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SINCE 1949
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SINCE 1949
SINCE 1949
Prepared by
Arctic Environmental
Information and Data Center
University of Alaska-Fairban k ~
707 A Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Submitted to:
Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture
711 H S treet
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Alaska Power Authority
334 West 5th Avenue, Seconi Floor
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
May 31, 1985
This report was prepared by
Joseph C. LaBelle
Lynn D. Leslie
Pag e No .
LIST OF FIGURES •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i
LIST OF TABLES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ii
LIST OF APPENDIXES............................................. iii
s mflwf.A.R Y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1
INTRODUCTI ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5
METHODS •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9
GEONOR'PHIC CHANGES ................. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11
PR OB ABLE CAUSES.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16
PO SSIBLE INFLUENC ES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 19
SUS ITNA GLACIER SURGE. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19
Sedimentation............................................ 19
Temporarily Increased Flows •....••....•••••••.•..•.•.•••• 20
GREAT ALASKA EARTHQUAKE. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 25
CONCLUSIONS •••••••••••••••• 29
EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31
REFERENCES . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 3
APP E!\DIXES..................................................... 35
Fig No. Page t-\o.
Annual flood peak discharges, Susitna River
at Gold Creek.............................................. 17
2 Areas of uplift and subsidence, 1964 Alaska
Earthquake................. • • • • . • . • • • . • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • 26
Tab le No . Page No .
USGS discharge records fo r the Susitna River
at Go ld Creek .............................................. 10
Slough changes ~i~c e 1949 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Correlation coef ficien t s f or st reamflow multiple
regr ession , four-y ear blocks: 1952-1 979 ••••••••••..•••••••
Page ~o.
Appendix A. Comparative geomorphology, 1949-present ••••••••••••.•• 35
Appendix B. Definitions........................................... 41
Appendix C. General descriptions of geomorphic change
since 1949............................................ 42
ln order to determine the natural geomorphic regime -the bal a nce between
aggradation and degradation -of the middle Susitna River, analy sis of geomor-
phic change since 1949 was carried out by studying aerial photography for the
periods 1949, 1961-62, and 1977-82. The purpose of the study was to under-
stand how sloughs , which have the best available fish spawning and rearing
habitats , have been evolving in recent decade s . This information could then
be u sed to forecast the effects of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on natu-
ral slough evolution.
Photographic analysis showed the following:
1. Gravel bars and islands have become more exposed, better stabilized,
and increasingly vegetated. Several gravel bars have becQme
a ttached to shore as new terraces.
2 . At eight places in the middle river, the mainstem channel has pro-
gressively shifted alignment since 1949, eroding out all or parts of
some old, stable islands and shoreline .
3. Many sloughs have become perched, or relatively higher in elevation
compared to the water surface at a given discharge. Some sloughs
have evolved from side channels to side sloughs, and others from
side sloughs to upland sloughs. In a few cases, side channels have
evolved all the way to upland sloughs.
33RD4-011a -l -
The apparent emergence of gravel bars and islands, formation of new ter-
races, and perching of sloughs is interpreted to be the result of general
degradation of the middle river since 1949. As the river slowly eroded its
bed, the mainstem water surface elevation at any given discharg..! lowered,
causing nearby topographic features to stand higher above the water. These
features are now less ea s ily inundated by high mainstem flows, and vegetation
has taken hold and progressed through successional stages.
Changes in flood severity during t he period since 1949 do not account for
the decreased overtopping of these features. Flooding increased from 1962-72 ,
and then decreased to about the same levels as 1949-61. However, vegetation
progressed steadily during these periods.
When a slough evolves, fish habitat conditions within it change. As a
side slough forms, conditions may be~ome suitable for fish spawning or rear-
ing. Continued evolution may change those conditions over tice and eventually
make the slough habitat unsuitable for fish. Meanwhile, however, ne\v side
sloughs are being converted from side channels, so that there is probably
always some suitable fish habitat available.
The 1952-53 surge of the Susitna glacier does not appear to have had any
significant effect on the middle river's geomorphic regime. An y bedload sedi-
ments released by the surge were probably deposited in the upper river and
have not yet progressed into the middle river. Temporarily increased rive r
flows, caused by the glacier terminus moving farther down into the ablation
zone, do not appear to have significantly altered river discharges during the
few years after the surge. Statistical analysis of streamflow data show no
unequivocal changes in discharge during that period that are not accounted for
by precipitation and snowfall records.
33RD4-011a -2 -
The 1964 Alas ka Earthquake caus ed a southward tilt of the Susitna River
basin of about 1.5 feet over a diRtance of 320 miles. This sm a l l a mount woul d
have, at most, a very minor ef f ect on the river's regime. Ad d itionally , the
middle river lies almost exactly perpendicular to the direction of tilt, and
the lower river is only slightly less so. The middle river would, there fo re,
only begin downcutting after the lower river had deepened its valley , a nd then
only near the confluence.
The rate of general degra dation throughout the middle riv er appears to
hav e been steady s ince 1949, and was prob .:1 bly not significantly affected b y
the earthquake. However, there has been erosion in the confluence area, bu t
about 1/4 of it had occurred before the earthqua ke. It appears tha t the ero -
sion was caused by shifting of the main channel of the Chul itna Rive r a t the
confluence. Although the earthquake may have exacerbated the erosion, it does
not appear to have caused it.
The operation of the Susitna Hydroelectric pro j ect would probably stabi-
lize the riverbe(1 and cause t he degradation regime in the middle riv er to
cease. After an initial period of riv erbed scour below the dams, lasting a
few y ears, evolution of sloughs from one t y pe to another would stop. Slough
types would remain the same a~ they were a t the termination of riverb e d scour-
ing, and slough fish habitat would no longer be altered through perching of
Slough habitat conditions, howe v er, might still chang e due to project
operations. Controlled river flows would prevent overtopping of sloughs that
normally occurs during high summer f l ows. This would prevent the sloughs from
being flushed of accumulated fine s ediments contributed by small tributary
streams, and beaver dams. If geomorphically sta ble sloughs are made unsuit-
able for fish ha bitat by such processes as these, the total amount of suitable
33RD4-0lla - 3 -
slough habitat might be dimini s hed over time since it w0uld not be replenished
through slJugh evolution.
33RD4-0lla - 4 -
Most river systems undergo a natural process of geomorphic evolution over
time. Although their geomorphic regimes -t he balance between erosion and
deposition over a period of years -may remain relatively stable for a while,
river channels often aggrade or degrade to adjust to changes in local climate,
runoff, sediment supply, or tectonic effects on land slope. A river usually
remains under a given regime until one or more of these factors changes, or
until conditions remain stable long enough for the river to aggrade or degrade
its channel to an equilibrium condition. A certain regime may last from a few
years to thousands of years, depending on the frequency and severity of causa-
tive factors.
