HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUS5002SUS 5002 , 1'1 Ie""("11\I .. !, ":h ......"·wit h u mc fKI ,,·,..rc kopc r c-,OIl.1f,l ; 4 :W .W . Kl'\11 .,!"I..llnpllhl i,h"",1 d Oli a r .T he ..In......ot in tcc - no n .nh.'\It ;lh.-,,1 h ~r ~roecn ...call incrca ..c lh..· rn.·..crcndum h~''''-\cr al "h,'1!r,,'C'f K"'ynn"-"",'I OIL Ii nha :KI,'\ntl lJ,a nd Cov ert 19 77 :R"'yno ld , 1'177":1 .which ....smcho w e nhance....vurvivul trorn th e i ntcc uo n f I.R.Coven a nd \\'.W .Rc vnold.. Iln r11t'l1 " h,..J ,1:1101 I .Str.........•e n hancte ,,1 th c-rm orce ul a- .i"1l m i ~hl "ti n..<nm c"th e rhy..ic..I ,'~i cal fI....pon....." ,,( th e "r~a ni..m.vnch a.. th e immune r .....po ncc 10 infection o r ...-..caf".'rc acnon-,from harmful ..urnuf i.Fi,h ma intain ..'\1 in laborar orv h..mpcra- IIIfl.'a nd rh"h'(":ri,,,,1 ,(m,hli,'I1'\com para hlc to lh..',,,·t tl th c 'ra\\ning '...·;I"" n may a l,,'h.:in "'r"""llIal b r..·..-...li ng co nditio n f Ba nne r a nd H ~'a ll JtJ 7 ~:Smilh ICJ 7~l.'otl Ih",'ir p r derenda mi ~ht n:t1~c l '1'01 "l1i n~"r li ma . ."'ntlther J'k",ih l",'inlcrr r"'lali,lO "f in it i all ~'h igh laht1rah'r}'r rd""n:nd a inw,I,,,,,,i nilial m c" h':'t.ll Jurinl!gra ,'ilali,'n In Ih ...•linal pr eferendum (cf. B ~I ,I ""nh ll i l"n l Qh7 :8c it in~cr anJ ~l a ~n ll\On 1',1 70 ).a r h...·l1llnlCn'lO 0 ,'1 uncommllO in r h ~'!o i ll ­ I ,'~i ca l r"'''J'k'n,..."Itl tempera ture c ha ngc~(P ro-.,er I C:lh ~:P ...·I ...r!o "n a nd ."nden "n I Qf1Q:R c~n olll ... 19 77 h L A lh:rna li \l."ly.Ih c la !ltlratory r"'''J'l'n,~ m ay hi."t:n lhiderc d to r e!lr ...""t:'nt thc pure 'rt:'c ie",- 'J'..:dtic tt:'m f\"'·ra ltlf ...•p rd t:'rt:'o dul1l.,i nc..:c \'Cry df,,"i",mad....I"r ..-nh We e\l ran...'('lu",timuli."hil...• a mul titude ,'I nomhcrrnal 'Iim ul i intc rtcr ..·i n ;1 complc v fa ,h liln wi th th ermal r......pon-,..·,in Il;lw r ..·. m a l i n ~th ermal di'l rillllli"IJo-in t h ..·licM k " prc-...l it:l ahlc .In c vtcnd ..·,1 la bora to rv l.....h.ti,h mi gh l ,i m i l a r l ~hI."~i n II I r.....J'k 'n,1 h~nonthc rmal Iactorv,mt l&.li l~i n r.:Ih c·"ho.c·(\...·,1 thermal Ih ..t r ibu- rionv .S lllfll itl n 1",'\'..-1 m ;l ~haw a n c lh..c t .P"'rhOl p' more ,i!o!n ilk an ll y."'l.:ia l inter:..n ion ..in ~n l u p' 11r ti-.h ..cern to i ncrca ..c f,lll,'"in ~th e initia l cxpl ,'ralnr,.ph a ..c in a nov el e nvironmcm (\\".\\'. R C ~'n "I J ,u np u bli..h..-...l data _.a nd cuch -ocial imcraction-,han..been ,h ,m n In atlc....1 thermal ,ti",lrihllti ,'n,and be havior ffla .:on c t al .l 'It,7; Rt:'ga l 1117 1:Itt:'il inge r a nd ~t Ol ~n t1"'I1 I Q '7~I . ",",p..-cia lly in the ca w of s ub o rdi na te io di'i,lllal.. "tk.....C'~h a'·io r i'"in h:r(c r",'('wi lh h ,·",,-,i:.l h · lillmin an i indil.·id ual,.....~r..:at ,kal ,~f f llrth t:"r "(lrL.i ,n..",-tled 11.1 l1l,l h~fllll~cl a rit y a ll I II th ...• a htw C'c llll ,id e r alio n!o . I Ih;lnL.D r J .J.M al:nu ",m fur rc,'i"'"im:;In c ;uh "'r afl of Ihi..rarer.I Ih anL.D I'!o R.W.