HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS504SUSITNA IIYDROaECTRIC PROJECf ROIpon ..01 Aq""tlc Hob ltlt Surf ..1 Are..to Mainsi'.DIsc:h"ge In 111.Te lk ..tne-to-Oevl l Canyon Reach of the Susltna Rlvor, Alalke By SIloron A.Kllngo r-Klng.I IY E.'body Tr lhey IIlId M .ocl.t•• Undlr Contract To HarzlrEbe sco Susl tn.Joint Venta"" Prepared For AI ..k. Power Author i ty Draft Ro~ort Apri l 1985 .. 5us SO'I SUSI TNA HYDROELECTRI C PROJECT Response of Aq uatic HabItat Surface Area s to Maln 5t.DIs,ch8rge In the Tal k8 etna-to-Oevl l ~nyon Reach of the Susl tna River,Alaska By Sharon A. Kli nger-Kingsley E.Wood y Trl hey and Assocllrtes Und er Co ntra ct To Harza-Eb asco Sus lt"a Jo Int Vent ure Pre pared for '1 ••k .Power Author I ty Dr af t RaJ.'...-f- Apr !I 198' ACKNQl LEDGEMENTS This wc:rk Illes undertl!l ken I n coo perat ion v l th ttl.Al aska Depart. ent o f Fish and G811 8 Sus l t na Hydr o Aquati c Stu dy Team BR C!R &M Consul tant s, I n e.,Anchorage .AI ZIska.AOF &G SuHydro per sonnel partl cl pared In t he derr vlltlon of defini tions for the va r ious habitat ty pes a nd t he d eve l opment of the aq uat ic habitat cl asslf lce t lon key .lhe a erial photography .I~slon s .ere sch eduled through Mr .Steve Bredth auer,R &M Consulta nts,Inc.He did e n 8)(ceptlonal Job g iven the highly varl eble nature of streall 'l ow a nd .e at her c ondit ions. Aer-Ial phOTogr aphy va s flown and phot o e cs et cs and enl argements pre pared by Ai r Pho to Tech, Inc., an d North Pacifi c Aer i al Surv eys ,I nc. , Anc hor"'a ge,Al aska ,under co ntract to the Harz a-Ebesco Susltna joint Yentur~ TABL E Of CONTENTS e- INTROllOCTION ..•••..••••..•••....•..•••••..••••....•••..••••• I I€THCOS 2 Habi t at Types Designa tions •••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••2 f iel d Methods 3 Of f i ce Procedures ••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ), Photo P I etes end EnI ergements.•••••••••••••••••••••••} Habitat Type Boundar ies •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• , Olgltlz Ing , Data Base ••• •••• •• • •• •• ••• • • • • ••• • • • • • ••• • ••• ••••• • • •7 Analysis Procedu res •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••7 RESULTS e DiSCUSSiON 10 REfERENCES 17 APPENDi X 18 I NTROOUCT ION The proposed Susltr.e hydroelect r ic project wil l a lt er t he nat ura l s t re a mfl OW regl ••s of the Susltna R i ver.The river 58g ...e nt do wnst rull from Dev II Canyon t o t he Chul itna R iver c onti uence (lei ke.tn e) 'I OUI d experience notable a lter at ions In natu r ally occ urring str eamflow patt erns,due to Its proximity to the proposed damslt. ,a nd the limited a mount of Infl uence th at t ributary Infl ows neve on total dl5Charge In th is r iver segment. With -p roJeC T d r scn er-ges are expected to be lower t hen natura l I y occurr ing f lo ws dur ing s umme r end hlghe,..In the .I nt e~These a ltered flow s ar e expected t o af fect t he amo unt end seasonal avaI lab ili ty of the a qua t ic hab Itat s present I n the river.This report prov ide,locat io n an d area l extent of various aquat ic hab itat types at d ifferent Illlinst em d I sc har ges.These dat8.In comb i na tion wit h the r es ult s of other st ud ies f ocu sing o n b iol og i ca l fe 8t ures o f ha bi tat s presen t In thi s s egment of th e r iver, will faci l it ate f orecasting t he e f fects o f a ltered s treamflo ws on th e avai l abili t y o f 8q uat lc n ee t r er t o e nee r ce c us an d res l dent fish. Aer ial photography Interpretation.along wi th field r econnaissance.Is b ei ng u sed t o I den ti fy and map va r iou s aq uat ic ha bitat types In the Ta l kee tna-t~Oevl l Canyon reach of the S usltna River (a lso re fe rred t o 85 t he middle Susltna River). In 19 &4 Initia l work on aquatic hablt8t mapping and 5 urfece area Ileasurements determi ned t he location 8nd a mount o f v ar io us aquatic habitat t ypes at malns t e .d ls ch8r g8s of 2',000, 16.000 ;12,50 0,a nd 9,000 c t a,85 meas ure d at the U. S.Geolog ical -1- Survey (USGS)Gold Creek gag ing st at ion (Kl ing er llnd Tr lhey 1984 ). This reporT presents t he surface area response of aquaTi c ha bitat types t o m81 nstem d i scharge at f our addi t iona l streemf l ows: 18,000. 10.600. 7 .400,zmd 5 .100 cfs.The 18,000 ch d ischarge f all s within the 16,000 to 23,000 cfs r ange ••here ~veral s loe s loughs and si de channels become Inundated by lIalnstem water. The low e-three discharges "rov ld e a good basis f or evaluating low flow cond Itions In the river. This report discusses the four sets of aer ia l photogra phy analyzed In 1985 and pr esent s the su r f ace a rea mea s urelll en ts I n c omb Inat Ion .1 th those a na lyzed I n 1984.Ho wevcr ,surface area me asu r eme nt s o bt ai ned from the 9 .000 cfs photogr aphy have bee n omitted from th is e valuat ion. The s urface area me8surements ob t 81ned from the 9.000 ch phot ogrllpny were s us pe cted o f be i ng somewh at Inacc u rate due to di st o r tion s associ ated wit h Ice an d snow cover (KI I nger a nd Trlh ey 1984). The presence of sno w and Ice alade It d ifficult t o accurate ly de termine th e wat er 's edge an d eeesur e the we t t ed surfaces .The 1984 s ur fl!l ce area measurements obtll ined from the 9.000 c fs photography were co mpared wit h 198' su r f8ce 8re8 dat 8 ob ta ine d 8 t 7.400 a nd 10 .600 ct s.The adver se Inf l uenc e of shoreline Ice a nd snow cover on t he eccuracy of the 9,000 c ts data set I s qu ite ev ident from this cOtllparlson (Kl inger 198'). Su rface ar ea mea sur eme nt s for t he s eve n d Isc har ges ev a luated In t h is report pr ov I de an ad equate bas i 5 for I de nt I f yIng the response of specific areas t o streamflow reductions.as we l l as for quantifying change In wet ted surface area of middle river h8b ltat types oyer 8 breed ra nge o f s tre amflows.Although weTt ed s w t eee area may be used 8 S an Indicator of habitat a V81lablllty.It does not rep resent ha bI t at quality.This report does not c ontain a ny st.teCi ents concern ing the s ui ta bil i ty ot the various ha bitat ty pes tor fish, ncr doe s It ad dress how the qu ality ot theee hab ita ts !n ay r e spo nd to ch anges In malnstell dischar ge. MElHOOS Hab Itat Tvp: De5lg not 1OO$ The t ota l wetted s urfece pr ea o f the midd le Suslt na River was class If ied Into six ge ner al a q uatic ha b itat t ype s b a sed o n cr i te r ia v Is ua l ly e v ident In aer ial photograp hy or hel i copter ov erf li ghts :maln stem, sI de channel ,side s lough, upland slough,tr ib utary mout h,and tributa ry. These ha bitat types represent p hys i c al charact er ist ics o f t he env ironment a nd do not necessarily depend upon any particular degree ot uti I lzatlon by 11.1\. The fol lowi ng brief des cr i pti ons were used to IdentIty the six aq uatic habi t at types eval uated In th is s t udy.These def initions are li mit ed to v isu a ll y r e cogn izab le phys ica l c h aract er ist ics present during Ice-free co nd Itions and that are easily Identified from t he air dur ing he l icopter reconn aissance flights .A eer-e det ailed descript ion o f each aquatic habitat type has been pre pared by th e Alaska Department of F ish a nd Gam e (1983 ). Haln$t Qm habi tat ty pes a re th ose c hanne ls o t the r ive r that normal ly conv ey s tre amflOW t hroug hout t he e nt ir e ye ar .They a re -2- visua lly recognizable by thei r turbi d,g lac ial water and hi gh vel ocities. Si d.Cban nel hab itat ty pes a r e a lso c ha ract er ized by tu rb id, glacial water.Veloc it ies often app ear l ower t han In malnstem si tes.Side chan nel habit at Iley exist In wel l-def Ined channel s or In areas typifie d by n umerous Islands an d subm erged gr avel bar s. When the upstrea.be rms o f si de ch ann els a re dewat ered a nd the channels conteln clear we ter,they are class if ied as s ide s loughs. S'd Q Sl ough hab itat types c ont ain c l ear water.Up