HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS508IN STREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS REPORT TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 2 PHYSICAL PROCESSES MAY 1985 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERS D.Ql..QGISTS PL,.ANNEA8 8UR\I.YQR. R24/3 1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ~· SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project Number 7114 I NSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS REPORT TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 2 PHYSICAL PROCESSES MAY 1985 DRAFT REPORT Prepared By: R&M CONSULANTS, INC. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS, INC. and HARZA-EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I.. """ 0') I' ~ 0 0 0 ID ID I' M M I" R24/3 2 Section/Title List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgments Preface 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.3 Impacts at Other Projects 1 . 4 Data Sources 2. RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION Page ii v ix X 1-1 1-3 1-3 1-7 2.1 Factors Affecting Reservior Sedimentation 2. 2 Reservoir Sedimentation 2-1 2-4 3. 4. 5. 6. CHANNEL STABILITY 3. 1 Introduction 3.2 Factors Affecting Channel Stability 3.3 General Analytical Approach 3.4 Analysis of Natural Conditions 3.5 With-Project Conditions SLOUGH HYDROLOGY 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Factors Affecting Upwelling 4.3 Local Surface Runoff 4.4 Field Studies 4. 5 With-Project Changes SUMMARY REFERENCES 3-1 3-3 3-6 3-10 3-11 4-1 4-1 4-5 4-5 4-1 0. 5-l 6-1 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Servtces Anchorage. Alaska R24/3 3 LIST OF TABLES Number/Title 1.1 1. 2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. 1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Streamflow and sediment data, Susitna River basin. Mean flows and floods, Susitna River basin. Size distribution of bedload and bed material, 1982 data. Comparison of trap efficiencies estimated by Brune's curves, Churchill's curve, and sedimentation model. Reservoir trap efficiency by Brune's curves. Reservoir trap efficiency by Churchill's curves. Particle size distribution of suspended sediment. Characteristics of study sites on Middle Susitna River. Hydraulic parameters for main stem sites. Hydraulic parameters for side channels and sloughs. Representative bed material size distribution for selected sloughs, side channel and mainstem sites. Transportable bed material sizes in selected sloughs, side channels and main stem sites. Potential degradation at selected sloughs, side channels and main stem sites. ii Page 1-9 1-10 1-11 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-20 3-21 3-22 - R24/3 4 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Number/Title 3. 7 Natural and with project average weekly flows of Susitna River at Gold Creek (1950-1983). 3.8 Maximum natural and with-project weekly flows of Susitna River at Gold Creek. 3. 9 Susitna tributary stability analysis, summary of semi-quantitative assessment. Page 3-23 3-24 3-25 4.1 Linear regresssion equations for slough discharge 4-19 vs. main stem discharge ( 1982-83). 4. 2 Regression equations for slough discharge vs. main stem 4-20 discharge (1984). 4.3 Linear regression equations for slough discharge vs. 4-21 mainstem stage (1982-83). 4. 4 Linear regression equations for the main stem component 4-22 of groundwater upwelling to sloughs as a function of mainstem stage (1984). 4.5 Storm runoff analyses, Slough 9 tributary. 4-23 4.6 1984 monthly water balances, Sloughs 8A and 11. 4-24 4. 7 1984 monthly water balance, Slough 9, Tributary 9B. 4-25 4. 8 Precipitation coefficients for transfer of recorded 4-26 data. iii R24/3 5 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Number /Title 4.9 Falling head test results, Slough 9 -boreholes. 4.10 Estimated daily runoff, Slough 8A, high rainfall pattern. Page 4-27 4-28 4.11 Estimated daily runoff, Slough 8A, moderate rainfall 4-29 pattern. 4. '12 Estimated daily runoff, Slough 8A, low rainfall pattern. 4.13 Estimated daily runoff, Slough 9, moderate rainfall pattern. 4. '14 Estimated daily runoff, Slough 9, low rainfall pattern. iv -----------·--··· 4-30 4-31 4-32 R24/3 6 LIST OF FIGURES Number/Title 1.1 Susitna River Streamgage Locations. 1. 2 Typical River Bed Material. 2.1 !so-turbidity vs. time, Eklutna Lake at Station 9, 1984. 2.2 Suspended sediment rating curve, Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Canyon). 2.3 Annual flow duration curves, Susitna River near Cantwell (Vee Canyon). 2.4 Suspended sediment rating curve, Susitna River at Gold Creek. 2.5 Seasonal flow duration curves, Susitna River at Gold Creek. 4.1 Approximate locations of slough study sites and data collection points -stage recorders and seepage meters. 4.2 Slough 8A upwelling/seepage, 1982. 4.3 Slough 8A ice-free areas, winter 1982-83. 4.4 Slough 9 upwelling/seepage, 1982. 4.5 Slough 9 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83. 4.6 Slough 11 upwelling/seepage, 1982. 4. 7 Slough 11 ice-free areas, winfer 1982-83. v ----------------- Page 1-12 1-13 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 4-33 4-34 4-35 4-36 4-37 4-38 4-39 R24/3 7 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Number/Title 4.S Slough 21 upwelling/seepage, 19S2. 4.9 Slough 21 ice-free areas, winter 19S2-S3. 4.10 Groundwater contours, Susitna River at Slough SA (QGC = 24,000 cfs). _ 4.11 Groundwater contours, Susitna River at Slough SA (QGC = S,300 cfs). 4.12 Groundwater contours, Susitna River at Slough SA (ice-covered main stem). 4.13 Groundwater contours, Susitna River at Slough 9 (QGC = 25,000 cfs). 4.14 Groundwater contours, Susitna River at Slough 9 (QGC = S,4SO cfs). 4.15 Groundwater contours, Susitna River at Slough 9 (ice-covered mainstem). Page 4-40 4-41 4-42 4-43 4-44 4-45 4-46 4-47 4.16 Slough SA water temperatures, 19S2. 4-4S 4.17 Slough SA water temperatures, 19S3. 4-49 4.1S Mean daily surface and intragravel water temperatures 4-50 recorded at Lower Slough SA -Site 3 (RM 125.6) and Upper Slough SA -Site 3 (RM 126.6) during 1983-S4 winter season. vi R24/3 8 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Number/Title Page ~ 4.19 Slough 9 water temperatures, 19~. 4-51 4.20 Mean daily surface and intragravel water temperatures 4-52 recorded at Slough 9-Site 3 (RM 128.6) during the 1983-84 winter season. 4.21 Slough 9 water temperatures, 1983. 4.22 Slough 11 water temperatures, 1983. 2 4.23 Upper Slough /1 water temperatures, 1983. 4.24 Lower Slough 21 water temperatures, 1983. 4.25 Seepage rate vs. mainstem discharge, seepage meter 8-1. 4.26 Seepage rate vs. mainstem discharge, seepage meter 8-2. 4.27 Seepage rate vs. mainstem discharge, seepage meter 9-1. 4.28 Seepage rate vs. mainstem discharge, seepage meter 9-2. 4. 29 Seepage rate vs. mai nstem discharge, seepage meter 9-3. 4.30 Seepage rate vs. msinstem discharge, seepage meter 11-1. vii -----------------· .. 4-53 4-54 4-55 4-56 4-57 4-58 4-59 4-60 4-61 4-62 R24/3 9 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Number/Title 4.31 Seepage rate vs. mainstem discharge, seepage meter 11-2. 4.32 Seepage rate vs. mainstem discharge, seepage meter 21-1. 4.33 Seepage rate vs. mainstem discharge, seepage meter 21-2. 4.34 Response of mainstem and Slough 8A discharges to September 1983 storm. 4.35 Response of mainstem and Slough 9 discharges to September 1983 storm. 4.36 Response of mainstem and Slough 11 discharges to September 1983 storm. viii Page 4-63 4-64 4-65 4-66 4-67 4-68 R24/3 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was prepared by Jeff Coffin and Stephen Bredthauer of R&M Consultants and Howard Teas of Woodward-Clyde Consultants, under the direction of Wayne Dyok of Harza Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. Guidance and review were also provided by Woody Trihey of E. Woody Trihey and Associates. ix R24/3 11 PREFACE This report represents a volume of the lnstream Flow Relationships Study technical report series prepared for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The primary purpose of the I nstream Flow Relationships Report and its associated technical report series is to present technical information and data to facilitate the settlement process. These reports are specifically intended to identify the relative importance of interactions among the primary physical and biological components of aquatic habitat. The presentation is primarily limited to the Middle Susitna River, the reach from the mouth of Devil Canyon downstream to the confluence with the Chulitna River. This section of the river is also referred to herein as "the middle reach". It encompasses river miles (RM) 151 to 99, the downstream section of river in which the aquatic habitat will be most affected by construction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Proj ect. Discussion is also presented for sedimentation that would occur in the Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs. The two reservoirs constitute the impoundment zone and extend from RM 151 to RM 230. The I nstream Flow Relationships Report and its associated technical report series are not intended to be an impact assessment. However, these reports present a variety of natural and with-project relationships that provide a quantitative basis to compare alternative streamflow regimes, conduct impact analyses, and prepare mitigation plans. The technical report series is based on the data and findings presented in a variety of baseline data reports. The I nstream Flow Relationships Re- port and its associated technical report series provide the methodology and appropriate technical information for use by those deciding how best to operate the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project for the benefit of both power production and downstream fish resources. The technical report series is described below. X R24/3 12 Technical Report No 1. Fish Resources and Habitats in the Middle Susitna River. This report consolidates information on the fish resources and habitats in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna basin available through June 1984 that is currently dispersed throughout numerous reports. Technical Report No 2. Physical Processes Report. This report describes naturally occurring physical processes within the Talkeetna-to-Devil Can yon river reach pertinent to evaluating project effects on riverine fish habitat. Technical Report No 3. Water Quality/Limnology Report. This report consolidates existing information on water quality in the Susitna basin and provides technical discussions of the potential for with-project bioaccumulation of mercury, influences on nitrogen gas supersaturation, changes in downstream nutrients and changes in turbidity and suspended sediments. This report is based principally on data and information that are available through June 1984. Technical Report No 4. I nstream Temperature Report. This report consists of three principal components: (1) reservoir and in stream tem- perature modelling; (2) selection of temperature criteria for Susitna River fish stocks by species and life stage; and (3) evaluation of the influences of with-project stream temperatures on existing fish habitats and natural ice processes. Technical Report No 5. Aquatic Habitat Report. This report describes the availability of various types of aquatic habitat in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon river reach as a function of mainstem discharge. Technical Report No. 6, Ice Processes Report. This report describes the naturally-occurring ice processes in the middle river, anticipated changes in those processes due to project construction and operation, and xi R24/3 13 discusses effects of naturally occurring and with-project ice conditions on fish habitat. xii R24/3 14 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This report was designed to bring together the available information on sedimentation, stream channel stability and slough hydrology that has been collected in the Middle Reach of the Susitna River. The Middle Reach encompasses the river from Talkeetna, at river mile (RM) 99, to the outlet of Devil Canyon at RM 151. This is the section of the river that will be most affected by the construction and operation of the Susitna Hyd roelec- tric Project. Also included in this report is discussion of reservoir sedimentation within Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs, which extend from RM 230 to RM 151. The river downstream of the damsites is of particular concern, and will be dealt with in the greatest detail. There is concern that detrimental effects on fish resources in the Middle Reach may be caused by the changes in mainstem flow that will occur with the project. With project flows will be much more stable than at present. With-project summer flows will be lower than under natural conditions, while with-project winter flows will be higher. The regulated flows will also have a lower mean annual flood than under natural conditions. The suspended sediment regime will be altered by construction of the project due to trapping of all bedload and most suspended sediment load in the reservoirs. This reduction in sediment load may alter the physical features of the river. However, reduced summer flows will limit the size and volume of streambed materials that can be moved by the river. The reduced level of the mean annual flood in the main stem will cause some downstream tributaries to degrade their bed levels, while others will remain perched above the mainstem. The alteration of river flow 1s likely to affect groundwater upwelling. Lower summer flows will tend to reduce the upwelling component from the 1-1 - R24/3 15 mainstem. Winter flows will be greater than under natural conditions, but changes in the ice regime will also alter the mainstem stages, altering the winter groundwater upwelling. Five species of Pacific salmon use the middle river for reproduction and rearing of young. All five species use the Middle Reach for access to spawning areas. Coho and pink salmon generally use clear water tributary streams for spawning. The primary project impact on these species would be from effects on access into the spawning streams. Changes in or at tributary mouths and reduced water surface levels are discussed in this context. The fish resource of greatest concern in the Middle Reach are chinook and chum salmon (APA 1984a). Chinook salmon spawn in clear water tributaries. However, main stem side channel, and slough habitats, along with the tributaries themselves, are required year-round for juvenile rearing. Chum salmon primarily use the tributaries for reproduction and some rearing, but they also use the mainstem, side channel and side slough habitats (ADF&G 1984a). Changes in flow, depth, substrate size distribution and groundwater upwelling caused by project operation may have a serious effect on these species. These effects could come from changes to less acceptable substrate size for spawning or rearing, or to decrease in groundwater upwelling, leading to problems with access to spawning sites and egg dessication and freezing. Sockeye salmon would likely be affected in a similar manner to chum. The lower numbers of sockeye salmon and the similarity in spawning habitat requirements allow concerns for chum salmon to cover this species as well. Rearing of juveniles, especially of chinook, may also be affected. Sufficient rearing habitat must be maintained. Changes in mainstem morphology and upwelling in sloughs may affect the areas. I (' R24/3 16 1. 2 Organization Following a brief review of environmental effects downstream of other large hydropower projects in the Introduction, the next three sections of the report each review pertinent Susitna Hydroelectric Project studies to date on specific types of physical watershed processes. They discuss the effects of those processes on the aquatic habitat in the Susitna River. Section 2 addresses sedimentation processes in the reservoir, Section 3 deals with stability of channels in the Middle Reach downstream of the project, and Section 4 discusses groundwater upwelling and local surface runoff as related to aquatic habitat in sloughs downstream of the project. Section 5 presents a summary of the three types of processes and ranks them in importance as concerns in the Middle Susitna River. References are listed in Section 6. 1 .3 Impacts at Other Projects Construction of dams at Watana and Devil Canyon would affect the terrestrial and aquatic habitat downstream of Devil Canyon, with possible effects on fish, riparian vegetation, and wildlife. The effects on the physical processes of sedimentation (reservoir and stream channel) and groundwater upwellings are the focus of this report. The following descriptions of environmental impacts downstream of similar projects introduce the subject of downstream effects of dams on these processes. Kellerhals and Gill (1973), Petts (1977), Taylor (1978) and Baxter and Glaude (1980) have summarized channel response to flow regulation. Operation of reservoirs significantly alters the flow regime. There is often an increase in the diurnal variation of flow due to the variation in the amount of water passing the turbines in order to follow the load demand. Annual peak discharges are reduced not only due to storage, which allows no overflow over the spillway, but also due to the surcharge storage provided by the rise in water level above the spillway crest. Routing through a reservoir with no available storage may reduce some flood peaks 1-3 R24/3 17 by over 50% (Moore, 1969), depending on the characteristics of the spillway, reservoir, and flood hydrograph. The magnitude of the mean annual flood of the Colorado River below Hoover Dam has been reduced by 60% (Dolan, Howard, and Gallenson, 1974). The total volume of flow may be reduced due to the increase in time during which seepage and evapo- ration losses may occur. Base flow tends to be increased due to seepage and to minimum releases to the channel below the dam. Reservoirs with a large storage capacity may trap and store over 95% of the sediment load transported by the river (Leopold, Wolman, and Miller, 1964). Although reservoir shape, reservoir operation, and sediment characteristics have some influence (Gottschalk, 1964), the actual percentage depends primarily on the storage capacity-inflow ratio (Brune, 1953). The effect of dams on the sediment load must be considered but in relation to changes in river sediment transport capacity, flow regime, channel morphometry, and tributary inflow. Tributaries which transport large quantities of sediment into a regulated stream with reduced capacity to flush away sediments may stimulate mainstem aggradation, an increase in bed slope of the tributary, and trenching of the deposit to form a channel that is in quasi-equilibrium with the flow regime (King, 1961; Kellerhals, Church and Davies, 1977). A reduced water-surface elevation in the mainstem also produces an increased hydraulic gradient at the tributary mouth. The increased gradient results in increased velocities, bank instability, possible major changes in the geomorphic character of the tributary stream, and increased local scour (Simons and Senturk, 1976). All of the bedload entering a reservoir is deposited in the reservoir. This reduction in sediment supply is usually greater than the reduction in sedi- ment-transport capacity. This deficit in sediment transport generally results in erosion downstream of the dam, except where an armor layer or an outcrop of bedrock occurs (Petts, 1977). Degradation will occur where the regulated flow has sufficient tractive force to initiate sediment 1-4 R24/3 18 movement in