HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS555SUSIT~." HYDKllELECTRIC PROJECT RESPONSE OF JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT TO MAINSTEM DI~CHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER, ALASKA PREPARED BY: CLEVELAND R. STEWARD, III R. CURT WILKINSON ALEXANDER MILNER TRIHEY AND ASSOCIATES Under Contract To Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Draft Report September 1985 PREFACE The goal of the Alaska Power Authority in identifying environmentally acceptable flow regimes for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project is the maintenance of existing fish resources and levels of production. This goal is consistent with mitigation goals of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Maintenance of naturally occurring fish populations and habitats is the preferred goal in agency mitigation policies. In 1982, following two years of baseline studies, a multi-disciplinary approach to quantify effects of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project on existing fish habitats and to identify mitigation opportunities was initiated. The Insteam Flow Relationships Studies focus on the response of fish habitats in the middle Susitna River to incremental changes in main- stem discharge, temperature and water quality. As part of this multi- disciplinary effort, a technical report series was planned that would (1) describe the existing fish resources of the Susitna River and identify the seasonal habitat requirements of selected species, and (2) evaluate the effects of alternative project designs and operating scenarios on physical processes which most influence the seasonal availability of fish habitat. The summary report for the IFRS, the I nstream Flow Rel ati onshi ps Report (IFRR), (1) identifies the biologic significance of the physical processes evaluated in tt;ie technical report series, (2) integrates the findings of the technical report series, and (3) provides quantitative relationships and discussions regarding the influences of incrementa 1 changes in stream- i i flow, stream temperature, and water quality on fish hab i tats i n the midd l e Susitna River on a seasonal basis. The IFRR consists of two volumes. Volume I uses project reports, data ana professional judgment available before March 1985 to identify evaluation species, important life stages, and habitats. The report ranks a variety of physical habitat components with regard to their degree of influence on fish habitat at different times of the year. This ranking cons i ders t he biologic requirements of the evaluation species and life stage, as well as the physical characteristics of different habitat types, under both natura l and anticipated with-project conditions. Volume II of the IFRR will address the third objective of the IFRR and provide quantitative relation- ships regarding the influences of incremental changes in streamflow, stream temperature, and water qual i ty on fish habitats i n the middle Susitna River on a seasona 1 basis. The influence of incremental changes in streamflow on the availability and quality of fish hab i tat is the central theme of the IFRR Volume II analysis. Project-induced changes in stream temperature and water quality are used to condition or qua 1 i fy the forecasted responses of fish hab i tat to instream hydraulics. The influence of streamflow on fish habitat wi ll be evaluated at the microhab i tat level and presented at the macroh abi tat level in terms of a composite weighted usable area curve. This composite curve will describe the combined response of fish habitat at all sites within the same representative group to incremental changes in mainstem discharge. iii Four technical reports are being prepared by E. Woody Trihey and Associates in support of the IFRR Volume II analysis. The function of each report is depicted in a flow diagram and described below. Quantify Wetted Surface Area Response Assess the Representa- tiveness of Modeled and Non-modeled Sites Determine Site- Specific Hydraulic Conditions Quantify Streamflow-Dependent Habitat Response Functions for Juvenile Chinook and Spawning Ch~ Salmon RESPONSE OF AQUATIC HABITAT SURFACE AREAS TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER, ALASKA This report identifies five aquatic habitat types within the middle Susitna River directly influenced by changes in mainstem discharge and presents the necessary photography and surface area measurements to guantif~ the change in wetted surface area associated with incrementa decreases in mainstem discharge be- tween 23,000 and 5,100 cfs. The report also describes the in- fluence of mainstem discharge on habitat transformations and tabulates the wetted surface area responses for 172 specific areas using the ten representative groups presented in the Habitat Characterization Report. Surface area measurements presented in this report provide a basis for extrapolating results from intensively studied modeling sites to the remainder of the middle Susitna River. CHARACTERIZATION OF AQUATIC HABITATS IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER, ALASKA This report describes the characterization and classification of 172 specific areas into ten representative fro~ps that are hydro- lo icall h draulicall and mor holo ica 1 similar. Emphasis is p aced on the trans ormat on o speci ic areas from one habitat type to another in response to incrementa 1 decreases in mainstem discharge from 23,000 cfs to 5,100 cfs. Both modeled and non-modeled sites are classified and a structural habitat index is presented for each specific area based upon subjective iv evaluation of data ootainea through field reconnaissance surveys. Representative groups and structural habitat indices presented in this report provide a basis for extrapolating habitat response functions developed at modeled sites to non-modeled areas within the remai naer of the river. HYDRAULIC RELATIONSHIPS AND MODEL CALIBRATION PROCEDURES AT 1984 STUDY SITES IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER, ALASKA This report describes the influence of site-specific hydraulic conditions on the availability of habitat for Juvenile chinook and spawning chum salmon. Two aquatic habitat models are applied to quantify site-specific habitat responses to incremental changes in depth and velocity for both :iteaay and spatia 11 y varied streamflow conditions. Summaries of site-specific stage- discharge and flow-discharge relationships are presented as well as a description of data reduction methods and model calibration procedures. Weighted usable area forecasts are provided for juvenile chinook at 8 side channel sites ana for spawning chum salmon at 14 side channel ana mainstem sites. These habitat response functions provide the basis for the instream flow assessment of the miaale Susitna River. RESPONSE OF JUVENILE CHINOOK AND SPAWNING CHUM SALMON HABITAT TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE IN THE TALKEETNA-TO-DEVIL CANYON SEGMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER, ALASKA This report integrates results from the surface area mapping, habitat characterization, and hydraul 1c modeling reports to rovide streamflow de endent habitat res onse functions for j uveni e chi nook and spawning chum sa man. Wetted surface area and weighted usable area are the principal determinants of habi- tat indices provided fn Part A of the report for juvenile chinook at each specific area and the ten representathe groups i aenti- fied in the habitat characterization report. Part B of this report provides habitat response functions for existing chum sa 1 mon spawning sites. The habitat response functions conta i nea in this report will De used for an incremental assessment of the rearing and spawning potential of the e~tire middle Susitna River under a wide range of natural and with-project streamflows. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. PREFACE............................................................... ii LIST OF FIGURES •....••.•••...••...........•••...•.................... viii LIST OF TABLES...................................................... x.iv LIST OF PLATES....................................................... XV 1.0 INTRODUCTION •.•. c:............................................... 1 2.0 METHODS......................................................... 11 2.1 Habitat Characterization of the Middle Susitna River....................................... 11 2.1.1 2 .1.2 Study Site Classifications....................... 11 Representative Groups............................ 13 2.2 Quantification of Surface Areas............................ 19 2.3 Physical Habitat Modeling Studies.......................... 20 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 Overview of Modeling Terhniques.................. 20 Hydraulic Data Requirements...................... 22 Habitat Suitability Criteria..................... 26 Habitat Model Response Variables................. 32 2.4 Extrapolation of Modeling Results to Non-modeled Specific Areas................................. 37 2.5 Application of Habitat Modeling Results .................... 43 3.0 RESULTS......................................................... 44 3.1 Representative Group!..................................... 44 3.2 Representative Group!!.................................... 51 3.3 Representative Group III................................... 65 3.4 Representative Group IV ...••............................... i7 vi 3.5 Representative Group V..................................... 88 3.6 Representative Group VI.................................... 95 3.7 Representative Group VI I •.•.•..•................. · · · · · · · · · · 103 3.8 Representative Group VI I I .••.....•...••............ · · •. · · · · 106 3.9 Representative Group I X •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 110 4.0 SUMMARY......................................................... 122 LITERATURE CITED..................................................... 127 APPENDICES: Appendix A-Aerial Photography of Modeling Sites .......•....... 130 Appendix B-Habitat Availability Indices (HAil for Specific Areas....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 163 Appendix C -Wetted Surface Area (WSA) Values for Specific Areas •.•.......................•...... 179 Appendix D -Weighted Usable Area (WUA) Values for Specific Areas •..............••.•.....••....... 195 vii Figure No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15. LIST OF FIGURES Natural and with-project mean weekly discharges for the middle Susitna River. Percentage distribution of juvenile chinook within different habitat types of the middle River during the open water period salmon Susitna Flow chart indicating steps followed in the extrapola- tion of site-specific juvenile chinook habitat indices to the entire middle Susitna River. Juvenile chinook habitat modeling sites in the middle Susitna River. Key to habitat transformation categories used to classify specific areas to representative groups. RJHAB and PHABSIM modeling pathways followed in the analysis of juvenile chinook salmon habitat. Sampling design for RJHAB modeling sites. Sampling design for PHABSIM modeling sites. Cover suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA) in the middle Susitna River. Depth suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA) under clear and turbid water conditions in the middle Susitna River. Velocity suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA) under clear and turbid water conditions in the middle Susitna River Derivation of a non -modeled specific area (sa) HAl curve using a modeled specific area (ms) HAI curve. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 107.6L. Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 112.5L. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 107.6L of Representative Group I. 'liii Page No. 3 5 10 12 17 21 23 24 27 28 29 41 45 47 49 Figure No. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. LIST OF FIGURES (cant.) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem aischarge within non-modeled specific areas of the miaale Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 112.5L of Representative Group I. Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) ana B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group I of the middle Susitna River. Sut•face area ana chi nook rearing habitat i naex response curves for modeling site 101.4L. Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 113.7R. Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 126.0R. Surface area ana chinook rea~ing habitat index response curves for modeling site 144.4L. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem •tischarge within non-modeled specific areas of the miad .e Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 101.4L of Representative Group II. Response of c~inook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 113.7R of Representative Group II. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem aischlrge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 126.0R of Representative Group II. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 144.4L of Representative Group II. Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA) ana B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group II of the miaale Susitna River. Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 101.2R. ix Page No. 50 52 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 66 Figure No. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 128.8R. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 132.6L. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 141.4R. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are asso~:~ated with modeling site 101.2R of Representative Group III. Response of chinook rearing habitat availabiiity to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 128.8R of Representative Group III. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 132.6L of Representative Group III. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 141.4R of Representative Group III. Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) and B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group III of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for moaeling site 112.6L. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 131.7L. Surface area and r.hinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 134.9R. Surface area ana chinc~k rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 136.0L. X Page No. 67 68 69 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 Figure No. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. LIST OF FIGURE~ (cont.) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 112.6L of Representative Group IV. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 131.7L of Representative Group IV. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas o~ the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 134.9R of Representative Group IV. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 136.0L of Representative Group IV. Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) ana B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IV of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 141.6R. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 141.6R of Representative Group V. Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) ana B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group V of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 133.8L. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 136.3R. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem dischar·ge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associatea with modeling site 133.8L of Representative Group VI. xi Page No. 83 84 85 86 89 91 93 94 97 98 100 Figure No. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 136.3R of Representative Group VI. Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) and B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VI of the middle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index res)onse curves for modeling site 119.2R. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to · mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 119.2R of Representative Group VII . Aggregate response of A-wetted surface area (WSA) and B -chinook rearing hab ~tat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representc:tive Group VII of the midale Susitna River. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associatea with modeling site 132.6L of Representative Group VIII. Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 144.4L of Representative Group VIII. Aggregate response o. A -wetted surface area (WSA) and B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VIII of the miadle Susitna River. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 101 .5L. Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 147 .1L. Response of chinook rearing habitat mainstP~ discharge within non-modelea the midale Susitna River which are moaeling site 101.5L of Representative xii availability to specific areas of associated with Group I X. Page No. 101 102 105 107 108 111 11 2 115 116 119 Figure No. 62. 63. 64. LIST OF FIGURES (cont.) Response of chinook rearing haDitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 147.1L of Representati ve Group I X. Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) and B -chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem discharge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IX of the middle Susitna River. Comparison of the aggregate response of chinook reari ng habitat potential LWUA] for Representative Groups I through IX . xiii Page No . 120 121 125 Table No. 1. 2. 3. 4. LIST OF TABL ES Primary hydrologic, hydraulic and morphologic characteristics of representative groups identified for the middle Susitna River. Cover suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook habitat (WUA) in the middle Susitna River. Separate criteria are presented for clear and turbid water conditions. Wetted surface area (WSA), weighted LSable area (WUA) and related habitat indice~ used in tne evaluation of chinook rearing habitat potential Within the middle Susitna River. Mainstem breaching discharges and structural habitat indices (SHI) determined for specifi c areas within the middle Susitna River. Specific areas are arranged in representative groups by subgroup, where the modeled specific area representing each subgroup is located at top. xiv Page No . 15 31 33 40 Plate No. ............. A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-ll A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 LIST OF PLATES Aerial photography of modeling site 107.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 112.5L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and lb,OOO cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 101.4L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 113.7R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 126.0R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 144.4L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 101.2R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 101.2R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 128.8R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 128.8R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 132.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. ~erial photography of modeling site 132.6L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 141.4R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 141.4R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 112.6L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 112.6L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 131.7L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. XV Page No . 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Plate No. A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 LIST OF PLATES (cont.) Aerial photography of modeling site 131.7L at mainstem di~charges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 134.9R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 134.9R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.0L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.0L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 141.6R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 133.8L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.3R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 136.3R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 119.2R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 119.2R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of moaeling site 101.5L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography cf modeling site 101.5L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 147.1L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Aerial photography of modeling site 147.1L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. xvi Page No. 1~ 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report addresses the effects of flow variation on the availability ana quality of juvenne chinook salmon habitat within the Talkeetna to De'lil Canyon reach of the Susitna River. The response of juvenile chinook habi- tat to changes in streamflow within this middle reach of the Susitna River has been the subject of several years of data collection ana modeling stuaies conaucted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and E. Woody Trihey and Associates (EWT&A). These investigations are part of an extensive environmental assessment program conducted to ful fi 11 licensing requirements for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The Alaska Power Authority (APA), the state agency responsible for developing the hydropower potential of the Susitna Ri'ler, has indicated a desire to maintain or enhance existing fish resources ana levels of produc- tion within affected reaches of the ri'ler (APA 1983). This goal may be attainable through a 'lariety of mitigative options (Moulton et al. 1984). However, to protect existing fisheries resources ana to ensure the success of selected mitigation ana enhancement efforts, it is necessary to i dentify ana adopt instream flows ana reservoir operation sche a ules wh i ch will provide for the needs of the fish species inhabiting the middle Sus itna Ri'ler. The storage ana release of water to meet the instream flow needs of fishes aowns tream is not necessarily ae 1 eteri ous to hyaropower interests. The recharge ana storage capabilities of the proposed De'lil Canyon ana Watana reservoirs Lrefer to APA (1983) for a aescription of the aesign criteria ana c onstruction schedule for these facil i ties] will perm i t water to be 1 stored during periods when natural runoff exceeds Doth the water demand for power generation and the instream flow needs of resident ana ana<lromous fishes. This will allow for the controllea release of water <luring periods of greatest need. Peak aemand for electricity typically occurs <luring the working <lay on a 24 hour cycle and <luring the winter on a seasonal Dasis. The frequency and rate of change of daily flow fluctuations in th~ middle reach may De of significant concern if the Watana <lam alone is constructed ana subsequently operatea as a peak loaa following facility. However, if Doth aams are Duilt, aaily flow fluctuations are expected to De minimal, <lue to the anticipated regulating capability of the proposed Devil Canyon <lam. Over the long term, however, use of the ccmDinea storage volume of the two reservoirs to satisfy peak seasonal power aemana will result in lower summer ana higher winter flows than presently occur. Figure 1 compares natural with simulated with-project mean weekly discharges for the middle Susitna River. Projected with-project flows are for 1) Watana reservoir operating alone assuming energy <lemana forecasts for 1996; ana 2) oath Watana ana Devil Canyon reservoirs in operation, Dasea on projected aemana for 2020. These with-project flow scenarios correspona to Case E-VI, aemana levels Band D, respectively (Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 1985). As the <lemana for electricity varies over time, so ao the instream flow neeas of a fish species vary according to their life history stage. Aault cninook spawn exclusively within tributaries of the miaale reach of the Susitna River, principally lnaian River ancl Portage Creek. Consequently, 2 35,000 30,000 • -u ... 2~,000 0 II: c % u 20,000 Cit Q 2 ... 1-15,000 • z c 2 10,000 5,000 0 Figure 1. MAY NATURAL FLOW < A l I WITH-PROJECT ( 8 I .. _ I ,.~ ..... ---------....... ,_---... ~ ··-··-··--·, .. _____ , ... -·-·---~ ··-··-·-~.:.:-::...--··----=··-··-·· \ JUNE WIT~PROJECT ( 0 I JULY MONTHS AUGUST SEPT!MB!R Natural and with-project mean weekly discharges for the middle Susitna River. Natural flows are based on 35 year record (1950-1984) from USGS Station 15292000 at Gold Creek. Simulated with-project flows are based on Case E-VI, demand levels Band D (data from Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture 1985) . the reproauctive and early post-emergent fry life stages of chinook (unlike those of chum, pink ana sockeye salmon which spawn in both tributary and non-tributary habitats of the middle Susitna River) are not likely to be affectea by project operation. The later freshwater life stages of chinook salmon, incluaing juvenile and migratory phases, will be suojectea to alterea streamflow regimes since they utilize mainstem ana mainstem- i nfl uenced habitats . The summer growth season is a cri ti ca 1 period for 3 chinook juveniles since it is at this time that aensity-aependent factors typically have their greatest effect on the population. Due to the economic importance of the species, the ecological sensitivity of the life stage, ana their extensive use of mainstem-associatea hal>itats, chinook juveniles have Deen designated as a primary evaluation species to De used in analyses of existing ana with-project conditions. Chum salmon spawning ana incul>ation life stages comprise the other two primary species /life stages selected for evaluation (EWT&A and Woodward-Clyde Consultants [WCC] 1985). Following emergence in March ana April juvenile chinook typically spena sever a 1 months rearing in their nata 1 streams. However, the numl>ers ana Diomass of juvenile fish usually exceeas the carrying capacity of the tributaries l>y midsummer ana a large fraction of the chinook population responds Dy emigrating to the Susitna River. During the remainder of their freshwater residency, which usually lasts until the spring of the following year, juvenile chinook occupy a wiae range of hal>itats. Densities are highest in tril>utaries, siae channels ana siae sloughs, respectively, <luring the open water season (Figure 2). Chinook aistril>ution during the winter months is not well aocumentea other than a noted tendency for individuals in mainstem ana siae channel areas to seek relatively warmer upwelling areas found in siae sloughs. A significant numDer of young-of- the-year chinook apparently migrate downstream late in the summer, although it is uncertain whether they overwinter in fresh or saltwater (Dugan et al. 1984). 4 chinook Juveniles since it is at this time that aensity-aependent factors typically have their greatest effect on the population. Due to the economic importance of the species, the ecological sensitivity of the life stage, and their extensive use of mainstem-associated habitats, chinook juveniles have been designated as a primary evaluation species to be used in analyses of existing ana with-project conditions. Chum salmon spawning and incubation life stages comprise the other two primary species/life stages selected for evaluation (EWT&A and Woodward-Clyde Consultants [WCC] 1985). Following emergence in March and April juvenile chinook typically spend several months rearing in their natal streams. However, the numbers and biomass of juvenile fish usually exceeds the carrying capacity of the tributaries by miasummer and a large fraction of the chinook population responds by emigrating to the Susitna River. During the remainder of their freshwater residency, which usually lasts until the spring of the following year, juvenile chinook occupy a wide range of habitats. Densities are highest in tributaries, side channels and side sloughs, respectively, auring the open water season (Figure 2). Chinook distribution during the winter months is not well aocumentea other than a notea tenaency for individuals in mainstem ana side channel areas to seek relatively warmer upwelling areas found in side sloughs. A significant number of young-of- the-year chinook apparently migrate aownstream late in the summer, although it is uncertain whether they overwinter in fresh or saltwater (Dugan et al. 1984). 4 U1 .... z w 0 £t w 0. .... z w 0 £t w 0. 60 50 40 30 20 10 60 50 4D- 30- 2Q- 10 0 60 40 ~ ~ 30 ffi ~··1 a.. 20 10 e.e 0~------+-------+-~~--+-------i TRIBUTARIES UPLAND SIDE SIDE TRIBUTARIES UPLAND SIDE SIDE SLOUGHS CHANNELS SLOUGHS CHUM 11.0 ~' R9 J . ' '\>:-~«""! i1 . 1·7i J, ... RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF JUVENILE SALMON .... z w 0 £t w a.. SLOUGHS CHANNELS SLOUGHS COHO 6().. so. 40 30 4t0 · 44.1 . 20- 10. .8 • ••• 0 TRIBUTARIES UPLAND SIDE SIDE RIBUTARIES UPLAND SIDE SIDE SLOUGHS CHANNELS SLOUGHS SLOUGHS CHANNELS SLOUGHS CHINOOK Figure 2. SOCKEYE Percentage aistrioution of juvenile chinook s ~lmon within d1fferent haoi tat types of the middle Sus 1tna River auri ng the open water period (from E. Woody Trihey an<l Associates and Woodward-Clvde Consultants 1985). The biological ana physical factors affecting juvenile chinooK salmon in their rearing environment are complex. Milner (1985) critically reviewed these environmental factors and their effects. Fooa availability, preda- tion, competition, ana the incidence of disease and parasitism are among the more important biological factors. All are mediatea to some degree oy the quantity ana quality of physical habitat which constitute the fish's living space. Physical habitat includes the combination of hydraulic, structural and chemical variables to which juvenile chinook respona either behaviorally or physiologically. Stream temperature, turbidity, suspended sediment level, water depth and velocity, cover, and substrate texture are important physical habitat variables which are either airectly or indirectly influenced by the volume and pattern of streamflow. The goal of minimizing potentially adverse effects of flow alterations associated with hydropower generation is possible only if the magnitude of the impacts is known, thereoy presenting two major proD 1 ems. The first relates to the quantification of existing resources an<1 the relationships which sustain them. The second problem is methodological: how can predic- tions of with-project conditions be superimposed on natural conditions to enable accurate forecasts? Existing ana with-project conditions have not been sufficiently aefined to offer straightforward solutions to these problems. For one, our knowleage of the population dynamics of chinooK salmon s-c.ocks of the middle Susitna River yields little insight into their likely long-term response to with- project flow regimes. Population adjustments are frequently determinea by combinations of environmental properties occuring far in advance of the 6 Dialogical response. Thus, although fish production and its component parameters (i.e., density, mortality, growth, etc.) may eventually reflect the influence of causative environmental factors, the complexity of these relationships is too great and there is too much variability in our esti- mates to Dase our forecasts entirely on population stuaies. We are not limited as much by our ab;lity to conceptualize the relationships linking juvenile chinook to their environment as we are Dy our ability to measure and test these relationships. This problem is not a new one. Fisher1es Dialogists faced with the task of identifying acceptable instream flows often make their selection because it appears to make biological sense, and not on the basis of mathematically defined relationships between streamflow and biological response. In the past decade, however, an instream flow assessment methodology has been developed which partially bridges this gap. The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) described by Bovee (1982) provides a computer assisted capabi 1 i ty of simulating important components of fish habitat based on site-specific field measurements. The suitability of fish habitat at a given flow is evaluated by reference to preference criteria. There are frequency distributions which describe the probability that a fish will be found in association with a particular level or interval of the habitat component in question. Once the spatial distribution and levels of habitat components are known or are reliably simulated for a range of flows, ana the relationships between these components ana behavioral preferences have been quantified, then a habitat response index may be calculated for each flow of interes •• Following standard IFIM terminology, this habitat response index is termea Weighted Usable Area (WUA). From an assumption 7 that the carrying capacity of a stream varies with the amount of usable physical habitat, the direction ana magnitude of WUA may be consiaered reliable indicators of the probable population response to discharge alterations. This assumption has been verified for some salmonid streams but not for others (Nelson 1980, Loar 1985). Factors other than the amount of usable habitat, such as inadequate fooa supplies ana catastrophic events (e.g., flooas), may have been responsible for the conflicting results. For purposes of this report, the concept of habitat preference appears valia and the linkage between biological response and flow-relatea habitat changes, as indexed by WUA, 1s considered strong enough to make inferences concerning the present status ana likely trends in juvenile chinook populations. Incluaea in this report are WUA functions ana related habitat inaices aefining the relationship between mainstem discharge ana chinook rearing habitat potential at 20 study (modeling) sites on the middle Susitna River. Modeling results are extrapolated from inaivillual stuay sites to describe the response of Juvenile chinook habitat within a number of different suD- environments of the midale Susitna River. Conventional methods of extrapolating WUA in single channel rivers oased on the concept of continuous homogeneous suDsegments represented by inaiviaual modeling sites are not applicable to large oraiaea rivers like the the Susitna River aue to large spatial variations in hyaraulic ana morphologic character. Aaseruae et al. (1985) aiscuss thls proolem further. Consequently, inves- tigators concentrated on sampling smaller areas of the miaale river possessing relatively uniform yet comparatively aistinct ~ydrologic, hydraulic ana water clarity charcteristics. This sampling aesign promptea 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the development of an extrapolation methodology, first introduced by Steward ana Trihey (1984), which weights WUA indices developed for each modeling site according to the proportion of the middle reach possessing similar hydrologic, hydraulic ana water clarity attributes. This approach focuses on the characterization of fish haDi tat on the suDenvi ronmenta 1 scale in order to overcome problems associated with the large degree of environmental variability in the middle Susitna River. Stratifying the river into subenvironments ana identifying the relationship between streamflow and fish habitat at this level increases our confidence in the applicability of these results to the river as a whole. Within the overall framework of the Susitna aquatic habitat assessment program, habitat modeling results obtained for individual subenvironments are particularly appropriate since related studies of juvenile fish dis- tribution were conducted at this level (Hoffman 1985). An evaluation of habitat modeling results in combination with fish utilization data will permit an accurate assessment of rearing habitat response to natural ana project-induced changes in streamflow for the entire middle river segment. Figure 3 illustrates the primary steps in the extrapolation analysis. An outline of the data requirements ana steps which comprise the methodology follows in order that the reader gain an appreciation of the utility of the rearing habitat response curves. The results of applying the full extrapo- lation analysis to existing flow regimes will De detailed in Volume 11 of the 1nstream Flow Relationships Report, sct1edulea for release by EWT&A in December 1985. 9 Quantification Quantity surface areas of individual channel branches in the middle Susitna River for each flow for which aerial photography is available to determine the surface area response to mainstem discharge. Stratification Use available morpho- logic, hydraulic, and hydrologic information to stratify individual aquatic habitats into groups that are hydro- logically and morpho- logically similar. 1 Integration For each evaluation species/ life stage: Integrate the quantifi- cation, stratification, and simulation components to determine the aquatic habi~at response to dis- charge for the entire middle Susitna River. Simulation Simulate the response of aquatic habitat quality to discharge with habitat modeling techniques at selected areas of the middle Susitna River. Figure 3. Flow chart indicating steps followed in the extrapolation of site-specific juvenile chinooK habitat indices to the entire middle Susitna River. 10 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Habitat Characterization of the Middle Susitna River 2.1.1 Study Site Classification For the middle reach of the Susitna River, Klinger and Trihey {1984) identified six subenvironments, on the basis of water source and morphology, which they termed habitat types: mainstem, side channel, side slough, upland slough, tributary, and tributary mouth. Rearing habitat modeling sites were initially selected to conform with the concept of aquatic habitat types. The degree to which t:-tese habHat types are uti- lizea by juvenile salmon as well as their susceptibility to project impacts determined the extent to which they were represented in modeling studies. Of the large number of locations sampleu for juveniles in 1981 ana 1982, significant numbers of chum, sockeye, and chinook salmon were found in tributary, siae channel, side slough ana upland slough locations. Chinook salmon utilization of these habitat types is summarized in Figure 2. Recognizing that rearing haOita~ in tributaries will prooaoly no: De affected by project operation, investigators excluaea this habitat type from modeling studies. Juvenile salmon utilization of mainstem ana tribu- tary mouth areas was juagea insufficient to warrant intensive study. The sites chosen for modeling studies of juvenile chinook habitat are iaenti- fiea by river mile ana bank orientation {Lana R denote left and right Dank looking upstream) in Figure 4. 11 Figure 4. 4111 of JfllyCrHII I J6 ~~(VI )l I li.OL (I V ) G AGE 'S292 000 JUVEN ILE CHINO OK H A B I TAl MODEL I NG SITES (MIOO LE SU SITNA R I VER ) 0 MILES J uvenile chinook habitat moaeling sites in the miaale Susitna River. Sites are identified by river mile ana bank orientation, where Lana R aenote left ana right bank lookina uostream. J.2 2.1.2 Representative Groups While the haDitat type concept of Klinger and Trihey (1984) is useful in the identification of attributes characterizing a particular location within the middle river at a given time, the static quality implicit in the concept makes it less practical as a means of stratifying the river for extrapolation purposes. The results of the habitat modeling analyses are WUA forecasts for sites which frequently transform from one habitat type to another ov~r the range of evaluation flows. Juvenile chinook habitat distribution and quality is highly dependent upon these transformations and the progressive physical changes which attend them. In order that the dynamic and site-specific nature of rearing habitat response to a constantly changing aquatic environment be acknowledged by the extrapolation methodology, an alternate means of stratifying the middle river was developed. The concept of representative groups as a further set of distinct subenvironments of the middle river and the criteria used by Aaserude et al. (1985) to define them ensures that the modeling sites are truly representative of the portions of the river they are supposed to characterize. Accurate forecasts of the response of juvenile chinook to natural or imposed changes in flow regime require that this condition De satisfiea. Aaserude et al. (1985) delineatea 172 specific areas of the mieldle river from aerial photography interpretation anel fielel verification studies. Specific areas formerly assignea to four habitat types (siele channel, siele slough, upland slough, anct in some Cdses mainstem habitats) were Clivictea 13 among ten representative groups, each characterized Dy unique ana readily identifiaDle comDinations of flow-related attriDutes. Representative groups ana the primary hydrologic, hydraulic ana morphologic forms ana processes which distinguish them are summarized in TaDle 1. Each modeling site is associated with a corresponding specific area; from an analysis of aerial photography ana reconnaissance level fiela data, a moaelea specific area mdy also be aeterminea to De representative of several non-modeled specific areas within the same representative group. llithin the framework of the extrapolation methodology, the collection of moaelea ana non-moaelea specific areas which comprise a particular repre- sentative group may be thought of as a discontinuous (i.e., spatially discontinuous) yet homogeneous suosegment of the river. Figure 4 indicates the representative group designation of each rearing habitat modeling site. Because the delineation of representative groups occurrea suDsequent to stuay site selection ana aata collection, some representative groups ao not possess specific areas in which modeling stuaies were conauctea. In particular, specific areas which aewater at relatively high mainstem discharges (Group VIII) ana mainstem areas which remain shoal-like at most evaluation flows (Group X) are not represented Dy juvenile chinook habitat modeling sites. The re mainder of the representa- tive groups have at least one specific area with an associated modeling study site. ,.his fact is important since the aDjective is to extrapolate haDitat inaices from specific ar~as with modeled sites to non-moaelea specific areas, assuming that modeling sites generally reflect the haDitat character of non-moaelea area5 within the same representative group. As will De discussed later, juvenile chinook haDitat response within 14 llll'lll~fN1A11Vl t.ROU~ II Ill IV VI Vll VIII I X X hblr 1. NUHlllR 01 ~l'l C If IC AlllA~ 19 28 17 2J 9 14 lU 13 Prt••ry llyorolo1J1C, llyclrlwl1c end •orplloloy1c cllerecter- hl1Ci of rrprrunuthr group' lclentlfhcl for the •lclclle Sus 1 tn1 Ill wrr . UESCIIIPTION Pr~ouuln•~''Y upl1nc1 slowglls . Tile specific ere1s co.prtstng tilts growp 1rr 111~hly ~taule ou~ to th~ persistence of non-Dre•checl conditions lt.e., voss~~s h1gll br~ICh1ny flows). Specific eru hyclreultcs ere cher1ctertzrc1 by pool~cl cle•r w1ter with velocities frequently ne•r 0.0 fps 1n0 oepths gre1ter thin 1.0 ft. Pools •re c~nly connected Dy short riffles where weloc ltl~s 1re less th1n 1.0 Ips 1nc1 depths •re less th•n O.S ft. This yrou11 tncluoes specific •re•s c u..only referred to •s sloe sloughs . Thes~ sites •re ChlriCl~rtzed by rel1ttvely lltgll bre•clltng flows I) 19.~00 cis), clur w1ter CAused by upwelling grounclwUer, 1n0 lerge chdnn e l lenyth to width r.ttos (>IS : 1). 1nt~r.edllte bre•chtng flows end rel1ttvely Dro1c1 ch1nnel sections typify the spe c ific 1re1s within this llepresentltlwe Grou11. These sites 1re slOe channels which tr1nsfon. Into stele sloughs •t ••lnstea dlsch•rgrs r1nglng fr~ 8,200 to 16,000 cfs. lower breechtng flows end s-•llrr length to wiOth ratios distinguish these sites fro. those In Group 11. Upwelling 9roundw1t~r Is pres~nt . Spec ific •re•s In thts group •re stele ch•nnels th1t ere DreecheO et low c1lsc111ryes •no voss~H lnten.edtlte aeen reech velocities (2.0-S .O Ips) et 1 ~•1nstee Olsch•rgc of eppro•l•etely 10,000 cfs. This group Inc ludes ••lnste. end stele ch1nnel sho•l erees which tr1nsfon. to cle•r w1ter sloe sloughs es •1tnst~ flows recede. Tr1nsfon.•ttons gener•lly oc c ur It .ooerete to high bre•chtng otscherges. Tilts group Is s1•1llr to tte preceding one In th1t the heDtt•t ch•recter of th~ svec 1ftc •r~•s Is ooglneted by ch•nnel .arphology . These sites •re pr1~•rlly owertlow c111nnels thlt p1r1llel the IOJICent .. tn~te., usu•lly sev1r1teo by • sp•rsely veget1tec1 gr•wel Der . Upwelling yroun0w1ter •1y or ••Y not be present. H1bl Ut trensfor••ttons within this yrouv 1re w•rldble both In type 1nc1 tl•lng of occurrence. Th~se spe c ific •r~•s 1re typlc•lly sloe Chlnnels which br~•cll et v1rl1ble yet f•trly low ••lnHe~~ disc harges eno ed:tblt • c ll•r.cterlsth: riffle/pool sequence. Pool~ are frequently lerge D•ckwlter ~rus nur the .autll of the s nes. The specifi C •reds In this group teno to dew•ter It rel1ttvely h1yh lldln~t~:~u olsc horgeL The direction of flow •t the held of these ch1nneh t ~n os tu oo:vute sh.rply ()30 oeyrees) fr0111 the 10j.cent .. tnHe~~. Muoo:l1ng sito:s fru. Groups II 1nc1 Ill possessing represent1ttve post- b red c hin~ hyOrdull c ch•rect~rlsttcs •re useo to MOdel these specific 1re1s . ThiS yrou11 coststs of ••tnste. 1nd sloe ch•nnels, Inc luding Indistinc t (I .e ., shodl) dred~. c h1r•c tertzea b1 low bre•c htny Ols c h•rges. Specific dr.