\k c.lUl c ~· a nti 1..I .Cra""haw fl'r hc1rful di"u....io n ...:md F .P;m l Kk h;u ,l..fur orJ:;mil in,:Ih i..~,m JX1<'ill m ;Ind Ihc r c~~r H'\'i tl i n ~;l foru m f,1r l hi..nm.:h ·nccded c\;.min;lli ,m I,f a n imrorla nl 'iut'ojcci a rc;l. Compilation of Temperature Preference Data I C H ." MllS C .("O UT "!'lOt Em "j'''',nI,."II/I .\d,·rIC ·t"\[);,'i ,i.",.lJlll.R,J J:I'.\'"ri""lli L'~'''"'f/ry·.0,1 1.Hid ,!:".1,.",1.J 7/tW.l..'.\." C IIl '1"',.C.C.1977.Co mpilatKln of Ic mrcrollure rrd ere n&."t:lol alOi .J .f"h .Ke...Hoard Can .3-1 : 7 )9-7~:'i . Th"re rtlf1 b rid )",m marile'","U TTen t inr l'lfTna li l1ft fw m fiekJ OI ntl 100'"ordlm)''Iuloli e 'l'n lempcralure '4:ta:l k1ft t'o!'.ti ..hc="."ilh OI I01 btJlOl lion "fftnaI ICmJ1('roi t ure r ,derenw a mi upJ1('r a mi I""er a 'oid"nce Icmrcrdl ure,. K...\·.",d ,,;lempcrOit ure .~kc lkm .prc(c rcmlum .a .."tdant:e.rrdcrent:e .t-ehOl\i"r .ur1entat illn COl 'f '~t .C . C.1977 .Compilatkm of te mrerol lu rc prc fcrclh:c d Oi IOi .J .FioJl .k c ...Btl;Jrd Ca n .3-1 : 739-7 4'. On ri",mc bric ..cmcnl ......n"eel OI Mide k 'e n nn..i,,,,,,ncc ..c uur",nIC"ac qu i..c,,ur k Ic rrol in ~ c n l a ~OI tlJ i re 'Jo ur Ie e hoi\dc,lem pc rOll un:"fli.Ir Ie..pu i'Jo 'lol1ft "OI \ el:labtJlOl lkm lolc'Icm,..croll urc .. p rdc ~c,fin..k'Jo e l dc ,t c m rer",lu rc'd 'c,itcmcn l ",pericourc ..el i nfc ncurc!o . R« ci\C'J Sc plcmhcr I~.1976 Aee cpr...-d Fcbruary 10. 1977 'En viron menlal Sci c nces Division Publicalion No.998. Re f;u Ie:I ~'C plemtorc 1976 Acc cplt Ic 10 fe ..ric r 1977 ..r:.,/\ ....~~A T I ~, ,. J J ISH .IU.S BO"kll ("A !IO •\'0 1...LI.,"71 TAB U I.Su mmary or a va i la b~doua on final prerermdum a nd u PJ'lCr and lower avoidance lemperalu res 01'fish from field and labora lory si udies.Numbers here ma y ,'at)'some\l,hal from l he ori,inal a u l bor's inlcrprclalion.Sp -s pri,.,; W ""wi m er ;F ...Ial l :S u ""s ummer ;YOY =)·o u ,.,of l he year. Tcmp t 'O Sift u.....F iql 10_ SpfCin «.'"."""'~....efCTC'ftdu m ..oicllnce Loatio n ...~ .4 /bMr""1 IUll"".IIJ ....'"zo Lab "" basler and Dow"in.,... t blc.akJ A /fJUI rh r)'JodloriJ L. r ae 29 "......butt R••Ind .OaJlUD(ln 197) hlu riK k herr in,l A .IJJ~aIt>ItIJ 'rllWll l IS.I C.~p L.N.y.G all ip"19 " t. le_ife)22 .0 s .o L .ch ,pn Welb 1961 Adult (Sp )~I.)L.b Reu un .n4 1te14endorr 1914 A .UI/lI Ju .i ....,S lII.lI lI ao Conna;:liC'u l R ..Marcy et .1.19 72 (AfMfic3n ,~4)Conn. A ...blu,litl'1 rll",fI';1 21.)W ~o nl in L.kn H ile a n4 Jucby 1941 U ~ba u )~O ,1 S.Onlario Itrea ml h T.u.an 195. 21-21 ."L MOrlo na,W...Ne,U 1911 26 ....2••)'L.Mo no nl,W n .Neill 1971 Sm.1 1 29 ,0 26 .2 2'.'L...Nei ll 1971 S m;lll ~.,~II .'26 .0 Lab'Seill 1911 Adult IW)21.6 Lab Rn ll CT Ind Herdc ndorr 19 14 Ad ull t Sp ),..,L.b Rn llc r Ind Hcrckndorr 1914 A~u lt (F J 22 .'Lab Rnne1.nd HCflkn40fr 1974 A IJCIwcI ","..1Ii11;All "2-4,5-)2 .'O .I\,nlon Bay,Tn..G.lb...y an4 Slo_n 1914 I N y I nchovy l Al'InJilfOlllJ .'