the channel (Gottschalk, 1964). Once the channel bed has been stabilized, either by~ armoring or by the exposure of bedrock, then the banks, which usually consist of finer material than the bed, begin to fail and the channel will widen. Where armoring or bedrock occur across the width of the channel, a simple adjustment wi II occur where streamflow is accommodated in the existing channel. The sediment load plays an important role in the process of meander migration across alluvial plains by forming point bars from bed load depo- sition on the inside bank. These point bars are then aggraded to flood- plain levels due to the deposition of suspended sediment in the emerging vegetation during peak flows. The reduction in sediment load may disrupt this process, with at least local ecological changes. Widening of channels at meander bends and lateral instability may also be expected (Kellerhals and G iII, 1973) . Maximum degradation normally occurs in the tailwater of the dam, but may extend downstream. Rates of degradation up to 15 em per year have been observed both in the United States (Leopold, Wolman, and Miller, 1964) and in Europe (Shulits, 1934), but in sand-bed rivers. Channel adjustment to bed degradation and the associated reduction in slope was observed for nearly 250 km below Elephant Butte Dam (Stabler, 1925), also involving silt and sand size bed material. When an armored condition occurs where the river is unable to recharge itself to capacity, the river may pick up additional material downstream, as was observed on the Colorado River below Hoover Dam (Stanley, 1951). The Susitna River, however, is a gravel-bed river and more resistant to bed degradation. The channel properties of gravel-bed rivers such as the mainstem of the Peace River in Alberta appear to be controlled by floods with a recurrence interval of 1.5 to 2 years (Bray, 1972). Regulation reduces these flows, effectively reducing the size of the gravel-bed river without immediately changing the channel, but certain channel properties will adjust to the channel regime over a longer period of time. On the Peace River, the 1-5 R24/3 19 entrenched layer of the channel, the proximity of bedrock, and the resis- tant bed material preclude significant changes in width and depth relation- ships or in the slope (except near tributary junctions), but deep scour holes at bends will fill to some degree, and gravel bars exposed above the new high water mark will have emerging vegetation (Kellerhals and Gill, 1973). Vegetation encroachment on the higher elevations of the gravel bars down- stream of a dam can be expected due to the reduced summer streamflows and the lower flood peaks, and in time could encroach on present high water channels (Tutt, 1979; Kellerhals, Church and Davies, 1977). The effect of the additional vegetation would be to increase the channel rough- ness, thus decreasing the channel water conveyance. The channel size and capacity could gradually decrease due to vegetation encroachment, deposition of suspended load in the newly vegetated areas, accumulation of material from the valley walls and deposition of sediment brought in by the tributaries. During periods of high flow, higher river stages could be expected. The W.A.C. Bennett Dam on the Peace River had a dramatic unplanned impact on the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Baxter and Glaude, 1980). The delta is a series of marshes interspersed with lakes and ponds of various sizes. Before the dam was built, the delta was maintained in this state due to almost annual flooding, which prevented vegetation typical of drier ground from being able to establish itself. The hydrological situation itself was complex. The Peace River, passing to the north of the delta, contributed little to the actual flooding, but its flood waters blocked the exit of the Athabasca River, which entered from the south and caused the actual flooding. After construction of Bennett Dam, the delta started drying up, with dry-ground vegetation establishing itself. The effect of the dam was initially obscured due to lower than normal precipitation for some years previously, but it was eventually concluded that the dam was at least a contributing factor, as flood levels on the Peace River were 1-6 R24/3 20 lowered, resulting 1n the Peace River no longer blocking the exit of the Athabasca River. 1.4 Data Sources 1.4.1 Streamflow Streamflow records are available from the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S. G. S.) for various stations on the river and its tributaries. The periods of available records are shown in Table 1 .1. The stream gaging locations are shown in Figure 1. 1. The mean annual and seasonal flows and floods of selected recurrence intervals are shown in Table 1.2. 1.4.2 Suspended Sediment Suspended sediment data are available from the USGS at ten sampling stations and are also shown in Table 1.1. The mean annual suspended loads are about 5, 710,000, 7,300,000 and 14,000,000 tons respectively for the Susitna River near Cantwell, at Gold Creek and at Sunshine, 7,400,000 tons for the Chulitna River near Talkeetna and 1,600,000 tons for the Talkeetna River near Talkeetna. The suspended sediment concentration for the Susitna River upstream from the confluence with the Chulitna River ranges from essentially zero milligram per liter (mg/1) in winter to nearly 1,000 mg/1 during summer floods. The Chulitna River, with 27 percent of its basin covered by glaciers, has recorded suspended concentrations up to 4,690 mg/1. 1-7 R24/3 21 1.4.3 Bedload and Bed Material Limited bed load discharge data are available from the U.S. G. S. as are also shown 1n Table 1. 1. Typical size distributions of the bedload are shown in Table 1 .3. A total of 48 bed material samples were collected from the mainstem and side chan nels of the Susitna River between the mouth of Devil Canyon (RM 150) and the confluence between the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers (RM 98.6). These samples were used to determine the size distributions by sieve analysis. Bed material size distribution had also been estimated in an earlier study (R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982b) by grid sampling techniques. Figures 1.2a and 1.2b show some examples of typical bed material. Average size distributions are shown in Table 1.3. 1.4.4 River Cross Sections Cross sections of the Susitna River have been surveyed at 106 locations between RM 84.0 near Talkeetna and RM 150.2, about 1.3 miles upstream from the confluence with Portage Creek (R&M, 1981a; 1982c, 1984a) Cross sections at 23 locations also are available between RM 162.1 at Devil Creek and RM 186.8 at Deadman Creek (R&M, 1981a), all 23 of which are in the impoundment zone. 1-8 Table 1.1 -Streanflow and Sediment Data, Susitna River Basin USGS Gaging Station Gage No. Susitna River near Cantwell 152 91500 Drainage 2 Area,~mi (km 2 4,140 (10,720) Streamflow Period of Record 5/61-9/72 5/80-Pres. at Gold Creek 15292000 6,160 8/49-Pres. near Talkeetna 15292100 right channel below Chulitna 15292439 R. near Talkeetna left channel 15292440 below Chulitna R. near Talkeetna (15,950) at Sunshine 15292780 11,100 (28,750) 5/81-Pres. at Susitna 15294350 19,400 10/74-Pres. (50,250) Chulitna River 15292400 near Talkeetna below canyon 15292410 near Talkeetna Talkeetna River 15292700 near Talkeetna 2,570 (6,656) 2/58-9/72, 5 /80-Pres. 2,006 10/74-Pres. (5,196) Suspended Sediment Number Period of of Samples 43 375 27 5 5 53 Record 62-72,82 49,51-58,62 67-68,74-83 6/82-10/83 5/83-10/83 5/83-10/83 71,7 7, Rl-~4 44 -75-83 53 13 133 58-59,67-72, 80-83 83 66:-83 Bedload Number Period of of Samples Record 3 7/81-9/81 29 6/82-2/84 7 5/83-2/84 7 5/83-2/84 34 7/81-2/84 18 7/81-9/82 15 3/83-2/84 33 7/81-2/84 SOURCE: Table reproduced from Wang, Bredthauer, and Marchegiani (1985) 1-9 ------------------------------- Table 1.2 -Hean Flows and Floods Susitna River Basin Periods of records used 3 Mean Ft~ws, cfs 2 ~m /sec) Max. Floods, cfs Gaging Station in analysis Summer-Winter-Annual 2-year 10-year Susitna River 1962-72 11 '900 1,000 6,400 32,000 54,000 near Cantwell 81-83 (337) (28) (181) (906) (1530) at Gold Creek 1950-83 17,800 1,600 9, 720 48,000 73,700 (504) (4 5) (275) (1,360) (2, 090) at Sunshine 1982-83 45,600 4,500 25,100 142,000 182,000 (1 ,290) (127) (710) (4,020) (5,150) Chulitna River 1959-72 16,200 1,400 8,800 42,000 62,000 near Talkeetna 81-83 (459) (40) (249) ( 1 , 190) (1, 7 60) Talkeetna River 1965-83 7,300 700 4,000 27,500 49,000 near Talkeetna (207) (20) (113) (780) (1390) 1/ Hay through October 2/ November through April ?OuRCE: Wang, Bredthauer, and Marchegiani (1985) 1-10 ~ ::; I ) m ,sec SO-year 65,000 (1840) 97,700 (2 '770) 212,000 (6,000) 87,000 (2,460) 61,000 (1730) Table 1.3 -Size Distribution of Bedload and Bed Material, 1982 Data Size Distribution of Particles % Bedload Bed l-1aterial Gage Sand Gravel Cobble Sand Gravel CobbJe Susitna River near Talkeetna 78 16 6 0 30 70 Chulitna River near Talkeetna 41 58 1 26 64 10 Talkeetna River near Talkeetna 75 23 2 5 52 43 Susi tna River at Sunshine 56 42 2 5 66 29 Source: Knott and Lipscomb (1983) Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture (1984) (Table reproduced from: Wang, Bredthauer, and !'1archegiani (1985)) 1-ll -----------~------ ,;.a ... '·-' COOK INLET 17 C•~ SOURCE: Modified from (EWT & A and WCC, 1985) +Proposed Dams i te D. Streamgage (a 11 USGS except Watana, which is R & M) t 10 R1v11rmile lncromenls Scale , .. , 16milu ' LOCATION MAP FIG. 1.1 SUSITNA RIVER STREAMGAGE LOCATIONS (a) On a gravel bar near the Confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers . --. -~- (b) The Susitna River near Talkeetna River bed under 1 ft. (0.3m) of water Fig. 1.2 -Typical River Bed Material SOURCE: wang, Bredthauer, and Marchegiani (1985) 1-13 R24/3 22 2.0 RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION 2.1 Factors Affecting Reservoir Sedimentation The effect of the project on sediment transport in the Susitna River is of concern as it relates to aquatic habitat. This section briefly describes the processes of reservoir sedimentation and details the factors which affect trap efficiency. Trap efficiency is the percentage of incoming sediment which is retained in the reservoir. Section 3 discusses downstream project effects on channel stability, which are derived from changes to the flow and sediment regimes of the river. Changes to the sediment regime resu It from trapping all the bedload sediment and a large proportion of the suspended sediment which enters the reservoir, thus substantially reducing the sediment supply downstream. Sediment effects on water quality are addressed in Report Number 3, the Water Quality/Limnology Report. Trap efficiency of a reservoir depends on fall velocity of the sediment particles and on residence time of the sediment within the reservoir. Fall velocity is determined by a number of factors, including particle size and shape, particle density, sediment chemical composition, water temperature, water viscosity and sediment concentration ( R&M 1982d; PN &D and Hutchison 1982; Jokela, Bredthauer and Coffin 1983). The chemical composition may cause electrochemical interactions which lead to particle aggregation or dispersion. Small particles may aggregate into clusters which have settling properties similar to larger particles and fall more rapidly (R&M 1982d). A review of data from glacial lakes (R&M 1982d) indicated that particle sizes of 2 microns (0.002 mm) and less would pass through the reservoir. Another report ( PN &D and Hutchison, 1982) concluded that particles smaller than 3 to 4 microns would likely remain in suspension, and that wind mixing would be significant in retaining particles of diameter 12-micron and less in suspension above the 50-foot depth. Strong 2-1 R24/3 23 windstorms would cause re-entrainment of sediment, resulting in short-term increases in suspended sediment at the reservoir edges. Data collected at Eklutna Lake (R&M 1982a, 1985b), approximately 100 miles south of the Watana damsite, indicate that the mean particle s1ze of sediment carried through the lake is 3 to 4 microns equivalent diameter, with larger particles being deposited most rapidly and forming a delta. Residence time of sediment within the reservoir is determined by the capacity-inflow ratio, by the reservoir geometry (plan shape and depth), and by size and location of reservoir outlets. Capacity-inflow ratio is the major factor, but it may be modified by "short-circuiting" of sediment- laden inflow to the outlet if little mixing occurs. Shallow, open lakes are more conducive to formation of internal currents (due to winds) than are deep, confined lakes. These internal currents slow down the settling processes, especially for fine, slowly-falling particles. Deep reservoirs with large surface areas are almost continuously subjected to mixing processes generated by climatic influences (wind and surface energy transfer) and by inflowing and outflowing currents. This mixing creates a substantial amount of turbulence which tends to keep the fine sediments in suspension (PN&D and Hutchison 1982). Location and size of reservoir outlets also affects trap efficiency, with bottom outlets more effective in removing the higher sediment concentrations near the bottom (R&M 1982d). Short-circuiting of inflow may occur if hydraulic conditions in the reser- voir are such that the inflow plume travels to the dam outlet and is dis- charged with little interaction having taken place with the ambient water. The plume may travel through the reservoir as overflow, underflow or interflow, depending on whether it follows a top, bottom, or middle layer in the reservoir depth. The flow depth is determined by the relative den- sities of the stream water and the lake water, the equilibrium depth being that where densities of the two are the same. Density is primarily a function of temperature and suspended-sediment concentration and to some extent of dissolved-solids concentration. Frequency, duration, and 2-2 R24/3 24 intensity of underflows and interflows have also been attributed to lake bathymetry, especially near the stream mouth (R&M 1982d). Illustrations of the variation of turbidity (and thus of suspended sediment concentration) versus depth and time are shown for Eklutna Lake for 1984 in Figure 2.1. Another process which can affect sediment levels in a reservoir is slope failure and deposition from the surrounding banks. Soil stability is reduced by the reservoir raising the ground water table, especially when it also acts to thaw permafrost that had been binding the soil. The primary types of slope failure and subsequent erosion that are expected in the Watana Reservoir are shallow rotational slides and other shallow slides, mainly skin and bimodal flows (Acres American 1982). Devil Canyon Reservoir slopes are expected to be stable after impounding due to shallow overburden materials and stable bedrock. Rotational slides are landslides with well-defined, curved shear surfaces, concave upward in cross-section. Skin flows are detachments of a thin veneer of vegetation and mineral soil, with subsequent movement over a planar, inclined surface. In the reservoir impoundment area, this usually indicates thawing of fine-grained overburden over permafrost. Bimodal flows along the reservoir shore are slides that consist of steep headwalls containing ice or ice-rich sediment. The ice-rich sediment retreats retrogressively through melting to form a debris flow which slides down the face of the headwall to its base (Acres American 1982). The Alaska Power Authority (1983) made quantitative estimates of the increases in suspended sediments expected from skin slides, bimodal flows, and shallow rotational slides in the two reservoirs, including where they were likely to occur. A "worst case" scenario was assumed, in which 2x108 cubic meters of unconsolidated materials would slide into the reservoirs. It was assumed that all particles less than or equal to 10 microns would become suspended in the water. This resulted in an estimate of 35 percent (by dry weight) of the material being suspended. 2-3 -~-------~------------ R24/3 25 Seventy-five percent of this suspended material was assumed to be trapped in the reservoir. This reduced to an estimated maximum yield of 33 million metric tons of suspended particulates which could pass through the reservoirs and on downstream. Most of this activity would probably occur during the first five years of reservoir operation. 2. 2 Reservoir Sedimentation 2.2.1 General Approach Suspended sediment loads at the Watana and Devil Canyon dam sites were estimated by interpolating the loads at the Cantwell (Vee Canyon) and Gold Creek gages on the Susitna River. Sediment trap efficiencies of the reservoirs were estimated by the Brune and Churchill curves (Harza Ebasco, 1984c). Sediment deposits in Devil Canyon Reservoir were estimated for with and without-Watana Reservoir conditions. Bedloads were estimated as percentages of suspended sediment loads using available data at the Gold Creek, Talkeetna, and Sunshine gages on the Susitna River. All bedloads were assumed to be trapped by the reservoirs. Bedloads at Devil Canyon Reservoir were computed for with-and without-Watana Reservoir conditions. 2.2.2 Sediment Load Sediment discharges at the Cantwell (Vee Canyon) and Gold Creek gages were computed by the sediment rating flow duration curves method. Suspended sediment discharges and the corresponding water discharges for the Cantwell (Vee Canyon) gage are shown in Figure 2.2. The data for the Cantwell (Vee Canyon) gage were grouped into three groups, each corresponding to the period from June to October, November to April, and May. Only one sample was available for the 2-4 R24/3 26 November-Apri I period and two samples for the May period. These data were insufficient to develop separate curves. Therefore, one sediment rating curve was fitted visually to all data points. Using this suspended sediment rating curve and the flow-duration curve for Vee Canyon on Figure 2.3, the mean annual suspended sediment discharge at the Cantwell (Vee Canyon) gage was computed to be about 5,660,000 tons/year. Suspended sediment discharges and the corresponding water discharges for the Gold Creek gage are shown on Figure 2.4. The data for the Gold Creek gage, collected in the period from 1949 to 1982, were divided into three groups corresponding to June-October, November-April, and May periods. The points for the June-October and May periods indicated separate trend lines and were fitted with two curves. Limited data points were available for the low-flow period of November-April. These points appeared to be fitting the lower part of the May curve. Therefore, the May curve was used for the November-April period. The daily flow duration curves for the Gold Creek gage for the June-October and November-May periods were derived using the 1950-1982 flow data and are shown on Figure 2.5. The mean annual suspended sediment discharge at the Gold Creek gage was computed to be about 7,260,000 tons/year. 2. 2. 