-•~ tena to either reutn their lllbltdt type ch.riCter or trensforw fro. lloOIHirott to otstlnc t Chdnntds. Mo<•n reiCh welocttt~s tyv l CAlly e•c*'*'o ~ tp s •nd up 41 wo uoe rdtely low dhc lldrges (10,000 ch). l.rye oui11H1.1n s llodls 1n0 tne ~·•rgtns of 111lnste. Clldnroeh wlllch show ~lgns ol u~Jwell in~ •re incl..,o~:d In this represent• the tjroup . ltAIIITAI ~OUING S IH S IU/.bl, 112 .!1l II J. 711, l l b . UR , 144 .4l 101.2A, 128.11R, ll2 .6l, 141.411 10l .Sl, 112.bl , 1Jl.7l, 134 .911, 136 .Ol 141 .6A 133 .Ill, 136 . Jll 11 9 .211 1n.bl, 144 .41 lUI .4 1., 14/.11 Group XIII was representea using moaeling results from stuay sites from Groups II ana III. No attempt was maae in the present analysis to charac- terize rearing haoitat at specific areas incluaea in Group X, However, future derivation of acceptable habitat response curves for this group is feasible through moaification of airect input hyaraulic /haoitat moaels aevelopea for spawning chum salmon (Hilliara et al. 1985) Important criteria used to partition specific areas into representative groups are the type ana rate of change in hydrologic character aocumentea for the specific areas. The hydrologic component of the methoa usea by Aaserude et al. (1985) to stratify the middle Susitna River focuses on the systematic transformation in habitat type of specific areas within the 5,100 to 23,000 cfs flow range. For example, as flows recede mainstem areas frequently become shallow water shoals, ana siae channels may transform into siae sloughs~ Doth naoitat types may eventually aewater as flows aecrease further. The emphasis on habitat transformation acknowleages the transient nature of riverine habitat availability ena aistrioution. The aichotomous key in Figure 5 aelineates the eleven habi- tat transformation categories aerivea from an evaluation of the 172 speci- fic areas ana eight streamflows for the miaale river. Note that the fina l categories apt)roximate the original "habitat type'' designations usea oy Klinger ana Trihey (1984) ana ADF&G (1983). Two important modifications to the haDitat type classification system are the inclusion of shoal habitat and the presence/absence of upwelling. Shoals are areas whicn at high flows are visually inseparable from aajacent mainstem or side channel areas. As flows receae the shoal or riffle character of these sites De- comes oovi ous, even though the oounaari es separating snoa 1 s ana aaj acent 16 I CLEA R WATER @ 23,0 00 CFS I I Si de Slou ghs Tribularv Mou l hs Upland Slo ughs 0 1 ....... ....... Clear Walef @ 9,000 CFS I -~ Wilh Apparen l Wt l ho ul Apparen t Up we llt ng Upwe llt ng 2 3 I Figure 5. WETTED AREA OF SITE @ 23,000 CFS I l TURBID WATER @ 23,000 CFS Ois l incl Ch ann el lndlslln cl Channel (Shoal s) @ 23.0 00 CFS @ 23.000 CFS Oe wa ter ed @ 9,000 CF S 9 f Tu rbid Water Turb id Water @ 9,000 Cf S @ 9,000 CfS I I I r l l Side Cha nn el Mai ns! em Become Otstincl Remain lndis lin cl Wilh Apparent (less than 10% Side Chann el s @ 9,000 Upw ell ing ol f low ) @ 9.000 4 10 ~ 6 7 Ke y t o hab i tat tran s formation ca t e gor ie s used to c la ss ify s peci fi c areas to r e pre sentat i ve groups. I Clear Water @ 9.000 CfS I Wil hout App arenl Upwell ing 8 habitat types are usually indistinc~ Specific areas fitting this descrip- tion are further distinguished on the basis of whether their boundaries remain indistinct or transform into well-defined channels at lower flows. Upwelling groundwater, usually aiscernable in aerial photos by the presence of clear water, is accentuated in the classification step of the extrapola- tion methodology because of its pronounced effect on the distribution of juvenile ana aault salmon within the middle Susitna River. Using habitat types present at 23,000 cfs as a point of reference, site- specific habitat transformations have been aefi nea for sever a 1 ai scharges of 18,000 cfs ana less. The sequential changes in habitat type observed within this flow range offers a powerful tool with which to combine specific areas into representative groups. Other hydrologic parameters used with varying degrees of confidence to cluster specific areas into representative groups are breaching flow, cross-secti ona 1 profi 1 es of the head berm ana adjacent mains t .. :n channe 1, ana up we 11 i ng. Of the hydraulic variables examinea oy Aaserude et al. (1985), mean reach ve 1 oci ty under breached conaiti ons was cons ide rea the most appropriate for classifying specific areas within the middle Susitna River. Unfortunately, the relatively low flows (8,000 -11,000 cfs) at which field sampling was conducted precluded standardization of mean rea~h velocities on the oasis of a common flow or transformational state. ~lean reach velocities ·t~~ere unavailaole at sampling flows for two-thirds of the specific areas delineated in the middle Susitna River; the majority of the sites were unbreachea during reconnaissance field studies. Nonetheless, the velocity data collected was usea to further refine trdnsformation category definitions. 18 Of more practica 1 va 1 ue in the oevel opment of representative groups were channel morphology inelices oeriveo from aerial photo interpretation ana on- site visits in the field. Specific areas within the miaale reach exhibit sufficient s1m1larities in plan form to provioe a theoretically attractive means of grouping sites together. Use of channel geometry, sinuosity, length-to-width ratios ana related morphologic indices to classify specific areas according to representative group is justified by the repetitiveness of similar channel features within the miadle river segment. 2.2 Quantification of Surface Areas Although each specific area is assigned to the same representative group for a 11 flows of interest, the peri meter ana therefore its surface area varies with discharge. Furthermore, both the absolute size ana the rate of change in surface area varies between specific areas. Successful applica- tion of the extrapolation methodology requires that the surface area response to streamflow of inaiviaual sites be quantifieo since the amount of rearing habitat available within a specific area is aepenaent on its areal extent at different flows. The total surface area of each specific area in the miaale river has Deen estimatea for mainstem aischarges of 5,100 , 7 ,400, 10,600, 12,500, 16,000, 18,000, 23,000 cfs using ai gi ta 1 measurements on 1 inch = 1,000 feet sea 1 e aerial photography. The digitizing methods are aescribe<l by Klinger ana Trihey {1984). Surface area estimates were use<l to aaJust WUA estimates at Doth moaele<l an<l non-moaele<l specific areas , as <lescribe<l in Section 2 .4 Del ow. 19 2.3 Physical Habitat Modeling Studies 2.3.1 Overview of Moaeling Techniques The quantitJtive asse ssment of juvenile chinook rearing habitat response to streamflow in the middle Susitna River is basea on investi gations conauctea by ADF&G and EWT&A between 1982 and 1985. Sufficient aata were collected to moael chinook rear i ng habitat potential at 20 moaeling sites typical of 9 of the 10 representative groups which characterize the middle Susitna River. These stuaies utilizea two data intensive modeling techniques: 1) the Resident Juvenile Habitat (RJHAB) moael aevelopea by ADF&G; and 2) the Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIMl System aevelopea Dy the Instream rlow ana Aquatic Systems Group of the U.S. Fish ana Wildlife Service. Data requirements ana sampling methods employea by the two models are s i milar, ana moael parameters ana stanaara output variables are identica l (Figure 6). The major differences between RJHAB ana PHABSIM moaeling approaches relate to the resolution of input ana output aata ana the tech- niques usea to process these data. The RJHAB model generates surface area ana WUA output only for those discharges for which hydraulic inf:Jrmation was collected . The PH ABS I M modeling system incorporates hydraulic mo dels which may be usea to forecast synthetic hydraulic data for any stream f l ow with i n an acceptabl e calibration range . These data serve as inpu t to a program (hABTAT l wh i c h calculates wettea s urface area ana various habitat inai r es f or the moaeling site. WUA forecasts for unobserved flows basea on the PHAB SIM moaels a r e much more reliable than those obta i ned using the RJ HAB mode 1 i ng tec hnique. 20 HYDRAULIC· MORPHOLOGIC DATA COLLECTION (see Figure 7 ) SELECTION OF STUDY SITES HYDRAULIC· MOHPHOLOGIC DATA COLLECTION (see Figure 8 I Figure b. RJHAB HABITAT SUITABILITY ESTIMATION BY EYE OF MODEL AREA RESPONSE FOR (RJHAB) UNOBSERVED FlOWS \ JUVENILE CHINOOK HABITAT SUITABILITY CRITERIA WSA ·~~[] 'l[J ''[TIJ ~u• s. s , ~ cr 4( 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 II d c DISCHARGE AREA RESPONSE CURVES AND RELATED INDICES IFG HABITAT HYDRAULIC HYDRAULIC MODEL SUITABILITY MODEL OUTPUT FOR MODEL CALIBRATION UNOBSERVED FLOWS (HABTAT) PHABSIM RJHAB and PHABSIM mo<lellny pathways followe<l in the analysis of juvenile chinook salmon habitat. Source aocuments for information relating to RJHAB ana PHABSIM moael aevelopment for miaale river stuay sites incluae Estes ana Vincent-Lang (1984), Hale et al. (1984 ), Marshall et al. (1984), ana EWT&A ana wee (1985). Habitat suitability criteria serving as moael parameters for HABTAT are aescri bea in Stewara (1985 ). 2.3.2 Hydraulic Data Requirements RJHAB ana PHABSIM moaels applied in this study assess the influence of three key physical habitat variables known to si~nificantly influence juvenile chinook salmon distribution, namely instream ana overhead cover, water velocity ana water aepth. The availability of areas characterized by suitable combinations of these variabies "aries directly with changes in streamflow. The primary objectives of Doth habitat moaels are to quantify the distr i bution of various combinations of these habitat variables within a representative segment of stream ana to aescribe this distribution in terms of its usability or potential as rearing hab i tat for juvenile chinook. I n order to des c ribe rearing hab i tat potential Dasea on the availab i lity of suitable cover, velocity ana aepth within a study site, fiela measur ements. were oota i nea a t a i s crete intervals along multiple transects. Fig ure s 7 ana 8 i llustrate the basic differences between the RJ HA B ana PH ABSIM sampl i ng methods, including transect placement, numoer of verticals where hydrauli c variables are sampled ana the dimensions of the cells or mapping elements representea by these po i nt measurement5. I n the case of the RJHAB mo a el i ng s ite s , c ove r a na hyar a ul ic a ata we !"e c ol l e c ted at f our to seven 22 di Vi Bank Cell represe nting s horeli ne are a F i gure 7 . n where d j = depth (ft) for jth cell L: d · dj = depth (ft) at jlh vertical . I J•1 dn = depth (ft) at nth vertical n Vi veloc:ty (ftlsec) for ith cell = Vj = velocity (ftlsec) at jth vertical n vn = velocity (ftlsec) at nth vertical l:v · . I n = number of verticals J•l n measurement verticals 1 - n 4 5 -FLOW RJHAB Sdmpl1ng <lesign fo r RJH AB mo ae l1ng s ites . The RJ HAB moael assumes that average values ob t ain e a fo r ha bi tat vari a bl es w i thin 6' x 50' oanlc an a mia -c n a nn ~l c ells are representative of larger areas within ch e mo<leling site . 23 Fi gure 8 . v; == velocity (ftlsec) tor ;th cell d; == depth (tt) tor ;th cell w; == width (tt) tor ;th cell I; == length (tt) for ;th cell s 6 FLOW PHABSIM Sampling des1gn f o r PH AB SI M mode l1 ng sites . 24 different aischarges. Two Dank cells and one mid-channel cell, each 6 ft ·11dde by 50ft long, were samplea per transect. However, the areas represented as bank cells in surface area and WUA calculations ~xtenaea 6 ft out from the left or right banks and upstream to the next transect. The mid-channel cells were considered representative of the area located between the 6 foot wide Dank cells. Cover, velocity ana depth data for PHABSIM models were collected at several irregularly spaced verticals along the study site transects. The surface area associated with each cell extended halfway to adjacent verticals ana transects {Figure 8). In contrast to the RJHAB model, the field aata obtained in the PHABSIM analysis are used to calibrate a hydraulic model capaDle of forecasting depth-velocity combinations for each cell at unsampled aischarges. Two types of hydraulic moaels were :.~sea for this purpose, depending primarily on hydraulic conaitions at the study site. The IFG-2 moael is a water surface profile type moael Dasea on the Manning equation ana the principle of conservation of mass ana energy {Milhous et al. 1984). Data requirements for the IFG-2 model include a single set of velocity aata ana several measurements of transect water surface eleva- tions. Moael calit>ration involves iterative adjustments of Manning 's n values until agreement Detween ot>served ana predicted water surface e leva- tions is ot>tainea. Once reliat>ly calibrated, the IFG-2 model may De used to predict velocities within each cell across the transect at different discharges. The sec ond type of model usea to simulate hydraulic data in rearing hat>i tat investigations was the IFG-4, which employs linear regression analysis to 25 predict aepth ana velocity as a function of discharge for each cell. The IFG-4 model requires a minimum of two hydraulic data sets but is oetter suitea than the IFG-2 mo<lel for simulating rapialy variea flow conditions (Trihey ana Baldrige 1985). Estes ana Vincent-Lang (1984), Hale et al. (1984), and Hilliard et al. (1985) provide further information on hydraulic data collection ana analytical proceaures. 2.3.3 Habitat Suitability Criteria The next stage in the RJHAB ana PHABSIM moaeling process requires that habitat suitaoility criteria be developed for the species/life stages of interest. Habitat suitaoility criteria (curves) inaicate the preference of a fish for different levels of a particular habitat variaole; su i tability curves are neeaea for each physical habitat variaole incorporated in the habitat mo<lels. ihe cover, velocity ana depth suitability criteria used in this stuay to evaluate ch~nook rearing habitat potential in the m1dale Susitna River are basea primarily on field observations of juven1le chinook aensities in siae channel ana s ide slough areas of the middle Susitna River (Suchanek et al. 1984). EWT&A ana wee (1 985 ) and Steward (198 5 ) aiscuss these data with regard to their appl i cability to mainstem, side c hanne l ana si<le slough naoitats. T he juvenile c-hinook suitabil i ty criteria recommenaea by Stewara (1984 ) ana summarizea in F igures 9, 10 , ana 11 were appliea in this stuay. Of parti c ular interest are the separate velo c ity ana c o ver haDitat suitabll i t y c riteri a whi c h apply unaer clear ana turoi <l water co nait i ons. 26 1.0 0 .8 X w 0 0 .6 z ::-- t- ....J -0 .4 N (I) '-.,J 4 t- ::::> (/) 0 .2 0 .1 CLEAR TURBID Per c e nt Cov er 0 .1 0 -5 0 2 6 -25 0 3 26 -5 0 0 .4 51 -75 0 .5 76 -100 0 .5 0 .1 0 .5 0 .1 0 .5 0 .1 0 .5 0 .1 0 .50.1 0 .5 0 .1 0 .5 0 .1 0 .5 Ot 0 .5 2 3 4 1 8 9 No Cov er ErntrQ ent Aquot i c LorQe Grovel 5 Ru b b lp 3 -5 6 Cobb l e or Boulder\, ov er 5 De bri l & Overho 09inQ Undercut Deadfa ll Riparian Bonk a Ve9etoti on VtQttotion Figure 9. PERCENT COVER BY COVER TYP E Co v e r suitability criteria used to model juvenile chinook ha b itat (WUA) in the middle Sus1tna River . Separate cri te r ia are pre s e nted for clear and tu r bi d wate r c onditions ( ~t e ward 198 5). DEPTH SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON 1.0 .9 .a .7 -;; C/) .6 > ~ ::::i .s iil ~ 3 .4 DEPTH SUITABILITY (Sdl C/) 0 .00 0 .00 .3 0 .14 0 .00 0 .15 1.00 10.00 1.00 .2 .1 0 ~~--~~-----r------~-----~------~------~-----~~--~ 0 Figure 10. 1.0 2 .0 3 .0 10.0 DEPTH ("l Depth suitability criteria usea to moael juvenile chinook habitat (WUA) unaer clear ana turbia water c onditions in the miaale Susitna River (Stewara 1985 ). 28 VELOCITY SUITABILITY CRITERIA FOR JUVENILE CHINOOK SALMON 1.0 0.1 ~ 0.6 > t:: ...J ai ~ .... ::l <ll 0 .4 0.2 0 .0 0 Figure 11. SUITABIUTY (Sv) ..._loclty Clear Turbid \ 0 .00 0 .42 0 .42 \ 0 .05 1.00 1.00 \ 0.20 1.00 1.00 \ 0.35 1.00 1.00 \ 0..50 1.00 0 .80 0.65 1.00 0 .60 \ 0..10 0 .64 0..38 ' 1.10 0.44 0.25 \ 1.40 0.25 0 .15 \ 1.7'0 0.11 0 .07 2.00 0.12 0 .02 \ 2.30 o.oe 0.01 \ 2.80 0 .00 0 .00 \ \ \ \ \ LEGEND \ \ Tumid \ ---Clear " " Cle•r weter leu th•n 5 NTU " Turbid w81et 50 to 200 NTU " " " " " """-" " ......... ......... .......... ......._ 0 .5 1.0 1 .5 2 .0 2 .5 3.0 VELOCITY (tt/sec) Veloci ty suitability criteria usea to rnoael Ju ve r.ile chin ook haDitdt (WUA) unaer clear ana turbia water co naitions in the rniaale Susitna River (S tewara 198 5 ). 29 Clear water habitats occur in side channel areas which are not breached by the turbid waters of the mainstem river yet maintain a base flow via groundwater upwelling or tributary inflow. The frequency and auration of this condition depends on the elevation of the thalweg at the head of the site relative to the water surface elevation of th~ adj~c~nt mainstem. Site flow versus mainstem discharge relationships were usea to determine when clear ana turbid water velocity and cover criteria were to be applied. Rearing salmon use cover to avoid predation and unfavorable water velocities. Instream oojects such as submerged macrophytes, large substrates ana organic debris, ana overhanging vegetation 1n near shore areas can previae cover for juvenile chinooK salmon. Instream object cover in most rearing areas of the mid~le Susitna River is proviaed by larger streamoea materials, rrimarily rubble (3-5 inch diameter) and boulder ( >5 inches) size substrates. The cover suitability criteria presented in Figure 9 and Table 2 suggest that juvenile chinooK tend to associate with some form of object cover in both clear ana turbid water habitats. Preference gen~rally increases in proportion to the percentage of object cover present, particularly under clear water conditions. The different preferences for the same type ana percent of object cover inaicatea by the clear ana turbid water suitability criteria are due to the utilization of turbiaity as cover by rearing chinooK. Dugan et al. (198 4) documented higher densities of chinooK in breached, turbid water side channels than were found at the same sites unaer nonbreachea, clear water conai ti ons. Th1s disparity was most pronounced at sampling sites possessing minimal object cover. 30 Table 2. Cover suitability criteria recon~enaed for use in modeling juvenile chi nook habitat under clear ana turbid water conditions. Sources: Suchanek et al. 1984; Steward 1985. Percent No Emergent Aquatic Large Rubble Cobble or Debris & Overhanging Undercut Cover Cover Veg. Veg. Gra1el 3"-5" Boulders <5" Deadfall Riparian Banks ----- Clear Water (Suchanek et a 1. 1984)) 0-51> 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.10 6-251> 0.01 0.04 0.22 0.21 0.27 0.29 0.33 0.20 0.32 26-501. 0.01 0.07 0.39 0.35 0.45 0.49 0.56 0.34 0.54 51-751> 0.01 O.tJ9 0.53 0.49 0.63 0.69 0. 78 0.47 0.75 w ....... 76-1001, 0.01 0.12 0.68 0.63 0.81 0.89 1.00 0.61 0.97 Turbid Water (EWT~A ana wee 1985)1 ----- 0-51> 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.39 0.39 0.48 0.26 0.44 6-251> 0.31 0.31 0.39 0.37 0.47 0.51 0.58 0.35 0.56 2b-50't 0.31 0.31 0.46 0.42 0.54 0 .59 0.67 J.41 0.65 51--/bl 0.31 0. 31 0.5 2 0.48 0.62 0.68 0. 77 0.46 0.74 76 -lOO't 0.31 0 .31 0.58 0.54 0.69 0.76 0.85 0.52 0.82 -------- 1Multiplication factors : 0-51. -4.38; 6-251> -1.75; 26-501. -1.20; 51-75'1. -0.98; 76-100'1. -0.85 Water depth is not a significant factor limiting juvenile chinook habitat potential, as indicated by the open ended depth suitability curve in Figure 10. Proviaea that other microhabitat conditions are suitable, juveniles tend to prefer depths exceeding 0.15 feet to an equal aegree. This observation has been corroborated in other habitat utilization studies of juvenile chinook salmon (Steward 1985). A distinct preference by juveniles for low velocities under turbid water conditions .,.,as noted by Suchanek et al. (1984). Turbid water habitat suitability criteria identify optimal velocities in the 0.05 to 0.35 fps range, as compared to 0.5 to 0.65 fps indicated by clear water velocity criteria (Figure 11). The preference for lower velocities in areas of high turbidity may be twofold: 1) a lack of visual cues necessary to maintain position in faster currents, ana 2) a decrease in the number of drifting prey items captured at higher velocities (Milner 1985). 2.3.4 Habitat Model Response Variables The RJHAB model was modified slightly in order that the methods of calculating variou ~ i ndices of habitat potential, including WUA, and wetted surface ~reas were consistent for all modeling sites. Wetted surface area (WSA) estimates ba~ed on RJHAB and ?HABSIM modeling approaches were com- puted by summing the surface a:-eas of watered cells within the modeling site (Table 3). Flow related increases in wetted surface area at RJHAB sit2s were apportioned among mid-channel cells of the sites since the dimensions of the area represented by bank cells remained essentially unchanged for all flows. At study sites modeled with IFG-2 or IFG-4 32 w w Table 3 . Wettea surface area (WSA), welghtea usable area (WUA) ana relatea habitat lnalces usea tn the evaluation of chinook rearing habitat potential wtthtn the mtadle Susttna Rher. Stat 1s tic £quat ton Parameters/Units Calculattons Performed for Each Cell (t) Surface Area (A 1l Compos1te Su1tab111ty (5 1) W~1ghted Usable Area (WUAtl Wj a Cell wtdth (ft) lt • cell length ( ft) ( tt2) s(c 1), s(v 1) and s(d1l are wetght1ng factors for cover, veloctty and depth (dtmenstonless) Calculations Performed for a Modeling Stte Compr1sea of (n) Cells n Wetted Surface Area (WSA) WSA ~ A1 = 1 n Gross Habt tat Area (GHA) GHA L A1 1 n We1ghted Usabl e Area (WUA) WUA ~ A1 S1 1 Hab1tat Ava1lab111ty Index (HAl) HAl WUA I WSA Habltat 01str1but1on lnaex (HOI) HOI GHA I WSA Habttat Qual1ty ln<l e x (HQI) HQI h'UA I GHA In c ludes all cells (ft2) Includes cells w1th WUA > 0.0 (d1mens1onless) (d1mens1onl e ss) ( <1lme 1·1$; onl es s) hydraulic models, tne size and location of cells generally remainea con- stant but the total numoer of cells increasea or decreasea as wetted top widths responsea to changes in flow. Hence, the cumulative surface area of the IFG moaeling sites increased through the addition of new cells along the shore 1 i ne. The composite suitability of each cell within the RJHAB ana lFG moaeling sites was determined by multiplying the individual suitability values associated with prevailing velocity, aepth and cover conditions (Table 3). This method of calculation implies that the physical habitat variables evaluated by the models are assumed to be independent in their influence on habitat selection by juvenile chinook. Weighted usable area is computed for each cell by multiplying the Cc!ll's composite suitability by its sur- face area. The sum of the cell WUAs obtainea for a given discharge yields the moaeling site WUA; when plottea as a function of discharge, the modeling site WUA curve indicates the response of usable rearing habitat to changes in streamflow. Haoitat simulation results include WUA ana WSA estimates for each study site for mai nstem discharges ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs as measured at the USGS Gala Creek gaging station. In order to facilitate comparisons between moaeling sites, WSA is expressea in units of square feet per linear foot of stream. WSA is therefore proportional to the mean width of the modeling site. These units are less satisfactory for comparisons of 1o'IUA since usable habitat at a site is a function of surface area weightea by the suitability of its physical habitat attributes. An interpretation of habitat availability shoula not be made without reference to the total wetted surface area of the site. As an example, consider two study sites 34 possessing relatively equal amounts of weighted usdble area; the smaller site, particularly where there is a large disparity in size, possesses a greater amount of usable habitat relative to the prevailing wetted surface area. Therefore, a more meaningful index of habitat avai 1 ~~~ 1 i ty is the ratio of WUA to WSA, which is de>ignated the Habitat Availability Index (HAI). In the context of the extrapolation analysis, the Habitat Availability Index has the added merit of being unitless. Assuming that the HAI of a modeling site is representative of the associated specific area (i.e., both possess the same frequency distributions of cover, velocity and depth), the WUA of the specific area is equa 1 to the product of the HAI and the tota 1 surface area of the specific area. Total surface areas are known, as discussed in Section 2.2, and therefore a flow-dependent habitat response curve may be derived for any specific area represented by a modeling site. The HABTAT pr·ogram of the PHABSIM modeling system and the RJHAB model were modified to compute the Gross Habitat Area (GHA) for each discharge of interest. The GHA is the cumulative (unweighted) surface area of cells possessing non-zero WUA values within a site. Gross Habitat Area is impor- tant because it represents the maximum area of rearing habitat available. Two other habitat response indices, the Habitat Distribution Index (HD!) and the Habitat Quality Index (HQI) are calculated by the following fonnulas: and HDI (~) = GHA/WSA x 100 HQI (%) = WUA/GHA x 100 35 The use of HOI and HQI indices partially overcomes a major criticism of most WUA-based interpretations of habitat potential, namely, that WUA is a quantification of the amount of suboptimal habitat within a stuay site expressea as an equivalent amount of optimal habitat. In other words, a cell with a surface area of 100 sq. ft. and a joint preference factor of 1.0, that is, optimal cover, velocity and depth conditions, is assumed to provide as much usable habitat as an area ten times its size which possesses a joint preference factor of 0.10. Although flow-related changes in the composite suitabOity of individual cells (i.e., at discrete loca- tions within the modeling site) were not ev l luate<l, we examined relation- ships Detween a modeling site's weighted usable area, gross habitat area and wetted surface area over a range 0f discharges to gain an understanding of probable changes in habitat quality within cells containing usable habitat. Surface areas ana habitat indices were simulated for site flows corresponding to mainstem flows ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs at Gold Creek. Of the 20 study sites investigated, six were modelea using the RJHAB model and15 were moaele<l using the PHABSIM modeling system. One study site, 132.6L (Representative Group Ill), was modeled using Doth RJHAB ana PHABSIM techniques. ln most instances, WSA, WUA and HAl values for unobserved site flows (in the case of RJHAB models) or flows lying outside the recommended extrapolation range of the hydraulic models (a frequently encountered situation in PHABSIM applications) were estimated by interpola- tion and trend analysis techniques (Hillia~a et al. 1985). I n fitting curves to data points forecast by the habitat models, reference was maae to aerial photographs and site-specific channel geometry ana oreaching flow information. 36 2.4 Extrapolation of Moaeling Results to Non-moaelea Specific Areas Whereas the general habitat characteristics of a moae l ing site may ce assumea to ce representative of the associatea specific area, the same combination ana quality of habitat attributes may not oe fo und i n other specific areas, even those classified in the same representative group . Aaseru<le et al. (1985) concluded that variations in structura l characteri s- tics, including several attributes known to affect the quality of juvenile chinook rearing habitat, are common among specific areas of the same repre- sentative group. These differences are significant enough that direct transfer of WUA functions from modeled to non-modeled specific areas is considered impracticable. For this reason, Structural Habitat Indices (SHls) were developed from field data in order to rank spec i fic areas within the same representative group according to their relative structural haoitat quality. As inaexed cy SHI values, specific areas are eva l uatea on the oasis of six variables: 1) dominant cover type, 2) percent cover, 3 ) dominant substrate s i ze, 4) substrate emoeddedness , 5) channel cross sec- tional geometry, and 6) ripar i an vegetation. These variables were weighted accoraing to their relative importance to juvenile c hinook salmon. Fo r each variable , specific areas were placed in one of f i ve descriptive cate- gories, ranging from "non-existent" to "excellent" in quality . Each variable category received a corresponaing numerical rating f a cto r . A single SHI value was calculated for each specific area, i ncluding t hose containing moaeling sites, oy summing the products of variable weighting ana rating factors. For further details concerning the collection and synthesis of <lata into structural habitat indices, see Aaseru<le et al. ( 1985). 37 In this, the integration step of the extrapolation methodology, Habitat Availability Indices (HAls) derived for the modeling sites are used to estimate juvenile chinook WUA for each specific area of the miaa~e Susitna River. As discussed above, the amount of usable rearing habitat at a specific area containing a modeling site may be calcul ated by multiplying the modeling site's HAl value (i.e., the WUA:WSA ratio obtained as moael output) by the wetted surface area of the speci fie area. For each discharge, this calculation can be represented as WUAsa= HAims,sa x WSAsa where the subscripts ms ana sa refer to the modeling site ana the specific area within which it is found. As pointed out earlier, HAl values determined for the modeling site are assumed to be applicable to the entire spec i fi c area. If it were reasonable to assume that the HAl response curves for all specific areas within a representative group were identical, then WUA values for non-modeled specific areas within the same group could be calculated by the above equation using a single HAl function. The structural habitat aata of Aaserude et al. (1985), as well as the ~oaeling results presented in this report ao not support this assumption. Between- site variations in rearing habitat availability appear to result from dissimilarities in channel geometry (which are reflected by differences in breaching flows ana the rate of change in WUA ana WSA) ana structural habitat quality (as indexed by SHI values). Therefore, each specific area of the middle Susitna River is assumed to possess a unique HAl curve which may nonetheless be patterned after the modeling site within the same 38 representative group having the most similar hydrologic, hydraulic, and morphologic attributes. Specific areas within a representative group with more than one modeling site are divided between modeling sites on the basis of their SHI values. Thus, each modeling site may ue considered representative of a subgroup of specific areas. HAl curves are developed for non-modeled specific areas by modifying the HAl functions of associated modeling sites using information obtained in the classification ana quantification steps of the extrapolation analysis, i ncl ucti ng: 1) breaching flows to normalize HAl functions on the discharge axis; and 2) structural habitat i ncti ces to adjust for eli fferences in the quality of usable rearing habitat. Table 4 summarizes breaching flow and SHI information usea in the development of HAl curves for non-modeled specific areas within Representative Groups I through IX. The discharge at which the head berm of a specific area is breached is the dominant hydrologic variable affecting the availability of chinook rearing habitat. As will be demonstrated later, thr.: vast majority of juvenile chinook HAl functions obtained for the middle Susitna River modeling sites exhibit a maxima just to the right of the breaching flow on the discharge (horizontal) axis. To develop an HAl response curve for a non-modeled specific area, the HAl curve obtained for the associated modeling site is shifted left or right on the abscissa depending on whether the breaching flow for the non-modeled specific area is lower or higher than that of the moaeling site. The distance moved is equal to the difference in the sites' breaching discharges. This lateral shift, diagrammed in Figure 12, identifies the horizontal coordinates of the HAl curve for the non-modeled specific area. The lefthana curve in Figure 12 represents HAl values 39 Tool• 4 . lla1nst .. or.Kft1ng atocftorg•s ana •tr11Ct11ral lleOUAt 1ft01ces (SHI) oate•·•1neo tor •o•ciiiC ar~u w1tn1n tfte ••oo l~ 51111 till R 1 war . Speclt1c •rras ··~ .,.,.."9•d . " repr•••"t•t1•• 9ro"'' Oy sub9roup. ·"·"~ tfte eoe1~1 ecs &pec;H1c area reo••s..,t1ng .. en suogroup • & 1 ocat.e<l at too. bROUP l GROUP II bROUP Ill GROUP IY (;ROUP V B•••cn1ng Br•ocMng 8rucft1ng Brucft1ng Brtach1 nq S~1f1c Flow SHI SPK1f1c Flow SHI Spec I f1c Flow SHI S~1f1 c Flow SHl So..: 1t1c Flow SH I Ar .. lch) Ratio Ar .. ( cfs) Rot1o A"'l lcfs) Rat1o A,...o (chi Ratio Art a (chi RatiO 107.6L >35 ,000 1.00 101.41. 22,000 1.00 101.2R 9,200 1.00 112 .6L <5,000 1.00 l 41.6R 21,000 I .00 119.4L >35,000 1.02 11S.6R 23,000 1.00 101.6L 14,000 1.00 127 .0L <5 ,000 1.08 10 1.7L 10,000 0.86 120.0R >35 ,000 1.14 125.9R 26 ,000 1.~ 110.4L 12,000 1.20 139 .4L <5 ,000 1.02 117.~ I S ,500 0. 55 1 ").1R >35 ,000 1.02 137 .81. 20,000 1.00 115 .0R 12,000 0 .98 \1 8 . 9L <5 ,000 0 .86 129.1R >35 ,000 1.00 143.41. 30,000 1.02 119 .ll 16,000 1.00 131. 7L <5,000 1.00 1 24 .~ 23,000 0.91 135.5R >35,000 1.23 130.2l 8,200 1.07 100.7R <5 ,000 1.04 l32.8A 19,500 ; .02 135.6R >3 5 ,000 1.02 113. 7R 24,000 1.00 130.2R 12,000 1.10 110 .BM <5 ,000 1.02 139.0L <5,000 0 . 77 139 .0L >35,000 0.73 113 .1R 26,000 0.61 111.5R <S ,000 1.02 139.7R 22,000 0 .91 118.0L 22,000 0.76 128.8R 16,000 1.00 ll4.0R <S ,000 0.91 143.0L 1,000 0.55 112.Sl >35 ,000 1.00 121.811 22,000 0.53 100.61. 9,200 0 .86 116 .8R <5,000 1.02 10Z.2l >35 ,000 1.22 122.1R 26,000 0.57 101.7l 9,600 0.94 121. 7R <5 ,000 1.02 105.2R >35,000 1.01 122.SR 20,000 1.00 l33.7l 11,500 0.90 124.1l <5,000 0 .98 108.31. >35 ,000 1.03 123.6R zs ,500 0 .~ 127 .4L <5 ,000 0.98 121.9l >35 ,000 1.06 12S.1R 20,000 0.94 l32.6l 10,500 1.00 139.6l <5 ,000 1.09 12l .JR >35 ,000 0.99 131 .81. 26,900 0.88 100 .1R 12,500 1.04 140 .4R <5 .000 1.02 127 .2M >35,000 0.85 135 .3L 23,000 0.59 128.5R 10,400 0 .98 133.9l >35 ,000 0 .99 137.511 22,000 0.86 128.7R 15,000 1.00 134 .9l <5 ,000 1.00 134.0L >35 ,000 1.31 137. 9l 21,000 0.98 137 .2R 10 ,400 1.00 125.2R <5,000 1.00 136.9R >35,000 1.01 140.2R 26,500 0 .98 1Z9 .SR <S ,000 1.00 139.9R >35 ,000 1.09 141.4R 11,500 1.00 126 .OR 33,000 1.00 136.0L <5 ,000 1.00 133 .9R 30,000 0.98 108 .7L <5,000 0 .96 142.2R 32,000 1.02 119 .5L <5 ,000 0.98 119 .6L <5 ,000 0.96 141.4l 21,000 1.00 141 .0R <5 ,000 0.96 100 .6R 33,000 1.00 145 .3R <5 ,000 0.96 101 .8l 22,000 1.08 117.9L 22,000 1.03 126.3R 27 ,000 0 .98 137 .5L 29,000 1.02 142 .1R 23,000 1.00 6llllW' 'I ~n1 W. VIII &IIOUt' IX a .... ecft11tCJ a .... ec:MitCJ 8,...oCMitC) a .... acft1ftfJ Spec1 f1c Flow SHI Spec1f1c Flow SHI Spec1f1c Flow SHI Spec1f1c Flow SHI A,...l (cfs) Alt1o A,... tchl Rat1o Area (chl Rat1o A,...l l chl Ro t 1o 133 .81. 17,500 1.00 119 .ZR 10,000 1.00 132 .6l 10,500 1.00 101. 5l <5 ,000 1.00 117 .Bl 8,000 0.98 111.1R 5,100 0 .76 IOI.JM 21,000 0 .~8 104.0R <5,000 1.07 117 .9R 7,300 1.00 121.1L 7,400 LOS 109.511 16,000 1.00 109.4R <5 ,000 1.00 119 .7L 23,000 1.04 123 .0L <5 ,000 0 .95 112 .4L 22,000 0 .55 111.0R <5 ,000 0 .78 135.7R 27,500 0.65 125 .61. <5 ,000 1.27 117 .2M 23,000 0.65 117 .7L <5 ,000 0.91 138 .8R 6 ,000 0.63 127.511 <5,000 0 .76 12l.SR 19,500 0.65 lJl.ZR <5 ,000 1.07 139 .5R 8,900 0 .63 131.3L 8,000 0 .76 123 .2R 23,000 0.53 135.01. <5 ,000 1.07 124 .81 19,500 0 .94 136 .3R 13,000 1.00 125 .6R 26,000 0.90 147 .1L <5 ,000 1.00 102.6l 6,500 1.28 13~.0R 23,000 0 .90 105. 7R <5 .000 0.93 106.3R 4,800 0.98 135.1R 20 ,000 0.90 108.9l <5 ,000 0.93 107 .1L 9,600 1.28 141 .0M 22 ,000 0.63 113 .SA <5 . ooc. 0 .93 138.0L 8,000 0.98 145.6R 22,000 1.27 127 .1 .. <5 ,000 0 .93 140.6R 12,000 l.lJ 146 .6l 26,500 0.98 128 .3R <5,000 1.11 :42.0R 10,500 0.98 129 .3L <5,000 1.09 141 .41. 21,000 1.00 129.8R <5,000 0 .98 101.311 9,200 0 .95 139.2R <5 ,000 1.07 102 .Ol 10,000 0.72 141.2R <5,UOO 1.21 117.111 15 ,500 0 .53 141.3R <5 ,000 1.21 118.6M 14,000 0.60 142.8R <5 ,000 0.98 119.8l 15,500 0 .85 144.2R <5,000 0 .93 1ZO .OL 12 ,500 0.53 121.6R 15 ,500 1.00 128 .4R 9 ,000 0.93 132.5L 14 ,500 0.95 40 Figure 12. BREACHING FLOW ADJUSTMENT a.., I -I MAINSTEM DISCHARGE STRUCTURAL HABITAT QUAUTY ADJUSTMENT v -------- MAINSTEM DISCHARGE MODELED SPECIFIC AREA(MS)CURVE ' ' SA ,, ' = HAl SHis. MS. SHI.., - \ DERIVED NON-MODELED / SPECIFIC AREA (SA) CURVE MAINSTEM DISCHARGE Deri vation of a non-modeled specific area (sal HAl curve using a modeled speci fic area (ms) HAl curve. A. Lateral shift to account for Clifferences in breaching Clischarge (Q s Q54 l B. Verticaf soo1tt proport iona l to (S Hisai SHi msl to account for differences in structural habitat quality. C. Final hypothetical modeled and non-modeled specifi c are a c urves . 41 forecast for a hypothet i cal modeling site. The curve on the r i ght is an HAl function obtained for a relatea non-moaelea specific area (also hypothetical) from the same representative group. Structural habitat indices are used to determ i ne the magnitude of the HAl response to flow at a non-moaele<1 specific area (i.e., to "fix" the location of the HAl curve with respect to the vertical axis) as illustrated in Figure l2b. For each discharge, the following calculation is made : HAlsa = HAlms x (SHlm 5 /SHlsa) In this case, the subscript ms refers to the modeling site whose HAl function has been adjusted using the breaching flow of the non-modeled specific area, identified by the subscript .i.!· The non-modeled specific area in Figure 12c HAl curve has been shifted to the right and downward to account for the higher breaching flow ana the lower structural habitat quality of the non-modeled site r ..::lative to the modeled site. An HAl response curve derived in this fashion may be multiplied by wetted surface area estimates to calculate WUA values for each flow of interest. Preliminary HAl functions have oeen developed for all middle Susitna River specific areas ana appear in Section 4.0 of this draft report. 42 2.5 Application of Habitat Modeling Results The synthesis of aata obtainea in the classification, quantification and simulation steps of the extrapolation analysis will provide estimates of chinook rearing habitat for 172 specific areas within the middle Susitna River. Preliminary surface area measureme1ts have been obtained for speci fie areas in Representdtive Groups I through IX, and aggregate WUA curves for juvenile chir.ook salmon are presented herein for these subenvironments. In regara to the rearing habitat potential of different representative groups, the relative significance of aggregate WUA functions in future decisions will likely oe influenceu by data concerning )resent and prospec- tive utilization by juvenile chinook salmon under natur ·al and with-project flow regimes. An assessment of the relative i mportarce of the aifferent representative groups in terms cf their utilization by rearing chinook salmon will appear in Volume II of the Instream Flow Relationships Report. When coupled with information relating to fooa availaoi· ity, water tempera- ture, suspenaea sediment ana other environmental fac:ors, the aggregate physical habitat response functions will allow for con•:lusions and recom- mendations at the 1il anagement level. 43 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Representative Group 1 The 19 specific areas within this group include all upland sloughs occuring in the miaale Susitna River. Except during flooa stage, these sloughs are connected to the main channel only at their downstream ena. In aaaition to high breaching flows and low turbidity levels, typical features of specific areas in Representative Group 1 include low velocity pools of greater-than- average depth separated by short, higher velocity riffles. Clear water enters these sites via seepage or tributary inflow and maintains relatively stable base flows under non-breached conditions. Substrates are frequently homogeneous over large areas ana are often characterized by fine silt/sana sediments overlaying cobble materials. Cover is usually provided by over- hanging ana emergent vegetation. These sites are usea only to a small extent by juvenile chinook salmon (Marshall et al. 1984). Specific areas assigned to Representative Group 1 are represented Dy two RJHAB modeling sites: 107.6L and 112.5L. Photographs of these sites when mainstem discharges were 23,000 ana 16,000 cfs are presentea in Plates A-1 ana A-2 (Appendix A). For much of its length, Site 107.6L is a low graai ent, narrow meandering stream. At mai nstem ai scharges above 20,000 cfs, the turbid backwater area at the slough mouth advances upstream and inundates lower sections of the site; this phenomenon accounts for the marked relative increase in wetted surface area indicated in Figure 13. Usable c hinook rearing habitat at Site 107.6L aoes not respond dramatically to increases in wettea surface area, as evidenced by the WU A ana HAl curves 44 1511 tl!5 t20 -... 10!5 -' ... 90 -. 7! C" ..!!! liO ca ~ ~ c.. < 30 1! 0 100 90 10 70 ... 110 c: ~ 50 u c.. ~ «< ~ 30 2D 10 a Figure 13. SITE' 107 .el A /. ....,..-liSA /. I I I / -·--· _.,..../ / WA 0 <GOO 1000 121100 tiGOO 20000 24000 2!1000 32000 311000 <40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfsl B HAI 0 4000 IJOOO l2000 16000 20000 2..000 21000 32000 36000 .40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfsl Surface area and chinook rearing haDitat index response curves for modeling site 107.6L. A-Wetted surface area (WSA) a~d weighted usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability index (HAll 45 shown in Figure 13. WUA at this site gradually increases at higher flows due to the reduction in water velocity anu water clarity caused by rising backwater. Water velocities ranging up to 0.8 fps are common at transects upstream of the backwater pool. Therefore, under clear water conditions nearly ideal velocities exist for juvenile chinook. A silt suostrate is dominant, which affords little cover value for juvenile chinook, resulting in a low composite suitability for most cells within the site regardless of the suitability of their depths and velocities. As the extent of the backwater increases, velocities in these cells decrease to 0.0 fps, slightly reducing suitability with respect to this habitat variable, but turbidity levels increase, yielding a higher overall suitability (the weighting factor associated with the Mno coverN class of cover using turbid water suitability criteria is 0.31, compared to 0.01 for clear water criteria}. When coupled with an increase in surface area, this leads to the slight rise in WUA observed at higher flows. However, because the rate of change in WSA is so great relative to the change in WUA, the proportion of the site containing usable rearing habitat declines as flows increase. HAl s decrease from 11.9 percent at 5,000 cfs to 5.4 percent at 26,000 cfs. In contrast to Site 107.6L, very little response in WSA, WUA, and HAl to changes in mainstem discharge were observed at Site 112.5L (Figure 14). The latter site is an upland slough with steep banks which prevents large changes in surface area as site water surface elevations change (Plat.e A- 2). As a consequence, physical habitat conditions within this site remain relatively constant and little variation in WUA and HAl results from main- stem flow fluctuations below 35,000 cfs. Slight inconsistencies in ADF&G field data required that an average HAl value (4.2 percent} be used to back 46 t2ll tOI • -. 4J ... -' . 72 4J -c:r • ~ .. I'G 31 cu .Si! 2A 12 0 tOO • ID 70 4J • c cu !D c.J c.. cu a.. -411 311 21 tO 0 Figure 14. A 0 8 0 SITE 112.5L ·-----··-·-liSA ------.....--- Mainstem Discharge (cfs) -41100 8000 12000 UiOOO 20000 2acl 211000 32000 3&000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) -40000 Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 112.5L. A-Wetted surface area (WSA) and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat avail abi 1 i ty index (HAl) 47 calculate WUA values for Site 112.5L. Values derived for these habitat indices were comparable to those recorded for Site 107 .6L. Specific areas assigned to Representative Group I are former side channels and side sloughs that have become increasingly isolated over time from the mainstem owing to long-term channel activity. Due to the infrequency of breaching events, the primary response in habitat character at these sites results from backwater effects at the upland slough/mainstem interface . Differences between specific areas are related primarily to the extent of backwater areas, and secondarily to the presence or absence of riparian and instream vegetation. Variations in local runoff resulting from precipitation may also affect short-term habitat availability and quality. Of the two modeling sites investigated, Site 107.6L is located within a specific area which is representative of 8 of the 19 specific areas classi- fied in Group I, based on between-site comparisons of Structural Habitat Indices (SHis) obtained from Aaserude et al. (1985). Site 112.5L may be considered representative of the remaining specific areas, each possessing an SHI of 0.56 or greater. HAI functions were derived for modeled and non- modeled specific areas associated with each of the modeling sites and are presented in Figures 15 and 16 (see also Appendix B). These HAI curves were not adjusted laterally on the discharge axis since the specific areas within Representative Group I are breached at extremely high mainstem discharges. Differences in habitat availability between specific areas are assumed to be due to dissimilarities in strtJctural habitat quality. For each specific area included in Representative Group I, HAI ratios representing the amount of usable rearing habitat per unit surface area at 48 C) C) ....... >< <( Cf) 31:: """ .......... 1.0 <( :::::1 31:: ....... <( :X: REPRESENTATIV E GROUP 1 15 .00 -----------·---· 13 .80 SITE t0 7 .6L n = 8 12 .60 II . 40 10 .20 9 .00 7 .80 6 .60 ~ 5 . 40 4 .20 ~ 3 .00 -----r--~ 0 4000 Figure 15. 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MA[NST EM OISCHARGF (CF S) Response of ch1nook rear1ng hab1tat ava1lab111ty to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 107.6L of Representative Group 1. Ul 0 a a ....... >< < (f) 31::: ....__ < :::::> 31::: ...... < I 1 .00 7.50 1.00 6 .50 li .OO 5 .50 5 .00 ~.00 3.50 - - 0 ---r - ~ooo F1gure 16 . REPRESENTATIVE GROUP 1 SITE 112 . 5L n "' 11 ~---·-~---- soon 12000 16000 20000 2~000 28000 32000 36000 MA IN STEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rear1ng habitat availability to ~ainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the m1ddle Susitna River which are associated with modeling s1te 112.5L of Representative Group I. 40000 flow increments of 500 cfs were multiplied by corresp.:>nding wetted surfac~ area estimates interpolated from areas digitizea from scalea aerial photography. The product of flow-specific HAl ana WSA values are estimates of the to·tal amount of WUA (in square feet) present at a particular site for mainstem flows ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs. Aggregate WSA ana WUA values were obtained for Representative Group I by summing individual specific area WSA and WUA forecasts. The results of these calculations are presented in Figure 17. The overall response of juvenile chinook habitat for Group I sites is influenced by changes in backwater-related surface area and by the relative constancy of HAl values, particularly at lower flows. WUA tends to increase slightly as flows increase from 5,000 to 1fi,OOO cfs; rearing habitat is maximal at the latter flow. Rearing habitat potential remains fairly constant between 16,000 and 35,000 cfs. It should be noted that the total amount of rearing habitat proviaed by Group I is small in comparison to other Representative Groups due to their comparatively low surface area and HAl values recorded for its inaiviaual specific areas. 3.2 Representative Group II Associated with this group are modeling sites 101.4L, 113.7R, 126.0R and 144 .4L. These sites are associated with siae sloughs having moderately high breaching flows ( > 20,000 cfs) ana enough upwelling groundwater to keep portions of the sites ice-free during the winter months. Side sloughs classified in Representative Group II were found to contain significant 51 REPRESENTATI VE GROUP I A 2.00 ~----------------------, .u !.80 l .... 1.60 l : !.40 ij 0 !.20 Ill ~ !.00 ~ .81' --- < .411 UJ MSA e .60 l ~ .20 0 . 00 -t--r==::;::=::;:==;::=::;:=::::;:==:::;;:=:=::;::::=-~llli~A-_j l I 200 180 ..., .... 160 c:r Ill 1411 .... 0 120 Ill "0 tOO c n:J Ill eo ~ 0 J:::. 60 ..., 411 < =:J X 20 0 Figure 17. 0 41100 8000 12000 16ooo 20ooo 24ooo 2eooo 320oo 36000 •oooo MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFSJ B 0 41100 eooo 12000 t6ooo 20000 2•ooo 28000 320oo 36ooo •oooo MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) ana B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group I of the middle Susitna River. 