HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS561DRAFT ALASKA PARTICULATES CRITERIA REVIEW Laurence A. Peterson Gar~y E. Nichols Nancy 8. Hernrning Jawes ~ J,U_aspell L.A. PETERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Fairbanks, Alaska Prepared For State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Dan Easton, ProJect Manager REVIEW D RAi=T '0"3/.0'3/ 85 - - - I~ - - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Alasl-'.a of c•:mtracted L.A. Peterson & Associates, Inc. to conduct a study of Alaska's water particulates The comprehensive intent of the study was to: (1) Review pertinent literature to determine state-of-the- art measurement technology, physical/chemical effects, and biological effects of particulates. <2> Compile and assess particulates criteria from other states and Canadian provinces and territories and comj:llle U.S. Environmental l=lrotect icrn .AgerH:y g•.~oi.del111.es and requirements for j:larticulates criteria. <3) Evaluate the adequacy and scientific merit of existing Alaska criteria for particulates. <4) Assess the potential for using parameters other than t1.1rbidity, suspended and settleable solids, percentage accumulation of fines in spawning gravels. (5) Propose new j:lil.rticulatas criteria if scientific evidence supports this action. The investigation was limited to the problems of water pol h1t ion resulting from particulates and the direct and indir•ct methods for measuring particulates. A compreh eY1S i ve literature review was performed to document the effects of particulates on various water uses. Background information regarding particulate measurement techniques, water quality, and aquatic ecology apcears in Sectiori 2.0. Section 3.0 summarizes . REVIEW DRAFT '3/03/65 PAGC: L ARLIS Alaska Resources v Information Services . , ·. tra~. Alaska particulates criteria used in water quality standards and guide- lines throughout the United States and Canada. Alaska's particulates criteria are r~ev i ewed <Section 4.0) and the potential use of parameters other than turbidity, ~uspended and settleable solids, and percentage accumulation of fines in spawn1ng gravels are discussed in Section 5.0. Recommended changes to Alaska's criteria to irtsure that Alaska's particulates criteria are supportable and based on the best available information are presented in Section 6.0. 2.0 COMPARISON OF ALASKA CRITERIA TO OTHER STATES AND CANADA Other than Alaska, 33 states have quartt it at ive ttJrbidity cr1teri.a for at least some water uses. Among the 20 states having cold water systems similar to Alaska and r'll..lmer ica 1 criteria for' turoidity, the criteria are numerically equal to .. or more stringent than Alaska's. Turbidity criteria for lakes are comparaole. Quantitative turbidity criteria in Canada are coMparable •:Jf fish criter~ion point for to Alaska critaria for racraation and the propagation and wildlife. Tha U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fQr turbidity and solids pertains to the compensation photosynthatic activity. Of the 14 states with turbidity standards for marine water, seven employ quantitative criteria. sol ids levels. Only four statas othar than Alaska currently Of tha remaining states, 17 have ganaral narrativa statements addressing these paramatars. Alaska is tha only state with critaria controlling the .accumulation of sadimants •• a maKimum pareentaga by weight •:Jf spawning bad gravals. Currently, thara ara no water quality standards for suspended and settleable solids in Canadian provinces and territories. REVIEW DRAFT ~/09/65 PAGEl( . ~ -' - -· -· - - - -· - - - 0 c.o .q 0') c.o .q 0 0 0 3.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER SUPPLIES The amount of particulates allowable in raw water supplies depends on the type and degree of treatment used to produce finished water. An excellent source of water requiring only disinfection would have a turbidity of 0 to 10 units. A good source of water supply ra~uiring usual treatment wo~1ld have a turbidity of drinking water and finished 10 to a~o units. For disinfection purposes, rdw sources should be limited to 5 turbidity units, water should have a maximum limit of 1 turbidity the water enters tha distribution system. Most where people find water with 5 or more turbidity units obJectionable. The water ~uality requirements for particulates varies among industrial uses. At one extreme, rayon manufacture requires water with· only 0.3 turbidity units, wheraas water use~.for cooling can have up to ~0 turbidity units. Most other industrial usas re~uira maximum turbidity levels within this range. Placer mining is one industry where water containing turbidity or suspended solids levels significantly higher than 50 units may be acceptable. 4.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR RECREATION The noticeable threshold for water contact recreation is 10 turbidity units and the limiting threshold is ~0 units. The suggested maximum turbidity limit for Canadian contact recreational w•t•r ~uality is ~0 turbidity units and the minimum Secchi disk visibility depth is 1.2 meters. The noticeable threshold for boating and aasthetic usas is 20 turbidity units • There is apparently no level found in surface water that is likely to impada thase usas, although many people prefer clear ~ water conditions. Fishing succass is reduced where turbidity is ~ ~ greatar than about 25 units. ~) ("') REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'9185 PAGE iii , 5.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR BIOTA A large body of experimental data exist regarding the effects of fine sediment deposition on salmonid eggs in natural and laboratory stream gravels. By comparison, only limited numer1cal data are available regard1ng the effects of sediment on fish emergence time and population changes. The percentage of fines and level of spawning gravel embeddedness ~re critical factors to developing eggs and emerging fry. I r• genera 1, sal rnon, trout, and char egg survival and emergence success are adversely affected when the fraction of fine sediment exceeds 20 pet•cent. Although the critical particle si%e is highly variable among species, sediment smaller than 3 mm in diameter appears to be the most deleterious to fish egg survival, emergence success, A number of investigators empha~i%e· the deleterious effect of particles smaller· than 1 mm in spawn~ng gravels. In addition, it is generally recogni%ed that deposited sediments smother fish eggs and benthic macroinvertebrates by blanketing the substrate. The adverse impacts of a wide range of suspended solids and turbidity levels have been reported for a diversity of aquatic plamts, macroinvertebrates, devel,~pmer.t. Research has environmental conditions for results are often expressed and various stages of fish been conducted ur•der a variety of d i fferant lengths of time and the in different units of measure. In many instances, th• data presented in on• investigation either do not support or cannot be readily compared to the results of other investigations. An organism's level of sensitivity to suspended solids is dictatad by its age, specias, relative mobi 1 ity, feeding and reproductive habits, tha season, the size and nature of the . sadimant, the duration of exposure, the general health and stress level of the individual, and the degree and d~ration to which the individual was previously expo;:,sed. Furt het•m.;:,re, an individual's level of susceptibility depend$ to some degree upon its origin. For instance, one REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGEt¥ - - - ~ ~ - - - r - - investigator corts i derab 1 y indicates that hatchery-raised coho salmon are more sensitive to suspended solids than are wild coho. do not Moreover, the results derived from laboratory experiments necessarily reflect field conditions be6ause of the stress factors involved and because many organisms possess innate adaptation capabilities in response to changes in their environment. These variables are not always presented in the literature. It is relatively common to find the results from one particular study cited in three or more literature reviews. Upon reviewing the original document, it appears that some of the data have been presented without discussing other pertinent factors. ConseQuently, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions concerning the impact of a specific suspended solids concentration or turbidity level on a particular species or age class of organism. With these limitations in mind, the following summary statements are made co~cerning the effect~ of suspended solids and turbidity on freshwater aqu~tic organisms. Lethal suspended solids concentrations vary widely depending on the species and duration of •~posure. Arctic grayling can survive high concentrations (10,000 mg/L) of suspended solids but not extremely high concentrations <2~0,000 m;/L) for a few days. High levels of turbidity (up to 8200 NTU) appear to have no adverse effect on grayling survival. Rainbow trout are capable suspended mortality several of withstanding 30 to 90 ppm of certain types of solids for several months bYt suffer significant <~0 percent> at levels greater than 100 mg/L for weeks. At extremely nigh levels of suspended solids (160,000 mg/L), rainbow trout suffer total mortality in 1 day. Total egg mortality may occur at much lower concentrations (less than or eQual to 2~00 mg/L) in less than a ~eek. The amount of sediment required to cause ~0 percent mortal1ty in JUVenile coho salmon in 4 days is much higher in November <35,000 pprn) than in August ClZOO ppm). Chum salmon egg survival is decreased by about half wh•n suspended solids levels are in~reased from 97 to 111 mg/L. RE'v'IEW DRAFT 9/09/8~ PAGE V In general, salmonid feeding, growth, reproduction, and behavior are not significantly affected by turbidity levels less than 25 mg/L. at 35 NTU or suspended solids concentrations less than 30 An exception is the cutthroat trout, which c~ases feeding ppm suspended solids. With one exception, there is no indication that suspended solids concentrations less than SO mg/L have any adverse affect on salmonid gill or fin tissues, or respiratory functions. In one instance, an in ~i~Y concentration of 34 mg/L produced moderate to marked gill hypertrophy and hyperplasia in Arctic grayling in 5 days. Furthermore, suspended may be stressful to 1 eve l s. solids concentrations as low as 50 mg/L grayling, as indic•ted by blood glucose Algal-based productivity may begin to be reduced at turbidity levels greater-than about 5-NTU in ~-trearns and lak-~s. Ror.:•ted aquatic plants may be absent at suspended sol ids concer1trations greater than 200 mg/L. Benthic macroinvertebrate populations may be adversely affected by suspensions of 40 mg/L or more and zooplankton may be harmed by more than sa mg/L suspended solids. Lethal and sub-lethal effects of sediments have been determined for a diversity of marine organisms. Numerical data pertain primarily to the effects of suspended solids and turbidity as opposed to sediments deposited on the bottom. Much of the work done in the marine system involves estuarine invertebrates. With few exceptions, marine invertebrates are rnore tolerant of high suspended sol ids concentrations tharr are anadromous fish and freshwater invertebrates. Primary production has been reduced at turbidity levels of 41 JTU near offshore mining activity. However, mixing and ~ilution limited the eKtent to which pr1mary ~roduction was reduced by localized or temporary sediment increases. The let Mal sus;:~ended solids concentration for adult bivalves, REVIEW DRAFT 9/0S/85 PAGE VI - - - - - crustaceans, tunicates, and polychaetes is in all instances greater than 400 mg/L and in most cases greater than 1500 mg/L. The survival of a ~ariety of estuarine fish eggs and. larvae is not reduced by suspended solids concentrations iess than 100 mg/L. However, the feeding rate of larval herring is significantly reduced at 20 mg/L. Tha sub-lethal effects of suspended solids and turbidity on mollusks are quite variable. The feeding rate of some oysters is unaffected at 100 to 700 ppm turbidity. Some clams cease feeding at 1000 JTU. The water pumping rate of the American ,;:,yster is 101) mg/L. significantly The feeding reduced at concentrations greater than rate of the mollusk ~~~eig~l~ sp. is significantly reduced at 200 mg/L. Clam eggs develop normally in silt suspensions of 3000 mg/L, whereas American oyster eggs are affected by. silt concentrations as low as 166 mg/L. Seed scallops exhibit elevated respiration rates at 250 mg/L or greater. The mussel !!!~ti.l~~ sp. is well adapted to silt concentrations up to SO mg/L. The shell growth of certain gastropods is decreased when natural suspended solids are increased to 250 mg/L. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 1. The level of protection afforded by the existing Alaska particulates criteria for the designated water uses is generally supported by scientific data. However, a number of proposed modifications to the existing criteria have been made to attain the best criteria based on information presented in this report. Use categories for which turbidity criteria have been retained include industrial water su~ply and contact and secondary recreation in fresh water. Under the proposed criteria, no distinction is Mada between lakes and streams for recreational uses. The turbidity criteria for drinking water supply, growtn and pro~agation of a~uatic organisms, and contact REVIEW ORAFT '3/!)'3/65 P1=IGS: Vlf and seccn'"Jdary recreation in marine water~ are amerrded t•::. allow variable increases in turbidity within specified ranges. It is pr-·:• P•:•sed tha·t the exis·tir1g t•.Lr'bidity and sediment cr-iteria be deleted fOt' certain use categories becaiJSe: (l) There is nc• eviderec:e t•::. s•.1pport their validity, or < 2) other cr-iteria ay-e J'-ldged to be more appropriate for the stated use category. It is proposed that the existing turbidity criteria be deleted for seafood processing, industrial water supply in maril"1e waters, harvesting for consumption of raw mollusks or other aquatic life, water·s. and aquaculture in both fresh and marine The sediment criteria for agriculture, seafood processing, drink1ng water supply, and industrial supplies <fresh and marine water) are amended to include statements addressiri~ suspended and settleable solids. The existing sediment criteria for aquaculture and . growth and propagation of aquatic biota have been rewritten to include numerical suspended solids and settleable solids criteria for both fresh and marina waters. Additionally, the allowable percentage accumulation of fines in spawning gravel is reduced for the growth and propagation of aquatic biota in fresh water. A new criterion for settleable solids is proposed for the harvesting of raw mollusks and other aq1.1atic life. It is proposed that sediment criteria be deleted for contact and secondary recreation in both fresh and marine waters. a. Ah.ska categories: cl..lrrantly tl..lrbidity employs particulates criteria for two and sediment. The sediment category includes criteria for total suspended solids, settleable solids, and the percentage accuml..llation of fines in spawning bed gravel. Criteria for these fol..lr parameters are adequate for the protection of all water usa categories in Alaska. It was determined that the percentage acc~mulation of fines in spawning gravel is a difficult parameter to me~sure. Her.ce, it is r•ec:•:•mrnended that se·t·tleable solids criteria be used as ti;e REVtEW DRAFT 3/09/85 PAGE VIII ~I - - P"' I - primary method to limit the accumulation of fines in spawning gravel. Actual measurement of the percentage accumulation of fines by weight can be used as a secondary method at the Depa r .. t ment' s d i sc:ret ion. ~- 3. Set t 1 ea b l e aquatic biota solids have direct and detrimental effects on and habitat by smothering fish eggs, alevins, and invertebrates, reducing intergravel flow, and by coating aquatic vegetation, thus reducing the potential for photosynthesis. Solids in suspension can cause invertebrate drift, cause fish to avoid previously usable habitat, prevent fish from seeing their prey, and cause physical damage such as gill irritation to fish. The lethal tolerance of salmonids and other a~uatic organisms to suspended solids appears to be relatively high. In most instances, sublethal effects occur at Much lower concentrations. Turbidity prevents the growth and photosynt~e­ sis of green plants and can also cause fish to avoid otherwise -suitable habitat and prevent them from seeing their prey. 4. Gravimetric techniques represent a mora accurate measure of the affects of suspended solids on aquatic biota while optical measurements may be more appropriate for photosynthetic or aesthetic purposes. 5. Sed irner1t is, surface water. by volume, the greatest single pollutant of The transport and deposition of natural sediments is often related to local storm events and stage of hydrograph. The fate of man-induced sediments differs from natural sediments in that the former is not necessarily ass•:.ciated with or dependent upon fluctuations in runoff. In some instances man-caused magnitude, duration, and sediment fre~uency inputs than are greater in natural inputs. Furthermore, with natr..tral the timing of man-caused inputs may be out of phase occurrences. Consequently, the ultimate fate of man-caused •adiments may be different than natural sediments. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/S~ PAGE lX Also, the sequence of artificial sediment lc•adirtg may ind1..1ce abnormal behavioral responses in resident and anadromous fish. 6. Because many investigators have not adh~red to the definition of turbidity and instrument design specification applied by §1sn9sr9--M~~bgg~ __ fgr __ 1b~-s~sm1ns1~gn_gf_~s1~r-sn9 ~s§!§~s~.@r, there is a significant amo1.tnt •jf variability in the way turbidity is mRas~rea and reported. This factor makes it extremely difficult to assess and compare the effects of turbidity on various water uses. Common sour~es of error 1n turbidity measurements include the ~ollection of representative samples in the field, extraction of subsamples, dilution technique, and reporting data to the ~orrect number of signifi~ant figures. Although it is recognized that turbidity measurements may be diffi~ult to evaluate, turbidity is the most applicable of th• potential optical p&rama~ars for w1despr~ad •.tse in Alaska. 7. The standard te~hnique for measuring total suspended solid$ is routine to perform undRr laboratory conditions and the results are relatively exact. Common sour~as of error include those associated with field sampling techniques and the extraction suspensions of of subsamples. Alternative methods for measuring sediment poss•ss limitations that preclude their widespread application. a. Under limited conditions turbidity may be effectively used to estimate susp•nded solids ~oncentrations. Thera is, however, no single expression which relates turbidity and sus~ended solids on a regional or u~iversal basis. Th• development of any predictive relationship between thes• parameters should be on a d~ainage basin basis rather than a st•tewide bas••· Any a~parent correlation should be a~companied by a rigorous artalysis associated oF the with data the and include ~orrelat ic•n. · · a ~tatement of the error In addition to treat1ng the REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE X ~I .~ - - - ~· - - - '~ - - - data collectively, regression an~lyses should include calcula- tions of coefficients of determination and confidence limits for data in the low, medium, and high ranges. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE XI - - - - - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS a.o COMPARISON OF ALASKA CRITERIA TO OTHE~ STATES AND CANADA 3.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER SUPPLIES 4.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR RECREATION 5.0 PARTICULATES REQUIREMENTS FOR BIOTA 6.0 CONCLUSIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 2.2 WATER QUALITY 2.2. 1 Fresh Water 2.2.2 Marine 2.3 AQUATIC ECOLOGY 2.3.1 Fresh Water 2.3.2 Marine ~.4 REFERENCES 3.0 PARTICULATE CRITERIA 3. 1 STATES 3.2 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 3.3 CANADIAN PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES 3.4 REFERENCES i i i i i i i iii iv vii ><ii ><iv ><Y 1 13 13 17 19 21 21 29 34 36 ~.0 ADEQUACY AND SCIENTIFIC MERIT OF ALASKA CRITERIA 38 4.1 ALASKA CRITERIA 3S 4.2 DEMONSTRATED EFFECTS OF PARTICULATES 42 4.2. 1 W•t•r Supply 42 4.2.2 Recr•ation ~5 4.2.3 Biota 47 E~••o-~~t•~ 47 ~·~iD! 65 4.3 SUGGESTED CRITERIA FROM THE LITERATURE 76 4.3.1 Wat•r Supply 76 4.3.2 Recr••tion 77 ~.3.3 Biota 77 gr1~§ri~_!sr_§8gim~n~_in_1b~-~~~~r-~glgmn 77 ~ri~~ri~_!gr_§~91m~n~-~-~2-~1~9_gn_1o~ §y~~~r§~~ so 4.4 REFERENCES S1 REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/83 PAGE )(II TABLE OF CONTENTS continued 5.0 POTENTIAL USE OF OTHER PARAMETERS 5. 1 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TURBIDITY AND SUSPENDED SOLIDS 5.2 WATER COLUMN MEASUREMENTS 5.3 SUBSTRATE MEASUREMENTS 5.4 REFERENCES S.O PROPOSED PARTICULATES CRITERIA G. 1 INTRODUCTION 5.Z PROPOSED CRITERIA S.3 REFERENCES APPENDIX A: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES--FRESH WATER APPENDIX B: GENERAL LITERATURE--FRESH WATER APPENDIX C: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES--MARINE APPENDIX D: GENERAL LITE~ATURE--MARINE REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/65 PAGE )(111 '30 90 101 104 105 10'3 10'3 110 127 A-1 B-1 c.~1 D-r - - - - - - - - - - - LIST OF TABLES J-1 Turbid1ty Criteria for U~ited St~tas ~nd Canada~ 3-2 S•.lspended and Settleable Sol ids Cr~i"ter~ia fol~ the United States and Canada 4-1 Effects of Settled Solids and Fines on SalMonid 30 Mortality &nd Survival SS 4-2 Miscellaneous Effects of Settled Solids and Fines 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 •:.n Salnlonids Effects of Suspended Solids and Turbidity on Salmonid Survival and Mortality Miscellaneous Effects of Suspended Solids and Turbidity on AQuatic Biota Survival and Mortality of Marine Organisms Miscellaneous Effects on Marine Ogranisms ~-1 Correlations Between Turbidity and Suspended Solida Concentrations 6-1 Water Uses and Parameters for Which Standards Must be 5'3 60 61 71 73 '36, Established to Meat Water Quality ObJectives 111 -- LIST OF FIGURES 5-1 Corr•lations Satwaan Turbidity and Suspended Solids Concentrations REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE XIV '38 -' - 1.0 INTRODUCTION Tne federal Water Pollution Control Act &s amended in 1972, ,- Public l-aw 92-eoo, was modified and renamed the Clltan Water Act in 1977. This Act reQuired all states to adopt standards of Quality to protect their waters for specific uses. In Alaska, the water Quality standards are the responsibility of the Department of Environmental Conservation <ADEC>. Except in a faw special cases, fresh must meet all standards the uses shown below. and marine surface waters in Alaska designed to protect water Quality for The exceptions are noted in the 198e water Quality standards which indicate that all w•ter bodies in Alaska except the lower Chena River and Nolan Creek and all its tributaries excluding Acme Creek are classified for all u•••· Et:•!lh!!At•t:-Ya•a + Drinking, including cooking and food processing + Agriculture <irrigation and stock watering> + Aquaculture + Industry <mining, pulp milling, etc.> + Contact recreation <swimming, wading, bathing, etc.> + Secondary recr••tion <boating, hiking, camping, etc.> + Growth and propagation of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic life §A!t!!At•t:-Yatta + Seafood processing + Harvesting of clams or other aquatic life + Aquaculture + Industry <other than seafood processing> + Contact recreation (swimming, wading, bathing, etc.> + Secondary recreation <boating, hiking, camping, etc.> + Growth and propagation of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic life REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/Se PAGE 1 Associated with each use a~e c~ite~ia fo~ diffe~ent wat•~ \ quality pa~amete~s. Fo~ eKample, d~inkin; wate~ quality c~ite~ia s~ecify limits on bacte~ial contamination, colo~, tempe~atu~e, tu~bidity, and sediment, as well as oth•~ ~-~•met•~•· The wate~ quality s~anda~ds consist of the set of most st~in;ent c~ite~ia associated with each wate~ use. ~a~ticulates include tha fine sediment in the wate~ column and on the subst~ate. Typical measu~ements of pa~ticulate levels include total suspended solids, tu~bidity, settleable solids, and the pe~centage accumulation of fine sediment in ;~avel beds. Pa...-ticulate sediment loads phase with levels need to be cont~olled so that man-induced do not significantly eMceed o~ become out of nat u~al levels, th_~• adv•~••ly affecting t;h• cha~acte~istics of the wat•~ column and subst~ate. The most obvious effect is often the aesthetic impact on ~•c~eational uses o~ visual evidence of pa~ticulate deposition. Howeve~, oth•~ wate~ uses may be impacted, too. Heavy sediment loads in wate~ used fo~ d~inking and food p~epa~ation, fo~ ag~icultu~•, and fo~ indust~y may ~•nde~ it unfit o~ unsafe. In addition, aquatic biota, wate~fowl, and fu~b•a~•~• may be adve~sely affected by inc~eased ~a~ticulate levels. Impacts on biota may ~ange f~om mo~tality to sho~t-te~m effects on biotic p~ocesses and/o~ behavio~t these effects may be di~•ct o~ indi~ect. Inc~eased sediment loads can affect aquatic biota di~ectly th~ough chan;•• in thai~ anatomy and phy•iology, and indi~ectly th~ough changes in thai~ habitat. Eitn•~ of these b~oad classes of effects may induce a va~iety of behavio~al ~•sponses, including inhibited movement and fo~agin;, avoidance, modified feeding selection and ~ate, and modified ~•p~oductive behavio~. Cont~ols on Cont~ol Act and both nume~ical sediment a~• mandated by the Wat•~ Pollution administ•~•d by the AOEC in Alaska. AOEC uses and n•~~ative c~ite~ia fo~ tu~bidity and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS P~GE 2 ~I - - -- - - - - - sed i mer'lt • _Thesa criteriA Ara describad in datAil in Saction ganerAl, tha turbidity criteriA for the vArious usas ranges from a ~ to 25 naphelometric turbidity 4. 1. In protected unit <NTU> incr•••• Abova nAturAl conditions. -The sedimel"'t standards are mora subJactiva And includa such stataments as "No increasa in concel"'tration of sadimant, including sattleabla solids, above natural conditions" and "No imposed sedimant loads that will intarfara with astablishad watar supply traatment levals." Num•rous mathods for maasuring particulatas, including both diract and indiract mathods, cAn ba usad to sat critaria. Thase mathods includa maasuramant of turbidity, total suspandad solids, sattlaabla solids, transmissivity, Saccni disk dapth, compansation point, and m•thods for maasuring tha amount of fine sadimant in straambads. Th••• mathods ara di•cussad briafly_in Saction 2.0 and in datail in Saction 5.0. Tha purposa of this study is to avaluata tna affactivaness of aMisting Alaska watar quality critaria for particulatas and to racommand nacassary chan;•• to tn••• critaria. Tha spacific ObJactivas araa ( 1 ) (2) Raviaw partinant litaratura to datarmina stata-of-tha- art maasuramant tacnnology, physical/chamical affacts, and biological affects of particulatas. Compila and a••••• particulatas critaria from othar stat•• and Canadian provincas and tarritorias and compila u.s. Environmantal Protaction Agancy <EPA) guid8lin•• and raquiramants for particulatas critaria. <3> Evaluata tha adaquacy and sciantific marit of aMisting Alaska critaria for particulatas. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 P~GE 3 (4) A••••• the potential for using parameters other than turbidity, susl)ended and ••ttleable solids, and the percentage accumulation of fines in sl)awning gravels. (~) Propose new particulates criteria if sci•ntific evidence sul)ports this action. This study is limited to the problems of water I)Ollution resulting from !)articulates and the direct and indirect methods for measuring information part :Lculates, Sect ion 2. 0. particulates. The report provides background pertaining to measurement techniques of n•tural water quality, and aquatic ecology in Section 3.0 summarizes particulates criteria used in the United States and Canada. The purpose of the proJect is to review Alaska's particulates criteria and the documented effects of particulates on beneficial water us•• <Section 4.Q>; the potential use of l)&rameters other than turbidity, suspended and settle•ble solids, and the p•rcent•a• accumulation of fin•• in spawning chana•• in particulates <Sect ion 6. 0). grav•l• <Section ~.0)1 and to recommend necessary Alaska'• criteria to assure that Alaska's criteria are based on scientific information REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8~ PAGE 4 - - - - - - - 2.0 BACKGROUND This chapter summarizes pertinent background information regarding measurement techniques for particulates, natural water quality, and aquatic ecology. Quantitative data obtained during a comprehensive regarding the effects of particulates on various water uses are detail in Section 4.2, Demonstrated Effects of in Literature reviewed appears in Appendices A, e, c, and D, which are organized as follows• Appendix A1 Appendix B1 Appendix· C1 Appendix D1 Annotated Bibliographies--Fresh Water General Literature--Fresh Water Annotated B~bliographies~-Marine General Literature--Marine References listed in Appendices B and D addressed the subJect of this study but were not considered to provide pertinent information due to the ganeral nature of the data or availability of more detailed coverage in other references. 2.1 MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Particulate levels in water are measured by numerous direct and indirect techniques, summarized below. A more detailed discussion of the techniques for measuring turbidity, suspended solids, and settleable solids appears in Section ~.o. Direct measurements of particulatas include parameters such as total suspended solids, settleable solids, and the amount of fine sediments techniques for the literature. on streambeds and lake bottoms. Four different measuring total suspendad solids are reported in Tha most widely accepted technique involves filtering, drying, and weighing. Centrifugation has bean used REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8~ PAGE ~ to concentrate samples there are disadvantages followed by drying to this teehni~u•. and weighing, but On• disadvantage occurs with fine-grained material having organic matter asaoeiat•d with it sine• soma organic matter can have a d•nsity similar to wat•r, th•raby making it v•ry difficult to s•parata <Gibbs 1974). Centrifugation also has limitations for dilut• water having 1••• than about 10 m;/L suspand•d solids <Campb•ll and Elliott 197~). Radioactive absorption has also bean used baeaus• the absorption of radiation is proportional to the mass present and th•r•for• a direct maasur•mant of the concentration of susp•ndad s•dimant <Gibbs 1974>. Fischer and Karabashev (1977> r•port that suspand•d organic matter can b• d•tarmin•d in the marina •nvironm•nt by direct counting of particles under a microscope. How•var, this taehniqu• is tim• consuming. S•tt laab·la sol ids ar• directly m•asur•d by ••curing a 1 lit•r sampl• an~ allowing 1 hour of settling bafor• r•ading the volum• of sattl•d material. The volume· of fin•• in bedload samples ar• d•tarminad by obtaining a sample using a b•dload sampler, such as a corer or a dredge. Th• sample is th•n subJact•d to a grain size analysis. Like oth•r sampling t•chniquas, diffar•nt b•dload samplers nave advantages and disadvantag•s wh•n sampling diff•r•nt sized bad material. Indir•et m•asur.m•nts of particulates are related to light pan•tration and ar• ••••ntially an indication of the eone•ntration of partieulat•s• These m•asuram•nts include turbidity and transmissivity, or its inverse, light aMtinction. Parameters ealculat•d from light transmission measurements inelud• compensation point <th• depth at which 1 p•rc•nt of available surface light is found in tn• water>, light aMtinction coefficient, pare•nt incident photosynthetically active radiation <PRR>, and wave length analysis. REVIEW DR~FT 9/09/8~ P~GE 6 - - - - - - - - - Indirect measurements quantify optical absorption and/or lignt scattering. Nephelometric turbidity measures the SO degree scattering of light by suspended particles, whereas the beam transmittance meter measures the attenuatio~~of lignt by scattering irradiance turbidity 1 974) I and absorption. meter whose The Secchi disk is a simple kind of and light eKtinction coefficients correlated with <McCarthy et al. An alternative method for directly counting suspended organic matter in the marine environment was employed by Fischer and Karabashev <1977>. The volume concentration of particulate matter of different size was measured using a conductometric particle counter or Coulter count•~ and the abundance of particles was measured by a nephelometer. A fl uorimet.ric det•rmination of pigments <by luminescence> in phytoplankt~n cells was then used to determine the amount of organic matter. Z.2 WATER QUALITY including streams. wet lands, Although ponds, lakes, rivers, and intermittent all are interrelated, each type of aquatic has unique description characteristics. This section provides a of the particulate levels common to these Lakes 'They may nutrients, are lentic, or have inlet but the level non-flowing, streams which contribute water and of the lake remains essentially the 11ame and there are generally no permanent currents witnin the water body. Lakes can be miles in length and hundreds of feet in depth with numerous tributaries or they can be small tundra ponds an acre or less in size. Alaska Mas a diversity of lake REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE 7 typas encompassing larga, clear water systems like Lake Iliamna, silty lakas such as Tustumana Lake, and small, tea-colored melt ponds characteristic of tha North Slopa. Glacier-fad lakes are oftan naturally turbid. Lakas genarally contain distinct habitats. The littoral habitat, found along laka margins, is a relativaly warm habitat whara light panatratas to tha bottom and whare rooted a~uatic plants ;row. Many shallow lakes (ponds) can ba described as littoral avan at thair daepest point. Vary daap lakas hava a profundal zona where it is too dark to allow green plants, including al;aa, to grow. The open watar araa above the profundal is known as tha limnatic zona. Sunlight and wind act upon lakas in ways which s.oma~imatl rasult in tamparatura stratification. In ~••P lakas in ~he tha uppar lay~r• raceiving tha most sun ara tha warmast, thosa naHt to tha profundal zona ara tha coldast. Winds can cau11a miMing currants, and tamparatura changas in tha spring and fall can causa a lake to mix complataly or "turn ovar." Whan a laka turns ovar, tha cold, oMygan-poor watar layar comas to tha surfaca whila tha uppar layar is forcad to tha bottom. Mixing currants can also bring bottom sadimants up causing a normally claar laka to bacoma tamporarily turbid. In addition, turbidity can ba introducad to a laka via its tributarietl. Claar watar lakaa saldom aMcaad 1 to 2 mg/L total suspandad solids and turbidity is typically 1••• than 1 to 2 NTU. Sattlaabla solids ara commonly unmaasurabla and raraly aMcaad 0. 1 ml /L.. Rivars Watar flow with dapth, and straams ara lotic, or flowing watar, systams. is continuous and in ona diraction, valocity changes and watar dapth and straam widths fluctuate with pracipitation, runoff, and arosion. Thara is continual miMing within tha watar column with parsistant or occasional turbidity, REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/S~ PAGE S - - - - - - ·- and the considel"'ed stl"'eambed is l"'elativaly unstable. Stl"'eams al"'e "open systems" with l"'espact to their interaction with and intal"'dependence on the tel"'restl"'ial envil"'onment. In lakes, matel"'ial bl"'ought in by tributaries Ol"' contl"'ibuted by I"'Unoff usually is deposited on the lake bottom and l"'emains in the system. In stl"'eams, matal"'ial is cal"'l"'iad downstl"'eam with heaviel"' pal"'ticles settling out fail"'ly soon and lightel"' matal"'ial l"'emaining in suspension longel"'. Low density matel"'ial may not settle at all and may be cal"'l"'ied into lakes ol"' estu&l"'ies. This is the case with glacial stl"'a&ms such as the Susitna River whel"'e glacial silt is C&l"'l"'ied into Cook Inlet. Pal"'ticulates cal"'l"'ied in the watel"' column &l"'e l"'efel"'l"'ed to as wash load, whel"'eas those moving along a stl"'eambed al"'e bedload. The pal"'ticles that bounce along the bed make up the saltation load. Alaska has a wide variety of l"'ivel"'s and streams, most of which al"'e impol"'tant to water-dependent life. Stl"'eam types l"'ange fl"'om short, steep, cleal"'water systems in southeast Alaska to small, slow-moving tannic tundl"'a streams, to enol"'mous systems like the Yukon and Kuskokwim rival"'s. Stl"'eams can also be classified as cleal"', colol"'ed, and glacial. Colol"'ed ol"' bl"'own watel"' stl"'eams dl"'ain boggy al"'eas and have l"'elatively high colol"' values due to organic leachates. Life fol"'ms in streams must either drift with the cul"'rent or possess some mechanism to remain stationary within the channel. Cleal"' streams usually are not deep enough to have a profundal zone; the whole stl"'eam is within the euphotic zone whel"'e light l"'eaches all depths. Undisturbed l"'eaches of clear and colol"'ed streams typically exhibit low concentl"'ations of solids. Total suspended solids concentl"'ations al"'e usually less than :5 mg/L but may incl"'eas• to about 100 mg/L dul"'ing spring bl"'eakup and summel"' floods. Howevel"', higher l•vels of sediment do occur in some systems REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE 9 during floods. Turbidity is generally less than 5 to 10 NTU, but may be 25 to 50 NTU during periods of high water. Settleable solids levels rarely exceed o. 1 ml/L. Glacial stre_ams carry large suspended sediment loads during-summer, but normally become clear water streams during winter. During summer, glacial streams and lakes may exceed 1000 mg/L total suspended solids and turbidity typically ranges between 50 and 1000 NTU. Wetlands are a common and important type of a~:~uatic habitat in Alaska. Many lakes are surrounded by both tundra bogs and marshes with emergent a~:~uatic plants. These peripheral wetlands furnish energy to the lake system in the form of insects, plankton, and plant material. The same is true for many rivers. Streams often receive much of their water from surrounding wetlands. Wetlands also supply nutrients and furnish rearing areas for fish such as coho salmon and grayling. Nearly all wetlands in Alaska can be classified as clear water systems. Hence, they seldom exceed 1 to 2 m;/L total suspended solids and turbidity is typically less than 1 to 2 NTU. 2.2.2 Marine Measurements of turbidity and/or suspended sediment load within the marine waters of Alaska are highly variable and dependent on several factors such as season, proximity to sediment sources <mainly rivers>, distance from shore, current structure, depth, temperature, and salinity. Particulates data summarized herein are based on Burbank <1974) and Sharma <1979) except as otherwise noted. Within Boca de Quadra and Smeaton Bay in southeast Alaska, the suspended sediment load is relatively low. The mean water column concentration in the central basins is less than 0.5 mg/L and less than 1.0 mg/L in the inner basins <Burrell 1984). Conversely, Taku Inlet, also in southeast Alaska, Mas REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 10 - - ~I - - - - - - - - - - - - e)(traordinarily the Taku Riv•r load at the high suspended sediment levels from discharge of and subglacial streams. The suspended sediment head of the inl•t e)(ceeds 10,000 mg/L in near-surface waters during summer months. Concentrations of suspand•d sediment in continental shelf surface waters off Icy Bay in the northeast Gulf of Alaska generally decrease seaward Ci.a., 1.3 mg/L nearshore and 0.1 mg/L at 6~ km from snore in March>. The particulate concentration is relatively constant with depth from the surface to within about 10 m above tna bottom, and from snore to 30 km offshore at the 100 m depth. A steady increase in suspended solids levels within 10 m of the bottom suggests the presence of a naphloid or turbid layer along the bottom. In the northern Gulf· of Alaska during heavy runoff, t~a glacial streams typically carry 1000 to 2000 mg/L of suspended solids. Peak discharge in the Copper River in summer carries appro)(imataly 1700 mg/L of suspended material at the delta. Offshore from the Copper River during low discharge and minimal glacial malt, surface values as high as 30 mg/L are present. Coarse sediments rapidly settle out within the first few kilometers, depending on the anergy of the environment. At distances greater than 10 km offshore, surface suspended solids levels of 2 to 10 mg/L are typical. The lowast concentrations indicated by ERTS imagery in waters greater than ~0 km offshore generally range from 1 to 3 mg/L. Suspended sediment concentrations in Cook Inlet vary from 2000 mg/L near Anchorage to 1.0 mg/L near the east side of the Inlet mouth. The Matanuska River, ona of several sediment sources in the Inlet, has suspended sediment levels that appro)(imata 3800 mg/L. The suspended load is mostly of glacial ori§lin and ma)(imum values occur at depths of appro)(imataly 10 m near the Inlet head. Concentrations increase with depth south of the' Forelands, and concentrations in the lower Inlet generally vary between 1 and 100 mg/L. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/Be PAGE 11 In the western Gulf of Alaska from Resurrection Bay thro~gh Shelikof Strait to Unimak Pass, surface suspended solids vary from O.S to 2.0 mg/L in July and August. Values are generally higher to the east near the Kenai Peninsula and Shel1kof Strait. On the shelf east, south, and southeast of Kodiak Island, there is an app.arent absence of any input of suspended sediment. In the Bristol Bay region of the southeastern Bering Sea, streams flowing from the Alaska Peninsula contribute as much as 500 to ~000 mg/L of suspended solids. The dominant sediment sources are the Kvichak and Nushagak Rivers at the head of the bay. The Kuskokwim and Yukon rivers to the north provide sediment input appro~imating 4 and 100 million metric tons per year, respectively, which e~uates to more than 90 percent of all river sediment input into the eastern Bering Sea. Suspe_nded sediment levels for surface waters off the Yukon River and ,in Norton Sound are between 1 and 5 mg/L in July. Surface concentrations generally average between 0.5 and 2.0 mg/L in the northern Bering Sea. Concentrations increase with depth. The near-bottom sediment level from near Cape Romanzof to Nome ranges from 7.5 to greater than 20 mg/L, respectively. Susper•ded range from solids levels in the Berin; Strait and vicinity 1.2 to 4.1 mg/L for surface waters. The level with increasing water depth immediately south of the As the water moves northward through the Strait, the decreases Strait. distribution becomes almost uniform. North and northeast of the Strait, surface and sub-surface levels increase fourfold to nearly 10 mg/L. Surface water concentrations reach 5.3 mg/L near Point Hope while at depth, only about 1 mg/L is in suspension in July and August. In the northern Chukchi Sea, the suspended load at the surface is low <less than 1 mg/L) and increases with depth. Nearshore loads in suspension are higher than offshore. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/65 PAGE 12 -· - - - - - - - - - - - - Measurements during twc open-water seasons in the Beaufort Sea demonstrate the inter-annual variability of suspended solids levels. During 1972, inshore surface waters had concent~aticns av&raging 1.0 mg/L with a range of 0.1 to 4.2 mg/Lf however, in the following year, nearly a threefold increase was noted. Levels ranged from 0.5 to 31.0 mg/L and the average was 2.6 mg/L. Except during floods, waters low in suspended matter <about 1.0 mg/L) are commonly discharged in late summer from the maJor distributary mouths, while the presence of relatively turbid waters can be delineated at some distance from the mouths. These observations suggest that in mid-and late-summer, turbidity in coastal waters for the most part is associated with wave-induced resuspension from shallow water regions <U.S. Coast Guard 1972; 1974). 2.3 AQU~TIC ECOLOGY In a bread sense, freshwater ecosystems are divided into two cat,agories, lent ic or standing water systems, and let ic or running water systems. ~ll rivers, lakes, and wetlands support communities of aquatic organisms. ~s such, these communities are interrelated and interdependent, forming networks of distinctly different habitats with respect to flora and fauna, as well as the source of ener;y which drives the biological system. Freshwater aquatic communities derive carbon energy from terrestrial sources <allochthonous organic matter> or through instream <autochthonus) productivity or a combination of these sources. If one part of the community is disrupted, rev•rberations may be experienced throughout th• entire system. Aqu•tic systems have been subdivid•d into subordinate communities and are discussed in this section. stroam substrates. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS P~GE 13 of suitabl• substrat• mat•rials for attachm•nt, n•t building, conc•alm•nt, mov•m•nt, and burrowing. Str•am b•ntnos diff•rs from that found in quiesc•nt waters in th• r•sp•ct that str•am organisms poss•ss a vari•ty of adaptations for-withstanding stream curr•nts. Th• b•nthic str•am community is •Ktr•m•ly important to th• h•alth of th• •ntir• syst•m· Many of th•s• organisms provide food for oth•r populations within th• aquatic community in th• form of inv•rt•brat• drift. Fish, in particular, ar• d•p•nd•nt on insect larva• and adult ins•cts which originat• in the benthic community. Plankton ar• drifting organisms and can b• •ith•r plants or animals (phytoplankton and zooplankton). Som• plankt•rs may actually hav• f••bl• pow•rs of locomotion and .in lak•s m•y mill around and mov• up and down in th• wat•r column in r•spons• to light int•nsity. In str•ams, th•y ar• usually subJ•ct to transport by th• wat•r curr•nt. Phytoplankton ar• compos•d primarily of alga• which •Kist singly or as a coll•ction of on•-c•ll•d plants. In lak•s, alga• activ•ly ;row only in th• •uphotic zon•· Zooplankt•r• f••d •ith•r on oth•r sp•ci•s of zooplankton or on alga•· Plankton is an •Ktr•m•ly important food SOQrc• for fish, •sp•eially JQV•nil• fish. Physiological activiti•s o~ zooplankton d•p•nd on wat•r t•mp•ratur•, light, and oMyg•n cont•nt. Phytoplankton prodQction is important in many subarctic lak•s and ponds, and ~rhaps in th• low•r r•aen•s o~ a f•w lar;• riv•rs' production is a•n•rally low in arctic ponds and lak••· P•riphyton <attacn•d alga•> ar• dominant in high-v•locity el•ar water str•ams wh•r• light p•n•tration is suffici•nt for photosynth•sis, and th•y can also b• important in slow moving or standing s~allow wat•r. In c•rtain lotic habitats, the evaluation of p•riphyton communiti•s provid•s an accurat• and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8~ PAGE 14 - -~. i~ -,, r I -' - reliable aquatic in the quiescent indicator of water quality. Macrophytes <rooted plants) are often abundant in shallow lakes and ponds, littoral zone of deep lakes, and along the edges of rivers. Zooplankton diversity, biomass, and production rates are low in arctic lakes and ponds but are often significant in subarctic lakes. Fish are the most highly studied component of the fresh- water community. In Alaska, fish can be divided into resident and anadromous species. Resid•nt fish liv• th•ir •ntire lives in fr•sh water, often in th• same wat•r body. In many regions of Alaska, resid•nt sp•cies such as Arctic grayling migrate upstream during spring to spawn, th•n r•turn to deeper wat•r downstream in th• fall to ov•rwinter. Anadromous fish spawn and hatch in fr•sh water, liv• th• M&Jority of their adult liv•s in saltwater and return to fr•sh wat•r, usually th_•ir natal strea_m, to spawn. Th• fiv• sp•cies of Pacific salmon which inhabit Ala:ska waters are the most obvious •xampl•• of anadromous fish. Sev~ral anadromous salmon species utiliz• silt-lad•n glacial rivers as migration corridors to r•ach clearwat•r tributary spawning and rearing habitat. Fish occupy a vari•ty of Som11, lik• th• slimy sculpin nich•s within aquatic systems. liv• at th• bottom of lakes and swi't~"t-flowing streams and fe•d primarily on ins•cts. Trout and gra~fling may hide und•r instr•am cov•r sueh as debris or log Jam•, or ov•rhanging streambanks, coming to th• sur~ace to f•ed on zooplankton or insects whieh have fall•n into the wat•r or which hav• dri~t•d down from upstream. sight-f••ders. Th•se fish are primarily Di•t and habitat requirements of fish vary with species and lifu stage. For •xampl•, adult salmon return from th• sea to th•ir natal str•am to spawn often not feeding from th• tim• they enter fresh water. in the grav•l of The fish construct redds <spawning nests>, th• str•amb•d and deposit th•ir •;gs. Other REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8~ PAGE 1~ fish such as Arctic grayling and lake trout are broadcast spawners. The preferred size of the gravel in which the radds are constructed varies with the species. Salmon favor clear water streams but, in Alaska, often use turbid rivers as migratory corridors. In soma cases, redds are dug in the turbid streams, but the newly hatched fish move to clearer backwater sloughs or tributaries to rear. This is the case with both the Kenai and Susitne rivers. Fish are often used as "tar;et 11 organisms in setting water quality criteria. The criteria for acceptable water quality standards are usually determined with bioassays, eith•r 1n ~1!Y or !n ~!tc2 using the rel•vant wat•r and speci•s. Aquatic systems are also important to waterfowl, furbearers, and big game. Ducks, geese, and swans feed and nest near lak•s and wetlands. Many species of waterfowl depend on emergent aquatic vegetation for food. Mallards, Canada gees•, and brant are eMamples of waterfowl which primarily consume plants. Species such as mergansers feed on small fish and depend on their ability to see their prey under water. B•aver, mink, and riv•r ott•rs ar• among the Alaska furb•arars that inhabit riparian areas. Beavers construct lodges in str•am courses and wetlands and feed on v•;•tation along stream banks. Otters live along str•am banks and fa•d on fish within streams. They ar• highly dependant on their ability to sea their prey. Moose vegetation use lowland areas in the summer and feed on emergent in wetlands and along lak• and stream margins. Both black and brown/grizzly bears consum• salmon which move into Alaska rivers to spawn in th• summ•r and late fall. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE 16 - - - - - - - a.=~. a Marine Variations in co&st&l topography, geology, climate, surface hydrology, and physical oceanographic factors i~fluance the di9tribution and abund&nce of marine organisms along Alaska's 33,000 miles of tidal shoreline. The coastal ecosystem has been intensively studied in si~ geographical re~ions in Alaska inc~ludingl <1> Arctic Alask&' <2> the Bering Sea coastJ (J) ) Kodiak Island, the Alaska Peninsula, and the Aleutian Islands; <4> Cook Inlet' (3) the northern Gulf of' Alaska; and, <5> southeastern Alaska. Characteristic ecosystems that have not been thoroughly studied by marine scientists have been described through information derived f'rom similar habitats in other regions. The lower trophic level organisms in marine and estuar1ne waters of' Alaska are comprised of' two groups; the producers and cor11sumers. The primary producers are the phytoplankton, macrophytes, ice algae, and benthic microalgae. Lower level consumers include the zooplankton, ichthyoplankton, and intertidal pro1d uct i vi t y throughout and sub-tidal invertebrates. The degree of and diversity among these organisms varies Alaska's coastal waters. Important resource organisms such whales depend as king cra?, herrin;, halibut, salmon, and either directly or indirectly on the lower level producers and consumers f'or their survival. Phytoplankton undergo seasonal net increases and decreases in productivity, coincidental to ever changing levels of' sunlight, nutrients, ;razing pressure, wind mi~in;, and depth of' light penetration. The maJor phytoplankton groups are the diatoms, dinoflagellates, and naked flagellates. These microscopic plants collectively represent the energy base f'or many higher f'orms of marine lif'e such as f'ish, shellfish, marine birds, and marine mammals. Benthic microalgae are REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/Se PAGE 17 restricted to portions of the subtidal zone that receive sufficient light for photosynthesis. S•aw••d• and rocky shores of ar••• of Alaska. ••• ;rass•s <macrophyt•s> are common along th• th• int•rtidal zon• and in shallow subtidal S•aw••d• ar• primitiv• sp•ci•• that lack root syst•ms and E•l;rass is in ••dim•nt Alaska coast. d•riv• th•ir nutri•nts •Hclusiv•ly from th• water. a common and important marine macrophyt• that roots in prot•cted bays, inl•ts, and lagoons along the E•lgrass communiti•s ar• oft•n highly productive and s•rv• as a maJor food sourc• for wat•rfowl and as a nursery and f••ding ar•a for many marine vert•brates and inv•rt•brat••· Zooplankton acosyst•m and ••rv• as a lar;• pot•ntial •n•r;y pool .fo~ ~ish and whal••· Zooplankton ar• distribut•d in-all Alaska wat•r• with productivity b•ing gr•at•st in spring and •arly summ•r· T•mp•ratur• and salinity hav• a maJOr · influ•nc• on the distribution of zooplankton' som• pr•f•r ••tuarin• watars, wh•reas oth•rs pr•f•r tha op•n wat•r environm•nt. Physical factors such as light l•v•l• and ••• ic• aff•ct th•ir v•rtical distribution and productivity rat••· Virtually all of Alaska's comm•rcially-important sn•llfish hav• a zooplanktonic larval stag• in th•ir lif• history and sp•nd up to thr•• months in th• n•ar-surfac• lay•r• f••ding int•nsiv•ly on phytoplankton b•for• s•ttling on th• bottom to matur•. Th• b•nthos is compos•d of bottom dwelling or attachad inv•rt•brat•• found in th• int•rtidal and subtidal zon• of the oc•an. This important group may b• divid•d into organisms living on th• substrat• surfac• (epifauna>, and thos• living in the substrat• <infauna). Th• distribution and richn••• of the subtidal b•nthos within a region is det•rmin•d by a numb•r of factors including ••dim•nt typ•, t•mp•ratur•, salinity, pressure, availabl• food, sp•ci•• comp•tition for space, and larval settling succ•ss. Factors influ•ncing the distribution REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/S~ PAGE 18 - - - - - - - - - of intertidal invertebrates are substrate availability, competition, and ability to withstand surf and aHposura to air. Food is mechanisms. supplied to bottom invertebrates through several A continuous flux of organic material tb the bottom is provided by dead phytoplankton and zooplankton and the remains of higher organisms. A second important source of energy is provided by detritus entering the system through river runoff and ocean currents. An obvious trend among the benthos in Alaska is that communities on the continental shelf are richer than those This is probably due to the higher primary productivity of nearshore waters as compared to offshore waters, as well as the high detritus input from river systems. They represent a maJor source of food for shorebirds and waterfowl, as well as a variety of fish and marine mammals. Due to their relatively stationary nature, int•rtidal and subtidal species are one of the most susceptible of organisms to damage from water-borne sediments. Con1sequent ly, benthic organisms are useful indicators of changes 2.4 REFERENCES Burbank., D.C., 1'974. Suspended sediment transport and deposi- tion in ~laskan ~oastal waters with spe~ial emphasis on remote sensing by the ERTS-1 satellite. M.S. Thesis, Univ. of ~laska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 222 pp. Burrell, D.C., 1984. Seasonal turbidity patterns in in Boca de Quadra and Smeaton Bay. Interim Report Prepared for U.S. Borax and Chemi~al Corp. ,and Pa~ifi~ Coast Molybdenum Co. ~4 pp. Campbell, P., and s. Elliott, 1'975. Assessment of centrifuga- tion and filtration as methods for determining low conc•ntrations of suspended sediment in natural waters. Fisheries and Marine Service Research and Development Directorate Technical Report No. ~4~, Department of the Environment, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 19 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/S~ PAGE 19 Fischer, ~.K., and G.S. Karabashev, 1977. ~comparison of the size distribution of suspended particles and their optical properties. Pol. ~rcMs. Hydrobiol., 24 <suppl. >, pp. 109- 113. Gibbs, R.J., 1974. Principles of studying suspended materials in water. In: Suspended Solids in Water. Plenum Press, New York, NY, pp. 3-15. McCarthy, J.C., T.E. Pyle, and S.M. Griffin, 1974. Light trans- missivity, suspended sediments and the legal definition of turbidity. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, 2, pp. 291-299. Sharma, G.D., 1979. The ~laskan shelf; hydrographic, sedimentary and geochemical environment. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. 498 PP• u.s. Coast Guard, 197e. ~n ecological survey in the eastern Ct'lukchi Sea: September-October 1970. WEBSEC-70, Oceanographic Report No. ~0 <CG 373-~0). 206 pp. u.s. Coast Guard, 1974. An ecological survey in the Beaufort Seaa Au;·u~t-September; 1971-1972. WEBSEC 71-72, Oceanographic Report No. 64 <CG 373-64). 268 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE 20 - ""'!· ! - - -' - - - - I ! -! 3.0 PARTICULATE CRITERIA Existing particulates criteria for each state in the United States and for Canadian provinces are summarized in~Sections 3. 1 and 3.3, respectively. Information regarding the establishment of water quality parameters and criteria for particulates by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency <EPA> is also summarized and appears in Section 3.2. Telephone contacts to personnel in each state were made to determine particulates criteria currently used in regulations and guidelines by other states and in Canadian provinces and territories. During the initial telephone contact, each individual interviewed was apprised of the purpose of this study and questioned concerning his/her agency's water quality criteria for instream levels of particulates, specifically . . ·. turbidity, su~pended solids, and settleable solids. Inquiries war·• also made concerning recent or proposed changes to regulations, protected uses of water bodies, availability of se~arata standards for marine waters (where appropriate>, and the basis for any quantitative standards or limitations identified in pertinent regulations. Where particulate standards existed, the interviewee was also questioned as to recognized problems associated with compliance, field sampling, or enforcement of the standards. A copy of pertinent regulations was request•d for r•view from each agency. 3. 1 STATES Based on and the water i dent i f i ed in information received durin; telephone interviews quality standards and beneficial water uses individual state regulations, a summary of the water uses and associated criteria for turbidity was ~0 states and District of Columbia <Table compiled 3-1). to the for To the •~tent possible, water use categories are ~imilar Alaska criteria for ease of comparison. Where REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/S~ PAGE 21 ~ Alabama (Feb 81) A 1 ask a (Apr 84) Arizona (Feb 8S) Arkansas v 84) California (Nov 83) TABLE 3-1 TURBIDITY CRITERIA FOR UNITED STATES AND CANADA Designated Water Use<1 l A, B, D, E, C, M A B c D E F c H J K L H N E, F c A, s, o-c A-C Turbidity Criteria NTE (2 ) 50 NTU above ambient NTE 5 NTU above ambient wnen the~atural turbidity is SO NTU or less; limit of 10% increase when natural exceeds 50 NTU; maximum increase of 25 NTU narrative NTE 2S NTU above ambient for streams; NTE S NTU for lakes narrative NTE 5 NTU above ambient when natural turbidity is SO NTU or less; limit of 10% increase when ambient exceeds SO NTU, NTE 1S NTU increase; NTE S NTU over ambient for lakes NTE 10 NTU above ambient when natural turbidity is SO NTU or less; limit of 20\ increase when ambient exceeds SO NTU, NTE SO NTU increase; NTE S NTU over ambient for lakes NTE 2S NTU above ambient; NTE 5 NTU over ambient for lakes NTE 2S NTU narrative narrative NTE 25 NTU NTE 25 NTU compensation depth reduction limit of 10\; Secchi disk depth reduction limit of 10' same as M NTE SO NTU in streams; NTE 25 NTU in lakes NTE 10 NTU for cold water fishery in streams and lakes special standards for "unique" 111aters as low as 3 · NTU change 1 imit ***basin specific standards or uae clasaification NTE 10 NTU for trout or coolwater streams ***basin specific standards or use classification turbidity standards by basin Example: NTE 20\ increase where a.Ofent is less than 50 JTU; NTE 10 JTU increase where ambient fa between 50-100 JTU; NTE 10\ increase where ambient exceeds 100 JTU J-M narrative ***basin specific standards or uae classification Canada (Provincess Territories, and Federal Government) (Feb 85) Federal Government International Joint Ccnn. (Creat Lakes) Alberta British Columbia Manitoba E, F c Unknown Unknown A c NTE SO JTU • NTE 10\~rease in Secchi disk depth NTE 25 JTU over ambient (objective only) guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable 5 NTU (draft regulation) NTE 10 JTU for cold water fisheries; NTE 2S JTU for 111arm water fisheries; narrative proposed as replacement for numeric criteria in draft revisions ~ - - - - State Manitt)ba Newfoundland Northnest Te1·ri tori es Nova Scotia Ontario Pri nee~ Edward Island Quebec: Saskat:chewan Yukon """' _/Colorado 7 ' (Jan 84) / Connecticut (Sep 80) Delaware (Jul 83) District of Columbia (Mar 84) Florida (Feb 8.3) Georgia (Oct 81)) Hawa;; (Oct SA•) Idaho (Oct 8:1) Ill i noh (Apr 8~f) Designated Water Use<1 l E, F Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown c Unknown A E, F Unknown Unknown A A, E B, O, F, C H-N A-C H·N B A-C A C (special case) A-C, K·N A, B, E-C A, e. o-G NTE10 "turbidity units" for cold water fisheries; NTE 25 "turbidity units" for warm water fisheries; draft revision proposes change to 50 JTU for both uses guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as appHcable guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable NTE 10\ increase in Secchi disk reading above ambient guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable NTE S "turbidity units" (guideline only) NTE 10\ increase in nonfilterable residue or less than 3 mg/1 absolute (draft regulation) NTE 25 "turbidity units" over ambient (objective only) guidelines of other agencies are used and amended as applicable NTE 1.0 turbidity unit ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10 JTU above ambient NTE 10 JTU above ambient or more than 25 JTU total narr; Secchi disk transparency mid-summer from 0-6 ineters depth ***basin specific standards for lakes NTE 10 NTU above ambient or 25 NTU total NTE 150 NTU in tidal areas of stream basins ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 20 NTU above ambient narrative NTE 29 NTU above ambient; depth of compensation point not reduced more than 10\ from ambient narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative NTE 1 turbidity unit streams designated as wild or scenic shall have no alteration of ambient water quality ***basin specific standards or use classification strea.s: 2-15 NTU, NTE 25 NTU estuaries: 1.5-3.0 NTU, NTE 5.0 NTU embayments: O.lt-3.0 NTU, NTE 5.0 NTU oceanic waters: 0.03·0.10 NTU, NTE 0.20 NTU ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative; also stream water quality requirements for point source discharges outside the mixing zone: NTE S NTU above ambient when background is SO NTU or less; NTE 10\ increase when background is more than SO NTU, up t~ a maximum increase of 25 NTU narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification •3 State Indiana (Mar 84) Iowa (Dec 83) Kansas (Sep 83} Kentucky (Mar 83) Louisiana (Oct 84) Maine (Sept 79) Maryland (no date) Massachusetts (no date} Michigan (Jun 84} 1 Mipryesota V lFeb 81) Mississippi (Jan 85) Missouri Montana (Mar 82) Nebraska (Feb 83) Nevada (Nov 84) New Hampshire (May 84) New Jersey (Oct 84) Designated Water Use<1 l A, B, 0-G A, a, o-c A, E-C A, B, E-C A, o-c H, J•N E-C A, E-H, L·N . A E, C F, C A, E-C Unknown A a, o-c A, e, o-c A, a, o-c A o-c E·C K·N (estuarine) K-N (marine) Turbidity Criteria identified spawning, rearing, or imprinting areas for salmonids NTE 10 JTU total; identified salmonid migration routes NTE 2S JTU total ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 2S NTU above ambient from any point source discharge ***basin specific standards or u~. classification narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification freshwater lakes, reservoirs, and oxbows which are not naturally turbid and designated scenic streams and outstanding resource waters NTE 2S NTU total; other waters NTE 10\ increase above ambient ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative; "great ponds" NLT 2 meters Secchi disk transparency or as naturally occurs narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 150 NTU at any time or 50 NTU as a monthly average ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative; for ·public water supplies, no tnerease-· above ambient narrative use classification or use narrative; NTE 50 NTU above ambient in proposed amendments ***drainage specific standards or use classification narrative NTE ambient conditions NTE 5·10 NTU above ambient ***drafnage specfffc standards or use claaafficatfon NTE 10\ increase above ambient ***drainage specific standards or use classification none as general criteria; stream/reach specific criteria NTE 10·50 NTU, based on location ***drainage specific standards or use classification NTE 5 "turbidity units" NTE 10 "turbidity units" in cold water fisheries nor 25 "turbidity units" in warm water fisheries NTE 15 NTU for 30-day average; NTE SO NTU max. at any time NTE 10 NTU for 30-day average; NTE 30 NTU max. at any tfme NTE 10 NTU ***basin specific standards or use classification .14 - ,J!;. - New Mexico (Feb 8.5) New York (Sep 7'+) North Car<:) I ina (Jan s;s) North Dakt)ta (Apr 8~5) Ohio Oklahoma ( 1982) Oregon (Aug 8lf) Pennsyl varli a (Feb 8~1) Rhode r s 1 alnd (Dec 811·) South Carc1l ina (Feb 851) South Dakota (Aug 84) Tennessee (no date) Texas Utah (Oct 78) Vermont (Jan 85) Designated Water Use(1 ) E-C A, E-C I, K-N A, E-C K-M A, B1 E-C Unknown A, a, o-c E-C Unknown A B, E, C D, F, C J-M A c E B, D, F K, H (high quality) A, s. o-c A, B, o-c A, B, D-G J-M A B D E-C C(non-game) A B, E, C narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative narrative NTE SO NTU in streams other than trout waters; NTE 10 NTU in streams, lakes, or--l"eservoirs designated as trout waters NTE 25 NTU; if ambient exceeds this level, no increase is allowed narrative narrative NTE 50 NTU in warm water streams; NTE 25 NTU in warm water lakes; NTE 10 NTU in cold water streams. ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10\ increase over ambient ***basin specific standards or use classification effluent standards only; do not attempt to control in-stream water quality ***basin specific criteria for Delaware River Cccllnfuion NTE S JTU; none of other than natural origin NTE 10 JTU NTE 1S JTU narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification natural conditions maintained NTE 10\ above ambient none none natural conditions maintained ***basin specific standards or use classification narrative ***basin specific standards or use classification; also seasonal criteria narrative narrative narrative none; case by case determination none; case by case determination none NTE 10 NTU above ambient for natural conditions leu than 100 NTU; NTE 1~ increase when ambient conditions exceed 100 NTU NTE 15 NTU above ambient with provisions for case by case determination ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10 NTU or ambient, whichever is lower NTE 10 NTU for cold water fish habitat; NTE 25 NTU for warm water fish habitat ***basin specific standards or use classification; ~rovision for seasonal criteria for fish habitats State Virginia (Oct 84) Designated Water Use{l) A, E-G Turbidity Criteria narrative Washington (Jun 82) West Virginia ( 1983) Wisconsin (Nov 79) Wyoming (Sep 83) A, E, C, K, M, N B, 0, C, J, L A, B, o-c (lakes) Unknown A, s, o-c A, s, o-c ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 5 NTU over ambient when background is 50 NTU or less; NTE 10\ increase when background fs more than 50 NTU NTE 10 NTU over ambient when background fs 50 NTU or less; NTE 20\ increase when background is more than 50 NTU. NTE 5 NTU over ambient ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10 NTU over ambient nar::-atfve ***basin specific standards or use classification NTE 10/15 NTU increase over ambient, depending on water class ( 1 ) Designated Water Uses Comparable to Alaska Categories Designated Water Uses: A B c 0 E F G Designated Water Uses: H I J K L M N Fresh Water water Supply: drinking, culinary, food processing water Supply: agriculture, irrigation, stock watering -Water Supply: Water Supply: aquaculture industrial Water Recreation: contact Water Recreation: secondary Growth and Propagation of Fish, Shellfish, and Wildlife Marine Water Water Supply: Water Supply: Water Supply: aquaculture seafood processing industrial Water Recreation: contact Water Recreation: secondary Growth and Propagation of Fish, Shellfish, and Wildlife Harvesting for Consumption of Raw Mollusks or Other Raw Aquatics (2) NTE • Not to EXceed NLT • Not Less Than ("' ' ap~~r~opriate, pre!santed. turbidity ~riteria for marine waters are also Although many states identify beneficial or prdtected water uses similar to those in the Alaska ~riteria, it is apparent that water quality ~oncerns associated with parti~ulates are approached diffRrently by other state agencies. As a result of interviews and review of individual state standards, it was evident that turbidity and sediment ~oncerns differ among agencies because of: <1> The presence of naturally turbid systems ~arrying high sediment loads; <2> Difficulties of addressing seasonal fluctuations in particulate concentrations; <3> AQuatic flora and fauna adapted to warm water systerns versus ~old water ecosystems, (4) Philosophical approach to turbidity control <instream water quality standards versus control of point sour~• effluents) 1 <3) Lack of specific studies which document the threshold for adv•rse impacts to aQuatic resources or water uses; and, <6> Lack of basin-specific information on the natural occurrence of particulate loads. None provide of the specific watar rasource agencies contactad were able to information to document tha background information for sattin; Quantitativa criteria in their watar qua.L ity ra;ulat ions. In general, most respondents were unaware of thair state's basis for turbidity, suspended solids, or sattleabla solids criteria •~cept in raferanc• to Hgenarally acc11tpt•d" standards or tha 11 Red Book" <EPA 1975). West Virginia ~urrantly has studias in progress on trout streams and heavily industrialized waterways that will attempt to correlate particulate standards with identifiable impacts to biota. Idaho REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/Se PAGE 27 is is currently attempting involved ~itn a "serious inJury 11 task force ~hic:h to define thresholds of impact and acceptable levels of inJury to stream systems and biota. Personnel in sev•ral states acknowledged that the implementation of turbidity criteria was not aggressively pursued b•caus• th•ir standards do not address natural or seasonal turbidity and/or th• diff•r•nc•• b•tw••n co!d and warm ~ater aquatic systems. the standards wer• unr•asonably low or did not have a scientific: basis. Other a;enci•s focus their c:onc•rns on affluent standards for point sourc• discharg•• and b•st management practices from non-point sourc• dischar;•s, •s••ntially avoiding r•;ulation of instr•am wat•r quality. Approximat•ly . 30 p•rc•nt of th• gen•ral narrativ• crit•ria d•fining stat•• · <17) only turbidity limits. narrativ• crit•ria ran;• from ;•n•ral "antid•;radation 11 stat•- ments to broad guid•lin•s that prohibit turbidity l•vels which would impact oth•r u•••· Th• r•maining 70 p•rc:•nt (33 stat••> nave at l•ast some prot•cted wat•r us•s with quantitative crit•ria for instr•am turbidity. V•ry f•w stat•• hav• established quantitativ• turbidity crit•ria for all water uses. Evaluation of 20 stat•• which nave quantitativ• turbidity crit•ria and cold-water systems similar to Alaska r•v•al•d that tn•ir turbidity standards for recr•ation and fish and wildlif• propagation ar• num•rieally •qual to or, in most cas•s, mor• string•nt than Alaska criteria for tn••• same us••· Th• turbidity standards for lak•s are also comparable. Of the 22 states with marine or estuarine waters along their bord•rs, 14 hav• specific crit•ria for turbidity in marine or tidal waters. Of thes• 14 states, seven employ quantitativ• criteria. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/S~ P~GE 28- - - - A summary of states with narrative or quantitative criteria for instream water quality pertaining to suspel"'ded al"'d settle- able sol ids is presented il"' Table 3-2. None ot' the states have qual"'titative criteria for settleable sol ids leveltlj Ol"'ly four states other thal"' Alaska, Nevada, New Jersey, South Dakota, al"'d West Virgil"'ia, currently have numeric standards for suspended solids in the water column. Nevada employs specific limits for some stream reaches. The eKisting or higher quality is to be maintained where the natural suspended solids concentration is eq~al to or less than 1~ mg/L. The limit for the protection of all beneficial uses in the upper reaches of a watershed is 25 rng/IL. and eo mg/L in the lower reaches. New Jersey limits suspended solids concentrations to 25 to 40 mg/L on specific str•ams while South Dakota has a 30 m;/L maKimum limit for coldwater fisheries. West Virginia employs a 30 mg/L maKi~um suspended remcaining add1r-essin; con!lider sol ids states, these suspended concentration in receiving waters. Of -the 17 have parameters. general narrative statements The balance of the states do not or settleable solids in their general water qua.l i ty criteria. Hawaii is the only state which has est~blished standards for maKimum allowable depth of deposition for settleable solids. Alaska is the only state with standards addl~essing the accumulation of sediments as a maKimum percent by wei~ht of spawning bed ;ravels. Most states nave appr-oac:ned the problems of suspended and set1~ leable sol ids by regulat in; the rnaM imt..Lm concentration all(;:~wable in efflt..Lents discharged from point sot..Lrces. Control of non-point sot..Lr-ces are generally addressed by best management prac:tices or spacial conditions attached to proJect at..Lttlor i zat ions. 3.2 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY This section summarizes information used by EPA to establish watetr qt..Lal i ty and criteria for particulates. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE 2Cl State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas TABLE 3-Z SUSPENDED AND SETTLEABLE SOLIDS CRITERIA FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Suspended/Settleable Solids Criteria(1 ) none narratives for most water uses sprinkler irrigation: no particles 0.074 or coarser; NTE 200 mg/1 for an extended period; fish, shellfish, & wildlife: \accumulation of sediment 0.1 mm to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of spawning waters NTE 5\ increase by weight over natural conditions; in no case may sediments in the 0.1 mm to 4.0 mm range exceed 30\ by weight in the gravel of spawning beds none none California narrative Canada (Provinces, Territories, and Federal Government) Federal Government narra.; regulations for effluents for some industrial processing and mining (other than gold) are limits of ZS mg/1 maximum monthly arithmetic mean International Joint Commission (Great Lakes) Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Colorado Connecticut Oelawa,.e Oist,.ict of Columbia Flor-ida Ceo,.gia Hawaii na,.rative NTE tO mg/1 over amQient (objective only) ·none narrative (draft regulations) none none none none none none none NTE 10 mg/1 over ambient (objective only) none; proposed effluent standardf 2 ~or stream classes based on biological productivity high biological importance -no suspended solids effluent discharge 110derate biological i111p0rtance -NTE tOO mg/1 suspended solids in effluent low biological importance -NTE tOOO mg/1 suspended solids unless it is tributary to a higher class str•• (then it must meet 100 mg/1 effluent standard} designated placer mining areas -NTE 1000 mg/1 suspended solids unless it fs tributary to a higher class stre• (then ft must meet 100 1119/l effluent standard) narrative; also use effluent limitations and best management practices none narrative; also use effluent limits none none none standards fo,. maximum depth of deposition - - __ ..:S::.:t:;:a:.:t!._ Suspended/Settleable Solids Criteria(l) Idaho r llinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusl!tts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico, New York North carol ina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Vfrgi1,ia Wisconsin Wyoming narrative none narrative for salmonid waters none narrative narrative for aquatic life waters narrative narrative effluent limits on suspended solids in treated sewage none narrative narrative; also effluent standard of 30 mg/1 for treated sewage none none none narrative narrative; specific mg/1 limits for some stream reaches none narrative and 25-~0 mg/1 limits on specific streams none narrative narrative none narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative and 30 mg/1 limit for coldwater fisheries narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative none 30 mg/1 maximum narrative; also effluent limit of 30 mg/1 narrative; also effluent limit of 30 mg/1 {, l {2) NTE • Not to Exceed Sourcn: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1983. A rationale for standards relating to discharge of sediments into Yukon streams for placer mines. Environment Canada, New Westminster, British Columbia. 24 pp. 31 According to Keup <1983>, thare are eight reports of primary interest to this Book" <EPA 1976>, subJect: the "Blue Book" CNAS 1973), "Red "Green Book 11 <Sorensen at al. 197_7>, three EPA funded proJects completed in 1978 and 1S7S <Iwamoto at al. 1976; Farnworth et al. 1979' Muncy et al. 1979>, and two current reports by Camp, Dresser & McKee CGaor;e and Lehnig 1964; Clarkson at al. 198~). The Blue Book, or ~•1•~--QY•!11~--~~11•~1~-l~Zs, presents discussions of turbidity and sediment only in relation to drinking water and agricultural uses of water. Recommendations regarding turbidity and suspended solids concentrations in water used for these purposes ware not made, apparently because of the lack of information regarding the affects of particulates. The Red Book, or Q~•!!~~-~~lt•~i--!2~~~-tt~, established the first EPA crit~rion for solids <suspended, settleable) a~d turbidity to protect freshwater fish and other aquatic life. The criterion is1 "Settleable and suspended solids should not r'aduca the depth of the compensation point for photosynthetic activity by mora than 10 percent from the seasonally established norm for aquatic life." This criterion, as wall as all others in the Red Book, was reviewed by the American Fisheries Society <Thurston at al. 1979>, who state that the criterion is difficult to apply under most conditions and impossible to apply in others. According to the reviewers, "it attempts to make solids and turbidity synonymous, which they are not, and no method is propose ,or measl.lring the compensation point ... Other problems noted by the reviewers include• <1> The usa of a compensation point is meaningless in shallow water bodies where the photic zone eMtends to the bottom, and, <2> It is unrealistic to aMpect adequate data to be available for all points to determine a compensation criterion be separately. point. rewritten "seasonally established norm" for the The reviewers recommended that the with solids and turbidity considered REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/83 PAGE 3~ - - - - - - - - The Green Book by Sorensen et al. <1977) is a literature revi•w of th• eff•cts of dissolv•d and suspend•d solids on freshwater biota. Included ar• the affects of suspended solids on aquatic photosynth•tic systems, zooplankton and m•croinv•rte- brates, salmonid fishes, oth•r fishes, aesth•tic pr•farenca, and public and industrial water supply. MaJor conclusions d•rived from this r•vi•w concerning th• biological eff•cts of susp•nd•d solids includ•• <1> ~cut• effects on specific organisms w•re difficult to demonstrate; <2> Susp•nd•d solids have significant effects on community dynamics due to turbidityl (3) Susp•nd•d solids may hav• significant effects on community succession, con1munity stabi 1 ity, and fish avoidanc• react ions; C4) S•dim•nts may serve as a res•rvoir of toxic ch•micals; and, (~) Relatively high suspended solids were ne•d•d to cause b•havioral reactions <2CI,OOO mg/L) or d•ath <200,000 mgiL.> in fish ov•r th• short Of th• thr•• EP~ funded proJ•cts compl•t•d in 1978 and 1979, Iwamoto et al. <1978> is tha most applicable to this study since it an freshwater salmonid habitats. Farnworth et al. <1979> revi•w•d lit•ratur• d•aling with impacts of s•dim•nt, nitro;•n, and phc,sphorus on aquatic biota in ord•r to sugg•st futur• res•arch and' mana;•m•nt sch•m•s for fr•shwat•r syst•ms. Muncy et al. <1979) r•vi•w•d lit•ratur• r•garding th• eff•cts of susp•nd•d solids and ••dim•nt on th• r•production and •arly lif• of warmwater fish••· Th•ir r•vi•w cit•• lit•ratur• that provides •vid•nc• of d•trim•ntal •ff•cts of ••dim•nt on r•productiv• b•havior, Juv•nil••· •mbryonic larval The Camp, Dr••s•r & McK•• r•ports ar• th• most r•c•nt EP~ fund•d lit•ratur• r•vi•ws. !WCQ1Q1t~-•nQ_§gl1Q§ by G•orge and Lehni g < 1 '384) !ii.Jmmari zes recent literature pertaining to the impacts of turbidity and s•dim•nt on primary production and on the survival, growth, and propagation of zooplankton, REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/8e PAGE la macroinvertebrates, and fish. Numerical data from several key investigations are presented including results from bioassay studies, state water quality standards, and Alaska and Canada placer mining studies. In addition, the report examines Canadian water quality obJectives for turbidity, supporting rationale, guidelines for setting turbidity and sediment standards, and recommended levels for the protection of a variety of water uses ir. Canada. The ~~g~212~i~--~••!•--!2~--3~•~•ng•g __ 32lig•--g~i1•~!~ by Clarkson et al. (19SS) discusses several factors that are important to the development of a water quality criterion for suspended solids/turbidity for the protection of aquatic biota. These factors include regional, physiographic, and seasonal considerations, and related hydrologic: phenomena. The natural solids loading to a wat.rbody will vary from site to si~e, depending upon physiographic factors (including slope, soil type, and type of ground cover) and upon rainfall and runoff. Hence, seasonal and regional criteria need to be developed that take into account the significance of natural and other nonpoint source loadings. Water quality criteria should be developed for suspended solids in the water column as well as for settled sediment, and these criteria need to address the complex situation of toxics sorbed to suspended and settled solids. Additionally, the effects of sustained exposure to suspended solids versus short-term storm-related pulses need to be quanti- fied. ~lthough the report does not recommend criteria to protect aquatic life, it does establish a framework for consideration of regional, seasonal, and biological factors. 3.3 CANADIAN PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES The Canadian federal government, through the o'f'fices of Environment Canada and the Canadian Council of Resource and Environment Ministers <CCREM>, establishes guidelines and obJectives for water quality parameters for the provinces and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE 34 - - - - - -i te~ritories. They also prepare guidelines and r•gulations which address sp•cific activities <•.;., M•tal Mining Liquid Effluent Regulations and Guidelines; Potato Processing Plant Liquid Efrluent Regulations and Guid•lines, Fish Processi~; Op•rations Liquid Effluent Guidelines; Pulp and Pap•r Effluent Regulations>. Th• CCAEM Task Fore• on Water Quality Guidelin•s han pr•J:Iar•d an l!:!~t!Di.2!:~--2f--~Ai.tl!: __ QY.A!1t~--!i!::l1Qtt!1n••--~ng QQ~L•~i-1~!!!, __ .!.~§~ which contains a compilation of guid•l:. n•s and obJectives currently used in Canada <CCREM 1985). From these guidelines, the gov•rnm•nts of the provinc•s and territories dev•lop specific water quality crit•ria. Th• curr•nt standards for turbidity in Canadian provinc•s ancl t•rritori•s appear in Tabl• 3-1. In addition to provincial re~ulations, th• f•d•ral gov•rnm•nt has establish•d standards for• c•rtain water uses and has promulgat•d standards for boundary wat•rs with th• Unit•d Stat•• <International Joint Commission--Gr•at Lak•s>. Only Manitoba and Ontario hav• dev•lop•d r•rr•a in i ng guidelines, •nforc•abl• provincial or draft r•gulations for some water gov•rnments only have r•gulations at this time. us••· The ObJect i v•s, Sritish Columbia, N•w Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest T•rritori•s, Nova Scotia, Prine• Edward Island, and the Yukon Territory use th•1 guidelines of other agencies on a case by cas• basis. Quantitativ• turbidity crit•ria for r•creation and for fish and wildlif• propagation are comJ:Iarable to Alaska crit•ria for thes• same wat•r uses. Wat•r quality standards for susp•nd•d and settleabl• solids in Canadian provinces and t•rritori•s app•ar in Tabl• 3-2. Th•,re are no regulations for water column standards curr•nt ly in affect. Quantitativ• crit•ria for Alberta and Saskatchewan are obJectives standards only. Th• for susp•nd•d Yukon Territory has propos•d •ffluent and settl•able solids based on classes REVIEW CRAFT 9/09/8~ PAGE !S 3.4 REFERENCES CCREM, 19SS. I~va~tory of water quality guidali~es and ObJectives 1964. Prepared by Canadia~ Cou~cil ~ R•source. a~d Environment Mi~isters Task Force on Water Guility Guide- lines, Ottawa. SO pp. + Table. Clarkson, c.c., D.E. Lehnig, s.v. Plante, R.S. Taylor, and W.M. Williams, 1Se~. Hydrologic basis for suspended solids crit•ria. Pr•pared for Enviro~mental Protection Agency by Camp, Dresser & McKe•, Annandal•, VA. EPA, 1976. Quality criteria for Protection Ag•ncy, Washington, D.C. water. 2~3 pp. Environmental Farnworth, E.G., M.C. Nichols, C.N. Van~, L.G. Wolfson, R.W. Bosserma~, P.R. He~drix, F.B. Golley, and J.L. Cooley, 1979. Impacts of sediments and nutrients on biota in surface waters of th• United States. EPA-600/3-79-10~, Environmental Protection Ag•ncy, Washington, D.C., Athens, GA. 333 pp. George, T.S.~ and D.E. Lehnig, 1SS4. Turbidity and solids. Pr•par•d for Environm•ntal Prot•ction A;•ncy by Camp, Dr•sser & McK••• Annandale, VA._ Iwamoto, R.M., E.O. Salo, M.A. Mad•J• and R.L. McComas, 1978. Sedim•nt and wat•r quality: a r•vi•w of' th• literatur• including a sugg•st•d approach for wat•r quality criteria with summary of workshop and conclusions and r•commendations by E.O. Salo and R.L Rulifson. EPA-S10/S-7S-04S, Environmental Protection Ag•ncy, Region X, S•attle, WA. K•up, L.E., 1983. Environmental Communication Inc. on May s. Crit•ria and Standards Oivisic:~n, u.s. Prot•ction Ag•ncy, Washington, D.C., P•rsonal to Larry P•t•rson, L.A. P•t•rson & Associates, Muncy, R.J., G.J. Atchison, R.V. Bulkley, B.W. Menzel, L.G. P•rry, and R.C. Summ•rf•lt, 1S7S. Eff•cts of susp•~d•d solids and s•diment on r•production and •arly lif• of warm- wat•r fish••• a r•vi•w. EPA-600/3-79-042. Environm•~tal Prot•ction Ag•ncy, Corvallis, OR. NAS, 1973. Water quality criteria 1972. EPA Ecol. Res. Series EPA-RJ-73-033, Pr•par•d for Environm•ntal Prot•ction Ag•ncy by National Acad•my of Sci•nc•s, National Acad•my of Engin•ering, Washington, D.C. ~S4 pp. Sor•nsen, D.L., M.M. McCarthy, E.J. Middl•brooks, and O.B Porcella, 1977. Susp•nd•d and dissolv•d solids •f'f•cts on freshwater biotal a review. EPA-600/3-77-042, Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, Offic• of R•seareh and O•v•lopm•nt, Environm•ntal Prot•ction A;•ncy, Corvallis, OR. 64 pp. REVIEW DRAFT S/09/85 PAGE ~ - - - - - - ~- - - Th•.lrston, R. V., R. C. Russo, C. M. Fetterolf, .Jr., T. A. Edsall, Y. M. Barber, .Jr. <eds.), 1'379. A review of the EPA Red Book~ quality criteria for water. Water Quality Section, ~merican Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. 313 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/S~ PAGE 37 4.0 ADEQUACY AND SCIENTIFIC MERIT OF ALASKA CRITERIA This section summarizes Alaska criteria for water su~ply, recreation, and protection of biota for both fresh and marine waters; summarizes scientifically documented levels of t1..1rt:l1dity, suspended solids, settleable solids, and fine particles in streambeds that have demonstrated effects on various water uses; and, presents suggested criter1a from the lit en~at ure. 4. 1 ALASKA CRITERIA The purpose of this section is t~ describe protected water uses for both fresh and marine water, and existing turbiditY. and sediment criteria for the various protected •.Lses. B.efo_I'e describing the protected water uses and particulates criteria, 1·1owever, stal"1dir,g four points. are of the st.ar•dards. made to enhance the reader's under- First, the standards apply only to human activities which result in alterations to waters within the state. In this context, the standards constitute the level of degradation which may not be exceeded in a water body. Second, sediment refers to particulates in the water column as well as particulates that settle to the ~ottom. Sediment 1n the water column may be measured as total suspended solids or settleable solids <Easton 19SS>. Third, the methods of analysis used to determine water quality are in accordance with ~l~n~~~~ !!!!i!lb.2Q.