Since the end of the Pleist ocene ice age about 10 ,000 years ago, the
Susitna River in the Devil Canyon-to-Talkeetna reach, (hereafter c a lled the
middle river) has undergone general valley deepening and canyon cutting. Most
of the middle river is incised into canyons a few hundred feet deep. The
modern channel sHs well below the level of a series of older sedimentary
terraces on either side o f the river. However, this general, long-term degra-
dation could have been interrupted by periods of change or even reversal of
its regime, and it would be of interest to know what regime has been active i n
recent decades.
Fish habitat investigations in the middle Susitna River, related to the
proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project development, have concentrated on the
river's sloughs, because they constitute the bulk of salmon spawning and rear-
ing habitats for that would be affected by the project. Slough types and
their suitability as fish habitat are dependen,t, in part, on river channel
evolution and stability . Aggradation or degradation of the river could alter
33RD4-0lla -5 -
slough types and cause natural fish habitat transformation. Some sloughs
would evolve into more favorable habitat conditions (suitable water depths,
temperatures, velocities, and substrate conditions), while others would evolve
into poorer habitats. Investigators do not know how long presently-favorable
slough habitats have existed, since systematic slough habitat investigations
in the middle river, by the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game (ADF&G), have only
been carried out since the mid-1970s.
33RD4-0lla - 6 -
In order to assess natural slough habitat transformation in the middle
Susitna River, it is necessary to know whether the river is now aggrading,
degrading, or stable, and whether sloughs have evolved from one type to
another in recent years. This information could give an index of natural
habitat stability that might provide clues to the effects of hydroelectric
development on future habitat stability. Project operations would alter the
river's natural geomorphic regime by controlling seasonal flows, trapping
bedload sediments in the reservoirs, causing riverbed scour be1.ow the dams,
and changing river ice processes. This altered regime might disturb the natu-
ral evolution of the river system, its sloughs, and iish hab l tat suitability.
Accordingly, we undertook an analy sis of aerial photography of the middle
river taken in three periods during the past 36 years: 1949 (the first year
for which aerial photography was available), 1961-62 (just before the 1964
Alaska Earthquake), and 1977-80. Also used for co~parison was the 1982 aerial
photography presented in Klinger and Trihey (1984). The purposes of the study
were to determine :
1. whether aggradation, degradation, or stability has been the dominant
geomorphic regime during the period from 1949 to present;
2. whether significant geomorphic changes, such as alteration of slough
types, have occurred during that period;
3. whether there is any apparent evidence of alteration of regime
caused by the two natural catastrophic events that occurred in the
33RD4-011a - 7 -
Susitna Basin during the period: the 1952 Susitna Glacier surge
(Post 1960), and the 1964 Alaska Earthquake (Plafker 1969).
Photography of the entire middle river below Devil Canyon was examined
for evidence of general geomorphic changes since 1949, and imagery of several
individual sloughs that have been investigated by ADF&G (Friese 1975) was
analyzed more closely to discern possible changes in slough types. Three
additional sloughs, herein designated SE, SF, and SG, \"ere also examined.
These are shown in Klinger and Trihey (19S4) between sloughs SA and SB (appen-
dix A).
Earlier analysis of 1949-51 aerial photography fro~ old USGS glass
slides, discussed in a draft preliminary report of this study in 19S4 (AEIDC
19S4), appeared to show that there \"ere fewer gravel bars in the middle river
at that time than there are now. Further investigation showed that the photog-
raphy had either been poorly processed or had deteriorated with age, under-
exposing the river and its features in a ~ay that washed out the presence of
unvegetated gravel bars in the river, maki~g those areas appear as open water.
New and better photography, all from 1949, was obtained from the USGS for the
final phase of the study, and show that the number of gravel bars in the river
has not significantly changed. This fact does not change the overall conclu-
sions of the draft report in regard to riverbed degradation and slough perch-
ing since 1949, which are substantiated here.
33RD4-0lla -s -
For comparison purposes, photographic sets were gathered for the earliest
time for which aerial photography was available (1949 USGS black-and-white
photography), for very recent years (1977-80 Bureau of Land Management infra-
red photography, and 1982 black-and-white photography), and for a period about
midway (1961-62 USGS black-and-white photography). The middle period was
selected for two reasons : (1) it would show whether any identified geomorphic
regime was in effect continuously from 1949 to the present, and (2) it would
allow examination of the river just before the 1964 Alaska Earthquake.
The year 1949 was also the first year the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS)
kept continuous records of river discharge for the middle river. Usi n g these
records, we gathered photography for all periods with similar water surface
elevations, which gave us a rough elevation base level for comparisons between
years. It was possible to obtain photography for most periods with a dis-
charge nea r the range 23,000-30,000 cfs. The only significantly different
year was 1977 with 41,000 cfs; this photography was used only for a short
reach of the river near the Susitna/Chulitna confluence.
from USGS record s for each photo set are s hown in table 1.
33RD4-0lla - 9 -
Daily discharge s
Table 1. TJSGS discharge records from Gold Creek station.
(Sources: USGS 1957, 1961, 1962, 1978, 1979, 1980, 198 1)
Photography date
August 10, 1949
August 14, 1949
July 14, 1961
July 5, 1962
August 10, 1962
August 11, 1962
June 19, 1977
August 1, 1980
August 11, 1980
June 1, 1982
Discharge (cfs)
25,000 (est.)
23,000 (est.)
23,000 (est.)
(est.) indicates no record for that date; discharge estimated on basis of
weather records, and records from other stations.
Since the photography was taken at somewhat different scales, the map
s e ts were adjusted to bring all illustrations to approximately the same scale
of 1:60,000 (about one inch to one mile). This was done using a Minolta EP
450Z photocopier with incremental enlarging ard reducing capabilities. Slight
shifts may be notlced between corresponding parts of the river in the map sets
(Appendix A), but these have no serious effect in the generalized portrayal of
geomorphic change.
33RD4-0lla -10 -
Analysis of aerial photography of the middle river of the Susitna River
from 1949 to present shows that geomorphic changes have occurred throughout
the reach. The overall evolutionary trend has been as follows:
1. Gravel bars and islands have become more exposed, better stabilized,
and increasingly vegetated. That is, they now stand higher above
the water surface at a given discharge, are not overtopped and erod-
ed ati frequently by floods, and vegetation has taken hold on them
and passed through successional stages.
