HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS490APPENDIX -I Refinement to Reservoir and River Temp e rature and Ice Studies For Simulation Period October 1976 to May 1977 Text Changes and New Exhibits I and 0 For Alaska Power Authority Comments on the Feder~l Energy Reg u latory Commission Draft Environmental Impact Sta t ement of May 1984, Volume 8, Appendix VI, River Ice Simulations , Susitna River, Watana Dam to Confluence of Susitna and Chulitna Rivers 42164312 850204 I ' TEXT a) SUS I 'INA HYDROELECI'RI C PRQJECf AU.SKA POWER AIJI'tDRITY Ccto1MENTS ON THE F .E.R.C. DRAFT ENVIRI:N1ENI'AL I.MPACf STATEMEm APPENDIX VI RIVER ICE SIMUrATIONS ERRATA Tab i .e of Contents: 1.2.1 l. 2.2 1.2.3 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace "Average" with ''Warm" "Average" with "Very Warm" "Cold" with "Average" "Average" with "Warm" "Average" with "Warm" "Cold" with "Average and Cold" "Cold" with "Average and Cold" b) section 1.2, second paragraph, beginning with second sentence, should read, "The winters of 1976-77 and 1982-83 generally gave the lowest wate r levels and shortest ice cover. The 1981-82 winter resulted i n somewhat more ice and higher water levels than the 1976-77 and 1982-83 winters. The winter of 1971-72 resulted in the greatest i ce accumula- tion and furthest progression of the ~ce front. In the simulations discussed herein, the winter of 1981-82 represents an average winter, 1971-72 represents a cold winter, 1982-83 represents a warm winter and 1976-77 represents a very warm winter. Simulations have also been made for natural conditions for the winters of 1971-72, 1976-77, 1981-82 and 1982-83." c ) Section 1.2.1, title, replace "Average• with "Warm" d) section 1. 2. 2, title, replace "Average" with "Very Warm" e) Section 1.2.2 first paragraph, eighth line, replace "127" with "124" El section 1.2.3, title, replace "Cold" with "Average" g) Chapter 3.0, eighth pagr aph, twelfth line, replace "Cold" with "Colder" h) Section 4.2, title, replace ".\verage" with ''Warm" i) Section 4.2, first paragraph, second line, replace "127" for "126" j) Section 4.2, second paragraph, second line, replace "137" with "126," delete "upstrean! of the Gold Creek Bridge" k) Se~tion 4.2, second paragraph, fourth line, replace "4 to 6" with "2 to 5" 1) Section 4.2, second paragraph, sixth line, replace "approximately four feet higher than" with "equivalent to that" ml Section 4.2, third paragraph, first line, replace "average" with "warm" n) Section 4.2, third paragraph, third line, replace "137" with "126" o) Section 4.3, title and first line, replace "average" with "warm" p) Section 4.3, first paragraph, third line, replace "122" with "123" q) Section 4.3, fint paragraph, foorth line, replace "two to five" with "one to three" r) Section 4.3, third paragraph should read, "Based on a simulation of 1976-77 winier conditions, the ice cover would reach approximately river mile 124. Max~ water levels attained would be 1 to 6 feet lower than with watana only ~ration. Maxi.m.Jm water levels would be 0 to 1 foot lower than simulated natural conditions at the Slough 8A berms and 2 feet lower than natural conditions at the Sloogh 9 berm. The berms of Sloughs 8A and 9 would not be overtoped with the 2002 energy demand and would pr obably not be overtopped with the 2020 energy d emand" s) Sections 4.4 and 4.5, titles, replace "C old " with ",6,verage and Cold" t) Section 4.4, thrid paragraph, first sentence, should read , "F'or the average and cold winters simulated, the l eading edge o f the ice p rcgressed to river miles 137 and 142, respectively" u) Section 4.5, first paragraph, first line, should read "The winters o f 1981-82 and 1971-72, respect1vely, were used for simulating average and c old winter conditions ••• " v) Section 4.5, first paragraph, fourth and seventh lines, replace "cold" with "average" w) Section 4. 