§ __ fQt: __ ltl!!LE21!!f!!i.n!l!li!2n_!2f_~!!l@~-!l!n!;L~e§l@~sl!!!t: < APHA 1980 > and ~~ln!2g~ __ !!2t: __ ~tl-miS!!l __ 9n~l~-i~--2f __ ~!J!t~l::--!l!ng_~s§l~~ <EPA 1979). This requirement insures that accepted methods are used for measuring turbidity, total suspended solids, and settleable solids. Fourth, if .a w•ter is classified for more than one use, the most stringent w•ter Qu.ality criteria of all the included uses applies. All waters in Alaska except the lower Chena River and Nol~n Creek and all its tribut~ries, c~cludinQ Acme Cra~K. are classified for all uses. Therefore, the most stringent criteria ~pplies to all waters except tMoze noted above. REV!EW or;AFT C7/Q9/85 PAGE 38 - - - criteria for protection of drinking water sources and contact recreation are the most stringent for particulates, but are not necessarily the most stringent for all other water quality Existing turbidity and sediment standards for the protection of identified water uses in both fresh and marine waters appear below CADEC 198~)1 FRESH WATER 1. WATER SUPPLY1 DRINKING, CULINARY, AND FOOD PROCESSING IY~~i91!~= Shall not exceed 5 NTU above natural conditions when the natural turbidity is ~0 NTU or lass, and not have more than 10 percent increase in turbidity when the naturAl -condition is more th~n.50 NTU, not to exceed a maximu~ increase of 2~ NTU. §•a1m•n!• No increase in concentrations of sediment, including settleable solids, above natural conditions. 2. WATER SUPPLY1 AGRICULTURE, INCLUDING IRRIGATION AND STOCK WATERING Ig~.Q1911~= Shall not cause detrimental effects •::.n indicated ~§a.im~n1• For sprinkler irrigation, water shall be free of particles of 0.074 mm or coarser. For irrigation or water spreading, shall not exceed 200 mg/L for an extended period of time. 3. WATER SUPPLY• AQUACULTURE !Y~91g!1~• Shall not exceed 2~ NTU above natural condition level. For all lake waters, shall not exceed 5 NTU over natural conditions. §§a1m•n1• No imposed loads that will interfere with estab- lished water supply treatment levels. 4. WATER SUPPLY: INDUSTRIAL IYr~i9i!~= Shall not cause detrimental effects on estab- lished water supply treatment levels. REVIEW DRAFT ,/49/S~ PAGE~ §~gimHDif No imposed loads that will interfere with estab- liahad water supply treatment levels. 5. WATER RECREATION: CONTACT RECREATION I~r~igi!~= Shall not exceed S NTU above natural conditions when the natural turbidity is 50 NTU or lesa, and not have more than 10 percent increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than 50 NTU, not to exceed a maximum increase of 13 NTU. Shall not eHceed 5 NTU over the natural condition for all lake waters. §@.d.im§tnt: No increase in cor.centrat ions of sediment, including settleable solids, above natural conditions. 6. WATER RECREATION• SECONDARY RECREATION I~r~ig11~• Shall not exceed 10 NTU over natural conditions when natural turbidity is 50 NTU or less, and not have more than 20 percent increase in turbidity when the natural condition ·is more than·3o NTU, not to eHc:eed a maximum increase of 50 NTU. For all lake waters turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU over natural conditions. Shall not pose hazards to incidental human contact or cause interference with the use. 7. GROWTH AND PROPAGATION OF FISH, SHELLFISH, AND OTHER AQUATIC LIFE IYr~ig11~• Shall not eHceed 23 NTU above natural condition level. For all lake waters, shall not exceed 3 NTU over natural conditions. 3•91m•n1• The percent accumulation of' fine sediment in the range of' o. 1 mm to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of waters utilized by anadramous or resident fish f'or spawning may not be increased more than 5 percent by weight over natural condition <as shown from grain size accumulation graph>. In no case may the o. 1 mm to 4.0 mm f'ine sediment range in the gravel bed of waters utilized by anadramous or resident fish for spawning exceed • maximum of 30 percent by weight <as shown from grain size acc:umulatiol"' graph>. In all other surf'ace waters no sediment loads (suspended or deposited> which can cause adverse effects on aquatic: al"'imal or plant life, their reproduction, or habitat. REVIEW DRAFT 9109185 PAGE~ - - - '"""" - ~ - - - MARINE WATER 1. WATER SUPPLY: AQUACULTURE I~r~i9i!~= Shall not aMce•d 23 NTU. a. 3. §~9im~n!: No imposed loads that will interfere with estab- lished water supply tr•atment levels. WATER SUPPLY1 SE~FOOD PROCESSING I~r~i9i!~: Shall not int•rfere with disinfection. §•9im•.o!J Below normally d•tectabl• amounts. WATER SUPPLY: INDUSTRIAL !~r~!9!!~= Shall not cause detrimental effects on estab- lish•d levels of water supply treatm•nt. §•g1m•ni• No impos•d loads th•t will interf•r• with •stab- lished water supply treatment levels. 4. WATER RECREATION• CONTACT RECREATION I~r~i9!!~= Shall not •~c••d 2~ ~TU~ §•sim!m!: No m•asure•bl• incr•••• in conc•ntrat ion •bov• n•tural conditions. 5. WATER RECREATION: SECONDARY RECREATION I~ra19i!~= Shall not •Mc••d 2~ NTU. cont•ct or caus• interfer•nc• with th• us•. 5. GROWTH AND PROPAGATION OF FISH, SHELLFISH, AND OTHER AQUATIC LIFE 7. I~r~!gi~~= Sh•ll not r•duc• th• depth of the comp•nsation point for photosynth•tic activity by mor• than 10 percent. In addition, shall not r•duc• th• ma~imum S•cchi disk d•pth by mor• than 10 p•rc•nt. §~g!m~n!: No measureable increase in concentrations above natural conditions. HARVESTING FOR CONSUMPTION OF RAW MOLLUSKS OR OTHER RAW AQUATIC LIFE I~r~igi1~= Shall not reduce th• d•pth of the compensation point for photosynth•tic •ctivity by mor• th•n 10 percent. REVIEW DRAFT cr/G9/S:S PAGE-41 In addition, shall not reduce the maximum Secchi disk depth by more than 10 percent. §~91m~n~: Not applicable. 4.2 DEMONSTRATED EFFECTS OF PARTICULATES 4.2. 1 Water Supply The effects of particulates on water supply summarized in this section include information pertaining to both fresh and marina waters. Fresh water uses include drinking, culinary, and food processing; agriculture; a~uaculture; and industrial. Marine uses include a~uaculture, seafood processing, and indus- trial. The affects of particulates on these various water uses are ~uantified in this section where possible. The extant ~o which suspended solids can be tolerated .in water supplies varies widely. Solids in water used for drinking, culinary, and food processing can support growth of harmful microorganisms and reduce the effectiveness of chlorina- tion, resulting in health hazards. For most water supplies, high levels of suspended solids are obJectionable for aesthetic reasons and can interfere with treatment processes and chemical and biological tests. Suspended solids may also transport nutrients and toxic substances, such as pesticides, herbicides, and certain metals. The amount of particulates allowable in raw water supplies depends on the type and dagraa of treatment used to produce finished water. Sorensen at al. (1977> note that an excellent source of treatment, good source filtration water supply, ra~uiring only disinfection as would have a turbidity range of 0 to 10 units. A of water supply, requiring usual treatment such as and disinfection would have a turbidity range of 10 to 250 units. Waters with turbidities over 250 units are poor sources of water supply ra~uiring special or auxiliary treatment REVIEW DRAFT 91d9/S3 PAGE4~ - - - - - - "'"" ! and disinfection. The ability of common water treatment processes (i.e., coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and chlorination) to remove suspended matter to achieve water with acceptably low turbidity is a function of the compo~ition of the material as well as its concentration <EPA 1976). The type of plankton, clay, or earth particles, their siz•, and electrical charges, influence coagulation more than the number of turbidity units <NAS 1973>. For eMample, a water with 30 turbidity units may coagulate more rapidly than one with ~ to 10 units and water with 30 turbidity units sometimes may be more difficult to coagulate than water with 100 units <NAS 1973>. Although the Alaska criteria for drin~ing water refer to a ~ NTIJ increase in turbidity above background in raw water, the following information pertaining to turbidity levels ·in finished drinking water is provided to giv• the read•~ a feeling for ~he importance of low turbidity levels. It should be noted that raw wa1;er at a low tl.lrbidity level is the same as finished drinkirq; water with respect to the following information. Sruvold <H~7~>, reporting the results of a consl.lmer acceptance survey of finished tap water conducted by Harris, notes that 11 percent of tho respondents Judged ~ turbidity units to be acceptable for drinking water. This water also had 1~ color units and a tht .. eshold odor nl.lmber of 3. For drinking water, ~ units of turbidity become obJectionable to a considerable number of pec)ple, and many people t~Jrn to alternate Sl.lppl ies which may be letls safe. Symons and Hoff <197:i) discuss the relationship bet: ween particulates in water and the presence of disease- causing organisms. Low levels of particl.llates interfere with d it1infect ion and can prevent maintenance of an affect iva dit.infectant a;ent Ca.;., chlorine) throughout the distribl.ltion syt'.tem. Indic:at ions are that bactaria and viruses can be protected by certain kinds of particles from inactivation by chlorine. Inorganic particles can cal.lse turbidity and probably have no bearfng on tha potential protection of pathogens. Small organic particles, however, may protect pathogens. Therefore, REVIEW DRAFT ~/49/S:; PAGE~l in evaluating water supplies, the nature of the particles in the water should be taken into account. Hence, if only disinfection is applied, the raw water source should be limited to low levels of particulates. George and Lennig (1984> note that a level of 5 turbidity units should not be e)(ceeded for drinking water. EP~ C1976> notes that finished drinking water should have a ma)(imum limit of 1 turbidity unit where the water enters the distribution system. be adversely affected sediments reduces the in many capacity ways. Deposition of suspended of irrigation structures and systems 1'378). and decrease reservoir storage capacity (King et al. . Deposition on land can produce crusts that innibit water infiltration and plant emergence, impedes soil aeration, and car. contribute to salinity problems by hindering -leaching of saUna soils <King et al. 1978>. High colloidal content in water used for sprinkler irrigation may result in deposition of films on leaf surfaces that may reduce photosyntnetic activity and, therefore, growth. The films may also affect marketability of leafy vegetable crops such as lettuce CNAS 1973>. Quality requirements regarding tne amount of particulates vary among different industrial uses. For e)(ample, rayon manufacture requires water with only 0.3 turbidity units, whereas water used for cooling can have up to ~0 turbidity units <McGauhey 1968). Although industrial cooling water can tolerate relatively high levels of suspended solids without significant problems, modern high pressure boilers require water that is virtually free of all impurities <Hach 1983). The quality requirements even vary within some industries, such as the p1.1lp and paper industry. Different processes within this industry require different levels of turbidity. The groundwood process is the least sensitive to particulates and can tolerate up to SO turbidity units, the kraft process up to 2S units, the soda and - - r I sulfite process up to 15 units, &nd light paper production tol•r&tes up to 3 turbidity units <McGauhey 1968>. Crit•ria •stablish•d for evaluating and id•ntifying water treatment n•eds for fish hatch•ries by Sigma Resource Consult&nts <1979) includ• limits on susp•nd•d solids. Th• s•.11ggest•d m1:;1/L and limit for susp•nd•d solids for incubating •ggs is 3 for r•aring and holding th• limit is Z3 mg/L in the al:1senc• of oth•r pollutants. 4.3.Z R•cr•ation Contact r•cr•ation r•f•rs to activiti•• wh•r• th•r• is dir•ct and intimat• contact with wat•r and includ•s wading, swimming, diving, wat•r skiing, surfing, &nd any oth•r intimat• with wat•r activities. S•condary r•cr•ation r•f•rs to activiti•s wher• w&t•r us• is incid•ntal, accid~ntal, or visual, and includes fishing, boating, camping, hunting, hiking, and vacationing. TMI• eff•cts of particulat•• on contact and s•condary r•cr•ation summarized in this ••ction includ• information p•rtaining to both fresh and marin• wat•rs. Wat•r quality is rar•ly d•fin•d by th• public in t•rms of cn:•mistry, physics, or of quality ar• attun•d bact•riology b•caus• public p•rc•ptions to th• s•ns•s <Wolman 1974) such as sight. Tn• public p•rc•iv•s wat•r quality in t•rms such a$ alga•, foam, and turbidity. Contact and s•condary r•cr•ational us,es of wat•r vary wid•ly with r•sp•ct to th• amount of p•1rt iculat•s that ar• acc•ptabl•• Wat•r contact us•• such as w&ding, swimming, w&t•r for saf•ty. and diving r•quir• cl•ar to mod•rat•ly clear Th• l•ss turbid th• wat•r th• mor• d•sir•able it b•com•s for swimming and oth•r wat•r contact sports <EPA 1$176). McGauh•y < 1968) not•• that th• not ic•abl• thr•shold is 10 turbidity units and th• limiting thr•shold is 50 units for contact r•creation. Th• guid•lin•s for Canadian REVIEW OR~FT 9/49/83 PAGE4~ recreational· water ~uality <National Health and Welfare 1983) note that the ma~imum limit for turbidity is suggested as 50 turbidity units and the water should be sufficie~tly clear so that a Secchi disk is visible at a minimum of 1.2 meters (4 feet>. These obJectives insure the protection of waters suitable for contact recreation, diving, water skiing, and surfing. including wading, swimming, Fishermen tend not to fish in areas of turbid water because game fishes are not found there in as great abundance as in clear waters <Bartsch 1960). Fishing success is reduced where turbidity is greater than 2~ ppm <Phillips 1971> to 30 JTU <Grundy 1976). According to Townsend (1983), one of the most popular fishing from the recreational activities on the Chatanika River is sport for Arctic grayling. He notes that numerous-complaints public were received about muddy water conditions-in the Chatanika drainage in 1979, the first season of increased placer mining activity in this drainage. Townsend states that fishermen probably refrained from fishing because of turbid conditions. He also notes that in 1977 and 1978 the Chatanika was the second most popular waterbody for sport fishing in the Interior but it fell to seventh place in 1979. Boating, canoeing, and kayaking are enJoyed in ~laska in a variety of clear and turbid systems. There is really no upper limit to the amount of turbidity for these activities. For e)(ampla, river boating (for pleasure and transportation) is popular on the Tanana and Yukon rivers and kayaking and rafting are popular on the Nenana Riverf all are turbid systems. ~ccording to McGauhey <196&>, the noticeable threshold is 20 turbidity units for boating and aesthetic uses but "no level tisJ likely to be found in surface waters CthatJ would impede ttheseJ usetsJ." That is, high turbidity levels do not eliminate boating and aesthetic uses. However, given a choice, most people prefer clear water conditions for these uses. REVIEW DRAFT '?109/8:5 PAGE Iff. ~I ~I -· - - - - 4. ~~. 3 Biota Scientific data describe many ways in which turbidity and excessive concentrations of sediment may adversely affect aquatic organisms. In general, these effects include• (1) Direct actions which either kill or reduce growth rate and resistence to diseaset (2) Prevention of the successful development of eggs and/or larvae, (3) Modification of natural movements and migration, and, (4) Reduction in the abundance of available food items. A substantial amount of information exists ragarcling tne general effects of suspended solids, settleable solids, tu~bidity, and the accumulation-of ~ines in spawning ;ravel on f'rttshwater aquatic organisms. A large percentage of the published literature summarizes the results of investigations undertaken by other authors, and relatively few present original data that quantify the levels which cause deleterious effects. Furthermore, many of the frequently cited publications address the• effects of part ieulates on organisms not found in Alaska waters. Difficulties arise in deriving conclusions about the ef1~eets of part ieulates on speci fie organisms •• a result of the wide range of tolerance among different species, among individuals of different a;•• and stag•• of d•v•lopm•nt, and amcmg individuals of th• sam• sp•eies which have adapted to di1'f•r•nt natural conditions. For example, salmonid egg inc:ubation is advers•ly affected by suspttnd•d sol ids concentrations not: adversely ;rttater than ;r•ater than 3 mg/L, but som• adult salmonids are affected by short-term exposur• to concentrations 100,000 mg/L. Th•r• is a wid• rang• of effects on i ncl i v id•.lals, par•t iculat• their age class, and habitat over a wide range of typas and lev•ls. Furthermore, the various units of REVIEW DRAFT 9119/Se PAGE~? measure and methods of measuring turbidity and suspended matter make it difficult to compare results. Particulates hava direct and indirect effects on aquatic biota. Direct effects include anatomical and physiological influences on the organisms themselves, whereas indirect effects involve impacts al tarat ion. such as a reduction in prey species or habitat ~dditionally, the biological effects of particulates are interactive in that a change in natural levels may affect the structure of an entire aquatic community, as opposed to only one functional group of organisms. Data from early field studies indicate that it is often difficult to assess the effects of suspended solids independent of factors such as sorbed toxic metals and pesticides, biochemi- cal oxygen demand, and nutrient content. -Consequently, ~he obJective of more recent studies has been to identify the biological effects of inert particulate material, similar in size and composition to those found in natural waters. Another problem with early studies is that investigators used a variety of units for turbidity. Hence, there are a variety of units, ppm, mg/L, JTU, FTU, NTU <not directly translated one to another>, making it appear that there are inconsistencies in tha reported data. The actual units reported in the literature appear in the following discussion of the affects of particulates on biota. Particulates, especially turbidity, are considered to have a deleterious effect on plant communities within waterbodies. Few quantitative results are reported in the literature. Bell <1973> reported that algal-based food production for JUvenile •almonids was reduced at turbidities above 2~ JTU. In Sraat Britain, Nuttall and Bilby (1973) stated that rooted aquatic ve!iletation was exceeded 2000 Read et al. absent at stations where suspended solids levels ppm in a river polluted with china-clay wastes. (1983> found in experimental ponds in North REVIEW DR~FT Cf/Q9/S~ PASE 48 - - - - - - ,, ... - r Carolina, that a reduction of turbidity from 12 to 6 NTU allowed submerged plants to grow in deeper water areas because of the corresponding increase in light at depth. In Ya-Ya Lake, NWT, phy'toplanktol"' productivity was lowest in the roegion where turbidity and suspended solids were highest <McCart at al. 1980>. Van Nieuwel"'huyse C1983) observed a strong correlation between incident photosynthetically activ• radiation <PAR> and gro~s productivity which Nieuwenhuyse <LaPerriere different turbidity levels. lead to development of a model by Van 1983) to predict algal productivity at Benthic organisms and other invertebrates are also adversely affected by particulates. Gammon <1970) reported a 23 percent red~..&ction in macroinvartebrate populations downstream from A 1 imtestone quarry where sedimer~t loads were less than 40 mg'IL. Popt~..&lat ion reduct ior~s of. . 40 percent ware. r~otad in stretches -of the river wh.re the sediment load was 80 to 120 mg/L and, ir~ are,as wh•re 120 mg/L. was exceeded, the macroinvertabrate population reduction was 60 percer~t. Sedimer~t which settled out caused a reduction of 40 percent in population density regardless of susper~ded sediment concentration. Invertebrate drift increased immediately when introductions of 160 mg/L sediment were made to the stream. Wilber <1983>, citing Herbert et al. <1961>, reported that mac1rooinvertebrate populations are reduced at turbidity levels of S:61 to 390 ppm ar~d that der~sity is reduced at 1000 to 6000 ppm. Red,Jced numbers were reported for turbidities of 40 to 200 JTU <Sorensen et al. 1977). In McCart et al. <1980>, a discernible eff•ct on the species composition and relative abundance of zoo1~lanktor~ was noted in the silty south and of Ya-Ya Lake, NWT. Species diversity, equitability, ar~d taxor~omic diversity appli!ared to be negatively correlated to siltation. Mortality of Qt.e!l!:li!. sp. occurred at 82 ppm suspended sol ids according to EIFI~C < 1965). REVIEW DRAFT q /0'9/8:5 PAGE .q.q McCart et al. (1980> also discussed tMe effects of siltation on various ~ish species within Ya-Ya Lake, including two species of sculpins, lake trout, northern pike, trout-perc:~, lake chub, inconnu Cshee~ish> and several other white~ish species. The study focused on the distribution o~ the sp•c:ies in the lake. They concluded th.at l.ak• c:har.ac:teristic s~ecies o~ c:le.arw.ater conditions, whereas the trout-~erc:h .and s~oonhe.ad sc:ul~in ap~eared in turbid ~arts of the lake. M.any s~•c:ies which w•r• tolerant o~ turbid conditions ~r•~erred to ~eed in the c:learw.ater end o~ the lake. These species inc:lud•d north•rn ~ike and hum~bac:k and bro.ad whitefish. In l.abor.atory tests, th• torrent sculpin .ap~e.ared to be ~airly tol•r.ant o~ susp•nded s•diments, and no -~~ec:t on ~••ding WAS evident at levels r.anging ~rom 0 to 1250 mg{L behavior CBrusven laboratory .acclimated sediment and Rose 1981); Mc:Leay et .al. -(1983) c:ond uct-ed t•sts on Arctic: gray~ing and re~orted that, when to U5 degre•s c, they survived .. 4-d.ay •x~osure to sus~ensions 0~ mor• than 250,000 mg/L and a 16-d.ay exposure to 50,000 mg/L. arayling which were .ac:c:lirn.ated to :5 degrees c survived 4 d.ays in sus~ensions o~ less th.an 10,000 mg/L. Sus~ensions ;r•ater th.an 10,000 mg/L c:aus•d grayling to surface. Although gill histologies .a~peared normal in the fish held ~or 4 days, .ac:ut• stress responses such .as elev.at•d .and/or v.aried blood glueos• l•vels, were noted. Gill hyp•rtrophy and hy~erpl.asia w•r• reported for gr.ayling ea~tur•d in th• fi•ld in wat•r with low susp•nd•d solids and then h•ld in w.ater with susp•nded solids l•v•ls of ·~proximately 1210 mg/L and 3:5 mg/L. It was c:onelud•d thAt gr.ayling subJ•c:ted to short-t•rm subl•thal .amounts of susp•nded solids c.an •xhibit v.arious r•s~onses including acut• str•ss. A r•l.ativ•ly lArge body o~ literature exists d•.aling with the •ffec:ts of p.articulates on trout and s.almon. Th• •ffec:ts on adult Bell fish, (1973> Juv•niles, and reports that •mbryos .are c:onsid•red s•parately. r•l.atively larg• ~uantities <~00 to REVIEW DRAFT ~/QS/S~ PAGE So ~ - - 1000 ppm> of sediment any appa~ant d•t~im•nt load can be ca~~ied in a st~•am without to adult salmon and t~out fo~ sho~t periods of tim•. Conc•nt~ations of 4000 ppm can cause salmon to cease inst~eam movements, howeve~. H•~be~t at al. <1961> concluded that b~own t~out populations in th• ~ive~s Fal and Pa~ in Co~nwall w•~• ~•duc•d in •~•a• having susp•nded s•diment conc•nt~ations of 1000 ppm but w•~• unaff•ct•d at 60 ppm. Reductions in th• standing c~op of b~ook t~out in a B~itish Columbia st~eam app••~•d to b• th• ~esult of dec~eased spawning and d•st~uction of hiding plac•• du• to siltation <Saunde~s and Smith 196~>. Bachmann <19~8) ~•v•al•d that cutth~oat t~out c••·•• f••d in; at 3:5 ppm susp•nd•d sol ids and that cutth~oat may abandon ~edds if silt is p~•••nt. Rainbow t~out exhibit•d th• following ~•spon••• to va~yin; amounts of susp•nd•d solids• <1> ~0 ppm--~•duc•d ;~owthl <2> 90 ppm--20 P•~c•nt mo~tality in 2 to 6 months; <3> 100 to 270 ppm--fin. ~ot 1 (4) 200 ppm--~0 p•~c~_nt mo~tality in 16 w••ksl (~) 1000 to 2~00 ppm--100 p•~cent mortality in 20 days' (6) 1000 ppm--20 p•~c•nt mo~tality in 37 days; <7> 42~0 ppm--~0 p•~c•nt mo~tality in 28 days; and, <S> 160,000 ppm--100 p•~c•nt mo~tality in 1 day. R•sults of acut• <4 days o~ 1•••> •xposu~• to susp•nd•d s•diments indicat• that Juv•nil• salmonids •xhibit ••asonal chang•• in th•i~ tol•~anc• to susp•nd•d ••dim•nts <Noggl• 1978). Bioassays conduct•d in summ•~ p~oduc•d L.C~O's 1••• than 1:500 mg/L., whil• autumn bioassay• show•d L.C:50's in •xc••• of 30,000 m;/L.. Th• tol•~anc• of wild coho salmon to susp•nd•d solids was high•~ than hatch•~Y p~oduc•d cohos, appa~ently becaus• of p~io~ •xposu~• to susp•nd•d ••dim•nts. L.an;•~ tu~biditi•s < 1980) ~• po~t •d f••ding among salmonids at B~ook t~out •xhibit•d inc~eas•d v•ntilato~y ~••pons• (a st~••• ~•action> at 231 NTU clay in wat•~ CCa~lson 1984). Pacific salmon su~viv•d 3 to 4 weeks in 300 to 7~0 ppm susp•nd•d solids and avoid•d muddy wate~s du~ing mig~ations acco~ding to th• lit•~atu~• ~eview by W i l be~ < 1 983) • REVIEW ORRFT 9/G9/8:5 PRGESI The effects of particulates on salmonid Juveniles and eggs have been studied more extensively than those on adults. In laboratory tests, Bisson and Bilby C19S2> found that turbidities of 70 to 100 NTU caused reduced feeding among coho Juveniles. Crouse et al. ( 1981) found that 26 to 31 percent sediment in laboratory coho fry. was reduced stream gravels increased mortality among emerging <1978> found that feeding by coho JUVeniles Noggle at 100 mg/L and ceased at concentrations greater than 200 mg/L. and at 3~,000 Mortality <LC50> occurred at 1198 mg/L in August mg/L suspended solids in November indicating perhaps a seasonal tolerance affect of increased maturity of JUVenile coho salmon or the of individuals. NCASI (19S4b) conducted a literature review pertaining to the effects of sediments on salmon habitat. It was discovered that the time necessary for coho fry_ to emerge from the gravel in. wh-ich. they were hatched increased from 10 to 47 d·ays when the amount.·of fines <less than 3.327 mm in diameter> was increased from 36.6 to 42.3 percent <Koski 1966>. sediment levels increased from 27 to 51 percent. Coho biomass decreased 65 percent when sediment smaller than o.e mm increased from 20 to 31 percent as a result of road construction <Burns 1972). Juvenile coho productivity was reduced from 8.8 grams per square meter to 5.0 grams per square meter as sediment embeddedness was increased from 0 to 100 percent in a laboratory stream <Crouse at al. 1961; NC~SI 1964a). Sigler at al. <1984) reported that coho and steelhead fry showed a reduction in growth at 25 NTU turbidity. Work suspensions negligible period in and more by Herbert of 30 ppm damage to laboratory than half the and Mer kens <1961> indicated that kaolin and diatomaceous earth caused JUvenile rainbow trout over a 6 mc•1"1th tests. Some mortality occurred at 90 ppm trout died at 270 !=IPm and 810 ppm. Fish e~posed to 30 to 90 ppm suspended solids exhibited normal gills, but those e~posed to concentrations of 270 to SlO ppm displayed thickening or. fusing of gill lamellae. Caudal fin damage was REVIEW DRAFT 9/49/85 PAGESa - - - - - - - - r also evident after exposure for 37 days to 270 ppm suspended solids. Salmon eggs ar• usually laid in depr•ssions excavated in th• gravel gravel. through of stream bottoms and th•n cover•d over with more Oev•lopm•nt of th• eggs depends on water flowing the gravel, bringing oxyg•n to the eggs and removing metabolic products. Wh•n grav•l int•rstic•s are covered or clogged with fin• material, succ•ssful developm•nt of the eggs is impair•d· BJornn •t al. < 1'377) r•port•d r•duc•d survival of salmon eggs in an Idaho str•am when th•r• was 20 to 30 percent sand in th• grav•l. Incr•as•d mortality of brook trout eggs in laboratory str•ams was not•d by Hausl• and Cobl• (1976) wh•n there was mor• than 20 perc•nt fines in grav•l. A lit•rature revi•w by Iwamoto •t al. (1978) r•veal•d that coho •g;s suff•red incr•ased mortality wh•n th• fin•s cont•nt of' grav•l was gr•a~:Sr than 15 perc•nt. fines content was Th• sam• was tru• of' st••lh•ad eggs wh•n the ;r•at•r than 20 p•rc•nt. Th• siz• of bottom str•ams utiliz•d for spawning by pink salmon varies According to McN•il and Ahn•ll <1964), •scap•ment material in consid•rably. was v•ry high 0.833-mm si•v• th• perc•ntag• of solids passing through a about ~ perc•nt, m•dium to high at 10 BJornn (1969) r•ported that chinook f'ry had difficulty during •m•rgenc• wh•n sand C0.2S mm) in th• grav•l was incr•as•d 20 to 40 perc•nt. ~ortality of chinook embryos approach•d 30 p•rc•nt as a r•sult of 30 to 40 perc•nt sand in the grav•l. Lan;•r (1980> reported an incr•ase in st••lhead fry mortality wh•n grav•ls contained mor• than 10 perc•nt s•diments. Survival of st•elhead declined to 3.3 p•rc•nt wh•n fine s•diment <6.4 mm) r•a<c:h•d 39.4 p•rc•nt in gravel <NCASI 1984b>. Approximat•ly 18 perc•nt survival was achi8ved with 70 percent 1 to 3 mm s•dim•nt <Phillips •t al. 1975) and 10 perc•nt survival occurred when 0.85 mm sediment reached 19.5 perc•nt <Tappel and BJornn 1983) in gravel. Only 6 percent survival occurr•d when there was 50 REVIEW DRAFT <f/Q9/85 PAGES! percent fine sediment <9.3 mm> present CTappel and 9Jornn 1983>. Steelhead fry survival decreased from 49 to 52 percent to 3 to 9 percent when 20 percent fines <0.23 mm> were introduced in the gravel CNCASI 19S4b>. Steelhea~ populations declined by SS percent when sediment smaller than o.s mm increased from eo.6 percent to 34.2 percent after road construction <Burns 1972>. Rainbow trout alevins and eggs showed reduced survival of 1 to 1.3 percent for avery 1 percent increase in o.a mm fines ir1 gravel <NCASI 19S4a). Phillips <1971) reported a 37 percent decrease in the population of JUvenile rainbow trout in 20 days in an area 1 1/2 miles downstream from a gold dredge where the suspended sediment concentration in the water ranged from 1000 to 2500 ppm. H•usle •nd Cobl~ (1976) r•ported that emergence time for brook trout ambryos was incr•as•d and their survival decreased when 2. 0 mm s•d im•nt in gravel greater tha.n 20 percent. Ch1Jm salmon •;;s eHhibit•d a deer•••• in survival of 1.25 percent for every 1 p•rcent incr•ase in sand <Koski 197S>. For coho eggs, the ratio was 3.1 percent decreas• in survival for every 1 percent increase in sand <Cederholm at al. 1990), Sockeye salmon aggs show•d a 40 perc•nt decrease in survival when fines of less than 0.336 em wer• introduced into gravel. The survival of chinook •;;• decreas•d from 88 to 18 pwrcwnt whwn 39 percent fin•• <6.4 mm) w•r• in the ;rav•l. Coho eggs show•d a r•duced Sl.lrViVal from 96 to 8 pwrc:wnt with a 0 to 70 p•rcent increase in fine (1 to 3 mm) sedim•nt <Phillips et al. 197S). In laboratory tests, Phillips et al. ( 197S) found that the survival of coho eggs c:orr•lated nwga.tiv•ly with the addition of sand to the substrat• with the following results. There was 96 pwrcent survival in the control mi~ture, aa percent survival in 10 percent sand, 64 percent survival in 20 percent sand, 38 percwnt survival in 30 pwrcant sand, 20 percent survival in 40 REVIEW DAAFT 9/49/S5 PAGES4 - - - - - - - I r percent sand 1 aa percent survival in ~0 percent sand, and S to 10 percent survival in 60 to 70 percent sand. Steelhead eggs showed a similar response; survival was reduced from 99 to 1S percent when sand was increased to 70 percent. percent of chinook salmon eggs survived when 15 to 30 percent of the gravel voids were filled with sediment in laboratory (1976) observed that survival of coho eggs in the Clearwater River in Washington was negatively correlated with the percent of "poor" (fines less than 0.85 mm in diameter> In Great Britain, Turnpenny and Williams <1980) found that rainbow trout eggs suffered 98 to 100 perc:ent mortality in 2 to 2481 mg/L suspended sol ids where the permeability of the gravel was 5 to 74 c:m/hr and dissolved 0)(yg1en in t.he water was 2.4 to 7.8 mg/L. At S':J,spended sediment concentrations of 3 to 1810 mgiL, where the permeability was 7 to 2950. cm/hr and dissolved O)(ygen-was 3.8 to e.G mg/L, survival of the eggs ranged from 24 to 98 percent. Witzel and MacCrimmon ( 19Si1 > found that only 1 percent of the rainbow eggs survived when the gravel was 2 mm in diameter but that 76 percent survival was achieved when the gravel diameter was 26.5 mm. The main concern with regard to the protection of aquatic fauna from lethal sediment concentrations is the amount of solids in suspension that can potentially settle out <settleable solids> as flow decreases <Duckrow and Everhart 1971>. It is the sessile, immobile forms in or on the streambed which are the most susceptible to being smothered. Sedimentation of the str•am substrate, particularly the gravel used for spawning, produces significant detrimental effects on salmonid resources <Iwamoto et al. 1978). Iwamoto et al. <1978) note th.at there are subst.anti.al data describing the deleterious effects of p.articles of si:es less than 0.850 mm in diameter when they e)(ceed approMimately 20 percent of the ·total. They also note that sediments ranging between 0.1 and 3.3 mm appear to cause the most significant impact. REVIEW DRAFT lf/49/95 PAGE SS Sediment deposited on the streambed sur~ace or within the gravel can reduce the gravel <Cooper and direction of the exchange of water between the stream and 1965>. Three factors affect ~he magnitude water interchange in spawning beds: (1) The surface profile of the streambed; (2) depth of the streambed; and <3> streambed permeability. Water exchange occurs in stream gravels as either downwelling or upwelling. Downwelling is predominant in convex streambed surfaces, whereas upwelling occurs where the streambed is concave. Furthermore, increased stream gravel permeability induces downwelling, whereas decreased permeability induces upwelling <Vaux 1968>. Substantial reductions in flow through the gravel may result from a reduction in the size of particles in the gravel bad <Cooper 196~>. Permeability may be increased by removing fine material from the stream gravels CMcNeil and ~hnell.1964> such as during flood events that wash fines out ofi the gravel. The intrusion of fines into •tream ;ravels is a complicated and not fully understood process <Beschta and Jackson 1979>. Presently there is little known about the mechanisms and rates of sediment interchange between the water column and the inter- stitial environment <Carling 1984>. Sediment intrusion involves the transport and deposition of particles into gravel voids at the surface, and the settling of particles into deeper gravel voids under the influence of gravity, assisted by turbulent pulses at the gravel surface <Beschta and Jackson 1979>. Since there is o~ten an exchange of flow between a stream and the gravel bed of a stream, it is logical to expect that suspended sediments might be carried into the gravel and deposited even if they are not deposited on the streambed. While conducting bedload experiments with gravel, Einstein <1968> noticed that murky water gradually cleared up at low bedload rates, and postulated that the deposition of suspended silt particles must occur in the pores o~ the gravel bed. Subse~uent experiments showed that the depo~ition rate of suspended silt particles begin to fill the pores of the ;ravel ~rom the bottom up. The concentration of silt ranging from 3.~ to 30 microns decre~sed REVIEW DRAFT 9/G9/S:i PAGE Si - - - - - .... r exponentially. downstream as sediment was deposited in the stream gravels. As a result of these experiments, Einstein (1'368> concluded that the deposition of silt is primarily a function of the sediment concentration close to the sediment-watlfr interface and that hydraulic controls are of secondary importance. Carling <1'364) notes a similar experiment in which low concen- trations of silty clay <less than 300 mg/L) decreased exponentially downstream although high concentrations decreased logarithmically. A series of experiments conducted by Beschta and Jackson (1'379> demonstrate that flow conditions, as indexed by Froude numbers, significantly influenced the degree of gravel intrusion by sand. Other flow indicators such as shear velocity and Reynold's number did not significantly affect the amount of intrUsion. At low F~oud~ numbers, 0.~ mm sand quick~~ established a sand "seal" withir'l the upper :5 ern of the gravel. Or'lce the sar'ld seal had formed and the intergravel spaces had filled with fines, the downward movern•nt of additior'lal sediment was prevented ar'ld the ir'ltrusion process stopped. In comparison with 0.:5 mm sand, the intrusior'! of 0.2 mm sand was more extensive suggestir'lg that particle size is an important variable affecting the intrusior'l of stable gravels. Instead of forming a sand seal in the upper gravels, the finer sands generally migrated dowr'l through the test gravels by gravity ar'!d began to fill tnem from the bottom up. The amour'!t of ir'ltl"'usion of 0.2 mm sand decreased as the Frouda r'!umber increased from 0.6 to 1. 1. These observatior'ls support the findings of Einsteir'l <1'368> that intrusior'l by fine sediments fills stream gravels from the bottom up. !Ex;~eriments were cor'!duc:ted by Cooper <1963) using 0. 5 to 74 micron silt in concentrations of 200 ar'ld 2000 ppm to determine the rate ar'!d magr'litude of fine sediment deposition. Data show that stream gravels act as a filter il"1 removir•Q SI..ISpended sediments from the water flowing through the gravel. The rate REVIEW DRAFT 910'3/85 PAGE5'7 of silt accumulation in the gravel varied in proportion to the flow through the gravel. Carling (1984) found that porous gravels could physically entrap particles in the dead zones on the lee side of gravel grains and prevent resuspension. In base level flow conditions an.d low concentrations of sediment, the grain size of particles settling onto the gravel bed is similar to particles filling the gravel void spaces. For all concentrations, the deposition rate was strongly linearly correlated with the suspended sediment concentration. Results indicate that open-work gravels will rapidly become silted even with water containing low concentra- tions of suspended solids. Thus, the amount of silt and. larger particles trans~orted in suspension may have a pronounced affect on the natural qual~ty and composition of gravel substrates in streams. However, McNeil and ~hnell <1964) report that fines in the gravel can be locally removed by salmon during spawning. Nevertheless, additional sediment deposition and infiltration after spawning may reduce the rate and magnitude of water eMchange in spawning gravels, to the detriment of developing eggs. ~lthough particles in of clay-sized embedded ness this proJect. it is well documented that silt .and larger suspension may fill streambed gravels, the effects and other non-settleable particles on streambed are not reported in the literature reviewed for In summary, numerous field and laboratory investigations have documented lethal and sub-lethal effects of suspended and deposited sediments on freshwater aquatic organisms. These effects are summarized in Tables 4-1 through 4-4. Most of the numerical data appearing in these tables pertain to salmonids and their t•Jrbidity habitat. The impacts of a wide range of sediment and levels have been documented for all stages of salmonid REVIEW DRAFT CJ/09/8~ PAGE 58 -I - - - - - TABLE 4-3 .:rreCTS OF SUSPENDED SDL!:JS ~NO TUimiDITY ON SAU:CNiil Sl.i~VIVAL AND ~OiliALITY Qq;aru.§f:L_._ ~iature ano Extent ·:>f_Effe£~ Level •:>r Cone. QyratlOn cf)tm~ents ___ ~efgr~£! ________ Grayling ~ortali;y 2'50, 000 i11g/L 4 days s~spenced solids McLeay et a!. 1'383 Mortali;y 50,000 mgil :6 days Susper.aed solids McLeay et al. ~ 'lJl~ ... .-·-o.J Survived 10,000 mg/L 5 cays Suswenaed solids !'!ci...ea.y et al. 1'383 No mortality 950 to 8200 NTU 9 days T'JrOidity Si1111110ns 1984 No mortality 880 to 6600 mg/L '3 days Total sol ids Siauoons 1984 RaH:COw Trout <20% :nortali ty '30 ppm 2-6 rocmths DiatoDJa.ceous earth Heroert and Merker.s -:'361 20% ;nortali ty 1000 ppm 37 days Cellulose fiber EIFAC 1'365 50" !!lort alit y 200 ppll 16 weeks Spruce fiber ~~r3ert and Richards -1'363 50:( l!lortal i ty 4250 ppll 28 days Suspenaed gypsum Herbert and Wakeford 1962 Greater than 5~ Greater than 1-6 months Suspended kaolin & Herbert and ~erkens i.Drtality 270 po• dia.toaaceous earth 1961 No 111ortality 30 ?PM 2-€. months Suspended kaolin ! .ierbert and i"'erkens diatomaceous earth 1961 . 1 oc~ 110rta.l i ty · 1 &0, 000 ·ppm 1 day Suspenced solids EIFAC 1965 SB-100~ egg mortality 2 to 2481 lllJIL Suspended solids Turnoenny and ~1ll1~s 1580 24-98% egg r110rtali ty 3 to 1810 mg/L Suspended solids Turnpenny and ~illiams 1980 ~ortality occurred 1000 to 2500 PPI 20 days SuspenDed solids Campbell 1'354 No mortality 50 and 100 PPII 8 1110nths Coal-washery waste Herbert and Ricnards 1963 No n10rtality 200 POl 9-10 months Coal-washery waste Herbert and Ricnards 1S6.3 No mortality 5S3ppm 4 weeks Suspended gypsUII Herbert and Wa.keford 1'362 Cono Sa.lroor1 50% mortality 1200 in August 4 days Suspended solids ~ggle 1'3iS 35, 000 PPII in Nov111ber Chilli Sal1110n egg survival decreased by Increased by 1~ Suspended solids Langer nao """' 5'S1o r :>i r.K Sal mor. ~ow escapement success Abo•lt 20t. ~d1um escacment success About 1~ high escaper.~nt success About 5% C:ll'Ej Salmon Fry emergence tiue Increased from increased 37 to 4~ Emergence success decreased Increased from 27 to Sll' Juvenile productivity Increased fi'OIG decreased 44% 0 to lOC% Biomass decreased 65% Increased from 20 to 31~ Ciunoo)( Salmon S1ergence impaired Ir.creased from 20 to 4~ BrooK rr_out E:abryo emergence time rncreased from 1 rcreaset:l 0 to 1201(. ateei~.ead Population C:ect-easea oy Increased from Tro•n as,; 21 to 34"' BiOIIIiss decreaSeci by ~'"'% Increased frora 20 to 3lt. Saimonids Deleterious effects Greater than 201 Most siqnificant impact Not stated 0.,833 i!tl1 (), 833 !1111 0.833 rGIII (3. 32.7 r11111 Fines <2. 0 mm (0.8 fll<ll Sand <2 mm sand 0. 8 :lllll o. a • {0.850 IIIII Between 0.: and 3.3 111111 Emc~dedness ,\1;::Neil and ~·mell :?£4 ~~Neil and Anne": :954 Mc~ieil and Ai'meL ~36-t Koski 1966 NCASi 1984!J Cro•lse et al. 1'381 Burns l972 BJc•rnn 1969 Hausle m: C•Ji:lle 1976 Burns 1'372 Iwamoto et al. 1973 IwaAloto et al. 1978 - - - EFFECiS OF SETILED SOLIDS AND Fir->ES ON SAw'!!GNID :"'O~iHLIH AND SURVIVAL Src-o±< ~r'•J\It S.o:;;;.:•n C.'lum Salmon S•Jrvi val to a!Dergence Egg survl'/al cec:reased Egg surv1val oecreased 1.25%. u'i inoo!< Sal:~n Egg survival decreased from 54 to 18~ -~bryo r£rtal i ty aooroac:'led 50% - up to 85% ~rta~ity E;g survival decr·eased frc•m 96 to 8% ~g surv1 val aecreased 3.1~ Egg surv1 val decreased fl"'Ol SE. to lOJ' E;g survival averaged 22.1~ Egg mortality increasec Fry mortality increased Egg mortality averaged 27. 1% Ralnwfl 7Nut Egg survival decreased L 1 to 1. ~ Steelheaa Egg surv1val decreased by 0.8" Egg survival ranged frora 1 to 76% Egg mortality increased Egg surv1val aecreased fma 99 to 18% S;g survival decreased to 3.~ Egg survival decreased to lBJ' qg survival decreased to 10% ~g survival decreased to 6lC. ~q survi ·tal aecreased frolll 52 to 3-~ Greater tnan 20% 20 to 3~ range Each 1% increase Increased from 28 to 3'3% 30 to 40% 15 ~o 30% of gravel vo1as Increased from 0 to 70'/. 2 J1D1 sand Fines Sand 6.4 Olilll Sand Silt 1 to 3 lll'l1 Each i% increase Sana Increased from 0 to 70r. Sand 0.85 rilll Greater than 1~% Fines Increased frou Fines 25 to 31:t 2.7 to 51% fines 3. 327 11111 Each 1% increase 0.6 111111 fines Each l~ increase 6.4 mm fines Not stated 2 to 26.5 aa Breater than 201. Fines Increased to 70% Sand Increased to 6. 4 11111 fines 39.4% Increased to 701. 1 to 3 mrn fines Increased to 0. 085 :nm 13.5% fines Increased to 501. '3.5 mm fines I ncreasec to 20% !), 25 ;,1~1 f ~ nes ~,:an egg s1Jrv1vai was 17. IJ' Exceecea 20% 0. 35 ·,1m C:;g SIJrvlva~ cecreasec: 3. 4% C:ac::J 1% 1ncrease ·). S5 mm In gravel Filled gravel voids In gravel In gravel In ~ravel In gravel 3~fer~------- Mausle and Ccule :976 BJornn et al. ~374 :'.oski 1'375 NCASI 1984o Shelton arn:j Poi lack 1'365 Phillios et a.l. 1'375 Cedernolm et ai.. :sao ~~illips et al 1375 Tagart 1'376 :waw~to et al. 1378 Crouse et al. :sa: Kos~.i 1 '3€5 NCASI 1984a NCAS! l984a Witzel and ;r'.ac:Crir.11110n 1381 Iwamoto et al. 1978 Phillips et al. 1975 NCASI 1S84b Phil:ios et al. 1975 Tappel and S.Jornn 1383 C~Cet .. :-;c.:~1 :: a:. :·380 Cecerhv:r~ =t a.i.. • ?2{i 7ABli: 4-4 MISCELL..O.'oiEOUS EF~CTS OF SUSPEN:JED SCL.i::lS AND T'JRBrD!TY C.~ AGUAT!C 3IG7A cr~cg,n;.~}! ___ ,IJat:lte and Extent •Jf Effects Level or Cone. Durati.c.:-1 _ Ccm~nt~---1~fgr:ence -,.. . . ~aLmc•mos lTi Cease instream movements l;(K)Q ppm Sed i Dl£!rrt load Bell 1'3i3 genera~ No aocarent detriment 500 to 1000 JODI Seaiment load Bell :'373 ~educed feeding Greater than 25 Turbidity L~nger 1360 _.,"'it. liTU ;Jroouction reduce<i Greater than 25 Turbidity NCASI 19840 JTU .