52 numbers of juvenile chinook during the growth season, particularly in their breachea state {Dugan et al. 1984). The 27 specific areas incluaea in this group are typically oxbow channels separated from the mainstem by large, vegetated islanas or gravel bars. When breached, these channels convey only a small percentage of the total mainstem flow. They are characterized further by relatively high length- to-width ratios ana lower graaients than are found in the adjacent main- stem. Cross-sections vary from relatively broad, uniform ana rectangular in shape to narrow, irregular ana v-shaped in profile. Head berms generally fall in the former category. Backwater areas occur at the mouths of most specific areas within Group II but their effects on hydraulic conditions ana therefore juvenile chinook habitat are not as extensive as those observea for uplana sloughs since siae sloughs possess slightly higher graaients. Substrates range from silt ana sand in backwater areas to I'Ubble/cobble/boulaer throughout the rest of the site. These sites tena to possess abunaant macrophytic vegetation. Aerial photography indicating the general features of modeling sites 101.4L, 113.7R, 126.0R, ana 144.4L ana their associated specific areas at 23,000 ana 16,000 cfs are presented in Plates A-3, A-4, A-5, ana A-6 (Appendix A). The appearance of these sites does not change appreciably at mainstem flows below 16,000 cf ~. Response curves for wetted surface area (WSA) ana habitat indices (WUA, HAl) developed for the four ~odeling sites within Group II exhibit strong similarities in appearance due to the aominant influence of shared hydro- logic, hydraulic ana morphologic properties (cf Figures 18-21). In the 53 7'! 57 110 -.... 52 -......... e .... -n c::r ..!!! 30 ta 22 cu c.. 1! < 7 0 100 90 10 7'0 .... 110 c: cu 50 u c.. cu a.. ..a 30 20 10 0 Fig ur e 18. SITE' 10 1 .4L A r--· ----liSA __ . _____ / 0 Ma i nste m Di sch arge ~f s ) 8 HA I 0 ..000 1000 12000 16000 20000 2-4000 211000 32000 36000 40000 Ma in st em Di s ch ar ge (cf sl Sur face are a and c hi noo k rea ring hab ita t index r e spon s e c urve s f or mode li ng site 101.4L. A-Wett ed s urf ac e a r e a (WSA) and we igh ted usa bl e area (WUA). B -Habita t availab ili t y in dex (HAil 54 50 .cs 40 .-..J 35 -'-. 30 .-..J -25 c:r ..!:!! 20 ro QJ 15 c.. < 10 5 0 100 90 80 70 .-..J 60 c QJ u 50 c.. QJ a.. 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 19. SIT E 11 3 .7R A / / / -·-·---· -·-_..../ / -WSA _.,.../. IIlJA 0 4000 11000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) B HAI 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge l cfs) Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat index response curves for moaeling site 113.7R. A-Wettea surface area (WSA), ana weightea usable area (WUA). B-Haoitat availability inaex (HAI). 55 SITE 126.0R A 100 90 ( -:j ~ .... ......... I ~ 50 l .... c:r !SO l ..!!! ~~ r~:: -·--·-·--·---·-·_;/ ------------l "' :J cu "' < tO 0 a «100 8000 12000 1&000 20000 2~ 21000 32000 311000 <40000 Mainstem Discharge !cfs) 8 100 ~-------------------------------------r---~· ~~~r--~ 90 ~ ·-·-·--·-_/ I 1 ~l a_ =~ Figure 20. 20 ~ =:...==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==--=:....::::::::::__;--~I 0 ~DO 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~0 211000 32000 36000 ~000 Ma i nstera Discharge !cfs) Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat i naex response curves for moaeling site 126.0R. A-Wettea surface area ( WSA), gross habitat area (GHA) ana weightea usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability i naex (HAI), habitat aistribution i naex (HOI) ana habitat qual i ty inaex (HQI ) response functions. 56 - .1-J -.......... .1-J -CT ..!!! tO cu c.. ~ .1-J c: cu u c.. cu a... Figure 21. SITE 144.4L AI 120 101 96 s.4....; 72 ~ I 60 -i I •-l I =~ 0 I I 0 <4000 11000 12000 16000 20000 24000 211000 32000 36000 AOOOO Ma instem Discharge (c fs) B 100 90 I 110 -i I 70 ~ 60 ~ 50 -1 ~] 30 , I 2D l 10 I () I I HAI I () 4000 9000 12000 16000 20000 2<4000 2!000 32000 36000 ~0000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs ) Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 14~.4L. A-Wetted surface area (WSA) and weighted usable area (WUA). B -Habitat avai 1 abi : i ty i naex (HAll 57 non-breached state, wetted surface areas remain relatively constant, responding primarily to local runoff ana upwelling conditions. Following breaching, rapid increases in WSA occur in response to further changes in mainstem flow. Increases in WSA are attenuated as flows approach bank full levels. Juvenile chinook WUA values simulated for Group II modeling sites are generally constant until the sites are breached, whereupon large increases occur in response to incremental changes in site flow. The amount of usable rearing habitat tends to peak shortly after the head berms are overtopped. This relatively sudden ana rapid increase in juvenile chinook habitat results from a combination of factors: 1) the rapid accrual of wettea surface area, 2) the enhanced cover value provided by higher turbidities, ana 3) the preponderance of velocities falling within the optimal preference range for juvenile chinook. In general, the magnitude of the WUA increase is proportional to the increase in wetted surface area possessing suitable velocities. Site velocities, however, soon become 1 1 mi ti ng in mi d-channe 1 areas fo 11 owing breaching, 1 eadi ng to a reduction in rearing WUA at higher flows. On the basis of limited gross habitat (GHA) ana habitat quality (HQil data obtained for Site 126.UR (Figure 20), usable rearing habitat appears to be more uniformly distributed ana of better quality at flows associated with the ascending left hand limb of the WUA curve than at non-breached or high mainstem discharges. Under non-breached conditions, unsuitably shallow depths often occur in riffle areas of the site, resulting in slightly lower HOI values. Although surface area ana habitat indices for Site 126.0R were not extrapolated to flows exceeding 35,000 cfs, it is likely that juvenile 58 chinook habitat becomes more restricted to peripheral areas as mid-channel velocities increase. Aaserude et al. (1984) report identica l structural habitat (SHI) values for modeling sites 113.7R and 126.0R; these sites collectively represent 15 of the 27 specific areas within Group II. Breaching flows were used to divide these 15 areas among the two modeling sites. Specific areas breaching at flows exceeding 28,000 were grouped with Site 126.0R, which is overtopped at 33,000 cfs. The 13 other specific areas, all breaching at 27,000 cfs or less, arf! represented by Site 113.7R, which breaches at 24,000 cfs. Site 144.4L has a higher SHI value than the other modeling sites and represents 7 of the specific areas in Group II. Site 101.4L may be considered repre- sentative of the remaini ng 5 specific areas. HAl functions are plotted for specific areas associated with each of these modeling sites in Figures 22 through 25. HAl values used to plot these curves are tabulated in Appendix B. Figure 26 depicts the aggregate WUA curve obtained by multiplying Group II specific area HAl values by their wetted surface areas and summing the results for each flow of interes~ Because of their high breaching flows, most specific areas exhibit peak HAl values in the range of 20,000 to 30,000 cfs. When adjusted by their wetted surface areas these sites yield cumulative WUA values which increase slowly at low to intermediate flows, increase more rapidly after this point and peak at 29,000 cfs. Approximately 1.2 million square feet of juvenile chinook WUA is provided oy Group II specific areas at this discharge. The large differences i n WUA over the range of evaluation flows indicate that rearing habitat potential 59 40 .00 37 .00 34 .00 0 0 31 .00 ....... >< ZB .OO - 4 (J") 31: 25 .00 - CTI -0 4 :::l 31: 22 .00 - ....... 19 .00 4 I lfi .OO 13 .00 10 .00 0 Figure 22. 4000 RF.PRESFNTATIVF GROUP II 8000 12000 lfiOOO 20000 24000 28000 32000 lfiOOO MAINSTFM OISCHAAGF ICFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 101.4L ot Reoresentative Group II. 40000 0 0 ........ >< ~ U') X 0\ -..... <( :::I X ...... ~ :r. 50 .00 45 .00 40 .00 35 .00 30 .00 25 .00 20 .00 15 .00 10 .00 5 .00 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II - SITE 113. 7R n = 13 0 .00 --·-r ·--- 0 ~000 figure 23. 8000 12000 16000 20000 2-4000 1!8000 32000 36000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat ava11abi11ty to mainste• discharge w1th1n non-modeled specific areas of the •iddle Susitna River which are associated with •ode11ng s1te 113.7R of Representative Group 11. 40000 30 .00 -----·· 28 .50 27 .00 0 0 25 .50 ....... >< 2 ... oo <( (/) 31: 22 .50 -~ ::I 31: 21.00 ....... 19 .50 < I 18 .00 16 .50 - 15 .00 0 Figure 24. REPRES ENl .ATIV E GROUP II -----------·--·-·--------·---- SIlT 126 . OR n ,. 2 MAINST EM DISCHARGE (CFSI Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 126.0R of Representative Group II. 40 .00 36 .00 - 32 00 - 0 0 28 .00 ...... >< 2~.00 - ---1: (f) ::il: 20 00 --"' ..:( w :::::l ::il: lli .OO ,_, 12 00 ..:( :r 8 00 4 . 00 0 00 0 Figure 25. REPRESENTATIV E GROUP II ------------------·------------ 12000 SIT .: 14~. ~L n _, 7 .. r _____ T ---1--- lflOOO 20000 24000 28000 32000 JliOOO MAINST EM DI SCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat a¥ailability to mainstem discharge within non-1nodeled specific areas of the middle Susitna Ri¥er which are associated with modeling site 144.4L of Representati¥e Group II. ~0000 .4.) -- 0" U'l --0 U'l c: 0 ...... ·-e < UJ a: < .4.) -- 0" U'l --0 U'l c: 0 ...... ...... ·-e < ::::l X Figure 26 . REPRESENTATI VE GROUP II A 5 .00 5.40 4 .80 4.20 3.60 3.00 2.40 1.80 1.20 .60 0 .00 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 -IIlJA 1.20 1.00 .80 .60 .40 .20 0 .00 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFSJ Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) ana B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem ais- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group 11 of the miaale Susitna River. 64 in Representative Group 11 as a whole may be considered highly sensitive to fluctuations in mainstem flow. Figure 26 also illustrates aggregate WSA response for Representative Group 11. 3.3 Representative Group Ill Sites l01.2R, l28.8R, l32.6L and l41.4R are all side channels which become nonbreached at intermediate (8,000 to 16,000 cfsl mainstem d i scharge levels, and transform into side sloughs at lower discharges. These modeling sites and the Group III specific areas they represent, shown in Plates A-7 through A-14 (Appendix Al, are larger and convey greater volumes of water when breached than the side sloughs discussed in the preceding section. Site geometry tends toward broad, concave cross-sections. Reach gradients are less than those measured for the adjacent mainstem, yet great enough to promote mid-channel velocities of 2 to 5 fps following breaching. Consequently, substrate is dominated by larger bed materials. Upwelling occurs sporadically within these specific areas and in a few cases may be insufficient to provide for passage between clearwater pools formed at low mainstem flows. The specific areas comprising Group I l l represent some of the most heavily utilized rearing areas in the middle segment of the Susitna River. Juvenile chinooK are fauna in these areas primarily under turbid water conditions (Dugan et a 1. 1984 l. Surface area ana juvenile chinook habitat response curves are portrayed in Figures 27, 28 and 30 for modeling sites 101.2R, 128.8R and 141.4R, respectively. These sites were moaelea using 1FG hydraulic simulation 65 Figure 27. -. 4J -........ 4J -. a ~ ra cu '--< 4J c: cu u '-cu a.. SITE 101.2R A :~ -·-lfS4 -· --·-----· --· ~./· 1.54 -1 :j !/&H.\ j/ // f / :~ I / ~~ ~ IIlJA I 0 4100 1000 12000 1&000 20000 24000 28000 32000 3600(1 40000 Mainstem Discharge (c f s) 0 <4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Ma i nstem Disc harge (c t sJ Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat inaex response c urves for moaeling site 101.2R . A-Wet tea surface area ( WSA ), gross haOi tat area (GHA) ana weightea usable area (W UA ). B-Haoitat availaoility inaex (H Al), habita t ai s~riDution inaex (HOI) ana habitat qual i ty inaex (HQI ) response functions. E6 -.... ...... -..... .... ...... r:::r ..5!! "' IU t.. ~ .... c IU u t.. Q.l a.. Figure 2S. A 160 1~~ -1 128 ...J 11 2 ...J 9fi- ao- I 64- I .a -1 I 32...J 11 J o I 0 B 1: ~ :l I &G -j 50 ~ .60-I 30 -j 2D J 10 0 0 SITE 128.8R --iHA ao 1000 12000 181000 20000 2<4000 211000 l2DOO 31000 ~oooo 4000 Mainstem Discharge (cfsl ;...._.--.,.--.\ \ I \ \ \ -...·-lili r -HGI / 8000 12000 16000 20000 2-4000 28000 32000 36000 ~0000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Surface area ana chinook rearing haOitat inaex response cu rves for modeling site 128.8R. A-\tlettea surface area ( \tiSA), gross haoi tat area (GHA ) ana weighted usaole area (\tiUA). B-haDitat availaoility inaex (HAll, haoitat aistrioution inaex (H OI ) ana haOitat qJality in aex (HQl) response functions. -..... ..._ ......... ..... ..._ a ~ ~ cu c.. < ..... c: cu u c.. cu a.. Figure 29. SITE 132.6L A 1~ ~ .-ISA /·--12fi U2 l __..-·/ 911 -i /·--· / ---~ ..... ~ _./ -.......... .,..--liHA I /...-;_,..- :0 1 /•/ ~/ !ili -i . ;,_.,.-QJ I I I ~l L~ ~I lilA I Q 4100 1000 12000 lliOOO i!OOOO 24000 211100 32DOO 3&000 .4000Q ~ainstem Discharge (cfsl 8 100 ' 90 l .l 70 l so-I :J :j i 10 1 I =----...--... --~I HAI 0 0 4000 aooo 12000 16000 20000 2.000 28000 32000 36000 •oooo Ma1nstem Discharge (cfs ) Su rfac e area ana chinook rearing haoitat inaex response cu rves for moaeling site l32 .6L. A-We t tea surface are a ( ',o/ SA ) , gross h a o i tat a re a ( G H A ) an a weightea usaole area (WU A). B-Hao ita t availc..oility ina e x (HAl), haoitataistrioution inaex (HOI) ana haOitat quality inaex (HQI) resp onse functions. -... -........ ... - C7 ~ ta Q.J c.. < ... c: CJ c...J c.. Ql Cl... Figure 30 . SITE 141.4R A =~ 196 .. 1 141 112 ... !li 21 II II GIG 11000 12000 1.5000 211000 2GICI 28000 32DOO 36000 GIGO ~a instem Discharge (c fs) B 100 90 110 7U 60 50 .., 311 --20 10 ~ ---~ ~-----.... ----_.-~------HAI 0 0 ~000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2<4000 28000 32000 36000 <40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat inaex response curves for moaeling site 141.4R. A-\II e t tea surface are a ( w SA) , gross h a b i tat are a ( G H A) an a weightea usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability inaex (HAl), habitat distribution index (HOI) ana habitat quality inae.x. (HQ!) response functions. 69 models coupled with the HABTAT model of the PHABSIM system. A fourth site, 132.6L was modeled using Doth PHABSIM and RJHAB modeling techniques appliea to separate sets of data. Results for this site are found in Figure 29. An inspection of the aerial photography (Plates A-7 through A-14, Appendix A) WSA curves developed for the modeling sites suggests a rapid response of wetted surface area to changes in mainstem discharge following breaching. This response is paralleled by changes in gross habitat area until moaerately high flows are attained, when the proportion of wetted surface area possessing usable rearing habitat falls off. Peak HOI values for the moaeling sites typically range from 95 to 97 percent. These max i ma usually occur at much higher flows than those associated with peak WUA values. Therefore, the quality of usable rearing hatli tat, as measured by the HQI index, tends to decline at higher flows; i.e., a greater proportion of the total WUA is concentrated in a smaller area within the modeling sites. This decline is caused tly shifts in velocities in the majority of cells toward the sutloptimal end of the velocity suitatlility curve. Usatlle habitat within Group III specific areas during the non-tlreachea phase is generally minimal due to a reduction in suitatlility caused tly increased water clarity. Specific areas represented tly Site 141.4R are an exception to this rule oecause of the widespr~ad occurence of suitaole depth/velocity cells. The enhanced cover conditions afforded oy increased turtlidity levels at this site are offset by a rapid decline in suitaole velocities following breaching. Of the 17 specific areas classified within Group III, 16 are represented by Sites 101.2R, 128.8R, and 132.6L. Site 141.4R is considered atypical due 70 to its larger size and discharge under non-breached conditions. Therefore, the only specific area assigned to this modeling site was the one in which the modeling site was found. Modeling results for Sites 101.2R and 132.6L were used to develop specific area HAI functions for 7 and 5 specific areas, respectively. Site 128.8R was used to represent 4 specific areas possessing relatively poor structural habitat quality. Figures 31 to 34 illustrate HAl functions derived from modeling site habitat data and underscore the singularity of the habitat response to flow at Site 141.4R. HAI curves developed for the remainder of the other modeling sites in this representative group exhibit a strong unimodal peak in HAI following breaching, whereas the HAI response to increasing dis- charge at Site 141.4R is to progressively decrease for reasons stated above. A com pari son of the magnitudes and shapes of the WSA, WUA and HAI curves derived for Site 132.6L (Figure 29) suggests that the RJHAB and PHABSIM modeling approaches yield similar results. The RJHAB method appears well- suited to smaller channels where cross-sectional profiles (i.e., velocity and depth ctistrit>utions) ana cover characteristics are relatively homo- geneous. We recommend limiting the use of RJHAB moaeling techniques primarily to baseline evaluations of fish habitat in lotic subenvironments meeting these constraints. The aggregate WUA function derived from individual rearing habitat response curves for specific areas in Representative Group III exhibits a pronouncea peak in the vicinity of 15,500 cfs (Figure 35). The amount of juvenile 71 45 .00 40 .50 - lli .OO - 0 0 31 .50 >< 27 .00 ~ (f) ~ 22 .50 < ::J X 18 .00 - ........ 13 .50 ~ :t: g 00 4 .50 0 .00 ----r 0 4000 Figure 31. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III ---,--- 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 MAINSTfM DISCHARGE ICFS) 28000 32000 SIT E 101 . 2R n "' 7 --"l 36000 40000 Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with Modeling site 101.2R of Representative Group Ill. 35 .00 11.50 28 .00 0 0 2 •. 50 ->< 21.00 <( [f' X l7 .50 -<( ::::> X 1•.oo ...... 10 .50 - <( I 7 .00 3 .50 0 .00 0 Figure 32. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III ----------·---·- 8000 12000 16000 20000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) 28000 32000 SITE 128 .8R n = 4 36000 Response of chinook rearing habitat availabil1ty to mainstem aischarge within non-moaelea specific areas of the miaale Susitna River which are associatea with ~odeling site 128.8R of Representative Group III. 40000 28 .00 0 0 ....... >< <{ Cf) 3: -.....j -< ~ :::l 17 .50 3: o--t 10 .50 <{ :r. ).QQ - 3 .50 - 0 .00 0 Figure 33. AEPR ESENlATIV E GROUP III MAINST EM DI SCHARGE ICFS) SITE 132 .6L n = 4 36000 Response of chinook rearing habitat ava1lab111ty to mainstem aischarge within non-moaelea specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 132.6L of Representative Group III. lO .OO 27 .00 - 2~.00 C> C> 21.00 ..... X 18 .00 ~ (/) X 15 .00 ......... -ln <( :J X ...... 9 .00 ~ :r 6 .00 0 F1gure 34. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP III ----------------- ~1100 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE ICFS) 28000 32000 SITE t41 .4R n = 2 liOOO Response of ch1nook rear1ng hab1tat availability to mainstem aischarge w1th1n non-modeled specific areas of the middle Sus1tna R1ver which are associated with •odeling s1te 141.4R of Representative Group Ill. ~0000 15.00 -13 .50 ~ 12 .0( .. _ g 10 .50 ....... 0 9 .00 til c 7.50 0 ·--6 .00 -·-e 4 .50 < 3 .00 ~ a: l.50 < 0 .00 2 .00 1.80 ~ 1.60 ....... cr 1.40 til ....... 1.20 0 til l.OO c 0 -.80 -·-.60 e .40 < =:I .20 X 0 .00 Figure 35. REPRESE NTATI VE GROUP III A liSA 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 ~AINSTEM DISCHA RGE ICFS) B IIU A 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 320 00 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFSJ Aggregate res ponse of A -wettea surface area (W SA) ana B - c hinook rearing hab i tat potential (WUA) to ma instem ais- cnar g e in spec i fic areas comprising Represen t ati~e Group III of the mi aale Susitna Ri~er. 76 chi nook habitat provi <led by this flow ( 1.3 mi 11 ion square feet) represents an increase of 350 percent over WUA values forecast for 9,000 cfs (0.3 million square feet). This marked increase in usable habitat is directly attributable to the recruitment of side channel habitat within the 9,000 to 12,500 cfs flow range; 13 of the 17 specific areas which comprise Group III breach in this range (refer to Table 4 for site-specific breaching flows). After peaking at 15,000 cfs, juvenile chinook habitat gradually declines to 0.9 million square feet at 26,000 cfs and remains at this level through 35,000 cfs. Decreases in HAl values which occur within this range are offset Dy gains in total wetted surface area, resulting in relatively stable rearing habitat potential at higher flows. 3.4 Representative Group IV Aaseruae et al. (1985) delineates the 23 specific areas within this group on the basis of their low breaching discharges and intermediate to high mean reach velocities. The side channels which c omprise these specific areas possess lower mean reach velocities than adjacent mainstem channels. Substrates range primarily from cobble to boulder. Four modeling sites represent Group IV: 112.6L, 131.7L, 134.9R and 136.0 L. Of these, Site 112.6L is the largest ana Site 136.0L the smallest of the sites ir.vestigated. In spite of their disparity in size the modeling sites are characterizea by similar surface area and habitat index response curves. Compare the aerial photographs of the modeling sites presented in Plates A-15 through A-22 (Appendix A) with the wetted surface curves ~n Figures 36 through 39. As is typical of most side channels of the middle river, wettea surface area responds to changes in streamflow more rapidly 77 Figure 36. -......... ...... c: Ql u t.. Ql CL SITE 112.6L A ~ ~--------------------------------------------~ 65 440 330 0 8 ·: ~ :~ &0 Sl 40 J) 211 10 o I 0 -------·-lfSA --·-· -·-/" // L. .I \ I \ 11000 .r-,. -..-J \ --- I 161100 20000 2«l00 2!000 32000 36000 40000 ~ainstem Discharge (cfs) \ \ \ ""-. "\......"-·'-·- '-.........,_ _. -·-."\..... f{)I ::-..,__ --unr ~ ---~nw ~1 I 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~ 28000 32000 36000 .ooco Mainstem Di'icharge (cfs ) Surface area and chinook rearing habi ta t in aex respon s e cu rves for modeling site ll2.6L. A-Wetted surface ar ea ( \oiSA ), gross habitat area (GHA) and weightea us ab le area (\oi UA ). B -Haoitat availaoility i nae x (HAi l , hao itat ais tr iD uti o n ind ex (H OI) ana habitat quality i nde x (H QI ) response fu nctions. - +J ..... .......... +J ..... c:r ...!!! I'D 4' '--< +J c: 4' u '-4' a... F1 gure 37 . SITE 131.7l A 3110 Z70 2.0 1 I 210 I =~ 120 ., 90 60 30 0 0 .4000 11000 121100 16000 20000 2~ 29000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfsl 8 100 90 110 70 60 :j :j o I I I ; 0 -«~oo 11000 121100 tsooo 20000 2•ooo 28000 32000 36000 •oooo Mainstem Discharge (cfsl Surface area ana chinoo~ rearing haDitat inaex response curves for moaeling site 131.7L. A-\tlet tea surface area (,,.SA), gross haoi tat area (GH A) ana weighted usaole area (\tiUA ). B-HaDitat availability inaex (HAl), haDitat a istrioution inaex (HOI) ana haDitat quality inae x (HQI) response functions . 79 -.... ..._ ......... .... ..._ r:r ..!!! I'D cu c.. < .... c cu u c.. cu a.. Figure 38. A =~ 245 l 210 J 175 _I 1-40 J 1~ 7ll 3!1 0 0 B 100 90 ao 7ll 60 50 -40 30 2G 10 0 0 .SIT£ 134.9R '- \.... ------&J\A '*MI aoaa 12000 t&aoo 20000 2-4000 21000 32000 36000 ~oo Mainstem Discharge (cfsl \... \/\. \_ \. \ .""' \. \ ...... \.. ·'-. ' ,__--Hili .......... _~ -----\.._.-·-I{)! .--..,. -.----- .woo aooo 12000 16000 20000 2-40oo 2.80oo J20oo 360oo 4oooo Ma instem Discharge (c fs) Surface area ana chinooK rearing haoitat inae x respon se curves for moaeling site 134.9R. A-w e t tea s u r f a c e a r e a ( w SA ) , g r o s s h a D i t a t a r e a ( G H A ) a n d weighted usaole area (WUA ). B-HaOitat availaoility inae x (H Al ), haOitat aistriDution inaex (H OI) ana haOi tat qual; ty ; naex (HQI) response functions. -.... ....... '-.... ....... . 0" ~ ro QJ c.. < .... c QJ u c.. QJ a.. Figure 39. A ~ 67 60- :j ~, Jil l 22l 1!1- 7 - 0 0 B ·: ~ 110 70 50 50 ~ 3C ~~ 0 I SITE. 136.0L /. ....-· r · ~· .~/"' rj - ....-· ..,.....,.... --·-· -·-liSA ~ \ -------·&HA ------------------------------------------~ I l I I I I I I «100 1000 12000 16000 20000 2«100 211000 32000 36000 .0000 to4ainstem Discharge (cfsl _..--\ ........... \ .\.""" \ \.-.. . ....__ ~-_..___ -lili -4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~00 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge !c f sl Sur f ace area ana chinook rearing habitat incex response curves for modeling site 136.0L. A-wetted surface area (WSA), gross habitat area (G HA ) ana weighted usable area (WUA). B-Haoitat availability index (HAll, habitat aistribution index (HOI) ana habitat quality index (HQi i response functions. 81 at lower than at higher flows; the rate of change in WSA per 1000 cfs increment in mainstem discharge declines perceptibly at flows exceeding 16,000 cfs. This response pattern is accentuated at sites with wide, shallow channel cross sections such as Site 131.7L (Plates A-17 and A-18, Figure 37). In terms of juvenile chinook habitat potential, the most remarkable feature of Group IV modeling sites is the comparatively large amounts of WUA they provide at low to moderate mainstem flows. A comparison of the WUA values and, more appropriately, HAl functions (Figures 40 through 43 ) with esti- mates obtained for modeling sites from other Representative Groups suggests that Group IV specific areas provide a significant amount of rearing habi- tat within the middle river. This conclusion is supported by ADF&G sampling data indicating high utilization of these sites by juvenile chinook during the summer months (Dugan et al. 1984). A t a 1 1 m o <1 e 1 i n g s i t e s e x c e p t S i te 1 3 1. 7L , u s a b 1 e r e a r i n g h a b i t a t i s greatest at the lowest evaluatea flow (5,000 cfs), ana after a graaual aecline either continues to taper off or remains constant for flows above 16,00 0 cfs. Turbidity levels are high at all aischa:-ges ana most areas of the sites possess suitable depths for rearing fish. Changes in WUA ana HAl are therefore airectly proportional to the increase or aecrease in the availability of suitable velocities. As an example, Williams (1985) aemonstratea that the total area within Site 11 2 .6L possessing suitable rearing velocities is five times greater at 13,500 cfs than at 33,000 cfs . 8 2 C> C> ..... >< <{ (f') 31: (X) .......... w <{ :::l 31: ....... <{ .T. REPRES ENTATIVE GROUP IV 35 .00 -·~------------------------ 31 .50 28 00 2~.50 21 .00 1~.00 10 .50 - 1 .00 3 .50 0 .00 0 Figure 40. ---,- 800 0 12000 16000 20000 24000 MAINSTFM DISCHARGE (CFS) 28000 32000 SITE 112 . 6L n :, 3 36000 Response of c hinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem disc harge within non -mo deled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 112.6L of Representative Group IV. ~0000 ~0 .00 36 .00 32 .00 0 0 28 .00 ...... X <t U) 31: -.__ 20 00 co <t .,. :::::> 31: 16 00 >--< 12 .00 <! I 8 .00 t ~.00 0 .00 0 Figure 41. REPR ESEN TAT IVE GROUP IV SifF ~31.7L n ...: 11 --r-- ~000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~000 28000 32000 36000 MAINST E t~ OISCHARGE (CFS l Response of chinook rearing habitat a~ailability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna Ri~er which are associated with modeling site 131.7L of Representati~e Group IV. 0 0 ~ X 4 (f) 3:: 00 -4 U1 ::::> 3:: ,__ 4 :r. f1C PR F.SFNT A 1 JV E GROUP IV 18 00 --------------------------. --- 16 .20 I~. ~0 12 60 10 8 0 9 .00 - 7 20 5 .~0 - 3 .60 - I. 80 - 0 00 4000 Figure 42. SIT E 134 .9R n .. '=--~--~--=- --r ------r---~---,---·-r--T - 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 320 00 36000 MAINSTF.M DI SC HAR GE (CFS) Response of c hinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem disc harge within non-modeled specific areas of the middl~ Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 134.9R o f Representative Group IV. 3 - 40000 0 0 :.< <t (f) :I: ~ co 4 0) ;::::) :I: >-i ~c :r RFPR ESENlAl i VE GROUP IV 30 .00 ------------------------------- 27 .00 - 2~.00 21.00 18 00 15 .00 12 .00 '.1 00 6 .00 3 .00 0 00 0 Figure 43. SIT E 136 . OL n " 6 r ----r--------1 20000 ---r----,--, ---r -- ~ooo 8000 12000 16000 2~000 28000 32000 36000 MAINST EM DISCHARG E (C FS) Response of chi nook rearing hab1tat availability to mai nstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 136.0L of Representative Group IV. 40000 GHA and HOI curves reveal that the amount of gross habitat at the modeling sites is nearly equal to their total wetted surface area for flows ranging from 8,500 (Sites 112.6L and 134.9R) to 17,000 cfs (Site 131.7Ll. However, mean reach velocities measured at specific areas within this group averaged 3.3 fps at 10,000 cfs (Aaserude et al. 1985), well above the range of velocities tolerated by juvenile chinook salmon, suggesting that for the group as a wl'ole, the amount and proportion uf gross rearing habitat is probably greatest when flows are less than 10,000 cfs. Regardless of discharge levels, the quality and quantity of usable rearing habitat is greatest along the margins of the modeling sites due to the reduction of velccities in these areas. The specific areas relegated to Representative Group IV have been divided among the four study sites on the basis of th~ir structural habitat indices. Over half of the specific areas are grouped with Site 131.7L due to their poor structural habitat quality. Sites 136.0L and 134.9R were assignea 6 and 3 of the specific areas, respectively. The remaining 3 sites, all possessing SHl values of 0.59 or greater, were grouped with Site 112.6L. HAl response functions were derived for each specific area by normalizing the parent modeling site curves using breaching flow dif- ferences and SHI ratios. The derived HAl curves are shown in Figures 40 and 43. The strong resemblance between curves is related to their low breaching discharges and simi 1 ar hydraulic geometry. The speci fie areas associated with Site 131.7L deviate slightly from the other sites in that rearing habitat availability peaks in the vicinity of 8,000 cfs rather than at streamflows of 5,000 cfs or less. 87 The aggregate WSA response for the group is shown in Figure 44. As discussed above, the proportion of the wetted surface area provid i ng usable chinook habitat in Group IV sites, particularly in the lower flow range, is high in comparison to specific areas from other representative groups. This characteristic, when coupled with the fairly large surface areas associated with Group IV specific areas, results in exceptionally large rearing WUA forecasts for Representative Group IV as a whole (Figure 44). The significance of this fact will be discussed in Section 4.0 following presentation of aggregate WUA curves for all representative groups. Juvenile chinook potential in Group IV sites is highest at mainstem aischarges of 10,000 cfs and less. Peak rearing WUA values (approximately 4.1 million square feet) are attained at 8 -8,500 cfs. This trend is related to the low breaching flows characteristic of specific areas within this group . The composite suitability of velocity and depth within these sites decreases rapidly as flows increase; WUA declines concomitantly, reaching a low of 1.6 million square feet at 35,000 cfs . 3.5 Representative Group V Thi s group includes shoal areas which transform into clear water s id e sloughs at lower mainstem d ischarges. A shoal is si milar to a riff l e in that both are topographic high points in the longitudinal Ded profi l e of the river ana are therefore zones of accretion. Shoals, however, are easily distinguished from riffles by their morphological features an a t he hydraulic processes responsible for their ex is ten c e . As a general r ~l e , shoals form i mmediately downstream of point gra vel Dars l oc ated a t Denas of 88 30.00 -27.00 ...., -24 .00 g 21.00 -o IB .ilO til c 15 .00 0 ...... -12 .00 -...... e 9 .00 6.00 <( UJ cr: 3 .00 -0 .00 5 .00 4 .50 .... 4 .00 -g 3 .50 -3 .00 0 til 2 .50 c 0 ...... 2 .00 - e 1.50 1.00 <( :::l .50 31:: 0 .00 Figure 44. REPRESENTATI VE GRO UP I V A WSA 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISC HARGE (CFS ) B 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISC HARGE (CFS ) Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) ana B - chinooK rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IV of the middle Susitna River. 89 the river or at the lower ena of established islanas. Due to reduced flow in these areas, shoals are characterized by fine sediments (sand and gravelsi aeposited on the falling stages of floods and at low flow. Larger substrates are possible if the shoal has stabi 1 i zea and begun to take on gravel bar characteristics. Shoals naturally evolve into gravel bars or islands as erosion continues on the opposite (outer) bank. Flow across shoal areas may be transverse to mainstem flow and velocities tend to be slower-than-average due to the drag effect exerted by the streambed. As water levels drop, flow is concentrated in a few small channels which feed a larger single channel on the inside of the shoal. When feeder channels dewater at lower discharges there is usually suffi- cient mainstem downwelling through the head and sides of the channel berm to maintain a small amount of clear water slough habitat at the site. The general morphologic features described above may De observed in aerial photographs (Plate A-23) of Site 141.6R--the only modeling site found in Representative Group V. Site 141.6R begins to convey mainstem water at 18,000 cfs but is not controlled by mai nstem discharge unti 1 22,000 cfs. Site flows under non-breached conditions average 5 cfs. Wetted surface: area and juvenile chinook weighted usable area at S~te 14.!..6R are assumed to remain constant in the non-breached state; the ratio of WUA to WSA, expressed as a percentage, is 13.4 percent (Figure 45). Gross haDitat area is estimated to comprise 83 percent cf ~.he tota 1 surface area when c lear water conditions prevail. As is co mmon with most siae sloughs of the miaale Sus itna Ri ver, the introduction of tu r bid mainstem water has an immediate effect on the 90 -...... .._ '-.. ...... c- tO Q.J L < ...... c QJ u L QJ n.. Figure 45. A 100 go ...J I I 80 -1 I 70 -; 60 J I 50 ..., 40 ~ 30 J I 20 1 1: ~ 0 B 100 go-; 80 J ' 70 ~ so ' l 50 ~ I 40-' I I 30 -; 20 ~ I 10 1 0 I I 0 SITE 141.6R ,/ISl / ~~ { \ i ' \ // // __________ _// ______ _/ ' GHA ~ 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~00 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) /.__, .. ,\./v/\......._ ________ _J/ \ =---# ______ _/; I \ \ Hli . !ill HAl ~000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.COOO 28000 32000 36000 ~0000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Surface area ana chinook rearing haDitat index response curves for moaeling site 141.6R. A-Wettea surface area (\oiSA), gross h"Ditat area (GHA) ana weighted usable area (\oiUA). B-HaDitat availability index (HAll, haDitat aistrioution inaex (HOI) ana haDitat quality index (HQI) respon5e functions. 91 usability of Site 141.6R by juvenile chinook. Other than turbidity, the most significant factor contributing to the sharp rise in usable habitat is the large increase i n wetted surface area. Most of the recruited habitat is shallow ana slow velocity areas that may be usea to some extent by young chinook. Figure 45 indicates that over 90 percent of the total surface area has at least some rearing habitat value at discharges between 23,000 ana 32,000 cfs. Maximum WUA, HAl, ana HQl values occur at the lower end Of this flow range; each of these habitat indices peak in the range of 24,000 ana 25,500 cfs. Habitat 1 ndex curves are drawn out at their upper enas by the graaual loss of suitable velocity areas. Eventually, flow over the shoals is fast enough to significantly reduce the availability ana quality of chinook rearing habitat at the site. There are 9 specific areas within Representative Group V. The areas breach over a wiae range of mainstem discharges (<5,000 to 23,000 cfsl ana exhibit large variations in structural habitat quality. The HAl function obtained for Site 141.6R, which breaches at 22,000 cfs ana has a comparatively high SHI value, was usea as a template for deriving HAl curves for all specific areas within the group (Figure 46 ana Appendix B). There does not appear to be any carrel ati on between the magnitude of breaching flow and structural habitat quality of peak habitat availability for these specific areas. Collectively, the specific areas which make up Representative Group V do not provide significant amounts of juvenile chinook habi ·':at. even under ideal flow conditions. The low aggregate WUA values portrayed in Figure 47 result from 1) the small number of specific areas assigned to Group V. ard 2) the small amount of total wetted surface area associated 92 C> C> >< <{ U1 31: -....... '-'> <{ w ::::::> Jl:: ....... <{ :r: REPRESENTATIVE GROUP V 35 .00 ,.-------------------------------- 31.50 28 .00 2 •. 50 21.00 17 .50 1•.oo 10 .50 7.00 3 . 50 0 .00 ------~ 0 •ooo Figure 46. SITE 141 .6R n = 9 ~=====----=~-===--==-= ---r -----r-----r-----r------r-· --·l ----r------ 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 3&000 MAINS TEM 0 I SCHARGE (CFS) Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna R1ver which are associated with modeling site 141.6R of Representative Group V. 40000 •. 00 3 .60 ....., -3 .20 g 2 .80 -0 2 . .0 U'l c:: 2 .00 0 ...... ...... 1.60 ...... ...... E 1.20 .80 < I.LJ cr . .a < 0 .00 500 60 ....... -.00 cr 350 U'l -0 300 U'l "0 250 c:: rc U'l 200 ::::::1 0 .c. 150 ....... 100 < :=l 50 31: 0 Figure 47. REPRESENTATI VE GRO UP v A M5.l ,. 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.000 28000 32000 36000 .0000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B IIllA 0 .000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2.000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Aggregate response of A -wettea surface area (WSA) ana B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem ais- Charge in specific areas comorising Representative Group V of the miaale Susitna River. 94 with these sites. Overall, less than 0.4 million square feet of rearing WUA is provided by Representative Group V by streamflows within the range of 5,000 to 35,000 cfs. WUA values peak at approximately 26,000 cfs when joint surface area and HAI values are maximized (Figure 47). 3.6 Representative Group VI The specific areas within this group are products of the channel oraiding processes active in the high gradient middle segment of the Susitna River. Included are overflow channels which parallel the adjacent mainstem. Typi- cally separated from the mainstem by a sparsely vegetated bar, these channels may or may not possess upwelling. These specific areas may repre- sent more advanced stages of shoal development in which their gravel bars have stabilized due to the growth of vegetation and further high-stage sedimentation, and mainstem overflow is usually delivered by a single dominant feeder channel. Incision of the lateral channels has gradually occurred over time, leading to lower head berm elevations and coarser substrates. Side channel gradients are usually greater than adjacent mainstem channels as a result of hydraulic processes which adjust channel morphology to maintain transport continuity. The spectrum of shoal-to-side channel developmental stages represented by the specific areas of Group VI is indicated by the wide range of breaching discharges ana structural habitat indices recorded by Aaserude et al. (1985). Included in Representative Group VI are modeling sites 133.8L and 136.3R, which breach at 17,500 and 13,000 cfs, respectively, but remain watered at non-Dreacheo mains tern discharges. P 1 a tes A-24 through A-26 (Appendix A) give some idea of the morphologic features and wetted surface area response 95 to flow of Group VI modeling sites. A large backwater occurs at their con- fluence with the mainstem channel. The gravel bar at Site 136.3R appears to be more stable than the bar at Site 133.8L, judging from differences in the type ar.d amount of vegetation cover. Both modeling sites are rela- tively flat in cross section except for deep narrow channels running along banks opposite the gravel bars. These banks are steep-walled whereas banks formed by the gravel bars are gently sloping. These features are largely responsible for the type of response of juve~ile chinook habitat to changes in mainstem discharge observed at the two Group VI modeling sites. Habitat index and surface area response funct·;ons derivea for Site 133.8L and 136.3R are conspicuously similar, particularly if allowance is made for differences in mean channel width (Figures 48 and 49). In both cases, the anticipated increase in WUA following breaching occurs, but after attaining moderate levels the amount of rearing habitat remains fairly constant at higher mainstem discharges. This pattern, which is uncharacteristic of more developed side channels (compare, for example, the WUA response curves for sites from Representative Group VI with results for Group III and IV modeling sites), is also apparent in the relationship between gross habitat area and river discharge. The constancy of WUA and GHA values at moderate- to-high mainstem flows results in generally stable haDitat quality at the sites, implying that areas suitaDle for chinook rearing are recruited and lost at comparable rates. Regardless of flow levels, most juvenile chinook habitat at Sites 133.8L and 136.3R is associated with the gravel bar shoreline and backwater area of both sites. 96 -..., -......... .., -0'" ~ ftJ cu c.. < .., c cu u c.. cu a.. Figure 48 . A 150 135 1 1211-1 I 105 -i go -j :~ e 30 iS Q Q 100 B 90 ao ~ :j =~ 30 20 10 0 0 SITE' 133.8L r · _.,./·-WSA / ./ (\ I _) \. -&HA .,.., ~-I; //.,_ ·/ -·-·----~ _____ ! «<lCC 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~ 2BOOO 32000 3&000 -40000 1-lainstem Discharge (cfsl -~\ !-.) . ;v· '-..Fv··-y-· . \ I "\ . -lfii ______ / <4000 aooo 12000 16000 20000 2-4000 28000 32000 36000 -40ooo Mainstem Discharge (c f sl Surface area ana c hinook rearing habitat index response curves for moaeling site 133 .8L. A-Wet tea surface area ( WSA), gross habitat area (GH A) ana weighted usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability inaex (HAl), habitat distribution inaex (HOI) ana habitat quality inaex (HQ I) response functions. - .A-) ..... .......... .A-) ...... c:r .!:!! 10 cu c... ...: .A-) c: C1l u c... C1l Cl... Figure 49. SITE 136.3R A 160 1 ... 12B ': ~ 80 ~ :l 16 1 0 I ---~AlA / : 0 «)00 8000 l2000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 ~0000 Mainstem Discharge l c f s) 8 100 90 80 7U 110 50 =~ ': i 0 4000 aooo 12000 1sooo 20000 24000 2SOOO 32000 360oo m oo Mainstem Di sc harge (c f s) Surface area ana c h i nook rearing haOitat i naex r esponse c ur ve s for moaeling site 1 36.3R . A-Wettea surf ace area ( WSA}, g ross hao i tat a r e a (GHA} an a weightea usable area (WUA}. B-HaOitat availaoility inaex (HA l }, habitat a istri but io n inaex (HOI} ana habitat quality i naex (HQI} re s ponse functions . 98 Figure 49. SITE 136.3R t60 j A 1~ l -128: ~ c: Q.J u t... Q.J a.. : --IAJ· / 0 4000 11000 12000 16000 20000 2..a00 2BOOO 32000 36000 ~0000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) 8 100 90 80 70 eo 50 ~0 30 ...--HQI 20 ·: ~ 0 4000 aooo 12000 16000 20000 2..aoo 2SOOO 320oo 36000 ~oooo Mainstem Discharge (c f s) Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat 1naex response c urves for moaeling site 136.3R. A-Wettea surface area ( WSA), gross haoi tat area (GHA) ana weighted usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability inaex (HAl), habitat distribution index (HOI) ana habitat quality inaex (HQl) response functions. HAl functions developed for the two modeling sites exhibit the expected rise and fall in juvenile chinook habitat availability which attends breaching and further increases in discharge. However, because WUA values remain constant at higher flows, the slope of the descending 1 imb of the HAl curves is not as great as observed for other representative groups. Basea on an assessment of structural habitat data obtainea at modeled and non-modeled specific areas in Group VI, exactly half of the 14 specific areas may be grouped with Site 133.8L and Site 136.3R, respectively. HAl functions derived from the modeling sites are presented for each subgroup in Figures 50 and 51 and Appendix B. Note the relatively narrow range of breaching flows and high SHI va~ues (see also Table 4) of specific areas associated with Site 136.3R as compared with areas represented by Site 133.8L. Due to their relatively high breaching flows and rapid wetted surface area response following breaching (Figure 52), specific areas within Representative Group VI provide considerably more juveni ~~ chinook WUA at high as compared to low mainstem discharges. Figure 52 indicates the aggregate rearing WUA function derived as the sum of individual specific area habitat values for flows ranging from 5,000 to 35,000 cfs. Rearing habitat potential increases steadily as a function of flow throughout this range. The amount of juvenile chinook WUA forecast for 35,000 cfs (1.3 mi 11 ion square feet) represents over 30 times the amount of WUA forecast for 5,000 cfs (0.04 mi 11 ion square feet). The correlation between wetted surface area and aggregate rearing WUA values is more pronounced in Group VI than in other representative groups due to the relative constancy of HAl values across all flows. 99 25 .00 22 .50 20 .00 0 0 17 .50 ..... >< 15 .00 <( (f) X 12 .50 ..... -0 <( ::J 0 X 10 .00 t-1 <( :r 5 .00 2 .50 0.00 0 F1~ure 50. ~000 --T 8000 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI ,--r-----r--·-- 12000 16000 20000 24000 MAINSTEM DISCHARG E (CFS) 28000 -, 32000 133 .8L n = 7 36000 Response of chinook rearing hai>Hat availa1>1lity to mctinstem ~ischctrge within non-mo~ele~ specific areas of the m1~~1e Sus1tna River which ctre associate~ with mo~eling site 133.8L of Representative Group VI. ,_. 0 ,_. 0 0 ...... >< 4 (/) :X ...__ <( :::l :X 1 --i <( :c 35 .50 31 .00 - 29 .50 - 26 .00 - 22 .50 19 .00 15.50 - 12 .(1•J - 8 .50 5 .00 ---1- 0 ~000 Figure 51 . REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI 8000 12000 16000 20000 MA IN STEM D ISCHARG F. (C FS) SIT E 136 . 3R I - 12000 n = / -r 36000 Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to ma1nstem disc harge within non -modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River whi ~~ are associated with ~caeling site 136.3R of Representative Group VI. ..... - CT en -0 en c 0 ..... -..... e < UJ a: < .4-1 - CT (/) 0 en c 0 ..... ..... e < => 3: Figure 52. REPRESENTATI VE GROUP VI A 10 .00 9 .00 liSA 8 .00 7.00 &.00 ~ 5 .00 4.00 3 .00 2 .00 l.OO 0.00 2 .00 1.80 1.60 l. 40 1.20 l.OO .80 .60 .40 .20 0 .00 0 ~ 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~ 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFSJ B IliA 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISC HAR GE (CFS) Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) ana B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WU A) to mainstem dis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VI of the middle Susitna River. 