5, first paragraph, fifth, seventh, eighth and tenth lines, replace "average" with "warm" x) Section 4.5, first paragraph, ninth line, replace "126" with "124." Replace "4 miles" with "1 mile" y) section 4.5, second paragraph, first, fourth, seventh and ninth lines, replace "cold" with "average" z) section 4.5, second paragraph, third hne, replace "5 to 9" with "3 to 7" aa) Section 4.5, second paragraph, fifth line, replace "10" with "13" bb) Section 4.5, second paragraph, ninth line, replace "average" with "warm" cc) Section 4. 5 ,' third paragraph, fourteenth line, replace "an average" with "a warm" dd) section 4.5, third paragraph, sixteenth line, replace "117" with "120" ee ) Section 4.f, first paragraph, sec ond line, r e pl a c e " averag e and co l d winter" with "warm and average winter" f f) Section 4.6, second paragraph, sub heading o ne, replace "averag e" with "warm" gg) Section 4 .6, second paragraph, sub head i ng two, replace "co l d " ..... th "average" hh ) Section 4.6, third paragraph, third line, replace "average" with "warm." TABLES Replace Tables l, 3, 4, 5 , 10, 12 and 15 with the corresponding new tables attached. EXHIBITS Replace Exhibits I and 0 with the corresponding new exhibits attached. •. ,_ Very Additionally, ice bridae for.ation ar. river mile 9 .. y be dependent on tidea and the occurrence of extremely cold weather, factors which are not influenced by the project. Ice front proareuioo put the Yeotna River may be delayed IOIHVhat vith project, but ia order to provide conservatism in the atudy, November 1 vaa accepted a a the start ina date for computations of filliaa the Lover Reach vith ice. Table 1 describe• the ice aimulationa provided in thia Appendix. Eatimated Energy Demand for Simulated Period Nov. '82-Hay '83 Ava. Year Wana Winter Tempi Nov. '71-Hay '72 Wet Year Cold Winter Teapa. Nov. '76-Hay '77 Dry Year Wana Wiater Tempa. Nov. '81-May '82 Wu Year Ava. Winter Teaoa. 420673 840731 TABLE 1 liVER ICE SIMULATIONS Watana Operation 1996 2001 + + + + ' + + 9 Watana/Devil Canyon Opera tiona 2002 2020 + + +. + + + Watana Fillina First Winter + Second Wiater + TABLE 3 MAXIMUM ICE-AFFECTED WATER LEVELS FOR WINTER OF 1982-1983 Loc•tion Whiskers slough head Side cnannel at head of Gash Creek Mouth of Slough 6A Slough 8 head Side channel MS II Side channel HS II River Mile 120 Hoose slough head Slough 8A head (vest) Slough SA head (east) Slougn 9 head Side channel upstream of slough 9 Side channel upstream of 4th July Creek Slough 9A head Side channel upstream of slough 10 Side channel dovn- stream of Slouib 11 Slough 11 head Slough 17 head Slough 20 head Slough 21 downstream end Slou&h 21 head Slough 22 head Maximum upstreaa Extent in Winter (river mile) 420673 840731 River Threshold Mile Elev . .l/ 101.5 367 112 .o 112.34 114.1 476 115.5 482 115.9 487 120.0 123.5 126.1 573 127.1 582 129.3 604 130.6 131.8 133.7 651 134.3 657 135.3 136.5 687 139.3 140.5 730 14l.d 747 142.2 755 144.8 788 of Ice