~ainbow Tro•lt Proouction increased 35% itedllced tly 85% Sane Alexander and fiansen ~ 1983 Slight effect on gro"th 50 t•) 60 00111 Coal wash~ry ~ste Herbert and ~ichards 1;53 II!IW'1 Reduced growth rate 270 ppm 4.5 f!!Onths Suspended matter iiert:lert anc "erkens 1'361 Juvenile coculat1on 1000 to 2000 ppm 20 days Suscenoed sol ids ;J:,illios et al. !Si5 ~ decreased 57~ i'fJt'Rial gills 30 ~Pftl il.aolin & 2 1110nths Suspended solids Hertlert and il!er~.er1s aiato:naceoiJS earth 1961 -)~r111al ;i!l histology 30 to 90 Oil/A >5 months Suscendea solids ner:Jert and )'!erll.ens kaolin & ciato-1961 ~~aceous eartn ~" Gill thickening or fusing 270 and B 10 Pill >S 110nths Sus!]ended solids Herbert aTid Merkens 1961 No st;n of d1sease SO POll 8 months Wood fiber Herbert arid !l!erkens 1'361 ~ Caudal fin disease 270 PPIII 57 days Diat ~mace<:••Js earth Herbert and l'lerkens !951 Some fln duease 200 PCII 8 1110nths Wood fiber Her':lert and :~erkens -l%1 Steel head Avoidance ) 167 NTU Turbid1ty Sigler et al. 1984 Trout neduted growth 2S NTli TuriJidity Sig:i.er et al. 1'384 Displacement 40 to SO NiU Turblliity Sigler et al. 1384 Cono Salr.10n Avoidance ) 167 NT't.l Turbidity Sigler et al. 1'384 Feeding reduced 100 1g/L Suspended sol ids Noggle 1~78 Feeding reduced 70 to 100 NTU Turbidity ~labaster 1972; Sykora et al. 1'372 Feec1ng ceased 200 illg/L 51Jsper!Ged sol ias Noggle 19i8 Reduced gr0111th 25~ 7uraldi ty Sigler et :tl. 1384 Avotaance by Juveniles 70 NTU i•lr':lidity Bisson and Bilby 1982 Displacement 4V to 50 NTU T•Jrblaity Sigler 138! Bel I 1973 ~"'' Alga: 3aseo Recucec 25 NTU Turtmllty PtQCI!C~ivlty R·~otea iJ:ar•ts Absem .) 2000 OOID China .:lay i<ltls:es ,~ut';all ar;d B:~Jy ,-........ ... jij_ ·3u:Jmer;ec are" ~:'l :ee;::er water !{e!llltec fro111 •? 7•Jr~:.c: ':y Reec et al. ,cc,-, .... .... l..!w Pi ants to o :·;TU Aauat ic ~la.r;~s Rec•lc:eu or•::Gilct i -:;n 0 tc. :~00 iliU "T•!rtliility 'ianNieflwerr:ll'fSc : ;e3 TABLE 4-4 Continued ~ISCELLANEOUS EFrECTS OF SUSPENDED SEDI~ENT w~D TURBIDITY CN AQLATIC BIGiA Qrcar.l§_m __ ~e!!J~_and E~f Effec1 Leye 1 ot' Cone. Duration Cc:,m~.t~-----·: Jjefere!!£~--------- Benthic Poouiation reduced by ~~ 40 [J]g/L Suspended so! i as Gai~ri:r:.n !370 Inverteorates Populat1on reduced by 40% 80 to 120 mg/L Susoendea sol ids Gisillmon :SiO ~ooulations reduced by 60~ ) 120 111g/L Susoended solids GariiiROn 1970 Poo•Jlatlon reduced to 25% 261 to 390 pp11 Susoer!ded soluis Sorensen et al. :'377 Bottom fauna absent 250ppm Susoended solias EiFAC 1%5 Populat1on numbers reduced 40 to 200 JiU Turbidity Sorensen et al. J.S77 Density reduced to w: 1000 to 6000 JTU -Susoended solids Heroert et al. 1561 Abunaance unaffected 60 ppra Susl]enaed solids Herbert et ai. 1561 ~~ 1ncrease in drift 40 mg/L increase -Susper~ed solids GalllfiiOn 1370 '30% increase in drift 80 mg/L increase -Suspended solids Gammon :370 Reduced abundance 0 to >2250 NTU i:Jrbidity La.::erriere et al. 198:3 iorrent 3cuLi:lin Impaired Feeding 0 to 1250 11g/L Suspended solios Brus·,..er. and Rose 1 '381 Grayling c:levated blood ~lucose, 10,000 •giL 4 days Suspended solids .'lfcLeay ~t al. 1983 reduced leucocrit Gill hypertropny and 34 and 1210 mq/L ---Susper~ed solids )!c!.eay et al. 1983 hyperolasia SNam to surface 110,000 rng/L Suspended solids i'llcLeay et al. 1983 NorNal iill histologies · 170 mg/L 4 days Total sol ids SiAliDOns 1984 Moderate gill tissue casage 1205 mg/L 2 days Total solids s i il'olll0n5 1984 Ex~ensive gill daeage 1388 mg/L ~ days Total solios Simmons 1984 Limited food intake 1150 to 4825 NTU 6 days Turbidity SiiiiiiiOnS 1'?84 LiMited food intake 1340 to 6280 6 days Total sollds Simmons 1964 tg/L Br•:.wn irout ~·Joulation urliffected 60 PDII Suspended S(Jlids Herbert et al. 1'361 Reauced abundance 1000 ppm Suspended sol ics Herbert et al. 1961 De!lSlty reduced by 86f; 1000 to 6000 PP• ---Suspended solids EIFAC 1365 Production increased by 41~ Reduced by asy; Sand Alexancer ar.d Hansen 1983 Ciltthroat Cease Feea1ng 35 pplll Suspended solids BachiNTin 1958 Trout BrooK Trout Increased ventilatory 231 NTU Clay Car 1 son 1984 r95ponse Q!onnu !!~£!~ Har11ful effects 92 to 102 PPII Kaolinite and E!FAC 1%5 110ntmorillonite development and adtJlt perforn1ed including eggs and embryos, alevins, fry, Juveniles, fish. Ft.~rthermore, quantit&tive analyses nave been to determine the effects of sediment on feeding, growth, prodtJctivity, biomass, and behavior. Nonetheless, a abundance, anatomy~ physiology, number of data g&ps exist with regard to threshold levels having a specific effect on a particular species. The above discussion demonstrates that particulates have detrimental effects on freshwater aquatic biota. (1) Turbidity reduces the •mount of light available for green pl&nt growth and photosynthesis within water bodies, can inhibit instream movements of fish, and may inhibit the &bility of fish to see their prey. <~> Turbidity and sett1ed solids can cause reductions in invertebrate populations and can cause an increase in invertebrate drift. <3> Ability of fish to withstand various concentrations of settled and/or suspended solids depends on their life stage. Adult fish can withstand relatively high concen- trations of suspended solids for limited amounts of time without suffering mortality, although other physiologi- cal effects such as fin and ;ill damage and stress reactions may result. C4> Survival of fish eggs and JUVeniles may be significantly reduced by settled solids in spawning and rearing areas. <S> Settled solids have direct effects on aquatic biota and habitat by smothering fish eggs, alevins, and inverte- brates, reducing intergravel flow, and by coating aquatic vegetation, thus reducing the potential for photosynthesis. <6> Solids in suspension can cause invertebrate drift, cause fish to avoid previously usable habitat, prevent fish from seeing their prey, and cause physical damage, such as gill irritation, to fish. REVIEW DRAFT ~/QS/85 PAGE'~ .~. - - I"'"' - - (7) Silt ~nd larger particles in the water column can fill open-work gravels •ven when the concentration of suspended solids in the water is low. The biological effects of inorganic suspended solids on marine communities are complex and extremely difficult to quantify. The effects on zooplankton and higher aquatic organisms are more difficult to evaluate than the effects on phytoplankton <:Brehmer 1965). With the exception of a few commercially important species, little is known about the effects of turbidity and suspended material on marine i r1vert ebratas <Stern and Stickle 1978). Different species of marine organisms are affected to different degrees by the same concentrations of turbidity~causing sediments <Loosanoff 196~i Moor~e 1977; McFarland and Peddicord 1 980). Many species of -marine ~hellfish and finfish are sensitiv• to increases in suspended solids, which undoubtedly have an inJurious effect on the estuarine community as a whole <Brehmer 1965). Filter feeders and early-life stages of estuarine fish are more sensitive to suspended sediments than bottom dwelling organisms and adult fish <Sherk et al. 1973). As filter feeders, bivalves are particularly susceptible to the mechanical or abrasive action of suspended sediments <Cairns 1967; Moore 1977). Other filt•r-feeding invertebrates at risk from inorganic suspensions include mollusks, certain crustaceans, sponges, ascidians, and E!metl.!.2!i~! (Moore 1977). The effects of particulates on marine biota are divided into discussions of plankton, egg development and hatching success, larva• survival and development, and adult survival. This is followed by a discussion of feeding and growth and finally distribution. REVIEW DRAFT 9/QS/85 PAGE6S Carbon assimilation rates by four species of phytoplankton were si;nificantly reduced by the light attenuating properties of fine silicon dioxide suspensions. A concentration of 1000 mg/L caused a ~0 to 90 percent reduction in carbon uptake among the four species tasted. A concentration of asoo mg/~ caused an eo percent reduction in one of the species tested <Sherk et al. 1 S7G>. The presence of an open-ocean turbidity plume in the North Equatorial Pacific, havin; an average suspended sediment concen- tration of 440 ug/L, reduced primary productivity by 40 percent over the entire euphotic zone. However, because particulate concentrations return to ambient within a few days, it is believed that <Ozt urgut et speci•s composition changes would not take place al. 1981). The results of two sets ~f plankton tows indicated there was no maJor.de~rease in the abun~ance~of neustonic macrozooplankton or sufficient amounts of particulates ingested to cause alteration in their chemical composition at turbidity concentrations of less than 1 mg/L. The relationship between gastropod eggs and suspended solids concentrations is discussed in a literature review by Stern and Stickle C197S). One species of planorbid snail showed normal egg development at 190 to 3&0 ppm, while another species experienced high mortality at the same concentrations. A third species did not lay eggs in the 360 ppm water but did so in water containing 190 ppm suspended solids. Loosanoff and Davis <1963) report that silt is considerably more harmful to oyster e;;s than to clam eggs. at concentrations of 2~0 mg/L silt, only 73 percent of oyster eggs survived, while more than 9~ percent of clam eggs developed normally. Practically all clam eggs developed in concentrations of 500 mg/~ silt, while only 31 percent of oyster eggs survived. In a 1000 mg/L suspension of kaolin and Fuller's earth, on the other hand, practically all oyster aggs developed normally, REVIEW DRAFT C1 /~9/SS PAGE hh - - - llllm!o.• - - - ~·, .~ - - - while showed eggs earth only 37 to that the decreased increased 57 percent of clam eggs survived. Davis <1'360) normal development of clam CY~n~§ m~rs~n~r1~l as concentrations of clay, chalk, and Fuller's up to 4000 mg/L. The same was ~~ue for silt concentrations exceeding 750 mg/L. Furthermore, no clam eggs developed normally in silt concentrations of 3000 or 4000 mg/L. In a subsequent paper, Davis and Hidu <1'369>, report that 188 mg/L silt, 3000 mg/L kaolin, or 4000 mg/L Fuller's earth significantly reduced the normal development of American oyster eggs. Oyster eggs were not, however, affected by 4000 mg/L silicon dioxide, . regardless of the particle size. These findings suggest that the composition, as well as the concentra- tion of different sediments may be critical to the normal development of bivalve eggs. Auld and. Sch•Jbel ( 1 '376> note that suspe-nded sediment concen- trations up to 1000 mg/L did not significantly affect the hatching success of a variety of non-salmonid anadromous and estt.Larine fish. The same concentrations did, however, reduce the hatching success of white perch and striped bass. Kiorboe et al. <1'381) report that herring eggs are unaffected by s•Jspended silt. They note that the embryonic development of herring is unaffected by either short-term exposure to 500 mg/L, or long-term exposure to 5 to 300 mg/L suspended silt. With respect to larval survival and development, experimental results indicate that suspended sediment concentra- tions of 500 mg/L significantly reduced the survival of striped bass and white perch larvae, whereas short-term exp9sure to 100 mg/L reduced the survival of American shad larvae CAuld and Schubel 1'378). As in the case of clam and oyster eggs, Loo:sanoff and Davis ( 1'363) found silt to be more harmful to oyster larvae than to clam larvae. At a concentration of 750 mg/1_ silt, oyster larvae growth was markedly decreased, while clam larvae grew normally in 1000 mg/L silt. Moreover, clam larvae survived for 1i2 days in 3000 to 4000 mg/L silt. In REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/85 PAGE lt7 contrast to si 1 t, 1000 mg/L kaolin caused total mortality in clam larvae in 12 days, while the growth of oyster larvae was not affected by 1000 mg/L kaolin. Silicon dioxide particles ranging from S to 50 microns had little effect o~·the survival of either pert icles clam or American oyster larvae. The smallest <<5 microns> had the greatest affect on the larvae of both species. Growth of American oyster larvae decreased progressively as the size of silicon dioxide particles decreased <Davis and Hidu 1969>. From these studies, it was concluded that bivalve larvae grew faster in low concentrations of suspended solids than in clear sea water <Davis and Hidu 1969). With respect to adult survival, McFarland and Peddicord (19S0) observed a wide range of sensitivities to suspended kaolin among the 16 marine species they studied. Eight species exhibit•d lass than 10 percent mortality aft•r exposure to ~00 g/L suspended sediment. Several other species were found to be rnore sens it i ve. was 96 giL. Two species of tunicates we~e relatively tolerant of suspended solids with a 12-day LC~O of 100 giL. The 200-hr LCSO for the spot-tailed sand shrimp was ~0 g/L. The 400-hr LC30 for the same species was 40 giL indicating a high tolerance to suspended clay. The euryhaline grass shrimp was even less sensitive to suspended kaolin. The Oungeness crab, ~Ans~r m~a1§t@~, was found to be more sensitive than any of the shrimp species, with a 200-hr LC50 of 32 giL. The amphipod, 8n1~2QA!!!!!l!.~Y~ sensitivity to £2Df•c~i~2!Y•• demonstrated an intermediate suspended sediment with a 100-hr LCSO of 78 g/L. The kaolin concentration which caused SO percent mortality in the polychaete Er•gl ish sole, 10 days at a percent mortality occurred after 10 days at 117 giL. The shiner perch, ~.!. §~.;r•.;§1.!h was the most sensitive sp•cies tested with only one fish alive after 26 hotirs i~ 14 g/L suspe~ded kaolin <McFarland and Peddiccrd 1960). In a similar publication, REVIEW DRRFT <J /09/65 PAGE "8 - - - - - - - - Peddicord <1980> states that marine and estuarine invertebrates were able to tolerate continuous exposure to suspensions of kaolin and bentonite in the grams/liter range for several days to several weeks without substantial mortality. Fi~h tolerated similar concentrations for similar periods under similar conc:l it ions. Even at high temperatures and low dissolved oxygen concentrations, most invertebrates tolerated continuous exposure to 60 g/L suspended bentonite for several days before mortality occurred. An exception is noted for JUVenile Dungeness crabs which were affected to a greater degree by kaolin suspensions than other species. Moore <1977) notes an experiment in which shrimp <gr~!!.EI.2!! sp.> survived immersion for 14 days in a clay suspension of 3000 mg/L.. In another experiment, grs!!.EI2!! sr~!!.EI.2!! survived red mud suspensions up to 33 g/L for 72 hours, but were heavily coated on the gills. Experiments using seed scallops showed elevated respira~iQn rates at-kaolin concentrat~ons-o~ 250 to 1000 mg/L.. Adult bivalves <Br.EI2Q§SI~!! 1rrs912!!~> also showed higher respiration rates at ~00 and 1000 mg/L kaolin. The bivalve ~~~ ~r§n~r1~ survived for only 11 days at 1220 mg/L suspended mud and 1~ days at 1~20 mg/L. chalk <Moore 1977>~ In their literature review, Stern suspended sediment concentrations and Stickle <1978> report that from 4 to 32 g/L can be detrimental to oysters. Furthermore, they note that scallop and quah1og <clam> reproduction may be impaired by high concentrations of suspended solids. Pedd ic:ord et al. < 197~> note several investigations in which deposited sediments increased the mortality rate of bottom dwelling marina invertebrates. Oysters <gr•~~Q3Ir§2 ~ira1niss> suffered ~7 percent mortality where they were covered with 2 to 15 em of sediment near a dredge spoil site. This compared to 17 percent mortality in the same oyster bed where little sedimentation had occurred. Cumaceans and harpacticoid c:opeoods were killed by deposition of 15 em of sediment. The same amount of deposition reduced the number of large bivalves by 50 percent.· In experiments conducted by Peddic:c•rd at al. < 1'375>, REVIEW DRAFT 9/119/85 PAGE"" the rnc•rt ali ty 60 percent of mussels C~L §lMll~> was 10 percent under 4 em under 6 and 8 em of sediment deposited on the Static bioassays conducted by Sherk et al. <1'375> established the lethal concentration of Fuller's earth on a variety of non-salmonid estuarine fish. Species were classified as tolerant 010 g/L), sensitive <1.0 to 10 g/L), or highly sensitive <<1.0 giL.>, based on a ~4-hour L.C10. Lethal concentrations ranged from O.~a to 24.~ giL., depending on the species. E~posure to sublethal concentrations of Fuller's earth significantly increased the hematocrit value, hemoglobin concen- tration, and erythrocyte numbers among the species tested. With ( 1 '380) levels respect to feeding and growth, Johnston and Wildish conducted an lnvestigation to determine if increa~~d of suspended sediment reduced the feeding rate of larval herring. the same However, Larvae fed in water containing 4 and a mg/L. consumed quantity of zooplankters as those fed in clear water. larvae fed at 20 mg/L consumed significantly fewer zoo- plankters than did the controls. They concluded that decreased light intensity at the lower sediment concentrations (4 and e mg/L>, is not sufficient to depress larval feeding rates. At greater suspended sediment concentrations (20 mg/L), light intensity and visibility of prey are reduced sufficiently to cause depressed feeding rat••· Brehmer <196~) reports that the feeding activity· of certain filter-feeding shellfish is ir·1hibited by high suspended solids levels. At"t &K&mple is noted by Moore <1977) in which the filtration rate of a mollusk <~r-~1gY1A sp.) was significantly reduced as turbidity increased from 140 to 200 mg/L. Likewise, Johnson <1971) found that the filtration rates of ~. fQ~nl~&t~ decreased as natural suspended solids levels increased from 2 to 250 mg/L. Ha also found that the filtration rate decreased significantly as the concentration of silt, Fuller's earth, and kaolin was increased up to 6 g/L under experimental conditions. It is interesting to note the REVIEW DRAFT q;Q3/85 PAGE 70 - - - - l/lliil)l - - - ..... - difference between natural and e~perimental sediment concentrations which produced the same reported effect. The presence of 0 to SOO mg/L suspended kaolin reduced the filtering rate of the scallop !:l!!~9.e~~i~n mee.~llen.i£!:!§. and-the mahogany quahog 8~~ii£!! ialen~i£~ <Peddicord et al. 197~>. In < 1 9,eo> the lower sediment concentration range, Kiorboe et al. indicate that the blue mussel M~iil!:!a ~~!:!lia is well adapted to feeding in silt suspensions up to SS mg/L, and even benefits from concentrations up to a~ mg/L. Furthermore, Stern and Stickle (1978) cite a report in which the pumping rate of ~· !!9.!:!l.ia In ar1 little was not reduced by bentonite suspensions of 1000 mg/L. e~periment conducted by Loosanoff and Tommers <1948>, as as 100 mg/L silt significantly reduced the water pumping and shell movements of adult oysters. At concentrations of to 4000 mg/L the Rumping rate was reduced by 94 percen~~ In another eHperiment, oysters failed to resume normal pumping rat<es shell movements after being subJected to water containing 1000 to 4000 mg/L suspended sediment for 48 hours <Loosanoff 1961>. It as apparent that suspended sediments or adversely pal ps. affect adult oysters by damaging their gills and Furthermore, it was apparent that oysters and clams feed most effectively in relatively clean water. In contrast, Stern and Stickle <1978) cite a report which states that oyster feeding rates were not impaired by 100 to 700 ppm of suspended mud. The ingestion rate of two calanoid copepods was significantly reduced during exposure to a 2~0 mg/L mixture of Fuller's earth, fine silicon dioxide, and river silt <Sherk et al. 197~; 1976>. At a concentration of 300 mg/L river silt, the ingestion rate was reduced by 77.3 percent <Sherk et al. 1976>. The distribution of marine organisms may be affected by turbid conditions. Resulting from an investigation of the filtration and shell growth rate of the filter feeding gastropod REVIEW DRAFT q/49/S:S PAGE 11 ~. f2~ni~~~~' Johnson (1'371) suggests that sustained high turbidity levels May have a liMiting effect on its distribution. Moore (1977> notes that an inshore cephalopod, ~~lia~n~~l~ Q!:.~Y.ia, pr~eferred intermediate t•.trbidities <70 t<::. '30 percent light transmission> and was limited seaward by higher turbidities. Several anadromous salmonid investigations perfo~med in fresh water are cited in the marine literature. The results of such studies apply to both fresh water and marine systems and are presented above in Tables 4-1 through 4-4. The quantitative effects of suspended solids and turbidity on marine plankton and macroinvertebrates are summari:ed in Tables 4-5 and 4-6. The above discussion demonstrates that particulates may_ have detrimental . effects on marina biota. These effects ~re summarized below. <1> The biological affects of particulates on marine biota are similar to the affects on freshwatar aquatic biota. Particulates in the water column reduce the amount of light availabla for photosynthasis, can inhibit move- ments of fish, and may inhibit the ability of fish and other sight-feeders to sae their prey. Filter feeders, which are p&rticularly susceptible to the mechanical or abrasive action of suspandad sadimants, and early-life stages of astuarina fish are more sensitive to suspended sadimants than bottom dwalling organisms and adult fish. <2> Much of the marine literatura refers to the effects caused by clay, silt, chalk, Fullar's aarth, and kaolin. It appears that tha composition and/or particle size, as well as the concentration of different sediments may be critical to predicting the effects of particles on Marine organisms. <3> The difference between natural and experimental sediment concentrations producing the same reported effect should REVIEW CRAFT q /Q9/SS PAGE 7'- - - - - - - - - '-TABLE: 4-5 SURVIVAL AND MORTALITY 0? MARINE ORGANISMS O"rgaD~m ____ ~~and g~~ent of Effeg, b~vel~~ Qurat ig_n __ Commems ~g _____ Alewife, YeiloM ~4tching success unaffected 1000 111g/L Suspended sol ids Au~d and Sch•1iiel 1'378 Perch, American Slao, Bl uec,ac!t """' Herring lo.tlite Perch,, Hatching success affected 1000 mg/L Suspended solids Auld and Sch•Joel 1'378 Striced Bas!> '"""' Ye llON Perch, Reduced survival of larvae lSOO mgiL Suspended solids Auld arrd Schubel 1978 Striped Bas!> Hiler ican Sh<id Reduced survival of larvae }100 mg/L 4 days Susoenaed solids Auld arrd Schubel 1'378 Five Scecie!> 1~ 110rtali ty 580 to 24,500 24 hours Susaended solids Sherk et ai. 1'375 1g/L iierrirrg Egg!; Survival reduceci to 40-50~ 1 to 10 111l/L Suspended t'ed !D•Jd Rosanthal 1971 and Larvae Surv1val reduced to 0-22J 1.25 to 12.5 Suspended red ~ud Rosenthal 1971 11l/L 8 Scecle!> o1F 10~ 110rtali ty 100,000 mg/L 5-12 days Suspended kaolin JIII:Fariand and Estuarine Pecdicord 1980 itlacrofauna Shiner Perch Near 100% mortality 14,000 mg/L 26 hours Suspended kaol1n ll!cF ar 1 and arro Peddicord 1980 Errgl1sh Sol!! No 1110rtality } 70,000 11g/L 10 days Suspenaed kaolin McFarland and Peddicoro 1S80 80% mortality 117,000 mg/L 10 days Suspended kaolin l'lc:Farland and Peddicord 1980 Hdult Bivalve Jllortality 1ncreased frca Increased from 15 days Suspended chalk Moore 19n t~. ~n~ii~l 0 to 100% 440 to 1520 mg/L -Bl\le mussel 1~ iDOrtal i ty 100,000 11g/L 11 days Susoended kaolirr Peddicord et al. !'375 Coast musse:i 50% mortality 96,000 ag/L 200 hours Suspended clay McFarland and Peddicord 1980 Polyd1aete 50% 1110rtali ty 48, 000 IIQ/L 200 hours Suspended kaolin Mcfarland and Pedaicord 1980 Clam larvae <90% 1110rtali ty 250-500 ag/L Mixed suspension Davis 1960 No appreciable .ortality 4000 11g/L Silt Davis 1960 Clu & oystt!r Severe 110rtal i ty 500 IIIQ/l Silicon dioxide Davis and Hidu 1969 larvae Sea Urctun No 110rtality 100, 000 ;g/L 9 days ~eddicord et al. 1375 Oysters 57% 110rtality 2 to 15 ca Depes1ted sediment Pecdicord et al. 1975 Cusaceans & !'lortality 15 Clll Deoosi ted sed ient Peddicord et al. 1975 cooecocs Bivalie!> Mortality 15 em Oeoosited seciment Peddicord et a:. :975 "~ussel 10~ !IIOrtality 4 Cll Deposited sediment Peddicoro et al. 19i'5 (~. ~Qllll 60% :aortall ty 6 and a em Deoos1ted seaiment Peddicord et a:. 1575 ~EV:EW riRAFT '3/09/35 PAGE 7'3 IAEL: ~-5 Continued stiRVIVAL AND i'\ORT~LITY OF i"!ARIIIE ORG~ISMS Croa!:!U:!! __ Nature and Extent of Effect Leve~ or Co~-Duration Collllllent aeference T'Jnicates (2) 5:)~ mortality 100,000 rngJL. 12 cays Suspenceri clay McFarlane and Pedaicord :sao Arncniood 5()1' 110rtali ty 55, COO mg/L 2.00 ;,ours SusoeJ'Idea ll.aol in PeC!dicord et al. 1'.175 SO% 10rtality 78,000 mg/L 100 hours Suspel'll1ed clay McFarLand ana Peddicord 1380 20~ illortali ty 35,000 mg/L 200 hours Susoended kaol ir, Peild icord et a 1. 1975 Euryhaline 20% iDOrtality 77,000 mg/L 200 hours Suspended kaolin Peddic:ora at al. 1'375 Grass Sh r1r~o Soot-talled 50% 1110rtal1 ty !0,000 mg/L 200 hours Suspended c:iay l'tcF ar land ar1d Sano Shrimo Peddicord 1980 Shnmp Surv1ved clay concentrations 3000 mg/L 1~ days Suspendea clay J!toore 1977 \~ancQn so. l Survtvec red mud Up to 33 1 000 !IIQ/L 72 hours Suspended clay Moore 1977 L.obster IJo mortality SO, 000 rdg/L Suspended kaolin Stern and Stickle 1978 No 1110rt al it y 1600 ppll Turbidity Stern and Stickle !'379· Junge ness 50,; IDOrt aii ty 32, 000 mg/L 200 hours Suspenced·clay :o!c:Farland and' Crao Peddicord lSBO Estuarine Ito s•Jbstar.t 1al 110rtality Uc to 60,000 mg/L Several days Suscended Kaolin and P!!ddtcord 1960 Invertebrates bentonite - REVIEw DRAFT 3/09/85 ~Gt: 7'i - - 1 I TABLE 4-6 ~iSCELLANEOUS EFrEC7S ON MARINE ORGANISMS Araer1c:an Clyster >22% decrease in normal egg 188-4000 rng/L developent O'fsters Seed Sc:all ops Clams Q•Jahog i"'~liiJSK 1-brmal egg development Reduced average pWip i ng rate !:ly 57% Reeuc:ed average pu.ping rate by 94% Failed to resulllt! noM!al functions No effect on feeding Elevated respiration rate No eggs developed normally Decreased development Ceased feeding Reduced filtration rate Filtration rate \Cre:wlula sp. l s1gm fic:antly reauced ~ussel Well adaoted to silt cone. (~til•Js sp. l Benefits fro~~ silt cone. Increased respiration rates No reduction in pumping rates Phytoalankton Production reduced to 40% Carbon assimilation decreased by 5o-S~ Carbon assi•ilation Prireary decreased !:ly 80% Reduced by SQ1. To 1000-2000 mg/L 100 oog/L 3000-4000 mg/L 1000-4000 mg/L lOQ-700 ppm 250-1000 111g/L 3000-4000 111g/L Up to 4000 mg/L 1000 JTU avera~e 0 to 500 11g/L Increased fr011 140-200 IIQ/l Up to 55 mg/L Up to 2S 1g/l 5()0-1000 11g/L 1000 mg/L 0.440 11g/L 1000 •giL 2500 11q/L 41-43 JTU average Proc•1chon Zooplankto:n No significant decrease in 1 ~~g/L abundance Calanoid Copecods Cephalopod Sastrocod Hernng Ingestion rate reduced 77% Ingestion rate reduced si gnficantl y Preferred intermediate turbidities Decreased filtration rate 500 :nq/L 250 11g/L 70-90% light transmission r ncreased fi'OII 2 to 250 mg/L Decreased shell growth rate Increasea from 80 to 1560 mg/l ~iltration rate decreased Uc to 6000 lllQ/L ~bryonic deveiocment •maFected cy con'o inuous exoos•J~ Larval feeaing signifi- cantly reduced Up ~o 300 mg/L 20 rr.g/l. 48 hours 5 days 7-14 days Te~~corary T~ary :....:>ng-term Suspended silt ~ixed suspensions Silt Silt Silt suspens1ons Suspended sol ids Kaolin suspensions Silt susoensions ~ixed suspens1ons Turbidity Suspended ~aolin Sus~ed solids Silt Silt Kaolin suspensions Bentonite Suspensions !IJining plume Silicon diollide suspension Silicon dioxide suspension TIJrbidity Mining plUIIE! Suspended si 1 t Mixed suscension Natural seaiment ~ixed sus~ension ~ixed susoension Suspended silt Suscenc.ed so: ias Davis and Hid•J 1'369 Davis and iiidu 1969 Loosanoff and T011mers 1'348 Loosar:off and iommers ~S48 Loosanoff 1361 Stern and Stickle 1978 !'!core 1977 Davis 1960 Davis 1960 Stern and Stickle :978 Peodicord et..ai. 1'375 Moore 1'377 Kiorboe et al. 1980 Kiorboe et al. 1980 Moore 1977 Stern and Stickle 1978 Ozturgut et al. 1981 Sherk et al. 1976 Sherk et al. 1g]6 Stern and Stickle 1978 Ozturgut et al. 1981 Sherk et al. 1376 Sher~ et al. 1'375; 1976 1>1oore 1977 Johnson 1971 .:-d1nson :371 r:i·~r'X•E er. a:. 1'38: • 'jQ':· .... \.IL. be noted. Laboratory experiments often do not duplicate natural conditions or reflect natural levels of organism tolerance to turbidity and suspended material. 4.3 SUGGESTED CRITERIA FROM THE LITERATURE Various authors suggest different criteria for the prctection of water used for supply, recreation, and biota. This section presents these suggested criteria. It should be noted that there is general agreement on the criteria for water supply and recreation, aquatic biota are varied. but the criteria for the protection of 4.3. 1 Water Supply For drinking water, ··the raw water source should be limi1;ed to 5 turbidity units if only disinfection is applied <George and Lehnig 1984>. Higher levels of particulates are acceptable if the source water is adequately treated <coagulation, sedimentation, prior to chlorination or other means of disinfection. EPA C1976) notes that finished drinking water should have a maximum limit of 1 turbidity unit where the water enters the distribution system. The water quality criteria for particulates varies amor-1g industrial uses. At one extreme, rayon manufacture requires water with only 0.3 turbidity units, whereas water used for cooling can have l.lp to ~0 turbidity units CMcGauhey 1 968>. Other industrial uses require maximum turbidity levels within this range. Criteria established for evaluating and identifying water treatment Consultants needs ( 1 979) for fish include hatcheries by Sigma Resource limits on suspended solids. The suggested limit for sr.tspended solids for incubating eggs is 3 REVIEW DRAFT CfiQ9/S~ PAGE 'Tw - - - ~ -· ~ - - - - - - - - - rtJt!L. and for rearing and holding the limit is 25 mg/L in the absence of other pollutants. 4.3.2 Recreation The noticeable turbidity units, <Mc6auhey 1968>. threshold for water contact recreation is 10 and the limiting threshold is 50 units Tha suggested maximum turbidity limit for Cana1dian contact recreational water quality is 50 turbidity units and the minimum Secchi disk visibility depth is 1.2 meters <National Health and Welfare 1983>. Fishing success is reduced whar·e turbidity is greater than 23 <Phillips 1971) to 30 NTU <Grundy 197S>. According to McGauhey (1968>, the noticeable threshold for boating and aesthetic uses is 20 turbidity units. However, there is no evidence that boating and aesthetic uses are precluded at higher t~rbiditias. 4. 3. 3 Biota Sugestad particulates criteria from the literature are divided into two categories in the following discussion: <1> Criteria for sediment in the water column <suspended solids and turbidity)f and, <2> Criteria for sediment deposited on the substrata <settleable solids and substrate measurements>. by aqu•.t ic SUQ!;i&Sted m1aters surf' ace. suspended sadim•nt criteria were initially proposed (1937; 1944) with respect to light penetration and life. For the restoration of streams, Ellis (1937) th• silt load should not reduce the light intensity at by mora than one millionth of its intensity at the Ellis (1944) restated this criterion for the prevention of direct damage to the gills and delicate exposed structures of fish, mollusks, and insects. For the protection of fish, Berger (1977> suggests that turbidity shall not average REVIEW DRAFT q/49/83 PAGE7~ more than 27 times the natural level during any a-hour period, or more than 9 times the natural level during any 96-hour period, or more than 3 times the natural level during any 30-day period. These suspended sediment standards shall apply during and for 2 years after they have ceased. turbidity and macroinvertebrates during period were stated as follows. In the construction activities Berger's criteria for the post-construction year that starts 12 m~nths after completion of a construction should not exceed one-half of the levels and the Shannon Diversity Index for macroinvertebrates shall not be changed from the natural value as a result of activity, recommended t•..lrbidity above bottom-living aquatic more than as percent finely-divided solids. The first definite suspended solids criteria for ·fresh water were proposed by the European Inland Fisheries Advis~ry Commission CEIFAC> ln 1965. According to the commission, there is no evidence that suspended solids levels less than 25 ppm have any harmful effects on fish; suspended sol ids ir• the range of 25 to 80 ppm will maintain good to moderate fisheries; eo to 400 ppm suspended sol ids are unlikely to support good freshwater fisheries; and, at best only poor fisheries are present in waters containing greater than 400 ppm suspended solids. These tentative criteria proposed by EIFAC were based on a survey of existing literature, and were presented as a basis for discussions of criteria necessary for the maintenance of freshwater fish. They are by far the most frequently cited criteria. Not all authors, however, indicate if they simply concur with the criteria suggested by EIFAC or are suggesting identical criteria based on conclusions derived independently. Those who suggest or state criteria similar to EIFAC include Gammon <1970>, Alabaster (1972), Bell <1973>, NAS (1973>, Sorensen et al. (1~77>, Alabaster and Lloyd <19Sa>, Wilber <1SS3>, and George and Lehnig (1984>. In addition, Van Nieuwenhuyse <1983> and Simmo~s <1984> suggest turbidity criteria levels <NTU> similar to the EIFAC criteria for suspended solids Cppm>. REVIEW DRAFT '/c:1'3/SS PAGE 7S - - - - - - - - - ,.,... In their_ review of the EPI=I Red Book, Thurston et al. <1979> support a limit of 100 mg/L of suspended solids to prevent the mortality of fresh and marine organisms. However, one of the r·evtewet•s felt that 100 mg/L is too restrictive and t-hat concen- trations could be much higher without causing adverse effects. These values are higher than those suggested by EIFI=IC (1965) to r11a i rlt a in effetcts a good fishery, but do not account for the sublethal discussed by several authors and presented in this 1 it e1rat ure review. Thurston et al. (1979) state that no exists as to the level of turbidity to be and Richards <1963) note that there is a separation at 100 m;IL, between rivers and those devoid of fish, thus supporting the of Thurston et al. (1979) regarding lethal universal agreement allowed. ~erbert fairly distinct cont:aining fish recc)mmandat ion conc:entrat ions. The most conservative recommended turbidity standard is 25 NTU above natural conditions in streams and ~ NTU above natural conditions in lakes for moderate protection, and 5 NTU in both lakes and streams for a high level of protection <Lloyd 1985). With regard to incubating eggs, Sigma Resource Consultants <1979) propose an acceptable limit of 3 mg/L suspended solids and 25 mg/L would be acceptable for fish rearing and holding in the absence of other pollutants. OFO <1983> has proposed sediment discharge standards, as opposed to receiving water standards, for five different classes of streams. For streams which are important as salmon and trout spawning habitat (1=1 classifications>, the recommended sediment standard is 0 m;/L. Streams which are rearing areas for salmon and trout <B crassifications> and those which provide habitat for grayling, whitefish, and burbot <C classifications> would have a discharge limit of 100 mg/L. In streams having low or no use by any of the above fish except as migration routes, the recommended standard is 100 or 1000 mg/L. The same is true for all streams having a reduced biological capacity due to past placer min1ng activities <X classification). REVIEW ORI=IFT q;~9/8~ PI=IGE 79 Sherk. et al. <1975) state that the use of lethal concel"rtra- tions <LC30) to establish suspended solids criteria ignores biologically significant sublethal effects on estuarine organisms. Therefore, in establishing criteria for the protection of estuarine organisms, the sublethal effects of suspended sediment on the most sensitive biological cofl1pol"lel"lts <important species and life stages> must be considered. Adequate knowledge of local conditions, such as life-history stages, sediment types, sediment concentrations, species, duration of e~posure, and habitat preference, is required. Tarzwell ( 19~7) numerical criteria states that it is not possible to establish for settleable solids which are applicable over wide areas. The criteria should be established to protect environmental conditions but will vary from stream to stream, depending on local concditions. With regard to deposited sediment, EIF~C <196S> concluded that spawning grounds for salmon and trout should be l<ept as free as possible from finely divided solids. BJornl"l et al. (1974) suggested that the amount of sediments that should be allowed to enter a stream before detrimental effects will occur on the aquatic habitat will depend on the amount of fines already contained within the stream channel. The amount that can enter the stream is the difference between the present level and the allowable, plus the amount transported. BJornn et al. <1977> state that fine sediment should not be allowed to fill pools or fully embed the larger substrate rocl<s, to avoid reducing the salmonid production capacity. They advocate using the percentage of fine sediment in selected riffle areas as the primary inde~ for monitoring fine sediment deposition in streams. Along these sarne lines, I~amoto et al. <1'378> indicate that the best alternative appears to ba the establishment of criteria which limits the percentage of fines i~ the streambed, and suggest a limit of 10 to ZO percent for sediment less than 0.95 mm in REVIEW PR~FT q;Q9/S~ P~GE So - - - - - - - ~- - diameter. 1n an earlier report, Ellis (1944) thought that fine sediment should be controlled to the extent that it does not blanket the bottom to a depth of more than one-quarter of an inch. Van Nieuwenhuyse ( 1 '383) and Simmons (1'384) propose a settleable solids standard of <0.1 ml/L for a high level of protection in receiving waters. Simmons (1984) goes a step further and suggests settleable solids levels of 0.1 to 0.2 ml/L for a moderate level, protection. and )0.2 ml/L for a low level of 4.4 REFERENCES ADEC, 1985. Water quality standards. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska. Alabaster, J.s., 1'372. Suspended solids and fisheries. of the Royal Society London Bulletin, 1S0:395-40G. Pt'OC. Alabaster, J.S., and R. Lloyd, 1'382. Water quality criteria for freshwater fish. Second Edition, Butterworth Scientific, Boston, MA. 3G 1 pp. Alexander, G.R., and E.D. Hansen, 1983. Effects of sand bedload sediment on a brook trout population. Fisheries Research Report No. 190G, Michigan Department o~ Natural Resources, Fisheries Department. Auld, A.H., and J.R. Schubel, 1'378. Effects of suspended sediment on fish eggs and larvae• a laboratory assessment. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, <G> 1153-164. Bachmann, R.W., 19~8. The ecology of four north Idaho trout streams with reference to the influence of forest road construction. M.S. Thesis, University of Idaho. 97 pp. Bartsch, A.F., 1960. Settleable solids, turbidity, and light penetration as factors affecting water quality. lo= C.M. Tarzwell (ad.), Trans. Second Seminar on Biological Problems in Water Pollution, Rober A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Canter, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bell, M.C., 1973. Silt and turbidity. In= Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, OR. REVIEW DRAFT ~/OS/SS PAGE81 Berger, T.R., 1977. Northern frontier, northern homeland: the report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, volume 2: terms and conditions. Report to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa. 268 pp. Bisson, P.A., and R.E. Bilby, 1982. Avoidance of suspended sediment by Juvenile coho salmon. No. Amer. Jour. of Fish. Manage., 2C4> :371-374. BJornn, T.C., 1969. Salmon and steelhead investigations, JOb no. s--embryo survival and emergence studies. Report F-49- R-7, Idaho Fish and Game Department. BJ ornn, T. C. , M. A. Srusven, M. Molnau, F.J. Watts, and R.~. Wallace, 1974. aquatic life. 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Sadiment and water Qualityl a review of the literature including a suggested approach for water Quality criteria. EPA 910/9-78-048, Prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency by Fisheries Research Institute, College of Fisheries, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA. 46 pp. + Append ices. Johnson, J.K., 1~7l. Effect of turbidity on the rate of filtra- t ior• al"rd growth of the slipper limpet, ~!:~Gig_~l!! f2!:n!.S.st~ Lamarck, 179'3. The Valiger, 14(3) :315-320. REVIEW DRAFT 9109/83 PAGE ~~ - - - - - - Johnston, D.D~, and D.J. Wildish, 196a. Effect of suspended sediment on feeding by larval herring <g1~B§§ b~~~ng~~ b~~~naY~ bLL· Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicolcq;~y, <aS> :2:61-2:67. King, L.G., D.L. Bassett, and J.M. Ebeling, 1978. Significance of turbidity for quality assessment of agricultural runoff and irrigation return flow. Agricultural Engineering Dept., Washington State University, Pullman, WA. 36 pp. + Appen. Kiorboe, T., E. Frantzen, C. 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Chatanika River sport fishery. Memo to John McDonagh, Assistant A.G., Office of Attorney General, Fairbanks~ dated January 24, 1985. a pp~ + Tables. OzttJrgtJt, E., J.W. Lavelle, and R.E.-Burns, 1'381. Impacts of manganese nodule mining on th• environment: results from pilot-seal• mining tests in th• North Equatorial Pacific. ln: R.A. Gey•r Ced. >, Marine Environmental Pollution, 2: Dumping and Mining, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York, NY. 574 PP• Peddicord, R.K., 1'380. Direct effects of suspended sediments on aquatic organisms. in: R.A. Baker Ced.>, Contaminants and Sediments, Vol. 1, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI. pp. ~01-536. Peddicord, R.K., V.A. McFarland, D.P. Belfiori, and T.E. Byrd, 1975. Effects of susp•nd•d solids on San Francisco Bay organisms. R•port to U.S. Army Engine•r District, San Francisco, Orad;• Disposal Study, AppendiM G. Phillips, R.W., 1971. Eff•cts of s•dim•nts on the grav•l envirom•nt and fish production. ln: Proc. of Symp. 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Effects of sedimenta- tion on the gr'avals of an industr'ial r'iver' system. Jour'nal Fish Biology, 17:681-693. Van Nieuwenhuyse, E.E., 1983. The effects of placer mining on the pr'imar'y productivity of inter'ior' Alaska str'eams. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 120 pp. Wilbar, e.G., 1983. Turbidity in tha aquatic anvironmant, an ertvironmental factor in fresh and oc:aanic waters. Charles c. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL. 133 pp. Witzel, L.D., and H.R. Mac:Crimmon, 1981. Role of gravel substrate on ovA survival and alevin amerger1ce of rainbow trout, 3~1mg ~air9D§ri• Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 5~, pp. 629-636. Wolman, M.G., 1974. Stream standards• Water Pol1ution Control Federation, daad or hiding? '+6 (3) :431-437. REVIEW DRAFT ,/09/85 PAGE 8' J'ourn.al - '~ Rosenthal, H., 1971. Effects of "red mud" on embryos ar•d larvae of the herring ClYa~~ b~r~nB~~· Helgolander wiss. Meeres•.tr•ters, <22) :366-376. Sa•.ll"'Jders, J. W., and M. w. Sn1ith, 1965. Char.ges in str~am pop•.lla- tion of trout associated with increased silt. Journal Fish. Res. Board Canada, 22(2) :395-404. Shelton, J. M., and R. D. Pollack, 1966. Silt at ion and egg survival in incubation channels. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 95 (2): 1830189. Sherk, J.A., J.M. O'Connor, and D.A. Neumann, 1975. Effects of suspended and deposited sediments on estuarine environments. ln: L..E. Cronin <ed.>, Estuarine Research, Vol. II, Geol•;:JQY and En;ineerin;, Acad•mic Pr•ss, Inc., New York, NV. pp. 541-558. Sherk, J.A., J.M. O'Connor, and D.A. Neumann, 1976. Effects of suspended solids on selected estuarine plankton. Misc. Report No. 76-1, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, VA. 50 pp. Sigler, J. W., 1~81. Effects of chronic turbidity •;:Jn feeding, growth and social behavior of steelhead trout and coho salmon. PhD. Dissertation, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 158 pp. Sigler, J.W., T.C. BJornn, and F.H. Everset, 1984. Effects of chronic turbidity on density and growth of steelheads and coho salmon. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 113(2):142-150. Sigma Resource Consultants, 1979. Summary of water quality criteria for salmonid hatcheries. D•pt. of Fish•ries and Ocear"Js. Simmons, R.C., 1984. Effects of placer mining sedimentation on Arctic grayling on int•rior Alaska. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 75 pp. Sorensen, D.L.., M.M. McCarthy, E.J. Middlebrooks, and D.B. Porc•lla, 1977. Susp•nd•d and dissolv•d solids eff•cts on freshwater biota: a r•vi•w. Corvallis Environmental Research L-aboratory, Offic• of R•s•arch and D•velopm•nt, Environm•ntal Prot•ction Rg•ncy, Corvallis, OR. 65 pp. Stern, E. M., and W. B. Stickle, 1978. Effects of turbidity ar•d juspended mat•rial in aquatic •nvironm•nts. Dredged Material Res•arch Program, Technical Report D-78-21, Environmental L-aboratory, U.S. Army Enginner Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. 117 pp. Sykora, S.L.., E.J. Smith, and M. Synak, 1972. Effect of lime neutralized iron hydroxide suspensions on Juvenile brook trout. Water R•search, <6>J935-950. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 89 -5.0 POTENTIAL USE OF OTHER PARAMETERS This section presents a discussion of potential alternatives to the parameters c::urrer.tly used by Alaska -for defirdng particulates criteria for tha various protected water uses. Parameters currently employed include turbidity, total suspended solids, settleable solids, and the percentage accumulation of fine particles in the substrate. This discussion is divi~ed into water column measurements and substrate measurements. The settleable solids test, although a water column measurement, is discussed frequently with substrate measurements because settleable solids become part of the substrate. A discussion of the between turbidity and suspended solids appears r•el at i onsh i p before the of' water column and substrate 5. 