3 Reservoir Sediment Inflow Suspended-sediment inflows to Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoir were computed by transposing sediment discharges at the Cantwell (Vee Canyon) and Gold Creek gages, whose locations bracket the two reservoirs. Sediment discharges at the two gages were assumed to follow the following exponential relationship (Vanoni; 1975): 2-5 R24/3 27 in which: qsl == sediment discharge per unit drainage area (unit sediment discharge) at point 1 qs 2 == unit sediment discharge at point 2 A 1 == drainage area for point 1 A2 == drainage area for point 2 n == exponent Using the unit sediment discharges at the Cantwell (Vee Canyon) and Gold Creek gages, exponent "n'' in the above equation was computed to be -0.376. Thus, suspended-sediment discharge at the Watana damsite was computed to be 6,530,000 tons/year for the drainage area of 5,180 square miles. Assuming no Watana Reservoir, the suspended sediment discharge at the Devil Canyon was computed to be 7,030,000 tons/year using a drainage area of 5,810 square miles. Bedload discharge was estimated to be three percent of suspended-sediment discharge, based on the following analysis. Bedload and suspended sediment discharges for the Susitna River near Talkeetna were estimated to be 43,400 and 2,610,000 tons/year, respectively, as presented later in this report. Thus, the bedload discharge is about 1. 6 percent of suspended sediment discharge. For the Sunshine gage, this percentage is about 3. 2 based on the bedload and suspended sediment discharges of 423,000 and 13,330,000 tons/year, respectively. A value of 3 percent was used in the analysis. 2-6 R24/3 28 2.2.4 Sediment Trap Efficiency Sediment trap efficiencies of Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs were estimated by the Brune's and Churchill's curves (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977). The trap efficiency of Watana was also estimated by PN&D and Hutchison (1982) using a sedimentation model. Similar modeling is not available for Devil Canyon Reservoir. A comparison of the trap efficiencies of Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs estimated by the three methods is shown in Table 2.1. The Watana trap efficiency ranges from 96 to 100 percent based on Brune's curves. The trap efficiency is about 100 percent based on the Churchill's curves for local silt. The trap efficiency computed by a reservoir sedimentation model, DEPOSITS, ranges from 78 to 96 percent depending on reservoir mixing and dead storage volume. The trap efficiency of Devil Canyon Reservoir ranges from 86 to 98 percent based on the Brune's curves. The trap efficiency estimated with the Churchill's curves is 95 percent for local silt and 88 percent for fine silt, the latter case being for sediment discharged from an upstream reservoir. Tables 2.2 and 2.3 show the estimation of the trap efficiencies by Brune's curves and Churchill's curves. 2.2.5 Sediment Deposition Based on the estimated trap efficiencies shown in Table 2.1, Watana Reservoir was assumed conservatively to trap all sediment inflow to the reservoir. The resulting sediment deposition over a 50-and 100-year period will be about 210,000 and 410,000 acre-feet. The gross reservoir volume is about 9,470,000 acre-feet at a normal maximum pool elevation of 2,185 feet, of which 5, 730,000 acre-feet is the dead storage (APA, 1983a). The 100-year sediment deposit is only about 7 percent of the dead storage volume. 2-7 ----------·---~-"' R24/3 29 Without Watana Reservoir, the 50-and 100-year sediment deposits in Devil Canyon Reservoir would be about 226,000 and 442,000 acre-feet, respectively, also assuming a trap efficiency of 100 percent. The gross reservoir volume of Devil Canyon Reservoir is about 1,090,000 acre-feet at a normal maximum pool elevation of 1,455 feet, of which about 740,000 acre-feet is dead storage. The 100-year sediment deposit is about 60 percent of the dead storage volume. With Watana Reservoir, the 50-and 100-year sediment deposits in Devil Canyon Reservoir would be abut 16,100 and 31,400 acre-feet, respectively, or about 2 and 4 percent, respectively, of the dead storage volume, assuming 100 percent trap efficiency for sediments from the intervening drainage area. Any fine suspended sediment passed through Watana Reservoir was assumed to also pass through Devil Canyon Reservoir. The sediment volumes presented above were computed using the procedures of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (1977). Percentages of clay, silt, and sand of the incoming suspended sediment were estimated to be 20, 38 and 42, respectively, using sediment data for the Cantwell (Vee Canyon)and Gold Creek gages (Table 2.4). Using unit weights for clay, silt and sand of 26, 70 and 97 lb/fe, respectively, the unit weights of the sediment deposits after 50 and 100 years were estimated to be about 80 and 82 lbs/fe, respectively. The unit weight of bedload was estimated to be 120 lb/fe. 2-8 Table 2.1 COMPARISON OF TRAP EFFICIENCIES ESTIMATED BY BRUNE'S CURVES, CHURCHILL'S CURVE, AND SEDIMENTATION HODEL Method Tra:e Efficiencx 2 % Watana Devil Canyon Brune's Curves Coarse Sediment 100 98 Median Curve 99 94 Fine Sediment 96 86 Churchill's Curve Local Silt 100 95 Fine Silt 88 DEPOSITS Hodel Quiescent 94 to 96* Minimum Mixing 86 to 93* Maximum Mixing 78 to 90* * Corresponding to dead storage volumes from 5,340,000 acre-feet to 900,000 acre-feet (reservoir capacity = 9,470,000 acre-feet at normal maximum pool). SOL"RCE: Harza-Ebasco (1984c) 2-9 • • • • • • J J -J J J -J J J J ·-J -J Table 2 .2 RESERVOIR TRAP EFFICIENCY BY BRUNE'S CURVES Reservoir Storage Capacity af Average Annual Inflow af Capacity -:-Inflow Trap Efficiency Max. Median Min. Watana Devil Canyon 9,47o,ooo!/5,780,oood/ 1.&4 1,090,00o116,580,00~ 0.17 100 99 98 94 1J At normal maximum pool elevaton 2185 feet above mean sea level. From License Application, Exhibit E, Chapter 2, page E-2-55 (11). 96 86 11 At normal maximum pool elevation 1455 feet above mean sea level. From License Application, Exhibit E, Chapter 2, page E-2-55 (11). 1/ Converted from average annual flow of 7990 cfs at Watana, as shown in License Application, Exhibit E, Chapter 2, Table E.2.4 (11). ~ Converted from average annual flow of 9080 cfs, as shown in License Application, Exhibit E, Chapter 2, Table E.2.4 (11). SQ{JRCE: Harza-Ebasco (1984c) 2-10 N I 1-' 1-' Table .2.3 RESERVOIR TRAP EFFICIENCY BY CHURCHILL 1 S CURVES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Average2../ (7) (8) Cross-Retention Storage lf AveragelJ Retention11 Reservoir.i/ Sectional MeanW Period -:- Reservoir Capacity Inflow Period Length Area Velocity Velocity ft3 cfs sec ft ft2 • ft/sec sec2/ft Watana 4.13xl011 7990 5.17xl07 2. 75xl05 1.50xl06 0.53xlo-2 9.70xl09 Devil Canyon (local silt) 0.48xloll 9080 0.52xl07 1.69xl05 0.28x1o6 3.23xlo-2 o.16xlo9 Devil Canyon (fine silt) At normal maximum pool elevation 2185 ft for Watana and 1455 ft for Devil Canyon. From License Application, Exhibit E, Chapter 2, page E-2-55. From License Application, Exhibit E, Chapter 2, Table E.2.4. Col. (2) -:-Col. (3). (9) % of Silt Passing < 0.1 5 12 Converted from 52 reservoir miles for Watana and 32 reservoir miles for Devil Canyon. Col. (2) -:-Col. ( 5). Col. (3) -:-Col. (6). SOu~: Harza-Ebasco {1984c) I I (lO) Trap Effi- ciency % 100 ~s 88 \_t '-' '-' L..l '-' 1...1 '-' 1.....1 L-1 1...1 ·'-' 1-1 1-• L..' ._,--._i"-L..i-._*-L;- Table 2.4 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF SUSPENDED SEDIMENT No. Particle Size (mm) Stream Gaging of Y .002 .004 .008 .016 .031 .062 .125 .250 .500 1.000 Station Samele --percent Finer Than.Y Susitna River 34 12 16 23 31 41 53 64 81 96 100 nr. Denali Susitna River 27 12 18 25 33 43 54 67 86 97 100 nr. Cantwell Susitna River 24 15 19 27 35 47 61 75 86 98 100 at Gold Creek Susitna River 13 29 35 53 72 79 90 100 nr. Talkeetna tV Chulitna River 36 21 31 37 46 55 62 72 85 99 100 I nr. Talkeetna i-' tV Talkeetna River 16 9 16 22 31 41 53 65 85 99 100 nr. Talkeetna Susitna River 17 22 33 43 53 62 67 79 90 100 at Sunshine Susitna River 9 16 23 33 43 52 60 82 94 100 at Susitna Station 1/ Samples for which full range of size distributions were analyzed. 2/ The percentages given are the median values from a range of oberved percentages for various sizes. S()t]"OCE: .Harza-Ebasco (l984d) ..... e ..... ::t: .... a. w Q w !\) :.:: I i-' <C w ..J 2 2 (SAMPLE FREQUENCY ~Typ. )J 3 3 2 50 40 5 20 30 10 \ 20 10 10 0~----~------~------~~--~------~------~~~~~----~--~~~~~--~~--~------~ JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG FIG. 2.1 ISO-TURBIDITY vs. TIME EKLUTNA LAKE at STATION 9 1984 SEPT OCT NOV DEC SOURCE: Figure reproduced from(R & M 1985b) 850 BOO r )> " fTl 750 JTI r JTI < )> -i 0 :z .--':"" 700 4- . I. 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 ' 10,~~{1 5 6 7 8 9 ' I 4 i 6 7 ' " ' ,/ ; ; ; / -! L.! ' I Figure 2. 2 Suspended Sed-___ . irocmt rC!:ting curve , Susi tna __i river near Cantwell. · - ! (Vee canyon} ' I r 7 B SOURCE: Harza-Ebasco {1984c} 1100,000 • • 9. )'~.1.>-i' -v X OS~'-'.;:._;::--·, "'. ( ~-' ,, ~-.... .. ,,__ .. ' • ·-• su . '· .. t--: -. -----r_:_- 8 l 7 !j_ ---·-:_-:-1 FIGURE 2.3 ANNUA.:.·~FLOW DURAT-ION CURVE, SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL (VEE CANYON) -~ 5 I 4 4 l 3 3 l l l ! l l l ~ I L ! -,. ----,-----T-"'""~------· -----··---;------··-·i j l 1,000 l ! I L ..: I -1 .SOURCE: GRAPH RE-PLOTTED FROM (HARZA-EBASCO, 1984C) PERIOD OF RECORD: 1962-1972, 1980-1982 ~ PERCENTAGE OF TIME DISCHARGE IS EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED -----·l---~-: SOu"R:E: Harza-Ebasco (l984c) 2-16 l • • " •. ! ___ ·-:-P~Oe.AS!! ,-y '( 2' :_:_.:.' >'.£~ ,., • " ""~~..,~~ .-:::-• • • 100.000 L 6 L l .;·.:· l 2 3 L~ ~ t : SOURCE: GRAPHS RE-PLOTTED FROM HARZA-EBASCO (1984c) PERIOD OF RECORD: 1950-1982 PERCENTAGE OF TIME DISCHARGE IS EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED R24/3 30 3.0 CHANNEL STABILITY 3. 1 Introduction The Susitna River between Devil Canyon and the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers has a single-channel or a split-channel configuration. A number of barren gravel bars or moderately-to-heavily vegetated islands exist in the river. The mid-channel gravel bars appear to be mobile during moderate to high floods (R&M, 1982e). A number of tributaries, including Portage Creek, Indian River, 4th of July Creek, and Lane Creek, join the main river in this reach. Almost every tributary has built an alluvial fan into the river valley. Due to relatively steep gradients of some of these tributaries, the deposited material is somewhat coarser than that normally carried by the Susitna River. Vegetated islands generally separate the main channel from side channels and sloughs. These sloughs and side channels exist on one bank of the river at locations where the main river channel is confined towards the opposite bank. The flows enter into these sloughs and side channels, depending upon the elevations of the berms at their heads relative to the mainstem river stages (Table 3.1). Coarser bed materials are generally found at the heads of sloughs and side channels, as the flow entering these sloughs and side channels is from the upper layer of the flow in the main channel and does not carry coarse material. This relatively sediment- free flow picks up finer bed material at the heads, thereby leaving coarser material. Evaluation of morphological changes between 1949-1951 and 1977-1980 (AEIDC, 1984) indicates that some sloughs have come into existence since 1949-51, some have changed character and/or type significantly, and others have not yet changed enough to be noticeable. Many sloughs have evolved from side channels to side sloughs or from side sloughs to upland sloughs (definitions of slough types and other habitat types may be found in (EWT&A and WCC, 1985)). Thus, they are now higher in elevation 3-1 R24/3 31 relative to the water surface in the mainstem at a given discharge. The perching of the sloughs and increased exposure of gravel bars above the water surface are indicative of river degradation over the 35-year period. However, the photographs presented in the report also show significant increase in the number and/or size of barren gravel bars, which indicates that depositions also have occurred. Therefore, both aggradation and degradation can be expected to occur in the Susitna River under natural conditions, depending upon the flows and sediment loads. Under with project conditions, the flow regime of the Susitna River will be modified, and the reservoirs will trap most sediment except the smaller particle sizes of fine silt and clay size material. The river will strive to adjust itself to a new equilibrium. The main channel will have the tendency to be more confined with a narrower channel. This may cause the main channel to recede from the heads of some sloughs and side channels. Of major concern are potential aggradation or degradation in the sloughs and side channels at their entrances, and at sites in the main channel. Also of concern are intrusion of fine sediment into the gravel bed and its subsequent entrapment. In case of fine sediment deposition on the gravel bed, appropriate measures may be necessary to flush out the sediments so that the bed can be kept clean. Another concern is the potential change in hydraulic conditions at the mouths of tributaries due to lower main stem water levels. Of special interest are Indian River and Portage Creek, which receive the majority of the escapement of chinook and chum salmon entering tributaries upstream of the Chulitna River confluence. Potential perching of these and other tributaries above the mainstem, the decrease or elimination of the backwater area at the mouth, and increased velocities could restrict fish access to spawning areas (Trihey, 1983). Conversely, excessive degradation at some tributaries could potentially cause maintenance problems at stream crossings of the Alaska Railroad (R&M, 1982f). 3-2 R24/3 32 This segment of the report discusses the analyses of sedimentation processes conducted by Harza-Ebasco (1985), R&M (1982e,f) and Trihey (1983) in order to evaluate stream channel stability under natural and with-project conditions for study sites in the mainstem, in selected sloughs and side channels, and in significant tributaries. For these analyses, a stable channel means that its shape, slope and bed material size distribution do not change significantly with time. Thus, these physical parameters are relatively constant, although there may actually be exchange of soil particle~ in the bed from time to time. Major items discussed in this section are: 1. Evaluation of sedimentation processes under natural conditions; 2. Evaluation of potential degradation or aggradation under with-project conditions; 3. Determination of discharge rates at which the mainstem flows are likely to overtop the entrances of the sloughs and side channels under natural and with-project conditions; 4. Estimation of discharge rates for the sloughs and side channels at which their beds will be unstable, and also estimation of the rates required to flush out fine sediment deposits; and 5. Estimation of changes in tributary mouth conditions at significant tributaries. 3.2 Factors Affecting Channel Stability To provide some background for analyzing the specific problems under study, a brief description of sediment transport in a river is given below. Sediment particles are transported by the flow as bedload and suspended load. The bedload consists of wash load and bed-material load. In large rivers, the amount of bedload generally varies between about 3 and 25 percent of the suspended load. Although the amount of bedload is generally small compared to the suspended load, it is important because it shapes the bed and affects the channel stability. 3-3 R24/3 33 The amount of material transported or deposited in a stream under a given set of conditions depends upon the interaction between variables representing the characteristics of the sediment being transported and the capacity of the stream to transport the sediment. A list of these variables is given below (Simons, Li and Associates, 1982). Sediment Characteristics: Quality: Size, settling velocity, specific gravity, shape, resistance to wear, state of dispersion and cohesiveness. Quantity: Geology and topography of watershed; magnitude, intensity, duration, distribution and season of rainfall; soil condition; vegetal cover; cultivation and grazing; surface erosion; and bank cutting. Capacity of Stream: Geometric shape: Depth, width, form and alignment. Hydraulic Properties: Slope, roughness, hydraulic radius, discharge, velocity, velocity distribution, turbulence, tractive force, fluid properties and uniformity of discharge. The above variables are not independent, and in some cases the effect of a variable is not definitely known. However, the responses of channel pattern and longitudinal gradient to variation of the variables have been studied by various investigators, including Lane (1955), Leopold and Maddock (1953), Schumm (1971) and Santos Cayudo and Simons (1972). The studies by these investigators support the following general relationships (Simons and Senturk, 1977): 3-4 R24/3 34 (i) depth of flow is directly proportional to the cube root of water discharge; (ii) channel width is directly proportional to sediment discharge and to the square root of water discharge; (iii) channel shape expressed as width to depth ratio is directly related to sediment discharge; (iv) channel slope is inversely proportional to water discharge and directly proportional to both sediment discharge and grain size; (v) sinuosity is dir~ctly proportional to valley slope and inversely proportional to sediment discharge; and (vi) transport of bed material is directly related to streampower (defined as product of bed shear and cross-sectional average velocity), and to concentration of fine material, and inversely related to bed material sizes. Because of the complexity of interaction between various variables, the river response to natural or man-made changes is generally studied by (i) qualitative analysis, involving morphological concepts; (ii) quantitative analysis involving application of morphological concepts and various empirical or experimental relationships; and (iii) quantitative analysis using mathematical models. The insight to the problems obtained through the qualitative approach provides understanding of the methods required to quantify the changes in the system. Mathematical modeling can help to study many factors simultaneously. Recent work by Simons and Li (1978) and others indicate that physical process computer modeling provides a reliable methodology for analyzing the impacts and developing solutions to complex problems of aggradation, degradation and river response to engineering activities. For river channels of non-cohesive sediment, qualitative predictions of river response have been made using Lane's relationship (Lane, 1955): os-G d s s 3-5 R24/3 35 in which Q = stream discharge S = longitudinal slope of stream channel G bed material discharge s ds = particle size of bed material, generally represented by d 50 (median diameter) The use of the above relationship to predict potential responses of the Susitna River under natural and with-project conditions is discussed in Section 3.5.1. Prediction of quantitative changes in a river system requires geomorphic and hydraulic data or information which are generally not readily available. Considerable effort, time and money are required to collect such information. The data of primary needs include hydrological and topographic maps and charts, large scale aerial and other photos of the river and surrounding terrain, existing river conditions (roughness coefficient, aggradation, degradation, local scour near structures), discharge and stage data (under natural and with-project conditions), existing channel geometry (main channel, side channels, islands), sediment data (suspended load and bed-load, size distribution of bank and bed material and suspended sediment), and size and operation of anticipated reservoir(s) on the river system. Because the available data did not permit meaningful mathematical modeling using computer techniques, the morphological concepts and empirical relationships were used to predict potential aggradation or degradation at the study sites. 