welli ng and loc al s urface ru no ff are t he pr Imary s ources su pp I yI ng c l e ar wat er t o t hese a reas.Side s loughs have non- vege tat ed upper thal wegs that are overtopped du r ing per iods of moderate to h igh malnstem dlscharg8~When thes e area s a r e o ver top ped they c onvey tur bid wat er lind are t hen c lass if ied a s si de c hannels. Uplond 'Iougb habItat ty pes a lso contain c t ee r-wliter lind depe nd on up.e l II n9 and/or l oca l surf ace ru nof f f or their wat er s o ur ces. Up Ia nd sl o ughs poss ess vegetated upper thai wegs that ar e 581dOll overtopped by malnstem d lscharg& T r ibut ary mou th hab itat types are clear wat er areas that e xist wher e tri b utary str eams flo w In to mal n stem or side c hannel hab itats.Th is ha bitat type Is manif est a s a clear wat er p l ume extend ing ou t I nto the tu r bi d r ece ivin g wat er .Tri b uta ry mout h hat lt at al so extends ups t ream I nt o t he tributar y to t he upper e x te nt o f a ny backwa ter I nf luen ce that might e xist.The sur f ace area of tr ibutary mouth habitat Is af fected bot h by tributary d ischarge and maln stem stage. T rlb yt ory hab ita t t ypes are t ho se reaches of tributary s t re ams up stre am o f the tr ibutary mouTh habi t at s.Tr l but ery hab itat types heve not been evaluated I n this analysi s because tributary habitat Is not I n fl uenced by mal nst em st a g~ Non-we tted areas were cf ess l t l ed a s e ither vege t ated I sl ands or gravel bar s.Areas w ithin the control c orr idor that were quantif ied but not r-et even't to t r..,sur f ece area analysis were Classi fied as "ba ck ground". f igure 1 pr esents a descript ive k ey u sed to c lass i fy ar eas of t he mi ddl e river I nto habi t at t ypes. This key was ad apt ed from the Al as ka Depa rtment of Fish and Game Sus ltna Hydro Aquatic Stud I es (1983 ) classification Index for aquat ic habitat types. flold M@thods Camp I ete photograph I e coverage was obta I ned for seven lila I nstem d ischarges In the Tal keetn~t~evll Canyon roach of the Susl t na Ri v er. Black-and-w h ite aer ia l photographs .er.obta ined at an approxima te sca le of 1 Inch .1000 teet,with a 60 pe r cent ov er l ap bet ween ad j ace nt photos.The dates of the photography and mal nstelll discharges as mea s ured at th e USGS Gold Cr eek g agi ng station (No.15292000 )at t he time of photography are presented I n Tab le I . -3- 'r ee te 1.Oates and ",aln stem d i sc harges at wh i ch aeria l phot ography of the Ta l keetna-ta-Devll Canyon reach was obtalne~ JlA1I PI$<;b§rge (e l$) 6- 1-82 23,000 8-24 -80 18,000 9-11-63 16,000 9-6-83 12 ,500 9-9-64 10 ,600 10-4-84 7 ,400 10-14-84 5,100 Helicopter reconnaissance fl ig hts ~ere co nducted ov er th e Talkeetna-to- Devil Canyon reach at maln stem discharges si milar t o those a t whi ch the aer-I al photogra phy was o bt a I ned.Our I ng e ach of th ese r econnaI sse nee fli ghts, aquati c habitat ty pes werG Identified using the key prese nted as F i gure 1,and their l oca ti ons were mapped on 1 I nch .1000 feet sc a le bl uel Ine prints o f the Susltna River.Dewatered g r ave l b ers and streambank areas wer o ske tched o n the blu~l l ne pri nts a s wer e bo unda ri es o f the var ious hab itat ty pe. Qfflce prQCedyres Pbgto PIAtOS o nd F n l o rg~ Photographic mosai cs .ere prepared from th e o verlappi ng black-end-w h ite photos to prov ide continuous I Inch ·1000 feet coverage of the Tal keetn~to-Oev ll Cenyon reach for eac h of the 58ven d l schal"ges.The ITotal SUr1ICI Ar"l01 R....et'Con"dor Oft PholO Moulcs IT'''II W,",d I Total MOtto_lied I Surf-e:,.lo r..I I Svrt'C"C Are a I~Tuft)id,elKla' WIt.r I W•••r SurflCl ... .Surf'c••r., 'lI9I1al,d ,zpo&ed I blinds and s u"mbanlls rWltfcorridor and gra..,..tlars I IIDlslin9ul~lutN.Surl ac.e I I lnd ;~tln9 uiAl\atN.Of CJ'I,"ne'con'l'),'_1 IC"___<yOJ Walltl'$ot.lru ot 50 1'/\1 Inllgn irlea nl Surf ac.>1 ~of Signir.e.nc.Wallr So!.H'et <.1Mi Ol lota l now lo lal now I III Oearwll ltf 01_,1",plum.I I flow not Of flow Ilklty IV'1l.\ll~INO_'9'lIl~IIlkety10bel"nul ltCld by u pper uppe rInnu.nc~by main,,:,,"...lIr tNtwlll tha lwigmainsl.m waler s.urtac••lw..tlonsurfl«1~lllon I I Surfacl ,,...Surfacl ..r,a 01 SidI Cf\annel oI lN1inSllm I I h..bill1 hab illt ....~Surf ac •Sutl ac.Surface .r,.o r ""of II.'of.r..01 trtlNllry upland 1'01.IrilNtary ~'"alo Ui".......tul bilJ,'"a bllat ha tKIal hab itat A GURE 1 Key 10 aquatiC h ab illl classlfl~tJon tOt the Tal kee tna 10 Devil Ca n yon teach or the $ua ltna River.(RM 101 10 1U ). -4- photo mosai cs were su bd iv ided I nto e Ighteen sections of appr oxl .ately the same l ength, with a s .al l a~nt of overlap between adjo in ing river se cti ons. A s et of e igh teen 4-1/2 Inch by 15 I nch ph ot opl at es was printed f or ea ch of the seven d lsch.-ges (Append ix O .For t he sets of photogra phy taken at 23,000;18,000;16,000 ;a nd 12~00 cts,each photo p late WOJ s carefully exami ned a nd areas t hat were t oo sm a l l In size to prov I de deta II ed resol ut Ion wer e en lar ged t o a sca l e of 1 Inch ·25 0 feet.Al l s et s of ph otognll phy taken et 10 ,600 ;7 ,400,and 5,100 c fs, were enlerged to e seat e of 1 I nch ·250 feet. Hnb ttot Type BouodArles Aquat ic ha bi t at boundar ies .apped o n the b lue l Ine pr in ts dur ing t he he licopter reconnai ssance flights were trensf erred t o correspond i ng s e ts of photogrephs. F igure 2 prov ides an e )Ulm p l e of th e technique used for t he phot ogr ap hy ta ken at 23 ,00 0;18 ,000 ;16 ,COO;a nd 12 ,500 cfs.The technique used for the photogrep:--y taken a t 10,600 ,7,400;and 5,100 c 15 was essentia lly t he same,with t he e xception that no enlargement a reas were def Ined becau se t he ent I re set of ph ot ogrlllphy ves pr I nted lit t he enllll rged sClllle of 1 :nch ·2 50 faet.A total a t 35 adj oin ing plates were needed to co ver t he en t ire TalkaQtna-to-Dev ll Canyon reach at that sca le.Matc hl loes were drewn on ad j o i n i ng photo plates to ensure t hat habi tat areas wi th i n over lapp i ng secti ons near tha edge s a t the p lates .ere not co un ted twice.The boundary of each e n largement area was establ ished us ing prominent topograph ic features I n the photography and drawn on bot h th e plate and t he In di vi dual en iarge lllent.Th is ensured that areas within t he enlargement cou ld be summed a nd compared with the e n largement area o n the p late. -5- The externa l boundaries o f th e tota l er-ee t o be Inc luded In the s urf ace area anal ys is (cont r o l a rea)were def I ned o n eac h p l at.,s o t hat s u b- areas w ith I n t he c ont ro l ar ea c aul d be t ot a I ed and co mpared w ith th e total con tro l area of that pl a te.In In eny cases ,It was nece Jury t o go beyon d the river channel bounderles t o establ ish en Icent ltlab le con trol MINI boundar y.The area t ocat ed betwe8n the control a rea boundary an d the river channel was d l ~ltl zed as "background"(r-efer to Figure 2 b). 010 't1zl oo I n t h is report,dig it iz ing refers to t he process of ca lcu l at ing the area wlthln a per I met er c I rcu mscr l bed o n t he areal ph ot ogr aph s .Area c a lcu lations were ma de usi ng a Numon l cs Mode l 2 400 Dl g l TllI b l et lin d El e ctro nic Graphi cs Ca lcu lator conne cted to an Ep son HX -20 No tebook Comput er.Pri or to d i g i t iz i ng e ac h phot o p late a nd enlar geme nt, boundar ies we r e dr awn around ea ch wetted a nd non- wet t ed hab i tat el ement. By tracing the per imeter o f a g i ven ar ea '1 1t h the Num onlcs Ol glTab l et cursor ,~he area c i rc um scr ibed 15 ca lc ulated by t he Graphi cs Cal culator to a n accurecy o f 0 .01 sq uare Inch.This accu racy 15 less t han th et o f dellneetlon and operator t racing error. Dig itiz ing strategy c ons Is ted o f d ig i t iz ing th e c ontro l area,the e nl a rg emen ts (If pre sent )and elem ents w it hi n the c ont r ol are~If enlarge ment s were present,the tota l arelll of the en iergelllent ~a s d ig it ized and t he n t he e lement s wit h i n It. Eac h ar ea c alc ulat ion was perf or.ad t.lce.If t he percent e rror betw een th e t wo measur ements was greater t han five percent,the area was red l gl tlzed unt i l th e per cent agreement was l ess tha n five.An I nte r ac tIve c omput er p rogra m was FIGURE za .Example ot a Susitna Ri ver segment w i th habitat types m apped and c lass if i ed . 