1 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TURBIDITY AND SUSPENDED SOLIDS The accepted technique for measuring suspended solids <APHA 1985) is time consuming, costly, and normally performed in a laboratory. Due to these constraints, many field investigators have used turbidity as an indirect measurement of the concentra- tton of suspended solids. In order to adequately assess the potential for a relationship, if one exists, one must understand the principles of turbidity and suspended solids measurement, be familiar with the various methods of measurement and analysis, an~ be awar• of the potential variability inherent in each of these methods. In the simple terms, turbidity may be interpreted as a measure relative clarity of water <Hach et al. 1984). However, t~rbidity is not •• precisely defi~ed as dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity or many other water quality parameters. It must be recognized that turbidity, like color, is a visual or optical property. Consequently, the word means different things to different people. Pickering <1976> notes that turbidity should REVIEW DRAFT 3/03/25 P~GE qo -I - - ~' ~- .~ - r II i be treated as a non-quantitative term similar to the term "wa1rmtn," in the respect that one measures temperat1.1re and not warmth. With respect to measuring particulates, turbidity has received the most attention. Some water quality experts believe that the turbidity measurement is subJect to great uncertainty and variability as a unit of measurement. This belief primarily originates from a number of studies related to placer mining where exceedingly high levels of turbidity have been measured. Turbidity measurements are less precise at high levels. Attempts to quantify turbidity have led to the development of methods, instruments, standards, and units of measure. Consequently, there is a gr~at deal of c:onfus~on over whi1:h methods, instrument's, standards, and units of measure are the most appropriate. McCluney C1975) has summarized the various definitions of turbidity. These include tha intensity of light transmitted (unscattered) through the sample, ratio of the intensity of light scattered by a sample to the intensity of the light source, the amount of light scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through the sample, and a reduction in transparency of a sample due to the presence of particulate matter. Turbidity has also been defined as the amount of suspended matter, in ppm, as ascertained by optical observation, and in terms of different measurement techniques <e.g., Jackson Candle and nephelometric: turbidity>. The units of measure for turbidity have included mg/L, ppm, Jackson turl::~idity units CJTU), formazin turbidity units <FTU>, and nephelometric: turbidity units <NTU>. Because of the variety of different methods, instruments, standards, and units of measure, many of the supposed equivalent measurements presented in the literature are actually expressions of different properties of nat1.1ral water (McCarthy et al. 1974). Today, however~, mos·~ investigators use nephelometers and report results in NTU rather than the older units. Hence, recent data are more comparable. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/65 PAGE q1 Comparability of turbidity measurements may not only be affected by the numerous ways of measuring it, but may also be influenced by the variability among instruments <Beschta 1980>. Even among nephelometers, there is a variety 6f different physical designs. This situation makes it difficult to compare turbidity levels. Even using the same standard suspension for calibrating different instruments does not insure that turbidity values will be the same. Pickering (1976) reports that different types of instruments were calibrated with the same formazin standard and then used to measure various natural water samples. This resulted in a variety of turbidity values for the san1e sample. The only means for reducing the confusion surrounding turbidity measurements is to standardize the definition of turbidity and th~ instrum~nt design specifications. This has been accomplished according to §t~OQ~~g-~~t~2Q~ <APHA 1985) and _. the EPR < 1983} methods mar.ual. §t9'0Q~~Q_M!!th2Q§ is JOintly published by the American Water Works Association, a drinking water group, the Water Pollution Control Federation, a waste and sewage group, and the American Public Health Association, a public health group. The EPA methods manual is used by many among these groups as well as scientists interested in streams, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and coastal areas. Hence, much of the confusion could, and should, be avoided by adhering to the definition of turbidity and instrument design specified by APHA ( 1985) • APHA <1985) defines turbidity as an expression of the optical property that causes light to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through the samples. Turbidity in water is caused by suspended matter, such as clay, silt, finely divided organic and inorganic matter, soluble colored organic compounds, and plankton and other micro$COpic REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE q~ - - - - - - - - - r_ - According_ to APHA (1985), the standard instrument for measuring low turbidities is the nephelometer, for which a formazin polymer is used as the standard reference suspension. The light source is a tungsten-filament lamp operated at a color temperature between a,aoo and 3,000 K, where the angle of light acceptance by the detector is 90 degrees plus or minus 30 degrees. The distance traversed by incident light and scattered light with1n the sample tube is not to exceed 10 em. Turbidity measurements less than 40 NTU can be read directly from the instrument. Turbidities above 40 NTU need to be diluted with turbidity-free water until turbidity falls between 30 and 40 NTU. The precision and accuracy of nephelometric turbidity measurements are highest at lower levels, the leve1s at which c:r•it:eria are currently set. This s_tatament is supported by t':'e proper reporting of significant figures according to APHA ( 19E~5) , which is: Turbidity R.-nge _____ t:iiY ______ _ 0-1.0 1-10 10-40 40-100 100-400 400-1000 >1000 Report to the _t:i!Ult:t!.t_t:iiY_ 0.0!5 o. 1 1 3 10 30 100 There are fewer direct methods for measuring total suspended solids than there are for turbidity. Hance, there is less variability in suspend•d solids determinations. Total suspended solids represent the m•terial retained on a standard glass-fiber filter after a well-mixed sample is filtered, then dried at 1<)3 to 103 degrees C <APHA 1985). Some investigators have inappropriately used 0.45 micron filters. Some marine scientists have used centrifugation for concentrating suspended REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/83 PAGE q3 particulates-followed by drying and weighing. However, this method is imprecise for dilute waters having less than 10 mg/L suspended solids (Campbell and Elliott 1975>. A maJor source of variability in both turbidity and total SI..Lspended solids measi..Lremerrt s is obtaining a sample that is represerrt at i ve of the water being sampled. It is diffic•Jlt to collect repr•esent at i ve samples fol"' s•.Lspended sol ids and turbidity. Many i rrvest i gat ors simply collect grab samples, which may Ol"' may not be representative of the stream water being <5ampled. This depends on the amount of variability in the sampled strearn, vario1..1s t..lses, In determining the suitability of the watel"' for it is essential that a sample represent the total or average discharge, as opposed to an isolated cell of watel"'. Hence, some investigators obtain composite samples ove~~i~e-by manually collecting grao samples acl"'os~ a cross-section or.by the use of automatic samplers. Automatic samplers, however, are usually set to sample only one location at a cross-section and may not collect all particle sizes. Composite samples can be time-weighted by combining equal volumes of individual samples at a specified time interval, or discharge-weighted where the volume of each individual sample is proportional to the stream discharge, Each type of composite can result in different report~d particulates levels. The difficulty in obtaining representative and reliable particulates data from automatic samplers has been documented for municipal wastewater treatment plants. Reed <1977) reported the results of Harris and Keffer who note that the suspended solids data for a raw municipal wastewater treatme~t stream, rnonitored conc•Jrrently with more than one commercial automatic: sampler, can vary by as muc~ as 300 percent depending on the type of automatic sampler used, The most reliable suspended solids data al"'e those collected using depth-integrated samplel"'s. These samplers are lowered at REVIEW DR~FT 9/09/85 PAGE q4 .... - - - - ll!fffl. a uniform rate with water being admitted throughout the vertical profile. The number of verticals collected across a stream depends on the accuracy being sought and on the the variation of sediment concentrations across the stream. Variability typically increases as the concentration of sediment increases. Another source of variability in turbidity and suspended solids analyses occurs in the analytical process. Subsampling a relatively small sample for analysis is difficult when the particulates concentration is moderate to high, and when the particle size is equivalent to sm~ll sand or lar~er. This situation arises when rel~tively l~rge samples <typically 250 ml to 1 liter> are collected in the field but the volume required for turbidity and total suspended solids analyses is small. Turbidity requires about 25 ml and suspended solids requires a few to 100 ml or more depending on ·the ~oncentration qf particulates. Consequently, the analyst must thoroughly mix the sample ~nd then obtain a representative subsample by decanting, pipetting, or other appropriate means. This process is exceedingly difficult and is a source of significant variability among samples containing high particulates concentrations and/or samples containing sand-sized particles. Sand settles too fast to enable an analyst to obtain a representative subsample. Assessment of the relationship between turbidity and total suspended solids must consider the sources of variability discussed above: C 1) Variabi 1 i ty in the turbidity analysis; <2> variability in the suspended solids analysist (3) sample variability; and (4) subsample variability. These sources produce variability in the relationship between turbidity and suspended solids. Many authors <Black and Hannah 1965; Duckrow and Everhart 1971; Peterson 1973; McGirr 1974; Carlson 1976; Pickering 1976; Stern and Stickle 1978; Langer 1980; McCart et al. 1980; LaPerriere 1983t Wilber 1983; Ge•::.rge and Lehni; 1984; Hach et al. 1984> recognize that turbidity is not necessarily a good quantitative indicator of the concentration of suspended REVIEW DRAFT S/09/85 PAGE qS solids becaase of the inconsistent correlation ~etween these parameters. Table 5-1 and Figure 5-1 present numerous correlations, both linear and logarithmic, between_turbidity and suspended solids concentrations reported by many authors. This information clearly demonstrates that there is no single equation relating these two parameters. Furthermore, most of the authors listed in Table 5-1 failed to consider percentage error. Kunkle and Comer (1971: reported a percentage error for their correlation ranging from -69 to +333 percent. Rllen (1979) studied a turbidimeter to determine its accuracy in pr~ed ict i ng suspended sediment concentrations. His res•.1ll;s showed maximum errors of -194 percent at one gaging station, +261 percent at another, and average prediction errors of 31 and 25 percent. Allen attributed the poor correlation to changes in the particle-size distribution of the sediment. Turbidity, an optical property, must be rscogni:ed as being entirely different from a weight concentration of suspended matter. This occurs because the si;e, shape, and refractive index of suspended particles which influence turbidity measure- ments are not directly related to the concentration and specific Qravity of the suspended matter. Particle size and particle si~e distribution are two key factors required in comparing suspended solids measurements to the actual turbidity present in a sample CBooth 1974>. Mc:Carthy et al. <1974) fo•.1nd that the s~me FTU readin; could be obtained from a given concentration of kaolinite and twice that concentration of calcium montmorillonite. They concluded that bec~use twice as much material is in suspension, the resulting siltation problem would be significantly greater for a calcium montmorillonite discharge than for a kaolinite discharge. The majority of turbidity is due to the scattertng of l1ght by particles having diameters less than about 10 microns CK1ng et .:o.l. 1378>. AlthCP.IQh t•.lt~bidity ::.s often •.ms•.Lita~le f,:q·· determin1ng suspended solids concentrations, findi~gs indicate REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE <ii. .... - TABLE 5-1 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TURBIDITY AND ,..., SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATIONS b.Q.9.§~:ciibmi£_~gr:c§!!sii!2n§ __ aa --.B§!f§!!:§!DS§! ___________ ~Qi§! !"""' <TSS) 0. 84 TBD = 3.20 0.77 Weagle 1'384 1 TBD = 6.00 <TSS>0.631 0.80 R&M 1'385 2 .... TBD = 1. 78 <TSS)0.863 0.87 R&M 1'385 3 TBO = 0.44 <TSS>0.858 0.83 Lloyd 1'385 4 TBO = o. 185<TSS>0.'3'38 0.'32 Lloyd 1'385 5 TBO = 1.103<TSS>0.'368 o. '32 L 1•::-yd 1'385 6 TBD = 13.49 CTSS)0.68 0.8'3 R&M 1'382 7 -I < TBD) 1. 32 TSS = 5.32 0.82 Kunkle and C•:.mer 1'371 8 TSS = 3.92 <T8D) 1. 41 0.89 .Kur'lkle and Con1er 1971 '3 -TSS 2 <-TBD> 1. 25 King et al. 1'378 lOa = TSS = 4 ·::. """ <TBD> 1. 09 Kircg et al. 1'378 lOb TSS = 2.34 <TBD> 1. 0 o.88 Kircg et al. 1'378 lOc TSS = 0.63 <TBD> 1. 19 0.'35 Kircg et a 1. 1978 10d TSS = 21. 1 <TBD>0.7 King et al. 1'378 lOe bin§~~t:-~Qt:t:!!l~tifHl~----- TBD = 15.65 + 0. 861 <TSS> 0.4'3 R&M 1'385 11 TBO = 8.69 + 0.'304CTSS> 0.873'3 Toland 1'383 12 TEiO • o. 18 + 0.41 <TSS) 0.47 Peterson 1973 13 TBO = 8.78 + 0.26 CTSS> 0.42 Peterson 1973 14 TSO: Turbidity, NTU TSSa Total Suspended Solids, mg/~ ~2.!!!!! 1. Correlation applied to placer mining effluent samples. 2. Glaciar Fork, tributary to Eklutna ~ake, Rlaska--30 to 40 r percent of the basin is covered by glaciers. - 3. East Fork, tributary to Eklutr'la Lake, Alaska--5 to 10 4. percent of the basin is covered by glaciers. Data provided by USGS for 22'3 samples of Alaska streams, many of which are glacial or glac1ally influenced. CJ7 TABLE 5-1 Continued CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TURBIDITY ~ND SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATIONS -5. C1ted Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, Inc. data from the Susitna River, Alaska. 6. Data for 279 samples collected from unmined and pl£cer mined streams in interior Alaska by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Toland (1983). 7. a. Data from settling column tests performed on Alaska placer mining sluice box discharges. The correlation represents 2 years of data collected from an agricultural area. The percentage error ranged from -69 to +333 percent and the high percentage err~rs generally were associated with the low turbidities <less than SOO mg/L sed irnent. 9. The correlation represents the first year of data for the above equation. 10. Correlations from other authors presented by King et al. (1978> for drainage from sandy to silty, silt loam, fine silt loam, and fine silt plus clay soils in agricultural areas <10a-10e correspond to e~uations in Figure 5-1>. 11. Five combined Eklutna Lake, Alaska sample stations. 1 ·:> .... 13. Chatanika River, Alaska. The correlation appears to hold up to about 250 mg/L and NTU. Above this range, the curve flattens showing higher suspended solids values in relation to turbidity. Other variables appear to affect this corre- lation so that uniform application cannot be assured. Co~ralation for data collected from the Chatanika Rive~, Alaska in 1970 and 1971 when placer mining had no measure- able affect on water quality. 14. Correlation for data collected from Goldstream C~eek, Alaska tn 1970 and 1971. - - - - -...J ...... 0 E - Cl) 0 :J 0 1/) 0 w 0 z ...a w -0 0.. Cl) :::> 1/) ...J ~ 0 t- l 1 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TURBIDITY ANS SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATIONS 10 TURBIDITY (NTU) 100 -...J ...... 0 E - 1/) 0 :J 0 1/) ~50 0 z ~ Cl) :::> Cl) ...J ~ 0 t- 50 TURBIDITY (NTU) Note: See Table 5-l for references to the various equations. 100 that a correlation may sediments CAllen 19791. be useful in cases involving fine Turbidimeters respond less to larger sed i rnei"Lt sizes. Tt..n-t:l id 1 ty rneasurerl1ents y 1 e ld r·esu 1 t s that are ~·c•t.\gh 1 y proportional to the amount of suspended material only under certain circumstances. Turbldity instrumentation relies on optical properties of particulates such as their shape, refractive index, particle size distribution, particle concentration, and the absorption spectra <McCluney 1975), Hence, turbidity is proportional to mass or volume concentration only when all other parameters are constant. However, the sediment in natural waters exhibit considerable variability in these parameters, which makes the establishment of the desired relationship difficult. This variability in natural .water •everely restrict~ the usefulness of using turbidity for routine measurement of the amount of suspended mater1al CMcCluney 19751. Although turbidity and suspended sediment concentration are not synonymous, they are related in some instances, and turbidity can be used to help define the level of sediment concentration CRitter and Ott 1974>. Within cert~in size and concentration ranges, and with certain types of suspended rnate~·ial, it is possible to estim~te sediment concentrations based on turbidity <Pickering 1976>. Hence, any predictive relationships between these parameters must be developed on a drainage basin basis <Kunkle and Comer 1971; Beschta 1980; Seschta et al. 1981>. Once a correlation bet~een turbidity and suspended solids has been established for a given ~ater body, one parameter can be used to give an estimate of the other, altl1ough each CMcG:i.rr 1'374). of the measurements has independent significance Truhlar (1976) found a good corr·e,latic•r' be·tweel"t C::ai ly mear, discharge-~eighted tl.lrbidity discharge-weighted c1.:.nsi ders su:3pended the concen~rations ~ith discharge • sol ids var•iability arid . ~EVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/95 PAGE /00 daily meat•• This - .~ - - - Based o~ the above information, it is clear that there is no one consistent correlation between turbidity and suspended solids concentrations. However, these parameters may be correlated under certain circumstances. Conseq~~ntly, using turbidity to predict suspended solids concentrations may be useful but the investigator needs to recognize all the potential variables, calculate the correlation including periodic updates, and calculate the percentage error associated with the correlation. In addition to treating the data collectively, regression analyses should include calculations of coefficients of determination and confidence limits for data in the low, medium, and high ranges. Since the relationship between turbidity and suspended solids concentration is dependent on local geological ~nd hydro- lc•g ical par.ameters Thelr~e are ~ characteristics,. any c.orrelat ion between th~_se needs to consider drainage, season, and discharge. natural and man-made sources of particulates that improve the correlation between these parameters, such as glacial streams and placer mining. Particle sizes and shapes and particle-size distributions from these sources probably exhibit less variability than in natural clear water systems. WATER COLUMN MEASUREMENTS Particulate levels in water have been measured by numerous direct and indirect techniques. Direct measurements of the number or weight of particles include total suspended solids, microscopic analysis, electronmicroprobe analysis, use of a Coulter counter, X-ray methods, and radioactive absorption. The most widely accepted technique, the total suspended solids test described vo:•l•.lr•1e Of above in Section ~. 1, involves filter~ir·,g a 1-t.l"•Own water through a glass-fiber filter followed by drying and weighing. Centrifugation has samples followed by drying and disadvantages to this technique. been used to concentrate One dis~dvantage occurs when REVIEW DR~FT ~/0~/63 PAGE IOI fine-grained_ sediment has organic material associated with it. Some organic material can have a density close to that of water, making it very difficult to separate (Gibbs 1974). Another dis~dvantage is that centrifuging is not good for'dilute water having less than about 10 mg/L suspended solids <Campbell and ~lliott 1975), Radioactive absorption has been used because the absorption of radiation is proportional to the mass present and therefore directly measures the concentration of suspended sedu1er1t <Gibbs 1974>. However, this method is impractical because of its expense. Microscopic analysis and the Coulter counter rely on counting the number of particles present, both of which \"lurnbe~· of assessment are time consuming. Additionally, conversion of the particles to weight per unit volume requires of particle size and specific gravity. Electronmicroprobe analysis and X-ray methods require expensive equJ.pment ar•d a relatively high level of expertJ.se. Ther·efol:"'e, •:Jf the direct methods for measuring particulates in the water column, tha gravimetric method for total suspended solids as described by APHA (196~) is the most acceptable. This is the method specified in the Alaska water quality standards <ADEC 1965). Measurements related to light penetration may, under certain c1rcumstances, be an indicatiQn of the concentration of particulates. These measurements include turbidity <described above in Section 5.1> and transmissivity, Qr its inverse, light extinction. Microspectrophotometry, Secchi disk depths, and remote sensing using color infrared photography are also indirect measurement techniQues. These optical methods rely on absorption and/or scattering. Nephelometric turbidity measures the scattering of light by suspended particles, whereas the beam transmittance meter measures the attenuation of light by scatter1ng and absorption. The Secchi disk is a simple kind of irradiance meter which is :ess precise thar. other i'l"•du·ect method». Ad<::llt:.onally, u·se ·::;,1" REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE)O~ - - - - - - I~ II"'" I the Secchi disk is inapplicable in shallow, clear to moderately turbid areas. Measures of light penetration, such as compensation point, light extinction coefficient, wave length analysis, and transmissivity have been related to primary production. Furthermore, extrapolations have been made from these measures to other effects of particulates on aquatic biota. A chief gr~ol..md truth cor1siidered in concern in estimating suspended solids in water by remote sensing is obtaining adequate data <Shelley 1976). Two aspects that must be obtaining ground truth data are timing actual sample collection with the remote sensor pass, and standardi%ing sampling equipment and techniques. It appears that remote sensing is less precise than nephelometric turbidity rneas;urement s. Although no single optical measurement technique stands out as being the most accurate and precise, the nephelometric turbidity measurement as defined by APHA (1985) is the most acceptable indirect technique for measuring particulates for a number of reasons. First, the instrument specifications are well defined, leading to improved accuracy and precision. Second, turbidity is more widely accepted than many of the other indirect methods. Third, tur~idity measurements have been applied to many different water uses including water supply, recreation, and th• protection of aquatic biota. Fourth, turbidity levels may b• highly corr•lated with total suspended solids concentrations under certain circumstances. Therefore, nephelometric turbidity measurements are th• most applicable indirect measurement technique for particulates. Alaska water quality standards <AOEC 1985) The existing specify that turbidity measurements are to be performed in accordance with APHI=I ( l '385). REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/95 PAGE 103 5.3 SUBSTRATE MEASUREMENTS The of settleable solids is typically a VCtlt.Hnetr-ic test that measur-es the vol1.1me of material that wi 11 settle under-quiescent conditions in one hour. An Imhoff cone is filled to the 1-liter mark with a thoroughly mixed sample and allowed to settle for 45 minutes. The sample is gently stirr-ed along the sides of tho cone with a r-od or by spinning, and allowed to settle 15 additional minutes CAPHA 1985). The volt.1me of settle•ble matter in the cone is recorded as milliliters per- A gravimetric technique for settleable solids can However, this t echrli q •.1e liter Cml/L). be employed. employs all the equipment required in is time consuming and the suspended solids test. field. The volumetric test can be per-formed easily in the Hence, it is the recommended procedure for settle~ble solids. S1.1bstrate conditions in spawning areas ara typically determined by measuring the ~arcentage of various particle sizes, the permeability of concentrat ior• in the gravel. gravels, or the dissolved o~ygen The most widely used and accepted technique is meas1.1ring the percentage of various particle sizes. This tecnnique is specified by the Alaska water quality standards CADEC 1985). The volume of' fines in substrata samples is determined by first securing a sample using • substrate sam~ler such as a corer or dredge. Tne sample is then subJected to grain si:e analysis. L.:i.ke other sam~ling t echn i q 1.1es, different samplers have advantages and disadvantages when sampling differant si%e bed material. To minimize loss of fine-grained sediment, the Alaska water quality standards specify that' a technique for freeze sampling streambed sediments be followed. disadvantage of tn1s technique is that 1t requires addition~! and heavy equipment, making it difficult to use in remote REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/SS PAGE 104 - - - ~~ - - - - - are<ls. Fl..trthermore, variability is relatively high with this technique, as it is with other substrate sampling devices. Measurements of bedload, •lthough technically valid, are too complicated as a criterion <Iwamoto et al. 1378>. Iwamoto et a 1. (1'378) suggest that it may be possible to relate suspended solids in the water column to the bedload by the use of sediment t•ati.ng curves. The use of suspended solids as the basis for may hold promise if difficulties with est i.mat io;:Jn, prediction, and determination of the relationship with streambed sediments, and long-and short-term effects on aquatic biota are clarified to the extent that reproducible results are obtainable. However, until this is accomplished, the accepted technique of freeze core sampling to determine the percentage of various particle sizes in streambed sediments is rec~)mmer-1ded. 5.4 REFERENCES ADEC, 1'385. Water quality standards. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska. Allen, P.B., 1'379. Turbidimeter measurement of suspended sediment. u.s. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration, Agricultural Research Results, ARR-S-4, New Orleans, LA. S pp. APHA, 1985. Standard methods of the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, D. C. 1C:68 pp. Beschta, R.L., 1'380. Turbidity and suspended sediment relation- ships. ln: Proe. Symp. on Watershed Management •so, Boise, ID. pp. 271-282. Seschta, R.L., S.J. O'Leary, R.E. Edwards, and K.D. Knoop, 1381. Sediment and organic matter transport in Oregon coast range streams. Water Resources Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 67 pp. Slack, A.P., and S.A. Hannah, 1'365. Measurement of low turbidities. Journal American Water Works Association, Vol. 57, pp. '301-'316. REVIEW DRAFT '3/09/85 PAGE lOS Elo•::.th, R. L., 1'374. Intercomparison of the Jact-r.scon Car1dle turbidity measurement and several instrumental techniques. ln: Proceedings of National Oceanographi~ Instrumentation Center Workshop held at Washington, D.C. on May 6-8, 1'374. National Oceanographlc Instr1.Lmentation Cer1ter, Wa'Shington, D. C. pp. 101-106. Campbell, P., and S. Elliott, 1975. Assessment of centrifuga- tion and filtration as methods for determining low concentrations of suspended sediment in natural w~ters. Fisheries and Marine Service Research and Development Directorate Technical Report No. 545, Department of the Environment, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 19 pp. Carlson, E.J., 1376. Control of turbidity at construction sites. !n: Proceedings of the Third Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference 1976. Prepared by Sedimentation Committee Water Resources Council, Denver, CO. pp. 2-180-- 2-190. Duckrow, R.M., and W.H. Everhart, 1371. Turbidity measurement. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soe., 100<4> :6S2-690. EPA, 1383. Methods for chemical analysis of wat~r and wastes. EPA-600/4-79-020 Revised March 1963, Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. George, T.S., and D.E. Lehnig, 1984. Turbidity and solids. Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency by Camp, Dresser & McKee, Annandale, VA. Gibbs, R.J., 1974. in water. !.n: New Ycor!-1., NY. Principles of studying suspended materials Suspended Solids in Water, Plenum Press, pp. 3-l:S. Ha~h, C.C., R.D. Vanous, and J.M Heer, 1'384. Understanding turbidity measurement. Teehnieal .Information Series--Sock- let No. 11, First Edition, Hach Chemi~al Company, ~oveland, co. 10 pp. Iwamoto, R.N., E.O. Salo, M.A. MadeJ, and R.~. McComas, 1978. Sedim•nt and water qualityJ a review of tne literature including a suggested approach for water quality ~riteria. Pr•par•d for Environm•ntal Protection Agency, EPA '310/'3-78- 048 by Fisheries Research Institute, College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 4G pp. + Appendices. King, L.C3., O.L. Bassett, and J.M. Ebeling, 1'378. Sigr1ificance of turbidity for quality assessment of agricultural runoff and irrigation return flow. Agricultural Engineering Dept., Wash1ngton State University, Pullman, WA. 36 pp. + Appen. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE ~6 - - _., - - - K1.1nk.le, S.H., _and G.H. Comer, 1'371. Estimating SI..ISpended sediment concentrations in streams by turbidity measure- ments. Journal Soil and Water Conservation, 26(1) :18-20. Lar•fler~, 0. E., 1'380. Effects •";Jf sedimentat i•";Jn •";Jr• salrnQrlid str~eam life. Paper presented at the Technical Workshop on Suspended Solids in the Aquatic Environment, June 17-18, Whitehorse, YT, Environmental Protection Service, Vancouver, ac. 20 PP· LaPetrriere, J. 0., 1'383. Statement on the state of Alaska's water quality standard for turbidity. Unpublished report, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 5 pp. Lloyd, D.S., 1'385. Turbidity in freshwater habitats of Alaska: a review of published and unpublished literature relevant to the use of turbidity as a water quality standard. Report No. 85-1, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Juneau, Alaska. 101 pp. McCa~r~t, P. J., P.M. R. Green, D. W. Mayhoc•d, and P. T. P. Tsui, 1'380. Environmental studies No. 13 effects of siltation on the ecology of Ya-Ya Lake, N.w.T. Prepared for Minist~r of Indian ~nd Northern Affairs by ~quatic Environments, Limited, Calgary, Alberta. 286 pp. McCa.rthy, J. C., T. E. Pyle, and G. M. Griffin, 1'374. Light trans- missivity, suspended sediments and the legal definition of turbidity. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, 2:2'31-2'3'3. McCluney, W.R., 1'375. Radiometry of water turbidity measure- ments. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 47(2): 252-266. McGirr, D.J., 1'374. Interlaboratory quality control study number 10 turbidity and filterable and nonfilterable residue. Report Series No. 37, Inland Waters Directorate, Er1vironment Canada, Burlington, Ontario. 10 pp. Petetrsor., L.A., 1'373. An investigation •";Jf selected physical ,;;md chemical characteristics of two subarctic streams. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 1S5 pp. Pick.erir.g, R. J., 1'376. Measurement of "turbidity" and related characteristics of natural waters. Open-File Report 76-153, u.s. Geological Survey. 13 pp. R&·M, 1'382. Placer mining wastewater settling pc•nd dem•:.r•strati•:.n proJect. Prepared for State of Alaska, Department of Erwir•:mmer.tal Conservation by R&M C·:•nsultants, Inc., Fairbanks, Alaska. 60 pp. + Appendices. REVIEW DRAFT '3/0'3/SS PAGE JO? R&M, 1'385. Glacial lake physical lirnnolc•gy studies: Eld•Jtna Lake, Alaska. Prepat~ed for Alaska Power A•Jthority by R&M Consultants, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. Reed, G. D., 1'377. Eval•Jatb::.n •::.f the star•dar~d sampling techr•iq•.te for suspended solids. EPA '307/9-77-001, Surveillance and Analysis Division, Technical Support Branch, Field Investi- gations Section, Environmental Protection Agency, Region VI I. 4'3 pp. + Appendix. Ritter, J.R., and A.N. Ott, 1'374. Measurement of turbidity by the U.S. Geological Survey. [n: Proceedings of National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center ~orkshop held at Washington, D.C. on May S-8, 1'374. National Oceanographic Instrumentation Center, Washington, D.C. pp. 23-30. Shelley, P.E., 1'37G. Sediment measurements in estuaries and coastal areas. NASA CR-276'3, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Wallops Island, VA. 102 pp. Stern, E.M., and W.B. Stickle, 1'378. Effects of turbidity and suspended material in aquatic environments. Dredg~d Material Research Program, Technical Report 0-76-21, Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Enginner Waterways Experiment St~tion, Vicksburgf MS. 117 pp. Toland, D.C., 1983. Suspended solids in mainstem drainages downstream from placer mines, Fairbanks and vicinity, Alaska, Auguet 3-17, 1983. A Working Paper, Environmental Quality Monitoring and Laboratory Operations, Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservative, Juneau, Alaska. 28 pp. Truhlar, J.F., 1976. Determining suspended sediment loads from turbidity records. 1n: Proc. Third Inter-Agency Sedimenta- tion Conf., 1976. Water Resources Council, Denver, CO. Weagle, K., 1984. Treatment of placer mining effluents using settling ponds, volume I: ta~hnical report. Prepared for Government of Yukon, Oept. of Economic Development and Tourism by Ken Weagle Environment•! Consultant Ltd., Whitehorse, YT. ~3 pp. Wilber, C.G., 1'383. Turbidity in the aquatic environment, an environmental factor in fresh and oceanic waters. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL. 133 pp. REVIEW ORAFT 9/09/65 PAGE J09 - - 6.0 PROPOSED PARTICULATES CRITERIA 6.1 INTRODUCTION A criterion is a designated concentration or limit of a parameter that, when not exceeded, will protect a prescribed water use with a reasonable degree of safety. In some cases, a criterion may be a narrative statement instead of a numerical limit. The water quality standards for a particular water body consist of those criteria associated with the uses for which that water body is protected. Water bodies are classified by the uses for which th•y ar• protected. In Alaska, all water bodies except th• low•r Ch•na Riv•r and Nolan Creek <and mos~ Qf its tributaries> are clas.si1"ied 1"or prot•ction of all uses. Ideally, able to be measured relatively simply and be inexpensive, fast, precise, and accurate. It is desirable to use techniques that can be performed in the field without compromising the pr•cision or accuracy of th• m•asurem•nt. Additionally, standards should include only th• most applicabl• param•t•rs 1"or •ach wat•r use. For axampl•, turbidity crit•ria ar• suffici•nt to protect secondary recreational uses, so there is no need to have suspended or settl•able solids criteria. Standards must be sta·ced in clear, und•rst&ndabl• terms so that confusion do•s not arise ov•r th•ir int•rpr•tation. Id•ally, th•y should be appropriate 1"or all types of aquatic syst•ms and should consider seasonal, geographicAl, and flow differenc•s in natural particulate conc•ntrations. Criteria should be p•riodically reviewed and updated as new data or techniques for obtaining fast and accurate measurements become available. The particulates criteria should not be viewed as permanent fixtures but as essential parts of an REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE fOq evolving system to safeguard the current and future uses of Alaska's waters. 6.2 PROPOSED CRITERIA This section outlines suggested changes to the Alaska water quality criteria for particulates. The current wording, proposed wording, each criteria. and The supporting rationale are presented for rationale for retaining, changing, or deleting each criterion is based on the literature reviewed for this document. That literature has been used to formulate the discussions in Chapters 1 through ~. Therefore, the rationale sections are necessarily summaries of the preceding discussions. The reader is referred to the earlier chapters for more detailed overviews of literature relating to the effects of partic.ulates on water supply, recreation, and biota. Given the status of defensible sediment and knowledge, there are probably as many turbidity criteria for cvrt•in use categories as there are informed agencies or individuals interested in proposing them. In reality, there is probably rto one definitive level or concentration that is detrimental to each use in all systems under all circumstances. In sor11e instances, the existing criteria have been refined or modified to reflect the findings of a variety of researchers. With regard to aquaculture, definitive maximum suspended solids concentrations for egg incubation and rearing have been identified in the literature. In other instances an absolute maximum turbidity level or suspended solids concentration may not be appropriate. s~ch is the case for growth and propagation of freshwater and marine organisms. The proposed standards for these categories reflect seasonal fluctuations and site-specific differences in natural turbidity and sediment levets. They l1mit any ap~reciable incr•ase above natural levels in systems which normally carry 1 ow particulate loads while all .;:.w i r,g for some increase in systems which per1odically exhibit moderate to M1gh natural levels. REVIEW DRAFT '3/0'3/85 PAGE IIO _, - - - - - - The pro~osed particulates criteria presented below are made with two caveats from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. First, the Department does not want to assess revisions to the existing water use categories as ·part of this study. Second, since it is the Department's responsibility to fully protect the various water uses, in setting criteria the Department prescribes limits be set on the most sensitive usa in each water use category. For aquatic biota, this means setting criteria for the most sensitive life stage of the most sensitive species in the most sensitive season. This approach is prescribed by the EPA. Table 6-1 lists water uses and the parameters that are essential to each. Parameters not appearing in a particular category are considered unnecessary for the protection of that 1. Water supply1 drinking, culinary and food processing a. Turbidity g~1•11ng: Shall not exceed 5 NTU above natural conditions when the natural turbidity is 50 NTU or less, and not have more than 10~ increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than ~0 NTU, not to exceed a maximum increase of 2~ NTU. Ec2e2§@Q: There shall be no increase in turbidity when the natural condition is 5 NTU or less, in- crease shall not cause turbidity to exceed 10 NTU when the natural condition is between 5 and 10 NTU, shall not cause mora than a 5 NTU increase when the natural condition is 10 t.;, 25 NTU, and shall not cause turbidity to exceed 250 NTU when the natural condition is SO to 250 NTU. REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/65 PAGE Ill TABLE 6-1 W~TER USES ~NO P~R~METERS FOR WHICH CRITERI~ MUST BE EST~BL.ISHED TO MEET WATER QU~LITY OBJECTIVES ________ E§C~iSYls!g_E~C~W§~~C~------­ Settleable ~ Accum. I!:!!:l2i.Qit~ I§§ __ §'.2liQ.a__ _EirH~a-- E!:!!~tL~~t!!!: Drinking, culinary, and food pt"oeessing X X X Agr"ieulture X X Aquaculture X X Industrial X X X Contact recreation X Secondary recreation X Growth of aquatic organisms X X X X ~q•Jacul t t.trs X X Seafood Processing X X X X Contact recreation X Secondary recreation X Growth of aquatic organisms X X X X TSS • Total Suspended Solids REVIEW DRAFT 3/09/SS PAGE 11~ ~- ~ - - - - - - b. Sedim!ent g~i~ling: No measurable increase above natural cond it i ems. ErQQQ§~~= No increase in settleable solids or volatile suspended solids above natural conditions. Although light attenuation is not an issue related to the acceptability of drinking water, most people find water with 5 or more turbidity units obJectionable <Bruvold 1975). Sorensen et al. <1977) stat• that 0 to 10 turbidity units provide ar1 excellent source of water supply requiring only disinfection. They also state that 10 to 250 units provide good sources requiring only usual treatment, and that waters with turbidities greater than ~50 units are poor sources requiring special o~ auxiliary treatment. Therefore, the existing criteria has been modified to protect naturally clear so~rces of drinking wat~r. At the same time, the proposed standard allows for a greater increase where water contai~s higher natural turbidity levels which would require usual treatment or would otherwise be unacceptable as a water supply. With regard to sediment, the primary concern d i si rtfect ion. is that sediment not interfere with Interference with disinfection is directly related to the type and amount of organic sediment <volatile suspended solids> present in the water <Symons and Hoff 1975>. An increase in inorganic suspended sediment above natural conditions does not necassarily impeda the clarification process, and in soma instances may enhanca it <NAS 1973> There- fore, the suspandad sedimant critarion has bean modified to limit only volatile suspended solids. The rationale for the proposed settlaabla solids criterion is: (1) Natural waters which ara otherwisa suitable as a watar supply normally contain low levels of settleable solids; and (~) settleable solids may significantly decrease the effectiva life of sedimentation basins or filtration systems, thereby increasing treatment REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE JG 2. Water -s1.1pply: agric:ultut~e, including ir~t~igation and stoc:l-<'. wat et~ i l"llil a. T1..1rbidity b. EHi~!ing: Shall not c:ause detrimental errects on indicated wate~ use. 2~QQQ~~~: Delete crite~ion for this use category. Sed irnent g~i~lins: For sprinkler irrigation, water shall be free of particles of 0.074 mm or coarser. For irrigation or wate~ spreading, shall not exceed 200 mg/1 fo~ an extended period of time. fcg~g~~~: Retain the existing criteria and add the following. Inc~ease in total Sl.ISpe'l"'de(l solids shall 'I"'Ot interf~~e with the treat- m•nt of agricultu~al wata~ supply. No increase in settleabl• solids above natu~al conditio'l"'s allowed. The concer'l"' is fo~ particulate matter which may block pumpi'l"'g and sp~aying •quipment a'l"'d caus• formatio'l"' of c~usts Ol"l land or coat vegetables which have bee'l"' irrigated. The solids criteria should b• measured directly. Turbidity should be deleted b•cause th• conce~n is fo~ th• physical p~esence of pa~ticles a'l"'d not light scattering and absorption. The term "axta'l"'dad pe~iod of' tim•" is vagu•, but th•~• was no i'l"'fo~matio'l"' in the lite~atu~e ~•view•d that would improve this term a'l"'d be defe'l"'sible. Th• particl• siz• crita~ion app•a~s to be adequate bacaus• it limits th• pa~tic:l• siz• to silt and smaller mat e~ia 1. 3. Wate~ supply: aquac:ultu~a a. Turbidity gHi~ling: Shall not exceed 25 NTU above natural condi- t io'l"' level. Fo~ all lake water·, shall r11:>t REVIEW DRAFT '3/0'3/SS I'AGE 11'4 - - - - - - r exceed S NTU over natural conditions. e~~e2~@~: Delete criteria for this use category. l:l. Sed irnent S~l~~1ng: No imposed loads that will interfere with established water supply treatment levels. e~~e2~~g: ~here the natural condition is less than 3 mg/L, suspended solids shall not exceed 3 mg/L.. ~here the natu.ral condition is greater than 3 mg/L., suspended solids shall not increase by more than ao~. There shall be no increase in settleable solids above natural conditions. A definitive maximum concentration of 3 mg/L. for incubating salmonid eggs and 25 mg/L for salmonid rearing is presented in the literature CSigma Resource Consul~ants 1979>. Thus, the maximum concentration should be limited in order to facilitate adequat~ water supply treatment and ensure successful incubation and rearing. The 3 mg/L level is important because most hatcheries support egg incubation and use of this level is the most conservative. Thera is no apparent reason for a turbidity criterion as such. The proposed suspended solids criteria would insure that turbidity-causing sediments are kept to a minimum. It should be noted that ultraviolet disinfection may be inhibited by turbidity-causing sediments. However, there are no data in the literature reviewed regarding specific turbidity levels that inhibit ultraviolet disinfection. A low level increase in suspended solids C3 mg/L) will limit the volume of turbidity-causing particles. The rationale for limiting settleable solids include the well documented adverse impacts of sediment accumulation on egg incubation and fry development <see Tables 4-l and 4-2>. 