_,.;,.,,,......22 .2 NOIT"II....,l ell n .Dendy 1941 l fln".atcr d rum l La,,,,'"22 Wa N '"R .,1114.Gammon 1973 !Mnall ~,"'lO .)·L Monona,Wil.Neill 1971 Sm.1I 21 .5-2~l .MOftOII,I .Wn.Scill l97 1 'tIO'tl t Su))1.)L.b Rnl lIa'.nd lI erde ndorf 1914 Adull (Su i 26 .S Lab Rcuner an4 Hudcndod 1914 A.Ju II IFJ 19 .6 L.b Ra lllu a nd H crdcnQorf'1914 A 'ian'I'1i1 A ll "O .,,,"lon )by.Te ••O alla.a)'and Sl.....n 191. 1M2 ca tfi\h ) A ,lrrUtopI IV'"2'.2 "C.liromia COIU DotM5orotf 1911 l~hcnu.k 51'«"") B,.,, _rifJ ,..,~.All ,.Galwlton Ba )',Tcr..Oalla"l)'a nd SIr,._ n 1914 fpllf.-n~) C_pou_-..I,,,.,All 1).•Sew R ., Va. Sa u"e1 el al .1915- (uoncroUerl 26 .'Lab St.uIkt'ct .l 19 1,. Aduh "29 "Lab CbcJry ct aL 1975 C.r.....,_ alll,....11 21 .1 Lab f ry 19041 (&OId""'1 Sma ll "'"Lab it O)'and Job3mcn .910 Adull ('0\1 24 .2 Lab Rcu tler .nd HC'f'dmdorf 1914 Aduh (S p)2'.)lob Reulter . MI HC'f'dmdorf 1914 Adult ISu )21.0 Lab acunu.!'WI flerdcndorf 1914 Ad ull (f )2•.0 Lab Rcu tler a!'WI Her dcftdlxf 1914 Med ium 21 .9 Lab Rcynokb and Cowen 19n C.f/'l1iIIrJ r .,;o ......,..,16 W.ba'"R .,Ind.Gammon 1973 (ri\'ef ca rpwcker) T ill p aper ...u mm ar isv...iutormation o n tempera - um e lec ted h y ti,hL'" in lah or"l of )"and field ...illl;lIi"'h .II-.primary p urpose i ...10 pft w idc t ab - ul ar ,101101 on t hree "endpoints' o f te mperature ..clccnon Ihal hOI \\"been fo und u sefu l (o r ,cu in g Il·mp.:r.alllfl·'Ia ndard ..Ior "Oller t'kxliL'"a nd (or ll"...c r i h i n ~and predic tin g t he be havio r o f fi' hC\ ncar po wer ..tauon h"'a l""ll Ll i...ch arl;"'"(Table I ), Tbccc cnJp.,inl-.arc the fina l prcfcr endum :IO Ll the upper a nd lower a voidance te mper a tures .A ...i!o!ni lkanl a muu n l of a Ll dil iona l d ata ha s bee n pllhli ..hcd ,inc,,·C ou tant (197S»sum mar i zed rc- rt,rl-.t hrough 197 3. De...p uc ditlc rcnt ,'udy llh;.."C1 in....a nd m e l hotJ, am"n!!the r,,",e a rch report ..s ummarized in T able I .a pa ucru o(te rnperaurrc pr efe r ence a ppears in t he r c...ulh fo r m an)'species.S pecies 1Iop"'cificil)"i' c lca rtv d emon ...tr atcd wi t h r,,·;J ..o nablc co n..i"'l'n ,,\- a mon~laht1r aln r y a nd field re...ulh.F o r \Om ~ spec ie I he l ahula r ""llm m a r y c laritle,the need fo r re earch directed toward resolv ine co m radic- l ion ...O i,en:pancic.... a mong rccul tv indicah:where caution ...hould be uwd i n a pplyin p:Ih,,""oC da l3 in im pact a""C"'o,rnenh .So me l ahu laled valnev rcpre- sc ru rn )·ow n i mcrprcta n o n of t he au t hors'd ata . whi ch may di tlcr (ro m t heirs,r -::":.Ii nly.the o tiginal p a pcrv should be fu lly u ntJen:,k'llJ be fo re t hese data a rc I~(or power pl ant impact a n a l )'''~o r fo r o ther pu rposes. Aduoo ....lIfc_... Researc h .'a'SpoI'l,,",N b y lhe Energy Resea rch a nd De velopment Admi n islralion und er conl rae l "ilh 1M U nion Car bide Corporalion . J J ISH .IU.S BO"kll ("A !IO •\'0 1...LI.,"71 TAB U I.Su mmary or a va i la b~doua on final prerermdum a nd u PJ'lCr and lower avoidance lemperalu res 01'fish from field and labora lory si udies.Numbers here ma y ,'at)'some\l,hal from l he ori,inal a u l bor's inlcrprclalion.Sp -s pri,.,; W ""wi m er ;F ...Ial l :S u ""s ummer ;YOY =)·o u ,.,of l he year. Tcmp t 'O Sift u.....F iql 10_ SpfCin «.'"