2b .Exam ple 01 t he s ame rlv ~r seg men t as delineated prior t o digitizing. -6 - developed for th e HX-2O,which pr ompted the dlg ltlz Ing ope r ator f or th e pI ate number,f Io w code,c ont rol a r ea nu.ber,enl erg e. e nt nu . ber (If en t ergeeen t ),enlargement fector,habi tat code,e leme nt number and t he digi t ized area (tra nsf erred from the gr aphics cal culator).The progralll ch ecked percent agreemeflt f or e ach meas.urement,a nd perfor med the summntlon o f elame nt s for compar ison wi th t he Init i al con trol a rea measurement. pot a B§$@ Sur face area me as urement s that hed been stored on the Epson megnetl c tape c essettes were trans fe rre d I nto a c omput er ized da t a base f or storage,sorting,end SUbsequ ent anal ysl:..Eoch I ndivi dua l s urface ar ea meas ureee nt was entered a s a se para te record that e04bled Identificat ion by discharge,photograph (correspond ing to a river mile I ndex) ,a nd In divid ual area num ber. Correct ion factor s wer e e nt er ed to s t andardi ze t o a c ommon sc ale o f 1 I nc h·1000 f e et.Due t o prev ai ling weat her factors at the time the aerial phot ography flights,slight vari ations In sc ale occ ur red I n th e v ari ous p hoto s et s.Surface area s with in enlargement areas and for those sets of photos printed Antlrely at the enlarged scale were d ivided by a fector o f 16 to a ccount f or the fo urfold d ifference In scal e between 1 Inc h ·250 feet <!Ind I Inc h .1000 feet. -7- Surface a reas were s umm ed by heblt at type for the entire river corridor bet ween Ta lke.tna an d Dev il Cany on for e ach of t he seve n d ischa rges. Percentages of the total river s urface a rea r epresen ted by ee cn aquat ic hab itat type were ca lcu lated for each of the s even discharges. Becaus e the chang e I n surfece area of aqua t i c ha b itat Is a function of dlscher-ge a nd c hannel geOflletry,the Talkeetne-to-Dev ll Cenyon reac h was sub di vi ded I nto four segmen ts,ea ch possessing somewhet different geolllorpholog ical c ha ra ct er ist Ic s.RM 101 t o 113 CT a lke etne-to-l ane Creek)Is a re latively c hannel Ized se gment of th e midd le r iver with fe w mid-channel vegetated Isl onds or gravel ba r s ;:few side channels branch off frOIl the malnstem .RM 113 to 122 (l ane Creek-ta-Curry )Is a mor e bra ided s ~llenf with IllIld -channel Islands and si de c hanne ls branc hing frOID t he malnstelD.RM 122 to 138 (Curry-fa-Go ld Creek )Is a br a ided segment wit h l orge mid-channel Is lands and grllvel ba rs.Nu merous s ide channe l s bra nch o ff fr om the ma lnsfe m.RM 138 t o 14 9 (Go l d Cr eek- t o- Dev il Canyon)15 a more channe lized segment wi t h s o me l arge side channe ls br anching off from the ma i nsfelll.Tot al surface ar eas o f each habitat type wit hin these segments were determ ined to focus attent ion on th e d ivers ity of habi tat types and surface area responses among se gm enTS '11th d ifferent morphologic ch ar acterlstlc~ Avera ge mont h I y d isch ar ges f or th e Su s It n8 R iver at Go l d Cr eek r ange f rom 1,500 cfs In wlnfer to 28,000 cfs dur ing s ummerJ the ave rage a nnual dischar ge Is 9 ,7 00 cfs (fig ure 'a).Sno wmelt runoff dur ing June and e arly JUl y accompanied by glac ial melt and r ainfal l r unoff du ring July 30 .0 00..,..----------------, 25 .000 15 .00 0 RESULTS type surface areas as a function of malnstem discharge for other d ischarges was referenced to the digit ized surface areas on t he 23,000 cfs photography. to dep ict baseline mid-summer conditions.The percent change In habit at Canyon reach of the Susltna River.Therefore,th is photograp hy was used From an analysis of the hydrologic data,It was determined that the aer ial photography obtained at a malnstem discharge of 23,000 cfs represents a typ Ica I mid-summer discharge for the Tal keetna-t~Dev I I and August provide st~ble and persistent high summer discharges (FIgure 3b,c,dl. r-,-f-- <,t-, I I I I I I I.I I I I I , ,I I JUNE. B. 10 o 10 2 0 3 0 40 SO 60 7 0 80 90 100 ¥II 01 Tim e Di s: harge Equall ed or Exceeded 10a 6 4 10' a 6 10'a 6 .. u "Ic A SONDJFMAIAJ Months A. Ave rage 1oI0nthly_ 5,000 10 ,000 20 .000.. u "i ~ is C.D. FIGURE 3 Average annual discharge and ave rage monthly d ischarges for the Sus ltna River at Gold Creek (adapted from Scu lly, Leveen ,and George 1978)j b ,c ,d .Monthly flow dura tion curves for the Susitna River at Gold Creek (adapted from Acres American Inc. 1983).. s ide channel ha bi t at s decreased with decr~aslng d isc ha rge. associated with specific geographical location and the habitat type Surface area values presented I n Table 2 ~ere plotted to Illustrate the surface area responses of indiv idual habitat types I n response t o changes In ma I nste discharge (FIgure 4l.Surface areas of ma I nstem and some cases,such as for tributaries and their mouths,habitat type Is Canyon reach of the Susitna River are presented In Table 2.These persists over a broad range of streamflows even though the surface areas habitat types represent physical characteristics of the environment.In may respond significantly to changes In dlscharg~In other Instances, another as river stage Increases or decreases. specific geographic locations transform from one habitat type Into Total surface areas for aquatic habitat types I n the Talkeetna-t~Devl l I .......,,Ir.......-'I l'\ I I AUGUST. 10' 8 6 4 10' 8 6 10 o \0 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 \00 ¥II 01 Ti me Disc harge Equalled or Exceeded 10 ' 3 6 .. u "!i ~c ----'- I JULY.10 o 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 ao 9C 100 ~0'Ti m. Discharge Equalled or £acceded 10' 8 "6 4 10'a 6 10'a 6 .. u e !i ~c -8- PR OVIS IDNAl E.Wooty Trihey £.AssocIat es Date 1 ---'('t 5 Tabl e 2 .Tot~1 s ur face areas by h~bl Tat ty pe within the Ta l k ee tna-t~D8vll Canyon reach of t he sustme River. 1 .500 r-.T""T""T""T""T'"T'"T'"T'"T'"............................,.....,..""T""T... MAIN STEM Surt ne'Ar"(ner,,1 by Q I lS b"rg' HO b Itat Ty pe ,1 00 c 's :wJl!L<.t.o JO MQ c1$12 ,po C is 16 pop C is 18000 cts "pop cfs Malns1.2 ",58 .t 2~99 .6 21lO5.9 2850 .4 3158 .5 '.3737.2i5 Si de Channel 729.7 768 .7 968.7 1095 .5 1222 .2 ~1240 .7 " Si de S Iou9h 121.4 144 .0 U C.2 118.1 .,.e -c '2.5>-e u ~upland Sl ough 1'.l 22.9 19.6 23.6 2 2 .6 .24 .4 'C;r- ~•Tr l buhry Mouth 15 .9 15 .1 18 .6 26.2 2'.':...12.1..- Crave I Bor 2'18 .'23 01.2 18",8.4 1127.7 1419 .2 .,t:.,81 5.8,.. T ..: Yege t . t e d Bar 1945 .4 2 130 .S 2 080 .2 1919 .1 2011.4 .""(.":..1718 .4 PRO VISIOIlAl E.Wo ody Trihey &Ass ociates Date 1-:0 -8 5 1,0 00 ~.... ~ "..-.... ~ <.. "..-100~ "til 5 0 --....SIOE CHANNEL PLANO SLOUGH 10 L.JL....JL....JL...I:....J-l-l-l.-l--l.--I.