, 740 spawning chum
salmon, approximately 42% of those spawning in middle river sloughs (table
Predicted river freezeup dates with the Watana Reservoir range from
November 28 to December 30 (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 1984). Ice
formation in all simulations is assumed to begiu at the Chulitna River
confluence and progresses upstream from there. Of the eight !CECAL
simulations run, six predict overtopping of sloughs 8 and 8A. three pr~dict
overtopping of sloughs 9 and 11, and none predict overtopping of slough 21
(table 13). The expected rate of ice front progression upstream from the
Chulitna River confluence varies annually due to climatic influence and
temperature of the outflow. With the Watana Reservoir, ice front advance is
predicted to take between one to six weeks (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture
1984). Given the predicted start of river freezeup (late November) and the
predicted rate of ice front advance, the earliest an overtopping event could
occur is early December, which is generally post-blastopore closure. Most
model runs indicate that freezeup start dates would be later, occurring in mid
to late December (table 13). Therefore, the majority of predicted overtopping
events from ice staging could not occur before late December and perhaps not
until sometime in January .
Based on !CECAL simulations of river freezeup timing, subsequent ice
front advance, and what is known of the relationship of temperature to chum
salmon embryo development, with-project ice-induced overtopping events could
lead to widespread embryo mortality in affected sloughs . While the likelihoud
of any direct embryo mortality from thermal stress diminishes after October
following blastopore closure, some I CECAL simulations predict that staging
overtopping even~s could last until spring meltout. Indirect mortality could
be significant given that cold t~mperatures of this severity (near 0 C) and
duration should delay embryo development and fry emergence to such an extent
that they would be unable to complete their life cycle.
The env ironmental consequences of ice-staging overtopping events appear
to be less with both dams on-line. This is because initial freezeup dates ar~
predicted to be later, meltout dates are expecred earlier, and ice thickness
would be less (see Chapter V). Further, the predicted duration of overtopping
events is shorter, and they wot .ld occur later in winter.
According to the two-dam ICECAL simulations, only sloughs 8 and 8A would
be overtopped due to ice staging (table 13). Together, these two sloughs ac-
counted for about 19 % of all chum salmon spawning in middle riv er sloughs from
1981 to 1983 (table 19). Importantly, only the "cold wint e r" simulations,
which represent environmental extremes, predicted overtopping. Preliminary
evidence indicates that (at least in sloughs proximal to the mainstem, e.g. 8,
9, and 11) intragravel water temperature is somewhat influenced by mainstem
water temperature (Beaver 1984).
overtopped slough environments .
If true, it would serve to further cool
Overtopping of slough berms by colder mainstem waters could also affect
overwintering fish as water temperature affects fish metabolism, growth, food
capture, swimming, and disease resistance. Juvenile salmonids can tolerate a
wider range of water temperatures than embryos and can survive short exposures
to temperatures which could ultimately be lethal. They can live for long
periods at relatively l ow temperatures at which time they a bstain from feed-
ing, are less active, and spend more time resting in secluded habitats (Ala-
baster and Lloyd 198 2 ; Chapman and Bj ornn 1969). For example, in Carnation
Creek, British Columbia, fish stopped feeding and moved into deeper water or
clo ser to objects providing cover at temperatures below 7 C (Bustard and
Narver 1975). Similarly, in Grant Creek near Seward, Alaska, juvenile salmon-
ids were inactive at water temperatures between 1.0 to 4.5 C and inhabited
cover afforded by streambed cobbles (AEIDC 1982). Regardless of whether one
or two dam s are on-line, some slough overwintering fish would be exposed to
colder overflow waters. As mentioned above, the chief difference between the
one and two-dam options in this regard lies in the frequency and duration of
overtopping events .
33iU>l-007 2 Jo
Overwintering salmonids exposed to cold overflow waters (near 0 C) could
respond in one of two ways, given that a critical thermal minimum has not been
demonstrated in them short of actual freezing (AEIDC 1984). They conceivably
might simply seek cover within the slough, becoming relatively inactive until
temperatures once again rise following the end of the overtopping event. Al-
ternately, they might elect to leave since they are mobi!.e. However, given
that overflow water temperature would be identical to mainstem temperature, it
is arguable whether they would do so. If they did emigrate, their survival
would ultimately depend on their finding suitable replacement habitat which
appears limited in this reach.
Overtopping of slough berms from breakup-driven ice jams is not a with-
project issue, given !CECAL predictions . According to model simulations.
river ice would melt in place rather than breakup. Thus, no ice jams are pre-
dicted to form at this time and no flooding of slough environments would oc-
The next concern to be discuss ed is the effect of with-project ice-
staging on upwelling water in middle river spawning sloughs (table 14.
Maximum winter river stages upstream of the with-project ice front are
predicted to be lower than corresponding natural conditions, because there
would be no freezeup staging (Harza-Eb asco Susitna Joint Venture 1984).
Hence, there is concern that this low ~r stage could reduce the amount of
slough upwelling. This should be of minimal concern since with-project winter
flows upstream of the ice front with either dam scenario are predicted to be
similar to those occurring naturally in September. As upwelling is presently
sufficient for incubation purposes during natural September flows, one could
assume that with-project upwelling would also be sufficient. Downstream of
the ice-front, with-project river stages with both dams on-line are predicted
33RD1-007 2..31
to be higher than natural. Consequently, concern over project effects on
upwelling rates in this zone are apparently moo t.
The third issue raised deals with the potential effects of the with-
project open wat er zone below Devil Canyon on fish habitat quality (table 14 .
Regardless of whether one or two dams are built, an ice-free zone of open
water would occur each winter below Devil Canyon. With Watana Reservoir, this
(predicted b y I CECAL) would stretch between 10 to 28 miles; with both dams
operational the zone would stretch between 15 to 29 miles (table 13).
Conceivably, primary productivity could be enhanced in this area because there
would be less snow and ice cover. Taken by itself, ice removal would allow
more light to penetrate the water column, stimulating primary production.
However, the question is complicated by the fact that released reservoir
waters would be turbid, whereas natural winter flows are relatively clear
(Acres American 1983).
question. Estimates
An ongoing study seeks to answer
of released water turbidities are
the productivity
~urrently being
reforecasted. At present, there is no reliable information to use to describe
the probable influences of the with-project open water area on winter
Another aspect of the open water reach lies in its potential to become
overwintering habitat. Present juvenile salmon overwintering areas are char-
acterized by the presence of ice cover and upwelling warmer than ambient water
(Mike Stratton pers •omm). Little is known about resident species overwinter-
ing habitats, uut generally it seems that upwelling is uot as critical a com-
ponent for them . Resident species are thought to overwinter in deeper main-
stem pools and at tributary mouths (ADF&G 1983c).
The open water reach could conceivably provide some overwinter habitat
for juvenile salmon, since released reservoir waters (0.5 to 5.6 C) would be
within the normal range of upwelling temperatures (0. 8 to 4. 2 C) and cover
could be afforded by the turbid conditions. Since it is presently impossible
to accurately predict turbidities, it is prema ture to speculate on the effec-
t:~veness of this type of cover. The open water area should provide more over-
winter habitat for resident species than now exists, chiefly because of the
combined effects of higher with-project flows (which could create favored deep
pool environments) and the relat ively warmer temperatures.
The open water area could also provide additional salmon spawning and in-
cubation habitat. Chum s almon have been observed spawning in other mainstem
areas influenced by upwelling groundwater (ADF&G 198Sb). Although undocument-
ed, it is possible that upwelled mainstem water temperatures at these sites
are similar to those seen in sloughs. Given that released water temperatures
are predicted to be in the range of upwelled slough water temperatures, and
given the proclivity of chum salmon for spawning in ma i nstem environments, it
is conceivable that the middle river could function as reproductive habitat
provided that suitable substrate exists there. A more detailed analysis of
water temperature effects on incubation is found in AEIDC 1984.
Another expressed ice-related concern in the middle river pertains to the
natural flushing of fines from slough spawning habitats by breakup-induced
flooding (table 14). Regardless of whether one or two dams are built, !CECAL
simulations predict that breakup e v ents would no longer occur; the river ice
mantle would gradually melt in place. The issue rests in some visual
estimates made o f the appearance of slough spawning substrates following
breakup. Fo r example, an ADF&G biologist (Drew Crawford pers. comm) reported
that following a breakup flood, s lough SA substrates appeared cleaner .
Unfortunately, no sediment samples have been taken before and after
breakup floods, so the issue remah.s founded on subjective appraisal of
33RD1-007 2.33
environmental conditions . While it is conceivable that breakup flooding is
important for the maintenance of slough spawning substrates (at least in some
locations), it is equally possible that hydraulic upwelling pressure (coupled
with the actions of redd building adults) is sufficient for this purpose .
Given the lack of information on the amount and size of intragravel fines be-
fore and after floods, no defensible conclusions can be drawn.
The last question analyzed is that of the effect of with-project anchor
ice on fish and their habitats (table 14). Mechanisms of anchor ice formation
are poorly understood, but is is known to occur most often in supercooled
reaches over gravel substrates (Michel 1971; Mason 1958). Anchor ice is
relatively couunon in the middle river, but none has been found to date in
either mainst~m or slough salmon incubation areas. Presumably, this is due to
the influence of warm upwelling at these sites.
Little is known of the influence of anchor ice on Susitna River fish hab-
itats. Benson (1955) studied the effect of anchor ice on trout stream ecology
in Michigan. There, anchor ice was not found to affect trout eggs buried in
the gravel. However, trout fry were apparently vulnerable to mortality if
they were emerging at the same time that anchor ice formed. In California,
Needham and Jones (1959) noticed that when anchor ice was dispersing and
breaking up, it dislodged substrates and considerable numbers of invertebrates
were carried away. In the middle river, anchor ice can carry gravel sub-
strates away in a similar manner (R&M Consultants Inc. 1984). However, no
invertebrate sampling was done at these times, so its influence in this regard
is unknown.
!CECAL does not simulate anchor ice formation; therefore, no with-project
predictions of its rates or timing of formation, distribution, or thicknesses
have been made. Project team ice modelers believe that there would be less
33RD1-007 2JY
anchor ice with-proj ect in the middle river. Upstream of the 0 C isotherm in
the open water lead below Devil Canyon, no anchc r ice formati on is likely due
to the influence of the warmer than natural released water. This could be
seen as a potentially stabilizing effect on instream invertebrate habitats
there. Anchor ice would form with-project between the upstream edge of the
ice-front and the 0 C isotherm in a manner similar to that seen naturally .
