HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS468;.:::.-'.::9 1'::1 ~~77 L ~~':::IT ~~"i ;-:: ::3 C';L'f ; ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY :oJ :.:?~.~::::;::::(2 ,~'.:;:;-:-::~.~ I?~'..:~~.::rr....L./.:::r;;:.-.:::J SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POSITION PAPER FISHERIES ISSUE F-2.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Statement of Issue: Significance of potential changes in pH on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams. Position It is the position of the Alaska Power Authority that potential changes in pH due to inundation of acid bogs and tundra soils by the project reservoirs will not significantly affect the pH of the reservoir or t he river downstream of the iams.Therefore,no mitigation measures are needed. Present Knowledge The Susitna River watershed above Devil Canyon presently drains large areas of acidic tundra soils and bog or wetland habitats.The mainstem rl.ver water,however,contains sufficient alkalinity-producing ions to buffer against biologically harmful pH changes which otherwise might occur due to acidi c tributary influents.The wet land ma pping recent l y completed by the USFWS indicates that approximately 2.7 percent of the combined i mp ou ndme nt; areas is "bog-like"wetland.The alkalinity buf f er i ng system wh i ch e x ists now will continue to minimize pH changes during project construct ion and operation. 420016 8502 15 i rR :'.'LC G=D t'.~.::J c =~:;:::.;,.!~.,!..i,~\~~'~:-~t T ~~~::.,:::J i :':1 !:~T:L :-'~~:.··:T r~'~~ ~~=S c::t.:r: [::J ~.::?:-.:·:·U C :::;~c:;.:·:~T::_:l ALASKA POWER AtrrHORITY .,~"·'-.'TT ' I r ..-:,',-'''- -"".•.•_,.,11 .._,,_..._..,__-' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POSITION PAPER FISHERIES ISSUE F-2.2 INTRODUCTION Statement of Issue: Significance of potential changes in pH on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams. Position It is the position of the Alaska Power Authority that potential changes in pH due to inundation of acidic bogs and tundra soils by the project reservoirs will not significantly affect the pH of the reservoir or the river downstream of the dams.The amount of such acidic habitat is so small,about three percent of the ca paci ty of the river so large, neutralized by the natural system. area to be inundated,and the buffer ing that potential changes in pH will be DISCUSSION The physical,chemical and biological characteristics of a water body (including its pH and alkalinity)will reflect the basic climat ic and hy~rologic regimes and biogeochemistry of its entire drainage basin,and not merely the small portion of the drainage which is under water (Hutchinson 1967,1973, 1975,Wetze~1975,Vollenweider and Kerekes 1980).The pH of upstream and downstream mainstem Sus i tna riverine habi tats is present ly regulated by the carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-carbonate and aluminum silicate dissolution buffering systems (Wetzel 1975,Stumm and Morgan 1970).These two buffering systems maintain pH values between 6.0 and 8.3 in most f r esh water ecosystems of North America. 420016 850215 :...':..;..-.;--~:-;::--:-: .:;~.:~:~j r-~;:1~~:~3 C ~::_·t ; ::,.~:-~.::·';C :-:~:::~.~::...~-. :::l .~,..~,"!T 'I ".._.•---~ The drainage bas in of the Sus i t na River upstream df ·..·E li·~1 ·trr b'p o ·s e d -~e v i 1 Canyon dam site encompasses approx imately 5,810 square miles of unvegetated mountains and highland tundra.The watershed's bedrock,glacial till and glacial outwash materials contain alkalinity-producing carbonace and silicate minerals (APA 1983,R&M Consultants Inc.1982).Overl ying the watershed's lithic material is a substantial area of tundra consisting of saturated,peaty soils,which may be acidic in nature.Sphagnum bogs are frequent on the tundra and they commonly have a pH less than 4.5.Despice substantial inflow from tributary drainages with acidic soils and acidic bogs,the ionic composition of the mainstem river is presently sufficient to buffer tributary acidity and maintain low to moderate alkalinity values •• Changes in mainstem pH values are seasonally variable but range between 6.0 and 8.1.The mean annual pH is greater than 7.0 in the mainstem water of the upper river watershed. A wetlands mapping project has been completed by the USFWS in order to quantify the amount of different wetland types in both Watana and Devil Canyon impoundment zones.The estimated total of vegetated areas which are classifiable as wetlands equals 8,316 acres or 18.8 percent of the combined impoundment areas.The estimated total of all "bog-like"wetlands equals 1,182 acres or approximately 2.7 percent of the combined impoundment zone areas.The pH of the proposed reservoirs and downstream riverine habitats under with-project conditions will be regulated by the same chemical buffering system existing at present.Flooding of the small area of bog habitats is not anticipated to cause a biologically significant change of pH in riverine habitats downstream of the proposed project or in the reservoirs. A number of references,including review arcicles,research reports and texts have been reviewed for any discussion of pH changes in reservoirs or t hei r downstream habitats due to bog inundation (Supplementary References). No documentation of such a problem has been located in the open literacure dealing with lake or larger reservoir limnology . 420016 850215 2 ~_.,.",~--..j ~'.-..,:',~:..:',1 .......-..... !""l j ~,1 •.._.l C:.L,',': I ~j ~,:~:--.::~',:-:-'::.:~-l :;";"'.7...:J "I h A :.~:'::i TI .t.,L c.:.:~.:::'; REFERENCES Literature Cited Alaska Power Authority 1983.Final applicatio~for license for major pro ject,susitna Hydroelectric Project,before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,accepted by FERC July 27,1983.Vol.5-A and B, Chapts 1 and 2,Alaska Power Authority.susitna Hydroelectr ic Project. 2 vo Is. Hutchinson,G.E.1967.A Treatise on Limnology.Vol.II.Introduction to Lake Biology and the Limnoplankton.J.Wiley and Sons,New York, 1115 pp. Hutchinson,G.E.1973.Eutrophication.Amer.scien.61(3):269-279 . Hutchinson,G.E.1975. A Treatise on Limnology.Vol.I.Geograph y,Physics and Chemistry.J.Wiley and Sons . New York.(reprint of 1957 ed ition ). R&M Consultants,Inc.1982.Glacial Lake Studies.Interim Report.Prepared for Acres American,Inc •• Anchorage,AlaSka. Stumm,W.,and J.J.Morgan.1970.Aquati c Chem istry.Wile y Intersc ience .New York,583 pp, Wetzel,R.G.1975.Limnology.W.B.Saunders,Co.,Phi ladelphia .743 pp. Vollenweider,R.A.,and J.Kerekes.1980.The loading concept as basis f or controlling eutrophication.Philosophy and preliminary results of the OECD Programme on eutrophication.Prcg ,Wat.Tech , ,Vol.12 .Norway . pp.5-18.IAWPR/Pergamon Press Ltd. 420016 850215 3 -,- Supplemental Referencesl/ Al lan,R.J.1978.Natural controls of dissolved solids i n Boundary Reservoir,Saskatchewan.Canadian Wat.Res.J.3 (3 ):78- 96. Baxter,R.H.,and P. i mpoundm ent s in Glaude.1980.Environmental effects of dams Canada :experiences and prospects.Can.Bull. and Fish Aquat.Sci.205,34p Bodaly,R.A.,D.M.Rosenberg,M.N.Goboury,R.E.Hecky,R.W.Newbury and K. 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