--I.....L.....L.....L.....L.....L...L...J....J I>10 15 Maln.tem D ischarge at Gold Creek F IGUR E 4 Su rface area responses to ma lns tem d ischa rge in the Tatkeetna-tc-Devil Canyon reach 01 the susn ne n iver (RM 101 '0 149). -9 - COnc ur rentl y, expo sed grave l ba r surface area Inc rUHd with deereased disCharge . SI de slough sur f a ce area Incre ased wi th deer"S I "g d I $Charge dow"to a .a lnste_discharge o f 7 ,..00 efs, a nd then decreased at 5,1 00 cfs. Upland sl Cou gh surface area reaalned rel atively constant av er th e range of aa lnst.d i scharges,deCreasing so-ewnat a t 5 ,100 cfs.Surface a rea of tr i butary IIOU th hab itat peaked a t I nt e r.eellat .flows of 16,000 and 12,500 ch.Vegetated bar surface area r ..a lned relati vely constant ovet' the r ange of malnst ••d ischarges. Ta ble 3 present s the percentage of th e total ri ver corri dOr repr esented by each habi t at type for Bach o f t he S8ven ID alnste.d i schar ges.Tab l e" pr e sen ts t he percent change I n t he s urf ace area of e ac h habi t at t ype with de cr ea s ing d ischarge as c alc ulated f r om a bas eli ne d Isc harge of 2 3,000 cts. Th& Ta l kee tna-to-OevII Canyon reach was di vided I nt o four segments based upon differing geomor pholog ical c harac+er lst lcs.These s egments e xtend from a pproxillat el y r iv er li lies <RM )101 t o 113 ,113 to 122, 122 to 138, and 138 to "'9.aeeecse o f d I tferences I n the eeount o f sur fa ce a r ea w it h i n e ach river se gll ent and the desire to accen t the r e sponse o f habi t at su r face areas within t he ...Ivet" segmen ts,surface ar eas f or the var ious habitat types ar e reported as the percent of total Mea In the r lv'!lt'corr idor <Figu re 5 ).Figure 6 presents a rel a tive compa rison of total surface areas c a lculated for var ious hab itat types with in t he -10- en ti re T alkee tn~t~evll Canyon r each and wit hin th e fou r se g _ent s In res ponse to ch anging _alnst.di sch arge. DISCUSSION Air photo Inter pret a ti on Is highly dependent upon th e qu al ity of the photogr aphy. Al though eec h se t ot photogr aphs obtaIned Ie<"tills study was genera lly clear a nd complete,the t l ..of dey,da t e, and preva il ing wea t her c on di t i ons at t he tl_e 'the aerial photograp h ic .I s sl ons w. re flo wn affected th e extent to wh i ch deta i led river ine fe atures w. r e vis ible. The 23 ,000 c fs phot ograp hy,ta ke n on June 1,1 982,_a s ob tained at a tl.e o f t he year when the su n was a t B high ang le and de c ld lou s ve get at ion had not fU ll y lea fed -out. Thi s re s u lted In f ew shadO w$, e nabl ing e xce llent del ineat ion of wat e r 's e dge a nd s lou gh ec uneer t es. The 7,40 0 c f s and 5 ,100 cf s pho tograp hy,obtained on Octobe r 4 and 1", 1984,respectively,h8ve e xt ens ive areas of sh adows al ong t he s out h a nd eest sh orelines.Thi s was due pr imarily to the l ow sun an gle dur ing t hat t lllle o f year.These sh adows sometimes obscured the wa ter's edge and made so me su r-t eee area delineations mere d i ff icul t.The rem aining sets of photography had Isol ated shadow prObl8llls. In spite o f the minor problems w it h ph otograph ic detail ,ac curate a nd r-et r eete s urface a rea ••asure.ents ~er.o bt a ined using various techniques to aid I n del ineat ions. Tabl e ).Surf ace areas by hab itat typ e within the Tel ke etna-To-Dev II Canyo n r each o f th e Sus ltna River expressed as a percentage of t he t otlSl r llfCf'COf"'r idor are a. PeCCt o tcg.b y Q'Vb"CQft Table 4.PercenT change In d l gl f l z ed surface areas relative to corres ponding a r eas pre $e nt aT 23 ,000 c ts. prrctltlt tlQft Cbl'lOCt'by O l ghOr p ' HOb I tot Ty po Malnst " Si d.Ch"tln el S id .S l oug h Up l and S lough Tr l but ery Mouth y.s-tate d Ber 5 l Op eta 31.5 I.. 0 .2 0 .2 32.3 ~ 32.5 9 .6 I.. 0 .3 0 .2 28 .8 26 .7 10600 e ft .35 .6 12 .3 1 .7 0 .2 0 .2 2'.4 26 .4 '7 '00 e ta 36.7 14 .1 1 .5 0 .3 0 .3 22 .2 24.7 '6 QOO CIs 39 .7 15.c 18000 ct , ~-:-c ~ r:-',.. i 4 ~ "OOQ cIs 49.1 16.3 0.7 0.3 0 .2 10.7 22.6 HelD I tnt Typo S ide Channel Side Slough Up l and Sl ough Tr i butary Mouth Gr aYel Bar e- 0;\.,0 ~..;~ ;~;; H e: 63.4 -1 •• 1(19.1 74 .0 12 ,PO c ts -23 .7 "1 1.7 12 5.0 -3.3 116.5 11 1.8 1Q 600 C fs -24 .9 -21 .9 1" .6 -19.7 '3.7 126 .b -'0 .4 -3-4.2 -38.0 -41.2 174.3 131.2 -6.1 -37 .3 24.8 '1.4 1$2 .1 208 .1 PIl0VISlONAL E.Woody Trlhey &Assoc iates Date 1 ·...)(··e-:; -11- PRO \1SI0 IlAL E.Wood'; Trlhey &Assxla tes Date ::1 -;.r.•s "; IlIA INSTEM PROVISIO'!Al E.WOOft/Trihey G Associates Dale -I iX··f 'j -. (x'D e ta) d S IDE S L OUGH 5 1 a 15 2 0 M a l nste m D i s ch a rge a t G old Cr ••ll: •• ;: 2 0 c •'0 SI DE ..'A •~e o-e ••.:!50·,.. ~40 "··•o .0 c•e•..-.h:,o c is) b 2 0 Ma ln sl e m Dl ach ar ge .t Gold Cr.a k a •• <00 ••~50,.. •U·•·or 2 0 ••..10 c•S IDE SLO UO H•••10 ,... "..In . ta m D h ch .,g ••t Gol d C r. ak cis) -. htD AI NSTEM G RAVEL"BA R S IDE C HA NNE L 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 Ma ln s'ftm D i s c h arg a a t Go ld Cr.a k SIDE S LOUGH~•e•.. •~e o < •a ~SO ·••cr 2 0.. a..10 ,.. ~40 "·~ U -.(x 1 0 eta) 2 0 SI CE SL OUG HI. GRAV EL 'B AR SIDE C H AN NEL '0 •••00-e ••~SO,.. ~-40 O?·•U .0·•• or 2 0.. ;;..'a ~•u ••.. F igure 5.Su rface a rea responses to main stem di scharge expressed a s a p erc en tage o f the tota l river c or r i do r surface a rea . Seqment a :Talk e etna -to -Lane Creek (RM 101 to 1131,S eqment b :Lane Creex- t o- Cur r y (RM 11 3 to 122),Seqment c : Curry -to-Gol d Creek (RM 122 t o 1 3 8);Segmen t d :Gold creek -t o -De v i l Can y on IRM 138 to 14 9). -12- PIIOVlIIOIlAL E.WOOIty Trlhey &Associa tes Data '1 .'8£-c !i 23 .000 @D' .:.:-:--.'.. @)' :;:;::-.\.. ~"I ··~~~l:...._. 18.00012.80010••0074008100 G~~'. ..~~,; J:I:-:.' :-:.:,'. '';-. (R M 12210 138 ) (RM 10 110 113 ) (RM l 13 10122) (RM 101 to 149 ) Gol d C reek 10 ( R M 138 10 149 ) De vil C anyon Curry to GoldCreek Talkeetr:a 10 Lane C reek La ne Cr eek 10 Curry Talkeetna to Dev il Canyon Vegetation S ide S lough LEGEND o Upland Slough o Tributary Mouth 1:-:-:-1 Gravel Bar o Mainstem m Sije Channel F i gure 6 .A compar ison of rela t i ve amounts o f the d ifferent habitat t ypes c ompris ing v a riou s segments o f the Susltna Ri ve r a t six ma instem d i scharge s. -13- Aquat ic habitat su rf ace Drea r es po nses are a fu nct ion of str88mf low en d c h annel geolletry. Saa l l l oca l cha n ges wer e observed during t he tille per iod I n which the sets of ph otogr aphy wer e ob t a ined.These s mal I ch anges were thOugh t to have an In5lg nl flc,ant effect on the accuraCy of the surface a r ea meas urements or the ,abil ity to .ake comparisons between photographs taken I n diff eren t years.If channe l geo.etry re.alns reiat iy ely con stant oyer t 11l8,then the a quat ic h ab itat surface a r ea re sponses can a lso be expected t o rema in con stant.Thar£fore,the results presented here are representatlYe of open e et er condit ions a nd exist ing ch annel geometry. The proposed project Is e xpected t o r esult In a longer ope n- water season than Is present under natural cond it ions.I n add It ion , when f reeze-up occ ur s,the l oc ati on of t he Ice f r ont 15 a nt ic ipat ed t o occur h r ther downstrwall,leayln g portion s of the middle rlyer Ice-free (Harze-Ebasco 1985 •• b). Some changes I n channel morphology are antic ipated.The ma'nstem ch anne l 15 expec t e d t o d e grade by a s muc h a s a f o ot,leavi ng some si de ch annel 8 nd s lo ugh ar eas perc hed.This would r e s ul t In a hIgher ma lns t em stage requi red to o vertop the e l t u vle!berms (Harza-E ba s co 19850). The surface eree response petterns presented here co ul d be ad justed to acco unt for 811 tered breach I"g di scharge ,of ver-l o u&&Ioughs and 5 Ide channel s an d, t her ef oro,be a pplicable to a post-project scenario.It must be re-emphas lzed,ho wever,that the res u lts of this study make no -14- asseSSllent of the qua l i ty o f th e ha bita ts or the ir su itabi l ity for use by fish. Definitions for aq uat ic hab itat types used In this stUdy represent a set of visually recogn iz abl e,strea_flow dependent phy sica l c ha racter isti cs that do not r es tri ct the oc currence o f a par t iCUlar h a bi t a t type t o f ixed geograph ica l locat ions.An e xamp le of tha fl ow-dependent ~at ur e of t t.sa def in it i ons Is r ef l ect ed by s ide slough and s ide channel habitats.S ide sloughs,by defin i tion,are clear wat er habi t ats I n which the flow Is lIIalntalned by upwell ing and l ocal s urf ace ru noff.A non-ve getated alluylal berm at the up s tream end of the dewatered oyerflow ch an nel s ep arates the clear wat er ~a b l t a t fr om the act lye Chan ne l.When lIIalns tem discharge Inc reases an