3.3 General Analytical Approach Harza Ebasco (1985) evaluated the sedimentation processes of degradation and aggradation under natural and with-project conditions in the Susitna 3-6 R24/3 36 River at the study sites (Table 3.1), using the approaches discussed below. 3.3.1 Degradation Generally, river bed degradation occurs downstream of newly constructed diversion and storage structures. The rate of degradation is rapid at the beginning, but is checked by either the development of a stable channel slope or by the formation of an armor layer if sufficient coarse sediment particles are available in the bed. The important variables affecting the degradation process are: 1. Characteristics of the flow released from the reservoir, 2. Sediment concentration of the flow released from the reservoir, 3. Characteristics of the bed material, 4. Irregularities in the river bed, 5. Geometric and hydraulic characteristics of the river channel; and 6. Existence and location of controls in the downstream channel. The assumptions used in the analysis of degradation include: 1. Bedload is completely trapped by the reservoir, but suspended sediment particles of .004 mm and less in diameter will remain in suspension and pass through the reservoir ( PN &0, 1982). The sediment passing through the reservoir would be about 18 percent of the sediment inflow (Harza-Ebasco, 1984d); 2. 1 rregularities in the river and channel configurations remain unchanged; 3-7 R24/3 37 3. Sediment supply due to bank erosion is negligible; 4. Sediment eroded from the river bed is carried downstream as bedload; 5. Sediment injections by tributaries are carried downstream without significant deposition; 6. Size distribution of bed material is constant throughout the depth at each study site; and 7. Sufficient coarse material exists in the river bed to form an armoring layer which prevents further degradation. The size of transportable bed material was estimated using (i) the competent bottom velocity concept of Mavis and Laushey (1948) and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (1977); (ii) the tractive force versus transportable size relationship derived by Lane (1953); (iii) the Meyer-Peter, Muller formula (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977); (iv) the Schoklitsch formula (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977); and (v) Shields criteria (Simons, and Li and Associates, 1982). The depth of degradation or the depth from original streambed to top of the armoring layer was computed by the following relationship given in (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977): y = y ( 1 -1) d a - ~p in which: Y d = depth of degradation, feet Y = thickness of armoring layer, assumed as 3 times transportable a size or 0.5 feet, whichever is smaller Ap = decimal percentage of material larger than the size 3-8 R24/3 38 The transportable size for a given discharge was the average of the five sizes estimated by using the five methods mentioned above. 3.3.2 Aggradation Potential aggradation at the entrances of sloughs and side channels was estimated by comparing the transportable size for the flow in the mainstem before diversion into the slough or side channel and the transportable size for the remaining flow in the main channel a'fter diversion into side channel or slough. If the two sizes were significantly different, it was concluded that some of the bedload being transported would be deposited near the entrance. 3.3.3 Stability of Tributary Mouths The regulation of floods by reservoir operation results in a decrease in stage during mean annual floods of from 3.2 to 7.6 feet at the mouths of tributaries between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River confluence. Similarly, the decrease in average summer flows results in average reductions in water levels of 1-4 feet. Material transported to the tributaries' mouths will no longer be readily transported downstream (although such transport is assumed in the degradation analysis). Consequently, alluvial fans will increase in size at the mouth of affected tributaries. Also, the reduced summer water levels may result in headcutting and scour at the tributaries. Field data were collected at nineteen tributaries. A qualitative analysis was conducted to determine if the above problems were likely to occur. A semi-quantitative analysis (R&M, 1982f) was done on six creeks, and considered channel slope, the sediment discharge rate, the bed material size distribution and the decrease in stage expected at the tributary mouth. Due to their importance to chinook and chum 3-9 R24/3 39 salmon spawning, Indian River and Portage Creek were analyzed in more detail for changes in hydraulic conditions due to project operation, including bed changes and average velocities (Tri hey, 1983). 3.4 Analysis of Natural Conditions The basic data used in this study were taken from various reports prepared for Alaska Power Authority by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Team (ADF&G); R&M Consultants, Inc. (R&M); and Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture (H-E). Discharge and sediment data also were taken from the publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division (USGS) in co-operation with the Alaska Power Authority (Knott and Lipscomb, 1983, 1985). Hydraulic parameters such as stage-discharge relationships, channel widths, average channel depths, measured velocities and bed slopes of selected side channels and sloughs, were taken from various reports of R&M (R&M, 1982 b, c, f, g) and ADF&G (ADF&G, 1983b, 1984b). The hydraulic parameters for the main channel reaches were derived from the data given in (Harza Ebasco, 1984b). Some unpublished data were obtained from USGS, R&M and ADF&G through correspondence. The site characteristics and hydraulic parameters for study sites in the mainstem, side channels and sloughs are shown in Tables 3. 1, 3.2 and 3.3. The Manning's roughness coefficients for various main channel reaches, side channels and sloughs (Table 3.1) were estimated based on field reconnaissances made in 1983 and 1984 and on the analysis presented by Harza Ebasco (1984b). The representative bed material size distribution for each site was derived from the analysis of the bed material samples collected by Harza Ebasco. In the mainstem of the Susitna River, the surface material is generally coarser than the sub-surface material. The bed material samples collected 3-10 R24/3 40 in the sloughs and side channels, however, did not show any distinct difference between the surface and sub-surface materials. The surface and sub-surface samples at a given site were combined to determine the s1ze distribution. The adopted size distributions are given in Table 3.4. These are considered only indicative of the bed material at the specific sites because many additional samples would be required to determine a representative size distribution for the whole length of the study reach. The sizes of transportable bed material corresponding to a selected range of discharges (Table 3. 5) were estimated as the average of the five sizes computed using the methods of competent bottom velocity; tractive force; Meyer-Peter, Muller formula; Schoklitsch formula; and Shields criteria. A comparison of median bed material size and the transportable size at each site indicated that under natural conditions, most of the selected sites are subject to temporary scour and/or deposition, depending upon the magnitude and characteristics of the sediment load and high flows caused by floods or breaching of ice jams. About 56 percent of the suspended sediment load carried by the river under natural conditions is finer than 0.5 millimeter (medium to fine sand, silt and clay). This fine sediment has been observed to deposit in side channels and sloughs. However, many of these deposits are re-suspended and removed during high flows, probably because of disturbances of the surface bed material layer. 3.5 With-Project Conditions 3. 5. 1 River Morphology The construction of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project will change the streamflow pattern and sediment regime. The essentially sediment- free flows from the reservoirs wi II have the tendency to pick up bed material and cause degradation. The modified discharges downstream from the dams, however, will have reduced competence to transport 3-11 R24/3 41 sediment, especially that brought by the tributaries. These two factors tend to compensate each other, resulting in the overall effects discussed below. The Lane relationship discussed in Section 3.2 is based on an equilibrium concept, that is, if any change occurs in one or two parameters of the water and sediment discharge relationships, the river will strive to compensate the other parameters so that a new equilibrium is attaine<:L In the case of the Susitna River, both water discharge and bed load discharge will be modified by the reservoirs. Therefore, adjustments will occur in the river channel and particle sizes of the bed material. A number of studies (Hey, et al 1982) have indicated that the new median diameter under with-project conditions may correspond to the o 90 or o95 of the original bed material. The potential morphological changes of the Susitna River also were addressed qualitatively by R&IV1 (1982e). It was argued that the Susitna River between Devil Canyon and the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers would tend to become more defined with a narrower channel. The main channel river pattern will strive for a tighter, better defined meander pattern within the existing banks. A trend of channel width reduction by encroachment of vegetation and sediment deposition near the banks would be expected. 3. 5. 2 Channel Stability Potential degradation at the selected sites was estimated for various discharges using the discussed procedure. The potential degradation at each site estimated from these relationships is listed in Table 3.6. These estimates are based on the assumptions that there would not be a significant supply of coarse sediments by the tributaries and that there would not be redeposition of bed material eroded from the upstream channel. 3-12 R24/3 42 Table 3. 7 shows average weekly flows at Gold Creek for four project operation scenarios and for natural conditions (Harza Ebasco, 1985). These data indicate about 50 percent reduction in flows during the May through September period and about 3 to 4 times increase in flows during the October through April period. Table 3.8 shows annual maximum weekly flow at Gold Creek for natural and with-project conditions. Under with-project conditions, the maximum weekly flows occur under 2002 load conditions for almost every year. Using the average of these annual maximum weekly flows as the dominant discharge (about 30,000 cfs), the potential degradation at the main channel sites would be in the range of about 1.0 to 1.5 feet. In the sloughs and side channels, the degradation would be about 0 to 0.5 feet. These estimates, however, are based on the assumptions that there will not be significant injection of bedload by the tributaries and that there would not be redeposition of sediment eroded from the upstream channel. In actual situations, there will be sediments carried down by the tributaries, of which some will be deposited in the main river. Redeposition of some sediment eroded from the upstream channel will also occur. Therefore, actual degradation at the main channel sites would be less than that estimated. Table 3.3 shows that bifurcation of flow at the heads of the sloughs and side channels will not significantly reduce the discharge rates in the main channel. Therefore, the competence of flow to transport bed material will not be affected due to bifurcation of flow and little aggradation should be expected in the main channel near the entrances to the sloughs and side channels. It is not possible to accurately estimate the actual degradation since there are many unquantifiable parameters. These include bed material transport from tributaries and bank erosion, the degree of armoring by the present bed, and the actual streamflows and floods which will occur for the first few years of Devil Canyon operation. However, 3-13 R24/3 43 based on many samples of bed material and visual inspection, it is believed that on the average, degradation in the main channel will not exceed approximately one foot. The amount of this degradation may be greatest near the Devil Canyon Dam face, decreasing with distance downstream. When the system energy demand increases (as in 2010), and less flow is discharged in July and August, the armoring layer developed earlier will be stable, more so than under natural conditions. However, infrequent high flood events will not be controlled to as great an extent as will smaller floods, and will still have the ability to remove the armor layer and cause bed degradation. Reservoir operation studies indicate that floods up to the 50-year event will be controlled for project energy demands in 2002. Control of infrequent flood events will be improved as energy demand increases, and the potential for bed degradation will therefore be reduced. Because of degradation in the mainstem, discharges higher than those under natural conditions would be required to overtop the berms at the heads of the sloughs and side chan nels. Assuming that the river bed at the entrances would be lowered by about one foot due to degradation, the with -project discharges that would overtop the sloughs and side channels were estimated to be between 4,000 and 12,000 cfs higher than those under natural conditions, with an average increase of approximately 8, 000 cfs. 3. 5.3 Intrusion of Fine Sediments As previously discussed, the reservoir will trap all sediment except for particles sizes of .004 mm and less, which constitute about 18 percent of the suspended load. The velocities at the study sites (Tables 3.2 and 3.3) would be sufficiently high to carry these fine particles in suspension, and the substrate would generally be cleaner. However, some coarse silt and fine sand might be picked up from the 3-14 R24/3 44 river bed. These fine materials would have the tendency to settle out in pools and backwater areas. Therefore, some deposition of such silt and sand in the sloughs and side channels is possible, and it may be desirable to operate the project such that the sloughs and side channels are overtopped at least for a few days each year, unless other means such as "Gravel Gerties" are employed to flush out the fine sediment deposition. 3.5.4 Tributary Stability The semi-quantitative assessment of the nineteen tributaries (R&M, 1982f) indicated that three creeks (Jack Long, Sherman and Deadhorse) are estimated to aggrade and to likely restrict access by fish. The tributaries at RM 127.3, RM 110.1, and Skull Creek are estimated to degrade and to possibly affect the railroad bridges. The other tributaries studied will either degrade or aggrade, but without effects on fish access or railroad. The assessment is summarized in Table 3.9. The analysis of hydraulic conditions at Portage Creek and Indian River indicates that fish access has not been a problem and is unlikely to be a problem under with-project conditions (Trihey, 1983). These creeks will adjust their streambed gradients and will re-establish entrance conditions similar to those under natural conditions. 3-15 ---------·----····" , , , , , 1 , , , , , , , jJ Table 3.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDY SITES ON MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER!.' Approx. River Miles OVerall Overall Observed Estimated Slope of Slope of Overtopping Bed Elev. Study Reach Hain River Discharge.V at Head Main Channel Nr. River Cross Section 4 Main Channel Between River Cross Sec- tions 12 and 13 Main Channel Upstream from Lane Creek. Mainstem 2 Side Channels at River Cross Section 18.2 NW Channel NE Channel Slough 8A (main channel) NW Channel NE Channel Slough 9 99.0 to 100.0 108.5 to 110.0 113.6 to 114.2 114.4 115.5 126.2 126.7 128.3 Main Channel Upstream From 131.2 to the 4th of July Creek. 132.2 Side Channel 10 134.2 Lower Side Channel 11 135.0 Slough 11 135.4 Upper Side Channel 11 136.2 Hain Channel Between 136.9 to Cross Sections 46 and 48 137.4 Side Channel 21 Downstream from A5 140.6 Upstream from A5 141.9 Slough 21 NW Channel 142.2 NE Channel 142.3 .0017 .0012 .0017 .0030 .0020 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0026 .0015 .0039 .0024 .0029 .0045 .0017 .0030 .0043 .0017 .0012 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0017 .0016 .0015 .1017 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0017 .0032 .0023 1/ Data taken from various reports of H-E; ADF&G and R&M. 2/ Discharges at Gold Creek Station 3/ Not applicable. SOt..JIO::: Harza-Ebasco (1985) 3-16 NA NA 12,000 12,000 23,000 26,000 26,000 33,000 16,000 NA 19,000 5,000 42,000 1l,OOO NA 12,000 20,000 23,000 26,000 NA NA NA 476.3 476.3 484.6 576.5 604.6 NA 656.6 684.6 684.3 NA 753.8 756.9 Estimated ~nning~s Roughness .030 .035 .035 .035 .035 .035 .032 .032 .032 .032 .035 .035 .035 .032 .035 .035 .030 .030 .030 ., l Table 3.2 l HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS FOR MAINSTEM SITES Location Gold Creek Discharge ( cfs) 1 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,700 13,400 17 zOOO 23,400 341500 52,000 Near River Cross Section 4 Discharge, cfs 3,090 5,150 7,210 9, 990 13,800 17' 500 24,100 35,500 53,600 1 Width, ft 650 750 860 1,010 1,200 1,380 1,640 2,060 2,680 Depth, ft 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.6 s.s 6.3 7.3 8.9 10.6 Velocity, ft/sec 2.7 3.4 3.8 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.6 4.9 1 Jl~f;.~• .... River Cross Sections 12 and 13 Discharge, cfs 3,090 5,150 7,210 9,990 13,800 17,500 24,100 35,500 53,600 Width, ft 380 410 425 445 460 473 495 518 545 1 Depth, ft 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.0 9.2 9.9 11.2 13.1 16.0 Velocity, ft/sec 2.3 3.0 3.4 4.2 4.7 5.3 6.1 7.0 7.7 1 Upstream from Lane Creek Discharge, cfs 3,090 5,150 7,210 9, 990 13,800 17,500 24,100 35,500 53,600 Width, ft 850 960 1,020 1,110 1,350 1,680 1,790 1,860 1,900 Depth, ft 5.9 6.8 7.4 8.2 8.5 9.3 10.0 11.0 12.9 1 Velocity, ft/sec 1.7 2.2 2.6 3.1 4.1 4.3 5.2 6.7 7.5 Upstream from 4th of July Creek 1 Discharge, cfs 3,000 5,000 7,000 9, 700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 Width, ft 250 340 430 580 800 970 1,150 1,250 1,380 Depth, ft 6.3 7.2 7.7 8.3 9.0 9.3 10.1 10.6 11.6 Velocity, ft/sec 2.1 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.9 5.8 6.2 7.4 8.8 1 Between River Cross Sections 46 and 48 Discharge, cfs 3,000 5,000 7,000 9, 700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 1 Width, ft 305 385 465 545 600 650 710 800 920 Depth, ft 5.1 6.2 6.9 8.1 9.0 9.7 10.6 12.0 14.1 Velocity, ft/sec 3.6 4.1 4.6 4.9 5.7 6.4 6.8 8.2 9.4 1 SOlJFCE: Harza-Eba.sco (1985) '1 I i 1 ~ • I 3-17 ----·~·· -~.,.,., .......... ,..~.~~--· "1 '1 Table 3.3 HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS FOR SIDE CHANNELS l AND SLOUGHS Slough/Side 1 Gold Creek Channel Slough/Side Channel Location Discharge Discharge Width Depth Ve1ocit;t: (c fs) (Tt) (ft) (ft/sec) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 M.ainstem 2 Side Channel Northwest Channel 17,000 150 112 1.0 1.39 1 23,400 940 117 1.9 2.78 34,500 2,940 228 2.5 5.20 52,000 6,700 264 2.9 8. 75 1 Northeast Channel 34,500 650 111 3.4 1. 71 52,000 2, 900 124 3.8 6.09 Main Channel Below 1 Confluence 17,000 150 128 0.5 2. 31 23,400 940 250 1.4 3.78 34,500 3,590 341 2.7 3. 