."""'~....efCTC'ftdu m ..oicllnce Loatio n ...~ .4 /bMr""1 IUll"".IIJ ....'"zo Lab "" basler and Dow"in.,... t blc.akJ A /fJUI rh r)'JodloriJ L. r ae 29 "......butt R••Ind .OaJlUD(ln 197) hlu riK k herr in,l A .IJJ~aIt>ItIJ 'rllWll l IS.I C.~p L.N.y.G all ip"19 " t. le_ife)22 .0 s .o L .ch ,pn Welb 1961 Adult (Sp )~I.)L.b Reu un .n4 1te14endorr 1914 A .UI/lI Ju .i ....,S lII.lI lI ao Conna;:liC'u l R ..Marcy et .1.19 72 (AfMfic3n ,~4)Conn. A ...blu,litl'1 rll",fI';1 21.)W ~o nl in L.kn H ile a n4 Jucby 1941 U ~ba u )~O ,1 S.Onlario Itrea ml h T.u.an 195. 21-21 ."L MOrlo na,W...Ne,U 1911 26 ....2••)'L.Mo no nl,W n .Neill 1971 Sm.1 1 29 ,0 26 .2 2'.'L...Nei ll 1971 S m;lll ~.,~II .'26 .0 Lab'Seill 1911 Adult IW)21.6 Lab Rn ll CT Ind Herdc ndorr 19 14 Ad ull t Sp ),..,L.b Rn llc r Ind Hcrckndorr 1914 A~u lt (F J 22 .'Lab Rnne1.nd HCflkn40fr 1974 A IJCIwcI ","..1Ii11;All "2-4,5-)2 .'O .I\,nlon Bay,Tn..G.lb...y an4 Slo_n 1914 I N y I nchovy l Al'InJilfOlllJ .'_,.;,.,,,......22 .2 NOIT"II....,l ell n .Dendy 1941 l fln".atcr d rum l La,,,,'"22 Wa N '"R .,1114.Gammon 1973 !Mnall ~,"'lO .)·L Monona,Wil.Neill 1971 Sm.1I 21 .5-2~l .MOftOII,I .Wn.Scill l97 1 'tIO'tl t Su))1.)L.b Rnl lIa'.nd lI erde ndorf 1914 Adull (Su i 26 .S Lab Rcuner an4 Hudcndod 1914 A.Ju II IFJ 19 .6 L.b Ra lllu a nd H crdcnQorf'1914 A 'ian'I'1i1 A ll "O .,,,"lon )by.Te ••O alla.a)'and Sl.....n 191. 1M2 ca tfi\h ) A ,lrrUtopI IV'"2'.2 "C.liromia COIU DotM5orotf 1911 l~hcnu.k 51'«"") B,.,, _rifJ ,..,~.All ,.Galwlton Ba )',Tcr..Oalla"l)'a nd SIr,._ n 1914 fpllf.-n~) C_pou_-..I,,,.,All 1).•Sew R ., Va. Sa u"e1 el al .1915- (uoncroUerl 26 .'Lab St.uIkt'ct .l 19 1,. Aduh "29 "Lab CbcJry ct aL 1975 C.r.....,_ alll,....11 21 .1 Lab f ry 19041 (&OId""'1 Sma ll "'"Lab it O)'and Job3mcn .910 Adull ('0\1 24 .2 Lab Rcu tler .nd HC'f'dmdorf 1914 Aduh (S p)2'.)lob Reulter . MI HC'f'dmdorf 1914 Adult ISu )21.0 Lab acunu.!'WI flerdcndorf 1914 Ad ull (f )2•.0 Lab Rcu tler a!'WI Her dcftdlxf 1914 Med ium 21 .9 Lab Rcynokb and Cowen 19n C.f/'l1iIIrJ r .,;o ......,..,16 W.ba'"R .,Ind.Gammon 1973 (ri\'ef ca rpwcker) T ill p aper ...u mm ar isv...iutormation o n tempera - um e lec ted h y ti,hL'" in lah or"l of )"and field ...illl;lIi"'h .II-.primary p urpose i ...10 pft w idc t ab - ul ar ,101101 on t hree "endpoints' o f te mperature ..clccnon Ihal hOI \\"been fo und u sefu l (o r ,cu in g Il·mp.:r.alllfl·'Ia ndard ..Ior "Oller t'kxliL'"a nd (or ll"...c r i h i n ~and predic tin g t he be havio r o f fi' hC\ ncar po wer ..tauon h"'a l""ll Ll i...ch arl;"'"(Table I ), Tbccc cnJp.,inl-.arc the fina l prcfcr endum :IO Ll the upper a nd lower a voidance