However, its annual aggregate areal extent could increase over natural
conditions, given the predicted dynamic nature of the ice front. More anchor
ice would form with the Watana Reservoir than with both dams on-line because
of the greater variability of anticipated flow r~leases. It is probable that
no anchor ice could form in areas influenced by relatively warm upwelled
waL ~--Thus, with-project anchor ice should not influence salmon reproductive
habita::s. Given the imprecise nature of current knowledge of anchor ice
formation processes and its influence on other fish habitat co~ponents, it is
impossible to ~peculate further on how changes in the present ice regime would
affect other species.
a. Fish Resource
Nineteen species of fish are known to inhabit lower river waters (figure
89). All are dependent to some extent on mainstem environments to fulfill as-
pects of theic life histories. Seven of these species are anadromous; they
include five species of Pacific salmon and eulachon and Bering cisco. Avail-
able information on fish species presence, distribution, habitats, and behav -
ior in the lower riv er is not as complete as in the middle river . Based on
extant data, it seems that fish use of lower river environments largely paral-
lels that described for the middle river and impoundment zone, with a few ma-
jor exceptions .
At least 17 tributary streams and six sloug ~s provide salmon reproductive
habitats in this reach. To date, no chinook, sockeye or pink salmon have been
observed spawning in project-affected lower river mainstem waters; all appar-
ently use tributary streams exclusively for this purpose (Barrett, Thompson &
Wick 1985). Small numbers of chum and coho salmon have been seen spawning in
13 separate mainstem sites and six side sloughs; most members of these two
species also spawn in tributary environments. ADF&G estimates that, in aggre-
gate, the number of chum salmon spawning within main ~tem environments there
represents roughly 0.3% of 1984 escapement to the basin. The estimated number
of spawning coho in the mainstem represents roughly 0.2% of the 1984
escapement (Barrett, Thompson & Wick 1985). Chum salmon were the principal
users of side slough spawning environments, being present in fiv e of the six
sloughs used. Their estimated numbers rep resent roughly 0.1% of the total
1984 escapement. Only six coho were seen spawning in sloughs in 1984; all
were in one of the six sloughs ( Barrett, Thompson & Wick 1985). This
indicates that, unlike the middle river, lower river sloughs are less
important for spawning purposes.
Less is known of salmon rearing and overwintering habitats in lower river
mainstem environments than in the middl~ river. Given their respective life
history requirements and the natural hydrologic conditions occurring in win-
ter, it is possible that some chinook, coho, and sockeye salmon overwinter in
the mainstem and that some chum, chinook, and coho rear there. A few coho and
chinook have been captured during winter in mainstem environments (ADF&G
Several million eulachon spawn in late May to early June in the lower 50
miles of the mainstem Susitna River. Most of these fish spawn below RM 29 in
main channel habitats near cut banks over loose sand and gravel substrates
(Barrett, Thompson & Wick 1984). Bering cisco return to the Susitna River in
late August and spawning takes place in September through October. In 1981
and 1982, spawning activity peaked the second week of October. Bering cisco
are known to spawn only in main channel environments; the majority of spawning
a~parently takes place between RM 75 and RM 85 (Barrett, Thompson & Wick).
Little is known about resident fish life histories in the lower river. A
forthcoming ADF&G report (due to be released in late April), reportedly will
contain a synopsis of available information on resident species. The 12 resi-
dent fish ·pedes found in the lower river, with the exception of lake trout
and northern pike, are generally believed to be common (Sundet & Wenger 1984;
ADF&G 1983c).
Rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, and Dolly Varden probably spend most of
the open-water season in tributaries, using the mainstem principally for mi-
gration and overwintering (ADF&G 1983c). Burbot, whitefish, longnose sucker,
sculpin, stickleback, and Arctic lamprey are found in both the mainstem and
tributaries during the open-water season . All of these species are believed
to overwinter in the mainstem. but only rainbow trout. burbot • and slimy
sculpin were captured there during 1982 winter sampling (ADF&G l983c).
Based on ongoing radio-telemetry studies. it appears that favored main-
stem overwinter habitats for adult rainbow trout and burbot differ principally
by depth and location. 7agged rainbows are most frequently relocated in main-
stem side channels near tributaries in waters generally less than five feet
(Rich Sundet. pers. comm.). They are often found close to open leads. Tagged
burbot are most frequently located in winter in pools greater than six feet
deep along river bends (Rich Sundet. pers. comm.). Both species seem to favor
low velocity environments . Only one Arctic grayling has been successfully
radio-tagged; it was frequently relocated in close association with rainbow
trout (Rich Sundet. pers. comm.), No other resident species have been radio
tagged. It may be that other resident salmonids with habits like rainbow
trout also frequent relatively shallow low velocity environments in winter;
the same type of relationship may exist between burbot and other bottom
feeders such as longnose sucker.
!CECAL simulations have not been run for the lower river. and the follow-
in~ discussion is based wholly on subjective input provided by the Project
Team. Ice would probably begin forming with-project in early November about
the same time it does naturally. Increased with-project flows could delay
upstream movement of the ice front. This delay is thought likely to be simi-
lar to that modeled for the middle river (i.e. 17 to 44 days with Watana Res-
ervoir and 27 to 47 days with both dams on-line). Increased winter flows
might produce somewhat more ice than now occurs; however. this is uncertain.
33RDl-007 23?'
Lower river ice meltout could be adv anced over natural conditions due to the
expected earlier tha n normal meltout of the middle river . Meltout timing (if
the abr ·1e is true) would be c losely coincidental to that predicted for the
middle river. Since ice is e x pected to melt gradually , there would be no
breakup ev ent as such.
b. Anticipated With-Project Effects
Four o f the nine ice-related issues of concern identified in the middle
river cou ld also perta ~_n to lower river aquatic resources (table l4). Three
issues (Nos . 1, 3, and 6) r~late to staging and one (No. 4) to the amount of
ice cov er . As indicated above, no ice modeling has been done for the lower
riv er; thus, conclusions presented here are tentative.
With regard to staging, freezeup is thought likely to occur later than
norma l with either one o r two dams operating. The view held by project team
ice modelers is that freezeup staging would not lead to overtopping of slough
berms in the lower river. Consequently , there would be no with-project ice
effects on slough incubating salmon embryos. It is important to reiterate,
however, that no ice modeling has yet been done for this reach .
Should the prediction of no overtopping of slough berms prove false, the
consequence to the salmon resource as a whole would be minimal. Lower river
slough reproductive habitats are severely limited areally and a re utilized by
only a sma l l number of chum salmon. Consequently, their collective contribu-
tion to maintenance of Susitna River salmon stocks is very low.
As in the middle river, the question of ice-related effects on upwelling
pertains to salmon reproductive habitat quality. In ess ence, the question
rests with two points: the rate of upstream migration of the ice front and
the assumption that mainstem upwelling has a controlling influence on embryo
33RDI-007 2.31
survival. Salmon spawning naturally occurs in the mainstem at a time when
river flow is decreasing . Successful mainstem reproduction is partly depen-
dent on freezeup staging, which raises the water level and assures that up-
welling is not diminished. This c oncern is more acute near the Chulitna River
confluence than further downstream for two reasons; it would take longer for
the ice front to arrive and more fish spawn in this area.
With the project, ice front advance would be slower than natural, but
flows would be greater than those now occurring. These two factors seem to
offset each other. If so, effects to incubating embryos would be minimal , be-
cause flows should be sufficient to maintain upwelling. However, it is i.mpor-
tant to point out that to date there is no direct evidence that mainstem
upwelling in the lover river exerts a controlling influence on incubation en-
vironments there.
The last lower river ice-related issue raised pertains to the question of
how the with-project ice cover would affect primary productivity and the
amount of overwinter fish habitat (table 14). Project ice modelers believe
that regardless of wheth~r one or two dams is built, there would be more ice
in the lower river with-project than naturally. However, the e.xact morphology
of the ice cover is unknown. Provided that extensive lead systems did not
develop, instream primary production with-project should be reduced in rough
proportion to the increase in ice cover seen. If an extensive system of open
water leads does develop, then the· converse would be true. It is possible
that winter habitat availability could increase with-project, given the
combined effects of ice-induced staging and greater flows. However,
overwinter habitat is comprised of more components than just water volume.
Numerous other variables, such as bed morphology, water depth, water velocity,
temperature, and cover are at play. So, the belief that overwinter habitat
might increase with-project is provisional and pending on acquisition of
information describing how all habitat variables would be affected.
Regardless, there would be no decrease in the amount of current overwinter
habitat available for fish.
2 'II
6. sm~Y
In conclusion, winter drawdown of the Watana Reservoir would be a desta-
bilizing influence on its littoral zone, makin~ it unproductive for salmonids.
Some species would be more affected than others. In all likelihood, winter
drawdown would preclude successful fall reproduction by lake trout; if spawn-
ing took place at all, eggs would desiccate or freeze. Ice draping, gouging,
and associated erosion would probably limit invertebrate productivity and
cover availability, which in turn would diminish rearing habitat quality for
Arctic grayling and whitefish. Burbot and longnose sucker should not be nega-
tively influenced by ice-related processes. Both are bottom dwellers which do
not depend on stable littoral zones for any of their life requirements. In
s ome extremely cold years, ice blockage of tributary stream mouths could delay
Arctic grayling and longnose sucker natal migrations. At such times, it is
likely that reproductive failure could occur. This is not considered a major
problem, since loss of a single year class is not overly threatening to rela-
tively long-lived and fecund organisms like f ·~h. and given that the necessary
cold climatic conditions seldom happen consecutively .
The environment of the Devil Canyon impoundment would be much more sta-
ble, given its winter drawdown schedule. However, the canyon's geomorphology
and substrate geology limit establishment of a productive littoral zone. Fish
reproductiv e habitats near the mouths of Fog and Tsusena creeks may not be in-
fluenced by with-project icing events. Both are located in the upper end of
the reservoir where little ice accumulation is expected.
The chief with-project middle river ice concern lies in potential alter-
ing of slough incubation habitat qua lity. Ice staging downstream of the ice
front would cause overtopping of slough berms by colder than ambient mainstem
water. This would have conseque nce to natal habitats.
!CECAL simulations predict that all with-project ice-induc ed overto ppin g
event s would occur after emb ryonic blastopore closure. Thus, there is little
likelihood that direct mortality of embry os would ensue . However, indirect
mortality would be significant given the predicted duration of most over-
t ~~p i ng events (~one month). This would delay embryonic development to such
a degree that it is unlikely that any could complete their life cycles. Over-
topping waters could also affect overwintering juv~~~:? fish. Effects would
be more severe the longer cold exposure lasted . Overtopping events would be
more frequent and severe with the Watana Reservoir alo ne than with both dams
Concern h a s been raised that the absence of with-pro ject ice staging in
the area upstream of the ice front would alter slough upwelling rates. This
does not seem likely as with-project winter flows are forecast to be between
8,000 and 12,000 cfs. This is similar to flows occurring naturally in Septem-
ber . Since September upwelling rates are apparently sufficient to maintain
salmon natal habitat qua lity, it seems likely that with-project winter flows
should also be adequate. The with-project 10 to 29 mile long open water zone
in winter below De v il Canyon could enhance primary productivity in the main-
stem. The o retica lly, more light would be able to penetrate the open water
column thereby stimulating photo synthesis. Howe v er, winter flows would be
somewhat turbid c o nfounding the issue.