4. Water supply: industrial a. Tt.lrbidity g~i~!iog: Shall not cause detrimental effects on REVIEW DRAFT '3/09/65 PAGE 115 established water supply treatment levels. E~ggg§~~= Retain criterion for this use category. b. Sediment s1!.!§1.!ns: N•::. imposed loads that will ir1terfere with established water supply treatment levels. E~~eQ§@~: No increase in total suspended solids and settleable solids levels above natural con- ditions that would adversely affect estab- lished water supply treatment. Turbidity is retained for those industries which use turbidity as the established parameter in treatment systems, such as tha brewin; industry. As pointed out in Section 4.2, industries vary considerably with regard to the amount cf particulates which can be tolerated. Soma industries can tolerate only low parti=ulate laval~. Because the ~ang•:of acceptable water quality varies widely, a narrative criteria is probably tha best avai labla. Tne proposed sediment critel~iorl is designed to protect established treatment techniques. 5. Water recreation: contact recreation a. Turbidity s~1§!!ng: Shall not exceed 5 NTU above natural condi- tions when the natural turbidity is 50 NTU or lass and not have mora than 10% increase in turbidity when tha natural condition is more than 50 NTU, not to eMceed a maKimum increase of 15 NTU. Shall not eMceed 5 NTU over natural conditions in all lake waters. Er2a2~~ga Shall not excaed 5 NTU above natural condi- tions when tha natural turbidity is SO NTU or lass and not have mora than 10~ increase in turbidity wMan the natural condition is more than 50 NTU. b. Sediment s~i§!iog: No increase in concentrations above natural cond it ions. REVIEW DRAFT 3/03/SS PAGE II~ - - - - - - - - e~2e2§~g: Delete criterion for this use category. Aesthetics and safety are the primary considerations for contact recreation such as diving, swimming, and w~ding. Data show that people prefer to recreate in clear rather than turbid water. A 5 NTU change in turbidity levels is noticed by most people. Cloudy water can also obscure dangerous rocks or other underwater obstructions. The upper limit for achieving these goals is 50 NTU <McSauhey 1966>. There is no basis for having d i f·ferent •:Jf the standards for lakes and streams. Therefore, this part standard is deleted. There is no information that warrants changing the turbidity levels in the existing criteria, which afford a high level of protection, other than the amount of maximum increase. Sed imer•t · is not a direct consideration for conta~t recreation and this standard is deleted. Suspended sediments may need to be limited only if the particles are organic or are associated with pathogenic microorganisms. The presence of pathogenic organisms are covered in water Quality criteria not addressed in this document. 6. Water recreation: secondary recreation a. Turbidity Shall not exceed 10 NTU over natural condi- tions when natural turbidity is 50 NTU or less, and not have mora than ~0~ increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more than SO NTU, not to exceed a maximum increase of SO NTU. For all lake waters, turbidity shall not exceed S NTU over natural condi t ions • .Et:9.e2l!!!6!: Sha 11 not exceed 10 NTU over natura 1 cor1d 1- tions when natural turbidity lS 50 NTU or less, and not have more than ~0~ increase 1n turbidity when the natural condition 1s more than 50 NTU. REVIEW CRAFT '3/09/85 PAGE 11'1 b. Sediment g~i~lin~: Shall not pose hazards to ineioental human contact or cause interference with the yse. e~2e2!~~: Delete criterion for this use cat~gory. Based on MeGauhey (1~6S>, the current turbidity criteria afford a high level of protection for boating and other non-contact water recreation. Fishing may require more stringent standards in order to maintain a suitable sport fishery. However, in th1s case, the turbidity criteria for the growth and propagation of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms would apply. There is no apparent reason for lake and stream standards to differ. Furthermore, there is no defensible reason for retaining the sediment criterion for this use based on the literature reviewed. 7. Growth and propagation of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic life a. Turbidity g~j§ling: Shall not exceed 25 NTU above natural condi- tion laval. For all lake waters, shall not exceed 5 NTU over natural conditions. Ergag~§~: Shall not exceed 5 NTU increase above natural conditions up to 25 NTU and shall not exceed 20~ increase above natural conditions <M•asur•d in NTU) wh•n th• natural condition is 25 NTU or greater. b. S•diment g~i~lin~= Th• p•rc•nt accumulation of fine sediment in th• rang• of o. 1 to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of waters utiltz•d by anadromous or resident fish for spawning may not be increased more than 5~ by weight over natural conditions Cas shown from ;rain size accumulation graph). In no case may th• 0.1 to 4.0 mm fine sediment range in the gravel bed of waters REVIEW DRAFT ~/OS/85 PAGE 118 - - - - r used by anadromous and resident fish for spawning exceed a maximum of 30% by weight <as shown from grain size accumulation graph). <See note 3 and 4) In all other surface waters no sediment loads <suspended or deposited) which can cause adverse effects on aquatic animal or plant life, their repro- duction or habitat. f~292~§g: Suspended and/or settleable solids content of surface waters shall not adversely affect aquatic plants and animals, their reproduc- tion or habitat. In natural conditions less than as mg/L, suspended solids shall not have mora than a ~0% increase. In waters where the natural condition is greater than as mg/L, suspended solid~ shall not have more than a 20% increase. No increase in settle- able solids above natural conditions. The percent accumulation of fine sediment in the range of 0.1 to 4.0 mm in the gravel bed of waters used by anadromous or resident fish for spawning may not be increased more than ~% by weight over natural conditions, not to exceed ao% by weight over natural conditions. Tha existing turbidity criteria afford a moderate to high level of protection for aquatic organisms as evidenced by data frorn Herbert at al. <1961>, Alabaster (1972>, Sykora et al. <1972>, Sorensen et al. (1977>, Langer <1980), Sigler <1981), BiS!iOn and Bilby ( 1982), NCASI ( 19S4b), Sigler at al. ( 1984), and Simmons <1984). Although, the current state of knowledge in Alaska is inadequate to describe the energy base of more than a few str•eams and lakes, it should be assumed that many systems depend on primary productivity to at least some extent. Quantitative information presented by Bell <1973>, Nuttall and Bili:Jy (1973l, McCart et al. (1980>, Van Nieuwenhuyse <1983>, and REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE oq LaPe~~ie~e et al. <1983) indicate that turbidity c~iteria are necessa~y fo~ the protection of aquatic systems ~hich depend on prima~y prod•.Lct i vity. Fu~therrnc•re, there is substantial evidence that tu~bidity has a negative impact on salmonid feeding <Alabaste~ 1972; Sykora et al. 1972; Langer 1960; Simmons 1964), salmonid growth <NCASI 19S4b; Sigler et al. 1984), salmonid distribution <Sigle~ 1981; Bisson and Bilby 1982; Si,ler et al. 1984) t and benthic rnacroinvertebrate popul~tions <Herbe~t et al. 1961; Sorensen 1977; ~aPer~iere et al. 1963). The suggested changes in the turbidity standa~d address the fact that increases in very clear water are likely to have a greater effect on a~uatic organisms and primary productivity than the same magnitude of increase in naturally turbid water. The reason for limiting fines in spawning g~avels is:to avoid smothering This eg~s and alevins by filling interstices in the is a volumetric, not a gravimetric concern. Depending on the type of fine material, weight may vary widely for particles of the same dimensions, · bl.\t both WOI.tld occupy the same vol•.1me of space and reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity i r1 water flowing through the gravel to the same degree. However, beca,.tse the accepted technique is to weigh the f i rres, the pro:;~ posed criteria al"'e expl"'essed in terms of weight. Al thOI.Liijh, the percentage accumulation of fine sediment in a gravel bed is difficult to evaluate, the Department has found it to be a useful Cl"'iterion. With regard to substrate chal"'acteristics of spawning beds, the size range stated in the eMistin; criteria are adequate and Annell and based on information in the literature <McNeil 1964, Hausle and Coble Cederholm et al. ~o•ki 19664 Burns 1972' Phillips et al. 1976J Tagart 1976; Iwamoto et al. 1975; 1S7S; 19SO; Crous• at al. 1961' Tappel and BJornn 1983). The criterion allowing a ma~imum of 30 percent fine sediment is not supported by the literature; this maximum should be lowered to 20 percent as a ma~imum <McNeil and Ahnell 1954; K•::.ski 1965; Shelton and Poll•ck 1966; BJornn 1969; Burns 1972; REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE flO - - - ~ - - - - BJ o~~nn et a 1. Cede~rholm et 1 '38=::; NCAS I 1'374; Hausle and Coble 1'376; Iwamoto et al. al. 1960; Crouse et al. 1961; Tappel and 1'384a; NCASI 1984b>. The settleable 1'378; 8Jornl"l sol ids mea5H.Irement is re lat i vel y simple and reliable and can· be 1.1sed i 1"1 place of the percentage accumulation of fine sediment at the Department's discretion. EIFAC (1965) concluded that spawning gravels should be kept as free as possible from finely dividied solids. Van Nieuwenhuyse C1963) and Simmons <1964) suggest a settleable solids criterion of less than 0.1 ml/L for a high level of protection. Thus, the proposed criteria afford a high level of protection for salmonid spawning gravels. Suspended solids are also detrimental to aquatic organisms and, since suspended solids can not be correlated with turbidity on a state-wide basis, it is necessary to have a st~ndard for total suspended solids •. The propose~ criterion is rest~ictiy~ for naturally ·clear water but less restrictive for waters containing naturally high suspended solids concentrations. It is in agreement with the ~S mg/L criteria suggested by several authors CEIFAC 1965; Gammon 1970>; Alabaster 197~; Bell 1973; NAS 1973; Sorensen et al. 1977; Alabaster and Lloyd 1982; Wilber 1'383; and George and Lehnig 1984> to maintain optimal fisheries and prevent harmful effects on fish. This criterion offers a higr1 level of protection for sediment-free spawning and rearing waters while allowing some increase in streams and lakes which rece•ive natural sediment loads. It also accounts for the high degree of seasonal suspended sediment variability in Alaska's many streams and lakes. 1. Water supply: aquaculture a. Turbidity g~i~lins: Shall not e~ceed as NTU. Er2a2~~~= Delete standard for this use category. REVIEW DRAFT 9/0'3/85 PAGE 121 b. Sediment s~i~1in.e= No imposed loads that will interfere with established water supply treatment level~ e!:.2e2!.!.9.: Where the natural condition is less than 3 mg/L, suspended solids shall not exceed 3 mg/L. Where the natural condition is greater than 3 mg/L, suspended solids shall not increase by mo~• than 20~. There shall be no increase in settleable solids above natural conditions. The rationale is the same as cited above for aquaculture in fresh water. ·:=. ..... Water su~ply: seafood processing a. Turbidity s~i-11n;• Shall not interiere with disinfection. E~2a2•~g1 Delete criterion for this use category. b. Sediment s.?!i~].i.n.e; E~2a22~g• Below normally detectable amounts. Shall not increase levels of suspended and settleable solids above natural condition or shall not interfere with disinfection or established water treatment processes. The turbidity standard was deleted because the concern with seafood processing is the arnount of' suspended and settleable solids in the water rather than light scattering. The sediment criterion, 11 below normally detectable amounts," is somewhat ambiguous and was redefined in terms of an increase in suspended and settleable solids above natural conditions, thereby making the cr1terion easier to enforce. REVIEW DRAFT '3/0'3/85 PAGE f11 - - - 3. Water s•.1pply: industrial a. Turbidity E~i§1ing: Shall not cause detrimental effects on estab- lishad levels of water supply tre~tment. 2~222~~~= Delete criterion for this use category. b. Sediment g~1~~1na• No imposed loads that will interfere with established water supply treatment levels. 2~2Q2~~g: No increase in total suspended and settle- able solids levels above natural conditions that would adversely affect established water supply treatme~t. Turbidity wa• deleted because light scattering is not a concern for industrial use of marine water; SI..Lspended and settleable solids levels are the-concern. Industries vary~in their water qu~lity requireme~ts. Some require water virtually free of particulates. This standard encompasses all potential uses so that opportunities for future economic development in Alaska are not precluded. 4. Water recreatio~• contact recreation a. Turbidity g~1~~1ng: Shall not exceed 25 NTU. Er2e2~•g• Shall not exceed S NTU above natural condi- tions wh•n th• natural turbidity is SO NTU or less and not have more than 10~ increase in turbidity when the natural condition is more tha~ SO NTU. b. Sedirnent E~1~l1ngz No measureable increase in concentrations ~ above natural conditions. e~2e2a~g: D•lete criterion for this use category. Aesthetics a~d safety are the primary considerations for contact recreation such as diving, swimming, and wading. Data REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/SS PAGE l~l - show that people prefer to swim in clear rather than turbid waters. Cloudy water can als•::. obscure dangero•Js underwater obstructions. The upper limit for achieving these goals is 50 NTU. Therefore, the turbidity standard is limited to that level. The turbidity criteria afford a high level of protectio\"1, but are lower than natural conditions in some areas of Alaska marine waters. Sediment is not a consideration for contact recreation and this criterion should be delated. 5. Water recreation: secondary recreation b. a. Turbidity g~i~1in;: Shall not aKceed 25 NTU. E!:2.9Q~!f9t Sl'uall not eKc:ee.d 10 NTU over natural condi- tions-when natural turbi~ity is 50 NTU or less and not haave more than ao~ increase il"l turbidity when the natural condition is more than 50 NTU. Sediment g~i~iing: Shaall not pose hazards to incidental human contact or cause interference with the use. e~QQQ~~~: Delete criterion for this use category. The current standards afford a high l•vel of protection for boating and other non-c:ontact water recreation. Fishing may r .. eQuire mora stringant st&ndards in order to maintain a suitable sport fishery. However, the standards for the growth and propagation of fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms would cover the conc:arns. G. Growth and propagation of fish, shallfish, and other aquatic life a. Turbidity g~i~iing~ Shall not reduce the depth of the compe~sa­ tion point for photosynthetic activity by REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/65 PAGE 111 - - - - """ I' I - b. Sediment rnore than lOY.. In addition, shall not reduce the maximum Secchi disk depth by more than 1 0". Within the photic zone, shall not ~xceed 5 NTU increase above natural condition up to 25 NTU and shall not exceed a aor. increase above natural condition <measured in NTU) when the natural condition is 25 NTU or greater. Shall not reduce the depth of the compensation point (depth at which lY. of the incident light is available) for photosynthe- tic activity by more than lOY.. g~i~iina: No maasureabla increase in concentrations above natural conditions. ecQQQ§~~: Total susp~nded solids.shall not have more than a 20Y. increase above natural CC•ndit ions. There shall be n6 increase in settleable solids levels above natural conditions. The existing criteria using compensation point and Secchi disk depth may be ade~uata. However, there are few data in the literature reporting compensation point and Secchi disk depth ir1 Alaska marine waters. Most of the data are reported as turbidity and suspended solids. Hence, turbidity levels should be used as the primary criterion limiting the amount of particulates ~here light penetration is of paramount interest with compensation point as a secondary criterion. The suggested changes in the turbidity standard address the fact that increases in turbidity in clear waters are likely to have a greater affect on primary productivity and depth of the euphotic :one than the same magnitude of increase in turbid waters. The existing sediment criterion (no measurable increase in concentration above natural conditions> certainly affords a high level of protection. This criterion is restated in terms of REVIEW DRAFT 9/0S/85 PAGE 1~~ suspended and settleable solids, allowing for some increase in total suspended sol ids above natr.tral conditi-ons. Th& susper1ded solids criterion reflects marine organisms' generally greater tolerance of sediment than that of freshwater ~-organisrns as evidenced by higher concentrations <100 to 6000 mg/L) at which adverse affects have been r•ported <see Tables 4-5 and 4-6>. Furthermor•, incr•a••• in susp•nded marine sediments are likely to b• localized and periodic <Ozturgut et al. 19S1> in this high dilution environment. Although no specific settleable solids criteria ara presented in the literature, the proposed criterion is conservative and restricts any increase for the following r·easor,s: (1) The natural variability in settleable solids levels with verticle depth in the water column; <2> the potential difficulty in establishing natural levels of inorganic sediment which will eventually settle under quiescent cc•nditions; (3) tha pote"'"'tial diff'ic•.1lty il"J monitor-ing --~r,d er,forcing a definitive criterion in the marine enviror.ment; (4) the variability in distribution of infaunal and epifaunal organisms which may be sensitive to additional sediment accumulations; and, C5> the lack of scientific data regarding the demonstrated effects of settleable solids on marine benthos. 7. Harvesting for consumption of raw mollusks or other raw aquatic 1 i fe a. Turbidity ~~i§lins: Shall not reduce the depth of the compensa- tion point for photosynthetic activity by mor• than 10~. In addition, shall not reduce the maximum Secchi disk depth by more than 10"· .E!:!2.9Q!!~s;!: Delete criteria for this use categc•ry. b. Sediment s~iaSing: No existing standard. E!:2.92a~gs No increase in ••ttleable solids acove natural conditions. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE llb - ~I -· - - There is no evidence to support the necessity of having turbidity or suspended solids criteria for this use category. relating to toxic materials arrd/or microbial corrtarnination of raw shellfish are covered il"' o-ther water starrdards outside the scope of the particulate stantdards. The proposed settleable solids criterion protects the consumer from undesirable deposits of particulate matter on edible organisms. 5,3 REFERENCES ~labaster, J.S., 1972. Suspended solids and fisheries. of the Royal Society London Bulletin, 190:395-406. Proc. Alat,aster, J. S., arrd R. Lloyd, 1'382. freshwater fish, Second Edition, Boston, MA. 361 pp. Water quality criteria for Butterworth Scientific, Bell, M.C.,1973. Silt and turbidity. ln: Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, OR. Bisson, P.A., and R.E. Bilby, 1982. Avoidance of suspended sediment by JUVenile coho salmon, No. Amer. Jour. of Fish. Manage., 2<4) :371-374. BJornl"', T.C., 1969. Salmon and steelhead investigations, JOb l"'O. 5--embryo survival and emergence studies, Report F-4'3- R-7, Idaho Fish and Game Department. BJ •:•r··rtrt, T. C. , M. A. Wallace, 1974. aquatic life. Idaho, Moscow, Brusven, M. Molnau, F.J. Watts, and R.L. Sediment in streams and its effect on Water Resources Research Institute, Univ. IO. 47 pp. of Bruvold, W.H., 1975. Human perception and evaluation of water quality. CRC Critical Reviews in Environmental Control, 5 (2): 153-231. Burns, J.w., 1972. Some effects ot' logging and associated road construction on northern California streams. Trans. Amer. F i sh So:jC. , 1 0 1 ( 1 ) : 1-1 7. Cede!rholrn, c. J., L. M. ·Reid, and E. 0. Salo, 1990. Cl.lrn•.llative effects of logging road sediment on salrnonid populations. 1D= Proceedil"'gs from the Conferel"'ce on Salmon-spawnil"'g gravel: A Renewable Resource in the Pacific Northwest, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/95 PAGE ~7 Crouse, M.R.~ C.A. Callahan, K.W. Malueg, and S.E. Dominguez, 1981. Effects of fine sediment on growth of JUvenile coho salmon in laboratory streams. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 110 (2) :281-286. EIFAC, 1965. Water quality criteria for Eu~~pean freshwater fish, report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries. European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission Technical Paper No. 1, Inta~national Journal of Air and Water Pollution, 9(3) :151-168. Gammon, J.R., 1970. The effect of inorganic sediment on stream biota. Prepared for the water Quality Office of the Environmental Protection Agency, Grant No. 180SODWC, u.s. Gov. Printing Office, WasMi'l"gton, D. C. 141 pp. Ger.:•rge, T. S., and D. E. Lehnig, 1984. Turbidity and solids. Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency by Camp, Dresser & McKee, Annandale, VA. Hausle, D.A., and O.W. Coble, 1976. Influence of sa'l"d in redds on survival and emergence of brook trout C§~l~~l1ri~~ fQDt~n~li§>. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., No. 1, pp. 57-63. Het~bert, D.W.M., J.S. Alabaster, M.C. Dart, ar•d R. Llc•yd, 1961. Tne effects 6~ china-clay wastes on trout streams. Intl. Journal of Air and water ~ollution, SCl) :56-74. Iwamoto, R.N., E.O. Salo, M.A. Mad•J• and R.L. McComas, 1978. Sediment and wat•r quality: a r&view of the literature including a suggested approach for water quality criteria. EPA 910/9-78-048, Prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency by Fisheries Research Institute, College of Fisheries, Univ. of Wasnington, Seattle, wA. 46 pp. + Appel"'d ices. Koski, K.v., 1966. The survival of coho salmol"' <Qnsgrb~ns~~ ~i~~tso> from egg deposition to em•rgence in three Oregon coastal streams. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Langer, O.E., 1980. Effects of sedimentation on salmonid stream lif•· Pa1=1•r presented at tne Techncial Workshop on Suspended Solids in th• A~uatic Environm•nt, June 17-18, Whitehorse, YT, Environmental Prot•ction Servioe, Vancouver, ac. ao PP• LaPerriere, J.D., D.M. 8Jerklie, R.C. Simmons, E.V. Van Niauwenhuyse, S.M. Wagener, and J.B. Reynolds, 1983. Effects of gold placer mining on interior Alaskal"' stream ecosystems. in= Proceedings of First Annual Meeting of Alaska Chapter American Water Resources Association, Nov. 1983, Fairbanks, Alaska. 34 pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/0S/85 PAGE 1~8 - - - - - - - .r- McCart, P.J., P.M.R. Green, D.W. Maywood, and P.T.P. Tsui, 1g80. Environmental studies no. 13 effects of siltation on the ecology of Ya-Ya Lake, N.W.T. Prepared for Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs by Aquatic Environments, Limited, Calgary, Alberta. 286 pp. McGauhey, P.H., 1968. Engineering management of water quality. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY. 295 pp. McNeil, W.J., and W.H. Ahnell, 1964. Success of pink salmon spawning relative to size of spawning bed materials. Special Scientific Report--Fisheries No. 469, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. NASq 1973. Water quality criteria, 1972. National Academy of Sciences--National Academy of Engineering, EPA-R3-73-033, Washington, D.C. 594 pp. NCASI, 1984a. A laboratory study of the effects of sediments of two different si~e characteristics on survival of rainbow trout C§~1ID2 ~~icgn~~i> embryos to fry emergence. National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improve-· rnent, Technical Bulletin No. 4i29, April, 1984. 49 pp~ +- Appendices~ NCASI, 1984b. The effects of fine sediment on salmonid spawning gravel and JUvenile rearing habitat--a literature review. National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Technical Bulletin No. 428, New York, NY. 66 pp. Nut1~al, P.M., ar1d G.H. Bilby, 1973. wastes on stream invertebrates. <S> :77-86. The effect of china-clay Environmental Pollution, Ozturgut, E., J.W. Lavelle, and R.E. Burns, 1981. Impacts of manganese nodule mining on the environment: results from pilot-scale mining tests in the North Equatorial Pacific:. In: R.A. Geyer <ed.), Marine Environmental Pollution, 2: Dumping and Mining, Elsevier Scientific: Publishing Co., New York, NV. S74 pp. Phillips, R.W., R.C. Lantz, E.W. Claire, and J.R. Moring, 1975. Some effects of gravel mixtures on emergence of coho salmon and steelhead fry. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 104(3);461-466. Shelton, J.M, and R.D. Pollack, 1966. survival in incubation channels. 95 (2): 183-189. Siltation and egg Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc:., Sigler, J.w., 1981. Effects of chronic turbidity on feeding, growth and social behavior of steelhead trout and coho salmon. PhD. Dissertation, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 1SS pp. REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE J~ Cf Sigler, J.W.,-T.C. BJorl"ln, a.-.d F.H. Evetrset, 1964. Effects of Chrol"!ic turbidity Ol"l de.-.sity a.-.d growth of steelheads and coho salmon. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc, 113(2) J142-150. Sigma Resource Consultants, 1979. Summary of water ~uality criteria for salmol"lid hatcheries. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Simmons, R.C., 1984. Effects of placer mining sedimentation on Arctic grayling il"l interior Alaska. M.S. Thesis, Ul"liversity of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 75 pp. Sorensen, D.L., M.M.McCarthy, E.J. Middlebrooks, and O.B. Porcella, 1977. Suspended and dissolved solids effects o.-. freshwater biota: a review. Corvallis E.-.vironmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR. 65 pp. Sykora, S.L., E.J. Smith, and M. Synak, 1972. Effect of lime neutrali%ed iron hydroxide suspensions on Juvenile brook trout. Water Research, (6):93:5-950. Symons, J.M., and J.Ci Hoff, 1975. Ratio~ale for turbidity· maximum contaminant level. Presented at T~ird Water Quality Tech.-.ology.Confere.-.ce, American Water Works Associa- tion, Atlar.ta, Gtt6rgia, December a-10, 1975, Water Supply Research Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Cil"lcirmati, OH. 19 pp. Tagart, J.V., 1976. The survival from egg deposition to emergence of coho salmo.-. in the Clearwater River, Jefferson Cou.-.ty, Washi.-.gto.-.. M.S. Thesis, University of Washingto.-., Seattle, WA. 6:5 pp. + Appe.-.dices. Tappel, P.O., a.-.d T.C. BJor.-..-., 1963. A .-.ew method of relating size of spawning ;ravel to salmon embryo size. North America.-. Jour.-.al Fisheries Ma.-.ageme.-.t, <3> :123-133. Van Nie•.twenhuyse, E. E., 1983. The effects o'f placer minil"lg •:.r• the primary productivity of i.-.terior Alaska streams. M.S. Thesis, University Qf Alaska, Fairba.-.ks, Alaska. 120 pp. Wilber, C.G., 19S3. Turbidity in the aquatic environme.-.t, an envirQI"Ime.-.tal factor in fresh a.-.d oceanic waters. Charles c. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL. 133 PP• REVIEW DRAFT 9/09/85 PAGE 130 - - - APPENDIX A ANNOTATED SIBLIOGRAPHIES~-FRESH W~TER ·~ 1'1"'"' ' <1/q REVIEW DRAFT 8/1,:/SS PAGE ~-1 REFERENCE• ADEC, 198~. Wat•r quality standards. Alaska D•pt. of Environm•ntal Cons•rvation, Jun•au, Alaska. 27 PP• REFERENCE ~OCATION1 L.~. P•t•rson & Associat•s, Inc. IMPORTANT P~GIES1 3-13 KEY WORDS1 Th• wat•r quality standards, 18 AAC 70, ar• describ•d by various ••ctions which includ• a g•n•ral s•ction and discussion of short-t•rm varianc•, prot•ct•d wat•r us•s and crit•ria, proc•dur• for applying wat•r quality crit•ria, mixing zon•s, zon•s of d•posit, th•rmal dischar;•s, clas•ification of stat• wat•rs, proc•dur• for r•cla•sification, classification crit•ria, •nforc•m•nt discr•tion, and d•finitions. qjq REVIEW DRAFT 8/1~/8~ P~GE A-e - - - - -i• I REf='ERENCEa ~labaster, .J. S., and R. L.loyd, 1982. WAter quality criteria for freshwater fish. Second Edition, Butterworth Scientific, Boston. 361 pp. REF~ERENCE L.OC:ATIONI University of Alaska L.ibrary, Fairbanks IM~,ORTANT PA~;Esa 1-3, 1:5-17 KEY WORDS• Sediment, Turbidity, Suspend«! Solids, Fish, WAter Quality et:~tlQI9!IQ!'!f Exc:essive concentrations of finely divided solids may be harmful to a fishery by1 acting directly on fish swimming in water cor\taining suspend«! solids, and either killing them or reducing tn11ir growth rate and resistance to disea••t by preventing the suc:cessful development of fish eggs and larva•t by modifying nat: ural movements and migrat i01"1s of fish I by reducing the ab1.11ndance of food available to the fish 1 or by •ffect i ng the eff'iciency of methods for catching fish.· The spawning grounds of trc1ut and salmon are particularly· susceptable to finely divided solids, and a sMall amount of turbidity or deposited solids may ca1.1Lse fish to ·avoid them or prevet"'t successful development of th•tir eggs. There is no evidence that suspended sol ids cor1centrations below ~ mg/L. have any effect on fish. Cor11centrat ions above 2:5 mg/L. nave, in some instances, reduced fil1h yieldt 3:5 mg/L. nave reduced ,_ding intensity' :50 mg/L. nave redluced the growth rate of trout 1 82 mg/L. charcoal nave killed Da~1hnia. The lowest concentration known to have reduced fish 1 i 1'• expect at ion is 90 mg/L., and the lowest eoncentrat ion known to have increased susceptibility to disea .. is 100 mg/L.. In some waters fish are few in number, or absent in the 100-400 mg/L. rar•a•• Similar concet"'trations increase susceptibility to d il>ease, mortality rates, reduce growth rates, ki 11 Daphnia, and drtLst ically r•duce inv•rtebrate fauna in stream beds. There is no reliable evidet"'ce to indicate that fish faunas eMist in waters nor•mally containing greater than /tOO mg/L. suspet"'ded sol ids. Fish ma~· survive concentrations of several thousand mg/L. for short per•iods but may damage their gills. This may subsequently affect th•1ir survival. Ter1tative criteria for suspend•d solids in fr•shwater are as follows• <2:5 mg/L. have no harmful effects on fish••• 2:5-80 mg/L. will provide for good or moderate fisheri••t 80-400 mg/L. are unlikely to support good fisheri••l at best, only poor fisheries ar•1 likely to b• contain•d in waters normally containing )400 mg/L.. gfq REVIEW DRAFT 8/197'8:5 p,:uaE A-3 REFERENCEI Arruda, J. A., G. R. Marzolf, and R. T. Faulk. 1983. REFERENCE The role o'f suspended.sediments in the nutrition of zooplankton in turbid ~eservoirs. Ecolo;y, 64<~>• 122~-123~. ~OCATION1 Alaska Resources ~ibrary, Anchorage <microfilm> IMPORTANT PAGES1 122~-123~ 8t:it!Q!B!!Qti• QA»bDi• were tasted to discover: <1> The physical •¥~acts o~ suspended sediments on ingestion and incorporation rates o~ ala••• <2> Ingestion rates of two sizes of clay mineral sedimer~t particle•• and C3) Growth and survival when 'fed yeast and sediments with and without organic material adsorbed onto particles. Incr••••• c'f suspended sediment 'from o.o to 24~1 _mg/L deer•••~ in;estion rates o'f algae by 915 percent and decr•ased incorporat ic1"l rates by . · 99 percent. Nutrients can tui ·ad-Sorbed or~to sedimer~t particles and provide food. fer Q.attn1A but no~ as well •• directly ing .. ting nutrients. The threshold of suspended solids for efficient f .. aing appeared to be 100 mg/~. qjq REVIEW DRAFT 8/1'Jol615 PAGE A-~ - - - - REFERENCE• Bell, M.C., 1973. Silt and turbidity. !n• REFERENCE LOCATION I IMPORTANT Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria. U. S. Army Corps of Engineering Division, Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, Oregon. PABES1 1-7 KEY WORDS: Sediment, Silt, Bed-load, Turbidity, Trout, Salmon, Eggs, Alevins, Production, Mortality, Smothering, Infttetion Relatively large quantities <~00-1000 ppm> of suspended water- borne material can be carried for short periods of time in streams without detriment to fish. The catch of fish is affected above lev•ls of 30 3TU, as visual r•ferences are lost. Primary food production is lowered.above levels of 2~ 3TU. The presence of bed lo·ad material c:an ki 11 buried eggs or a lev ins. by restricting water interc:han;• and can smother food organisms. Stu,tU•• conducted in the Chilcotin River in British Columbia indicat• that salmonid fish will not move in streams where the silt c:ontent is above 4,000 ppm. Streams with average silt loads between SO and 400 ppm are not desirable for supporting fresh- water fisheries. Streams with less than 2S ppm may be eHpected to support good freshwater fisheries. When an eMcess amount of silt is deposit•d throughout salmon and trout redds after spawning is complet•d, there is a resultant interference with the proper percolation of water upward through the redd, a loss of dissolved oMygen, and a lac:k of proper removal of catabolic pro,ducts. This 11 smothering 11 of eggs also promotes the growth of fungi which may spread throughout the entire redd. The eMtent to which siltation is harmful to salmon and trout spawning and egg incubation depends upon the amount and type of material deposit•d, as well as the time of occurrenc•• When sediment contains clay particl••• it may form a hard, compact crust over the stream bed and render the spawning area unusable. eenerally, salmonid eggs will suffer a mortality of SS percent wh•n 1S to 20 percent of the ;ravel voids are filled with sediment. Prolonged eKposure to some types of sediment results in thickening of cells of th• respiratory •pithelium and the eventual fusion of adJacent gill lamellae. Evidence of gill irritation in trout and salmon fingerlings held in turbid water has been noted frequently by fish culturists, and considered a common avenue of infection for fungi and pathogenic bacteria. It is apparent that salmonids suffer more physical distress in turbid water than do other speci••· q/9 REVIEW DRAFT 8119/8:5 PAGE A-~ REFERENCEa Beschta, R. L. 1980. Turbidity and susp•nd•d s•dim•nt r•lationships. !n• Proe. Symp. on Watershed Management '80, Boise, Idaho. pp. 271-282. REFERENCE LOCATION• Alaska D•partm•nt of Fish and Gam•, Anchorag• · IMPORTRNT PAGESr KEY WOROSa The Oak Creek and Flynn Creek watersheds in western Oregon were analyz•d for turbidity and susp•nd•d s•dim•nt. Susp•r'lded s•dim•nt concentration and turbidity corr•lat•d significantly at the 90 percent confidence limit for 24 of 26 storm ev•nts. The relationships differ•d significantly betw••n drainag•s, however, so prediction •quations must b• work•d out for •ach watershed. _ Turbidity may be us•ful in •valuating sediment transport in small mountain drainag.. wh•r• susp•nd•d sediment concentrations and wat•r discharg•• can chan;• quickly.-Turbidity m•asur•m-.nts, though, ar• ambiguous partly because th•re a..,..e so many ways of measuring it and •ach instrument u-d influ•nc•s th• r .. ult&nt turbidity valu••· On this proJect, the Hach 2100A turbidim•t•r calibrated in NTU was used. Formula• and curv .. showing the relationships between suspended s•dim•nt and turbidity ar• pres•nted. 9/'1 REVIEW DRAFT ~/SS PAGE A-6 - - ""'1\ ' - - REFERENCE• Bisson, P. ~. and R. E. Bilby. 1982. Avoidanc• of susp•nd•d s•dim•nt by JUv•nil• coho salmon. No. Am•r. Jour. of Fish. Manag•., 2<4>r371-374. REFE~RENCE LOCI~TIONr Alaska R•sourc•s Library, Anchor•;• IMPCJRT~NT PAGI!S r KEY WOROSr Turbidity, Coho Salmon Juv11ni 1• salmon w•r• t•st•d und•r laboratory conditions to d•t•rmin• thr•shold l•v•ls •liciting avoidance and modification of b•havioral r•spons• by acclimation to chronic low lev•ls of fin•• s•diment. Sediment was introduc•d into a divid•d chamb•r and fish were obs•rv•d to ••• which half th•y pref•rr•d. Sust::~•nd•d s•dim•nt lev•ls avoided by coho Juveni l•s w•r• b•low l•thal l•v•ls. Fe•ding effectiv•n•ss may b• impair•d in the 70 to 100 NTU rang•. Fish may hav• avoid•d wat•rs in that rang• so th•lf could s•e pr•Y• F·ish did not s•l•ct sl i;ht ly turbid ·< 10 to 20 NTU> wat•r but wat•r of slightly high • .,.. turbidity app•ar•d to b• used for cov•r• Th• authors conclud• that fish should not b• stoc:ked into highly turbid wat•r. Also, mod•rat• inc:r•as•s ov•r low background l•v•ls ar• appar•ntly not avoid•d by th• fish. ql=t REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/8~ P~GE ~-7 REFERENCEa BJornn, T. C., M. A. Brusven, M. P. Molnau, and J. H. REFERENCE L.OCATION1 IMPORTANT Milligan, 1977. Transport of graniti~ sediment in streams and its effects on inse~t• and fish. University of Idaho, Forest Wildlife and Range EMperiment Station Bulletin No. 17, Mos~ow, Idaho. '+7 pp. Coopel"'ative Fish Unit, University of Alaska, Fairbanks PAGES1 40, 41 KEY WORDS: Salmonids, Aquatic Inse~ts, Abundance, Drift, Sediment, Embaddednass 8Mt!QIB!1Qt! The effects of' <6.35 mm diameter sediment on Juvenile salmonids and aquatic insects was assessed ln two Idaho streams. In a natural stream rif'fle, benthic insects ware 1.~ ·times more abundant in a plot cleaned of sediment, with mayflies And stoneflies '+ to 8 times more abundant, respectively. In small natural pools, additions of' sediment resulted in a proportional deer•••• in fish numbers. The amounts of sediment in the two streams studied did not have an obvious adverse effect on the abundance of fish or the insect drift on which they feed. In artificial stream channels, benthic insect density in fully sadimented riffles <>213 cobble embeddedness> was 1/2 that in unsedimented riffles. However insect drift was essentially the same in both. Fish in sedimented channels eMhibited hierarchical behavior, while those in unsedimented channels were territorial in behavior. Conclusions derived from experimental data are that sediments can affe~t aquati~ inse~t populations when deposited in riffles, reduce the summer rearing capacity of streams when deposited in pools, and reduce the winter fish capacity of streams when deposited in the larger interstitial spaces of stream substrate. If the percentage of fine sediment exceeds 20 to 30 percent in spawning riffles, survival and emergence of salmonid embryos begins to decline. When riffles are fully embedded with fine sediment, insect species composition and abundance changes. The abundance of Juvenile salmon in pools of small rearing streams declines in almost direct proportion to the amount of pool area or volume lost to fine sediment deposited in the pool. The number of salmonid fish a stream can support in winter is much reduced when the interstices in the stream substrate are filled with fine sediment. The percentage of fine sediment in riffles not only provides a measure of the suitability of the riffles for embryo survival, but is also an index of the amount of fine sediment being deposited in pools or substrate interstices. ·~ /c, I • REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/83 PAGE A-8 - - - - REFERENCE• ~larkson, C.C., D. E. L•hnig, S.V. Plant•, R. 9. REFIERENCE Taylor, and W. M. Williams, 1983. Hydrologic basis for susp•nd•d solids crit•ria. Pr•par•d for Environm•ntal Prot•ction Ag•ncy by Camp, Dr••••r & McKee, Annandal•, Virginia. LOCi~TION: Alaska Departm•nt of Environm•ntal Cons•rvat ion I MPIIJRTANT PAGIES 1 v-v i i, 2-34--2-37, 4-1--4-23 KEY WORDS: Sedimentation, Suspended Solids, Turbidity, Primary Production, Zooplankton, Macroinv•rt•brat•s, Salmonid, Fish, Hydrology The report discuss•s several factors that ar• important to the d•v•lopm•nt of a wat•r quality crit•rion for suspend•d solids/turbidity for th• prot•ction of aquatic biota. Th•s• fac·t;ors includ• r•;ional, physiographic, and s•asonal con·sid•rat ions, and relat•d hydrologic ph•nom•l'\a. The natural solids loading to a wat•rbody will vary from sit• to sit'•• d•p•nding upon physiographic: factors (including slop•, soil typ1•• typ• of ;round cov•r> and upon rainfall and runoff. H•nc•, s•a·sonal and r•gional crit•ria n••d to b• d•v•lop•d that tak• int·~ ac:c:ount th• si;nificanc:• of natural and oth•r nonpoint sou1rc• loadings. Wat•r ~:~ual ity c:rit•ria should ba d•v•lop•d for sus,p•nd•d solids in th• wat•r column as w•ll as for s•ttl•d s•diment and th••• crit•ria n•ad to addr••• th• compl•x situation of toxics sorb•d to susp•nd•d and s•ttl•d solids. Additionally, the •ffec:ts of sustained •xposur• to susp•nd•d solids v•rsus sholrt-t•rm storm r•lat•d pulsas n••d to b• quanti fi•d. Although the r•port do•• not r•comm•nd crit•ria to prot•ct aquatic lif•, it do•• ••tablish a fram•work for consid•ration of r•gional, •••!•on•l, and biological factors. qjq REVIEW DRAFT ~/83 PAGE A-9 REFERENCE; Crouse, M. R., C. A. CAllanan, K. W. Malueg, and REFERENCE s. E. Dominguez, 1981. E~~ects of ~ina sediment on growth o~ JUvenile coho sAlmon in laboratory streams. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 110(2)a2&1-2&6. LOCATIONr ~laska Resources Library, Anchorage <microfilm> IMPORTANT P~GES1 Juvenile coho salmon production expressed •• tissue elaboration was measured in laboratory streams under siM levels of fine sedimentation. ~evels o~ sediment embaddedness were 20, ~o, 60, eo, and 100 percent as cumulative weight. Production of coho salmon was inv•rsaly related to the quantity o~ fine sediment. Significant deer••••• in fish production occurred in th• 80 to 100 percent embaddedness streams when ~ina <2.0 mm or less> sedim•nts w•r• 26 and 31 percent by volum•• Benthic organisms were cov•r•d by the sedimant. Aut~ors conclude that rearing habitat for Juvenil• salmon as well as spawning habitat should b• prot•et•d from s•dimentation. 9/q REVIEW DR~FT --81!:9/S~ PAGE A-10 - - - - - - REF'ERENCE 1 REF'ERENCE LOC:ATIONI IMI=i'ORTFlNT DFO, 1983. A rationala for standards r•lating to th• dis~harg• of ••dim•nts into Yukon str••m• from pla~•r min••· O•partm•nt of Fish•ri•• and O~••ns, Fiald S•rvi~•• Bran~h, Environm•nt Canada, Environm•ntal Prot•~t ion S•rvi~•• N•w W•stminister, B.·C. 24 pp. Alaska D•partm•nt of Fish and Game, Habitat Division, Fairbanks PFlt:IES1 ii, 1-3, 13-18 KEY WORDS1 S•dim•nt Dis~harg•, Plants, Inv•rt•brat•s, Fish, Produ~tion, Mortality, Str•am Classifi~ations, Standards E!ti~lQIBIIQ~ Guid•lin•• ar• propos•d for an administrativ•lr•gulatory fr•,m•work to manag• pla~•r mining ••dim•nt dis~harg•• This apj:troach is bas•d on an •xt•nsiv• r•vi•w and dis~ussion of lit•ratur• r•garding tn• s•nsitivity of biologi~ally important aql.ll&t i~ r•sour~••· Fiv• ~lassi fi~at ions CA, B, c, o, and X) hav• b••'n propos•d bas•d on th• biologi~al .. nsit ivity of' r•sour~•• and! past mining •~t ivity in ••~h wat•rbody. 11 A11 ~lassi fi~at ions ar•' asso~iat•d only with high importan~• -S~h•dul• I (salmon, trctut, or char) spawning habitat. "B" ~lassif'i~at ions would ••r·v• •• r•aring •r••• for S~h•dul• I fish. "C'1 ~lassifi~at ions ar•t good habitat ar••• for S~h•dul• I I fish su~h as grayling, whit•f'ish, or burbot. "0" ~lassifi~ations would •xhibit low or no us• by any of th• abov• fish or be us•d only •• migration ~orridors, and "Xu ~lassifi~ations ar• for pr•viously d•signat•d pliL~•r mining ar•••• S•dim•nt discharg• standards to th• wat•r• of th• abov• ~lassifi~ations ar• proposed to b• 0 mg/~ for all 11 A11 wat•rbodi•s, 100 mg/~ for all 11 8 11 and 11 C 11 str•ams, 100 or 10010 mg/~ for all "0'' str•ams and 100 or 1000 mg/~ for 11 X" str"•ams. Th••• standards ar• upper 1 imits of ·~~•ptabl• l•v•l• and ar• d•fin•d for •fflu•nts from th• op•ration •• oppos•d to r•c:•iving wat•r standards. The! impa~t of a sediment release on stream production will depend on th• organisms pr•••nt, str•amb•d ~omposition, th• ••••on, str•••m flow, str••m v•locity, background s•diment l•v•ls, th• volum• of r•l••••• th• duration of tn• r•l•••• and tn• ~omtposition of th• ••dim•nt. Th• obvious •ff•cts of ••dim•nt on fi•,h produ~tion will b• most noti~••bl• on ~•rtain stag•• of fish lif~• ~y~l•• whi~h vari•• among sp•~i•s· S•dim•nt ~•u.