89 52,000 9,600 366 4.4 6.00 1 Slough SA Northwest Channel 30,000 19 45 0.7 0.62 1 35,000 47 45 0.9 1.18 40,000 98 45 1.0 2.21 45,000 183 45 1.1 3.75 52,000 383 46 1.3 6.58 1 Northeast Channel 30,000 17 70 1.0 .4 2 35,000 26 71 1.1 .51 40,000 37 73 1.2 .59 1 45,000 51 75 1.4 .6 7 52,000 74 78 1.6 .77 Main Channel Below 1 Conflu ... nce 30,000 36 62 0.8 .7 2 35,000 73 66 1.0 1.14 40,000 135 70 1.1 1.74 45,000 234 72 1.2 2.68 1 52,000 457 78 1.5 3.96 Slough 9 23,400 80 73 1.3 0.82 34,500 580 151 2.2 2.34 1 45,000 1,600 156 3.0 4.03 52,000 2,650 160 3.2 5.30 1 1 1 1 3-18 J J Table 3.3 (con't) HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS FOR SIDE CHANNELS J AND SLOUGHS Slough/ Side J Gold Creek Channel Sloush/Side Channel Location Discharge Discharse Width Depth Velocity (cfs) (ft) (f t) (ft/sec.) (1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) J Side Channel 10 21,000 30 38 0.8 1.00 25,000 150 83 1.5 1.25 30,000 430 102 2.1 2.05 J 34,500 860 108 2.6 3.07 45,000 2,800 119 3.7 6.36 52,000 4,900 127 4.4 8.75 J Lower Side Channel 1 7,000 520 275 0.9 1.75 9,700 862 280 1.3 2.27 13,400 1,420 285 1.8 2.96 17.000 2,053 290 2.3 3.60 J 23,400 3,365 295 3.2 4.64 34,500 6,133 300 4.8 6.46 45,000 9,248 300 6.3 7.87 52,000 11,565 300 7.5 8.90 J Upper Side Channel 11 17,000 38 101 0.5 • 75 23,400 170 117 1.0 1. 52 34,500 1,060 146 2.2 3.30 J 45,000 3,900 155 4.0 6. 70 52,000 7,800 170 5.2 8.80 Slough 11 44,000 21 24 0.5 1.65 J 46,000 33 30 0.6 1.80 48,000 94 49 0.9 2.25 50,000 176 64 1.1 2.60 52,000 332 84 1.3 3.00 J Side Channel 21 12,000 67 77 1.0 0.87 16,000 205 105 1.4 1.40 20,000 420 130 1.7 1.90 J 25,000 810 162 2.0 2.50 30,000 1,350 189 2.3 3.10 40,000 2,900 260 2.7 4.15 52,000 5,600 298 3.3 5.70 J Slough 21 25,000 13 52 0.5 0.50 30,000 39 72 0.9 0.60 35,000 105 94 1.4 0.80 J 40,000 235 98 2.0 1.20 45,000 500 99 2.8 1.80 50,000 970 99 3.9 2.52 J SOURCE: Har:za-Ebasco (1985) J J J 3-19 ,----· --~·-----'--- ) ) -I ~J ~I l -I -J -I -I 1 1 Table 3.4 REPRESENTATIVE BED MATERIAL SIZE DISTRIBUTION FOR SELECTED SLOUGil.S, SIDE CHANNEL AND MAINSTEM SITES Particle Size, mm Bed Material .062 .125 .250 .500 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 16.0 32.0 64.0 --Percent Finer Than Sizes (mm) For Given Percentage Main Channel near Cross Section 4-!1 Main Channel between Cross Sections 12 and 131.1 Main Channel upstream from Lane Creekl 1 Msinstem 2 Side Channels at Cross Section 18. 2.!1 Slough W 1 Slough 9..§.1 Msin Channel upstream from 4th of July Creek11 Side Channel 101l.1 Lover Side Channel 11, down- stream from Slough 111 1 Slough 1illl Upperside Channel 11, up- stream from Slough 1ill1 Msin Channel between Cross Sectio-n 46 and 4all1 Side Channel 21, downstream from Slough 2111 1 Slough 2111 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 0 0 3 2 3 5 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 0 0 7 10 l3 16 3 5 8 12 5 7 9 10 7 10 13 17 6 10 12 l3 7 15 18 20 6 8 11 14 6 12 17 20 5 7 10 14 5 8 12 15 5 a 12 15 3 7 10 13 1 4 6 8 1 4 6 8 ~1 Based on 6 samples taken at three locations near cross section 4. 1:.1 Based on 2 samples taken near river miles 109.3. 22 18 14 22 15 23 20 25 19 20 20 17 12 12 ~~ Based on 2 samples taken in main channel upstream from Lane Creek • .!i 1 Based on 4 samples taken in the Ha.instem 2 side channel, at four locations. i 1 Based on 6 samples taken near the slough in the main channel at RM 125.6 • .i1 Based on 5 samples taken near the slough in the main channel at RM 128,7. 2 1 Based on 3 samples taken in the main and side channels near 29 42 24 32 21 32 29 37 18 28 30 41 27 36 34 44 30 41 27 35 27 35 24 33 17 23 17 23 ~~ \i~e~fo~u2ys~~f~s taken in Slough 10. 1 1 Based on 2 samples taken in Side Channel 11, downstream from Slough 11 • .!.9.1 Based on one sample taken in Slough 11. ~~ Based on 2 samples taken between cross sections 46 and 48 • .!.Y Based on one sample taken near the upstream end of side channel. SOUR:E: Harza-E:tasco (1985) 3-20 016 °so Dgo 70 89 1. 7 20 65 50 77 3.0 34 78 48 77 5.0 35 84 53 73 1. 7 30 110 47 83 4.3 35 70 63 93 0.5 22 58 55 78 2.5 28 85 62 82 0.8 20 80 58 84 2. 6 25 72 50 68 2.2 32 100 50 68 2.2 32 100 53 72 3.3 30 100 40 62 7.5 46 96 40 62 7.5 46 96 ------------------· -~---... -- .t Table 3.5 ~ TRANSPORTABLE BED MATERIAL SIZES IN SELECTED SLOUGHS, SIDE CHANNELS AND MAINSTEM SITES ~ Location Discharge at Gold Creek (cfs) 5,000 7,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35 ,ooo 40,000 45,000 55 ,ooo TransEortable Bed Material Size (mm) .I Main Channel near 18 21 24 29 33 36 38 41 43 44 48 Cross Section 4 Main Channel between j Cross Sections 12 & 13 21 25 28 37 44 48 53 57 60 65 76 Main Channel upstream 25 28 32 37 44 48 52 56 60 64 72 from Lane Creek -' Mainstem 2 Side Channel at Cross Section 18.2 .I Main Channel 6 11 18 25 31 37 43 56 North-east Fork 5 9 13 16 18 21 24 29 North-west Fork 5 9 13 16 17 19 21 24 Slough BA 4 6 8 9 12 .I Slough 9 9 13 17 20 24 31 Main ,Channel upstream 27 31 35 40 45 50 54 51 61 64 71 .I from 4th of July Creek Side Channel 10 5 13 22 29 37 45 60 Lower Side Channel 11 5 9 16 22 28 34 39 45 50 61 .I Slough 11 5 17 Upper Side Channel 11 7 13 20 30 44 57 84 tl Main Channel between 30 35 41 49 56 62 68 73 79 84 94 Cross Sections 46 and 48 .I Side Channel 21 6 10 15 18 22 25 28 31 37 Slough 21 3 5 9 14 21 30 58 .I SOr.JRCE: Harza-Ebasco (1985) ..1 ..1 .I .I ..1 .I 3-21 • Table 3.6 • POTENTIAL DEGRADATION AT SELECTED SLOUGHS, SIDE CHANNELS AND H.AINSTEM SITES ~ Location Discha~ge at Gold C~eek (cfs) 5,000 7,000 10,000 15 ,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 liJ ,000 45 ,000 55,000 j Estimated Deg~adation, ft Main Channel nea~ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.4 C~oss Section 4 J Main Channel between C~o!IS Sections 12 & 13 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.7 Main Channel upst~eam 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 J f~om Lane C~eek Mainstem 2 Side Channel at C~oss J Section 18.2 Main Channel 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2 North-east Fo~k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 North-'llest Fo~k. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 J Slough 8A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slough 9 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 o.s J Main Channel upst~eam 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.5 from 4th of July Creek Side Channel 10 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 2.0 J Lower Side Channel 11 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 o.s 0.7 1.0 1.3 2.1 Slough 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 1 J Upper Side Channel 11 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.8 Main Channel between 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.8 Cross Sections J 46 and 48 Side Channel 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 -Slough 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.5 _I -.J SOU~: Harza-El::asco (1985) ) ) ) ) :t. 3-22 ·---~-· J J Table 3.7 J NATURAL AND WITH-PROJECT AVERAGE WEEKLY FL~S OF SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK (1950-1983) "-J With-ProJect Flowsl' 1996 2001 2002 2020 Natural Load Load Load Load Jl .., ') Weekl.1 Flow Condit ions.ll Conditions.ll Conditions..'!' Condito· ... s {1) (2) (3) ( 4) (5) -(6)- 1 1607 9552 9695 7027 10323 J 2 1554 9540 9679 6997 10300 3 1512 9526 9655 6965 10285 4 1494 9537 9666 6936 10201 5 1427 9518 9639 6897 10225 6 1354 9561 9789 6903 10262 J 7 1390 9603 9775 6851 10141 8 1258 9502 9669 6802 10082 9 1204 9357 9521 6709 9957 10 1152 8711 8971 6376 9448 J 11 1149 8338 8486 6167 9117 12 1157 7953 8093 5959 8781 13 1167 7715 7852 5840 8581 14 1216 7593 7682 5832 8500 ) 15 1240 7260 7303 5670 8245 16 1408 7028 7028 5543 8000 17 1667 6765 6765 5534 7644 18 3654 6912 6875 5481 7532 ) 19 7914 7449 7559 5910 7932 20 13466 8886 9001 6780 9067 21 18715 10440 10521 7434 9896 22 23556 11910 11953 8115 10782 J 23 27284 11367 11438 9014 10252 24 29369 11679 11741 8960 10452 25 27860 11415 11539 10227 10322 26 26313 10974 11142 11773 10112 ] 27 23987 10006 10161 13951 9317 28 24491 10124 10254 16950 9383 29 24708 10153 10275 19797 9460 30 24031 10013 10204 20915 9355 31 25294 11002 11103 22285 9613 J 32 23320 10470 10629 21810 9415 33 22387 11770 11072 21224 10756 34 20411 12367 12177 20478 11875 35 18377 12280 11929 18366 11281 _I 36 15621 12685 12088 15756 11772 37 14039 11783 11100 14030 10998 38 12871 11269 10790 12790 10211 39 10663 10304 10033 10750 9649 ~~ 40 8102 8990 8726 8297 8812 41 6782 8384 8266 7258 8695 42 5348 8543 8374 6443 8557 43 4303 8636 8456 6531 8514 ~I 44 3332 8440 8345 6620 8461 45 2861 8792 8691 6824 8908 46 2562 9215 9165 7032 9554 47 2358 9727 9698 7255 10122 ~I 48 2204 10196 10195 7476 10603 49 1978 10892 11025 7775 11108 50 1886 11162 11312 7918 11474 51 1785 10796 10915 7675 11162 52 ~I 1739 10080 10142 7263 10590 1/ F1 rst week is the first week of month of January. ~ I; Based on enviroTIIIlenta1 constraints, E-6. 3; Watana Operation. 4/ Watana -Devil Canyon operation. {"1r'\f' 1TV""T' + • t.I-. ,.-._-. ~T"'1-.-. _......,,...., f1()0L:\ 3-23 ] -I Table 3.8 ,_I MAXIMUM NATURAL AND WITH-PROJECT WEEKLY FLOWS OF SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ,_1 1996 2001 2002 2020 -1 Natural Load Load Load Load Year Flow Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions 1950 26171 10092 11534 21157 10327 -I 51 30057 15024 11374 30057 11856 52 38114 14216 14216 37243 12721 53 35114 14356 15779 25643 11771 ~I 54 31143 13975 13975 31143 12664 55 37243 22402 19671 35236 18572 56 43543 25394 22429 32000 26000 -I 57 37443 20071 19275 25943 13414 58 38686 12426 12426 37485 11817 59 44171 28700 16498 41415 14829 60 32043 13342 13914 28943 12203 -I 61 38714 15622 15622 26000 13787 62 58743 26057 26057 35557 23571 63 40257 19900 19543 38549 22106 -I 64 75029 18410 18410 29834 14941 65 33643 21913 21913 28514 19812 66 47686 17098 17098 28014 14719 67 54871 41459 29071 41589 30600 ,_I 68 37343 14439 15125 29429 12551 69 18114 9861 8000 8000 10228 70 26429 9211 9409 8126 10226 -I 71 4 7186 22857 22857 37427 22857 72 44243 18029 19488 33149 18029 73 36443 11756 11756 23171 10293 ~ 74 31357 11846 11846 16614 10828 75 36400 19886 18629 29900 19886 76 29843 11965 11965 25844 11530 77 46300 15438 15438 25514 14420 --78 22786 11800 11921 20214 11685 79 32457 12955 13558 32457 12927 80 33557 13106 13264 33557 13304 -~ 81 46729 37029 37029 39966 37029 82 28857 12141 12145 27500 11895 83 27343 12683 13481 26586 12875 "1 SOURCE: Harza-Ebasco (1985} "1 "1 ---3-24 No. 1 2 3 4 w 5 I N 6 ln 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 Q 1 Name (cfs) Portage 1680 Jack Long 181 Indian 786 , Gold 260 132.0 17 4th of July 187 Sherman 72 128.5 14 127.3 28 Skull 51 123.9 67 Dead horse 51 121.0 16 L. Portage 23 McKenzie 21 Lane 117 Gash 4 110.1 21 Whiskers 114 52 TABLE 3.9 SUSITNA TRIBUTARY STABILITY ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF SEMI-QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT D 3 ~E4 Reason Response for to Increased (ft/ft) <'*~) (ft) Concern Slope at Mouth .0158 33 7.6 fish degrade .0276 6.1 fish perch .0150 50 ··5,5 fish degrade .0194 36 5.2 fish degrade .1280 3.2 RR perch .0219 25 6.1 fish degrade .0403 30 4.4 RR, fish perch .0607 I 4,0 RR perch .0597 3.6 RR degrade .0159~ '20 4.2 RR degrade .0230 5.0 fish perch ... 0344 19 4.4 fish, RR perch .0483 20 4.4 fish degrade .0048 26 5.0 RR perch .0316 18 6.2 fish degrade .0214 13 5.0 fish degrade N/A 5.2 fish degrade .0757 7.0 RR degrade .0011 3.5 fish perch (but backwater) Impacts Foreseen possible restriction of fish access possible restriction of fish access possible limited scour at RR bridgE possible limited scour at RR bridgE possible restriction of fish access possible limited scour at RR bridge SOURCE: R & M (1982f) Mean annual flood, from Table 4.4. Average channel slope, from Table 4.1. Median bed particle size, from Table 4.2. Decrease in Susitna River stage at mouth, from Table 4.3. I R24/3 45 4.0 SLOUGH HYDROLOGY 4. 1 Introduction Flow into side-channel and upland sloughs comes from overtopping of upstream berms by mainstem flow, from local surface tributaries, and from groundwater upwelling. Slough discharges and hydraulic conditions when the upstream berms are overtopped are dominated by mainstem flow. The relationship between mainstem flow and slough flow for overtopped conditions has been previously shown in Table 3. 3. Under with -project conditions, the upstream berms will be overtopped much less frequently. Consequently, groundwater upwelling and local surface runoff will control slough hydrology. This section of the report describes these two aspects of slough hydrology. During non-overtopped conditions, sufficient local runoff and upwelling are required to provide sufficient flow to allow access to spawning areas in the side sloughs for chum and sockeye salmon (ADF&G 1983a). Upwelling also provides water which both keeps incubating embryos from freezing and supplies them with oxygen. Much of this upwelling water is at 2° to 4°C throughout the winter. This warmer water keeps developing embryos alive during early incubation and maintains development at a level elevated above that which would occur in the mainstem at 0°C (Wangaard and Burger, 1983). 4.2 Factors Affecting Upwelling 4.2.1 Sources of Groundwater Groundwater sources for the Middle Reach can be separated into mainstem and local upland sources. The origin of groundwater is surface flow. Sources controlled by the mainstem originate at an undefined point upstream. During the summer, upstream precipitation events and glacial melt supply the surface water, which percolates 4-1 -------·----·----~-· R24/3 46 into the groundwater. Much of the winter flow is maintained by water stored during the summer in the broad gravel floodplains below the glaciers at the headwaters of the basin. Alluvial fans at the bases of upstream slopes and tributaries add to the volume. This is considered to be the basic source of groundwater in the system (Acres American 1983). The upland component of groundwater upwelling comes from precipitation falling on the slopes above the river. After reaching the earth's surface, precipitation and/or snowmelt move as surface runoff or go into soil storage or groundwater. Recent precipitation and snowmelt history determine the amounts of each which occur. Large precipitation events are usually required to contribute much water into the groundwater system. Upland sources are independent of mainstem discharge levels, since local events drive the system. These local events also are unpredictable. The effects of upland sources on upwelling are most pronounced for steeper, higher and closer valley walls. 4.2.2 Aquifer Conditions An aquifer is generally considered to be a geological formation that is porous enough to hold significant quantities of water and also permeable enough to readily transmit it horizontally. The material of the floodplain aquifer in the Middle Reach typically consists of a thin layer of topsoil overlying 2 to 6 feet of sandy silt. Below this is a heterogeneous alluvium of silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders. Non-stationary streambed deposition is believed to be responsible for the heterogeneous pattern. The heterogeneous nature of the material results in variable hydraulic conductivities, both laterally and vertically (Acres American 1983). Depth through this material to bedrock is approximately 100 feet at the abutments to the Alaska Railroad bridge at Gold Creek (Prince 1964). 4-2 R24/3 47 Groundwater flow through an aquifer may be confined or unconfined, depending on the location. Unconfined aquifers are similar to underground lakes in porous materials. There is no restricting material at the top of the aquifer, so the groundwater levels are free to rise and fall. The top of the unconfined aquifer is the water table. Below the water table the aquifer is saturated, while above the water table it is only partially saturated. Much of the sand, gravel and cobble alluvium underlying the Susitna River's bed is an unconfined aquifer. This unconfined aquifer is bounded by bedrock on the sides and bottom. Groundwater flow through the system is downhill, running parallel to the valley walls and following the general course of the surface river, but at a much slower rate. Conditions in unconfined aquifiers are such that changes in mainstem stage have a delayed and minimal effect on water table elevation. This is caused by the large volume of aquifer that must be filled to raise the water table by a given amount. A confined aquifer is a layer of saturated, porous material located between two layers of much less permeable material. If these confining layers are essentially impermeable, they are called aquicludes. If the layers are permeable enough to transmit water vertically to or from the confined aquifer, but not permeable enough to laterally transport water as an aquifer, they are called aquitards. A confined aquifer bounded by one or two aquitards is called a leaky or semiconfined aquifer. Aquitards consisting of layers of fine silt often bound the highly permeable sand and gravel alluvium, creating piping zones where groundwater is easily transmitted. Along the Susitna River, such piping zones are believed to be sources of shallow lateral flow to the upwelling areas. These piping zones would be most likely to rapidly respond to changes in mainstem stage, because such changes would be transmitted into the aquifer as pressure effects rather than by filling or draining the pore space of the aquifer. A regional confined aquifer may be providing water to 4-3 R24/3 48 the sloughs and mainstem. However, the preponderance of near-surface bedrock along the valley walls and nearby mountains minimizes the likelihood of a confined regional aquifer being a significant water source, although some local springs and seeps may occur at faults in the bedrock. According to APA (1984b), neither regional flow from the valley walls into the alluvium nor downriver flow through the alluvium appears to be sufficient to provide all of the apparent groundwater upwelling to the side sloughs. Ice processes have a dramatic effect on lateral flow during the win- ter. level As an ice cover forms on the river, the effective water surface (WSL) in the mainstem rises dramatically. Flow becomes confined by the ice at the water surface. Friction caused by movement against the stationary ice cover slows the velocity of the river water. Water level rises as the velocity drops. The ice cover also acts directly to increase the WSL by floating on the surface. The increased pressure supplied by the floating ice increases the effective WSL to near the top of the ice cover. In the Middle Reach, confined 2,000-cfs flow may have the same effective WSL as 20,000 cfs with no ice cover present. The result of this increase in stage is a much higher hydraulic head, increasing lateral flow from the mainstem into the groundwater system and, presumably, resulting in increased upwelling in the side channels and sloughs. Groundwater temperatures are buffered from seasonal climatic variations by the heat storage in the aquifer. As groundwater moves through the system, it adds to or removes heat from the surrounding material. Heat transfer during groundwater movement can occur by both conduction and convention. The groundwater temperature approaches that of the surrounding material, and remains stable through the year. The net energy balance is such that groundwater temperature in the Middle Reach stabilizes at about 2-4°C, approximating the mean annual (time-weighted) mainstem temperature. 