Cover Simul•ted Energy Oem•nd for Natural Watana only Devil Canyon Condi~ions 1996 2001 2002 2020 366 370 370 369 370 456 459 461 457 457 459 462 463 460 459 474 476 478 475 475 484 488 489 487 488 486 491 492 490 491 520 525 521 520 523 548 550 550 545 550 5 70 572 568 568 573 582 582 582 581 583 605 603 603 602 603 621 617 617 616 617 630 628 628 627 628 651 650 650 650 650 658 656 656 655 656 672 668 668 667 668 684 683 683 682 684 -715 715 714 715 -729 729 728 729 -746 746 746 747 -753 753 752 753 -786 786 785 787 >137 126 124 123 126 . 22 TABLE 4 MAXIMUM ICE-AFFECTED WATER LEVELS FOR WINTER OF 1976-1977 Location Whiskers Slough head Side channel at head of C.sh Creek Mouth of Slougn 6A S1ou&h 8 hud Side channel MS II Side channel MS II River Mile 120 Moose slough head Slough 8A head (west) Slough 8A head (east) Slough 9 head Side channel upstream of slough 9 Side channel upstream of 4th July Creek Slough 9A head Side channel upstream of slough 10 Side channel down- stream of Slough 11 Sloup 11 bead Slough 17 head Slouab 20 bead Slough 21 dovnatreaa end Slough 21 bead Slougll 22 head ' Maximum upstreaa Extent in Winter (river mile) 420673 840731 River Mile 101.5 112.0 112.34 114. L 115.5 115.9 120.0 123 .5 126.1 127.1 129.3 130 .6 131.8 133.7 134.3 135.3 136.5 139.3 140.5 141.8 142.2 144.8 of Ice Simulated Enenv Demand for I Threshold Natunl Watana only Devil Canyon Elev • .ll Conditions 1996 200lll 2002 20201 367 366 370 368 454 457 456 457 460 459 476 472 475 474 482 480 486 486 487 483 489 489 520 525 520 546 552 547 573 569 574 568 582 581 583 581 604 603 603 601 616 617 616 626 628 627 651 649 650 650 ' 657 655 656 655 668 667 667 687 681 684 682 -715 714 730 -729 72tl 747 -746 746 755 -753 752 788 -787 785 Cover >137 126 124 24 TABLE 5 Volu me d Re port MAXIMUM l2E-AFFECTED WATER LEVELS FOR WINTER OF 1981-1982 Location River Mile Whiskers slough head 101.5 Side channel at head 112.0 of Gash Creek Mouth oi Slough 6A Slough 8 head Side channel MS II Side channel MS II River Mile 120 112.34 114. l 115.5 115.9 120.0 Moose slough head 123.5 Slough 8A head (west) 126.1 Slough 8A head (east) 127.1 Slough 9 head 129.3 Side channel upstream 130.6 of slough 9 Side channel upstream 131.8 of 4th July Creek Slough 9A head 133.7 Side channel upstream 134.3 of slough 10 Side channel down- stream of Slough 11 Slough 11 head Slough 17 head Slough 20 head Slough 21 downstream end Slough 21 head Slough 22 head 135.3 136.5 139'. 3 140.5 141.8 142.2 144.8 Simulated Threshold Natural Elev.ll Conditions 367 476 482 487 573 582 604 651 657 . 687 730 747 755 788 368 455 457 472 484 486 523 549 571 583 606 620 629 651 657 670 683 Energy Demand f or J Watana only I Devil Canyon 1996 20011/ 2002 202o1 371 460 462 477 488 491 527 555 574 585 607 620 631 653 659 670 687 715 729 746 7 53 787 369 456 458 475 485 488 520 548 568 581 601 616 627 650 655 667 682 714 728 745 752 785 Maximum upstream Extent of Ice Cover )137 .