••• th• ;r•'•t•st r•du~t ion in fish produ~t ion by ~•using mortality in th• •;;1 and al•vin stag•• of d•v•lopm•nt and in th• d•gradat ion of th•' habitat. Sin~• primary produ~•rs, inv•rt•brat••• and fish ar•1 link•d to;•th•r in aquat i~ food ~hains, any d•l•t•rious •ff'a~t on alga• wi 11 affa~t aquat i~ inv•rt•brat•• and fish that d•j:il•nd on •n•r;y produ~•d in th• str•am. qJ9 REVIEW DRAFT S/19/8~ PAGE A-11 REFERENCE• European I~land Fisheries Advisory Commission, 196S. REFERENCE L.OCATION1 IMPORTANT Wat•r quality crit•ria for European·freshwater fish, report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries. EIFAC Technical Paper No. 1. International Journal of Air and Wat•r Pollution, 9(3) llSl-168• University of Alaska, Fairbanks PAGES1 16S-167 KEY WORDS: Suspended Solids, Turbidity, Fish, Water Quality Criteria A literature survey addresses the direct effects of suspended solids on fish-growth, death, resistance to disease, reproduction, bel"lavior, and food supply. Evidence indicates that fish species are not equally susceptible to suspended solids and tl"lat solids are not •qually l"larmful. Minimal turbidity may cause fisl"l to avoid spawning grounds or prevent successful •gg d•velopm•nt. There is no •videnc• tl"lat suspend•d solids conc•ntrations below 2S ppm l"larms fish or fisl"leries. Concentrations above 2S ppm l"lav• reduc•d fisl"l, SO ppm l"lav• r•duced growtl"l rate of trout, and 82 ppm of cl"larcoal l"lav• killed gAgbni•· Tl"l• low .. t reported concentration for a str•tcl"l of str•am containing few or no fish i• as ppm. Tl"ler• are several otl"ler streams witl"l sligl"ltly lower concentrations wh•re tl"le fishery is not noticeably l"larmed. In laboratory t••t• the lowest concentration known to reduce fisl"l life •xp•ctations is 90 ppm and tl"le lowest concentration known to have inc:r•ased susc•ptability to dis•a•• is 100 ppm. Waters containing 100 to 400 ppm suspend•d solids increas• susceptibility to disease, increase mortality rates and reduce growtl"l rates. QAenniA have b•en killed by a variety of solids in this concentration range. Tl"lere is no evidence that waters normally carrying solids greater tl"lan 400 ppm support varied or plentiful fish faunas. Many kinds of solids can be present in concentrations of several thousand ppm for short periods witl"lout killing fish, but may damage their gills. Tentative suspended solids criteria are proposed as follow•• <2S ppm will not have any l"larmful effects on fisheriest 2S to 80 ppm will maintain good or mod•rate fish•ri••t 80 to 400 ppm ar• unlikely to support good freshwater fisheri••t at best only poor fisheri•• are likely to be found in waters containing )400 ppm suspended solids. I q;q REVIEW DRAFT 8/19-/SS PAGE A-12 - - -· - - - !""" I REFE~RENCE1 Gammon, J. R., 1970. Tn• •ff•ct of inorganic sedim•nt on str•am biota. Pr•pared for tne Water Quality Offic• of tn• Environm•ntal Prot•ction Ag•ncy, Grant No. 1S030DWC, U.S. Gov. Printing Offic•, Washington, D. C. 141 pp. REFE~RENCE LOCF~TIONa IMPCIRTANT Coop•rativ• Fish Unit, Univ•rsity of Alaska, Fairbanks PAGE~S 1 i , i i, 1-3, 7, 8 KEY WORDS: Fisn, Macroinvertebrates, Suspended Sediment, Population D•nsity, Div•rsity Fish and macroinvertebrate populations fluctuated in response to var)'ing quantiti•s of s•dim•nt produc•d by a crush•d lim•ston• quar•ry. Susp•nd•d sol ids loads <40 mg/L ,..sult•d in a 23 p•rc•nt r•d~lction in macroinv•rt•brat• d•nsity b•low tn• quarry. Inputs of ao to 120 mg/1 caus•d a 40 p•rc•nt r•duction and inputs of mortt tnan 120 '"g/L r•sult•d in a 60 p•rc•nt r•duct ion . in macr•oinv•rt•brat• population d•nsity. S•dim•nt whicn s•ttl•d out in riffles caus•d a 40 p•rc•nt d•cr•as• in population d•nsity r•g•~rdl•ss of th• susp•nd•d sol ids conc•ntrat ion. Macroinv•rt•- brat:• population div•rsity r•main•d uncnang•d becau•• most taHa r•spond•d to the sam• d•gr••· Introductions of s•dim•nt up to 160 mg/L caus•s imm•diat• incr•as•s in tn• rat• of inv•rt•brat• dri 1't proport ion~l to tn• conc•ntt"'at ion of additional susp•nd•d solids. Tn• standing crop of fisn d•cr•as•d drastically wn•n n•avy susp•nd•d s•dim•nt C1:50 mg/L) occurr•d in spring. Fish r•m•~in•d in pools during tn• summ•r wn•n s•dim•nt input was v•ry n•avy but vacat•d as s•dim•nt accumulat•d. Aft•r wint•r floods r•mc)V•d s•dim•nt d•posits, fisn r•turn•d to tn• pools during spr~.n; and acni•v•d 30 p•rc•nt normal standing crop l•v•ls by •arly Jun•. It is conclud•d tnat significant r•ductions in fisn and macroinv•rt•rbat• population d•nsiti•s will d•finit•lY occur at tuJsp•nded sol ids conc•ntrat ions as low as 30 to eo m;/L. q,ic; REVIEW DRAFT ~/8:5 PAGE A-13 REFERENCE• aeorg•, T.S., and O. E. ~•hnig, 1984. Turbidity and solids. Prepared for U. s. Environmental ProtactiQn Ag•ncy by Camp, Dr•ss•r & McK•a, Annandal•, Virginia. REFERENCE ~OCATION1 IMPORTANT PAGES• 2-2 -'+-11 KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Sediment, Aquatic Biota, Impacts, Standards, Crit•ria, Water Quality ObJectives Summarizes recent literature pertaining to the impacts of turbidity and sedim•nt on primary production, and on th• survival, growth and propagation of zooplankton, macroinv•rt•brat••• and fish. In addition, it •xamin•s Canadian water quality obJ•ctives for turbidity, and th• supporting rational•· Numerical data from ••v•ral k•y inv•sti;ations ar• presented including results from bioassay studies, state water quality standards, plac•r mining studi•s in Alaska, gutd•lines for s•tting turbidity and sediment standards, and recomm•nd•d l•v•l• for th• prot•ction of a vari•ty of wat•r uses. qjq REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/8~ PAGE A-14 - - - - - - - - - REFERENCE• H&usle, D. ~., and D. w. Coble, 1976. Influence of sand in redds on survival and emerg•nce of brook trout C§~!~~!!n~! !~nt1n~l!!)• Transactions ~merican Fisheries Society, No. 1, pp. S7-63. REFERENCE LOC~TION1 University of ~laska Library, Fairbanks IMPORT~NT P~GES I S9-62 KEY WORDS: Brook Trout, Spawning Gravel, Sand Concentration, Emergence, Survival, Mortality Alevins of brook trout were buried in laboratory troughs in spawning grav•l containing 0 to 2S p•rcent sand. Sand alowed emergence and reduced the number of fry emerging. ~lthough the percentages of fry emerging in laboratory studies were high ()82 percent), they decreased significantly with increasing s•nd composition. Emergence of brook trout from tnia study, and steelnead, chinook salmon, and coho salmon in other investigations declined when spawning ;ravel concentratio~ of sand eMceeded about 20 percent. The brook trout survival rate from hatching to emergence was -estimated at 70 percent in Lawrenc• Creek, Wisconsin where natural sp•wnin; redds contained 31 percent sand. Total emergence was S9 pereent from •g; depc1sit ion to emergence. Mortality of 41 percent cr more of depcsit•d ov• in Lawrence Cr•ek may nave been caused by low concentrations of dissolved oMygen and/or tne effects of sand. 'i;0t REVIEW DR~FT 8/19/SS P~GE ~-1S REFERENCE• Herb•rt, D. W. M., and J. C. Merkans, 1961. The •ffact of sus~endad mineral solids on the survival of trout. International Journal of Air and Water ~ollution, Vol. 4, No. 1, ~P· 46-35. REFERENCE LOCATION• University of Alaska, Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGES 1 51-54 KEY WORDS: Sus~et"''ded Solids, Trout, Lethal Ef'fects, Gill Damage, Fin Rot Suspet"''sions o'f kaolin and diatomaceous earth were used to test the affects of susp•ndad solids on trout. From the data available there appears to b• no great difference in the lethal affect of kaolin and diatomaceous earth. Suspensions of 30 ppm caused n•gligibl• damage to fish over a 6 month period. A few deaths occurred in suspensions of 90 ppm indicating that this - laval may have an adverse affect. Mor• than half the trout d±ad - in suspansions_of 270 and 810 ppm, frequently from the affects of disease. Fish aKposed to suspat"''dad solids concentrations of 30 to 90 ppm eKhibitad normal gills b""t fish aKposed to concentrations of 270 to 810 ~pm displayed a thickening and/or fusing of gill lamellae. After 57 days of eKposure to 270 ppm diatomaceous earth trout showed signs of caudal fin damage. 9/9 REVIEW DRAFT ~~9/85 PRGE A-16 ~! - - - REFE~RENCE 1 Herbert, D. w. M. , and J. M. R icnards, 1963. ·rna growth and survival of fish in some susp•nsions of solids of' industrial origin. Int•rnational Journal of Air and Water Pollution, Vol. 7, pp. 297-302 REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION1 University of' Alaska, Fairbanks IMPCJRTANT PAGE£St 302 KEY WORDS: Suspended Solids, Trout, Survival, Disease, Growth A 1fishery is likely to be seriously harmed if the average conc::entration of' susp•nded solids in th• wat•r is gr•at•r than about 600 ppm. At conc•ntrations of' 90 and 300 ppm the •f'f'•ct is mortt doubtful. ·rhis study has shown that trout can b• k•pt in good n•alth f'or 9 months in 200 ppm coal-wash•ry wast• solids. Th• •~t•nt to which conc•ntrations in this rang• will b• harmf'ul d•pttnds on th• natur• of' th• sol ids and otn•r •nvironmitntal f'ac1;ors. Th•r• is no indication that 30 ppm kaol it'l and dia1:omac•ous ••rth mak• trout mor• sutic•ptibl• to dis•••• or r•duc• their chanc•• f'or survival. In on• •~p•rim•nt ~0 ppm wood f'ibttr and coal-wash•ry solids reduc•d the growth of' rainbow trout in th• laboratory. In practic•, it is unlik•ly that ~0 to 60 ppm sollLds wi 11 hav• a ••rious •f'f'•ct on growth. 9/'1 REVIEW DRAFT 9/1~/8~ PAGE A-17 REFERENCE• Hynes, H. a. N. 1973. The effects of sedim•nt on the biota in running wate~. !DI Fluvial p~ocesses and sedimentation. Proc. of Hydrology Symp., Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Albe~ta. REFERENCE LOCATION• Alaska D•partm•nt of Fish and Game, Anchor•;• IMPORTANT PAGESt KEY WORDS• S•dimentation, Standards 8~~QI8I!Q~ The status of knowledge of the effects of turbidity and siltation by inert solids on plants, b•nthos, fish, and fish eggs is revi•w•d. It is concluded that the upper limit for suspend•d sediments is 80 m;/~ of inert silt, sand, or clay. This l•vel will not s•riously damage a fishery but may reduc• growth rates and abundance. Th• allowable amount should not, how•ver, result in siltation. If so, the lev•l should be adJust•d. Streams must always be allow•d to remov• th• silt. _... I '-~A REVIEW DRAFT 8/1918~ P~GE A-18 - - - - - REFE~RENCE 1 I_wamot o, R. N. , E. O. Sal o, M. A. MadeJ, and R. L. REFE~RENCE LOCF~TION1 IMPClRTANT PAGE~SI McComas, 1978. Sediment and wat•r quality• a r•vi•w of tn• lit•ratur• including a su;g••t•d approach for wat•r quality crit•ria. Fish•ri•s R••••rch Inst itut•, Coll•g• of Fisn•ri••• Univ•rsi~ty of' Washington, Seattl•, Washington. Pr•par•d for th• u. s. Environm•ntal Prot•ction A;•ncy, S•attl•, EPA 910/9-78-048. 46 PP• + App•ndic••· KEY WORDS: Sediment Criteria, Suspended Sediment, Turbidity, B•dload, Str•amb•d, M•asur•m•nt T•chniqu•s,Al;a•, Phytoplankton, Inv•rt•brat••• Ins•cts, Fish, Salmon ids Conc:lusions and r•comm•ndations regarding ••dim•nt crit•ria are base~ on an ·analysis of ~h• lit•ratur• and th• proc••dings ·of a on•··day ••dimlint workshop. Among th• conclusions drawn by th• t•chnical pan•l at tn• ••diment workshop, tn• following points •r• most p•rtin•nt• (1) S•dim•ntation of spawning grav•l• produc•• significant d•trim•ntal •ff•cts on salmonid•l <2) Fine b•d mat•rial •PP••r• to hav• • significant impact on primary and ••ccmdary productivity 1 <3> Turbidity m•••ur•m•nts •r• us•ful indl•C&tors of g•n•ral suspend•d ••dim•nt l•v•ls but ar• difficult to r•l•t• to any biological significanc•l (4) Tn• ••t•blishm•nt of sedim•nt crit•ria on th• basis of m•••ur•m•nt• oth•r than turbidity may b• difficult but not impracticalt (~) Alt•rnativ• ap~·oach•• to turbidity •• • crit•rion includ• composition of b•d matetrial, l::l•havioral ••p•cts of aquatic fauna, and clinical m••••ur•m•nts of physiological functions •• • m•asur• of str•••• <6> A ••t of ••dim•nt crit•ria is n••d•d rath•r than on• num1trical standard, (7) If • crit•rion is chos•n, it should b• str~ramb•d mat•rial and it should b• associated with th• amount of f i ntts in the spawn in; bed 1 < 8) B•d 1 oad m•a•urem•nt • •r• too com~,l icat•d to use •• • crit•rion, <9> Str•ambed compos it ion r•fl••cts th• ov•rall condition of a str••m in r•lation to ••di.m•nt•l (10) Th• b••t alt•rnativ• appears to b• ••tablishm•nt of crit•ria limiting th• p•rc•ntag• of fin•• in str•amb•d•l and, <11> A n••d •Kist• to dev•lop • m•asurabl• r•lationship b•tw••n susp•nd•d ••dim•nts and str•amb•d composition. qjq REVIEW DRAFT -8/19/85 PAGE A-19 REFERENCE a REFERENCE LOCATION a IMPORTANT PAGESr King, L. a., Significance agricultural Agricultural Univarsity, Appendices. D. L. Bassett, and J. M. Ebeling, 1978. of turbidity for quality assessment of runoff and irrigation rat~rn flow. Engineering Department, Washington State Pullman, Washington. -._ 36 pp. + Nichols Environmental Consulting 1, 7-11, 26-33 KEY WORDS: Sediment, Turbidity, Runo~~, Irrigation, Erosion Turbidity and suspended sediment concentration were measured for both agricultural runoff and irrigation raturn flow. Extensiva statistical analysis show~ only minimal correlation. Mia scattering theory was explored to datermine the significanca of such factors as particle size, inda>e of refraction, concentration and angle o~ scatter for both tha nephelometer and the · transmissiometer. It was found that only particles of less than 10 microns in di4!tmeter contribute significantly to the measurement of turbidity. The researchers racommend direct measurement of suspended sediment for agricultural r-unoff and irrigation return flow. -I 'i/9 I REVIEW DRAFT -&1-1-9/Sei PAGE A-20 - - - - - - - REFE~RENCE1 L&ng•r, o. E., 1980. Eff•cts of ••dim•ntat ion on salmonoid stream lif•. Pap•r pr•s•nt•d at th• T•chnical Workshop on Susp•nd•d Solids in th• Aquatic Environm•nt, Jun• 17-18, Whit•hors•, Yukon T•rritory, Canada. Environm•ntal Protection Servic•~ Vancouv•r, B. C.. 20 pp. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION1 Alaska D•partm•nt of Fish and Gam•, Habitat Division, Fairbanks IMPCIRTANT PAGE~S 1 1-20 KEY WORDS: Sediment, Salmonid, Turbidity, Periphyton, Primary Production, ~l;a•, Macrophyt•s, Inv•rt•brat•• Available data from several investigators indicate that sediment can aff•ct all forms of str•am lif•. The gr•at•r th• incr•as• in s•d~.m•nt in a salmonid str•am, th• gr•at•r will ba-th• adv•r•• •ffttcts on plant and animal 1 i f• pr•••nt in th• str•am. The add~.t ion of s•dim•nt to a str•am incr•as•• turbidity, caus•s scoi.ILrin;, smoth•rs p•riphyton, and produc•s unstabl• substrat•s. Th••~• conditions hav• an adv•r•• impact on primary product ion, phot:osynth•t ic activity of alga• and macrophyt•s, and invttrt•brat• populations. Sine• low•r trophic l•v•ls produc• most: of th• food r•quired for salmonid product ion, any d•cr•a•• in th•ir quantity or quality will aff•ct fish growth and sur~'ival. S•dim•nts may directly aff•ct fish through abrasion and/or clogging of gills, r•ducing f••ding •ffici•ncy, and d•struction of •ggs in spawning grounds. Th• British Columbia Pollution Control Branch acc•pts 30 m;/L as .an acc•ptabl• ••dim•nt r•l•as• l•v•l, whil• F•d•ral Fish•ri•s accttpts r•l•a••• of 2S mg/L or background l•v•ls, which•v•r is gr•tLt•r. Th• stat• of Or•gon insists that r•l•a••• b• no high•r thar~ background l•v•ls up to 30 JTU. Wh•n background l•v•ls •)Cctt•d 30 JTU, th• r•l•as• may •l•vat• background l•v•ls by 10 p•rc:•nt. Unfortunat•ly, turbidity do•• not n•c•ssari ly corr•lat• with th• amount of susp•nd•d ••dim•nt pr•s•nt. Cf/i REVIEW DR~FT &/19/S~ P~GE A-21 REFERENCEI Lanat, D.R., D. L. P•nrose, and K. W. Eagleson, 1981. REFERENCE Variable affaets of sediment addition on stream benthos. Hydrobiologia, 79a187-197. LOCATIONI Biomedieal Library, Univ•rsity of Alaska, Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGES a KEY WORDS• 187, 188, 192, 193 The effaets of sediment inputs from road eonstruetion on two - - - streams were studi•d. Data suggest that the benthie stream - community responded to sedimant additions in the following ways. As sediment was added to a stream, the ar•a of available roek habitat decraased with a eorresponding d•ereas• in benthie density. During low flow eonditions a stable sand community davelops whien is qualitatively different from the roeky substrate eommunity. During periods of high flow, sand substrates are an unsuitable habitat for benthic organisms. As availabl• habitat decreases, the benthie eommunity has a markedly lower density. Both streams eKhibited downstream inereases in mean suspended ·solids eoncentrations · in the range of 17 to 105 m;IL, and in the percentage of substrate sand and gravel. ctf:l REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/85 PAGE A-22 - - - - - - REFERENCE• ~loyd, D. s., 158S. Turbidity in freshwater habitats of Alaska• a revi•w of publish•d and unpublish•d lit•ratur• rel•vant to th• us• of turbidity •• • wat•r quality standard. R•port No. SS-1, Alaska D•pt. of Fish and Gam•, Habitat Division, J'un•au, Alaska. 101 pp. REFERENCE LOCATION I IMPORTANT PAGiES 1 39-46, :51-70 KEY WORDS1 Turbidity, Susp•nd•d S•dim•nt, Wat•r Quality Standard•, Aquatic Habitat e~~QI9IlQ~ This report is a review and int•rpr•tation of in~ormation provid•d by num•rous inv•sti;ators on turbidity as it r•lat•s to fr•shwat•r aquatic habitats in Alaska. A summary of information from Alaska and •lsewh•r• addr•ssin; th• eff•cts of turbidity on fr•shwat•r aquatic habitats is pr•••nt•d• A sp•cific discus~ion is pr•••nt•d ~onc•rning turbidity •• -it aff•cts light p•n•tration, primary production, secondary production, and human u•• of freshwat•r habitats. This information provid•• a basis for ••tablishing turbidity wat•r quality standards. R•lationships b•tw••n turbidity and susp•nd•d ••dim•nt •r• also discussed. Summary tabl•• pr•••nt docum•nt•d eff•cts or r•lationships of turbidity and susp•nd•d sedim•nt rang•• on • vari•ty of syst•m• and organisms. It is conclud•d that turbidity is • r•••onabl• wat•r quality standard for us• in Alaska. B•••d on curr•nt information, th• pr•••nt standards provid• a moderat• l•v•l of prot•ction for th• propagation of fish and wildlif• in cl••r wat•r aquatic habitats. This pap•r also pr•••nts a mod•l pr•dicting th• •ff•cts of turbidity on primary productivity. ct/q REVIEW DRAFT ~/SS PAGE A-23 REFERENCEa McCabe, G. D., and W. J. O'Brien, 1983. The effects of suspended silt on feeding and reproduction of Q~Q!J.D!.~ RYl~!i· American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 110, No. 2, PP• 324-337. REFERENCE LOCATION• University of Alaska Library, Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGESa 329-335 KEY WORDS: asabnis BY!~~' Zooplankton, Suspended Silt, Filter- ing Efficiency, Assimilation Rate, Growth, Size, Reproduction The effects of suspended silt and clay on the filtering and assimilation rates of QAQ!:ln!A QY!•~ were determined using a Carbon 14 radiotracer method. The filtering rate for all observations at turbidity less than 10 NTU is 2.03 ml/animal/hr. At a turbidity of 10 NTU the filtering rate significantly dec:l in••· The dec:rea .. in filtering rates above turbidtt·ies-of 10 NTU is probably due to increased gut-loading of ingested silt. In add it ion, with an increase in suspended silt concentration from 0 to 10 NTU, the assimilation rate of algae by ~· ~Y!•~ decreased to below S~ percent in all cas... It was shown that the greatest effect of turbidity on assimilation efficiency occurs at low turbidity values. Results from a life table experiment •now that even low suspended silt levels impaired healthy ~AQ!J.D!A population growth. Fecundity levels were also greatly influenced by increased levels of suspended silt. The filtering rates for turbidities used in the life table experiment were 2.S ml/animal/hr at 2 NTU, but declined to 0.4 ml/animal/hr at 33 NTU. When assimilation efficiencies are factored in, animals feeding at 2 NTU would obtain 16 times more energy than animals feeding at 33 NTU. The mean body length for control animals was significantly smaller than the mean body length of Q QY!•!i raised in both low and high silt environments. The most likely reason for this discrepancy is that animals growing in the suspended silt environment channel more energy into increasing body size than into reproduction. Although the animals raised in suspended silt were larger, they were not as healthy as tho•• rai••d in the ab•ence of silt. Specifically, the individuals raised in silty water lacked carapace strength and re•iliency. It was concluded that both filtering efficiency and assimilation rates are severly depressed at even low concentrations of suspended silt and clay. Furthermore, the population growth rate of zooplankton was significantly diminished by suspended silts and clays. gjq REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/85 PAGE A-24 - - - - - - - i - REFI::RENCE 1 !V!c:C:art, P. 3. , P. M. R. Green, D. W. Mayhood, and P. T. P. Tsui, 1980. Environmental studies No. 13 effects of siltation on the ecology of Ya-Ya ~ake, REFI::RENCE N. w. T. Prepared for Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs by Aquatic: Environments, ~imited~ Calgary, Alberta. 286 pp. - ~OCATION1 Nichols Environmental Consulting IMPIJRTANT PAGI::S: 8~-141, 144-162, 231-23~, 2:50-274 KEY WORDS: Suspended Sediment, Turbidity, Secchi Disk, Chlorophyll-a The report provides a detailed discussion of a variety of water qua.lity parameters and the ecology of Ya-Ya ~ake, Northwest Tarll"'itories. Water quality param•ters discussed include sus1pended sediment, Sec:c:hi disk transparency, turbidity, temj!)arature, dissolved oKyg•n, pH, alkalinity, and nutrients. Bio:logic:al func:t ional groups discussed include phytoplankton, ZOOi!)lankton, zoob•nthos, and fish. The report also addrasses the prololem of quantitative standards -for suspended solids, including the relationship between turbidity and suspend•d solids. I 9:'<1 REVIEW DRAFT -8/19/8~ PAGE A-2:5 REFERENCE• McCluney, W. R., 1973. Radiom•try of water turbidity measurements. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 47<2>•2~2-266. REFERENCE L.OCATION1 IMPORTANT L.. A. Peterson & Associates, Inc. PAGES1 2~2, 233, 236-264 KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Transmittance, Scatter, Nephelometri~ 8~~QI8I.!Qr:t A number of opti~al measurement techniques for particulates have been developed that are easy and quick and can be performed !n §1t~· However, these methods are applicable only if a proper relationship between the optical property being measured and the amount of suspended sediment can be found. Some of these techniques yield results that are roughly proportional to the amount of suspended material under certain circumstances. However, the optical properties of these techniques rely on th• shap•, refractiv• inde>e, particle size distribution, particl• conc•ntrat ion, and the absorption spectra. -H•nc•, opt-ical prop•rties ar• proportional to mass or volume conc•ntration only when all other parameters ar• constant. Howev•r, natural waters exhibit considerabl• variability in these parameters, which makes the establishment of the d•sired relationship difficult. This variability in natural water severly r•stricts th• us•fulness of using optical techniqu•s for routine m•asur•m•nt of the amount of susp•nd•d mat•rial. Of the various techniques for measuring optical properties, turbidity and transpar•ncy ar• th• most wid•spr•ad. A variety of definitions of turbidity exist. These include the intensity of light transmitt•d <unscatt•r•d> through the sampl•, a ratio of th• intensity of light scatt•r•d by a sample to th• intensity of th• light sourc•, the amount of light scattered and absorbed rather than transmitt•d in straight lines through th• sampl•, and a r•duction in transparency of a sampl• due to th• pr•s•nc• of particular matter. Turbidity has also be•n defined as th• amount of susp•nded matter, in ppm, as ascertained by optical observation, and in terms of diff•r•nt m•asurement t•chniqu•s <•.g., Jackson Candle and Nephelometric turbidity>. Cj(i REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/83 PAGE A-26 - - - - -I "'!"" i ! REFERENCE: McLeay, A. J., A. J. KnoK, J. G. Malick, I.K. REF~ERENCE LOC:ATION1 I MC:IORTANT PAGIES1 Birtwell, G. Hartman, and G. L. Ennis, 1983. Effects on Arctic grayling <!b.:tm~llYa !t::St!sya> of snort-term exposure to Yukon placer mining sediments: labora- tory and field studies. Canadian Techni-cal Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1171. · 40 pp. + Appendices. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Division, Fairbanks K iii t K i v, 34, 3~ KEY WORDS: Grayling, Suspended Sediment, Mortality, Sub-lethal Effects, Blood Glucose Levels, Gill Histologies In a laboratory study, laboratory-reared grayling which were acc~limated to 1~ degrees C survived a 4-day eKposure to sediment s1.mpensions of <2~0, 000 mg/L, and a 16-day eKposure· to· :50,000 mg/L. Fish which were acclimated to :5 degrees C and held in pay dirt suspensions of (101 000 mg/L survived for 4 days, whereas 10 to 20 percent mortality occurred at the nigher concentrations. Inc)rganic sediment levels of > 10,000 mg/L caused fish to surface, a direct response to elevated sediment levels. The gill nit1tolo;ies of fish surviving these 4-day eKposures was normal. Sut~pensions of sediment caused acute stress responses (elevated and/or more varied blood glucose levels, depressed leucocrit levels) in grayling acclimated to either temperature. Hematocrit vallues for these fish were not affected by sediments. Dur•ing summer field bioassay studies, all grayling held in <20 m;/L and <100 m;/L streams survived with no overt signs of dil1tress or physical damage. Subsequently, fish captured in low s•.uapended sol ids water were eKposed to levels of <1210 mg/L and <34 mg/L for :5 days in two separate streams. Although all of tn11se fish survived, gill tissues from specimens at each site snc)wed moderate-to-marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of lamellar epithelium, along with a proliferative number of gill ec::t:oparasites. It was concluded that snort-term e>eposure of Arc:t ic grayling to sublethal concentrations of suspended sediment CAr\ cause a number of effects including acute stress responses. qjq REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/8:5 PAGE A-27 REFERENCE1 NCASI, 1984&. A labo~atory atudy of tn• •ffecta of s•dim•nt• of two diff•~•nt aiz• cnaract•~iatics on survival of rainbow trQut <§Almg a•!~~n-~1> embryoa to fry emergence. National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, -Technical Bulletin No. 429, April, 1984. 49 pp. + Appendices. REFERENCE LOCATION; IMPORTANT PAGES I University of Alaska Library, Fairbanks 43, 46 KEY WORDS: Fine Sediment, Rainbow Trout, Embryos, Fry Emergence, Entrapment, Mortality, Survival This technical bulletin describes the findings of a continuing laboratory study of the effects of selected fine sediments on the survival of rainbow trout embryos to fry emergence. The presence of fine sediment was observed to be beneficial -as well as detrimental depending on the size of the sediment. Physical entrapment was indicated to be the-principle cause of mortal-ity while there was no discernable difference in fish sizes or times of fry emergence under the eonditions studied. Conclusions from this study are as follows. MaJor differences w•r• observed :l.n the survival of rainbow eggs to the time of emergence, between <O.SS mm and <6.4 rnm diameter ••diment. Fines <O.S mm were found to reduce survival by 1.1 perc•nt for each percent increase in fines over the range of 10 to 40 percent. This compares to a 1.8 percent mean reduction in survival for each percent increase in fines, determined from a large number of literature references. The presence of coarse fines <6.4 mm diameter reduced survival by approHimately o.a percent for each pereent increase in fine sediment over the range of 0 to 40 percent fin••· q/<1 REVIEW DRAFT ~1-9-1'83 PAGE A-S:S - - - - - - - - REFE~RENCEa NC~SI, 1984b. Tn• eff•cta of fin• ••dim•nt on aalmonid spawning gravel and Juv•nile rearing habitat -a lit•rature review. National Council of the Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Technical Bulletin No. 428, New York. 66 pp. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION: University of Alaska, Fairbanks IMPCJRTANT P~GE~S I 12-21 ' 30-61 KEY WORDS: Fine Sediment, Salmonids, Survival, Mortality, Emergence, Production, Turbidity, ~voidance, Feeding, Measur•m•nt Techniques A literature review is presented on the effects fine sediments may hav• on salmonid habitats, primarily with reference to spawning gravel and JUVenile rearing habitat. Life history and habitat characteristics of eight species are summarized. Fine sedl~m•nts in spawning gravel hav• b••n.d•fined as particl•s being anyllther• from o.e mm to 9.~1 mm diam•t•r,-dep•nding on -th• author. It has been shown that an increase in fine sediment decr•eases gravel permeability, intragravel water flow, and oKygen conc:entrat ions in the gravel, deer••••• embryonic survival, impaairs normal embryo development, and affects timing, size, and succ:ess of fry emergence. Documented effects on salmonids are pretJented for the eight species. Doc,.&mented effects of fine sediment in the water column and strltambed on Juvenile salmonids pertain to growth, survival, movttment, density, size, biomass, and production. Catchability of fish was reduced when turbidity exceeded 30 JTU due to reduced visibility. Algal-based food production is reduced when turbidities exceed 2~ JTU. Fish movement was impaired in streams whe'r"e silt exceeded 4,000 ppm. Juvenile coho salmon which were preacclimated to turbidity eKhibited an avoidance reaction at thrttshold levels of 100 NTU. FinE~ sediment measurement techniques include the McNeil bottom samJiler, a d•vice for measuring gravel size constituents by volumetric dev•lopment, a liquid carbon dioxide freeze core samJ,l• device, and a tritub• fr••z• core sampler. 9/q REVIEW DRAFT 6119/8~ P~GE A-29 REFERENCE• ~oggla, c.c., 1978. Bahavio~al, physiological and lethal affects of suspended sediment on JUVenile salmonids. M.S. Thesis, Collage of Fisha~i••• Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA. 87 pp. REFERENCE LOCATION a IMPORTANT PAGES: Univa~sity of Alaska, Fai~banks Cinta~lib~a~y loan) 2-7, 59-7~ KEY WORDS: Suspended Sediment, Salmonids, Bioassay, Turbid Studies were conducted to assess the effects of suspended sediment on JUVenile salmonids in the st~eam envi~onment. Static bioassay tanks w•~• used to dete~mine 96 hou~ LC50's, changes in gill histology, and changes in blood physiology. Two ex~arimantal stream designs ware used to relata sediment concen- t~ations to avoidance behavior. Results, involving acute C4 days o~ less) rathe~ than chronic exposure to suspended sediments, indicate seasonal changes in-the tolerance of salmonids to suspended sediment. Bioassays conduetad in summa~ · p~oduced LC50's lass than 1500 mg/L, while autumn bioassays showed LC~O's in axe••• of 30,000 mg/L. The tolerance of wild coho salmon to suspended solids was high•~ than hatche~y p~oducad coho's, apparently because of p~io~ exposure to suspended sediments. Histological examination of gills ~evealad structu~al damage by suspended sediment. Blood chemist~y showed elevated blood glucose levels at sublethal suspended sediment concant~ations. Expa~iments conducted with a tu~bid a~tificial st~eam and claa~ t~ibuta~y indicated a ~eluctance by the fish to leave thai~ established t•~~itories. Studies conducted with a Y-shaped st~eam showed a p~efa~ence fo~ tu~bid wate~ at low to medium concent~ations and slight avoidance at high concent~ations. ct;q REVIEW DRAFT ~/S~ PAGE A-30 - - - - - - - - - - REFERENCE I REFERENCE LOCATION I IMP'ORTANT PAGES1 KEY WORDS: 8~~QI8I!Q~ Nuttall, P.M., and a. H. Bilby, 1973. The effect of china-clay wast•• on stream invertebrates. Environ- m•ntal Pollution, <~> 177-66. Univ•rsity of Alaska Library, Fairbanks 77, 79, 81, 83 Clay Wastes, Suspended Solids, Deposited Solids, Aquatic Plants, Macroinvert•brates, Population, D•nsity, Abundance Rivers polluted with clay wastes supported a sparse population of f•w species. Root•d aquatic veg•tation was absent at stations where the suspended solids concentration was high < >2000 ppm>, whereas unpolluted reaches supported a rich community of aquatic plants. Control streams supported 36 times the density of anh1als found at clay-polli.Jted stations. Sp•cies coMposition was greater in I.Jnpolli.Jted rivers and at stations downstream of sewage outfalls compared with clay-polluted reaches. Clay pollution either eliminated or radi.Jced the abundance of several macro- inv•rtebrate sp•cies frequent in control streams. The absence of plants and macroinvartebrates in rivers receiving clay waste was ass,ociated with the deposit ion of fine inert sol ids rather than turbidity or abrasion by particles in suspension. qfc. REVIEW DRAFT -&1-19-/S~ PAGE A-31 REFERENCE I • REFERENCE LOCATION a IMPORTANT PAGES I KEY WORDS: ~hillips, R. w. 1971. Effects of sediments on the gravel environment and fish production. !01 Proc • of Symp. Forest Land Uses and Stream Erosion, Oregon St. Univ. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage Rainbow Trout, Gold Mining, Logging, Turbidity Sediment influences fish in many ways: <1> Blocks transmission of light, reducing alga• productiont <2> Damages gill membranes and can cause death where concentrations are high and ewposures are long' (J) Harms spawning by filling interstices and reducing oxygen exchange; (4) Interferes with r•moval of metabolites, <~> Makes barriers preventing fry from emerging' and, <6> Reduces cover on stream bottom. Sediment is defined as particles less than 4 mm in size. Fishing success is reduced whara turbidity-is greater than 2S ppm. Concentrations of kaolin and diatomaceous earth of 270 to 810 ppm for 10 days killed rainbow trout. Mortality of ~7 percent in rainbow fingerlings one and a half mile downstream of a gold dredge producing 1000 to 2~00 ppm solids occurred in 20 days versus 9.~ percent mortality in a control stream. Other fish species such as sunfish and bass appear to be more tolerance of turbidity. Turbidity is produced from erosion as a result of logging, road building, mining, and other activities. qJi REVIEW DRAFT S/19/S~ PAGE A-32 - - - - - - - REFERENCE? Phillips, R. W., R. C. Lantz, E. W. Claire, and J. R. REFE~RENCE Moring, 1975. Some effects of gravel mi)(tures on emergence of coho salmon and steelnead trout fry. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 104(3)1461-466. LOCFniONa Alaska Resources Library, Anchorage <microfilm) IMPC~RTANT PAGE~S1 KEY WORDSa Coho Salmon, Steelhead Trout, Sedimentation Eight mi)(tures of sand and gravel were tested in incubation tro~,q;ns using c:ono salmon and steelhead eggs. Survival for coho e!iKIIl was 96 percent in control mi)(ture, 82 percent in 10 percent sancl, 64 percent in 20 percent sand, 38 percent in 30 percent sand, 20 percent in 40 percent sand, 22 percent in 50 percent sar~cl, ar~d 8 to 10 percent in 60 to 70 percent sand. Sand was 1 to 3 mm in diameter. For steelnead, the relationship was sim:i.lar, ranging from 99 percent in the control mi)(ture to -18 perc:ent in 70 percent sand. Emergence of-fry appeared to be earlier than normal. This study appears to support previous stucties. which nave shown the inverse relationship between the amount of fines and egg survival. REVIEW DRAFT qf~ 8/19/85 PAGE A-33 REFERENCE• P_ickaring, R. J., 1S76. Measurement of "turbidity" and relatad ~haractaristies of natural watars. Open- Fila Raport 76-153, u.s. Gaological Survey. 13 pp. REFERENCE L.OCATION1 IMPORTANT PAGES a 1, 2 KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Jackson Candle, Formazin, Nephelometric Attempts to quanti~y turbidity have led to a proliferation o~ dafinitions, mathods of measuremant, instrumants, standards, and units of maasura. Turbidity data for natural waters ara appliad to savaral usas, including• (1) Datarmination of tha dapth to whieh photosynthasis can oecur1 (2) Aasthatic avaluation of watar usad for racraationt and, (3) Estimation of eoncantration of suspandad sadimant. · L.ack of standardization of the maasuramal"'t oftan has resultad unwittingly in corralations batwaan unral~tad numbars. Thara is a -strong faaling within tha hydrologic profassion that mora pracisa and dafinitiva sats of mathods •nd tarminology ara requirad. Turbidity ganarally is measured as an optical phanomanon and should ba raportad in optical units. The U. S. Geological Survey has adopted the following principlasa (1) Standard instruments and methods should ba adopted to maasura and raport the light transmitting charactaristi~s of natural waters in optical units, thus avoiding tha usa of nturbidity 11 as a quantitativa maasure1 (2) Raporting of 11 turbidity" in Jackson Turbidity Units, Halliga Units, savarity, or Naphalomatric Turbidity Units should ba phasad out; <3> Tha basis for astimations of sadimant concantrations using light maasuraments should ba documantad adaquataly; al"'d, (4) Tha usa of transparency maasuramants by Sacchi disk is considerad to ba acceptabla, although light transmittanca may prova to ba a mora precise maans of obtaining the same information. q/9 REVIEW DRAFT ~/85 PAGE A-34 - - - - - - -I REFE~RENCEt Snelton, J. M., and R. D. Pollock, 1966. Siltation REFE~RENCE LOCFniONa IMPClRTANT PAGE~Sa and egg su~vival in incubation c:nannels. T~ana. Am•~· Fisn. Soc:., 9~<2>r1S3-189. Alaska Rasou~c:•s Lib~a~y, Anc:no~a;• <mic:~ofilm> KEY WORDSt Cninook Salmon, Cnum Salmon, Siltation Cninook and cnum salmon eggs in incubation channels we~e subJI•c:tad to siltation. In the fi~st season, 180,000 c:ninook eggtl we~• planted and no ai ltat ion c:ont~ol measu~•• we~• impl.amentad. Su~vival of eggs was ~0 pe~c:ant. In tn• auc:c:aeding two seasons, cnum salmon eggs w•~• planted and silt cont~ol maat•u~•• w•~• implemented. Su~vival was 92 and 9~ pe~cent, ~•spac:tively. Silt was c:leanad f~om the cnannel aft•~ tn• fi~st •••••on. Deposit ion was p~ima~i ly silts and c:laya and accounted fo~. 0.5-10.4 pe~c:ant of total aubst~ata sample waignt. In tne fi~t•t season, siltation was so neavy that an estimated 35.3 pa~c~ant of inte~g~avel voids w•~• filled. Tne upp•~ po~t ion of tna cnannal was uaad as a settling baain in aaaaona 2 and 3 and most~ of tne mate~ial settled out. Mo~tality of agga in tna fi~at ••••~on ~angad f~om 8~ pa~c:ant in tne naaviaat silt to 32 pe~cent in tna lignteat silt. ctA REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/8~ PAGE A-3~ REFERENCE I REFERENCE I..OCATION1 IMPORTANT PAGES I KEY WORDS S1glar, J. w., T. c. BJornn, Effects of chronic turbidity stealhaads and coho salmon. 113 (2) 1142-1:50. and F. H. Everest, 1984. on density and growth of Trans. Amar. Fish. Soc., Alaska Resources l..ibrary, Anchoraga Coho Salmon, Staalhaad, Turbidity Yearlong and older salmon can survive high concentrations of suspended sediment for considerable lengths of time. Mortality occurs above ao,ooo m;ll... This paper considers the affects of suspended sediments on newly emerged young. Tests dona in laboratory streams used clay, fireclay and bentonite. Significant difference• ware sean between the growth rata of fish in clear versus turbid streams. Fish tended to move out of turbid channels. In natural systems, newly emerged fish encountering turbidity wo'uld likely move out of the area. 13ill tis•u• damage wa• observed after 3 to :5 days in turbid water. As little as 2~ NTU cau•ed reduction in fish growth, probably from reduced ability to feed. It is not known if this is due to inability to sea pray or interceptions of appropriate light wavelengths by particles. At turbidities of 100 to 300 NTU, fish left the channels or diad. The tests ware conducted primarily with turbiditias of 2~-:50 NTU. ~A REVIEW DRAFT S/19/8:5 P~GE A-36 - - - - - - - - - - - REF!ERENCE: Sigma Resource Consultants, 1979. Summary of' water QUality criteria f'or salmonid hatcheries. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. REF!ERENCE LOCATION• Alaska Oapartmant of Fish and Game, Anchorage IMPIORTANT PAGES I KEY WOROS1 Salmon, Suspended Solids Criteria are established to allow evaluation of new water sources and identify watar treatment needs when astablishing a hatchery. Primary f'ish culture parameters such as dissolved oMygan, pH, ammonia, dissolved carbon dioKida, hydrogen sulf'ida, nitrite, and suspended solids are considered. Suspandad solids are either organic or inorganic. Inorganic solids can transport adsorbed pollutants such as pesticides. Coating of' f'ish eggs with silt can inhibit gas transfer of' carbon dioKida, oKygan, and ammonia. It can also af'f'act JUvenile fish by reducing growth· rata, reducing dissolved oKygan, disrupt f'aading, transportation of adsorbed pollutants, and damage to gills. It is suggastad that an acceptable limit of suspended solids for incubating eggs is 3 mg/L and f'or raaring and holding the limit would ba 2~ mg/L in the absence of' othar pollutants. 9Ji REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/Se PAGE A-37 REFERENCE: Simmons, R. c., 19&4. Effects of plac•r mining sedim•ntation on Arctic grayling of int•rior Alaska. M.S. Thesis, Univ•rsity of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 73 PP• REFERENCE LOCATION• IMPORTANT PAGES1 3, 32-6~ KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Settleable Solids, Total Residue The effects of placer mining sedimentation on Arctic grayling wer• assess•d by comparing data coll•ctlld in mined and unmined streams. Although many young-of-the-year and adult grayling used unmined str•ams for summer habitat, no grayling were found in the mined streams eKcept during periods of migration. Grayling apparently selected clear water streams for summ•r r•sidence. Caged f'ish studies demonstrated that if' grayling could not escape f'rom streams carrying mining sediments, they would suf'fer dir•ct, chronic effects, including gill damage, dietary deficiencies, and slowed maturation. The indirect effects of sedimentation on grayling populations, through loss of summer habitat for feeding and reproduction, ar• more severe than the direct ones. Based on this study, the following water quality guidelines and corresponding levels of protection •Kpected in rec•iving wat•rs were su;;•steda Level of e~:2t•£t!2n Hign Moderate Low Total Residue, ___ mRLb ______ _ ( 1:50 1S0-300 ) 300 o.fq Settleable §2!.!RaL_!!!l.Lb ( o. 1 0.1-0.2 ) 0.2 REVIEW DRAFT -&.4--9/S~ PAGE A-38 Turbidity, ___ riiY __ _ ( 2:5 23-100 ) 300 - - - REFERENCE1 So~ansen, O. L., M. M. McCa~thy, E. J. Middleb~ooks, and o. e. Po~cella, 1977. Suspended and dissolved solids effects on freshwater biotaa a review. EPA-600/3-77-042, Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Oavelopmant,u.s. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, Oregon. 65 pp. REFIERENCE LOC!=ITION: L. A. Petel"'son & Associates, Inc. IMPIORTANT PAGIC:S: 1, 2, 21,22, 32-42 KEY WORDS: Suspendedanisms wel"'e difficult to demonstrata; Suspended solids have significant affects on community dynamics due to tul"'bidity; Suspended solids may have significant effects on community succession, community stability, and fish avoidance raa,ctions; Sediments may sal"'va as a l"'asal"'vOil"' of toMic chemicals; and., Relat ivaly high suspended sol ids wal"'e needed to cause bah.aviol"'al l"'&act ions <20, 000 mg/L) or death <200, 000 mg/L) in f'isln over the short term. ani·sms were difficult to demonstrate; Suspended sol ids have significant ·effects on community dynamics due to turbidity; Suspended solids may have significant e1'fects on community suc1:assion, community stability, -and· fish avoidance react ions; Sediments may serve as a reservoir of toMic chemicals' and, Ral•tively high suspended solids ware needed to causa behavioral racu:t ions <20, 000 mg/L) or death <200, 000 mg/L) in fish over the sho1rt term. REFERENCE: Symons, J. M., and J.C. Hoff, 1975. Rationale for turbidity maximum contaminant level. Presented at Third Water Quality Technology Conference, American Water Works Association, Atlanta, Georgia, December S-10, 1975. Water Supply Research Divis4on, Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. 18 pp. REFERENCE LOCATION; Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation IMPORTANT PAGES; 1-4, 15, 17 KEV WORDS1 Turbidity B~~Q!8IIQ~ For drinking water, 5 units of turbidity became obJectionable to a considerable number of people, and many people turn to alternate supplies which may be less aafe. The relationship between particulates in the water and the presence of disease causing organisms was documented from literature. Turbidity .ven at low levels, above 1 turbidity unit, interferes with disinfection and prevents maintenance of an effective disinfectant agent <e.g., chlorine) throughout the distribution system. Indications are that bacteria and viruaea can be protected by certain kinds of particles from inactivation by chlorine. Inorganic ~rticles can cause turbidity and probably have no bearing on the potential protection of pathogens. Small organic particles, on the other hand, may protect pathogens. Therefore, in evaluating turbidity, the nature of the particles in the water must be taken into account. 9/q REVIEW DRAFT 6119/8~ PAGE A-40 - - fll'ii!l.· - - - - - REFIERENCE1 Tappal, P. D., and T. C. BJornn, 19S3. A new method of relating size of spawning gravel to salmonid embryo size. North American Journal Fisheries Management, 3;123-135. REFI::RENCE LOCI~T I ON II I MPI:JRTANT PAGIES: University of Alaska Library, Fairbanks 129-131 KEY WORDS: Salmonid, Survival, Size, Emergence, Spawning Gravel, Fine Sediment A ·new method for describing the size composition of salmonid spa1~ning graval was developed. Salmonid ambryo survival was ral.atad to two part icla si za groups, 9. 50 mm and 0. S5 mm, in lab,oratory tests. In these tests, > 90 percent of the variability in ambryo survival was correlated with changes in subtrata_size com1~osition. Gravel mixtures containing high percentages of the fi n1a sad imant produced· slightly smaller staalhaad ·f'f"y· than gravels containing low percentages of fine sediment. Thare·was no relationship between changes in gravel size composition and the siza of chinook salmon emargants. In gravels containing large amounts of fine sediment, many of tha staalhaad and chinook sal1rnon fry emerged before yolk sac absorption was complete. 