HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS480Alaska Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project Issues List March 6, 1984 Fishery Issues (F) F-1. Significance of altered flow regime on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams, including effects on migration/access, spawning, and rearing during summer months, and effects on incubation and rearing during winter months. F-2.. Significance of changes in water quality parameters (turbidity, pH, heavy metals, dissolved nitrogen, temperature, nutrients) on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams. F-3. Significance of altered ice processes on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams, including effects on fish access and changes due to staging. F-4. Significance of changes in stream morphology on salmon and resident fish habitats and populations downstream of the dams. F-5, Significance of impoundment effects can resident fish habitat and populations upstream of the dams. F-6. Significance of physical effects of access corridors on fish habitats. F-7. Significance of physical effects of transmission line corridors on fish habitats. F-8. Significance of water quality and quantity effects of construction camp and permanent village on fish habitats. F-9. Significance of water quality and stream morphology effects of borrow and spoil areas on fish habitats. F-10. Significance of disturbance effects of human instream activities on fish. F-11. Feasibility and desirability of specific mitigation options, including structural modifications, flow allocation, physical habitat modification, hatcheries, and management options. F-12. Formulation and implementation of post -construction plan to monitor significant impacts and the efficacy of specific mitigation measures. 40836 I 850130 Wildlife Issues (W) W-1. Significance of reduction in moose carrying capacity directly attributable to the project. W-2. Significance of reduction in black bear denning and foraging habitat. W-3. Significance of reduction in brown bear spring foraging habitat. W--4. Significance of habitat reduction for middle basin furbearers and birds. W-5. Significance of Dall sheep habitat modification at Jay Creek lick. W-6. Significance of increase in accidents and inhibition of movements of big game mammals due to reservoir open water and ice conditions. W-7. Significance of inundation or other disturbance to bald eagle, golden eagle, and other raptor nests. W-8. Significance of changes in wildlife habitat and movements downstream of the dams due to changes in flow and ice cover. W-9. Significance of reduction in wildlife habitat due to construction camps/villages, permanent town, and airstrips. W110. Significance of access read presence and use effects on caribou movements and behavior. W-11. Significance of increased accidental big game deaths from vehicle collisions due to increased access. W-12. Significance of reductions in big game and forbearer populations from increased hunting/trapping pressure due to increased accessibility of project area. W-13. Significance of other disturbances to wildlife due to human activities, such as aircraft overflights and construction noise. W-14. Formulation and implementation of construction worker transportation plan. W-15. Formulation and implementation of post -construction access policy. W-16. Feasibility and desirability of refinement of timing of construction and operation activities to reduce wildlife impacts. W-17. Feasibility and desirability of specific mitigation options, including moose and bear habitat enhancement, Jay Creek lick expansion, raptor nest habitat enhancement, revegetation of disturbed areas, downstream L ueavct icauii,ct Ci11lQLL� CluC Olt. 40836 2 850130 W-18. Feasibility and desirability of types of mitigation options, including design or structural modifications, replacement lands/habitat, enhancement of lands/habitat, rehabilitation of disturbed lands, management options (scheduling or restrictions) to reduce disturbance or direct impacts, preventive measures. W-19. Formulation and implementation of post -construction plan to monitor significant impacts and the efficacy of specific mitigation measures. Recreation Issues (R) R-1. Significance of impacts on fishing, including availability of fish, access, and quality of experience. R-2. Significance of impacts on hunting and recreational trapping, including availability of resource, access, and quality of experience. R-3. Significance of loss of whitewater resource. R-4. Significance of impacts to boating downstream of Devil Canyon Dam, including access to the water- and on the water (impediments to navigation). R-5. Significance of impacts on non -consumptive activities (e.g., bird - watching. and hiking), including availability of the resource; access to the resource, and quality of experience. R-6. Significance of recreational activities of project construction work- er s on fish and wildlife resources in the Susitna River watershed. R-7. Formulation and implementation of a specific recreational opportunities/recreation plan. R-8. Feasibility and desirability of restrictions of recreational opportunities in order to reduce impacts to fish and wildlife resources in the Susitna River watershed. Aesthetic Issues (AE) AE-1. Significance of impacts of borrow and spoil areas, transmission lines, access roads and rail lines, construction camps and villages, and dams on scenic resources. AE-2. Feasibility and desirability of incorporating specific aesthetic mitigation measures into project plans. 40836 3 850130 Cultural Resource Issues (C) C-1. Identification and significance of loss of affected cultural/ historical sites. C-2. Formulation and implementation of cultural resources mitigation plan. Air Quality Issues (AQ) AQ-1. Significance of ambient air quality impacts during project construction. AQ-2. Formulation and implementation of air quality mitigation measures. Dam Safety Issues (D) D-1. Determination of significance of risk and effects of catastrophic dam failure. D-2. Formulation of emergency warning plan. Socioeconomic Issues (S) S-1. Significance of changes in subsistence opportunities relating to fish and wildlife resources in the Susitna River watershed. S-2. Significance of project impacts on life style in area communities. S-3. Significance of changes in commercial opportunities related to fishing, hunting, trapping, etc. S-4. Significance of changes in employment_ in area communities. S-5. Significance of increased burden on Mat -Su Borough and affected communities for providing public services and facilities in response to project -related demands. S-6. Significance of secondary development impacts on Native corporation undeveloped lands. S-7. Feasibility and desirability of specific mitigation options, including worker transportation plan, worker housing plan, local aid plan, local hire plan. S-8. Formulation and implementation of a construction and post -construction plan to monitor significant impacts and the efficacy of specific mitigation measures. Land Acquisition Issues (L) t.-1_ Dievalonment of a feasible and desirable land acquisition program. 40836 4 850130