In all parts of the middle river, many old, barren gravel bars have now
become more expos ed and vegetated. Some are now stabilized, vegetated is-
lands. The vegetation has steadily progressed from initial grassy cover to
low brush and finally to high brush cover. In some cases, succession has
progressed to low trees. (At the scale of the photography, species identiii-
cation is not possible without ground-truth information, and was not attempt-
ed). Many barren gravel bars that were attached to shore have now becore e
vegetated terraces, and some gravel bars originally near shore have now become
attached to shore and are now vegetated. Some of the latter also have become
te rraces , while others are trending that way but have not yet become fully
isolated from the river.
appendix • ..
F.xamp les of each type of change can be found in
Overflow channels in some islands and terraces, that flooded during hi gh
flows in 1949 , have now emerged so high that they are seldom flooded and have
bec ome increasin g ly vegetated. Also, older forested terraces and islands
33RD 4-01la -11 -
exist throughout the length of the middl .~ river that have long-abandoned over-
flow channels, and these are now fully vegetated, sometimes to mature vegeta-
tional stages.
On many islands that were already stable and vegetated in 1949, new
gravel beaches have become increasingly exposed, especially on their gently-
sloped upstream and downstream ends. Vegetation has encroached onto these
newly-exposed beaches in a manner similar to that on barren gravel bars. (See
appendix C).
These changes are most noticeable in split-channel reaches of the rivE!r
and are not as apparent in single-channel reaches. This is interpreted to be
an artifact of the method of analysis. Increased exposure, or emergence, of
features shows up in aerial photography as lateral increases in area, which
only occurs on gentle slopes. Features with vertical or very steep slopes
show little or no increase in area with emergence. Split-channel reaches of
the river have more gravel bars, islands, and terraces with gentle side
slopes, while single-channel reaches usually lack these features and have
steep banks.
2. At eight places in the middle river, the mainstem channel has pro-
gressively shifted since 1949, eroding out all or parts of some old,
stable islands or shoreline, while depositing or exposing new gravel
bars in the old position of the channel. This happened at river
miles (RM) 113.8, 119.5, 125.0-125.5, 130.0, 132.2, 133.6, and 139.0
and 142.4 (appendix A).
33RD4-011a -12 -
Even in these locations, however, the main evolutionary trend has been
toward increasing land exposure, stability, and vegetation. Thi s is apparent
on nearby gravel bars and isl<.nds on all sides of these eroded areas.
3. Some sloughs have come into existence since 1949, some have changed
character and/or type, and others have not y et changed enough to be
noticeable in the photography. Details of slough changes are shown
in table 2. See appendix B for explanations of the differences in
slough types.
33RD4-011a -13 -
Table 2. Slough changes. middle Susitna River. since 1949
(Sloughs listed in order ascending upstream)
Slough 1949 1961-2 1977-83 Perched ? Reach type
1 sc ss ss Yes Split
2 ss ss ss No Split
Whiskers sc sc sc No Split
3A us us us No Split
3B ss ss ss No Split
4 us us us No Single
5 us us us No Single
6 us us us No Single
6A us us us No Split
7 ? ? ss ? Single
8 sc ss ss Yes Split
8D us us us No Split
8C sc sc ss Yes Split
8B sc sc sc Yes Split
8E ss ss us Yes Split
8F ss ss us Yes Split
8G sc sc ss Yes Split
8A ss ss ss No Split
9 sc sc ss Yes Split
9B us us us No Split
9A sc sc sc Yes Split
10 us us us No Split
11 us us ss No Split
12 ss ss us Ye s Split
13 sc ss ss Yes Split
14 sc sc sc No Split
15 sc ss us Yes Split
16 sc sc sc No Split
17 us us us No Split
19 ss ss us Yes Split
20 sc sc ss Yes Split
21 SC& SC& SC& Yes Split
ss ss ss
22 sc sc sc No Split
2 1A sc sc s s Yes Split
Many sloughs have evolved from side channels to side sloughs, and othe r s
f rom side sloughs to upland sloughs. In a few cases, sloug!t e volution has
progressed all the way from side channel to upland slough. Of the sloughs
studied, only slough 11, which wa s observed to be altered by ice jam flooding
33RD4-011a -14 -
and erosion in 1976, changed in the opposite djrection, from an upland slough
to a side slough.
With the exception of slough 11, all slu~ghs that have changed type have
been transformed to a perched condition; that is, they are now higher in ele-
vation relative to the mainstem water surface at a given discharge. Of the 34
sloughs studied, 14 have changed type. Thirteen of those have become perched,
while one (slough 11) has been eroded out and lowered in elevation by ice
processes (table 2).
Of the 20 sloughs that did not appear to ha~e changed type. 9 were al-
ready upland sloughs and would have remained so if they had become further
perched. Hany side sloughs changed in morphologic character even when they
did not evolve enough to change type. At present, they had less wetted sur-
face area at a given discharge, and appear to have higher berm heights sepa-
rating them from the mainstem than in 1949. At some sloughs, enclosing gravel
bars, which separate the sloughs from the mainstem, have grown larger by emer-
gence and/or deposition.
Only one of 10 sloughs below Lane Creek changed type, although 3 of these
were already upland sloughs. Even in this area. however. some degree of
perching at present is still indicated by decreased wetted surface areas in
sloughs and vegetation excroachment on gravel bars since 1949.
33RD4-0 11a -15 -
The apparent emergence or increased exposure of gravel bars and islands,
formation of new terraces, and the perching of sloughs is interpreted to b~
the result of general degradation in the middle river since 1949. As the
river slowly eroded its bed, the mainstem water surface at any discharge low-
ered. This caused gravel bars, islands, terraces, sloughs, and berms separat-
ing sloughs from the mainstem to emerge higher above the water.
These land features are now less easily inundated by high mainsteo flows.
Dmergence has caused some side channels to be converted to side sloughs. Some
berms separating sloughs from the mainstem have become to0 high to be over-
topped at all, changing the associated sloughs from side sloughs to upland
sloughs (see table 2). Old overflow channels on so ~e islands and terraces now
seldom carry flows and are becoming vegetated. Reduced effects of over~opping
flood events. which allowed vegetation to take hold, could result either from
the emergence of these features to a higher elevation relative to a given
discharge, or from a reduction in the severity of flood events. An analysis
of flood events (H-E 1985A) shows that the maxin:um annual flood increased
during the period 1962-72, with six of those years having floods between the
10-and 50-year recurrence interval. Ha:dmum floods then declined again during
the period 1973-82 to about the same levels as during 1949-61 (figu':"e 1).
33RD4-011a -16 -
Figure 1.
Susitna River at Gold Creek
C) 80 C)
4-60 u
<t: 40 :r: u
0 -+-• ... +-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-~-+--+-+-+-+--+--+-+-+--+--+-+-+--+--~
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
Source : modified from H-E 1985A.