d r-Iver stage rises .t he alluv ial berm at the head o f the slough 15 cver t ocped,Turbid malnst em wat er f lows Into t he c hannel and rep laces the for mer c lear water hab itat wit h deepe r,f aster-flowing tu r bi d wat er. The aquat ic habitat at this locat ion then f its the defi nition of s ide channel habitat.Conye rsely, a s malnst em disch arge de c r ea s es, a reas class lf"td as side channels may become cut of f from malnst em f low at the Ir upstream e nd and become clear water habi tats.I f the clea r water I nf l ow t o t h ese sys tems Is sufficient to maint ain a downstream con nec tion wi th t he mal nstem.these areas then fi t the def in it ion o f s i de s lough hab itat. General trend s I n s u rface area response to mal n stera discharge became apparent I n this study.As .a l ns tem di s charge decreased,the s ur f ace area of both mal nst em and side channel habitat t ypes de creased. Concurrently,s Ide slough habi t at s ur faco area I ncr e ased wi th decreasing d ischarge.The decrease I n s ide s lough surface a rea sh own e-t 5,100 cfs was due to some of the sloughs dewatering at their downstream end leaving remnant,ponded water which was not considered available habitat. The ~urface area response of malnstem,side channel,and side slough habitat Is not necessarily directly correlated with habitat quality.In malnstem and some sl :e channel habitats,velocity and depth are limiting factors for the distribution of fish.As malnstem and side channel surface areas decrease with decreasing malnstem stage,water depths and velocities In these areas are reduced,making these habitats more suItab Ie for use by fish.ConverseIy, as maInstem discharge decreases and sIde slough habItat Incr eases,these aIready she II ow slough areas may become even shallower with very low velocities.Access Into these areas may become a problem and/or the shallow depths of the sloughs themselves may result In less than suitable habitat. Tributary mouths and upland sloughs are the other source of clear water habitats In the middle river.Tributary mouth habitat surface area Is a function of both malnstem discharge and tributary flow.Surface area was low at a maI nstem discharge of 23,000 cfs,Incr eased at moderate malnstem d ischarges and then decreased at discharges of 10,600 cfs and below. At 23,000 cfs,the combination of high malnste..stage and water velocities resulted In a shearing off of the clear water plume as It entered the malnstem .The decrease In tributary mouth surface area at the lower malnstem discharges probably reflects lower tributary flows . Upland s lough surface area remained relatively constant over the range of maI nstem discharges Invest !gated.At 5,100 cfs,the sur-race area -15- decrease was due to the mouths of some upland sloughs becoming dewatered leaving the sloughs as remnant,ponded areas I naccessible to fish. As malnstem discharge decreased,the combined surface area of clear water habitats Increased.This Increase In clear water Is Import ant not only as potential juvenile salmon rearing habitat,but could be of I mportance for pr Imary and secondary product Ion If these c I ear water areas remained relatively stabl~For example,a reduction In ma lnstem discharge from 23,000 to 10,600 cfs (essentially halv ing the mid-summer flow)results In a 200 percent Increase In tota l clear water s urface area with a 50 percent decrease In turbid water surface area,and a 125 percent Increase In exposed gravel bars.Even a decrease In discharge from 23,000 to 16,000 cfs results In a 170 percent Increase In clear water,primarily due to Increased tributary mou th surface area. It must be re-emphaslzed he re t hat an Increase I n clear water surface area Is not directly correlated with a~Increase I n sui tab le fish habitat.By defin it ion,side sloughs are clear water areas mainta ined by upwelling.Without field verification,It I s diff icult to distingu ish between true side sloughs and areas containing clear water due to settling out of s uspended sed iments and poss ibly dilu tion by surface water runoff once the upstream berm o f a s Ide c hanne l Is dewatered. Different segments of th e mIddIe Sus I tna River appear different morphologically and vary In the relative amounts of wetted areas,gravel bars,and vegetated Is lands.ina II segments,maI nstem a nd vegetated Island surface areas predominate.The greatest diversity occurs In the Lane Creek-to-Gold Creek segment (RM 113 to 138l,In which a greater percentage of the total surface area Is represented by gravel and vegetated bars.This river segment Is characterized by a more braided channel pattern.In these areas,the relatively large edge effect due to the numerous Islands and gravel bars may result In the potential for creation of more usable habitat along channel margins and In channels with higher streambed elevations as malnstem stage drops and water velocities are reduced.In contrast,relatively steep-banked, channelized segments of the rl ver where edge effects are minImal wIII probably not show as large an Increase In potential habitat. The results of this study can be used to Indicate the potential for Increase or decrease In the amount of usable habitat by evaluating surface area responses of various habitat types.The term usable habitat would Include not only fish habitat,but also aquatic habitats suitable for primary and secondary production.However,the I Imitations of the surface area data generated by this study must be realized. These I Imitations reflect the strictly physical descriptions of the habItat ty pes def Ined here. The results of this study,however,can be applied to both ongoing and future additional studies which focus more directly on various biological features of aquatic habitats.Habitat recon work (Aaserude, et at,1985) focused on further defining and subdividing habitat types Into categor Ies whIch more spec I flea IIy def Ine habItat attr Ibutes and responses to flow. Fish utilization data (Hoffman 1985)will be applied to the results of the habitat recon work to provide a measure of t he -16- suitability of the various aque t lc habitats for use by adult and juven IIe sal mono Measurements of primary production In the middle river are artlclpated from AEID~This work, In combination with the development of a euphot Ic surf ace area response mode I (Reub,et aI. 1985), wIII address the issue of with-proJect pr Imary production potent IaI. These stud Ies wll I provide biological significance to the Increase In total surface area of clear water habitats seen In this study as malnstem discharge decreased. The surf ace area response data presented here represent a port Ion of a much larger Integrated data base which,when complete,will facilitate the forecasting of the effects of altered streamflows on the biological and habitat components of the middle Susltna River. Aaser ude, R.J .,J . Th i e l e,a nd O. Tr udgen.1985.~t .g od z at l on a nd c ha racter izat ion o f aqua t ic h a bitat t ypes of t he mi ddl e Sus ltna Ri ver.E.Wood y Tr lhey a nd A, soc la te s .Ancho ra ge,AK. Tech n i cal Il.-orandum. , vet, Aere s Aller le an In c .19 83.Susltna hydr oel ectric pro ject f ERC l icen se appl i cat ion,Exh ib it E,Chapter 2, Anchoragtl,AA. Alaska Department of f ish and Game, Susl tna Hydro Aquat ic Stud Ies.1983. Phase II ea s t e data report.Yol.4l Aquat ic habi t at and I ns t r e a. f low stUd ies,1982 .Anchorage,AX .Part 1 ,p.2. Bredt hau er,5.,a nd 8.Drage.1982 .Alaska Po wer Author it y,sus r t ne hydroe lectr ic project;task 3 -hydro logy;r iver IlOt"phology.F\&N Consultants, Inc.,Anchorage,AA.RepClr't for Acre s Am e rl cen I nc. Her-ae-Eeescc Susltna J o int Yenture.198'&.Roservo lr-r lver t emperdures a nd Ice s imulations f or Wetana only operating In 2001.Volume 5, Appe ndi x G.Report for Alaska Power Authorit y.Sus l t n a Hydroe l ectr Ic Project.Document 2604. ______•198'b.Reservoir-river temperatures and Ice si mula ti ons tor Watena and Dev i l Cenyon op erat ing In 2002 .Volu me 6 .Append ix H.Rep ort t or Aleska Power Aut hor Ity. Susltna Hy dr oelect ri c Pr oject.Document 260~. ______•198'c.Nl ddle Sus l tna River Sed J llent at l on StUdy:Stream ch ennel stab il ity a na lys is o f s e lected sl oughs.si de c ha nne ls a nd ma in c hanne l l oca ti ons (Dr a ft ). Repo rt for Alaska Po wer Aut hor ity, Anchorage,AK . I vet , R£F~R ENCf:S -17- Hoffean.A.198'.Tec hnl ca 're port.Su ••a r y of s al.on f i Shery data c oll ected a t .I ddl e Sus lt na R iv er s ltes.