A more likely effect of this open water zone could be the creation of ad-
ditional overwinter habitat due to the combined influence of higher flows and
warmer than natural water temperatures. Higher flow volumes could create deep
pool overwinter habitats for res ident species. Since released reservoir wa-
ters are predicted to be abo ut the same temperature as that of upwelled sloug h
groundwater , this area might also prov ide some salmon overwinter and spawning
33ID1 -007
habitat. The with-project flow regime would eliminate breakup-induced flood-
ing of slough habitats. Although unsubstantiated, this process may be neces-
sary for maintenance of slough natal habitats (through flushing of fines from
interstitial gravel spaces). Given present knowledge, it is impossible to
predict the long term consequences of elimination of breakup-induced flooding
on these habitats. Anchor ice has been shown to be a destabilizing influence
on invertebrate and fish embryo habitats by dislodging substrates during melt-
ing or breakup . No anchor ice is expected to form with-project in the open
water lead upstream of the 0 C isotherm; however, it would form between the
ice front and the 0 C isotherm in a manner analogous to that seen naturally.
Cessation of anchor ice formation in the open water zone could stabilize incu-
bation habitats.
Less physical and biological information exists on the lower river than
on the other two zones. No temperature or ice modeling has been attempted for
this reach, making evaluation of with-project effects completely subjective.
The general belief held by project ice modelers is that ice-induced staging
would not lead to overtopping of lower river sloughs. With-project winter
icing probably would not negatively influence upwelling rates, given that the
effects nf the predicted slower than normal ice front advance and the higher
than n atur al flows would likely offset each other. Higher with-project winter
flows coupled with ice-induced staging could increase the amount of overwinter
fish habitat (since wetted area would b 2 increased); however, this is uncer-
tain given the present level of knowledge. Overwinter habitat is comprised of
more than just water volume. Regardless, it seems likely that no existing
overwinter habitats would be lost with-project.
a. Impoundment Zone
The early successional area in the potential impoundment zone is
usually a band approximately 15 feet or less wide under lain by a cobbly
or sandy substrate. It is dominated by a variety of forbs, graminoids
(grass and grass-like species), and shrubs, including low willows and
tall alders. Vegetation advancement is inhibited by ice and, to a lesser
extent, s · ... mmer floods.
Existing effects of ice on vegetation in the proposed impoundment
zone include ice scars on trees, bending and scraping of low and tall
shrubs, local sediment deposition from melting ice blocks, and silt
deposition in the waters backed up behind ice jams. These events occur
primarily during spring breakup. No ice effects on vegetation during
freezeup have been reported along any reach of the river. As ice jams form,
water levels may rise rapidly upstream from the jam and inundate vegetation
for a short period of tine, probably less than 5 days. This inundation
probably has little effect on plant species or vegetation succession
because of its relatively short duration. However, sediment may be
deposited at that time or as the ice melts in place .
Ice blocks in a jam may be pushed laterally against and over the bank
where they may scar,
spp.) and several
and scrape woody species such as alder (Alnus
of willow (nost commonly Salix alaxensis).
Herbaceous species such as sedges (Carex spp .). fireweed
latifolium), h e dysarum (Hedysarum alpinum), and horsetail
variegatum) may also be scoured, but undamaged graminoids (grass or
grass-like plants) have been observed under ice blocks piled several feet
high near Clarence Creek (Helm and May er 1985).
Ice has the greatest effect when the jam breaks, releasing huge
quantities of ice and water moving very rapidly downstream. The ice blocks
may scrape against trees, remov ing b~rk and living cambium, and possibly some
outer layers of wood. Cambium is a thin layer of living tissue between the
bark and wood, and is essential for wood production. When the cambium is
removed by scraping, wood cannot form in that area in following yea rs,
re sulting in a
effects on an
scarred white
sca r. Most scarring does not have any important
individual plant's growth or vegetation succession .
spruce trees (Picea glauca) were observed in spring 1982
downstream from Goose Creek. Some shrubs, usually willows and some alders,
have been bent at about 45 degrees by bloc~s of ice pushing laterally along
the shore.
b . midd le river
Vegetation succession seque~ces along the Middle and Lower reaches are
similar to each other except for the more important r o le o f ice in the
Middle River . Since the channel is still incised in the middle river, early
successional sites occur in a relat ively narrow band compared with similar
areas on
lower river. Early
horsetail (Equisetum
successional vegetation
variegatum), balsam
(Populus balsamifera), and feltleaf willow \.:lalix alaxensis), alone or in
various combinations. Willow and poplar between 0.4 and 2.0 meter tall
and larger stems that can be bent over are important as moose browse.
Dryas (Dryas dru~mondii) occurs on more cobbly areas, while occasional
forbs and graminoids are found in some areas. Approximately 10 to 20 years
after stabilization, alder (Alnus tenuifolia) becomes dominant (McKendrick
et al. 1982). Balsam poplar then overtops it after another 25 years.
These alder and immature balsam poplar stages are considered
intermediate and have few shrubs of either the species or size classes
needed for browsing.
When poplars are 70 to 100 years old, the overstory becomes patchy and
rose (Rosa acicularis) and highbush cranberry (Viburnum edule)
dominate the shrub understory. Both of these shrub species are browsed.
Mature paper birch (Betula papyrifera) white spruce (Picea
glauca) forests occur approximately 200 years after stabilization. These
sites also have patchy canopies and rose and highbush cranberry in the
understory. More details have been reported in McKendrick et al. (1982)
and will be reported in Helm (1985). (Ages and time spans may be changed as
data are analyzed for Helm (1985).)
Natural effects of ice on vegetation in the middle river also include
ice scars on trees, bending and scraping of low and tall shrubs, local
sediment deposition from melting ice blocks, anc! silt deposition during
staging behind ice jams. Old scars have b ~en found on balsam poplar
(Populus balsamifera) approximately 7 feet above the ground near the mouth
of Whiskers Creek (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1981, Helm 1985). These individuals
were probably 30 feet or more from the present water line under normal summer
flows. Freshly scarred trees have also been found along a cutbank near the
confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982).
Woody species, especially low willows and tall alder shrubs may also be
bent or even have stems partly broken, but are capable of growing new
shoots from the existing stem or rootstock (McKendrick et al. 1982). The
degree of bending varies from slight (less than 10 degrees) to major
(approximately 90 degrees). Most bent alder are flattened against the ground
while most bent willow are only bent at approximately a 45 degree angle.
Stems are usually partly broken only in intermediate stages of vegetation
succession, such as 15 to 20-year ~ld alder, where the stems have become more
rigid , but may still bend. Some cracked stems can still grow new shoots
if enough cambium u:mains. Younger plants in earlier successional
sites are usually only bent, and stems are rarely broken. Older, more rigid
trunks, especially of balsam poplar, may be broken near the base and carried
away by floods. This appears to happen to individuals near the edge
of the vegetation type which get in the way, but not to the whole stand,
large flood . Noberly and Cameron although this would be possible in a
1929, in Gerard, (no date) report e d an ice jam flood that knocked down trees
3 feet in diameter near Fort McMurra y on the Athabasca River in 1875.
This bending and resprouting proce ss does not normally change the
successional stage of vegetation in terms of type of vegetation, but it
does change the age structure. Where 20-year old alder stems once occurred,
one-year old sprouts would occur the next year. This scraping may increase
the shoot production of willows to create more browse. If a particular
portion of an island is subjected to ice scour repeatedly (say, every 20
years for alder) then vegetation succession would not a dvance beyond this
stage, and individual stems would not grow more than 20 years above ground
on the average. Rootstocks, however, could be 50 or more years old. A
longer period of time without a jam becaus e of weather may allow
vegetation succession to advance beyond that stage.
Large ice blocks containing unsort e d sediment ~ay become grounded and
stay in one place until they melt. The sediment load is then deposited
where the ice melts (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1984), possibly forming a
hummocky microtopography which could affect moisture availability for
plants. Individuals growing between mound s would have more moisture and more
litter deposited in those depressions. This could slow evaporation in the
summer time and increase soil nutrient status if the material decomposes
sufficiently. However, decomposition in northern latitudes is fre~uently
Individuals growing on top the m.:>unds would be subjected to a
moisture regime, but would probably experience wanner
temperatures. The unsorted nature of the sediment deposited by ice
creates a diverse substrate for plant growth.
Silt ma y also be deposited when water backs up b ehind ice jams and
the water velocities slow (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1984). On some rive rs, such
as the Yukon River with a broad floodplain, layers of s ilt 1/2 t o 2 inches
thick may be deposited over large areas (Eardley 1938). Local deposition
could not occur this high any other way on some bars and in side meander
bends because summer floods did not reach thi s high (Eardley 19 38). Because
of the rela tively incised channel on the middle Susitna River,
deposition would not cover as large an area.
Studies of aerial photographs from 1949 to 19 80 from Talkeetna to
Devil Canyon have indicated that the size and shape of islands have changed
little over this time period although they have become more vege tated
(LaBelle 1984 ). Hence, the borders of young vegetation (less than 15 years)
around most of these islands must be regrow th after sone riparian event
either prevented suc cession from advancing or denuded a site to set
vegetation succession backward to an earlier stage , and do not repre sent
colonization of newly depos ited substrate (R&M Consultants, I nc. 1982,
Helm 1985). Ice is believed to keep the younger vegetation (5 to 25 years old)
from advancing while sum~er flows a r ~ believed
v egetation becomes established on bare s urfaces.
to control where new
Bare surfaces probably
result from ice scour where soil has been eroded or shoved by ice
blocks (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982 ). However, these surfaces may be
colonized between ice events which would not occur every year . These
scouring events are relatively localized, but occur repeatedly in the same
places although not every year (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1984).
The line between young vegetation, dominated by graminoids, that has not
been allowed t o advance, and the riparian woodland is sometimes considered
the trimline (Gill 1973).
Mackenzie (Gill 1973) and
This is probably controlled by ice on the
Susitna Rivers (Shoch, pers. comm.).
Rapidly developing woody species may be able to colonize the are.a between
years when ice jams occur.
A classic example of ice effects on vegetation occurs near the mouth of
Whiskers Creek near LRX-7. The downstream end of the island contains an
immature (approximately 50 to 70 years old) balsam poplar stand with some
alder in the understory (Helm 1985, subject to revisi on pending further
ana l ysis). Old ice scars occur approxinately 7 feet high on balsam poplar.
Just upstream is a younger site. Although we do not have information on
those ages, stems appear to be 20 30 year old alder. These do not appear
to have been affected by ice recently (last 10 or 15 year s) although
many alder stems have been bent and then r esp routed . On one side of the
island, willows have been beaten down (approximately 45 degree angle),
but do not appear to have had any danage o ther than bending and minor
~craping . At the upstream end of the i sland, the s urface was almost bare
except for a few young willow stems that had survived the scraping (Helm
1985). Visual evidence of ice shoving soil and of silt being deposited
from melting ice blocks was present.