te mper a tures .A ...i!o!ni lkanl a muu n l of a Ll dil iona l d ata ha s bee n pllhli ..hcd ,inc,,·C ou tant (197S»sum mar i zed rc- rt,rl-.t hrough 197 3. De...p uc ditlc rcnt ,'udy llh;.."C1 in....a nd m e l hotJ, am"n!!the r,,",e a rch report ..s ummarized in T able I .a pa ucru o(te rnperaurrc pr efe r ence a ppears in t he r c...ulh fo r m an)'species.S pecies 1Iop"'cificil)"i' c lca rtv d emon ...tr atcd wi t h r,,·;J ..o nablc co n..i"'l'n ,,\- a mon~laht1r aln r y a nd field re...ulh.F o r \Om ~ spec ie I he l ahula r ""llm m a r y c laritle,the need fo r re earch directed toward resolv ine co m radic- l ion ...O i,en:pancic.... a mong rccul tv indicah:where caution ...hould be uwd i n a pplyin p:Ih,,""oC da l3 in im pact a""C"'o,rnenh .So me l ahu laled valnev rcpre- sc ru rn )·ow n i mcrprcta n o n of t he au t hors'd ata . whi ch may di tlcr (ro m t heirs,r -::":.Ii nly.the o tiginal p a pcrv should be fu lly u ntJen:,k'llJ be fo re t hese data a rc I~(or power pl ant impact a n a l )'''~o r fo r o ther pu rposes. Aduoo ....lIfc_... Researc h .'a'SpoI'l,,",N b y lhe Energy Resea rch a nd De velopment Admi n islralion und er conl rae l "ilh 1M U nion Car bide Corporalion . "l kWI CI I \I .~741 1-'1111 I '(",.,11"",.'(1 J hmr l c ', ,,~'....'',,,.1 I ....C" 'rn:on ....I=C ..........""C'J'f.,!IC'...nd um ......t.""..1 ......1..."Ih ......,....-C' (',.,,........L.,.,r ",:,II W.N ,h R .•I ,..J ('..mm....,'I n .....'11 ........' Ad ..h .t l ..,..Rnoll n ......Itn<kn,)o ..-r ''' '-4 (..,...,._......,..,,_.II •\1..._hc:..J 1 .."'..(''''I'CT ..1Id I "lin I....~ ......Il........_~n ' C .••_............zo e \\"'Cf"",n •;II ""'"I h k .....J ood ••I'MI ,.. h ....~lc.1 I II .)'\I ........hud I .•\I..,( ....'f'C'f ..t><I 1 ...IIc:,I....'."'lIe 1"'01 :1 ,1I...-e-I ....'l h R.......(·" k•.It•.,......nd 1....neT I ~ Ad "l let'::-4 I ••R.......er .nd lt n dr ",Ji..r 1'01 '4 (It......",II ........,.~.,,..C;.h..".-;.nd J..lilil ''0171 lIi..",-e-I'"h l c...,.........,...,.-.1..I ..·IC '"10 L ~i rMi "J .O"t .FI )1"1 " I"..:",I ...~"<"(1)"'''r .,S .Y .(..Ill,."I'I ~I ('••1..,.,............11 ."1 \h .......hc..:l L.•'\I e .(....'J'CT .....1 ...11n IOU " lul.e .h.l cmhl S~lI I:.,,..t n 'u.....1.,," l ;au_17 ....,.lI h B.a).l.""R«h h"1'170 I .....It u,.....0 ..1..,,,. I :"I m m 1:·16 ,..1I....'m.a ..1'1'", 11 ,11 m m 17 u .s ",..1I....llnu..''1'-4 :).1 mm ,.I".'I",,!II ,..1I....llnu"1" 74 C ."","l .,~I .•l.'h ;h'II<I "YoC'U,1%011 ...kloll.." C.I."u,I/'I ..,l .,.ile I".".",)'hO d.I )~1 11·1".",..".nl e-l ..,.."1" '11 '100 d.)~)11 ·1:,..M.nt..lm;t"1"!'11 C.." ...M ••I"16 .'!\.On l...i..'tru m,1 ....1l"......1 'I~lI 111k.ll lc:d -e-ulrinl C ."..,_,...La'lt 6 •L M ich ipn Welk 1961 C"'m)..:ulron' C ,.._..,It .·.IooM J,••:'I ,'W h ....R .•~e ,.Ilc.al;'<>n.nd B....1c-)1" ' 1 I "hu e-R"cr ...Il.ht.ltl (...,..,,..""....._..1_,...Adul")6 ,}~."-Jfo ~....It""!w...('·ilhf .K...",.I 'I ~M I dC">cI"' f'1.lJ'fM1 '·ou ..,...Qu...