25 '-co
10 _j
< > 5 0:: w
2 w
u :z w
::J u w
The greater severity of flooding from 196 2-72 would have caused inc reased
overtopping of gravel bars and islands if they had remaine d at the s ame eleva-
tions relative to a given discharge. Photo analysis shows t&at vegetation of
these features progressed at a steady rate during the period 1949-82 and was
not affected by increased flooding during 196 2-72. Therefore, the increased
vegetation coverage of gravel bars and islands is probably due to their emer-
gence, caused by riverbed degradation.
Erosion of gravel bars and islands at eight sites in the middle river was
caused by progressive shifting of the mainstem channel alignm ent in those
parts of the river.
33RD4-011a -18 -
During the period from 1949 to present, two natural catastrophic events
occurred in the Susitna Basin that could have affected the river's geomorphic
regime. These were the 1952 surge of the Susitna Glacier and the 1964 Alaska
In 1952 or 1953 The Susitna Glacier underwent a surge, a period of rapid
forward motion of the glacier, that extended the glacier terminus down valley
about 2.5 miles (PL'!"t 1960, Heier and Post 1969). When a glacier surges it
may have two effects on river regime below it. There may be a large sediment
dis~harge and a temporary (a few years) increase in water product 1on caused by
an increased ablation area (area within in the seasonal melting zone)
(Harrison et al 1983).
Most of the sediment released from beneath a surging glacier is probably
suspended sediment. It occurs as water rushes from beneath the surging ice
and lasts for a short period. The amount of bedload sediment that accompanies
the suspended load is unknown, but most of it would probably be deposited a
short distance below the glacier terminus due to the abrupt decrease in water
velocities upon exiting from beneath the glacier. It would then take a period
of time for river flows to move the bedload further downstream. The bedload
sediments would eventually be distributed over a certain distance downstream,
and the amount deposited would decrease with distance.
33RD4-01la -19 -
The reach of the river investigated in this study begins at the mouth of
Devil Canyon, ntarly 170 miles downstream from the glacier. The Susitna River
apparently has little bedload below Devil Canyon until it reaches the conflu-
ence with the braided Chulitna River. Most of the river in this reach is well
armored, with little bedload sediment movement (Bredth ~uer and Drage 1982).
Apparently most of the bedload sediment contributed by the glaciers is depos-
ite d in the upper river before it reaches Devil Canyon.
Analysis of the aerial photography from 1949 to present indicates that
the number of exposed gravel bars has aot significantly changed. It seems
that little, if any, of the bedload sediment released by the Susitna Glacier
surge has reached this part of the river and does not account for the morpho-
logic changes seen since 1949.
When the Susitna Glacier surged, it moved the glacier terminus forward
about 2.5 miles. This put the terminal area at a substantially lower eleva-
tion and increased the ablation area of the glacier. Normally, an increase in
melting of the glacier would occur, resulting in an increa~~ in its contribu-
tion of meltwater to the Susitna River. The increased discharge would proba-
bly peak the first summer and then proceed at a decreasing rate for several
years until the term i nus retreated to approximately its original position.
For several years after 195 2-53, then, discharges in the middle Susitna
River may have been somewhat higher than they would have been under normal
conditions. A cursory look at Susitna river discharge data from Gold Creek
did not reveal any notable increase, but climatic variability could have
masked it. For th i s reason a statistical analysis of the da :a was carried out
33RD4-011a -20 -
to look for any important variations in discharge that were not linked to
climatic factors.
It was determined that the most meaningful climatic factors to examine to
evaluate changes in flow regime due to the 1952-53 glacial surge are total
snowpack and liquid precipitation for the open water season. Since the analy-
sis was performed on long-term seasonal climatic factors, the effects of tem-
perature have been neglected. In an analysis of shorter periods, for instance
water weeks, the measure of temperature would have an impact on the rate of
snowmelt. However, over the entire season all the snow present in the pack,
end all the liquid precipitation present, would ultimately drain into the
streamflow system regardless of the long term average seasonal temperature.
The perio d of record, 1952-1979, was divided into seven four-year blocks.
For each four-y ear block, the average open water streamflow values were re-
gressed against total seasonal snowfall and total open seasonal precipitation.
If, in fact, the glacial surge caused a notable increase in streamflow during
the several years following its occurrence, a reduced value of the explained
variance (multiple R, adjusted R2)for that block of years would appear in the
The dependent variable ir. the multiple regression is the average strean-
flow rates in ft 3 /sec from the Gold Creek station for the open water season
(April through October) from 1952 to 1979. The two independent variable8 used
are total seasonal snowfall from Talkeetna for the same period of record, and
the total open water season (April to October) precipitation measureMents in
inches at Talkeetna, 1952 through 1979. This station is the only one present
within the basin which has enough detail and period of record to reflect any
long-term statistical trends. lt would be more desirable for the snowpack
data to have measurements of snow depth or water equivalent inches on the
33RD4-011a -21 -
ground rather than snowfall data, but none is available within the Susitna
drainage basin prior to 1964. It would also be preferable to use snow, pre-
cipitation and flow data from stations further upstream nea rer to tte location
of the glacier and nearer to each other. The distance and geographic vari-
ability between Talkeetna, Cold Creek and the Susitna Glacier i n troduces an
additional variability and potential error into the regression and analysis.
Nevertheless, it is the most comprehensive data available and if an increase
in streamflow due to the glacia l surge occurred this is the most reasonable
available method b y which it might be detected.
Our hypothesis scaces that in the event of a significantly lower ex-
plained variance in the correlation with stre~mflow in the block of yea rs
during and imoediately following th~ glacier surge (Case 1), the unexplained
variance can be attributed to the glacier surge. Resu l ts from the seven
four-year cases of the multiple regression analysis are shown in table 3.
33RD4-0l .'.a -22 -
Table 3.
Correlation coefficients for streamflow multiple
regression; four-year blocks: 1952-1979
r .89 Significant F .45
2 .79 r
2 .39 r
Case 2 1956-1959
Multiple r .87 Significant F .495
2 .75 r
Adjusted 2 .26 r
Case 3 1960-1963
Multiple r .985 Significant F • 17
2 .97 r
Adjusted 2 .91 r
Case 4
Ad j usted
r .90
2 r .81
2 r .42
Significant F -.44
Case 5
r .99
2 r • 98
2 r .95
Significant F • 13
33RD4-0lla -23 -
Case 6 1972-1975
Multiple r .97 Significant F .~5
2 .94 r
Adjusted 2 .81 r
Case 7 1976-1979
Multiple r .94 Significant F .33
2 .89 r
Adjusted 2 .67 r
The four-year block with the lowest explained variance 2 (adjusted r
.26) is Case 2, 1956-1959. Cas e 1, 1952-1951 has the second lowest explained
variance (adjusted r 2 = 0.39). The remaining cases 3-7 (1960-63, 1964-67,
1968-71, 1972-75 and 1976-79) have adjusted r 2 values ranging from • 42 in
Case 4 to .95 in Case 5. Ano~her important statistic to examine is the F test
or significant F. This value indic ~tes the level of confidence with which you
can trust your result. The lower the F value the higher the confidence level
within which your pr~diction lies. For instance, a significant F of .01 cor-
responds to the 99 p~rcent confidence interval.