Many of these islands have gradually sloping banks above water
during normal summer flo~s. In some areas, however, particularly along
the main bank, cutbanks are lined with mature vegetation. These areas may
be eroded by ice shoving against them (R&M Cor.sultants 1982). Mature balsam
poplars were observed overhanging the left bank near LRX-3 after a large ice
jam flood (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982). Tree roots have been observed sliced
by ice along a cutbank (Shoch, pers. comm .). Summer floods may also
contribute to this erosion started by ice.
soil, as well as the vegetation, is removed .
In this case, howe v er, the
c. lower river
Ice effects on the lower river are less dramatic because of the width
of the river and its braided morphology; however, ice jams have been
reported near Montana Creek in 1983 (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1984).
Occasionally minor jams may occur, but because there are so many other
places for the water to flow, no major effects have been observed.
Vegetation succession is similar to the middle riv er
extensive areas are usually available for colonization.
a. Impoundment Zone
except that more
The majority of areas that are now directly affected by the river, as
well as many mature forests, in th e propos ed icpoundment zone would
be inundated by the proje c t. Relatively mature forests and shrub lands
would border a band of relatively unvegetated area around the impoundment.
Water levels would increase through the summer, but would be drawn down
for power pro duccion during the winter. Hence the summer wat ~.:r levels
would probably determine where vegetation grows.
species that can vithstand prolonged flooding,
the area
for annuals and
between the
winter ice and summer high water levels would probably be unvegetated . Some
of the area near the highest fill level could be vegetated by species tha~
tolerate wet rooting zones. Some esLablished species could be affected by
higher water tables, but this area is expected to be narrow. Species that
prefer well-drained soils generally occur on steeper slopes; hence, an
extensive area of existing vegetation would not be affected. Nilsson
(1981) reports that since ice along lake reservoirs in Sweden melts in
place along the shore, substrate is exposed for colonization for a few
weeks before the reservoir fill s again. If the reservoir does not fill up
each year, then more time is available for coloni z ation. The Susitna
reservoirs are expected to fil! to maximum level each year so this should
not occur. Ice effects should be mi nor, at most, with the project .
Bears use the potential impoundment zone in the s pring (Miller and
HcAllister 1982), when they are believed to be fora ging for hedysarum
roots and possibly horsetail. Hedysarum generally grows in sandy or
gravelly areas and could be found in forests or tret:less sites above the
impoundment . It has not been established what horsetail species bears
eat. One spec i es, Equisetum variegatum, is usually found in floodplain
sites, while E . silvatic um and E. arven se are found in wooded areas. Hen c e,
it is not clear if there would be a n impact on bears. Similarly , many plant
species eaten by moo s e alo ng the floodplain are found at higher elevations.
b. Middle River
Areas of the middle river will not have continuous ice cover above RH 124
to 14 2 (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 1984). Existing vegetation in these
sites is expected to advance successionally without setbacks attribut.lble
to the river except where areas are being eroded away by cha :mel
movement, which is relatively minor because of the incised channel. Areas
that are currently unvegetated may become vegetated because of the lower
summer flows if the substrate has sufficient fines (sand-sized particles
and finer) to support plant growth and if sufficient moisture is available.
With enough time (possibly 5 years or decades, depending on the
environment), enough fines may be deposited to support plant grcwth.
Much of the newly exposed substrate probably would consist of cobbles .
Areas of the midd le river that would have ice cover would not be subject
to the destructive breaku p floods that currently occur because the ice W)uld
melt in place (LaBelle 19 8 4a). However, because of the winter fl oo din~ of
areas that could be colonized in the summer, winter inundation and forma ;:ion
of ice may retard vegetation development . Species that currently l .row
along the river are adapted to summer flooding, sometimes for long periods of
time, as well as overflow flooding and refreezing in the winter. Host of
the natural winter flooding is short-lived and probably does not seal :he
ground. Gas exchange may still occur among the roots, soil air, and the
above-ground atmosphere. Winter flooding as a result of the project would
remain all winter and would freeze in place (downstream from the icefront l,
possil-ly inhibit;'_ng gas exchange between soil and atmosphere . Plant roots
respire in winter although at a slower rate than in waroe r temperatures
of sumoer. Winter ice-sealing is harsher than summer flooding becaust!
suru::~er flooding is usuall y of sh o rter dur a tion and i nvolves moving
wa ter, wh ich allows better gas e xchange (Kozlowski 1984).
This seali ng of the ground by ice i s deva s tating t o some forage
crops , such as alfalfa and grasses grown for hay (Smith 1981). This is a
more severe treatment than the riparian plants currently receive , but they
would proba bly t olerate it, although growth ma y be hampered. Some ar~a s
with establi s he d vegetation (LRX 3, 7 , and 17) ma y become cov ered with
winter ice under certain cond itions (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Ventu re
1984), but presumably th ese plants would be able to survive . Established
vege t a tion would be expe c ted
i ndividuals.
t o t o lera t e this treatme nt better than new
The fa c tors wh ich influence vegetatio n establishme n t mo s t are
probably prec ipita tion and water tab les during the s hort per iod in May and
June wh e n viable wil low and bal sam poplar seeds are di spe rs e d. Seeds of
these early successio nal s pe cies are s h or t-lived (2-6 we e k s), are dispersed
in late May and J une, and r equ ire moi s ture for ear ly growth (Sch reiner 1974,
Zasada et al. 1 98~,). Even under natural condi tions , new areas may not
be immedia t ely colonized depend ing on moisture (Helm 1985).
Colonizati o n of new a re as with the projec t in place migh t be slowed from
normal rate s , but as a r~s ult of flows in ~~y a nd J une rat he r than the i c e
eff ec t s (Helm 1985). Th e e a rl ier meltout (4 to 6 week s with Watana on l y and 7
to 8 wee ks with both Wat a n a and Devil Canyon) a nd reduc ed water l eve l s b y Ma y
(Harza-Ebasco Su s itna Jo int Venture 1984) c o uld make it difficult for
vege t a tion t o become est ablishe d from seed unle ss s ufficient precipitation
occur s at th is time .
Mosa i cs of vegeta t ion types and their resultant edge effec t which a r c
con side red imp o rt a nt for wildlif e would be l os t witho ut ice effects, which
control much of the vegetation dynamics in the middle river. However, some of
the mature paper birch -white spruce sites may have patches of trees
alternating with shrubby areas where old trees have fallen and left a gap in
the canopy. Shrubs become more abundant and larger in these openings. Once
vegetation becomes established, it is expected to advance unhindered
by river effects. Artificial means of mitigation, such as logging, could
be used to setback vegetation successio11 if that is c0nsidered desirable (Helm
Early sites would probably advance to alder sites in 10 to 20 yeilrs,
while alder stands would have advanced to immature balsam poplar stands in 20
years. Another 30 years would be required for maturation of the stand. It
may take 5 years for a new site to colonize under the new flow regimes
unless favorable rainfall occ rs during Hay and June. t-lore details will be
found in Helm (1985) when it is completed.
c. Lower River
Ice effects on the lower river would probably be similar in nature to
those of the middle river, but would be less because the projec t would
have less effect on the lower reaches of the river. Other rivers, such
as the Chulitna, Talkeetna, and Yentna, reduc e the effects of the middle
Susitna below Talkeetna. Areas that currently have ice jams, such as near
Montana Creek, would be less affected by ice as a result of the project .
The lower summer water levels would control vegetation
establishment. Colonization and vegetation succession would be similar to
the middle riv e r.
E. Effects on Wildlife
A large and diverse group of wildlife species uses the Susitna project
area year-round or seasonally (Alaska Power Authority 1983, LGL 1985). Moose,
caribou, Dall sheep, black bear, brown bear, wolf, red fox, beaver, muskrat,
and some members of the weasel family river otter, marten, mink,
short-tailed and least weasel --are all locally abundant there. Lynx and
wolverine are present in low densities, ranging widely through large
territories, and evidence of coyotes is limited (Gardner and Ballard 1982,
Whitman and Ballard 1984, Gipson et al. 1982, 19134). Many hird species have
been do~umented in the Susitna Basin, including 15 species of raptors (eagles,
hawks, falcons, harriers, and owls), up to 60 species of waterbirds (swans,
geese, ducks, gulls, and shorebirds), and many more species of terrestrial
birds (songbirds, ravens, woodpe ckers , gro use, and ptarmigan) (Kessel et al.
1982a,b). However, only a few of these bird species are permanent residents
in the project area. Most use the region primarily as summer breeding
habitat, migra ting in thP fall to temperat e or trop i ca l latitudes up to
thousands of miles distant from the Susitna Bas in, and returning to northern
latitudes in the spring. The comparatively few bird species that remain as
winter residents include sp ruce grouse, ptarmigan, ravens, magpies, gray jays,
chickadees, and several other species (Herter 1985).
The following dis cu ss ions, based o n the re s ults of studies sponsored
since 1980 by the Alaska Power Authority, emphasize those mammal and bird
species most likely to be affec t ed , either ben eficially or adversely, by
altered ice conditions assoc iate d with the Susi tna Project.
a. Impoundmen t Zo ne
Moose (Alces alces) occur throughout the impoundment z one and surrounding
region at all times of the year, but are present in the Watana impoundment
area in grea ter numbers than in th.:o Devil Canyor. impoundment area. For
example, an estimate of 19 3 to 278 moose was made from an aerial census of the
Watana impoundment area on March 28 , 1983; a similar census o n March 3 1, 1983
of the Devil Canyon impoundment area out to ~ mile beyond its maximum fill
level estimated only 14 moo se (Ballard et al. 1984a). Studies of
radio-c o llared mo ose have shown tha t some a nimals consistently confine their
mo v ements to relative ly sma ll home range s in and n ea r the imp o undment zone,
with considerable overlap between summer and winter range areas , whereas
others tr~vel far from the impoundment zone, s pending on ly a portion of the
year there (Ballard et al. 1984a).
The impoundme nt zone ma y be esp ec ia 1ly i mpo rtan t to moose during the
winter (November through April), because th e c anyo n of the Susitna River
off e r s lower elev a tions wher e f o ra gt ma y be more ac c essible due t o shallower
snow than on surruunding higher lands. Availabili t y of winter fo r age i s an
important limiting fac t o r to moose . Accum~ca ting snow covers browse
vegetation and, if deep enough, r es trict s th e ability of moose to rea ch their
f ood either by digging or by moving t o areas of shallowe r snow . Studies of
r adio-collared moose have s hown that use of lower eleva tior,s (1 ,800-3,000
feet) within th e impounciment zone increases d uring l a t e winter and early
spring, when s now i s d eepes t . Many moose r em<'i_n at these low e r e l eva tio n s
during the s u mme r, but move to higher elevat i on s in Oc t obe r and r emain there
until accumula t ing snow ma y again influence their return tc lower eleva tions
(Ballard e t al. 1984a).