102 3.7 Representative Group VII This group is dominated by side channels possesing low breaching aischarges and organized into distinctive riffle/pool flow patterns. In most case~. the specific areas are comparatively short with small length:width ratios and are composed of a single riffle extending from the head of the site down to a large backwater area at the mouth. The transition from riffle to backwater pool is defined by an abrupt step in bed and water surface profile. Head berms are generally broaa-crestea and the riffles of greater-than-average slope. The increase in water velocities resulting from steep riffle gradients and an increase in streamflow tenas to counter- act the staging effect of rising mainstem flows at the mouth of the site. Consequently, the rate of change in backwater area is less than is observea at lower gradient sloughs and side channels over a comparable range of discharges. Backwater area varies at Group VII sites primarily by expanding or contracting laterally as flows chang~ Flow characteristics within backwater pools incluae near zero velocities and a calm surface, as compared to the broken ana rapidly moving water of riffles. Consiaerable longitudinal variation in streambed texture occurs in Group VII specific areas. Riffles are composed of rubble ana boulder size substrates, whereas backwater areas tend to have sandy beds. Perioaic high flows may temporarily expose coarse sediment in backwater pools which is subsequently covered by sana and silt during periods of low flow. High turbidities also prevail at these sites since upwelling is not present. 103 Modeling Site 119.2R is the sole representative of the 7 specific areas classifiea within Group VII. This site possesses the typical riffle/pool sequence characteristics just described (Plates A-27 and A-28 in Appendix A). As indicted in Figure 53, a basal level of wettea surface area ana juvenile chinook WUA is maintained under non-breached conditions by backwater effects. Peak rearing habitat potential occurs shortly after the berm at the head of the site is overtopped ana the riffle area is inundated. The relatively broad width ana uniform elevation of the head berm strongly influences the distribution ana amount of juvenile chinook habitat at Site 119.2R. Areas of usable habitat within the riffle rapidly expand until local velocities begin to exceed tolerable limits which in turn prompts a aecline in rearing habitat. Maximum WUA values are forecast for discharges of 12,500 to 13,000 cfs, when juvenile chinook WUA is nearly four times greater than WUA present unaer non-breached conditions (39,300 versus 10,500 sq.ft./ft.). Gross habitat is widely distributed throughout Site 119.2R at flows ranging up to 17,000 cfs, as demonstrated by the GHA response to discharge in Figure 53. However, habitat Hailability and quality, as indexed by HAI and HQI values, begins to dimin ish appreciably around 12,000 cfs. Peak HAI ana HQI estimates were sim i lar at 40 percent, a fairly high value in comparison to other modeling sites. The minimum HAI value was 3 percent at 35,000 cfs. This HAI value was estimated by extending the WSA ana WUA curves by eye for discharges exceeding 20,000 cfs (Hilliard et al. 1985). The HQI curve was not extrapolated past 20,000 cfs, but HQI values may be expected to be higher than HAl values to a aegree which is proportional to the difference between gross habitat area and wetted surface areas at high discharges. 104 -... -........ ... -C" ~ ttl cu ~ < ... c cu u ~ cu a.. Figure 53. SITE 119.2R A 1111 162 144 126 101 90 72 S4 38 Ul 0 100 90 Ill 70 60 50 .co 30 2D 10 0 0 .cooo 1000 12000 16000 20000 2-4000 211100 321100 36000 40000 1-lainstem Discharge (cfs) B -"\. . ·~ ·..; ~ ·. llli ~ ~~ 0 ..000 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~0 28000 32000 36000 40000 Mainstem Discharge (cfs) Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat index response curves for modeling site 119.2R. A-Wet tea surface area ( WSA), gross habitat area (GHA) ana weightea usable area (WUA). 8-Habitat availability index (HAil, habitat distribution inaex (HOI) ana habitat quality index (HQI) response functions. HAl functions derived from modeling results for Site 119.2R display the low breaching flows and comparatively large habitat potential at low discharges associated with specific areas of Representative Group VII (Figure 54 and Appendix B). Within a narrow range of low mainstem discharges (10,000 to 13,000 cfs), HAl values compare favorably with peak HAl values recorded for specific areas from other groups. The marked decline in habitat avail- ability at higher flows and the overall poor structural habitat quality (i.e., low SHI values) of Group VII sites suggests that hydraulic geometry plays a more important role than does object cover in determining the collective rearing habitat potential of this group. As was the case for side channels comprising Representative Group IV, which are characterized Dy similarly low breaching discharges, the seven specific areas of Group VII provide notably greater amounts of usable rearing habitat at low than at high mainstem flows, as evidenced Dy the aggregate WUA function in Figure 55. This results from the comparatively high HAl values which occur immediately subsequent to breaching and their rapid decline at higher flows. Juvenile chinook WUA peaks at 0.3 million square feet at 8,000 cfs, remains at this level through 13,000 cfs and declines to 0.08 million square feet at 35,000 cfs. 3.8 Representative Group VIII This group is comprised of 22 specific areas which tend to dewater at intermediate to high mainstem discharges. The absence of an upwelling groundwater supply may De due to the local structural geology and the location of the channels relative to sources of subsurface flow. Aaserude et al. (1985) noted that the heads of channels included in Group VIII were 106 0 0 ...--1 X 4 (f) 31: ._. ---.. 0 4 ::::> ....... ~ t--1 4 I REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VII 55 .00 -.-------------------------------------- SITE 119 .2R ~9 .50 n =, 7 ~~-00 38 .50 33 .00 27 .50 16 .50 5 .50 -- 0 00 ----,------, ---- 0 ~000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 ~0000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Figure 54. Response of chinook rearing habitat dVailability to mainstem aischarge within non-moaelea specific areas of the miaale Susitna River which are associatea with moae11ng site 119.2R of Representative Group VII. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VII A •. 00 3 .60 WSA ....... 3 .20 g 2 .80 -0 (rJ c: 0 -- E < UJ a: < ...... -c:r (rJ -0 (rJ "C c: ro (rJ ::J 0 .c:. ...... < =:l 3: Figure 55. 2 . .0 2 .00 1.60 1.20 .80 .~ -0.00 0 .aGO 8000 12000 16000 20000 2~00 28000 32000 36000 .aooo MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFSJ 8 500 450 .ao 350 300 250 200 150 100 IIllA 50 0 0 .aoo 8000 12000 16000 20000 2•ooo 28000 32000 36000 .aooo MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Aggregate response of A -wetted surface area (WSA) and B - chinook rearing haDitat potential (WUA) to mainstem Cis- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VII of the miaale Susitna River. 108 frequently oriented at a 30°+ angle to the adjacent mainstem channel. Apparently groundwater flow is either diverted away from these sites or occurs at a lower elevation than the bed elevation of the exposed channels. In spite of their tendency to aewater, specific areas in Group VIII are similar to specific areas assigned to Groups II and III in their hydrologic, hydraulic, and morphologic properties. Therefore, because Group VIII does not possess a specific area with a rearing habitat modeling site, HAl functions based on modeling sites from Representative Groups II and III were used to represent Group VIII in the habitat extrapolation process. An obvious requirement was that the habitat function~ for modeling sites selected to represent this group De modified to reflect the total loss of rearing habitat as mainstem stage declines below head berm elevations. Candidate modeling sites include Site 144.4L from Group II and Site 132.6L from Group 111. The first modeling site is recommended by its high breaching discharge, its morphological similitude with several Group VIII speci~ic areas, and by the general shape of its habitat response curves. Figure 29 illustrates the WSA, WUA and HAl curves which have been aerived from Site 144.4L to represent a subclass of Group VIII specific areas. Note that the lefthand limb of the curves have been truncated at a breaching flow of 21,000 cfs. Site 132.6L has been selected to represent the subclass of specific areas from Group VI II which dewater at intermediate discharges. Basea on an examination of aerial photography obtained at several mainstem flows, these specific areas and Site 132.6L possess similar longitudinal a~d cross sectional profiles. Site 132.6L, which breaches at 10,500 cfs, eventually 109 aewaters at 6,000 cfs as the water surface elevation drops below the eleva- tion of the groundwater table. However, the revised modeling site habitat response curves have been truncated at 10,500 cfs to accurately reflect the rapid dewatering which occurs at Group VIII specific areas. HAl curves derived from the modified HAl functions of S i tes 144.4L ana 132.6L a1·e presented in Figures 56 ana 57 ana aggregate WSA response in Figure 58. The spc_ific areas from Group VIII were divided between the modeling sites on the basis of breaching flo~; the 9 specific areas which breach at 15,500 cfs ana less are associated with Site 132.6L, and the remaining ll sites are represented by Site 144.4L. Since all of the specific areas associated with Group VIII are dewatered by 8,000 cfs, juvenile chinook habitat does not exist at flows below this value. This is reflected in the aggregate rearing WUA curve developed for Group VIII (Figure 58). WUA accumulates rapidly as the specific areas become !>reached and peak values (0.7 million square feet) are attained at 29,500 ~fs. Rearing habitat potential declines slightly at higher flows. 3.9 Representative Group IX This group contains specific areas categorized as m~i ;•stem, side channel, or shoal hal>itat with mean reach velocities ~reater than 5 fps at 10,000 cfs. These sites are closely associated 'llith the main river cor- ridor, usually convey a s ignificant percentage of the total discharge, ana possess small length to width ratios. Flow tends to parallel the overall channel direction but may not be distributed uniformly across the channel 110 40 .00 lli '00 - 32 .00 0 0 28 .00 ...... >< 24 .00 <{ [/') X ZO .OO -----1--' <( ...... :::l ...... X 16 .00 ...... 12 00 ~ I 8 .00 4 .00 0 .00 -- 0 Figur e 56. RFPRESENTATIVF GROUP VIII 8000 IZOOO 16000 20000 24000 28000 MAINSTEM DISCHARG E (CFS) 32000 SITF 132 . 6L n = 13 lliOOO Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 132.6L of Representative Group VIII. 40000 30 .00 27 .00 - 2~.00 0 0 ->< 18 .00 ~ U) ::1:: ....... ........ ....... ~ N :::::1 ::1:: 12 .00 ~ 9 .00 ~ :-c 6 .00 - 3 .00 0 .00 0 Figure 57. REPRESENTAl .IVE GROUP VIII --------- ----------r---t--L--.1..-r-..L..L......l _ ~---I ---~---T ~000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 MAINSTEM DISCHARG E (CFS) SITE 144 .4L n = g 36000 Response of chinook rearing hab"itat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specific areas of the middle Susitna River which are associatea with modeling site 144.4L of Representative Group VIII. 40000 6 .00 5 .40 ...... -4 .80 g 4 .20 -0 3 .60 CJ'l c 3.00 0 -2.40 -·-e 1.80 < 1.20 l.U a: .60 < 0 .00 1.00 .90 ...... .80 -c:r .70 CJ'l -.60 0 CJ'l .SO c 0 ·-.40 -·-.30 e .20 < => .10 31: 0 .00 Figure 58. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VIII A liSA 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) B IIUA 0 4000 8000 !2000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 MAINSTEM DISCHARGE (CFS) Aggregate response of A -wettea surface area (WSAl ana B - chinook rearing habitat potential (WUA) to mainstem ais- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group VIII of the middle Susitna River. 113 since some curvature is typical of most specific areas of the middle Susitna River. Curved channels are characterized oy a transverse Ded slope, with the thalweg located near tne outside of the bend. In general, the inside banks of Group IX specific areas are formed oy mildly sloped and vegetated gravel bars. Two habitat modeling sites were selected from the specific areas included in Group IX. Sites 101.5L and 147.1L are large channels classified as mainstem habitat over the entire 5,100 to 23,000 cfs flow range (Plates A- 29 through A-32 in Appendix A). Due to an excess of areas with velocities greater than 2.5 fps (i.e., the upper velocity threshold for rearing), the modeling sites provide little juvenile chinook habitat in relation to the total volume of water they convey. This conclusion is strengthened Dy the large differences observed between WSA and GHA estimates and the low rearing WUA values forecast for all mainstem discharges (Figures 59 and 60). Wetted surface areas change at comparatively slow rates as discharge varies at both sites due to their large size and a tendency to compensate for varying flow more through adjustments in water depth and velocity than in top width. Both GHA and WUA increase slightly at higher mainstem discharges~ thus, the availability of usable rearing habitat and its distribution within the modeling sites tends to remain constant throughout the range of evaluation flows. In a detailed analysis of cross section velocity profiles at Sites 101.5L and 147.1L, Williams (1985) noted that suitable rearing areas are confined to nearshore zones in the channels, primarily along the gently sloped island Danks, due to high mid-channel velocities. The ratio of juvenile chinook WUA to wetted surface area at these sites is very low, on 114 Figure 59. SITE 101.5L A ~~~~--------------------------------------~ ---·liSA ~5 , --·- 360 I --·--· l --·--· : 31· ---·--· -,. I _,-· :: 270 ~ --· : 225 ~ ...!!! .., c: cu u c... aJ c... -\ ------SMA ......---_......,., -..__., o GO aooo 12000 16000 20000 2..000 211000 32000 36000 ~ooo B 100 90 10 70 so~ 50 ~ ~J :] ·: l 0 Mainstem Discharge (c f s) '-\ ·""-·-_ . ....._ __ . _ __ . .....__ _ _... . .---· --·-· ffli ./ -.-- --" -._./ - - - -HQI -HAI I I ..aoo sooo 12000 1sooo 20000 2~oo 280oo J?.Ooo 360oo ~ooo Ma instem Discharge (cfs) Surface area ana chinook rearing habitat inaex r2sponse curves for moaeling site 101.5L. A-Wettea surface area ( WSAl, gross haDi tat area (GHA) ana weightea usable area (WUA). B-Habitat availability inaex (HAil, habitat aistriDution inaex (HOI) ana habitat quality inaex (HQI) response functions. -...... -"'- ...... .... a ~ rc <1J '-< ....-c <1J u '-<1J a.. Figure 60. SITE 147.1L A 300 270 240 - 210 180 -·-liSA -------· -· --· __.... --· -------· .......--· .,...-· _............ 150 120 30 \ \ 60- 30 -.... --....__------GHA \....-- 0 I I I I I I I I 0 -4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 ~0000 Ma i nstem Discharge (c f s) 8 100 90 80 70 60 50 \ 40 \. 30 \...... ---· 20 -·~·----·J---.:;::::::-. --.:7 ""=.-f() I 10 -_,.-.--..___.--· --HO I ----_,- 0 HA: 0 4000 8000 12000 !6000 20000 2~000 28000 3200 0 36000 40000 Ma i ns t em Di scharge (c f s) Surface area and chinook rearing habitat index response c urves for moaeling site 147.1L. A-W e t tea s u rf a c e a r e a ( W SA ) , g r o s s h a t> i t a t a r e a ( G H A ) an a weighted usable area (WUA). B -Hab i tat availability index (HAl), habitat distribution inaex (HOI) and habitat quality index (H QI) respons e functions . the order of 5 percent or less. These values are considerably lower than HAl estimates obtained for modeling sites from other representative groups. The ratio of WUA to GHA is predictably higher, ranging up to 22 percent, but also slightly lower than HQI ratios calculated for other sites. Taking these indices into account, the juvenile chinook habitat potential within Group IX specific areas is judged to be inferior in quality. Using the HAl functions developed for Sites 101.5L and 147.1L as templates, HAl curves were derived for specific areas within Group IX. Adjustments were made to account for differences in breaching flow and structural habitat quality. In regard to structural habitat, the mean SHI value for specific areas in this group is high compared to other representative groups. Tnis results from the large substrate sizes which predominate in the high velocity channels ana the high cover value assigned to them in the SHI calculations. Nine of the 20 specific areas within Group IX have been grouped with Site 101.5L; the remaining 11 sites are represented by site 147.1L. HAl functions derived for moaeled ana non-modeled specific areas are presented in Figures 61 and 62 and the aggregate WSA response curve for Group IX in Figure 63. The collective rearing habitat potential of the 20 specific areas in Group IX increases from 0.3 million square feet at 5,000 cfs to a peak of 0.6 million square feet at 27,500 cfs {Figure 63). Aggregate WUA values increase steadily over this flow range although the rate of change is very low in comparison to other representative groups, with the exception of Group I {uplana sloughs), being only slightly greater than the rate of change in wet tea surface area. J uveni 1 e chi nook WUA remains constant at 117 higher flows as increases in wetted surface area are offset by gradual reductions in rearing habitat availability. 118 1 00 6 40 580 - C> C> 5 20 >< 4 60 <l (f) "31:: 4.00 ........ <l :::> "31:: 3 .40 >--< <f :r: 2 20 1.60 I 00 0 Figure 61. -I 4000 REPRESENTATIV E GROUP IX -I 12000 --·r 16000 -· I . -.-.. ~--- 24000 28000 MAINS f f:M 0 ISCitARG E ICFS) 32000 S I T f: t 0 1. ~L n , 7 lbOOO Response of ch1nook rearing habitat ava1lab1lity to ma1nstem aischarye w1th1n non-modeled spec1fic areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with mode11ng site 101.5L of Representative Group IX. 40000 4. 70 4 .40 - 0 0 4 10 X 3 .80 ~.t tn 3: 3 .50 -, 4 'V :=! :::> 3: 3 .20 ·- ...... 2 .90 4 .I 2 .60 2 .30 2 00 0 4000 Figure 62. REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IX 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 MAJNSTFM OISCHAAGF (C FS ) 28000 32000 SITF 14 7. 1L n = 13 36000 Response of chinook rearing habitat availability to mainstem discharge within non-modeled specif1c areas of the middle Susitna River which are associated with modeling site 147.ll of Representat1ve Group IX. 40000 18 .00 -16 .20 ...... ~ 14 . .a cr Cll 12 .60 ~ 0 10 .80 Cll c= 9 .00 0 7 .20 -·-e s . .a < 3 .60 UJ cr < 1.80 0.00 1. 00 .90 ...... .80 ~ cr .70 Cll 0 .60 Cll .50 c= 0 -. .CO - E .30 .20 < :::::l . 10 31: 0.00 Figure 63. REPR ESE NTATI VE GROUP I X A 0 .aoo aooo 12000 16000 20ooo 2.aoo 2aooo 32ooo 36ooo •oofJo ~A INS T EM DI SCHARGE (CFS) B MilA 0 .aoo aooo 12000 t6ooo 20000 2.aoo 2sooo J2ooo 36oo o 4oooo MA INST EM DI SCH ARGE (CFSl Aggregate response of A -wettea surface area (WSA) ana B - chi nook rearing haoi tat potential ( WUA) to mai nstem ai s- charge in specific areas comprising Representative Group IX of the miaale Susitna River. 1 21 4.0 SUMMARY The physical habitat modeling presented in this report provides a quantitative evaluation of the response of juvenile chinook weighted usable area to incremental changes in streamflow for the middle Susitna River. Underpinning the extrapolation methodology are several assumptions related to physical habitat modeling and river stratification procedures. The primary assumption of the haoi tat modeling studies is that weighted usable area (WUA) is an index of physical habitat conditions and changes in WUA are attended by adjustments in the distribution and relative abundance of juvenile chinook populations. Although other physical and non-physical components of fish habitat not included in the calculation of WUA may influence the sutvival and growth of juvenile chinook salmon, the physical environment affects to a substantial degree biotic processes of the aquatic community. Moreover, considerable data exist which indicate the importance of individual microhabitat variables for influencing the distribution of juvenile chinook within different subenvironments of the middle Susitna River. Hence, physical habitat modeling is an a~propriate method for assessing the influence of project-induced changes in streamflow on juvenile chinook habitat. It is recognized that numerous environmental variables influence the availability of chinook rearing habitat and that these variables are typi- cally not independent of one another. Under some circumstances, however, the availability or quality of juvenile chinook habitat may be governed primarily oy one or two variables whose influence is more pronounced than 122 the combined effect of all other environmental variables. An example is the positive ~orrelation <luring the summer growing per1o<l between juvenile chinook distribution ana turbid water. This may reflect the value of turbidity as cover for juvenile chinook as reported by Dugan et al. (1984) or it may reflect a greater abundance of drifting invertebrate prey in the turbid mainstem ana siae channel nabitats than in clear water sloughs. Water clarity was treated as a cover variable in the physical habitat moaeling studies since our present understanding of turbidity, fooa avail- ability, ana juvenile chinook distribution aoes not warrant an evaluation of the relationship of turbidity to fooa supply. Nevertheless, if it is drifting invertebrate prey associated with turbid mainstem ana side channel flow which juvenile chinook are responding to rather than the cover value of turbidity, the physical habitat moael remains valid. For it is the influence of turbidity on juvenile chinook distribution, nnt the cause, which is being moaelea. The influence of water clarity was incorporated into the modeling process through the application of separate clear ana turbid water habitat suit- ability criteria for juvenile chinook. Clear water velocity ana cover suitability criteria were used to calculate rearing WUA indices for modeling sites unaer non-breached conditions. Following breaching high turbidities prevailed at the moaeling sites ana turbid water criteria were appliea. The results of the rearing habitat modeling studies conauctea at individual modeling sites indicate surface area ana rearing habitat response curves are generally more similar within representative groups (where two or more 123 modeling sites occur) than between groups. The amount of rearing habitat available at a particular site is strongly affected by the mainstem dis- charge at which its upstream berm is overtopped. Under non-breached condi- tions, juvenile chinook habitat is typically relatively small. The combi- nation of the influx of turbid water to the channel and the increase in its wetted surface area which accompany breaching typically increases the availability of rearing habitat significantly. Positive gains of WUA continue, but at a gradually declining rate, as mainstem discharge increases and water velocities at the site remain favorable. Juvenile Chinook habitat.tenas to decrease more rapidly in smaller channels as mainstem discharge increases than in larger channels due to a more gradual response of near shore velocities to changes in flow in large channels. Thus, relatively small changes in the availability of rearing habitat occur as flows increase or decrease in the large side channels ana mainstem. It should be emphasized, however, that these large side channels and tOe mainstem contribute a disproportionately small amount of habitat in relation to their wetted surface area. Based on the delineation of specific areas ana their classification into the representative groups reported by Aaserude et al. 1985, we have developed aggregate rearing habitat response functions for the majority of the subenvironments which directly respond to changes in mainstem dis- charge. These are summarized in Figure 64. We have not combined WUA values for the representative groups to obtain an aggregate WUA value for the entire middle Susitna River. Evidence of variability in juvenile chinook abundance and distribution between representative groups is provided by 124 30 .00 27 .00 z~.oo Zt.OO ...... a rn 11.00 0 rn 15 .00 c 0 12 .00 e < 9 .00 U1 :E e.oo 3 .00 0 .00 5 .00 ~.50 ~.00 3 .50 ...... a rn 3 .00 0 rn Z. 50 c 0 2 . 00 e < 1.50 :=l :J:: I. 00 . 50 0 .00 Figure 64. 0 ....- /./""' ...--· REPRESE NT ATIV E GRO UP S I -IX -· -------· ___..--· ___ .--. .---·--·--· -· / / -......... ......... ----- / ---;;: 2+t / ---------------/ :;::...--· :;..---- / :---· ----......... :;....---L - ---· 7+5 ---___., - - -~ -=--=--------------------------=----:::=-=-=----~--=---==-- - 1000 ./ / /'.. \ \ \""""'- 16000 \ " ........... ........... 211000 --~ ........... ----2 6 ---·~:::::::::::--·-·-9 -/ ........... - 1000 !2000 16000 20000 uooo 2!1000 32000 36000 MAI NSTEM DISCHARGE [c f s l Comparison of the aggregate response of c hinook r e aring habitat potential [WUA] for Representative Groups I through IX. 125 Hoffman (1985), suggesting that WUA indices for different representative groups be adjusted for utilization prior to being aggregated. Other considerations which should be addressed prior to drawing final conclusions from the habitat response functions provided in this report are the influences of food availability and water temperature on tne quality of rearing habitats. In addition such seasonal aspects as availability of chinook overwintering habitat should be considered. The habitat modeling results presented in this report are not directly applicable to evaluations of winter habitat since hydraulic characteristics and fish behavior are different at this time of year. In regard to the open water period, however, time series and habitat duration analyses at the representative group level are recommended for comparisons between groups and flow regimes. Whereas the primary utility of the WUA response functions is their application to existing habitat conditions, the general shape of the WUA response functions are also well-suited to assessing with-project effects on juvenile chinook habitat. 126 LITERATURE CITED Aaserude, R.G., J. Thiele, and D. Trudgen. 1985. Characterization of aquatic habitats in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon segment of the Susitna River, Alaska. Preliminary draft report. E. Woody Trihey and Associates and Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Alaska Power Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. 1 vol. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. 1983. Phase II basic data report. Vol. 4: Aquatic habitat and instream flow studies, 1982. Parts I and II. 367 pp. Alaska Power Authority. 1983. Application for license for major project, Susitna Hydroelectric Project, before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Vol. 6A. Exhibit E, Chaps. 3. Alaskl Power Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Bovee, K.D. 1982. A guide to stream habitat analysis using the instream f 1 ow i n c r e me n t a 1 me tho do 1 og y . U • S • F i s h a n d W i1 d 1 i f e S e r v i c e • Insteam Flow Information Paper 12. 1 val. Dugan, L.J., D.A. Sterri tt, and M.E. Stratton. 1984. The di stri buti on and relative abundance of juvenile salmon in the Susitna River drainage above the Chulitna River confluence. 51 pp. Part 2 in Schmidt, D.C., et al. Report No.2. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investi- gations (May-October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. Document 1784. 1 vol. Estes, C.C., and D.S. Vincent-Lang, eds. 1984. Report No.3. Aquatic habitat and instream flow investigations (May -October 1983). Chapter 7: An evaluation of chum and sockeye salmon spawning habitat in sloughs and side channels of the middle Susitna River. Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Alaska Dept. of Fish ana Game. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. Document 1936. 1 vol. Hale, S.S., P.M. Suchanek, and D.C. Schmidt. 1984. Modeling of juvenile salmon and resident fish habitat. 48 pp. Part 7 in Schmidt, D.C., et al. Report No. 2. Resident and juvenile anadromJus fish investigations (May -October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Alaska Dept. of Fish ana Game. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. Document 1784. 1 val. Harza-Ebasco Susi tna Joint Venture. 1985. Susi tna hydroelectric project case E-Vl alternative flow regime: Volume 1, main report. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. Hilliard, N.D., et al. 1985. Hydraulic relationships and mode l calibration procedures at 1984 study sites in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon segment of the Susitna River , Alaska. E. Woody Tr i hey ana Associate~. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. 1 val. 127 Hoffman, A.G. 1985. Report No. 9. Summary of salmon fishery data for selected middle Susitna Rher sites. Susitna Hydro Aqu~tic Stu<lies, Alaska Dept. of Fish an<l Game. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. 1 vol. Klinger, S., ana E.\ol. Trihey. 1984. Response of aquatic habitat surface areas to mainstem discharge in the Talkeetna-to-Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River. E. Woody Trihey and Associates. Report for Alaska Power Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Document 1693. 1 vol • Loar, J.M., e<l. 1985. Application of habitat evaluation models in southern Appalachian trout streams. Oak. Ri<lge National Laboratory. Environmental Sources Division publication no. 2383. 310 p. Marshall, R.P., P.M. Suchanek., and D.C. Schmidt. 1984. Juvenile salmon rearing habitat models. 51 pp. Part 4 in Report No. 2. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish inves,;igations (May -October 1983). Susitna Hy<lro Aquatic Studies, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. Document 1784. 1 vol. Milhous, R.T., D.L. \oleyner, and T. Waddle. 1984. Users guide to the Physical Habitat Simulation System. Instream Flow Information Paper 11. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-81-43 revised. 475 p. Milner, A.M. 1985. A framework. for the assessment of chinook. salmon rearing in the miadle Susitna River under alterea flow, temperature and sediment regime. E. Wooay Trihey and Associates. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. 69 p. Moulton, L.L., et al. 1984. Fish mitigation plan. Woodwar<l··Clyde Consultants. Report for Alaska Power Authority. 1 vol. Nelson, F.A. 1980. Evaluation of four instream flow methods applied to four trout rivers in southwest Montana. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Bozeman, Montana. 105 p. Suchanek., P.M., R.P. Marshall, S.S. Hale and D.C. Schmidt. 198~. Juvenile salmon rearing suitability criteria. 49 pp. Part 3 in D.C. Schmidt et al., eas. Report No.2. Resident and juvenile anadromous fish investigations (May -October 1983). Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Alaska Dept. of Fish ana Game. Report for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, AK. Document 1784. 1 vol. Steward, C.R. 1985. Sui tabi 1 i ty criteria recommen<le<l for use in IFR habitat modeling studies of the middle Susitna River. Technical Memorandum. E. Woody Trihey and Associates, Anchorage, AK. 11 pp. Steward, C.R. ana E.W. Trihey. 1984. Fish habitat and instream flow relationships in the mid<lle reach of the Susitna River: An extrapolation methodology. Unpublished manuscript. E. Wooay Trihey ana Associates and Woodward-Clyde Consultants. Instream flow relationships report. Volume 1. Working draft. Power Authority. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. 1 vol. 128 1985. Alaska Trihey, E.W., and J.E. Baldrige. 1985. An empirical approach for evaluating microhabitat response to streamflow in steep-gradient, large bed-element streams. Paper presented at symposium on Small Hydropower and Fisheries, Aurora, CO. American Fisheries Society. 8 pp. Williams, S. 1985. The influence of middle Susitna River discharge and suspended sediment on mainstem and side channel rearing habitats. Technical memorandum. E. Woody Trihey and Associates, Anchorage, AK. 45 pp. 129 APPENDIX A AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OF MODELING SITES (PLATES A-1 THROUGH A-32) 130 EWT&A Plate A-1 1" = 250 ' [ J =MODEL I SITE · e "" 107.s 1" = 250 ' . [ ] = MODEL I SITE Aerial photography of moaeling site 107.6L at main stem ais ch arges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Site breaches at >3 5 ,000 cfs and i s incluaed in Representative Gr oup I. 131 EWT&A Plate A-2 .. _, @ RM 112 .5 ----1 . = 250 . =MODEL SITE Aerial photography of modeling site 112.5L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 c fs an1 1 6,000 cfs. S ite breaches at >35,000 cfs ana is included in Representat ive Gro up I. 132 Plate A-3 _-.J. = 500 ' =MODEL SITE Aer1ai photography of moaeling site 10 l.4L at mainstem aischarges of 23,0 00 cfs ana 16,0 0 0 cfs . .:;ite breaches at 22,000 cfs ana is incluaea in Representative Group I I. 133 -· P 1 ate A-4 ~--:-1 ~-..-y ---·-·i:~_ ~. 16 ,000 cfs ··- Aerial photography of mod e ling site ll3.7R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Si te Dreaches at 24,000 c fs and is included in Repre se ntative Group II. 1311 P 1 ate A-5 Aeria l photography of modeling site 126.0 R at mainstem discharges of 23,0 0 0 cfs and 16,000 cfs. S 1te breaches at 33,000 cfs and is incluaed in Represe ntati ve Gr oup II . 1 3 5 ; • \(.,t,"";'( ·.~· .;;~""~·>~'~­.'of"~.,··~ .. --.:. ··,.~ ( ... ·• •: .. v '~·'-•~t"'·,~~. ···-~ . ~'-.. -. "". .... .. c ' Plate A-6 .,....!! _ _.~ EB RM 144.5 -} 1 " = 500 ' [ =MODEL ; J SITE 1 Aerial ph oto graphy of mod e ling site 144 .4L at mainstem dlsc harges of 23,000 cfs a nd 16,000 cfs. Site b r eaches at 21,000 cf s and is include d in Repr es en tative Group II. Plate A-7 EB RM 101 .0 ---- 'MODEL SI T E Aerial photography of modeling site 10 1.2 R at mainstem discharges of 23,0 00 cfs anc. 16,0 00 cfs . S ite brea c hes at 9,200 cfs and is included i n Represen t ative Group III . ® RM 101 .0 ~----. . ~ ,.I 4.-~~~ EWT&A ® AM 101.0 -- ----,_ __ _ ~ ..... :-·--. : . -:::z:a_o;,.~ --7,400 cfs ~,. -- S I T E Pla te A-8 Aerial photography of moaeling site l01.2R at ma instem d is charges of 12,5 00 cfs an d 7 ,4 00 cfs. S ite breaches a: 9,200 cts and is included i n Rep r e s e~~ative Gr o u p II I . 138 P 1 ate A-9 Aerial pho togra phy of modeling site 128 .8R at mainste m disc har ges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Si t e Dreache s at 16,000 c fs and is included in Representative Group Il l. 139 = 1000 EWT&A = MOD EL , MI:Wlll'r f.'"'' • ~-.~ •. ~.~.·,A f f!' s ITE Plate A-10 Aerial photography of modeling site l28 .8R at ma instem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7 ,4 00 cf s . Site oreaches at 16,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group II I. 14 0 EWT&A . . -............ "~ ... ., r P late A-ll Ae ria l photo gr aphy of modeling site l32 .6L at ma in s te m di sc har ges of 23,0 00 c fs and 1 6,000 cfs . Si te br ea che s at 10,500 cfs and is included in Repre se n tat i v e Group III. -- EWT&A Pla t e A-12 = 500 ' / [ =MODEL _./' .:~ J SITE ----.Jio = 500 ' =MODEL SITE 1 Ae r ial phot o graphy of modeli n g site 132.6L at mainstem discharge : of P,SOO cfs and 7 ,4 00 cf s. Si te b reache s at 10 ,500 cfs ana is i nclude d in Rep resentativ e Gr oup ill . 1 ~2 Pla te A-1 2 Ae rial pho t ography of moaeling s i te 14 .4 R at main s tem discharges of 23 ,000 cf s ana 16 ,000 cf s. S ite oreac h es at 11,500 cfs ana is incluaea in Rep resentat1ve GrJ up ·rr. 1 4 3 Pla t e A-14 Aerial p n otography of modeling site 14l.4R at mainstem dischuges of 12,500 c fs and ?,4 00 c fs . S ite Dreaches at 11,500 cfs and is included in Representative Group III . Pla te A-15 =MO DE L S ITE Ae rial photography of model ing site :12 .6L at mainst'=m discharges of 2 3,000 cfs andl6,0 00 cfs . S ite b rea c hes at <5 ,00 0 cfs ana is included in Rep res entat ive Group I ~. 115 Plate A-16 Aerial p h otog ra p h y of moaeling site 112 .6L at rnainstem ai sc harges of 12 ,500 cfs ana 7 ,4 00 cfs . S ite Dreach es at <5,000 cfs ana is incluaea in Repre sen tati'I e Gr ou p :v. 146 ?late A-1 7 _, = 50 0 =M O DE L SIT E Aeria l p h c tog ra p hy of modeling site 131. L ~'-mainstem discha r ges of 23,000 c f s ana 16 ,000 cfs. S1 t e ;)r e aches at <5,00 0 cfs a na is incluaed in Rep r esentat 1ve Group !1 . 147 Plate A-18 < I [1 "] : ~~~EL SITE :-1 " = 500' J =MODEL l SITE I Aerial photography of modeling site 131.7L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Si te Dr~aches at <5,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group IV. 148 Plate A-19 Aerial photography of moaeling site 13 4.9R at mainstem aischarges of 23,000 cfs ana 16,000 cfs. Site breaches at <5,000 cfs ana is includea in Representative Group IV. Plate A-20 =MODEL SITE Aerial photography of modeling site 134.9R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Site breaches at <5,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group V. EWT&A Plate A-21 .. .. . , . . .. . ·· ' I ' ' ••• ··.'· • t .~ ... -··---- ', eRM 136.0 -. 1 " = 250 ' [ J =MODEL SITE Aerial photography of modeling site 136.0 L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs andl6,000 cfs. S ite breaches at <5,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group IV. 1 51 Plate A-22 =MODEL SITE =MODEL SITE Aerial photography of modeling site 136.0L at mai nstem discharges of 12,500 cfs ana 7,400 cfs. Site breaches at <5,000 cfs ana is included in Representative Group IV. 1 c; 'J ~~~··· • t4'1t ---- -- Plate A-23 16,000 cfs $RM 142.0 . --~~.-"' .. ,....- Aerial ptfotography of model; ng site 141.6R at mai nstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Site breaches at 21,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group V. 153 Plate A-24 =MODEL SITE Aerial photography of lflodeling site 133.8L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs ana 16,000 cfs. Site breaches at 17,500 cfs ana is included in Representative Group VI. 154 Plate A-25 Aerial photography of modeling site 136.3R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Site breaches at 13,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group VI. 155 =MODEL 1: W"llD't' t •IMCY . A$X)i(I"'Tt.$ SITE Plate A-26 Aerial photography of modeling site 136.3R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs an<l 7,400 cfs . Site breaches at 13,000 cfs an<l is inclu<le<l in Representative Gro up VI . 156 P 1 ate A-27 [, .. ] : ~~~eL l SITE ' $ RM-119.0 Aerial photography of modeling site 119.2R at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Site breaches at 10,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group VII. 157 Plate A-28 - Aerial photography of modeling site 119.2R at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7,400 cfs. Site breaches at 10,000 cfs and is included in Rep resentative Group VII. 158 EWT&A l Plate A-29 ---------- Aerial photography of modeling site 101.5L at mainstem <li sch ;trges of 23,000 cfs ana 16,000 cfs. Site breaches at <5,000 cfs and is inclu<le<l in Representative Group IX . 159 EWT&A Pi dte A-30 e RM 101.2 _ __..__,_ ~-' -1 " =500 ' --~ "-::'·:-. . . ~-gjJ ,l!tJ:¥a [ J =MODEL --·~~-· · ·· -.. ---~~~ · SITE ~--1-tr. .... • .. • .• • .. ~,~·.•,..... -·--- Aerial photography of modeling site lOl.SL at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs and 7 ,400 cfs. Site breaches at <5,000 cfs and is included in Representative Group IX . 160 EWT&A t WOC)01' TIIIM&Y e A.$~1.ATU Plate A-31 Aerial photography of modeling site 147.1L at mainstem discharges of 23,000 cfs and 16,000 cfs. Site Dreaches at <5,000 cfs and is incluaed in Representative Group IX. 161 Plate A-32 Aerial photography of modeling site 147.1L at mainstem discharges of 12,500 cfs ana 7,400 cfs. Site Dreaches at <5,000 cfs ana is included in Rerresentative Group IX. 162 APPENDIX B HABITAT AVAILABILITY INDICES (HAl) FOR SPECIFIC AREAS 163 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I HAl VALUES (PERCENT ) O•s 102 .2l 105 .2R 107 .6L 108.3L 112.5L 119 .4L 120 .0R 121. 9 R 123.! R 12 3 .3 R 127.211 129 .4R 133.9L 134.0 L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000 5 .09 4 .23 11.88 4.29 4 . 17 12.14 13 .49 4 .48 12. 14 4 . 11 3.56 11.88 4. 11 5 .46 5500 5 .09 4 .23 11.87 4.29 4 .17 12. 14 13 .48 4 .413 12. 14 4 . 1 1 3 .56 11.87 4 .II 5 .46 6000 5.09 4 .23 11.85 4 .29 4 .17 12. 12 13.46 4 .48 12.12 4 . 11 3 .56 11 .85 4. 11 5 .4 6 6500 5 .09 4 .23 11.82 4 .29 4 . 17 12 .09 13 .43 4 .43 12 .0? 4 . 1 1 3 .56 11 .82 4. 11 5.4 o 7000 5.09 4 .23 ll. 79 4 .29 4 . 1 7 12 .05 13.39 4 .48 12.0!> 4 . 1 1 3 .56 11.79 4. 11 5 .40 7500 5 .09 4.23 11.74 4.29 4.17 12.0 1 13 .34 4 .48 12.0 1 4 . 1 1 3 .56 II. 74 4 . 11 5 .46 8000 5.09 4 .23 11 .68 4 .29 4.17 11.95 13 .28 4 .48 11.95 4 . 1 1 3 .56 11 .68 4.11 5 .46 8500 5 .09 4.23 11 .62 4 .29 4 .1 7 11.89 13 .21 4 .48 11 .99 4 . 1 1 3 .56 11 .62 4 .1 1 5 .46 9000 5 .09 4 .23 11.55 4 .29 4 .1 7 11.81 13 .12 4 .48 I I. 8 1 4 . 11 3.56 11.55 4 . 11 5.4 6 9500 5 .09 4 .23 11.4 7 4.29 4 .17 11.73 13 .03 4 .43 1 1. 73 4 . 1 1 3 .56 11.4 7 4 . 11 5 .46 10000 5 .09 4 .23 11.38 4 .29 4 .17 11 .63 12 .93 4 .48 II . 63 4 . II 3.56 11.38 4. II 5 .46 10500 5.09 4 .23 11 .28 4.29 4 . 17 11.53 12 .81 4 .48 I I. 53 4 . 11 3 .56 11 .28 4 .11 5 .46 11000 5.09 4 .23 1!.17 ·4 .29 4 .17 11.42 12 .69 4.48 I I. 4 2 4 . 11 3.56 11.17 4 .ll 5 .46 11500 5.09 4.23 1!.05 4 .29 4 .17 11.30 12 .56 4.48 11 .30 4. 11 3.5c 11 . OS 4.:1 5.46 12000 5.09 4.23 10 .93 4.29 4 . 17 11.18 12.42 4.48 11.18 4 . 11 3 .56 10.93 4. 11 5 .46 12500 5.09 4 .23 10 .80 4.29 4 .17 11 .04 12.27 4.48 1 1.04 4 . 11 3 .56 10 .80 4. 11 5 .46 13000 5 .09 4.23 10.66 4 .29 4 .17 10.90 12 .11 4 .48 10 .90 4 .ll 3 .56 10 .66 4 .ll 5.46 13500 5 .09 4 .23 10 .51 4 .29 4 .17 10.75 11.95 4 .48 10 .7 5 4 .11 3 .56 10 .51 4 .11 5.46 14000 5.09 4 .23 10.36 4.29 4 .17 10 .60 11.77 4.48 10.60 4.11 3 .56 10 .36 4.11 5 .46 14500 5 .09 4 .23 10.20 4 .29 4 .17 10 .43 11.59 4.48 10 .43 4. 11 3.56 10 .20 4.11 5 .46 15000 5 .09 4 .23 10 .04 4 .29 4 .17 10.27 11 . 41 4 .48 10 .2 7 4 .ll 3 .56 10.04 4.11 5 .46 15500 5.09 4.23 9.87 4 .29 4 .17 10 .09 11.21 4.48 10 .09 4. 11 3. 56, 9 .87 4.11 5 .46 16000 5 .09 4.23 9.69 4 .29 4 .17 9.91 11.01 4.48 9 .91 4 .ll 3 .56 9 .69 4 . 11 5 .46 16500 5 .09 4 .23 9 .51 4.29 4. 17 9 .73 10.81 4.48 9.73 4. 11 3.56 9 .51 4. 11 5 .46 17000 5 .09 4 .23 9 .33 4 .29 4 .17 9.54 10 .60 4.48 9.54 4 .11 3 .56 9 .33 4.11 5.46 17500 5.09 4 .23 9.14 4 .29 4. 17 9 .35 10.39 4.48 9.35 4 . 11 3 .5<6 9 .14 4.11 5 .46 19000 5.09 4 .23 9.95 4 .29 4.17 9.15 10 .17 4 .48 9. 15 4. 11 3. 56 9.95 4.11 5 .46 19500 5.09 4 .23 9 .75 4.29 4 . 17 9 .95 9.95 4 .49 8 .95 4 .11 3 . 5J 6 8 . 75 4. 11 5.46 19000 5 .09 4.23 8.55 4 .29 4.17 8 .75 9 .72 4.48 8 .75 4. 11 3 .S6 9.55 4 . 11 5 .46 19500 5.09 4 .23 8.35 4 .29 4. 17 9.54 9.49 4 .49 8.54 4 . 11 3 .56 8.35 4.11 5.46 20000 5.09 4.23 8.13 4.29 4 . 17 8.32 9.24 4.4 8 8.32 4 .11 3 .56 8.13 4.11 5 .4l. 20500 5.09 4 .23 7.91 4.29 4. 17 8 .09 8.9? 4 .48 8.0 9 4 . 11 3 .56 7 . 91 4. 11 5 .46 21 000 5 .09 4 .23 7 .68 4.29 4 .17 7 .85 8 .73 4 .48 7 .85 4 . 11 3 .56 7 .68 4. 11 5 .46 21500 5 .09 4.23 7.44 4 .29 4 .17 7 .61 8.45 4.48 7.6 1 4 . 11 3 .56 7.44 4. 11 5 .46 22000 5 .09 4 .23 7.20 4.29 4 . 17 7 .3 7 8 .18 4.48 7.37 4 . 11 3 .56 7 .20 4 .11 5 .46 22500 5 .09 4 .23 7.03 4 .29 4.1 7 7.19 7 .99 4 .48 7 .19 4.11 3.56 7 .03 4 .ll 5 .46 23000 5 .09 4 .23 6 .82 4.29 4 .17 6.97 7.75 4 .48 6.9 7 4 .1 1 3.56 6 .82 4.11 5 .46 23500 5 .09 4 .23 6 .66 4 .29 4 .17 6 .81 7.5 7 4 .48 6 . 81 4 . 11 3 .56 6 .66 4.11 5 .46 24000 5 .09 4.23 6.55 4 .29 4 . 17 6 .70 7 .44 4 .48 6 .70 4. 11 3.56 6 .55 4 . 11 5 .46 24500 5 .09 4.23 6.22 4 .29 4 .1 7 6 .36 7 .06 4 .48 6 .36 4 . 1 1 3 .56 6.22 4 .11 5 .46 25000 5.09 4.23 5.89 4.29 4.17 6.02 6 .69 4 .48 6 .02 4 .11 3.56 5 .89 4 . 11 5 .46 25500 5 .09 4.23 5.56 4 .29 4 .17 5.68 6 .32 4.48 5 .69 4. 1 1 3.56 5.56 4.11 5 .46 260 00 5 .09 4 .23 5.40 4.29 4 .17 5.52 6 .14 4 .48 5 .52 4 . 11 3 .56 5 .40 4 . 11 5 .46 26500 5 .09 4 .23 5.44 4 .29 4 .17 5 .57 6 .19 4 .48 5 .57 4 . 11 3 .56 5.44 4 . 11 5 .4o 27000 5.09 4.23 5 .48 4 .29 4 . 17 5 .60 6.22 4.48 5.60 4 . 11 3 .56 5 .48 4 . 11 5. 4o 27500 5 .09 4.23 5.56 4 .29 4 .17 5.69 6.32 4 .48 5 .6 9 4 .11 3. 56 5.56 4 . 11 5 .46 28000 5.09 4.23 5.63 4.29 4.17 5.76 6 .40 4.48 5 .76 4 .11 3.56 5 .63 4 . 1 1 5.4 6 28500 5 .09 4 .23 5 .71 4 .29 4 .17 5 .84 6 .49 4.48 5 .84 4.11 3 .56 5. 7 1 4 .11 5 .46 29000 5 .09 4 .23 5 .74 4.29 4.17 5.8 7 6 .52 4 .48 5 .9 7 4.11 3.56 5. 74 4 . 11 5.46 2950 0 5.09 4.23 5 .78 4 .29 4 . 17 5.91 6.57 4 .48 5 .91 4 . 1 1 3.56 5 .78 4. 11 5 .46 30000 5 .09 4.23 5 .76 4.29 4 . 17 5 .99 6.55 4.48 5 .89 4 .1 1 3 .56 5 .76 4. 1 1 5 .46 30500 5.09 4 .23 5.80 4 .29 4 . 17 5.93 6.59 4 .48 5.93 4 . 11 3 .5o 5 .80 4. 11 5.46 31000 5 .09 4.23 5 .80 4 .29 4.1 7 5.93 6 .59 4 .48 5.93 4. 1 1 3 .56 5 .80 4 . 11 5.46 31500 5.09 4 .23 5 .80 4.29 4 .1 7 5.93 6.59 4 .48 5 .9 3 4.11 3 .56 5 .80 4. 11 5 .46 32000 5.09 4 .23 5 .79 4 .29 4.17 5.93 6.58 4 .48 5.93 4.11 3 .56 5.79 4. 11 5 .46 32500 5.09 4 .23 5.79 4.29 4. 17 5.93 6 .58 4 .49 5.93 4 . 11 7 .56 5.79 4. 11 5.46 33000 5.09 4 .23 5.79 4 .29 4.17 5.92 6 .58 4 .48 5 .92 4. 11 J .56 5.79 4. 11 5 .46 33500 5.09 4 .23 5.79 4 .29 4 . 17 5 .93 6 .58 4.48 5 .93 4 . 11 3.56 5.79 4. 11 5.46 3 4000 5.09 4 .23 5.79 4 .29 4 . 17 5. 92 6 .58 4 .48 5 . 92 4 . ll 3 .56 5.79 4. 11 5 .46 34500 5.09 4 .23 5 .76 4 .29 4 . 17 5.89 6.55 4 .48 5.8 9 4. 1 1 3 .56 5.76 4. 11 5 .46 15000 5 .0'1 4.2 3 s . 73 4 .2'1 4 . 17 5.8 7 6.52 4 .4P 5 .8 7 4 . 11 3.5& 5 . 73 4 . 1 1 5 .4t> 1 64 REPRES ENTAT I VE GROUP HAl VALUE S !PERCEN T) O•s 135 .5R 135 .6R 136.9R 139 .0L 139 .9R ----------------------------------------------------- 5000 8 .64 14 . 5 7 4 .23 12 . 14 4 .54 55 00 9 .63 14 .56 4 .23 12 . 14 4 .54 6000 8.62 14 .54 4 .23 12 . 12 4 .54 6500 8.60 14 .5 1 4 .23 12 .('9 4 .54 7000 8.57 14.46 4 .23 12 .05 4 .54 7500 8.54 14 .41 4 .23 12 .01 4 .54 8000 8 .50 14. 34 4 .23 11.95 4 .54 8500 8.45 14.26 4.23 11.89 4 .54 9000 8.40 14. 1 7 4 .23 I I. 8 1 4 .5 4 9500 8 .34 14.0 7 4 .23 11.73 4 .54 10000 8.27 13.96 4 .23 11.63 4 .54 10500 9.20 13.84 4 .23 11 .53 4 .54 11000 8 . 12 13. 71 4 .23 11.42 4 .54 11500 8 .04 13 .57 4 .23 11 .30 4 .54 12000 7 .95 13 . 41 4 .23 11.18 4 .54 12500 7.85 13 .25 4 .23 11.04 4 .54 13000 7.75 13.08 4 .23 10 .90 4 .5 4 13500 7.65 12.90 4 .23 10 .75 4 .54 14 000 7.54 12.72 4 .23 10.60 4 .54 14 5 00 7.42 12 .52 4 .23 10 .43 4 .54 15000 7 .30 12 .32 4 .23 10.27 4 .54 15500 7 .18 12 .11 4 .23 10 .09 4 .54 16000 7 .05 11.90 4 .23 9 .91 4 .54 16500 6.92 11 .68 4 .23 9 .73 4 .54 17000 6 .78 11.45 4.23 9 .54 4 .54 1 7500 6.65 11.22 4 .23 9.35 4.5 4 180 00 6.51 10 .98 4 .23 9.1 5 4 .5 4 18500 6.3 7 10.74 4.23 8 .95 4 .54 19000 6 .22 10 .50 4 .23 8 .75 4 .54 19 500 6 .0 7 10 .25 4 .23 8 .54 4.54 20 0 00 5 . 92 9 .98 4 .23 8 .32 4 .54 20500 5.75 9. 7 1 4.23 8.09 4 .54 21000 5 .58 9.42 4.23 7.85 4.54 2 1500 5 .41 9.13 4 .23 7.6 1 4 .54 22 000 5.24 8 .84 4 .23 7.37 4.54 22500 5.11 8 .63 4.23 7.19 4.54 230 00 4 .96 8.3 7 4.23 6.97 4 .5 4 23500 4 .85 8 .13 4 .23 6.81 4 .54 24000 4.76 8 .04 4 .2 3 6 .70 4 .54 24500 4 .52 7.63 4 .23 6.36 4 .54 25 000 4.28 7.23 4 .23 6 .02 4 .54 2 5500 4 .04 6.82 4 .23 5 .68 4. 