>t>.a "'u .....A,".l .......nd 1I.:..l h I 'HN (.,,..,.,..••01'/'1 "...,..".,..Yo..N,h 1I.••I(ld .(;.m.......I'l n-'h:"'rl la.p :'I .}-}I vo l.,,,..........\\l\.~..,111"" lol '.:11 2 ·)11 7-l.\I".........\\l\...,:'"1'171 'l'uu"l1 """L ••P,lI ..I ..1.I"'" '·ou nll H .'}I .'I ,u L ...:">.:,11 rvn y ....nJ ):.)"'"••b ".....,11 1"71 Ad ull (Spl ::n .-4 ,..Rru ll ..,..1><1 II crok l><l ",f 1"74 "d u l ll ~ul :'1 .7 ,..R cu ll C',a "d ll~<k..d..,f 1"74 Ad ...11 >1I ",.L ••Re)"..kl~u "rub 'n.hc..I.ut. C ...........•'.....,_,...A U ~.:!9-):"."_..n il.I ~.h '(...l1.....)..nd ~u..."1'1'. ....1Id w ilt......""J(l.)~(.....nt....8.&).In.t...".....1Id .t><I Ik.:h td i" (...II...a ).nd :!oI......1'1'-4 0",....-...,.,J_l .f.'":}.,W ilb...h R .•I..d ."..m.......I" ' } Cll'U ...d ~dl l ...~2 }0 ~....,,..R e-c,I e.....Ilcnd)lOU II Ad uli it l :0 .',..lI...u ll..,..nJ lt ~de-n,)o...f l 'n4 £..............,........ ,,.,..,....I",...!lI m..ll ,.L••h 'lIu"''''1"~11 11IU"p"'.....rell ",......"ui"....".•!lImall ",..h'lIu",'"1'01 '11 I mu ~"..lIu" lld C."'1/'""'....'um "".'"L ••R .:~..,,1<1 .u nrubln.hc-d dala Id''''1l ri.:......ellCHoJ..-"__..... 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L.\I"n""...~i ~. L.M " n<>n".~i ~ L.\I" n,.n".W i ~. L.\l un,"'''.~il Loob Lil b ' l ..b ~ l , b I.ilh L..bL,b L.." L,b L.~I ''''''n ...~',~ W ..t>;r ,h R .,Ind . LoI "l,b \\-;aN~h R .•l nll . L.~h .n "n...~,~. L.\I"""n..,~;~. l,b L ,b l ,b l , b lob l,b l ,b l ,b 1 ;a "',b"b ~01 "..~h 101 ,.Ind . W hll e It . lnoi I.ob l ,b l , b W .lIN ~h l't .•Ind . " "" ,. ,. 'b ....:u .~.\ H ,I .11l·l l M ".~.'~ ':4 ."':.1 ,..., ~:)I z."4 _.11 ..1 ~ll Il-ll .2· ':7." :'Ib ..\~'" 27 .2 -~ .\~,.\ JO .~ J I.~ .'I .~ 27 4 .12 J':..'.\O .~ _J 2 ':7 ..' JO.f> 28 .2 )7 ")2 s )}.I "))0 ). "30 ,} " ",. >" .11 H ~<W 11'I11'I ~.l Wmm 101l·1'I)m m 100_1'#.\m m Younll \·"u nl: ".."nil"d,,11 (WI A"'u lt 4~-IIO m m I ~O -I ~~mm ~5-lbO dol).." ""'u ll "d"III ~, ~"ul :I Srl "llu II IS u) Ad ult It I 'II 1".1 mnl ""'uli l ..r ll ': L"II" "dull lS"1""'"hl t. L ~'Il( I "'111' ''I'(l'l'I!'>'" ""'u li IS " 1 L.ull': ""'u l!S ~lI L u gr Lu ~ Sm ..l1 "d"lIISpI Adull (!lo ul L~'Il': l "'I-'1:' "d u lll ~"1 I ~..,...,h<',..."I"IU Ill Ull 'lI.un,,'''1 L .'r"..i . IC..hf Il'un...n l L "I.."..,",.. h h"'_II .. '.r,.,.,""•,.....·If . 11I.«n ~"nl "hl L .,tlfo"'''''' I ru n lr...i n.....,II' ,.."'''',,,,It,,... lbl"':lIill l '.f'r .....'....,....r." l k'"llno._II"" 1.PH'",..,.., l ~h..nrn:1 (..U,~hl II ,.~/.."../......,1.'. ·1I..1 .k~~' II .,"..' I n "IC:~.:1 1.,..1 '..1" 1 ~.:I1 b u n "".....' I ,....,."""... ll:>r..",n b u ll l>c.....' 1.".,Jou ,~r I bu n ..~.~r«'C'1 '-f'i ,",1,..,.., hl'<.ll L ,.,..I,,,..1<1<'''',i , l bu rbot ) 1..1..,.."'....../..... 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HI'li 1'1 .:...::7 ,..H,o ........."oJ I ",t-to I"n HI\'It )::t»ft ,..K"ulle'......s lI C1 dnldufl I"'" HI'"".11.I ::~t ..t>Kn n..