Studies of radi o -collared moose have a l so revealed that mo ose cross t he
Susitna River at all times of the year ; 79 c rossings were documented from 1980
thrnugh 1982 (figure 90), and a March 1981 survey counted 14 set s of noose
tracks crossing th e rive r between Watana and Kosina creeks (Ballard et a l.
198 2 , 1983a).
Ca ribou (Rang ifer ta~a ndus) in the vicinity of the impoundment zone
belong to the Nelchina herd, whi ch cu rrentl y co ntains about 24,0 00 anima ls
(Pitcher 19 85) (figure 91). This is the herd most accessible t o the ma jorit y
of sport hunt ers in Alaska, because of it s proximity to roads and to human
population centers. Size, ca l ving areas, migratory movements, and o ther herd
characteristi cs have been documented annually since 19 48 (see Skoog 1968,
Hemming 1971, and Pitcher 1983, 1985). The known range of the Nelchina he rd
i s generally bounded as follows : to the we s t by the Chulitna River and Parks
Highway , t o the north by th e Ala ska Range, t o the east and southeast by the
Mentasta and Wrangell mo untain s, and to t he s ou th by the Gl enn Highway (figure
92) (LGL 1985). The r ange of th e Nelchina herd thu s includes the en tj re
imp oundment z one a nd its sur;ounding a r ea .
Caribou of the Nelchina herd migrat:.! across the Susitna Ri ver several
times each year . Th e Wa t ana im poundment area includes th e reach of the river
wh e r e most crossings occur, be tween Deadman a nd Jay creeks, and i t is likely
that members of the Nelc hina herd wo uld continu e t o cross the Watana reservoir
annually in the futu re. As re cently as 19 82 , approximate ly 50% of t he female
segment of t he Nelchina herd mig rated t hrough the upper reaches of the Watana
im po un dmen t area en r ou t e to s pring calving g r ounrls (Pi t cher 198 3). Th e Wa t ana
imp oun dme nt a~ea wo u ld probabl y se rv e as a crossing r ou te in fu ture yea rs fo r
l arge numb e r s of migra t ing ca r :bou (Pitcher 1984).
Dall sheep (Ovis dall~) occur at high elevations (above about 3,000 feet)
in the Watana Creek Hills, Mount 1-Jatana-Grebe Mountain, and Portage-Tsusena
creek areas, each of which supports an identifiable sheep population (figure
93) (Ballard et al. 1982, Tankersley 1984). However, in early summer (mid-May
through mid-~uly) sheep of the Watana Creek Hills population descend overland
5 miles or more to use a mineral lick complex along Jay Creek, just inside the
Watana impoundment high-pool margin (2 ,185 feet) (figure 94) (Tobey 1981,
Ballard et al. 1982, Tankersley 1983, 1984). A minimum of 46 sheep used the
lick area in 1983, about 31 percent of the observed Watana Creek Hills
population in 1983 (Tankersley 1984).
Because all of the major lick sites (including the intensively used Bluff
and East Ridge; see figure 94) are on the banks of Jay Creek canyon above
2,185 feet, they would not be flooded by the Watana reservoir. However, most
sheep arrive at the lick complex fr otr. the northwest, and sheep have been
observed crossing the creek to reach lick sites on the southeast side
(Tankersley 1984). The o bserved cro~sing point (just downstream from the
Bluff and East Ridge) would bt inundated at the maximum ·reservoir fill level
in late sumrner, but would be exposed when sheep cross during May and June
(figure 94).
Brown bear (Ursus arctos) and black b ear (Ursus americanus) are both
abundant within the impoundment zone an~ would ~e affecte d in important ways
by the Watana and Devil Canyo~ reservoirs (LGL 1985). However, bLcause these
species hibernate , effect s related direc tly to ice would be limited to the
early spring, when b ears emerge from dens while the Sus itna River is stiE
f r o zen. Because bears are powerful s wimmer s and :limber s , th e y would not be
affected greatly by re s ervoir conditions.
Wolv e s (Cani s lupus) range widely throughout the impoundment zone, with
heavies t concentrntions usually in areas that support their major prey, moose
and caribou (Ballard et al. 1984b). Wolves commonly o ccur in social units
called "packs'' whi c h maintain exclusive territories. Ballard et al. (l983b)
found pack territories occupying all available habitat around the impoundment
zone and along the upper river. Areas inside the impoundment zone were
occupied b y at least six packs. For nine intensively studied packs, territory
size averaged 452 squ a re miles (range 124-803 square miles). Although
observations concerning wolf numbers in the Susitna Basin have been rec orded
since the 1950's, compariso n of those estimates is difficult because of
different methods used and different are as included in the estimates (Van
Ballenbe rghe 1975 ). Pack sizes of the wolves studied by Ballard et al.
(l983b, l984b) ranged from abou t 2 t o 6 individuals per pack and fluctuated
seasonally. In contrast to wol ves , evidenc e of coyotes (Canis latrans) in the
impoundment zone is limited, a nd trappers jn t he area report ca tching f ew
(Gipson et al. 1984 ).
Sma ller forbearers are al so abundant in and a r ound the impoundment zone.
Red fo x (Vulpes fulva) frequent the rolling upl ands and foothills (between
ab ou t 825 and 1,90 0 feet) of the middle Susitna Basin (Gipson et al. 1982,
Hobgood 1984). Fox abund ance ge ~e rall y increases with distance upstrea m from
Devil Canyon t o the mou th o f the Tyone River. Hobgood (1984) found s um:ner
home ranges of adult red fo x to ave rage about 14 square miles, with o ne fox
famil y per 3 2 t o 48 squ a re mil es . Tra ppers commonly cat c h foxes alor.g Susitna
Ri ve r tributaries throughou t t he impoundmen t zone (Gipson e t al. 19 84).
River otter (Lutra canadens is ) and mink (l-1ustela vison) are abundant
along the Susitna mainstem throughou t the imp o undment z one and along most
tributa ries vr to 2,000 feet in e le·1ation (Gipson et al. 1982). Mart e n
(Martes ameri cana) are locally abundant but res '.ricted to mature spruce and
spruce-birch forest ~elow 1,700 feet . Gipson ct al. (1982) f o und tha t marten
occur along the Susitna mainstem in highest d~nsities between Devil Creek and
Vee Canyon; Buskirk (1983) noted that indiv·.dual marten in the area tend to
use the highe r elevations of their home ranges in the spring and lower
elevations in the autumn. Short-tailed and least weasels (Mustela erminea and
~ rixosa , respectively) are locally abundant th roughout the impoundment zone
(Gipson et al. 1982, 1984).
Beaver (Cas t or canadensis) and muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) are present in
the slow-flowing sec tions of mos t of the larger tributaries of the Susitna
River and in lakes and porJs associated '-'ith those tributaries. However,
these two species appear t o be absent from the Su s itna mainstem in the
impoundment zone; the current is pr o bably t oo swift to suppo rt them (Gipson et
al. 1982, 1984).
Host birds, because of their great mobility and seasonal •·se of the
impoundment zone, would not be aff ected appreciably by changes in i c e
c onditions resulting from the Susit ~a Project . However, the bald eagle
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is generally restricted in central Alaska t o rive r
valleys , including the Susitn a , where large, mature white spruce and balsam
poplar provide suitable nest trees along banks and on isla nd s (LGL 1985). Ice
c onditions affecting active or potential nest trees would influence the
d ·_!::L ribut ion of this species in and around the impoundment zone. In June
1984, three bald ec.gle nests. two currently active and one inactive, were
present in the imp o undment zone (Rose11eau 1 98 4). Two waterbird species, the
American dipper (Cinclus mexi canus) ar:d occasionally the common merganser
(Mergus merganser), r emain as far north as the impou nd~ent zone during the
winter if open water is present (Kessel 1982a,b). The extent and l oc ations o f
open water and available food resources would determine with-project winter
distributions of these species.
b. Middle River Zone
Moose use the middle river throughout the year but are present in
greatest numbers during the winter (late October through late April)
(Modafferi 1982). Census data from the four winters of 1981-82 through
1984-85 indicate that movements of moose onto the floodplain tend to
correspond with the timing of snowfall, and that numbers of moose on the
floodplain relate closely to snow accumulation. During the moderate winters
of early 1982, 1983, and 1984, census results showed highs of 36, 84, and 88
moose present in the middle river (Modafferi 1984). In contrast, a winter
census high of 132 moose --50 percent greater than any previous census of the
middle river --was recorded in January 1985 (r·lodafferi 1985 pers. comm.)
during the hei:iviest snow accumulation in ten years (SCS 1985). Hoose cross
the river at all times of the year and freely walk on stable river ice. In
May and June, some females calve in riparian habitats along banks and on
islands, then move with their calves to south-and southeast-facing slopes
away from the floodplain during the rest of the summer and fall (Hodafferi
1982). Males also move away from the river to higher elevations during spring
and summer, returning with winter to the floodplain.
Black bear popula tion s are substantial in the middle river zone and lower
river and this species relies heavily on riparian habitats throughout its
active period from approxima tely early Ha y through early October (Hiller and
McAlli s ter 1982; Hiller 1983 , 1984).
Wolves are probably not abundant throughout the middle river. Although
Ballard e t al. ( 1983b) found most available habitat in the upstream portion
(near Devil Canyon) to be occupied by wolves, Modafferi (1984 pers. comm.) has
observed little evidence of wolves in the majority of the middle river,
despite high numbers of wintering moose. Coyotes are apparently common
between Portage Creek and Talkeetna (Gipson et al. 1984), but population size,
distribution, and habitat use have not been documented. Red fox occur along
the :loodplain but are more abundant at higher elevations away from the river.
Beaver and muskrat occur throughout the midd)e river. October 1984
surveys conducted by Woolington et al. (1984) documented at least 45 active
beaver colonies preparing to overwinter. Fourteen colonies were found in
sloughs, 14 in upland sloughs, 13 in the mainstem, and four in side channels.
Evidence of muskrats was infrequently observed, but they probably occur in
side channels, sloughs, and upland sloughs. River otter, mink, marten, short-
tailed weasel, and least weasel are known to be present throughout the middle
river, but distribution and abundance have not been documented for these
Only a few bird species are directly dependent on riparian habitat in the
middle river for nesting and feeding. These include the semipalmated plover
(Charadrius semipalmatus), spotted sandpiper (Actitus macularia), harlequin
duck (Histrionicus histrionicus), and common merganser. With the potential
exception of bald eagle nest trees, terrestrial birds and their habitat would
not be appreciably affe~ted by altered ice conditions within the floodplain.
a. Impoundment Zone
(1) Watana Dam vn Line Alone.