54 26 00 0 3 .93 6 .63 4 .2:: 5.52 4 .5 4 26 500 3. 96 6.68 4 .23 5 .57 4 .54 27000 3.98 6. 72 4.23 5.60 4 .54 27500 4 .04 6 .82 4.23 5.69 4 .54 28000 4 .10 6.91 4.23 5 .76 4 .54 28500 4 . 15 7 . 01 4 .23 5.84 4 .54 29000 4 .18 7.05 4 .23 5 .87 4 .54 29500 4 .20 7 .09 4 .23 5 . 91 4 .54 30000 4 . 19 7 .07 4 .n 5 .8 9 4 .5 4 3050C 4 .22 7 . 12 4 .23 5.93 4 .5 4 31000 4 .22 7.1 2 4.23 5 .9J 4 .54 31500 4 .22 7 .12 4 .23 5.9J 4.54 320 0 0 4 .21 7 . 11 4.23 5 .93 4 .5 4 32500 4 .21 7. 11 4 .23 5 .93 4 .54 33000 4 .21 7. 10 4 .23 5 .9 2 4 .5 4 33500 •. 21 7 . 11 4 .23 5.93 4 .5 4 34000 4 .21 7. 11 4 .23 5.92 4 .54 34500 4 . 19 7 .0 7 4 .23 5 .89 4 .54 35000 4 I 7 7 .04 4 . 23 5 .8 7 4 ' 54 165 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II HAl VALUES (PERCENT) 085 100.6R 101.4L 101 . 9L 113 .1R 113 .7 R 115 .bR 11 7 .9L 118 .0L 121.8R 122 .4R 122 .5R 12 3 .6R 125 . I R 125.9R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 3.56 14 0 53 3 .86 9.05 13 .25 14 .53 3.68 10 .05 6 .95 7.53 13 .66 11. 17 12.96 15.06 5500 3.56 14 .53 3.86 8.05 13 .20 14.53 3 .68 10 .09 6 .98 7 .53 13 . Jl 11.1 7 13 . 10 15 .06 6000 3.56 14 .53 3 .86 9 .05 13 .16 14 .53 3 .68 10.19 7.04 7 .53 14 .16 11. 17 IJ.JJ 15.06 6500 3 .56 14 0 53 3.86 8 .05 13 .11 14 .53 3.68 10 .31 7 0 14 7.53 14 .42 11.17 13.59 15.06 7000 3.56 14.53 3 .86 9.05 IJ .14 14.53 3 .68 10 .45 7.23 7.53 14 .68 11.13 13.82 15.06 7500 3 .56 14 .53 3 .85 8 .02 13.19 14 .53 3.68 10.64 7 .37 7 .51 14 .96 11 .09 14 .09 15 .06 8000 3 .56 14 0 53 3 .85 9.00 13 .31 14.53 3 .67 10 .83 7 .50 7.48 15.23 11.06 14.33 15.06 8500 3.56 14.53 3 .85 7.97 13 .48 14 .53 3.67 11. OJ 7.64 7.46 15 .51 11 .08 14.60 15.06 9000 3.56 14 0 53 3.84 7 .98 13.66 14.53 3 .66 11.23 7 0 77 7 .4 7 15.85 11.12 14 .91 15 .06 9500 3.56 14 0 53 3 .84 8 .02 13.91 14.53 3 .66 11.44 7 0 92 7 .50 16. 18 11.22 15 .23 15 .06 10000 3 .56 14.53 3 .83 8.09 14 .16 14 .53 3 .65 11.65 8 .0 6 7.57 16 .59 11.37 15.61 15 .06 10500 3.56 14.53 3.82 8 .19 14 .42 14 .53 3.65 11 .86 8 .21 7 .67 17.09 11.52 16 .09 15 .06 11000 3.56 14 .53 3 .81 8 .30 14.68 14. SJ 3.64 12 .12 8 .39 7 0 77 17.64 11.73 16 .60 15 .06 11500 3.56 14 . SJ 3 .81 8 .46 14 .96 14 .53 3.63 12.38 8 .57 7.91 18 .11 11 .94 17 .05 15 .06 12000 3.56 14.53 3 .80 8.61 15 .23 14 .53 3 .62 12 .68 8 .78 9 .05 18.59 12 0 16 17 .50 15 .06 12500 3.56 14 .53 3 .78 8.77 15.51 14 .53 3 .61 13 0 07 9 .05 8.20 19 .08 12.38 17.96 15 .06 13000 3.56 14 0 53 3.77 8.92 15 .85 14.53 3 .60 13.49 9 .34 9 .35 19 .56 12 .61 18 0 41 15.06 13500 3 .56 14 .53 3 .76 9.09 16.18 14.53 3 .59 13.95 9.59 9 .51 19.95 12 .84 18 .78 15 .06 14000 3 .56 14.53 3.75 9 .26 16 .59 14.53 3.57 14 .22 9.84 9 .66 20 .40 13.08 19.20 15.06 14500 3 .56 14 .53 3.73 9 .43 17 .09 14 .53 3.56 14 .59 10 .10 8.92 20 .87 13.36 19 .64 15 .06 15000 3.56 14.53 3 .71 9.63 17 .64 14 .53 3.54 14 .96 10.36 9 .01 21.38 13.64 20 .13 15.06 15500 3 .56 14 .53 3 .70 9 .84 18 .11 14 .53 3.53 15 .26 10 .56 9 .20 21.95 13.99 20 .66 15.06 16000 3.56 14.53 3.68 10 .08 18 .59 14 .53 3.51 15 .60 10.90 9 .43 22.46 14 0 41 21.14 15 .06 16500 3.56 14.53 3 .66 10.39 19 .08 14 .53 3.49 15.96 11.05 9.72 22 .99 14.87 21.63 15.06 17000 3.56 14.53 3.64 10.72 19 .56 14 0 53 3.47 16.35 11.32 10 .03 23 .51 15 .27 22 .13 15 .06 17500 3.56 14 .53 3 .62 11.01 19 .95 14.53 3.45 16 .79 11.62 10.30 23 .99 15.68 22 .58 15.06 111000 3 .56 14 .53 3.60 11.30 20 .40 14 .53 3.43 17.17 11.89 10 .57 24 .40 16.09 22.97 15 .06 18500 3.56 14 .53 3 .58 11.60 20.87 14 .53 3.41 17.58 12 0 17 10 .85 24.79 16 .49 23 .34 15.06 19000 3.55 14 .53 3.56 11 .89 21.38 14 .53 3.39 17 .99 12 .45 11.12 25 .17 16 .82 23.69 15 .06 19500 3.55 14 .53 3 .53 12 0 13 21.95 14.53 3.37 18 .35 12 .70 11 .34 25.49 1~.2 1) 23 .99 15 .06 20000 3.55 14 .53 3.51 12 .40 22.46 14 .53 3.35 18.66 12.92 11 .60 25 .77 17 .59 24.26 15.06 20500 3.54 14 .53 3 .52 12 .68 22 .99 14.53 3 .36 18 .96 13 .13 11.87 25.82 18.03 24 .30 15.06 21000 3.54 14.53 3.55 13 .00 23 .51 14 0 53 3 .38 19.25 13 .32 12 .16 25.94 18.51 24 .42 15.06 21500 3.53 14 .53 3.75 13.34 23 .99 14 0 53 3 .57 19.49 13 .50 12.48 26.25 18.93 24 .70 15.06 22000 3 .52 14.53 4.46 13.65 24 .40 14 .53 4.25 19.71 13 .64 12 .77 26 .76 19 .38 25.18 15 .06 22500 3 .51 14 .74 5 .71 13.97 24 .79 14 .53 5 .44 19 .74 13 .67 13 .07 27.45 19 .92 25 .83 15.06 23000 3.50 15.82 9 .76 14 .29 25.17 14.53 9.31 19 .84 13.74 13 .37 28 .36 20 .23 26 .69 15.06 23500 3.49 17 .06 15.53 14 .58 25 .49 14 .74 14 0 81 20 .07 13 .90 13.64 29.52 20.58 27.78 15.06 24000 3 .48 18 .57 19.33 14 .83 25 .77 15 .82 18 .44 20 .46 14.17 13 .88 31 .22 20 .90 29.38 15.06 24500 3.47 21.19 23.50 15.07 25.82 17.06 22 0 42 20.99 14.53 14.10 33.36 21.22 31.3 9 15 .06 25000 3.46 25 .37 26 .19 15.30 25 .94 18.57 24 .98 21.68 15.01 14 0 31 36 .02 21.49 33.90 15.0 6 25500 3.44 29.59 28 .36 15 .50 26 .25 21.19 27 .05 22.5 7 15.63 14.50 38.39 21.73 36.13 15 .06 26000 3 .43 32.28 30.01 15.67 26.76 25 .37 28 .63 23.87 16 .53 14 .65 40 .34 21.77 37 .97 15.06 26500 3. 41 33 .71 31 .16 15 .69 27 .45 29.59 29 .72 25.51 17 .66 14.68 41 .51 21.87 39.07 15 .28 27000 3.40 34.65 32.22 15. 77 28 .36 32 .28 30.73 27.54 19 .07 14 .75 42 .55 22 .13 40 .05 16. 41 27500 3 .38 35 .01 32 .16 15 .95 29 .52 33.71 30 .67 29 .36 20 .32 14 0 93 42 .7 4 22 .56 40 0 22 17.69 28000 3.36 34.75 31.18 16.26 31.22 34.65 29.74 30.85 21.36 15 .22 42.43 23 .14 39 .94 19 .26 28500 3 .34 34 .17 29 .26 16.68 33 .36 35 .01 27.91 31.75 21.98 15 .61 41.78 23.91 39.32 21.97 29000 3.32 33 .00 26 .85 17 .24 36 .02 34 0 75 25.61 32.54 22.53 16.12 40.75 24.89 38.35 26.31 29500 3 .30 31.42 23 .73 17.94 38.39 34.17 22.63 32 .68 22 .63 16 0 78 39.75 26 .32 37 .41 30.68 30000 3.28 29 .83 20 .49 18 .98 40 .34 33 .00 19.54 32 .45 22 .46 17 .75 38 .77 28 .12 36 .49 33.47 30500 3.26 28.29 17.69 20.28 41.51 31.42 16.88 31.95 22.12 18.97 37 .83 30.3 7 35 .6 0 34.96 31000 3.24 26.92 15 .19 21.89 42 .55 29 .83 14 .49 31.16 21.57 20.48 36 .94 32.37 34 0 77 35.93 31500 3.25 25 .72 1 J 0 19 23.33 42 .74 28.29 12 .59 30.40 21.05 21.83 35.93 34 .02 33 .82 36 .. Jl 32000 3.28 24.66 11.39 24 .52 42.43 26.92 10.86 29 .65 20.53 22.94 34 .87 35.00 32.82 36 .04 32500 3 .46 23 .73 9 .78 25 .23 41.78 25 .72 9 .33 28.93 20 .03 23.61 33.87 35.88 31 .88 35.44 33000 4 .11 22.91 8 .34 25 .87 40.75 24.66 7.96 28 .25 19.56 24 .20 32 .84 36.03 30.91 34.22 33500 5.27 22.21 7.19 25 .98 39 .75 23 .73 6 .86 27 .48 19 .02 24.30 31.81 35 0 78 29.94 32.58 34000 9.01 21.60 6.30 25.79 38.77 22 .91 6.01 26.6 7 18.46 24.13 30 .81 35.22 29 .00 30.94 34500 14 .34 21.08 5.57 25 .39 37 .93 22 .21 5 .32 25 .90 17 .93 23.76 29 .88 34 0 35 28. 12 29 .34 35000 17 .84 20.64 4 .93 24 .77 36.94 21 .60 4 .70 2 5 . 11 17.38 23. 17 28.97 33.52 27 .27 27.92 166 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II HAl VALUE S (PERCENT) O•s 126.0R 126.JR 131 . Bl 133 .9R !J5.3l 137.5L 137.5R 137 .8L 137.9l 140.2A 142.1A I42 .2R 14J.4L 144. 4l -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 17.64 J.50 11.69 17.29 7.74 J.62 11.33 14.53 13.05 12.99 3.56 3 .09 14 .79 J .56 5500 17 .64 J .50 11.69 17.29 7.71 3.62 11.38 14.53 13.22 12.99 3.56 3.0? 14.79 3.56 6000 17.64 3.50 11.69 17.29 7.73 3.62 11.48 14.53 13.3 9 12.99 :!.56 3.08 14 . 79 3 .56 6500 17.64 3.50 11.69 17.29 7 .76 3.62 11 .63 14.53 1J.64 12.99 3 .56 3 .08 14.79 3 .56 7000 17. 64 3.50 11.69 17.29 7.8J J.62 11 .79 14.53 1J.88 12 .99 3.56 3 .08 14 .79 3.55 7500 17.64 3.50 11.69 17.29 7.93 3.62 12.00 14 .53 14. 14 12.99 3.56 3 .08 14.79 3.55 8000 17.64 3.50 11.69 17.29 8.04 3 .62 12 .22 14.53 14 .39 12 .94 3 .56 3 .07 14 .79 3.55 8500 17 .64 3.50 11.65 17 .29 8.19 3.62 12.45 14 .53 14 .67 12.90 3.56 3.07 14 .79 3 .54 9000 17.64 3.50 11.61 17.29 8.33 3.62 12 .67 14 .53 14.93 12 .86 3 .56 3.06 14.79 3.54 9500 17 .64 3 .50 11.57 17 .29 8 .49 3 .62 12.91 14. SJ 15 .2 1 12.88 J .56 3.06 14 .79 3.53 10000 17 .64 3.50 11.59 17 .29 8.64 3 .62 13.14 14 .53 15.54 12 .93 3 .56 3.05 14.79 3.52 10500 17.64 3 .50 11.64 17 .29 8.80 3.62 13.38 14.53 15.87 13 .05 .L56 .J. 04 14.7? J .51 11000 17.64 3.50 11.74 17 .29 8.96 3 .62 13 .67 14 .53 16 .26 13 .22 3.56 3 .04 14.79 3.50 11500 17.64 3.49 11.90 17.29 9.13 3.62 13.96 14. 5J 16.76 13.J9 3 .56 3.03 14 .79 3.4 9 12000 17 .64 3 .49 12.05 17 .29 9.32 3.62 14.31 14 .53 17 .29 13 .64 3 .56 J.02 14.79 3.48 12500 17.64 3.48 12 .28 17 .29 9.52 3.62 14.75 14.53 17 .76 13 .88 3.55 3.01 14 .79 3.47 13000 17.64 3 .48 12.49 17.29 9.76 3.62 15.22 14.53 18 .23 14.14 3 .55 3.00 14.79 3.46 13500 17.64 3.47 12.73 17.29 10.05 3.62 15.62 14.53 18.71 14 .39 3.55 2 .98 14.79 3.44 14000 17 .64 3.46 12.95 17.29 10.37 3.62 16.04 14.53 19.18 14.67 3.54 2.97 14 .79 3.43 14500 17 .64 3.45 13.20 17.29 10 .65 3.62 16.46 14 .53 19.56 14 .93 3.54 2.96 14.79 3. 41 15000 17 .64 3.44 13.44 17.29 10.94 3 .61 16 .88 14 .53 20 .00 15.21 3.53 2 .94 14 .79 3.40 15500 17.64 3.43 13.69 17.29 11.22 3.61 17.21 14 .53 20.46 15 .54 3.52 2 .93 14.79 3 .38 16000 17 .64 3.42 13.98 17 .29 11.51 3 .61 17 .60 14.53 20.96 15.87 3.51 2.91 14 .79 3.36 16500 17.64 3.41 14.28 17 .29 11.74 3.60 18.00 14 .53 21.52 16 .26 3.50 2.90 14.79 3.34 17000 17 .64 3.40 14.64 17 .29 12 .00 3 .59 18 .45 14.53 22.02 16.76 3 .49 2.98 14.79 3.32 17500 17.64 3 .39 15.08 17 .29 12.27 3.59 18 .94 14.53 22 .54 17 .29 3.48 2.96 14 .79 3.30 18000 17 .64 3 .37 15.56 17 .29 12.58 3.58 19 .37 14 .53 23.05 1 7.76 3 .47 2 .84 14 .79 3.28 19500 17 .64 3.36 15.98 17 .29 12 .91 3.57 19.93 14.53 23 .52 19.23 3.46 2.83 14 .79 3.26 19000 17 .64 3.34 16.40 17.29 13.21 3 .56 20 .28 1~.53 23.93 18.71 3.44 2 .81 14 .79 3.24 19500 17 .64 3.32 16 .94 17.29 13.52 3 .55 20 .70 14.53 24.31 19.18 3.43 2 .81 14.79 3.25 20000 17 .64 3.31 17.26 17.29 13.83 3 .54 21. OS 14 .53 24.67 19 .56 3.41 2.84 14.79 3 .28 20500 17 .64 3 .29 17.60 17.29 14.11 3.53 21 .39 14.74 24.99 20.00 3 .40 3 .00 14 .7? 3.46 21000 17 .64 3 .27 18.00 17.29 14 .36 3.51 21.71 15.82 25.27 20 .46 3.39 3 .57 14 .79 4. I I 21500 17 .64 3.25 18 .41 17.29 14.58 3 .50 21 .99 17.06 25.31 20.96 3.36 4 .57 14 .79 5 .2 7 22000 17 .64 3.23 18.97 17.29 14.80 3.49 22.23 19.57 25.44 21.52 3.34 7.81 14 .79 9.01 22500 17.64 3.21 19 .37 17.29 15.00 3.47 22 .27 21.19 25.73 22.02 3 .32 12 .43 14 .79 14.34 23000 17 .64 3.19 19.81 17 .29 15 .16 3 .45 22 .38 25 .37 26 .23 22.54 3 .30 15 .47 14 .79 17.84 23500 17.64 3.19 20.28 17 .29 15.19 3 .44 22 .65 29 .59 26 .91 23 .05 3.29 18.80 14 .79 21.70 24000 17 .64 3 .22 20.74 17.29 15.26 3.42 23.09 32.28 27 .80 23 .52 3.26 20 .95 14.79 24 . 18 24500 17.64 3.40 21.17 17 .29 15.44 3.40 23.68 33 .71 28.94 23 .93 3.24 22 .69 14 .7? 26 .I a 25000 17.64 4 .05 21.53 17.29 15.74 3 .38 24.46 34.65 30 .61 24.31 3.25 24.01 14 .79 27 .70 25500 17 .64 s .18 21.99 17.29 16.14 3.36 25 .47 35 .01 32.70 24.67 3 .28 24 .93 14 .7 9 28.76 26000 17 .64 8 .86 22.21 17.29 16.68 3.34 26.93 34 .75 35.31 24.99 3.46 25 .77 14 .79 29.74 26500 17.64 14 .1 0 22.49 17.29 17 .36 3.31 28 .78 34.17 37.64 25 .27 4 . 11 25 .72 14 .79 29 .68 27000 17 .64 17 .55 22.74 17 .29 18.36 3 .30 31.07 33.00 39 .55 25.31 5.27 24 .95 14 .79 28.78 27500 17.64 21.33 22 .78 17 .29 19.62 3 .30 33 .12 31.42 40.70 25 .44 9 .01 23.41 14 .79 27.01 28000 17.64 23.77 22.89 17.29 21.19 3 .33 34.81 29 .83 41.72 25.73 14.34 21.48 14.79 24 .78 28500 17 .64 25 .74 23.16 17 .29 22.58 3.51 35 .82 28.29 41.90 26 .23 17.84 18.98 14 .79 21.90 29000 17.64 27.24 23.61 17.29 23.73 4.18 36.71 26 .92 41.60 26.91 21.70 16 .39 14.79 18.91 29500 17 .64 28.28 24 .22 20 .54 24 .42 5 .36 36.97 25.72 40 .96 27.80 24 .18 14 . 15 14 .79 16.33 30000 17.64 29 .24 25.02 23.78 25.03 9 .16 36.61 24 .66 39 .95 28.94 26.18 12.15 14.79 14 .02 30500 17 .64 29.19 26 .04 23 .46 25.14 14.58 36 .04 23.73 38.97 30 .61 27.70 10.56 15 .01 12.18 31000 17.64 28.30 27.55 22.90 24.96 18.14 35.15 22 .91 38.01 32.70 28 .76 9 . 11 16. 11 10. 51 31500 17 .64 26.56 29.43 22.40 24.57 22 .06 34 .30 22.21 37 .09 35.31 29.74 7.82 17 .37 9.02 32000 17.64 24.37 31.78 22.07 23.97 24.58 33.45 21.60 36.21 37.64 29.68 6 .67 18 .92 7.70 32500 20 .95 21.54 33.87 21.75 23.39 26.61 32.64 21.08 35 .23 39.55 28.79 5 .75 21.58 6 .64 33000 24.26 18.60 35.60 21.55 22.81 28 .17 31.97 20 .64 34 . 19 40 .70 27.01 5 .04 25 .84 5 .82 33500 23 . )3 16 .06 36.63 21.37 22.25 29 .24 31 .00 20.26 33 .21 41 .72 24.78 4.46 30. 14 5 .14 34000 23.26 13.78 37.55 21.22 21.73 30.24 30.09 19 .92 32 .19 4 1 .90 21.90 3.95 32 .88 4.55 34500 22.95 11.98 37.71 21.09 21 .14 30.19 29 .22 19.65 31.19 41.60 19.91 3.55 34.34 4. 10 35000 22 .5 1 10.34 37.44 20.98 20.51 29.26 28 .33 19.33 30.21 40 .96 If>. 33 3 . 17 35.2Q 3 .66 167 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I II ~AI VALUES (PERCENT ! O•s 100. 4R 100 .6L 101. 2R 10 1 . bl 101 . 7L 110 .4L 115 .0R 11 9 .JL J2 9 .5R 129 .7 R 128 .9R 1.10 .2R 1.10 .2l 1.1 2 .6l ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0.00 2 .06 0 .00 0 .00 2 .06 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 2 .06 21. bO 0 .00 0 .00 5500 0 .00 2 .06 0 .00 0.00 2 .06 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 2.01> 2 1.60 0 .00 0.00 6000 0.00 2 .06 0 .00 0 .00 2 .06 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 2.06 21.60 .1 . .1'1 0.00 6500 0 .00 2 .06 0 .00 0 .00 2.01> 0 .00 0 .0 0 0 .00 l. 92 0 .00 2.06 21 .60 6.79 l. 96 7000 0 .00 2 .06 3 .17 0 .00 2 .06 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 .1 .65 0 .00 2.0b 21.60 10 .19 3 .73 7500 0 .00 2 .06 6 .33 0 .00 2 .06 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 5 .4 7 0.00 2 .06 21.60 I 3. 57 5.5 9 8000 0 .00 2 .06 9.50 0 .00 2 .06 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 7 .30 0.00 2 .06 21.60 16.96 7 .45 8500 0 .00 2 .06 12 .67 0.00 2 .06 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 9 .12 0 .00 2 .06 21.60 32 .43 9 .31 9000 0.00 2 .06 15.a3 0 .00 2 .06 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 10 .95 0.00 2 .06 2 1 .60 33 .61 11.1a 9500 0 .00 2.98 30.27 0 .00 2 .06 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 12 .77 0 .00 2 .06 21.60 35 .30 13 .04 10000 0.00 4 .39 31.37 0.00 2 .98 3 .79 3 .11 0 .00 14 .60 0.00 2 .06 21.32 34 .98 14 .90 10500 2 .88 6.61 32 .94 0 .00 4.39 7 .58 6 .22 0 .00 21 .17 0 .00 2.06 2 1 .05 32 .35 21.62 11000 5 .77 10 .17 32 .64 0 .00 6 .61 11 .37 9.33 0 .00 27 .75 1. 86 2.06 20 .79 29 .09 28 .33 11500 8 .65 16 .02 30 .19 0.00 10 . 17 15 . 15 12 .44 0 .00 27 .14 3 . 73 2 .06 20 .54 26.8a 27 .71 12000 11 .54 26 .39 27 . 15 3 .17 16 .02 18 .94 15.55 0 .00 26.54 5 .59 2.06 20 .31 23 .44 27.09 12500 14 .42 27 .05 25 .09 6 .33 26 .39 36 .21 29 .73 0.00 26 . 10 7 .45 2 .06 20 .oa 22 .00 26.6 5 lJOOO 27 .57 27 .88 21 .88 9 .50 27 .05 37 .53 30.81 0 .00 25 .67 9 .31 2 .06 17.38 19.02 26.20 13500 28.57 27.35 20 .53 12.67 27 .88 39.41 32.35 0 .00 25 .16 11.18 2 .06 16 .06 17 .26 25.69 14000 30.00 26.26 17.75 15 .83 27 .35 39 .06 32.06 3 .17 24 .66 13.04 2 .06 15 .59 15.81 25.17 14500 29 .73 25 .13 16 .11 30 .27 26.26 36.12 29 .65 6 .33 24 .24 14 .90 2 .06 15 .34 13 .55 24 .74 15000 27 .50 24.22 14 .75 31.37 25.13 32 .48 26.66 9 .50 23 .81 21 .62 2.06 14 . 16 13 .01 24 .31 15500 24 .72 23 .00 12.64 32 .94 24 .22 30.02 24 .64 12 .67 22 .66 28 .33 2.06 15.53 12 .51 23 .14 16000 22 .85 21.49 12.15 32 .64 23 .00 26.17 21.49 15 .83 21.51 27 .71 2 .06 14.45 12 .0 4 21 .96 16500 19.92 19.44 11.68 30.19 21.49 24.56 20 .16 30 .27 20.84 27.09 2 .99 14 .00 11 .60 21.27 17000 18.70 16.93 11.24 27.15 19 .44 21.24 17 .43 31.37 20 .16 26.65 4 .39 13 .31 11.18 ~0.58 17500 16. 17 15.35 10 .83 25 .09 16.93 19.28 15 .83 32 .94 18 .94 26 .20 6 .61 12 .59 10 .79 19 .33 18000 14.67 13 .99 10 .43 21 .88 15 .35 17.65 14.49 32 .64 17. 71 25 .69 10 .17 12 .02 10 .41 18.oa 18500 13 .44 12.31 10.07 20 .53 13 .99 15. 13 12.42 30 .19 16.29 25 .17 16 .02 11.9 7 10 .06 16.63 19000 11.51 11.16 9. 72 17 .75 12.31 14.53 11.93 27.15 14.86 24 .74 26.39 10.89 9 . 72 15 .1 7 19500 11 .06 9.95 9.39 16.11 11.16 13.9 7 11 .4 7 25 .09 14 .00 24 .31 2 7 .05 10 . 15 9 .40 14.30 20000 10 .64 8 .39 9.0 7 14 .75 9 .85 13 .45 11.04 2 1.88 13.15 23 .14 27.88 10.33 9 .10 13 .42 20500 10 .24 7.17 8. 77 12.64 8 .3 9 12.95 10 .63 20.53 13.08 21 .96 2 7 .35 10 .99 3.3 1 13 . .1 6 21000 9 .86 6 .14 8.49 12. 15 7.1 7 12 .48 10 .25 1 7.7 5 13 .02 21.27 26 .26 10.34 8. 53 13.29 21500 9 .50 6 .15 8 .22 11.68 6 .14 12 .04 9.89 16 .11 12.09 20.53 25 .13 10 .34 3. 27 12.35 22000 9 .17 6.09 7 .96 11.24 6 .15 11 .63 9 .54 14 .75 11.1 7 19 .33 24 .22 10 .08 8 .02 11.40 22500 8 .85 5.95 7 . 72 10.83 6 .09 11.23 9 .22 12 .64 10.77 18 .08 23 .00 9.33 7 .78 10 .99 23000 8 .55 6.09 7 .48 10 .43 5.95 10 .86 8.91 12. 15 10.36 16.63 21.49 9 .37 7.55 10.58 23500 8 .26 6.64 7 .26 10 .0 7 6.09 10.50 8.62 11 .68 10 .40 15. 17 19.44 8 .72 7 .33 10 .62 24000 7 .99 6 .79 7.05 9 . 72 6 .64 10 .16 8.34 11.24 10 .44 14.30 16.93 8.42 7 . 12 10 .6b 24500 7 . 7l 6.47 6 .84 9.39 6 . 79 9 .84 8 .0 7 10 .33 10 .08 13 .42 15.35 8 .7a 6. ?2 10 .2? 25000 7 .49 6.87 6.64 9 .07 6.47 9 .53 7 .82 10 .43 9.71 13 .36 13.99 8.35 6 . 72 9. 91 25500 7.25 7.95 6 .46 8 .77 6.a7 9.24 7.sa 10 .07 9 .35 13 .29 12 .31 a .17 6 .54 ?.55 26000 7 .03 a .o7 6.27 a .49 7.95 a.96 7 .35 9 . 72 a .99 12 .35 11.16 7.53 6 .36 9 .18 26500 6 .82 7 .ao 6 .10 8 .22 8 .07 8 .69 7 . 13 ?.39 8 .96 11 .40 9 .85 6 .94 6. 1? 9 . 15 27000 6 .61 7 .a1 5.93 7 .96 7 .ao a . 43 6 .92 9.0 7 a.9 3 10 .99 8 .39 6 .9a 6.02 9.1 2 27500 6.42 7 .71 5 . 77 7 . 72 7 .81 8 .19 6.72 8 . 77 8.99 !0 .5a 7. 17 6 . 73 5 .8& ? . 18 28000 6.23 7 .63 5.62 7 .48 7 .71 7 .95 6.53 a .49 9 .05 10.62 6 .14 6. 79 5 . 71 9.24 28500 6 .05 7.61 5 .4 7 7 .26 7 .63 7 .72 6.34 8.2 2 a.a l 10.66 6.15 6 . 43 5 .56 9 .06 29000 5 .88 7.59 5 .33 7.05 7.61 7.51 6.16 7.96 a .69 10 .29 6 .09 b. 72 5 .42 8 .87 29500 5 . 71 7.49 5 .19 6 .84 7 .59 7.30 5 .99 7. 72 8 .40 9 .91 5 .95 6 .59 5.28 8 .5 7 30000 5 .56 7 .63 5 .05 6 .64 7.48 7.10 5.83 7.48 8.10 9 .55 6 .09 /).4 9 s . 14 8.2 7 30500 5 .40 7 .39 4 .9 3 6 .46 7.6 3 6 .9 1 5 .6 7 7.21> a . 71 9 . 18 6 .64 6 .40 5 .02 3.'lO 311100 5 .26 6 .26 4.ao 6 .2 7 7.39 6 . 72 5.52 7 .05 7 .69 9 .15 6 .79 6.2 3 4 .89 7.85 31500 5 .12 5 .68 4 .68 6 .10 6.26 6.54 5.37 6 .84 7.56 9 .12 6 .47 6 .34 4. 77 7 . 71 32000 4 .98 5 .78 4 .57 5 .93 5.68 6.37 5.23 6 .64 7.43 9 .18 6.87 6 . 41 4 .66 7.58 32500 4 .85 5 .52 4 .45 5 . 77 5 .7a 6 .21 5 .10 6 .46 7.31 9 .24 7.95 6 .33 4 .54 7.46 33000 4 . 72 4 .95 4.35 5 .62 5 .52 6 .05 4 .96 6 .27 7 . 19 9 .06 8 .07 6 . 17 4 .43 7.3 4 33500 4 .60 4.63 4 .24 5.4 7 4 .95 5.89 4 .84 6 . 10 7 .07 a .a 7 7.ao 6 .3 7 4 .33 7.22 34000 4 .49 4.62 4 .14 5 .33 4 .63 5 .74 4 .72 5 .93 6 .96 8 .57 7 .81 6.2 7 4 .2 3 7 . 10 34500 4 .37 4 .62 4 .04 5 . 19 4 .62 5 .60 4 .60 s . 77 6 .85 8 .27 7.71 6.2 4 4 . 12 1.>.99 35 000 4 .26 4 .55 3.94 5 .05 4 .62 5 .46 4 .48 5 .6? b .7 4 8 .90 7 .63 6.33 4 .03 6 .88 1 68 REPRESENTATIVE GR OUP I l l HAl VALUE S (PERCEN T) Qas 1JJ.7R 13 7 . 2R 141 . 4R ------------------------------------ 5000 1. 9 7 0 .00 18 .90 5500 1. 97 0.00 18 .90 6000 1. 9 7 0 .00 18 .90 6500 l. 97 l. 86 18 .90 7000 1. 97 3 . 73 18 .90 7500 1. 97 5 .59 18.90 8000 l. 9 7 7 .45 18 .90 8500 l. 9 7 9 .31 18.90 9000 l. 97 11.18 18 .90 9500 l. 9 7 13 .04 18 .65 10000 l. 97 14.90 18 .42 10500 1. 97 21.62 18 . 19 11000 l. 97 28.3J 17 .?8 11500 l. 97 27 .71 17 .77 12000 2.85 27.09 17.5 7 12500 4 .20 26.65 15 .21 13000 6.32 26.20 14.05 13500 9.72 25.69 13.64 14000 15 .32 ~5 .17 13.42 14500 25 .24 24 .7.; 1 2 .39 15000 25 .87 24 .31 1J .59 15500 26.67 23 .14 12 .64 16000 26.16 21 .96 12 .25 16500 25.12 21 .27 11.65 17000 24 .04 20.58 11.02 17500 23 .17 19 .33 10 .52 18000 22 .00 18 .09 10 .47 19500 20 .56 16 .6J 9 .53 19000 18 .59 15 .17 8 .89 19500 16.19 14.30 9 .04 20000 14.69 13.42 9 .62 20500 13 .39 13 .36 9.05 21000 11.77 13 .29 9.05 21500 10 .67 12.35 8 .82 22000 9. 42 11.40 8.16 22500 8 .03 10.99 8.20 23000 6.86 10.59 7 .63 23500 5 .87 10.62 7 .37 24000 5 .88 10 .66 7.63 24500 5.83 10 .29 7 .31 25000 5.69 CJ .91 7 .15 25500 5.83 9 .55 6.59 26000 6.35 9 .18 6 .07 26500 6 .49 9 .15 6.11 27000 6.19 9 .12 5 .89 27500 6 .57 9 .18 5 .94 28000 7 .60 9.24 5.63 28500 7 .72 9 .06 5 .89 29000 7 .46 8 .97 5. 77 29500 7 .47 8 .57 5 .69 30000 7 .3 7 8.27 5 .60 30500 7 .30 8.90 5 .45 :31000 7 .28 7.85 5 .55 31500 7 .26 7 .71 5 .61 32000 7. 15 7 .59 5 .54 32500 7 .30 7.46 5 .40 J3000 7 .07 7 .J4 5 .5 7 33500 5 .99 7.22 5.49 34000 5 . 44 7 . 10 5 .46 34500 5 .53 6 .99 5 .54 35000 5.21'l 6 .89 5 .49 169 REPRESENTA TIVE GROUP I V HAl VALUES (PER CENT ) QIS 100 .7R 108 .7L 110 .8" 111.511 112 .bl 1l4 .0A l16 .9R 119.5L 119 .6L 121. 7R 12 4 .1L 125.2R 127 . OL 127 . 4L -------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 29.00 24.41 28 .41 29 .41 31.75 25.45 28.41 24 .97 24 .41 28.41 27.23 16 .23 34.40 2 7.2 3 5500 30 . 11 22 .79 29 .49 29.49 29 .51 26 .42 29 .4? 23 .21 22.78 29.49 28.27 14 .78 30 .8? 28 .27 6000 31.09 21.15 30.45 30 .45 25 .87 27.28 30 .45 21.55 2 1.15 30 .45 29. !9 13 .78 28 .0 3 29.19 6500 31.90 19 .49 31.25 31.25 23.17 27 .99 31.25 19.84 19 .48 31.25 29.95 13.05 2 5 . 10 29 .95 7000 32 .66 17.80 32.00 32.00 22 .78 29 .66 32 .00 !9 .13 17.80 32 .00 30 .6C> 10.91 24 .68 30 .66 7500 33.69 16 .32 33 .00 33 .C'l 20.43 29 .56 33 .00 16 .63 16 .32 33 .00 31 .6 2 9. 72 22.13 31 .62 8000 34.68 14 .85 33 .97 33 .97 19 .59 30 .43 33 .9 7 15 . 13 14.85 33 .9 7 32 .55 11. 3 1 20 .14 32 .55 8500 34.46 13.77 33 .76 33.76 16 .29 30 .24 33.76 14 .03 13 .77 33 .76 32.35 10.26 17.65 32 .35 9000 34 .25 12 .69 33 .55 33 .55 14 .44 30 .05 33 .55 12 .93 12 .69 33 .55 32.1 5 9.8~ 15 .64 32.1 5 9500 32 .51 11 .69 31.94 31.84 12 .39 29 .53 31 .84 11 .90 11.68 31.84 30 .52 7.55 13.42 30.52 10000 30 .89 10 .69 30.25 30 .25 10 .90 27.10 30.25 10 .98 10.68 30.25 28 .99 6 . 71 11 .81 28 .99 10500 29.70 9.53 28. 11 29.11 10.37 25 .19 28 .11 9 .71 9 .53 28 .11 26 .94 7.00 11.23 26 .'H 11000 26 .77 8 .39 26.23 26 .23 7.36 23 .49 26 .23 8.54 8.38 26 .23 25 . 13 6.4 7 7.9 7 25 .13 11500 26 .45 9.55 25 .91 25.91 5.89 23 .21 25.91 9 . 73 9 .55 25 .91 24 .83 5 .61> 6.38 24 .83 12000 26.15 10 .72 25 .61 25 .61 5 .53 22 .95 25 .61 10 .92 10. 72 25.61 24 .55 4 .99 5.99 24 .55 12500 25 .44 10 .57 24.92 24 .92 5 .16 22.33 24.92 10 .77 10 .5 7 24 .92 23 .88 4 .42 5.59 23 .88 13000 24.77 10.42 24.27 24 .27 4.99 21.74 24 .27 10 .61 10 .42 24.27 23.25 4.32 5 .29 23.25 13500 23.58 10 .07 23.10 23.10 4.85 20.70 23 .10 10 .26 10 .07 23 .10 22 .14 3 .89 5.25 22 .14 14000 22 .47 9.72 22 .01 22.01 4.50 19 .72 22 .01 9 .91 9 . 72 22 .01 21.09 3.55 4 .88 21.09 14500 21 .78 9 .90 21 .33 21 .33 4.37 19.11 21.33 9 .07 8 .90 21.33 20 .45 3 .25 4 . 73 20 .45 15000 21.10 9.08 20 .67 20 .67 5 .07 19 .52 20.67 9 .23 8 .08 20 .6 7 19 .81 3 .06 5 .49 19.81 15500 20.34 7.87 19 .92 19 .92 5.14 17.95 19 .?2 8 .02 7 . 87 19 .92 19 .09 3 .02 5.5 7 19 .09 16000 19.59 7.67 19 .19 19 .19 5 .33 17 .. 19 19.19 7 .82 7.67 19.19 18.39 2.86 5 . 77 18.39 16500 19 .15 7.32 19 .76 18.76 5 .10 16.90 19 .76 7 .46 7 .32 18 .76 17 .98 2 .85 5 .53 17.98 17000 19.72 6 .98 19 .34 19 .34 5 .39 16.43 19 .34 7 . 11 6.99 18.34 17.58 2 .7 1 5 .84 17 .58 17500 19.09 6.59 17.71 17 . 71 4.99 15 .97 17 .71 6 .71 6 .59 17. 71 16 .9 7 2 .65 5.41 16 .9 7 19000 17.44 6.20 17 .09 17.09 4.75 15 .31 17 .09 6 .31 6 .20 17.09 16 .37 2 .58 5 . !5 16.37 19500 16 .96 6 .17 16 .62 16 .62 4 .35 14 .89 16 .62 6 .29 6 .17 16 .62 15 .92 2. 44 4 . 71 15 .92 19000 16.49 6 .15 16 .15 16 .15 4.08 14 .46 16 .15 6 .26 6.15 16.15 15 .4 7 2 .39 4 .42 15 .47 19500 16.16 6.52 15 .93 15 .93 3.79 14 .19 15.93 6 .64 6 .52 15.83 15 .18 2.11 4 . 10 IS .IS 20000 15.95 6 .99 15 .52 15 .52 3 .52 13.91 15 .52 7 .02 6.89 15.52 14.98 1. 91 3.81 14 .88 20500 15 .63 6 .96 15 .31 15 .31 3.33 13 .72 15 .31 6 .99 6.86 15 .31 14 .68 1. 91 3. 6 1 14 .68 21000 15.42 6 .83 15.11 15 .11 3.10 13 .53 IS .11 6 .96 6 .83 15. 1 1 14.48 1. 8 7 3 .36 14.48 21500 15.06 6.77 14.75 14 .75 2.99 13 .22 14 .75 6 .90 6.77 14 .7 5 14 . 14 1. 87 3. 12 14. 14 22000 14.71 6.72 14 .41 14.41 2 .71 12 .91 14.41 6 .84 6. 72 14.41 13.81 1. 95 2 .94 13 .81 22500 14 .37 6.62 14.07 14 .07 2.61 12.61 14 .07 6 .74 6 .62 14 .0 7 13 .49 1. 98 2.83 ll. 4? 23000 14.03 6 .51 13 .75 13 .75 2.47 12 .31 13.75 6.64 6 .51 13 .75 13.17 2 .03 2 .68 13 . 17 23500 13 .71 6 .45 13.43 13.43 2.35 12.03 13 .43 6 .57 6 .45 13 .43 12 .9 7 2.06 2.55 12 .3 7 24000 13 .39 6 .39 13.12 13 .12 2.22 11 .75 13 . 12 6 .50 6.38 13.1 2 12 .5 7 2.09 2 .4 1 12.5 7 24500 13 .08 6.29 12 .81 12 .81 2 .17 11 .49 12.81 6.40 6 .28 12.8 1 12 .28 2 . 12 2 .35 12.23 25000 12 .78 6.19 12.52 12 .52 2 .06 11 .22 12 .52 6.29 6 .1 8 12.52 12 .00 2 . 1 7 2 .23 12.00 25500 12.48 5.96 12 .23 12 .23 2.00 10.95 12 .23 6 .08 5 .96 12.2 3 11 . 72 2 .20 2 .17 11.72 26000 12.19 5.75 11 .94 11 .94 1. 91 10 .70 11.94 5.96 5 .75 11 .94 1:.44 2 .23 2 .07 11.44 26500 11.91 5 . 72 11 .67 11.6 7 1. 81 10 .45 11.67 5 .83 5 . 72 11 .67 11. 13 2.22 1. 96 1 1.18 27000 11.64 5 .70 11.40 11.40 1. 76 10.21 II. 40 5.80 5 .70 II. 40 10 .93 2 .25 1. 91 10 .93 27500 11.37 5.66 11.14 11. 14 1. 66 9.99 11.14 5 . 77 5 .66 11. 14 10 .68 2.30 1. 80 10.68 28000 11 .12 5.63 10 .89 10 .89 1.62 9.76 10.89 5.73 5 .63 10.89 10.44 2. 31 1. 76 10.44 28500 10 .8 7 5 .56 10.65 10 .65 1.53 9 .54 10.65 5 .6 7 5 .56 10 .65 10.20 2.33 1. 66 10 .<:0 29000 10 .62 5 .49 10 .41 10 .41 1. 49 9 .32 10.41 5 .60 5 .49 10 .41 9 .9 7 2 .33 1. 60 <l .97 29500 10.38 5 .43 10.17 10.17 1. 40 9 .11 10 .17 5 .53 5.43 10 . 1 7 ?.7 5 2.34 1. 52 ~.7 5 30000 10 . 15 5.37 9 .95 9.95 1. 37 8 .91 9 .95 5.4 7 5 .37 9 .95 9.53 2 .34 1. 48 9 .53 30500 9.88 5 .39 9 .68 9 .68 1. 30 8 .67 9 .68 5 .49 5 .39 9.68 9.27 2 .3 7 1. 41 9. 27 31000 9 .61 5.41 9 .42 9 . 42 1.28 9.43 9 .42 5.51 5 .41 9 .42 9 .02 2 .47 1. 39 9 .02 31500 9 .41 5.36 9 .21 9 .21 1.23 8 .25 9 .21 5 .46 5 .36 9 .21 8.8 3 2 .53 1. 33 9 .83 32000 9.21 5 .32 9 .02 9 .02 1.19 9 .09 9 .02 5 .42 5 .32 9.02 9 .64 2 .5e> 1. 29 8 .64 32500 9 .03 5 .29 9.85 8 .85 1.14 7 .92 8 .85 5.38 5 .28 8.85 8 .48 2.59 1. 2 4 8.48 33000 9 .96 5.23 9 .69 8 .69 1.10 7. 77 8 .68 5.33 5 .23 8 .68 8 .31 2.1>0 1. 19 8 .3 1 33500 8 .69 5 .20 8.51 8.51 1.10 7 .62 9 .51 5 .30 5 .20 8 .51 9. 15 2.63 1.19 8 . 15 34000 8 .52 5 .17 8 .35 8 .35 1.09 7.49 8 .35 5.26 5 . 1 7 8.35 8 .00 2.64 1. 18 9.00 34500 8 .36 5.14 8.19 8.19 1.05 7.33 8 .1 ? 5 .24 5.14 9 . 19 7 .85 2 .1>4 1. 14 7.85 35000 8 .20 5 . 11 8 .03 8 .03 1. 07 7 .19 9 .03 5 . 2 1 5. 11 8.0 3 7.l0 2 .1>5 !. 16 7 .70 170 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV HAl VALUES (PERCENT ) ou 129 .5R lJ 1 . 7L ;34 . 9R 13b .OL 139 .4L 13 ?.6L 140 .4R IU .O R 145.3R ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 14.~0 27 .82 14 .90 25.33 32 .28 30 .19 28 .41 24 .41 24 .41 5500 13 .57 28.88 13 .57 23 .64 28 .99 31.34 29 .49 22 .78 22.78 6000 12.65 29 .82 12.65 21.95 26.30 32.36 30.45 21. 15 21 . 15 6500 11 .98 30 .60 11 .98 20.21 23 .56 33.20 31.25 19 .48 19 .48 7000 10 .02 31.33 10.02 18.47 23.16 34.00 32.00 17.80 17.80 7500 8.92 32.31 8 .92 16 .94 20.77 35 .06 33 .0 0 16 .32 16 .32 8000 10 .38 33.26 10.38 15. 41 18.90 36 .09 33.9 7 14.85 14 .85 8500 9.42 33.05 9.42 14 .29 16.56 35 .87 33 .76 13 .77 13.77 9000 8 .14 32.85 8 . 14 13.17 14 .68 35.65 33.55 12 .69 12 .6 9 9500 6.93 31.18 6.93 12 .13 12.60 33 .83 31.34 11 .63 11 .68 10000 6.16 29.62 6.16 11.08 11 .08 32 .14 30.25 10 .68 10.68 10500 6.43 27.53 6.43 9 .89 10 .54 29 .87 28 .II 9 .53 9 .53 11000 5 .94 25 .68 5 .94 8. 70 7.48 27 .87 26.23 8 .38 8.38 11500 5.20 25 .37 5.20 9 .91 5.99 27 .53 25.91 9.55 9 .55 12000 4.58 25 .08 4 .58 11.12 5.62 27.21 25.61 10 .72 10 .72 12500 4 .06 24 .40 4.06 10 .97 5 .25 26.48 24 .92 10.57 10 .57 13000 3.97 23 .76 3 .97 10.81 4.96 25.78 24 .27 10.42 10 .42 13500 J .57 22.62 3.57 10 .45 4.9J 24 .55 2J .10 10.07 10 .07 14000 3.26 21.55 J .26 10 .09 4 .58 23.38 22 .01 9 . 72 9 . 72 14500 2.98 20 .89 2 .98 9.24 4 .44 22.67 21. 3J 8 .90 8.90 15000 2.81 20.24 2.81 8 .38 5.15 21 .96 20.67 8 .08 8.08 15500 2 . 77 19.51 2 . 77 8.17 5.2J 21 . 17 19.92 7.87 7.87 16000 2.63 18 .79 2.63 7.96 5.42 20 .39 19.19 7 .67 7.67 16500 2 .62 18 .37 2.62 7.60 5.19 19.93 18 .76 7 .32 7.32 17000 2 .49 17 .96 2.49 7.24 5.48 19 .49 18.34 6.98 6 .98 17500 2 .43 17 .34 2.43 6.84 5 .07 18 .82 17 .71 6 .59 6 .59 18000 2.37 16 .73 2.37 6.43 4.83 18.15 17 .09 6.20 6.20 19500 2.24 16.27 2 .24 6 .41 4.42 17 .66 16 .62 6 . 17 6 . 17 19000 2.19 15.81 2 .19 6.38 4.15 17 .16 16 .15 6.15 6.15 19500 1. 94 15 .50 1. 94 6 . 77 3.84 16 .82 15 .83 6.52 6.52 20000 1. 75 15.20 1. 75 7 .15 3 .58 16 .49 15 .52 6 .89 6 .69 20500 1. 75 15 .00 1. 75 7 . 12 3 .39 16.27 15 .31 6.86 6.86 21000 1.72 14.79 1.72 7 .09 3 .15 16 .05 15. 11 6.83 6 .83 21500 1.72 14.45 1.72 7 .03 2 .93 15 .68 14 .75 6. 77 6. 77 22000 1. 79 14.11 1. 79 6 .97 2.76 15 .31 14.41 6 . 72 6. 72 22500 1. 82 13.78 1. 82 6 .87 2.65 14 .95 14.07 6 .62 6.62 23000 1.86 13 .46 1.86 6.76 2.51 14 .61 13.75 6.51 6 .51 23500 1. 89 13.15 1. 89 6 .69 2.39 14.27 13 .43 6 .45 6.45 24000 1. 92 12 .84 1.92 6 .62 2.26 13 .94 13 .1 2 6.38 6 .38 24500 1. 95 12 .55 1. 95 6 .52 2.21 lJ .62 12.81 6 .28 6 .28 25000 1. 99 12.26 l. 99 6 .41 2.09 13 .30 12 .52 6 .18 6.18 25500 2 .02 11 .97 2.02 6.19 2.03 12.99 12 .23 5.96 5.?6 26000 2.05 11.69 2.05 5 .97 l. 94 12.69 11 .94 5.75 5 .75 26500 2 .04 11.42 2 .04 5 .94 1. 84 12.40 11.67 5.72 5 . 72 27000 2.07 11. 16 2.07 5.91 1. 79 12 . 11 11.40 5 .70 5 .70 27500 2 . 11 10.91 2. il 5.88 1. 69 11 .84 11. 14 5 .66 5 .66 28000 2.12 10 .66 2 .12 5.84 1. 65 11.57 10.89 5 .63 5.63 28500 2 .14 10.42 2 . 14 5 .77 1. 56 11.31 10.65 5.56 5.56 29000 2 . !4 10 .19 2 .14 5 .70 1. 50 11.06 10.41 5.49 5 .49 29500 2 .15 9.96 2.15 5.64 1. 42 10.81 10.17 5.43 5 .43 30000 2.15 9.74 2. 15 5 .57 1. 39 10.57 9 .95 5.37 5.3 7 30500 2 .18 9 .47 2 .ta 5 .59 1. 32 10.28 9 .68 5.39 5 .39 31000 2.27 9.22 2.27 5 .61 1. 30 10.00 9 .42 5 . 41 5. 41 31500 2 .32 9 .02 :<.32 5.57 l. 25 9.79 9.21 5.36 5.36 32000 2.35 9.83 2.35 5.52 1. 21 9.58 9 .02 5.32 5 .32 32500 2.38 8.66 2.38 5 .48 1. 16 9 .40 8 .85 5 .28 5 .28 33000 2 .39 8 .49 2 .39 5.43 1.12 9.22 8.68 5 .23 5.23 33500 2.41 8.33 2 . 41 5.40 1. 12 9 .04 8. 51 5.20 5.20 34000 2.42 8 . 17 2 .42 5.36 1.11 8.87 8.35 5 . 17 5. 17 34500 2 .42 9.02 2.42 5 .33 1. 07 8.70 8. 19 5 . 14 5. 14 35000 2. 43 7.86 2 . 43 5 .30 1. 09 8 .53 8 .03 5 . 11 5 . 11 171 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP v HAl VAL UES (PERCENT ) Q•s 101 . 7L 11 7 .011 II 8 . 9L 124 .011 132 .8R J:l9 . OL 139 .7R I41.6 R 143 .0L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000 II. 49 7 .42 II. 49 12 .20 13 .64 8 .85 12 .20 13 .40 7.4 2 5500 II. 49 7 .42 14.53 12 .20 13 .64 11.20 12 .20 13.40 7 .42 6000 11.49 7 .42 17 .26 12 .20 13 .64 13 . 31 12 .20 13 .40 7 .4 2 6500 II. 4 9 7.42 19 .77 12 .20 13 .64 15 .24 12 .20 13 .40 7 . 42 7000 11.49 7.42 22 .06 12 .20 13 .64 17 .01 12 .20 13 .40 7 .4 2 7500 11.49 7 .42 24 .18 12.20 13 .64 18 .64 12 .20 13 .40 9 .38 8000 11.49 7 .42 26 .13 12 .20 13 .64 20 .15 12 .20 13 .40 11. 15 8500 11.49 7.42 26 .10 12.20 13 .64 20 .12 12 .20 13.40 12 .77 9000 11.49 7 .42 25 .52 12.20 13 .64 19 .6 7 12 .20 13 .40 14 .25 9 500 11 .49 7 .42 24 .73 12 .20 13 .64 19 .06 12 .20 13 .40 15 .62 10000 11.49 7 .42 24 .06 12.20 13 .64 18.55 12 .20 13 .40 16 .8 8 10500 14.53 7 .42 23 .12 12 .20 13 .64 17.82 12 .20 13 .40 16 .86 11000 17 .26 7.42 21.58 12.20 13 .64 16.64 12.20 13.40 16 .48 11500 19.77 7 .42 18 .81 12 .20 13 .64 14.50 12 .20 13 .40 15 .9 7 12000 22 .06 7.42 17 .31 12 .20 13 .64 13 .35 12 .20 13 .40 15 .5 4 12500 24 .18 7 .42 16 .80 12 .20 13 .64 12 .95 12 .20 13.40 14 .93 13000 26.13 7.42 14 .25 12.20 13 .64 10 .99 12 .20 13.40 13 .94 13500 26 .10 7 .42 13.24 12.20 13 .64 10.21 12 .20 13.40 12.15 14000 25.52 7 .42 11.81 12 .20 13 .64 9 .10 12 .20 13.40 11.18 14500 24.73 7 .42 10.79 12 .20 13 .64 8 .32 12 .20 13 .40 10 .85 15000 24.06 7 .42 9 .16 12 .20 13 .64 7 .06 12 .20 13 .40 9.21 15500 23.12 7 .42 7.74 12 .20 13 .64 5.97 12 .20 13 .40 8 .55 16000 21.58 9 .38 7 .37 12.20 13.64 5.68 12 .20 13 .40 7 .63 16500 18.81 11.15 6.82 12 .20 13 .64 5 .26 12 .20 13.40 6 .9 7 17000 17.31 12 .77 6.05 12.20 13 .64 4 .66 12.20 13 .40 5 . 92 17500 16.80 14 .25 5.57 12 .20 13 .64 4 .29 12 .20 13.40 5 .00 18000 14.25 15 .62 5 .24 12.20 13 .64 4 .04 12 .20 1:3 .40 4 .7 6 18500 13.24 16.88 5.23 12 .20 13 .64 4 .03 12 .20 lJ. 40 4. 41 19000 11 .81 16.86 4 .92 12 .20 13 .64 3.79 12 .20 13 .40 :3 .9 1 19500 10.79 16 .48 4.74 12 .20 13.64 3 .65 12 .20 13.40 3 .60 20000 9 .16 15.97 4 .62 12.20 17.25 3 .56 12 .20 13.40 3 .38 20500 7 .74 15 .54 4.50 12 .20 20 .50 3 .4 7 12 .20 13 .40 3.38 21000 7 .37 14 .93 4.38 12.20 23 .47 3 .38 12 .20 13 .40 3 .1 8 21500 6 .92 13 .94 4.27 12 .20 26 .20 3.29 12 .20 16 .9 5 3 .0 6 22000 6 .05 12 .15 4.17 12.20 28 .72 3.21 12.20 20 .14 2.98 22500 5.57 11.18 4 .06 12 .20 31.03 3.13 15 .43 23 .06 2 .9 1 23000 5 .24 10 .95 3 .97 12.20 30 .99 3 .06 19.34 25 .74 2 .83 23500 5 .23 9 .21 3 .87 15 .43 30 .30 2.98 21 .00 28 .21 2 .76 24000 4 .92 9 .55 3.77 19 .34 29 .37 2 .91 23 .44 30.49 2.69 24500 4 .74 7 .63 3.68 21.00 29 .57 2.84 25 .69 30 .45 2 .6 3 25000 4 .62 6.97 3.60 23 .44 2 7.45 2 .77 27 .77 29 .77 2 .56 25500 4 .50 5 . 92 3 .51 25.69 25.63 2. 7 1 27 .73 28 .85 2 .50 26000 4 .38 5 .00 3 .43 27.77 22 .33 2 .64 27.11 28 .07 2 . 44 26500 4 .27 4 .76 3 .35 27 .73 20 .56 2.58 26 .2 7 26.9 7 2 .38 27000 4.17 4.41 3.27 27 .1 1 19 .95 2 .52 25 .56 25 .18 2 .32 27500 4 .06 3.91 3.20 26 .27 16 .93 2 .46 24 .56 21.94 2. 27 28000 3.97 3.60 3 .12 25 .56 15 . 7J 2 .41 22.93 20.20 2 .21 28500 3.97 3 .38 3 .05 24.56 14 .03 2 .35 19 .98 19 .60 2.1 6 29000 3 .77 3.38 2 .98 22 .93 12 .91 2 .30 18 .40 16 .63 2 . 1 1 29500 3 .68 3 .18 2 .9 2 19 .98 10.88 2 .25 17.85 15 .45 2 .06 30000 3 .60 3 .06 2.85 18 .40 9 .19 2 .20 15 .15 13.78 2 .02 30500 3 .51 2 .98 2 .71 17 .85 8 .75 2 .15 14.07 12 .59 1. 97 31000 3 .43 2 .91 2 .73 15 .15 8 .10 2 .10 12 .55 10 .69 1. 93 31500 3 .35 2.93 2.67 14 .0 7 7 .19 2 .06 11.47 9 .0 3 1. 88 32000 3 .27 2 .76 2 .61 12 .55 6.62 2.01 9 .74 8 .60 l. 84 32500 3 .20 2.69 2 .55 11 .4 7 6.22 1. 97 8 .22 7 .96 1. 80 33000 3.12 2 .63 2 .50 9 .74 6 .21 1. 92 7.83 7 .06 1. 76 33500 3 .05 2.56 2 .44 8 .22 5 .84 1. 88 7 .25 6 .50 1. 72 34000 2 .98 2 .50 2 .39 7 .83 5 .63 1. 94 6 .43 6 . 11 1. 68 34500 2 .92 2 . 44 2 .34 7 .25 5 .48 1. 90 5 . 92 6 . 10 1. 65 35000 2.85 2 .38 2.29 6 . 43 5 .34 1.77 5.5 6 5 .74 1. 61 172 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI HAl VALUES !PERCENT ) ou 102 .6L 106.3R 107 .ll 117.8L ll7.9R 119. 7L 133.8L 135.7R 136.JR !38.0L IJ8.8R 139 . 5R U0.6R I42 .0R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 13 .58 10.43 13.58 10.44 10 .66 11.10 10.66 6.96 10.63 10.43 6.75 6 .75 12 .01 10.43 5500 13.58 14 .30 13.58 10.44 10 .66 11.10 10.66 6.96 10.63 10.43 6 .75 6 .75 12.01 10.43 6000 13 .58 17 .71 13.58 10.44 10 .66 11.10 10.66 6 .96 10.63 10.43 6.75 6.75 12.01 10 .43 6500 13.58 20 .72 13 .58 10 .44 10 .66 11.10 10.66 6.96 10.63 10.43 11.22 6 .75 12 .01 10 .43 7000 18.62 23 .41 13 .58 10.44 10 .66 11.10 10 .66 6 .96 10.63 10.43 12 .17 6.75 12 .01 10 .43 7500 23.05 25.8<: 13.58 10 .44 10.66 11.10 10 .66 6.96 10.63 10 .43 13.03 6 .75 12.01 10.43 8000 26.97 27.99 13.58 10.44 17 .74 11. 10 10.66 6 .96 10.63 10.43 13.81 6 .75 12.01 10 .43 8500 30 .47 26 .15 13.59 17 .38 19.24 11. 10 10.66 6.96 10.63 14.30 12.39 6 .75 12.01 10.4~ 9000 33 .61 24 .59 13 .58 18 .85 20 .59 11.10 10.6~ 6 .96 10.63 17 .71 13.49 6.75 12.01 10.43 9500 36.44 24. 15 13.58 20 .17 21.82 11. 10 10.66 6.96 10 .63 20.72 13.25 11.22 12.0 I 10 .43 10000 34 .04 25 .14 18.62 21.37 19.58 11.10 l!l.66 6.96 10.63 23 .41 14.52 12. 17 12.01 10.43 10500 32.01 24.22 23.05 19. 18 21.33 11.10 10.66 6.96 10.63 25 .82 14.18 13.03 12 .01 10.43 11000 31.45 22 .09 26.97 20.89 20.95 11. 10 10.66 6.96 10.63 27 .99 12 .88 13 .81 12.01 14.30 11500 32.72 21 .06 30.47 20 .52 22 .95 11.10 10.66 6.96 10 .63 26.15 11.92 12.39 12.0 I 17 . 71 12000 31.54 20 .49 33 .61 22 .48 22.41 11.10 10.66 6.96 10.63 24.59 11. 74 13.49 12.01 20 .72 12500 28.76 19 .67 36.44 21.96 20.37 11.10 10 .66 6.96 10 .63 24.15 10.24 13.25 16.46 23 .41 13000 27.42 19.25 34.04 19 .94 18.85 11.10 10 .66 6 .96 10.63 25.14 9.52 14.52 20.38 25.82 13500 26 .68 18 .63 32.01 18 .47 18.56 11.10 10.66 6.96 14 .57 24 .22 8 .97 14.18 23 .85 27 .99 14000 25.61 18 .24 31.45 18.18 16.18 11.10 10.66 6.96 18 .04 22 .09 8.86 12 .88 26 .94 26.15 14500 25.06 18.00 32.72 15.85 15.04 11.10 10.66 6 .96 21. 11 21.06 9 .97 11.92 29 .71 24.59 15000 24.25 17.11 31.54 14 .73 14.18 11.10 10.66 6.96 23.85 20.49 9.51 11.74 32.22 24.15 15500 23 .74 18.29 28.76 13.89 14.01 11.10 10.66 6.96 26.30 19.67 8.28 10 .24 30.09 25.14 16000 23.43 18.17 27 .42 13.72 1.5. 75 11.10 10.66 6.96 28.52 19.25 9.23 9.52 28.30 24 .22 16500 22 .27 17 .85 26.68 15 .43 15.03 11.10 10.66 6.96 26.64 18.63 8 .66 8 .97 27.90 22.09 17000 23.92 17 .46 25.61 14 .72 13.08 11.10 10 .66 6.96 25.05 19.24 8.40 8.86 28.93 21.06 17500 23.65 17 .14 25 .06 12.81 14.60 11.10 17.74 6.96 24.61 18.00 7.99 9.97 27 .38 20.49 18000 23.24 16.77 24.25 14.30 13 .69 11 .10 19 .24 6 .96 25 .61 17.11 7.19 9 .5! 25.43 19.67 18500 22.73 16 .04 23.74 13 .41 13.28 11.10 20.59 6 .96 24 .68 18 .29 9.11 8.28 24.24 19.25 19000 22 .3! 15.40 23.43 13.01 12.63 11.10 21.82 6 .96 22 .51 18.17 9 .53 9.23 23 .59 18.63 19500 21.84 14.28 22.27 12 .37 11.37 11.10 19.58 6 .96 21.46 17.85 9 .55 8 .66 22 .64 13.2 4 20000 20.88 15.16 23 .82 11.13 14 .40 11.10 21.33 6.96 20 .88 17 .46 9 .05 8 .40 22 .15 18.00 20500 20 .05 17 .73 23.65 14. 11 15 .07 11.10 20 .95 6 .96 20 .04 17. 14 8.53 7.9'J 21.44 17. 11 21000 18.59 17 . 51 23.24 14.76 15.09 11 . 10 22.95 6.96 19.61 16 .77 8.03 7.19 20 .99 18.2 9 21500 19.74 17 .74 22.73 14 .78 14 .30 11. 10 22.42 6.96 !8.98 16 .04 7.78 9. 11 20.72 13. 17 22000 23.08 17 .64 22.31 14.01 13.49 11.10 20 .36 6 .96 18.58 15.40 7.46 9.53 19.69 17.85 22500 22.80 17 .74 21.84 13.21 12.69 11.10 18.85 6.96 18 .34 14 .28 6.99 9.55 21.06 17.46 23000 23 .09 17.62 20.88 12.43 12.29 11.10 18.56 6 .96 17 .43 15 .16 6 .55 9 .05 20.91 17. 14 23500 22.96 17.50 20 .05 12.04 11.80 18.46 16.18 6 .96 18.64 17.73 6 .31 8 .53 20 .55 16 .77 24000 23 .09 17 .53 18.59 11.56 11.05 20.02 15.04 6 .96 18 .51 17.51 6 .06 8 .03 20 . 10 16 .04 24500 22.94 17 .99 19.74 10.82 10.35 21.43 14.18 6.96 18.19 17 .i4 5.93 7 .79 1?.72 15 .40 25000 22.78 18 .16 23.08 10.14 9.97 22 .71 14.01 6 .96 17.79 1 7.64 5.79 7 .46 19 .31 14 .28 25500 22.82 18 .35 22 .80 9. 77 9.58 20 .38 15.75 6 .96 17.46 17.74 5.66 6.'?9 18.46 15.16 26000 23.42 18.58 23.09 9 .38 9.37 22.20 15 .03 6.96 17.09 17.62 5 .54 6 .55 1 7. 72 17.73 26500 23.64 18 .87 22 .96 9 .18 9.16 21.80 13 .08 6 .96 16.34 17 .50 5. 41 6.31 16.44 17.51 27000 23.89 19 . 16 23.09 8 .97 8.95 23.89 14 .60 6 .96 15.69 17.53 5 .29 6.06 17.45 17 .74 27500 24 .1 9 18 .59 22.94 8 . 77 8.75 23.33 13 .69 6.96 14 .55 17 .99 5.18 5.93 20.40 17.64 28000 24.57 18 .07 22.78 8.57 8.56 21.20 13.28 11.58 15.45 18 .16 5 .06 5.79 20 .15 17.74 28500 24.94 17 .57 22.82 8.38 8 .37 19 .62 12.63 12 .56 18 .06 18 .35 4 .95 5 .6 6 20 .41 17 .62 29000 24.20 17.08 23.42 8.20 8.18 19.32 11.36 13.45 17.84 18.58 4.85 5. 54 20 .30 1 7 .50 29500 23.52 16 .62 23.64 8.02 8.00 16.84 14.40 14 .25 i8 .07 18 .87 4.74 5 . 41 20.41 1 7.53 30000 22 .87 16 .16 23 .89 7 .84 7.83 15 .66 15 .07 12.79 17.97 19.16 4.64 5 .29 20.28 17 .9<l 30500 22 .24 15 .73 24 .1 9 7 .67 7 .66 14.76 15.09 13 .93 iii. 0 7 18 .59 4 .54 5 . 1 ~ 20. 14 18 . 16 3!000 2 1.63 15 .31 24 .57 7 . 51 7.50 14 .58 14.30 13.68 17.95 18.07 4.45 5.06 20.18 18 .35 31500 21.04 14 .90 24.94 7 .34 7.34 16.39 13.49 14.99 17 .83 17.57 4 .36 4 .95 20.71 18.58 32000 20 .48 14.51 24 .20 7 .19 7 .18 15 .65 12 .69 14 .64 17 .86 17.08 4. 27 4.85 20.90 18 .87 32500 19 .93 14. 13 23 .52 7 .04 7 .03 13 .62 12 .29 13 .30 13.33 16 .62 4 . 18 4 .74 21.12 1 <l . 16 33000 19 .40 13 .76 22.87 6 .89 6.89 15.19 11 .80 12.31 18.50 16.16 4.09 4.64 21.38 18.59 33500 18.89 13 .40 22 .24 6 .74 6 .74 14.25 11.05 12 . 12 18 . 70 15 .73 4 .01 4 .54 ~ 1. 72 19.0 7 34000 18 .39 13.06 21.63 6.60 6.60 13 .82 10 .35 10 .57 IR .93 15.31 3 .<l3 4.45 22.05 17.57 HSOO 17 .91 12 .72 21.04 6 .47 6 .47 13.14 9 .9 7 9 .82 19 .23 U .90 3 .35 4 .J6 21. J":l 17 .08 35000 17. 45 12 .40 20 .48 6 .33 6 .33 11.83 9 .58 9 .26 19 .52 14 .51 3 . 77 4 .2 7 20 .7'l 16 .o 2 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VII HAl VALUES (PERCENT) O•s 114 .111 119 .2R 121.1L 123.0L 125.6L 127.511 I J I . JL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 29.27 18 .60 19 .51 36.32 49 .10 29 .27 14 .01.> 5500 29 .53 18 .60 23.72 37 . 15 49.54 29.53 14 .06 6000 29.83 18.60 27 .94 37 .53 50 .03 29 .83 17 . 10 6500 28.21 18.60 32. 16 35.49 47.32 28 .21 20 . 14 7000 26.06 18.60 36 .38 32 .79 43 .72 26.06 23 . 19 7500 27 .72 18 .60 40.60 .14 .8 7 46 .50 27.72 26.22 8000 26.73 22 .62 40 .97 33.63 44.83 26.73 29 .27 8500 24 .64 26.64 41.37 31.00 41.33 24.64 2?.53 9000 22.82 30.66 39.13 28.71 38 .28 22.82 29.83 9500 21.09 34.68 36.15 26 .53 35 .37 21 .09 28 .21 10000 18.94 38.71 38.45 23.83 31.77 18 .94 26 .06 10500 16.81 39.06 37 .07 21 .15 28.19 16 .81 2 7 .72 11000 15 .05 39.45 34. 18 18.94 25.25 15.05 26 . 7l 11500 13 .63 37 .31 31.65 17 .15 22 .87 13 .63 24 .64 12000 12 .04 34 .47 29 .25 15 .14 20 .19 12 .04 22 .82 12500 11.28 36.66 26.27 14.19 18 .92 11.28 21 .0? 13000 10.36 35 .35 23 .31 13 .03 17.38 10 .36 18 .94 13500 9 .28 32 .59 20.88 11 .68 15 .57 9.28 16.81 14000 8.45 30 .18 18 .91 10.63 14.17 8 .45 15.05 14500 7.37 27 .89 16.70 9.27 12.37 7 .37 13 .63 15000 6 .47 25.05 15.65 8 .14 10.86 6.47 12.04 15500 5.98 22.23 14.37 7 .52 10.03 5 .98 11 .28 16000 5.54 19 .91 12.88 6.97 9.30 5.54 10.36 16500 5 .15 18 .03 11.71 6 .47 8 .63 5.15 9 .28 17000 4.78 15.92 10.23 6 .01 8.02 4 .78 8.45 17500 4.45 14.92 8.98 5 .59 7 .46 4.45 7 .37 18000 4.14 13.70 8.29 5.21 6 .94 4 .14 6.4 7 18500 3 .85 12.28 7 .69 4 .85 6 .46 3 .85 5 .?8 19000 3 .59 11.17 7.14 4 .52 6.03 3 .59 5 .54 19500 3.35 9.75 6 .63 4 .22 5.62 3.35 5 .15 20000 3 .27 8 .56 6 .17 4 .11 5 .48 3 .27 4.78 20500 3 .19 7 .91 5 .74 4 .01 5 .35 3 .1 9 4 .45 21000 3.11 7.33 5 .35 3 .92 5 .22 3 .11 4. 14 21500 3.04 6.81 4 .98 3.82 5 .10 3 .04 3 .85 22000 2 .97 6.32 4 .65 3 .73 4.98 2.97 3.59 22500 2.90 5.88 4.53 3.65 4 .86 2 .90 3 .35 23000 2.83 5.47 4.42 3.57 4. 75 2.83 3.27 23500 2 .77 5 .10 4 .32 3.49 4 .65 2.77 3.19 24000 2 .71 4 .75 4 .22 3.41 4.54 2 .71 3 .11 24500 2.65 4 .43 4.12 3.33 4.44 2.65 3.04 25000 2.59 4.32 4 .02 3.26 4.35 2.59 2 .97 25500 2.54 4.22 3 .93 3 .19 4.25 2.54 2.90 26000 2 .48 4 .12 3 .84 3 .12 4.16 2.48 2.83 26500 2 .43 4 .02 3.76 3 .06 4.07 2 .43 2. 77 27000 2 .38 3.93 3 .67 2.99 3 .99 2.38 2 .71 27500 2 .33 3.84 3 .59 2 .93 3.91 2.33 2.6 5 28000 2.28 3.75 3 .52 2.87 3.83 2.28 2 .59 28500 2.23 3.66 3 .44 2 .81 3.75 2.23 2.54 29000 2.19 3.58 3.37 2 .75 3 .67 2 .19 ?.48 29500 2 .14 3.50 3.30 2 . 70 3.60 2 . 14 2.43 30000 2 .10 3.43 3 .23 2.64 3 .53 2 .10 2.38 30500 2 .06 3 .35 3. 16 2 .59 3.46 2 .06 2.33 31000 2 .02 3.28 3 .10 2.54 3.39 2.0 2 2.28 31500 1. 98 3.21 3 .04 2 .49 3.32 1. 98 2 .23 32000 1. 94 3.14 2 .97 2.44 3 .26 1. 94 2 .19 32500 1. 91 3.08 2 .92 2.40 3.20 1. 91 2. 14 33000 1. 87 3.02 2.86 2 .35 3 .14 1. 8 7 2. 10 33500 1. 83 2.95 2 .80 2 .31 3.08 1. 83 2.06 34000 1.80 2.89 2 .7 5 2.26 3 .02 1. 80 2 .02 34500 1.77 2 .84 2.69 2 .22 2 .96 1. 77 1. ?3 35000 1.73 2.78 2.64 2 . 18 2 . 91 1.73 l'H 174 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI II HAl VALUES f PEACENT) Qes 101. 3" 102 .0L 104 .3" 109.5" 112.4L 11 7 . 1" 11 7 . 2" 11 B . 6" 119.8L 120 .0L 121 .5 11 121.6R 123 .211 124 .811 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· 5000 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 5500 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 6000 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 6500 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 7000 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 7500 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 8000 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 8500 14.15 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 9000 20.53 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 9500 26 .91 10 .68 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 10000 26 .32 15.49 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 10500 25.74 20 .30 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 11000 25.31 19 .86 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 11500 24.89 19 .41 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 12000 24 .40 19 .10 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 7.95 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 12500 23.91 18 .78 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 11 .53 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 13000 23.50 18 .41 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 15.11 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 13500 23 .09 18 .04 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 8 .94 0 .00 14 .78 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 14000 21.98 17.73 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 12 .97 0.00 14.45 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 U500 20 .86 17 .42 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 17 .00 0 .00 14 .21 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 15000 20.21 16 .58 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 7 .95 0 .00 16.63 12.67 13 .97 0.00 14 .90 0 .00 0.00 15500 19 .55 15.74 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 11.53 0 .00 16.25 18.37 13 .70 0 .00 21.62 0.00 0.00 16000 18.36 15 .24 0 .00 0.00 0.00 15.11 0 .00 15.99 24.08 13.42 0.00 28.33 0.00 0.00 16500 17.18 14.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 .78 0 .00 15.72 23 .55 13. 19 0 .00 27.71 0.00 0 .00 17000 15.79 13 .85 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 14.45 0 .00 15.41 23 .03 12 .97 0 .00 27.09 0.00 0 .00 17500 14.41 12.96 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 14 .21 0 .00 15 . 10 22 .65 12 .34 0.00 26 .65 0.00 0.00 18000 13 .58 11 .91 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 13.97 0 .00 14 .84 22.27 11. 71 0.00 26.20 0.00 0 .00 18500 12.75 10.87 0 .00 0.00 0.00 13 .70 0 .00 14 .59 21.83 11.34 0.00 25 .6? 0 .00 0.00 19000 12 .69 10.24 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 13 .42 11 .00 13 .88 21.39 10 .98 0.00 25.17 0.00 0.00 19500 12 .63 9.62 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 13.19 0 .00 13 .18 21. OJ 10 .31 0 .00 24.74 0 .00 0 .00 20000 11.73 9 .57 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 12 .97 0.00 12 .76 20.66 9 .o4 J .U 24.31 0.00 4 .95 20500 10 .83 9.52 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 12 .34 0.00 12 .35 1?.66 8 .87 5 .88 23 .14 0.00 8.46 21000 10 .44 8 .85 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 11.71 0 .00 11.60 18.67 8 .09 9 .36 21.96 0.00 1 3 .41> 21500 10.05 8.17 5 .16 0.00 0 .00 11.34 0 .00 10.85 18 .08 7.62 11.65 21.27 0.00 16.75 22000 10.09 7 .88 8.82 0 .00 0.00 10.98 0 .00 9 .98 17.49 7 .16 14.17 20.58 0 .00 20 .37 22500 10 .13 7.58 14.04 5 .27 2.90 10 .31 0.00 9 .10 16 .43 7 .12 15 .79 19.33 0 .00 22.70 23000 9 .77 7 .61 17.48 9.01 4.96 9 .64 0 .00 8.58 15 .37 7.09 17 .10 18 .08 0 .00 24 .57 23500 9.41 7.64 21.25 14 .34 7.90 8.8 7 J .U 8.05 14. 13 6 .58 18.09 16 .63 2.80 26 .01 24000 9 .07 7 .37 23 .68 17.84 9.83 8 .09 5 .88 8.01 12 .89 6 .08 18.78 15.1 7 4 .78 27.00 24500 8 . 72 7.10 25 .64 21.70 11 .95 7 .62 9.36 7.97 12. 15 5.86 19 .42 14.30 7 .61 27 .92 25000 8 .69 6 .84 27.14 24.18 13 .32 7 .16 11 .65 7. 41 11.41 5 .64 19.38 13.42 9 .4 7 27.86 25500 8 .66 6.58 28.17 26.18 14.42 7.12 14 .17 6 .84 11.35 5 .66 18 .80 13 .36 11 . 51 27.02 26000 8. 72 6 .56 29.13 27 .70 15 .27 7 .09 15.79 6.59 11 .30 5.69 17 .64 13 .29 12.83 25.35 26500 8 .78 6.54 29 .08 28 .76 15 .85 6 .58 17 .10 6 .35 10.49 5 .49 16.19 12 .35 13 .89 23.2 7 27000 8 .60 6 .58 28 .20 29 .74 16 .39 6 .08 18 .09 6 .37 9.69 5 .29 1 4 .30 11.40 14 .70 ?0.56 27500 8 .43 6.62 26.46 29.68 16.36 5 .86 18 .78 6 .40 9 .34 5 .09 12.35 10 .99 15 .2b 1 7.76 28000 8.14 6.49 24.28 28.78 15 .86 5.64 19.42 6 .17 8 .99 4 .90 10.67 10 .58 15 .7 8 !5 .33 28500 7.86 6 .36 21.45 27.01 14 .88 5.66 19 .38 5.95 9.03 4 .88 9 .15 10.62 15.75 13 . 