4-4 R24/3 49 The temperature of the groundwater is a function of time. This becomes important when considering groundwater temperatures in areas of confined flow. The response of flow can be very rapid since changes are caused by pressure waves. Actual time of flow is much greater. Therefore, groundwater temperatures in these areas are similar to areas of unconfined flow. The distance through the alluvium that is travelled is much more important on the moderating effect on the groundwater. 4.3 Local Surface Runoff Runoff from a drainage basin is influenced both by climatic factors and physiographic factors (Chow, 1964). Climatic factors include the forms and types of precipitation, interception, evaporation, and transpiration, all of which exhibit seasonal variations. Physiographic factors are further classified into basin characteristics and channel characteristics. Basin characteristics include such factors as size, shape, and slope of drainage areas, permeability and capacity of groundwater formations, presence of lakes and wetlands in the basin, and land use. Channel characteristics are primarily related to the hydraulic properties of the channel which govern the movement of streamflows and determine channel storage capacity. Many of the above factors are interdependent to a certain extent, and can be highly variable in nearby basins. The general basin characteristics of each of the study sloughs are described in the following section. 4.4 Field Studies 4.4.1 Study Sloughs Four sloughs have been chosen for intensive sampling. These four, 8A, 9, 11 and 21, were chosen because they are the most important side sloughs for salmon spawning and incubation (ADF&G 1 984c). 4-5 R24/3 50 They also encompass a wide range of physical variables, allowing a better understanding of the general upwelling conditions in the Middle Reach. The relative locations of each of the study sloughs are shown in Figure 4.1. Slough 8A, located at RM 125, is a side slough on the east side of the river. The two-mile long slough is relatively straight with two upstream channels connecting it to the mainstem (Figures 4.2, 4.3). Overtopping of the .northwest channel at RM 126.2 occurs at about 26,000 cfs, while overtopping of the northeast channel at RM 126.7 occurs at 33,000 cfs. The substrate in the upper slough is primarily cobble and boulders, and in the lower slough is gravel and cobble. At present, several beaver dams, some of them armored with cobble are located along the slough. Surface water input is supplied by 6 to 8 streams coming down from steep slopes adjacent to the slough with shallow or exposed bedrock. Slough 9 is a 1.2 mile-long S-shaped side slough on the east side of the river at RM 128 (Figures 4.4, 4.5). The upper slough has a fairly steep slope and cobble/boulder substrate. The lower slough has a low gradient and smaller substrate consisting of gravel/cobble. Overtopping discharge of the berm at the upper end of the slough is about 16,000 cfs. A major water source during non-overtopped conditions is slough 9B (Figure 4.4). This small slough drains a marshy area near the head of the slough. A small tributary (Tributary 9B) with a drainage area of about 1.5 square miles enters the slough further down. Slough 11, at RM 135, is another side slough on the east bank of the river. This mile-long slough was formed in 1976 as an overflow channel when an ice jam blocked the river during breakup. The steeper upper slough has a cobble/boulder substrate while the lower slough is less steep and has a mostly gravel/cobble substrate. The slough overtops at approximately 42,000 cfs. There are no 4-6 R24/3 51 tributaries into the slough. Non-overtopped flow in the slough comes from seepage and upwelling in the lower two-thirds of the slough (Figures 4. 6, 4. 7). Slough 21 is located at RM 149, on the east side of the river, and is about one-half mile long. The upper one-half of the slough is divided into two channels, with overtopping flows of 23,000 and 26,000 cfs. There are no tributaries conveying surface runoff to this slough. Groundwater upwelling is very obvious, as large areas of strong upwelling and springs occur throughout the slough (Figures 4. 8, 4. 9). A large upland a rea may provide considerable input into the local groundwater. 4.4.2 Field Investigations In order to explain the relationship between the mainstem and upwelling in the sloughs, several studies were conducted in the study sloughs described in the following section. Slough discharges were recorded in Sloughs 8A, 9, 11 and 21. Daily mainstem flow or stage measurements have been compared with slough flow using linear regression analysis, with slough flow as the dependent variable (Tables 4.1 and 4.2) (R&M 1982, 1985a; Acres American 1983; APA 1984b, Beaver, 1985). Analysis was complicated by frequent overtopping of the upstream berms in Sloughs 8A and 9 during much of the summer. Data collected in 1984 were particularly useful in investigating groundwater upwelling to the sloughs because a significant portion of the 1984 open-water data are for very low mainstem discharge rates, thus minimizing complicating effects such as surface runoff and overtopping of berms. Correlations between weekly average slough discharge and weekly average mainstem stage are given on Table 4.4. Correlation with mainstem stage, rather than mainstem discharge, makes it easier to estimate groundwater upwelling for various with project scenarios, particularly winter conditions when ice staging effects have been simulated. Similarly, the use of weekly 4-7 R24/3 52 rather than daily averages makes it easier to apply the results of with-project simulations, which are generally expressed as weekly average mainstem stage or discharge values. Additional data were obtained by monitoring groundwater surface levels in shallow wells dug in the vicinities of sloughs 8A and 9 (R&M 1982g, APA 1984b). The data allow groundwater flow direction to be determined in the areas immediately around sloughs 8A and 9. Comparison of the plots for different dates and mainstem flows shows the temporal variability of flow patterns in the groundwater system (Figures 4.10-4.15). Mainstem, groundwater, intragravel and slough water temperatures have been continuously recorded (ADF&G 1983a, b; 1984 b, c, d). These data show the range in variations for different locations (Figures 4.16 -4.24). Seepage meter data were obtained at upwelling sites in several sloughs (APA 1984b). The data serve as another indicator of flow rate through the groundwater system. Relationships between mainstem discharge and upwelling rates are illustrated in Figures 4.25-4.33. In 1984, the water balance in the sloughs was investigated (R&M 1985a). Studies focused on quantifying the local upland input into sloughs 8A, 9 and 11. Continuous flow measurements of tributary flow into Slough 9 were made. Storm runoff analyses and monthly water balances are shown in Tables 4.5, 4.6 and 4. 7. The spatial variability of precipitation along the Middle Susitna River was also investigated. Coefficients to adjust recorded rainfall for other locations along the Middle River are shown in Table 4.8. 4-8 R24/3 53 4.4.3 Results a. Slough SA Slough discharge at Slough SA is moderately well correlated to mainstem discharge and stage (Tables 4.1 through 4.4). Local runoff from the adjacent steep, rocky hillslopes causes some disruption of the relationship. Linear regression equations have been developed from several data bases. In order to minimize the disrupting effects of overtopping flow and local runoff on the relationship, data from 1983 were separated into a subset where all data pairs were eliminated in which either flow at Gold Creek exceeded 30,000 cfs or flow in Slough SA exceeded 3 cfs. Data from 1984 were subdivided in a similar manner, using flows at Gold Creek of 27,900 cfs and 12,500 cfs as the upper limits for the equation. These regression equations are shown an Table 4. 1. The coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) improves for the lower flow range. The low flow regression equation is for a period of relatively little local precipitation, so little local runoff would be expected. Beaver (1985), using weekly flows, shows an improvement in the determination coefficient over the same data using daily averages, and also over low flow periods in 1983. Precipitation in 19S4, especially after September 1, was generally lower than during the two previous years (R&M 19S5a). The lower precipitation resulted in less local runoff in 19S4, and resulted in the high R 2 values obtained for non-overtopped conditions. Seepage data were collected at two sites near the head of Slough 8A in 1983. The seepage rates are plotted against mainstem discharge in Figures 4.25 and 4.26. Data from the site nearest the upstream berm, located in the channel, showed the higher correlation to mainstem discharge (R 2 =0.62). The other site, 4-9 R24/3 54 located in a small channel adjacent to a steep bank, had a relatively poor correlation (R 2 =0.3S). Water surface elevation data collected in 19S3 from wells and boreholes indicate the general downvalley movement of groundwater in the vegetated island separating Slough SA from the mainstem. Data collected with an ice cover on the mainstem (Figure 4.12) show a definite trend of groundwater flow down valley and from the mainstem towards the side-channel. The trend was also evident during the open-water period (Figure 4. 10). When streamflow is dropping, groundwater levels in the island may be higher than the water surface in either the slough or the mainstem (Figure 4.11). Intra-gravel water temperature in the slough rose from -0.1°C during the winter (ADF&G 19S3a) to 5. 5°C in August (ADF&G 19S4a) of 19S3. During the same period mainstem surface water ranged from 0.2°C in May to 15.S°C in July (ADF&G 19S4a) (Figures 4.16-4.1S). A monthly water balance study of Slough 8A conducted in 19S4 (R&M, 19S4a) determined that 62%-73% of available precipitation falling on the Slough SA watershed ran off as surface water (Table 4. 6). Higher percentages of runoff may occur with large storms, as the soil layer on the slopes above the river is relatively thin. Analysis of local precipitation data for 27 September to 7 October 19S3 (Bredthauer 19S4) shows an immediate response in slough discharge to a major rainstorm (Figure 4.34). The event occurred after a fairly long dry period (over one month). It was an intense storm, with 1.12 inches of rain falling in Talkeetna on 29 September. This amount of precipitation apparently was sufficient to saturate the groundwater table and produce a rapid response. 4-10 R24/3 55 The daily surface runoff pattern into Slough 8A was estimated for high, moderate, and low monthly precipitation (Tables 4. 10, 4.11, 4. 12). The recorded slough discharges for August 1984 (high precipitation), September 1983 (moderate precipitation), and September 1984 (low precipitation) were separated into surface runoff and groundwater flow. Groundwater flow was estimated using the regression equation for slough discharge and the average daily flows for the Susitna River at Gold Creek. The estimated groundwater flow was then subtracted from the recorded value. (When the groundwater flow estimate from the regression equation exceeded the recorded value, groundwater flow was reduced to the recorded value.) Surface runoff was assumed to be the difference between the recorded discharge and the estimated groundwater flow. Although the estimates for surface runoff are not precise, Tables 4.10 through 4.12 do indicate that there are long periods when little surface runoff is contributed to Slough 8A, even in months when precipittation is well above average. In Table 4. 10, a 13-day period of zero surface runoff is indicated, even though the monthly precipitation is exceeded only 20 percentof the time in August. Similar periods of zero surface runoff were indicated for the low rainfall month (September 1984). Surface runoff contributed an estimated 57%, 64%, and 15% for the high, moderate and low precipitation patterns illustrated in Tables 4.10 through 4.12. The data in Table 4.10 also indicate that the runoff period extends for several days after a major precipitation event. Apparently, there is sufficient shallow subsurface flow on the valley slopes to maintain the flow for several days. The sources of water to flow in Slough 8A are complex. When the upstream berm is overtopped, mainstem flow dominates the 4-11 R24/3 56 discharge. When the berm is not overtopped, groundwater flow dominates the discharge during periods of low precipitation and during the winter. Good correlation exists between mainstem discharge and slough discharge for periods of low precipitation and little surface runoff. Local surface runoff may be high during periods of high precipitation, with subsurface flow maintaining the local flow for several days after a major precipitation event. b. Slough 9 Due to the relatively low flow (16,000 cfs) required to overtop the upstream berm, hydraulic conditions in Slough 9 are dominated by mainstem flow for much of the summer. Upwelling occurs in the slough, contributing flow throughout the year. Upwelling sites can be observed during low flow conditions (Figure 4.4). Linear regression equations for data collected in 1983 and 1984 during periods of non-overtopping are shown in Tables 4.1 and 4. 2. The slopes of the equations for both the 1983 and the 1984 data are very similar. Tables 4.3 and 4.4 give the linear regression equations for the apparent mainstem related component of groundwater upwelling as a function of mainstem stage. Table 4.!f__ presents the relationship of slough flows to mainstem stage based on weekly rather than daily averages. This technique shows no real improvement in the relationship over the daily averages for slough 9 (a good relationship already). Results of groundwater surface elevation measurements show movement from the side channel upstream of the slough toward the upper reach of Slough 9 between its head and Tributary 98 (APA 1984). A subdued response was often seen even at well 9-3, away from the slough on the upland side. An analysis of 4-12 R24/3 57 lateral flow to the slough based on the Pinder curves showed slough flow to be much less than expected (APA 1984). Major variations in the results of falling head tests performed in 1984 ( R&M 1985a) indicate semiconfined aquifer conditions (Table 4. 9). Data from seepage meters in 1983 showed a higher correlation at the downstream end of the slough than in a marshy area near the head of the slough (APA 1984). The poor correlation in the marshy area is likely due to water seeping into the groundwater system from Trib~tary 9B. I ntrag ravel water temperatures were very stable throughout the study, at just over 3°C (Figures 4.19 and 4.20). Groundwater temperatures from boreholes 9-1A and 9-5 show a limited rise from 2°C in April to 4°C in September of 1983 (Figure 4.21) (APA 1984). Temperature data from borehole 9-3 show no variation related to the main stem. There appears to be a strong inverse relationship between variations in temperature of the groundwater and distance from the mainstem. Figures 4.19 and 4. 21 also show mai nstem temperature for comparative purposes. Tributary 9B was gaged at 2 locations in 1984: (1) at the base of the slope and (2) above its confluence with Slough 9. The intervening area between these 2 gages is an alluvial fan with meadows and beaver ponds. A significant portion of the water measured at the base of the slope infiltrates into the ground before reaching the slough. The data indicate that the amount of infi It ration loss is controlled by the water table level, which in turn is controlled by the stage in the mainstem (R&M, 1985a). Runoff percentages for the 2 sites for the months of August - October 1984 are shown in Table 4. 7. Runoff analyses for two precipitation events in 1984 are shown in Table 4.5. 4-13 R24/3 58 Figure 4.3.5 shows the response of Slough 9 to a high precipitation event during a period in 1983 when the upstream berm was not overtopped. Slough 9 is dominated by overtopping under natural summer conditions. Effects of overtopping likely carry over into non-overtopped conditions, with a high level of soil saturation being one of these. When not overtopped, effects of both main stem and upland groundwater sources are seen. Mainstem effects are evident in the seepage meter data from the slough mouth, and in much of the groundwater data. As in Slough 8A, groundwater dominates the low precipitation periods, but high surface runoff may occur during periods of high precipitation. c. Slough 11 Slough 11 is the simplest of the sloughs studied, with no direct surface tributaries. Since its upstream berm is overtopped only at relatively high flows (42,000 cfs), no surface water contributes to slough discharge for most of the year. Consequently, streamflow is maintained by bank seepage and upwelling throughout the year. Seepage and upwelling locations are mapped on Figure 4.6, and winter open leads are shown in Figure 4. 7 (ADF&G, 1983b). The relationship between slough flow and the mainstem is shown in Tables 4.1 through 4.4. The relationship is particularly good for the relationship based on weekly averages. Seepage meters, used to get an index of intragravel flow on the slough banks, also showed a strong relationship to the mainstem at both the lower (R 2 = 0.94) and upper (R 2 == 0.83) sites (APA 1984) (Figures 4.30, 4.31). There was little effect on slough discharge from precipitation events. The analysis of the data from the September 1983 storm 4-14 R24/3 59 event {Figure 4.36) showed no immediate response in slough discharge, and only a minimal response to the mainstem level. The lack of response is in keeping with the lack of tributary input and small drainage area for the slough. This is further illustrated in the monthly water balances (Table 4.6). Flow was stable through the summer, despite high precipitation in July and August. I ntragravel wate~ temperatures in the slough were very stable year-round at about 3.6°C. Surface water temperatures were less constant and did not show a pattern similar to that for intragravel temperatures. Surface water temperatures were also dissimilar to mainstem temperatures (Figure 4.22). All of the above relationships tend to confirm that Slough 11 flow is derived from mainstem recharge to the local groundwater aquifer. Responses to changes in the mainstem are minimized and delayed. The delay and buffering of the groundwater system explains the high value for the coefficient of determination for weekly averages in the slough mainstem relationship. The longer time period allows much greater delays to be taken into account. The delays and buffering also account for a very stable intragravel temperature and minimal response to the September 1983 storm. d. Slough 21 The relationship between mainstem discharge and slough discharge appears to be different at Slough 21 than at other study sloughs. Seepage was negatively correlated to mainstem flow at one site (seepage increased as main stem flow decreased), while no correlation existed between seepage and mainstem flow at a second site. The regression relationships between slough discharge and mainstem discharge (Table 4.1) were poor when all 4-15 R24/3 60 data were used, but had a very good relationship for data obtained late in 1982 (September 22 -October 22), when little precipitation occurred. Water temperature patterns were fairly complex (Figure 4. 23 and 4.24). The intragravel water temperature in the upper slough ranged from a winter low of 2.0°C in October to a high of 8.6°C during much of the summer (ADF&G 1984a). Higher temperatures of ';JP to 13.1°C were also seen during overtopping for short periods. Surface water temperature at the same location ranged from 0. 