(a) Non-uniform ice formation during freeze-up.
form along shorelines while the reservoir center
In November, ice would
remains open. Moose or
caribou venturing tc the outer edge of the border ice may fall through and be
unable to regain a solid footing. Because only a few animals are likel~ to
only occasionally die in this way each year, the effect would not be
(b) Ice deposition along reservoir margin during winter drawdown. As
winter reservoir drawdown proceeds, shorefast ice would fracture and become
draped along the banks; on steeper slopes, ice-shelving may occur (Hanscom and
Osterkamp 1980, Alaska Power Authority 1983). Cracks would form as the ice
d~apes and settles over irregular shoreline topography. Cracking would also
occur between shorefast ice a nd the receding reservoir surface. These effects
may impede or injure moose and caribou.
The potential for ice-related hazards would be greater with Watana dam
alone, as compared to the Watana and Devil Canyon facilities together. The
deeper drawdown (about 90-foot) with Watana alone would expose more of the
lower, steeper portions of the Susitna River canyon, as well as a greater
overall depth of shoreline. Exposure of steeper slopes would produce higher
gradients of shorefast ice and tend to facilitate ice-shelving.
Moose crossing ice-draped reservoir slopes may be injured by slipping.
However, the sloping surfaces would not necessarily be smooth; overflow onto
the frozen impoundment would partially melt and freeze snow to the surface ice
(Nilsson 198 la ,b), creating a coa rse texture and reducing the s ubsequent
hazard to moving animals. Moose ma y be injured als0 by stepping intc
snow-covered cracks. Mos t inju~ed moose would probably s tarve from an
inability to move and forage efficiently in deep s now, or succumb to wolf
predation. Although individual mo ose would occasionally die from ice-relatec.
injuries of this nature, the resulting level of mortality is not likely t o !>•!
In contrast, ice deposition in the drawdown zone would create a
p o tentia lly i mportant hazard to ca ribou. Segment s of the Nelchina herd would
cross the Watana impoundment southward in group migra tio11s from late April 1.0
mid-May, en r ou te to their calving grounds. The se c r ossings would occur whom
the ice-covered drawdown zone is exposed to its maximum extent and, at t ·l e
same time, unstable breakup cond itions exist (Pitche r 1984 , LC.L 1985). [n
Norway and Sweden , groups of reincieer have been killed when attemp ting to
negotiate similar ice conditions (K lein 1971, Villmo 1975). Along ste ~p
banks, caribou unable to gain purchase o n ice-covered slopes may be forced to
swim sufficiently t o deplete energy reserve s , which are at their lowest ebb ln
late winter. At thi s time, pregnant fema les are in their poorest condit~on )f
the year (Skoog 1968). An extended or unusually difficult migr a tion prior :o
calving could result in higher-than-normal adult mor t ality rates and decreas~d
viab ility of newborn calves, thereb y affecting herd p r oduc tivi ty (Pitch•!r
If a la rge proportion of the Nelchina herd attempts to cross the Wa tara
impoundment during hreakup, a substantial mortality could result from ice
haza rd s in the water and a l ong the re servo ir banks. I t is not feasible t )
predict with accuracy the behavioral res ponses of caribou encountering spring
ice hazards i n the impoundment , n o r to gauge the probable ex tent of mortalit)
if caribou are trapped in the wa t er or injured on ice-covered slo pes .
Ice-related effects would be impor t ant only if they produced mortaliLies
con sistently f r om year to year, o r a single event large enough to suppre s s
population levels t o a point at which annual calf rec r uitment wo u ld not of fs et
losses to predation and other causes. Given the known resourcefulness of
migrating caribou, the probability of s uch major mortalities is considered to
be low, but sufficient to warrant routine annual monitoring of herd movements
during breakup (LGL 1985).
Dall sheep use of the Jay Creek minE!ral lick area may be affected
slightly by shorefast ice. The drawdown zone would include the Jay Creek
streambed immediately below the heavily -used Bluff ai.ld East Ridge lick sites.
Sheep attempting to cross Jay Creek at this location may encounter some
residual ice during May but would probably not be deterred from crossing.
If ice-related hazards occur, wolves may benefit from a greater
availability of weakened, injured, or dead moose and caribou, their major prey
in the Susitna Basin (Bal l ard et al. 1984b). Smaller carnivores (e.g.,
coyote, red fox, wolverin e , marten) that feed on wolf-killed or winter-killed
moose and caribou might also benefit; the extent of any benefit to these
species would depend on the distribution and number of injured or killed
animals. If mortalities occur over a sufficient area of the impoundment
margin to include many different carniv ore territories or home ranges, and
occur consistently from year to year, the beneficial effect of thi.s enhanced
winter food availability on carnivore populations could be important.
However, as explained above, moose and caribou mortalities of this magnitude
are unlikely .
(c) Deterioration of reservoir ice cover in spring. The slow
deterioration of the melting reservoir ice cover would present a barrier to
movements across t he Watana impoundment from early May through early June.
The unstable ice conditions would be hazardous to moose and caribou throughout
this period. As meltout progresses, there would be an increasing probability
that moose or caribou will fall through the ice cover and be unable to regain
solid footing. Swimming animals would encounter numero us ice floes, produced
as the melting reservoir surface fractures. These may impede crossings and,
where prevailing winds cause pile-ups, delay or prevent anicals from leav ing
the impoundment.
In the spring, some female moose cross the Watana impoundment area in
either direction and calve on the opposite side. The majority of females
probably do not cross the river prior to calving, as vegetative cover used for
calving exists on both sides, and crossings appear to be infrequent.
Parturition generally occurs in the middle Susitna Basin from May 15 though
June 15, peaking between May 25 and June 2 (Ballard et al. 1982). Individual
moose attempting to cross the Watana reservoir during this period would
encounter unstable ice conditions. However, suitable calving habitat would
remain on both sides of the Watana impoundment after filling, and the existing
pattern of calving would probably continue. Therefore, although moose may be
lost while attempting spring crossings on unstable ice, this loss is not
likely to be important because relatively few individuals would be affected.
Migrating caribou normally encounter hazardous breakup conditions during
spring crossings of rivers and lakes, and the melting reservoir ice cover
would probably not have an important adverse effect on the Nelchina herd . As
discussed above, caribou are more likely to be affected by ice-related hazards
as they reach the drawdown zone.
(d) Accumulation of windblown snow along i mpoundment shoreline.
Prevailing northeast winds would tend to sweep snow from the frozen reservoir
surface, producing drifts along the southwest shore. Because of winter
drawdown, it is likely that much of the windblown snow accumulation would be
33R!Y~-007u 2(,7
confined to the immediate reservoir area. However, snow would also accumulate
in the vegetation growing above the edge of the high-water level (Nilsson
198la,b). The magnitude of effects of snow drifting on vegetation and
wildlife would depend on such fartors as prevailing wind direction, fetch,
wind velocities, cumulative snow depth, presence or absence of crusted layers
in the snow profile, proportion of reservoir surface snow melted and/or frozen
by overflow, slope of exposed impoundment shorelines, local varia tiona in
shoreline topography, and vegetation types on the windward reservoir margin.
Snow accumulation on the reservoir surface would not occur until after
the surface freezes during November. Direct observations of snow accumulation
along the downwind shorelines of lakes in the middle Susitna Basin (e.g., the
Fog Lakes) indicate that snow tends to be removed from exposed areas and
redeposited in downwind drifts behind trees or topographic irregularities
(Steigers 1985 pers. comm.). However, snow drifting is a dynamic phenomenon,
and drifts would tend to shift or be remov ed by changes in wind speed or
direction. Although snow accumulations would occur along downwind shorelines
of the Watana impoundment, especially in wider areas of the reservoir where
fetch is increased (e.g., opposite Watana Creek, where the impoundment will be
4.2 miles wide), snow drifting along shorelines would be partially offset by
shifting winds, sublimation of snow, and water overflow onto the reservoir ice
cover, whi.ch would not melt and freeze it in place (Nilsson 198la,b).
The effects of windblown snow accumulation on wildlife are not expected
to be important. Only moose and their primary winter predators, wolves, would
potentially be affected. Snow drifting along the reservoir shoreline is not
expected to cover sufficient browse to produce a population-level food
shortage. Although deep snow may hinder the mobility and browsing efficiency
of moose, increasing their vulnerability to wclf predation, these effects are
more likely to be important during a severe winter with deep snowfall, rather
than as a result of local snow drifting. Snow accumulation would fill cracks
and cover irregular ice formations along windward s horelines, reducing the
hazard potential for moose and caribou; these effects have been observed at
the Williston Lake reservoir in northern ~ritish Columbia (Thomas 1982 pers.
comm .).
(e) Increased extent of open water during winter. The approximately 36
miles of open water between Watana dam and the mouth of Devil Canyon, coupled
with much higher winter flows than under pre-project conditions, would inhibit
river crossings by mo vse in this reach. However, since winter moose crossings
are infrequent in the De v il Canyon impoundment area (Ballard et al. 1984a),
the effect of open water would not be important . The ~xtensive reach of open
water would provide locally production foraging habitat for mink and river
otter. Augmented winter flows would increase water depth a nd backwater volume
at tributary mouths, providing inc reased overwintering h~bitat for
stream-dwelling fish that would congregate in high densities at these
locations (Alaska Power Authority 1983). Access to this improved winter food
supply may have an important beneficial effect on mink and river otter
populations .
Open water availability in late fall and early spring, when other
waterbodies are froze n, 'lo•ould attract and potentially benefit migrant
waterbirds by affording safe resting areas . Although fish and invertebrate
prey bases are expected to be generally low i n the impoundment zone (Alaska
Power Authority 1983), fish overwintering areas near tributary mouths would
provide food appropriate for some migrants, as well as for overwintering
mergansers and bald eagles. The number of individual birds affected would
probably be too small to be important.
(2) Watana and Devil Canyon Dams on Line.
With both the Watana and Devil Canyon dams in operation, ice-related
effects on wildlife would be similar to those discussed above for the Watana
dam alone. Because of its narrower width and steeper sides , the De v il Canyon
impoundment area currently provides much less habitat value for overwintering
wildlife than the Watana impoundment area (Alaska Power Authority 1983).
Although many of the ice-related effects described above for the Watana
impoundment would also occur in the Devil Canyon impoundment, they would be
minimal in comparison. Caribou do not presently, and hav e not historically,
crossed the Devil Canyon impoundment area in large numbers during seasonal
migrations (Hemming 1971; Pitcher 1983, 1984), and few winter crossings by
moose have been recorded (Ballard et al. 1984a). With both dams operating,
drawdo•."D in the Watana impoundment would be reduced from ab out 90 feet to
about 40 feet, min in. "'_zing the expos ure of lower, steeper canyon sides and
correspondingly reducing haz ards associated with ice-covered slopes in the
drawdown zone . This would have a beneficial effect on moose and caribou in
comparison with the Watana dam alone. Devil Canyon reservoir would experience
little drawdown in winter. In terms of ice-related conditions only, the
Watana and Devil Canyon dams together would produce fewer adverse eff ects on
wildlife than the Watana dam alone, because the benefit of the reduced Watana
drawdown zone would offs et most ice -related adverse effects of the Devil
Canyon impoundment.
b. Middle River
(1) Watana Dam.