· 137 124 jin Winter (river mile) I 420673 840731 26 TABLE 10 MAXIMUM ICE-AFFECTED WATER LEVELS FOR 1996 ENERGY DEMANDS-WATANA OPERA TING River Threshold Location Mile Elev.11 Whiskers slough head 101.5 367 Side channel at head 112.0 of Gash Creek Mouth of Slough 6A 112.34 Slough 8 head 114.1 476 Side channel MS II 115.5 482 Side channel MS II 115.9 487 River Mile 120 120.0 Moose slough head 123.5 Slough 8A head (vest) 126.1 573 Slough 8A head (east) 127.1 582 Slough 9 head 129.3 604 Side channel upstream 130.6 of slough 9 Side channel upstream 131.8 of 4th July Creek S lou&h 9A head 133.7 651 Side channel upstream 134.3 657 of slough 10 Side channel down-135.3 stream of Slough 11 Slouah 11 head 136 • .5 687 Slougn 17 head 139.3 Sloup 20 head 140 .5 730 Slough 21 dovnetreaa 141.8 747 end Slough 21 head 142.2 755 Slouah 22 head 144.8 788 ' 'Maximum upstream Extent of Ice Cover in Winter (river 420673 840731 mile) Winter Weather Data Used 1971-1972 1976-1977 1981-1982 1982-1983 372 370 371 370 459 457 460 4 59 462 460 462 462 478 475 477 476 490 486 488 488 492 489 491 491 526 525 527 525 556 552 555 550 576 574 574 572 587 583 585 582 609 603 607 603 624 617 620 617 635 628 631 628 657 650 653 650 663 6S6 659 656 675 667 670 668 688 684 687 683 717 715 715 715 732 729 729 729 746 746 746 746 753 753 753 753 787 787 787 786 141 126 137 126 36 TABLE 12 MAXIMUM ICE-AFFECTED WATER LEVELS FOR 2002 ENERGY DEMANDS WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON OPERATING River Thresh o 1 d ____ ..::W..;.i.::.n.:.;t e:.,:r:......::W:.:e:.:a:.:.t:;.h.:.e r:.,_:D:.:a:.:t:.:a:.....::.U.:.s e;;:.;d~--- LOCATION Hi1e E1ev • .4/ Whiskers slough head Side channel at head of Gash Creek Mouth of Slouan 6A S louah 8 head Side channel HS II Side channel HS II 101.5 112.0 112.34 11 4.1 115.5 115.9 River Mile 120 120.0 Hoose slouah head 123.5 Slouah 8A head (west) 126.1 Slough 8A head (east) 127.1 Slouah 9 head 129.3 Side channel upstream 130.6 of slouah 9 Side channel upstream 131.8 of 4th July Creek Slouah 9A head 133.7 Side channel up1tream 134.3 of"slouah 10 Side channel down- stream of Slough 11 Slough 11 head Slough 17 bead Slouah 20 head Slough 21 dovnatream end S1ouah 21 head 135.3 136.5 139.3 140.5 141.8 142.2 Slouah 22 nead ~ 144.8 367 476 482 487 573 582 604 651 657 687 730 747 755 788 Maximum upatream Extent of Ice Cover in Winter (river mile) 420673 1971-1972 40 371 458 460 475 487 489 522 553 574 585 606 620 633 652 659 670 685 714 728 746 752 . 785 137 1976-1977 1981-1982 368 369 456 456 459 474 486 489 520 547 568 581 601 616 627 650 655 667 682 714 728 746 752 785 124 458 475 485 488 520 548 56d 581 601 616 627 650 655 667 682 714 728 745 752 785 124 1982-1983 369 457 460 475 487 490 520 545 568 581 602 616 627 650 655 667 6c12 714 728 746 752 785 123 . . Exhibit B c D E F G H I J K L H N 0 p Q R s 420673 840731 TABLE 15 RIVER ICE SIMULATIONS INCLUDED IN EXHIBITS Energy Meteorologic Descri2tion Demand Hydrologic Winter Summer Project Status Year Data Year Temps Flowe Natural Conditions 1971-1972 Cold Wet Natural Conditions 19 76-19 77 Very Want Dry Natural Conditions 1981-1982 Average Wet Natural Condition• 1982-1983 Want Average Watana filling first winter 1982-1983 Want Average \{at ana filling second winter 1981-1982 Average Wet Watana operating 1996 1971-1972 Cold Wet Watana operating 1996 1976-1977 Very W~nt Dry Watana operating 1996 1981-1982 Average Wet Watana operating 1996 1982-1983 Want Average Watana operating 2001 1971-1972 Cold Wet Watana operating 2001 1982-1983 Want Averaae Watana & Devil Canyon operatina 2002 1971-1972 Cold Wet Watana & Devil Canyon operatina 2002 1976-1977 Very Want Dry Watana & Devil Canyon opera tina 2002 . 1981-1982 .!veraae Wet Watana & Devil Canyon opera tina 2002 1982-1983 Want Average Watana & Devil Canyon operating 2020 1971-1972 Cold Wet Watana & Devil Canyon operating 2020 1982-1983 Want Average 49