7° to 9.2°C (with the same overtopping exception). Generally, surface water temperatures closely mirrored intrag ravel temperatures throughout the year. In the lower slough, intragravel temperatures were about 3. 3°C in March (ADF&G 1984a). Upwelling locations are shown in Figure 4.8. The geologic structure of the area around the slough helps explain the data. Above the east side of the slough there is a bench of old alluvial material at least -!-mile wide. This bench may act as a large groundwater reservoir. It is a potential reason for the constant intragravel water temperature in the lower slough. The measurements from the seepage meters (Figures 4.32 and 4.33) may also be a function of local upland flow. The intragravel and surface water temperatures from the upper slough, on the other hand, seem to be more closely relat- ed to mainstem temperatures. Slough 21 may show the effects of different sources at different points along the slough. 4.5 With-Project Changes Changes in flow through the Middle Reach, brought about by the completion of the Watana and Devil Canyon Dams, are expected to have some impacts on groundwater and upwelling. Project operations which 4-16 R24/3 61 change the mean annual temperature in the river are likely to change the groundwater temperature by a similar amount (Acres American 19S3) as a result of the temperature-stabilizing effects of the soil framework. Upwelling is expected to change, but by a variable amount, depending on the relative input of mainstem-influenced and upland groundwater sources. Some sloughs, such as Slough 11, would respond fairly directly to changes in mainstem discharge. Slough 11 has no tributary streams, and its upstream berm is rarely overtopped. Most slough discharge is directly correlated to mainstem discharge. Groundwater upwelling in Slough 9 will be reduced because of the reduction in mainstem discharge. However, significant surface runoff is contributed from the nearby slopes. The small tributary (Tributary B) flows across a large alluvial fan and meadow, losing flow to the groundwater system when the water table is low. This water probably appears further down the slough as upwelling. Most sloughs are similar to Slough SA, with a complex relationship between surface runoff and the mai nstem and upland sources of groundwater. Slough discharge will be reduced due to the reduction 1n mainstem discharge, but will have the same contributions of flow due to upland groundwater and local surface runoff. Where upland sources provide a substantial volume of the slough flow, access to spawning areas may not be hindered, despite expected lower groundwater input from the mainstem with project. An analysis of estimated with project slough flows at sloughs SA and 9 was performed by R&M Consultants (19S5a). The results (Tables 4.10 through 4.14) show the results of the analysis for dry (93% exceedance) normal (61% exceedance), and wet (20% (exceedance) conditions. While these are only estimates, they are of some help in analyzing the types of changes that can be expected under with-project conditions. The results suggest 4-17 \~ R24/3 62 that access may be more limited to sloughs, but flow peaks from upland sources would still provide access under most conditions. More detailed predictions on with-project changes cannot be made. The number of variations, both within and between sloughs, and the large number of sloughs and other affected habitats, limit the predictions . . Within these constraints, it appears that there will not be major impacts to groundwater upwelling from changes in mainstem characteristics. 4-18 I M19/49 1 Slough 8A 9 1 1 21 1983 1983 1983 1982 1982 TABLE 4.1 LINEAR REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR SLOUGH DISCHARGE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (1982-83) Regression• Equation _R_2_ Comments s -3.83 + 0.000526 G s 5.10 + 0.0000377 G s 0.155 + 0.000117 G s -0.627 + 0.000128 G s -149.7 + 0.010008 G s 2.94 + 0.000307 G s 1.97 + 0.000351 G s 1. 51 + 0.000102 G s 2.15 + 0.000104 G s -7.62 + 0.00105 G s -0.570 + 0.000445 G s -2.71 + 0.000803 G o. 103 0.001 0.086 0.631 0.264 0.089 0.805 0.766 0.504 0.543 0.405 0.916 A I I va 1 ues. Excluding overtopping flows, G>30,000 June 6-August 7 only; excluding G>30,000 June 6-August 7 only; excluding G>30,000, S>3 All va I ues. Exc I ud i ng overtopping f I ows, G > 16, 000 Exc I ud i ng G > 16, 000, S > 8 All va I ues. All values. All va I ues. Excluding overtopping flows, G> 24,700 September 22 -Octob'er 22 only; exc I ud i ng G> 24,700 Notes: s = Slough discharge, cfs; G Mainstem discharge at Gold Creek, cfs Source: Beaver ( 1984) 11::> I N 0 M19/49 2 Slough 8A 9 11 Source: July 3 -October 30, 1984 (excl. 8/23-8/28) September 1 -October 20, September 8 -October 30, June 1 -October 30, 1984 R&M ( 1985a) TABLE 4.2 REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR SLOUGH DISCHARGE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (1984) Regression Equation Q8 -0.08 + .00017 QGC log Q8 = -5.0 + 1.29 log QGC 1984 Q8 = -.67 + .00025 QGC log Q8 = -7.13 + 1.85 log QGC 1984 Q9 = -.62 + .00039 QGC log Q9 = -4.1 + 1. 15 log QGC Q11 = 1. 3 + .000072 QGC log Q11 = -1.5 + 0.45 log QGC 0.53 0.79 0.73 0.91 0.82 0.84 0.68 0.76 Points Comments 115 Flo~ range (2,200- 115 27,900 cfs) 61 Lo~ runoff period. 61 (2,200-12,500 cfs) 56 Flo~ range (2,200- 56 11, 400 c fs) . 153 Flo~ range (2,200- 153 40,600 cfs) M19/49 3 TABLE 4.3 LINEAR REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR SLOUGH DISCHARGE VS. MAINSTEM STAGE (1982-83) Slough Year Regression Eguation ~ comments 8A 1983 s -2149.8 + 3.698W1 0.065 All values s -92.3 + 0.1683W1 0.000 Excluding overtopping flows, G)30,000 s -740.96 + 1.2737W1 0.626 June 6 -August 7 only; exc I ud i ng G > 30, 000, S) 3 9 1983 s -32801 + 54.380W2 0.228 All values s -769.1 + 1.2871W2 0.085 Excluding overtopping flows, G) 16, 000 s -877.21 + 1.4658W2 0.755 Exc I ud i ng G > 16, 000, S > 8 11 1983 s -367.04 + 0.54004W3 0.783 All values 1982 s -327.05 + 0.48278W3 0.531 All values 21 1982 s -4400.2 + 5.8554W4 0.491 All values s -1810.6 + 2.4130W4 0.391 Excluding overtopping flows, G)24,700 s -3244.1 + 4.3212W4 0.938 September 22 -October 22 only; excluding G)24, 700 NOTE;:>: s = Slough discharge, cfs. .s::.. G Mainstem discharge at Gold creek, cts • I Wl Mains tern stage at RM 127 .1. ft. N I-' W2 Mains tern stage at RM 129. 3. ft. W3 = Mains tern stage at RM 136.68. ft. W4 = Mains tern stage at RM 142.2. ft. Source: Beaver (1984) ..,. I N N M19/55 1 Slough 8A 9 11 TABLE 4.4 LINEAR REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR THE MAINSTEM COMPONENT OF GROUNDWATER UPWELLING TO SLOUGHS AS A FUNCTION OF MAINSTEM STAGE (1984) Regression Equation 1984 S ·368.211 + 0.6356W1 1984 S -171.8788 + 0.28892W2 1984 S ·335.39272 + 0.49209W3 21 No relationship NOTES: Discharge and stage data are average weekly values. S apparent maJnstem -related component of slough discharge . W1 mainstem water-surface elevation (WSEL) at river mile (RM) 127. 1. W2 WSEL at RM 129.3. W3 WSEL at RM 136.68. Source: Beaver ( 1985). 0.78 0.84 0.96 M15/12 4 Precipitation Period (1984) Runoff Period Tota I Precipitation ( Inches) Max. Daily Precipitation (Inches) Total Precipitation Volume (mi II ion cubic feet) Total Runoff Volume (mi 1 lion cubic feet) Baseflo'd Volume (mi I lion cubic feet) Storm Runoff Volume (mi I I ion cubic feet) % Runoff Ground'dater Level, We I I 9-3 Maximum Daily Flo'd susitna River at Gold Creek TABLE 4 • 5 STORM RUNOFF ANALYSES SLOUGH 9 TRIBUTARY Sl 08/17-08/25 08/17-09/06 6.46 2.05 10.96 6.468 1.034 5.434 50% 09/15-09/20 09/15-09/28 1. 40 0.61 2. 37 1. 081 0.798 0.283 12% SOURCE: Table reproduced from R & M (1985a) Slough 9. Tributary Lo'de r Site 08/17-08/25 09/15-09/20 08/17-09/06 09/15-09/28 6.46 1. 40 2.05 0.61 21.91 4.75 12.181 0. 149 0.272 0.073 11.909 0.076 54% 1. 6% 606.8 604.8 31,700 11. 400 M15/12 5 TABLE 4.6 1984 MONTHLY WATER BALANCES SLOUGHS 8A AND 11 June .JJ.U.:t: August September October Slough 8A Flow, Q ( cfs) 2.98 9.19 1. 70 0.63 (mi II ion cu. ft. ) 7.46 (3-31) 24.62 4.41 1.69 Precipitation, p (inches) 5.46 8.16 2.52 0. 78 (million cu. ft. ) 19. 14 28.61 8.85 2.72 Evaporation, E (inches) 2.02 2.49 0.80 0 (m iII ion cu. ft. ) 7.07 (3-31) 8.72 2.80 0 ( P-E) 12.07 19.89 6.05 2.72 Q/(P-E) 0.62 1.24(1) 0.73 0.62 ""' slough 11 I N F I ow, Q (cfs) 3.17 2.82 2.75 ""' 2.44 1. 45 (million cu. ft.) 8.21 7.58 7.35 6.32 3.75 Precipitation, p (inches) 1.49 4.72 6. 78 2. 15 0.65 (million cu. ft.) 3.9~ 18.55 26.60 8.44 2.56 Evaporation, E (inches) 5.66 2.21 2.49 0.80 0 (million cu. ft. ) 22.14 8.68 9.76 3.13 0 ( P-E) (m iII ion cu. ft. ) -18.21 9.87 16.84 5.31 2.56 Q/( P-E) -o. 11 0.77 0.44 1 • 19 1. 47 (1) Slough 8A likely overtopped in late August. SOURCE: Table reproduced from R & M (1985a) d::> I N U1 M15/12 7 Slough 9 Tributary ___{_!Jp_2e r ~i._.t__,e'-'1 __ F I ow, Q ( c f s ) (mi II ion cu. ft.) Precipitation, P (inches) (million cu. ft.) Evaporation, E (inches) (million cu. ft.) P-E, Precipitation-Evaporation Q/ ( P;-E) Slough 9 Tributary ~__{_bQwe r Site) f I OW', Q ( c fs) (million cu. ft.) Precipitation, P (inches) (million cu. ft.) Evaporation, E (inches) (million cu. ft.) ( P-E), Precipitation-Eva po ration Q/(P-E) 1. 21 3.23 5.25 17.81 2.21 7.50 10.31 0.31 Table 4.7 1984 MONTHLY WATER BALANCE SLOUGH 9, TRIBUTARY 96 August 2.62 7.02 7.44 12.62 2.49 11.21 8.41 0.83 4.97 1 3. 31 7.44 25.24 2.49 8.113 16.81 0.79 (1) Affected by runoff from storm in late August. SOURCE: Table reproduced from R & M (l985a) September October 0.91 (1) 0.50 2.54 1. 34 2.11 0.87 3.58 1. 48 0.80 1. 35 0 2.19 1.48 1.16 ( 1 ) 0.91 0.30 0.07 0.78 0. 19 2. 11 0.87 7. 16 2.95 0.80 0 2. 71 0 4.45 2.95 0.18 0.06 R23/3 44 Site Curry Slough 8A Slough 9 (Sherman) Gold Cr'eek TABLE 4.8 PRECIPITATION COEFFICIENTS FOR TRANSFER OF RECORDED DATA Continuous Station Talkeetna Sherman 1.5 1.2 1 .3 1.07 1.2 1. 0 1.07 0.9 Devil Canyon 1.7 1.4 1 .3 To obtain precipitation estimate for above sites, multiply precipitation at the continuous station by the appropriate multiplier. SOURCE: Table reproduced from R & M (1985a) 4-26 M19/55 2 TABLE 4.9 FALLING HEAD TEST RESULTS SLOUGH 9 -BOREHOLES Depth of Well I.D. Screen Date Transmi ss ivi ty Borehole ( ftl ( ft l of Test Ft 2 LDa;y: Comments 9-1 o. 11~6 24-27 07/17/84 3.5 Good curve f t 9-1 0.146 24-27 07/31/84 5.4 Good curve f t, retest 9-1 o. 146 24-27 08/15/84 3.4 Good curve f t, retest 9-1 0.063 9.4~10.7 08/15/84 0.2 Good curve fit 9-1 0.063 9.4-10.7 08/29/84 0.2 Good curve fit, retest 9-2 0.146 7-10 08/13/84 50 Sparse data, poor curve fit 9-2 0.146 7-10 08/15/84 92 Sparse data, poor curve fit, retest 9-2 0.146 7-10 08/29/84 12 Poor curve fit, retest 9-2 0.063 10.7-12.1 08/15/84 No curve fit 9-2 0.063 10.7-12.1 08/25/84 2.6 Poo r c u rve f i t, retest 9-3 o. 146 37-40 07/31/84 3.4 Good curve fit 9-3 0.146 37-40 08/14/84 3.6 Retest .1::> 9-3 0.146 37-40 08/14/84 2.4 Retest after surging we I I. Value I probably affected by previous N ...J testing . 9-4 0.063 11.7-13.1 08/13/84 No useable data 9-4 0.063 11.7-13.1 08/13/84 No useable data, retest Source: R&M (1985a) M19/55 3 Daily Precipitation(2) Qate (inches) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0.4 .51 .55 0.7 1. 35 . 58 . 31 .06 .64 .37 2. 19 1. 33 20% exceedance probabi I ity Measured Flow( 3) (cfs) 5.9 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.8 4.4 4.1 3.8 4.4 4. 1 3.6 3.2 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.7 2.6 4.1 4.8 5.2 5.9 8.0 34 65 44 17 11 8.0 5.9 4.8 TABLE 4.10 ESTIMATED DAILY RUNOFF, SLOUGH 8A HIGH RAINFALL PATTERN(l) Estimated Estimated Estimated With-Project G rou ndwa te r Surface Groundwater Flow(4) Runoff Flow(5) (cfs) {cfsl (cfs) 5.1 0.8 1.6 4.7 0.9 1.6 4.3 0.9 1.6 4.2 0.6 1.6 4.5 0.3 1.6 4.4 0 1.6 4. 1 0 1.6 3.8 0 1.6 4.4 0 1. 6 4.1 0 '1. 6 3.6 0 1. 6 3.2 0 1. 6 2.6 0 1.6 2.4 0 1. 6 2.2 0 1. 6 2.0 0 1. 6 1. 7 0 1. 6 2.6 0 1.6 3.6 0.5 1. 6 3.8 1. 0 1.6 4.2 1. 0 1.6 4.0 1.9 1.6 3.8 4.2 1.6 5.0 29 1.6 6.9 58 1. 6 7.3 37 1. 6 6.3 11 1.6 4. 7 6.3 1. 6 3.7 4.3 1.6 3. 3 2.6 1.6 2.7 2.1 1.6 ( 1 ) ( 2) August 1984 precipitation. Data are from Talkeetna through day 21, from Sherman after day 21. AI I data are adjusted to Slough 8A. ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) August 1984 Q8 -0.67 + 0.00025 QGC Assumes flow at Gold Creek is 9,000 cfs Source: R&M (1985a) Estimated With-Project Slough Flaw (cfs) 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.2 1. 9 1.6 1.6 1.6 1. 6 1.6 1. 6 1. 6 1.6 1. 6 1.6 1. 6 1. 6 1. 6 2. 1 2.6 2.6 3.5 5.8 3. 1 6.0 34 13 7.9 5.9 4.2 3.7 M19/55 4 TABLE 4.11 ESTIMATED DAILY RUNOFF, SLOUGH 8A MODERATE RAINFALL PATTERN(1) Estimated Estimated Estimated With-Project Estimated Daily Measured Groundwater surface G roundwa te r With-Project Precipitation(2) Flow(3) Flow(4) Runoff Flow(5) Slough Flow Date ( i nches_L_ (cfs) {cfs) lcfs) (cfs) (cfs) 1 .08 7.7 5.7 2.0 1. 6 3.6 2 20.8 5.7 15. 1 1. 6 16.7 3 17.0 5.2 11.8 1.6 13.4 4 15. 3 4.6 10.7 1. 6 12.3 5 11.6 3.9 7.7 1.6 9.3 6 9.3 3. 3 6.0 1.6 9.6 7 7.7 3.0 4.7 1.6 6.3 8 0.7 6.4 2.8 3.6 1. 6 5.2 9 . 39 6.0 2.6 3.4 1.6 5.0 10 .07 5.3 2.5 2.8 •1. 6 4.4 11 4.6 2.4 2.2 1.6 3.8 12 4.0 2.2 1.8 1. 6 3.4 1 3 3.3 2. 1 1.2 1.6 2.8 14 .39 3.3 2.0 1.3 1. 6 2.9 15 .74 3.0 2.0 1. 0 1.6 2.6 .!:> 16 2.8 2.0 0.8 1. 6 2.4 I l7 2.4 1. 8 0.6 1.6 2.2 (\) I!) 18 2.2 1. 7 0.5 1.6 2. 1 19 2. 1 1.6 0.5 1.6 2. 1 20 2.2 1.7 0.5 1. 6 2.1 21 .04 2.8 2.0 0.8 1.6 2.4 22 .30 3.8 2.7 1 . 1 1.6 2.7 23 . 13 3.5 3.5 0 1.6 l . 6 24 2.1 2. l 0 1. 6 1.6 25 1. 6 1.6 0 1.6 1.6 26 1. 5 1.5 0 1.6 1.6 27 3.8 1.7 2.1 1.6 3.7 28 .21 19.8 1.6 18.2 1. 6 19.8 29 1. 46 25.3 1.7 23.6 1. 6 25.2 30 . 42 19.8 2.2 17.6 1.6 19.2 ( 1 ) 61% exceedance probability, ( 2) September 1983 Talkeetna precipitation adjusted to Slough 8A. ( 3) September 1983 ( 4) Q8 = -0.67 + 0.00025 QGC ( 5) Assumes flow at Gold creek is 9,000 cfs. Source: R&M (1985a) M19/55 5 TABLE 4.12 ESTIMATED DAILY RUNOFF, SLOUGH 8A LOW RAINFALL PATTERN(1) Estimated Estimated Estimated With-Project Estimated Daily Measured Groundwater surface G roundwa te r With-Project Precipitation(2) Flow(3) Flow(4) Runoff Flow(5) Slough Flow Date ( inchesl__ {cfs) (cfs) (cfs) {cfs) (cfs) 1 4. 1 2.5 1. 6 1. 6 3.2 2 3.2 2.3 0.9 1. 6 2.5 3 2.6 2. 1 0.5 1.6 2. 1 5 2.0 1.9 0. 1 1.6 1.7 6 1. 7 1. 7 0 1. 6 1.6 7 .11 1.5 1. 5 0 1. 6 1.6 8 1. 4 1.4 0 1.6 1. 6 9 1.2 1.2 0 1.6 1.6 10 1.2 1. 2 0 1.6 1. 6 11 1.0 1. 0 0 '1. 6 1.6 12 .24 1.0 1. 0 0 1.6 1.6 13 .18 1. 0 1.0 0 1.6 1. 6 14 0.9 0.9 0 1.6 1.6 15 .02 0.8 0.8 0 1. 6 1. 6 16 . .12 0.9 0.9 0 1. 6 1.6 .1::> 17 .04 0.9 0.9 0 1. 6 1. 6 I 18 . 61 1.2 1. 2 0 1.6 1.6 w 0 19 .65 1. 7 1.7 0 1.6 1.6 20 .05 2.2 1.9 0.3 1.6 1.9 21 2.2 2.2 0 1. 6 1.6 22 2.2 1. 9 0.3 1. 6 1.9 23 2.2 1. 6 0.6 1.6 2. 1 24 2.0 1.4 0.6 1.6 2.2 25 . 13 2.0 1.3 0.7 1.6 2.3 26 1. 7 1. 2 0.5 1.6 2.1 27 1. 5 1.2 0.3 1.6 1.9 28 1.5 1.1 0.4 1. 6 2.0 29 .02 1. 4 1 . 1 0.3 1.6 1. 9 30 .05 1. 4 1.2 0.2 1.6 1.8 (1) 93% exceedance probabi I ity ( 2) September 1984 Sherman percipitation, adjusted to Slough 8A ( 3) September 1984 ( 4) Q8 = -0.67 + 0.00025 QGC ( 5) Assumes flow at Gold Creek is 9,000 cfs Source: R&M (1985a) ol:>. I w ....... M19/55 6 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Daily Precipitation(2) (inches} (1) 61% exceedance probabi I ity Measured F I ow( 3) (CfS) 8.3 7.8 7. 1 6.8 6.4 6. 1 5.7 5.5 5.3 5.5 5.3 5.3 5. 1 5. 1 5.5 5.7 6.1 6.6 7.3 6. 1 5.9 5.7 5.7 8. 1 14.2 TABLE 4.13 ESTIMATED DAILY RUNOFF, SLOUGH 9 MODERATE RAINFALL PATTERN(1) Estimated G roundwa te r F I ow( 4) (CfS) 5.6 5.2 4.7 4.5 4.3 4. 1 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.5 4.7 6.2 5.3 4. 1 3.5 3. 1 2.9 3.0 3.9 Estimated Surface Runoff (cfsl 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 1. 7 2.0 1.8 2.0 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.2 1. 4 0.4 2.0 2.0 2. 1 2.6 2.8 5.1 10.3 (2) September 1984 Sherman percipitation, (3) September 1984 adjusted to Slough 8A (4) Q8 = -0.67 + 0.00025 QGC (5) Assumes flow at Gold creek is 9,000 cfs Source: R&M (1985a) Estimated With-Project Groundwater F I ow( 5) (cfsl 2.9 2.9 3.9 2.9 '2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 Estimated With-Project Slough Flow (cfs) 5.6 5.5 5.3 5.2 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.9 4.7 4.9 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.1 4.3 3.3 4.4 4.9 5.3 5.5 5.7 8.0 13.2 M19/55 7 TABLE 4.14 ESTIMATED DAILY RUNOFF, SLOUGH 9 LOW RAINFALL PATTERN(1) Estimated Estimated Estimated With-Project Estimated Daily Measured G roundwa te r Surface G roundwa te r With-Project Precipitation(2) Flow(3) Flow(4) Runoff Flow(5) Slough Flow Date (inches} {cfs} (cfsl (cfsl (cfsl (cfs) 1 2 3 11 3.7 7.3 2.9 10.2 4 9.5 3.6 5.9 2.9 8.8 5 7. 1 3.4 3.7 2.9 6.6 6 5.6 3.4 2.2 2.9 5. 1 7 .10 4.8 3.5 1 • 3 2.9 4.2 8 4.2 3.6 0.6 2.9 3.5 9 3.6 3.5 0. 1 2.9 3.0 10 3.2 3.2 0 2.9 2.9 11 3.8 3.0 0 2.9 2.9 12 .22 2.4 2.9 0 2.9 2.9 13 .17 2.4 2.9 0 2.9 2.9 14 2. 1 2.8 0 2.9 2.9 15 .02 2.1 2.7 0 2.9 2.9 "" 16 .11 2. 1 2.6 0 2.9 2.9 I 17 .04 2. 1 25 0 2.9 2.9 w N 18 .57 2.7 2.6 0. 1 2.9 3.0 19 .61 3.2 3.0 0.2 2.9 3. 1 20 .05 3.6 3.4 0.2 2.9 3. 1 21 4.2 3.8 0.4 2.9 3. 3 22 3.6 3.4 0.2 2.9 3. 1 23 3.2 2.9 0.3 2.9 3.2 24 2.8 2.6 0.2 2.9 3. 1 25 .12 3. 3 2.5 0.8 2.9 3.7 26 3. 3 2.4 0.9 2.9 3.8 27 2.8 2.3 0.5 2.9 3.4 28 2.4 2.2 0.2 2.9 3. 1 29 .02 2.4 2.2 0.2 2.9 3. 1 30 0.5 2. 1 2.3 0 2.9 2.9 " ( 1 ) 93% exceedance probabi I ity ( 2) September 1984 Sherman percipitation, adjusted to Slough 8A ( 3 ) September 1984 (4) Q8 -0.67 + 0.00025 QGC ( 5) Assumes flow at Gold Creek is 9,000 cfs Source: R&M ( 1985a l J j -J J J f] SOURCE: MODIFIED FROM TRIHEY (11) Direction of A ow -.. Sherman Creek Indian River \ Talkeetna: 26 River Miles LEGEND: Devil Canyon: 7 River Miles Direction of Flow 11-1 0 I 1 I MILES (APPROX. SCALE) • STAGE. RECORDER SEEPAGE METER FIGURE 4. I APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS OF DATA COLLECTION POINTS - STAGE RECORDERS AND SEEPAGE METERS. {Figure reproduced. from APA {l984b) ) 4-33 Source: ADF & G(l983b) • I ..... Figure 4.2 Slough 8A upwelling/seepage, 1982. / .SLOUGH SA UPWELLING/ SEEPAGE 0 2000 fEET IAI'f>ROII.$ULf) • UPWElLING .t>. I w V1 • • • Source: ADF & G(l983b) Figure 4.3 Slough 8A ice-free areas~ winter 1982-83 . • • • • • • • • • • SLOUGH 8A ICE-FREE AREAS 0 1000 .NOIJIIU'Ib•r 18,t98t Of•iwv•r 25,f90' • --• - LJ LJ L.i L_l L I I • ~~ SUSITNA RIVER-- Source: ADF & G(l983b) Figure 4.4 Slough 9 upwelling/seepage, 1982. SLOUGH 9 UPWELUNG/SEEPAGE 0 1000 ff£T (APPRO:t SCAU) • -UPWElLING I I • • --. ----SUS/ TNA Source: ADF & G(1983b) RIVER-- SLOUGH 9 ICE-FREE AREAS 0 1000 ( Af'PROX ICAl(j 0Nov•mbtr t8.191C: 0Ftbtu<H1 23,UUn Figure 4.5 Slough 9 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83. -• -• • • • • • •• . ---- -1:>. I w CXl I I Source: ADF & G(1983b) Figure 4.6 Slough 11 upwelling/seepage, 1982. ---• -II II e 156 Ill SLOUGH II UPWELLING/ SEEPAGE 0 1000 FEET • UPWELLING -II II -II -Ill 5 I rNA stJ Source: ADF & G(l983b) ... ' Figure 4.7 Slough 11 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83. . I -! I ... SLOUGH II ICE-FREE AREAS (I 1000 FEET (APPROX. IC:AU: t ONovtmNr 18,198Z [1)Febtuor1 23,1983 ""' I ""' 0 SLOUGH Zl COliPl£)( Source: ADF & G(l983b) Figure 4.8 Slough 21 upwelling/seepage, 1982 . . ~.~}11 ., 111 .•.• • "11 II 1111 e••• lrll SLOUGH 21 UPWELLING/ SEEPAGE 0 II f[[T fAPf'fi:OI. IC&\.l) •·UPWELLING II 1000 II II II' II' / SLOUGH ll: I COWPL£)( -sustrNA Source: ADF & G{l983b) Figure 4.9 Slough 21 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83. SLOUGH 21 ICE-FREE AREAS 0 1000 nn (.u>PROM JUL.&) 0 Non~~nb•r fl.t982 0 Febtli!Cf(J 23,198-' Preceeding Pr·ecipitation Date 9 14 19.0 9-15 19.8 9-1 G 11.2 9-17 9.4 9-18 10.0 9-19 18.6 9-20 6.0 0 cc --- 8.9 10,200 12.2 28,200 8.6 32,500 5.4 32,000 7.9 27,500 7.7 2-1, 100 7.5 24,000 FIG. 4.10 GROUNDWATER COr.JTOUnS SUS.I'fNA RIVER AT SLOUGti SA SCALE: I"= 1000' ---------·------·~.