The highest sig;1ificant F, 1.49, occurs for Case 2, 1956-1959, and the
second highest, .45, for Case 1, 1952-1955, our test case. The significant F
values for the remaining cases 3 through 7 range from .44 for Case 4 and .13
for Case 5.
The unexplained variance in Case 1 might be attributed, at least in part,
to the documented glacial surge. However, since the explained variance for
this case is not the lowest , nor the significant F value the highest, the
33RD4-01la -24 -
results are not unequivocal. The results from Case 2, 1956-1959 are probably
too far removed from the advance of the glacier to have resulted from its
In April, 1964. the largest earthquake ever recorded in ~~orth America
rocked southcentral Alaska. With a Richter magnitude of about 8.4, the earth-
quake was centered in northwestern Prince William Sound, but had ~ff~cts over
a wide area. The land within a radius of h undred s of niles tilted, with
subsidence taking place throughout a broad area northwest of the epicenter.
Subsidenc~ decreased with distance from ~he epicenter until reaching the line
of zero displacement, which lies near the middle Susitna River (figure 2).
North of that, slight uplifts were recorded (Plafker 1969).
Interpolation uf measured displacements along the Al~s ka Railroad and the
Richardson Highway where they cross the Alaska Range indicates that the upper
Susitna River basin ncar the glaciers was uplifted about 0.5 feet. Interpola-
tion from measurements along the Alaska Railroad near Wasilla and Anchorage
indicate that the river mouth at Cook Inlet subsided app roximately 1 foot .
Total southward tilt of the river basin, therefore, was approximately 1.5 feet
over a distance of 320 miles, increasing the river's gradient very slightly.
The zero di s placement contour, or hinge line, crossed the upper Susitna River
near the Tyonc River confluence.
Measured subsidence along the Susitna River, where the Alaska Railroad
follows it, showed a range of subsidence in the middle river varying from 0.2
to 0.6 feet from Gold Creek to the Susitna/Chulitna confluence, to a maximum
in the lower river of 0.8 feet between Kantishna and Willow (Plafker 1969).
33RD4-0lla -25 -
,,, . ,, ..
0 ~0
j•..-.~l r r
0 ~0
100 ·~o Kilo"'•'''' l_ __ ,,
Figure 2.
,,,. •••• •••• ••••
Co,.to~o~r tfilowt~tt ufl'll tt ( •) or ,.,,, • .,,,.e. ( ) ht teet
ID••tt•l .,.,,. ap,,o.,,..,., do,•d ..,,..,. ,,.,.,., J
Areas of uplift and subsidence,
1964 Alaska Earthquake.
Source: Selkregg 1974
The upper river, above the Oshetna River confluence, lies parallel to the
direction of tilt, while the middle and lower river reaches are aligned per-
pendicular to the direction of tilt. Normally, the effects of seaward tilting
of a river basin cause it to downcut and to deepen its valley. However, the
effect is felt immediately only by streams that lie parallel to the direction
of tilt. Streams flowing perpendicular to the direction of tilt begin dow~
cutting only after the stream it flows into has deepened its valley, lowering
the base level of the first stream and leaving it out of adjustment. Even
then the effect is felt only at the mouth of the first streal!l rather than
along its entire length (Thornbury 1954).
Only the upper river flows parall~l to the direction of tilt. The total
amount of tilt within that reach is about 0.5 feec. Consequently, the upper
river may have degraded slightly since 1964 as .1 result of the earthquake-
caused tilt, moving a small amount of sediment into the middle river, but the
upper river has not been studied to confirm this.
The middle river lies almost exactly perpendicular to the direction of
tilt, while the lower river is only slightly less so. Therefore, only a small
rejuvenation ~ffect would be expected in the lower river, a lesser effect
might have occurred near the Susitna/Chulitna confluence, and almo s t no effect
should have occurred in the middle river reach.
A large amount of erosion has occurred at the Susitna/Chulitna conflu-
ence, especially along the north bank of the Su::>itna and east bank of the
Chulitna, where they join. It appears that this erosion was caused by the
main channel of the Chulitna River swinging slowly to the east since 1949.
Most of this erosion did occur after the earthquake, but it had be~un before
that, \-lith perhaps 1/4 of the erosion occurring before 1962. Although the
33RD4-011a -27 -
effects of the earthquake may have exacerbated this effect, it does not appear
that the earthquake caused it.
Analysis of the time-lapse aerial photography in the ~iddle river ~nows
that the rate 0f degradation ~etween 1949 and the present has progressed at a
steady rate throughout the period. There was nc apparent change in rate be-
tween 1949-62 and 1962-83. Ther e fore, it seems that there was little effect on
the middle river's geomorphic regime b y the 19h4 Alaska Earthquake.
33RD4-011a -28 -
The results of this study appear to indicate that, during the past 36
years at least, the middle river has been slowly degrading its bed as it die
during the larger part of its history since the ice age. The amount of degra-
dation since 1949 is not known but probably has not exceeded a few feet. The
river appears to evolve naturally through the process of degradation, prooably
still attempting to reach equilibrium with the valley conditions left after
the glacier ice retreated.
As the main channel degrades and lowers its wa ter surface t!levation,
gravel bars and other depositional features protruding from the riverbed slow-
ly emerge, eventually standing high enough above the water surface that they
are seldom overtopped by floods. Those grave l bars near shore often become
attached to shore and eventually emerge high enough to become terraces. Vege-
tation then takes hola on these exposed surfaces and goes through natural
succession, eventually becoming mature forests.
As land features emerge, intervenin g berms between the mainstem and side
channels become effectively higher and side channels evolve into side sloughs.
As the berms emerge even higher, sloughs are less frequently flooded, unt il
the berms eventually become high enough to prevent any overtopping flows. The
sloughs have then evolved into upland sloughs.