(Dr aft).Sus .tna Hydro Aquat ic Stud ies,Alaska Depar t.ent of f ish and Ga.e.1 vo r, Kl inge r,S.1985. Ana l ys is of _I ddl .S u sltna River a e ri al ph ot o gr ap hy and deter.lnat lon of aqua t ic habitat ty pe s ur-tece areas.E. Woody Tr lhey and Assoc iates.Anchorage.AX..Technical memorandum..6 pp. Kl inger.5•• and W.Trl hey.1984. Response o f a qua ti c hab i tat sur-t ece areas t o lDa lnstem d Ischarge I n the Ta l keetn~to-De\'l l Canyon r each o f th e Su s lt na Rlv .r,Ala ska.E.Wood y Trlhey and Assoc iates. Report t or Alas ka Pover Au thor ity.Sus l tna Hy dr oelectri c Proje ct. Docume nt 1693. 1 vo l. Reub.G.,E.W.Tr lhey,and C. Wil k inson.1985.Pre l iminar y an a lys is of t he I nf lu ence of a lter. d midd le river d isc har ge and t ur bid it y r egi mes on the sur face ar ea of the euphot ic zone. E.Woody Tr lh ey and Associates.Anchorage.AX..Technical meonorandum .I vel, SCUlly,D.R.,l .S.La veen,and R. S.Geor ge.1978 . Sur t ece v ater record s of Cook Inlet Basin ,Alaska.throug h S eptemb er 197'. U.S. Geol 09 1<.>I Survey .AnchOt"age.IV<.Open-fi le Repor t 78- 498 .102 pp, Appendix 1 .Plates. MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGENp lAS MAINSTR EA M 5 C SI DE Cti AUNEL !;S S ID E SLOUGH US UPLAN D SLOUGH T M TRI B UT ARY M OU TH T T RI B U TARY RIVER M i lE PLATE 1 OF 18 RIVERMilE 147 TO 149 ALASKA POWER AUTHORI TY SU SrTNA H YDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT EWT &A HARZA • :9A5CO E.WOOOYTR!HEY susrrnAJOUlT vENTURE&ASSOCIA.TES MIDD LE S USI TNA RIVER SUSIT NA HY DROELEC TRIC PROJECTusMAINSTREA M SC S IDE CH ANrlE l SS S IDE S LOUG H U S U PL,A tlO S LOUG H T M T RI BUT ARy M O UTH T T RIOUT AA Y RIVE R M IL E PLA TE 1 OF 18 RIVEA MILE 147 TO 149 E WT &'\ E.WOODYm lHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA •sa,!,s::::. SUSIT""AJOIUTVENTURE M S M AI N S TREAlA S C S I DE C Il AU U EL T M TR I BU T ARY MO UT H SS S ID E S LO UG H T T RI BU T AR Y U S U PLA ND S L O UG U "u rv e n MI L E Iill'T &-a E.WOODY 1f:1H EY &ASSOCIATES PR OJEC T H';',RZ.!'."ElA SCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE HARZA - Ea ASCO SUSn NA .I)IN'TVENTURE ALASKA PO WER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT&A E.WOO DY TR IHEY &A SSOCIATE S RIV ER MILE 147 T O 149 MIDD LE SUSITNA RIVER PLATE 1 o F18 T M TRIBUTAR Y M OUTH T TRIB UTARY RIVER M ILE M AINSTREAM S IDE C HA N NEl S I D E SLOUGH U PLAN D S LOUG H + M5 5C 5 5 US MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGENp lA S MA INS TREA M H C S I D E CHAN NEL S S S IDE S LO UGH liS U PL AND SL OUGH T M T RI BU T ARY MOU TH T T R I BUT AR Y +RIV ER M I LE PLATE 2 OF 18 RIVER MILE 144 TO 1 46 ALASKA POW ER AU THORITY SUSITNA H YDROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT &A HARZA - EBAsec E.WOODYTRIHEY SUSITNA JOINTVENTU RE &ASSOCIA!ES MIDD LE S USITNA RIVERMSMAINSTREAM S C S I DE C HAN NEL SS SIDE S LOU GH US UPL AND S LOUG H T M TR IB UTAR Y M OU lt. T TR IBUTAR Y RIV ER MI LE PLATE 2 OF 18 RIVER MILE 1 44 TO 146 EWT&A HARZA - EBAseo SUSrTN A.,()INTVENlUR E E WT &:A E.WOODY rnlHEY &ASSOC IATES RIVER MilE 144 TO 146 MIDD LE SUSITNA RIVER PLATE 2 OF 18 T M TR IBUTAR Y M OU TH T T AIBUTA RY RI VE R Mi l E MAINSTREAM SID E CHANN EL Sl OE SL OUG H U PLAND SLO UGH + 'IS sess US HARZA - EBASCO SUSITNA JQI(T VENTURE E WT&A E.WOODY TRIHEY &A SSOCIATES RIVER MILE 144 TO 146 MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER PLATE 2 OF 1 a TM TRIBU TARY MOUTH T TR IBUTARY RIVER MIL E MS MAINSTREAM SC SIDE CHA NNEL SS SIDE SLOU GH US UPLAND SLOUGH + MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTREAM SC SIDE CHANNEL SS SIDE SLOUG H US UPLAND SLOUGH TM TRIBUTARY MOU TH T T RIBUTARY +RIVER MILE PLATE 3 OF 18 RIVERMILE 142 TO 144 ALASKA POWER AUT HORITY SUSITNA HY DROELECTRIC PROJECT .EWT &A HA:-:ZA -=3 A S ~O E.WOODYTRIHEY SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE &ASSOCIATES E WT &A HARZA.E8ASCO E.WOOOymlHEY SUSfTNAJC»ITVENTlJRE &ASSQCtATES RIVER MILE 142 TO 144 MIDD LE SUSITNA RIVER PLATE 3 OF 18 T M TR IB U TAR Y M O UTH T TR IBUTARY AI VER MILE M S M A I N S TR E AU SC S IDE C H ANNE L SS SIDE S L OUG H U S U PLAN D SLOU GH + M IDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTR EAM SC SI DE CH ANN EL 5S S IDE SLOU GH US UP LAND SLO UGH T M T RIB UTARY MOU TH T TRIBUTAR Y RIV ER M IL E PLATE 3 OF 18 RIVERMILE 142 TO 144 SUSITNA EWT&A E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA -EBASCO SUSITNAJOINT VENTU RE M IDDLE SUSITNA RIV ER ALA SKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJE CT LEGE ND MS MAIN STREAM SC SIDE CHA NNEL SS SIDE SLOUG H US UPLAND SLOUGH T M T RIBUTARY MOUTH T TRIBUTARY +RIVER MI LE PLATE 3 OF 18 RIVER MILE 142 TO 144 EWT&A E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA - EBASCO SUSITNAJOINTVENTURE MID DLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTREAM SC SIDE CHANNEL T M TR IBUTARY MOUTH SS S ID E S LC UGH T TRIBUTARY U S U PL AN D SLOU GH +RIVER M ILE PLATE 4 OF 18 RIVER MILE 139 TO 141 ALA SKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT&A HARZA - =SASCO E.WOODYTRIHEY SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE &ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA P OWER AUTHORIT Y SUS ITNA HY DROEL ECTRIC PROJECT LE GEND M S M AI N S TREAM SC SIDE CHA NNEL S S SIDE S LOUGH U S UPLAND S LO UG H T M TR IBUTAR Y M O UTH T TRIBUTAR Y RIV ER M IL E PLATE 4 OF 1 8 RIVER MILE 13 9 TO 141 EWT&A E.WOODY TnIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA -EBASCO SUSITNA.J)INT VENTURE ----------------- MIDDLE SUSI TNA RIVER M$MA INS TR EAM S C S I D E C HA NNE L 55 S IDE SLO UGH US U PL AND SLOUGH T r.t TRIB UTAR Y MO UT H T TAIBU TARY RIV ER M il E PLATE 4 OF 18 RIYER MILE 139 TO 141 E \\T &A E.WOODY mlHEV &ASSOCIATES P ROJECT HARZA • "BAS::O SUSITNA..o UTVENTURE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS lTNA HY DROEL ECTRIC PROJECTMSUAINS TR E AM SC S I DE CH A NNE L SS S I DE S LO UG tt U S UPLAN D S L O U G H T M TR IBU TAR Y M O U T H T TR I B U TARY R IV ER M ILE PLATE 4 OF 18 RIYER MILE 139 TO 141 E W T&A E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSQC IA.TES HA MZA -EBASCO SUSIl'N A JOINT VENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTR EAM SC SID E CHANNEL SS SI DE SLOUGH US UPLAND 'SLOUGH T M TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TR IBUTARY RIVER MI LE PLATE 5 OF 18 RIVER MILE 136 TO 138 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT E W T&A H ARZ.