(a) Longer open-water period and larger open-water areas resulting from
higher temperatures of regulated flows . With Watana only, freezeup in the
middle river would be delayed 17 to 42 days and the ice would melt 28 to 48
days earlier than under pre-project conditions. Moreover, the ice front would
reach only to the Curry-Gold Creek vicinity (RM 124 to 142), with its final
location depending on ambient temperature and the temperature and volume of
released flews. This will produce an open-water reach up to 6 0 miles l o ng
downstream from the Watana dam. Under pre-project winter conditions, mo o se
frequently cross the frozen middle river and use it extensively as a corrido r
for upstrea~ and downstream travel, avoiding the deeper snow on surro unding
land (Modafferi 1983). A prolonged open-water period would restrict these
movements in the early winter and early spring. Persistent thin ice and open
leads may cause increased mortality; even under pre-project conditions, moose
attempting to cross the river someti mes fall through the ice and are killed
(Modafferi 1983, Schock 1985 pers . comm.). Browse v egetation on islands
rendered inaccessible by open water would not be available t o wintering moose,
and in a few cases, female mo o se would be restricted in the early spring from
reaching islands where they might otherwise have calved. None of these
potentially adverse conditions is expected to affect a sufficiently large
number of moose to be considered important, and wintering success of moose
populations using the middle river would not appreciably change as a direct
result of regulated flows.
The lack of ice cover between Watana dam and the ice front, along with
open leads downstream from the ice front, would provide foraging habitat for
aquatic furbearers (river otter, mink, beaver, muskrat). As noted above, mink
and river otter would have increased access to overwintering fish. The extent
to which beaver and muskrat would benefit from delayed freezeup and open leads
during the winter is not clear. Beaver cache surveys in October 1984
indicated that there were no active colonies upstream of RM 140; therefore
open water above the projected maximum ice front would not affect beaver
unless the area is colonized in the future. Sixteen colonies, including an
estimated 80 beaver, were identified between the projected maximum and minimum
ice front locations (i.e., between RM 140 and 124). Colonies in this reach
and farther downstream would be affected by delayed freezeup and open leads .
These conditions may benefit beaver by extending the fall cache construction
period, increasing the probability of overwinter survival. However, where
open water allows beaver to reach the shore, border ice and deep snow would
probably prevent them from foraging on land, and beaver that do forage on land
during the winter would be highly vulnerable to wolf and coyote predation. In
late winter or spring, 2-year-old beaver disperse from the parent colony
(Leege 1968). Early spring melting of the ice cover, along with the absence
of dynamic pre-project breakup conditions, may facilitate the dispersal of
young beaver and extend the active season for adults.
Prolonged open water in the middle river may increase available
overwintering habitat for the common merganser, American dipper, and bald
eagle. Mergansers and dippers would probably not benefit in sufficient
numbers for this effect to be considered important. However, the availability
of relatively ice-free side channels and sloughs may increase access of bald
eagles to living fish and to salmon carrion .
congregate near winter food sources, there
Because bald eagles tend to
is a potential for numerous
individuals to benefit. However, because the project area is near the edge of
bald eagle range (Alaska Power Authority 1983), population density is
relatively low, and the increased winter feeding habitat may not attract a
sufficient number of eagles to produce an important effect. Moreover, high
turbidity may offset the value of open-water areas as eagle feeding habitats.
(b) Higher staging resulting from increased winter flows. Higher
staging would probably cover (with flowing water or ice) early-successional
willow and balsam poplar otherwise available to moose as winter browse, and
open water coupled with higher staging may prevent ~oose from reacl.ing islands
where browse is available. Although access to browse plants would thus be
reduced along the active floodplain, these riparian shrubs are relatively
tolerant to flooding and would not be permanently affected. However, the
higher staging, increased flows, and daily variations in flow would cause
overflow of water onto the existing ice cover, forming a progressively thicker
ice sheet (aufeis) that would spread to higher islands and terraces supportin~
mature shrubs and trees (Nilsson 198lb). The effect of yearly winter flooding
and ice cover on mature floodplain vegetation cannot be predicted with
certainty, and the probable locations and cumulative areal coverage of aufeis
are not known. It is likely, however, that the annual spring development of
trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants overlapped with thick ice layers would be
measurably delayed (Nilsson 198lb). The interrelated effects of higher winter
flows and staging on moose mo "dlity, winter browse availability, and spring
plant development are considered important to the long-term productivity of
moose populations wintering in the middle river.
Ice cover that persists into the late spring on banks and terraces will
locally cover or delay the development of herbaceous floodplain vegetation
foraged by black bears during the immediate post-denning period (Hiller and
33RD2-007u 273
McAllister 1982). However, the reduction in available forage will probably
not be extensive enough to produce population-level effects on this species.
Higer winter staging would hav e more important effects on furbearers . As
desctlbed above, overtopping of floodplain islands, sloughs, and low terraces
would flood habitat and in places form a lasting ice cover, removing hunting
areas otherwise available to wolves, wolverine, mink, marten, and weasels.
Beaver, however, would be the furbearer most sev erely affected by higher
winter staging, because of the potential for flooding of lodges in the
mainstem, side channels, and sloughs. Because summer and fall river stages
would govern the siting and construction of beaver lodges and caches, higher
winter staging would flood many of these sites, and the beaver in the colonies
would be lost to drowning, starvation , and predation (Hakala 1952, Bo y ce
1974). Lodges within or nearest to the mainstem would be most sus ceptible to
this effect, but side channels and sloughs would also be exposed to higher
staging, and even upland sloughs may receive increased water from upwelling.
October 1984 food cache surveys in the middl e river ide1 ified 45 beav er
colonies preparing to overwinter between De v il Canyon and Talkeetna. Of
these, 13 were in mainstem habitat, four in side channels, 14 in sloughs, and
14 in upland sloughs (Woolington et al. 1984). Based on these results, with
an estimated five beaver per colony, the long-term capacity of the mi ddle
river to support about 155 beaver in mainstetn, side-channel, and s l ough
habitats could be permanently lost, with as many as 70 additional beaver
potentially affected by higher water levels in upland sloughs. This would be
an important adverse effect.
Persistent s pring ice c over
reduce available foraging and
on flo odplain islands and terraces would
nesting habi ~ats for shorebirds (e.g.,
semipalmated plover, spotted sandpiper), gulls (e.g., herring and mew gulls),
27 'I
arctic terns, and potentially other species. However, few e x t~~s ive areas of
early-successional riparian habitats selectively used by these species are
present in the middle river (Kess~l et al. 1982a), and the effect on birds is
therefore not expected to be important.
(c) Early in situ melting of ice during spring breakup Warmer
temperatures and reduced volumes of rel~ased flows in the spring would cause
river ice to melt in place several weeks earlier than under pre-project
conditions, avoiding the dynamic spring breakup drive that normally
characterizes the Susitna and other northern rivers. This change would reduce
the probability of moo s e injuries or mortality resulting from floating ice and
debris (Modafferi 1983), but the small number of moose likely to benefit in
this way would not appreciably affect population levels. A more important
effect of changed breakup characteristics would result from habitat
alteration . Ice-scouring associated with normal dynamic bre akup would be
greatly reduced in the middle riv er zone under with-project conditions. As
riparian vegetation encroaches into river channels towards the mean s uliUDer
high-water line, the availability of early-successional browse would increase
during approximately the first ten years of project operation. However, the
spring ice-scouring that normally helps to maintain early-successional stages
in the riparian zone would be largely absent. Over time, the quality of
riparian habitat for wintering moose would decline as the early successional
stages encouraged by reduced suliUDer flows mature and grow out of reach.
Because it is likely to occur throughout the middle river, this reduction in
moose winter habitat quality would become important during the life of the
Reduced spring flows during the meltout period would allow stranded ice
cover to remain in slou~hs and on overtopped islands and terraces. Because
this ice would not be in contact with active river flows. it would tend to
melt slowly and persist into the late spring in sheltered places. If this
persistent ice cover is extensive in area, the resulting habit~t reduction and
delay in spring plant development may be important to forbearers and birds.
(2) Watana and Devil Canyon Dams on Line.
With both dams in operation, ice-related effects on habitat and wildlife
would be qualitatively similar to those described for the Watana dam alone.
The annual open-water period would be slightly longer. as warmer released
flows would delay freezeup and advance the spring melting of river ice. In
addition, the ice front would extend only to between RM 123 and 133,
maintaining an open-water reach up to about 30 miles long downstream from the
Devil Canyon dam. Staging levels at freeze-up and short-term fluctuations in
released flows would decrease slightly. These conditions would moderate, but
not substantially reduce, the ice-related adverse effects discussed above.
c. Lower River
(1) Watana Dam on Line Alone.
(a) Longer open-water period and larger open-water areas resulting from
higher temperatures of regulated flows. With the Watana dam alone. ice would
begin forming in the lower river at about the same time as under pre-project
conditions (November), but the ice front would not reach the Susitna/Chulitna
confluence until 17 to 44 days later than under pre-project conditions. Delay
33RD2-007u 27~
in the formation of a stable ice cover would correspondingly delay the period
during which moose can safely cross the lower river zone. Under pre-proj(·ct
conditions, moose freely cross this reach during annual migrations to win::er
range, and extensively use the frozen lower river zone as a movement corridor
(Modafferi 1982, 1984). Increased numbers and areas of open leads, coupled
with delayed fre ~ze /up, may impede migratory movements, reduce access to
browse vegetation, and contribute to direct mortality from falling thrcugh
thin ice. However, variations in the timing of freezeup and extent of cpen
water exist under pre-proj ect conditions, and moderate project-relcted
increases in these factors are not expected to produce important advErse
effects on moose. B~cause of the major contributions of flows from the
Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers, along wi th lesser tributaries, ice-relc ted
effects on ':egetation would not differ appreciably from pre-proj ect
An increase in the annual ice -free period may benefit mink al"'d river
otter by prolonging the availability of aquatic hunting habitat. This eff~ct
would also allow beaver to remain active and store food later into the fall or
winter, as cache construction continues until free z eup . In upstream reaches
of tb~ lower riv er zone where these effects are Jreatest, they may be
important to furbearer populations.
lee-related effects in the lower river will not differ sufficently fr~m
pre-project conditions to influence bird po~ulatio ns in importa nt ways.
(2 ) Watana and Devil Cany on Dams on Line.
(a) Longer open-water period and larger open-water a reas resulting fron
higher temperatures of regulated flows . With both dams in operation, ice
33RD2-007u 27/
formation would be delayed slightly longer into the early winter, and spring
melting would occur earlier. Effects on moose and furbearers would be similar
to those described for the Watana dam alone.
This section describes preproject ice conditions relative to public use
of the Susitna floodplain. The effect of altered ice processes on
winter-oriented public use activities are then discussed based on commentary
from local residents and casual observations incidental to regular
investigative field work.