16 29000 8 .45 6 .14 18 .53 24.78 13.66 5 .69 18.80 5.73 9 .06 4 .86 7.95 10 .66 15.27 11.43 29500 7 .45 5.93 16 .00 2 1 .90 12 .07 5.49 17.64 5 .51 ~. 74 4.90 6.87 10 .29 14 .33 9 .37 30000 7 .33 6.37 13 .73 18.91 10 .42 5 .29 16 .19 5 .49 8 .42 4 .9: 5 .89 9.91 13.15 8 .4 7 30500 7 .21 5.62 11 .93 16 .33 9 .00 5 .09 14 .30 5 .47 a . 11 4 .83 5 .03 9 .55 11. 1>2 ;.23 31000 7 .09 5.53 10 .30 14.02 7. 72 4 .90 12 .35 5 .51 7.80 4 .73 4 .34 9 .18 10.04 1>.23 31500 6.97 5.44 8 .84 12.18 6 .7 1 4 .88 10 .67 5 .54 7 .78 4 .57 3.80 9 .15 8 .67 5 .41> 32000 6.86 5 .35 7 .54 10.51 5 .79 4 .86 9 .15 5 .43 7 .75 4 . 41 3 .36 9 .12 7.44 4.83 32500 6 . 75 5 .26 6 .50 9.02 4 .97 4.90 7 .95 5 .32 7 .80 4 .74 2.97 9 . 18 6.46 4 .27 33000 6 .64 5 .17 5 .70 7 .70 4 .24 4.93 6 .87 5 . 14 7 .85 4 . 19 2 .67 9.24 5.58 3 .84 33500 6 .54 5.09 5 .04 6 .64 3 .66 4.83 5 .89 4 .96 7 .70 4 . !1 2.39 9 .06 4 .79 3.43 34000 6 .38 5.01 4 .46 5.82 3.21 4 . 73 5.03 5 .34 7 .54 4 .05 2.22 8 .87 4 .09 3.1 9 34500 6 .22 4 .93 4 .01 5. 14 2.83 4 .57 4 .34 4. 7 1 7.28 3 .98 2.0 1 8 .57 3 .52 2 .3'l 35000 6.08 4 .8, 3.58 4.55 2 .51 4 .41 3. 80 4 .b3 7.0 3 3.Q1 l. 87 8 .2 7 3 .0Q 2 . o'l 175 REPRESENTAT!V[ GR OUP v Ill HAl VALUES tP[RCENT) Qu 125 .6A 128 .4R 132.5L 135 .0R 135. lR 144 .0" I45.6R !46 . 6L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5500 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 6000 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 6500 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7000 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7500 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 8000 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 8500 0 .00 13 .9 1 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 9000 0.00 20 .17 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 9500 0 .00 26 .44 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 10000 0.00 25.86 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 10500 0.00 25 .28 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 1!000 0.00 24 .87 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 1 !500 0 .00 24 .45 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 12000 0.00 23 .97 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12500 0 .00 23 .49 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 lJOOO 0 .00 23 .09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 13500 0 .00 22.69 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 14000 0 .00 21.59 14 .15 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14500 0 .00 20.50 20 .53 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15000 0.00 19 .85 26 .91 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 15500 0 .00 19 .21 26 .32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 16000 0 .00 18.04 25.74 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 16500 0 .00 16 .87 25 .31 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 17000 0.00 15.52 24 .89 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 17500 0.00 14 .16 24.40 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 18000 0 .00 13 .34 23.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 18500 0.00 12 .53 23 .50 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 19000 0 .00 12 .46 23 .09 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19500 0 .00 12.40 21.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 20000 0 .00 1!.52 20 .86 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 20500 0.00 10.64 20.21 0.00 4 .73 0.00 0.00 0 .00 21000 0.00 10 .26 19 .55 0.00 8 .09 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 21500 0.00 9.:l7 18 .36 0.00 12.87 3.33 6.67 0 .00 22000 0.00 9.91 17 .18 0.00 16 .02 5 .70 11.40 0 .00 22500 0.00 9 .95 15.79 0.00 19.48 9.07 18.14 0.00 23000 0 .00 9 .60 14 .41 0 .00 21.71 11.29 22.58 0.00 23500 0.00 9.25 13 .58 4 .73 23.51 13.73 27.45 0 .00 24000 0 .00 8.91 12.75 8.09 24 .88 15.30 30.59 0 .00 24500 0 .00 8.57 12.69 12 .87 25 .83 16 .56 33.12 0 .00 25000 0.00 8 .54 12.63 16 .02 26 .71 17 .53 35.06 0 .00 25500 0.00 8 .51 11.73 19 .48 26.65 18 .19 36.39 0.00 26000 0.00 8.57 10 .83 21.71 25.85 18 .82 37 .63 0.00 26500 4.73 8 .62 10 .44 23 .51 24.25 18.78 J7 . 56 0 .00 27000 8.09 8.45 10.05 24.88 22.26 18.21 36.42 5. 16 27500 12.87 8 .28 10.09 25 .83 19.67 17 .09 34 .17 8.82 28000 16.02 8 .00 10.13 26.71 16 .98 15.68 31 .36 14.04 28500 19.48 7 . 72 9 . 77 26 .65 14 .67 1!.86 27 .7 1 17 .48 29000 21.71 8 .30 9 . 41 25 .85 12.59 ll . 97 23.93 21.25 29500 23.51 7 .32 9 .07 24 .25 10 .94 10 .33 20 .66 23 .68 30000 24.88 7 .20 8 .72 22 .2 6 9.44 8 .87 17.74 25.64 30500 25.83 7.08 3.69 19 .67 B .10 7. 7 1 15 .41 27 . 14 31000 26.71 6 .96 8.66 1.>.98 6.92 6.65 13.30 28 .1 7 31500 26 .65 6 .85 8 .72 14.67 5.96 5 .71 11.42 29 .1 3 32000 25.85 6.74 8 .78 12 .59 5 .23 4 .87 9 .7 4 29 .08 32500 24.25 6 .63 8 .60 10 .94 4.62 4.20 8 .40 28.20 33000 22 .26 6 .53 a. 43 9 .44 4 .09 3 .68 7 .36 26.46 33500 !9.67 6 .42 8. 14 8 .!0 3.68 3 .25 6.51 24 .28 34000 16 .98 6.27 7.86 6.92 3 .28 2.88 5 .76 21.4 5 34500 14.67 6.11 8 .45 5 .96 3 .06 2.59 s . l:l !3.53 35000 12 .59 s.q l 7 . 4 5 5 .23 2. 77 2.3! 4 .63 16 .00 176 REPRE SENTA TI VE GROUP I X HAl VALUES (PER CEN T) O•s 101. ~L 104 .0R 105 .7R 108.9L l09 .4R Ill . OR 11 3 .8R 117 . 7L 127.111 128 .3R 1 29.3L 129.8R 131 . 2R 135 .0L -·-------------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------------------------------· 5000 3 .90 4 . 16 2.73 2.99 3.90 3.03 2.73 3.5~ 2 . 73 3 .2 ~ 3 .20 2.89 4 .16 4 . 16 5500 3 .94 4 .20 2.42 2 .65 3 .94 3 .06 2. 42 3 .59 2 .42 2 .8 7 2 .83 2 .55 4 .20 4 .20 6000 4 . 18 4 .46 2.50 2 . 74 4 .18 3.25 2.50 3.81 2.50 2.97 2 .9 3 2 .64 4 .46 4 .46 6500 4 .33 4 .62 2 .44 2 .67 4 .33 3 .37 2 .44 3 .95 2 . 44 2 .90 2 .8 5 2 .57 4 .62 4 .6 2 7000 4.39 4 .68 2 .26 2 .47 4 .39 3 .41 2 .26 4 .00 2 .26 2 .69 2.64 2 .39 4 .68 4 .68 7500 4 .46 4 .76 2 .16 2 .36 4.46 3 .47 2.16 4.06 2 .16 2 .56 2 .5~ 2 .2 3 4 .76 4 .76 8000 4 .28 4 .5 7 2.21 2 .42 4 .28 3 .33 2 .21 3.90 2 .21 2 .63 2 .59 2 .34 4 .5 7 4 .57 8500 4 .57 4 .87 2 .32 2 .54 4 .5 7 3 .55 2 .32 4 .16 2 .32 2 .76 2. 72 2 .46 4 .8 7 4 . 8 7 9000 5 .27 5 .62 2 .45 2 .68 5 .2 7 4 . 10 2.45 4.80 2.45 2 .91 2 .86 2 .58 5 .62 5.62 9500 4 .96 5 .29 2.28 2 .49 4 .96 3 .86 2 .28 4 .52 2.28 2. 71 2 .60 2 .41 5 .29 5 .29 10000 4 .96 5 .29 2 .36 2 .58 4 .96 3.86 2 .36 4 .52 2 .36 2 .81 2 .76 2 .50 5 .29 5 .29 10500 4 .83 5 .15 2.28 2 .49 4 .83 3 .76 2 .28 4 .40 2 .28 2 . 71 2 .66 2 . 4 1 5.15 5 . 15 11000 4 .66 4.97 2 .33 2 .55 4 .66 3.62 2 .33 4 .25 2 .33 2 . 77 2 . 73 2. 4 7 4 .97 4 .97 11500 4.35 4.64 2.26 2 .47 4.35 3 .38 2.26 3.96 2.26 2 .69 2 .64 2 .39 4.64 4 .64 12000 4 .07 4 .34 2 .17 2 .37 4.07 3.1 7 2 .1 7 3.71 2. 17 2 .58 2 .53 2 .29 4.34 4 .34 12500 3.83 4 .09 2.33 2 .55 3 .83 2 .98 2.33 3.49 2 .33 2 . 77 2 . 73 2 .4 7 4 .09 4.09 13000 4.16 4 .44 2 .31 2.52 4 .16 3 .24 2 .31 3 .79 2 .31 2 .74 2 .70 2.44 4 .44 4 . 44 13500 4 .04 4.31 2 .40 2 .63 4.04 3 .14 2.40 3 .68 2 .40 2 .85 2 .81 2 .53 4 .3 1 4 .31 14000 4 .15 4 .43 2.57 2.81 4.15 3.23 2 .57 3 .78 2 .57 3 .05 3 .00 2 .7 1 4 .43 4 .43 14500 4.04 4.31 2 .19 2 .39 4.04 3 .14 2.19 3.68 2 .19 2.60 2 .56 2 .31 4.31 4. 3 1 15000 3.95 4.21 2 .27 2.48 3.95 3 .07 2.27 3 .60 2.2 7 2 .70 2 .65 2 .40 4 .21 ~. 2 1 15500 3 .99 4 .26 2.40 2 .63 3 .99 3 .10 2.40 3 .64 2.40 2.85 2 .81 2 .53 4 .26 4 .26 16000 3.77 4 .02 2.60 2 .85 3.77 2 .93 2 .60 3.43 2.60 3 .09 3 .05 2.75 4 .02 4 .02 16500 3 .56 3 .80 2.62 2.87 3.56 2.77 2 .62 3.24 2 .62 3.12 3.07 2. 77 3.80 3 .30 17000 3.41 3 .64 2.32 2 .53 3 .41 2.65 2 .32 3 .11 2.32 2.75 2 .71 2.45 3 .64 3 .64 17500 3.53 3 . 77 2.56 2.80 3.53 2 . 75 2.56 3 .22 2.56 3.04 2.99 2.70 3. 77 3 . 77 18000 3 .45 3 .68 2 .68 2.93 3.45 2.68 2 .68 3 .14 2 .68 3 .18 3 .13 2 .83 3 .68 3.68 18500 3 .27 3 .49 2 .88 3 .15 3.27 2 .54 2.88 2 .98 2 .88 3.43 3 .37 3.05 3 .49 3.49 19000 3.61 3 .85 2 .84 3 .10 3.61 2 .81 2 .84 3.29 2 .84 3 .37 3.32 3 .00 3 .8 5 3 .85 19500 3.61 3 .85 2.85 3 .11 3 .61 2 .81 2 .85 3.29 2.85 3 .38 3 .33 3. 0 1 3.85 3 .8 5 20000 3 .61 3.85 2 .74 3 .00 3 .61 2 .81 2 .74 3 .29 2. 74 3 .26 3 .21 2.90 3 .85 3 .65 20500 3 .6 1 3 .85 2 . 72 2 .9 7 3 .61 2 .81 2 . 72 3 .29 2 . 72 3 .23 3 .1 8 2.87 3 .85 3 .95 21000 4.20 4.48 2 .67 2. 92 4 .20 3 .27 2 .6 7 3 .83 2 .67 3 .17 3 .12 2 .82 4 .48 4 .48 21500 4 .26 4 .54 2 .78 3 .04 4 .26 3.31 2.78 3 .88 2.78 3 .30 3.25 2 .94 4 .54 4 .5 4 22000 4 .37 4 .66 2 .91 3.18 4 .37 3 .40 2 .91 3.98 2 .91 3 .46 3.40 3 .08 4 .60 -1 .00 22500 4.45 4 .75 2.96 3.24 4 .45 3.46 2.96 4 .05 2 .96 3 .51 3.46 3.12 4 .75 4.75 23000 4.47 4 .77 3.05 3 .34 4.47 3 .48 3 .05 4.0 7 3 .05 3 .63 3 .5 7 3 .22 4. 77 4 . 77 23500 4.47 4 . 77 3 .25 3 .55 4 .47 3.48 3 .25 4 .07 3 .25 3 .86 3 .80 3 .43 4 . 77 L77 24000 4.48 4 .78 3.35 3 .66 4 .48 3 .48 3 .35 4 .08 3 .35 3 .98 3 . 92 3 .54 4 .78 4 .78 24500 4 .52 4 .82 3.37 3 .68 4.52 3 .52 3 .3 7 4 . 12 3.37 4 .00 3 .94 3 .56 4 .13 2 4 .32 25000 4 .57 4.87 3 .37 3 .68 4 .57 3.55 3.37 4.16 3 .37 4.00 3 .94 3 .56 4 .87 4 .8 7 25500 4.69 5 .00 3.33 3.6 .. 4 .69 3 .65 3 .33 4 . 27 3 .33 3 .96 3 .89 3 .52 5 .00 5.00 26000 5.06 5 .40 3.32 3.63 5 .06 3 .94 3 .32 4 .61 3.32 3 .95 3.88 3 . 5 1 5 .40 5 .40 26500 5. 14 5 .48 3.26 3 .5 7 5.14 4 .00 3 .26 4 .68 3 .26 3 .88 3 .82 3 .45 5 .48 5 . 43 27000 5 . 18 5 .53 3 .29 3 .60 5 .1 8 4.03 3 .2 9 4 . 72 3.29 3 .9 1 3 .85 3.48 5 .53 5.5 ~ 27500 5.25 5 .60 J.34 3 .65 5 .25 4 .08 3.34 4 .78 3 .34 3.9 7 3.90 3 .53 5 .b0 5.60 28000 5.25 5 .60 3 .24 3.54 5 .25 4 .08 3 .24 4.78 3.24 3 .85 3 .79 3 .42 5 .60 5.60 28500 5.25 5.60 3.12 3 .42 5.25 4 .08 3 .12 4 .78 3 .12 3 .71 3 .65 3.30 5 .60 5 .6C 29000 5 .17 5 .51 2 .99 3 .28 5 .1 7 4 .02 2 .99 4 . 7 1 2.99 3 .56 3 .50 3 . 16 5. 51 5 . 51 29500 5 .05 5 .39 2.93 3 .21 5 .05 3 .93 2 .9 3 4 .60 2 .93 3 .48 3 .43 3 .09 5 .39 5 .39 30000 4 .9 3 5 .26 2 .99 3 .28 4 .93 3 .83 2 .99 4.49 2 .99 3 .56 3 .50 3 . l b 5.26 5 .26 30500 4 .85 5 . 1 7 3 .38 3 .6 9 4 .85 3 . 77 3 .38 4 .42 3.38 4 . 01 3 .95 3 .5 7 5 . 17 5 . 17 31000 4 . 73 5 .05 3 .29 3.60 4 . 73 3 .68 3 .29 4 .3 1 3.29 3 . 91 3 .85 3.48 5 .05 5 .05 31500 4 .66 4 .97 3 .19 3 .49 4.66 3 .62 3 .19 4 .25 3 . 19 3 .7 9 3 .73 3 .3 7 4 .9 7 4 .97 32000 4 .66 4.97 3 .22 3 .52 4 .66 3.62 3 .22 4 .25 3 .22 3 .82 3 .76 3.40 4.97 4 .97 32500 4 .57 4 .87 3.12 3 .42 4 .57 3 .55 3 . 12 4 . 16 3 . 12 3 .71 3 .65 3 .30 4 . 8 7 4 .8 7 33000 4 .49 4 .7 9 2.98 3.2 7 4 .49 3 .49 2 .98 4 .09 2 .98 3 .55 3 .49 3. 15 4 . 79 4 .79 33500 4 . 41 4 .70 2 .88 3 . 15 4 . 41 3.43 2 .88 4.02 2 .88 3.43 3 .3 7 3 .05 4 .70 4 .70 34000 4 .32 4 .61 2 .80 3 .06 4 .32 3 .36 2 .80 3.94 2 .80 3 .33 3 .2 7 2 .96 4 . 6 1 4. 61 34500 4 .23 4 .51 2 . 72 2.9 ~ 4 .23 3 .29 2. 72 3 .85 2 . 72 3 .24 3 . 19 2 .88 4 . 5 I 4. 51 35000 4 . I 7 4 .4 5 2 .63 2 .88 4 . I 7 3 .24 2 .6 3 3 .8 0 2 .63 3 . 13 3 .08 i . 78 4 .45 4.45 177 REPRESENfAf!YE GROUP IX HAl YALU[S I P[RC[Nf ) Qes 139 .2R 141 . 2R 141 . 3R 142 .9R !H .2L 147 .1L ----------------------------------------------------- 5000 3 .15 3 .56 3 .56 2 .99 2 .73 2 .94 5500 2.79 3 .15 3 . 15 2 .55 2 .42 2.60 6000 2 .99 3 .26 3.2b 2.64 2 .50 2.69 6500 2.90 3 .17 3 . 17 2 .5 7 2 .44 2 .62 7000 2.60 2 .94 2.94 2 .39 2 .26 2 .43 7500 2.48 2.81 2 .81 2 .28 2 .16 2 .32 8000 2 .55 2.98 2 .99 2 . J4 2 .21 2 .39 9500 2 .68 3 .03 3.03 2 .46 2 .3 2 2 .50 9000 2.91 3 .19 3 .19 2 .59 2 .45 2 .6 3 9500 2.62 2 .97 2.9 7 2 . 41 2 .29 2 .45 10000 2. 72 3 .07 3.07 2 .50 2.36 2 .54 10500 2 .62 2 .97 2.97 2 .41 2 .29 2 .45 11000 2 .69 3 .04 3.04 2 .47 2 .33 2 .51 11 500 2.60 2 .94 2 .94 2.39 2.26 2 .43 12000 2 .49 2 .92 2 .92 2 .29 2 .17 2 .33 12500 2 .69 3 .04 3.04 2 .47 2.33 2.51 13000 2.65 3 .00 3.00 2 .44 2 .31 2 .49 13500 2 .76 3 .12 3 .12 2 .53 2.40 2 .58 14000 2 .95 3 .34 3 .34 2 .71 2.57 2.76 14500 2 .51 2 .84 2 .94 2 .31 2 .19 2 .35 15000 2 .61 2 .95 2 .95 2.40 2 .27 2 .44 15500 2.76 3.12 3.12 2.5~ 2 .40 2 .59 16000 3.00 3 .39 3.39 2.75 2.60 2 .90 165oo · 3 .02 3 . 41 3.41 2 . 77 2.62 2 .92 17000 2 .66 3 .01 3 .01 2 .45 2.32 2.49 17500 2 .94 3 .33 3 .33 2 .70 2 .56 2.75 19000 3 .09 3 .49 3.49 2 .93 2 .68 2 .99 i9500 3 .32 3 .75 3.75 3.05 2 .99 3 .10 19000 3.26 3 .69 3.69 3 .00 2.94 3 .05 19500 3 .27 3 .70 3.70 3.01 2 .85 3 .06 20000 3.16 3 .57 3 .57 2 .90 2 . 74 2 .95 20500 3 .12 3 .53 3 .53 2 .97 2 . 72 2 .92 21000 3.07 3 .47 3 .47 2 .92 2 .67 2.97 21500 3.20 3 .62 3 .62 2 .94 2 .79 2 .99 22000 3 .35 3 .79 3.79 3 .08 2.91 3 .13 22500 3.40 3 .95 3.95 3 .12 2 .96 3 .19 23000 3 .51 3 .97 3 .97 3 .22 3.05 3 .28 23500 3 .73 4 .22 4.22 3 .43 3 .25 3 .49 24000 3 .95 4 .36 4.36 3 .54 3 .35 3.60 24500 3 .97 4 .38 4 .39 3 .56 3 .37 3 .62 25000 3 .97 4 .38 4.39 3 .56 3 .37 3 .62 25500 3 .93 4 .33 4 .33 3 .52 3 .33 3.59 26000 3 .92 4 .32 4 .32 3 .51 3.32 3 .57 26500 3 .76 4 .25 4 .25 3.45 3 .26 3 . 51 27000 3 .79 4 .29 4.29 3 .49 3.29 3 .54 27500 3 .94 4 .35 4 .35 3 .53 3 .34 3 .59 28000 3 .72 4 .21 4.21 3 .42 3 .24 3 .49 23500 3 .60 4 .07 4 .0 7 3 .30 3 .12 3 .36 29000 3 .45 3 .90 3.90 3 .1 6 2 .99 3 .22 29500 3.37 3 .91 3 .91 3 .09 2 .93 3 . 15 30000 3 .45 3 .90 3.90 3 .16 2 .99 3 .22 30500 3 .99 4 .39 4.39 3.5 7 3.38 3 .63 31000 3.79 4 .29 4.29 3 .48 3 .29 3 .54 31500 3.6 7 4 .15 4 . 15 3 .37 3 .19 3 .43 32000 3 .70 4 .L 4.19 3 .40 3 .22 3 .46 32500 3 .60 4 .07 4 .0 7 3.30 3 .1 2 3 .36 33000 3 .44 3.99 3 .99 3 . 15 2 .98 3 .21 33500 3 .32 3 .75 3 .75 3 .05 2.88 3 .10 34000 3.22 3 .64 3 .64 2.96 2 .90 3 .01 34500 3 . 14 3.55 3 .55 2 .88 2 .72 2 .93 35000 3 .03 3. 43 3.43 2 .78 2 .63 2 .83 178 APPENDIX C WETTED SURFACE AREA (WSA) VALUES FOR SPECIFIC AREAS 179 R[PR[S[NTATIY[ &ROUP I W[TT[O SURFACE AR[A (SQ.FT ./ 10 .. ~) Qes 102 .2l 105.2R !07.6l !08.3L 112. 5L 119.4l 120 .0 R 121.9R 123 .1R 123 .3R 127 .211 129 .4R 133 .9l 134 .0l ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0.046 0.000 0.016 0 .023 0.095 0.000 0 .040 0 .011 .000 0.025 0 .004 0 .09 7 0.047 0 .014 5500 0.046 0.002 0 .016 0.023 0 .09 7 0.000 0.043 0 .011 0 .002 0 .025 0.004 0 .097 0 .04 7 0 .014 6000 0 .046 0 .004 0 .016 0 .023 0 .099 0 .000 0 .045 0 .011 0 .004 0 .025 0 .005 0 .09 7 0 .047 0 .014 6500 0 .046 0.006 0.016 0 .023 0. 101 0 .000 0 .0 47 0 . 011 0 .006 0 .025 0 .005 0 .0?7 0 .047 0.014 7000 0 .046 0 .008 0.016 0 .023 0 .103 0.000 0.049 0.011 0 .008 0 .025 0.005 0.097 0 .047 0 .014 7500 0 .046 0.009 0.016 0 .023 0 .104 0 .000 0.051 0 .011 0.009 0 .025 0.006 0.09 7 0 .047 0.014 8000 0 .046 0 . 011 0 .016 0 .023 0 .106 0 .000 0 .053 0 .011 0 .011 0 .025 0.006 0 .09 7 0 .047 0.014 8500 0 .046 0 .012 0 .016 0.023 0 . 107 0.000 0.054 0 .01 1 0 .012 0 .025 0.006 0 .09 7 0 .047 0.014 9000 0.046 0 .013 0 .016 0 .023 0.108 0 .000 0.05b 0 . 01 1 0 . 013 0.025 0.006 0 .097 0.047 0 .014 9500 0 .046 0.015 0.016 0 .023 0 .110 0.000 0.05 7 0 .011 0 .014 0 .025 0.007 0 .097 0.047 0 .014 10000 0 .046 0 .016 0.016 0 .023 0 .111 0.000 0.059 0 .011 0 .016 0.025 0 .007 0 .09 7 0 .04 7 0.014 10500 0 .046 0.017 0.016 0.023 0 . 112 O.OIJO 0.060 0.011 0.017 0 .025 0 .00 7 0 .097 0.047 0 .014 11000 0.046 0.018 0 .016 0 .023 0. 113 0 .014 0.061 0.011 0 .018 0 .025 0 .007 0 .097 0 .047 0 .014 11500 0 .046 0.019 0.016 0.023 0.114 0 .015 0.062 0 .011 0 .019 0 .025 0 .007 0.097 0.047 0 .014 12000 0.046 0.020 0 .016 0 .023 0.115 0 .016 0 .064 0.011 0.020 0 .025 0.008 0.09 7 0.047 0.014 12500 0 .046 0.021 0 .016 0 .023 0 .116 0 .017 0.065 0 .01 1 0 .021 0 .025 0 .030 0 .097 0 .047 0 .014 13000 0.046 0 .022 0.016 0 .024 0.117 0.018 0.066 0.011 0 .021 0 .025 0 .030 0 .097 0 .04 7 0.014 13500 0 .046 0.023 0 .020 0 .024 0 .118 0.019 0 .067 0.011 0 .022 0.025 0 .031 0.097 0 .047 0.014 14000 0.046 0.024 0 .025 0.024 0 .119 0.020 0.068 0.011 0.023 0.025 0 .031 0.097 0 .047 0.014 14500 0 .046 0.024 0.030 0.024 0.119 0.021 0.069 0 .011 0 .024 0 .025 0.031 0.097 0 .047 0 .014 15000 0 .046 0.025 0 .034 0 .024 0 .120 0 .022 0 .070 0.011 0.025 0.025 0.031 0 .097 0.047 0.014 15500 0.046 0 .026 0.039 0.024 0.121 0.023 0.071 0 .011 0 .025 0 .025 0 .032 0.097 0.047 0.014 16000 0.046 0.027 0 .042 0.024 0.122 0.023 0.071 0 .011 0 .026 0.025 0 .032 0 .097 0.047 0.014 16500 0 .046 0 .027 0.046 0 .024 0 .122 0.024 0 .072 0 .011 0.027 0 .030 0 .032 0.097 0 .047 0 .017 17000 0 .046 0 .028 0.050 0.024 0 .123 0 .025 0 .073 0 .011 0 .027 0 .031 0 .032 0.09 7 0 .047 0.017 17500 0.046 0 .029 0 .054 0.024 0 .124 0.025 0 .074 0 .011 0 .028 0 .032 0.032 0.097 0 .047 0 .013 18000 0 .046 0.029 0.058 0.024 0.124 0 .026 0 .075 0 .011 0 .029 0 .033 0 .033 0 .097 0 .04 7 0.018 19500 0.046 0.030 0.061 0.024 0 .125 0 .027 0 .075 0 .011 0 .029 0.034 O.OJJ 0.09 7 0.048 0 .01 9 19000 0.046 0.031 0.065 0.024 0 .126 0.027 0.076 0.011 0.030 0 .035 0.033 0 .097 0 .048 0 .019 19500 0.046 0.031 0 .068 0.024 0 .126 0 .028 0 .077 0 .011 0 .030 0 .036 O.OJJ 0 .097 0.049 0 .01? 20000 0 .046 0 .032 0 .071 0 .024 0.127 0.029 0.077 0 . 011 0.031 0 .037 0.033 0 .09 7 0 .049 0 .020 20500 0.046 0.032 0 .075 0.024 0 .127 0 .029 0 .078 0 .011 0 .031 0 .038 0 .033 0 .097 0 .0 50 0 .020 21000 0.046 0 .033 0 .078 0 .024 0 .128 0 .030 0.079 0 . 011 0 .032 0 .039 0.034 0.09 7 0 .050 0.020 21500 0.046 0.033 0.081 0 .024 0 .128 0.030 0 .079 0 .011 0.032 0 .040 0.034 0.097 0 .051 0 .021 22000 0.046 0 .034 0.084 0.024 0 .129 0.031 0.080 0. 011 0.033 0 .041 0 .034 0 .097 0.051 0 .021 22500 0.046 0 .034 0.087 0 .024 0 .129 0.032 0 .081 0 .011 0 .033 0.041 0.034 0.097 0.051 0 .021 23000 0 .046 0.035 0.090 0.024 0 .130 0.032 0.088 0. 011 0.034 0 .041 0.034 0 .097 0.052 0.022 23500 0.046 0.035 0 .092 0 .024 0 .130 0.033 0 .092 0 .011 0 .034 J.041 0 .034 0.097 0.052 0.02 <' 24000 0 .046 0 .036 0.095 0 .024 0 .131 0 .033 0.096 0. 011 0 .035 0 .041 0.035 0.097 0.053 0 .02 2 24500 0.046 0.036 0.098 0 .024 0 . 131 0 .034 0.099 0 .01 1 0 .035 0.041 0.035 0.09 7 0 .05 3 0.022 25000 0 .046 0.037 0.100 0 .024 0 .132 0 .034 0 .!OJ 0 .011 0 .036 0 .041 0.035 0 .097 0.053 0 .02 2 25500 0.046 0.037 0 .103 0.024 0 .132 0.035 0 .106 0 .011 0 .036 0 .041 0 .035 0.09 7 0.054 0.022 26000 0 .046 0 .038 0.106 0 .024 0.133 0 .035 0 .1C9 0.011 0 .03 7 0 . 041 0 .035 0 .09 7 0 .054 0 .0 22 26500 0.046 0 .038 0 .108 0 .024 0 .133 0.035 0 .113 0 .011 0 .03 7 0 .041 0.035 0 .09 7 0 .055 0.022 27000 0 .046 0 .039 0 .110 0 .024 0.134 0.036 0.116 0 . 011 0.037 0.041 0.035 0.097 0 .0 55 0.022 2 75 00 0.046 0.039 0 .113 0.024 0 .134 0 .036 0 .119 0 .011 0.038 0 .041 0.036 0 .09 7 0.05~ 0.022 28000 0.046 0.040 0.115 0 .024 0.135 0 .037 0 .1 20 0 .011 0 .038 0.041 0 .036 0.09 7 0 .0 56 0.022 28500 0.046 0.040 0 .117 0 .024 0.135 0.037 0.120 0 .011 0 .039 0 .041 0 .036 0 .097 0 .056 0.022 29000 0.046 0.040 0.120 0 .024 0 .135 0 .038 0.120 0 .011 0 .039 0.041 0 .036 0 .097 0 .05 6 0.022 29500 0 .046 0 .041 0 .122 0.024 0 .136 0.038 0 .120 0 .011 0 .039 0 .041 0.036 0.097 0 .057 0 .022 30000 0 .046 0 .041 0 .12 4 0 .024 0 .136 0 .038 0 .120 0.011 0.040 0.041 0 .036 0.09 7 0 .05 7 0 .022 30500 0.046 0 .041 0 .126 0 .02 4 0. 136 0.039 0 .120 0 . 011 0 .040 0.041 0 .036 0.097 0.057 0 .022 31000 0 .046 0 .042 0.128 0.024 0.137 0 .039 0 .120 0.011 0.041 0 .041 0.036 0.09 7 0 .05 7 0 .022 31500 0 .046 0.042 0 .131 0.024 0 .137 0.040 0.120 0 .011 0 .041 0 .041 0 .037 0 .09 7 0 .058 0 .0 22 32000 0 .046 0.043 0.133 0.024 0.138 0 .040 0 .1 20 0 .01 1 0 .041 0.041 0 .037 0 .097 0 .058 0 .022 32500 0.046 0 .043 0.135 0 .024 0 .138 0 .040 0.120 0 .011 0 .042 0 .041 0 .037 0 .097 0.058 0 .02 2 33000 0.046 0.043 0.13 7 0 .024 0 . 138 0 .041 0 .120 0.011 0 .042 0.041 0.037 0 .09 7 0 .059 0 .0 22 33500 0 .046 0 .044 0.139 0.024 0 .139 0.041 0. 120 0 .0 11 0.042 0 . 041 0.037 0 .09 7 0 .05 ? 0 .0 22 34000 0 .046 0.044 0.140 0 .024 0 . 139 0 .041 0 . 120 0 .011 0.00 0.041 0.037 0 .097 0 .05 9 0.022 34500 0 .046 0 .044 0.142 0 .024 0 . 139 0 .042 0 .120 0. 0 II 0 .043 0 .041 0 .0 37 0 .097 0 .06 0 0 .0 22 35000 0.046 0 .045 0.144 0 .024 0 . I '0 O.IJ 42 0 . 120 0 . 0 I I 0.00 0 .041 0 .03 7 0 .09 7 0 .060 0 .0 ::'2 180 REPRESENTATIVE GROU P I WETTED SUAFAC£ AREA I SQ.F l./!0 .5 l 0-s !35 .5R 135 .611 136 .QR 139 .0L 139.911 ------------------------------------------------------ 5000 0 .041 0 . 145 0 .004 0 .0 21 0.012 5500 0 .04! 0 . 14 7 0 .005 0.024 0.01 2 6000 0.041 0 . 14? 0.006 0. 027 0.012 6500 0 .041 0 . 150 0 .007 0.030 0 .012 700 0 0 .041 0.152 0 .008 0 .033 0.012 750 0 0.041 0.153 0 .009 0 .035 0 .012 8000 0 .041 0. 155 0.010 0 .038 0.012 8500 0 .041 0. 156 0 .011 0.040 0 .012 9000 0 .041 0 . 15 7 0 .011 0 .042 0 .012 9500 0 .041 0 .158 0.012 O.OU 0 .012 10000 0.041 0.159 0.013 0.046 0 .012 10500 0.041 0.160 0.013 0.047 0.012 11000 0.041 0.161 0 .014 0.04~ 0 .012 11500 0 .041 0.162 0 .014 0 .051 0 .012 12000 0.041 0 .163 O.OIS 0.052 0.012 12500 0.041 0 .164 0 .015 0 .054 0 .012 13000 0.041 0 .165 0.027 0 .055 0.012 13500 0.041 0 .166 0.031 0 .056 0 .0 12 14000 0.041 0.166 0 .036 0.058 0 .Oil 14500 0.041 0.167 0 .040 0 .059 0 .012 15000 0.041 0 . 168 o .ou 0 .060 0.012 15500 0.041 0.169 0.048 0.061 0 .012 16000 0 .041 0 .169 0 .052 0.062 0 .012 16500 0.041 0.170 0.056 0.064 0.012 17000 0.041 0 .171 0 .060 0.065 0 .012 1750\.o 0.041 0.171 0 .063 0.066 0 .012 18000 0.041 0. 172 0.067 0.067 0 .012 18500 0.041 0.172 0 .070 0 .068 0 .012 19000 0.041 0 .173 0.074 0.069 0.012 19500 0 .041 0 .173 0.077 0.070 0 .012 20000 0 .041 0 . 174 0 .080 0 .071 0 .01 2 20500 0.041 0.174 0 .083 0 .0 7 1 0.012 21000 0.041 0.175 0 .086 0.072 0 .012 21500 0.041 0.175 0.089 0. 073 0 .012 22000 0.041 0.176 0 .0 92 0.074 0 .012 22500 0.041 0.176 0 .095 0.075 0.012 23000 0.041 0.177 0.097 0.076 0.012 23500 0.041 0.177 0.100 0.076 0 .013 24000 0 .041 0 .178 0 .103 0.077 0 .013 24500 0 .041 0 .178 0 . lOS 0 .078 0 .013 25000 0.041 0 .179 0.108 0.079 0 .013 25 500 0.041 0.1 79 0 .110 0.0 79 0 .013 26000 0 .041 0.179 0 . 113 0.080 0 .013 26500 0.041 0 .180 0 .liS 0 .08 1 0.013 27000 0.041 0 .180 0 . 11 7 0.081 0.014 27500 0 .041 0. 181 0 .120 0 .082 0.014 2800(1 0.041 0.191 0. 1 :?2 0.083 0 .014 28500 0.041 0.181 0 .124 0.083 0. 014 29000 0.041 0.182 0.126 0.084 0.014 29500 0 .041 0 .182 0 .128 0 .085 0 . 014 30000 0 .041 0.182 0 . 130 0 .08S 0.01 4 30500 0.041 0 .18 3 0 . 132 0 .086 0 .015 31000 0 .041 0. 183 0 . 13 4 0.086 0.015 31500 0 .041 0.194 0 . 136 0 .08 7 0.015 3 2 000 0 .041 0. 194 0 . 138 0 .087 0.015 32500 0.041 0.184 0 .140 0 .088 0 .015 33000 0 .041 0 .1a4 0 . 142 0 .03 9 O.OIS 33500 0 .041 o. 1 as 0 .144 0 .089 O.OIS :HOOO 0 .041 0 .18S 0 .146 0 .090 0 .015 34500 0.041 o .I as 0 . 148 0 .090 0 .01b 35000 0.0 41 0 . I 86 0 . 14 9 0 .0~1 0.01 6 18 1 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I I WETTED SUAFACf AREA (/ 10 -5) Qes 100.6R 101.4L 101. 8L 113.1R 113 .7R 115 .!>R 117 .9L 118. OL 121.8R 122 .4R 122 .5A 123 .6R 12 5 . 1 R 125.9 R -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· 5000 0 .041 0 .140 0 .030 0 .000 0 .040 0 .130 0.000 0 .010 0 .02 7 0 .000 0 .176 0 .031 0 .000 0 .045 5500 0 .041 0.143 0 .031 0.000 0.040 0. 132 0 .000 0.010 0 .02 7 0 .000 0 .177 0 .032 0 .000 0 .046 6000 0 .041 0 .145 0 .032 0 .000 0 .040 0.135 0 .000 0 .010 0 .02 7 0 .000 0 .17 8 0 .033 0 .000 0.046 6500 0 .041 0 .148 0.032 0 .000 0.040 0.137 0 .000 0 .010 0 .02 7 0 .00 0 0 .179 0 .03 5 0 .000 0 .04 7 7000 0 .041 0 .150 0.033 0 .000 0.040 0.140 0 .000 0 .010 0 .027 0 .000 0 . 180 0.036 0 .000 0 .047 7500 0 .041 0 .153 0 .034 0.000 0.040 0.142 0 .000 0.010 0.02 7 0 .000 0 . 19 1 0 .0 37 0 .011 0 .048 8000 0 .041 0 .154 0.034 0.000 0.041 0.147 0 .007 0.010 0 .027 0 .000 0 .183 0 .038 0.03 4 0.0 48 9500 0 .041 0 .155 0 .034 0.000 0 .041 0 .153 0 .015 0 .010 0.029 0 .000 0. 194 0 .039 0 .069 0 .049 9000 0.041 0 .157 0.035 0 .000 0.041 0.159 0 .022 0 .010 0 .028 0 .000 0 .1 96 0 .041 0 .103 0 .049 9500 0 .04 1 0 .159 0 .035 0.000 0.041 0.163 0.029 0 .010 0.029 0 .000 0 .198 0.042 0 .13 7 0 .04? 10000 0.041 0 .159 0 .035 0 .000 0.041 0.169 0.037 0 .010 0 .028 0 .000 0 .190 0 .04 3 0 .117 0 .050 10500 0.041 0 .160 0 .035 0 .000 0 .042 0 .174 o .ou 0 .010 0 .029 0 .000 0 .191 o .ou 0 . 120 0 .050 11000 0.041 0.163 0 .036 0 .000 0.042 0.174 0 .047 0 .0 13 0.029 0 .000 0 .193 0 .~~5 0 . 12 5 0.051 11500 0 .041 0 .165 0 .03 7 0 .000 0 .042 0.175 0 .04 9 0 .015 0 .029 0 .000 0 .195 0 .047 0 .12 9 0 .053 12000 0 .041 0.168 0 .03 7 0 .003 0 .042 0 .175 0 .052 0 .019 0 .029 0 .000 0 .19 7 0 .049 0 .135 0 .0 54 12500 0 .041 0 .170 0 .039 0 .003 0 .043 0 .175 0 .054 0 .020 0.029 0 .000 0 .200 0 .049 0 . 150 0.055 13000 0 .041 0 .171 0.039 0.003 0 .043 0 .176 0 .054 0 .020 0 .030 0 .000 0 .202 0.051 0 .190 0.056 13500 0 .041 0.173 0 .039 0 .007 0 .044 0.176 0 .055 0.020 0.030 0.000 0 .206 0.054 0.230 0.05 7 14000 0 .041 0 .174 0 .039 0.007 0 .044 0 .177 0 .055 0 .021 0 .030 0.000 0 .209 0 .056 0 .266 0.059 14500 0.041 0 .176 0 .039 0.014 0 .045 0 . 1.'9 0 .055 0 .021 0 .031 0 .000 0 .213 0 .059 0 .2 70 0.059 15000 0.0 .. 1 0 .177 0.039 0.014 0 .0 .. 5 0.179 0 .055 0 .021 0.031 0 .000 0 .217 0 .060 0 .275 0.0 60 15500 0 .041 0.179 o .o•o 0.014 0 .045 0 .179 0 .056 0 .022 0 .032 0.000 0 .221 0 .063 0 .290 0.06 1 16000 0 .041 0 .180 0.040 0.014 0.046 0 .180 0 .056 0 .022 0.032 0 .000 0.226 0.065 0 .29 7 0 .06 2 16500 0 .041 0.197 0 .041 0.0 15 0.046 0 .195 0 .069 0 .024 0 .033 0.000 0 .232 0.066 0 .294 0 .06 .. 17000 0 .041 0 .194 0.041 0.015 0.047 0.190 0 .090 0 .026 0.033 0 .000 0 .237 0 .068 0 .301 0 .066 17500 0 .041 0 .200 0 .042 0 .015 0 .049 0.195 0 .092 0 .028 0 .034 0 .000 0 .244 0 .069 0 .310 0 .068 19000 0.041 0 .20 7 0 .042 0 .015 0 .049 0 .200 0 .104 0 .030 0 .035 0 .000 0 .252 0.0 70 0 .320 0.07 0 19500 0 .041 0 .208 0 .043 0 .015 0 .050 0 .204 0 .109 0 .055 0 .036 0 .006 0 .261 0 .0 75 0.331 0 . 073 19000 0 .0 .. 1 0 .210 0 .043 0.015 0 .050 0 .208 0 .114 0 .057 0 .037 0 .012 0 .2 7 1 0.080 0 .34 3 0.07 5 19500 0 .041 0 .211 0 .045 0.016 0.051 0.212 0 .11 9 0 .058 0 .039 0 .018 0 .28 2 0 .084 0 .35 7 0.0 78 20000 0.041 0 .21 2 0 .045 0 .0 16 0 .053 0 .216 0.124 0 .060 0 .039 0 .024 0 .294 0 .08 9 0.372 O.OtlO 20500 0 .041 0 .213 0.045 0 .016 0 .054 0.220 0.130 0 .062 0.040 0.030 0 .309 0 .094 ll .392 0 .083 21000 0 .041 0 .215 0 .046 0 .016 0 .055 0 .224 0 .135 0 .065 0.042 0 .036 0.324 0 .099 0. 411 0.08 5 21500 0 .041 0 .216 0.046 0 .0 17 0 .057 0 .228 0. 140 0 .06 7 0 .043 0.042 0.338 0 .104 0 .429 0.089 22000 0.041 0.220 0 .046 0 .017 0 .059 0 .232 0 .14 5 0.0 70 o .o•5 o .o•9 0 .351 0 .109 0. 445 0.090 22500 0 .041 0 .221 0.047 0 .0 19 0 .061 0.236 0 .150 0 .0 74 0.04 7 0.054 0 .364 0.113 0 .46 1 0 .093 23000 0 .041 0.222 0 .1)4 7 0 .018 0 .063 0.240 0 .155 0 .0 77 0 .050 0 .060 0 .37 6 0 .119 0 .4 76 0.095 23500 0 .041 0 .234 0.048 0 .019 0 .066 0.241 0 .158 0 .081 0 .052 0 .063 0 .397 0.12 2 0 .49 1 0.09 5 24000 0 .041 0 .25 7 0 .0 .. 8 0.0 19 0 .068 0 .242 0.15 9 o .o8• o.o5• 0 .065 0 .398 0 . 127 0 .50 4 0.09 5 24500 0 .042 0 .2 70 0 .049 0 .020 0 .072 0 .255 0 . 161 0 .087 0.056 0 .06 7 0 .40 7 0 .131 0 .5 16 0 .096 25000 0 .0 .. 2 0 .2 74 0 .0 .. 9 0.021 0 .075 0 .280 0 .163 0 .090 0 .059 0.070 0 .415 0 .13 7 0 .527 0 .096 25500 0 .0 .. 2 0.2 75 0 .050 0 .021 0 .079 0 .295 0 .165 0 .092 0.060 0 .072 0 .422 0 . 142 0 .535 0 .096 26000 0 .0 .. 2 0.2 75 0 .051 0.022 0 .092 0 .299 0 .16 7 0 .095 0 .061 0 .07 5 0 .429 0 . 150 0 .54 3 0 .09 6 26500 0 .0 .. 2 0 .276 0 .051 0 .0 2 3 0 .085 0 .300 0 . 169 O.J 9 7 0.063 0 .0 79 0 .434 0 .15 7 0 .550 0 .09 7 27 000 0 .0 .. 2 0 .276 0 .05 2 0 .025 0 .0 9 7 0.301 0.1 72 0 .09 9 0 .064 0 .093 o .u o 0. 16 4 0.55 7 0.097 27 500 ll. o•3 0 . 277 0 .05 3 0 .02 6 0.090 0 . 30 1 0 . 17 4 0 . 101 0 .0 65 0.08 7 0 . 445 0 .1 70 0.56 4 0. 101 29000 0.0 .. 3 0.27 9 0 .054 0 .027 0 .092 0. 302 0. 177 0 .10 2 0.066 0 .090 O.H 9 0 . 176 0 .5 70 0.111 29500 0 .0 .. 3 0 .2 79 0 .055 0.028 0 .095 0.302 0 .190 0 .104 0 .06 7 0 .093 0 .453 0 .192 0 .57 4 0 . 11 7 29000 0 .0 .. 3 0 .2 79 0.055 0 .029 0 .097 0 .303 0.193 0 .105 0 .068 0 .096 0.456 0 .198 0 .578 0.11 9 29500 0 .044 0 .280 0 .05 7 0.029 0 .098 0 .304 0 . 187 0 .106 0 .068 0 .099 0 .459 0 .19 3 0 .582 0 . 119 30000 0 .044 0 .281 0.0 58 0 .030 0 .100 0 . 305 0 . 19 1 0 .107 0 .069 0 .10 2 0 . 462 0 .197 0 .586 0. 11 9 3050 0 0 .0 44 0 .28 2 0 .060 0 .031 0 . 101 0 .306 0 . I 96 0 .108 0 .07 0 0 .105 0 .46 5 0 .201 0 .59 9 0. 11? .HOOO 0.0 .. 5 0 .2 84 0 .06 1 0 .032 0 .102 0. 30 7 a z oo 0 .109 0 .0 70 0 .10 7 0 .466 0 .20 5 0 .59 1 0 .11 9 3 1500 0 .045 0.285 0 .062 0 .03 2 0 . 103 0 .308 0 .20 5 0 .110 0 .0 71 0 .108 0 .46 7 0.208 0 .60 0 0 . 120 32000 0 .045 0 .2 86 0 .06 4 0 .033 0 .105 0 .309 0 .2 10 0 .11 0 0 .0 7 1 0.110 0 .468 0 .210 0 .600 0 .120 32500 0 .046 0.289 0 .065 0 .033 0 .105 0.311 0 .21 5 0 . 111 0 .071 0 .111 0 .469 0 .2 13 0 .600 0 . 12 0 33000 0 .046 0 .290 0 .067 0 .033 0 .106 0 .313 0 .222 0 . 1 11 0 . 0 72 0 .11 3 0 .470 0 .216 0 .600 0 . 12 1 335 00 0 .046 0 .292 0 .069 0 .034 0 .10 7 0 .314 0 .22 7 0 .112 0 . 0 72 0 . 114 0 .4 7 1 0.218 0 .601 0 . 121 J 4000 0 .04 7 0 .29 4 0 .0 71 0 .034 o . :o 7 0 .316 0.2 32 0 .11 2 0 .1)7 2 0 .115 0 .4 71 0 .2 20 0 .601 0 . 12 1 34 500 0 .04 7 0 .296 0 . 0 72 0 .034 0 .108 0 .31 8 0 .23 7 0 . 113 0 .0 72 0 . 116 0 . 472 0 .22 1 a .60 1 a . 122 35000 0 .049 0 .299 0 .07 4 0 .035 0.109 0 .320 0.2 42 0 . 113 0 . 0 72 0. 117 0 .4 72 0 .223 O.t>0 1 0. 123 182 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP l I WETTED SURFACE AREA (/10 ~5 ) Q•s 126 .0R 126 .JR ll1 . 8L 133 .9R IJS .JL 137 .5L IJ7 .5R IJ7 .8L 137 .9L l 40 .2 R 14 2 .I R I 42 .2 R I43.4L 144 . 4L ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0.498 0 .080 0 .000 0 .088 0 .000 0 .063 0 .035 O.Oll 0 .000 0 .058 0 .00 0 0.000 0 .000 0 .14 8 5500 0 .506 0 .081 0.000 0 .088 0 .000 0 .063 0 .035 0 .014 0 .000 0 .061 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.148 6000 0 . 514 0 .082 0 .000 0 .088 0.000 0.063 0 .035 0 .016 0 .000 0 .064 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .148 6500 0 .521 0 .082 0.000 0 .088 0 .000 0 .063 0 .036 0 .01 7 0 .000 0 .066 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .148 7000 0 .529 0 .083 0.000 0 .088 0.000 0.063 0 .036 0.019 0.000 0 .069 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .149 7500 0 .537 o .ou 0.000 0.088 0 .000 0 .063 0 .036 0 .020 0 .000 0. 072 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .149 8000 0.539 0 .089 0.002 0.088 0.000 0 .063 0.036 0.023 0.000 0.074 0 .000 0.000 0 .002 0 .149 8500 0.541 0.095 0 .005 0.088 0 .000 0 .063 0.036 0.026 0 .000 0 .076 0 .000 0 .000 0.003 0 .149 9000 0.5U 0 .100 0.007 0 .088 0 .000 0.063 0 .037 0.030 0 .000 0 .078 0 .000 0 .000 0 .005 0. 149 9500 0 .546 0.105 0 .009 0.088 0 .000 0.063 0.03 7 fJ .033 0 .000 0.030 0.000 0 .000 0 .00 7 0.150 10000 0 .548 0 .1ll 0 .012 0 .088 0 .000 0.063 0 .037 0.036 0.000 0.082 0.000 0 .02 1 0 .008 0.150 10500 0 .550 O.U6 0 .014 0.088 0.000 0.063 0.037 0.039 0 .000 0 .084 0 .000 0 .02 1 0 .010 0.150 u ooo 0 .567 O.l17 0 .015 O.C88 0.000 0.063 0 .038 0 .041 0 .011 0.087 0 .012 0 .021 0 .015 0.151 11500 0 .585 o .u8 0.015 0 .088 0 .000 0 .063 0 .038 0 .042 0 .021 0 .090 0.022 0 .021 0.020 0 .1 51 12000 0 .602 O.l19 0.015 0 .088 0 .000 0 .063 0.038 o .ou 0 .031 0 .093 0 .042 0.02 1 0 .025 0 .152 12500 0 .619 0 .120 0 .015 0.088 0.000 0.063 O.OJ9 0 .045 0 .041 0 .096 0 .062 0 .02 1 0.030 0 .152 13000 0.628 O.UJ 0 .015 0.088 0.002 0 .063 0 .039 0 .047 0 .045 0 .101 0.064 0.021 O.OJ3 0 .153 1J500 0.639 0.167 0.015 0 .088 0 .004 0.06J 0 .039 0 .049 0.046 0 .107 0 .066 0.021 0.036 0 .1 53 14000 0 .647 0.190 0.015 0.099 0.006 0.063 0 .040 0 .051 0 .047 O.l12 0 .068 0 .021 O.OJ9 0 .154 14500 0 .656 0.214 0 .015 0.088 0 .009 0.063 0 .040 0 .05J 0 .048 0. 116 0 .070 0.021 0 .04 3 0 .1 55 15000 0.665 0.2J7 0 .015 0.088 0 .011 0 .063 0 .041 0 .055 0 .049 0 .l17 0.072 0.021 0 .046 0.156 15500 0 .675 0 .261 0.015 0 .089 0 .01J 0.063 0 .042 0 .057 0.049 0 . 118 0 .074 0 .021 0.049 0 .156 16000 0.694 0 .284 0.015 0.088 0.015 0 .063 0.042 0 .059 0 .050 0.119 0.076 0.021 0 .052 0 .157 16500 0 .688 0 .288 0.016 0.088 0 .021 0.063 0 .043 0 .060 0 .052 0 .121 0 .078 0.022 0 .057 0.158 17000 0 .692 0.292 0 .016 0.088 0.027 0.063 o .ou 0.060 0.053 0 .122 0 .080 0 .022 0 .061 0.159 17500 0 .696 o.=..,6 0.016 0 .088 O.OJ3 0 .06J 0 .045 0 .061 0.054 0 .123 0.082 0.022 0.066 0 .160 18000 0.700 0 .300 0 .016 0 .088 0 .039 0 .064 0 .046 0 .061 0 .056 0 .124 0.084 0 .022 0 . 0 70 0 . 161 18500 0 .708 0 .317 0.016 0 .088 0.035 0 .064 0 .04 7 0 .063 0 .05 7 0 .126 0 .086 0 .02 2 0 .083 0 .162 19000 0.717 0 .334 0 .016 0 .088 0.040 0 .064 0.048 0 .064 0 .060 0 .127 0.088 0.022 0 .096 0 . J 63 19500 0 .725 0 .351 0.017 0 .098 0.045 0 .064 0.049 0 .066 0 .062 0 .129 0 .090 0 .02 2 0 .109 0 . U:4 20000 0.733 O.J68 0 .017 0.088 0 .050 0 .064 0 .051 0 .068 0 .064 0 .131 0 .092 0 .02 2 0 . 122 0 .lb6 20500 0 . 741 0 .385 0 .017 0 .088 0.059 0 .064 0.053 0 .070 0 .06 7 0 .133 0 .094 0 .02 2 0 . 135 0. 167 21000 0.750 0 .402 0.017 0.088 0.066 0 .065 0 .055 0 .0 71 0.0 70 0 .136 0.096 0.022 0. 14 7 0.1 68 2 1500 0 .758 0 . 419 0 .018 0 .088 0 .069 0 .065 0.057 0 .0 73 0.074 0 .138 0 .098 0.023 0.1 60 0. 170 22000 0.766 0 .4J6 0.018 0 .088 0 .071 0.065 0.059 0 .075 0.077 0 .141 0.100 0.023 0 .1 7 J 0. 171 22500 0 .775 0.453 0 .018 0 .088 0 .074 0 .066 0 .063 0 .076 o.oao 0 .144 0.102 0 .023 0 .186 0 . 173 23000 0 .793 0 .470 0.019 0 .088 0.077 0 .066 0 .066 0 .078 0 .083 0.147 0.117 0.023 0 .1 99 0 . 17 5 23500 0.785 0 .471 0.019 0.088 0.081 0.066 0.069 0 .078 0.086 0 .15 1 0 .117 0.023 0. 199 0 .1 77 24000 0.787 0 . 472 0 .020 0.088 0 .085 0 .067 0.071 0.0 78 0 .088 0 .156 0.117 0 .023 (). 199 0 .1 79 24500 0.786 0. 477 0.020 0 .088 0 .089 0 .067 0.074 0.079 0 .091 0 .1 61 0 .118 0 .023 0 . 1 '}9 0 . 181 25001) 0 .786 0.481 0 .021 0.088 0.092 0 .067 0.076 0 .079 0.093 0 .166 0 . 119 0 .024 0 .199 0 .1 84 '~:;oo 0 .786 0 .485 0 .022 0 .088 0.095 0.068 0.078 0 .079 0.095 0 .172 0 .120 0.024 0 .I '}9 0.186 26000 0 .786 0 .490 0 .023 0 .088 0.099 0 .068 0 .081 0 .0 79 0 .096 0 .179 0 .121 0 .02 4 0. 19 9 0 .189 26500 0 .786 0 .495 0.023 0.088 0 .102 0 .069 0.082 0 .0 79 0 .098 0 .18 7 0 . 122 0.02 4 0.1 99 0 .192 27000 0 . 786 0.500 0 .024 0 .088 0 .104 0 .069 0 .084 0 .0 79 0 .099 0 .19 7 0 .12 3 0.02 4 0. !99 0 .194 27500 0 .786 0 .505 0.026 0.088 0.107 0 .070 0 .086 0 .080 0 .100 0 .206 0 .124 0 .025 0. 1 '}9 0 . 198 28000 0.786 0 .512 0.027 0 .088 0 .109 0 .070 0 .087 0 .080 0 .101 0.215 0 .125 0 .0 25 0.19 9 0.20 1 28500 0 .786 0.518 0.028 0 .088 0 .Ill 0 .071 0.088 0 .080 0.102 0 .224 0 .127 0 .025 0.199 0 .205 29000 0 .786 0 .525 0 .029 0 .088 0.112 0.071 0.089 0 .080 0 .103 0 .232 0.128 0 .025 0 .1 99 0 .210 29500 0 .7 86 0 .532 O.OJO 0.088 0.114 0 .072 0.090 0 .080 0.104 0 .2 39 0 .130 0.026 0 .199 0.216 30000 0 .786 0 .53 9 0.031 0 .088 0 .115 0.073 0 .091 0 .081 0 . 105 0 .246 0 . 131 0 .02 6 0 .199 0 .220 305 00 0. 786 0 .548 O.OJ2 0 .089 0.1 17 0.073 0 .092 0 .08 1 0 . 105 0 .253 0.1 33 0.027 0.200 0.225 31000 0.786 0 .556 0 .033 0 .090 0 .118 0 .074 0.092 0 .081 0 .106 0.2 59 0 .135 0 .027 0.2 01 0.2 31 31500 0.786 0 .565 0.034 0 .091 0.119 0 .075 0 .093 0 .08 1 0 .106 0.264 0 . 137 0.027 0 .212 0 .23 7 32000 0 .786 0 .574 O.OJ5 0 .092 0.120 0.076 0 .094 0 .081 0 .106 0 .269 0.1J9 0.028 0 .232 0 .2 43 32500 0.786 0.585 O.OJ5 0.09J 0.120 0 .077 0 .094 0 .082 0 . 107 0 .2 73 0. 141 0 .028 0 .245 0 .250 33000 0 .786 0.599 O.OJ6 0 .094 0 .121 0 .078 0 .094 0 .082 0 .10 7 0 .2 76 0.143 0 .029 0 .248 0 .2 55 J3500 0 .791 0 .616 O.OJ6 0 .094 0 .122 0 .079 0 .095 0 .082 0 . 107 0 .280 0.146 0.02 9 0 .249 0 .26 1 :l4000 0.799 0 .629 O.OJ7 0 .095 0 .122 0.080 0 .095 0.082 0 .107 0.283 0 .148 0.030 0 .2 49 0 .2 66 34500 0 .804 0.64J O.OJ7 0 .095 0 .123 0 .081 0 .095 0 .082 0 .108 0 .286 0 . !52 O.OJI 0 .250 0 .27 1 35000 0 .811 0 .6 59 0 .03 7 0 .000 0 . 123 0 .082 0 .095 0 .082 0 . 108 0 .288 0 . 151> 0.031 0.250 0. 276 183 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP I I I WETTED SURFACE AREA (I 10"5 l O•s 100.4R l00.6l l0l.2R 101 .6l 101 . 7l 110 .4L 115.0R 119 . 3L 128 .5R 129 .7R 128 .9R 130 .2R 130 .2L ll2.6L -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-------· 5000 0.109 0.048 O.Ol2 0 .057 O.lOO 0.070 0 .086 0 .010 O.H1 0.070 0 .250 0.400 0 .015 0 .020 5500 0 .110 0.050 0.050 0.061 0.300 0.075 0 . 114 0 .011 0.141 0.071 0 .250 0 .406 0 .015 0.025 6000 0.110 0.051 0 .069 0 .066 0 .300 0 .081 O.H2 0 .013 O.H 2 0.0 73 0 .250 0 .412 0.016 0 .029 6500 0 .111 0 .053 0.087 0.071 0.300 0.086 0 .16? 0 .014 O.H2 0 .074 0 .250 0.419 0 .016 O.Ol4 7000 0 .112 0.054 0.106 0 .075 0.300 0 .092 0.197 0.016 O.Hl 0 .076 0 .250 0.424 o.o1 ; O.Ol8 7500 0.112 0.056 0 .124 0.080 O.lOO 0.097 0 .225 0 .017 O.H3 0 .077 0 .250 0 .43 0 0.017 0 .04l 8000 0.11l 0.061 O.H2 0 .081 0.325 0 .115 0.250 0.02l 0.165 0 .090 0 .253 0.435 0.026 0.066 8500 0 .11l 0 .066 0 .160 0 .091 0 .350 0 .Ill 0 .274 0 .029 0.19 7 0 .102 0 .255 0 .440 0 Ol5 0 .090 9000 0.114 0.071 0 .178 0 .082 0 .419 0.151 0.299 O.Ol5 0 .210 0. 115 0 .258 0.445 u .044 0.11l 9500 O.lH 0.076 0.196 0 .083 0.443 0.168 0 .324 0 .040 0 .232 0 .128 0.260 0.44 9 0 .052 0 .1l6 10000 0.115 0.081 0 .214 0 .08l 0 .466 0.186 0.348 0.046 0 .254 0.140 0 .263 0 .454 0 .061 0.136 10500 0.115 0 .086 0.232 0.084 0.488 0 .204 O.l73 0 .052 0.276 0 .153 0.265 0 .459 0 .070 0.138 11000 0.116 0 .090 0 .242 0 .086 0 .509 0 .221 0.464 0 .058 0 .302 0 .161 0.270 0 .485 0 .072 0.186 11500 0 .116 0 .093 0 .252 0 .087 0.529 0 .238 0 .554 0 .064 0.328 0 .169 0 .276 0 . 511 0 .075 0.188 12000 0 .117 0 .097 0.262 0.089 0.548 0.255 0.645 0 .070 0 .35l 0 .1 76 0.281 J.537 0 .077 0.191 12500 0 .117 0 .100 0 .272 0 .090 0 .567 0.272 0 .735 0 .076 0.379 0.184 0 .286 0 .563 0 .07~ 0.193 1l000 0.118 0.107 0 .278 0 .093 0.584 0.282 0 .741 0 .07 7 0.453 0.203 0 .330 0.611 0 .08i 0.208 13500 0.118 0 .113 0.285 0.096 0.601 0.292 0 .748 0 .079 0.526 0.221 0.373 0 .660 0 .09f 0.222 uooo 0.126 0.120 J.291 0 .099 0.618 0.302 0.754 0.080 0.600 0 .240 0.417 0.708 O.IOl 0.237 14500 0.138 0 .126 0.298 0.103 0.633 0.312 0.761 0 .082 0 .673 0 .259 0 .460 0.757 0.11 : 0 .251 15000 O.H9 0 .133 0 .304 0.106 0.648 0.322 0.767 0 .083 0 . 747 0.278 0 .504 0 .805 0 .12 : 0 .266 15500 0 .161 0 .139 0.311 0 .109 0 .663 0.332 0. 774 0 .085 0.820 0 .296 0 .547 0 .854 0.131 0.280 16000 0.171 0.146. 0 .317 0 .112 0 .677 0 .342 0 .780 0 .086 0.894 0 .315 0.591 0 .902 0 .131 1 0.295 16500 0.182 0.147 0 .352 0 .122 0.691 0.352 0.869 0.089 0.896 0.322 0 .618 0 .958 0 .13" 0.303 17000 0.192 0.148 0 .386 0.133 0.705 0 .361 0.958 0 .091 0 .897 0 .329 0.646 l. 015 0 .13 '1 0 .310 17500 0 .202 0.149 0 .421 O.H3 a.718 0 .371 l. 046 0.094 0.899 0.336 0.673 1 . 071 0 . 1411 0 .318 18000 0 .211 0.150 0 .455 0 .153 0 .730 0.380 1.135 0 .096 0 .900 0 .343 0.700 1.127 O.HI 0 .325 18500 0.221 0.151 0 .459 0.154 0 .743 0 .384 1.145 0.098 0.902 0 .348 0.7 58 1.161 0.14 0 .337 19000 0 .230 0.152 0 .462 0 .156 0 .755 0 .388 1.154 0 .099 0 .904 0 .352 0.816 1 . 194 O.H 0 .348 19500 0 .239 0.154 0.466 J .15 7 0.766 0 .392 1 .164 0 . 101 0 .906 0.357 0.874 l. 228 0.14 : 0 .360 20000 0.247 0.155 0 .470 0 .158 0. 778 0 .396 1 .173 0 .102 0.908 0 .361 0 .932 l. 261 0.14 : 0 .371 20500 0 .256 0.156 0 .473 0 .1 60 0.789 0.400 1.183 0. 104 0.910 0.366 0.991 1.295 0 . 14 .; 0 .393 21000 0.264 0.157 0 . ~77 0.161 0.800 0 .404 1.193 0 .105 0 .911 0 .371 1.049 l. 328 0.14 ; 0 .395 21500 0.272 0 .158 0.481 0 .162 0.810 0 .408 1.202 0 . 107 0 .913 0 .375 1.107 1 .362 0 .14· 0 .406 22000 0.280 0.160 0 .485 0 .163 0.820 0 .412 l. 212 0 .lOB 0 .915 0.380 1.165 1.395 0 .14· 0 .419 22500 0.287 0 .161 0.488 0 .165 0 .831 0 .416 1. 22 1 0.110 0 .917 0.381 1.223 1 .429 0 .14! 0.429 23000 0.295 0.168 0 .492 0 .166 0.940 0.420 l. 231 0 .111 0 .919 0 .382 1 . 240 1.446 0 .14: 0.405 23500 0.302 0 .170 0.498 0 .171 0.850 0 .447 1.238 0. 115 1 . 013 0.383 1.252 l. 457 o .1 5; 0 .412 24000 0.309 0.172 0.505 0.174 0.960 0 .453 1 .256 0.117 1 . 032 0 .387 1 . 297 1.485 0. 1 5~ 0 .419 24500 0.316 0 .174 0.511 0.176 0 .869 0.459 1. 275 0 .118 1.050 0 .391 1. 341 l. 513 0 .16 1 0.426 25000 0.323 0.176 0.518 0 .178 0.878 0 .464 1.293 0 .120 1.067 0 .395 1 . 385 1. 54 0 0 .1 6 ~ 0 .433 25500 0.330 0 .178 0 .525 0 .180 0 .887 0.470 1. 310 0 .121 1 .085 0 .399 l. 42 7 1 . 566 0 .1 66 0 .440 26000 0.336 0 .180 0 .531 0 .182 0 .895 0 .476 1 .328 0.122 1.102 0.403 1. 468 1. 592 0.168 0 .446 26500 0 .343 0 .182 0.538 0 .185 0 .904 0 .481 1. 345 0 .124 1.119 0 .407 1.509 1. 619 0 .1 70 0 .453 27000 0 .349 0 .184 0 .544 0 .187 0.912 0 .487 1. 361 0.125 1.135 0. 411 1. 549 l. 64 3 0 .172 0.459 27500 0.355 0 .186 0 .550 0 .199 0 .921 0 .492 l. 379 0 .126 1. 151 0 . 414 1.589 1 . 66 7 0 .17 4 0.465 28000 0 .362 0.187 0 .556 0 .191 0.929 0 .497 1 . 394 0 .127 1.167 0 . 418 1.627 1 .692 0.1 75 0.472 28500 0 .368 0 .189 0 .562 0 .1 93 0.937 0.502 1.409 0 .12 9 1 .193 0 .422 1.665 1. 715 0 .177 0 .478 29000 0 .374 0.191 0 .568 0.195 0 .944 0 .50 7 1. 425 0.130 1 .198 0 .425 1 . 702 1 . 73 9 0.179 0 .484 29500 O.l79 0 .192 0 .573 0 .196 0.952 0.512 1.440 0 . 131 1. 213 0.428 1 .7 38 1. 76 1 0 . 181 0 .489 30000 0.385 0.194 0.579 0.198 0 .960 0 .517 1. 455 0 .132 1. 229 0.432 1. 77 4 1.784 0.193 0.495 30500 0.391 0 .196 0.584 0.200 0 .967 0 .522 1. 470 0 .133 I . 242 0 .435 1. 910 1 .806 0 .185 0 .50 1 31000 0 .396 0.197 0.590 0.202 0 .974 0 .526 1 .484 0.134 1 . 257 0 .438 1.944 1.929 0.196 0.506 31500 0.402 0.199 0.595 0 .204 0.982 0 .531 1. 498 0 .135 1.271 0 .442 1. 878 1. 94 9 0 .188 0 .5 12 32000 0 .407 0.200 0 .600 0 .205 0.989 0 .536 1. 512 0 .1 36 1. 285 0.445 l. 912 1. 8 70 0 .190 0.51 7 32500 0 .412 0 .202 0.606 0 .207 0 .996 0.540 1.526 0 .137 I. 298 0 .448 1 . 945 1.891 0 .191 0 .522 33000 0.417 0.203 0.611 0 .209 1.003 0 .544 1.540 0 .138 1. 312 0 .451 I. 978 l. 912 0 .193 0.52 7 33500 0 .423 0 .205 0 .616 0.211 1.009 0 .549 1 . 553 0 .140 1 . 325 0 .454 2.010 1.9 32 0.194 0 .533 l4000 0 .428 0.206 0.621 0.212 1 .016 0 .553 1 . 566 0 . 141 1. 338 0.457 2.042 1.952 0 .196 0.538 34500 0.433 0 .208 0 .625 0 .214 1 .022 0 .557 1. 57 9 0 . 142 1. 351 0. 460 2.073 1.971 0 .1 ?8 l. 543 35000 0 .437 0 .209 0 .630 0 .215 1 .029 0 .561 1 . 592 0. 142 1 .364 0.463 2. 104 1. Q91 0. 199 •l. 684 18 4 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP Ill WETTED SURFACE AREA u 1o ·s l O•s :J3 .7R 137 .2R 141.4R ------------------------------------ 5000 0.180 0 .116 0 .262 5500 0 .182 0 . 117 0.273 6000 0.184 0 . 118 0 .283 6500 0.186 0 .120 0 .294 7000 0.188 0 .121 0.304 7500 0.190 0.122 0 .315 8000 0 .188 0 .140 0 .311 8500 0 . 187 0 .157 0 .308 9000 0. 185 0 .1 75 0.304 9500 0.183 0.192 0.300 10000 0 .182 0.210 0 .297 10500 0.180 0 .227 0.293 11000 0 .183 0. 315 0.378 11500 0 .185 0 .340 0.414 12000 0 .188 0.358 0.448 12500 0 .190 0 .401 0 .481 13000 0.191 0.406 0 .513 13500 0.203 0 .411 0 .543 14000 0.215 0.416 0 .573 14500 0.226 0.420 0 .601 15000 0 .237 0.425 0.629 15500 0.248 0 .430 0 .655 16000 0.258 0.435 0 .681 16500 0.268 0 .447 0.706 17000 0.277 0.460 0 . 730 17500 0 .286 0 . 472 0 .754 18000 0.295 0 .484 0. 776 18500 0.304 0 .494 0 .799 19000 0 .313 0 .503 0.820 19500 0 .321 0 .513 0 . 841 20000 0.329 0.522 0.862 20500 0.337 0.531 0.882 21000 0.345 0.541 0.901 21500 0 .352 0 .550 0. 920 22000 0.360 0.560 0.939 22500 0 .367 0.569 0.957 23000 0.374 0.579 0 .975 23500 0 .381 0 .627 0.992 24000 0 .387 0 .601 l. 010 24500 0 .394 0 .612 1.026 25000 0 .401 0.623 1 .043 25500 0.407 0.634 1.059 26000 0 .413 0 .646 l. 074 26500 0.419 0 .658 1 .090 27000 0 .425 0 .670 1.105 27500 0.431 0 .682 1 . 120 28000 0.437 0.695 1.134 28500 0 .442 0 .708 1.149 29000 0.448 0. 721 1.163 29500 0 .453 0.734 1.177 30000 0 .4~9 0 .7 48 1 . 190 30500 0.464 0 .761 1. 204 31000 0 .469 0 . 776 1 . 217 31500 0.474 0 .790 1 .230 32000 0.480 0.804 l. 243 32500 0 .484 0 .819 1 . 255 33000 0.489 0 .834 1. 267 33500 0 .494 0.850 1 .280 34000 0 .49 9 0 .865 1. 292 34500 0.504 0 .881 1. 303 35000 0 . 50 8 0 .898 1. J 15 185 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV WETTED SURFACE AREA (/ 10 '5) Qes 100.7R 109 .7L 110 .9" Ill. 5R 112.6L ll4.0R ll6.9R 119 .5L 119. 6L 121. 7R 124 .1L 125.2R 127. 0" 127 .4L -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0.675 0 .173 0 .172 0 .738 1 .700 1 . 355 0.360 0.320 I. 236 1.169 0 .648 I. 550 0.21 3 1.192 5500 0.704 0 .177 0 . 174 0 . 776 I. 742 1 .433 0 .364 0 .33b 1 .244 I. 236 0 .676 1 .609 0.22 4 1 .209 6000 0.730 0 .181 0.175 0. 811 1. 791 1.504 0 .369 0 .3 51 1. 252 I . 299 0.703 1 . 664 0 .233 1. 225 6500 0 .754 0 .1 95 0 .177 0.943 1. 916 1. 570 0 .371 0.364 1. 259 1.35 4 0 . 72 7 1. 714 0 .242 l . 240 7000 0 .776 0 .199 0.179 0.973 1.949 I. 631 0 .375 0 .376 1.266 I. 407 0.749 1.760 0.251 I. 253 7500 0 .797 0.191 0 .190 0 .900 1 .980 1.699 0.379 0.398 1.272 1. 455 0.770 1 .904 0 .258 1.266 8000 0 .916 0 .193 0 .181 0 .926 1.909 1. 740 0 .390 0.399 1 .278 I. 501 0.799 1.844 0.266 I. 278 9500 0.934 0 .196 0 .192 0 .950 1 .935 1.790 0 .383 0 .409 1.293 1 .5 44 0.80 7 1.882 0 . 272 1.289 9000 0 .951 0 .199 0.183 0. 973 1. 961 1. 837 0 .386 0.419 1.288 1.584 0.825 I. 918 0.279 1. 299 9500 0.968 0 .201 0 .184 0.994 1 .994 1.882 0 .388 0.428 1.293 1.622 0 .841 1 .952 0.285 1.309 10000 0.883 0 .203 0.185 1. 015 2.007 1.924 0 .390 0.436 1.298 I. 659 0.856 1.984 0.291 1. 318 10500 0.999 0.205 0 .196 1. 034 2 .029 1.964 0.392 0 .445 1 .302 1 . 693 0.871 2 . 014 0.296 I. 327 11000 0.912 0.207 0.187 1.053 2.049 2 .002 0 .394 0.452 1. 307 1 . 726 0.885 2.043 0.301 I. 33 6 11500 0.925 0.209 0.188 1. 071 2.069 2.038 0.396 0.460 1.311 1.7~9 0.898 2 .07 1 0 .306 1.344 12000 0.938 0 .211 0 .188 1 .088 2 .088 2.073 0 .398 0 .46 7 1. 314 1.789 0 .911 2.098 0.311 I. 351 12500 0 .950 0.213 0 .199 1.104 2 .106 2.107 0 .400 0. 474 1. JIB I. 816 0.923 2 .123 0.316 1.359 13000 0.962 0.214 0.190 1.120 2 .123 2.139 0 .402 0 .4 80 1.322 1.844 0.935 2.149 0.320 1 .366 13500 0. 973 . 0.216 0 .1 91 1.135 2.140 2.170 0 .403 0 .487 1. J25 1. 871 0.947 2.172 0.324 !. J73 14000 0.984 0.218 0.191 1.149 2.156 2.200 0.405 0.493 1 .328 1.997 0.958 2 .194 0.328 1.380 14500 0 .995 0 .219 0.192 1.163 2.172 2.229 0.407 0.499 1. 331 1 .921 0.968 2 .216 0.332 l .J86 1~000 1.005 0 .220 0.193 1.177 2.187 2.257 0.408 0 .504 l.JJ4 1. 945 0 .978 2.237 0.336 ! . 39 2 15500 1.015 0.222 0.193 1.190 2 .201 2.283 0 .410 0 .510 1.337 1. 969 0.988 2 .258 0. 340 l . 398 16000 1.024 0.223 0 .194 1.202 2.215 2 .310 0.411 0 .515 1.340 1 .991 0.998 2.278 0 .343 1.404 16500 1.033 0.225 0 .195 1. 215 2 .229 2 .335 0 .412 0 .520 1. 343 2.013 1. 007 2.297 0.347 1. 409 17000 1.042 0 .226 0.195 1 .227 2 .242 2.359 0 . 414 0.525 1.346 2.034 1. 016 2 .316 0.350 I. 415 17500 1.051 0.227 0 .196 1.238 2.255 2 .383 0 . 415 0 .530 1 .348 2 .054 1.025 2.334 0.353 1 .420 18000 1.059 0.228 0 .196 1 .249 2.268 2 .406 0.416 0.535 1. 351 2.074 1 .033 2 .352 0.356 1. 42 5 18500 1. 068 0.229 0.197 1.260 2.280 2.429 0 . 417 0 .540 1 . 353 2 .094 1.041 2 .369 0.359 1.430 19000 1 .076 0 .231 0.197 1 .271 2.292 2.451 0 .418 0.544 1 .356 2 .113 1.050 2 .385 0 .362 I. 435 19500 1.083 0 .232 0.198 1.281 2 .303 2.472 0 .420 0 .549 1.358 2 .131 1.057 2 .402 0 .365 I. 4 40 20000 1.091 0.233 0.198 1 .291 2.314 2 .493 0.421 0.553 1 .360 2.149 1.065 2 .418 0 .368 1 .444 20500 1 .098 0.234 0 .199 1. 301 2 .325 2.513 0 .422 0.55 7 1 .363 2 . 166 1 . 072 2 . 433 0 . 371 1.44 9 21000 1.106 0 .235 0.199 1. 311 2 .336 2.533 0 .423 0.561 1 .365 2 .183 1.080 2.448 0.374 I. 453 21500 1.113 0 .236 0 .200 1. 320 2 .346 2.552 0 .424 0.565 1. 367 2.200 1 . 087 2 .463 0 .3 76 I. 453 22000 1.120 0.237 0 .200 1.330 2.356 2.571 0.425 0 .569 1. 369 2 .216 1 . 094 2 . 477 0.3 79 1 .4t>2 22500 1.126 0.238 0 .200 1.338 2.366 2.589 0.426 0.573 1. 371 2.232 1.100 2.491 0 .381 l .4 b6 23000 1.133 0 .239 0 .201 1. 347 2.376 2.608 0 .427 0 .576 1 . 373 2.248 1 .10 7 2.505 0.384 J. 4 70 23500 1.139 0.240 0.201 1 .356 2 .396 2 .625 0 . 428 0 .580 1. 