\oJ.......s (...te .lo n I"" &' A oJ u l l l ~'I~·n I.'K.rI ..'''''noJ I ubb l'f n AoJ ull "r'I~·I"t ..t>II...........noJ l u bb I....J A.l ulll'..,."-,U ,..K.r,..n...noJ I ubi>1'I 7) ,\oJ ull . I '::I -::J l ..lo ""1011.....,>.1 1 utolo 1'lI7} J)J I.J ,......(I",,,)el ..I.1"'7~ .\1.1'.....'..1,,'..,lill'"~..,..,........R"".•lenn .l)end)1""*11 hro'"""...."1 Lu ..t"".."..t>.o .h R .•l n".('..nIIDun 1'lI 7) "J1 .5 i7 ,..l l",")el ..I.'''75 \t,.../",•.,,(...l ..,vc ::,.1>·2 7 ,'"rr i.R"".•'"nn.l).,n,J )'....11 ll ..."~n l<.ul h b "~'1 1 ..,1:"~,17-}U ....,.....noJ s .e l lu!ot'I .."I",n 7::·'I'I m m 1'f .J-_\I),,,,l.\-I .......n...~".'elli 1'171 1110.....08 mm !'f .J-J ::'I ..""",,"01 .~1\.'ell!1"71 1.........*Inm ::".~~.I ·I.•M.."...nol.W ....'elll 1..71 Ad u l.'""::5 ~!Io m.oll I enn .L.I.""('.loU l..nl 1'175 ~II JU.-J::,..•n lllN>n 1'lI58 '11\,111 JO .,'"::7 .5 ,..:0-...,11 1'f71 Adull JO I*und C .~u n n.oh R .....k'a nd O u pcun 1'175 "lInl . S.C 1 1ll-IW m m "'.,L.'Rq nn kh C't ..I.I""'" YO \' I I ~UO mm "JO ".....R..,"'*h a nd ('''\I ",''n 19760 YO\, ~fIO.JO .2 .....R..,....*h d ..1.I'''~ .\I."',..,...._N "'.•~hll"R .•~o .U".Kvn a nd tkad k)1971 I "'....p.l d.Il;e ) .U ...__.io _........11 J)"L••"'ddnm a nd Gl fl 1971 ,..hit",..,,,:h) .\I.r ...1 ...,..L..,..,'"\\. b.I.h R .•lnd.li..n,mon 1'11) l"h,'"b.lul H IY ,"')10 -1}L.'K.r'4 n...1ItJ T ub b 191) U)Y (~I"I If.-III L.'Il.na m.and l ..bb 1<,I7} 'liO\,(!Io u ,J I.O ,..Roo'a n....1ItJ 1 ubb 191) 'liO\'ln ::II .U L••lI.n ;"";lnd Tubb ''In 'liOY I!WI ':7 ,11 .....K"u uer .lind IIndcndol"r 1'f75 Ad ulll"l 1::_1 'lil b B.o,......ilnd 1 ulob ,,,,n Ad ull C~p t 1::-1 7 L••1b';lIno :lnd Tubb 1'17) Ad ulllSu'::1I -lU Lilt>Ib'ano ,nd T ubb 1",7] Adull I F'1 ~11 I ..b K.r.ano ;li nd T ubb ''17] .\t.HI/ni ..,I'I"""'"l il',,,::7 .5-1'f II'l.!\ft 'n "n;!.W,,,.:'Ii "llI 1",71 C)cUu ..h...."l ..""::7-::11 .7-L !\h'npn ...~".:o-.elll 1'171 .\t.••UIl"t"~m..11 J .....lilt>Md,J "m 1'110.!\1"ldnm a nd o,n 1'111 .oln J'C'd to.1 u l J),,,IJ """!Iom.llll Ten n .hl.n C I'ul..nl a nd Car,oll u npu t>b ..ho:d d ..la .\t..,l ...'......,..p .L I'i/C'""";oN.h R .•lnd .li..mmun lOin U"d lwrw 'J'CCin ' .\I........."pJouJ,..~......,.;.l ...,.,.:o ",l.!\h ch i....n .."II..1'I6ll Cfou ,tIot'n "",,'ptn 'I .'.W \\C'\!ln 1970.'·..._.1,,.,...1',.,,,,,.A du ll "15.0 ,......C ~"I "'1.1'175 lb ludw..d dlubl ,·...rooo.........•'t wok ..... l p >kk n ~I ""')A d ult C ~)1.,1 .....R.,..u CT ,nd Hcrdcnd..cf I'l l" Ad ..II C!tp1 ::!).7 L.'R a tUe'.lind Hf;!"<kno$oof 197. Ad ..ll l !lou1 :2 .J .....k "..u ......nd U....dc ndorf 1'17" Ad ul l I F)Z I.O .....Rno n .....nd H....dcncl..cf I""" ......."..,.,..,,,,,,j,,..;Jn vov 1\\')10-1::Lo'K.r,......a lltJ Tubb ''In 1_. \oJ ..h I""') 'li'O \,C!lop )I}-U .....ILIum.a nd T ..bb 1'17) H )\'CSI ::2-ZJ .....ILIr.ll ....a nd Tubb '97) YOY CFI 1J--14 L••......n....nd 1 ubb 197) A d ..lIC" .0-'.....Ila,..m.a nd Tubb 1'17) A d ..n CSpl 16 .0 I,ab Il.u ..n ~a nd Tubb 1'173 Ad ullCS I 2242.L••1LI,.n,,nd TuM>1",7) Ad utl lfl 15-1......ILl''''....and Tubb 197) Ad ulll"')..,L••Rcu ll'"...nd tt~'dc:ndorr 197 • .