When a slough evolves, fish habitat conditions within it change. As a
side sloughs forms, it may eventually reach a s tage of development in which
water depth and temperature, velocity , substrate, and fish p assage conditions
become, for a time, suitable fo r f ish spawning or rearing. As the slough
continues to evolve, tbo se c onditions change too , a nd all or part of a slough
ma y e ventually become un s uited for fish habitat. For example, as a slou gh
33RD4-0lla -29 -
mouth rises, water depths over the entrance may become so shallow that adult
fish passage into the slough is effectively prevented. When a side slough
evolves into an upland slough, it is no longer flooded under any circuns tances
and conditions changing within the slough may make it unsuitable as fish habi-
Some s~oughs may be suitable for both spawning and rearing for a time and
then later become useful only for rearing. It is probable that some sloughs
never become suitable fi~h habitat at any tine in their evolution. The requi-
site conditions may never be met. In those sloughs that do become suitable,
the length of time they remain suitable is unknown, and probably varies con-
siderably from slough to slough, depending on local conditions.
At any given tine in the degradational process, there are probably some
sloughs entering the low end of the evolutionary cycle as others leave the top
of the cycle. In other words, some side channels are being converted to side
sloughs as other side sloughs are being altered to upland sloughs, and some
upland sloughs are emerging high enough to be effectively isolated from the
river. If this is so, then some amount of suitable fish habitat might always
be available in the natural system. The variation in quantity and quality of
this habitat uver time, however, is unknown because of the short period o f
record in the middle Susitna River.
33RD4-0lla -30 -
With the Susitna Hydroelectric Project in operation, the river's geomor-
phic regime would be altered. River flows would be regulated, with discharges
being lower than normal in the summer, as water is stored in the reservoirs,
and higher in the winter when power demands would be the greatest. Flows
would also be more stable than normal, with flood effects reduced or eliminat-
ed except in extreme events. Bedload sediments normally carried downriver
would be trapped in the reservoirs above the mouth of Devil Canyon. There-
fore, little bedload would be carried into or through the middle river.
Studies show that the river would try to adjust itself to a new equilib-
rium condition. The main channel would te~d to become narrower and more con-
fined, and may recede from the heads of some sloughs and side channels. Since
the river would be unburdened with bedload and have a greater capacity for
carrying sediments, the middle river would initially scour its bed somewhat.
This would last for only a few years. The total amount of scour in the main-
stem would average about one foot, with the effect ~ost pronounced near the
dam face and decreasing with distance downstream. In slough s and side chan-
nels the amount of degradation would range from none to 0.3 foo t (H-E 198 5b).
After the initial period of scouring below the da~s, 3n armor layer would
develop and the riverbed would become more s table (11-E 1985). The main chan-
nel would tend to become reduced in width by encroachment of vegetation and
sed imen t near the banks (Br e dthauer and Drage 198 2). Lo ng-term n a tural degra-
dation of the riverbed would essentially stop.
As degradation of the middle river ceased, the natural evo lut ~on of the
slough s would stop. Sloughs would no longer change from one type t o a nother.
The t y pe of each slough would remain t he same as it was at th e termination of
33RDL.-011a ·-31 -
riverbed scouring below the dams. Slough fish habitat would, therefore, no
longer be altered through perching of sloughs. However, it cannot be assumed
that presently-suitable fish habitat would remain so.
Although slough types would remain unchanged, h ~bitat conditions within
the sloughs might still undergo change due to processes other than river de-
gradation. Small streams that are tributary to sloughs would continue to
produce sedime nt and might alter substrate conditions ir. sloughs, perhaps
causing substrate siltation. Reduced flooding in the sloughs, caused by sta-
bilized project flows, might prevent the periodic flushing of silts from the
slough substrates. If so, sloughs might eventually become unsuitable for fi s h
spawning. Also, biological processes, such as beaver dam building, might
prevent fish passage into sloughs unless they are periodically flushed out.
If geomorphically stable sloughs are slowly made unsuitable for fish
habitat by such processes as these, and no new slough habitat is created
through slough evolution, the total amount of suitable slough habitat might be
diminished over time.
33RD4-0lla -32 -
AEIDC, See University . of Alaska-Fairbanks, Arctic Environmental Information &
Data Center.
Bredthauer, S., and B. Drage. 1982. River morphology . R&H Consultants,
Inc., Anchorage, AK. Alask~ Power Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric
Project. Report for Acres American, Inc. 1 vol.
Friese, N.V. 1975. Preauthori zation assessment of anadromous fish
populations of the upper Susitna River watershed in the vicinity of the
proposed Devil Canyon Hydroelectric Project. Alaska Dept. of Fish &
Gam£, Div. of Commercial Fisheries, Anchorage, AK. 108 pp.
Harrison, W.D., et al. 1983. Reconnaissance of the glaciers of the Susitna
River basin in connection with proposed hydroelectric development.
Annals of Glaciology. 4:99-104 .
Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture. 1985a. Flood frequency
natural and with-pro j ect conditions. Draft report, April.
Alaska Power Authorit y . 12 pp. plus appendices.
analyses for
Prepared for
1985b. Middle Susitna Riv er ~edimentation study: strea m channel
stability ana l y sis of se lec ted sloughs, side channels and main channel
locations. Dr a ft report. Alaska Power Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric
Project. 1 vol.
H-E. See Harza-Ebasco Susitna J oint Venture.
Klinger, S., and E.\.J, Trihey . 1984. Response of aquatic habita t surface
areas to mainstem discharge in the Talkeetna to De v il Canyon rea ch of the
Susitna River, Alaska. Final report, June. E,\.J. Trihey & Associates.
Report for Alaska Power Authorit y . Document 1693. 1 vol.
Meier, M., and A.S. Post. 19 69 . What are glacier surge s? Canadian Journal
of Earth Sciences. 6(4):8 07-8 1 7 .
Pla f ker, G. 1969. Tectonics o f the Ma rch 2 7, 1964 Alaska Earthqua ke. U. S.
Geological Survey Profe s sion al Paper 54 3 -I. 174 pp. plus appendices.
Post, A.S. 1960. The e x ceptional advances of t h e Nuldrow, Black Rapids, and
Susitna glac i ers. Journa l of Geophy sical Re s earch. 65:3703-371 2 .
Selkregg, L.L., ed. 197 4 . Alaska regional profiles. Vol 1. Southcentral
region. Arctic Environmental Information & Data Center, University of
Alaska, Anchorage, ,\K, Prepared for Alaska Office of the Governor.
253 pp.
Thornbury, \.J .D. 1954 .
Inc., Ne w York, NY.
Pri.1c iplcs of geomorpho logy.
6 18 pp.
-33 -
Jo hn \\iley and Sons,
U.S. Geological Survey. 1957. Compilation of records of quantity and qualit y
of surface waters of Alaska. through September 1950. USGS Water-Supply
Paper 1372. 1 vol.
1961. Surface water records for Ala~ka, 1961. USGS Water Data
report. 1 vol.
1962. Surface water records for Alaska, 1962. USGS Wate r Data
report. 1 vol.
1978. Water resources data for Alaska , water yea.r 1977. USGS
Water data report AK-77-1. 1 vol.