375 2.263 1.113 2.519 0 .386 j • 4 7 4 24000 1.146 0.241 0.202 1 .364 2 .395 2 .642 0 .429 0 .583 1 .377 2 .278 1.120 2 .53 2 0.389 I. 4 78 24500 1.152 0 .242 0.202 1.372 2 .404 2 .659 0 .430 0 .58 7 I. 379 2.292 1.126 2 .545 0.391 I. 481 25000 1.158 0.242 0.202 1. 381 2. 413 2 .676 0.431 0.590 1 .380 2 .307 1.132 2.557 0.393 1 .48 5 25500 1.164 0 .243 0 .203 1.389 2 .422 2.692 0 .431 0.594 1. 392 2 .321 1.138 2. 570 0.39 5 I. 439 26000 1.170 0 .244 0 .203 1 .396 2 .430 2.708 0.432 0 .597 1.394 2.334 1 .144 2.582 0 .398 1. 492 26500 1. 175 0.245 0 .204 1.404 2 .439 2 . 724 0 .433 0.600 1.396 2.349 1 .150 2 .594 0. 400 1.496 27000 1. 181 0 .246 0 .204 1. 411 2 .44 7 2 .739 0. 434 0 .603 1. 387 2 .361 1.155 2.605 0.40 2 1. 499 27500 I. 18 7 0 .247 0.204 1. 419 2 .455 2 .75 4 0 .435 0 .606 I . 399 2 .374 1 . 161 2.6 17 0.404 I. 502 29000 1.192 0.247 0.205 1.426 2.463 2 .769 0 .436 0 .609 1. 391 2.387 1.166 2.628 0.406 I. 506 28500 1.197 0 .248 0 .205 1.433 2 .471 2 .784 0 .436 0.612 1. 392 2 .399 1 .17 2 2.63 9 0.408 I. 509 29000 1 .203 0 .249 0.205 1.440 2 .479 2.798 0 .437 0 .615 1 . 394 2 .411 1.1 77 2 .6 50 0. 410 l. 512 29500 1.209 0 .250 0 .206 1.447 2 .486 2.8 12 0.439 0 .618 1.395 2 .424 1.182 2.661 0. 41 2 I. 5 I S 30000 I. 213 0 .250 0.206 I. 453 2.494 2.826 0.439 0 .621 I. 39 7 2 .435 1 .18 7 2. 671 0.414 I. 518 30500 I. 218 0 .251 0.206 1 .460 2 .501 2.839 0 .439 0 .624 1.398 2.447 1.192 2.682 0.415 !. 521 31000 I. 223 0.252 0 .206 1.466 2.508 2.853 0.440 0 .626 I. 400 2.459 1 .19 7 2 .692 0 . 417 1 .52 4 31500 1. 227 0 .252 0 .20 7 I. 473 2 .515 2 .866 0 .441 0.629 I. 401 2 .470 1. 202 2.702 0. 41 9 1.527 320 00 1 .232 0 .253 0 .207 I. 479 2 .522 2 .879 0 .441 0.632 1.403 2.481 1.206 2. 712 0.421 1 .530 32500 1.237 0 .254 0 .207 1.485 2 .529 2 .991 0 .442 0 .634 1 .404 2 . 492 I. 211 2.722 0. 423 1.533 33000 I. 241 0 .254 0 .208 I. 491 2 .536 2 .904 0.443 0.637 I. 405 2 .503 I. 216 2 . 73 1 0 .424 I. 536 33500 I. 246 0 .2 55 0.208 1. 49 7 2 .543 2.916 0 .443 0 .639 1 .40 7 2.513 I . 220 2.7 40 0.426 1 . 538 34000 1.250 0.256 0 .208 1 .503 2.549 2 .928 0.444 0 .642 1.408 2.524 1 .225 2 .7 50 0 .4 28 I. 541 34500 1 . 255 0 .256 0 .209 1 . 509 2 .556 2.940 0 .445 0 .6.U 1 .409 2 .534 1 . 229 2.759 0 . 429 1.5 44 35000 1.259 0.25 7 0 .209 I. 515 2 .562 2.952 o.us 0 .6 47 I . 411 2 .544 I. 233 2.768 0.431 1. 546 186 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP IV WETTED SURFACE AREA ( 10~5) Qu 129.5R 131.7L 134 .9 R 136.0L 139.4L 139.6L 140 .4R I U .O R 14 ~. 3R ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 .391 0.249 1 .256 0.040 0 .122 0 .468 0 .337 0.678 0 . 22 3 5500 0 . 411 0 .362 1. 3 II 0.042 0 .125 0 .476 0 .348 0.649 0.224 6000 0 .428 0 .465 1. 362 o.ou 0 .127 0.494 0.358 0.623 0.225 6500 0 . 445 0.560 1.408 0.046 0 .129 0 .491 0.368 0.599 0 .226 7000 0.460 0.648 1. 452 0.048 0 .131 0.498 0.377 0.576 0.227 7500 0.474 0.730 1.492 0.049 0.133 0 .504 0.385 0.555 0 .227 8000 0 .487 0.807 1.530 0.051 0 .135 0.510 0.392 0.536 0 .229 9500 0 .500 0 .879 1.565 0.052 0.136 0.515 0.400 0.518 0 .229 9000 0 .512 0.947 1.598 0.053 0 .139 0. 520 0.406 0.500 0 .229 9500 0 .523 1.011 1.630 0.054 0.139 0.525 0 .413 0 . 484 0 .230 10000 0.533 1.072 1. 660 0.056 0 .140 0.530 0.419 0.468 0.230 10500 0.543 1.130 1.689 0 .057 0.142 0 .534 0.425 0 .453 0 .231 11000 0.553 1 .185 1. 715 0 .058 0 .143 0 .539 0 .430 0.439 0.231 11500 0.562 1.239 1.741 0.059 0.144 0 .543 0 .436 0 .426 0.232 12000 0.570 1.288 1.766 0.060 0 .145 0 .546 0 .441 0. 413 0 .2 32 12500 0.579 1.337 1 .790 0 .061 0.146 0.550 0 .446 0 .401 0 .232 13000 0.587 1.383 1. 913 0 .061 0 .147 0.554 0 .450 0.399 0.233 13500 0.595 1.428 1.835 0.062 0 .148 0.557 0.455 0 . 377 0.233 14000 0.602 1.471 1.856 0 .063 0.149 0.560 0.459 0 .366 0.233 14500 0.609 1.513 1.876 0.064 0.150 0.563 0.463 0 .356 0.234 15000 0.616 1.553 1.996 0.065 0. 151 0 .566 0 .467 0.345 0 .234 15500 0 .623 1. 592 1. 915 0 .065 0.152 0 .569 0.471 0 .335 0 .234 16000 0.629 1.630 1. 934 0.066 0 .153 0 .572 0 .475 0.326 0.235 16500 0.636 1.666 1. 952 0 .067 0.153 0 .575 0 .479 0 .317 0.235 17000 0 .642 1.702 1. 969 0.067 0.154 0.578 0.482 0.307 0.235 17500 0 .648 1.736 1.986 0 .068 0.155 0 .580 0 .486 0 .299 0.236 18000 0.654 1. 769 2.002 0 .069 0.156 0 .583 0 .489 0.290 0.236 18500 0.659 1.802 2.019 0 .069 0 .156 0 .585 0 .492 0 .282 0.236 19000 0.665 1.934 2 .034 0.070 0.157 0 .588 0.495 0. 274 0.237 19500 0.670 1.86' 2.049 0.070 0.158 0.590 0.499 0.266 0.237 20000 0 .675 1 .894 2 .064 0.071 0 .158 0 .592 0.502 0.258 0.237 20500 0 .680 1 .924 2.078 0.071 0.159 0.595 0 .504 0.251 0 .23 7 21000 0 .685 1.952 2.092 0.072 0.160 0 .597 0 .507 0.243 0.238 21500 0.690 1 .980 2.106 0 .072 0.160 0.599 0.510 0 .236 0.233 22000 0.695 2.008 2.119 0.073 0.161 0.601 0.513 0 .229 0.238 22500 0.699 2.034 2.132 0 .073 0.162 0 .603 0 .516 0.223 0.238 23000 0.704 2.060 2.145 0.074 0 .162 0 .605 0.518 0 .216 0.238 23500 0.708 2.086 2.158 0 .074 0.163 0.607 0 .521 0.209 0.239 24000 0.713 2.111 2.170 0.075 0.163 0.609 0.523 0.203 0 .239 24500 0 .717 2.135 2 .182 0 .075 0.164 0.611 0 .526 0.19 7 0 .239 25000 0.721 2.159 2 .194 0.076 0 .164 0.612 0.528 0 . 191 0.239 25500 0 .725 2 .183 2.205 0.076 0.165 0 .614 0.530 0.195 0.239 26000 0.729 2.206 2.217 0 .0 77 0 .165 0.616 0.533 0.179 0 .240 26500 0 .733 2 .228 2.228 0 .077 0.166 0 .618 0 .535 0. 173 0.240 27000 0.737 2 .251 2.239 0 . 077 0 .166 0 .619 0.53 7 0. 167 0 .240 27500 0. 740 2.272 2.249 0 .079 0.167 0 .621 0.539 0.162 0.240 28000 0.744 2 .294 2.260 0 .078 0 .167 0.623 0 .5•2 0 .156 0.240 28500 0 .748 2 .315 2 .270 0 .079 0 .168 0 .624 0 .5U 0 .15 1 0 .241 29000 0.751 2.335 2.290 0.079 0.168 0.626 0.5.6 0 .1.6 0 .2H 29500 0 .755 2.356 2.290 0 .079 0:169 0 .627 0.548 0.140 0 .241 30000 0.758 2 .376 2.300 0 .080 0 .169 0.629 0.550 0 . 135 0.241 30500 0 .762 2 .395 2.310 0 .080 0 .169 0 .630 0 .552 0 .130 0.24 1 31000 0 .765 2 . 415 2 .319 0 .081 0.170 0 .632 o.55• 0.125 0.241 31500 0.768 2.43• 2.329 0 .081 0.170 0 .633 0.556 0 . 121 0 .242 32000 0. 772 2.452 2.338 0 .081 0 . 171 0.635 0 .557 0 . 116 0.242 32500 0. 775 2.471 2.347 0.082 0 . 171 0.636 0 .559 0 . Ill 0 .242 33000 0 . 778 2 .489 2.356 0.082 0 .172 0 .637 0.561 0.10 7 0 .2 42 33500 0 .781 2 .507 2 .36• 0.082 0.172 0 .639 0 .563 0 .102 0 .242 3•ooo 0 .784 2 .524 2 .373 0 .083 0 .172 0 .640 0.565 0 .097 0.242 34500 0 .787 2 .542 2 .392 0 .083 0. 173 0 .641 0 .566 0 .093 0 .242 15000 0 .790 2 .559 2 .390 0 .083 0.173 0.643 0.568 0 .089 0.2 43 187 REPRESENTATIVE GR OUP V WETTED SURFACE AREA (/10 .5 ) Qas 101. 7L 117 .011 118 . 9L !24 .011 !32.8R !39.0L !39 . 7R 14l.bR IO.OL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 5000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.010 0 .021 0 .007 0 .007 0 . 105 0 .019 5500 0 .059 0 .000 0 .000 0 .012 0 .021 0 . 011 0 .00 7 0 . 105 0 .019 6000 0 .119 0 .000 0 .000 0.014 0 .021 0 .015 0.007 0 .105 0 .019 6500 0 .178 0.000 0 .000 0 .015 0.021 0 .019 0.00 7 0 .105 0 .019 7000 0 .238 0 .000 0 .000 0.017 0 .021 0.022 0 .007 0 .105 0 .020 7500 0.297 0 .000 0 .000 0.019 0 .021 0 .02 5 0 .00 7 0 . 105 i).020 8000 0 .323 0 .002 0 .000 0 .021 0 .021 0 .028 0.007 0 .105 0 .028 8500 0 .348 0 .003 0 .000 0 .023 0 .021 0 .031 0 .007 0 . 105 0 .034 9000 0 .3H 0.005 0 .000 0.025 0 .022 0.034 0.007 0 .105 0 .041 9500 0 .399 0 .00 7 0 .000 0 .026 0.022 0.036 0 .00 7 0 .105 0 .04 7 10000 0 .425 0 .008 0.000 0.028 0 .022 0 .039 0.00 7 0.105 0 .053 10500 0 .450 0.010 0 .000 0 .030 0.022 0.041 0 .007 0 .105 0.058 11000 0 .463 0 .016 0 .000 0.036 0 .022 0 .043 0 .007 0 .1 05 0 .064 11500 0.4 75 0 .021 0 .000 0 .04 1 0 .023 0 .045 0.007 0 .105 0 .069 12000 0 .488 0 .027 0 .000 0.046 0 .023 0.047 0.007 0.105 0 .0 73 12500 0.500 0 .032 0 .000 0 .052 0.023 0 .049 0 .007 0 .105 0 .078 13000 0 .503 0. 041 0 .000 0 .059 0 .026 0.051 0.007 0 .105 0 .082 13500 0 .506 0 .049 0 .000 0 .067 0 .028 0 .052 0 .007 0 .105 0 .087 14000 0.509 0.058 0 .000 0.074 0 .031 0 .054 0 .007 0.105 0 .091 14500 0 .512 0.067 0 .000 0 .081 0.034 0 .056 0 .007 0 .105 0 .095 15000 0 .515 0 .076 0.000 0 .088 0.037 0 .05 7 0 .007 0.105 0 .099 15500 0 .518 0 .084 0 .000 0 .096 0.039 0 .059 0 .007 0.105 0 . 102 16000 0 .521 0.093 0 .000 0.103 0 .042 0 .060 0.007 0 .105 0 . 106 16500 0 .516 0 .147 0 .000 0.117 0.043 0 .062 0 .007 0.105 0.109 17000 0.511 0 .202 0 .000 0 .130 o.ou 0 .063 0 .007 0 .lOS 0 .113 17500 0 .505 0 .2 56 0 .000 0 .144 0.044 0.064 0 .007 0 .105 0 . 116 18000 0 .500 0.310 0.000 0 .157 0 .045 0 .066 0 .007 0 .105 0 .119 18500 0 . 496 0.313 0.000 0 .194 0.048 0 .067 0 .007 0.105 0.122 19000 0 .491 0.316 0 .000 0.231 0.052 0 .068 0.00 7 0.105 0 .125 19500 0.487 0.320 0 .000 0 .268 0 .055 0 .069 0 .00 7 0.105 0 .128 20000 0 .48 2 0 .323 0 .000 0.305 0 .058 0 .071 a.ao 7 a .lOS 0 . 131 20500 0.478 0.326 a .ooo a.342 0.061 a .072 a .ao7 0 .1a5 0 .134 21000 0 .474 0 .329 0 .000 a.378 0 .065 a .o73 a.007 a.1a5 0. Ll7 21500 0.469 0.332 a .ooo 0 . 415 0 .068 o.a74 a .007 0.1 96 0 . 139 22000 0.465 0 .336 0 .000 0.452 a .071 o .a75 o.ao 7 0.203 a.l42 22500 0.460 0 .339 0 .000 0 .489 0.075 0 .076 0 .007 0.2la a .144 23000 0.456 0.342 o .aoo 0 .526 0 .078 a.a77 0 .026 0 .217 a.147 23500 0.468 0.351 0 .000 0 .540 0.080 0 .0 78 o .a26 a.223 a .149 24000 0 .481 0 .361 a .ooo 0 .555 a .082 o .a79 0 .026 a .229 a .152 24500 0.494 0 .370 a .aoo 0 .5 70 0 .084 a .a80 a .a2b 0.235 0 .154 :5000 0 .507 0.380 0.000 0.585 0.087 0.081 0 .026 0.241 0 .156 25500 0 .521 0.390 0 .000 0 .601 0.089 0 .082 0 .026 0.248 0 .1 59 26000 0.535 0.401 0.000 0 .617 0 .091 0 .083 0.026 0.254 0 . 161 26500 0.549 0 .4 12 0.000 0 .633 0.094 0 .084 0 .026 0 .261 0 .163 27000 0 .564 0.423 0 .0 00 0 .650 0 .096 0.084 0 .026 0.268 0 . 16 5 27500 0 .579 0 .434 0 .000 0 .663 0 .099 0 .085 0 .026 0.275 0 .16 7 28000 0 .594 0.446 0.000 0 .686 0 .10 2 0 .086 0.026 0.283 0.169 28500 0.610 0 .458 0 .000 0.704 0 .1 04 0.08 7 0 .026 0 .290 0 .171 29000 0.62 7 0 .470 0 .000 0.723 0 .107 0 .088 0.026 0.298 0 .173 29500 0 .644 0 .483 0 .000 0 .742 0 .110 0 .088 0 .026 0.306 0 .175 30000 0 .661 0 .496 0.000 0 .7 62 0 .! 13 0 .08 9 0 .026 0 .315 0 .177 30500 0.679 0.509 0 .000 0 .783 0 .116 0 .090 0 .026 0 .323 0 . 179 31000 0.697 0.523 0 .000 0 .804 0 .• 19 0 .091 0.026 0.332 0 . 181 31500 0 .71 6 0 .537 0 .000 0.826 0 .122 0 .091 0 .026 0.341 0 .182 32 000 0 .735 0 .551 0.000 0.848 0 .126 0 .092 0.026 0 .350 0.184 32500 0 .755 0 .566 0.000 0 .870 0 .129 0 .093 0 .026 0 .359 0 .1 86 33000 0. 775 0.581 0 .000 0.894 0 .133 0 .094 0 .026 0 .369 0 .188 33500 0.796 0.59 7 0.000 0 .9 18 0 .136 0 .094 0 .026 0 .379 0 .!89 34000 0 .817 0 .6!3 0 .000 0 .943 0 .140 0 .095 0 .026 0 .389 0 .191 34500 0 .839 0 .629 0 .000 0 .968 0.144 0 .096 0 .026 0 .399 0 . !93 35000 0 .862 0 .646 0.000 0 .99 4 0 . 147 a .096 0 .026 0 .410 0. !9 4 188 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP VI WETTED SURF ACE AREA ( /1 0 ''6) ou 102.6L 106.3R 107 .1L 117.8L 117 . 9R 119. 7L 133.8L 135 .7R 136 .3R 138 .0R l .l8.8R 13 9 .5R 140 .6R 142 .0R ------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000 0.143 0.092 0.012 0 .040 0.030 0 .025 0 .242 0.020 0 .163 0.000 0 .008 0.110 0 .000 0 .066 5500 0.143 0 .098 0 .012 0 .043 0 .031 0 .025 0 .2 42 0.022 0 .163 0 .000 0 .02 6 0 . 11 4 0 .000 0 .08 0 6000 0.143 0 .104 0 .012 0 .046 0 .032 0 .025 0.242 0 .024 0 .163 0 .000 0 .044 0 . 117 0 .000 0 .095 6 500 0 .144 0 .109 0 .012 0 .050 0 .033 0 .025 0 .242 0 .025 0 .163 0 .000 0 .06 3 0 . 121 0 .000 0.109 7000 0 .169 0 .114 0.012 0 .053 0 .034 0 .025 0 .242 0.027 0. 163 0 .000 0 .081 0.12 4 0 .000 0 .124 7500 0 .191 0.118 0.012 0 .056 0 .035 0.025 0.242 0.029 0 .1 63 0 .000 0 .09 9 0. 128 0 .000 0.138 8000 0 .211 0 .12 2 0 .012 0.067 0.035 0.025 0.242 0.031 0 .163 0 .007 0 .09 9 0.140 0.002 0 .144 8500 0 .23 0 0 .126 0 .012 0 .078 0 .036 0.025 0.242 0.033 0 . 163 0 .015 0 .099 0 .152 0 .003 0 . 150 9000 0 .24 7 0.130 0 .012 0 .090 0 .036 0 .025 0 .242 0.035 0.163 0 .022 0.10 0 0 .164 0 .005 0 . 15 7 9500 0 .264 0 .133 0 .012 0 .10 I 0 .036 0 .025 0.242 0 .036 0 . 163 0 .02 9 0 . 100 0 .176 0 .006 0 .16 3 10000 0.279 0 .136 0 .012 0 .112 0.037 0 .025 0 .242 0 .038 0 .16 3 0 .03 7 0 .100 0.188 0 .00 7 0 .169 10500 0 .294 0 .140 0 .012 0 .123 0 .037 0 .025 0 .2 42 0 .040 0 . 163 0 .044 0.100 0 .200 0 .009 0 . 175 11000 0 .307 0 .143 0 .012 0 .135 0 .03 7 0 .025 0 .2 42 0.045 0 .163 0 .07 4 0 .105 0 .224 0 .088 0 .198 11500 0 .320 0 .145 0 .012 0 . 14 7 0 .038 0 .025 0 .242 0 .050 0 .163 0 .104 0 . 110 0 .2 48 0 .16 7 0 .221 12000 0 .333 0 . 148 0 .012 0 .158 0.038 0 .025 0.242 0 .055 0 . 163 0 .133 0 .114 0 .272 0.246 0 .2 43 12500 0. 345 0. 151 0 .012 0 . 17 0 0 .038 0 .025 0 .242 0 .060 0 . 163 0.163 0.119 0.296 0.325 0 .266 13000 0 .356 0 .1 53 0 .012 0 .173 0 .038 0 .026 0 .2 42 0 .060 0.163 0.16 7 0 .117 0 .314 0 .330 0.279 13500 0.367 0.156 0 .034 0 .177 0 .039 0.026 0 .242 0 .060 0 .174 0 .172 0.116 0 .332 0.336 0 .293 14000 0 .377 0 .158 0 .070 0 .1 80 0 .039 0.027 0 .242 0.060 0.186 0 .176 0.114 0.350 0.341 0 .306 14500 0 .387 0 .160 0 .104 0 .184 0 .040 0 .028 0 .242 0 .060 0 .197 0 . 181 0 .113 0 .369 0 .347 0 .320 15000 0 . 397 0 .162 0.136 0.187 0 .040 0.029 0 .242 0.060 0.208 0.185 0 .111 0 .387 0.352 0.333 15500 0 .406 0 .165 0 .167 0 .191 0 .041 0.029 0 .242 0 .060 0 .219 0.190 0 .110 0 .405 0.358 0.347 16000 0 .41 5 0 .167 0 .196 0.194 0.041 0 .030 0 .242 0 .060 0 .231 0 .194 0.108 0 .423 0.363 0 .360 16500 0 .423 0.16 9 0 .224 0 .196 0 .043 0 .033 0.242 0 .060 0 .231 0.196 0 .111 0 .4~5 0 .372 0.426 17000 0 .432 0 .170 0.251 0.19 7 0 .046 0 .035 0.24 2 0 .060 0 .2 51 0.197 0 .114 0.486 0 .382 0.492 17500 o.uo 0 .172 0 .276 0 .199 0 .048 0.038 0 .242 0 .060 0.254 0.199 0 . 117 0 .518 0 .391 0.55 7 18000 0 .448 0.174 0 .301 0.200 0.050 0 .040 0 .255 0 .060 0 .257 0 .200 0.120 0.549 0.400 0.623 18500 0 .455 0 .1 76 0 .325 0 .206 0 .052 0.041 0.268 0.060 0 .259 0.202 0 . 121 0 .563 0 .417 0.63,j 19000 0 .463 0.1 78 0.347 0 .212 0 .054 0.041 0.281 0 .061 0 .269 0.205 0 :122 0 .578 0 .435 0 .648 19500 0 .470 0 .179 0 .369 0 .219 0 .056 0 .04 2 0 .304 0 .061 0 .277 0 .207 0 .123 0.592 0.452 0 .(,60 20000 0.477 0.181 0.39 1 0 .225 0 .058 0.042 0.314 0 .062 0 .28 3 0.21C 0 .124 0 .606 0 .470 0 . 6 13 20500 0 .483 0.182 0 .4 11 0 .231 0 .060 0 .043 0 .332 0.062 0 .291 0.212 0 .125 0 .621 0.48 7 0 .695 21000 0.490 0.184 0 .431 0.23 7 0.063 0 .043 0.340 0 .062 0 .295 0.214 0 .126 0.635 0 .504 0 .6 9 7 21500 0.496 0.185 0.451 0 .243 0 .065 o.ou 0 .347 0 .063 0 .306 0 .21 7 0 . 12 7 0 .649 0 .52 2 0 . 7 10 22000 0 .503 0.187 0 .469 0.250 0 .067 0 .044 0.358 0 .063 0 .311 0.219 0 .128 0.663 0.539 0 .7 2 2 22500 0 .509 0 .188 0 .488 0.256 0 .06 9 0 .045 0 .366 0 .064 0 .317 0 .222 0 .129 0.678 0.557 0.7 35 23000 0 .515 0.1 90 0.505 0 .262 0 .071 0.045 0 .378 0 .064 0 . 323 0 .224 0 .130 0 .692 0 .574 0 .74 7 23500 0 .521 0.191 0 .522 0 .270 0.073 . 0 .046 0.402 0 .066 0 .329 0 .2 31 0 . 134 0.7 12 0 .591 0.7 69 24000 0 .526 0.192 0 .539 0 .278 0 .075 0.048 0 .424 0.068 0 .334 0 .237 0 .138 0 . 733 0 .608 0.791 24500 0 .532 0.194 0 .555 0 .286 0 .077 0 .049 0 .453 0 .0 70 0 .339 0 .244 0.142 0 .754 0.626 0 .814 25000 0 .537 0.195 0 .571 0 .294 0.080 0 .050 0 .488 0 .0 72 0 . 345 0.251 0 .146 0 . 776 0 .644 0 .838 25500 0 .543 0.196 0 .587 0 .303 0 .082 0.052 0 .528 0.0 74 0 .350 0 .259 0.150 0 .799 0 .663 0 .863 26000 0 .548 0.198 0 .602 0.311 0.084 0.053 0 . 577 0 .076 0 .355 0.266 0 .154 0 .822 0 .68 2 0 .888 26500 0.553 0 .199 0 .617 0 .320 0 .087 0.055 0 .600 0 .078 0 .360 0.2 74 0 . !59 0 .84 6 0. 702 0 .9 14 27 000 0 .558 0.200 0 .63 1 0 .330 0.089 0.05 7 0 .610 0 .081 0 .366 0 .282 0 .lb4 0 .8 71 0 . 72 3 0 .9 40 27 500 0.563 0.201 0 .645 0.339 0 .092 0 .058 0 .626 0 .083 0 . 392 0.290 0.16 8 0 .89 7 0 . 744 0.9 68 28000 0 .568 0 .202 0 .659 0 .349 0 .095 0 .060 0 .635 0 .085 0 .395 0.299 0 .173 0 . 923 0 . i 6 5 0 .996 28500 0 .573 0 .203 0 .673 0.360 0.097 0.062 0 .645 0 .088 0 .399 0. 30 7 0 .178 0 .950 0. 788 !. 0 25 29000 0 .577 0.205 0 .686 0 .370 0 .100 0 .064 0 .710 0 .090 0 .403 0 .316 0.184 0. 977 0. 811 1 . 0 55 29500 0 .582 0.2L6 0 .699 0 .381 0 .103 0 .065 0 .764 0 .09 3 0 .406 0 .326 0 .189 1 .006 0 .834 1 .086 30000 0 .586 0.20 7 0.712 0 .392 0 .106 0 .067 0.798 0 .096 0 .4 10 0.335 0.1 94 1. 035 0 .85 9 1.118 30500 0 .591 0.208 0 . 72 4 0 .403 0 .109 0 .069 0 .807 0 .099 0 .414 0 .345 0.200 I. 065 0.884 1 .1 50 31000 0.595 0.209 0 .736 0 .415 0 .113 0.071 0.81 4 0. 101 0 .418 0.355 0.206 I. 09 7 0 .9 10 1. 184 31500 0 .599 0 .210 0 .748 0 . 427 0.116 0.073 0 .820 0.104 0 .422 0 .365 0.212 1 .1 29 0 .936 1. 218 32000 0 .604 0.211 0 .760 0 .440 0 .119 0 .0 76 0.827 0 .10 7 0 .426 0 .3 76 0 .218 1 . 162 0.963 1. 254 32500 0 .608 0.21 2 0. 771 0.45 3 0.123 0.078 0 .837 0. Ill 0 .430 0.387 0 .225 1. 195 0 .992 1 .290 33000 0 .612 0. 213 0.783 0.466 0 .126 0 .080 0.846 0 . 114 0. 434 0 .398 0 .231 1. 230 I. 021 I . 328 33500 0 .616 0 . 214 0 .794 0 .479 0 .130 0 .082 0 .848 0 . 117 0 . 438 0 . 410 0 .238 1. 266 1 .050 1. 36 7 34001) 0.620 0.215 0.805 0.493 0.134 0 .085 0 .851 0 . 121 0 .443 0 .422 0 .245 1 .303 I . 081 I . 40 7 34 500 0 .624 0.216 0 .815 0 .508 0 .138 0.087 0 .854 0 . 124 0 . 44 7 0 .434 0 .252 I . 341 1.11 3 I . 44 3 35 00 0 0 .628 0 .21 7 0 .826 0.5 2 3 0 . 14 2 0.090 0 .856 0 . 128 0 .451 0 . 44 7 0 .25 9 I . 380 I .1 45 I. 4 '~0 1 89 REPRESENTATI¥£ GR OU P ¥I I WETTED SURF ACE AREA !SO .FT ./l OAS ) ll4 .1R 119 . 2R 121.1L 123 .0L 12~.6l 127 . ~" 131. 3L --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 .269 0 .100 0.060 0.036 0 .139 0.28~ 0 .0~0 ~500 0.283 0 .104 0 .067 0 .038 0 .142 0 .299 0 .054 6000 0 .296 0 .108 0.074 0 .040 0 .146 0 .312 0 .0~9 6500 0.308 0.112 0.080 0 .042 0 .149 0 .323 0.063 7000 0 .319 0 .116 0.08 7 0 .044 0 .151 0.334 0 .068 7500 0.329 0 .120 0 .094 0 .046 0.154 0 .344 0.072 8000 0.3J9 0 .1JJ 0.100 0 .048 0.157 0.35J 0 .086 8500 O.J48 0 .145 0 .114 0 .049 0 .159 0 .362 0.09 7 9000 0 .35 7 0 . 158 0.138 0 .051 0 . 161 0. 370 0 .10 9 9500 0 .365 0 .171 0 .161 0 .052 0 .163 0.378 0 .120 10000 0 . 373 0 .193 0.183 0 .053 0 .165 0 .385 0 .132 10500 0.380 0 .201 0 .203 0 .054 0.16 7 0.392 0 .16 2 11000 0.387 0 .209 0 .223 0.056 0.169 0.399 0 . 19 1 11500 0.394 0.217 0.24 2 0.057 0 .170 0 .405 0 .219 12000 0 .400 0 .224 0 .260 0 .058 0.172 0.412 0 .246 12500 0 .406 0.231 0 . 277 0.059 0 . 173 0 .417 0.271 13000 0.412 0.238 0.293 0 .060 0.175 0.423 0 .296 13500 O.U8 0 .245 0 .309 0.061 0.176 0.429 0.320 14000 '>.423 0 .251 0 .325 0 .062 0 .178 0 .434 0.342 14500 0 .428 0 .257 0 .340 0.063 0 .179 0 .439 0 .364 15000 0 .433 0 .263 0 .354 0 .063 0 .180 0 .444 0.385 15500 0 .438 0.269 0 .368 0 .064 0 .182 0.448 0 .406 16000 0 .443 0 .274 0 .381 0 .065 0 .183 0.453 0 .426 16500 0 .448 0.280 0 .394 0.066 0.184 0 .457 0.445 17000 0 .452 0 .295 0 .407 0 .067 0 .185 0.462 0 .464 17500 0.456 0 .290 0.419 0.067 0 .186 0 .466 0.482 19000 0.461 0.295 0.431 0 .068 0.197 0.470 0 .500 18500 0 .465 0 .300 0 . 442 0.069 0 .188 0 .4 74 0.51 7 19000 0.469 0 .304 0 .454 0 .069 0 .189 0 .478 0.533 19500 0 .473 0.309 0 .465 0.070 0 .190 0.481 0 .550 20000 0 . 477 0 .31 3 0 . 475 0 .071 0 .191 0 .485 0.566 20500 0 .480 0 .318 0 .496 0 .071 0 .192 0 .489 0 .581 21000 0 .484 0 .322 0 .496 0 .072 0 .193 0.492 0.596 21500 0.487 0 .326 0 .506 0.072 0 .194 0.496 0 .611 22000 0.491 0 .330 0 .515 0.073 0.195 0.499 0 .625 22500 0.494 0 .334 0.525 0 .074 0 .196 0.502 0.639 23000 0.497 0.339 0.534 0 .074 C.19 7 0 .505 0.653 23500 0. 501 0.341 0.543 0 .075 0 .197 0.508 0 .667 24000 0 .504 0.345 0 .552 0.075 0.1 98 0 .51 1 0 .680 24500 0.507 0.349 0.561 0 .0 76 0 .199 0 . 514 0 .693 25000 0 .510 0.352 0 .569 0 .076 0.200 0 .51 7 0 .705 25500 0.513 0 .355 0 .578 0 .077 0 .201 0.520 0.7 18 26000 0 .516 0 .359 0 .586 0 .077 0.201 0.52 3 0.7 30 26500 0.519 0 .362 0 .594 0 .078 0 .202 0.526 0 .7 42 27000 0.5 22 0.36 5 0 .602 0 .078 0.203 0 .52 8 0.753 27500 0 .524 0 .369 0 .610 0 .079 0 .203 0.531 0.765 28000 0.527 0.372 0.617 0 .079 0.204 0 .534 0 . 776 28500 0.530 0 .375 0 .625 0.079 0 .205 0 .536 0 .787 29000 0 .532 0.3 78 0.632 0 .080 0.205 0 .539 0 .798 29500 0 .535 0 .381 0 .639 0.080 0 .206 0 .541 0 .809 30000 0 .5 37 0 .384 0.646 0 .081 0.20 7 0.543 0 .81 9 30500 0.540 0 . 38 7 0 .653 0 .081 0 .20 7 0 .546 0 .830 31000 0.542 0 .389 0 .660 0 .082 0 .208 0.548 0 .840 31500 0 .545 0 .392 0 .66 7 0 .082 0 .209 0 .55 1 0 .850 32000 0 .54 7 0.395 0.674 0.09 2 0.209 0 .553 0 .860 32500 0.549 0 .398 0.680 0 .083 0 .210 0.55 5 0 .8 70 33000 0 .552 0 .400 0.68 7 0 .093 0.210 0 .55 7 0.879 33500 0.554 0 .403 0 .693 0 .083 0 . 211 0 .559 0 .888 34000 0 .556 0 .406 0 .699 0 .094 0. 211 0.562 0 .898 34500 0.558 0 .408 0 .7 05 0 .084 0 .212 0 .564 0 .907 35000 0.560 0.41 1 0 . 711 0.095 0.21 3 0 .566 O.<ll 6 19 0 AEPAESEHTATIYE GROUP Ylll WETTED SURFACE AREA (SQJT./!0 "51 Qas 101.3" !02 .0L !04 .3" 109.5" 112.4L 117.111 !1 7 .211 118 .611 l!9 .8L 12 0.0l 12!. SA 121 .6 A 123.2A l24.8A ~-----------------------------------~---·-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .003 0 .000 0.0 45 0 .000 0.000 0 .010 0.000 5500 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 O.IJOO 0 .000 0 .004 0 .000 0 .050 0 .000 0 .000 0 .0!2 0 .000 6000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.005 0.000 0 .05 3 0.000 0 .000 0.013 0.000 6500 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .006 0.000 0.05 7 0.000 0 .000 0.0!5 0.000 7000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .007 0 .000 0 .060 0 .000 0.000 0 .016 0 .000 7500 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .009 0 .000 0.064 0.000 0.000 0.019 0.000 8000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .009 0 .000 0.066 0.000 0.000 0 .019 0 .000 8500 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .010 0 .000 0.069 O.OIJO 0 .000 0 .020 0 .000 9000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 o.oco 0 .000 0 .01 0 0 .000 0. 072 0.000 0.000 0 .021 0.000 9500 0.027 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 . 011 0 .000 0 .074 0.000 0 .000 0 .022 0 .000 10000 0 .032 0 .063 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.012 0 .000 0.076 0 .000 0 .000 0.023 0 .000 10500 0.037 0 .067 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .012 0 .000 0 .07? 0.000 0 .000 0 .024 0 .005 11000 0 .041 0 .070 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.018 0 .000 0 .013 0 .000 0 .081 0.000 0.000 0.025 0. 01 1 11500 0 .046 0 .074 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .036 0 .000 0 .014 0 .000 0 .093 0 .000 0.000 0 .026 0.01 7 12000 0.050 0 .077 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .053 0 .000 0 .014 0 .000 0.08 5 0 .000 0.000 0.026 0 .022 12500 0.054 0 .080 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .071 0.000 0 .015 0 .000 0.087 0 .000 0.000 0.027 0 .028 13000 0.058 0.083 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .100 0.000 0.015 0 .000 0 .082 0.000 0 .000 0.028 0 .033 13500 0 .062 0 .086 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.128 0 .000 0.016 0.000 0.082 0 .000 0 .000 0.029 0 .033 14000 0.065 0.089 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.157 0.000 0 .016 0.000 0 .082 0.000 0 .000 0.029 0 .043 14500 0 .069 0.091 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.185 0.000 0 .028 0 .000 0.083 0.000 0.000 0 .030 0.047 15000 0 .072 0.094 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.214 0.000 0.032 0 .000 0 .083 0 .000 0 .000 0.031 0 .0 52 15500 0.075 0.096 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .257 0 .000 0 .036 0 .000 0 .083 0 .008 0 .000 O.OJJ 0.056 16000 0 .078 0.099 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.270 0 .000 0.039 0 .070 0 .083 0 .031 0.136 0.035 0 .060 16500 0.081 0 .101 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.283 IJ.OOO 0 .043 0 .071 0.084 0 .054 0 .157 0.03 7 0 .064 17000 0.084 0.103 0 .000 0.001 0.000 0.295 0 .000 0.046 0 .071 0 .084 0 .075 0 . 178 0.040 0 .068 17500 0.087 0 .106 0 .000 0 .006 0.000 0 .307 0.000 0.049 0 .071 0 .084 0 .096 0 .197 0.04 2 0 .072 18000 0.090 0 .108 0 .000 0 .010 0 .035 0 .319 0 .000 0 .052 0.071 0.084 0 .117 0 .217 0.050 0 .076 18500 0 .093 0.110 0 .000 0 .015 0.035 0 .330 0 .000 0 .055 0. 072 0 .085 0 .13 7 0 .236 0.058 0 .079 19000 0 .095 0 .112 0 .000 0 .020 0 .035 0 .342 0 .000 0 .058 0 .072 0.085 0.156 0.254 0 .066 0 .083 19500 0.098 0.114 0 .000 0.024 0 .035 0 .352 0 .000 0 .061 0 . 072 0 .085 0.175 0.272 0 . 0 73 0 .081'. 20000 0.100 0.116 0.000 0.028 0 .035 0.363 0.000 0 .064 0 .072 0 .085 0. 193 0 .290 0 .081 0. 1 Ht. 20500 0 .103 0 .118 0 .000 0 .033 0 .035 0.373 0 .038 0.06 7 0 .072 0 .085 0 . 211 0.307 0.083 0.200 21 000 0.105 0 .119 0 .036 0.037 0 .035 0 .383 0 .040 0 .0 70 0. 073 0 .086 0.228 0.323 0.095 0.21 4 21500 0 .108 0 .121 0 .036 0 .041 0 .035 0 .393 0 .043 0 .0 72 0.0 73 0 .036 0.2 45 0.339 0.1 02 0.22 " 22000 0.110 0 .123 0.036 0.045 0 .035 0 .402 0 .()45 0.075 0 .073 0.086 0.262 0 .355 0. !09 0 .2 40 22500 0 .112 0 .125 0 .036 0 .049 0.143 0.412 0 .047 0 .0 77 0.073 0 .036 0.278 0 . 371 0. I I 5 0.25 3 23000 0.114 0 .126 0 .036 0.052 0.143 0 .421 0.049 0.080 0 .073 0.086 0 .294 0 .386 0.122 0 .26o 23500 0 .11 6 0 .128 0.036 0 .056 0.143 0 .430 0 .052 0 .08 2 0 .074 0 .08 7 0.310 0.401 0. 123 0.2 /6 24000 0 .118 0 .130 0 .036 G.060 0 .143 0 .439 0.054 0 .085 0 .07 4 0 .087 0 .325 0 .4!5 0. !34 ;").290 24500 0 .121 0 .131 0.036 0 .063 0 .143 0 .44 7 0 .056 0 .08 7 0.074 0 .09 7 0.340 0.429 0 . 140 0 .3 02 25000 0.123 0 .133 0 .036 0 .067 0 .143 0 .456 0 .058 0 .089 0 .074 0 .087 0.355 0 . 443 0 . !46 0.31 4 25500 0 .124 0 .134 0 .036 0.070 0 .143 0 .464 0 .060 0 .09 1 0 .074 0 .08 7 0.369 0 .45 7 0.152 0.:!25 26000 0.126 0.136 0 .036 0 .073 0 .143 0.472 0 .062 0.094 0 .0 74 0 .08 7 0.3 83 0.4 70 0. I 5 7 0.~3o 26500 0 .128 0 .137 0 .036 0 .077 0 .143 0.480 0 .064 0 .096 0 .07 4 0 .08 7 0.39 7 0 .483 0. 163 (). 34 7 27000 0 .130 0 .138 0 .036 0 .080 0 .143 0.488 0 .066 0.098 0.0 75 0.088 0 . 411 0. 49!, I). I o8 o .;5s 27 500 0 .132 0 .140 0.036 0 .083 0.143 0 .495 0.068 0 .100 0 .075 0.083 0.4 24 0 .50'> 0 . ! 7 4 0.36? 28000 0 .134 0 .141 0 .036 0.086 0 .143 0 .503 0 .070 0.102 0 .07 5 0.088 0. 43 7 0.52 1 0. 179 0.37 9 28500 0 .1 36 0 .14 3 0.036 0 .089 0.143 0 .510 0 .072 0 .104 0 .075 0 .088 0.450 0 .53 4 0 .1 84 0 . 389 29000 0.13 7 0 .144 0 .036 0 .092 0.143 0 .517 0. 073 0.106 0.0 75 0 .088 0.46 2 0.546 0. 189 0.399 29500 0 .139 0 .145 0 .036 0 .095 0 .143 0 .525 0 .075 0 .108 0.075 0.088 0.475 0 .55 7 0 . I ?4 0.409 30000 0.141 0 .146 0 .036 0 .098 0 .143 0 .532 0.077 0 .110 0.0 75 0.088 0.48 7 0 .569 0. !99 0.4 JQ 30500 0 .142 0 .148 0 .036 0. I 0 I 0 . 143 0.538 0 .079 0 .111 0.076 0.0 8? 0.4?9 0 .53 0 0.204 0. 428 31000 0 .1•4 0 .149 0 .036 0 .!OJ 0.143 0 . 545 0 .080 0 .1 13 0 .0 76 0 .089 0. 51! 0 .59! 0.209 0. 438 31500 0 .145 0.150 0.036 0 .106 0 .143 0 .552 0 .082 0 . 115 0 .076 0.089 0.522 0.602 0.213 0.44 7 32000 0 .147 0 .151 0 .036 0.109 0 .143 0.558 0 .083 0 .117 0 .076 0 .089 0 .53 4 0.613 0.218 0. 456 32500 0 .149 0 .153 O.OJ6 0 . 1 12 0 .143 0 .565 0.085 0 .11 9 0 .076 0 .039 0 .545 0.624 0 .223 0 .465 33000 0.150 0.154 0 .036 0.114 0.143 0 .571 0 .087 0 .120 0 . 076 0.0 89 0 .55tl 0.635 0.227 0. 4 73 33500 0.152 0.155 0 .03 6 0.117 0 .143 0 . 577 0.088 0.122 0.076 0 .03 ? 0 .567 0 .645 0.231 0.482 34000 0 .153 0.156 0 .036 0.119 0.143 0.584 0 .090 0.124 0 .076 0 .089 0.578 0 .655 0.236 0 .49 ! 34500 0 .154 0 .157 0 .036 0. 122 0 .143 0 .590 0 .091 0.125 0 .077 0 .0?0 0.588 0 .6o5 0.2 40 0 .4?? 35000 0.156 0.158 0.036 0 .12 4 0 .143 0 .596 0 .093 0 . 12 7 0 . 077 0 .090 0 . SQQ 0.675 0. 2 44 0 .507 191 REPRfSENTATIVE GROUP VIII WETTED SURfACE AREA !SO .F"T ./!0-5 1 Oes 125 .6R 128 .4A l.l2. 5L 1J5 .0R 1J5.1R 144 .0" l 45 .6A 146 .6L -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 5500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 6000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 6500 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 7000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 7500 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 8000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 G.OOO 0.000 0.000 0 .000 8500 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 9000 0 .013 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 9500 O.OlJ 0.012 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 10000 0 .013 0.026 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 10500 O.OlJ 0 .040 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 11000 0.013 0.052 0.000 0.000 0.058 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 11500 0 .013 0 .065 0.000 0.000 0 .058 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 12000 O.OlJ 0 .076 0 .000 0 .000 0.058 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 12500 0 .013 0 .088 0 .000 0.000 0 .058 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 13000 0.013 0.098 0.000 0 .000 0.058 0.000 0.000 0.000 13500 0.013 0.109 0 .000 0.000 0.058 0.000 0.000 0 .000 14000 0 .013 0 .119 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 0.000 0 .000 14500 0.013 0.129 0.000 0.000 0 .058 0.000 0 .000 0.000 15000 O.OlJ 0.138 0 .088 0.000 0.058 0.000 0 .000 0.000 15500 0 .013 0.147 0.093 0.000 0.058 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 16000 0.013 0 .156 0.097 0.000 0 .058 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 16500 0.023 0 .164 0 .101 0.000 0.058 0 .000 0.000 0 .005 17000 0.035 0 .173 0.105 0 .000 0.058 0.000 0.000 0.006 17500 0 .047 0.181 0 .109 0 .000 0.058 0.000 0 .174 0 .006 18000 0.059 0 .188 O.llJ 0.000 0.058 0 .000 0.181 0 .007 18500 0.070 0.196 0.116 0 .000 0 .058 0 .000 0 .188 0 .007 19000 0.082 0.203 0 .120 0 .000 0 .058 0.000 0 .195 0 .008 19500 0.092 0.210 0 .124 0 .000 0.058 0.000 0.201 0 .008 20000 0.103 0.217 0 .127 0 .000 0.058 0.000 0 .203 0 .008 20500 0 .113 0.224 0 .130 0 .000 0 .097 0.000 0 .214 0 .009 21000 0.123 0 .231 0.134 0.000 0.105 0 .000 0.220 0 .00 9 21500 0.133 0.23 7 0 .137 0.000 0 .112 0 .000 0.226 0.010 22000 0.142 0.244 0.140 0.222 0.120 0.000 0.232 0 .010 22500 0 .152 0.250 0 .143 0.235 0.127 0 .100 0.237 0.010 23000 0.161 0 .256 0 .146 0.247 0 .134 0.100 0.243 0 .011 23500 0 .170 0 .262 0 .149 0.259 0 .140 0 .100 0 .248 0 . 011 24000 0.179 0 .268 0.152 0 .271 0 .147 0 .100 0 .254 0.011 24500 0.187 0.273 0 .154 0 .282 0. 153 0.100 0.259 0.012 25000 0.196 0.279 0 .157 0.294 0.160 0 .100 0.264 0 .012 25500 0 .204 0.284 0 .160 0.305 0.166 0 .100 0 .269 0 .012 26000 0.212 0 .290 0 .162 0 .315 0 .172 0.100 0 .274 0 .013 26500 0 .220 0 .295 0 .165 0 .326 0.178 0 .100 0 .2 79 0 . 013 27000 0.228 0 .300 0.16 7 0 .336 0.184 0 .100 0 .294 0 .013 27500 0 .235 0.305 0.170 0 .347 0.190 0.100 0.288 0 .014 28000 0.243 0 .310 0.172 0.357 0.195 0.100 0.293 0 .014 28500 0 .250 0.315 0.1 75 0 .367 0.201 0 .100 0 .297 0 .014 29000 0 .250 0 .320 0 .177 0 .376 0 .206 0.100 0 .302 0 .014 29500 0 .250 0.325 0.179 0 .386 0.212 0 .100 0 .306 0.015 30000 0.250 0.329 0 .182 0 .395 0 .21 7 0 . !00 0 .310 0 .015 30500 0.250 0.334 0.184 0.404 0 .222 0 . 100 0 .314 0 .015 31000 0.250 0 .338 0.186 0 . 413 0.227 0. 100 0 .319 0 .015 31500 0.250 0.343 0.188 0 .422 0 .232 0.100 0 .323 0 .01 6 32000 0.250 0.34 7 0 .190 0 .431 0.237 0 .!00 0 .326 0 .016 32500 0.250 0.351 0 .193 0.440 0 .242 0 . 100 0.330 0.016 33000 0 .250 0.356 0 .195 0.448 0 . 247 0 .100 0 .334 0.016 33500 0.250 0.360 0 .197 0 .45 7 0 .252 0 .100 0 .338 0 .01 7 34000 0 .250 0.364 0 .199 0.465 0 .256 0 .100 0.34 2 0 . 017 34500 0.250 0 .368 0 .201 0 . 4 73 0 .261 0 .100 0 .346 0 .0 1 7 35000 0 .250 0 . 3 72 0 .203 0 .49 1 0.265 0 . 100 0 .34? () !Jl l 192 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP !X WET TED SURFACE AREA (SQ.F T ./10 "5 ) on 101 . 5L 104 .0R 105 .7 R 108 .9L !09 .4R lll .OR 113.8R 11 7. 7L 127.111 12 8 .J R 129.3L 12 9.8 R 131.2 R !35 .0l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000 1 .084 0 .643 0.358 0 .321 0 .913 0 .861 0 .134 0 .1 5 2 0 .36 0 0.64 2 0.1 60 0 .566 0. 123 0 .2 12 5500 1 .160 0 .658 0 .364 0.32 7 0 .932 0 .890 0. 136 0 .163 0 .38 9 0.697 0 . 165 0.5 73 0.128 0 .2 12 6000 1 . 230 0 .672 0.368 0 .332 0 .949 0 .917 0 .139 0 .172 0 .416 0 . 747 0 . 170 0.580 0.133 0 .2 12 6500 1.294 0.685 0.373 0 .337 0 .965 0 .941 0 . 14 1 0.18 1 0 .44 1 0.793 0 .1 74 0.596 0.137 0 .2 12 7000 1.353 0 .697 0. 377 0 . 341 0 .980 0.964 0 .144 0 .189 0 .46 4 0 .836 0. 17 8 0.591 0 .14 1 0 .2 12 7500 1 .408 0.708 0.381 0.345 0 .994 0 .984 0 . 146 0 .19 7 0.48 5 0 .8 75 0.132 0 .5 96 0 .1 44 0 .212 8000 1.460 0 .718 0 .384 0 .349 1 .006 l. 004 0 .148 0 .204 ().505 0 .9 13 (). 185 ().6 ()1 ().147 0 .212 8500 1 .508 0 . 728 0 .388 ().353 l. 019 1.023 ().149 0 .2 10 !l .5 24 0 . 948 () .189 0.606 0. 15 0 0.212 9000 1 .554 0.737 ().391 0 .356 1 . 030 1 . 040 0 .151 0.2 16 0 . 54 1 ().9 80 0 .192 0.610 0 . !53 0 .2 12 9500 1. 59 7 0 .745 0 .394 0 .360 1.041 1 .056 0.153 0 .222 0 .558 I. 0 12 0.19 4 0.61 4 0 .1 56 0 .2 12 10000 1 .638 0 .7 54 0 .397 0 .363 l. 051 1.072 0 .154 0 .2 28 0 . 5 74 1. 04 1 0 . 19 7 0 .618 0. !59 0 .21 2 10500 1.677 0 .761 0.399 0 .366 1 . 061 1 .087 0 .156 0 .2 33 0 .58 9 1.069 0 .200 0.621 0.161 0.2 12 11000 l. 715 0 .769 0.402 0 .368 1.070 1.101 0.157 0.238 0 .60 3 I. 096 0.202 0.625 0 . 16 4 0 .2 12 11500 1 . 750 0. 776 0 .404 0 .371 1 . 079 1.114 0 .159 0 .243 0 .61 7 1.12 2 0 .20 5 0.6 28 0 . 166 0.212 12000 1 . 784 0 . 783 0 .407 0 .374 1 .087 1.127 0.160 0 .248 0.630 1.146 0 .20 7 0 .631 0. 168 0.2 12 12500 1. 81 7 0 .789 0.409 0 .376 1.095 1.140 0 .161 0.252 0 .643 1 .17 0 0 .209 0 .6 34 0. 170 0.2 12 13000 1 .848 0.796 0 . 411 0 .378 1 .103 1 .152 0 .162 0.25 7 0 .655 1.192 0.211 0 .637 0 .1 72 0 .212 13500 l. 878 0 .802 0 .413 0 .381 1.111 1.163 0 .163 0.261 0 .66 7 1.214 0 .213 0 .640 0 . 17 4 0.2 12 14000 1 . 907 0 .80 7 0.415 0.383 1.118 1.174 0.164 0 .265 0 .6 78 1.235 0.215 0 .64 2 0 .176 0.21 2 14500 1 . 936 0 .813 0.417 0.385 1 .125 1 .185 0 .165 0.268 0.689 1.255 0 .2 17 0.645 0 .178 0.212 15000 1 . 963 0.819 0.419 0 .387 1.132 1.195 0 .166 0 .272 0 .699 1 .27 5 0.219 0.64 8 0 . 179 0.212 15500 1. 989 0 .824 0 .421 0.389 1 .138 1 .205 0 .167 0.276 0 .709 1.294 0 .220 0.650 0 . 181 0.2 12 16000 2 .014 0.829 0 .422 0 .391 1.144 1.215 0 .168 0 .2 79 0 .7 19 l. 312 0.222 0 .652 0 .183 0 .212 16500 2 .039 0 .834 0 .424 0 .393 1.151 1.224 0 .169 0 .283 0 . 729 1 .330 0 .224 0 .655 0 .18 4 0 .212 17000 2 .063 0 .839 0.426 0 .394 1.156 1 .233 0 .170 0.286 0 . 738 l. 347 0.22 5 0 .6 57 0 .186 0 .212 17500 2.086 0 .843 0 . 427 0.396 1 .162 1.242 0.171 0 .28 9 0 . 74 7 1.363 0 .2 2 7 0.659 '). 19 7 0 .212 18000 2.109 0 .848 0 .429 0.398 1 .168 l. 251 0 .172 0.292 0 .756 1.380 0.228 0.66 1 0. 189 0 .212 18500 2 .130 0 .852 0 .430 0 .400 1.1 73 1.259 0.1 73 0 .29 5 0 .764 1 .39 6 0 .2 30 0.66 3 0 .I ?0 0.212 19000 2 .152 0 .856 0 .432 0 .401 1 .179 1 .267 O.IH 0 .299 0 . 77 2 1. 4 11 0.231 0.66 5 0.191 0.212 19500 2.173 0.861 0 .433 0.403 1.184 1.275 0 .174 0 .301 0 .780 1 .426 0 .233 0 .66 7 0.193 0 .212 20000 2 .193 0 .865 0 .435 0.404 1 .189 1 .293 0 .175 0 .303 0 .788 1. 440 0 .234 0 .66 9 0 .194 0.21 2 20500 2 .213 0 .969 0. 436 0.406 1 . 194 1 .290 0 .176 0 .306 0 .796 1 .455 0 .235 0 . 67l 0. 195 0.212 21000 2 .232 0 .872 0 .437 0 .40 7 1.199 I. 2 97 0 .177 0.309 0 .80 3 1 .46 9 0 .2 36 0 .6 72 0. 1 ?7 0 .2 12 21500 2 .251 0 .87 6 0 .439 0 .409 1 .203 1.305 0 .177 0 . 3 11 0 .811 1 .482 0 .2 38 0 . 674 0. 118 0 .2 12 22000 2 .269 0.880 0 . 440 0 .410 1 .208 l. 312 0 .178 0 .314 0 .8 18 1 .495 0.2 39 0 .676 0.199 0.212 22500 2 .287 0.883 0 .441 0 . 411 l. 2 12 1.318 0 .179 0.31 6 0 .82 5 1.508 0 .240 0.6 78 0.200 0 .212 23000 2 .305 0.887 0 .442 0.413 l. 217 l. 325 0.179 0 .3 19 0 .831 1.521 0 . 2 41 0.6 79 0.201 0.212 23500 2 .322 0 .890 0 .444 0 . 414 1 .221 1 .332 0 .180 0 .321 0 .8 38 1.533 0 .2 42 0.68 1 0.202 0 .212 24000 2 .339 0 .894 0 . 445 0. 415 l. 225 1 .338 0.18 1 0 .323 0 .845 1. 54 5 0 .2 44 O.o82 0 .203 0.212 24500 2 .355 0 .897 0 .446 0 .416 1 . 229 1.344 0 .181 0 .32 6 0 .851 1. 55 7 0 .2 45 0.684 0 .204 0 .2 12 25000 2 .371 0 .900 0 .447 0 .418 ·1 . 233 1 .350 0 .102 0.328 0 .857 1. 56 9 0.246 0.685 0 .205 0 .212 25500 2 .387 0.903 0 . 448 0 .419 I. 237 1.357 0.182 0 .330 0 .863 1 .580 0 .247 0.68 7 0.206 0.212 26000 2.403 0 .907 0 .449 0.420 l. 241 1 .362 0 .183 0 .332 0.86 9 1.592 0 .248 0.688 0 .207 0 .2 12 26500 2 . 418 0 .9 10 0 .450 0 .421 1. 2 45 1.368 0.184 0 .334 0.875 I . 603 0.2 49 O.o90 0.208 0 .2 12 27000 2.433 0 .913 0 .451 0 .4 22 1.249 1. 374 0.184 0.336 0 .881 1. ol3 0.250 0.69 1 0.209 0.2 12 2 7500 2. 448 0 .91 6 0 .45 2 0 .42 3 1 .252 I . 3 79 0 .185 0 .338 0.987 I. 62 4 0.251 0.6?2 0.210 0. 212 28000 2 .462 0.918 0 .453 0.424 1 .256 1.385 0.185 0 . 340 0 .892 1.634 0 .2 52 0 .694 0.21 1 0.212 28500 2.476 0 . 921 0 .454 0 .425 1.259 1 .390 0.186 0 .342 0 .89 8 1 .644 0.2 53 0.6 95 0.21 2 0 .2 12 29000 2.490 0.924 0 .455 0.427 1 . 263 1.396 0 .186 0 .344 0 .903 1. 65 4 0 .254 0 .696 0 .213 0 .2 12 29500 2 .504 0 . 92 7 0 .456 0 . 428 1 . 266 1. 401 0 .187 0.34 6 0 .90 8 1. 66 4 0 .254 0 .698 0.2 14 0.212 30000 2.51 7 0 .929 0 .45 7 0.42 9 1.269 1. 406 0 . 18 7 0.34 8 0 .913 1. 6 74 0.255 O.o9Q 0.215 0 .2 12 30500 2.530 0 .932 0 .45 8 0.430 1.273 1. 41 1 0 .188 0.349 0 .9 19 1.683 0.2 5o 0. 700 0.216 0.212 31000 2 .543 0 .935 0 .459 0 .43 1 1 . 276 1. 416 0 .188 0 .3 51 0 . 92 4 I. 69 3 0 .25 7 0 .701 0 .216 0.212 31500 2 .556 0 .9J 7 0 .460 0 .43 1 1. 2 79 1. 421 0 .189 0.353 0 . 929 1.702 0.2 58 0 .702 0.217 0.212 32000 2 .569 0 .940 0.46 1 0 .432 1 .282 1 .426 0 .189 0 .355 0.93J 1.71! 0 .2 59 0 .704 0 .218 0 .212 32500 2 .58 1 0.942 0 .461 0 .433 1.285 1. 430 0.190 0 .356 0 .93 8 1 . 720 0.260 0 .705 0.21 9 0.212 33000 2.593 0 .945 0 .462 0 .434 I . 288 1.435 0 .190 0 .3 58 0 .94 3 I . 729 0 .260 0 .7 06 0.22 0 0 .212 33500 2 .605 0 .94 7 0 .46 3 0 .435 1 .291 1. 439 0 .191 0 .3 60 0 .?48 I . 73 8 0 .2 61 0.7 0 7 0 .220 0.212 34000 2 .61 7 0 .949 0 .464 0 . 436 1 . 294 1 . 444 0 .19 1 0.361 0 .952 I . 74 6 0 .26 2 0.708 0.221 0 .2 12 34500 2 .629 0 .952 0.46 5 0 . 43 7 1. 297 1.448 0 .191 0 .363 0 .95 7 1.75 4 0 .263 0.709 0.222 0 2 12 35000 2.640 0 .<15 4 0.465 0 . 438 I . 30 0 1.453 0.192 0 .36 4 0.<161 I. 76 3 0 .20 4 0.710 0.2~3 0.~1 2 REPRESENTATIVE GR UU P I X WET TED SURFACE AREA I SO.F T ./1 0 "~) Oes 139 .2R 141. 2R 141. 3R 142 .8R 144 .2L 147 .1L ----------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 .420 0 .114 0 .305 0.79 7 1 . 894 0 .483 5500 0 .434 0 .120 0 .305 0 .826 1. 894 0.49 2 6000 0 .447 0 .12 7 0 .305 0 .851 1 .894 0 .500 6500 0 .458 0 .132 0.305 0 .875 1 .894 0 .508 7000 0.469 0 .138 0 .305 0.897 1 .894 0 .515 7500 0 .480 0 .143 0.305 0 .918 1 . 894 0 .522 8000 0 .489 0 .14 7 0.305 0 .937 1 . 894 0 .528 8500 0 .498 0 .151 0.305 0 .955 1 .894 0 .534 9000 0 .507 0.155 0 .305 0 . 972 1.894 0 .53? 9500 0 .515 0 .1 59 0.305 0 .988 1 .894 O.'iU 10000 0 .522 0.163 0 .305 1 .004 1 .894 0 .54? 10500 0 .529 0 .166 0 .305 l. 018 1 .894 0 .554 11000 0 .536 0.170 0 .305 1 .032 1 .894 0 .558 11500 0 .543 0 .173 0.305 1. 045 1 .894 0.563 12000 0 .549 0 .17 6 0 .305 1.058 1.894 0 .56 7 12500 0 .555 0 .179 0 .305 1 .070 1 .894 0 .5 71 13000 0 .561 0.182 0 .305 1 .082 1 .894 0 .574 13500 0 .567 0 .184 0.305 1 .093 1 .894 0.578 14000 0 .572 0 .18 7 0.305 1 .104 1.894 0.581 14500 0 .577 0 .189 0.305 1.114 1.894 0.585 15000 0.582 0 .192 0 .305 1.125 1 .894 0 .588 15500 0 .587 0 .194 0.305 1.134 1.894 0.591 16000 0 .592 0 .196 0.305 1.144 1.894 0 .594 16500 0 .596 0.198 0.305 1.153 1.994 0 .597 17000 0 .601 0 .201 0.305 1 .162 l. 894 0 .600 17500 0 .605 0 .203 0.305 1.170 1. 894 0.603 18000 0 .609 0.205 0 .305 1 .179 1.894 0 .606 18500 0 .613 0 .207 0 .305 1.187 1. 894 0 .608 19000 0.617 0 .209 0.305 1.195 1 .894 0 .611 19500 0 .621 0 .210 0.305 1.203 1 .894 0 .61 3 20000 0 .625 0 .212 0 .305 1 . 210 1. 894 0 .61 6 20500 0 .628 0 .214 0 .305 l. 218 1 .894 0 .618 21000 0 .632 0 .216 0 .305 1. 225 1.894 0 .620 21500 0 .635 0 .21 7 0 .305 1.~32 1.894 0.623 22000 0 .639 0.21 9 0 .305 1 . 239 1.894 0 .625 22500 0 .642 0 .22 1 0 .305 1 .245 1.894 0 .6 27 23000 0 .645 0 .222 0 .305 1 .252 1.8?4 0.629 23500 0 .649 0 .224 0 .305 1.258 1 . 894 0 .631 24000 0 .652 0.225 0 .305 1 .265 1 .894 0 .633 24500 0 .655 0 .227 0 .305 l. 2 71 1.894 0 .635 25000 0 .658 0 .228 0 .305 1.277 1.894 0 .637 25500 0 .661 0 .22 9 0 .305 1 .283 1 .894 0 .639 26000 0.664 0.231 0 .305 1 .288 1 .894 0 .641 26500 0 .666 0 .232 0 .305 1. 294 1 .894 0 .643 27000 0 .669 0 .233 0 .305 l . 300 1 .894 0 .645 27500 0 .672 0 .235 0 .305 1 .305 1 . 894 0 .646 28000 0 .675 0 . 236 0 .305 1 . 3 11 1. 894 0 .648 28500 0 .677 0 .23 7 0 .305 l. 31 6 1.894 0 .65 0 29000 0 .680 0.239 0.305 1.321 1.894 0 .651 29500 0 .682 0 . 240 0 .305 1 .326 1 . 894 0 .65 3 30000 0.685 0.24 1 0 .305 1.33 1 1 . 89 4 0 .655 30500 0 .68 7 0.2 42 0 .305 1 .336 1 . 8 94 0.65 6 31000 0 .690 0 .243 0 .305 1 . 341 1. 894 0 .658 31500 0 .692 0.244 0 .305 1 . 34 6 1 . 8 94 0 .65 9 32000 0 .6 94 0.246 0 .305 1 .350 1. 894 0 .661 32500 0 .69 7 0 .24 7 0 .305 1. 355 1 . 894 0 .662 33000 0 .69 9 0.2 48 0 .305 1 .359 1 .8 94 0 .664 33500 0.701 0.249 0 .305 I . 364 1 . 894 0 .665 34000 0 . 703 0.250 0 .305 1 . 368 1.894 0.667 34500 0 . 705 0.251 0 .305 l . 373 l. 894 0 .668 35000 0.708 0 .2 52 0 .30 5 I. 377 1. 894 0 .66? 194 APPENDIX D WEIGHTED USABLE AREA (WUA) VALUES FOR SPECIFIC AREAS 195 REPRESENTATIVE GR OUP I WEIGHTED USABLE AREA (SQ . FT .) O•s 102 .2l 105 .2R !07.6l 108 .3L 112 .5l 119 .4L 120.0R 12!.9R 123.1R 123 .3A 12 7.2 ~ 12 9 .4R 133 .9L !34 .0L ---·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 2341 0 1900 987 3957 0 5393 492 46 1027 145 11519 !93 1 764 5500 2 341 88 1899 987 4049 0 5736 492 300 1027 158 1151 1 1931 764 6000 2341 173 1896 987 4132 0 6044 492 532 1027 171 11494 1931 764 6500 2341 251 1892 987 4209 0 6320 492 744 10 27 182 1146 7 193 1 764 7000 2341 323 1886 987 4280 0 6569 492 938 102 7 193 11432 19 31 764 7500 2341 390 1878 987 4346 0 6792 492 1116 102 7 202 11338 19 31 764 8000 2341 453 1870 987 4408 0 6992 492 1281 102 7 212 11334 19 31 764 8500 2341 512 1859 987 4466 0 7169 492 1432 102 7 220 112 72 19 31 76 4 9000 234 1 568 1949 987 4521 0 7327 492 15 72 10 2 7 228 112 01 19 31 76 4 9500 2341 620 1835 987 4573 0 7465 492 1700 10 2 7 236 111 22 19 3 1 76 4 10000 2341 670 1820 987 4622 0 7585 492 1818 1027 243 11034 19 3 1 76 4 10500 2341 718 1804 987 4669 0 7688 492 1926 10 27 250 1093 9 193 1 764 11000 2341 763 1787 987 4713 1638 77H 492 2025 102 7 257 10834 1931 76 4 11500 2341 806 1769 987 4756 1741 7845 492 2114 102 7 263 10722 1931 764 12000 2341 848 1 749 987 4797 1936 7900 492 2195 1027 269 10602 19 31 764 12500 2341 887 1728 987 4836 1922 7940 492 2268 10 27 1068 104 75 19 31 76 4 13000 2341 925 1706 1030 4874 2000 7966 492 2333 1027 1078 10340 1931 76 4 13500 2341 962 2140 1030 4910 2070 7979 492 2390 1027 1087 10199 1931 764 14000 2341 998 2599 1030 4945 2132 7978 492 2440 1027 1096 10050 1931 764 14500 2341 1032 3025 1030 4978 2188 7966 492 2483 1027 1105 9896 1931 764 15000 2341 1065 3418 1030 5011 2236 7942 492 2520 1027 1114 9 736 1931 764 15500 2341 1097 3781 1030 5042 2277 7907 492 2550 102 7 1122 9572 1931 764 16000 2341 1128 4114 1030 5073 2313 7861 492 2574 1027 1130 9402 1931 764 16500 2341 1158 4418 1030 5102 2342 7805 492 2592 1222 1137 9228 19 31 925 17000 2341 1187 4695 1030 5131 2365 7739 492 2605 1269 1145 9049 1931 948 17500 2341 1215 4944 1030 5159 2382 7664 492 2612 1316 1152 8866 19 16 970 18000 2341 1242 5168 1030 5186 2394 7580 492 2614 1361 1159 8680 1938 99 2 18500 2341 1269 536 7 1030 5212 2400 7488 49 2 261 0 1405 1166 848 9 19 59 1013 19000 2341 1295 5541 1030 5238 2401 7387 492 260 2 1448 1173 82 96 1980 103 3 19500 2341 1320 5690 1030 5262 2397 7277 492 2589 1489 11 79 809 8 2000 105 3 20000 2341 1345 5812 1030 5287 2386 7153 49 2 256 9 1530 1185 7890 2020 10 72 20500 2341 1369 590~ 1030 5310 2369 701 7 492 254 2 1569 11 91 7673 2039 1091 21000 2341 1392 5974 1030 5334 2345 6869 492 250 9 1608 11 9 7 744 9 205 3 1110 21500 2341 1415 6014 1030 5356 2314 610 7 492 24 70 164 6 1203 7215 2077 1128 22000 2341 1437 6038 1030 5378 2281 6544 492 2429 1683 1209 698o 209 4 114 5 22500 2341 1459 6098 1030 5400 2265 6435 492 2406 1685 1215 681 8 21 12 11 62 23000 2341 1481 6110 1030 5421 2234 6848 492 236 7 1685 1220 6613 21 29 11 79 23500 2341 1502 6158 1030 5441 2218 6972 492 2346 1685 1225 646 3 2 14 6 1196 24000 2341 1522 6230 1030 5462 2214 7118 49 2 233 6 1685 1231 63 51 2162 12 12 24500 2341 1542 6082 1030 5481 2133 7007 492 22 4 7 1635 1236 60 30 2179 1201 25000 2341 1562 5915 1030 5501 2050 6868 492 2155 1685 1241 5711 219 4 1201 25500 234 1 1581 572 7 1030 552 0 1962 6698 492 205 9 1635 1246 5 392 2210 1201 26000 2341 1600 5700 1030 5538 1932 6 71 1 492 20 2 4 168 5 1251 5238 2225 1201 26500 2341 161 9 5881 1030 5557 1973 6966 49 2 2064 168 5 12 55 5 280 22 40 1201 27000 2341 1637 6051 1030 55 75 2010 7209 492 2100 1685 1260 53 13 225 4 12 01 27500 2341 1655 6274 1030 5592 2066 7515 49 2 2 154 1635 1265 5 393 226? 1201 28000 2341 16 72 6488 1030 5609 211 7 7680 492 2205 1685 1269 5463 2283 12 01 28500 2341 1689 6711 1030 5626 2172 7789 492 2259 1685 1273 5540 2297 1201 29000 2341 1706 68 76 1030 5643 2208 7830 492 22 93 1685 1278 556 9 231 0 12 0 1 29500 2341 1723 7050 1030 5659 2247 7881 492 2331 1685 1282 5606 2 323 1201 30000 2341 173 9 71 56 1030 5676 2264 7859 492 234 6 1685 128 6 5591 2337 12 01 30500 2341 17 55 73 2 8 1030 56 9 1 2303 791 2 492 2383 1685 12<l0 5628 2350 1201 31000 2341 177 1 7450 1030 5 70 7 2326 7911 49 2 2404 1685 12 94 5627 2362 1201 31500 2341 1787 75 73 1030 5722 2349 7913 492 242 6 1685 12 98 562 9 2 37 5 1201 32000 2341 1802 7680 1030 5 738 2368 790 1 492 244 2 1685 130 2 562 0 238 ;' 1201 32500 2341 1817 779 7 1030 5752 2390 7901 49 2 2463 1685 1306 56 20 2399 1201 33000 2341 1832 7903 1030 576 7 2409 7892 49 2 2480 1685 1310 56 14 2411 1201 33500 2341 184 7 8025 1030 5 781 2433 7901 492 250 2 1685 1314 5620 2423 1201 34000 2341 1861 8132 1030 5 796 2453 7896 492 252 0 1685 131 7 56 17 2434 1201 34500 2341 18 75 8201 10 30 5810 2461 785 7 49 2 2 526 1685 13 21 5589 244o 1201 35000 23 41 18 89 8 270 1030 58 23 2470 78 20 492 2533 1685 132 5 5 563 :'45 7 120 1 196 REPRE SENTATIV E GROU P 1 WEIGHTED USABL E AREA (SO. FT.) O•s 135 .5R 135 .6R 13 6.9 R l.l 9.0L 139.9R ---------------------------------------------------- 5000 3541 2 1112 178 2504 5 45 5500 3538 2 1389 226 29 19 545 6000 3 533 21622 27 1 3294 545 6500 3525 218 17 311 3635 54 5 7000 3514 21 975 349 3945 54 5 7500 3 50 1 220 9 8 384 422 8 545 8000 3484 22 189 41 7 4496 54 5 8500 3465 222 49 44 7 4721 54 5 9 000 3443 222 90 4 76 4934 54 5 950 0 341 9 222 8 2 50 4 5 129 545 10000 339 2 2225 6 530 5302 5 45 10500 3362 22204 555 54 59 545 1 1000 333 0 22 127 579 55 93 54 5 1J500 3296 2202 4 60 1 5 721 545 12 000 32 59 21898 623 58 28 54 5 12 500 3220 21 749 643 59 20 545 13000 3179 215 77 11 26 59 99 545 13500 3135 21384 13 24 6062 545 14000 3099 211 70 15 15 611 3 545 14500 3042 20 937 16 99 6 151 54 5 150 0 0 2993 2069 7 1977 6177 545 15500 29 4 2 20421 204 9 6191 54 5 16000 2890 201 38 22 16 61 9 5 545 16500 2837 19 940 23 77 6 199 545 17000 2782 19528 2534 61 71 545 17500 2726 192 0 2 2686 61 44 54 5 18000 2668 18862 293 4 6107 545 18500 26 10 185 11 2977 6062 5 45 19000 2550 1914 9 3117 6007 54 5 19500 248 9 17770 3254 5944 54 5 20000 2 425 17367 3336 5867 54 5 20500 235 9 169 40 3516 5778 5 45 2 1000 229 0 164'1 3 36 42 5677 527 21500 22 18 1602 1 3766 5563 53 6 22000 214 7 15 553 3997 544 7 544 22 500 2096 1522 0 40 04 5374 55 2 23000 2033 14801 4 120 5 269 560 23500 19 8 7 145 04 4233 5202 568 2 4000 1952 14298 4343 5162 576 2450 0 195 4 13598 44 51 49 48 59 3 2 5000 1 756 129 10 4557 473 1 59 1 2 5500 165 7 12216 4661 4507 598 260 00 1610 118 95 4763 44 17 605 265 0 0 1623 12017 4963 4490 612 2700 0 1633 12119 4961 4556 619 2750 0 1658 12327 505 7 4662 625 2900 0 1679 12514 5152 4760 632 28 50 0 1703 127 1 7 5245 4865 63 9 29000 17 12 12909 5336 4927 6 44 29 500 1723 129 19 5426 4996 65 1 300 00 1719 12909 5514 5019 657 30 500 1730 13019 5601 5096 663 31000 1730 130 4 1 5696 5120 669 31500 1 730 13069 5 77 0 5156 674 32000 1729 13073 5952 5192 690 32500 1728 13096 5934 5215 696 33000 1726 1310 4 6014 5242 691 335 0 0 172 8 13141 6093 5290 697 340 0 0 1727 13155 6171 5309 702 34 50 0 1719 13 1 12 62 47 531 2 70 7 35000 1710 110 72 6J2 J 531 8 7 13 19 7 AEPAESEHTATIVE GAOUP II WEIGHTED USA BLE AR(A I SUUAR( FEET) Oas 100.6A 101.4l 101.8l 113.1R l13 .7A l15.6A 1 17.9L l 18 .0L l21.9A 122 .H l 22.5R 12 3 .bR 125.1A 125.9R ------·----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 1461 20335 1159 0 5273 19993 0 1005 1954 0 2 40 90 3462 0 6779 5000 5500 1461 20 713 1199 0 527 3 1?231 0 1009 1969 0 241>5 7 3596 0 696? 