\'./....1_....l ",i/C'::>::Z "t .M ichi¥'ln Wel~1%11 hroU..,I ,hlne') Ad ui IIW ,10 .2 L••Keune!ilnd H ....dcndo,f 1'lI7" Ad ull lS I"I •.J l ..b R"ulle,lind Herdcndo,f 197.. S .•~II "I Adull "26 .'"L••C h..,,)'"I ,1.1'175 H Ol)la(e ,hi""" ,\'.'/I,I..,.,,,r,,.Adull ",..,,.L••C hC'I"ry el ,1 .1<,175 hpol',n ,hlncT) .\'.>1.""''''''II.Ad ul rlW ••••.....a""I1 '"and fl",dcndorl'197.,h l<Jn«<;ll )Ad ullCf )lU .....Reulle'.lind H .......,ndorl'197. I, l J t-I!\H Jilt-.S.80"11:0 c.,,~..\'U L .\.&.I..n l M'C1't i ....1 •".Cf ;o u>od.lnA"f'"ICfo:n.h.m a~•...uno;cc I ... 8,cII I "~! Il u rk-).lAd W.>o4.<11 1_ lI urlc:).n.s ......>4.1 11 1'fbIl 81 0:11 I 'I ~: R ult .nd Z 'M'C'I I~ Ru"';ond Z 'rf'C1 1_ C"J¥j1 "c;IInd t l1o '"1"71 Gallill••y and \c,...n 1'17" Ramn ;IIAd UCl<x n4or f 1974 !\rr ...,ell<1'1" Iuc:rwn 1'1)7 lin••".ml TannCf 1w.4 1I..,.,,;and ~hllhcl 1%6 aeeu 1"52 Hffl l 1'1'2 ~"'Il""c rh 1'1" G .ll.~"I"" Welk ,'HIlI (im-ftC 1910 IIde ;llnd Jud.l)I'HI 'h ie a nd Ju.b )1'141 Ih"and J ud.ay I'H I 1I.Ie;and J lM1iII y 1M ' Ihle a nd J>M1.I y 1""' 1 tc:r ,UtoOft I"~ f CfIlU'Oft 1'1"..n.,........I .~. We lh.19M tn.uwn 19 S' ."'.,........1 9 ~1I !'roall 1'I7J ~11 1 1.71 Mc:(-,ulr)·,nd Rcold ''17 .' \td'au lr);and Ro:. d 1'11) lLa"m ,nd 1 u toto 1\1) B.lfa a nd luhto 1'11) lLa"",nd l ..tob 1"1) II.IraM a nd lubh 1'17) B.n ",m aAd T..toh I'l n tLuam a nd luhb 197) B.arllm ;and 1 uhll 1'17) B.tran ..lIn4 T ubto ,,,n Re uner a nd lIc:rdc-nd"rr 1"''- Ro:ulle,and Hcr dc:nd."r 1'1'4 Rculle,a nd H u do:nd••r(1"7.- Horouew in 1(1) uhn I% J Cbn"y C"I .II.I"" .k>nn a nd 1I.,n 1%5 Chnry et al .1 'I 7 ~ RcullCf ..nd Hndc:nd..r r 1"74 RcullCf .Ind "crlk-nd ""1'1'" RalllCT ..nd Ilnlk-ndo,...r I"'" Neill 1971 Neill 1971 N eill 1971 NC"i 1l1971 Re..lI n and lIc-rdendorr 1974 RCU llCf a nd Hc ,dc-ndo rr 1" 74 R'UtlCf In4 Hcrdend orr 19 74 R CUllCf a nd H erd, ndofr '<,17 4 R C)'nolds u npublished d",l .. C oopn-a nd F ..ller 194' Gam.......197)W .N ~h R .•I nd . Lobub L.b L Mont....I.W i-.. L .M "no n.&.W .... L... l ..b " L.bL,bub LabL.b Moowhc:oId L. L ••u bub G;a l ~....R.a).r". L.b L. b L,b L. b Lob L.b L.bL.b L.b '0 zs 21 '0 L.b L.M lCh ....n ("..II....L..II.C'. 1I...."C!<...l h RC"'.•(·ok •. O".nill~n R .•Wnh. L.b L. b L.M oeh ....n (",."'11.1 t .•~.V . II L \t lCh ....n t..(h;ompla.n.S .Y . \t"",hllunIlC l .•W it.. Mu""Il..n lJC l..Wit.. !M 1' n L..wn.. "'doo ,h L..W n.. 1roul L..Wi". L.""roo ..nr.O nto L .()peon"",On l . ("~lclkJ L ••O,n. II L.M oc:h.~n L.bub ~.~h b" 1'1.'hh'"ubub L. bubub Lob L.b L. b L.b L. b l ..b L.b l .h Ptll"h t.."n 11 , 11 .7 I ~I,) '" 1'1.11 I '.J 10 ." ~1 .1I ·~.1I · :7-2t1.2- 10 .' 21 ,0 ~1.7 21 .1 "11.' II .",,,.,, 1..17 Ul fo-l~1l 14 s 11-1 17 .J ".b-I .J I~.I 12 ,~ :0: ~~ :1.0 :0 .' 19 .7 :1.: :1.0 :1.0 ~".: ~).J ~~., ~J .J ~.I 10-1) 111 0 ~"':1~II ,O 7 ·1 ~ I).It. ~7 0 11 -~' 14 .1so... 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