1979. Water resources data for Alaska, water year 1978. USGS
Water data report AK-7M-l. 1 vol.
1980. Water resources data for Alaska, water year 1979. USGS
Water data report AK-79-1. 1 vol.
1981. Water resources data for Alaska, water year 1980. USGS
Water data report AK-80-1. vol.
USGS. See U.S. Geological Survey.
of the
of Alaska-Fairbanks, Arctic Environmental Information t Data
1984. Geomorphic changes in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna rear.h
Susitna River since 1949. Preliminary report. 6 pp. plus
33RD4-01la -34 -
• Vegetation ss Side Slough
Stough us Upland Slough
sc Side Channel ... River M ile
1949; 1961 -62; 1977-80 , 82
M iddle Susitna Riv6r
River Mil e 98-109
Approximate Scale: 1:60.000
1 onch = .9 miles
1977-80, 82
• Appendix A
Veget ation ss Side Slough
2 Slough us Upland Slough 1949; 1961-62; 1977-80, 82 Appnuimate Scale: 1:60.000
Middle Susi t na River
sc Side Channel "' River Mile River M i le 109-119 ; onch = .9 moles
2 of 6
• Veg9tatlon SS Side Slough
2) Slough US Up'and Slough
SC Side Channel '!' Ri ver Mile
r-------Appendix A------~
1949; 1961 ·62 ; 1977-80, 82
Middle Susi tna River
River M ile 119·128
3 of 6
~ ss
Apj)roximate Sc ale: 1:60,000
1 Inch = .9 miles
• Appe ndix A
Vegetation ss Sid e Slough
'D Slough us Upland Slough 1949; 1961-62; 1977 ·80, 82 Approximate Scale: 1:60,000
Middle S us itna River 1 Inch = .9 miles sc Side Cha~~nel ... River Mile River M i le 128-138
4 o f 6
• Vegetation ss Side Slough
<D Slough us Upland Slough
sc Side Channel ... River Mile
Appendix A
1949; 1961-62; 1977-80, 82
Middle Susitna River
River Mile 138-147
5 of 6
Approximate Scale: 1:60,000
1 Inch = .9 miles
Ponog.t Crate
• Vegetatlor> ss Side Slough
® Slough us Upland Slough
sc Side Chan net I~S River Mile
1977-80, 82
Appendix A
1949; 1961·62 ; 1977-60, 62
Middle Susitna River
River Mile 147-153
6 of 6
Approximate Scal e: 1:60,000
1 Inch = .9 miles
(Source: Klinger and Trihey 1984)
SC -Side Channel. These contain turbid, glacial waters, the same as found in
the mainstem. These channels convey less than ten percent of the total flow.
SS -Side Slough. These contain clear water. Local surface runo ff and
upwelling are the primary water sources that supply clear water to the side
sloughs. Side sloughs have non-vegetated upper thalwegs that are overtopped
during periods of moderate to high mainstem discharge. Once overtopped, side
sloughs are considered side channels.
t.;S -Upland S loughs. These contain clear water and depend upon upwell ing
and/or local runoff as their clear water sources. Upland sloughs p ossess
vegetated upper thalwegs that are seldom overtopped b y mainstem discharge.
33RD4-0lla -41 -
SINCE 1949.
IU'l 98. 6. Confluence of Susitna /Chulitna rivers. Chulitna main channel has
eroded away about 1000 feet of the land north of the Susitna River and east of
the Chulitna River. The Susitna River mouth was widened in the process, as
the islands on the south side of it were also removed. About 1/4 of this
erosion took place from 1949-61, while about 3/4 took place from 1961-present.
RM 99.5-100.0. Gravel islands in this reach became progressively more
vegetated. !-lost of this occurred 1949-61; only slightly more occurred from
Slough 1. Changed fron side channel to side slough from 19 49-61. Enclosing
gravel bars, particularly near slough mouth, became somewhat vegetated with
low brush from 1961-present.
Rz.t 101.0-101.5. l>!any gravel bars in this reach became progressively more
vegetated from 194 9-present. They now have low vegetation covers.
RN 111. Gravel bars in this area have shown progressiv ely more brushy
vegetation f rom 1949-present.
RM 111.5. Forested island has new area of vegetation at southeast end. It
progressed fro~ no vegetation in 1949 to thick brush at present.
33RD4-0lla -42 -
Slough 8. Changed from side channtl to side slough from 196 2-present.
Enclosing gravel bar has grown in are a and become vegetated with low bru5h
from 1962-present.
RM 113.7. Gravel bar on south shore has become progressively vegetated from
1949-present. There was no vegetation in 1949, and there is at present a
large stand of tall brush.
RM 113.8. Two forested islands were eroded from 1961-present. The upstream
island is totally gone, while the downstream island is diminished in size.
Also, a small, vegetated island downstrea~ from there disappeared. It appears
that the mainstem has shifted its course northward.
RM 117.2. Islands show progressively encroaching vegetation from 1949-
present. The southwest ~rn and central islands have doubled their vegetated
areas. In 1949 they we~e about half vegetated; in 1962 sparse brush had grown
on the unvegetated areas; and at present there is a dense cover of tall brush.
Northwest of there, a gravel bar has grown considerably in area from 1949 to
present and has become sparsely vegetated.
IDI 117.8. Gravel bar has grown considerably in area and has become sparse l y
RM 118.7. Forested island has new brushy vegetation along margins, that has
increased progressively from 1949-present.
33RDl+-0 11a -43 -
IU1 119.1. Forested island has approximately doubled its area of vegetatio n
coverage. The new vegetation is tall brush at present.
lUI 119.5. Mainstem channel has swung southward from 1949-present, eroding
away part of vegetated island on the south side of the river.
RM 121. Gravel bar has become partly vegetated with brush from 1949-pre sent.
Rh 121. 3. Gravel bar has become partly vegetated with brush from
Slough 8C. Changed from side channel to side slough from 1962-present. En-
closing gravel bar has increased in size and become sparsely vegetated from
RM 122. Curved, forested island has progressively grown brushy vegetation at
west and southwest ends from 1949-present.
RM 122.4. Gravel bar has become attached to south shore of river as a
terrace, and has become progressively more vegetated with brush from
Slough 8B. Although slough has not changed type, the enclosing gravel bar has
become increasingly vegetated from 1949-present. In 1949 there was almost no
v egetation; in 1962 it was about half r.overed with vegetation; and at present
it is fully vegetated with high brus:1 and low trees.
33RD4-011a -44 -
Slough 8E. Changed from side slough to upland slough from 19 6 2-present.
Upper part of slough is now fully vegetated.
Slough 8F. Changed from side slough to upland slough from 196 2-present.