Frazil ice appears in the upper river by late September and by late
October, frazil slush accumulates into an ice cover that begins to form near
Cook Inlet and extends upriver toward Talkeetna. Later in November the ice
cover progresses into the middle river. Ice cover progression above Gold
Creek is at a reduced rate due to a steeper gradient and less frazil ice
generation. The reach from Gold Creek to Devil Canyon takes longer to freeze
and differs further by this area's subjection to shore ice development and
anchor ice daming. The upper river develops wide shore ice by forming
successive layers of frazil and snow s l ush which causes the channel to narrow
and eventually freeze into continuous ice cover with the entrapment of flowing
slush. Open leads develop over turbulent water and may close as a result of
fine slush accumulating against the downriver edge of the lead. Many open
leads persist at intermittent locations along the river throughout the winter .
Increased solar radiation early in April signals the pre-breakup period.
This process begins in the lower river and gradually extends upriver. Snow
disappears along the river south of Talkeetna by late April. With aG increase
in snow melt discharge, the ice begins to lift and fracture as leads widen and
small jams form downriver of leads. Breakup accelerates with increased
21 '7
discharge and more ice jamming. The ice cover continues to fragment.
deteriorate and flow until the river in ice free usually in early May.
Major public use activities may be categorized as outdoor recreation.
commercial. and subsistence oriented functions. Major recreational activities
during winter include dog mushing. ice fishing. snow mobi ling. small game
hunting and cross country skiing.
to trapping fur animals and
Commercial activities are generally limited
operating recreational lodging facilities.
Subsistence oriented activities refer to gathering plant and animal material
for personal consumptive purposes. Prevalent activities i:l this category
include tree cutting for fire wood. house logs and saw timber as well as
fishing and hunting for sustenance.
The level of public use varies by river zone and its relationship to
population density. The river area between Devil Canyon and Watana Creek
receives little if any public use during the winter period. There are no
permanent or seasonal residents in this zone. The lack of public use is
attributed to the area's inaccessibility • rugged topographic features and,
perhaps. unusable ice sub3trate due to the river's gradient and treacherous
shoreline. These conditions would not preclude occasional aircraft landings
in select places since relatively straight and even stretches of river surface
occur between Devil Canyon and Watana. Ice shelving provides a sufficient
platform to land and temporarily moor air craft. however, such events were not
evidenced during this study. Aircraft operators are deterred from using this
river zone during winter because of the area's remoteness and unsafe landing
Moderate public use occurs in the middle river. About 12 trappers reside
and travel between the Chulitna confluence and Gold Creek area during winter.
With some exception, these people wisely avoid using and crossing river ice
because of unsafe conditions. The ice surface continually changes with new
leads forming and freezing over in which case drifting snow may conceal an
unsafe ice surface. In the area between Talkeetna and the Chulitna confluence
only two river crossings
considerable risk. Within
(noted in separate years) were noted and
a few days of each observation. river
snowmachine tracks gave way. Two trappers from the Chase area operate along
either side of the river by crossing at a point where a freezeup ice jam forms
a suitable thickness for safe crossings.
non-existent in the middle river.
Non-resident use appears to be
The proximity to railbelt settlements and homesteaders, as well as the
increased accessibility afforded by the Parks Highway. account for greater
public use of the lower river zone. People in the Talkeetna. Sunshine,
Montana. Caswell. Kashwitna and Willow areas use the river corridor for
recreational. commercial and subsistence purposes. The preponderance of use
occurs along the east side of the river that has highway access. Evidence of
snowmachining is commonly observed along the river's edge and on frozen side
channels. Variable ice conditions and accident potential deters the casual
traveler from attempting to cross the river. River crossings do .ccur during
the period of mid-winter ice coverage and appear more
portions of the river between the Caswell area and
prevalent in those
the Deshka River
confluence, and confluences of Alexander Creek and the Yentna River. Public
use activities of major importance include trapping. ice fishing. dog mushing.
2. f(
snowmachining and gathering firewood. Several commercial lodge owners
accommodate a few recreationists from Anchorage and outlying urban areas.
Nonresident use of the lower river zone appears to be negligible.
The effect of altered ice processes on public use wou "i.d vary by river
zone and level of human activity known to occur within each zone. In the
impoundment zone, the Watana reservoir would begin to freeze over around
mid-November with the formation of border ice. Solid ice would be expected
later in December and gradually increase in thickness to an estimated 4 feet
as freezing temperatures persisted. Reservoir drawdown would ~ause near-shore
ice to fracture and drape, thus creating an ice ramp. \tJa ter temperatures
below the reservoir would remain above freezing and moving water would prevail
throughout this portion of the zone. A similar scenario is expected to occur
in the Devil Canyon reservoir except that ice fracture and drape along the
periphery would be minimal or none because of a greatly reduced drawdown.
Downriver from Devil Canyon, an open water reach would extend for several
miles. Since public use of this zone has been minimal during winter these
physical changes would have no appreciable effect on human activities. Future
public use may be slightly enhanced since solid ice cover in the reservoir
areas may provide suitable landing places for ski-equipped aircraft during the
mid-winter period. Draping and the formation of an ice ramp after reservoir
drawdown may deter or impede foot access to shoreline areas, should aircraft
landings be attempted.
Freezeup of the middle river would be delayed because of altered flow,
warmer water temperatures and reduce inflow o f frazil ice. Under these
conditions, the firmness of river ice would be untenable during mid-winter
from the vicinity of Curry upriver to about Gold Creek. The altered flow
regime would probably change the size and duration of open leads occurring
dow:1river from the ice edge. Flooding and overtopping would occur in the
downriver portion of the middle river freezeup. The limited public use this
area currently receives would probably be significantly reduced. Mechanized
and foot travel on an unstable ice substrate, expecially in the zone of
instability between Curry and Gold Creek, would be extremely hazardous. The
reach between the Chulitna confluence and Curry probably would not be
adversely effected except that the duration of solid ice cover would be
confined to a shorter period during January and February when leads and
overflow reaches form enough solid ice cover to permit safe travel. The few
individuals from the Talkeetna and Chase areas who trap fur animals on the
opposite side of the river would probably cont ~~ue to operate at essentially
the same lev el of effort and risk.
Ice formation in the lower river is e x pected to be near natural
cond~tions. Above Talkeetna, however, ice c over in the upriver portion is not
expected to be solid enough for surface transportation until later in the
winter, probably 17 to 47 days later than normal. Because of increased water
flow from the middle river zone, more ice may form in the lower zone than
under natural conditions. Public use activ ities are expected to oc cur at a
near-no rmal level except that the outset of winter time activity could be
delayed by a month or so to produce safe ice cover. However, surface
transportation in the river corridor under natural conditions does not occur
until users feel confident that safe operating condi tions exist. The size and
number of open leads may increase as a result of more water flow in the lower
river and could disrupt human activities to an undetermined degree.
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Canadian Journal of
Anchor Ice
Anchor Ice Dam
Beginning of Breakup
Beginning of Freezeup
Black Ice
Border Ice
An ice floe formed by the bonding or freezing
together of various forms of ice.
Submerged ice attached or anchored to the bottom,
irrespective of the nature of its formation.
An accumulation o f anchor ice which acts as a dam
and raises the water level .
Date of definite breaking or movement of ice due
to melting, currents or rise of water level.
Date on which frazil ice, forming stable winter
ice cover, is first observed on the water
Transparent ice formed in rivers and lakes.
An ice sheet in the form of a long border
attac hed to the shore and growing laterally out
over the channel; same as shore ice, or lateral
Disintegration of ice cover.
Breakup Date
Candle lee
Channel Lead
Dry Crack
The date on which a body of water is first
observed t ,o be entirely clear of ice and remains
clear thereafter.
Rotten columnar-grained ice.
Elongated opening in the ice cover caused by a
water current or thermal erosion by warn
gro undwater seeps.
A measure of the departure o f the mean daily
temperature from a given standard, usually 0 C.
For example, a day with an average temperature cf
-5 C represents S freezing degree-days . Cumula-
tive degree-days are simply the sum of any number
of degree-days. For example, the cumulative
freezing degree-da7 s of a week with mean dail 1
temperature of -5 C, 0 C, +S C, -2 C, -5 C, -8 C,
and -5 C are 25 freezing degree-days.
Crack visible at the surface but which does not
extend through the ice cover, and therefore
remains dry .
A cluster of fraz i l particles.
Flooded lee
Frazil Slush
Freezeup Date
Freezeup Period
Frozen Frazil Slush
Grounded lee
Hinge Crack
lee which has been flooded by melt water or river
water and is heavily loaded by water and wet
Any break or rupture formed in an ice cover or
floe due to deformation.
Fine spicules. plates or disco ids of ice sus-
pended in water. In rivers and lakes it is
formed in supercooled. turbulent waters.
An agglomerate of loosely packed frazil which
floats or accumulates under the ice cover.
The date on which the water body was first
observed to be completely frozen over.
Period of initial formation of an ice cover.
Accumulation of slush that has completely frozen
solid .
Ice which has run aground.
Crack caused by significant changes in water
level .
Hummocked lee
lee Bridge
lee Cover
Ice Floe
Ice Free
Ice Jam
Ice Ledge
Ice Push
Ice Run
lee Sheet
lee piled haphazardly, one piec~ over another to
form an uneven surface.
A continuous ice cover of limited size extending
from shore to shore like a bridge.
A £ignificant expanse of ice of any form on the
surface of a body of water.
Free floating piece of ice.
No floating ice present.
A stationary accumulation of fragmented ice or
Narrow fringe of ice that remains along the
shores of a river after breakup.
Compression of an ice cover, particularly at the
front of a moving section of ice cover.
Flow of ice in a river. An ice run may be light
or heavy, and may consist of frazil, anchor,
slush or sheet ice.
A smooth, continuous ice cover.
Ice Shove
In situ Breakup
Lateral Ice
Pressure Ridge
Shear Crack
Shore Ice
Shore Lead
Shore Depression
On-shore ice push caused by a compression in an
unconsolidated ice cover that transmits internal
forces laterally towards the banks .
Melting in place.
See Border Ice.
Long, narrow opening in the ice.
A line or wall of broken ice forced up by
Crack formed by movement parallel to the surface
of the crack.
Motion of an ice cover due to horizontal shear
See Border Ice.
A water opening along the shore.
Depression in the ice cover along the shore often
caused by a change in wate r level .
Snow Ice
Snow Slush
Stranded Ice
(Ice Cover)
Ice that forms when snow slush freezes on an ice
cover. It appears white due to the presence of
air bubbles.
Snow which is saturated with water on ice
surfaces, or as a viscous mass floating in water
after a heavy snowfall.
Ice that has been floating and has been deposited
on the sho re by a lowering of the water level.
Loose mass o f float ing ice.
* Source: U.S . Army Corps of Engineers, 19 82