~-=BASCO E.WOODYTRIHEY SUSlTNAJOINT VENTURE &ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER A LASKA POW ER AU THORITY SUSITN A H YDROELECTRIC PROJE CTMSMAINSTREAM SC S IDE CHA NNE L SS S IDE S LOU G H US UP LAND S LO UG H T M T RIB UT AR Y M OUT H T TR IBU TAR Y •RI V ER M i l E PLATE 5 OF 18 RIVER MILE 136 TO 138 E WT & A E.WOODY mlHEV &ASSOCIATES HAi'iZA - EaASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVERLEGEND JA S MA IN S TREAM SC S IDE CHANNEL 55 SI DE SLOUGH US U PLAUD SL OUGH T f.l TRIB UT AA Y M O UTH T TAID VT ARY ..RJ'/EA MILE PLATE 5 OF 18 R'VER MILE 136 TO 138 E WT & A E.WOODYm,HE Y &ASSOCIATES HARZA •::9 ...5 CO SUSITNAJOINTVENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MS MAI NSTREAM SC SIDE CHANNEL SS SIDE SLOUGH US UPL AND SLOUGH T M TR IBUTARY MOUTH T TR IBUTARY +RIVER M ILE PLATE 5 OF 1 8 RIVER MILE 136 TO 138 EWT&A E.WOOOYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES H RZA - EBA SC SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE LEGEND MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVERlAS S C S S us M A INSTREAM SID E CHANNEL SIDE SLOUGH UPLAND SLOUGH T M TRIBUTAR Y MOUT H T TRIBUTARY +RIVER MILE PLATE 6 OF 18 RIVERMILE 133 TO 136 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS ITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT E WT&A HARZA - :BA CO E.WOODY TRIHEY SUSITNAJOINT VENTUREsASSOCIATES lA S M AINS TREA M S C SIDE CHANN EL SS S ID E S L OUGH US 'lPl AND SLOU GH T M TR IB UTAR Y MO UTH T T RIBUT AA Y RIVER MILE E WT &t\ E.WCJCA:)V TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA •=B AS ~O SUSITNA JDeNT VENTURE MID DLE SUSiTNA RIVERLEGEND M S MA IN ST R EAM S C S ID E C HANNEL SS S IDE SL OUGH US UPL AN D SLOU GH T M TR IBUTARY M O UTH T TRI BU T ARY R IVER M IL E PLATE 6 OF 18 RIVER MILE 133 TO 136 AL ASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROEL ECTRIC P R OJ E~T E WT &A HARZA _:8 S ~O E.WOOOYTRIHEY SUSITNA JOINTVENTURE &ASSOCIATES HARZA • :BASCO SUSITNAJOINTVENTURE EWT &A E.WOODY m lHEY &ASSOCtATES SUSITNA H YDRO elECTRIC RIVER MI LE 13 3 TO 13 6 T M T R I BU TA RY MO UTH T T RIBUT ARY RIV ER M ILE MAINS TREA M SID E CHANNEL SI DE SLO UGH U P L AN D S LO UGH + M S SC SS US MID DLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND M S M AINSTREAM SC S IDE CHANNEL SS SIDE SLOUGH US UP LAND SLOU GH T M TRIBUTARY M O UTH T TRIBUTARY +RIVER MILE PLATE 7 OF 18 RIVER MILE 130 TO 132 ALA SKA PO WER AUTHORITY SUS ITNA 'H YDROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT&A H -ZA • =8 CO E.WOODY TRIHEY SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE &ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYD ROELECTRIC PROJ ECT LEGEND MS MAINSTR EAM SC S IDE CH ANN EL SS S IDE S LO UGH US UP L AN D SLOUGH T M TR IB UTA RY M O UTH T TRIBUT AR Y R IVER MILE PLATE 7 OF 18 RIVER MILE 1 30 TO 132 EWT &A E.WOODYTR IHEY &ASSOCIATES 1"=1000'. HAR Z..~-=3A"CO SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE MS SC SS us TI.1 T TRIBUTARY MOU TH TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE PLATE 7 OF 18 RIVER MILE 130 TO 132 E.WOODY TRIHEY &A SSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER MS MAINSTR EAM S C SID E CHA NN EL S 5 SI DE S L O U G H US U Pl.A ND SLOUG H T M TR IBU T ARY M OUTH T TRIBUT ARY RIV E R M I L E PLATE 7 OF 18 RIVER I.ll lE 130 TO 132 ALASKA POWER AUTH ORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT E WT & E.WOODY TRIHEY A ASSOCIATES MI DDLE SUSITNA RIVER L EGEND M S M AIN S T R E AM S C SIDE CHAUNEL 5 5 SI DE S l OUGIi US U PLA N D SLOUG H T M T RI BUTARY M OUTH T TR I BUTA R Y R IVEA M ILE PLA TE 8 OF 18 RIVER MILE 127 TO 129 ALASKA PO WER AUTHOR ITY SUS ITNO\H YDROELECTRIC PROJE CT F.WT &A HARZA • EBAS::O E.WOODY TRIHEY SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE & ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LE GEND M S MA IN STREAM SC SIDE CHANNEL SS S I DE SLOUGH US U PL AND SLO UGH TIA TRIBUTARY l.lOU TH T TRIBUTARY RIVER M ILE PLATE 8 OF 18 RIVER MILE 127 TO 129 EWT E.WOODYTMIHEY &ASSOCIATES H -ZA -;8A ~:: SUSITNA.DINT VENTU RE LEGEND M S MA HI STRE AtA T M S C SIDE CHANNEL T SS SIDE SL OU GH + US U PLAND S LOUG H TRIBU T ARY M OUTH T RIBU T ARY RIV ER M I L E PLATE 8 OF 10 RIVER MILE 127 TO 129 EWT ", E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES H -7 --:SA~:O SUSITtIAJOINTVENTUR: M IDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND M S MAINSTREAM S C S IDE CHANNEL SS S I DE S LOUGH US UP LAND S LOUGH T M T RIBU TARY M OUTH T TRIBUTA RY R iV :R MILE PLATE 8 OF 18 RIVERMILE 127 TO 129 ALASK A POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDR OELECTRIC EWT &I E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND M S M AIN S T REAM SC S IDE CHANNE L 55 s l oe S LO U '::H us UPLA NO S LOUG H T M T Rib UT AR Y MOUTH T TAIBUT A AY +RIVER M IL E PLATE 9 0F 1 8 RIVER MILE 124 TO 126 AL ASKA P OWER AU THORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC ~"OJ E C T E WT",r\HA:-ZA • =9 AS::O E.WOODY m lHEY SUSITNAJOINT VEN TURE &ASSQC IATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORIT Y SUS ITNA HYDROaECTRIC PROJECT LEGEND M S MAINSTRE AM SC SID E CHANNEL SS SIDE SLOUGH US UPLAND SLOUGH T M TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TR IB UTAR Y R I VER MI LE PLATE 9 OF 18 RIVERMILE 124 TO 126 EWT&A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA -=BA CO SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVERusMA INSTREAM S C S IDE CHANNEL SS S IDE S I.OUGH U S UPLAND SLOUGH TM T + TR I BUTARY MOUTH TR IBUTARY RIVER MILE PLATE 9 OF 18 RIVER MILE 124 TO 126 SUSITNA EWT&A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HA RZA -:6 seQ SUSlTNAJOINTVENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHO RITY SUS ITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTMSMAINSTREAM S C SID E CHANNEL S S S ID E SLOUGH U S UPLAND S LO UGH T '~T RI B UTA R Y MOU TH T T RIB UTARY +RIV ER MI LE PLA TE 9 OF 18 RIVER MILE 124 TO 126 EWT & A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA -ESP.CO SUSITNAJOINTVENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGE Np US M AI NS TR EAM S C SI DE C HANN EL s s S ID E S LOUG H US UPLAND SLOUGH T M TRIBUT ARY MOU TH T TR IBU TARY +RIV E R MILE PLATE 10 OF 18 AlVEI!MILE 122 TO 124 AL ASKA POWER A UTHORITY SU SITNA H YDROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT &A HARZA • EBASC O E.WOODYTRIHEY SUSITNAJOINT VENTUR E &ASS OCIATES MA IN STREAM SIDE CHANNEL SIDE SLOUGH UPLA ND SLOUGH T M TRIBUTARY MO UTH T TRIBUT ARY RIV ER M I L E PLATE 10 OF 18 RIVER MILE 122 TO 124 SUSITNA EWT&A E.WOODy TRIHEY s ASSOCIATES HARZA -EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTU RE HAfiZA •EBASCO SUSITNAJOINT VEPffiJ RE E WT "" A E.\VOOOY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES RIVER MILE 1 22 TO 124 MIDDLE SUSIT NA RIVER PLA TE 10 OF 1 8 T M TR IBUTARY M OUTH T T R IBU TA RY RIVER IAI LE M AIN S TR E AM SIDE CHANNEL SIDE SLOUGH UPLAND SLOU GH + lA S SC S S US MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LE GEND M S MAINSTREA M SC S IDE CHANNEL S S SIDE SLOUGH U S UPLAND SLO UG H T M TR IB U TARY MO UTH T TRIBUTARY +RIV ER MILE PLATe 10 OF 18 RIVER MILE 122 TO 124 E WT & A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA - EBASCO SUSI1NAJOINTVENTURE M IDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTREAM SC SIDE CH ANNEL SS SID E SL OU GH US UPLAN D SL O UGH T M TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TRI BUTARY RIVE R M ILE PLATE 11 OF 18 RIVER MILE 119 TO 121 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT&A HA ZA - EBA CO E.WOODY TRIHEY SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE &ASSOCIATES MIDD LE SUSITN A RIV ER M S \4A INS TREAM SC S IDE CH ANNEL S S S IDE S LO UG H U S UPLA ND SLO UGH T M TRIBUTAR Y MOU T H T TRIBUT ARY RI VER MI LE PLATE 1 1 OF 18 RIVER MILE1 19 TO 1 2 1 E WT & A E.WOOOYTRIHEY &ASSOCI ATES PROJ ECT HARZA •EBASCO SUSrTNAJOINT VENlU RE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEG~ MS MA IN STREAM SC SIDE CHANNel SS SIDE S LOUGH U S UPLAND SLOUGH T M TRIBUT ARY MOUTH T TRIBUTARY +RIVER MIL E PLATE 1 1 OF 18 RIVER MILE 119 TO 121 SUSITNA EWT & A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HA-ZA - EB s c o SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTREAM SC SIDE CHANNEL T M T RI BUTARY M O UTH SS SIDE SLOUGH T T RIBUT AR Y US UPLAND SLOUGH +RIVER MILE PLATE 11 OF 18 RIVER MILE 119 TO 121 E WT&A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES PROJECT HA ZA •EBAS CO SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE MID DLE SUSITNA RIVER ' LE GEND MS MA INSTREAM S C SID E CHANNEL SS S IDE SLOUGH US U PL AI-lO SLOUGH T M TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TRIBUTARY RIVER M ILE PLATE 12 OF 18 RIVER MILE 11 6 TO 11 8 ALASKA POW ER AUTHOR ITY SUS1TNA HY DROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT f ,A HAi'iZA •=il A S ~O E.WOODY TRIHEY SUSrTNA JOINTVENTURE &ASSOCIATES MIDD LE SUSITNA RIVER ' L EG END M S M A I NSTR E A M SC S ID E C HA NN EL S S SI DE SLOUG H U S UP LAND SLOU G H TM T T RIBUTARY MO UTH T RIBUTARY RI VER M IL E PLATE 12 OF 18 RIVER MILE 116 TO 118 SUSIT NA EWT&A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HA ZA -=3AS CO susnNA .lJ INT VENTURE MID DLE SUSITNA RIVER · LEGEND US MA INSTREAM SC S ID E CHANNEL S S S I DE S LOU GH US UPLAN D SL OU GH T M TR IB UTARY MO UTH T TRIBUTARY R IVER M ILE PLATE 12 OF 16 RIVERMILE 116 TO 118 EW T &A E.WOODYlRlHEY &ASSOCIATES MIDD LE SUSITNA RIVER · EWT&A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA • E8A"'CO SUSITNAJOINTVENTURE '--.1...