Enclosing gravel bar has shown increasing vegetation from 1949-present. I n
1949 there w::ts only a slight coverage of low grasses; in 1962 the bar was
about hal f covered with brushy vegetation; and at present the bar is .Zully
covered with high brush and low trees.
Slough 8G. Changed from side channel to side slough from 196 2-present. In
1949, the side channel was behind a small, unvegetated gravel bar in mid-
river. By 1962 the gravel bar had grown in area, and the side channel was
reduced in size. At present, the gravel bar is larger, connected to the south
shore, and is sparsely vegetated .
R}f 123.4. Gravel bar near the south shore in 1949 has become enached tv
shore as a terrace, and has become progressively more vegetated fron
Rl-1 123.8. There is a new gravel bar attached to the south shore at present.
:his bar did not exist in 1949; it was a small in-channel bar in 19 '
is a large bar attached to shore and beginning to vegetate at prr ~nt.
and it
R}f 124.1. Gravel bar has become progressively re vegetated from
1949-present, and now has dense brush. Also, new gravel bars to the south of
it, formed or emerged since 1949, have progressively increased in area to the
33RD4-011a -45 -
Rl-1 124.7. Gravel bar has progressively increased vegetation coverage from
RM 125-125.5. Mainstem channel has.shifted position since 1949, eroding away
the tips of several old, forested islands. There is a new gravel bar in the
old position of the mainstem channel. One old gravel bar, barren in 1949, has
become progressively vegetated from 1949-present.
RH 126.6-126.7. Large gravel bar near south shore in 1949 has oecome attach ed
to the south shore as a terrace. It has also become progress ively vegetated
with high brush from 1949-present.
RH 12 7. Gravel beaches on north side of channel have become vegetated since
RM 128.1-128.4. Gravel bars in mid-channel and attached to south shore have
become increasingly vegetated from 1949-present.
Slough 9. Changed from side channel to side slough from 1962-present. Wetted
area of slough narrowed from 1949-62. A large gravel bar in mid-slough became
larger in area and increasingly vegetated from 1949-present. Another gravel
at the lower end of the slough, partly vegetated in 1949, has progressively
increased in vegetation cover, and is at present completely covered with high
brush and low trees.
RM 129.2-129.5. Gravel bars increased in area from 1949-62, and became
increasingly vegetated from 1962-pres ent.
33RD4 -011a -46 -
Slough 9A. Slough did not change type, but gravel bar at lower end of slough
enlarged in area from 1949-62, and became increasingly vegetated from
RM 130. Hainstem channel shifted southward and widened from 1949-present.
New gravel bars have formed in the old position of the mainstem channel and
have become increasingly vegetated.
P.M 131.2-131.7. Several gravel islands have become increasingly vegetated
from 1949-present.
RM 132.2. The mainstem channel shifted position slightly to the northwest,
eroding away the southeastern sides of several forested islands . The northern
sides of the islands, however, have increased their area of vegetation
coverage. Most of the island erosion took place before 1962. There are at
present new gravel bars in the old position of the mainstem channel.
RM 133.0-133.3. Forested islands have increased in area by apparent emergence
of new gravel beaches at the northeast and southwest ends, and these beaches
have become increasingly vegetated, from 1949-present.
RM 133.6. The mainstem channel shifted to the south and eroded out a small,
forested island near the south shore. A lengthy gravel bar, which had just
started to form or emerge in 1949, now occupies the old position of the
mainstem channel, has become attached to the shore as the beginning of a new
terrace, and has become increasingly vegetated from 1949-present. Two small,
forested islands near the south shore in 1949 have now become attached to the
33RD4-011a -47 -
south shore as a terrace, and have become increasingly vegetated with brush,
from 1949-present.
RM 134.5. Large gravel bar in mid-river has become increasingly vegetated
with brush from 1949-present.
RM 135.3. Two gravel bars have become increasingly covered with low
vegetation from 1949-present.
Slough 11. Large ice jam event, observed in 1976, overtopped the terrace or.
the south side of the river and eroded out a large side slough, known now as
slough 11. There was only a small upland slough at the downstream end of the
terrace previous to that event.
Slough 12. Changed from side slough to upland slough from 1962-prE"!Sent.
Upper end of channel bed is now fully vegetated.
Slough 13. Changed from side channel to side slough from 1949-62. In 1949
the channel was behind a small gravel bar offshore. By 1962 the bar was
attached the large terrace remnant enclosing slough 11, and at present the bar
is slightly covered with low vegetation.
RM 137.2. Gravel bar has become much more vegetated from 1962-present.
Slough 15. Changed from side channel to s i de slough from 1949-62 , and then to
an upland slough from 1962-present.
33RD4-011a -48 -
RN 138.6. Main channel of Indian River has swung porogressively eastward in
its delta from 1949-present.
RH 139.2. Mainstem channel has shifted northward from 1962-present, eroding
out two small, forested islands. Gravel bar to the south of that has become
slightly more vegetated from 1949-present.
Slough 19. Changed from side slough to upland slough from 1962-present.
RM 140. Vegetated island near south shore in 1949 has become attached to the
shore as a terrace, and has become increasingly vegetated, from 1949-present.
Slough 20. Changed from side channel to side slough from 1962-present.
RH 140.6. Gravel bar has become increasingly vegetated from 1949-present.
Slough 21. Slough is enclosed by three forested islands, and is composed of
both a lower side channel area and an upper side slough area. Overflow b~rm
at upoper end of side slough area has become narrowed and confined by
encroachment of vegetation from 1949-present. Channel between first and
second island has formed or emerged a gravel bar, almost closing the channel,
from 1962-present. Berm between second and third island has become greatly
vegetated with low brush from 1949-present. It appears that flow in the lower
side channel area has become severely restricted at comparable flows due to
emergence of intervening berms.
33RD4-011a -49 -
RM 141.1-141.6. Forested island has become increasingly vegeta ted, especial l y
in an old, abandoned channel through the center of the island, from
RM 141. 9. Gravel island has become larger in area, and has become
increasingly vegetated in its center, from 1949-present.
RM 142.4 . A large portion of the south shore terraced mainland, and a large
portion of a large, forested island in mid-river, have been erodC!d awa y .
There is a barren gravel bar now in the position of the old s outh shore
terrace. The mainstem channel is now much wider through this reach. This
erosion all occured since 1962; the old forested island had been increasing in
vegetation coverage from 1949-62.
RM 143.0-143.3. Gravel bar on south shore has become larger in area and
increasingly vegetated from 1949-present.
P~ 145.2. Gravel bar on south shore has become slightly more v egetated from
Slough 21A. Channel appears to be somewhat les s flooded, at similar dis-
charges, from 1949-present.
33RD4-011a -so -