9/9 REVIEW DRAFT S/19/85 PAGE A-41 REFERENCE1 Thurston, R. V., R. C. Russo, C. M. F•tt•rolf, Jr., T. ~. Edsall, V. M. Barb•r, Jr., <•ds.), 1979. A r•vi•w of tn• EPA R•d Book• quality crit•ria for wat•r. Wat•r Quality Section, Am•rican Fisn•ri•s Society, Betn•sda, MO. 313 pp. REFERENCE LOC~TION; L.A. P•t•rson & Associat•s, Inc. IMPORTANT PAGES; 1, 2, 266-270 KEY WORDS: Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids, Turbidity, R•sidu•, Crit•ria, A•sth•tics, Fr•snwat•r Aquatic Lif•, Prot•ction Tnis is a review and discussion or EPA criteria ror suspended solids, ••ttl•abl• solids, and turbidity with r•gard to a•sth•tic wat•r quality, fr•shwat•r fish and oth•r aquatic lif•. Tn• a•sthetics crit•ria ar• g•n•rally satisfactory as stat•d in th• R•d Book. .R•comm•ndat ions for improv•m•nt of a•sth•t ics crit•ria includ• d•finition of nuisanc• organisms, and r•cognition·and discussion of th• a•stn•tic valu• of biological compon•nts of aquatic syst•ms. Th• crit•rion for freshwat•r and oth•r aquatic lif• is difficult to apply und•r most conditions and impossibl• to apply in oth•rs. Turbidity and solids ar• not synonymous as su;gest•d in th• R•d Book, and no m•thod is propos•d for m•asuring th• comp•nsation point. Tn•re is no corr•lation mad• b•tween s•dim•ntation •ff•cts and th• crit•rion or with comp•nsation d•pth. Th• r•comm•nd•d maximum conc•ntrations of susp•nd•d solids for various l•v•ls of prot•ction ar• oversimplifi•d in th• R•d Book to tn• •xt•nt that they ar• no longar sci•ntifically sound. Th• application of reduc•d photo- synth•tic activity as a crit•rion for fr•shwat•r fish app•ars to b• an indir•ct m•asur•m•nt of th• aff•cts of ••dim•nt and turbidity, at b•st. Residu•s <turbidity and solids) should b• consid•r•d s•parat•ly with •ach param•t•r m•asur•d in standard units. Th• crit•rion for solids should b• d•fin•d in mg/~ of residu•s <solids), turbidity in NTU, and terminology should ba consist•nt with Standard M•thods. Futur• EPA crit•ria should tak• into account th• crit•ria d•v•lop•d by a numb•r of authors. Many of th•s• data would support a limit of 100 mg/~ non-filt•rabl• r•sidu• for fr•sh and •stuarin• wat•r• to pr•v•nt mortality. How•v•r, on• ravi•w•r of tha R•d Book thought that 100 mg/L is too rastrictiv• and that conc•ntrations could b• much high•r without causing adv•rs• •ff•cts. Tn•r• is no univ•rsal agream•nt as to l•v•ls of turbidity to b• allow•d nor is th•re agre•mant upon units to b• us•d· qjq REVIEW OR~FT ~/8~ PAGE A-42 - : i r I REFE~RENCE1 Truhlar, J. F., 1976. D•t•rmining susp•nd•d ••diment loads from turbidity records. 1n• Proc. Third Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conf., 1976. Water R•sourcas Council, Denver, CO. REFE:i:RENCE LOCI~TIONa IMPIJRTANT PAGI::Sa KEY WOROS1 Turbidity, Susp•nd•d Solids Methods of evaluating sediment-control measures are considered. Field data shows a good correlation between m•an daily dis•:harg•-weight•d turbidity and ma•n daily dischar;e-w•ight•d sust::~ended solids conc•ntration. Digital and graphic r•corders wer~ employ•d to m•asur• turbidity. Although thar• appears to ba no univ•rsal r•lationship betw••n turbidity and susp•nd•d sed:iments, th•r• appears to b• a good corr•lation for individual strttams. Turbidity could_ b• tak•n and susp•nd•d solids ·comt:~ut•d ush·•g wat•r d_ischarge r•cords. Actual m•asu,...em•nt must b• Mad• to ttstablish th• corr•lat ion and then p•riodically to v•ri fy it. gf:1 REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/SS PAGE A-43 REFERENCEa Turnpanny, A. W. H., and R. Williams, 1960. Eff•cts of sedimantation on tha gravels of an industrial REFERENCE LOCATIONr IMPORTANT rivar systam. Journal Fish Biology, 171661-693. Univarsity of Alaska Biomedical Library, Fairbanks PAGES: 6641 666-691 ""'i KEY WORDS: Trout, Mortality Rate, Eggs, Alevins, Suspended Solids, Dissolvad OKygan, Parmaability Rainbow trout eggs were planted in river gravels to assess the affacts of siltation on salmonid spawning succass. In raaches whara siltation dua to tha coal industry has occurrad, 96 to 100 parcant of aggs diad during incubation in tha gravals. This high mortality rata corrasponds to suspandad solids concantrations of 2 to 2481 mg/L, graval parmaabilitias in tha rang• of ~ to 74 cm/h 1 and dissolvad oKygan concantrations of 2.4 to 7.6 mg/L. In anothar ri var agg mor·tal i ty rangad from 24 to 96 p•rcllnt corrasponding to suspandad solids lavals of 3 to 1610 mg/L, graval parmaabilitias ranging from 7 to 2930 cmlh, and dissolvad oKygan of 3.6 to 6.6 mg/L. Tha lowar mortality rata in tha latar riv•r is probably a raflaction of tha lowar suspandad solids lavals. Alevin survival thrashold valuas for dissolvad oKygan and parmaability ara around 4.9 mg/L and 40 cmlh, raspectivaly. It was calculatad that a 30 parcant alavin mortality rata corrasponds to a dissolvad oKygan concantration of 6.5 mg/L. Alavin siza also showad a strong positiva corralation with tha dissolv•d oKygan supply rata. qjq REVIEW DRAFT 6119/63 PAGE A-44 - - t'i' ! -I ', r '! REFERENCE: Van Nieuwenhuyse, E. E., 1983. Tne affects of placer mining on the primary productivity of interior Alaska REFERENCE LOCATION: IMPORTANT streams. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 120 pp. L. A. Peterson & Associates, Inc. PAGES: ~S-66 KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Settleable Solids, PAR, Gross Productivity, Algal Productivity, Recreational Activities, Criteria A strong positive correlation was observed between incident PAR and gross productivity, attesting to the importance of light in regulating primary production. This relationship provides the partial basis for a model which could be used to predict algal productivity at different turbidity levels, Recreational activities such as canoeing and fishing would probably be popular on Birch Creek if the channel were rehabilitated t6 allow fish· passage, and if turbidity could be maintained below 200 to 300 NTU. The results of this study support the contention that a settleable solids standard of <0.1 ml/L for receiving waters could be reasonable. With regard to turbidity, the following tentative criteria are suggested: 6 to 2~ NTU high level of protection, 25 to 100 NTU moderate, 100 to 300 NTU low, 300 to ~00 NTU very low. qf:4 REVIEW DRAFT -&1-19/S~ PAGE A-4~ REFEREBCE1 Vanous, R. 0., P. E. Larson, and C. C. Hach, 19S2. REFERENCE LOCATION; IMPORTANT PAGES: The theory and measurement of turbidity and residue. in: Water Analysis Volume 1 inorganic species, Part I, Academic Press, New York, N.Y. pp. 164-234 L. A. Peterson & Associates, Inc. 167-221 KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Nephelometric, Residue, Suspended and Dissolved Solids The theory of light scattering is presented by a review of terminology, Raylei;h acatterin; and theory, and Mie scattering. The discussion of the measurement of turbidity includes the effects of sample and instrument parameters on turbidity measurement, a history of turbidimetric methods, modern nephelometric instrumentation, commercial instrument responses, process instruments, , . specifications for nephelometric instrumentation, methods of instrumental turbidity measurem•nt, and the potential of future nephelometric developments. ~A REVIEW DRAFT ~/19/SS PAGE A-46 - -I: : i ' ~ I I REFE~RENCE REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION1 IMPORTANT PAGE~S1 Wilber, c. G., 1983. Turbidity in the aquatic environment, an environmental factor in fresh and oceanic waters. Charles c. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, Illinois. 133 pp. Nichols Environmental Consulting 2~-36, 41-108, 112-116 KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Suspended Water, Effects Solids, Freshwater, Marine A r•eview of key literature quantifies the effects of turbidity and suspended solids on fresh and marine water us.es. Included are effects on chemical and physical water quality, water supply, fretshwater and marine organisms and aesthetics. Biological effects on a wide variety of organisms include physiological, feeding efficiency, feeding selection, feeding rates, filter-feeder feeding, reproductive behavior, population numbers and densities, growth and development, resistance to disease, and habitat utilization •. Specific groups of organisms discussed are warm water fishes, salmonid fishes, freshwater macroinvarte- brat;es, and a number of marine organisms including coral, filter feeding organisms, and marine mammals. St rttams may conc:ent rat ions. to S5 ppm is eKtr·emely bad. be classified according to suspended solids A concentration of 2~ to 30 ppm is optimal, 30 good, S3 to 400 ppm is poor, and >400 ppm is 0./9 REVIEW DRAFT -6119-/S~ PAGE A-47 REFERENCE1 Witzel, ~. D., and H. R. MacCrimmon, 1981. Role o~ gravel substrate on ova survival and alavin emergence of rainbow trout, §~lm2 Q~1CQn@C1• Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. ~9. pp. 629-636. REFERENCE ~OCATION1 IMPORTANT Cooperative Fair-banks PAGES1 629, 632-63~ Fish Unit, Univer-sity of Alaska, KEY WORDS: Gravel Size, Trout, Ova, Alevins, Survival, Emergence A verticle flow incubation apparatus was used to determine the role of various gravel sizes on ova survival and emergence of rainbow trout alevins. Sur-vival to emergence, time of emergence, and alevin condition at emergence were significantly influenced by gravel size. Mean percent survival to emergence increased from 1 percent in 2-mm gravel to 76 percent in 26.-~-mm gravel. Survival of ova to swim-up stage in a gravel free incubator was aa percent. Differences in -!)ercent survival were inost significant within the 2 to a mm gravel range. Poor survival of trout alevins in tne 2 to 4 mm gravel was the result of entrapment. Tne time to emergence also increased with gravel size. ~arger alevins, which emer-ged later from coar-ser gr-avels had the least yolk reserve. Premature emergence of free embryos and shortening of the alevin emergence period in 2.0-mm gravel was identified as a stress response. q /·-1'-1 REVIEW DRAFT ~9/85 PAGE A-48 - -I r ! I APPENDIX B GENERAL LITERATURE--FRESH WATER The ra~erencas listed herein ware reviewed by proJect team mem:t:ters and JUdged to bel < 1) Too general 1 (2) lnappl icable to the scope of this proJect <e.g., related topics such as biological life history)' <3) The information contained in a specific reference was eMplained in more detail in one or more of the references appearing above in AppendiM A' or, (4) Only a por't ion of the reference was applicable and this information is cit1•d in the teMt of the report. qfq REVIEW DRAFT 8119/Se PAGE B-1 ADEC, 1979. .. Placer mining and water qual :l.ty, Alaska water quality management plan. Non-point source study series Sac. 208 P.L. 92-SOO, 9S217, Alaska D•partm•nt o~ Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska. 100 pp. ADEC, 1981. E~amination of drainages for effects of placer mining and other water quality considerations Fairbanks and interior Alaska, August 10-24, 1981. A Working Paper, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Environmental Quality Operations, Monitoring and Laboratory Section, Juneau, Alaska. 70 PP• ADEC, 1982. Drinking water standards. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Juneau, Alaska. ADF&G, 1983. ' Fishery productivity and instream mining• implica- tions for the Bristol Say Region. Prepared by Alaska Dept. of Fish and Same for the Sr.istol Bay Study Group. 46 pp. AFS, 1984. 1984 bibliography on fish and wildlife relationships to mining. Fish and Wildlife Relationships to Mining Committee, Water Quality Section, American Fisheries Society. Aitken, w.w., 1936. The relation of soil erosion to stream improvement and fish life. Journal of Forestry, Washington, 34, 1oe9-1o61. Alabaster, J.S., 1972. Suspended solids and ~isheries. Proc. of the Royal Society London Bulletin, 180139e-406. Alaska Water Study Committee, 197S. Alaska water assessment problem identifi~ation, t~hnical memorandum to the Water Resources Council, ASWC, Juneau, Alaska. 203 pp. AleMander, G.R., and E.D. Hansen, 1983. E~fects of sand bedload sediment on a brooktrout population. Fisheri•s Research Report No. 1906, Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, Flsheries Department. Allen, P.B., 1979. Turbidimeter measurement of suspended sediment. u.s. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration, Agricultural Research Results, ARR-S-4, New Orleans, LA. S pp. Angino, E.E., and W.J. O'Brien, 1968. Effects of suspended material on water quality. International Association Scientific Hydrology, 781120-128. APHA, 1980. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 1Sth Edition, American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 1134 pp. 9/C. REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/SS PAGE B-e - - - - - ~ ,, I i -I I I -I APH~-. 198~. Standard m•thods for th• •Kamination of wat•r and wast•wat•r• 16th Edition, Am•rican Public H•alth Association, Washington, D.C. 1258 pp. API, 1980. Guid• to wAter quAlity standards of th• ~nited Stat••· Environment Affairs D•pt., API Publication No. 4321, First Edition, April 1980, Am•rican Petrol•um Institut•, Washington, D.C. Apman, R.P., And M.S. Ott, 1965. Sedimentation and stream improv•m•nt. N•w York Fish & Gam• Journal, 12<2>&117-126. Aqucltic Life Advisory Committee of Ohio VAlley SAnitAtion - Commission, 19~6. Aquatic lif• wat•r crit•ria. Second Progr••• R•port, S•wag• Indust. Wast••• 28(~)1678-690. Arm!!l;trong, R. H., 1982. A review of Arctic grayling studies in Alaska. Contribution No. 6, Alaska Coop•rativ• Fish•ry R•s•arch Unit, Univ•rsity of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 60 pp. ASCE~, 1977. Sedim•nt m•Asurement techniques. !!!= V. A. Vanon.i <ed.), SedimentAtion Engineering. ASCE Task Committee for - tn• Pr•paration of th• Manual on S•dim•ntation of th• S•dim•ntation Committ•• of th• Hydraulics Division. pp. 317-436. Bachmann, R.W., 19~8. Th• ecology of f'our north Ideho trout str•ams with r•f•r•nc• to th• influ•nc• of forest road construction. M.S. Th•sis, Univ•rsity of' Idaho. 97 pp. Bart:sch, A. F., 1960. SettleAble solids, turbidity, And light pen~ration as factors aff•cting wat•r quality. !D• C.M. TArzwell <ed.) Trans. Second S•minAr on Biological Problems in Water Pollution, Rob•rt A. Taft Sanitary En;in••ring C•nt•r, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bart:on, L. H., 1983. A•rial salmon surv•ys And mining. M•mo to S. Grundy, R•gional Sup•rvisor, Habitat Division, Alaska D•pt. of Fish and Sam•, Dated July 27, 1983. 3 pp. BeAI<t, T.W., 196~. A biotic inc::I•K of polluted streAms and the r•lationship of pollution to fish•ri•s. Advanc•s in Wat•r Pollution R•s•arch, Proc••dings S•cond Int•rnational Conf•r•nc•, 11191-210. BeAr., E.L., 1962. Progr-s r•port on water quAlity criteriA. Am•rican Wat•r Works Association, Vol. ~4, No. 11, pp.1313- 1331. 9/:t REVIEW DRAFT ~/8~ PAGE B-3 B•ll, s.s., 1~74. A turbidity instrum•nt using a d•polarization t•chniqu•. !D• Proc••dings of National Oc•anographic Instrumentation Cent•r Workshop Held at Washington, o.c. on May 6-8, 1~74. National Oc•anograpnic Instrum•ntation C•nt•r, Washington, D.C. pp. 177-184. Berger, T.R., 1~77. Northern fronti•r, northern homeland: the r•port of th• Mack•nzi• Vall•Y Pip•lin• Inquiry, velum• 21 t•rms and conditions. R•port to Minist•r of Indian Affairs and North•rn D•v•lopm•nt, Ottawa. 268 pp. Berner, L.M., 1951. Limnology of the lower Missouri River. Ecology, 32(1)a1-3. Beschta, R.L., S.J. O'Leary, R.E. Edwards, and K.O. Knoop, 1981. Sedim•nt and organic matt•r transport in Or•gon coast rang• str•ams. Wat•r R•sourc•s R•s•arch Institut•, Or•gon Stat• Univ•rsity, Corvallis, Or•gon. 67 PP• Bishop, F.G., 1971. Arctic grayling. Observations on spawning and fecundity of Progr•ssiv• Fish Cultur:Lst, 33(1)112-19. BJerklie, D.M., and J.D. LaPerrier•, 1985. Gold-mining e'ffacts on str•am hydrology and wat•r quality, Cirel• Quadrangl•, · Alaska. Wat•r R•soure•s Bull•tin, Am.r:Lean Wat•r R•soure•s Association, Vol.21, No. 2. BJornn, T.C., 1969. Salmon and st .. lh•ad inv•stigations, JOb no. e--•mbryo survival and .._rg•nc• studi•s• R•port F-49- R-&, Idaho Fish and Bam• D•partm•nt. BJorn, T.C., M.A. Brusv•n, M. Molnau, F.J. Watts, and R.L. Wallae•, 1974. S~:Lm.nt in str•ams and :Lts •ff•ct on aquatic lif•• W.t•r R•soure•s R•s•areh Institut•, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. 47 pp. Black, A.P., and S.A. Hannah, 1965. Measurement o'f low turb:Lditi•s· Jouranl Am•rican Wat•r Works Association, Vol. e7, PP• ~01-916. Bonacci, 0., 1981. Accuracy of susp•nded ••dim•nt measurem•nts in natural str•amflows. Journal of Hydraulic R•s•arch, Vol. 19, No. 3, PP• 19e-209. Booth, R.L., 197./t. Inter-comparison of the Jackson Candle turbidity m•asur•ment and s•v•ral instrum•ntal t•chntqu•s• !D• Proc••dings of National Oc•anographic Instrum•ntation Center Workshop h•ld at Washington, D.C. on May 6-8, 1974. National Oc•anographic Instrum•ntation C•nt•r, Washington, D. C. pp. 101-106. Br•t, J.R., and c.eroot, 1963. Som• asp•cts of olfactory and visual r•spons•s in pacific salmon. Jour. Fish. R•s. Bd. Canada, 20<2>•287-303. gfq REVIEW DRAFT ~19/85 PAGE B-4 - - - r I Srt.JLsven, M.S., and K. v. Prather, 1974. Influence of' stream sediments on distribution of' mac:roinvertebrates. Journal Entomological Soeiety British Columbia, 71(1974)12S-32. Br~,;Lsven, M.S., .and S. T. Rose, 1981. Inf'luenc:e of' su-bstrate composition and suspended sediment on insect predation by the torrent seulpin. Canadian Journal Fish and Aquatic: Sciences, 3811444-1448. Br~,;Lvold, W. H., 197~. Human percept ion and evaluation of' water quality. 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Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, (6) 1~3-164. REFERENCE ~OCATION1 University of Alaska ~ibrary, Fairbanks IMPORTANT PASESa 1~3 KEY WORDS1 Suspended Sediments, ~aboratory, Fish Eggs, Fish Larvae, Hatching, Survival Eggs and larvae of six species of anadromous and estuarine fish were exposed to concentrations of suspended sediment up to 100 mg/L to determine the effects of different concentrations on hatching success and short term survival. Egg experiments indicate that concentrations of up to 1000 mg/L did. not significantly affect the hatching success of yell~w perch, blueback herring, alewife or American .shad eggs. The •~m• concentrations did however significantly reduce the hatching success of white perch and striped bass, whereas lower c:oncentr-ation• did not. EMper-iments with larvae indicated that concentrations above ~00 mg/L significantly r-educ:ed the survival of striped bass and yellow per-ch. Concentrat ior'ls above 100 mg/1 significantly r-educed the survival of American shad lar-vae continously eMposed for-96 hours. The significance of these r-esults are discussed ir'l r-elation to changes in sediment loading in estuaries. q/q REVIEW DRAFT ~/8~ PAGE C-2 - -,1 - - - - -'' -r-:i i REFI5:RENCE REFI5:RENCE LOCI~TIONa IMPIJRTANT PAGIES1 B~•hm•~, M. L., 196~. Tu~bidity and siltation as forms of pollution. Journal of Soil and Wat•r Cons•~vation, July-August, 196~. pp. 132-133. 1.32-133 KEY WORDS1 Susp•nded Solids, S•diment Deposition, Effects, Estuarin• Syst•ms, A•sth•tic Quality, R•cr•ational Us•s, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Infauna, B•nthos E!tftf!;;li!3I!Qtf I The role of suspended solids and sediment depositions in •st11.1arin• syst•ms is discuss•d in this pap•~· Th• d•st~uct ion of rttc:11"'•at ional b•ach•s and aquatic habitats is w•ll docum•nt•d· GrOII.lnds mad• suitabl• fo~ oyste~ cultu~• suff•r h•avi ly from sil·l:ation. D~tlda• spoil disposal studi•s indicat• that infaunal for1ns •~• d•st~oy•d by smoth•ring. Siltation can also smoth•r •pif'aunal fo~ms, and th• unstabl• characte~istics of s-ilt d•p•:Jsits could p~•v•nt r•-•stabl ishm•nt of populations. Sus1~•nd•d sol ids in wat•~ hav•. a d•finit• •ff•ct on th• wat•r' s a•s11:h•t ic quality and its valu• fo~ ~•c~•at ional pu~pos•s. Th• con•:•nt~at ion at which wat•~ b•com•s obJ•ct ionabl• to th• us•r is a matt•r of individual conditioning. Th• biological •ff•cts of ino1r"ganic susp•ndltd solids to •stua~in• communit i•s a~• compl•M and •xtrem•ly difficult to quantify. Th• eff•cts of inorganic s•dim•nts on zooplankton and high•~ aquatic lif• ar• •v•n mor• dif·Hcult to •valuat• than th• •ff•cts on phytoplankton. Man·-macl• l•v•ls of tu~bidity undoubt•dly •M•rt inJU~ious •ff•cts on th• .. tua~in• community. Sh•llfish and finfish ar• •sp•cially vul1n•~abl• to damaa• by ino~ganic susp•nd•d solids. The f•ttding activity of c•~tain filt•r-f .. cling sh•llfish is inhibited by high sUSI!'•nd•d sol ids l•v•ls. qfi REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/SS PAGE C-3 REFERENCE& Davis, H. C., and H. Hidu, 1969. Eff•cts of REFERENCE turbidity-producing substances in sea water on •ggs and larva• of thr•• a•n•ra of bivalv• mollusks. Th• V•lig•r, Vol. II, No. 4. PP• 316-323 LOCATION• Univ•rsity of Alaska, Fairbanks IMPORTI=INT PAGES• 320 KEY WORDS: ClAms, Oysters, Silt, KAolin, Fuller's Earth, Conc•ntration, Particl• Siz•, Growth, D•v•lopm•nt, Survival A sari•• of •xp•rim•nts w•r• run to compar• the •ffects of diff•r•nt-stz•d particl•• on •mbryos and larva• o~ hard clams and American oyst•rs. A. littl• as 0.188 g/L silt, 3 g/L kaolin, and 4 g/L Full•r'• •arth caused a significant d•cr•••• in th• perc•ntag• of oyster •ggs d•v•loping normally. American oyst•r •ggs w•r• not aff•ct•d .. bY 4 g/L si 1 icon d iox id•, r•gard 1•••-of particl• siz•·-Th• small••t particl•• C <S microns) of silicon dioxid• had th• gr•at•st •ffect on survival and growth of clam and oyst•r larvae. Particl .. in the rang• of S to 2S microns and 2S to SO microns had lit-1• •ffect on survival of •ith•r sp•ci•• or on growth of clam larvae. Growth of American oyst•r larva• d•cr•a••d progr•ssiv•ly as the size of silicon dioxid• particl•s decr•ased. Btvalv• larva• grew fast•r in low conc•ntrations of susp•nd•d particl•s than in cl•ar sea wat•r. 9/<1 REVIEW DRAFT Slt9/8S PAGE C-4 - - - - - - - - .,.. I "i"" I I I :,- 1 i·l ' .,... I I I, ,.,... 'I ~ I II I - - REFERENCE• 3onnson, 3. K., 1971. Effect of turbidity on the rat• of filtration and growth of th• slipp•r limpet, ~~.a!g~!~ !2~n!~~t~ Lamarck, 1799. Tn• V•lig•r, Vol. 1~, No. 3. pp. 31~-320. REFERENCE LOCATION a IMPORTANT PAGES a University of Alaska, Fairbanks 318-320 KEY WORDS: Turbidity, Silt, Kaolin, Fuller's Earth, Effects, Filt•r Fe•ding, Snell Growth, Gastropod Tn• purpos• of this inv•stigation was to d•t•rmin• now the snell growth of tn• filter f••ding gastropod ~CtQ!QY!A !2~n!~ata is affected by prolonged exposure to various levels of turbidity <0.002 to o.es g/L) in natur•, and to •xamin• th• •~p•rim•ntal •ff•cts of incr•asing concentrations <O.OS to 1.156 g/L) of" silt, kaolin, and Fuller'• earth on th• filtration rat•• of ~~ f2CDiS~t~· R•sults · showed that the shell growth rat• decreased as th• .l•v•l of natural turbidity incr•••ed. Lik•wise, sn•ll lilro·wtn was found to b• lilr•at•st in a transplantation •nvironm•nt of low turbidity as compar•d to a high turbidity •nvironm•nt. Tn• filtration rat•• of ~!.. !2~n!.s~t1 d•cr•a••d as tn• l•v•l of turbidity increased. Low concentrations of silt equivalent to natural l•v•l• of turbidity in natur• produc•d significant r•ductions in filtration rat••· Silt, Fuller'• •arth, and kaolin •acn caus•d a significant r•duction in tn• filtration rat• as tn• conc•ntration incr•a••d up to 6 g/L. R•duc•d •n•ll growth rat• may b• tn• r•sult of inad•quat• food intak• du• to clogging of tn• filt•ring mechanism by turbidity. Sustain•d nigh turbidity may n•ve a limiting •ff.ct on tn• distribution of 'L 19~DiSA~A· f '=t/~ REVIEW DRAFT 8/19/SS PAGE C-S REFERENCEa Johnston, D. O., and O. J. Wildish, 1982. Effect of suspandad sadimant on faading by larval narring <~lYa•A DA~WD~Y· b•r•D~YA b~>· Bullatin Environmantal Contamination ToHicology, (29)1251-267. REFERENCE LOCATION1 Univarsity of Alaska Library, Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGES 1 261, 26-4-26 7 KEY WORDS: Suspandad S~imants, Light Intensity, Herring, Larvaa, F-ding Rata, Zooplanktars, Visibility St:!~QIB!!Q~ The purpose of this study was to detarmina if increased levels of suspandad sadimant occurring aftar dradging, and rasultant dacraasas in light intansity, raduca pray visibility for larval Marring to tha aKtant that tha f~ing rata is affactad. The affact of suspandad sediment on larva• of diffarant agas was also invastigatad. Larva• fad in watar containing 4 and 8 m;/L did not consuma significantly fawar zooplanktars than did control larvaa. Howavar, larva• fad at 20 mg/L did consuma significantly fawer zooplanktars than did tha controls. Similarly, larva• fad at 6S and 10s· phototopic luH consumad significantly fawar zooplanktars than tho•• fed at 300 luH in the control tanks. Thara war• significantly fewer larva• in tha bottom section of tha tanks containing suspandad sadimant than in tha controls. As tha concantration of suspanded sadimant was incraasad, light intansity and visibility of pray dacraas... As a rasult, tha larvaa move into tha battar illuminated surfaca layars to faad. Tha deer•••• in light intensity at lower sediment concantrations <4 and 8 mg/L) is not sufficient to result in a daprassion of faading rat... At graatar concentrations of suspended sediment <20 mg/L), the visibility of pray and light intensity are significantly decreased and tha feeding rate is dapressad. Tha laval of suspandad sadimant resulting in a depression of f•adin; rata by herring larvae is also a function of larval a;a and size. qjq REVIEW DRAFT 8119/SS PAGE C-6 - - - - - REFE~RENCE1 Kiorboa, T., E. Frantsan, C. Jensen, and 13. Sorensen, 1981. Eff•cts of suspended sediment on development and hatching of herring <C!Ya•• DAr•D~Y•> eggs. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Scienc•, <13> 1107-111. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION1 IMPC)RTANT PAGE~Sa University of Alaska Library, Fairbanks 107 KEY WORDS& Eggs, Herring, Suspended Sediments, Hatching, Development Herr'ing (~!Ya8A bArBDSYA> eggs artifically fertilized in the la~,ratory were constantly eKpo .. d at S to 300 mg/L suspended silt: and to short term concentrations of SOO mg/L at different tim~ts during embryonic development. Results indicate that embr•yonic development was unaffected by suspended silt. Mort:ality rates varied signi'ficantly b•twaan aquaria, but the ·vartat ion was not related to si 1 t concantrat ions. It was conc:luded that no harmful e'f.'fects are likely to occur to herring spa~•ning grounds as a result of susp•nd•d particle inputs from dreclging and similar operations. ~ fq '11 • REVIEW DRAFT 6119/SS PAGE C-7 REFERENCE• Kio~bo•, T., F. Mohl•nb•~g, and 0. Noh~, 1980. F•ed- ing, pa~ticl• s•l•ction and ca~bon abso~ption in M~1ilYA -~YliA in diff•~•nt mixtu~•s of alga• and ~•suspend•d bottom mat•~ial. Ophelia, 19<2>•193-20~. REFERENCE LOCATION& Unive~sity of Alaska Lib~a~y, Fai~banks IMPORTANT PAGES1 193 KEY WORDS• Silt Conc•nt~ation, Alga• Susp•nsions, ~~!ilY• •9Yl!•, Filt~ation, Food Uptak•, Ca~bon Budg•t Th• •ff•cts of silt concent~ation on filtration behavio~, food uptak•, and carbon budg•t of th• muss•l ~ti!Ya -~Yl!a w•~• studied. Inc~•asing amounts of mat•~ial w•~• ~•tain•d by th• gills with inc~•asing silt conc•nt~ations, but an inc~asing p~portio" of this was reJect•d as ps•udofaec•s. Ps•udofa•c•s was p~oduced at silt conc•ntrations abov• 1 mg/L. Th• amount inc~••s•d linwarally with the amount of. mat•rtal ~•tatnwd. a~y matt•r ing•stion increas•d with inc~asing conc•nt~ation of silt. At a silt concwnt~ation of 2 mg/L, alga• w•~• conc•nt~at•d by a facto~ of 3 1 and at SS mg/L by a facto~ of about 30. Th• ca~bon ing•stion ~at• inc~•as•d consid•rably at a low conc•nt~ation of silt compa~•d to a susp•nsion of pu~• alga•, and d•c~••••d at high conc•nt~ations (~~ m;/L). Ca~bon abso~ption •ffici•nci•s w•~• high C~9 to 6S p•~c•nt> up to a silt conc•nt~ation of ~ mg/L, and d•c~•as•d slightly at high•~ conc•nt~ations <~2 to ~S mg/L). It was conclud•d that ~~1i1Y• is w•ll adapt•d to silt eoncent~ations up to 33 m;IL, and ev•n b•nefits f~om concent~a­ tions up to 2~ m;IL. 9/Cj REVIEW DRAFT 5119V8~ PAGE C-S - - - -! -! 'I'"" I I I REFERENCE• Loosanoff, v. L., 1961. Eff•ets of turbidity on scm• larval and adult bivalv•s. Proc••dings Gulf and Caribb•an Fish Institut•, Fourt••ntn Annual S•ssion, Nov•mb•r. pp. S0-9~. REFERENCE LOCATION a IMPORTANT PAGES a Univ•rsity of ~laska, Fairbanks <Int•rlibrary Loan) eo, e3-91 KEY WORDS: Bivalves, Oysters, Turbidity, Silt. Kaolin, Pumping Rate, Snell Movam•nt An analysis of th• •ff•cts of turbidity upon larval and adult bivalv•s is pr•s•ntad. Studi.. of tn• ~m•rican oyst•r, ~r••~2•~r•§ ~ir~inisA, and of ~-D~~ m•rs•n•riA ar• •mphasiz•d although s•v•ral otn•r sp•ci•s ar• also pr•s•nt•d. Diff•r•nt sp•ci•s of mollusks, th•ir •ggs and th•ir larva• w•r• aff•ct•d to diff•rant d•gre•s by th• sam• concentrations of turbidity-causing sediments. Vary small· quantiti•s of silt and kaolin ~cm•tim•s stimulated normal .activit i•s of adult · and larval mollusks. How•v•r, conc•ntrations as small as 0.1 g/L significantly r•duc•d tn• wat•r pumping rat• by an av•rag• of S7 p•rc•nt and strongly aff•ct•d th• charact•r of sh•ll mov•m•nts of th• adult oyst•rs. ~t conc•ntrations of 3.0 to ~t-.0 giL, th• av•rag• r•duction in pumping rat• was ov•r 90 p•rc•nt. Th• sh•ll mov•m•nts of oyst•rs k•pt in turbid wat•rs w.r• associat•d with fr•qu•nt •Jections of larg• quantiti•s of silt and mucus accumulating on th• gills and palps. In anoth•r •Kp•rim•nt, oyst•rs w•r• •Kpos•d to silt conc•ntraticns of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 g/L for 48 hours. Wh•n the oyst•r• w•r• again subJect•d to normal s•a wat•r, th•y fail•d to show th• usual r•covery-typ• of •h•ll mov•m•nt ncr did th•y rasum• a rapid rat• of pumping, as is normally cbs•rv•d aft•r •Kposur• to s•dim•nt for r•lativ•ly short p•riods. ~ppar•ntly long•r •Kposur•s aff•ct them adv•rs•ly by inJuring th• ciliary m•chanisms of th•ir gills and palps. Data indicat•d that lam•llibranchs <oyst•rs and clams) f••d most •ff•ctiv•ly in relativ•ly clear wat•r. q!--~''i REVIEW DR~FT -&1--1-9/SS PAGE C-9 REFERENCEa McFarland, V. A., and R. K. P•ddicord, 1980. REFERENCE L•thality of a susp•nd•d clay to a div•rs• s•l•ction of marin• and •stuarin• macrofauna. Archiv•s Environm•ntal Contamination Toxicology, (9)a733-741. LOCATION• Univ•rsity of Alaska, Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGES: 637-640 KEY WORDS: Marine Macrofauna, Susp•nded Kaolin, Sensitivity, Tol•ranc•, Mortality An evaluation was made of th• lethality of a suspended clay min•ral on a phylog•n•tically div•rs• s•l•ction of marin• and •stuarin• macrofauna. A v•ry wid• ran;• of sensitiviti .. to susp•nd•d kaolin was obs•rv•d among th• 16 sp•ci•s studi•d• Eight had (10 p•rc•nt mortality aft•r •Mposur• to 100 giL susp•nd•d kaolin for ~ to 12 days. A vari•ty of oth•r sp•ci•s w•r• found to b• mor• s•nsi·tiv•• Th• 200-hr LC~O for th• muss•l ~L ~Ali!2cn!An~a was 96 giL. An •xp•rtm•nt using th• tunicat• B~~!9!s ~Br§ia9•• was terminated at 136 hr because of the high mortality reach•d at that time.-Two oth•r tunicat .. w•r• much mor• tol•rant to susp•nd•d kaolin with a 12 day LC~O of 100 giL. Th• 200-hr LCSO for th• spot-tailed sand shrim~ was ~0 giL, and th• 400-hr LC~O was ~0 giL for th• sam• sp•ci•s, indicating a high tol•ranc• to susp•nd•d clay. Th• •uryhalin• grass shrimp was •v•n l•ss s•nsitiv• to susp•nd•d kaolin. Th• Dung•n•ss crab ~a.Ds•r mA.aui!tr was t•sted for 10 days and found to b• mor• s•nsitiv• than any of th• shrimp speci••• with a 200-hr LCSO of 32 ;IL. Th• 100-hr LC~O for th• amphipod 8n!a9AAmmACYa £2nftc~1£21Ya was 78 giL, indicating an int•rm•diat• s•nsitivity to suspended kaolin. The concentration causing ~0 perc•nt mortality of th• polycha•t• ~••ntnaa a~£~1naA in 200 hr was •stimat•d to b• 48 giL. The English sol• eA~QQQC~a ~-t~l~a •xhibited no mortaliti•• in 10 days at a concentration of 70 giL or less, but 80 perc•nt mortality occurr•d after 10 days at 117 giL. Th• shiner p•rch ~. ARRCtaAtA was the most s•nsitiv• species tested with only one fish alive after 26 hr in 14 g/L suspend•d kaolin. Th• r•lativ• s•nsitivity of th• speci•s t••t•d may b• a function of th• fr•qu•ncy to which th•Y ar• subJ•ct•d to high susp•nd•d ••dim•nt in th•ir •nvironment. r 9li REVIEW DRAFT -&f-l-9/8~ PAGE C-10 - - 1 I REFE~RENCE1 Moor•, P. G., 1977. Inorganic part iculat• susp•nsions in th• ••a and th•ir •f'f'•cts on marin• animals. Oc•anography and Marin• Biology Annual R•vi•w, < 1~) 122~-363. REFE~RENCE LOC~~TION1 Univ•rsity of' Alaska, Fairbanks IMPClRTANT PAGE~S 1 2~-337 KEY WOROS1 Turbidity, Susp•nd•d Solids, Marin• Animals, Oir•ct Ef'f'•cts, Indir•ct Ef'f'•cts, M•asur•m•nt T•chniqu••• Economic Ef'f'•cts An overall synthesis of available literature pertaining to saline aqu.atic habitats is pr•••nt•d and discu•••d along with m•asur•- m•n1: t•chniqu.•• f'or total part iculat• matt•r· Th••• t•chniqu•• incl~ud• gravim•tric, c•ntrif'ugat ion, and !n l.!i.!ll m•asur•m•nts of' the absorption of' radioactiv• •n•rgy or the absorption of' sca1:t•r•d 1 ight. Optical ~m~thods ar• by far th• molit· popular t•chniqu•• for studying su•p•nd•d mat•rial, and involv• th .. ·u•• of' d•vic•• ranging from th• simpl• S•cchi disk to a vari•ty of' transmittanc• scatt•ring and d•polarizatiol"t m•t•rs. S•v•ral invttst igators hav• •stabl ish•d _a r•lat ionsh i p b•tw••n S•cch i d•pt:h and •••ton cont•nt, S•cchi d•pth and att•nuat ion co•1'f'ici•nts, and th• att•nuat ion co•f'f'ici•nt and part iculat• conc:entrat ions in ••a wat•r. Mor• r•c•nt ly, turbid conditions hav11 b••n r•cord•d by !D •!!.Y photography, r•mot• ••nsing, and shipborne acoustic systems. Four methods available f'or particle siztt analysis of' susp•nd~ ••dtm•nt• includ• microscopic anallysis, optical ••d imentat ion al"'alysis, dir•ct optical anaJ:ysis, and th• •l•ctronic <Coult•r Count•r) m•thod. L.•gnl turbidity standards should ultimat•ly b• d•fin•d in t•rms of' th• light r•quir•m•nts of' silt tol•ranc• of' th• organisms r•quiring prot•ction. It may b• mor• r•alistic to r•-d•f'in• allc)wabl• turbidity incr•a••• in t•rms of' th• p•rc•ntag• abov• bacJtground rath•r thal"' any arbitrary num•rical valu•. Num1trous laboratory and f'i•ld •xp•riments hav• b••n accompl ish•d to d•termin• th• •f'f'•cts of' inorganic susp•nsions on marin• anin1als. G•n•ral •f'f'•cts ar• pr•••nt•d for a vari•ty of' mal"'in• anh,al groups including• protozoa, porif'•ra, co•l•nt•rata, ct•r~ophora, polych•ata, crustae••• mollusca, •chinod•rmata, bryozoa, phoronid•a, brachiopoda, ascidiac•a, h•michordata, and c•pl"lalochordata. In addition, a bri•f' discussion is pr•••nt•d reg•lrding f'ish, birds, marin• mammals, and man. I 9/ct REVIEW DRAFT ~~9/85 PAGE C-11 REFERENCE• Ozturgut, E., J. W. L.av•ll•, and R. E. Surna, 1981. REFERENCE Impacts o~ man;an••• nodul• mining on th• •nvironm•nt• r•aulta ~l'"om pilot-seal• mining t•ata in th• North Equatorial Paei~ie. !n• R.A. G•y•r, Ced.), Marine Environmental Pollution, 2:-Dumping and Mining. Ela•vi•r Sei•nti~ie Publishing Co., Naw York. !i74 PP• LOCATION• Univ•raity o~ Alaska Library, Fairbanks IMPORTANT PAGEB1 4S1-474 KEY WORDS: Mining Plume, Turbidity, Particulate Concentration, Photoaynth•tieally Aetiv• Radiation <PAR), Light Att•nuation, Primayoy Productivity, Maerozooplankton, Abundane•, Mortality Pilot-scale m1n1ng tests were conducted to evaluate environmental conc•rns and d•v•lop ·•nvironrn•ntal guid•lin•• prior to ~ull seal• mining in th• North Equatorial Paci~ic. PaY"ticul-at• conc•ntrationa wttr• r•cord•d as light acatt•ring intanaiti-with a n•ph•lom•tar. Particl• siz•• war• rn•aaurad with a Coult•r count•r. PAR rn•asur•m•nta con~irm•d th• pr•••nc• o~ a particulat• plum• with an av•rag• conc:antration o~ 440 ug/L in th• upp•r 2~ m. Mining particulat•• incr•••• light att•nuation and th•r•by directly a~~•ct primary production in th• mining ar•a• A comparison was mad• b•twa•n ambi•nt production rat•• m•aaur•d .iD .!!i.Y and th• ••timat•d production rat• at a point along the axis of the plume. The total reduction in productivity ov•r th• •ntir• •uphotic zone at this point amount•d to 40 p•rc•nt. Th• dir•ct -~~•eta o~ mining-r•lat•d particulat• matt•r on macrozooplankton includ• mortality, chana•• in in;•ation rat•• and th• production o~ ~•cal p•ll•ta, chang•• in th• •l•m•ntal composition o~ wnol• organisms, and ahort-t•rm ·~~•eta on spatial diatl'"ibution, abundanc•, and apeci•• composition. Th• r•aulta o~ two ••t• o~ tows indicat• that th•,..• was no maJor d•c,..•••• in th• abundanc• o~ n•uatonic macrozooplankton, or su~~ici•nt amounts o~ mining paY"ticulat•• in;••t•d to cau•• alt•ration in th•i,.. ch•mical composition, at plum• conc•ntl'"ations 1••• than 1 mg/L. It is concluded that the e~~•ct o~ m1n1ng discharge on phytoplankton is lirnit•d to that cau-d by tuY"bidity. Inc,..••••d light att•nuation du• to inc,..•a••d turbidity ,..•duc•d tha pl'"imary production l'"&ta in th• plum•• S•eaus• particulat• conc•ntY"ationa r•tul'"n to ambi•nt l•v•l• within a ~•w days, it is b•li•v•d that sp•ci•• composition chan;•• will not tak• plac•. Baa•d on both mining teats and laboY"atory •xp•rim•nta, it is concluded that th• abundanc• and moyotality o~ macyoozooplankton will also b• una~~ected by th• mining plum•. qjq REVIEW DRAFT &~/8!i PAGE C-12 - - - - REFERENCEa Paddicord, R. K., 1980. Diract affacts of suspandad sadiments on aquatic organisms. !D• R.~. Bakar (ed.>, Contaminants and Sediments, Vol. 1, Ann Arbor Scianca Publishars, Inc., ~nn ~rbor, MI. pp. ~01- ~36. REFERENCE LOC~TION1 Univarsity of ~laska Library, Fairbanks IMP!ORT~NT P~SES1 ~01, ~02, ~11-S1~, ~26-~33 KEY WORDS; Suspended Sediment, Kaolin, Bentonite, Aquatic Organisms, Mortality Marine and estuarine invertebrates were able to tolerate continuous aMposura to suspansions of kaolin and bantonita clays in tha ran;• of ;rams/litar for savaral days to savaral waaks without substantial mortality. Fish tolaratad similar concantrations for similar pariods undar similar conditions. ~. tamparatura incraasad or dissolvad oMygan dacraasad, tolaranc• dacraasad. Evan at highar t.mparaturas and 2 ppm dissolvad oMygan, most invartabratas tolaratad continuous aMposura to 60 g/L suspandad · bantonita for savaral days bafor• mortality occurrad. Juvanila Dungan••• crabs war• affac:tad to a ;raatar da;r.. by kaolin suspansions than othar spac:ias. Juvanila Amarican lobstars suffarad no mortalitias in 20 g/L contaminatad sadimant for 2S days and only on• molting abnormality occurrad. Uncontaminatad fluid muds hava th• potantial for producing high suspandad sadimant concantrations and low dissolved oMygan for pariods sufficiant to c:ausa mortality of a variaty of organisms. Contaminated sadimant suspansions ara potantially mora harmful than suspansions of uncontaminatad sadimant. f q;q REVIEW DR~FT S/19-/8~ PASE C-13 REFERENCE• Snerk, J.~., J.M. O'Connor, and D. A. Neumann, REFERENCE 197~. Effects of suspended and deposited sediments on estuarine environment•. !n• L. E. Cronin, Ced.>, Estuarine Research, Volume II, Geology and Engineering. Academic Press Inc., New York. pp. ~41-~~s. LOC~TION1 University of Alaska, Fairbanks IMPORT~NT P~GESr ~41-~~6 KEY WORDSr Bioassays, Fuller's Earth, Mortality, Estuarine Organisms, Sublethal Effects Btf~QIBI!QM Static bioassays conducted with Fuller's earth showed significant mortality among five of the seven species tested in suspended concentrations typically found in estuarine systems during flooding, dredging, and spoil disposal. Lethal concentrations ranged from a low of o~~s g/L for silversides to 24.~ g/~ for mummichogs C2~ hr LC10). Fishes were classified as either tolerant <>10 giL>, sensitive (1.0 to 10 giL>, or hignly sensitive <<1.0 g/L), based on a 24 hr LC10 using Fuller's eartn. Generally, filter feeders and warly-life stages were mora sensitive than bottom dwellers and adults. Exposure to sublethal concentrations significantly increased tne hematocrit value, hemoglobin concentration, and erythrocyte numbers in tne blood of a variety of fish. In addition, Fuller's earth, fine sand, and river silt <>2~0 mg/L) caused significant reductions in tne ingestion rate by copepods. ·qfq REVIEW DR~FT S/19/8~ P~GE C-14 - -i - - - - - - - - . 'F' I - REFE~RENCE 1 Shar-k, ,J. A., .Jr., .J. M. 0' Connor, and D. A. Naumann, 1976. EffaQts of suspended solids on seleQted estuar-ine plankton. MisQallaneous Report No. 76-1, U. s. Ar-my Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Resear-ch Center, Fort Belvoir, VA. 50 pp.- REFE~RENCE LOCF~TION1 University of AlaskA, Fairbanks <Interlibrary Loan> IMPCtRTANT PAGE~S1 10, 11, 15, 23, 26, 32, 351 36 KEY WORDS: Suspended Sediments, Fuller's Earth, Silicon DioMide, Rivero Silt, EffaQts, Carbon Assimilation, Phytoplankton, Ingestion Rata, Copepods Thisi repor-t provides baseline data on the effeQts of different suspended sediments on selected typical estuarine plankton. Carbon assimilation by four. spaQias of phytoplAnkton was sigr.ifiQantly reduQad by the light attenuating properties of fine silicon dioxide suspensions. A conQantration of 1000 mg/L ~ausad a ~'0 to 90 par-Qant r-aduQtion in Qarbon upt·aka among the f-our spac:ias of phytoplankton tasted. A QOnQantration of 2500 mg/L Qau•~•d an 80 parQant raduQt ion in one of the species. The ingltstion rata by two spaQias o'f Qalanoid Qopapods was si;r•ifiQantly raduQad during exposure to a 250 mg/L mixture of FulJ.ar's earth, fine siliQon dioMida, and natural river silt. At a concentration of 500 mg/L river silt, the ingestion rata was rad1.acad by 77.5 percent • cllq REVIEW DRAFT --&1-!.9/85 PAGE C-15 REFERENCE a REFERENCE LOC~TION1 KEY WORDS: IMPORTANT PAGESr Stern, E.M., and w.a. Stickle, 1978. Effects of turbidity and suspended material in aquatic environ- ments. Dredged Material Research Program, Technical Report D-78-21, Environmental ~aboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. 117 PP• Doug Clarke, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways EMpariment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Aquatic Environment, Dredged Material Disposal, Environmental Effects, Suspended Load, Sus~ended Solids, Turbidity e-10 This literature review includes discussions of definitions, units of measure, methods of measurement, and effects of turbidity and suspended material in the aquatic environment. There is common agreement that optical instruments provide an inferred rather than a direct measurement of suspended solids and that it is almost iMpossiblit to relate sediment concentrations and optical characteristics from one turbidimeter, standard suspension, or unit of measure to another. Relatively few studies relate animal responses to the actual weight per volume concentration of particles in suspension. Ratner, they correlate response with - turbidity. It is unlikely that the light absorbing and scattering ~roperties of suspended particles directly affect animals. Because. turbidity involves optical properties that cannot be correlated with the weight/volume concentration of suspended material, which directly affects aquatic biota, several investigators suggest that turbidity only be used as a nontechnical descriptor. Gravimetric techniques probably """' represent a more accurate measure of the effects of suspended solids on aquatic biota while optical measurements may be preferable for photosynthetic or aesthetic purposes. Laboratory eKperiments often do not duplicate natural conditions or reflect natural levels of organism tolerance to turbidity and suspended material. The review also discusses the effects of suspended material and turbidity on corals, bivalves Cclams, oysters, mussels) copepods, and fishes. The discussion includes information about eff•cts on eggs, JUVenil•s, and adult organisms. yfct REVIEW DRAFT --8/19/8~ PAGE C-16 ,.,..., APPENDIX D GENERAL LITERATURE--MARINE The re~erances listed herein were reviewed by proJect team M8mbers and JUdged to bet (1) Too gerteral, (2) Inapplicable to the scope of this proJect (e.g., related topics such as biolLogical life history) 1 (3) The information contairted irt a sp~:ific re~erence was eKplained in more detail in one or more of the references appearirtg above in AppendiK c, or, Cit) Only a smalll of the reference Nas applicable and t~is information is cit1~ in the teKt of the report. Additionally, references peri~atning to measuremwnts . of particulates applying to both fretlh and lliarin. water are not reprinted here as they app•ar -in Appelnd i K B. I q;q REVIEW DRAFT ~i9/8e PAGE D-1 Adams, C.E., and G.~. Weatherly, 1981. Susp.ndad sediment transport and benthic boundary layer dynamics. lDI C.A. Nittrouar (ad.>, Sedimentary Dynamics o¥ Continental Shelves. Elsaviar, Amstardam. ~ustin, R.W., 1974a. Instrumentation used in turbidity measure- ment. lD• Procaadings of National Ocaanographic Instrumentation Canter Workshop held at Washington, D.C. on May 6-8, 1974. National Oceanographic Instrumantation Cant ar, Wash :L ngt on, D. c. pp. 4~-7 4. Austin, R.W., 1974b. Probl.ms in measuring turbidity as a water quality parameter. In• Proceedings of Seminar on Methodo- logy for Monitoring the Marina Environment. EPA-600/4-74- 004, Environmental Protection Agancy, Washington, D.C. pp. 23-~4. Sacescu, M., 1966. An instance of the affects oh hydrotachnical works on the littoral marina life. Watar Pollution Abstracts, 39<S)a178. Saker, E.T., G.A. Cannon, and H.C. Curl, Jr., 1983. Partic~e transport process•• in a small marina bay. Journal of Geophysical R ... arch, 8SCC14)a9661-9669. Bakar, E.T., and H.B. Milburn, 1983. An instrument system for the investigation of particle fluxes. 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