--------'---- Legend • observation well 11 600 11 groundwater elevation Date: 9-20-82 QGC: 24,000 Source: R & M (1982g) Climatic Precceding Precipitation Date 9-29 7.4 9-30 8.4 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 0 Gc 6.0 12,400 4.9 12,500 2.2 12,400 3.3 11,700 1.8 11,000 1.3 10,500 0. 1 9,800 FIG. 4.11 Legend • observation well "600" groundwater elevation Dale: 10-5-82 QGC: 8,300 Source: R & M (l982g) GROUNDWATER CONTOURS SUSrrr·JA RIVER AT SLOUGU SA SCALE: 1"= 1000' ..;.--.);~ . . . . . . , 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 ... ',:•. ·.··:.· ·. .; ·. ·!·:.:·J,.·: :>; . ...... :·: .; . _:-::=·-:·.; . ..-;,(;':::·:\: .... ~:-· 7.0 1. 7 Ice 0.0 1.5 Ice 0.0 1.2 Ice 0.0 0.1 Ice 1. 6 1.1 Ice 0.0 4.4 Ice 0.0 1.0 Ice FIG. 4.12 cover cover cover cover cover cover * cover Date: QGC: Precip. and temp. data from .Devil Canyon Climate Stations. observation well groundwater elevation 4-26-82 Ice Cover Source: R & M (1982g) GROUNDWATEH CONTOURS SUSI'TNA RIVER AI SLOUGH SA SCALE: 1"= 1000' --------··-·---· .. -·-·-·-·--~-----·--~-----------·--------------- Climatic Summary for . Preceeding 7-Day Period Precipitation Date (mm) Temperature (OC) 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 7-1 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 9.2 1.6 16.5 15.9 14.9 12.7 13.0 13.6 10.1 FIG 4.13 25,000 27,000 24,000 25,000 '· GROUNDWATER CONTOURS SUSITNA RIVER AT SLOUGH 9 SCALE: I II~ 1000' Legend • 11 600 11 observation well groundwater elevation Date: 7-1-82 QGC: 25,000 Source: R & M (l982g) ·----.. ·-·--....... --,·---·--··---,.---,..· .. ~---·-·----· ..... -... --............. ,._._. ..... _.._,_ ..... _ .. ________ _,... ____ _ Precipitation Date QG - 10-1 2.2 12,400 10-2 3.3 111700 10-3 2.8 11,000 10-4 1. 3 10,500 10-5 0. 1 9,800 10-6 2.3 8,960 10-7 0.5 8,480 FIG. 4.14 ·---------------·-·------·---.. GROUNDWATER CONTOURS SUSITNA RIVER AT SLOUGH 9 s c A L E : 1" = 1000 I Legend ll 11 600 11 Date: Oc;r:. Source: observation well groundwater elevation 10-7-82 8,480 R & M (l982g) : ·---.. ·:.;.'>; Date: 12-22-82 Note: Winter flow, Ice cover· on mainstem FIG. 4.15 {:::,::; ~-,-.~ : .. ;·:::·,'.: :-.:.:::: ·r.: : ... , ;. ~; t.: ,,,. 1. ~ ...... ~·:-:r;:::•.'·' ·: ·~<:;; ·.·~· . ; : :·:::-: :·:-: :. ·.'•; .·.,·,·::-: •.::;-;::: ::.::·::. !:i:·>=::,: ==~ ~:,:: r: . < .608.16 606.50 ~ • G}cz, GROUNDWATER CONTOURS SUSITNA RIVER AT SLOUGH 9 • 11 600" observation well g;oundwater elevation Source: R & M {1982g) 1982 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC llUL J4--------~------~------~------~------~------~ J -.10 ..1 J ..1 -.J ] LEGEND 0 MAINSTEM LRX 29·, SURFACE ~-lATER A SLOUGH SA MOUTH, INTRAGRAVEL • SLOUGH 8A.UPPER, INTRAGRAVEL SOURCE: ADF&G (2} JUL AUG SEF OCT NOV DEC FIGURE 4.16 SLOUGR8A WATER TEMPERATURES, 1982. (Figure reproduced fran APA (1984b) .) 4-48 JAl' FEB HAR APR MAY 14 - JA:; FEB cL~R APR ~11\Y SOURCES; ;\lJ[·\';\: ( J J as presented in AllF&i; PIWV I S!O~/,\L 198) DATA 1983 JllN JUL AUG JUN JUL AUG APA (1984b) SEP SEP OCT NOV DEC ~ 0 MAINSTEM LRX 29, SURFACE \.JATER ~ SLOUGH 8A UPPER, SURFACE WATER e SLOUGH 8A UPPER, INTRAGRAVEL OC:T NOV DF.C: FIGURE 4 .17 SltlUCll 8,\ ~:.\TFII Tr::JPt-:[~.XJTi, l:S, 1 ~-·0) -0 0 w 0: :::::) i- <( a:: w a_ ~ ~ I V1 w 0 i- 0: w i- <( ~ 15 14 13 12 II 9 8 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2- 1- 0- -1 - -2- -3- -4-Source: ADF & G(l985) MEAN DAILY SURFACE WAJER TfMPERATUR~ -----UPPER SLOUGH 8A ·SITE 3 ( RM 126.6) •·•••••••• lOWER SLOUGH 8A ·SITE 3 (RM 125.6) MEAN DAILY INTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE UPPER SLOUGH 8A·SITE 3 (RM 126.6) _ .. _ •• _ LOWER SLOUGH 8A ·SITE 3 ( RM 125.6) Figure 4.18 Mean daily surface and intragravel water temperatures recorded at Lower Slough BA -Site 3 (RM 125.6) and Upper Slough BA - Site 3 (RM 126.6) during the 1983-84 winter season. 1983 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 14 12 10 0 sou;,cEs: ADFI.G < J) J as presented in APA (l984b) .\[)F&G PROVISIONAL 1983 DATA JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 0 MAIN STEM LRX 29, SUHFACE WATf.R 0 SLOUGH 9, SURFACE WATEH e SLOUGH 9, It\TRAGRA VEL FIGURE 4 .19 SLOUGII 9 HATER TE~fl'ERI 1 ').S 3 15 13 12 -II- 0 10-0 9- UJ Q:: 8- ::::> 1-7- <l Q:: 6- UJ 5-0.. ~ 4-UJ 1-3- Q:: 2- .1:>. UJ I 1-1-U1 N <l :J: 0- -I- -2- -3- -4- . . . ~. I • II II .,~·: . , I I I • I I I ~ .. .. " II I I -· : .. . '• I II Source: ADf & G(l985) I SEP I OCT MEAN DAILY SURFACE WATER JCMP(RATURE -----SLOUGH 9-SITE 3 (Rt.f 128.61 MEAN DAILY IHTRAGRAVEL WATER TEMPERATURE --SLOUGH 9-SITE 3 (RM 128.61 ! .. •• •• ••• ' • . . • t I " .. ,.,., . '.: .., ' _: v '. :' • .. ,. ,., ' . . ,; . l·.·~·t·:~ ;., .: : ~ , , -- Figure 4.20 Mean daily surface and intragravel water temperatures recorded at Slough 9 -Site 3 (RM 128.6) during the 1983-84 winter season . ••••••••••• •• •• • ••• ol:> I 14 12 10 lJ1 8 w 0 JAN FEB MAR APR ~-------------A~·· .'\:'v"-"-"'o-------'"""' .I i\~1 n:11 ~L\R APR Sllti\CL~i: 1\ili·~.c (I) DATA] as t\IJFSG ~'!{ft\' t;; l 0:4AL 1983 fJi\l'A 1(1,'·1 Ct >:;sur. r.\NT~ I'IWVTS!ONM. !983 1983 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC LEGEND 0 MAINSTEM LRX 29, SURFACE WATER e BOREHOLE 9-lA 0 BOREHOLE 9-3 t:. BOREHOLE 9-5 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT DEC presented in APA (1984b) FIGURE 4.21 S\ ili;l;H \) L',\ I'F!\ ! L'ii'U:_\ J t,J~I:S. l lJh) I ! I I 1983 I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT 14 I I LEGEND 12 L;. MAINSTEM AT SLOUGH 11, SURFACE FP,!ER I 0 SLOUGH 11, SURFACE WATER I 10 c SLOUGH 11, INTRA GRAVEL • I! 8 .z:,. I oc 6 l I I 4 I ~~ I I I 0 c;..:, ~ I JA!< FEB MAR APR Hl.Y JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT I SOURCES: A!JF&G ( 3 ) ] as presented in APA (l984b) ADF&G PROVISIONAL !983 DATA FIGURI::; 4.22 SLOL:CH 11 I h'A TER 1 E.\lP EK \ TL! ES • J%J . -·-' :,i 14 12 t 10 (J1 (J1 8 6 4 z •,, JAN FEB L _______ l __ JAN SOUR.CES: rr:u \Ill-;,(: ( ) ) PI:II\'IS!Oc:.\L MAR APR MAY JUN HAR APR MAY JUN 1983 DATA1 as presented in APA (1984b) 1983 JUL AUG SEP JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV LEGEND 0 MAINSTEM LRX 57, INTRAGRAVEL • SLOUGH 21 UPPER, SURFACE WATER 1::. SLOUGH 21 UPPER, INTRAGRAVEL ilCT FIGURE 4.23 DEC SLllUCII 2 l TE>1PriP.TURES t 1983 ~tAR ;\iJFSG ( 3 ) J 1\iH&C PI<UV l S [ON,\L 1983 DATA APR HAY JUN l.ll APA ( l984b) as presented . JUL NOV PEC • MAINSTEH LRX 57 • SURFACE \!ATCR 0 MAlNSTEM LRX 57 • lNTRAGRAVEL CJ SLOUGH 21 MOU TH, SURFACE \'ATER 0 SLOUGH 21 MOUTH • H;TRAGRAVEL AU;G----~----~;-__ _l ___________ _jl ~ SEP OCT NOV OEC FIGURE 4 .24 .J J J : i : I I lj_i ~~. I *· ' I I I 2!50 ' I I I I I .... I i I 'L :L· r ' '1:.. I l -200 L c L "*" I ..l'I..L e illl:~ ~..::l.l:L..A ..... ~ . .,. . .'L' ..K~ 0. tli! I -e i/. l I I I -I I LLI t-1!50 I ' ' I I I <l I a:: .... I I LLI I I I c:J .... <l a. '/ LLI L&J 100 I I ' I ' I ~$$1$ (,/) ' , I I t+ I t--P lL .t v 1/ ; ' I I ''I' i I /' "'I :A I I I ' I I ' 0 10 20 30 40 :so Q SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.25 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 8-1. Source: APA (1984b) 4-57 1 l l - .. I I I l ! I ; i I ! I • i i 1 t ' I I I ' I z,o-!j:+J'::·~~::·:':+~.=~~~=+4=~:+=:~:t~~:t~tJ~~~:+~::~:tf:~~~~.~::t:~ i I I I I i I ' e ' I -• i laJ j ' I ! ~ 150~~~-r~~-r~~~++~-r~~-r~,--r~~-r~.~~~~~-r~~~ ~ a: laJ (!) ~ D. laJ laJ en • I 0 FIGURE 4.26 I I I I ' ' 10 zo 30 .Jn~ I L~ I I ' ' I ' I I I 40 50 Q SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) S~EPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 8-2. Source: APA (19B4b) 4-58 • • .J .J J .J .J j J J J J J -J · 1 r 1 r : ll I . T ~ 200~==~==~====~~~~:;::~./~==~==~~:;~:tt=:t~:±~~:;±j':t'~:::::J e / ..... "''/' ' ' . -e -' I /1 I ' l "' I ' ~ 150-r~~~.~~~~~,.~~~~++~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <l a: "' (!) <l a. "' "' en ~~~: ~~~~~~·~·~~~ H+~+.H+H~~H+H+~+H~4+H+~~~+M~ 0 Q I i I I ' ' j I 10 20 30 40 I I ' ' T ' ' ' r , r T SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.27 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 9-1. Source: APA {1984b) 4-59 J J J J .J J i I ... I ...._. ! i ~ J J I I . : I I ~ i I Ll --r-+-r-t- ' I I I ' I I I ' a:E I 2!50 ' ' i l I I I ' m .i -200 c -e ..... -e I ! ' - "' ... 1!50 <t a: I.IJ (,!) ' I I <t a. "' I.IJ 100 en ' ' ~ I i 1- 50 ' I I I,.: i I ; I . 1_ . i . I I I : .J.. I I ' I ! ! I 0 ' I S :EPA iJ:. .ME. IE.R. 9• I I ' ' I I rt' 1.. ~tct.U. IN! .A: = ~iX'U1 .~. 0 10 20 30 40 Q SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.28 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE~ SEEPAGE METER 9-2. Source: APA (1984b) 4-60 - - i ' 1-1 I ' 1 ' L i ' I I I I ' ' -r-H-- I I ! I I I -; I 2!50 I I ' ' ' ' I ' I . . -L -' I I I I ' j ; I I I I --200 = I I I ' ·-I e I I ' ...... I I -I ' e I 1 -' I I I LLI I j t-150 .... ~ .. <'( a:: I I 1-o· LLI ''II: :;s 110 ... (!) !R ·-n. 8 .. <'( lA" a.. I I LLI I :,..- LLI 100 en 1 ' I I .... _,:...-,......,. I<:: I 50 I ' -I ' I I I ' I ' I I ~ ::it:. 'f' I IUC. :M' -·.:) 0 ' . I ' l I I I I I I ' I 0 10 20 30 40 Q SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.29 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 9-3. Source: APA (1984b) 4-61 I I l I l I ' . I I I • I ' ' I I I i I l I • I ' • I I I I - • -c -e ...... • -e ' I -.. • - Vi, I I I ! ' ' I I : I I ' I I ' I I I ' I ' 10 20 '50 40 eo Q SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.30 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 11-1. Source: APA (1984b) 4-62 ---·-"·--- ) ] ] --. J J J -J J -J J ~I ~l . -E - ' I ' l ' I I I ! • I I 1 ' I ' I il ' ! I ' LIJ ~ 1~0~~~4.~1~1 '~~~~~~~~~~~~++~~~~~~~~~~~-U <1: I ' I CJ! I ' LIJ C) <1: a. LIJ I I 1 I ' ' I LIJ 100 (/) ; : .3:tj:t~.-+~+-~-r+-~~4-~~4-~-+~~-+~~~~ t±:::tt~~:ti:~j:~Jtj:til:'ct~~l:tj::-+~~~+-~~~-+~~~~~~~+-~~~ I 1 I I I ' T 5E : P. ~tiE M t:.ITE.Ri I 1!-i! ' "T I ' I ' I ' I I I 0 10 20 30 40 !50 Q SUSnNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.31 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 11-2. Source: APA (1984b) 4-63 J J J J J j -j J j j _) _j _) ) J ) ~I . -e - 0 I I ' I 1 I ' ' I I I ' I : ' l 1 i I ' I I ' I I I , ' 'r. I ' I I I ' I ' I ' i ~,_, ;\ '"'' • ct .O.IT IN · [ T . I ' ' ' ' ' I 0 10 20 30 40 !50 Q SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.32 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 21-1. Source: APA (1984b) 4-64 J J J J J J -J J J J J J J J J J 450 • I I I I I , -~ · ·r 1 . ' ' . • 1 em••··•~·· mEm·T 400 ' ' ' I I I I ' , I I"' l l ' ' I ' ' ' ' I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' I ,'II' I ' ' ' I ' I ' ' IV \r,c. I~ IUI'I 10 2.0 30 40 50 Q SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK ( cfs X 1000) FIGURE 4.33 SEEPAGE RATE VS. MAINSTEM DISCHARGE, SEEPAGE METER 21-2. J===== Source:APA (1984b) -_I 4-65 ,...,....-- 1 -~-o~-+3+o:::::: ......... H1H5:::::-_:-.:::::+F+-IHGriUR E 4. 3 4 RESPONSE 0 F MAINS T lj: '-' _AND S L 0 UGH J~ ~ ....,... ,., ~~0~1 ,_ . f~ H DISCHARGES TO SEPTEMBER 1983 STORM I I T ..... r- (/J f- II.. '-·+-+-+++ 0 r ..... r w r L __, (!) -a: --< .{::> f~ l: 0 (/J 15 0 l~ - l: (!) . -· ::;) -~ r-0 ... (/J 10 -- -f~ - '-· i~ ~~ ' I I t , . .. - - . +-+-1--H--+--4 ~ -1-.. 0 0 -+-1-+-t--t .. --· ;.__ ----· .. - -' -·--- ·1 - --.. -· - FIGURE 4.35 RESPONSE OF .. MAINSTEM AND SLOUGH 9 DISCHARGE-S--TOSEPTEMBER 1983 -STORM _____ -· -mf 0 -~ --- - - -·-f-· -m ·- -. f-. ++·· R24/3 63 5.0 SUMMARY Construction and operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project will affect several of the physical processes which produce and regulate the aquatic habitats in the Middle Susitna River. Changes will occur in the river sedimentation processes, in the channel stability, and in the groundwater upwelling processes. The specific project effects are reviewed below, in relation to their effect on habitat. The river sedimentation processes will change from strictly river-type to combined lake-type and river-type. A large proportion of the sediment reaching the impoundment zone from upstream will be trapped in the reservoirs, with only the fine suspended particles (smaller than about 3-4 microns) passing through to the river downstream. This will have some direct effects on the stability of the river channel below the project. The reservoir releases will be transporting less sediment than comparable flows under natural conditions, and will consequently have capacity to transport additional sediment. The flows will thus have a tendency to pick up finer particles from the riverbed. However, with-project flows will also be smaller than naturally-occurring summer flowsJ with reduced ability to transport sediment. The net result of project construction and operation is that the main stem in the Middle Reach is expected to degrade from zero to 1 foot. The median size of particles in the mainstem is likely to increase, making the channel more stable. The beds of sloughs and side channels may degrade from zero to 0.5 foot. Local aggradation in the mainstem, primarily due to bifurcation of the streamflow between the mainstem and other channels, is not expected to be significant. The side channels and sloughs will still require larger mainstem flows to overtop them, on the order of 8,000 cfs higher than naturally, due to degradation of the main river. Intrusion of fine sediments into the gravel beds of sloughs and side channels may occur at pools and backwater areas, potenially causing problems for spawning and 5-1 R24/3 64 incubation. As a mitigative measure, the project may release larger flows to flush out the deposited fine sediments, or "Gravel Gerties" may be used. Jack Long, Sherman, and Deadhorse Creeks, three tributaries used by salmon1 are likely to aggrade, possibly restricting access. Project effects on slough hydrology relate to likely changes in flow levels and water temperatures. There is considerable variation between sloughs as to the nature of their dependence on the mainstem. Sloughs similar to Slough 11, whose flows are strongly related to the main stem water level, are likely to experience a decrease in groundwater upwelling under with project conditions. These sloughs may also have problems with fish access or with environmental conditions for incubating embryos, including freezing, shortage of oxygen, or change in development time. Mitigative measures may be required in such cases. Other sloughs which derive significant inflow from upland sources or from local surface flow will be affected to a lesser extent. Flow peaks from the local sources will still allow access under most conditions. 5-2 R24/3 65 6.0 REFERENCES Aaserude, B. 1985. Transmittal of preliminary data on overtopping flows for sloughs and side channels. E.W. Trihey & Associates, Anchorage, Alaska. April. Acres American, Inc. 1982. Reservoir slope stability. Appendix K in 1980-81 Geotechnical Report by Acres American, Inc. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Acres American, Inc. 1983. Hydrogeology Report. Anchorage, Alaska. Susitna Prepared Hydroelectric Project, Slough for Alaska Power Authority, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). 1983a. Susitna Hydro aquatic Studies Phase II Data Report: Winter Aquatic Studies (October 1982 -May 1983). Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1983b. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Phase II Basic Data Report. Volume 4 (3 parts): Aquatic Habitat and lnstream Flow Studies, 1982. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department of Fish r and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984a. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report. No. 3, Aquatic Habitat and lnstream Flow Inves- tigations (May-October 1983): Chapter 3. Continuous Water Temper- ature Investigations. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. 6-1 R24/3 66 Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984b. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report No. 3, Aquatic Habitat and I nstream Flow I nves- tigations (May-October 1983): Chapter 1. Stage and Discharge Mea- surements. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984c. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report No. 1; Adult Anadromous Fish Investigations (May-October 1983). Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1984d. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Team Studies, Report No. 2; Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Investigations (May -October 1983). Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1985. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Report No. 5, Winter Aquatic Investigations (September 1983 -May 1984), Volume 2, Appendix F: Winter Temperature Data. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority (APA). 1983a. Application for license for major project, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, before the FERC. Exhibit E, Chapter 2. Prepared by Acres-American, Inc. February. Alaska Power Authority. 1983b. Supplemental response 2-31, in response to the FERC April 12, 1983 request for supplemental information on the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project license application, project number 7114-000, filed with FERC on July 11, 1983. 6-2 R24/3 67 Alaska Power Authority. 1984a. Evaluation of Alternative Flow Requirements. Prepared by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture for Alaska Power Authority. November. Alaska Power Authority. 1984b. Alaska Power Authority Comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Draft Environmental Impact Statement of May 1984. Vol. 9, Appendix VII -Slough Geohydrology Studies. Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. August. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC). 1984. Geomorphic change in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach of the Susitna River since 1949, preliminary report. Draft. Submitted to Ha rza Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture for Alaska Power Authority. May. Baxter, R.M. and Glaude, P. 1980. Environmental Effects of Dams and Impoundments in Canada, Experience and Prospects. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Bulletin 205, Ottawa. Beaver, D. 1984. Memorandum to E. Gemperline, Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, dated October 12, 1984. Beaver, D. 1985. Memorandum to E. Gemperline, Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture, dated April 5, 1985. 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Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. November. Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. 1985. Middle Susitna River sedimentation study stream channel stability analysis of selected sloughs, side channels, and main channel locations. Draft report. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority. March. Hey, R.D., J.C. Bathurst and C.R. Thorne (editors). 1982. Gravel-Bed Rivers; Fluvial Processes, Engineering and Management, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Jokela, J.B., S.R. Bredthauer, and J.H. Coffin. 1983. Sedimentation in glacial lakes. Paper presented at Cold Regions Environmental Engi- neering Conference, May 18-20, 1983, Fairbanks, Alaska. Sponsored by University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and University of Alberta, Edmonton. Kellerhals, R. 1982. Effect of river regulation on channel stability. In: Gravel-Bed Rivers: Fluvial Processes, Engineering and Management (R.D. Hey, J.C. Bathurst, and C.R. Thorne, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York. Kellerhals, R., Church, M., and Davies, L.B. 1977. 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