-~=1 RIVER MilE 11 6 TO 118PLATE12OF18 T M T RIBUT ARY M O UTH T TRIBU TARY RIV ER M ILE M S MAINSTREAM SC SI DE CHANNEL S S S IDE SLOUGH U S UPLAND SLOUGH MIDDL E SUSITNA RIVER L EGEND MS M AIN STR EAM S C S IDE C HANN E L SS SID E S LOUGH U S UP L AND SLOUGH T M TR IBUT AR Y MO UTH T TR IBUTARY +R IVE R MILE PLATE 13 OF 1 8 RIVER /AILE 1 13 TO 115 A LASKA PO WER AUTH ORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT E WT & A HARZA •=9 A S ~O E.WOODY 'TFUHEY SUSITNAJOlNTVENTURE &ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIV ER M S MA IN S TR EAM SC SI DE CHANN EL S5 S ID E S L OUGH US UPLANO 3 LOUGH T M TR IBU TARY M OUTH T TRIB UT ARY RI VER MI LE PLATE 13 OF 18 R'VER M'LE 113 TO115 EWl'&.A E.WOODY TRHEY &ASSOClA TES HARZA -i::BAS:;O SUSlTNA..DINT VENT\J RE MIDD LE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROE LECTRIC PROJ ECTMSMAIN STREAM SC S IDE CH ANNEL S ~S I DE SLO UGH US UPLAND SL OUGH T M TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TRI BUT ARY +RIV ER MIL E PLATE 13 OF 18 RIVER MILE 113 TO 115 EWT&A E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA - i:8AS:O SUSITNAJOINT VENTURE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER S USIT NA H YDROELECTRIC LEGEND MS M AIN S TR EAM s c S ID E CH ANU EL 5 5 S IDE SL OUGH US U PLAN D SLOUGH T M TRIBUTARY M O UT H T TRIBUT ARY RIVE R M IL E PLATE 1 3 OF 18 RIVERMILE 11 3 TO 115 E WT &A E.WOODY lR.H!:Y &ASSOCIATES HAnZA . "BASCO SUSITNA.JOI NT VENTUR E MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND '.1S MA INS TREAM SC SIDE CHA lltIEL SS SIDE S LO UGH US UPLAND SLOUGH TM T + TRI BU TARY MOUTH TRI BUTARY RIVER MILE PLATE 14 OF 18 RIVER MILE 11 0 TO 112 AL ,\SKA POWER AUTH ORITY SUSI TNA HYDROELECTRI C PROJECT EWT&A HA-- E8A CO E.WOODYTRIHEY SUSITN" JOIf'lT VEt/lURE &ASSOCIATES M S MA IN STREAM SC S iDE CH ANN EL SS S IDE SLOUG H US UP LAND SLOUGH T M TRIB UTAR Y MO UTH T TRI BUTARY RIVE R MIL E PLATE 14 OF 18 RIVER MILE 110 TO 112 SUSITNA F:WT &A E.WOODYTRIH:Y &ASSO~IATES HARZA - SUSfTNA X>INT VENTU R: H A ~- i:SA...:O SUSlTNAJOINT VENTURE SUSITN A EWT &A E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES RIVERMILE 1 10 TO 112 MIDD LE SUSITNA RIV ER PLATE 14 OF 18 T M TRIBUTARY M OUTH T TRI BUT ARY RIVER MILE M S MA INSTREAM S C SI DE CHANNEL S S SI DE S LOUGH U S U PL AND SLOUGH + MS MAINSTREAM S C SIDE CHANNE L SS SIDE SLOUGH US U PLAND S LOUGH T M TR IBU TARY M OUTH T TRIBUT ARY +R IVE R tJ lLE PLATE 14 OF 1 8 RIVER MILE 110 TO 1 12 EWT&A E.WOODY TRIHEY s ASSOCIATES ------------------- MIDDLE SU SITNA RIVER LEG END MS MAINSTREAM S C S IDE CHANNEL S S SIDE SLOUGH U S U PL AND SLOU GH T M T RIBUTARY MOUTH T TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE PLATE 15 OF 18 RIVER MILE 108 TO 110 A LASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EWT&A HA:---ESA SC:) E.WOODY TRIHEY SUSITNAJOINTVENTUR: &ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER H ALASKA POWER AUTHO RITY S USITNA H YDROE L ECTRIC PROJECT E WT 8.:A E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES RIVER MILE 108 TO 1 10PLATE15OF18 T M TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TRIBU TARY RIVER MILE M S M A IN S TR EA M SC SIDE CHANNEL SS SIDE SLO UGH US U PL AIID SL OUGH MIDD LE SUSITNA RIV ER M S M AINSTREAM S C SIDE CHANNEL SS S IDE SLO UG H U S UPLAND S LOU GH T M TRI BUTARY MOU TH T TRIBUT ARY RI VER MIL E PLA TE 15 OF 18 RIVER MILE 10 8 T O 1 10 E WT .'\:A E.WOODY mlHEY &ASSOCIATES P ROJ ECT W~.=3 A -~~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE MIDDLE SiJSITNA RIVER MS MA IN S TR EA M SC SI DE CHANNEL SS SID E SLOUGH US lJ p LI .ND S LO UGH T t.1 TRI BUTARY MOUT H T TRIBUTARY RIVE R MIL E PLATE 15 OF 18 RIVE.'l MILE 1 08 TO 110 EWT &:A E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATES M IDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTR EAM SC S ID E CHA NII E L 5 5 S IDE SL OUGH US UP L AND S L OUGH T M T R IBUTARY MOUTH T TRIBUTARY R IVER MILE PLATE 16 OF 1 8 RIVER MILE 105 TO 107 ALASKA PO WER A UTHORITY 5U51TNA HYDROELECTR IC PROJECT EWT&A H RZA -=A.CO E.WOODYTRIHEY SUSITNAJOINTVENTURE &ASSOCIATES MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER MS MAtrlSTREA M SC SID E CH Atl NEL SS SIDE S LOUG H US UPLA ND SL OUG H T M TRIBUTARY M OUTH T TRIBUTARY RI VER MIL E PLATE 16 OF 18 RIVER MILE 105 TO 107 A LASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HY DROELECTRIC PROJECT E \T &A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES MIDDL E SUSITNA RIVER M S M Al h STR E AM S C S ID E (HA NN EL S5 SIDE S :OUG H U S U PL AND ~L O U G H T M T RI BUTARY M O U T H T TR IBU TA RY R I VER M I LE PLATE 16 OF 18 RI YER MILE 105 TO 107 E.WOODY TRIHEY &ASSOCIATE~ PROJECT HAi1ZA •E9A S :::~ SUSm l A...IJCNT \/ErITU RE M IDDLE SUSITNA RIVER LEGEND MS MAINSTR EAM S C SIDE C IIANN EL S S S IDE SL OUGH U S UPL AND S LOU GH TM T R IBU TAR Y MOU TH T TRIBU T AR Y RIVE R M IL E PLATE 16 OF 18 RIVER MILE 105 TO 107 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROE LECTRIC PROJECT EWT &A E.WOODY"ffiIHEY .\ ASSOCIATES ALASKA P OWER :'UTHORITY SUSITNA HYDR OELECTRIC PROJECT E W T&A HARZA •=BA C ~O E.WOODVTRIHEV SUSmlAJOINT\tENTlJ ME &ASSOCIATES f il lER "'I ~E 10~TO 104 MIDDLE SUSITNA RI VER PLATE 17 OF 18 T M T R IBUTARV M O UTH T TRIBUTARY R IVER MILE MAINSTREAM SIDE C HANNEL SIDE SLOU GH UP LAND SL OUG H + LEGEND l AS S C S S U S MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER MS M AINSTREAM S C SIDE CHANNEL SS SIDE SLOUGH U S UPLAND SLOUGH TT M TRIBUT ARY MOUTH TRIBUT ARY +RIVER MILE PLATE 17 OF 18 RIVER MILE 1~2 TO 104 E.WOOD YTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA -ESAS CO SUSml AJOINTVENTU RE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVERLEGEND M S MAINSTREAM SC SIDE CHANN EL SS SIDE SLOUGH US UPLAND SLOUGH T M TR IBUTARY MOU TH T TRIBUTARY +RI VER M I LE PLATE 17 OF 1 8 RIVER MILE 10 2 T O 104 SUS ITNA E WT & A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HA.-E8AS:0 SUSrTNAJOINT VENTURE M S MAINSTRE AM SC SIDE CHANNel S S SIDE SLOUGH US UPLAND SLOUGH TM TRIBUTARY MOUTH T TR IBUTARY +RIVER MILE PLATE 17 OF 18 RIVER MILE 102 TO 104 EWT&A E.WOODY TRIHEY to ASSOCIATES HARZA -=3ASC SUSITNA.DNT VENTURE MOUTHTRIBUTARY TR IBU>.ARY R IVER M IL E LEGEND T REAM T MMAINSHANNELT SIDE C UGH + S ID E NS~OSLOUGHUPLA MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LEGENU MS MA IN ST R EAM SC SIDE CH ANNEL SS S I D E SL OUG H US U PLAND SL OUGH T M TRIBUTARY M OUTH T TRIBUT ARY +R IVER MIL E PLATE.18 OF 18 RIVER MILE 101 TO 102 EWT&A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES HARZA -EBAS ",O SUSITNA JOINTVEtrnJRE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS ITNA HYDROELEC TRIC PROJECT HA --EBASC O SUSITNAJOINT VENTU RE \. \\1·=1000 . --:\.'"''''~~~..~..~-~ EWT&A E.WOODYTRIHEY &ASSOCIATES RIVER MILE 101 TO 102PLATE18OF18 T M TRIBUTARY MOU TH T TRIBUTARY R I VER MILE MS MAINSTREAM SC SlOE CHANNEL SS SlOE SLOUGH US UPLAN D SLOUGH MI DDLE SUSITNA RIVER M S M AIN STRE AM SC SIDE C H ANNEL SS SlOE SLOUGH US U PLANO SLOUGH T M T R I BU TARY M OU TH T T R I BUTARY RIV ER M ILE PLATE 1 8 OF 18 RIVER L'ILE 101 TO 1 0 2 E W T&A E.WOODy m lHEY &ASSOCIATES PROJECT HARZA • EBAS C O SUSIiN A.JJtNTVENTURE