5500 6000 1461 21090 1219 0 5273 19590 0 1019 1991 0 25224 3730 0 6959 bOOO 6500 1461 2 1469 1250 0 527 3 19929 0 1031 1923 0 25ll4 7 396 4 0 7049 65 00 7000 1461 21946 1290 0 5299 20277 0 1045 1960 0 26471 3995 0 71 •0 7000 7500 1461 22223 131 0 0 5339 20626 0 1064 20 06 0 27151 4105 15 49 7230 7500 9000 1461 22393 1316 0 5404 21400 26 9 1093 2053 0 27 831 4220 49 09 7280 8000 8500 1461 22562 1321 0 5497 22175 538 1103 21 03 0 2856ll 4.356 10002 73 .31 8500 9000 146 1 22732 1.325 0 5602 22950 906 1123 2154 0 29419 4504 15.324 7391 9000 9500 1461 22901 1330 0 5734 23724 1073 1144 22 09 0 30.392 4675 20867 7431 •.l500 10000 1461 23071 1334 0 5866 24499 1339 1165 2265 0 3 14 59 4969 18332 7481 10 000 10500 1461 23240 1338 0 6011 25274 1604 1186 2 325 0 32706 5068 19303 7531 10500 11000 1461 23603 1364 0 6156 25310 1692 1515 2394 0 34010 5309 20749 772 0 I JllOO 11500 14 61 23966 1389 0 6314 25.346 1779 1956 2472 0 35.313 5552 21988 7908 II 500 12000 1461 2 432 9 14 14 258 6472 25382 1864 2220 2560 0 36674 580 7 23 623 8096 12000 12500 1461 2 46 93 1438 26.3 6643 25419 1949 261 4 2661 0 38091 6065 2693 7 8285 12~00 13000 1461 24900 1444 268 68 4 1 25523 1953 2697 2769 0 39564 6469 3.3142 9435 13000 13500 1461 25108 1450 637 7065 25626 1957 2770 287 4 0 41095 6878 018 7 8596 13500 14000 1461 25315 1455 648 7316 25730 1960 2986 2984 0 42739 7307 50990 873 7 !4000 14500 U61 25523 1460 1319 76 06 25834 1962 3064 3100 0 44496 7768 53086 8897 !4500 15000 1461 25730 1464 1358 7909 25938 1964 3142 3220 0 46423 8245 55386 9038 15000 15500 1461 25937 1468 1403 8212 26041 1965 3356 3344 0 48520 9771 57888 ?188 15500 16000 1461 26145 1472 1452 8528 26145 1966 3432 3478 0 50788 9367 60593 9339 !6000 16500 1461 27125 U83 1510 8859 26871 2375 3830 3621 0 5322 5 9851 63501 9640 16500 17000 1443 28106 1493 1570 9201 27598 2779 4252 3778 0 55832 10307 66611 99 4 2 17000 17500 1443 29086 1503 1630 9557 28324 3178 4700 3948 0 58610 10777 69925 10243 175 00 18000 1443 30067 1512 1693 9939 29050 35 71 5152 4133 0 61557 11261 73442 10544 18000 18500 1HJ 30256 1521 1758 10347 291'31 .3724 9715 OJ! 651 64798 12338 77296 10921 18 500 19000 1443 30444 1529 1827 10 796 30 212 3873 10191 4543 1335 681 9 9 13390 81354 1129 7 190 00 19500 1443 30633 1581 1397 11 283 3079 ~ 4019 10699 47 69 2042 718 1 7 14517 85682 1167 4 19500 20000 1443 30822 1584 1973 11811 31374 4170 11236 5009 2784 756 7 1 15o93 90281 12050 20000 20500 1UJ 31011 1597 2054 123 77 31955 4345 11826 527 2 3560 79752 169 48 95150 12427 20500 21000 1UJ 31200 1623 214 3 12984 32536 4555 1244~ 5549 077 8411 7 18284 1003 5 7 12804 21000 21500 1443 3138? 1727 2240 13630 33117 4990 13109 5844 5242 88821 19615 1059 70 !3180 "1500 22000 1443 ll953 2072 2345 14315 33698 6156 13813 6158 6129 94036 21009 112191 1355 7 22000 22500 1443 .3 2539 26 77 2457 15066 .3 4 279 8160 14557 6 4 90 7058 99875 2243 7 11915 .' 13 933 22500 23000 1443 35060 4 ~1 9 2578 15857 34860 14427 1535 4 6845 8020 106563 239 48 127137 1010 23 000 23 500 1443 39872 7425 2706 16 701 35500 23345 16213 7228 8558 114272 2515.3 136.3.34 143 4 3 23500 24000 1443 4 7663 93 40 2842 17597 38 250 29363 17165 7652 8988 124135 26 473 148101 14377 2 4000 24500 1443 57288 11483 2991 18546 43500 3610 4 182 30 8127 9460 1357 55 27863 161964 14410 2 4500 25000 1443 69620 12951 3148 19561 52000 40719 19451 86 72 9956 149642 29345 178532 14444 25000 25500 1443 81348 1420.3 3315 20655 625 00 44655 20858 9299 10486 162112 30920 19341 0 144 78 25500 26000 1443 88910 15239 3493 21868 7595 5 4 79 12 22659 10101 11049 172882 32587 20625 9 14 512 26JOO 26500 1443 93035 16016 3682 23226 88750 50355 24790 1104 7 11645 1802 50 34371 21505 0 14757 26500 27000 1443 95785 16793 3883 24 781 97000 52798 27315 12177 12282 187052 36293 2231;,5 15879 27000 27500 1443 96981 17017 4100 26574 1015 00 53501 29591 13192 12?6? 190170 ~8424 22o885 17864 27500 28 000 1443 96472 16750 4341 29867 104500 52663 31557 14068 1373 1 19 0 737 40810 2275 ;,1 21355 28 000 285 00 1443 95097 15973 4611 31570 105805 50219 32902 14668 14583 1893 20 4354 3 225970 2566 7 28500 29000 1443 92118 14894 4920 34 799 105250 46826 34143 15221 15560 195919 46693 22 18 13 31192 29 000 29500 1443 87994 13 426 5275 3 7699 103750 42212 34712 15475 16685 18 2518 50723 217755 3644 7 29500 30000 144 3 83869 11872 5731 40204 100500 37325 34816 15521 18125 I 79 11 7 554 71 2131>98 39835 30 000 30500 1443 79953 10534 6267 41717 96000 33118 3455 7 15406 19822 175716 61145 209640 4 1683 30500 3100 0 1446 763 45 9235 6908 43499 91500 29035 33936 15129 21850 172 315 66240 205583 42915 31000 31500 1458 73291 8202 7484 44224 87118 2 5788 33316 14852 23670 167793 70 64 1 20289'l 4345 1 3 i ~ 00 32000 1481 706 44 7253 79 81 44.356 83291 22802 32695 14576 25243 163210 73652 196935 4322 3 32000 3250 0 1576 68365 6389 8321 44 026 79959 20098 32074 14299 26319 1598 5 5 76431 191271 426 0 7 325 0 0 33000 1891 66422 5612 8635 43235 77 072 17645 31 45 3 14022 27312 15 433 7 77 705 185436 41 272 33000 33500 2 44 3 64 788 4965 8779 42444 74586 15609 30773 13696 2776 7 149838 779 .3 7 179?4ll 3'1424 33500 34000 42 16 63440 4447 8805 41 65 4 72 466 13980 29869 13293 27850 145137 77358 17 4302 375 76 34000 34500 6777 62 36 1 401 5 8740 40 863 70 683 12623 29269 12?11 27643 141045 75968 16902? 3577' 34500 35000 8524 61535 3626 8583 40072 69212 11401 28376 125 17 27147 136755 745 78 l b3888 34205 ;5 ooo L98 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP II WEIGHTED USABLE AA[A (SQUARE FE[ll Q•s 126.0A 126 .3A 131.8l 133.9A 13~.3L 137.5L 137.5A 137.8L 137.?L I40.2A I42.1A I42 .2 A I43.4L I44 .4L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8784 7 2802 0 15264 0 2282 3982 1888 0 7531 0 0 0 5282 89223 2830 0 15264 0 2282 4011 20?2 0 7895 0 0 0 5282 90599 2858 0 15264 0 2?82 4061 2295 0 8259 0 0 0 5282 9I975 2886 0 15264 0 2282 4130 249ll 0 3622 0 0 0 5282 93351 2914 0 15264 0 2282 4209 2702 0 8986 0 ERA 0 5282 94727 2942 0 15264 0 2282 4308 2905 0 9349 0 0 0 5282 95109 3129 273 15264 0 2282 440 7 3365 0 9577 0 ERA 247 5282 95491 3316 5U 15264 0 2282 45 16 3825 0 ?304 0 ERA 493 5282 95873 3503 91J 15264 0 2282 4625 4285 0 10029 0 0 740 5282 96256 3689 1080 15264 0 2282 4744 4 745 0 10303 0 ERA 986 5282 96638 3874 1352 15264 0 228? 4863 5205 0 10603 0 645 1233 5282 97020 4058 1629 15264 0 2282 4?92 566 5 0 10958 0 643 14 79 5282 100063 4089 1706 15264 0 2282 5140 5883 1789 11499 427 642 2219 5282 103106 4120 1735 15264 0 2282 5309 6101 3519 12054 783 640 2959 5282 106149 4150 1768 15264 0 2282 5497 6318 5360 1268 7 1494 639 3698 5282 109192 4179 1810 15264 0 2282 5715 6536 7280 13327 2204 637 4438 5282 110830 4986 1851 15264 209 2275 5943 6827 8291 14344 2272 636 4903 5282 112468 5790 1897 15264 431 2275 6170 7117 8620 15380 2341 634 5368 5282 114106 6588 1943 15264 667 2275 6408 7408 9001 16468 2408 633 5833 5282 115744 7382 1993 15264 913 2275 6656 7698 9336 17368 2475 631 6298 5282 117382 8169 2043 15264 1172 2275 6913 7989 9717 17828 2541 629 6763 5282 119020 8950 2097 15264 1443 2275 7181 827? 10119 18358 2605 628 7228 5282 120658 9724 2159 15264 1726 2275 7468 8570 10560 18960 2670 626 7693 5282 121363 9827 2230 15264 2464 2275 7775 8642 11089 19632 2733 624 8359 5282 122069 9926 2309 15264 3240 2275 8112 8715 11615 20410 2794 622 9024 5282 122774 10022 2400 15264 4051 2275 8478 8788 12195 21224 2855 621 9690 5282 123480 10114 2496 15264 4906 2275 8874 8860 12829 22037 2915 619 1035 6 5282 124944 10639 2592 15264 4532 2275 9300 910 7 13518 22886 2973 61 7 12264 5282 126408 11156 2692 15264 5284 2275 9756 9354 14245 23770 3030 617 14173 5294 127872 11665 2796 15264 6085 2275 102¢1 9601 15006 24690 3086 621 16081 5337 129336 12164 2904 15264 6914 2275 10756 9848 15838 25645 :il40 629 17989 5424 130801 1265~ 3016 15264 8326 2275 11321 10242 1672 0 26671 3193 66 7 1?8?8 5770 132265 13137 3137 15264 9495 2275 11915 11263 177 85 27767 3244 798 2180 6 692 4 133729 IJ608 3266 15264 9?93 2275 1254 9 12436 13698 28970 3294 1028 23 715 89 44 135193 14070 3407 15264 1051 7 2275 13222 13854 19611 30279 3343 !768 25623 15435 136657 14521 3561 15264 11077 22 75 13935 16165 20605 31694 3390 2831 27532 24311 138121 14994 3728 15264 11671 2275 14698 19789 21751 33215 3864 3546 29440 31 207 138444 15043 3907 15264 12301 2275 15520 23133 23040 34842 3829 4341 29 470 38 37 1 138767 15208 4098 15264 12974 2275 16431 25296 24522 36575 3829 48 7 1 294 70 43 275 138564 16217 4302 15264 13700 2275 17451 26482 26213 38415 3837 5312 29470 4 745 3 138564 19461 4518 15264 14504 22 75 18620 27278 28381 40431 3868 5665 29470 5092 0 138564 25137 4755 15264 15405 2275 19967 27632 30'}58 42553 3931 5927 2?4 70 535 l! 138564 43381 5005 15264 16436 2275 21690 27491 33974 448 17 4182 6180 29 4 7U So 1 13 !JeS64 69734 5271 15264 17625 2275 23721 27092 36747 4 7222 5018 6222 294 70 56 360 i38564 87710 5554 15264 1914o 2280 2614 7 2622 6 3912Q 49 769 1)482 6090 2Q4 70 S5Q bQ 138544 107844 5854 15264 20939 2298 28326 25026 40 764 52493 11187 5770 29 4 70 53 373 138564 121629 6174 1526~ 23081 2336 30208 23820 42296 55429 179 83 5352 2 94 70 4 ~ 76b 138564 133386 6519 15264 25004 2485 31496 22638 42913 58683 22618 4782 29470 44 862 138564 143116 6902 15264 26665 2982 32684 21596 42956 62326 27810 4180 29470 39 o6 9 138564 1504!4 7330 18123 27802 3851 33229 20679 42581 66500 31365 3656 29470 351?7 138564 157712 7821 20992 28851 6647 33328 19873 41789 71311 34397 3181 294 70 30858 138564 159812 8387 20861 29332 10684 33080 19168 410 23 77 466 36906 2798 3001 1 27 408 138564 157306 9111 20467 29419 13439 32486 18553 40232 84717 38788 2449 32335 2 4234 138564 150008 9964 20386 29200 16523 31892 13022 39419 <13384 40670 2134 36 77 I ll.J4? 138564 139873 10983 20303 28676 18636 31298 17568 3838 7 10 1165 41 212 1849 4395 9 18753 164564 126088 11898 20231 28151 20437 30703 17134 37691 107886 40565 1620 52836 1658<1 190565 111493 12689 20259 27627 21928 30109 16867 36583 112485 38684 1443 64210 14 858 189376 98925 13230 20089 2 71 02 23046 29448 16596 35531 llo72? 360 70 1301 75 02 7 1~415 185800 86729 13729 20155 26578 24164 28583 16360 34447 II 86 75 32515 l I 79 8200 1 12117 1838 II 77031 13958 20031 25996 24486 27761 16163 336ll4 I I '}02 9 28751 1090 85 80 5 Ill 0 7 182663 681 I 2 13999 J9'l34 2~232 24102 26<11 4 15 9 4 3 32t·27 llB144 25510 Q<1 4 8834 1 10 (1'l8 199 REPRESENTA TIVE GROUP Il l WEIGHTED USABLE AREA I SQU ARE f EET J O•s 100 .4R 100 .6L 101.2R 101.6L 101.7L 110.4L 115.0R 11 9 .3L 128 .5 R 128 .7 R 128 .8R I J0.2R 130.2L 132 .ol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 994 0 0 6180 0 0 0 0 0 5150 864 0 0 0 0 5500 0 1026 0 0 6180 0 0 0 0 0 5150 8 7696 0 0 6000 0 1058 0 0 6180 0 0 0 0 0 51 50 889 92 5 36 0 6500 0 1090 0 0 6180 0 0 0 2594 0 5 '50 90288 109Q 1>30 7000 0 1122 3343 0 6180 0 0 0 5 203 0 5 15 0 91 584 16 90 1430 7500 0 1154 7853 0 6180 0 0 0 78 27 0 5150 92880 230 7 240 3 8000 0 1257 13490 0 6695 0 0 0 12054 0 5202 93924 4383 4942 8500 0 1360 20266 0 7210 0 0 0 17089 0 5253 94 9 68 11242 8350 9000 0 1463 28184 0 8634 0 0 0 22934 0 5305 9 601 2 14621 126 28 9500 0 2265 59324 0 9134 0 0 0 2958 7 0 5356 9 705 6 194 7 1 1777 4 10000 0 3556 67133 0 13900 7052 10831 c 37 049 0 5408 968 23 21393 20 264 10500 3325 5681 76426 0 21439 15459 23202 0 58440 0 54 59 9660 b 22645 29851 11000 6676 9098 78998 0 33640 25119 4324 7 0 83741 299 4 556 7 100826 210 16 525 52 11500 10049 14895 76086 0 53796 36068 68919 0 88898 62 77 5675 104 97 5 200 2 8 52 09 5 12000 13443 25466 71128 2802 8 7820 48307 100226 0 93 742 984 8 5783 10 905 8 17 9 90 51606 12500 16857 27050 68247 5700 149535 9S.99 218494 0 98924 13 70 8 5892 113 0 50 173 78 51425 13000 32527 29712 60912 8849 158038 105842 229439 0 116154 18878 6789 1062 84 16628 54 384 13500 33712 30945 58485 12196 167612 115086 241962 0 132382 24 745 7687 105954 1654 9 57057 14000 37776 3143 7 51707 15743 168891 117949 241829 2542 147868 31309 8584 1104 12 16486 5 958 1 14500 40981 31736 47972 31046 166298 112706 225581 5175 163171 385 70 9482 116058 15 26 8 6 2168 15000 41074 32178 44875 33163 162967 104598 204546 7899 177 856 5999 7 10379 114008 157 6 4 (,4630 15500 39688 32069 39265 35860 160632 99!.64 190628 10 7 12 185 9 33 83938 112 77 1325 72 162 12 6 48 77 16000 39147 31375 38500 36561 155819 89516 167593 13617 192316 8728 7 12175 130300 1661 7 64782 16500 36217 29577 41048 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496741 378596 107346 7796 3 28341 6 3o45 6o I ?1179 23 789 9 690o1 3411367 6000 22690~ 38302 53384 247018 460715 410405 112005 75 540 26 481 2 395lo4 20 50 44 229276 o5 397 35 76 14 6500 2404 74 35936 55250 263432 420847 439490 1160~3 12220 2 452 2 3 423!40 21159'} 223671 60 822 371291 7000 253499 33409 57024 279206 421242 46H63 119847 68 260 22 5 ~97 4500 45 229655 !92 14 1 6 184 7 38 4 32 5 7500 268415 31126 59244 29 7039 384030 498956 124604 o45 33 20 764 3 480 244 24 .l41 3 17 5 244 5 7177 400 3 39 9000 293006 29727 61399 314504 354759 529620 129225 60345 189 756 50 9837 256 88 o 20 8495 534 8 3 415 ?11 8500 297508 26999 61405 320707 315242 54136 7 129320 573 38 1767 16 521125 261 186 J'}310 7 48064 4168 36 9000 291619 25194 61393 326393 293097 552153 12 9371 54 132 16 351 8 5 31 489 26511 7 1700 4 0 436 0 7 4 17677 9500 292063 23466 58598 31666 7 245874 536 741 12355 1 50 <l 18 1511 12 51 66 37 25 6o0 3 14 1JJ"l 33229 399 44 2 10000 272706 216 79 55962 30 701 7 219793 52ll03 119053 4 7467 139581 50 17 63 248 243 1331 0 4 34310 3821 67 10500 257650 19551 52271 290811 210386 494582 110321 43165 1241 16 4 76031 2346 71 141 07 :3 3325o 3575H 11000 244086 17366 48993 276152 150734 470345 103450 38639 109533 452692 22243 3 13 22 11 24002 3356 92 11500 244649 19964 4861 7 277394 121970 473104 102 700 44 739 12514 9 455338 223054 11 7 31 7 1?53 9 33 3624 12000 245208 22598 48272 278592 115464 47574 7 10201 3 50 9 83 140840 45 7872 223664 104 65 8 1&630 33 1:"36 12500 241704 22468 4 7 162 2 751JO 108671 470386 99 70 7 51 0 10 1392 6 5 45 27 04 22056 1 93901> 17 6 3 9 324554 13000 238251 22326 46100 271679 103622 464993 97499 50999 13 7664 447505 217495 92886 16 9 14 31 7664 13500 229508 21746 44057 262143 103796 449130 93212 499 41 133421 432232 209591 8444 6 17032 30 3966 14000 221085 21149 42122 252917 97031 433738 89148 48826 129143 417413 201970 77921 16002 290961 14500 216605 19491 409H 248156 94907 425956 86746 45223 118481 409917 197942 7194 2 15 726 283353 15000 212013 17804 39832 243233 110871 417860 84356 41505 10 77 59 402121 193806 6848 7 18453 2 7 5 761 15500 206353 1H69 38517 237050 113148 407565 91595 40 9 0 7 10 529 0 392209 183688 68 132 139 12 26 6 9 36 16000 200617 17125 37214 230749 118080 397033 78858 40272 102803 382069 183495 65258 1981 7 259166 16500 197879 16447 36488 227869 113680 392361 77340 38836 98356 377568 181038 65559 19 152 253374 17000 195161 15758 35782 224993 120857 387674 75864 37353 93885 373054 178597 62813 20436 248702 17500 190005 14958 34646 219285 112529 378085 73474 35591 88805 363323 173920 61 780 1109 5 24102 3 18000 184786 14147 3351 7 213481 107710 36830 7 7 10 9 8 3 3 78 0 83 700 3544 10 169183 60 710 1833<l 233373 19500 18110J 14165 32682 209432 99167 361535 69344 3393 9 83527 347891 16513 4 7 57798 16140 22 77 54 19000 177298 14180 J1939 205225 9J494 354474 67572 3408 7 83349 341093 16 23 9 7 5o90t> 16 020 22 20 o 2 19500 175136 15109 J1J03 202905 87055 350659 66449 364 3 4 88530 33 7418 160450 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521 7 0 305293 55 0 63 37 540 8654 8 2 93 745 1.33286 5 405 1 ?190 13192 4 25000 147994 14976 25340 172 8J4 49710 300118 53905 37149 8526 6 288 765 135829 554 33 877 5 1781 73 25500 145262 14512 24791 169743 48437 294855 52746 360 76 3 2446 283 69 8 133339 565 42 13567 1 7441 3 26000 142575 14045 24256 166699 46422 289665 5 16 15 34985 796 16 2787 0 3 130 890 57653 8226 170739 26500 139991 14021 23 743 163769 44144 284667 5053 1 H<l% 793 14 273893 12853 4 57637 78 38 1o721 7 27000 137450 13 9<l6 232 41 16088 3 430 7 1 279 7J9 4H 72 35001 79009 26 9 15 1 126216 58 748 7bo 1 163 77 4 27500 134963 13958 227 54 158055 40758 274908 4844 1 34972 ,'86 35 2 64501 12390 60 14 7 7263 160 421 28000 132518 13918 22277 155270 39905 27 0146 474J4 34 937 78258 259918 12 1 7 16 b0o93 7123 15 71 43 28500 130109 13 7'i4 21811 152523 37808 265444 46448 3468 7 77 408 255393 11951 7 615£4 676 0 153 93 0 29000 127 741 1366 7 21356 149820 36687 260814 45485 3442 9 76555 250937 1 17354 b1778 6571 15 0 789 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71263 ~1462 9000 41638 310962 130094 7021 20220 185518 136374 63480 29 06 9 9500 3621 7 315161 112940 6603 17526 1 7773 1 131439 56529 26826 10000 32840 317430 102233 6164 15566 170324 126758 49997 24568 10500 34923 310951l I 08543 5608 14943 159609 119439 43219 21976 11000 32828 304258 101883 5022 10689 150058 112871 36837 19371 11500 29212 313949 90538 5817 8629 14933 7 112371 40674 22108 12000 26129 323053 80879 6632 8164 148683 112886 44258 24852 12500 23502 326156 72663 6638 7673 145642 111049 42334 24549 13000 23300 328625 71960 6637 7308 142715 109256 40498 24243 13500 21229 323016 65495 6503 7311 136712 105060 37998 23474 14000 19628 317015 60499 6360 6827 131000 101035 35617 22700 14500 18157 316004 55912 5892 6670 127703 98830 31653 20808 15000 17316 314319 53278 5409 7784 124401 96590 27893 18909 15500 17256 310554 53049 5332 7936 120530 93877 26412 18461 16000 16555 306196 50855 5251 8274 116673 91144 24995 18011 16500 16657 306027 51131 5065 7958 114604 89784 23182 17219 17000 15983 305595 49028 4873 8453 112583 88441 21452 16424 17500 15743 301026 48257 4644 7864 109192 86003 19674 15524 18000 1.5491 296017 47455 4408 7521 105806 83546 17979 14622 18500 14767 293175 45210 4430 6920 103334 81793 !7397 14582 19000 14557 289885 44541 4450 6519 100823 79991 16832 14541 19500 12997 289071 39746 4757 6065 99270 78937 17335 15436 20000 11816 287955 36115 5068 5672 97694 77852 17793 16332 20500 11905 288477 36367 5085 5387 96742 77255 17205 16280 21000 11786 288802 35985 5101 5035 95 780 76 642 16634 16228 21500 11869 286070 36221 5094 4696 93868 75260 16010 16107 22000 12436 283242 37935 5086 4435 91993 73897 15405 15985 22500 12728 280319 39910 sou 4297 90152 72551 14723 15759 23000 13092 277322 39901 4999 4071 88348 71227 14064 15532 23500 13386 274255 40782 4979 3987 86578 69920 13498 15385 24000 13682 271135 41665 4958 3684 84843 68635 12950 15237 24500 13978 267936 42550 4908 3613 83ll4 67363 12352 15009 25000 14347 264702 43657 4858 3441 81461 66111 11775 14779 25500 14645 261303 44548 4718 3351 797 80 64848 11013 14284 26000 14944 257887 45442 4576 3210 78136 63607 10283 13787 26500 14951 254565 4544 7 4578 3051 76560 62415 ?901 13729 27000 15250 251234 46341 4579 2976 75017 61245 Q529 13670 27500 15625 247920 47462 4576 2815 73513 60101 ?157 13600 28000 15777 244605 47910 4572 2754 72042 5897& 8796 13529 28500 16003 241283 48583 453? 2609 70598 57873 8392 13376 29000 16080 237968 48800 4506 2530 69186 56789 8001 13224 29500 16230 234654 49242 4476 2400 67801 55723 7628 13082 30000 16304 231353 494 53 4445 2354 66446 54676 7267 12940 30500 16606 226940 50353 4481 2240 64797 53384 7023 12996 31000 17367 222604 5264 7 4517 2211 63198 52128 6782 130 51 31500 17825 219574 54023 4500 2130 61992 51193 6468 12955 32000 18132 216560 5493 7 4483 2065 60811 50274 6161 12959 32500 18439 213988 55853 4465 1983 59772 49470 5863 12762 33000 18591 211420 56 301 4447 1918 58751 486 78 5573 12665 33500 18821 208855 56983 4436 1922 57748 47898 5300 125?1 34000 18973 206298 57429 4425 1909 56762 4 7129 5034 12517 34500 19045 203749 57635 4420 1843 55792 46371 4 732 124 63 35000 19195 20 12 10 58077 441 2 1882 54840 45625 4532 !23QQ 203 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP v WEIGHTED USABLE AR(A l SO . ~ T. J O•s 101 . 7L 11 7. 011 119 . 9L 124 .011 132.9R 13 9.0L 13~./R 141.6R I43.0L ·----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 0 0 1220 2964 601 954 14070 1409 550C 61'123 0 0 1440 2964 1251 954 14070 1409 6000 13645 0 0 1660 2964 2020 954 14070 1409 6500 20468 0 0 1979 2964 2974 954 14070 1409 7000 27290 0 0 2099 2964 3797 954 14070 1494 7500 34113 0 0 2319 2964 4742 954 14070 1901 8000 37041 124 0 2542 2897 5723 954 14070 3072 9500 39970 24 7 0 2766 2910 6277 954 14070 4.)92 9000 429~9 371 0 2990 2932 6654 954 14070 5923 9500 45928 495 0 3214 2955 6922 854 14070 7336 10000 49757 619 0 3437 2979 7173 954 14070 8906 10500 65365 742 0 3661 3001 7292 954 14070 9924 11000 79841 ll50 0 4332 3035 7164 854 14070 104 71 11500 93390 1558 0 5003 3069 6539 954 14070 10950 12000 107564 1966 0 5675 3103 6291 854 14070 11401 12500 120907 2374 0 6346 3137 6339 854 14070 11643 13000 131455 3020 0 7235 3507 5576 954 14070 1!499 13500 132066 3667 0 8124 3877 5357 854 14070 10528 14000 129882 4313 0 9013 4248 4930 854 14070 10152 14500 126610 4959 0 9902 4618 4639 954 14070 10291 15000 123909 5606 0 10791 4988 4049 854 14070 9076 15500 ll9747 6252 0 11681 5358 3 510 854 14070 9749 16000 11244 7 97Z4 0 12570 5729 3426 954 14070 8077 16500 96990 16417 0 14217 5831 3246 954 14070 7622 17000 88389 25723 0 15865 5933 2943 954 14070 6671 17500 84882 36444 0 17512 6035 2767 854 14070 5799 19000 71271 48413 0 19160 6138 2653 854 14070 5674 18500 65632 52863 0 23663 6588 2699 954 14070 5388 190 00 58018 53333 0 28166 7038 2587 854 14070 4897 19500 52533 52670 0 32669 7489 2535 854 14070 4614 20000 44202 51553 0 37172 10039 2511 854 14070 4434 20500 36997 50656 0 41675 12607 2486 954 14070 4521 21000 34'? 11 49149 0 46178 15210 2461 854 14070 4341 21500 32013 46333 0 50681 17943 24.15 954 33266 4 262 22000 28127 40760 0 55195 20503 2409 954 40925 4229 22500 25651 37985 0 59699 23193 2391 1030 49451 4195 23000 23981 37107 0 64191 24175 2353 4769 55960 4159 23500 24493 32330 0 93361 24270 2325 5460 62964 4122 24000 23657 30943 0 101733 24152 2297 6095 69766 4093 24500 23395 29249 0 119615 24131 2269 6690 71 54 7 4044 25000 23406 26502 0 137109 23909 2241 7220 7 1929 4003 25500 23421 23107 0 154301 22925 2212 7210 714 79 3961 26000 23441 20044 0 171243 20422 2194 7049 71415 3919 26500 23467 19602 0 175614 19309 2156 6931 70460 3976 27000 23497 19631 0 1 76305 19238 2127 664 7 6 7551 3833 27500 23531 16969 0 175447 16761 209 9 6396 60 441 3789 28000 23571 16042 0 17 5290 15990 2071 5962 5 71 42 3 i 45 28500 23614 15495 0 172946 14645 2043 51 95 56935 3701 29000 23662 15975 0 165906 13740 2015 4793 49605 3657 29500 23715 15339 0 149353 11980 1999 464 1 47324 3612 30000 23771 15169 0 140257 10391 1960 3939 4.)343 3569 30500 23832 151 76 0 139749 10163 193 3 365 8 40664 35 23 31000 23897 15196 0 121759 9659 1 906 3263 35455 3479 31500 23966 15199 0 116157 9797 1890 2991 30 754 34.15 32000 24040 15216 0 106386 8317 1853 2531 30076 3391 32500 24117 15235 0 99810 8028 1827 2138 28586 3349 33000 24199 1525 8 0 97024 9230 1 901 2036 26035 3304 33500 24283 15293 0 75496 7952 1776 1995 24614 3261 34000 24372 153 I I 0 73923 7864 I 751 1672 23 759 3218 34500 24465 153 0 0 70165 7868 1 726 !53? 2 43 57 3176 35000 24 562 I 5377 0 63904 7873 I 70 I J 44 7 ?353o 31.34 AEPAESENfAflVE GROUP vI WEIGHf£0 USABLE AREA IS O.f"T .J O•s 102 .bl 106 .3R 107 .1l 117 .8L 11 7.9A 119 .7L 13 3 .8L 1 l~.7 A 13b .3R 1 38 .0A 1l8.8 R 139 .SA 140 .oA 142 .0 A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 19423 960 9 1630 4177 3198 2774 25 782 139 3 173 33 0 ~4 0 ;420 0 b886 5500 19 423 14046 1630 4511 3305 2774 2 57 82 151 8 17 333 0 1767 76 o 2 0 8 38 8 6000 194 23 18373 1630 4845 3412 2774 2 5 782 16 4 3 173 33 0 2995 7905 0 9 8 9 1 6500 19 609 22560 1&30 5179 3518 2774 25 782 1769 173 33 0 7025 81 43 0 1 13?3 7000 31391 26597 1630 5514 3625 2774 25 78 2 1894 17333 0 9834 8 391 0 12 8 95 7500 43952 304 77 1630 5848 3732 2774 25792 2011 17333 0 12898 31>3 4 0 14 398 8000 56915 34201 1630 70H 6268 2774 25782 214 7 17333 765 136 9 2 9 44 3 18 0 15 0 41 8500 7003 2 32961 1630 13613 6862 27H 2 5 79 2 227 4 17333 20 98 12 30 7 1025 2 360 1568 4 9000 8313 7 318 9 3 1630 16867 7414 2774 25 78 2 2 402 17333 38 95 134 2 4 1106 2 540 1o328 9500 96 11 6 3216 3 1630 20308 792 9 2774 25 782 2530 17 33 3 60 77 13209 1?7 5 1 720 16 ?7 1 10000 95022 34301 2235 23904 718 1 2774 25 782 265 7 1 73 3 3 85 8 2 144 95 228tl2 9 0 1 1761 5 10500 939 97 33811 2 766 23592 7891 2774 25 782 2785 173 33 113 5? 14181 26057 1081 1825 8 11000 96665 31496 3237 28156 7803 2774 25782 3133 17333 20644 134 96 30 <128 1056 7 28 285 11500 104956 3062 6 3657 30065 8606 2774 25782 3481 17333 2 7062 1305o 30727 20053 390 4 0 12000 104956 30357 4033 35577 9461 2774 25782 3829 17333 32761 13414 36o?8 29 540 50 397 12500 99127 2964? 4373 37336 7739 2774 25782 41 78 17333 39 3 7 1 12 18 2 3<1230 53 503 6 2 2 53 13000 97599 29496 4085 34589 7243 2853 25782 41 78 173 33 42084 11176 4561 0 6 73 34 721 39 13500 97945 28999 10893 32657 7211 2933 25792 4179 25402 41629 1039 7 4 7120 30087 0 197 6 14000 96564 29912 21999 32779 6357 3012 25792 4179 334 74 39947 10129 451 50 9 1936 90084 14500 96999 28944 3 3994 29118 5974 3091 25792 41 78 41545 39063 11232 4394 7 10 302 1 78605 15000 96197 27794 42918 27572 5694 3170 25782 4178 496 16 3794 2 105 71 45405 1134 50 8 0468 15500 96363 30097 47957 26472 5683 3250 25732 4179 57688 37287 ?0 70 4144 6 1076 05 9 71 13 16000 97207 30256 53731 26625 6458 3329 25 792 41 78 65757 3733 9 9974 40257 102 719 87203 16500 94301 30085 59 727 30163 6502 3606 25 792 4179 61423 3641 9 9613 40 73 3 103 436 9 406 2 17000 102832 2975 7 64168 29005 5953 3994 2 578 2 41 78 62925 35925 95 79 4306 7 1 1036 7 10352 3 17500 104022 2952 3 692 1~ 254 3 4 69 70 4161 42905 41 78 62494 35731 9 34 7 5 157: 10 8 938 1141 ?? 18000 104040 29199 72 965 28604 6844 4439 4902G 4 17 8 65 73 5 34214 8 628 5 221 7 10 1 7 12 122 5 37 18500 103476 281 9 9 77 054 27 653 6920 44?4 55138 4205 64021 3702 9 1 10 2 4 4b 62'J 101 135 12229 4 19000 1031 9 9 27340 81411 2 7631 6844 4550 61 2 46 4 2 3 3 60571 3 72 0 6 11632 5 3341 10255 5 12 0 b76 19500 1025 7 5 25591 8227 9 2 7046 6399 4605 59573 4261 5?525 36992 11 7 41 51 260 102368 12 03 9 4 20000 99526 2 7 420 93062 25016 8410 4661 66999 4 28 9 5905 6 3659 7 11 2 22 50 9 3 7 10 4::i~o !21 0 /0 20500 96925 3233 2 97 284 32585 91 18 4716 6 9 565 4317 58390 36330 10668 495 70 I 1)441 5 11713 4 21000 9110 9 32 208 100 2 36 35017 9445 4 772 77 961 4 3 45 57941 35 96 2 10113 456 4 3 1 0 58 6 ~ i 2 758R 2 1500 99015 329?1 10 2 42 4 3 5 979 9255 49 27 773?6 43 73 580 20 34 76 9 9 8 77 59137 ~~>i 1 03 128 951 22000 116020 32969 104 70 7 34964 901 2 498 3 72 891 uoo 5 784 6 33 756 9 5 5 5 6325 4 1061o3 128935 2 2 500 116002 3340 7 10641>4 33803 9 741 4938 69058 4428 58160 31646 ?0 22 6 4691 1171 ?? 128 265 23000 118877 33433 105485 32569 9728 4994 701 0 9 4456 56 261 3396 7 8514 6262•1 120020 128011 2 3 500 119560 33450 104739 32463 9622 8551 6509 7 4586 61 23 3 40864 8440 6 0 79~ 12 1388 128956 24000 121543 33742 100 2 42 320 79 8313 9544 6 3 772 472 0 61923 41545 8 3 48 58 8 33 12218 4 1268?6 24500 12201 7 3486 8 109663 30 9 17 8012 10515 64241 4853 617 2 4 4330 9 840 2 531,70 123 4 13 125 405 25000 122446 35426 131858 29804 7943 11468 68329 5000 61335 44326 8450 57957 12 4 329 1 19688 25500 1238 72 36041 133 786 29548 7857 10592 83118 5 146 611 65 4587 4 8500 55383 122 343 13080 1 26000 1283 58 36 7 16 139005 292 2 1 790 7 11971 8665 3 5296 6065 2 4 6900 8 552 5385 " 120906 157361 2 650 0 130 762 37528 1416 29 29 416 79 52 12 001 78 466 5 45 0 583 96 4 79 4 6 860/o 533?0 !153~4 1599!31 270 00 133377 3 83 2 3 145 751 29 586 80 00 135 31 8 9 0 63 5609 57 44 3 4 9 4 29 8662 528 13 1 ~t>l 0 9 ! 66 77 4 27 500 1362 11 373?8 14 802 0 297 6 2 804 9 13601 9563 ? 5 77 3 56934 5 22 10 97 1? 53 14 '1 151715 170 6 ?3 28000 13955 8 36561 1501 75 29944 8099 12719 94 280 9 886 6 1 062 54 2 33 8 777 5 3 45 7 15 4 2 42 1 7665: 2 8500 14284 7 35 745 153510 30132 8151 12114 81525 11035 72 03 7 5641 9 8839 53775 1607?1 130o02 29000 139 7 14 34951 160646 30326 8205 122 77 8061 7 1215 7 7 1811 58 780 8 900 54 10 4 16 4 569 18 41>32 29 500 13688 5 34 177 1651 97 30526 8260 1101 7 110036 13 2 59 73 40 2 614 55 8964 544U 1703 15 19 0 3 41 300 00 134115 33 4 23 170 01 5 3073 2 83 17 10541 1202 43 122 4b 7370 4 b4 203 9029 54 7'1 4 ! /4 123 ~C 1 052 30500 13 14 0 4 321>3 ? 17511 4 30 9 4 3 8 376 10 23 0 12 1790 13724 7483 4 64106 '10 96 55155 !73008 2088 40 3100 0 128 751 31 973 180886 31161 84 36 10396 11 63 72 1387 5 7506 5 1>4 133 9 165 555 2 7 183512 217 2&0 3 1 500 126 154 31 276 186 597 31 3 84 84 97 12032 1 10 5 93 156 44 75263 b41 74 ?235 55910 1'Jl3 40 226352 32 000 12 3613 3059 1> 18 38 72 31 613 8560 1181 9 104963 1572 5 760 99 6 4 228 9 30 7 56302 2013 48 236652 32 50 0 121128 29934 13 144 2 31848 9625 10587 10 285 7 14 70 4 78841 64 296 9391 56706 209466 24 7233 33000 11 869 6 2 9 29 8 1 78 996 32088 8691 12 155 998 20 14005 8 03 3 1 643 76 9 4 56 5 7 1 19 2 18 2 32 2 4&8 6 1 3 3 500 11631 7 2 865? 176538 3 2335 87 5? 11 7 3 2 ?37 4 5 14 19 4 tl J 97 5 6 44 70 9533 575 43 2 28 1o 2 2 4691)4 34000 11399 0 2 804 5 17 407 4 32 58 7 88 28 11 7 1 5 8 8068 1273 7 8 3 776 64 575 9612 5 79 78 23 836 3 2 4 7 12 1 3 4 500 1 1171 4 27 44 7 171608 32 84 5 9899 114 63 850 96 121 86 95921 6 469 4 ?1,92 58 4 23 23&005 24 7330 35000 10 9 48 7 26 8 63 16Q 144 33108 89 72 10618 8202 7 1 182 7 3805€> 6 482 4 9 77 4 S88 7" :?:8 10 4 2 4 7 5 •I I) 205 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP vr ; WEIGHTED USABLE AREA (SQ. FT .) 114 . I A 119.2A 121 .1L 123 .0L 125 .ol 127.5K I 3i . 3L --------------------------------------------------4------------------------------ 5000 78609 18599 11704 132 30 68073 83555 7031 5500 83542 19343 15848 14235 70482 88363 7650 6000 882C>9 20087 20565 15193 72!1 40 92983 10057 6500 36868 20831 25857 1507-l 70328 11191 12 731 7000 83153 21575 31720 14539 o6206 87031 1 5o73 7500 91305 22319 38162 16064 71632 ?5314 1883:: 8000 90629 30010 40965 16033 70171 94392 251 71 8500 85794 38720 47242 15251 o5645 99173 28647 9000 81406 48449 54117 14533 o 16 22 8H5 7 32513 9500 76939 59194 58246 13789 57673 79690 33852 10000 7056 2 74555 70269 12690 52419 72975 34 3 18 10500 63849 78545 75392 11520 47041 65 9 40 44 964 11000 58236 82523 76216 10538 42578 6006 7 51141 11500 53646 80932 76517 9733 38944 55268 54005 12000 48136 77324 75964 8755 34 713 49538 56091 12500 45803 84841 72755 8350 32826 47089 57223 13000 42667 84222 68423 7795 30401 43824 56047 13500 38771 79786 64608 7097 27473 39786 53708 14000 35727 75796 61410 6553 25186 36632 51530 14500 31573 71747 56696 5801 22149 32343 49659 15000 28049 65919 55373 5162 19585 28716 46402 15500 26203 59767 52833 4830 18216 26807 45303 16000 24563 54629 49083 4534 17005 25113 44117 16500 23038 50436 46167 4259 15886 23539 41332 17000 21618 45361 41586 4001 14849 22074 39175 17500 20295 43264 37609 3761 13891 20712 35532 18000 19062 40398 35725 3537 13001 19443 32337 18500 17912 36796 34019 3327 12176 13260 30395 19000 16841 33988 32382 3132 11411 17160 29576 19500 15841 30108 30811 2949 10701 16134 29291 20000 15576 26811 29310 2903 10491 15857 2 7041 20500 15317 25105 27874 2857 1023 7 15586 25933 21000 15063 23588 26504 28 12 1008 8 15321 24o64 21500 14814 22175 25202 2768 ?896 15062 23539 22000 14571 20854 23961 2725 9 708 14809 22460 22500 14.333 19622 23803 2683 9526 14561 21424 23000 14100 18469 236.36 ?641 93 49 14319 21347 23500 13872 17393 23463 2601 9176 1408.3 21259 24000 13647 16387 23283 2560 900 7 13849 211b1 24500 13429 15446 23097 2521 88 44 13624 21053 25000 13214 15219 22908 2483 8684 13402 20937 25500 13004 14996 22715 2445 852 9 13184 20814 26000 12799 14776 22518 2408 83 78 12973 2 0o84 26500 12599 14560 22316 2372 8 231 12766 2054 9 27000 12401 14348 2211b 2336 808b 125C>3 20 40 6 27500 12206 14139 21911 2301 794 5 1236 2 20262 28000 12019 13935 21705 226 7 7809 12168 20112 28500 118.31 13734 21500 2232 7673 11975 19953 29000 11650 13535 21294 2200 75 43 11789 19803 29500 11469 13342 21086 2167 7414 11603 !964b 30000 11296 13151 20874 2135 7290 11425 19 484 30500 11124 1296 3 20668 2103 71.,3 1120 19 3 18 31000 10955 12780 20456 2073 7048 110 75 19155 31500 10790 12600 20250 2042 6931 10906 18985 32000 10627 12422 20038 2012 6817 1073 9 !8820 32500 10468 ~:?245 19833 19 83 6705 10575 1864 7 33000 10311 12075 19626 1954 6596 10415 18480 33500 101 5 7 11904 1941 9 1?26 6488 102 58 ll'l309 34000 10006 11 740 19213 1898 6383 10103 18137 34500 9858 11574 19007 1871 62 81 9952 !7?65 35 000 'l712 1141 6 1880 3 18 44 OJ90 ')80 3 1 77 ')1 206 REPRESEHTATIV[ GROUP VI I I WEIGHTED USA8L( AR(A (SQ. FT .) O•s 101 .311 I02.0L !04.311 109 .511 Il2.4L Il 7.I II Il7.211 118 .611 !!9 .8L I20 .0l 121.5R 12l.t>R !23.2R l24 .8R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5500 0 0 0 0 :l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9500 7!98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 8377 9757 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10500 9433 13541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11000 10444 13947 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11500 11365 14291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000 12170 14673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6728 0 0 0 0 12500 12892 15011 0 0 0 0 0 0 (l 9973 0 0 0 0 13000 13584 15265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12357 0 0 0 0 13500 14211 15476 0 0 0 0 0 1398 0 12131 0 0 0 0 14000 14315 15702 0 0 0 0 0 2089 0 11901 0 0 0 0 14500 14313 15893 0 0 0 0 0 4789 0 11746 0 0 0 0 15000 14542 15552 0 0 0 16995 0 5315 0 11588 0 0 0 0 15500 14704 15155 0 0 0 29606 0 5793 0 11396 0 0 0 0 16000 14389 15046 0 0 0 40799 0 6267 16963 11201 0 38460 0 0 16500 13981 14903 0 0 0 41798 0 6704 16650 11042 0 43493 0 0 17000 13323 14312 0 0 0 4265 7 0 7087 16332 10882 0 48092 0 0 17500 12571 13672 0 0 0 43670 0 7435 16116 10384 0 52624 0 0 18000 12224 12827 0 0 0 44578 0 7777 15897 9883 0 56830 0 0 18500 11822 11931 0 0 0 45263 0 8039 15633 9598 0 6056~ 0 0 19000 12099 11450 0 0 0 45845 0 8113 15365 93!0 0 63973 0 0 19500 12365 10939 0 0 0 46487 0 8084 15146 8766 0 67307 0 0 20000 11780 1107f' 0 0 0 47045 0 81 <12 14925 8218 6641 70378 0 9174 20500 11143 111 ·•5 0 0 0 46039 0 8268 14242 757 4 12408 70913 0 I63f'l7 21000 10991 10561 0 0 0 44874 0 80 79 13555 6927 21385 7095 7 0 28744 21500 10315 9899 135 3 0 0 44575 0 7842 13163 6542 28605 72171> 0 33042 22000 11086 9680 3171> 0 0 44178 0 7468 12768 6155 37140 73094 0 4S9 45 22500 11353 9449 5056 2562 4151 42459 0 7043 12022 6138 43961 71648 0 574 76 23000 11166 9612 6293 4719 7097 40595 0 6848 11272 6120 50321 69752 0 65336 23500 10959 9773 7651 8039 11297 38121 1778 6623 10389 5696 56079 66603 3575 723 65 24000 10745 954 7 8526 10648 14061 35493 3167 6 780 9502 5271 61081 62974 640 7 78389 2 4500 10512 9310 Q231 13712 17095 34100 5240 6931 8974 5091 66066 6!373 10656 34371 25000 !0651 9072 9770 16115 19051 32614 6764 6606 8443 4910 68777 59484 13822 87444 25500 10786 8824 10142 18335 20627 33043 8513 6252 8420 4937 69393 61013 174 7 1 87873 26000 11025 8892 10488 20324 21830 33455 9802 6170 8396 4965 67594 62499 201?6 85281 26500 11263 8958 10468 22035 22661 31598 I0949 6076 7815 4799 64266 596 75 22639 30811 27000 11196 9110 10151 23737 23434 29652 11936 6232 7232 4631 5872 9 5 65 75 24 763 73620 27500 11121 9262 9524 24622 23388 29033 12745 6337 6985 4468 5235 9 55930 26523 65449 28000 10890 9165 8740 24763 22680 28373 13540 6287 6738 4305 46606 5515 7 28258 58105 28500 10646 9064 7724 24053 21281 28897 13867 6175 6776 429 7 41179 56661 29017 51213 29000 11596 8838 6670 22810 19529 29417 13784 6059 6814 4290 36780 5815! 28914 45639 29500 10356 8606 5760 20797 17257 28772 13244 5933 6586 4325 32599 5731 7 27345 40365 30000 10303 9338 4944 18503 !4903 28093 12434 bOll 6357 4360 28701 56375 2t>JQ9 35467 30500 10248 8308 42 ?5 16439 12869 27408 11231 609") 6 134 4279 25096 553;)6 237I2 30955 31000 10193 8236 3707 !4500 11046 26691 9906 6239 5910 4!98 2214 7 542 96 20953 272 70 3!500 10136 8164 3182 12931 9597 26929 9730 6379 5900 406 2 19851 55!27 18498 24403 32000 10080 8093 2716 !!US 8284 27159 7642 6347 5891 3925 !7931 55936 16220 22009 32500 !0023 9023 2342 10064 7111 27654 6766 6310 5939 4227 16205 57285 14385 !9961 33000 9966 7954 2052 9 790 6068 28147 5948 6!85 598 7 3735 !48 74 58631 12665 18204 33500 9908 7885 1914 7749 5232 27886 5!97 6052 58 77 3676 !3542 58396 1 108 2 11>552 34000 9766 7818 1606 6938 4585 27608 4512 659(1 5766 3619 12837 58 108 9634 !5671 34500 960 9 7750 1444 6262 4053 26952 3955 5897 5579 3564 I 1944 57005 3 456 14441 35000 9472 7619 12 ~0 5654 3597 26272 3523 san 5392 3510 1118 4 ~582Q ~5 41 13t-21 207 REPRESENTATIVE GROUP vI I I WEIGHTED USA8L( AREA (SQ . FT .) Cl•s 12~.6R 128 .4A 132.5L !3S.OR 135.1R 144 .0" 14S .bA 14b .bl -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !) 5500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~500 0 3146 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 6738 0 0 0 0 0 0 10500 0 9992 0 0 0 0 0 0 11000 0 13021 0 0 0 0 0 0 11500 0 15804 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000 0 18309 0 0 0 0 0 0 12500 0 20589 0 0 0 0 0 0 13000 0 22737 0 0 0 0 0 0 13500 0 24705 0 0 0 0 0 0 14000 0 25678 0 0 0 0 0 0 14500 0 26359 0 0 0 0 0 0 15000 0 27388 23720 0 0 0 0 0 15500 0 28238 24366 0 0 0 0 0 16000 0 28104 24924 0 0 0 0 0 16500 0 27720 25566 0 0 0 0 0 17000 0 26 7 67 26142 0 0 0 0 0 17500 0 25558 26583 0 0 0 0 0 18000 0 25121 26960 0 0 0 0 0 18500 0 24530 27368 0 0 0 0 0 19000 0 25329 27724 0 0 0 0 0 19500 0 26095 27155 0 0 0 0 0 20000 0 25045 26489 0 0 0 0 0 20500 0 23853 26330 0 4610 0 0 0 21000 0 23677 26112 0 8494 0 0 0 21500 0 23135 25109 0 14471 0 15056 0 22000 0 24152 24019 0 19169 0 26407 0 22500 0 24860 22565 0 24680 9070 43063 0 23000 0 24569 21018 0 29001 11289 51 953 0 23500 0 24221 20200 12255 32997 13726 68186 0 24000 0 23847 19325 21903 36556 15296 77615 0 24500 0 23423 19595 36341 39620 16561 85762 0 2500U 0 23922 19934 47035 42665 17529 92559 0 25500 0 24209 19737 59335 44239 18195 97906 0 26000 0 24829 17587 69470 44476 18815 103092 0 26500 10403 25444 17223 76627 43182 13779 104702 0 27000 18417 25370 16934 83699 40934 18210 103253 684 27500 30296 25271 17147 89515 37305 17086 98468 1196 28000 39909 24914 17459 95247 33177 15690 91794 1944 29500 48705 24323 17078 97689 29464 13856 8235 7 2469 29000 54276 26559 16676 97235 25977 11966 72174 3061 29500 58765 23776 16271 935U 23157 10332 63217 3475 30000 62194 23707 15847 87928 20487 8969 5501b 3932 30500 64563 23632 15989 79511 18006 7705 48U3 41 27 31000 66763 23555 16127 70201 15720 6651 42363 4359 31500 66634 23471 16421 61927 13852 5709 36926 4581 32000 64616 23397 16715 54259 12399 4972 31916 464~ 32500 60629 23297 16561 49095 11194 4201 27759 4574 33000 55639 23207 16396 42309 10096 3682 24613 4357 33500 49166 23112 16007 36997 9256 3254 22004 4057 34000 42459 22919 15603 32144 8417 2890 19692 3636 34500 36664 22488 16?49 28197 797 1 25?1 17906 3183 35000 31470 22201 15097 25132 7347 2314 16158 27 85 208 REPR[SENTATIVE GROUP I X WEIGHTED USABLE AREA ( Sll. FT. ) O•s 101 . 5l 104 .0R 105 .7R 108 .9L 109 .4R 11l.OR 113.<lR 117.7L 127.111 128 .3R 12<l.3L 129.8R 131.2R !35 .0L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5000 42266 26738 9799 9604 35604 26124 3650 5414 ?83b 20B58 5!30 16 356 5132 S819 5500 45704 27654 8792 8645 36716 27230 329 7 5943 ?411 20024 46 7'1 14645 5339 ~910 6000 51398 29959 9216 9087 39677 29801 3476 6560 10409 222 0 7 49 76 15322 5916 9452 6500 56015 31625 9084 8978 41790 31690 3444 7140 10741 229 64 ~'l oS 1507 6 63 16 ·nn 7000 59394 32619 8517 8437 43017 32899 3245 7562 10479 22445 4711 14113 658 1 <1 927 7500 62802 33664 8213 8153 44315 34151 3143 7?88 10465 22443 45 '~0 135<lJ 6853 100 86 8000 62478 32777 8504 8458 43076 33426 3267 7940 111 77 24007 4798 14054 672 7 <16 79 8500 68927 35471 9011 8976 46546 36346 3474 8753 12176 26132 5127 14:173 73 33 10334 9000 81895 41418 9556 9535 54275 42625 3696 10393 13241 28501 5480 15756 862 1 I 1917 9500 79223 39439 8970 8963 51616 40752 H80 10048 12715 273?3 5131 14774 325 9 11216 10000 81258 39873 9366 9372 52123 41353 3644 10300 13556 29229 544 7 I 5411 8398 112 16 10500 81014 31230 9095 9113 51225 40827 354? 10264 1341 9 28754 5323 1495 2 8306 10 92 2 11000 79897 39220 9378 9408 49854 39902 3668 10118 14084 30407 5520 15403 8131 1053 8 11500 76129 36007 9134 9174 46922 37705 3581 9637 13945 30125 540 7 14 990 76 96 ?:1 37 12000 72614 33985 8809 8857 44247 35697 3462 9189 1365!> 29517 5241 14446 7295 9204 12500 69583 32249 9542 9603 41949 33953 3758 8802 15005 32450 5705 15636 6949 3661 13000 76884 35305 9477 9548 45888 37264 3740 9723 15106 32681 5693 15520 763 7 ?407 13500 75886 34547 9909 9992 44867 36550 3918 9594 15994 34619 5979 1621 7 7500 7136 14000 79159 35745 10652 10751 46389 37902 4219 10005 17399 37673 6454 17421 7796 9385 14500 78195 35039 9112 9204 45442 37232 3615 9981 15051 32602 5543 14993 7657 9 136 15000 77524 34487 9503 9607 44696 36719 3777 9793 15865 343 77 5803 15523 7559 893 2 15500 79356 35060 10092 10210 45409 37401 4017 10023 17019 36388 6184 16476 7707 9023 16000 75938 33331 10998 111 J5 43143 35621 4385 9589 18725 40599 6763 17945 7347 8525 16500 72585 31661 11121 11267 40958 33896 4440 9163 19108 41442 6861 18136 6997 S0 50 17000 70341 30501 9857 9994 39435 32709 3941 8878 17086 37065 6101 16068 6759 77 11 17500 73635 31749 10927 11097 41026 34102 4375 9292 19099 41443 6784 17804 705 1 79 :)3 18000 72743 31195 11485 11660 40290 33559 4604 9178 20235 4391<1 7152 19 705 6944 7302 18500 6?665 29721 12406 12603 38366 32020 4980 8789 22024 47314 774 7 20195 663 1 737 5 19000 77678 32975 12248 12449 42547 35576 4922 9798 21903 47561 7669 1992<1 7373 81 6 ~ 19500 78429 33135 12329 12539 42734 3:)798 4961 9891 22203 48223 77 40 200~2 7424 3 16J 20000 79160 33291 11924 12133 42915 36014 4803 9982 21620 46965 7505 1<1395 74 73 8 163 20500 79873 33443 11839 12054 43093 36225 4774 10070 2160 7 46946 74 70 19240 7522 <ll o3 21000 93737 39082 11672 11890 50337 42385 4712 11817 21436 46583 7382 18 96 1 8806 9 408 21500 95878 39811 12196 12430 51256 43227 4929 12035 22534 439 73 7731 17805 8?36 ·Jo 3 3 22000 99157 4 . 2804 13056 52779 44581 5179 12497 23796 51 730 8135 20 785 9273 988 2 22500 101772 4193 2 13045 13308 53944 45634 5282 12925 24391 53011 8306 2116? 9 4?7 10063 23000 103016 42288 13492 13771 54382 46071 5469 12980 25355 55137 9609 2198 7 9593 1010 8 23500 103785 42452 14394 14698 54574 46299 5939 13076 27194 59145 9203 23343 9646 101 0 8 24000 104771 42708 14896 15208 54883 46625 6044 t::il ?9 2826 9 61492 9537 24134 9 719 101 3 1 24500 106452 43249 15007 15333 55559 47262 6099 13409 28641 6230? 76 33 243 22 '135 6 1022 1 25000 108369 43885 15045 15392 56357 49003 6119 13649 28951 62 77 4 9675 24 37 5 10015 1033 4 25500 111957 45196 14915 15256 58022 49483 6071 14100 29736 62532 960 9 2415 7 1032 9 1060 6 26000 121576 48929 14908 15255 62795 53619 6074 15310 28854 62 798 <1622 24 140 11197 11 44 2 26500 124291 49969 14692 15040 63982 54698 5990 15649 2856 2 62 169 ~4 99 237 83 114 23 11623 2 7000 126023 50423 14852 15209 64673 55353 6060 15867 2899 6 63121 96 18 2 ~035 1156 9 ; I 71 4 27500 128497 51269 150?5 15464 65739 56328 6164 161 77 29595 64432 97 12 244 22 11773 118 72 28000 129253 51430 14665 15028 65927 56552 5993 16271 28868 6285 7 9528 23 7 19 1182 9 118 72 29500 1:!9997 51589 14189 14546 66112 56772 5803 16363 28043 61068 9234 229 45 118fl0 118 72 29000 128735 50956 13627 13974 65283 56119 5576 16203 27036 59880 8891 22029 1 I 748 1169 1 29500 126497 49944 13358 13703 63970 5504 7 5470 15920 26603 5 7943 8 7 19 21589 115 27 11425 30000 124096 48876 13683 14041 62585 53909 5607 15617 27350 5?5 75 8944 221 09 1120 3 1 I 14 8 30500 122724 482 19 15455 15965 61729 53224 ~338 1544 3 31004 6 7543 lOllS 24%7 111 54 10'1 1)7 31000 120303 47158 15102 15507 60355 52089 196 15137 30401 66235 9900 24390 10920 10 6 Qb 31500 119119 46587 14660 15059 59610 51494 6019 1498 7 29614 64526 9624 23672 10 77 9 105 33 32000 119706 46712 14817 15224 59756 51668 6087 15060 30030 65437 9740 23919 10838 10538 32500 117961 45931 lUIS 14916 58743 50839 5926 14840 29311 638 79 9488 23265 10668 10334 33000 116444 45244 13796 14184 57851 50110 5675 14648 28144 61338 <1093 2226 2 10518 10153 33500 114900 44551 13348 13727 56953 49374 5493 14453 27313 59533 8303 2 153 3 10 367 9?72 34000 113067 43751 12983 13355 55918 49517 5346 14222 26648 58088 8578 20941 10 190 ?71;,9 34500 111206 42?45 12660 13026 54976 47653 5216 1398 7 26063 5681 7 8 3 75 2041 5 !001 1 ·1S o5 35000 110108 42439 12 2 411 12 6 0 7 54217 4 711 Q 504<l 13 R4!1 2 52'10 5 5 137 I'l l ! 3 [0 748 ·lon :c> '1 4 3(] 209 REPRESE~TATIVE GROUP I X WEIGHTED USABLE AREA (S Q. FT.) O•s 139.2R 141.2R 141.3R 14 2.3 R 144.2L 141.1L ----------------------------------------------------- 5000 13200 4047 10355 23024 51176 14170 5500 12066 3792 9599 21097 45788 12787 6000 12855 4125 9932 22502 473 73 13454 6500 12952 4199 9673 22531 46140 13305 7000 12205 4049 8972 21424 42794 12513 7500 11906 4002 8566 20923 40857 12101 9000 12459 4238 8787 21914 41 9 14 12561 8500 13326 4582 9230 23462 44027 13340 9000 14257 4949 9710 25122 4631 7 14178 9500 13491 4724 9046 23791 43147 13335 10000 14193 5010 9378 25046 44732 13'H9 10500 13879 4935 9046 24509 43147 13570 11000 14404 5156 9267 25451 44203 14014 11500 14116 5085 8972 24956 42 79 4 13671 12000 13692 4961 8603 24219 41033 13204 12500 14912 5432 9267 26390 44203 14322 13000 14998 5451 9156 26360 43675 14245 13500 15643 5754 9526 27709 45436 14912 14000 16993 6242 10190 29934 48606 16049 14500 14514 5386 8676 25729 41396 13744 15000 15201 5663 9009 26957 42971 14350 15500 16207 6060 9526 28751 45436 15255 16000 17730 6654 10338 31463 49310 16641 16500 17994 6776 10412 31942 49663 16843 17000 16006 6047 9193 29422 43951 14943 17 ~00 17804 6747 101~3 31623 48430 16590 1800 0 19774 7135 10633 33355 50719 17442 18500 20342 7753 11446 36152 54594 18856 19000 20143 7698 11261 3!.807 53713 1S630 19500 20335 7792 11298 36157 53889 18767 20000 19722 7576 10892 35076 51952 18164 20500 19636 7561 10791 34930 51424 1804<l 21000 19409 7491 10596 34534 50543 1 7806 21500 20332 7864 11039 36184 52657 18618 22000 21398 9295 11556 38089 55122 19559 22500 21853 8489 117 41 39907 56003 19<140 23000 22655 8917 12110 40342 57764 20636 23500 24224 9446 12985 43144 61462 22029 24000 25108 9809 13292 44726 6JJ99 227?7 24500 25365 9928 13365 45193 63751 22995 25000 25491 9991 13365 45407 63751 23065 25500 25312 9941 13218 45113 63047 22878 26000 25351 9973 13181 45190 62871 22831 4:6500 25031 9863 12959 44626 61814 22561 27000 25350 10004 13070 t5201 62343 2281 7 27500 25812 10202 13255 46032 63223 <:3202 28000 25120 9943 12849 44806 61286 22552 28500 24348 9652 12405 43435 591 73 21831 29000 23422 9298 11889 41789 56707 20975 29500 22999 9142 11630 41038 55474 20571 30000 2359~ 9391 11889 42108 56707 21030 30500 26695 10639 13402 476 46 63927 23822 31000 26124 10424 13070 46633 62343 23286 31500 25399 10148 12664 45345 60405 22615 32000 25708 10283 12775 45901 60934 22866 32500 25047 10031 12405 4472 7 59173 22255 33000 24007 9625 11952 42873 56531 21308 33500 23258 9335 11446 41541 54594 20623 34000 22653 9103 1111.3 40465 :;3009 2006 7 34500 22119 8899 10918 39515 51600 19575 35000 21429 8629 1044 9 38286 49839 18946 210